JLHRVv--tCI-00000-00000000-00000217 Aleksandr Grigoryevich! Regarding your visit to Russia. JLHRVv--tCI-00001-00000217-00000809 Headlines in Western mass media claim that your visit to the cosmodrome was arranged allegedly JLHRVv--tCI-00002-00000809-00001122 in order to pose for photos next to Putin and the nuclear launch briefcase. JLHRVv--tCI-00003-00001122-00001448 Right. We posed for photos. I didn’t even see the suitcase. JLHRVv--tCI-00004-00001448-00001988 It is so massive. The rocket was a beauty! Truth be told, it was not the first time I’d seen this rocket. JLHRVv--tCI-00005-00001988-00002377 It was not the first time I’d been photographed with this rocket in the background. JLHRVv--tCI-00006-00002377-00002630 And Putin and I have plenty of photos. JLHRVv--tCI-00007-00002630-00003083 This is why, you know, those are small and disgusting insinuations. JLHRVv--tCI-00008-00003134-00003421 A law has been passed in Russia. Specifically for Belarus. JLHRVv--tCI-00009-00003421-00003811 It is a rare occasion. It had never happened. JLHRVv--tCI-00010-00003811-00004229 Belarusians are now allowed to access all the restricted facilities. JLHRVv--tCI-00011-00004229-00004360 Absolutely all of them. JLHRVv--tCI-00012-00004360-00004673 And the Belarusian president has never faced such a prohibition. JLHRVv--tCI-00013-00004673-00005291 I’ve been to the factories that make nuclear warheads and those that make missiles to deliver the warheads. JLHRVv--tCI-00014-00005291-00005451 I know it all. JLHRVv--tCI-00015-00005451-00006164 Moreover, Putin and I have recently attended an exercise for deterrence forces (one can say nuclear deterrence forces). JLHRVv--tCI-00016-00006164-00006470 So, a new page in our relations has been opened. JLHRVv--tCI-00017-00006470-00007121 All kinds of prohibitions against Belarusians’ presence at Russian restricted construction sites have been lifted. JLHRVv--tCI-00018-00007121-00007469 The cosmodrome is a secret restricted-access construction project. JLHRVv--tCI-00019-00007469-00007924 Even our reporters could look and see all of it. Everything was open. JLHRVv--tCI-00020-00007924-00008731 And most importantly Russians requested assistance of our specialists for finishing the construction of the cosmodrome. JLHRVv--tCI-00021-00008772-00009081 You saw those rocket launch pads over there. JLHRVv--tCI-00022-00009081-00009479 We flew by and saw the second construction site -- an airfield. JLHRVv--tCI-00023-00009479-00009795 Any aircraft can already land nearby over there. JLHRVv--tCI-00024-00009795-00010209 Any aircraft can land within 10-12km [of the cosmodrome]. JLHRVv--tCI-00025-00010209-00010474 And housing is the third construction site. JLHRVv--tCI-00026-00010474-00010674 Such specialists need housing. JLHRVv--tCI-00027-00010674-00011052 They cannot live in tents. Even more so considering the complicated conditions over there. JLHRVv--tCI-00028-00011052-00011488 It was such a request. It was a proposal of the president of Russia. JLHRVv--tCI-00029-00011488-00012440 Someone may be envious of the huge empire inviting a younger brother in order to work together and gaze into the future. Finally. JMNd8hi69Uk-00000-00000524-00000724 Oh, I can see everything, hello! JMNd8hi69Uk-00001-00000836-00001154 - What reasons do you have to record us? - My reasons are my own, are you going to forbid me? JMNd8hi69Uk-00002-00001154-00001302 - Okay, call the security, go on! JMNd8hi69Uk-00003-00001308-00001514 - Hey, get your hands off me! JMNd8hi69Uk-00004-00001538-00001686 And stay away from me! - I'm going to call the police! JMNd8hi69Uk-00005-00001723-00001823 - Do it! JMNd8hi69Uk-00006-00001905-00002212 - Hey, could you tell me how in a country that doesn't have normal cars or roads JMNd8hi69Uk-00007-00002212-00002516 there's an institution that tells people what cars should ride those roads? JMNd8hi69Uk-00008-00002516-00002616 Where'd you see that? JMNd8hi69Uk-00009-00002646-00002978 - Hey, darling! - I'm not a darling to you, what do you think you're doing? JMNd8hi69Uk-00010-00002978-00003178 - I'm doing what I'm doing - Who the hell are you? JMNd8hi69Uk-00011-00003222-00003352 Why should I go through that? JMNd8hi69Uk-00012-00003378-00003529 This is a european car! JMNd8hi69Uk-00013-00003571-00003718 If I would bring it from the States you wouldn't have questions! JMNd8hi69Uk-00014-00003770-00003932 - Go to the parliament! JMNd8hi69Uk-00015-00003952-00004072 Fate of your damn euro cars are decided there! JMNd8hi69Uk-00016-00004199-00004469 - This is a second part, friends JMNd8hi69Uk-00017-00004469-00004640 This part will be really interesting, I need to say that to me JMNd8hi69Uk-00018-00004673-00005014 Events that occured after I published part 1 were unexpected JMNd8hi69Uk-00019-00005014-00005313 My car was certified, no matter what JMNd8hi69Uk-00020-00005313-00005588 It wasn't that easy JMNd8hi69Uk-00021-00005588-00005867 And I want to explain to those unaware how this certification procedure is going on: JMNd8hi69Uk-00022-00005888-00006189 There are a few stages to it - if you have a european car, JMNd8hi69Uk-00023-00006189-00006470 no matter does it have ukrainian or european plates JMNd8hi69Uk-00024-00006470-00006767 First stage of the certification for it JMNd8hi69Uk-00025-00006774-00007074 is lighting check - they check lighting, brakes JMNd8hi69Uk-00026-00007074-00007374 they check exaust. This is a completely normal procedure JMNd8hi69Uk-00027-00007374-00007672 I don't see any downside to it, it costs 1650 UAH JMNd8hi69Uk-00028-00007672-00007983 which I have paid, But because my car is american JMNd8hi69Uk-00029-00007983-00008207 it should be refit to fit European roads JMNd8hi69Uk-00030-00008207-00008549 it should have fog lights JMNd8hi69Uk-00031-00008549-00008861 Turning signals should be yellow, not red JMNd8hi69Uk-00032-00008861-00009080 it is not really hard to refit an American car that way JMNd8hi69Uk-00033-00009116-00009416 it can be refit easily JMNd8hi69Uk-00034-00009416-00009711 and it's not that expensive, but my car was refit already JMNd8hi69Uk-00035-00009711-00010009 it was done when it was in Europe, there were a minor refits JMNd8hi69Uk-00036-00010009-00010109 from the certification authority JMNd8hi69Uk-00037-00010132-00010451 and employees there really didn't want me to pass that certification JMNd8hi69Uk-00038-00010451-00010748 They've checked my car with the extreme precision, but I'll tell you about it later JMNd8hi69Uk-00039-00010748-00010848 So... JMNd8hi69Uk-00040-00010852-00011151 My car didn't fit a few criteria JMNd8hi69Uk-00041-00011151-00011460 In the overall lightsI had LEDs, not ordinary lamps JMNd8hi69Uk-00042-00011460-00011747 and so I changed them JMNd8hi69Uk-00043-00011747-00012027 My rear window was tinted JMNd8hi69Uk-00044-00012027-00012322 and it was interrupting the view for the stop signal JMNd8hi69Uk-00045-00012322-00012667 And a button was fit in a wrong way JMNd8hi69Uk-00046-00012677-00013013 it was turning for lights manually, JMNd8hi69Uk-00047-00013013-00013312 and it should be done JMNd8hi69Uk-00048-00013312-00013592 in automatic mode, so that when you turn on the headlight it was turned off JMNd8hi69Uk-00049-00013592-00013853 So I refit everything JMNd8hi69Uk-00050-00013853-00014168 It wasn't really that hard, but my biggest problem was JMNd8hi69Uk-00051-00014168-00014458 the gas equipment, the institution refused flatly JMNd8hi69Uk-00052-00014460-00014763 to certify my car, to give me the certificate due to JMNd8hi69Uk-00053-00014763-00015055 re-equipment of the car under the gas engine JMNd8hi69Uk-00054-00015089-00015398 Every driver with a gas engine knows JMNd8hi69Uk-00055-00015398-00015704 that it is a favorite topic for everyone: JMNd8hi69Uk-00056-00015704-00016007 for ex-MREO, for service centers today JMNd8hi69Uk-00057-00016007-00016160 to the certification insitutions - if you have a gas engine JMNd8hi69Uk-00058-00016206-00016507 you are, definitely a special person to those authoritites JMNd8hi69Uk-00059-00016507-00016811 But, and that was unexpected, after I posted the first part about the certification online JMNd8hi69Uk-00060-00016811-00017126 Ministry of infrastructure responed JMNd8hi69Uk-00061-00017126-00017433 and the head of it, mr. Omelyan JMNd8hi69Uk-00062-00017433-00017732 Has given a command - to immediately,and it is really pleasing, JMNd8hi69Uk-00063-00017732-00018046 because I don't need to remind those who watch my channel for a while, JMNd8hi69Uk-00064-00018046-00018383 you know that I have recorded some really facsinating stories about the police JMNd8hi69Uk-00065-00018384-00018701 For the time that this channel exists JMNd8hi69Uk-00066-00018701-00018993 Not even once I was contacted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs JMNd8hi69Uk-00067-00019002-00019307 Not even to help me deal with some situation, but to explain something JMNd8hi69Uk-00068-00019307-00019617 I will not flatter not one Ministry, not the other one JMNd8hi69Uk-00069-00019617-00019924 But you can make conclusions yourself JMNd8hi69Uk-00070-00019924-00020220 After the first video I was contacted by the officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure and invited me JMNd8hi69Uk-00071-00020220-00020514 to come to the round table on Monday JMNd8hi69Uk-00072-00020514-00020818 At the meeting, which was collected about this video. JMNd8hi69Uk-00073-00020818-00021108 So I came there on Monday, to this meeting JMNd8hi69Uk-00074-00021129-00021437 it was headed by Yuri Lavrenuk, Deputy Minister JMNd8hi69Uk-00075-00021437-00021739 To that meeting he invited almost everyone that you could see JMNd8hi69Uk-00076-00021739-00022041 In my previous video JMNd8hi69Uk-00077-00022041-00022349 Mr. Redzuk also was there, I advice you to JMNd8hi69Uk-00078-00022349-00022631 Search for the Mr. Redzuk and what does he do JMNd8hi69Uk-00079-00022631-00022946 This certification process is his responsibility JMNd8hi69Uk-00080-00022946-00023206 And now you will see what happened JMNd8hi69Uk-00081-00023206-00023412 At that meeting and what was the conclusions we've made JMNd8hi69Uk-00082-00023482-00023682 Building of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine JMNd8hi69Uk-00085-00024816-00024931 - Hello JMNd8hi69Uk-00087-00025426-00025682 - Alexander, so that car of yours... - Yes? JMNd8hi69Uk-00088-00025708-00026430 *Redzuk Anatoly Mikhailovich, head of Gosautotransport* - So that American car, It was put on record in Lithuania at 2011, right? - Right JMNd8hi69Uk-00089-00026462-00026783 - At 2016 you bought this car, correct? JMNd8hi69Uk-00090-00026841-00026941 - Yes JMNd8hi69Uk-00091-00027133-00027385 - And the last time you were here... JMNd8hi69Uk-00092-00027477-00027677 at 06.2018 JMNd8hi69Uk-00093-00027725-00027937 So, from the 2016 JMNd8hi69Uk-00094-00028052-00028174 from 2016... JMNd8hi69Uk-00095-00028272-00028568 And you yourself told the customs office JMNd8hi69Uk-00096-00028568-00028874 That it was put off the record automatically? JMNd8hi69Uk-00097-00028874-00028994 - This is completely right JMNd8hi69Uk-00098-00029031-00029339 It was due to this car not having insurance JMNd8hi69Uk-00099-00029339-00029640 - Wait, I don't need a dialogue here JMNd8hi69Uk-00100-00029640-00029910 And this meeting isn't dedicated specifically to mr. Alexander! - He just asked me a question JMNd8hi69Uk-00101-00029910-00030225 *Yuri Fedorovich Lavrenuk, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure* - We are discussing the whole picture here JMNd8hi69Uk-00102-00030225-00030532 This example shows JMNd8hi69Uk-00103-00030532-00030691 how "competent" your employees are JMNd8hi69Uk-00104-00030728-00030910 and how they are treating people JMNd8hi69Uk-00105-00031030-00031350 If tomorrow, you don't... okay, we'll discuss this later, continue JMNd8hi69Uk-00106-00031529-00031824 - So, about that car, made in 2006... JMNd8hi69Uk-00107-00031824-00031995 This car is 12 years old JMNd8hi69Uk-00108-00032185-00032415 It was in need of re-equipment JMNd8hi69Uk-00109-00032499-00032650 lights and etc JMNd8hi69Uk-00110-00032690-00033009 Alexander re-equipped it today JMNd8hi69Uk-00111-00033009-00033320 And succesfully got his car through our lab JMNd8hi69Uk-00113-00033434-00033627 But we still have unresolved question JMNd8hi69Uk-00114-00033662-00033858 about gas engine... JMNd8hi69Uk-00115-00033858-00034000 - Behavior of your employees just stunned me JMNd8hi69Uk-00116-00034044-00034298 - He was forced to behave like this JMNd8hi69Uk-00117-00034377-00034571 - And where does he work? JMNd8hi69Uk-00118-00034742-00034842 Where does he work? JMNd8hi69Uk-00119-00034850-00034962 What do you mean "forced"?! JMNd8hi69Uk-00120-00035004-00035252 So if tomorrow a policeman will beat someone JMNd8hi69Uk-00121-00035281-00035589 And in his defense, he will say that he was forced to do it? JMNd8hi69Uk-00122-00035589-00035903 Says that, sorry, but those idiots forced him! JMNd8hi69Uk-00123-00035903-00036003 He will be discharged the next day JMNd8hi69Uk-00124-00036088-00036394 - I can promise you that we will check this... - I myself will check it through my resources! JMNd8hi69Uk-00126-00036492-00036674 Your checks are cheap JMNd8hi69Uk-00127-00036735-00036862 Today you and you will go JMNd8hi69Uk-00128-00036893-00037200 will do a complete JMNd8hi69Uk-00129-00037200-00037300 and comprehensive check JMNd8hi69Uk-00130-00037355-00037633 I will give the order to day as Acting Minister JMNd8hi69Uk-00131-00037838-00038117 Today I'm going to have an order on him JMNd8hi69Uk-00132-00038145-00038307 and a memo JMNd8hi69Uk-00133-00038338-00038438 because this is a JMNd8hi69Uk-00134-00038473-00038668 public behavior of employee JMNd8hi69Uk-00135-00038732-00039056 of state instutution that provides public service JMNd8hi69Uk-00136-00039056-00039245 Does your institution provide public service? JMNd8hi69Uk-00137-00039245-00039345 Or not? JMNd8hi69Uk-00138-00039357-00039457 Yes it does JMNd8hi69Uk-00139-00039490-00039683 - I have another small addition to it JMNd8hi69Uk-00140-00039683-00039978 I just returned from your institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00141-00039978-00040256 And I have a gas engine on this, american car JMNd8hi69Uk-00142-00040263-00040548 Due to the person who brought this car from Lithuania JMNd8hi69Uk-00143-00040548-00040858 He installed that engine here, in service center JMNd8hi69Uk-00144-00040858-00041164 that was certified by your insitution, that's beed given a certificate JMNd8hi69Uk-00145-00041164-00041495 and it was installed, completely legally, to a car that was still on the record in Lithuania JMNd8hi69Uk-00146-00041495-00041778 And he used that car with euro plates JMNd8hi69Uk-00147-00041778-00042082 until the law that provided possibility of clearance for this car came into force JMNd8hi69Uk-00148-00042082-00042373 And now I come to your institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00149-00042373-00042667 And it flatly refuses my certification request due to JMNd8hi69Uk-00150-00042667-00042952 vehicle refit, due to this gas engine JMNd8hi69Uk-00151-00042991-00043257 But it was installed under the license of your own institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00152-00043257-00043520 under your own certificate JMNd8hi69Uk-00153-00043520-00043787 And just recently I have paid more than 600 UAH JMNd8hi69Uk-00154-00043787-00044093 so that your specialists that gave a certificate to the service center JMNd8hi69Uk-00155-00044093-00044396 that installed that gas engine, so that they would check it again JMNd8hi69Uk-00156-00044396-00044573 and confirm that this gas engine is installed properly JMNd8hi69Uk-00157-00044618-00044921 This is, literally the case, that's why I was late JMNd8hi69Uk-00158-00044922-00045448 - Our Ministry of Internal affairs has cancelled restrictions on gas equipment JMNd8hi69Uk-00159-00045470-00045804 You have all the papers? - Yes, papers for putting the car on the record JMNd8hi69Uk-00160-00045839-00045939 - What did you refused him? JMNd8hi69Uk-00161-00045965-00046065 - An expert evaluation? JMNd8hi69Uk-00162-00046185-00046285 - No, a checkout - A checkout JMNd8hi69Uk-00163-00046297-00046604 - That's not the exact problem here... - Interior ministry cancelled a checkout JMNd8hi69Uk-00164-00046645-00046803 cancelled a checkout JMNd8hi69Uk-00165-00046836-00047103 Of cars with gas engines, it's called simplifying JMNd8hi69Uk-00166-00047220-00047369 - That's rule #67 JMNd8hi69Uk-00167-00047459-00047763 on the list of certification rules JMNd8hi69Uk-00168-00047785-00047934 - Silence, I'm speaking here! JMNd8hi69Uk-00169-00048055-00048160 Tell me how it is JMNd8hi69Uk-00170-00048332-00048524 Did I ask you something recently? JMNd8hi69Uk-00171-00048573-00048673 Do not interrupt me JMNd8hi69Uk-00172-00048761-00048861 Or I will throw you out JMNd8hi69Uk-00173-00049013-00049113 And fire you automatically JMNd8hi69Uk-00174-00049294-00049539 Do not smile, your calls won't work JMNd8hi69Uk-00175-00049539-00049712 I know who will call me now! JMNd8hi69Uk-00176-00049712-00049912 - I'm not smiling JMNd8hi69Uk-00177-00049929-00050034 - Where did you learn this?! JMNd8hi69Uk-00178-00050128-00050428 That's why your employees are like this - interrupting people JMNd8hi69Uk-00179-00050428-00050528 And not giving them a chance to talk JMNd8hi69Uk-00180-00050850-00050950 About... JMNd8hi69Uk-00181-00051136-00051317 the record that you propose JMNd8hi69Uk-00182-00051360-00051460 What JMNd8hi69Uk-00183-00051476-00051576 Will it give any information JMNd8hi69Uk-00184-00051634-00051834 based on the VIN-number, and what information? JMNd8hi69Uk-00185-00051858-00052241 - It will give a complete information on European cars - Oh, on European cars, right? JMNd8hi69Uk-00186-00052244-00052533 - And there is a web-site on American cars JMNd8hi69Uk-00187-00052570-00052894 that lists standards JMNd8hi69Uk-00188-00052894-00053079 like... me and Anton JMNd8hi69Uk-00189-00053102-00053413 we have worked on that matter for a while, he spend his personal time on it JMNd8hi69Uk-00190-00053413-00053628 he worked until 9 PM, I was surprised, really JMNd8hi69Uk-00191-00053882-00054146 So it lists standards JMNd8hi69Uk-00192-00054151-00054440 you open this american site and it is full of numbers JMNd8hi69Uk-00193-00054440-00054724 it lists emissions - like, that car is emitting that many... JMNd8hi69Uk-00194-00054724-00054953 test results, really JMNd8hi69Uk-00195-00054998-00055302 we take those numbers, we take Euro standards JMNd8hi69Uk-00196-00055302-00055509 and compare them JMNd8hi69Uk-00197-00055563-00055871 *Dmitry Nikonov, AutoEnterprise CEO* JMNd8hi69Uk-00198-00055871-00056116 - Okay, so, you, Nikonov Dmytro JMNd8hi69Uk-00199-00056116-00056412 you can act as enterpreneur, as an individual, it doesn't matter JMNd8hi69Uk-00200-00056434-00056768 you give this institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00201-00056826-00057137 the right to use this resource JMNd8hi69Uk-00202-00057174-00057474 - Can I make them public, so customs can use it? JMNd8hi69Uk-00203-00057474-00057806 - You can do make them public, as you wish JMNd8hi69Uk-00204-00057806-00058135 Send it to any institution you want JMNd8hi69Uk-00205-00058135-00058461 But I mean that you are giving the right to use it to the authorized institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00206-00058461-00058706 in that case - to the government, in the face of our Ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00207-00058802-00058917 You will give it to the institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00208-00059307-00059577 (to the Redzuk) - you will appoint a person responsible JMNd8hi69Uk-00209-00059665-00059837 that will, from 9 AM JMNd8hi69Uk-00210-00059881-00060140 to 19 or 18.30 PM JMNd8hi69Uk-00212-00060350-00060469 Will monitor JMNd8hi69Uk-00213-00060508-00060712 the requests JMNd8hi69Uk-00214-00060712-00060833 You will create JMNd8hi69Uk-00215-00060833-00060933 an email address of your institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00216-00061069-00061366 You will send us the link, of course JMNd8hi69Uk-00217-00061366-00061667 to our Ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00218-00061667-00062004 and then you will send us the email of the employee JMNd8hi69Uk-00219-00062039-00062378 who will monitor this information from morning and 'til evening JMNd8hi69Uk-00220-00062409-00062532 only that information JMNd8hi69Uk-00221-00062590-00062699 And when JMNd8hi69Uk-00222-00062749-00062874 either customs office JMNd8hi69Uk-00223-00062931-00063200 or maybe some other authority JMNd8hi69Uk-00224-00063241-00063576 is gonna ask JMNd8hi69Uk-00225-00063576-00063834 your employee about JMNd8hi69Uk-00226-00063859-00064164 emission class JMNd8hi69Uk-00227-00064164-00064367 of any kind of a car JMNd8hi69Uk-00228-00064511-00064616 this person will answer JMNd8hi69Uk-00229-00064651-00064820 online JMNd8hi69Uk-00230-00064857-00065109 And if you need to JMNd8hi69Uk-00231-00065109-00065277 transfer it to some form JMNd8hi69Uk-00232-00065317-00065573 of the institution and put a wet seal JMNd8hi69Uk-00233-00065573-00065825 we will do it for free JMNd8hi69Uk-00234-00065825-00066155 And for the last time JMNd8hi69Uk-00235-00066155-00066384 I will tell you about the behavior JMNd8hi69Uk-00236-00066522-00066821 of employees of the government institution which provides public services. JMNd8hi69Uk-00237-00066868-00066968 Tomorrow JMNd8hi69Uk-00238-00067061-00067283 You will give me a report JMNd8hi69Uk-00239-00067341-00067629 on an investigation about JMNd8hi69Uk-00240-00067719-00067959 that twerp, I don't have another word for him JMNd8hi69Uk-00241-00067972-00068169 who was accepting the documents from citizens that day JMNd8hi69Uk-00242-00068227-00068327 that... JMNd8hi69Uk-00243-00068458-00068618 prince of the department JMNd8hi69Uk-00244-00068699-00068882 and you will report me that he is fired JMNd8hi69Uk-00245-00068943-00069272 That's the first thing, and at the same time JMNd8hi69Uk-00246-00069319-00069566 We will gather in my office JMNd8hi69Uk-00247-00069669-00069961 Head of Anti-Corruption and Head of Audit JMNd8hi69Uk-00248-00069961-00070245 And we will be doing JMNd8hi69Uk-00249-00070246-00070630 plans for the the review of this institution, it will not be redundant JMNd8hi69Uk-00250-00070674-00070970 Moreover, it will be a great incentive. JMNd8hi69Uk-00251-00071008-00071311 You can say "Drivers with euro plates" or something JMNd8hi69Uk-00252-00071317-00071475 This is our citizens JMNd8hi69Uk-00253-00071519-00071756 And they have the rights JMNd8hi69Uk-00254-00071756-00072073 According to the letter of the law, JMNd8hi69Uk-00255-00072073-00072342 they can get a customs clearance for that car and own if fully JMNd8hi69Uk-00256-00072369-00072657 And every certification institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00257-00072657-00072972 government institutions included, must go on a way of simplifying JMNd8hi69Uk-00258-00072978-00073220 due to the time of concession will end JMNd8hi69Uk-00259-00073220-00073382 in two month JMNd8hi69Uk-00260-00073433-00073683 And they don't have to run in circles JMNd8hi69Uk-00261-00073751-00074044 So that they'll get a certificate, JMNd8hi69Uk-00262-00074044-00074327 Meanwhile, getting on the record of the Interior Ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00263-00074327-00074427 takes 10 minutes! JMNd8hi69Uk-00264-00074770-00074870 It shouldn't be like this JMNd8hi69Uk-00265-00075131-00075353 Every complaint that you'll have JMNd8hi69Uk-00266-00075385-00075485 send it to me JMNd8hi69Uk-00267-00075561-00075845 and to Minister JMNd8hi69Uk-00268-00075845-00076139 Thank you again, we will act on from today JMNd8hi69Uk-00269-00076139-00076470 On Thursday, we will approve the guidelines and post on the website JMNd8hi69Uk-00270-00076498-00076840 And the way we do our work in this direction must be clear to everyone JMNd8hi69Uk-00271-00076880-00077189 from the superiors of this Ministry up to the common citizen JMNd8hi69Uk-00272-00077245-00077345 Thank you JMNd8hi69Uk-00273-00077391-00077548 - Tell us, what we should do? JMNd8hi69Uk-00274-00077690-00078016 - Thank you again - So what should we do? - With what? JMNd8hi69Uk-00275-00078086-00078385 - With my car - Oh, but you're all right, except your gas engine JMNd8hi69Uk-00276-00078385-00078682 - Okay, all right, but what to do with that gas engine? JMNd8hi69Uk-00277-00078682-00078957 - It's just... you don't respect yourself or anybody else JMNd8hi69Uk-00278-00078957-00079263 - At first, I don't want to be rude, but we are not familiar enough so you could judge that JMNd8hi69Uk-00279-00079263-00079572 I just want to deal with this... JMNd8hi69Uk-00280-00079572-00079874 - We what? - We aren't familiar enough to... - I wasn't judging JMNd8hi69Uk-00281-00079874-00080121 - Look, this papers... JMNd8hi69Uk-00282-00080121-00080432 Oh, wait, I have the original - Okay, I'll look JMNd8hi69Uk-00283-00080432-00080633 - I can show you the originals, I'm not shy JMNd8hi69Uk-00284-00080633-00080950 I know what is in there, don't you think I haven't looked at them? JMNd8hi69Uk-00285-00080950-00081247 That's why I have brought it to you JMNd8hi69Uk-00286-00081247-00081536 - Please, look JMNd8hi69Uk-00287-00081536-00081771 - We're helping - Yes, please JMNd8hi69Uk-00288-00081771-00082047 - Ukrainian Law says that JMNd8hi69Uk-00289-00082047-00082287 Cars like that should get tested JMNd8hi69Uk-00290-00082287-00082549 Because it doesn't have a Euro emission rating JMNd8hi69Uk-00291-00082549-00082811 Oh, and what do you want to be written in your document? JMNd8hi69Uk-00292-00082811-00082933 - Write Euro 2! JMNd8hi69Uk-00293-00082933-00083133 It is 100% not lower that that JMNd8hi69Uk-00294-00083133-00083407 I'm certain of it JMNd8hi69Uk-00295-00083407-00083650 You have checked everything, it is nice, all right and great JMNd8hi69Uk-00296-00083650-00083908 Why can't I put my car on the record? JMNd8hi69Uk-00297-00083908-00084201 - We can give you the comment... - I don't need your comments! JMNd8hi69Uk-00298-00084201-00084472 I need a certificate, I heard enough comments from your institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00299-00084472-00084761 already... too many comments! JMNd8hi69Uk-00300-00084761-00085017 So much comments from your institution and I want to understand JMNd8hi69Uk-00301-00085017-00085332 How can I, and I'm not a resident of Kyiv... JMNd8hi69Uk-00302-00085332-00085514 Get to this Ministry... - Alexander JMNd8hi69Uk-00303-00085514-00085790 - This is absurd! - Can I tell you how things are going at our facility? JMNd8hi69Uk-00304-00085790-00086030 - And how? - We are not giving any permits JMNd8hi69Uk-00305-00086030-00086306 - We are not putting cars on record JMNd8hi69Uk-00306-00086306-00086444 - Just give me the certificate! JMNd8hi69Uk-00307-00086444-00086717 - What is our responsibility? - But a person can't get on record without your agreement! JMNd8hi69Uk-00308-00086717-00087006 - Oh, there is 8 the same institutions! JMNd8hi69Uk-00309-00087006-00087290 - But I want a certificate from yours, you have the best institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00310-00087290-00087590 Because multiple service centers in the country are working JMNd8hi69Uk-00311-00087590-00087887 under your signature all across the country! - And why are we speaking of service centers? JMNd8hi69Uk-00312-00087887-00088196 - What do you mean, why JMNd8hi69Uk-00313-00088196-00088485 - Those are the certificates, right? JMNd8hi69Uk-00314-00088485-00088787 Are you signing them personally? - No, I'm not JMNd8hi69Uk-00315-00088787-00089048 - And who's signature is this? - Where? JMNd8hi69Uk-00316-00089048-00089312 - This one, Redzuk - That's not my signature JMNd8hi69Uk-00317-00089312-00089661 - So this certificate wasn't issued by you? JMNd8hi69Uk-00318-00089666-00089943 - Maybe it was some deputy of yours? JMNd8hi69Uk-00319-00089943-00090222 - This certificate expired in 2016! JMNd8hi69Uk-00320-00090222-00090466 - But is it your signature? - No - But there's your last name JMNd8hi69Uk-00321-00090466-00090676 - Yes it is JMNd8hi69Uk-00322-00090676-00090965 - Because it should be there, I have a deputy, he has the right... JMNd8hi69Uk-00323-00090965-00091201 - But it says Redzuk... not your deputy JMNd8hi69Uk-00324-00091201-00091511 - Okay, I have another question! JMNd8hi69Uk-00325-00091511-00091783 If I'm here, personally, and the order is gonna be issued on Thursday JMNd8hi69Uk-00326-00091783-00092043 And my car is checked and gas engine will be checked too JMNd8hi69Uk-00327-00092043-00092335 - Maybe I don't have to come here? JMNd8hi69Uk-00328-00092335-00092635 And authorized person just gonna send me this certificate? JMNd8hi69Uk-00329-00092635-00092940 In Thursday, after the order! - Was your car tested? JMNd8hi69Uk-00330-00092940-00093248 - Yes, yes it were - Then you don't have to JMNd8hi69Uk-00331-00093248-00093528 - Do you need this car or do you have results? JMNd8hi69Uk-00332-00093528-00093785 - Here, he knows... JMNd8hi69Uk-00333-00093785-00094033 - Can you do that today? - Everything was checked! JMNd8hi69Uk-00334-00094033-00094244 I have replaced everything I needed to! JMNd8hi69Uk-00335-00094244-00094525 - Can you do that in Thursday? - Give him a Euro rating? JMNd8hi69Uk-00336-00094525-00094841 - On that scheme... - We'll do this as soon as the Ministry issues the order JMNd8hi69Uk-00337-00094841-00095146 - Yeah, at the same day - And I will not need any tests again? JMNd8hi69Uk-00338-00095146-00095246 - Just get this paper? JMNd8hi69Uk-00339-00095289-00095588 - He needs the car on Thursday JMNd8hi69Uk-00340-00095588-00095836 When the Ministry will confirm JMNd8hi69Uk-00341-00095836-00096147 - We'll need to take an expertise and identify it... JMNd8hi69Uk-00342-00096147-00096456 - You've already did! - Will you be here tomorrow morning? - No! I want to drive away from here! JMNd8hi69Uk-00343-00096456-00096676 I've been here for five days! JMNd8hi69Uk-00344-00096676-00096976 I can do it right now! - Okay, you need to take a picture of dubious parts... JMNd8hi69Uk-00345-00096976-00097271 - Yes! Today. I will go there, just give me a command, I will go, I will take all the pictures JMNd8hi69Uk-00346-00097307-00097600 You can do it at the 5th time, okay JMNd8hi69Uk-00347-00097600-00097914 - If you have issued your claim... JMNd8hi69Uk-00348-00097914-00098214 - We did, we have paid for everything! 1650 UAH! JMNd8hi69Uk-00349-00098214-00098512 - This is the aftermaths of the reform! JMNd8hi69Uk-00350-00098512-00098628 - Okay, let's go JMNd8hi69Uk-00351-00098628-00098819 Now, guys, lets understand what JMNd8hi69Uk-00352-00098819-00099121 will a regular driver gain after this order from the ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00353-00099121-00099425 So, I've been on this meeting not by myself, but with Dmitry Nikonov, JMNd8hi69Uk-00354-00099425-00099738 AutoEnterprise CEO, and he JMNd8hi69Uk-00355-00099738-00100028 offered to the Infrastructure Ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00356-00100028-00100333 acess to the websites online that have information JMNd8hi69Uk-00357-00100333-00100637 on the VIN-numbers, not just European, but also an American ones JMNd8hi69Uk-00358-00100637-00100964 and the spreadsheets that this whole institution was unaware of JMNd8hi69Uk-00359-00100964-00101224 And, as I think, they were quite aware JMNd8hi69Uk-00360-00101224-00101510 Just didn't want to use them to charge everyone for 8100 JMNd8hi69Uk-00361-00101510-00101823 With the access to those spreadsheets JMNd8hi69Uk-00362-00101823-00102107 Institute can make a desicion JMNd8hi69Uk-00363-00102107-00102414 without tests on a stand, and see to what JMNd8hi69Uk-00364-00102414-00102715 emission standard your car belongs to, JMNd8hi69Uk-00365-00102715-00103039 so, roughly, if your car was brought here from the States, not even from Europe, but directly JMNd8hi69Uk-00366-00103039-00103328 and it was manufactured before 2010 JMNd8hi69Uk-00367-00103328-00103641 and this is a type of a car you should pay 8100 for testing JMNd8hi69Uk-00368-00103641-00103955 So now this institution has to, for free, JMNd8hi69Uk-00369-00103955-00104242 write an email to you JMNd8hi69Uk-00370-00104242-00104542 or maybe personally, if you want to, they are obliged to give you this JMNd8hi69Uk-00371-00104542-00104848 confirmation of Euro emission standard of your car for free JMNd8hi69Uk-00372-00104848-00105144 Now, after Transportation Ministry confirmed this JMNd8hi69Uk-00373-00105144-00105432 at 20.12.2018 JMNd8hi69Uk-00374-00105432-00105732 This method of defining Euro level through a spreadsheet is official JMNd8hi69Uk-00375-00105732-00106035 and you don't have to go through stage tests at all JMNd8hi69Uk-00376-00106054-00106350 This certificate will work not only for this instutution JMNd8hi69Uk-00377-00106361-00106661 But also for customs office JMNd8hi69Uk-00378-00106661-00106941 You can freely send an email, get an answer JMNd8hi69Uk-00379-00106941-00107236 And with that document you may go to customs to get a clearance JMNd8hi69Uk-00380-00107236-00107531 and you can use it to put a car on record JMNd8hi69Uk-00381-00107531-00107844 You don't have to pay anything anymore, and it doesn't only work with Euro cars JMNd8hi69Uk-00382-00107844-00108146 every car that was brought to Ukraine JMNd8hi69Uk-00383-00108146-00108433 from America of, like in my case, through Europe JMNd8hi69Uk-00384-00108433-00108735 but were made in America, will now be examined for free JMNd8hi69Uk-00385-00108735-00108997 I want to thank our Transportation Ministry JMNd8hi69Uk-00386-00109052-00109352 For the quick handling of this situation, I want to thank JMNd8hi69Uk-00387-00109352-00109652 Dimitry Nikonov, who has helped to open eyes to a whole government institution JMNd8hi69Uk-00388-00109654-00109973 on the things they knew, but refused to see JMNd8hi69Uk-00389-00109973-00110300 I want to say, guys, I don't really want with JMNd8hi69Uk-00390-00110300-00110632 homebrew service centers JMNd8hi69Uk-00391-00110632-00110959 that are offering to make a certificate JMNd8hi69Uk-00392-00110959-00111197 make a certificate, in some cases, even if a car isn't present JMNd8hi69Uk-00393-00111197-00111515 In my case, I've received an offer JMNd8hi69Uk-00394-00111515-00111804 in Zaporozhye, to make a certificate on that Acura JMNd8hi69Uk-00395-00111804-00112052 for 3.500 UAH JMNd8hi69Uk-00396-00112112-00112393 I refused and didn't regret that I came to this institute JMNd8hi69Uk-00397-00112399-00112698 Because it gave me the opportunity to push such an important norm JMNd8hi69Uk-00398-00112698-00112989 as defining Euro level without stand testing JMNd8hi69Uk-00399-00112989-00113290 that are absolutely moronic JMNd8hi69Uk-00400-00113290-00113600 It's really great that out, Ukrainian institutions, have such an expensive JMNd8hi69Uk-00401-00113600-00113894 stands, I saw it, it is really serious JMNd8hi69Uk-00402-00113894-00114193 truly a luxurious stand that needs to be paid off JMNd8hi69Uk-00403-00114193-00114455 it really can determine a Euro standard JMNd8hi69Uk-00404-00114455-00114780 but, sadly, 8100 is too much of a price to our citizens JMNd8hi69Uk-00405-00114780-00115028 to pay for something that everyone knows and understands JMNd8hi69Uk-00406-00115070-00115372 Subscribe to the channel, we'll see each other in my new videos JMNd8hi69Uk-00407-00115372-00115624 Now we are going to put this car on the record JMNd8hi69Uk-00408-00115624-00115752 So, mr. Krikley, we are going to you. Good-bye! JMcvfat1Mic-00000-00000032-00000280 Are you having trouble with your English vowels? JMcvfat1Mic-00001-00000304-00000568 Do people think you've brought snakes to share... JMcvfat1Mic-00002-00000568-00000768 instead of snacks? JMcvfat1Mic-00003-00000768-00001042 After School English can fix that! JMcvfat1Mic-00004-00001530-00001638 Welcome back JMcvfat1Mic-00005-00001638-00002018 We're going to be reviewing all the vowel sounds in English. JMcvfat1Mic-00006-00002078-00002292 That is, American English. JMcvfat1Mic-00007-00002292-00002794 And we're going to be learning the symbols that will represent each of these sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00008-00002804-00003100 There are 11 vowels in English. JMcvfat1Mic-00009-00003108-00003456 These are not including the diphthong sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00010-00003486-00003742 Which are two vowels put together. JMcvfat1Mic-00011-00003761-00003970 We'll be reviewing those next. JMcvfat1Mic-00012-00003992-00004320 And when that video's ready, you'll find it here. JMcvfat1Mic-00013-00004450-00004650 First of all, what are vowels? JMcvfat1Mic-00014-00004704-00005176 Vowels are sounds that are produced (made) in the middle of your mouth. JMcvfat1Mic-00015-00005176-00005584 And your tongue is not touching a specific area of your mouth. JMcvfat1Mic-00016-00005698-00006050 So these can be the most difficult (sounds) to learn. JMcvfat1Mic-00017-00006050-00006374 Because it's very hard to describe what the tongue is doing. JMcvfat1Mic-00018-00006374-00006588 What we're going to use is the shape of your mouth.... JMcvfat1Mic-00019-00006588-00006912 and what your face is doing to help you learn the vowels. JMcvfat1Mic-00020-00006912-00007038 Let's get started! JMcvfat1Mic-00021-00007038-00007320 I'm going to be putting these vowels in pairs, JMcvfat1Mic-00022-00007388-00007692 so you can hear the differences between them. JMcvfat1Mic-00023-00007698-00007834 Our first pair is... JMcvfat1Mic-00024-00008496-00008688 These are both front vowels. JMcvfat1Mic-00025-00008706-00008890 As you see in the chart here. JMcvfat1Mic-00026-00008924-00009182 They're pronounced in the front of your mouth. JMcvfat1Mic-00027-00009182-00009448 So let's look at these two sounds closely. JMcvfat1Mic-00028-00009486-00009774 I'm going to pronounce them for a long time, JMcvfat1Mic-00029-00009800-00010052 So you can hear and see the difference. JMcvfat1Mic-00030-00010628-00010884 Do you notice a change in my face? JMcvfat1Mic-00031-00010894-00011242 With i, I make a smile. JMcvfat1Mic-00032-00011248-00011384 And my face is tight. JMcvfat1Mic-00033-00011614-00011870 My tongue is also tight. JMcvfat1Mic-00034-00011886-00012192 With I, my face is more relaxed. JMcvfat1Mic-00035-00012270-00012430 So I don't have to smile. JMcvfat1Mic-00036-00012528-00012640 My lips can rest. JMcvfat1Mic-00037-00013032-00013341 I can also drop my jaw a little bit. JMcvfat1Mic-00038-00013818-00014130 So let's hear some words with these two vowels. JMcvfat1Mic-00039-00014780-00015108 If you look at the actual spelling of those words, JMcvfat1Mic-00040-00015108-00015247 you can see a pattern. JMcvfat1Mic-00041-00015302-00015574 "Ea" is often going to be pronounced 'i'. JMcvfat1Mic-00042-00015763-00015972 when you see it show up in words. JMcvfat1Mic-00043-00015988-00016340 And "i" by itself is often going to be pronounced 'I'. JMcvfat1Mic-00044-00016426-00016522 We also have.. JMcvfat1Mic-00045-00016792-00016888 And we have... JMcvfat1Mic-00046-00017148-00017308 So you see that pattern. JMcvfat1Mic-00047-00017322-00017546 Ok, let's move on to our next pair. JMcvfat1Mic-00048-00017806-00018214 This pair is really hard to hear the difference for many language learners. JMcvfat1Mic-00049-00018220-00018508 Again, I'll pronounce them for a long time. JMcvfat1Mic-00050-00018990-00019346 Did you see how my jaw is going up and down? JMcvfat1Mic-00051-00019352-00019726 Also with … my face is pretty relaxed. JMcvfat1Mic-00052-00020180-00020522 But with ... my face becomes tighter. JMcvfat1Mic-00053-00020574-00020846 And my jaw is moving really far down. JMcvfat1Mic-00054-00020852-00021180 A lot of learners sound like they're saying … , JMcvfat1Mic-00055-00021186-00021482 because they won't open their mouth enough. JMcvfat1Mic-00056-00021490-00021644 So if you don't open your mouth enough, JMcvfat1Mic-00057-00021648-00021926 you're going to sound like you're saying … . JMcvfat1Mic-00058-00021926-00022296 Let's look at two example words for these vowel sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00059-00022320-00022392 We have ... JMcvfat1Mic-00060-00022710-00022760 And... JMcvfat1Mic-00061-00023220-00023532 Don't be afraid to open your mouth widely for … . JMcvfat1Mic-00062-00023566-00023982 If it helps you can use a mirror when you're practicing at home. JMcvfat1Mic-00063-00024032-00024144 So far we have ... JMcvfat1Mic-00064-00024948-00025220 Alright, let's move on to another pair.. JMcvfat1Mic-00065-00025226-00025462 that's very difficult even for Americans to hear the difference. JMcvfat1Mic-00066-00025622-00025726 This pair is... JMcvfat1Mic-00067-00026282-00026498 … is the most common of these two. JMcvfat1Mic-00068-00026518-00026774 And the one that's disappearing is ... JMcvfat1Mic-00069-00026864-00027192 So let's look at two words that have these sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00070-00027274-00027410 Our first word is... JMcvfat1Mic-00071-00027827-00027916 like "robot" JMcvfat1Mic-00072-00027986-00028154 And our second word is... JMcvfat1Mic-00073-00028674-00029122 If you can't hear the difference between those, you could just use … JMcvfat1Mic-00074-00029182-00029454 And most Americans will understand you. JMcvfat1Mic-00075-00029506-00029786 However if you hear some Americans using … JMcvfat1Mic-00076-00029864-00030183 It's really helpful to know what that symbol is. JMcvfat1Mic-00077-00030202-00030450 So I'm going to hold out those sounds, JMcvfat1Mic-00078-00030450-00030674 and I want you to see the difference in my face. JMcvfat1Mic-00079-00031083-00031212 If you notice with … JMcvfat1Mic-00080-00031318-00031438 my mouth is wider. JMcvfat1Mic-00081-00032045-00032188 The part that you can't see.. JMcvfat1Mic-00082-00032204-00032532 is that my tongue moves down in the middle of it.. JMcvfat1Mic-00083-00032548-00032750 like a bowl, with … . JMcvfat1Mic-00084-00032850-00033130 The next vowel we're going to talk about is not a pair; JMcvfat1Mic-00085-00033146-00033330 it's just the vowel sound … . JMcvfat1Mic-00086-00033450-00033594 ... is pretty simple. JMcvfat1Mic-00087-00033594-00033876 It shows up in a lot of different languages. JMcvfat1Mic-00088-00033876-00034316 But the thing you should know about the English pronunciation in America.. JMcvfat1Mic-00089-00034330-00034760 is the ... sound at the end of ... . JMcvfat1Mic-00090-00034766-00035292 There's almost no pure ... sound in American English. JMcvfat1Mic-00091-00035304-00035598 Unless you're from Minnesota. JMcvfat1Mic-00092-00035598-00035790 People in Minnesota say ... . JMcvfat1Mic-00093-00035884-00036052 But the rest of us say ... . JMcvfat1Mic-00094-00036094-00036390 So don't forget to add that ... at the end. JMcvfat1Mic-00095-00036398-00036712 Unless you want to sound like you're from Minnesota. JMcvfat1Mic-00096-00036712-00036942 So our word for ... is ... JMcvfat1Mic-00097-00037124-00037456 If you see the spelling here, we have "oa." JMcvfat1Mic-00098-00037456-00037782 And that's a common spelling when you're pronouncing ... . JMcvfat1Mic-00099-00037836-00038076 Alright, our next two vowels are ... JMcvfat1Mic-00100-00038352-00038512 What's the difference? JMcvfat1Mic-00101-00038556-00038892 There's no difference in the actual sound itself, JMcvfat1Mic-00102-00038932-00039044 just the length. JMcvfat1Mic-00103-00039226-00039618 So, ... I'm introducing here because it's really useful.. JMcvfat1Mic-00104-00039624-00040144 when you talk about sentence stress and English rhythm. JMcvfat1Mic-00105-00040202-00040670 We use ... when we want to un-stress a syllable. JMcvfat1Mic-00106-00040714-00041410 And ... is the stressed sound, or the longer sound. JMcvfat1Mic-00107-00041450-00041722 How do you make the sound ... ? JMcvfat1Mic-00108-00041756-00041892 You relax your face. JMcvfat1Mic-00109-00041946-00042150 You bring your jaw down. JMcvfat1Mic-00110-00042166-00042530 And you rest your tongue at the bottom of your mouth. JMcvfat1Mic-00111-00042672-00043004 Our last pair also causes some confusion. JMcvfat1Mic-00112-00043062-00043150 We've got... JMcvfat1Mic-00113-00043312-00043362 and ... JMcvfat1Mic-00114-00043780-00044196 Actually, for me, this one is the most difficult to pronounce. JMcvfat1Mic-00115-00044344-00044536 It's kind of a strange sound. JMcvfat1Mic-00116-00044566-00044758 So look carefully at my face. JMcvfat1Mic-00117-00044996-00045428 Let's hold out those vowels and see the difference between them. JMcvfat1Mic-00118-00046058-00046332 These two words help us distinguish them. JMcvfat1Mic-00119-00046332-00046382 We've got ... JMcvfat1Mic-00120-00046552-00046602 and ... JMcvfat1Mic-00121-00046740-00046996 The spelling doesn't help us out here. JMcvfat1Mic-00122-00047016-00047486 You might think, "Ok, when there's two Os, like 'look,' JMcvfat1Mic-00123-00047540-00047668 I will just say ... " JMcvfat1Mic-00124-00047700-00048116 But you would be wrong, because we also have words like "boot." JMcvfat1Mic-00125-00048144-00048528 And that one is ... and not ... JMcvfat1Mic-00126-00048604-00048788 But you're also not wrong.. JMcvfat1Mic-00127-00048872-00049302 that double O can be ... more often than just the word "look." JMcvfat1Mic-00128-00049340-00049476 So we've also got... JMcvfat1Mic-00129-00049524-00049574 and ... JMcvfat1Mic-00130-00049682-00049976 And you're also not wrong in thinking that ... JMcvfat1Mic-00131-00050100-00050382 would be often associated with the spelling of JMcvfat1Mic-00132-00050382-00050878 "u," a consonant, and an "e" after the consonant. JMcvfat1Mic-00133-00050904-00051056 So we have "Luke" here, JMcvfat1Mic-00134-00051078-00051278 but we also have words like ... JMcvfat1Mic-00135-00051338-00051388 or .. JMcvfat1Mic-00136-00051586-00051817 And if you want to be more confused, JMcvfat1Mic-00137-00051928-00052240 This word and this word are both pronounced ... JMcvfat1Mic-00138-00052554-00052674 Sorry about that. JMcvfat1Mic-00139-00052686-00052829 If that confuses you, JMcvfat1Mic-00140-00052832-00053166 Well, you're just going to have to watch our video JMcvfat1Mic-00141-00053172-00053628 about commonly mispronounced words because of the vowel spelling. JMcvfat1Mic-00142-00053646-00054034 We'll teach you some rules and patterns JMcvfat1Mic-00143-00054034-00054500 that will help you predict which of these vowel symbols you should use. JMcvfat1Mic-00144-00054604-00054812 In all of our videos from now on, JMcvfat1Mic-00145-00054812-00055072 when we go over the pronunciation of a word, JMcvfat1Mic-00146-00055072-00055464 we're going to be using the symbols that we've taught you in this video. JMcvfat1Mic-00147-00055498-00055654 I hope you've learned them, JMcvfat1Mic-00148-00055654-00055905 because they're about to be really useful for you. JMcvfat1Mic-00149-00055912-00056162 Stay tuned for a quiz! JMcvfat1Mic-00150-00056170-00056505 We're going to test how well you remember the symbols, JMcvfat1Mic-00151-00056505-00056879 and if you can tell the difference between the vowel sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00152-00056898-00057210 If you can't hear the difference between the vowel sounds, JMcvfat1Mic-00153-00057222-00057852 it probably means you 're not able to pronounce the difference between those vowel sounds. JMcvfat1Mic-00154-00057864-00058491 So this quiz will help you know which vowel sounds you need to work on pronouncing better. JMcvfat1Mic-00155-00058517-00058717 Thanks for you attention today! JMcvfat1Mic-00156-00058717-00058902 And good luck with the quiz! JNMftfg9rM8-00000-00000305-00000601 是阿是阿 好酷喔 JNMftfg9rM8-00001-00000637-00000821 原來你都不喜歡 JNMftfg9rM8-00002-00000859-00001141 噴滅火器 JpjbNtyiDFu-00000-00000280-00001288 welcome to this conversation or shall i say the reading on some of my JpjbNtyiDFu-00001-00001504-00002072 research on the and the practical experience of the meditation using JpjbNtyiDFu-00002-00002192-00003176 transquil wisdom insight meditation I have been conducting some remote zoom based internet JpjbNtyiDFu-00003-00003440-00004088 meditation sessions to some of my friends and families back in Nepal JpjbNtyiDFu-00004-00004200-00005224 it has been going for the last almost 13 or 14 weeks and most of my audiences JpjbNtyiDFu-00005-00005336-00006104 are completely new to this 6R practice and the triangular wisdom inside meditation JpjbNtyiDFu-00006-00006232-00006831 though or most of them are Buddhists and they do understand the some of the basic JpjbNtyiDFu-00007-00006912-00008088 concepts of Buddhism they are devout in the sense that they revere buddha as the ultimate kind of a JpjbNtyiDFu-00008-00008368-00009656 human uh say the symbol of ultimate perfection and they do regards in some sense put as god which is JpjbNtyiDFu-00009-00009760-00010816 not exactly true in the sense so what i have been doing in the la those last uh 12-13 weeks JpjbNtyiDFu-00010-00010816-00011728 is i have been trying to give them the flavor of what the trim is what is jhana what is wisdom JpjbNtyiDFu-00011-00011848-00012856 and how we can combine the meditation practice that combines the tranquility aspect of janna JpjbNtyiDFu-00012-00012856-00013760 and the wisdom aspect that comes from the practice of vipassana so and during the course of that JpjbNtyiDFu-00013-00013976-00015096 sessions i have discovered a wonderful suta which buddha has himself discovered that you know it JpjbNtyiDFu-00014-00015096-00015872 is called the vita kasuta in manjimi nikaya are two kinds of thoughts here buddha is explaining JpjbNtyiDFu-00015-00015952-00016984 to the to the monks is how he divided his thoughts into two classes some wholesome thoughts some JpjbNtyiDFu-00016-00017048-00017776 unwholesome thoughts and how he sees the danger and degradation on those on wholesome thoughts JpjbNtyiDFu-00017-00017920-00018928 and how one should be taking those as a matter of urgency such that one will prevent the mishaps JpjbNtyiDFu-00018-00018928-00019656 that might occur due to indulging on those sort of wholesome thought so he gives a simile of a JpjbNtyiDFu-00019-00019656-00020712 car a bull that might be just uh been looked after by a cowherd and it's a it's a rainy season JpjbNtyiDFu-00020-00020792-00021816 and there are plenty of crops on the field and his utmost importance is to not to let those cows JpjbNtyiDFu-00021-00021984-00022640 go into those crops and be in trouble so these are the dangers of on wholesome thought that JpjbNtyiDFu-00022-00022640-00023352 he compressed then he goes into the opposite and he says that the thought of non-illegal JpjbNtyiDFu-00023-00023352-00024176 non-sensual desire non-cruelty which he didn't explicitly say that these are loving kindness JpjbNtyiDFu-00024-00024176-00024992 or compassion but he he went through this in in those terms like the the JpjbNtyiDFu-00025-00025048-00025616 thought of non-ill will which is loving kindness thought of non-cruelty these are the JpjbNtyiDFu-00026-00025680-00026544 nice and wholesome thoughts these are he compared those thoughts to be something akin to JpjbNtyiDFu-00027-00026744-00027544 like those sort of thoughts where which do not cause any sort of a concern or anxiety to anyone JpjbNtyiDFu-00028-00027608-00028432 and he compares that to a state like uh like in the last month of rainy season when all the cow JpjbNtyiDFu-00029-00028560-00028968 all the villagers have brought their crops inside the village JpjbNtyiDFu-00030-00029039-00029944 and then and at a cowherd only need to be uh guarding his cows while the crops are JpjbNtyiDFu-00031-00029944-00030744 just there is nothing in the field and he is just letting those cows be around the field and his JpjbNtyiDFu-00032-00030744-00031288 mind he just need to be mindful that those states are there so these this is precisely what we are JpjbNtyiDFu-00033-00031288-00032200 doing with the loving kindness meditation is that we are letting those states be and we are only be JpjbNtyiDFu-00034-00032352-00033008 we will only be in a uh they'll the only concern there will be to JpjbNtyiDFu-00035-00033224-00033784 to see you know if the the cowherd will be only his concern is whether those cows JpjbNtyiDFu-00036-00033840-00034520 will be stolen by somebody else and he just need to be mindful that those cows are there JpjbNtyiDFu-00037-00034624-00035480 so he this and then he departs into a slightly more subtle territory of how these thoughts JpjbNtyiDFu-00038-00035536-00036320 even though they are wholesome they are nice if one keeps engaging on the thoughts of wholesome JpjbNtyiDFu-00039-00036320-00037080 thoughts that they can cause some sort of strain in the body and when the body is strained mind JpjbNtyiDFu-00040-00037080-00037872 becomes strained and when mind becomes strained it is far from concentration so he is implying JpjbNtyiDFu-00041-00037872-00038624 is that giving in a staying on the thought of loving kindness or thought of non-ill will is nice JpjbNtyiDFu-00042-00038624-00039480 it it it you can keep it as long as you want but if you practice that just the thought of sending JpjbNtyiDFu-00043-00039480-00040152 loving kindness too much it can tire the body and one body is tired mind is gonna be strained JpjbNtyiDFu-00044-00040152-00040920 so there is a clear relationship between mind and body and then he says that okay so the there's a JpjbNtyiDFu-00045-00040920-00041672 nice thought you keep it going then you need to relax the body and mind and that's where the step JpjbNtyiDFu-00046-00041672-00042648 of tranquilization come in so then he says that now you you letting go of the unwholesome states JpjbNtyiDFu-00047-00042744-00043472 then you tranquilize your body and tranquilize your mind then you enter the janus so JpjbNtyiDFu-00048-00043544-00044136 that's precisely how you go into the genre so although you know people JpjbNtyiDFu-00049-00044232-00044848 they gloss it over so quickly that they know okay anybody there is another JpjbNtyiDFu-00050-00045072-00045840 somebody also talks about jana they also can talk about concentration some sort of deep state and JpjbNtyiDFu-00051-00045840-00046520 they miss the point is that you can only enter the jhana you can only be in a jaina state by JpjbNtyiDFu-00052-00046664-00047408 managing the hindrances you have to deal with the hindrances there is no way you will be JpjbNtyiDFu-00053-00047520-00048016 experiencing the jhana by focusing on one particular JpjbNtyiDFu-00054-00048208-00048616 place or one particular sign this is not what the buddha is JpjbNtyiDFu-00055-00048696-00049392 saying he has been saying this for many many times in in in the sutures and everywhere that is JpjbNtyiDFu-00056-00049480-00050240 hindrances will have you you that this is the reality of the present moment is you cannot let JpjbNtyiDFu-00057-00050240-00051040 this china's just you can you you cannot just push them away and focus on one thing and be in the JpjbNtyiDFu-00058-00051040-00051879 genre that's not simply the way and here i mean i would like to bring out some very interesting uh i JpjbNtyiDFu-00059-00051879-00052584 mean this is a quite widely spread in in in in in eastern countries that they have been practicing JpjbNtyiDFu-00060-00052655-00053376 breeding meditation for many many thousands of years and they they think that in a by JpjbNtyiDFu-00061-00053376-00053936 focusing on the breath they can experience a deep reality they can experience a very deep state of JpjbNtyiDFu-00062-00053991-00054672 concentration and they say okay this is what's the difference between jhana and this one and this was JpjbNtyiDFu-00063-00054672-00055352 one of the questions i received during those those those conversations i had with with my friends and JpjbNtyiDFu-00064-00055352-00056264 families and they were trying to equate jhana to be some sort of to be equal to the state of JpjbNtyiDFu-00065-00056320-00057232 one pointedness or some sort of deep um deep state of oneness or some sort of they were saying that JpjbNtyiDFu-00066-00057288-00057760 this is what they call it amanidasa i mean this is a vedic concept JpjbNtyiDFu-00067-00057760-00058591 and they said instead of no mind but i clearly had to explain that this is not you cannot equate this JpjbNtyiDFu-00068-00058591-00059416 very concept of the vedic state of amani dasa with a chana they are completely apple and oranges JpjbNtyiDFu-00069-00059416-00060096 you cannot compare these two and make assume that they are the same this is clearly not so they JpjbNtyiDFu-00070-00060096-00060984 have been practicing a breeding meditation they do use word uh sort of uh samatha and vipassana they JpjbNtyiDFu-00071-00060984-00061640 also you know there is a lot of confusion these people are practicing what is called vipassana JpjbNtyiDFu-00072-00061704-00062584 10 days people center practices in nepal in india where they are taught intensely to focus on JpjbNtyiDFu-00073-00062664-00063312 whatever the sensations that arise in the body and focus in mind right to the point of that JpjbNtyiDFu-00074-00063400-00064296 and you watch that closely and watch them fade away this is how they practice and JpjbNtyiDFu-00075-00064440-00065079 further further for the first couple of days they have been told to what is called JpjbNtyiDFu-00076-00065144-00065872 to precip persevere or to to and this is what they call this thana i mean to JpjbNtyiDFu-00077-00065936-00066968 determine in the mind that you you sustain yourself by whatever the feelings and JpjbNtyiDFu-00078-00067064-00067712 emotions that arise i will be aware of that and i will stay focused and i'll watch that JpjbNtyiDFu-00079-00067848-00068488 i will not let my mind stray away from watching those sort of states and this is what they call JpjbNtyiDFu-00080-00068560-00069160 would and they will say that this is how they they purify their mind and JpjbNtyiDFu-00081-00069264-00070184 i had to bring about this notion of one pointedness is is although they they think JpjbNtyiDFu-00082-00070184-00070848 that this is a that is the way of purifying the mind and i have to come up with a uh some JpjbNtyiDFu-00083-00070976-00071640 a practical simile or some sort of example is that you have two kinds of uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00084-00071832-00072152 two kinds of awareness that you can bring about JpjbNtyiDFu-00085-00072264-00072984 uh and i gave a similar uh torsolite you you you have somebody um looking for something JpjbNtyiDFu-00086-00073096-00073872 uh some during the day or in the evening and you are focusing your light towards this particular JpjbNtyiDFu-00087-00073872-00074744 point and you are deeply only looking at one particular area of a whole entire your vicinity JpjbNtyiDFu-00088-00074824-00075768 and that's how this is the one pointedness will focus all your energy and all your awareness in JpjbNtyiDFu-00089-00075768-00076448 those sort of narrow beam of light at the expense of losing awareness of everything JpjbNtyiDFu-00090-00076504-00077136 everything that is around and this is the this is the practice they are following is JpjbNtyiDFu-00091-00077136-00077560 that they think that they are practicing they are cleansing their mind but they are not JpjbNtyiDFu-00092-00077648-00078224 that that is not how you clean your mind hindrances have to be dealt with they have JpjbNtyiDFu-00093-00078224-00079168 to be managed they have to be tranquilized they have to be calm they have to be settled so this is JpjbNtyiDFu-00094-00079168-00079984 the way they tranquil wisdom inside meditation is working and that it and this this is the kind of a JpjbNtyiDFu-00095-00080128-00080992 a light compared to the torch light you can consider this as as a as a something observing JpjbNtyiDFu-00096-00080992-00081552 observing everything in a broad daylight that you are aware of everything that is moving around JpjbNtyiDFu-00097-00081608-00082288 you can see the things you can hear anything you can watch anything and there is all the things JpjbNtyiDFu-00098-00082288-00082984 are appearing and disappearing and nothing is being missed from your awareness so this JpjbNtyiDFu-00099-00082984-00083504 is there is a fundamental difference between how these private people practice meditation JpjbNtyiDFu-00100-00083568-00084336 and what is our tranquil aware jhana is is that they are completely different approaches and JpjbNtyiDFu-00101-00084400-00085160 i have also given our simile of you cannot purify your mind by just focusing on one particular thing JpjbNtyiDFu-00102-00085240-00085680 and this is this might lead to a deep concentration it might lead to some sort JpjbNtyiDFu-00103-00085680-00086432 of a super normal awareness but they are not going to purify your mind so JpjbNtyiDFu-00104-00086568-00087720 the the the tranquil aware china has to come with the uh settlement of the hindrances the all our JpjbNtyiDFu-00105-00087720-00088552 preconceived notions everything our feelings and some sort of uh disturbances these have to JpjbNtyiDFu-00106-00088552-00089456 be dealt with so and only after dealing with those sort of uh feelings emotions hindrances JpjbNtyiDFu-00107-00089544-00089920 and settling them in in a very nice and easy way JpjbNtyiDFu-00108-00090016-00090648 that that that is how we come about to the state of ghana so this is the one of the JpjbNtyiDFu-00109-00090816-00091520 thing we discussed and i i have made note of these so chana is JpjbNtyiDFu-00110-00091648-00092824 as buddha says is is is a milestone on the path on the path to the awakening so the we can consider JpjbNtyiDFu-00111-00092920-00093640 let's say noble eightfold part as a some sort of super highway that is where we are JpjbNtyiDFu-00112-00093640-00094344 heading towards but before we head towards the super highway we need to deal with this sort of JpjbNtyiDFu-00113-00094424-00095384 jungle of hindrances and you cannot just suppress them you cannot bulldoze them and just focus on JpjbNtyiDFu-00114-00095384-00096152 one direction it is this is not gonna lead to any kind of peace and calm and the development of mind JpjbNtyiDFu-00115-00096152-00096920 that the buddha was talking about so and just to refer to the exact word of the buddha there is a JpjbNtyiDFu-00116-00096976-00097744 suta in in the majjimunikaya where where the buddha says what is chana according to the buddha JpjbNtyiDFu-00117-00097904-00098552 this is in the majjimanikaya 31 and here buddha says that JpjbNtyiDFu-00118-00098720-00099536 good good anuruddha while you abide does diligent ardent and result have you attained any superhuman JpjbNtyiDFu-00119-00099536-00100168 state a distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of noble ones a comfortable abiding JpjbNtyiDFu-00120-00100312-00101096 so then then this this is this is the question to ask and then we have got this answer from JpjbNtyiDFu-00121-00101096-00102056 the from from the anuruddha why not venerable sir here whenever sir whenever we want quite secluded JpjbNtyiDFu-00122-00102056-00102648 from sensual pleasure quite secluded from on wholesome states we enter upon an abide in JpjbNtyiDFu-00123-00102648-00103352 the first chana which is accompanied by applied and sustained thought with rapture and pleasure JpjbNtyiDFu-00124-00103352-00104000 bone of seclusion venerable sir this is a superhuman state a distinction in knowledge JpjbNtyiDFu-00125-00104159-00104864 and vision worthy of noble ones a comfortable abiding which we have attained while abiding JpjbNtyiDFu-00126-00104935-00105768 diligent ardent and resolute so this is ample this makes ample clear that this genre is a super JpjbNtyiDFu-00127-00105824-00106504 human state a distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of noble one are comfortable abiding JpjbNtyiDFu-00128-00106559-00107600 so now this is this this is a completely different of state of uh knowledge and understanding this is JpjbNtyiDFu-00129-00107600-00108344 basically what buddha is saying this is a state of awareness this is a superhuman state only JpjbNtyiDFu-00130-00108344-00109104 those who are practicing the superhuman path will be will be able to experience this and it JpjbNtyiDFu-00131-00109104-00109759 is a comfortable albany as we all know jhana it makes your mind and body so comfortable so happy JpjbNtyiDFu-00132-00109832-00110592 that's why this jhana is so different from any deep one-pointed concentration JpjbNtyiDFu-00133-00110840-00111583 i was speaking with one of those uh participants and they were saying that she has been practicing JpjbNtyiDFu-00134-00111583-00112352 this uh meditation of one-pointed uh breeding meditation for 20 years and she is still groping JpjbNtyiDFu-00135-00112416-00113208 and finding some new states and the by the very word groping is that she doesn't have JpjbNtyiDFu-00136-00113208-00113872 any vision and knowledge is a blind kind of the you know the groping is that something you JpjbNtyiDFu-00137-00113872-00114672 you try to as estimate try and try to make sense of some something in the dark so this is a kind JpjbNtyiDFu-00138-00114672-00115488 of very dark kind of you're trying to understand in in the thick darkness what that could be but JpjbNtyiDFu-00139-00115583-00116183 in the contrary i mean what we see the genre is the direct knowledge and vision JpjbNtyiDFu-00140-00116304-00116968 so you see things clearly you see this this thing in a bright day in a very bright and JpjbNtyiDFu-00141-00117192-00117968 comfortable manner so this is your awareness will be very comfortable and you have JpjbNtyiDFu-00142-00117968-00118759 that sort of vision that is worthy of noble ones so this is one of the distinctions of what jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00143-00118759-00119952 is according to the suta so and there is another very good summary of what is jhana in in the sutta JpjbNtyiDFu-00144-00120072-00120608 there is i think this is in suta nipata here where the buddha says that there is JpjbNtyiDFu-00145-00120608-00121159 no wisdom without jannah and there is no jana without wisdom so janna and wisdom JpjbNtyiDFu-00146-00121480-00122248 these are kind of a conjoined twin so you cannot separate these two two together so whoever attains JpjbNtyiDFu-00147-00122248-00123120 janna has attained the wisdom or he is on the way to attain the wisdom and whoever has got JpjbNtyiDFu-00148-00123120-00123983 the wisdom to understand janna is is already in a genre so you cannot be in a jhana by your JpjbNtyiDFu-00149-00123983-00124800 blindfold blind practice and violet by suppressing all the all the emotions all your hindrances JpjbNtyiDFu-00150-00124800-00125704 all your you know notions everything you cannot just push them and inter be in the jannah jannah JpjbNtyiDFu-00151-00125783-00126408 according to the buddha is is a state of wisdom you need to know you need to understand this is JpjbNtyiDFu-00152-00126408-00127152 what this the settling the hindrances is all about you know these are the unwholesome states they can JpjbNtyiDFu-00153-00127152-00128088 degrade and endanger you our um our well-being these these unwholesome states have to be dealt JpjbNtyiDFu-00154-00128088-00128783 with we have to let them go so this is uh this is the wisdom this is the noble eightfold power here JpjbNtyiDFu-00155-00128848-00129504 i mean this this process is the right effort where you need to let go of unwholesome JpjbNtyiDFu-00156-00129640-00130552 you have to strive to not to let those unwholesome states to arise bring about JpjbNtyiDFu-00157-00130552-00131024 the wholesome states and keep that going all the time so this is this is the right effort JpjbNtyiDFu-00158-00131088-00131752 there is a the so this is the understanding of what is unwholesome and what is wholesome JpjbNtyiDFu-00159-00131752-00132488 is a must and this is a part of the wisdom is the we we we have got this suta in nikai JpjbNtyiDFu-00160-00132600-00133376 uh nine by sariputta and here sariputta says what is right view what is the wisdom and he says that JpjbNtyiDFu-00161-00133456-00133960 if one understand what is unwholesome the root of unwholesome what is wholesome the root of JpjbNtyiDFu-00162-00133960-00134760 wholesome he is has got a right view so entering the jana means you have to have a right view or JpjbNtyiDFu-00163-00134760-00135424 you have to have a wisdom and whenever you have a wisdom you have garujana and when you have got JpjbNtyiDFu-00164-00135424-00136152 a chana when you are entering into jhana you are in the tranquil aware state then naturally JpjbNtyiDFu-00165-00136216-00137000 your mind does incline towards ghana so again i have there is another suta in the majima nikaya JpjbNtyiDFu-00166-00137080-00137960 where the buddha says is that um those who are entering the genre they are it's like a you know JpjbNtyiDFu-00167-00138112-00138944 it's like a like a like the river ganges that is lines that's lands and slopes towards the east JpjbNtyiDFu-00168-00139056-00139464 in exactly in the same manner those who have have experiences ghana JpjbNtyiDFu-00169-00139544-00140376 are slant and slope towards nibana so chana and nibana chana is an intermediate state JpjbNtyiDFu-00170-00140376-00141152 and it is some someone who has experiences rana is already is already heading towards nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00171-00141152-00141944 and it is guaranteed that the whoever enters jhana with this by letting go of unwholesome state and JpjbNtyiDFu-00172-00141944-00142672 uh keeping the wholesome state is already fixated and is guaranteed to enter to the new JpjbNtyiDFu-00173-00142672-00143352 state of nirvana i mean we cannot argue about this there is you know there is a droplet of JpjbNtyiDFu-00174-00143448-00144016 water that came from all the way from the himalayas and it is it has entered to the river JpjbNtyiDFu-00175-00144136-00144776 we can be absolutely assured that one day that the drop of water will enter the ocean JpjbNtyiDFu-00176-00144776-00145368 the ocean is nibana so buddha has clearly stated that one who hasn't experienced jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00177-00145432-00146216 will one day experience nibana there is no refuting of that so this is really this is what JpjbNtyiDFu-00178-00146336-00147344 makes janna of from the buddha so important now this is uh again those who have understood jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00179-00147408-00148168 has actually already entered the right view that means that person JpjbNtyiDFu-00180-00148288-00149096 may soon experience the fruit of what is what we call stream entry is that the mind will JpjbNtyiDFu-00181-00149216-00150160 directly understand the uh the the four noble truth is that this is the this is the uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00182-00150232-00150712 suffering that's how you let go of suffering because one who has experienced JpjbNtyiDFu-00183-00150712-00151400 zana's already knows these hindrances these perceptions these feelings those emotions JpjbNtyiDFu-00184-00151400-00152176 are the suffering and one does let go of those suffering not by forcefully suppressing that but JpjbNtyiDFu-00185-00152240-00153240 by letting them go by relaxing by tranquilizing by applying the 6r so i did explain the 6r in a JpjbNtyiDFu-00186-00153336-00154240 in such a way that 6rd is the has got the right effort embedded in inside it JpjbNtyiDFu-00187-00154336-00155448 and it does uh clearly uh say the do what the buddha says and i would i do not need to JpjbNtyiDFu-00188-00155448-00156400 quote where we can find these phrases but in many sutures buddha describes the state of nirvana or JpjbNtyiDFu-00189-00156400-00157240 the process of nirvana as follows this is peaceful this is sublime namely stealing of all formations JpjbNtyiDFu-00190-00157392-00158088 relinquishment of all acquisitions destruction of craving dispassion cessation nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00191-00158240-00159216 so this is the very very condensed summary of the buddha's path in in nutshell so JpjbNtyiDFu-00192-00159384-00159984 this has got all the information that one can glean from here that is JpjbNtyiDFu-00193-00160064-00160584 what is nibana so from from what we understand from these phrases is that JpjbNtyiDFu-00194-00160712-00161232 this is the stealing of all formations so formations are any sort of our JpjbNtyiDFu-00195-00161536-00162520 our intentions to do any work any sort of activities and those formations or the sankharas JpjbNtyiDFu-00196-00162520-00163144 are there are three types of sankharas bodily sankharas verbal sankharas and mental sankharas JpjbNtyiDFu-00197-00163224-00164008 and these sankharas are what the buddha calls is that there are wholesome there are wholesome JpjbNtyiDFu-00198-00164080-00164744 sankharas there are on wholesome sankharas there are sankhara with a good good good results JpjbNtyiDFu-00199-00164808-00165504 and there are sankharas with bad results and they are closely related to the uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00200-00165616-00166536 to the action and what we call a karma so sankharas they tend to generate commas so and JpjbNtyiDFu-00201-00166536-00167752 nibana is the cessation of all commas so what we can say from here is that is you see JpjbNtyiDFu-00202-00167752-00168400 whoever has got the understanding is that those formation you can consider them as some sort of JpjbNtyiDFu-00203-00168400-00169248 a flow or some sort of activity or some sort of potential is what the buddha is saying that wait JpjbNtyiDFu-00204-00169328-00170208 you see those sankaras are about to materialize they are going to be manifested anytime if you JpjbNtyiDFu-00205-00170264-00171368 let that go so those sankharas doesn't matter if it is wholesome or this is unwholesome that will JpjbNtyiDFu-00206-00171368-00172040 lead to an action and those action will always have a consequence so that consequence will either JpjbNtyiDFu-00207-00172176-00173160 come into a form of merit and demerit so those you know people are you know this this the this JpjbNtyiDFu-00208-00173160-00174192 concept of merit and demerit is actually is is still part of the mundane worldly uh endeavors JpjbNtyiDFu-00209-00174192-00175208 so you can accumulate infinite amount of merit and you still will not be liberated and demerit JpjbNtyiDFu-00210-00175208-00175840 is is everybody knows what those demerits will cause so JpjbNtyiDFu-00211-00175960-00176832 being involved in generating merits and demerits are although people would think that okay JpjbNtyiDFu-00212-00176912-00177552 i do the wholesome activities i do you know i do i help others i just so ah yeah this JpjbNtyiDFu-00213-00177552-00178344 and that means you as soon as you got involved with those sort of intentions and you you you you JpjbNtyiDFu-00214-00178440-00179216 start to flow with these activities the activities of intention then you have ignited the chain of JpjbNtyiDFu-00215-00179216-00179880 what we call the karma and this karma is whether that karma will bring the wholesome JpjbNtyiDFu-00216-00179880-00180840 or some sort of pleasurable rebirth or some sort of heavenly river or it can bring about the misery JpjbNtyiDFu-00217-00180944-00181704 is you still bound into the chain of rebirth and the karma will not let you go you will JpjbNtyiDFu-00218-00181704-00182600 always be bound within the chain of the karma so the formations are are quite a it's it's a JpjbNtyiDFu-00219-00182680-00183584 it's a seed of all the activities all you you can think of any sort of uh activities that we do by JpjbNtyiDFu-00220-00183680-00184496 bodies peace and mind however subtle they might be i mean it is all the uh product of JpjbNtyiDFu-00221-00184496-00185384 formations or the sankharas so the sankharas can be what we can call is a is a is a it's a it's a JpjbNtyiDFu-00222-00185608-00186256 it's like a you have started the engine sort of uh you you started to make a move JpjbNtyiDFu-00223-00186256-00187264 and well here what what we can understand from one of the sutures in the buddha's JpjbNtyiDFu-00224-00187568-00188304 content contemplation on duality there is in in sutanipata there is a section called great chapter JpjbNtyiDFu-00225-00188368-00188576 and on within the great chapter there is a JpjbNtyiDFu-00226-00188712-00189752 uh number 12 which is content content placing of duality or dwa yatanan pasena JpjbNtyiDFu-00227-00189960-00190640 sutta so contemplation of duality here first the buddha talks about the JpjbNtyiDFu-00228-00190728-00191552 uh breaking down the four noble truth into the category of suffering that and its origination and JpjbNtyiDFu-00229-00191552-00192216 on the other side the cessation of suffering and the way leading to the association so these are JpjbNtyiDFu-00230-00192216-00193264 what we can call it the dark and bright parts of the foreign truth and how we one one can by just JpjbNtyiDFu-00231-00193264-00194216 understanding this one is the the dark part and this is the bright part one can um attain the JpjbNtyiDFu-00232-00194216-00194784 final knowledge basically the four noble truth if you understand the foreign truth in this way JpjbNtyiDFu-00233-00194944-00195584 then this is this is obviously talking about much deeper understanding of what noble truth is JpjbNtyiDFu-00234-00195688-00196528 you can attain liberation so so there is a another then the next one the buddha talks about JpjbNtyiDFu-00235-00196680-00197528 different dualities uh this is all part of the dhammas including the links of dependent JpjbNtyiDFu-00236-00197528-00198280 origination on the second second section on this contemplation of duality buddha talks about JpjbNtyiDFu-00237-00198280-00198920 what are these all the suffering are coming from what are the sources and the sources of JpjbNtyiDFu-00238-00198920-00199848 all the suffering are they all suffering uh they are conditioned by acquisition so JpjbNtyiDFu-00239-00199928-00200472 this acquisition is the root of all the suffering whatever suffering JpjbNtyiDFu-00240-00200472-00201016 arises originates is all conditioned by acquisition this is one contemplation JpjbNtyiDFu-00241-00201136-00201608 with the reminder of reminderless fading away an association of acquisition JpjbNtyiDFu-00242-00201672-00202320 there is no origination of suffering this is the second contemplation then the buddha says JpjbNtyiDFu-00243-00202448-00203208 suffering in many forms in the world origin originate based on acquisition the lord JpjbNtyiDFu-00244-00203208-00203888 who creates acquisition encounters suffering again and again therefore understanding one JpjbNtyiDFu-00245-00203968-00204672 should not create acquisition contemplating it as a genesis and origin of suffering now what JpjbNtyiDFu-00246-00204672-00205471 is acquisition i mean this is acquisition in pali it's called upadhana and our what we call upadhi JpjbNtyiDFu-00247-00205471-00206456 upadhi is is the word that will mean some sort of a renown or a claim or some sort of asset anything JpjbNtyiDFu-00248-00206456-00207328 that will stick with you that will give you some sort of asset some sort of property that describe JpjbNtyiDFu-00249-00207328-00208088 your inheritance so be it a material form some sort of buildings you have money you have got a JpjbNtyiDFu-00250-00208088-00208871 company all these kind of material thing and people do have other assets and which i mean JpjbNtyiDFu-00251-00208967-00209416 the other asset is all the accumulation of all the tendencies habitual tendencies JpjbNtyiDFu-00252-00209480-00210200 all the perceptions and the feelings and all the ego emotions these are all mental acquisitions JpjbNtyiDFu-00253-00210200-00211008 so having acquired all these acquisitions are these they are leaving the footprint JpjbNtyiDFu-00254-00211080-00211736 for the generation of all the activities that will lead to the origination of the formations JpjbNtyiDFu-00255-00211800-00212488 those formations will lead to consciousness and so on consistently to the name and form JpjbNtyiDFu-00256-00212488-00213176 and sixth sense basis and so on so what buddha is saying is that those ignoring the lord JpjbNtyiDFu-00257-00213176-00213752 so if you notice here ignorant dullard means that what we can say from here is that JpjbNtyiDFu-00258-00213936-00214632 those who understand the teaching of the buddha they are really really super fast JpjbNtyiDFu-00259-00214632-00215496 they are acting they can they are seeing really really something with amazing speed and they JpjbNtyiDFu-00260-00215496-00216096 can see that they know they are not allowed what they are saying that this these things is arising JpjbNtyiDFu-00261-00216096-00216760 this accusation i am that there is a notion of acquiring these things and as soon as the this JpjbNtyiDFu-00262-00216823-00217376 preconception or the notion of acquiring arises in the mind that means that will JpjbNtyiDFu-00263-00217376-00218056 lead to all the suffering one knows that one sees that it's like you know looking at the um JpjbNtyiDFu-00264-00218271-00218936 looking at the lightning of the of of the during the uh winter season and JpjbNtyiDFu-00265-00219040-00219496 staying away from the danger so you you stay away from wherever there is some sort of uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00266-00219640-00220319 infrastructure and you stay away from that sort of object and you remain the safe so those who JpjbNtyiDFu-00267-00220319-00220904 are wise they can see the danger and they can stay away from from acquiring all this sort of JpjbNtyiDFu-00268-00220992-00221728 bodily and mental acquisition so what they acquiring this something people are who JpjbNtyiDFu-00269-00221728-00222088 acquire these sort of things they are dullard i mean they are they're just they don't know what JpjbNtyiDFu-00270-00222088-00222808 they are doing but those who know those who are wise they just abandon this occasion and they JpjbNtyiDFu-00271-00222808-00223456 stay in safety so and this is this is this can directly be seen in the meditation i mean there is JpjbNtyiDFu-00272-00223567-00224088 as you practice the ghana and you as you cross you calm your mind and you tranquilize all the JpjbNtyiDFu-00273-00224088-00224728 states there is state of emptiness you you see the mind is not reactive to anything there is JpjbNtyiDFu-00274-00224728-00225488 no inclination and that that that's all this inclination uh and all these sort of longing JpjbNtyiDFu-00275-00225488-00226336 or any any sort of uh trying to stay away from or trying to possess these are all inclination JpjbNtyiDFu-00276-00226392-00227216 or another synonym for tanha or the craving and this one this will lead to the third point of the JpjbNtyiDFu-00277-00227304-00227760 phrase that i was i was talking about is this is peaceful this is sublime JpjbNtyiDFu-00278-00227760-00228271 namely the stealing of all formations the relinquishment of all acquisitions so you release JpjbNtyiDFu-00279-00228328-00228712 relinquish all the acquisition mental or bodily acquisition JpjbNtyiDFu-00280-00228784-00229632 and destructs on off craving so you let go of all that and that will lead to what is called a JpjbNtyiDFu-00281-00229632-00230328 destruction of craving in the craving is is our kind of a mine i can't i compare this craving JpjbNtyiDFu-00282-00230471-00231464 to like some sort of a stick or a a bamboo pole that one that cannot stay straight vertical JpjbNtyiDFu-00283-00231528-00232328 it always either either leans to the left or leans toward the right it can never stay straight it or JpjbNtyiDFu-00284-00232328-00232952 it is always leaning either this side or that side and this is exactly the state of mind in JpjbNtyiDFu-00285-00232952-00233760 the craving is that either it it wants something nice or it perceives it goes after something or JpjbNtyiDFu-00286-00233760-00234480 it wants to push something away so it's kind of always this oscillation or what we call the JpjbNtyiDFu-00287-00234567-00235223 vibration this is uh and this is these are different manifestation of craving we have JpjbNtyiDFu-00288-00235384-00236088 that manifest itself as a very gross state of likes and dislikes and some sort of JpjbNtyiDFu-00289-00236160-00236616 anger displeasure you know excitement these are the gross type of JpjbNtyiDFu-00290-00236823-00237360 craving that we see in everyday life as we practice this in a 6r method and we JpjbNtyiDFu-00291-00237448-00238223 we try to you know calm them by 6r and we relax them then this vibration or this mind JpjbNtyiDFu-00292-00238223-00238936 the tendency of mind to lean towards anything will be less and less so it's kind of craving is being JpjbNtyiDFu-00293-00238936-00239744 kind of that it's been diminished so by the process of 6r we are diminishing the craving and JpjbNtyiDFu-00294-00239744-00240552 by bit by bit bit by bit bit by bit and suddenly what happens is that the the the craving is JpjbNtyiDFu-00295-00240792-00241448 has let go of and those hindrances will disappear and those hindu hindrances will disappear for JpjbNtyiDFu-00296-00241536-00242336 certain amount of time and what we see in those place is the the bright and purified mind which we JpjbNtyiDFu-00297-00242336-00243144 call the janus so this is a uh this is the simile of what i gave in those sort of uh conversation JpjbNtyiDFu-00298-00243144-00243840 was that suppose we we have got this uh very strange phenomena that occurs every year we have JpjbNtyiDFu-00299-00243840-00244576 got this solar eclipse and everybody is working or doing their work during the broad daylight all JpjbNtyiDFu-00300-00244576-00245456 of the sudden the sun the blazing sun will turn into the you know dark darkness there is nothing JpjbNtyiDFu-00301-00245519-00246176 it's so dark even during the broad daylight and for for a few minutes or whatever time it JpjbNtyiDFu-00302-00246176-00247128 is supposed to last and that darkness is is it is quite a so we can say this is a state JpjbNtyiDFu-00303-00247128-00247832 of confusion or this is sort of hindrances that we are used to in a daily life and after the the JpjbNtyiDFu-00304-00247832-00248600 the period of eclipse passes away the broad in the broad daylight the the the sun will immerse JpjbNtyiDFu-00305-00248792-00249640 out of nowhere all those darkness is vanish so one can see this spectacular phenomena in in the in JpjbNtyiDFu-00306-00249640-00250336 this world which which is exactly what the the the appearance of jhana is you are dealing with your JpjbNtyiDFu-00307-00250336-00250952 mind you are letting go of all the hindrances you are getting there you are being patients you are JpjbNtyiDFu-00308-00250952-00251552 taking care of these sort of hindrances you are letting them go you are relaxing your mind and JpjbNtyiDFu-00309-00251552-00252119 body you are bringing something wholesome nice thought and you are relaxing your mind and body JpjbNtyiDFu-00310-00252119-00252608 and all of the sudden you you keep doing that doing that all the time doing that JpjbNtyiDFu-00311-00252696-00253319 you you do not count your timer you don't care about how much time it has passed through it's JpjbNtyiDFu-00312-00253319-00253760 been maybe 10 minutes or 15 minutes i don't care whatever is happening just JpjbNtyiDFu-00313-00253760-00254344 keep doing that that work and all of a sudden all that hindrances everything mind will become JpjbNtyiDFu-00314-00254423-00255480 like a the mind will become so bright this this is like a state of uh sun appearing after it went JpjbNtyiDFu-00315-00255480-00256392 to dark state in the solar eclipse and emerged in the uh on the sky with such a brightness so jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00316-00256392-00257023 is is like that is that normal people they do not realize that the their state of mind is such JpjbNtyiDFu-00317-00257096-00257728 they are living in such a dark state of mind and what they do not realize is that there JpjbNtyiDFu-00318-00257728-00258456 is such a thing called bright sunlight and they this is what the genre is which is is JpjbNtyiDFu-00319-00258456-00259208 the natural state of the mind actually so the mind is intrinsically bright and luminous in all sides JpjbNtyiDFu-00320-00259208-00260008 and what what what this ghana is showing is that one can let go of all all the unwholesome states JpjbNtyiDFu-00321-00260080-00261048 and be in the ghana for some temporary for few minutes you you can experience that again and JpjbNtyiDFu-00322-00261048-00261728 again and there is some sort of confidence that these things are not a dream so what is a even JpjbNtyiDFu-00323-00261728-00262440 in my practice when i was starting to practice i used to feel them that the feeling of vagina would JpjbNtyiDFu-00324-00262528-00263112 would not last long enough and i always used to have the longing or when i can be JpjbNtyiDFu-00325-00263112-00263976 in the sun again what can i do to last it for longer and i i i i i do remember those days JpjbNtyiDFu-00326-00264056-00264768 i wanted to last it for long and i didn't last long so i was shortening their their appearance JpjbNtyiDFu-00327-00264768-00265440 the genres would even become shorter when i tried to find it so i did give some sort of simulate to JpjbNtyiDFu-00328-00265536-00266464 how we need to deal with this state of the bind to make those sort of experience of jhana more stable JpjbNtyiDFu-00329-00266464-00267216 and although this is this can be some sort of a state of longing i i would probably say that this JpjbNtyiDFu-00330-00267216-00268032 is not where this is not a longing but this is the practice of uh stability of the jhana so how JpjbNtyiDFu-00331-00268032-00268824 do you stabilize the experience of the sauna is our mind in when you are in entering near near the JpjbNtyiDFu-00332-00268960-00269656 to the general state it's like in your mind is so light and your mind does not like any burden JpjbNtyiDFu-00333-00269768-00270384 so it's like a balloon that is floating is is put some helium gas inside and JpjbNtyiDFu-00334-00270448-00270960 you are letting those balloon float on the air you just push it under little bit from the bottom JpjbNtyiDFu-00335-00271032-00271720 and that those balloon will fly up it will stay up for a few seconds then it will gradually fall down JpjbNtyiDFu-00336-00271776-00272232 so that's that's how the mind need to be treated JpjbNtyiDFu-00337-00272336-00272960 to to make this state i mean this mind is so delicate and it is so soft i mean it is so JpjbNtyiDFu-00338-00273072-00273992 um frazil in the sense i mean that mind is is doesn't need any sort of that's harsh treatment JpjbNtyiDFu-00339-00273992-00274584 so mind need to be dead like a balloon that you need to practice your meditation you need to JpjbNtyiDFu-00340-00274704-00275560 do this radiate the meta editing radiating your meta is that you suppose you have a practice JpjbNtyiDFu-00341-00275688-00276248 long enough and the jhana appeared now what the general perception many people that did JpjbNtyiDFu-00342-00276248-00276840 oh this this is really such a nice thing i want to it to last long and they suddenly JpjbNtyiDFu-00343-00276840-00277824 do the things that will make it disappear so and the way to for this jana to let it continue is to JpjbNtyiDFu-00344-00277920-00278616 continue with your meditation practice it's like the not to let that balloon float uh hit the JpjbNtyiDFu-00345-00278616-00279216 ground or hit somewhere it needs to stay in the air so what you do is you just push the balloon JpjbNtyiDFu-00346-00279216-00279800 slowly up by continuing to radiate the meta to your spiritual friend JpjbNtyiDFu-00347-00279880-00280576 but at those sort of time when when you are in a general state you have to maintain such a delicate JpjbNtyiDFu-00348-00280576-00281384 balance of not to overpower your mind with sort of a high effort it you need to be very very gentle JpjbNtyiDFu-00349-00281480-00281952 and whatever is arising those jhana or whatever happy state JpjbNtyiDFu-00350-00282080-00283120 that state is there and it does you do not need to look at them as how nice or happy they are JpjbNtyiDFu-00351-00283120-00283952 you are when your experience is that is that all you all you focus on is are you in the state of JpjbNtyiDFu-00352-00283952-00284584 met are you practicing with the meditation object are you in this are you radiating meta or not JpjbNtyiDFu-00353-00284688-00285440 and just continue doing your work whatever this journal state is it will stay nicely in the JpjbNtyiDFu-00354-00285440-00286200 background this is not for you too uh observe this is just treat the jana as one of the hindrances JpjbNtyiDFu-00355-00286272-00287000 like any hindrances that you do not focus on the hindrances you just let that be do not touch it JpjbNtyiDFu-00356-00287000-00287704 just let that steer don't don't pay attention to janna don't make a big deal out of jannah JpjbNtyiDFu-00357-00287760-00288512 just ignore them let that be and continue to do your practice that is how you know this the they JpjbNtyiDFu-00358-00288576-00289504 duration of the jana stay longer and longer and you can see very very in in a clear manner JpjbNtyiDFu-00359-00289504-00290272 how all the states so this is the really what is and i have had some question about JpjbNtyiDFu-00360-00290376-00291192 or what's the point of uh being in a genre if if it does not last long enough if you cannot JpjbNtyiDFu-00361-00291192-00291720 last your jana for this amount of time if you cannot experience this bliss for this long JpjbNtyiDFu-00362-00291800-00292432 what's the point of your practice and this is really something these people those people who are JpjbNtyiDFu-00363-00292432-00293248 practicing the one pointed concentration they do not understand is that these states of hindrances JpjbNtyiDFu-00364-00293248-00294336 or the craving or all these sort of emotions they do not go disappear like you know you you cannot JpjbNtyiDFu-00365-00294400-00295064 just let them disappear they will not go away with your you know one pointed focus and you JpjbNtyiDFu-00366-00295128-00295792 you cannot assume that they are gone this is what they're trying to say is that you need to have JpjbNtyiDFu-00367-00295792-00296344 peace acquire quiet time you just stop those hindrances and experience the bliss JpjbNtyiDFu-00368-00296416-00296944 but this is this is not what we see in the jannah is that you can be in a jhana and you JpjbNtyiDFu-00369-00296944-00297632 can see the hindrances or um sort of feelings arising your thoughts might be starting to arise JpjbNtyiDFu-00370-00297632-00298264 you can see the dynamics of those sort of events the phenomena even while you are in ghana so JpjbNtyiDFu-00371-00298360-00299016 that that's the the clarity of how you can observe this sort of things will be be more JpjbNtyiDFu-00372-00299128-00299696 when you can extend the amount of time that you can stay in the stable JpjbNtyiDFu-00373-00299760-00300600 kind of the you can let's say maneuver yourself to watch them so you know you what you this is a JpjbNtyiDFu-00374-00300672-00301384 it's a kind of a balancing act is that your mind will have the feeling of happiness all the jannah JpjbNtyiDFu-00375-00301384-00302112 the bright mind will come up but it will not be rock solid as as as what people want it to JpjbNtyiDFu-00376-00302112-00302800 be this is not a one pointed concentration is what we are dealing with is we are the dealing with the JpjbNtyiDFu-00377-00302800-00303528 reality of our mind our everyday life and all our emotions and thoughts so even in the jannah JpjbNtyiDFu-00378-00303672-00304240 you see that your mind is happy your mind is bright you can still see those subtle thoughts JpjbNtyiDFu-00379-00304240-00305104 and arising or all the the the feelings they will you can even see the intensity of jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00380-00305104-00305768 the zana will not be you know like a rock solid is that you can see some vibration even JpjbNtyiDFu-00381-00305768-00306392 during the genre is that your mind start to wobble and when that that mind is starting to wobble your JpjbNtyiDFu-00382-00306456-00307048 the quality of your genre as i said the brightness of mind will start to deter deteriorate JpjbNtyiDFu-00383-00307136-00307720 and this is this is all the buddha is talking about is that chanas are not the JpjbNtyiDFu-00384-00307800-00308480 the what we call the the ultimate uh abiding is that you need to progress JpjbNtyiDFu-00385-00308480-00309136 there is more to do that's what the machi mini kaya one one one the uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00386-00309192-00309704 anupada sutra is saying that even in jhana you you see all these sort of dynamics of mind JpjbNtyiDFu-00387-00309768-00310464 is that you can see the hindrances these hindrances will still come and play and JpjbNtyiDFu-00388-00310464-00311200 they will knock you out of jannah so that sort of things is the clarity of being a mindfulness and JpjbNtyiDFu-00389-00311296-00312128 full awareness is going to help you to notice all these hindrances and how they start to manifest JpjbNtyiDFu-00390-00312376-00312984 after your jhana has weakened a little bit and you see immediately your jannah has weakened that JpjbNtyiDFu-00391-00312984-00313736 means there is some hindus they are materializing they they appear in india's mind that is the the JpjbNtyiDFu-00392-00313736-00314440 the reason your jana is not strong enough is that you you there is mine is already starting JpjbNtyiDFu-00393-00314440-00315200 to there is there are some uh hindrances that are that are cropping up so that's that's how JpjbNtyiDFu-00394-00315200-00315840 this is how this is a very kind of uh although this is and that's why we're saying the the the JpjbNtyiDFu-00395-00315840-00316504 the suffering is all this this dynamics all this tendency of the mind to lean towards JpjbNtyiDFu-00396-00316504-00317360 this and that to like or dislike and to to make some sort of judgment is is actually the the JpjbNtyiDFu-00397-00317360-00318312 the uh what do we do in the play all the time that's why this is what we observe so and this uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00398-00318480-00319264 destruction of craving is actually is is not a one sitting practice is a is JpjbNtyiDFu-00399-00319264-00319712 what we call a development practice that's why the buddha calls is uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00400-00320144-00320952 the word in pali means development it's done with hidden in in a step of small small tweaks JpjbNtyiDFu-00401-00321016-00321904 up and down in in some sort of small or large amount a small amount of energy efforts they JpjbNtyiDFu-00402-00321904-00322720 are tweaked such that you try to match it to the reality of the present moment is that you JpjbNtyiDFu-00403-00322720-00323432 will need to adjust them all the time that's that's this is the dynamics that we have and JpjbNtyiDFu-00404-00323432-00324456 this tendency of the mind to lean towards anything any sort of reaction any sort of notion is our JpjbNtyiDFu-00405-00324456-00325064 craving and what we are doing is we are stealing the formation we are letting go of any sort of uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00406-00325288-00325944 reactions any sort of uh activities so this is this activity of the mental JpjbNtyiDFu-00407-00325944-00326768 verbal and the bodily activities this the state of all the those sort of activities being stopped JpjbNtyiDFu-00408-00326864-00327864 or that this is a kind of a state of emptiness or some sort of complete piece that where it JpjbNtyiDFu-00409-00327864-00328504 feels you know like you know you are there is just awareness that there is nothing is gonna JpjbNtyiDFu-00410-00328760-00329488 disturb your mind just no no there are all these sounds and all these you know activities going on JpjbNtyiDFu-00411-00329488-00330128 winds are blowing there are noise around your your sitting practices you can see people talk JpjbNtyiDFu-00412-00330128-00331008 you can hear people talking and all these sort of things do happen in front of your awareness but JpjbNtyiDFu-00413-00331008-00331736 your mind is not disturbed by anything at all and your mind stays in that in a state of equilibrium JpjbNtyiDFu-00414-00331832-00332600 and there is no nothing nothing is being generated all the generation of the the flow of mind JpjbNtyiDFu-00415-00332600-00333392 has stopped so there is a in a very peace and calm state and this is what we occasionally seen the JpjbNtyiDFu-00416-00333392-00334200 practice in the practice and with this see this sort of empty uh com and a state of no reaction JpjbNtyiDFu-00417-00334200-00334920 so this is uh this is not a nibana yet but this is close to getting getting on the way JpjbNtyiDFu-00418-00334920-00335544 to the nirvana is letting go of all these sort of activities or all these sort of the the root JpjbNtyiDFu-00419-00335600-00336472 all this seed you are not you are containing them or sort of they they are not being proliferated so JpjbNtyiDFu-00420-00336472-00337088 this is the state of stealing of all formation is is and the relinquishing of all acquisition JpjbNtyiDFu-00421-00337168-00337632 i always talked about that is the relinquishing of anything the mental JpjbNtyiDFu-00422-00337632-00338208 or bodily you just that keep letting go keep letting go and any any sort of tendencies JpjbNtyiDFu-00423-00338368-00339016 so that you are peeling off all the like onions is that your peeling of peeling off all the layers of JpjbNtyiDFu-00424-00339016-00339576 the onions and layer and onion and you arrive at nothing it's just there is nothing there JpjbNtyiDFu-00425-00339576-00339992 it's complete emptiness so this is uh what i have been uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00426-00340192-00341152 my my kind of a practice has been for the last 12 13 weeks and this is and i'm really happy to see JpjbNtyiDFu-00427-00341280-00341888 there are quite a few of my friends and families who did understand what i was talking about JpjbNtyiDFu-00428-00341984-00343136 and it is sort of very really nice to corroborate what i have felt what i have seen is directly JpjbNtyiDFu-00429-00343136-00344048 experienced by another person which is really a is a is a really gratifying uh feeling that gives JpjbNtyiDFu-00430-00344048-00344584 me some sort of a happiness is that at least this this is something that can be reproduced JpjbNtyiDFu-00431-00344696-00345632 or some something that can be felt by anyone so this is one of the real happiness i have by JpjbNtyiDFu-00432-00345760-00346792 doing this sort of practices on a weekly basis where everybody is free from their weekly business JpjbNtyiDFu-00433-00346880-00347640 and they have got some time to practice their mind and to develop it further and to see the state JpjbNtyiDFu-00434-00347712-00348424 that normal human beings cannot see that and this is the this is the dilemma and everybody thinks JpjbNtyiDFu-00435-00348424-00348960 that we are seeing the reality what you're talking is is not the real and this is the JpjbNtyiDFu-00436-00348960-00349592 real thing is that they do consider realities whatever they see is the reality but but the JpjbNtyiDFu-00437-00349592-00350256 reality is that there is a layer of reality that is that goes deeper and deeper and deeper we JpjbNtyiDFu-00438-00350256-00351080 are just peeling the onions one by one layer and that's how we come about and i did mention about JpjbNtyiDFu-00439-00351408-00352312 common misconceptions of anapanasati suta that is very popular among all the buddhist JpjbNtyiDFu-00440-00352312-00352984 community and they they do tend to think that satish is the mindfulness of breeding JpjbNtyiDFu-00441-00353120-00353816 and here if you if we read the suta and the machi munich one one one two JpjbNtyiDFu-00442-00353816-00354384 one i think this is the majiminikai one two one and upon the buddha satisf JpjbNtyiDFu-00443-00354464-00355488 giving the instruction on mindfulness of mindfulness this is a practice of mindfulness JpjbNtyiDFu-00444-00355736-00355928 where i mean JpjbNtyiDFu-00445-00356200-00356880 many people say that where is jana in anapanisati where is jana in in sati panhand sutra JpjbNtyiDFu-00446-00356984-00357896 they they they think that buddha did not um say anything about janna in anapanisad JpjbNtyiDFu-00447-00358032-00358680 buddha did not say anything about janna in sati patana sutra and these people who who JpjbNtyiDFu-00448-00358680-00359224 tend to practice bipartisan and they think that chana is not important and they tend to JpjbNtyiDFu-00449-00359224-00360088 miss the point is what is janna and again this is a there is a very much um they tend to uh JpjbNtyiDFu-00450-00360208-00361080 take this suta as a very authoritative suture and they try to bring down the importance JpjbNtyiDFu-00451-00361080-00362032 of janna but this is not clearly not what the buddha is uh talking about janna is important JpjbNtyiDFu-00452-00362192-00362784 but when buddha had some sort of to say something about jhana and mindfulness JpjbNtyiDFu-00453-00362952-00363376 buddha always always always good the practice of the buddha JpjbNtyiDFu-00454-00363432-00363864 there is a importance or most importance how what is the hierarchy JpjbNtyiDFu-00455-00363976-00364800 when it comes to the importance of the the phenomena and there is a suta here JpjbNtyiDFu-00456-00365032-00365544 what is most important yeah and there is there is a conversation between the JpjbNtyiDFu-00457-00365544-00366504 brahmana and the brahman say okay somebody in our culture we say the the highest is the JpjbNtyiDFu-00458-00366640-00367432 mind and beyond mind there is a what is called knowledge and understanding and beyond that is JpjbNtyiDFu-00459-00367432-00368384 what they call the state of uh what is called the uh paramatma or some sort of uh divine JpjbNtyiDFu-00460-00368456-00369120 soul and then he asked the question to the buddha what what is he what is the JpjbNtyiDFu-00461-00369120-00370080 of something of utmost importance to you and buddha gives the gradual step of what his practice JpjbNtyiDFu-00462-00370080-00370800 is he starts with generosity then say how how generosity helps to purify the mind then he talks JpjbNtyiDFu-00463-00370800-00371648 about the morality the virtue the sheila part then how the being a generous and the virtuous person JpjbNtyiDFu-00464-00371712-00372336 can easily be concentrated or they can easily been collected then he talks about samadhi or JpjbNtyiDFu-00465-00372336-00373104 the collectiveness and this collectedness is there are normal collectedness of what we call JpjbNtyiDFu-00466-00373184-00373648 normal samadhi and there is sama samadhi or the super JpjbNtyiDFu-00467-00373648-00374440 human samadhi and this is the samadhi of the noble eightfold path and the sahana that buddha has JpjbNtyiDFu-00468-00374552-00375576 given us is the sama samadhi the the superhuman supernormal samadhi so jannah is not just samadhi JpjbNtyiDFu-00469-00375576-00376304 is much more than the normal samadhi so jana let's say okay we say that jannah is the samadhi state JpjbNtyiDFu-00470-00376304-00376968 then there is a uh what they said beyond that janus the samadhi state is the mindfulness and JpjbNtyiDFu-00471-00376968-00377456 that's what the buddhist is what is the and then he asked another question what is the JpjbNtyiDFu-00472-00377456-00378048 beyond this mindfulness and his buddha says that beyond the mindfulness is the wisdom the wisdom JpjbNtyiDFu-00473-00378104-00378816 wisdom is the superior to the mindfulness and what is what is the the utmost most important JpjbNtyiDFu-00474-00378952-00379624 then the good this is the ultimate goal or ultimate result of the buddha's teaching is nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00475-00379784-00380272 so nibana and that then then that that that brahman again asked what is the result of JpjbNtyiDFu-00476-00380272-00380920 nibana and then buddha says that look brahman you do not understand what i'm talking about JpjbNtyiDFu-00477-00380920-00381624 you have not seen this there is when when somebody practices jhana uh the the the goes JpjbNtyiDFu-00478-00381624-00382472 through the buddha's path acquire the knowledge according wisdom and when one experiences nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00479-00382552-00383136 there is nothing else there is just this is the there is to talk about anything JpjbNtyiDFu-00480-00383248-00384144 uh is is completely is is a nonsense so that's what the buddha has categorized his you know the