E9pyTdHank0-00000-00000033-00000287 My name’s Tony Kurz, I’ve been in the Army for 19 years. E9pyTdHank0-00001-00000330-00000543 I joined the Army because when I was a kid I wanted to be G.I. Joe. E9pyTdHank0-00002-00001398-00001564 When I found out I made the games I was ecstatic. E9pyTdHank0-00003-00001564-00001698 It’s been my goal for years. E9pyTdHank0-00004-00001811-00002105 So usually a workout will be like four different events. E9pyTdHank0-00005-00002105-00002412 So you saw me do one event and you’re seeing me do another event. E9pyTdHank0-00006-00002412-00002626 You know, as soon as you get that goal it’s like, ‘What’s next?’ E9pyTdHank0-00007-00002626-00002952 I mean now my goal is to go in. You know I’m coming here to win the games E9pyTdHank0-00008-00002952-00003300 I’m not coming here to take second place, I’m not coming to take third place. E9pyTdHank0-00009-00003300-00003793 We put in the work, I know it’s possible, you know, so we’re going to win E9pyTdHank0-00010-00003793-00003907 and we’re going for everything. E9pyTdHank0-00011-00004524-00004848 When I take a full rest day I feel like it hurts more. E9pyTdHank0-00012-00004848-00005221 You know, like the next day, I feel like I lose two E9pyTdHank0-00013-00005221-00005355 training days if I take a rest day. E9pyTdHank0-00014-00005355-00006119 Perseverance is a graded event, and you know, the grading never stops. Eu26aCnqht0-00000-00002009-00002270 Okay guys Eu26aCnqht0-00001-00002270-00002514 this time, i will reacing video of Dimash Eu26aCnqht0-00002-00002514-00002628 Kudaibergen again Eu26aCnqht0-00003-00002694-00002794 Okay Eu26aCnqht0-00018-00007562-00007662 Dimash Eu26aCnqht0-00019-00007694-00007794 Kudaibergenov Eu26aCnqht0-00020-00008052-00008400 they're say Kudaibergen Eu26aCnqht0-00031-00012326-00012426 a breathe Eu26aCnqht0-00060-00021986-00022310 Opera.....Opera voice Eu26aCnqht0-00061-00023110-00023364 Show them Eu26aCnqht0-00062-00023394-00023636 show them man Eu26aCnqht0-00066-00025824-00025930 Really?? Eu26aCnqht0-00067-00025992-00026068 Really?? Eu26aCnqht0-00069-00027750-00027864 come on Eu26aCnqht0-00070-00027877-00028000 i have to know it Eu26aCnqht0-00071-00030038-00030126 What?? Eu26aCnqht0-00072-00030144-00030216 What?? Eu26aCnqht0-00080-00040500-00040668 this is a..... Eu26aCnqht0-00081-00040768-00041054 wait!! he is a male Eu26aCnqht0-00082-00041054-00041316 he is a boy Eu26aCnqht0-00083-00041316-00041636 not a woman, but he's can sing .... Eu26aCnqht0-00085-00041922-00042298 his voice like this Eu26aCnqht0-00087-00042794-00043170 that's my boy, that's my boy Eu26aCnqht0-00093-00045858-00045952 Okay Eu26aCnqht0-00094-00046258-00046598 he is very awesome and Eu26aCnqht0-00095-00046708-00046934 he is have a vocal range Eu26aCnqht0-00096-00046962-00047038 thats Eu26aCnqht0-00097-00047084-00047184 wow Eu26aCnqht0-00098-00047470-00047790 nothing owned by Eu26aCnqht0-00099-00047840-00048040 top singers Eu26aCnqht0-00100-00048094-00048258 for a men Eu26aCnqht0-00101-00048296-00048426 but, if a girl can Eu26aCnqht0-00102-00048462-00048590 this (Dimash) a man, guys Eu26aCnqht0-00103-00048668-00048932 i love it, i love it, i like it Eu26aCnqht0-00104-00049004-00049104 okayy Eu26aCnqht0-00105-00049306-00049406 i... Eu26aCnqht0-00106-00049438-00049668 i can't say anything Eu26aCnqht0-00107-00049710-00049784 "WHY???" Eu26aCnqht0-00108-00049784-00050080 because he is wonderful Eu26aCnqht0-00109-00050162-00050380 the greatest, awesome Eu26aCnqht0-00110-00050494-00050672 Good job, DIMASH !!! Eu26aCnqht0-00111-00051076-00051176 Thank youu ;) EuC92spAf6k-00000-00002685-00002785 Stranded in the open Dried out tears of sorrow EuC92spAf6k-00001-00002785-00002885 Lacking all emotion Staring down the barrel waiting for the EuC92spAf6k-00002-00002885-00003110 Final gates to open To a new tomorrow EuC92spAf6k-00004-00010415-00010810 Sets me free EwZM3JtMYB8-00000-00000053-00000085 English Exm-HirgYAU-00000-00000433-00000589 carried Exm-HirgYAU-00001-00001393-00001556 reported Exm-HirgYAU-00002-00002366-00002527 prepare Exm-HirgYAU-00003-00003284-00003454 obtain Exm-HirgYAU-00004-00004103-00004280 ask Exm-HirgYAU-00005-00004957-00005119 referred Exm-HirgYAU-00006-00005886-00006035 happen Exm-HirgYAU-00007-00006803-00006968 apply Exm-HirgYAU-00008-00007723-00007869 force Exm-HirgYAU-00009-00008500-00008658 use Exm-HirgYAU-00010-00009336-00009487 develop Exm-HirgYAU-00011-00010362-00010542 established Exm-HirgYAU-00012-00011398-00011553 include Exm-HirgYAU-00013-00012411-00012574 considered Exm-HirgYAU-00014-00013396-00013556 started Exm-HirgYAU-00015-00014241-00014400 asked Exm-HirgYAU-00016-00015133-00015301 obtained Exm-HirgYAU-00017-00016130-00016294 observed Exm-HirgYAU-00018-00017080-00017240 related Exm-HirgYAU-00019-00018063-00018248 associated Exm-HirgYAU-00020-00019006-00019147 enter Exm-HirgYAU-00021-00019724-00019909 seem Exm-HirgYAU-00022-00020599-00020771 expected Exm-HirgYAU-00023-00021527-00021691 divide Exm-HirgYAU-00024-00022412-00022566 showed Exm-HirgYAU-00025-00023331-00023490 designed Exm-HirgYAU-00026-00024247-00024402 created Exm-HirgYAU-00027-00025194-00025366 establish Exm-HirgYAU-00028-00026134-00026286 turned Exm-HirgYAU-00029-00026957-00027121 intend Exm-HirgYAU-00030-00027858-00028028 required Exm-HirgYAU-00031-00028802-00028953 cover Exm-HirgYAU-00032-00029643-00029810 fill Exm-HirgYAU-00033-00030476-00030669 form Exm-HirgYAU-00034-00031427-00031604 increased Exm-HirgYAU-00035-00032405-00032565 require Exm-HirgYAU-00036-00033315-00033472 change Exm-HirgYAU-00037-00034226-00034392 returned Exm-HirgYAU-00038-00035201-00035361 included Exm-HirgYAU-00039-00036153-00036301 learned Exm-HirgYAU-00040-00037121-00037288 employed Exm-HirgYAU-00041-00038062-00038232 move Exm-HirgYAU-00042-00038929-00039078 appear Exm-HirgYAU-00043-00039752-00039921 note Exm-HirgYAU-00044-00040582-00040745 remove Exm-HirgYAU-00045-00041560-00041729 compared Exm-HirgYAU-00046-00042558-00042709 carry Exm-HirgYAU-00047-00043394-00043547 tried Exm-HirgYAU-00048-00044290-00044464 discussed Exm-HirgYAU-00049-00045302-00045465 regarded Exm-HirgYAU-00050-00046252-00046400 accept Exm-HirgYAU-00051-00047126-00047291 select Exm-HirgYAU-00052-00048053-00048208 appeared Exm-HirgYAU-00053-00048965-00049122 fixed Exm-HirgYAU-00054-00049854-00050018 proved Exm-HirgYAU-00055-00050790-00050950 reached Exm-HirgYAU-00056-00051761-00051927 associate Exm-HirgYAU-00057-00052688-00052845 united Exm-HirgYAU-00058-00053480-00053620 treat Exm-HirgYAU-00059-00054269-00054428 decide Exm-HirgYAU-00060-00055118-00055281 design Exm-HirgYAU-00061-00056050-00056230 suggested Exm-HirgYAU-00062-00057119-00057291 performed Exm-HirgYAU-00063-00058082-00058231 learn Exm-HirgYAU-00064-00058977-00059148 concern Exm-HirgYAU-00065-00059976-00060135 employ Exm-HirgYAU-00066-00061015-00061169 followed Exm-HirgYAU-00067-00062068-00062246 expressed Exm-HirgYAU-00068-00062973-00063179 used Exm-HirgYAU-00069-00063858-00064012 called Exm-HirgYAU-00070-00064780-00064936 closed Exm-HirgYAU-00071-00065664-00065825 create Exm-HirgYAU-00072-00066481-00066632 start Exm-HirgYAU-00073-00067307-00067460 passed Exm-HirgYAU-00074-00068182-00068335 marked Exm-HirgYAU-00075-00069126-00069276 follow Exm-HirgYAU-00076-00070045-00070211 call Exm-HirgYAU-00077-00070927-00071080 married Exm-HirgYAU-00078-00071917-00072081 published Exm-HirgYAU-00079-00072987-00073168 represented Exm-HirgYAU-00080-00073991-00074152 report Exm-HirgYAU-00081-00074893-00075059 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base Exm-HirgYAU-00105-00097230-00097409 perform Exm-HirgYAU-00106-00098256-00098423 accepted Exm-HirgYAU-00107-00099233-00099397 selected Exm-HirgYAU-00108-00100143-00100290 close Exm-HirgYAU-00109-00100952-00101103 unite Exm-HirgYAU-00110-00101757-00101910 moved Exm-HirgYAU-00111-00102592-00102749 cause Exm-HirgYAU-00112-00103449-00103608 intended Exm-HirgYAU-00113-00104340-00104504 regard Exm-HirgYAU-00114-00105206-00105366 remain Exm-HirgYAU-00115-00106009-00106186 want Exm-HirgYAU-00116-00106847-00107007 look Exm-HirgYAU-00117-00107784-00107952 determined Exm-HirgYAU-00118-00108757-00108919 indicate Exm-HirgYAU-00119-00109730-00109888 consider Exm-HirgYAU-00120-00110628-00110781 serve Exm-HirgYAU-00121-00111360-00111526 die Exm-HirgYAU-00122-00112145-00112289 offer Exm-HirgYAU-00123-00112968-00113117 needed Exm-HirgYAU-00124-00113784-00113929 treated Exm-HirgYAU-00125-00114638-00114794 prove Exm-HirgYAU-00126-00115562-00115716 covered Exm-HirgYAU-00127-00116526-00116693 presented 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Exm-HirgYAU-00651-00592776-00592934 use Exm-HirgYAU-00652-00593499-00593673 try Exm-HirgYAU-00653-00594390-00594559 determined Exm-HirgYAU-00654-00595369-00595533 discuss Exm-HirgYAU-00655-00596301-00596455 married Exm-HirgYAU-00656-00597218-00597377 reduced Exm-HirgYAU-00657-00598134-00598289 created Exm-HirgYAU-00658-00598985-00599125 added Exm-HirgYAU-00659-00599870-00600047 increased Exm-HirgYAU-00660-00600871-00601042 describe Exm-HirgYAU-00661-00601815-00601967 filled Exm-HirgYAU-00662-00602753-00602915 reported Exm-HirgYAU-00663-00603678-00603837 wanted Exm-HirgYAU-00664-00604582-00604746 changed Exm-HirgYAU-00665-00605607-00605770 produced Exm-HirgYAU-00666-00606575-00606726 turned Exm-HirgYAU-00667-00607388-00607541 serve Exm-HirgYAU-00668-00608184-00608341 stated Exm-HirgYAU-00669-00609025-00609169 offer Exm-HirgYAU-00670-00609885-00610039 reduce Exm-HirgYAU-00671-00610759-00610927 receive Exm-HirgYAU-00672-00611649-00611797 close Exm-HirgYAU-00673-00612584-00612740 produce Exm-HirgYAU-00674-00613453-00613605 add Exm-HirgYAU-00675-00614324-00614495 propose Exm-HirgYAU-00676-00615269-00615420 entered Exm-HirgYAU-00677-00616141-00616295 called Exm-HirgYAU-00678-00616980-00617131 unite Exm-HirgYAU-00679-00617751-00617917 pass Exm-HirgYAU-00680-00618639-00618805 presented Exm-HirgYAU-00681-00619575-00619746 obtain Exm-HirgYAU-00682-00620431-00620600 move Exm-HirgYAU-00683-00621341-00621512 concern Exm-HirgYAU-00684-00622391-00622562 concerned Exm-HirgYAU-00685-00623487-00623667 established Exm-HirgYAU-00686-00624459-00624607 noted Exm-HirgYAU-00687-00625339-00625501 regarded Exm-HirgYAU-00688-00626292-00626457 returned Exm-HirgYAU-00689-00627219-00627368 appear Exm-HirgYAU-00690-00628163-00628317 appeared Exm-HirgYAU-00691-00629074-00629226 raised Exm-HirgYAU-00692-00629925-00630078 passed Exm-HirgYAU-00693-00630817-00630973 formed Exm-HirgYAU-00694-00631766-00631935 provide Exm-HirgYAU-00695-00632751-00632920 obtained Exm-HirgYAU-00696-00633712-00633873 placed Exm-HirgYAU-00697-00634624-00634780 prove Exm-HirgYAU-00698-00635483-00635649 call Exm-HirgYAU-00699-00636370-00636530 arrived Exm-HirgYAU-00700-00637210-00637415 used Exm-HirgYAU-00701-00638077-00638238 present Exm-HirgYAU-00702-00638977-00639126 happen Exm-HirgYAU-00703-00639963-00640147 associated Exm-HirgYAU-00704-00640934-00641093 asked Exm-HirgYAU-00705-00641843-00642007 observed Exm-HirgYAU-00706-00642841-00643000 employ Exm-HirgYAU-00707-00643834-00644014 perform Exm-HirgYAU-00708-00644739-00644917 want Exm-HirgYAU-00709-00645511-00645694 died Exm-HirgYAU-00710-00646281-00646451 note Exm-HirgYAU-00711-00647094-00647266 work Exm-HirgYAU-00712-00647932-00648076 limit Exm-HirgYAU-00713-00648737-00648930 form Exm-HirgYAU-00714-00649656-00649826 express Exm-HirgYAU-00715-00650605-00650769 proved Exm-HirgYAU-00716-00651459-00651634 fix Exm-HirgYAU-00717-00652264-00652420 united Exm-HirgYAU-00718-00653145-00653308 believed Exm-HirgYAU-00719-00653998-00654173 base Exm-HirgYAU-00720-00654858-00655030 determine Exm-HirgYAU-00721-00655821-00655978 involve Exm-HirgYAU-00722-00656745-00656905 related Exm-HirgYAU-00723-00657702-00657861 involved Exm-HirgYAU-00724-00658761-00658932 proposed Exm-HirgYAU-00725-00659796-00659964 adopted Exm-HirgYAU-00726-00660681-00660831 start Exm-HirgYAU-00727-00661455-00661610 raise Exm-HirgYAU-00728-00662337-00662498 happened Exm-HirgYAU-00729-00663242-00663407 intend Exm-HirgYAU-00730-00664125-00664293 removed Exm-HirgYAU-00731-00665109-00665267 consider Exm-HirgYAU-00732-00666036-00666192 served Exm-HirgYAU-00733-00666900-00667046 force Exm-HirgYAU-00734-00667714-00667890 turn Exm-HirgYAU-00735-00668575-00668736 require Exm-HirgYAU-00736-00669523-00669676 covered Exm-HirgYAU-00737-00670500-00670658 publish Exm-HirgYAU-00738-00671416-00671568 reach Exm-HirgYAU-00739-00672170-00672336 die Exm-HirgYAU-00740-00672960-00673114 marry Exm-HirgYAU-00741-00673955-00674128 introduced Exm-HirgYAU-00742-00674963-00675123 started Exm-HirgYAU-00743-00675844-00676008 regard Exm-HirgYAU-00744-00676748-00676896 allow Exm-HirgYAU-00745-00677637-00677803 defined Exm-HirgYAU-00746-00678524-00678683 look Exm-HirgYAU-00747-00679351-00679504 tried Exm-HirgYAU-00748-00680254-00680428 continued Exm-HirgYAU-00749-00681150-00681335 seem Exm-HirgYAU-00750-00682001-00682166 selected Exm-HirgYAU-00751-00682893-00683054 create Exm-HirgYAU-00752-00683739-00683903 design Exm-HirgYAU-00753-00684675-00684853 expressed Exm-HirgYAU-00754-00685673-00685841 received Exm-HirgYAU-00755-00686662-00686828 associate Exm-HirgYAU-00756-00687584-00687732 learn Exm-HirgYAU-00757-00688470-00688620 develop Exm-HirgYAU-00758-00689422-00689587 apply Exm-HirgYAU-00759-00690445-00690608 considered Exm-HirgYAU-00760-00691377-00691518 treat Exm-HirgYAU-00761-00692208-00692364 carried Exm-HirgYAU-00762-00693137-00693294 worked Exm-HirgYAU-00763-00694061-00694221 reached Exm-HirgYAU-00764-00694994-00695156 referred Exm-HirgYAU-00765-00695935-00696094 increase Exm-HirgYAU-00766-00696889-00697063 mentioned Exm-HirgYAU-00767-00697908-00698082 discussed Exm-HirgYAU-00768-00698921-00699085 applied Exm-HirgYAU-00769-00699913-00700086 establish Exm-HirgYAU-00770-00700872-00701023 opened Exm-HirgYAU-00771-00701707-00701870 refer Exm-HirgYAU-00772-00702476-00702653 ask Exm-HirgYAU-00773-00703315-00703473 decided Exm-HirgYAU-00774-00704208-00704362 place Exm-HirgYAU-00775-00705119-00705268 offered Exm-HirgYAU-00776-00705966-00706107 enter Exm-HirgYAU-00777-00706732-00706898 fill Exm-HirgYAU-00778-00707617-00707773 forced Exm-HirgYAU-00779-00708542-00708693 carry Exm-HirgYAU-00780-00709402-00709579 show Exm-HirgYAU-00781-00710293-00710464 remained Exm-HirgYAU-00782-00711185-00711342 fixed Exm-HirgYAU-00783-00712099-00712248 allowed Exm-HirgYAU-00784-00712957-00713136 name Exm-HirgYAU-00785-00713826-00713978 looked Exm-HirgYAU-00786-00714741-00714892 cover Exm-HirgYAU-00787-00715577-00715733 seemed Exm-HirgYAU-00788-00716478-00716644 prepared Exm-HirgYAU-00789-00717537-00717692 followed Exm-HirgYAU-00790-00718495-00718661 define Exm-HirgYAU-00791-00719380-00719536 closed Exm-HirgYAU-00792-00720347-00720513 accepted Exm-HirgYAU-00793-00721402-00721574 performed Exm-HirgYAU-00794-00722467-00722616 follow Exm-HirgYAU-00795-00723342-00723494 state Exm-HirgYAU-00796-00724072-00724241 need Exm-HirgYAU-00797-00724852-00724998 lived Exm-HirgYAU-00798-00725680-00725840 arrive Exm-HirgYAU-00799-00726636-00726817 represented ExI8gCChygM-00000-00000039-00000416 in this problem we again want to investigate the airflow around the real ExI8gCChygM-00001-00000416-00000720 car and we do this again with a 1 to 20 ExI8gCChygM-00002-00000720-00001055 small scale model in a wind tunnel and this time what we ExI8gCChygM-00003-00001055-00001344 know the input parameters of the problem are the ExI8gCChygM-00004-00001344-00001744 properties of the flow on the wind tunnel model down here on the small ExI8gCChygM-00005-00001744-00002248 scale model and we want to know given those what are the equivalent ExI8gCChygM-00006-00002248-00002711 conditions that we are simulating on the real car ExI8gCChygM-00007-00002711-00003143 so again we're interested in turbulence in friction losses in viscosity ExI8gCChygM-00008-00003143-00003655 and so again the parameter for comparing those and for scaling the two flows is ExI8gCChygM-00009-00003655-00003944 the reynolds number and so we equate the reynolds number ExI8gCChygM-00010-00003944-00004464 between the real real car and the scale car like so ExI8gCChygM-00011-00004464-00005136 and again i have labeled those a and c this time to not get too ExI8gCChygM-00012-00005136-00005455 confused between the different properties of the fluid ExI8gCChygM-00013-00005455-00006144 at different positions so let's expand those and see how we can find uh the ExI8gCChygM-00014-00006144-00006752 speed that is reproduced on the real car in the conditions that we have in the ExI8gCChygM-00015-00006752-00007064 wind tunnel here the equivalent speed if you want ExI8gCChygM-00016-00007064-00007400 the reynolds number on the real car is rho times v times ExI8gCChygM-00017-00007400-00007879 l over mu and i'm going to put the indices here ExI8gCChygM-00018-00007879-00008752 a on all of those and this is set equal by our our analysis to ExI8gCChygM-00019-00008752-00009120 the reynolds number on the model car which is rho c ExI8gCChygM-00020-00009120-00009800 v c l c over mu c like so okay ExI8gCChygM-00021-00009800-00010215 what are we looking for in this problem the parameter we're trying to ExI8gCChygM-00022-00010215-00010624 identify is va what is the velocity on the real car ExI8gCChygM-00023-00010624-00011088 that we are simulating using this tiny model which is right here ExI8gCChygM-00024-00011088-00011456 and so we isolate this parameter as we did before ExI8gCChygM-00025-00011456-00012343 this time as time va is equal to vc rho c over rho a ExI8gCChygM-00026-00012343-00013144 lc over la and then mu a over mu c like so ExI8gCChygM-00027-00013144-00013495 okay what is happening in this problem this time ExI8gCChygM-00028-00013495-00013904 perhaps before i do this let me rearrange the writing so that i can ExI8gCChygM-00029-00013904-00014280 have all the fractions align one with the other ExI8gCChygM-00030-00014280-00014584 like so yes what is happening in this problem ExI8gCChygM-00031-00014584-00015047 we have cheated a little bit by having here a very low temperature ExI8gCChygM-00032-00015047-00015440 and try to push the parameters in our direction and what we want to see with ExI8gCChygM-00033-00015440-00015847 this problem is to quantify how much we can win using cool ExI8gCChygM-00034-00015847-00016287 air inside the wind tunnel right here compared to hot air around ExI8gCChygM-00035-00016287-00016695 the real car over there what has what has happened we ExI8gCChygM-00036-00016695-00016904 have increased the density in c compared to ExI8gCChygM-00037-00016904-00017431 the density in a and we have increased the viscosity in c compared to ExI8gCChygM-00038-00017431-00017704 the viscosity in a so let's see what the numbers are ExI8gCChygM-00039-00017704-00018008 going to be the density here we are going to ExI8gCChygM-00040-00018008-00018656 quantify using a separate a separate parameter and this parameter ExI8gCChygM-00041-00018656-00019000 is temperature and so we're going to re-express rho as a function of ExI8gCChygM-00042-00019000-00019423 temperature so i'm opening here a parenthesis if you want ExI8gCChygM-00043-00019423-00020064 like so and i'm going to say air is to a good extent ExI8gCChygM-00044-00020064-00020384 modeled as a perfect gas and in perfect gas we have ExI8gCChygM-00045-00020384-00020848 pressure divided by density as a constant multiplied by temperature ExI8gCChygM-00046-00020848-00021248 this is not the universal constant it's the gas specific constant ExI8gCChygM-00047-00021248-00021648 and so if i rearrange this i have rho here is equal to p ExI8gCChygM-00048-00021648-00022240 pressure divided by r t over there and if in between problems i'm not ExI8gCChygM-00049-00022240-00022687 changing pressure then p and r here in this ExI8gCChygM-00050-00022687-00023000 problem will remain the same so that i can simply replace ExI8gCChygM-00051-00023000-00023415 rho by one over t so the ratios of rho of densities ExI8gCChygM-00052-00023415-00023872 will be simply replaced by the ratios of temperatures over there ExI8gCChygM-00053-00023872-00024240 so let me let me show what i mean let's close this bracket here ExI8gCChygM-00054-00024240-00024656 and let's move down a little bit into the page to be able to continue our ExI8gCChygM-00055-00024656-00024943 exploration so we have now uh continuing this ExI8gCChygM-00056-00024943-00025584 exploration for va here we have va is vc ExI8gCChygM-00057-00025600-00026119 multiplied by the ratios of densities become the inverse of the ratios of ExI8gCChygM-00058-00026119-00026727 temperatures and so we have now ta divided by ExI8gCChygM-00059-00026727-00027127 tc here i don't know what the pressure is and i ExI8gCChygM-00060-00027127-00027527 do not even need to know what the gas constant is for air ExI8gCChygM-00061-00027527-00027944 because those two parameters appear on both sides, on both ExI8gCChygM-00062-00027944-00028575 top and bottom of the fraction then we have lc over la ExI8gCChygM-00063-00028575-00029191 and then we have mu a over mu c so all we have to do now is to put in ExI8gCChygM-00064-00029191-00029760 the numbers into this equation to figure out how much we can win ExI8gCChygM-00065-00029760-00030183 va is going to be vc vc in our case happens to be if i come back ExI8gCChygM-00066-00030183-00030536 up here happens to be the velocity in the wind tunnel ExI8gCChygM-00067-00030536-00030952 which is down there in the bottom right corner at 20 meters per second ExI8gCChygM-00068-00030952-00031319 so i'm gonna put here 20 meters per second ExI8gCChygM-00069-00031319-00031616 temperatures the ratio of temperatures you simply have to put in the ExI8gCChygM-00070-00031616-00032047 temperatures it is very cool in the tunnel so it's ExI8gCChygM-00071-00032047-00032408 zero degrees but i want to convert this into kelvins because i'm dividing ExI8gCChygM-00072-00032408-00032872 temperatures and so i want to have 273.15 ExI8gCChygM-00073-00032872-00033184 plus the temperature in the tunnel i'm sorry t ExI8gCChygM-00074-00033184-00033584 a is going to be the temperature on the car this is the good thing about ExI8gCChygM-00075-00033584-00034088 labeling things clearly at the start ta is the temperature at the car and ExI8gCChygM-00076-00034088-00034380 this is 25 degrees so i'm going to have here ExI8gCChygM-00077-00034380-00034808 273.15 plus 25 and on the bottom i'm going to have the ExI8gCChygM-00078-00034808-00035288 temperature inside the tunnel which is very cool which is 273.15 ExI8gCChygM-00079-00035288-00035831 plus zero zero degrees of the tunnel then i have the ratio of sizes and i ExI8gCChygM-00080-00035831-00036296 have again here lc uh the length of the car ExI8gCChygM-00081-00036296-00036719 on c has one twentieth of the size of the real car ExI8gCChygM-00082-00036719-00037352 and so lc over la is going to be here ExI8gCChygM-00083-00037352-00037760 here we go is going to be here lc the length of the car ExI8gCChygM-00084-00037760-00038256 1 over 20. and then i multiply this by the ratios ExI8gCChygM-00085-00038256-00038616 of viscosities and viscosities we have to read we have to read them in ExI8gCChygM-00086-00038616-00039063 a diagram for viscosities which i have on the next page here ExI8gCChygM-00087-00039063-00039488 and we're going to look for the viscosity of the air at ExI8gCChygM-00088-00039488-00039912 on the car and on the car is 25 degrees so i'm going to move on to the viscosity ExI8gCChygM-00089-00039912-00040224 diagram here i'm going to look for air here is ExI8gCChygM-00090-00040224-00040503 the green curve which is in diagonal here ExI8gCChygM-00091-00040503-00040928 and on this green curve i'm going to look for a temperature of 25 degrees 25 ExI8gCChygM-00092-00040928-00041431 degrees i find at the bottom 20 and 40. so this is about 30 and 25 ExI8gCChygM-00093-00041431-00041840 will be approximately here if i shoot up from here onto this curve i ExI8gCChygM-00094-00041840-00042303 should land approximately there here and if i shoot to the right here ExI8gCChygM-00095-00042303-00042768 over there i will read something that's in between 1.8 and 2 ExI8gCChygM-00096-00042768-00043175 and not quite in the middle yet so i'm going to say here 1.85 ExI8gCChygM-00097-00043175-00043647 here our precision need would need to be higher if we were really serious about ExI8gCChygM-00098-00043647-00043903 this calculation but this is for principle ExI8gCChygM-00099-00043903-00044519 so i'm going to say here this is 1.85 and i'm going to check very carefully ExI8gCChygM-00100-00044519-00044824 what's the exponents here and this is 1 times ExI8gCChygM-00101-00044824-00045408 10 to the power 5 pascal seconds coming back down here ExI8gCChygM-00102-00045408-00045919 here we are 1.85 times 10 to the power minus 5. ExI8gCChygM-00103-00045919-00046344 on the bottom i have temperature the viscosity ExI8gCChygM-00104-00046344-00046712 at the temperature corresponding to the temperature in the wind tunnel ExI8gCChygM-00105-00046712-00047112 and this is very cold it's going to be at zero degrees now zero degrees i ExI8gCChygM-00106-00047112-00047512 intercept this curve here here and i shoot to the right and i land ExI8gCChygM-00107-00047512-00047991 approximately here and this gives me approximately 1.72 ExI8gCChygM-00108-00047991-00048375 i have decided 1.72 times 10 to the power minus 5. ExI8gCChygM-00109-00048375-00048763 so now if i put this value over here i get ExI8gCChygM-00110-00048763-00049400 1.72 times 10 to the power minus 5 over here and so we can just calculate ExI8gCChygM-00111-00049400-00049696 now the series of of numbers and just before ExI8gCChygM-00112-00049696-00049912 i put everything into the calculator i like to ExI8gCChygM-00113-00049912-00050319 see what the different influences of different terms are and so i'm going ExI8gCChygM-00114-00050319-00050819 to replace them one by one and so i have 20 multiplied by this turns out to be ExI8gCChygM-00115-00050819-00051544 1.09 i'm cheating I did this before this is 1 over 20. and this is ExI8gCChygM-00116-00051544-00051824 here this is ExI8gCChygM-00117-00051927-00052264 seven 1.076 approximately so you can see that by ExI8gCChygM-00118-00052264-00052639 cooling the air uh from 25 degrees to zero degrees ExI8gCChygM-00119-00052639-00053055 which is quite chilly and quite difficult to reproduce in um ExI8gCChygM-00120-00053055-00053448 in a machine inside a building we have gained ExI8gCChygM-00121-00053448-00053824 from the density point of view we have gained about 10 percent ExI8gCChygM-00122-00053824-00054288 and from the viscosity point of view we have gained approximately eight percent ExI8gCChygM-00123-00054288-00054695 and it turns out uh if you multiply those terms you get 20 multiplied by ExI8gCChygM-00124-00054695-00055055 approximately um ExI8gCChygM-00125-00055248-00055776 this the multiplication of those two terms here is going to be 1.174 ExI8gCChygM-00126-00055776-00056095 and then you also have to divide by 20 the speed here ExI8gCChygM-00127-00056095-00056744 so in the end you get 1.174 and this is a velocity that we calculate ExI8gCChygM-00128-00056744-00057072 this is va over here ExI8gCChygM-00129-00057383-00057904 so so much for the physics uh now comes the engineer the engineer is ExI8gCChygM-00130-00057904-00058232 very disappointed with this result because look we have ExI8gCChygM-00131-00058232-00058751 a small scale model which is there which we run at a fairly high speed 20 ExI8gCChygM-00132-00058751-00058951 meters per second this would be approximately ExI8gCChygM-00133-00058951-00059367 70 or 80 kilometers per hour which is not a negligible speed ExI8gCChygM-00134-00059367-00059760 and we have cooled this air so we spent all the energy needed to ExI8gCChygM-00135-00059760-00060176 remove the heat from the air to zero degrees to try to ExI8gCChygM-00136-00060176-00060488 move the reynolds number our way to increase the reynolds number ExI8gCChygM-00137-00060488-00060888 and in the end on this model here we reproduce turbulence and we reproduce ExI8gCChygM-00138-00060888-00061455 the effect of viscosity on the real car only up to a speed of 1.1 ExI8gCChygM-00139-00061455-00061872 meter per second or 1.2 meters per second 1.2 meters per second this is ExI8gCChygM-00140-00061872-00062327 three or four kilometers per hour um this is a walking speed so this is ExI8gCChygM-00141-00062327-00062704 not a very high speed at all so this shows you a little bit ExI8gCChygM-00142-00062704-00062991 the cost of playing with the Reynolds number ExI8gCChygM-00143-00062991-00063576 when you have very large changes in scale it is very expensive ExI8gCChygM-00144-00063576-00063927 and you need very complex equipment to be able to ExI8gCChygM-00145-00063927-00064320 move parameters your way so again as i explained in the last video ExI8gCChygM-00146-00064320-00064695 you want to play with other techniques than just modifying the properties of ExI8gCChygM-00147-00064695-00065016 the air you want to play with the model surface ExI8gCChygM-00148-00065016-00065304 roughness and you may even consider changing ExI8gCChygM-00149-00065304-00065672 fluids to be able to increase the Reynolds number when you're playing with ExI8gCChygM-00150-00065672-00066064 small scale models so here you are this is a good exploration i ExI8gCChygM-00151-00066064-00066392 think of the scale effects when you try to make ExI8gCChygM-00152-00066392-00066944 models of full-scale cars. Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00000-00000056-00000784 hello and here we are again today looking at an 80s arcade game and uh 1986 to be precise Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00001-00000784-00001328 when this game is released this is hyperdyne sidearms or we used to call it just sidearms Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00002-00001328-00002039 back in the day and a game released by capcom in 1986 and i think i played this for the first time Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00003-00002039-00002784 around about 8 7 88 maybe i can remember that was the summer months me and my mate chris we used to Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00004-00002784-00003240 go into chapter mallet which is in somerset and they're like a small arcade there Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00005-00003336-00003952 and we were fascinated by this game i always rubbish at this game and in this video you'll Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00006-00003952-00004384 just see pretty much how far i got in real life when we used to put our money into the machine Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00007-00004504-00004992 my mate was a lot better at this game than i was and i think he pumped a fair Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00008-00004992-00005720 few coins in to reach for other levels so uh playing this on a on an emulator Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00009-00005720-00006144 so we're just pumping in imaginary coins just using the select button on the uh Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00010-00006264-00007008 the joy pad and just to show how far i could get which is maybe a little bit further than Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00011-00007008-00007488 what i could back in the day anyway i'm waffling uh back in the arcade in uh sheptam it's just Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00012-00007488-00008144 a small one like i say and there was uh next door to the sidearms arcade game was gauntlets Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00013-00008144-00008720 and the wacka whack a video up of that some point on the channel because that was a great game Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00014-00008944-00009336 and not much to say about sidearms and it's pretty self-explanatory it's just Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00015-00009336-00009640 like a side-scrolling shoot-em-up as you can see on the screen there Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00016-00009720-00010424 and putting this up for nostalgic purposes as with all the uh retro games and i pretty much played Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00017-00010488-00011016 computer games a lot in the 80s along with arcade games we used to go out and about Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00018-00011144-00011712 and that's about it so more becoming um and if you're about the same age as me you're probably Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00019-00011712-00012416 getting nostalgia buzz with these games from the 80s also didn't play this on any uh computer Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00020-00012416-00012968 systems like a lot of the games that we had outrun we're looking back at how to run the car Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00021-00012968-00014112 game um on another previous video on polluted halo and i played that on a couple of um computer game Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00022-00014112-00014624 systems or computers which you play games on the course aztec spectrum and so forth Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00023-00014768-00015447 um and gauntlet as well played on other computer systems which i played on the amstrad cbc Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00024-00015584-00016080 back in the day anyway there'll be some videos up on these games on different systems in future Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00025-00016080-00016600 videos with a bit of luck this channel like is just kind of all sorts of things if uh just Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00026-00016600-00017536 subscribed and then view some of the videos here so there we are sidearms or hyperdyne sidearms Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00027-00017680-00018384 and this was pretty much as far as i could get so it destroyed the end of the level boss Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00028-00018536-00018872 and they just go downwards and then it all starts again and it's a lot harder Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00029-00019120-00019784 so good job we can keep continuing with free money on the emulator Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00030-00020128-00020776 it's a great game great graphics i love these graphics even still now a lot of the arcades Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00031-00020776-00021400 arcade games from the 80s i just love the graphics pixel graphics of course Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00032-00021768-00022272 so there we are sidearms or hyperdyne sidearms Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00033-00022576-00023248 a little sneak look back into the arcade games of the 80s Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00034-00023536-00024216 so there we are i hope that uh takes you back and gives you feelings of nostalgia like it Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00035-00024216-00025384 does or did me thanks for watching see you soon and over and over now Ez5ZpoUpz4M-00036-00028264-00028272 you E-CuxFRYx24-00000-00000194-00000528 [LAUGHTER, TEAM MURMURING] E-CuxFRYx24-00001-00000574-00000692 [CAPS GRUNTING] WUNDER: Okay, that's one. E-CuxFRYx24-00002-00000692-00000744 PERKZ: Okay, two. E-CuxFRYx24-00003-00000748-00000808 [CAPS GRUNTING] WUNDER: Okay, that's two - E-CuxFRYx24-00004-00000808-00000988 PERKZ: Yeah! WUNDER: Now count to 16 - E-CuxFRYx24-00005-00000988-00001088 PERKZ: Now one away. E-CuxFRYx24-00006-00001128-00001178 Four. E-CuxFRYx24-00007-00001178-00001310 WUNDER: Prove them wrong, Rasmus! E-CuxFRYx24-00008-00001310-00001378 Prove them wrong! E-CuxFRYx24-00009-00001462-00001578 PERKZ: Five. [WUNDER LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00010-00001694-00001898 [TEAM LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00011-00001926-00002072 PERKZ: Six! C'mon, c'mon - focus. E-CuxFRYx24-00012-00002072-00002248 Focus yourself on the pushup. E-CuxFRYx24-00013-00002248-00002384 WUNDER: Oh, c'mon, do sixteen - PERKZ: That's eight. E-CuxFRYx24-00014-00002384-00002580 WUNDER: Do sixteen, you can do it - just stop thinking. E-CuxFRYx24-00015-00002604-00002786 [OFFSCREEN]: Are the legs straight enough? WUNDER: No it's fine, it's fine. E-CuxFRYx24-00016-00002786-00002904 PERKZ: Legs doesn't really matter too much. E-CuxFRYx24-00017-00002904-00003106 No, it should be easy. WUNDER: Let's fucking go, was that ten? E-CuxFRYx24-00018-00003294-00003379 WUNDER: Eleven! E-CuxFRYx24-00019-00003529-00003600 PERKZ, WUNDER: Twelve! E-CuxFRYx24-00020-00003626-00003802 PERKZ: Hey, back straight - E-CuxFRYx24-00021-00003802-00003896 WUNDER: (slams table) Sixteen - c'mon man, E-CuxFRYx24-00022-00003896-00003979 you can do it. E-CuxFRYx24-00023-00004036-00004282 PERKZ: Thirteen. WUNDER: Oh! Okay, it's fine, it's like - E-CuxFRYx24-00024-00004282-00004534 PERKZ: It's like, it's getting harder. E-CuxFRYx24-00025-00004606-00004806 PERKZ (clapping): Oh! Two more, two more, two more! [CAPS LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00026-00004948-00005196 MIKYX: You can't just like, go and - WUNDER (high pitched): Oh! One more, one more - E-CuxFRYx24-00027-00005368-00005580 WUNDER: Yep, it's fine, it's fine - it's like, the last E-CuxFRYx24-00028-00005580-00005806 [CAPS GROANS] WUNDER: the last repetition, he's pushing harder. E-CuxFRYx24-00029-00005842-00006046 He's actually just pushing you up now. CAPS: That was not gym! E-CuxFRYx24-00030-00006046-00006116 [PERKZ LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00031-00006204-00006308 PERKZ: Wow, he did it. Kind of. E-CuxFRYx24-00032-00006318-00006458 WUNDER: He did kind of sixteen. E-CuxFRYx24-00033-00006458-00006586 [TEAM CHATTERING] E-CuxFRYx24-00034-00010414-00010730 PERKZ: Losing to Origen was... E-CuxFRYx24-00035-00010730-00011048 like, in a way shocking, but kind of like shocking E-CuxFRYx24-00036-00011048-00011236 'cause when you win so much and then you lose, E-CuxFRYx24-00037-00011236-00011608 then you finally realise you get challenged, y'know, E-CuxFRYx24-00038-00011608-00011878 and like, your inner instincts of like, E-CuxFRYx24-00039-00011878-00012190 how you might call it - survival instincts or like, E-CuxFRYx24-00040-00012190-00012672 being the best instinct - instantly like, works harder and E-CuxFRYx24-00041-00012672-00012928 feels the challenge and then you are like, E-CuxFRYx24-00042-00012928-00013118 "Okay, I have to work harder to be the best." E-CuxFRYx24-00043-00013118-00013402 So I think it kind of humbles us down a little bit - E-CuxFRYx24-00044-00013402-00013780 like we are still ourselves, and we are still gonna E-CuxFRYx24-00045-00013780-00014092 beat everyone, and we're gonna be ourselves but E-CuxFRYx24-00046-00014092-00014468 it made us like, take practice more - more efficient, E-CuxFRYx24-00047-00014468-00014524 I would say. E-CuxFRYx24-00048-00014524-00014888 I think we've - we've got a lot higher quality games E-CuxFRYx24-00049-00014888-00015126 in our practice this week than we did before. E-CuxFRYx24-00050-00015250-00015460 WUNDER: I've been really lucky in my career to be E-CuxFRYx24-00051-00015460-00015812 on teams where we get along pretty well, E-CuxFRYx24-00052-00015812-00016141 and where we don't really take losses as bad E-CuxFRYx24-00053-00016141-00016406 as maybe other teams - of course, I've been E-CuxFRYx24-00054-00016406-00016562 in the situation, maybe like last year G2, E-CuxFRYx24-00055-00016562-00016896 where we had a really, really tough two weeks of scrims, E-CuxFRYx24-00056-00016896-00017066 where we almost didn't win a game, and then E-CuxFRYx24-00057-00017066-00017414 we got 3-0'd by Misfits - of course, like it sucks, E-CuxFRYx24-00058-00017414-00017662 but it's not like, we were like, imploding or anything. E-CuxFRYx24-00059-00017662-00017894 Things weren't just working out for us. E-CuxFRYx24-00060-00017990-00018182 PERKZ: In general, it's kind of common knowledge that E-CuxFRYx24-00061-00018182-00018526 once players start losing, there is like, tilt issues, E-CuxFRYx24-00062-00018526-00018832 trust issues, confidence issues - there's like a lot of stuff E-CuxFRYx24-00063-00018832-00019094 that can come from loss: it's kind of like, E-CuxFRYx24-00064-00019094-00019428 it's a heavy emotion, like losing or winning - E-CuxFRYx24-00065-00019428-00020038 there is a big difference, and it can affect you as a unit - E-CuxFRYx24-00066-00020038-00020218 as a unit like, as a whole team, E-CuxFRYx24-00067-00020218-00020430 or it can affect you as an individual. E-CuxFRYx24-00068-00020528-00020846 WUNDER: It really depends on - I guess what kind of E-CuxFRYx24-00069-00020846-00020994 personalities you have on your team - E-CuxFRYx24-00070-00020994-00021392 if one loss is all it takes to kinda - E-CuxFRYx24-00071-00021392-00021658 go, go down the rabbit hole, and then just keep E-CuxFRYx24-00072-00021658-00022028 racking up losses, but I mean if you are a team like that, E-CuxFRYx24-00073-00022028-00022278 then you're probably not going to succeed anyways E-CuxFRYx24-00074-00022278-00022628 and I believe that all our players either can be, E-CuxFRYx24-00075-00022628-00023048 or has been successful before, and we all have a drive E-CuxFRYx24-00076-00023048-00023278 to continue winning and continue improving, E-CuxFRYx24-00077-00023278-00023532 so one loss is not going to change any of that. E-CuxFRYx24-00078-00024866-00025152 DUFFMAN: I was pretty scared when I first heard - E-CuxFRYx24-00079-00025152-00025506 I had been back home, working remotely for the week E-CuxFRYx24-00080-00025506-00025912 so I just thought, "Oh he's got a bit of a cough, it's fine." E-CuxFRYx24-00081-00025912-00026344 Wake up 3AM, get on a plane, come back, and like, E-CuxFRYx24-00082-00026344-00026583 as soon as I land - I think we were actually in Skype - E-CuxFRYx24-00083-00026700-00026922 "I'm at the doctor's, and we'll see if you have to E-CuxFRYx24-00084-00026922-00027048 go on stage today," and I was like, E-CuxFRYx24-00085-00027048-00027272 "Wait what? Oh dear." E-CuxFRYx24-00086-00027668-00027938 PERKZ: He's been with G2 since 2016 - E-CuxFRYx24-00087-00027938-00028327 he was once off with TSM, but he's like, basically 2016, E-CuxFRYx24-00088-00028327-00028512 2017, where we're winning everything and we were like, E-CuxFRYx24-00089-00028512-00028692 at every international event: he was always with us, E-CuxFRYx24-00090-00028692-00028942 watching scrims, watching that, so he has like, E-CuxFRYx24-00091-00028942-00029292 so much info in his brain, and he's been through E-CuxFRYx24-00092-00029292-00029520 so many metas - I'm pretty sure he just knows E-CuxFRYx24-00093-00029520-00029782 what champs are good together, y'know or like, what - E-CuxFRYx24-00094-00029782-00030056 what fits together well, and then we give him our info, E-CuxFRYx24-00095-00030056-00030289 and he's like, "Oh yeah, that's right," y'know, E-CuxFRYx24-00096-00030289-00030595 and he has some suggestions and generally, E-CuxFRYx24-00097-00030595-00030977 he's just like not - yeah, he has a lot of info, right? E-CuxFRYx24-00098-00030977-00031314 He's been - he's experienced a lot with G2, E-CuxFRYx24-00099-00031314-00031826 so it helped everyone who was on G2, and him as well E-CuxFRYx24-00100-00031826-00031999 to like understand more, right? E-CuxFRYx24-00101-00031999-00032210 We were like, learning together. E-CuxFRYx24-00102-00032536-00032878 [CROWD MURMURING] E-CuxFRYx24-00103-00032884-00033044 JANKOS (offscreen): Okay, so each one of us gets E-CuxFRYx24-00104-00033044-00033308 three gold and this is how the game works. E-CuxFRYx24-00105-00033726-00033852 CAPS: Oh - wait I get this? E-CuxFRYx24-00106-00033950-00034136 PERKZ: Don't steal them, little shit. E-CuxFRYx24-00107-00034250-00034508 JANKOS: Okay so now we do war, okay? E-CuxFRYx24-00108-00034508-00034640 So Wunder wins war. E-CuxFRYx24-00109-00034704-00034900 WUNDER: That's fucking right - that's fucking right. E-CuxFRYx24-00110-00034948-00035134 JANKOS: Wunder, you get two points, and E-CuxFRYx24-00111-00035134-00035398 you get minus one point, and MIKYX: I get minus two points? E-CuxFRYx24-00112-00035398-00035636 WUNDER: Because you lose to me. (laughs) JANKOS: you get minus one because you lost to him - E-CuxFRYx24-00113-00035640-00036054 [WUNDER LAUGHS, JANKOS INDISTINCT] E-CuxFRYx24-00114-00036158-00036332 WUNDER: Duffman just writes everything down, E-CuxFRYx24-00115-00036332-00036528 like every good analyst or coach should be, E-CuxFRYx24-00116-00036528-00037026 so he likes to be prepared, he likes to kinda remind us of E-CuxFRYx24-00117-00037026-00037440 small things that we might forget, or might've forgotten, E-CuxFRYx24-00118-00037440-00037772 so everything is like - everything is just being reminded. E-CuxFRYx24-00119-00037772-00038204 MIKYX: I think his good quality is that he notices like, E-CuxFRYx24-00120-00038204-00038430 trends of enemy teams really fast, E-CuxFRYx24-00121-00038430-00038680 so he can point them out to us before the game. E-CuxFRYx24-00122-00038730-00038922 DUFFMAN: Yeah, and one other thing - like, E-CuxFRYx24-00123-00038922-00039194 just in general, they seem to be a very reactive team, E-CuxFRYx24-00124-00039194-00039492 where if you pressure them - like if you pressure their E-CuxFRYx24-00125-00039492-00039794 jungler, he will call for help and their lanes will move, E-CuxFRYx24-00126-00039794-00039996 and you can just - you can just toy - E-CuxFRYx24-00127-00039996-00040190 toy with them that way like, E-CuxFRYx24-00128-00040190-00040479 Yasuo moves here as they come in, so they just wait, E-CuxFRYx24-00129-00040479-00040788 they push the waves, and then they invade E-CuxFRYx24-00130-00040788-00041016 on the next wave, when they can't contest anymore. E-CuxFRYx24-00131-00047620-00049086 [TEAM MUMBLING WONDERWALL CHORUS] E-CuxFRYx24-00132-00049098-00049330 WUNDER: I can just feel you look at me like - oh God. E-CuxFRYx24-00133-00049414-00049628 JANKOS (singing loudly): Say goodbye! E-CuxFRYx24-00134-00049628-00049754 (surprised) Why are you - ugh, no... E-CuxFRYx24-00135-00049892-00050100 DUFFMAN: Just - working as an analyst for two years E-CuxFRYx24-00136-00050100-00050624 really helped me, especially just watching the coaches E-CuxFRYx24-00137-00050624-00051008 and how GrabbZ and how Youngbuck before I might E-CuxFRYx24-00138-00051008-00051205 interact with the players on stage, and E-CuxFRYx24-00139-00051205-00051762 just how they like, work on stage basically. E-CuxFRYx24-00140-00051762-00051998 It was good to have that experience and then, E-CuxFRYx24-00141-00051998-00052526 I could then call on the fact that like, my inexperience - E-CuxFRYx24-00142-00052526-00052838 I could then say, "Right. Guys, you need to focus and E-CuxFRYx24-00143-00052838-00053002 you need to carry me through this one," E-CuxFRYx24-00144-00053002-00053264 so I think that was helpful, at least. E-CuxFRYx24-00145-00053972-00054098 JANKOS: Well you kind of look like that anyway, E-CuxFRYx24-00146-00054098-00054264 so might as well have a beard, right? E-CuxFRYx24-00147-00054888-00055054 WUNDER: Actually, yeah - you should shave your head E-CuxFRYx24-00148-00055054-00055146 again and get a beard. E-CuxFRYx24-00149-00055146-00055260 Perkz: Okay, I will do it. E-CuxFRYx24-00150-00055260-00055420 JANKOS: (groans) That would actually like - E-CuxFRYx24-00151-00056522-00056704 WUNDER: If you could get a full beard and E-CuxFRYx24-00152-00056704-00056862 you shaved your head, I would actually call you Ragnar. E-CuxFRYx24-00153-00056972-00057167 QUICKSHOT: Put your hands together as we load up E-CuxFRYx24-00154-00057167-00057540 onto the Rift for Week 6, Day 2 as exceL Esports E-CuxFRYx24-00155-00057540-00057924 look to, once again, reclaim some of that... E-CuxFRYx24-00156-00062594-00062786 JANKOS: I need help, please, please please - PERKZ: I'm coming! E-CuxFRYx24-00157-00062824-00062988 PERKZ: ah. JANKOS (shouting): YOU LEFT ME, JARVAN! E-CuxFRYx24-00158-00062990-00063091 YOU LEFT ME, [PERKZ LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00159-00063091-00063252 JANKOS: YOU LEFT ME, YOU LEFT ME - WUNDER: But I - I wanted all assists, I wanted - E-CuxFRYx24-00160-00063252-00063479 JANKOS: YOU JUST WENT AND - (groans) CAPS: We broke the curse guys, we broke the curse! E-CuxFRYx24-00161-00063479-00063679 JANKOS (pained): you really left me - PERKZ: We broke it actually! Whoo! E-CuxFRYx24-00162-00063840-00063916 JANKOS: That was so mean. E-CuxFRYx24-00163-00064138-00064250 PERKZ: One, two, E-CuxFRYx24-00164-00064250-00064366 Team: three, (shouting) G2 Fighting! E-CuxFRYx24-00165-00064366-00065229 [TEAM MURMURING, INDISTINCT BROADCAST] E-CuxFRYx24-00166-00066094-00066230 MIKYX: Move closer. E-CuxFRYx24-00167-00067630-00067718 [PERKZ LAUGHS] E-CuxFRYx24-00168-00067786-00067888 PERKZ: I dunno. E-CuxFRYx24-00169-00068030-00068190 I dunno where (inaudible) E-CuxFRYx24-00170-00069272-00069352 DRAKOS: I thought you guys were gonna come E-CuxFRYx24-00171-00069352-00069478 running in halfway through. E-CuxFRYx24-00172-00069478-00069636 JANKOS: No, no, they were doing this because E-CuxFRYx24-00173-00069636-00069744 they're hiding from Perkz, okay? E-CuxFRYx24-00174-00069744-00069958 That was like the whole plan - he was asking E-CuxFRYx24-00175-00069958-00070160 where are they and they're like (giggling) E-CuxFRYx24-00176-00070160-00070298 "Don't tell him!" E-CuxFRYx24-00177-00070408-00070608 Thank you! See you next week. DRAKOS: GG, well played. E-CuxFRYx24-00178-00071738-00071938 DUFFMAN: The main reason that I wanted to come back E-CuxFRYx24-00179-00071938-00072330 to G2 was - was to work with Luka again, E-CuxFRYx24-00180-00072330-00072644 like, just seeing how much he grew as a person E-CuxFRYx24-00181-00072644-00072930 in the time I was with him before I left, E-CuxFRYx24-00182-00072930-00073412 like, and then seeing him while I was with TSM, E-CuxFRYx24-00183-00073412-00073748 like it just - it made me want to come back and help E-CuxFRYx24-00184-00073748-00074050 'cause I could see areas where I could help the team - E-CuxFRYx24-00185-00074050-00074482 again - and then as soon as I like, announced that E-CuxFRYx24-00186-00074482-00074844 I was looking for another team, like Carlos immediately E-CuxFRYx24-00187-00074844-00075224 contacted me and asked if I wanted to come back, E-CuxFRYx24-00188-00075224-00075540 and it was just easy from there. E-CuxFRYx24-00189-00075540-00075762 To see how much they wanted me back, E-CuxFRYx24-00190-00075762-00075946 and to get the chance to work with Luka again, E-CuxFRYx24-00191-00075946-00076450 and to feel like I could bring something to the team E-CuxFRYx24-00192-00076450-00076620 really made me want to work with G2 again. E-CuxFRYx24-00193-00076710-00077034 It feels really good to just get 2-0 out of the way and - E-CuxFRYx24-00194-00077034-00077234 yeah, hopefully Grabbz is back next week. E-CuxFRYx24-00195-00077284-00077456 PERKZ: The players and - and Chris together E-CuxFRYx24-00196-00077456-00077760 worked well, so we got really good drafts - E-CuxFRYx24-00197-00077760-00078082 when I say better drafts than we did with GrabbZ E-CuxFRYx24-00198-00078082-00078402 last week, so yeah - I think GrabbZ has to E-CuxFRYx24-00199-00078402-00078600 step it up for next week. E-CuxFRYx24-00200-00078600-00078816 I would rate Duff like, ten out of ten. E-CuxFRYx24-00201-00079062-00079230 Was - was good coach. E-KXs-kTn7I-00000-00000378-00000494 Do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00001-00000576-00000780 Just do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00002-00000855-00001140 Don't let your dreams be dreams E-KXs-kTn7I-00003-00001162-00001370 Yesterday you said tomorrow E-KXs-kTn7I-00004-00001370-00001562 So just do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00005-00001586-00001826 Make your dreams come true E-KXs-kTn7I-00006-00001857-00002039 Just do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00007-00002312-00002466 Some people dream of success E-KXs-kTn7I-00008-00002486-00002718 While you're gonna wake up and work hard at it E-KXs-kTn7I-00009-00002728-00002896 Nothing is impossible E-KXs-kTn7I-00010-00003076-00003250 You should get to the point E-KXs-kTn7I-00011-00003270-00003438 Where anyone else would quit E-KXs-kTn7I-00012-00003456-00003638 And you're not going to stop there E-KXs-kTn7I-00013-00003682-00003872 No, what are you waiting for? E-KXs-kTn7I-00014-00003974-00004070 Do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00015-00004256-00004524 Just do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00016-00004578-00004670 Yes you can E-KXs-kTn7I-00017-00004742-00004862 Just do it E-KXs-kTn7I-00018-00005316-00005506 If you're tired of starting over E-KXs-kTn7I-00019-00005558-00005792 Stop giving up EAb9bOm7Rxg-00000-00001023-00001123 Hello Score Hero fans EAb9bOm7Rxg-00003-00021029-00021129 Bye bye ED_NarqCO3o-00000-00000498-00000797 Hello, Kidney Disease ED_NarqCO3o-00001-00000797-00000999 If my father is who you want, ED_NarqCO3o-00002-00000999-00001299 then here are sore muscles and swollen veins ED_NarqCO3o-00003-00001299-00001599 Here are the scars ripping across his chest ED_NarqCO3o-00004-00001599-00001800 the pains tearing through his organs. ED_NarqCO3o-00005-00001800-00002183 Here is the shelled soul downing Lay's chips on the leather sofa. ED_NarqCO3o-00006-00002183-00002382 I challenge youto end it now, ED_NarqCO3o-00007-00002382-00002580 while he still has his senses. ED_NarqCO3o-00008-00002580-00002901 Go ahead, dare to seep into his skin, his cells. ED_NarqCO3o-00009-00002901-00003101 Because here, kidney disease, ED_NarqCO3o-00010-00003101-00003400 here is where he waits to be reintroduced to you. ED_NarqCO3o-00011-00003400-00003698 The man you seek, take him, if you must. EG22glGbUSo-00000-00000000-00000200 HAGGERTY: UNDERMANNED BRUINS CAN STAND TALL IN DEFEAT EG22glGbUSo-00001-00000200-00002364 BOSTON -- There isn't a single team in the NHL that could have survived a playoff series after losing three of its top four defensemen, and the Boston Bruins are no exception. EGoqIlkXmoY-00000-00000027-00000336 - Let's talk about our first reaction type, EGoqIlkXmoY-00001-00000336-00000531 which are combustion reactions. EGoqIlkXmoY-00002-00000531-00000753 Those are also called burning reactions EGoqIlkXmoY-00003-00000753-00001008 or complete oxidation reactions. EGoqIlkXmoY-00004-00001008-00001377 And our first example is gonna be the combustion of propane, EGoqIlkXmoY-00005-00001377-00001803 which we see in its structural formula CH3CH2CH3. EGoqIlkXmoY-00006-00001962-00002277 We're gonna gang up all of the carbons EGoqIlkXmoY-00007-00002277-00002733 and hydrogens into an empirical or molecular formula. EGoqIlkXmoY-00008-00002733-00002823 This one's both. EGoqIlkXmoY-00009-00002919-00003276 And a combustion reaction is gonna take EGoqIlkXmoY-00010-00003276-00003576 whatever is being combusted or going EGoqIlkXmoY-00011-00003576-00003867 through combustion plus oxygen. EGoqIlkXmoY-00012-00004079-00004315 And the products are going to be carbon dioxide EGoqIlkXmoY-00013-00004581-00005007 and H2O and the carbon dioxide, or sorry EGoqIlkXmoY-00014-00005007-00005307 the H2O will be gas because this type EGoqIlkXmoY-00015-00005307-00005589 of reaction typically gives off heat as well. EGoqIlkXmoY-00016-00005589-00005841 And that heat will be used to get the H2O EGoqIlkXmoY-00017-00005841-00005973 into the gas phase. EGoqIlkXmoY-00018-00006087-00006264 So we'll put our propane here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00019-00006378-00006519 That's a C3. EGoqIlkXmoY-00020-00006519-00006750 My three is sort of disappearing. EGoqIlkXmoY-00021-00006750-00007065 And now, so that's a combustion reaction. EGoqIlkXmoY-00022-00007065-00007288 So whenever I tell you combustion of something EGoqIlkXmoY-00023-00007288-00007653 with a formula, you put it on this line, you write EGoqIlkXmoY-00024-00007653-00007908 the other reactant is oxygen EGoqIlkXmoY-00025-00007908-00008220 and the products are a carbon dioxide and H2O. EGoqIlkXmoY-00026-00008220-00008382 Sometimes there's a third one, EGoqIlkXmoY-00027-00008382-00008643 but I have to tell you what that is. EGoqIlkXmoY-00028-00008643-00008829 Now let's go through our guidelines EGoqIlkXmoY-00029-00008829-00009081 for balancing a chemical reaction. EGoqIlkXmoY-00030-00009081-00009255 The first thing you do is you put lines EGoqIlkXmoY-00031-00009255-00009471 in front of each formula. EGoqIlkXmoY-00032-00009471-00009666 And I'm gonna do that in red. EGoqIlkXmoY-00033-00009879-00010200 And this is where the coefficients will go. EGoqIlkXmoY-00034-00010200-00010434 You are finished balancing the reaction where there's EGoqIlkXmoY-00035-00010434-00010620 when there is a number on each line. EGoqIlkXmoY-00036-00010917-00011166 And I'm showing you my process, EGoqIlkXmoY-00037-00011166-00011424 your process doesn't have to be like this. EGoqIlkXmoY-00038-00011424-00011757 Just make sure that your process gets you the right answer. EGoqIlkXmoY-00039-00011757-00012257 So now let's go to green. EGoqIlkXmoY-00040-00012327-00012522 And it says, put a one coefficient EGoqIlkXmoY-00041-00012522-00012852 in front of the most complex looking formula, EGoqIlkXmoY-00042-00012852-00013185 most different elements and the most different atoms EGoqIlkXmoY-00043-00013185-00013347 or the most atoms. EGoqIlkXmoY-00044-00013347-00013613 So we have two elements here, EGoqIlkXmoY-00045-00013613-00013851 same thing on the product side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00046-00013851-00014229 However, C3H8 has the most atoms. EGoqIlkXmoY-00047-00014229-00014729 And in combustion reactions, almost always the thing EGoqIlkXmoY-00048-00014793-00015210 that's going through combustion is the most complex. EGoqIlkXmoY-00049-00015336-00015566 Well, as soon as I have this one in front of this EGoqIlkXmoY-00050-00015566-00015888 that means I actually have three carbons EGoqIlkXmoY-00051-00015888-00016059 and eight hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00052-00016335-00016623 And now we'll continue. EGoqIlkXmoY-00053-00016734-00016980 Guideline number three says balance all the elements EGoqIlkXmoY-00054-00016980-00017187 in the most complex formula EGoqIlkXmoY-00055-00017187-00017559 unless it's a one element only formula. EGoqIlkXmoY-00056-00017559-00018059 And that should be some quotes there, EGoqIlkXmoY-00057-00018072-00018282 one element formula like oxygen. EGoqIlkXmoY-00058-00018486-00018720 But since there's no oxygen in this first one EGoqIlkXmoY-00059-00018720-00018945 we don't have to worry about it anyway. EGoqIlkXmoY-00060-00018945-00019152 Typically, if you balance left to right EGoqIlkXmoY-00061-00019152-00019290 that's the best way to do. EGoqIlkXmoY-00062-00019290-00019557 Here's C3. I have three carbons. EGoqIlkXmoY-00063-00019698-00019875 That means there must be three carbons EGoqIlkXmoY-00064-00019875-00020079 on the product side according EGoqIlkXmoY-00065-00020079-00020370 to the Law of Conservation of Mass. EGoqIlkXmoY-00066-00020370-00020658 And also to make sure that it's balanced. EGoqIlkXmoY-00067-00020658-00020874 That means I must have a three here EGoqIlkXmoY-00068-00020874-00021129 and that gives me three carbons EGoqIlkXmoY-00069-00021129-00021387 and it also gives me six oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00070-00021387-00021663 Six because it's three in the front means EGoqIlkXmoY-00071-00021663-00021921 there's three carbon dioxides. EGoqIlkXmoY-00072-00021921-00022288 And since each carbon dioxide has two oxygens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00073-00022288-00022467 three times two is six. EGoqIlkXmoY-00074-00022467-00022615 So I have six oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00075-00022764-00022959 Now I'm gonna balance my hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00076-00022959-00023283 I have eight hydrogens on the reactant side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00077-00023283-00023625 I need eight hydrogens on the product side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00078-00023625-00023886 Hydrogens come two at a time. EGoqIlkXmoY-00079-00023886-00024063 I'm gonna put a four here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00080-00024063-00024408 And that gives me eight hydrogens EGoqIlkXmoY-00081-00024408-00024579 and it also gives me four oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00082-00024705-00024975 Four times the one oxygen in this formula. EGoqIlkXmoY-00083-00025119-00025500 So now I have 10 oxygens on the product side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00084-00025500-00026000 I will now balance my one element formula lasts and if I EGoqIlkXmoY-00085-00026252-00026658 whatever number I put here, I'm just gonna balance these. EGoqIlkXmoY-00086-00026658-00026856 And because it's a one element formula EGoqIlkXmoY-00087-00026856-00027099 it doesn't mess any other elements up. EGoqIlkXmoY-00088-00027207-00027579 So I have 10, I need 10 oxygens here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00089-00027845-00028052 Oxygens come two at a time. EGoqIlkXmoY-00090-00028052-00028218 Therefore I'm gonna put a five here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00091-00028218-00028401 And I always like to double check EGoqIlkXmoY-00092-00028401-00028875 that five times two is 10 and everything is balanced here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00093-00028980-00029283 That is the balanced chemical reaction EGoqIlkXmoY-00094-00029283-00029520 for the combustion of propane. EGoqIlkXmoY-00095-00029520-00029720 And if you look down here, rule number five EGoqIlkXmoY-00096-00029720-00030030 or guideline number five if needed to clear fractions EGoqIlkXmoY-00097-00030030-00030456 by multiplying by number to get whole numbers, we'll work EGoqIlkXmoY-00098-00030456-00030609 on that in the next example, EGoqIlkXmoY-00099-00030942-00031425 which is called combustion of ethane, CH3CH3, EGoqIlkXmoY-00100-00031425-00031925 which we will abbreviate in its molecular formula C2H6. EGoqIlkXmoY-00101-00032100-00032600 And combustion means C2H6 is our first reactant, EGoqIlkXmoY-00102-00032712-00033212 plus oxygen gas reacts to produce carbon dioxide, EGoqIlkXmoY-00103-00033615-00033825 plus H2O gas. EGoqIlkXmoY-00104-00033951-00034305 And I'm balancing this so I'm gonna put EGoqIlkXmoY-00105-00034305-00034581 my coefficient lines straight away in front. EGoqIlkXmoY-00106-00034878-00035378 And now I'm going to, I have my rules right here next to me. EGoqIlkXmoY-00107-00035487-00035721 Put lines in front, I already did that. EGoqIlkXmoY-00108-00035721-00035910 Put a one coefficient in front EGoqIlkXmoY-00109-00035910-00036186 of the most complex looking thing. There's my one. EGoqIlkXmoY-00110-00036186-00036686 Now again, I only have two carbons here and six hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00111-00036849-00037221 I can't put anything over here 'cause I don't have them yet. EGoqIlkXmoY-00112-00037221-00037721 Next it will be two here for two carbons. EGoqIlkXmoY-00113-00037986-00038223 That gives me four oxygens as well. EGoqIlkXmoY-00114-00038448-00038787 Let's see, oh, six hydrogens means I have to have EGoqIlkXmoY-00115-00038787-00038982 a three here for six hydrogens EGoqIlkXmoY-00116-00038982-00039195 because three times two is six. EGoqIlkXmoY-00117-00039195-00039477 And now I get three oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00118-00039477-00039789 And now I need seven oxygens total. EGoqIlkXmoY-00119-00039954-00040284 Oxygens come here and I'll write my seven oxygens here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00120-00040284-00040581 And then I'll put up here a number that gives me EGoqIlkXmoY-00121-00040581-00040857 when I times it by two, gives me seven. EGoqIlkXmoY-00122-00040980-00041150 That number happens to be 3.5 EGoqIlkXmoY-00123-00041463-00041778 because 3.5 times two is seven. EGoqIlkXmoY-00124-00041778-00042147 You could also use seven halves there because that's three EGoqIlkXmoY-00125-00042147-00042528 and a half, 3.5 as well, whichever one works for you. EGoqIlkXmoY-00126-00042528-00042668 And there is a dot in there. EGoqIlkXmoY-00127-00042876-00043376 And this is balanced, but it is not the answer. EGoqIlkXmoY-00128-00043407-00043907 The answer requires that we take everything and according EGoqIlkXmoY-00129-00043956-00044456 to the last page, multiply all the coefficients by two. EGoqIlkXmoY-00130-00044499-00044661 So coefficients. EGoqIlkXmoY-00131-00044985-00045229 Multiply times two, the coefficients EGoqIlkXmoY-00132-00045324-00045594 and it's two because this is a half number. EGoqIlkXmoY-00133-00045594-00045849 On rare occasions it won't be a two. EGoqIlkXmoY-00134-00045849-00046209 You'll get 3.333 here at let's say EGoqIlkXmoY-00135-00046209-00046437 and you'd have to multiply times three. EGoqIlkXmoY-00136-00046437-00046937 So final answer is gonna be two C2H6 plus seven oxygens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00137-00047723-00048222 goes to produce four CO2s and six H2Os. EGoqIlkXmoY-00138-00048891-00049080 And that is what I will be looking for, EGoqIlkXmoY-00139-00049080-00049515 for the balanced chemical reaction if you get a ethane. EGoqIlkXmoY-00140-00049668-00049962 Now this one's gonna be similar except EGoqIlkXmoY-00141-00049962-00050373 that now our formula has a third element in it. EGoqIlkXmoY-00142-00050373-00050854 It's still three carbons, it's still eight oxygens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00143-00050854-00051192 I'm sorry eight hydrogens and now it has an oxygen in it, EGoqIlkXmoY-00144-00051192-00051633 but the process is the same. EGoqIlkXmoY-00145-00051830-00052330 C3H8O plus oxygen gas goes to carbon dioxide, EGoqIlkXmoY-00146-00052517-00052740 plus H2O, spacing it out. EGoqIlkXmoY-00147-00052740-00052911 So at least for my technique EGoqIlkXmoY-00148-00052911-00053294 I have some space to put in lines for the coefficients EGoqIlkXmoY-00149-00053591-00053802 for the balanced reaction. EGoqIlkXmoY-00150-00053802-00054273 And I'll just note here, so in all chemical reactions EGoqIlkXmoY-00151-00054273-00054747 you'll be given or allowed to figure out the formulas EGoqIlkXmoY-00152-00054747-00055137 for the products and then those formulas don't change. EGoqIlkXmoY-00153-00055137-00055304 And we'll talk more about that. EGoqIlkXmoY-00154-00055304-00055794 But for now this is my most complex. EGoqIlkXmoY-00155-00055794-00056013 It has the most types of elements in it. EGoqIlkXmoY-00156-00056013-00056310 It has three elements, plus it has the most atoms. EGoqIlkXmoY-00157-00056439-00056844 And I go through my process again, three carbons, EGoqIlkXmoY-00158-00056844-00057009 eight hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00159-00057111-00057611 This time I have one oxygen, but I don't have any oxygens EGoqIlkXmoY-00160-00057633-00057923 here yet in my method because I don't have a number there. EGoqIlkXmoY-00161-00058077-00058491 So now I'll put my three carbons and I have to balance EGoqIlkXmoY-00162-00058491-00058683 these carbons with these. EGoqIlkXmoY-00163-00058683-00058959 They only appear one time on each side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00164-00058959-00059364 So this is a three again, I have four again here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00165-00059364-00059837 That's three carbons and six oxygens, eight hydrogens EGoqIlkXmoY-00166-00059954-00060180 and four oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00167-00060305-00060666 And now what's different about this is I have 10 oxygens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00168-00060666-00060900 but I already have one oxygen here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00169-00060900-00061400 So I only need nine and nine, basically nine divided EGoqIlkXmoY-00170-00061515-00061725 by two is how you get this number. EGoqIlkXmoY-00171-00061725-00062109 It's gonna be nine divided by two, which is 4.5 EGoqIlkXmoY-00172-00062109-00062394 or nine halves. Either way works. EGoqIlkXmoY-00173-00062394-00062622 And now I have a fraction. EGoqIlkXmoY-00174-00062622-00062966 And just like the example up here, I want you EGoqIlkXmoY-00175-00062966-00063378 to write your final answer, box it off EGoqIlkXmoY-00176-00063378-00063538 and I will allow you to do that. EGoqIlkXmoY-00177-00063624-00063894 We're gonna continue with the next example, EGoqIlkXmoY-00178-00063894-00064140 combustion of nitro benzene. EGoqIlkXmoY-00179-00064140-00064611 This one has an additional product NO2 EGoqIlkXmoY-00180-00064611-00064869 because it has an additional element in here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00181-00064869-00065208 And I've already given you the molecular formula for this. EGoqIlkXmoY-00182-00065342-00065843 C6H5NO2 plus then I'll put my lines in as I go. EGoqIlkXmoY-00183-00066084-00066584 Still only one other reactant oxygen goes to CO2, EGoqIlkXmoY-00184-00066804-00066957 plus H2O plus NO2. EGoqIlkXmoY-00185-00067419-00067620 And depending upon how a combustion goes EGoqIlkXmoY-00186-00067620-00067917 you can get different nitrogen containing products here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00187-00068148-00068520 I've got my lines, four elements. EGoqIlkXmoY-00188-00068520-00068745 This is clearly my most complex. EGoqIlkXmoY-00189-00068982-00069482 And this time I have six carbons, five hydrogens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00190-00069579-00069928 one nitrogen and two oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00191-00070179-00070458 And remember, we balance all the elements EGoqIlkXmoY-00192-00070458-00070836 in this formula first, although we'll still do oxygen last EGoqIlkXmoY-00193-00070836-00071127 and oxygens last in this formula anyway. EGoqIlkXmoY-00194-00071127-00071553 So six carbons, I need to have six carbons here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00195-00071778-00072093 Gives me 12 oxygens, big number. EGoqIlkXmoY-00196-00072093-00072528 Then I have five hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00197-00072528-00072735 Hydrogens come two at a time. EGoqIlkXmoY-00198-00072822-00073113 So instead of if I want five hydrogens, EGoqIlkXmoY-00199-00073113-00073374 I have to actually put five halves here or 2.5. EGoqIlkXmoY-00200-00073623-00074123 That gives me five hydrogens and uh-oh, five halves oxygen. EGoqIlkXmoY-00201-00074358-00074858 Wow, I don't like the looks of that, but we'll keep going. EGoqIlkXmoY-00202-00075027-00075527 For our one nitrogen, I need one nitrogen on the other side EGoqIlkXmoY-00203-00075715-00075909 and I get two oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00204-00076093-00076365 So I'm gonna have to practically get out a calculator here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00205-00076365-00076641 Yep, I got it. Now let's see. EGoqIlkXmoY-00206-00076641-00076992 So this is gonna be 12 plus 2.5. EGoqIlkXmoY-00207-00077367-00077859 12 plus 2.5, plus two. EGoqIlkXmoY-00208-00077859-00078146 That's 16.5 oxygens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00209-00078571-00079071 I have two oxygens here, which means I need 14.5 oxygens EGoqIlkXmoY-00210-00079340-00079539 and oxygens come two at a time. EGoqIlkXmoY-00211-00079629-00080129 So 14.5 divided by two, 7.25 balances it. EGoqIlkXmoY-00212-00081039-00081316 And that's not our final answer, but that balances it EGoqIlkXmoY-00213-00081316-00081768 because now the last step is to clear fractions. EGoqIlkXmoY-00214-00081879-00082287 And since I have a 0.25 number there, that's a quarter EGoqIlkXmoY-00215-00082287-00082599 I have to multiply everything times four. EGoqIlkXmoY-00216-00082599-00083099 And my final answer this time will be four nitro benzines, EGoqIlkXmoY-00217-00083568-00083973 four moles of nitro benzene plus 7.25 times four is 29. EGoqIlkXmoY-00218-00084567-00084855 Ouch. But it's right. EGoqIlkXmoY-00219-00085245-00085518 This I can do is six times four is 24. EGoqIlkXmoY-00220-00085968-00086468 I better do this one, 2.5 times four, I get 10 EGoqIlkXmoY-00221-00087256-00087492 and times four 4NO2. EGoqIlkXmoY-00222-00087762-00087903 And I'd like to just double check. EGoqIlkXmoY-00223-00087903-00088272 Let's see. So my nitrogens, I got four over here, EGoqIlkXmoY-00224-00088272-00088455 four over here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00225-00088455-00088923 20 hydrogens, 20 hydrogens. EGoqIlkXmoY-00226-00088923-00089073 That looks like it's good. EGoqIlkXmoY-00227-00089274-00089511 And that's about the biggest numbers you're gonna see, EGoqIlkXmoY-00228-00089511-00089715 although you will see some that are pretty close EGoqIlkXmoY-00229-00089715-00089798 on the homework. EGoqIlkXmoY-00230-00089988-00090240 Now let's do G. EGoqIlkXmoY-00231-00090240-00090387 What's interesting about G EGoqIlkXmoY-00232-00090387-00090675 is that they're all ionic compounds EGoqIlkXmoY-00233-00090675-00090996 and they've already got the lines in front of them. EGoqIlkXmoY-00234-00090996-00091302 So there's one hint for this one or note. EGoqIlkXmoY-00235-00091404-00091602 The hint for this one is EGoqIlkXmoY-00236-00091602-00092049 so balance polyatomic ions as one thing. EGoqIlkXmoY-00237-00092394-00092667 And I should have written this note a little lower, EGoqIlkXmoY-00238-00092762-00093135 I apologize, but I think we'll still make it work. EGoqIlkXmoY-00239-00093249-00093628 So together. So as one thing EGoqIlkXmoY-00240-00093810-00094029 and you can still totally do the method up here, EGoqIlkXmoY-00241-00094029-00094395 but sometimes it's easier if you look at this and you say EGoqIlkXmoY-00242-00094395-00094895 I have three nitrates right here, three NO3 minuses EGoqIlkXmoY-00243-00095016-00095289 and I still see my NO3 on the other side. EGoqIlkXmoY-00244-00095379-00095646 I have carbonates over here, CO3 EGoqIlkXmoY-00245-00095646-00095763 and I have carbonates right there. EGoqIlkXmoY-00246-00095763-00095961 And this, you'll see we're gonna talk a lot EGoqIlkXmoY-00247-00095961-00096099 about this kind of reaction. EGoqIlkXmoY-00248-00096099-00096321 So you will have some of these to balance. EGoqIlkXmoY-00249-00096441-00096798 And this one, it looks like I have the most here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00250-00096798-00097014 So I'm gonna call this my most complex. EGoqIlkXmoY-00251-00097199-00097699 And I'm going to do that I have one aluminum EGoqIlkXmoY-00252-00097794-00098294 and I have three nitrates and I've got the charge there EGoqIlkXmoY-00253-00098448-00098810 because it is a nitrate that helps me keep track of things. EGoqIlkXmoY-00254-00098810-00098994 And I know actually EGoqIlkXmoY-00255-00098994-00099333 that I have an aluminum three plus there. EGoqIlkXmoY-00256-00099333-00099598 You don't have to use the charges, but they can help. EGoqIlkXmoY-00257-00099819-00100272 Now, oh shoot, on my other side I've got a two. EGoqIlkXmoY-00258-00100272-00100701 Maybe this was a better choice. It does have more ions. EGoqIlkXmoY-00259-00100701-00100818 I think I made a wrong choice. EGoqIlkXmoY-00260-00100818-00101004 So I'm gonna just scratch that. EGoqIlkXmoY-00261-00101139-00101289 And I'm gonna put my one here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00262-00101691-00101817 I don't have those anymore EGoqIlkXmoY-00263-00101817-00101987 'cause I don't have a number here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00264-00102096-00102594 Now I have two aluminum three pluses over here EGoqIlkXmoY-00265-00102594-00102876 and three carbonates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00266-00103308-00103535 So maybe if you realize so and hopefully EGoqIlkXmoY-00267-00103535-00103791 this will get rid of my fractions. We'll see. EGoqIlkXmoY-00268-00103791-00103908 Hmm, I don't know. EGoqIlkXmoY-00269-00103998-00104205 But now since I have two aluminum EGoqIlkXmoY-00270-00104205-00104309 and you can start anywhere. EGoqIlkXmoY-00271-00104309-00104517 Notice I'm starting with a product here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00272-00104517-00104742 So two aluminum ions. EGoqIlkXmoY-00273-00104742-00104997 Now this number becomes a two. EGoqIlkXmoY-00274-00104997-00105497 And I have two AL three pluses and two times three. EGoqIlkXmoY-00275-00105732-00105974 That's six nitrates minus. EGoqIlkXmoY-00276-00106341-00106458 That's just minus one. EGoqIlkXmoY-00277-00106722-00107130 Now. Oh, I balanced my aluminums here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00278-00107130-00107418 Now let's balance our carbonates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00279-00107418-00107745 I can see that I've got three carbonates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00280-00107745-00107991 Carbonate only appears here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00281-00107991-00108108 I need a three here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00282-00108255-00108489 So that gives me two times three EGoqIlkXmoY-00283-00108489-00108989 that gives me six NAs or NA pluses and three carbonates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00284-00109341-00109521 My carbonates are balanced. EGoqIlkXmoY-00285-00109656-00109950 And now I have not balanced my sodiums EGoqIlkXmoY-00286-00109950-00110271 and I have not balanced my nitrates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00287-00110271-00110408 You can choose either one EGoqIlkXmoY-00288-00110408-00110766 and if you've done it correctly, they will both work. EGoqIlkXmoY-00289-00110766-00111117 So let's say six since this is a smaller thing, EGoqIlkXmoY-00290-00111117-00111311 let's do six sodiums. EGoqIlkXmoY-00291-00111311-00111501 That means I have to have a six here. EGoqIlkXmoY-00292-00111690-00112044 And low and behold, for these types of reactions, EGoqIlkXmoY-00293-00112044-00112544 which we'll see that I now have also six nitrates. EGoqIlkXmoY-00294-00112638-00112941 And without even trying to balance the nitrates EGoqIlkXmoY-00295-00112941-00113073 we've got these done. EK4ZTnnpufE-00000-00000000-00000420 Okay, Whoever Can Say Iowa First Will Get To Play Minecraft With Me! EK4ZTnnpufE-00001-00000420-00000625 Lisa: IOWA! Jessica: IOWA! EK4ZTnnpufE-00002-00000625-00001062 Jessica: DOH! Lisa: Sorry, Nothing Personal. Amari: Okay, You're In, C'mon! EK4ZTnnpufE-00003-00001062-00001158 *Teapot Noises* EK4ZTnnpufE-00004-00001158-00001358 Jessica: THIS IS BULLCRAP!!!!!!!!!!! ELmQ3ghC1yy-00000-00002318-00002676 Welcome back, let’s continue analyzing Cervantes’s ELmQ3ghC1yy-00001-00002676-00002776 masterpiece. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00002-00002776-00003347 At this point Cide Hamete Benengeli intrudes for the second time in this chapter. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00003-00003347-00003586 This time he complains about poverty. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00004-00003586-00004312 It’s an amazing passage, and Hamete’s words are again problematic, ironic, and sophisticated. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00005-00004312-00004977 The Moorish author doesn’t complain about the existence of poverty per se but, rather, ELmQ3ghC1yy-00006-00004977-00005539 the weird tendency among Christians to embrace poverty as a virtue. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00007-00005539-00006023 In particular, he questions the logic of the great medieval Spanish poet Juan de Mena: ELmQ3ghC1yy-00008-00006023-00006132 “Oh poverty, poverty! ELmQ3ghC1yy-00009-00006132-00006831 I do not know the reason that great Cordovan poet was moved to call you ‘sacred and unwelcome ELmQ3ghC1yy-00010-00006831-00006953 gift!’” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00011-00006953-00007630 Hamete reveals that he is very familiar with Christian doctrine: “even though I am a ELmQ3ghC1yy-00012-00007630-00007993 Moor, I know very well, due to the company I have kept with Christians, that holiness ELmQ3ghC1yy-00013-00007993-00008529 consists of charity, humility, faith, obedience, and poverty.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00014-00008529-00008793 He even quotes Saint Paul. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00015-00008793-00009464 Nevertheless, Hamete distinguishes between spiritual and material poverty, and he argues ELmQ3ghC1yy-00016-00009464-00010031 that a puritanical obsession with the latter is unhealthy: “but, even with all that, ELmQ3ghC1yy-00017-00010031-00010664 I say that a man has to have an awful lot of God in him to be content with his poverty.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00018-00010664-00011222 But the heaviest irony comes when the Moor adopts the point of view of ethnocentric Spaniards: ELmQ3ghC1yy-00019-00011222-00011931 “why do you wish to crush the hidalgos and the wellborn more than other people?” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00020-00011931-00012508 Then Benengeli makes a clear allusion to the portrait of the pathetic hidalgo in El Lazarillo ELmQ3ghC1yy-00021-00012508-00013059 de Tormes: “Miserable is the gentleman who goes about flashing signs of his honor, while ELmQ3ghC1yy-00022-00013059-00013669 eating poorly and behind closed doors, playing the hypocrite behind the toothpick with which ELmQ3ghC1yy-00023-00013669-00014197 he ventures into the street after having not eaten anything that would oblige him to clean ELmQ3ghC1yy-00024-00014197-00014419 his teeth.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00025-00014419-00015022 The Moorish author’s criticism of the cult of poverty now fuses with a mockery of the ELmQ3ghC1yy-00026-00015022-00015355 Spanish obsession with honor and public appearances. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00027-00015355-00016059 Amazingly, the narrator tells us that all the ideas of Benengeli actually occurred to ELmQ3ghC1yy-00028-00016059-00016448 DQ himself when he tore his stocking. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00029-00016448-00017134 Finally, we have DQ’s curious focus on “a pair of high riding boots” which SP has ELmQ3ghC1yy-00030-00017134-00017256 left behind. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00031-00017256-00017806 The knight finds consolation in SP’s boots because they are high enough to cover his ELmQ3ghC1yy-00032-00017806-00018084 stocking’s new sign of his poverty. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00033-00018084-00018432 Remember this interest in footwear! ELmQ3ghC1yy-00034-00019798-00020230 Now Cervantes parodies the kind of love scene popularized by sentimental and chivalric novels ELmQ3ghC1yy-00035-00020231-00020506 as well as the Spanish ballad tradition. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00036-00020506-00021070 In the garden below DQ’s window, one of the Duchess’s maidens, Altisidora, converses ELmQ3ghC1yy-00037-00021070-00021437 with her friend Emerencia. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00038-00021437-00021873 Their names are comical touches in yet another trick played on our knight. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00039-00021873-00022412 The narrator tells us that DQ embraces this new fantasy: “in order to signal that he ELmQ3ghC1yy-00040-00022412-00022615 was there, he faked a sneeze.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00041-00022615-00023341 Altisidora complains of her unrequited love for “this new Aeneas, who has arrived in ELmQ3ghC1yy-00042-00023341-00023659 these parts only to humiliate me.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00043-00023659-00024306 In other words, Altisidora constructs an allegory in which DQ is Aeneas and she is Dido. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00044-00024306-00024916 This mockery of Virgil is an anti-imperialistic gesture in Spanish literature that Cervantes ELmQ3ghC1yy-00045-00024916-00025168 inherits from Garcilaso. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00046-00025168-00025769 Note also how the basic roles of the chivalric lovers have been inverted: Altisidora plays ELmQ3ghC1yy-00047-00025769-00026438 a harp and sings in the garden while DQ listens from his window. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00048-00026438-00027175 Altisodora’s ballad is overwrought, as pathetic as the Spanish creeks she says mark the extent ELmQ3ghC1yy-00049-00027175-00027350 of Dulcinea’s fame. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00050-00027350-00028093 Her praise for DQ is absurd: “the most valiant knight / that La Mancha ever produced, / more ELmQ3ghC1yy-00051-00028093-00028512 chaste and blessed / than finest Arabian gold.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00052-00028512-00029081 She comically compares her own suffering to that of Job –“you inflict the wounds and ELmQ3ghC1yy-00053-00029081-00029769 denieth / me the remedy that can heal them”– and Mary Magdalene: “I should like to rub ELmQ3ghC1yy-00054-00029769-00030155 your feet, / for that’s enough for this humble servant.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00055-00030155-00030677 She is envious of Dulcinea: “Dulcinea does very well, / a robust and healthy lass, / to ELmQ3ghC1yy-00056-00030677-00031152 boast of having tamed / a tigress and a fierce beast.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00057-00031152-00031974 Note how DQ’s gender has changed and note the persistence of felines in DQ 2. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00058-00031974-00032480 The market economy is also a topic as Altisidora says that she would give her best skirt to ELmQ3ghC1yy-00059-00032480-00033087 be like Dulcinea: “I would even give a skirt, / bright with the finest trim.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00060-00033087-00033743 Race and ethnicity are topics when the maiden brags that her own complexion is “somewhat ELmQ3ghC1yy-00061-00033743-00034436 on the brown side” and confesses she has been won over by the arrows of love in DQ’s ELmQ3ghC1yy-00062-00034436-00034827 Arabic aljaba or “quiver.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00063-00034827-00035338 The most politically radical moment in Altisidora’s ballad occurs when she says she would give ELmQ3ghC1yy-00064-00035338-00035977 DQ “La sola,” a famous pearl owned by the Spanish Habsburgs, and then calls him ELmQ3ghC1yy-00065-00035977-00036566 “Manchegan Nero of the world” for having set her on fire. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00066-00036566-00037030 This juxtaposition does not flatter empire. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00067-00039516-00040114 DQ’s reaction reveals his hilarious confidence in his own ability to attract so many women: ELmQ3ghC1yy-00068-00040114-00040687 “giving a great sigh, he said to himself: ‘I have to be such an unfortunate knight ELmQ3ghC1yy-00069-00040687-00041237 errant that there is no damsel who does not fall in love with me at first sight!’” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00070-00041237-00041830 Lamenting that he is pursued by the likes of Altisidora and Maritornes, and with sexual ELmQ3ghC1yy-00071-00041830-00042397 overtones, he vows to maintain “this my incomparable firmness.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00072-00042397-00042988 He expresses his loyalty to Dulcinea via an allusion to the windmill of DQ 1: “for Dulcinea ELmQ3ghC1yy-00073-00042988-00043638 alone I am soft as dough and sugar paste, and for all the rest I am made of flint.” ELmQ3ghC1yy-00074-00043638-00044246 He then slams the window and goes to bed like a frustrated teenage girl. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00075-00044350-00044487 That’s all for now. ELmQ3ghC1yy-00076-00044487-00044688 What do you think will happen next? ELmQ3ghC1yy-00077-00044688-00044898 Don’t miss it. ELCjlVH9rQu-00000-00000100-00000800 Google Chrome as a browser has voice recognition built in, speech to text ability. However ELCjlVH9rQu-00001-00000852-00001553 you only see it in textboxes where it is difficult to use with Google Docs or other online word ELCjlVH9rQu-00002-00001616-00002284 processors. One thing you can do is use Online Dictation which allows you to have voice recognition. ELCjlVH9rQu-00003-00002284-00002982 So I'll show you. Clicking on this microphone here, let's see how well it recognizes my ELCjlVH9rQu-00004-00002982-00003682 voice. Then after I have made one sentence I can continue and type another sentence. ELCjlVH9rQu-00005-00004573-00005139 You can keep doing this until you have pretty much what you want to say and get your thought ELCjlVH9rQu-00006-00005139-00005839 down. You can actually use "new line" as a command ELCjlVH9rQu-00007-00006046-00006434 to create a new line. "New Line" ELCjlVH9rQu-00008-00006434-00007134 As you see as I said "new line" it made a new line. ELCjlVH9rQu-00009-00007204-00007904 So, once you have what you want to write, you have to make sure you copy it into another ELCjlVH9rQu-00010-00008225-00008925 program. Just take it, right click and copy and then put it into something else such as ELCjlVH9rQu-00011-00009468-00010117 a word document or google document or something else. So this is one way to test out voice ELCjlVH9rQu-00012-00010117-00010290 recognition with your students. ELCQsMr_LS0-00000-00000114-00000714 For the next step, I want to fix the defect with the contact index being incorrect. ELCQsMr_LS0-00001-00000714-00001350 The first thing I want to point out is we added some custom types and did some modifications. ELCQsMr_LS0-00002-00001350-00001863 If we look at the JavaScript, we can see it looks very much like what we started with. ELCQsMr_LS0-00003-00001863-00002333 The function constructor, you can see the types are a compile-time check, they're not ELCQsMr_LS0-00004-00002333-00002826 something that appears in the output JavaScript code. ELCQsMr_LS0-00005-00002826-00003264 This is the function that prints the contact information, you can see it just has a delay ELCQsMr_LS0-00006-00003264-00003399 and prints the contact. ELCQsMr_LS0-00007-00003399-00003692 So this index is being "captured." ELCQsMr_LS0-00008-00003692-00004352 So the first very simple change we can make is come down to this print function and change ELCQsMr_LS0-00009-00004352-00004845 this from a "var" which implies a global variable to "let". ELCQsMr_LS0-00010-00004845-00005541 "Let" tells TypeScript that this is meant to be in a local scope, and even though we're ELCQsMr_LS0-00011-00005541-00006130 compiling to a version of JavaScript that doesn't support local scope, our TypeScript ELCQsMr_LS0-00012-00006130-00006376 compiler is smart enough to fix that. ELCQsMr_LS0-00013-00006376-00007313 Let's go ahead and compile our code. ELCQsMr_LS0-00014-00007313-00007669 Let's run it. ELCQsMr_LS0-00015-00007669-00008081 You can see now the contact indices are correct. ELCQsMr_LS0-00016-00008081-00008408 Let's look at the JavaScript code. ELCQsMr_LS0-00017-00008408-00009262 Here, you can see it captured this outer loop with an inner loop and is calling this, so ELCQsMr_LS0-00018-00009262-00009878 what it's essentially doing is ensuring that the correct value of this index is passed ELCQsMr_LS0-00019-00009878-00010017 into the loop. ELCQsMr_LS0-00020-00010017-00010314 So this is the way that it handles it for the old version of JavaScript. ELCQsMr_LS0-00021-00010314-00010870 If we were targeting a newer version, the "let" keyword is part of the base version ELCQsMr_LS0-00022-00010870-00011108 and we'll look at that a little bit later. EN4evuv8-uy-00000-00000377-00000722 CHris: Hey Hannah what are you looking for? Hannah: Trying to figure out what's wrong with EN4evuv8-uy-00001-00000722-00001323 my plant. Chris: Oh yeah there's all kinds of stuff online but you know that there's a EN4evuv8-uy-00002-00001323-00001722 University of Wyoming extension master gardener website that has all kinds of EN4evuv8-uy-00003-00001722-00002223 information about plants. Hannah: No I have never heard of it yeah let's check it out. The EN4evuv8-uy-00004-00002223-00003176 website is uwyo.edu backslash Master Gardener. So you don't have to be EN4evuv8-uy-00005-00003176-00003632 a master gardener to use the site even though there is information about the EN4evuv8-uy-00006-00003632-00004119 Master Gardener program but you can also find information on growing all types of EN4evuv8-uy-00007-00004119-00004575 plants from flowers to lawns and trees and shrubs. Hannah: Awesome well thanks for EN4evuv8-uy-00008-00004575-00004977 showing me this website. Chris: even houseplants so let's see if we can find out what's EN4evuv8-uy-00009-00004977-00005244 wrong with your plant. Hannah: Perfect EN4evuv8-uy-00010-00005244-00005478 Chris: So all of the publications on this website are EN4evuv8-uy-00011-00005478-00005868 from the University of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming extension, so you EN4evuv8-uy-00012-00005868-00006486 know that all the information you find on here is specific to Wyoming. Clicking EN4evuv8-uy-00013-00006486-00006915 the ask a question link we can email a horticulture specialist at the EN4evuv8-uy-00014-00006915-00007602 University of Wyoming or we can print one of these sample diagnostic forms and EN4evuv8-uy-00015-00007602-00008181 send it in with a sample for an expert on campus to either identify a weed or EN4evuv8-uy-00016-00008181-00008652 an insect for us or to diagnose a plant disease problem. Hannah: Great Chris thanks for EN4evuv8-uy-00017-00008652-00009043 your help. Chris: Yep good luck Hannah! EPdWoqhpF34-00000-00000007-00000474 Just getting ready to do the poker run. -We're at the Midwest Geobash. -Yeah. EPdWoqhpF34-00001-00000474-00000849 We've never done the poker run before, and hopefully it's gonna be a good time. -Yeah. EPdWoqhpF34-00002-00000849-00001250 -And I want you to join us. Come along. -Come on let's go. EPdWoqhpF34-00003-00002146-00002318 [cow moos ] EPdWoqhpF34-00004-00002366-00002706 Moo EPdWoqhpF34-00005-00002732-00003169 -I got my card for the poker run. I go to seven different spots and collect EPdWoqhpF34-00006-00003170-00003442 barcodes at each one, and that's my poker hand. EPdWoqhpF34-00007-00003444-00003996 -We're ready for the poker run. We've got Lyriclass here. We've got Geoff May, from Cache the Line, and we've got EPdWoqhpF34-00008-00003997-00004648 Nate, and there's Neil Moore is back there for Cache Tales. We've got Merlin 1392. EPdWoqhpF34-00009-00004648-00005048 And look, there's even a Halemeister. Let's get rolling. EPdWoqhpF34-00010-00005048-00005366 And we got Geotrail behind us. Go! EPdWoqhpF34-00011-00005404-00005837 It's our first stop is the Red Rambling Coffee and Brewing. I don't know how you EPdWoqhpF34-00012-00005837-00006158 put the two together, but hey, must be good. We're double dipping here too, EPdWoqhpF34-00013-00006158-00006622 because we're doing an Adventure Lab and the Poker Run at the same time. EPdWoqhpF34-00014-00006622-00006809 Talk about confusing. EPdWoqhpF34-00015-00006845-00007088 I'm gonna try me a Highlander Grog. EPdWoqhpF34-00016-00007131-00007804 Okay, I got me a coffee, got my next sticker, stop number two. Good to go. EPdWoqhpF34-00017-00007818-00008395 Okay let's just confuse everything and throw in yet another Adventure Lab. EPdWoqhpF34-00018-00008395-00008796 We're doing two Adventure Labs and the Poker Run at the same time. Rear wheel. EPdWoqhpF34-00019-00008796-00009068 How do you know which is the front and the back? Which ways the cannon pointing? What three EPdWoqhpF34-00020-00009070-00009560 words are on the tire? The rim. This side out. Okay we got it. We're good to go. I think. EPdWoqhpF34-00021-00009560-00010182 Vlogging, vloggers, vlogging. -Caching video session. Cache Canada! EPdWoqhpF34-00022-00010182-00010480 -Two Adventure Labs and the Poker Run at the same time. -Okay so we're EPdWoqhpF34-00023-00010488-00010824 gonna do one more of this set and then we're gonna do some caches, and then. EPdWoqhpF34-00024-00010825-00011203 -No. Yeah. No. Yeah. -Well there's another Adventure Lab set that we're gonna be EPdWoqhpF34-00025-00011203-00011740 going for right. Are we doing that now or with it, or without it? When are we doing this? -I have no idea! EPdWoqhpF34-00026-00011740-00012145 -Wait a second, wait a second. Are we going to do the first Adventure Lab? EPdWoqhpF34-00027-00012145-00012486 The second Adventure Lab? There's... -No not one and two. -There's one at the EPdWoqhpF34-00028-00012486-00012832 fairgrounds. -Yeah, not that one. -No not that one. We're doing this one that one. EPdWoqhpF34-00029-00012832-00013165 The Poker Run and the Wauseon. So we're gonna do that first one, then we'll do EPdWoqhpF34-00030-00013165-00013486 the second one. -No, not the first one and second one that's later. EPdWoqhpF34-00031-00013486-00013678 We're doing the Run now and the Wauseon EPdWoqhpF34-00032-00013678-00013999 and then part of that and back. Got it? -Who's on first? -Got it! -I don't! EPdWoqhpF34-00033-00013999-00014511 -Holy cow! -No! -No! -Holy Doodle. -It's Holy Doodle! -Holy Doodle. Holy Doodle! EPdWoqhpF34-00034-00014706-00015268 -Knotty Vines Winery, so we have any tastings you want. They're a dollar taste. EPdWoqhpF34-00035-00015268-00015733 You can get glasses to drink here. You can get bottles to go and enjoy back at EPdWoqhpF34-00036-00015733-00016068 the campsite tonight. Whatever you want. EPdWoqhpF34-00037-00016790-00017458 -From wine tasting, to mini-golf, you can get it all in one spot, in one day, at the Poker Run. EPdWoqhpF34-00038-00018032-00018468 -We're at the Soaring Art Studio with Ashley. -What do you think of the Poker EPdWoqhpF34-00039-00018469-00018901 Run so far? -I think it's been pretty awesome. We've seen some really cool EPdWoqhpF34-00040-00018901-00019431 places and we just ended up at this really awesome art studio. -Yeah, it's EPdWoqhpF34-00041-00019431-00019843 pretty cool EH. There's the Canadian stuff for you. Can you say that, EH! -EH! EPdWoqhpF34-00042-00019843-00020345 -There you go, you got it! -Holy Doodle I did it right! Wahoo! [ chuckles ] -She's in. EPdWoqhpF34-00043-00020748-00021244 Do you like pig butts? -I sure do. Do you? I do, I will not lie. EPdWoqhpF34-00044-00021244-00021460 Well let's go get some. -Ooo [ smacks lips ] EPdWoqhpF34-00045-00021986-00022472 We're gettting a slice of some brisket. That part right there. EPdWoqhpF34-00046-00022472-00022924 Mm-hmm. Outlaw Smoke House, and what's the biggest seller today? EPdWoqhpF34-00047-00022924-00023590 -Probably either: the brisket sandwiches and the mac and cheese, or coleslaw and moist brisket. EPdWoqhpF34-00048-00023590-00024130 -That's today. What is your most favorite of all time? My favorite? I like the turkey. EPdWoqhpF34-00049-00024132-00024430 -The turkey? -That's suprising because everyone thinks the turkeys not gonna be good EPdWoqhpF34-00050-00024430-00024758 cause you think brisket or pork when you come to a smoke house. -That's right. Who would of thought of turkey? EPdWoqhpF34-00051-00024758-00025210 -Turkeys my favorite and the green beans. -Awesome. -Thank you. -Thanks for having all the Geocachers in today. EPdWoqhpF34-00052-00025244-00025662 Mmm, oh that's really good. Oh, it doesn't even need any EPdWoqhpF34-00053-00025664-00026241 sauce, so, so tasty. -This is amazing! This is so good and the sauce is. -Awesome! EPdWoqhpF34-00054-00026241-00026694 -Melts in your mouth deliciousness. Mmm. EPdWoqhpF34-00055-00027738-00028064 -We got our ice cream, but we got to get back to get the Poker Run done. EPdWoqhpF34-00056-00028064-00028464 I'm covering your head. -You are! Lets go. EPdWoqhpF34-00057-00029152-00029722 -Well I wore my Poker Face, but it didn't work. -No, I tried as best I can to win but EPdWoqhpF34-00058-00029723-00030208 wouldn't let me trade in the cards. -No. -Anyway, that was a lot of fun doing the EPdWoqhpF34-00059-00030208-00030738 Poker Run. -Yeah and maybe we'll come back and do it again next time. -It was really, really, neat. EPdWoqhpF34-00060-00030738-00031110 If you have a chance to do it get out there and play the Poker Run. EP2rS_496uc-00000-00000017-00000505 Marco Antonio Ruiz Moreno - why the chicken cross the road??? EP2rS_496uc-00001-00000505-00000681 Probably to capture the beacon. EP2rS_496uc-00002-00000681-00001026 Hey guys, Stan is here. EP2rS_496uc-00003-00001026-00001547 Hope you are doing fine.Today I am gonna answer some of your questions about myself and War EP2rS_496uc-00004-00001547-00001647 Robots. EP2rS_496uc-00005-00001647-00002066 Let's dig in! EP2rS_496uc-00006-00002066-00002769 Michael Reed asks - Will Pixonic ever create more leagues beyond champion? EP2rS_496uc-00007-00002769-00003507 Yes, one day we will find out who stands above the Champions! EP2rS_496uc-00008-00003507-00003807 Overflow WR - I am always on blue team. EP2rS_496uc-00009-00003807-00003972 How can I become a red? EP2rS_496uc-00010-00003972-00004254 A good question actually. EP2rS_496uc-00011-00004254-00004482 That sounds like a nice idea of a Skirmish. EP2rS_496uc-00012-00004482-00004707 After all, red goes faster. EP2rS_496uc-00013-00004707-00005150 Alex Yañez - Have you considered doing all war Robots on a single platform? EP2rS_496uc-00014-00005150-00005694 Yes, even though War Robots wasn't built as a cross platform game from the get go, and EP2rS_496uc-00015-00005694-00005987 it takes much more time than we'd like. EP2rS_496uc-00016-00005987-00006155 We’re working hard on it. EP2rS_496uc-00017-00006155-00006589 There is still lots of old code needed to rewrite. EP2rS_496uc-00018-00006589-00006854 But it will happen, sooner or later. EP2rS_496uc-00019-00006854-00007394 Brenda Almirall - I just wanted to know how it´s possible that in such an advanced universe EP2rS_496uc-00020-00007394-00007847 in terms of technologhy, people can’t figure out water ressistant tech! EP2rS_496uc-00021-00007847-00008236 Well basically robots are very heavy and sink fast. EP2rS_496uc-00022-00008236-00008961 Another reason is that they were designed on Mars to operate on Mars, so in space. EP2rS_496uc-00023-00008961-00009493 And well these is no water on Mars (at least that is what we were told). EP2rS_496uc-00024-00009493-00010025 Petr Holub - Hi Stan, how much time you spend playing WR and how much your local currency EP2rS_496uc-00025-00010025-00010179 you spent in the game. EP2rS_496uc-00026-00010179-00010579 I don't spend money in the game, I am a 100% free player. EP2rS_496uc-00027-00010579-00011222 I used to play a lot, but now I don't have much free time so I play 3-4 hours a week. EP2rS_496uc-00028-00011222-00011700 But I know that our guys from development team play hours and hours straight each day EP2rS_496uc-00029-00011700-00011956 so it really depends. EP2rS_496uc-00030-00011956-00012295 Pavol Classic Štefanec - Stan is a robot! EP2rS_496uc-00031-00012295-00012664 This is not question, this is a fact! EP2rS_496uc-00032-00012664-00012859 Don't know what you are talking about. EP2rS_496uc-00033-00012859-00013256 I also need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle. EP2rS_496uc-00034-00013256-00013656 John Scripture - When will king of the hill be back on the Amazon server? EP2rS_496uc-00035-00013656-00014035 Join the upcoming Koth test and help us figure our this question. EP2rS_496uc-00036-00014035-00014420 We really hope that king of the hill will return in glory. EP2rS_496uc-00037-00014420-00015090 Javier Mtz - WHY HAVEN’T YOU GUYS MADE A STORY MODE ON THE GAME!!! EP2rS_496uc-00038-00015090-00015596 Kyle Rogers story and all the pilots in general is our first step in the direction of story EP2rS_496uc-00039-00015596-00015696 mode. EP2rS_496uc-00040-00015696-00016293 Of course we are not ready yet to get the complex storymode like a game mode but we EP2rS_496uc-00041-00016293-00016703 really want to dig deeper into the lore and share it with you guys. EP2rS_496uc-00042-00016703-00017076 Johnmark Hutson - dogs or cats? EP2rS_496uc-00043-00017076-00017454 That's pretty funny actually cause I am definitely a dog person. EP2rS_496uc-00044-00017454-00017615 But I have two cats. EP2rS_496uc-00045-00017615-00017944 They are both street cats by the way. EP2rS_496uc-00046-00017944-00018504 James Tang - why my connection always have problem whenever my team is about to win? EP2rS_496uc-00047-00018504-00018884 Were there any hacker behind this or I am just pure unlucky? EP2rS_496uc-00048-00018884-00019309 Well James I’m afraid you’re a little bit unlucky, but there is a chance still that EP2rS_496uc-00049-00019309-00019761 your neighbor is playing War Robots as well and hacks your connection every time your EP2rS_496uc-00050-00019761-00020030 team is winning so you probably should check it out. EP2rS_496uc-00051-00020030-00020518 Geert Casteels - Stan, why isnt the Fenrir looking like a wolf? EP2rS_496uc-00052-00020518-00020865 In my opinion there could have been done so much more with its design. EP2rS_496uc-00053-00020865-00021254 A tail, a mode where it runs on 4 legs. EP2rS_496uc-00054-00021254-00021354 That's an interesting question. EP2rS_496uc-00055-00021354-00021937 Fenrir is a transformer, so it can be both a wolf and a bear. EP2rS_496uc-00056-00021937-00022582 We needed something that had features of both animals in the design and so one of the reasons EP2rS_496uc-00057-00022582-00024496 why it isn't a wolf like a clear wolf. EP2rS_496uc-00058-00024496-00025048 Christopher Dineros - Is there a possibilty to have a spectators view option in War Robots? EP2rS_496uc-00059-00025048-00025493 We definitely thought about it, but frankly speaking it is not our top priority. EP2rS_496uc-00060-00025493-00025897 But I can say that spectator's view can really boost the tournaments. EP2rS_496uc-00061-00025897-00026394 Michael La Rochelle - I love the game and everything about it. EP2rS_496uc-00062-00026394-00026864 I just ask that invader gets stuck climbing and gets stuck if just hanging off platform EP2rS_496uc-00063-00026864-00027177 or obstacles please hope it gets fixed. EP2rS_496uc-00064-00027177-00027431 It's really tricky to control any spider bot. EP2rS_496uc-00065-00027431-00028047 You see our human mind can easily control two legged bots, but when you add two more EP2rS_496uc-00066-00028047-00028245 legs, it gets pretty weird. EP2rS_496uc-00067-00028245-00028901 So thus one needs a lot of time and practice to master a four legged robots. EP2rS_496uc-00068-00028901-00029427 Another thing is you can always send us screenshots and videos to help us find tricky places on EP2rS_496uc-00069-00029427-00029527 our maps. EP2rS_496uc-00070-00029527-00029949 Edward Tsenteradze - What is the universe made of? EP2rS_496uc-00071-00029949-00030186 Snips and snails and puppy-dog tales. EP2rS_496uc-00072-00030186-00030538 With a splash of war and robots. EP2rS_496uc-00073-00030538-00030955 Richard Troy Brieno - How do I pause during game play? EP2rS_496uc-00074-00030955-00031055 Just... EP2rS_496uc-00075-00031055-00031258 Stop for a minute. EP2rS_496uc-00076-00031258-00031464 Take a deep breath. EP2rS_496uc-00077-00031464-00031581 Close your eyes. EP2rS_496uc-00078-00031581-00031814 Put some relaxing music. EP2rS_496uc-00079-00031814-00032412 Matt Leggee - If you could be created as a robot, which would it be and why??? EP2rS_496uc-00080-00032412-00032811 You know I am more of a helping type of guy, that's one of the reasons why I like Mender EP2rS_496uc-00081-00032811-00032990 and Weiland. EP2rS_496uc-00082-00032990-00033574 The other thing is that I really like constructions with smooth lines, so I think I gotta be a EP2rS_496uc-00083-00033574-00034229 deer type robot that has an ability to save allies with lower HP, maybe protecting with EP2rS_496uc-00084-00034229-00034337 its horns. EP2rS_496uc-00085-00034337-00034722 Alvin Sam - Are u still Eminem’s number one fan? EP2rS_496uc-00086-00034722-00035009 Dear Slim, I wrote you but you ain't calling. EP2rS_496uc-00087-00035009-00035390 I sent you two letters back in autumn but you must not have got them. EP2rS_496uc-00088-00035390-00035766 Arunav Guhathakurta - what if we reach the other ship on carrier map? EP2rS_496uc-00089-00035766-00035916 Try and see for yourself. EP2rS_496uc-00090-00035916-00036190 There is something really cool there! EP2rS_496uc-00091-00036190-00036821 Just don’t forget to send us the video, cause there is a big prize for the first person EP2rS_496uc-00092-00036821-00036936 to reach it. EP2rS_496uc-00093-00036936-00037328 Jon Janaka asks - how did you beat the Turing test? EP2rS_496uc-00094-00037328-00037811 Jon I think you should read “Do Androids Dream of Electro Sheep?” - the answer is EP2rS_496uc-00095-00037811-00037911 there. EP2rS_496uc-00096-00037911-00038099 What’s the meaning of life? EP2rS_496uc-00097-00038099-00038218 Everyone decides for themselves. EP2rS_496uc-00098-00038218-00038732 From my point of view the meaning of life is being happy... EP2rS_496uc-00099-00038732-00039001 In any form you understand it. EP2rS_496uc-00100-00039001-00039156 And love. EP2rS_496uc-00101-00039156-00039256 Definitely love. EP2rS_496uc-00102-00039256-00039356 Alright. EP2rS_496uc-00103-00039356-00039544 Thank you for your questions guys. EP2rS_496uc-00104-00039544-00039644 That's it. EP2rS_496uc-00105-00039644-00039755 Hope you liked it. EP2rS_496uc-00106-00039755-00040177 If yes tell us in the comments if we should do this format of video in the future. EP2rS_496uc-00107-00040177-00041256 And of course subscribe to our official social media like Facebook or YouTube. EP2rS_496uc-00108-00041256-00041509 See you on the battlefield. EP2rS_496uc-00109-00041509-00041609 Ciao! EP2rS_496uc-00110-00041609-00041800 And don't forget to subscribe. EP2rS_496uc-00111-00041800-00041919 Hope you are doing great. EP2rS_496uc-00112-00041919-00042241 Have a nice day. EP2rS_496uc-00113-00042241-00042402 Aaand subscribe. EP2rS_496uc-00114-00042402-00042643 Everything is fine. EP2rS_496uc-00115-00042643-00042714 And subscribe. ESz2TZPL6ak-00000-00000010-00000066 THEY WOULD END UP WINNING IN ESz2TZPL6ak-00001-00000066-00000073 THEY WOULD END UP WINNING IN ESz2TZPL6ak-00002-00000073-00000306 THEY WOULD END UP WINNING IN OVERTIME ON A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. ESz2TZPL6ak-00003-00000306-00000313 THEY WOULD END UP WINNING IN OVERTIME ON A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. ESz2TZPL6ak-00004-00000313-00000597 THEY WOULD END UP WINNING IN OVERTIME ON A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. SENIOR NIGHT FOR THE BLACKDUCK ESz2TZPL6ak-00005-00000597-00000603 OVERTIME ON A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. SENIOR NIGHT FOR THE BLACKDUCK ESz2TZPL6ak-00006-00000603-00000780 OVERTIME ON A QUARTERBACK SNEAK. SENIOR NIGHT FOR THE BLACKDUCK AGAINST THE BGMR GATORS. ESz2TZPL6ak-00007-00000780-00000787 SENIOR NIGHT FOR THE BLACKDUCK AGAINST THE BGMR GATORS. ESz2TZPL6ak-00008-00000787-00000907 SENIOR NIGHT FOR THE BLACKDUCK AGAINST THE BGMR GATORS. 12-NOTHING IN THE FIRST HALF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00009-00000907-00000914 AGAINST THE BGMR GATORS. 12-NOTHING IN THE FIRST HALF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00010-00000914-00001388 AGAINST THE BGMR GATORS. 12-NOTHING IN THE FIRST HALF. THIS IS THE SECOND HALF KICK ESz2TZPL6ak-00011-00001388-00001394 12-NOTHING IN THE FIRST HALF. THIS IS THE SECOND HALF KICK ESz2TZPL6ak-00012-00001394-00001421 12-NOTHING IN THE FIRST HALF. THIS IS THE SECOND HALF KICK OFF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00013-00001421-00001428 THIS IS THE SECOND HALF KICK OFF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00014-00001428-00001624 THIS IS THE SECOND HALF KICK OFF. HE GETS THE BALL, MAKES A LOT ESz2TZPL6ak-00015-00001624-00001631 OFF. HE GETS THE BALL, MAKES A LOT ESz2TZPL6ak-00016-00001631-00001768 OFF. HE GETS THE BALL, MAKES A LOT MISS, CREATES OPENING, ALL THE ESz2TZPL6ak-00017-00001768-00001775 HE GETS THE BALL, MAKES A LOT MISS, CREATES OPENING, ALL THE ESz2TZPL6ak-00018-00001775-00001958 HE GETS THE BALL, MAKES A LOT MISS, CREATES OPENING, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE 15 YARD LINE, ESz2TZPL6ak-00019-00001958-00001965 MISS, CREATES OPENING, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE 15 YARD LINE, ESz2TZPL6ak-00020-00001965-00002052 MISS, CREATES OPENING, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE 15 YARD LINE, TACKLED OUT OF BOUNDS. ESz2TZPL6ak-00021-00002052-00002058 WAY DOWN TO THE 15 YARD LINE, TACKLED OUT OF BOUNDS. ESz2TZPL6ak-00022-00002058-00002178 WAY DOWN TO THE 15 YARD LINE, TACKLED OUT OF BOUNDS. BUT HE GOT THEM DOWN THAT FAR. ESz2TZPL6ak-00023-00002178-00002185 TACKLED OUT OF BOUNDS. BUT HE GOT THEM DOWN THAT FAR. ESz2TZPL6ak-00024-00002185-00002392 TACKLED OUT OF BOUNDS. BUT HE GOT THEM DOWN THAT FAR. MIGHT AS WELL DO IT THE REST ESz2TZPL6ak-00025-00002392-00002399 BUT HE GOT THEM DOWN THAT FAR. MIGHT AS WELL DO IT THE REST ESz2TZPL6ak-00026-00002399-00002429 BUT HE GOT THEM DOWN THAT FAR. MIGHT AS WELL DO IT THE REST YOURSELF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00027-00002429-00002435 MIGHT AS WELL DO IT THE REST YOURSELF. ESz2TZPL6ak-00028-00002435-00002555 MIGHT AS WELL DO IT THE REST YOURSELF. FROM 8 YARDS OUT, HE DIVES FOR ESz2TZPL6ak-00029-00002555-00002562 YOURSELF. FROM 8 YARDS OUT, HE DIVES FOR ESz2TZPL6ak-00030-00002562-00002612 YOURSELF. FROM 8 YARDS OUT, HE DIVES FOR THE TOUCHDOWN. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00000-00000012-00000750 it's early in the morning you wake up and say to yourself today is the day to be productive you EWDBdBp7AJ4-00001-00000750-00001254 walk downstairs start your computer and the first thing you see is a League of Legends. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00002-00001344-00001452 So what do you do? EWDBdBp7AJ4-00003-00001530-00001823 One game wouldn't be a problem right first? EWDBdBp7AJ4-00004-00001823-00002412 what are you doing with your life you are now playing on your PlayStation 4 EWDBdBp7AJ4-00005-00002412-00002982 and you're surrounded by bags of chips & sodas and you started smoking again. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00006-00003072-00003252 The bad habit cycle EWDBdBp7AJ4-00007-00003324-00003702 So yeah what I just told you actually happened to me quite EWDBdBp7AJ4-00008-00003702-00004242 often but instead of someone yelling at me it was me who felt bad afterwards. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00009-00004242-00004698 The bad habit cycle is a cycle to push you in when you go to hooked by EWDBdBp7AJ4-00010-00004698-00005220 a bad habit you start with a small bad habit and that habit opens the door to EWDBdBp7AJ4-00011-00005220-00005802 another one and another one and another one and that is a cycle of bad habits. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00012-00005802-00006150 James Clear causes a negative habit stacking. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00013-00006150-00006438 Fortunately, it's easy to see what tricks EWDBdBp7AJ4-00014-00006438-00006900 the beginning of a bad habit. You first, have to analyze the EWDBdBp7AJ4-00015-00006900-00007422 cues that trigger you to start a bad habit. And it sounds hard but it's not EWDBdBp7AJ4-00016-00007422-00007638 Let's take the example from the intro. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00017-00007638-00008022 My cue was when I started my computer and saw the EWDBdBp7AJ4-00018-00008022-00008430 League of Legends logo on my screen this triggers me to play the game. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00019-00008496-00008898 If I didn't see the logo on my screen I would not have clicked on it. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00020-00008898-00009300 To avoid getting trapped in a bad habit cycle you have EWDBdBp7AJ4-00021-00009300-00009594 to make the cue or the trigger point invisible. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00022-00009648-00010104 Remove League of Legends from your computer, get away from people who EWDBdBp7AJ4-00023-00010104-00010530 smoke and don't buy bags of ships or candy if you want to lose weight. EWDBdBp7AJ4-00024-00010530-00011022 Making the cues invisible helps you play down the bad habit it EWDBdBp7AJ4-00025-00011022-00011358 helps you forget about the habit and let you focus on other things EWTBkKoMVy8-00000-00000008-00000592 today i'll discuss about one of the most popular pioneer controversial but an honest EWTBkKoMVy8-00001-00000648-00001264 modern indo anglian poetics of the 20th century and she is none other than kamladas EWTBkKoMVy8-00002-00001384-00001760 kamladas popularly known by her one time pain named EWTBkKoMVy8-00003-00001823-00002912 madhuvi khutti and born on 31st march 1934 was the daughter of a malayalam poet balmani EWTBkKoMVy8-00004-00003160-00003760 she has the credit of making modern indo-alien poetry a world famous phenomenon EWTBkKoMVy8-00005-00003888-00004200 and she also holds the distinction EWTBkKoMVy8-00006-00004264-00005080 to be the only modern woman poet who has evoked the maximum response of foreign critics EWTBkKoMVy8-00007-00005296-00005672 she started writing poetry while studying in school EWTBkKoMVy8-00008-00005736-00006528 but before her contribution to indian english poetry she had got fame as a malayali writer EWTBkKoMVy8-00009-00006759-00007552 in 1963 she was aborted by the pain asian poetry prize in 1968 she was awarded by EWTBkKoMVy8-00010-00007552-00008728 the kerala sahit academy award for her story tanupu and in 1984 she was shortlisted EWTBkKoMVy8-00011-00008728-00009536 for nobel prize in literature let us discuss kamla da's major works and their subject matters EWTBkKoMVy8-00012-00009752-00010720 her first volume summer in calcutta appeared in 1965 the descendants in 1967 the old playhouse and EWTBkKoMVy8-00013-00010720-00011648 other poems appeared in 1973 which brought wide popularity and recognition for her among the group EWTBkKoMVy8-00014-00011648-00012376 of literary scholars her first volume of poems which is summer in calcutta deals with subjects EWTBkKoMVy8-00015-00012432-00013047 like man woman relationship childhood experience identity crisis social consciousness etc EWTBkKoMVy8-00016-00013119-00013904 lecture volume has become exclusively concerned with man-woman relationship and its complexities EWTBkKoMVy8-00017-00014000-00014768 her distinction in her daring portrayal of sex attempted for the first time by any woman poet EWTBkKoMVy8-00018-00014768-00015880 in india earned her the title queen of erotica her autobiography my story and novel alphabets of lust EWTBkKoMVy8-00019-00015952-00016784 captured the interest of the readers in her poetry presents the problem of man and woman EWTBkKoMVy8-00020-00016784-00017552 relationship the quest of love and the curses of woman identity in her autobiography which is EWTBkKoMVy8-00021-00017552-00018480 my story written in 1970 presents her own life she says that her parents were indifferent towards her EWTBkKoMVy8-00022-00018608-00019336 they were not so caring as it is in her biography telling about her father EWTBkKoMVy8-00023-00019400-00020312 she quotes he was not of an affectionate nature so we grew up more or less neglected as he grew EWTBkKoMVy8-00024-00020312-00021008 up she expected for a peaceful relationship which would make ample laments for all the loss she had EWTBkKoMVy8-00025-00021008-00021664 sustained in the in her childhood in her parental house like conversation warmth and companionship EWTBkKoMVy8-00026-00021720-00022456 but unfortunately enough she could get nothing from her marriage except pain and sufferings she EWTBkKoMVy8-00027-00022456-00023304 felt jilted in love her husband was busy in worldly affairs he was calories selfish and EWTBkKoMVy8-00028-00023304-00024304 lustful her husband was so in caring that even in case of her ill health he would force her for sex EWTBkKoMVy8-00029-00024440-00024968 kamrangas has been regarded as the most prominent of confessional groups of indian english poets EWTBkKoMVy8-00030-00025064-00025944 she herself confessed that she likes to confess she makes confessions to release her tensions EWTBkKoMVy8-00031-00025944-00026895 agony anxiety but at the same time she goes beyond confession by using myth of myth of lord krishna EWTBkKoMVy8-00032-00026952-00027664 in her casually she writes i begin to write poetry with the ignoble aim of being a man EWTBkKoMVy8-00033-00027800-00028304 i feel forced to be honest in my poetry EWTBkKoMVy8-00034-00028592-00029183 an introduction the freaks composition the old playhouse collected poems volume etc EWTBkKoMVy8-00035-00029183-00029727 are the other notable and most read works of kamladas an introduction expresses the EWTBkKoMVy8-00036-00029727-00030295 poet's most innermost thoughts and feelings her gravity and identity is emphasized in it EWTBkKoMVy8-00037-00030360-00031008 it also expresses her arteries against the critics who ask her to write in her mother tongue alone EWTBkKoMVy8-00038-00031088-00032056 english true has become a part of her intellectual and emotional framework in her poem the freak EWTBkKoMVy8-00039-00032144-00032864 kamladas expresses her failure of love her soul searching question finds no answer EWTBkKoMVy8-00040-00032864-00033528 the heart remains hollow that is the reason why she blatantly calls herself a freak EWTBkKoMVy8-00041-00033696-00034608 to sum up we can see in all of works she has tried to reflect the depth of her senseless feelings EWTBkKoMVy8-00042-00034720-00035480 she has mastery in describing the originality of indian-ness though she earned great name and fame EWTBkKoMVy8-00043-00035480-00036232 even in foreign countries she never wanted herself to be separated from indian soil through her works EWTBkKoMVy8-00044-00036232-00037024 she brought remarkable changes in the fear of indian english poetry indeed she proves herself EWTBkKoMVy8-00045-00037104-00037840 to be distinctive literary figure among the indian scholars students i expect you have EWTBkKoMVy8-00046-00037840-00038672 understood this topic very clearly kamladas has been pioneering pertis and her poems her novels EWTBkKoMVy8-00047-00038752-00039456 basically her works are very important for user classes busy classes and examinations like net jrf EWTBkKoMVy8-00048-00039528-00040264 and some competitive examinations when you face these examinations questions are regularly asked EWTBkKoMVy8-00049-00040360-00041096 keeping this in view i have prepared some questions of subjective sort EWTBkKoMVy8-00050-00041096-00041704 on sort or one word answer type questions these questions are on a screen either no done EWTBkKoMVy8-00051-00041704-00042304 or screen sorted and answer the sort type questions in comment box EWTBkKoMVy8-00052-00042400-00043176 and don't forget to share subscribe this channel if you are watching on youtube and follow this if EWTBkKoMVy8-00053-00043176-00044056 you're watching on facebook and dailymotion thank you thank you a lot please stay home and stay safe EZ2vW3dxV0c-00000-00000056-00000462 HEY GUYS; THIS WEEK IN THE RUNDOWN WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM C-N-P AND FLEET EZ2vW3dxV0c-00001-00000462-00000911 BELDO, WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH MCPON WHERE WE TALK ABOUT THE NAVY’S REVIEW OF RATING EZ2vW3dxV0c-00002-00000911-00001780 TITLES AND COMMANDS CAN NOW SUBMIT A B-B-D ACCESS REQUEST. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00003-00001780-00002189 C-N-P AND FLEET BELDO HAVE A MESSAGE REGARDING SUICIDE PREVENTION. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00004-00002189-00002658 THEY BOTH WANT ALL SAILORS TO REMAIN VIGILANT, AND TO ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE TO OUR SHIPMATES EZ2vW3dxV0c-00005-00002658-00002842 IN A TIME OF NEED. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00006-00002842-00004134 CHECK OUT SOME OF THEIR MESSAGE EZ2vW3dxV0c-00007-00004134-00005113 TO THE FLEET. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00008-00005113-00007097 -VIDEO- CNP’S AND FLEET BELDO’S FULL MESSAGE CAN EZ2vW3dxV0c-00009-00007097-00007318 BE VIEWED ON NAVY LIVE. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00010-00007318-00007750 ON LAST WEEK’S EPISODE, WE TALKED ABOUT THE NAVY’S REVIEW OF RATING TITLES. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00011-00007750-00008168 THE REVIEW IS DESIGNED TO MAKE JOB TITLES MORE INCLUSIVE AND RELEVANT TO THE DEMANDS EZ2vW3dxV0c-00012-00008168-00008339 OF TODAY’S NAVY. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00013-00008339-00008772 TAKING THE LEAD ON THIS IS MCPON STEVENS WHO I HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO TALK TO ABOUT THE EZ2vW3dxV0c-00014-00008772-00009222 REVIEW, HIS PLANS FOR IMPLANTATION, AND WHAT IT ALL MEANS FOR THE FUTURE OF THE NAVY. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00015-00009222-00010099 HERE’S SOME OF WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00016-00010099-00011945 -VIDEO- YOU EZ2vW3dxV0c-00017-00011945-00012307 CAN CHECK OUT THE FULL INTERVIEW ON NAVY LIVE. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00018-00012307-00012715 WE HAVE MORE INFORMATION ON THE HOT TOPIC LAST WEEK THAT WAS BILLET BASED DISTRIBUTION, EZ2vW3dxV0c-00019-00012715-00012815 OR B-B-D. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00020-00012815-00013538 N-P-C IS ASKING ALL COMMAND DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES TO SUBMIT A B-B-D ACCESS REQUEST. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00021-00013538-00014036 THE REQUEST WILL ALLOW SAILORS WITH ROLES RELATED TO CMS-ID OR B-B-D, ACCESS TO THE EZ2vW3dxV0c-00022-00014036-00014163 SYSTEM. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00023-00014163-00014728 FOR ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS, GO TO THE N-P-C MAIN WEBSITE, CLICK THE ENLISTED TAB, BILLET BASED EZ2vW3dxV0c-00024-00014728-00015076 DISTRIBUTION AND B-B-D ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS ON THE RIGHT. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00025-00015076-00015665 THERE’S A LOT OF INFORMATION ON N-P-C REGARDING B-B-D, SO BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00026-00015665-00015887 THAT’S ALL WE HAVE THIS WEEK. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00027-00015887-00016306 FOR ANY QUESTIONS SEND US A MESSAGE AT USNPEOPLE AT GMAIL DOT COM. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00028-00016306-00016591 FOR THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL, I’M MC2 LJ BURLESON. EZ2vW3dxV0c-00029-00016591-00016690 THANKS FOR WATCHING. EZGCv122AVE-00000-00000173-00000706 This was just a warm-up, if I get pinned it doesn't make a difference. EZGCv122AVE-00001-00000710-00001083 Loot at this Pro-wrestling master, he's barely sweating. EZGCv122AVE-00002-00001090-00001213 Hey, Goto... EZGCv122AVE-00003-00001220-00001576 Where are we going, next? It’s Yokohama, right? EZGCv122AVE-00004-00001583-00001926 You’ll be tortured by Zack’s technique. EZGCv122AVE-00005-00001930-00002273 You're also a champion, aren’t you. Now it’s getting interesting. EZGCv122AVE-00006-00002276-00002463 俺にはもう優勝のチャンスはない。 EZGCv122AVE-00007-00002533-00002853 でも他の奴らがみんな食中毒にでもかかったら、 俺が決勝に出れるかもな。 EZGCv122AVE-00008-00002860-00003343 俺は肉を食わないから心配しなくていい。 EZGCv122AVE-00009-00003393-00004020 優勝は出来なくても、USベルトには挑戦してやる。 EZGCv122AVE-00010-00004023-00004543 そしてあの顔デカからNEVERベルトも奪ってやるぜ。 EZGCv122AVE-00011-00004543-00004716 DESTRUCTIONでNEVERベルトを取って、 EZGCv122AVE-00012-00004720-00005370 その後はアメリカでUSベルトも取ってやる。イギリス人が USチャンピオンなんておもしれぇだろ。 EZGCv122AVE-00013-00005380-00005793 まずは横浜で後藤を沈めてやる。 EZGCv122AVE-00014-00005793-00006516 そしてDESTRUCTION初日でお前からNEVERのベルトを 奪ってやる。すぐにでもそのベルトが欲しいぜ。 EZGCv122AVE-00015-00006800-00007490 Yesterday he beat a champion. Goto, you know what will happen if you lose, right? EZGCv122AVE-00016-00007496-00007709 You know, Goto. You are the next... EZGCv122AVE-00017-00007713-00007943 JUST TAP OUT! EZGCv122AVE-00018-00008373-00008813 I’ll put it this way, the winds blow hot in Osaka. EZGCv122AVE-00019-00008943-00009333 I know that TAKA Michinoku is a great technician. EZGCv122AVE-00020-00009360-00009763 But you can still get pinned. EZGCv122AVE-00021-00009796-00010036 JUST 3 COUNT! EZGCv122AVE-00022-00010376-00010806 I have faced Zack Sabre, before, a few times. EZGCv122AVE-00023-00010820-00011133 I'm familiar with his technique. EZGCv122AVE-00024-00011186-00011723 My power goes beyond any technique. EZGCv122AVE-00025-00011766-00011916 I’ll knock him out. EbYc19MXPKY-00000-00000000-00001200 Welcome to our channel - YouCook World !!! EbYc19MXPKY-00001-00001200-00003500 You are looking - How to cook turkey drumstick in the oven, #meat, #turkey meat, #drumstick EbYc19MXPKY-00003-00008200-00011100 Enjoy your meal!!! EcDcWNZlcMI-00000-00000432-00001448 cause i've been living life right like i could just die any minute. don't pull right down. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00000-00000026-00000149 I was in seventh grade. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00001-00000149-00000809 I read and Isaac Asimov story about the implications of what free energy would do and I sort of Ei1XVwOjmaE-00002-00000809-00001275 knew I wanted something- I was going to be an engineer or scientist just from day one, Ei1XVwOjmaE-00003-00001275-00001610 and this sort of said- Ok, what can you do to make a difference? Ei1XVwOjmaE-00004-00001610-00002057 And that was where I sort of said advanced nuclear power was something that could make Ei1XVwOjmaE-00005-00002057-00002581 a difference, and that low-cost clean energy could make a huge difference to society. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00006-00002581-00003032 If I'm gonna have to get up every day for 50 or 60 years and working on something well Ei1XVwOjmaE-00007-00003032-00003223 it ought to be something I believe in. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00008-00003223-00003424 And so here is some FLiNaK. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00009-00003424-00003559 This is a fluoride salts. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00010-00003559-00003839 FLiBe actually looks almost identical to this. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00011-00003839-00004076 Liquid salts are an outstanding heat transfer media. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00012-00004076-00004466 It really doesn't matter what you're going to be transferring heat for- Whether this Ei1XVwOjmaE-00013-00004466-00005057 be a solar power tower, whether this be a salt cooled reactor, a Molten Salt Reactor, Ei1XVwOjmaE-00014-00005057-00005317 viscosity on it is 30 times larger. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00015-00005317-00005703 Water is very low viscosity so it's still very low viscosity fluid. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00016-00005703-00006105 Some people might imagine this is quite a gloopy or kind of slow moving liquid but it's Ei1XVwOjmaE-00017-00006105-00006209 actually quite fluid. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00018-00006209-00006309 You're right. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00019-00006309-00006753 It does go through a melt much like a glass as opposed to water which doesn't quite do Ei1XVwOjmaE-00020-00006753-00006853 that. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00021-00006853-00007220 So we want to run it at 100 degrees or so above this so it does flow nicely. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00022-00007220-00007667 If you go ahead and you repeat doing things in here you can see you start to etch the Ei1XVwOjmaE-00023-00007667-00007871 glass just a little bit. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00024-00007871-00008331 So what we have to do in a reactor is keep things very highly reducing. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00025-00008331-00008829 If you put an extra beryllium in there, essentially giving you a preferred spot to rust. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00026-00008829-00009468 And so this is all about controlling the potential corrosion of the salt within any vessel that Ei1XVwOjmaE-00027-00009468-00009568 you put it in. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00028-00009568-00010235 The iron in some of the the alloys or is more soluble at higher temperatures and in your Ei1XVwOjmaE-00029-00010235-00010690 heat exchanger where it's a hot temperatures you will get medals taken out a solution and Ei1XVwOjmaE-00030-00010690-00010959 then it gets the colder end it will redeposit. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00031-00010959-00011506 So you can self-plug your heat exchangers which you would very much like not to do. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00032-00011506-00011965 Your technique to avoid that is keep everything very well reduced so it doesn't corrode in Ei1XVwOjmaE-00033-00011965-00012071 the first place. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00034-00012071-00012496 You'll make it lousy, but there are no strong chemical reactions that are going to take Ei1XVwOjmaE-00035-00012496-00012806 place between the salt and even direct contact with water. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00036-00012806-00013188 The hazards on this are same thing as the hazards on a deep-fat fryer, which is, I trip Ei1XVwOjmaE-00037-00013188-00013686 throwing hot oil or hot salt in this case on visitors would be considered a bad. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00038-00013686-00013808 But there's nothing else to this. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00039-00013808-00014021 It just makes a nice little clear liquid. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00040-00014021-00014556 But I'll just pour this out into a stainless steel crucible, and you could hear that little Ei1XVwOjmaE-00041-00014556-00014969 snap there was just there was a little bit of moisture at the bottom of the stainless Ei1XVwOjmaE-00042-00014969-00015069 steel. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00043-00015069-00015428 I mean at 450 degrees this thing is a solid. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00044-00015428-00015732 So it doesn't take very long for it to form a solid again. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00045-00015732-00015936 Isn't that a nice feature? Ei1XVwOjmaE-00046-00015936-00016540 If you had a little crack on this and it started to weep- it forms a plug. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00047-00016540-00016640 Self plugging. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00048-00016640-00016752 That's nice thing about not being under pressure. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00049-00016752-00017123 On the other hand if your design keeps the vessel hot it'll stay liquid on there but Ei1XVwOjmaE-00050-00017123-00017270 that's why you have a guard vessel. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00051-00017270-00017663 If your absolute worst-case happens and you have massive vessel rupture well you still Ei1XVwOjmaE-00052-00017663-00017801 catch it. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00053-00017801-00018275 The idea of this loop- To retain our expertise in using high temperature salts. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00054-00018275-00018808 To provide a platform for us to test different components different reactor concepts. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00055-00018808-00019353 Above about 600 C it becomes technologically very difficult to transfer heat effectively. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00056-00019353-00019946 The loop is designed to run at 700 Celsius that's about 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00057-00019946-00020176 And the whole loop is made out of Inconel 600. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00058-00020176-00020689 Currently, the loop is designed to run on FLiNaK which has pretty similar properties Ei1XVwOjmaE-00059-00020689-00020797 to FLiBe. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00060-00020797-00021105 It's just a different salt with different composition. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00061-00021105-00021500 The main purpose of the enclosure is to keep the heat inside. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00062-00021500-00021742 The loop is designed to be about 200 kilowatts. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00063-00021742-00021954 That is 700 C. That's pretty hot. Ei1XVwOjmaE-00064-00021954-00022531 We'd rather keep the heat in here, out the ceiling, instead of trying to air-condition Ei1XVwOjmaE-00065-00022531-00022617 the room with 200 kilowatts. Foqtnutbx9c-00000-00000006-00000576 AUJOURD'HUI LE 11 AVRIL 2023, LES FORCES ARMÉE DE LA FÉDÉRATION DE RUSSIE POURSUIT SON Foqtnutbx9c-00001-00000576-00000736 OPÉRATION MILITAIRE SPÉCIALE EN UKRAINE. Foqtnutbx9c-00002-00000736-00001123 Dans la direction de Kupyansk, des frappes aériennes et des tirs d'artillerie du groupe Foqtnutbx9c-00003-00001123-00001478 de troupes "occidental" ont touché des unités des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans les zones Foqtnutbx9c-00004-00001478-00001930 des colonies de Sinkovka et de Kislovka, dans la région de Kharkiv. Foqtnutbx9c-00005-00001930-00002431 Plus de 30 militaires ukrainiens, trois chars, deux voitures, ainsi qu'une monture d'artillerie Foqtnutbx9c-00006-00002431-00002747 automotrice Krab de fabrication polonaise ont été détruits. Foqtnutbx9c-00007-00002747-00003224 Dans la direction Krasno-Limansky, des frappes d'avions d'attaque, des tirs d'artillerie Foqtnutbx9c-00008-00003224-00003606 et des opérations actives d'unités du groupe de troupes "Centre" ont frappé des unités Foqtnutbx9c-00009-00003606-00004072 ennemies dans la zone de la colonie de Yampolovka de la République populaire de Donetsk. Foqtnutbx9c-00010-00004072-00004423 Au cours de la journée, les pertes de l'ennemi dans cette direction se sont élevées à Foqtnutbx9c-00011-00004423-00004851 plus de 90 militaires ukrainiens, trois véhicules de combat blindés, une camionnette et un Foqtnutbx9c-00012-00004851-00004956 obusier D-30. Foqtnutbx9c-00013-00004956-00005414 Dans la direction de Donetsk, les principaux efforts dans les combats se sont concentrés Foqtnutbx9c-00014-00005414-00005671 dans la région de la ville d'Artemovsk. Foqtnutbx9c-00015-00005671-00006078 Les détachements d'assaut "Wagner" ont continué à se battre pour capturer des quartiers dans Foqtnutbx9c-00016-00006078-00006360 la partie centrale d'Artemovsk et pousser l'ennemi à la périphérie ouest de la colonie. Foqtnutbx9c-00017-00006360-00006923 Sur les flancs, les actions des pelotons d'assaut sont appuyées par des unités des Forces Foqtnutbx9c-00018-00006923-00007023 aéroportées. Foqtnutbx9c-00019-00007023-00007444 Les troupes de missiles et les unités d'artillerie du groupe de forces "Sud" et de l'aviation Foqtnutbx9c-00020-00007444-00007898 opérationnelle et tactique fournissent un appui aérien et de tir pour les opérations Foqtnutbx9c-00021-00007898-00007998 offensives. Foqtnutbx9c-00022-00007998-00008343 Au cours des dernières 24 heures, à cette fin, l'aviation a effectué 11 sorties dans Foqtnutbx9c-00023-00008343-00008772 la région de la ville d'Artemovsk et 48 missions de tir ont été effectuées par des troupes Foqtnutbx9c-00024-00008772-00009004 de roquettes et d'artillerie. Foqtnutbx9c-00025-00009004-00009363 Les pertes ennemies par jour se sont élevées à plus de 450 militaires et mercenaires ukrainiens, Foqtnutbx9c-00026-00009363-00009918 trois chars, trois véhicules de combat d'infanterie, six véhicules de combat blindés, six véhicules, Foqtnutbx9c-00027-00009918-00010379 des obusiers D-20 et MSTA-B, ainsi que deux stations radar pour le combat contre-batterie Foqtnutbx9c-00028-00010379-00010616 AN / TPQ-50 fabriqué aux États-Unis. Foqtnutbx9c-00029-00010616-00011056 Dans les directions Sud-Donetsk et Zaporozhye, les frappes aériennes et les tirs d'artillerie Foqtnutbx9c-00030-00011056-00011435 du groupe de forces Vostok ont ​​infligé une défaite aux unités des Forces armées Foqtnutbx9c-00031-00011435-00011860 ukrainiennes dans les zones des colonies de Novomikhailovka et de Vugledar de la République Foqtnutbx9c-00032-00011860-00012050 populaire de Donetsk. Foqtnutbx9c-00033-00012050-00012518 Au cours de la journée, jusqu'à 30 militaires ukrainiens, une camionnette, un obusier MSTA-B Foqtnutbx9c-00034-00012518-00012950 et une monture d'artillerie automotrice Akatsiya ont été détruits dans ces zones. Foqtnutbx9c-00035-00012950-00013363 Dans la direction de Kherson, jusqu'à 10 militaires ukrainiens, deux voitures, deux Foqtnutbx9c-00036-00013363-00013769 supports d'artillerie automoteurs Gvozdika, un obusier D-30 et un véhicule de combat Foqtnutbx9c-00037-00013769-00014038 Grad MLRS ont été détruits lors d'un incendie. Foqtnutbx9c-00038-00014038-00014427 L'aviation opérationnelle et tactique, les troupes de missiles et l'artillerie des groupes Foqtnutbx9c-00039-00014427-00014747 de troupes (forces) des Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie ont infligé la Foqtnutbx9c-00040-00014747-00015168 défaite aux 74e unités d'artillerie des Forces armées ukrainiennes en positions de Foqtnutbx9c-00041-00015168-00015775 tir, en effectifs et en équipement dans 97 districts en une journée . Dans la zone de Foqtnutbx9c-00042-00015775-00016211 la colonie de Mirolyubovka, dans la région de Zaporozhye, une position a été ouverte Foqtnutbx9c-00043-00016211-00016773 et un radar de ciblage du système de missiles anti-aériens ukrainien S-300 a été détruit. Foqtnutbx9c-00044-00016773-00017048 Un dépôt de munitions d'artillerie de la 110e brigade mécanisée des forces armées Foqtnutbx9c-00045-00017048-00017439 ukrainiennes a été détruit près de la colonie d'Ocheretino dans la République populaire Foqtnutbx9c-00046-00017439-00017539 de Donetsk. Foqtnutbx9c-00047-00017539-00018009 Une station radar de contre-batterie AN / TPQ-50 fabriquée aux États-Unis a été détruite Foqtnutbx9c-00048-00018009-00018548 dans la région de la colonie de Dyleevka dans la République populaire de Donetsk. Foqtnutbx9c-00049-00018548-00018884 Les systèmes de défense aérienne ont intercepté quatre lance-roquettes multiples HIMARS et Foqtnutbx9c-00050-00018884-00019079 un missile guidé GLSDB pendant la journée. Foqtnutbx9c-00051-00019079-00019451 En outre, neuf véhicules aériens sans pilote ukrainiens ont été détruits dans les zones Foqtnutbx9c-00052-00019451-00020037 des colonies de Maryinka, Vesele, Yelenovka de la République populaire de Donetsk, Marinskoe, Foqtnutbx9c-00053-00020037-00020745 Novaya Mayachka de la région de Kherson. Foqtnutbx9c-00054-00020745-00021248 Au total, depuis le début de l'opération militaire spéciale, ont été détruits : 406 Foqtnutbx9c-00055-00021248-00021565 avions, 228 hélicoptères, 3 736 véhicules aériens sans pilote, 415 systèmes de missiles Foqtnutbx9c-00056-00021565-00022071 antiaériens, 8 626 chars et autres véhicules blindés de combat, 1 079 véhicules de combat Foqtnutbx9c-00057-00022071-00022672 à lancement multiple systèmes de roquettes, 4 563 canons d'artillerie et de mortier de Foqtnutbx9c-00058-00022672-00022833 campagne, ainsi que 9 426 unités de véhicules militaires spéciaux. F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00000-00000056-00000560 the sport of roundet is played two on two with each team starting on opposite sides F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00001-00000560-00001022 of the net once the ball is served you get up to three touches to try to return the ball back on F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00002-00001022-00001730 the net just like two on two volleyball think bump set and Spike what makes roundnet unique F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00003-00001730-00002264 is that after the serve there are no sides or boundaries you can run pass and spike the ball F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00004-00002264-00002822 off the net in any direction to try to win the point when a team fails to return the ball the F2Vzxgpxm-Y-00005-00002822-00003284 rally is over and the other team receives one point that's about it for the basics F4XJ8AwgN-M-00000-00000008-00000433 The most amazing opportunity you can have as an editor is to go to writers that you F4XJ8AwgN-M-00001-00000433-00001018 admire and writers that you’ve just discovered and offer them space for their stories. F4XJ8AwgN-M-00002-00001018-00001363 I can’t think of anything else of the top of my head that offers the same opportunities F4XJ8AwgN-M-00003-00001363-00001791 to Australian writers, and that’s what I love about Griffith Review so much, is how F4XJ8AwgN-M-00004-00001791-00002139 many voices it gives a platform to. F4XJ8AwgN-M-00005-00002139-00002724 Passion. Passion is what makes Griffith Review remarkable. People care about what they write F4XJ8AwgN-M-00006-00002724-00002911 about, and it shows. F4Y5WytGbnY-00000-00000000-00000375 Have you ever wondered why there are seven days in a week instead of six? F4Y5WytGbnY-00001-00000400-00001088 If so you don't have to work so hard you can work for five days and rest for two F4Y5WytGbnY-00002-00001088-00001355 Or have you ever wondered why there aren't eight days so you can have one more day off? F4Y5WytGbnY-00003-00001390-00001886 Well, seven is a number you can find everywhere. You can see it in the seven colors of the rainbow F4Y5WytGbnY-00004-00001944-00002153 seven musical notes, seven oceans F4Y5WytGbnY-00005-00002202-00002408 Seven continents and so on F4Y5WytGbnY-00006-00002408-00002942 and there's a reason for each of the seven days of the week. So today, Let's learn what they are F4Y5WytGbnY-00007-00003000-00003560 Okay, let's start with the first day of the week - Monday. -No. I think it's Sunday F4Y5WytGbnY-00008-00003564-00004298 Let me explain people debate whether the first day of the week is Sunday or Monday. However since we were small. We've been singing F4Y5WytGbnY-00009-00004456-00004746 Music~ F4Y5WytGbnY-00010-00004770-00005116 So let's say that Monday is the first day of the week F4Y5WytGbnY-00011-00005116-00005326 Monday originates from the Latin words F4Y5WytGbnY-00012-00005326-00005452 Dies Lunae F4Y5WytGbnY-00013-00005472-00006146 Which was change into Monandaeg and finally Monday in English - day of the Moon? F4Y5WytGbnY-00014-00006184-00006384 Why is it the moon? F4Y5WytGbnY-00015-00006393-00006821 Because the moon god watches over people when they sleep at night F4Y5WytGbnY-00016-00006895-00007281 The moon god is the second most important God after the Sun F4Y5WytGbnY-00017-00007290-00007643 I've heard that the element silver is associated with Monday F4Y5WytGbnY-00018-00007644-00007806 I wonder why F4Y5WytGbnY-00019-00007822-00008354 I think is because the moon has a silver color when you see it from the Earth F4Y5WytGbnY-00020-00008404-00008764 Ah I see I think I understand the main point of Monday now. F4Y5WytGbnY-00021-00008802-00009000 What can we remember about Monday? F4Y5WytGbnY-00022-00010896-00011311 Anything from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York? I'm Lester Holt anchor of NBC Nightly News F4Y5WytGbnY-00023-00011311-00011821 I want to welcome you to the first presidential debate the participants tonight are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton mr. F4Y5WytGbnY-00024-00011824-00012168 bata sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates a nonpartisan nonprofit organization F4Y5WytGbnY-00025-00014696-00015240 Let's move on to Tuesday. I know the name's origin. It is named after the Roman god of war - Mars F4Y5WytGbnY-00026-00015294-00015662 Whose the planet Mars is also named after -you are right F4Y5WytGbnY-00027-00015697-00015946 But how did Mars day become Tuesday? F4Y5WytGbnY-00028-00015968-00016241 it is because when the Romans came to Germany F4Y5WytGbnY-00029-00016241-00016572 they found out the local people there called the God of War a new name - Tiw F4Y5WytGbnY-00030-00016602-00017082 Which eventually became "Tues" in English -oh I understand them F4Y5WytGbnY-00031-00017238-00017438 Mars is a God of war F4Y5WytGbnY-00032-00017454-00017836 So I guess bronze is the element for Tuesday right? F4Y5WytGbnY-00033-00017836-00018100 Correct! weapons and armor were made from bronze F4Y5WytGbnY-00034-00018126-00018570 So it became the element for Tuesday, not gold or silver F4Y5WytGbnY-00035-00018570-00018658 um one more detail F4Y5WytGbnY-00036-00018726-00019320 Tuesday is consider the day for soldiers and men so if you guys are jealous of women's day F4Y5WytGbnY-00037-00019362-00019804 Don't worry because you have a men's day every week on Tuesday. F4Y5WytGbnY-00038-00021034-00021231 Let's switch to Wednesday F4Y5WytGbnY-00039-00021231-00021375 Why do we call it this? F4Y5WytGbnY-00040-00021375-00021872 well back to the Roman times the Romans named it after mercury the messenger god F4Y5WytGbnY-00041-00021886-00022674 but when the Romans met the Norse god the named Wednesday after the god Woden who the Norse people believed guided souls after death ah F4Y5WytGbnY-00042-00022744-00023144 That is the god Odin father of Thor the god of thunder F4Y5WytGbnY-00043-00023212-00023676 Yeah, so what would be the element for Wednesday? -It is mercury F4Y5WytGbnY-00044-00023746-00024142 Because when it is liquid it can spread everywhere easily F4Y5WytGbnY-00045-00024162-00024580 just like the messenger God traveled everywhere -bingo! F4Y5WytGbnY-00046-00024652-00024798 a quick note F4Y5WytGbnY-00047-00024798-00024998 Wednesday is not pronounced F4Y5WytGbnY-00048-00025096-00025302 Wednesday, but Wednesday F4Y5WytGbnY-00049-00027142-00027424 What is Thursday's origin? F4Y5WytGbnY-00050-00027452-00027726 Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder - Thor F4Y5WytGbnY-00051-00027850-00027955 Thor's day F4Y5WytGbnY-00052-00027955-00028062 Thursday F4Y5WytGbnY-00053-00028062-00028372 and in German - Thunor is thunder F4Y5WytGbnY-00054-00028372-00028800 however his Roman name is Jovis or more commonly, Jupiter F4Y5WytGbnY-00055-00028804-00029077 Which is also the largest planet in the Solar System? F4Y5WytGbnY-00056-00029108-00029595 So what is the element for this all-powerful Thunder God? F4Y5WytGbnY-00057-00029595-00029794 That would be Zig the color of Thor's hammer? F4Y5WytGbnY-00058-00031272-00031544 D a meadow and a motorbike Brent F4Y5WytGbnY-00059-00031938-00032150 Now we've been through four days of the week F4Y5WytGbnY-00060-00032150-00032362 And it's time to give your brain a break F4Y5WytGbnY-00061-00032362-00032708 we'll continue later with Friday Saturday and Sunday F4Y5WytGbnY-00062-00032776-00032976 See you in the next episode F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00000-00003676-00003850 What was before the word? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00001-00004369-00004501 Movement. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00002-00010794-00011178 The whole corporal experience, of movement, of perception, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00003-00011178-00011522 of the arrangement, the solution to a corporal problem. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00004-00011522-00011852 All of that is given in the silence, is given in… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00005-00011852-00012107 in my own feeling. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00006-00012107-00012346 And my word tries to explain that but… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00007-00013740-00014009 There’s no word that can… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00008-00014073-00014233 that can show that. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00009-00017446-00017677 I’m barely understanding… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00010-00017766-00017996 the magnitude of... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00011-00017996-00018214 of what’s outside of me, right? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00012-00020406-00020754 How do I feel in this place, in this moment, right now? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00013-00020949-00021091 In responsibility. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00014-00021319-00021544 Responsible of... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00015-00021624-00022039 of what life has given to me. On what I stand, right? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00016-00022530-00022951 So, that… I feel responsible to… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00017-00023148-00023353 to be authentic, I mean. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00018-00025749-00026026 Climbing to me means like… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00019-00026026-00026413 this resolutive movement that has to be progressing. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00020-00026492-00026812 A progression that’s not quantitative, but... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00021-00026812-00026956 of experience. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00022-00028252-00028626 It’s like an act that really has to be felt. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00023-00028734-00028966 A poetic act. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00024-00028967-00029241 Like a confrontation… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00025-00029241-00029395 and like a combat. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00026-00033542-00033962 It’s like something creative in the sense of new! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00027-00035662-00035779 ah, falling! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00028-00036289-00036586 Because in the beginning, the wall may seem… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00029-00036586-00036836 very hard and very violent, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00030-00036836-00037014 even with the body. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00031-00037069-00037262 Like a lot of tension... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00032-00037262-00037439 But to me is that F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00033-00037439-00037878 about solving right there, because in that resolutive moment facing the new... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00034-00038554-00039012 is when it emerges a whole authentic process. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00035-00039449-00039728 That you don’t have to defeat with straight, but... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00036-00039874-00040042 knowing that you could be wrong. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00037-00040125-00040484 Knowing that there is no one way of doing the movement. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00038-00040580-00040878 There’s not the perfect body to climb. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00039-00040878-00041112 Knowing that you could be not moving right. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00040-00045587-00046006 I don’t know… I love that the rock never ever moves. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00041-00046006-00046206 So, in that way is like F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00042-00046206-00046541 if you want to interact with that route and that rock, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00043-00046541-00046771 it is you the one that has to… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00044-00046771-00047121 find the shape of that interaction. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00045-00060650-00061027 But, precisely, I feel that knowing how to move on the wall is, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00046-00061027-00061321 knowing that the movement it’s all in the details. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00047-00061321-00061532 You can’t, and it seems impossible F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00048-00061532-00061873 and out of the blue, you make a slight variation, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00049-00061873-00062288 not even in the whole body, just in a joint that... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00050-00062288-00062458 phew... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00051-00062458-00062847 the move doesn’t feel super hard, but it feels like... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00052-00062847-00063188 It feels light, it even feels therapeutic I’d say. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00053-00063188-00063329 I mean, it feels like... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00054-00063329-00063579 “Oh, how nice it is to move like this!” F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00055-00063579-00063956 Like that, the sensation of movement climbing, I love it! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00056-00069879-00070286 Ah! Like a feeling of body integration. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00057-00070383-00070825 I like to feel myself on the wall. I mean, I like… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00058-00070900-00071341 ...like, to understand that the movement is something way more complicated. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00059-00071342-00071613 That reveals that the motor scope F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00060-00071614-00072032 it’s an entirely different dimension from the analytical one. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00061-00073840-00073960 ROCK F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00062-00074440-00074570 SILENCE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00063-00075043-00075163 SILENCE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00064-00075689-00075788 ORIGIN F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00065-00077601-00077716 CLIMBING F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00066-00078400-00078500 FIGHT F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00067-00080559-00080684 FALLING F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00068-00081438-00081561 TRUST F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00069-00082090-00082213 WIND F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00070-00082458-00082728 Then I put myself like, I don’t know... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00071-00082728-00082838 No, stop! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00072-00082838-00083074 I think I’ll go down and… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00073-00083374-00083573 I was too accelerated... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00074-00083853-00084140 I didn’t put it properly that fucking foot! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00075-00084140-00084387 Maybe if I throw higher, I don’t know... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00076-00084387-00084551 I’m opening too much the shoulders... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00077-00084551-00084692 That fucking dyno! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00078-00084692-00084926 Nor I was in mental conditions or… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00079-00084926-00085093 I was shaking, dude! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00080-00085552-00085689 MOVEMENT F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00081-00090379-00090500 PULSE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00082-00091328-00091433 RHYTHM F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00083-00094554-00094691 ANXIETY F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00084-00097962-00098082 TO EXPLODE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00085-00098578-00098702 LONGING F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00086-00098931-00099174 What it causes or the emotion that causes F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00087-00099175-00099303 to have a project. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00088-00099439-00099639 I mean, like… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00089-00099639-00099838 having motor projects. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00090-00099932-00100064 PLEASURE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00091-00100198-00100424 It’s something that has to do with work. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00092-00101029-00101155 DESIRE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00093-00101296-00101556 Because there’s something that’s calling you. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00094-00101556-00101810 Like, the authentic work is born of something F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00095-00101810-00102001 that’s calling you to defeat it, right? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00096-00102001-00102122 Something daily, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00097-00102122-00102454 persistent, it has to do with F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00098-00102454-00102707 the famous discipline, right? F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00099-00103267-00103381 PREPARATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00100-00103450-00103673 Because the work is manual, it’s practical, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00101-00103673-00103932 it’s opening, it’s meditative, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00102-00103932-00104242 It’s a bit to keep silence to yourself, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00103-00104242-00104462 and once you’ve realized that straight… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00104-00104947-00105090 IMPROVISATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00105-00105090-00105390 It goes way deeper, the work is like... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00106-00105733-00105838 CREATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00107-00106235-00106440 The force is the work, I mean. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00108-00107092-00107223 TO BECOME F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00109-00109264-00109470 MY WHOLE HAPPINESS F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00110-00111777-00111921 GRAVITY F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00111-00112481-00112631 FUNDAMENTAL F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00112-00115054-00115187 VULNERABILITY F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00113-00120792-00120916 SUN F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00114-00121292-00121408 SHELTER F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00115-00125037-00125146 FATIGUE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00116-00128297-00128417 VERTIGO F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00117-00133910-00134063 MEDITATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00118-00134734-00134883 CRITIQUE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00119-00135719-00136061 The thing is the dyno could be, but… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00120-00136170-00136352 You have to get really high! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00121-00136352-00136509 Yeah, it was good cause I touched it! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00122-00136510-00136680 Maybe even with the under... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00123-00136755-00137092 If anything to take the slopper would be just… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00124-00137092-00137387 just not to do it dynamically... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00125-00137387-00137581 Let’s see which another beta... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00126-00137910-00138092 Maybe the beta would be… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00127-00138168-00138500 You get to the tricep, you put up the right foot... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00128-00138500-00138742 No, I saw, the foot! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00129-00138742-00138965 I think this beta could work, dude! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00130-00138965-00139200 Watch dude, I took the slopper, F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00131-00139200-00139525 I put the heel hook really good and I felt it very close! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00132-00139525-00139696 Just cause I didn’t buy it. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00133-00139696-00139910 That slopper is shit! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00134-00139910-00140069 You’ve got to fight... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00135-00140069-00140338 That move… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00136-00140338-00140503 and it’s very close. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00137-00140503-00140884 And even after the dyno you’ve still got to “Ahh!” F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00138-00140949-00141118 You’ve got to fight still... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00139-00141291-00141563 Just now, I felt enough to fight. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00140-00144505-00144661 INHALATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00141-00144900-00145039 LIFE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00142-00145571-00145696 FEET F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00143-00145878-00146015 SENSATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00144-00146142-00146278 HANDS F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00145-00146385-00146536 COMPRESSION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00146-00146637-00146774 LEGS F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00147-00146956-00147093 WORK F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00148-00147382-00147474 BACK F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00149-00147474-00147601 STRUCTURE F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00150-00147721-00147853 ABDOMEN F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00151-00147977-00148117 CONTENTION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00152-00148255-00148395 HIP F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00153-00148590-00148730 MOVEMENT F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00154-00149009-00149144 FINGERS F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00155-00149197-00149329 FLEXION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00156-00149496-00149627 Climbing, Triana! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00157-00150105-00150229 BODY F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00158-00150483-00150622 BEAUTY F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00159-00161730-00161890 EXHALATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00160-00162646-00162796 BREATH F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00161-00163520-00163634 Take! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00162-00164096-00164193 BREATH F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00163-00164193-00164283 Take! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00164-00165411-00165623 Ahh… That was fucking awesome! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00165-00165650-00165823 Fucking awesome! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00166-00165931-00166239 Now… I really thought that this thing would be impossible. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00167-00166239-00166457 It’s like my anti-route. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00168-00166883-00167045 CONDENSATION F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00169-00167458-00167912 It is hard to enjoy climbing and... I think I do, I enjoy climbing. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00170-00167912-00168117 I mean, I get excited to climb… F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00171-00168266-00168436 Ohh, how awesome! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00172-00168513-00168654 Fucking awesome! F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00173-00168680-00168905 If it hasn’t got an authentic meaning to you. F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00174-00168905-00169137 If you haven’t found a sense of... F5kQ6Zr2kzu-00175-00169279-00169503 a sense that works for you. Fq_GCauK_74-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video Fq_GCauK_74-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view Fq_GCauK_74-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. Fq_GCauK_74-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much FsH3Oaih7CQ-00000-00000143-00000663 IN 2001, HM1 AARON SPAULDING WAS A NAVY HOSPITAL CORPSMAN ATTACHED TO ONE OF THE FIRST MARINE FsH3Oaih7CQ-00001-00000663-00000878 COMBAT ELEMENTS IN AFGHANISTAN. FsH3Oaih7CQ-00002-00000878-00001291 HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON A SIX-MONTH PEACE TOUR, BUT ALL THAT CHANGED AFTER THE TERRORIST FsH3Oaih7CQ-00003-00001291-00001403 ATTACKS ON 9/11. FsH3Oaih7CQ-00004-00001403-00001925 "WE GET BACK ON THE FLIGHT DECK ON THE SHIP AND WE'RE TOLD BY OUR BATTALION COMMANDER FsH3Oaih7CQ-00005-00001925-00002220 THAT WE'RE GOING TO WAR; GOING TO AFGHANISTAN." FsH3Oaih7CQ-00006-00002220-00002650 THIRTEEN YEARS LATER, HE GOT A CHANCE TO COME BACK AS ONE OF THE SENIOR MEDICAL PROVIDERS FsH3Oaih7CQ-00007-00002650-00002926 FOR MOBILE EXPEDITIONARY BRIGADE AFGHANISTAN. FsH3Oaih7CQ-00008-00002926-00003362 THE SECOND TRIP GIVES HIM UNIQUE INSIGHT TO THE IMPACT THAT THE PARTNERSHIP HAS HAD. FsH3Oaih7CQ-00009-00003362-00003764 "YOU KNOW WE CAN SEE HERE IN AFGHANISTAN HOW MUCH GOOD WE'VE DONE. YOU KNOW THERE'S STILL FsH3Oaih7CQ-00010-00003764-00004214 PEOPLE THAT DON'T WANT US HERE, BUT THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE DO APPRECIATE WHAT WE'VE DONE FsH3Oaih7CQ-00011-00004214-00004530 TRYING TO LIBERATE THEIR COUNTRY. I MYSELF HAVE BEEN HEARING I KNOW WE MADE A DIFFERENCE. FsH3Oaih7CQ-00012-00004530-00004869 A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE THAT HAVE BEEN HERE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS FsH3Oaih7CQ-00013-00004869-00004973 TO ME." FsH3Oaih7CQ-00014-00004973-00005477 REPORTING FROM LEATHERNECK, AFGHANISTAN, I'M SERGEANT CHRISTOPHER TOBEY. FB7Dbsfrjw0-00000-00000596-00000860 Hi Y'all! Click the ( i ) cards for PART 1! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00001-00001764-00001972 Anyone a fan of Reese's cups? 🙋 FB7Dbsfrjw0-00002-00002752-00002994 Let's get started! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00003-00005858-00006226 I should get a manicure before doing these videos...😅 FB7Dbsfrjw0-00004-00006722-00006992 😇*Que heavenly sound effects*😇 FB7Dbsfrjw0-00005-00009784-00010128 These popping sounds were surprisingly pleasant! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00006-00018572-00019240 S/O to the #ASMRCommunity 💕 Love y'all! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00007-00025092-00025412 Messy messy messy FB7Dbsfrjw0-00008-00029039-00029236 Honey 🍯 FB7Dbsfrjw0-00009-00036930-00037322 Once again, the camera decides to misbehave. I apologize! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00010-00052740-00053108 🔥Finally, the moment you all have been waiting for! 🔥 FB7Dbsfrjw0-00011-00053254-00053652 Alright kids, please DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS AT HOME without adult supervision! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00012-00054829-00055126 Have you ever experienced sizzling sounds? FB7Dbsfrjw0-00013-00074096-00074384 Here's the messy results! FB7Dbsfrjw0-00014-00074662-00074998 I hope y'all enjoyed this video! FBojyWhMiyY-00000-00000043-00000894 A new theme:Classic in Moodle 3.7. The Clean and More themes along with the FBojyWhMiyY-00001-00000894-00001416 hidden parent theme bootstrapbase have been removed from Moodle 3.7 and FBojyWhMiyY-00002-00001416-00002125 replaced with the new bootstrap 4 based Classic theme. The Classic theme is a FBojyWhMiyY-00003-00002125-00002683 child theme of Boost using the upstream bootstrap for stable library with a FBojyWhMiyY-00004-00002683-00003163 general look inspired by the Clean theme. It provides the classic three FBojyWhMiyY-00005-00003163-00003679 column structure with a navigation and administration block and the choice of FBojyWhMiyY-00006-00003679-00004234 adding blocks to the left or right of the main content. Classic can be used as FBojyWhMiyY-00007-00004234-00004684 a parent theme when upgrading existing themes that are based on bootstrapbase FBojyWhMiyY-00008-00004684-00005344 and require a three column layout and classic navigation.The Classic theme may FBojyWhMiyY-00009-00005344-00005857 be customised from a theme settings page where you can for example change the FBojyWhMiyY-00010-00005857-00006405 navigation bar colour and add presets. Boost presets work with the Classic theme FBojyWhMiyY-00011-00006405-00006847 as they both have the same preset structure. FBojyWhMiyY-00012-00006847-00007306 You can add a background image and a brand colour and from the Advanced FBojyWhMiyY-00013-00007306-00008052 settings link include raw SCSS in a similar way to with the Boost theme. FBojyWhMiyY-00014-00008645-00009818 To summarise: the Classic theme replaces the Clean, More and hidden bootstrapbase themes and serves as a parent theme for upgrading bootstrapbase based FBojyWhMiyY-00015-00009818-00010081 themes. FEgTI_0yi4A-00000-00000000-00000258 (upbeat music) FEgTI_0yi4A-00001-00001204-00001310 - Hey everybody, we're back FEgTI_0yi4A-00002-00001310-00001630 for another ingrown toenail removal. FEgTI_0yi4A-00003-00001630-00001780 So this one isn't too bad, FEgTI_0yi4A-00004-00001780-00002062 but it's very, very painful, right? FEgTI_0yi4A-00005-00002062-00002216 So we're going to test it just to make sure FEgTI_0yi4A-00006-00002216-00002526 you don't feel anything, hide it from ya. FEgTI_0yi4A-00007-00002526-00002653 Feel okay? FEgTI_0yi4A-00008-00002653-00002736 Good deal. FEgTI_0yi4A-00009-00002845-00003183 All right, so it's pretty deep in there. FEgTI_0yi4A-00010-00003183-00003426 What we're going to do is just free up that edge. FEgTI_0yi4A-00011-00003638-00003738 There we go. FEgTI_0yi4A-00012-00003861-00004137 Couple clips and it'll be out of there. FEgTI_0yi4A-00013-00004137-00004233 (clippers snapping) FEgTI_0yi4A-00014-00004233-00004453 How long did you say this one had been here? FEgTI_0yi4A-00015-00004607-00004690 - [Patient] Three weeks. FEgTI_0yi4A-00016-00004690-00004773 - Three weeks? Okay. FEgTI_0yi4A-00017-00004892-00005017 You had quite a bit of swelling, FEgTI_0yi4A-00018-00005017-00005252 and you were starting to get some redness, too. FEgTI_0yi4A-00019-00005360-00005494 I know you tried diggin' it out. FEgTI_0yi4A-00020-00005494-00005592 That's what happens. FEgTI_0yi4A-00021-00005592-00005849 Rotate that guy out. FEgTI_0yi4A-00022-00005849-00006025 There he is, do you want to see it? FEgTI_0yi4A-00023-00006025-00006298 No, okay, (laughs) don't worry. FEgTI_0yi4A-00024-00006298-00006471 So, there it is. FEgTI_0yi4A-00025-00006570-00006806 That's out, we just need to make sure FEgTI_0yi4A-00026-00006905-00007126 there's nothing left in there. FEgTI_0yi4A-00027-00007126-00007251 All right, you're done. FEgTI_0yi4A-00028-00007251-00007568 I just need to put the medicine on so it doesn't come back. FEgTI_0yi4A-00029-00007568-00007893 Just to remind you, there's about a 5% chance. FEgTI_0yi4A-00030-00007893-00007980 Feel a little burn? FEgTI_0yi4A-00031-00007980-00008064 - [Patient] Mm-hmm. FEgTI_0yi4A-00032-00008064-00008375 - [Doctor] Can you stand that for about 15 seconds? FEgTI_0yi4A-00033-00008375-00008749 All right, this is making sure it doesn't come back. FEgTI_0yi4A-00034-00008861-00009030 Just take some deep breaths for me, FEgTI_0yi4A-00035-00009030-00009123 and then I'm going to cool it off FEgTI_0yi4A-00036-00009123-00009267 in just a minute. - Okay. FEgTI_0yi4A-00037-00009479-00009698 - [Doctor] Almost there. FEgTI_0yi4A-00038-00009698-00009882 So you're going to go home and kick this up in the air FEgTI_0yi4A-00039-00009882-00010096 and be a couch potato for me, right? FEgTI_0yi4A-00040-00010096-00010179 - [Patient] Mm-hmm. FEgTI_0yi4A-00041-00010179-00010469 Can you do that? (laughs) FEgTI_0yi4A-00042-00010469-00010764 Any questions about how to do your bandage changes FEgTI_0yi4A-00043-00010764-00010996 tomorrow, until you come back? FEgTI_0yi4A-00044-00011117-00011372 All right, let's get it cooled off and you're done. FEgTI_0yi4A-00045-00011526-00011806 So this'll take away any burn you feel. FEgTI_0yi4A-00046-00011806-00011889 There we go. FEgTI_0yi4A-00047-00011993-00012083 There. FEgTI_0yi4A-00048-00012200-00012283 Feel better? FEgTI_0yi4A-00049-00012535-00012618 Are you there with me? FEgTI_0yi4A-00050-00012618-00012702 Okay. FEgTI_0yi4A-00051-00012702-00012797 (giggling) Yes, it does? FEgTI_0yi4A-00052-00012797-00012900 Good. FEgTI_0yi4A-00053-00012900-00013110 All right, plus, having this tourniquet on. FEgTI_0yi4A-00054-00013110-00013211 We'll take that off. FEgTI_0yi4A-00055-00013211-00013346 You're done. FEgTI_0yi4A-00056-00013346-00013476 I just need to wrap it up. FEgTI_0yi4A-00057-00013841-00014252 We are another ingrown toenail down almost. FEgTI_0yi4A-00058-00014349-00014462 Kaitlin, what's our time? FEgTI_0yi4A-00059-00014462-00014581 Where are we at? FEgTI_0yi4A-00060-00014581-00014671 - [Kaitlin] 2:14. FEgTI_0yi4A-00061-00014671-00015171 - 2:14, so, start to finish, about two minutes removing it, FEgTI_0yi4A-00062-00015359-00015658 couple extra seconds to bandage it up. FEgTI_0yi4A-00063-00015658-00015844 Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom. FEgTI_0yi4A-00064-00015844-00015954 We're done. FEgTI_0yi4A-00065-00016066-00016150 Okay. FEgTI_0yi4A-00066-00016150-00016344 You can go home, get this up in the air. FEgTI_0yi4A-00067-00016344-00016540 I'll give this to you to use. FEgTI_0yi4A-00068-00016540-00016716 Okay guys, you see how easy it is? FEgTI_0yi4A-00069-00016716-00016998 If you any ingrown toenails, please call me, FEgTI_0yi4A-00070-00016998-00017250 text us, whatever you need to do to get an appointment. FEgTI_0yi4A-00071-00017250-00017425 No bathroom surgery anymore. FEgTI_0yi4A-00072-00017425-00017640 You can see, in two minutes, it can be out. FEgTI_0yi4A-00073-00017640-00017807 All right, I'll see you guys soon. FFVk_C2q-2g-00000-00001168-00001672 from jeannie and she says ever since i was a little girl i would go through periods FFVk_C2q-2g-00001-00001672-00002136 where i experienced the skin crawling or itching sensation happening all over my body FFVk_C2q-2g-00002-00002192-00002792 it wasn't linked to any allergies or bugs according to my mom but she tried all she FFVk_C2q-2g-00003-00002792-00003320 could to help this still happens off and on and it disturbs my sleep and meditations for FFVk_C2q-2g-00004-00003320-00003824 a few weeks then it disappears could you help me understand what's going on subconsciously FFVk_C2q-2g-00005-00003824-00004424 or what is happening with my body when i go through these periods of time seeing weird things FFVk_C2q-2g-00006-00004424-00004976 like a cluster of spots or weird bugs can trigger it but sometimes nothing needs to trigger it just FFVk_C2q-2g-00007-00004976-00005552 starts so she's curious about that all right so let me break down a little bit FFVk_C2q-2g-00008-00005552-00006384 let's back up a little bit and let's let me explain to you how this biological computer FFVk_C2q-2g-00009-00006464-00007048 works and speaks to you okay so first you have to understand that you are 80 energy FFVk_C2q-2g-00010-00007128-00008080 and 20 body density right you're 20 human 80 spirit and you have come in very specifically FFVk_C2q-2g-00011-00008080-00008648 which means that your body although you think that you kind of jumped in right into a body FFVk_C2q-2g-00012-00008648-00009440 with two parents and a reality there's so much more that goes into that than you could even FFVk_C2q-2g-00013-00009440-00010336 fathom in this dimension there's so much set up there's so much pre-planning there is so many um FFVk_C2q-2g-00014-00010480-00011456 convoluted organized systems that are designed for your specific reality okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00015-00011512-00011952 so even though you're like why am i a woman why did i choose this body why did i choose these FFVk_C2q-2g-00016-00011952-00012664 parents let's let's let's go backwards and let's look at who you are as energy as an energy being FFVk_C2q-2g-00017-00012752-00013447 you have been in existence as long as energy has existed okay so we could call it soul we could FFVk_C2q-2g-00018-00013447-00014232 call it spirit whatever to me what it is is is a fractal or a piece of source energy or the source FFVk_C2q-2g-00019-00014232-00015072 of all creation creator itself and creator itself if you are a fractal or a fraction or a piece FFVk_C2q-2g-00020-00015072-00015791 then you are in fact creator so what that kind of looks like as far as storytelling purposes go FFVk_C2q-2g-00021-00015791-00016216 because time doesn't technically exist but for storytelling purposes i really need to kind of FFVk_C2q-2g-00022-00016216-00016808 like create a linear understanding here for you when we break apart from source energy FFVk_C2q-2g-00023-00016888-00017496 it is all about experience like oh yay let's break apart from from source energy and let's FFVk_C2q-2g-00024-00017496-00018064 feel separation right so a piece of glass that was used to be part of a glass bottle is still FFVk_C2q-2g-00025-00018064-00018576 part of a glass bottle although it's having a very separate experience right hidden underneath FFVk_C2q-2g-00026-00018576-00018944 the carpet somewhere while the other piece of glass is in the trash okay so you have to FFVk_C2q-2g-00027-00018944-00019440 look at it not saying that we are trash but a good analogy of broken glass or a broken mirror FFVk_C2q-2g-00028-00019440-00020096 so as we kind of break apart because we want to experience thyself and the way that we can FFVk_C2q-2g-00029-00020096-00020888 experience ourself from kind of separating or at least having the feeling of separation or having FFVk_C2q-2g-00030-00020888-00021848 the experience of separation is to move away from creator into density like further and further away FFVk_C2q-2g-00031-00021848-00022832 now to me there's nothing more fun than than getting so lost right in density that you may FFVk_C2q-2g-00032-00022832-00023328 forget who you are okay and as you get further and further and further and further away it's FFVk_C2q-2g-00033-00023328-00023776 like a sell signal it's like further and further your connection starts to drop it's in and out FFVk_C2q-2g-00034-00023840-00024288 right and all of a sudden you're in a dead space you're wandering through existence FFVk_C2q-2g-00035-00024288-00025024 right and the and the more linear experience you spend you know floating through time and space FFVk_C2q-2g-00036-00025024-00025616 without that direct connection or cell cell right then you begin to try to figure out who FFVk_C2q-2g-00037-00025616-00026208 you are without that connection without that lifeline without that wisdom and knowledge FFVk_C2q-2g-00038-00026208-00026936 flowing through into you you begin to very much experience separation now only a tiny piece of you FFVk_C2q-2g-00039-00027064-00027824 has even gone on this expedition why because you want to experience contrast like FFVk_C2q-2g-00040-00027824-00028383 okay so i've experienced summer what does winter feel like okay what does fall feel like right FFVk_C2q-2g-00041-00028383-00028848 what does the ocean taste like what does a lake taste like it's just a different experience and FFVk_C2q-2g-00042-00028848-00029480 when you're coming from source energy there is never any judgment about the extremes and contrast FFVk_C2q-2g-00043-00029480-00029983 that you're experiencing so the further you get lost the more fun it is because when you get FFVk_C2q-2g-00044-00029983-00030720 back oh the stories you shall tell right because the thing about consciousness is it's basically FFVk_C2q-2g-00045-00030720-00031439 its own energy learning computer right and it learns from experiencing self through reflections FFVk_C2q-2g-00046-00031439-00032104 through density through contrast through separation and it begins to evolve and have all FFVk_C2q-2g-00047-00032104-00033096 different types of experiences and the further you get away the heavier you get which means if you FFVk_C2q-2g-00048-00033200-00033752 you know started to float to the bottom of the ocean right eventually gravity would take in FFVk_C2q-2g-00049-00033752-00034632 and it would be much more difficult to get back up with no momentum okay so and this is the story of FFVk_C2q-2g-00050-00034696-00035296 of creation itself you know this isn't just you and me it's it's you know billions upon FFVk_C2q-2g-00051-00035296-00035720 billions upon probably that's not even a good number because it's not big enough uh fractal FFVk_C2q-2g-00052-00035720-00036232 consciousness is having these unique experiences all separated from the one all thinking that FFVk_C2q-2g-00053-00036232-00036720 they're a different unit because creatively they have had different experiences that have shaped FFVk_C2q-2g-00054-00036776-00037256 the way that their soul remembers themselves but as one drop of the ocean is still the FFVk_C2q-2g-00055-00037256-00037776 ocean if that drop returns to the ocean it literally disappears although still having FFVk_C2q-2g-00056-00037776-00038352 its unique experience moves back into unity okay so as we have breaking apart FFVk_C2q-2g-00057-00038520-00039232 certain particles of ourselves get so heavy and so dense and so lost in the struggle FFVk_C2q-2g-00058-00039232-00039960 and so lost in separation that we no longer have the momentum or the the engine to work FFVk_C2q-2g-00059-00039960-00040600 our way back home okay so if you've ever seen a rocket start to launch up right and it's heavy FFVk_C2q-2g-00060-00040600-00041120 it's heavy it's heavy and it has to build momentum up right and so that bottom piece has to fall FFVk_C2q-2g-00061-00041224-00041952 okay and then the smaller piece goes really fast up in space that's you so you will FFVk_C2q-2g-00062-00041952-00042648 break apart go into density and the other part of you will remain non-physically focused kind of FFVk_C2q-2g-00063-00042648-00043312 using that cell wi-fi signal to keep in touch with you okay like urine density i'm in i'm in FFVk_C2q-2g-00064-00043312-00043752 non-physical reality i can't vibrate down there you can no longer vibrate up here so FFVk_C2q-2g-00065-00043752-00044400 we're going to stay in connection through this like wireless signal okay and and that is all FFVk_C2q-2g-00066-00044400-00045072 secondary after you have chosen your incarnation your life path your soul purpose your life purpose FFVk_C2q-2g-00067-00045144-00045504 you know what the heck you're going to go down in density and experience it's like okay if you're FFVk_C2q-2g-00068-00045504-00046048 going to dive down if you're going to put all that gear on put some oxygen on and dive off a boat FFVk_C2q-2g-00069-00046048-00046488 what the heck is the purpose you're just going to go kick around no you're going to look for FFVk_C2q-2g-00070-00046488-00046800 something you're going to go experiencing something you're going to go find something FFVk_C2q-2g-00071-00046880-00047448 and in our case the reason why we love to have incarnation after incarnation after incarnation FFVk_C2q-2g-00072-00047448-00048328 is because we get to have so many different experiences as the same spirit as the same energy FFVk_C2q-2g-00073-00048328-00048648 and it's just like oh what are you gonna be this halloween what are you gonna be next halloween FFVk_C2q-2g-00074-00048648-00049088 wow i got to be which what was that like what you know so we have no judgment and separation but we FFVk_C2q-2g-00075-00049088-00050104 will choose specifically our storyline based in what we have left to resolve like okay if there's FFVk_C2q-2g-00076-00050104-00050744 bits and pieces of fractal consciousness of you lost in density who no longer can get back FFVk_C2q-2g-00077-00050744-00051208 get back to source energy on their own because of the the way that they're heavy and the way FFVk_C2q-2g-00078-00051208-00051816 that they're so far that they may be having the experience that they are disconnected from source FFVk_C2q-2g-00079-00051936-00052664 then what happens is any part of that dense version of yourself that still remains hopeful FFVk_C2q-2g-00080-00052664-00053248 or grateful or appreciative or loving will break apart because it's light and it will basically FFVk_C2q-2g-00081-00053248-00054064 return return home as an sos like we need to send you know a cavalry in and get you know FFVk_C2q-2g-00082-00054064-00054688 let's go get her okay we gotta go get her because she's lost in density so i will send an sos back FFVk_C2q-2g-00083-00054688-00055152 to source energy with the part of myself that did remain loving or did remain light FFVk_C2q-2g-00084-00055232-00055752 back it'll hook on with the part of me that was waiting in the cosmos to return the circuit FFVk_C2q-2g-00085-00055752-00056432 go get some alter go get some help come back in non-physical reality because we can't get FFVk_C2q-2g-00086-00056432-00057079 that dense create soul contracts create a mission create structure create actors in FFVk_C2q-2g-00087-00057079-00057744 the movie create all these things to basically have this experience to wake the rest of you up FFVk_C2q-2g-00088-00057744-00058320 and we do this over and over and over and we chip away and we chip away and we chip away until the FFVk_C2q-2g-00089-00058320-00058944 wholeness of ourselves returns all the way back to source energy and we call that the ascension so we FFVk_C2q-2g-00090-00058944-00059560 are on a reconnaissance mission back to ourselves so the deepest most lost parts of you remain FFVk_C2q-2g-00091-00059560-00060120 unconscious physically focused feeling there is no god there is no help there is no universe FFVk_C2q-2g-00092-00060120-00060728 there there is no love and the part of you that's like hey you're too far into FFVk_C2q-2g-00093-00060728-00061248 the abyss or that part of you is too far so what that looks like for your question FFVk_C2q-2g-00094-00061328-00061944 is when we're creating our soul contracts what we do from a non-physical place your team your FFVk_C2q-2g-00095-00061944-00062472 strategy team the part of you that can see where you are see where you're lost love FFVk_C2q-2g-00096-00062472-00063360 you unconditionally but you can't hear them we'll create a life path uh plan for you a treasure map FFVk_C2q-2g-00097-00063424-00064455 a a gps system to get more of you back into light even if it's a chunk be happy even if you smile FFVk_C2q-2g-00098-00064455-00065216 and kiss a puppy we'll take that part home right so there's a huge mission going on all the time in FFVk_C2q-2g-00099-00065216-00065728 reincarnation it's not like oh i think i'll go be a woman this time it's very specifically designed FFVk_C2q-2g-00100-00065792-00066488 to maximize the potential of awakening now we know that in density the way that we awaken the most FFVk_C2q-2g-00101-00066488-00066976 is through pressure and pain it's usually been our greatest teacher it usually kind of smacks FFVk_C2q-2g-00102-00066976-00067416 us awake you know it's the loving mother wake up honey wake up honey or the dad pouring water over FFVk_C2q-2g-00103-00067416-00067872 the kid what's going to wake you up faster doesn't matter if it pisses you off it's okay because FFVk_C2q-2g-00104-00067872-00068488 it's a challenge to wake you up so the parents you picked the um the body that you picked the FFVk_C2q-2g-00105-00068488-00068848 gender that you picked the color of your skin that you picked the where you live on the planet your FFVk_C2q-2g-00106-00068848-00069272 economic system your church that your family goes to the schooling system that you're going to go to FFVk_C2q-2g-00107-00069272-00070152 has all been pre-designed 100 without fail it's been a calculated treasure map back to your own FFVk_C2q-2g-00108-00070152-00070832 awakening to reconcile and re-integrate back to another piece of yourself that remembers you FFVk_C2q-2g-00109-00070832-00071528 look at that word remember put back together and the part of you that states non-physically focused FFVk_C2q-2g-00110-00071528-00072056 is always calling you home there's no one that loves you the way that you love you FFVk_C2q-2g-00111-00072056-00072552 there's no one who knows what you've been through like you right but every time we look outside FFVk_C2q-2g-00112-00072552-00073096 of ourselves right we don't give ourselves the opportunity to reconnect with that cell FFVk_C2q-2g-00113-00073176-00073688 signal which is us which is why i'm always telling you guys to ask yourselves the question first FFVk_C2q-2g-00114-00073688-00074240 put the phones down stop calling your psychics stop calling your mamas ask yourself because it FFVk_C2q-2g-00115-00074240-00074936 may take a little bit of time to get to you but when you ask it's given and when you ask for help FFVk_C2q-2g-00116-00074936-00075520 it is there you may not be able to hear it because you have built walls around your heart and only FFVk_C2q-2g-00117-00075520-00076040 heart is telepathic but if you give yourselves time and space if you give yourself an opportunity FFVk_C2q-2g-00118-00076040-00076696 you will begin to hear yourself okay so that's like in another question but it's it's it's part FFVk_C2q-2g-00119-00076696-00077400 of this i love this question so all right now we come to the understanding that we have built a FFVk_C2q-2g-00120-00077456-00078208 story a movie a reconnaissance mission to get the loving fractal part of your source energy FFVk_C2q-2g-00121-00078264-00079184 to reconcile with the darker heavier dense unhappy parts of you right so we set up this FFVk_C2q-2g-00122-00079256-00079968 challenge for ourselves challenge is all about forcing ourselves into possibilities okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00123-00079968-00080488 lots of limits you know and the reason why there's so many limits created in front of your journeys FFVk_C2q-2g-00124-00080488-00081256 in this life is because the part of you that is in density suffering has what's called karmic FFVk_C2q-2g-00125-00081328-00081872 energy around it and now i don't i'm not in love with that word because your subconscious tends FFVk_C2q-2g-00126-00081872-00082392 to think that it's what you did bad you're gonna suffer for but i see it more as cause and effect FFVk_C2q-2g-00127-00082392-00083232 what you put out is what you get back all right and the more lost in density you are the more FFVk_C2q-2g-00128-00083232-00083968 likely you're going to believe in yourself in love than anybody else right you're going to constantly FFVk_C2q-2g-00129-00083968-00084536 be manifesting failures and opportunities you're going to be constantly going through shame to FFVk_C2q-2g-00130-00084536-00085248 guilt to humiliation to suffering into resentment and avoiding loss right and then going through FFVk_C2q-2g-00131-00085248-00085760 your death experience and and basically trying to start the whole game over again so it's it's FFVk_C2q-2g-00132-00085760-00086520 literally like one step at a time and even if it takes what we would call linear a billionaires to FFVk_C2q-2g-00133-00086520-00087032 reconcile a soul completely it would be worth it because oh the stories you would tell right FFVk_C2q-2g-00134-00087032-00087480 i mean imagine what you would bring back to source energy that you have experienced FFVk_C2q-2g-00135-00087480-00087968 when you forgot who you were and that's the whole point of the game guys so in your case FFVk_C2q-2g-00136-00088144-00089176 when a body is is ready to be manifested through spirit there are soul contracts and there is a FFVk_C2q-2g-00137-00089176-00089888 a kind of genetic design that goes on through the intention space and focus of our quantum signature FFVk_C2q-2g-00138-00089888-00090648 of our soul so we're like okay this part of me does not believe in love this part of me has been FFVk_C2q-2g-00139-00090648-00091328 beaten and broken and abused and is suffering and hates the world and matt keeps killing herself FFVk_C2q-2g-00140-00091328-00092288 or keeps killing other people and there is almost no hope except what is the one thing that we saw FFVk_C2q-2g-00141-00092288-00092856 the last time she had her death experience that when we reconciled through that kind of FFVk_C2q-2g-00142-00092856-00093568 higher vibrational um i don't want to call it redemption or but that purgatory space where FFVk_C2q-2g-00143-00093568-00094184 we all had a conversation before they forgot again who they were we remembered that they FFVk_C2q-2g-00144-00094184-00094960 saw they saw a spark of love in their eye when they saw a dog oh my gosh okay so right okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00145-00094960-00095656 but at the same time what turns it on turns it off so we want to pressurize her and we want to FFVk_C2q-2g-00146-00095656-00096496 put her in such an uncomfortable situation that she is forced to ask for help she is forced to FFVk_C2q-2g-00147-00096496-00097024 wake up okay but we also want to put lots of flashlights in the dark and lots of memories FFVk_C2q-2g-00148-00097024-00097472 of source energy and lots of opportunities you know it's almost like when you're looking at FFVk_C2q-2g-00149-00097472-00097896 treasure map there's like you know a lion's den a tar pit but there's like all of a sudden you see FFVk_C2q-2g-00150-00097896-00098288 a flashlight and a chunk of gold over there right and that is pretty much what our life looks like FFVk_C2q-2g-00151-00098352-00099008 so when we are combining source energy and the density part of our our fractal consciousness FFVk_C2q-2g-00152-00099080-00099792 we are existing in what would be called akashic records or space akashic is the memory FFVk_C2q-2g-00153-00099864-00100704 or the knowing of all that you have you have experienced and you have your own google filing FFVk_C2q-2g-00154-00100704-00101352 system through the universe all through a quantum database okay so everything that has existed FFVk_C2q-2g-00155-00101408-00101880 still exists everything that could exist that you've thought about witnessed wanted thought FFVk_C2q-2g-00156-00101880-00102480 you know concerned dreamed about still exists all your lives are are consecutively existing FFVk_C2q-2g-00157-00102535-00103176 right and the ones that are dense and lost in suffering are still vibrating FFVk_C2q-2g-00158-00103176-00103632 right like a ghost walking around a house at the same time every night not knowing that that part FFVk_C2q-2g-00159-00103632-00104256 of itself has moved into the light it leaves a fragment of its consciousness to play out a FFVk_C2q-2g-00160-00104256-00104744 story you know you'll notice when people start to get a little senile they start telling the FFVk_C2q-2g-00161-00104744-00105256 same stories over and over again so the parts of you that have been chipped away and were too FFVk_C2q-2g-00162-00105256-00105992 heavy to go back to source energy because of what you experienced witnessed or or perpetrated on FFVk_C2q-2g-00163-00105992-00106776 another remains in a place of kind of that idea of insanity right like senile kind of telling FFVk_C2q-2g-00164-00106776-00107448 the same story it's like a ghosted version of you walking around repeating cycles repeating cycles FFVk_C2q-2g-00165-00107448-00108304 and there's no one home except the memory of you because you've so far detached yourself FFVk_C2q-2g-00166-00108304-00109135 from remembering who you are that you can even have the experience of not remembering okay so FFVk_C2q-2g-00167-00109311-00109840 you start out with your akashic space and the higher consciousness of you who's trying to FFVk_C2q-2g-00168-00109840-00110456 reconcile you home begins to formulate a plan and puts together a life experience for you FFVk_C2q-2g-00169-00110511-00111304 that will help you break off a piece or come completely home right because your higher self FFVk_C2q-2g-00170-00111304-00111640 is like i just need a piece because the lighter you get the lighter you get the lighter you get FFVk_C2q-2g-00171-00111640-00112280 the lighter you get then you totally integrate all right so what you'll notice is that your kids are FFVk_C2q-2g-00172-00112280-00113072 much more loving than you are allowed to be right your parents were a lot more heavy and dense so FFVk_C2q-2g-00173-00113072-00113711 what's happening is as the ascension moves along everybody's kind of lightening up but they're also FFVk_C2q-2g-00174-00113792-00114488 in the light experiencing pain more transparently than we did say a hundred years ago FFVk_C2q-2g-00175-00114544-00115200 like your kids are like i'm feeling my feelings whether you like it or not right i'm choosing my FFVk_C2q-2g-00176-00115200-00115768 gender i'm choosing my sexuality right so it's like you'll notice that as the generations pass FFVk_C2q-2g-00177-00115824-00116408 you can really kind of see this linear expression of fractal consciousness recalibrating with its FFVk_C2q-2g-00178-00116408-00116832 divine self that's why the kids get smarter and smarter as the generations go on through FFVk_C2q-2g-00179-00116832-00117456 this ascension and you start off not through cells and molecules and bones and organs you FFVk_C2q-2g-00180-00117456-00118135 start off in subatomic energy the subatomic energy is collected from your akashic space FFVk_C2q-2g-00181-00118216-00118904 it it's like building a blueprint of you you know past present future reconciled FFVk_C2q-2g-00182-00118904-00119896 traumatized abused loved all aspects of you formulate into you okay and and it's not you FFVk_C2q-2g-00183-00119952-00120616 it's the you that will tell the story the best to get you to your next love of awareness so FFVk_C2q-2g-00184-00120616-00121168 the parents you choose the life experience that you choose the body you choose the gender you FFVk_C2q-2g-00185-00121168-00121944 choose it's all specifically designed there is no randoms in the universe everything is deliberate FFVk_C2q-2g-00186-00121944-00122624 okay and it is deliberately designed to bring you or a piece of you home no matter the cost okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00187-00122711-00123272 so hopefully you're following me so subatomic structure then as a blueprint of energy creation FFVk_C2q-2g-00188-00123272-00123952 of the of the idea of you that you will play out in this incarnation to become more aware will FFVk_C2q-2g-00189-00123952-00125000 now encode all of that subatomic memory ideas commands routes right destinies formulas into FFVk_C2q-2g-00190-00125064-00126072 the cellular structure of the body that is being created from mom and dad and it's all it's all FFVk_C2q-2g-00191-00126072-00127208 part of a web designed from lineage bloodlines parents dna right it's like like me okay so FFVk_C2q-2g-00192-00127392-00127808 for years i was like why god why did you give me this family FFVk_C2q-2g-00193-00127808-00128408 you know this mother and his father and why you know and then as i get to this point i'm like oh FFVk_C2q-2g-00194-00128496-00128983 gotcha right i know what i was here to work out and reconcile because part of me was too dark FFVk_C2q-2g-00195-00129064-00129520 and there was a part of me that remembered the light and we came together it's like a demonic FFVk_C2q-2g-00196-00129520-00130000 space and an angelic space came together and birthed you because you are the dense part and FFVk_C2q-2g-00197-00130000-00130808 the light part incarnated so you needed both aspects of mom and dad's genetics gender and FFVk_C2q-2g-00198-00130808-00131264 thought process belief structures you needed their traumas you needed their pains you needed their FFVk_C2q-2g-00199-00131264-00132232 victories you needed their intuitive gifts to collect and grow you right so with that idea i'm FFVk_C2q-2g-00200-00132232-00133296 learning a lot about the cannabis plant and to me cannabis and the human design are very wildly tied FFVk_C2q-2g-00201-00133408-00134288 because of genetic modifications of cannabis strains creating different outcomes for different FFVk_C2q-2g-00202-00134288-00135352 experiences is no different than you choosing manipulating right your own body for a specific FFVk_C2q-2g-00203-00135352-00136000 reason just like i watch my fiance help you know extract and he'll say you know he's teaching me FFVk_C2q-2g-00204-00136000-00136592 about the farming part of it and how you know all we have to do is tell the plants that it's FFVk_C2q-2g-00205-00136592-00137288 daylight all the time and they keep growing how do we tell them right through frequency and vibration FFVk_C2q-2g-00206-00137352-00138072 so you are tuning doing that with yourself acting as the sun and hydration of that so subatomic FFVk_C2q-2g-00207-00138072-00139088 energy so now you come in you are a blueprint you are a masterpiece of genetic design i mean if you FFVk_C2q-2g-00208-00139088-00139896 could see what you created you would literally be crying in awe of the magnificence of the part FFVk_C2q-2g-00209-00139896-00140784 of you that is is designed to awaken from the part of you that loves you the most all in one house so FFVk_C2q-2g-00210-00140920-00141296 you're like just this does not answer my question i think it's important though because FFVk_C2q-2g-00211-00141384-00142136 where i'm going with this is for you to understand that your body is much more FFVk_C2q-2g-00212-00142136-00142984 intelligent in your akashic records than you could have any clue of your subconscious mind remembers FFVk_C2q-2g-00213-00143056-00144160 everything your unconscious mind knows everything about you about where you've been what you've seen FFVk_C2q-2g-00214-00144232-00144928 what's been done to you what you've done to others because that summaries in that subatomic space FFVk_C2q-2g-00215-00144928-00145616 is the totality of all of you of all of your experiences in one house right now you know FFVk_C2q-2g-00216-00145616-00146144 our families struggle so much because it's a a metaphor right all that energy under FFVk_C2q-2g-00217-00146144-00146648 one roof is scary right the best parts of you the worst parts of you all in one house FFVk_C2q-2g-00218-00146648-00147712 the body now because the body remembers everything it is going to communicate with you FFVk_C2q-2g-00219-00147792-00148456 through feelings okay because it's not like hey jess we're down here but i will tell you FFVk_C2q-2g-00220-00148456-00149048 the more you begin to work with yourself the more that conversation starts to sound like that but FFVk_C2q-2g-00221-00149048-00149648 when we're so separate from ourselves and we have given our power away and we are still learning to FFVk_C2q-2g-00222-00149648-00150280 trust ourselves and we're still you know on that journey to remember who we are and understand FFVk_C2q-2g-00223-00150280-00150936 ourselves there is a major disconnect between kind of the mind the body and the spirit okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00224-00151000-00151688 and when there is that disconnect between the mind body and spirit we're kind of instead of facing FFVk_C2q-2g-00225-00151688-00152304 inward we're facing outward and we're asking for people's help to tell us what's going on with us FFVk_C2q-2g-00226-00152304-00152904 okay well the more you turn in and the more you face you know as like imagine that there was three FFVk_C2q-2g-00227-00152904-00153264 people and they were all you know they had their backs to each other and they were looking out FFVk_C2q-2g-00228-00153336-00153808 all right and they were asking everybody around you who am i who am i who am i and FFVk_C2q-2g-00229-00153808-00154160 all they really needed to do was kind of turn around and face each other and be like FFVk_C2q-2g-00230-00154160-00154800 oh okay there we are and one of them's a body and one of them's a soul and one of them is that kind FFVk_C2q-2g-00231-00154800-00155352 of conscious dense part of you that's been sitting here right waiting for the rest of you to show up FFVk_C2q-2g-00232-00155424-00156240 um so what will happen is because your body has the memory of everything you've ever experienced FFVk_C2q-2g-00233-00156240-00156824 and is designed through a karmic space to utilize other unconscious FFVk_C2q-2g-00234-00156880-00157512 places in your existence to pull and push on you right like irk you put trigger you FFVk_C2q-2g-00235-00157600-00158248 then you will begin to kind of reconcile many many many different death experiences in this FFVk_C2q-2g-00236-00158248-00158976 reality okay death experiences can come in all forms you know notice how boring this reality is FFVk_C2q-2g-00237-00158976-00159472 compared to like some of the past lives we've gone on to in hypnosis you know it's like wow i mean in FFVk_C2q-2g-00238-00159472-00160024 the 16th century i was like awesome and you know walking in castles and i had beautiful clothes FFVk_C2q-2g-00239-00160024-00160632 and i had prince charming and now i'm like got a crappy co-worker in psoriasis like it's not cool FFVk_C2q-2g-00240-00160632-00161264 but it's a lot easier to reconcile when things are boring than when you may not live to be 14. so FFVk_C2q-2g-00241-00161264-00161920 this is why the ascension is getting more awareness but more boring because we can FFVk_C2q-2g-00242-00161920-00162568 then force ourselves to look within and we're not getting beheaded every other lifetime honestly FFVk_C2q-2g-00243-00162568-00163200 so your situation is unique because when i look at your timeline as far as what you're here FFVk_C2q-2g-00244-00163304-00163984 to karmically experience reconcile and resolve okay and through resolving your own FFVk_C2q-2g-00245-00164064-00164904 inner conflict of pain a byproduct of that is sharing that okay because as you begin to FFVk_C2q-2g-00246-00164984-00165616 become yourself your energy field expands and the memories of that love within yourself begins to FFVk_C2q-2g-00247-00165616-00166208 radiate and through telepathic nature of the heart it begins to permeate into other people's fields FFVk_C2q-2g-00248-00166208-00166576 and it's like bright lights are waking up it's almost like a tiny little candle can light FFVk_C2q-2g-00249-00166576-00167120 a million candles and not burn out and that is kind of the purpose is you know one person wakes FFVk_C2q-2g-00250-00167120-00167576 up and it becomes kind of the domino effect or the hundred monkey effect and that is another reason FFVk_C2q-2g-00251-00167576-00168224 why this time in space is so magical right now is because we don't have to necessarily try as hard FFVk_C2q-2g-00252-00168224-00168664 or work as hard to get our own attention when there's so much light on the planet FFVk_C2q-2g-00253-00168784-00169464 your situation is this this the prickly scales the weird energy that you get in FFVk_C2q-2g-00254-00169464-00170136 your body that feels almost like allergic reaction is coming from a death experience that is in full FFVk_C2q-2g-00255-00170208-00171080 ptsd post-traumatic stress um in this now moment okay so when you're saying okay it's not it's FFVk_C2q-2g-00256-00171080-00171560 not animal related it's not food related it's not bug related it's not meditation related it's not FFVk_C2q-2g-00257-00171560-00172464 anything what is it well it had to be something so whatever kind of triggered when you when you were FFVk_C2q-2g-00258-00172464-00173528 little it reminded your body of a particular death experience that you continue to resist FFVk_C2q-2g-00259-00173664-00174272 and feel resist and feel resist and feel so and i'm just going to tell you what it is because FFVk_C2q-2g-00260-00174272-00174808 i mean not that you need to know this but this particular incarnation i would say less than 200 FFVk_C2q-2g-00261-00174808-00175808 years ago it was a um you were playing the part at that point of creating kind of this witch's coven FFVk_C2q-2g-00262-00175808-00176960 divine feminine and very much about creating spells and tinctures and formulas in order to FFVk_C2q-2g-00263-00177160-00177792 kind of move divine masculine into your own will it was almost like if i was gonna FFVk_C2q-2g-00264-00177856-00178400 put this in a movie to just give it a easy name you were creating love potion number nine okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00265-00178456-00179288 now as you were kind of the head of this operation you have a huge lineage in your bloodline at this FFVk_C2q-2g-00266-00179288-00180032 particular incarnation of very powerful you know which energy or you know whatever you FFVk_C2q-2g-00267-00180032-00180672 want to call it i'm not trying to stereotype the the idea but it was very much the feeling of that FFVk_C2q-2g-00268-00180744-00181544 and something went terribly wrong and um ended up losing your sister now as you FFVk_C2q-2g-00269-00181544-00182184 lost your sister it it spiraled you into a huge amount of shame and guilt right because FFVk_C2q-2g-00270-00182184-00182928 again it was all about the empowered woman it was all about kind of this it's almost this revenge FFVk_C2q-2g-00271-00182928-00183616 almost and this will that you wanted to kind of bend and it wasn't for no other reason than FFVk_C2q-2g-00272-00183680-00184184 you know broken heart heard people do hurt people in the essence of that you lost your sister FFVk_C2q-2g-00273-00184184-00184744 so a part of you broke off and went deeper into density and a part of you that was the FFVk_C2q-2g-00274-00184744-00185328 loving part of your sister returned back and integrated so the prickly prickly pricklys came FFVk_C2q-2g-00275-00185384-00186048 back online so remember you guys that when you re-experience a vibration that is from the past FFVk_C2q-2g-00276-00186128-00186896 um it will flip a switch and bring that timeline into this timeline and so you won't remember FFVk_C2q-2g-00277-00186896-00187640 necessarily that but you'll start to manifest things in your reality to pick up where you left FFVk_C2q-2g-00278-00187640-00188664 off okay so now you're finding yourself vibrating right having desires having strange guilt and FFVk_C2q-2g-00279-00188664-00189624 shame rescuing right and so you're finding these things and the body reaction that is trying to FFVk_C2q-2g-00280-00189624-00190504 get your attention is the part of your grief that you have not completely mourned so i would say FFVk_C2q-2g-00281-00190504-00191376 that when you started to experience this it was in a sleep experience it was in a um FFVk_C2q-2g-00282-00191376-00192016 because you've always been able to travel okay you probably might have shut that down at some point FFVk_C2q-2g-00283-00192016-00192584 but early on in your your younger years you were able to do the astral travel and you reconnected FFVk_C2q-2g-00284-00192640-00193200 with that particular heartbreak and pain and it kind of shoved you right back in your body FFVk_C2q-2g-00285-00193200-00193712 and so it's almost like prickly needles when your body begins to wake up so it's the it's FFVk_C2q-2g-00286-00193712-00194184 actually all it is is it's a reoccurring death experience manifesting like a ghost in your body FFVk_C2q-2g-00287-00194288-00194776 i know i just spent like 43 minutes or something telling that story but i think FFVk_C2q-2g-00288-00194776-00195360 that there was a lot of meaning for a lot of people there so that's what it is so it's not FFVk_C2q-2g-00289-00195360-00195920 like you're necessarily allergic to what is in front of you you're having an allergic reaction FFVk_C2q-2g-00290-00195920-00196560 to the memory of suffering that you do not want to feel all pain in the body is a call for love FFVk_C2q-2g-00291-00196560-00197248 it is a memory of home and it is a check engine light okay remember me remember me remember me FFVk_C2q-2g-00292-00197248-00197928 so here is your bio hack long story you are a commander-in-chief of your reality you are moving FFVk_C2q-2g-00293-00197928-00198448 into this ascension where you are starting to remember yourself so this will be very easy breezy FFVk_C2q-2g-00294-00198448-00199264 for you you are the creator so what i need to do is instead of questioning what is happening to me FFVk_C2q-2g-00295-00199400-00200296 let's ask what is this showing me how is this helping me remember right how is this FFVk_C2q-2g-00296-00200296-00200736 my teacher these are questions that i want you guys to start asking yourself versus trying to FFVk_C2q-2g-00297-00200736-00201248 google your sensations right you're going to get a story when really i need you to go into FFVk_C2q-2g-00298-00201248-00201832 the sub atomic or the subconscious space and start rooting around in there asking some big questions FFVk_C2q-2g-00299-00201920-00202624 okay so did you need to know that story no but it helps the biohack part because you're like okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00300-00202624-00203160 i'm just reconciling a piece of me right this piece of me is irritated this piece of me FFVk_C2q-2g-00301-00203160-00203832 gets inflamed when certain energy is remembered recoiled or or renounced when i get around this FFVk_C2q-2g-00302-00203832-00204448 particular memory person idea or thing i feel the sensation it's just a body memory it's the FFVk_C2q-2g-00303-00204448-00204904 ghosting energy coming back through of the death experience that you didn't let yourself complete FFVk_C2q-2g-00304-00204976-00205400 so because you didn't let yourself complete it it still resides as that ghosted frequency FFVk_C2q-2g-00305-00205400-00206167 or that itchiness okay and that is your your your kind of cosmic ptsd your akashic space FFVk_C2q-2g-00306-00206232-00206719 moving through your cellular memory but because you're not asking your body hey what's going on FFVk_C2q-2g-00307-00206719-00207312 in there you're going hey what's going on in here right so first and foremost you don't even need to FFVk_C2q-2g-00308-00207312-00207976 know why you just need to know that you can it's time for us to integrate this piece of ourselves FFVk_C2q-2g-00309-00207976-00208440 so we're going to put one hand on our heart and uh and i always usually use the right hand FFVk_C2q-2g-00310-00208504-00209016 you can use your left it's there's no rhyme or reason in non-duality i use the right hand FFVk_C2q-2g-00311-00209016-00209544 and i put it on my heart space so that i can kind of remember where my telepathic space is FFVk_C2q-2g-00312-00209544-00210104 because this is where i'm going to communicate from okay my arm is an extension of my heart FFVk_C2q-2g-00313-00210104-00210823 and it is demonstrating that i am unified okay now i'm gonna put the other hand on that FFVk_C2q-2g-00314-00210823-00211471 timeline okay i'm gonna put the other hand out to where that timeline feels like it might be right FFVk_C2q-2g-00315-00211552-00211992 okay it might be over here right maybe i don't know but i'm just gonna put my hand up and FFVk_C2q-2g-00316-00212064-00212760 command through intention and focus that that part of me the dense part of me that is still suffering FFVk_C2q-2g-00317-00212760-00213512 from the loss of my sister still angry at divine masculine is going to call forth the energy FFVk_C2q-2g-00318-00213600-00214208 and through the left hand space i'm going to allow and accept myself completely that FFVk_C2q-2g-00319-00214208-00214992 i am love and that i am here to be love and as i remember my heart and i remember my pain i'm FFVk_C2q-2g-00320-00214992-00215544 going to close the gap and i'm going to basically collapse the wave all right take a deep breath FFVk_C2q-2g-00321-00215712-00216312 now you guys you can do this with anything that's going on with you any recurring issue FFVk_C2q-2g-00322-00216312-00217208 any reoccurring chronic pain is most likely a incarnation that is disassociated from you that FFVk_C2q-2g-00323-00217208-00217744 you're not actually seeing the reflection of in your reality right so if i were gonna say okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00324-00217744-00218167 genie let's like let's be honest like what's your relationship with the divine masculine and what's FFVk_C2q-2g-00325-00218167-00218664 your relationship with the sister energy we could find it vibrating right now okay FFVk_C2q-2g-00326-00218719-00219336 so hopefully that helped um you can use that quantum 2 point for anything you are commander FFVk_C2q-2g-00327-00219336-00219856 in chief it will actually help you biohack and reconcile a lot more of your fractal consciousness FFVk_C2q-2g-00328-00219856-00220471 lost in space and bring yourself home because only you know how to love you only you know FFVk_C2q-2g-00329-00220471-00221008 you only you know what you've done good done bad done right done wrong even in the eyes of judgment FFVk_C2q-2g-00330-00221064-00221600 and you don't actually care you love yourself so you need to be the one that does that FGdBad-CFt8-00000-00000036-00000430 Would you like to see a list of top 10 dog breeds that were used or are still being used FGdBad-CFt8-00001-00000430-00000552 in dog fights? FGdBad-CFt8-00002-00000598-00000984 Before we proceed with the list if you love pets and want to see more top 10 videos in FGdBad-CFt8-00003-00000984-00001328 the future, click the subscribe button below the video. FGdBad-CFt8-00004-00001436-00001934 Dog fighting is a cruel sport that requires breeds with a firm and muscular body, strong FGdBad-CFt8-00005-00001934-00002140 jaws, and great bite strength. FGdBad-CFt8-00006-00002204-00002522 Luckily, today it is outlawed in most countries. FGdBad-CFt8-00007-00002592-00003078 Dog fighting is legal in: Japan, Honduras, parts of Russia and Albania. FGdBad-CFt8-00008-00003128-00003400 Are the dogs used in dog fighting aggressive? FGdBad-CFt8-00009-00003461-00003879 Aggressiveness and a desire to fight isn't natural canine behavior. FGdBad-CFt8-00010-00003934-00004478 Man's actions created various breeds that took part in the harsh sports of dog-, bear- FGdBad-CFt8-00011-00004478-00004596 and bull-fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00012-00004650-00005124 Additionally, dogs used in dog fighting are kept separate from other animals and do not FGdBad-CFt8-00013-00005124-00005266 socialize at all. FGdBad-CFt8-00014-00005316-00005788 In these illegal fights, dogs get wounded and hurt, so do not under any circumstances FGdBad-CFt8-00015-00005788-00006114 support this inappropriate, frightening and forbidden sport. FGdBad-CFt8-00016-00006180-00006630 Now let's take a look at the top 10 dog breeds that were used in dog fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00017-00006678-00006908 Dog breed number ten, Gull Terrier. FGdBad-CFt8-00018-00006966-00007530 Gull terriers are very rare dogs that were used for dog fights, hunting, and protection. FGdBad-CFt8-00019-00007590-00008100 These dogs were created by crossbreeding English Bull Terriers with indigenous species such FGdBad-CFt8-00020-00008100-00008192 as the Bully dog. FGdBad-CFt8-00021-00008262-00008778 The Gull Terrier is extremely: protective, wary of strangers, and intelligent. FGdBad-CFt8-00022-00008834-00009124 These dogs were used in dog- and bull-fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00023-00009194-00009558 Although they don't have a great past, they can be kept as pets. FGdBad-CFt8-00024-00009636-00010132 They require early socialization, a lot of attention and physical activity. FGdBad-CFt8-00025-00010180-00010536 Dog breed number nine, American Staffordshire Terrier. FGdBad-CFt8-00026-00010594-00011117 American Staffordshire Terriers are extremely agile, quick, and athletically built, which FGdBad-CFt8-00027-00011118-00011344 makes them good candidates for dog fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00028-00011398-00011876 Although they were not used in legal dog fights in the past, they were used in illegal ones, FGdBad-CFt8-00029-00011876-00012152 where they are unfortunately still being used today. FGdBad-CFt8-00030-00012220-00012794 American Staffordshire Terriers are: brave, stalwart, loyal, devoted, friendly, and attentive. FGdBad-CFt8-00031-00012846-00013346 These dogs make for great pets that are loved by all family members, including kids; they FGdBad-CFt8-00032-00013346-00013524 love spending time with people. FGdBad-CFt8-00033-00013582-00014022 The American Staffordshire Terrier as a pet is a dog that will act the way you teach him FGdBad-CFt8-00034-00014022-00014082 to. FGdBad-CFt8-00035-00014128-00014426 Dog breed number eight, American Bulldog. FGdBad-CFt8-00036-00014440-00014941 The American Bulldog is a muscular, strong and firm dog with a, particularly powerful FGdBad-CFt8-00037-00014941-00014997 bite. FGdBad-CFt8-00038-00015060-00015472 They were used in many different parts of the world in illegal dog fights. FGdBad-CFt8-00039-00015530-00016016 American Bulldogs are: stubborn, devoted, friendly, and sociable. FGdBad-CFt8-00040-00016047-00016546 These well-behaved, cuddly pets are nevertheless careful and they never run away or give up FGdBad-CFt8-00041-00016546-00016630 on a conflict. FGdBad-CFt8-00042-00016678-00017170 All these characteristics, unfortunately, make them an often seen candidate in illegal FGdBad-CFt8-00043-00017170-00017250 dog fights. FGdBad-CFt8-00044-00017328-00017646 Dog breed number seven, Bully Dog or Bully Kutta. FGdBad-CFt8-00045-00017708-00018102 The Bully Dog is a large working dog used for hunting and guarding. FGdBad-CFt8-00046-00018156-00018496 They were used in illegal dog fights in Pakistan and India. FGdBad-CFt8-00047-00018572-00018970 Bully dogs are: intelligent, attentive, energetic, and aggressive. FGdBad-CFt8-00048-00019020-00019370 These dogs still aren't recognized as a dog breed in India. FGdBad-CFt8-00049-00019416-00019666 Dog breed number six, Bandog. FGdBad-CFt8-00050-00019730-00020173 The Bandogs were created by crossbreeding various different kinds of dog breeds, giving FGdBad-CFt8-00051-00020174-00020612 them the size of a Mastiff, and the temperament of an American Pitbull Terrier. FGdBad-CFt8-00052-00020678-00020932 They aren't recognized as a dog breed. FGdBad-CFt8-00053-00020972-00021496 They have an extremely strong bite and characteristics which make them excellent guard dogs. FGdBad-CFt8-00054-00021582-00022026 Bandogs are: confident, relaxed, reliable, decisive, and stable. FGdBad-CFt8-00055-00022096-00022436 These dogs were primarily used as a working guard dog. FGdBad-CFt8-00056-00022502-00022924 Still, they were used in dog fights because it is more difficult to control them once FGdBad-CFt8-00057-00022924-00023238 they spot an unknown animal that could hurt their owners. FGdBad-CFt8-00058-00023318-00023604 Dog breed number five, Presa Canario. FGdBad-CFt8-00059-00023650-00024062 The Presa Canario is a large, strong, and extremely dominant pet. FGdBad-CFt8-00060-00024132-00024498 These dogs have not only a strong body but also a powerful bite. FGdBad-CFt8-00061-00024568-00025134 They were used for dog fighting in the Canary Islands until 1950, at which point the fights FGdBad-CFt8-00062-00025134-00025228 were outlawed. FGdBad-CFt8-00063-00025284-00025700 These dogs can make for good pets, but they should never be allowed to become the Alpha FGdBad-CFt8-00064-00025700-00025832 member of the family. FGdBad-CFt8-00065-00025886-00026389 The Presa Canario is: suspicious, strong, gentle, dominant, and calm. FGdBad-CFt8-00066-00026445-00026989 In some of the world's countries, this dog breed is outlawed, or the ownership is restricted. FGdBad-CFt8-00067-00027039-00027258 Dog breed number four, Tosa. FGdBad-CFt8-00068-00027324-00027772 The Japanese fighting dog Tosa originated through crossbreeding with various European FGdBad-CFt8-00069-00027772-00028002 species in order to gain size and strength. FGdBad-CFt8-00070-00028077-00028433 These dogs are still used for dog fighting in Japan today. FGdBad-CFt8-00071-00028512-00029014 They have a very powerful bite and characteristics that make them an enticing choice for dog FGdBad-CFt8-00072-00029014-00029089 fights. FGdBad-CFt8-00073-00029188-00029750 The Japanese Fighting Dog Tosa is: suspicious, fearless, smart, aggressive, sensitive, and FGdBad-CFt8-00074-00029750-00029818 brave. FGdBad-CFt8-00075-00029894-00030414 This dog breed is considered very aggressive and is outlawed in many countries. FGdBad-CFt8-00076-00030462-00030900 And now follows the top 3 dog breeds used in dog fighting, ready? FGdBad-CFt8-00077-00030970-00031242 Dog breed number three, Fila Brasileiro. FGdBad-CFt8-00078-00031304-00031662 The Fila is a large working dog used for hunting and guarding. FGdBad-CFt8-00079-00031706-00032044 He is the least obedient of all Mastiffs. FGdBad-CFt8-00080-00032106-00032436 Also notable is his fierce temperament and stubbornness. FGdBad-CFt8-00081-00032506-00032764 These dogs were used for dog fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00082-00032816-00033148 They possess extraordinarily good tracking abilities. FGdBad-CFt8-00083-00033224-00033750 They are excellent hunting dogs because instead of simply catching their prey, they trap it FGdBad-CFt8-00084-00033750-00033892 and wait for their owner. FGdBad-CFt8-00085-00033954-00034382 The Brazilian Mastiff is: devoted, brave, decisive, and fearless. FGdBad-CFt8-00086-00034438-00034876 Loyal to their owners, they will do their utmost to protect them, which includes being FGdBad-CFt8-00087-00034876-00034954 aggressive. FGdBad-CFt8-00088-00035038-00035338 Dog breed number two, Dogo Argentino. FGdBad-CFt8-00089-00035394-00035844 The large, muscular Dogo Argentino is a good and devoted guard dog. FGdBad-CFt8-00090-00035908-00036386 These agile, strong and resilient dogs were unfortunately a popular pick for dog fighting, FGdBad-CFt8-00091-00036386-00036546 which continues even today. FGdBad-CFt8-00092-00036608-00037002 Nevertheless, today these dogs make for extremely loyal pets. FGdBad-CFt8-00093-00037072-00037564 The Dogo Argentino is: kind, devoted, cheerful, protective, and tolerant. FGdBad-CFt8-00094-00037628-00038008 These dogs can be dangerous, but it all depends on their owners. FGdBad-CFt8-00095-00038068-00038512 They do not attack without a reason, and if you treat them correctly, they can make for FGdBad-CFt8-00096-00038512-00038658 excellent and loyal guard dogs. FGdBad-CFt8-00097-00038738-00039096 Finally, the dog breed most used in dog fights, ready? FGdBad-CFt8-00098-00039152-00039502 Dog breed number one, American Pit Bull Terrier. FGdBad-CFt8-00099-00039564-00040034 The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog traditionally associated with dog fighting. FGdBad-CFt8-00100-00040084-00040590 They were used in dog fights in the past, and they are used in illegal dog fights today. FGdBad-CFt8-00101-00040652-00041066 There are various associations attempting to change the negative perception of these FGdBad-CFt8-00102-00041066-00041136 dogs. FGdBad-CFt8-00103-00041182-00041624 This is because the American Pit Bull Terriers can successfully adapt to become excellent, FGdBad-CFt8-00104-00041624-00041866 loyal, devoted and obedient pets. FGdBad-CFt8-00105-00041938-00042284 They can also be used as: police dogs, and therapy dogs. FGdBad-CFt8-00106-00042358-00042832 These muscular pets are definitely strong, agile, and have a powerful bite, but their FGdBad-CFt8-00107-00042832-00043078 temperament isn't aggressive by nature. FGdBad-CFt8-00108-00043150-00043704 American Pit Bull Terriers are: kind, devoted, obedient, smart, strong, friendly, and attentive. FGdBad-CFt8-00109-00043756-00044202 In most cases, their owners are the ones to blame for their aggression. FGdBad-CFt8-00110-00044250-00044720 The dogs used in dog fighting are kept separate from other animals and do not socialize at FGdBad-CFt8-00111-00044720-00044782 all. FGdBad-CFt8-00112-00044854-00045316 They can get hurt or even gravely wounded in the fights, so it's very understandable FGdBad-CFt8-00113-00045316-00045682 why this sport has been outlawed in the majority of countries. FGdBad-CFt8-00114-00045762-00046174 Fortunately, dog fighting is outlawed in almost all parts of the world. FGdBad-CFt8-00115-00046256-00046676 If there are more dog breeds that could be a part of this list, I would very much appreciate FGdBad-CFt8-00116-00046676-00046882 it if you wrotethem down in the comments. FGdBad-CFt8-00117-00046946-00047118 Would you like to see more? FGdBad-CFt8-00118-00047206-00047786 I have also made lists of the top 10 deadliest, most aggressive, most dangerous, most beautiful, FGdBad-CFt8-00119-00047786-00048154 most intelligent, smallest dog breeds in the world, and many more. FGdBad-CFt8-00120-00048224-00048648 If you found this video good and useful, click the like button and subscribe so you don't FGdBad-CFt8-00121-00048648-00048838 miss new videos in the future! FGdBad-CFt8-00122-00048896-00049346 See you in the next video and always remember let's keep our pets healthy. FGdBad-CFt8-00123-00049418-00049504 Bye! FGdBad-CFt8-00124-00049520-00049880 Top 10 dog breeds used in dog fighting! FHGfmbBlKiY-00000-00000084-00000285 Jennifer Wilson: I think in the interest of time, I'm going to FHGfmbBlKiY-00001-00000285-00000963 go on to the next scenario. But I think just as the observer FHGfmbBlKiY-00002-00000963-00001203 moderator, like, it's interesting how immigrant FHGfmbBlKiY-00003-00001203-00001632 stories have those push-pulls to them, you know, the push towards FHGfmbBlKiY-00004-00001632-00001911 it, or the pull away from it at different moments. And I feel FHGfmbBlKiY-00005-00001911-00002346 like all of you have those kind of, you know, right time, right FHGfmbBlKiY-00006-00002346-00002712 moment type of scenario within it. But, but maybe we can pick FHGfmbBlKiY-00007-00002712-00003336 this up later. So, our third scenario--and I'm going to go to FHGfmbBlKiY-00008-00003336-00003854 Zain first--is to have you discuss your professional life FHGfmbBlKiY-00009-00003861-00004266 and discuss one time that you became very aware of your race. FHGfmbBlKiY-00010-00004815-00005307 Zain Alam: Yeah, I mean, I guess this is not necessarily a racial FHGfmbBlKiY-00011-00005448-00006228 identity or question of sorts. But early on in my career, after FHGfmbBlKiY-00012-00006228-00006534 my first record kind of made like a little bit of a surprise FHGfmbBlKiY-00013-00006534-00007179 splash, I had a conversation with a...somebody who's very FHGfmbBlKiY-00014-00007179-00007575 highly placed a label, who, you know, brought me in one day to FHGfmbBlKiY-00015-00007575-00007905 do the whole, you know, talk that you do--the whole kind of FHGfmbBlKiY-00016-00007905-00008331 wine and dine that people do when they're trying to get young FHGfmbBlKiY-00017-00008331-00008889 blood into their ecosystem. And there...it was a lovely FHGfmbBlKiY-00018-00008889-00009210 conversation for the most part, but towards the end of it, I FHGfmbBlKiY-00019-00009210-00009663 remember, it came up. There was just various things about this. FHGfmbBlKiY-00020-00009663-00009828 [They said,] "What's interesting about the story...this is what's FHGfmbBlKiY-00021-00009828-00010269 interesting about the narrative...what about what FHGfmbBlKiY-00022-00010269-00010659 about, uh, you know, I don't know, hopefully, this is not FHGfmbBlKiY-00023-00010659-00010917 like, intruding or anything, but like, might I ask what your FHGfmbBlKiY-00024-00010917-00011205 religious background is?" I was like, "Yeah, I was, I was raised FHGfmbBlKiY-00025-00011205-00011826 Muslim. And I still practice it in my own way. Um, why?" And FHGfmbBlKiY-00026-00011883-00012318 they said, "Why is that not part of your press sheet? Why don't I FHGfmbBlKiY-00027-00012318-00012603 see that anywhere in your bios? That's one of the most important FHGfmbBlKiY-00028-00012603-00013047 parts of this working." And I was like, "Wait, wait, wait, in FHGfmbBlKiY-00029-00013047-00013212 what way." And he was like, "I know, you're not going to want FHGfmbBlKiY-00030-00013212-00014001 to hear it. But this is like a branding opportunity." And I FHGfmbBlKiY-00031-00014001-00014181 think there's just something weird when you talk about it in FHGfmbBlKiY-00032-00014181-00014829 that way, where it's so plainly is like... I know, everybody has FHGfmbBlKiY-00033-00014829-00015126 to find a way to work in the market and do the FHGfmbBlKiY-00034-00015126-00015369 commodification that's required to make an ecosystem like a FHGfmbBlKiY-00035-00015369-00016002 label survive. But I think to come into a conversation and an FHGfmbBlKiY-00036-00016002-00016530 initial "let's get to know one another" that is so laden with FHGfmbBlKiY-00037-00016542-00016893 terms of finance and of branding, with regards to FHGfmbBlKiY-00038-00016893-00017445 something that is really like, under threat, and constantly FHGfmbBlKiY-00039-00017445-00017802 under attack. in America. Just feels it just, it's just brought FHGfmbBlKiY-00040-00017802-00018540 up a lot of questions of: "Okay, whose interest? Even if these FHGfmbBlKiY-00041-00018540-00018747 guys are working on the behalf of artists, whose interest are FHGfmbBlKiY-00042-00018747-00019263 they actually looking out for? And how much self work I'd FHGfmbBlKiY-00043-00019263-00019920 actually willing to do to not sound so incredibly clumsy with FHGfmbBlKiY-00044-00019920-00020301 their language in their priorities here?" Um, I think FHGfmbBlKiY-00045-00020301-00020547 one good thing about that, though, is also that like...I FHGfmbBlKiY-00046-00020547-00020856 think there's one half of [inaudible] people I know--South FHGfmbBlKiY-00047-00020859-00021093 Asian, Asian, who are like, "Yeah, yeah, it's great. You FHGfmbBlKiY-00048-00021093-00021291 should use it, use it here in a minute and use it how you want." FHGfmbBlKiY-00049-00021321-00021489 And then there's the other half that are like, "Hey, well, at FHGfmbBlKiY-00050-00021489-00021681 least you got to see that really early on in initial FHGfmbBlKiY-00051-00021681-00021924 conversation. And you got to know that that's somebody who FHGfmbBlKiY-00052-00021924-00022437 you don't want to build with." Um, so yeah, I'm gonna have that FHGfmbBlKiY-00053-00022440-00022611 that kind of realization early on. FHGfmbBlKiY-00054-00023328-00023442 Jennifer Wilson: Ben, it's coming to you. FHGfmbBlKiY-00055-00023901-00024858 Ben Kono: Oh. So when I hear that question, it kind of FHGfmbBlKiY-00056-00024858-00025617 suggests that there's some sort of negative connotation, you FHGfmbBlKiY-00057-00025617-00026679 know, about people looking at you and making judgments based FHGfmbBlKiY-00058-00026679-00027267 on your appearance. But I've...and I certainly went FHGfmbBlKiY-00059-00027267-00027804 through a lot of that when I was a kid growing up in Boston, FHGfmbBlKiY-00060-00027804-00028422 especially. Maybe less so in Vermont. But as an adult, I feel FHGfmbBlKiY-00061-00028497-00028866 pretty fortunate that I haven't. I haven't really run into that FHGfmbBlKiY-00062-00028935-00029298 very often. I think just because, as a musician, you're FHGfmbBlKiY-00063-00029298-00030087 in a community of people who are from all over the world and are FHGfmbBlKiY-00064-00030498-00031035 all different...we're just different people from the rest FHGfmbBlKiY-00065-00031035-00031827 of society. I feel it's kind of a niche, you know. But there was FHGfmbBlKiY-00066-00031827-00032748 one. So occasionally, I will get a call for something that's FHGfmbBlKiY-00067-00032748-00033318 clearly based on...we need a certain type of looking person FHGfmbBlKiY-00068-00033318-00033471 for this to banjo, FHGfmbBlKiY-00069-00033477-00033579 Eric Hung: It says it's running... FHGfmbBlKiY-00070-00033746-00034244 Ben Kono: But recently, I got called for this show that was FHGfmbBlKiY-00071-00034244-00034541 put on at the Public Theater called "Soft Power," which is FHGfmbBlKiY-00072-00034541-00035273 about Chinese immigrants in the US. It's really sort of this FHGfmbBlKiY-00073-00035279-00036041 story of playwright David Henry Hwang. And so there was a call FHGfmbBlKiY-00074-00036041-00036617 for an orchestra that had to be on stage, and many of us were FHGfmbBlKiY-00075-00036617-00037037 Asian, not all of us. But it was really wonderful. It was really FHGfmbBlKiY-00076-00037037-00037892 wonderful to be in a community of Asian Americans onstage. And FHGfmbBlKiY-00077-00037892-00038492 I became very aware of my Asian-ness, I suppose. Not just FHGfmbBlKiY-00078-00038558-00039401 as part of the show, but part of the orchestra, we would...we had FHGfmbBlKiY-00079-00039401-00039659 our own dressing room, and everyone would bring in their FHGfmbBlKiY-00080-00039659-00040436 favorite Asian dish. You know, it could be like Pocky Sticks, FHGfmbBlKiY-00081-00040445-00041165 it could be a senbei, or...And it just became like this "Oh, FHGfmbBlKiY-00082-00041168-00041519 yeah. Yeah, that's right. I remember having that when I was FHGfmbBlKiY-00083-00041519-00041783 a kid at, you know, my grandpa or my grandparents' house FHGfmbBlKiY-00084-00041966-00042410 or"...and sharing stories. It was really great to be...I mean, FHGfmbBlKiY-00085-00042410-00042698 I suppose, in a way, I was profiled because I was Asian. FHGfmbBlKiY-00086-00042701-00043346 But it was, I feel like in this case, it was really for an Asian FHGfmbBlKiY-00087-00043346-00044078 audience. And the show was fantastic. I related a lot to FHGfmbBlKiY-00088-00044264-00044870 the central character who is sort of torn between growing up FHGfmbBlKiY-00089-00044873-00045764 in a neighborhood where everybody thought he was FHGfmbBlKiY-00090-00045767-00046181 culturally Chinese, but he didn't really have any of that FHGfmbBlKiY-00091-00046181-00046721 going up. And then later on being called to be part of this FHGfmbBlKiY-00092-00046721-00047369 Asian production, and not really being able to offer that to it FHGfmbBlKiY-00093-00047369-00047780 either. So he was kind of caught in this, "What am I...am I FHGfmbBlKiY-00094-00047780-00048239 Asian, am I American?" It was really kind of the central FHGfmbBlKiY-00095-00048317-00049037 question of that show. And I feel that a large part of my FHGfmbBlKiY-00096-00049037-00049565 life has been, you know, dealing with that question. So I suppose FHGfmbBlKiY-00097-00049607-00050279 that was one event recently that I was very aware of my race, but FHGfmbBlKiY-00098-00050279-00050450 in a very positive kind of way. FHGfmbBlKiY-00099-00051057-00051438 Amanda Su: And so when I saw this question, I thought a long FHGfmbBlKiY-00100-00051438-00052044 ime on this question too be ause I didn't know if I shoul FHGfmbBlKiY-00101-00052044-00052497 talk about the negatives of it or the positives of it. You k FHGfmbBlKiY-00102-00052541-00053109 ow, of course, being, you know a woman and being Asian an FHGfmbBlKiY-00103-00053151-00053787 being short. It's really ha d for people to take you serio FHGfmbBlKiY-00104-00053787-00054240 sly on what you do. I mean, I tell people I teach orchestra. FHGfmbBlKiY-00105-00054242-00054645 And they look at me and they w nt to pat me on the head and s FHGfmbBlKiY-00106-00054645-00055032 y, "Oh, that's cute. That must be so fun, that you get to just FHGfmbBlKiY-00107-00055032-00055500 lay with music all day long." nd, you know, they don't unde FHGfmbBlKiY-00108-00055527-00055815 stand that, you know, we're doi g rehearsals, and then teaching FHGfmbBlKiY-00109-00055817-00056127 ehearsal etiquette and dea ing with, you know, 50-60 kids a FHGfmbBlKiY-00110-00056169-00056591 a time. And it's, I mean, i 's not all fun and games. B FHGfmbBlKiY-00111-00056591-00057078 t then I also thought abou the positives of it. And I th FHGfmbBlKiY-00112-00057078-00057561 ught about something that happen d, like, two or three months FHGfmbBlKiY-00113-00057561-00057987 ago, right before the pandem c happened. A student of min FHGfmbBlKiY-00114-00058035-00058371 , she came up to me and s e said, "Hey, Ms. Su, like, I do FHGfmbBlKiY-00115-00058371-00058911 't think I can do orchestra ne t year because my dad won't FHGfmbBlKiY-00116-00058911-00059250 et me." And I said, "Well, why won't he let you." And she tol FHGfmbBlKiY-00117-00059250-00059928 me that, "You know, I have o choose between basketball and FHGfmbBlKiY-00118-00059937-00060378 rchestra. And my brothers think I should do basketball in FHGfmbBlKiY-00119-00060378-00060900 tead of orchestra because that'l look better on my college res FHGfmbBlKiY-00120-00060900-00061122 me. Because all Asians play omething in orchestra, an FHGfmbBlKiY-00121-00061122-00061599 there's very few Asians in bas etball." And I was like, "C FHGfmbBlKiY-00122-00061599-00061953 ol. Are you even on the ba ketball team right now, in FHGfmbBlKiY-00123-00061953-00062330 iddle school?" She's like "Well, no, but you know, I'm FHGfmbBlKiY-00124-00062330-00062691 going to try out for basketball n high school." And, I mean, I FHGfmbBlKiY-00125-00062694-00063138 didn't want to say it, but I mean, and I didn't. And I thi FHGfmbBlKiY-00126-00063138-00063491 k she knew too, but I mean--if ou're not successful in basket FHGfmbBlKiY-00127-00063491-00063852 all now--you're not going to b later on. But she's a really FHGfmbBlKiY-00128-00063852-00064263 really good cellist. And, ou know, that's where her hap FHGfmbBlKiY-00129-00064263-00064623 y place is--it's in orchestra And that's what she was tel FHGfmbBlKiY-00130-00064623-00064983 ing me. She feels like that s where she belongs. And, you k FHGfmbBlKiY-00131-00064983-00065405 ow, that's what she should be do ng. And I told her, "Well, then FHGfmbBlKiY-00132-00065460-00066075 you really should do orchestr ." And she's like, "Well, I FHGfmbBlKiY-00133-00066075-00066405 don't know how to talk to y Dad. I'm first generation Ch FHGfmbBlKiY-00134-00066405-00066693 nese, and my brothers are the o es that are like telling FHGfmbBlKiY-00135-00066693-00067065 im what I should do with m life and stuff like that." An FHGfmbBlKiY-00136-00067065-00067437 I was like, "Well, I'm also fi st generation Chinese too. And FHGfmbBlKiY-00137-00067437-00068106 I just wanted to, like, grab he and help her because, you know FHGfmbBlKiY-00138-00068106-00068475 all I saw when she came to me was like, me 20 years ago. And, FHGfmbBlKiY-00139-00068475-00069018 ou know, I grew up with that, to . My parents didn't speak Englis FHGfmbBlKiY-00140-00069102-00069585 ; they didn't know what was goin on in my school life because t FHGfmbBlKiY-00141-00069585-00070017 ey were busy with work all th time. And so, she and I...we r FHGfmbBlKiY-00142-00070017-00070428 ally bonded. And, you know, I g ve her some tips on, you know, h FHGfmbBlKiY-00143-00070428-00071079 w to talk to her parents, and ho she really should stand up for FHGfmbBlKiY-00144-00071079-00071358 erself and what she wants to do. And I understand it' FHGfmbBlKiY-00145-00071358-00071850 hard for her right now, es ecially since, you know, she's FHGfmbBlKiY-00146-00071934-00072423 3 or 14 right now. And, you know, and I told her, it's o FHGfmbBlKiY-00147-00072423-00072963 ay that you're scared right now. But just remember, you know FHGfmbBlKiY-00148-00072963-00073338 you just...you need to stand u for yourself, and you need to d FHGfmbBlKiY-00149-00073338-00073704 what makes you happy. And I think she's continued to t FHGfmbBlKiY-00150-00073704-00074088 lk to her dad and her brothers and we're still trying to w FHGfmbBlKiY-00151-00074088-00074553 rk orchestra back into her sched le. But I feel like, you know, FHGfmbBlKiY-00152-00074553-00075090 was able to help her. And be ause I was able to connect FHGfmbBlKiY-00153-00075096-00075729 with her. And, you know growing up, I didn't really FHGfmbBlKiY-00154-00075729-00076248 ave Asian American teachers t at I could bring this up to. So FHGfmbBlKiY-00155-00076248-00076677 , I felt like it was really a esome that I could relate to h FHGfmbBlKiY-00156-00076677-00077184 r because I felt like our stor es were so similar. FHGfmbBlKiY-00157-00078084-00078993 Loren Kajikawa: I'm gonna just say that, being a musicologis FHGfmbBlKiY-00158-00078996-00079437 who works in a discipline--lik an academic field--that is sti FHGfmbBlKiY-00159-00079437-00079785 l predominantly white, and t universities that a FHGfmbBlKiY-00160-00079794-00080148 e predominantly whi e institutions, race is a consta FHGfmbBlKiY-00161-00080148-00080457 t sort of everyday feature f being aware of race and power. FHGfmbBlKiY-00162-00080493-00081030 Power is something that, like, you know, could take up the rest FHGfmbBlKiY-00163-00081030-00081378 of today and tomorrow and the next week, you know, like FHGfmbBlKiY-00164-00081381-00081921 examining that. But I will say, you know, my previous...So, it FHGfmbBlKiY-00165-00081921-00082182 s questions about how ra e intersects with our profession FHGfmbBlKiY-00166-00082182-00082479 l lives where we've been real y aware of it. Before I came to FHGfmbBlKiY-00167-00082479-00082785 eorge Washington University, I aught at the University of FHGfmbBlKiY-00168-00082785-00083136 regon for eight years, which is very, you know, white FHGfmbBlKiY-00169-00083142-00083685 nstitution. And I mean, I could ell you about the one colleague FHGfmbBlKiY-00170-00083685-00084165 ho would yell out Kajikawa-sens i every time he saw me in t FHGfmbBlKiY-00171-00084165-00084783 e hall. But I think the one t me that it really...I really FHGfmbBlKiY-00172-00084783-00085200 ad to think about how I was eing perceived based on race FHGfmbBlKiY-00173-00085245-00085548 as, you know--I actually didn t mention this in my intr FHGfmbBlKiY-00174-00085548-00085815 duction, but I'm, even thou h I have worked with Asian Amer FHGfmbBlKiY-00175-00085815-00086118 can musicians and written abou Asian American musicians, I'm FHGfmbBlKiY-00176-00086175-00086610 rimarily known as a scholar of h p hop music, and wrote a book FHGfmbBlKiY-00177-00086610-00086928 called "Sounding Race and Rap Songs" that really deals with ho FHGfmbBlKiY-00178-00086928-00087327 hip hop music musically--like hrough the beats, not just lyric FHGfmbBlKiY-00179-00087327-00087837 or video imagery--but how beats themselves are part of how racia FHGfmbBlKiY-00180-00087840-00088209 ...race is constructed in the g nre. And then I look at the musi FHGfmbBlKiY-00181-00088209-00088821 al elements of the racial repr sentation. And so I've read a FHGfmbBlKiY-00182-00088821-00089124 lot about blackness, which is s ch a huge part of race in th FHGfmbBlKiY-00183-00089124-00089427 United States. And of course, teach...every year I teach a c FHGfmbBlKiY-00184-00089478-00089862 ass about the history of hip hop which is a popular class becau FHGfmbBlKiY-00185-00089862-00090366 e...students have such a alread --they come to university wit FHGfmbBlKiY-00186-00090378-00090693 an interest in the music and w nt to take advantage of the o FHGfmbBlKiY-00187-00090693-00090903 portunity to learn more about it. And so, the first time I FHGfmbBlKiY-00188-00090903-00091353 ctually taught that class at the University of Oregon, I wanted FHGfmbBlKiY-00189-00091353-00091851 o have a week where we talked bout hip hop outside of the Un FHGfmbBlKiY-00190-00091851-00092325 ted States. And because we've p imarily been telling a very, y FHGfmbBlKiY-00191-00092325-00092700 u know, standard US-centric st ry of the genre. And I just FHGfmbBlKiY-00192-00092703-00093327 read a book about hip hop in Ja an by a scholar named Ian Condry FHGfmbBlKiY-00193-00093327-00093993 who's at MIT. And I was like, ell, this is perfect. He even h FHGfmbBlKiY-00194-00093993-00094299 s a website that's got video with translations into English FHGfmbBlKiY-00195-00094317-00094680 And it just made my j b of choosing this sort of eas FHGfmbBlKiY-00196-00094698-00095376 . And I got totally hammered by a couple of students on my teach FHGfmbBlKiY-00197-00095379-00095763 r evaluations at the end of that semester, who assumed that...who FHGfmbBlKiY-00198-00095763-00096138 basically wrote things li e, I was trying to, like, I was FHGfmbBlKiY-00199-00096138-00096465 