JpjbNtyiDFu-00481-00384144-00385048 teachings and what he is clearly stated that is mindfulness is more superior or mindfulness is is JpjbNtyiDFu-00482-00385048-00385912 far more important than uh what the jana or the samadhi state are so that's why this and um the JpjbNtyiDFu-00483-00386056-00386848 mindfulness is always always you know is very important and that's why the sutas anapanisati JpjbNtyiDFu-00484-00386848-00387976 sutta and the sati patana sutta they do not spell out the word janna but if we read the anapanasati JpjbNtyiDFu-00485-00388112-00388712 the how we can make sure understand why where is the jhana state in them upon sati JpjbNtyiDFu-00486-00388792-00389176 so what what i can glean from this is is that where is it JpjbNtyiDFu-00487-00389648-00390176 breathing in long here in the sun i breathed in long breathing out long he understand i breathe JpjbNtyiDFu-00488-00390176-00390952 out long and he trains us i shall breathe out experience the whole body i shall breathe in JpjbNtyiDFu-00489-00390952-00391488 experience the whole body he trains that i shall breathe in tranquilizing the bodily formation JpjbNtyiDFu-00490-00391560-00391896 he trains thus i shall breathe out tranquilizing the bodily formation JpjbNtyiDFu-00491-00391952-00392744 so it is calming the body the the verbal formations so i talked about this the sankharas is JpjbNtyiDFu-00492-00392744-00393296 stealing of the formation buddha is talking about the stealing on the formation here then then in JpjbNtyiDFu-00493-00393296-00393904 the next step of the panasonic he says he trains thus i shall breathe in experiencing rapture JpjbNtyiDFu-00494-00393992-00394632 he trains thus i shall breathe out experiencing rapture so rapture is what is rapture rapture is JpjbNtyiDFu-00495-00394632-00395192 the first jhana everybody knows that and then he says that he trains that i shall breathe in JpjbNtyiDFu-00496-00395192-00395720 experiencing pleasure he trains that i shall breathe out experiencing pleasure so pleasure is JpjbNtyiDFu-00497-00395800-00396296 first sana and second jana where we experience rapture that some sort of excited kind of joy JpjbNtyiDFu-00498-00396368-00396976 and then we have got the experience of pleasure the third genre is the experience of pleasure so JpjbNtyiDFu-00499-00396976-00397616 the that's clearly i mean this is this is this is the point we need to be a bit more investigative JpjbNtyiDFu-00500-00397616-00398224 when reading the suta we need to cross reference different sutas then we can understand what the JpjbNtyiDFu-00501-00398224-00398848 buddha is saying i mean he cannot just spell all those things all together and make a JpjbNtyiDFu-00502-00398912-00399944 what we call the uh muddy puddle i mean he cannot just bring out he can bring janas in his win when JpjbNtyiDFu-00503-00399944-00400680 jonas are being investigated when mindfulness is being investigated he clearly needs to spell JpjbNtyiDFu-00504-00400680-00401256 out mindfulness not to highlight the jhanas that's what the anupana satya sutra is doing is JpjbNtyiDFu-00505-00401360-00402280 he is giving the importance to the mindfulness aspect and do you need to be mindful of janas JpjbNtyiDFu-00506-00402280-00403216 as well you do not speak janna as the as being some sort of a very uh big uh big deal so what JpjbNtyiDFu-00507-00403216-00403864 the buddha is saying is that you practice your mindfulness your mindfulness of anapanasati and JpjbNtyiDFu-00508-00403968-00404456 during the spread during that process you will see this rapture you will see this happiness JpjbNtyiDFu-00509-00404456-00405112 you will see this pleasure just be mindful you you know you are experiencing dig and let go JpjbNtyiDFu-00510-00405112-00405816 and continue that's what buddha is saying and anapanasati sutra and by the way this anapana JpjbNtyiDFu-00511-00405880-00406632 sati is anapana is this is a word that is a combination of two words anna is JpjbNtyiDFu-00512-00406696-00407344 anna in in in in pali or in nepali or indi ana means is to come in JpjbNtyiDFu-00513-00407456-00408304 and anna apana means to go out so anna means to come in upana is to go out so what is coming JpjbNtyiDFu-00514-00408304-00408888 and going is obviously breathing breathing is one one thing that is coming and going JpjbNtyiDFu-00515-00408968-00409552 but there is much more to that is anapanasati is mindfulness of what is coming and going JpjbNtyiDFu-00516-00409639-00410688 this is the this is the uh very very uh loaded word and upana is so one can be superficial and JpjbNtyiDFu-00517-00410688-00411392 just equate anapana to inbreeding out on our breeding but this anapanas is JpjbNtyiDFu-00518-00411392-00412064 much more than just inbreeding and outbreathing it has got the element of all the hindrances it JpjbNtyiDFu-00519-00412064-00412847 has all elements of all the joy and happiness of the janas they all come and go this is the reality JpjbNtyiDFu-00520-00412847-00413616 of the phenomena and this is this is the this is the buddha's core teaching is that anything in our JpjbNtyiDFu-00521-00413616-00414584 awareness they come and go and this is the the the experience of um what we call this is this is that JpjbNtyiDFu-00522-00414776-00415247 whatever the things that have got nature of arising they have the nature of seizing JpjbNtyiDFu-00523-00415247-00416088 we see that whoever sees zana sees that nature so one can enter the stream by just JpjbNtyiDFu-00524-00416088-00416720 understanding this fact is that while in the jhana you understand that those things arise and those JpjbNtyiDFu-00525-00416720-00417384 things cease what about the feeling whatever the hindrances whatever the joy and happiness of jhana JpjbNtyiDFu-00526-00417384-00418135 whatever the the mental formations they come and go these are all arising and in in the constant JpjbNtyiDFu-00527-00418135-00418920 arising and seizing state so watching this being mindfulness mindful of this is the anapanasati JpjbNtyiDFu-00528-00418920-00419720 sutra is the core of this sutra is that you need to be mindful of this phenomena or what JpjbNtyiDFu-00529-00419720-00420543 we call in the pali gamma mindfulness we call it mindfulness of all these incoming and outgoing JpjbNtyiDFu-00530-00420704-00421520 and in satipana in saudi pathana sutra these phenomena the feelings perception all these sort JpjbNtyiDFu-00531-00421520-00422272 of they are categorized into four categories and the last category is the manufacturer JpjbNtyiDFu-00532-00422272-00423152 the mindfulness of phenomena or mindfulness of dharma so dhamma is anything that is of JpjbNtyiDFu-00533-00423272-00424064 arising and seizing nature so it can be the hindrances it can be suffering it can be happiness JpjbNtyiDFu-00534-00424120-00424720 it can be the formal truth it can be the links of dependent origination JpjbNtyiDFu-00535-00424784-00425328 all these are phenomena and all these phenomena have got a nature of incoming JpjbNtyiDFu-00536-00425328-00426288 arising and outgoing they will come and they will go and an abundance means to be vigilant to be JpjbNtyiDFu-00537-00426288-00427120 aware of all these phenomena coming and going how can i say that i mean what is the anapanasati JpjbNtyiDFu-00538-00427120-00427992 sutra i mean there is this in summit indicate there is a whole section with around 38 suitors JpjbNtyiDFu-00539-00428056-00429047 on annapurna sati uh sati yeah and this anapanasati that he talks about is is there is a JpjbNtyiDFu-00540-00429264-00430376 there we can find all the different uh things that he talks about this anapana and there is a suta JpjbNtyiDFu-00541-00430376-00431128 where buddha says that you focus on breeding and outbreaking and you you you let go of your um JpjbNtyiDFu-00542-00431304-00431912 all these sort of past and present worries and you calm your mind and that's how JpjbNtyiDFu-00543-00432039-00432839 how the some uh some people say they do anapanasat and panasati and buddha corrects him and he JpjbNtyiDFu-00544-00432839-00433600 he says that's not precise i understand that is anapana but to understand how the anapana is JpjbNtyiDFu-00545-00433656-00434335 completely fulfilled this is how you do and he repeats all the step of you know experiencing JpjbNtyiDFu-00546-00434335-00434912 the mind and tranquilizing the mind all the formations the rapture pleasure happiness JpjbNtyiDFu-00547-00434912-00435584 and all this and he goes through all the full steps of all the jhanas i mean embedded in that JpjbNtyiDFu-00548-00435656-00436488 uh in a you know in those feelings and that's how the anapanasat anna panasati is fulfilled JpjbNtyiDFu-00549-00436488-00437512 in detail it's in samit nikaya and the there is a section on an apana city and as the clarifies JpjbNtyiDFu-00550-00437512-00438256 that what is an anapanasati in a very clear way is that this is not just a breeding and outbreaking JpjbNtyiDFu-00551-00438256-00438952 and sort of it's it's not there's a complete and upon asati is is is utmost it is the the most JpjbNtyiDFu-00552-00439096-00439568 uh the advanced state of meditation that buddha is subscribing to i mean JpjbNtyiDFu-00553-00439735-00440664 i i did quite a bit of research and i do see his point is that he says that JpjbNtyiDFu-00554-00440752-00441743 anapanasati is the practice until you reach the cessation and you you you and buddha says that JpjbNtyiDFu-00555-00441904-00442424 you you you reach near you you reach the jhanas you you come you you you cross the JpjbNtyiDFu-00556-00442424-00442935 fourth china you go to infinite space you go to infinite consciousness then go to nothingness JpjbNtyiDFu-00557-00443008-00443768 neither perception non perception you carry an apanasati all the way to the needs perception nor JpjbNtyiDFu-00558-00443768-00444520 non perception and an apanasati will lead you to the cessation of persistent feeling and that's how JpjbNtyiDFu-00559-00444520-00445128 you become and when you come out of that then you become fully you your tense are destroyed JpjbNtyiDFu-00560-00445128-00445920 so buddha is saying is that your ultimate tool to nibana to to to explain the supreme liberation JpjbNtyiDFu-00561-00446047-00446424 is the anapanasati yeah anapanasati is the highest JpjbNtyiDFu-00562-00446496-00447168 the the utmost tool to lead to the ultimate goal of buddha yeah buddha's teaching JpjbNtyiDFu-00563-00447312-00447872 so in that in that sense that you know the the practice of brahma bihar or the meta JpjbNtyiDFu-00564-00447992-00448704 they are they will take you somewhere in the middle so i do not need to tell you uh what this JpjbNtyiDFu-00565-00448704-00449384 is we all know brahma bihar released us off to the point of nothingness then we have to JpjbNtyiDFu-00566-00449384-00450135 let go of mehta or the four brahma biharas yeah so after that what is left is we do JpjbNtyiDFu-00567-00450135-00450984 still carry anapanisati in our meditation so anapanasati is to just absorb those subtlest JpjbNtyiDFu-00568-00451200-00451968 part of the mind is and after letting them go completely then we arrive at this through JpjbNtyiDFu-00569-00451968-00452743 liberation so this is uh how i understand this is my understanding of jhana how they are related JpjbNtyiDFu-00570-00452808-00453520 with the practice of liberation in the buddha's teachings what is our ultimate goal what what are JpjbNtyiDFu-00571-00453520-00454384 the ways to experience janas yeah and what the jana's that buddha is talking about is JpjbNtyiDFu-00572-00454543-00455320 so fluctuating it is a dynamic it is a it is a very very kind of a dynamic state it's a JpjbNtyiDFu-00573-00455320-00456096 real state with many uh kind of things moving so it's kind of people do not like the concept of JpjbNtyiDFu-00574-00456200-00457232 uh they don't like they like being disturbed or they do not like things to move but the reality is JpjbNtyiDFu-00575-00457232-00457984 everything is on the move there is nothing we can do to stop them all we can do is to let them be JpjbNtyiDFu-00576-00458064-00458839 and we do our practice of not to focus on those and put our attention on those JpjbNtyiDFu-00577-00458839-00459439 those sort of things that are constantly arising and passing there they will try to grab their JpjbNtyiDFu-00578-00459439-00460288 attention but our our objective or our practice is always to let them be let them go just relax JpjbNtyiDFu-00579-00460288-00461064 calm our mind and straighten our mind so that's how we come about to the experience of nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00580-00461176-00462176 by stealing of all the formations by relinquishing of all the acquisitions by destroying the by the JpjbNtyiDFu-00581-00462176-00462976 destruction of craving then coming to the arriving to the state of dispassion then to the state of JpjbNtyiDFu-00582-00462976-00463832 cessation and then to ultimately to the state of nirvana where the process of nibbana is just just JpjbNtyiDFu-00583-00463920-00464488 it's a process of letting go there is nothing else you let go and let go and let go and let go and JpjbNtyiDFu-00584-00464488-00465384 that's it yeah so there is no such a palace or of uh some sort of heavenly existence called nibana JpjbNtyiDFu-00585-00465447-00466439 it just is emptying the the mind of anything that will exert any influence and that will try to JpjbNtyiDFu-00586-00466672-00467392 deviate the mind i mean we just need to arrive at this state of complete stillness complete JpjbNtyiDFu-00587-00467456-00468784 absence of any tendencies to like or dislike destruction of craving and emptiness thank you JpQOku8jUtE-00000-00002000-00002200 Playn you goin' crazy! JRivZRbk3Xy-00000-00000148-00000596 Google G Suite and Microsoft Office integration. JRivZRbk3Xy-00001-00000596-00000722 Moodle's integration with JRivZRbk3Xy-00002-00000724-00000964 Google G Suite and Microsoft Office JRivZRbk3Xy-00003-00000994-00001228 means easier, faster access to all the JRivZRbk3Xy-00004-00001228-00001498 tools teachers and students need, and the JRivZRbk3Xy-00005-00001498-00001710 ability to open documents from other JRivZRbk3Xy-00006-00001712-00002007 systems while on your Moodle site. JRivZRbk3Xy-00007-00002060-00002302 An administrator does the one-time setup JRivZRbk3Xy-00008-00002348-00002692 from the OAuth 2 services link in site administration. JRivZRbk3Xy-00009-00002800-00002954 Here, our admin is JRivZRbk3Xy-00010-00002955-00003182 creating a new Microsoft service and JRivZRbk3Xy-00011-00003182-00003327 when she's finished JRivZRbk3Xy-00012-00003327-00003556 she enables OAuth 2 in the JRivZRbk3Xy-00013-00003556-00003782 manage authentication screen. JRivZRbk3Xy-00014-00004270-00004556 You may or may not want to prevent JRivZRbk3Xy-00015-00004556-00004832 account creation when authenticating. JRivZRbk3Xy-00016-00004898-00005174 Our admin has left this enabled, so a new JRivZRbk3Xy-00017-00005186-00005430 user can create an account by signing up JRivZRbk3Xy-00018-00005442-00005536 with Microsoft. JRivZRbk3Xy-00019-00005578-00005778 Let's look at that now: JRivZRbk3Xy-00020-00005864-00006134 This student sees an option to log in JRivZRbk3Xy-00021-00006135-00006453 using your account on Microsoft and once JRivZRbk3Xy-00022-00006453-00006664 he's done that, he receives an email JRivZRbk3Xy-00023-00006666-00006914 asking him to confirm his account. JRivZRbk3Xy-00024-00006962-00007259 He clicks the link and he's now in Moodle JRivZRbk3Xy-00025-00007456-00007740 and if you have an existing account, you JRivZRbk3Xy-00026-00007741-00007963 can link your Microsoft or Google Suite JRivZRbk3Xy-00027-00007963-00008159 account from your preferences screen. JRivZRbk3Xy-00028-00008206-00008412 As our teacher is doing here. JRivZRbk3Xy-00029-00008656-00008820 And if the administrator connects a JRivZRbk3Xy-00030-00008822-00009088 system account such as with Google, JRivZRbk3Xy-00031-00009302-00009521 and then links the Google Drive or with the JRivZRbk3Xy-00032-00009521-00009754 Microsoft One Drive repository. JRivZRbk3Xy-00033-00009754-00010046 Assignments submitted by students may be JRivZRbk3Xy-00034-00010046-00010340 sent as controlled links, allowing them JRivZRbk3Xy-00035-00010340-00010550 to be locked to students when graded by JRivZRbk3Xy-00036-00010550-00010757 the teacher. JRivZRbk3Xy-00037-00010757-00010996 Teachers can also add files JRivZRbk3Xy-00038-00011002-00011304 as access controlled links and embed them JRivZRbk3Xy-00039-00011332-00011466 Teachers can edit these files JRivZRbk3Xy-00040-00011466-00011692 but students can only view them. JRivZRbk3Xy-00041-00011866-00012364 To summarise: Integration with Google G-Suite and Microsoft Office JRivZRbk3Xy-00042-00012366-00012830 means easier, faster access to online tools. JUBK-6iUH2A-00000-00000392-00000700 So, Migena, this is so wonderful. JUBK-6iUH2A-00001-00000700-00001148 Thank you so much for saying yes and JUBK-6iUH2A-00002-00001151-00001600 being on this moment of explaining why JUBK-6iUH2A-00003-00001670-00001800 you were a part JUBK-6iUH2A-00004-00001880-00002300 of a book and why actually you are a Powerful She. JUBK-6iUH2A-00005-00002325-00002800 So tell us why would anyone want to be a part of a collaborative book with JUBK-6iUH2A-00006-00002800-00002900 other women? JUBK-6iUH2A-00007-00002905-00003255 Wow, thank you so much, Liza, for having JUBK-6iUH2A-00008-00003258-00003600 me and for such a wonderful question. JUBK-6iUH2A-00009-00003600-00004400 When you hear the words "powerful", she, collaboration, one cannot help but JUBK-6iUH2A-00010-00004400-00004900 feel already transport it into that magical next level. JUBK-6iUH2A-00011-00004900-00005600 And when I heard about your amazing book project, collaboration with other JUBK-6iUH2A-00012-00005600-00005700 powerful women JUBK-6iUH2A-00013-00005725-00006101 from, I would say, all over the world, JUBK-6iUH2A-00014-00006102-00006500 this is open to our entire planet Earth. JUBK-6iUH2A-00015-00006500-00006900 And the beauty is only a few gets to be a part of it. JUBK-6iUH2A-00016-00006940-00007500 So I've always been that curious person that wanted to be a part of not just JUBK-6iUH2A-00017-00007500-00007800 one thing, but many things. JUBK-6iUH2A-00018-00007800-00008300 And I do know for a fact that I am a powerful she. JUBK-6iUH2A-00019-00008300-00008657 I was raised with that love for my mother, JUBK-6iUH2A-00020-00008658-00009000 always making sure that I had a voice in JUBK-6iUH2A-00021-00009025-00009300 the room, a seat at the table. JUBK-6iUH2A-00022-00009300-00009574 Even when everything that I said wasn't JUBK-6iUH2A-00023-00009575-00010000 necessarily the right thing to say, it made me a better person. JUBK-6iUH2A-00024-00010000-00010200 I am my number one biggest fan. JUBK-6iUH2A-00025-00010230-00010500 I show up for myself on a daily basis. JUBK-6iUH2A-00026-00010520-00010900 And as a result, I want to show up for other amazing women so I can continue JUBK-6iUH2A-00027-00010900-00011500 to be great and let them know how honored I am to be part of their world. JUBK-6iUH2A-00028-00011500-00011830 So even when I'm not invited, I knock JUBK-6iUH2A-00029-00011832-00012200 on that door on that window on that zoom. JUBK-6iUH2A-00030-00012265-00012500 Hey, I would like to be a part of you. Why? JUBK-6iUH2A-00031-00012500-00013100 Because I do know that all women around the globe make the world go around. JUBK-6iUH2A-00032-00013100-00013500 And when we're speaking about our collaboration with 20 plus women, I want JUBK-6iUH2A-00033-00013500-00013836 to be one of the 25 that's participating JUBK-6iUH2A-00034-00013837-00014200 versus one of the seven billion that isn't. JUBK-6iUH2A-00035-00014200-00014488 Because this is honoring my ancestors, my JUBK-6iUH2A-00036-00014489-00014800 mother sacrifices, my family sacrifices, and JUBK-6iUH2A-00037-00014800-00015300 it's a way for me to give back to the world today and for eternity. JUBK-6iUH2A-00038-00015300-00015578 Because when you are part of the book, you JUBK-6iUH2A-00039-00015580-00015900 don't see yourself as the author of your life. JUBK-6iUH2A-00040-00015900-00016200 You see yourself as the author for the world. JUBK-6iUH2A-00041-00016200-00016700 We are inspiring one person at a time and we have very low expectations, JUBK-6iUH2A-00042-00016700-00016900 super high standards. JUBK-6iUH2A-00043-00016900-00017300 Because when we walk into this book space, we walk with our self with the JUBK-6iUH2A-00044-00017300-00017400 most important. JUBK-6iUH2A-00045-00017435-00017669 person and the idea is to walk out together JUBK-6iUH2A-00046-00017670-00018100 with others and never lose our self in the process. I am a better person. JUBK-6iUH2A-00047-00018100-00018600 I am a strong resource because of who's surrounding my environment, the JUBK-6iUH2A-00048-00018600-00019300 environment that we create. JUBK-6iUH2A-00049-00019300-00019700 So for Liza to create such a beautiful environment, the botanical garden JUBK-6iUH2A-00050-00019700-00020200 with different flowers, I want to plant myself in that garden. JUBK-6iUH2A-00051-00020275-00020440 And whoever is listening to this message, JUBK-6iUH2A-00052-00020442-00020600 I highly encourage you that if you're JUBK-6iUH2A-00053-00020620-00020946 not part of volume one, connect with JUBK-6iUH2A-00054-00020947-00021300 Liza because there's so many more projects. JUBK-6iUH2A-00055-00021300-00021700 And the process better and better for the experiences with the other women JUBK-6iUH2A-00056-00021700-00022000 that are going to be part of this book. Thank you, Liza. JUBK-6iUH2A-00057-00022000-00022100 Thank you. JUBK-6iUH2A-00058-00022215-00022700 It's an honor for me to having you as part of the Powerful She. Thank you. JV22-xz_Uhk-00000-00000654-00001205 So, uh, first of all, you need to get Audacity. JV22-xz_Uhk-00001-00001205-00001850 You get Audacity and then you just open that up. JV22-xz_Uhk-00002-00001850-00002000 And then you just pick your song. JV22-xz_Uhk-00003-00002000-00002163 Here's Despacito. JV22-xz_Uhk-00004-00002163-00002418 Very good. JV22-xz_Uhk-00005-00002418-00003614 [normal Despacito plays] See, very Despacito-y. JV22-xz_Uhk-00006-00003614-00003961 Command-a, or control-a. JV22-xz_Uhk-00007-00003961-00004230 Then you go to Effect>Distortion. JV22-xz_Uhk-00008-00004230-00004468 What you wanna do is pick hard clipping. JV22-xz_Uhk-00009-00004468-00004598 Forty is a good number. JV22-xz_Uhk-00010-00004598-00004869 And then you click apply. JV22-xz_Uhk-00011-00004869-00005078 And then it makes it even better. JV22-xz_Uhk-00012-00005078-00007034 [super loud, distorted Despacito plays] See, perfect! [super loud, distorted Viola Gang JV22-xz_Uhk-00013-00007034-00007304 plays] What the heck was that? JV22-xz_Uhk-00014-00007304-00007888 If you liked it, leave a like and leave a subscribe and share it with all your family. JV22-xz_Uhk-00015-00007888-00008351 If you don't like it, then... just... don't watch it. JV22-xz_Uhk-00016-00008351-00011265 [epic recorder version of All Star plays over credits] JVCQasT3TbY-00000-00000533-00000804 At Balanced View JVCQasT3TbY-00001-00000807-00001197 is a simple training and offering JVCQasT3TbY-00002-00001199-00001896 for humanity to understand and directly recognize the true nature of reality. JVCQasT3TbY-00003-00001896-00002388 You see, now even that sounds like, “What are you talking about?” JVCQasT3TbY-00004-00002388-00002849 So, this is what the importance of what we call the Four Mainstays JVCQasT3TbY-00005-00002849-00003175 in the Balanced View Training, which is the support structure. JVCQasT3TbY-00006-00003175-00003451 So, the Four Mainstays are the practice of JVCQasT3TbY-00007-00003451-00003711 the only real practice of Balanced View JVCQasT3TbY-00008-00003711-00004022 which is to recognize open intelligence JVCQasT3TbY-00009-00004022-00004680 for short moments, repeated many times until it becomes continuous. JVCQasT3TbY-00010-00004680-00004938 And JVCQasT3TbY-00011-00004940-00005296 in order to do that you need to know what open intelligence is. JVCQasT3TbY-00012-00005298-00005761 So, I was a seeker for over, almost twenty years. JVCQasT3TbY-00013-00005761-00005971 And I never knew what I was looking for. JVCQasT3TbY-00014-00005971-00006534 I had words to describe what I was looking for. God, oneness, unity, bliss. JVCQasT3TbY-00015-00006534-00006971 Lots of other foreign words that really don't make any sense to me as an English man. JVCQasT3TbY-00016-00006974-00007165 I don't actually know what it is. JVCQasT3TbY-00017-00007167-00007690 I might as well be looking for, like I said the other day, a little invisible goblin. JVCQasT3TbY-00018-00007690-00008201 You know that’s, it's to search for something that you don't know JVCQasT3TbY-00019-00008201-00008461 what it is, is just futile. JVCQasT3TbY-00020-00008465-00008747 And so in this Training, right from the beginning JVCQasT3TbY-00021-00008747-00009071 right from the first Open Meeting and we are going to do this right now JVCQasT3TbY-00022-00009071-00009383 if this is your first or your tenth thousandth Open Meeting, JVCQasT3TbY-00023-00009383-00009783 we are going to together identify open intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00024-00009783-00010079 Are you ready? JVCQasT3TbY-00025-00010079-00010488 It's not very exciting. But JVCQasT3TbY-00026-00010488-00010777 if you stop thinking right now JVCQasT3TbY-00027-00010777-00011183 just stop the train of thought or the descriptions JVCQasT3TbY-00028-00011183-00011477 for the briefest moment, what remains in your experience? JVCQasT3TbY-00029-00011477-00011702 And you can keep doing that, just stop thinking. JVCQasT3TbY-00030-00011702-00011957 Then a thought comes back, then just stop thinking. JVCQasT3TbY-00031-00011959-00012505 Now in your experience, what's there? JVCQasT3TbY-00032-00012508-00012937 There’s an alertness, an openness, a clarity. JVCQasT3TbY-00033-00012937-00013365 It doesn't matter how you describe it, there’s still something in your experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00034-00013365-00013652 Now we call this open intelligence in the Balanced View Training. JVCQasT3TbY-00035-00013652-00013905 You're free to call it whatever you like. JVCQasT3TbY-00036-00013907-00014380 But this innate quality is the same for every human being on the planet. JVCQasT3TbY-00037-00014380-00014716 Everyone has it, so if this is your first Open Meeting JVCQasT3TbY-00038-00014718-00015030 congratulations, you've hit the jackpot. JVCQasT3TbY-00039-00015030-00015509 You're black belt, tenth band, well done! JVCQasT3TbY-00040-00015510-00016000 And all you need to do is recognize that whenever you remember. JVCQasT3TbY-00041-00016149-00016335 And it’s as simple as JVCQasT3TbY-00042-00016336-00016695 especially in the beginning, just stop thinking whenever you remember. JVCQasT3TbY-00043-00016695-00017160 Now it’s important to emphasize that stopping thinking is not the practice JVCQasT3TbY-00044-00017160-00017491 because it’s impossible to stop thinking. JVCQasT3TbY-00045-00017491-00017989 The reason we say stop thinking is just so that you identify open intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00046-00017989-00018126 And what you'll see is JVCQasT3TbY-00047-00018126-00018548 that innate quality about you is present whether you are thinking or not. JVCQasT3TbY-00048-00018548-00018814 And as you continue to rely on short moments JVCQasT3TbY-00049-00018814-00019101 you will not be able to differentiate between JVCQasT3TbY-00050-00019101-00019266 what we call the data JVCQasT3TbY-00051-00019266-00019680 which is thoughts, emotions, circumstances and sensations. JVCQasT3TbY-00052-00019680-00019963 You will not be able to differentiate between JVCQasT3TbY-00053-00019963-00020233 the data and the open intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00054-00020233-00020825 And this is because data and open intelligence are a unified expanse. JVCQasT3TbY-00055-00020825-00021213 Just like reflections in a mirror are inseparable. JVCQasT3TbY-00056-00021213-00021564 And so, this is the practice of the Balanced View Training. JVCQasT3TbY-00057-00021564-00021925 And the power of that instruction of short moments JVCQasT3TbY-00058-00021925-00022411 and for me the key part of that instruction is 'repeated many times.' JVCQasT3TbY-00059-00022411-00022739 So, it’s not about recognizing open intelligence JVCQasT3TbY-00060-00022739-00023045 and then recognizing open intelligence for an hour. JVCQasT3TbY-00061-00023045-00023192 Like keeping it there. JVCQasT3TbY-00062-00023192-00023772 It’s literally just acknowledging that it is present and then that acknowledgment vanishes. JVCQasT3TbY-00063-00023772-00024145 Then the thoughts will start, then you'll start getting lost in the thinking. JVCQasT3TbY-00064-00024145-00024385 But, then you'll remember JVCQasT3TbY-00065-00024385-00024634 “Oh wow, I have got a choice. I can relax JVCQasT3TbY-00066-00024634-00024936 and acknowledge open intelligence or not.” JVCQasT3TbY-00067-00024936-00025362 Now, that is the great simplicity of what it means to be a human being. JVCQasT3TbY-00068-00025362-00025543 And we haven't learnt that. JVCQasT3TbY-00069-00025543-00025858 We’ve learnt that life is very, very complicated. JVCQasT3TbY-00070-00025856-00026262 We have billons of thoughts every, if you are like me every minute JVCQasT3TbY-00071-00026264-00026914 that need constant management and rearranging in order to feel ok. JVCQasT3TbY-00072-00026914-00027363 And this is totally exhausting and totally unnecessary. JVCQasT3TbY-00073-00027363-00027524 Now in England we have these magicians JVCQasT3TbY-00074-00027595-00028032 they practice spinning plates on sticks. JVCQasT3TbY-00075-00028032-00028361 I don't know if you have this in, is it common in the world? JVCQasT3TbY-00076-00028361-00028827 Like, you have a stick and they put a plate on it and it spins and it just stays there. JVCQasT3TbY-00077-00028827-00029037 But they have about forty plates JVCQasT3TbY-00078-00029037-00029234 and they have to keep running around spinning them JVCQasT3TbY-00079-00029235-00029559 because if they don't they'll all fall down and smash. JVCQasT3TbY-00080-00029561-00030002 And this is what it’s like to try and manage data. It’s like a fantastic JVCQasT3TbY-00081-00030002-00030548 really incredible but ultimately futile trick. JVCQasT3TbY-00082-00030548-00031007 You know, how many plates can you keep spinning at the same time JVCQasT3TbY-00083-00031007-00031408 before they all come crashing down? JVCQasT3TbY-00084-00031408-00031552 Now everyone here knows that. JVCQasT3TbY-00085-00031552-00032008 You know that it is impossible to find wellbeing in your life JVCQasT3TbY-00086-00032008-00032351 by rearranging and modifying data. Now I am not saying that JVCQasT3TbY-00087-00032351-00032669 in doing so you don't experience relief JVCQasT3TbY-00088-00032669-00032881 temporary relief or maybe a lot of relief JVCQasT3TbY-00089-00032881-00033424 but the point is, as a human being, that sets the bar so low. JVCQasT3TbY-00090-00033424-00033767 Relief, suffering, relief, suffering, relief, suffering. JVCQasT3TbY-00091-00033767-00034018 If that’s your experience JVCQasT3TbY-00092-00034020-00034340 then you can't help but see this in other people. JVCQasT3TbY-00093-00034342-00034741 And we are so loving and compassionate as human beings JVCQasT3TbY-00094-00034741-00035170 we want to help people. Well, we want to help ourselves first and foremost JVCQasT3TbY-00095-00035171-00035381 to feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00096-00035381-00035709 That is the motivation of every human being on the planet. JVCQasT3TbY-00097-00035709-00035984 And it doesn't matter whether they're a mass murderer or JVCQasT3TbY-00098-00035986-00036232 the greatest saint that’s ever walked the planet. JVCQasT3TbY-00099-00036232-00036724 The motivation of a mass murderer is to experience relief. JVCQasT3TbY-00100-00036724-00037005 And it’s just become so perverse JVCQasT3TbY-00101-00037005-00037277 the belief in the independent nature of data JVCQasT3TbY-00102-00037277-00037684 that the only way these people can experience relief is by killing other people JVCQasT3TbY-00103-00037684-00038059 Now, I am not condoning that in anyway but you understand what I am saying. JVCQasT3TbY-00104-00038059-00038541 The motivation for every human being isn't to feel worse. JVCQasT3TbY-00105-00038541-00039155 Even the most insane person on the planet isn't doing what they are doing to feel worse. JVCQasT3TbY-00106-00039155-00039403 And so, this is what we start to see JVCQasT3TbY-00107-00039403-00039755 when we start to rely on open intelligence the great JVCQasT3TbY-00108-00039757-00040168 unnecessary suffering we have put ourselves through JVCQasT3TbY-00109-00040168-00040788 in doing the best we can with tools that quiet frankly are inadequate at best. JVCQasT3TbY-00110-00040788-00041283 So, the way we approach our lives as human beings has not changed for thousands of years JVCQasT3TbY-00111-00041283-00041825 despite our tremendous advances in technology and thinking, conventional thinking. JVCQasT3TbY-00112-00041827-00041981 The way we use our mind JVCQasT3TbY-00113-00041981-00042537 in order to receive and experience relief has not changed since we were cave men. JVCQasT3TbY-00114-00042537-00042861 And that basic mechanism is that JVCQasT3TbY-00115-00042861-00043435 I am not okay now, at some point in the future I will be okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00116-00043435-00043709 That hasn't changed. JVCQasT3TbY-00117-00043709-00044178 And this is the motivation and drive of conventional intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00118-00044178-00044637 And it doesn't matter how refined it is and it doesn't really matter how spiritual it is. JVCQasT3TbY-00119-00044637-00044814 Now I can only share my own experience JVCQasT3TbY-00120-00044814-00045474 but all of the spiritual practices I was involved in prior to this Training JVCQasT3TbY-00121-00045474-00045896 had that mechanism at their basis. That's how I used them. JVCQasT3TbY-00122-00045896-00046385 If I practice, at some point in the future I will feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00123-00046385-00046795 And that was no different to me trying to earn more money in order to feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00124-00046795-00047061 Or to have more sex in order to feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00125-00047061-00047382 Or to have less sex in order to feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00126-00047382-00048023 You know, I’ve got a list so long of things I tried to do, or to not do JVCQasT3TbY-00127-00048023-00048430 in order to modify the flow of data and it didn't do anything. JVCQasT3TbY-00128-00048430-00048943 It really didn't. And this is because the nature of reality, this amazing display JVCQasT3TbY-00129-00048943-00049314 is countless, ceaseless and unpredictable. JVCQasT3TbY-00130-00049314-00049626 You have no idea what the next thought is going to be. JVCQasT3TbY-00131-00049725-00050145 Okay, so did any of you think that I was gonna to say that? JVCQasT3TbY-00132-00050145-00050366 Did you know that that was going to happen? JVCQasT3TbY-00133-00050366-00050847 There are some people here that did know it was going to happen probably. JVCQasT3TbY-00134-00050847-00051451 But the point is, is that you have no idea what the next thought is going to be JVCQasT3TbY-00135-00051451-00051870 what the next circumstance is going to be. JVCQasT3TbY-00136-00051870-00052181 Candice used to say JVCQasT3TbY-00137-00052182-00052493 when I first came to the Open Meetings, she said JVCQasT3TbY-00138-00052496-00052872 “What would happen if all of your money disappeared?” JVCQasT3TbY-00139-00052872-00053273 You had no money? And everyone would just go, “Ah, huh huh huh huh ha.” JVCQasT3TbY-00140-00053273-00053605 And then what happened? About three years ago JVCQasT3TbY-00141-00053608-00053833 hundreds of thousands of people lost JVCQasT3TbY-00142-00053834-00054197 all of their money, all of their investments, just gone. JVCQasT3TbY-00143-00054200-00054596 No recourse whatsoever to getting that money back. JVCQasT3TbY-00144-00054596-00054879 There is no security in life JVCQasT3TbY-00145-00054879-00055249 other than the basic state, which is open intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00146-00055249-00055696 And I don't mean to scare you or anything, but it’s vitally important JVCQasT3TbY-00147-00055696-00056129 that you start to familiarize yourself with JVCQasT3TbY-00148-00056130-00056428 that about you which is totally stable JVCQasT3TbY-00149-00056430-00056866 which is totally available in all circumstances. JVCQasT3TbY-00150-00056866-00057158 And the miraculous thing that happened for me JVCQasT3TbY-00151-00057158-00057564 as a recognition, was that it was my life JVCQasT3TbY-00152-00057564-00057916 that was evidence of this perfection. It was my life JVCQasT3TbY-00153-00057916-00058279 that provided me with the perfect opportunities JVCQasT3TbY-00154-00058279-00058641 to practice this practice of short moments. JVCQasT3TbY-00155-00058641-00059086 So, things that I tried to modify for my entire life like depression, anxiety JVCQasT3TbY-00156-00059086-00059513 panic attacks, being over weight JVCQasT3TbY-00157-00059515-00059826 see, that’s still going on. JVCQasT3TbY-00158-00059828-00060376 These are things that I was convinced needed to change in order for me to feel okay. JVCQasT3TbY-00159-00060379-00060813 But when I started to apply this simple instruction of short moments I saw JVCQasT3TbY-00160-00060813-00061088 that it was my enormous stomach JVCQasT3TbY-00161-00061088-00061523 that was reminding me to recognize open intelligence. Wow! JVCQasT3TbY-00162-00061523-00061937 You know, and I don't want to leave too much to the imagination but JVCQasT3TbY-00163-00061937-00062167 bowing down to my stomach in front of the mirror JVCQasT3TbY-00164-00062168-00062469 is something that I’d never done before. JVCQasT3TbY-00165-00062470-00063060 You know, I was convinced that my body type was the source of all of my misery. JVCQasT3TbY-00166-00063061-00063485 And it’s not, it’s the source of complete exhalation. JVCQasT3TbY-00167-00063485-00063977 And this is what is on offer here, so in the talk today you heard Candice saying JVCQasT3TbY-00168-00063977-00064200 “Nothing needs to change about you. JVCQasT3TbY-00169-00064200-00064448 You are already perfect, you are already exalted.” JVCQasT3TbY-00170-00064448-00064948 And the only way you are going to see that, is if you let things be as they are. JVCQasT3TbY-00171-00064948-00065279 So, we don't comment on practices JVCQasT3TbY-00172-00065279-00065706 so for example, mindfulness training, I’ve never practiced that. JVCQasT3TbY-00173-00065706-00065927 The invitation is to test JVCQasT3TbY-00174-00065927-00066255 what's on offer here and see for yourself. Then you will know JVCQasT3TbY-00175-00066255-00066784 how this is different from any practice that you are involved in. So JVCQasT3TbY-00176-00066784-00067113 in the Balanced View Training, I mentioned we have the Four Mainstays, which is the JVCQasT3TbY-00177-00067113-00067561 four supports of the Training. So, the first one JVCQasT3TbY-00178-00067561-00067872 is the practice of short moments. JVCQasT3TbY-00179-00067872-00068160 And you can do that anywhere. JVCQasT3TbY-00180-00068164-00068599 The second Mainstay is the training. JVCQasT3TbY-00181-00068599-00069079 So, we have written trainings, there's thousands of hours of free media. JVCQasT3TbY-00182-00069079-00069467 There are amazing books JVCQasT3TbY-00183-00069467-00070010 for sale, but they are also free for download onto your iPad or whatever. JVCQasT3TbY-00184-00070010-00070409 Thousands of hours of talks and videos, all for free. JVCQasT3TbY-00185-00070411-00070673 Then we have meetings like this. JVCQasT3TbY-00186-00070675-00070885 And everything is geared again JVCQasT3TbY-00187-00070885-00071450 towards eliciting the direct experience of open intelligence in your experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00188-00071450-00072030 So, the written trainings are the poetry of open intelligence. JVCQasT3TbY-00189-00072034-00072622 Just reading them, copying them out, elicits the experience of open intelligence JVCQasT3TbY-00190-00072626-00073045 directly for yourself. And you don't have to believe what I’m saying, you can test this. JVCQasT3TbY-00191-00073049-00073396 So, you can test short moments, you can test JVCQasT3TbY-00192-00073397-00073724 utilizing the training and the media. JVCQasT3TbY-00193-00073726-00073920 One of my favourite JVCQasT3TbY-00194-00073921-00074330 supports still is to just listen to talks while I am going about my day. JVCQasT3TbY-00195-00074331-00074543 So powerful. JVCQasT3TbY-00196-00074545-00074749 And then here in Goa JVCQasT3TbY-00197-00074751-00075169 I would really, really from the heart recommend that you test out some of the JVCQasT3TbY-00198-00075171-00075349 written trainings. So, I know we have JVCQasT3TbY-00199-00075350-00075788 a one day introductory training coming up that you are very welcome to attend. JVCQasT3TbY-00200-00075789-00075957 And again JVCQasT3TbY-00201-00075957-00076230 this is something that you can test. JVCQasT3TbY-00202-00076233-00076715 So, the greatest scientific experiment and the greatest evidence you’re going to find JVCQasT3TbY-00203-00076716-00076941 of the efficacy of this Training JVCQasT3TbY-00204-00076941-00077273 is the laboratory of your own experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00205-00077273-00077824 So, you test it and see if it works. JVCQasT3TbY-00206-00077825-00078261 We could have like a billion books proving that this practice works JVCQasT3TbY-00207-00078261-00078530 but that’s just meaningless. JVCQasT3TbY-00208-00078530-00078730 It's meaningless unless it’s your experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00209-00078809-00079498 Because this practice is just, it's the shizzle as my nephew would say. JVCQasT3TbY-00210-00079498-00079960 Which means it’s very, very potent and awesome. JVCQasT3TbY-00211-00079961-00080391 But the only way you are gonna know this is if you test it in your own experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00212-00080391-00080935 So, my experience is I came to the first Open Meeting JVCQasT3TbY-00213-00080935-00081326 I didn't understand a single thing that was being said. JVCQasT3TbY-00214-00081326-00081642 The suggestion for me was to just keep coming back. JVCQasT3TbY-00215-00081642-00081876 So, I kept coming to the Open Meetings. JVCQasT3TbY-00216-00081876-00082076 Then I started to see in my own experience JVCQasT3TbY-00217-00082076-00082387 “Wow there is something about me that's just relaxed. JVCQasT3TbY-00218-00082387-00082647 And if I just simply notice that JVCQasT3TbY-00219-00082647-00083094 then my life gets better and I get to be quite a pleasant person.” JVCQasT3TbY-00220-00083094-00083327 I used to be so argumentative JVCQasT3TbY-00221-00083327-00083675 so sarcastic, so cynical JVCQasT3TbY-00222-00083677-00084012 just really a lot of work to be around. JVCQasT3TbY-00223-00084014-00084410 And the reason for that was because I couldn't find any wellbeing in my life JVCQasT3TbY-00224-00084410-00084851 and the only way I could get a tiny little piece of wellbeing was to drag people down JVCQasT3TbY-00225-00084851-00085080 into my pit of misery and despair. JVCQasT3TbY-00226-00085080-00085299 And I was really good at doing that. JVCQasT3TbY-00227-00085299-00085672 So, when I started to notice open intelligence JVCQasT3TbY-00228-00085672-00086160 you know, I didn't even call it that then it was just a niceness. JVCQasT3TbY-00229-00086160-00086449 It just felt good. And JVCQasT3TbY-00230-00086449-00086686 I could see it in my experience JVCQasT3TbY-00231-00086691-00087022 and no matter how I felt no matter what my circumstance was JVCQasT3TbY-00232-00087023-00087292 I could recognize open intelligence JVCQasT3TbY-00233-00087294-00087633 just for a brief moment. And so I thought, well if this works JVCQasT3TbY-00234-00087633-00088043 just showing up, then how about doing some trainings? JVCQasT3TbY-00235-00088043-00088447 And I started doing trainings and I felt even better and it was like, “Ahh JVCQasT3TbY-00236-00088447-00088824 what else can I do? This is really quite awesome.” JVCQasT3TbY-00237-00088824-00089083 Then I started to serve. JVCQasT3TbY-00238-00089083-00089386 Now I hate doing things for other people. JVCQasT3TbY-00239-00089386-00090133 And I’m inherently and majestically selfish and JVCQasT3TbY-00240-00090133-00090397 but then the most extraordinary thing happened. JVCQasT3TbY-00241-00090397-00090749 The more I served others, the better I felt. JVCQasT3TbY-00242-00090749-00091099 It was like, “Wow, this is, I can think about this. JVCQasT3TbY-00243-00091099-00091387 You know, the more I serve others the better I feel JVCQasT3TbY-00244-00091387-00091597 wow that is great, it's all about me. JVCQasT3TbY-00245-00091597-00091949 I feel better but then I am doing all of this stuff for other people.” JVCQasT3TbY-00246-00091949-00092103 But you see then the penny dropped JVCQasT3TbY-00247-00092104-00092501 and it took about six months for that to happen of continuous service. JVCQasT3TbY-00248-00092501-00092768 It was like, “Wow! This is my true nature." JVCQasT3TbY-00249-00092768-00093055 It doesn't matter how I label that great energy JVCQasT3TbY-00250-00093055-00093388 I just happen to label it selfishness. JVCQasT3TbY-00251-00093388-00093938 It’s inseparable from the beating heart, the heart essence of the entire universe. JVCQasT3TbY-00252-00093995-00094225 And what you start to see is that JVCQasT3TbY-00253-00094225-00094681 that exaltation that you might have only noticed in certain places is happening JVCQasT3TbY-00254-00094681-00095086 all of the time and it's inseparable from every single experience. JVCQasT3TbY-00255-00095086-00095453 And it’s especially inseparable from what you don't like about yourself JVCQasT3TbY-00256-00095453-00095771 and what you have been trying to modify for your entire life. JVCQasT3TbY-00257-00095771-00096199 So from the heart, please stop and just test JVCQasT3TbY-00258-00096199-00096578 what's being offered here, just for a week and see what happens. JVCQasT3TbY-00259-00096578-00097091 It’s just, you know, it’s time to stop treating yourself like you're some sort of JVCQasT3TbY-00260-00097093-00097538 commandant in a concentration camp of data. JVCQasT3TbY-00261-00097538-00097969 You know, marching around and beating yourself, because you are thinking this way. JVCQasT3TbY-00262-00097969-00098395 Because you can't get rid of this thought, or you can't modify this thought. JVCQasT3TbY-00263-00098395-00098775 It’s a horrible, horrible, violent way to treat yourself. JVCQasT3TbY-00264-00098775-00099248 So, give yourself the great gift of just testing what's on offer here. JVCQasT3TbY-00265-00099248-00099644 You know, I am not asking you to believe a single word that is being said here. JVCQasT3TbY-00266-00099644-00099943 We as trainers only share our own experience JVCQasT3TbY-00267-00099943-00100166 of the simple reliance on the support structures. JVbytJmzQcA-00000-00000000-00000200 FOR OTHER QUEARY CALL 9812083133 JYVOAFM5UBU-00000-00000250-00000903 An open letter to the boy who stole my smile I know this must sound like a love poem they JYVOAFM5UBU-00001-00000903-00001378 all seem to sound the same but in fact with you love is not a word that JYVOAFM5UBU-00002-00001378-00002002 i meant despite the way you were able to coax it from my lips its silly right the same way JYVOAFM5UBU-00003-00002002-00002607 i seem to blame malicious intent as if your ability to say love after only two months JYVOAFM5UBU-00004-00002607-00003152 is somehow related to your inability to recognize the significance of the word no JYVOAFM5UBU-00005-00003152-00003567 I dont think of you often but when i do i imagine that there is a freight train of things JYVOAFM5UBU-00006-00003567-00003986 that you stole from me its tied to the back of your ankle you havent noticed it. JYVOAFM5UBU-00007-00003986-00004243 it must not be the only one there. JYVOAFM5UBU-00008-00004243-00004569 I still miss the parts of me that i didnt know could be stolen JYVOAFM5UBU-00009-00004569-00005071 like a piece of my cheek you stole from the inside of my mouth took bits and peices of JYVOAFM5UBU-00010-00005071-00005301 my vocabulary words like love JYVOAFM5UBU-00011-00005301-00005664 words like trust, like emotional attatchment words like no JYVOAFM5UBU-00012-00005664-00006169 you stole my no and i havent been able to find it JYVOAFM5UBU-00013-00006169-00006625 I keep wanting to apologize to you as if what you did deserves apology always JYVOAFM5UBU-00014-00006625-00007015 feel the urge to say sorry you stole other things like my ability to JYVOAFM5UBU-00015-00007015-00007431 feel comfortable in my own skin, always made me feel to small to fit into this shell of JYVOAFM5UBU-00016-00007431-00007866 a body . you told me i was wrong, convinced me to believe it JYVOAFM5UBU-00017-00007866-00008549 I wonder if you see my face in your dreams If i sit on your chest like unresolved problems JYVOAFM5UBU-00018-00008549-00008967 if my name is an echo in your nightmares because your name is silent screams three JYVOAFM5UBU-00019-00008967-00009340 years too late i havent seen you in three years , havent JYVOAFM5UBU-00020-00009340-00009957 smelled your skin havent seen your face , but your name still makes me unomfortable still JYVOAFM5UBU-00021-00009957-00010272 strikes fear into me im still protecting you JYVOAFM5UBU-00022-00010272-00010640 my brothers when they found out what you did asked me your name JYVOAFM5UBU-00023-00010640-00010947 i told them i cant remember JYVOAFM5UBU-00024-00010947-00011164 as if your name is not the one name i cannot forget JYVOAFM5UBU-00025-00011164-00011540 as if you did it tattoo it to the inside of my thighs as if you didnt tear out parts of JYVOAFM5UBU-00026-00011540-00011863 my stomach make it hard for me to digest things make it hard to understand why things like JYVOAFM5UBU-00027-00011863-00012404 this could happen to girls like me you taught me how to build walls, how long JYVOAFM5UBU-00028-00012404-00013061 to let mortar sit before laying down new brick told me trust is just for kids and you made JYVOAFM5UBU-00029-00013061-00013579 me an adult, time to grow up To the boy who stole my smile JYVOAFM5UBU-00030-00013579-00014156 i hope it fits , hope it still blooms at the slightest notion, you have the only genuine JYVOAFM5UBU-00031-00014156-00014550 part about me I have the patchwork mile now JYVOAFM5UBU-00032-00014550-00015054 Ive sown it from the broken peices of my heart from the cracked glass in my resistance , but JYVOAFM5UBU-00033-00015054-00015263 it has started to feel good. JYVOAFM5UBU-00034-00015263-00015525 It feels like i know things that i did not know before JYVOAFM5UBU-00035-00015525-00016040 It feels like learning to sew when your hands shake and the tears well and your wish your JYVOAFM5UBU-00036-00016040-00016285 lesson wasnt sewing your own lips together. JYVOAFM5UBU-00037-00016285-00016565 This smile feels like learning to use a numb body teaching your lungs they are allowed JYVOAFM5UBU-00038-00016565-00017376 to take deep breaths, even though they are convinced they are under water JYVOAFM5UBU-00039-00017376-00017588 this smile feels like learning that No does not mean negotiate otherwise, and stop signs JYVOAFM5UBU-00040-00017588-00017998 look nothing like green lights . this smile feels like this will never happen JYVOAFM5UBU-00041-00017998-00018428 again To the boy who stole my smile. JYVOAFM5UBU-00042-00018428-00018830 Keep it. JbR7uX8jHZI-00000-00000000-00000128 Good morning, John. JbR7uX8jHZI-00001-00000129-00000669 I’m using a tripod for support so I don’t fall over. JbR7uX8jHZI-00002-00000669-00000865 Goodness, jet lag is real. JbR7uX8jHZI-00003-00000865-00001072 I was staying at a very nice hotel in Melbourne. JbR7uX8jHZI-00004-00001072-00001258 It was part of the Pan Pacific hotel chain. JbR7uX8jHZI-00005-00001258-00001470 Ever stayed at a Pan Pacific? They’re so nice! JbR7uX8jHZI-00006-00001470-00001770 Beautiful view out over the river; soft, satin sheets… JbR7uX8jHZI-00007-00001770-00001902 I don’t know what satin is. JbR7uX8jHZI-00008-00001902-00002152 Probably they were cotton, but nice cotton. JbR7uX8jHZI-00009-00002152-00002710 Cotton that grew out of the ground with one hope in its little cotton brain: to make me happy. JbR7uX8jHZI-00010-00002710-00002816 Melbourne was super nice. JbR7uX8jHZI-00011-00002816-00003272 The whole experience of VidCon Australia was so nice. I love Australians. It was so great. JbR7uX8jHZI-00012-00003272-00003382 But, John. JbR7uX8jHZI-00013-00003382-00003596 Back to this hotel for a second. JbR7uX8jHZI-00014-00003596-00003814 There was a bathtub and a shower. JbR7uX8jHZI-00015-00003814-00003972 Like, this was a nice place. JbR7uX8jHZI-00016-00003972-00004152 The art in the—I’m sorry I didn’t take any video. JbR7uX8jHZI-00017-00004152-00004532 What do you expect? What am I? A professional video—I am. JbR7uX8jHZI-00018-00004532-00004600 I am. JbR7uX8jHZI-00019-00004600-00004957 Here’s the thing: Toilet paper was a miserable disgrace. JbR7uX8jHZI-00020-00004957-00005768 I get that if I’m like at Walmart and I have to poo that I’m gonna be touching my butt with the worst thing ever. JbR7uX8jHZI-00021-00005768-00005960 I’m not happy about it, but that’s the sitch. JbR7uX8jHZI-00022-00005960-00006034 It’s Walmart. JbR7uX8jHZI-00023-00006034-00006150 I used to work at Walmart. JbR7uX8jHZI-00024-00006150-00006670 People like would go in and take all of the toilet paper off the roll with them home. JbR7uX8jHZI-00025-00006670-00007166 I replaced the toilet paper rolls, and I knew that like, okay, it’s been 2 hours. JbR7uX8jHZI-00026-00007166-00007602 Somebody filled their backpack with the Walmart toilet paper, and they left. JbR7uX8jHZI-00027-00007602-00007884 Okay, that’s a way to save some money that I had not thought of. JbR7uX8jHZI-00028-00007884-00008095 That’s why Walmart doesn’t have nice toilet paper—because people will take it. JbR7uX8jHZI-00029-00008095-00008302 But this was a very nice hotel! JbR7uX8jHZI-00030-00008302-00008529 Do Australians just have like iron butts? JbR7uX8jHZI-00031-00008529-00008824 Raise your hand if you got like a butt problem. JbR7uX8jHZI-00032-00008824-00008981 I just want you to know that you’re not the only one. JbR7uX8jHZI-00033-00008982-00009126 A lot of people just raised their hands. JbR7uX8jHZI-00034-00009126-00009286 There are a lot of butt problems. JbR7uX8jHZI-00035-00009286-00009476 I don’t think that we should be ashamed of them. JbR7uX8jHZI-00036-00009476-00009588 There’s hemorrhoids. JbR7uX8jHZI-00037-00009588-00009726 There’s anal fissures. JbR7uX8jHZI-00038-00009726-00010096 You don’t wanna be ashamed of that one, but you also don’t really wanna say it out loud. JbR7uX8jHZI-00039-00010096-00010270 And so many people have IBD. JbR7uX8jHZI-00040-00010270-00010842 Like, the more you go to the bathroom, the more chance of just pant-area unpleasantness. JbR7uX8jHZI-00041-00010842-00011212 And you gotta get clean, and we don’t have bidets ‘cause it’s America. JbR7uX8jHZI-00042-00011212-00011652 In Europe, they got bidets for days… is something I just wanted to say. JbR7uX8jHZI-00043-00011652-00012304 And I think maybe a lot of people who don’t have butt problems aren’t aware that that can be the worst. JbR7uX8jHZI-00044-00012304-00012724 A single bad toilet paper experience can ruin like days of my life. JbR7uX8jHZI-00045-00012724-00013145 Like, walking becomes a thing that I like, I don’t wanna do that. JbR7uX8jHZI-00046-00013145-00013347 And I’ve developed some techniques and strategies. JbR7uX8jHZI-00047-00013347-00013912 It’s good to have like a—like a little tube of, I don’t know, basically diaper rash cream. JbR7uX8jHZI-00048-00013912-00014319 A little lubrication for your—this is your butt cheeks right here. JbR7uX8jHZI-00049-00014319-00014572 There are your butt cheeks Your bootious what cheeks JbR7uX8jHZI-00050-00014572-00015076 Get some ? then make an appointment and then irritation as you strut cheeks JbR7uX8jHZI-00051-00015076-00015315 Your butt cheeks These hands are your butt cheeks JbR7uX8jHZI-00052-00015316-00015636 The motion I’m making is a simulation of the action of both of your butt cheeks JbR7uX8jHZI-00053-00015636-00016063 These are your butt cheeks JbR7uX8jHZI-00054-00016063-00017056 Maybe I should go the next step, and I should take my like ultra soft Downy or whatever with the bears that—they’re so happy about how butts are very clean, JbR7uX8jHZI-00055-00017056-00017140 whatever those bears are. JbR7uX8jHZI-00056-00017140-00017582 I basically buy toilet paper the opposite of how I order food when I’m at a restaurant JbR7uX8jHZI-00057-00017583-00017942 and I open the menu and I’m like, “This is too much!” and I just pick the cheapest thing. JbR7uX8jHZI-00058-00017942-00018062 Toilet paper’s the opposite of that. JbR7uX8jHZI-00059-00018062-00018476 I just buy the most expensive toilet paper ‘cause I assume that they’ve done something. JbR7uX8jHZI-00060-00018476-00018988 It’s confusing, though, right, ‘cause sometimes it’s like, “Double the length of roll!” and you—man, I don’t know. JbR7uX8jHZI-00061-00018988-00019056 I don’t know! JbR7uX8jHZI-00062-00019056-00019264 Give me like a per-yard cost! JbR7uX8jHZI-00063-00019265-00019506 You’re making it intentionally confusing. JbR7uX8jHZI-00064-00019506-00019606 I understand! JbR7uX8jHZI-00065-00019606-00019794 That’s how profit works. JbR7uX8jHZI-00066-00019794-00019966 Step 1, make a product. JbR7uX8jHZI-00067-00019967-00020180 Step 2, confuse the consumer. JbR7uX8jHZI-00068-00020180-00020324 Woo woo woo ah ah! JbR7uX8jHZI-00069-00020324-00020436 Step 3, profit. JbR7uX8jHZI-00070-00020436-00020486 I get it. JbR7uX8jHZI-00071-00020486-00020674 It works for the American medical system. JbR7uX8jHZI-00072-00020675-00021222 Oh you guys are gonna have to get some salve for that burn, which you will charge yourselves way too much for. JbR7uX8jHZI-00073-00021222-00021566 Anyway, I understand that it’s capitalism. JbR7uX8jHZI-00074-00021566-00022160 In our home lives, we don’t see the 20% or 40% premium that we’re paying for nicer toilet paper. JbR7uX8jHZI-00075-00022160-00022674 But a business, especially one that buys a lot of toilet paper is gonna see that as a huge and important expense JbR7uX8jHZI-00076-00022674-00023168 that they’re gonna want to eliminate at the cost of people with butt problems having a good day. JbR7uX8jHZI-00077-00023168-00023466 John, I will see you on Tuesday. JbR7uX8jHZI-00078-00023466-00023568 This was weird. JdmLj1QhpBk-00000-00000376-00000659 They can easily drag prey heavier than them JdmLj1QhpBk-00001-00000659-00000984 up into a tree to come and eat it a bit later JdI6WaDqydI-00000-00000000-00000229 It's best to be transparent. JdI6WaDqydI-00001-00000250-00000458 It's best to lay things out on the table. JdI6WaDqydI-00002-00000484-00001178 It takes the pressure off of getting trapped in this kind of doer / performer construct JdI6WaDqydI-00003-00001224-00001620 and then feeling the pressure of having to do something for other people. JdI6WaDqydI-00004-00001650-00001854 We all know that. JdI6WaDqydI-00005-00001873-00002348 Whether we're working in a job or a career where we have to please the boss JdI6WaDqydI-00006-00002372-00002622 or please the company owner or whatever. JdI6WaDqydI-00007-00002634-00003164 It doesn't feel good to feel like you have to perform or else. JdI6WaDqydI-00008-00003314-00003544 Perform, or else you lose your job. JdI6WaDqydI-00009-00003658-00003936 Perform or else you are demoted. JdI6WaDqydI-00010-00003952-00004374 Perform or else there will be punishment or consequences. JdI6WaDqydI-00011-00004382-00004602 There's no fun in that. JdI6WaDqydI-00012-00004634-00005506 And in the end, being a human being, holding on to the contract the mask of the personality starts to feel heavy. JdI6WaDqydI-00013-00005546-00006072 Because that seems to be tied into that whole system and whole machine of "perform or else." JdI6WaDqydI-00014-00006148-00006440 You will face negative consequences. JdI6WaDqydI-00015-00006456-00006850 Even in families, you know, here's the roles. JdI6WaDqydI-00016-00006850-00007050 Fulfill the role or you're out. JdI6WaDqydI-00017-00007094-00007500 And many a teenager have said, those are the options? JdI6WaDqydI-00018-00007554-00007754 All right. I'm out JdI6WaDqydI-00019-00009065-00009265 You Jiw9xUecZ2c-00000-00000274-00000818 Hey guys, this is Cocoa Hoto, and welcome to my Linux coffee shop here in Amsterdam! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00001-00000818-00001126 Because someone needs to be very stoned to make such mistakes! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00002-00001258-00001755 On this video I'm showing the blank spots features on Shell new paging for 3.38 release, Jiw9xUecZ2c-00003-00001755-00001936 that I had missed before. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00004-00001936-00002142 So that was mistake one! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00005-00002142-00002526 And then I say that this has been merged on master, which was mistake two! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00006-00002570-00003050 I accidentally had installed this branch on /usr/local, so it was overriding my actual Jiw9xUecZ2c-00007-00003050-00003258 Shell installation from master! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00008-00003258-00003597 And I was so excited for that I didn't even check on commits! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00009-00003656-00004052 That happens when you're uploading at 4 in the morning, but I'm very optimistic it will Jiw9xUecZ2c-00010-00004052-00004204 get on master anyway! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00011-00004424-00004906 Earlier same day I also posted this, which is work in progress for a major re-design Jiw9xUecZ2c-00012-00004906-00005018 of Shell Calendar. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00013-00005018-00005488 This is a Google Summer of Code project by Mariana and Florian as a mentor. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00014-00005570-00005980 This mockup is one year old, but the design concept still applies. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00015-00005980-00006522 The major changes is that we first have notifications grouping, which is a highly requested feature. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00016-00006604-00007142 For example, Polari says that has 2 more messages, so if we click the arrow it will expand to Jiw9xUecZ2c-00017-00007142-00007242 show them. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00018-00007286-00007700 The second major change is that calendar events were moved to the right side. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00019-00007700-00008190 And moreover we can close all these boxes from the arrows, which is a super nice touch! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00020-00008246-00008758 This is what we currently have on GNOME 3.36, at least I think, because I'm not sure for Jiw9xUecZ2c-00021-00008758-00008924 anything anymore! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00022-00008924-00009362 So if we click on a date that has events, we get the Calendar notifications on the left Jiw9xUecZ2c-00023-00009362-00009436 side. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00024-00009476-00009772 And let me quickly spam some more notifications. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00025-00010366-00010796 Now if we re-open the calendar we will get this thing, which is like a wide stripe coming Jiw9xUecZ2c-00026-00010796-00011014 out of the middle of our desktop. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00027-00011014-00011478 And I must say while this thing is super ugly, it is way more practical that other desktops Jiw9xUecZ2c-00028-00011478-00011661 that use a right sidebar. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00029-00011662-00011904 And it is more practical for 2 reasons. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00030-00011904-00012252 First of, coming from the center gives better focus. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00031-00012252-00012640 And second, it displays all information in a single page without need to switch with Jiw9xUecZ2c-00032-00012640-00012760 annoying tabs. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00033-00012834-00013319 If I click on a day with events, the events will appear on left side, and the notifications Jiw9xUecZ2c-00034-00013320-00013420 will disappear? Jiw9xUecZ2c-00035-00013420-00013882 I don't really know how that thing works, because I'm not actually using it. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00036-00013882-00014296 And to be honest I doubt if many are using it anyway, because the content design is a Jiw9xUecZ2c-00037-00014296-00014396 mess. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00038-00014404-00014886 But then again this video is about asking your opinions, so please go on comments! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00039-00014940-00015341 That's some early work from Mariana, and please don't write anything bad on that, because Jiw9xUecZ2c-00040-00015341-00015816 I take the blame for demo work in progress that might never come to production. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00041-00015816-00016316 So, the first change comes from notification bubbles, that now display the application Jiw9xUecZ2c-00042-00016316-00016600 name next to the icon, which also make them more fat. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00043-00016670-00017084 But the first major change is that events have moved to the right side, and that change Jiw9xUecZ2c-00044-00017084-00017344 is basically already on master by Florian. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00045-00017344-00017506 About that weird scroll? Jiw9xUecZ2c-00046-00017508-00017992 It is actually a bug, so keep on mind that lots of things are under progress. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00047-00017992-00018512 We can now close and open boxes, and the mnemonics should be stored on our last action. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00048-00018512-00018934 The Weather widget now displays a single time instead of the full day, perhaps because they Jiw9xUecZ2c-00049-00018934-00019170 wanted to fit the "Clear Sky" message? Jiw9xUecZ2c-00050-00019170-00019642 Now, if we suppose we had more notifications, and let me do some spam again. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00051-00019804-00020264 So now if we go to events, we'll see that we don't need to scroll them anymore. Jiw9xUecZ2c-00052-00020265-00020580 So, that's definitely is something to get fix! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00053-00020580-00021100 Oh, and I guess this time we should be able to open Calendar app by clicking on an event! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00054-00021141-00021320 So that was everything for now! Jiw9xUecZ2c-00055-00021320-00021530 Forgive my mistakes, and I'm out! Jjf66PL2gZk-00000-00001110-00001854 So this is an original Trock song that I wrote myself from the point of view of Donna Noble. Jjf66PL2gZk-00001-00001905-00002070 I hope you like it. Jjf66PL2gZk-00002-00002070-00002214 I'll be playing it on ukulele. Jjf66PL2gZk-00003-00002214-00002444 It is called Forever and a Day. Jjf66PL2gZk-00004-00002464-00003162 So, I actually wrote this two years ago, but I never liked it Jjf66PL2gZk-00005-00003162-00003572 when I recorded it to try and put it on my YouTube channel. Jjf66PL2gZk-00006-00003670-00003788 Here we go! Jjf66PL2gZk-00007-00003942-00004458 I'll be travelling with him, for the rest of my life! Jjf66PL2gZk-00008-00004460-00004994 Donna and Doctor in the TARDIS, spreading the light! Jjf66PL2gZk-00009-00005004-00005518 I'll never go, and nothing can ever make me! Jjf66PL2gZk-00010-00005530-00006056 I'll be travelling time and space with you for eternity! Jjf66PL2gZk-00011-00006058-00006595 Two people, one blue box, and all of time and space! Jjf66PL2gZk-00012-00006595-00007130 Fighting evil aliens, putting them in their place! Jjf66PL2gZk-00013-00007136-00007640 Yes, that'll be my life, forever and a day! Jjf66PL2gZk-00014-00007654-00008178 Always moving on, flying away! Jjf66PL2gZk-00015-00008190-00008660 Yes, that'll by my life, forever and a day! Jjf66PL2gZk-00016-00008696-00009260 What planet shall we visit next, oh Timelord?! Jjf66PL2gZk-00017-00009268-00009788 Perhaps the Lost Moon of Poosh, or maybe Earth the Third? Jjf66PL2gZk-00018-00009792-00010252 You can never get rid of me, but, try if you like! Jjf66PL2gZk-00019-00010258-00010530 We are stuck with each other, Jjf66PL2gZk-00020-00010538-00010800 An arrangement we both like! Jjf66PL2gZk-00021-00010816-00011310 Two people, one blue box, and all of time and space! Jjf66PL2gZk-00022-00011320-00011842 Fighting evil aliens, putting them in their place! Jjf66PL2gZk-00023-00011852-00012366 Yes, that'll be my life, forever and a day! Jjf66PL2gZk-00024-00012386-00012886 Always moving on, flying away! Jjf66PL2gZk-00025-00012916-00013372 Yes, that'll be my life, forever and a day! Jjf66PL2gZk-00026-00013432-00013730 Doctor, what is happening? Jjf66PL2gZk-00027-00013746-00013996 Why must I go? Jjf66PL2gZk-00028-00014024-00014338 My head, it burns behind my eyes. Jjf66PL2gZk-00029-00014368-00014644 It pangs and aches so! Jjf66PL2gZk-00030-00014686-00014974 You can't make me forget! Jjf66PL2gZk-00031-00015010-00015302 We both need each other! Jjf66PL2gZk-00032-00015328-00015532 I can't go back! Jjf66PL2gZk-00033-00015540-00015662 Don't make me! Jjf66PL2gZk-00034-00015662-00015788 NO! Jjf66PL2gZk-00035-00015836-00016374 Goodbye my Doctor. Jjf66PL2gZk-00036-00016590-00016902 Until the next time, have a nice day! Jkcpc_u1wyy-00000-00000588-00000798 Robert Wagner: Greetings, and welcome to the Introduction to Jkcpc_u1wyy-00001-00000798-00001107 Physical Science. In this lecture, we are going to look at Jkcpc_u1wyy-00002-00001107-00001554 the concept of power and how that relates to the topics of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00003-00001554-00002109 energy that we have been looking at over this lesson. So let's go Jkcpc_u1wyy-00004-00002109-00002472 ahead and get started here. And let's start off with a Jkcpc_u1wyy-00005-00002472-00003024 definition of power. And what we have is that power is the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00006-00003024-00003399 science, at least the scientific definition, I should say, is the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00007-00003399-00003885 rate at which work is done. So when we just talked about work, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00008-00003885-00004254 we've talked about work, we didn't say, how fast how long it Jkcpc_u1wyy-00009-00004254-00004620 took to do anything. So if you were raising something against Jkcpc_u1wyy-00010-00004620-00005010 gravity, it could, you could do it in a matter of seconds if Jkcpc_u1wyy-00011-00005010-00005451 you're lifting something up, or it could take hours or days. And Jkcpc_u1wyy-00012-00005463-00005856 the amount of work which is done is exactly the same. Remember Jkcpc_u1wyy-00013-00005856-00006177 that the work did not depend on the amount of time that it took Jkcpc_u1wyy-00014-00006177-00006789 to do that. However, the power then tells us how much how what Jkcpc_u1wyy-00015-00006789-00007209 rate the work is done. So the power is equal to the amount of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00016-00007209-00007737 work divided by the time. So if you do that work over a very Jkcpc_u1wyy-00017-00007737-00008130 long time, then the time is large, and the amount of power Jkcpc_u1wyy-00018-00008130-00008598 will be small. If you do it over a very short time, then the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00019-00008598-00009090 amount of power can be very large. And the unit of power is Jkcpc_u1wyy-00020-00009093-00009654 the watt for one watt is one joule per second. And we see for Jkcpc_u1wyy-00021-00009654-00010191 example, an image of the space shuttle here, launching up in to Jkcpc_u1wyy-00022-00010191-00010614 space. And again, the amount of power expended would depend on Jkcpc_u1wyy-00023-00010614-00011181 the amount of time as it heads out into space. So let's look at Jkcpc_u1wyy-00024-00011181-00011682 some examples here to try to go over this. And what we have. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00025-00011727-00012114 First example here is the power of a woman running up the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00026-00012114-00012624 stairs. So running up a three meter flight of stairs in now we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00027-00012624-00013008 have the time three and a half seconds, starting from rest. So Jkcpc_u1wyy-00028-00013008-00013397 she's at rest at the bottom there and runs up the top of the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00029-00013397-00013785 stairs and at the top has a final speed of two meters per Jkcpc_u1wyy-00030-00013785-00014232 second. So let's put everything together we have our sketch, and Jkcpc_u1wyy-00031-00014232-00014591 we can look at our known values. What do we know here? Well, we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00032-00014591-00015054 know the mass of the person doing this, we know the height Jkcpc_u1wyy-00033-00015057-00015381 to which they are climbing, we know the amount of time it took Jkcpc_u1wyy-00034-00015381-00015713 and we know the final velocity. Now remember, when we say Jkcpc_u1wyy-00035-00015713-00016068 starting from rest, we also know the initial velocity, of course, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00036-00016071-00016554 is zero. And we don't always include that necessarily, but Jkcpc_u1wyy-00037-00016554-00017076 remember that it is there. So what do we have? Let's go ahead Jkcpc_u1wyy-00038-00017076-00017502 and see, we know that the work is equal to the kinetic energy Jkcpc_u1wyy-00039-00017523-00017997 plus the potential energy. So the amount of work that was done Jkcpc_u1wyy-00040-00018021-00018507 in climbing the stairs depends on the change in energy, not the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00041-00018507-00018858 initial energy would have been zero, she's not moving. And if Jkcpc_u1wyy-00042-00018858-00019221 we define our zero point for potential energy to be the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00043-00019221-00019650 ground here, then there would have been no energy at the top Jkcpc_u1wyy-00044-00019653-00019980 here, there would have been no net energy at the top, there is Jkcpc_u1wyy-00045-00019980-00020340 a kinetic energy plus a potential energy. So all the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00046-00020340-00020784 amount of work that was done to gain that energy is the kinetic Jkcpc_u1wyy-00047-00020784-00021039 energy plus the potential energy. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00048-00021231-00021708 And we know that that is the kinetic energy is one half mv Jkcpc_u1wyy-00049-00021708-00022140 squared, and the potential energy is mgh. So if we add Jkcpc_u1wyy-00050-00022140-00022506 those two, that gives us the amount of work done. And now we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00051-00022506-00022893 want to find the power, the power is the work divided by the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00052-00022893-00023271 time. So the work is the top of this equation, and then we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00053-00023271-00023784 divide it by t in the denominator to get power. So if Jkcpc_u1wyy-00054-00023784-00024084 we go ahead and put all of our known values in here, remember, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00055-00024084-00024402 we know everything here we know the mass, we know the velocity, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00056-00024432-00024765 we know the gravitational constant, we know the height, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00057-00024783-00025197 and we know the time. So putting everything into the equation, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00058-00025239-00025887 and then calculating we would find that the power is 538 Jkcpc_u1wyy-00059-00025893-00026322 watts. So that is the amount of power that takes to do this to Jkcpc_u1wyy-00060-00026322-00026754 climb those stairs and end up at a velocity of two meters per Jkcpc_u1wyy-00061-00026754-00027219 second. Now, if the time were smaller, then that amount of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00062-00027219-00027689 power would be larger. So it takes more, it takes more, two Jkcpc_u1wyy-00063-00027693-00028023 more power to go up faster, you'll have a larger power Jkcpc_u1wyy-00064-00028026-00028458 involved. If you're trying to go up the steps faster. If you Jkcpc_u1wyy-00065-00028458-00028761 walked up those steps very slowly, it would require much Jkcpc_u1wyy-00066-00028764-00029333 less effort. So it would require less power. So let's look at Jkcpc_u1wyy-00067-00029333-00029862 some examples of power here. So for example, sunlight, what is Jkcpc_u1wyy-00068-00029862-00030527 the sunlight gives About 1.3 kilowatts per square meter, that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00069-00030527-00030927 gives you some idea of the intensity of the Sun because Jkcpc_u1wyy-00070-00030927-00031479 only a tiny portion of this is actually retained by Earth. So Jkcpc_u1wyy-00071-00031479-00031941 that is sunlight. That's one example of power. And power also Jkcpc_u1wyy-00072-00031941-00032364 gives us energy transfer, it's a way of transferring energy. But Jkcpc_u1wyy-00073-00032364-00032700 some of that energy is always lost as thermal. Remember, we've Jkcpc_u1wyy-00074-00032700-00033078 talked about before that nothing can be completely 100% Jkcpc_u1wyy-00075-00033081-00033468 efficient. So the person running up the stairs in our previous Jkcpc_u1wyy-00076-00033468-00033909 example, loses some of their some of their power does not go Jkcpc_u1wyy-00077-00033909-00034293 in to accelerating them or getting them up to step some of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00078-00034293-00034794 it is lost as friction as they push against the steps. So some Jkcpc_u1wyy-00079-00034794-00035262 energy is always lost. And here is the next other example of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00080-00035262-00035562 that. And we talked about efficiency, a coal power plant Jkcpc_u1wyy-00081-00035613-00036261 can consume 2500 megawatts to produce 1000 megawatts of Jkcpc_u1wyy-00082-00036261-00036831 electricity. So that's less than a 50% efficiency. 1500 megawatts Jkcpc_u1wyy-00083-00036831-00037272 is lost as heat. So remember, every third, there are things Jkcpc_u1wyy-00084-00037272-00037602 that are more efficient things that are less efficient. So it Jkcpc_u1wyy-00085-00037602-00038121 just depends on the exact details of that object. And we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00086-00038121-00038502 can look at a table here to kind of compare some of these things. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00087-00038565-00038961 What are some different examples of power? Well, starting at the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00088-00038961-00039225 bottom, looking at something very basic, and a pocket Jkcpc_u1wyy-00089-00039225-00039789 calculator has a very, very low power rating. And as we go up, a Jkcpc_u1wyy-00090-00039789-00040428 clock has more traditional incandescent bulb has even more Jkcpc_u1wyy-00091-00040428-00040764 power. And then as you go up to things that you may be familiar Jkcpc_u1wyy-00092-00040764-00041442 with a clothes dryer, 4000 watts, going up to an aircraft Jkcpc_u1wyy-00093-00041442-00042240 carrier, 100 million watts, a lightning bolt even more two Jkcpc_u1wyy-00094-00042240-00042870 times 10 to the 12th watts. So that would be 2 trillion watts, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00095-00042906-00043353 of volcanic eruption is many times larger than that our sun, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00096-00043584-00044076 not just double, not just that, but even far more times than Jkcpc_u1wyy-00097-00044076-00044712 that our sun produces four times 10 to the 26 watts. And that is, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00098-00044712-00045078 again a lot a lot of energy. And then we get out to some of the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00099-00045078-00045684 most extreme things, five times 10, to the 37th, for a supernova Jkcpc_u1wyy-00100-00045687-00046161 explosion and exploding star. And we have to remember that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00101-00046161-00046680 each of these is a power of 10. So comparing that aircraft Jkcpc_u1wyy-00102-00046680-00047427 carrier to the supernova is 29 powers of 10 - 29 extra zeros in Jkcpc_u1wyy-00103-00047427-00047874 the amount of power that exists there. So there is a big range Jkcpc_u1wyy-00104-00047874-00048387 of power between the pocket calculator and the supernova. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00105-00048795-00049149 Now, energy consumption we can also look at, and we're gonna Jkcpc_u1wyy-00106-00049149-00049476 look at an example here in just a minute of the power Jkcpc_u1wyy-00107-00049476-00050043 consumption rate. So power is the work divided by the time or Jkcpc_u1wyy-00108-00050043-00050547 the amount of energy divided by the time where he is the energy Jkcpc_u1wyy-00109-00050547-00050958 that is provided by your electric company. And that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00110-00050958-00051399 energy use is expressed in kilowatt hours. So that's the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00111-00051399-00051786 unit for the energy. So if you examine an electric bill that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00112-00051786-00052217 will tell you how many kilowatt hours were consumed over that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00113-00052217-00052635 past month. And we can use some of this to do an example and Jkcpc_u1wyy-00114-00052635-00053124 calculate how much it costs to run various appliances. Let's Jkcpc_u1wyy-00115-00053124-00053499 look at a computer. So if we take the example of a computer Jkcpc_u1wyy-00116-00053529-00053994 that consumes point two kilowatts, and if you run that Jkcpc_u1wyy-00117-00053994-00054525 computer for six hours per day, and electricity costs 12 cents Jkcpc_u1wyy-00118-00054525-00055029 per kilowatt hour, then we want to find out how much how much is Jkcpc_u1wyy-00119-00055029-00055602 this going to cost over the course of a month. So let's look Jkcpc_u1wyy-00120-00055602-00055932 and find out and again, we put up here what we know there's not Jkcpc_u1wyy-00121-00055932-00056364 really a sketch to draw in this case. So but we can identify Jkcpc_u1wyy-00122-00056364-00056646 what we know we know the amount of power and we know the amount Jkcpc_u1wyy-00123-00056646-00057201 of time so six hours per day times 30 days, and then we also Jkcpc_u1wyy-00124-00057201-00057726 know the rate of 12 cents per kilowatt hour. Now we can put Jkcpc_u1wyy-00125-00057726-00058011 this together we know that the amount of energy used is the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00126-00058011-00058503 power multiplied by the time Now we do have to make sure we're Jkcpc_u1wyy-00127-00058503-00059049 using the correct units here. So it's a kilowatts, the energy Jkcpc_u1wyy-00128-00059049-00059567 used is kilowatt is point two kilowatts, times and we want to Jkcpc_u1wyy-00129-00059567-00059855 convert we have six hours per day times 30 days. So that's Jkcpc_u1wyy-00130-00059855-00060234 going to convert it into hours. And we will then find that the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00131-00060234-00060795 energy used is 36 kilowatt hours. So if you recall, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00132-00060849-00061224 remember our units here that these will cancel, the days Jkcpc_u1wyy-00133-00061224-00061515 cancel when we do the conversion here, and it will be just be Jkcpc_u1wyy-00134-00061515-00061914 kilowatts times hours. Now, that's the first part of this. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00135-00061914-00062441 But we also want to see how much it costs. So the cost is, E - Jkcpc_u1wyy-00136-00062472-00062916 the amount of energy used times the rate, so the rate is the 12 Jkcpc_u1wyy-00137-00062916-00063471 cents per kilowatt hour. And if we do that, and multiply those Jkcpc_u1wyy-00138-00063471-00063927 two, we find that to run a computer for six hours per day, Jkcpc_u1wyy-00139-00063969-00064509 would cost $4.32 per month. And of course, that's just one Jkcpc_u1wyy-00140-00064509-00064851 appliance that we use. And computers would be one of the Jkcpc_u1wyy-00141-00064851-00065247 lower ones, things that really have high cost rates would be Jkcpc_u1wyy-00142-00065247-00065616 things that involve heating or cooling, so many electric stove Jkcpc_u1wyy-00143-00065643-00066138 would be much higher, higher, right? That would be up to us Jkcpc_u1wyy-00144-00066138-00066534 much higher cost, a refrigerator would use a have a higher cost. Jkcpc_u1wyy-00145-00066534-00066873 So anything that involves heating or cooling, using Jkcpc_u1wyy-00146-00066873-00067296 electricity would be much higher than something like the computer Jkcpc_u1wyy-00147-00067296-00067635 here. But it gives you an example of how you can go about Jkcpc_u1wyy-00148-00067635-00068031 calculating this. So let's go ahead and finish up here with Jkcpc_u1wyy-00149-00068031-00068487 our summary. And what we looked at this time was that power is Jkcpc_u1wyy-00150-00068487-00069189 the rate at which work is done. So power was the work divided by Jkcpc_u1wyy-00151-00069204-00069816 the time the energy conversion to power is never 100% Jkcpc_u1wyy-00152-00069861-00070203 efficient, it always is a little bit less than that. And a little Jkcpc_u1wyy-00153-00070203-00070719 bit at least of energy is lost as heat. It can be more or less Jkcpc_u1wyy-00154-00070719-00070950 because some things are very efficient, and some things are Jkcpc_u1wyy-00155-00070950-00071373 very inefficient. But we know that energy conversion can never Jkcpc_u1wyy-00156-00071373-00071823 be 100% efficient, and the amount of energy used, we Jkcpc_u1wyy-00157-00071823-00072210 express that in kilowatt hours. And we did an example there to Jkcpc_u1wyy-00158-00072210-00072717 show how to calculate the amount of energy consumed by a computer Jkcpc_u1wyy-00159-00072717-00073173 over the course of a month. So that concludes this lecture on Jkcpc_u1wyy-00160-00073176-00073542 power. We'll be back again next time for another topic in Jkcpc_u1wyy-00161-00073542-00074028 physical science. So until then, have a great day everyone and I Jkcpc_u1wyy-00162-00074028-00074205 will see you in class. JmmcbfBnClg-00000-00000033-00000413 Welcome back to the scope of science. I'm Kurtis Baute. This week JmmcbfBnClg-00001-00000413-00000714 I'm going to be talking more about learning and some of the lessons JmmcbfBnClg-00002-00000714-00001271 I learned from the book Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Now last week JmmcbfBnClg-00003-00001271-00002009 I talked a bit about four reasons why learning probably isn't as easy as you think it is. This week, JmmcbfBnClg-00004-00002010-00002339 I'm going to be talking about three things that will enhance JmmcbfBnClg-00005-00002359-00002915 the ways that you study. The first tip I learned about Make it Stick is about the testing effect. JmmcbfBnClg-00006-00002965-00003248 Testing yourself is a very simple and effective JmmcbfBnClg-00007-00003279-00003543 study method, and it can be as formal or informal JmmcbfBnClg-00008-00003559-00004316 as you like. For example, instead of just taking notes on what a lecturer is saying, try to translate what they're saying into questions, JmmcbfBnClg-00009-00004317-00004962 and then go back and answer those questions. Answer them later that day or the next week or in a month JmmcbfBnClg-00010-00004962-00005184 so you can quiz yourself. You can go and find JmmcbfBnClg-00011-00005253-00005453 tests on the internet or JmmcbfBnClg-00012-00005457-00005675 provided by your instructor or in the back of JmmcbfBnClg-00013-00005716-00006327 those chapters of all those books. You know how they have those sections that say, you know, study, study problems, JmmcbfBnClg-00014-00006343-00006791 practice problems? It turns out that those are actually useful. In JmmcbfBnClg-00015-00006820-00007376 fact, studies have shown that doing practice problems is a more effective way to learn something JmmcbfBnClg-00016-00007414-00008030 than is rereading the material. So instead of wasting your time rereading material, JmmcbfBnClg-00017-00008070-00008254 spend that time doing JmmcbfBnClg-00018-00008254-00008759 tests and doing practice quizzes. If you ask yourself the questions and look for the answers JmmcbfBnClg-00019-00008770-00009311 before you even try to learn the topic, you'll actually learn it better. Now JmmcbfBnClg-00020-00009311-00010052 don't just test yourself before and after learning material. You can actually replace lessons entirely with JmmcbfBnClg-00021-00010090-00010604 testing. This entire learning program structured around this idea like Duolingo, JmmcbfBnClg-00022-00010618-00011211 which has helped me learn a lot of German. The second tip I took out of Make it Stick is interleaving. JmmcbfBnClg-00023-00011224-00011718 Let's say you have three topics to learn about, and you've already taken to heart my first tip on using JmmcbfBnClg-00024-00011734-00011996 testing. So to learn about these three topics, JmmcbfBnClg-00025-00011996-00012698 you've formed 10 questions on each topic. Now you might think that it would be most effective to JmmcbfBnClg-00026-00012732-00012938 study one topic at a time, and JmmcbfBnClg-00027-00012963-00013587 once you've understood the one topic, move on to the next, and once you've understood the second topic finally move on to the third. JmmcbfBnClg-00028-00013587-00014109 But scientific studies about studying have shown us that if you actually just JmmcbfBnClg-00029-00014146-00014448 mix up all of those questions in a random order, JmmcbfBnClg-00030-00014528-00015279 it'll be more effective in helping you learn it think about how you're actually tested on material. Either at an exam or in real life, JmmcbfBnClg-00031-00015310-00015747 those questions don't come in blocks. So why do we study in blocks? JmmcbfBnClg-00032-00015809-00016056 Lastly, and this is my personal favorite, JmmcbfBnClg-00033-00016115-00016909 Struggle. And know that struggling helps. If you're about to teach two groups of people a difficult concept and before doing that JmmcbfBnClg-00034-00016909-00017493 you tell one of those groups of people that the concept they're about to learn may be challenging to them, JmmcbfBnClg-00035-00017498-00018003 but that by struggling and by having being challenged, JmmcbfBnClg-00036-00018004-00018204 they're actually going to learn more, JmmcbfBnClg-00037-00018212-00018942 then that group that knows the challenge is a good thing. They'll actually learn more than the group that you didn't say that to. JmmcbfBnClg-00038-00019031-00019704 Similarly, say you have two different groups of people, and you give them both some challenging questions after you've read over their answers. JmmcbfBnClg-00039-00019718-00019915 You congratulate both of them, JmmcbfBnClg-00040-00019915-00020532 but you congratulate the groups in different ways. If you congratulate one group by saying good work, JmmcbfBnClg-00041-00020532-00020958 you did a great job, and the other group by saying you tried really hard, JmmcbfBnClg-00042-00020968-00021645 and that's what matters, the group of people that you congratulated just for trying will actually take bigger JmmcbfBnClg-00043-00021679-00022017 challenges in the future, while the group that you congratulated for JmmcbfBnClg-00044-00022066-00022635 success will be more risk adverse. And since you need to stay challenged to learn something, JmmcbfBnClg-00045-00022657-00023187 the group that will take bigger challenges will learn more than the other group. To sum up, JmmcbfBnClg-00046-00023240-00023393 test yourself, JmmcbfBnClg-00047-00023393-00023937 interleave your practice. I know that struggling is good for you. So that's it for this Thursday. JmmcbfBnClg-00048-00023937-00024246 I hope you learned something, and if you want to enhance and JmmcbfBnClg-00049-00024298-00024885 solidify what you've learned in this little lesson, then you can join the discussion in the comment section below. JmmcbfBnClg-00050-00024937-00025332 Some great discussions came out of my video from last week, Four Reasons JmmcbfBnClg-00051-00025332-00025851 Why Learning Probably Isn't as Easy as You Think. [reading from computer] Dasky from Reddit said, JmmcbfBnClg-00052-00025879-00026568 "I actually noticed this in my first computer science class four concepts. I'd keep reading the book and four programs JmmcbfBnClg-00053-00026635-00026929 I have a lot of practice when test time came around JmmcbfBnClg-00054-00026929-00027465 I was awesome at putting together my programs, but I struggled with the concept questions. JmmcbfBnClg-00055-00027466-00028135 I made up practice tests to quiz myself on the concepts after that." [Curtis] Apparently dasky already had this video figured out. JmmcbfBnClg-00056-00028135-00028792 I'm really excited that a few of you said that you're going to read the book Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. It JmmcbfBnClg-00057-00028792-00029158 is awesome and I hope you enjoy that little adventure. Next Thursday, JmmcbfBnClg-00058-00029158-00029820 I'm going to be taking a much more literal approach to the concept of making it stick, and I'll be JmmcbfBnClg-00059-00029849-00030327 making a video about blue tack or sticky tack. So that's it. Stay challenged. JmWw0RR3Usg-00000-00000114-00000570 because you do men and women were created to need each other JmWw0RR3Usg-00001-00000726-00001116 I was talking to a guy friend this morning he was saying that the reason why a lot of men JmWw0RR3Usg-00002-00001116-00001632 don't try anymore it's because they've been made to feel Irrelevant in women's lives attention all JmWw0RR3Usg-00003-00001632-00002208 for themselves men were created to take care of women they were created to be providers they were JmWw0RR3Usg-00004-00002208-00002964 created to want to protect and we as women slowly taking that away from them are you sure about them JmWw0RR3Usg-00005-00002964-00003515 we escalated them now I'm not saying that that's an excuse for how some of these men act these days JmWw0RR3Usg-00006-00003515-00003984 because it's not we all let a man be a man I don't know much didn't she have marriage issues one of JmWw0RR3Usg-00007-00003984-00004428 her previous husbands we know that you can do it all doesn't mean that you should have to Ko8OKzUqOgI-00000-00000056-00000648 i'm not sure if nile red shorts blocked links. all i know is that the last link was left within the Ko8OKzUqOgI-00001-00000648-00001456 last 24 hours on the last video he made, and in his latest video, i didn't seem to find any links. Ko8OKzUqOgI-00002-00001456-00001920 maybe they were not interested at all, and i didn't promote the video there because it could trigger Ko8OKzUqOgI-00003-00001920-00002464 him to block them, and i wouldn't be able to leave new links. there, the old ones would still work. Ko8OKzUqOgI-00004-00002464-00002840 and they would slowly get worse and worse. they would no longer be checked Ko8OKzUqOgI-00005-00002840-00003464 because if i checked them, i wouldn't see any more views. i just wouldn't notice it, so that's why Ko8OKzUqOgI-00006-00003528-00004152 i didn't want to do it there. also, 14 hours ago was where the last check was done, and his Ko8OKzUqOgI-00007-00004152-00004800 some of his links are still showing, so that's good, and that is within the last 24 hours. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00000-00000000-00000264 (upbeat music) - My name's Leslie Zapata KoBFdlMYJJQ-00001-00000264-00000394 and I'm a Kaiser member. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00002-00000394-00000719 I was ranked in the top 10 in women's TaeKwonDo KoBFdlMYJJQ-00003-00000719-00000889 to fight at the World Championships. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00004-00000889-00001115 I wound up doing a side jump kick. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00005-00001115-00001385 I heard a pop, I was devastated. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00006-00001385-00001651 - [Marty Reed, MD] We got an MRI, unfortunately had torn her ACL. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00007-00001651-00001965 We decided an ACL reconstruction would be her best option. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00008-00001965-00002253 [Julia Rutledge, Physical Therapist] - She was going to compete at World's out here. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00009-00002253-00002439 She definitely had a goal in mind. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00010-00002439-00002693 - [Dr. Reed] Everybody from the nurses in the operation room KoBFdlMYJJQ-00011-00002693-00003029 to our anesthesia providers to our physical therapists KoBFdlMYJJQ-00012-00003029-00003307 were able to get back to the things she loved to do. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00013-00003307-00003424 - [Leslie] I'm getting the same care KoBFdlMYJJQ-00014-00003424-00003577 that a professional athlete would get. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00015-00003577-00003769 That's what really kept me going forward. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00016-00003769-00004036 I've yearned to be the world champion. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00017-00004036-00004227 I came back and actually won. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00018-00004227-00004562 - [Julia Rutledge] Being able to help the patient's out to that end result KoBFdlMYJJQ-00019-00004562-00004890 where they hit their goal, it's very satisfying. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00020-00004890-00005158 - [Leslie] I didn't give up on myself and they never gave up on me KoBFdlMYJJQ-00021-00005158-00005384 either, and I think that's what really made a difference. KoBFdlMYJJQ-00022-00005384-00005692 (kicking rock music) K9m5oI4rUwo-00000-00000100-00000456 Once a year, some of the biggest names in Hollywood get together with prominent leaders K9m5oI4rUwo-00001-00000456-00000787 in business and politics, to raise millions for charity. K9m5oI4rUwo-00002-00000787-00001178 Some of the celebrities attending this year’s event were Gerard Butler, David Foster, K9m5oI4rUwo-00003-00001178-00001773 Joanna Krupa, Katharine McPhee, Paul Reubens, Melissa Rivers, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. K9m5oI4rUwo-00004-00001773-00002238 With performances by Seal, David Foster, and Gene Simmons, the night was truly star studded K9m5oI4rUwo-00005-00002238-00002384 and spectacular. K9m5oI4rUwo-00006-00002384-00002688 In total, 53.8 million dollars were donated, K9m5oI4rUwo-00007-00002688-00003144 including 16.6 million by Oracle co-founder and CTO, Larry Ellison, K9m5oI4rUwo-00008-00003144-00003422 6 million by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, K9m5oI4rUwo-00009-00003422-00003804 5.2 million by GUESS co-founders, Paul and Maurice Marciano, K9m5oI4rUwo-00010-00003804-00004224 and 5 million by entertainment mogul and M.C., Haim Saban. K9m5oI4rUwo-00011-00004224-00004756 Past attendees to this event include Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Larry King, K9m5oI4rUwo-00012-00004756-00004956 and Barbra Streisand. K9m5oI4rUwo-00013-00004956-00005366 So what is this worthy cause that garners so much glamour and generosity? K9m5oI4rUwo-00014-00005366-00005490 Feeding the hungry? K9m5oI4rUwo-00015-00005490-00005646 Curing disease? K9m5oI4rUwo-00016-00005646-00005760 No. K9m5oI4rUwo-00017-00005760-00006110 The purpose of this event is to raise funds for a foreign army. K9m5oI4rUwo-00018-00006110-00006298 That’s right. K9m5oI4rUwo-00019-00006298-00006590 While our own United States veterans are barely scraping by, K9m5oI4rUwo-00020-00006590-00006845 holding bake sales to afford medical treatments, K9m5oI4rUwo-00021-00006845-00007234 these celebrities contribute mountains of cash to the Israeli Defense Forces, K9m5oI4rUwo-00022-00007234-00007477 commonly known as the IDF. K9m5oI4rUwo-00023-00007477-00007939 This is the very same IDF who are responsible for killing over 2000 Palestinian children K9m5oI4rUwo-00024-00007939-00008315 in the West Bank and Gaza over the last 17 years. K9m5oI4rUwo-00025-00008315-00008789 The same IDF who have displaced masses of people from their homes while destroying hospitals, K9m5oI4rUwo-00026-00008789-00009141 schools, businesses, and places of worship by the tens of thousands. K9m5oI4rUwo-00027-00009141-00009843 And the same IDF who repeatedly attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, killing 34 American servicemen K9m5oI4rUwo-00028-00009843-00010104 and wounding another 174. K9m5oI4rUwo-00029-00010184-00010642 Now, you may not think that 53.8 million dollars is a lot of money these days, K9m5oI4rUwo-00030-00010642-00011132 but that is in addition to the more than 10 million dollars of American foreign aid given to the state of Israel K9m5oI4rUwo-00031-00011134-00011354 every single day. K9m5oI4rUwo-00032-00011354-00011644 And the kicker is that for these millionaire and billionaire celebrities, K9m5oI4rUwo-00033-00011644-00011996 these charitable donations - that support a foreign army K9m5oI4rUwo-00034-00011996-00012160 - are tax deductible. K9m5oI4rUwo-00035-00012160-00012399 And it’s not just Hollywood getting this tax break. K9m5oI4rUwo-00036-00012399-00012872 The “Friends of the IDF” claim to have over 150,000 loyal supporters K9m5oI4rUwo-00037-00012872-00013174 across 20 chapters throughout the US and Panama. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00000-00000000-00000200 As I have said application areas K9OfuCrcAFQ-00001-00000200-00000368 of Pearson's R K9OfuCrcAFQ-00002-00000368-00000526 and chi-square of Pearson's K9OfuCrcAFQ-00003-00000526-00000706 are very different. Chi-square can be applied K9OfuCrcAFQ-00004-00000728-00000927 to any types of scales. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00005-00000974-00001174 Pearson could be applied only if K9OfuCrcAFQ-00006-00001256-00001456 all features which participate in connection K9OfuCrcAFQ-00007-00001556-00001828 are measured by interval or pseudo interval scales. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00008-00002016-00002382 Wherein Pearson more accurately measures the connection K9OfuCrcAFQ-00009-00002492-00002692 than Kendall and Spearman. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00010-00002764-00002914 It is the most susceptible. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00011-00003006-00003206 We see that significance everywhere K9OfuCrcAFQ-00012-00003376-00003714 attets that 0 hypothesis K9OfuCrcAFQ-00013-00003776-00003976 deviates. I.e. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00014-00003976-00004122 there is a connection. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00015-00004122-00004316 And besides this connection is quite strong. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00016-00004456-00004656 I.e. for 70% of respondents K9OfuCrcAFQ-00017-00004656-00004794 it takes place. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00018-00004794-00004916 And it is plus. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00019-00004956-00005156 I.e. with increasing trust K9OfuCrcAFQ-00020-00005434-00005836 in parliament trust in legislative system increases. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00021-00006016-00006336 We can make sure of this by looking at how the remnants were distributed. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00022-00007164-00007364 Conditional formatting. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00023-00008192-00008398 The remnants (as, as a matter of fact, frequencies K9OfuCrcAFQ-00024-00008414-00008670 if we just derive frequencies but the remnants is more demonstrative) K9OfuCrcAFQ-00025-00008752-00009042 have been distributed the main diagonal. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00026-00009102-00009220 It indicates that K9OfuCrcAFQ-00027-00009368-00009786 the 0 category is with the 0 category the 1st and the 2nd are with the 1st and the 2nd K9OfuCrcAFQ-00028-00009842-00010042 the 2nd and the 3rd are with the 2nd and the 3rd and so on. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00029-00010148-00010604 Here they are, categories which are very actively combined between each other. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00030-00010660-00010942 As you can see other categories are repelled. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00031-00010958-00011322 The 5th and the second are repelled. They rarely meet together. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00032-00011662-00011962 As a matter of fact very strong connection indicates this in Pearson. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00033-00012128-00012430 The Spearman's values indicates the same thing. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00034-00012508-00012852 But they indicates only ratio and conformity of rangs. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00035-00012932-00013146 With increase of rangs of 1 variable K9OfuCrcAFQ-00036-00013146-00013304 the rang of the other variable increases. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00037-00013336-00013536 Pearson takes into account distance between rangs as well. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00038-00013536-00013724 That is why it is more accurate. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00039-00013724-00013854 However Pearson K9OfuCrcAFQ-00040-00013896-00013994 takes into account K9OfuCrcAFQ-00041-00014091-00014291 precisely speaking can take into account linear connection K9OfuCrcAFQ-00042-00014291-00014428 Connection can be not linear. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00043-00014522-00014722 It happens that Pearson K9OfuCrcAFQ-00044-00014752-00014969 has low value and even K9OfuCrcAFQ-00045-00015016-00015216 if 0 hypothesis is confirmed. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00046-00015238-00015463 For instance if 0,1 hold here K9OfuCrcAFQ-00047-00015484-00015684 0 hypothesis would be accepted. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00048-00015726-00016004 Consequently we would say that there is not cinnection. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00049-00016062-00016338 However we should have said that K9OfuCrcAFQ-00050-00016498-00016698 exactly meaning the linear connection. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00051-00016870-00017122 Wherein chi-square could indicate that there is a connection K9OfuCrcAFQ-00052-00017122-00017248 because the connection is not linear. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00053-00017248-00017442 I.e. for instance we would have big K9OfuCrcAFQ-00054-00017442-00017578 plus remnants here K9OfuCrcAFQ-00055-00017578-00017760 here and here. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00056-00017842-00018042 Such as this connection. K9OfuCrcAFQ-00057-00018122-00018224 But not such as this connection. KrHIvfhfP2E-00000-00000032-00000291 (upbeat music) KrHIvfhfP2E-00001-00000876-00001154 -: Hello, my name is Steve Sneed, KrHIvfhfP2E-00002-00001154-00001354 and I'm an acting teacher. KrHIvfhfP2E-00003-00001354-00001691 I'm located at South Lake High School, KrHIvfhfP2E-00004-00001691-00001861 shout out for South Lake (laughs). KrHIvfhfP2E-00005-00001970-00002360 Okay so, today I'm gonna do some KrHIvfhfP2E-00006-00002360-00002532 of the things I do in class. KrHIvfhfP2E-00007-00002532-00002734 The first thing I will present to you, KrHIvfhfP2E-00008-00002842-00003061 is called the warm up. KrHIvfhfP2E-00009-00003061-00003328 Now, the warm up for the actor KrHIvfhfP2E-00010-00003328-00003618 is very important for so many reasons. KrHIvfhfP2E-00011-00003618-00003918 First of all, our tool is our body. KrHIvfhfP2E-00012-00003918-00004149 So, you must take good care of your body. KrHIvfhfP2E-00013-00004149-00004442 And one of the ways you do that, is you exercise. KrHIvfhfP2E-00014-00004442-00004646 You watch what you put in your body. KrHIvfhfP2E-00015-00004646-00004763 How do you feed yourself? KrHIvfhfP2E-00016-00004763-00005005 What do you ingest into your body? KrHIvfhfP2E-00017-00005093-00005353 So, you wanna make sure you take care KrHIvfhfP2E-00018-00005353-00005520 of your body, that's important. KrHIvfhfP2E-00019-00005520-00005747 Think about actors that you see in movies KrHIvfhfP2E-00020-00005747-00005992 and not just action flicks. KrHIvfhfP2E-00021-00005992-00006322 But any sort of film or a lot of times, you know, KrHIvfhfP2E-00022-00006322-00006662 what you see is just a portion of the work. KrHIvfhfP2E-00023-00006662-00007018 It's taken hours and that's fatiguing, KrHIvfhfP2E-00024-00007018-00007409 it's tiring to stand and do something for a long period KrHIvfhfP2E-00025-00007409-00007612 of time over and over and over, KrHIvfhfP2E-00026-00007612-00007776 it takes a physical endurance. KrHIvfhfP2E-00027-00007863-00008289 So, the warm up helps you to relax, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00028-00008289-00008474 And the way that I like to do it, KrHIvfhfP2E-00029-00008474-00008866 is I like to do a juggling warm up. KrHIvfhfP2E-00030-00008866-00009102 So, I start with that, KrHIvfhfP2E-00031-00009102-00009248 I'm gonna start with that today. KrHIvfhfP2E-00032-00009248-00009342 I don't start with that, KrHIvfhfP2E-00033-00009342-00009615 I'm gonna start with that (laughs) KrHIvfhfP2E-00034-00009763-00010013 And what I do is, I teach young people, KrHIvfhfP2E-00035-00010013-00010318 if they can't juggle, I teach 'em how to juggle. KrHIvfhfP2E-00036-00010318-00010794 And this is the way that I do that. KrHIvfhfP2E-00037-00010794-00010985 I use scarves because scarves are easy, KrHIvfhfP2E-00038-00010985-00011220 and these are kinda easy to find. KrHIvfhfP2E-00039-00011220-00011720 You can buy 'em on your favorite online purchasing store KrHIvfhfP2E-00040-00011746-00011872 of some kind, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00041-00012036-00012255 And scarves are light, they're easy to catch. KrHIvfhfP2E-00042-00012255-00012593 Now you can use fruit, you can use tennis balls, KrHIvfhfP2E-00043-00012593-00012774 you can just try with anything in your house. KrHIvfhfP2E-00044-00012774-00012997 Now, the way that you start, KrHIvfhfP2E-00045-00013083-00013421 is you take two in the right hand, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00046-00013421-00013591 And you have one in the left hand. KrHIvfhfP2E-00047-00013702-00014050 And the other thing about juggling and as an actor, KrHIvfhfP2E-00048-00014050-00014133 it's important to be able KrHIvfhfP2E-00049-00014133-00014412 to learn different skills quickly, too. KrHIvfhfP2E-00050-00014546-00014666 And that's why I like juggling, KrHIvfhfP2E-00051-00014666-00014944 it's physical, its moves the body, KrHIvfhfP2E-00052-00014944-00015093 and it's something to learn KrHIvfhfP2E-00053-00015093-00015268 if you don't know how to do it. KrHIvfhfP2E-00054-00015268-00015424 And you'll surprise yourself. KrHIvfhfP2E-00055-00015424-00015572 You say, "Wow, I didn't think I could do it." KrHIvfhfP2E-00056-00015572-00015695 Students come in all the time, KrHIvfhfP2E-00057-00015695-00015957 "I can't do that Mr. Sneed." KrHIvfhfP2E-00058-00015957-00016181 And what do you know, by the end of the day, KrHIvfhfP2E-00059-00016181-00016312 they know how to juggle. KrHIvfhfP2E-00060-00016312-00016406 I learned like that, KrHIvfhfP2E-00061-00016406-00016565 a guy told me, "I can teach you KrHIvfhfP2E-00062-00016565-00016929 "how to juggle in five minutes," and he actually did. KrHIvfhfP2E-00063-00016929-00017185 So alright, here we go. KrHIvfhfP2E-00064-00017595-00017789 Just a little warm up here, KrHIvfhfP2E-00065-00017907-00018293 keep 'em tight, keep 'em close to your body, KrHIvfhfP2E-00066-00018293-00018475 that makes it easier. KrHIvfhfP2E-00067-00018475-00018662 And what you'll notice is, KrHIvfhfP2E-00068-00018764-00019024 let's see, okay. KrHIvfhfP2E-00069-00019127-00019470 So, that's the juggle. KrHIvfhfP2E-00070-00019470-00019947 Now, the rest of the warm up for an actor, KrHIvfhfP2E-00071-00019947-00020276 is vocal and some physical also. KrHIvfhfP2E-00072-00020276-00020776 So, three rules for the actor, be heard, be understood, KrHIvfhfP2E-00073-00020977-00021166 and don't bump into the furniture. KrHIvfhfP2E-00074-00021261-00021491 In other words don't be clumsy, alright? KrHIvfhfP2E-00075-00021615-00022000 So, now this one is for enunciation, KrHIvfhfP2E-00076-00022000-00022351 and enunciation is the clarity of the word. KrHIvfhfP2E-00077-00022351-00022841 Now, vowels, what's a vowel? KrHIvfhfP2E-00078-00022841-00023186 A, E, I, O, U, correct, that's a vowel. KrHIvfhfP2E-00079-00023186-00023315 We all know what vowels are, KrHIvfhfP2E-00080-00023315-00023700 or at least we know now, A, E, I, O and U. KrHIvfhfP2E-00081-00023700-00023832 What's a consonant? KrHIvfhfP2E-00082-00023939-00024157 All the rest of the letters. KrHIvfhfP2E-00083-00024157-00024470 The consonant completes the word. KrHIvfhfP2E-00084-00024470-00024773 The consonant is what makes the word clear. KrHIvfhfP2E-00085-00024773-00025244 So, if I say the word cake, cake, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00086-00025244-00025595 That K at the end, or just before the end, KrHIvfhfP2E-00087-00025595-00025822 cake, that completes the word. KrHIvfhfP2E-00088-00025822-00025989 When you're on stage, KrHIvfhfP2E-00089-00025989-00026464 in a big place with 2,500 people in the audience, KrHIvfhfP2E-00090-00026464-00026937 it's going to be difficult for them to understand you KrHIvfhfP2E-00091-00026937-00027367 if you leave out those consonants at the end of the words. KrHIvfhfP2E-00092-00027470-00027736 Okay, so we use this exercise, KrHIvfhfP2E-00093-00027736-00027970 I call it Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu. KrHIvfhfP2E-00094-00027970-00028423 We use this, to work on our muscles in our mouth, KrHIvfhfP2E-00095-00028423-00028582 and then our lips and our tongue KrHIvfhfP2E-00096-00028582-00028966 and to get them used to being able KrHIvfhfP2E-00097-00028966-00029233 to enunciate all sorts of words. KrHIvfhfP2E-00098-00029233-00029477 That's essentially the deal, okay. KrHIvfhfP2E-00099-00029477-00029725 So, now and I like to do it with some KrHIvfhfP2E-00100-00029725-00029952 rhythm in there, okay. KrHIvfhfP2E-00101-00029952-00030217 So, I'm gonna say a consonant, KrHIvfhfP2E-00102-00030217-00030522 you put the consonant in front of the vowel, KrHIvfhfP2E-00103-00030522-00030680 and then you repeat. KrHIvfhfP2E-00104-00030680-00030805 Now, I'll give you an example. KrHIvfhfP2E-00105-00030805-00031305 I'll say B, and you say Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu. KrHIvfhfP2E-00106-00031531-00031794 And you really express it with your mouth, KrHIvfhfP2E-00107-00031794-00032193 use your mouth and pay attention to what you're doing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00108-00032193-00032549 Understand what your mouth is doing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00109-00032549-00032664 You know what I mean by that? KrHIvfhfP2E-00110-00032664-00032794 Think about that. KrHIvfhfP2E-00111-00032794-00033124 Really observe your mouth and observing KrHIvfhfP2E-00112-00033124-00033395 is not just watching, it's listening, KrHIvfhfP2E-00113-00033395-00033708 it's feeling, it's using all the senses. KrHIvfhfP2E-00114-00033708-00034208 Okay so, K, Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00115-00034414-00034914 D (claps) Da, De, Di, Do, Du (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00116-00034970-00035470 V (claps) Va, Ve, Vi, Vo, Vu (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00117-00035524-00036024 Y (claps) Ya, Ye, Yi, Yo, Yu (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00118-00036078-00036578 S (claps) Sa, Se, Si, So, Su (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00119-00036625-00037125 H (claps) Ha, He, Hi, Ho, Hu (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00120-00037181-00037653 L (claps) La, Le, Li, Lo, Lu. KrHIvfhfP2E-00121-00037763-00038016 Okay, let's stop there for a moment, students. KrHIvfhfP2E-00122-00038182-00038392 Now I'm gonna continue, KrHIvfhfP2E-00123-00038392-00038656 but I want you to pay attention to the rhythm, KrHIvfhfP2E-00124-00038656-00038921 do it in rhythm, rhythm is very important. KrHIvfhfP2E-00125-00038921-00039031 Well, I'm a percussionist KrHIvfhfP2E-00126-00039031-00039185 so, it's important to me. KrHIvfhfP2E-00127-00039185-00039476 But it's also important as an actor on stage, KrHIvfhfP2E-00128-00039476-00039835 timing, you know, you've heard of comedic timing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00129-00039835-00040050 So, I like to do this in rhythm KrHIvfhfP2E-00130-00040050-00040285 and if you're doing it with a group of people, KrHIvfhfP2E-00131-00040393-00040579 everyone has to be in sync. KrHIvfhfP2E-00132-00040579-00040793 That's what teaches ensemble: how to work KrHIvfhfP2E-00133-00040793-00041018 with a cast of actors too. KrHIvfhfP2E-00134-00041018-00041232 Okay, we'll do it a little faster, KrHIvfhfP2E-00135-00041232-00041366 but not too much faster, KrHIvfhfP2E-00136-00041366-00041541 you're just learning, that's okay. KrHIvfhfP2E-00137-00041541-00041781 Alright, (laughs) alright, ready? KrHIvfhfP2E-00138-00041781-00042167 T, Ta, Te, Ti, To, Tu (claps) KrHIvfhfP2E-00139-00042167-00042569 D (claps) Da, De, Di, Do, Du KrHIvfhfP2E-00140-00042569-00042977 V (claps) Va, Ve, Vi, Vo, Vu KrHIvfhfP2E-00141-00042977-00043378 F (claps) Fa, Fe, Fi, Fo, Fu KrHIvfhfP2E-00142-00043378-00043778 T (claps) Ta, Te, Ti, To, Tu. KrHIvfhfP2E-00143-00043778-00044189 Z (claps) Za, Ze, Zi, Zo, Zu KrHIvfhfP2E-00144-00044189-00044601 W (claps) Wa, We, Wi, Wo, Wu KrHIvfhfP2E-00145-00044601-00045007 G (claps) Ga, Ge, Gi, Go, Gu KrHIvfhfP2E-00146-00045007-00045426 J (claps) Ja, Je, Ji, Jo, Ju KrHIvfhfP2E-00147-00045426-00045597 Ah, alright. KrHIvfhfP2E-00148-00045684-00045832 So, it just continues on, KrHIvfhfP2E-00149-00045832-00046055 you can continue doing more of that, KrHIvfhfP2E-00150-00046055-00046253 say the letters repeat KrHIvfhfP2E-00151-00046345-00046780 the Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu sequence, alright? KrHIvfhfP2E-00152-00046780-00047025 So, next is breathing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00153-00047116-00047616 In breathing, is how you support volume, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00154-00047629-00047907 Breathing, the way in which you take in air, KrHIvfhfP2E-00155-00047907-00048161 and express the words, KrHIvfhfP2E-00156-00048161-00048595 how you push them out, is all about air and breathing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00157-00048595-00048806 Okay, so I'm gonna demonstrate, KrHIvfhfP2E-00158-00048806-00049145 now, and this is also a relaxation thing. KrHIvfhfP2E-00159-00049145-00049389 So, you breathe in, breathe in, KrHIvfhfP2E-00160-00049389-00049730 shoulders up, and then let it out, KrHIvfhfP2E-00161-00049730-00050002 ahhh, like that. KrHIvfhfP2E-00162-00050002-00050223 And let it out with a good tone, KrHIvfhfP2E-00163-00050223-00050482 you know, not just a holler. KrHIvfhfP2E-00164-00050482-00050752 Hollering is not what you wanna do, KrHIvfhfP2E-00165-00050752-00051252 there's a difference between hollering and projecting. KrHIvfhfP2E-00166-00051328-00051700 Projecting comes from here, you push it out, KrHIvfhfP2E-00167-00051700-00052034 takes work, work those stomach muscles. KrHIvfhfP2E-00168-00052034-00052228 That core has to work. KrHIvfhfP2E-00169-00052228-00052655 Okay so, let's breathe in and let it out again. KrHIvfhfP2E-00170-00052655-00053037 Breathe in, and then let it out, ahhh, KrHIvfhfP2E-00171-00053213-00053372 shoulders up at the same time. KrHIvfhfP2E-00172-00053372-00053499 Breathe in, shoulders up, KrHIvfhfP2E-00173-00053499-00053708 the tension goes in the shoulder KrHIvfhfP2E-00174-00053708-00053901 and then let it out, ahhh. KrHIvfhfP2E-00175-00054122-00054244 One more, let's do one more. KrHIvfhfP2E-00176-00054244-00054671 Breathe in, and shoulders up, KrHIvfhfP2E-00177-00054671-00055033 let it out, ahhh, okay. KrHIvfhfP2E-00178-00055202-00055436 Man, just loosen up a little bit. KrHIvfhfP2E-00179-00055436-00055716 Okay, last exercise warm up. KrHIvfhfP2E-00180-00055816-00056066 This is about the stomach as well. KrHIvfhfP2E-00181-00056066-00056495 And this is a pushing, pushing the sound out. KrHIvfhfP2E-00182-00056495-00056726 I'll demonstrate, breathe in. KrHIvfhfP2E-00183-00056819-00057319 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. KrHIvfhfP2E-00184-00057664-00058026 See how my stomach is pushing, pushing the words out, KrHIvfhfP2E-00185-00058026-00058283 different from when I'm just talking normal, KrHIvfhfP2E-00186-00058283-00058457 if I'm, you know, in the living room KrHIvfhfP2E-00187-00058457-00058624 and I'm talking hey, you know, KrHIvfhfP2E-00188-00058624-00058815 stomach doesn't have to work like that. KrHIvfhfP2E-00189-00058815-00058954 But if I'm on stage, KrHIvfhfP2E-00190-00058954-00059162 and I have to project I want people KrHIvfhfP2E-00191-00059162-00059396 to hear me even if you have a mic. KrHIvfhfP2E-00192-00059396-00059501 Even if you have a mic, KrHIvfhfP2E-00193-00059501-00059929 you still want to be able to push, project. KrHIvfhfP2E-00194-00059929-00060194 Okay, let's do that exercise again. KrHIvfhfP2E-00195-00060194-00060460 Breathe in and push it out, KrHIvfhfP2E-00196-00060460-00060960 ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. KrHIvfhfP2E-00197-00061155-00061257 Hear that tone, KrHIvfhfP2E-00198-00061257-00061467 I'm pushing, not hollering, KrHIvfhfP2E-00199-00061467-00061809 I'm pushing for a good tone, okay? KrHIvfhfP2E-00200-00061930-00062074 Now, that's your warm up. KrHIvfhfP2E-00201-00062074-00062255 Now you're ready to go on stage. KrHIvfhfP2E-00202-00062255-00062592 Now you're ready to present in front of the class, KrHIvfhfP2E-00203-00062592-00062775 in front of the whole school, KrHIvfhfP2E-00204-00062775-00062955 whatever it is, right? KrHIvfhfP2E-00205-00062955-00063052 Now you're ready to go. KrHIvfhfP2E-00206-00063052-00063334 Your body is awake and alive and ready. KrHIvfhfP2E-00207-00063524-00063863 Steve Sneed, acting teacher. KrHIvfhfP2E-00208-00063863-00064078 My school is South Lake High School KrHIvfhfP2E-00209-00064078-00064238 in Seattle, Washington (laughs). KrHIvfhfP2E-00210-00064322-00064427 Thank you so much. KrHIvfhfP2E-00211-00064556-00064814 (upbeat music) KtecjUvOIqY-00000-00000086-00000487 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00001-00001534-00001785 Hello, I'm Dr. Judy Park. KtecjUvOIqY-00002-00001785-00001972 I'm a surgeon and the Physician-in-Chief. KtecjUvOIqY-00003-00001972-00002232 It's my pleasure to welcome you to the KtecjUvOIqY-00004-00002232-00002539 Kaiser Permanente Richmond Medical Center. KtecjUvOIqY-00005-00002539-00002922 As the Physician-in-Chief, I'm responsible for the medical care KtecjUvOIqY-00006-00002922-00003146 delivered in this hospital. KtecjUvOIqY-00007-00003146-00003446 Here in our state-of-the-art facility, we perform KtecjUvOIqY-00008-00003446-00003803 over 6000 surgical procedures per year. KtecjUvOIqY-00009-00003803-00004147 It's our goal to make certain each of our surgical patients KtecjUvOIqY-00010-00004147-00004487 and their loved ones feel comfortable, informed KtecjUvOIqY-00011-00004487-00004738 and well taken care of. KtecjUvOIqY-00012-00004738-00005068 This video will give you an overview of what you can expect KtecjUvOIqY-00013-00005068-00005415 with most surgical experiences. KtecjUvOIqY-00014-00005415-00005715 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00015-00005875-00006112 Hi there. My name is Jose Duran-Mendoza KtecjUvOIqY-00016-00006112-00006309 and I'm a Kaiser Permanente member. KtecjUvOIqY-00017-00006309-00006513 I've had surgery here before so let me provide you KtecjUvOIqY-00018-00006513-00006680 with a few tips: KtecjUvOIqY-00019-00006680-00007000 Wear loose fitting clothing, leave valuables at home KtecjUvOIqY-00020-00007000-00007230 and please follow the eating and drinking guidelines KtecjUvOIqY-00021-00007230-00007664 you were given so that your surgery can proceed as planned. KtecjUvOIqY-00022-00007664-00007968 When you arrive at the hospital, you'll find that there is a free KtecjUvOIqY-00023-00007968-00008248 parking garage attached to the medical center. KtecjUvOIqY-00024-00008248-00008541 After you park, come in through the main entrance. KtecjUvOIqY-00025-00008541-00008842 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00026-00008969-00009289 You'll walk past the front desk to the hospital elevator bay KtecjUvOIqY-00027-00009289-00009416 on the left. KtecjUvOIqY-00028-00009416-00009643 From there, take the elevators to the second floor. KtecjUvOIqY-00029-00009643-00009869 This is where you'll check in. KtecjUvOIqY-00030-00009869-00010166 Please arrive for surgery at the time you are given so that your KtecjUvOIqY-00031-00010166-00010603 care team can adequately prepare you for surgery without delay. KtecjUvOIqY-00032-00010603-00010934 When you get to the second floor, you'll need to register. KtecjUvOIqY-00033-00010934-00011091 Hi, welcome to admitting... KtecjUvOIqY-00034-00011091-00011234 It should take a few minutes and involves KtecjUvOIqY-00035-00011234-00011431 filling out some paperwork. KtecjUvOIqY-00036-00011431-00011588 You'll need your Kaiser Permanente card KtecjUvOIqY-00037-00011588-00011781 and a photo ID. KtecjUvOIqY-00038-00011781-00012075 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00039-00012238-00012599 Hi, my name is Mia Pannell and I'm a registered nurse KtecjUvOIqY-00040-00012599-00012742 in Pre-Op. KtecjUvOIqY-00041-00012742-00013066 This is the area where we'll get your ready for your surgery. KtecjUvOIqY-00042-00013066-00013433 Hi, my name is Saroj. I'm one of the nurses. KtecjUvOIqY-00043-00013433-00013767 We will call you from the waiting area and bring you back KtecjUvOIqY-00044-00013767-00013990 to pre-op. KtecjUvOIqY-00045-00013990-00014240 That means your family and friends will stay KtecjUvOIqY-00046-00014240-00014391 in the waiting room. KtecjUvOIqY-00047-00014391-00014668 But don't worry, you'll have another chance to see them KtecjUvOIqY-00048-00014668-00014908 before surgery. KtecjUvOIqY-00049-00014908-00015295 The first step is having you change into a hospital gown. KtecjUvOIqY-00050-00015295-00015645 This is also a great chance to use the restroom. KtecjUvOIqY-00051-00015645-00015819 So I'm going to look at your arm band... KtecjUvOIqY-00052-00015819-00016212 Next is for us to do private history with you. KtecjUvOIqY-00053-00016212-00016496 We'll do some routine care including taking your KtecjUvOIqY-00054-00016496-00016770 vital signs and getting your weight. KtecjUvOIqY-00055-00016770-00017253 Then we'll get your IV started and draw any necessary labs. KtecjUvOIqY-00056-00017253-00017587 Next, you'll get any medications that your surgical team KtecjUvOIqY-00057-00017587-00017771 has ordered. KtecjUvOIqY-00058-00017771-00018078 At this point, family members or friends can join you KtecjUvOIqY-00059-00018078-00018298 if you'd like. KtecjUvOIqY-00060-00018298-00018578 If you didn't lock up your valuables at registration, KtecjUvOIqY-00061-00018578-00018968 we'll do that for you now unless you want your family KtecjUvOIqY-00062-00018968-00019199 or friends to hold on to them for you. KtecjUvOIqY-00063-00019199-00019399 Hello, Linda. Good to see you again. KtecjUvOIqY-00064-00019399-00019632 Do you have any questions for me today? KtecjUvOIqY-00065-00019632-00019839 The last thing you'll do in pre-op is meet your KtecjUvOIqY-00066-00019839-00020143 surgical team who'll be taking care of you: KtecjUvOIqY-00067-00020143-00020597 your surgeon, anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist, KtecjUvOIqY-00068-00020597-00020814 and your OR nurse. KtecjUvOIqY-00069-00020814-00021161 They'll go over the surgical plan and give you an opportunity KtecjUvOIqY-00070-00021161-00021534 to ask questions or clarify issues. KtecjUvOIqY-00071-00021534-00021755 Throughout the pre-surgery process, KtecjUvOIqY-00072-00021755-00022092 expect to be asked multiple times your name, KtecjUvOIqY-00073-00022092-00022415 your Kaiser Permanente number, your date of birth KtecjUvOIqY-00074-00022415-00022682 and what procedure you're here for. KtecjUvOIqY-00075-00022682-00023149 This is an important safety check for you and for us. KtecjUvOIqY-00076-00023149-00023450 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00077-00023560-00023807 Hi, my name is Jamilla Churchill KtecjUvOIqY-00078-00023807-00024014 and I'm one of the anesthesia providers here at KtecjUvOIqY-00079-00024014-00024284 Richmond Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. KtecjUvOIqY-00080-00024284-00024584 After pre-op, you'll be taken back to the operating room KtecjUvOIqY-00081-00024584-00024881 where your surgical team will be waiting for you. KtecjUvOIqY-00082-00024881-00025065 They'll be wearing caps and masks to keep your KtecjUvOIqY-00083-00025065-00025291 OR suite sterile. KtecjUvOIqY-00084-00025291-00025488 It's normal for the room to feel cold. KtecjUvOIqY-00085-00025488-00025715 This helps with sterility. KtecjUvOIqY-00086-00025715-00026039 You'll be assisted onto the OR table where you'll be attached KtecjUvOIqY-00087-00026039-00026402 to heart and lung monitors and stockings that squeeze your legs KtecjUvOIqY-00088-00026402-00026606 - these help with circulation. KtecjUvOIqY-00089-00026606-00026950 The team will review the consent with you and with each other. KtecjUvOIqY-00090-00026950-00027137 Linda Choy, procedure is laparoscopic... KtecjUvOIqY-00091-00027137-00027417 no site or site markings necessary... KtecjUvOIqY-00092-00027417-00027607 I'm Brygida I'll be the circulator. KtecjUvOIqY-00093-00027607-00027831 Sequential stockings are on and activated. KtecjUvOIqY-00094-00027831-00028101 I'm Kayla and I'm going to be your scrub tech today. KtecjUvOIqY-00095-00028101-00028468 I'm Jamilla from Anesthesia. Our plan will be a general.... KtecjUvOIqY-00096-00028468-00028758 This is done as a final safety check and sets expectations KtecjUvOIqY-00097-00028758-00028902 for the surgical team. KtecjUvOIqY-00098-00028902-00029169 Once we are all in agreement, the next step is to get you KtecjUvOIqY-00099-00029169-00029332 safely off to sleep. KtecjUvOIqY-00100-00029332-00029582 I'll have you take some nice deep relaxing breaths. KtecjUvOIqY-00101-00029582-00029739 This is just oxygen. KtecjUvOIqY-00102-00029739-00029946 Family and friends can follow your progress on the KtecjUvOIqY-00103-00029946-00030180 surgery board in the waiting area. KtecjUvOIqY-00104-00030180-00030373 We'll give them a color-coded chart so they'll know KtecjUvOIqY-00105-00030373-00030593 how to read the information. KtecjUvOIqY-00106-00030593-00030857 When the surgery is finished, your surgeon will call your KtecjUvOIqY-00107-00030857-00031141 family or friends or will talk to them in the waiting area KtecjUvOIqY-00108-00031141-00031301 to give them an update. KtecjUvOIqY-00109-00031301-00031508 No problems. Everything went great. KtecjUvOIqY-00110-00031508-00031775 To learn more about the OR, you can experience our KtecjUvOIqY-00111-00031775-00032035 virtual reality video by clicking on the link KtecjUvOIqY-00112-00032035-00032195 on our website. KtecjUvOIqY-00113-00032195-00032472 It gives you a bird's eye view of what happens in the KtecjUvOIqY-00114-00032472-00032889 operating room as your OR team prepares for your procedure. KtecjUvOIqY-00115-00032889-00033189 [music] KtecjUvOIqY-00116-00033316-00033563 Hello, my name is Gabriela Valle-Ramirez KtecjUvOIqY-00117-00033563-00033850 and I'm a registered nurse specializing in patient KtecjUvOIqY-00118-00033850-00034077 recovery after anesthesia. KtecjUvOIqY-00119-00034077-00034457 After surgery, you'll be brought into the recovery area. KtecjUvOIqY-00120-00034457-00034764 As you wake up, I'll closely monitor your vital signs KtecjUvOIqY-00121-00034764-00034938 and pain level. KtecjUvOIqY-00122-00034938-00035211 It's our goal to keep your pain at a comfortable level KtecjUvOIqY-00123-00035211-00035442 while maintaining your safety. KtecjUvOIqY-00124-00035442-00035702 On average, most patients spend about an hour to KtecjUvOIqY-00125-00035702-00035945 an hour and a half in recovery. KtecjUvOIqY-00126-00035945-00036236 When you're ready to go home, I'll give you and your KtecjUvOIqY-00127-00036236-00036599 designated caretaker your discharge instructions. KtecjUvOIqY-00128-00036599-00036773 If you're staying the night with us, KtecjUvOIqY-00129-00036773-00037063 you'll be transferred to your hospital room from here. KtecjUvOIqY-00130-00037063-00037267 You might be forgetful in recovery, KtecjUvOIqY-00131-00037267-00037557 so key information will be communicated a few times to you KtecjUvOIqY-00132-00037557-00037821 and to any family members or caregivers who are there KtecjUvOIqY-00133-00037821-00037981 with you. KtecjUvOIqY-00134-00037981-00038288 The pain medication, mom, you're going to give it every 4 hours. KtecjUvOIqY-00135-00038288-00038585 We hope this video has helped you to feel prepared and KtecjUvOIqY-00136-00038585-00038898 reassured about your upcoming surgical procedure. KtecjUvOIqY-00137-00038898-00039095 If you have any additional questions, KtecjUvOIqY-00138-00039095-00039552 don't hesitate to ask any member of our staff or give us a call. KtecjUvOIqY-00139-00039552-00039873 Here at the Kaiser Permanente Richmond Medical Center, KtecjUvOIqY-00140-00039873-00040253 we're working together to make your surgical experience with us KtecjUvOIqY-00141-00040253-00040437 a positive one. KtecjUvOIqY-00142-00040437-00040750 We're all looking forward to taking excellent care of you KtecjUvOIqY-00143-00040750-00041167 so you can get back to doing the things your enjoy...and thrive. KtecjUvOIqY-00144-00041167-00041391 Thank you. K-dbXfbvvVc-00000-00000010-00000116 THEY'RE 12 AND 5 ON THE SEASON K-dbXfbvvVc-00001-00000116-00000123 THEY'RE 12 AND 5 ON THE SEASON K-dbXfbvvVc-00002-00000123-00000520 THEY'RE 12 AND 5 ON THE SEASON AND BACK IN ACTION ON SATURDAY. K-dbXfbvvVc-00003-00000520-00000527 THEY'RE 12 AND 5 ON THE SEASON AND BACK IN ACTION ON SATURDAY. K-dbXfbvvVc-00004-00000527-00000647 THEY'RE 12 AND 5 ON THE SEASON AND BACK IN ACTION ON SATURDAY. >> COLLIN: TO THE COURTS, THE K-dbXfbvvVc-00005-00000647-00000653 AND BACK IN ACTION ON SATURDAY. >> COLLIN: TO THE COURTS, THE K-dbXfbvvVc-00006-00000653-00000767 AND BACK IN ACTION ON SATURDAY. >> COLLIN: TO THE COURTS, THE SEEDINGS ARE SET IN WOMEN'S K-dbXfbvvVc-00007-00000767-00000774 >> COLLIN: TO THE COURTS, THE SEEDINGS ARE SET IN WOMEN'S K-dbXfbvvVc-00008-00000774-00000924 >> COLLIN: TO THE COURTS, THE SEEDINGS ARE SET IN WOMEN'S TENNIS FOR THE NSIC CONFERENCE K-dbXfbvvVc-00009-00000924-00000930 SEEDINGS ARE SET IN WOMEN'S TENNIS FOR THE NSIC CONFERENCE K-dbXfbvvVc-00010-00000930-00001121 SEEDINGS ARE SET IN WOMEN'S TENNIS FOR THE NSIC CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND. K-dbXfbvvVc-00011-00001121-00001127 TENNIS FOR THE NSIC CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND. K-dbXfbvvVc-00012-00001127-00001341 TENNIS FOR THE NSIC CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND. BSU GETS FOURTH SEED AND WILL K-dbXfbvvVc-00013-00001341-00001348 TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND. BSU GETS FOURTH SEED AND WILL K-dbXfbvvVc-00014-00001348-00001528 TOURNAMENT THIS WEEKEND. BSU GETS FOURTH SEED AND WILL TAKE ON FIFTH SEEDED DULUTH IN K-dbXfbvvVc-00015-00001528-00001534 BSU GETS FOURTH SEED AND WILL TAKE ON FIFTH SEEDED DULUTH IN K-dbXfbvvVc-00016-00001534-00001745 BSU GETS FOURTH SEED AND WILL TAKE ON FIFTH SEEDED DULUTH IN THE QUARTER FINALS IN MINNETONKA K-dbXfbvvVc-00017-00001745-00001751 TAKE ON FIFTH SEEDED DULUTH IN THE QUARTER FINALS IN MINNETONKA K-dbXfbvvVc-00018-00001751-00001815 TAKE ON FIFTH SEEDED DULUTH IN THE QUARTER FINALS IN MINNETONKA ON SATURDAY. K-dbXfbvvVc-00019-00001815-00001821 THE QUARTER FINALS IN MINNETONKA ON SATURDAY. K-dbXfbvvVc-00020-00001821-00001931 THE QUARTER FINALS IN MINNETONKA ON SATURDAY. IT'S THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE K-dbXfbvvVc-00021-00001931-00001938 ON SATURDAY. IT'S THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE K-dbXfbvvVc-00022-00001938-00002055 ON SATURDAY. IT'S THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE APPEARANCE IN THE POST-SEASON K-dbXfbvvVc-00023-00002055-00002062 IT'S THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE APPEARANCE IN THE POST-SEASON K-dbXfbvvVc-00024-00002062-00002172 IT'S THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE APPEARANCE IN THE POST-SEASON FOR THE BEAVERS. K-dbXfbvvVc-00025-00002172-00002178 APPEARANCE IN THE POST-SEASON FOR THE BEAVERS. K-dbXfbvvVc-00026-00002178-00002318 APPEARANCE IN THE POST-SEASON FOR THE BEAVERS. THEY BEAT THE BULLDOGS AT HOME K-dbXfbvvVc-00027-00002318-00002325 FOR THE BEAVERS. THEY BEAT THE BULLDOGS AT HOME K-dbXfbvvVc-00028-00002325-00002499 FOR THE BEAVERS. THEY BEAT THE BULLDOGS AT HOME EARLIER THIS SEASON, 7 TO 2. K-dbXfbvvVc-00029-00002499-00002505 THEY BEAT THE BULLDOGS AT HOME EARLIER THIS SEASON, 7 TO 2. K-dbXfbvvVc-00030-00002505-00002682 THEY BEAT THE BULLDOGS AT HOME EARLIER THIS SEASON, 7 TO 2. HERE'S A LOOK AT THE SEEDINGS K-dbXfbvvVc-00031-00002682-00002689 EARLIER THIS SEASON, 7 TO 2. HERE'S A LOOK AT THE SEEDINGS K-dbXfbvvVc-00032-00002689-00002806 EARLIER THIS SEASON, 7 TO 2. HERE'S A LOOK AT THE SEEDINGS ONE THROUGH EIGHT. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00000-00000126-00000846 Welcome to another part of the CoreTrustSeal 23-25 requirements videos. In this series we K-PmS7PJGiQ-00001-00000846-00001248 will talk you through the new CoreTrustSeal requirements for the period from K-PmS7PJGiQ-00002-00001248-00002039 2023 to 2025. You will learn about the details of each requirement, the evidence expected from K-PmS7PJGiQ-00003-00002039-00002544 applications, extended guidances, and the changes compared to the previous K-PmS7PJGiQ-00004-00002544-00003198 version of the requirements. This video covers requirement number 14, storage and integrity. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00005-00003198-00003815 It gives a summary and highlights the most important aspects, but please do refer to K-PmS7PJGiQ-00006-00003815-00004398 the full guidelines and extended guidelines for the complete requirement text. If you have K-PmS7PJGiQ-00007-00004398-00005142 not already done so, we recommend you watch the general introduction video to this series first. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00008-00005424-00006000 The 14th requirement of CoreTrustSeal is Storage and Integrity. It reads as follows: K-PmS7PJGiQ-00009-00006078-00006720 The repository applies documented processes to ensure data and metadata storage and integrity. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00010-00006792-00007440 This requirement covers the way trustworthy repositories manage data, metadata, and digital K-PmS7PJGiQ-00011-00007440-00008148 objects in each environment and storage location that support creation and preservation processes. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00012-00008364-00009174 So why is this a requirement for a trustworthy digital repository? Well, repositories K-PmS7PJGiQ-00013-00009174-00009750 take responsibility for the creation and preservation of digital objects. They store them K-PmS7PJGiQ-00014-00009750-00010380 with multiple copies potentially in a multi-site environment and they use data and metadata to K-PmS7PJGiQ-00015-00010380-00010974 prevent from unintentional or unauthorized changes. So they have to demonstrate that K-PmS7PJGiQ-00016-00010974-00011640 their staff have a clear technical understanding of all storage locations and how they are managed. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00017-00011988-00012378 As previously said, evidences should cover each of K-PmS7PJGiQ-00018-00012378-00012804 the storage locations that support creation and preservation processes. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00019-00012876-00013547 This includes the strategy for multiple copies, how data and metadata are managed in each environment, K-PmS7PJGiQ-00020-00013613-00014213 but also the procedures to ensure that data and metadata are only deleted as part of an K-PmS7PJGiQ-00021-00014213-00014922 approved and documented process. The procedures for handling and monitoring deterioration of storage K-PmS7PJGiQ-00022-00014922-00015576 media are also in scope for this requirement, as well as the checks, for example fixity checks, K-PmS7PJGiQ-00023-00015576-00016224 used to verify that a digital object has not been altered or corrected from deposit to use. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00024-00016319-00016992 Example of evidence include data flow diagrams covering deposit creation and access locations, K-PmS7PJGiQ-00025-00016992-00017742 plus any access restrictions if need be. Keep in mind that these measures are not part of the K-PmS7PJGiQ-00026-00017742-00018522 technical infrastructures R15, or security R16 requirements which cover different topics. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00027-00018912-00019464 A couple of example statements are presented here to further explain what sort of evidences K-PmS7PJGiQ-00028-00019464-00020088 are expected for requirement number 14. Please note that these are samples and by no means K-PmS7PJGiQ-00029-00020088-00020808 complete response statements. The first example is not satisfactory as it contains too little K-PmS7PJGiQ-00030-00020808-00021570 information. The requirement stipulates that when repositories use fixity checksum, the checks should K-PmS7PJGiQ-00031-00021570-00022212 be detailed to demonstrate that unintentional or unauthorized changes can be detected and corrected. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00032-00022308-00022974 The second one makes clear that fixity checks are implemented at multiple levels. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00033-00023058-00023502 In the actual response statement a description of the checks performed K-PmS7PJGiQ-00034-00023502-00024066 at storage and object levels would have to be provided, including correction actions. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00035-00024138-00024726 The third and last one details the type of checksum used and the steps for its generation. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00036-00024726-00025356 A data flow diagram covering the different storage phases could nicely complement this. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00037-00025716-00026208 What changes have been made to this requirement compared to the previous version? K-PmS7PJGiQ-00038-00026304-00026994 The requirement is an aggregation of the measures to protect the Integrity of data and metadata (R7) K-PmS7PJGiQ-00039-00026994-00027702 and the Documented processes in managing archival storage of the data from early (R9). K-PmS7PJGiQ-00040-00027702-00028230 It was clear from previous applications that these topics were addressed primarily K-PmS7PJGiQ-00041-00028230-00028968 in technical terms so this change moves Storage into in the Information Technology and Security K-PmS7PJGiQ-00042-00028968-00029568 subsection to cover the avoidance of unintended changes to digital objects. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00043-00030006-00030643 This concludes the instruction on requirement 14 of the new CoreTrustSeal requirements. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00044-00030643-00031404 Similar instruction videos can be found on all the other requirements on the CoreTrustSeal YouTube channel. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00045-00031404-00032189 You can find the full set of new requirements for the period 23-25 on the CoreTrustSeal website. K-PmS7PJGiQ-00046-00032189-00032489 If you have remaining questions or would like more K-PmS7PJGiQ-00047-00032489-00032988 information, please contact CoreTrustSeal using the email address shown here. KBZTVUcOlJc-00000-00000944-00001494 In the research results section, we KBZTVUcOlJc-00001-00001317-00001778 learned that you need to include the KBZTVUcOlJc-00002-00001494-00002053 details of your participants who you KBZTVUcOlJc-00003-00001778-00002360 studied or the subjects that you studied. KBZTVUcOlJc-00004-00002053-00002613 You need to explain the sample frame, KBZTVUcOlJc-00005-00002360-00002817 that is, who are these people? KBZTVUcOlJc-00006-00002613-00003053 who are the subjects? or what are the KBZTVUcOlJc-00007-00002817-00003473 objects? or where is the location? just KBZTVUcOlJc-00008-00003053-00003797 what is the situation around that. You KBZTVUcOlJc-00009-00003473-00004121 need to summarize your data. And you need KBZTVUcOlJc-00010-00003797-00004373 to focus on the key data especially. And KBZTVUcOlJc-00011-00004121-00004548 you can assume that the readers know KBZTVUcOlJc-00012-00004373-00004857 a lot. You don't need to explain KBZTVUcOlJc-00013-00004548-00005045 everything from zero. That would take too KBZTVUcOlJc-00014-00004857-00005363 much time. KBZTVUcOlJc-00015-00005045-00005363 [Music] KCmEFJX19_8-00000-00002528-00003014 okay KCmEFJX19_8-00001-00003014-00004919 reloading KCmEFJX19_8-00002-00004919-00005223 shadows traveling cover going out KCmEFJX19_8-00003-00005223-00007090 stop it get some help KCmEFJX19_8-00004-00007090-00009925 let them try to get through me okay okay KCmEFJX19_8-00005-00009925-00011099 what KCmEFJX19_8-00006-00011099-00011715 going out KCmEFJX19_8-00008-00014966-00015066 standing KCmEFJX19_8-00010-00019307-00019407 i KCmEFJX19_8-00011-00019407-00019507 this is KCmEFJX19_8-00012-00019507-00020990 i like to get KCmEFJX19_8-00013-00020990-00023399 experiment completely KCmEFJX19_8-00014-00023399-00024988 what the [ __ ] KCmEFJX19_8-00015-00024988-00026547 decoy KCmEFJX19_8-00016-00026547-00028107 honey KCmEFJX19_8-00017-00028107-00028264 a few moments later KCmEFJX19_8-00018-00028264-00031158 i'm amped let's go i got things to do KCmEFJX19_8-00019-00031158-00032083 very KCmEFJX19_8-00020-00032083-00033009 decoy KCmEFJX19_8-00021-00033009-00035908 spike down b welcome to my world KCmEFJX19_8-00022-00035908-00036008 one KCmEFJX19_8-00023-00036008-00037752 just you know from the front yeah KCmEFJX19_8-00024-00037752-00040593 get off your feet KCmEFJX19_8-00025-00040593-00043053 enemy spotted b KCmEFJX19_8-00026-00043053-00043199 you will not kill my KCmEFJX19_8-00027-00043199-00043734 perfect allies KCmEFJX19_8-00028-00043734-00046155 spike planted KCmEFJX19_8-00029-00046155-00046467 everyone note down your observations then let's run it again KCmEFJX19_8-00031-00049958-00051345 stop KCmEFJX19_8-00032-00051345-00051838 it get some help KCmEFJX19_8-00034-00058974-00060027 cover going down KCmEFJX19_8-00035-00060027-00060866 what the [ __ ] KCmEFJX19_8-00036-00060866-00062132 30 seconds left KCmEFJX19_8-00037-00062132-00062597 no god please standing KCmEFJX19_8-00038-00062597-00063463 they look like us but are they us i have so many questions okay KCmEFJX19_8-00039-00063463-00066098 together KCmEFJX19_8-00040-00066098-00068732 decoy KCmEFJX19_8-00042-00072286-00072386 kill my copy KCmEFJX19_8-00043-00072386-00073281 satisfied KCmEFJX19_8-00045-00076927-00077760 okay KCmEFJX19_8-00046-00077760-00079329 run KCmEFJX19_8-00048-00083561-00084464 you will not kill my allies KCmEFJX19_8-00049-00084464-00086714 i'll handle this KCmEFJX19_8-00050-00086714-00086814 one enemy remaining KCmEFJX19_8-00051-00086814-00087480 left KCmEFJX19_8-00052-00087480-00088148 anyway KCmEFJX19_8-00053-00088148-00088817 reloading KCmEFJX19_8-00055-00093595-00095082 spike down KCmEFJX19_8-00056-00095082-00095182 beat KCmEFJX19_8-00057-00095182-00096693 okay KCmEFJX19_8-00058-00096693-00096793 one KCmEFJX19_8-00059-00096793-00097726 wait a minute KCmEFJX19_8-00060-00097726-00098080 oh KCmEFJX19_8-00062-00102793-00103543 one enemy remaining KCmEFJX19_8-00063-00103543-00106253 wait what flawless KCmEFJX19_8-00064-00106253-00107242 shadows traveling KCmEFJX19_8-00065-00107242-00107342 blocking site KCmEFJX19_8-00066-00107342-00109679 over here KCmEFJX19_8-00067-00109679-00109779 wow KCmEFJX19_8-00069-00113507-00115504 wow oh god KCmEFJX19_8-00070-00115504-00115624 one enemy remaining KCmEFJX19_8-00071-00115624-00118434 breaks the rest will follow attackers win stop it get some help KCmEFJX19_8-00072-00118434-00121177 okay KCr6PtQ6JUy-00000-00000123-00001000 Sadhguru: Without having mastery over time, nobody can determine the natureof their destiny in their lives. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00001-00001256-00002160 So, the only way you can take charge of time is by mastering your energies, how they function. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00002-00002160-00002864 If you are functioning like asteam engine, it's a long time. If you are functioning like a jet engine, boom, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00003-00002864-00003815 and one who's taken charge of time, for him, theentire universe is a sweetness of compassion. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00004-00004624-00005456 Once you came here as a humanbeing, life got little complicated. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00005-00005456-00006224 If you came here, like any other creatureon this planet – stomach full, life settled. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00006-00006224-00007448 Once you come here as ahuman being – stomach empty, only one problem; stomach full, one hundred problems (Laughter). KCr6PtQ6JUy-00007-00007448-00008488 So, what we are calling as life here, is justa certain combination of time and energy. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00008-00008488-00009961 This combo of time and energy, unfortunately, majority of the people never learn to handle it seamlesslyand wonderfully. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00009-00009961-00010691 Hitch after hitch,everything is a problem. If you'rea toddler, you have diaper problems. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00010-00010691-00011072 If you become an adolescent, you have hormonal problems. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00011-00011072-00011872 If you become middle aged, there is acrisis. Old age is horrible (Laughter). KCr6PtQ6JUy-00012-00011872-00012914 Every phase of life, people are seeingit as some kind of a problem. Of course, death is a serious problem. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00013-00012914-00014047 So, this combination of timeand energy, we must understand thenature of what we are handling. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00014-00014047-00014778 Time by its own nature is such – you dosomething, it rolls; if you don't do something,it rolls. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00015-00014778-00015111 You don't have to push it, I'm saying. Hello? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00016-00015111-00015561 As you're sitting here, it's rolling away. You're doing lot of things, it's rolling away. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00017-00015561-00016199 You do nothing, it rolls away. You're awake, it rolls away. You're asleep, it rolls away. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00018-00016199-00017154 But without having mastery over time, nobody can determine the nature of theirdestiny in their lives. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00019-00017154-00017456 How to grab time? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00020-00017456-00018147 People are talking about time management. Have you ever managed time (Laughter)? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00021-00018147-00018727 As you sit here, it's tickingaway. And what's ticking away is not a clock. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00022-00018727-00019128 What's tickingaway is our life itself. Hello? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00023-00019128-00020200 Since I walked in, you’re two minutes closer to your grave(Laughter)? Yes, you're. Me too (Laughs). KCr6PtQ6JUy-00024-00020200-00020928 This is the nature of time. Whateveryou do, do not do, do anything you want, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00025-00020928-00021312 but you’re not able to roll itback. It is only rolling forward. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00026-00021728-00022272 It is just that if you are happy, it seemsto tick away very fast. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00027-00022272-00022967 If you're miserable, it goes very slowly for you. Have you noticed this? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00028-00022967-00023858 On a particular day you’re very happy – twenty-four hours chuup. Now you're depressed,twenty-four hours feel… feel like a eon for you? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00029-00023858-00024160 Yes or no? Participants: Yes. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00030-00024160-00024920 Sadhguru: So, only miserable people have a long life (Laughter). KCr6PtQ6JUy-00031-00024920-00025240 If you're a joyful person, it's a brief life. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00032-00025240-00025903 If you're an ecstatic person, it’s just a moment, poof, it's gone before you know what's happening. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00033-00025903-00026500 Life has gone so fast that even my bodyhas not realized time has gone by. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00034-00026500-00027126 And it's still (Laughs)… I have not realized time has gone by. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00035-00027126-00027955 This is the thirtieth year of Isha, it… Thirtieth anniversary of Isha Foundationand I can't believe, thirty years… KCr6PtQ6JUy-00036-00027955-00028934 it feels like three days in my experience. Andin these three days or thirty years my schedules are… KCr6PtQ6JUy-00037-00028934-00029465 Singapore is a holidayfor me, I just come to golf and (Laughs)… KCr6PtQ6JUy-00038-00029465-00030225 Otherwise, my schedules are insane, okay. Every day twenty hours minimum we are on. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00039-00030225-00030988 I’ve never been… I never missed a single airplanetill now. In a day, sometimes I 've been in six airports. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00040-00030988-00031425 But I’ve never missed an airplane, I’ve never missed an appointment. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00041-00031425-00032166 I never been late to an appointment in thirty years. But I don't manage time, I manage myself. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00042-00032166-00032544 Time, how to manage? It’s too big athing to manage. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00043-00032544-00033040 It's not in your hands, whether you like it or not, it's ticking away,isn't it? Yes. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00044-00033040-00033800 If you sit here, it’s ticking away. If you jump around, it will tick away. Dowhatever you want, it'll tick away, isn't it? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00045-00033800-00034512 But what you can do with yourself, that you canmanage. There's nothing to do with the time. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00046-00034512-00035036 So, self-management, not time-management. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00047-00035036-00035692 Just a few days ago, I was flying in from India. Normally, it used to be thirteen-and-a-half, fourteen hours. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00048-00035692-00036477 But now there is someissue that Pakistan is not allowing airplanes to flow… fly over theirairspace. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00049-00036477-00036797 So, it's taking sixteen hours. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00050-00036797-00037164 Because I know all the pilots and I'm a licensed pilot myself, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00051-00037164-00037625 so they let me sit in the cockpit, and I'm interested in what's happening there. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00052-00037625-00038016 So, I was talking to them and they said Sadhguru… KCr6PtQ6JUy-00053-00038016-00038576 I said, “Fourteen hours, isn't it?” They said, “No, Sadhguru, sixteen hours, it's so long.” KCr6PtQ6JUy-00054-00038576-00038984 Then I said, “See I'm not complaining. Because just a century ago, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00055-00038984-00039784 if I had to go to United States, it was sixty days – sixteen hours, I'm not complaining, I'm okay. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00056-00039784-00040171 I’ll sit down, lie down, readsomething, do something or talk to you. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00057-00040171-00041070 But I'm not complaining about sixteen hours.” How did sixty days become sixteen hours? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00058-00041070-00041835 Simply because from us… a chugging steam engine to a jet engine. Hello? KCr6PtQ6JUy-00059-00041835-00042318 Suddenly, sixty days became sixteen hours. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00060-00042318-00043246 So, the only way you can take charge of time is by mastering your energies, how they function. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00061-00043246-00044051 If you are functioning like a steam engine,it's a long time. If you're functioning likea jet engine, boom. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00062-00044051-00044717 Right now, they're saying the Chinese have developed an airplane whereBeijing to New York you can do it in two hours. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00063-00044717-00045091 They are saying by 2028 they'll have it commercially ready. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00064-00045091-00045354 Two hours. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00065-00045354-00046061 So, this is not mastery of time but consequentiallyit is mastery of time. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00066-00046061-00046472 If what somebody does in ten years, if you can do it in one year, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00067-00046472-00047193 if bothof you live for hundred years, in terms of impact and expe… profoundness of experience you live fora thousand years. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00068-00047193-00047893 Hello? That is the only way you can take charge of time, and one who's takencharge of time, KCr6PtQ6JUy-00069-00047893-00048500 for him, the entire universe is a sweetness of compassion. KCr6PtQ6JUy-00070-00048500-00049000 That will be hisexperience of life once he’s taken charge of time. KFqSw62ZXTM-00000-00000000-00000151 Nothing's moving. KFqSw62ZXTM-00001-00000212-00000449 The only thing that fell is this little box. KFqSw62ZXTM-00002-00000553-00000654 What's inside? KFqSw62ZXTM-00003-00000767-00000919 *REHEHEHE* KFqSw62ZXTM-00004-00001156-00001233 REHEHE. KFqSw62ZXTM-00005-00001261-00001332 What? KFqSw62ZXTM-00006-00001383-00001576 It's a box of REHEHE. KFqSw62ZXTM-00007-00001585-00001869 A box of REHEHE? That's ridiculous. KFqSw62ZXTM-00008-00001964-00002172 You can't put REHEHE in a box. KFqSw62ZXTM-00009-00002346-00002472 *REHEHEHEHE* KISIfjOX4Pu-00000-00000120-00000816 this video i'm going to list out at least 15 things that i hate about charleston and KISIfjOX4Pu-00001-00000816-00001416 you probably will too i say at least 15 because there's a good chance i'll add some more towards KISIfjOX4Pu-00002-00001416-00001976 the end because all this talk about things i hate probably inspire me for other things that i hate KISIfjOX4Pu-00003-00002039-00002616 um so let's just go ahead and get started i am reading off the list so deal with it um number KISIfjOX4Pu-00004-00002616-00003320 BLUE LAWS #1one on the list blue laws blue laws are some very outdated laws that i don't know why we still have KISIfjOX4Pu-00005-00003320-00004224 an effect but they prevent you from being able to buy liquor past 7 pm every day or you can't KISIfjOX4Pu-00006-00004224-00004808 even buy liquor at all on sundays this is probably made literally when this country was founded and KISIfjOX4Pu-00007-00004872-00005480 the fact that it still is in effect is just baffling to me um so yeah i hate that. KISIfjOX4Pu-00008-00005480-00005992 another thing i hate are the green laws and by green laws i mean the fact KISIfjOX4Pu-00009-00006048-00007000 marijuana is still illegal in this city in a state and i hate it um next 2 a.m closing time KISIfjOX4Pu-00010-00007000-00007656 kind of i wouldn't say love hate relationship it's probably a good thing that the bars are not open KISIfjOX4Pu-00011-00007728-00008448 past two but i would just want to have the option you know right um right now in the midst of the KISIfjOX4Pu-00012-00008448-00009024 coronavirus and they're actually closed at 11. so i guess i could you know be grateful KISIfjOX4Pu-00013-00009024-00009544 that that is not the current state of things wait i'm just kidding that sucks even more KISIfjOX4Pu-00014-00009616-00010504 um all right so flooding and gravity in general um charleston it floods here if it's high tide and it KISIfjOX4Pu-00015-00010504-00011024 rains for like two minutes suddenly your car is underwater it's crazy be careful where you park KISIfjOX4Pu-00016-00011080-00011960 and um it's really annoying it's really really annoying um another thing i hate natural disasters KISIfjOX4Pu-00017-00011960-00012784 charleston uh we are prone to these wonderful things called hurricanes and they just seemed to KISIfjOX4Pu-00018-00012863-00013560 really get in the way of life sometimes um besides that we even had a huge earthquake KISIfjOX4Pu-00019-00013560-00014176 i wasn't alive at the time but apparently it was really bad so that's something that i hate um KISIfjOX4Pu-00020-00014176-00014736 pandemic is that a natural disaster i guess it's like a man-made disaster i don't like those either KISIfjOX4Pu-00021-00014808-00015768 um tiny buildings um even more so in the midst of a global pandemic but KISIfjOX4Pu-00022-00015768-00016456 charleston is a very historic city built by seemingly very small people who have very KISIfjOX4Pu-00023-00016456-00017144 narrow buildings that have no space at all and if you want to go party you literally rub shoulders KISIfjOX4Pu-00024-00017144-00017680 with everybody and it's just small and cramped and like i want space so i hate tiny buildings KISIfjOX4Pu-00025-00017784-00018496 it's hot a f it is so hot in the summer time y'all like it's insane and i hate it. KISIfjOX4Pu-00026-00018496-00019216 and if you've never experienced humid southern heat you will hate it too KISIfjOX4Pu-00027-00019384-00020224 riots this is a new one uh yep i hate riots they suck they really didn't uh didn't really KISIfjOX4Pu-00028-00020224-00020880 bring any joy and now we have no apple store but hopefully they achieved their you know their goal KISIfjOX4Pu-00029-00020984-00021616 i might delete that off the list um skeeters skeeters i don't think anybody ever said that KISIfjOX4Pu-00030-00021616-00022368 they liked skeeters uh here in charleston when you combine hot af with skeeters it's muggy and KISIfjOX4Pu-00031-00022368-00023000 it's buggy and you know what else we have no seems they might even be worse because skeeters KISIfjOX4Pu-00032-00023000-00023576 you can like easily kill and then i hate when the blood gets all over you but the no seems it's just KISIfjOX4Pu-00033-00023576-00023960 they're ruthless and you can't see them so you can't kill them so they're just there KISIfjOX4Pu-00034-00023960-00024592 so basically you just gotta go away or suffer and then you know i just thought of a new thing KISIfjOX4Pu-00035-00024592-00025072 palmetto bugs they're the cockroaches of the south and they're everywhere and i hate them KISIfjOX4Pu-00036-00025320-00026016 next on the list being cold in the summertime now i mentioned it is hot as [__] hot af KISIfjOX4Pu-00037-00026127-00026856 um but we really have the air conditioning thing uh we take that very seriously so KISIfjOX4Pu-00038-00026856-00027376 despite the fact that it's 110 degrees outside when you go sit at a restaurant KISIfjOX4Pu-00039-00027376-00027960 or a bar it's like 65 and suddenly your body is just shocked and you're freezing KISIfjOX4Pu-00040-00028039-00028656 and were just hot as [__] it's like you can not be comfortable you just have to be one extreme KISIfjOX4Pu-00041-00028656-00029583 to the other now related to this is another thing that i hate well i don't know booty sweat KISIfjOX4Pu-00042-00029639-00030248 booty sweat it's the phenomenon when it's hot as [__] and you're sitting on a stool or a chair KISIfjOX4Pu-00043-00030360-00030832 and you're so hot that your butt sweats all over it and then you get up and you have like KISIfjOX4Pu-00044-00030832-00031368 a little butt imprint i kind of hate it but it's kind of funny i don't know one of those things KISIfjOX4Pu-00045-00031456-00031920 um let's see another thing i hate um this isn't the charleston thing this is just KISIfjOX4Pu-00046-00031920-00032383 something i hate um people who don't put the shopping cart away in the grocery store KISIfjOX4Pu-00047-00032495-00033280 i really hate that it's so annoying just put it away you already had the convenience and luxury of KISIfjOX4Pu-00048-00033280-00033736 that is the american grocery store and you can't walk two feet to put your cart away and now i KISIfjOX4Pu-00049-00033736-00034592 have to park like freaking six rows back just oh next chick-fil-a closed on sundays it's 20 KISIfjOX4Pu-00050-00034592-00035288 20. that's insane like I know we have all been there when all we want is a chick-fil-a biscuit KISIfjOX4Pu-00051-00035288-00035856 or some chicken nuggets and they're closed because it's sunday and that's just insane KISIfjOX4Pu-00052-00036160-00036992 lastly, one thing that i hate so i don't hate is the plus mud smell but i hate the fact that for so KISIfjOX4Pu-00053-00036992-00037776 many years i mistook the poop factory on the james island connector for plot mud i used to think KISIfjOX4Pu-00054-00037776-00038352 that that smell going over the bridge to james island on certain days i was like ah i love the KISIfjOX4Pu-00055-00038352-00039016 smell of fluff much years later come to find out no i was actually deeply inhaling the smell of KISIfjOX4Pu-00056-00039072-00039664 the poop of charleston everybody's collective poop and i thought it was plus mud and i KISIfjOX4Pu-00057-00039664-00040544 thought i loved it but i hate it oh god and it's getting worse y'all it's getting worse KLqpONRIwao-00000-00000010-00000033 WEIMANN. KLqpONRIwao-00001-00000033-00000040 WEIMANN. KLqpONRIwao-00002-00000040-00000190 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. KLqpONRIwao-00003-00000190-00000196 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. KLqpONRIwao-00004-00000196-00000353 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. YOU CAN EXPECT THE PAUL BUNYAN KLqpONRIwao-00005-00000353-00000360 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. YOU CAN EXPECT THE PAUL BUNYAN KLqpONRIwao-00006-00000360-00000460 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. YOU CAN EXPECT THE PAUL BUNYAN MALL IN BEMIDJI TO BE FILLED KLqpONRIwao-00007-00000460-00000467 YOU CAN EXPECT THE PAUL BUNYAN MALL IN BEMIDJI TO BE FILLED KLqpONRIwao-00008-00000467-00000613 YOU CAN EXPECT THE PAUL BUNYAN MALL IN BEMIDJI TO BE FILLED WITH SHOPPERS THIS WEEKEND KLqpONRIwao-00009-00000613-00000620 MALL IN BEMIDJI TO BE FILLED WITH SHOPPERS THIS WEEKEND KLqpONRIwao-00010-00000620-00000680 MALL IN BEMIDJI TO BE FILLED WITH SHOPPERS THIS WEEKEND GETTING THOSE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00011-00000680-00000687 WITH SHOPPERS THIS WEEKEND GETTING THOSE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00012-00000687-00000834 WITH SHOPPERS THIS WEEKEND GETTING THOSE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. KLqpONRIwao-00013-00000834-00000840 GETTING THOSE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. KLqpONRIwao-00014-00000840-00000934 GETTING THOSE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE KLqpONRIwao-00015-00000934-00000940 CHRISTMAS GIFTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE KLqpONRIwao-00016-00000940-00001041 CHRISTMAS GIFTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE FROM PAUL BUNYAN'S CHRISTMAS KLqpONRIwao-00017-00001041-00001047 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE FROM PAUL BUNYAN'S CHRISTMAS KLqpONRIwao-00018-00001047-00001201 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE FROM PAUL BUNYAN'S CHRISTMAS TREE AT THE LAKE BEMIDJI WATER KLqpONRIwao-00019-00001201-00001207 FROM PAUL BUNYAN'S CHRISTMAS TREE AT THE LAKE BEMIDJI WATER KLqpONRIwao-00020-00001207-00001367 FROM PAUL BUNYAN'S CHRISTMAS TREE AT THE LAKE BEMIDJI WATER FRONT TONIGHT TO TELL US A KLqpONRIwao-00021-00001367-00001374 TREE AT THE LAKE BEMIDJI WATER FRONT TONIGHT TO TELL US A KLqpONRIwao-00022-00001374-00001438 TREE AT THE LAKE BEMIDJI WATER FRONT TONIGHT TO TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT THE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00023-00001438-00001444 FRONT TONIGHT TO TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT THE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00024-00001444-00001895 FRONT TONIGHT TO TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT THE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS RUSH. KLqpONRIwao-00025-00001895-00001901 LITTLE ABOUT THE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS RUSH. KLqpONRIwao-00026-00001901-00002112 LITTLE ABOUT THE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS RUSH. >> THANK YOU, JOSH. KLqpONRIwao-00027-00002112-00002118 CHRISTMAS RUSH. >> THANK YOU, JOSH. KLqpONRIwao-00028-00002118-00002328 CHRISTMAS RUSH. >> THANK YOU, JOSH. ON-LINE SHOPPING HAS BEEN KLqpONRIwao-00029-00002328-00002335 >> THANK YOU, JOSH. ON-LINE SHOPPING HAS BEEN KLqpONRIwao-00030-00002335-00002429 >> THANK YOU, JOSH. ON-LINE SHOPPING HAS BEEN BEATING RETAIL OUTLETS THESE KLqpONRIwao-00031-00002429-00002435 ON-LINE SHOPPING HAS BEEN BEATING RETAIL OUTLETS THESE KLqpONRIwao-00032-00002435-00002505 ON-LINE SHOPPING HAS BEEN BEATING RETAIL OUTLETS THESE PAST FEW CHRISTMAS SEASONS, BUT KLqpONRIwao-00033-00002505-00002512 BEATING RETAIL OUTLETS THESE PAST FEW CHRISTMAS SEASONS, BUT KLqpONRIwao-00034-00002512-00002695 BEATING RETAIL OUTLETS THESE PAST FEW CHRISTMAS SEASONS, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00035-00002695-00002702 PAST FEW CHRISTMAS SEASONS, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THE LAST-MINUTE KLqpONRIwao-00036-00002702-00003126 PAST FEW CHRISTMAS SEASONS, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THE LAST-MINUTE GIFT-GETTERS, WAITING THOSE KLqpONRIwao-00037-00003126-00003133 WHEN IT COMES TO THE LAST-MINUTE GIFT-GETTERS, WAITING THOSE KLqpONRIwao-00038-00003133-00003196 WHEN IT COMES TO THE LAST-MINUTE GIFT-GETTERS, WAITING THOSE EXTRA DAYS FOR SHIPPING CAN KLqpONRIwao-00039-00003196-00003203 GIFT-GETTERS, WAITING THOSE EXTRA DAYS FOR SHIPPING CAN KLqpONRIwao-00040-00003203-00004407 GIFT-GETTERS, WAITING THOSE EXTRA DAYS FOR SHIPPING CAN REALLY BE A HASSLE. KLqpONRIwao-00041-00004407-00004414 EXTRA DAYS FOR SHIPPING CAN REALLY BE A HASSLE. KLqpONRIwao-00042-00004414-00004477 EXTRA DAYS FOR SHIPPING CAN REALLY BE A HASSLE. THE MALL WILL OPEN TOMORROW KLqpONRIwao-00043-00004477-00004484 REALLY BE A HASSLE. THE MALL WILL OPEN TOMORROW KLqpONRIwao-00044-00004484-00004554 REALLY BE A HASSLE. THE MALL WILL OPEN TOMORROW MORNING AT 10:00, BUT BE SURE TO KLqpONRIwao-00045-00004554-00004561 THE MALL WILL OPEN TOMORROW MORNING AT 10:00, BUT BE SURE TO KLqpONRIwao-00046-00004561-00004621 THE MALL WILL OPEN TOMORROW MORNING AT 10:00, BUT BE SURE TO CALL YOUR FAVORITE STORES KLqpONRIwao-00047-00004621-00004627 MORNING AT 10:00, BUT BE SURE TO CALL YOUR FAVORITE STORES KLqpONRIwao-00048-00004627-00004661 MORNING AT 10:00, BUT BE SURE TO CALL YOUR FAVORITE STORES BEFOREHAND. KLqpONRIwao-00049-00004661-00004667 CALL YOUR FAVORITE STORES BEFOREHAND. KLqpONRIwao-00050-00004667-00004734 CALL YOUR FAVORITE STORES BEFOREHAND. MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE EXTENDED KLqpONRIwao-00051-00004734-00004741 BEFOREHAND. MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE EXTENDED KLqpONRIwao-00052-00004741-00004801 BEFOREHAND. MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS THAT GO BEFORE KLqpONRIwao-00053-00004801-00004808 MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS THAT GO BEFORE KLqpONRIwao-00054-00004808-00004864 MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS THAT GO BEFORE AND AFTER THE MALL HOURS. KLqpONRIwao-00055-00004864-00004871 HOLIDAY HOURS THAT GO BEFORE AND AFTER THE MALL HOURS. KLqpONRIwao-00056-00004871-00004938 HOLIDAY HOURS THAT GO BEFORE AND AFTER THE MALL HOURS. WE STOPPED BY THE JC PENNEY'S IN KLqpONRIwao-00057-00004938-00004944 AND AFTER THE MALL HOURS. WE STOPPED BY THE JC PENNEY'S IN KLqpONRIwao-00058-00004944-00004998 AND AFTER THE MALL HOURS. WE STOPPED BY THE JC PENNEY'S IN THE MALL EARLIER TODAY. KLqpONRIwao-00059-00004998-00005004 WE STOPPED BY THE JC PENNEY'S IN THE MALL EARLIER TODAY. KLqpONRIwao-00060-00005004-00005151 WE STOPPED BY THE JC PENNEY'S IN THE MALL EARLIER TODAY. THEY TELL US THE WEEKEND BEFORE KLqpONRIwao-00061-00005151-00005158 THE MALL EARLIER TODAY. THEY TELL US THE WEEKEND BEFORE KLqpONRIwao-00062-00005158-00005628 THE MALL EARLIER TODAY. THEY TELL US THE WEEKEND BEFORE CHRISTMAS IS THEIR SECOND KLqpONRIwao-00063-00005628-00005635 THEY TELL US THE WEEKEND BEFORE CHRISTMAS IS THEIR SECOND KLqpONRIwao-00064-00005635-00006242 THEY TELL US THE WEEKEND BEFORE CHRISTMAS IS THEIR SECOND BUSIEST AFTER BLACK FRIDAY. KLqpONRIwao-00065-00006242-00006249 CHRISTMAS IS THEIR SECOND BUSIEST AFTER BLACK FRIDAY. KLqpONRIwao-00066-00006249-00006319 CHRISTMAS IS THEIR SECOND BUSIEST AFTER BLACK FRIDAY. THIS YEAR JC PENNEY IS PREPARED KLqpONRIwao-00067-00006319-00006326 BUSIEST AFTER BLACK FRIDAY. THIS YEAR JC PENNEY IS PREPARED KLqpONRIwao-00068-00006326-00006386 BUSIEST AFTER BLACK FRIDAY. THIS YEAR JC PENNEY IS PREPARED TO COMBAT THE EXPECTED LONG KLqpONRIwao-00069-00006386-00006393 THIS YEAR JC PENNEY IS PREPARED TO COMBAT THE EXPECTED LONG KLqpONRIwao-00070-00006393-00006583 THIS YEAR JC PENNEY IS PREPARED TO COMBAT THE EXPECTED LONG LINES WITH A NEW DEVICE. KLqpONRIwao-00071-00006583-00006589 TO COMBAT THE EXPECTED LONG LINES WITH A NEW DEVICE. KLqpONRIwao-00072-00006589-00006776 TO COMBAT THE EXPECTED LONG LINES WITH A NEW DEVICE. >> THE LINES ARE GOING TO BE A KLqpONRIwao-00073-00006776-00006783 LINES WITH A NEW DEVICE. >> THE LINES ARE GOING TO BE A KLqpONRIwao-00074-00006783-00006876 LINES WITH A NEW DEVICE. >> THE LINES ARE GOING TO BE A LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN YOU HAVE KLqpONRIwao-00075-00006876-00006883 >> THE LINES ARE GOING TO BE A LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN YOU HAVE KLqpONRIwao-00076-00006883-00007026 >> THE LINES ARE GOING TO BE A LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS. KLqpONRIwao-00077-00007026-00007033 LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS. KLqpONRIwao-00078-00007033-00007143 LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS. THE NICE THING IS WE HAVE ALL KLqpONRIwao-00079-00007143-00007150 SEEN IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS. THE NICE THING IS WE HAVE ALL KLqpONRIwao-00080-00007150-00007323 SEEN IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS. THE NICE THING IS WE HAVE ALL OUR REGISTERS UP AND RUNNING KLqpONRIwao-00081-00007323-00007330 THE NICE THING IS WE HAVE ALL OUR REGISTERS UP AND RUNNING KLqpONRIwao-00082-00007330-00007353 THE NICE THING IS WE HAVE ALL OUR REGISTERS UP AND RUNNING TODAY. KLqpONRIwao-00083-00007353-00007360 OUR REGISTERS UP AND RUNNING TODAY. KLqpONRIwao-00084-00007360-00007497 OUR REGISTERS UP AND RUNNING TODAY. WE HAVE A NEAT TOOL IN STORE, KLqpONRIwao-00085-00007497-00007504 TODAY. WE HAVE A NEAT TOOL IN STORE, KLqpONRIwao-00086-00007504-00007654 TODAY. WE HAVE A NEAT TOOL IN STORE, CALLED OUR MOBILE WARRIOR KLqpONRIwao-00087-00007654-00007660 WE HAVE A NEAT TOOL IN STORE, CALLED OUR MOBILE WARRIOR KLqpONRIwao-00088-00007660-00007687 WE HAVE A NEAT TOOL IN STORE, CALLED OUR MOBILE WARRIOR DEVICE. KLqpONRIwao-00089-00007687-00007694 CALLED OUR MOBILE WARRIOR DEVICE. KLqpONRIwao-00090-00007694-00007917 CALLED OUR MOBILE WARRIOR DEVICE. WE CAN ADD IN FOUR EXTRA CASH KLqpONRIwao-00091-00007917-00007924 DEVICE. WE CAN ADD IN FOUR EXTRA CASH KLqpONRIwao-00092-00007924-00008108 DEVICE. WE CAN ADD IN FOUR EXTRA CASH REGISTERS AT ANY POINT, WHEREAS KLqpONRIwao-00093-00008108-00008114 WE CAN ADD IN FOUR EXTRA CASH REGISTERS AT ANY POINT, WHEREAS KLqpONRIwao-00094-00008114-00008241 WE CAN ADD IN FOUR EXTRA CASH REGISTERS AT ANY POINT, WHEREAS A HAND HELD PERSON JUMPING IN TO KLqpONRIwao-00095-00008241-00008248 REGISTERS AT ANY POINT, WHEREAS A HAND HELD PERSON JUMPING IN TO KLqpONRIwao-00096-00008248-00008438 REGISTERS AT ANY POINT, WHEREAS A HAND HELD PERSON JUMPING IN TO DO SOME OTHER RINGING, SO KLqpONRIwao-00097-00008438-00008445 A HAND HELD PERSON JUMPING IN TO DO SOME OTHER RINGING, SO KLqpONRIwao-00098-00008445-00008595 A HAND HELD PERSON JUMPING IN TO DO SOME OTHER RINGING, SO INSTEAD OF FOUR REGISTERS, WE KLqpONRIwao-00099-00008595-00008601 DO SOME OTHER RINGING, SO INSTEAD OF FOUR REGISTERS, WE KLqpONRIwao-00100-00008601-00008688 DO SOME OTHER RINGING, SO INSTEAD OF FOUR REGISTERS, WE WILL JUMP UP TO EIGHT AND GET KLqpONRIwao-00101-00008688-00008695 INSTEAD OF FOUR REGISTERS, WE WILL JUMP UP TO EIGHT AND GET KLqpONRIwao-00102-00008695-00008998 INSTEAD OF FOUR REGISTERS, WE WILL JUMP UP TO EIGHT AND GET THE LINES MOVING THROUGH REAL KLqpONRIwao-00103-00008998-00009005 WILL JUMP UP TO EIGHT AND GET THE LINES MOVING THROUGH REAL KLqpONRIwao-00104-00009005-00009028 WILL JUMP UP TO EIGHT AND GET THE LINES MOVING THROUGH REAL QUICK. KLqpONRIwao-00105-00009028-00009035 THE LINES MOVING THROUGH REAL QUICK. KLqpONRIwao-00106-00009035-00009159 THE LINES MOVING THROUGH REAL QUICK. >> ANOTHER BUSY DAY IN THE KLqpONRIwao-00107-00009159-00009165 QUICK. >> ANOTHER BUSY DAY IN THE KLqpONRIwao-00108-00009165-00009235 QUICK. >> ANOTHER BUSY DAY IN THE RETAIL WORLD IS THE DAY AFTER KLqpONRIwao-00109-00009235-00009242 >> ANOTHER BUSY DAY IN THE RETAIL WORLD IS THE DAY AFTER KLqpONRIwao-00110-00009242-00009386 >> ANOTHER BUSY DAY IN THE RETAIL WORLD IS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. KLqpONRIwao-00111-00009386-00009392 RETAIL WORLD IS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. KLqpONRIwao-00112-00009392-00009546 RETAIL WORLD IS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. THAT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL BE KLqpONRIwao-00113-00009546-00009552 CHRISTMAS. THAT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL BE KLqpONRIwao-00114-00009552-00009662 CHRISTMAS. THAT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL BE SPENDING GIFT CARDS AND KLqpONRIwao-00115-00009662-00009669 THAT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL BE SPENDING GIFT CARDS AND KLqpONRIwao-00116-00009669-00009923 THAT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL BE SPENDING GIFT CARDS AND MAKING RETURNS AND EXCHANGES. KLqpONRIwao-00117-00009923-00009929 SPENDING GIFT CARDS AND MAKING RETURNS AND EXCHANGES. KLqpONRIwao-00118-00009929-00010023 SPENDING GIFT CARDS AND MAKING RETURNS AND EXCHANGES. JOSH, BACK TO YOU. KLqpONRIwao-00119-00010023-00010030 MAKING RETURNS AND EXCHANGES. JOSH, BACK TO YOU. KLqpONRIwao-00120-00010030-00010350 MAKING RETURNS AND EXCHANGES. JOSH, BACK TO YOU. >> THANKS, SHIRELLE. KLqpONRIwao-00121-00010350-00010357 JOSH, BACK TO YOU. >> THANKS, SHIRELLE. KLqpONRIwao-00122-00010357-00010600 JOSH, BACK TO YOU. >> THANKS, SHIRELLE. A FEW STORES IN THE MALL WILL KO0pai7-oEQ-00000-00000019-00000223 Signs are telling us quite a bit, KO0pai7-oEQ-00001-00000223-00000352 but are you listening to them? KO0pai7-oEQ-00002-00000451-00000658 We see road signs all over the place KO0pai7-oEQ-00003-00000658-00000858 and they're practically part of the road itself. KO0pai7-oEQ-00004-00000858-00001132 We think we know them because they're so familiar to us KO0pai7-oEQ-00005-00001132-00001307 but after taking a quick glance, KO0pai7-oEQ-00006-00001307-00001457 do we ever give them a second thought? KO0pai7-oEQ-00007-00001557-00001764 They may appear is simple instructions, but there's more going on KO0pai7-oEQ-00008-00001764-00002042 below the surface that you may be missing. KO0pai7-oEQ-00009-00002042-00002223 There's an obvious first level of information, KO0pai7-oEQ-00010-00002223-00002423 such as a traffic light warning, KO0pai7-oEQ-00011-00002423-00002678 but there's a second deeper level of information KO0pai7-oEQ-00012-00002678-00002878 being conveyed that most drivers miss. KO0pai7-oEQ-00013-00002978-00003191 In the United States, the Department of Transportation KO0pai7-oEQ-00014-00003191-00003545 uses a series of colors to group the signs together. KO0pai7-oEQ-00015-00003545-00003747 Some of them are obvious and are synonymous KO0pai7-oEQ-00016-00003747-00003947 with the emotions tied in with that color. KO0pai7-oEQ-00017-00003947-00004296 Some are less intuitive, but once you start to look out for these colors, KO0pai7-oEQ-00018-00004296-00004553 you can't help but be impressed with the logic behind it all. KO0pai7-oEQ-00019-00004613-00004925 Let's get started with one of the most obvious color choices: KO0pai7-oEQ-00020-00004925-00005000 Red. KO0pai7-oEQ-00021-00005033-00005446 While it's not the most-often used color, it might be the most important. KO0pai7-oEQ-00022-00005446-00005725 It signifies danger and often indicates the need to stop. KO0pai7-oEQ-00023-00005725-00006010 Red already catches your eye and is placed against white backgrounds KO0pai7-oEQ-00024-00006010-00006163 for even more contrast. KO0pai7-oEQ-00025-00006163-00006324 Of all the colors I will mention, KO0pai7-oEQ-00026-00006324-00006519 this is the one that can't be ignored. KO0pai7-oEQ-00027-00006619-00006823 Ah yes, the familiar sight of road work KO0pai7-oEQ-00028-00006823-00007053 and the subsequent long traffic jams. KO0pai7-oEQ-00029-00007053-00007328 It may seem easy to equate an orange sign with construction, KO0pai7-oEQ-00030-00007328-00007501 but this is actually not always the case. KO0pai7-oEQ-00031-00007501-00007801 This color is reserved for all temporary signage KO0pai7-oEQ-00032-00007801-00008156 and construction happens to fall under that grouping, KO0pai7-oEQ-00033-00008156-00008363 although it may seem like some projects last forever! KO0pai7-oEQ-00034-00008363-00008543 Take note of these signs, as your usual route may have KO0pai7-oEQ-00035-00008543-00008738 some changes in it for awhile. KO0pai7-oEQ-00036-00008838-00009172 We probably see yellow signs most often on the road. KO0pai7-oEQ-00037-00009172-00009392 Signifying caution, these signs are often displayed KO0pai7-oEQ-00038-00009392-00009511 leading up to some sort of hazard, KO0pai7-oEQ-00039-00009511-00009827 such as an intersection or a curve, as shown here. KO0pai7-oEQ-00040-00009827-00010136 They always have black font to again have high contrast KO0pai7-oEQ-00041-00010136-00010352 and usually have adjusted speeds below them. KO0pai7-oEQ-00042-00010352-00010602 Due to their prevalence, it is easy to ignore these signs KO0pai7-oEQ-00043-00010602-00010792 but I'm sure a police officer would be more than happy KO0pai7-oEQ-00044-00010792-00011042 to remind you of their importance after he catches you KO0pai7-oEQ-00045-00011042-00011192 speeding in a school zone. KO0pai7-oEQ-00046-00011292-00011515 As we step out of the city and out onto the open road, KO0pai7-oEQ-00047-00011515-00011755 you see more green than anything else. KO0pai7-oEQ-00048-00011755-00012036 These are for general information and often show street names, KO0pai7-oEQ-00049-00012036-00012264 exit details, and upcoming cities. KO0pai7-oEQ-00050-00012264-00012484 They're always rectangular in shape and can be located KO0pai7-oEQ-00051-00012484-00012736 along the side of the road or above, shown here. KO0pai7-oEQ-00052-00012736-00012958 They may not be flashy, but it would be impossible KO0pai7-oEQ-00053-00012958-00013107 to navigate the interstates without them. KO0pai7-oEQ-00054-00013197-00013421 A good road trip isn't complete without stopping KO0pai7-oEQ-00055-00013421-00013658 along the side of the road for a tourist trap. KO0pai7-oEQ-00056-00013658-00013858 You'll need to keep an eye out for blue signs, KO0pai7-oEQ-00057-00013858-00014110 which highlight the various services and amenities nearby. KO0pai7-oEQ-00058-00014110-00014267 They're especially helpful in pointing out places KO0pai7-oEQ-00059-00014267-00014600 to eat, sleep, fill up, and perhaps most critical of all: KO0pai7-oEQ-00060-00014600-00014696 rest areas! KO0pai7-oEQ-00061-00014696-00015000 Your bladder can rest easy when it sees one of these guys. KO0pai7-oEQ-00062-00015095-00015221 The example shown here is by far KO0pai7-oEQ-00063-00015221-00015491 the most common example of a white sign. KO0pai7-oEQ-00064-00015491-00015666 These are the party-poopers of the group, KO0pai7-oEQ-00065-00015666-00015965 as they point out all the regulations and rules of the road. KO0pai7-oEQ-00066-00015965-00016174 These have the highest contrast possible with black lettering, KO0pai7-oEQ-00067-00016174-00016480 so it's impossible to use color blindness as an excuse KO0pai7-oEQ-00068-00016480-00016630 for speeding on the highway. KO0pai7-oEQ-00069-00016710-00016937 Somewhat more obscure are brown signs. KO0pai7-oEQ-00070-00016937-00017137 These are reserved for recreation activities, KO0pai7-oEQ-00071-00017137-00017504 such as camping, hiking, and other nature-related activities. KO0pai7-oEQ-00072-00017504-00017848 They're also used to point out historical markers for those less outdoorsy. KO0pai7-oEQ-00073-00017848-00018044 Of all the groups to skip, this is probably the one, KO0pai7-oEQ-00074-00018044-00018346 but it's a good idea to get a little bit of exercise KO0pai7-oEQ-00075-00018346-00018476 during any extended road trip. KO0pai7-oEQ-00076-00018546-00018848 I saved the most obscure for last: black. KO0pai7-oEQ-00077-00018848-00019069 It's possible you've never seen a black road sign, KO0pai7-oEQ-00078-00019069-00019321 as they are rare and not used in every state. KO0pai7-oEQ-00079-00019321-00019659 They're mostly used to indicate restrictions that are in place KO0pai7-oEQ-00080-00019659-00019973 in specific cases, such as after dark or for a large trucks. KO0pai7-oEQ-00081-00019973-00020209 I would suggest ignoring them, but since they're so rare, KO0pai7-oEQ-00082-00020209-00020409 you're probably happen to notice them anyway. KO0pai7-oEQ-00083-00020479-00020711 With these eight basic color groups under your belt, KO0pai7-oEQ-00084-00020713-00021023 you've been sufficiently *schooled* the in the art of road signs. KO0pai7-oEQ-00085-00021123-00021257 Happy trails! KQv70JDsZP8-00000-00000174-00000426 - Today we're going to take a look at another use of the Chi KQv70JDsZP8-00001-00000426-00000572 squared distribution. KQv70JDsZP8-00002-00000572-00000993 And that is testing a claim about a single variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00003-00000993-00001404 Our question is going to be how do we KQv70JDsZP8-00004-00001404-00002351 test a claim about a variance? KQv70JDsZP8-00005-00003246-00004357 And when we're testing a variance, a single variance, KQv70JDsZP8-00006-00004357-00005378 we have a test statistic, which is a Chi squared statistic. KQv70JDsZP8-00007-00005378-00005653 The formula with a variance for Chi squared KQv70JDsZP8-00008-00005653-00006276 is the sample size minus one times the sample variance KQv70JDsZP8-00009-00006276-00006600 divided by the sample-- KQv70JDsZP8-00010-00006600-00007000 I'm sorry-- divided by the population variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00011-00007000-00007729 And we need to be very careful or be very aware of what KQv70JDsZP8-00012-00007729-00008465 we have in the problem. KQv70JDsZP8-00013-00008465-00009113 We use sigma and s to represent the standard deviation. KQv70JDsZP8-00014-00009647-00009899 But when those pieces are squared KQv70JDsZP8-00015-00009899-00010325 and we either have sigma squared and s squared, KQv70JDsZP8-00016-00010325-00010718 those represent what we call the variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00017-00010718-00011018 And so the formula says s squared and sigma squared, KQv70JDsZP8-00018-00011018-00011210 those values represent the variance KQv70JDsZP8-00019-00011210-00011484 if it's already been squared. KQv70JDsZP8-00020-00011484-00011660 If it hasn't been squared, we would KQv70JDsZP8-00021-00011660-00011886 have sigma and s, the standard deviations, KQv70JDsZP8-00022-00011886-00012339 which need to be squared in order to find the test KQv70JDsZP8-00023-00012339-00012389 statistics. KQv70JDsZP8-00024-00012389-00012785 So we need to be very careful, do we have s or s squared? KQv70JDsZP8-00025-00012785-00013028 Do we have sigma or sigma squared? KQv70JDsZP8-00026-00013028-00013196 And not get those backwards. KQv70JDsZP8-00027-00013480-00013685 Also with Chi squared, we need to know the number KQv70JDsZP8-00028-00013685-00013832 of degrees of freedom we have. KQv70JDsZP8-00029-00013832-00013969 The degrees of freedom are always KQv70JDsZP8-00030-00013969-00014468 one less than the sample size with the Chi squared. KQv70JDsZP8-00031-00014468-00014801 And something that's unique about testing of variance KQv70JDsZP8-00032-00014801-00016372 is that it can be either left, right, or two tailed test. KQv70JDsZP8-00033-00016372-00016700 And this is very unique because normally with the Chi squared, KQv70JDsZP8-00034-00016700-00016901 we're dealing with a right tailed test. KQv70JDsZP8-00035-00016901-00017072 But in the context of the variance, KQv70JDsZP8-00036-00017072-00017294 it's the only time we're allowed to have KQv70JDsZP8-00037-00017294-00017658 either a left tailed test or a two tailed test, KQv70JDsZP8-00038-00017658-00017925 which doesn't happen as often. KQv70JDsZP8-00039-00017925-00018080 So the best way to really attack this KQv70JDsZP8-00040-00018080-00018236 is to run through an example. KQv70JDsZP8-00041-00018983-00020159 So let's say a customer wants to know KQv70JDsZP8-00042-00020159-00021532 how the cost of a list of school supplies KQv70JDsZP8-00043-00021532-00021696 varies from store to store. KQv70JDsZP8-00044-00023031-00024452 A teacher claims the standard deviation is only $15. KQv70JDsZP8-00045-00024848-00026862 So to test this, the customer surveys 43 stores KQv70JDsZP8-00046-00026862-00028918 and finds a mean of $84 and a standard deviation of $12. KQv70JDsZP8-00047-00029632-00030997 Test if the standard deviation is KQv70JDsZP8-00048-00030997-00033077 less than the teacher's claim a $15 if alpha equals 0.05. KQv70JDsZP8-00049-00033077-00033380 So we've got a claim about the standard deviation. KQv70JDsZP8-00050-00033380-00033758 The claim is the standard deviation is $15. KQv70JDsZP8-00051-00033758-00034266 But notice that's the standard deviation, not the variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00052-00034266-00034677 The variance is the standard deviation squared. KQv70JDsZP8-00053-00034677-00034998 So when we set up our null hypothesis, KQv70JDsZP8-00054-00034998-00035474 our null hypothesis will state that the variance or sigma KQv70JDsZP8-00055-00035474-00036032 squared is equal to the standard deviation squared, or 15 KQv70JDsZP8-00056-00036032-00036612 squared, which is 225. KQv70JDsZP8-00057-00036612-00036899 Notice again, we had to square the standard deviation KQv70JDsZP8-00058-00036899-00037160 to get the variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00059-00037160-00037499 The alternate hypothesis, we believe KQv70JDsZP8-00060-00037499-00037838 that the variance is actually less than 15 squared KQv70JDsZP8-00061-00037838-00038294 or less than 225. KQv70JDsZP8-00062-00038294-00038474 Because we're interested in less than, KQv70JDsZP8-00063-00038474-00038711 we actually have a left tailed test. KQv70JDsZP8-00064-00039028-00039432 So let's draw a little picture of our left tailed test. KQv70JDsZP8-00065-00039432-00039865 Chi squared is skewed right. KQv70JDsZP8-00066-00039865-00040313 And we're interested in being in the left tail. KQv70JDsZP8-00067-00040736-00041024 Now in this survey, the standard deviation KQv70JDsZP8-00068-00041024-00041531 ended up being 12 compared to the actual mean of 15. KQv70JDsZP8-00069-00041813-00042519 Is that enough to reject the null hypothesis? KQv70JDsZP8-00070-00042519-00042797 Well, first we need to know the degrees of freedom, KQv70JDsZP8-00071-00042797-00043203 the sample size minus one, 43 minus one. KQv70JDsZP8-00072-00043203-00043538 We've got 42 degrees of freedom. KQv70JDsZP8-00073-00043538-00043802 And then we'll also calculate the test statistic. KQv70JDsZP8-00074-00044445-00044777 The test statistic is Chi squared KQv70JDsZP8-00075-00044777-00045665 is equal to n minus 1, 42 minus 1, times s squared s. KQv70JDsZP8-00076-00045665-00045884 I'll go ahead and actually write the formula here KQv70JDsZP8-00077-00045884-00046040 one more time so we can see it. KQv70JDsZP8-00078-00046040-00046436 N minus 1 times s squared divided by sigma squared. KQv70JDsZP8-00079-00046436-00047121 S is the standard deviation of the sample. KQv70JDsZP8-00080-00047121-00047243 So for my sample. KQv70JDsZP8-00081-00047567-00047849 The customer did a survey and found a standard deviation KQv70JDsZP8-00082-00047849-00047966 of 12. KQv70JDsZP8-00083-00047966-00048233 That is my sample standard deviation. KQv70JDsZP8-00084-00048233-00048757 12 squared to get the variance divided by sigma. KQv70JDsZP8-00085-00048757-00049205 And the claimed distribution of the population. KQv70JDsZP8-00086-00049205-00049683 The claim standard deviation is 15. KQv70JDsZP8-00087-00049683-00049964 So we'll divide by 15 squared. KQv70JDsZP8-00088-00050250-00050610 And when I do this on my calculator-- KQv70JDsZP8-00089-00050610-00050678 sorry. KQv70JDsZP8-00090-00050678-00050840 The sample size is 43. KQv70JDsZP8-00091-00050840-00051248 43 minus 1 times 12 squared divided by 15 squared, KQv70JDsZP8-00092-00051248-00052172 we get a test statistic of 26.88. KQv70JDsZP8-00093-00052172-00052319 Now that we have a test statistic, KQv70JDsZP8-00094-00052319-00052640 we're ready to find the p value or the probability KQv70JDsZP8-00095-00052640-00052867 my null hypothesis is true, the probability KQv70JDsZP8-00096-00052867-00053261 the standard deviation is actually 15. KQv70JDsZP8-00097-00053261-00053651 It's a Chi squared cdf. KQv70JDsZP8-00098-00053651-00054074 Normally with Chi squared, we go from smallest to largest. KQv70JDsZP8-00099-00054074-00054359 Here the smallest value on the Chi squared KQv70JDsZP8-00100-00054359-00055129 is going to be zero to the largest value of 26.88, KQv70JDsZP8-00101-00055129-00055563 comma, our degrees of freedom, we said was 42. KQv70JDsZP8-00102-00055986-00056370 And let's see what the calculator gives us KQv70JDsZP8-00103-00056370-00056457 for that value. KQv70JDsZP8-00104-00056763-00056930 To get the Chi squared distribution, KQv70JDsZP8-00105-00056930-00057357 we'll hit second vars so we get the distribution. KQv70JDsZP8-00106-00057357-00057623 We'll scroll down to Chi squared cdf. KQv70JDsZP8-00107-00057958-00058489 Going from zero to 26.88. KQv70JDsZP8-00108-00058489-00058786 Our degrees of freedom are 42. KQv70JDsZP8-00109-00058786-00058945 And we'll hit paste. KQv70JDsZP8-00110-00058945-00059137 If you have the older version of the software, KQv70JDsZP8-00111-00059137-00059383 you just enter those numbers in separated by commas KQv70JDsZP8-00112-00059383-00059617 like you see on the screen here. KQv70JDsZP8-00113-00059617-00060215 And when we hit enter, we find a probability of 0.0337. KQv70JDsZP8-00114-00060215-00060742 0.0037. KQv70JDsZP8-00115-00060742-00061625 That p-value tells us that based on our sample, KQv70JDsZP8-00116-00061625-00062344 the probability that the null hypothesis is true, KQv70JDsZP8-00117-00062344-00063646 that the standard deviation of the cost of school KQv70JDsZP8-00118-00063646-00065207 supplies being $15 is 3.37 percent. KQv70JDsZP8-00119-00065207-00065705 There's a 3% chance that that null hypothesis is true. KQv70JDsZP8-00120-00066030-00066268 Well, if that's the case, we're ready to make a decision. KQv70JDsZP8-00121-00066729-00067146 The decision point is always compared to the alpha. KQv70JDsZP8-00122-00067146-00067416 And we said alpha was going to be 0.05. KQv70JDsZP8-00123-00067416-00067785 5% probability, we'll still believe the null hypothesis. KQv70JDsZP8-00124-00067785-00068130 We only have a 3% probability so we can no longer believe KQv70JDsZP8-00125-00068130-00068255 that null hypothesis. KQv70JDsZP8-00126-00068255-00068597 So we will reject the null hypothesis. KQv70JDsZP8-00127-00069046-00069376 And the reason for that decision is KQv70JDsZP8-00128-00069376-00069697 that the p-value is less than the alpha value KQv70JDsZP8-00129-00069697-00070389 or that 0.0337 is less than the 0.05. KQv70JDsZP8-00130-00070389-00070921 And so our conclusion, which focuses on the alternative KQv70JDsZP8-00131-00070921-00071254 hypothesis in context, we can say KQv70JDsZP8-00132-00071254-00072122 that there is sufficient evidence KQv70JDsZP8-00133-00072122-00074088 to conclude the standard deviation of school supplies KQv70JDsZP8-00134-00074088-00074822 cost is less than $15. KQv70JDsZP8-00135-00075309-00075801 And that's all there is to testing a single variance. KQv70JDsZP8-00136-00075801-00076020 It's actually the easiest Chi squared problem KQv70JDsZP8-00137-00076020-00076261 to solve because it's very straightforward. KQv70JDsZP8-00138-00076261-00076491 We don't have to find all those expected values that we KQv70JDsZP8-00139-00076491-00076801 do in other Chi squared tests. KQv70JDsZP8-00140-00076801-00077043 So we test a single variance with our new Chi squared test KQv70JDsZP8-00141-00077043-00077400 statistic and then we run it through the same process KQv70JDsZP8-00142-00077400-00077766 of a hypothesis test that we've been seeing for several weeks KQv70JDsZP8-00143-00077766-00077820 now. KQv70JDsZP8-00144-00077820-00077970 We should be very good at setting up KQv70JDsZP8-00145-00077970-00078065 these hypothesis tests. KQv70JDsZP8-00146-00078065-00078261 So you can go and take a look at a few of these KQv70JDsZP8-00147-00078261-00078402 on your homework assignment. KQv70JDsZP8-00148-00078402-00078606 We'll look at this more in detail in class. KQv70JDsZP8-00149-00078606-00078869 And we will see you then. KRmLb3jN8AQ-00000-00000660-00000984 Oh hey guys Its The Bunnylover AJ here, and if KRmLb3jN8AQ-00001-00000984-00001205 guys saw my video it was i'm high on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00002-00001205-00001661 helium but first let me open up YouTube on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00003-00001661-00002130 here i've not been on animaljam for 11 KRmLb3jN8AQ-00004-00002130-00002411 weeks it's been that long KRmLb3jN8AQ-00005-00002411-00002822 oh yeah let me log in real quick because KRmLb3jN8AQ-00006-00002822-00003152 I'm swimming from safari but my support KRmLb3jN8AQ-00007-00003152-00003570 is not working after on I'm chrome the KRmLb3jN8AQ-00008-00003570-00004020 gallon and jam so yeah we get to my KRmLb3jN8AQ-00009-00004020-00004764 stream don't know what this is but yeah KRmLb3jN8AQ-00010-00004764-00005199 if you can see this this is my last KRmLb3jN8AQ-00011-00005199-00005760 green such video ? because my friend KRmLb3jN8AQ-00012-00005760-00005985 said this game changed a lot and I can KRmLb3jN8AQ-00013-00005985-00006264 see it has i have to request KRmLb3jN8AQ-00014-00006264-00006635 I've not been on here forever have 11 KRmLb3jN8AQ-00015-00006635-00007067 diamonds of hundred for James look at KRmLb3jN8AQ-00016-00007067-00007343 sixteen times now I don't know what's KRmLb3jN8AQ-00017-00007343-00007428 new KRmLb3jN8AQ-00018-00007428-00007709 I don't know what any of this is just KRmLb3jN8AQ-00019-00007709-00007847 going to do this we can go to diamond KRmLb3jN8AQ-00020-00007847-00008178 shot clicker I'm going to see if there's KRmLb3jN8AQ-00021-00008178-00008522 any gin 1 because I can like what else KRmLb3jN8AQ-00022-00008522-00008639 am I gonna be using this one what is KRmLb3jN8AQ-00023-00008639-00009029 this art gallery all because art was KRmLb3jN8AQ-00024-00009029-00009285 circle challenge I've not been on here KRmLb3jN8AQ-00025-00009285-00009611 forever in my boys got it sounds KRmLb3jN8AQ-00026-00009611-00009870 different to me it was really weird my KRmLb3jN8AQ-00027-00009870-00010061 voice actually isn't that different and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00028-00010061-00010367 what is your life but I guess it's KRmLb3jN8AQ-00029-00010367-00011295 something I'm going on my skype so yeah KRmLb3jN8AQ-00030-00011295-00011613 I'm sorry if some i know i said a while KRmLb3jN8AQ-00031-00011613-00012125 ago I was quitting and all that but it's KRmLb3jN8AQ-00032-00012125-00012243 time I really KRmLb3jN8AQ-00033-00012243-00012558 minutes I had no toy animal to have KRmLb3jN8AQ-00034-00012558-00012651 anymore KRmLb3jN8AQ-00035-00012651-00012999 it hasn't become something that I never KRmLb3jN8AQ-00036-00012999-00013302 found myself doing doing anymore i found KRmLb3jN8AQ-00037-00013302-00013551 myself doing it for you guys KRmLb3jN8AQ-00038-00013551-00013950 youtube should be about doing that it KRmLb3jN8AQ-00039-00013950-00014144 shouldn't be about hey I'm gonna do KRmLb3jN8AQ-00040-00014144-00014376 videos for my fans because they want to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00041-00014376-00014513 continue in this game KRmLb3jN8AQ-00042-00014513-00014784 youtube is about having fun not caring KRmLb3jN8AQ-00043-00014784-00014894 what people think and if you make some KRmLb3jN8AQ-00044-00014894-00015020 friends along the way good you make some KRmLb3jN8AQ-00045-00015020-00015366 friends but it's really sad when you do KRmLb3jN8AQ-00046-00015366-00015600 you too because people really just want KRmLb3jN8AQ-00047-00015600-00015906 you to play the game but you don't KRmLb3jN8AQ-00048-00015906-00016223 yourself find any pleasure in the game KRmLb3jN8AQ-00049-00016223-00016530 and I don't want to do that on youtube KRmLb3jN8AQ-00050-00016530-00016764 so this is the last basically video goes KRmLb3jN8AQ-00051-00016764-00017160 live stream depends because this isn't KRmLb3jN8AQ-00052-00017160-00017745 fun for me it really is a good six KRmLb3jN8AQ-00053-00017745-00017808 perfect KRmLb3jN8AQ-00054-00017808-00018216 well anyways guys I'm not as you have KRmLb3jN8AQ-00055-00018216-00018378 been watching right now and that one KRmLb3jN8AQ-00056-00018378-00018669 idea it's some thirty at night on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00057-00018669-00018845 tuesday so you're probably has a lot KRmLb3jN8AQ-00058-00018845-00019344 school I don't sorry but yeah it's just KRmLb3jN8AQ-00059-00019344-00019529 gonna be really for your if I was still KRmLb3jN8AQ-00060-00019529-00019794 playing this and I wasn't uploading and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00061-00019794-00020187 I wasn't having fun and I was doing this KRmLb3jN8AQ-00062-00020187-00020628 pixel still here and not want to be fun KRmLb3jN8AQ-00063-00020628-00020778 because my videos probably gonna be like KRmLb3jN8AQ-00064-00020778-00021084 edited nice leaks i wanna be--fine joint KRmLb3jN8AQ-00065-00021084-00021615 together and that just wasn't just being KRmLb3jN8AQ-00066-00021615-00021975 normal and not typically that but it KRmLb3jN8AQ-00067-00021975-00022212 just becomes a point where I'm that I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00068-00022212-00022376 was like basically saying myself okay KRmLb3jN8AQ-00069-00022376-00022731 just make a video just make a video for KRmLb3jN8AQ-00070-00022731-00023043 them they'll be happy or upload your own KRmLb3jN8AQ-00071-00023043-00023250 videos but I never felt like I was KRmLb3jN8AQ-00072-00023250-00023367 giving you guys what you guys deserve KRmLb3jN8AQ-00073-00023367-00023811 and what you guys mean because this KRmLb3jN8AQ-00074-00023811-00024054 channel is as much as mine as it is KRmLb3jN8AQ-00075-00024054-00024513 yours and I don't want to give that up KRmLb3jN8AQ-00076-00024513-00024915 but it's just become a real hassle just KRmLb3jN8AQ-00077-00024915-00025323 to even just like do it anymore and i KRmLb3jN8AQ-00078-00025323-00025527 would he believe you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00079-00025527-00026400 oh I'm in seventh grade now and I'm KRmLb3jN8AQ-00080-00026400-00026562 really really don't want to do this for KRmLb3jN8AQ-00081-00026562-00026877 i know i'd like to schedule was a KRmLb3jN8AQ-00082-00026877-00027081 classic pedal who are in college and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00083-00027081-00027363 they're still doing this but that's them KRmLb3jN8AQ-00084-00027363-00028020 I'm not like pedal I'm not that I don't KRmLb3jN8AQ-00085-00028020-00028323 want to put myself to be like that KRmLb3jN8AQ-00086-00028323-00028680 because that would just make me feel KRmLb3jN8AQ-00087-00028680-00029004 horrible for that and I really don't KRmLb3jN8AQ-00088-00029004-00029247 want you guys to be watching my videos KRmLb3jN8AQ-00089-00029247-00029708 of me not enjoying the game because that KRmLb3jN8AQ-00090-00029708-00030495 would be not fun for you or for me and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00091-00030495-00031197 we both know that my gosh there anything KRmLb3jN8AQ-00092-00031197-00032229 to you and your favorite but yeah guys I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00093-00032229-00032853 don't want to i cannot be right used to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00094-00032853-00033381 be at all I can't and I won't i won't be KRmLb3jN8AQ-00095-00033381-00033543 like that anymore I will be pushing KRmLb3jN8AQ-00096-00033543-00033903 myself because that was never fun to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00097-00033903-00034017 begin with KRmLb3jN8AQ-00098-00034017-00034644 oh hi that was really fun to push myself KRmLb3jN8AQ-00099-00034644-00034890 to make videos for you guys KRmLb3jN8AQ-00100-00034890-00035454 I'm just on here right now and see KRmLb3jN8AQ-00101-00035454-00035802 what's going on well not really for KRmLb3jN8AQ-00102-00035802-00036030 anything else i just want to see all KRmLb3jN8AQ-00103-00036030-00036600 this how do you submit things of your KRmLb3jN8AQ-00104-00036600-00037530 multivitamin mark here lets you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00105-00037530-00037911 I wonder if i go check my flashlight if KRmLb3jN8AQ-00106-00037911-00038570 I thought the AG art KRmLb3jN8AQ-00107-00038570-00040025 Lucy I think I saved on your AK orange KRmLb3jN8AQ-00108-00040025-00040166 completely empty and I completely KRmLb3jN8AQ-00109-00040166-00040649 believe like no action and the nails on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00110-00040649-00041093 ad event knew all those good old days KRmLb3jN8AQ-00111-00041093-00041432 kg pictures yeah so you guys I'm really KRmLb3jN8AQ-00112-00041432-00041789 sorry for doing this to you guys and all KRmLb3jN8AQ-00113-00041789-00042065 that but this wasn't really my thing and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00114-00042065-00042668 begin with this one down was going to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00115-00042668-00043277 add love omit i looked at a lot it just KRmLb3jN8AQ-00116-00043277-00043844 wasn't for me and not amazing Scott KRmLb3jN8AQ-00117-00043844-00044255 feature it just wasn't for me to do this KRmLb3jN8AQ-00118-00044255-00044411 anymore KRmLb3jN8AQ-00119-00044411-00044936 Ward than i needed to i love you guys KRmLb3jN8AQ-00120-00044936-00045116 don't ever doubt that you guys have KRmLb3jN8AQ-00121-00045116-00045374 gotten me to six hundred subscribers for KRmLb3jN8AQ-00122-00045374-00045758 and now 417 and I'll be forever grateful KRmLb3jN8AQ-00123-00045758-00045995 that you is were able to help me KRmLb3jN8AQ-00124-00045995-00046298 accomplish great things on the show but KRmLb3jN8AQ-00125-00046298-00046598 i want to give you guys bad videos KRmLb3jN8AQ-00126-00046598-00046931 because i'm not feeling up to it i would KRmLb3jN8AQ-00127-00046931-00047354 i would not like myself for that because KRmLb3jN8AQ-00128-00047354-00047864 it's not really fair that you guys want KRmLb3jN8AQ-00129-00047864-00048038 my video and I get sum payment out of it KRmLb3jN8AQ-00130-00048038-00048380 and what am I giving you have horrible KRmLb3jN8AQ-00131-00048380-00048590 videos return does not really fair as KRmLb3jN8AQ-00132-00048590-00049211 you know I pissed myself i did that and KRmLb3jN8AQ-00133-00049211-00049484 I really don't want to move from the KRmLb3jN8AQ-00134-00049484-00049934 guys i just hope you guys can understand KRmLb3jN8AQ-00135-00049934-00050393 you guys can guess what I'm painting you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00136-00050393-00050516 get five dollars KRmLb3jN8AQ-00137-00050516-00051316 ok receive KRmLb3jN8AQ-00139-00060190-00062410 walking the dogs important ones watching KRmLb3jN8AQ-00140-00062410-00062967 the gym I really do want to apologize KRmLb3jN8AQ-00141-00062967-00063241 they never ever thought I would ever to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00142-00063241-00063502 get this big and I just really have to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00143-00063502-00063823 feel bad for you guys like this I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00144-00063823-00064183 probably shouldn't be going like you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00145-00064183-00064639 know I just kidding actually i am and i KRmLb3jN8AQ-00146-00064639-00065011 really don't want to sleep it there's no KRmLb3jN8AQ-00147-00065011-00065725 point doing something you like this time KRmLb3jN8AQ-00148-00065725-00066097 would just be stupid now what KRmLb3jN8AQ-00149-00066097-00066511 but if any of you guys are going KRmLb3jN8AQ-00150-00066511-00066715 somewhere situation like I really like KRmLb3jN8AQ-00151-00066715-00067303 this game look like Levi stop also love KRmLb3jN8AQ-00152-00067303-00068227 you like not really helping but yeah I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00154-00073288-00075601 Sam I wish for watching so they can see KRmLb3jN8AQ-00155-00075601-00076936 this but I pull this I way if I do if I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00156-00076936-00077080 felt like I didn't need to quit I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00157-00077080-00077269 wouldn't be quitting this you know that KRmLb3jN8AQ-00158-00077269-00078112 guys I really just feel like I need to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00159-00078112-00078799 stop so I just wanna hurt you guys one KRmLb3jN8AQ-00160-00078799-00079249 that I have I feel like I why do you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00161-00079249-00079474 I hurt you and I really do feel like KRmLb3jN8AQ-00162-00079474-00079888 that I don't want that have that my KRmLb3jN8AQ-00163-00079888-00080089 shoulders and I probably heard you guys KRmLb3jN8AQ-00164-00080089-00080806 gonna help that like I'm wine to yours KRmLb3jN8AQ-00165-00080806-00081098 if you like that about your trust KRmLb3jN8AQ-00166-00081098-00081526 anymore and I i weighed myself look we KRmLb3jN8AQ-00167-00081526-00082813 don't want to say goodbye goodbye to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00168-00082813-00083036 everyone who supported me from the one KRmLb3jN8AQ-00169-00083036-00083293 by to everyone who helped me when I look KRmLb3jN8AQ-00170-00083293-00083816 at provide everyone who generally care KRmLb3jN8AQ-00171-00083816-00084023 but from the anyways because they like KRmLb3jN8AQ-00172-00084023-00084253 my content whatever reason is KRmLb3jN8AQ-00173-00084253-00084572 thank you and you actually create only KRmLb3jN8AQ-00174-00084572-00084982 way i would replace my experienced on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00175-00084982-00085294 youtube for anything with guys because KRmLb3jN8AQ-00176-00085294-00085558 you've got to want to get me started on KRmLb3jN8AQ-00177-00085558-00085891 YouTube reason i do you teach about all KRmLb3jN8AQ-00178-00085891-00086488 day any time you have to be more to me KRmLb3jN8AQ-00179-00086488-00086627 than know KRmLb3jN8AQ-00180-00086627-00086931 and I really want to do something KRmLb3jN8AQ-00181-00086931-00087320 special for watching video so turn my KRmLb3jN8AQ-00182-00087320-00087881 face camera trying this sculptures that KRmLb3jN8AQ-00183-00087881-00088244 so KRmLb3jN8AQ-00184-00088244-00088437 hey guys it's my right here and i want KRmLb3jN8AQ-00185-00088437-00088631 to take the x and i'm going to miss you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00186-00088631-00088968 so much weight any lies by little choice KRmLb3jN8AQ-00187-00088968-00089172 hey guys it's another AJ here and i KRmLb3jN8AQ-00188-00089172-00089339 wanna thank you guys so much for all KRmLb3jN8AQ-00189-00089339-00089616 this and it was amazing doing YouTube KRmLb3jN8AQ-00190-00089616-00089772 with you guys but I just don't think KRmLb3jN8AQ-00191-00089772-00089997 everything is my thing anymore so I KRmLb3jN8AQ-00192-00089997-00090174 really just need to go to show you KRmLb3jN8AQ-00193-00090174-00090437 things I have a lot of doing that bred KRmLb3jN8AQ-00194-00090437-00090680 to work on social animal down and it's KRmLb3jN8AQ-00195-00090680-00090857 kind of hard to like both of that all KRmLb3jN8AQ-00196-00090857-00091074 the time you know what I mean certainly KRmLb3jN8AQ-00197-00091074-00091262 want to thank you guys so much for being KRmLb3jN8AQ-00198-00091262-00091475 there from the very beginning and never KRmLb3jN8AQ-00199-00091475-00091658 ever giving up on me because you guys KRmLb3jN8AQ-00200-00091658-00091802 mean so much to me you're the reason i KRmLb3jN8AQ-00201-00091802-00091949 do youtube today KRmLb3jN8AQ-00202-00091949-00092075 why are you waiting on the internet KRmLb3jN8AQ-00203-00092075-00092408 today you might you you you were there KRmLb3jN8AQ-00204-00092408-00092604 you're the reason I'm I'm doing you to KRmLb3jN8AQ-00205-00092604-00092793 making this video for you right now that KRmLb3jN8AQ-00206-00092793-00093018 i made a video of past you guys are the KRmLb3jN8AQ-00207-00093018-00093249 reason that's a good thing you guys are KRmLb3jN8AQ-00208-00093249-00093486 amazing people and I really should not KRmLb3jN8AQ-00209-00093486-00093675 