asting time in class that we ould have been talking abou FHGfmbBlKiY-00200-00096465-00096714 more important artists on, y u know, pushing my sort of c FHGfmbBlKiY-00201-00096714-00097221 ltural agenda on the class with hese, this Japanese hip hop. A FHGfmbBlKiY-00202-00097221-00097614 d, of course, as a fourth gene ation Japanese American, like, m FHGfmbBlKiY-00203-00097614-00097905 Japanese is not good enough to even understand what Japane FHGfmbBlKiY-00204-00097905-00098211 e rappers are saying. I me n, it's like, I'm just as much a FHGfmbBlKiY-00205-00098211-00098592 outsider to hip hop in Japan s any other like American FHGfmbBlKiY-00206-00098595-00099147 hip hop fan would approach that usic. And so, you know, but what FHGfmbBlKiY-00207-00099147-00099630 they were assuming was based o my last name, based on their FHGfmbBlKiY-00208-00099630-00099957 erceptions of me racially--that I had some ulterior motive f FHGfmbBlKiY-00209-00099957-00100422 r wanting to occupy class ti e with this topic, that it wasn FHGfmbBlKiY-00210-00100422-00100797 t a topic that was worthy of con ideration, or that another inst FHGfmbBlKiY-00211-00100797-00101190 uctor would have necessari y put on the syllabus. And so FHGfmbBlKiY-00212-00101190-00101484 hat was an interestin moment where, you know, my prof FHGfmbBlKiY-00213-00101487-00102102 ssional world and sort of raci l identity intersected and FHGfmbBlKiY-00214-00102102-00102573 maybe question like, how stude ts perceive me and what I need, FHGfmbBlKiY-00215-00102573-00102900 you know, how I might ne d to think about negotiating th FHGfmbBlKiY-00216-00102900-00103464 introduction of a topic like th t in the future. FHGfmbBlKiY-00217-00104150-00104434 Jennifer Wilson: Yeah, I think it's interesting, Loren, in some FHGfmbBlKiY-00218-00104434-00104686 of these other ways...is how much do you reveal of yourself FHGfmbBlKiY-00219-00104686-00104975 in your professional life? Right, I think all of you have FHGfmbBlKiY-00220-00104975-00105248 kind of addressed that, you know, whether you're Muslim, or FHGfmbBlKiY-00221-00105248-00105559 whether you're, you know, you don't overtly see it, or you FHGfmbBlKiY-00222-00105559-00105839 know, that it's always there. You know, like, I think there's FHGfmbBlKiY-00223-00105839-00106217 that, and then how much you were personally comfortable about it, FHGfmbBlKiY-00224-00106217-00106673 because I, my name is Jennifer Wilson, but I'm biracial Chinese FHGfmbBlKiY-00225-00106673-00107129 American. So, you know, like, do you see it? Does it matter? You FHGfmbBlKiY-00226-00107129-00107560 know, what is it? What is it say? Really interesting, really FHGfmbBlKiY-00227-00107560-00107780 interesting in these different realms that you all have brought FHGfmbBlKiY-00228-00107780-00108308 up? Anyone have any thoughts thought that you wanted to...? FHGfmbBlKiY-00229-00108371-00108539 Or shall we keep going? What do you think? FHGfmbBlKiY-00230-00108980-00109175 Loren Kajikawa: I don't know. I mean, I would be in favor of FHGfmbBlKiY-00231-00109175-00109550 keeping on going. But then opening things up after we learn FHGfmbBlKiY-00232-00109550-00109885 more. I mean, it's so fascinating learning about FHGfmbBlKiY-00233-00109885-00110177 everybody's own experiences and perspectives. And I think FHGfmbBlKiY-00234-00110177-00110485 you're, you're doing such a great job of pulling out these FHGfmbBlKiY-00235-00110485-00110801 themes that I think really are common to all of our stories FHGfmbBlKiY-00236-00110801-00111239 here, where sometimes, you know, race can be something that, you FHGfmbBlKiY-00237-00111239-00111508 know, is about what you reveal, but it's also about what people FHGfmbBlKiY-00238-00111511-00111971 might expect, you know, from you. And do you want to use that FHGfmbBlKiY-00239-00111971-00112186 as an...are you comfortable using that when it's FHGfmbBlKiY-00240-00112186-00112547 advantageous to you? Or also when is it potentially, you FHGfmbBlKiY-00241-00112547-00112781 know, something that's going to stand in your way or make your FHGfmbBlKiY-00242-00112781-00113059 life more difficult and complicated? And I think that FHGfmbBlKiY-00243-00113078-00113471 sort of double edged nature, you know, to race is very much a FHGfmbBlKiY-00244-00113471-00113873 part of, I think, a lot of the stories that we just shared. FHGfmbBlKiY-00245-00114040-00114463 Jennifer Wilson: Yeah, well, our last scenario...moving on an FHGfmbBlKiY-00246-00114463-00114711 then opening up as we have time because I realized, for th FHGfmbBlKiY-00247-00114711-00114898 East Coast people, it's afte nine, FHGfmbBlKiY-00248-00114988-00115141 Loren Kajikawa: I've already told you I don't go to bed. FHGfmbBlKiY-00249-00115422-00115500 Jennifer Wilson: Exactly. FJoJil25TCM-00000-00001042-00001425 The telescr.in blockchain application audit service developers team FJoJil25TCM-00001-00001425-00001841 audited the tx365.io. project FJoJil25TCM-00002-00001841-00002237 During the audit, have been checked smart project contract for errors FJoJil25TCM-00003-00002237-00002632 logical inconsistencies provided by the specifications developers FJoJil25TCM-00004-00002632-00002860 an exit scam developers possibility FJoJil25TCM-00005-00002860-00003219 and the analysis for possible modifications in the smart contract FJoJil25TCM-00006-00003219-00003630 to improve performance and reduce cost when dealing with the contract FJoJil25TCM-00007-00003630-00004077 Video analysis is a mini-analysis of the source code main methods FJoJil25TCM-00008-00004181-00004499 It has a deposits cyclical structure FJoJil25TCM-00009-00004499-00004950 which means that the size of the deposit, depending on its sequence FJoJil25TCM-00010-00004950-00005215 must be within certain limits FJoJil25TCM-00011-00005592-00005974 This rule is checked at the beginning of the _deposit function FJoJil25TCM-00012-00006130-00006562 Next, the user existence who made the deposit is checked FJoJil25TCM-00013-00006661-00007156 If it does not exist, initial values are set for it FJoJil25TCM-00014-00007261-00007888 the total deposits' size is calculated and the participant who invited him is recorded FJoJil25TCM-00015-00007937-00008335 Also, with each deposit, the pool values are recalculated FJoJil25TCM-00016-00008335-00008627 and its validity period is checked FJoJil25TCM-00017-00008698-00008917 If the pool exceeds 7 days FJoJil25TCM-00018-00008917-00009252 the funds from it are redistributed among the participants FJoJil25TCM-00019-00009252-00009745 who have deposited funds during these seven days in a certain proportion FJoJil25TCM-00020-00009823-00010026 then the pool is reset to zero FJoJil25TCM-00021-00010026-00010541 The top 5 investors for the current period become the pool members FJoJil25TCM-00022-00010609-00011046 The reward size for the participants in the pool is indicated on the screen FJoJil25TCM-00023-00011046-00011359 and depends on the position in the top 5 FJoJil25TCM-00024-00011359-00012050 The first participant will receive 35%, the last, respectively - 5% FJoJil25TCM-00025-00012109-00012379 Let's go back to the deposit function FJoJil25TCM-00026-00012382-00012548 After calculating the pool FJoJil25TCM-00027-00012548-00013019 commissions from the deposit for developers and "marketing" are distributed FJoJil25TCM-00028-00013019-00013372 Next, the user is allocated the tokens required number FJoJil25TCM-00029-00013372-00013650 depending on his investment size FJoJil25TCM-00030-00013847-00014005 When withdrawing funds FJoJil25TCM-00031-00014006-00014371 first, the maximum allowable withdrawal value is checked FJoJil25TCM-00032-00014371-00014772 which is 365% of the deposits' amount FJoJil25TCM-00033-00014772-00015378 as well as the fact that the user has withdrawn less using the maxpayoutOf function FJoJil25TCM-00034-00015378-00015632 Next, in the payoutOf function FJoJil25TCM-00035-00015632-00015995 you can check the accumulated dividends' amount from the user FJoJil25TCM-00036-00015995-00016328 Next, when withdrawing, it checks how many bonuses FJoJil25TCM-00037-00016328-00016621 including referral ones, the user has FJoJil25TCM-00038-00016621-00016946 and these bonuses are also sent in the tokens form FJoJil25TCM-00039-00016946-00017231 when withdrawing in addition to dividends FJoJil25TCM-00040-00017362-00017719 The work done result is the source code without errors FJoJil25TCM-00041-00017719-00018150 remarks and shortcomings that affect the users' funds security FJoJil25TCM-00042-00018150-00018665 All found comments were corrected by the monitored project developers during the audit FJoJil25TCM-00043-00018665-00018957 The exit scam clear signs - not found FJoJil25TCM-00044-00018957-00019597 The Telescr.in team guarantees the tx365 contract security and performance FKxNLoAQbuc-00000-00000303-00000903 Welcome to Power BI. My name is Jordan McCarthy. I am the Data Analyst and Storyteller FKxNLoAQbuc-00001-00000903-00001573 at TechImpact. Power BI is a very powerful data visualization and analytics engine FKxNLoAQbuc-00002-00001573-00002249 that allows you to transform and reshape and manipulate your data into a wide variety FKxNLoAQbuc-00003-00002250-00002800 of different forms and then display that data in immediately interactive dashboards FKxNLoAQbuc-00004-00002800-00003273 that can allow you to tell very compelling stories about your organization’s work. FKxNLoAQbuc-00005-00003273-00003753 I’ve already set up here a dashboard for, it could be any organization. FKxNLoAQbuc-00006-00003753-00004346 This happens to be taken from an educational nonprofit that makes its fundraising data FKxNLoAQbuc-00007-00004346-00004799 freely available online. Every visualization you create in Power BI is immediately interactive. FKxNLoAQbuc-00008-00004800-00005283 So what do I mean by that? If we click on, let’s say – Well, first of all we can zoom in on this FKxNLoAQbuc-00009-00005283-00005719 map, and we can see here each dot represents the overall sum total of donations FKxNLoAQbuc-00010-00005720-00006236 that came in from each state. And let’s just say we want to drill down a little bit deeper FKxNLoAQbuc-00011-00006236-00006753 into California’s donations. If we click on this dot, you’ll see all of the other visualizations FKxNLoAQbuc-00012-00006753-00007399 on this page adjust themselves to show me just the parts of the overall donation pool FKxNLoAQbuc-00013-00007400-00008040 that came from California. So now my donation-over-year chart shows me in deep, dark blue FKxNLoAQbuc-00014-00008040-00008443 the proportion that came from California, and even if I hover over it, FKxNLoAQbuc-00015-00008443-00008933 shows me the real numbers that underlie that visualization. And similarly, FKxNLoAQbuc-00016-00008933-00009279 this overall donation card has been updated to show me just the amount FKxNLoAQbuc-00017-00009280-00009983 that came in from California. And my donation-by-what-type-of-donation-it-was graph FKxNLoAQbuc-00018-00009983-00010686 also adjusts to show me in slightly deeper colors how Californians like to donate. FKxNLoAQbuc-00019-00010686-00011226 We could also take a look at New York. And we can see, interestingly, when we do this, FKxNLoAQbuc-00020-00011226-00011613 that New Yorkers seem to have responded quite a bit to this promo, code match. FKxNLoAQbuc-00021-00011613-00012019 Not something we saw in California. So clearly this campaign, whatever it was, FKxNLoAQbuc-00022-00012020-00012543 really worked in New York. You will notice that there’s a little bit of jumpiness sometimes. FKxNLoAQbuc-00023-00012543-00013046 The map will automatically try to show you all data that’s part of the spread. FKxNLoAQbuc-00024-00013046-00013356 And since there were a few international donations in this data set, FKxNLoAQbuc-00025-00013356-00013693 it keeps on zooming out to show us the whole world. So you might have to zoom in and out FKxNLoAQbuc-00026-00013693-00014239 a little bit, but happily, that’s very easy in Power BI. And to get out of any particular zoom, FKxNLoAQbuc-00027-00014240-00014573 as we resumed in on the states, you can just click anywhere in white space, FKxNLoAQbuc-00028-00014573-00015236 and that will return you to the overall total. Now, note that I was just zooming in on states, FKxNLoAQbuc-00029-00015236-00015763 but I can do the same thing, now, for anything in this graph. So let’s say I want to see, in fact, FKxNLoAQbuc-00030-00015763-00016259 where did this promo code match thing work best? Okay. I can click on promo code match, FKxNLoAQbuc-00031-00016260-00016730 and there we go. It looks like, in fact, it really only worked in a couple of places. FKxNLoAQbuc-00032-00016730-00017183 A little bit in California, not that much. Mostly New York. I can do the same thing by year. FKxNLoAQbuc-00033-00017183-00017706 So let’s say I want to look at our best year-to-date 2014. What did that look like? FKxNLoAQbuc-00034-00017706-00018153 Mostly our donations came in from credit card, it looks like. And good representation FKxNLoAQbuc-00035-00018153-00018553 across the country. Really, it looks like in 2014 our donations were mirrored – FKxNLoAQbuc-00036-00018553-00019063 Our donation pattern, more or less, mirrored the donation pattern we saw over the entire data set. FKxNLoAQbuc-00037-00019063-00019969 So, I hope that gives you some idea of the power of dashboarding in Power BI. FNOcMrrRRhE-00000-00000646-00001074 The rewarding aspects of working with patients with chronic disease FNOcMrrRRhE-00001-00001074-00001512 include obviously seeing a great outcome, FNOcMrrRRhE-00002-00001512-00001846 someone who has had their cancer surgery or their cancer treatment FNOcMrrRRhE-00003-00001846-00002396 that they are now well and they can live hopefully a long life FNOcMrrRRhE-00004-00002502-00002830 I guess the more challenging are the harder cases, FNOcMrrRRhE-00005-00002848-00003279 people with cancer that is a terminal cancer FNOcMrrRRhE-00006-00003279-00003915 and trying to support them and their family and friends through the various stages that they’ll go through FOtZE0EIQzY-00000-00000136-00000680 If you've enrolled in geography 581, you may be a graduate student pursuing Penn State's FOtZE0EIQzY-00001-00000680-00001256 Master of Science in Spatial Data Science or the Master of Geographic Information Systems degree. FOtZE0EIQzY-00002-00001360-00001888 Penn State's graduate school mandates formal ethics training for all graduate students. FOtZE0EIQzY-00003-00001888-00002408 This course satisfies the requirement. You probably know that there's an easier way. You FOtZE0EIQzY-00004-00002408-00003136 could have passed a non-credit, no cost, two-week workshop instead. If you opted for geography 581, FOtZE0EIQzY-00005-00003136-00003647 I assume that you're curious and concerned about the ethical and legal ramifications of FOtZE0EIQzY-00006-00003647-00004384 geospatial technologies, which are heightened in the era of big data. You and I have that in common. FOtZE0EIQzY-00007-00004536-00004960 I'm the course author and instructor, David DiBiase. That's me and my dog Teo. FOtZE0EIQzY-00008-00005024-00005552 My first exposure to ethics was a rigorous course in environmental ethics at the University FOtZE0EIQzY-00009-00005552-00006136 of Wisconsin, where I earned bachelor's and master's degrees in cartography back in the 1980s. FOtZE0EIQzY-00010-00006216-00006808 Later, a Wisconsin scholar named J.B. Harley sparked my interest in cartographic ethics, FOtZE0EIQzY-00011-00006808-00007664 with his influential article Deconstructing the Map in 1989. In 1990, as founding editor of the FOtZE0EIQzY-00012-00007664-00008216 journal Cartographic Perspectives, I organized an ethics round table that brought together FOtZE0EIQzY-00013-00008216-00008888 commentaries by academics practitioners and two anonymous employees of a federal mapping agency FOtZE0EIQzY-00014-00008888-00009232 who couldn't get permission to contribute to the commentary openly. FOtZE0EIQzY-00015-00009352-00010000 Later, I co-led a multi-institutional virtual seminar on ethics in GIS for the University FOtZE0EIQzY-00016-00010000-00010704 Consortium on Geographic Information Science. Those experiences led to a proposal to the National FOtZE0EIQzY-00017-00010704-00011384 Science Foundation to fund development of some of the ethics case studies you'll use in this course. FOtZE0EIQzY-00018-00011464-00011776 The starting point for getting to know the course is the syllabus. FOtZE0EIQzY-00019-00011856-00012416 I assume you've read the description of Geography 581 in the syllabus before you even registered FOtZE0EIQzY-00020-00012416-00012952 for the course. If not, you should check out the syllabus immediately after this presentation. FOtZE0EIQzY-00021-00013040-00013591 Geography 581 is a revised version of a graduate seminar on Professionalism and FOtZE0EIQzY-00022-00013591-00014184 Geographic Information Science and Technology, that I originally developed for the MGIS degree. FOtZE0EIQzY-00023-00014288-00014736 I created this new version, entitled Spatial Data Science Ethics, FOtZE0EIQzY-00024-00014736-00015528 to serve students in both the MGIS and the M.S. in Spatial Data Science master's programs. Spatial FOtZE0EIQzY-00025-00015528-00016176 Data Science is the emergent next stage in the evolution of geospatial technologies and methods FOtZE0EIQzY-00026-00016176-00016904 enabled by big data, including location information, prediction algorithms, and geo-visual analytics. FOtZE0EIQzY-00027-00016968-00017752 New ethical challenges are emerging with it. As a student of spatial data science and GIS, you FOtZE0EIQzY-00028-00017752-00018384 are responsible for identifying, investigating, and responding with integrity to challenges like these. FOtZE0EIQzY-00029-00018456-00018960 In your studies, you should aim to master the moral reasoning skills needed to address these FOtZE0EIQzY-00030-00018960-00019336 challenges, not just the technical skills developed in other courses. FOtZE0EIQzY-00031-00019440-00020064 In your future scientific and professional roles, you're also responsible for modeling balanced and FOtZE0EIQzY-00032-00020064-00020712 sustainable digital lives, and for championing ethical cultures within your organizations. FOtZE0EIQzY-00033-00020792-00021568 Geography 581 is designed to help you do that. Here's an overview of the course. Following this FOtZE0EIQzY-00034-00021568-00022280 introductory module are six lessons. We begin with a week-long focus on research ethics, that's the FOtZE0EIQzY-00035-00022280-00022824 main topic of concern for Penn State's graduate school. It's a point of departure for us. In FOtZE0EIQzY-00036-00022824-00023464 Lesson 2, we'll broaden our focus and probe the distinction between ordinary morality, that is the FOtZE0EIQzY-00037-00023464-00024112 moral obligations incumbent on everyone, and the special obligations associated with professions. FOtZE0EIQzY-00038-00024184-00024776 In Lesson 3, we'll consider ethical challenges associated with the geospatial professions and FOtZE0EIQzY-00039-00024776-00025360 we'll practice a methodical approach to ethical decision-making, using a collection of realistic FOtZE0EIQzY-00040-00025360-00025992 case studies. Lesson 4 presents challenges associated with the relatively new field of FOtZE0EIQzY-00041-00025992-00026695 data science. Lesson 5 focuses on ethical issues arising from the convergence of these two fields, FOtZE0EIQzY-00042-00026695-00027360 with special attention to ethical challenges at the organizational level. As the course progresses, FOtZE0EIQzY-00043-00027360-00027936 you'll identify a suitable term project and present that work at the end of the term. FOtZE0EIQzY-00044-00028056-00028616 My final presentation will propose an ethics of digital care as part of a guiding vision for FOtZE0EIQzY-00045-00028616-00029168 the spatial data science organizations in which you practice, and perhaps lead. FOtZE0EIQzY-00046-00029383-00029952 Lesson 1 is Research Ethics. Students in the spatial data science masters need to complete FOtZE0EIQzY-00047-00029952-00030695 the city program training in human subjects. This requirement follows from the fact that the SDS FOtZE0EIQzY-00048-00030695-00031168 is a master of science degree that involves a culminating research project. FOtZE0EIQzY-00049-00031224-00031744 You need to complete the city training before Penn State's institutional review board will approve FOtZE0EIQzY-00050-00031744-00032320 your proposal to involve human subjects.By contrast, the Master of GIS degree is FOtZE0EIQzY-00051-00032320-00032960 a professional degree that culminates with an applied project. MGIS students may complete the FOtZE0EIQzY-00052-00032960-00033456 city training and probably should if their capstone project will involve human subjects. FOtZE0EIQzY-00053-00033512-00034024 If you're not interested in the city training, another assignment option is available. You can FOtZE0EIQzY-00054-00034024-00034608 read all about it in the Research Ethics module. In addition to those assignments, I'll ask you to read FOtZE0EIQzY-00055-00034608-00035224 two articles, one by geographer Dan Griffith, another by former university administrator FOtZE0EIQzY-00056-00035224-00035864 and New York Times columnist Stanley Fish. This pair presents starkly different perspectives on FOtZE0EIQzY-00057-00035864-00036464 plagiarism, the most obvious violation of research ethics. I'd like you to share thoughts about FOtZE0EIQzY-00058-00036464-00037040 these points of view along with your personal introduction, later in the Introduction module. FOtZE0EIQzY-00059-00037248-00037704 Another goal I have for this course is that you may experience something like a real FOtZE0EIQzY-00060-00037704-00038360 graduate seminar. By that I mean the experience of reading and thinking deeply about a given topic, FOtZE0EIQzY-00061-00038360-00038768 then gathering with fellow scholars to share your insights and questions. FOtZE0EIQzY-00062-00038848-00039536 To this end, we will meet every couple of weeks by Zoom to present and discuss our work. I totally FOtZE0EIQzY-00063-00039536-00040096 understand that the far-flung adult students in this course have full schedules already and may FOtZE0EIQzY-00064-00040096-00040808 not be able to participate regularly in live class meetings, no matter when we schedule them. Even so, I FOtZE0EIQzY-00065-00040808-00041336 ask that you express your preferences for the least inconvenient days and times at which we FOtZE0EIQzY-00066-00041336-00042040 might schedule bi-weekly class meetings. You'll find the google form in the Introduction module. FOtZE0EIQzY-00067-00042040-00042416 I promise i'll do my best to make these meetings worth your while. FOtZE0EIQzY-00068-00042544-00043144 To recap, the Introduction module includes this instructor presentation, an assignments FOtZE0EIQzY-00069-00043144-00043680 overview, and a google form to collect your scheduling preferences for zoom meetings, FOtZE0EIQzY-00070-00043680-00044240 as well as a page of options for recording your presentations. The introduction opened one FOtZE0EIQzY-00071-00044240-00044776 week ahead of the official start date, during our optional Course Preview and Orientation. FOtZE0EIQzY-00072-00044896-00045456 Lesson 1 deals with research ethics. Spatial Data Science students will complete Penn State's City FOtZE0EIQzY-00073-00045456-00046056 Program training. MGIS students may complete this training, but also have the option of submitting a FOtZE0EIQzY-00074-00046056-00046792 paraphrase essay instead. At the end of our first official week, you'll post a recorded personal FOtZE0EIQzY-00075-00046792-00047416 introduction in which you share thoughts about the readings by Griffith and Fish. If you have FOtZE0EIQzY-00076-00047416-00047872 any questions after viewing this presentation and looking over the content of the Introduction FOtZE0EIQzY-00077-00047872-00048784 and Lesson 1, post it in the discussion forum. I look forward to learning with you in Geography 581. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00000-00000587-00001405 배우 민효린 측이 그룹 빅뱅 태양과의 결혼과 관련해 입장을 밝혔다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00001-00001422-00002185 민효린 소속사 플럼액터스 측은 4일 '민효린과 빅뱅 태양의 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00002-00002203-00002977 예식일을 2월3일 토요일로 확정 지었다'며 '모처의 교회에서 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00003-00002994-00003801 가족, 친지, 지인들과 결혼식을 올린 뒤, 인천 파라다이스시티에서 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00004-00003819-00004505 지인들과 피로연을 진행할 예정'이라고 전했다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00005-00004522-00005296 이어 '신혼여행은 개인 스케줄 관계로 예정되어있지 않다'면서 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00006-00005314-00006077 '교회 결혼식과 피로연은 모두 비공개로 진행되오니 너그러운 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00007-00006094-00006593 양해 부탁드린다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00008-00006611-00007373 인생에 있어서 중요한 새 출발을 앞둔 두 사람에게 앞으로도 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00009-00007391-00008066 많은 격려와 축복을 부탁드린다'고 당부했다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00010-00008083-00008890 앞서 태양과 민효린의 교제 사실은 지난 2015년 6월 알려졌다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00011-00008908-00009726 당시 두 사람은 태양의 지난 2014년 '새벽 한 시' 뮤직비디오로 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00012-00009743-00010506 인연을 맺은 후 햇수로 2년째 열애 중이라는 사실을 인정해 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00013-00010524-00011133 연예계 안팎의 많은 관심을 받았다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00014-00011150-00011913 이후 두 사람은 공식석상을 비롯해 방송 등에서 서로에 대한 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00015-00011931-00012716 애정을 과시하며 공개 열애를 이어왔고, 지난 18일 깜짝 결혼 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00016-00012733-00013397 발표로 연예계를 다시 한 번 놀라게 했다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00017-00013413-00014232 두 사람은 오는 2월3일 태양이 입대하기 전 결혼식을 올리게 됐다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00018-00014249-00014869 이하 민효린 측 입장 전문이다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00019-00014886-00015352 안녕하세요. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00020-00015369-00015868 플럼액터스입니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00021-00015886-00016660 먼저 배우 민효린의 결혼 소식을 듣고 축복해주신 모든 분들께 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00022-00016677-00017220 감사의 인사를 올립니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00023-00017238-00018023 배우 민효린과 빅뱅 태양의 예식 일을 2월 3일 토요일로 확정 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00024-00018040-00018506 지었습니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00025-00018524-00019287 모처의 교회에서 가족, 친지, 지인들과 결혼식을 올린 뒤, FQ-Smd8eCtg-00026-00019304-00020078 인천 파라다이스시티에서 지인들과 피로연을 진행할 예정입니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00027-00020095-00020825 신혼여행은 개인 스케줄 관계로 예정되어있지 않습니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00028-00020843-00021628 교회 결혼식과 피로연은 모두 비공개로 진행되오니 너그러운 양해 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00029-00021645-00022122 부탁드립니다. FQ-Smd8eCtg-00030-00022140-00022903 인생에 있어서 중요한 새 출발을 앞둔 두 사람에게 앞으로도 FQ-Smd8eCtg-00031-00022920-00023518 많은 격려와 축복을 부탁드립니다. FZCqxcZNevE-00000-00000867-00000949 instagram.com/inuminatichasethemoney FaWonEcF4kM-00000-00000048-00000660 Hi, this is Chadi. This video wouldn't have been possible without my friend Dax, thank you for the FaWonEcF4kM-00001-00000660-00001080 information and the resources, his Instagram as well as the reference FaWonEcF4kM-00002-00001140-00001764 for this video will be in the description below, so thank you Dax. So what we will do today is FaWonEcF4kM-00003-00001764-00002676 actually go through European grappling techniques from the 1600s 1673 in particular, and try to FaWonEcF4kM-00004-00002676-00003426 relate them as close as possible to the techniques in the gokyo, or the judo throws. So the first one FaWonEcF4kM-00005-00003426-00004284 will be your classical "Morote Gari", as you see here he is trying to reap above the knee from the FaWonEcF4kM-00006-00004284-00005076 back, and using his head to push so he's creating a push/pull mechanism, pushing with the head while FaWonEcF4kM-00007-00005076-00005706 reaping with the hands, incredibly effective, and can be done in "ne waza" when someone's trying to FaWonEcF4kM-00008-00005706-00006462 go in for "sankaku", and from there you can grab the legs, and go. And obviously this is illegal FaWonEcF4kM-00009-00006462-00007002 today in the stand up, it's very reminiscent of this catch wrestling throw that I've discussed FaWonEcF4kM-00010-00007002-00007836 a few months ago, you can see the head pushing while the hands are trying to reap, and from there FaWonEcF4kM-00011-00007836-00008502 you can do what is called the "Morote Gari", or "reaping with both hands". Let's see it in action, FaWonEcF4kM-00012-00008502-00009174 in this Kodokan demo, so see you pull away with the hands you reap the legs with your FaWonEcF4kM-00013-00009174-00009888 hands but you can use your head as assistance to push away at the lower part of the abdomen FaWonEcF4kM-00014-00009978-00010986 so it can create a far more powerful takedown. The next one is a "Sukui nage", or a scooping throw, FaWonEcF4kM-00015-00010986-00011832 you can see at the thigh of the man that's being lifted, you can see the fingers of the FaWonEcF4kM-00016-00011832-00012534 the one doing the takedown you can see them, so he is scooping up the thigh, while pushing FaWonEcF4kM-00017-00012534-00013218 down at the chest and the neck, and lifting up creating a wheel motion. A lot of people FaWonEcF4kM-00018-00013218-00013908 call it "Te guruma" or "hand wheel" and that's it for a good reason because you're creating a wheel FaWonEcF4kM-00019-00013908-00014694 shape with your hands, but the kodokan term for it is "Sukui nage" or a "scooping throw", FaWonEcF4kM-00020-00014694-00015408 because you scoop up and throw down, so let's see here, I've shared this before this is someone's FaWonEcF4kM-00021-00015408-00015978 trying to get you in a headlock and from there you actually push at the neck, and head and chest FaWonEcF4kM-00022-00016146-00016998 and scoop up with the hand, and take down it's a great self-defense technique demonstrated here by FaWonEcF4kM-00023-00016998-00017862 Rickson Gracie and looks almost effortless. The next one is, I don't want to go too much into it FaWonEcF4kM-00024-00017862-00018588 but it to me it looks like two hand "Seoi nage", I don't know how exactly you're gonna finish this FaWonEcF4kM-00025-00018588-00019248 type of throw because you have two handset, or two sides that are occupying your shoulders and FaWonEcF4kM-00026-00019248-00020022 you cannot load on one side like 'Seoi nage" or what is called in England "The flying mare", so FaWonEcF4kM-00027-00020106-00021132 you actually just dump forwards above your head, I would assume but it's not somewhere in the Gokyo, FaWonEcF4kM-00028-00021132-00021930 "Morote seoi nage" or "Seoi nage" with both hands, you leave one hand free and load them FaWonEcF4kM-00029-00021930-00022656 down on one side, so I don't know exactly how it works. This next one is your "knee pick", FaWonEcF4kM-00030-00022656-00023478 it's very simple what is happening here, you are gripping the knee from behind from the back, and FaWonEcF4kM-00031-00023478-00024150 you are pulling it towards you, and pushing the hand or yanking it down, it's another way to do it FaWonEcF4kM-00032-00024228-00025110 especially if the sleeves are easy to grip, but this is what is known as "kuchiki daoshi" or a FaWonEcF4kM-00033-00025110-00025902 "dying tree takedown" so to speak, so let's see it here in this kodokan demonstration, FaWonEcF4kM-00034-00025974-00026645 so it's being done on the sleeve side, you pick up the knee from the inside, FaWonEcF4kM-00035-00026730-00027330 and you rip it away a little bit different from the photo, the photo is ripping it from the FaWonEcF4kM-00036-00027330-00028158 outside, while here you see it's being done from the inside, let's see here from the close-up it's FaWonEcF4kM-00037-00028158-00028986 called a "knee pick" in Jiu Jitsu nowadays, it's easy to pronounce rather than "kuchiki taoshi". FaWonEcF4kM-00038-00029430-00030216 And the next one is "Ko soto gari" or "ko soto gake" FaWonEcF4kM-00039-00030216-00030833 you see here he's blocking the leg from the outside while pushing at the upper FaWonEcF4kM-00040-00030833-00031236 part of the chest, you can reap away with the leg, or you can keep it still, FaWonEcF4kM-00041-00031392-00032327 still would mean "gake" and if you reap away it would be "gari", so it's like a hanging FaWonEcF4kM-00042-00032327-00033252 from the outside, a minor outer hang, and "ko soto gari" is minor reap, "outer minor reap", FaWonEcF4kM-00043-00033342-00034170 go here and then you reap away, very effective and it does not require a lot of energy to perform, FaWonEcF4kM-00044-00034170-00034890 so as Funa Tonaki said "it's a throw for big and small judoka", and for a good reason. FaWonEcF4kM-00045-00034980-00035820 The next one is of course "hip toss" you can find it all over the world in any grappling discipline, FaWonEcF4kM-00046-00035910-00036672 folk style wrestling, you can see it here "O Goshi" or " "uki goshi" depending on how you lift FaWonEcF4kM-00047-00036672-00037470 your opponent, but hip tosses are found throughout the world, it's very organic, and at the same time FaWonEcF4kM-00048-00037470-00038058 it can be done with ease and Effectiveness, and you can load much larger opponent on your FaWonEcF4kM-00049-00038058-00038880 hips and throw them down, so "o goshi" or "uki goshi" which was Jigoro Kano's favorite takedown, FaWonEcF4kM-00050-00039024-00039654 so no gi needed, you can just simply grab the wrist, and put your hand around the back, FaWonEcF4kM-00051-00039654-00040104 and use your hips as fulcrum, so you can get the take down FaWonEcF4kM-00052-00040260-00041142 it's a very effective and devastating throw. And finally the last one it's like a sacrificing FaWonEcF4kM-00053-00041142-00041838 technique, you can use both knees or the hook of your ankles, like a butterfly sweep, FaWonEcF4kM-00054-00041838-00042822 it can be found old self-defense manuals in Japan, specifically for women when they were being FaWonEcF4kM-00055-00042942-00043608 assaulted, so it's a great way to do this particular throw or sweep, FaWonEcF4kM-00056-00043608-00044268 let's see here this is from the women's self-defense technique from the showa period, FaWonEcF4kM-00057-00044268-00044946 I believe 1910, if I'm not mistaken it's called "Ashi garami" in this book I don't know why, FaWonEcF4kM-00058-00044946-00045588 because "ashi garami" means "Tangled legs", while I don't see Tangled legs in particular photo, so FaWonEcF4kM-00059-00045666-00046488 here you see you can grab both lapels and take down or both sleeves and take them over you, FaWonEcF4kM-00060-00046488-00047226 and Beyond and it's very devastating, especially when you fall on hard floor. So let's see here FaWonEcF4kM-00061-00047226-00047868 the "balloon sweep" it's called in Jiu Jitsu, so you can use the head or you can use both collars, FaWonEcF4kM-00062-00047868-00048354 or any type of fabric you can get your hands on, and you pull them down towards you, FaWonEcF4kM-00063-00048354-00048996 extend your legs and guide them, either behind you or to the side FaWonEcF4kM-00064-00049146-00049986 depending on where their weight is loaded, so here Rickson actually loads him to the side FaWonEcF4kM-00065-00050094-00050880 and gets on top very effective, whether you're on the ground or standing up. So this is mainly it, FaWonEcF4kM-00066-00050880-00051384 if you have anything else to add please let me know down below, also check out the links FaWonEcF4kM-00067-00051384-00051779 in the description for the information, and Dax's YouTube channel and Instagram, FaWonEcF4kM-00068-00051779-00052284 as well as my patreon link. This was Chadi, and thank you for listening. Fbz40NNwqk0-00004-00001294-00001630 New in the Center is, we have won the Toss. Fbz40NNwqk0-00009-00004222-00004518 Assalamalykum ( Peace and Blessing to all my friends) Fbz40NNwqk0-00010-00004518-00004860 How Are you? Mohammed Ali Rajpar here with a new vlog today. Fbz40NNwqk0-00011-00004870-00005196 It's our 3rd match today, an important one. Fbz40NNwqk0-00012-00005196-00005428 I am getting late for the ground. Fbz40NNwqk0-00013-00005428-00005730 Let's go to the park and show you guys around. Fbz40NNwqk0-00015-00006008-00006234 Stick with me till the end. Fbz40NNwqk0-00020-00012016-00012200 Alright, Friends. Fbz40NNwqk0-00021-00012200-00012480 We are here at Nest Eagles Park Orlando FL Fbz40NNwqk0-00022-00012480-00012728 Cricket Match is already going on from previous Teams. Fbz40NNwqk0-00023-00012728-00012997 We have to wait until they finish. Fbz40NNwqk0-00025-00013244-00013460 After that our's will get started. Fbz40NNwqk0-00026-00013460-00013736 In the meantime, I will show you guys the ground and surroundings. Fbz40NNwqk0-00034-00020350-00020528 Our Star Bowler is here :) Fbz40NNwqk0-00038-00021392-00021700 Kiran with Water Bottles - So Nice of him! Fbz40NNwqk0-00040-00021950-00022250 Rest of the team is here! Fbz40NNwqk0-00041-00022250-00022564 You guys are late :) Fbz40NNwqk0-00042-00022692-00022912 Probably everyone is here. Fbz40NNwqk0-00043-00022984-00023130 The captain is missing? Fbz40NNwqk0-00044-00023188-00023470 oh, he is here - my bad. Fbz40NNwqk0-00045-00023470-00023658 I didn't say anything lol Fbz40NNwqk0-00050-00025080-00025306 Cannot Translate much of the team's language :) Fbz40NNwqk0-00060-00028416-00028726 Ok, now match will start in a bit. Fbz40NNwqk0-00061-00028732-00028900 Now we are getting ready for it then. Fbz40NNwqk0-00063-00029020-00029342 I will update you on the Match statistics. Fbz40NNwqk0-00064-00029342-00029672 While batting might share pavilion. Fbz40NNwqk0-00065-00029689-00029977 No shotting while bowling, since we will be in the field. Fbz40NNwqk0-00068-00030542-00030789 Other team finishing, it was a runout but given not out. Fbz40NNwqk0-00079-00039638-00039866 One good Match Today Fbz40NNwqk0-00081-00040006-00040316 We scored really well today. Fbz40NNwqk0-00084-00040758-00041056 Other team played really well. Fbz40NNwqk0-00085-00041072-00041260 They won the match in bottom overs. Fbz40NNwqk0-00087-00041580-00041806 Nevertheless, don't lose hope. Fbz40NNwqk0-00089-00042152-00042486 Hopefully, we will win in the next coming games. Fbz40NNwqk0-00092-00042970-00043308 Guess you enjoyed the vlog? Fbz40NNwqk0-00093-00043434-00043700 If you didn't enjoy, then what should you do? Fbz40NNwqk0-00094-00043862-00044178 You should like and subscribe in spite of that too :) Fbz40NNwqk0-00095-00044300-00044732 Why because you get such exciting vlogs again n again. Fbz40NNwqk0-00097-00044782-00044994 Stay tuned. Fbz40NNwqk0-00099-00045316-00045630 Its 15th Shaban's Night ( Muslim Holy Months) Fbz40NNwqk0-00100-00045630-00046058 Kindly remember me in your prayers and I will do the same for. FcJm24tqD4E-00000-00000000-00000200 Milkfall FcJm24tqD4E-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00000-00000000-00000556 The Australian Government established NBN Co to deliver the National Broadband Network, Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00001-00000556-00001006 which will provide access to phone and internet services for all Australians. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00002-00001006-00001689 NBN Co is responsible for the design, construction and operation of the National Broadband Network infrastructure Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00003-00001689-00002243 that allows service providers to offer customers phone and internet plans over the new network. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00004-00002243-00002452 Once you have chosen a service provider Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00005-00002452-00002972 they will be responsible for connecting your address to the nbn service that suits your needs. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00006-00002972-00003535 If you have any questions about the connection of your nbn service, you should speak to your service provider. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00007-00003535-00004114 Your service provider will work with NBN Co to make sure your new NBN service is connected Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00008-00004114-00004439 before the old network is disconnected at your address. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00009-00004439-00005085 As a customer, you should experience minimal disruption to your internet and telephone services during this transition. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00010-00005085-00005543 If you have a concern or complaint, you should first contact your service provider. Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00011-00005543-00005931 Did you know there is also a Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00012-00005931-00006452 who provides an independent dispute resolution service for small business and residential customers Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00013-00006452-00006818 who have a complaint about their telephone or internet services? Fd9Z0p2yr1g-00014-00006818-00007333 You can contact the TIO on 1800 062 058. FdpFIN317T4-00000-00000016-00000624 A gas/electric system is probably the most popular system in our area. They use natural gas, FdpFIN317T4-00001-00000624-00001248 or in some rural areas, LP Gas. The gas is used to fuel the flame that heats up the furnace. FdpFIN317T4-00002-00001312-00001896 Then, the blower inside the furnace sends that heat on into the ductwork and into your house. Of FdpFIN317T4-00003-00001896-00002416 course, the air conditioner runs on electricity. This is why they’re called gas/electric systems. FdpFIN317T4-00004-00002488-00003032 A heat pump system is used in areas where gas isn’t available. Also, with the way things are FdpFIN317T4-00005-00003032-00003608 looking, all-electric heat pump systems will soon be the way a lot of states mandate fuel usage FdpFIN317T4-00006-00003608-00004088 when it comes to heating and air. Anyways, heat pumps use the indoor unit FdpFIN317T4-00007-00004088-00004616 and the outdoor unit together, whether in air conditioning mode or heating mode. It’s FdpFIN317T4-00008-00004616-00005216 all-electric, which means no emissions. These conventional-style heat pumps aren’t FdpFIN317T4-00009-00005216-00006176 the most efficient systems in the world though. I say that because outdoor units are expensive to FdpFIN317T4-00010-00006176-00006664 run. The most expensive thing to run in your house actually! You’ve seen your electric bill in the FdpFIN317T4-00011-00006664-00007216 summertime right!? And you’re running that outdoor compressor in heating and in cooling modes. FdpFIN317T4-00012-00007216-00007688 The colder it gets outside, the less capacity a heat pump has. FdpFIN317T4-00013-00007688-00008376 So, it uses supplemental heat strips to keep the warm air flowing. And those heat strips are just FdpFIN317T4-00014-00008376-00008784 about as expensive to run as the outdoor unit, doubling the cost of using your central air. FdPR-9qGsL4-00000-00000836-00001428 "What brought me to you was the fact that we weren't getting the right returns we felt for FdPR-9qGsL4-00001-00001428-00002078 money we had invested. When I retired now when to be secure and not be affected by FdPR-9qGsL4-00002-00002078-00002691 the market. My advisor told me to put money in mutual funds it would guarantee FdPR-9qGsL4-00003-00002691-00003230 it, you know, and all that. But I never thought that they were making money on FdPR-9qGsL4-00004-00003230-00003735 it. Come to find out today that they were making two percent on that money. FdPR-9qGsL4-00005-00003735-00004320 Well, I wasn't making two percent on my money every year by the time we get FdPR-9qGsL4-00006-00004320-00004686 our statement it already happened the money you was lost. I would have been FdPR-9qGsL4-00007-00004686-00005109 happy with the two percent rather than have a minus figure every time I get our FdPR-9qGsL4-00008-00005109-00005571 statement. Listening to Phil, he could show you a way that you can make money FdPR-9qGsL4-00009-00005571-00006000 without losing. With the stock market crash that's already happened a number FdPR-9qGsL4-00010-00006000-00006580 of times, this is the right way to go crash proof. FfF222pWx88-00000-00000046-00000344 >> Moments of inertia are useful FfF222pWx88-00001-00000387-00000644 for measuring resistance to bending. FfF222pWx88-00002-00000730-00000979 Different moments of inertia measure different resistances. FfF222pWx88-00003-00000979-00001158 We want to talk about the area one first. FfF222pWx88-00004-00001216-00001498 The area moment of inertia Ix is defined as the integral FfF222pWx88-00005-00001518-00001571 of y-squared dA. FfF222pWx88-00006-00001728-00002035 So it answers the question, if you have a ruler, FfF222pWx88-00007-00002087-00002390 why is it easier to bend it this way than to bend it widthwise? FfF222pWx88-00008-00002449-00002769 It's easier to bend it flat. FfF222pWx88-00009-00002789-00003070 What we want to talk about is easier FfF222pWx88-00010-00003070-00003280 if we give it a coordinate axis system. FfF222pWx88-00011-00003322-00003592 So I have my x and y, and then a z-axis, FfF222pWx88-00012-00003592-00003803 I want to put the z-axis along the beam, FfF222pWx88-00013-00003874-00004019 and talk about the fact that I'm going FfF222pWx88-00014-00004019-00004339 to put the forces in the y direction. FfF222pWx88-00015-00004387-00004659 In general, if I'm going to build a building or something, FfF222pWx88-00016-00004701-00005065 our beams are placed with the loads acting in the middle. FfF222pWx88-00017-00005104-00005559 So if I push down on this it deflects in the y direction -- FfF222pWx88-00018-00005620-00005967 the load is in the y. But the distance is in z. FfF222pWx88-00019-00006008-00006277 So if my beam is in z, my force is in y, FfF222pWx88-00020-00006321-00006598 what that gives me is a moment in the x direction. FfF222pWx88-00021-00006669-00007132 So my moment would be out of plane of the page. FfF222pWx88-00022-00007139-00007429 What's really important here is the cross-section. FfF222pWx88-00023-00007480-00007662 If you take a ruler, the difference FfF222pWx88-00024-00007662-00007903 between bending it this way and turning it over and trying FfF222pWx88-00025-00007903-00008224 to bend it that way is what the cross-section looks like. FfF222pWx88-00026-00008351-00008864 How much stuff is away from this x-axis? FfF222pWx88-00027-00008864-00008950 So here's my beam. FfF222pWx88-00028-00009006-00009397 What I want to know is how much of the material is on this axis, FfF222pWx88-00029-00009397-00009676 and how much of it is off the axis? FfF222pWx88-00030-00009820-00009947 So I have another experiment. FfF222pWx88-00031-00009951-00010375 I have taken a simple piece of cardstock, FfF222pWx88-00032-00010390-00010534 and I cut it -- two different pieces. FfF222pWx88-00033-00010534-00010718 I cut them into two different shapes. FfF222pWx88-00034-00010768-00010989 This one I just cut into strips and glued together. FfF222pWx88-00035-00011028-00011415 If I put that there, and push in the middle, just the weight FfF222pWx88-00036-00011415-00011642 of that one block, you can see it deforms a little bit. FfF222pWx88-00037-00011642-00011861 I can push on it, it deforms a little bit more. FfF222pWx88-00038-00011861-00012218 I take this identical piece of cardstock and cut it FfF222pWx88-00039-00012218-00012690 into an I-beam, I can put it here and rest many blocks FfF222pWx88-00040-00012696-00012820 in fact on top of here. FfF222pWx88-00041-00012820-00013114 I can push on this with considerable force, FfF222pWx88-00042-00013135-00013284 and it does not deflect very much. FfF222pWx88-00043-00013292-00013540 This is why we build our I-beams -- FfF222pWx88-00044-00013558-00013801 our buildings with I-beams in the ceiling, 'cause nobody likes FfF222pWx88-00045-00013836-00014088 to see the ceiling sag, makes people nervous. FfF222pWx88-00046-00014183-00014481 It's the cross-section that matters, and specifically FfF222pWx88-00047-00014597-00014953 as I look at my cross-sectional dimensions x and y, FfF222pWx88-00048-00014993-00015411 what I want to know is how much of the material is how far off FfF222pWx88-00049-00015411-00015723 of the axis -- the axis of bending x? FfF222pWx88-00050-00015851-00015933 So that's sort of where we're at. FfF222pWx88-00051-00015974-00016389 The next question becomes how do you calculate these moments FfF222pWx88-00052-00016389-00016427 of inertia? FfF222pWx88-00053-00016528-00016643 We have two different ways of doing this. FfF222pWx88-00054-00016643-00016752 The first one is to integrate. FfF222pWx88-00055-00016802-00017081 You can take the definition, Iy is the integral FfF222pWx88-00056-00017081-00017290 of x-squared dA, and Ix is the integral FfF222pWx88-00057-00017290-00017432 of y-squared dA, and figure it out. FfF222pWx88-00058-00017481-00017721 Remember that when we did centroids, the top -- FfF222pWx88-00059-00017745-00018032 the numerator -- was called the first moment of the area? FfF222pWx88-00060-00018067-00018208 Well this is the second moment of the area, FfF222pWx88-00061-00018208-00018395 and the only difference is that you've got a "squared" there, FfF222pWx88-00062-00018395-00018541 so dA would be exactly the same. FfF222pWx88-00063-00018541-00018929 The other way of course is to do composite body methods. FfF222pWx88-00064-00019027-00019316 Like adding up areas, adding up moments FfF222pWx88-00065-00019316-00019537 of inertia is simply a question of finding FfF222pWx88-00066-00019548-00019867 out what each one is individually and adding them all up. FfF222pWx88-00067-00019956-00020247 The trick is that just like with our I-beam, FfF222pWx88-00068-00020296-00020572 where the axis comes matters. FfF222pWx88-00069-00020588-00020983 It matters if your axis is here or here or here. FfF222pWx88-00070-00021075-00021344 That we use the parallel axis theorem for. FfF222pWx88-00071-00021407-00021526 The parallel axis theorem says FfF222pWx88-00072-00021526-00021724 that what we can do is we can take all FfF222pWx88-00073-00021724-00021987 of the individual moments of inertia as if they were FfF222pWx88-00074-00021987-00022444 about the centroidal axes, and then add A d-squared to find FfF222pWx88-00075-00022444-00022535 out what the new one is. FfF222pWx88-00076-00022587-00022868 And we're going to do that in just a minute. FfF222pWx88-00077-00022868-00023248 A centroidal axis is just any system of coordinate axes FfF222pWx88-00078-00023248-00023503 that goes through the centroid of your cross-section. FfF222pWx88-00079-00023547-00023697 Remember it's the cross-section that we're talking about. FfF222pWx88-00080-00023751-00024306 [ Silence ] FfF222pWx88-00081-00024356-00024555 So if we're going to take an integral, FfF222pWx88-00082-00024555-00024708 do one of these by the integration, FfF222pWx88-00083-00024776-00024866 I would like to start FfF222pWx88-00084-00024866-00025011 with something simple like a rectangle. FfF222pWx88-00085-00025033-00025117 And you can think of this FfF222pWx88-00086-00025117-00025341 as being the cross-section of my strips here. FfF222pWx88-00087-00025471-00025885 If I put the axes system at the centroid of the rectangle, FfF222pWx88-00088-00025885-00026113 I have a base b, height h, FfF222pWx88-00089-00026175-00026420 then I can use a horizontal differential element, FfF222pWx88-00090-00026442-00026615 and dA is simply b times dy. FfF222pWx88-00091-00026705-00027008 If I take that integral, my limits of integration go FfF222pWx88-00092-00027008-00027253 from negative h/2 to positive h/2. FfF222pWx88-00093-00027316-00027581 Plug that in and I get one-twelfth b times h-cubed. FfF222pWx88-00094-00027656-00027950 These are the centroidal axes, and this is the number you want FfF222pWx88-00095-00027950-00028066 to memorize, 'cause we're going to use FfF222pWx88-00096-00028066-00028194 that one over and over again. FfF222pWx88-00097-00028325-00028630 If on the other hand I have axes that are on the baseline, FfF222pWx88-00098-00028696-00028997 then I have the same dA, b times dy. FfF222pWx88-00099-00029071-00029243 But my limits of integration are different. FfF222pWx88-00100-00029299-00029449 My limits of integration go now FfF222pWx88-00101-00029449-00029662 from y equals zero to y equals h. FfF222pWx88-00102-00029722-00029958 That gives me one-third of b times h-cubed, FfF222pWx88-00103-00030008-00030126 which is not the same here. FfF222pWx88-00104-00030158-00030254 The axes matter. FfF222pWx88-00105-00030367-00030614 But what I can say is with the parallel axis theorem, FfF222pWx88-00106-00030669-00031078 this is one-twelfth b h-cubed, that's the centroidal axis one FfF222pWx88-00107-00031078-00031628 over here, plus bh -- that's A -- times d-squared. FfF222pWx88-00108-00031653-00032024 d is the distance from one axis to the other parallel axis, FfF222pWx88-00109-00032084-00032365 from the centroid to the axis you're talking about here. FfF222pWx88-00110-00032403-00032807 So I can say bh times (h/2) quantity squared, FfF222pWx88-00111-00032827-00033022 and that gives you exactly what we had before. FfF222pWx88-00112-00033056-00033332 That's the parallel axis theorem. FfF222pWx88-00113-00033353-00033524 When we're doing composite bodies, FfF222pWx88-00114-00033524-00033745 we have to use the parallel axis theorem also. FfF222pWx88-00115-00033798-00034273 So here I have a very typical cross-section FfF222pWx88-00116-00034273-00034385 of something you might see. FfF222pWx88-00117-00034415-00034873 It's built up of a rectangle, a triangle, and a circle. FfF222pWx88-00118-00034873-00035294 Given this -- and the beam would be coming out of the plane FfF222pWx88-00119-00035294-00035586 of the paper, this is the cross-section -- FfF222pWx88-00120-00035586-00035889 I can break it into these three pieces -- FfF222pWx88-00121-00035929-00036084 the rectangle, the triangle, and the circle. FfF222pWx88-00122-00036147-00036549 For each of these I'm going to find Ix about its own centroid, FfF222pWx88-00123-00036549-00036770 and I marked where those centroids are. FfF222pWx88-00124-00036832-00037077 These are the formulas that you need to have memorized. FfF222pWx88-00125-00037165-00037468 These are simply about the centroidal axes FfF222pWx88-00126-00037468-00037595 for the most common shapes. FfF222pWx88-00127-00037675-00037970 One-twelfth b h-cubed, one-thirty sixth b h-cubed, and pi r-to-the-fourth over 4. FfF222pWx88-00128-00038025-00038525 Once you've got those memorized, then we can use this FfF222pWx88-00129-00038525-00038698 to do any other shape. FfF222pWx88-00130-00038765-00038939 Which one gets cubed? FfF222pWx88-00131-00039029-00039341 Remember what I want to know is how far off the axis is FfF222pWx88-00132-00039341-00039436 my stuff. FfF222pWx88-00133-00039554-00039895 So the cubed one is perpendicular to your axis. FfF222pWx88-00134-00039965-00040140 So if my x-axis is here, FfF222pWx88-00135-00040157-00040444 cube the one that's perpendicular to it, cube the 4. FfF222pWx88-00136-00040546-00040760 My axis is here, cube the 4. FfF222pWx88-00137-00040853-00041123 For a circle it doesn't matter, because you've got r to the 4th. FfF222pWx88-00138-00041181-00041780 Plugging these in, what I end up with is 130.65. FfF222pWx88-00139-00041886-00041987 Be really careful. FfF222pWx88-00140-00042038-00042307 This is a hole, and any time you have a hole, FfF222pWx88-00141-00042307-00042648 you have a negative moment of inertia and a negative area. FfF222pWx88-00142-00042707-00042924 So both of these numbers over here are negative. FfF222pWx88-00143-00043033-00043274 But once you've got them, all you have to do is add them up, FfF222pWx88-00144-00043319-00043463 and that gives you your moment of inertia FfF222pWx88-00145-00043470-00043593 for that cross-section. FfF222pWx88-00146-00043686-00043707 Thanks. FgpBPBYJpYU-00000-00002700-00003200 do you guys remember here? FgpBPBYJpYU-00001-00003200-00003700 came here, in this place where grandpa picture was gone.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00002-00003900-00004300 here was something, for sure.... FgpBPBYJpYU-00003-00004900-00005700 what was just... it can found if i look around here? FgpBPBYJpYU-00004-00007700-00008200 it should be something like noise what if that is person.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00005-00008200-00008400 so that, that wasn't person. FgpBPBYJpYU-00006-00010400-00010700 grandpa's picture? FgpBPBYJpYU-00007-00012000-00012200 it's gone... but? FgpBPBYJpYU-00008-00012200-00012700 do you guys see where the picture was exactly? FgpBPBYJpYU-00009-00014000-00014500 the first window... there wasn't. FgpBPBYJpYU-00010-00017100-00017400 it's so touch day. FgpBPBYJpYU-00011-00018300-00018800 focus on the right side of window. FgpBPBYJpYU-00012-00019400-00019800 the shape was disppeared! FgpBPBYJpYU-00013-00020400-00020900 today will gonna so much tough.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00014-00021200-00021600 the sound that drunkard passed by! FgpBPBYJpYU-00015-00025300-00025700 that picture was here, acutally. FgpBPBYJpYU-00016-00026200-00027000 grandpa... you remember me? FgpBPBYJpYU-00017-00027600-00028000 reaction fron grandpa? FgpBPBYJpYU-00018-00028500-00029000 the real phenomena is different! FgpBPBYJpYU-00019-00029000-00029600 we took that moment in the video! FgpBPBYJpYU-00020-00035800-00036000 should put this knife away.... FgpBPBYJpYU-00021-00037200-00037500 feeling like threaten... FgpBPBYJpYU-00022-00041700-00042200 the recording was off, FgpBPBYJpYU-00023-00043500-00044000 grandpa, i will gonna come here again.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00024-00044300-00044800 in case of that i can't come this house back. FgpBPBYJpYU-00025-00044800-00045400 first, i will gonna come back here, FgpBPBYJpYU-00026-00045600-00046000 micol stop by new haunted house, but ALL EDITED! FgpBPBYJpYU-00027-00046000-00046400 i'm here agian... FgpBPBYJpYU-00028-00046800-00047300 i think he felt uncomfortable when he moved his body itself.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00029-00049400-00049700 the grandpa is in there? FgpBPBYJpYU-00030-00050100-00050500 something has suddenly passed by! FgpBPBYJpYU-00031-00050600-00050800 replay again... FgpBPBYJpYU-00032-00051600-00052200 the frame isn't that full... FgpBPBYJpYU-00033-00052600-00053000 but micol suddenlt felt get choked! FgpBPBYJpYU-00034-00055000-00055200 there is..... FgpBPBYJpYU-00035-00056500-00056900 guys, wait... i can't do this. FgpBPBYJpYU-00036-00058900-00059300 maybe you didn't hear that? FgpBPBYJpYU-00037-00059300-00059700 or you feeling uncomfortable to say something? FgpBPBYJpYU-00038-00059700-00060200 trying to say something.. FgpBPBYJpYU-00039-00060700-00061100 you hard to talk about that? FgpBPBYJpYU-00040-00061100-00061600 micol waiting its reaction... FgpBPBYJpYU-00041-00062200-00062600 some sound came! FgpBPBYJpYU-00042-00062700-00062900 who the hell are there outside? FgpBPBYJpYU-00043-00063300-00063700 sound of doorlock's button? FgpBPBYJpYU-00044-00064800-00065200 what the? FgpBPBYJpYU-00045-00065700-00066200 couldn't do the liveshow cause of disturbing from drunkard FgpBPBYJpYU-00046-00066200-00066700 and the reason why micol can't go the black girl house FgpBPBYJpYU-00047-00066900-00067400 you guys saying have to visit black girl's house again... FgpBPBYJpYU-00048-00067400-00067800 whenever i go that house, i reported by police... FgpBPBYJpYU-00049-00067800-00068200 couldn't go to that place, because of report. FgpBPBYJpYU-00050-00068200-00069000 the black girl... micol also really wanna visit again. FgBKd20qB_I-00000-00000000-00000200 zindagi me kabi himat na na harna FgDyZ2to42g-00000-00000149-00000635 Let the pack tomorrow. FgDyZ2to42g-00001-00000635-00000877 Beat it. FgDyZ2to42g-00002-00000877-00001121 Oh, Nathan. FgDyZ2to42g-00003-00001121-00001221 Let me do it. FgDyZ2to42g-00004-00001221-00001341 Let me do it, Nathan. FgDyZ2to42g-00005-00001341-00001810 I want to see her fail. FhL2SMPP_yy-00000-00000579-00001103 Here we are introduced to an educational system, FhL2SMPP_yy-00001-00001108-00001528 that educates us in the nature of our own intelligence. FhL2SMPP_yy-00002-00001532-00001957 And as soon as we’re introduced to the nature of our own intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00003-00001958-00002558 which is that it’s inseparable from everything that streams through it, moment-to-moment, FhL2SMPP_yy-00004-00002567-00003079 just from that initial introduction and hearing those words, FhL2SMPP_yy-00005-00003083-00003547 and being given the instruction to just relax FhL2SMPP_yy-00006-00003554-00003981 in the flow of whatever is going on for you, moment-to-moment, FhL2SMPP_yy-00007-00003993-00004486 or just to rest completely mind and body, FhL2SMPP_yy-00008-00004488-00004921 as whatever streams continues to stream. FhL2SMPP_yy-00009-00004928-00005417 Just that incredible and pivotal instruction FhL2SMPP_yy-00010-00005421-00006056 allows us access to our comprehensive intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00011-00006062-00006795 and before we have access to that intelligence, we don’t have access to that intelligence. FhL2SMPP_yy-00012-00006803-00007343 It’s very simple. And so when we think about the life that we lived FhL2SMPP_yy-00013-00007345-00007613 prior to being introduced in this way, FhL2SMPP_yy-00014-00007615-00008305 or to have the incredible great good fortune of a support structure that will allow us FhL2SMPP_yy-00015-00008306-00008748 to be continuously supported in this recognition FhL2SMPP_yy-00016-00008749-00009101 which is what we offer here: the Four Mainstays, FhL2SMPP_yy-00017-00009101-00009672 before we have this great good fortune, we don’t know any different, FhL2SMPP_yy-00018-00009682-00009877 we just don’t know any different. FhL2SMPP_yy-00019-00009880-00010673 We’ve put ourselves in an environment, a cosmology, that supports subjects and objects; FhL2SMPP_yy-00020-00010683-00011348 and by supporting subjects and objects, it supports differentiation or separateness; FhL2SMPP_yy-00021-00011355-00011846 and it also is supported by an intelligence that reifies everything FhL2SMPP_yy-00022-00011849-00012175 that gives everything independent agency, FhL2SMPP_yy-00023-00012177-00012536 and so that’s what we know. FhL2SMPP_yy-00024-00012538-00013136 Many of us just adopt that belief system, and we adopt that way of living life FhL2SMPP_yy-00025-00013138-00013641 and we see that that lifestyle is role-modeled to us by many people around us. FhL2SMPP_yy-00026-00013647-00014030 And then all of a sudden we’re introduced to something different: FhL2SMPP_yy-00027-00014036-00014491 Wow! We have an access to this comprehensive order of intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00028-00014495-00015172 and boom! Everything that seems so stuck, and so fixed and so material, FhL2SMPP_yy-00029-00015312-00016000 wow, now we have a way of recognizing its true reality, its true nature, FhL2SMPP_yy-00030-00016014-00016676 and its true nature is that it’s free-flowing, it’s never stuck anywhere. FhL2SMPP_yy-00031-00016681-00017313 The “stuckness” and the “fixedness” comes from our elaborating everything, FhL2SMPP_yy-00032-00017320-00018018 our analyzing everything, our giving stories to this description and that description, FhL2SMPP_yy-00033-00018025-00018345 and that description, as being something material. FhL2SMPP_yy-00034-00018345-00018842 And all of you can nod your head in agreement because it’s obvious. FhL2SMPP_yy-00035-00018852-00019162 Once we have the experience of a short moment FhL2SMPP_yy-00036-00019163-00019986 and we have the experience of touching into that intelligence, we never forget it. FhL2SMPP_yy-00037-00019988-00020535 And it’s very difficult to go back to our old way of thinking or relating. FhL2SMPP_yy-00038-00020643-00021197 Very difficult. We may get lost there for a moment or two, FhL2SMPP_yy-00039-00021205-00021599 but we’re never lost there the way we used to be lost there. FhL2SMPP_yy-00040-00021615-00022086 So you see that’s incredible, that’s immediate benefit, right there, FhL2SMPP_yy-00041-00022092-00022420 and so now we have a choice. In every moment we have a choice FhL2SMPP_yy-00042-00022420-00022972 of how we want to live our life: do we want to live a life that supports FhL2SMPP_yy-00043-00022982-00023382 access to this comprehensive order of intelligence, or not? FhL2SMPP_yy-00044-00023460-00023806 Now here the choice becomes very simple, FhL2SMPP_yy-00045-00023810-00024306 because every time we touch into a short moment we gain greater and greater direct experience FhL2SMPP_yy-00046-00024309-00024665 about the power of that intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00047-00024674-00025043 and we realize that that intelligence is our intelligence. FhL2SMPP_yy-00048-00025058-00025481 Nature’s intelligence, this vast wide-open intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00049-00025486-00026192 is non-different from our own intelligence. And so now we get to train that up, FhL2SMPP_yy-00050-00026200-00026711 and we get to train up the empowerment of the life lived, FhL2SMPP_yy-00051-00026712-00027087 that’s supported by this comprehensive intelligence. FhL2SMPP_yy-00052-00027095-00027308 And so what happens? FhL2SMPP_yy-00053-00027319-00027749 We see organic shifts in the way we use our mind, FhL2SMPP_yy-00054-00027750-00028065 and we see an organic shift in the way we speak, FhL2SMPP_yy-00055-00028067-00028371 and we see an organic shift in the way we use our body, FhL2SMPP_yy-00056-00028376-00028842 and the qualities and activities that emanate from this recognition. FhL2SMPP_yy-00057-00028848-00029496 It’s organic. We don’t really do anything other than commit to our commitment, FhL2SMPP_yy-00058-00029570-00029848 to rely on the Four Mainstays. FhL2SMPP_yy-00059-00029852-00030372 So you see, for me this was all very powerful, it was authentic, FhL2SMPP_yy-00060-00030379-00030704 you know, there wasn’t any contrivance anymore; FhL2SMPP_yy-00061-00030707-00031448 there was just an ability to tap into the power of a free-flowing intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00062-00031458-00032002 the power of the free-flowing responsiveness of our own intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00063-00032109-00032413 and so, many things shift. FhL2SMPP_yy-00064-00032420-00033010 Like we start to see that we want everybody to know about this. FhL2SMPP_yy-00065-00033012-00033569 People who don’t know about it? Ah! We are biting at the bit, so to speak. FhL2SMPP_yy-00066-00033619-00034109 And we want them to know so badly, but you know, the best way for people to know FhL2SMPP_yy-00067-00034117-00034453 is by your own experience, your own role modeling, FhL2SMPP_yy-00068-00034459-00034883 your own skillfulness pouring forth. FhL2SMPP_yy-00069-00034891-00035328 So you see in the beginning we may want to pull out all the banners FhL2SMPP_yy-00070-00035330-00035815 and we may want to stand on our soapbox. And many of us do, I know I did, FhL2SMPP_yy-00071-00035824-00036317 but then I quickly realized that maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do, FhL2SMPP_yy-00072-00036321-00036582 maybe it’s better I should just show up the way I am. FhL2SMPP_yy-00073-00036591-00037195 And if somebody asks me about my experience or sees a change in me then, FhL2SMPP_yy-00074-00037201-00037569 then they are inviting me to share my direct experience, FhL2SMPP_yy-00075-00037571-00037887 and there’s already an openness to hear what we have to say. FhL2SMPP_yy-00076-00037900-00038494 So you see, organic shifts, that’s so key. FhL2SMPP_yy-00077-00038500-00038851 And the comprehensive order of intelligence FhL2SMPP_yy-00078-00038856-00039206 to get to know that in a very intimate way. FhL2SMPP_yy-00079-00039207-00039902 Well, then we really see that, you know, we do hold this intelligence in a useable way. FhL2SMPP_yy-00080-00039913-00040204 What other intelligence is there? FhL2SMPP_yy-00081-00040209-00040627 You know, what other intelligence is there? And so we hold it in a usable way, FhL2SMPP_yy-00082-00040630-00041313 but we have to have access to it, in order for it to become part of how we FhL2SMPP_yy-00083-00041324-00041722 speak, and think, and use our body, and in the qualities and activities, FhL2SMPP_yy-00084-00041731-00042016 so that’s why the Mainstays are so crucial, FhL2SMPP_yy-00085-00042021-00042437 continual access to this comprehensive order of intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00086-00042442-00042931 until it becomes a permanent experience for us twenty-four seven. FhL2SMPP_yy-00087-00042944-00043199 And so to have somebody like a trainer FhL2SMPP_yy-00088-00043211-00043744 as an ultimate friend to rely on is an incredible gift. FhL2SMPP_yy-00089-00043749-00044439 And we have that trainer available to us, twenty-four seven. Amazing! FhL2SMPP_yy-00090-00044443-00044832 And the training material, any time we want to listen to FhL2SMPP_yy-00091-00044838-00045233 an audio, or watch a video, or download a book, FhL2SMPP_yy-00092-00045236-00045771 or have, you know, enter into a formal training where we have the training material, FhL2SMPP_yy-00093-00045777-00046341 you know, there for us to read or write, also very powerful. FhL2SMPP_yy-00094-00046347-00046760 The power of the material is that it evokes FhL2SMPP_yy-00095-00046761-00047326 greater and greater assurance for us about the power of our own intelligence. FhL2SMPP_yy-00096-00047334-00047554 And then the community is so vital, FhL2SMPP_yy-00097-00047558-00048025 because where once we were aligned with people who role-modeled FhL2SMPP_yy-00098-00048031-00048260 disempowered ways of living life, FhL2SMPP_yy-00099-00048262-00048530 because they were only knowledgeable FhL2SMPP_yy-00100-00048531-00049038 about a limited portion of this great comprehensive intelligence, FhL2SMPP_yy-00101-00049044-00049835 now we get to align ourselves with people who are knowledgeable about this intelligence FhL2SMPP_yy-00102-00049841-00050323 and living a life of empowerment by their own knowledge. FhL2SMPP_yy-00103-00050324-00050639 So you see the community is very powerful because FhL2SMPP_yy-00104-00050641-00050998 they give us more and more support and more and more assurance FhL2SMPP_yy-00105-00051011-00051374 of just the everydayness of living life this way. FhL2SMPP_yy-00106-00051384-00051813 The empowerment of this knowledge, it’s crucial; it’s so important. FhL2SMPP_yy-00107-00051908-00052443 And then we just remember,whenever we remember: “Oh, short moments many times, FhL2SMPP_yy-00108-00052446-00052911 relaxing in the flow. ”What happens when I relax in the flow?” FhL2SMPP_yy-00109-00052923-00053606 The flow flows on by, the data flow on by, just by relaxing, FhL2SMPP_yy-00110-00053620-00054097 and anybody can do that, anybody can do that. FhL2SMPP_yy-00111-00054107-00054329 And so we put ourselves in a situation where FhL2SMPP_yy-00112-00054335-00054670 we have the direct experience, over and over and over again, FhL2SMPP_yy-00113-00054671-00055361 of the power of this intelligence outshining all of these old ideas that we have; FhL2SMPP_yy-00114-00055366-00055854 all of the misperceptions of the data being fixed or material. FhL2SMPP_yy-00115-00055863-00056279 In a short moment there’s the outshining of that, FhL2SMPP_yy-00116-00056287-00056874 just like the sun upon daybreak outshines the planets and stars at night. FhL2SMPP_yy-00117-00056883-00057205 The planets and stars are there all the time, FhL2SMPP_yy-00118-00057212-00057916 but they’re just not noticed as much, they’re outshone by the light of the sun. FhL2SMPP_yy-00119-00057922-00058378 So open intelligence outshines these descriptions, FhL2SMPP_yy-00120-00058389-00059040 and what it does is it opens the description up to its ultimate definition or description: FhL2SMPP_yy-00121-00059049-00059338 that’s the oneness. FhL2SMPP_yy-00122-00059340-00059719 So where we once thought there was two, we were educated FhL2SMPP_yy-00123-00059731-00060064 to recognize that there isn’t two and then we get to see: FhL2SMPP_yy-00124-00060066-00060411 “Wow! What does that look like in our everyday life?” FhL2SMPP_yy-00125-00060413-00060865 And so for each one of us circumstantially it may look different FhL2SMPP_yy-00126-00060878-00061505 but the universality of that powerful intelligence is connecting all of us. Fjql78IUHXy-00002-00001292-00001814 Denison blames lanes I don't care to the radio let me know who is trying to be Fjql78IUHXy-00003-00001814-00002400 like crazy oh this is a game yeah this is her game but we are here in Fjql78IUHXy-00004-00002400-00002927 a different way what you say la San Jamar local solid rocky oh Claire Fjql78IUHXy-00005-00002927-00004509 get out Casey or nebari Joe she popped up I don't know sushi Gardens killing my Fjql78IUHXy-00006-00004509-00005289 DMS boys hi and why they are so blinded and why they are so blind change in my Fjql78IUHXy-00007-00005289-00005964 life living so high spending my money and touching the sky rag on this side FjLTJJZgHz0-00000-00000003-00000285 What's up, guys? I'm Brian Sacawa, you're watching He Spoke Style, and today FjLTJJZgHz0-00001-00000285-00000624 we're talking about five essential fall jackets. FjLTJJZgHz0-00002-00001308-00001444 First up is the three-quarter FjLTJJZgHz0-00003-00001456-00001816 length trench coat. This, for me, is a much more versatile choice than a full length FjLTJJZgHz0-00004-00001818-00002243 trench coat. Very easy to dress up and also wear in a more casual situation. FjLTJJZgHz0-00005-00002243-00002669 Here, I'm styling it with just a very classic fall business outfit. Before we FjLTJJZgHz0-00006-00002669-00002984 get to the outfit details, let's actually talk a little bit about this trench coat. FjLTJJZgHz0-00007-00002984-00003323 This is by Burberry Brit. And Robin actually found this for me at a FjLTJJZgHz0-00008-00003323-00003654 secondhand store in New York City for three hundred dollars. I think the list FjLTJJZgHz0-00009-00003654-00004071 for this is around one thousand dollars so this was a really good secondhand find. FjLTJJZgHz0-00010-00004071-00004620 Now on to the outfit. Grey suit with the windowpane pattern is by Z Zegna. And I FjLTJJZgHz0-00011-00004620-00004964 paired it with a light blue micro striped shirt by Michael Andrews Bespoke. FjLTJJZgHz0-00012-00004964-00005385 Tie is by Seaward and Stearn, part of the collaboration we did with them when we FjLTJJZgHz0-00013-00005385-00005784 first launched the HSS Shop. And side note, some exciting things happening in FjLTJJZgHz0-00014-00005784-00006387 the shop coming up very soon. Accessories. Leather briefcase is by Frank Clegg. Oliver FjLTJJZgHz0-00015-00006387-00006858 Peoples Banks sunglasses. On my wrist, my Rolex Datejust 116234. FjLTJJZgHz0-00016-00006858-00007373 And anchored by these double monk strap shoes by Paul Evans. Next up we FjLTJJZgHz0-00017-00007373-00007811 have the classic black bomber jacket. I could probably do an entire video on FjLTJJZgHz0-00018-00007811-00008199 many different ways to style this piece. Actually, if you'd like to see that let FjLTJJZgHz0-00019-00008199-00008499 me know in the comments or take the poll that I'll put up there in the corner. FjLTJJZgHz0-00020-00008499-00008964 This jacket is by Theory. I recently got this as an upgrade to a Topman bomber FjLTJJZgHz0-00021-00008964-00009411 that I've had for about six years. It was a long overdue, very good upgrade. FjLTJJZgHz0-00022-00009411-00009857 And this piece is phenomenal. Now it would have been easy to style it in FjLTJJZgHz0-00023-00009857-00010260 more of a rock and roll kind of way, but I wanted to show how it could be worn FjLTJJZgHz0-00024-00010260-00010827 in, let's call it, a more grown-up casual kind of way. So, very simple classic white FjLTJJZgHz0-00025-00010827-00011313 OCBD. This particular shirt is by Brooks Brothers Black Fleece. Great fit off the FjLTJJZgHz0-00026-00011313-00011804 rack. But, unfortunately, Black Fleece no longer exists. Jeans are by J.Crew, the FjLTJJZgHz0-00027-00011804-00012236 484 fit. Now, I might start trying the 770's because since I've started FjLTJJZgHz0-00028-00012236-00012596 deadlifting about five or six months ago my thighs have started to get a little FjLTJJZgHz0-00029-00012596-00013119 bit bigger. On my wrist is a really underrated watch and that is the Rolex FjLTJJZgHz0-00030-00013119-00013501 Explorer II 16750 on loan to me for my FjLTJJZgHz0-00031-00013501-00013903 good friends at Crown and Caliber. And then finished off with a classic pair of FjLTJJZgHz0-00032-00013903-00014472 white converse All-Stars. Next, I'm taking you to school with a great tweed sport FjLTJJZgHz0-00033-00014472-00014937 coat. This is actually part of a suit, the very first suit that I had made by FjLTJJZgHz0-00034-00014937-00015423 Michael Andrews Bespoke back in like 2014. This is a Donegal tweed by Ariston. FjLTJJZgHz0-00035-00015423-00015834 It's quite a heavy weight, which makes this perfect as a fall transitional FjLTJJZgHz0-00036-00015834-00016201 outerwear piece. And you can see that I went full-on professor with the suede FjLTJJZgHz0-00037-00016201-00016729 elbow patches. This look is what I would consider to be almost textbook business FjLTJJZgHz0-00038-00016729-00017109 casual. This is a Goldilocks look. It's not too dressed up. It's not too dressed FjLTJJZgHz0-00039-00017109-00017568 down. It's just right. So underneath the sport coat is one of my favorite denim FjLTJJZgHz0-00040-00017568-00018028 shirts. This is a button-down by Brunello Cucinelli. And, for me, a great example of FjLTJJZgHz0-00041-00018028-00018546 and reminder that investing in quality is always a great choice. The brown pants FjLTJJZgHz0-00042-00018546-00019045 I'm wearing are actually vintage 1980s YSL. They were so 80s that I had to have FjLTJJZgHz0-00043-00019045-00019378 them tailored but they've turned out good and I've gotten a lot of use out of FjLTJJZgHz0-00044-00019378-00019800 them. My glasses, which a lot of you ask about all the time, are by Cubitts. FjLTJJZgHz0-00045-00019800-00020276 Briefcase is by Bennett Winch. On my wrist is my Vacheron Constantin FjLTJJZgHz0-00046-00020276-00020731 Traditionelle Boutique Edition. And then finished off with these buckled kiltie FjLTJJZgHz0-00047-00020731-00021279 loafers, which I love, by G. H. Bass. Up next, we have a suede jacket. I like this as a FjLTJJZgHz0-00048-00021279-00021709 very sort of luxe and refined option to add to a casual outerwear collection. FjLTJJZgHz0-00049-00021709-00022131 Suede, with its texture look and the way it feels, is such a great way to FjLTJJZgHz0-00050-00022131-00022525 elevate your outerwear game. Also, as you get older, it's kind of a great way to FjLTJJZgHz0-00051-00022525-00022993 differentiate and show that your style has matured as much as you have. This FjLTJJZgHz0-00052-00022993-00023329 coat I'm wearing is by Billy Reid. I picked it up on clearance a number of FjLTJJZgHz0-00053-00023329-00023697 years ago in the Billy Reid shop in Greenwich Village. This look might be FjLTJJZgHz0-00054-00023697-00024129 familiar if you're a fan of the website. I think I posted this maybe like four FjLTJJZgHz0-00055-00024129-00024604 years ago. Brown gingham shirt. And then I layered in a waistcoat to give it a FjLTJJZgHz0-00056-00024604-00025119 little more depth. Jeans are by Madewell. Up top, a felt hat that I discovered deep FjLTJJZgHz0-00057-00025119-00025551 in my closet. The brand is Worth and Worth. Vacheron Constantin Traditionelle FjLTJJZgHz0-00058-00025551-00025891 again on the wrist. And finished off with these brown chelsea FjLTJJZgHz0-00059-00025891-00026341 boots by Jack Erwin. Finally, we have the shirt jacket, or as it is sometimes FjLTJJZgHz0-00060-00026341-00026791 called, the shacket. This definitely skews more toward the casual side of things FjLTJJZgHz0-00061-00026791-00027114 but like I did with the bomber, I wanted to kind of challenge the notion that FjLTJJZgHz0-00062-00027114-00027499 this was only a casual piece of outerwear. So I did that with another FjLTJJZgHz0-00063-00027499-00028030 classic OCBD with a lightweight gray cardigan layered on top. This is by FjLTJJZgHz0-00064-00028030-00028438 Uniqlo. Side note, I think Uniqlo sweaters are some of the best that you can get FjLTJJZgHz0-00065-00028438-00028839 for the money and a lot of people know that so they sell out quickly. So what FjLTJJZgHz0-00066-00028839-00029131 I'm saying is that if you like it and you're looking to add some sweaters to FjLTJJZgHz0-00067-00029131-00029455 your closet, head over to the website now and find some things that you like FjLTJJZgHz0-00068-00029455-00029830 before they're sold out because that tends to happen much faster than all of FjLTJJZgHz0-00069-00029830-00030430 us would like. Back to the outfit. Jeans again are by J.Crew. 484 fit. On my FjLTJJZgHz0-00070-00030430-00030850 wrist, the IWC Ingenieur. And then finished off with these great oxblood FjLTJJZgHz0-00071-00030850-00031282 leather boots by Bostonian. So let's round them up again. My picks for the FjLTJJZgHz0-00072-00031282-00031816 five essential jackets you need for fall. The three-quarter length trench. The FjLTJJZgHz0-00073-00031816-00032602 classic black leather bomber. The tweed sport coat. The suede jacket. And, finally, FjLTJJZgHz0-00074-00032602-00033028 the shacket. As always, complete outfit details are down below in the FjLTJJZgHz0-00075-00033028-00033361 description. I'll also put links to a variety of different options for each FjLTJJZgHz0-00076-00033361-00033787 specific type of jacket at various price points. Leave a comment. Let me know which FjLTJJZgHz0-00077-00033787-00034030 outfit was your favorite, which jacket you liked best. FjLTJJZgHz0-00078-00034030-00034450 Thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe. And until next time, thanks for watching and FjLTJJZgHz0-00079-00034450-00034600 stay tailored FnpnFoQyXs8-00000-00000009-00000402 Hi there FnpnFoQyXs8-00001-00000402-00000762 would you like to learn about HD? FnpnFoQyXs8-00002-00000762-00001462 follow me! *HDYO -- What is HD?* FnpnFoQyXs8-00003-00001542-00001867 HD is a neurological condition. Crowd: A what? FnpnFoQyXs8-00004-00001867-00002327 it means it affects the brain FnpnFoQyXs8-00005-00002327-00002719 HD is genetic and we all have the gene that causes HD, FnpnFoQyXs8-00006-00002719-00002834 But some people have a gene which is longer than it should be FnpnFoQyXs8-00007-00002834-00003153 and that causes people to develop HD FnpnFoQyXs8-00008-00003153-00003513 HD is hereditary, which means that a child of someone who has HD FnpnFoQyXs8-00009-00003513-00003867 has a 50/50 chance of having HD. FnpnFoQyXs8-00010-00003867-00004405 Hang on! Why do they call it Huntington's disease? Excellent question! They call it HD because, FnpnFoQyXs8-00011-00004486-00004894 A doctor named George Huntington was the first to describe HD back in 1872 FnpnFoQyXs8-00012-00004894-00005570 There are three kinds of symptoms that people with HD are affected by FnpnFoQyXs8-00013-00005570-00005650 Involuntary movements FnpnFoQyXs8-00014-00005650-00006100 Cognitive symptoms, which means thinking. And Behavioural symptoms FnpnFoQyXs8-00015-00006100-00006321 Involuntary movements, sometimes known as chorea, which is the Greek word for dance, FnpnFoQyXs8-00016-00006321-00006840 can sometimes lead to problems with balance, walking and functioning FnpnFoQyXs8-00017-00006870-00007352 Cognitive, thinking symptoms, affects your ability to plan, multi-task FnpnFoQyXs8-00018-00007352-00007731 and can impact on a person's memory FnpnFoQyXs8-00019-00007731-00008000 Behavioural symptoms can make people angry or sad FnpnFoQyXs8-00020-00008000-00008300 And can make people do things which can be out of character FnpnFoQyXs8-00021-00008300-00008571 People with HD are affected differently FnpnFoQyXs8-00022-00008571-00008990 One person may have more involuntary movements and hardly any behavioural symptoms FnpnFoQyXs8-00023-00008990-00009500 Another may have lots of behavioural symptoms and hardly any involuntary movements FnpnFoQyXs8-00024-00009700-00010210 People can get HD at any age, but usually they get it between the ages of 30 to 50 FnpnFoQyXs8-00025-00010310-00010663 New research suggests there are more people with HD than previously thought FnpnFoQyXs8-00026-00010663-00011135 It is actually estimated that every 1 in 8,000 people in the world have HD FnpnFoQyXs8-00027-00011189-00011780 However, there are researchers all over the world working hard FnpnFoQyXs8-00028-00011780-00011978 To find some treatment as soon as possible FnpnFoQyXs8-00029-00011978-00012432 We hope that this video has helped you to understand what HD is! FnpnFoQyXs8-00030-00012432-00013016 Thanks for watching! FnpnFoQyXs8-00031-00013016-00013484 There are three kinds of symptoms that people with HD are affected by FnpnFoQyXs8-00032-00013484-00013962 Un... In-behavioural... woops! FnpnFoQyXs8-00033-00013962-00014480 There are three kinds of.... There are three types of... FnpnFoQyXs8-00034-00014519-00014726 HD is hereditary.... FnpnFoQyXs8-00035-00014726-00015050 *Sigh* Hereditary! Hereditary! FnpnFoQyXs8-00036-00015050-00015384 HD is hereditary which means that... OK! FnpnFoQyXs8-00037-00015384-00015980 HD is hereditary... (sigh) why, at that point I can't!! FnpnFoQyXs8-00038-00015990-00016280 Excellent question! They call it Huntington... HD... Argh! FnpnFoQyXs8-00039-00016290-00016709 However, researchers... Researchers? FnpnFoQyXs8-00040-00016709-00017070 Researchers... Yep... FnpnFoQyXs8-00041-00017090-00017676 However, researchers all around the world are working hard... FnpnFoQyXs8-00042-00017676-00017920 to find some treatment as quickly as possible G3T3rhZYGao-00000-00000003-00000546 I'm sorry I did not wanna into a rant about this but you have a business being G3T3rhZYGao-00001-00000546-00000891 served to your on a platter and you still have to think about it G3T3rhZYGao-00002-00000891-00001350 why hey guys my name is paul with Sunset Realty and if this is your time G3T3rhZYGao-00003-00001350-00001644 time here please subscribe so you don't miss any of our next videos so what are we talking G3T3rhZYGao-00004-00001644-00002085 about for those of you who don't know amazon is offering its employees up to G3T3rhZYGao-00005-00002085-00002490 ten thousand dollars to start their own delivery business and people have G3T3rhZYGao-00006-00002490-00003066 questions about it do you wanna start a business or not this is a business who G3T3rhZYGao-00007-00003066-00003440 this is the business that being served on a platter and you still have to think G3T3rhZYGao-00008-00003440-00004110 about it this one on what the naysayers are saying Amazon Amazon is evil up I've G3T3rhZYGao-00009-00004110-00004527 been hearing the same thing over and over about uber and lyft and you know G3T3rhZYGao-00010-00004527-00004980 what I can tell you at least three guys that I know who's consistently pulling G3T3rhZYGao-00011-00004980-00005555 100 120 meanwhile you're sitting on the sidelines talking about oh they're evil G3T3rhZYGao-00012-00005555-00006057 they're not paying enough guess what things are changing things are not the G3T3rhZYGao-00013-00006057-00006684 same Amazon is here to stay Uber's you to say so does lift you know G3T3rhZYGao-00014-00006684-00007184 is it or you get with it or you get left behind that just the way it is stop G3T3rhZYGao-00015-00007184-00007677 listening to the naysayers do it for yourself do it for your family do it to G3T3rhZYGao-00016-00007677-00008064 prove to yourself that you can do it do it to make your life better you know G3T3rhZYGao-00017-00008064-00008772 always gonna be people complaining don't worry about it if that's what you want G3T3rhZYGao-00018-00008772-00009060 you want it for you don't do it by anybody else do it for you G3T3rhZYGao-00019-00009060-00009570 let me tell you how over ninety percent of small businesses get funded one you G3T3rhZYGao-00020-00009570-00010225 have some money saved you go for it two you go to your family and borrow money G3T3rhZYGao-00021-00010225-00010872 three you go to a shark which means you probably get you to give some equity on your G3T3rhZYGao-00022-00010872-00011370 company more likely 50 or more you get some money to get started G3T3rhZYGao-00023-00011370-00011824 notice I didn't say a bank because no bank will give you money G3T3rhZYGao-00024-00011824-00012235 start a new business that has not been proven yet as a small business owner G3T3rhZYGao-00025-00012235-00012574 let me tell you after you get funded you know what the hardest part is is to get G3T3rhZYGao-00026-00012574-00013017 customers to come to your business first the first thing you have to do is to get G3T3rhZYGao-00027-00013017-00013741 customer without customers your business die but now you have Amazon giving G3T3rhZYGao-00028-00013741-00014047 you not only they're giving you $10,000 to to get your business G3T3rhZYGao-00029-00014047-00014488 started number two the business is already there they're G3T3rhZYGao-00030-00014488-00014841 giving you the business you don't have to go anywhere to look for the business G3T3rhZYGao-00031-00014841-00015195 if the business is there ten thousand to start the business and on top of that they are G3T3rhZYGao-00032-00015195-00015672 paying three months they're paying three months they're paying you G3T3rhZYGao-00033-00015672-00016183 three months salary so what what is there to think about this is an G3T3rhZYGao-00034-00016183-00016848 opportunity that's been given to you to start your own business I don't G3T3rhZYGao-00035-00016848-00017223 understand what people are forcing about listen everything that you do in life G3T3rhZYGao-00036-00017223-00017881 you have pros and cons in this case in my opinion to pros outweigh the cons G3T3rhZYGao-00037-00017881-00018364 this is business being given to you like somebody's literally handing you a G3T3rhZYGao-00038-00018364-00019004 business with the money to start it with the three months pay and with the G3T3rhZYGao-00039-00019004-00019342 clientele you already have the clients and you don't have to go look for the G3T3rhZYGao-00040-00019342-00019882 clientele oh my god and if do it doesn't work out so what I can promise you G3T3rhZYGao-00041-00019882-00020068 lesson that you will learn is priceless G3T3rhZYGao-00042-00020068-00020617 I didn't want this to be a rant but hey I'm passionate about these kind of G3T3rhZYGao-00043-00020617-00020895 things thank you again for watching guys please G3T3rhZYGao-00044-00020895-00021348 subscribe so you don't miss any of our next videos. Peace! G4qk5VfnO2M-00000-00000048-00000704 i hit myself 10 times because it loaded the youtube studio app, but did not redirect. this G4qk5VfnO2M-00001-00000704-00001504 only happens if and only if it tries to load an analytics page, in this, in which case not. just goes G4qk5VfnO2M-00002-00001504-00002192 to the youtube studio page, but doesn't redirect. only redirects whenever it has to load something G4qk5VfnO2M-00003-00002192-00002600 from desktop, but can't do it from the main youtube studio app without leaving the desktop. G4qk5VfnO2M-00004-00002744-00003472 in that case, no, you only get, it's five hits, you'll get 10 hits when that happens, but G4qk5VfnO2M-00005-00003472-00004168 instead, i just gave myself the full number, and i'm really sorry. anyways, one of my videos has G4qk5VfnO2M-00006-00004168-00004672 appeared to break the algorithm after three times increasing views. G6hkc4Cej10-00000-00000000-00000264 Exploring Banyuwangi Jember East Java Gr8RssucMqQ-00000-00004950-00005190 I didn't know what I was going to talk about when I came up here. Gr8RssucMqQ-00001-00005206-00005600 There was a lot of pressure to participate. Gr8RssucMqQ-00002-00005844-00006188 Anytime these kind of celebrations come up, there always tempered. Gr8RssucMqQ-00003-00006248-00006788 I'm always carrying with me Stanley Coleman... Gr8RssucMqQ-00004-00007622-00008556 And Stanley was a guy who I was working with to help throughout a nursing facility. Gr8RssucMqQ-00005-00008904-00009458 And because of the barriers that our people still face, Gr8RssucMqQ-00006-00009458-00009840 even as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, Gr8RssucMqQ-00007-00009906-00010170 he died in captivity. Gr8RssucMqQ-00008-00010270-00010688 The signature on the lease away, from dying free. Gr8RssucMqQ-00009-00010812-00011214 I’ve seen many of our people die and I am OK with it Gr8RssucMqQ-00010-00011214-00011508 because they died with freedom in their lungs. Gr8RssucMqQ-00011-00011542-00012032 Stanley Coleman did not, and that weights on me. Gr8RssucMqQ-00012-00012170-00012622 So, I was cheating a little bit. Gr8RssucMqQ-00013-00012622-00012947 I didn’t come up with my own thing. Gr8RssucMqQ-00014-00013088-00013482 But I can’t say any better then what Audre Lorde did. Gr8RssucMqQ-00015-00013482-00013676 'A Litany For Survival' Gr8RssucMqQ-00016-00013763-00014000 For those of us who live at the shoreline Gr8RssucMqQ-00017-00014040-00014319 standing upon the constant edges of decision Gr8RssucMqQ-00018-00014358-00014658 crucial and alone for those of us who cannot indulge Gr8RssucMqQ-00019-00014736-00015166 the passing dreams of choice who love in doorways coming and going Gr8RssucMqQ-00020-00015166-00015484 in the hours between dawns looking inward and outward Gr8RssucMqQ-00021-00015540-00016100 at once before and after seeking a now that can breed futures like bread in our Gr8RssucMqQ-00022-00016100-00016456 children's mouths so their dreams will not reflect the death of ours: Gr8RssucMqQ-00023-00016542-00016856 For those of us who were imprinted with fear Gr8RssucMqQ-00024-00016892-00017250 like a faint line in the center of our foreheads learning to be afraid with our mother's Gr8RssucMqQ-00025-00017250-00017762 milk for by this weapon this illusion of some safety to be found the heavy-footed Gr8RssucMqQ-00026-00017762-00017976 hoped to silence us. Gr8RssucMqQ-00027-00018004-00018280 For all of us this instant and this triumph Gr8RssucMqQ-00028-00018406-00018626 We were never meant to survive. Gr8RssucMqQ-00029-00018686-00019040 And when the sun rises we are afraid it might not remain Gr8RssucMqQ-00030-00019040-00019338 when the sun sets we are afraid it might not rise in the morning Gr8RssucMqQ-00031-00019338-00019588 when our stomachs are full we are afraid of indigestion Gr8RssucMqQ-00032-00019588-00019870 when our stomachs are empty we are afraid we may never eat again Gr8RssucMqQ-00033-00020050-00020414 when we are loved we are afraid love will vanish Gr8RssucMqQ-00034-00020414-00020828 when we are alone we are afraid love will never return Gr8RssucMqQ-00035-00020828-00021344 and when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed Gr8RssucMqQ-00036-00021432-00021806 when we are silent we are still afraid Gr8RssucMqQ-00037-00021806-00022140 So it is better to speak Gr8RssucMqQ-00038-00022140-00022538 remembering we were never meant to survive Gr8RssucMqQ-00039-00023172-00023446 And for all the joy that we have tomorrow, Gr8RssucMqQ-00040-00023446-00023798 Because tomorrow is the day of when we get to celebrate. Gr8RssucMqQ-00041-00023798-00024800 This parade is also a mark of being Gr8RssucMqQ-00042-00024800-00025438 And by being we are committing an act of… Gr8RssucMqQ-00043-00025438-00025708 Audience: resistance! Gr8RssucMqQ-00044-00025708-00025982 Thank you! Resistance! Gr8RssucMqQ-00045-00026192-00026730 You know, when I come here I feel like this is my community. Gr8RssucMqQ-00046-00026739-00026920 I’ve never had that feeling in my life! Gr8RssucMqQ-00047-00026939-00027518 By religion I was born with or nationality that I was born with. Gr8RssucMqQ-00048-00027518-00027882 But this is the first time that I’ve ever felt like I had my own community Gr8RssucMqQ-00049-00027882-00028350 That’s why being up here is just, for me, a good time. This is great. Gr8RssucMqQ-00050-00028350-00028822 I feel like I’m with a hundred of my closest friends and its just awesome. Gr8RssucMqQ-00051-00028822-00029226 Another thing I want to say real quickly to respond about captivity. Gr8RssucMqQ-00052-00029226-00029358 One of the things I thought about, Gr8RssucMqQ-00053-00029358-00029754 because I did live in a Nursing Home for 6 years, so I know whenever Gr8RssucMqQ-00054-00029754-00030086 someone talks about captivity, I know exactly what it’s like. Gr8RssucMqQ-00055-00030194-00030510 And no matter what happens to me in the future, Gr8RssucMqQ-00056-00030510-00030995 I’ve been out for 2 ½ years and I’m not saying this in a morbid way, Gr8RssucMqQ-00057-00030995-00031348 but when I die in this world, I want to die in freedom. Gr8RssucMqQ-00058-00031348-00031674 That makes all the difference in the world. That’s all it is. Gr8RssucMqQ-00059-00031674-00031960 People are not asking for much in this world are we? Gr8RssucMqQ-00060-00031960-00032320 Sometimes we just want to be patted on the back and given a “Hey, good job!” Gr8RssucMqQ-00061-00032320-00032504 People are never asking for much. Gr8RssucMqQ-00062-00032504-00032752 We are not asking for much! Gr8RssucMqQ-00063-00032752-00033028 Lets talk about Springfield for just one moment, Gr8RssucMqQ-00064-00033028-00033334 We are not asking for much and they make it sound like we are asking for the world. Right? Gr8RssucMqQ-00065-00033334-00033652 We are just trying to break even, aren’t we? Gr8RssucMqQ-00066-00033652-00034012 I just wanted to throw that out there, you know? Gr8RssucMqQ-00067-00034012-00034244 I know what captivity is like and I know what freedom is like, Gr8RssucMqQ-00068-00034244-00034746 And it’s worth dyeing for freedom, that’s for sure. GrO0xlz3TTI-00000-00000000-00000526 DansySingsBig relyriced Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are" to sing Elon Musk Version. Turn on CC/Caption/Subtitles 4 lyrics GrO0xlz3TTI-00001-00000526-00001103 Oh his wisdom his wisdom make the stars looklike they're not shining 噢他的智慧让星星黯然失色 GrO0xlz3TTI-00002-00001103-00001490 His fortune, his fortune ranks perfectly number one in the world他的财富位列世界第一位 GrO0xlz3TTI-00003-00001490-00002116 He is so powerful and we see his post everyday他能力很强大,我们每天都能看见他的帖子 GrO0xlz3TTI-00004-00002116-00002733 Yeah I know I know when I compliment himhe won't notice me 我知道,当我夸赞他时,他不会注意到我的 GrO0xlz3TTI-00005-00002733-00003213 And it's so, it's so sad to think that he doesn't see what I post 想到他不会看到我发的帖子,就很伤心 GrO0xlz3TTI-00006-00003213-00003766 But every time he asked us, "Should I buy Twitter?"I say, 但是当每一次他问我们,“我是否应该买下推特?” 我说 GrO0xlz3TTI-00007-00003766-00004196 When I see your ambition当我看到你的雄心壮志时 GrO0xlz3TTI-00008-00004196-00004643 There's twitter’s censorship that you would change您应该改变推特的禁言 GrO0xlz3TTI-00009-00004643-00005043 'Cause Elon you're amazing因为一龙你很了不起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00010-00005043-00005530 Just the way you change the world就像你改变世界那样 GrO0xlz3TTI-00011-00005556-00005993 And when you bought Twitter当你买下推特时 GrO0xlz3TTI-00012-00005993-00006460 The whole world stops and stares for a while全世界都停止并目不转睛了一会儿 GrO0xlz3TTI-00013-00006460-00006801 'Cause Elon, you're amazing因为一龙你很了不起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00014-00006803-00007416 Just the way you change the world就像你改变世界一样 GrO0xlz3TTI-00015-00007503-00008033 His take over his takeover he will make twitterbetter than ever 他的接管推特,会把推特变成有史以来最好 GrO0xlz3TTI-00016-00008033-00008303 His laugh, his laugh。He hates 他的笑,他也憎恨 GrO0xlz3TTI-00017-00008303-00008634 but I think he's so savvy但是我认为他很精明 GrO0xlz3TTI-00018-00008634-00008903 He is Silicon Valley iron man 他是硅谷的钢铁侠 GrO0xlz3TTI-00019-00008903-00009263 And we see his post every day我们每天都会看到他的帖子 GrO0xlz3TTI-00020-00009263-00009430 Oh, you know, you know You know 你知道 GrO0xlz3TTI-00021-00009430-00009696 Free speech is the bedrock of democracy言论自由是民主的基石 GrO0xlz3TTI-00022-00009696-00010003 If free speech’s what you're searching' for,如果言论自由是你寻找的话 GrO0xlz3TTI-00023-00010003-00010211 Then just stay with him 那么和他在一起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00024-00010211-00010603 So don't even bother asking' if twitter looks ok(Cause Twitter looks very bad)所以不需要麻烦问-推特看起来还好吗(因为推特看起来很糟糕) GrO0xlz3TTI-00025-00010603-00011003 You know I'll say你知道我会说 GrO0xlz3TTI-00026-00011003-00011384 when I see your ambition当我看到你的雄心壮志 GrO0xlz3TTI-00027-00011384-00011900 There's twitter’s censorship that you would change你会去改变推特的禁言 GrO0xlz3TTI-00028-00011900-00012233 Cause you're amazing因为一龙你狠了不起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00029-00012233-00012700 Just the way you change the world GrO0xlz3TTI-00030-00012700-00013076 And when you bought Twitter当你买下推特时 GrO0xlz3TTI-00031-00013076-00013579 The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都停止了并且盯着你 GrO0xlz3TTI-00032-00013579-00013926 'Cause Elon, you're amazing因为一龙你狠了不起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00033-00013926-00014409 Just the way you change the world就像你改变世界一样 GrO0xlz3TTI-00034-00014409-00014750 The way youchange the world你改变世界一样 GrO0xlz3TTI-00035-00014750-00015103 The way you'll change the world你改变世界一样 GrO0xlz3TTI-00036-00015103-00015446 Cause Elon you are amazing因为一龙你狠了不起 GrO0xlz3TTI-00037-00015446-00016046 Just the way you change the world就像你改变世界一样 GthGuyDrRDQ-00000-00000081-00000181 Son görevim kebap yapmak GthGuyDrRDQ-00002-00000517-00000679 ZABAĞA GADAR BURDAYIZ GthGuyDrRDQ-00003-00000770-00001004 Selamun Aleykum Ben Davut Kim GthGuyDrRDQ-00004-00001004-00001221 Bugün Güney Kore'de bulunan Geoje Adası'na gideceğim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00005-00001221-00001594 Orada yeni bir helal dükkan açıldı. Bu yüzden de ben bugünlük orada çalışacağım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00006-00001594-00002018 Orada yeni bir helal dükkan açıldı. Bu yüzden bugünlük orada çalışacağım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00008-00002108-00002436 Geoje Adası, Seul'e çok uzak bu yüzden ben de 5 saat otobüsle gittim. Ama çok heyecanlıydım. Çünkü orası çok güzel bir şehirdi. GthGuyDrRDQ-00009-00002436-00002768 Geoje Adası, Seul'e çok uzak bu yüzden ben de 5 saat otobüsle gittim. Ama çok heyecanlıydım. Çünkü orası çok güzel bir şehirdi. GthGuyDrRDQ-00010-00002775-00002980 Oh be sonunda vardım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00011-00002980-00003046 Hava çok güzel. GthGuyDrRDQ-00012-00003046-00003320 Bununla gideceğim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00013-00003320-00003599 Bongo Kamyon! İlk defa biniyorum. GthGuyDrRDQ-00014-00003599-00003884 Deniz kokusu çok ağır. Burası yolculuk kokuyor. Ne dediğimi anladın mı? GthGuyDrRDQ-00015-00003884-00004092 Merhaba Ben Özbekistan'dan Begijal. GthGuyDrRDQ-00016-00004092-00004386 Muhammed desen de olur. GthGuyDrRDQ-00017-00004454-00004588 Nereye gidiyorsun? Storeling, Helal Market'e. GthGuyDrRDQ-00018-00004806-00005144 Olum Ben helal marketin burada açılacağını hiç beklemezdim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00019-00005144-00005234 Oh Maşallah GthGuyDrRDQ-00020-00005270-00005440 Abi Burası Kore'ni en en en güneyinde GthGuyDrRDQ-00021-00005440-00005660 Buraya gelmem 5 saat sürdü. GthGuyDrRDQ-00022-00006236-00006452 Sonunda Geoje Adası'na geldim. YEAHHH GthGuyDrRDQ-00024-00006576-00006868 Ve işte burası Storeling!!! Hadi birlikte içeri girelim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00025-00006972-00007186 Çok heyecanlıyım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00026-00007223-00007564 Merhaba. Asselamunaleykum. Aleykumselam. Selamlaşmalar. GthGuyDrRDQ-00028-00007788-00008048 Bugün ben bir günlüğene sizin personelinizim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00029-00008048-00008272 Vay harika. Sen şuradaki elemanlara yardım edebilirsin. GthGuyDrRDQ-00030-00008387-00008552 Müşterilerimiz için özel masa var aga bizde. GthGuyDrRDQ-00031-00008592-00008858 Vay abi sen şimdiden pek çok şey yapmışsın. GthGuyDrRDQ-00032-00009092-00009262 Oyy aman çok ağır GthGuyDrRDQ-00033-00009338-00009704 Ben 3 yıl önce bir markette çalıştım, bu işi iyi yapabilirim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00034-00009704-00009986 Tuz. Ama bu helal tuz. Burada her şey helal di mi kardeşim? GthGuyDrRDQ-00035-00010007-00010107 Evet. GthGuyDrRDQ-00036-00010154-00010471 Burada hiç Müslüman yaşıyor mu? Evet, yaşıyor. GthGuyDrRDQ-00037-00010471-00010725 1000 tane mi? Baya çokmuş. Maşallah Maşalllah. GthGuyDrRDQ-00038-00010788-00010947 Kiraz nerde? Heh tamam oldu şimdi kerata. GthGuyDrRDQ-00039-00010990-00011330 Bunu denemiştim, iki kat daha lezzetli. GthGuyDrRDQ-00040-00011347-00011652 Ananas suyu GthGuyDrRDQ-00041-00011652-00011906 Bunu okuyabiliyor musun? Evet ananas yazıyor işte dahi. GthGuyDrRDQ-00043-00012160-00012300 Mehter marşı ananasça versiyon galiba çeviremedim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00044-00012340-00012664 Bu ne yahu? O bir yağ. Oha zeytinyağı. GthGuyDrRDQ-00045-00012696-00012886 Baya da büyükmüş. GthGuyDrRDQ-00046-00012928-00013238 Bence burada her şey var. Yani yiyecekler, abur cuburlar, GthGuyDrRDQ-00047-00013284-00013494 Helal yiyecekler falan. GthGuyDrRDQ-00048-00013494-00013794 Görüyorsunuz tavuk, koyun, sığır eti var. Her türlü et var burada. GthGuyDrRDQ-00049-00013890-00014150 Vay burası Cennet. Ama helal cennet :DD GthGuyDrRDQ-00050-00014290-00014422 Helal cennet :DDD GthGuyDrRDQ-00051-00014610-00015119 Dikatli ol. Eğer bir şey kıracak olursan maaşından düşürürüm ona göre. GthGuyDrRDQ-00052-00015180-00015276 Yuh ya!! GthGuyDrRDQ-00053-00015276-00015569 Aman dikkatli oluyom o zaman. GthGuyDrRDQ-00054-00015569-00016047 Bak evlat bu hediye kartı, her ürün dahil falan. Bunu saklaman lazım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00055-00016126-00016380 O zaman bunu bulana bu bir ödül :D GthGuyDrRDQ-00056-00016380-00016430 Kendim bulsam olur mu abi ? GthGuyDrRDQ-00058-00016640-00016942 Şaka yapıyorum lan sakin. Bunu saklayacağım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00059-00016958-00017084 Acaba nerde bu? GthGuyDrRDQ-00060-00017123-00017344 Acaba nereye saklasam? Beklenmedik bir yere sakla ahbap. GthGuyDrRDQ-00062-00017406-00017667 Tamam. Acaba poşetin olur mu? GthGuyDrRDQ-00063-00017667-00017881 Ya da t-shirtüm T-shirt hahah GthGuyDrRDQ-00064-00017968-00018048 İyi fikir. GthGuyDrRDQ-00065-00018076-00018292 Tamam kuzu etlerinin arası iyi mi? GthGuyDrRDQ-00066-00018294-00018580 Eğer kimse bulamazsa ben bulurum onu. GthGuyDrRDQ-00067-00018580-00019130 Hazineyi ararken bazı zorluklar yaşıyoruz. Abi sen bize ipucu verebilirsin belki. GthGuyDrRDQ-00069-00019180-00019464 meğğğğğ (Koyun sesi) GthGuyDrRDQ-00070-00019510-00019702 Koyun XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00071-00019756-00019976 Bay Davut siz çok yavaşsınız. GthGuyDrRDQ-00072-00019988-00020146 Üzgünüm üzgünüm üzgünüm GthGuyDrRDQ-00073-00020294-00020492 Çabucak hallediyorum. GthGuyDrRDQ-00074-00020550-00020650 Hakiki Kore tarzı GthGuyDrRDQ-00077-00021252-00021352 Temiz :) GthGuyDrRDQ-00079-00021494-00021770 Ben temizlerim dostum XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00080-00021802-00022026 Bugün açılış günü GthGuyDrRDQ-00081-00022048-00022936 Bu yüzden Geoje Adası'nın yeni misafirleri için burayı temizledik, yiyecekleri hazırladık ve sergiledik. GthGuyDrRDQ-00082-00022948-00023364 Herkes çok meşgul görünüyordu biliyorum bu yüzden ben de çok çalışmak zorundayım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00085-00023724-00023966 Biz bugün yeni helal dükkanımızı açtık, lütfen uğrayın sonra. GthGuyDrRDQ-00086-00024010-00024134 Teşekkürler. GthGuyDrRDQ-00087-00024198-00024964 Merhaba Bayım biz yeni helal dükkanımızı açtık, lütfen uğrayın sonra. Teşekkürler. GthGuyDrRDQ-00088-00024978-00025232 Merhaba biz yeni... GthGuyDrRDQ-00089-00025246-00025334 Yok almayalım. Ah tamam teşekkürler. GthGuyDrRDQ-00091-00025496-00025752 REZİL OLDUM İMDAT GthGuyDrRDQ-00092-00025888-00026062 Herkes çok çalışıyor. GthGuyDrRDQ-00095-00026302-00026504 Burada mescid var mı? GthGuyDrRDQ-00096-00026504-00026808 Bu mağaza da mescid var mı? Bu mantıklı değil. GthGuyDrRDQ-00098-00026882-00027150 Anladık burası mescid :D GthGuyDrRDQ-00100-00027510-00027682 Cemaat burada birlikte namaz kılabilir. GthGuyDrRDQ-00101-00027692-00027836 Denizi görebilirsiniz. GthGuyDrRDQ-00102-00027877-00028152 Önce namaz kılacağım ve ardından işe geri döneceğim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00103-00028236-00028370 Güzel görünüyor. GthGuyDrRDQ-00104-00029016-00029200 (Diğer çalışanlar mağazanın gerisinde namaz kılıyorlar. Muhteşem) GthGuyDrRDQ-00105-00029564-00029865 Tamam orada hangi ürünler var? GthGuyDrRDQ-00106-00029866-00030133 Helal ramen GthGuyDrRDQ-00107-00030142-00030356 (İndomie ile aşk yaşıyor.) GthGuyDrRDQ-00108-00030374-00030689 Evet doğru. Bunu ben çook severimm. GthGuyDrRDQ-00109-00030758-00031024 Burada helal sertifikalarını görebilirsin. GthGuyDrRDQ-00110-00031039-00031089 Evet bu Helal. GthGuyDrRDQ-00111-00031122-00031438 Bu da çok ünlü bir helal reçel. GthGuyDrRDQ-00112-00031438-00031526 Güzel. GthGuyDrRDQ-00113-00031558-00031714 Olum bak bu çok lezzetli. GthGuyDrRDQ-00114-00031727-00031986 Burada çok Hindistan atıştırmalığı var. GthGuyDrRDQ-00115-00032036-00032302 Bunu denemiştim. Gerçekten benzersiz. GthGuyDrRDQ-00116-00032745-00032900 Ve balık GthGuyDrRDQ-00117-00032968-00033066 Helal balık ama :DDD GthGuyDrRDQ-00118-00033078-00033196 Tabii ki bu helal :DD GthGuyDrRDQ-00119-00033214-00033272 İlginç helal sosisler GthGuyDrRDQ-00120-00033272-00033524 Sosis kulağa haram gibi geliyor. GthGuyDrRDQ-00121-00033552-00033814 Evet ya. Ama bu helal. GthGuyDrRDQ-00122-00033844-00033938 Vay bu ekmek GthGuyDrRDQ-00123-00033954-00034210 Ama bu Özbekistan tarzı ekmek :D GthGuyDrRDQ-00124-00034248-00034516 Yemek istiyorum ama yapamam çünkü çalışıyorum. GthGuyDrRDQ-00131-00036708-00036978 Marketin dışında Türk Kebabı satıyorlar GthGuyDrRDQ-00133-00037416-00037748 Patron açılışı kutluyor. GthGuyDrRDQ-00134-00037774-00038120 Burada bir sürü Müslüman var. GthGuyDrRDQ-00135-00038148-00038340 Vay sonunda başladı. GthGuyDrRDQ-00137-00038736-00038868 Sonunda aga be. GthGuyDrRDQ-00138-00039218-00039332 Çok fazla insan GthGuyDrRDQ-00139-00039332-00039546 Onlar şimdi hediye kartını bulmaya çalışıyorlar. GthGuyDrRDQ-00141-00039932-00040032 Onlar çoktan bir sürü kart buldular. GthGuyDrRDQ-00142-00040136-00040252 Benim patronum GthGuyDrRDQ-00143-00040268-00040484 Merhaba herkese. GthGuyDrRDQ-00144-00040498-00040776 Ben bu şirketin CEO'suyum. GthGuyDrRDQ-00145-00040818-00041168 Davut kardeşime çok teşekkür ederim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00147-00041258-00041656 O Seul'den Geoje'a geldi, yolculuk uzun sürmüş 5 saat değil mi? GthGuyDrRDQ-00148-00041720-00042012 Elhamdüllilah (Çok şükür) O bizim çok iyi bir kardeşimiz. GthGuyDrRDQ-00149-00042068-00042466 Şu kart nerde yahu? Henüz kimse bulamadı heheh. GthGuyDrRDQ-00150-00042484-00042692 Belki de onlara ipucu vermeliyim. GthGuyDrRDQ-00151-00042692-00042792 Meğğğğğ (Yine koyun sesi) GthGuyDrRDQ-00152-00042942-00043144 Oha o gitmiş GthGuyDrRDQ-00153-00043196-00043300 Kim buldu ya onu? GthGuyDrRDQ-00154-00043316-00043474 Onu özledim :( GthGuyDrRDQ-00155-00043498-00043646 Aman Allah'ım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00156-00043722-00043890 Ama kart uzun süre hayatta kaldı yine de. GthGuyDrRDQ-00157-00043944-00044184 Çok fazla insan burada, çok fazla Müslüman. GthGuyDrRDQ-00158-00044440-00044540 Bay Davut GthGuyDrRDQ-00164-00046112-00046372 O çok tatlı. O bir oğlan doğru mu? GthGuyDrRDQ-00165-00046470-00046725 Merhaba Muhammed. GthGuyDrRDQ-00166-00046763-00046863 Sen çok tatlısın. GthGuyDrRDQ-00167-00046954-00047078 Selamunaleykum GthGuyDrRDQ-00168-00047098-00047238 Aleykumesselam GthGuyDrRDQ-00169-00047470-00047562 O çok tatlı :D GthGuyDrRDQ-00170-00047586-00047938 Oh be sonunda boş zamanım var :) GthGuyDrRDQ-00171-00047966-00048096 Yemek zamanı GthGuyDrRDQ-00172-00048698-00048786 Mmm güzel GthGuyDrRDQ-00173-00049248-00049348 Çok iyi la GthGuyDrRDQ-00174-00049398-00049624 Özbekistan turşusu. Biraz tuzlu olduğunu biliyorsun değil mi? GthGuyDrRDQ-00175-00049770-00049870 Oh Aman Allah'ım! GthGuyDrRDQ-00176-00049928-00050138 Güzel... Eh evet güzel GthGuyDrRDQ-00177-00050264-00050356 Merhaba GthGuyDrRDQ-00178-00050414-00050492 Selamunaleykum GthGuyDrRDQ-00179-00050514-00050590 Aleykumselam GthGuyDrRDQ-00180-00050646-00050752 Nerelisiniz? GthGuyDrRDQ-00181-00050764-00050842 Özbekistan GthGuyDrRDQ-00182-00050866-00050966 Burada da herkes Özbekistanlı yahu GthGuyDrRDQ-00183-00051018-00051198 Buraya yakın bir yerde mi yaşıyorsunuz? GthGuyDrRDQ-00184-00051250-00051300 Evet. GthGuyDrRDQ-00185-00051332-00051455 Burada mı çalışıyorsunuz? GthGuyDrRDQ-00186-00051486-00051620 Evet. Daewoo Shipyard'da. GthGuyDrRDQ-00187-00051644-00051766 Selamunaleykum GthGuyDrRDQ-00188-00052279-00052372 Utangaç kız GthGuyDrRDQ-00189-00052512-00052762 Benim Son Görevim: Kebap Yapmak GthGuyDrRDQ-00190-00053016-00053196 (Türkçe bir şeyler söylüyor) GthGuyDrRDQ-00191-00053812-00053905 En iyisini göster GthGuyDrRDQ-00192-00053948-00054172 Evet iyi iyi. Ben Kebab Şefiyim XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00193-00054340-00054640 Türkçede buna usta denir. GthGuyDrRDQ-00194-00054676-00054824 Kebab Usta o zaman XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00195-00054838-00055146 1 Kebab Alabilir miyim? Tamam veriyorum. GthGuyDrRDQ-00196-00055182-00055282 Vay usta ne yaptın XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00197-00056012-00056170 Et kaybı GthGuyDrRDQ-00198-00056478-00056648 İşte kebabın burada GthGuyDrRDQ-00199-00056679-00056729 Afiyet olsun GthGuyDrRDQ-00200-00056928-00057078 Oh be bitti GthGuyDrRDQ-00201-00057120-00057252 (Hala bunu ne demek olduğunu bilmiyorum) XD GthGuyDrRDQ-00202-00057305-00057446 (Akşam namazı) GthGuyDrRDQ-00203-00057476-00057798 (Akşam namazını marketin arkasında kılıyorum çünkü burası çok meşguldü.) GthGuyDrRDQ-00204-00058016-00058466 Beni bugün buraya davet ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederim. Benim için bir onurdu. GthGuyDrRDQ-00205-00058508-00058890 Umarım bu market daha da büyür. GthGuyDrRDQ-00206-00058916-00059062 İnşAllah GthGuyDrRDQ-00207-00059084-00059494 Çünkü bir Koreli Müslüman için helal market çok yardımcı olur. GthGuyDrRDQ-00208-00059524-00059716 Bu yüzden size minnattarım. GthGuyDrRDQ-00209-00059738-00059898 Çok teşekkür ederiz. GthGuyDrRDQ-00210-00059972-00060198 Herkese ulaşacağız. GthGuyDrRDQ-00211-00060276-00060486 Seul'e ulaşacağız, GthGuyDrRDQ-00212-00060532-00060779 İnşAllah GthGuyDrRDQ-00213-00060802-00061094 Beni davet ettiğiniz için tekrardan teşekkürler. Umarım bir sürü insan bu markete gelir. GthGuyDrRDQ-00214-00061146-00061526 İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. Kendinize dikkat edin ve güvende olun. Elhamdulillah ma' salame. Çeviri: Meliha Eylül GvrDNfmGeXY-00000-00000503-00000910 This will be our last full building that we need to model, and it’s quite simple in construction. GvrDNfmGeXY-00001-00000910-00001236 Using tools that we have already used, so I am just going to blast through it here. GvrDNfmGeXY-00002-00001236-00001686 So first, lets make a Polygon cube. In our INPUTS, in our channel. GvrDNfmGeXY-00003-00001686-00002153 Change the height to 5, Subdivisions Width 5, GvrDNfmGeXY-00004-00002153-00002503 Height 28 and 5. GvrDNfmGeXY-00005-00002503-00002903 Just going to switch into Wireframe GvrDNfmGeXY-00006-00002903-00003083 ..just switch into wireframe, GvrDNfmGeXY-00007-00003083-00003283 using the 'D' key. GvrDNfmGeXY-00008-00003283-00003726 The Move tool...make sure I am in Object mode, 'D' key. GvrDNfmGeXY-00009-00003726-00004196 Grid and Point snap are on, I just need Point snap at the moment, just to move that down there GvrDNfmGeXY-00010-00004196-00004296 and then GvrDNfmGeXY-00011-00004296-00004610 I will stick it back to the top, which is great having both GvrDNfmGeXY-00012-00004610-00005176 those snap modes available to me, just going to zoom in. GvrDNfmGeXY-00013-00005176-00005616 'D' again, and switch off the point mode GvrDNfmGeXY-00014-00005616-00006103 and now I can snap to the centre, so that's great. GvrDNfmGeXY-00015-00006103-00006503 Press the '5' key. GvrDNfmGeXY-00016-00006503-00006880 With this building I am going to assign the windows first so GvrDNfmGeXY-00017-00006880-00007309 'Assign New Material', Maya and because it's windows GvrDNfmGeXY-00018-00007309-00007703 a Phong and lets GvrDNfmGeXY-00019-00007703-00008103 rename this GvrDNfmGeXY-00020-00008103-00008653 'Building04 Windows' GvrDNfmGeXY-00021-00008653-00008853 again GvrDNfmGeXY-00022-00008853-00009303 just change that to a blue, maybe not quite that purple. GvrDNfmGeXY-00023-00009303-00009743 Going to go into the Modeling Toolkit now, and in Edge Mode GvrDNfmGeXY-00024-00009743-00009943 I am going to GvrDNfmGeXY-00025-00009943-00010206 select this double clicking, double click GvrDNfmGeXY-00026-00010206-00010533 double click, double click, double click, GvrDNfmGeXY-00027-00010533-00011036 So all my visible main corner edges GvrDNfmGeXY-00028-00011253-00011703 Then I am just going to press 'Bevel'. Yeah that's maybe GvrDNfmGeXY-00029-00011703-00012033 too little so go 0.8 GvrDNfmGeXY-00030-00012033-00012403 and as before we are just going to GvrDNfmGeXY-00031-00012403-00012856 select our alternate edge loops GvrDNfmGeXY-00032-00012856-00013126 so Shift and Double Click GvrDNfmGeXY-00033-00013440-00013656 And we are just going to use GvrDNfmGeXY-00034-00013656-00013906 Mesh Tools>Slide Edge. GvrDNfmGeXY-00035-00013906-00014206 middle mouse button and let's get those GvrDNfmGeXY-00036-00014206-00014476 higher and that's great. GvrDNfmGeXY-00037-00014476-00014880 So as before, I am just going to switch back into Face mode GvrDNfmGeXY-00038-00014886-00015050 using Click this time GvrDNfmGeXY-00039-00015050-00015360 and Edge Loop GvrDNfmGeXY-00040-00015360-00015606 doesn't matter which way you go GvrDNfmGeXY-00041-00016160-00016560 and for this specific building GvrDNfmGeXY-00042-00016560-00016960 I am going to select these loops that we have selected s 51 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:53,600 GvrDNfmGeXY-00043-00017746-00018083 There we go. GvrDNfmGeXY-00044-00018083-00018413 So now all we need to do as before GvrDNfmGeXY-00045-00018413-00018910 'Assign New Material' and this time it will be a Lambert GvrDNfmGeXY-00046-00018910-00019360 for our building and here we go 'Lambert'. GvrDNfmGeXY-00047-00019360-00020073 Just call this 'Building04_Lambert' GvrDNfmGeXY-00048-00020073-00020560 and change this to a GvrDNfmGeXY-00049-00020560-00020903 something a bit more red... GvrDNfmGeXY-00050-00020903-00021233 ...a bit darker. GvrDNfmGeXY-00051-00021233-00021826 and just rename this 'Building04' and we are done. GwCRuLFWjWo-00000-00000049-00001126 It's early in the morning at Toronto's Pearson Airport. GwCRuLFWjWo-00001-00001126-00001550 A small group from Metropolitan United Church is waiting patiently for the GwCRuLFWjWo-00002-00001550-00003317 Syrian refugee family they are sponsoring. GwCRuLFWjWo-00003-00003317-00004060 This scene is being replayed across the country. Over the next few weeks hundreds GwCRuLFWjWo-00004-00004060-00005785 of refugees sponsored by United Church congregations will be arriving. GwCRuLFWjWo-00005-00005785-00005985 We have a little house for them with everything ready to welcome them. GwCRuLFWjWo-00006-00005985-00006618 The children will start school within a week and the school will be waiting for GwCRuLFWjWo-00007-00006618-00007114 them, with a settlement officer and a buddy system so the children will have a GwCRuLFWjWo-00008-00007114-00007795 new friend right away. For more information about refugees sponsorship GwCRuLFWjWo-00009-00007795-00008252 visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest GwCRuLFWjWo-00010-00008252-00008439 stories on the new arrivals. G-xkFqq8ZqI-00000-00000000-00000774 Oh my gosh thank you we got 100 views well more than a 100 views to be honest we got G-xkFqq8ZqI-00001-00000891-00002722 a 148 views so far thanks benit butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time x 3 GBae7bsFPpc-00000-00000162-00000482 Hello, this is Dehand. GBae7bsFPpc-00001-00000492-00000948 This video shows how to apply GBae7bsFPpc-00002-00000948-00001379 the bucket hat pattern from the PDF file shared in the last video. GBae7bsFPpc-00003-00001379-00001889 Using the measurements of your head circumference, GBae7bsFPpc-00004-00001889-00002102 I will explain how to transform it to a size that fits you well. GBae7bsFPpc-00005-00002364-00003030 I finished the pattern on paper like this and finished it as a PDF file and shared it. GBae7bsFPpc-00006-00003030-00003542 The pattern consists of top, crown and brim. GBae7bsFPpc-00007-00003542-00004187 The part that has the greatest influence on the size of the hat is the lower circumference of the crown, GBae7bsFPpc-00008-00004187-00004580 In addition, partial dimensions can be made in various ways according to the design. GBae7bsFPpc-00009-00004580-00005282 This is a pattern with a crown circumference of 60cm. GBae7bsFPpc-00010-00005387-00005930 I will tell you the size of the hat that fits your head circumference well. GBae7bsFPpc-00011-00005964-00006564 First of all, you need to know the circumference of your head. GBae7bsFPpc-00012-00006564-00007190 Measure the circumference at the protruding part of the back of the head and 1.5cm above the eyebrows. GBae7bsFPpc-00013-00007697-00008261 The circumference of my head was 56.5cm, GBae7bsFPpc-00014-00008261-00008706 and I added an extra 3.5cm to complete the pattern with a circumference of 60cm. GBae7bsFPpc-00015-00008706-00009284 When I made it and wore it, the 3.5cm was a bit loose GBae7bsFPpc-00016-00009318-00010072 For those who don't like the feeling of being cramped because it fits perfectly, it seems that 3.5cm will feel comfortable. GBae7bsFPpc-00017-00010175-00010904 I think the proper hat circumference is head circumference + minimum 2cm to maximum 3.5cm GBae7bsFPpc-00018-00010974-00011447 If it is smaller than 2cm, it may feel a little small. GBae7bsFPpc-00019-00011447-00012002 If it is more than 3.5cm, it will feel big as if it is not my hat. GBae7bsFPpc-00020-00012060-00012450 I felt that 59cm was the most suitable size for me GBae7bsFPpc-00021-00012450-00012943 by adding 2.5cm to the circumference of my head GBae7bsFPpc-00022-00013247-00013763 I recommend 2.5cm, which is about the middle value of the margin, but GBae7bsFPpc-00023-00013763-00014172 There may be slight differences depending on the design of the hat and personal preference. GBae7bsFPpc-00024-00014172-00014756 recommend comparing it with the circumference of the hat you normally wear GBae7bsFPpc-00025-00014837-00015473 Let's talk briefly about the design and pattern of the hat. GBae7bsFPpc-00026-00015473-00015923 This pattern is a pattern that separates from the side line. GBae7bsFPpc-00027-00015923-00016166 It is a design in which the crown and brim are connected at the side line. GBae7bsFPpc-00028-00016169-00016554 The height of the front and back crowns are different. GBae7bsFPpc-00029-00016554-00016968 By giving darts to different heights of the front and back of the crown, I considered the wearing comfort. GBae7bsFPpc-00030-00016968-00017400 The dart is 1.5 cm GBae7bsFPpc-00031-00017400-00017809 The crown height is 9.5 cm in the front and 8 cm in the back. GBae7bsFPpc-00032-00017909-00018431 The shape of the top is not a circle, but an oval with a longer front and back, GBae7bsFPpc-00033-00018431-00018920 I made the head look a little slimmer when wearing it GBae7bsFPpc-00034-00019230-00020132 The story is about a pattern that contains a lot of my personal taste so that even a person with a flat head can look pretty... GBae7bsFPpc-00035-00020154-00020545 Now let's transform the pattern. GBae7bsFPpc-00036-00020814-00021222 In order to transform the pattern, first fix the crown, GBae7bsFPpc-00037-00021222-00021859 then top and brim. GBae7bsFPpc-00038-00022518-00023114 I'll show you the modification process with a reduced pattern GBae7bsFPpc-00039-00023658-00024006 Because the bottom circumference of the current pattern is 60cm GBae7bsFPpc-00040-00024006-00024572 Let's try to increase it with a hat with a circumference of 62 cm. GBae7bsFPpc-00041-00024678-00025301 A cap with a cap circumference of 62cm is suitable for a head circumference of about 58.5cm to 60cm GBae7bsFPpc-00042-00025301-00025613 Let's fix the crown first. GBae7bsFPpc-00043-00025613-00025982 Cut the center line of the crown GBae7bsFPpc-00044-00026063-00026725 Draw a new guide line at a position 1 cm apart from the center. GBae7bsFPpc-00045-00026891-00028015 Transfer the opposite crown to the new guide line and attach it. GBae7bsFPpc-00046-00028824-00029375 Because it increases by 1 cm from the front crown and 1 cm from the rear crown GBae7bsFPpc-00047-00029375-00030009 It became a new crown pattern with a circumference of 62 cm. GBae7bsFPpc-00048-00030689-00031158 Cut at the centerline of the top. GBae7bsFPpc-00049-00031158-00031650 1cm apart from the original centerline GBae7bsFPpc-00050-00031650-00031897 Draw a new guide line GBae7bsFPpc-00051-00032202-00032677 Attach the cut half top to the guide line. GBae7bsFPpc-00052-00032796-00033396 Draw a line perpendicular to the vertical axis, GBae7bsFPpc-00053-00033396-00033710 Move the end point along the line and paste it GBae7bsFPpc-00054-00033941-00034452 A new center has been created. because it increased by 1 cm GBae7bsFPpc-00055-00034452-00035041 The overall circumference is increased by 2cm, so it fits well with the upper circumference of the crown. GBae7bsFPpc-00056-00035358-00035856 The brim is a pattern that folds from the center of the front and the center of the back. GBae7bsFPpc-00057-00035856-00036396 When cutting, the pattern is turned over to complete a single sheet. GBae7bsFPpc-00058-00036396-00036924 Therefore, if you increase 1 cm from the center, 1 cm will increase on both sides. GBae7bsFPpc-00059-00036924-00037280 Because it increases by 2cm from one front brim GBae7bsFPpc-00060-00037313-00038008 From the center of each front and back brim, draw by extending only 0.5cm apart. GBae7bsFPpc-00061-00038430-00038750 became a new center GBae7bsFPpc-00062-00040002-00040440 In the same way, move the center of the rear brim by 0.5cm and increase it. GBae7bsFPpc-00063-00040440-00041168 It becomes a back brim pattern stretched by 1cm GBae7bsFPpc-00064-00042080-00042653 completed in one piece like this. GBae7bsFPpc-00065-00042653-00042980 Because it is a pattern that sews the side line .Cut at the side line. GBae7bsFPpc-00066-00043519-00044174 In the pattern I shared, the front and back brim are divided like this GBae7bsFPpc-00067-00044568-00045245 When reducing the pattern, you can reduce it by the amount from the center of the vertical or horizontal axis. GBae7bsFPpc-00068-00045497-00046417 hen you reduce it on the horizontal axis, it changes from an ellipse to a more circular shape. GBae7bsFPpc-00069-00046541-00047931 Reduce the crown and brim by the same amount. GBae7bsFPpc-00070-00048575-00049291 When changing the height of the crown, if you modify it by extending the line as it is GBae7bsFPpc-00071-00049362-00049856 Because the length of the upper and lower circumferences of the crown fluctuates GBae7bsFPpc-00072-00050075-00050900 Draw a horizontal line perpendicular to the central axis of the crown, cut it, and then transform it GBae7bsFPpc-00073-00051245-00051920 Transform the cut piece by moving it vertically GBae7bsFPpc-00074-00052421-00052782 If you move as much as you reduce GBae7bsFPpc-00075-00052782-00053327 The side lines are bound to deviate from each other. GBae7bsFPpc-00076-00053454-00053972 Keep the top and bottom end points and connect a line between them. GBae7bsFPpc-00077-00054167-00054605 If you reduce it in this way, GBae7bsFPpc-00078-00054605-00054926 It can be easily transformed without modifying the circumference of the top and bottom. GBae7bsFPpc-00079-00055151-00055676 The hat pattern is relatively simple, so... GBae7bsFPpc-00080-00055676-00056124 It is an item that even beginners can make if only basic stitching is possible. GBae7bsFPpc-00081-00056124-00057036 By measuring and deforming the head circumference, you can make everything from hats for children to large adult hats. GBae7bsFPpc-00082-00057036-00057464 Please try a simple pattern application and have fun sewing. thank you GFo9ZCmNAMY-00000-00000093-00000641 SAILORS FROM NAVAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS COMMAND YOKOSUKA CELEBRATED HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH GFo9ZCmNAMY-00001-00000641-00000875 WITH STUDENTS FROM YOKOSUKA MIDDLE SCHOOL. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00002-00000875-00001254 "BY CELEBRATING ANOTHER CULTURE YOU GET TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR PEOPLE. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00003-00001254-00001506 WHAT THEY DO, WHAT THEY EAT, WHAT THEY CELEBRATE. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00004-00001506-00002035 AND WHENEVER YOU KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY THEN YOU APPRECIATE MORE AND YOU WORK BETTER GFo9ZCmNAMY-00005-00002035-00002236 WITH THEM." GFo9ZCmNAMY-00006-00002236-00002985 WHILE THE CELEBRATION INCLUDED EDUCATIONAL READINGS AND PERSONAL ANECDOTES, FOR ABIGAIL GFo9ZCmNAMY-00007-00002985-00003320 RIOS, ONE OF THE STUDENTS, THE BEST PART OF THE PART OF THE EVENT WAS: GFo9ZCmNAMY-00008-00003320-00003631 "THE DANCING, BECAUSE I LIKE TO DANCE." GFo9ZCmNAMY-00009-00003631-00003989 "IT LOOKED LIKE EVERYBODY HAD A GREAT TIME. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00010-00003989-00004437 A LOT OF SINGING AND DANCING, KIDS SMASHING PIÑATAS, A FANTASTIC LUNCH. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00011-00004437-00004993 OUR MULTI-CULTURAL COMMITTEE SPENDS NUMEROUS HOURS SETTING UP THESE EVENTS." GFo9ZCmNAMY-00012-00004993-00005516 SAILORS ACROSS YOKOSUKA CONTINUE CELEBRATE THEIR DIVERSITY WITH MORE EVENTS LIKE THIS GFo9ZCmNAMY-00013-00005516-00005616 ONE. GFo9ZCmNAMY-00014-00005616-00005878 SEAMAN SONJA WICKARD, YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE JAPAN. GH-CvPoHxkI-00000-00001600-00001770 ABS-CBN GH-CvPoHxkI-00001-00001780-00002110 it is a commercial tv station, and network, in the philippines GH-CvPoHxkI-00002-00002120-00002310 being the first and oldest in the country GH-CvPoHxkI-00003-00002320-00002490 and one of the oldest in asia GH-CvPoHxkI-00004-00002500-00002650 8 months after nhk GH-CvPoHxkI-00005-00002660-00003000 and almost 2 months after ntv was launched GH-CvPoHxkI-00006-00003010-00003360 abs-cbn was launched on october 23 1953 GH-CvPoHxkI-00007-00003370-00003470 which is now inactive GH-CvPoHxkI-00008-00003473-00003790 after the government forced the network to shutdown operations GH-CvPoHxkI-00009-00003800-00004120 however some of their programs took over by kapamilya channel GH-CvPoHxkI-00010-00004130-00004300 which served as the interim replacement GH-CvPoHxkI-00011-00004310-00004580 of the abs-cbn terrestrial network GH-CvPoHxkI-00012-00004590-00004750 tracing back to its origin GH-CvPoHxkI-00013-00004760-00004910 abs-cbn corporation GH-CvPoHxkI-00014-00004920-00005210 first known as bolinao electronics corporation GH-CvPoHxkI-00015-00005220-00005630 was founded on june 13 1946 by james lindenberg GH-CvPoHxkI-00016-00005640-00005950 bec’s intention was to establish a tv station GH-CvPoHxkI-00017-00005960-00006116 as he (lindenberg) became the first to apply GH-CvPoHxkI-00018-00006120-00006409 a tv license to the congress by 1949 GH-CvPoHxkI-00019-00006420-00006620 which was granted a year later GH-CvPoHxkI-00020-00006630-00007020 however due to lack of raw materials and quote “strict import control” GH-CvPoHxkI-00021-00007030-00007240 instead of establishing a tv station GH-CvPoHxkI-00022-00007250-00007550 lindenberg shifted bec to radio broadcasting GH-CvPoHxkI-00023-00007553-00007970 and launch dzbc-am in 1950 GH-CvPoHxkI-00024-00007970-00008109 judge antonio quirino GH-CvPoHxkI-00025-00008116-00008440 the brother of then-president of the philippines elpidio quirino GH-CvPoHxkI-00026-00008450-00008623 formed a partnership with lindenberg GH-CvPoHxkI-00027-00008630-00008933 in an effort for bec to launch a tv station GH-CvPoHxkI-00028-00008940-00009223 led quirino to buy stocks from bec later on GH-CvPoHxkI-00029-00009230-00009590 and have bec to change the name to alto broadcasting system GH-CvPoHxkI-00030-00009596-00009890 with alto sales corporation as the corporate name GH-CvPoHxkI-00031-00009900-00010003 ahh wait a minute GH-CvPoHxkI-00032-00010010-00010303 if my video from identradio is anything to go by GH-CvPoHxkI-00033-00010310-00010603 not to mention theres no mention about this in wikipedia GH-CvPoHxkI-00034-00010610-00010863 then bolinao broadcasting should exist, right GH-CvPoHxkI-00035-00011670-00011756 F O R E R U N N E R GH-CvPoHxkI-00036-00012080-00012343 anyway, prior to the launch of their tv station GH-CvPoHxkI-00037-00012350-00012723 abs first started their test broadcast on september of 1953 GH-CvPoHxkI-00038-00012730-00013016 and to formally launch dzaq-tv on channel 3 GH-CvPoHxkI-00039-00013023-00013243 a month later, on october 23 GH-CvPoHxkI-00040-00013250-00013530 which became the first in the philippines GH-CvPoHxkI-00041-00013540-00013640 on the other hand GH-CvPoHxkI-00042-00013650-00013780 the manila chronicle GH-CvPoHxkI-00043-00013790-00014213 owned by eugenio lopez sr. and former vice president fernando lopez GH-CvPoHxkI-00044-00014219-00014443 also applied for a radio-tv franchise GH-CvPoHxkI-00045-00014450-00014780 which was granted and signed by then-president ramon magsaysay GH-CvPoHxkI-00046-00014786-00015050 and to establish the chronicle broadcasting network GH-CvPoHxkI-00047-00015056-00015303 on september 24 1956 GH-CvPoHxkI-00048-00015310-00015553 however tv wasn’t their main focus yet GH-CvPoHxkI-00049-00015560-00015886 as cbn was initially focused for radio broadcasting GH-CvPoHxkI-00050-00015893-00016400 hence their radio station dzxl-am also launched at the same year GH-CvPoHxkI-00051-00016410-00016560 by 1957 GH-CvPoHxkI-00052-00016566-00016816 cbn acquired abs from judge quirino GH-CvPoHxkI-00053-00016823-00016976 also mentioned on the contract GH-CvPoHxkI-00054-00016980-00017223 was to revert their corporate name from abs GH-CvPoHxkI-00055-00017230-00017390 or asc (alto sales corporation) for that matter GH-CvPoHxkI-00056-00017396-00017673 to bolinao electronic corporation GH-CvPoHxkI-00057-00017680-00017970 with the launch of dzxl-tv on channel 9 GH-CvPoHxkI-00058-00017976-00018266 cbn now have full control over the 2 stations GH-CvPoHxkI-00059-00018273-00018510 under the corporate name of bec GH-CvPoHxkI-00060-00018516-00018613 eventually GH-CvPoHxkI-00061-00018620-00018786 the 2 companies later merge GH-CvPoHxkI-00062-00018793-00019033 and the name “abs-cbn” would be made official GH-CvPoHxkI-00063-00019040-00019380 as their channel branding by 1961 GH-CvPoHxkI-00064-00019390-00019576 as early as 1963 GH-CvPoHxkI-00065-00019583-00019986 dzaq tv conducted their test color broadcast for channel 3 GH-CvPoHxkI-00066-00019993-00020293 which later began broadcasting in color, on select shows GH-CvPoHxkI-00067-00020300-00020540 starting in 1966 GH-CvPoHxkI-00068-00020540-00020916 the sarimanok was used at the same year to identify color broadcast GH-CvPoHxkI-00069-00020923-00021230 similar to nbc’s laramie peacock GH-CvPoHxkI-00070-00021233-00021563 the “abs-cbn” name would later reflect for their corporate name GH-CvPoHxkI-00071-00021566-00021706 and it would change once again GH-CvPoHxkI-00072-00021710-00022326 from bec to abs-cbn broadcasting corporation on february 1 1967 GH-CvPoHxkI-00073-00022330-00022580 some changes would appear to the 2 stations GH-CvPoHxkI-00074-00022583-00022956 as dzaq tv was transferred from channel 3 to channel 2 GH-CvPoHxkI-00075-00022960-00023316 as well as dzxl tv from channel 9 to channel 4 GH-CvPoHxkI-00076-00023320-00023486 in response to some adjustments GH-CvPoHxkI-00077-00023490-00023826 as kanlaon broadcasting system, now known as rpn GH-CvPoHxkI-00078-00023830-00024066 was launched a month earlier on october 15 GH-CvPoHxkI-00079-00024070-00024543 and occupied channel 9 under the callsign dzkb-tv GH-CvPoHxkI-00080-00024550-00024850 2 days after martial law was declared in the philippines GH-CvPoHxkI-00081-00024853-00025206 abs-cbn, along with other tv stations and networks GH-CvPoHxkI-00082-00025210-00025580 was forced to shutdown on september 23 1972 GH-CvPoHxkI-00083-00025583-00025846 and the channel 2 and 4 would ultimately be replaced GH-CvPoHxkI-00084-00025850-00026006 by other tv stations GH-CvPoHxkI-00085-00026010-00026273 which were controlled under the marcos regime GH-CvPoHxkI-00086-00026276-00026770 channel 2, with the call sign dzaq-tv changed to dwwx-tv GH-CvPoHxkI-00087-00026773-00027086 was occupied by the banahaw broadcasting corporation GH-CvPoHxkI-00088-00027089-00027596 while channel 4, with dzxl-tv also changed to dwgt-tv GH-CvPoHxkI-00089-00027600-00027916 was occupied by the government television or gtv GH-CvPoHxkI-00090-00027920-00028156 now known as ptv GH-CvPoHxkI-00091-00028160-00028506 banahaw broadcasting corporation, or simply bbc-2 GH-CvPoHxkI-00092-00028510-00028766 not to be confused the other bbc 2 (british broadcasting corporation) GH-CvPoHxkI-00093-00028770-00029023 was launched on november 4 1973 GH-CvPoHxkI-00094-00029026-00029320 completely different from its forerunner, abs-cbn GH-CvPoHxkI-00095-00029323-00029606 with different logo and slogan GH-CvPoHxkI-00096-00029610-00029946 bbc-2, which later known as “city 2 television” GH-CvPoHxkI-00097-00029950-00030260 became the first in the philippines to feature scanimate system GH-CvPoHxkI-00098-00030263-00030476 for their station identity and promos GH-CvPoHxkI-00099-00030480-00030833 2 years before rpn also used the system GH-CvPoHxkI-00100-00030836-00031076 5 years after martial law officially ended GH-CvPoHxkI-00101-00031080-00031266 and after marcos was exiled GH-CvPoHxkI-00102-00031270-00031663 abs-cbn went back on the air on september 14 1986 GH-CvPoHxkI-00103-00031666-00032010 along with the slogan “watch us do it again” GH-CvPoHxkI-00104-00032013-00032326 abs-cbn would later introduce one of their iconic symbol GH-CvPoHxkI-00105-00032330-00032806 and dubbed the network as “the star network” on march of 1987 GH-CvPoHxkI-00106-00032810-00033230 this is abs-cbn, you're on channel 2 GH-CvPoHxkI-00107-00033233-00033800 dwwx-tv in metro manila, the star network GH-CvPoHxkI-00108-00033993-00034313 which later replaces yet another iconic symbol for the network GH-CvPoHxkI-00109-00034316-00034440 known as the “sarimanok” GH-CvPoHxkI-00110-00034443-00034600 introduced in 1993 GH-CvPoHxkI-00111-00035793-00036013 by the new millennium, year 2000 GH-CvPoHxkI-00112-00036016-00036250 abs-cbn entirely revamped their logo GH-CvPoHxkI-00113-00036253-00036473 with the introduction of their new station id GH-CvPoHxkI-00114-00036476-00036760 featuring the “abs-cbn millennium overture” theme GH-CvPoHxkI-00115-00038490-00038790 the corporate name “abs-cbn broadcasting corporation” GH-CvPoHxkI-00116-00038793-00039040 which have been the name since 1967 GH-CvPoHxkI-00117-00039043-00039310 would later change by dropping the word “broadcasting” GH-CvPoHxkI-00118-00039313-00039620 into just “abs-cbn corporation” GH-CvPoHxkI-00119-00039636-00039753 10 years later GH-CvPoHxkI-00120-00039756-00040053 the national telecommunications commission, or ntc GH-CvPoHxkI-00121-00040056-00040290 issued a cease-and-desist order to the network GH-CvPoHxkI-00122-00040293-00040596 following the expiration of the network’s license to operate GH-CvPoHxkI-00123-00040600-00040753 or simply their franchise GH-CvPoHxkI-00124-00040756-00041246 forced abs-cbn to shutdown operations by the evening of may 5 2020 GH-CvPoHxkI-00125-00041250-00041770 the second time abs-cbn went off the air since martial law in 1972 GH-CvPoHxkI-00126-00041773-00041926 but just over a month later GH-CvPoHxkI-00127-00041930-00042213 “kapamilya channel” was launched via cable and satellite GH-CvPoHxkI-00128-00042216-00042540 served as a replacement of the abs-cbn terrestrial network GH-CvPoHxkI-00129-00042543-00042846 and in order for all the productions from then-abs-cbn GH-CvPoHxkI-00130-00042850-00043056 to resume operations GH-CvPoHxkI-00131-00043060-00043180 within the same year GH-CvPoHxkI-00132-00043183-00043623 an acquisition between abs-cbn and zoe broadcasting network was established GH-CvPoHxkI-00133-00043626-00043760 for a blocktime agreement GH-CvPoHxkI-00134-00043763-00044310 and to launch a2z channel 11 GH-CvPoHxkI-00135-00044313-00044640 ito ang a2z channel 11 GH-CvPoHxkI-00136-00044643-00044726 and also GH-CvPoHxkI-00137-00044730-00045103 a partnership between tv5 and abs-cbn was also established GH-CvPoHxkI-00138-00045106-00045450 in order for some of the programs that weren’t able to air on a2z GH-CvPoHxkI-00139-00045453-00045653 and some shows from kapamilya channel GH-CvPoHxkI-00140-00045656-00045956 to be aired and simulcasted on tv5 GH-CvPoHxkI-00141-00052129-00052450 broadcast city 2 GH-CvPoHxkI-00142-00053279-00054006 city 2 television (city 2) GH-CvPoHxkI-00143-00054010-00054270 city 2 television GH-CvPoHxkI-00144-00054273-00054933 we're here just for you (city 2) GH-CvPoHxkI-00145-00054933-00054966 CI GH-CvPoHxkI-00146-00054970-00055003 CITY GH-CvPoHxkI-00147-00055006-00055429 CITY TWO GH-CvPoHxkI-00148-00056853-00057270 this is abs-cbn, you're on channel 2 GH-CvPoHxkI-00149-00057273-00057850 dwwx-tv in metro manila, the star network GH-CvPoHxkI-00150-00059050-00059579 this is abs-cbn, on nationwide satellite broadcast GH-CvPoHxkI-00151-00059583-00060200 in the service of the filipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00152-00060490-00060740 aBs-CbN tWoO?? GH-CvPoHxkI-00153-00062250-00062906 (this) is abs-cbn, the most admired broadcasting network in asia GH-CvPoHxkI-00154-00062910-00063420 in the service of the filipino worlwide GH-CvPoHxkI-00155-00068943-00069313 ito po ang abs-cbn GH-CvPoHxkI-00156-00069316-00069713 patuloy na naglilingkod sa sambayanang pilipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00157-00069716-00070300 sa ika-sandaang taon ng kauna-unahang republika sa buong asya GH-CvPoHxkI-00158-00070303-00070700 at sa pagsalubong ng bansa sa bagong siglo GH-CvPoHxkI-00159-00070950-00071420 this is abs-cbn GH-CvPoHxkI-00160-00071423-00072000 in the service of the filipino worldwide GH-CvPoHxkI-00161-00075940-00076086 (dunnn) GH-CvPoHxkI-00162-00076090-00076160 (A) GH-CvPoHxkI-00163-00076163-00076226 (AB) GH-CvPoHxkI-00164-00076230-00076360 (ABS) GH-CvPoHxkI-00165-00076363-00076420 (ABS-C) GH-CvPoHxkI-00166-00076423-00076503 (ABS-CB) GH-CvPoHxkI-00167-00076506-00076680 (ABS-CBN) GH-CvPoHxkI-00168-00079323-00079690 ipagmamalaki mo GH-CvPoHxkI-00169-00079693-00080123 da best ng pilipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00170-00080126-00080170 (A) da best ng pilipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00171-00080173-00080223 (AB) da best ng pilipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00172-00080226-00080423 (ABS) da best ng pilipino GH-CvPoHxkI-00173-00080426-00080476 (ABS-C) GH-CvPoHxkI-00174-00080480-00080530 (ABS-CB) GH-CvPoHxkI-00175-00080533-00080770 (ABS-CBN) GH-CvPoHxkI-00176-00083980-00084246 abs-cbn GH-CvPoHxkI-00177-00084250-00084710 in the service of the filipino worldwide GH-CvPoHxkI-00178-00085033-00085390 kahit saan magkita, kapamilya forever GH-CvPoHxkI-00179-00085393-00086050 forever kapamilya GPZezjswrb4-00000-00000101-00000576 [music] GPZezjswrb4-00001-00000610-00000816 Kathleen Stone, Director of Curriculum and Instructional Design at SUNY Empire State College: GPZezjswrb4-00002-00000816-00001218 Now I know that you are a student here at Empire State College through our Center GPZezjswrb4-00003-00001218-00001632 for Distance Learning, which is why you are able to live in Louisiana and attend a GPZezjswrb4-00004-00001632-00002147 New York State College. Could you help me understand a little but of how you have to GPZezjswrb4-00005-00002147-00002332 use the computer to help you learn? GPZezjswrb4-00006-00002332-00002981 Kim Russell: Well, I call the computer my extra appendage. I use a computer GPZezjswrb4-00007-00002981-00003536 in several ways. I have a program called ZoomText, which is a large print GPZezjswrb4-00008-00003536-00004182 magnification program. It also has speech. But I find there is another speech program GPZezjswrb4-00009-00004182-00004886 on my computer. I have 8.1 Windows and with this program that is built into this GPZezjswrb4-00010-00004886-00005532 system, I hit SHIFT, ALT, A and it will read the document as long as it is in a GPZezjswrb4-00011-00005532-00006186 Word document profile. Once if it is in another program, it will not read it. GPZezjswrb4-00012-00006186-00006459 So a lot of times if it is not in there, say for an email or something else, GPZezjswrb4-00013-00006459-00007109 a link I have to go to, I have to copy and paste it. Put it into Word. GPZezjswrb4-00014-00007109-00007374 Then I am able to use the reader. GPZezjswrb4-00015-00007374-00008039 And it really is a life saver. I find it works better than some of the books that are GPZezjswrb4-00016-00008039-00008602 on CD in electronic format and a lot of my books that I get from Empire because GPZezjswrb4-00017-00008602-00009015 being associated with the Disability Services office they send me the books GPZezjswrb4-00018-00009015-00009420 and it is in Word, and that is one way that I can read the books. And it makes GPZezjswrb4-00019-00009420-00009750 life very easy when it is in that kind of format. GPZezjswrb4-00020-00010100-00010400 Subtitles by the Amara.org community GVIXSHs478U-00000-00001269-00001512 Linh Thai: Hello and welcome back to Climatic, where we meet GVIXSHs478U-00001-00001512-00001860 the innovators who are reducing Asia's carbon footprint, the GVIXSHs478U-00002-00001860-00002178 entrepreneurs who are making the Asia-Pacific more resilient to GVIXSHs478U-00003-00002178-00002499 climate change and the investors and corporate leaders who are GVIXSHs478U-00004-00002499-00002877 partnering with startups for impact. Today's episode: The GVIXSHs478U-00005-00002877-00003231 Electric Vehicle Solutions Showcase. Our analysts have GVIXSHs478U-00006-00003231-00003588 identified three of Asia's most intriguing up and coming GVIXSHs478U-00007-00003590-00003939 electric mobility startups. I'm going to invite each of them to GVIXSHs478U-00008-00003939-00004350 pitch one at a time. Then, our panel of top electric mobility GVIXSHs478U-00009-00004350-00004719 investors will share what they like, their concerns, and GVIXSHs478U-00010-00004719-00005034 whether they're interested in taking the deal further. For the GVIXSHs478U-00011-00005034-00005385 entrepreneurs watching, this showcase provides you with an GVIXSHs478U-00012-00005391-00005745 inside peek into the type of conversations that investors GVIXSHs478U-00013-00005745-00006093 would normally have behind closed doors. What do they like GVIXSHs478U-00014-00006093-00006434 about each pitch? And probably more interesting, why does GVIXSHs478U-00015-00006434-00006773 certain companies get a warm reception while others get that GVIXSHs478U-00016-00006773-00007176 dreaded “Let's keep in touch” email. Climatic is giving you GVIXSHs478U-00017-00007181-00007503 our audience a unique opportunity to be a fly on the GVIXSHs478U-00018-00007503-00007823 wall for conversations that founders don't normally get to GVIXSHs478U-00019-00007823-00008214 hear. We know that founding a startup is hard. Leaving a GVIXSHs478U-00020-00008214-00008679 stable job to chase a dream is hard. Engineering new solutions GVIXSHs478U-00021-00008694-00009231 is hard. And raising money from investors, also hard. We want to GVIXSHs478U-00022-00009231-00009549 see more entrepreneurship in climate impact technologies. We GVIXSHs478U-00023-00009549-00009831 hope that providing this opportunity to see how VC GVIXSHs478U-00024-00009831-00010185 investors really think that we're giving founders valuable GVIXSHs478U-00025-00010185-00010497 insight that will help them grow and succeed. Now, let's get GVIXSHs478U-00026-00010497-00010884 started and meet our investors. Navarun Atraya is a Senior GVIXSHs478U-00027-00010884-00011217 Investment Analyst with Plug and Play, one of the world's largest GVIXSHs478U-00028-00011220-00011538 early-stage investors. Navarun has a mechanical engineering GVIXSHs478U-00029-00011538-00011916 background and gets excited about anything deep tech. Before GVIXSHs478U-00030-00011916-00012174 Plug and Play, he spent time as a production engineer at GVIXSHs478U-00031-00012174-00012645 Hyundai. Sophia Nadur is a Managing Partner at BP Ventures GVIXSHs478U-00032-00012657-00012924 where she's responsible for the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern GVIXSHs478U-00033-00012924-00013269 markets. She's focused on tech led business models that GVIXSHs478U-00034-00013269-00013638 accelerate the transition to net zero. In her spare time, Sophia GVIXSHs478U-00035-00013638-00013994 enjoys exploring the British countryside in her electric car. GVIXSHs478U-00036-00014007-00014304 Coy Navarro is an investment associate with ADB Ventures, GVIXSHs478U-00037-00014313-00014586 where he sources and manages clean tech deals for climate GVIXSHs478U-00038-00014586-00014880 impact. He's also a shareholder in two electric vehicle GVIXSHs478U-00039-00014880-00015188 companies in the Philippines. And finally, Doug Parker is a GVIXSHs478U-00040-00015188-00015501 deep tech entrepreneur turned a Venture Partner with Wavemaker GVIXSHs478U-00041-00015501-00015831 Partners. He built and exited new autonomy, one of the very GVIXSHs478U-00042-00015831-00016194 few successful self-driving car companies. Doug now invests in GVIXSHs478U-00043-00016194-00016488 clean tech, including green energy, water and waste GVIXSHs478U-00044-00016488-00016830 technologies and of course, electric mobility. Thanks for GVIXSHs478U-00045-00016830-00017082 the panel for joining our program. Now it's time to meet GVIXSHs478U-00046-00017082-00017160 our first startup. GVIXSHs478U-00047-00018171-00018402 Most of today's electric vehicles use lithium-ion GVIXSHs478U-00048-00018426-00018702 batteries, but the lithium supply chain has serious GVIXSHs478U-00049-00018702-00018999 constraints. In addition, the world is still trying to figure GVIXSHs478U-00050-00018999-00019344 out the best way to dispose of spent batteries. Singapore GVIXSHs478U-00051-00019344-00019701 registered Green Li-ion recycles those batteries. They claim that GVIXSHs478U-00052-00019701-00020046 their solution is cleaner, faster, and four times more GVIXSHs478U-00053-00020046-00020364 profitable than the next best approach and their process GVIXSHs478U-00054-00020364-00020775 results in pure battery ready cathode material. CEO, Leon GVIXSHs478U-00055-00020775-00021120 Farrant, is here to represent Green Li-on. Leon, tell us more. GVIXSHs478U-00056-00021466-00021664 Leon Farrant: To support the energy transition, we're going GVIXSHs478U-00057-00021664-00022162 to need a gigaton of batteries. So Elon Musk says, and the GVIXSHs478U-00058-00022162-00022519 problem is even larger. Within the next five years, we're going GVIXSHs478U-00059-00022519-00022876 to have more certain more demand and supply for lithium-ion GVIXSHs478U-00060-00022876-00023287 batteries. But the sad reality is 95% of all these batteries go GVIXSHs478U-00061-00023287-00023815 straight into landfill, 5% of recycle and of the 5%, only two GVIXSHs478U-00062-00023815-00024208 thirds of that is recycled in China. So, the rest of the GVIXSHs478U-00063-00024208-00024658 world, we're doing a dismal job. Green Li-ion is the circular GVIXSHs478U-00064-00024658-00025096 economy solution for lithium-ion batteries. We're a hardware deep GVIXSHs478U-00065-00025096-00025633 tech company, which uses a novel form of hydrometallurgy to fully GVIXSHs478U-00066-00025633-00025957 rejuvenate lithium-ion batteries. Our machine is at GVIXSHs478U-00067-00025957-00026461 commercial scale and in production. We sold five of our GVIXSHs478U-00068-00026461-00026952 GLM C1 machines, which can handle two metric tons per day GVIXSHs478U-00069-00026962-00027373 of spent lithium-ion batteries comes in our input is in the GVIXSHs478U-00070-00027373-00027658 form of black mass crushed lithium-ion batteries, the GVIXSHs478U-00071-00027658-00028243 fairest material. And within 24 hours, we can handle the GVIXSHs478U-00072-00028243-00028756 equivalent of 56,000 iPhone 8 batteries. It goes through our GVIXSHs478U-00073-00028756-00029212 process and we produce battery ready, cathode material as an GVIXSHs478U-00074-00029212-00030070 output at pure levels, 99.9% pure up to 99.9% purity. This GVIXSHs478U-00075-00030124-00030469 cathode material can be reused straight back in batteries. Our GVIXSHs478U-00076-00030469-00030829 process is closed loop, so it's greener than anything on the GVIXSHs478U-00077-00030829-00031164 market. It has eight times less carbon footprint than our GVIXSHs478U-00078-00031164-00031732 current competitors. But of course, we're also stopping the GVIXSHs478U-00079-00031732-00032116 reliance on mining and the contribution to the landfill. GVIXSHs478U-00080-00032164-00032506 It’s up to 10 times faster than current processes because we're GVIXSHs478U-00081-00032508-00032941 cutting out or disrupting the supply chain whereby that black GVIXSHs478U-00082-00032941-00033343 mass produced by recyclers currently needs to go to Japan, GVIXSHs478U-00083-00033343-00033772 South Korea, or China for further refinement and taking up GVIXSHs478U-00084-00033772-00034420 to 90 days. The process solves the biggest problem of all, GVIXSHs478U-00085-00034420-00034807 which is that lithium-ion battery recycling is not GVIXSHs478U-00086-00034810-00035185 commercially viable. The reason why this is not viable is that GVIXSHs478U-00087-00035185-00035500 they're producing what's called black mass and it only fetches GVIXSHs478U-00088-00035500-00036013 two to $5,000 per metric ton. Our process allows them to GVIXSHs478U-00089-00036025-00036436 produce battery grade cathode material, which is much more GVIXSHs478U-00090-00036436-00036700 than five times more valuable. In fact, it can fetch up to GVIXSHs478U-00091-00036703-00037252 $39,000 per ton. We are, as I said, we're already GVIXSHs478U-00092-00037255-00037690 commercializing this product and building these machines in the GVIXSHs478U-00093-00037690-00038107 United States and distributing. We've sold machines in the US GVIXSHs478U-00094-00038107-00038737 and in Asia. And compared to the competition, it is the only GVIXSHs478U-00095-00038764-00039253 technology that takes in all lithium-ion battery times every GVIXSHs478U-00096-00039253-00039715 chemistry without sorting, making it far more efficient for GVIXSHs478U-00097-00039715-00040123 the battery recyclers. We’re taking all five popular battery GVIXSHs478U-00098-00040165-00040495 chemistries, and we have another solution another machine called GVIXSHs478U-00099-00040495-00041101 Luci L LFP 1, which takes in LFP batteries and handles that GVIXSHs478U-00100-00041101-00041806 tricky phosphate compound, which is contained. I’ve got a great GVIXSHs478U-00101-00041806-00042481 team, myself being an energy industry lifer. I've been GVIXSHs478U-00102-00042481-00042793 around, I've been in the industry 15 years, most recently GVIXSHs478U-00103-00042793-00043441 leading as CEO mid-sized companies. And my co-founder Dr. GVIXSHs478U-00104-00043444-00043792 Reza Cartel worked on in lithium-ion battery recycling GVIXSHs478U-00105-00043792-00044143 for 10 years amongst getting his master's in chemical GVIXSHs478U-00106-00044143-00044635 engineering, his master's in environmental sciences, and of GVIXSHs478U-00107-00044635-00045103 course, his PhD from NUS. And we have a great team here in GVIXSHs478U-00108-00045103-00045667 Singapore, small team, but 50% PhDs and the rest are, of GVIXSHs478U-00109-00045667-00046102 course, engineers to build our large hardware. Thank you for GVIXSHs478U-00110-00046102-00046471 the opportunity. And I look forward to meeting you all GVIXSHs478U-00111-00046471-00046528 shortly. GVIXSHs478U-00112-00046840-00047080 Linh Thai: Thanks, Leon. Very interesting pitch and quite GVIXSHs478U-00113-00047080-00047365 technical. Let's see what our panel thought. Coy, would you GVIXSHs478U-00114-00047365-00047464 like to jump in first? GVIXSHs478U-00115-00047551-00047791 Coy Navarro: I think what they're doing is essential GVIXSHs478U-00116-00047878-00048262 because like there have been conversations about second life GVIXSHs478U-00117-00048322-00048673 use-cases for batteries, etc., but never really about GVIXSHs478U-00118-00048712-00049105 recycling. And I think it's going to be an emerging issue GVIXSHs478U-00119-00049105-00049591 very soon because of landfills, etc. I think they have a GVIXSHs478U-00120-00049591-00050047 fundamental sort of technology or innovation in the process GVIXSHs478U-00121-00050047-00050566 itself, which simplifies a process and reduces, I guess, GVIXSHs478U-00122-00050566-00051094 the processing time and also gives out useful cathodes, like GVIXSHs478U-00123-00051151-00051553 that's almost battery ready. So, I think that's interesting plus GVIXSHs478U-00124-00051553-00051942 the fact that they don't need to sort. It’s I think an important GVIXSHs478U-00125-00051942-00052357 piece because like if you look at Asia, most of the countries GVIXSHs478U-00126-00052357-00052750 don't really do sorting very well. And so, if you avoid that GVIXSHs478U-00127-00052750-00053137 step in or is able to mitigate that, then that simplifies a GVIXSHs478U-00128-00053137-00053527 process basically. But I guess a challenge for scalability is if GVIXSHs478U-00129-00053527-00053908 you, if I remember correctly, they're in Singapore and they're GVIXSHs478U-00130-00053908-00054286 focused on building a plant in North America. I think in both GVIXSHs478U-00131-00054286-00054874 countries, policy about disposal of the lithium-ion batteries is GVIXSHs478U-00132-00054877-00055351 somehow well-formulated and well-implemented. So, I think GVIXSHs478U-00133-00055351-00055639 it's those two things like, but if you look at other countries GVIXSHs478U-00134-00055639-00056224 in Southeast Asia, maybe China fits into that bucket. But other GVIXSHs478U-00135-00056224-00056620 countries, you may struggle with feedstock, the inputs to the GVIXSHs478U-00136-00056620-00057030 recycling. And that I guess is the big question when it comes GVIXSHs478U-00137-00057030-00057469 to its impact in Southeast Asian countries. But generally, I love GVIXSHs478U-00138-00057469-00057930 the tech. I think it's really essential that we get around GVIXSHs478U-00139-00057930-00057976 this. GVIXSHs478U-00140-00058057-00058369 Sophia Nadur: Coy, I actually asked Leon the same question GVIXSHs478U-00141-00058369-00058750 because I did have a question around why focus on Asia or the GVIXSHs478U-00142-00058750-00059050 US in building their first facility. And he said to me that GVIXSHs478U-00143-00059050-00059440 actually they are looking at Europe as one of their key focus GVIXSHs478U-00144-00059440-00059683 areas. And I think that's actually a pretty smart move, GVIXSHs478U-00145-00059686-00059998 because as you say, there's a lot of feed stock available and GVIXSHs478U-00146-00059998-00060337 there is a big openness and willingness to develop GVIXSHs478U-00147-00060337-00060685 sustainable battery recycling. Because again, if you want to be GVIXSHs478U-00148-00060685-00061174 able to ensure that you've got a full value chain, and if you GVIXSHs478U-00149-00061174-00061605 don't have the raw materials, what better way to encourage GVIXSHs478U-00150-00061605-00061957 that full secularity by having sustainable battery recycling GVIXSHs478U-00151-00061957-00062236 facilities. And so, I think it's quite interesting. I like the GVIXSHs478U-00152-00062236-00062587 fact that they're essentially a bolt-on to manufacturing GVIXSHs478U-00153-00062587-00063124 process. And so, I'm actually pretty bullish about this GVIXSHs478U-00154-00063124-00063433 company. I think there's lots of opportunities there and they’re GVIXSHs478U-00155-00063436-00063700 in the rights space. I mean, they're talking about $24 GVIXSHs478U-00156-00063700-00064177 billion market size in a couple of years’ time. And so, I think GVIXSHs478U-00157-00064177-00064264 they're onto something. GVIXSHs478U-00158-00064279-00064588 Navarun Atraya: Right. Yeah. I think I'm also pretty impressed GVIXSHs478U-00159-00064588-00064975 by their technology. So, going back into the core technology, I GVIXSHs478U-00160-00064975-00065260 mean, if we are talking about, let's say a pyro or a GVIXSHs478U-00161-00065260-00065671 hydro-metallurgical recovery processes one, they are very GVIXSHs478U-00162-00065674-00066130 energy intensive and then, two, you need to sort of tackle a lot GVIXSHs478U-00163-00066130-00066415 of toxic gases and waste products that are actually sort GVIXSHs478U-00164-00066415-00066721 of recaptured during the process and they produced during the GVIXSHs478U-00165-00066721-00067264 process. Now, for Green Li-ion, I think their processes way more GVIXSHs478U-00166-00067264-00067810 efficient. And they mentioned about co precipitation method in GVIXSHs478U-00167-00067810-00068287 terms of their IP. Basically, also going into the part where GVIXSHs478U-00168-00068323-00068656 they're not dealing with black mass itself, rather they are GVIXSHs478U-00169-00068659-00069025 going towards directly reusable battery grade cathode material, GVIXSHs478U-00170-00069025-00069358 like Coy mentioned. So, I think that makes it very efficient. GVIXSHs478U-00171-00069358-00069859 And also, I think this is to do with drawing on the expertise of GVIXSHs478U-00172-00069859-00070279 the team. So, we have noticed that on the technical side, they GVIXSHs478U-00173-00070279-00070843 are very strong. Their CTO is a PhD who has spent about 15 plus GVIXSHs478U-00174-00070843-00071254 years in the space. So, I think in that sense, they have a very GVIXSHs478U-00175-00071254-00071809 strong sort of mode there. And again, I mean, marketwise, GVIXSHs478U-00176-00071812-00072313 obviously right now less than about 5% of the lithium-ion GVIXSHs478U-00177-00072313-00072577 batteries are being recycled, even if it's like manual GVIXSHs478U-00178-00072577-00073084 recycling process to begin with. And in India, most of it goes to GVIXSHs478U-00179-00073084-00073540 landfill. So, I think Asia-wise, if we're talking about Asia, GVIXSHs478U-00180-00073597-00073879 China, Korea, and Japan, they sort of stand out in terms of GVIXSHs478U-00181-00073879-00074224 battery recycling. India is nowhere close, but then the GVIXSHs478U-00182-00074227-00074545 volume at which batteries are being sold in India, it's almost GVIXSHs478U-00183-00074545-00074908 comparable to any of these other economies. So, I think can be GVIXSHs478U-00184-00074908-00075172 very effective down the line when it comes to the Indian GVIXSHs478U-00185-00075172-00075220 economy. GVIXSHs478U-00186-00075301-00075568 Doug Parker: I have some concerns around how they will GVIXSHs478U-00187-00075583-00076078 really differentiate themselves. I feel like technology may not GVIXSHs478U-00188-00076078-00076390 be enough to defend yourself in this space. I think there's a GVIXSHs478U-00189-00076390-00076714 lot of startups focused on lithium battery recycling and GVIXSHs478U-00190-00076714-00077077 how you differentiate your method and get it adopted is GVIXSHs478U-00191-00077077-00077473 going to be a real challenge. I also have some concerns that GVIXSHs478U-00192-00077473-00077989 this may be early in the game. When most cars are electric, GVIXSHs478U-00193-00077995-00078184 this will be a hundred-billion-dollar market. GVIXSHs478U-00194-00078253-00078562 Today, we're just starting to convert, and those cars are GVIXSHs478U-00195-00078562-00078955 still on the road. So, how we actually get the feedstock to GVIXSHs478U-00196-00078955-00079270 make this a really large business as is, I think it may GVIXSHs478U-00197-00079270-00079405 be just too early. GVIXSHs478U-00198-00079462-00079651 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Thank you everyone for your thoughts. GVIXSHs478U-00199-00079684-00079954 Now, if this were a real investment process, the next GVIXSHs478U-00200-00079954-00080239 step would be to set up an informational meeting to hear GVIXSHs478U-00201-00080239-00080515 the story straight from the founder, and to dig deeper into GVIXSHs478U-00202-00080515-00080956 some of the key areas. But of course, VC's get many proposals GVIXSHs478U-00203-00080974-00081271 and don't accept meetings with every startup. So, let me ask GVIXSHs478U-00204-00081271-00081568 you, based on everything you've heard, are you interested in GVIXSHs478U-00205-00081568-00081730 talking further with Green Li-ion? GVIXSHs478U-00206-00081805-00082033 Sophia Nadur: Okay. Well, I'm not a battery technology expert, GVIXSHs478U-00207-00082033-00082369 so what I can offer Leon is it's probably not worth it talking to GVIXSHs478U-00208-00082369-00082747 me as yet, but I'll make sure that I make the intro to all of GVIXSHs478U-00209-00082750-00083206 battery technology experts to be able to have a discussion around GVIXSHs478U-00210-00083206-00083605 a product fit within some of the bigger projects that we're GVIXSHs478U-00211-00083605-00083911 looking at as well. So, I'd be delighted to make that intro for GVIXSHs478U-00212-00083911-00083932 him. GVIXSHs478U-00213-00084013-00084250 Linh Thai: Okay, great. So, a referral to your battery GVIXSHs478U-00214-00084250-00084517 specialist. Thanks, Sophia. How about you, Doug? GVIXSHs478U-00215-00084559-00084760 Doug Parker: I think I'd pass at this point. I think it's GVIXSHs478U-00216-00084769-00085081 interesting technology. I think it's a huge market in the GVIXSHs478U-00217-00085081-00085348 future. I just think it might be too early for us. GVIXSHs478U-00218-00085432-00085702 Linh Thai: Okay, I think that's an interesting observation. For GVIXSHs478U-00219-00085702-00086059 you, the market is still too early. You believe the feedstock GVIXSHs478U-00220-00086062-00086383 isn't there yet and you'd prefer to keep in touch and see more GVIXSHs478U-00221-00086383-00086764 traction before engaging in conversation. And Coy, what GVIXSHs478U-00222-00086764-00086818 about you? GVIXSHs478U-00223-00086830-00087049 Coy Navarro: Yeah, I'm open to have a call with them. But I'd GVIXSHs478U-00224-00087049-00087349 be curious who will be the lead investor if they're fundraising, GVIXSHs478U-00225-00087355-00087649 like and we'd definitely rely on that lead. And I mean, we don't GVIXSHs478U-00226-00087649-00087958 have in-house sort of deep tech experience in the battery space. GVIXSHs478U-00227-00087994-00088333 So, we would need to rely on on sort of a lead investor to GVIXSHs478U-00228-00088333-00088729 provide that sort of understanding for us. So, yeah, GVIXSHs478U-00229-00088729-00089254 I think this one open because of our mandate, which is, you know, GVIXSHs478U-00230-00089257-00089701 climate, mitigation and resilience, I think this is key. GVIXSHs478U-00231-00089755-00090010 But again, to Doug's point, right, there are a lot of of GVIXSHs478U-00232-00090010-00090325 unknowns and we want to tread more carefully here, but GVIXSHs478U-00233-00090328-00090460 definitely we'll take a call with them. GVIXSHs478U-00234-00090532-00090787 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Thanks, Coy. So, that's a yes. And GVIXSHs478U-00235-00090787-00090901 Navarun, what do you think? GVIXSHs478U-00236-00090931-00091186 Navarun Atraya: For us, I think it's really important that we GVIXSHs478U-00237-00091186-00091702 have valuation in terms of industry adoption. So, if that GVIXSHs478U-00238-00091702-00092020 is validated, yes, there is a high potential that we can go GVIXSHs478U-00239-00092020-00092452 ahead and sort of look into the space and invest. But, again, I GVIXSHs478U-00240-00092452-00092926 mean, whether as efficient or not, we have seen