do this i want to do this unless I need KRmLb3jN8AQ-00210-00093675-00094076 to so yeah guys I guess I'm gonna say KRmLb3jN8AQ-00211-00094076-00094961 this is the overage a starting off right KS4FD94-EUA-00000-00000000-00000120 Oh my God! KS4FD94-EUA-00001-00000150-00000329 What am I doing? KS4FD94-EUA-00002-00000663-00000996 Is inequality a problem to be solved? KS4FD94-EUA-00003-00001242-00001451 Hi, welcome to JUST THINKING OUT LOUD. KS4FD94-EUA-00004-00001455-00001564 My name is Desi-Rae. KS4FD94-EUA-00005-00001580-00001964 In the world there is inequality between nations, KS4FD94-EUA-00006-00001972-00002122 and within nations. KS4FD94-EUA-00007-00002131-00002435 Between states, between different age cohorts. KS4FD94-EUA-00008-00002439-00002677 Between individuals in a classroom. KS4FD94-EUA-00009-00002681-00002919 Between individuals within a family. KS4FD94-EUA-00010-00002932-00003253 This can be in biological differences in phenotypes, KS4FD94-EUA-00011-00003253-00003574 how far one lies on the spectrum of personality traits, KS4FD94-EUA-00012-00003586-00003853 traits the background one comes from in terms of wealth, KS4FD94-EUA-00013-00003853-00004004 or a person's needs KS4FD94-EUA-00014-00004149-00004291 or creative abilities. KS4FD94-EUA-00015-00004316-00004517 If there were no inequality, KS4FD94-EUA-00016-00004525-00004750 we wouldn't have bar and pie charts. KS4FD94-EUA-00017-00004754-00005042 At least not very interesting ones to look at. KS4FD94-EUA-00018-00005067-00005259 We wouldn't have sports competitions KS4FD94-EUA-00019-00005259-00005380 to go crazy over KS4FD94-EUA-00020-00005384-00005613 or dance competitions to enjoy. KS4FD94-EUA-00021-00005643-00005868 There would be no bell curves. KS4FD94-EUA-00022-00005905-00006423 In fact, I'm not sure that the world would be a very interesting place to live in at all KS4FD94-EUA-00023-00006431-00006602 if there were no variation. KS4FD94-EUA-00024-00006639-00006798 The trees would look the same. KS4FD94-EUA-00025-00006806-00007061 All the earth around the world would be the same color. KS4FD94-EUA-00026-00007098-00007261 I think fundamentally, KS4FD94-EUA-00027-00007265-00007469 I can't even imagine a universe KS4FD94-EUA-00028-00007469-00007586 coming into being KS4FD94-EUA-00029-00007595-00007832 without different degrees of different things KS4FD94-EUA-00030-00007845-00008078 arranging themselves in different ways. KS4FD94-EUA-00031-00008083-00008166 I bring this up, KS4FD94-EUA-00032-00008166-00008479 because people seem to be content with this realization, KS4FD94-EUA-00033-00008504-00008717 but not when it comes to human beings. KS4FD94-EUA-00034-00008737-00008900 This is either denied KS4FD94-EUA-00035-00008900-00009038 in sensitive topics, KS4FD94-EUA-00036-00009054-00009413 or the conclusion that this would result in different outcomes KS4FD94-EUA-00037-00009421-00009626 based on what trait is needed to succeed KS4FD94-EUA-00038-00009626-00009730 in a certain field KS4FD94-EUA-00039-00009738-00009855 is also denied. KS4FD94-EUA-00040-00009864-00010080 Or we are okay with this theoretically, KS4FD94-EUA-00041-00010080-00010293 but not how it plays out in real life. KS4FD94-EUA-00042-00010326-00010452 I am NOT saying KS4FD94-EUA-00043-00010452-00010564 that this cannot be changed, KS4FD94-EUA-00044-00010573-00010744 or should not be worked on. KS4FD94-EUA-00045-00010764-00010935 It is important to talk about this, KS4FD94-EUA-00046-00010944-00011198 because this is the hierarchy that we are involved in KS4FD94-EUA-00047-00011215-00011415 and we are not objective about it. KS4FD94-EUA-00048-00011461-00011586 So, people conclude KS4FD94-EUA-00049-00011586-00011874 that it is only a result of greedy human nature KS4FD94-EUA-00050-00011882-00012087 that inequality exists. KS4FD94-EUA-00051-00012103-00012308 But even if all things were equal - KS4FD94-EUA-00052-00012316-00012470 if there were no corruption, KS4FD94-EUA-00053-00012470-00012691 no barriers to overcome in anyone's life, KS4FD94-EUA-00054-00012708-00013029 or all people had the same level of difficulty in upbringing, KS4FD94-EUA-00055-00013046-00013242 there would still be inequality. KS4FD94-EUA-00056-00013259-00013388 Because that is life KS4FD94-EUA-00057-00013396-00013488 and nature KS4FD94-EUA-00058-00013488-00013784 and nature is absolutely full of competition. KS4FD94-EUA-00059-00013822-00014043 But we don't like what this results in. KS4FD94-EUA-00060-00014105-00014255 People are most focused KS4FD94-EUA-00061-00014255-00014481 on inequality of income and wealth. KS4FD94-EUA-00062-00014527-00014760 This is what people seem to really care about. KS4FD94-EUA-00063-00014768-00014952 I base this on when I typed KS4FD94-EUA-00064-00014973-00015165 inequality into the Google search bar. KS4FD94-EUA-00065-00015165-00015290 What is most popular KS4FD94-EUA-00066-00015290-00015528 other than strict definitions in the search results? KS4FD94-EUA-00067-00015578-00015878 I found the website inequality.org. KS4FD94-EUA-00068-00015899-00016078 It's "working to help KS4FD94-EUA-00069-00016078-00016241 and economic inequality KS4FD94-EUA-00070-00016241-00016453 in the United States and abroad". KS4FD94-EUA-00071-00016491-00016658 Inequality is often placed KS4FD94-EUA-00072-00016658-00016921 in the context of a challenge or something to battle. KS4FD94-EUA-00073-00016933-00017133 The evil dragon in human nature KS4FD94-EUA-00074-00017133-00017346 and society that needs to be slain. KS4FD94-EUA-00075-00017396-00017588 The first thing I would take from this KS4FD94-EUA-00076-00017596-00017659 is that KS4FD94-EUA-00077-00017667-00017867 people really don't like living in societies KS4FD94-EUA-00078-00017867-00018026 where there is great inequality. KS4FD94-EUA-00079-00018084-00018189 That is why KS4FD94-EUA-00080-00018189-00018334 so many people want to end it KS4FD94-EUA-00081-00018385-00018505 I would suppose. KS4FD94-EUA-00082-00018531-00018710 Charities wouldn't exist if not. KS4FD94-EUA-00083-00018718-00018893 And I've heard the accusation of, KS4FD94-EUA-00084-00018910-00019110 "So, you want poor people to starve?" KS4FD94-EUA-00085-00019123-00019248 repeated often. KS4FD94-EUA-00086-00019256-00019415 Or something along those lines. KS4FD94-EUA-00087-00019427-00019502 and I think KS4FD94-EUA-00088-00019502-00019686 people wouldn't make those words KS4FD94-EUA-00089-00019686-00019886 if it weren't just to wound the ego KS4FD94-EUA-00090-00019886-00020020 or sense of compassion KS4FD94-EUA-00091-00020028-00020211 of the persons who do care. KS4FD94-EUA-00092-00020236-00020311 So, I think KS4FD94-EUA-00093-00020311-00020470 it's an okay assumption KS4FD94-EUA-00094-00020470-00020666 that people don't like inequality. KS4FD94-EUA-00095-00020691-00020774 I don't know if that KS4FD94-EUA-00096-00020774-00020887 also applies to people KS4FD94-EUA-00097-00020887-00021041 at the higher end of income brackets KS4FD94-EUA-00098-00021050-00021187 or those who have a lot of wealth. KS4FD94-EUA-00099-00021196-00021304 I can just assume KS4FD94-EUA-00100-00021304-00021408 that people do care. KS4FD94-EUA-00101-00021408-00021500 I would assume that KS4FD94-EUA-00102-00021500-00021679 there are people who are not comfortable with KS4FD94-EUA-00103-00021679-00021917 inequality who exist in all income brackets. KS4FD94-EUA-00104-00021955-00022088 This could be out of a sense of KS4FD94-EUA-00105-00022092-00022247 altruism and compassion, KS4FD94-EUA-00106-00022259-00022409 or a fear of social unrest KS4FD94-EUA-00107-00022414-00022593 when there is too much inequality, KS4FD94-EUA-00108-00022605-00022693 or the belief that KS4FD94-EUA-00109-00022693-00022993 everyone has the same level of contribution to society KS4FD94-EUA-00110-00023010-00023168 just on the basis of an innate KS4FD94-EUA-00111-00023168-00023285 sense of self-worth. KS4FD94-EUA-00112-00023310-00023485 So, they all deserve the same things. KS4FD94-EUA-00113-00023540-00023723 I will not argue against that, KS4FD94-EUA-00114-00023723-00023911 but I will argue against the position KS4FD94-EUA-00115-00023923-00024019 that this means that KS4FD94-EUA-00116-00024019-00024199 individuals who are better off KS4FD94-EUA-00117-00024207-00024303 owe it to others KS4FD94-EUA-00118-00024303-00024436 to make sure they end up KS4FD94-EUA-00119-00024436-00024616 at the same place in life. KS4FD94-EUA-00120-00024649-00024766 And, especially, KS4FD94-EUA-00121-00024766-00024962 against the conclusion that it is okay KS4FD94-EUA-00122-00024966-00025162 to force others to do this KS4FD94-EUA-00123-00025175-00025354 even if you could say KS4FD94-EUA-00124-00025354-00025546 there are reasons to make it happen. KS4FD94-EUA-00125-00025579-00025713 I would make a distinction KS4FD94-EUA-00126-00025713-00025942 between those who cannot take care of themselves, KS4FD94-EUA-00127-00025942-00026042 and those who can. KS4FD94-EUA-00128-00026084-00026317 But people require resources to exist. KS4FD94-EUA-00129-00026326-00026468 We feed on things. KS4FD94-EUA-00130-00026468-00026589 We are expensive. KS4FD94-EUA-00131-00026605-00026755 And those who make a lot KS4FD94-EUA-00132-00026768-00026830 of money KS4FD94-EUA-00133-00026830-00027018 I personally think can help others, KS4FD94-EUA-00134-00027043-00027168 but I still don't think KS4FD94-EUA-00135-00027168-00027302 others should be forced KS4FD94-EUA-00136-00027310-00027560 to subsidize the existence of other people. KS4FD94-EUA-00137-00027577-00027731 I am going to have to make the statement KS4FD94-EUA-00138-00027731-00027815 many times. KS4FD94-EUA-00139-00027823-00028015 That I am a big of charity. KS4FD94-EUA-00140-00028027-00028173 I was involved in charity KS4FD94-EUA-00141-00028173-00028278 throughout high school KS4FD94-EUA-00142-00028290-00028457 in Jamaica in a big way. KS4FD94-EUA-00143-00028465-00028532 I have had KS4FD94-EUA-00144-00028532-00028728 others help me before when I needed it. KS4FD94-EUA-00145-00028745-00028837 When I needed it. KS4FD94-EUA-00146-00028866-00028991 This is not a polemic KS4FD94-EUA-00147-00028991-00029091 on the less-fortunate KS4FD94-EUA-00148-00029091-00029204 or those in need of help. KS4FD94-EUA-00149-00029212-00029295 I just think KS4FD94-EUA-00150-00029295-00029445 that people are unwilling to face KS4FD94-EUA-00151-00029445-00029533 the reality of KS4FD94-EUA-00152-00029533-00029733 how fundamental inequality is KS4FD94-EUA-00153-00029763-00029888 to existence. KS4FD94-EUA-00154-00029913-00030042 I see nothing wrong with KS4FD94-EUA-00155-00030042-00030121 trying to change it KS4FD94-EUA-00156-00030121-00030246 to make it better for others KS4FD94-EUA-00157-00030246-00030409 if that is what you would like to see, KS4FD94-EUA-00158-00030422-00030572 but I think equality KS4FD94-EUA-00159-00030572-00030839 may not be possible in terms of outcomes. KS4FD94-EUA-00160-00030864-00031068 And I disagree with certain methods KS4FD94-EUA-00161-00031068-00031206 of trying to get there. KS4FD94-EUA-00162-00031222-00031364 Seeing as we are all born KS4FD94-EUA-00163-00031364-00031564 with varying levels of talents and traits, KS4FD94-EUA-00164-00031589-00031869 and we cannot control our initial circumstances. KS4FD94-EUA-00165-00031911-00032127 One can say that certain people KS4FD94-EUA-00166-00032127-00032198 or groups KS4FD94-EUA-00167-00032207-00032415 are not deserving of their income and wealth. KS4FD94-EUA-00168-00032474-00032678 But how is it possible KS4FD94-EUA-00169-00032678-00032807 for us to tease apart KS4FD94-EUA-00170-00032816-00033033 who is lucky and who works hard? KS4FD94-EUA-00171-00033045-00033208 Who was simply predisposed KS4FD94-EUA-00172-00033208-00033366 to a certain gift or skill KS4FD94-EUA-00173-00033375-00033546 due to genes or environment? KS4FD94-EUA-00174-00033546-00033700 Or who made certain decisions KS4FD94-EUA-00175-00033700-00033921 that led them down a path that others didn't? KS4FD94-EUA-00176-00033958-00034050 Can we say KS4FD94-EUA-00177-00034059-00034288 that no matter what our varying traits, KS4FD94-EUA-00178-00034296-00034488 levels of productivity or talents, KS4FD94-EUA-00179-00034517-00034651 we are each unique KS4FD94-EUA-00180-00034651-00034905 and contributing equally to the whole? KS4FD94-EUA-00181-00034955-00035085 I don't think we can. KS4FD94-EUA-00182-00035122-00035285 Every part is important, KS4FD94-EUA-00183-00035285-00035418 but persons are rewarded KS4FD94-EUA-00184-00035418-00035673 based on how much value they are providing to others. KS4FD94-EUA-00185-00035702-00035823 I am NOT saying KS4FD94-EUA-00186-00035831-00036023 that human life isn't of value KS4FD94-EUA-00187-00036023-00036119 in and of itself, KS4FD94-EUA-00188-00036152-00036423 but when it comes to the interaction with others, KS4FD94-EUA-00189-00036423-00036636 especially those we don't consider kin, KS4FD94-EUA-00190-00036653-00036811 or a part of our in-group, KS4FD94-EUA-00191-00036832-00037049 this is what persons do in general. KS4FD94-EUA-00192-00037062-00037308 Both persons well-off and those who are not (do this). KS4FD94-EUA-00193-00037324-00037487 They exchange their value. KS4FD94-EUA-00194-00037512-00037654 How can someone decide KS4FD94-EUA-00195-00037662-00037871 how much is the limit to the amount of wealth KS4FD94-EUA-00196-00037871-00037962 someone can earn? KS4FD94-EUA-00197-00038025-00038196 From an economic standpoint, KS4FD94-EUA-00198-00038200-00038363 in a free market society KS4FD94-EUA-00199-00038371-00038713 people are rewarded based on how productive they are, KS4FD94-EUA-00200-00038738-00038922 or their income directly correlates KS4FD94-EUA-00201-00038930-00039122 to how much they are producing, KS4FD94-EUA-00202-00039130-00039426 or how much value they are providing to others. KS4FD94-EUA-00203-00039572-00039672 So, I don't think KS4FD94-EUA-00204-00039672-00039831 we can talk about deserving, KS4FD94-EUA-00205-00039843-00040031 and the rearranging of funds KS4FD94-EUA-00206-00040060-00040356 particularly those handed over voluntarily. KS4FD94-EUA-00207-00040386-00040686 If we can establish that inequality is inevitable KS4FD94-EUA-00208-00040703-00040882 but most people are uncomfortable KS4FD94-EUA-00209-00040882-00041007 with that inequality, KS4FD94-EUA-00210-00041024-00041216 and it could possibly be reduced, KS4FD94-EUA-00211-00041216-00041341 the next question is: KS4FD94-EUA-00212-00041362-00041516 how can it be mitigated? KS4FD94-EUA-00213-00041545-00041775 I think people can get involved in charity, KS4FD94-EUA-00214-00041795-00041958 but think the best way KS4FD94-EUA-00215-00041958-00042187 is to encourage the development of skills, KS4FD94-EUA-00216-00042196-00042442 and abilities that will result in people not KS4FD94-EUA-00217-00042450-00042584 needing the help of others. KS4FD94-EUA-00218-00042609-00042755 In desperate situations, KS4FD94-EUA-00219-00042755-00042963 people may need immediate help, KS4FD94-EUA-00220-00042980-00043297 but long-term solutions are the best bet. KS4FD94-EUA-00221-00043326-00043560 And those are the ones that go to the root KS4FD94-EUA-00222-00043568-00043672 of the problem. KS4FD94-EUA-00223-00043681-00043872 repairing the leak in the boat KS4FD94-EUA-00224-00043881-00044139 rather than continually bailing the water out. KS4FD94-EUA-00225-00044152-00044340 And part of me thinks that struggle KS4FD94-EUA-00226-00044348-00044469 is important to this KS4FD94-EUA-00227-00044477-00044615 to have persons figure out KS4FD94-EUA-00228-00044627-00044803 how to utilize their own resources, KS4FD94-EUA-00229-00044803-00044919 as well as teaching them KS4FD94-EUA-00230-00044936-00045203 and allowing them to solve the problems themselves. KS4FD94-EUA-00231-00045228-00045449 I also think this is important to be done KS4FD94-EUA-00232-00045457-00045603 on an individual level. KS4FD94-EUA-00233-00045608-00045779 And that goes out to the group level, KS4FD94-EUA-00234-00045779-00045979 in families first and then communities, KS4FD94-EUA-00235-00045979-00046179 or people you actually interact with. KS4FD94-EUA-00236-00046204-00046358 I think the remote viewing KS4FD94-EUA-00237-00046358-00046538 of problems on a societal level KS4FD94-EUA-00238-00046538-00046684 is trying to make sense of things KS4FD94-EUA-00239-00046700-00046842 that are very complex KS4FD94-EUA-00240-00046850-00047080 and sometimes enabling situations KS4FD94-EUA-00241-00047088-00047263 rather than actually helping the people KS4FD94-EUA-00242-00047272-00047384 and helping to end it KS4FD94-EUA-00243-00047393-00047710 by leaving people alone to be independent human beings. KS4FD94-EUA-00244-00047756-00048014 It could be that I just don't understand, KS4FD94-EUA-00245-00048027-00048131 but I think I do KS4FD94-EUA-00246-00048131-00048356 based on my own life and the people around me. KS4FD94-EUA-00247-00048385-00048544 I don't think I know the best way KS4FD94-EUA-00248-00048544-00048698 to solve our nation's problems, KS4FD94-EUA-00249-00048732-00048836 at least not yet. KS4FD94-EUA-00250-00048928-00049161 Maybe one day I will become quite arrogant. KS4FD94-EUA-00251-00049174-00049299 I really hope not. KS4FD94-EUA-00252-00049328-00049557 My stance on the topic of inequality KS4FD94-EUA-00253-00049570-00049820 is that if the ends can even be reached, KS4FD94-EUA-00254-00049837-00050050 which is questionable of equality, KS4FD94-EUA-00255-00050070-00050300 the ends do not justify the means. KS4FD94-EUA-00256-00050321-00050617 I don't think it's right to force someone to give away their wealth. KS4FD94-EUA-00257-00050642-00050829 You can try to persuade them. KS4FD94-EUA-00258-00050842-00051025 I think if you want to have a society KS4FD94-EUA-00259-00051025-00051171 that gets along with each other, KS4FD94-EUA-00260-00051171-00051417 it's important to cultivate a sense of unity KS4FD94-EUA-00261-00051426-00051555 and care for others. KS4FD94-EUA-00262-00051568-00051830 This does not have to show up only in the face KS4FD94-EUA-00263-00051843-00051964 of a common threat. KS4FD94-EUA-00264-00052006-00052256 But are you doing the opposite KS4FD94-EUA-00265-00052268-00052456 if you are forcing this on others. KS4FD94-EUA-00266-00052473-00052685 It robs people of the chance KS4FD94-EUA-00267-00052685-00052819 to actively participate KS4FD94-EUA-00268-00052840-00053123 in their own morality to a large degree. KS4FD94-EUA-00269-00053269-00053490 This doesn't stop people from doing more, KS4FD94-EUA-00270-00053511-00053857 but it does limit them acting on their own behalf. KS4FD94-EUA-00271-00053895-00054133 This is because of the removal of choice. KS4FD94-EUA-00272-00054187-00054396 Well, then you say that this leaves others KS4FD94-EUA-00273-00054396-00054541 with less means or talents KS4FD94-EUA-00274-00054541-00054687 to the mercy of everyone else. KS4FD94-EUA-00275-00054692-00054833 To find jobs, for example, KS4FD94-EUA-00276-00054854-00055109 but I don't think that one should have control over another KS4FD94-EUA-00277-00055109-00055246 person's life and path KS4FD94-EUA-00278-00055246-00055401 on what they choose to do KS4FD94-EUA-00279-00055417-00055726 just because something makes us feel really uncomfortable. KS4FD94-EUA-00280-00055751-00055910 I think if you want to help, KS4FD94-EUA-00281-00055910-00056076 and there will be many people who want to help, KS4FD94-EUA-00282-00056085-00056206 I do think that KS4FD94-EUA-00283-00056268-00056439 then people will be okay. KS4FD94-EUA-00284-00056514-00056673 This is more important to me KS4FD94-EUA-00285-00056673-00056927 than forcing others to be what you're, KS4FD94-EUA-00286-00056944-00057069 the people who would force it, KS4FD94-EUA-00287-00057073-00057336 ideal version of good looks like. KS4FD94-EUA-00288-00057557-00057766 That's what I have to say initially KS4FD94-EUA-00289-00057795-00057924 on inequality. KS4FD94-EUA-00290-00058007-00058233 Thank you for watching as usual or listening. KS4FD94-EUA-00291-00058245-00058491 If you like my content please subscribe, KS4FD94-EUA-00292-00058491-00058691 if you like my content please donate: KS4FD94-EUA-00293-00058691-00058950 justthinkingoutloud.tv/donate KS4FD94-EUA-00294-00058967-00059167 That is how I keep making these videos, KS4FD94-EUA-00295-00059175-00059417 and it really helps to keep me going. KS4FD94-EUA-00296-00059538-00059751 You can find me on other platforms. KS4FD94-EUA-00297-00059755-00059972 I always put links in the description KS4FD94-EUA-00298-00060001-00060143 such as Minds, KS4FD94-EUA-00299-00060143-00060368 and DTube, KS4FD94-EUA-00300-00060368-00060547 and BitChute. KS4FD94-EUA-00301-00060573-00060756 Let me know what you think KS4FD94-EUA-00302-00060827-00060998 in the comments section. KS4FD94-EUA-00303-00061044-00061219 I know I posted this video before. KS4FD94-EUA-00304-00061227-00061377 It was a three part series, KS4FD94-EUA-00305-00061398-00061582 and I'm hoping to post the other two KS4FD94-EUA-00306-00061582-00061686 if it still makes sense. KS4FD94-EUA-00307-00061686-00061949 But I went over this one and I thought it would be great KS4FD94-EUA-00308-00061995-00062112 to revive this content. KS4FD94-EUA-00309-00062112-00062437 I'm sure most of you listening haven't heard it before. KS4FD94-EUA-00310-00062454-00062679 And I did change it slightly KS4FD94-EUA-00311-00062679-00062854 and I think it still stands. KS4FD94-EUA-00312-00062883-00063058 So, thank you for watching. KS4FD94-EUA-00313-00063067-00063183 Have a really good day KS4FD94-EUA-00314-00063183-00063496 and I will probably talk to you soon hopefully. KS4FD94-EUA-00315-00063496-00063630 I'm quite busy. Bye. KS4FD94-EUA-00316-00064051-00064330 [Bell] KS4FD94-EUA-00317-00064518-00064764 This video is a redo of a video that I did KS4FD94-EUA-00318-00064773-00064906 over two years ago. KS4FD94-EUA-00319-00064927-00065169 I thought to do it again, because the audio was KS4FD94-EUA-00320-00065181-00065286 really, really bad. KS4FD94-EUA-00321-00065298-00065415 And I also think that KS4FD94-EUA-00322-00065415-00065636 the people who are now watching my content KS4FD94-EUA-00323-00065653-00065861 haven't heard this from me before, KS4FD94-EUA-00324-00065861-00066061 and it's still quite relevant. KS4FD94-EUA-00325-00066216-00066357 Look what I have; KS4FD94-EUA-00326-00066403-00066520 a new shirt KS4FD94-EUA-00327-00066549-00066670 that I'm going to wear KS4FD94-EUA-00328-00066716-00066804 all the time :). KSfuEJO3B28-00000-00002402-00003354 Bob Marley is like, what would say ? A motivationist. He motivates you to let you KSfuEJO3B28-00001-00003354-00003870 believe in the impossible. That mean coming from where you are KSfuEJO3B28-00002-00003870-00004404 where is nothing, sometimes there is no hope, sometimes there is no dream, but he let you KSfuEJO3B28-00003-00004404-00004893 think that : okay I don't have to be violent I don't KSfuEJO3B28-00004-00004893-00005406 have to go out and do something wrong in order to achieve. KSfuEJO3B28-00005-00005406-00006454 So, to us Bob Marley is like, you understand, a motivator what we would see. Peter Tosh is an enforcer KSfuEJO3B28-00006-00006454-00007116 he lets you become more bolder, because sometime in this life you want you have KSfuEJO3B28-00007-00007118-00007709 to be bold to believe in you to go out there, sometime you don't make it because KSfuEJO3B28-00008-00007709-00008322 you are great at something, but you're just too shy to push out, to say KSfuEJO3B28-00009-00008322-00008982 I'm gonna try to get that one opportunity. So Peter Tosh and Bob Marley is more than just KSfuEJO3B28-00010-00008982-00009572 singers to me, you understand ? They represent an aspect of life which help. KSfuEJO3B28-00011-00009572-00010462 Help you walk on a positive part to life. So that's what Peter Tosh and Bob Marley represent to my, Anthony B KSfuEJO3B28-00012-00011638-00012262 I'm feeling wonderful, I want to say this is a wonderful experience. This is a great festival, KSfuEJO3B28-00013-00012262-00012813 and the people give you a wonderful welcome, like I'm home. KSfuEJO3B28-00014-00012813-00013238 Feel like when you go home and your kids run in and say "yeah". KSfuEJO3B28-00015-00013238-00013902 I see that a lot of young kids are out there so it's a family event so to come at our regular KSfuEJO3B28-00016-00013904-00014422 event and see kids to see the first the second and the third generation that's KSfuEJO3B28-00017-00014422-00014994 beautiful because it shows you that it's very peaceful it's calm there is tranquility KSfuEJO3B28-00018-00014994-00015419 No one around the world they are about this festival after ever feel KSfuEJO3B28-00019-00015419-00016096 feared, scared that it's not an event you can go to it's an event... KSfuEJO3B28-00020-00016097-00016588 in Jamaica we gotta say it's a the best thing that we are free so the best thing is that the KSfuEJO3B28-00021-00016588-00017080 festival is free so we give thanks I'm happy to be a part of it, and I learn it's KSfuEJO3B28-00022-00017084-00017684 the eleventh edition so I pray that this festival keep going and going on KSfuEJO3B28-00023-00018856-00019140 My greatest message is love yourself KSfuEJO3B28-00024-00019140-00019752 because that's where it all started everything that we have today started KSfuEJO3B28-00025-00019752-00020236 here, in the mind, maybe not my mind or your mind but somebody else mind KSfuEJO3B28-00026-00020236-00020628 it is somebody who invent this microphone by thinking about it KSfuEJO3B28-00027-00020636-00021176 somebody invent the video camera by thinking about it so, if we... if I love myself you KSfuEJO3B28-00028-00021178-00021692 love yourself, the energy that you will project is long, so if you are a KSfuEJO3B28-00029-00021692-00022012 positive person the energy you put out this is positive KSfuEJO3B28-00030-00022012-00022384 a microphone give sound, because that's the purpuse of it, KSfuEJO3B28-00031-00022384-00022824 so if I'm a positive person, I'm gonna echo positivity, KSfuEJO3B28-00032-00022824-00023440 if you are positive and both of us meet, we are positive energy, there is no negativity KSfuEJO3B28-00033-00023440-00024062 so that's my message is love yourself because there is more inna my.. in our KSfuEJO3B28-00034-00024062-00024716 similarities as Human being, than in our differences. Differences is... we create KSfuEJO3B28-00035-00024716-00025392 competition but similarities is vitality. I'm black, you are white, these is Japanese, KSfuEJO3B28-00036-00025394-00026083 these is Chinese, but we all need water, air, a place to sleep, a peaceful community, a place to grow KSfuEJO3B28-00037-00026083-00026676 up kids, so these are the similarites that pull us and bind us toghether. KSfuEJO3B28-00038-00026676-00027030 So let's look at that part of life, and don't look at the differencies KSfuEJO3B28-00039-00028486-00029106 Well I read a lot, I travel a lot, write a lot it's cause you never stopped KSfuEJO3B28-00040-00029106-00029339 doing music you know when you're not performing then KSfuEJO3B28-00041-00029339-00029645 you're writing, and when you are not writing then you're recorded KSfuEJO3B28-00042-00029645-00030108 cause the fans are demanding so they when they see on the stage when you're KSfuEJO3B28-00043-00030108-00030558 not on the stage they asked "when is a new song coming out"? or "when is a new album from you"? KSfuEJO3B28-00044-00030558-00030904 So, it's a twenty four hours job, you never stop KSfuEJO3B28-00045-00032758-00033384 Eat right ! When you eat healthy, then you will think healthy, when I think healthy, then your body KSfuEJO3B28-00046-00033384-00034085 will be healthy, so I try to keep myself healthy because vitality is survival KSfuEJO3B28-00047-00034085-00034994 Marcus Garvey is one of my great teacher and he teaches us that if you are not fit KSfuEJO3B28-00048-00034994-00035724 it is detrimental to your survival. So fitest and the fitests shall survive. KSfuEJO3B28-00049-00035724-00036126 Survival is the key in your life, fitness must be a KSfuEJO3B28-00050-00036126-00037011 part of your daily activity and when you give the people that energy is like KSfuEJO3B28-00051-00037011-00038016 going to a class. A teacher, a professor who is full of life and energy, the way he teach, it might gain your interest KSfuEJO3B28-00052-00038016-00038398 to learn more than if he is a boring professor you might not want to go to class KSfuEJO3B28-00053-00038398-00038598 It is the same thing with performance KSfuEJO3B28-00054-00040254-00040814 He's like a government. Within a government you got different elected KSfuEJO3B28-00055-00040814-00041456 members to represent different sectors of that government so you got the health sector KSfuEJO3B28-00056-00041456-00041682 you got the security sector, you got the KSfuEJO3B28-00057-00041682-00042108 infrastructure, environmental, education also. KSfuEJO3B28-00058-00042108-00042774 Within Rastafari movement you have the Nyahbinghi which is... they no wearing turban KSfuEJO3B28-00059-00042776-00043292 So Nyahbinghi is more a warrior Bobo Ashanti is more like priest KSfuEJO3B28-00060-00043292-00043760 So like you go look at the priests in your community and so is a priest KSfuEJO3B28-00061-00043766-00044300 a member of the holy part of the community which is the spiritual part of a community KSfuEJO3B28-00062-00044300-00044854 So Bobo Ashanti is more like a priest in your community so within the rest of our KSfuEJO3B28-00063-00044856-00045381 movements the Bobo Ashanti leave the peaceful life with Sabbath, which is KSfuEJO3B28-00064-00045381-00046046 Saturday, you will see the Bobo on top of the hill, obeys Sabbath, giving praises KSfuEJO3B28-00065-00046046-00046354 you have the Nyahbinghi, as I tell you is a warrior KSfuEJO3B28-00066-00046354-00046810 you have a the Twelve Tribes, is more like a goverment that part KSfuEJO3B28-00067-00046810-00047330 so they are like ambassadors of your country, if you come to Jamaica and there is a problem KSfuEJO3B28-00068-00047330-00047732 the place that you will look for is your embassy that if you run through your KSfuEJO3B28-00069-00047732-00048384 embassy you will be safe so there's a Twelve Tribes house in London there's a KSfuEJO3B28-00070-00048384-00048916 Twelve Tribes house in Germany there is one in New York, understand ? KSfuEJO3B28-00071-00048916-00049262 so if I'm in London and I got no money and no place to sleep KSfuEJO3B28-00072-00049262-00049760 I suppose you can go to this house at any time of the night being a member of KSfuEJO3B28-00073-00049760-00050250 the RAstafari community I know that I'm safe still the next day or two days KSfuEJO3B28-00074-00050250-00050450 or three days to left KSfuEJO3B28-00075-00050450-00050752 The movement is like that KSfuEJO3B28-00076-00052420-00052946 Sugar Roy are good good human being and as we say good people are good people KSfuEJO3B28-00077-00052946-00053286 and he's also a good friend a good producer KSfuEJO3B28-00078-00053286-00053938 he's a producer of one of my sound "Good cop, bad cop", he's a good friend KSfuEJO3B28-00079-00053938-00054444 when I see he has his project on, he tell me "okay, I got this project", I so will... KSfuEJO3B28-00080-00054444-00054932 I have to give strength because we say it one'O one hand can't clap KSfuEJO3B28-00081-00054932-00055994 one feet can't run so each hand wash the other, so I'm just giving my help with my shows along the way KSfuEJO3B28-00082-00055994-00056726 do what I can, to help to highlight this project on, cause it's a good project and he put in some good work KSfuEJO3B28-00083-00056726-00057167 he put his heart into it, he's trying so as we say what can you do to stop a man from KSfuEJO3B28-00084-00057167-00057778 trying but give him an help you know, I was looking a start, a start to ease out KSfuEJO3B28-00085-00057778-00058254 I'm just trying to highlight it up here. Sugar Roy & Conrad Crystal KSfuEJO3B28-00086-00058254-00058884 and then Fireball production. Support Sugar Roy, support Fireball support his album all KSfuEJO3B28-00087-00058884-00059340 the fans around the world check it out, good music is good music and it's up to us to let KSfuEJO3B28-00088-00059340-00059955 good music be highlighted or go by the wayside so let's keep the good music going KSfuEJO3B28-00089-00061205-00061762 The all show is my favorite ! My favorite song is just the show KU134t5kLcg-00000-00000216-00000842 On Christmas Eve 2018, about 3,000 residents at the 36-storey Opal Tower apartment complex KU134t5kLcg-00001-00000842-00001295 in western Sydney were evacuated after cracks were found in the foundations. KU134t5kLcg-00002-00001295-00001689 Hundreds of residents have been in temporary accommodation for more than seven months while KU134t5kLcg-00003-00001689-00001873 repairs are still being completed. KU134t5kLcg-00004-00001873-00002322 Due to a drop in value of their apartments and a loss in rental income, the owners are KU134t5kLcg-00005-00002322-00002872 seeking millions of dollars in compensation in a recently-filed class-action lawsuit. KU134t5kLcg-00006-00002872-00003275 The lawsuit claims a “breach of warranty” and that the tower was “not designed or KU134t5kLcg-00007-00003275-00003515 constructed with due care and skill”. KU134t5kLcg-00008-00003515-00003902 Some of the apartments in the building cost up to $2.5 million. KU134t5kLcg-00009-00003902-00004288 Larger apartments were renting out for more than $750 per week. KU134t5kLcg-00010-00004288-00004540 The owners, understandably, are furious. KU134t5kLcg-00011-00004540-00004946 How could a building that cost so much money be of such poor quality? KU134t5kLcg-00012-00004946-00005410 Just last month in June, residents were forced to evacuate the 10-storey Mascot Towers in KU134t5kLcg-00013-00005410-00005974 the inner-south of Sydney due to rapid deterioration of cracks within a primary support beam. KU134t5kLcg-00014-00005974-00006478 Under NSW law, building defects are covered under warranty for six years after completion KU134t5kLcg-00015-00006478-00006590 of a development. KU134t5kLcg-00016-00006590-00007100 The Mascot Towers is 10 years old, so unfortunately, the owners of the units have to foot the expensive KU134t5kLcg-00017-00007100-00007276 repair bill themselves. KU134t5kLcg-00018-00007276-00007858 Stephen Goddard, spokesperson for the Owners Corporation Network (and a strata lawyer himself), KU134t5kLcg-00019-00007858-00008240 spoke of the legal issues facing owners of apartments in these towers. KU134t5kLcg-00020-00008240-00008316 He said, KU134t5kLcg-00021-00008316-00008604 “Consumers have nowhere to go in these sorts of situations. KU134t5kLcg-00022-00008604-00008754 There's nobody for them to sue. KU134t5kLcg-00023-00008754-00008918 There's nowhere for them to turn. KU134t5kLcg-00024-00008918-00009308 People have more consumer protection buying a fridge than a million-dollar apartment. KU134t5kLcg-00025-00009308-00009730 Anybody looking to purchase in a building less than 10 years of age is foolish because KU134t5kLcg-00026-00009730-00009966 the defects will not have yet surfaced. KU134t5kLcg-00027-00009966-00010182 Don't buy anything less than 10 years old. KU134t5kLcg-00028-00010182-00010524 You should never buy off the plan — it's unsafe to do so.” KU134t5kLcg-00029-00010524-00011016 Michael Xylas, principal real estate agent at MGM Properties, has one of the one-bedroom KU134t5kLcg-00030-00011016-00011422 units in Mascot Towers on the market for $740,000. KU134t5kLcg-00031-00011422-00011496 He said, KU134t5kLcg-00032-00011496-00011830 “Obviously, I don't think anybody will be in a position to commit to buying a property KU134t5kLcg-00033-00011830-00012028 with a building that's got problems. KU134t5kLcg-00034-00012028-00012398 It's very damaging for the vendor who was counting on selling this property.” KU134t5kLcg-00035-00012398-00012744 Mr Goddard also spoke of the ongoing implications for owners. KU134t5kLcg-00036-00012744-00012810 He said, KU134t5kLcg-00037-00012810-00013156 “The building will become toxic, just like Opal, where you won't be able to sell out KU134t5kLcg-00038-00013156-00013456 of it because people know of the structural defects. KU134t5kLcg-00039-00013456-00013884 For many years, ever-increasing property prices have 'wallpapered' over the issue. KU134t5kLcg-00040-00013884-00014286 We're now seeing owners confronted with the possibility that their investment may be lower KU134t5kLcg-00041-00014286-00014482 than their outstanding mortgage.” KU134t5kLcg-00042-00014482-00014913 Speaking about other ‘toxic’ apartments in Sydney, owners of the ‘Sugarcube’ apartment KU134t5kLcg-00043-00014913-00015406 development in the inner-city suburb of Erskineville, were refused access to their apartments due KU134t5kLcg-00044-00015406-00015713 to concerns over toxic land underneath it. KU134t5kLcg-00045-00015715-00016210 Nick Rehac, one of the owners, bought his apartment for $1 million last year, but has KU134t5kLcg-00046-00016210-00016297 yet to live in it. KU134t5kLcg-00047-00016297-00016366 He said, KU134t5kLcg-00048-00016366-00016552 “I have no rights, I have nothing. KU134t5kLcg-00049-00016552-00016704 I'm not allowed to stay here. KU134t5kLcg-00050-00016704-00016812 We have no power. KU134t5kLcg-00051-00016812-00016924 They took the money.” KU134t5kLcg-00052-00016924-00017226 A spokesperson for the City of Sydney spoke of the concerns. KU134t5kLcg-00053-00017226-00017300 They said, KU134t5kLcg-00054-00017300-00017792 “Several conditions require remediation including contaminated groundwater and detection KU134t5kLcg-00055-00017792-00018132 of heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and asbestos. KU134t5kLcg-00056-00018132-00018511 The contaminants are believed to be associated with the former industrial use of the site KU134t5kLcg-00057-00018512-00018748 involving manufacturing activities. KU134t5kLcg-00058-00018748-00019250 City staff have been in ongoing discussions with the developer [Golden Rain Development], KU134t5kLcg-00059-00019250-00019624 who has not complied with the development consent conditions concerning remediation KU134t5kLcg-00060-00019624-00019736 of the site.” KU134t5kLcg-00061-00019736-00020146 But yet another apartment block was evacuated in Sydney late last year in the inner-eastern KU134t5kLcg-00062-00020146-00020304 suburb of Zetland. KU134t5kLcg-00063-00020304-00020774 It was evacuated due to extensive water damage and subsequent faults with the fire alarm KU134t5kLcg-00064-00020774-00020860 system. KU134t5kLcg-00065-00020860-00021108 It has now been empty for over eight months. KU134t5kLcg-00066-00021108-00021358 Brisbane apartment towers have also been in the news. KU134t5kLcg-00067-00021358-00021892 Dr Louisa Carter purchased a new four-bedroom sub-penthouse in The Johnson apartment tower KU134t5kLcg-00068-00021892-00022172 in inner-city Brisbane back in 2017. KU134t5kLcg-00069-00022172-00022610 Just days after moving in, the roof began leaking forcing her family to move out. KU134t5kLcg-00070-00022610-00022698 She said, KU134t5kLcg-00071-00022698-00023086 “In the first big storm, suddenly there was water pouring into the main bedroom. KU134t5kLcg-00072-00023086-00023538 This is a state-heritage listed property — it's meant to be kept for future generations. KU134t5kLcg-00073-00023538-00023872 We've got a colander for a roof pouring down through the concrete.” KU134t5kLcg-00074-00023872-00024194 Dr Carter has made a number of complaints through various channels. KU134t5kLcg-00075-00024194-00024490 She first raised issues with the developer and the body corporate. KU134t5kLcg-00076-00024490-00025024 She then complained to the Queensland's Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), who in KU134t5kLcg-00077-00025024-00025374 turn demanded that the developer, Maxcon, fix the leak. KU134t5kLcg-00078-00025374-00025713 Some works were carried out, but the body corporate’s insurance company found that KU134t5kLcg-00079-00025714-00025948 there were still defects within the building. KU134t5kLcg-00080-00025948-00026348 Dr Carter said she has lost thousands of dollars after having to rent another property. KU134t5kLcg-00081-00026348-00026427 She said, KU134t5kLcg-00082-00026427-00026516 “We're in limbo. KU134t5kLcg-00083-00026516-00026932 We're caught in a stalemate between parties — I feel like collateral damage in a financial KU134t5kLcg-00084-00026932-00027214 equation and it's just not good enough — it's my home. KU134t5kLcg-00085-00027214-00027674 My issue is, as an individual unit owner, I don't have any control over the common lot KU134t5kLcg-00086-00027674-00027870 — the roof — so I'm caught.” KU134t5kLcg-00087-00027870-00028266 Of course, there are many other stories about apartment tower defects throughout Australia, KU134t5kLcg-00088-00028266-00028445 but there are just too many to list here. KU134t5kLcg-00089-00028445-00028842 Surely, these published articles are just the tip of a very big iceberg. KU134t5kLcg-00090-00028842-00029248 After reading the articles for myself, my only piece of advice is this. KU134t5kLcg-00091-00029248-00029638 Don’t buy a new apartment, especially if it’s over three stories high. KU134t5kLcg-00092-00029638-00030066 In most states, home warranty insurance is not a requirement (or even available) for KU134t5kLcg-00093-00030066-00030280 new apartments over three storeys high. KU134t5kLcg-00094-00030280-00030710 If you’re going to buy an apartment, buy a smaller, simpler one in a walk-up building. KU134t5kLcg-00095-00030710-00031058 Too many things have been going wrong with these big buildings of late. KU134t5kLcg-00096-00031058-00031436 Unfortunately, while chasing the Australian Dream, many of these residents have found KU134t5kLcg-00097-00031436-00031730 themselves in the midst of an Australian Nightmare. KUG9eLK6cpM-00000-00000028-00000468 After confessing he's'still in shock a little' after winning the defamation battle against KUG9eLK6cpM-00001-00000468-00001067 ex-wife Amber Heard, Johnny Depp flies in Glasgow and welcomes fans as he begins the KUG9eLK6cpM-00002-00001067-00001341 next leg of his tour with Jeff Beck. KUG9eLK6cpM-00003-00001341-00002023 The 58-year-old actor was in the UK to support his buddy Beck, 77, on his tour, and made KUG9eLK6cpM-00004-00002023-00002494 an appearance at Sage Gateshead in the north of England on Thursday night. KUG9eLK6cpM-00005-00002494-00002996 He performed in Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall before performing at Manchester's O2 Apollo KUG9eLK6cpM-00006-00002996-00003308 on Saturday. KUG9eLK6cpM-00007-00003308-00003865 Depp was spotted meeting fans in Glasgow and posing for photographs with the throng before KUG9eLK6cpM-00008-00003865-00004200 of his performance on Friday night. KUG9eLK6cpM-00009-00004200-00004644 Depp learnt on Wednesday that he will get millions of dollars after winning his defamation KUG9eLK6cpM-00010-00004644-00005140 lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard in the United States. KUG9eLK6cpM-00011-00005140-00005646 After the show in Gateshead, the actor walked out to greet fans, signing autographs and KUG9eLK6cpM-00012-00005646-00006103 posing for photographs with a gathering of around 200 people who had gathered near the KUG9eLK6cpM-00013-00006103-00006348 stage entrance to see him go. KUG9eLK6cpM-00014-00006348-00006870 Depp also made light of the finger he alleges Amber Heard cut during their fight in Australia, KUG9eLK6cpM-00015-00006870-00007133 an incident he detailed in court. KUG9eLK6cpM-00016-00007133-00007742 'You have five, I have four and seven eighths,' he laughed as he signed autographs, leaning KUG9eLK6cpM-00017-00007742-00008008 down and pointing at a small boy's fingers. KUG9eLK6cpM-00018-00008008-00008108 Mad.' KUG9eLK6cpM-00019-00008108-00008625 'She [Amber Heard] had hurled a bottle of vodka and chopped my finger off,' he said KUG9eLK6cpM-00020-00008625-00008768 during the trial. KUG9eLK6cpM-00021-00008768-00008988 It's the tip of my index finger. KUG9eLK6cpM-00022-00008988-00009134 'Quite a bit.' KUG9eLK6cpM-00023-00009134-00009614 'I miss it,' he continued, a short smile on his face. KUG9eLK6cpM-00024-00009614-00010044 Depp had returned to the stage earlier that night after winning his case against ex-wife KUG9eLK6cpM-00025-00010044-00010177 Amber Heard. KUG9eLK6cpM-00026-00010177-00010686 As he walked onto the platform, the audience erupted in cheers, prompting Beck to joke, KUG9eLK6cpM-00027-00010686-00010902 'There's someone here.' KUG9eLK6cpM-00028-00010902-00011161 It's possible you have no idea who it is...' KUG9eLK6cpM-00029-00011161-00011702 'What a result,' Beck said, referring to the actor's court triumph the day before. KUG9eLK6cpM-00030-00011702-00011920 What a triumph!' KUG9eLK6cpM-00031-00011920-00012408 As he walked onto the stage, Depp beaming, he played guitar and sang a number of rock KUG9eLK6cpM-00032-00012408-00012790 tunes with rocker Beck, whom he met five years ago. KUG9eLK6cpM-00033-00012790-00013231 The actor also exited to acclaim and shouts before returning for an encore performance KUG9eLK6cpM-00034-00013231-00013644 of A Day in the Life by the Beatles, which finished with Depp and Beck hugging. KUG9eLK6cpM-00035-00013644-00014074 Beck told the crowd that they had worked together on an album that will be released in July, KUG9eLK6cpM-00036-00014074-00014451 before adding, 'Really, the s**t he's been through.' KUG9eLK6cpM-00037-00014451-00015022 After stunning fans with his appearance at Sheffield City Hall on Sunday, Depp joined KUG9eLK6cpM-00038-00015022-00015524 Beck at the Royal Albert Hall in west London on Monday and Tuesday nights. KUG9eLK6cpM-00039-00015524-00016093 He'll be performing in Glasgow on Friday, Manchester on Saturday, Birmingham on Monday, KUG9eLK6cpM-00040-00016093-00016491 and York on Tuesday as part of Beck's UK tour. KUG9eLK6cpM-00041-00016491-00017073 The trip is said to have been organized before Depp's UStrial date was confirmed. KUG9eLK6cpM-00042-00017073-00017677 It comes after Depp sued his ex-wife Heard for $50 million for a 2018 article shewrote KUG9eLK6cpM-00043-00017677-00018134 alleging she had been the victim of domestic abuse. KUG9eLK6cpM-00044-00018134-00018666 As he drove out from the hotel, fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean and Donnie Brasco KUG9eLK6cpM-00045-00018666-00018984 star waved through the window of his silver Mercedes. KUG9eLK6cpM-00046-00018984-00019562 'Thank you, I'm still in shock a little,' the Pirates of the Caribbean star joked as KUG9eLK6cpM-00047-00019562-00019849 fans congratulated him on winning the outfit. KUG9eLK6cpM-00048-00019849-00020496 Heard countersued Depp for $100 million, saying that Depp's lawyer Adam Waldman made defamatory KUG9eLK6cpM-00049-00020496-00020906 remarks about her accusations, labeling them a "hoax." KUG9eLK6cpM-00050-00020906-00021506 Depp won the lawsuit and received a total of $15 million in damages, including $10 million KUG9eLK6cpM-00051-00021506-00022044 in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive penalties. KUG9eLK6cpM-00052-00022044-00022615 Only one of Heard's three countersuit allegations was successful, and it was connected to Depp's KUG9eLK6cpM-00053-00022615-00023168 lawyer's accusations that she and her companions had wrecked their flat before contacting the KUG9eLK6cpM-00054-00023168-00023279 cops. KUG9eLK6cpM-00055-00023279-00023854 She earned $2 million in compensatory damages out of the $100 million she sought in her KUG9eLK6cpM-00056-00023854-00024357 countersuit against her ex-husband, with no punitive penalties given. KUG9eLK6cpM-00057-00024357-00024836 Depp's $5 million punitive damages judgement was eventually lowered by the judge to the KUG9eLK6cpM-00058-00024836-00025783 Virginia maximum of $350,000, bringing his total to $10,350,000 - minus the $2 million KUG9eLK6cpM-00059-00025783-00025982 he was ordered to pay Heard. KUG9eLK6cpM-00060-00025982-00026517 Depp will receive $8.35 million as a result of the settlement. KUG9eLK6cpM-00061-00026517-00026932 He declined to hear the verdict in person when it was delivered on Wednesday in the KUG9eLK6cpM-00062-00026932-00027338 Fairfax County Circuit Courthouse in Fairfax, Virginia. KUG9eLK6cpM-00063-00027338-00027838 Instead, he headed out to The Bridge Tavern bar in Newcastle for drinks with Beck and KUG9eLK6cpM-00064-00027838-00028273 other musician Sam Fender before returning to the stage the next day to accompany the KUG9eLK6cpM-00065-00028273-00029491 English guitarist on tour. KVnV6EtJEVA-00000-00000577-00000640 Hello! KVnV6EtJEVA-00001-00000640-00000724 My name is Anna. KVnV6EtJEVA-00002-00000724-00000986 I am 19 years old and I am working KVnV6EtJEVA-00003-00000986-00001273 in a text processing and translation field. KVnV6EtJEVA-00004-00001273-00001677 I am a student of linguistics faculty, the Department of the Theory practice KVnV6EtJEVA-00005-00001677-00001873 of English translation. KVnV6EtJEVA-00006-00001873-00002566 And I have almost one year of experience in the position of the quality analyst. KVnV6EtJEVA-00007-00002566-00002906 So in my latest position, I was working in a company KVnV6EtJEVA-00008-00002906-00003290 named Edit Group, and was working with different KVnV6EtJEVA-00009-00003290-00003684 academic paper writings, on different topics, KVnV6EtJEVA-00010-00003684-00004035 of course in English, and I was responsible for KVnV6EtJEVA-00011-00004035-00004192 checking those texts. KVnV6EtJEVA-00012-00004192-00004564 I mean, the grammar aspect, proofreading them, formatting the files KVnV6EtJEVA-00013-00004564-00004707 and correcting all the mistakes. KVnV6EtJEVA-00014-00004707-00005133 But also, I will stay in touch with customers and with writers. KVnV6EtJEVA-00015-00005133-00005657 When I faced different difficult situations, I was trying to be patient KVnV6EtJEVA-00016-00005657-00005834 and make everything step by step. KVnV6EtJEVA-00017-00005834-00006212 For example, when customers were unsatisfied with their papers, KVnV6EtJEVA-00018-00006212-00006693 I was communicating with them, and making all the corrections KVnV6EtJEVA-00019-00006693-00007009 to make the paper appropriate for the customer. KVnV6EtJEVA-00020-00007009-00007322 Working online is the best and the most convenient option KVnV6EtJEVA-00021-00007322-00007703 for me nowadays, as I use my computer almost all the time. KVnV6EtJEVA-00022-00007703-00007987 Currently, I'm looking for a full-time job. KVnV6EtJEVA-00023-00007987-00008391 It's my main priority, and I'd like to work in a team, KVnV6EtJEVA-00024-00008391-00008768 so that I will be able to share my thoughts with other people, KVnV6EtJEVA-00025-00008768-00009137 to take some pieces of advice, and use the experience KVnV6EtJEVA-00026-00009137-00009571 of others to upgrade my current skills. KVnV6EtJEVA-00027-00009571-00009900 And my main priority is to become successful, KVnV6EtJEVA-00028-00009900-00010361 and experienced employee in my field, and to become a part KVnV6EtJEVA-00029-00010361-00010827 of a young developing company, and make everything I can KVnV6EtJEVA-00030-00010827-00011067 for the fruitful сooperation. KVnV6EtJEVA-00031-00011067-00011493 I am a fast learning, open-minded and reliable employee KVnV6EtJEVA-00032-00011493-00012053 as well as I am organized so that I follow all the deadlines. KVnV6EtJEVA-00033-00012053-00012757 And, as I am a humanitarian, I like learning different foreign languages, KVnV6EtJEVA-00034-00012757-00013172 reading different texts, editing, and of course translating them. KVnV6EtJEVA-00035-00013172-00013272 That's all for now. KVnV6EtJEVA-00036-00013272-00013430 Thank you for your attention! KVnV6EtJEVA-00037-00013430-00013782 Let's stay in touch and I hope for our future cooperation. KXmzFm8AQBc-00000-00000000-00000417 Latte, who gave birth, eats well. KXmzFm8AQBc-00001-00000482-00000953 She recovered quickly enough to even swim well. KXmzFm8AQBc-00002-00001044-00001320 But she's eight years old, KXmzFm8AQBc-00003-00001320-00001807 so it's better not to give birth for her health. KXmzFm8AQBc-00004-00001807-00002276 Latte, a female, is old and has a high risk of open surgery. KXmzFm8AQBc-00005-00002276-00002807 So, after much consideration, it was decided that the male dolce would perform a neutering operation. KXmzFm8AQBc-00006-00003021-00003420 the morning of the operation / 8AM KXmzFm8AQBc-00007-00003507-00003714 Dolce: I want to sleep more! KXmzFm8AQBc-00008-00003714-00004098 They are sleepy because they woke up earlier than usual. KXmzFm8AQBc-00009-00004424-00004789 Latte: Honey, have a safe trip KXmzFm8AQBc-00010-00004930-00005175 Mocha: Dad, where are you going? KXmzFm8AQBc-00011-00005523-00005897 We drove to the animal hospital with Dolce. KXmzFm8AQBc-00012-00006108-00006484 We arrived at 'j' Animal Hospital in Daegu. KXmzFm8AQBc-00013-00006484-00006867 This is an animal hospital in partnership with our zoo. KXmzFm8AQBc-00014-00006897-00007147 (Waiting) KXmzFm8AQBc-00015-00007495-00007751 Sleepy KXmzFm8AQBc-00016-00008133-00008533 I signed the consent form for surgery. KXmzFm8AQBc-00017-00008694-00009037 Dolce entered the anesthetic cage. KXmzFm8AQBc-00018-00009202-00009527 Sleep anesthesia gas goes in. KXmzFm8AQBc-00019-00009736-00010076 Dolce slowly falls asleep. KXmzFm8AQBc-00020-00010563-00010912 They get ready for surgery. KXmzFm8AQBc-00021-00011586-00011960 The operation was successful. KXmzFm8AQBc-00022-00012060-00012504 He had his health checked and had his teeth scaled. KXmzFm8AQBc-00023-00012652-00012957 Checking teeth condition KXmzFm8AQBc-00024-00013074-00013339 There's a lot of tartar KXmzFm8AQBc-00025-00014182-00014508 taking an X-ray KXmzFm8AQBc-00026-00014890-00015883 Vet: This is a chest X-ray. He is normal on X-ray. KXmzFm8AQBc-00027-00015931-00016435 Blood tests and fecal tests are also normal. KXmzFm8AQBc-00028-00016783-00017172 He slowly awakened from the anesthesia. KXmzFm8AQBc-00029-00017420-00017866 Now that you're awake from anesthesia, let's go home! KXmzFm8AQBc-00030-00018000-00018425 Dolce is back home. Why is he alone? KXmzFm8AQBc-00031-00018425-00018916 He needs to do no food, no water until all the anesthetic is removed from his body KXmzFm8AQBc-00032-00018947-00019415 So he can't be with Latte and Mocha. KXmzFm8AQBc-00033-00019415-00019634 Mocha: Dad! KXmzFm8AQBc-00034-00019634-00019951 Dolce: My baby, wait a minute KXmzFm8AQBc-00035-00020000-00020331 Dolce: I'll be there to see you soon! KXokHI5CGNg-00000-00002347-00002611 presents KXokHI5CGNg-00001-00003233-00003496 our environment condition now gets more critical KXokHI5CGNg-00002-00003513-00003795 moreover with the presence of pollution everywhere KXokHI5CGNg-00003-00003814-00004117 and global warming that's caused by the damage of the environment, KXokHI5CGNg-00004-00004128-00004426 deforestation, and garbage scattered around KXokHI5CGNg-00005-00004453-00004743 and waste from factories which are not managed. KXokHI5CGNg-00006-00004777-00004877 air pollution KXokHI5CGNg-00007-00004915-00005015 sea pollution, KXokHI5CGNg-00008-00005041-00005142 and soil pollution, KXokHI5CGNg-00009-00005147-00005477 the best solution is start from within ourselves. KXokHI5CGNg-00010-00005518-00005754 but it's not as easy as what we imagine KXokHI5CGNg-00011-00005777-00006192 because there are some people who damage the environment itself. KXokHI5CGNg-00012-00006212-00006352 and they do not care. KXokHI5CGNg-00013-00006434-00006885 we think it is the time for us to act. KXokHI5CGNg-00014-00007171-00007378 fun act to care our environment KXokHI5CGNg-00015-00007567-00007924 contextual learning KXokHI5CGNg-00016-00011099-00011311 commemorating world's ecology day KXokHI5CGNg-00017-00011333-00011536 work and service for the environment KXokHI5CGNg-00018-00017921-00018216 trash cleaning in the drainage basin KXokHI5CGNg-00019-00020201-00020451 utilization of yards KXokHI5CGNg-00020-00025504-00025702 my environment KXokHI5CGNg-00021-00025948-00026048 what is this? KXokHI5CGNg-00022-00026076-00026275 trash KXokHI5CGNg-00023-00026299-00026532 is trash good to see? KXokHI5CGNg-00024-00026581-00026681 not good KXokHI5CGNg-00025-00026737-00026837 why? KXokHI5CGNg-00026-00026859-00027086 because it's not clean KXokHI5CGNg-00027-00027132-00027362 so if we throw trash? KXokHI5CGNg-00028-00027413-00027737 don't throw the trash carelessly KXokHI5CGNg-00029-00027831-00028191 we really thanks to the committee that held this agenda KXokHI5CGNg-00030-00028263-00028572 I hope after this we can have agenda like this more often, thank you. KXokHI5CGNg-00031-00028631-00028992 I hope it's not only in the education stage, KXokHI5CGNg-00032-00029014-00029933 so that all member of society from children to the old persons can be aware about their environment. KZqwtmfMDYy-00000-00003387-00003587 Om Arunachaleswarayanamaha KZqwtmfMDYy-00001-00003587-00003872 Om Namo Bhagavathe Sree Ramanaya KZqwtmfMDYy-00002-00003872-00004072 Sri Sundaresayanamaha KZqwtmfMDYy-00003-00004072-00004894 The scene we are going to witness today, as part of the Sivanidhi Sivalayalu programme, KZqwtmfMDYy-00004-00004894-00005185 can nowhere else be seen on the earth. KZqwtmfMDYy-00005-00005185-00005455 It is such a wonderful sight. KZqwtmfMDYy-00006-00005455-00006114 When Sundara and Paravai were living in Tiruvarur after being blessed by Thyagesa, KZqwtmfMDYy-00007-00006114-00006712 once Sundara went on a piligrimage to Thiruvotriyur KZqwtmfMDYy-00008-00006712-00007391 where Goddess Parvathi’s another companion Anindita was born as Srinkhala there KZqwtmfMDYy-00009-00007391-00008041 Sundara saw her in the temple and prayed to Eshwara to arrange their marriage KZqwtmfMDYy-00010-00008041-00008400 which was solemnized. KZqwtmfMDYy-00011-00008400-00009133 Sundara vowed before Eshwara that he would not leave his second wife, KZqwtmfMDYy-00012-00009133-00009333 but went back on his word. KZqwtmfMDYy-00013-00009333-00009657 Later, he set out to Thiruvarur to visit Thyagesa KZqwtmfMDYy-00014-00009657-00010211 and also to meet his first wife. KZqwtmfMDYy-00015-00010211-00011028 As a result of breaking his vow, he lost the vision of his eyes while crossing the borders of Thiruvottriyur town. KZqwtmfMDYy-00016-00011028-00011718 He toured many piligrim centres of Shiva and made fervent prayers to the lord KZqwtmfMDYy-00017-00011718-00011883 At last he reached Kanchipuram KZqwtmfMDYy-00018-00011883-00012554 and prayed to Ekambareswara who granted vision to Sundara’s left eye. KZqwtmfMDYy-00019-00012554-00013023 He continued his piligrimage and reached to Thiruvarur KZqwtmfMDYy-00020-00013023-00013958 and most humbly requested another deity Thuvvayinathar with Padikams to grant vision to his right eye also, KZqwtmfMDYy-00021-00013958-00014338 Thyagesa answered the prayer of his devotee by granting vision to Sundara’s right eye too. KZqwtmfMDYy-00022-00014338-00015000 Paravai was reluctant to see Sundara as he deceived her by marrying another woman. KZqwtmfMDYy-00023-00015000-00015614 Sundara reeled out his grief before Thyagesa and earnestly requested him to stand by him KZqwtmfMDYy-00024-00015614-00016037 and convince Paravai to accept him again. KZqwtmfMDYy-00025-00016037-00016710 One midnight,Thyagesa set his lotus feet (unreachable even to the lord Brahma and other celestials) on the earth in the guise of a Shaivite priest. KZqwtmfMDYy-00026-00016710-00017367 Thiruvarur streets were purified with the touch of Shiva’ holy feet. KZqwtmfMDYy-00027-00017367-00017715 While Eshwara was going to the house of Paravai, KZqwtmfMDYy-00028-00017715-00018123 Siddhas, Khecharas and other groups were peeping out from the sky with wonder. KZqwtmfMDYy-00029-00018123-00018501 Thiruvarur streets were purified with the touch of Shiva’s holy feet. KZqwtmfMDYy-00030-00018501-00019015 Ardent devotees are touching the dust of his feet to their head and were dancing with joy KZqwtmfMDYy-00031-00019015-00019657 The celestial army was making Kahalika sounds uttering “Sundara roopa ! Victory be unto you.” KZqwtmfMDYy-00032-00019657-00020412 After crossing the streets Thyagesa reached Paravai’s house which has the gem-studded raised and leveled ground,knocked the door. KZqwtmfMDYy-00033-00020412-00020672 When she came out he related the state of Sundara to her. KZqwtmfMDYy-00034-00020672-00021087 Soon she discouraged him by saying that it was not good for him to do so. KZqwtmfMDYy-00035-00021087-00021534 The disguised priest returned. KZqwtmfMDYy-00036-00021534-00022117 Sundara with a worried face said “Swamy! What happened ?” KZqwtmfMDYy-00037-00022117-00022804 Then Thyagesa replied “Paravai has a strong dislike for you. KZqwtmfMDYy-00038-00022804-00023578 Then Sundara made further appeals saying that he had none else to relate his tragedy. KZqwtmfMDYy-00039-00023578-00024000 the Moved by the sad state of his devotee, KZqwtmfMDYy-00040-00024000-00024841 the lord resumed his original form and climbed his divine ox-vehicle KZqwtmfMDYy-00041-00024841-00025243 and sset out to Paravai’s house amid victory sounds by the Pramada and other groups KZqwtmfMDYy-00042-00025243-00026100 and the beating of the divine drums accompanied by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra. KZqwtmfMDYy-00043-00026100-00027545 Paravai who knew well that her husband implores upon Thyagesa for all his problems and decided that the priest who came sometime ago must be Thyagesa only. KZqwtmfMDYy-00044-00027545-00028394 She repented for her lapse and came out of her house by which time KZqwtmfMDYy-00045-00028394-00028675 auspicious Vedic chants were heard. KZqwtmfMDYy-00046-00028675-00029518 Wonderstruck she saluted to lord Thyagesa and prayed to him KZqwtmfMDYy-00047-00029518-00030423 to excuse her who was a sinful woman for denying his words as she could not identify his original form. KZqwtmfMDYy-00048-00030423-00031171 Bowing to him again and again, she said “ I shall abide by your order whatever it might be.” KZqwtmfMDYy-00049-00031171-00031823 Thyagesa passed on his graceful looks over her and disappeared. KZqwtmfMDYy-00050-00031823-00032275 Obeying Thyagesa Paravai approached Sundaresa. KZqwtmfMDYy-00051-00032282-00032775 Thus the lord with his holy feet treaded to Paravai’s house. KZqwtmfMDYy-00052-00032775-00033626 It is a very rare incident that Parameswara donning human form and walking as a common man in the town streets to bless his devotees stands as a milestone in the history of devotees. KZqwtmfMDYy-00055-00043896-00044111 Om Bhagavathe Sree Ramanaya KZqwtmfMDYy-00056-00044111-00044311 Om Arunachaleshwaraya namaha KZqwtmfMDYy-00057-00044311-00044511 Om Sundaresaya namaha Kc2DiRTNlwg-00000-00001100-00001529 Hello! In the last lesson, we looked at the basic Perceptron algorithm, and now we're Kc2DiRTNlwg-00001-00001529-00001964 going to look at the Multilayer Perceptron. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00002-00001964-00002665 Multilayer Perceptrons are simply networks of Perceptrons, networks of linear classifiers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00003-00002732-00003370 They have an input layer, some hidden layers perhaps, and an output layer. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00004-00003370-00004059 If we just look at the picture on the lower left, the green nodes are input nodes. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00005-00004059-00004277 This is actually for the numeric weather data. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00006-00004277-00004786 Although you probably can't read the labels, the top one is "outlook=sunny"; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00007-00004786-00004953 underneath is "outlook=overcast"; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00008-00004953-00005653 then "outlook=rainy"; and then we have "temperature", "humidity" and "windy" for the nodes. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00009-00005827-00006281 This is the numeric weather data, so "outlook" is the only nominal variable, and that's been Kc2DiRTNlwg-00010-00006281-00006785 made into three binary attributes. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00011-00006785-00007485 These two [yellow] nodes are the output nodes for output is "play" and "don't play", respectively. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00012-00007661-00008235 Each of those two yellow nodes performs a weighted sum, and each of the connections Kc2DiRTNlwg-00013-00008235-00008446 has a weight. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00014-00008446-00008870 If we look at the more complicated picture to the right, we've got some red nodes here. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00015-00008870-00009436 These are three hidden layers with different numbers of neurons/nodes in each of these Kc2DiRTNlwg-00016-00009436-00009778 three hidden layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00017-00009778-00010245 Each node performs a weighted sum of its inputs and thresholds the result, just like in the Kc2DiRTNlwg-00018-00010245-00010422 regular, basic Perceptron. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00019-00010422-00010811 But in the basic Perceptron, you looked to see whether the result was greater than zero Kc2DiRTNlwg-00020-00010811-00011071 or less than zero. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00021-00011071-00011627 In Multilayer Perceptrons, instead of using that hard-edged function, people use what's Kc2DiRTNlwg-00022-00011627-00011789 called a "sigmoid" function. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00023-00011789-00012279 I've drawn a few sigmoid functions on the slide up in the top right. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00024-00012279-00012745 You can see that as they become more extreme, they approach the step function, which Kc2DiRTNlwg-00025-00012745-00013269 corresponds to the hard-edged threshold used in the basic Perceptron. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00026-00013269-00013757 But here we're going to use a smooth, continuous sigmoid function. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00027-00013757-00014263 Actually, there is a theoretical property that the network will converge if the sigmoid Kc2DiRTNlwg-00028-00014263-00014432 function is differentiable. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00029-00014432-00014572 That's kind of important. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00030-00014572-00014872 Anyway, that's by the by. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00031-00014872-00015419 These nodes are often called "neurons", the red nodes and the yellow nodes. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00032-00015419-00015836 These are not to be confused with the neurons that you have in your head. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00033-00015836-00016488 The big questions are how many layers, and how many nodes in each? We know for the input Kc2DiRTNlwg-00034-00016488-00016967 layer, we're going to have one for each attribute, and the attributes are numeric or binary. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00035-00016967-00017485 For the output layer, we're going to have one for each class. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00036-00017485-00017687 How many hidden layers? Well, that's up to you. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00037-00017687-00018020 If you have zero hidden layers, that's the standard Perceptron algorithm. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00038-00018020-00018283 That's suitable if the data is linearly separable. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00039-00018283-00018501 There are theoretical results: Kc2DiRTNlwg-00040-00018501-00018981 with one hidden layer, that's suitable for a single, convex region of the decision space; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00041-00018981-00019398 two hidden layers are enough to generate arbitrary decision boundaries. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00042-00019398-00019927 However, people don't necessarily use two hidden layers, because that really increases Kc2DiRTNlwg-00043-00019927-00020039 the number of connections-- Kc2DiRTNlwg-00044-00020039-00020310 that's the number of weights that would have to be learned. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00045-00020310-00020843 The next big question is: how big should the layers be? They are usually chosen somewhere Kc2DiRTNlwg-00046-00020843-00021028 between the input and output layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00047-00021028-00021606 A common heuristic, Weka's heuristic, is to use the mean value of the [number of] input and output Kc2DiRTNlwg-00048-00021606-00021770 layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00049-00021770-00021946 What are these weights? Well, they're learned. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00050-00021946-00022118 They're learned from the training set. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00051-00022118-00022607 They are learned by iteratively minimizing the error using the steepest descent method, Kc2DiRTNlwg-00052-00022607-00023168 and the gradient is determined using a backpropagation algorithm. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00053-00023168-00023470 We're not going to talk about the backpropagation here. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00054-00023470-00023987 The change in weight is computed by multiplying the gradient by a constant called the "learning Kc2DiRTNlwg-00055-00023987-00024503 rate" and adding the previous change in weight multiplied by another parameter called "momentum". Kc2DiRTNlwg-00056-00024503-00025203 So Wnext (the next weight vector) is W + ΔW, where ΔW is minus the learning_rate times Kc2DiRTNlwg-00057-00025239-00025744 the gradient (minus because we want to go downhill) plus momentum times the previous Kc2DiRTNlwg-00058-00025744-00026147 change in the weight parameter. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00059-00026147-00026660 Multilayer Perceptrons can get excellent results, but they often involve a lot of experimentation Kc2DiRTNlwg-00060-00026660-00027058 with the number and size of the hidden layers and the value of the learning rate and momentum Kc2DiRTNlwg-00061-00027058-00027137 parameters. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00062-00027137-00027387 Let's take a look in Weka. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00063-00027387-00027645 I'm going to use the numeric weather data. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00064-00027645-00027886 Over here, I've got it open. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00065-00027886-00028411 I'm going to go to Classify and find MultilayerPerceptron in the functions category. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00066-00028411-00028745 Here it is, and let's just run it. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00067-00028745-00028911 We get 79%. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00068-00028911-00029377 I want to show you the network we used. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00069-00029377-00030045 Let me just switch on GUI, the graphical user interface. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00070-00030045-00030552 Now when I run it, I get a picture of the network. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00071-00030552-00030730 That is Weka's default network. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00072-00030730-00031089 These are the input nodes that we looked at before, the green ones. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00073-00031089-00031554 Weka has chosen 4 neurons in the hidden layer. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00074-00031554-00032030 That's the average of the number of input and output layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00075-00032030-00032647 There are 2 output neurons. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00076-00032647-00032747 Going back to the slide: Kc2DiRTNlwg-00077-00032747-00033318 when I tried IBk, I also get 79% on this data set. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00078-00033318-00033583 J48 and so on do worse. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00079-00033583-00033985 However, it's just a toy problem, so those results aren't really indicative. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00080-00033985-00034653 On real problems Multilayer Perceptrons often do quite well, but they're slow. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00081-00034653-00034769 There are a number of parameters: Kc2DiRTNlwg-00082-00034769-00035312 the number of hidden layers and the size of the hidden layers; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00083-00035312-00035609 the learning rate and momentum. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00084-00035609-00036157 The algorithm makes multiple passes through the data, and training continues until the Kc2DiRTNlwg-00085-00036157-00036816 error on the validation set consistently increases--that is, if we start going uphill--or the training Kc2DiRTNlwg-00086-00036816-00037268 time is exceeded, the maximum number of epochs allowed. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00087-00037268-00038173 Going back to Weka, I'm going to configure this to use 5 neurons, 10 neurons, and 20 Kc2DiRTNlwg-00088-00038173-00038713 neurons in 3 hidden layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00089-00038713-00038919 Look at this! Kc2DiRTNlwg-00090-00038919-00039266 You can see the three hidden layers with 5, 10, and 20 neurons -- Kc2DiRTNlwg-00091-00039266-00039461 an awful lot of weights here. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00092-00039461-00039856 We've got the learning rate, so we can change the momentum. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00093-00039856-00040197 We've got the maximum number of epochs. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00094-00040197-00040563 We can just run that. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00095-00040563-00040956 Also, in Weka, you can create your own network structure. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00096-00040956-00041432 You can add new nodes, add connections, and delete nodes and so on. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00097-00041432-00042074 I'm going to go back to Weka, and I'm just going to use the default number of hidden Kc2DiRTNlwg-00098-00042074-00042440 layers. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00099-00042440-00042781 I've now got my 4 neurons in the 1 hidden layer. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00100-00042781-00042969 I'm going to add another hidden layer. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00101-00042969-00043313 If I click empty space, I create a neuron. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00102-00043313-00043615 It's yellow, which means it's selected. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00103-00043615-00044140 I'm going to deselect it by clicking empty space, and create another couple. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00104-00044140-00044416 With this one here, I'm going to connect it up to this. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00105-00044416-00044856 If I click these, they connect the selected neuron--that is, the yellow one--to the one Kc2DiRTNlwg-00106-00044856-00044908 I click. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00107-00044908-00045469 Then I can deselect it and select this one and make connections here. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00108-00045469-00045915 You can see it's pretty quick to add connections. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00109-00045915-00046263 I've added another hidden layer. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00110-00046263-00046833 Well, I need to do some things with the output here, but you can get the idea from this. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00111-00046833-00047315 We can click to select a node and right-click in empty space to deselect. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00112-00047315-00047827 We can create and delete nodes by clicking an empty space to create and right-clicking Kc2DiRTNlwg-00113-00047827-00047954 to delete. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00114-00047954-00048480 We can create and delete connections, and we can set parameters in this interface too. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00115-00048480-00049180 Are they any good? Well, I tried the Experimenter with 6 datasets, and I used 9 algorithms. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00116-00049468-00049999 MultilayerPerceptron gave me the best results on 2 of the 6 datasets. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00117-00049999-00050699 The other wins were: SMO won on 2 other datasets; J48 and IBk won on 1 dataset each. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00118-00050712-00051354 When I say "win", I mean beat all the other methods. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00119-00051354-00051852 MultilayerPerceptron was not too bad, but in fact it was between 10 and 2000 times slower Kc2DiRTNlwg-00120-00051852-00052304 than other methods, which is a bit of a disadvantage. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00121-00052304-00052452 Here's the summary. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00122-00052452-00052941 Multilayer Perceptrons can implement arbitrary decision boundaries given two or more hidden Kc2DiRTNlwg-00123-00052941-00053547 layers providing you've got enough neurons in the hidden layers, and providing they're trained properly. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00124-00053547-00054026 Training is done by backpropagation, which is an iterative algorithm based on gradient Kc2DiRTNlwg-00125-00054026-00054089 descent. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00126-00054089-00054789 In practice, you get quite good performance, but Multilayer Perceptrons are extremely slow. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00127-00054794-00055145 I'm still not a fan of Multilayer Perceptrons; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00128-00055145-00055355 I'm sorry about that. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00129-00055355-00055692 They might be a lot more impressive on more complex datasets; Kc2DiRTNlwg-00130-00055692-00055851 I don't know. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00131-00055851-00056411 But for me, configuring Multilayer Perceptrons involves too much messing around. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00132-00056411-00056746 But you're going to be doing that in the activity associated with this lesson. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00133-00056746-00057004 Have fun with that, and we'll see you in the next lesson. Kc2DiRTNlwg-00134-00057004-00057200 Bye for now! KdimI2A3L5g-00000-00000010-00000063 SHUTTLES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO KdimI2A3L5g-00001-00000063-00000070 SHUTTLES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO KdimI2A3L5g-00002-00000070-00000136 SHUTTLES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO HELP KEEP SOME OF THE EXTRA KdimI2A3L5g-00003-00000136-00000143 SHUTTLES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO HELP KEEP SOME OF THE EXTRA KdimI2A3L5g-00004-00000143-00000246 SHUTTLES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO HELP KEEP SOME OF THE EXTRA TRAFFIC OFF THE ROADS. KdimI2A3L5g-00005-00000246-00000253 HELP KEEP SOME OF THE EXTRA TRAFFIC OFF THE ROADS. KdimI2A3L5g-00006-00000253-00000356 HELP KEEP SOME OF THE EXTRA TRAFFIC OFF THE ROADS. >>> THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL KdimI2A3L5g-00007-00000356-00000363 TRAFFIC OFF THE ROADS. >>> THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL KdimI2A3L5g-00008-00000363-00000510 TRAFFIC OFF THE ROADS. >>> THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL HAS REACHED AN AGREEMENT WITH KdimI2A3L5g-00009-00000510-00000517 >>> THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL HAS REACHED AN AGREEMENT WITH KdimI2A3L5g-00010-00000517-00000737 >>> THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL HAS REACHED AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD KdimI2A3L5g-00011-00000737-00000744 HAS REACHED AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD KdimI2A3L5g-00012-00000744-00000900 HAS REACHED AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER TO KEEP MILL KdimI2A3L5g-00013-00000900-00000907 THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER TO KEEP MILL KdimI2A3L5g-00014-00000907-00000997 THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER TO KEEP MILL AVENUE PARK UP AND RUNNING. KdimI2A3L5g-00015-00000997-00001004 INDUSTRIAL CENTER TO KEEP MILL AVENUE PARK UP AND RUNNING. KdimI2A3L5g-00016-00001004-00001221 INDUSTRIAL CENTER TO KEEP MILL AVENUE PARK UP AND RUNNING. THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL MET KdimI2A3L5g-00017-00001221-00001227 AVENUE PARK UP AND RUNNING. THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL MET KdimI2A3L5g-00018-00001227-00001381 AVENUE PARK UP AND RUNNING. THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL MET YESTERDAY AND APPROVED A NEW KdimI2A3L5g-00019-00001381-00001388 THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL MET YESTERDAY AND APPROVED A NEW KdimI2A3L5g-00020-00001388-00001491 THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL MET YESTERDAY AND APPROVED A NEW LEASE AGREEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW KdimI2A3L5g-00021-00001491-00001498 YESTERDAY AND APPROVED A NEW LEASE AGREEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW KdimI2A3L5g-00022-00001498-00001614 YESTERDAY AND APPROVED A NEW LEASE AGREEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW THE CITY TO USE THE LAND KdimI2A3L5g-00023-00001614-00001621 LEASE AGREEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW THE CITY TO USE THE LAND KdimI2A3L5g-00024-00001621-00001761 LEASE AGREEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW THE CITY TO USE THE LAND OCCUPIED BY MILL AVENUE PARK FOR KdimI2A3L5g-00025-00001761-00001768 THE CITY TO USE THE LAND OCCUPIED BY MILL AVENUE PARK FOR KdimI2A3L5g-00026-00001768-00001928 THE CITY TO USE THE LAND OCCUPIED BY MILL AVENUE PARK FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. KdimI2A3L5g-00027-00001928-00001935 OCCUPIED BY MILL AVENUE PARK FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. KdimI2A3L5g-00028-00001935-00002035 OCCUPIED BY MILL AVENUE PARK FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. THE COUNCIL HELD A SPECIAL KdimI2A3L5g-00029-00002035-00002042 THE NEXT TWO YEARS. THE COUNCIL HELD A SPECIAL KdimI2A3L5g-00030-00002042-00002145 THE NEXT TWO YEARS. THE COUNCIL HELD A SPECIAL MEETING LAST NIGHT WITH THE KdimI2A3L5g-00031-00002145-00002152 THE COUNCIL HELD A SPECIAL MEETING LAST NIGHT WITH THE KdimI2A3L5g-00032-00002152-00002362 THE COUNCIL HELD A SPECIAL MEETING LAST NIGHT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL KdimI2A3L5g-00033-00002362-00002369 MEETING LAST NIGHT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL KdimI2A3L5g-00034-00002369-00002462 MEETING LAST NIGHT WITH THE OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER, MIKE HIGGINS, TO REVIEW KdimI2A3L5g-00035-00002462-00002469 OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER, MIKE HIGGINS, TO REVIEW KdimI2A3L5g-00036-00002469-00002682 OWNER OF THE BRAINERD INDUSTRIAL CENTER, MIKE HIGGINS, TO REVIEW THE LEASE TERMS. KdimI2A3L5g-00037-00002682-00002689 CENTER, MIKE HIGGINS, TO REVIEW THE LEASE TERMS. KdimI2A3L5g-00038-00002689-00002836 CENTER, MIKE HIGGINS, TO REVIEW THE LEASE TERMS. THE CITY WILL PAY $10,000 PER KdimI2A3L5g-00039-00002836-00002842 THE LEASE TERMS. THE CITY WILL PAY $10,000 PER KdimI2A3L5g-00040-00002842-00003059 THE LEASE TERMS. THE CITY WILL PAY $10,000 PER YEAR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS TO KdimI2A3L5g-00041-00003059-00003066 THE CITY WILL PAY $10,000 PER YEAR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS TO KdimI2A3L5g-00042-00003066-00003683 THE CITY WILL PAY $10,000 PER YEAR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS TO LEASE THE PARK FACILITIES. KdimI2A3L5g-00043-00003683-00003690 YEAR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS TO LEASE THE PARK FACILITIES. KdimI2A3L5g-00044-00003690-00003803 YEAR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS TO LEASE THE PARK FACILITIES. >> WE'RE VERY HAPPY THAT WE HAVE KdimI2A3L5g-00045-00003803-00003810 LEASE THE PARK FACILITIES. >> WE'RE VERY HAPPY THAT WE HAVE KdimI2A3L5g-00046-00003810-00004077 LEASE THE PARK FACILITIES. >> WE'RE VERY HAPPY THAT WE HAVE A COUPLE YEARS TO WORK ON, YOU KdimI2A3L5g-00047-00004077-00004084 >> WE'RE VERY HAPPY THAT WE HAVE A COUPLE YEARS TO WORK ON, YOU KdimI2A3L5g-00048-00004084-00004234 >> WE'RE VERY HAPPY THAT WE HAVE A COUPLE YEARS TO WORK ON, YOU KNOW, WHAT WE WANT TO DO ON THE KdimI2A3L5g-00049-00004234-00004240 A COUPLE YEARS TO WORK ON, YOU KNOW, WHAT WE WANT TO DO ON THE KdimI2A3L5g-00050-00004240-00004360 A COUPLE YEARS TO WORK ON, YOU KNOW, WHAT WE WANT TO DO ON THE SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE KdimI2A3L5g-00051-00004360-00004367 KNOW, WHAT WE WANT TO DO ON THE SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE KdimI2A3L5g-00052-00004367-00004587 KNOW, WHAT WE WANT TO DO ON THE SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE THE HOCKEY RINKS ARE AND THE TWO KdimI2A3L5g-00053-00004587-00004594 SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE THE HOCKEY RINKS ARE AND THE TWO KdimI2A3L5g-00054-00004594-00004798 SOUTH END OF THE PROPERTY, WHERE THE HOCKEY RINKS ARE AND THE TWO SMALL FIELDS, AND IT GIVES US KdimI2A3L5g-00055-00004798-00004804 THE HOCKEY RINKS ARE AND THE TWO SMALL FIELDS, AND IT GIVES US KdimI2A3L5g-00056-00004804-00004944 THE HOCKEY RINKS ARE AND THE TWO SMALL FIELDS, AND IT GIVES US SOME TIME TO WORK ON A PRIVATE KdimI2A3L5g-00057-00004944-00004951 SMALL FIELDS, AND IT GIVES US SOME TIME TO WORK ON A PRIVATE KdimI2A3L5g-00058-00004951-00005121 SMALL FIELDS, AND IT GIVES US SOME TIME TO WORK ON A PRIVATE PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP WITH THE KdimI2A3L5g-00059-00005121-00005128 SOME TIME TO WORK ON A PRIVATE PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP WITH THE KdimI2A3L5g-00060-00005128-00005378 SOME TIME TO WORK ON A PRIVATE PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PARKS BOARD TO FIGURE OUT A KdimI2A3L5g-00061-00005378-00005385 PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PARKS BOARD TO FIGURE OUT A KdimI2A3L5g-00062-00005385-00005565 PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PARKS BOARD TO FIGURE OUT A POSSIBLE NEW PARK OR PARK KdimI2A3L5g-00063-00005565-00005572 PARKS BOARD TO FIGURE OUT A POSSIBLE NEW PARK OR PARK KdimI2A3L5g-00064-00005572-00005645 PARKS BOARD TO FIGURE OUT A POSSIBLE NEW PARK OR PARK EXPANSION ACROSS THE ROAD AT KdimI2A3L5g-00065-00005645-00005652 POSSIBLE NEW PARK OR PARK EXPANSION ACROSS THE ROAD AT KdimI2A3L5g-00066-00005652-00005799 POSSIBLE NEW PARK OR PARK EXPANSION ACROSS THE ROAD AT MILL PARK. KdimI2A3L5g-00067-00005799-00005805 EXPANSION ACROSS THE ROAD AT MILL PARK. KdimI2A3L5g-00068-00005805-00005902 EXPANSION ACROSS THE ROAD AT MILL PARK. >> AFTER THE TWO-YEAR LEASE IS KdimI2A3L5g-00069-00005902-00005909 MILL PARK. >> AFTER THE TWO-YEAR LEASE IS KdimI2A3L5g-00070-00005909-00006069 MILL PARK. >> AFTER THE TWO-YEAR LEASE IS UP, HIGGINS HOPES TO WORK WITH KdimI2A3L5g-00071-00006069-00006076 >> AFTER THE TWO-YEAR LEASE IS UP, HIGGINS HOPES TO WORK WITH KdimI2A3L5g-00072-00006076-00006226 >> AFTER THE TWO-YEAR LEASE IS UP, HIGGINS HOPES TO WORK WITH THE CITY TO POSSIBLY REDEVELOP KdimI2A3L5g-00073-00006226-00006232 UP, HIGGINS HOPES TO WORK WITH THE CITY TO POSSIBLY REDEVELOP KdimI2A3L5g-00074-00006232-00006296 UP, HIGGINS HOPES TO WORK WITH THE CITY TO POSSIBLY REDEVELOP MILL AVENUE PARK INTO A KhndZmITVG8-00000-00000000-00000246 I was a high school teacher for a while KhndZmITVG8-00001-00000246-00000576 in the state of Maryland and that's always been my focus KhndZmITVG8-00002-00000576-00000721 since I got into teaching. KhndZmITVG8-00003-00000721-00000888 What I really wanted to do is figure out KhndZmITVG8-00004-00000888-00001105 how I could be engaged in research, KhndZmITVG8-00005-00001105-00001284 so we can come up with better methods KhndZmITVG8-00006-00001284-00001524 and better ways of teaching. KhndZmITVG8-00007-00001524-00001677 All of my research and scholarship KhndZmITVG8-00008-00001677-00001814 is on teaching and learning and I KhndZmITVG8-00009-00001814-00002124 think having the opportunities to expand upon that KhndZmITVG8-00010-00002124-00002322 here is really exciting. KhndZmITVG8-00011-00002322-00002631 And there's so many things that the university is doing, KhndZmITVG8-00012-00002631-00002997 the award is a nice thing to show that emphasis KhndZmITVG8-00013-00002997-00003213 on trying to improve undergraduate teaching KhndZmITVG8-00014-00003213-00003271 and learning. KhndZmITVG8-00015-00003271-00003497 It is an exciting thing especially KhndZmITVG8-00016-00003497-00003697 since it of comes from the students. KhndZmITVG8-00017-00003697-00004353 But it just really shows the emphasis and importance KhndZmITVG8-00018-00004353-00004635 that they place on teaching at Purdue and all KhndZmITVG8-00019-00004635-00004881 the opportunities to help give the students the best KhndZmITVG8-00020-00004881-00005031 experience that they have here. KhndZmITVG8-00021-00005031-00005376 We've got some great students and they're really KhndZmITVG8-00022-00005376-00005701 out there trying to do some things that make a difference. KhndZmITVG8-00023-00005701-00005937 So I think letting them bring that into the classroom KhndZmITVG8-00024-00005937-00006156 and learning from them, I really look to them KhndZmITVG8-00025-00006156-00006369 for their inspiration, too. KhndZmITVG8-00026-00006369-00006594 What I get out of the teaching experience is-- KhndZmITVG8-00027-00006594-00007015 the biggest thing I always want the students to do is-- KhndZmITVG8-00028-00007015-00007181 I don't want to be treated like a class. KhndZmITVG8-00029-00007181-00007327 I want it to be real. KhndZmITVG8-00030-00007327-00007842 I want them to be involved in either their ideas or something KhndZmITVG8-00031-00007842-00007980 that's happening in the community KhndZmITVG8-00032-00007980-00008242 or doing outreach with other students. KhndZmITVG8-00033-00008242-00008589 So I could see where they can start building what KhndZmITVG8-00034-00008589-00008791 they want to do in their lives. KhndZmITVG8-00035-00008791-00009135 I really love when they come back and tell me these stories KhndZmITVG8-00036-00009135-00009393 and what they're doing now or when KhndZmITVG8-00037-00009393-00009753 they go to grad school and do research now that they probably KhndZmITVG8-00038-00009753-00009991 never thought that they were going to do, KhndZmITVG8-00039-00009991-00010137 that's what I want to see. KhndZmITVG8-00040-00010137-00010494 I want to give the opportunities to the students KhndZmITVG8-00041-00010494-00010781 to be able to bring those stories back. KhndZmITVG8-00042-00010781-00011210 That's really where I see myself and what I do so I'm here, KhndZmITVG8-00043-00011210-00011504 I want to see where they go and see what they can do, KhndZmITVG8-00044-00011504-00011828 and to see the opportunities that they can take from that KhndZmITVG8-00045-00011828-00012077 and what we're trying to teach them really making KhndZmITVG8-00046-00012077-00012270 an authentic experience for them. KhndZmITVG8-00047-00012270-00012605 [MUSIC PLAYING] KmejT7rUUBu-00000-00001392-00002004 Today's energy gift is on receiving acceptance. Accepting KmejT7rUUBu-00001-00002007-00002433 the world, life, your life, just as it is will bring you so much KmejT7rUUBu-00002-00002433-00002811 more peace than all your resistance to the isness. Okay, KmejT7rUUBu-00003-00002847-00003288 so in order to receive this gift, first I need you to find KmejT7rUUBu-00004-00003288-00003660 that big yes inside. Okay, put your hands right on your heart KmejT7rUUBu-00005-00003660-00004071 center, feel my presence, if you need to call me in, you'll feel KmejT7rUUBu-00006-00004071-00004416 me, I'm going to be holding a frequency, an energy frequency KmejT7rUUBu-00007-00004428-00004713 that I'm going to be putting right into your body to activate KmejT7rUUBu-00008-00004743-00005172 your ability to receive acceptance. All right, here we KmejT7rUUBu-00009-00005172-00005682 go. So standing in front of you, and holding, creating an energy KmejT7rUUBu-00010-00005682-00006051 field, a forcefield frequency. I'm gonna go ahead and just send KmejT7rUUBu-00011-00006051-00006357 that right into you, right through this visual, right KmejT7rUUBu-00012-00006357-00006734 through this video right here, right to your heart center. And KmejT7rUUBu-00013-00006734-00007145 as you receive that energy, just keep saying yes, yes, yes, yes, KmejT7rUUBu-00014-00007145-00007476 I receive. I receive and accept KmejT7rUUBu-00015-00007617-00008184 the energy gift of acceptance. And then also having gratitude KmejT7rUUBu-00016-00008184-00008604 giving thanks. And then sitting back letting your body accept KmejT7rUUBu-00017-00008604-00008967 this energy, accept this frequency and relaxing into it. KmejT7rUUBu-00018-00008994-00009321 Activating that heart center which will activate even deeper KmejT7rUUBu-00019-00009321-00009693 parts of your subconscious, that you can start to receive this KmejT7rUUBu-00020-00009693-00010038 gift of acceptance. It will begin to change your life. KmejT7rUUBu-00021-00010056-00010347 You'll find life much more smooth, more easy, no matter KmejT7rUUBu-00022-00010347-00010791 what's happening. You'll have be able to accept life just as it KmejT7rUUBu-00023-00010794-00011187 is. This is a huge, huge gift. KnXa2BsAXN4-00000-00000504-00001592 look down KnXa2BsAXN4-00001-00003208-00004384 hmm KnXa2BsAXN4-00002-00004808-00005784 is KnXa2BsAXN4-00003-00007040-00007184 me KnXa2BsAXN4-00004-00007831-00008584 yes KnXa2BsAXN4-00005-00010208-00011384 is KnXa2BsAXN4-00006-00012840-00014184 is KnXa2BsAXN4-00007-00018168-00018384 oh KnXa2BsAXN4-00008-00023872-00023984 is KnXa2BsAXN4-00009-00025592-00026783 um KnXa2BsAXN4-00010-00029064-00029583 foreign KnXa2BsAXN4-00011-00030624-00030983 foreign KnXa2BsAXN4-00012-00031360-00032383 is KnXa2BsAXN4-00013-00033016-00033784 okay L1oQwLjAOKU-00000-00000180-00000400 What is the Value of Philosophy? L1oQwLjAOKU-00001-00000500-00001400 For some, the answer is obvious, there is absolutely no value to philosophy. Philosophy is a waste of time in pursuit of useless questions. L1oQwLjAOKU-00002-00001600-00002732 For others, philosophy is even dangerous, it corrupts the youth with obscure ideas, shatters certainties with misplaced doubts. L1oQwLjAOKU-00003-00002870-00003968 The British philosopher Bertrand Russell acknowledges that philosophy is mostly about pursing unanswerable questions and shattering common sense certainties L1oQwLjAOKU-00004-00004100-00004700 Nevertheless, he argues, the very value of philosophy lies in these grand questions L1oQwLjAOKU-00005-00004890-00005800 Baffling as it may be to dispose unexamined certainities, philosophical uncertainities clear the way for a greater sense of wonder. L1oQwLjAOKU-00006-00005900-00006300 He argues that even though philosophy may not provide food for our bodies, L1oQwLjAOKU-00007-00006706-00007000 It certainly nourishes our minds L1oQwLjAOKU-00008-00007209-00008000 Surely, Philosophy doesn't have the utility practical sciences have, but the kind of knowledge it is after, L1oQwLjAOKU-00009-00008200-00008700 writes Russell, "gives unity and system to the body of sciences" L1oQwLjAOKU-00010-00009000-00010300 Philosophy pursues questions with no answer on the horizon, but like Newton's great work "Mathematical principles of natural philosophy" many subjects once studied in philosophy now belong to sciences. L1oQwLjAOKU-00011-00010650-00011200 The study of heavens, once philosophy, is now subject of astronomy. L1oQwLjAOKU-00012-00011400-00011800 The study of the mind now belongs to psychology. L1oQwLjAOKU-00013-00012000-00012754 So philosophical inquiry has been operative in expanding and establishing definitive sciences. L1oQwLjAOKU-00014-00012786-00013236 But indeed philosophy continues to ask the difficult questions. L1oQwLjAOKU-00015-00013300-00014300 Questions such as "Has the universe any unity of plan or purpose, or is it a fortuitous concourse of atoms?" L1oQwLjAOKU-00016-00014604-00015204 Or "Are good and evil of importance to the universe or only to man ?" L1oQwLjAOKU-00017-00015400-00015900 These questions may never be fully answered. L1oQwLjAOKU-00018-00016097-00016600 But asking them enlarges our thought to the whole outer world. L1oQwLjAOKU-00019-00016900-00017800 Such enlargement frees us from the prison of private interests and lets us embrace what is beyond our self confinements. L1oQwLjAOKU-00020-00018000-00018800 It gives us tools to scrutinize traditional prejudices, customary beliefs and common sense assumptions. L1oQwLjAOKU-00021-00019000-00020000 Such freedom and perspective, for Russell, free our actions from narrow-minded self-interest to the aim for genuine Justice. L1oQwLjAOKU-00022-00020400-00021300 They also free our emotions from partiality to, what Russell calls, "universal love" for all. L1oQwLjAOKU-00023-00021700-00023100 These very practical values, educate, what Russell calls, the "citizen of the universe," who is free from idiosyncratic limitations and attached to all humanity in her actions and emotions. L1oQwLjAOKU-00024-00023414-00024400 But he immediately warns after, philosophical study instrumentalized to achieve a higher Self, is self-defeating. L1oQwLjAOKU-00025-00024722-00025600 Instrumentalization would try and fail to assimilate the greatness of the universe into the boundaries of the Self. L1oQwLjAOKU-00026-00025800-00027000 The true starting point of philosophy should be instead "not-Self," where Self is sidelined to merely attune and adapt to the greatness of the pursued questions. L1oQwLjAOKU-00027-00027200-00027800 There the real guidance is in the desire for knowledge, not for the expansion of Self. L1oQwLjAOKU-00028-00027800-00028608 In that sense, we can conclude, the value of philosophy for Russell, is in what brackets, or even forgets, its value. L1oQwLjAOKU-00029-00028962-00029322 The value of philosophy is in its question. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00000-00000025-00000160 Hey there, my name is Brad Smith, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00001-00000160-00000660 owner of AutomationLinks.com. Thank you so much for checking out this L1z8Z5Upw0E-00002-00000660-00000817 free demo today. I want to show you some options that our L1z8Z5Upw0E-00003-00000817-00001111 automation can do for you and your business. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00004-00001129-00001629 Now, the average customer that comes to your L1z8Z5Upw0E-00005-00001629-00001800 website has one or two questions that need to be answered before making a L1z8Z5Upw0E-00006-00001800-00001966 decision. So as a business owner, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00007-00001982-00002257 you need to be there for them, answer their questions, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00008-00002275-00002527 and then provide them the right link to sign up. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00009-00002566-00003066 Our average customer gets between a 15 to 30 percent signup rate just by L1z8Z5Upw0E-00010-00003085-00003379 installing our automation. So let me show you how it works. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00011-00003397-00003652 First we install a chat now button on your site. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00012-00003682-00003919 This is a great way for people to get started, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00013-00003940-00004210 ask you a couple questions, but most importantly, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00014-00004243-00004612 add some automation in there so you can send them where they need to go. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00015-00004651-00004768 Now, as a business owner, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00016-00004777-00005077 a lot of people ask me, what if I'm not available to answer that L1z8Z5Upw0E-00017-00005077-00005335 question right away and that's where this comes in. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00018-00005347-00005656 We will set up automation so we can go through. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00019-00005665-00006165 They can click on the buttons you want them to click on until they actually L1z8Z5Upw0E-00020-00006165-00006498 have a question for you. Now all you have to do is sign into L1z8Z5Upw0E-00021-00006498-00006849 facebook and respond back on your time. Obviously the faster you respond back, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00022-00006892-00007108 the better, but if you're busy with a client, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00023-00007147-00007378 you're going to respond back on your own time. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00024-00007398-00007659 So we have it setup here with three buttons for them. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00025-00007660-00007855 If they have a question, they can click on that. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00026-00007876-00008248 They can also schedule a call with you or even watch a video to learn more. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00027-00008278-00008778 So just by asking a question, they can say L1z8Z5Upw0E-00028-00008778-00009037 right inside there so they can easily ask you the question. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00029-00009037-00009274 You'll get notified on your facebook business page. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00030-00009286-00009463 Remember, this is your business page. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00031-00009478-00009978 They'll never see your personal page. Now what's nice is they can also just L1z8Z5Upw0E-00032-00009978-00010364 schedule a call which will take them to your scheduling link and if you don't L1z8Z5Upw0E-00033-00010364-00010764 have one, we provide a free schedule or for you L1z8Z5Upw0E-00034-00010764-00010912 for your business so they can easily go in and schedule a call. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00035-00010975-00011475 And then sometimes people want to just watch a video so we can also send them L1z8Z5Upw0E-00036-00011475-00011701 to a video which will actually show up right inside the Messenger. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00037-00011725-00012088 So they never leave your website. They can continue taking actions, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00038-00012103-00012370 learning more in interacting with you right on your site. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00039-00012439-00012730 Now the next thing I want to show you is a contact form. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00040-00012813-00013069 Nobody likes filling out contact forms anymore. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00041-00013096-00013594 Ninety five percent of websites never respond back to a contact form. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00042-00013615-00014115 So when your customers are coming to your site and they see only contact L1z8Z5Upw0E-00043-00014115-00014514 forms to reach out, they know or have a feeling that you L1z8Z5Upw0E-00044-00014514-00014788 won't respond just because that's their outtake from other businesses. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00045-00014851-00015351 So easily add a start button and we make it interactive so they can easily fill L1z8Z5Upw0E-00046-00015351-00015658 out multiple choice questions based on your business. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00047-00015736-00016087 And what's even better is when these questions come into you as the owner, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00048-00016102-00016252 you know exactly what they're looking for, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00049-00016252-00016752 how you can help them. And then it's easier to follow up in L1z8Z5Upw0E-00050-00016752-00016785 sign that new lead up as a customer. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00051-00016959-00017220 So you might go through a process like this signing up with us, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00052-00017226-00017490 but basically once they go through this system, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00053-00017493-00017993 there'll be added to your email marketing software like Mailchimp or L1z8Z5Upw0E-00054-00017993-00018187 Constant Contact, whatever you use automatically, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00055-00018196-00018382 and they'll automatically be followed up. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00056-00018403-00018903 So this makes it easier for you to not only get people into your follow-up L1z8Z5Upw0E-00057-00018903-00019269 sequence, but for people to reach out as a new L1z8Z5Upw0E-00058-00019269-00019426 lead and for you to pre-qualify them that they're actually interested. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00059-00019501-00020001 Now the last thing we can do is automate your entire website and that's where we L1z8Z5Upw0E-00060-00020001-00020251 go in and we set up messenger systems, contact forms, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00061-00020251-00020425 like I spoke about, live chats, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00062-00020437-00020881 and even bots to go in and continue asking questions, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00063-00020926-00021426 interacting with your clients, and essentially signing them up as a L1z8Z5Upw0E-00064-00021426-00021526 customer. Now, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00065-00021426-00021598 after they go through a system like this, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00066-00021613-00022027 we can send them to your payment page, a phone call and email, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00067-00022033-00022533 and most importantly and most effectively your messenger so they can L1z8Z5Upw0E-00068-00022533-00022774 go right into the messenger, asks you a question and get signed up. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00069-00022819-00023194 So I really hope you guys join us. Try out our software on your website. L1z8Z5Upw0E-00070-00023212-00023712 Even if you don't have a website, we can set up a messenger Bot just like L1z8Z5Upw0E-00071-00023712-00023980 this for your social media pages so you can start getting new leads, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00072-00024004-00024235 new customers, and most importantly, L1z8Z5Upw0E-00073-00024253-00024343 increased revenue. L4zerWZKdTA-00000-00001416-00001854 [♫ - "Theme from TROLL 2, NES Version" - Shortened] L4zerWZKdTA-00001-00002444-00002986 Nintendo's "Mole Mania" on Game Boy, released in 1996...or '97 if you prefer. L4zerWZKdTA-00002-00002986-00003308 Take note, this is a redux of something I did [over] 2 years ago (see correction above). L4zerWZKdTA-00003-00003308-00003718 [♫ Mole Mania - "Main Title" - composed by Taro Bando] L4zerWZKdTA-00004-00004726-00005246 By now, it should go without noting that this was regarded by many as one of Shigeru Miyamoto's lesser-known titles - L4zerWZKdTA-00005-00005246-00005810 YES, the same Miyamoto responsible for every widely-known franchise that dare not speak their name OR description! L4zerWZKdTA-00006-00005810-00006304 As usual, before I kick off this "reduxed analysis" - I'd like to pass along my customary acknowledgements L4zerWZKdTA-00007-00006304-00006876 to the Boston Open Screen team (Healy, Van Voorhis & Atwood); Bit Bar Salem; Geekbeat Radio; Boston 8-Bit; L4zerWZKdTA-00008-00006876-00007388 The Nerdfit Network; MAGFest; Orlando Boom; The Protomen; Mariachi Entertainment System; L4zerWZKdTA-00009-00007388-00007952 David Wise 5; DJ Cutman; DIWhy The Show; Mike Lindquist (Wayland, MA); L4zerWZKdTA-00010-00007952-00008392 Mike 'Maverick' Laffitte (Waynesboro, MS); Deirdre Fischer (Wellford, SC)... L4zerWZKdTA-00011-00008392-00008952 and finally, Gary Sohmers (Northeast Comic Con / Southcoast Comic Con and Collectibles Extravaganza). L4zerWZKdTA-00012-00008974-00009236 With these out of our system, on to the main story - L4zerWZKdTA-00013-00009236-00009598 A suave, cunning mole by the name of Muddy - aka "Mogura-nya," L4zerWZKdTA-00014-00009598-00010158 hence this game’s original, alternate Japanese title - is out to rescue his kidnapped wife (presumably, Maggie) L4zerWZKdTA-00015-00010158-00010652 and 7-unit offspring from the clutches of a merciless and impatient dickwad ass-hat human farmer, Jinbe. L4zerWZKdTA-00016-00011082-00011186 (*Jinbe knocks Maggie out*) L4zerWZKdTA-00017-00011198-00011388 How, one might ask? GET THIS - L4zerWZKdTA-00018-00011388-00011772 by traversing & digging his way through the latter’s own domain, namely Jinbe Land - L4zerWZKdTA-00019-00011772-00012134 and wiping out every opposing creature and/or rogue human in his path! L4zerWZKdTA-00020-00012134-00012468 Some arduous path he's got lined up for himself, don't you think? L4zerWZKdTA-00021-00013852-00014366 Concerning the gameplay, what could one POSSIBLY expect but another top-view action-puzzle caper... L4zerWZKdTA-00022-00014366-00014906 akin to the likes of Clu Clu Land and Devil World - 2 OTHER Nintendo titles, with the latter not seeing an American release L4zerWZKdTA-00023-00014906-00015310 due to obvious religious reasons, no less; Hal Laboratory's Adventures of Lolo (aka Eggerland); L4zerWZKdTA-00024-00015310-00015778 Dreamworks & NCS' Trampoline Terror - aka its cancelled Japanese counterpart, Explode Star; L4zerWZKdTA-00025-00015778-00016188 Hudson Soft & Game Freak's Mendel Palace (aka Quinty); Natsume's Amazing Penguin; L4zerWZKdTA-00026-00016188-00016412 SNK Playmore's Dexterity, and the like? L4zerWZKdTA-00027-00016436-00016844 In each area, not only are you burrowing your way underground to reach inaccessible areas... L4zerWZKdTA-00028-00016844-00017232 you’re also pushing & pulling environmental objects to traverse your way through every stretch of land L4zerWZKdTA-00029-00017232-00017820 while outwitting every common territorial adversary roaming said stretches - running the gamut from alligators, penguins, L4zerWZKdTA-00030-00017820-00018614 T-rex, puffer fish, canaries, beings made of mud, porcupines - aka “Weevils”, the list goes on and on AND FUCKING ON. L4zerWZKdTA-00031-00018614-00019156 Hell, in addition, you’re even hinted on what to do via helpful signs posted within each area by Grandpa Mole - L4zerWZKdTA-00032-00019156-00019516 but whatever you do, DON’T RELY ON THEM TOO FUCKING OFTEN. L4zerWZKdTA-00033-00019544-00020274 Anyways, control-wise - the traditional D-pad migrates ol’ Muddy horizontally and vertically (north and south, like Zelda & Pokemon)... L4zerWZKdTA-00034-00020274-00020730 both above and underground; while B and A allow him to grab ahold of or pull any object, L4zerWZKdTA-00035-00020730-00021064 as well as dig underground OR resurface above, individually. L4zerWZKdTA-00036-00021064-00021368 And to top it off, you can even study the enemy patterns underground - L4zerWZKdTA-00037-00021368-00021794 hence the old “Peeping-Tom” technique - via the B button. While SELECT does “DICK-ALL”, L4zerWZKdTA-00038-00021794-00022284 except for restarting any area from Square One in case you fucked up OR exiting an already-embarked area, L4zerWZKdTA-00039-00022284-00022824 START accesses a menu informing you of how many items you’ve acquired - on which I’ll elaborate further eventually, L4zerWZKdTA-00040-00022824-00023308 the cabbages you’ve salvaged, the time spent in any single stage, and your choices of leaving this menu - L4zerWZKdTA-00041-00023308-00024010 also performed using START; Escaping - or going back - to your previously cleared area OR going back to the main Stage Select area. L4zerWZKdTA-00042-00024034-00024408 Regarding the items - Muddy can acquire a map to further display the terrain he’s in, L4zerWZKdTA-00043-00024408-00024784 not to mention those of all the Top-Secret bonus areas and end boss confrontations; L4zerWZKdTA-00044-00024784-00025158 a radar locator (or pinpointing your current location; a life-recovery potion... L4zerWZKdTA-00045-00025158-00025610 and a Surrender card - which, upon usage, will allow you to easily skip through your current land area L4zerWZKdTA-00046-00025610-00025948 while nullifying every obstacle and enemy within - to name a few, L4zerWZKdTA-00047-00025948-00026298 in tandem with cabbages you can salvage underground for instant life-recovery. L4zerWZKdTA-00048-00026298-00026518 Of course, you have to bury only 5 of ‘em. L4zerWZKdTA-00049-00026539-00027132 Shifting right back into the main gameplay aspect, as mentioned before - hauling ass both above ground and underground L4zerWZKdTA-00050-00027132-00027526 while not only putting the ol’ kibosh on those territorial cum-bucket animal foes L4zerWZKdTA-00051-00027526-00027910 and solving EVEN THE MOST INTRICATE AND MIND-RAPING ENVIRONMENTAL PUZZLES - L4zerWZKdTA-00052-00027910-00028106 I’m looking at YOU again, LIGHT CRUSADER... L4zerWZKdTA-00053-00028106-00028582 but also knocking out the concrete slab with the bowling ball to access new areas isn’t just cataclysmically hard, L4zerWZKdTA-00054-00028582-00028916 OH, FUCK NO...IT’S MORE LIKE A TIME-CONSUMING CHORE THAT’LL WEAR YOUR ASS OUT L4zerWZKdTA-00055-00028916-00029312 FASTER THAN A 250,000-MILE CROSS-COUNTRY MARATHON WITHOUT ANY VEHICLES, L4zerWZKdTA-00056-00029312-00029668 RUNNING ON 2 HANDS BLINDFOLDED & UPSIDE-DOWN WITH BOTH A POLICE NIGHTSTICK L4zerWZKdTA-00057-00029668-00029933 AND AN EXCALIBUR SWORD SHOVED HALFWAY UP ONE’S ASS. L4zerWZKdTA-00058-00029933-00030366 And remember those end boss confrontations I was gloating about not too goddamn long ago?! L4zerWZKdTA-00059-00030380-00030908 Upon reaching the extreme “ass-end” of every maze stage, you’ll find yourself squaring off against the following: L4zerWZKdTA-00060-00030908-00031276 KANGAROON, a demented and manic kangaroo that lobs its gloves for shits & gigs... (see correction above) L4zerWZKdTA-00061-00031276-00031718 Christ, even Kangoo from Clay Fighter 2 (C2): Judgment Clay would be so damn proud! Here's what you do - L4zerWZKdTA-00062-00031718-00032086 when he leaps, align the pins with his shadow to dispatch his marsupial ass; L4zerWZKdTA-00063-00032086-00032598 SUNDES, a flamboyant living Sun hell-bent on unleashing its blinding flash to all who cross its path... L4zerWZKdTA-00064-00032598-00033072 Christ, SMB3 much?! Prior to said flash attack, dig underground to take cover from the light... L4zerWZKdTA-00065-00033072-00033662 and launch the bowling bowl horizontally, as the rednecks would say, 'near the SUM’BITCH' - or in this case, “SUN’BITCH”... L4zerWZKdTA-00066-00033662-00034174 FUNTON, a living mutant weight whose only means of havoc-wreaking are making ultra-high leaps of faith L4zerWZKdTA-00067-00034174-00034662 thus landing on its steel-firm noggin, and spinning out of control upon being exposed to any damage. L4zerWZKdTA-00068-00034662-00035150 For him, just make a hole under where he’s about to land, and he should be no goddamn trouble whatsoever; L4zerWZKdTA-00069-00035150-00035588 a crazed & "skull-blitzed-beyond-belief" MAD WRENCHER - just place the detouring pipes in his direction L4zerWZKdTA-00070-00035588-00035758 to launch back the wrenches he throws at you; L4zerWZKdTA-00071-00035758-00036352 a family of 4 Weevil children led by THEIR ONE AND ONLY PARENT - plus various, other grotesque, out-of-place hostile parties L4zerWZKdTA-00072-00036352-00036742 running said field from a weightlifting mud-wrestler/mud-ballerina couple (again, see correction above); L4zerWZKdTA-00073-00036742-00037356 a giant Snowman which splits into smaller versions of itself upon getting nailed - BAD MR. FROSTY, EAT YOUR FUCKIN' HEART OUT... L4zerWZKdTA-00074-00037356-00037686 and FINALLY, that pissant bastard farmer JINBE himself! L4zerWZKdTA-00075-00037686-00038248 Now, unless you’re strategy-savvy, memorizing and taking heed of every environmental pattern within each area you occupy... L4zerWZKdTA-00076-00038248-00038812 especially when it comes to these intense showdowns no less - EXPECT THOSE INSOLENT, OBNOXIOUS, MINDLESS, DICKLESS, L4zerWZKdTA-00077-00038812-00039290 MULE-FELLATIOING, ASS-LICKING, SEMEN-SLURPING, TRICERATOPS-TEABAGGING, ANUS-GAPING, L4zerWZKdTA-00078-00039290-00039776 HEMORRHAGE-INDUCING, BONER-DEVOURING, GENITAL-AND-RECTAL-WART-PLUGGING PIECES OF PTERODACTYL SHIT L4zerWZKdTA-00079-00039776-00040246 TO MAKE YOU THEIR “ETERNAL, WHORISH SOOMKA” IN A WAY YOU’VE NEVER EVEN READ ABOUT OR HEARD OF, (see definition above) L4zerWZKdTA-00080-00040246-00040556 THUS MAKING YOU SQUEAL NON-STOP LIKE THE OL’ SCARLET PIMPERNEL. L4zerWZKdTA-00081-00040566-00041182 (*Muddy grabs the bowling ball, winds up and throws it at Sundes, thus extinguishing him*) L4zerWZKdTA-00082-00042182-00042502 Upon eliminating your target offender, your current maze is cleared... L4zerWZKdTA-00083-00042502-00043082 thus a giant cabbage falls from the heavens, revealing each missing mole child - with the exception of the final area, of course. L4zerWZKdTA-00084-00043082-00043452 Following a compassionate-yet-comical post-stage cutscene centering on Muddy’s reunion L4zerWZKdTA-00085-00043452-00043916 with his offspring - which you’ll see every time, for the record...and depending on not only completion time, L4zerWZKdTA-00086-00043916-00044248 but also how much of the area you’ve embarked, how many secrets you’ve found, L4zerWZKdTA-00087-00044248-00044812 how many cabbages you’ve buried & salvaged, and whether or not you’ve succeeded in the soon-to-be-elaborated Top Secret Bonus scenes - L4zerWZKdTA-00088-00044812-00045342 your current score will be tallied (up to a possible 100 - in which case, MAKE EVERY GODDAMN EFFORT COUNT... L4zerWZKdTA-00089-00045342-00045556 and RINSE, LATHER-FUCKING-REPEAT!!! L4zerWZKdTA-00090-00045596-00045892 While the controls are far from a stark-raving bitch to get the hang of, L4zerWZKdTA-00091-00045892-00046336 the central, methodical gameplay element - as perplexing and out-of-focus as it can become at times... L4zerWZKdTA-00092-00046336-00046822 in terms of awareness of where every environmental aid is used, and one’s self-reliance on said aids, L4zerWZKdTA-00093-00046822-00047088 in tandem with the previously-addressed end boss confrontations - L4zerWZKdTA-00094-00047088-00047572 amongst other stumbling blocks you'll face within, hence the limelight of our next acknowledged subject, I might add - L4zerWZKdTA-00095-00047572-00048052 is nothing short of forthright and by-the-numbers, and let me tell you...THAT'S NO HORSESHIT EITHER! L4zerWZKdTA-00096-00048230-00048748 In regards to Mole Mania's challenge - expect a piss-ton of them, regardless of your intended progress. L4zerWZKdTA-00097-00048748-00049246 For starters, those game-changing environmental aids...bowling balls, weights & detouring pipes - L4zerWZKdTA-00098-00049246-00049776 the latter 2 of which are unable to be pulled, for the record - barrels, direction-changing panels, you name it. L4zerWZKdTA-00099-00049776-00050074 While some of them can be a great help in terms of wiping your rivals out, L4zerWZKdTA-00100-00050074-00050566 not to mention stage-appropriate puzzle-solving elements, and other necessary trial-and-error strategies... L4zerWZKdTA-00101-00050566-00051040 others may turn out to be a MASSIVE progress hindrance, depending on your own decisions alone, of course - L4zerWZKdTA-00102-00051040-00051510 in which case, retreat to your previous field and return in order to make your current one reset itself! L4zerWZKdTA-00103-00051510-00051891 Take the barrels, for instance: while they’re used as a weapon - just like the bowling ball, L4zerWZKdTA-00104-00051891-00052234 which, by the way, respawns in its initial place upon falling into any hole - L4zerWZKdTA-00105-00052234-00052662 they can also be used to plug up holes for safer travels with the bowling ball. But whatever you do, L4zerWZKdTA-00106-00052662-00053258 AVOID THROWING THEM INTO THE WRONG GODDAMN HOLES. In addition, aside from the life-recovery potion... L4zerWZKdTA-00107-00053258-00053629 you’re free to visit Grandpa Mole in time of need - in terms of having your health replenished, L4zerWZKdTA-00108-00053629-00054022 as well as a helpful hint he throws your way, but take note: VISITING HIM MORE THAN ONCE, L4zerWZKdTA-00109-00054022-00054672 hence, what I like to call “NPC-pestering” / ”NPC-patronizing” - WILL RESULT IN THE MOST DIRE PUNISHMENT IN HISTORY. L4zerWZKdTA-00110-00054672-00055188 Should you also happen to have your ass obliterated at any point - that is, if you've lost all 4 heart portions, L4zerWZKdTA-00111-00055188-00055610 like in Darkwing Duck by Capcom - the 3rd of which triggers the usual “You’re-Fucked-Alarm,” L4zerWZKdTA-00112-00055610-00055940 you’re taken directly to the GAME OVER screen - at which point you’re able to either L4zerWZKdTA-00113-00055940-00056578 A) pick up right where you miscalculated your approaches, or B) just earn yourself a one-way ticket back to the title! L4zerWZKdTA-00114-00056644-00057060 And now, here’s the big front-cover feature about which I’ve been dying to report: L4zerWZKdTA-00115-00057060-00057241 THE TOP-SECRET BONUS ROUNDS. L4zerWZKdTA-00116-00057241-00057704 Should you happen to come across any circled star within the stage area via an alternate underground path, L4zerWZKdTA-00117-00057704-00057994 whether by pure luck or accident - if mostly the former... L4zerWZKdTA-00118-00057994-00058238 you're instantly warped to ‘em in the blink of an eye! L4zerWZKdTA-00119-00058428-00058886 During these rounds, you have to bury all the cabbages underground while keeping the uptight-as-fuck L4zerWZKdTA-00120-00058886-00059340 archnemesis Jinbe at bay within the time limit...no pun intended, I assure everyone! L4zerWZKdTA-00121-00059340-00059778 Those same cabbages can also be used to distract the mindless son of a bitch in order for you to buy yourself L4zerWZKdTA-00122-00059778-00060194 some much needed time…of which I highly suggest taking the most mandatory advantage! L4zerWZKdTA-00123-00060194-00060714 If you manage to successfully bury all the cabbages, you’re given 20 extra points to add to your final stage score! L4zerWZKdTA-00124-00060714-00061284 However, should the big J happen to clobber your little mammal ass - a chunk of your duration gets severely deducted. L4zerWZKdTA-00125-00061284-00061855 If it runs out COMPLETELY...it’s YOUR LOSS, TOUGH SHIT - in which case, you’ll have to warp back the fuck in to try again! L4zerWZKdTA-00126-00061855-00062140 AND EXPECT TO FUCK YOURSELF OVER ON MANY OCCASIONS THAN ONE. L4zerWZKdTA-00127-00062140-00062514 BELIEVE ME, I HAD TO GO THROUGH THESE GODDAMN MINI-STAGES AT LEAST 5 TIMES... L4zerWZKdTA-00128-00062514-00062998 even on my own motherfucking Game Boy, no less!! And before I forget, this same mini-round is also used (CORRECTION: featured) L4zerWZKdTA-00129-00062998-00063452 in the 2-Player Versus Mode - that is, if you’ve secured another Game Boy, another copy of this game, L4zerWZKdTA-00130-00063452-00063878 and a LINK CABLE...the latter of which can be a pain in the ass to come by nowadays! L4zerWZKdTA-00131-00063888-00064320 Aside from these, take every helpful, advice-laden hint and "Word-to-the-Wise" into account - L4zerWZKdTA-00132-00064320-00064676 unless you’re dying for an all-inclusive nightmare without any end whatsoever!! L4zerWZKdTA-00133-00065248-00065662 For a Game Boy game released near the ass-end of its soon-to-be-non-goddamn-existent lifespan, L4zerWZKdTA-00134-00065662-00066282 around the time when N64 and Pokémon were all the rage, no less - the graphics are far from a repulsive array of abominations, L4zerWZKdTA-00135-00066282-00066556 but on the surface - nothing special to write home about either. L4zerWZKdTA-00136-00066556-00067114 In addition to all the semi-recognizable main & supporting characters, their opposing rivals - animation-wise... L4zerWZKdTA-00137-00067114-00067584 and foreground textures aren’t something to be mocked at, as they’re not only true to life as many might fathom... L4zerWZKdTA-00138-00067584-00068108 but are so much better on the Super Game Boy - with which this game was also compatible at the time, for the record. L4zerWZKdTA-00139-00068108-00068564 Sure, the latter graphical portions tend to repeat themselves inbetween each area, if not frequently - L4zerWZKdTA-00140-00068564-00068984 but they’re still so fucking unique on their on steam that anyone would hardly mind in the least! L4zerWZKdTA-00141-00069124-00069462 Music-and-sound-wise, conducted MASTERFULLY by Taro Bando / 阪東太郎 - L4zerWZKdTA-00142-00069462-00070032 later of F-Zero X fame, alongside Hajime Wakai; and the resident sound engineer for almost every major Nintendo hit L4zerWZKdTA-00143-00070032-00070272 since Super Mario Kart, circa ‘92 - L4zerWZKdTA-00144-00070272-00070734 both for the company’s Kyoto-based EAD Division AND their recently-established EPD Division (see above), L4zerWZKdTA-00145-00070734-00071280 the former of which Bando joined in ‘87 - the themes possess something of an addictive, inescapable flair to ‘em L4zerWZKdTA-00146-00071280-00071722 that dare not speak its name...and admittedly enough, fluctuate a ton throughout each interim. L4zerWZKdTA-00147-00071722-00072082 The correlating SFX are somewhat lively, if at times unsettling - L4zerWZKdTA-00148-00072082-00072566 most notably the enemy deaths, the concrete slab being knocked down, and Muddy intensely advancing his strength L4zerWZKdTA-00149-00072566-00073096 as he’s about to push or pull any object - but yet again, aren’t a goddamn thing at which to be scorned either! L4zerWZKdTA-00150-00073096-00073412 My TOP 6 Songs from this game alone are as follows: The Opening Menu; L4zerWZKdTA-00151-00073412-00074058 the Forest Theme for Stages 1, 3 & 7 - with the latter heard in one section; the Beach Theme for Stages 2 & 6; the Boss theme; L4zerWZKdTA-00152-00074058-00074492 the Pre-Level 8 Theme, also heard when you’re short of time during the Cabbage-Salvaging Bonus Rounds... L4zerWZKdTA-00153-00074492-00075032 or if you’re pissing off Grandpa Mole too much; and finally, the Snowy Forest theme for Areas 5 & 7. L4zerWZKdTA-00154-00075032-00075128 (*Muddy leaps into the hole*) L4zerWZKdTA-00155-00075230-00075616 Regarding the replay value, thanks as a whole to the methodical and fundamental - L4zerWZKdTA-00156-00075616-00076110 not to mention NERVE-WRACKING - top-view puzzle mechanics that this heinously-eclipsed and unintentionally-overlooked L4zerWZKdTA-00157-00076110-00076606 handheld title has to offer, in tandem with the “emo-heartstring-tugging-and-funnybone-tickling-cinematics”... L4zerWZKdTA-00158-00076606-00077006 it should become abundantly clear as Grey Goose vodka that, as the front of the box states, L4zerWZKdTA-00159-00077006-00077410 “You’ll DIG MOLE MANIA” indeed! So please, take my advice...OR DON'T - L4zerWZKdTA-00160-00077410-00077812 as tempting as Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Pikmin and Katamari Damacy are... L4zerWZKdTA-00161-00077812-00078418 SWEEP THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS UNDER THE RUG, AND SWITCH TO THIS HIJINX-LADEN PUZZLE CAPER - yet again, no pun intended. L4zerWZKdTA-00162-00078418-00078838 Trust me, it’ll make Tetris Attack look like fucking Solitaire in a way you’ve never imagined!! L4zerWZKdTA-00163-00078838-00079054 (*Muddy grabs, winds up, and launches the bowling ball right at Funton*) L4zerWZKdTA-00164-00079054-00079330 (*Gut-Wrenching Scream / Fall Into Distance*) L4zerWZKdTA-00165-00080090-00080254 (*giant cabbage drops in*) L4zerWZKdTA-00166-00080470-00080710 (*Mole Child #3 pops out*) L4zerWZKdTA-00167-00080982-00081372 [♫ - Mega Man X3 - "Tunnel Rhino", composed by Kinuyo Yamashita] L4zerWZKdTA-00168-00081446-00081766 Therefore, in summation...what's my cast-iron final verdict? L4zerWZKdTA-00169-00081766-00082294 In full realization of how this classic was left under the goddamn radar, even during its release, one might add... L4zerWZKdTA-00170-00082294-00082674 I see no point in reiterating all the pros and cons MOLE MANIA harbors - L4zerWZKdTA-00171-00082674-00083156 the former of which EXCESSIVELY outweigh the latter, for the record - or why many should at least give it a fighting chance, L4zerWZKdTA-00172-00083156-00083496 if, hell, way more! So what are you waiting for, the launch of SPLATOON 3?! L4zerWZKdTA-00173-00083496-00084080 Do yourself an enormous favor and dig to your heart’s content for MOLE MANIA - I assure you, THERE’S NO WAY ON THE MANY CORNERS L4zerWZKdTA-00174-00084080-00084550 OF OUR BELOVED PLANET THAT YOU’LL BE DISENCHANTED OR UNMOTIVATED BY ITS BOUNDLESS CHARM AND WITS. L4zerWZKdTA-00175-00084550-00084878 Until then, this is the Hardcore Retro God proudly signing off. LrfR5PlEvtA-00000-00000000-00000157 how to manage small projects? LrfR5PlEvtA-00001-00000167-00000350 100'000 Japanese LrfR5PlEvtA-00002-00000360-00000531 perfectionists... LrfR5PlEvtA-00003-00000541-00000796 60'000 pragmatics from America LrfR5PlEvtA-00004-00000806-00000926 are using Nozbe to do it LrfR5PlEvtA-00005-00000936-00001044 what is it in Nozbe? LrfR5PlEvtA-00006-00001054-00001335 I'd suggest asking them LrfR5PlEvtA-00007-00001345-00001502 but I'll share my own experience LrfR5PlEvtA-00008-00001512-00001801 Nozbe definitely makes life easier LrfR5PlEvtA-00009-00001811-00002326 projects are created by 1 or 2 clicks LrfR5PlEvtA-00010-00002326-00002635 depending if using keyboard shortcuts LrfR5PlEvtA-00011-00002645-00002941 they are grouped by labels LrfR5PlEvtA-00012-00002951-00003083 or grouped by colors LrfR5PlEvtA-00013-00003093-00003348 we'd combine both of them LrfR5PlEvtA-00014-00003358-00003752 that allows easy filtering and narrowing the views LrfR5PlEvtA-00015-00003762-00004012 and stay focused on what is to be done in the day LrfR5PlEvtA-00016-00004022-00004288 and in projects, obviously, tasks LrfR5PlEvtA-00017-00004298-00004778 so I think you'd like to try at Nozbe.com LrfR5PlEvtA-00018-00004788-00004929 thanks! LrfR5PlEvtA-00019-00005126-00005308 so, first of all I need a clear project objective LrfR5PlEvtA-00020-00005318-00005493 i.e. what and when needs to be delivered LrfR5PlEvtA-00021-00005503-00005879 in that project: video published on youtube a week after the conference LrfR5PlEvtA-00022-00005889-00006130 then, the 2nd rule: a precisely agreed scope LrfR5PlEvtA-00023-00006140-00006352 i.e. what I will do, and what won't do LrfR5PlEvtA-00024-00006362-00006784 I'm supposed to record the speech, insert PPT slides and upload to the web LrfR5PlEvtA-00025-00006794-00007112 but creation of the slides and the video promotion were not my business LrfR5PlEvtA-00026-00007122-00007407 the 3rd rule: what is my autonomy of the project execution LrfR5PlEvtA-00027-00007417-00007771 there I had freedom in choosing ways of preparing the video LrfR5PlEvtA-00028-00007781-00007908 as long as I do it well LrfR5PlEvtA-00029-00007918-00008108 what are the conclusions? LrfR5PlEvtA-00030-00008118-00008238 thanks to the clear objective LrfR5PlEvtA-00031-00008248-00008375 precise scope LrfR5PlEvtA-00032-00008385-00008479 and full autonomy LrfR5PlEvtA-00033-00008489-00008633 the project went well LrfR5PlEvtA-00034-00008643-00008895 and was completed 3 days ahead of schedule Lu7CyYLIVUM-00000-00000044-00000658 In this video, we're going to look at an important relationship about parallel and perpendicular lines. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00001-00000658-00000880 Parallel lines, you may remember from geometry Lu7CyYLIVUM-00002-00000880-00001294 are lines that go in the same direction and they never will intersect. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00003-00001294-00001534 Now, if they're going to go in the same direction, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00004-00001534-00002044 that means if the blue line here is going to rise two and run five, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00005-00002044-00002732 the green line better do the exact same thing, rise two and run five. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00006-00002732-00003336 So the slope of the blue line is two-fifths, the slope the green line is two-fifths. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00007-00003336-00004047 To go the same direction, they must have the same slope. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00008-00004047-00004986 Parallel lines have the same slope. First thing you need to remember from this video. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00009-00004986-00005714 Perpendicular lines though, are lines that intersect at a perfect right angle, or a ninety degree angle. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00010-00005714-00006214 Not at any old angle, but a perfect ninety degree angle. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00011-00006214-00006748 In that case, if one line say goes down five and over two, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00012-00006748-00007430 down five and over two; this blue line we're making up has a slope of negative five-halves. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00013-00007430-00007852 The green line has to kind of counter act that in the opposite direction. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00014-00007852-00008212 It's going to go up two and over five. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00015-00008212-00008750 The green line has a slope of two-fifths. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00016-00008750-00009136 Now, you might notice these slopes have a lot in common. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00017-00009136-00009676 You'll notice that they both use numbers two and five, but they're flipped over. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00018-00009676-00010106 We call those reciprocals, where the fraction is flipped over. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00019-00010106-00010422 You'll also notice that one of these positive, going up hill, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00020-00010422-00010859 and the other's going downhill, negative. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00021-00010859-00011064 So we want one positive, one negative. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00022-00011064-00012054 We call that opposite, and flip fractions we call that reciprocals. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00023-00012054-00012448 Perpendicular lines, the second important thing you need to know for this video Lu7CyYLIVUM-00024-00012448-00013122 perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00025-00013122-00013912 Neither where they're not parallel or perpendicular, there's really no pattern. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00026-00013912-00014210 Maybe one will have a the slope of negative two-thirds, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00027-00014210-00015128 the other would have a slope of negative five-fourths. You know nothing really special about them. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00028-00015128-00015444 There's no pattern, they're not perpendicular, they're not parallel. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00029-00015444-00015754 We're not really interested in those. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00030-00015754-00016240 So for example, if we know one line goes to the points (5, 2) and (7, 5) Lu7CyYLIVUM-00031-00016240-00016586 and the other line goes to the point (-2, -6) and (0, -3). Lu7CyYLIVUM-00032-00016586-00017312 We can find out if these lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00033-00017312-00017590 Let's first look at the first set of points. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00034-00017590-00017962 It's important to keep track of which points go together. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00035-00017962-00018220 We know that's an (x, y) pair. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00036-00018220-00018678 When we have a first point and a second point, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00037-00018678-00019301 and the way we know if they're parallel, perpendicular, or neither, is we look at their slopes. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00038-00019302-00020016 So m the slope, is y 2 minus y 1 over x 2 minus x 1. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00039-00020016-00020626 So y 2, the y from the second point is five, minus the y from the first point is two. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00040-00020626-00021208 Over x from the second point is seven minus x from the first point is five. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00041-00021208-00022232 Five minus two is three, seven minus five is two, we have a slope of three-halves for the first point. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00042-00022232-00022468 We're going to compare it to the second line, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00043-00022468-00023022 which goes through negative two, negative six and zero, negative three. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00044-00023022-00023860 Again they come in x y pairs, and we've got a first point and a second point. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00045-00023860-00024534 Slope is still y 2 minus y 1 over x 2 minus x 1. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00046-00024534-00025508 So y 2 is negative three minus y-1, which is negative six over x-2, which is zero Lu7CyYLIVUM-00047-00025508-00025954 minus x-1, which is negative two. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00048-00025954-00026412 Two negatives make a positive. Negative three plus six is three, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00049-00026412-00027202 zero plus two is two, and if we compare our slopes, the first line had a slope of three-halves, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00050-00027202-00027474 the second line had a slope three-halves. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00051-00027474-00028948 They have same slope, which means the lines must be parallel, which only has one r in it. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00052-00028948-00029583 These lines are parallel because they have the same slope. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00053-00029583-00030210 Let's take a look at another example. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00054-00030210-00030892 In this next example were looking for a line that goes through the points (-4, 1) and (-1, 3). Lu7CyYLIVUM-00055-00030892-00031330 We're going to compare it to a line that goes through two, negative one and six, negative seven. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00056-00031330-00031800 Again, we're going to calculate their slopes. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00057-00031800-00032398 So m for the slope, y 2, x y pairs. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00058-00032399-00033162 First point and second point, y 2 is three minus y 1, which is one over x 2, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00059-00033162-00033716 which is negative one minus x 1, which is negative four. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00060-00033716-00034506 Three minus one is two. Add the opposite, negative one plus four is three. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00061-00034506-00034996 So we have a slope of two-thirds on the first line. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00062-00034996-00035500 The second line, two, negative one and six, negative seven. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00063-00035500-00035924 So m is equal to y 2 which is negative seven, minus y 1, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00064-00035924-00036692 which is negative one over x 2 which is six, minus x 1 which is two. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00065-00036692-00037270 Negative seven plus one is negative six, six minus two is four. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00066-00037270-00037902 Reduce the fraction we get negative three-halves. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00067-00037902-00038182 How do these fractions compare? Lu7CyYLIVUM-00068-00038182-00038632 Well, we notice one is positive, one is negative; they're opposites. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00069-00038632-00038882 One is two-thirds, the other's three-halves. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00070-00038882-00039332 These are opposite reciprocal slopes. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00071-00039332-00040096 Opposite reciprocal means we have perpendicular lines. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00072-00040096-00040868 They're going to meet at a perfect ninety-degree angle. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00073-00040868-00041386 Let's try one more example. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00074-00041387-00041996 The first line goes through (3, 7) and (-6, -8). Lu7CyYLIVUM-00075-00041996-00042300 So, finding the slope, y 2 is negative eight, Lu7CyYLIVUM-00076-00042300-00042936 minus y 1 is seven, over x 2 is negative six, minus three. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00077-00042936-00043704 Negative eight minus seven is negative fifteen, over negative six minus three is negative nine. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00078-00043704-00044213 Reducing the fraction, dividing by three. Also, two negatives are going to make a positive. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00079-00044213-00044758 We get five-thirds for the first slope. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00080-00044758-00045246 The second lines go through (5, 2) and (-5, -4). Lu7CyYLIVUM-00081-00045246-00046490 So y 2 is negative four minus y 1 is two over x 2, which is negative five minus x 1, which is five. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00082-00046490-00047064 Negative four minus two is negative six, negative five minus five is negative ten. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00083-00047064-00047370 Two negatives are again going to make a positive. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00084-00047370-00048021 Reducing the fractions: six divided by two is three, ten divided by two is five. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00085-00048021-00048391 We now know the slopes of both lines. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00086-00048391-00048706 How do they compare? Lu7CyYLIVUM-00087-00048706-00049287 Well, you might notice they're reciprocals. Does that mean they are perpendicular? Lu7CyYLIVUM-00088-00049288-00049782 Not quite, recall perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00089-00049782-00050226 One positive one negative and these are both positive. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00090-00050226-00051024 This is neither parallel nor perpendicular. Lu7CyYLIVUM-00091-00051024-00051520 So again, the important relationships to remember: Lu7CyYLIVUM-00092-00051520-00052196 same slope is parallel, opposite reciprocal slope is perpendicular. LuhGwxIIiEI-00000-00001950-00002600 Menu --> System --> Headphone --> Volume LzD6UqJO7E0-00000-00000000-00000200 Difference between kernal and shell L-5GUgJr9Wy-00000-00000312-00001538 Hi, and welcome to Module 5 of Leading Edge Certification. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00001-00001538-00001964 Many of you are progressing through the course quite rapidly, so I am releasing modules early L-5GUgJr9Wy-00002-00001964-00002306 to give you more flexibility with completing content. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00003-00002306-00003122 However the original due dates are still valid and are listed in the Calendar Tab. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00004-00003122-00003854 Remember that Discussion Posts are due on Wednesdays and all activities for a module, L-5GUgJr9Wy-00005-00003854-00004511 including responses to other classmates' posts are due on Sundays. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00006-00004511-00005051 Be sure that after you finish your reflection for Module 4, you take the Poll, or Survey L-5GUgJr9Wy-00007-00005051-00005506 Question, that is in the right hand column of the Module 4 page. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00008-00005506-00005908 It asks you to respond with the social and professional networking sites you currently L-5GUgJr9Wy-00009-00005908-00006117 use on a regular basis. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00010-00006117-00006668 If you use sites that are not listed, choose Other, but also make sure you provide us information L-5GUgJr9Wy-00011-00006668-00007081 about these other sites in Reflection 4.3 as well. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00012-00007081-00007506 This will help us to further build our online community through possible connections on L-5GUgJr9Wy-00013-00007506-00007853 social network sites. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00014-00007853-00008272 Module 5's topic is online accessibility and online presence. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00015-00008272-00008713 In Module 4, we explored ways to build community in an online course. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00016-00008713-00009138 You wrote a discussion prompt for your students, and reflected on the ways in which you use L-5GUgJr9Wy-00017-00009138-00009546 social media or online tools to enhance your own learning. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00018-00009546-00010138 Module 5 will build on this learning, by asking you to create a presence that is also accessible. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00019-00010138-00010656 Most of the Module 5 readings deal with accessibility, ensuring that your course will work for students L-5GUgJr9Wy-00020-00010656-00011042 with both identified and non-identified disabilities. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00021-00011042-00011488 For most of us, these are new concepts -- the materials we need to support students with L-5GUgJr9Wy-00022-00011488-00011917 vision or hearing impairments are typically just provided by the district. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00023-00011917-00012313 But in an online course, we need to think about elements differently. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00024-00012313-00013049 The portfolio assignment for this week is to create a video resource that meets ADA L-5GUgJr9Wy-00025-00013049-00013530 accessibility requirements through captioning and transcription. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00026-00013530-00013961 Notice that this screencast has a CC button in the YouTube player. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00027-00013961-00014416 When you click on this button, the closed captioning of this video can be seen. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00028-00014416-00014958 This has traditionally been a challenging module for some LEC participants, so be sure L-5GUgJr9Wy-00029-00014958-00015243 to schedule time with me if necessary. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00030-00015243-00016261 I have also went back and uploaded a transcript to the previous L-5GUgJr9Wy-00031-00016261-00017296 Module introductions, as extra practice for supporting you with your assignment. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00032-00017296-00018194 Here is an example of those captions as they appear in the video. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00033-00018194-00018893 Here is the CC button to access the captions, or to turn captions off. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00034-00018893-00019585 YouTube has a captioning tool, but you will need to write the script ahead of time, and L-5GUgJr9Wy-00035-00019585-00020226 be sure to upload it as a .txt file. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00036-00020226-00020798 Within Microsoft Word, saving as a text file is as easy as clicking on Save As... in the L-5GUgJr9Wy-00037-00020798-00021460 File menu, then selecting Plain Text (.txt) from the Format drop-down window. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00038-00021460-00021985 Take a look at the tutorial, "Adding a Caption Track to a YouTube Video" on the Tutorials L-5GUgJr9Wy-00039-00021985-00022521 page of our course if you'd like more guidance on what the process looks like. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00040-00022521-00023050 If you have access to another tool for transcription or closed captioning, feel free to use it! L-5GUgJr9Wy-00041-00023050-00023780 In addition to the embedded video, the transcript should also be copied and pasted into a Content L-5GUgJr9Wy-00042-00023780-00024413 Block or uploaded as a file in a Content Block within the WikiProject for 5.2. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00043-00024413-00024921 You will notice that this week's discussion is a reflection. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00044-00024921-00025275 You do not have a separate reflection assignment to submit. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00045-00025275-00025748 So, enjoy Modules 4 & 5, and let me know how I can support you. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00046-00025748-00026316 Use the Q&A Forum or email me from within Haiku, and don't forget to schedule time during L-5GUgJr9Wy-00047-00026316-00026637 office hours if you need more direct support. L-5GUgJr9Wy-00048-00026637-00027524 See you online! L-DRrrRQBoc-00000-00000112-00000622 Draw the graph of the compound inequality x less than or equal to four or x greater L-DRrrRQBoc-00001-00000622-00001291 than three and describe the set using interval notation. This is a compound inequality and L-DRrrRQBoc-00002-00001291-00001822 there are two types of compound inequalities. When two inequalities are joined by the word L-DRrrRQBoc-00003-00001822-00002399 and, the solution of the compound inequality occurs when both inequalities are true at L-DRrrRQBoc-00004-00002399-00003155 the same time. It is the overlap or intersection of the solutions for each inequality. When L-DRrrRQBoc-00005-00003155-00003821 the two inequalities are joined by the word or, the solution of the compound inequality L-DRrrRQBoc-00006-00003821-00004632 occurs when either of the inequalities is true. The solution is the combination or union L-DRrrRQBoc-00007-00004632-00005185 of the two individual solutions. The main thing to remember is for the word and, we L-DRrrRQBoc-00008-00005185-00005655 are looking for the intersection. For the word or, we are looking for the union of the L-DRrrRQBoc-00009-00005655-00006414 two intervals. For the first step, you want to graph each interval on a number line. Let's L-DRrrRQBoc-00010-00006414-00007061 first graph x less than or equal to negative four. Notice negative four is in this interval, L-DRrrRQBoc-00011-00007061-00007656 so make a closed circle or closed point on negative four. Because it is less than or L-DRrrRQBoc-00012-00007656-00008318 equal to negative four, we have an arrow to the left approaching negative infinity. This L-DRrrRQBoc-00013-00008318-00008853 will be helpful when we give the interval notation. Now we want to graph x greater than L-DRrrRQBoc-00014-00008853-00009390 three. Notice that three is not in the interval, and therefore we make an open circle or open L-DRrrRQBoc-00015-00009390-00010064 point on three. Because it is greater than three we have an arrow to the right approaching L-DRrrRQBoc-00016-00010064-00010790 positive infinity. Because we have the word or, we are looking for the union, or the combination L-DRrrRQBoc-00017-00010790-00011340 of these two intervals, which means these two intervals are the solution to the compound L-DRrrRQBoc-00018-00011340-00011875 inequality. Now we want to describe this set using interval notation. Because we have an L-DRrrRQBoc-00019-00011875-00012399 interval on the left and on the right, we will have two interval notations connected L-DRrrRQBoc-00020-00012399-00013116 with the word or or u for union. The interval on the left would be all the numbers less L-DRrrRQBoc-00021-00013116-00013593 than or equal to negative four. For interval notation we would have negative infinity comma L-DRrrRQBoc-00022-00013593-00014081 negative four. The interval includes negative four, so we have a bracket to the right of L-DRrrRQBoc-00023-00014081-00014693 negative four. For negative infinity and positive infinity, we always use a rounded parentheses, L-DRrrRQBoc-00024-00014693-00015268 so we have an open parenthesis to the left of negative infinity. Then we use U for union, L-DRrrRQBoc-00025-00015268-00015879 sometimes you will see the word or. Then we have the interval from three to infinity. L-DRrrRQBoc-00026-00015879-00016307 Three comma infinity. Three is not in the interval, so use an open parenthesis to the L-DRrrRQBoc-00027-00016307-00016859 left of three, and a closed parenthesis to the right of infinity. This is the graph of L-DRrrRQBoc-00028-00016859-00017501 the solution and here is the solution expressed using interval notation. One thing to be careful L-DRrrRQBoc-00029-00017501-00018112 about though is that not all compound inequalities with or will have a solution that looks like L-DRrrRQBoc-00030-00018112-00018781 this. Let's look at a second example. The directions are the same. Let's first graph L-DRrrRQBoc-00031-00018781-00019351 both inequalities on the same number line. First we will graph x greater than negative L-DRrrRQBoc-00032-00019351-00020009 two. Negative two is not in the interval. We have an open circle on negative two, arrow L-DRrrRQBoc-00033-00020009-00020881 to the right, so here are all the numbers greater than negative two. Now we graph x L-DRrrRQBoc-00034-00020881-00021460 less than or equal to six. Six is in the interval, so we make a closed circle or closed point L-DRrrRQBoc-00035-00021460-00022288 on six. It says x less than or equal to six, we have an arrow to the left. Again to the L-DRrrRQBoc-00036-00022288-00022809 right we are approaching infinity. To the left we are approaching negative infinity. L-DRrrRQBoc-00037-00022809-00023312 This is an or compound inequality, so the solution is a union with the combination of L-DRrrRQBoc-00038-00023312-00023837 these two intervals. Notice how every number on the number line is graphed at least once, L-DRrrRQBoc-00039-00023837-00024443 which means the solution would be all the numbers. So the graph all real numbers, we L-DRrrRQBoc-00040-00024443-00024968 graph then entire number line approaching positive infinity to the right and negative L-DRrrRQBoc-00041-00024968-00025878 infinity to the left. This first number line shows the work. This is the graph of our final L-DRrrRQBoc-00042-00025878-00026522 answer. Now we need to express this using interval notation. The left we approach negative L-DRrrRQBoc-00043-00026522-00027102 infinity, comma, to the right we approach positive infinity. For negative and positive L-DRrrRQBoc-00044-00027102-00027639 infinity, you always use a rounded parenthesis. We have an open parenthesis to the left and L-DRrrRQBoc-00045-00027639-00028172 a closed parenthesis to the right. This is how we express all real numbers using interval L-DRrrRQBoc-00046-00028172-00028612 notation. It is important that we are able to interpret what union means when graphing L-DRrrRQBoc-00047-00028612-00029038 a compound inequality with the word or. I hope you found this helpful. L_iN93lkUtu-00000-00000057-00000326 Hello, everyone! L_iN93lkUtu-00001-00000348-00000584 mhm, what to say... haha L_iN93lkUtu-00002-00000588-00001056 This is CCBC's singalong session. L_iN93lkUtu-00003-00001066-00001290 For English speakers L_iN93lkUtu-00004-00001378-00001646 This worship session will be only in Japanese L_iN93lkUtu-00005-00001646-00001920 But we have slides so L_iN93lkUtu-00006-00001920-00002172 let's sing along, please sing along. L_iN93lkUtu-00007-00002172-00002341 From here on L_iN93lkUtu-00008-00002341-00002643 we will do the Worship set only in Japanese L_iN93lkUtu-00009-00002644-00002774 Oh yes... L_iN93lkUtu-00010-00002774-00003324 I am an intern at CCBC Japan. My name is Hiromichi Kinjo. L_iN93lkUtu-00011-00003324-00003590 I am looking forward to this set with you. L_iN93lkUtu-00012-00003622-00003811 Let's begin L_iN93lkUtu-00013-00003822-00004119 Before we start, let's pray together L_iN93lkUtu-00014-00004120-00004258 Let's pray L_iN93lkUtu-00015-00004282-00004944 Loving Father, please lead this Worship session, which we are doing for you. L_iN93lkUtu-00016-00004960-00005308 We worship you from our hearts. L_iN93lkUtu-00017-00005308-00005601 We pray in Jesus' name L_iN93lkUtu-00018-00005601-00005701 Amen LAfyTkZ4dH0-00000-00000416-00000880 Hello everyone, and welcome to another Special Collection Summer Seminar Series. I'm Elizabeth LAfyTkZ4dH0-00001-00000880-00001416 Reardon, Outreach and Engagement Librarian for the University of Iowa's Library Special Collections. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00002-00001416-00001904 Today I'll be talking about prohibition. Specifically prohibition efforts in Iowa as well LAfyTkZ4dH0-00003-00001904-00002360 as collections you can use in Special collections to help you wet your whistle on this topic. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00004-00002632-00003096 In January of 1919 the 18th amendment was ratified, giving Americans just LAfyTkZ4dH0-00005-00003096-00003608 one year to stop the manufacture, sale, and importation of intoxicating liquors. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00006-00003688-00004304 By January 1920, the 18th amendment was fully in effect, and the United States was proclaimed LAfyTkZ4dH0-00007-00004304-00004904 dry. Efforts by prohibitionists started in the 19th century with women entering saloons falling LAfyTkZ4dH0-00008-00004904-00005416 to their knees and praying, or others like Carrie Nation storming into a saloon with the battle axe. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00009-00005504-00005896 Prohibition drew unlikely allies like Billy Sunday, Jane Adams, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00010-00005896-00006288 the Women's Christian Temperance Union, industrial workers of the world, and the Ku LAfyTkZ4dH0-00011-00006288-00006895 Klux Klan. As Daniel Ocran writes in his book "Last Call the Rise and Fall of Prohibition," LAfyTkZ4dH0-00012-00006952-00007752 there were five distinct components that made up the prohibition coalition. Racists, progressives, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00013-00007752-00008480 suffragists, populists, and nativists. Ocran writes that "Adherents of each group may have been LAfyTkZ4dH0-00014-00008480-00008992 opposed to alcohol for its own sake, but each used the prohibition impulse to advance ideologies and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00015-00008992-00009680 causes that had little to do with it. Prohibition invited corruption and bribery on both sides. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00016-00009744-00010088 It also took away millions of dollars of tax revenue for the US government, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00017-00010144-00010552 not to mention the people who died from organized crime or unsafe homemade liquors. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00018-00010672-00011400 So it was a failure on a lot of levels, but it did succeed on one important aspect: Americans drink LAfyTkZ4dH0-00019-00011400-00012024 less." According to Ocran's book at the beginning of the 20th century the average consumption of LAfyTkZ4dH0-00020-00012024-00012768 pure alcohol ran 2.6 gallons per adult per year. And that number went down during prohibition and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00021-00012768-00013384 even lasted after the repeal of 1933. We actually don't see those numbers again until the 1970s. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00022-00013616-00014296 But I want to focus on Iowa. Prohibition efforts here in Iowa started earlier, much earlier than LAfyTkZ4dH0-00023-00014296-00014880 the 20th century across the United States. In fact, for Iowa, temperance organizations were LAfyTkZ4dH0-00024-00014880-00015440 already working to make Iowa a dry state. That is alcohol free, right after it was ratified in 1846. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00025-00015536-00016040 This list that you see here of actions are just some of the efforts made to make Iowa dry. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00026-00016096-00016512 It isn't a full comprehensive list because frankly we don't have time to talk about it all. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00027-00016600-00017064 In fact, historians often put Iowa, Kansas, and Maine together as the three states with LAfyTkZ4dH0-00028-00017064-00017608 the strictest alcohol laws during this time. And I'll be honest with you. that surprised me. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00029-00017664-00018144 I assumed we would have been a wet state given the fact that a majority of Iowa's population at this LAfyTkZ4dH0-00030-00018144-00018736 time were German immigrants or the descendants of German immigrants. A group often associated with LAfyTkZ4dH0-00031-00018736-00019144 the support of beer manufacturing, but i'll get to that a little bit later. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00032-00019320-00019976 Again, Iowa became a state in 1846, and by 1847 a local option law passed making it so LAfyTkZ4dH0-00033-00019976-00020464 that every county had to decide if it would provide licenses or not to sell alcohol. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00034-00020544-00021432 And the election all counties except for he knows and this was a big win for temperance LAfyTkZ4dH0-00035-00021432-00021984 groups. Liquor dealers had to close up shop, however they found ways to secretly carry on LAfyTkZ4dH0-00036-00021984-00022392 with their business, and eventually some of them openly started selling liquor again. So this first LAfyTkZ4dH0-00037-00022392-00022848 attempt was a failure. But in the next couple years measures were taken to fix that failure, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00038-00022848-00023464 including a ban of dram shops, or more commonly known as bars, in 1851. It was LAfyTkZ4dH0-00039-00023464-00024048 illegal to sell liquor by the glass, but not illegal to make it or sell it as merchandise. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00040-00024104-00024576 So you can kind of see where this is going. Bars sold alcohol as merchandise and nothing much LAfyTkZ4dH0-00041-00024576-00025224 really changed. 1855 came along and there was another big push to regulate liquor licenses. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00042-00025352-00026088 This would ban alcohol in the state, but it was later amended to say that beer, apple cider, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00043-00026088-00026824 and wine were okay to drink. But again, it's not really enforced. So people continue to illegally LAfyTkZ4dH0-00044-00026824-00027544 sell liquor and to consume it in the state. So by 1882, legislators added the amendment to the state LAfyTkZ4dH0-00045-00027544-00028160 constitution making it illegal to manufacture and sell all alcoholic beverages statewide, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00046-00028160-00028744 thus making Iowa dry. However, the Supreme Court came back quickly the following year and declared LAfyTkZ4dH0-00047-00028744-00029327 that unconstitutional. That didn't stop the prohibition movement though. In 1884, another LAfyTkZ4dH0-00048-00029327-00029904 strict prohibition law on liquor license passes. And this one actually stays in effect until 1893. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00049-00029976-00030352 However, like previous attempts, it wasn't really followed in some communities. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00050-00030416-00031016 And this is what really sets the stage for Iowa City beer riots that happened in August of 1884. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00051-00031016-00031320 So a quick story time for those of you unfamiliar with the beer riots. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00052-00031383-00031864 Iowa City at the time had three big breweries that were just located North of downtown. The LAfyTkZ4dH0-00053-00031864-00032456 brewery owners were wealthy, powerful, and they were the largest employers in Iowa City downtown. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00054-00032695-00033304 Two of the brewers, Conrad Graf and John P. Dostell, were to stand trial for violating LAfyTkZ4dH0-00055-00033304-00033792 the alcohol law that had passed earlier that year. The third brewer, John Angler, yes, as an LAfyTkZ4dH0-00056-00033792-00034288 Angler Theater, along with 150 brewer supporters came to the judge's house where the trial was to LAfyTkZ4dH0-00057-00034288-00034736 take place, and it quickly became a mob. They attacked the witnesses for the prosecution, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00058-00034736-00035168 even threatening to hang them right then and there. They got a hold of one of the prosecutors, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00059-00035168-00035608 William H Bailey, and tarred him. I don't know who brought tar with them, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00060-00035608-00036184 but he was tarred. and when an officer tried to break it up, he was stabbed in the leg. So LAfyTkZ4dH0-00061-00036184-00036776 the mob even got more frenzied at this point, and decided to burn down the judge's house. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00062-00036840-00037352 And the only thing that stopped them was the fact that the judge's dying mother was lying upstairs. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00063-00037352-00037656 And I think if she hadn't been there they would have burned down his house. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00064-00037744-00038168 The riots received national attention, and some folks even thought that the State University of LAfyTkZ4dH0-00065-00038168-00038776 Iowa, as the University of Iowa was called then, should be moved to a less lawless area. Despite LAfyTkZ4dH0-00066-00038776-00039240 all these issues though, and these previous efforts, there was still a strong enough support LAfyTkZ4dH0-00067-00039240-00039792 that in 1916, a strong statewide prohibition law passed three years before the rest of the country. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00068-00039928-00040416 Now I have to stop and talk about this picture for just a second. It's a float from the 1916 LAfyTkZ4dH0-00069-00040416-00041264 Mecca Day parade at UIowa. And I like this image a lot because you're going to see there's LAfyTkZ4dH0-00070-00041264-00041800 an advertisement for Graf brothers, which was a Conrad Graf who stood trial 30 years before this LAfyTkZ4dH0-00071-00041800-00042560 was taken, or a little over 30 years. Now despite so much support of prohibition, the major issue of LAfyTkZ4dH0-00072-00042560-00043056 enforcement had not really been fixed. And the history of Iowa's efforts to become a dry state LAfyTkZ4dH0-00073-00043056-00043352 should have been an indicator of how the 18th amendment was going to go. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00074-00043480-00043992 Instead of crime and violence disappearing after prohibition, it increased in Iowa and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00075-00043992-00044448 the nation in the 1920s. However, not as dramatically as the news made it out to be. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00076-00044560-00045000 Yes there was money to be had in selling illegal alcohol, but there was also a lot LAfyTkZ4dH0-00077-00045000-00045352 of money to be had in selling newspapers that featured these scandalous stories. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00078-00045472-00045896 So bootleggers, those that made and or sold alcohol illegally, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00079-00045896-00046424 could make good money in Iowa. And if you think about it, Iowa's actually a really great place LAfyTkZ4dH0-00080-00046424-00046984 to set up an alcohol running operation. For one, we're surrounded by the key ingredient. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00081-00047040-00047616 Iowa corn turned quickly into some of the best prohibition whiskey out there. Many of us from LAfyTkZ4dH0-00082-00047616-00048144 Iowa are familiar with Templeton rye, the reddish whiskey that was very popular in Chicago and even LAfyTkZ4dH0-00083-00048144-00048704 New York speakeasies. Also rural Iowa was a great place to hide your distillery, since you're less LAfyTkZ4dH0-00084-00048704-00049376 likely to be bothered by law officials when out in the middle of nowhere. Folks like this gentleman, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00085-00049376-00050000 Carl Quad, better known as Curly, also known as my great grandpa, he and his brothers hid their LAfyTkZ4dH0-00086-00050000-00050680 operation behind a false wall in a corn crib. We know this because well, they were actually caught LAfyTkZ4dH0-00087-00050680-00051080 and it was in the paper. So I'm not saying that there wasn't any enforcement happening. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00088-00051200-00051855 You also hear of bootleggers in Iowa using caves, hog houses, barns, and basements. And while many LAfyTkZ4dH0-00089-00051855-00052376 bootleggers didn't document their actions for obvious reasons, my family lore informs me that LAfyTkZ4dH0-00090-00052376-00052848 Curly here used the radiator in his car to transport his product from place to place. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00091-00053048-00053520 Things were getting so out of control in Iowa that some law officials worried that Al Capone would LAfyTkZ4dH0-00092-00053520-00054167 make Des Moines a little Chicago. Iowans came to realize their dry utopia wasn't going to happen, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00093-00054167-00054479 and many began to see prohibition as a threat to their safety, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00094-00054479-00055000 instead of something to enforce safety. The experiment had failed. And while there was still LAfyTkZ4dH0-00095-00055000-00055567 a strong group who supported prohibition, much of the state would strongly support repeal in 1933. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00096-00055736-00056479 So that's just a quick overview of prohibition in Iowa, and prohibition and temperance permeates LAfyTkZ4dH0-00097-00056479-00056904 a lot of the collections found in Special Collections in the Archives. And I just want LAfyTkZ4dH0-00098-00056904-00057464 to give you a small sampling of them today that we have that you can look at. So we're going to start LAfyTkZ4dH0-00099-00057464-00057960 here and I'm going to fix this real quick. That's better. So the Women's Christian Temperance Union LAfyTkZ4dH0-00100-00057960-00058576 of Iowa City, our Iowa collection, can be found in the Iowa Women's Archives, and it's a huge LAfyTkZ4dH0-00101-00058576-00059128 collection, but also really important for this topic. And because this group is so prominent LAfyTkZ4dH0-00102-00059128-00059448 and important to the prohibition movement, I just want to give a quick background of them. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00103-00059528-00060255 This group which is still around today, is considered one of the first organizations of women LAfyTkZ4dH0-00104-00060255-00060728 devoted to social reform. They really started with temperance as their goal, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00105-00060872-00061416 as their main goal, but when the second president of the WCTU, Francis Willard, took over the group LAfyTkZ4dH0-00106-00061416-00061855 she brought with her the slogan, "do everything," and the group became heavily involved in other LAfyTkZ4dH0-00107-00061855-00062288 reform issues that came out at this time. This included women's suffrage, which was LAfyTkZ4dH0-00108-00062288-00062728 closely linked to movements of prohibition, prison reform, free kindergarten, and more. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00109-00062872-00063488 The group was officially declared at the National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in 1874, with the LAfyTkZ4dH0-00110-00063488-00064048 first national WCTU president being Annie Whitmer, who you see pictured here. Who was actually from LAfyTkZ4dH0-00111-00064048-00064608 Keokuk, Iowa. And I think the fact that there was an Iowan leading the charge on the national stage, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00112-00064608-00065055 that kind of helped Iowa be right there with her because Iowa's first state convention LAfyTkZ4dH0-00113-00065136-00065616 for the WCTU was held in 1874 as well, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00114-00065840-00066352 Under Ida B. Wise-Smith, the WCTU of Iowa joined other statewide temperance groups to LAfyTkZ4dH0-00115-00066352-00066824 lobby successfully for the reinstatement of prohibition in Iowa in 1916. Remember LAfyTkZ4dH0-00116-00066824-00067504 in 1882 we had passed this. Wise-Smith goes on to serve as the national president of the WCTU LAfyTkZ4dH0-00117-00067560-00068112 and under her, there was the repeal. She took over in 1933, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00118-00068112-00068496 which saw the repeal of the 18th amendment. She led the group during that time. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00119-00068760-00069208 So this collection is huge because it spans over 100 years of history right. And there are LAfyTkZ4dH0-00120-00069208-00069648 meeting notes and other things that are digitized and can be found on the Iowa Digital Library. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00121-00069752-00070304 There are writings in favor of amendment against liquor that date back from the 1800s. At this one LAfyTkZ4dH0-00122-00070304-00071232 picture in the middle here is from 1876. As long as with efforts for women's suffrage. There are LAfyTkZ4dH0-00123-00071232-00071728 scrapbooks filled end to end with newspaper clippings about alcohol in the state as well LAfyTkZ4dH0-00124-00071728-00072208 as WCTU's efforts for reform. There's also albums with local numbers and prominent national members LAfyTkZ4dH0-00125-00072208-00072984 photographs. If you are interested in prohibition in Iowa, this is a must-see collection. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00126-00073064-00073616 We also have the Iowa Authors Collection, and as you can probably tell this collection is all LAfyTkZ4dH0-00127-00073616-00074184 books written by iowans. And within this group there's a lot of authors that were big movers and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00128-00074184-00074760 shakers within the temperance movement here in Iowa, including again, Annie Whitmer, Whitmire, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00129-00074760-00075192 who you see here, and her book "History of the Women's Temperance Crusade." What makes LAfyTkZ4dH0-00130-00075192-00075600 this edition really interesting is that there's actually an introduction from Francis Willard, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00131-00075600-00076056 that second president who brought her slogan "do everything," and really change the organization. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00132-00076432-00077008 We also have works by Billy Sunday, including sermons and his book, "Get on the Water Wagon." LAfyTkZ4dH0-00133-00077064-00077640 Now I could have done a whole speech just about Billy Sunday. He was born in Story county Iowa, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00134-00077640-00078064 and grew up in extreme poverty, but he managed to leave Iowa and join major league baseballs LAfyTkZ4dH0-00135-00078064-00078552 in Chicago and Philadelphia, but he left the game to join the ministry, And he was LAfyTkZ4dH0-00136-00078552-00079064 extremely successful as a preacher at the time. One of the most successful preachers of his era, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00137-00079064-00079648 actually. Gaining a huge following especially here in the Midwest. Some stats show that he LAfyTkZ4dH0-00138-00079648-00080328 preached to maybe a hundred million people during his 40 years at the pulpit. He was known as the LAfyTkZ4dH0-00139-00080328-00080872 "fighting pastor," and a lot of the images that you see of Billy show him as in this aggressive LAfyTkZ4dH0-00140-00080872-00081600 stance like you see here on the on this screen. He really created this ferocious attack on alcohol LAfyTkZ4dH0-00141-00081600-00082136 saying it was "God's worst enemy and hell's best friend." And his speeches were full of fire and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00142-00082136-00082696 brimstone, but boy could he get an audience going. And because of this he had a large hand LAfyTkZ4dH0-00143-00082696-00083344 in Iowa going dry in 1916, as well as playing a role in getting the 18th amendment passed. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00144-00083656-00084048 The final collection I'm going to talk about today is Szachmary Culinary Collection. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00145-00084144-00084536 Now for those of you who don't know, this collection comes from Louis Szachmary was a LAfyTkZ4dH0-00146-00084536-00085056 famous chef. He owned the bakery in Chicago. Szachmary was also a huge Bibliophile. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00147-00085176-00085752 When he died UIowa received around 18,000 of his books manuscripts and pamphlets LAfyTkZ4dH0-00148-00085752-00086408 that have to do with food and drink. And so this collection includes several books of temperance LAfyTkZ4dH0-00149-00086408-00086888 and prohibition, as well as several cocktail books written and printed during prohibition. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00150-00086888-00087360 So what makes a lot of these books interesting to me is that they reveal about reveal the different LAfyTkZ4dH0-00151-00087360-00087920 tactics used by those in favor of prohibition. The books shown here rely heavily on the emotional LAfyTkZ4dH0-00152-00087920-00088440 impulses, showing the destruction of the nuclear family caused by alcohol. "Curse of the Drink" LAfyTkZ4dH0-00153-00088440-00088928 here depicts a mother wondering which bar her son is drunk at tonight on the cover, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00154-00088928-00089456 and when you open it up there's the poem that goes along with it that pulls up the heart strings. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00155-00089456-00090088 Right? And you see very similar images in "The Liquor Problem," which show a happy healthy family LAfyTkZ4dH0-00156-00090088-00090712 with prohibition, and a sad hungry destitute family when the bars are open. And you can LAfyTkZ4dH0-00157-00090712-00091184 kind of tell in this image that the city behind them with the bars open is literally on fire. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00158-00091568-00092056 Several of these books revealed the more nefarious and racist tactics in the name of prohibition. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00159-00092056-00092512 I mentioned at the beginning of this presentation that the KKK were invested in the Temperance LAfyTkZ4dH0-00160-00092512-00093128 movements. Racists used prohibition as a platform for white supremacy, utilizing images of the drunk LAfyTkZ4dH0-00161-00093128-00093672 African-American or Catholic to scare the white protestant reader into seeing drink as a danger LAfyTkZ4dH0-00162-00093672-00094304 to them, even if they were not the ones partaking in the drink. I want to give a content warning for LAfyTkZ4dH0-00163-00094304-00094656 some racist and biased rhetoric found in some of this material that I'll be talking about. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00164-00094896-00095376 One book titled "Alcohol, Hygiene, and Legislation" by Edward Huntington Williams, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00165-00095376-00095936 states that "all human beings have instinctive cravings for such substances as alcohol, tea, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00166-00095936-00096592 coffee, tobacco, or narcotic drugs, but it goes on since the vast majority of the persons do not LAfyTkZ4dH0-00167-00096592-00097176 crave excessive quantities, but simply enough to maintain mental equilibrium. We must consider this LAfyTkZ4dH0-00168-00097176-00097800 type as normal, and stamp as abnormal the person who indulges habitually in excessive quantities." LAfyTkZ4dH0-00169-00097944-00098536 As you continue reading though you realize that abnormal is code for foreign or not white. He LAfyTkZ4dH0-00170-00098536-00098984 manages to say that the increase in urban populations in city living have caused a rise LAfyTkZ4dH0-00171-00098984-00099544 in alcoholism, and then makes the leap to say that communities that sell alcohol have a bigger issue LAfyTkZ4dH0-00172-00099544-00100072 with cocaine. Stating that "black citizens must have one or the other," and that "just one dose LAfyTkZ4dH0-00173-00100072-00100616 of cocaine sends them into a homicidal frenzy responsible for most of the wholesale killings LAfyTkZ4dH0-00174-00100616-00101408 that have occurred in the south in recent years." This book came out in 1915, the same exact year LAfyTkZ4dH0-00175-00101408-00102080 as "Birth of the Nation," B.W Griffith's famous film that romanticizes antebellum south and LAfyTkZ4dH0-00176-00102080-00102608 depicts African Americans as unintelligent, sexual deviants. This film and books with racist rhetoric LAfyTkZ4dH0-00177-00102608-00103111 like this one helped revive the KKK, including here in Iowa, who just in case you forgot, was LAfyTkZ4dH0-00178-00103111-00103776 part of the union. The KKK extended past the south and into the midwest and the west in the 1920s, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00179-00103776-00104144 attracting white protestants who supported the clan's message of clean living, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00180-00104208-00104880 and to attack dope, bootlegging, nightclubs, sex, and other scandalous behavior. And these LAfyTkZ4dH0-00181-00104880-00105432 tactics weren't going unseen at the time. In another book from 1928 found in this collection, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00182-00105432-00105968 "The Case of Whiskey" by George Howell, the author points out to the groups like the anti-saloon LAfyTkZ4dH0-00183-00105968-00106383 league were using the klan to get support from southern states for their own ends. He condemns LAfyTkZ4dH0-00184-00106383-00106880 these actions and the rise of such menacing groups in America, and ends this chapter with this gnome, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00185-00107024-00107504 "our gravest danger today is that the large majority of our voters, occupied with LAfyTkZ4dH0-00186-00107504-00108032 minding each his own business, shall by this laissez-faire attitude toward public issues, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00187-00108032-00108504 give over the reins of our government to the glamorous minority of fanatics LAfyTkZ4dH0-00188-00108504-00108768 who have organized to mind the other man's business." LAfyTkZ4dH0-00189-00109104-00109696 "The Case for Whiskey" is rare because it's one of the few books in the collection supporting LAfyTkZ4dH0-00190-00109696-00110183 alcohol at this time. While there are a lot of temperance writings in this collection, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00191-00110183-00110552 there's a genre of book in this collection that challenges these dry writings. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00192-00110552-00110944 And that is a cocktail book that was published during the prohibition era. To me this feels LAfyTkZ4dH0-00193-00110944-00111400 like like a cheeky move that authors used and like thumbing their nose at prohibition if you LAfyTkZ4dH0-00194-00111400-00111920 will. I can't make these drinks anymore, but i'll certainly write about them. Some of these books LAfyTkZ4dH0-00195-00111920-00112511 talk about drinks from famous establishments in New York clubs, some contain favorite drinks of LAfyTkZ4dH0-00196-00112511-00112952 celebrities, and some include rather curious and questionable histories about certain cocktails. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00197-00113104-00113552 One of my favorites is "The Bon Vivant's Companion" from 1933, which was privately LAfyTkZ4dH0-00198-00113552-00114008 published by George Zabrinski, who was a prominent member of the New York Historical Society. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00199-00114064-00114568 It was a Christmas gift for his friends that year. What makes this one so interesting though is the LAfyTkZ4dH0-00200-00114568-00115280 last line of his introduction. "Howsomever, here's to you- the 18th amendment will soon be a dream. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00201-00115280-00115680 Drink hearty, and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." LAfyTkZ4dH0-00202-00115920-00116208 But my real favorite, and it's strictly for the title, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00203-00116208-00116768 is "Giggle Water" from 1928. This book actually has a section on homemade gin, LAfyTkZ4dH0-00204-00116768-00117104 and how you can make gin to taste like some of your favorites from days of yours. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00205-00117168-00117783 To me these cocktail books seem gutsy and brazen, a form of resistance in their own way. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00206-00118192-00118592 This was just a sampling of the material in our collection. There is so much more LAfyTkZ4dH0-00207-00118592-00119216 to be had. I didn't even get to mayo Emma Haverts, Harvat, sorry, collection in IWA. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00208-00119216-00119559 The mayor of Iowa City who fought against the flapper movement and bootleggers. I didn't get LAfyTkZ4dH0-00209-00119559-00120224 to judge uh William Kenyon's papers or John Calhoun who both were against repeal in 1933. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00210-00120328-00120864 But I hope what I did show you, you enjoyed. And I hope that you also take away that prohibition LAfyTkZ4dH0-00211-00120864-00121320 is a large and complicated topic. More than just drinking and not drinking. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00212-00121320-00121983 It reaches deep into several underlying issues, that still impacts this country. LAfyTkZ4dH0-00213-00122048-00122448 And if you want to know more about this topic, Special Collections is happy to help you explore LAfyTkZ4dH0-00214-00122448-00122896 these and other collections more deeply, but also be sure to check out some great online resources LAfyTkZ4dH0-00215-00122896-00123344 put out there by the State Historical Society of Iowa and Iowa PBS on this subject, which I'll LAfyTkZ4dH0-00216-00123344-00123959 be sure to link to in the description when we get this on Youtube. So thank you, and cheers. LB7mVflZB9M-00000-00000000-00001396 Idiyappam / String Hoppers 10 LB7mVflZB9M-00002-00005194-00006098 First Crumble the Idiyappam LB7mVflZB9M-00003-00006098-00007170 Heat Oil in a Pan, Add Mustard, Jeera and let it splutter LB7mVflZB9M-00004-00007484-00009130 Add Chunna Dal, Urad Dal, Cashews, Peanuts and saute LB7mVflZB9M-00006-00013686-00016418 Now Off the Stove and add Lemon Juice and mix well. Check Salt LB7mVflZB9M-00007-00016418-00017958 Now Add Crumbled Idiyappam and mix well the masala and Garnish with Coriander Leaves LB7mVflZB9M-00008-00017958-00019302 Lemon Idiyappam is ready. Enjoy, Like, Comment and Subscribe. LB7mVflZB9M-00009-00019302-00020016 Thanks For Watching LEOxRLyY3Sg-00000-00002004-00002802 Good day, I'm Brian Ferrill, and welcome to PACE-IT's session on analyzing monitoring reports. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00001-00002802-00003300 Today, I'm going to talk about baseline reports and then I'm going to move onto just LEOxRLyY3Sg-00002-00003300-00003805 reports in general. I have a fair amount of ground to cover and not a whole lot of time, LEOxRLyY3Sg-00003-00003805-00004141 so let's go ahead and jump into this session. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00004-00004186-00004626 Of course, I'm going to begin by talking about baselines. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00005-00004626-00005212 How do you know what constitutes good network performance and what indicates that an issue LEOxRLyY3Sg-00006-00005212-00005800 is about to happen? This is where baseline documentation comes into play. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00007-00005800-00006554 Baseline documentation provides a snapshot of the network when it is running efficiently, at least hopefully LEOxRLyY3Sg-00008-00006554-00007216 when it's running efficiently. Baselines are usually kept as a log file. At the minimum, LEOxRLyY3Sg-00009-00007216-00007970 baselines should be established on CPU utilization and network bandwidth utilization. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00010-00007970-00008506 You may also baseline other functions as you deem them to be relevant. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00011-00008506-00009188 Network administrators should perform periodic tests against the baseline to check to see LEOxRLyY3Sg-00012-00009188-00009820 if the baseline has changed. They will change over time. In order for network administrators LEOxRLyY3Sg-00013-00009820-00010317 to know what constitutes good performance on their network, their baselines need to LEOxRLyY3Sg-00014-00010317-00011096 be current. You can use Windows Performance Monitor to help establish the baselines for your network. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00015-00011096-00011381 Let's talk about some of the items that should LEOxRLyY3Sg-00016-00011381-00012203 be considered for baseline reports. First up, is network device CPU utilization. Knowing LEOxRLyY3Sg-00017-00012203-00012782 the CPU utilization on a piece of equipment can help to determine when a network device LEOxRLyY3Sg-00018-00012782-00013584 is going to fail. If your CPU utilization is constantly at 100 percent, you know there's a problem. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00019-00013584-00014045 That problem may be that it's going to fail, or it may be that you need to install LEOxRLyY3Sg-00020-00014045-00014606 more network devices to take care of a growing network. You won't really know that if you're LEOxRLyY3Sg-00021-00014606-00015008 not baselining the CPU utilization. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00022-00015008-00015654 Network device memory utilization should also be baselined. It can help to determine when LEOxRLyY3Sg-00023-00015655-00016078 it is time to expand the memory of a network device. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00024-00016078-00016808 A good item for baselining is bandwidth utilization. This can help to determine the overall health LEOxRLyY3Sg-00025-00016808-00017320 of a network. It can help to determine when network segmentation should occur. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00026-00017320-00018010 It can also help to determine if a network device is about to fail, particularly if it's creating LEOxRLyY3Sg-00027-00018011-00018603 a storm of data. Baseline utilization reports can help in identifying LEOxRLyY3Sg-00028-00018603-00018918 when a security breach has occurred. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00029-00018918-00019431 You might want to consider baselining your storage device utilization. This can help LEOxRLyY3Sg-00030-00019431-00019981 to determine when storage utilization has become a bottleneck on the network, where LEOxRLyY3Sg-00031-00019981-00020444 your storage device is actually causing the network to slow down because there's too much LEOxRLyY3Sg-00032-00020444-00020988 data being pushed into it, which means that baselining your storage utilization can help LEOxRLyY3Sg-00033-00020988-00021492 determine when to increase the storage capacity of that network. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00034-00021492-00022138 You might also want to baseline your wireless channel utilization. This can help to determine LEOxRLyY3Sg-00035-00022138-00022753 how saturated the wireless channels have become. Once it's been determined that your wireless LEOxRLyY3Sg-00036-00022753-00023403 channels are saturated, a new wireless access point can be installed to alleviate the pressure, LEOxRLyY3Sg-00037-00023403-00023997 and then you need to create a new baseline for wireless channel utilization. This baseline LEOxRLyY3Sg-00038-00023997-00024689 can also help to determine if there is unauthorized wireless access occurring on your wireless LEOxRLyY3Sg-00039-00024689-00025355 network, especially if there is utilization on a channel that is not supposed to have any utilization. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00040-00025416-00025798 Now, let's move on to analyzing reports. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00041-00025798-00026427 Before we talk about analyzing reports, let's talk about log file management. Log files LEOxRLyY3Sg-00042-00026427-00027088 can accumulate data quickly and, unfortunately, some administrators only review log files LEOxRLyY3Sg-00043-00027088-00027820 after a major problem has occurred. In most situations, this is a case of too much information LEOxRLyY3Sg-00044-00027820-00028393 at the wrong time. Good administrators will set the proper reporting levels with their LEOxRLyY3Sg-00045-00028393-00029124 logging software. They won't be logging all that debug information, that level seven information, LEOxRLyY3Sg-00046-00029124-00029738 unless, of course, they're actively debugging a system or application. Good administrators LEOxRLyY3Sg-00047-00029738-00030389 will review log files and compare them against their baseline documentation. They do this LEOxRLyY3Sg-00048-00030389-00030950 to find issues, while the issues are still minor and before they become major. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00049-00030950-00031668 Log files should also be kept and archived in case there is a need for historical data. When you do LEOxRLyY3Sg-00050-00031668-00032304 archive your log files, you should follow the organization's data storage policy. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00051-00032304-00032887 Something to consider is that you may want to create running graphs of important metrics LEOxRLyY3Sg-00052-00032887-00033452 that are captured by log files. Graphing the data gives a quick visual reference, making LEOxRLyY3Sg-00053-00033452-00034066 it easier to spot issues and trends. Many logging applications give the administrator LEOxRLyY3Sg-00054-00034066-00034627 the option of creating those graphs easily and quickly but, then again, they don't do LEOxRLyY3Sg-00055-00034627-00035152 you any good if you don't review them on a regular basis. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00056-00035152-00035606 If you're having an issues with a router or link, one of the first things that you want LEOxRLyY3Sg-00057-00035606-00036159 to do is you want to run an interface report. Now, when you're reviewing the output from LEOxRLyY3Sg-00058-00036159-00036867 the interface report, the first line is usually a report on the status of the link for that interface. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00059-00036868-00037391 If it says something like, -fast Ethernet is up, line protocol is up,- that's LEOxRLyY3Sg-00060-00037391-00037952 all good. That means that interface is up and active, and a link has been established. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00061-00037952-00038743 If it says, -fast Ethernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is down.-Guess what? All is not good. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00062-00038743-00039324 The interface is administratively set up, but it is not able to communicate with the LEOxRLyY3Sg-00063-00039324-00039880 other end of the link. There are several different issues that may be the cause there. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00064-00039880-00040620 If that first line says, -fast Ethernet 0/0 is down, line protocol is up,- all is not good. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00065-00040620-00041255 This down, up status indicates that there is an issue on your end of the connection. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00066-00041255-00041877 In most cases, that's going to be a cable issue or with the physical port itself. Your LEOxRLyY3Sg-00067-00041878-00042662 final status option is, -fast Ethernet is down, line protocol is down.- If you see that, LEOxRLyY3Sg-00068-00042662-00043227 all is not good, but also, all is not bad, at least, not yet. The issue here is that LEOxRLyY3Sg-00069-00043227-00043846 the interface has been administratively shut down. If you want that interface up, you need LEOxRLyY3Sg-00070-00043846-00044402 to issue the command to bring that interface up, and then check the status report again. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00071-00044402-00044950 If the link status of the interface indicates that there are no problems, as in it's in LEOxRLyY3Sg-00072-00044950-00045608 an up and up state, but something is not operating correctly, then it's time to dig a little LEOxRLyY3Sg-00073-00045608-00046162 bit deeper into that interface monitoring report. There are a lot of things that can LEOxRLyY3Sg-00074-00046162-00046796 happen on a network device's interface to cause issues. In most cases, you will be required LEOxRLyY3Sg-00075-00046796-00047447 to log into the device and run the device's report to determine the cause of any problems LEOxRLyY3Sg-00076-00047447-00047978 on that interface. One of the main culprits for creating an issue on an interface are LEOxRLyY3Sg-00077-00047978-00048620 speed and duplex settings. If there's a speed mismatch, the devices will not connect. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00078-00048620-00049304 It's highly likely that your status will be in an up line protocol, down state. If a duplex LEOxRLyY3Sg-00079-00049305-00049959 mismatch has occurred, this will cause intermittent issues. You will need to look at the errors LEOxRLyY3Sg-00080-00049959-00050733 counter in the output or input reports. You also need to look at the counter for dropped packets. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00081-00050748-00051341 If the device is discarding incoming packets, then, more than likely, the device's CPU is LEOxRLyY3Sg-00082-00051341-00051943 being overutilized, so you may need another device or that device is about to fail. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00083-00051944-00052694 If the device is dropping outgoing packets, then there is a bandwidth congestion issue on that interface. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00084-00052694-00053200 If the interface resets counter keeps going up, that means that the interface LEOxRLyY3Sg-00085-00053200-00053825 keeps resetting itself. The most likely cause is a communications issue between the two LEOxRLyY3Sg-00086-00053825-00054263 endpoints that's forcing that interface to reset. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00087-00054263-00054982 Now, that concludes this session on analyzing monitoring reports. I briefly talked about LEOxRLyY3Sg-00088-00054982-00055637 baseline reports and then I moved on to other reports that you should be analyzing to take LEOxRLyY3Sg-00089-00055637-00056273 care of problems before they occur. On behalf of PACE-IT, thank you for watching this session. LEOxRLyY3Sg-00090-00056273-00056479 I hope you watch another one soon. LFowRmT3jWM-00000-00000000-00000184 Hi there! I'm Hong-hee Kim. LFowRmT3jWM-00001-00000264-00000702 From today, I will talk about photography-related topics. LFowRmT3jWM-00002-00000729-00001004 When you hear the word "photo," LFowRmT3jWM-00003-00001032-00001440 I guess you think about using cameras first. LFowRmT3jWM-00004-00001496-00001898 Are using cameras and dong photography really the same? LFowRmT3jWM-00005-00001912-00002068 I think they are slightly different. LFowRmT3jWM-00006-00002080-00002678 People learn about how to use cameras and think they're learning photography. LFowRmT3jWM-00007-00002678-00003038 Learning about how to use cameras is learning about the machine. LFowRmT3jWM-00008-00003038-00003728 Studying photography has more things to do with the humanities, philosophy, the history of culture and art, or art itself. LFowRmT3jWM-00009-00003728-00004102 I think studying these subjects would be more helpful for you to do photography. LFowRmT3jWM-00010-00004112-00004418 Of course, learning about cameras is helpful. LFowRmT3jWM-00011-00004476-00004970 However, as a photographer, you will become frustrated at some point once you've only learned about cameras. LFowRmT3jWM-00012-00004982-00005354 You'll find yourself taking the same photos without making any progress. LFowRmT3jWM-00013-00005398-00005860 There are some photographers who travel and take photos. LFowRmT3jWM-00014-00005950-00006346 Say, to take photos of polar lights, Suncheon Bay or something. LFowRmT3jWM-00015-00006346-00006673 They travel across the country to take photos. LFowRmT3jWM-00016-00006673-00006876 I'm not just talking about travel photographers. LFowRmT3jWM-00017-00006944-00007240 Other than travel photographers, LFowRmT3jWM-00018-00007258-00007881 there are a lot of photographers who try to find best places or subjects to take good photos. LFowRmT3jWM-00019-00007881-00008194 They end up falling into materialism or they only focus on subject matters LFowRmT3jWM-00020-00008208-00008519 They don't take photos without a specific subject matter. LFowRmT3jWM-00021-00008520-00009012 They only focus on subject matters rather than themes. LFowRmT3jWM-00022-00009012-00009407 You should do photography with your own thought LFowRmT3jWM-00023-00009407-00009727 You should have your own theme in your photography works. LFowRmT3jWM-00024-00009727-00009961 You should think about how to do so. LFowRmT3jWM-00025-00009962-00010324 You should think about how to keep doing photography in 10 or 20 years LFowRmT3jWM-00026-00010324-00010936 so you can progress and develop your career as a photographer LFowRmT3jWM-00027-00010988-00011328 I will talk about those kinds of things in this YouTube channel. LFowRmT3jWM-00028-00011364-00011954 What I talk in this YouTube channel is based on my book "How to Take Photographs Well" LFowRmT3jWM-00029-00011954-00012510 which was published by Gim Yeongsa publishing company. LFowRmT3jWM-00030-00012614-00013212 This book has two chapters under the title "The Photography's Way." LFowRmT3jWM-00031-00013212-00013712 and the other two chapters under the title "The Photographer's Way." LFowRmT3jWM-00032-00013736-00014048 I will talk about those topics separately. LFowRmT3jWM-00033-00014048-00014148 Today, LFowRmT3jWM-00034-00014172-00014430 I'm going to talk about photography and cameras. LFowRmT3jWM-00035-00014430-00014518 For example, LFowRmT3jWM-00036-00014519-00014826 as an analogy, a photographer who can use a camera the right way is like LFowRmT3jWM-00037-00014826-00015146 a calligrapher who can use a pen the right way. LFowRmT3jWM-00038-00015146-00015334 Of course, you're likely to handwrite well when you know how to use a pen the right way. LFowRmT3jWM-00039-00015334-00015597 However, even if you study the kinds of pens, say, LFowRmT3jWM-00040-00015624-00015861 a long pen, a short pen, LFowRmT3jWM-00041-00015861-00016154 a hair brush pen, a tip brush pen LFowRmT3jWM-00042-00016154-00016460 there are so many kinds of pens, LFowRmT3jWM-00043-00016460-00016754 even if you study the kinds of pens, LFowRmT3jWM-00044-00016754-00017051 you won't be good at calligraphy or photography. LFowRmT3jWM-00045-00017051-00017283 Of course, you will be knowledgeable about it. LFowRmT3jWM-00046-00017284-00017450 Even if you learn about cameras or the functions, LFowRmT3jWM-00047-00017450-00017608 your photography won't get better. LFowRmT3jWM-00048-00017608-00018328 Of course, I think learning about cameras, the functions, lenses is important. LFowRmT3jWM-00049-00018328-00018414 But, LFowRmT3jWM-00050-00018416-00018850 that is not enough for you to take good photographs. LFowRmT3jWM-00051-00018850-00019316 From today, I will talk about the related-topics in detail LFowRmT3jWM-00052-00019316-00019616 and share things with you. LFowRmT3jWM-00053-00019644-00020248 Furthermore, photography is a socially active, socially practical, and socially participatory medium. LFowRmT3jWM-00054-00020248-00021132 I will also talk about how to approach to social issues through photography. LFowRmT3jWM-00055-00021144-00021370 That's it for today. Thank you. LFoCpB_vtbg-00000-00000000-00000520 INTJ Personality Traits – An In-depth look at their personality and thinking LFoCpB_vtbg-00001-00000520-00000672 MBTI Personality Test LFV204YQ68U-00000-00000095-00000597 Encyclopedias provide summaries and introductions to your research topic. LFV204YQ68U-00001-00000597-00001161 Kirk-Othmer, Ullmann’s, and Wikipedia are helpful encyclopedia for Chemistry. LFV204YQ68U-00002-00001161-00001768 However, Wikipedia is generally not used or cited in academic writing. LFV204YQ68U-00003-00001768-00002183 But Wikipedia does give you a nice overview to help you get started. LFV204YQ68U-00004-00002183-00002511 Here’s Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. LFV204YQ68U-00005-00002511-00003497 I’m interested in polystyrene degradation. LFV204YQ68U-00006-00003497-00004029 Enter the search terms. LFV204YQ68U-00007-00004029-00004173 There are a number of results. LFV204YQ68U-00008-00004173-00005197 Let’s look at this full text article. LFV204YQ68U-00009-00005197-00005730 This is a long article, so I’m going to find the relevant sections by searching for LFV204YQ68U-00010-00005730-00005919 my topic term degradation. LFV204YQ68U-00011-00005919-00006909 I hit Command+F on a Mac or Control+F on a PC. LFV204YQ68U-00012-00006909-00007306 Degradation is mentioned 8 times in this article. LFV204YQ68U-00013-00007306-00008015 Let’s jump from one excerpt to another. LFV204YQ68U-00014-00008015-00008254 Notice these numbered references? LFV204YQ68U-00015-00008254-00008903 Click on them to find the helpful books and journal articles the article references. LFV204YQ68U-00016-00008903-00009303 Click on the link to find the reference. LFV204YQ68U-00017-00009303-00009414 Final tip. LFV204YQ68U-00018-00009414-00009974 As you’re reading the article, look for alternative terms or phrasings of your topic LFV204YQ68U-00019-00009974-00010196 that can help you in your future searches. LHZChXb12Ny-00000-00000000-00001934 Corn Silk / Hair is good for Kidney Problems. It is also good for Prostate and urinary tract infections. Generally it is also used to treat Diabetes, Blood pressure, High Cholesterol and so on LHZChXb12Ny-00001-00001934-00002852 Corn silk of 1 Corn LHZChXb12Ny-00003-00006454-00008538 Water 2 Glasses LHZChXb12Ny-00004-00008538-00009304 Garlic 2 pods crushed and Jeera little for the flavour LHZChXb12Ny-00005-00009304-00012028 Add Corn Silk, Garlic and Jeera to the Water and boil it for sometime until it reduces to 1- 1 and 1/2 Glass LHZChXb12Ny-00006-00012028-00013994 This contains Carbohydrates, Fiber, Potassium and other vitamins and minerals LHZChXb12Ny-00007-00013994-00015454 Generally it is also used to treat Diabetes, Blood pressure, High Cholesterol and so on LHZChXb12Ny-00008-00015454-00016056 This Soup can be taken on empty stomach especially those who are suffering from kidney stone problems LHZChXb12Ny-00011-00022274-00023280 Thanks for watching LNjWvuLia5I-00000-00001588-00001900 The Gossip Seba returns LNjWvuLia5I-00001-00001900-00002546 with a new episode of the most scandalous things that happened in the land of the rising sun LNjWvuLia5I-00002-00002546-00002784 are you ready to see them? LNjWvuLia5I-00003-00002784-00002978 Hi guys I'm Sebastiano Serafini LNjWvuLia5I-00004-00002978-00003234 if you're new to this channel, don't forget to subscribe LNjWvuLia5I-00005-00003234-00003624 to turn on the notifications, to leave a comment, a like and to share this video! LNjWvuLia5I-00006-00003636-00003915 This is the second video of Gossip with Seba LNjWvuLia5I-00007-00003915-00004308 we are like at the second part of this bulletin board LNjWvuLia5I-00008-00004308-00004564 because the other video reached over 10.000 views^^ LNjWvuLia5I-00009-00004564-00004798 and I said wow, you really are interestend in japanese Gossip LNjWvuLia5I-00010-00004888-00005044 so, I searched LNjWvuLia5I-00011-00005108-00005426 and I found other 5 marvellous Gossip LNjWvuLia5I-00012-00005426-00005842 and I assure you these five are also very funny! LNjWvuLia5I-00013-00005842-00006064 at the same level, as the wig happen in the previous one LNjWvuLia5I-00014-00006064-00006300 for those who didn't see it before, I show you the wig scene LNjWvuLia5I-00015-00006784-00007062 ok, so welcome back here LNjWvuLia5I-00016-00007062-00007226 now, let's begin with the top 5! LNjWvuLia5I-00017-00007226-00007852 unfortunately, I can't remember all the names, so I'm going to use my fantastic cellphone LNjWvuLia5I-00018-00007864-00008020 please don't hate me for this! LNjWvuLia5I-00019-00008020-00008270 let's begin with the 5th position LNjWvuLia5I-00020-00008270-00008718 this one is not such a big scandal, but it's funny LNjWvuLia5I-00021-00008748-00009166 because also you could have worn these T-shirts, like these two: LNjWvuLia5I-00022-00009176-00009646 Ai Takahashi from Morning Musume and Osamu Mukai LNjWvuLia5I-00023-00009646-00009846 they've worn T-Shirts with written -- LNjWvuLia5I-00024-00009962-00010128 and the other -- LNjWvuLia5I-00025-00010230-00010494 and you can buy them, I leave you the link, LNjWvuLia5I-00026-00010494-00010718 because you need to have these t-Shirts! LNjWvuLia5I-00027-00010718-00011466 the best is when Morning Musume hold an interview LNjWvuLia5I-00028-00011466-00011898 and like every time they tried to blur the written LNjWvuLia5I-00029-00011962-00012376 (for the people that don't know what that sentece mean, I'm not going to translate it for you) LNjWvuLia5I-00031-00012550-00013430 they tried to film only her face, so that the people couldn't read the writing LNjWvuLia5I-00032-00013462-00013688 let's continue with the 4th position: LNjWvuLia5I-00033-00013688-00013938 here we have the scandal of Maeda Atsuko, LNjWvuLia5I-00034-00013956-00014763 she is like first member that entered in the group AKB48 LNjWvuLia5I-00035-00014763-00015116 she basically graduated LNjWvuLia5I-00036-00015138-00015658 and after that she continued to work as idol, actress, and so on... LNjWvuLia5I-00037-00015884-00016326 and for her graduation, they made a party for her LNjWvuLia5I-00038-00016326-00016590 and I think she drank to much LNjWvuLia5I-00039-00016590-00016978 as you can see from this beautiful picture... LNjWvuLia5I-00040-00016978-00017358 then her friend Takeru Sato came LNjWvuLia5I-00041-00017358-00017536 (they confirmed that they're only friends) LNjWvuLia5I-00042-00017546-00018194 and he carried her home, but the funny thing was not so much the photo LNjWvuLia5I-00043-00018316-00018874 but the whole collection of meme's that people did, based on that photo... LNjWvuLia5I-00044-00018882-00019192 so, now I will show you a gallery, of the best pictures! LNjWvuLia5I-00045-00019192-00019418 with also some background music LNjWvuLia5I-00047-00019890-00020530 maybe these two scandals weren't so good, so let's go on with the top 3 - a much better one! LNjWvuLia5I-00049-00020656-00020922 we have Koda Kumi, unfortunatly I couldn't find the video, LNjWvuLia5I-00050-00020922-00021236 but what did she say? just before she got pregnant LNjWvuLia5I-00051-00021236-00021712 she said that she wants a child before she turns 30, otherwise her womb will smell... LNjWvuLia5I-00054-00022226-00022830 well, I don't understand where she picked up this thing^^ and to talk about that in an interview! LNjWvuLia5I-00055-00022830-00023030 but yeah, she needed to apologize LNjWvuLia5I-00056-00023032-00023336 because in Japan you need always to apologize, if you do something wrong LNjWvuLia5I-00057-00023368-00023712 I don't know if she did truthfully apologize or not...but yeah, this one is a funny thing LNjWvuLia5I-00058-00023712-00024038 I only found this video and it's not the one where she apologized LNjWvuLia5I-00059-00024052-00024384 (in tears Koda Kumi did apologize many times) LNjWvuLia5I-00060-00025050-00025683 Koda Kumi is the one that sang "real me" or "what can I do for you" - in FF X2 LNjWvuLia5I-00061-00025683-00026014 if you do such things in Japan, for like some months you can't work LNjWvuLia5I-00062-00026018-00026695 it's not like in Italy, that when you do something scandalous, you're more famous than before LNjWvuLia5I-00063-00026695-00027000 in Japan if you do a scandal, for some time you can't work. LNjWvuLia5I-00064-00027000-00027239 let's go on with number 2! LNjWvuLia5I-00065-00027239-00027518 this one involves another ex Morning Musume member LNjWvuLia5I-00066-00027518-00027850 Mari Yaguchi, she is like this high LNjWvuLia5I-00067-00027850-00028000 1,50meters... LNjWvuLia5I-00068-00028000-00028450 she did marry this really handsome man, Masaya Makamura LNjWvuLia5I-00069-00028450-00028639 he is an 1.90m high actor LNjWvuLia5I-00070-00028695-00029077 in their wedding photo the high difference was huge! LNjWvuLia5I-00071-00029077-00029327 (a bit like my mum and dad) LNjWvuLia5I-00072-00029344-00029918 and she did betray him with another actor Kenzo Umeda LNjWvuLia5I-00073-00029918-00030308 but what happened? one day Masaya returned back home LNjWvuLia5I-00074-00030308-00030808 and he like returned right when the crime scene was happening LNjWvuLia5I-00075-00030838-00031377 well, he understood right away that she betrayed him LNjWvuLia5I-00076-00031388-00031906 and what did happen? he saw someone hiding in the wardrobe^^ seems like a movie! LNjWvuLia5I-00077-00031906-00032754 in the wardrobe there was Kenzo naked and Masaya did order him to ask for forgiveness on his knees LNjWvuLia5I-00078-00032754-00033012 and then he recorded everything... LNjWvuLia5I-00079-00033024-00033272 well, I don't know whose scandal is... LNjWvuLia5I-00080-00033272-00033670 Mari's betraying, Masaya taking photos or Kenzo naked LNjWvuLia5I-00081-00033670-00034106 well the photos never came out, but there are drawings of that scene... LNjWvuLia5I-00082-00034106-00034242 the best thing about scandals on tv, LNjWvuLia5I-00083-00034242-00034504 is that they can't show the photos, LNjWvuLia5I-00084-00034504-00034714 so they draw some very funny cartoons LNjWvuLia5I-00085-00034948-00035244 I show you the drawing on full screen! LNjWvuLia5I-00086-00035334-00035642 beautiful, this will be probably be the cover of this video LNjWvuLia5I-00087-00035642-00035932 let's talk about the number one LNjWvuLia5I-00088-00035932-00036238 this is like the most funny thing that happened LNjWvuLia5I-00089-00036238-00036548 we speak about Ryutaro Nonomura LNjWvuLia5I-00090-00036548-00036896 he was a former politician LNjWvuLia5I-00091-00036896-00037136 he did a little trickery LNjWvuLia5I-00092-00037136-00037298 like our italian politician... LNjWvuLia5I-00094-00037612-00037986 in one year he travelled over 195 countries, LNjWvuLia5I-00095-00037986-00038440 with 3 millions of yen, coming out of nowhere LNjWvuLia5I-00097-00038748-00039126 he took like these 3 million yen from pubblic money LNjWvuLia5I-00098-00039126-00039374 and he used them for his personal travel expences, LNjWvuLia5I-00099-00039374-00039726 well I don't really understood what he said in the apologize video LNjWvuLia5I-00100-00039726-00039984 because it was very hard to understand him LNjWvuLia5I-00101-00039984-00040318 we talk about 22.000€, not billions of € LNjWvuLia5I-00102-00040326-00040714 but, the most funny thing is his video where he apologizes LNjWvuLia5I-00103-00040788-00041094 let's watch a piece together LNjWvuLia5I-00104-00041860-00042272 and the funny thing is, after this video...let's re-watch it LNjWvuLia5I-00105-00042790-00043182 after this video of shouting and crying LNjWvuLia5I-00106-00043182-00043462 a lot of meme's came out LNjWvuLia5I-00108-00043608-00043812 I can put another gallery LNjWvuLia5I-00109-00043896-00044104 one, better than the other! LNjWvuLia5I-00111-00044408-00044938 and like people took purikura (photo booth), inspired by him LNjWvuLia5I-00112-00044994-00045246 well, these where today's 5 scandals LNjWvuLia5I-00113-00045246-00045504 let me know which scandal is your favourite among these 5 LNjWvuLia5I-00114-00045504-00045896 if you want other scandals, I will do another one LNjWvuLia5I-00115-00045896-00046126 let me know in the comments! LNjWvuLia5I-00116-00046126-00046310 See you tomorrow at 2pm (GMT+1) with another video! LNjWvuLia5I-00117-00046310-00046738 share this video and don't forget to subscribe and to turn on notifications! LNjWvuLia5I-00118-00046768-00047064 Thank you so much for all the support! this channel is increasing, only because of you! LNjWvuLia5I-00119-00047064-00047438 I adore you all very much! see you! bye LP40tP8v5QM-00000-00000008-00000509 Welcome to the Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with LP40tP8v5QM-00001-00000509-00001050 Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see it if this is your LP40tP8v5QM-00002-00001050-00001524 first time here and you're interested in learning how to straight razor shave go LP40tP8v5QM-00003-00001524-00001959 ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the bell next to it to be LP40tP8v5QM-00004-00001959-00002364 notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a thing LP40tP8v5QM-00005-00002364-00003024 I do Shave Of The Day videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by and LP40tP8v5QM-00006-00003024-00003627 check it out all right now in tonight's Straight Razor Edge Friday Special How LP40tP8v5QM-00007-00003627-00004137 To Fixing the Alignment on Your Straight Razor all right LP40tP8v5QM-00008-00004137-00004878 VanDelosSantos asked: Please make a video about how to fix the alignment of LP40tP8v5QM-00009-00004878-00005621 the 208 where the blade hits the side of the scales thanks! Thank you for such a LP40tP8v5QM-00010-00005621-00006465 good question and let's do it this is the 208, Gold Dollar 208 that is LP40tP8v5QM-00011-00006465-00007545 in question alright and if I close it you can see it is trying to hit on this LP40tP8v5QM-00012-00007545-00008652 side right there okay and just to make this even more clear if I do that like LP40tP8v5QM-00013-00008652-00009684 this look at that that blade is crooked now you could take everything apart pull LP40tP8v5QM-00014-00009684-00010529 this pin apart do some alignment work on the pins but this is a very inexpensive LP40tP8v5QM-00015-00010529-00011464 razor these are plastic or celluloid scales and what we can do with that yes LP40tP8v5QM-00016-00011464-00012228 we can break out the quintessential heat gun from the 1800s all right LP40tP8v5QM-00017-00012228-00012878 just kind of give you an idea what we're working with this is 1500 watts and of LP40tP8v5QM-00018-00012878-00013166 course every good blacksmith would have had one LP40tP8v5QM-00019-00013166-00014061 back in the 1800s now I'm gonna push that blade over and close it we're gonna LP40tP8v5QM-00020-00014061-00014897 hold it and we're gonna heat up this hinge pin area all right so let's do LP40tP8v5QM-00021-00014897-00015457 this LP40tP8v5QM-00022-00018635-00019545 alright now we've got that pretty warm so now I am just going to twist that blade LP40tP8v5QM-00023-00019545-00020277 this way to get it into the center alright yeah and let's see how we're LP40tP8v5QM-00024-00020277-00020480 doing LP40tP8v5QM-00025-00020537-00021660 okay check that out that is now centered on these scales really good so all we LP40tP8v5QM-00026-00021660-00022572 did we heated up the hinge pin side I torqued it in the direction that it LP40tP8v5QM-00027-00022572-00023573 needed to go yeah there they are check that out that is really fairly LP40tP8v5QM-00028-00023573-00024501 well centered okay and that's all there is to it with one of these as long as LP40tP8v5QM-00029-00024501-00025311 you have some kind of plastic or celluloid scales this is now going to be LP40tP8v5QM-00030-00025311-00026385 fine that is centered right in there where it needs to be and that looks like LP40tP8v5QM-00031-00026385-00026945 it's gonna work all right hopefully you found that helpful thanks for so much LP40tP8v5QM-00032-00026945-00027689 for stopping by you can click right up here to see my last Straight Razor Edge Friday Special which LP40tP8v5QM-00033-00027689-00028370 is a Blooming Lathering Review all right hey thank you so much really appreciate LP40tP8v5QM-00034-00028370-00028877 it in all you do for me you can click right over here to see my latest video LP40tP8v5QM-00035-00028877-00029295 click down here on a video especially picked out for you click over here on me LP40tP8v5QM-00036-00029295-00029787 Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this Video with your friends have a Great Shave in LP40tP8v5QM-00037-00029787-00030427 a Good Day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving! LPMPl-oj3iu-00000-00000193-00000315 unicycle high-level LPMPl-oj3iu-00001-00000315-00000677 2015 sample pack one question month sets question LPMPl-oj3iu-00002-00000677-00001019 and you do then diagram corners ready LPMPl-oj3iu-00003-00001019-00001396 with PQ are or the drawn LPMPl-oj3iu-00004-00001396-00001767 elements included and healthy outside LPMPl-oj3iu-00005-00001767-00002258 universal set as well this ask you to LPMPl-oj3iu-00006-00002258-00002941 social question asking to list elements but that means here LPMPl-oj3iu-00007-00002941-00003285 what numbers what elements are inside each of the LPMPl-oj3iu-00008-00003285-00003650 describes sets or subsets so LPMPl-oj3iu-00009-00003650-00003989 first one here we have p Union cue LPMPl-oj3iu-00010-00003989-00004400 I'm so is the space Union LPMPl-oj3iu-00011-00004400-00004800 is all whatever's in P and also in queue LPMPl-oj3iu-00012-00004800-00005114 says just adding together everything together LPMPl-oj3iu-00013-00005114-00005428 so here we have elements LPMPl-oj3iu-00014-00005428-00005798 of 1, 2, 3, 4 LPMPl-oj3iu-00015-00005798-00006167 5, 6 that when you tour LPMPl-oj3iu-00016-00006167-00006518 I tell your lists you should put clipper south side and should LPMPl-oj3iu-00017-00006518-00006852 a.m. just mark H much law LPMPl-oj3iu-00018-00006852-00007381 market any elements with the calmer part 2 LPMPl-oj3iu-00019-00007381-00007740 is asking for the into section LPMPl-oj3iu-00020-00007740-00008111 both cue and no so a down so LPMPl-oj3iu-00021-00008111-00008492 and shape that means in Section incision is the LPMPl-oj3iu-00022-00008492-00008846 overlap for the crossover of LPMPl-oj3iu-00023-00008846-00009175 two sets so the elements LPMPl-oj3iu-00024-00009175-00009504 cue and are the overlap LPMPl-oj3iu-00025-00009504-00009879 is this section will and so we have LPMPl-oj3iu-00026-00009879-00010579 elements 5&6 and the last part will last about LPMPl-oj3iu-00027-00010621-00010992 the Union all he with LPMPl-oj3iu-00028-00010992-00011450 cue in section are you see these two bracket these are important LPMPl-oj3iu-00029-00011450-00011822 when you have a so complicated expression involving LPMPl-oj3iu-00030-00011822-00012272 intersection and you have a part if it is brackets LPMPl-oj3iu-00031-00012272-00012736 what you should do the first instance is to focus on that section this and so the LPMPl-oj3iu-00032-00012736-00012996 practice and think about what that means LPMPl-oj3iu-00033-00012996-00013318 and then you can start saying right okay using that part LPMPl-oj3iu-00034-00013318-00013653 along with p what is that mission the Union LPMPl-oj3iu-00035-00013653-00013975 so there's and LPMPl-oj3iu-00036-00013975-00014397 cue in sectional family reunion that with LPMPl-oj3iu-00037-00014397-00014875 p so we have LPMPl-oj3iu-00038-00014875-00015268 p and if you want the union to it LPMPl-oj3iu-00039-00015268-00015840 we want all that altogether so that elements 1245 LPMPl-oj3iu-00040-00015840-00016240 and union that with whatever is im LPMPl-oj3iu-00041-00016240-00016547 cue in Section O his five and six LPMPl-oj3iu-00042-00016547-00016853 please know I have been written though a.m. LPMPl-oj3iu-00043-00016853-00017193 5 twice 15 appears in both a LPMPl-oj3iu-00044-00017193-00017595 1245 p and also appears in LPMPl-oj3iu-00045-00017595-00018034 56 re: in Section O earlier right in a moment LPMPl-oj3iu-00046-00018034-00018590 once analyst you should also know with these questions often they're helping me LPMPl-oj3iu-00047-00018590-00018937 and you of scene that I'm was a last look at here LPMPl-oj3iu-00048-00018937-00019320 was connected to ride you know so certainly part over the last two LPMPl-oj3iu-00049-00019320-00019393 previously LPMPl-oj3iu-00050-00019393-00019747 so my head work task he LPMPl-oj3iu-00051-00019747-00020090 in Section O a.m. whether you'd written in the LPMPl-oj3iu-00052-00020090-00020479 if I didn't mean that with P go to the but always look LPMPl-oj3iu-00053-00020479-00020885 previews parts that sometimes sometimes have this but it doesn't fully help us LPMPl-oj3iu-00054-00020885-00021144 is certain to confuse between p LPMPl-oj3iu-00055-00021144-00021447 in queue mpn: fictional LPMPl-oj3iu-00056-00021447-00021816 but just just be mindful of whatever was written prior that sometimes helps LPMPl-oj3iu-00057-00021816-00022516 you your focus in terms were you looking at moving on to Part B LPMPl-oj3iu-00058-00022588-00022912 where r to look LPMPl-oj3iu-00059-00022912-00023347 at a p unions with cue in Section us again LPMPl-oj3iu-00060-00023347-00023668 this question is getting its think that will we think they're so LPMPl-oj3iu-00061-00023668-00023979 we have this shade in section that's what we think LPMPl-oj3iu-00062-00023979-00024409 met so is asking us to look at the concept LPMPl-oj3iu-00063-00024409-00024782 OLF distribution with insets LPMPl-oj3iu-00064-00024782-00025162 so says Union is distributive LPMPl-oj3iu-00065-00025162-00025554 over in sets first this poses with well just mentioning LPMPl-oj3iu-00066-00025554-00025732 concept for distribution LPMPl-oj3iu-00067-00025732-00026031 you know to use of to number theory is it LPMPl-oj3iu-00068-00026031-00026356 I'm say for example if he at this LPMPl-oj3iu-00069-00026356-00026695 as an expression your ass too simplify it I LPMPl-oj3iu-00070-00026695-00027041 ok the brackets the to most by LPMPl-oj3iu-00071-00027041-00027427 X also more price before to get 2x LPMPl-oj3iu-00072-00027427-00027804 perhaps that it that processes discretion LPMPl-oj3iu-00073-00027804-00028155 multiplication is distributing over LPMPl-oj3iu-00074-00028155-00028487 addition so in LPMPl-oj3iu-00075-00028487-00028818 set theory into the talking about Union LPMPl-oj3iu-00076-00028818-00029241 to over intersection as the LPMPl-oj3iu-00077-00029241-00029661 statement gives if we look at this one we're talking about the Union LPMPl-oj3iu-00078-00029661-00029962 p with what's inside the brackets it LPMPl-oj3iu-00079-00029962-00030273 disputes over it to those two parts LPMPl-oj3iu-00080-00030273-00030768 so the exact same as my algebra I do with this bit with the LPMPl-oj3iu-00081-00030768-00031069 moves with Q LPMPl-oj3iu-00082-00031069-00031414 separately p use with are LPMPl-oj3iu-00083-00031414-00031789 and then LPMPl-oj3iu-00084-00031789-00032204 because that Q no its that were intersected LPMPl-oj3iu-00085-00032204-00032591 that we have these two separate are sets LPMPl-oj3iu-00086-00032591-00032963 just right which is it LPMPl-oj3iu-00087-00032963-00033269 to mop up by X into a pie LPMPl-oj3iu-00088-00033269-00033588 there for ski 8 and the rewriting LPMPl-oj3iu-00089-00033588-00033925 to surpass together here p LPMPl-oj3iu-00090-00033925-00034300 means cue with or and then LPMPl-oj3iu-00091-00034300-00034483 we into sector results LQ7t08yjr70-00000-00000040-00000246 THE SOUND OF HELICOPTER ROTORS BEATING THE AIR AT LQ7t08yjr70-00001-00000246-00000426 MISAWA AIR BASE IS A RARE SOUND, LQ7t08yjr70-00002-00000426-00000633 BUT A COUPLE HELICOPTER SQUADRONS PAID THE BASE A LQ7t08yjr70-00003-00000633-00000880 VISIT TO PARTICIPATE IN AN ANNUAL BI-LATERAL LQ7t08yjr70-00004-00000880-00000957 EXERCISE. LQ7t08yjr70-00005-00001021-00001247 WE'RE OUT HERE, WE'RE DOING MINE SWEEPING LQ7t08yjr70-00006-00001247-00001491 OPERATIONS AND WE'RE ALSO DOING DECK LANDING LQ7t08yjr70-00007-00001491-00001631 QUALIFICATIONS WITH THE JAPANESE. LQ7t08yjr70-00008-00001631-00001871 HELICOPTER MINE COUNTERMEASURES SQUADRON LQ7t08yjr70-00009-00001871-00002092 14, WHILE THEIR MAIN MISSION INVOLVES SEARCHING LQ7t08yjr70-00010-00002092-00002278 FOR AQUATIC MINES, THEY ALSO DID SOMETHING THAT LQ7t08yjr70-00011-00002278-00002462 NORMALLY ISN'T ON THEIR FLIGHT PLAN. LQ7t08yjr70-00012-00002525-00002672 TODAY WE DID BOAT LANDINGS, LQ7t08yjr70-00013-00002672-00002806 WHICH IS ALITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY. LQ7t08yjr70-00014-00002806-00003059 YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU KNOW TO LAND ON THE BOAT, LQ7t08yjr70-00015-00003059-00003229 SO THE PILOTS GOT A LOT OF PRACTICE, LQ7t08yjr70-00016-00003229-00003363 WE GOT A LOT OF CONNING PRACTICE. LQ7t08yjr70-00017-00003423-00003556 WE'VE GOTTEN A LOT OF GOOD TRAINING OUT OF THIS, LQ7t08yjr70-00018-00003556-00003793 JUST AS FOR WE HAVE A LOT OF YOUNG CO-PILOTS; LQ7t08yjr70-00019-00003793-00003990 THIS IS THEIR FIRST TIME DOING SOMETHING OVERSEAS, LQ7t08yjr70-00020-00003990-00004124 DOING SOMETHING WITH ANOTHER COUNTRY, LQ7t08yjr70-00021-00004124-00004521 SO EVERYONE GOT TO SEE A LOT OF JOINT OPERATIONS LQ7t08yjr70-00022-00004521-00004798 THAT WE NORMALLY DON'T GET TRAINING BACK AT HOME ALL LQ7t08yjr70-00023-00004798-00004904 THE TIME. LQ7t08yjr70-00024-00004904-00005038 SO THIS HAS BEEN A GREAT EXPERIENCE BEING HALFWAY LQ7t08yjr70-00025-00005038-00005178 AROUND THE WORLD AND WORKING WITH ANOTHER LQ7t08yjr70-00026-00005178-00005231 COUNTRY. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00000-00000612-00001188 I received a laser cutter type LaserMaster 2 2S from the company Ortur. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00001-00001252-00001836 The machine has a work area of up to 39.5x41cm. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00002-00001916-00003464 Included in the package are a power supply that delivers an output voltage 24V at up to 2A, a USB cable for data transfer from a PC, tools for the assembly, and some materials that can be engraved with the machine. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00003-00003500-00004108 Also included are safety goggles, an you should make sure to wear these while operating the device! LQkwLtnaAXQ-00004-00004220-00005740 The firmware of the LaserMaster 2 2S is based on GRBL and in contrast to some competitors, Ortur follows the rules of the license to publish the modified source code - this is totally in the spirit of "How Open Is This Gadget?". LQkwLtnaAXQ-00005-00005776-00006264 The link to the repository can be found directly on the manufacturer's website. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00006-00006400-00006936 As always, there are high-resolution photos of the package contents on my website. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00007-00007228-00008244 In addition to various laser machines, Ortur also offers plenty of accessories for these devices - extras I received are a metal grid for laser cutting... LQkwLtnaAXQ-00008-00008560-00009180 ...and an electric pump that can be used to blow a jet of air onto the surface for better results. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00009-00009744-00009904 Assembling the frame... LQkwLtnaAXQ-00010-00010228-00011168 ...and the wiring is done quickly - there are also many photos of this on "How Open Is This Gadget?" answering any questions on the assembling procedure. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00011-00011596-00012196 A microprocessor type ESP32 is placed on the mainboard running the firmware GRBL. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00012-00012228-00013168 A socket for the power supply, the USB socket for data transmission and a socket for an offline controller are the interfaces to the world outside. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00013-00013204-00013700 A power button and a second button for resetting the firmware can be seen on the right. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00014-00014063-00014444 The front and back of the circuit board are labeled perfectly. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00015-00014840-00015724 The laser module is type LU2-4-SF - "SF" stands for "Short Focus", meaning a focal length of 30mm. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00016-00015780-00016680 The maximum laser power delivered by the built-in diode is 5.5W while consuming an electrical input power of around 16W. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00017-00016904-00017808 The two axes are guided along extruded aluminum of the dimensions 20x20mm with the help of plastic rollers on metal ball-bearing . LQkwLtnaAXQ-00018-00017828-00018340 The backlash can be minimized via eccentric nuts using the included wrench. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00019-00018596-00018880 The axes are driven via timing belts. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00020-00018900-00019544 The two pulleys of the Y-axis are connected via a round rod and so driven by only one stepper motor. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00021-00019856-00020748 The advantage of this construction is that the two ends of the X-axis cannot be moved independently, so the mechanics wont get misaligned over time. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00022-00021140-00021684 The laser module is attached to the X-axis and so driven by the second stepper motor. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00023-00022340-00022804 The LaserMaster 2 2S has mechanical home switches for both axes. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00024-00022852-00023300 After switching on, the laser head is thus moved to the zero point. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00025-00023764-00024420 As already mentioned, the maximum work area is 39.5x41cm. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00026-00025844-00026624 The laser is focused manually: A 3mm spacer must fit between the work-piece and the plastic protection of the laser. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00027-00027227-00027652 As a first test I cut a disc out of 4mm poplar plywood. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00028-00028300-00028880 The laser power is set to 80%, the feedrate to 300 millimeters per minute. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00029-00031200-00031604 With these settings, the disc is cut out after three passes. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00030-00033080-00034068 The wood was placed on a sheet of steel and the underside looks anything but nice because it was wetted by the vaporized material, visible at the cutting edge. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00031-00034492-00034952 In the second test, the metal grid and the electric air pump are used. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00032-00039708-00040064 Again the plywood is cut after 3 passes,... LQkwLtnaAXQ-00033-00041012-00041372 ... but the underside and the cutting edge look much better. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00034-00041896-00042556 The metal grid comes with a sheet metal, for the underside - so the laser cannot cause any damage to your workbench. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00035-00042876-00043556 As a reference for the laser's performance, I next cut a 30mm disc out of 2mm cardboard. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00036-00043572-00045128 With 80% laser power and a cutting speed of 900 mm/min, the disc is cut through in 3 passes - more about the test procedure and high-resolution photos of the result can be found on the website of "How Open Is This Gadget?". LQkwLtnaAXQ-00037-00045856-00046448 A stack of 4 pieces of 2mm cardboard shows the limit of the cutting performance. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00038-00047764-00048492 Here, too, the laser power is set to 80% while the cutting speed is 300mm/min LQkwLtnaAXQ-00039-00050028-00050320 Again 3 passes are executed. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00040-00052112-00052452 2 of the cardboard disks were cut through cleanly. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00041-00053255-00053624 Another test is to engrave graphics on stainless steel. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00042-00053744-00054440 A vector graphic is engraved on one side - the laser moves with full power along the edges of the given lines. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00043-00054636-00055696 The speed is set to a rather slow value of 100mm/min - only with this the stainless steel can be heated sufficiently to remove some material from the surface. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00044-00056252-00056767 The electrical input power with the laser switched fully on is about 30W. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00045-00056984-00058000 The aluminum heat sink of the laser diode heats up to 38°C, while the ambient temperature in my video studio is 27°C. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00046-00058536-00059312 On the back side, a bitmap graphic is engraved line by line - the laser is switched on and off for each black dot in the template. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00047-00059464-00060228 There is also more about this test procedure and high-resolution photos of the results on the website of "How Open Is This Gadget?". LQkwLtnaAXQ-00048-00060860-00061352 As a next test, I engrave the sample materials that shipped with the LaserMaster: LQkwLtnaAXQ-00049-00061432-00061788 One of the plywood tiles is decorated with a graphic. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00050-00062528-00062979 Again, the template is a bitmap file that is processed line by line. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00051-00063464-00064079 The air pump blows the vaporized material away from the surface resulting in finer dots. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00052-00064120-00064820 The air flow generated by the pump is so strong that the plywood plate, which is obviously not completely flat, is moved. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00053-00066144-00066372 Coated aluminum is engraved now. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00054-00066420-00067028 The laser cannot engrave bare aluminum because this material has a too good thermal conductivity. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00055-00067236-00067648 Only the colored coating is evaporated from the bone shaped aluminum. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00056-00067680-00067988 With that, the engraving is clearly visible. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00057-00068296-00068956 What other materials can be processed by the laser machine is written on the website of "How Open Is This Gadget?". LQkwLtnaAXQ-00058-00068984-00070028 There you will also find high-resolution photos of the Ortur LaserMaster 2 2S, its components and the test results, as well as all information about the gadget. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00059-00070060-00071284 It is intentional that I more or less withheld comments in this video, because "How Open Is This Gadget?" is meant for those willing to form an own opinion about the machine, so have a click on the project page. LQkwLtnaAXQ-00060-00071548-00071808 Thanks for watching and: "I'll be back!" LUJgFVZWjJo-00000-00000275-00000762 Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome back to Geeks R Sexy. I'm Jason LeDuc from LUJgFVZWjJo-00001-00000762-00001137 Evil Genius Leadership Consultants. It's the fourth Friday of the month where we LUJgFVZWjJo-00002-00001137-00001496 take over from Michelle Davis and we take care of all things about how to LUJgFVZWjJo-00003-00001496-00001835 teach you how to be successful here in Las Vegas and beyond whether that's for your LUJgFVZWjJo-00004-00001835-00002102 business, your personal life or your family, we're talking about all the LUJgFVZWjJo-00005-00002102-00002514 things about leadership and being successful. We've got a couple of great LUJgFVZWjJo-00006-00002514-00002892 guests today, actually we have three great guests. Today we're going to have Ashly Jordan LUJgFVZWjJo-00007-00002892-00003248 from My Education Connections is going to join us in a little bit and Cynthia Nutter LUJgFVZWjJo-00008-00003248-00003726 from CJ Nutter Accounting, but first we have Diana Collins who is the founder of LUJgFVZWjJo-00009-00003726-00004079 Collins Media Productions and also the founding president of the Always With Me LUJgFVZWjJo-00010-00004079-00004425 Foundation. How are you today Diana? Thank you for being here. Absolutely thank you LUJgFVZWjJo-00011-00004425-00004869 so much for inviting me it's a pleasure. I am good. Good. Did you have a, did you LUJgFVZWjJo-00012-00004869-00005207 have a good holiday? Do you celebrate Christmas? I did. I so I have my two LUJgFVZWjJo-00013-00005207-00005678 little girls, all of our family are here in town so we do a lot of traveling LUJgFVZWjJo-00014-00005678-00006216 within the state. And you grew up here in Las Vegas? Yeah I've been here since 97 LUJgFVZWjJo-00015-00006216-00006858 so so pretty pretty much. So yeah this was the first year in a long time that I LUJgFVZWjJo-00016-00006858-00007311 didn't travel. Most of my family's back east and for various reasons none of us, LUJgFVZWjJo-00017-00007311-00007754 it just made sense with everybody's schedule to not travel. We're going to catch up in probably the LUJgFVZWjJo-00018-00007754-00008204 February timeframe. But yeah so Christmas was good I went to a friend's house for LUJgFVZWjJo-00019-00008204-00008654 Christmas Eve for Christmas Eve dinner, had a really relaxing Christmas day and LUJgFVZWjJo-00020-00008654-00009081 then my mom's birthday is tomorrow so happy birthday Mom and I will call you LUJgFVZWjJo-00021-00009081-00009603 tomorrow. Don't worry about it. But you are the founder of Collins Media LUJgFVZWjJo-00022-00009603-00010038 Productions but also, and I think more importantly and more interestingly, The LUJgFVZWjJo-00023-00010038-00010379 Founding President of The Always With Me Foundation which helps young mothers LUJgFVZWjJo-00024-00010379-00010809 with all kinds of support but mostly focused on helping them have good mental LUJgFVZWjJo-00025-00010809-00011256 health and motherhood. Well, welcome to the show. First tell us about Collins LUJgFVZWjJo-00026-00011256-00011745 Media Productions and what you do there, but also your story is you started this LUJgFVZWjJo-00027-00011745-00012161 company as a result of the foundation and your personal story with mental LUJgFVZWjJo-00028-00012161-00012528 health and motherhood. Let's talk about that. Yeah so first off LUJgFVZWjJo-00029-00012528-00013038 Collins Media Productions is, I basically I'm a podcast producer manager LUJgFVZWjJo-00030-00013038-00013455 and I do sometimes I do video productions on the side as well LUJgFVZWjJo-00031-00013455-00013929 but mainly most of my clients are you know podcasters and they bring me the LUJgFVZWjJo-00032-00013929-00014424 audio and I basically do everything for them and I bring it wrap it up in a box LUJgFVZWjJo-00033-00014424-00015000 and there's their podcast. But two years ago I started out with my own podcast LUJgFVZWjJo-00034-00015000-00015759 after my best friend had taken her life due to postpartum depression and I was 7 LUJgFVZWjJo-00035-00015759-00016029 months pregnant. In fact I was 8 months pregnant and her LUJgFVZWjJo-00036-00016029-00016827 funeral I just hit rock bottom. I couldn't recover after that you know a LUJgFVZWjJo-00037-00016827-00017301 month after the funeral I was in labor with my second daughter and all I wanted LUJgFVZWjJo-00038-00017301-00017736 was just my best friend to be there and that was all I could think about. Not LUJgFVZWjJo-00039-00017736-00018141 even the birth of my child, which don't get me wrong, I love her so much, you know. LUJgFVZWjJo-00040-00018141-00018852 She's my baby peanut, little peanut, and but I couldn't get that out of my head LUJgFVZWjJo-00041-00018852-00019515 and so I went on maternity leave, came back after a month going into labor, not LUJgFVZWjJo-00042-00019515-00020151 a good idea and I was expected to come back and be a working woman again. LUJgFVZWjJo-00043-00020151-00020613 I couldn't do it. I just couldn't recover back. People who walk LUJgFVZWjJo-00044-00020613-00021543 down my cubicle and I'm just crying. So you know eight months go by and I hit LUJgFVZWjJo-00045-00021543-00022059 rock bottom. I was mentally unstable could not get back into right mindset at LUJgFVZWjJo-00046-00022059-00022500 work you know get into the mindset of motherhood and I had almost taken my LUJgFVZWjJo-00047-00022500-00023142 life. I was in the ER for a suicide attempt and that was when I sat there in LUJgFVZWjJo-00048-00023142-00023505 the hospital feeling like a person or really because LUJgFVZWjJo-00049-00023505-00024012 that's really what you know it feels like being in a psych ward and I said LUJgFVZWjJo-00050-00024012-00024480 that's it I'm quitting my job. I am putting in my two weeks. I LUJgFVZWjJo-00051-00024480-00024989 don't care if my husband thinks I'm crazy for leaving an income but LUJgFVZWjJo-00052-00024989-00025403 I had to go because I had to take care of myself and I started my own LUJgFVZWjJo-00053-00025403-00026129 podcast called the Always With Me Podcast, which is still up today and I talked LUJgFVZWjJo-00054-00026129-00026666 about I interview moms and other mental health advocates to help bring their LUJgFVZWjJo-00055-00026666-00027200 story out and let moms know that they're not alone in the struggles if they LUJgFVZWjJo-00056-00027200-00027698 suffer from depression that they're not a bad mom and if they suffer from OCD or LUJgFVZWjJo-00057-00027698-00028307 anxiety or anything like that that they're not alone. So after doing that LUJgFVZWjJo-00058-00028307-00028838 for six months and I was I said I asked my group of my friends it's like I LUJgFVZWjJo-00059-00028838-00029252 wanted to something more physical you know I'm helping them in a local way LUJgFVZWjJo-00060-00029252-00029839 but what is a way I can prevent postpartum depression and suicide LUJgFVZWjJo-00061-00029839-00030562 happening again you know and my friend was like you could be a postpartum doula LUJgFVZWjJo-00062-00030562-00031256 which is there anyone who doesn't know... Yeah let's talk about that because I kind of know and LUJgFVZWjJo-00063-00031256-00031495 you and I have talked before, but I don't think I know well enough to be able to LUJgFVZWjJo-00064-00031495-00031883 explain it to someone else. Yeah so what we are so a lot of us LUJgFVZWjJo-00065-00031883-00032416 understand what a doula are is. A birth doula which is she sits there with you LUJgFVZWjJo-00066-00032416-00032945 when you're in labor and guides you and it's your coach during labor and what a LUJgFVZWjJo-00067-00032945-00033461 postpartum doula is is that we show up after the birth of your child. We come to LUJgFVZWjJo-00068-00033461-00033983 your home. We take care of, you know, all of the little tasks that you do in your LUJgFVZWjJo-00069-00033983-00034595 home like laundry, dishes, meal prep because after you give birth LUJgFVZWjJo-00070-00034595-00035030 especially after you had a c-section, you're kind of not... You're LUJgFVZWjJo-00071-00035030-00035519 not 100%. Yeah and so we help you with that um have any questions with and LUJgFVZWjJo-00072-00035519-00035918 she's sleeping right? Is she you know doing all the things correctly like LUJgFVZWjJo-00073-00035918-00036626 we're there to coach you for the first six to twelve weeks and so the and LUJgFVZWjJo-00074-00036626-00036974 that's how the nonprofit was created the always with me foundation was created LUJgFVZWjJo-00075-00036974-00037411 because you know this is viewed as a luxury LUJgFVZWjJo-00076-00037411-00037972 although it should be a necessity and and I wanted to help everyone out LUJgFVZWjJo-00077-00037972-00038686 there who maybe are unable to afford it themselves their own pocket and so we've LUJgFVZWjJo-00078-00038686-00039283 connected with you know for example WIC here in Las Vegas, the one on LUJgFVZWjJo-00079-00039283-00039733 Sunset and if they run into a mom and she's showing signs of depression LUJgFVZWjJo-00080-00039733-00040312 or if she's saying things like I'm just so tired I'm so overwhelmed like these LUJgFVZWjJo-00081-00040312-00040792 are triggering words, they come to me, they send me a referral and give me her LUJgFVZWjJo-00082-00040792-00041122 information and I reach out to her. So those are the words that if someone at LUJgFVZWjJo-00083-00041122-00041569 WIC hears those, now people watching this they may not be involved with that they LUJgFVZWjJo-00084-00041569-00041947 may know somebody what are some of those words again like tell our audience if LUJgFVZWjJo-00085-00041947-00042400 they hear somebody saying these words or that well that they should what should LUJgFVZWjJo-00086-00042400-00042796 they hear this, what are the things they, if they hear them, they should point them LUJgFVZWjJo-00087-00042796-00043443 over to you? Yeah so I heard an example I had one who just says I am so LUJgFVZWjJo-00088-00043443-00044167 overwhelmed. I'm not sleeping. I can't sleep. You know they say we sleep when LUJgFVZWjJo-00089-00044167-00044614 the baby sleeps and when she's saying I'm just overwhelmed I have this fear LUJgFVZWjJo-00090-00044614-00045067 that the baby's going to die or I have this fear of me dying you know these are LUJgFVZWjJo-00091-00045067-00045646 triggering where it's kind of like you know and and it's not just WIC who can LUJgFVZWjJo-00092-00045646-00046141 refer that will send a referral out. Any of you any of you if you've heard a LUJgFVZWjJo-00093-00046141-00046549 young woman who has just given birth or is maybe even about to give birth who is LUJgFVZWjJo-00094-00046549-00046936 already feeling this way. If you hear somebody saying these young women who've just LUJgFVZWjJo-00095-00046936-00047281 given birth or the family's talking about this way please connect them up LUJgFVZWjJo-00096-00047281-00048205 with Diana so and this is all you provide this free to the, to LUJgFVZWjJo-00097-00048205-00048577 the young women to the families who need this which is as you said it's LUJgFVZWjJo-00098-00048577-00048889 considered a luxury but it's really something that's very necessary for LUJgFVZWjJo-00099-00048889-00049456 every new mom. Absolutely so and that's why that's where our donations come in LUJgFVZWjJo-00100-00049456-00050119 right so you know a postpartum doula can range between like 20 - 30 LUJgFVZWjJo-00101-00050119-00050497 dollars an hour for say they usually do about six LUJgFVZWjJo-00102-00050497-00050860 the first six to twelve weeks for a few hours LUJgFVZWjJo-00103-00050860-00051478 either twice you know twice a week maybe even four times a week. It depends on how LUJgFVZWjJo-00104-00051478-00052072 often it's needed and so that's where the donations go to not only pay for our LUJgFVZWjJo-00105-00052072-00052738 fees all kinds of licensing, but to pay for that doula. Yeah you know and and how can LUJgFVZWjJo-00106-00052738-00053185 how can our audience donate to you or who can they connect you with who'd be a LUJgFVZWjJo-00107-00053185-00053584 great donor for you? Absolutely. So if you go to LUJgFVZWjJo-00108-00053584-00054024 alwayswithme.org everything is on there including our podcasts, how to donate LUJgFVZWjJo-00109-00054024-00054529 there'll be a short clip on my full story and how I've recovered for the past LUJgFVZWjJo-00110-00054529-00054922 two and a half years so just go to that website and you'll find anything, LUJgFVZWjJo-00111-00054922-00055333 everything about The Always With Me Foundation. That's great and one last LUJgFVZWjJo-00112-00055333-00055696 thing I want to talk about it's not just the in-home service that you provide. You LUJgFVZWjJo-00113-00055696-00056110 have an online support group that you do for women as well. Can you tell us a LUJgFVZWjJo-00114-00056110-00056470 little about that, how people if they're not ready to come ask for that kind of LUJgFVZWjJo-00115-00056470-00056749 help, but maybe get involved with the online support, how can they find LUJgFVZWjJo-00116-00056749-00057214 that? Yeah so it's also on the website but if it's on Facebook so you search LUJgFVZWjJo-00117-00057214-00057691 Facebook groups and it's called Mommy Tribe with Always With Me and if you LUJgFVZWjJo-00118-00057691-00057994 can't write it that way you can always go to the website but there's a lot of LUJgFVZWjJo-00119-00057994-00058380 there's some therapists on there, there are even you know my vice-president is a LUJgFVZWjJo-00120-00058380-00058765 postpartum doula who has you know years beyond more experience than I do. LUJgFVZWjJo-00121-00058765-00059236 And if anyone comes in there and ask questions comfortably and not have to be LUJgFVZWjJo-00122-00059236-00059578 physically somewhere she's still comfortably in her home she gets that LUJgFVZWjJo-00123-00059578-00059971 support. That's great! And is it fair to say that if someone's a doula out there a LUJgFVZWjJo-00124-00059971-00060364 postpartum doula out there you could you'd be happy to meet them. Yes LUJgFVZWjJo-00125-00060364-00060804 Please! That's great! We're just about out of time. Tell our audience how they can LUJgFVZWjJo-00126-00060804-00061237 reach you and the foundation again and if they're interested in you packaging LUJgFVZWjJo-00127-00061237-00061687 up their podcasts how they can find a Collins Media as well. Absolutely! So you LUJgFVZWjJo-00128-00061687-00062241 can find us again www.alwayswithme.org or on the on Facebook the Always With Me LUJgFVZWjJo-00129-00062241-00062641 Foundation and if you have a podcast as well and you need help in overwhelmed LUJgFVZWjJo-00130-00062641-00063160 with all the things go to www.collinsmediaproduction.com Alright well thank you so LUJgFVZWjJo-00131-00063160-00063550 much Diana, we're going to have you back in a little bit for our panel discussion. Next LUJgFVZWjJo-00132-00063550-00063798 we're going to have Ashly Jordan from My Education Connections LUJgFVZWjJo-00133-00063798-00064185 I'm Jayson LeDuc, This is Geeks R Sexy. Stick around we'll be LUJgFVZWjJo-00134-00064185-00064427 right back! LV0C8yqWsbI-00000-00001016-00001567 hello everyone welcome to this webinar so this is LV0C8yqWsbI-00001-00001567-00002111 the first panel of the affirmative feminism seminar series LV0C8yqWsbI-00002-00002111-00002472 and i'm very i'm very sorry for the delay LV0C8yqWsbI-00003-00002472-00002856 we're starting a bit late we had obviously some LV0C8yqWsbI-00004-00002856-00003511 technical issue that's unavoidable in a digital meeting like this LV0C8yqWsbI-00005-00003511-00003968 so i'll just say a few words about myself and the seminar and then i'll LV0C8yqWsbI-00006-00003968-00004384 introduce the panelists so i'm Maud Ceuterick i'm a LV0C8yqWsbI-00007-00004384-00004871 researcher in film studies and digital culture at the university of bergen LV0C8yqWsbI-00008-00004871-00005552 and this seminar series has come together as LV0C8yqWsbI-00009-00005568-00005912 an observation as a recent observation that LV0C8yqWsbI-00010-00005912-00006376 we can't only look at what happens on screen anymore but we do have to look at LV0C8yqWsbI-00011-00006376-00006815 the whole life cycle of a film from production to LV0C8yqWsbI-00012-00006815-00007240 distribution if we want to tackle discrimination and LV0C8yqWsbI-00013-00007240-00007815 inclusivity and diversity on on screen and in the film and screen LV0C8yqWsbI-00014-00007815-00008311 culture so this has also come from LV0C8yqWsbI-00015-00008311-00008711 an idea that i had with my previous research on LV0C8yqWsbI-00016-00008711-00009352 affirmative aesthetics and 34 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:35,439 and this affirmative idea that LV0C8yqWsbI-00017-00009352-00009672 originally comes from Rosie Braidotti LV0C8yqWsbI-00018-00009672-00010415 is the idea that we also have to for changes to happen we also have to LV0C8yqWsbI-00019-00010415-00011072 look beyond a certain lamentation of the status quo and look beyond the LV0C8yqWsbI-00020-00011072-00011607 negativity that there is around looking at binaries LV0C8yqWsbI-00021-00011607-00012224 binaries of gender of class race and sexuality and that we need to look LV0C8yqWsbI-00022-00012224-00012800 for alternatives so i've put together those three panels LV0C8yqWsbI-00023-00012800-00013304 so the first this first one will be on production policies and networks LV0C8yqWsbI-00024-00013304-00013736 and the following ones will be on aesthetic representation and LV0C8yqWsbI-00025-00013736-00014423 curation and distribution so today i want to welcome LV0C8yqWsbI-00026-00014423-00015272 Amanda Coles who is a researcher in arts and culture management LV0C8yqWsbI-00027-00015512-00016208 yes i don't know if you can turn on your camera Amanda yes hello LV0C8yqWsbI-00028-00016208-00016959 i'm sorry was that my cue Maudyes so welcome LV0C8yqWsbI-00029-00016959-00017416 you're a researcher in arts and cultural management and employment relations at LV0C8yqWsbI-00030-00017416-00017951 Deakin University i'll also want to welcome Helene LV0C8yqWsbI-00031-00017951-00018568 Granqvist who is a producer and president of the network women in film LV0C8yqWsbI-00032-00018568-00019000 and television international i know that Helene a LV0C8yqWsbI-00033-00019000-00019351 has had some technical issues so i hope that LV0C8yqWsbI-00034-00019351-00020080 she'll manage very soon to to be with us and LV0C8yqWsbI-00035-00020080-00020704 i'll also like to introduce Marcela Stoltzmann who is producer at LV0C8yqWsbI-00036-00020704-00021208 Ado Ato pictures hello and LV0C8yqWsbI-00037-00021208-00021623 this is a production company also in production company who has LV0C8yqWsbI-00038-00021623-00022072 made interactive fictions in vr LV0C8yqWsbI-00039-00022112-00022751 and they are based in Amsterdam so i first LV0C8yqWsbI-00040-00022751-00023120 and also i'll introduce Emilie Wright LV0C8yqWsbI-00041-00023120-00023440 who is an artist and the research assistant LV0C8yqWsbI-00042-00023440-00024143 and hello hi nice and LV0C8yqWsbI-00043-00024143-00024479 she'll give us some house rules before we start LV0C8yqWsbI-00044-00024479-00025095 the the webinar hi all so i'll be here today LV0C8yqWsbI-00045-00025095-00025528 moderating the chat and i'll be active in the q & a LV0C8yqWsbI-00046-00025528-00025839 there's a q & a button at the bottom of the screen LV0C8yqWsbI-00047-00025839-00026232 so if anything pressing comes up during the conversation LV0C8yqWsbI-00048-00026232-00026824 please feel free to raise your hand and interact with a question or you can LV0C8yqWsbI-00049-00026824-00027063 drop a question in the q & a button LV0C8yqWsbI-00050-00027063-00027624 and then i use the chat panel 100 00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:37,520 to also engage with the audience and LV0C8yqWsbI-00051-00027624-00028136 panelists we'll also be recording LV0C8yqWsbI-00052-00028136-00028719 today so just so you all know that the yeah the panel will be recorded for LV0C8yqWsbI-00053-00028719-00029416 research and distribution later on thank you so i've all asked LV0C8yqWsbI-00054-00029416-00029647 the panelists to reflect a bit on LV0C8yqWsbI-00055-00029647-00030047 this 109 00:04:57,280 --> 00:05:02,240 affirmative topic and on and on LV0C8yqWsbI-00056-00030047-00030536 inclusion and diversity especially through how can we LV0C8yqWsbI-00057-00030536-00030927 change production the production side and the policy side LV0C8yqWsbI-00058-00030927-00031712 of after life of a film and or interactive fictions LV0C8yqWsbI-00059-00031712-00032183 so i i'd like first to ask Amanda of course LV0C8yqWsbI-00060-00032183-00032680 what she thinks how she thinks that her work could be affirmative or what LV0C8yqWsbI-00061-00032680-00033408 has she encountered in her work as as affirmative production in a way LV0C8yqWsbI-00062-00033408-00033928 thank you i really enjoy the assignment that you've given me and it's prompted LV0C8yqWsbI-00063-00033928-00034247 me to think about things in a new way which is a rich LV0C8yqWsbI-00064-00034247-00034760 terrain indeed it's really an honor to be invited to participate so LV0C8yqWsbI-00065-00034760-00035128 thank you to both you and Emilie for doing such a great job on bringing all LV0C8yqWsbI-00066-00035128-00035519 of this together thank you to my co-panelists with whom i LV0C8yqWsbI-00067-00035519-00035800 have the pleasure of spending my friday night LV0C8yqWsbI-00068-00035800-00036112 all the way from Melbourne and indeed thank you to LV0C8yqWsbI-00069-00036112-00036591 our digital audience whom i can't see but i'm looking forward to hearing from LV0C8yqWsbI-00070-00036591-00037103 over the course of the next few hours before i proceed though i would like LV0C8yqWsbI-00071-00037103-00037488 to start by acknowledging the traditional owners and custodians LV0C8yqWsbI-00072-00037488-00038103 of the land throughout Australia and the world and recognize their continuing LV0C8yqWsbI-00073-00038103-00038480 connection to land waters and culture LV0C8yqWsbI-00074-00038480-00038856 i acknowledge that i am participating in this gathering LV0C8yqWsbI-00075-00038856-00039496 from the land of the from the excuse me land of the Yalukit-willam of the LV0C8yqWsbI-00076-00039496-00040024 Boon Wurrung country that makes up the greater Kulin nation LV0C8yqWsbI-00077-00040024-00040440 i also acknowledge the traditional custodians of the various lands LV0C8yqWsbI-00078-00040440-00041040 on which you all work and live today and pay my respects to elders past and LV0C8yqWsbI-00079-00041040-00041352 present i also acknowledge and pay my respects LV0C8yqWsbI-00080-00041352-00041936 to first nations people joining us in this gathering i'd like to open up LV0C8yqWsbI-00081-00041936-00042319 with the task that you've given us Maudby LV0C8yqWsbI-00082-00042319-00042712 drawing from a quote from a recent publication that i LV0C8yqWsbI-00083-00042712-00043128 co-authored with my colleagues in the kinematics project LV0C8yqWsbI-00084-00043128-00043528 and i'm also proud to note that that includes scottie lewis who will be up on LV0C8yqWsbI-00085-00043528-00043831 the third the third panel of the seminar in this LV0C8yqWsbI-00086-00043831-00044200 series and i want to draw from this because LV0C8yqWsbI-00087-00044200-00044703 i think it really speaks to my affirmative politics LV0C8yqWsbI-00088-00044703-00045303 kinematics is a scholarly feminist interventionist research LV0C8yqWsbI-00089-00045303-00045672 project that aims to make both the academy and LV0C8yqWsbI-00090-00045672-00046256 the world in which it operates a better place to live work and create LV0C8yqWsbI-00091-00046256-00046575 this means kinematics has a dual focus both LV0C8yqWsbI-00092-00046575-00046919 as a reflexive set of relationships between LV0C8yqWsbI-00093-00046919-00047536 scholars working within the network and as a high impact interdisciplinary LV0C8yqWsbI-00094-00047536-00047952 feminist research network we are evidence-based LV0C8yqWsbI-00095-00047952-00048431 data-driven and world-facing acknowledging that our reciprocal LV0C8yqWsbI-00096-00048431-00048896 interactions our interactions are reciprocal with LV0C8yqWsbI-00097-00048896-00049368 the industries and communities that we study and we start from the LV0C8yqWsbI-00098-00049368-00049759 premise that all relationships those between the academics within the LV0C8yqWsbI-00099-00049759-00050144 network our relationships with our respective universities LV0C8yqWsbI-00100-00050144-00050544 with our research communities and indeed with our data LV0C8yqWsbI-00101-00050544-00050968 are inscribed and informed by power relations LV0C8yqWsbI-00102-00050968-00051527 we seek to interrogate examine and question those power relations and the LV0C8yqWsbI-00103-00051527-00051871 consequences that they produce for our research LV0C8yqWsbI-00104-00051871-00052255 and the communities with whom we produce our research LV0C8yqWsbI-00105-00052255-00052655 the project is based on core feminist values that seek not only to name but LV0C8yqWsbI-00106-00052655-00053000 redress systemic inequality using data as an LV0C8yqWsbI-00107-00053000-00053488 interventionist tool so you can see it's we have very minor LV0C8yqWsbI-00108-00053488-00053791 small goals about what we want the world to look LV0C8yqWsbI-00109-00053791-00054176 like all of that to say that i consider LV0C8yqWsbI-00110-00054176-00054727 myself an activist academic which Maudif i'm responding to LV0C8yqWsbI-00111-00054727-00055200 your framing of affirmative stance correctly gets me at least part of the LV0C8yqWsbI-00112-00055200-00055504 way you're responding to the panels for LV0C8yqWsbI-00113-00055504-00055920 questions activism i want us to think about some LV0C8yqWsbI-00114-00055920-00056344 of the 227 00:09:21,120 --> 00:09:25,120 the very basic simple concepts that we LV0C8yqWsbI-00115-00056344-00056688 use every day and interrogate what they mean and why LV0C8yqWsbI-00116-00056688-00056983 they matter in these kinds of discussions LV0C8yqWsbI-00117-00056983-00057479 so activism at its most basic is a concerted focused effort to bring about LV0C8yqWsbI-00118-00057479-00057808 change either by advocating for a particular LV0C8yqWsbI-00119-00057808-00058232 pathway or a decision or a set of actions or LV0C8yqWsbI-00120-00058232-00058624 perhaps opposing a particular pathway or action or set of LV0C8yqWsbI-00121-00058624-00059016 actions activism is often concerned with how to LV0C8yqWsbI-00122-00059016-00059367 change the world in terms of its social political LV0C8yqWsbI-00123-00059367-00059904 economic cultural and or environmental trajectory LV0C8yqWsbI-00124-00059904-00060239 many many many people engage in activism but LV0C8yqWsbI-00125-00060239-00060616 not all people who engage in activism consider themselves LV0C8yqWsbI-00126-00060616-00061312 activists but that's point number one furthermore for while activism and LV0C8yqWsbI-00127-00061312-00061751 activists are often associated with progressive political or LV0C8yqWsbI-00128-00061751-00062183 social causes this is not always the case LV0C8yqWsbI-00129-00062183-00062520 we can see this in these very difficult political times LV0C8yqWsbI-00130-00062520-00062944 where there is a rising tide of activism that wants to change the world in ways LV0C8yqWsbI-00131-00062944-00063495 that i would imagine most of us do not see as progressive LV0C8yqWsbI-00132-00063495-00064032 and as a feminist activist i am again arguing that we need to constantly and LV0C8yqWsbI-00133-00064032-00064512 interrogate and revisit these basic concepts like activism that we take for LV0C8yqWsbI-00134-00064512-00064839 granted because they can impact the world the LV0C8yqWsbI-00135-00064839-00065416 world in ways which are not affirmative and that brings me to the LV0C8yqWsbI-00136-00065416-00065992 question of stories and the role that they play in society LV0C8yqWsbI-00137-00065992-00066656 and how we mobilize the idea of stories as tools as activist tools particularly LV0C8yqWsbI-00138-00066656-00066983 in the sectors that we're seeking to intervene in LV0C8yqWsbI-00139-00066983-00067280 and i think we should be careful sometimes about how we talk about LV0C8yqWsbI-00140-00067280-00067648 stories because of course that stories can LV0C8yqWsbI-00141-00067648-00068000 challenge and inform and they can empower LV0C8yqWsbI-00142-00068000-00068632 and they can inspire but some stories or the absence of stories can also LV0C8yqWsbI-00143-00068632-00069132 function as spaces of exclusion and marginalization and LV0C8yqWsbI-00144-00069132-00069576 disenfranchisement from our public sphere and from each LV0C8yqWsbI-00145-00069576-00070039 other therefore all of that to say we need to LV0C8yqWsbI-00146-00070039-00070424 pay very careful attention about who LV0C8yqWsbI-00147-00070424-00070824 is telling their stories where they are telling their stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00148-00070824-00071656 and the various ways in which we value the stories that are being told LV0C8yqWsbI-00149-00071656-00072136 so let me draw from the words of nigerian novelist chim Amanda edici LV0C8yqWsbI-00150-00072136-00072592 whom i'm sure many of you know already as she presents LV0C8yqWsbI-00151-00072592-00073016 in her iconic ted talk the dangers of a single story LV0C8yqWsbI-00152-00073016-00073680 and if you haven't seen it you must in talking about the power of stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00153-00073680-00074295 adichie refers to the nigerian word ngali as a noun that loosely LV0C8yqWsbI-00154-00074295-00074983 translates to be greater than another she continues like our economic and LV0C8yqWsbI-00155-00074983-00075392 political worlds stories too are defined by the principle LV0C8yqWsbI-00156-00075392-00075792 of ndali how they are told who tells them LV0C8yqWsbI-00157-00075792-00076160 when they're told how many stories are told are really LV0C8yqWsbI-00158-00076160-00076607 dependent on power so i have spent my LV0C8yqWsbI-00159-00076607-00077127 academic career attempting with various degrees of success LV0C8yqWsbI-00160-00077127-00077512 and with a wide range of industry partners including LV0C8yqWsbI-00161-00077512-00077936 advocacy organizations like women in film and television LV0C8yqWsbI-00162-00077936-00078432 and unions and guilds and professional associations and policy makers LV0C8yqWsbI-00163-00078432-00079104 who interrogate understand and disrupt the existing power relations that LV0C8yqWsbI-00164-00079104-00079488 produce systemic intersectional inequality in LV0C8yqWsbI-00165-00079488-00080016 the global screen industries when i do this using the academic skills LV0C8yqWsbI-00166-00080016-00080351 and training that i've gained during my years of schooling LV0C8yqWsbI-00167-00080351-00080760 and the knowledge of the industry norms and practices that comes from my LV0C8yqWsbI-00168-00080760-00081080 professional history and film and tv production LV0C8yqWsbI-00169-00081080-00081463 and my international networks that run through both academic LV0C8yqWsbI-00170-00081463-00082063 and professional communities of practice so when thinking about this work this LV0C8yqWsbI-00171-00082063-00082383 was a d this prompted some really serious reflection and i LV0C8yqWsbI-00172-00082383-00082863 i thank you for providing me with the opportunity to do this kind of work LV0C8yqWsbI-00173-00082863-00083327 i need to share with everyone that i often feel as if i get LV0C8yqWsbI-00174-00083327-00083663 more affirmative interventions from my work LV0C8yqWsbI-00175-00083663-00084272 than i deliver so when women in film and television vancouver presented me with LV0C8yqWsbI-00176-00084272-00084712 the please adjust your set award at their 20th anniversary gala for LV0C8yqWsbI-00177-00084712-00085016 providing essential analysis and data that has LV0C8yqWsbI-00178-00085016-00085392 assisted in launching new policies and programs LV0C8yqWsbI-00179-00085392-00085816 designed to address structural impediments to gender equity and LV0C8yqWsbI-00180-00085816-00086136 inclusion in the canadian film and television LV0C8yqWsbI-00181-00086136-00086504 industry needless to say i was more than a little LV0C8yqWsbI-00182-00086504-00087016 honored and let me tell you why LV0C8yqWsbI-00183-00087016-00087488 my approach to my work is deeply relational LV0C8yqWsbI-00184-00087488-00087960 it comes from careful listening to industry stakeholders from across the LV0C8yqWsbI-00185-00087960-00088519 entire screen ecology from individual workers union guilds and LV0C8yqWsbI-00186-00088519-00088944 professional associations to small to medium enterprises independent LV0C8yqWsbI-00187-00088944-00089456 producers and global media giant giants and public and private funding LV0C8yqWsbI-00188-00089456-00090016 and financing bodies i listen for what is being said LV0C8yqWsbI-00189-00090016-00090576 and where the silences are and then i try to see if there's a rule for me and LV0C8yqWsbI-00190-00090576-00091016 my skills to play in challenging what we know and what is LV0C8yqWsbI-00191-00091016-00091319 known and what those silences tell us about LV0C8yqWsbI-00192-00091319-00091768 power voice and agency in our collective quest for LV0C8yqWsbI-00193-00091768-00092424 equality and i'm just gonna wrap up by saying this my academic LV0C8yqWsbI-00194-00092424-00092695 practice provides me with an enormous amount LV0C8yqWsbI-00195-00092695-00093192 of privilege that comes in the form of expert knowledge to some degree LV0C8yqWsbI-00196-00093192-00093704 but moreover in the time and the institutional resources to sit back LV0C8yqWsbI-00197-00093704-00094280 and analyze the big picture if you will using those skills to make sense of all LV0C8yqWsbI-00198-00094280-00094744 the activity that's happening on the ground you LV0C8yqWsbI-00199-00094744-00095280 arrive at that change so my privilege also comes in the form LV0C8yqWsbI-00200-00095280-00095863 of access to the stories of the storytellers and when i say i get LV0C8yqWsbI-00201-00095863-00096200 more from my work i think than i give this is LV0C8yqWsbI-00202-00096200-00096648 where i really want to focus now look i interview a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-00203-00096648-00096895 elite i interview network executives i LV0C8yqWsbI-00204-00096895-00097456 interview union bosses i interview heads of major policy institutes and LV0C8yqWsbI-00205-00097456-00097975 that tells me a lot a lot about power but my research LV0C8yqWsbI-00206-00097975-00098319 also involves conducting focus groups and interviews LV0C8yqWsbI-00207-00098319-00098775 with women who are struggling to tell their stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00208-00098775-00099095 and sometimes they are struggling to tell any LV0C8yqWsbI-00209-00099095-00099648 story this involves queer and non-binary women and black women LV0C8yqWsbI-00210-00099648-00100183 south asian women and working-class women and indigenous women storytellers LV0C8yqWsbI-00211-00100183-00100848 and they take their time their histories their wisdom their power and they LV0C8yqWsbI-00212-00100848-00101407 share it with me they share their personal and professional stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00213-00101407-00101775 about the joys but also the deeply painful LV0C8yqWsbI-00214-00101775-00102431 scarring and enraging encounters with systemic white colonial patriarchy LV0C8yqWsbI-00215-00102431-00102976 under contemporary capitalism in the global screen industries these LV0C8yqWsbI-00216-00102976-00103359 stories which they entrust in me are my LV0C8yqWsbI-00217-00103359-00103983 privilege to hear and my moral ethical and feminist responsibility to LV0C8yqWsbI-00218-00103983-00104472 use in a fight for equity and justice LV0C8yqWsbI-00219-00104967-00105279 thank you that was wonderful that was yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00220-00105279-00105824 a very great reflection of exactly what i was waiting for or LV0C8yqWsbI-00221-00105824-00106064 actually much more than what i was waiting for LV0C8yqWsbI-00222-00106064-00106648 so thank you very much i'm glad i hit the brief LV0C8yqWsbI-00223-00106648-00107279 so before we engage with all the fantastic points that you've LV0C8yqWsbI-00224-00107279-00107672 that you've made i'd like to invite Helene to give LV0C8yqWsbI-00225-00107672-00108255 us our thought on the on the topic LV0C8yqWsbI-00226-00108279-00109103 yeah i would do it as a reflection what Amanda said and when you talked about LV0C8yqWsbI-00227-00109103-00109496 being an activist i have things i say you know you you get LV0C8yqWsbI-00228-00109496-00109879 you have things you carry with you and then you say them over and over again LV0C8yqWsbI-00229-00109879-00110367 and one thing i've been saying the last two years i think is what does it mean LV0C8yqWsbI-00230-00110367-00110735 to be an activist and and my description is to be an LV0C8yqWsbI-00231-00110735-00111079 activist is to be in a room where people have LV0C8yqWsbI-00232-00111079-00111408 quite a good time and they are enjoying themselves and you LV0C8yqWsbI-00233-00111408-00111840 have to be the one who raised your hand and say i'm sorry it's not good for LV0C8yqWsbI-00234-00111840-00112335 everyone and then you have to create this vibe of LV0C8yqWsbI-00235-00112335-00112672 when it's not on comfort when it's uncomfortable LV0C8yqWsbI-00236-00112672-00113064 and and to carry it this burden of being uncomfortable LV0C8yqWsbI-00237-00113064-00113735 that is what is it is to be an activist i think and and i think i struggle every LV0C8yqWsbI-00238-00113735-00114272 day on my life if i should go into that room where LV0C8yqWsbI-00239-00114272-00114903 it is uncomfortable for me to be the one who point my finger at something that i LV0C8yqWsbI-00240-00114903-00115376 think is wrong or if i should be in this room LV0C8yqWsbI-00241-00115376-00115824 that i'm privileged to be i i am the president of whitney international i'm LV0C8yqWsbI-00242-00115824-00116064 also the president with sweden i'm very active LV0C8yqWsbI-00243-00116064-00116776 in very many networks of fantastic women from all places in the world LV0C8yqWsbI-00244-00116776-00117159 representing so many cultures so many different LV0C8yqWsbI-00245-00117159-00117511 experiences and maybe we are people that really don't LV0C8yqWsbI-00246-00117511-00117952 understand each other but when we are in this room together we LV0C8yqWsbI-00247-00117952-00118400 have this urge for change and that gives this vibe i LV0C8yqWsbI-00248-00118400-00118688 can feel it in my body right now being here with you because LV0C8yqWsbI-00249-00118688-00119072 i told some i look like an ugly chicken on my arms because i LV0C8yqWsbI-00250-00119072-00119416 have so much ghost bumps it's almost embarrassing LV0C8yqWsbI-00251-00119416-00119920 these rooms that i'm privileged to spend so much of my life in LV0C8yqWsbI-00252-00119920-00120264 i don't know if i feel like an activist in this room in LV0C8yqWsbI-00253-00120264-00120759 in these rooms i feel that i am together with people and and we don't LV0C8yqWsbI-00254-00120759-00121111 really know what we are striving for we know what we want to leave LV0C8yqWsbI-00255-00121111-00121528 but we also know that we have to share the common LV0C8yqWsbI-00256-00121528-00121879 journey into a mystery of creating something LV0C8yqWsbI-00257-00121879-00122391 that have not yet been defined but we know there are some LV0C8yqWsbI-00258-00122391-00122832 there are some seeds when you read this i don't know what you call it in LV0C8yqWsbI-00259-00122832-00123255 australia i'm always jealous when i'm in australia or canada when you start to LV0C8yqWsbI-00260-00123255-00123711 read this reconciliation words to to LV0C8yqWsbI-00261-00123711-00124383 to mention and articulate a problem and your excuses without these problems LV0C8yqWsbI-00262-00124383-00124664 and i'm so jealous because in sweden where i LV0C8yqWsbI-00263-00124664-00125144 live we don't talk about it we don't touch it we all know about it LV0C8yqWsbI-00264-00125144-00125655 but we have not yet come to that point where it's so LV0C8yqWsbI-00265-00125655-00126064 important it has to some so to say create the LV0C8yqWsbI-00266-00126064-00126344 rules for the rooms we are in that was my LV0C8yqWsbI-00267-00126344-00126591 reflection on you and then i started to think LV0C8yqWsbI-00268-00126591-00127135 how the heck do i become an activist or or when did i start to define it and LV0C8yqWsbI-00269-00127135-00127632 then i found out i must have been born that way my mother LV0C8yqWsbI-00270-00127632-00128296 was almost blind she was a single mother she was overweight but she had this idea LV0C8yqWsbI-00271-00128296-00128855 that she could make change so that's what i grew up with and she was totally LV0C8yqWsbI-00272-00128855-00129167 there was everything wrong with her but she never had that LV0C8yqWsbI-00273-00129167-00129583 look at herself but the world had that look at her and i LV0C8yqWsbI-00274-00129583-00130279 i have been very sensitive to that concept since i was a little kid and i LV0C8yqWsbI-00275-00130279-00130688 right now listening to you Amanda i found out [ __ ] she made me an activist LV0C8yqWsbI-00276-00130688-00131072 because what she gave to me and this is my point LV0C8yqWsbI-00277-00131072-00131367 i see a world with a lot of people that don't LV0C8yqWsbI-00278-00131367-00131824 think that what they do really matter LV0C8yqWsbI-00279-00131824-00132167 and actually in sweden that's the biggest health issue we have LV0C8yqWsbI-00280-00132167-00132591 that people look at themselves that doesn't matter what i do LV0C8yqWsbI-00281-00132591-00133000 because they like the the world will go on anyway but i think LV0C8yqWsbI-00282-00133000-00133303 to think that you are a person that matter LV0C8yqWsbI-00283-00133303-00133967 not more than you or you or you but i do matter and what i do will matter for our LV0C8yqWsbI-00284-00133967-00134367 common good that was something i got and listening LV0C8yqWsbI-00285-00134367-00134760 to you Amanda i said i'm so grateful to my mother she's been dead forever LV0C8yqWsbI-00286-00134760-00135224 but wow i've got that and maybe that was the richest gift LV0C8yqWsbI-00287-00135224-00135664 i could have so i will not give you my whole life but i will LV0C8yqWsbI-00288-00135664-00136040 try to to share some points in my life that has LV0C8yqWsbI-00289-00136040-00136703 made change for me because i was sure that i wanted to do something in my life LV0C8yqWsbI-00290-00136703-00137167 that worked for change and i was looking at journalism or art LV0C8yqWsbI-00291-00137167-00137472 i started with theater i then went on to film LV0C8yqWsbI-00292-00137472-00137984 i was educated as a production designer i was really entering our industry i was LV0C8yqWsbI-00293-00137984-00138400 16 when i started i was entering our industry from the art LV0C8yqWsbI-00294-00138400-00138784 dimension and i was good at it i worked a lot i LV0C8yqWsbI-00295-00138784-00139079 produced a lot i have really good times i LV0C8yqWsbI-00296-00139079-00139520 i was i had a career but i was always fighting LV0C8yqWsbI-00297-00139520-00140008 always fighting and i came to an end when i said i can't limit myself with LV0C8yqWsbI-00298-00140008-00140408 all these fights and then i told myself i have to learn LV0C8yqWsbI-00299-00140408-00140848 about money and power so i decided to start a LV0C8yqWsbI-00300-00140848-00141303 company i started a tv channel crazy thing i actually did LV0C8yqWsbI-00301-00141303-00141624 it but i and i did it to come put myself in a LV0C8yqWsbI-00302-00141624-00141976 position where i could be in charge of my own LV0C8yqWsbI-00303-00141976-00142327 life at that time i didn't call me a feminist LV0C8yqWsbI-00304-00142327-00142600 i was an environmental activist i was very LV0C8yqWsbI-00305-00142600-00143000 engaged since the the meeting in rio in 1994 in LV0C8yqWsbI-00306-00143000-00143512 sustainable development and and what i learned in in that LV0C8yqWsbI-00307-00143512-00144079 activism was that the most efficient way to change the world to a more LV0C8yqWsbI-00308-00144079-00144479 sustainable sustainable place is to invest in women LV0C8yqWsbI-00309-00144479-00145136 give more space and power to women then then then you would that would be LV0C8yqWsbI-00310-00145136-00145800 the fastest way so to say and at the age of 37 i i didn't call LV0C8yqWsbI-00311-00145800-00146232 myself a feminist i heard and and i'm a bit embarrassed my daughter has been a LV0C8yqWsbI-00312-00146232-00146727 feminist since he was 12. but i wasn't because i had this idea LV0C8yqWsbI-00313-00146727-00146976 that i i always been strong that i should take LV0C8yqWsbI-00314-00146976-00147208 the fight and i can always take the fight LV0C8yqWsbI-00315-00147208-00147920 and and but i was so punished and so hurt before i understood before i got my LV0C8yqWsbI-00316-00147920-00148320 glasses and the pain that came to me when i got LV0C8yqWsbI-00317-00148320-00148767 those glasses is still so present in my body when i LV0C8yqWsbI-00318-00148767-00149208 was thinking of my the the headmaster of my when i had my LV0C8yqWsbI-00319-00149208-00149624 education who forced me to do an abortion to take care of my career LV0C8yqWsbI-00320-00149624-00150040 she didn't let me take care of my baby i had to leave my baby at home when she LV0C8yqWsbI-00321-00150040-00150352 was six weeks because all they would throw me out for LV0C8yqWsbI-00322-00150352-00150744 my education was so many things during my life that had never put them LV0C8yqWsbI-00323-00150744-00151432 in relation to feminism it was just i have to be better to stay in my career LV0C8yqWsbI-00324-00151432-00151888 i have to fight harder i have to be better etc etc LV0C8yqWsbI-00325-00151888-00152479 luckily i i started to learn and today i'm very LV0C8yqWsbI-00326-00152479-00152903 proud of to say i'm a feminist and yeah so why LV0C8yqWsbI-00327-00152903-00153279 did i share all that with you i think doing the LV0C8yqWsbI-00328-00153279-00153800 change i always think of it on three levels LV0C8yqWsbI-00329-00153800-00154288 the structure level and that was happened what was happened to me LV0C8yqWsbI-00330-00154288-00154664 when i became a feminist i suddenly started to see LV0C8yqWsbI-00331-00154664-00154991 the structure level before that i didn't see it i LV0C8yqWsbI-00332-00154991-00155544 only saw the relational level and my individual level but when i found out LV0C8yqWsbI-00333-00155544-00155824 and and it was actually a conversation i had with LV0C8yqWsbI-00334-00155824-00156424 with a professor because i heard him say he he started he's the person he studied LV0C8yqWsbI-00335-00156424-00156767 norms he said and i was into sustainable development LV0C8yqWsbI-00336-00156767-00157040 he said today we have unsustainable development LV0C8yqWsbI-00337-00157040-00157512 if we want to have sustainable development we have to change our norms LV0C8yqWsbI-00338-00157512-00158032 and at that time me being very engaged in sustainable development i had this LV0C8yqWsbI-00339-00158032-00158591 impression that everyone always talked about doing more or less LV0C8yqWsbI-00340-00158591-00158920 of what was already existing we have to have LV0C8yqWsbI-00341-00158920-00159600 less carbon footsteps we have to have more ecological it was always in this LV0C8yqWsbI-00342-00159600-00160008 capitalism concept but i have this feeling LV0C8yqWsbI-00343-00160008-00160472 this is not enough because it's just the same but different LV0C8yqWsbI-00344-00160472-00160824 but when he said that about changing norms as well wow LV0C8yqWsbI-00345-00160824-00161144 what does that mean i called him and then i had LV0C8yqWsbI-00346-00161144-00161464 i had a meeting with a four hours conversation LV0C8yqWsbI-00347-00161464-00161855 and i remember that my brain was hurting it oh LV0C8yqWsbI-00348-00161855-00162296 because he really he really taught me LV0C8yqWsbI-00349-00162327-00162784 about he painted a picture of me that i had hadn't seen before LV0C8yqWsbI-00350-00162784-00163120 and when he was finished i said but if what you say LV0C8yqWsbI-00351-00163120-00163655 it's true it's not only me that is wrong it's the world that is wrong and what LV0C8yqWsbI-00352-00163655-00164144 i'm doing it's actually really good i've been struggling my whole life to LV0C8yqWsbI-00353-00164144-00164552 challenge these unsustainable norms without LV0C8yqWsbI-00354-00164552-00164952 knowing it so he so gave me LV0C8yqWsbI-00355-00164952-00165584 a spine in a way to continue to trust that my feelings when something LV0C8yqWsbI-00356-00165584-00166152 is wrong that i should trust it and dare to to LV0C8yqWsbI-00357-00166152-00166688 to follow that so yeah and then i can continue and continue i don't know LV0C8yqWsbI-00358-00166688-00167167 how much time give me some minutes more because i LV0C8yqWsbI-00359-00167167-00167648 didn't yeah five okay LV0C8yqWsbI-00360-00167648-00168248 from from that point i i really made a decision that i would like to LV0C8yqWsbI-00361-00168248-00168744 invest part of my life for the big change and LV0C8yqWsbI-00362-00168744-00169296 to do what i can to bring something to this world LV0C8yqWsbI-00363-00169296-00169672 that i don't know what it is because i i when i had a conversation with you LV0C8yqWsbI-00364-00169672-00170032 yesterday Marcela i was thinking we talked a LV0C8yqWsbI-00365-00170032-00170455 lot about mystery and i think that is what we share LV0C8yqWsbI-00366-00170455-00171039 the reality and the the history or the present and the LV0C8yqWsbI-00367-00171039-00171400 history gives us paint as a very clear picture LV0C8yqWsbI-00368-00171400-00171712 what is wrong you don't have to be einstein to point out LV0C8yqWsbI-00369-00171712-00172055 what doesn't work because when it's imbalanced LV0C8yqWsbI-00370-00172055-00172576 the the resources are imbalanced in balance that is wrong LV0C8yqWsbI-00371-00172576-00172927 and when someone thinks they are better than someone else that is wrong LV0C8yqWsbI-00372-00172927-00173336 it's not no rocket science to find out what is wrong the rocket science is to LV0C8yqWsbI-00373-00173336-00173712 dare to stand up and say we have a problem LV0C8yqWsbI-00374-00173712-00174336 and we want to do some something about it that is i think the most LV0C8yqWsbI-00375-00174336-00174815 important step and and to dare to say that LV0C8yqWsbI-00376-00174815-00175520 very often challenge you should not bite the hand that feeds you who will LV0C8yqWsbI-00377-00175520-00175952 exclude me if i dare to stand up and say what i see LV0C8yqWsbI-00378-00175952-00176360 will i be alone well i don't have any job will i don't have any money LV0C8yqWsbI-00379-00176360-00176696 it will really challenge a lot of existential LV0C8yqWsbI-00380-00176696-00176952 ground LV0C8yqWsbI-00381-00177072-00177479 things that you need in your life and i think that daily challenge LV0C8yqWsbI-00382-00177479-00177872 and then i come back to this should i choose this room LV0C8yqWsbI-00383-00177872-00178376 where it's easy and lovely and these chicken ghost bumps or should i LV0C8yqWsbI-00384-00178376-00178912 dare to get into this room to point out and say my meaning and take that LV0C8yqWsbI-00385-00178912-00179400 risk and honestly i don't know i must LV0C8yqWsbI-00386-00179400-00179744 say even if i do this all the time it's still a LV0C8yqWsbI-00387-00179744-00180479 a very big mystery which is the most efficient way to contribute to change LV0C8yqWsbI-00388-00180479-00180752 because that's what i want but i also want to have a life LV0C8yqWsbI-00389-00180752-00181176 of course that works for myself and i want to have relations LV0C8yqWsbI-00390-00181176-00181888 that works for myself so i and and though i'm today i'm not working so much LV0C8yqWsbI-00391-00181888-00182239 as an artist sometimes i do but i work as a producer LV0C8yqWsbI-00392-00182239-00182688 i have the privilege to work with a lot of artists i also work as a coach LV0C8yqWsbI-00393-00182688-00183072 so i also have the privilege to work with a lot of storytellers LV0C8yqWsbI-00394-00183072-00183455 and one thing i have learned from working with art LV0C8yqWsbI-00395-00183455-00183872 and with artists is that art is something LV0C8yqWsbI-00396-00183872-00184472 that doesn't exist when it starts it's someone who get an impulse from LV0C8yqWsbI-00397-00184472-00184839 their body and start to project a picture on the LV0C8yqWsbI-00398-00184839-00185336 future that yet don't exist LV0C8yqWsbI-00399-00185336-00186112 but then you start a journey towards create the existence and LV0C8yqWsbI-00400-00186112-00186432 hopefully and in our industry you have people LV0C8yqWsbI-00401-00186432-00186776 going with you because it's a collect collective work LV0C8yqWsbI-00402-00186776-00187200 to create this the reason i started to think of this is because i work as a LV0C8yqWsbI-00403-00187200-00187536 pitch code coach and the thing when when you are LV0C8yqWsbI-00404-00187536-00188088 creating a production even if it's built on mystery and LV0C8yqWsbI-00405-00188088-00188479 questions as i described it and you can't see it you have to be very LV0C8yqWsbI-00406-00188479-00189015 clear and describe it very clear for the financiers so it's a dilemma LV0C8yqWsbI-00407-00189015-00189279 there because you have to describe something LV0C8yqWsbI-00408-00189279-00189727 that shouldn't be described because the the whole point LV0C8yqWsbI-00409-00189727-00189984 with art is that you can't see it at the same LV0C8yqWsbI-00410-00189984-00190351 time you have and and i love this dilemma and i hate it it's LV0C8yqWsbI-00411-00190351-00190951 it's really a double feeling a mixed feeling about that and LV0C8yqWsbI-00412-00190951-00191488 yeah i think what i will bring now is is the importance of confusion LV0C8yqWsbI-00413-00191488-00192303 and the importance of us sharing confusion confusion but LV0C8yqWsbI-00414-00192303-00192679 and maybe about the process not about the goal LV0C8yqWsbI-00415-00192679-00193191 because if you know the problem you somehow know the concept of the goal LV0C8yqWsbI-00416-00193191-00193624 but i would say something and i told you yesterday Marcela LV0C8yqWsbI-00417-00193624-00193927 maybe this is to say something very bad for our LV0C8yqWsbI-00418-00193927-00194448 course but i was really afraid that we should manage to reach 50 50 LV0C8yqWsbI-00419-00194448-00194832 because i couldn't imagine living in a world LV0C8yqWsbI-00420-00194832-00195336 that is like this world but 50 50 because there are so many other things LV0C8yqWsbI-00421-00195336-00195808 in the structures that are wrong so the risk that if we say okay now we have 50 LV0C8yqWsbI-00422-00195808-00196176 50 check we're done scare the [ __ ] out of LV0C8yqWsbI-00423-00196176-00196472 me because the change i'm requiring is so LV0C8yqWsbI-00424-00196472-00196839 much bigger than that and and the mystery of that change is what i LV0C8yqWsbI-00425-00196839-00197184 would like to share with you today thank you very much LV0C8yqWsbI-00426-00197184-00197439 thank you thank you that was again like a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-00427-00197439-00197855 fruitful thoughts and thank you very much for this and for LV0C8yqWsbI-00428-00197855-00198327 sharing your personal and professional LV0C8yqWsbI-00429-00198376-00199032 hearts with us so Marcela i'm sure you'll you have a lot to LV0C8yqWsbI-00430-00199032-00199391 to say about it as well would you like to share with us LV0C8yqWsbI-00431-00199391-00199872 yeah i mean very hard to follow up on these two very inspiring women LV0C8yqWsbI-00432-00199872-00200176 so i feel very lucky to LV0C8yqWsbI-00433-00200176-00200784 an honor to be here with them 862 00:33:24,799 --> 00:33:28,240 very very accomplished women and yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00434-00200784-00201048 just an honor honestly i feel like i'm LV0C8yqWsbI-00435-00201048-00201376 learning so much just by being part of like this process LV0C8yqWsbI-00436-00201376-00201639 and this panel like the reflections that mods LV0C8yqWsbI-00437-00201639-00202184 and sent us like think about we're also very very very good i feel like for me LV0C8yqWsbI-00438-00202184-00202591 in a professional level and also in a in a personal level as a woman and as a LV0C8yqWsbI-00439-00202591-00203015 woman that works with with film i come a little bit i guess LV0C8yqWsbI-00440-00203015-00203527 from a different background than Amanda and Helene i am not LV0C8yqWsbI-00441-00203527-00204072 a scholar and i'm also i i feel like this whole process has LV0C8yqWsbI-00442-00204072-00204520 been making me reflect am i an activist or am i not i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-00443-00204520-00204823 i i still have not answered that question for myself LV0C8yqWsbI-00444-00204823-00205232 either but maybe just for the people who are part of the panel too LV0C8yqWsbI-00445-00205232-00205591 i'll just talk very briefly a little bit about our LV0C8yqWsbI-00446-00205591-00206223 production company adorato so we are a small studio in amsterdam and we LV0C8yqWsbI-00447-00206223-00206559 work mainly with animation and new media and LV0C8yqWsbI-00448-00206559-00206991 we are very lucky to be in a production team made up of only LV0C8yqWsbI-00449-00206991-00207352 women at the moment so we have like four in-house LV0C8yqWsbI-00450-00207352-00207863 producers who are all women and it's been a very great learning LV0C8yqWsbI-00451-00207863-00207919 process LV0C8yqWsbI-00452-00207919-00208439 and a very great like 899 00:34:42,560 --> 00:34:46,240 building of this team and it happened LV0C8yqWsbI-00453-00208439-00208863 very organically and it's been a very interesting experience to work in this LV0C8yqWsbI-00454-00208863-00209328 in this medi and with these people and building this team that is very like LV0C8yqWsbI-00455-00209328-00209680 very strong and that their even supports each other LV0C8yqWsbI-00456-00209680-00210135 and we work we make we make documentaries and animations and new LV0C8yqWsbI-00457-00210135-00210559 media and our previous work that finished last year was called LV0C8yqWsbI-00458-00210559-00210867 queer and a time of force migration which was a LV0C8yqWsbI-00459-00210867-00211464 multi-media series that started back in 2016 that tells the story of LV0C8yqWsbI-00460-00211464-00211911 different lgbtq refugees that come to europe so it LV0C8yqWsbI-00461-00211911-00212296 was a very documentary based project and now LV0C8yqWsbI-00462-00212296-00212528 we're working a couple of different projects LV0C8yqWsbI-00463-00212528-00213023 we're doing our first fiction project which is in development right now we're LV0C8yqWsbI-00464-00213023-00213207 very excited about that LV0C8yqWsbI-00465-00213207-00213744 and i feel like for for a company 924 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:39,520 in our studio what we try to do we try LV0C8yqWsbI-00466-00213744-00214207 to tell stories that often are not told but not only that we LV0C8yqWsbI-00467-00214207-00214696 also try to tell stories that we want to hear so i guess it's kind LV0C8yqWsbI-00468-00214696-00214919 of it happens very fluidly in the sense of LV0C8yqWsbI-00469-00214919-00215152 like what do we want to tell but what would LV0C8yqWsbI-00470-00215152-00215728 what would we also want to watch and i feel like that really inspires LV0C8yqWsbI-00471-00215728-00216248 our work and moves us forward and i feel like one of the things LV0C8yqWsbI-00472-00216248-00216648 that i talked to Helene yesterday about as well and us thinking LV0C8yqWsbI-00473-00216648-00217152 about like okay how do we make LV0C8yqWsbI-00474-00217152-00217680 inclusive and diverse content i feel like it comes hand in hand with LV0C8yqWsbI-00475-00217680-00218183 like having an inclusive and diverse behind the LV0C8yqWsbI-00476-00218183-00218528 camera kind of like situation you know i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-00477-00218528-00218871 and this is where the whole reflection that i've been going through kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-00478-00218871-00219232 comes in places like are we activists because we are making LV0C8yqWsbI-00479-00219232-00219719 the content we want to make it happens very unconscious in a way LV0C8yqWsbI-00480-00219719-00220071 as well but it does end up being like this more LV0C8yqWsbI-00481-00220071-00220311 i guess diverse content but it comes because LV0C8yqWsbI-00482-00220311-00220752 behind the camera we have such like a diverse and like LV0C8yqWsbI-00483-00220752-00221135 a lot of well a lot of women working in there but a lot of like women from LV0C8yqWsbI-00484-00221135-00221471 different backgrounds we have like our creative LV0C8yqWsbI-00485-00221471-00221880 director tomorrow who's like black woman we have like a lot of people LV0C8yqWsbI-00486-00221880-00222432 from our staff is like latina so it comes very organically how LV0C8yqWsbI-00487-00222432-00222735 we create our work but then it comes in place this whole LV0C8yqWsbI-00488-00222735-00223256 reflection it's like i feel like we need to have diversity behind LV0C8yqWsbI-00489-00223256-00223616 the camera as well to bring forward more diverse work LV0C8yqWsbI-00490-00223616-00224056 also and yeah and one of the things that i LV0C8yqWsbI-00491-00224056-00224488 actually really wanted to hear more about like the other panelists Helene and LV0C8yqWsbI-00492-00224488-00225040 Amanda because they have like very great careers behind them and ahead LV0C8yqWsbI-00493-00225040-00225328 of them so i feel like especially coming from a LV0C8yqWsbI-00494-00225328-00225792 place of like production and like i'm a young producer i feel like a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-00495-00225792-00226216 the times people around me and like LV0C8yqWsbI-00496-00226216-00226576 that are starting up in like the film industry LV0C8yqWsbI-00497-00226576-00226935 it's very hard i think for young people to take a stance LV0C8yqWsbI-00498-00226935-00227271 and like really become like activists and like LV0C8yqWsbI-00499-00227271-00227688 find their voice within the industry i'm lucky enough that LV0C8yqWsbI-00500-00227688-00228128 the company that i work for really wants to create content that i feel very proud LV0C8yqWsbI-00501-00228128-00228432 about as well but if that's not the case for LV0C8yqWsbI-00502-00228432-00228800 everyone so i feel like there needs to be a conversation LV0C8yqWsbI-00503-00228800-00229335 about how do we keep like young filmmakers motivated and how do we LV0C8yqWsbI-00504-00229335-00229648 help people create their voice when they have so LV0C8yqWsbI-00505-00229648-00230207 when they don't have a lot of space yet or they don't feel empowered to do so LV0C8yqWsbI-00506-00230207-00230616 that's kind of the question i wanted to post LV0C8yqWsbI-00507-00230928-00231423 thank you very much is there someone who wants to react to this LV0C8yqWsbI-00508-00231423-00231759 question and the panel LV0C8yqWsbI-00509-00231816-00232383 yes i do please Marcela that was just brilliant i LV0C8yqWsbI-00510-00232383-00232623 just want to say you are the future of the industry LV0C8yqWsbI-00511-00232623-00233176 right you know that and that makes me a very happy person LV0C8yqWsbI-00512-00233176-00233496 for someone who's been at this for a while LV0C8yqWsbI-00513-00233496-00234007 what i can say is the current project that i'm working on puts me in dialogue LV0C8yqWsbI-00514-00234007-00234488 a lot with black and indigenous filmmakers LV0C8yqWsbI-00515-00234488-00234959 in canada that are like mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore LV0C8yqWsbI-00516-00234959-00235423 the change is coming now we are not asking for permission LV0C8yqWsbI-00517-00235423-00236096 and all kinds of really impressive political activism is LV0C8yqWsbI-00518-00236096-00236480 yielding different kinds of policies and they've now you know the indigenous LV0C8yqWsbI-00519-00236480-00236871 screen office is open and the black screen office is open and we have bipoc LV0C8yqWsbI-00520-00236871-00237344 film and television which is a new advocacy group and we have LV0C8yqWsbI-00521-00237344-00237671 the racial equity media collective which is a new LV0C8yqWsbI-00522-00237671-00238288 a new advocacy group and it's just the sector right now is alive with LV0C8yqWsbI-00523-00238288-00238688 change and i will tell you that change is not LV0C8yqWsbI-00524-00238688-00239280 coming from people in their 50s that change is coming from young LV0C8yqWsbI-00525-00239280-00239728 filmmakers and the next generation and there is LV0C8yqWsbI-00526-00239728-00240271 a view because you know act mod i think you're right on this LV0C8yqWsbI-00527-00240271-00240567 academics are extremely good at critiquing LV0C8yqWsbI-00528-00240567-00241152 structures and being cynical not always good at being optimistic and LV0C8yqWsbI-00529-00241152-00241728 imagining a better future i feel pretty optimistic right now about LV0C8yqWsbI-00530-00241728-00242064 what's happening at least in the canadian industry and i LV0C8yqWsbI-00531-00242064-00242559 think the trick is right now to make sure it's fixed LV0C8yqWsbI-00532-00242559-00242928 and and that's a a generational challenge LV0C8yqWsbI-00533-00242928-00243448 because like you can't i can't not be an academic we've been here before LV0C8yqWsbI-00534-00243448-00243800 haven't we we haven't quite i think been at this particular LV0C8yqWsbI-00535-00243800-00244296 type of reckoning where intersectional inequality LV0C8yqWsbI-00536-00244296-00244928 is really important and that we must understand when we're LV0C8yqWsbI-00537-00244928-00245519 arguing about gender equality that that must in fact foreground LV0C8yqWsbI-00538-00245519-00245967 women whose voices have been long marginalized women from the global LV0C8yqWsbI-00539-00245967-00246359 indigenous women queer women disabled women right LV0C8yqWsbI-00540-00246359-00246816 so how do we so it i think it's different in texture LV0C8yqWsbI-00541-00246816-00247240 but the emphasis for gender the push for gender equity LV0C8yqWsbI-00542-00247240-00247656 in screen based storytelling on and off screen is not a new fight LV0C8yqWsbI-00543-00247656-00248048 so how do we make it different this time can you guys please put me out of my LV0C8yqWsbI-00544-00248048-00248280 research agenda i would be really grateful LV0C8yqWsbI-00545-00248280-00248952 thank you yes yeah yeah now thank you marcel and i was so LV0C8yqWsbI-00546-00248952-00249296 inspired talking to you yesterday and you said LV0C8yqWsbI-00547-00249296-00249656 maybe we're doing wrong because we're only hiring women and and say no you're LV0C8yqWsbI-00548-00249656-00249992 not doing wrong you do what feels good for you and and LV0C8yqWsbI-00549-00249992-00250400 you know what i see and i'm in a way i must also say this LV0C8yqWsbI-00550-00250400-00250864 because i think ageism is a really big issue out there i'm turning 60 this LV0C8yqWsbI-00551-00250864-00251271 year i'm so damn grateful for that because sometimes it's really good LV0C8yqWsbI-00552-00251271-00251856 to have seen things over time because then you can see pattern and if LV0C8yqWsbI-00553-00251856-00252183 i think something that always have provoked me LV0C8yqWsbI-00554-00252183-00252567 myself is when people tell me what i need and they're not interested in me LV0C8yqWsbI-00555-00252567-00252959 and my needs i love to be with people who ask me what LV0C8yqWsbI-00556-00252959-00253359 do you need and i think that is i say that as a i LV0C8yqWsbI-00557-00253359-00253792 was involved in a in a mentoring program in LV0C8yqWsbI-00558-00253792-00254064 the middle east there is a network called sisters in LV0C8yqWsbI-00559-00254064-00254544 film that i really love and i'm now also doing a project with this network LV0C8yqWsbI-00560-00254544-00255071 it's nine directors from seven countries in the mena region and LV0C8yqWsbI-00561-00255071-00255448 when i was in tunisia two years ago and we did a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-00562-00255448-00255864 yeah things together and then we had one-to-one meetings and then LV0C8yqWsbI-00563-00255864-00256448 caveat from from a captain from from egypt i she came to me and i said okay LV0C8yqWsbI-00564-00256448-00256704 what do you need and then she said thank you LV0C8yqWsbI-00565-00256704-00257016 thank you thank you for asking what i need i'm so LV0C8yqWsbI-00566-00257016-00257383 provoked of all these people who tells me what i need LV0C8yqWsbI-00567-00257383-00257767 and i think that is something i have met in the structure so let's go from LV0C8yqWsbI-00568-00257767-00258119 individual to structure i think we have a pattern LV0C8yqWsbI-00569-00258119-00258735 in our financing structures that a lack of listening and i love that you LV0C8yqWsbI-00570-00258735-00259064 talked about that Amanda because i think that is really LV0C8yqWsbI-00571-00259064-00259504 what's most needed right now to listen to our creators LV0C8yqWsbI-00572-00259504-00260304 to listen to each other and i think if the main goal and if we could foster LV0C8yqWsbI-00573-00260304-00260952 our supporting structures to ask filmmakers what do you need because in LV0C8yqWsbI-00574-00260952-00261464 this time of history with distribution go through big changes where production LV0C8yqWsbI-00575-00261464-00261800 go through big changes and financing go through big LV0C8yqWsbI-00576-00261800-00262216 changes the truth is that none of us LV0C8yqWsbI-00577-00262216-00262559 knows what's going to happen tomorrow the only thing LV0C8yqWsbI-00578-00262559-00263080 we can know that there has always been a relation between storytellers LV0C8yqWsbI-00579-00263080-00263640 and audience and right now in history we are in a place where LV0C8yqWsbI-00580-00263640-00264096 you know before when you have theaters or opera houses there was the privileged LV0C8yqWsbI-00581-00264096-00264535 one who could be the audiences that's not the fact today anyone can be LV0C8yqWsbI-00582-00264535-00264983 an audience today that tells us that audience today is LV0C8yqWsbI-00583-00264983-00265704 anyone and that means that storytellers should so to say fulfill the needs for LV0C8yqWsbI-00584-00265704-00266296 anyone which tells us that we need a wide range so you ask what can we do LV0C8yqWsbI-00585-00266296-00266648 for to get more young filmmakers we have to LV0C8yqWsbI-00586-00266648-00267224 clean the table because what i've met as a coach i'm 100 sure the biggest LV0C8yqWsbI-00587-00267224-00267583 issue in our industry is not the artist because all the LV0C8yqWsbI-00588-00267583-00267935 stories are there all kinds of stories are there there are LV0C8yqWsbI-00589-00267935-00268288 maybe in different stage of development and experiences but LV0C8yqWsbI-00590-00268288-00268576 that's just training that's just training that's not a LV0C8yqWsbI-00591-00268576-00269135 problem the big problem that's the structures the way LV0C8yqWsbI-00592-00269135-00269592 the structure is identified what is the success for tomorrow and and LV0C8yqWsbI-00593-00269592-00269976 i love you hannah corleone and her nostradamus report and a couple of LV0C8yqWsbI-00594-00269976-00270392 years ago she said do or die and what how i read LV0C8yqWsbI-00595-00270392-00270696 it or i don't know she's not sure if what she meant but if LV0C8yqWsbI-00596-00270696-00270959 you not LV0C8yqWsbI-00597-00270968-00271376 change your structure today to be more relevant LV0C8yqWsbI-00598-00271376-00271935 inclusive and diverse you will die and i i strongly believe in that so that LV0C8yqWsbI-00599-00271935-00272480 message to the structures to you have to rethink how you meet LV0C8yqWsbI-00600-00272480-00272816 this young talent how you clean the table LV0C8yqWsbI-00601-00272816-00273231 and start to listen even if they say something that's inconvenient LV0C8yqWsbI-00602-00273231-00273656 in the way you think things should be done because you look at yesterday's LV0C8yqWsbI-00603-00273656-00273959 success and think this is the way how we end up LV0C8yqWsbI-00604-00273959-00274488 in canon or end up in big or box office forget about it and start to listen yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00605-00274488-00274711 sorry i feel like a pastor here because it's LV0C8yqWsbI-00606-00274711-00274944 really LV0C8yqWsbI-00607-00275016-00275416 Amanda you wanted to say something i'm kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-00608-00275416-00275728 oh you change your mind i was just gonna say LV0C8yqWsbI-00609-00275728-00276135 what like what Helene e said i mean you know this is hitting LV0C8yqWsbI-00610-00276135-00276448 every single note on the series of interviews that i'm in the middle of LV0C8yqWsbI-00611-00276448-00276864 right now i think that the pitching process is LV0C8yqWsbI-00612-00276864-00277183 a bit of a black hole in terms of knowledge and data LV0C8yqWsbI-00613-00277183-00277624 about how that becomes a fall off the cliff on numerous occasions i've heard LV0C8yqWsbI-00614-00277624-00277992 it's all steak it's all sizzle no steak in fact that if LV0C8yqWsbI-00615-00277992-00278383 the performance of the pitch isn't good the story itself doesn't matter LV0C8yqWsbI-00616-00278383-00278944 and when we talk about trying to as Helene said what i LV0C8yqWsbI-00617-00278944-00279248 really like about that is the problem isn't LV0C8yqWsbI-00618-00279248-00279648 training people how to perform better for the executives LV0C8yqWsbI-00619-00279648-00280335 right the trick is to change what the financiers and the executives LV0C8yqWsbI-00620-00280335-00280992 understand as good so where is the the focus and locus LV0C8yqWsbI-00621-00280992-00281383 of of power and influence understood and LV0C8yqWsbI-00622-00281383-00282024 what is the problem itself understood to be i like to use carol LV0C8yqWsbI-00623-00282024-00282504 bocce she's a an australian feminist policy scholar LV0C8yqWsbI-00624-00282504-00282976 and she argues and i think that her policy analysis can travel across a LV0C8yqWsbI-00625-00282976-00283311 whole range of different problems as it were LV0C8yqWsbI-00626-00283311-00283735 she said you know how we understand a problem shapes how we choose or if we LV0C8yqWsbI-00627-00283735-00284168 choose to act upon it so we can then start to think about well LV0C8yqWsbI-00628-00284168-00284600 if the problem you know the problem is you know LV0C8yqWsbI-00629-00284600-00285031 racialized women just don't have the right networks LV0C8yqWsbI-00630-00285031-00285424 right then you're just going to continue to pump racialized women LV0C8yqWsbI-00631-00285424-00285807 into a system right of closed exclusionary LV0C8yqWsbI-00632-00285807-00286255 networks that privilege a tiny minority of the population LV0C8yqWsbI-00633-00286255-00286680 that's going to be hostile if you target the key gatekeepers who are in those LV0C8yqWsbI-00634-00286680-00286952 networks who have the power to alter those LV0C8yqWsbI-00635-00286952-00287296 networks and say you need to open up your networks and you need to value LV0C8yqWsbI-00636-00287296-00287600 different kinds of voices and talent within that network LV0C8yqWsbI-00637-00287600-00287968 that changes the locus of how we understand what the problem LV0C8yqWsbI-00638-00287968-00288728 is and i'm curious to hear if you have found a way to communicate LV0C8yqWsbI-00639-00288728-00289248 with those executives and if they were actually or some of them were open to LV0C8yqWsbI-00640-00289248-00289631 to changing the way that they that they value LV0C8yqWsbI-00641-00289631-00289883 pitching or that they value projects and LV0C8yqWsbI-00642-00289883-00290328 stories 1274 00:48:20,400 --> 00:48:24,000 did you did you find an affirmative LV0C8yqWsbI-00643-00290328-00290400 way to LV0C8yqWsbI-00644-00290400-00291048 to change the way that they look at 1277 00:48:27,440 --> 00:48:35,119 things yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00645-00291048-00291640 isn't is that for me yeah that was i don't know if it answers your question LV0C8yqWsbI-00646-00291640-00292176 but this was my the first feature i produced actually it was a director i LV0C8yqWsbI-00647-00292176-00292544 didn't found her on the street but she started to make her feature herself and LV0C8yqWsbI-00648-00292544-00292864 i found her with three fourths were ready i brought her to the LV0C8yqWsbI-00649-00292864-00293264 swedish film institute and this is way before ana sana i think this i think LV0C8yqWsbI-00650-00293264-00293807 this is in 2007 or something and there was a scene in that film that LV0C8yqWsbI-00651-00293807-00294264 she already had shot where a young girl she's a neo-nazi LV0C8yqWsbI-00652-00294264-00294680 environment she has to fight with the leader of this LV0C8yqWsbI-00653-00294680-00295024 young boy but he's with tattoos and mussels LV0C8yqWsbI-00654-00295024-00295335 and she got pissed off this you should take a can of beer LV0C8yqWsbI-00655-00295335-00295855 and boom and pour it over his head and i said and LV0C8yqWsbI-00656-00295855-00296183 your feeling when you see this oh [ __ ] she won't she will LV0C8yqWsbI-00657-00296183-00296831 he will hit her but he don't and then then i remember that i was LV0C8yqWsbI-00658-00296831-00297240 but this is not relevant and then me and the director discussed this scene and LV0C8yqWsbI-00659-00297240-00297480 she said but i want it to be that way and then i said LV0C8yqWsbI-00660-00297480-00297888 but that's kind of cool that's kind of cool that she's not getting punished LV0C8yqWsbI-00661-00297888-00298231 by doing things because i expected her to be punished but LV0C8yqWsbI-00662-00298231-00298559 and then when he came to this commissioning editor he had LV0C8yqWsbI-00663-00298559-00299031 exactly the same reaction as i had but but then a couple of months later i told LV0C8yqWsbI-00664-00299031-00299472 him yeah but we also expect women to be victim LV0C8yqWsbI-00665-00299472-00299944 so and and i had ex then i told him about my reaction and then he went LV0C8yqWsbI-00666-00299944-00300272 to his desk and he got his book and then he was LV0C8yqWsbI-00667-00300272-00300583 look he said yeah we had this course in gender LV0C8yqWsbI-00668-00300583-00301159 and yeah our expectations is that women should be victim and men will be LV0C8yqWsbI-00669-00301159-00301792 perpetrated okay i give you money so that was so cool his education LV0C8yqWsbI-00670-00301792-00302224 and he he forgot about it but when i started to insist LV0C8yqWsbI-00671-00302224-00302911 he suddenly remember yeah in our course at the swedish film institute we learned LV0C8yqWsbI-00672-00302911-00303359 this so yeah i was thinking of another thing LV0C8yqWsbI-00673-00303359-00303735 and that was at the power inclusion summit in new zealand in 20 LV0C8yqWsbI-00674-00303735-00304055 was it 2019 we have lost strictly to empty LV0C8yqWsbI-00675-00304055-00304600 spring stream stephen canals who is the screenwriter of post the tv series LV0C8yqWsbI-00676-00304600-00305255 he made a most amazing keynote and he told us about his pitching process how LV0C8yqWsbI-00677-00305255-00305944 hard it was to to pitch pose who takes place in the vogue scene in new york LV0C8yqWsbI-00678-00305944-00306352 which everyone right now we all know rupaul LV0C8yqWsbI-00679-00306352-00306831 it's history we all have knowledge but at that time we haven't heard about it LV0C8yqWsbI-00680-00306831-00307168 and he couldn't no one listened to him and then he realized LV0C8yqWsbI-00681-00307168-00307816 he had to educate the commissioning editors before he pitched his project LV0C8yqWsbI-00682-00307992-00308183 yeah Marcela you you wanted to say LV0C8yqWsbI-00683-00308183-00308544 something 1354 00:51:23,119 --> 00:51:28,079 well i think yeah that resonates just LV0C8yqWsbI-00684-00308544-00309007 a lot i guess with like the experiences that like i've had with pitching and LV0C8yqWsbI-00685-00309007-00309259 stuff a lot of the times it feels like you have to contact LV0C8yqWsbI-00686-00309259-00309776 contextualize and give a little bit of like yeah this education prior to making LV0C8yqWsbI-00687-00309776-00310040 your pitch but i feel like some people are very LV0C8yqWsbI-00688-00310040-00310400 receptive to that but at the same time i feel like one of LV0C8yqWsbI-00689-00310400-00310800 the things that frustrates us at least in the LV0C8yqWsbI-00690-00310800-00311400 in the studio is that for example 1368 00:51:51,440 --> 00:51:54,640 a few months back there was like i mean LV0C8yqWsbI-00691-00311400-00311680 there still has been a lot but there's like this LV0C8yqWsbI-00692-00311680-00311968 growing of like the black lives matter movement LV0C8yqWsbI-00693-00311968-00312335 for example you know and this has been there has been a lot of attention in the LV0C8yqWsbI-00694-00312335-00312672 media and etc and then when those things happen and LV0C8yqWsbI-00695-00312672-00313096 when that is in the media or that's a hot topic a lot of people come LV0C8yqWsbI-00696-00313096-00313392 to us and they're like oh i want to support your work i want to do this this LV0C8yqWsbI-00697-00313392-00313624 is really cool what are you doing blah blah blah LV0C8yqWsbI-00698-00313624-00313959 and then as soon as like the topic dies down a little bit LV0C8yqWsbI-00699-00313959-00314280 they're gone you know and it's like you try to follow up and LV0C8yqWsbI-00700-00314280-00314800 it's just like you know and that's that's very frustrating i feel like and LV0C8yqWsbI-00701-00314800-00315255 maybe that's something we tried to navigate and try to like we're trying to LV0C8yqWsbI-00702-00315255-00315520 create like strategies to kind of navigate those LV0C8yqWsbI-00703-00315520-00315864 situations but that's something i feel like that's still very frustrating LV0C8yqWsbI-00704-00315864-00316200 at least within this like production angle LV0C8yqWsbI-00705-00316200-00316496 and the other thing that you guys were talking about that i think is super LV0C8yqWsbI-00706-00316496-00316904 relevant to is like this whole networking and like the gatekeepers of LV0C8yqWsbI-00707-00316904-00317224 the network i feel a lot of the times for example we LV0C8yqWsbI-00708-00317224-00317664 work a lot with technology right so you need to work with developers and LV0C8yqWsbI-00709-00317664-00318024 we always try to look for women developers as well but it's really LV0C8yqWsbI-00710-00318024-00318352 challenging to find women developers we've been lucky enough LV0C8yqWsbI-00711-00318352-00318711 to work with a lot of women animators so that has been really LV0C8yqWsbI-00712-00318711-00319048 great and like we've actually found those networks and LV0C8yqWsbI-00713-00319048-00319383 those connections but women developers we have worked with LV0C8yqWsbI-00714-00319383-00319688 one before but it's way more challenging to find those