multiple GVIXSHs478U-00241-00092926-00093400 startups come up in the sector. And to be very fair, we are GVIXSHs478U-00242-00093400-00093709 certainly comparing competitors even from the Indian market at GVIXSHs478U-00243-00093709-00094153 this point. So yeah, I think in summary, would definitely love GVIXSHs478U-00244-00094153-00094435 to have further discussions with Green Li-ion. GVIXSHs478U-00245-00094492-00094789 Linh Thai: Alright, that's a yes from Plug and Play as well. Let GVIXSHs478U-00246-00094789-00095173 me bring Leon back. Leon, I know you're confident Green Li-ion GVIXSHs478U-00247-00095173-00095536 has the best battery recycling tech on the market today. It GVIXSHs478U-00248-00095536-00095827 sounded to me like our panel wanted to agree, but they were GVIXSHs478U-00249-00095827-00096175 concerned about market readiness and competition. What's your GVIXSHs478U-00250-00096175-00096268 reaction to that? GVIXSHs478U-00251-00096344-00096629 Leon Farrant: Regarding competitors, I mean we're very GVIXSHs478U-00252-00096629-00096935 aware of our competitors and what they're doing and GVIXSHs478U-00253-00096986-00097496 certainly, we have a jumpstart. However, we're not naive to the GVIXSHs478U-00254-00097496-00097781 fact that, you know, most of our competitors are more highly GVIXSHs478U-00255-00097781-00098252 capitalized than us and the race is on and they're full of smart GVIXSHs478U-00256-00098252-00098918 people and resources. So, you know, it's like with many novel GVIXSHs478U-00257-00098918-00099209 technologies, we need to make sure that we protect it, that we GVIXSHs478U-00258-00099209-00099650 build it and we distribute it broadly to make sure we stay in GVIXSHs478U-00259-00099650-00100193 front. I think that it is, it would be hard to for an investor GVIXSHs478U-00260-00100193-00100646 that has not, you know, done deep tech and large hardware GVIXSHs478U-00261-00100646-00101036 projects like this to feel as comfortable with us and be as GVIXSHs478U-00262-00101036-00101339 supportive as one that, you know, knows the trials and GVIXSHs478U-00263-00101339-00101834 tribulations of building, you know, machine the size of the GVIXSHs478U-00264-00101834-00102263 house, and having to reproduce it at mass. So, we've got the GVIXSHs478U-00265-00102263-00102791 privilege of being able to speak to many investors, just came GVIXSHs478U-00266-00102791-00103214 back from a trip to California and spent a lot of time with GVIXSHs478U-00267-00103214-00103703 investors there. And, you know, all of the things that we heard GVIXSHs478U-00268-00103703-00104255 today are echoed in some of their responses. People have GVIXSHs478U-00269-00104255-00104720 different positions on this. Deep tech novel, novel tech, and GVIXSHs478U-00270-00104720-00105458 specially hardware is very scary and it's risky. So, you know, GVIXSHs478U-00271-00105458-00105902 there's only a select few that have the comfort level to sort GVIXSHs478U-00272-00105902-00106328 of support companies like ours. And then, there's even a smaller GVIXSHs478U-00273-00106364-00106658 group of people that are passionate about green and clean GVIXSHs478U-00274-00106658-00106991 tech and changing the world from an environmental perspective. GVIXSHs478U-00275-00107086-00107477 So, that large group of potential investors, you know, GVIXSHs478U-00276-00107477-00107840 becomes smaller quickly. Strategic investors that GVIXSHs478U-00277-00107840-00108125 understand deep tech and hardware are worth their weight GVIXSHs478U-00278-00108125-00108446 in gold for a company like ours. They know what we're going GVIXSHs478U-00279-00108446-00108743 through. They know how to build things. They know how to connect GVIXSHs478U-00280-00108743-00109271 you. They have have networks in the correct places, not just GVIXSHs478U-00281-00109271-00109307 money. GVIXSHs478U-00282-00109396-00109693 Linh Thai: Okay, thanks Leon. One of the key challenges of GVIXSHs478U-00283-00109693-00110032 working in developing markets is bringing new technologies from GVIXSHs478U-00284-00110032-00110452 developed markets into the region. Asia-Pacific as a whole GVIXSHs478U-00285-00110452-00110779 is a large market. But within the region, the countries are GVIXSHs478U-00286-00110779-00111154 quite fragmented. Every startup needs to decide on their best GVIXSHs478U-00287-00111154-00111442 beachhead. That may be a function of the size of the GVIXSHs478U-00288-00111442-00111763 addressable market, the labor costs, or in this case, the GVIXSHs478U-00289-00111763-00112099 availability of feedstock. Hesitation due to market GVIXSHs478U-00290-00112099-00112438 assumptions is a tough hurdle to overcome. No one can tell the GVIXSHs478U-00291-00112438-00112717 future. So, it's hard to convince an investor that their GVIXSHs478U-00292-00112717-00113143 perspective is too conservative, or possibly uninformed. I think GVIXSHs478U-00293-00113143-00113416 the best thing for entrepreneurs to do in this case is to GVIXSHs478U-00294-00113416-00113800 continue to execute and prove the investor wrong via the GVIXSHs478U-00295-00113800-00114159 company's traction. As an investor, I'd love to be proven GVIXSHs478U-00296-00114159-00114475 wrong. What that means, I have an opportunity to invest in a GVIXSHs478U-00297-00114475-00115105 company with a proven growth trajectory. Next on the Climatic GVIXSHs478U-00298-00115105-00115444 Electric Vehicle Solution Showcase, Lithion Power. New GVIXSHs478U-00299-00115447-00115720 Delhi-based Lithion Power has built an intelligent energy GVIXSHs478U-00300-00115720-00116071 delivery ecosystem solution for electric two-wheelers and GVIXSHs478U-00301-00116071-00116361 three-wheelers. It includes a battery management system, GVIXSHs478U-00302-00116385-00116733 infrastructure for charging and battery swapping, realtime data GVIXSHs478U-00303-00116733-00117055 analytics and software for drivers that fleet operators. GVIXSHs478U-00304-00117094-00117397 Co-founder Shekhar Bhide is here to share more about Lithion GVIXSHs478U-00305-00117397-00117739 Power. Let's hear from Shekhar and then, let's see what our GVIXSHs478U-00306-00117739-00118027 panel of VC investors thinks about Lithion Power, invest GVIXSHs478U-00307-00118027-00118207 ability and potential to scale. GVIXSHs478U-00308-00118511-00118683 Chandrashekhar Bhide: Hello, everyone. I'm Chandrashekhar GVIXSHs478U-00309-00118683-00118934 Bhide, co-founder of Lithion Power. We are India's electric GVIXSHs478U-00310-00118934-00119360 vehicle ecosystem with charging solution as a "hook". By 2030, GVIXSHs478U-00311-00119367-00119694 we have a vision to provide energy for a million electric GVIXSHs478U-00312-00119694-00120048 vehicles covering about one and a half billion kilometers on a GVIXSHs478U-00313-00120048-00120444 monthly basis, preventing .02 million tonnes of carbon dioxide GVIXSHs478U-00314-00120444-00120840 emission, thereby saving 45 million litres of fossil fuel. GVIXSHs478U-00315-00120945-00121326 We are committed towards making the dream of EV only India by GVIXSHs478U-00316-00121326-00121784 2030 a reality. We provide intelligent energy delivery GVIXSHs478U-00317-00121784-00122220 infrastructure for low to medium for electric vehicles. This has GVIXSHs478U-00318-00122223-00122547 connected technical products like battery management systems, GVIXSHs478U-00319-00122558-00122838 shared infrastructure for electric vehicle charging and GVIXSHs478U-00320-00122838-00123330 battery swapping, software for different users of ecosystem GVIXSHs478U-00321-00123330-00123741 like drivers, supervisors, fleet operators and real-time data GVIXSHs478U-00322-00123741-00124160 analytics. We address two problems. First is on the GVIXSHs478U-00323-00124160-00124446 inadequate delivery infrastructure. Think of it as GVIXSHs478U-00324-00124446-00124788 gas stations for electric vehicles. Our solution is open, GVIXSHs478U-00325-00124788-00125186 shared network for charging and battery swapping for electric GVIXSHs478U-00326-00125186-00125529 two-wheelers and three-wheelers. The second problem is lack of GVIXSHs478U-00327-00125580-00126051 real-time data exchange across EV entities an d their products. GVIXSHs478U-00328-00126063-00126438 This actually results in low utilization of deployed assets. GVIXSHs478U-00329-00126485-00126900 Our solution is an intelligent energy platform that connects GVIXSHs478U-00330-00126900-00127206 the whole ecosystem together and this is driven by a smart GVIXSHs478U-00331-00127206-00127658 battery management system. Since the product has been designed GVIXSHs478U-00332-00127658-00128033 developed by us, we own the intellectual property, and this GVIXSHs478U-00333-00128033-00128411 makes it completely configurable and easy to integrate with other GVIXSHs478U-00334-00128411-00128757 companies, thereby, providing better control. We have an GVIXSHs478U-00335-00128757-00129033 ecosystem approach, so the hardware, embedded GVIXSHs478U-00336-00129035-00129396 communication, software, data analytics, all is designed GVIXSHs478U-00337-00129396-00129714 developed in-house and that we run it. We have more than a GVIXSHs478U-00338-00129714-00130058 dozen patents filed on the engineering aspects. And the GVIXSHs478U-00339-00130058-00130716 first patent was already granted in July 2001 this year. We are GVIXSHs478U-00340-00130716-00131112 currently under testing cases with the three of the top 10 GVIXSHs478U-00341-00131148-00131562 Auto OEMs in the country. One large battery pack manufacturer, GVIXSHs478U-00342-00131598-00131940 which is a multi-billion dollar listed entity has already placed GVIXSHs478U-00343-00131940-00132357 an order on us last month. We have over 30 customers across GVIXSHs478U-00344-00132357-00132654 electric vehicle OEM's, battery manufacturers and e-commerce GVIXSHs478U-00345-00132654-00132999 majors. We have started the European office two quarters GVIXSHs478U-00346-00132999-00133392 back and we already pilot 3 customers evaluating products. GVIXSHs478U-00347-00133470-00133941 Pre-COVID our ARR was about $1.1 million. That obviously got GVIXSHs478U-00348-00133941-00134373 impacted. But we are back to the bank. And now, growing at 35% GVIXSHs478U-00349-00134403-00134847 month-on-month. We already have 5000 BMS deployed, which has GVIXSHs478U-00350-00134847-00135213 covered more than 5 million kilometers. For electric vehicle GVIXSHs478U-00351-00135213-00135576 fleet is active in the six locations in the Delhi-NCR GVIXSHs478U-00352-00135576-00136074 region across the e-commerce. In the next four or five years, we GVIXSHs478U-00353-00136074-00136410 intend to cover at least half a million electric vehicles doing GVIXSHs478U-00354-00136410-00136782 daily deliveries for ecommerce users. This is a total GVIXSHs478U-00355-00136782-00137169 addressable market of about $50 billion annually. And the GVIXSHs478U-00356-00137169-00137544 government is already, has already implemented measures to GVIXSHs478U-00357-00137544-00137841 support this. They want on supply-side incentives and GVIXSHs478U-00358-00137877-00138225 demand-side subsidies. State nodal agencies have already been GVIXSHs478U-00359-00138225-00138765 appointed. EV policies have been no different than firstly and GVIXSHs478U-00360-00138765-00139119 few tenders are rolled out. We believe that the future is going GVIXSHs478U-00361-00139119-00139512 to be simply electric and we are looking forward and we totally GVIXSHs478U-00362-00139512-00139749 forced to take advantage of this. Thank you. GVIXSHs478U-00363-00140050-00140278 Linh Thai: Thanks Shekhar. Now, let's go to our panel for GVIXSHs478U-00364-00140278-00140545 reactions. Sophia, why don't you lead us off? GVIXSHs478U-00365-00140611-00140974 Sophia Nadur: As you know, we've just invested in a four-wheel EV GVIXSHs478U-00366-00140974-00141400 only ride hail business in India, Blu Smart. And if you GVIXSHs478U-00367-00141400-00141955 imagine as more and more of the ICE cars convert to EVs, even GVIXSHs478U-00368-00141961-00142318 this much more demand on the grid and also there's lots of GVIXSHs478U-00369-00142318-00142801 opportunities to build incremental offers on top of GVIXSHs478U-00370-00142876-00143341 just charging services. So BMS, be it small to three wheelers or GVIXSHs478U-00371-00143341-00143665 even eventually into four-wheelers is important. And GVIXSHs478U-00372-00143665-00144142 being able to have have tough software solutions that can can GVIXSHs478U-00373-00144142-00144595 help us convert those two offers are pretty critical, not just to GVIXSHs478U-00374-00144595-00144880 help us with the managing to peak load that a lot of these GVIXSHs478U-00375-00144880-00145285 vehicles are going to impress on the utility grid system in GVIXSHs478U-00376-00145285-00145717 India, but also be able to then offer new products and services GVIXSHs478U-00377-00145738-00145945 at the charging hubs or at the gas stations or at the GVIXSHs478U-00378-00145945-00146500 workshops. So, it's a big area in India and no one frankly in GVIXSHs478U-00379-00146500-00146806 my view has cracked it yet but it's wide open space. GVIXSHs478U-00380-00146848-00147301 Navarun Atraya: Just to jump in right. So, I think, again, it is GVIXSHs478U-00381-00147310-00147718 quite open in the sense that there are competitors in the GVIXSHs478U-00382-00147718-00148084 market. So for example, if you look at all electric or a third GVIXSHs478U-00383-00148084-00148414 they have their own BMS. However, if you look at the GVIXSHs478U-00384-00148414-00148702 smaller OEMs, they certainly need the support in terms of GVIXSHs478U-00385-00148726-00148957 someone else coming in and helping them with the BMS and GVIXSHs478U-00386-00148957-00149527 then I think their approach towards sort of targeting the GVIXSHs478U-00387-00149530-00149899 battery manufacturers, smaller OEMs and e-commerce clients as GVIXSHs478U-00388-00149899-00150211 an ecosystem I think, this really works in their favor. And GVIXSHs478U-00389-00150223-00150586 if we're looking into sort of where they are targeting, so GVIXSHs478U-00390-00150586-00150997 that's basically like the field for last mile delivery, both B2C GVIXSHs478U-00391-00150997-00151342 and B2B e-commerce, we've seen that grow. We've seen around GVIXSHs478U-00392-00151342-00151705 grow recently in India. And then, in terms of last mile GVIXSHs478U-00393-00151705-00151975 logistics and delivery, we have seen the likes of delivery GVIXSHs478U-00394-00151975-00152287 become Unicorn and then, Dunzo is probably at around like GVIXSHs478U-00395-00152287-00152626 growth stage at this point as well. So essentially, they are GVIXSHs478U-00396-00152629-00153097 in a space where they are going more for an ecosystem play. So GVIXSHs478U-00397-00153097-00153457 rather than the BMS being the core of things, they are more GVIXSHs478U-00398-00153457-00153694 concerned about building up the ecosystem, which works in their GVIXSHs478U-00399-00153694-00153763 favor, I would say. GVIXSHs478U-00400-00153799-00154021 Sophia Nadur: I would question one thing, I mean, they've been GVIXSHs478U-00401-00154021-00154450 around since 2016 and they've not had significant market GVIXSHs478U-00402-00154450-00154834 traction as yet. So, I really want to dig into the technology GVIXSHs478U-00403-00154834-00155290 a bit to see what the issue is moving from POCs and pilots to GVIXSHs478U-00404-00155290-00155614 sustainable revenue. And are they any sort of business GVIXSHs478U-00405-00155614-00155914 development hurdles? Are they missing some capability in GVIXSHs478U-00406-00155914-00156220 house, which can help them convert what seems to be GVIXSHs478U-00407-00156226-00156583 successful POCs and pilots into a sustainable business long GVIXSHs478U-00408-00156583-00156913 term? Because I mean, they've been in operation now around GVIXSHs478U-00409-00156916-00157222 five-six years, and the marketplace is going to grow GVIXSHs478U-00410-00157222-00157420 pretty quickly in the next two or three. GVIXSHs478U-00411-00157501-00157786 Coy Navarro: Maybe, I can share some some of my reservations. GVIXSHs478U-00412-00157786-00158176 So, small to medium size OEM manufacturers would be the GVIXSHs478U-00413-00158176-00158398 target market. And I think there are a lot of those in Southeast GVIXSHs478U-00414-00158398-00158806 Asia as well outside of India. Because again, like high quality GVIXSHs478U-00415-00158806-00159295 batteries is an issue. If most of the OEMs in that country GVIXSHs478U-00416-00159307-00159628 primarily assemble sort of completely knocked down imports GVIXSHs478U-00417-00159628-00160012 from China or India. So, I think there's a huge market there. But GVIXSHs478U-00418-00160012-00160411 if you think about like, medium-term, longer-term, how GVIXSHs478U-00419-00160411-00160732 defensible really would that initial market share be, right? GVIXSHs478U-00420-00160735-00161287 Because all vehicles will eventually need to be replaced. GVIXSHs478U-00421-00161347-00161713 And the one that dictates what battery gets installed in those GVIXSHs478U-00422-00161716-00162094 replacements would be the OEMs, right? If you're reliant on the GVIXSHs478U-00423-00162094-00162436 OEM to sort of give you a channel into a particular GVIXSHs478U-00424-00162436-00162871 market, then you'll be squeezed out margin-wise, potentially. I GVIXSHs478U-00425-00162871-00163159 guess the real question is, even if you successfully do a land GVIXSHs478U-00426-00163159-00163585 grab by working with smaller sort of OEMs, right? Would that GVIXSHs478U-00427-00163588-00163882 ultimately be defensible if larger OEMs start knocking on GVIXSHs478U-00428-00163882-00164299 the door with their own battery solution, or sort of, you know, GVIXSHs478U-00429-00164317-00164647 companies that have control over that consumer relationship GVIXSHs478U-00430-00164698-00164941 starts thinking about increasing their margins and reverse GVIXSHs478U-00431-00164941-00165397 integrating a lot of these value chains? So, that is sort of GVIXSHs478U-00432-00165427-00165928 gives me pause with with Lithion Power. Yeah. GVIXSHs478U-00433-00165982-00166192 Linh Thai: Doug, I know you have a strong personal interest in GVIXSHs478U-00434-00166192-00166465 battery management. What are your thoughts on Lithion Power? GVIXSHs478U-00435-00166474-00166792 Doug Parker: Yeah, so full disclosure, I've invested in GVIXSHs478U-00436-00166813-00167341 Indian BMS company. I think it's a very interesting niche between GVIXSHs478U-00437-00167341-00167821 besides just the look and feel the actual how the bicycle rides GVIXSHs478U-00438-00167821-00168268 or drives is very much going to be dictated by the BMS. And so, GVIXSHs478U-00439-00168268-00168553 I think it's a really important thing for the makers to get GVIXSHs478U-00440-00168553-00168991 right. It is a challenging space because a lot of battery GVIXSHs478U-00441-00168994-00169507 supplier supply BMS as well. A lot of bike makers or car makers GVIXSHs478U-00442-00169507-00169921 realize that BMS is so critical to the experience. They want to GVIXSHs478U-00443-00169924-00170266 have control of that themselves. So I think it's a challenging GVIXSHs478U-00444-00170266-00170449 space to find your niche. GVIXSHs478U-00445-00170503-00170842 Linh Thai: Okay, so that brings us to the big question. Based on GVIXSHs478U-00446-00170842-00171187 what you've heard so far. Do you have an appetite to learn more? GVIXSHs478U-00447-00171217-00171571 Did Lithion Power intrigued you enough for you to schedule that GVIXSHs478U-00448-00171571-00171712 30-minute intro call? GVIXSHs478U-00449-00171760-00172009 Navarun Atraya: Yeah, I mean, we have been looking into the GVIXSHs478U-00450-00172009-00172366 Indian market, and we haven't made any investment so far, GVIXSHs478U-00451-00172372-00172801 especially in the mobility space. But concern here would GVIXSHs478U-00452-00172801-00173308 be, you know, their core IP is still the BMS. So for us, I GVIXSHs478U-00453-00173308-00173647 think the core IP really matters. And then, in terms of GVIXSHs478U-00454-00173650-00174043 competition, I think it's a very tough space for them to crack. GVIXSHs478U-00455-00174082-00174538 So, I would say that we will be open to sort of keep the GVIXSHs478U-00456-00174538-00174898 discussion going. But for us to actually invest in that space GVIXSHs478U-00457-00174898-00175276 with that kind of competition coming in, that is huge GVIXSHs478U-00458-00175279-00175438 uncertainty there. Let's say. GVIXSHs478U-00459-00175453-00175807 Linh Thai: So, some reservations around competition. Sophia, how GVIXSHs478U-00460-00175807-00175855 about you? GVIXSHs478U-00461-00175960-00176311 Sophia Nadur: Okay, so two-three wheeler space is wide open for GVIXSHs478U-00462-00176311-00176689 more and more venturing. And I would say that BP Ventures' GVIXSHs478U-00463-00176689-00177028 focus will be in the Indian market more downstream, let's GVIXSHs478U-00464-00177028-00177406 say, yeah, into the offer and into the battery swapping aspect GVIXSHs478U-00465-00177406-00177769 of it's more business model. Less where I would say, hard GVIXSHs478U-00466-00177769-00178198 tech with deep tech. So, I would say I pass on this but I'd keep GVIXSHs478U-00467-00178198-00178582 close to to the founders and founding team, because you never GVIXSHs478U-00468-00178582-00178861 know in terms of how these collaborations pan out in the GVIXSHs478U-00469-00178861-00179224 next six to 12 months. It's quite an active market right GVIXSHs478U-00470-00179224-00179254 now. GVIXSHs478U-00471-00179278-00179512 Linh Thai: Interesting enough to keep in touch, but they need a GVIXSHs478U-00472-00179512-00179797 little bit more traction. Doug, what do you think? GVIXSHs478U-00473-00179848-00180085 Doug Parker: I'd have to pass given my computing investment GVIXSHs478U-00474-00180085-00180283 but wish them luck and need space. GVIXSHs478U-00475-00180295-00180502 Linh Thai: Fair enough. You've already made your bet in this GVIXSHs478U-00476-00180502-00180739 space. And Coy, what do you think? GVIXSHs478U-00477-00180799-00181177 Coy Navarro: For me, it's a pass. I think one reason is we GVIXSHs478U-00478-00181177-00181477 already invested in OEM that does have its own, you know, GVIXSHs478U-00479-00181480-00181921 battery management solution. And also, I still maintain my GVIXSHs478U-00480-00181921-00182143 reservations about the defensibility of whatever GVIXSHs478U-00481-00182143-00182602 initial market view you get by providing battery swapping or GVIXSHs478U-00482-00182605-00183043 BMS, but, you know, I keep track of them and monitor them, but at GVIXSHs478U-00483-00183043-00183214 this point, I'd pass. GVIXSHs478U-00484-00183250-00183433 Linh Thai: It sounds like this panel has quite a few GVIXSHs478U-00485-00183433-00183766 reservations. But here's the thing, when it comes to early GVIXSHs478U-00486-00183766-00184093 stage investing for every unicorn, there are a handful of GVIXSHs478U-00487-00184093-00184462 investors kicking themselves for passing on that deal. Shekhar GVIXSHs478U-00488-00184465-00184786 this was a tough panel for you. But you also got a chance to GVIXSHs478U-00489-00184786-00185095 peek behind the Climatic curtain. Some of these judges GVIXSHs478U-00490-00185095-00185392 considered you one of the most intriguing up and coming EV GVIXSHs478U-00491-00185392-00185683 startups in Asia. What do you make of their hesitation? GVIXSHs478U-00492-00185713-00185890 Chandrashekhar Bhide: We didn't start as a BMS company. We GVIXSHs478U-00493-00185890-00186139 started as an energy delivery company, you know, with the GVIXSHs478U-00494-00186139-00186433 initial focus on battery swapping and whatever was GVIXSHs478U-00495-00186433-00186838 required to get that into action, we started doing. So GVIXSHs478U-00496-00186838-00187231 yes, BMS is at the core and especially if you're running a GVIXSHs478U-00497-00187249-00187756 battery swapping solution then our smart connector BMS is a GVIXSHs478U-00498-00187759-00188059 prerequisite you know because you need to understand what is GVIXSHs478U-00499-00188059-00188431 going on in the battery, how much energy is left every second GVIXSHs478U-00500-00188431-00188848 of its operation and that actually helps you to optimized GVIXSHs478U-00501-00188920-00189352 battery swapping operations. Now, the thing I wanted to add GVIXSHs478U-00502-00189352-00189847 is you know, we are not just into battery management systems, GVIXSHs478U-00503-00189859-00190270 we have other smart connected components as well. Okay, and we GVIXSHs478U-00504-00190270-00190624 have actually a whole lot of EV charging and battery swapping GVIXSHs478U-00505-00190624-00191047 network which is again an open shared ecosystem. Okay. So, it GVIXSHs478U-00506-00191047-00191476 is not like a proprietary for some of the other players. Okay. GVIXSHs478U-00507-00191476-00191950 So, we have actually onboarded about 30 odd partners. This is GVIXSHs478U-00508-00191950-00192331 across the electric vehicle OEMs and the battery pack GVIXSHs478U-00509-00192331-00192697 manufacturers. And by virtue of using our smart connected GVIXSHs478U-00510-00192697-00193126 products, they automatically come onto our network. Okay. So, GVIXSHs478U-00511-00193129-00193432 even though there might be, you know, multiple players who are GVIXSHs478U-00512-00193432-00193921 trying to expand in this space, a very few people you know, I GVIXSHs478U-00513-00193921-00194158 would say that probably we are the only one who has the GVIXSHs478U-00514-00194158-00194545 ecosystem approach. So, right from the hardware to embedded to GVIXSHs478U-00515-00194545-00194971 software to data analytics and right from the engineering GVIXSHs478U-00516-00194971-00195466 products to the charging and energy delivery network, we have GVIXSHs478U-00517-00195466-00195778 tried to ensure that we are always connected to the GVIXSHs478U-00518-00195778-00196174 ecosystem and we don't have any exclusive partnerships. Now, I GVIXSHs478U-00519-00196174-00196663 think one of the comments was that this is a very difficult GVIXSHs478U-00520-00196672-00197086 market to be in and that is correct, right. But once you GVIXSHs478U-00521-00197086-00197413 have the correct partnerships and once you understand what GVIXSHs478U-00522-00197413-00197845 drives, what part of the ecosystem, then it is fairly GVIXSHs478U-00523-00197890-00198316 smooth riding. Okay. So, so far, you know, we have worked across GVIXSHs478U-00524-00198316-00198631 the ecosystem right from the EV OEMs to battery pack GVIXSHs478U-00525-00198631-00199096 manufacturers to fleet operators, okay, and you know, GVIXSHs478U-00526-00199096-00199393 providing solutions which they want. And this is something GVIXSHs478U-00527-00199393-00199786 which we have tried doing and which we have fine tuned and GVIXSHs478U-00528-00199786-00200119 which we have sharpened our offerings for the last three GVIXSHs478U-00529-00200119-00200542 years. It is not just the hardware, okay, hardware is easy GVIXSHs478U-00530-00200542-00200959 to copy. The core part is the embedded algorithms inside the GVIXSHs478U-00531-00200959-00201316 data that we have collected and this is all market data. We have GVIXSHs478U-00532-00201316-00201727 billions of records of data, okay, this individual cell GVIXSHs478U-00533-00201727-00202114 voltages, current being drawn, capacity left, location GVIXSHs478U-00534-00202114-00202516 parameters, latitude, longitude, some vehicle information, driver GVIXSHs478U-00535-00202516-00202849 information. Now, aggregating to, so these are billions of GVIXSHs478U-00536-00202849-00203308 records and aggregating like 100 plus billions of data points. GVIXSHs478U-00537-00203356-00203698 Now, this is something which nobody can copy, right? We GVIXSHs478U-00538-00203698-00204019 understand the batteries and the utilization of batteries, the GVIXSHs478U-00539-00204019-00204475 decay and degeneration of batteries over its lifetime, GVIXSHs478U-00540-00204490-00204964 like nobody's business. We had a conscious decision taken GVIXSHs478U-00541-00204964-00205336 upfront. We wanted to work with smaller players, because they GVIXSHs478U-00542-00205336-00205738 were more agile. They were more open to making changes to their GVIXSHs478U-00543-00205807-00206158 products or services or the way they operate. And again, you GVIXSHs478U-00544-00206158-00206619 know, only smaller players is not a target segment. We work GVIXSHs478U-00545-00206619-00207253 across the value chain. So in fact, one of the top two battery GVIXSHs478U-00546-00207253-00207559 pack manufacturers which is a listed entity and which is a GVIXSHs478U-00547-00207559-00207961 billion dollar, billions of dollars of market cap has GVIXSHs478U-00548-00207961-00208405 already placed an order on us in the month of August and last GVIXSHs478U-00549-00208405-00208855 week, now the other they have visited our premises, and they GVIXSHs478U-00550-00208855-00209341 have tripled the initial offer, right. So, this would not happen GVIXSHs478U-00551-00209344-00209719 you know if they didn't like our products, okay. So we are at GVIXSHs478U-00552-00209719-00210021 that point in time where, you know, we have spent considerable GVIXSHs478U-00553-00210021-00210444 amount of time and efforts in fine tuning or products and GVIXSHs478U-00554-00210444-00210792 ensuring that they are market ready for larger players. GVIXSHs478U-00555-00210826-00211105 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Thank you, Shekhar. One of the biggest GVIXSHs478U-00556-00211105-00211378 challenges for a founder as they embark on the fundraising GVIXSHs478U-00557-00211378-00211846 journey is how do they distill years of operations into a 15 GVIXSHs478U-00558-00211846-00212185 page presentation or three minute video. This is certainly GVIXSHs478U-00559-00212185-00212515 true for Lithion Power. You want to make sure that the VC not GVIXSHs478U-00560-00212515-00212833 only understands what you do, but also provides them with GVIXSHs478U-00561-00212833-00213100 enough data points to demonstrate your expertise and GVIXSHs478U-00562-00213100-00213514 your traction. And then the next big question is, which VC do I GVIXSHs478U-00563-00213514-00213838 speak to? In Shekhar's case, he knew that he was working on a GVIXSHs478U-00564-00213838-00214117 solution that was highly technical, and the people with GVIXSHs478U-00565-00214117-00214390 the most knowledge of this technology would be working in GVIXSHs478U-00566-00214390-00214690 large corporations who are already operating in a similar GVIXSHs478U-00567-00214690-00215071 space. As a founder, you should also analyze your addressable GVIXSHs478U-00568-00215071-00215386 market in terms of investors. You want to spend your time GVIXSHs478U-00569-00215386-00215707 discussing growth potential, rather than explaining the GVIXSHs478U-00570-00215707-00216088 basics of your technology. And one final note, the fundraising GVIXSHs478U-00571-00216088-00216430 process is similar to a sales process. You have to find the GVIXSHs478U-00572-00216430-00216787 right fit with a partner and a fund, they keep them interested GVIXSHs478U-00573-00216787-00217090 through to the final diligence and the contract signing. In GVIXSHs478U-00574-00217090-00217432 this case, Shekhar only received one potential meeting out of GVIXSHs478U-00575-00217432-00217773 three investors. To this, I would say keep in mind, this is GVIXSHs478U-00576-00217773-00218167 par for the course. Each VC is a different worldview. Just make GVIXSHs478U-00577-00218167-00218479 sure you're targeting the proper investors and keep on going. GVIXSHs478U-00578-00218496-00219196 Fundraising is a full time job. Thailand's ETRAN makes an GVIXSHs478U-00579-00219196-00219544 electric motorbike boasting top speeds of 120 kilometers per GVIXSHs478U-00580-00219544-00219964 hour and battery capacity of 180 kilometers per charge and the GVIXSHs478U-00581-00219964-00220342 battery charges in just four hours. The company has sold 500 GVIXSHs478U-00582-00220342-00220729 bikes and made available 2000 as rentals with a goal of selling GVIXSHs478U-00583-00220729-00221164 10,000 units by the end of 2022. Soranun Choochut who were more GVIXSHs478U-00584-00221164-00221560 fondly referred to as Earth is here to share more. Earth, take GVIXSHs478U-00585-00221560-00221611 it away. GVIXSHs478U-00586-00221909-00222263 Soranun Choochut: Hi, my name Earth, CEO from ETRAN Thailand. GVIXSHs478U-00587-00222298-00222619 At ETRAN, we want to be the cleanest mobility company, GVIXSHs478U-00588-00222656-00223076 offers the best designs, experience and technology to GVIXSHs478U-00589-00223076-00223412 regenerate a healthier environment and better living GVIXSHs478U-00590-00223412-00223853 for everyone. The slow adoption of EVs caused climate change GVIXSHs478U-00591-00223856-00224269 impact to all of us. How can we make it possible and faster for GVIXSHs478U-00592-00224269-00224896 Southeast Asia? In 2022, we want to be the ESG leader in Thailand GVIXSHs478U-00593-00224900-00225353 E Bike industry by achieving 10,000 units or 25% of market GVIXSHs478U-00594-00225353-00225842 share, plus 20,000 tonnes of carbon reduction and empower GVIXSHs478U-00595-00225842-00226244 10,000 of rider to be the climate leader. We have GVIXSHs478U-00596-00226244-00226640 inclusive E Bike ecosystem to launch. We have three different GVIXSHs478U-00597-00226640-00227069 models. One is for logistic. One is for public transportation and GVIXSHs478U-00598-00227069-00227525 one is for consumer. And we also have the power station to make GVIXSHs478U-00599-00227525-00227942 the user come to swap at our station anytime and also ETRAN GVIXSHs478U-00600-00227944-00228404 application. This year, we're launching ETRAN MYRA that GVIXSHs478U-00601-00228404-00228800 decipher logistic a last mile delivery purpose. We can go GVIXSHs478U-00602-00228800-00229319 faster to 100 kilometer per hour. We can go longest as 180 GVIXSHs478U-00603-00229319-00229679 kilometer per charge and we build for the tough set. We can GVIXSHs478U-00604-00229679-00230378 put my goods on the back up to 150 kilograms. After series A GVIXSHs478U-00605-00230378-00230855 costing in the mid of 21, we can produce up to 1000 unit per GVIXSHs478U-00606-00230855-00231305 month at Summit Automotive, one of the most trusted largest GVIXSHs478U-00607-00231359-00231823 automotive manufacturing in regional. Now, we are the GVIXSHs478U-00608-00231823-00232127 fastest growing company in Thailand, number one in market, GVIXSHs478U-00609-00232166-00232673 2000 unit to rent, and 500 unit to buy. Our rental business GVIXSHs478U-00610-00232673-00233036 simple. It's create that accessible for all. It starts GVIXSHs478U-00611-00233036-00233444 from five US dollar per day and this cheaper than ICE motorcycle GVIXSHs478U-00612-00233444-00234029 about 40%. We are building 100 of swapping station that run by GVIXSHs478U-00613-00234032-00234839 100% renewable energy. Every kilometer of ETRAN, we reduce 45 GVIXSHs478U-00614-00234842-00235283 grams of CO2 every kilometer or .8 tonnes per year and we have GVIXSHs478U-00615-00235286-00235658 ambition to reach 1 million tonnes of CO2 every year by GVIXSHs478U-00616-00235661-00236081 2025. Not just the sustainability, we care about GVIXSHs478U-00617-00236081-00236564 women. Our bike can be can ride with women and we will set up GVIXSHs478U-00618-00236567-00236957 our goal to have 50% of our women leader in our company GVIXSHs478U-00619-00236960-00237371 including moderator, management team and production lies. Our GVIXSHs478U-00620-00237371-00237748 co-founder form RND. Now, we're expanding our more finance GVIXSHs478U-00621-00237752-00238181 operation and after sales service. So our next step, we GVIXSHs478U-00622-00238181-00238604 will build up ETRAN ecosystem 2.0. We will have more GVIXSHs478U-00623-00238655-00239039 agriculture products, battery manufacturing and also ETRAN GVIXSHs478U-00624-00239039-00239600 lab. So, to be the leader in this market, we can must be the GVIXSHs478U-00625-00239603-00239891 ESG leader. Thank you, everyone. GVIXSHs478U-00626-00240181-00240352 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Thanks, Earth. That's really GVIXSHs478U-00627-00240352-00240676 interesting. Let's bring our panel back. Coy, what are your GVIXSHs478U-00628-00240676-00240766 thoughts on ETRAN? GVIXSHs478U-00629-00240863-00241094 Coy Navarro: One thing we look for at least in ADB Ventures GVIXSHs478U-00630-00241094-00241487 when we look at EVs is vehicles that are designed for purpose. GVIXSHs478U-00631-00241492-00241867 And when you look at how they designed the the MYRA scooter, GVIXSHs478U-00632-00241867-00242405 for example, is designed to carry 150 kg of cargo, you're GVIXSHs478U-00633-00242405-00242807 able to sit on it comfortably. And why that matters, so, it's GVIXSHs478U-00634-00242807-00243080 like if you're an E-logistics company, and it's picking up GVIXSHs478U-00635-00243080-00243536 because as everyone knows, right, the cost of mobility is GVIXSHs478U-00636-00243536-00243932 key. And the amount of revenue you can extract per trip is also GVIXSHs478U-00637-00243932-00244466 key. So, if you're able to sort of offer a solution that enables GVIXSHs478U-00638-00244469-00245042 an e-commerce delivery driver to earn a higher revenue per trip, GVIXSHs478U-00639-00245111-00245537 and given the lower maintenance costs and OPEX, theoretically of GVIXSHs478U-00640-00245540-00245975 EV is over ICE vehicles, that will give them higher net GVIXSHs478U-00641-00245975-00246350 income. I kind of like the fact that it's designed for purpose. GVIXSHs478U-00642-00246350-00246821 I also like the fact that it's swapping, because uptime is GVIXSHs478U-00643-00246821-00247325 essential for last mile logistics. So, that's sort of my GVIXSHs478U-00644-00247325-00247691 immediate impression on ETRAN. But, you know, I would love to GVIXSHs478U-00645-00247691-00247787 hear what others think. GVIXSHs478U-00646-00247700-00247904 Navarun Atraya: I think I completely agree with Coy. Like GVIXSHs478U-00647-00247904-00248207 design for purpose is certainly something which is really GVIXSHs478U-00648-00248242-00248612 important. But I also like the fact that it's efficiently GVIXSHs478U-00649-00248612-00249101 priced. So, I think it's on a renting basis, that's $5 per GVIXSHs478U-00650-00249101-00249557 day. If we compare like a pure ownership, it's $2,000 for GVIXSHs478U-00651-00249557-00249878 ownership. So which is very similar to some of the other GVIXSHs478U-00652-00249881-00250253 OEMs in the EV two-wheeler sector coming up in India as GVIXSHs478U-00653-00250253-00250723 well. So going by that, and then the subscription is just $22. GVIXSHs478U-00654-00250723-00251105 So, if we compare the monthly subscription for the battery to GVIXSHs478U-00655-00251129-00251486 what they would spend on internal combustion engine for GVIXSHs478U-00656-00251486-00251708 fuel, I think it's very efficient in terms of the GVIXSHs478U-00657-00251708-00251792 pricing as well. GVIXSHs478U-00658-00251935-00252301 Sophia Nadur: I agree with both of you. I would say though, that GVIXSHs478U-00659-00252391-00252688 because it's said they're claiming quite a fast speed, a GVIXSHs478U-00660-00252688-00253071 max speed, and given they're carrying 150 kilo of load, I GVIXSHs478U-00661-00253071-00253264 would still want to see a little bit more around the safety GVIXSHs478U-00662-00253264-00253671 features that are built into the bike. As one thing that we are GVIXSHs478U-00663-00253675-00253990 quite concerned about or cautious about investing in the GVIXSHs478U-00664-00253990-00254437 space is ensuring riders and pedestrians and the general GVIXSHs478U-00665-00254437-00254854 public are kept safe. Even though we know that this is such GVIXSHs478U-00666-00254854-00255178 an important form of transport, especially in busy streets. GVIXSHs478U-00667-00255265-00255571 Linh Thai: Doug, you've invested in motorbike OEMs. What do you GVIXSHs478U-00668-00255571-00255661 think of ETRAN? GVIXSHs478U-00669-00255723-00256042 Doug Parker: I'm a big, big fan of electric vehicles. I have one GVIXSHs478U-00670-00256042-00256369 of the first electric vehicles in Singapore. I'm also an avid GVIXSHs478U-00671-00256369-00256639 motorcycle rider. So, really excited to see all of the GVIXSHs478U-00672-00256639-00257019 developments in the electric motorcycle space. I'm concerned GVIXSHs478U-00673-00257019-00257230 about the defendability of the space. It seems like there's GVIXSHs478U-00674-00257230-00257719 lots and lots of motorcycle developers or motorcycle OEMs GVIXSHs478U-00675-00257719-00258076 springing up. And so, I like the fact that they're early. They're GVIXSHs478U-00676-00258076-00258342 already out on the streets, and that they're developing a GVIXSHs478U-00677-00258342-00258619 swappable battery network. I feel like that's one of the key GVIXSHs478U-00678-00258619-00258948 ways to defend your space. It encourages more people to buy GVIXSHs478U-00679-00258948-00259321 your cycle if they can keep riding all day. I also think GVIXSHs478U-00680-00259321-00259753 there's a strong element around brand. One of the EV companies GVIXSHs478U-00681-00259753-00260179 that we've invested in Vietnam has a very strong brand around GVIXSHs478U-00682-00260179-00260557 ridership and a very strong community. And so, I think that GVIXSHs478U-00683-00260560-00260935 will help some of these electric motorcycle makers stand out GVIXSHs478U-00684-00260935-00261067 versus their competitors. GVIXSHs478U-00685-00261103-00261337 Linh Thai: But are they really addressing a big enough market? GVIXSHs478U-00686-00261405-00261657 Navarun Atraya: Right. So I think that was one of my first GVIXSHs478U-00687-00261657-00262002 questions to the team as well. I saw that they were founded back GVIXSHs478U-00688-00262002-00262383 in 2015. And when we were discussing about, you know, the GVIXSHs478U-00689-00262383-00262722 timeline for product development, they mentioned that GVIXSHs478U-00690-00262770-00263088 the next year was pretty much spent sort of finding the GVIXSHs478U-00691-00263088-00263601 product market fit. And at this point, I believe 2500 units are GVIXSHs478U-00692-00263601-00264030 out in market and the target is to have 1000 units out per GVIXSHs478U-00693-00264030-00264522 month. Now, I feel that on that end, the speed has been a bit GVIXSHs478U-00694-00264522-00264885 slow considering that there has been significant amount of time GVIXSHs478U-00695-00264885-00265251 in between from product market fit to actual sort of production GVIXSHs478U-00696-00265251-00265683 and going out in the market. And considering we have a few GVIXSHs478U-00697-00265683-00266073 different players coming up in the Southeast Asian market. And GVIXSHs478U-00698-00266088-00266484 just to be reminded, in Southeast Asia, it's very likely GVIXSHs478U-00699-00266487-00266907 that if a startup is present in one country, they will expand to GVIXSHs478U-00700-00266907-00267042 the other countries as well. GVIXSHs478U-00701-00267085-00267343 Linh Thai: Alright. So, do you really think they can defend the GVIXSHs478U-00702-00267343-00267715 market? What happens when the big Japanese motorbike OEMs ramp GVIXSHs478U-00703-00267715-00267817 up their competition? GVIXSHs478U-00704-00267835-00268153 Sophia Nadur: Okay, so I mean I'm part of BP and we have lots GVIXSHs478U-00705-00268153-00268516 of gas stations and workshops which can be perfect swapping GVIXSHs478U-00706-00268516-00268933 stations for these offers. And I do think that they're focused on GVIXSHs478U-00707-00268933-00269278 it on a last mile logistics aspect is probably more GVIXSHs478U-00708-00269281-00269554 interesting, because that's how you can help increase your GVIXSHs478U-00709-00269557-00269971 utilization of the assets and you can ensure that basically GVIXSHs478U-00710-00269971-00270265 that issue of having to deal with getting the food or the GVIXSHs478U-00711-00270265-00270577 goods and services delivered to the end consumer, you can more GVIXSHs478U-00712-00270577-00270946 or less outsource that to a separate company. And that helps GVIXSHs478U-00713-00270946-00271429 as well in ensuring as well as sustainable revenue for the bike GVIXSHs478U-00714-00271429-00271765 owner, so the asset owner, but also the actual owner of the GVIXSHs478U-00715-00271765-00272107 platform or the aggregator, whatever is doing the transfer. GVIXSHs478U-00716-00272140-00272581 I think that's probably the way that smaller insurance can GVIXSHs478U-00717-00272581-00272905 really block against the incumbents coming in. Because if GVIXSHs478U-00718-00272905-00273172 the incumbents coming in obviously, scale, etc. But if GVIXSHs478U-00719-00273172-00273502 you can, at least I said tie up your local neighborhood, tie up GVIXSHs478U-00720-00273502-00273919 your local city streets, a city block, then that might make it GVIXSHs478U-00721-00273919-00274528 harder for even large incumbents to come in. So I do think ETRAN GVIXSHs478U-00722-00274549-00275023 has potential. But I if I were them, I would focus on last mile GVIXSHs478U-00723-00275023-00275068 sector. GVIXSHs478U-00724-00275125-00275317 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Motorbike designing GVIXSHs478U-00725-00275317-00275620 manufacturing is definitely an interesting category. But GVIXSHs478U-00726-00275620-00275989 there's a lot of startup activity. So investors, what do GVIXSHs478U-00727-00275989-00276253 you think? Is ETRAN worth a deeper look? GVIXSHs478U-00728-00276278-00276671 Navarun Atraya: Absolutely. So, I think on our part, being very GVIXSHs478U-00729-00276671-00277043 transparent, we have already invested into one competing GVIXSHs478U-00730-00277043-00277586 startup in the region. So, in that sense, it does not probably GVIXSHs478U-00731-00277586-00278066 make sense for us to engage as an investor, but very excited to GVIXSHs478U-00732-00278066-00278423 see what comes for them especially because when it comes GVIXSHs478U-00733-00278423-00278690 to small and medium businesses and last mile delivery, it's GVIXSHs478U-00734-00278690-00279008 always a big task for them to actually take care of that. So, GVIXSHs478U-00735-00279008-00279362 if that is something which is sort of made seamless, that will GVIXSHs478U-00736-00279362-00279650 be very exciting. So, looking forward to what comes for them GVIXSHs478U-00737-00279650-00279689 next. GVIXSHs478U-00738-00279779-00280052 Linh Thai: Okay, so you probably can't invest. But you can see GVIXSHs478U-00739-00280052-00280352 that this is an interesting company regardless. Coy, I do GVIXSHs478U-00740-00280352-00280400 agree? GVIXSHs478U-00741-00280463-00280766 Coy Navarro: Absolutely. I'd love to sort of speak with them GVIXSHs478U-00742-00280766-00281000 and learn more about, you know, their traction, their experience GVIXSHs478U-00743-00281000-00281438 in both the passenger and the cargo space. We also did an GVIXSHs478U-00744-00281438-00281843 investment in Vietnamese company, which in a very similar GVIXSHs478U-00745-00281843-00282224 space, but that said, like, I'm not really sure how things will GVIXSHs478U-00746-00282224-00282629 evolve, because the thing about Southeast Asia is very different GVIXSHs478U-00747-00282629-00283067 local policies, very different markets. And you don't quite GVIXSHs478U-00748-00283067-00283472 know whether, you know, it's so easy to expand regionally. But GVIXSHs478U-00749-00283472-00283694 yeah, no, I think it's interesting enough for us to, GVIXSHs478U-00750-00283697-00283907 you know, maybe take a 30-minute call with them. GVIXSHs478U-00751-00283966-00284209 Linh Thai: Okay, great. You have prior investments in this space GVIXSHs478U-00752-00284209-00284512 and are looking to do more. Sophia, what are your thoughts? GVIXSHs478U-00753-00284560-00284761 Sophia Nadur: Yeah, I'd be delighted to have a 30-minute GVIXSHs478U-00754-00284761-00285241 call with Earth. I mean, we haven't invested in a two- to GVIXSHs478U-00755-00285241-00285559 three-wheeler spaces yet and Castrol and BP, we're looking GVIXSHs478U-00756-00285589-00285943 actively in this area to venture in. We've just made a venture GVIXSHs478U-00757-00285943-00286447 announcement in the four-wheel space in India. And so, I'm sure GVIXSHs478U-00758-00286447-00286705 we'll be able to offer some suggestions as well as to help GVIXSHs478U-00759-00286705-00286945 scale up whether they focus on the swapping element or they GVIXSHs478U-00760-00286945-00287140 keep focused on the whole package. GVIXSHs478U-00761-00287173-00287476 Linh Thai: Thanks, Sophia. Very encouraging. Last but not least, GVIXSHs478U-00762-00287476-00287809 Doug Parker. Doug, is there room in your portfolio to consider GVIXSHs478U-00763-00287809-00287995 another E-motorbike OEM? GVIXSHs478U-00764-00288055-00288268 Doug Parker: Yeah, I absolutely would love to learn more. I GVIXSHs478U-00765-00288268-00288604 think it's a very important space. It's very large. And GVIXSHs478U-00766-00288604-00288892 there's going to be some big winners in this space. We have GVIXSHs478U-00767-00288892-00289153 invested in Vietnamese two-wheelers. We've invested in GVIXSHs478U-00768-00289153-00289450 some other motorcycle technology. But we would love to GVIXSHs478U-00769-00289450-00289633 learn more about this opportunity as well? GVIXSHs478U-00770-00289675-00289948 Linh Thai: Okay, great. Thanks, Doug. Let me invite Earth back. GVIXSHs478U-00771-00289972-00290314 Earth, that was all very positive. There's been so much GVIXSHs478U-00772-00290314-00290614 entrepreneurship and investment in E-motorbike manufacturing GVIXSHs478U-00773-00290614-00290899 across Asia, that I thought investors might actually be GVIXSHs478U-00774-00290902-00291247 losing their appetite. But that's obviously not true. What GVIXSHs478U-00775-00291247-00291412 do you think of what the panel had to say? GVIXSHs478U-00776-00291454-00291853 Soranun Choochut: I like how they talk about our speed of GVIXSHs478U-00777-00291853-00292348 development. We spend about five to six year till this stage and GVIXSHs478U-00778-00292423-00292963 and I think it could be faster. But the pipe that takes us low GVIXSHs478U-00779-00292963-00293920 is since 2015, it's early. And there's a lot of policy issue, a GVIXSHs478U-00780-00293920-00294433 lot of fundraising issue whereas hardware startup or EV startup GVIXSHs478U-00781-00294433-00294913 in this region is quite tough. I think investors are not common GVIXSHs478U-00782-00294919-00295744 in software, in hardware and we'd spend like five year to GVIXSHs478U-00783-00295744-00296431 five CV. We're still super slow. And I think second takeaway that GVIXSHs478U-00784-00296431-00296968 I really like it, it's what how they suggest us to focus on last GVIXSHs478U-00785-00296968-00297472 mile delivery, SMP, a B2B whereas it can help us escalate GVIXSHs478U-00786-00297541-00298252 our market expansion as well. So for the early days, our investor GVIXSHs478U-00787-00298252-00298753 that we met, especially local type investor, they found that GVIXSHs478U-00788-00298753-00299488 we are like super crazy. I mean, well, other ones are doing some GVIXSHs478U-00789-00299488-00299965 mobile apps and still suffer. Where on earth you coming to do GVIXSHs478U-00790-00299965-00300562 things some EV and no one actually believe in the ideas? GVIXSHs478U-00791-00300565-00301378 So, we spend a lot of time and our own money to prove that the GVIXSHs478U-00792-00301378-00302110 product that we made, the customer love it. So, we did a GVIXSHs478U-00793-00302110-00302593 lot of prototypes. So, in five years, we have around four of GVIXSHs478U-00794-00302593-00303328 these of electric motorcycle in three different models. That's GVIXSHs478U-00795-00303328-00303865 how investor understand. And as a lot of investors say that they GVIXSHs478U-00796-00303865-00304486 love our proposed design and I think that's key. Whereas, we GVIXSHs478U-00797-00304486-00304888 can compete with the other brands as well to focus on the GVIXSHs478U-00798-00304888-00305530 market and and propose that we are keen into. So, when we have GVIXSHs478U-00799-00305533-00305968 decided to go for our last mile delivery, so we test and we GVIXSHs478U-00800-00305968-00306391 compete among the other brands. And the result is we are number GVIXSHs478U-00801-00306391-00306748 one. So, that makes investor understand. GVIXSHs478U-00802-00306979-00307270 Linh Thai: Okay, thanks very much Earth and ETRAN. One of the GVIXSHs478U-00803-00307270-00307564 key messages I see here is that when it comes to deep GVIXSHs478U-00804-00307564-00307954 technology, today's technology outsiders may turn into GVIXSHs478U-00805-00307954-00308329 tomorrow's VC darlings. ETRAN was a bit early, but they were GVIXSHs478U-00806-00308329-00308716 able to pull through for five years. And now, they're well on GVIXSHs478U-00807-00308716-00309100 their way with customers, partners and strong VC interest. GVIXSHs478U-00808-00309145-00309463 At this point, ETRAN is operating in a crowded sector GVIXSHs478U-00809-00309466-00309745 where there's a lot of investor interest. And as Earth GVIXSHs478U-00810-00309745-00310096 mentioned, founders should be especially aware of who they're GVIXSHs478U-00811-00310096-00310414 inviting to join their cap table. The value that investors GVIXSHs478U-00812-00310414-00310705 bring is not just in the funding, but also in the GVIXSHs478U-00813-00310708-00311074 operational expertise and in opening their network. Find GVIXSHs478U-00814-00311074-00311335 investors who have been investing for a number of years, GVIXSHs478U-00815-00311353-00311689 and partners who have a lot of experience in your industry. GVIXSHs478U-00816-00312025-00312340 That's all the time we have. Thank you to our panel Navarun GVIXSHs478U-00817-00312343-00312691 Atraya from Plug and Play. Sophia Nadur from BP Ventures, GVIXSHs478U-00818-00312706-00313063 Coy Navarro from ADB Ventures and Doug Parker from Wavemaker GVIXSHs478U-00819-00313063-00313420 Partners. And also a very warm thank you to our showcase GVIXSHs478U-00820-00313420-00313768 solutions ETRAN, Green Li-ion and Lithion Power. GVIXSHs478U-00821-00313849-00314209 Entrepreneurship is not easy, but you're all on the right GVIXSHs478U-00822-00314209-00314563 track. And for those currently in the grind, I hope today's GVIXSHs478U-00823-00314563-00314932 program has given you more insight to keep on trying. And GVIXSHs478U-00824-00314932-00315190 for those aspiring entrepreneurs, what are you GVIXSHs478U-00825-00315190-00315547 waiting for? Success starts with taking that very first step. GVIXSHs478U-00826-00315613-00316030 Until next time. Keep growing. Keep innovating. Keep resilient. GVLYVkIKuGg-00000-00000069-00000438 I'm now going to be talking about a process called reference mining. GVLYVkIKuGg-00001-00000438-00000699 Or sometimes it's called citation mining. GVLYVkIKuGg-00002-00000699-00000876 This is useful for several reasons. GVLYVkIKuGg-00003-00000876-00001419 First of all, it can help you expand your search to find more relevant resources. GVLYVkIKuGg-00004-00001419-00001907 It can also, if you find too many resources for your topic, help you determine which ones GVLYVkIKuGg-00005-00001907-00002623 might be the most relevant and most well-respected sources on your topic. GVLYVkIKuGg-00006-00002623-00002953 The way to do this is actually through time. GVLYVkIKuGg-00007-00002953-00003428 The way I mean this is, as the name implies, reference mining; you're going to be digging GVLYVkIKuGg-00008-00003428-00003776 into the references within an article. GVLYVkIKuGg-00009-00003776-00004212 What you do is start out with a search in any database. GVLYVkIKuGg-00010-00004212-00004771 I happen to be using the Empire State College Online Library version of Goolgle Scholar. GVLYVkIKuGg-00011-00004771-00005396 This means I've logged in using my ESC username and password and Gologle Scholar is now conne GVLYVkIKuGg-00012-00005396-00005885 cted into some ofthe library's article collections. GVLYVkIKuGg-00013-00005885-00006623 I've done a search here, but you can do the same thing in any of the library's databases. GVLYVkIKuGg-00014-00006623-00007247 Within Google Scholar I can then go back in time to look at the references that an author GVLYVkIKuGg-00015-00007247-00007473 of an article has documented. GVLYVkIKuGg-00016-00007473-00007817 Also, I can go forward in time. GVLYVkIKuGg-00017-00007817-00008316 I'm going to be using this example here, the third result, "A comparison of humor styles, GVLYVkIKuGg-00018-00008316-00008970 coping humor, and mental health between Chinese and Canadian university students," from 2007. GVLYVkIKuGg-00019-00008970-00009590 So the question is, I can go back in time simply by going to the full-text of the article, GVLYVkIKuGg-00020-00009590-00009741 which is linked over here on the right side. GVLYVkIKuGg-00021-00009741-00010164 I'm going to open a new tab to go there. GVLYVkIKuGg-00022-00010164-00010788 Once I'm in that article, I can view the full-text. GVLYVkIKuGg-00023-00010788-00011048 Then simply scroll to the end of that article. GVLYVkIKuGg-00024-00011048-00011435 And just like when we have to write a research paper, we need to document the information GVLYVkIKuGg-00025-00011435-00011819 sources we consult, authors of journal articles need to do the same thing. GVLYVkIKuGg-00026-00011819-00012008 These articles usually have a list of references. GVLYVkIKuGg-00027-00012008-00012811 Then you can look through that list to see what pieces of information the author of this GVLYVkIKuGg-00028-00012811-00013169 article looked at during their research. GVLYVkIKuGg-00029-00013169-00014206 For example, this one from 2001, from the Handbook of Industrial Psychology. GVLYVkIKuGg-00030-00014206-00014916 Or this one right here, from 2004, from Transcultural Psychiatry. GVLYVkIKuGg-00031-00014916-00015506 I could then take these citations and, using a tool in the library I'll talk about at the GVLYVkIKuGg-00032-00015506-00015976 end of this tutorial, see if the library has this particular journal and article within GVLYVkIKuGg-00033-00015976-00016224 it, assuming it looks relevant to my research topic. GVLYVkIKuGg-00034-00016224-00016823 So that is going back in time because the author of this article is referencing things GVLYVkIKuGg-00035-00016823-00017135 that were published before the work he or she wrote about. GVLYVkIKuGg-00036-00017135-00017454 Now we can also go forward in time. GVLYVkIKuGg-00037-00017454-00018256 This article is from 2007 and there are some databases, Google Scholar and JSTOR are two GVLYVkIKuGg-00038-00018256-00018531 examples, that allow you to go forward in time. GVLYVkIKuGg-00039-00018531-00019153 In Google Scholar, under each result, there is a link here that says "Cited by." GVLYVkIKuGg-00040-00019153-00019888 What this means is that this author, this article, has been cited by other authors. GVLYVkIKuGg-00041-00019888-00020427 Authors writing after 2007 have made reference to this particular article. GVLYVkIKuGg-00042-00020427-00020611 They found it useful in some way. GVLYVkIKuGg-00043-00020611-00021189 If I click on this "Cited by" link here, it will then give me a list of results of articles GVLYVkIKuGg-00044-00021189-00021620 that actually include that original article in their list of references. GVLYVkIKuGg-00045-00021620-00022120 So I've gone forward; I can see results from 2009, 2010, etc. GVLYVkIKuGg-00046-00022120-00022448 I can then access the full-text of those articles, if available. GVLYVkIKuGg-00047-00022448-00022976 These represent more recent results that in some ways will probably be related to the GVLYVkIKuGg-00048-00022976-00023372 topic of the original article that was relevant to my research topic. GVLYVkIKuGg-00049-00023372-00024104 So those are the ways to go forward and backward in time to mine the references of one good GVLYVkIKuGg-00050-00024104-00024236 research article. GVLYVkIKuGg-00051-00024236-00024639 Now, if you don't have the full-text handy, like we do here. GVLYVkIKuGg-00052-00024639-00025104 If you go back and you're mining the references of a print article, for example, there is GVLYVkIKuGg-00053-00025104-00025703 a mechanism in the Online Library, if you have the citation in hand, you can find out GVLYVkIKuGg-00054-00025703-00025816 if the library has that article, and if so, access it. GVLYVkIKuGg-00055-00025816-00026476 I'm now going to the Online Library home page, and there's a tool here called "Journal Finder." GVLYVkIKuGg-00056-00026476-00026866 It says I can search by journal title, so I click on that. GVLYVkIKuGg-00057-00026866-00027722 And with my citation information in hand, let's say in this example, we want to search GVLYVkIKuGg-00058-00027722-00028087 for the Scandanavian Journal of Psychology from 2010. GVLYVkIKuGg-00059-00028087-00029641 I then copy the title of the journal GVLYVkIKuGg-00060-00029641-00030347 and paste or type that title into the search box on the Journal Finder page and click "Search." GVLYVkIKuGg-00061-00030347-00030722 This tool will tell me if the library has that particular journal. GVLYVkIKuGg-00062-00030722-00031425 It will tell what years it has, if we do have it, and it will provide a link to that journal GVLYVkIKuGg-00063-00031425-00031525 if it is available. GVLYVkIKuGg-00064-00031525-00031785 In this case, the library does have it in several databases. GVLYVkIKuGg-00065-00031785-00032319 It shows me the years available and it shows that there is an embargo, which means there GVLYVkIKuGg-00066-00032319-00032638 is a delay of one year on access to the most recent issues of the journal. GVLYVkIKuGg-00067-00032638-00033483 I can then click on the name of the database that contains that journal. GVLYVkIKuGg-00068-00033483-00034021 I can then either search within that journal, or use the list of years to navigate to the GVLYVkIKuGg-00069-00034021-00034643 specific year, volume and issue where the article I want was published. GVLYVkIKuGg-00070-00034643-00034903 And that is, in essence, citation, or reference mining. GWZPfDU0L9U-00000-00000300-00000766 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00001-00000766-00001241 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00002-00001241-00001937 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00003-00001937-00002125 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00004-00002125-00002450 With all the promises getting broken GWZPfDU0L9U-00005-00002450-00002700 and all the things we can't do GWZPfDU0L9U-00006-00002700-00003170 You said it's okay but GWZPfDU0L9U-00007-00003170-00003412 While I can't be close to you for so long GWZPfDU0L9U-00008-00003412-00003650 At least I wanna hear your voice on the phone GWZPfDU0L9U-00009-00003650-00004025 I hope you feel the same GWZPfDU0L9U-00010-00004025-00004545 Let's have a fun coversation GWZPfDU0L9U-00011-00004545-00005079 We were supposed to see each other today GWZPfDU0L9U-00012-00005079-00005570 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00013-00005570-00006050 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00014-00006050-00006762 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00015-00006762-00007000 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00016-00007000-00007487 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00017-00007487-00007962 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00018-00007962-00008691 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00019-00008691-00008900 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00020-00008900-00009408 These days have taken a lot of things from us GWZPfDU0L9U-00021-00009408-00010362 We will make memories that we couldn't without these days GWZPfDU0L9U-00022-00010362-00010725 Let me promise two things GWZPfDU0L9U-00023-00010725-00011270 Let's promise that we'll see each other GWZPfDU0L9U-00024-00011270-00011812 And I'll promise that I'll make something to look forward to while we are apart GWZPfDU0L9U-00025-00011812-00012287 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00026-00012287-00012766 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00027-00012766-00013483 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00028-00013483-00013725 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00029-00013725-00014204 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00030-00014204-00014691 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00031-00014691-00015404 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00032-00015404-00015650 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00033-00015650-00015925 Just smiling in front of each other GWZPfDU0L9U-00034-00015925-00016179 Just holding your hand GWZPfDU0L9U-00035-00016179-00016625 All these things we can't do but the lonely world keeps turning GWZPfDU0L9U-00036-00016625-00016887 Even through the screens GWZPfDU0L9U-00037-00016887-00017112 Me and you are still connected GWZPfDU0L9U-00038-00017112-00017308 Baby, Don't worry GWZPfDU0L9U-00039-00017308-00017700 No matter what future brings, I'll be with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00040-00017700-00017920 Pinky swear GWZPfDU0L9U-00041-00017920-00018175 All the postponed plans GWZPfDU0L9U-00042-00018175-00018537 I'll never forget, Let's keep filling our calendars again and again GWZPfDU0L9U-00043-00018537-00019012 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00044-00019012-00019491 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00045-00019491-00020208 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00046-00020208-00020450 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GWZPfDU0L9U-00047-00020450-00020929 How long will I not be able to see you? GWZPfDU0L9U-00048-00020929-00021416 I just can't stop picturing the future GWZPfDU0L9U-00049-00021416-00022129 Right before we end our video call I make a pinky swear with you GWZPfDU0L9U-00050-00022370-00022783 Pi-Po-Pa-Pi-Po GXzN1g0LG8g-00000-00000042-00000636 Hey, everyone. Uh, this week we are covering chapter seven, which is all about the crazy GXzN1g0LG8g-00001-00000636-00001206 stuff you can do with Strings beyond just regular concatenation or anything like that. GXzN1g0LG8g-00002-00001206-00001734 We're actually able to take Strings and edit them, you know, actually go into the GXzN1g0LG8g-00003-00001734-00002190 internals and change things around, so that's what you have to look forward to this week. GXzN1g0LG8g-00004-00002292-00003024 Um, this video is all about character arrays, which are essentially what Strings really are, GXzN1g0LG8g-00005-00003078-00003306 sort of, uh, we'll get into that. GXzN1g0LG8g-00006-00003414-00004236 Now, in this chapter I'm going a little bit rogue. Uh, I’m covering sections 7.1 and 7.6 from the GXzN1g0LG8g-00007-00004236-00004980 focus on the concepts part of this chapter, so covering the length property and character arrays. GXzN1g0LG8g-00008-00005076-00005430 Alright, so the first thing I want to do is talk about the length of a String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00009-00005430-00005904 It's pretty easy. It's just the number of individual characters contained in that String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00010-00005904-00006534 The control characters also count as one character, so things like spaces or tabs GXzN1g0LG8g-00011-00006534-00007295 or new lines, pressing enter, you know, anything like that also count as one individual character. GXzN1g0LG8g-00012-00007295-00008136 Uh, every String has a .Length property. That length property of a String literal or variable GXzN1g0LG8g-00013-00008136-00008718 is always going to be some Integer, and it's going to be greater than or equal to zero. GXzN1g0LG8g-00014-00008820-00009366 For example, the String containing “Santa Maria” has a length of 11. GXzN1g0LG8g-00015-00009366-00010110 There are 11 characters in that String. 5 for Santa, 5 for Maria, and 1 for the space between. GXzN1g0LG8g-00016-00010254-00011022 The word “Blah” has four characters in it, so its length property is 4, uh, the String containing GXzN1g0LG8g-00017-00011022-00012036 “Kohler, Iris” has a length of 12: 6 for Kohler, 4 for Iris, and 2 for the comma and space. GXzN1g0LG8g-00018-00012114-00012552 And then, of course, the empty String has a length of 0. GXzN1g0LG8g-00019-00012648-00013104 Okay, so here is an example application that makes use of the String length. GXzN1g0LG8g-00020-00013104-00013836 Uh, this application just collects product ids. So we type in a 5 character id, such as “12345”, GXzN1g0LG8g-00021-00014010-00014550 and we can add it to the list, and it gets added, well, to our list of product ids. GXzN1g0LG8g-00022-00014550-00015390 It can be any five character String. “abcde” is a valid product id. It does get added in uppercase. GXzN1g0LG8g-00023-00015516-00015846 Um, uh, but if I only type 3 GXzN1g0LG8g-00024-00015900-00016752 characters, uh, “bla”, I get this message box. “The id must contain five characters.” GXzN1g0LG8g-00025-00016752-00016980 Or, if I type more, GXzN1g0LG8g-00026-00017160-00017808 “blargh”, for example, I also get a message that the id must contain five characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00027-00017922-00018462 So all that's going on is it takes in the id as a String GXzN1g0LG8g-00028-00018462-00018858 from the text box and then checks if the length is exactly equal to five. GXzN1g0LG8g-00029-00018858-00019272 If it is, then it adds that item to the list of product ids right here. GXzN1g0LG8g-00030-00019344-00020064 Uh, if it is not equal to 5, if it's less or greater than 5, uh, it pops up a message box, GXzN1g0LG8g-00031-00020190-00020760 which was that fancy notification there. So that's just one way we can use the Length property. GXzN1g0LG8g-00032-00020844-00021264 Alright, so now we can transition into the idea of character arrays. GXzN1g0LG8g-00033-00021330-00022074 Um, Strings essentially are like an ordered list of characters. They are a grouping of characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00034-00022074-00022632 We can think of them even as being an array of characters because an array is GXzN1g0LG8g-00035-00022632-00023208 just an ordered collection of things, where everything inside of that array GXzN1g0LG8g-00036-00023208-00023838 has a very specific position with a very specific associated index or location, GXzN1g0LG8g-00037-00023838-00024270 and we'll actually talk more about arrays in chapter eight. GXzN1g0LG8g-00038-00024270-00024870 But, uh, in this case, we're just going to think of Strings as being like character arrays. GXzN1g0LG8g-00039-00024870-00025344 They are arrays that hold the characters. Sort of. Kind of. GXzN1g0LG8g-00040-00025344-00025938 There's a little bit of difference between a character array and a String beneath the hood, but GXzN1g0LG8g-00041-00026004-00026226 we can think of it as being a character array. GXzN1g0LG8g-00042-00026345-00027060 A String just holds a whole bunch of letters next to each other in memory, so there's a whole GXzN1g0LG8g-00043-00027060-00027714 bunch of adjacent memory locations, uh, where each location contains one single character. GXzN1g0LG8g-00044-00027714-00028320 And that String itself is kind of grouping all of those characters together into one larger, GXzN1g0LG8g-00045-00028404-00028818 well, String, you know, a larger piece of text in general. GXzN1g0LG8g-00046-00028818-00029256 So, for example, “Blah” groups the characters B, GXzN1g0LG8g-00047-00029256-00029916 l, a, and h in memory next to each other and in that order. GXzN1g0LG8g-00048-00030012-00031020 Uh, now note that I put this little c next to the, uh, quotation B quotation. GXzN1g0LG8g-00049-00031104-00031638 Uh, that c is actually a literal type character, sort of like the, GXzN1g0LG8g-00050-00031638-00031908 uh, uppercase D that we have for Decimal. GXzN1g0LG8g-00051-00031908-00032658 When you write a single character as a String in Visual Basic, but then you type the letter c next GXzN1g0LG8g-00052-00032658-00033294 to it that actually tells Visual Basic that you're talking about the Char datatype not a String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00053-00033360-00034428 Uh, a Char is actually just a single character, which is what this, uh, you know, “B” with the, GXzN1g0LG8g-00054-00034428-00035172 uh, little letter c afterwards represents. This represents the character B, uppercase B. GXzN1g0LG8g-00055-00035256-00036012 If I just wrote B in quotes without the c, then it would be the String containing one character GXzN1g0LG8g-00056-00036138-00036366 rather than just the character itself. GXzN1g0LG8g-00057-00036468-00037128 So that c determines whether or not we're sort of wrapping the character into a String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00058-00037128-00037608 If we put the c, there there's no String covering it. It's just the character itself exposed. GXzN1g0LG8g-00059-00037608-00038232 But, if we don't put this, the c there, then that character gets wrapped into the group GXzN1g0LG8g-00060-00038232-00038802 that is the String, even though there's only one item in that String, if that makes sense. GXzN1g0LG8g-00061-00038862-00039324 But that's how we differentiate a character from a String. They both have double quotes, GXzN1g0LG8g-00062-00039324-00039942 but the character has a c after it whereas the String does not have a c after it. GXzN1g0LG8g-00063-00039996-00040356 Now, each character in the String has an associated index, GXzN1g0LG8g-00064-00040356-00040614 which is the position in that String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00065-00040614-00040998 And we've talked about indices before with regards to Tab index, GXzN1g0LG8g-00066-00040998-00041688 where the Tab index determines the order in which things get focused when you hit Tab. GXzN1g0LG8g-00067-00041772-00042270 Well, this is pretty similar, except, instead of determining… determining the order of focus, GXzN1g0LG8g-00068-00042270-00042906 the index determines the order in which the the individual characters appear in the String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00069-00042906-00043140 and this index starts at zero. GXzN1g0LG8g-00070-00043140-00044022 So, for example, the letter B in Blah gets index 0. Then l gets 1, a gets 2, and h gets 3. GXzN1g0LG8g-00071-00044022-00044718 Every time we talk about an index, it always starts at zero, for Tab index for Strings, and for GXzN1g0LG8g-00072-00044718-00045138 any of the other arrays that we will talk about in the future. That's really important to remember. GXzN1g0LG8g-00073-00045246-00045840 So here's an example String if we have the variable strCity, set it equal to “santa maria”, GXzN1g0LG8g-00074-00045840-00046530 all lowercase, uh, its length is going to be 11 because it has 11 characters in it. GXzN1g0LG8g-00075-00046530-00047220 And what I have is, uh, at every single index, from 0 to 10, inclusive, GXzN1g0LG8g-00076-00047298-00047592 uh, the character that appears at each index. GXzN1g0LG8g-00077-00047592-00048132 So the length of strCity is 11, but the highest index is 10. GXzN1g0LG8g-00078-00048204-00048576 That's really important to remember because we start counting at 0. GXzN1g0LG8g-00079-00048576-00048822 When we're talking about indices like this, GXzN1g0LG8g-00080-00048822-00049428 the highest index is going to be 10 for a String of length 11. GXzN1g0LG8g-00081-00049494-00050022 This is really important to remember, so be sure you, uh, you feel comfortable with that idea. GXzN1g0LG8g-00082-00050082-00050652 But every index is listed, so at index 0 we have s. At index 1, GXzN1g0LG8g-00083-00050652-00050970 we have a. We have… at index two, we have n. GXzN1g0LG8g-00084-00050970-00051432 At index three, we have t. At index four, we have a, again. Different a's. GXzN1g0LG8g-00085-00051432-00051648 Uh, they're the same character, but they are GXzN1g0LG8g-00086-00051648-00052116 different actual instances of that character in the String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00087-00052116-00052482 Index 5, we have the space, and so on and so forth. GXzN1g0LG8g-00088-00052572-00052962 Um, I'll note that I didn't actually put the letter c at the end of this, GXzN1g0LG8g-00089-00052962-00053454 but I did specify that this is a character and not a String at this point. GXzN1g0LG8g-00090-00053454-00053820 So, at index 0, we're getting the character s, not the String s. GXzN1g0LG8g-00091-00053820-00054144 That's, uh, another important distinction I want to make GXzN1g0LG8g-00092-00054144-00054426 these are all characters in this table right here. GXzN1g0LG8g-00093-00054491-00054840 Now, we're actually able to get the, GXzN1g0LG8g-00094-00054840-00055566 um, individual characters out of a String by doing what's called “indexing” into the String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00095-00055566-00056279 And, in Visual Basic, we index into a String by typing the name of the String or actually GXzN1g0LG8g-00096-00056279-00057066 the String literal itself, and then we put parentheses as if we were calling a procedure, GXzN1g0LG8g-00097-00057132-00057894 and, inside of the parentheses, we put the index that we want to get the character of. GXzN1g0LG8g-00098-00057894-00058908 So strCity at index is 0 is the character s. strCity at the index 5 is the character space. GXzN1g0LG8g-00099-00058986-00059886 Uh, I can get the character a from index 1 or 4 or, for that matter, 7 or 10 if I wanted to. GXzN1g0LG8g-00100-00059964-00060341 But that's what I'm doing right here is I'm indexing into the String GXzN1g0LG8g-00101-00060402-00060891 to get a character at the given index . GXzN1g0LG8g-00102-00061002-00062028 When I index, uh, into strCity and provide the Integer 5, I get the fifth character, as opposed… GXzN1g0LG8g-00103-00062028-00062490 Er, my apologies, the sixth character, the character at index 5, GXzN1g0LG8g-00104-00062640-00063282 um, I get the character at index 5, which is the space character. GXzN1g0LG8g-00105-00063414-00064260 Now, if I try to index into strCity by giving the length of strCity as its index in order GXzN1g0LG8g-00106-00064260-00064974 to get the last, uh, character in strCity, that wouldn't work very well because what I'm passing GXzN1g0LG8g-00107-00064974-00065718 in right here is strCity.Length, but we know that strCity.Length is 11, so I'm asking for the 11th… GXzN1g0LG8g-00108-00065784-00066462 Uh, sorry, the character at index 11 of strCity, which means I'm actually asking GXzN1g0LG8g-00109-00066462-00066828 for the 12th character of strCity, but there are only 11 characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00110-00066828-00067326 The only valid indices are between 0 and 10, inclusive, GXzN1g0LG8g-00111-00067326-00068070 which means that there is no index 11 character, so you get this argument out of range exception. GXzN1g0LG8g-00112-00068070-00068394 The argument out of range exception I'll talk about a little more, GXzN1g0LG8g-00113-00068394-00068760 but it's a another one of those runtime errors that we talked about previously, GXzN1g0LG8g-00114-00068760-00069348 where it will crash your program because it doesn't know what to do with a character GXzN1g0LG8g-00115-00069348-00069672 that doesn't exist, and, if you're trying to use that character that doesn't exist, GXzN1g0LG8g-00116-00069672-00070062 then bad things would happen, so it just has to crash your program instead. GXzN1g0LG8g-00117-00070062-00070722 But what I want to take away from this is that, if you want to get the last character from strCity GXzN1g0LG8g-00118-00070722-00071370 then you cannot use strCity.Length in order to get that last character. GXzN1g0LG8g-00119-00071370-00071958 Not directly, at least. In this case, I try to get the character from index 11, GXzN1g0LG8g-00120-00071958-00072594 index 11 doesn't exist because there are only 11 characters, so 10 is the highest index. GXzN1g0LG8g-00121-00072594-00073014 We're counting starting at zero, remember. That's really important to remember. GXzN1g0LG8g-00122-00073176-00073650 So, what I can do instead, if I want to get the last character, is I can just take the length and GXzN1g0LG8g-00123-00073650-00074562 subtract one, and you can use this process for strCity no matter what size strCity is. GXzN1g0LG8g-00124-00074562-00075178 No matter if it is, um, you know, “dallas ”, GXzN1g0LG8g-00125-00075282-00075966 strCity.Length minus one would be 6 minus 1 is 5, which would give s in that city. GXzN1g0LG8g-00126-00076038-00076626 Uh, you could do my hometown “nevada city”. Uh, you could do, GXzN1g0LG8g-00127-00076704-00077346 um, you could do one of those, uh, Welsh cities that has a very very long name, GXzN1g0LG8g-00128-00077346-00077760 and it would still work, and it works for every single possible city. GXzN1g0LG8g-00129-00077760-00078360 You can do it with any String whatsoever. If you want to get the last character of a String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00130-00078420-00078732 you can just type in the name of the String GXzN1g0LG8g-00131-00078792-00079416 and then access the Length property and just subtract one, and you're safe because you know GXzN1g0LG8g-00132-00079416-00079884 that the highest index is always one less than the length because of the fact that we start at zero. GXzN1g0LG8g-00133-00080040-00080430 So that's how you do that. If you ever want to get the last character in a String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00134-00080430-00080634 that is how you go about doing it. GXzN1g0LG8g-00135-00080784-00081258 Um, and then the last thing I really wanted emphasize here is that, when we GXzN1g0LG8g-00136-00081258-00081888 index into our Strings, I already said this, but I really want to make sure that it's emphasized. GXzN1g0LG8g-00137-00081888-00082812 When we index into our Strings, we get individual characters with the Char data type, C-h-a-r, GXzN1g0LG8g-00138-00082878-00083184 we don't get Strings. We get characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00139-00083184-00083472 And that distinction is going to become pretty important. GXzN1g0LG8g-00140-00083538-00084102 So I mentioned this before, but an argument out of range exception is a runtime error. GXzN1g0LG8g-00141-00084102-00084930 It is thrown when you try to provide an index that doesn't exist in the String, and it also doesn't GXzN1g0LG8g-00142-00084930-00086004 exist for other, uh, types of arrays as well, but it's relevant for Strings for this video. GXzN1g0LG8g-00143-00086004-00086460 So, when you give an index that doesn't exist in a particular String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00144-00086550-00087168 uh, you get an argument out of range exception thrown, and then your program crashes. GXzN1g0LG8g-00145-00087264-00088164 So, if I try to index into String name with some intN, it's going to throw that argument GXzN1g0LG8g-00146-00088164-00088974 out of range exception when intN, is less than zero, so you can't have negative, uh, you cannot GXzN1g0LG8g-00147-00088974-00090240 have negative values, or when intN is greater than or equal to the strName.Length property’s value. GXzN1g0LG8g-00148-00090360-00091056 So, for santa maria, um, right here, when I said strCity.Length, that was going to be 11. GXzN1g0LG8g-00149-00091056-00091866 It's greater than or equal to the length, so that throws that argument out of range exception. GXzN1g0LG8g-00150-00091866-00092544 If I had said strCity at index negative one, that also would have thrown. GXzN1g0LG8g-00151-00092544-00093222 And this holds True for the, um, empty String as well. The empty String has length 0, GXzN1g0LG8g-00152-00093222-00093984 so if you pass in the index 0 it's greater than or equal to the length of the empty String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00153-00093984-00094356 so that would give an argument out of range exception as well. GXzN1g0LG8g-00154-00094356-00094854 0 is not always guaranteed because you might be working with an empty String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00155-00094854-00095310 although, if you try to access the 0th index of a String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00156-00095310-00095742 and it threatens to throw an argument out of range exception. GXzN1g0LG8g-00157-00095742-00096300 That might be a good way of detecting when you have an empty String, or you can GXzN1g0LG8g-00158-00096354-00096966 just avoid the possibility of throwing an exception whatsoever and check to GXzN1g0LG8g-00159-00096966-00097272 make sure that the index that you're passing in is greater than or equal to GXzN1g0LG8g-00160-00097272-00097818 the length of this… is not greater than or equal to the length of the String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00161-00098022-00098700 Alright, so I had talked about how indexing into Strings gives Chars, it gives characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00162-00098700-00099126 And I did mention that the distinction would be important. GXzN1g0LG8g-00163-00099126-00099450 However, there's a lot of cases where the implicit GXzN1g0LG8g-00164-00099450-00100086 type conversion from Chars to Strings is okay for us to do in a similar way GXzN1g0LG8g-00165-00100086-00100812 to how we can implicitly convert Integers to Doubles, and that's okay for us to do. GXzN1g0LG8g-00166-00100812-00101100 We're taking a very narrow datatype, GXzN1g0LG8g-00167-00101100-00101760 which is the Char datatype, it only holds one character, and it converts it to a String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00168-00101844-00102354 which is a wider data type, which can hold one character, but it can also hold more characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00169-00102354-00102774 So we're not losing any information by converting from Chars to Strings, GXzN1g0LG8g-00170-00102774-00103230 and it works even when Option Strict On is typed at the beginning of your program, GXzN1g0LG8g-00171-00103230-00103452 and it always should be typed in the beginning of your program. GXzN1g0LG8g-00172-00103548-00104148 So, for example, um, I could put in a, uh, in a label, GXzN1g0LG8g-00173-00104346-00105138 let's say lblLetter.Text equals strCity at index 0. GXzN1g0LG8g-00174-00105138-00105785 I'm assigning the first character of strCity, which is a Char GXzN1g0LG8g-00175-00105924-00106709 to lblLetter.Txt, which expects a String, and Visual Basic converts that character to GXzN1g0LG8g-00176-00106709-00107208 a String and stores it in this text field, and that works totally fine. GXzN1g0LG8g-00177-00107208-00107778 However, we can't convert Strings to Chars for a similar reason to why we GXzN1g0LG8g-00178-00107778-00108198 can't convert Doubles to Integers, at least with Option Strict On. GXzN1g0LG8g-00179-00108198-00108756 Uh, with that off, we can do the conversion, and we lose a bunch of data, and that's really bad, GXzN1g0LG8g-00180-00108756-00109350 and you should never try to convert a String to a Char without being super super careful about it, GXzN1g0LG8g-00181-00109350-00109674 and we don't even have the tools to be super careful about it, so don't do it. GXzN1g0LG8g-00182-00109872-00110154 And, of course, you should also have Options Strict On GXzN1g0LG8g-00183-00110208-00110706 always enabled anyway, so it shouldn't even be possible in your code. GXzN1g0LG8g-00184-00110772-00111408 But converting Strings to Chars is bad because, if you had, say, 200 characters in your String GXzN1g0LG8g-00185-00111408-00112056 and you could try to convert it to a single Char, all of a sudden, you've lost 199 of them, GXzN1g0LG8g-00186-00112140-00112572 and, who knows what information was contained in there, so you don't want to do that. GXzN1g0LG8g-00187-00112668-00113483 But, you know, it's still possible to go from Chars to Strings and it works fine GXzN1g0LG8g-00188-00113483-00114006 if you're storing it into properties that take Strings, sort of like this example right here. GXzN1g0LG8g-00189-00114083-00114785 The problem is, is that Chars cannot use String methods, and, in fact, GXzN1g0LG8g-00190-00114785-00115422 that implicit type conversion doesn't actually happen when you try to use String methods just GXzN1g0LG8g-00191-00115422-00116022 for the the fact that Visual Basic can't assume that you're trying to convert it to a String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00192-00116022-00116514 It will assume that you're tr-- that you're… that you think that there is a, GXzN1g0LG8g-00193-00116514-00116909 let's say, ToUpper method for the Char datatype, GXzN1g0LG8g-00194-00116909-00117372 but that you've made a mistake and it will be really helpful and try to remind you that. GXzN1g0LG8g-00195-00117480-00118002 Um, it will assume that first before it actually assumes that GXzN1g0LG8g-00196-00118002-00118476 you're trying to convert the character itself to a String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00197-00118476-00119561 So, if I try to, uh, call strCity at index 0 dot ToUpper, what happens is that Visual Basic first GXzN1g0LG8g-00198-00119622-00120420 figures out strCity at index 0, so it indexes into strCity, gets the character at index 0, GXzN1g0LG8g-00199-00120492-00120996 And then tries to call the ToUpper method and realizes that the Char has no ToUpper GXzN1g0LG8g-00200-00121050-00121566 method whatsoever, so it gives a syntax error. GXzN1g0LG8g-00201-00121685-00122274 Um, you can't actually use String methods like that, which means that you have to be, GXzN1g0LG8g-00202-00122358-00123042 uh, more careful when you're trying to use, uh, you know, if you're trying to get individual GXzN1g0LG8g-00203-00123042-00123498 characters from Strings, but you also want to use String methods from those characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00204-00123498-00123666 You have to be careful with how you do it. GXzN1g0LG8g-00205-00123798-00124596 In fact, you have to convert Chars to Strings, and then you're able to use String methods. GXzN1g0LG8g-00206-00124596-00125214 So, for example, to fix the syntax error above, you could say strCity at GXzN1g0LG8g-00207-00125214-00125850 index 0 and then call that, uh, character’s ToString method to turn it into a String, GXzN1g0LG8g-00208-00125850-00126114 and, remember, you're creating an entirely new String right here. GXzN1g0LG8g-00209-00126114-00126461 You're not modifying the character itself, you're not modifying strCity at all. GXzN1g0LG8g-00210-00126461-00127320 You've created a new String that contains the same character that strCity at index 0 did. GXzN1g0LG8g-00211-00127320-00127908 So, after you've created your new String with the ToString method, then you can call ToUpper, GXzN1g0LG8g-00212-00127968-00128478 and it works perfectly fine, and Visual Basic is smiling, and everyone is happy. GXzN1g0LG8g-00213-00128598-00129114 There are also other methods that we will sort of glance over, um... GXzN1g0LG8g-00214-00129204-00129864 But yeah, there's a couple of ways to convert characters to Strings in order to then use GXzN1g0LG8g-00215-00129864-00130506 those String methods on, uh, one character Strings rather than individual characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00216-00130632-00131064 Alright, so here's another program. Uh, it's just called the first name program. GXzN1g0LG8g-00217-00131064-00131592 All I do is I type in my first name, Iris, and I list the characters in it, GXzN1g0LG8g-00218-00131592-00132120 and it gets… they get put into this lovely list box like so. GXzN1g0LG8g-00219-00132120-00132270 It's a very easy program, GXzN1g0LG8g-00220-00132396-00132972 um, it just takes in the name, uh, trims it, so if I had any extra spaces at the GXzN1g0LG8g-00221-00132972-00133566 end like this, and look at this wonderful, uh, txtName.TextChanged event procedure, by the way. GXzN1g0LG8g-00222-00133566-00134022 But, if I list the characters, you'll see that, you know, I can click all these characters here, GXzN1g0LG8g-00223-00134022-00134472 but there's no spaces at the end, even though there's a whole bunch of spaces right there. GXzN1g0LG8g-00224-00134472-00135066 Or, if I, um, also put spaces at the beginning, all of those spaces are completely removed. It's GXzN1g0LG8g-00225-00135066-00135730 just my first name like this. Um, now … GXzN1g0LG8g-00226-00135876-00136986 What it's doing is it is running a for loop, uh, starting, you know, it has this intIndex variable, GXzN1g0LG8g-00227-00136986-00137718 which is a very great name for looping through an array like this in our case a character array, GXzN1g0LG8g-00228-00137802-00138300 uh, as Integer starting at zero and ending at the length minus one, because, remember, GXzN1g0LG8g-00229-00138300-00138888 that the last index of a String is the length of the String minus one, like I talked about before. GXzN1g0LG8g-00230-00138996-00139788 And then, for each one of those indices, it is adding the character at that index into GXzN1g0LG8g-00231-00139878-00140772 the, uh, into the list box, into the list box’s items collection and, there's some, I believe, GXzN1g0LG8g-00232-00140772-00141318 some conversion to a String from from a character going on in this whole process. GXzN1g0LG8g-00233-00141318-00141942 But that's implicit inside of the, um, add method, not inside of the add method, GXzN1g0LG8g-00234-00141942-00142536 but as part of the, uh, implicit type conversion so that the add method can happen, right? GXzN1g0LG8g-00235-00142536-00142998 That's what we're doing right there is we are indexing in, GXzN1g0LG8g-00236-00143076-00143640 uh, for every possible index from zero to the length minus one, and, GXzN1g0LG8g-00237-00143640-00144570 one character at a time, adding that character in as an individual item in the list, and that's GXzN1g0LG8g-00238-00144624-00145164 all we… that's what we get out of it when we look at the characters. GXzN1g0LG8g-00239-00145248-00145782 Now, um, very briefly I do want to talk about trim right here. Trim was being used to remove the GXzN1g0LG8g-00240-00145782-00146442 spaces before and after the name. We'll actually talk a little bit more about trim in this chapter. GXzN1g0LG8g-00241-00146442-00146778 You'll… you'll get a little bit more of a idea of GXzN1g0LG8g-00242-00146778-00147192 how powerful this function can be, so look forward to that. GXzN1g0LG8g-00243-00147294-00147528 Alright, well that is character arrays, uh, GXzN1g0LG8g-00244-00147528-00147966 this video was all about introducing a new way of thinking about Strings to you. GXzN1g0LG8g-00245-00147966-00148914 I hope you find this useful. Um, you know, I wanted… I know it's out of order for how the GXzN1g0LG8g-00246-00148914-00149460 textbook talks about Strings in this chapter, but I wanted to introduce character arrays right away GXzN1g0LG8g-00247-00149460-00150306 because I think it gives a really clear picture about how indices work with a String and how a GXzN1g0LG8g-00248-00150306-00150780 lot of the other methods that we'll be talking about throughout this chapter actually work with GXzN1g0LG8g-00249-00150780-00151302 those indices and affect the characters inside of this array that is the String. GXzN1g0LG8g-00250-00151302-00152058 So, uh, if you're having trouble with this concept, I would say that you should really GXzN1g0LG8g-00251-00152136-00153042 try to ask ask some questions or try to figure out for yourself, how, you know, how these ideas work, GXzN1g0LG8g-00252-00153042-00153726 try to really internalize this idea of the characters being in an array, sort of listed out GXzN1g0LG8g-00253-00153726-00154440 like that in cells, you could think of it, as in these adjacent storage lockers that are all right GXzN1g0LG8g-00254-00154440-00154956 next to each other, all under the same name, which is the name of the String. All that kind of stuff. GXzN1g0LG8g-00255-00155064-00155364 Um, that's the idea that I want to have GXzN1g0LG8g-00256-00155454-00156114 going forward with the rest of the methods when we talk about how to we are indexing GXzN1g0LG8g-00257-00156114-00156636 into the String or working with indices. Indiceing and all that kind of stuff. GXzN1g0LG8g-00258-00156636-00156864 So it's very important that you feel comfortable with this, GXzN1g0LG8g-00259-00156978-00157488 um, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions before moving on. Gb7HezTQOhA-00000-00000040-00000369 Sent to space, we now travel backto Earth, Gb7HezTQOhA-00001-00000369-00000758 through space, as there doesn't seem to be enough space... Gb7HezTQOhA-00002-00000758-00001112 for twointelligent species... in space... Gb7HezTQOhA-00003-00001153-00001408 For we are... Gb7HezTQOhA-00004-00001416-00001823 SPACE RAIDERS in SPACE Gb7HezTQOhA-00005-00001823-00002122 Seriously guys whowrote this s***?! Gb7HezTQOhA-00006-00002145-00002353 First, there were two of us: Gb7HezTQOhA-00007-00002373-00002488 ANDY Gb7HezTQOhA-00008-00002555-00002635 HEATHER Gb7HezTQOhA-00009-00002712-00003034 Later more people joined us on the way. Gb7HezTQOhA-00010-00003034-00003146 Unfortunately.... Gb7HezTQOhA-00011-00003209-00003498 But there was still more of THEM! Gb7HezTQOhA-00012-00003696-00003944 Plan your defense strategy! Gb7HezTQOhA-00013-00004144-00004451 Build your defenses! Gb7HezTQOhA-00014-00004560-00004924 Defend, chicken out or die! Gb7HezTQOhA-00015-00005016-00005390 Search for weapons and material! Gb7HezTQOhA-00016-00005544-00005817 Repeat! Gb7HezTQOhA-00017-00006725-00006846 OUT NOW! Gb7HezTQOhA-00018-00006846-00007156 With Hatred mode... GbrPUeeT4lA-00000-00000200-00000400 Today is a wonderful day at the beautiful Cádiz. GbrPUeeT4lA-00001-00000500-00000900 Today is a special day as yesterday was raining all day. GbrPUeeT4lA-00002-00001057-00001400 The sun is rising high and spreading its light over Cádiz. GbrPUeeT4lA-00003-00004157-00004400 So, let's go outside ! GbrPUeeT4lA-00004-00008200-00008400 I want a restaurant closeby. GbrPUeeT4lA-00005-00008457-00008557 Spanish or Indian ? GbrPUeeT4lA-00006-00008557-00008657 Indian ! GbrPUeeT4lA-00007-00008680-00009090 Walk straight ahead, take the first str.. NO !! GbrPUeeT4lA-00008-00010557-00010857 Are any of these ideas unbelievable nowadays ? GbrPUeeT4lA-00009-00011300-00011500 These ideas exist. GbrPUeeT4lA-00010-00011557-00011957 Now, we have all the power of Huawei to develop them. GcE9CtwVZ98-00000-00000438-00001177 hello everyone a man and his wife were quarreling one morning the wife said GcE9CtwVZ98-00001-00001177-00001757 outside the house you behave as if you are a lion and inside the house you are GcE9CtwVZ98-00002-00001757-00002396 just like a mouse the husband said that's absolutely wrong I am NOT your GcE9CtwVZ98-00003-00002396-00002908 mouse animos trapped he worried a mouse mouse GcE9CtwVZ98-00004-00002908-00003472 traps don't run after mice to catch them the mice themselves come and get caught GcE9CtwVZ98-00005-00003472-00003889 and that's how it happened with us GcE9CtwVZ98-00006-00003897-00004544 friends sometimes arguments and disagreements or small things lead to GcE9CtwVZ98-00007-00004544-00005228 division and discord in our families we argue we find the yell and scream at one GcE9CtwVZ98-00008-00005228-00005744 another and then in one way or another they learn to forgive and reconcile for GcE9CtwVZ98-00009-00005744-00006371 the sake of peace far from offering comfort Jesus in today's Gospel warns us GcE9CtwVZ98-00010-00006371-00006920 that he has come to set the earth on fire and caused division splitting GcE9CtwVZ98-00011-00006920-00007474 families apart this is one of the most shocking declarations that Jesus made GcE9CtwVZ98-00012-00007474-00008122 regarding himself during his ministry friends why did Jesus say that he has GcE9CtwVZ98-00013-00008122-00008864 come to set the earth on fire fire is mentioned many times in the Bible and it GcE9CtwVZ98-00014-00008864-00009256 has been associated with God and his action in the world and in the lights of GcE9CtwVZ98-00015-00009256-00009704 his paper however it can have many different GcE9CtwVZ98-00016-00009704-00010297 meanings depending on the context for instance fire is often used to describe GcE9CtwVZ98-00017-00010297-00010864 the power and presence of God sometimes it is used as a metaphor for GcE9CtwVZ98-00018-00010864-00011500 God's wrath and judgment fire is also a common symbol for purification and GcE9CtwVZ98-00019-00011500-00012149 cleansing for example prophet malachi uses fire to describe god's purifying GcE9CtwVZ98-00020-00012149-00012797 love for us so different scholars have interpreted jesus' declaration i have GcE9CtwVZ98-00021-00012797-00013334 come to set the earth on fire in different veins some scholars suggest GcE9CtwVZ98-00022-00013334-00013951 that jesus was talking about the judgment that he would bring on earth GcE9CtwVZ98-00023-00013951-00014434 some are of the opinion that jesus was referring to the baptism of fire that GcE9CtwVZ98-00024-00014434-00014969 john the baptist had prophesied when he said that jesus would baptize with the GcE9CtwVZ98-00025-00014969-00015668 Holy Spirit on fire some others view that the fire with Jesus longed to cast GcE9CtwVZ98-00026-00015668-00016345 upon the air was probably in reference to his Gospel message the cold message GcE9CtwVZ98-00027-00016345-00016870 of the gospel is that God has loudest from the beginning of time and he proves GcE9CtwVZ98-00028-00016870-00017513 his love for us by giving us the best he has to offer His only begotten Son to GcE9CtwVZ98-00029-00017513-00018128 die for us friends I too believe that Jesus was talking GcE9CtwVZ98-00030-00018128-00018731 about his mission to ignite the fire of God's love in his disciples and then in GcE9CtwVZ98-00031-00018731-00019265 turn enabled them to be on fire of themselves ablaze with love for God and GcE9CtwVZ98-00032-00019265-00019789 others on earth Jesus wished to set God's burning love GcE9CtwVZ98-00033-00019789-00020311 within the hearts of his disciples and through that love renew and transform GcE9CtwVZ98-00034-00020311-00020854 the face of the earth at the same time Jesus also spoke of the pain and GcE9CtwVZ98-00035-00020854-00021400 suffering with which he would be baptized he was in great and wish GcE9CtwVZ98-00036-00021400-00021939 because he knew that the flame of God's love will be lit and his mission GcE9CtwVZ98-00037-00021939-00022464 accomplished through his suffering and death on the cross GcE9CtwVZ98-00038-00022464-00023206 friends what did Jesus mean when he said that he has come not to bring peace to GcE9CtwVZ98-00039-00023206-00023826 the earth but rather division Jesus words seemed to contradict the Old GcE9CtwVZ98-00040-00023826-00024267 Testament prophecies and Jesus won't proclamation of himself GcE9CtwVZ98-00041-00024267-00024988 for instance more than 700 years before Jesus was born the prophet Isaiah had GcE9CtwVZ98-00042-00024988-00025677 foretold that Messiah would be a Prince of Peace when the Angels announced the GcE9CtwVZ98-00043-00025677-00026164 birth of Jesus to the shepherds they declared glory to God in the highest to GcE9CtwVZ98-00044-00026164-00026833 heaven and on earth peace for those who favors friends during his earthly GcE9CtwVZ98-00045-00026833-00027361 ministry Jesus instructed his disciples to preach as they went about and brish GcE9CtwVZ98-00046-00027361-00028039 pees on any house that was worthy after forgiving curring the sick Jesus gave GcE9CtwVZ98-00047-00028039-00028591 them his peace after his resurrection Jesus often greeted his disciples with GcE9CtwVZ98-00048-00028591-00029287 peace and the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians that Jesus came GcE9CtwVZ98-00049-00029287-00029545 and preached peace to those who were far off GcE9CtwVZ98-00050-00029545-00030166 meaning the Gentiles and to those who are near meaning the Jews to the GcE9CtwVZ98-00051-00030166-00030613 Colossians Paul wrote that Jesus made peace through his blood shed on the GcE9CtwVZ98-00052-00030613-00031239 cross and the Apostles went about preaching the Peace of Jesus Christ so GcE9CtwVZ98-00053-00031239-00031711 if all these references in the scriptures portrayed Jesus as the source GcE9CtwVZ98-00054-00031711-00032295 and promoter of peace why did he then say that he has thum not established GcE9CtwVZ98-00055-00032295-00033068 peace but to cause division and disunity in Matthew's Gospel Jesus moreover said GcE9CtwVZ98-00056-00033068-00033632 do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth it is not peace I GcE9CtwVZ98-00057-00033632-00034367 have come to bring but your sword friends soul in this context does not GcE9CtwVZ98-00058-00034367-00034943 imply let's say it is rather reference to the Word of God with the writer to GcE9CtwVZ98-00059-00034943-00035534 the letter to the Hebrews says that it is sharper than any double-edged sword GcE9CtwVZ98-00060-00035534-00036152 that penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges GcE9CtwVZ98-00061-00036152-00036830 the thoughts and attitudes of the heart that is to say the Word of God has the GcE9CtwVZ98-00062-00036830-00037316 power to penetrate to the heart of your person and cause a change in the GcE9CtwVZ98-00063-00037316-00038015 person's life yes the Word of God can inspire it to transform in such a way as GcE9CtwVZ98-00064-00038015-00038591 to make us challenge the evil around us which then can cause misunderstandings GcE9CtwVZ98-00065-00038591-00039218 friction division and problems in all families it is because in our own family GcE9CtwVZ98-00066-00039218-00039707 there are people who may not believe in God and his promises people who may not GcE9CtwVZ98-00067-00039707-00040244 follow God's commandments people who may not take the Bible seriously and those GcE9CtwVZ98-00068-00040244-00040961 who may not accept or spread the truth therefore contradictions arise not GcE9CtwVZ98-00069-00040961-00041393 because Jesus came into the world to bring division and discord contention GcE9CtwVZ98-00070-00041393-00041981 war but because division and contradictions arise inevitably from his GcE9CtwVZ98-00071-00041981-00042503 coming and because of his message of love and grace GcE9CtwVZ98-00072-00042503-00043415 friends what are the lessons Luke wants us learn from his gospel today one at GcE9CtwVZ98-00073-00043415-00043895 all baptism God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit GcE9CtwVZ98-00074-00043895-00044531 which he has been given to us in other words then we are baptized into Christ GcE9CtwVZ98-00075-00044531-00045221 Jesus the Holy Spirit Kindles the fire of God's love in our hearts it is GcE9CtwVZ98-00076-00045221-00045869 important to keep the fire of God's love burning and if need be rekindled the GcE9CtwVZ98-00077-00045869-00046364 fire of a passion and love for Christ and all the people around us despite GcE9CtwVZ98-00078-00046364-00047162 suffering troubles afflictions and hardships to friends as we hear and read GcE9CtwVZ98-00079-00047162-00047822 his word we will learn an Oprah fact that if we hold fast the confession of GcE9CtwVZ98-00080-00047822-00048464 faith without wavering for he who promised is faithful to peace is GcE9CtwVZ98-00081-00048464-00049103 possible despite all odds particularly not one families it is a great comfort GcE9CtwVZ98-00082-00049103-00049733 to know that we do not lose out when we follow God and keep our eyes on him GcE9CtwVZ98-00083-00049733-00050673 how men God bless you Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00000-00000071-00000811 On January 6, 1994, I arrived in Minnesota on a plane from South Korea with two other Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00001-00000811-00001044 adoptees. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00002-00001044-00001618 I spent my first six months of life in an orphanage in Seoul until my new family was Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00003-00001618-00001930 ready to have me in their lives. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00004-00001930-00002705 The journey was long and with an ear infection, I spent most of the flight in tears. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00005-00002705-00003271 After reaching the gate, I was carried off the plane, by a social worker, in a pink blanket Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00006-00003271-00003989 that was specially made by my new adopted family’s friend in celebration of my adoption. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00007-00003989-00004664 Immediately, I was handed to my new mom; the blanket was the first gift my new family ever Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00008-00004664-00005236 gave me, and in her arms it brought me comfort and allowed me to feel safe in an unfamiliar Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00009-00005236-00005396 place. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00010-00005396-00005867 Although I do not remember this exact moment, she continues to tell me that my tears finally Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00011-00005867-00006226 stopped in her arms. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00012-00006226-00006686 As a child, I carried my “trip blankie” everywhere that my parents would allow, and Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00013-00006686-00007013 I made sure it never got ruined. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00014-00007013-00007481 The blanket is not directly tied to my culture in Korea, but it is the only object I have Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00015-00007481-00007659 left from my journey over. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00016-00007659-00008272 As I was growing up the blanket became less and less important to me as a physical object, Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00017-00008272-00008603 and more important as an emotional object. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00018-00008603-00009319 I feel this was because I stopped depending on the object’s physicality for security. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00019-00009319-00009882 Instead, the idea that it was there, even when I didn’t need it, helped me to feel Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00020-00009882-00010242 some of the same emotions that I had had as a child. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00021-00010242-00010718 While I mainly associate my blanket with my American family and the memories that they Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00022-00010718-00011354 have given me, the blanket also served as a guide in understanding my double culture. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00023-00011354-00011831 While it is just a piece of fabric, the blanket helped me adjust to my new surroundings, and Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00024-00011831-00012357 I found I had to learn to embrace the life that I was given, instead of wondering about Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00025-00012357-00013172 the life that was taken away. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00026-00013172-00013552 The blanket now stays tucked away in a box in storage. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00027-00013552-00013980 It still holds a special place in my heart, and I think about it when I feel grateful Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00028-00013980-00014316 for the way my life has turned out. Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00029-00014316-00014825 To me, the blanket is not a representation of the life that I have left behind, but it Gd_VI-Q5M5Q-00030-00014825-00016134 is a symbol of the new life that I have received. Ggn9kdw7Ksy-00000-00000152-00000352 Please subscribe my channel. GhphjhYjCYu-00000-00002363-00002991 >> Thank you very much. The title's a bit misleading. It's not really the first 100 GhphjhYjCYu-00001-00002991-00003731 years. It's the first 68 years because I think computing started in 1948. If by computing GhphjhYjCYu-00002-00003731-00004366 we mean a programmable device where you can change the program in memory. So the first GhphjhYjCYu-00003-00004366-00004957 68 years is what I'll be talking about. But it's 100 years, so I'm going to be guessing GhphjhYjCYu-00004-00004957-00005433 what's going to happen in the next 32 years. So part of this is speculation of what's going GhphjhYjCYu-00005-00005433-00006183 to happen in the next 32 years and part of its history what happened in the last few GhphjhYjCYu-00006-00006183-00006680 years. So I'll start with my quote. The best way GhphjhYjCYu-00007-00006680-00007219 to predict the future is to invent it. So I'm going to be inventing a little bit of GhphjhYjCYu-00008-00007219-00007970 future and see if we can do that. And why am I doing that? I give quite a few talks, GhphjhYjCYu-00009-00007970-00008891 and I meet a lot of programmers. And programming tends to be a fairly young skill. So first, GhphjhYjCYu-00010-00008891-00009693 I would ask how many of you are 45 and under? Right. So I've been programming for more than GhphjhYjCYu-00011-00009693-00010263 45 years. So I've been programming for more years than your entire lives. And what I've GhphjhYjCYu-00012-00010263-00010883 noticed is I kind of assume that if you're 30, 40, something like that, that you actually GhphjhYjCYu-00013-00010883-00011502 knew what happened before you were born. And that's not the case. The more I talk to people, GhphjhYjCYu-00014-00011502-00012048 the more I'm convinced that you don't actually know what happened before you were born. You GhphjhYjCYu-00015-00012048-00012448 might have read about it in books. Some of you haven't even read about it in books. GhphjhYjCYu-00016-00012448-00013078 For me, it's not a question of reading about it in books because I was there and did it. GhphjhYjCYu-00017-00013078-00013412 So I thought I would tell you some of these things that happened. So I have two themes GhphjhYjCYu-00018-00013412-00014166 in this kind of lecture, which I'm developing. One is to try to tell you about the stuff GhphjhYjCYu-00019-00014166-00014700 that we collectively have forgotten. When I say "we," I mean the entire programming GhphjhYjCYu-00020-00014700-00015391 community. There's a lot of stuff we've forgotten or perhaps never knew. And I want to tell GhphjhYjCYu-00021-00015391-00016022 you about some of those things, and I will be developing this lectures and talks I'm GhphjhYjCYu-00022-00016022-00016577 giving. And the second thing is the new technologies GhphjhYjCYu-00023-00016577-00017170 that we are inventing are not without danger. I think that computing is rather like kids GhphjhYjCYu-00024-00017170-00017677 running into a sweetie shop and just, oh, we can build this, and we built this stuff. GhphjhYjCYu-00025-00017677-00019233 You don't really know what -- An indication of where we should be working GhphjhYjCYu-00026-00019233-00019848 the future. Solve those dangers, do something about it. Me and my colleagues have made a GhphjhYjCYu-00027-00019848-00020517 complete mess of everything. And then at the moment I'm retired so having fucked up absolutely GhphjhYjCYu-00028-00020517-00021169 everything, off we go, and you guys can fix it up. GhphjhYjCYu-00029-00021169-00021946 I also thought a conference like this, it should be a bit of fun. And I think it's very GhphjhYjCYu-00030-00021946-00022397 good that people meet each other. So I'm going to do an experiment, which the idea occurred GhphjhYjCYu-00031-00022397-00023167 to me in my last week actually, and I thought, oh, how could I illustrate parallel programming? GhphjhYjCYu-00032-00023167-00023726 And how could we do things? So I got myself this, which is -- this is going to be very GhphjhYjCYu-00033-00023726-00024490 noisy because you're all going to be talking at once. So can you hear that? Anybody not GhphjhYjCYu-00034-00024490-00024969 hear that? Right so the goal of this is to get to know GhphjhYjCYu-00035-00024969-00025405 each other because some of you know each other when you're sitting next to each other. But GhphjhYjCYu-00036-00025405-00025964 others are total strangers who don't know each other. So I'm going to do a parallel GhphjhYjCYu-00037-00025964-00027072 algorithm and some algorithms. So you introduce yourself to this guy. And when you found that, GhphjhYjCYu-00038-00027072-00027407 you introduce yourself to this guy. Now, I assumed you're all sitting next to each other. GhphjhYjCYu-00039-00027407-00027945 So you have to shout over to this guy and we'll propagate like this, and it will go GhphjhYjCYu-00040-00027945-00028562 to here, and it will go backwards and forwards. And if I hit this a couple of times, you stop. GhphjhYjCYu-00041-00028562-00030399 Okay? That's the first rule. So off you go. Now, this isn't going to work, is it? No. GhphjhYjCYu-00042-00030399-00030987 So this is the first algorithm. We all have to introduce each other. GhphjhYjCYu-00043-00030987-00031795 I assume a kind of regular -- oh, it went. I kind of assumed a regular pattern was odd GhphjhYjCYu-00044-00031795-00032469 and even people. Now, if you were talking -- you two are talking -- you're talking to GhphjhYjCYu-00045-00032469-00032776 him, you can't be listening in that direction. So you can only talk in one direction. You GhphjhYjCYu-00046-00032776-00033210 can't be both talking and listening at the same time. If I turned to the left and speak GhphjhYjCYu-00047-00033210-00033765 in that direction, I'm not going to hear something that comes from the opposite direction. And GhphjhYjCYu-00048-00033765-00034135 some of you have never met before, and there are some very attractive people in the audience. GhphjhYjCYu-00049-00034135-00034527 So if, you know, you should fall in love with the person who you're sitting next to because GhphjhYjCYu-00050-00034527-00035034 of this introduction and have five kids and if they become artists, I expect you to send GhphjhYjCYu-00051-00035034-00035546 me a free ticket to the circus. So something good will have come out of this. GhphjhYjCYu-00052-00035546-00036273 So here was the first algorithm. And just for a regular matrix of N by M things. You GhphjhYjCYu-00053-00036273-00036986 just -- where's my pointer? There's my pointer. You go like this. And then when you get to GhphjhYjCYu-00054-00036986-00037366 the end, you turn around again and do it in the opposite direction and then everybody GhphjhYjCYu-00055-00037366-00037831 will know each other. And that's a pretty bad algorithm. So we'll make a much better GhphjhYjCYu-00056-00037831-00038336 algorithm. Now, fortunately, you know what seat numbers you're on. If you don't, you'll GhphjhYjCYu-00057-00038336-00038881 have to stand up and look at the seat under. You're either on a odd-numbered seat or even-numbered GhphjhYjCYu-00058-00038881-00040416 seat. So find out your seat number. This is when it's going to be noisy. GhphjhYjCYu-00059-00040416-00041837 Okay. You all know your seat numbers; right? So the -- you're clear if you're an odd or GhphjhYjCYu-00060-00041837-00042462 even, why can't you? Everybody knows. Good. So odds talk to the right, evenings listen GhphjhYjCYu-00061-00042462-00043284 to the right. And then path two, odds listen to the right and path three, even listen to GhphjhYjCYu-00062-00043284-00043991 the left and -- can you read that? And I'll give a little ding to change the passes. So GhphjhYjCYu-00063-00043991-00046350 on the first ding, odds talk to the right and evenings listen to the left. GhphjhYjCYu-00064-00046350-00049228 Good. So how long did this algorithm take? What was that? Battery. Okay. So the sequential GhphjhYjCYu-00065-00049228-00050988 algorithm took two times NM and the parallel took four. So if we were 50 by 50 matrix, GhphjhYjCYu-00066-00050988-00051532 the speed up would be a factor of 500. So parallel algorithms are much nicer than sequential GhphjhYjCYu-00067-00051532-00052774 algorithms. Parallel programs do it in Erlang or Elixir. GhphjhYjCYu-00068-00052774-00053480 We're building lots of multicorresponds and lots of problems are parallel problems. Right GhphjhYjCYu-00069-00053480-00053928 so that was the little interview and goodness knows how long the rest of the lecture is GhphjhYjCYu-00070-00053928-00054423 going to take. So history. For me, I think history starts GhphjhYjCYu-00071-00054423-00055401 in 1948. And this guy, Tom Kilburn is the world's first programmer. And he's standing GhphjhYjCYu-00072-00055401-00056039 there with something calls a Williams Kilburn tube. And that was a tube that could store GhphjhYjCYu-00073-00056039-00056962 or display -- I think it was 1,024 bits, and I think they expended it. So actually the GhphjhYjCYu-00074-00056962-00057510 program and the state of the program and all the data was in 1,024 bits and displayed on GhphjhYjCYu-00075-00057510-00058161 a tube. And this could store memory for up to one hour. It was developed in the United GhphjhYjCYu-00076-00058161-00059098 Kingdom. And this is Kilburn's logbook and the date. What do we press? The date is up GhphjhYjCYu-00077-00059098-00059963 there. It's the 19th of June -- is that June? Yeah, 19th of June, 1948. And that's the first GhphjhYjCYu-00078-00059963-00060739 program there. And actually worked out the factors composite numbers. So put a prime GhphjhYjCYu-00079-00060739-00061379 number in, the highest factor was one, which meant that it was a prime number. And it ran GhphjhYjCYu-00080-00061379-00062187 on the 19th of June, 1948. And there's the program a little bit more clearly written GhphjhYjCYu-00081-00062187-00062832 out. And that ran on, this machine. And Freddie GhphjhYjCYu-00082-00062832-00064654 Williams wrote a program was laboriously inserted. And it lead the to no useful result. One day GhphjhYjCYu-00083-00064654-00065145 it stopped. And then shining brightly at the expected place was the expected answer. It GhphjhYjCYu-00084-00065145-00065726 was a moment to remember. June of 1948. And nothing was ever the same again. GhphjhYjCYu-00085-00065726-00066186 And he didn't actually realize how true that was because this was the start of the computing GhphjhYjCYu-00086-00066186-00066569 age. This is the start of this 100-year period I'm talking about. And we're now two-thirds GhphjhYjCYu-00087-00066569-00067117 of the way through that period. Computing is an incredibly young science. I mean it's GhphjhYjCYu-00088-00067117-00067592 -- you know, you compare it to things like 100 years war. I think this is an incredibly GhphjhYjCYu-00089-00067592-00068169 short period of time. And it has progressed very rapidly in the last 10 to 15 years. GhphjhYjCYu-00090-00068169-00068707 And here is the Williams tube at the Manchester museum of science. This is a replica they GhphjhYjCYu-00091-00068707-00069484 built of the small experiment machine. And here I am. On my holiday, I go and look at GhphjhYjCYu-00092-00069484-00069861 old computers and take my wife around to all of these museums, and she loves looking at GhphjhYjCYu-00093-00069861-00070441 old computers I think. I'm not quite sure. She says she likes it. Actually got to put GhphjhYjCYu-00094-00070441-00071343 a program into this thing. And you enter the program here by sticking numbers in and then GhphjhYjCYu-00095-00071343-00072354 you hit enter. Lovely machine. Oh, and there's a number there. .000004375 GhphjhYjCYu-00096-00072354-00073212 and this is my normalization factor. I'm taking one because the Cray one is the first supercomputer. GhphjhYjCYu-00097-00073212-00074026 And I love the Cray one. I'm going to show you a few supercomputers. GhphjhYjCYu-00098-00074026-00074411 So the next machine actually it doesn't have a number because I wasn't able to work out GhphjhYjCYu-00099-00074411-00075244 how fast it was. So I've just put a few question marks. It's probably .001 of a Cray one, and GhphjhYjCYu-00100-00075244-00076083 it's a DDP516. And this was the first computer I got to play with all by myself. And the GhphjhYjCYu-00101-00076083-00076695 programs were entered -- well, actually you see this thing up here? Those are called sense GhphjhYjCYu-00102-00076695-00077383 switches. The first program when you booted the thing, you had to enter a number on here. GhphjhYjCYu-00103-00077383-00078016 This is a 16 bit figure. You put the 16-bit and press load and store and enter the first GhphjhYjCYu-00104-00078016-00078708 program. Now, the first program is a program that reads a paper tape. Right and so once GhphjhYjCYu-00105-00078708-00079044 you've entered the first program, which takes about half an hour because there's a lot of GhphjhYjCYu-00106-00079044-00079537 instructions, then you can run it. Whoops. Sorry I'm pressing the wrong button. You push GhphjhYjCYu-00107-00079537-00080016 it into this paper machine, the telly type here. And then you run the first machine and GhphjhYjCYu-00108-00080016-00080725 the first program is a program that can read programs from the card reader. And then you GhphjhYjCYu-00109-00080725-00081116 put your punch cards into the card reader, which I haven't shown there. And it reads GhphjhYjCYu-00110-00081116-00081639 them all in and off you go. Now, this had -- let me see. Whoops. That's GhphjhYjCYu-00111-00081639-00082320 the next slide. This had 32 kilobytes of 16 bit memory. Big programs couldn't fit into GhphjhYjCYu-00112-00082320-00083589 it so you had the first bit and then the second bit, and it's rather slow. GhphjhYjCYu-00113-00083589-00084601 And when we had these things, we got something called the glass TTY, it's a terminal. And GhphjhYjCYu-00114-00084601-00085238 you could actually enter your programs not on punched cards but you could sit at this GhphjhYjCYu-00115-00085238-00085735 glass TTY, the screen with a little keyboard, enter them and store them on disk. Oh, this GhphjhYjCYu-00116-00085735-00086313 is fantastic. This is really improved turn around. And I said to my boss, you know, one GhphjhYjCYu-00117-00086313-00087001 day everybody will have glass TTYs to enter their data. And everybody will store their GhphjhYjCYu-00118-00087001-00087407 programs on disk. And he said Joe, you're mad. You're completely a lunatic. That will GhphjhYjCYu-00119-00087407-00088061 never happen. I said why? And he said, well, the disk costs, you know, 20,000 euros or GhphjhYjCYu-00120-00088061-00088798 something like that and the glass TTY cost 10,000 euros. Far too expensive. Nobody will GhphjhYjCYu-00121-00088798-00089337 ever do this in the future. Guess who was right? GhphjhYjCYu-00122-00089337-00090382 Joe one. So in 1975, the @Cray-1 came out. Now, this GhphjhYjCYu-00123-00090382-00091474 was the first supercomputer. It looked like that. It even came with a tailored leather GhphjhYjCYu-00124-00091474-00092074 seat around the outside that you could sit on. And it's circular so that -- to minimize GhphjhYjCYu-00125-00092074-00092830 the cable length between the separate units. So these are the CPU and the memory units. GhphjhYjCYu-00126-00092830-00093295 And it was the world's first supercomputer, which is why it's pretty exciting. It had GhphjhYjCYu-00127-00093295-00094762 an 80 megahertz. Isn't that extremely fast? It consumed 115 kilowatts of power and weighed GhphjhYjCYu-00128-00094762-00096130 5.5 tons and cost $10 million and had 8 megabytes of memory. I mean this was fantastic. I -- I GhphjhYjCYu-00129-00096130-00096664 used to be a physicist, and I was a summer intern, and I ended up in the program advisory GhphjhYjCYu-00130-00096664-00097473 office. And I could program the Cray-1. There was one in all of Europe. All of Europe had GhphjhYjCYu-00131-00097473-00098109 one supercomputer. And I could program it. Wasn't allowed to sit on the bench. Only the GhphjhYjCYu-00132-00098109-00098623 guys in the white coat could sit on the bench. I didn't have a white coat because I was in GhphjhYjCYu-00133-00098623-00099260 the back office, but I could program the Cray-1. And it was so fast that you didn't put punch GhphjhYjCYu-00134-00099260-00100156 cards on in. It was a load of IB360s that did the io and punch cards then talked to GhphjhYjCYu-00135-00100156-00101033 the Cray-1 that did the work instantaneously. There's a lot of good physics. The omega minus GhphjhYjCYu-00136-00101033-00102525 particle. Discovered using the Cray-1. So here's me next to the Cray-1. I sat on GhphjhYjCYu-00137-00102525-00103274 the people before people told me to stand because I couldn't sit on it. GhphjhYjCYu-00138-00103274-00103701 Great place to go. If you're ever in Great Britain, go to the national museum of computing. GhphjhYjCYu-00139-00103701-00104423 They've got the computer that Tim did the World Wide Web on. Full of exciting things. GhphjhYjCYu-00140-00104423-00105226 There you go. So the next computer is the Vax11/780. This GhphjhYjCYu-00141-00105226-00106210 came out in 1975. This was kind of computing for the masses or for people in scientific GhphjhYjCYu-00142-00106210-00107611 labs. We got vaxs the 11/780 was .00625 of a Cray-1. It wasn't as powerful of a Cray-1. GhphjhYjCYu-00143-00107611-00108758 But I don't know if anybody heard the integration of Vax mips, million instructions per second. GhphjhYjCYu-00144-00108758-00109180 It was the first commercial computer that you could buy for a reasonable amount of money GhphjhYjCYu-00145-00109180-00110122 that did a million per second. And it ran at .00625 speed of the Cray-1. It was pretty GhphjhYjCYu-00146-00110122-00111038 seventh. I didn't have 11/780, we had the cheaper model the 11/750 on, and that's what GhphjhYjCYu-00147-00111038-00112257 I developed Erlang on. They came later, somebody started the first bit terminals, you had to GhphjhYjCYu-00148-00112257-00112621 type your program in there. This is before the day of full screen editors. Just line GhphjhYjCYu-00149-00112621-00113215 editors and everything. And then somebody thought we could make a full screen editor, GhphjhYjCYu-00150-00113215-00113858 so we did. And I'm just going to hop forward a little GhphjhYjCYu-00151-00113858-00114758 bit. This guy is 256 times a Cray-1. I gave a lecture, and I was waving my iPhone and GhphjhYjCYu-00152-00114758-00115229 I said do you realize this is more powerful than a Cray-1. And I hadn't checked my figures. GhphjhYjCYu-00153-00115229-00115915 This little fella is 256 times the Cray 1. This is 256 times as powerful as the most GhphjhYjCYu-00154-00115915-00116818 powerful computer in the world in 1975. Okay. So we can do Pokémon Go and all sorts of GhphjhYjCYu-00155-00116818-00117116 things. You know, really useful things. [Laughter] GhphjhYjCYu-00156-00117116-00117879 Right this is lovely. I love this. This is 15 Cray 1s. It's a raspberry pi. I was in GhphjhYjCYu-00157-00117879-00118960 Chicago and someone said can you run Erlang on a weak computer like a raspberry pi, and GhphjhYjCYu-00158-00118960-00119616 I said you're joking. You're joking. You're talking about a supercomputer. Was developed GhphjhYjCYu-00159-00119616-00120252 on a machine that is infinitely weaker than this. This is 15 times the power of a Cray GhphjhYjCYu-00160-00120252-00120958 1. 15 times more powerful than the most powerful computer in the world. Do I get the impression GhphjhYjCYu-00161-00120958-00121826 when I use it's faster than the Cray 1? No, I don't actually. Because the software is GhphjhYjCYu-00162-00121826-00122526 fucked because they put megabytes and gigabytes of rubbish onto it before it even boots. This GhphjhYjCYu-00163-00122526-00123076 is something you have to fix. An operating system -- an old operating system back in GhphjhYjCYu-00164-00123076-00123976 1980 was 1.5 megabytes. Okay? An update of keynote on my Mac is like 100 megabytes; right? GhphjhYjCYu-00165-00123976-00124566 It's 80 times -- 70 times the size of an entire operating system in the mid-'70s and I can't GhphjhYjCYu-00166-00124566-00124939 understand why. What the hell is in this 100 megabytes. Even if it's full of images and GhphjhYjCYu-00167-00124939-00125548 things. How can it be so big? Could it be that Apple are putting huge programs on your GhphjhYjCYu-00168-00125548-00126227 disk so that you have to buy a more expensive computer? I wonder, you know? What are they GhphjhYjCYu-00169-00126227-00126953 up to? And don't get me on the cloud. Why -- sorry. Blackmail by storing all of your GhphjhYjCYu-00170-00126953-00127969 stuff on the cloud. Right. This is the Nvidia Tesla P100. Which GhphjhYjCYu-00171-00127969-00128916 is 66,000 times the power of the Cray 1. This is scary stuff. This is the sort of thing GhphjhYjCYu-00172-00128916-00129361 that you're going to use to beat the world champion at machine learning algorithms. This GhphjhYjCYu-00173-00129361-00129827 is going to be the thing that's going to cause mass unemployment and vast number of jobs GhphjhYjCYu-00174-00129827-00130220 if they program to program it. The only problem is programming it. If we can program that GhphjhYjCYu-00175-00130220-00130672 to do machine learning, it's going to take over all sorts of jobs and things. It's a GhphjhYjCYu-00176-00130672-00131754 really scary machine. Fortunately, there's an even more -- I mean this is 66,000 times GhphjhYjCYu-00177-00131754-00132451 more powerful than the Cray 1. But we've got this fella here. And that's ten to the eight GhphjhYjCYu-00178-00132451-00133308 times power of the Cray 1. Runs at 38 petaflops and at the moment we hold the world record GhphjhYjCYu-00179-00133308-00133973 of computing power. So the hardware hasn't caught up with us yet and has 86 billion neurons GhphjhYjCYu-00180-00133973-00134643 in it and gone through a lot of generations. It's a pretty good computer actually. This GhphjhYjCYu-00181-00134643-00135615 is our defense against this thing. We unplug it. That's later to win. GhphjhYjCYu-00182-00135615-00136326 Okay. Timeline. Could somebody tell me what time I have to finish? Does anybody know? GhphjhYjCYu-00183-00136326-00137047 Oh, dear. I think I'm supposed to finish at 10:00. So I have to rush through stuff. Skip GhphjhYjCYu-00184-00137047-00137966 through that. Storage is the same story really. Here's me next to a four megabyte disk in GhphjhYjCYu-00185-00137966-00138691 the museum of computing. The photo isn't really good but as you can see it comes up to here. GhphjhYjCYu-00186-00138691-00139233 So the notion of digital photography, every picture is, like, 4 megabytes and digital GhphjhYjCYu-00187-00139233-00139871 music. You know, 4 megabytes per song. Digital music and digital photography are enabled GhphjhYjCYu-00188-00139871-00140316 by massive memories. It's a technology shift. There's not going to be digital music when GhphjhYjCYu-00189-00140316-00141010 you carry that thing around. It weighed -- what does it weigh? It doesn't say what it weighs. GhphjhYjCYu-00190-00141010-00141342 I didn't try picking it up. They wouldn't let me. I didn't try. It probably weighs about GhphjhYjCYu-00191-00141342-00142385 30 kilos I guess. Cost $100,000. And you're not going to have it in your backpack or anything. GhphjhYjCYu-00192-00142385-00143493 So storage is made a massive gain. And that mobile data. This is the first mobile phone. GhphjhYjCYu-00193-00143493-00144752 System A956 weighed 40 kilograms. So, again, not very useful for mobile computations. But GhphjhYjCYu-00194-00144752-00145636 you can see how it has gone on. It's all baked into an iPhone, and we now have -- just to GhphjhYjCYu-00195-00145636-00146485 summarize. Now from 1948 to 2016, computers are insanely fast. They are ridiculously fast. GhphjhYjCYu-00196-00146485-00147177 So why are people worried about efficiency? Because the machine is just so stupid and GhphjhYjCYu-00197-00147177-00147883 fast, we don't need to bother. And how do you make a program speed up? How GhphjhYjCYu-00198-00147883-00148525 do you make your program go 1,000 -- a million times faster than the first time I made it. GhphjhYjCYu-00199-00148525-00149030 Why is that? Because 20 years has past. If you wait ten years, your program will go 1,000 GhphjhYjCYu-00200-00149030-00149546 times faster. If you wait 20 years, it will be a million times faster. I don't see that GhphjhYjCYu-00201-00149546-00150114 stopping. That's not going to happen. It's going to carry on like that. GhphjhYjCYu-00202-00150114-00150763 We've got massive amounts of memory, terabytes of memory. The only reason we don't have terabytes GhphjhYjCYu-00203-00150763-00151232 of memory in our phones, the only reason we have gigabytes of memory is the rate at which GhphjhYjCYu-00204-00151232-00151657 memory manufacturers releases memory into devices. Because basically they want to charge GhphjhYjCYu-00205-00151657-00152241 you money. They could give you 1,000 times more memory tomorrow if they wanted to. But GhphjhYjCYu-00206-00152241-00152651 then they can't sell you double the memory every year. So that's the only reason why GhphjhYjCYu-00207-00152651-00153059 we don't have massive memories. And we're going to have massive bandwidth. We're going GhphjhYjCYu-00208-00153059-00153854 to go over from wireless to using lasers. When you put LED lightbulbs in your rooms, GhphjhYjCYu-00209-00153854-00154312 you can modulate information on that. So you can use white light lasers instead of that. GhphjhYjCYu-00210-00154312-00154874 So all you have to do is screw out your lightbulbs, put in Wi-Fi lightbulbs and easily going at GhphjhYjCYu-00211-00154874-00156011 10 gigabits per second. Good to have billions of small computing devices, some people call GhphjhYjCYu-00212-00156011-00156627 it the Internet of useless things and you don't know what to do with them. I -- listening GhphjhYjCYu-00213-00156627-00157274 to the radio and this guy is, oh, every household is going to have 500 devices. We're going GhphjhYjCYu-00214-00157274-00158117 to have pillows that tell you when they need washing. And my wife said that's absolutely GhphjhYjCYu-00215-00158117-00158611 just what I need. A pillow that talks to me and tells me when I need washing. And some GhphjhYjCYu-00216-00158611-00159113 of you are going to work on this stuff. Isn't that wonderful? Yeah. It's great. GhphjhYjCYu-00217-00159113-00159648 There are other projects that you could work on. GhphjhYjCYu-00218-00159648-00159985 So what's going to happen in the next 50 years? Sorry? GhphjhYjCYu-00219-00159985-00160674 >> You have until 10:10. >> Oh, 10:10. Thank you very much. Good. So GhphjhYjCYu-00220-00160674-00161174 what's going to happen? Rhetorical question. Do you think this development's going to stop? GhphjhYjCYu-00221-00161174-00161790 I've seen the last 45 years of this. If you're 20 or 25, you're going to be programming for GhphjhYjCYu-00222-00161790-00162134 another 20, 30 years, do you think this development is suddenly going to stop? GhphjhYjCYu-00223-00162134-00162614 No, of course it's not going to stop. It's accelerating if anything. It's very exciting GhphjhYjCYu-00224-00162614-00163534 actually. The first 100 years of any science, from 1600 to 1700, newton and physics exploded GhphjhYjCYu-00225-00163534-00164004 in the first 100 years and then slowed down. We're in this 100-year period where it's exploding. GhphjhYjCYu-00226-00164004-00164578 All very fun, and I'm very lucky to be around at the right time. So hardware is insanely GhphjhYjCYu-00227-00164578-00165965 fast so we can do anything with it; is that right? Yes? No? That's a, no, we can't. Wrong. GhphjhYjCYu-00228-00165965-00166813 You can't do anything with it. So -- because I'm a physicist, I get back GhphjhYjCYu-00229-00166813-00167642 to numbers. This is numbers 101. So it's good to have a few numbers in the back of your GhphjhYjCYu-00230-00167642-00168549 head. The earth about 10 to the 50 atoms on it. It's a nice, easy number Torme. So let's GhphjhYjCYu-00231-00168549-00169334 try to program. Oh, yeah. Let's make a laptop, the ultimate laptop weighs one kilogram, we GhphjhYjCYu-00232-00169334-00169875 stuff more and more components onto it. It gets hotter and hotter, denser and denser, GhphjhYjCYu-00233-00169875-00170627 it becomes a black hole. So we have a black hole laptop. It can do ten to the 51 operations GhphjhYjCYu-00234-00170627-00171298 per second. 10 to the minus 27 millimeters small, store 10 to the 15 bits, and it lasts GhphjhYjCYu-00235-00171298-00172419 10 to the minus 21 of a second. And it appears through quantum entanglement through the universe. GhphjhYjCYu-00236-00172419-00172998 There's a problem. We don't actually know how to get output from this thing. That's GhphjhYjCYu-00237-00172998-00173564 the ultimate computer. And the ultimate printer is -- well, let's GhphjhYjCYu-00238-00173564-00174212 make the ultimate printer. Take the entire universe, the biggest thing we can think of, GhphjhYjCYu-00239-00174212-00175140 and we divide it by the smallest thing we can think of, the smallest thing, the smallest GhphjhYjCYu-00240-00175140-00176129 pixel to make a 3D printer is ten to the minus 105 meters cubed. Divide one by the other. GhphjhYjCYu-00241-00176129-00176615 We made a printer out of the entire device. Flattening from a huge sheet of paper, and GhphjhYjCYu-00242-00176615-00177335 it can print 10 to the 185 pixels. This is the biggest picture in the world. You can't GhphjhYjCYu-00243-00177335-00178372 currently buy this from Hewlett-Packard. 10 to the 185 pixels. And so is this big enough GhphjhYjCYu-00244-00178372-00178894 for the output of our programs? The answer is no of course. GhphjhYjCYu-00245-00178894-00179598 Okay. So here's a little program. I in one double six factorial print I. That's a tiny GhphjhYjCYu-00246-00179598-00180398 little program. Wait a moment. What is that thing? A sticks double factorial. Three characters. GhphjhYjCYu-00247-00180398-00181394 Three characters long. How big is six double factorial? Well, six factorial. You know what GhphjhYjCYu-00248-00181394-00182568 factorial is. So 720 times 710 times 709 and each of those terms. You know, 720 is bigger GhphjhYjCYu-00249-00182568-00183464 than 10, 710 is bigger than 10, 709 is bigger than ten. And that's repeated. So six double GhphjhYjCYu-00250-00183464-00184040 factorial is much, much greater than ten to the power of 711. GhphjhYjCYu-00251-00184040-00185019 Okay. So remember I said the biggest printer in the universe can print 10 to the 185 pixels. GhphjhYjCYu-00252-00185019-00185716 So this little program, that little program cannot be printed on the biggest printer that GhphjhYjCYu-00253-00185716-00186255 we can conceive of in the entire universe. So I was thinking of writing a paper. You GhphjhYjCYu-00254-00186255-00187040 know? Consider the class of programs of three characters in them. This is insanely complicated. GhphjhYjCYu-00255-00187040-00187739 So underlying computation is a mathematics. We can't test this program. We can't run it. GhphjhYjCYu-00256-00187739-00188102 We can't do it. We have to use mathematics to understand how it works. We have to prove GhphjhYjCYu-00257-00188102-00188669 things about it. You could prove that that program terminates. But it would be useless GhphjhYjCYu-00258-00188669-00189440 because you could figure out -- okay. The next computer above the laptop is to take GhphjhYjCYu-00259-00189440-00190023 the entire universe as a quantum computer. That will do -- if you do that from the time GhphjhYjCYu-00260-00190023-00190442 the universe is booted, it's done ten to the one -- ten to the 123 operations since the GhphjhYjCYu-00261-00190442-00191047 universe was booted and that's way smaller than this. So we couldn't actually compute GhphjhYjCYu-00262-00191047-00191498 this -- well, we could prove it will mathematically terminate, but it will not terminate within GhphjhYjCYu-00263-00191498-00192185 the life of the universe. So you need multiuniverses to do that. Fun. GhphjhYjCYu-00264-00192185-00192910 So let's go on. My conclusion from that programs are insanely GhphjhYjCYu-00265-00192910-00193567 complicated. They're all black holes right in the middle of your programs. And certain GhphjhYjCYu-00266-00193567-00194528 programs you just can't test or do anything with them. Right. Dangers. Dangers. Right. GhphjhYjCYu-00267-00194528-00195394 I just tell you a couple of these. So this is Rebecca Burkett. And the photo GhphjhYjCYu-00268-00195394-00196222 was taken -- if you look at the back of the photo, it was taken in 1892. And my wife is GhphjhYjCYu-00269-00196222-00196564 interested in genealogy, and she was looking through these old photos and said, oh, look, GhphjhYjCYu-00270-00196564-00197367 this is Rebecca -- and then she said when we're dead and gone, will our -- you know, GhphjhYjCYu-00271-00197367-00197754 all of this stuff, all the photos we publish on Facebook, will these photos just vanish GhphjhYjCYu-00272-00197754-00198367 into the cloud? Will our -- in 100 years' time, 200 years' time, will they be able to GhphjhYjCYu-00273-00198367-00198899 see these photos? And I thought that's an interesting question. GhphjhYjCYu-00274-00198899-00199790 So I happen to be on a panel debate with some guy -- quite high up in Facebook. So I said, GhphjhYjCYu-00275-00199790-00200252 you know, all of these photos we take on Facebook, are they still going to be around in 200 years' GhphjhYjCYu-00276-00200252-00200677 time so that people could look at them? What about all of our stuff we're doing? And you GhphjhYjCYu-00277-00200677-00201204 know what he said? That's a very good question, he said. GhphjhYjCYu-00278-00201204-00202213 Right so problem number one. Is saving our history. I think -- I'm rather worried that GhphjhYjCYu-00279-00202213-00202815 I wouldn't -- you know, sometimes I start -- I like writing and sometimes I might try GhphjhYjCYu-00280-00202815-00203395 to write science fiction -- 400 years ahead and say, unfortunately, all the history from GhphjhYjCYu-00281-00203395-00204127 2000 to 2220 was lost because we put it in the cloud and encrypted it all and nobody GhphjhYjCYu-00282-00204127-00204738 knows how to get it out. This is a real problem. We are putting more GhphjhYjCYu-00283-00204738-00205308 and more stuff into the cloud. We're encrypting it. And most of the cloud is paid storage. GhphjhYjCYu-00284-00205308-00205978 Okay? So you stop paying, it's not stored anymore. Or is it? What happens to it? Well, GhphjhYjCYu-00285-00205978-00206536 nobody knows. And, by the way, which cloud? Apple's cloud? Google cloudy? Microsoft cloud? GhphjhYjCYu-00286-00206536-00207533 So I'm worried we're going to lose history. So how much data are we talking about? What GhphjhYjCYu-00287-00207533-00208004 about history? So who's going to pay for it all? Who can access the information? How long GhphjhYjCYu-00288-00208004-00208547 is it going to be stored for? Goodness. How is the data named? Well, I don't GhphjhYjCYu-00289-00208547-00209214 know. How many documents are there? Well, there's ten to the nine people on the planet. GhphjhYjCYu-00290-00209214-00209751 The sun will become a red giant in five times ten to the nine years. We might write, say, GhphjhYjCYu-00291-00209751-00210422 1,000 documents a year that we want to store. So that's ten to the 25 documents and the GhphjhYjCYu-00292-00210422-00211010 earth's got ten to the 50 atoms. So maybe we could do that. What happens after the sun GhphjhYjCYu-00293-00211010-00211801 becomes a red giant? Maybe we can beam off into outer space and hopefully -- sorry. Long GhphjhYjCYu-00294-00211801-00212269 aside that I haven't got time for. So let's store everything in a content addressable GhphjhYjCYu-00295-00212269-00213063 store. And I've only got five minutes, so I won't go into that. Content addressable GhphjhYjCYu-00296-00213063-00213672 store are wonderful things. We can't talk about things unless things have got names. GhphjhYjCYu-00297-00213672-00214194 So this is a basic philosophical thing. If something has a name, we can talk about it. GhphjhYjCYu-00298-00214194-00214925 So things that don't have names we can't talk about. And content addressable store is encrypt GhphjhYjCYu-00299-00214925-00215944 check sum. So you can use NG5SJ6 to name a blob of data. So this is more general than GhphjhYjCYu-00300-00215944-00216447 a key value store. You've got a key and a value. This is a value store. Your store blobs, GhphjhYjCYu-00301-00216447-00217257 there's awe key. It's implied by the data. The key is -- well, I guess one check of the GhphjhYjCYu-00302-00217257-00218104 data. So a content addressable store -- and I want you to build this thing. Okay? Really GhphjhYjCYu-00303-00218104-00218509 it needs international collaboration. It needs standards collaboration. So I would like to GhphjhYjCYu-00304-00218509-00219372 go to any website anywhere on the planet and say get sha1, and it will either say, yeah, GhphjhYjCYu-00305-00219372-00220219 here you are. And you've got some data or sorry, I haven't got it. GhphjhYjCYu-00306-00220219-00220689 This is immune to the man in the middle attack. It doesn't need any security. Because once GhphjhYjCYu-00307-00220689-00221228 you've got that data, you can compute its -- in this case sha1 and see if it was the GhphjhYjCYu-00308-00221228-00221953 same data as it was. So you can lay the security on top of it. An underlying mechanism. In GhphjhYjCYu-00309-00221953-00222623 fact, you need to make it slightly more complicatedness, the response to a git request would be -- it GhphjhYjCYu-00310-00222623-00222960 would say sorry I haven't got this, but here are some other machines that you would like GhphjhYjCYu-00311-00222960-00223845 to lack at because I think they might have it. And these, appear which is used in the GhphjhYjCYu-00312-00223845-00224542 future system, this works fine. People share movies on it, millions of movies. We could GhphjhYjCYu-00313-00224542-00225140 put all of human information into a massive THT and there by save history. GhphjhYjCYu-00314-00225140-00225757 So the API is like this. It's even easier than a key value store. Just put data. Did GhphjhYjCYu-00315-00225757-00226583 it work? Don't know. You have to read it back to see if you can find it again. That's pretty GhphjhYjCYu-00316-00226583-00227190 easy. If you thought key value was useful, value stores are only even more fun. And there's GhphjhYjCYu-00317-00227190-00227917 a few references you can look up. One minute. Where is he? Wave. Shout. Yeah, he's giving GhphjhYjCYu-00318-00227917-00228492 a talk about IPFS and actually building one of these things. This is great stuff. This GhphjhYjCYu-00319-00228492-00228998 is fantastic stuff. Because Juan is going to save us, he's going to save our history. GhphjhYjCYu-00320-00228998-00229414 So thousands of year time, they're going to say thanks to Juan Bennett and the people GhphjhYjCYu-00321-00229414-00230136 who helped him from Barcelona. We've saved history. Right. And then some other stuff. GhphjhYjCYu-00322-00230136-00230954 Vince surf is very keen on this, organized conferences. He's more worried about the hardware GhphjhYjCYu-00323-00230954-00231626 than the formats. I mean okay. So we've got the data for early computers. But hang on GhphjhYjCYu-00324-00231626-00232041 we haven't got the early computers. Can we emulate the early computers so we can rerun GhphjhYjCYu-00325-00232041-00233117 these programs and things like that? Tim Burner's Lee has cool stuff. And git torrent, GhphjhYjCYu-00326-00233117-00234428 bit torrent, it's on a website, huge massive. Problem two. Computational infrastructure. GhphjhYjCYu-00327-00234428-00235159 We're using between about 6% -- depends how you calculate. About 3% of the world's energy GhphjhYjCYu-00328-00235159-00235688 to run data centers so we can share pictures with each other. And we do have climate problems, GhphjhYjCYu-00329-00235688-00236339 so we need to do something about that. So we need to build a computational infrastructure, GhphjhYjCYu-00330-00236339-00237102 and I'm not any good at hardware. So I thought if you can't build something yourself, build GhphjhYjCYu-00331-00237102-00237505 a approach time, describe it to some hardware people that can build it and use it and then GhphjhYjCYu-00332-00237505-00238134 I'm going to buy it. So this is what I want. This is what Alan Kay did. He went around GhphjhYjCYu-00333-00238134-00238824 with a cardboard thing like this. This is a dinobook prototype. And Steve Jobs sort GhphjhYjCYu-00334-00238824-00239375 of latched onto this and made the iPad, which actually -- Alan Kay is pissed off about the GhphjhYjCYu-00335-00239375-00239941 iPad because it's not the dinobook and basically Apple made this device, but they haven't let GhphjhYjCYu-00336-00239941-00240463 kids program it. It's difficult to program. It's not a ubiquitous open platform that anybody GhphjhYjCYu-00337-00240463-00241006 can program. It's a closed platform which only Apple will let you program. GhphjhYjCYu-00338-00241006-00241556 And that is -- so I thought, well, I can make a model of ubiquitous computer that I want GhphjhYjCYu-00339-00241556-00242250 somebody to build. And here it is in operation on my roof. And it worked fine in Spain. A GhphjhYjCYu-00340-00242250-00243281 nice, sunny place. So it's a solar panel. I thought is solar panels are made of silicon, GhphjhYjCYu-00341-00243281-00243833 process of made of silicon. Maybe silicon, flash memory is made of silicon, so why not GhphjhYjCYu-00342-00243833-00244519 just blow them on a solar panel and get 125 watts per square meter if you're lucky, process GhphjhYjCYu-00343-00244519-00245220 runs about two or three watts. That could talk to your local computer with Wi-Fi. And GhphjhYjCYu-00344-00245220-00245704 you keep all of your personal data on this. Is that crazy? Every time we book an airline GhphjhYjCYu-00345-00245704-00246455 ticket or hotel, we leak massive amounts of information to commercial interests. And it's GhphjhYjCYu-00346-00246455-00246884 for their benefit. Not for our benefit. What we should do is suppose you want to book GhphjhYjCYu-00347-00246884-00247346 an airline ticket it he moment in the hotel because you're going on holiday. What you GhphjhYjCYu-00348-00247346-00247857 do is you go to booking sites, you go to airline number one and say how much does it cost to GhphjhYjCYu-00349-00247857-00248350 go to Barcelona for the weekend? And you get a quote. Oh, it's too expensive. Try booking GhphjhYjCYu-00350-00248350-00249094 site number two. But they already know you've been to booking site number one. Oh, he has GhphjhYjCYu-00351-00249094-00249880 a MacBook, he can afford it. Or a crappy ol' Windows. GhphjhYjCYu-00352-00249880-00250419 And then you want a hotel and things like that. So the alternative you keep this data GhphjhYjCYu-00353-00250419-00250882 on your only computer at home, you don't leak anything to anybody. You go to ten travel GhphjhYjCYu-00354-00250882-00251300 agents and say can I have your computer program, please? I want to run it locally. GhphjhYjCYu-00355-00251300-00251931 You request these programs, you run them locally and each of them gives you a quote and the GhphjhYjCYu-00356-00251931-00252292 hotels give you a quote. You haven't revealed to anybody what dates you're moving. You haven't GhphjhYjCYu-00357-00252292-00253015 revealed your plans, you haven't told the NSA or the national security, and then you GhphjhYjCYu-00358-00253015-00253533 send out your answers to ones -- I'm choosing you, you, and you. And you haven't incidentally GhphjhYjCYu-00359-00253533-00254164 leaked all of this information about yourself to advertising agencies and security agencies GhphjhYjCYu-00360-00254164-00254705 and everybody else. We need to bring back computing to the people. Okay? So once it's GhphjhYjCYu-00361-00254705-00255276 like that, it will talk to the neighbors' houses, your house, a little battery when GhphjhYjCYu-00362-00255276-00255774 the sun goes down, it might not work. I don't know. GhphjhYjCYu-00363-00255774-00256490 And then of course you can stick it on your car roof. And then when you drive into a parking GhphjhYjCYu-00364-00256490-00256998 lot of a big supermarket, you know, there would be thousands, 500 cars, and it would GhphjhYjCYu-00365-00256998-00257478 form a supercomputing cluster. It would say hello, oh, another computer there. Just build GhphjhYjCYu-00366-00257478-00258066 a supercomputer. And that's the sun goes around the earth, the computations will follow it, GhphjhYjCYu-00367-00258066-00258569 the data will follow it, and it will be a green computer. We can throw away all of these GhphjhYjCYu-00368-00258569-00259059 data centers. Right so, yeah, that's what you could do with GhphjhYjCYu-00369-00259059-00259744 it. Stick with it. Yeah, whatever. Stick it on your roof and your house becomes a supercomputer, GhphjhYjCYu-00370-00259744-00260246 keep your own data on your own computer, make a planet wide global computer with renewable GhphjhYjCYu-00371-00260246-00261100 sources. That's what you guys have to do. I'm kind of not so active program -- well, GhphjhYjCYu-00372-00261100-00261708 yeah, I am actually. But I'm sort of -- it's like a drug. I'm in withdrawal at the moment GhphjhYjCYu-00373-00261708-00262277 because I don't do it as much as I used to. So finally just, you know, have fun and have GhphjhYjCYu-00374-00262277-00262396 a great conference and thank you very much. [Applause] GhphjhYjCYu-00375-00262396-00262496 >> Thank you, Joe. So sadly we don't have time for questions. We don't have time. Sorry. GhphjhYjCYu-00376-00262496-00262596 >> Oh, we don't have time. >> Sorry. We ran out of time. But if you have GhphjhYjCYu-00377-00262596-00262696 questions for Joe, either grab him when you see him over the next couple of days, or you GhphjhYjCYu-00378-00262696-00262697 can tweet him, and maybe he'll respond. GidA1HOXJtk-00000-00000231-00000601 Audiqueen features the possibility to add keywords to a patient. GidA1HOXJtk-00001-00000661-00001031 In the current version, keywords show up in the Patient tab on the ribbon. GidA1HOXJtk-00002-00001108-00001504 Future versions will allow queries and statistics to be performed on these keywords. GidA1HOXJtk-00003-00001584-00001847 Click on the patient group in the ribbon. GidA1HOXJtk-00004-00001907-00002177 Here you see a list of keywords. GidA1HOXJtk-00005-00003077-00003457 Select a keyword, and use this arrow to attribute it to the patient. GidA1HOXJtk-00006-00003557-00004061 Use the right mouse button to specify whether the keyword holds for one ear or both. GidA1HOXJtk-00007-00004682-00005212 If you don't find the keyword of your choice, you can press "Add Keyword" to create a new keyword GidA1HOXJtk-00008-00006080-00006409 You can drag and drop the keyword to position it in the list GidA1HOXJtk-00009-00007050-00007509 Use this checkbox to decide how the keywords should appear in the ribbon. Gixegu8Z4kc-00000-00004997-00005252 I'm going... Gixegu8Z4kc-00001-00005393-00005802 My honey going to work? Let me check you out Gixegu8Z4kc-00002-00005805-00006048 Well, what a naughty boy you are! Gixegu8Z4kc-00003-00006050-00006320 You are not so young to handle this thing Gixegu8Z4kc-00004-00006326-00006737 Alright...alright... Gixegu8Z4kc-00005-00006841-00007043 see you later Gixegu8Z4kc-00006-00007047-00007320 I wonder when spring will come, winter is too cold Gixegu8Z4kc-00007-00007330-00007602 See you Gixegu8Z4kc-00008-00018486-00019271 Ceylon Serendipity Gixegu8Z4kc-00009-00020227-00021144 Oh yeah? I'm starting stage again Gixegu8Z4kc-00010-00021147-00021882 Of course, I want to play the main character Gixegu8Z4kc-00011-00021893-00022399 Nothing, even a small role in my best Gixegu8Z4kc-00012-00022402-00022866 What role does Seo-ye take on? Gixegu8Z4kc-00013-00022950-00023184 Really? Gixegu8Z4kc-00014-00023338-00023755 This is sick Gixegu8Z4kc-00015-00024401-00024827 Ok, see you Gixegu8Z4kc-00016-00025363-00025659 You are absolutely photogenic, aren't you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00017-00025661-00026028 The biz graph shows low and tough and these creates a lot of disputes Gixegu8Z4kc-00018-00026032-00026266 So it happens every company Gixegu8Z4kc-00019-00026982-00027126 Hello? Gixegu8Z4kc-00020-00027435-00027885 Ask Da-sol about it Gixegu8Z4kc-00021-00027889-00028311 I think she did it Gixegu8Z4kc-00022-00028313-00028734 I got to go Gixegu8Z4kc-00023-00028870-00029262 Last time I saw your daughter, she looked amazing Gixegu8Z4kc-00024-00029265-00029484 Does she have a boyfriend? Gixegu8Z4kc-00025-00029487-00029940 How old are you? Don't even think about it Gixegu8Z4kc-00026-00029942-00030296 what does age have to do with love? Gixegu8Z4kc-00027-00030298-00030571 Don't you I think I'm good enough? Gixegu8Z4kc-00028-00030665-00030818 Show me Gixegu8Z4kc-00029-00031047-00031274 She is nice Gixegu8Z4kc-00030-00031284-00031680 How much do you make a year? Gixegu8Z4kc-00031-00032023-00032611 What's that? It looks cool Gixegu8Z4kc-00032-00032866-00033122 Someone gave it to me Gixegu8Z4kc-00033-00033125-00033379 Here is your drink Gixegu8Z4kc-00034-00035236-00035512 Jun-hee, woo was the guy you were with? Gixegu8Z4kc-00035-00035515-00035856 Have you got yourself a boyfriend? Did he take a break from school? Gixegu8Z4kc-00036-00035873-00036403 Yes. He came back this year Gixegu8Z4kc-00037-00036406-00036740 That's what I thought. He didn't look like a new one Gixegu8Z4kc-00038-00036742-00037076 How could you possibly know such a handsome man though? Gixegu8Z4kc-00039-00037079-00037345 Pretty girl gets handsome boy? Gixegu8Z4kc-00040-00037348-00037607 That's not it... Gixegu8Z4kc-00041-00037687-00038052 What? Tell me. Who is he? Gixegu8Z4kc-00042-00039039-00039456 You are not the only one who love Oasis drylaundry shop Gixegu8Z4kc-00043-00039993-00040518 (One man streching his shouler in the middle of chatting people) Gixegu8Z4kc-00044-00041089-00041424 Does it cover me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00045-00041814-00041879 Hey Gixegu8Z4kc-00046-00041881-00042007 Why? Gixegu8Z4kc-00047-00042010-00042826 Hey would you give me a cup of coffee please? Gixegu8Z4kc-00048-00042829-00043449 Don't you think you'd better divorce than living such a way? Gixegu8Z4kc-00049-00043452-00043868 So these days many men are playboy.. Gixegu8Z4kc-00050-00044012-00044408 I think it reasonble to divorce rather than living with patience Gixegu8Z4kc-00051-00044426-00044765 We see many woman painstakingly live harsh life with violent husbant Gixegu8Z4kc-00052-00044949-00045060 Anyway Gixegu8Z4kc-00053-00045228-00045542 I feel so thanks ful 'cause you come to me Gixegu8Z4kc-00054-00045545-00046259 Well I even can't remember whether I come or not 'cause I have been drunk since last night Gixegu8Z4kc-00055-00048379-00048564 Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00056-00048821-00049091 Where are you going mom? Gixegu8Z4kc-00057-00049184-00049402 Going to market. You want to come along? Gixegu8Z4kc-00058-00049406-00049547 Yes Gixegu8Z4kc-00059-00051057-00051427 I want to get some Tteokbokki Gixegu8Z4kc-00060-00051429-00051693 No, we are having dinner with your dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00061-00051830-00051975 Dad? Gixegu8Z4kc-00062-00052360-00052710 Trendy men take care of their skin Gixegu8Z4kc-00063-00052959-00053141 take care Gixegu8Z4kc-00064-00053503-00053696 What's your role? Gixegu8Z4kc-00065-00054070-00054166 Are you main? Gixegu8Z4kc-00066-00054252-00054527 Da-sol, get us some citrus Gixegu8Z4kc-00067-00054530-00054650 There's nothing! Gixegu8Z4kc-00068-00054653-00054917 It is in balcony! Gixegu8Z4kc-00069-00054919-00055201 Am I the only person here?? Gixegu8Z4kc-00070-00057482-00057620 What the....!? Gixegu8Z4kc-00071-00058383-00058636 They make good films thesedays Gixegu8Z4kc-00072-00059670-00059984 Get yourself some sleep Gixegu8Z4kc-00073-00060416-00060867 Yeah...let's just sleep Gixegu8Z4kc-00074-00061114-00061356 just sleep Gixegu8Z4kc-00075-00061540-00061718 Honey, fix it Gixegu8Z4kc-00076-00068826-00069018 You do not know well Gixegu8Z4kc-00077-00069049-00069561 My friend is also weak. He tened to be flacked out anytime leaning against anywhere Gixegu8Z4kc-00078-00069597-00069858 Are you still dating? It's about time you get married! Gixegu8Z4kc-00079-00069868-00070032 Hey. hey. Don't interrupt Gixegu8Z4kc-00080-00070034-00070205 So what? what? Gixegu8Z4kc-00081-00070247-00070581 Have you heard about Yongbongtang Gixegu8Z4kc-00082-00070644-00070962 Which is made with turtle Gixegu8Z4kc-00083-00070964-00071522 Try it if you want to strengthen his manhood Gixegu8Z4kc-00084-00071924-00072792 After drinking it he is really huisance at night, These days I lack of sleep Gixegu8Z4kc-00085-00082309-00082705 Da-sol, I play a grandma here Gixegu8Z4kc-00086-00082708-00083008 Do you think I should bend my back? Gixegu8Z4kc-00087-00083010-00083280 Yes, if that makes you a grandma Gixegu8Z4kc-00088-00083282-00083647 Wait...many grandmas look young these days Gixegu8Z4kc-00089-00083650-00084011 Yeah? Then, don't Gixegu8Z4kc-00090-00084149-00084362 Doesn't it too normal? Gixegu8Z4kc-00091-00084365-00084682 When granma comes in she must bend back Gixegu8Z4kc-00092-00084684-00084933 it requires me of well behave when sitting Gixegu8Z4kc-00093-00085349-00085536 Ahoo~ Gixegu8Z4kc-00094-00085539-00085859 This village doesn't see any laundryshop Gixegu8Z4kc-00095-00085861-00086511 From that Youngmaru village to here walking I couldn't spot any shop with even open eye Gixegu8Z4kc-00096-00086514-00086702 Hello? Gixegu8Z4kc-00097-00086868-00087184 Nothing Gixegu8Z4kc-00098-00087186-00087443 It's alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00099-00087708-00087976 Oh, sure Gixegu8Z4kc-00100-00088072-00088703 Yeah? Then, I'll come over tomorrow Gixegu8Z4kc-00101-00088706-00088943 See you, then Gixegu8Z4kc-00102-00089590-00089974 Honey, you didn't forget about going to a temple next week a on Buddha's Birthday? Gixegu8Z4kc-00103-00089976-00090196 I didn't Gixegu8Z4kc-00104-00090313-00090439 Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00105-00090441-00090570 Why? Gixegu8Z4kc-00106-00090572-00091172 We went to church with you on this Easter. You are coming with me to temple this time. right? Gixegu8Z4kc-00107-00091175-00091499 No thanks...you and Su-nam can have fun there Gixegu8Z4kc-00108-00091501-00091852 Don't you want to get some fresh air there? Gixegu8Z4kc-00109-00092994-00093187 Aae-so, show me something fun Gixegu8Z4kc-00110-00098947-00099144 Ahoo~ Gixegu8Z4kc-00111-00099146-00099318 Ugh...my leg... Gixegu8Z4kc-00112-00099321-00099501 Ahoo~ To hard.. Gixegu8Z4kc-00113-00099871-00100272 this village doesn't see any laundryshop Gixegu8Z4kc-00114-00100275-00101197 From that Yongmaru village to here walking I couldn't spot any shop with even open eye Gixegu8Z4kc-00115-00101199-00102496 Even though I found one they didn't even welcome me Gixegu8Z4kc-00116-00102498-00102728 Why does the world go like this? Gixegu8Z4kc-00117-00108331-00109045 Homage to the Perfection of Wisdom, the lovely, the Holy! Gixegu8Z4kc-00118-00109143-00110358 Avalokita Bodhisattva was moving in the deep course of the wisdom which has gone beyond Gixegu8Z4kc-00119-00110741-00111433 He looked down from on high and saw but five skandhas which, in their own being, were empty Gixegu8Z4kc-00120-00111436-00112760 'Here, O Sariputra, Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form; Form does not differ from Emptiness, Gixegu8Z4kc-00121-00112942-00113811 Emptiness does not differ from Form; whatever is Empty, that is Form, whatever is Form that is Empty Gixegu8Z4kc-00122-00113815-00114896 The same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses and consciousness. O Sariputra, all dharmas are marked with Emptiness, Gixegu8Z4kc-00123-00114899-00115678 O sarioutra, all dharmas are marked wiht Emptiness, they have no beginning and no end, Gixegu8Z4kc-00124-00115681-00116199 they are neither imperfect nor perfect, neither deficient nor complete Gixegu8Z4kc-00125-00116202-00116910 Therefore, O sariputra, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, no perceptiom, no name, Gixegu8Z4kc-00126-00117114-00117867 no concepts, no knowledge. No eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; Gixegu8Z4kc-00127-00117870-00118660 no forms, no sounds, smells, tastes, ables or objects of the mind, no sight organ, Gixegu8Z4kc-00128-00118830-00119664 no hearing organ and so forth to no mind consciousness element Gixegu8Z4kc-00129-00119667-00120434 no ignorance or extinction of ignorance or extinction of ignorance Gixegu8Z4kc-00130-00120437-00121208 no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death Gixegu8Z4kc-00131-00121291-00122273 There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path, no cognition, no attainment, nor