LV0C8yqWsbI-00715-00319688-00320048 and it's like how how do we navigate this how do we find LV0C8yqWsbI-00716-00320048-00320392 these people you know because we know they exist LV0C8yqWsbI-00717-00320392-00320720 and they are out there there's so many developer LV0C8yqWsbI-00718-00320720-00321055 developers of course and women developers out there but for some reason LV0C8yqWsbI-00719-00321055-00321455 it's so hard to find them and i just don't understand why it's so LV0C8yqWsbI-00720-00321455-00321720 frustrating LV0C8yqWsbI-00721-00321744-00322280 yeah is this a way of how women sell themselves or how yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00722-00322280-00322783 yeah Helene sorry you i this is really the subject i think a lot LV0C8yqWsbI-00723-00322783-00323288 of now but i hear so much i think and i i try to have examples i think LV0C8yqWsbI-00724-00323288-00323672 what i what i see it's when you and the first LV0C8yqWsbI-00725-00323672-00323935 thing i was thinking i'm working with with a director of LV0C8yqWsbI-00726-00323935-00324248 color right now and we are developing a LV0C8yqWsbI-00727-00324248-00324616 project together and i spoke to her yesterday and she told me about the LV0C8yqWsbI-00728-00324616-00325224 program that the swedish film institute did some years ago to recruit LV0C8yqWsbI-00729-00325224-00325728 filmmakers of color she she was very well experienced but she had this LV0C8yqWsbI-00730-00325728-00326016 impression she was the wrong kind of colored person LV0C8yqWsbI-00731-00326016-00326368 she did the wrong she was mo maybe the most well LV0C8yqWsbI-00732-00326368-00326959 educated person that applied but the people they picked was really cool LV0C8yqWsbI-00733-00326959-00327288 people people that had no experience of the LV0C8yqWsbI-00734-00327288-00327583 film industry but they were maybe a very cool blogger LV0C8yqWsbI-00735-00327583-00328096 they had very much position and attitude and some kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-00736-00328096-00328759 street i don't know industry credibility which was quite interesting because i LV0C8yqWsbI-00737-00328759-00329192 was thinking she's right because the result was that maybe one of LV0C8yqWsbI-00738-00329192-00329600 them made a film after that program and that is so what i LV0C8yqWsbI-00739-00329600-00329952 why i'm saying that listening to you i think LV0C8yqWsbI-00740-00329952-00330383 well one thing i've learned as a pitch coach because Amanda said something LV0C8yqWsbI-00741-00330383-00330807 about this story you know the ma the how much do the LV0C8yqWsbI-00742-00330807-00331279 story matter when you pitch from my this is ugly what i'm gonna say LV0C8yqWsbI-00743-00331279-00331616 now but i've seen it so many times i i think LV0C8yqWsbI-00744-00331616-00332040 there's three dimensions of a pitch one is your position one is your story LV0C8yqWsbI-00745-00332040-00332520 and one is your direction and the story should of course be the LV0C8yqWsbI-00746-00332520-00332920 most important but it's not LV0C8yqWsbI-00747-00332920-00333272 what i see is that your position because i can see LV0C8yqWsbI-00748-00333272-00333583 people with a good position LV0C8yqWsbI-00749-00333616-00334168 be financed for bad stories and i see people with no position with LV0C8yqWsbI-00750-00334168-00334607 fantastic stories they don't get any money that tells me LV0C8yqWsbI-00751-00334607-00335031 that the truth out there your position is more important than the LV0C8yqWsbI-00752-00335031-00335496 story you tell which is ugly and as a pitch coach i always have LV0C8yqWsbI-00753-00335496-00335911 to to some kind of create an image LV0C8yqWsbI-00754-00335911-00336248 of you of a position you promise a position LV0C8yqWsbI-00755-00336248-00336672 so the feeling of those who will invest in you they will be scared LV0C8yqWsbI-00756-00336672-00337079 if you miss that you will be the one who missed beatles or abba you know LV0C8yqWsbI-00757-00337079-00337655 the fear of missing out vibe yeah and then the third thing i'm LV0C8yqWsbI-00758-00337655-00338024 thinking of is when because it's a matter how you LV0C8yqWsbI-00759-00338024-00338400 ask a question when you ask for people i don't know if that goes for tech people LV0C8yqWsbI-00760-00338400-00338728 but my best example is something we had in LV0C8yqWsbI-00761-00338728-00339016 sweden also before and many years ago we had LV0C8yqWsbI-00762-00339016-00339479 the rookie project swedish we means that you decided to LV0C8yqWsbI-00763-00339479-00340135 to find new talent so they they had money for eight feature films LV0C8yqWsbI-00764-00340135-00340848 quite low but not that low low budget but okay budgets okay eight LV0C8yqWsbI-00765-00340848-00341248 and then that you could apply for this and the first seven LV0C8yqWsbI-00766-00341248-00341968 was made by men so when you had one film left to say hmm LV0C8yqWsbI-00767-00341968-00342368 houston we have a problem it's not okay that we use LV0C8yqWsbI-00768-00342368-00342728 all this money to develop male talent so then LV0C8yqWsbI-00769-00342728-00343111 it was a dedicated question and and of course LV0C8yqWsbI-00770-00343111-00343583 they were questioned why didn't why why is it only men yeah because the script LV0C8yqWsbI-00771-00343583-00343952 we got from women wasn't good enough LV0C8yqWsbI-00772-00344031-00344376 then with the eighth film they decided to ask LV0C8yqWsbI-00773-00344376-00345007 for for a female director they got i think they got 60 LV0C8yqWsbI-00774-00345007-00345311 applications and what i the rumor i've heard that 40 LV0C8yqWsbI-00775-00345311-00345928 of these applications was good three of these films was then made LV0C8yqWsbI-00776-00345928-00346328 one was tribeca winner one was premiered in venice and i LV0C8yqWsbI-00777-00346328-00346672 don't remember the third one but these three films LV0C8yqWsbI-00778-00346672-00347168 was actually only one of them was financed but they were somehow LV0C8yqWsbI-00779-00347168-00347559 they found them through the rookie project and that tells us LV0C8yqWsbI-00780-00347559-00347976 when you ask the questions in the right way LV0C8yqWsbI-00781-00347976-00348416 the projects are there that's my truth LV0C8yqWsbI-00782-00348720-00349152 can i just support what lynn just said very briefly LV0C8yqWsbI-00783-00349152-00349535 just with a little bit of appearance LV0C8yqWsbI-00784-00349535-00350328 so netflix put out a call in canada 1551 00:58:19,520 --> 00:58:26,000 late last year somewhere late 2020 LV0C8yqWsbI-00785-00350328-00350792 for stories from diverse storytellers they were looking for new talent LV0C8yqWsbI-00786-00350792-00351224 the canadian pitch contest they called it LV0C8yqWsbI-00787-00351224-00351904 10 000 submissions they broke the algorithm don't LV0C8yqWsbI-00788-00351904-00352479 tell me there's a shortage of stories out there LV0C8yqWsbI-00789-00352479-00353407 that's not a problem and just a quick i guess also LV0C8yqWsbI-00790-00353407-00353840 quick note on this too and i think this goes back to what we were talking LV0C8yqWsbI-00791-00353840-00354288 about before i feel like having women in in leadership positions everywhere kind LV0C8yqWsbI-00792-00354288-00354672 of helps things i feel like move you know and LV0C8yqWsbI-00793-00354672-00354911 like these diverse stories being told because LV0C8yqWsbI-00794-00354911-00355248 it can't be just like women creators but i feel like it has to be women LV0C8yqWsbI-00795-00355248-00355640 executives as well and like all all of i feel like all of LV0C8yqWsbI-00796-00355640-00356104 the industry has to have like women in leadership positions like LV0C8yqWsbI-00797-00356104-00356455 that's what brings about change and gives voice to diverse LV0C8yqWsbI-00798-00356455-00356888 stories as well but i would add that it's really LV0C8yqWsbI-00799-00356888-00357511 important that that leadership infrastructure isn't simply LV0C8yqWsbI-00800-00357511-00357864 just more white women right we have really strong LV0C8yqWsbI-00801-00357864-00358272 evidence that people particularly in positions of LV0C8yqWsbI-00802-00358272-00358631 influence who make investment decisions about stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00803-00358631-00359096 invest in stories that they find relatable LV0C8yqWsbI-00804-00359096-00359583 which is probably a huge part of the reason why we've ended up in the mess LV0C8yqWsbI-00805-00359583-00359952 we're in today now the other piece of the puzzle LV0C8yqWsbI-00806-00359952-00360240 that i think is really interesting and noteworthy LV0C8yqWsbI-00807-00360240-00360648 on some of the work that i'm doing right now is there's a big distinction coming LV0C8yqWsbI-00808-00360648-00360855 up and this is probably we don't have time LV0C8yqWsbI-00809-00360855-00361135 to go into the depth of this between cinema LV0C8yqWsbI-00810-00361135-00361448 and television and there seems to be a lot LV0C8yqWsbI-00811-00361448-00361807 of optimism about the potential of tv LV0C8yqWsbI-00812-00361807-00362328 to fundamentally disrupt 1606 01:00:21,440 --> 01:00:25,520 how the system works for a bunch of LV0C8yqWsbI-00813-00362328-00362768 reasons one there's just more of it right the tv business is being LV0C8yqWsbI-00814-00362768-00363111 fundamentally disrupted with the streamers and global LV0C8yqWsbI-00815-00363111-00363424 distributions the relationship with audiences LV0C8yqWsbI-00816-00363424-00363872 is much tighter there's more diversity of content we're now seeing LV0C8yqWsbI-00817-00363872-00364311 in fact the pandemic at one level has been an accelerant LV0C8yqWsbI-00818-00364311-00364792 in driving content from all around the world through new channels LV0C8yqWsbI-00819-00364792-00365511 so how do we take this as an opportunity right to despite all LV0C8yqWsbI-00820-00365511-00365872 of the tragedy obviously of covet 19 which cannot be LV0C8yqWsbI-00821-00365872-00366376 underestimated but to think about LV0C8yqWsbI-00822-00366376-00366848 and the scale of tv is changing right we've seen this in the last 10 years LV0C8yqWsbI-00823-00366848-00367264 some tv series now have bigger budgets but you have future film budgets on tv LV0C8yqWsbI-00824-00367264-00367655 series so it's no longer you know the LV0C8yqWsbI-00825-00367655-00368183 crummier storytelling version by definition and you have movie actors LV0C8yqWsbI-00826-00368183-00368720 and directors doing tv so how do we take that as an opportunity LV0C8yqWsbI-00827-00368720-00369320 to fundamentally change to make affirmative change right mod LV0C8yqWsbI-00828-00369320-00369792 and i think oh i love this thank you more for bringing us together this is so LV0C8yqWsbI-00829-00369792-00370240 inspiring i'm i'm so happy to hang around with marcel are you and LV0C8yqWsbI-00830-00370240-00370688 and Amanda right now i think i think i thought a lot about LV0C8yqWsbI-00831-00370688-00370976 this because this directory you know with the LV0C8yqWsbI-00832-00370976-00371368 can of beer a lot of financials told her you LV0C8yqWsbI-00833-00371368-00371879 shouldn't do a feature you should do you should do a novel you should do LV0C8yqWsbI-00834-00371879-00372224 30 minutes you should not go directly to a feature and for her it was really LV0C8yqWsbI-00835-00372224-00372655 important because her dream was to make a feature of him that was LV0C8yqWsbI-00836-00372655-00373111 that was to do the impossible and and it ended up very well she was she LV0C8yqWsbI-00837-00373111-00373368 got world recognized with for the film but LV0C8yqWsbI-00838-00373368-00373768 it was ready several reasons i won't get him too but LV0C8yqWsbI-00839-00373768-00374144 i think she did right and i think as an artist it's really important to LV0C8yqWsbI-00840-00374144-00374488 follow your dream of course sometimes these dreams are LV0C8yqWsbI-00841-00374488-00374992 connected to get acknowledged by existing system and LV0C8yqWsbI-00842-00374992-00375376 especially if you feel that you're outside the system you want to prove for LV0C8yqWsbI-00843-00375376-00375720 yourself i can do that i think that is something LV0C8yqWsbI-00844-00375720-00376183 we all have and we have to fight towards that because i want to have that LV0C8yqWsbI-00845-00376183-00376568 position i want to to have that price etc and that is LV0C8yqWsbI-00846-00376568-00377144 somehow in our ecosystem we are i think an LV0C8yqWsbI-00847-00377144-00377696 artist is somehow mostly a bit competitive but because you want LV0C8yqWsbI-00848-00377696-00378311 to reach something you want to reach out the danger is not to use this energy LV0C8yqWsbI-00849-00378311-00378616 towards each other or against each other is to LV0C8yqWsbI-00850-00378616-00378903 use it to reach out because it can be very LV0C8yqWsbI-00851-00378903-00379559 healthy i think but that is also it's also dangerous and and yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-00852-00379559-00380120 can we do something and but also sorry for being messy now but i see i LV0C8yqWsbI-00853-00380120-00380344 hear a lot of young filmmakers say i'm not LV0C8yqWsbI-00854-00380344-00380768 interested in in a premiere in khan i'm interested to reach LV0C8yqWsbI-00855-00380768-00381296 an audience on on internet directly there are people who come in with new LV0C8yqWsbI-00856-00381296-00381672 dreams but these old dreams are still very LV0C8yqWsbI-00857-00381672-00382168 dominant and the funding structures also LV0C8yqWsbI-00858-00382168-00382616 it's easy if you can somehow promise someone i will promise you a premiere LV0C8yqWsbI-00859-00382616-00382879 and can you will probably get the funding if you LV0C8yqWsbI-00860-00382879-00383296 say i can promise you that i will have a million followers on youtube it will LV0C8yqWsbI-00861-00383296-00383583 probably be a bit harder to get the funding LV0C8yqWsbI-00862-00383583-00383903 have you had a million followers before maybe but LV0C8yqWsbI-00863-00383903-00384679 so this is really the thing what kind of goals are prioritized and LV0C8yqWsbI-00864-00384679-00385240 that's what i'm i really would love if we could talk about goals the film i LV0C8yqWsbI-00865-00385240-00385576 make what will it do because that's what you talked about LV0C8yqWsbI-00866-00385576-00386216 before Amanda you talk about the impact of our stories and and LV0C8yqWsbI-00867-00386216-00386576 what do our stories do with the world we don't talk LV0C8yqWsbI-00868-00386576-00387016 enough about that i think and i think that is something we should talk about LV0C8yqWsbI-00869-00387016-00387688 this story you are creating because you you can't know it but as as an artist i LV0C8yqWsbI-00870-00387688-00388024 i will always thought like this when i was an artist so LV0C8yqWsbI-00871-00388024-00388416 i'm here and my crew is here and here is the screen or the tv LV0C8yqWsbI-00872-00388416-00388800 or whatever and there you have the audience LV0C8yqWsbI-00873-00388800-00389407 i can plan and control this distance but this distance i can't plan and LV0C8yqWsbI-00874-00389407-00389831 control i can only dream and my way to find the LV0C8yqWsbI-00875-00389831-00390392 best art was always to think these people here in the audience what LV0C8yqWsbI-00876-00390392-00390807 do i want to happen inside them when they watch my LV0C8yqWsbI-00877-00390807-00391407 story what do i urge for them and i always had the same story and LV0C8yqWsbI-00878-00391407-00391752 maybe that is the story from my mother and i think all the films i have LV0C8yqWsbI-00879-00391752-00392216 produced have the same thing i want people to believe that they are LV0C8yqWsbI-00880-00392216-00392583 more of themselves that is always my goal and LV0C8yqWsbI-00881-00392583-00392864 i think different artists have different goals LV0C8yqWsbI-00882-00392864-00393440 but i think that will benefit us all if i can make you feel valuable LV0C8yqWsbI-00883-00393440-00393807 then i have succeeded with myself oh my god this is LV0C8yqWsbI-00884-00393807-00394224 this is so interesting but also so complex and LV0C8yqWsbI-00885-00394224-00395183 i don't know if it's complicated is it complicated marcel and Amanda LV0C8yqWsbI-00886-00395200-00395688 yeah yeah i do think it's a it's a com it's really complicated and that's why i LV0C8yqWsbI-00887-00395688-00396248 i wanted to have this the seminar series in three parts because it's LV0C8yqWsbI-00888-00396248-00396903 it's all well all the parts of a film will kind of make what the LV0C8yqWsbI-00889-00396903-00397311 audience see right and and this question of what is LV0C8yqWsbI-00890-00397311-00397759 the impact of my film it's i don't know it's the golden LV0C8yqWsbI-00891-00397759-00398144 growl in a way if we knew yeah but there is LV0C8yqWsbI-00892-00398144-00398440 certainly sorry for interrupting but there is also LV0C8yqWsbI-00893-00398440-00398872 a contradiction because a commissioning editor editor is LV0C8yqWsbI-00894-00398872-00399135 scared as hell to ask about that and they LV0C8yqWsbI-00895-00399135-00399528 should be because at the same time you have this with artistic integrity LV0C8yqWsbI-00896-00399528-00399864 and as a commission editor you should not sort of say LV0C8yqWsbI-00897-00399864-00400359 rule an artist so this is also something that must be up to the artist so it's LV0C8yqWsbI-00898-00400359-00400640 also a difficulty because if you see the LV0C8yqWsbI-00899-00400640-00401079 reactions what happened in sweden when anna started to be very clear that LV0C8yqWsbI-00900-00401079-00401520 we won't change we talk about identity politics and and LV0C8yqWsbI-00901-00401520-00401776 then you're not allowing allowing all kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-00902-00401776-00402152 stories it has been a success internationally LV0C8yqWsbI-00903-00402152-00402559 but it has been hell also for anna and for for this movement LV0C8yqWsbI-00904-00402559-00402959 in sweden because there's a lot of people that provoked that you start to LV0C8yqWsbI-00905-00402959-00403359 get into and and and pick into the stories LV0C8yqWsbI-00906-00403359-00403720 and and Amanda i don't know what you say about that but LV0C8yqWsbI-00907-00403720-00404392 it's you know i just i'm sensitive that we might have LV0C8yqWsbI-00908-00404392-00404928 questions 1798 01:07:25,839 --> 01:07:32,640 or mod i feel like we're but i just LV0C8yqWsbI-00909-00404928-00405383 to that point i want to when you said something Helene e LV0C8yqWsbI-00910-00405383-00406055 earlier that you know 1802 01:07:37,760 --> 01:07:41,599 being an activist is is hard work LV0C8yqWsbI-00911-00406055-00406552 because you're going to make people angry right LV0C8yqWsbI-00912-00406552-00407007 you know there is sort of one of that that old adage of well you know if i'm LV0C8yqWsbI-00913-00407007-00407503 not pissing anybody off then i must not be doing anything right LV0C8yqWsbI-00914-00407503-00408296 but i had another activist today talking about a very specific LV0C8yqWsbI-00915-00408296-00408920 difficult challenge that is confronting a particular community LV0C8yqWsbI-00916-00408920-00409264 right now say something extremely powerful and LV0C8yqWsbI-00917-00409264-00409896 they said we have to lean into our fear a little bit on this one LV0C8yqWsbI-00918-00409896-00410247 and you know like when you talk about your chicken skin LV0C8yqWsbI-00919-00410247-00410608 that gave me goosebumps i thought that's right it's LV0C8yqWsbI-00920-00410608-00411023 there is a level of bravery that is required LV0C8yqWsbI-00921-00411023-00411679 in order to go ahead sometimes into the unknown where you are anytime LV0C8yqWsbI-00922-00411679-00412000 you go into disrupt existing power relations there is going LV0C8yqWsbI-00923-00412000-00412383 to be resistance from those who benefit from the system as it LV0C8yqWsbI-00924-00412383-00412743 currently stands every time that you go in to advocate LV0C8yqWsbI-00925-00412743-00413064 for a community and with the community and with the set LV0C8yqWsbI-00926-00413064-00413464 of interests no community is cohesive and agrees on LV0C8yqWsbI-00927-00413464-00414039 everything right so there is going to be internal discord and disagreement you LV0C8yqWsbI-00928-00414039-00414392 know a fantastic example of that is the the quoted LV0C8yqWsbI-00929-00414392-00414671 debates within the feminist community you know LV0C8yqWsbI-00930-00414671-00415192 the feminist community in screen industries is not a unified LV0C8yqWsbI-00931-00415192-00415719 cohesive voice by a long shot so LV0C8yqWsbI-00932-00415719-00416175 i think that that's a really nice element to point out LV0C8yqWsbI-00933-00416175-00416847 lin in your in your journey as an activist and an LV0C8yqWsbI-00934-00416847-00417343 international leader in this space and indeed Marcela LV0C8yqWsbI-00935-00417343-00417927 as one of the content creators that is on the cutting edge of LV0C8yqWsbI-00936-00417927-00418335 the kinds of stuff that needs to be made that everybody who knows LV0C8yqWsbI-00937-00418335-00418792 what's worthy making right now is you're sitting at the front end of LV0C8yqWsbI-00938-00418792-00419456 it that's a hard position to be in because you've got value you're trying LV0C8yqWsbI-00939-00419456-00419912 to convince people of your value and the value of your work LV0C8yqWsbI-00940-00419912-00420271 when all kinds of other people can see it except LV0C8yqWsbI-00941-00420271-00420632 you know Helene e you're totally right well that's great that you have a LV0C8yqWsbI-00942-00420632-00421096 million and a half viewers on youtube but you know how many can you get a LV0C8yqWsbI-00943-00421096-00421367 premier at con where 35 people are going to see your LV0C8yqWsbI-00944-00421367-00421919 film right that's luna like that is lunacy about how we LV0C8yqWsbI-00945-00421919-00422328 understand success metrics well it's only on tick tock yeah but LV0C8yqWsbI-00946-00422328-00422752 like a million people follow me you know i'm on twitch i'm still like LV0C8yqWsbI-00947-00422752-00423256 that's content so all of LV0C8yqWsbI-00948-00423256-00423584 it again it's back to that disruption and we have to LV0C8yqWsbI-00949-00423584-00424143 to query and reset the structures itself and i really like that oh my god what if LV0C8yqWsbI-00950-00424143-00424528 we get to the 50 50 and all we've done is change the head LV0C8yqWsbI-00951-00424528-00425064 count how awful would that be LV0C8yqWsbI-00952-00425064-00425456 so yeah i agree that was exactly my thought as well LV0C8yqWsbI-00953-00425456-00426015 when when i i saw oh now it's 20 20 what now LV0C8yqWsbI-00954-00426015-00426576 but no it wasn't reached and 1890 01:11:03,280 --> 01:11:08,640 and in a way i'm a bit glad for it as LV0C8yqWsbI-00955-00426576-00426864 as Helene said LV0C8yqWsbI-00956-00426888-00427584 so i'm there is a question from from the audience and also i'm LV0C8yqWsbI-00957-00427584-00427904 i'm actually more i'm actually interested in LV0C8yqWsbI-00958-00427904-00428488 in seeing how or in talking more about how people they've been LV0C8yqWsbI-00959-00428488-00428928 discriminated against for a long long time in history LV0C8yqWsbI-00960-00428928-00429735 can feel or can feel that they can sell themselves enough to be heard LV0C8yqWsbI-00961-00429735-00430304 i it seems to be 1903 01:11:40,800 --> 01:11:44,960 it's a matter of changing the executives LV0C8yqWsbI-00962-00430304-00430735 as as we have said and not only by white women but having more LV0C8yqWsbI-00963-00430735-00430904 diversity of people LV0C8yqWsbI-00964-00430904-00431584 in in positions of power 1908 01:11:52,480 --> 01:12:00,239 and and also of inspiring confidence LV0C8yqWsbI-00965-00431584-00432256 i guess Helene you wanted to react about this LV0C8yqWsbI-00966-00432256-00432704 actually Amanda is first so so let another story i'm happy to comment LV0C8yqWsbI-00967-00432704-00433439 i'm curious what Amanda will say i think thank you let me take my hand LV0C8yqWsbI-00968-00433439-00433967 oh my hand is down look the question from LV0C8yqWsbI-00969-00433967-00434623 annette is it is a h dinger of a question it's a great LV0C8yqWsbI-00970-00434623-00434952 one let me speak to the question of how LV0C8yqWsbI-00971-00434952-00435247 do we change the executives and i'll give you LV0C8yqWsbI-00972-00435247-00435623 an example from an interview that i did just this week LV0C8yqWsbI-00973-00435623-00436023 in which i was speaking with an executive LV0C8yqWsbI-00974-00436023-00436664 who is a woman who is advocating for change LV0C8yqWsbI-00975-00436664-00437176 who has a very long and storied career in the global screen industries and is LV0C8yqWsbI-00976-00437176-00437800 anchored out of the us and i she talked about the pipeline LV0C8yqWsbI-00977-00437800-00438284 for executives right and and making a really concerted effort LV0C8yqWsbI-00978-00438284-00438823 to bring in racialized women and queer women and make sure that that pipeline LV0C8yqWsbI-00979-00438823-00439280 gets full and i said okay LV0C8yqWsbI-00980-00439296-00439684 let me ask you this when we talk about global talent LV0C8yqWsbI-00981-00439684-00440271 searches we have extremely well LV0C8yqWsbI-00982-00440271-00440671 developed very sophisticated film and television LV0C8yqWsbI-00983-00440671-00441104 production industries all around the world LV0C8yqWsbI-00984-00441104-00441615 when we go looking for executives are we recruiting from south america LV0C8yqWsbI-00985-00441615-00442104 are we recruiting from india are we recruiting from nollywood LV0C8yqWsbI-00986-00442104-00442528 how does that recruitment happen because if you're only looking at the pipeline LV0C8yqWsbI-00987-00442528-00442896 within your own shores then you're actually not really committing to LV0C8yqWsbI-00988-00442896-00443360 effective change and my issue is then we get back to the LV0C8yqWsbI-00989-00443360-00443815 pipeline problem right as if well we just all have to be LV0C8yqWsbI-00990-00443815-00444152 patient and wait for people to get enough skill LV0C8yqWsbI-00991-00444152-00444880 and the answer was no no we no we don't really recruit LV0C8yqWsbI-00992-00444880-00445615 globally so that was a new piece of information that i got out of LV0C8yqWsbI-00993-00445615-00445832 my research today and i thought it was very LV0C8yqWsbI-00994-00445832-00446528 telling and powerful about who is who the how global is the talent pool LV0C8yqWsbI-00995-00446528-00446856 where do we see that talent coming from because LV0C8yqWsbI-00996-00446856-00447343 then like you said lots of you can teach people how to do their jobs LV0C8yqWsbI-00997-00447343-00447815 right like learning how to navigate the particular institutional infrastructure LV0C8yqWsbI-00998-00447815-00448160 of a different company is not rocket science and we LV0C8yqWsbI-00999-00448160-00448576 know that because other global industries do it LV0C8yqWsbI-01000-00448576-00449167 all the time so i would throw that back onto the laps of LV0C8yqWsbI-01001-00449167-00449615 the studios who like to say that they're deeply committed LV0C8yqWsbI-01002-00449615-00450056 discretively to the question of equity diversity and inclusion ask them to take LV0C8yqWsbI-01003-00450056-00450560 an extremely careful lens at their own hiring practices at the top LV0C8yqWsbI-01004-00450560-00450880 end and what that tells us about their depth of commitment LV0C8yqWsbI-01005-00450880-00451360 for this change so maybe that's exactly right LV0C8yqWsbI-01006-00451680-00452215 oh i love this i think i would suggest you know i don't LV0C8yqWsbI-01007-00452215-00452423 know if you remember that i said that i look LV0C8yqWsbI-01008-00452423-00452832 at the i think i look at my life but i also look at the industry from three LV0C8yqWsbI-01009-00452832-00453288 levels you have the structural level i have my individual level and then i LV0C8yqWsbI-01010-00453288-00453684 have the relation level and if i start to talk about the LV0C8yqWsbI-01011-00453684-00454167 structures and i can share a story before i met no LV0C8yqWsbI-01012-00454167-00454408 it was actually the first years because this LV0C8yqWsbI-01013-00454408-00454960 professor i told you about who told me that when i had this feeling LV0C8yqWsbI-01014-00454960-00455312 if what you're saying is the right it's not only me that is wrong LV0C8yqWsbI-01015-00455312-00455671 maybe i'm the one who's right and the system is wrong that was LV0C8yqWsbI-01016-00455671-00456184 a swap in my body to understand and to to be confident LV0C8yqWsbI-01017-00456184-00456552 being who i am even if i can be in pain in the ass for someone LV0C8yqWsbI-01018-00456552-00457039 but it's for me it was comfortable so a couple of years later i had this LV0C8yqWsbI-01019-00457039-00457592 feeling that i was i have a big stone that i tried to get up on a big mountain LV0C8yqWsbI-01020-00457592-00458047 and then sometimes and then i tried again and LV0C8yqWsbI-01021-00458047-00458480 then i i and that was my individual LV0C8yqWsbI-01022-00458480-00459088 fight with the systems and then i i told him this feeling and this picture i LV0C8yqWsbI-01023-00459088-00459528 had and then he said no no you can never fight a system that LV0C8yqWsbI-01024-00459528-00459839 is rotten that was the word he used he LV0C8yqWsbI-01025-00459839-00460232 didn't he he even said i i asked him is the LV0C8yqWsbI-01026-00460232-00460471 systems dead no no they're not dead they're LV0C8yqWsbI-01027-00460471-00460839 rotten you just have to wait for them to die so LV0C8yqWsbI-01028-00460839-00461335 my god that's but he said never fight a rotten system LV0C8yqWsbI-01029-00461335-00461847 you have to learn to sheet the system you have to make yourself like water if LV0C8yqWsbI-01030-00461847-00462232 i saw this system as a big mountain not you should not be a stone you should LV0C8yqWsbI-01031-00462232-00462752 be waterproof and floating around this mountain LV0C8yqWsbI-01032-00462752-00463208 that was a very strong picture he gave me that i used to think of when i LV0C8yqWsbI-01033-00463208-00463743 i find myself getting into these fights with the system LV0C8yqWsbI-01034-00463743-00464360 so that's part of the picture then inside myself when LV0C8yqWsbI-01035-00464360-00464967 i pitch something and i know this position thing i'm going to tell LV0C8yqWsbI-01036-00464967-00465615 you a secret on my cv i have a premiering cam but i LV0C8yqWsbI-01037-00465615-00465952 bought that premiere LV0C8yqWsbI-01038-00466096-00466480 i can i can if we meet annette i saw it as you asked this question i can tell LV0C8yqWsbI-01039-00466480-00466935 you all the details but most things are for sale and if you LV0C8yqWsbI-01040-00466935-00467239 really go for something that can give you a LV0C8yqWsbI-01041-00467239-00467623 position in other people's eyes of course you LV0C8yqWsbI-01042-00467623-00468039 should not all go and buy a premier in canon it's maybe LV0C8yqWsbI-01043-00468039-00468560 not possible but what i'm trying to say these things LV0C8yqWsbI-01044-00468560-00469104 that are illusions and you as an artist can always play with illusion and i LV0C8yqWsbI-01045-00469104-00469656 think what you have to do is upgrade yourself the LV0C8yqWsbI-01046-00469656-00470039 first work i do as a pitch coach is to try LV0C8yqWsbI-01047-00470039-00470352 mostly when i get into a room with someone who's LV0C8yqWsbI-01048-00470352-00470823 going to learn to pitch they feel very small towards the system LV0C8yqWsbI-01049-00470823-00471167 so the first thing i have to do is to change LV0C8yqWsbI-01050-00471167-00471543 that relation of power and sorry now for my LV0C8yqWsbI-01051-00471543-00471912 filthy mouth i say you cannot be the one who's getting [ __ ] LV0C8yqWsbI-01052-00471912-00472352 you have to be the one who [ __ ] you have to be on top of this situation LV0C8yqWsbI-01053-00472352-00472735 it's maybe a bit radical to say but people LV0C8yqWsbI-01054-00472735-00473160 understand very quickly what i mean and you can see in their eyes that they LV0C8yqWsbI-01055-00473160-00473664 start to imagine themselves and i also say you have to look at the LV0C8yqWsbI-01056-00473664-00474256 people in power as three years old to make yourself bigger inside yourself but LV0C8yqWsbI-01057-00474256-00474760 also to what you say should be very very clear because your job LV0C8yqWsbI-01058-00474760-00475176 is to make them feel smart so it's very technical LV0C8yqWsbI-01059-00475176-00475688 it's it's very technical to get into these relations of power LV0C8yqWsbI-01060-00475688-00476360 and i think it's very easy to feel disempowered in a situation where LV0C8yqWsbI-01061-00476360-00476847 everything looks impossible so i'm not saying that it's easy to say LV0C8yqWsbI-01062-00476847-00477200 okay i decide to be in charge of this and and look at them as well no no no LV0C8yqWsbI-01063-00477200-00477519 it's very very difficult that's why we need LV0C8yqWsbI-01064-00477519-00477960 coaches sometimes to hold our hands and to make this decision LV0C8yqWsbI-01065-00477960-00478464 and to see what's out there is not healthy LV0C8yqWsbI-01066-00478464-00478871 but i have to deal with it if i want to be here and it's and we should also LV0C8yqWsbI-01067-00478871-00479312 remember it's not a human right to be a filmmaker even LV0C8yqWsbI-01068-00479312-00479743 if it's a human need it's yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-01069-00479743-00480080 this is so tricky but i think [ __ ] the system and and LV0C8yqWsbI-01070-00480080-00480376 yeah because i was talking about the individual and the systemic the LV0C8yqWsbI-01071-00480376-00480735 structure level what i have done in my i'm actually the LV0C8yqWsbI-01072-00480735-00481119 president with it and that is for me that the middle level the relational LV0C8yqWsbI-01073-00481119-00481519 level the best thing you could do is LV0C8yqWsbI-01074-00481519-00482080 to build relations that supports you and i think that's why networking is LV0C8yqWsbI-01075-00482080-00482728 crucial in my life this is the room where i can be i can LV0C8yqWsbI-01076-00482728-00483360 if i if i wouldn't have wift in my life i would be such a pain in in the ass in LV0C8yqWsbI-01077-00483360-00484063 all the situations in my life live with is my space where i can LV0C8yqWsbI-01078-00484063-00484663 express all the problems i see and play with all the solutions i see together LV0C8yqWsbI-01079-00484663-00485112 with other people that share the same idea of about problems and the LV0C8yqWsbI-01080-00485112-00485512 needs for solutions if i wouldn't have whiffed i would LV0C8yqWsbI-01081-00485512-00485815 probably have been killed or something because i would have LV0C8yqWsbI-01082-00485815-00486400 been such an [ __ ] in all these situations so yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-01083-00486839-00487256 hi we've just got another question from the audience LV0C8yqWsbI-01084-00487256-00487671 so i'll just read that out for you so it says thank you so much for this LV0C8yqWsbI-01085-00487671-00488047 wonderful webinar and for sharing all your stories and work LV0C8yqWsbI-01086-00488047-00488400 living in a country where english is not the main spoken language i am LV0C8yqWsbI-01087-00488400-00488684 curious to hear about your experiences with LV0C8yqWsbI-01088-00488684-00489152 multilingual linguality in the film industry have you encountered LV0C8yqWsbI-01089-00489152-00489712 challenges in de-centering anglo-centric and english-speaking experiences in LV0C8yqWsbI-01090-00489712-00490135 international world cinema and ways of overcoming those challenges LV0C8yqWsbI-01091-00490135-00490696 through feminist approaches and spaces and then following on relating question LV0C8yqWsbI-01092-00490696-00491152 how do you see language related factors influencing what projects are able to LV0C8yqWsbI-01093-00491152-00491632 find financial support resources and distribution when films LV0C8yqWsbI-01094-00491632-00491919 are not in english LV0C8yqWsbI-01095-00492056-00492784 Amanda i this this question is an incredibly LV0C8yqWsbI-01096-00492784-00493080 important one and speaks to me very deeply LV0C8yqWsbI-01097-00493080-00493543 because i am canadian and canada is a bilingual country LV0C8yqWsbI-01098-00493543-00493863 english and french are two official languages LV0C8yqWsbI-01099-00493863-00494656 we call the english and french divisions within the country the two LV0C8yqWsbI-01100-00494656-00495032 solitudes and the political economy of the LV0C8yqWsbI-01101-00495032-00495360 canadian english film and television industry and LV0C8yqWsbI-01102-00495360-00495847 the french film and television ministry are incredibly different and highly LV0C8yqWsbI-01103-00495847-00496256 charged for all kinds of reasons i want to LV0C8yqWsbI-01104-00496256-00496639 preface this by saying i think that this is important LV0C8yqWsbI-01105-00496639-00497023 this is one of the most pressing questions that LV0C8yqWsbI-01106-00497023-00497384 the industry is going to have to wrestle with not simply from a commercial LV0C8yqWsbI-01107-00497384-00497608 standpoint right because we're leaving money on the LV0C8yqWsbI-01108-00497608-00498039 table and again the pandemic is starting to challenge some of these things so LV0C8yqWsbI-01109-00498039-00498519 we're seeing lots more lots more content for example on netflix LV0C8yqWsbI-01110-00498519-00498904 in foreign languages that's now being subtitled or dubbed so LV0C8yqWsbI-01111-00498904-00499271 you know without trying to be 2200 01:23:11,600 --> 01:23:15,040 overwhelmingly LV0C8yqWsbI-01112-00499271-00499688 pessimistic i think that again there's an opportunity here LV0C8yqWsbI-01113-00499688-00500176 within the structures for us to be able to be again to crack open some spaces LV0C8yqWsbI-01114-00500176-00500808 how we do that is really important and i think that requires some new ideas LV0C8yqWsbI-01115-00500808-00501423 that capture imaginations that connect us and and and LV0C8yqWsbI-01116-00501423-00501847 frame the questions in compelling ways that connect LV0C8yqWsbI-01117-00501847-00502223 not just the commercial imperative but the social economic and cultural LV0C8yqWsbI-01118-00502223-00502919 imperative of the storytelling world on screen LV0C8yqWsbI-01119-00502919-00503528 so you know what i'll say is that colonialism and the disenfranchisement LV0C8yqWsbI-01120-00503528-00503960 of the other through our media system is one of the LV0C8yqWsbI-01121-00503960-00504335 key means by which colonial white supremacy is reproduced LV0C8yqWsbI-01122-00504335-00504935 under contemporary capitalism now that's you know a big idea LV0C8yqWsbI-01123-00504935-00505392 to roll out but i think it's really important LV0C8yqWsbI-01124-00505392-00505784 and again speaks to the comment that i just made why aren't we recruiting from LV0C8yqWsbI-01125-00505784-00506343 india why aren't we recruiting from mexico why aren't we recruiting from LV0C8yqWsbI-01126-00506343-00506600 these incredibly sophisticated global screen LV0C8yqWsbI-01127-00506600-00507056 industries that are sitting loaded with talent so that tells me LV0C8yqWsbI-01128-00507056-00507392 a lot of things about how flows of power and influence LV0C8yqWsbI-01129-00507392-00507871 run and then through the structures and networks that underpin LV0C8yqWsbI-01130-00507871-00508623 production so the indigenous screen office in canada LV0C8yqWsbI-01131-00508623-00509335 is advancing a very powerful case for something that they call narrative LV0C8yqWsbI-01132-00509335-00509792 sovereignty and this has captured a lot of political LV0C8yqWsbI-01133-00509792-00510247 attention and i think advances an interesting LV0C8yqWsbI-01134-00510247-00510928 idea into the political sphere that is quite hard to say LV0C8yqWsbI-01135-00510928-00511600 well that's not worth doing particularly in the context LV0C8yqWsbI-01136-00511600-00512056 of canadian first nations french and english relations LV0C8yqWsbI-01137-00512056-00512784 and that is that indigenous screen writers and screen tellers LV0C8yqWsbI-01138-00512784-00513304 writers and filmmakers say look there is a system that very carefully protects LV0C8yqWsbI-01139-00513304-00513743 and supports english language production and french language production LV0C8yqWsbI-01140-00513743-00514239 by the way we were here first we never ceded the land LV0C8yqWsbI-01141-00514239-00514704 we would like the same structures regulatory and policy and funding LV0C8yqWsbI-01142-00514704-00515143 structures to support our stories that's all we're LV0C8yqWsbI-01143-00515143-00515567 asking for is basic equity and but the idea of LV0C8yqWsbI-01144-00515567-00515935 narrative sovereignty over your stories over who LV0C8yqWsbI-01145-00515935-00516296 tells your stories and the right to tell those stories and the right for those LV0C8yqWsbI-01146-00516296-00516743 stories to be circulated as part of the public fear LV0C8yqWsbI-01147-00516743-00517152 is an interesting proposition i would suggest that could have purchased LV0C8yqWsbI-01148-00517152-00517463 in other contexts LV0C8yqWsbI-01149-00517680-00518096 yeah i could i know i was thinking of parasite the south korean film that LV0C8yqWsbI-01150-00518096-00518439 i think i love the story of parasite because who could LV0C8yqWsbI-01151-00518439-00518919 expect that a south korean film would take the world with such a storm so LV0C8yqWsbI-01152-00518919-00519304 that's that's gives hope i think and then i LV0C8yqWsbI-01153-00519304-00519608 think when you talk about the first nation LV0C8yqWsbI-01154-00519608-00520056 people because i there's something i LV0C8yqWsbI-01155-00520056-00520584 love to see that is happening and i lisa honbae and anna leila utzi who are LV0C8yqWsbI-01156-00520584-00520880 running the sakmi film institute there are such a cool LV0C8yqWsbI-01157-00520880-00521592 boss ladies and their gifts to all of us what they are doing and LV0C8yqWsbI-01158-00521592-00522000 i know because i when i arranged carla 2020 LV0C8yqWsbI-01159-00522000-00522408 the network about diversity i asked lisa to put together LV0C8yqWsbI-01160-00522408-00523015 a panel about i don't know what we call it indigenous LV0C8yqWsbI-01161-00523015-00523552 storytelling i think it was and it took her no time to put together LV0C8yqWsbI-01162-00523552-00523992 her friends from australia new zealand canada us LV0C8yqWsbI-01163-00523992-00524488 and greenland like this because they all work together LV0C8yqWsbI-01164-00524488-00525128 they they they have a network and a friendship and a professional LV0C8yqWsbI-01165-00525128-00525552 collaborations over the globe in a way that i don't see LV0C8yqWsbI-01166-00525552-00525856 anywhere else so when you say this Amanda that we LV0C8yqWsbI-01167-00525856-00526360 should look for other voices yeah and that's the when you LV0C8yqWsbI-01168-00526360-00526744 belong to an oppressed group doesn't mean LV0C8yqWsbI-01169-00526744-00527063 you have to act like an oppressed towards the LV0C8yqWsbI-01170-00527063-00527544 the structures that have that oppress you you can LV0C8yqWsbI-01171-00527544-00527952 find other ways and i think what they have done all over the world LV0C8yqWsbI-01172-00527952-00528319 the network their indigenous have makes me jealous in a way because i think LV0C8yqWsbI-01173-00528319-00528656 they're super school and smart and they do their production LV0C8yqWsbI-01174-00528656-00528984 and i i love to be jealous because yell is always LV0C8yqWsbI-01175-00528984-00529360 turns me on to try to do something so that i was thinking of LV0C8yqWsbI-01176-00529360-00529704 and then i must brag a bit because i'm very proud of LV0C8yqWsbI-01177-00529704-00530296 what we did at this year's berlinale our event at the berlinale it was an old LV0C8yqWsbI-01178-00530296-00530623 dream of me since i became the international president of course LV0C8yqWsbI-01179-00530623-00531067 i love to bring people together and our title was love is all you need LV0C8yqWsbI-01180-00531067-00531576 re-imagining rom-com and then we have from LV0C8yqWsbI-01181-00531576-00532008 bollywood nollywood hollywood and that was my dream that was so LV0C8yqWsbI-01182-00532008-00532344 fun to play with words but it's also very interesting it was a collaboration LV0C8yqWsbI-01183-00532344-00532608 between with india with africa and nigeria LV0C8yqWsbI-01184-00532608-00532967 with los angeles sweden and germany so it was also this dream to LV0C8yqWsbI-01185-00532967-00533632 bring people together network again but it was now i lost what to say give LV0C8yqWsbI-01186-00533632-00533888 me a second i have to remember there was a point LV0C8yqWsbI-01187-00533888-00534344 there somewhere no i don't remember maybe Marcela do LV0C8yqWsbI-01188-00534344-00534888 you want to say something about this 2353 01:29:05,760 --> 01:29:11,520 non-english speaking or LV0C8yqWsbI-01189-00534888-00535256 yeah i remember it may i say it sorry for interrupting LV0C8yqWsbI-01190-00535256-00535871 what i want to mention is that Bollywood is the biggest economy then we have LV0C8yqWsbI-01191-00535871-00536392 Nollywood then we have Hollywood and this kind of pictures to see because LV0C8yqWsbI-01192-00536392-00536776 if you go for the money you have an economical system sorry i'll leave it to LV0C8yqWsbI-01193-00536776-00537096 you again i wanted to LV0C8yqWsbI-01194-00537160-00537800 well in this i guess in this like it's difficult i mean our production LV0C8yqWsbI-01195-00537800-00538392 company is based in mainly in Amsterdam which is that we're in the LV0C8yqWsbI-01196-00538392-00538992 Netherlands it's a dead speaking country but most so LV0C8yqWsbI-01197-00538992-00539400 i i feel like the question had a lot to do with how do we navigate this right LV0C8yqWsbI-01198-00539400-00539728 and how do we navigate like making maybe films that are not in LV0C8yqWsbI-01199-00539728-00540192 english and how do we we expand this and honestly i think it's LV0C8yqWsbI-01200-00540192-00540576 really hard i don't think it's an easy thing and even in this whole like LV0C8yqWsbI-01201-00540576-00540896 connection thing and networking thing like LV0C8yqWsbI-01202-00540896-00541256 yeah we want to well i work i'm brazilian LV0C8yqWsbI-01203-00541256-00541663 i come from brazil i work here but the reason why i work here is because i LV0C8yqWsbI-01204-00541663-00541952 speak english there is no doubt about that and i feel LV0C8yqWsbI-01205-00541952-00542215 like we can pretend that that is not a reality LV0C8yqWsbI-01206-00542215-00542640 it's easier to make connections when you can speak the same language LV0C8yqWsbI-01207-00542640-00543063 naturally but i and i do feel like here LV0C8yqWsbI-01208-00543063-00543496 i don't speak dutch i don't think anyone in our studio speaks dutch so that adds LV0C8yqWsbI-01209-00543496-00543904 another level of like complications because we get some LV0C8yqWsbI-01210-00543904-00544128 funding from the netherlands and then we make LV0C8yqWsbI-01211-00544128-00544519 stuff in english but then they also want to touch version so now we're having to LV0C8yqWsbI-01212-00544519-00544871 navigate that as well and then there's a third level now that LV0C8yqWsbI-01213-00544871-00545423 we're making another film in spanish because all of our like most of our LV0C8yqWsbI-01214-00545423-00545871 producers also speak spanish i speak portuguese spanish as well then like LV0C8yqWsbI-01215-00545871-00546167 tamara she's like panamanian american social LV0C8yqWsbI-01216-00546167-00546552 speaks spanish our other producers argentinian social speak spanish LV0C8yqWsbI-01217-00546552-00546871 so there's that now and i feel like that project LV0C8yqWsbI-01218-00546871-00547280 actually started making me a little bit more hopeful in the sense LV0C8yqWsbI-01219-00547280-00547823 of like okay we are we all speak english to each other but we're based in LV0C8yqWsbI-01220-00547823-00548071 the netherlands of a country that speaks dutch LV0C8yqWsbI-01221-00548071-00548544 and we're making a film in spanish so that i think it's cool like i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-01222-00548544-00548880 finally for the first time i see a breaking a little bit LV0C8yqWsbI-01223-00548880-00549280 of like this whole like english-centric and networks that are in english in LV0C8yqWsbI-01224-00549280-00549536 english we're now we're talking to animators LV0C8yqWsbI-01225-00549536-00549863 that speak spanish we're like we're working with a crew that LV0C8yqWsbI-01226-00549863-00550200 speaks spanish and like it really opened horizons LV0C8yqWsbI-01227-00550200-00550567 so i feel like our world is so connected but it's still very LV0C8yqWsbI-01228-00550567-00550960 like centered around like english and like english LV0C8yqWsbI-01229-00550960-00551488 polls of like networking working etc but more and more i see that expanding also LV0C8yqWsbI-01230-00551488-00551832 because more people speak english but also because i think LV0C8yqWsbI-01231-00551832-00552240 these relations are getting stronger like letting people wanting to work LV0C8yqWsbI-01232-00552240-00552704 together and creating a more like fortified link between each other LV0C8yqWsbI-01233-00552704-00552863 and creating this i feel like that's what LV0C8yqWsbI-01234-00552863-00553215 we're talking about it's like the relations and the networks and like LV0C8yqWsbI-01235-00553215-00553600 building things together so i feel like a lot of times like Helene you were LV0C8yqWsbI-01236-00553600-00553863 talking about before sometimes the system is like LV0C8yqWsbI-01237-00553863-00554280 rotten or whatever but you start creating also i feel like your own LV0C8yqWsbI-01238-00554280-00554496 system like outside of like of course you LV0C8yqWsbI-01239-00554496-00554952 depend on to some extent to like whatever they exist but you can also LV0C8yqWsbI-01240-00554952-00555256 start creating your own thing in your own little like LV0C8yqWsbI-01241-00555256-00555560 network and that expense and that connects to something else so i feel LV0C8yqWsbI-01242-00555560-00555880 like it's all about those links so i feel like it is like a very LV0C8yqWsbI-01243-00555880-00556280 exciting time to be working on and there's still a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-01244-00556280-00556815 a lot of obstacles especially for like non-speaking non-english speaking folks LV0C8yqWsbI-01245-00556815-00557088 but i see that there is an opening finally for LV0C8yqWsbI-01246-00557088-00557448 that at least that's how i see it may i give you some feedback on that LV0C8yqWsbI-01247-00557448-00558056 because i think your company also focusing on tech not storytelling and i LV0C8yqWsbI-01248-00558056-00558415 think that is also a factor that is really interesting and it's totally LV0C8yqWsbI-01249-00558415-00558808 right you have this global view that you just LV0C8yqWsbI-01250-00558808-00559240 described but you also get into tech to see what's happening with the LV0C8yqWsbI-01251-00559240-00559728 distribution because stories will be distributed in ways we LV0C8yqWsbI-01252-00559728-00560096 can't imagine today tomorrow i'm quite sure about that LV0C8yqWsbI-01253-00560096-00560344 and and getting into tech i think that is really LV0C8yqWsbI-01254-00560344-00560976 clever yeah the i feel like the tech LV0C8yqWsbI-01255-00560976-00561304 part of the industry is very interesting as well LV0C8yqWsbI-01256-00561304-00561823 because it is so small 2488 01:33:36,239 --> 01:33:40,239 it's small and big at the same time it's LV0C8yqWsbI-01257-00561823-00562071 the weirdest thing to navigate because you LV0C8yqWsbI-01258-00562071-00562415 you hear about things you never thought existed before LV0C8yqWsbI-01259-00562415-00562736 and then you're in a place and then you meet someone and you think okay this is LV0C8yqWsbI-01260-00562736-00563056 the same poor people that make vr but there's so LV0C8yqWsbI-01261-00563056-00563400 much out there and it's like it's very weird it's very good LV0C8yqWsbI-01262-00563400-00563744 i share a story because i started when i decided to LV0C8yqWsbI-01263-00563744-00564240 to be a producer and deal with power and money i decided to start a tv channel on LV0C8yqWsbI-01264-00564240-00564640 internet in 2000 and i managed because when i want LV0C8yqWsbI-01265-00564640-00565088 to do something i just managed yeah but i think it was LV0C8yqWsbI-01266-00565088-00565456 this big the film and almost no audience but then LV0C8yqWsbI-01267-00565456-00565823 there was a fair in london about streaming because streaming was new at LV0C8yqWsbI-01268-00565823-00566119 that time you know who the big innovators were at LV0C8yqWsbI-01269-00566119-00566519 that time those who were in the forefront of the technics LV0C8yqWsbI-01270-00566519-00566784 can you guess LV0C8yqWsbI-01271-00566919-00567263 it's really interesting but if you think when you oppress LV0C8yqWsbI-01272-00567263-00567608 and i'm this is very double because when you oppress LV0C8yqWsbI-01273-00567608-00568040 a force it doesn't say good or bad that's not what i'm going for but when LV0C8yqWsbI-01274-00568040-00568432 you oppress something you usually find ways LV0C8yqWsbI-01275-00568432-00568944 and that creates innovation and it was the porn industry they were really in LV0C8yqWsbI-01276-00568944-00569192 the forefront when it comes to techniques so LV0C8yqWsbI-01277-00569192-00569560 yeah i i can see your eyes because it was totally shocking LV0C8yqWsbI-01278-00569560-00570104 but in a way you can learn something from it if you try to stop something LV0C8yqWsbI-01279-00570104-00570552 it will always find ways and especially if you don't talk about it so so LV0C8yqWsbI-01280-00570552-00570856 this is totally another discussion but LV0C8yqWsbI-01281-00570856-00571440 i i i just think it's interesting to reflect on because you LV0C8yqWsbI-01282-00571440-00571744 said before why how can women find motivation LV0C8yqWsbI-01283-00571744-00572544 to enter tech yeah maybe to stop porn i don't know could that be a motivation LV0C8yqWsbI-01284-00572544-00572888 yeah but i feel like that relates a lot to what we were even talking about LV0C8yqWsbI-01285-00572888-00573200 yesterday it's like it feels like an adversity is LV0C8yqWsbI-01286-00573200-00573496 where art thrives at the end of the day right the LV0C8yqWsbI-01287-00573496-00573832 more that i feel like sometimes they don't want us to tell LV0C8yqWsbI-01288-00573832-00574160 certain stories or don't want something to happen that's when you want to make LV0C8yqWsbI-01289-00574160-00574560 it happen yeah like that's a big motivator yeah LV0C8yqWsbI-01290-00574560-00574896 no but that's i heard someone say if you fund art LV0C8yqWsbI-01291-00574896-00575367 too much it you you will it will disappear because LV0C8yqWsbI-01292-00575367-00575823 is it true i don't like to say it but is this resistance LV0C8yqWsbI-01293-00575823-00576392 also a very strong point for motivation i have no idea LV0C8yqWsbI-01294-00576392-00576840 Amanda is the researcher among us maybe you know LV0C8yqWsbI-01295-00576888-00577376 we only have five minutes left so i i'd like to encourage the audience to LV0C8yqWsbI-01296-00577376-00577952 not be shy and and ask questions to a wonderful panelist before LV0C8yqWsbI-01297-00577952-00578663 we close for today but if there is no one that one that LV0C8yqWsbI-01298-00578663-00578848 is inspired we can continue LV0C8yqWsbI-01299-00578848-00579560 i i have i feel forever 2572 01:36:32,000 --> 01:36:39,280 it's an infinite debate don't you LV0C8yqWsbI-01300-00579560-00580104 have any questions well i have plenty of questions i don't actually know where LV0C8yqWsbI-01301-00580104-00580544 to start but what what i i really LV0C8yqWsbI-01302-00580544-00580863 want to come back to this idea of quotas and LV0C8yqWsbI-01303-00580863-00581200 the idea that that we focus a lot LV0C8yqWsbI-01304-00581200-00581832 or we've focused a lot lately on 2581 01:36:55,360 --> 01:37:00,159 having quotas and on device diversifying LV0C8yqWsbI-01305-00581832-00582015 people who are behind LV0C8yqWsbI-01306-00582015-00582663 the camera but 2584 01:37:03,280 --> 01:37:08,480 how does that really impact on what we LV0C8yqWsbI-01307-00582663-00583088 see on screen if we don't change the mentality it seems that education has LV0C8yqWsbI-01308-00583088-00583248 been something that also LV0C8yqWsbI-01309-00583248-00583800 that also comes to 2589 01:37:15,520 --> 01:37:20,159 to your mind when when we when we speak LV0C8yqWsbI-01310-00583800-00584263 about this because i feel that it's not because you give a camera to a LV0C8yqWsbI-01311-00584263-00584696 women that you only see things that are not misogynist LV0C8yqWsbI-01312-00584696-00585192 it's not it's not as simple i don't know maybe Marcela you have something LV0C8yqWsbI-01313-00585192-00585752 because you have applied for funding as well have you LV0C8yqWsbI-01314-00585752-00586144 did you have the impression that your work was kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-01315-00586144-00586663 placed in a quota of the diversity quota in a way or LV0C8yqWsbI-01316-00586688-00587071 i feel like well in the netherlands specifically LV0C8yqWsbI-01317-00587071-00587519 there is a lot what we apply for funding here that is a lot that is taken into LV0C8yqWsbI-01318-00587519-00587880 consideration in the sense of like what kind of films LV0C8yqWsbI-01319-00587880-00588208 are we gonna put forward and etc especially with LV0C8yqWsbI-01320-00588208-00588415 grants i feel like that's the situation like LV0C8yqWsbI-01321-00588415-00588752 looking for diverse stories looking for representation etc LV0C8yqWsbI-01322-00588752-00589208 but more on like the commercial side that is very different so i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-01323-00589208-00589608 those are very different spheres in that gate as well kind of like grant funding LV0C8yqWsbI-01324-00589608-00590352 or like more like commercial funding i i don't i don't know LV0C8yqWsbI-01325-00590352-00590792 exactly how to answer you in this i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-01326-00590792-00591232 there is an unspoken quote a lot nowadays like i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-01327-00591232-00591648 kind of what i was talking about before like sometimes when black lives matter LV0C8yqWsbI-01328-00591648-00591919 is like the big topic then everyone is like okay LV0C8yqWsbI-01329-00591919-00592240 now we have to be inclusive now we have to do this LV0C8yqWsbI-01330-00592240-00592544 and stuff so like there's a little bit of social pressure but that doesn't LV0C8yqWsbI-01331-00592544-00593023 really necessarily last or doesn't not always sometimes LV0C8yqWsbI-01332-00593023-00593392 maybe but i feel like putting women behind the LV0C8yqWsbI-01333-00593392-00593808 camera or putting like more like women of color or LV0C8yqWsbI-01334-00593808-00594215 like more lgbt people in behind the camera LV0C8yqWsbI-01335-00594215-00594544 and also in leadership positions that i feel like LV0C8yqWsbI-01336-00594544-00594960 that does include stories because at least from like my LV0C8yqWsbI-01337-00594960-00595376 perspective we in our in our studio we want to tell LV0C8yqWsbI-01338-00595376-00595648 stories yeah that are more diverse that speak to LV0C8yqWsbI-01339-00595648-00596176 us like a story that we want to watch and i feel like it's about that you know LV0C8yqWsbI-01340-00596176-00596463 it's like what you relate to and what we were talking about before like a lot of LV0C8yqWsbI-01341-00596463-00596896 the executives of men so they pick the stories that that speak to them LV0C8yqWsbI-01342-00596896-00597360 so i feel like bringing diversity influences also LV0C8yqWsbI-01343-00597360-00597884 like behind the camera also influences directly on representation and diverse LV0C8yqWsbI-01344-00597884-00598592 storytelling that's kind of at least my my point of view but you guys still LV0C8yqWsbI-01345-00598592-00598960 feel free to also time it LV0C8yqWsbI-01346-00599000-00599448 i think there was also another question Emilie maybe you want to LV0C8yqWsbI-01347-00599448-00599696 share it LV0C8yqWsbI-01348-00599904-00600200 are you muted LV0C8yqWsbI-01349-00600215-00601088 hi yes so there's a couple of things in the in the chat so LV0C8yqWsbI-01350-00601088-00601744 sithara from chennai india says they had worked for a decade in LV0C8yqWsbI-01351-00601744-00602280 pvt television and have faced many gender inequality and power related LV0C8yqWsbI-01352-00602280-00602680 issues and as a result i'm currently LV0C8yqWsbI-01353-00602680-00603048 a phd scholar in the end tale of finishing LV0C8yqWsbI-01354-00603048-00603484 their thesis on child labour in tamil reality LV0C8yqWsbI-01355-00603484-00603904 television 2678 01:40:36,880 --> 01:40:40,159 i'm here in this room among you admiring LV0C8yqWsbI-01356-00603904-00604192 and getting inspired from you let me thank you for this LV0C8yqWsbI-01357-00604192-00604511 opportunity because it feels like an endangered species here LV0C8yqWsbI-01358-00604511-00604992 in tamil nadu to have spent ten solid years in the reality television industry LV0C8yqWsbI-01359-00604992-00605463 and to change over to academics they are a victim of LV0C8yqWsbI-01360-00605463-00605928 gender inequality and power politics and media LV0C8yqWsbI-01361-00606096-00606576 as i understood too much of it i finally distance myself though i'm channeling LV0C8yqWsbI-01362-00606576-00607023 my experiences into autoethnographic research i am undergoing a depression i LV0C8yqWsbI-01363-00607023-00607471 have fantasized media work but i have understood there isn't much truth in it LV0C8yqWsbI-01364-00607471-00607944 so the and then the question is what's your say to the women who have worked LV0C8yqWsbI-01365-00607944-00608423 or are working hard on the floor without recognition LV0C8yqWsbI-01366-00608800-00609376 i wrote an answer to katana i must say i'm very sorry to hear your LV0C8yqWsbI-01367-00609376-00609784 about your experiences but what i always do i'm the president of whis i LV0C8yqWsbI-01368-00609784-00610184 encourage people to network and if there are no networks start a network LV0C8yqWsbI-01369-00610184-00610560 it's not difficult and if you start with network we are always there LV0C8yqWsbI-01370-00610560-00611152 to support and help because i think you shouldn't be alone with this kind of LV0C8yqWsbI-01371-00611152-00611488 experiences and not being alone i usually say you LV0C8yqWsbI-01372-00611488-00611767 have to gather five or sorry i have a phone ringing in the LV0C8yqWsbI-01373-00611767-00612184 background you have to gather five women and you have to start LV0C8yqWsbI-01374-00612184-00612552 to share things and decide to to organize because i LV0C8yqWsbI-01375-00612552-00613248 think that's the way that's the best advice i can give LV0C8yqWsbI-01376-00613248-00613680 in this case sorry i get a bit disturbed by my phone in the background i don't LV0C8yqWsbI-01377-00613680-00614160 know if you have any other i i just like to say LV0C8yqWsbI-01378-00614160-00614632 sathara that it sounds like you're doing incredibly important research LV0C8yqWsbI-01379-00614632-00615167 on an area of the screen production industries that is LV0C8yqWsbI-01380-00615167-00615936 grossly understudied very much like the LV0C8yqWsbI-01381-00615936-00616423 industry much of the literature that circulates in academic circles LV0C8yqWsbI-01382-00616423-00617160 is english and focused on mainstream largely white labor markets LV0C8yqWsbI-01383-00617160-00617528 i have the total pleasure of working with LV0C8yqWsbI-01384-00617528-00617936 anubis sarkar on my research team right now who's just finished her doctorate on LV0C8yqWsbI-01385-00617936-00618456 the political economy of the indian film industry so LV0C8yqWsbI-01386-00618456-00619111 i i would a second Helene s call to find LV0C8yqWsbI-01387-00619111-00619511 allies and support systems locally where you are LV0C8yqWsbI-01388-00619511-00620063 sadly you are not alone 2744 01:43:18,159 --> 01:43:22,239 although sometimes that space of LV0C8yqWsbI-01389-00620063-00620536 exclusion and oppression is a very very it is always a very LV0C8yqWsbI-01390-00620536-00620888 lonely face so i support that and i also LV0C8yqWsbI-01391-00620888-00621311 support you in your doctorate you're almost done LV0C8yqWsbI-01392-00621311-00621719 that's fantastic that is no small feat LV0C8yqWsbI-01393-00621719-00622336 so you can find me on my beacon institutional page and you feel LV0C8yqWsbI-01394-00622336-00622632 free to reach out and we can have a chat about LV0C8yqWsbI-01395-00622632-00623384 your research because i really need to hear what you've come up with LV0C8yqWsbI-01396-00623384-00623736 well thank you very much as long as i'd like to LV0C8yqWsbI-01397-00623736-00624167 continue chatting with you or some women i have the impression that we've only LV0C8yqWsbI-01398-00624167-00624656 started to touch the tip of the iceberg but it's LV0C8yqWsbI-01399-00624656-00625032 already midday and i've promised this was only a LV0C8yqWsbI-01400-00625032-00625488 two-hour session so i'd like to let you go by to LV0C8yqWsbI-01401-00625488-00626176 your day and your evening Amanda and i i really want to thank you all LV0C8yqWsbI-01402-00626176-00626671 very very much for accepting my invitation and taking part and LV0C8yqWsbI-01403-00626671-00626976 thank Emilie as well for awesome work with LV0C8yqWsbI-01404-00626976-00627423 organizing this seminar series as well with me LV0C8yqWsbI-01405-00627423-00628063 so thank you and thank you for the audience and LV0C8yqWsbI-01406-00628063-00628376 everyone who has been here watching us today LV0C8yqWsbI-01407-00628376-00628928 and i hope you'll come back for the next seminars that will take place LV0C8yqWsbI-01408-00628928-00629496 next friday from 11 to 1. and can i just say thank you for LV0C8yqWsbI-01409-00629496-00629840 setting up my next three friday nights because even though we're not in LV0C8yqWsbI-01410-00629840-00630448 lockdown anymore i never go out anyway and like what a bunch of content this is LV0C8yqWsbI-01411-00630448-00630767 next week i get to have a glass of wine and watch which is going to be LV0C8yqWsbI-01412-00630767-00631311 great yes thank you thank you everybody thank you everyone so much for LV0C8yqWsbI-01413-00631311-00631663 putting this together too you guys did amazing organizing it LV0C8yqWsbI-01414-00631663-00632000 yeah thanks for having us fantastic thank you LV0C8yqWsbI-01415-00632000-00633167 thank you very much bye-bye LXh8R3cpWjA-00000-00001760-00002016 Before coloring objects, it’s important to light them first LXh8R3cpWjA-00001-00002016-00002266 to get the most accurate results. LXh8R3cpWjA-00002-00002266-00002609 You can create lights in the Rendering shelf. LXh8R3cpWjA-00003-00002610-00003206 Two of the more useful ones are: Directional and Area. LXh8R3cpWjA-00004-00003600-00003966 To see the effect of lights in the scene, turn on lights in the Viewport. LXh8R3cpWjA-00005-00003966-00004366 You can also turn on Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Anti-Aliasing LXh8R3cpWjA-00006-00004366-00004533 for even more accuracy. LXh8R3cpWjA-00007-00004533-00005033 Then you can select each light and modify it with the Move, Rotate, or Scale Tool. LXh8R3cpWjA-00008-00005966-00006329 You can find settings like Color, Intensity, and Exposure in the Attribute Editor LXh8R3cpWjA-00009-00006330-00006786 under each light’s shape tab. LXh8R3cpWjA-00010-00007306-00007589 Another important light lives in the Arnold shelf. LXh8R3cpWjA-00011-00007590-00007916 This is the Skydome light, which allows you to apply Image Based Lighting (IBL) LXh8R3cpWjA-00012-00007916-00008043 to your scene. LXh8R3cpWjA-00013-00008216-00008749 To connect an image file, click the Color’s palette button in the skydome's shape tab. LXh8R3cpWjA-00014-00008750-00008953 …then assign a file. LXh8R3cpWjA-00015-00009140-00009773 IBL images usually have a .hdr or .exr extension. LXh8R3cpWjA-00016-00009773-00010013 You can find free ones all around the internet. LXh8R3cpWjA-00017-00010223-00010673 Finally, use Ctrl + H to hide lights to judge their effects. LXh8R3cpWjA-00018-00011383-00011783 Now the scene is beautifully lit, you’re ready for some materials! LXh8R3cpWjA-00019-00011826-00012286 For more lessons like this one, hit the Like and Subscribe buttons below... LXh8R3cpWjA-00020-00012286-00012606 …then click the link on your screen to continue on to the next lesson. LXP73bGQWII-00000-00000018-00000360 Hello everyone, Today, LXP73bGQWII-00001-00000360-00000838 I guess some players are trying to leveling LXP73bGQWII-00002-00000856-00001242 Others might have trouble doing hunting to leveling. LXP73bGQWII-00003-00001252-00001478 I recommend to do Panel Mission. LXP73bGQWII-00004-00001498-00001792 You can get an item to get exp LXP73bGQWII-00005-00001800-00001973 What is called, a crystal. LXP73bGQWII-00006-00002004-00002254 That will help you a lot. LXP73bGQWII-00007-00002270-00002614 But you still feel not enough. LXP73bGQWII-00008-00002658-00003102 Crystal can't help you up to 105 lvl. LXP73bGQWII-00009-00003102-00003244 you need that item LXP73bGQWII-00010-00003244-00003478 a hundred thousand. LXP73bGQWII-00011-00003478-00003820 It could be 105 lvl if you have. LXP73bGQWII-00012-00003820-00003958 But it's not true LXP73bGQWII-00013-00003958-00004624 I expect a large crystal from panel mission 4. LXP73bGQWII-00014-00004624-00004912 you will get the maximum of 1 million exp. LXP73bGQWII-00015-00004922-00005106 minimum is 50 hundred thousand exp. LXP73bGQWII-00016-00005134-00005537 I think it's 50 hundred thousand exp or maybe 1 million. LXP73bGQWII-00017-00005538-00005862 Even though you earn that exp, LXP73bGQWII-00018-00005862-00006141 You will not be 105 lvl. LXP73bGQWII-00019-00006142-00006248 Well LXP73bGQWII-00020-00006258-00006995 I already posted many videos on leveling, like how to earn exp faster. LXP73bGQWII-00021-00007078-00007381 I already posted them on YouTube. LXP73bGQWII-00022-00007381-00007484 This time, LXP73bGQWII-00023-00007490-00007706 I made this video for LXP73bGQWII-00024-00007718-00008248 for those who are 70~90 lvl players and having trouble leveling LXP73bGQWII-00025-00008252-00008410 What I want you to think is LXP73bGQWII-00026-00008422-00008644 why you need to do leveling. LXP73bGQWII-00027-00008652-00008910 Why you need to do that? LXP73bGQWII-00028-00008938-00009270 For me, I really wanted to get a title of 100 lvl. LY8VLwbvuny-00000-00000672-00001000 Hi, my name is Emma. I'm the School and Youth Programs Manager at the LY8VLwbvuny-00001-00001000-00001312 Bainbridge Island Museum of Art and I'm here today for another Art in LY8VLwbvuny-00002-00001312-00001623 Action. Today we're going to be talking about reuse materials LY8VLwbvuny-00003-00002528-00002944 So most people have a recycling bin in their home, and today I'm going to talk about all LY8VLwbvuny-00004-00002944-00003447 the things that you can find in that recycling bin that might be really perfect for an art project. LY8VLwbvuny-00005-00003568-00003920 So today I'm going to be talking about the kinds of things you can collect, LY8VLwbvuny-00006-00003920-00004384 what you should be looking for, and some ideas of projects that you can do with those things. LY8VLwbvuny-00007-00004560-00005224 But first I want to talk a little bit about what i have here on the table. The most important thing LY8VLwbvuny-00008-00005224-00005608 that you're looking for when you're saving a reuse material is that it's something that LY8VLwbvuny-00009-00005608-00006080 is clean and dry. You don't want it to look like garbage or your art's going to look like garbage, LY8VLwbvuny-00010-00006080-00006648 so you want to make sure that whatever you're using is nice and clean. So I have this egg LY8VLwbvuny-00011-00006648-00007112 carton here. You can tell that no eggs got broken in there, there's no food on it, LY8VLwbvuny-00012-00007112-00007784 so that's ready to go. And with everything else I'm looking for things that are clean and dry and LY8VLwbvuny-00013-00007895-00008384 look like something fresh and ready to be used. So sometimes you might be using LY8VLwbvuny-00014-00008384-00009024 things like yogurt containers or plastic cups. And that's perfect for mixing paint LY8VLwbvuny-00015-00009024-00009728 or really just anything in the studio where you need to store something quickly. But sometimes LY8VLwbvuny-00016-00009728-00010312 you're using things that might be a little bit more unusual so we have these paint chips here LY8VLwbvuny-00017-00010312-00010808 that you might get at a hardware store. And you can incorporate that into collages. LY8VLwbvuny-00018-00010952-00011584 Also great for collages are magazines. I love National Geographic or other kinds of really LY8VLwbvuny-00019-00011640-00012136 visual graphic magazines where you can pick out things that have interesting colors LY8VLwbvuny-00020-00012136-00012688 textures to use in collages. So magazines especially ones that have lots of photography LY8VLwbvuny-00021-00012688-00013184 or graphics are perfect for use in collages. You might also be thinking about ways that you can LY8VLwbvuny-00022-00013184-00013888 incorporate reuse materials into three-dimensional artworks. So again I have my egg carton. I've got LY8VLwbvuny-00023-00013888-00014552 all kinds of different pieces of cardboard. I love these tiny insides of paper match boxes. LY8VLwbvuny-00024-00014647-00015119 It feels like this could make something really cool, a miniature sculpture of some kind. LY8VLwbvuny-00025-00015263-00015768 Paper towel and toilet paper tubes are great. And this texture of bubble LY8VLwbvuny-00026-00015768-00016312 wrap is also a really nice way to add some dimensionality to a two-dimensional artwork LY8VLwbvuny-00027-00016312-00016792 or a three-dimensional sculpture. One thing that we have a great example of with us today LY8VLwbvuny-00028-00016792-00017536 is our weaving in here in the background. So this entire weaving was made from reuse materials. LY8VLwbvuny-00029-00017536-00018208 We had ribbons and strips of fabric that we ripped to be all about the same size and just wove that LY8VLwbvuny-00030-00018208-00018928 into a backdrop that was made just from chicken wire. So this artwork behind me is 100% made from LY8VLwbvuny-00031-00018928-00019456 reuse materials and we hope that would inspire you to get started on something of your own LY8VLwbvuny-00032-00019664-00020144 One thing to remember about reuse materials is that there are really power in numbers. LY8VLwbvuny-00033-00020144-00020984 So if you have just one lid or one CD disk or one toilet paper tube it might not be that exciting LY8VLwbvuny-00034-00020984-00021568 yet, but if you're able to collect things in multiples, save them over time, they can add up to LY8VLwbvuny-00035-00021568-00022992 be something that's even more impactful. Once you start saving reuse materials, you might discover LY8VLwbvuny-00036-00022992-00023608 that you are finding new ways to use things all the time. So when I was preparing for this video LY8VLwbvuny-00037-00023608-00024136 today I actually found this really interesting bag that I otherwise probably just put in the trash, LY8VLwbvuny-00038-00024232-00024808 but it's a ziploc bag that has a window in it. So I think that this is something that LY8VLwbvuny-00039-00024808-00025208 maybe I could use put a collage inside of it and it's like a built-in frame LY8VLwbvuny-00040-00025208-00025695 or think of it as maybe even just a drawing of a fish tank could go in here. There's LY8VLwbvuny-00041-00025695-00026144 really limitless possibilities once you start thinking about ways to reuse things around you. LY8VLwbvuny-00042-00026360-00026736 All right so that's all we have for today. We can't wait to see what you're making at LY8VLwbvuny-00043-00026736-00027136 home from reuse materials. And be sure to check out the rest of the videos in our LY8VLwbvuny-00044-00027136-00027583 library for other examples of what you can do with things found in your recycling bin. LY8VLwbvuny-00045-00027583-00028183 We'll see you next time on BIMA's Art in Action. LZGtDG5a6fE-00000-00000000-00000387 As much as the fruit is harvested, nutrients are drained from the soil. LZGtDG5a6fE-00001-00000387-00000739 So, you have to put nutrients in the soil for that part. LZGtDG5a6fE-00002-00000739-00001154 I don't think a complete no-input is possible. LZGtDG5a6fE-00003-00001154-00001410 Because we harvest crops and eat all of them. LZGtDG5a6fE-00004-00001410-00001995 Do you know rye seeds? LZGtDG5a6fE-00005-00001995-00002233 If you sow rye seeds, you will get 20 tons per 10a. LZGtDG5a6fE-00006-00002233-00003079 You cut twice in spring and use it as fertilizer. Use fallen leaves as fertilizer too. These two are the center of fertilizer. LZGtDG5a6fE-00007-00003079-00004007 The important thing when they farm persimmon is sowing rye seeds in advance before leaves fall so that they don’t fall down on the ground. LZGtDG5a6fE-00008-00004007-00004630 Do let the fallen leaves fall through the rye and so that those don’t fly away in the wind. Why? Because fallen leaves are the most important nutrients for the crop. LZGtDG5a6fE-00009-00004631-00005270 The truth of commercially valuable fruit is to use pure fertilizer, optimized fertilizer for the fruit. Lc_FAxTqxBI-00000-00000080-00000720 welcome to binomo your honest trading platform trade on financial markets Lc_FAxTqxBI-00001-00000800-00001592 and make a profit we have created a user-friendly platform for both beginners and professionals Lc_FAxTqxBI-00002-00001784-00002336 the basic principle is simple you earn money by making accurate predictions Lc_FAxTqxBI-00003-00002536-00003000 you can choose from different assets open multiple positions at the same Lc_FAxTqxBI-00004-00003000-00003415 time and make up to 90 profit if your prediction is correct Lc_FAxTqxBI-00005-00003632-00004400 improve your trading skills by watching our training videos work on any device in more than Lc_FAxTqxBI-00006-00004400-00005168 15 languages and if you need help feel free to contact our support team which is available 24 7. Lc_FAxTqxBI-00007-00005424-00006992 join over 20 million users who trust bonomo try a free one thousand dollar demo account right now LdEWcHXU3T0-00000-00000061-00000324 (gentle music) LdEWcHXU3T0-00001-00000324-00000824 - Berkeley Springs is a magic community. LdEWcHXU3T0-00002-00000843-00001134 Early American colonials LdEWcHXU3T0-00003-00001134-00001461 came to this area LdEWcHXU3T0-00004-00001461-00001944 and George Washington was one of the very first tourists. LdEWcHXU3T0-00005-00001944-00002409 He came, was impressed with the warm springs here. LdEWcHXU3T0-00006-00002409-00002772 In 1776, LdEWcHXU3T0-00007-00002772-00003210 the town was created around the springs. LdEWcHXU3T0-00008-00003315-00003543 - Berkeley Springs has so much to offer. LdEWcHXU3T0-00009-00003543-00003786 We are known for our healing centers, LdEWcHXU3T0-00010-00003786-00004035 the healing waters of the baths. LdEWcHXU3T0-00011-00004035-00004356 There are healing centers and spas throughout town. LdEWcHXU3T0-00012-00004356-00004611 There are artist galleries throughout downtown. LdEWcHXU3T0-00013-00004611-00005079 It's a wonderful, sort of old-time, walking around town. LdEWcHXU3T0-00014-00005079-00005286 We look at Berkeley Springs as a small town LdEWcHXU3T0-00015-00005286-00005517 but we've got such a high percentage of artists. LdEWcHXU3T0-00016-00005517-00005793 So the Ice House is the home to Morgan Arts Council. LdEWcHXU3T0-00017-00005793-00005913 We've got galleries. LdEWcHXU3T0-00018-00005913-00006129 We've got a co-op of local artists LdEWcHXU3T0-00019-00006129-00006339 who sell their wares here. LdEWcHXU3T0-00020-00006339-00006456 We've got classrooms, LdEWcHXU3T0-00021-00006456-00006702 we've got performance spaces. LdEWcHXU3T0-00022-00006702-00006915 It's an arts and community center LdEWcHXU3T0-00023-00006915-00007206 that is vital to Berkeley Springs. LdEWcHXU3T0-00024-00007368-00007631 - All through the generations, LdEWcHXU3T0-00025-00007631-00008006 people have felt that the waters were magic LdEWcHXU3T0-00026-00008006-00008430 and that they had healing qualities. LdEWcHXU3T0-00027-00008430-00008616 And I always say LdEWcHXU3T0-00028-00008616-00008952 if a spa treatment is known to mankind, LdEWcHXU3T0-00029-00008952-00009321 you can find it here, in Berkeley Springs. LdEWcHXU3T0-00030-00009321-00009821 We have more massage therapists than we have lawyers. LdEWcHXU3T0-00031-00009864-00009975 - My name is Frankie Tan, LdEWcHXU3T0-00032-00009975-00010192 and I've owned a Atasia Spa LdEWcHXU3T0-00033-00010192-00010491 since 1998, 24 years ago. LdEWcHXU3T0-00034-00010491-00010845 I was trained in a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand, LdEWcHXU3T0-00035-00010845-00010953 at the Wat Pho Temple, LdEWcHXU3T0-00036-00010953-00011224 and I had a one-on-one training with a Buddhist nun LdEWcHXU3T0-00037-00011331-00011568 at that Temple of Reclining Buddha. LdEWcHXU3T0-00038-00011568-00011904 We have whirlpools, massages, facials, LdEWcHXU3T0-00039-00012060-00012243 sugar scrubs, salt scrubs, LdEWcHXU3T0-00040-00012243-00012534 mud wraps, steam room, herbal wraps, LdEWcHXU3T0-00041-00012534-00012720 pedicures, manicures, LdEWcHXU3T0-00042-00012720-00012960 and six different forms of massages. LdEWcHXU3T0-00043-00012960-00013140 We have couples services. LdEWcHXU3T0-00044-00013140-00013380 The nice thing about the small town spas LdEWcHXU3T0-00045-00013380-00013701 compared to the cities is after a spa services, LdEWcHXU3T0-00046-00013701-00014028 you walk out the door and it's just fresh mountain air. LdEWcHXU3T0-00047-00014028-00014250 No traffic jams, no honking, LdEWcHXU3T0-00048-00014250-00014385 and you can relax. LdEWcHXU3T0-00049-00014541-00014955 - We're blessed with a perfect state park LdEWcHXU3T0-00050-00014955-00015263 in the center of our community. LdEWcHXU3T0-00051-00015263-00015647 These gorgeous mountains surround us. LdEWcHXU3T0-00052-00015647-00016023 It's a special, magical community. LdEWcHXU3T0-00053-00016107-00016227 - Come here and relax. LdEWcHXU3T0-00054-00016227-00016497 You know, leave your dress shoes, your suits, LdEWcHXU3T0-00055-00016497-00016605 jewelry behind. LdEWcHXU3T0-00056-00016605-00016848 Come relax and just let go. LdEWcHXU3T0-00057-00016848-00017107 (gentle music) M3TK5VjQFmY-00000-00000130-00000750 Study online, how do I write to my teacher and classmates? M3TK5VjQFmY-00001-00000886-00001353 Use chat with zoom on your computer M3TK5VjQFmY-00002-00001702-00002072 One, click chat here. M3TK5VjQFmY-00003-00002550-00002938 Two, click the message box here. M3TK5VjQFmY-00004-00003694-00004034 Three, type your message. M3TK5VjQFmY-00005-00004398-00004770 Four, press the enter key here M3TK5VjQFmY-00006-00005478-00005980 Now your teacher and classmates can read your message. M3TK5VjQFmY-00007-00006622-00006916 When do you use chat? M3TK5VjQFmY-00008-00007209-00007640 Use chat to sign in with your name. M3TK5VjQFmY-00009-00008610-00008940 Use chat to ask for help. M3TK5VjQFmY-00010-00009804-00010138 Use chat to answer your teacher. M3TK5VjQFmY-00011-00010138-00010338 How are you? M3TK5VjQFmY-00012-00010338-00010538 Type your answer M3TK5VjQFmY-00013-00011372-00011988 Now you can use chat with zoom. M4PvIDtFnbg-00000-00000081-00000103 PAT M4PvIDtFnbg-00001-00000103-00000136 RICK! M4PvIDtFnbg-00002-00000153-00000170 W M4PvIDtFnbg-00003-00000170-00000223 WHAT 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 M4PvIDtFnbg-00004-00000226-00000256 DOING M4PvIDtFnbg-00005-00000256-00000306 DOING HERE? M4PvIDtFnbg-00006-00000310-00000313 *oh god* M4PvIDtFnbg-00007-00000313-00000414 ι爪 ⓝ𝓞T ρÃ𝕥ⓡ𝕚Ćķ M4PvIDtFnbg-00008-00000414-00000430 (fling) M4PvIDtFnbg-00009-00000496-00000503 WAKEUP M4PvIDtFnbg-00010-00000503-00000520 informational source M4PvIDtFnbg-00011-00000520-00000526 MY SLUMBER HAS FADED AND I AM FREE, NOW WHAT SHALL I PROCEED IN DOING FOR THIS MOMENT? M4PvIDtFnbg-00012-00000526-00000576 doioioioiynghhh M4PvIDtFnbg-00013-00000576-00000645 |¡ ¥ M4PvIDtFnbg-00014-00000645-00000695 :) M4PvIDtFnbg-00015-00000695-00000745 ITS THE FWOA M4PvIDtFnbg-00016-00000745-00000770 yEOUCH! M4PvIDtFnbg-00017-00000770-00000780 yEOUCH! x2 M4PvIDtFnbg-00018-00000780-00000790 yEOUCH! x3 M4PvIDtFnbg-00019-00000790-00000840 yEOUCH! x4 (combo!) M4PvIDtFnbg-00020-00000840-00000890 GIBBERISH BUT FRANTIC M4PvIDtFnbg-00021-00000890-00000903 b M4PvIDtFnbg-00022-00000903-00000936 REETH M4PvIDtFnbg-00023-00000936-00000969 BRo! M4PvIDtFnbg-00024-00000969-00001019 BRo Breathe!!!! 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BUH-NUH-NUHNUH-NAH-NEE-NEE-NAH M5_fBvwiWwo-00000-00011856-00012544 hello everyone and welcome to reggie nighty tv it's your boy ivorian spice and welcome M5_fBvwiWwo-00001-00012544-00013424 to the catch up volume 67 another week for us manchester united fans and it's a good week for M5_fBvwiWwo-00002-00013424-00013984 us as well because last week was a decent week you know we got a win and of course we got the M5_fBvwiWwo-00003-00013984-00014447 draw we are through to the next round of the champions league ollie's be gone for two weeks M5_fBvwiWwo-00004-00014447-00015000 but we finally got his replacement and we'll be talking about that later but first of all let me M5_fBvwiWwo-00005-00015000-00015584 thank you for tuning in those who are watching on facebook remember to share and also smash M5_fBvwiWwo-00006-00015584-00016024 the like button those who are watching on twitch make sure you press that follow button and those M5_fBvwiWwo-00007-00016024-00016456 are watching on youtube make sure you smash that like button make sure you share across all your M5_fBvwiWwo-00008-00016456-00017064 social medias and get as much people watching and of course last not least subscribe to the channel M5_fBvwiWwo-00009-00017136-00017720 and thank you and those who want to contribute to the channel to put to get better quality content M5_fBvwiWwo-00010-00017784-00018368 always remember you can contribute via paypal in the link description and as well if you're tuning M5_fBvwiWwo-00011-00018368-00019072 in on youtube make sure you send a super chat to contribute to this channel and it's very important M5_fBvwiWwo-00012-00019072-00019680 for those who are watching the other platform come and subscribe to the youtube platform and support M5_fBvwiWwo-00013-00019680-00020480 but yes let's get straight into it guys as you know manchester united play chelsea but before we M5_fBvwiWwo-00014-00020480-00021208 talk about that let me introduce you to the guys the panel first of all let me introduce you to big M5_fBvwiWwo-00015-00021208-00021872 phil who has just resumed he's returned back to make another appearance all the way from canada M5_fBvwiWwo-00016-00021936-00022728 big phil how are you feeling my brother it's been a while man boy it is it has been a while and M5_fBvwiWwo-00017-00022728-00023240 like you said two weeks ago Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was at the wheel and now carrick is at the wheel M5_fBvwiWwo-00018-00023240-00023912 a big a big load has been taken off of us as fans because we don't have to worry about the kind of M5_fBvwiWwo-00019-00023912-00024312 football we'll be getting the week after week right but i'm feeling good man how are you doing M5_fBvwiWwo-00020-00024376-00024912 i'm doing good i'm blessed man uh it's a new life it's a new day it's a new dawn you know it's a new M5_fBvwiWwo-00021-00024912-00025560 era for manchester united right now so we can only be happy to and and look forward to the future M5_fBvwiWwo-00022-00025632-00026039 let me introduce you to my next guest i mean let's get the next guy in the panel M5_fBvwiWwo-00023-00026144-00027072 munzee big up to you how you feeling brother yeah it's been a week in it yeah i'm doing all right M5_fBvwiWwo-00024-00027072-00027632 yeah yeah just uh just hope uh ralph don't wreck it that's all i think i don't think he will but M5_fBvwiWwo-00025-00027704-00028272 yeah i'm glad he's coming in and sorting our mess of a club out at the moment but yeah it's been M5_fBvwiWwo-00026-00028336-00028912 last week like been a real game before you know we've done it and then yesterday it was just nice M5_fBvwiWwo-00027-00029039-00029344 second half we should have won it really but yeah M5_fBvwiWwo-00028-00029344-00029968 shuttle them chelsea fans out that's what i like to see and let me introduce you to m's M5_fBvwiWwo-00029-00030080-00030880 big i'm sorry welcome back you know he wasn't here last week but he's back here again big up M5_fBvwiWwo-00030-00030880-00031568 to ems how you been man how was your weekend bro listen you know what yeah it was a good weekend M5_fBvwiWwo-00031-00031776-00031864 i watched football M5_fBvwiWwo-00032-00032144-00032695 it's a great day bro you know what i'm saying no stress let the hairline go back M5_fBvwiWwo-00033-00032695-00033152 to normality bruh just what i'm saying so it's been great how are you doing M5_fBvwiWwo-00034-00033384-00033784 like i said before to the guys i'd be doing all right man you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00035-00033848-00034392 it's a new day for manchester united it's a new you know stewardship someone has come in M5_fBvwiWwo-00036-00034464-00034896 to steady the boat at matt schneider because technically the boat was tilled up there was M5_fBvwiWwo-00037-00034896-00035464 a couple of holes actually plenty of holes in our boat previously prior to the previous owner M5_fBvwiWwo-00038-00035520-00036072 but there's cut there's come someone that's come to fix it a diy man a handyman himself a trader M5_fBvwiWwo-00039-00036128-00036472 when it comes to football someone that will do it himself big up to M5_fBvwiWwo-00040-00036528-00037264 nigerian english men of course who is tuned in the man like ivory spice my g also said big film M5_fBvwiWwo-00041-00037432-00037752 backwards oh [ __ ] it's about to go down a little bit M5_fBvwiWwo-00042-00039848-00040160 guys as you know we're here to talk about the match first M5_fBvwiWwo-00043-00040272-00040920 before we talk about the big news ralph ragnet who has finally being appointed by manchester united M5_fBvwiWwo-00044-00040920-00041880 but first let's get the match out the way which is chelsea won manchester united one straight up guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00045-00042136-00042592 you know what in that going into that game first of all guys let me say you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00046-00042592-00043184 those who are tuning in as well i didn't have the hope that match united should get a win or M5_fBvwiWwo-00047-00043184-00043832 anything i was hoping for best at best a point because i didn't feel confident going to that M5_fBvwiWwo-00048-00043832-00044720 church because chelsea had been such in great form so in that game it was just hard to watch M5_fBvwiWwo-00049-00044720-00045656 as always you know that 45 minutes was hard second half as well was truly hard as well but M5_fBvwiWwo-00050-00045656-00046360 we got a point it was good i can't complain because mention i played [ __ ] try to try to M5_fBvwiWwo-00051-00046360-00047056 press try to do substantial but still struggled i can hear things in the background but guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00052-00047384-00048232 anyway as i was saying i want to move a lot to you big philly and let me let us know let me know M5_fBvwiWwo-00053-00048232-00048896 what your thoughts were in the game um if we had a start of the lineup i i thought it was a very M5_fBvwiWwo-00054-00048968-00049576 um defensive up because we're starting scott fred and mattis in the midfield and then obviously i'm M5_fBvwiWwo-00055-00049576-00050128 so glad that harry maguire isn't playing so obviously the likes of bailly and lindelof and M5_fBvwiWwo-00056-00050128-00050832 um tellez so it was ama it was a makeshift defense right in terms of the game how how will we knock M5_fBvwiWwo-00057-00050832-00051360 down two goals in the first five minutes totally baffles me right because chelsea chelsea had their M5_fBvwiWwo-00058-00051360-00051888 chances but chelsea were looking to do individual performances versus be a team because there was M5_fBvwiWwo-00059-00051888-00052296 times calm husband and daughter could have laid off the verna and werner could have had a shot M5_fBvwiWwo-00060-00052296-00053167 at least to david de gea right but we were awful in the first half right um the way we set up M5_fBvwiWwo-00061-00053167-00053767 ivorian spices two things right we came to the bridge for draw and we came looking to make sure M5_fBvwiWwo-00062-00053824-00054296 that um to frustrate chelsea and we we were probably gonna get a goal if chelsea made a M5_fBvwiWwo-00063-00054296-00055008 mistake and so said so done right your guy georginio controlling the ball like lukaku M5_fBvwiWwo-00064-00055008-00055767 and jaden sancho and marcus rashford running on to it and smoove just moved jaden sancho just putting M5_fBvwiWwo-00065-00055767-00056367 it putting us up more love and the team played better when we met a goal even your diamond fred M5_fBvwiWwo-00066-00056367-00057064 um pastor fred who i who i will know call friend guard davids right the guy definitely stepped M5_fBvwiWwo-00067-00057064-00057528 up his game when we scored that goal because he was dreadful in the first half man but i saw him M5_fBvwiWwo-00068-00057528-00058040 winning the ball from hudson the door even even muscling off ruben loftus-cheek and i'm like okay M5_fBvwiWwo-00069-00058040-00058744 where where has this fred been for the last two three years but but it was a very soft penalty M5_fBvwiWwo-00070-00058840-00059424 for chelsea very soft right now at the end of the day all good things must come to an end M5_fBvwiWwo-00071-00059496-00060072 i definitely was not happy with the performance but to go to stanford bridge and take a point M5_fBvwiWwo-00072-00060072-00060600 off of the um european champions and the current leaders of the epl i'm happy with that point M5_fBvwiWwo-00073-00060696-00061224 absolutely yeah i said before i was happy with that point as well i want to pass along to you M5_fBvwiWwo-00074-00061224-00061855 ms um let us know what your thoughts were in the game you know what yeah a big fool yeah you M5_fBvwiWwo-00075-00061855-00062376 hit the nail on the head i'm not gonna lie for me i saw that probably one of them games where M5_fBvwiWwo-00076-00062496-00063184 that was in the box you know that was fighting we're fighting for that point but um M5_fBvwiWwo-00077-00064512-00064767 night no no rules okay black M5_fBvwiWwo-00078-00065016-00065455 i'm slowing down i'm playing good football you need my new i'll take that because i can't be M5_fBvwiWwo-00079-00065560-00066232 this defensive football that i can't do but after more tactics in this one game undercurrent than i M5_fBvwiWwo-00080-00066232-00066712 ever saw on the other gonna soldier so that's a that's a that's a massive step forward like M5_fBvwiWwo-00081-00066712-00067128 let me see what character was trying to do i'm trying to say you actually saw that they actually M5_fBvwiWwo-00082-00067128-00067600 implemented something in training or about the only one that thinks that i don't know am i right M5_fBvwiWwo-00083-00067712-00068168 yeah there was something to it you would thought that they worked on something M5_fBvwiWwo-00084-00068168-00068704 in training because they did do something they would structure those organizations i'm gonna M5_fBvwiWwo-00085-00068704-00069304 pass it on to you so we can get your thoughts on the game what how did you think mentioned i did M5_fBvwiWwo-00086-00069392-00069992 yeah i agree with big feel with the first half first off it was it was dire um second i thought M5_fBvwiWwo-00087-00069992-00070528 we played better uh i know it's like defensive than that but chelsea are on hot form and we like M5_fBvwiWwo-00088-00070592-00071096 we're not we weren't ever been on foreign it seems to see it like we sort of swap roles like we seem M5_fBvwiWwo-00089-00071096-00071584 to play more as a team whereas chelsea sort of play more as individuals like we have been because M5_fBvwiWwo-00090-00071584-00072144 like you know it did seem a lot better but as as big phil said as well that parent was a bit soft M5_fBvwiWwo-00091-00072224-00072712 um you know we could have won it but fred you know anyone but fred at the end there but M5_fBvwiWwo-00092-00072712-00073072 before the decision bringing ronaldo on and taking sancho off was a bit weird M5_fBvwiWwo-00093-00073128-00073432 um i thought you know he might take he might take bruno off and put M5_fBvwiWwo-00094-00073488-00073872 ronaldo out there because you know he lost the pace and then he put lingard on and took M5_fBvwiWwo-00095-00073960-00074504 to rashford off so you know i mean lost the pace but for sancho played well he's starting M5_fBvwiWwo-00096-00074504-00074904 to find his feet and yeah fred i think fred and mctominay played well because they knew M5_fBvwiWwo-00097-00074904-00075784 they had someone behind them like me yeah yeah absolutely i mean let's pass it on to amok M5_fBvwiWwo-00098-00076032-00076696 what was your thoughts on the game against chelsea i think it was just another one in it i wanted us M5_fBvwiWwo-00099-00076696-00077544 to win still but it was a good match even though i felt like we chose was the better team of 90 M5_fBvwiWwo-00100-00077544-00078296 minutes but we did well like good things i'm happy to hear what munzee said like you see players M5_fBvwiWwo-00101-00078296-00078744 actually playing different like we've all been quest we've got cussing on mctominay and fred M5_fBvwiWwo-00102-00078808-00079432 which i feel like for the past two games they've been all right and like i think M5_fBvwiWwo-00103-00079488-00080216 thumbs up to chantry though two goals like in two games yeah the game was good though M5_fBvwiWwo-00104-00080216-00080680 i ever gonna lied i know chose to have depending but it was a good match to see after everything M5_fBvwiWwo-00105-00080680-00081136 that we've been going through and come see how he played even though we were at the back foot M5_fBvwiWwo-00106-00081136-00081664 but it was something i would take any day anytime because i feel like that's just that's the start M5_fBvwiWwo-00107-00081888-00082280 now here we go and of course let's go straight into it guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00108-00082280-00082824 everyone back into the fold let's talk about the first half manchester united M5_fBvwiWwo-00109-00083056-00083744 the first 45 minutes in my opinion i felt that it was chelsea versus david here and most of M5_fBvwiWwo-00110-00083744-00084240 my chennai because imagine i didn't see mandy for the first 45 minutes which is typical which M5_fBvwiWwo-00111-00084240-00084840 you expected chelsea to have most of the robot manchester united struggling to even pass the M5_fBvwiWwo-00112-00084840-00085528 ball which was a concern what's your what's you guys thoughts on the first 45 minutes uh M5_fBvwiWwo-00113-00085528-00086312 this guy's open so anyone can join in um yeah i'll have to start first sorry go on a training session M5_fBvwiWwo-00114-00086880-00087144 you know what we're holding on here hold on hold on again that's what M5_fBvwiWwo-00115-00087240-00087616 i felt like so uh watching the first half M5_fBvwiWwo-00116-00087776-00088384 um he said he's sorry that's not sorry first off i think uh back against the wall tap again M5_fBvwiWwo-00117-00088664-00089304 your sound isn't the best it's not the best it's not the best right now so i'm going to throw it on M5_fBvwiWwo-00118-00089304-00090128 to big feel feel like come back to me in a minute come back to me yeah yeah go um with regards M5_fBvwiWwo-00119-00090128-00090728 to the first half we can we can definitely tell that there's some players that aren't disciplined M5_fBvwiWwo-00120-00090728-00091640 enough to hold on to the football right um as much as jaden sancho did score he was very poor in the M5_fBvwiWwo-00121-00091640-00092456 first half right our wing box also were poor right um and don't get me wrong alex tell us M5_fBvwiWwo-00122-00092512-00093160 guess game time every now and then but he doesn't get a lot of starting time right um i expect more M5_fBvwiWwo-00123-00093160-00094032 from aaron wambasaka but i mean going forward like he still needs to work on his game with regards to M5_fBvwiWwo-00124-00094032-00094704 the defense as much as much as i am not a big fan of lindelof i think lindelof was the better center M5_fBvwiWwo-00125-00094704-00095280 back out of the pairing of him and bayer and i'm a big i'm a massive fan of bahi so we were very M5_fBvwiWwo-00126-00095280-00095944 unproductive with the ball i counted about seven times we passed the ball and chelsea had the ball M5_fBvwiWwo-00127-00095944-00096648 back again right but i think after the first five minutes after um hudson the doyad i think it was M5_fBvwiWwo-00128-00096704-00097144 i think it was both hit it was him that had two two good chances right i think after that M5_fBvwiWwo-00129-00097144-00097752 we looked a bit more organized defensively my main problem is bruno fernandez dropping way M5_fBvwiWwo-00130-00097872-00098344 too back for the football like you played in the number 10 position why are you dropping back to M5_fBvwiWwo-00131-00098344-00098744 like the left back position and the right back position there was a time where bruno fernandez M5_fBvwiWwo-00132-00098744-00099248 collected the ball and he looked to spray it across to warren busaka and it fell straight M5_fBvwiWwo-00133-00099248-00099880 to count huston doy and he had a chat and i think i think it went white or david saved it right so M5_fBvwiWwo-00134-00099880-00100632 that's that's my main concern with regards to um bruno but um i didn't really expect much in M5_fBvwiWwo-00135-00100632-00101224 the first half it was almost similar to the real game where we played um shambolic but we raised M5_fBvwiWwo-00136-00101224-00101936 our game in this in the um second half and um i'm so surprised that we went into the half nil nil M5_fBvwiWwo-00137-00101936-00102711 i would have taken that yeah think if we'd have gone in really gone in one nil down then M5_fBvwiWwo-00138-00102711-00103240 yeah it had been a different different kind of fish i mean but um i don't know what you you don't M5_fBvwiWwo-00139-00103240-00103696 think about from that uh bruno fernandez playing on that fox nine i thought it i don't really think M5_fBvwiWwo-00140-00103696-00104240 he played in the pulse nine i thought you know he was just off of rashford and sancho but i know it M5_fBvwiWwo-00141-00104240-00104783 did seem it did just seemed refreshing different do not mean instead of the same old four four M5_fBvwiWwo-00142-00104783-00105311 two whatever it is three one or whatever you know this thing with it it was a it was a bold decision M5_fBvwiWwo-00143-00105311-00105768 dropping ronaldo but as i said before i would have i wouldn't have took sancho off because i thought M5_fBvwiWwo-00144-00105768-00106192 you know just getting in the game and then some people were slagging rashford off saying you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00145-00106192-00106688 he wasn't great enough but he seemed to skinned i think it was alonzo or james one i think it M5_fBvwiWwo-00146-00106688-00107248 was james she would skim one of them too and james didn't do a lot like a lot of chelsea fans saying M5_fBvwiWwo-00147-00107248-00107640 that i think there's a stat saying that most of the goals from chelsea are from their defensive M5_fBvwiWwo-00148-00107640-00108208 players but james didn't have no you know i think taylor's had gems in his back pocket which i mean M5_fBvwiWwo-00149-00108208-00108616 which is just shock but i don't rate tellers at all but i thought he played it right but M5_fBvwiWwo-00150-00108696-00109296 yeah i think we can't play that like that going forward but if someone would have said to you last M5_fBvwiWwo-00151-00109296-00109632 week oh we're going to get you know we're going to beat video right now and then we could get M5_fBvwiWwo-00152-00109632-00110328 a point for chelsea you just said yeah i'll take that so yeah good job can i add one can i add one M5_fBvwiWwo-00153-00110328-00110992 more thing yeah yeah i'll i'll be short because a lot of people expected cristiano ronaldo to start M5_fBvwiWwo-00154-00110992-00111535 because it was a big game occasion right and a lot of people said that that was a big bold move by M5_fBvwiWwo-00155-00111535-00112096 michael carrick but you kind of saw why cristiano didn't start because we were so unproductive in M5_fBvwiWwo-00156-00112096-00112680 midfield and also on the wing backs that cristiano now that will be so frustrated up up top he would M5_fBvwiWwo-00157-00112680-00113248 he would he would have probably gotten one touch in 65 70 minutes in my opinion so yeah M5_fBvwiWwo-00158-00113456-00113480 let me M5_fBvwiWwo-00159-00114904-00115311 those who are tuning in of course make sure you smash that like button make sure you share M5_fBvwiWwo-00160-00115311-00115976 if you're watching of course facebook youtube and also twitch but m's back to you now what was your M5_fBvwiWwo-00161-00115976-00116632 thoughts on ronaldo not starting because it was a big debate you saw sky sports news talking about M5_fBvwiWwo-00162-00116632-00117335 it and you saw jamie carrick i mean what's that scrub chord um yeah jamie carragher and and reiki M5_fBvwiWwo-00163-00117408-00117848 well first of all before we get into that later on what was your thoughts on ronaldo not starting M5_fBvwiWwo-00164-00117848-00118408 did he should he have started shooting i'm not stuck before the game i was shocked does that work M5_fBvwiWwo-00165-00118488-00119088 but then when i saw the game it's actually a good decision because because you saw it when M5_fBvwiWwo-00166-00119088-00119535 you come on and lingard come on we have no outlet actually like we had no pace M5_fBvwiWwo-00167-00119728-00120328 you see the difference between lingard sancho and restaurant um started you saw that we had M5_fBvwiWwo-00168-00120328-00120768 that out but went outlets because they have they were rapping in it and with right now though you M5_fBvwiWwo-00169-00120768-00121304 ain't gonna get that so that's why i was kind of like questioning carrick for why all right M5_fBvwiWwo-00170-00121304-00121759 cool you totally put another one but why are you putting justin lingard on because this is not M5_fBvwiWwo-00171-00121759-00122144 lightning quick i'm not going to lose that so that's what i thought yeah this guy's actually M5_fBvwiWwo-00172-00122216-00122792 playing for a play so for me when i think about i think we we we i think that was the M5_fBvwiWwo-00173-00122792-00123159 right decision when we look when we think about it's the right decision i feel with M5_fBvwiWwo-00174-00123159-00123432 a bit we would have been back against the world for now that was fine because he ain't got the M5_fBvwiWwo-00175-00123496-00123808 the electrifying pace he wants what i had uh five six years ago M5_fBvwiWwo-00176-00124008-00124704 and then and um of course um chelsea because we did score that goal sancho scoring a good winning M5_fBvwiWwo-00177-00124704-00125304 goal i mean it's not the winning goal scoring the first goal penalty decision was it a penalty M5_fBvwiWwo-00178-00125304-00125928 by one but sacker or was it just too soft for the referee i believe it was too soft M5_fBvwiWwo-00179-00125992-00126624 but some football fan it's a penalty because there was a contact he clearly touched his foot M5_fBvwiWwo-00180-00126624-00127040 so if you did on your own half you should expect to panic i would M5_fBvwiWwo-00181-00127040-00127488 i actually did not get upset it's something i've watched again i was like you know what M5_fBvwiWwo-00182-00127624-00128168 yeah i'll take it like i said i didn't even believe he was gonna go chelsea and get a draw M5_fBvwiWwo-00183-00128248-00128856 i thought he was gonna get smoked yeah but so at the end of the day i'll take that as much M5_fBvwiWwo-00184-00128856-00129568 as i feel like it's too soft the the i know the vr loves it too difficult sometimes it M5_fBvwiWwo-00185-00129568-00130152 works i don't know certain games it might work next game the same situation might never work M5_fBvwiWwo-00186-00130208-00131784 so for me i'll just take it one basically needs to be like i said his first touch is paul in um M5_fBvwiWwo-00187-00132864-00133368 have you seen anything new in the team that gets you excited but i think if chelsea took their M5_fBvwiWwo-00188-00133368-00134016 chances in the first off it could have been three or four anyone wants to what's anyone's thoughts M5_fBvwiWwo-00189-00134016-00134656 on that because in my perspective we were lucky to even to be going to the first half i mean M5_fBvwiWwo-00190-00134984-00135760 that's true i think yeah david yeah he's amazing and i'll say that because M5_fBvwiWwo-00191-00135760-00136416 every time we get peppered bro who's there to save us to here yeah but you know what i've come M5_fBvwiWwo-00192-00136416-00136960 to the conclusion here i feel like david here has to do a lot of stuff otherwise you don't do M5_fBvwiWwo-00193-00136960-00137472 nothing he lacks concentration have you noticed that anytime we're getting peppered he saves us M5_fBvwiWwo-00194-00137472-00137944 when he's got nothing much to do man makes a clanger brown and that he needs to improve M5_fBvwiWwo-00195-00137944-00138240 in that aspect of the game when he's got nothing to do that he stays concentrated M5_fBvwiWwo-00196-00138240-00138544 and this is just me that thinks that i don't know if you don't agree with me that's fine M5_fBvwiWwo-00197-00138904-00139408 i agree i agree michael was the same peter michaels was the same if he did nothing to M5_fBvwiWwo-00198-00139408-00139864 do he'd throw a clanger um but if he's got stuff to do yeah i agree with that M5_fBvwiWwo-00199-00140040-00140488 and the top and the top keepers in my opinion are the ones that have nothing to do M5_fBvwiWwo-00200-00140488-00140992 and then that last one-on-one or the last hit save and they keep the team in the game that M5_fBvwiWwo-00201-00140992-00141440 that they're the they're the they're they're like you know top class keepers but oh they're M5_fBvwiWwo-00202-00141440-00142136 just i think there's world class but i feel if he just suits up that lack of concentration M5_fBvwiWwo-00203-00142136-00142528 because that we're seeing a lot of candles and i think when that clan is happening when he has not M5_fBvwiWwo-00204-00142528-00143168 much to do in it and and then it cost us a game in my opinion but i love the hair because i feel like M5_fBvwiWwo-00205-00143168-00143664 he's a much better keeper than what what's that what's that back up down what's his name henderson M5_fBvwiWwo-00206-00143664-00144384 yeah that guy yeah that backup dancer this guy called him a backup dancer boy you are something M5_fBvwiWwo-00207-00144568-00144888 it's because i swear to god he's drinking something that's not a normal fam M5_fBvwiWwo-00208-00144888-00145528 i've never seen ends on this channel with a blast speaking like this this reckless M5_fBvwiWwo-00209-00145528-00146008 and not getting his words out right but yeah guys another situation that i know is M5_fBvwiWwo-00210-00146064-00146616 i know it's that scott mcthurman they got man in a match and then i asked myself what M5_fBvwiWwo-00211-00146680-00147160 what did he do to deserve ben in the match because i thought fred outplayed him outside him look M5_fBvwiWwo-00212-00147160-00147752 way better than people you can say bye as well and lindelof was far more trolls in fact magic M5_fBvwiWwo-00213-00147968-00148432 dominated would play side to side football and hide again hide and seek M5_fBvwiWwo-00214-00148752-00149048 but he never goes to the seeking you know but what was you guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00215-00149128-00149512 opinion on it because didn't it in the match because i can't believe jamie M5_fBvwiWwo-00216-00149512-00149848 carrick gave him a match i wonder what he was doing i'll go first M5_fBvwiWwo-00217-00150616-00151088 this guy goes back to the keyboard backwards so yeah i saw those chances where mike could have M5_fBvwiWwo-00218-00151088-00151664 gone forward and he goes backwards i feel like because all man doesn't run around put one or two M5_fBvwiWwo-00219-00151664-00152200 tackles and then my saying passion and desire but for me i think i think fred o'brien was M5_fBvwiWwo-00220-00152200-00152784 our man of the match oh that teacher i found far behind i don't think in my opinion but mctominay M5_fBvwiWwo-00221-00152872-00153320 bam i don't know but you know what's mad though yeah when ref comes in here i think he's going M5_fBvwiWwo-00222-00153320-00153856 to use mctominay you know and fred mark my words as much as i don't rate the two they do M5_fBvwiWwo-00223-00153992-00154576 pressure in it and energy so you have to say coming in front of here to stay no M5_fBvwiWwo-00224-00154696-00155008 yeah the guy is available for thursday what i thought M5_fBvwiWwo-00225-00155064-00155528 wasn't he not ben did you not get did he get two yellow cards or two other or red cards because i i M5_fBvwiWwo-00226-00156680-00157008 because you have to be informed for you to get back into this M5_fBvwiWwo-00227-00157008-00157480 like these guys don't work i don't give a [ __ ] like it's about phil dungeon M5_fBvwiWwo-00228-00157656-00158288 oh come on jokes man but it was just going to get be a community after community all M5_fBvwiWwo-00229-00158288-00158808 the time big up to nigerian englishman that says yeah very special right ms is lit tonight M5_fBvwiWwo-00230-00159600-00159920 we're celebrating everyone celebrating farm celebration M5_fBvwiWwo-00231-00160168-00160480 the hiring of ralph ragnarok you know nah M5_fBvwiWwo-00232-00160480-00161088 all these holidays sucking the conversation getting rid of and we got a new manager they got a M5_fBvwiWwo-00233-00161216-00161632 early christmas present not quite men in the match madness M5_fBvwiWwo-00234-00161632-00162136 big up to him though well guys of course um i would like to know before we move on to the next M5_fBvwiWwo-00235-00162136-00162832 section who was your man in the match and also who was your donkey of the man i'm gonna start it off M5_fBvwiWwo-00236-00162832-00163208 with you big phil who was your man in the match and who was your donkey of the match in the game M5_fBvwiWwo-00237-00163528-00164408 i could be i'm gonna be a bit different because i think i think you're a bit different when you're M5_fBvwiWwo-00238-00164408-00165008 hacking the wrong way around the sunglasses yeah okay of course of course it's bright it's right M5_fBvwiWwo-00239-00165008-00165840 where i am buddy um don't get me wrong i would say from my united our man of the half if you get M5_fBvwiWwo-00240-00165840-00166432 what i mean because we were poor in the first half i would say sancho from man of the match M5_fBvwiWwo-00241-00166432-00167352 oh sorry man of the half uh in terms of donkey um i'll be scott mctominay can't think of any M5_fBvwiWwo-00242-00167352-00167976 can't think of anybody else got gotta be scott mctominay or if we're talking the entire if we're M5_fBvwiWwo-00243-00167976-00168568 talking for the other side chelsea my donkey of the match definitely goes to lukaku i'm sorry M5_fBvwiWwo-00244-00168840-00169304 now he's unlocked donkey you got that wrong go on who's your man to mention don't hit M5_fBvwiWwo-00245-00169304-00169912 the match um i think man the match match um well it's man and a half in it really M5_fBvwiWwo-00246-00169912-00170608 um donkey the match one zaka because he's just wrecked it and that's a soft penalty but M5_fBvwiWwo-00247-00170608-00171264 it's wrecked this one in and the day like thiago's brazilian he went down like he'd been shot so M5_fBvwiWwo-00248-00171264-00171640 you know i mean like all right i want to get a panel yellow played on but M5_fBvwiWwo-00249-00171712-00172280 ramazaki has been a bit reckless he does get a bit reckless but yeah that's probably my donkey match M5_fBvwiWwo-00250-00172336-00173064 he did he did put in the last ditch tackle to stop teamwork from scoring but that's his job that's M5_fBvwiWwo-00251-00173064-00173784 his job but to be fair he could have let him and still vernon would have missed anyway so i mean M5_fBvwiWwo-00252-00175184-00175488 i think he was composed he shows the experience M5_fBvwiWwo-00253-00175576-00176272 the maniac for me is man of the match in my opinion and donkey i'm sorry about bambi and ass M5_fBvwiWwo-00254-00176272-00176872 the right back i'm sorry i can't deal with him i can't deal with him like you know what it is yeah M5_fBvwiWwo-00255-00176872-00177408 man would do like my older little trick here in there yeah and then i'll pass it lose the ball oh M5_fBvwiWwo-00256-00177408-00177912 he'll do a little trick it flops i lose the ball like i don't know like he's not good enough for my M5_fBvwiWwo-00257-00177912-00178496 football club in my opinion forget the the penny all dogs inside yeah i think we need to be right M5_fBvwiWwo-00258-00178496-00178968 back because he's scary now even that right back here now i have the freedom on the right hand side M5_fBvwiWwo-00259-00178968-00179328 yeah and no one wants to bring it out wide for him to cross the ball because they know it's not M5_fBvwiWwo-00260-00179328-00179696 going to be a good delivery i don't know if you don't saw what i saw do you not see it that the M5_fBvwiWwo-00261-00179696-00180168 type of time he was three on the right side and that was not crossing the ball at so that well M5_fBvwiWwo-00262-00180352-00180784 i just don't think he's improved i don't think he's improved i don't think he's approved M5_fBvwiWwo-00263-00182040-00182664 it was there for three years no that's all his food he was there for three years no no no M5_fBvwiWwo-00264-00182808-00183600 no no end up bad soccer ended up bad i know he's been having poor season this has been his worst M5_fBvwiWwo-00265-00183600-00184272 but he's not that bad the manager should have worked with him i like you and all but listen M5_fBvwiWwo-00266-00184272-00184800 when a defender has to do lost these tackles yeah save a thing that means he's not reading the game M5_fBvwiWwo-00267-00184800-00185376 properly how many times am i going to cut the grass that's not only food no no no no no no M5_fBvwiWwo-00268-00185376-00185976 if you get benched doing that if for example i'm your manager and i told you the last few games i M5_fBvwiWwo-00269-00185976-00186552 see you doing them reckless it's like tacos right and you know you know you know that's risky and i M5_fBvwiWwo-00270-00186552-00187008 tell you to stop doing it you know i'll do the next game i'll put you on the bench all he did M5_fBvwiWwo-00271-00187008-00187400 not do what he was supposed to do at manchester united he did not look after his questions M5_fBvwiWwo-00272-00187608-00188096 apart from him the 1v1 defending that is greater namely three things he's good M5_fBvwiWwo-00273-00188096-00188552 at other than the one they want one be one defensive one v1 even listen M5_fBvwiWwo-00274-00188800-00189112 the slide tackles he's actually good with it that's 1v1 M5_fBvwiWwo-00275-00190560-00190656 thinks they need to improve him M5_fBvwiWwo-00276-00190936-00191416 but he's not a better person my african west african brother can he cross yes he M5_fBvwiWwo-00277-00191416-00191928 can't yes he can't but not as much as this over um right backs all right i'm disgusting M5_fBvwiWwo-00278-00192808-00193200 he's dreaming about another girl and he's been in it no that's not really M5_fBvwiWwo-00279-00193200-00193880 what was that not really did you see that really good chance that was just yeah no no i saw that M5_fBvwiWwo-00280-00193952-00194240 yeah how many times have you seen that i've seen that bad times bro M5_fBvwiWwo-00281-00194328-00194696 i understand what you say but he's not that bad he's not good enough no M5_fBvwiWwo-00282-00195400-00195816 yes but as you were saying guys you two have been muted by the way because we M5_fBvwiWwo-00283-00195816-00196704 need to move on from this argument you get love it passion guys as we say passion but M5_fBvwiWwo-00284-00196704-00197192 but he has his he has his feelings towards everyone the second those have these feelings M5_fBvwiWwo-00285-00197192-00197728 before i remember but guys let's move on i'm gonna meet you guys because i'm we're gonna cheers kids M5_fBvwiWwo-00286-00198328-00198728 yes who is your man in the nationals who's your donkey in the match big man M5_fBvwiWwo-00287-00198784-00199384 um i'll go first donkey is wonder sucker he just gets disgusted M5_fBvwiWwo-00288-00199680-00200448 yeah yeah after that was paul you see i'm a real fan and my mother machia would have been chancho M5_fBvwiWwo-00289-00200448-00201176 but matches just matic just if if you remember i did mention matsushita over there he just showed M5_fBvwiWwo-00290-00201176-00201784 something different he was too much i hope he can just continue this form i really hope so M5_fBvwiWwo-00291-00201920-00202480 and for me definitely i'm going to go a bit different with you guys i thought fred was M5_fBvwiWwo-00292-00202480-00203088 was very good and i would i would he's my man in the match don't get the match you'll know that i'm M5_fBvwiWwo-00293-00203088-00203616 cycle just based on the penalty man he he right i said why we could have won that game you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00294-00203616-00204064 because i mean chelsea was shooting blacks let's move it on guys for those who are tuning in M5_fBvwiWwo-00295-00204128-00204560 let me get nigerian englishman don't give the match man in the match he's fred for M5_fBvwiWwo-00296-00204560-00205040 diving for missing that chance donkey at the match that was his moment his perfect moment M5_fBvwiWwo-00297-00205352-00205840 which we messed up but guys dude for those who are truly let us know that who's your man matching it M5_fBvwiWwo-00298-00205840-00206184 don't keep that match also watching the playback let's knock your man imagine you don't keep the M5_fBvwiWwo-00299-00206184-00206856 match was as well and of course those who are watching subscribe smashing that can share let's M5_fBvwiWwo-00300-00206856-00207600 move a lot to the quotes that took place after the game which will start off with david de gea M5_fBvwiWwo-00301-00207688-00208248 speaking to the reporters after the match david himself said we already improved M5_fBvwiWwo-00302-00208248-00208823 against villarreal we won qualified and now we played a very good team away from home M5_fBvwiWwo-00303-00208823-00209496 the effort of the team was very good for me it's not enough a draw we are tough we are in a tough M5_fBvwiWwo-00304-00209496-00210071 moment i am proud of the effort of the team he also said that on the pitch in the goal i was M5_fBvwiWwo-00305-00210071-00210632 feeling that feeling danger for nearly the whole game we defended well they missed big chances and M5_fBvwiWwo-00306-00210632-00211223 the one they gave us a chance we scored it is not enough to draw but at the moment it's a big point M5_fBvwiWwo-00307-00211344-00211976 carrick said that regarding the result he said disappointing actually when you're in front M5_fBvwiWwo-00308-00211976-00212544 in a game like this to have it taken away is disappointing i'm proud of the players M5_fBvwiWwo-00309-00212544-00213176 in the group all week kyrie also said a difficult situation we tried to make the best of it but M5_fBvwiWwo-00310-00213176-00213784 there is a little bit of feelings we came to the win of the to win the game a little disappointed i M5_fBvwiWwo-00311-00213784-00214560 can't lie in regards to jaden sancho carrick also said that it probably looks easier when you go to M5_fBvwiWwo-00312-00214560-00215208 against a keeper but it's a little cat and mouse he managed to score and i am pleased before him M5_fBvwiWwo-00313-00215336-00215848 and he also concluded with it's been a decent couple of games it's a mixed feeling because M5_fBvwiWwo-00314-00215848-00216656 i shouldn't be here if things have gone as we wanted yeah the way you wanted we didn't want M5_fBvwiWwo-00315-00216656-00217319 it to go your way you wanted we wanted him out i feel like we lost out on it today because we M5_fBvwiWwo-00316-00217319-00217896 because two wins we would have had would have been better so yeah again guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00317-00218048-00218488 speaking on that there was incident that took place which i would like to play for you guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00318-00218488-00219256 i just need to find out which took place between jamie carragher and also broken breaking M5_fBvwiWwo-00319-00219464-00219984 so i'm gonna play you guys some clips M5_fBvwiWwo-00320-00220823-00221152 is this what they spoke to regarding dot starts i want to get your opinion on this M5_fBvwiWwo-00321-00221240-00221664 there was one school of thought right that i heard this week that all the coaching M5_fBvwiWwo-00322-00221664-00222271 staff should have been cleaned out when i left well i i think the game has changed i think um M5_fBvwiWwo-00323-00222336-00222680 i think that's difficult every situation is different i've seen people under contract and M5_fBvwiWwo-00324-00222680-00223119 ali might have said to some of the staff listen i want you to stay on lots of commitments and M5_fBvwiWwo-00325-00223119-00223600 mortgages and stuff like this so i wouldn't be one for that get rid of all the staff but they have to M5_fBvwiWwo-00326-00223600-00223960 be held accountable some of the staff because they weren't just with ollie they were with M5_fBvwiWwo-00327-00223960-00224408 mourinho as well before that they going to stay on with the new manager because presumably that M5_fBvwiWwo-00328-00224408-00224896 would be the plan would you not think that way to go no not necessarily not after up to the job M5_fBvwiWwo-00329-00224960-00225408 and somebody's having a number of years i get the impression of my united last few years i want to M5_fBvwiWwo-00330-00225408-00225864 be some of the background staff people upstairs i think there is an element now a man united kind of M5_fBvwiWwo-00331-00225864-00226312 job for the boys there you know talk for the boys you know just a wink wink look after each other M5_fBvwiWwo-00332-00226519-00227040 what would you guys thought on that quickly he wants to go first i want to go first personally M5_fBvwiWwo-00333-00227040-00227728 but hey kenya it's funny though how when you leave bro man said how it is you know this guy M5_fBvwiWwo-00334-00227784-00228304 but um yes right man during this work experience life in other words i agree with him i agree M5_fBvwiWwo-00335-00228304-00228736 with him i feel like we're just giving jobs with people you know and all that stuff not people that M5_fBvwiWwo-00336-00228736-00229336 have actually got qualifications or or or or past experience so i can't i kind of get it and for me M5_fBvwiWwo-00337-00229416-00229871 i feel like and i agree with schools and i agree with schools where his goal said when oli win M5_fBvwiWwo-00338-00229976-00230376 everybody all the other back results should work with him because we need to freshen up you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00339-00230376-00231056 what i mean so for me i think in a way it came right anyone else wants to add to that before M5_fBvwiWwo-00340-00231056-00231640 we move on to the next scene which is about cristiano ronaldo yeah i think i think he's M5_fBvwiWwo-00341-00231640-00232136 is completely right yeah job for the boys um i've heard that they're going to keep them free M5_fBvwiWwo-00342-00232136-00232600 and because i don't want to get rid of him which is stupid but i think carrick's done M5_fBvwiWwo-00343-00232600-00233071 carrick's done himself some favors um we're going on the other two out right feeling him M5_fBvwiWwo-00344-00233136-00233496 but i mean my feeling is the most experienced one there and he's hopeless M5_fBvwiWwo-00345-00233767-00234040 all he's worried about is his twitter profile so i mean M5_fBvwiWwo-00346-00234360-00234880 let me move it on to the next part because it's been so much about christian nardo pressing all M5_fBvwiWwo-00347-00234880-00235376 sorts of stuff why did we sign in should we have not signed him in central beach i'm astonished M5_fBvwiWwo-00348-00235376-00235904 to hear all these things i feel like it's an insult to to just be saying stuff like ah ronaldo M5_fBvwiWwo-00349-00235904-00236367 doesn't impress enough first of all imagine i haven't been pressing for good six seven years M5_fBvwiWwo-00350-00236367-00236680 enough for you to just single out one player like everyone M5_fBvwiWwo-00351-00236680-00237208 presses individually so how can you say that and i talk about uh is he gonna press M5_fBvwiWwo-00352-00237208-00237671 listen if you're a good coach you make ronaldo work because who would the hell will complain M5_fBvwiWwo-00353-00237671-00238192 about having cristiano ronaldo and state but he don't press for me no i'll make it happen because M5_fBvwiWwo-00354-00238192-00238719 why i'm a fantastic manager you know i'll make happen but i'm i'm actually sick to death over M5_fBvwiWwo-00355-00238719-00239256 this ronaldo situation people are just destroying a ghost name like that especially these british M5_fBvwiWwo-00356-00239256-00239792 pundits like who are they to judge on on players if anyone in england won the ballon d'or for them M5_fBvwiWwo-00357-00239792-00240280 to be talking anyone in scotland won the ballon d'or for you to be saying what ronaldo should M5_fBvwiWwo-00358-00240280-00241040 be doing or not no no shut up shut up but yes moving on because it got hit between ray king M5_fBvwiWwo-00359-00241040-00242384 and jamie carragher what's a team game it's a mistake standing right now though ronaldo M5_fBvwiWwo-00360-00243176-00243360 to the club if you look at the business side of it M5_fBvwiWwo-00361-00243360-00243688 the glaze your share price that's when you've come back yeah i said M5_fBvwiWwo-00362-00246392-00246584 is M5_fBvwiWwo-00363-00248904-00249280 look at the team look at the league look at the last two or three years they're not gonna win M5_fBvwiWwo-00364-00249280-00249752 the league for the next two or three years i tell you that at 37. if they're not going to win in the M5_fBvwiWwo-00365-00249752-00250152 next two or three years start getting your emails on the pitch start getting sensual on the pitch M5_fBvwiWwo-00366-00250271-00250744 right now then we're never going to win the neighborhood there's no point i'd say one more M5_fBvwiWwo-00367-00250744-00251560 time to win some trophies yeah i know that's where they are time to go all right correct me M5_fBvwiWwo-00368-00251832-00252560 i'll go i'll go sorry i'll keep going first i think yeah they both made valid points in it M5_fBvwiWwo-00369-00252632-00253192 in terms of you san randolph around new south central but then you gotta look at it you've M5_fBvwiWwo-00370-00253192-00253752 got audio as a manager so for me you're trying to get the you're trying to get top four and win a uh M5_fBvwiWwo-00371-00253752-00254384 fa cup or something which i mean but at the same time he said hurricane said cops yeah so that M5_fBvwiWwo-00372-00254384-00255023 could mean a champions league it's not impossible we've seen teams like chelsea under who's it d M5_fBvwiWwo-00373-00255023-00256000 mattel is that right yeah yeah i'll do it so it's not it's not impossible competitions are very um M5_fBvwiWwo-00374-00256112-00256423 they're very unpredictable compared to the league game i think with the league games M5_fBvwiWwo-00375-00256512-00256904 like internally games you're kind of like you know the league don't lie to you M5_fBvwiWwo-00376-00256904-00257336 wherever you finish that's how you've been in it like across the 38 games M5_fBvwiWwo-00377-00257336-00257736 so for me i see i see i see both their points they're both valid but right now M5_fBvwiWwo-00378-00257808-00258264 i just want to highlight one thing roy king said that we're technically a cop team M5_fBvwiWwo-00379-00258376-00258896 at the moment and that's do you guys agree at this moment that we're technically a cop team M5_fBvwiWwo-00380-00258896-00259448 because because i can't go and tell people what the clothes were here to compete because julian M5_fBvwiWwo-00381-00259448-00259864 really and truly we're not here to compete we're here to try and win trophies first of all M5_fBvwiWwo-00382-00259864-00260584 start competing i don't know what you guys think of that question oh sorry M5_fBvwiWwo-00383-00261144-00261456 but you know what i mean like it should have got rid of earlier to start the season M5_fBvwiWwo-00384-00261456-00262016 then we might have been a leaky but yeah we're at the moment we're a cup team yeah M5_fBvwiWwo-00385-00262016-00262368 like right now we're a cup team because we ain't going to get we might we'll get right M5_fBvwiWwo-00386-00262368-00262888 gets out top four now we've got ralph in but we ain't gonna get any challenging for that title M5_fBvwiWwo-00387-00262984-00263384 you know until probably next season when we get someone properly M5_fBvwiWwo-00388-00264704-00265272 for the title i win a trophy is that right is that is that not an agreement that's what our M5_fBvwiWwo-00389-00265272-00265864 force will as soon as we say ronaldo central right no no no no no no no no no no no forget ronaldo M5_fBvwiWwo-00390-00265992-00266368 even before ronaldo what he said for the title M5_fBvwiWwo-00391-00266576-00267136 obviously when right now they'll come the expectation was a bit higher yeah that's M5_fBvwiWwo-00392-00267136-00267696 what only lost his job in it and as i think it's mad because if we lost 21 to watford i M5_fBvwiWwo-00393-00267696-00268144 think miles will be in the job today in my opinion but i think i think for me M5_fBvwiWwo-00394-00268272-00268760 ricky's got a point jamie carragher's got a plane i can't say one's right i was wrong M5_fBvwiWwo-00395-00268760-00269304 i think they both made uh good points in my opinion i don't know about you lot but for me M5_fBvwiWwo-00396-00269304-00269904 i think yeah i think we i think that we are a cut team for now because let's be real we play M5_fBvwiWwo-00397-00269904-00270504 our best players in the cup competitions right and the cup competitions we're going to play the likes M5_fBvwiWwo-00398-00270504-00270952 of eric bye i'm going to play the list of donny van der beek in the league we're playing scott and M5_fBvwiWwo-00399-00270952-00271520 fred and we're playing harry maguire and lindelof right so i say for right now we are a cup we are M5_fBvwiWwo-00400-00271520-00272392 a cup team but slowly but surely ralph will get us um back to being um uh primarily exactly being M5_fBvwiWwo-00401-00272392-00272768 competitive in the premier league as well too right so it will it will take some time though so M5_fBvwiWwo-00402-00272936-00273384 yes guys as always big up to you guys watching make sure you subscribe smash that like button M5_fBvwiWwo-00403-00273384-00273872 and share let us know your thoughts so far regarding the roy king situation in the M5_fBvwiWwo-00404-00273872-00274384 jamie carriger and of course the force in the match itself let's move it straight to the big M5_fBvwiWwo-00405-00274384-00275080 news today because as you know match united have finally announced the appointment of ralph ragnick M5_fBvwiWwo-00406-00275080-00275632 on the six months interim base after that going into a two years consultancy M5_fBvwiWwo-00407-00275632-00276136 role for manchester exclusively just working for them which is beautiful because it's what M5_fBvwiWwo-00408-00276136-00276600 we all wanted it's just funny how the whole me we'll get to that the whole media says that M5_fBvwiWwo-00409-00276600-00277208 manchester united should get footballing men get making footballing decisions at the top get and M5_fBvwiWwo-00410-00277208-00277712 sort out their structure they do that and they're still talking [ __ ] about who they got you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00411-00277712-00278184 what but guys manchester united again released a statement which i'd like to read to you guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00412-00278456-00278784 give me a second M5_fBvwiWwo-00413-00279416-00279560 i'm just trying to get rid of this thing M5_fBvwiWwo-00414-00279856-00280424 yeah manchester united is delighted to announce the appointment of ralph ragner as interim M5_fBvwiWwo-00415-00280424-00281072 manager until the end of the season subject to a work visa requirement all that wasting time M5_fBvwiWwo-00416-00281072-00281464 we need a work visa requirement right now see you there at manchester united always slow when M5_fBvwiWwo-00417-00281464-00281880 it comes to doing recruitment i've always said mcdonald's got a better recruiting policy than M5_fBvwiWwo-00418-00282048-00282432 you know they don't waste time out here if they need a new person in they'll get them M5_fBvwiWwo-00419-00282432-00282976 in the following day yeah following this period ralph and the club have agreed that M5_fBvwiWwo-00420-00282976-00283640 he will continue in a consultancy role for further two years john muerto manchester united football M5_fBvwiWwo-00421-00283640-00284248 director said ralph is one of the most respected coach and innovators in european football he was M5_fBvwiWwo-00422-00284320-00284888 he was our number one candidate for insurance manager reflected the inevitable leadership M5_fBvwiWwo-00423-00284888-00285464 and technical skills he brings from almost four decades of experience in management and coaching M5_fBvwiWwo-00424-00285544-00286128 everyone at the club is looking forward to working with him during the season ahead and then for two M5_fBvwiWwo-00425-00286128-00286720 years in his advisory role in that in that two years in his advisory role he'd be just you'll be M5_fBvwiWwo-00426-00286720-00287256 heavily involved and you have total power as you guys see he'll be involved in making the decision M5_fBvwiWwo-00427-00287256-00287928 against the next manager that will come in for the next season again as ralph spoke as well he said M5_fBvwiWwo-00428-00288000-00288504 i am excited to be joining manchester united and focused on making this a successful season M5_fBvwiWwo-00429-00288504-00289088 for the club the season is full of talent and has a great balance of youth and experience all M5_fBvwiWwo-00430-00289088-00289608 my all my effort for the next six months will be on helping these players fulfill their potentials M5_fBvwiWwo-00431-00289664-00290288 both individually and the most importantly as a team that's the most important thing beyond that M5_fBvwiWwo-00432-00290288-00290888 i look forward to supporting the club longer long longer-term goal on a consultancy basis M5_fBvwiWwo-00433-00291024-00291488 the club also said michael carrick will remain in charge of the first team until ralph M5_fBvwiWwo-00434-00291488-00292224 works visa is finalized the club wishes to place a on record it's thanks to local M5_fBvwiWwo-00435-00292224-00292824 motive moscow for their cooperating in process of bringing ralph to manchester united i don't M5_fBvwiWwo-00436-00292824-00293456 i don't know why they need to say that but it is what it is guys so guys ralph fragnan is here M5_fBvwiWwo-00437-00293568-00294112 i want to get your thoughts first of all on what your what on your appointments and of course at M5_fBvwiWwo-00438-00294112-00294600 the same time we've had negative feedback coming from the media regarding ralph fragment arson M5_fBvwiWwo-00439-00294600-00295416 who is he so i also want to i want also want to get your thoughts on on the media reaction M5_fBvwiWwo-00440-00295416-00295944 that's been coming out regarding ralph ragner especially i've heard graham sooners on talksport M5_fBvwiWwo-00441-00296000-00296496 i don't know if you guys heard it saying who is he and how come he's never been sought out for a M5_fBvwiWwo-00442-00296496-00296984 big club paul merson said how come he's never been at a big club he's forgotten that awesome himself M5_fBvwiWwo-00443-00296984-00297488 was interested in signing ralph ragner as soon as arsene wenger left he was a he was a candidate and M5_fBvwiWwo-00444-00297488-00298040 they forgot that before scripture came they wanted ragnarok first and then they went for churchill M5_fBvwiWwo-00445-00298040-00298440 because ragnan said he can't do four months and he wants something longer it's not about that game M5_fBvwiWwo-00446-00298440-00298976 he's always been linked to real madrid he's always be he was in talks with ac milan last season what M5_fBvwiWwo-00447-00298976-00299632 he wanted not just uh she wanted something bigger as well long term and chelsea as well M5_fBvwiWwo-00448-00300056-00300288 but they don't do their research and due diligence they're just talking about M5_fBvwiWwo-00449-00300376-00300632 i think the english media are lazy and i think the only person M5_fBvwiWwo-00450-00300880-00301440 jamie carragher can you watch he reckons a this deployment but these soonest is there because M5_fBvwiWwo-00451-00301440-00301928 i remember as soon as charles say i think last season sancho won what kind of mustard M5_fBvwiWwo-00452-00301928-00302456 but yeah man's got was it 50 50 you got 50 gold involvements with the 50 or 40 i can't remember M5_fBvwiWwo-00453-00302520-00302920 and they didn't watch the game probably sound like that in it so like i feel like the english M5_fBvwiWwo-00454-00302920-00303520 media are lazy if the money from england or or or britain should i say they don't know nothing M5_fBvwiWwo-00455-00303520-00304064 like paul merson just chats rubbish he's gotta be genuine because think about it thomas chuckle yeah M5_fBvwiWwo-00456-00304144-00304712 thomas duke oh yeah for example if he didn't go phd might won't have no titles but you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00457-00304712-00305096 what i'm trying to say i went to chelsea one champion league but was anyone questioning that M5_fBvwiWwo-00458-00305096-00305744 i just think there's there's an agenda against my united and i think that's because we've we've been M5_fBvwiWwo-00459-00305744-00306456 so successful under certain firms so now we're just there to get spa cast laughs and everything M5_fBvwiWwo-00460-00306456-00306808 you know i'm trying to say so that's why everybody wants to come and come and attack us that's M5_fBvwiWwo-00461-00306872-00307408 that's my personal opinion okay i agree because that obviously just normal when you were the most M5_fBvwiWwo-00462-00307408-00307944 hated and of course you're most successful when you're in your downfall your enemies will laugh at M5_fBvwiWwo-00463-00307944-00308728 you they will mock you um as well um big phil and mook and monsieur what's your take on the whole M5_fBvwiWwo-00464-00308832-00309312 ragnik at the appointment as well let me start off with you big phil and we'll move on to you i'm M5_fBvwiWwo-00465-00309312-00310120 more connected with munzee yeah looking forward to the team pressing as a unit right because under M5_fBvwiWwo-00466-00310120-00310648 organization we just have individuals who press we have cavani who presses we have bruno fernandez M5_fBvwiWwo-00467-00310648-00311336 who presses the all time you have lingard maybe fred who presses right but if you had a comp here M5_fBvwiWwo-00468-00311336-00311784 uh a team like liverpool who actually presses as a unit the front three pressed together the the M5_fBvwiWwo-00469-00311784-00312576 midfielders pressed together right jurgen klopp said it's unfortunate that my united are getting M5_fBvwiWwo-00470-00312576-00313336 ralph ragnet but obviously like we are glad but he's kind of sad right with regards to M5_fBvwiWwo-00471-00313440-00314280 the pressing we'll also get an organized defense and an organized midfield that's what i'm always M5_fBvwiWwo-00472-00314280-00314832 looking forward to right because an organized defense means that the opposition will get plenty M5_fBvwiWwo-00473-00314832-00315704 of off sites i'm tired i'm tired of seeing three guys in our back four you know um um you know M5_fBvwiWwo-00474-00315704-00316256 being up and then like you're one basaka you know he playing the guy on site or luke shaw or harry M5_fBvwiWwo-00475-00316256-00316816 maguire playing the guy playing the guy um on site there's no communication in our defense right M5_fBvwiWwo-00476-00316904-00317296 the third thing i'll end off with is that some of the players that we have right now M5_fBvwiWwo-00477-00317296-00318088 are going to have to pull their socks off purple these socks up and work right because i i actually M5_fBvwiWwo-00478-00318088-00318640 want to see how ralph is going to handle christian ronaldo that's one guy and i i'm not saying he's M5_fBvwiWwo-00479-00318640-00319080 one of the guys who has to pull his socks up and work right but there are some players to M5_fBvwiWwo-00480-00319080-00319648 be on the positive there are some players who will benefit from this ralph ragnet um system right uh M5_fBvwiWwo-00481-00319648-00320152 donnie van der beek is one bruno fernandez is one and i actually want to see how fred M5_fBvwiWwo-00482-00320320-00320968 yes and that's one guy i also want to point out because with paul pogba paul pogba is not a guy M5_fBvwiWwo-00483-00320968-00321784 who can press right by himself now with a team that's organized there will be less M5_fBvwiWwo-00484-00321784-00322360 fatigue in the team because the team is actually pressing together at 65 minutes bruno fernandez is M5_fBvwiWwo-00485-00322360-00322992 exhausted because he's pressing by himself but if a team that's organized he will be able to press M5_fBvwiWwo-00486-00322992-00323584 less and press less distance because when bruno fernandez looks around there's other people M5_fBvwiWwo-00487-00323584-00324192 pressing behind him together right but back to paul pogba paul pogba will actually have to M5_fBvwiWwo-00488-00324192-00325008 pull his socks up and work because now he'll have to press with the team and um yeah that's just M5_fBvwiWwo-00489-00325008-00325960 some of the positives i see from ralph ragner right but but one must ask because ralph has M5_fBvwiWwo-00490-00325960-00326736 managed the likes of hoffenheim shalka rb lexic and at the time those guys were youngsters they M5_fBvwiWwo-00491-00326736-00327392 saw ralph as a father figure right you know how will ralph manage the likes of christian ronaldo M5_fBvwiWwo-00492-00327392-00328008 bruno sancho rashford all guys who have eagles and all guys who are not considered youngsters M5_fBvwiWwo-00493-00328008-00329184 also how is rob going to transition from managing to a board who's kind of toxic right so M5_fBvwiWwo-00494-00330536-00331000 yeah i definitely think we did the right choice to bring in someone who faced type of quality M5_fBvwiWwo-00495-00331000-00331544 in experience like i understand people must see because they haven't he probably want one trophy M5_fBvwiWwo-00496-00331680-00332328 it's different from someone he with everyone can actually vouch that they like the way he brings up M5_fBvwiWwo-00497-00332392-00332888 teams it brings up teams like for example lifesaver i didn't even know M5_fBvwiWwo-00498-00332888-00333536 life said to recent years by the end of the day them mentioned something that's because M5_fBvwiWwo-00499-00333536-00333872 they've only been around for eight years that's the reason why you know about me M5_fBvwiWwo-00500-00334168-00334512 well you see that's just for me that's first that's one big positive M5_fBvwiWwo-00501-00334512-00334960 about who we've got right now because as i said the good thing that i'm actually thinking about M5_fBvwiWwo-00502-00335104-00335576 i know a lot of manchester united i'm just mentioning manchester united fans but football M5_fBvwiWwo-00503-00335576-00336152 fans will disagree with me on this on this one but personally i believe that only left us M5_fBvwiWwo-00504-00336152-00336608 and a big mess in terms of in terms of unit because we actually got good players M5_fBvwiWwo-00505-00336608-00337256 we got very good players that could play football but the way this plays performance the the dude M5_fBvwiWwo-00506-00337256-00337728 perform it's like it's dreadful we all saw yesterday against chelsea in the first half M5_fBvwiWwo-00507-00337808-00338240 these are world-class players you know these are quality plays but we've all seen that M5_fBvwiWwo-00508-00338240-00338832 and i believe that bringing the ragna ralph into this right now is the best thing that M5_fBvwiWwo-00509-00338832-00339328 we've ever done for ourselves bring some of his experience to come put back this team together M5_fBvwiWwo-00510-00339384-00339816 i don't care about plays he's gonna play he's not gonna play like you all say we're playing for M5_fBvwiWwo-00511-00339816-00340312 manchester united you know when you put on that kick the pressure that you got so we've all seen M5_fBvwiWwo-00512-00340312-00340728 what the team is going through i asked individual players pulling their socks up just because they M5_fBvwiWwo-00513-00340728-00341280 want to change certain things and if they've been doing that when things are going bad i think they M5_fBvwiWwo-00514-00341280-00341832 go do it more time now when they're trying to get back on the fit so for me the right choice M5_fBvwiWwo-00515-00341832-00342360 the right time and i can't really see nothing right i think this is the first time for some M5_fBvwiWwo-00516-00342360-00342936 reason manchester always does this us we got upset by bruno they gave us bruno as christmas present M5_fBvwiWwo-00517-00343136-00343552 now we're getting upset they're bringing someone he we can actually vouch for we like M5_fBvwiWwo-00518-00343552-00344048 his philosophy like his tactics at least the club got he might manage just go for six months but M5_fBvwiWwo-00519-00344048-00344608 give us a little bit of a blueprint and i think if he's gonna be around the club that he even M5_fBvwiWwo-00520-00344608-00345432 is going to come after him this this hopes this hope there is hope and m's last not least left M5_fBvwiWwo-00521-00345432-00346120 before we end the show what's your fault i thought after we've it crap i thought that we're gonna see M5_fBvwiWwo-00522-00346304-00346656 his style of play i think you're gonna you might want to push back a bit because all you can see M5_fBvwiWwo-00523-00346656-00347464 is half your face so i'm sorry always use your lips and that's about it that sounds um i think M5_fBvwiWwo-00524-00347464-00347928 i think with redneck here i think we're gonna see a difference between ollie being missed alaska M5_fBvwiWwo-00525-00347928-00348520 and radnick demanding i don't think we've had a demanding coach yeah see it's probably lvg and M5_fBvwiWwo-00526-00348520-00348952 i think we ran it you know these germans they don't play you know if you don't do their job M5_fBvwiWwo-00527-00349056-00349664 you'll be sitting on the bench or in the stands so for me i think we're going to have a real coach M5_fBvwiWwo-00528-00349664-00350232 that's got a history of building clubs and and and obviously working upstairs on that so for me M5_fBvwiWwo-00529-00350232-00351032 i think it's a a good foot billion decision it's not no uber driver also any technical director M5_fBvwiWwo-00530-00351032-00351584 down fracture with headphones in the ends i don't know he's talking to you only or i don't know oh M5_fBvwiWwo-00531-00352232-00352688 so and i don't like this whole players i was working you said where's our players and all M5_fBvwiWwo-00532-00352688-00353472 that rubbish i want real people and i think for one it's a proper footballing decision so for me M5_fBvwiWwo-00533-00353528-00354240 i reckon it's only the only way is up for me anyway and to end the show guys thank you on M5_fBvwiWwo-00534-00354240-00354688 that note for those who are tuning in like thank you for watching the show make sure M5_fBvwiWwo-00535-00354688-00355176 you subscribe and smash that like button share across all your social platforms to get more M5_fBvwiWwo-00536-00355176-00355656 people to watch the show and of course for those who want to contribute to the channel remember to M5_fBvwiWwo-00537-00355656-00356088 check the link description you'll find the link to the paypal in the com i'm M5_fBvwiWwo-00538-00356088-00356816 in the link description and also you can always contribute on a show on on superchat on youtube M5_fBvwiWwo-00539-00356896-00357400 this is the part where we the boys in himself let you know where you can find them so i'm M5_fBvwiWwo-00540-00357400-00357832 going to have to plug in the guys i'm up let's start off with you where can the people find you M5_fBvwiWwo-00541-00358272-00358632 if you're me or something like i think you meet yourself M5_fBvwiWwo-00542-00358872-00359416 um they can always find me here every monday and also on instagram free flak underscore 16. M5_fBvwiWwo-00543-00359488-00359800 and quickly what you what's your prediction against arsenal M5_fBvwiWwo-00544-00359912-00360160 i think we're going to smoke arsenal two two nil M5_fBvwiWwo-00545-00360368-00360856 british nigerian british man remember that nigerian english man M5_fBvwiWwo-00546-00361264-00361840 remember that where can the people find you as well and what's your prediction for the arsenal M5_fBvwiWwo-00547-00361840-00362640 game yo um international break i predicted that we would get two draws a draw against M5_fBvwiWwo-00548-00362640-00363184 chelsea and a draw against arsenal but i kind of on flaco's side they actually want to smoke M5_fBvwiWwo-00549-00363184-00363744 arsenal all joseph's site where can they find me um philabricio romano on instagram M5_fBvwiWwo-00550-00363856-00364184 yes make sure you follow him there and throw the others as well M5_fBvwiWwo-00551-00364256-00364648 munzee what about you where can the people find you in your prediction against arsenal M5_fBvwiWwo-00552-00364744-00365440 yeah you can find me on munzee talks my youtube channel um you can find me here on every monday um M5_fBvwiWwo-00553-00365440-00366008 twitter instagram yeah twitch uh all that money talks i think we're gonna be arsenal free one M5_fBvwiWwo-00554-00366368-00366792 right there right there make sure you subscribe to munzee talks as well he's M5_fBvwiWwo-00555-00366792-00367528 just done his show as well ems where can they be to find you find me on twitter M5_fBvwiWwo-00556-00367680-00368384 and your prediction for arsenal i think it could be one nil uh ronaldo with a winner M5_fBvwiWwo-00557-00370768-00371648 guys of course you can find me every monday here as well at eight o'clock with your catch up and M5_fBvwiWwo-00558-00371648-00372168 last but not least you can always tune in to my live match reaction M5_fBvwiWwo-00559-00372168-00372832 30 minutes after the game on thursday and we also playing i believe on sunday against palace so it's M5_fBvwiWwo-00560-00372832-00373360 going to be another match reaction and if i've got news to present it will come out as well just make M5_fBvwiWwo-00561-00373360-00373904 sure you accept you click the notification bell so when i go live it goes straight and you'll know M5_fBvwiWwo-00562-00373960-00374528 but you can always find me on my account my private instagram account which is i've earned M5_fBvwiWwo-00563-00374528-00375064 honest full spice same as twitter make sure you follow that and do remember to follow the M5_fBvwiWwo-00564-00375064-00375552 official instagram account of regularized tv which is ready tv one as you see above M5_fBvwiWwo-00565-00375552-00376312 there and of course the twitch ready night tv same as tick tock as well as always guys M5_fBvwiWwo-00566-00376424-00376912 last but not least let me just let you guys know remember to keep united because mention M5_fBvwiWwo-00567-00376912-00377536 that i've actually been on a new beginning starting off again from fresh you know the M5_fBvwiWwo-00568-00377536-00378024 the scrub is gone now so you can keep myself united now before that we wasn't united but M5_fBvwiWwo-00569-00378024-00378800 now we are united we are and as always remember to keep the red united we are out we like to M5_fBvwiWwo-00570-00378800-00379584 thank you god bless you until next week from the mandem and everyone else peace out boom M6I7WTo3wjQ-00000-00000068-00000595 Today we will look at the difference between the geopotential and the geometric altitude, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00001-00000595-00000778 and what it actually is. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00002-00000778-00001179 Because I don't know if you noticed, by during the derivation of the hydrostatic equation M6I7WTo3wjQ-00003-00001179-00001739 and especially the standard atmosphere, we made a simplification. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00004-00001739-00002340 Let's have a look at our little disk of air which we used in the hydrostatic equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00005-00002400-00003190 We used a standard constant g throughout our equations, so we used a standard gravity acceleration. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00006-00003190-00003950 But in reality, if you go up in the atmosphere the g changes, and this means that we are M6I7WTo3wjQ-00007-00003953-00004187 actually wrong with our altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00008-00004187-00004670 The altitude which we calculated, which is the geopotential altitude as it is commonly called, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00009-00004680-00004889 is not the real altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00010-00004889-00005384 The real altitude is the geometric altitude, and you would use the geometric altitude M6I7WTo3wjQ-00011-00005384-00005853 if you would also let the gravity acceleration vary with altitude, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00012-00005853-00006255 because the gravity, the force of gravity, decreases if we get further away from the M6I7WTo3wjQ-00013-00006255-00006519 centre of the Earth. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00014-00006519-00007250 You see here the difference expressed in the equations, so the dh without an index is the M6I7WTo3wjQ-00015-00007259-00007900 geopotential altitude, because this is actually the default altitude which we always use. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00016-00007903-00008700 The h_g is the geometric altitude, with the correct g. Let's have a look at what the difference is. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00017-00008910-00009424 For this we will first look at the gravity, the law of gravity itself. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00018-00009424-00009967 On the right side of the screen here we see the Earth with the radius of the Earth (R_e) M6I7WTo3wjQ-00019-00009967-00010580 and the mass of the Earth indicated as M_e, and we are a certain mass m, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00020-00010580-00011172 flying at a geometric altitude h_g. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00021-00011172-00012340 The general law of gravity is written as "F_G is the gravity constant times one mass times M6I7WTo3wjQ-00022-00012347-00013015 the second mass, divided by the distance squared". M6I7WTo3wjQ-00023-00013015-00014210 We always write F_G is m times our gravity constant, for instance at sea level. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00024-00014246-00015740 So let's see what the g at sea level is. g_0 basically becomes the mass of the Earth times M6I7WTo3wjQ-00025-00015740-00016441 the gravity constant divided by R_e squared, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00026-00016638-00017480 while at altitude our g becomes G (times) again the mass but then (divided by) the radius M6I7WTo3wjQ-00027-00017487-00018187 of the Earth plus the geometric altitude squared. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00028-00018256-00018815 From this we can see what the relation between the two types of g is. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00029-00018815-00019940 And for this we can simply divide then by saying g divided over g_0 is M6I7WTo3wjQ-00030-00019940-00020570 well the gravity constant and the mass of the Earth is the same, which means we get M6I7WTo3wjQ-00031-00020574-00021530 1 divided by R_e plus h_g squared on the top side of the division, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00032-00021530-00022115 and we get 1 divided by the radius of the Earth squared on the bottom side. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00033-00022115-00022860 In other words, this becomes our relation for the two g's, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00034-00022860-00023626 because that is the origin of our error. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00035-00023626-00024420 So this relation we will now use to see what the effect is on the hydrostatic equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00036-00024600-00025900 In the hydrostatic equation we have written dp is minus rho (times) g (times) dh, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00037-00025918-00026189 and it is this part that we are interested in: M6I7WTo3wjQ-00038-00026189-00026710 Assuming that we have the same pressure difference, we want to see what the difference in altitude is. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00039-00026710-00027410 So in one case we have used g_0 with the geopotential altitude, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00040-00027410-00028364 in the other situation we should have used the real g with the geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00041-00028364-00029064 And this shows the relation between the two types of altitude: the change in geopotential M6I7WTo3wjQ-00042-00029089-00029788 altitude is g over g_0 times the change in geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00043-00029788-00030770 And for this we just derived a relation: R_e squared divided by R_e squared plus the geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00044-00030777-00032270 So R_e squared (over) R_e plus h_g squared, and again times dh_g. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00045-00032400-00033300 So taking this and this side of the equation and again, because this is only true for small M6I7WTo3wjQ-00046-00033302-00034040 altitude changes, by making it into an integral we can solve this, so let's see what happens M6I7WTo3wjQ-00047-00034040-00034365 if we go to a certain altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00048-00034365-00035037 With this geopotential altitude, so we go to a certain altitude with dh, and this should M6I7WTo3wjQ-00049-00035037-00036080 be equal then to going to, if there is the same pressure change, to the geometric altitude, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00050-00036080-00036540 which then becomes this equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00051-00036740-00037590 And this is an integral we can solve, it is a simple polynomial divided by a polynomial. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00052-00037590-00038350 We can write this in a neater way, so let's solve this integral. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00053-00038350-00039860 (The integral of) dh and writing it like this: R_e squared times (the integral from) zero M6I7WTo3wjQ-00054-00039860-00041000 to h_g of 1 divided by R_e plus h_g squared (times) dh_g) M6I7WTo3wjQ-00055-00041009-00043040 and this is the same as R_e plus h_g to the power of minus 2, in other words the integral M6I7WTo3wjQ-00056-00043040-00044370 becomes minus 1 divided by R_e plus h_g, again multiplied by R_e squared, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00057-00044370-00045660 minus, and we need to fill in the zero altitude, which will give us this equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00058-00045661-00046460 So to get rid of one R_e we bring one Earth radius inside the brackets, which means we get M6I7WTo3wjQ-00059-00046460-00048460 R_e times minus R_e divided over R_e plus h_g minus minus R_e divided by R_e, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00060-00048465-00050020 and this now simplifies into R_e times minus R_e divided by R_e plus h_g plus 1. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00061-00050020-00051720 In other words R_e plus h_g minus R_e divided by R_e plus h_g. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00062-00051782-00052750 And this shows that the final result is the Earth radius divided by the Earth radius plus M6I7WTo3wjQ-00063-00052754-00053104 the geometric altitude, times the geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00064-00053104-00053804 And this is our value h, because this is the solution of the left side of the equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00065-00053897-00054388 So the final solution of the relation between the geometric altitude and the geopotential M6I7WTo3wjQ-00066-00054388-00054591 altitude is this equation. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00067-00054591-00055155 What do we learn from this equation? Well we can see that what really matters is how M6I7WTo3wjQ-00068-00055155-00055460 large h_g is compared to the Earth radius. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00069-00055460-00056990 To get an impression, the Earth radius is 6384 kilometers, or something like this. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00070-00056999-00057910 So the altitudes at which we fly are always in the order of 20 kilometers, so we can see M6I7WTo3wjQ-00071-00057919-00058154 that the effect is not that large. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00072-00058154-00058710 But we can also look at an actual value, let's take an example (for instance the 20 kilometers) M6I7WTo3wjQ-00073-00058710-00058900 and see what the effect really is, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00074-00058900-00059407 what the percentage of the error is which we make if we use the geopotential altitude M6I7WTo3wjQ-00075-00059407-00059819 instead of the geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00076-00059819-00060200 So what is the effect of our approximation, of using the geopotential altitude instead M6I7WTo3wjQ-00077-00060200-00060379 of the geometric altitude? M6I7WTo3wjQ-00078-00060379-00060995 Well let's use the result of our derivation to calculate it, we know that the average M6I7WTo3wjQ-00079-00060995-00061695 Earth radius is 6378 kilometers and let's use a very high altitude of 20 kilometers M6I7WTo3wjQ-00080-00061750-00062154 to see the effect of the difference between geopotential and geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00081-00062154-00062929 Well, if we use our equation and fill in these numbers, we can see that the actual error is very small: M6I7WTo3wjQ-00082-00062930-00063710 At the geometric altitude of 20,000 meters, or 20 kilometers, our geopotential altitude M6I7WTo3wjQ-00083-00063714-00064250 would say that we are 'only' at 19,937.5 meters. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00084-00064250-00065060 This means the error is about 0.3%, which is very small. And this is also one of the M6I7WTo3wjQ-00085-00065062-00065680 reasons why we get away with this approximation and why we use the geopotential altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00086-00065680-00066254 Often by the way it is the other way around: when we say we are at 20,000 meters altitude, M6I7WTo3wjQ-00087-00066254-00066877 so 20 kilometers, you might wander "what is in that case the geometric altitude?" M6I7WTo3wjQ-00088-00066877-00067322 For this you need to invert the equation on the top side of the slide and then fill in M6I7WTo3wjQ-00089-00067322-00067980 the number 20 kilometers for the geopotential altitude h and then you can calculate the geometric altitude. M6I7WTo3wjQ-00090-00067981-00068230 This would be a good exercise for you to try. M7gm1W7MyVI-00000-00000000-00000650 You think so? It's 10:00 and I guess it's time to start. I'm going to give you a M7gm1W7MyVI-00001-00000650-00001150 very short recap of what we talked about on Monday. So we said that we are going M7gm1W7MyVI-00002-00001150-00001760 to look at the matrices and linear algebra in the first part of this course. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00003-00001760-00002320 what we did was to have a very short introduction to matrices that we said that M7gm1W7MyVI-00004-00002320-00002990 when we do numerical analysis in order to solve a mathematical equation in a M7gm1W7MyVI-00005-00003000-00003570 Discreet way. We are going to end up with matrices in different forms. And what M7gm1W7MyVI-00006-00003570-00004310 we need to do is that we have to learn how to do the operations and algebra related M7gm1W7MyVI-00007-00004310-00005110 to the matrices. And we defined what a matrix is. So we said that we have an array M7gm1W7MyVI-00008-00005160-00005870 and this array has elements. As you see here, this a a11 a12. These are just elements M7gm1W7MyVI-00009-00005870-00005960 on the first row. M7gm1W7MyVI-00010-00006020-00006830 And Matrix like a is going to have ma m rows and N columns. And as a result, we M7gm1W7MyVI-00011-00006830-00007690 say that a has a size of M by n, which means that M multiplied by n number of elements M7gm1W7MyVI-00012-00007690-00008170 in total. And we said that these elements can be either real or complex numbers. M7gm1W7MyVI-00013-00008360-00009030 So then we moved on to the basic algebra, or the arithmetic operations of the matrices. M7gm1W7MyVI-00014-00009060-00009670 In particular, we talked about addition and subtraction of two matrices. And we M7gm1W7MyVI-00015-00009670-00010100 said that what we need to do is that first we should make sure that the two Matrix M7gm1W7MyVI-00016-00010100-00010600 matrices that we are going to add together or subtract from each other should have M7gm1W7MyVI-00017-00010610-00011330 exactly same size. Both have to be M by n, otherwise we cannot do this cooperation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00018-00011350-00011870 Yes. And for addition and subtraction, we just go to the corresponding elements M7gm1W7MyVI-00019-00011870-00012390 and do the addition and subtraction to those elements. Then we said that, okay, M7gm1W7MyVI-00020-00012390-00012830 if you have a scalar, that's going to be multiplied by matrix, what we need to do M7gm1W7MyVI-00021-00012830-00013660 is just we multiply each element of that Matrix but that by that scalar. So there M7gm1W7MyVI-00022-00013660-00014290 is another operation here that is called a matrix transpose, which means that we M7gm1W7MyVI-00023-00014290-00014330 are going to M7gm1W7MyVI-00024-00014350-00014930 Switch the rows and Columns of this Matrix and we call it a with superscript t, M7gm1W7MyVI-00025-00014930-00015110 which is that a transposed? M7gm1W7MyVI-00026-00015210-00015780 If a is equal to the 80 transpose, it's transposed and a is going to be called a M7gm1W7MyVI-00027-00015790-00016500 symmetric Matrix but if a is equal to the minus a transpose, then it is skew-symmetric. M7gm1W7MyVI-00028-00016500-00016560 Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00029-00016830-00017420 So we just went through an example and now we are going to move onto the Matrix M7gm1W7MyVI-00030-00017420-00017720 Matrix multiplication, okay? M7gm1W7MyVI-00031-00017880-00018290 So for that, I guess spare to just remove onto the doc cam. M7gm1W7MyVI-00032-00021620-00022420 Okay, very good. So we have two matrices, A and B. And we want to do Matrix, Matrix M7gm1W7MyVI-00033-00022420-00023000 multiplication. So it's there is a very important Point here. That if a M7gm1W7MyVI-00034-00023160-00023500 Is M by K Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00035-00023650-00024450 Then B has to be K by n, which means that the these two dimensions of these two M7gm1W7MyVI-00036-00024450-00024990 matrices have to be the same. Otherwise we cannot do the Matrix. Matrix of multiplication. M7gm1W7MyVI-00037-00025200-00026060 So if you want to get this c as a multiplied by B, so this a is M by K and B is M7gm1W7MyVI-00038-00026060-00026680 K by n. So these two inner Dimensions, the one that are close to each other. They M7gm1W7MyVI-00039-00026680-00026789 have to be the same. M7gm1W7MyVI-00040-00026970-00027570 I mean this otherwise we cannot be the Matrix up Rick matrix-matrix multiplication. M7gm1W7MyVI-00041-00027680-00028239 So, and the trick is that when we have these two indices, as the same, the resulting M7gm1W7MyVI-00042-00028239-00029020 Matrix c as a result of a multiplied by B is going to be M by n. Okay. So we just M7gm1W7MyVI-00043-00029050-00029539 remove this inner Dimension. K by removing, I will explain what I mean. M7gm1W7MyVI-00044-00029780-00030080 Okay, so this is going to be M by n. M7gm1W7MyVI-00045-00030280-00031080 So if we have this element of Matrix C, some arbitrary, C IJ element. So how can M7gm1W7MyVI-00046-00031080-00031670 we get the value of that? So what we do is that okay, we have first index that is, M7gm1W7MyVI-00047-00031670-00032280 I and that is referring to the, I row of the first Matrix, a matrix that is that M7gm1W7MyVI-00048-00032280-00032930 is a in this case, Okay? So the first index here is I, it means that we are going M7gm1W7MyVI-00049-00032930-00033160 to look at row. I M7gm1W7MyVI-00050-00033220-00033720 of the first Matrix that is a. So this is our Matrix, a M7gm1W7MyVI-00051-00033930-00035050 Okay, of course it's like AI 1 AI 2 to 8 ik because we said that a is M by K. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00052-00035050-00035690 M rows. Okay, column, so we are just talking about this specific group of a and M7gm1W7MyVI-00053-00035690-00036260 the second index of C is J, which means that we are going to look at only, at the, M7gm1W7MyVI-00054-00036320-00036700 at the jth column of the second second Matrix, that is be M7gm1W7MyVI-00055-00036830-00037200 So, we have this guy. M7gm1W7MyVI-00056-00037540-00038020 And this is Matrix. BK y n. M7gm1W7MyVI-00057-00038190-00038250 Right. M7gm1W7MyVI-00058-00038370-00038700 So what we have to do some kind of contraction M7gm1W7MyVI-00059-00038950-00039590 Which means that we need to do this. So, can you tell me how many elements we have M7gm1W7MyVI-00060-00039590-00039790 in this row Vector here? M7gm1W7MyVI-00061-00040390-00040880 Exactly. We have K because we have K columns and we have fixed the Rope. All right, M7gm1W7MyVI-00062-00040930-00041580 so aside the size of this row Vector is K. A, how about this column? This is also M7gm1W7MyVI-00063-00041580-00041690 okay. Yes, M7gm1W7MyVI-00064-00041950-00042440 Exactly. So we do dot product which means that the first element of this is going M7gm1W7MyVI-00065-00042440-00042660 to be multiplied by the first element. M7gm1W7MyVI-00066-00042780-00043810 And then plus the second element multiplied by the second element of B, and we just M7gm1W7MyVI-00067-00043810-00044550 continued that up to the end, which is the K elements of the, a distro vector with M7gm1W7MyVI-00068-00044650-00045690 Kate, one from be, okay? So what we do is that a i1 x B1 J. So, as you see this, M7gm1W7MyVI-00069-00045690-00045730 the M7gm1W7MyVI-00070-00045730-00046840 Inner indices are the same plus A2 B2 J and we continue that until we get a ik x M7gm1W7MyVI-00071-00046840-00047440 BK J, right? And this is the contraction that I meant. Can you tell me? What is M7gm1W7MyVI-00072-00047440-00048110 the, what type of what was the output of this summation? It's not the Matrix or M7gm1W7MyVI-00073-00048110-00048730 vector anymore. It's a scalar is just one value, right? And that is perfect because M7gm1W7MyVI-00074-00048740-00049510 Exactly. We needed to have this one value element cij. So some arbitrary element. M7gm1W7MyVI-00075-00049520-00050140 Okay so as you see doing Matrix Matrix multiplication is a bit more involved than M7gm1W7MyVI-00076-00050140-00050840 doing addition and summation sorry subtraction but still we have a very clear algorithm M7gm1W7MyVI-00077-00050840-00050920 to do that. M7gm1W7MyVI-00078-00051020-00051640 So if I want to write it in a more, kind of General way, I have this formula. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00079-00051679-00052550 the element I and J of Matrix C, that is multiplication of a by B is going to be M7gm1W7MyVI-00080-00052560-00053200 a IL B LJ with summation over L. And this summation is exactly shown here. M7gm1W7MyVI-00081-00053370-00054090 So, this is like the inner index. So we get, I throw from the first Matrix multiplied M7gm1W7MyVI-00082-00054090-00054660 by the jth column from the second one. And we have to multiply the corresponding M7gm1W7MyVI-00083-00054660-00055379 elements in these two, and sum them together. And how many to summation do we have? M7gm1W7MyVI-00084-00055379-00055840 As we said, just the size of any of these rows or columns which is K, and this is M7gm1W7MyVI-00085-00055840-00056190 exactly that. We need to have this summation from 1 to K. M7gm1W7MyVI-00086-00056540-00056590 so, M7gm1W7MyVI-00087-00056750-00057190 As it was mentioned here, we can just write this as an inner product. M7gm1W7MyVI-00088-00057490-00058190 or you also known this as dot product, which means that if we have this row Vector M7gm1W7MyVI-00089-00058190-00058479 at this is we have this column vector M7gm1W7MyVI-00090-00058790-00059300 You just do this racket which is the inner product inner product, just multiply M7gm1W7MyVI-00091-00059300-00059620 the corresponding elements and something to be a, okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00092-00060029-00060100 Is that clear? M7gm1W7MyVI-00093-00060260-00060790 Very good. So now what we want to do is let me move on to an example. M7gm1W7MyVI-00094-00061779-00062650 So we have Matrix a we have Matrix B and this a is 2 by 3, the size, 2 Rows 3 columns M7gm1W7MyVI-00095-00062690-00063490 and B is 3, columns to sorry 3 rows and 2 columns, can you tell me what would be M7gm1W7MyVI-00096-00063490-00063870 the size of C? Which is a x be M7gm1W7MyVI-00097-00064779-00065770 Please sir. Yep. So exactly. So, this C is going to be a, which is 22 by 3 multiplied, M7gm1W7MyVI-00098-00065770-00066640 by B, which is 3 by 2 as we said. So, then a multiplied by B. So this is 3 by 2 M7gm1W7MyVI-00099-00066640-00067390 by 3. And this is 3 by 2. So these are the inner indices. So the results C is going M7gm1W7MyVI-00100-00067390-00067550 to be 2 by 2. M7gm1W7MyVI-00101-00067660-00068610 Okay, but it's trivial that if we just do like be multiplied by a and the result M7gm1W7MyVI-00102-00068610-00069010 could be 3 by 3, right? M7gm1W7MyVI-00103-00069420-00070290 So if we had B by a, then B is 3 by 2 and a is 2 by 3. And this guy would result M7gm1W7MyVI-00104-00070290-00070580 to some Matrix D which is three by three. M7gm1W7MyVI-00105-00070720-00071160 Okay, so it's very important, this order of multiplication, you are going to end M7gm1W7MyVI-00106-00071160-00071420 up with a different value, different Matrix, M7gm1W7MyVI-00107-00071560-00072100 Okay. So it's very clear that a x b. M7gm1W7MyVI-00108-00072210-00072770 Is not the same as B multiplied by a. As you see, even the size of the resulting M7gm1W7MyVI-00109-00072770-00072950 matrices are not the same. M7gm1W7MyVI-00110-00073120-00073600 Okay, so be very careful. It's not like summation or a subtraction that you can M7gm1W7MyVI-00111-00073600-00073850 just change the word. M7gm1W7MyVI-00112-00074020-00074680 Okay, so now let's go back to what we have, we have a by B. So I just repeated the M7gm1W7MyVI-00113-00074680-00075380 matrices here. So say that I want to get the first element of C. So, first element M7gm1W7MyVI-00114-00075380-00076110 is just c, 1 1. So the first index is 1 which means that rho one of the first Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00115-00076110-00076200 So this guy M7gm1W7MyVI-00116-00076330-00076770 And the second index is one, which means that's the First Column of the second. M7gm1W7MyVI-00117-00076880-00077910 So let's multiply the elements. So is 1 x 8 + 2. I and this I is just coming and M7gm1W7MyVI-00118-00077980-00078080 complex values. M7gm1W7MyVI-00119-00078250-00078420 Plus 3 by 0. M7gm1W7MyVI-00120-00078530-00079380 All right, so I want to go to the second element which is c 1 to Row 1 second column. M7gm1W7MyVI-00121-00079380-00080230 So it gets the it's the first row here but the second column. So once you apply M7gm1W7MyVI-00122-00080240-00081520 1 by 5 plus 2 y -2 + 3 I plus 1. Okay. And we already know that c is going to M7gm1W7MyVI-00123-00081530-00081980 Have to buy two. Is this eye has a size of 2 by 2. So 4 elements. M7gm1W7MyVI-00124-00082240-00083000 So then this guy which is 3 to 1 second row of the first one, this guy and the First M7gm1W7MyVI-00125-00083000-00083970 Column of the second Matrix so is 4 x. 8 minus Pi minus, five x, i plus 2, x 0. M7gm1W7MyVI-00126-00083980-00084630 So we check which can just continue this. Okay? And what we get is that, okay? 8 M7gm1W7MyVI-00127-00084650-00085200 plus 2, I and this is 0 is 5, minus 4 plus 3. M7gm1W7MyVI-00128-00085210-00086300 3, I plus 3, and here's 32 minus 5. I if I do, the other one is just 4, x, 5 + 10 M7gm1W7MyVI-00129-00086360-00086500 + 2, I plus 2. M7gm1W7MyVI-00130-00086750-00086790 Sorry. M7gm1W7MyVI-00131-00087490-00088310 So it's 20 plus 10 plus 12, plus 2. I so you just do this. I mean to do the arithmetic M7gm1W7MyVI-00132-00088310-00088870 and you get the final answer. Okay. So is there any question about Matrix Matrix M7gm1W7MyVI-00133-00088870-00089060 operation? How we should do it? M7gm1W7MyVI-00134-00089360-00089920 by the way, I will I will scan this notes and I upload to, to the Blackboard M7gm1W7MyVI-00135-00090580-00091260 Perfect. Now we move on to the implementation in the math. Lab, of course, in Matlab. M7gm1W7MyVI-00136-00091260-00092000 What you can do, is just write a start be at that does Matrix Matrix upper multiplication. M7gm1W7MyVI-00137-00092080-00092630 But of course, you should be careful that the size of a and b, follows the convention M7gm1W7MyVI-00138-00092630-00093130 that we mentioned, the inner thighs. Inner dimension of those who have to be the M7gm1W7MyVI-00139-00093130-00093170 same. M7gm1W7MyVI-00140-00093420-00094010 but now I assume that we want to hard-code The Matrix Matrix operation in Matlab M7gm1W7MyVI-00141-00094160-00094640 and the reason for that is that we would like to kind of get an idea. How many operations M7gm1W7MyVI-00142-00094640-00095560 do basic arithmetic, operations? Do we need? So we have two matrices, a M7gm1W7MyVI-00143-00095700-00096920 M by n then we have sorry. M by K, B is K by n and we want to do, see a x b. M7gm1W7MyVI-00144-00097050-00097150 so, in math lab, M7gm1W7MyVI-00145-00097310-00097520 So, you can already use this. M7gm1W7MyVI-00146-00097730-00098370 A star be. Okay, it gives you the result. Of course, if the dimensions do not match, M7gm1W7MyVI-00147-00098390-00099000 you will get an error message. But what we want to do is just to do this hard code M7gm1W7MyVI-00148-00099000-00099110 is Operation here. M7gm1W7MyVI-00149-00099230-00100080 So as you see here, we Define the dimensions is M, K and N, and then we defined M7gm1W7MyVI-00150-00100080-00100900 two random matrices, A and B K & B and K by n. And then as a placeholder, we construct M7gm1W7MyVI-00151-00100900-00101710 the sea with all elements to be zero at the dimension of C is M by n. Okay? It follows M7gm1W7MyVI-00152-00101710-00101880 the convention that we talked about. M7gm1W7MyVI-00153-00102070-00102840 So but in contrast to what we had for addition and subtraction, here we have 3 Loops, M7gm1W7MyVI-00154-00102870-00103520 we have a nested Loop compare comprised of three four Loops, okay? So one Loop is M7gm1W7MyVI-00155-00103550-00104380 counting, the rows of a one is the J which is the first column of B. M7gm1W7MyVI-00156-00104509-00105209 And of course, we need this L for the summation, okay? If you just remember, we M7gm1W7MyVI-00157-00105209-00106470 said that cij is a IL B LJ for any inj for this resulting Matrix. We have this multiplication M7gm1W7MyVI-00158-00106470-00107130 of a by B. And we have this summation L from where 1 to K, and this is exactly what M7gm1W7MyVI-00159-00107130-00107340 we do here. So, this is the summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00160-00107440-00107850 And we need to put it in as the innermost Loop. M7gm1W7MyVI-00161-00108540-00109159 And of course we would like to get the values of all elements of C which means that M7gm1W7MyVI-00162-00109159-00110080 we are counting over, I and J and I is going to change from 1 to M and J is from M7gm1W7MyVI-00163-00110080-00110520 1 to n. And these two are these tubes. M7gm1W7MyVI-00164-00110759-00111240 Okay, but the trick is that this summation has to be the innermost Loop because M7gm1W7MyVI-00165-00111240-00111590 for any inj we need to do that summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00166-00111900-00112620 All right, very good. So can you tell me how many times in total this Loop is going M7gm1W7MyVI-00167-00112620-00112859 to run? I mean, the nested do. M7gm1W7MyVI-00168-00113240-00113970 So the AL the the most limited is exterior. One is just from 1 to M so M perfect. M7gm1W7MyVI-00169-00114320-00114430 yes, and M7gm1W7MyVI-00170-00114770-00114909 Exactly. So in total M7gm1W7MyVI-00171-00115300-00116000 I mean, just say that means what x, what want to be? Exactly. So in total we are M7gm1W7MyVI-00172-00116000-00116540 going. So the first one end times for each of these eyes. We are going to run this M7gm1W7MyVI-00173-00116540-00117070 n by K, which means that in total, we are going to run this nested Loop. M7gm1W7MyVI-00174-00117480-00117859 M by n by K. M7gm1W7MyVI-00175-00118059-00118409 Okay, so yes. M7gm1W7MyVI-00176-00118900-00119570 Yes, but we are not there yet. Okay, sorry, exact. So, how many times do we have? M7gm1W7MyVI-00177-00119609-00120000 I mean, this, this Loop to run is just m by K by n. M7gm1W7MyVI-00178-00120120-00120859 But how many basic operations do we have per each of these iterations? M7gm1W7MyVI-00179-00121059-00121570 Okay, let's look at it. So when we just provide the index, or we just fix the index M7gm1W7MyVI-00180-00121570-00122070 of these matrices, which means that they are pointing to a particular element in M7gm1W7MyVI-00181-00122070-00122790 that Matrix. So in this case, for this, ciji LEL jayveer just exactly pointing to M7gm1W7MyVI-00182-00122790-00123320 a specific element values. It's not to hold matrix. It's just a very I mean just M7gm1W7MyVI-00183-00123320-00123540 one single value that Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00184-00123640-00124220 Why every time you're changing it so these are just numbers just real numbers or M7gm1W7MyVI-00185-00124220-00124620 complex numbers. These are not Matrix because they're pointing to the elements. M7gm1W7MyVI-00186-00124790-00125320 So we have in each of these iterations, we have one. M7gm1W7MyVI-00187-00125430-00125930 Multiplication here is just to two numbers are being multiplied. So this is one M7gm1W7MyVI-00188-00125930-00126540 operation and what is the other operation? So we multiply this corresponding elements M7gm1W7MyVI-00189-00126540-00127190 of A and E exactly as we did here, then we have to sum the McGee together and to M7gm1W7MyVI-00190-00127190-00127720 what exists in a bin because we are going to compute this summation. So this is M7gm1W7MyVI-00191-00127720-00128020 the second operation. So too. M7gm1W7MyVI-00192-00128190-00128270 Basic. M7gm1W7MyVI-00193-00128480-00128750 Ithe Matic operations. M7gm1W7MyVI-00194-00129109-00129730 So we have a loop that repeats M by n by K times and for each of these iterations, M7gm1W7MyVI-00195-00129730-00130290 we have two basic operation. So then what is the total number of operations for M7gm1W7MyVI-00196-00130290-00130709 the whole thing? We just multiply these two together, right? M7gm1W7MyVI-00197-00130850-00130909 so, M7gm1W7MyVI-00198-00131130-00131720 This is, we are going to run this Loop this times and we have two operations per M7gm1W7MyVI-00199-00131720-00132110 Loop. So the total M7gm1W7MyVI-00200-00132270-00132440 Number of operations. M7gm1W7MyVI-00201-00132630-00132690 Is. M7gm1W7MyVI-00202-00133180-00133860 To M and K. And this is the one what you mentioned, okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00203-00134070-00135240 All right, so in a particular case, if m is equal to n is equal to k, then this M7gm1W7MyVI-00204-00135240-00135970 cost is going to be 2 and Cube. We don't care about this multiplication but the M7gm1W7MyVI-00205-00135970-00136410 order is important for us and we say that the number of operations of order up and M7gm1W7MyVI-00206-00136410-00136480 Cube M7gm1W7MyVI-00207-00136630-00137030 Okay, and if you remember what we have for the addition and subtraction that was M7gm1W7MyVI-00208-00137030-00137150 an and square. M7gm1W7MyVI-00209-00137270-00137970 Okay. So which means that for kind of to compare between Matrix Matrix multiplication M7gm1W7MyVI-00210-00137970-00138550 and just addition or subtraction you see that we have n times more operations. M7gm1W7MyVI-00211-00138730-00139260 Okay, for the same size of matrices. So if you increase the dimension, each of these M7gm1W7MyVI-00212-00139260-00139910 two the size in each of these two Dimensions by 10, then the number of operation M7gm1W7MyVI-00213-00139910-00140150 is going to increase 1,000 times. M7gm1W7MyVI-00214-00140300-00140730 Okay, and that is very important because when it comes to the programming even on M7gm1W7MyVI-00215-00140730-00141160 the supercomputers this is something very important. One of the main things that M7gm1W7MyVI-00216-00141160-00141950 kind of slow down the the numerical simulation of a process are these nested loops M7gm1W7MyVI-00217-00141980-00142140 and this type of operations M7gm1W7MyVI-00218-00142240-00142840 Okay, but of course I mean there are different ways to kind of avoid this issue M7gm1W7MyVI-00219-00142840-00143490 and try to kind of make it like less computationally demanding. M7gm1W7MyVI-00220-00143790-00144050 Perfect. So, is there any question? M7gm1W7MyVI-00221-00144620-00145360 Okay, with this, we are going to finish this Elementary operations. M7gm1W7MyVI-00222-00145540-00145780 Oh no. Actually there is one thing that I have to mention. M7gm1W7MyVI-00223-00146380-00146850 So these are the properties of the Matrix Matrix, operate multiplication. M7gm1W7MyVI-00224-00146960-00147650 So if we have this scalar multiplied by a, so we can do this operation and then M7gm1W7MyVI-00225-00147650-00148290 multiply the resulting matrix by B, and this is exactly equivalent to say. Okay, M7gm1W7MyVI-00226-00148290-00148860 I'm going to move this constant C and multiply it first, by the second Matrix. And M7gm1W7MyVI-00227-00148860-00149480 the result has to be multiplied from left by the first Matrix or it just say that. M7gm1W7MyVI-00228-00149480-00149900 Okay? First do the Matrix Matrix operation and the results have to be multiplied M7gm1W7MyVI-00229-00149900-00149930 by that? M7gm1W7MyVI-00230-00149950-00150180 That scalar, or the constant value. M7gm1W7MyVI-00231-00150370-00150950 And we have Associated VT that holds, which means that if you have three matrices, M7gm1W7MyVI-00232-00150950-00151520 a b and c and you want to multiply them, then you, what you can do is that first M7gm1W7MyVI-00233-00151520-00152090 you multiplied by a by B and then by sea or you say that, okay, first, the second M7gm1W7MyVI-00234-00152100-00152680 and the last matrices or we just do it from the left and one by one. M7gm1W7MyVI-00235-00152860-00153440 Then we have commutativity, that doesn't hold as we talked about the order of the M7gm1W7MyVI-00236-00153440-00153800 multiplication is important. So it's just about M7gm1W7MyVI-00237-00153990-00154270 AV is not the same as ba. M7gm1W7MyVI-00238-00154510-00155140 And we have distribute distribute Unity, which means that if we have a plus b multiplied M7gm1W7MyVI-00239-00155140-00155980 by C, then you can do the multiplication of a by C and then do the summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00240-00156100-00156800 And also be multiplied by C. We just distribute up. I mean the multiplication, the M7gm1W7MyVI-00241-00156800-00156870 summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00242-00157150-00157270 but if we have, M7gm1W7MyVI-00243-00157470-00158480 A be equal to 0. Does it imply that a or and B are 0. Nope. And this is exactly M7gm1W7MyVI-00244-00158480-00159090 in contrast to what we have for the scalars, if a multiplied by B 0, okay, maybe M7gm1W7MyVI-00245-00159090-00159660 just arithmetic worked in a way that's all elements became zero. It doesn't mean M7gm1W7MyVI-00246-00159660-00159900 that A and B, where necessarily zero M7gm1W7MyVI-00247-00160020-00160600 Okay, so be very careful. This is exactly opposite to what we have for the yes, M7gm1W7MyVI-00248-00160600-00160620 please. M7gm1W7MyVI-00249-00161130-00161170 Yeah. M7gm1W7MyVI-00250-00161360-00162000 And then we have this transpose so if we multiply a by B and then they do, the transpose M7gm1W7MyVI-00251-00162030-00162640 is equivalent that we first do the transpose of A and B and then multiply them together. M7gm1W7MyVI-00252-00162900-00163260 Okay, and we are going to use this. I mean later. M7gm1W7MyVI-00253-00163390-00163790 Maybe this cool sounds of the courses that come after this course having the next M7gm1W7MyVI-00254-00163790-00164200 semester, these are very important properties. But after a while you, they did it M7gm1W7MyVI-00255-00164200-00164360 become kind of trivial to you. M7gm1W7MyVI-00256-00164540-00164580 Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00257-00165300-00165480 So any question or comment? Just please, M7gm1W7MyVI-00258-00165830-00165870 Sorry. M7gm1W7MyVI-00259-00166700-00166770 Given here. M7gm1W7MyVI-00260-00167570-00167610 Yeah. M7gm1W7MyVI-00261-00168630-00169280 If I understood you you're saying that we should just keep it 80 by VT. No, not M7gm1W7MyVI-00262-00169280-00169810 sure if okay, just an example. Okay, a is M by K. M7gm1W7MyVI-00263-00170060-00170120 Yes. Sorry. M7gm1W7MyVI-00264-00170280-00171270 B is K by n. Okay? Which means that a transpose is K by m and V transpose is n by M7gm1W7MyVI-00265-00171270-00171310 K. M7gm1W7MyVI-00266-00171450-00171860 And let's try this to see if it holds. So a x b. M7gm1W7MyVI-00267-00172130-00172800 Is M by k, k by n. So the resulting is M by n. Of course, it should be transposed, M7gm1W7MyVI-00268-00172910-00173430 but the other side B transpose T is like K by n. M7gm1W7MyVI-00269-00173600-00173750 And a transposed. M7gm1W7MyVI-00270-00173870-00173990 It's going to be. M7gm1W7MyVI-00271-00174660-00175170 No, no. Sorry, sorry. It has to be n by K. I mean the whole thing after transpose M7gm1W7MyVI-00272-00175220-00175980 and they 80 is K by m, right? And again, we have this, but if you do it the other M7gm1W7MyVI-00273-00175980-00176140 way, it's not going to work. M7gm1W7MyVI-00274-00176230-00176400 Extreme apology for bringing up. M7gm1W7MyVI-00275-00176770-00177550 Yeah I'm sorry I mean but by the way I should ask you is it a better way than just M7gm1W7MyVI-00276-00177550-00178040 going through these slides. If not I'm going to just look at this live in just do M7gm1W7MyVI-00277-00178040-00178240 it. Why is slice? Which one do you prefer? M7gm1W7MyVI-00278-00178420-00178710 Let's vote writing hands up. M7gm1W7MyVI-00279-00178810-00179330 Okay done, thanks. But I try to. I hope you see it in a good way. Sorry. M7gm1W7MyVI-00280-00179480-00180070 But the other option is that, I use this electronic pens, don't feel like it because M7gm1W7MyVI-00281-00180070-00180240 usually students do not like that. M7gm1W7MyVI-00282-00180380-00181350 Okay, very good. And I try to be to have a good handwriting, so very good, very M7gm1W7MyVI-00283-00181350-00181610 good questions, three marks comments. M7gm1W7MyVI-00284-00181890-00182560 Perfect. So now we are going to move on to a very very important subject and that M7gm1W7MyVI-00285-00182560-00182610 he is M7gm1W7MyVI-00286-00183610-00183760 We are going to talk about. M7gm1W7MyVI-00287-00184620-00185320 So, it is Matrix inverse and determinant. M7gm1W7MyVI-00288-00185720-00185860 so, as a motivation, M7gm1W7MyVI-00289-00186180-00186450 if we have a, as a scalar, M7gm1W7MyVI-00290-00186720-00187570 Then a inverse which is one over a x 8 to what does it become is because block becomes M7gm1W7MyVI-00291-00187570-00188070 1, right? Of course if a is not zero M7gm1W7MyVI-00292-00188360-00189400 So this is 1 over a. So, do we have kind of a similar thing for matrices? So if M7gm1W7MyVI-00293-00189470-00189640 a is n by n, M7gm1W7MyVI-00294-00189790-00190170 Then our question, is that a inverse? M7gm1W7MyVI-00295-00190650-00191460 X n. And this is a square Matrix is n by n. I mean, we can just switch this to a M7gm1W7MyVI-00296-00191500-00191670 multiplied by a inverse. M7gm1W7MyVI-00297-00191920-00192620 And the nice thing is that this becomes I and this is something that we call identity. M7gm1W7MyVI-00298-00192790-00192860 Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00299-00193060-00193810 Are you familiar with it? Okay, so in this case a inverse and a are both of size M7gm1W7MyVI-00300-00193810-00194500 n by n, which means that n Pi becomes also an right end. And this, I is going to M7gm1W7MyVI-00301-00194500-00195360 be a matrix with 1 over the principal diagonal and the rest of the elements 0. M7gm1W7MyVI-00302-00196600-00196850 Fine, very good. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00303-00197010-00197560 the answer to the first motivation. Question was that? Yes, we can have inverse M7gm1W7MyVI-00304-00197560-00198010 operations for the square matrices. Be careful. We are just talking about M7gm1W7MyVI-00305-00198130-00198260 Square matrices. M7gm1W7MyVI-00306-00198420-00198870 And it's kind of similar to what we have for the scalar or just normal algebra that M7gm1W7MyVI-00307-00198870-00199180 a inverse multiplied by 8 is equal to a M7gm1W7MyVI-00308-00199340-00199810 X inverse. And the answer is that what we get is just an identity Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00309-00199980-00200440 So it's quite a strange thing. Like we have even have a matrix and we would like M7gm1W7MyVI-00310-00200440-00200650 to compute its inverse M7gm1W7MyVI-00311-00200800-00201490 So what does it mean actually is doesn't mean that we just inverse each element M7gm1W7MyVI-00312-00201490-00202190 of the Matrix? No, it's quite more involved and we are going to look at it. But M7gm1W7MyVI-00313-00202190-00202750 before being able to compute a inverse we need to look at something that is called M7gm1W7MyVI-00314-00202750-00202890 Matrix determinant. M7gm1W7MyVI-00315-00203500-00203600 so, we have M7gm1W7MyVI-00316-00204030-00204510 This Matrix determinant. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00317-00204650-00205160 we have this Matrix n by n, which is square. M7gm1W7MyVI-00318-00205569-00206260 and determinant of a so we write like this in some textbook you see that they put M7gm1W7MyVI-00319-00206260-00206690 this absolute value sign for a while we use the tea, M7gm1W7MyVI-00320-00206880-00207010 so, which means that M7gm1W7MyVI-00321-00207210-00207380 these are the elements of The Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00322-00208780-00209530 And this becomes a general in general, can be written as the summation from 1 to M7gm1W7MyVI-00323-00209530-00210800 n minus 1 to the power. I plus J mij and aiga I will go. I will explain this. M7gm1W7MyVI-00324-00211010-00212019 And this has to be like, for any fixed. I, so as you see, because we have the summation M7gm1W7MyVI-00325-00212019-00212619 only over J but we didn't talk about this I which means that any of eyes from 1 M7gm1W7MyVI-00326-00212619-00213380 to n can be adopt through this. Okay, well we need to fix eye or the other the other M7gm1W7MyVI-00327-00213380-00213890 way around. You could have the summation over I and then we need to fix J. M7gm1W7MyVI-00328-00213990-00214380 But no worries about it. I'm just going to explain it better in when you go through M7gm1W7MyVI-00329-00214380-00214669 the examples. What I mean by fixing their room? M7gm1W7MyVI-00330-00214980-00215719 For so for any fixed I and I is between and 21 so you can just choose one of these M7gm1W7MyVI-00331-00215719-00216430 and expand this around that. So about AIG we have no problem, you know what it is, M7gm1W7MyVI-00332-00216430-00216919 is just are the elements of a. But how about mij, do you know what they are? M7gm1W7MyVI-00333-00217110-00217230 So we call them. M7gm1W7MyVI-00334-00217490-00218410 So, this is minor of a i j. So, for any element AI J. We have a minor that is called M7gm1W7MyVI-00335-00218410-00218490 mij. M7gm1W7MyVI-00336-00218680-00219350 I will explain it later and if I multiply this mij by this minus 1 to the power, M7gm1W7MyVI-00337-00219360-00220110 I plus J what I get is cofactor of a IJ M7gm1W7MyVI-00338-00221140-00221719 Okay, and this is exactly what we need. Just this general formula, we expand around M7gm1W7MyVI-00339-00221730-00222660 a row or a column of a. Then we need to compute this minors of AIG for all elements. M7gm1W7MyVI-00340-00222800-00223419 And then multiply them by this minus one over top to power. I plus J to get this M7gm1W7MyVI-00341-00223419-00223830 cofactors of aiga and then we follow this summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00342-00224660-00224850 So any question up to this point? M7gm1W7MyVI-00343-00225290-00225719 Okay, so this is the general formula that you have is also in the slides. So I'm M7gm1W7MyVI-00344-00225719-00226160 just keeping it like that. What I'm going to do now is just to give you an example, M7gm1W7MyVI-00345-00226190-00226310 how we compute this? M7gm1W7MyVI-00346-00227519-00227950 So, we are going to consider a 2 by 2 Matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00347-00228169-00229290 Which means that n that we had is to. So a is a 1-1, a 12, a 2-1, a 22, and one M7gm1W7MyVI-00348-00229290-00229690 need to do what we need to do is to find this determinant of a M7gm1W7MyVI-00349-00229840-00229890 Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00350-00230130-00230969 And we said that this is J from 1 to n. Minus 1, I plus J mij. M7gm1W7MyVI-00351-00231119-00231240 And AIG. M7gm1W7MyVI-00352-00231430-00232180 So, how many rows or columns do we have to? Okay, so then I can say that are millions M7gm1W7MyVI-00353-00232180-00232840 of eight is that so that's I decide to expand around the first element first row, M7gm1W7MyVI-00354-00232840-00233119 sorry. So I took this one M7gm1W7MyVI-00355-00233380-00234069 How do I compute this mij? So This M IJ is the M7gm1W7MyVI-00356-00234519-00234619 Determinants of. M7gm1W7MyVI-00357-00234940-00235040 Of a matrix. M7gm1W7MyVI-00358-00235290-00235430 That is obtained. M7gm1W7MyVI-00359-00235810-00235990 By removing. M7gm1W7MyVI-00360-00236160-00236750 the I row and japheth M7gm1W7MyVI-00361-00236969-00237730 Colin of a. Okay, so mij is the determinant of its. So when we say the terminal M7gm1W7MyVI-00362-00237730-00238360 is just a number, okay? I forgot to emphasize on this determinant is just a number M7gm1W7MyVI-00363-00238590-00239080 I think we have all the elements of Matrix. A real then that determinant is definitely M7gm1W7MyVI-00364-00239080-00239160 a real number. M7gm1W7MyVI-00365-00239469-00240090 So we have this minor mij. How do we compute it? Is that the turbulent of another M7gm1W7MyVI-00366-00240090-00240569 Matrix? And that Matrix is that if we have this initial Matrix, a we should remove M7gm1W7MyVI-00367-00240569-00241140 the row, a island called column J of that. And what is remain you have to compute M7gm1W7MyVI-00368-00241140-00241780 its determinant and that becomes Mig. So we reduce the size of the matrix by one M7gm1W7MyVI-00369-00241780-00242400 initiative, this side mission. So it becomes like if you have n by n Matrix a for M7gm1W7MyVI-00370-00242419-00242980 Computing. Mi Jays we have to compute the determinants of n. Minus 1 by n minus M7gm1W7MyVI-00371-00242980-00243080 1, matrices. M7gm1W7MyVI-00372-00243230-00243930 So let's recap, what happens in this case that we have size n 2. So we have a 11 M7gm1W7MyVI-00373-00244500-00244850 So what is my eye? What is my J in this formula? M7gm1W7MyVI-00374-00244960-00245600 I is fixed because we decided to just expand around the first row. So I is 1. M7gm1W7MyVI-00375-00245800-00246319 So I followed this, I just do the summation as I as we said, so this n is 2 in this M7gm1W7MyVI-00376-00246319-00246669 case. So we have only two expressions to add together. M7gm1W7MyVI-00377-00246830-00247550 So this minus 1 to the power, I is 1. So first I'm expanding your out this guy so M7gm1W7MyVI-00378-00247550-00248319 this J is 1. So 1 plus 1 I plus J, right? M7gm1W7MyVI-00379-00248640-00249419 And what is mij. So we should remove the first row and First Column of a. So if M7gm1W7MyVI-00380-00249419-00249950 I do that it means that I'm removing the first row and the First Column. So what M7gm1W7MyVI-00381-00249950-00250019 does remain M7gm1W7MyVI-00382-00250240-00250550 a 22, right? It's just a single value. M7gm1W7MyVI-00383-00250830-00251410 So this is the minor of a 11 x A1 plot itself. M7gm1W7MyVI-00384-00251569-00251740 So, this is and 11. M7gm1W7MyVI-00385-00252010-00252050 Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00386-00252550-00253380 Plus. Okay, I'm going to look at the second element on the first row, I'm expanding M7gm1W7MyVI-00387-00253380-00254390 around. So for a 12. So my eye is again. 1 by J becomes 2. So minus 1 to the power M7gm1W7MyVI-00388-00254410-00254910 1 plus 2. So what is the M12 here? M7gm1W7MyVI-00389-00255040-00255900 So M12 is the determinant of a after removing Row 1 column 2. So this is Row, one M7gm1W7MyVI-00390-00255900-00256269 column two. What does remain is a 2-1. M7gm1W7MyVI-00391-00256450-00256500 All right. M7gm1W7MyVI-00392-00256740-00257700 So this is a 12 x AI J, which is I is 1 J is 2, so it's just a 12. M7gm1W7MyVI-00393-00257910-00258100 So any question up to this point? M7gm1W7MyVI-00394-00258330-00258780 Because it's exactly the basic thing. So if you go to higher dimensional, matrices, M7gm1W7MyVI-00395-00258800-00259260 as we set every time for computing is miners, we have to reduce the size by 1. So M7gm1W7MyVI-00396-00259260-00259760 we just do it iteratively to come to this place. Tick, two by two Matrix for which M7gm1W7MyVI-00397-00259760-00260130 we know how to compute the determinant the miners. M7gm1W7MyVI-00398-00260369-00261100 So minus 1 to the power 2 is plus 1. I did not write it and I have these two guys, M7gm1W7MyVI-00399-00261140-00262060 a11 a.22, minus 1 to the power 3 is minus one. So I minus sign here. A12 a21 M7gm1W7MyVI-00400-00262260-00262310 Right. M7gm1W7MyVI-00401-00262670-00263500 So this is exactly the determinant of this Matrix 2 by 2. But there's a light. Yes, M7gm1W7MyVI-00402-00263500-00263530 please. M7gm1W7MyVI-00403-00264060-00264610 Now you can decide you could just do it all around, just a second row by would be M7gm1W7MyVI-00404-00264610-00264960 the same. The final answer would be the same, okay? M7gm1W7MyVI-00405-00265310-00265360 Yes, ma'am. M7gm1W7MyVI-00406-00265750-00265870 How a 1-1 is. M7gm1W7MyVI-00407-00266230-00266280 Yes. M7gm1W7MyVI-00408-00266650-00267990 I'm an idiot. Okay. Hey is a 1-1, a 12, a 2-1, a 22. So this this this one is the M7gm1W7MyVI-00409-00267990-00268540 main diagonal of the Matrix. Always okay, the upper left, you start and go where M7gm1W7MyVI-00410-00268540-00268890 the diagonal and this is the main diagonal. It doesn't matter what the dimension M7gm1W7MyVI-00411-00268890-00269630 of this Square Matrix is okay. So the trick is that I'm going to use my green. M7gm1W7MyVI-00412-00269640-00270210 Color as the summation or positive sign. So what I do is that I consider this, I M7gm1W7MyVI-00413-00270210-00271290 multiply these two and the other diagonal with the -. So if you have a two by two M7gm1W7MyVI-00414-00271290-00271790 Matrix, you don't need to go through this process, you just say that the determinant M7gm1W7MyVI-00415-00271790-00272310 of a, is that the elements on the main diagonal to be multiplied with the positive M7gm1W7MyVI-00416-00272310-00272360 sign. M7gm1W7MyVI-00417-00272540-00273140 And from that, you need to subtract the multiplication of the other to a12 a21. M7gm1W7MyVI-00418-00273250-00273770 Okay. It is exactly as just a trick after you after you learn how to do it and you M7gm1W7MyVI-00419-00273770-00275030 can just memorize. Yes please. Exactly. In general, we need the only thing that M7gm1W7MyVI-00420-00275030-00275570 we have for any dimensional. Any Dimensions is this? We need to follow this. M7gm1W7MyVI-00421-00275630-00276120 Okay, but this is just a trick for this guy, which is 2 by 2. Because as we said, M7gm1W7MyVI-00422-00276120-00276630 we always be reduced the size of the Matrix and we calm down when we want to compute M7gm1W7MyVI-00423-00276630-00277100 determinants. So I'm going to just give you another example for Dimension 3. M7gm1W7MyVI-00424-00277380-00277440 Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00425-00277810-00279270 So example, a 3 by 3. So n is 3, a a 1-1, a 12, a 13, a 2-1, a 22, a 23, a 3-1, M7gm1W7MyVI-00426-00279310-00280060 a 3-2, a 33. So I'm going to use this general formula and N is 3. In this case, M7gm1W7MyVI-00427-00280190-00281170 So determinant of a is, so I'm going to expand around this one, the first row. Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00428-00281170-00281630 Which means that I have three elements on the first row with in this summation. M7gm1W7MyVI-00429-00281630-00282190 So I have three terms to add together. So the first one M7gm1W7MyVI-00430-00282380-00283170 Is minus 1. I is 1. J is one. Is that, clear? Okay, one plus one, M7gm1W7MyVI-00431-00283280-00283590 So Avon fun is itself. I mean, this guy here, M7gm1W7MyVI-00432-00283830-00283980 And M11. M7gm1W7MyVI-00433-00284160-00284460 Plus minus 1 and plus 2. M7gm1W7MyVI-00434-00284620-00285660 A12, the element itself and its minor. And then one plus three, a 13 and 13. As M7gm1W7MyVI-00435-00285660-00286310 I said, you are the one who decides around which row or column, you can do the expansion, M7gm1W7MyVI-00436-00286370-00287120 but we have a square Matrix. I mean, you can decide it. It can be around the second M7gm1W7MyVI-00437-00287120-00287540 column for your third color, doesn't matter. Well, stick to what you decide. Okay? M7gm1W7MyVI-00438-00287550-00287560 Okay. M7gm1W7MyVI-00439-00287770-00288520 So the problem is boiling down to calculate in this miners, we have three minors M7gm1W7MyVI-00440-00288520-00289390 to calculate. Okay, as we said, if we have n IJ, which means that we need to calculate M7gm1W7MyVI-00441-00289390-00290060 the determinant of the Matrix, that is obtained by removing the ith row and jth M7gm1W7MyVI-00442-00290060-00290740 elements of the original Matrix. So in this case that I have M1 fun, I need to compute M7gm1W7MyVI-00443-00290760-00291410 The determinants of what Matrix a where I have removed the first row and the First M7gm1W7MyVI-00444-00291410-00291980 Column. So okay, this is this is the first row and this is the first column. M7gm1W7MyVI-00445-00292140-00293120 What does remain is a.22? A23, a32 a33 perfect. M7gm1W7MyVI-00446-00293300-00293480 Do you all agree with this? M7gm1W7MyVI-00447-00293640-00294130 Perfect. Now I go to the next minor that is M12. M7gm1W7MyVI-00448-00294290-00295130 So first index telling me which row has to be removed. So first row, second column. M7gm1W7MyVI-00449-00295140-00295780 So this guy and always be careful that you you go from the left. So the remaining M7gm1W7MyVI-00450-00295790-00296420 two by two Matrix, which we need to compute. Its determinant is a 2-1. M7gm1W7MyVI-00451-00296580-00296940 A 3 1, a 2 3, a 3, 3. M7gm1W7MyVI-00452-00297200-00297420 and finally, we have M13 M7gm1W7MyVI-00453-00297700-00298260 Okay. What is it and 13 really move? First Row, Third column. M7gm1W7MyVI-00454-00298440-00299310 So is a 2 1, a 2 2, A 3-1, a 3-2. As we said we put this absolute value to show M7gm1W7MyVI-00455-00299310-00300080 that this is a determinate. Okay I guess now is clear. What I said that always we M7gm1W7MyVI-00456-00300080-00300610 do just do the reduction of the size of the Matrix and if you have 10 by 10 matrix M7gm1W7MyVI-00457-00300630-00301210 so you need to sort from 10 by 10. You get the miners they become 9 by 9 then for M7gm1W7MyVI-00458-00301210-00301260 them to M7gm1W7MyVI-00459-00301310-00301750 The miners, you have to go to eight by eight. You'd reduce it to three by three M7gm1W7MyVI-00460-00301750-00302180 or two by two that you know, how to quickly compute the determinant as you saw here. M7gm1W7MyVI-00461-00302380-00302870 But but don't worry, I'm not going to be given such tests to 10 by 10, but be prepared. M7gm1W7MyVI-00462-00302870-00303110 But threes by 3 or 4 by 4, okay? M7gm1W7MyVI-00463-00303320-00303610 So can you tell me what is this determinant? M7gm1W7MyVI-00464-00303910-00304070 How do we get the value of this? M7gm1W7MyVI-00465-00304250-00304900 Exactly. So positive negative positive negative so we have the value but be careful M7gm1W7MyVI-00466-00304970-00306130 - 1 to the power 2 is plus. So is a 1 1 then this is a 2 to a 3 3 - a23 a32. Then M7gm1W7MyVI-00467-00306150-00306920 this guy minus 1 to the power 3 is minus a12 and this is like the main diagonal M7gm1W7MyVI-00468-00307020-00308040 A to Vaughn x 8, 33 - a23 a31. And then I write it here. So minus 1 to the power M7gm1W7MyVI-00469-00308040-00309150 4 is plus a 13 and the determinant of this a to 1832 minus A2 to A3 1, M7gm1W7MyVI-00470-00310020-00310590 So, I hope it was clear. You have any question or comments or do you want me to M7gm1W7MyVI-00471-00310590-00310670 repeat something? M7gm1W7MyVI-00472-00312270-00312800 So if you give me two minutes, I just finish this. And then really, okay? Sorry M7gm1W7MyVI-00473-00312800-00312870 about that. M7gm1W7MyVI-00474-00313110-00313860 So like for the two by two Matrix, we can have it trick to compute the determinant M7gm1W7MyVI-00475-00313860-00314660 of the 3 by 3 Matrix. And the trick is that if we have this a or just let me write M7gm1W7MyVI-00476-00314660-00315060 it like this determinant of a that is a 1 1, a 1 M7gm1W7MyVI-00477-00315180-00315590 To a13 a21 a.22 a23. M7gm1W7MyVI-00478-00316260-00317290 So what we do is that just the first two column, just copy them here. M7gm1W7MyVI-00479-00318150-00318750 So the first thing that you do is describe, so actually you don't have this anymore. M7gm1W7MyVI-00480-00318900-00319600 okay, and then start from the main diagram, as I set your start from the upper left, M7gm1W7MyVI-00481-00319760-00320590 So this diagonal, so green color which means positive sign. When you multiply and M7gm1W7MyVI-00482-00320590-00321290 you want to add, then this guy two and three. Do I have any other diagonal that M7gm1W7MyVI-00483-00321290-00322150 I can go? Nope, right. And for the subtraction, you start from upper right? M7gm1W7MyVI-00484-00322370-00322490 So is the negative. M7gm1W7MyVI-00485-00322630-00322680 23. M7gm1W7MyVI-00486-00323060-00323140 so, let's M7gm1W7MyVI-00487-00323500-00324020 So the first one, green. One, a 1, 1, a 2 2. A 3, 3. M7gm1W7MyVI-00488-00324150-00325140 Plus the second Green Avon to a23 a31 and then a13 a21 a 32. M7gm1W7MyVI-00489-00325330-00326150 And then - I put all in one parentheses - Supply from side. So, it's a 1 to a 2 M7gm1W7MyVI-00490-00326150-00327550 1, a 3. 3 plus a 1 1, a 2, a 3, a 3 2 plus a13 a.22, a23 one. Alright, so perfect. M7gm1W7MyVI-00491-00327550-00328220 Now, we have a very quick way to calculate the determinant of 2 by 2 matrices, and M7gm1W7MyVI-00492-00328220-00328290 3 by 3, M7gm1W7MyVI-00493-00328300-00328830 Oh and one by one is just that it is a scalar that it's a menace is scalar itself. M7gm1W7MyVI-00494-00329730-00329980 Perfect. So I'm going to stop.