anything to attain Gixegu8Z4kc-00132-00122289-00123040 There is nothing to accomplish and so Bodhisattvas can rely on the Perfection of Wisdom without trouble Gixegu8Z4kc-00133-00123319-00123971 Being without trouble, they are not afraid having overcome anything upsetting, Gixegu8Z4kc-00134-00124524-00124742 Hey, Jun-hee. Is he your boyfriend? Gixegu8Z4kc-00135-00124909-00125106 Wait! Is he Jong-sun? Gixegu8Z4kc-00136-00128999-00129205 What are you doing up so late? Gixegu8Z4kc-00137-00129257-00129449 Are you still awake? Gixegu8Z4kc-00138-00129508-00129699 I just woke up Gixegu8Z4kc-00139-00129980-00130145 Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00140-00130148-00130277 Yes? Gixegu8Z4kc-00141-00130280-00130708 Today is your birthday. Did you know? Gixegu8Z4kc-00142-00130716-00131352 Of course, I do. I thought you didn't remember Gixegu8Z4kc-00143-00131548-00131699 Of course not Gixegu8Z4kc-00144-00131911-00132690 It's been ten years since I started to make his birthday dinner Gixegu8Z4kc-00145-00132959-00133180 Time really flies Gixegu8Z4kc-00146-00133407-00134045 I'm relieved. I didn't feel good because I thought you didn't know Gixegu8Z4kc-00147-00134663-00135113 I'm so sorry Gixegu8Z4kc-00148-00135334-00136599 I'm sorry that I made too many excuses not to take care of you Gixegu8Z4kc-00149-00137050-00137475 It's okay. I'm good Gixegu8Z4kc-00150-00137478-00138018 We are happy now. Dad will be happy too Gixegu8Z4kc-00151-00138388-00138670 You have grown up Gixegu8Z4kc-00152-00138673-00138978 Yeah sure, I'm grown-up now Gixegu8Z4kc-00153-00139738-00140058 Why don't I hug you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00154-00142549-00142775 Look at your clothes. Where do you think you're going? Gixegu8Z4kc-00155-00142777-00142877 Going to school!! Gixegu8Z4kc-00156-00142880-00143169 To study or to hook up a man? Gixegu8Z4kc-00157-00143172-00143415 What is wrong with you? It's pretty! Gixegu8Z4kc-00158-00143418-00143646 Where did you get this kind of cloth? Gixegu8Z4kc-00159-00143771-00144009 Didn't you said I could wear this if I went to university? Gixegu8Z4kc-00160-00144012-00144581 This is not pretty at all. Don't even think about wearing this. Change right now! Gixegu8Z4kc-00161-00146319-00146703 Yes? Gixegu8Z4kc-00162-00146705-00146958 A document? Gixegu8Z4kc-00163-00146961-00147203 drawer? Gixegu8Z4kc-00164-00147206-00147478 Television drawer? Gixegu8Z4kc-00165-00147763-00148081 Hey! Did you put it here on purpose? Gixegu8Z4kc-00166-00148085-00148257 I think it belongs there... Gixegu8Z4kc-00167-00148260-00148535 How can I find things if it's here? Gixegu8Z4kc-00168-00149035-00149201 This is how it should look Gixegu8Z4kc-00169-00150544-00151348 They talk so loud without knowing anything about anything really... Gixegu8Z4kc-00170-00152746-00153200 Why do you look for me? Parctice Gixegu8Z4kc-00171-00153203-00153418 I did yesterday Gixegu8Z4kc-00172-00153420-00153536 I changed character today Gixegu8Z4kc-00173-00161368-00161594 Su-nam Gixegu8Z4kc-00174-00161596-00162010 why are you sitting on my cellphone? I was looking for it! Gixegu8Z4kc-00175-00162013-00162440 I didn't do it on purpose. Don't be so mean Gixegu8Z4kc-00176-00164320-00164721 I saw you calling your dad, Su-nam Gixegu8Z4kc-00177-00164723-00165193 Until when will you call him that? Gixegu8Z4kc-00178-00165195-00165524 It's about time you call him dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00179-00165527-00165823 You are not a small child anymore Gixegu8Z4kc-00180-00165826-00166169 He always sits on my cellphone Gixegu8Z4kc-00181-00166172-00166368 Do you know this is the second time? Gixegu8Z4kc-00182-00166602-00166805 I'm sorry. An old habit dies hard Gixegu8Z4kc-00183-00168352-00168717 It's really annoying. It's my father's 80th birthday Gixegu8Z4kc-00184-00168719-00168854 Father-in-law? Gixegu8Z4kc-00185-00168969-00169199 I've told him I would take him overseas Gixegu8Z4kc-00186-00169201-00169611 As his first child, I'm really ashamed of not being able to do anything much for him Gixegu8Z4kc-00187-00169614-00169865 It's not your fault. You just met a bad husband Gixegu8Z4kc-00188-00170085-00170336 Don't blame yourself Gixegu8Z4kc-00189-00170580-00170903 I wish my big brother didn't fall ill Gixegu8Z4kc-00190-00170906-00170995 What about Dae-young? Gixegu8Z4kc-00191-00171129-00171226 What about Dae-young!! Gixegu8Z4kc-00192-00171229-00171530 Ah...she went to a library Gixegu8Z4kc-00193-00171615-00172023 Is she really not going to college? Gixegu8Z4kc-00194-00172083-00172458 She said she want to take a civil service exam Gixegu8Z4kc-00195-00172460-00172891 I won't go to college. I want to become a public servant Gixegu8Z4kc-00196-00172893-00173040 Because of us... Gixegu8Z4kc-00197-00173043-00173314 I'll consider college if I fail on the public service exam Gixegu8Z4kc-00198-00173397-00173549 I just can't go on with this laundry Gixegu8Z4kc-00199-00173551-00173788 If you go to a discount store, they'll clean your clothes in less than a minute. Gixegu8Z4kc-00200-00173791-00173954 But here, look at you. We just can't compete Gixegu8Z4kc-00201-00173956-00174143 I can't bear to see Mom go out to clean Gixegu8Z4kc-00202-00174146-00174304 Do you have much to work on? Gixegu8Z4kc-00203-00174306-00174581 Well no...no work Gixegu8Z4kc-00204-00174584-00174840 I will mend for you. Just take it easy and go to sleep Gixegu8Z4kc-00205-00174843-00175287 I feel so down when I see Mom's shoulder aches Gixegu8Z4kc-00206-00176900-00177061 Da-sol. Gixegu8Z4kc-00207-00177063-00177540 I'm now married to your new father Gixegu8Z4kc-00208-00177545-00177909 Why don't you call him your father? Gixegu8Z4kc-00209-00177911-00178189 Mom, why do I have to call Su-nam, my father? Gixegu8Z4kc-00210-00178279-00178490 Because Gixegu8Z4kc-00211-00178494-00178681 Your new father Gixegu8Z4kc-00212-00178684-00178946 and I have liked each other for long Gixegu8Z4kc-00213-00179017-00179207 Now, Gixegu8Z4kc-00214-00179209-00179337 I... Gixegu8Z4kc-00215-00179339-00179529 Love him Gixegu8Z4kc-00216-00179531-00179747 and... Gixegu8Z4kc-00217-00179749-00180104 and he cares about you Gixegu8Z4kc-00218-00180109-00180605 and is our family Gixegu8Z4kc-00219-00180762-00180945 So, Gixegu8Z4kc-00220-00180948-00181203 how about calling him dad, please Gixegu8Z4kc-00221-00182234-00182384 Su-nam!! Gixegu8Z4kc-00222-00189539-00189664 Excuse me Gixegu8Z4kc-00223-00189667-00189809 Welcome, can I help you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00224-00189843-00190049 I want one Yongbongtang to go please? Gixegu8Z4kc-00225-00198284-00198930 Why men are not there to understand the mind of a woman? Gixegu8Z4kc-00226-00198933-00199257 I can not understand such a man Gixegu8Z4kc-00227-00199337-00199466 What are you talking about? Gixegu8Z4kc-00228-00199778-00199887 Are you sick? Gixegu8Z4kc-00229-00200050-00200520 Why would he say to me what's in his mind. He is not fool or something? Gixegu8Z4kc-00230-00200523-00201026 What's wrong with him? Gixegu8Z4kc-00231-00201325-00202209 He can say he likes me and that he wants to go out wiht me Gixegu8Z4kc-00232-00202213-00202634 Why would he turn such a simple matter into a compliated thing? Gixegu8Z4kc-00233-00202636-00203215 Because he likes you and is giving a lot of thought into it Gixegu8Z4kc-00234-00203217-00203415 He doesn't want to be rejected Gixegu8Z4kc-00235-00203418-00203665 No? I don't intent to say no Gixegu8Z4kc-00236-00203919-00204174 I mean.. Gixegu8Z4kc-00237-00204374-00204665 if someone's going to say no, sooner the better Gixegu8Z4kc-00238-00204668-00205094 It makes him give up and find someone else Gixegu8Z4kc-00239-00205096-00205395 It's just a waste of time Gixegu8Z4kc-00240-00205584-00206058 Yes, men are cowards Gixegu8Z4kc-00241-00206060-00206656 We are ready to fall in love and they don't know it? Gixegu8Z4kc-00242-00206658-00207065 And why are you so serious? Gixegu8Z4kc-00243-00207068-00207634 It's simple as you said Gixegu8Z4kc-00244-00207638-00208102 Get to him at the end-of-term party and Jong-sun may reveal his true heart Gixegu8Z4kc-00245-00208489-00208641 What are you talking about? Gixegu8Z4kc-00246-00208643-00209000 It's not about him! Gixegu8Z4kc-00247-00210427-00210779 Mom, why wouldn't you give me that? Gixegu8Z4kc-00248-00210781-00211076 That's not good for women's skin. You eat it Gixegu8Z4kc-00249-00216367-00216557 It's hot out here Gixegu8Z4kc-00250-00216560-00216735 Sure it is Gixegu8Z4kc-00251-00216738-00216992 Where are you planning to go on holiday Mr. Lee? Gixegu8Z4kc-00252-00216995-00217175 I feel like going to beach Gixegu8Z4kc-00253-00217178-00217365 You got it right Gixegu8Z4kc-00254-00217367-00217531 Mountain is better than beach Gixegu8Z4kc-00255-00217533-00217892 What are you talking about? Beach is better Gixegu8Z4kc-00256-00217894-00218136 It's hot in beach. Mountain cools you down Gixegu8Z4kc-00257-00218138-00218716 You go to beach with your kids and let them swim Gixegu8Z4kc-00258-00218719-00219470 Then, I just wear sunglasses and check out girls Gixegu8Z4kc-00259-00219473-00219713 You don't know anything like this Gixegu8Z4kc-00260-00219716-00220031 Which beach is good? Gixegu8Z4kc-00261-00220041-00220446 Haeundae beach is nice Gixegu8Z4kc-00262-00220448-00221437 A lot of people and a lot of girls... Gixegu8Z4kc-00263-00221826-00222171 Wait. I'll get some coffee. Let's continue when I come back Gixegu8Z4kc-00264-00224618-00224918 You are Jun-hee. aren't you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00265-00224921-00225024 You know me right? Gixegu8Z4kc-00266-00225027-00225167 A friend of Seung-gi Gixegu8Z4kc-00267-00225170-00225389 I've heard about you Gixegu8Z4kc-00268-00225392-00225785 You and Seung-gi went to high school together Gixegu8Z4kc-00269-00226081-00226811 I told Seung-gi to introduce you about a month ago. He said he wouldn't Gixegu8Z4kc-00270-00226813-00227393 Jong-sun! Don't you know Jun-hee has a boyfriend? What is wrong with you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00271-00227396-00227716 Do you recongnize Seoung-gie and Joonhei as campus couple? Gixegu8Z4kc-00272-00227719-00227991 Why would you say that? Seung-gi is my cousin Gixegu8Z4kc-00273-00227994-00228508 I was joking when I told you he is my lover. Did you believe it true? Gixegu8Z4kc-00274-00231075-00231308 Don't you think we have too many insurances? Gixegu8Z4kc-00275-00231800-00232114 What was I thinking when I bought these policies? Gixegu8Z4kc-00276-00232270-00232612 You liked me then Gixegu8Z4kc-00277-00232615-00232889 These are just waste of money now Gixegu8Z4kc-00278-00232891-00233086 I will cancel them Gixegu8Z4kc-00279-00233089-00233568 Don't cancel all of them. Just in case Gixegu8Z4kc-00280-00233692-00233988 Mom! Do you like me wig? Gixegu8Z4kc-00281-00234218-00234453 Look!! Gixegu8Z4kc-00282-00234567-00234892 What is this? Take it away... Gixegu8Z4kc-00283-00235166-00235288 Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00284-00235291-00235552 you know your aunt Jun-gug Gixegu8Z4kc-00285-00235555-00235877 who went to Gangwon Province after marriage? Gixegu8Z4kc-00286-00235879-00236179 There is a lodge with a swimming pool Gixegu8Z4kc-00287-00236181-00236404 Let's go there during this holiday Gixegu8Z4kc-00288-00236406-00236705 No, I want to hang out with my friends Gixegu8Z4kc-00289-00236899-00237120 Is there a swimming pool? Gixegu8Z4kc-00290-00245177-00245519 You really liked Jong-sun, didn't you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00291-00245523-00246160 You just don't know how I feel because you're going well with Seung-gi! Gixegu8Z4kc-00292-00246837-00246930 Su-nam Gixegu8Z4kc-00293-00246932-00247254 when you were in elementary school, Gixegu8Z4kc-00294-00247259-00247580 Did you give walnut cookies to me and not your little sister? Gixegu8Z4kc-00295-00247582-00247928 Did I? When? Gixegu8Z4kc-00296-00247932-00248204 I remember it Gixegu8Z4kc-00297-00248207-00248762 Your father took a business trip and bought some walnut cookies Gixegu8Z4kc-00298-00248765-00249234 Hee-suk got mad at you because you gave them to me and not to her Gixegu8Z4kc-00299-00249236-00249484 I don't remeber it. When did I do it? Gixegu8Z4kc-00300-00249486-00249832 What is it? I thought you like me, then Gixegu8Z4kc-00301-00249835-00250020 No way Gixegu8Z4kc-00302-00250023-00250331 How can a middle school boy like a young elementary school kid who had runny nose?? Gixegu8Z4kc-00303-00250333-00250571 I didn't have runny nose Gixegu8Z4kc-00304-00250573-00251145 I thought you liked me because of my boob. Sneaky! Gixegu8Z4kc-00305-00251147-00251265 What are you talking about? Gixegu8Z4kc-00306-00251268-00251705 you were boyish, hitting boys! Gixegu8Z4kc-00307-00251708-00251810 Did I? when? Gixegu8Z4kc-00308-00251814-00251887 You hit Myung-cheol! Gixegu8Z4kc-00309-00251889-00252121 Did I? Did I hit Myung-cheol? Gixegu8Z4kc-00310-00252124-00252162 You did! Gixegu8Z4kc-00311-00252164-00252951 No. Girls were playing with elastic spring and he cut it. That is why I hit him... Gixegu8Z4kc-00312-00252953-00253037 That is not true Gixegu8Z4kc-00313-00253040-00253284 Myung-cheol asked me to take revenge because you hit him without reason Gixegu8Z4kc-00314-00253287-00253636 No, I didn't When did I do it?? Gixegu8Z4kc-00315-00253639-00253705 Really! Gixegu8Z4kc-00316-00253708-00253965 He really asked me to take revenge Gixegu8Z4kc-00317-00253968-00254137 That is not true Gixegu8Z4kc-00318-00254139-00254214 Really! Gixegu8Z4kc-00319-00254217-00254400 No, I didn't Gixegu8Z4kc-00320-00254402-00254511 That is true Gixegu8Z4kc-00321-00254513-00254558 I didn't! Gixegu8Z4kc-00322-00254561-00254688 You really hit Myung-cheol! Gixegu8Z4kc-00323-00254690-00254889 When did I do it? Gixegu8Z4kc-00324-00254892-00254988 That is true Gixegu8Z4kc-00325-00254990-00255162 Maybe I was beaten by myung-cheo Gixegu8Z4kc-00326-00255165-00255606 So I asked you to take revenge Gixegu8Z4kc-00327-00256468-00256563 Jin-gug! Gixegu8Z4kc-00328-00256565-00256713 Min-che! Gixegu8Z4kc-00329-00256819-00256965 Hey! How have you been doing? Gixegu8Z4kc-00330-00256968-00257140 Good and you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00331-00257142-00257252 How was your travel? Gixegu8Z4kc-00332-00257254-00257542 It was fine. Su-nam did all the heavy lifting Gixegu8Z4kc-00333-00257544-00257817 Stupid Jong-sun Gixegu8Z4kc-00334-00258357-00258931 He was the first one who approached to me. Making a fuss Gixegu8Z4kc-00335-00258933-00259062 And now what? Gixegu8Z4kc-00336-00259065-00259279 How can be do this to me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00337-00259281-00259458 Is this 70s? Gixegu8Z4kc-00338-00260400-00260618 Am I just not enough? Gixegu8Z4kc-00339-00260755-00261029 What is it that makes Jun-hee better than me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00340-00261036-00261219 Aunt? Am I ugly? Gixegu8Z4kc-00341-00261224-00261524 Don't you think... Gixegu8Z4kc-00342-00261530-00261749 I'm cute? Gixegu8Z4kc-00343-00262085-00262449 Yeah, you're so cute Gixegu8Z4kc-00344-00262453-00263153 And call me sister, not aunt Gixegu8Z4kc-00345-00263158-00263528 I think we are not so far in age Gixegu8Z4kc-00346-00263532-00263736 Lee Jong-sun? Gixegu8Z4kc-00347-00263740-00264211 I would kick his butt for you Gixegu8Z4kc-00348-00264218-00264453 I now look a little older Gixegu8Z4kc-00349-00264456-00264841 But a long time ago, there I was very pretty Gixegu8Z4kc-00350-00264848-00265030 Just give me his number Gixegu8Z4kc-00351-00265033-00265271 Where is my phone? Gixegu8Z4kc-00352-00265273-00265360 Is he tall? Gixegu8Z4kc-00353-00265362-00265458 He's very tall! Gixegu8Z4kc-00354-00265461-00265529 Is he handsome? Gixegu8Z4kc-00355-00265532-00265686 He's handsome! Gixegu8Z4kc-00356-00266020-00266275 They seem to be drinking too much Gixegu8Z4kc-00357-00266318-00266788 Let's try drinking. Drink come on Gixegu8Z4kc-00358-00269609-00269870 Dasol, Sohyeon! Enjoy watermelon! Gixegu8Z4kc-00359-00269873-00269988 Ok Gixegu8Z4kc-00360-00272898-00273009 What happened to Hyeongchul? Gixegu8Z4kc-00361-00273783-00273990 When will be coffin borne out of the house? Gixegu8Z4kc-00362-00274865-00274988 Father Gixegu8Z4kc-00363-00274993-00275184 sister Gixegu8Z4kc-00364-00282757-00282925 Message for you! Gixegu8Z4kc-00365-00283950-00284247 Hey, I think Da-sol likes you. What do you think about her? Gixegu8Z4kc-00366-00284251-00284816 [on message] Da-sol: Buy me dinner at the next, Seung Gi: Of couse, See you tomorrow then, good night! Da-sol : Ok :) see you tomorrow Gixegu8Z4kc-00367-00285546-00285924 Yes you didn't signify in detail Gixegu8Z4kc-00368-00286615-00286968 So about the spec you need to be specific Gixegu8Z4kc-00369-00287315-00287734 What you state as high class wall paper is dubious Gixegu8Z4kc-00370-00287941-00288163 Special condition? Gixegu8Z4kc-00371-00288845-00289290 You have nice statement about special condition Gixegu8Z4kc-00372-00289293-00289870 But you should be specific Gixegu8Z4kc-00373-00289876-00290528 about spec to the construction dealer Gixegu8Z4kc-00374-00299424-00299709 Mr.Heo, please come in Gixegu8Z4kc-00375-00306550-00306698 Hello? Gixegu8Z4kc-00376-00309424-00309568 What`s your dream now? Gixegu8Z4kc-00377-00309570-00309911 My dream is to die quickly Gixegu8Z4kc-00378-00310084-00310273 Shouldn`t live too long Gixegu8Z4kc-00379-00310275-00310501 What dream is that gonna die soon? Gixegu8Z4kc-00380-00310503-00310803 If older should not live long Gixegu8Z4kc-00381-00310952-00311330 Is that true or is it a joke? Gixegu8Z4kc-00382-00311332-00311630 isn`t that right? Gixegu8Z4kc-00383-00311633-00311821 It`s just a joke? Gixegu8Z4kc-00384-00311823-00312093 I would die to see you guys live well Gixegu8Z4kc-00385-00331435-00331535 Are you asleep? Gixegu8Z4kc-00386-00332464-00332592 What`s wrong? Gixegu8Z4kc-00387-00332748-00332860 Nothing... Gixegu8Z4kc-00388-00333590-00333793 It`s not nothing. What`s wrong? Gixegu8Z4kc-00389-00333911-00334079 Nothing... Gixegu8Z4kc-00390-00335411-00335490 Min-che Gixegu8Z4kc-00391-00335615-00335682 Yes? Gixegu8Z4kc-00392-00335904-00336386 I feel like going to Sri Lanka to see my kids Gixegu8Z4kc-00393-00336893-00337046 What are you talking about? Gixegu8Z4kc-00394-00338207-00338613 It`s been a long time since I met my kids and their mother Gixegu8Z4kc-00395-00340479-00340785 Su-nam, we need to talk Gixegu8Z4kc-00396-00342044-00342214 I know Gixegu8Z4kc-00397-00342298-00342539 They are your kids Gixegu8Z4kc-00398-00342542-00342775 and of course you want to see them Gixegu8Z4kc-00399-00342973-00343130 But we promisse Gixegu8Z4kc-00400-00343251-00343495 that we would let bygones be bygones when we got remarride Gixegu8Z4kc-00401-00343931-00344059 Da-sol is Gixegu8Z4kc-00402-00344062-00344322 getting past her puberry Gixegu8Z4kc-00403-00344326-00344564 and is just about to accept you as her father Gixegu8Z4kc-00404-00344568-00345062 I just want to see my kids. That`s all Gixegu8Z4kc-00405-00345231-00345653 It means no more than that Gixegu8Z4kc-00406-00345811-00345961 I just Gixegu8Z4kc-00407-00346054-00346404 I`ve decided to start to play again thanks to you Gixegu8Z4kc-00408-00346697-00347144 I told you I just want to see them Gixegu8Z4kc-00409-00347247-00347498 It means no more than that Gixegu8Z4kc-00410-00347762-00347987 Why don`t you go when it gets better? Gixegu8Z4kc-00411-00347990-00348156 Can`t you wait? Gixegu8Z4kc-00412-00349461-00349886 Mr Bae. Do you know what`s wrong with my husband? Gixegu8Z4kc-00413-00350040-00350143 Well... Gixegu8Z4kc-00414-00350475-00350667 It is about last week Gixegu8Z4kc-00415-00350670-00351102 He was asking our boss about a hospital Gixegu8Z4kc-00416-00353809-00354015 We can eat it when your father comes home Gixegu8Z4kc-00417-00354092-00354354 Why do you always bring Su-nam inth everything? Gixegu8Z4kc-00418-00355255-00355514 You came home early? Gixegu8Z4kc-00419-00355516-00355745 I got off school early Gixegu8Z4kc-00420-00355748-00356056 Su-nam, change your clothes and let`s have dinner together. I made Torantang Gixegu8Z4kc-00421-00356058-00356300 Torantang? Gixegu8Z4kc-00422-00356302-00356594 I called mother-in-law and asked what`s your favorite Gixegu8Z4kc-00423-00356597-00356904 I don`t feel like dinner Gixegu8Z4kc-00424-00356907-00357119 I don`t feel like Torantang either~ Gixegu8Z4kc-00425-00357122-00357634 Just sit down and eat! Is it that difficult? Gixegu8Z4kc-00426-00360154-00360264 Hey Gixegu8Z4kc-00427-00360445-00360570 What are we? Gixegu8Z4kc-00428-00361063-00361295 It is about me going to Sri Lanka? Gixegu8Z4kc-00429-00361394-00361764 Is this why you`re mad at me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00430-00362092-00362321 I met Mr Bae today Gixegu8Z4kc-00431-00362976-00363203 Don`t you think I`m the first one to know? Gixegu8Z4kc-00432-00363476-00364269 Did you want to hide it and run to your ex-wife? Gixegu8Z4kc-00433-00364613-00365097 Sorry, I just couldn`t tell you and Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00434-00365638-00365809 Su-nam Gixegu8Z4kc-00435-00365981-00366132 You won`t die Gixegu8Z4kc-00436-00366336-00366491 Just listen to me Gixegu8Z4kc-00437-00366646-00366764 Let`s treat it with me Gixegu8Z4kc-00438-00366952-00367144 Don`t even think about going to somewhere Gixegu8Z4kc-00439-00367410-00367556 Min-chae Gixegu8Z4kc-00440-00367559-00368239 I`m so sorry that I didn`t tell you Gixegu8Z4kc-00441-00368520-00369008 I don`t know if I can live or die Gixegu8Z4kc-00442-00369011-00369476 But since I divorced and my kids went to Sri Lanka Gixegu8Z4kc-00443-00369479-00369738 I haven`t been able to meet them Gixegu8Z4kc-00444-00369740-00370010 I`m still their father Gixegu8Z4kc-00445-00370013-00370563 It will give me some comfort if I can see them again Gixegu8Z4kc-00446-00370565-00370850 Please, understand Gixegu8Z4kc-00447-00370853-00371087 I have no other interntion Gixegu8Z4kc-00448-00371692-00371809 I know Gixegu8Z4kc-00449-00372068-00372215 But Gixegu8Z4kc-00450-00372714-00372892 since we marride Gixegu8Z4kc-00451-00373192-00373369 I`ve tried really hard Gixegu8Z4kc-00452-00373770-00374075 Da-sol is getting closer to putting his father behind her Gixegu8Z4kc-00453-00374405-00374768 Every time she makes you fell bad, Gixegu8Z4kc-00454-00374770-00375012 you understood it Gixegu8Z4kc-00455-00375484-00375814 We are getting better Gixegu8Z4kc-00456-00375817-00376021 But this is not right Gixegu8Z4kc-00457-00376829-00376916 Come in Gixegu8Z4kc-00458-00377109-00377429 Hi, I came to see you Gixegu8Z4kc-00459-00377431-00377626 Da-sol? Gixegu8Z4kc-00460-00377628-00377702 Yes Gixegu8Z4kc-00461-00377795-00378055 I was looking for you because of the exam you look last time? Gixegu8Z4kc-00462-00378057-00378272 I just couldn`t locate your test paper Gixegu8Z4kc-00463-00378373-00378589 I think you need to take the exam again Gixegu8Z4kc-00464-00378658-00378893 But the professor is not here today Gixegu8Z4kc-00465-00378896-00379247 I`ll call you back so you can retake the exam Gixegu8Z4kc-00466-00379515-00379667 Hi? Gixegu8Z4kc-00467-00379670-00379970 Hi. You are Mun-gyoung, aren`t you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00468-00379972-00380226 Good to see you. How are you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00469-00380228-00380378 Fine! Gixegu8Z4kc-00470-00380538-00380923 You look much nicer than before, after going to overseas for studying Gixegu8Z4kc-00471-00380926-00381158 You also look much nicer Gixegu8Z4kc-00472-00381161-00381570 Nice? It`s good it`s not worse Gixegu8Z4kc-00473-00381574-00381751 What brought you here today? Gixegu8Z4kc-00474-00381754-00382158 I came to see Professor Lee Sung-min Is he not here? Gixegu8Z4kc-00475-00382161-00382335 He went to overseas training Gixegu8Z4kc-00476-00382338-00382569 He will come back next month Gixegu8Z4kc-00477-00382786-00382946 Are you coming back to school? Gixegu8Z4kc-00478-00382949-00383172 I am. Maybe next spring? Gixegu8Z4kc-00479-00383584-00383994 Have a cup of tea over there. I`ll be out soon Gixegu8Z4kc-00480-00384198-00384591 I`ll adjust professor`s schedule and contact you again Gixegu8Z4kc-00481-00384594-00384921 As you heard, Professor has gone to overseas training Gixegu8Z4kc-00482-00385194-00385487 What happens if I don`t take the exam? Gixegu8Z4kc-00483-00385489-00385684 Then, you should take more class, I guess Gixegu8Z4kc-00484-00386329-00386632 What about Seung-gi? Is he still at school? Gixegu8Z4kc-00485-00386637-00387068 I think so. He is graduating this year Gixegu8Z4kc-00486-00387070-00387379 He would not know I came back to Korea Gixegu8Z4kc-00487-00387381-00387703 Call him. I`ll give you his number Gixegu8Z4kc-00488-00387705-00388046 He never said but I guess he was waiting for you to come back Gixegu8Z4kc-00489-00388219-00388393 It`s been two years, you know Gixegu8Z4kc-00490-00388396-00388525 Even is he still waiting! Gixegu8Z4kc-00491-00390337-00390558 Mom? Gixegu8Z4kc-00492-00391508-00391675 Mom? Gixegu8Z4kc-00493-00391911-00392032 Da-sol Gixegu8Z4kc-00494-00392527-00393532 What did I do wrong guilty in my previous life? Gixegu8Z4kc-00495-00393535-00394141 How can I carry on? Gixegu8Z4kc-00496-00394143-00394492 What happened? Gixegu8Z4kc-00497-00395188-00395359 Su-nam... Gixegu8Z4kc-00498-00395549-00395936 Su-nam? Su-nam what? Gixegu8Z4kc-00499-00396014-00396265 He... Gixegu8Z4kc-00500-00396500-00396788 Is he sick? Gixegu8Z4kc-00501-00397042-00397242 He has only 6months... Gixegu8Z4kc-00502-00398536-00398838 Seung-gi, let`s drink Gixegu8Z4kc-00503-00398996-00399294 By the way, I haven`t seen Da-sol for a while Gixegu8Z4kc-00504-00399297-00399620 She said she`s not well Gixegu8Z4kc-00505-00406357-00406514 Father Gixegu8Z4kc-00506-00406952-00407164 Are you watching us? Gixegu8Z4kc-00507-00407652-00407943 Is my father doing well up there? Gixegu8Z4kc-00508-00408296-00408560 Is he happy? Gixegu8Z4kc-00509-00409126-00409348 You see, I`ve changed a lot Gixegu8Z4kc-00510-00409531-00410168 I can be happy thinking about my father Gixegu8Z4kc-00511-00410542-00411247 and don`t hate my new father much Gixegu8Z4kc-00512-00411620-00413298 I hated him because I thought he was taking the place of my father Gixegu8Z4kc-00513-00413300-00413811 Now, I`m accepting him Gixegu8Z4kc-00514-00414185-00415484 Why would you take him too? Why? Gixegu8Z4kc-00515-00417165-00417566 He is busy touring every corner of this nation Gixegu8Z4kc-00516-00417569-00418193 I wonder this Gwanggin-gu has a passion so please welcome Cheong representative Gixegu8Z4kc-00517-00418195-00419270 I am sure we Justice Parth has prepared to climb up the summate in 2years, Gixegu8Z4kc-00518-00419274-00419566 and sure of that happen Gixegu8Z4kc-00519-00419570-00420497 Now this foggy vision demands the Party to play the salt and light Gixegu8Z4kc-00520-00420723-00421348 Let us march this road Gixegu8Z4kc-00521-00421350-00421927 together hand in hand together with comrade Gixegu8Z4kc-00522-00421930-00422579 Across this road Gixegu8Z4kc-00523-00422582-00423240 to the dead-end ground Gixegu8Z4kc-00524-00423243-00424582 whilst guarding against brutal wave Gixegu8Z4kc-00525-00426160-00426366 Hey Gixegu8Z4kc-00526-00426580-00426799 It is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00527-00427249-00427447 Tae-guk Gixegu8Z4kc-00528-00427623-00427998 It is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00529-00428733-00428864 Dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00530-00429138-00429357 It is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00531-00429931-00430194 Tae-guk Gixegu8Z4kc-00532-00430197-00430410 It is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00533-00430875-00431043 Dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00534-00431046-00431252 It is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00535-00431684-00432139 Everything is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00536-00433070-00433434 Everything is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00537-00434527-00434886 Everything is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00538-00439713-00439975 Min che Bodhisattva! Gixegu8Z4kc-00539-00445259-00446230 Love and longing arise out of deepened relationship Gixegu8Z4kc-00540-00446235-00447219 It is accompanide by pain Gixegu8Z4kc-00541-00447221-00448014 Know that love breeds anxiety Gixegu8Z4kc-00542-00448016-00448571 Let yourself take the path on your own Gixegu8Z4kc-00543-00448969-00450090 When you like your friend, your mind is stuck. Gixegu8Z4kc-00544-00450224-00450680 Know that getting closer to someone is accompanied by risks Gixegu8Z4kc-00545-00450682-00451326 Let yourself take the path on your own Gixegu8Z4kc-00546-00451660-00452555 You and your friends have joy and you have affection for you children Gixegu8Z4kc-00547-00452558-00453158 If you don`t want to suffer after losing someone, Gixegu8Z4kc-00548-00453161-00453628 Let yourself take the path on you own Gixegu8Z4kc-00549-00453835-00454119 Go ground Gixegu8Z4kc-00550-00454122-00454948 satisfy with your life without the feelings of hatred and anger, Gixegu8Z4kc-00551-00454951-00455573 overcome desperation and fear Gixegu8Z4kc-00552-00455576-00455990 and let yourself take the path on your own Gixegu8Z4kc-00553-00456214-00457160 Love and desire not only attract humans Gixegu8Z4kc-00554-00457162-00458014 with their beautiful colors but also confuses humans with their misleading shapes Gixegu8Z4kc-00555-00458017-00458830 Know the danger of love and desire Gixegu8Z4kc-00556-00458833-00459544 and let yourself take the path on your own Gixegu8Z4kc-00557-00479893-00480039 Yes? Gixegu8Z4kc-00558-00480185-00480765 Hi Ambassador. My ex-husband came to see his children Gixegu8Z4kc-00559-00481411-00482198 What brings you here? I know that you left here, but what`s up here? Gixegu8Z4kc-00560-00488610-00489099 Why are they in an umbrella when it`s not raining? Gixegu8Z4kc-00561-00489101-00490354 They kiss, they whisper and they do things in there Gixegu8Z4kc-00562-00490357-00490934 See them. It`s hotter than in Seoul Gixegu8Z4kc-00563-00491327-00491493 Being young is good anyway Gixegu8Z4kc-00564-00492764-00493783 Look. Don`t you think they crossed the line? What`s love? Gixegu8Z4kc-00565-00498052-00498214 Dad? Gixegu8Z4kc-00566-00498636-00498767 Don`t you sleep? Gixegu8Z4kc-00567-00500167-00500321 Are you watching a porn? Gixegu8Z4kc-00568-00500324-00500850 No, I didn`t. I was studying and now I`m just talking a rest. Why? Gixegu8Z4kc-00569-00500852-00501154 Dad doesn`t look good. Is he sick? Gixegu8Z4kc-00570-00501158-00501419 I don`t know Gixegu8Z4kc-00571-00501421-00501572 Finish your porn Gixegu8Z4kc-00572-00501574-00502170 Let me tell you simply.. Gixegu8Z4kc-00573-00505558-00506351 There are Sinhalese and Tamils Gixegu8Z4kc-00574-00506354-00506645 Tamils are Indians, right? Gixegu8Z4kc-00575-00506648-00506830 Tamils live in India Gixegu8Z4kc-00576-00506833-00507139 Is everyone in India Tamil? Gixegu8Z4kc-00577-00507142-00507421 I was stuyding! Do you think I`m like you, idiot? Gixegu8Z4kc-00578-00507424-00508979 Hindu temples look strange and there are a lot of gods Gixegu8Z4kc-00579-00508981-00509235 Tamils? Are there Tamils who do not have a mark on their forehead? Gixegu8Z4kc-00580-00509237-00509339 No Gixegu8Z4kc-00581-00509342-00509532 No? Gixegu8Z4kc-00582-00509534-00509981 No, I chekced everyone at school, Every Tamil has the mark Gixegu8Z4kc-00583-00509983-00510150 Boys and girls? Gixegu8Z4kc-00584-00510152-00510409 Some boys have a white mark Gixegu8Z4kc-00585-00510412-00510522 White mark? Gixegu8Z4kc-00586-00510524-00510799 After marriag, some get a red mark Gixegu8Z4kc-00587-00510802-00511191 Is there a Hindu temple around? Gixegu8Z4kc-00588-00511193-00511474 There are a lot around Gixegu8Z4kc-00589-00511477-00511586 I mean the most exostic temple Gixegu8Z4kc-00590-00511588-00511726 The most exostic one? Gixegu8Z4kc-00591-00511831-00511960 None Gixegu8Z4kc-00592-00517446-00517723 Why are you here? Gixegu8Z4kc-00593-00518084-00518344 I just wanted to see my sons, Gixegu8Z4kc-00594-00518761-00519019 Does she know? Gixegu8Z4kc-00595-00519354-00520322 Is So-yeon who went to holiday with us going good with that boy she was talking about? Gixegu8Z4kc-00596-00521210-00521670 Are you still in politics? Gixegu8Z4kc-00597-00521672-00521838 Politics? Gixegu8Z4kc-00598-00522252-00522603 I don`t intend to do it any longer Gixegu8Z4kc-00599-00522605-00522765 Why not? Gixegu8Z4kc-00600-00523154-00523608 Huh? Ah...Jong-sun Gixegu8Z4kc-00601-00524005-00524727 Mom, do you know what the first love means to men? Gixegu8Z4kc-00602-00525040-00525239 First love? Gixegu8Z4kc-00603-00525563-00526200 You caused a lot of troubles doing politics Gixegu8Z4kc-00604-00526203-00526729 Why did you stop? Gixegu8Z4kc-00605-00526731-00527193 What don`t you do it until you die? Gixegu8Z4kc-00606-00527405-00527503 Why? Gixegu8Z4kc-00607-00527802-00528433 So-yeon`s crush may have found his half Gixegu8Z4kc-00608-00528803-00528978 His half? Gixegu8Z4kc-00609-00529176-00529313 Yes... Gixegu8Z4kc-00610-00529445-00529604 his half Gixegu8Z4kc-00611-00533250-00533544 Dae-young, I think I need to do something for you dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00612-00533546-00533981 Mom, don`t overreact Hey dad, you don`t think you`re stealing that right? Gixegu8Z4kc-00613-00533983-00534227 Honey, you are a good person Gixegu8Z4kc-00614-00534230-00534519 No, I am not good buddy Are you trying to train me as parrot? Gixegu8Z4kc-00615-00534521-00534799 I`m the one who couldn`t even take you to hospital Gixegu8Z4kc-00616-00534802-00535019 when you`re sick and put you to work all the time Gixegu8Z4kc-00617-00535021-00535286 I`m naturally healed! Naturally healed! Gixegu8Z4kc-00618-00535288-00535480 All students except for Dae-young go to privare academy Gixegu8Z4kc-00619-00535483-00535676 because I couldn`t afford it Gixegu8Z4kc-00620-00535679-00535809 What good is dad? Gixegu8Z4kc-00621-00535812-00536203 Not going to private academy is good I get a lot of time, dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00622-00536205-00536550 Don`t! Don`t lie to me Gixegu8Z4kc-00623-00536552-00537013 I heard you telling your mom that you got no friend Gixegu8Z4kc-00624-00537015-00537230 because you cannot go to private academy Gixegu8Z4kc-00625-00537233-00537386 I`m so sorry Gixegu8Z4kc-00626-00537389-00537513 Stop it Gixegu8Z4kc-00627-00537515-00537647 I`m so sorry, dad Gixegu8Z4kc-00628-00537650-00538074 What is it that you did wrong!!! Gixegu8Z4kc-00629-00544325-00544981 Mermorial Park for Deceased Gixegu8Z4kc-00630-00547493-00547608 Honey Gixegu8Z4kc-00631-00547915-00548019 how are you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00632-00548340-00548881 Da-sol and I came to see you today Gixegu8Z4kc-00633-00549224-00549641 Is she lovely? Gixegu8Z4kc-00634-00550110-00550765 Since then how have you been? Gixegu8Z4kc-00635-00551204-00551817 Did you miss me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00636-00559375-00559665 Do you miss me? Gixegu8Z4kc-00637-00562875-00563000 Mom Gixegu8Z4kc-00638-00563258-00563864 Do you know what dad told me at the memorial park? Gixegu8Z4kc-00639-00564227-00564912 The living is sadder than the dead Gixegu8Z4kc-00640-00565042-00565166 Did he? Gixegu8Z4kc-00641-00565458-00566362 Da-sol, Su-nam`s health is getting better in Sri Lanka Gixegu8Z4kc-00642-00566364-00566577 Is he going to be alright? Gixegu8Z4kc-00643-00566956-00567560 I need to buy some thick clothes before winter comes Gixegu8Z4kc-00644-00586138-00586277 Who are you? Gixegu8Z4kc-00645-00586280-00586565 Is this home of Mr. Huh Su-nam? Gixegu8Z4kc-00646-00610573-00611569 It`s alright. It`s alright. it`s alright. Gixegu8Z4kc-00647-00611571-00611977 Our life is alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00648-00611979-00613220 Even if it`s hard, it rains and it winds, it`s alright Gixegu8Z4kc-00649-00613223-00613990 Under shining sun and blue sky Gixegu8Z4kc-00650-00613993-00614721 we can just be fine Gixegu8Z4kc-00651-00614723-00615554 Let`s spread our wings and just start over Gixegu8Z4kc-00652-00615557-00615950 It`s fine. It`s alright. It`s alright. it`s alright. Gixegu8Z4kc-00653-00616343-00617055 It`s fine. It`s alright. It`s alright. It`s alright. Gixegu8Z4kc-00654-00617058-00617508 We are fine!! GjIYluJ4X5I-00000-00000000-00000798 well The Honorable gentleman is chair for the committee on standards so he will be very able GjIYluJ4X5I-00001-00000798-00001218 and equipped to investigate this further but I'll just say a couple of things to him by GjIYluJ4X5I-00002-00001218-00001848 all it's his committee he can he can do what uh he likes um but I would just say this to him I GjIYluJ4X5I-00003-00001848-00002322 mean first of all we have we've got a number of funds we've got the leveling up fund Community GjIYluJ4X5I-00004-00002322-00002862 ownership fund uh the Community Renewal fund the UK share Prosperity fund strengthen places fund GjIYluJ4X5I-00005-00002862-00003372 all the towns funding there are many many funds at all if he's he's calling he's saying they're GjIYluJ4X5I-00006-00003372-00004146 all corrupt they are all available to view on gov dot UK and you can see where funding has gone I GjIYluJ4X5I-00007-00004146-00004842 would also say to him that these bids are not uh assessed by ministers they are obsessed they are GjIYluJ4X5I-00008-00004842-00005520 assessed independently they are scored and that is transparent good feedback is going to be given GjIYluJ4X5I-00009-00005520-00005970 to those who did not progress in this round and quite often what happens is that bids that aren't GjIYluJ4X5I-00010-00005970-00006618 success useful in one round are successful and successive because those are areas that needed GjIYluJ4X5I-00011-00006618-00007128 Improvement have been done I would finally say to The Honorable gentleman because of the way GjIYluJ4X5I-00012-00007128-00007728 he has put his question that The Honorable gentleman has slight form in accusing people GjIYluJ4X5I-00013-00007728-00008232 of doing things which on Investigation they have turned out not to do it was not re it was GjIYluJ4X5I-00014-00008232-00008826 very recently he accused one of my colleagues of manhandling somebody who turned out not to have GjIYluJ4X5I-00015-00008826-00009438 been handled at all and I would just urge a little Caution in uh in how he makes such accusations Glj8-oQHFAc-00000-00000000-00000297 The newest class we are introducing to everyone today in Black Desert Mobile Glj8-oQHFAc-00001-00000300-00000827 is Tycoon, the merchant boss of Valencia with vast wealth. Glj8-oQHFAc-00002-00001193-00001815 This may be unusual for an NPC usually seen in the Shakatu's Shop to become a class. Glj8-oQHFAc-00003-00001885-00002359 But I think many Adventurers have been utilizing the shop using Gold Coins. Glj8-oQHFAc-00004-00002402-00002891 That is why this time, this class will utilize Gold Coins Glj8-oQHFAc-00005-00002906-00003226 from our Adventurers to attack enemies through fancy skills. Glj8-oQHFAc-00006-00003235-00003400 And since the top merchant of Valencia Glj8-oQHFAc-00007-00003400-00003800 could not keep his vast riches anymore, Glj8-oQHFAc-00008-00003821-00004073 he will utilize Gold Coins he has saved Glj8-oQHFAc-00009-00004073-00004309 to unleash overwhelming combat styles. Glj8-oQHFAc-00010-00004343-00004545 Although we have only 2 available skills of Tycoon, Glj8-oQHFAc-00011-00004545-00004773 both are immensely strong! Glj8-oQHFAc-00012-00004773-00004935 Let's find out! Glj8-oQHFAc-00013-00004972-00005377 Throws gold coins to the ground and creates an explosion Glj8-oQHFAc-00014-00005388-00005660 in a large area that inflicts damage against enemies. Glj8-oQHFAc-00015-00005810-00006159 Tycoon summons upper-rank member from the merchant guild Glj8-oQHFAc-00016-00006163-00006456 to fight enemies 100 against 1 Glj8-oQHFAc-00017-00006631-00006831 We hope for your love and support Glj8-oQHFAc-00018-00006831-00007031 to our newest class, Tycoon. H3vauQLVw7g-00000-00000000-00000200 Fighting 2 ppl H3vauQLVw7g-00001-00000271-00000425 I notice the demo is sticky trapping H3vauQLVw7g-00002-00000425-00000528 I JUMP H3vauQLVw7g-00003-00000745-00000938 OOOOOOH H404rCQtehI-00000-00000907-00001063 foreign H404rCQtehI-00001-00001063-00001680 what should I cook next oh are you travelers from around here as well H404rCQtehI-00002-00001680-00002919 nothing to be passing by what are you cooking smells good I see welcome Travelers I'm Lynn H404rCQtehI-00003-00002919-00003461 the survival expert of the adventurers Guild as you can see I'm experimenting with some H404rCQtehI-00004-00003461-00004237 new recipes eat before you go the first rule in the wilderness Survival Guide picnic oh H404rCQtehI-00005-00004237-00005187 my mcnix my travel partner here is good at cooking as well H404rCQtehI-00006-00005187-00005746 oh there's a cooking pot right there show me what you got it's good to have someone H404rCQtehI-00007-00005746-00006266 to practice with there are some mushrooms and meat in the barrel over there try making H404rCQtehI-00008-00006266-00006426 a chicken mushroom skewer for me H404rCQtehI-00009-00006426-00007311 foreign H404rCQtehI-00010-00007311-00008196 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00011-00008196-00009081 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00012-00009081-00009965 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00013-00009965-00010257 is it done H404rCQtehI-00014-00010257-00010946 smells good let me try hmm H404rCQtehI-00015-00010946-00012570 [Music] oh now that's really tasty you are indeed gifted I told you so with your culinary H404rCQtehI-00016-00012570-00013247 skills you should try more difficult dishes oh I've got some raw ingredients in my bag H404rCQtehI-00017-00013247-00014260 have them in return for this meal can we really have him won't you run out of ingredients H404rCQtehI-00018-00014260-00014622 that's okay you should be able to find lots of ingredients when exploring the wilderness H404rCQtehI-00019-00014622-00015101 don't forget to look carefully there's also a restaurant in monstat known as good hunter H404rCQtehI-00020-00015101-00015448 that sells food and ingredients go have a look when you've got the time H404rCQtehI-00021-00015448-00015961 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00023-00019384-00020170 under the protection of the Knights of havoneus Welcome to monstad really no more having to H404rCQtehI-00024-00020170-00020958 Camp Outdoors but the city Folk don't look too cheery [Music] everyone's been put out H404rCQtehI-00025-00020958-00021690 of place by storm Terror recently everything will turn out fine as long as Jean's with H404rCQtehI-00026-00021690-00022518 us Jean acting Grand Master of the Knights of evonius Gene defender of monstad with Gene H404rCQtehI-00027-00022518-00023198 on our side surely even the vicious storm Terror will be no match for us before I take H404rCQtehI-00028-00023198-00023764 you guys to the Knights of evonius headquarters I have a present for you Traveler it's a reward H404rCQtehI-00029-00023764-00023973 for helping me clear out that hillatrol camp H404rCQtehI-00030-00023973-00025115 get a reward uh because this reward is useless to you pymon but I'll treat you to a traditional H404rCQtehI-00031-00025115-00025390 monstat delicacy sticky honey roast H404rCQtehI-00032-00025390-00027594 come with me we'll head to the cities uh High Ground [Music] H404rCQtehI-00033-00027594-00027795 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00034-00027795-00028566 this used to be a bustling street but with so many storm Terror attacks recently the H404rCQtehI-00035-00028566-00029169 usual crowds are nowhere to be seen except for the Local Tavern near the city wall over H404rCQtehI-00036-00029169-00029561 there they haven't been affected if anything their business is better than ever H404rCQtehI-00037-00029561-00030675 so the present I want to give you is a wind glider outriders use them to ride the wind H404rCQtehI-00038-00030675-00031169 and the people of monstat love using them too I brought you here to give it to you so H404rCQtehI-00039-00031169-00031781 you can experience it right away oh you're really excited about these wind gliders huh H404rCQtehI-00040-00031781-00032545 well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of monstad ah alrighty then enough H404rCQtehI-00041-00032545-00033011 talk let's give it a whirl it's easy to use but you still need to pay attention to my H404rCQtehI-00042-00033011-00033111 instructions H404rCQtehI-00043-00033111-00034471 [Music] thank you H404rCQtehI-00044-00034471-00035858 thank you [Music] H404rCQtehI-00045-00035858-00036781 the sky H404rCQtehI-00046-00036781-00037244 foreign H404rCQtehI-00049-00048049-00048616 foreign H404rCQtehI-00050-00048616-00049184 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00051-00049184-00050885 are you hurt H404rCQtehI-00052-00050885-00051452 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00053-00051452-00052529 you've actually got the power to go up against the dragon are you a new Ally or a new storm H404rCQtehI-00054-00052529-00053170 storm terror is attacking monstat itself Kaya traveler you've come at the right time we H404rCQtehI-00055-00053170-00054202 must hold on Amber are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us right novelry captain H404rCQtehI-00056-00054202-00055854 [Music] from afar is that all we know of them long story short H404rCQtehI-00057-00055854-00056520 I see welcome to monstat although you haven't arrived at the best of times I'm afraid I H404rCQtehI-00058-00056520-00057061 understand the anguish of being separated from family I'm not really sure why you're H404rCQtehI-00059-00057061-00057880 looking for the animal God but everyone has their secrets right relax I won't press you H404rCQtehI-00060-00057880-00058503 for more first and foremost on behalf of the Knights of favonius I would like to extend H404rCQtehI-00061-00058503-00059039 our thanks to you for your help just now H404rCQtehI-00062-00059039-00059733 ah how about a traditional monstat delicacy sticky honey roast your fight to defend the H404rCQtehI-00063-00059733-00060295 city against Dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens the acting H404rCQtehI-00064-00060295-00060783 Grand Master of the Knights of fevonius is also very interested in meeting you and formally H404rCQtehI-00065-00060783-00062635 invites you both to our headquarters [Music] headquarters let's head in H404rCQtehI-00066-00062635-00062961 foreign H404rCQtehI-00067-00062961-00063287 [Music] H404rCQtehI-00068-00063287-00064125 what's the hurry I thought we agreed to meet them here there have been sightings of storm H404rCQtehI-00069-00064125-00064988 Terror outside the city once we meet we must relax I'll lend a hand when the time comes H404rCQtehI-00070-00064988-00066677 Jean I've brought them [Music] and once it was over I brought them straight here H404rCQtehI-00071-00066677-00067232 monstat welcomes you when born Travelers I'm Jean acting Grand Master of the Knights of H404rCQtehI-00072-00067232-00068236 evonius this is Lisa our resident librarian oh are you sweeties here to help us out you're H404rCQtehI-00073-00068236-00068973 both so adorable sadly the timing is regrettable storm Terror has caused quite a Ruckus in H404rCQtehI-00074-00068973-00069741 the region since its recent resurgence simply put monstat's Elemental sphere and Ley lines H404rCQtehI-00075-00069741-00070333 are now akin to a yarn ball in the paws of a kitten for a mage it couldn't get much worse H404rCQtehI-00076-00070333-00070982 my skin is one elemental particle away from a full-blown Breakout if it weren't for this H404rCQtehI-00077-00070982-00071522 interference the Knights of fivonius would have better ways to help you than just putting H404rCQtehI-00078-00071522-00072133 up missing person posters we simply ask that your opposing monstat while we help you seek H404rCQtehI-00079-00072133-00072233 out your sister H404rCQtehI-00080-00072233-00073217 [Music] in that case we need a plan with storm Terror now directly attacking monstat we may H404rCQtehI-00081-00073217-00073712 have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source Lisa has revealed the sources H404rCQtehI-00082-00073712-00074470 of Storm terror's Power with her detection Magic is that so they're located in the abandoned H404rCQtehI-00083-00074470-00075076 Four Winds temples storm terror's ability to whip up these kinds of storms can be attributed H404rCQtehI-00084-00075076-00075620 to it drawing power from the temples our objective is to deal with three of the four temples H404rCQtehI-00085-00075620-00076692 I trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three Hi man doesn't [Music] H404rCQtehI-00086-00076692-00077263 Knights of fivonius time is against us the storm is rampant there's no point in maintaining H404rCQtehI-00087-00077263-00077855 a defensive position all right we need to take initiative and act before the situation H404rCQtehI-00088-00077855-00078531 escalates want to team up with me ah I should warn you though I don't slow down for anyone H404rCQtehI-00089-00078531-00079177 greenhorn or otherwise as a novice within the Knights of evonius your understanding H404rCQtehI-00090-00079177-00080058 of the wind is absolutely crucial leave the advanced wind glider training to me H404rCQtehI-00091-00080058-00080680 want to team up with me huh I should warn you though with Gene by our side nothing can H404rCQtehI-00092-00080680-00081313 stand in our way at least that's what I want to say but I can't keep spouting that same H404rCQtehI-00093-00081313-00081901 old line she always dashes headlong into the heat of the battle and we want her to take H404rCQtehI-00094-00081901-00082512 better care of herself I really hope that one day I can look Gene in the eye and tell H404rCQtehI-00095-00082512-00083788 her she doesn't need to worry anymore because we have her back foreign [Music] H404rCQtehI-00096-00083788-00084347 we've got many resources here in the library making good use of Elemental advantages is H404rCQtehI-00097-00084347-00084997 the key to winning any battle by the way would you be interested in having a part-time job H404rCQtehI-00098-00084997-00085585 here we need people to oh we need people for doing we just need more people H404rCQtehI-00099-00085585-00086724 laughs you're not bad with that wind glider your gliding style seems familiar my eye patch H404rCQtehI-00100-00086724-00087352 want to hear my story eh I didn't have time to introduce myself properly well it wasn't H404rCQtehI-00101-00087352-00088232 on my mind to begin with my apologies I'm Kaya Cavalry captain for the Knights of fevonius H404rCQtehI-00102-00088232-00089007 we can talk more after we get things sorted I know a great place more fit for a chat [Music] H404rCQtehI-00103-00089007-00089994 thank you its change in size and power really is suspicious but for the Knights of evonius H404rCQtehI-00104-00089994-00090493 our priority is to deal with the aftermath of this attack the Grand Master entrusted H404rCQtehI-00105-00090493-00091094 the Knights of fevonius to me I can't let him or the people of monstat down I must get H404rCQtehI-00106-00091094-00091195 to the bottom of this H404rCQtehI-00107-00091195-00092527 I heard you an outrider Amber had a misunderstanding please forgive her she was just doing her H404rCQtehI-00108-00092527-00093518 job talk to Amber sometime I'm sure you'll like how energetic she always is H404rCQtehI-00109-00093518-00094538 a way to fight against storm Terror I'm sorry but there's no way to do it alone judging H404rCQtehI-00110-00094538-00095186 by the level of its animal power it's definitely not an ordinary creature I could teach you H404rCQtehI-00111-00095186-00095550 some Elemental Basics so you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about H404rCQtehI-00112-00095550-00096443 [Music] you're not bad with that wind glider the Grand Master is currently off leading H404rCQtehI-00113-00096443-00096966 an expedition so the master Gene has stepped in to oversee the knights while he's gone H404rCQtehI-00114-00096966-00097457 hence you'll hear many refer to her as the acting Grand Master when the Grand Master H404rCQtehI-00115-00097457-00097904 left he took the vast majority of our knights with him leaving the acting Grand Master with H404rCQtehI-00116-00097904-00098464 far more responsibility and stress come to think of it it must have been difficult for H404rCQtehI-00117-00098464-00099397 Gene [Music] foreign [Music] H8g-f8RXdny-00000-00000000-00000140 What happened so far: H8g-f8RXdny-00001-00000200-00000388 What? Why do I go into the End Phase? H8g-f8RXdny-00002-00000388-00000501 Viktor... H8g-f8RXdny-00003-00000520-00000919 No, I was so sure! I should've waited. I was too careless... H8g-f8RXdny-00004-00000964-00001446 I won't play online against you. Let's meet up. I send you the adress. - Smiddy H8g-f8RXdny-00005-00003074-00003247 So this is where you wanted to meet. H8g-f8RXdny-00006-00003247-00003556 Correct! We play right here, under my conditions. H8g-f8RXdny-00007-00003556-00003764 Do you think you can stop the inevitable? H8g-f8RXdny-00008-00003764-00003986 Where are we playing though? - Here. H8g-f8RXdny-00009-00004730-00005018 Choose your deck. We play with 4000 Life Points. H8g-f8RXdny-00010-00005174-00005584 Your rules will be no use to you. I'll defeat you much easier then. H8g-f8RXdny-00011-00005702-00005878 I won't even let that happen. H8g-f8RXdny-00012-00005916-00006000 DUEL! H8g-f8RXdny-00013-00006070-00006506 I begin. I summon Gagaga Sister in attack mode and use her effect. H8g-f8RXdny-00014-00006506-00006734 Afterwards, I search for two monsters from my deck. H8g-f8RXdny-00015-00006734-00007052 With Reinforcements of the Army I can also add a Warrior to my hand. H8g-f8RXdny-00016-00007052-00007436 Then, I activate Dodododraw. With Monster Reborn, I get my Witch back. H8g-f8RXdny-00017-00007436-00007695 Effect! Now I can summon another Dododo monster. H8g-f8RXdny-00018-00007695-00008054 Finally, I go into Gagaga Cowboy to inflict 800 damage to you. H8g-f8RXdny-00019-00008054-00008230 You're going tempo, I like that. H8g-f8RXdny-00020-00008230-00008688 Now, I summon my Gagaga Kid and use the effect of my Sister, so both become Level 4. H8g-f8RXdny-00021-00008688-00009066 Afterwards, I summon another Kid and it also becomes Level 4 with its effect, H8g-f8RXdny-00022-00009066-00009266 So that I can summon my Shockmaster. H8g-f8RXdny-00023-00009266-00009716 I know that your decks always relied on monster, so I forbid you all monster effects. H8g-f8RXdny-00024-00009716-00010006 Smart choice... - I set one card and it's your turn. H8g-f8RXdny-00025-00010030-00010118 I draw! H8g-f8RXdny-00026-00010156-00010358 First, I activate Card Destruction. H8g-f8RXdny-00027-00010358-00010926 Now, I activate my spell card to get two monsters from my graveyard. I pay a measely 900 Life Points for that. H8g-f8RXdny-00028-00010926-00011426 I activate Foolish Burial for another 800 Life Points, so I can summon a monster from my graveyard. H8g-f8RXdny-00029-00011426-00011642 If you keep going like that, you will kill yourself. H8g-f8RXdny-00030-00011642-00012038 Believe me. Before my Life Points reach zero, yours will go down first. H8g-f8RXdny-00031-00012038-00012474 I activate my spell card. For a price of 1000 Life Points, your Shockmaster is out. H8g-f8RXdny-00032-00012474-00012692 Aren't you forgetting that its effect remains active? H8g-f8RXdny-00033-00012692-00012897 Believe me, I didn't forget that. H8g-f8RXdny-00034-00012897-00013358 I synchronize my two monsters now to then summon an even more powerful Synchro monster. H8g-f8RXdny-00035-00013358-00013726 And here begins your defeat. I activate my fusion spell. H8g-f8RXdny-00036-00013726-00014112 I can Fusion summon from my grave now for my powerful Psychic monster! H8g-f8RXdny-00037-00014112-00014432 But that's not all! I also equip it with my equip spell. H8g-f8RXdny-00038-00014432-00014647 Go, my monster! Destroy his Cowboy! H8g-f8RXdny-00039-00014647-00015032 That's it! Go, my Synchro monster. Attack! End this duel! H8g-f8RXdny-00040-00015032-00015362 Stop! I won't give up that easily. I activate my trap! H8g-f8RXdny-00041-00015362-00015606 You really want to count on your luck? H8g-f8RXdny-00042-00015684-00015952 Ridiculous! You cannot stop me anyway! H8g-f8RXdny-00043-00015952-00016012 DIE! H8g-f8RXdny-00044-00016508-00016854 Ngh! What?! I knew something is wrong. H8g-f8RXdny-00045-00016868-00016942 Matze? H8g-f8RXdny-00046-00016988-00017260 Scram, Smiddy. This is out of your league. H8g-f8RXdny-00047-00017478-00017548 GO! H8g-f8RXdny-00048-00017724-00018200 I already sensed your dark side from the beginning. I've tried to stop you in Cologne... H8g-f8RXdny-00049-00018376-00018500 "Where is Schattenspieler?" H8g-f8RXdny-00050-00018522-00018680 ...but I have been stopped. H8g-f8RXdny-00051-00018680-00018816 "Then I'll find him myself." H8g-f8RXdny-00052-00018938-00019212 I tried to prevent Viktor from doing something stupid. H8g-f8RXdny-00053-00019266-00019482 But I couldn't convince him. H8g-f8RXdny-00054-00019544-00019764 Now we're facing each other, my friend. H8g-f8RXdny-00055-00019818-00020032 And finally it's time for me to help you. H8g-f8RXdny-00056-00020032-00020280 Help? Why don't you help yourself first? H8g-f8RXdny-00057-00020280-00020734 You could stop my attack, but I don't care. It's all about winning for me. H8g-f8RXdny-00058-00020734-00021306 Whatever you do, a faint part of my friend is still inside of you and battles against you. H8g-f8RXdny-00059-00021306-00021664 I know that. And he will be the only one who wins today. H8g-f8RXdny-00060-00021664-00021930 Do you really think that weakling will gain back control? H8g-f8RXdny-00061-00022000-00022282 Enough words. Let's speak actions. H8g-f8RXdny-00062-00022426-00022870 I begin. I summon my Raidraptor monster in attack mode and summon another one right after. H8g-f8RXdny-00063-00022870-00023258 Now, with my spell card, I can add another Raidraptor monster from my deck to my hand. H8g-f8RXdny-00064-00023258-00023522 Look closely, your defeat begins now. H8g-f8RXdny-00065-00023522-00023866 I activate the effect of my monster and summon my Ultimate Falcon. H8g-f8RXdny-00066-00023866-00024314 Since its effect is negated and rendered useless, I upgrade him with my spell card. H8g-f8RXdny-00067-00024314-00024684 Go, show yourself my mighty Final Fortress Falcon! H8g-f8RXdny-00068-00024684-00025088 Before I end my turn, I set one card. Show me what you can do! H8g-f8RXdny-00069-00025088-00025526 I draw! To get rid of your spells and traps, I activate Heavy Storm. H8g-f8RXdny-00070-00025526-00025895 Your Heavy Storm is just hot air. I activate my trap to negate it. H8g-f8RXdny-00071-00025895-00026054 It accomplished its mission. H8g-f8RXdny-00072-00026054-00026598 I discard a White Stone of Legend to activate Cards of Resonance to draw two cards. H8g-f8RXdny-00073-00026598-00026998 My Stone now allows me to add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to my hand. H8g-f8RXdny-00074-00026998-00027292 Then, I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue to the field. H8g-f8RXdny-00075-00027292-00027608 With such low attack and defense value she has just as much power as you. H8g-f8RXdny-00076-00027608-00027977 That's right. When you fight alone, it often looks grim. H8g-f8RXdny-00077-00027977-00028158 But that's not the case! H8g-f8RXdny-00078-00028158-00028582 I activate the effect of Sage with Eyes of Blue from my hand. H8g-f8RXdny-00079-00028582-00029122 When they unite their forces, I can summon two Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck. H8g-f8RXdny-00080-00029122-00029460 Hmph! So what? My Falcon is too powerful for your dragons. H8g-f8RXdny-00081-00029460-00029880 If you think that's all, I activate Graceful Charity. H8g-f8RXdny-00082-00029880-00030183 What?! Why do you discard Monster Reborn and Raigeki. H8g-f8RXdny-00083-00030183-00030316 I don't need them anymore. H8g-f8RXdny-00084-00030316-00030656 Now, I activate my Polymerization... H8g-f8RXdny-00085-00030656-00031060 ...and I fuse my dragons into the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. H8g-f8RXdny-00086-00031060-00031226 Nngh, dammit! H8g-f8RXdny-00087-00031226-00031595 I'm not done yet! I activate Neutron Blast! H8g-f8RXdny-00088-00031627-00032122 Now my dragon can make three attacks and your effects are useless. H8g-f8RXdny-00089-00032139-00032504 Go! Attack his monsters with Burst Stream of Destruction! H8g-f8RXdny-00090-00032527-00032992 And now that your mighty Falcon cannot protect you any longer: direct attack! H8g-f8RXdny-00091-00032992-00033334 Hnngh, very strong. But it's not enough to bring me to zero. H8g-f8RXdny-00092-00033334-00033686 Oh yes. - What? But how? Your dragon cannot attack anymore. H8g-f8RXdny-00093-00033686-00034106 I activate De-Fusion and seperate my dragon into its parts. H8g-f8RXdny-00094-00034106-00034500 Go, my dragons! Show him how darkness vanishes in the light. H8g-f8RXdny-00095-00034522-00034634 NOOOOO! H8g-f8RXdny-00096-00034634-00035048 Why did I lose? How can this be? I musn't lose! H8g-f8RXdny-00097-00035048-00035356 Get out of my body! You've done enough damage! H8g-f8RXdny-00098-00035356-00036096 What do you want, you worm? You would be nothing without me. I won! I killed everyone! I gave you all that power! H8g-f8RXdny-00099-00036096-00036414 You can't do anything! What would you be without me? H8g-f8RXdny-00100-00036460-00036584 Himself. H8g-f8RXdny-00101-00036710-00036860 Everything's alright, my friend. H8g-f8RXdny-00102-00036912-00037192 What have I done? He always had the upper hand. H8g-f8RXdny-00103-00037192-00037526 I couldn't do anything. He banished them all to the shadow realm. H8g-f8RXdny-00104-00037526-00037784 It's not too late. We can save them. H8g-f8RXdny-00105-00037784-00038002 What? How? How would you know that? H8g-f8RXdny-00106-00038002-00038416 I also have a dark side in me. I've learned to control it. H8g-f8RXdny-00107-00038416-00038920 You could also learn that with my help. But for that, you have to accept your dark side. H8g-f8RXdny-00108-00039250-00039674 I am much stronger than you. From now on, I take over. H8g-f8RXdny-00109-00039710-00039980 GYL, I will destroy you! H8g-f8RXdny-00110-00040320-00040652 Since I'm unleashed, nobody can stop me H8g-f8RXdny-00111-00040652-00040860 I'll show you what true power is. H8g-f8RXdny-00112-00040942-00041128 I told you, you won't escape me. H8g-f8RXdny-00113-00041148-00041220 DIE! H8g-f8RXdny-00114-00041220-00041368 I've got you now. H8g-f8RXdny-00115-00041830-00042098 Because it's just about winning. H8g-f8RXdny-00116-00042658-00042794 Do you accept the offer? H8pYzOdf2w4-00000-00000010-00000060 COUNTY IS THE INCREASED USE OF H8pYzOdf2w4-00001-00000060-00000066 COUNTY IS THE INCREASED USE OF H8pYzOdf2w4-00002-00000066-00000120 COUNTY IS THE INCREASED USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NOW AT NEARLY H8pYzOdf2w4-00003-00000120-00000126 COUNTY IS THE INCREASED USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NOW AT NEARLY H8pYzOdf2w4-00004-00000126-00000183 COUNTY IS THE INCREASED USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NOW AT NEARLY ONE IN FOUR ADULTS IN CROW WING H8pYzOdf2w4-00005-00000183-00000190 TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NOW AT NEARLY ONE IN FOUR ADULTS IN CROW WING H8pYzOdf2w4-00006-00000190-00000320 TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NOW AT NEARLY ONE IN FOUR ADULTS IN CROW WING COUNTY. H8pYzOdf2w4-00007-00000320-00000326 ONE IN FOUR ADULTS IN CROW WING COUNTY. H8pYzOdf2w4-00008-00000326-00000390 ONE IN FOUR ADULTS IN CROW WING COUNTY. >>> CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN H8pYzOdf2w4-00009-00000390-00000397 COUNTY. >>> CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN H8pYzOdf2w4-00010-00000397-00000540 COUNTY. >>> CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN STAPLES HAD A SPECIAL VISITOR H8pYzOdf2w4-00011-00000540-00000547 >>> CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN STAPLES HAD A SPECIAL VISITOR H8pYzOdf2w4-00012-00000547-00000637 >>> CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN STAPLES HAD A SPECIAL VISITOR TODAY AS THE MINNESOTA STATE H8pYzOdf2w4-00013-00000637-00000643 STAPLES HAD A SPECIAL VISITOR TODAY AS THE MINNESOTA STATE H8pYzOdf2w4-00014-00000643-00000797 STAPLES HAD A SPECIAL VISITOR TODAY AS THE MINNESOTA STATE CHANCELLOR WAS ON CAMPUS. H8pYzOdf2w4-00015-00000797-00000804 TODAY AS THE MINNESOTA STATE CHANCELLOR WAS ON CAMPUS. H8pYzOdf2w4-00016-00000804-00001000 TODAY AS THE MINNESOTA STATE CHANCELLOR WAS ON CAMPUS. WITH A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00017-00001000-00001007 CHANCELLOR WAS ON CAMPUS. WITH A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00018-00001007-00001101 CHANCELLOR WAS ON CAMPUS. WITH A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00019-00001101-00001107 WITH A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00020-00001107-00001214 WITH A COUPLE WEEKS LEFT IN THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE CHANCELLOR IS VISITING CAMPUSES H8pYzOdf2w4-00021-00001214-00001221 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE CHANCELLOR IS VISITING CAMPUSES H8pYzOdf2w4-00022-00001221-00001374 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, THE CHANCELLOR IS VISITING CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE TO MAKE SURE H8pYzOdf2w4-00023-00001374-00001381 CHANCELLOR IS VISITING CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE TO MAKE SURE H8pYzOdf2w4-00024-00001381-00001584 CHANCELLOR IS VISITING CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE TO MAKE SURE THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET. H8pYzOdf2w4-00025-00001584-00001591 ACROSS THE STATE TO MAKE SURE THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET. H8pYzOdf2w4-00026-00001591-00001698 ACROSS THE STATE TO MAKE SURE THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET. MINNESOTA STATE IS REQUESTING H8pYzOdf2w4-00027-00001698-00001705 THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET. MINNESOTA STATE IS REQUESTING H8pYzOdf2w4-00028-00001705-00001841 THEIR NEEDS ARE BEING MET. MINNESOTA STATE IS REQUESTING 10 MILLION DOLLARS SYSTEM WIDE H8pYzOdf2w4-00029-00001841-00001848 MINNESOTA STATE IS REQUESTING 10 MILLION DOLLARS SYSTEM WIDE H8pYzOdf2w4-00030-00001848-00002168 MINNESOTA STATE IS REQUESTING 10 MILLION DOLLARS SYSTEM WIDE FOR CAMPUS SUPPORT. H8pYzOdf2w4-00031-00002168-00002175 10 MILLION DOLLARS SYSTEM WIDE FOR CAMPUS SUPPORT. H8pYzOdf2w4-00032-00002175-00002325 10 MILLION DOLLARS SYSTEM WIDE FOR CAMPUS SUPPORT. MORE THAN 200,000 OF THAT WOULD H8pYzOdf2w4-00033-00002325-00002332 FOR CAMPUS SUPPORT. MORE THAN 200,000 OF THAT WOULD H8pYzOdf2w4-00034-00002332-00002425 FOR CAMPUS SUPPORT. MORE THAN 200,000 OF THAT WOULD GO TO CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN H8pYzOdf2w4-00035-00002425-00002432 MORE THAN 200,000 OF THAT WOULD GO TO CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN H8pYzOdf2w4-00036-00002432-00002639 MORE THAN 200,000 OF THAT WOULD GO TO CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN THEIR STUDENT SUCCESS AND MENTAL H8pYzOdf2w4-00037-00002639-00002645 GO TO CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN THEIR STUDENT SUCCESS AND MENTAL H8pYzOdf2w4-00038-00002645-00002756 GO TO CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN THEIR STUDENT SUCCESS AND MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMMING. H8pYzOdf2w4-00039-00002756-00002762 THEIR STUDENT SUCCESS AND MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMMING. H8pYzOdf2w4-00040-00002762-00002862 THEIR STUDENT SUCCESS AND MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMMING. THIS STOP WAS THE FIRST VISIT TO H8pYzOdf2w4-00041-00002862-00002869 HEALTH PROGRAMMING. THIS STOP WAS THE FIRST VISIT TO H8pYzOdf2w4-00042-00002869-00002956 HEALTH PROGRAMMING. THIS STOP WAS THE FIRST VISIT TO THE STAPLES CAMPUS FOR THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00043-00002956-00002962 THIS STOP WAS THE FIRST VISIT TO THE STAPLES CAMPUS FOR THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00044-00002962-00003586 THIS STOP WAS THE FIRST VISIT TO THE STAPLES CAMPUS FOR THE CHANCELLOR. H8pYzOdf2w4-00045-00003586-00003593 THE STAPLES CAMPUS FOR THE CHANCELLOR. H8pYzOdf2w4-00046-00003593-00003893 THE STAPLES CAMPUS FOR THE CHANCELLOR. >> I COME TO THE CAMPUSES, I H8pYzOdf2w4-00047-00003893-00003900 CHANCELLOR. >> I COME TO THE CAMPUSES, I H8pYzOdf2w4-00048-00003900-00004270 CHANCELLOR. >> I COME TO THE CAMPUSES, I LEARN FROM THEM AND IN A VERY H8pYzOdf2w4-00049-00004270-00004277 >> I COME TO THE CAMPUSES, I LEARN FROM THEM AND IN A VERY H8pYzOdf2w4-00050-00004277-00004397 >> I COME TO THE CAMPUSES, I LEARN FROM THEM AND IN A VERY FUNDAMENTAL WAY INFORM THE WORK H8pYzOdf2w4-00051-00004397-00004404 LEARN FROM THEM AND IN A VERY FUNDAMENTAL WAY INFORM THE WORK H8pYzOdf2w4-00052-00004404-00004581 LEARN FROM THEM AND IN A VERY FUNDAMENTAL WAY INFORM THE WORK AS WE PLAN AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL H8pYzOdf2w4-00053-00004581-00004587 FUNDAMENTAL WAY INFORM THE WORK AS WE PLAN AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL H8pYzOdf2w4-00054-00004587-00004791 FUNDAMENTAL WAY INFORM THE WORK AS WE PLAN AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL AS TO HOW TO COORDINATE THE WORK H8pYzOdf2w4-00055-00004791-00004798 AS WE PLAN AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL AS TO HOW TO COORDINATE THE WORK H8pYzOdf2w4-00056-00004798-00005118 AS WE PLAN AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL AS TO HOW TO COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE COLLEGES AND THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00057-00005118-00005125 AS TO HOW TO COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE COLLEGES AND THE H8pYzOdf2w4-00058-00005125-00005258 AS TO HOW TO COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE COLLEGES AND THE UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO HOW TO H8pYzOdf2w4-00059-00005258-00005265 OF THE COLLEGES AND THE UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO HOW TO H8pYzOdf2w4-00060-00005265-00005532 OF THE COLLEGES AND THE UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO HOW TO FACILITATE THE AUGMENTATION OF H8pYzOdf2w4-00061-00005532-00005538 UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO HOW TO FACILITATE THE AUGMENTATION OF H8pYzOdf2w4-00062-00005538-00005698 UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO HOW TO FACILITATE THE AUGMENTATION OF CAPACITY WHICH IS NEEDED FOR OUR H8pYzOdf2w4-00063-00005698-00005705 FACILITATE THE AUGMENTATION OF CAPACITY WHICH IS NEEDED FOR OUR H8pYzOdf2w4-00064-00005705-00005859 FACILITATE THE AUGMENTATION OF CAPACITY WHICH IS NEEDED FOR OUR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SO H8pYzOdf2w4-00065-00005859-00005865 CAPACITY WHICH IS NEEDED FOR OUR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SO H8pYzOdf2w4-00066-00005865-00005935 CAPACITY WHICH IS NEEDED FOR OUR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SO THEY CAN DO THE WORK THEY WANT H8pYzOdf2w4-00067-00005935-00005942 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SO THEY CAN DO THE WORK THEY WANT H8pYzOdf2w4-00068-00005942-00006019 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SO THEY CAN DO THE WORK THEY WANT TO DO. H8pYzOdf2w4-00069-00006019-00006026 THEY CAN DO THE WORK THEY WANT TO DO. H8pYzOdf2w4-00070-00006026-00006189 THEY CAN DO THE WORK THEY WANT TO DO. >> THE CHANCELLOR HAS MADE AN H8pYzOdf2w4-00071-00006189-00006196 TO DO. >> THE CHANCELLOR HAS MADE AN H8pYzOdf2w4-00072-00006196-00006292 TO DO. >> THE CHANCELLOR HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO VISIT ALL 54 CAMPUSES H8pYzOdf2w4-00073-00006292-00006299 >> THE CHANCELLOR HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO VISIT ALL 54 CAMPUSES H8pYzOdf2w4-00074-00006299-00006393 >> THE CHANCELLOR HAS MADE AN EFFORT TO VISIT ALL 54 CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE. H8pYzOdf2w4-00075-00006393-00006399 EFFORT TO VISIT ALL 54 CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE. H8pYzOdf2w4-00076-00006399-00006566 EFFORT TO VISIT ALL 54 CAMPUSES ACROSS THE STATE. HE WILL SOON ACHIEVE THAT GOAL HqNiLnX28gY-00000-00000110-00000160 Enter OnlyOffice servers name HqNiLnX28gY-00003-00000710-00000810 Select if you use https HqNiLnX28gY-00004-00000810-00002310 Enter user login HqNiLnX28gY-00005-00002310-00003110 Enter user password HqNiLnX28gY-00006-00003110-00003510 Save and connect HrPFfkNNXxc-00000-00000000-00000503 Eduflow - How to sign up as an instructor HrPFfkNNXxc-00001-00000560-00000643 Hello HrPFfkNNXxc-00002-00000643-00000749 Today I will teach you HrPFfkNNXxc-00003-00000750-00000950 How to sign up on Eduflow HrPFfkNNXxc-00004-00000950-00001190 As a teacher or instructor HrPFfkNNXxc-00005-00001240-00001300 First HrPFfkNNXxc-00006-00001300-00001500 Open your browser HrPFfkNNXxc-00007-00001500-00001750 And search for Eduflow HrPFfkNNXxc-00008-00001750-00001950 In the search bar HrPFfkNNXxc-00009-00002300-00002376 Then HrPFfkNNXxc-00010-00002376-00002563 Click on that first link HrPFfkNNXxc-00011-00002996-00003136 Go to "Login" HrPFfkNNXxc-00012-00003136-00003356 In the upper right corner HrPFfkNNXxc-00013-00003766-00003916 Click on "Sign up" HrPFfkNNXxc-00014-00003916-00004209 In the lower central corner from page HrPFfkNNXxc-00015-00004596-00004823 And to sign up as an instructor HrPFfkNNXxc-00016-00004823-00005009 Click on "I'm an instructor" HrPFfkNNXxc-00017-00005010-00005100 On the left HrPFfkNNXxc-00018-00005296-00005446 Enter your name HrPFfkNNXxc-00019-00005490-00005656 Your email address HrPFfkNNXxc-00020-00005700-00005850 And create a password HrPFfkNNXxc-00021-00005850-00006096 Lastly, click on "Sign up" HrPFfkNNXxc-00022-00006120-00006220 Below HrPFfkNNXxc-00023-00006220-00006403 That's it. Thank you so much. HvCdMFXLRuY-00000-00001348-00001538 - Good afternoon, everybody. HvCdMFXLRuY-00001-00001995-00002136 Hello, hello. HvCdMFXLRuY-00002-00002207-00002449 Welcome to the afternoon of day one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00003-00002449-00002549 Hey, Mike. HvCdMFXLRuY-00004-00002679-00002927 Day one of the Open Sunicoat Summit. HvCdMFXLRuY-00005-00002927-00003264 Hi to everyone who is tuning in virtually. HvCdMFXLRuY-00006-00003264-00003459 The hashtag, in case you don't remember from HvCdMFXLRuY-00007-00003459-00003812 this morning, is coatsummit. HvCdMFXLRuY-00008-00003812-00004134 And so if you have any questions for the presenters, HvCdMFXLRuY-00009-00004134-00004472 virtually or even for those of you in the room, HvCdMFXLRuY-00010-00004472-00004807 I wanna encourage you to tweet it with the HvCdMFXLRuY-00011-00004807-00005039 hashtag coatsummit. HvCdMFXLRuY-00012-00005039-00005472 This afternoon we have an amazing program that is HvCdMFXLRuY-00013-00005472-00005972 starting off with Kyle Peck, who is here today from HvCdMFXLRuY-00014-00006257-00006469 sunny Pennsylvania. HvCdMFXLRuY-00015-00006611-00007020 And Kyle is a Professor of Education at Penn State HvCdMFXLRuY-00016-00007020-00007310 University, and he's also Co-Director of the Center HvCdMFXLRuY-00017-00007310-00007672 for Online Innovation and Learning with one of my friends, HvCdMFXLRuY-00018-00007672-00007902 Larry Reagan, and I think there's a couple of others, HvCdMFXLRuY-00019-00007902-00008266 but we have lots of friends at Penn State, HvCdMFXLRuY-00020-00008266-00008766 and I am thrilled to have you here to talk to us HvCdMFXLRuY-00021-00008767-00009201 about rethinking higher education in the age of nomad. HvCdMFXLRuY-00022-00009201-00009649 And I just wanna make mention, Dean Dyer's not here, HvCdMFXLRuY-00023-00009649-00010147 but Dean was a student of Kyle's a couple of years ago- HvCdMFXLRuY-00024-00010147-00010393 - And a friend. and a friend. HvCdMFXLRuY-00025-00010393-00010626 A couple of years ago, I think it was not last year HvCdMFXLRuY-00026-00010626-00011037 but the year before said, hey, you should really HvCdMFXLRuY-00027-00011037-00011276 Google Kyle Peck, and he would be an awesome HvCdMFXLRuY-00028-00011276-00011402 presenter for the summit. HvCdMFXLRuY-00029-00011402-00011788 So I am very pleased to introduce you to my friend now, HvCdMFXLRuY-00030-00011788-00011855 Kyle Peck. HvCdMFXLRuY-00031-00011855-00012039 - Great, so if it doesn't go well, that's Dean's fault. HvCdMFXLRuY-00032-00012039-00012206 Let's all remember that right now. HvCdMFXLRuY-00033-00012206-00012324 - Dean, are you listening? HvCdMFXLRuY-00034-00012324-00012454 - Yeah, he could be. HvCdMFXLRuY-00035-00012454-00012563 Sorry, Dean. HvCdMFXLRuY-00036-00012563-00012843 He will be here tomorrow, so let him have it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00037-00012843-00013058 Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. HvCdMFXLRuY-00038-00013058-00013349 I think it's a really interesting and amazing time HvCdMFXLRuY-00039-00013349-00013526 in the history of education, HvCdMFXLRuY-00040-00013526-00013753 and I'm really happy to chat with you about it, HvCdMFXLRuY-00041-00013753-00014112 other professional educators who are designing HvCdMFXLRuY-00042-00014112-00014354 outstanding learning experiences, designing and delivering HvCdMFXLRuY-00043-00014354-00014674 outstanding learning experiences. HvCdMFXLRuY-00044-00014674-00014964 Can you guess the caption for this cartoon? HvCdMFXLRuY-00045-00015320-00015558 It's a Gary Larson Farside cartoon. HvCdMFXLRuY-00046-00015558-00015717 Yeah, any guesses? HvCdMFXLRuY-00047-00015813-00016062 Whoop, I went right by it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00048-00016159-00016377 Great moments in evolution. HvCdMFXLRuY-00049-00016377-00016696 In Gary Larson's mind this is like how life emerged HvCdMFXLRuY-00050-00016696-00016968 from the ocean, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00051-00016968-00017468 And I like this slide a lot because to me, we are there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00052-00017555-00017745 Alright, we've been doing things the same way HvCdMFXLRuY-00053-00017745-00017871 for a long time. HvCdMFXLRuY-00054-00017871-00018045 We've been in an environment that was created HvCdMFXLRuY-00055-00018045-00018263 hundreds of years ago really. HvCdMFXLRuY-00056-00018263-00018454 You know, sort of the teaching and learning environment HvCdMFXLRuY-00057-00018454-00018679 was created, and it hasn't really changed a whole lot. HvCdMFXLRuY-00058-00018679-00019060 But we're about to take some steps that are gonna bring us HvCdMFXLRuY-00059-00019060-00019320 into a whole new environment with great possibilities HvCdMFXLRuY-00060-00019320-00019547 to do great things for learners. HvCdMFXLRuY-00061-00019547-00020047 So I'm gonna see it as a really optimistic right moment HvCdMFXLRuY-00062-00020051-00020308 for learning and for those of us who are creating HvCdMFXLRuY-00063-00020308-00020533 learning experiences and delivering them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00064-00020533-00020838 Different but outstanding opportunities. HvCdMFXLRuY-00065-00020895-00021173 They say there are three kinds of people in the world. HvCdMFXLRuY-00066-00021252-00021415 There are actually two kinds, those who say there are HvCdMFXLRuY-00067-00021415-00021567 three kinds and those who don't. HvCdMFXLRuY-00068-00021567-00021721 But then no, there are three kinds. HvCdMFXLRuY-00069-00021721-00021889 Those who watch things happen, HvCdMFXLRuY-00070-00021889-00022154 those who make things happen, HvCdMFXLRuY-00071-00022323-00022568 and those who wonder what happened, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00072-00022568-00022926 So as professionals we watch what's going on around us, HvCdMFXLRuY-00073-00022926-00023078 but we also, we're the ones who make these HvCdMFXLRuY-00074-00023078-00023252 new things happen. HvCdMFXLRuY-00075-00023252-00023407 And if we don't, the people who aren't really paying HvCdMFXLRuY-00076-00023407-00023678 attention and think they can just coast, HvCdMFXLRuY-00077-00023678-00023950 and ride the momentum that the university has had HvCdMFXLRuY-00078-00023950-00024394 over the past couple of centuries may be in for a surprise. HvCdMFXLRuY-00079-00024519-00024796 There are big changes outside education, HvCdMFXLRuY-00080-00024796-00025023 and some changes inside education that are really HvCdMFXLRuY-00081-00025023-00025285 influencing my predictions here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00082-00025285-00025518 First is, you know, more, better, faster, cheaper, smaller. HvCdMFXLRuY-00083-00025518-00025697 I apologize, this is the hardest slide to read HvCdMFXLRuY-00084-00025697-00025849 of the whole bunch, and you don't really need to. HvCdMFXLRuY-00085-00025849-00026030 It's on there, so when I give Alex the PDFs, HvCdMFXLRuY-00086-00026030-00026232 you can read it later. HvCdMFXLRuY-00087-00026232-00026575 But things like this, the world has become connected. HvCdMFXLRuY-00088-00026575-00027075 Devices are almost ubiquitous, at least in this culture. HvCdMFXLRuY-00089-00027162-00027289 We're connected. HvCdMFXLRuY-00090-00027289-00027641 Facebook went from nothing to something HvCdMFXLRuY-00091-00027641-00028084 to 600 845 active users at the end of '11, HvCdMFXLRuY-00092-00028084-00028198 and it's continued. HvCdMFXLRuY-00093-00028198-00028632 That growth was faster than anything before Facebook. HvCdMFXLRuY-00094-00028632-00028931 That was the fastest anything had ever spread. HvCdMFXLRuY-00095-00028931-00029151 You got Twitter, you got Pinterest, you got Ning, HvCdMFXLRuY-00096-00029151-00029386 you've got online shopping. HvCdMFXLRuY-00097-00029386-00029522 Why do I care about online shopping? HvCdMFXLRuY-00098-00029522-00029665 What does that have to do with anything? HvCdMFXLRuY-00099-00029665-00029850 Well, I'll get to that a little later. HvCdMFXLRuY-00100-00029850-00029981 Amazon.com. HvCdMFXLRuY-00101-00029981-00030141 At first it was sort of an experiment. HvCdMFXLRuY-00102-00030141-00030263 Now it's for real. HvCdMFXLRuY-00103-00030263-00030650 Amazon.com is where I get most of my stuff, HvCdMFXLRuY-00104-00030650-00030860 other than groceries. HvCdMFXLRuY-00105-00030860-00030980 And once they have the drones working, HvCdMFXLRuY-00106-00030980-00031207 maybe that'll happen, too. HvCdMFXLRuY-00107-00031207-00031580 Etsy, different political environment. HvCdMFXLRuY-00108-00031580-00031982 Economies are making and busting and booming HvCdMFXLRuY-00109-00031982-00032145 on cycles that are quicker than before. HvCdMFXLRuY-00110-00032145-00032383 It's a really different place out there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00111-00032383-00032544 All those things are affecting us, and they kind of HvCdMFXLRuY-00112-00032544-00032972 roll together to be this mass customization. HvCdMFXLRuY-00113-00032972-00033256 In other words, I can get what I want HvCdMFXLRuY-00114-00033256-00033386 soon. HvCdMFXLRuY-00115-00033386-00033597 Pretty much to my specifications. HvCdMFXLRuY-00116-00033597-00033911 I have good information about the thing I'm ordering, HvCdMFXLRuY-00117-00033911-00034275 and I can get it delivered to me with my initials on it HvCdMFXLRuY-00118-00034275-00034423 Thursday. HvCdMFXLRuY-00119-00034423-00034559 Oh, that's tomorrow. HvCdMFXLRuY-00120-00034559-00034894 Saturday, if I pay extra for delivery. HvCdMFXLRuY-00121-00034894-00034999 Anyway, moving on. HvCdMFXLRuY-00122-00034999-00035323 Inside higher education, have we had some big changes? HvCdMFXLRuY-00123-00035406-00035632 What would you say are the big changes? HvCdMFXLRuY-00124-00035632-00035742 There's one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00125-00035828-00036122 I gave that one away with a mis-click. HvCdMFXLRuY-00126-00036208-00036405 OK, so benchmarking. HvCdMFXLRuY-00127-00036405-00036598 It's happening. HvCdMFXLRuY-00128-00036598-00036963 Has it really changed the way we operate to a great extent? HvCdMFXLRuY-00129-00036963-00037077 Would students notice it? HvCdMFXLRuY-00130-00037077-00037389 That's one of the criteria I use for big changes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00131-00037389-00037651 Have students noticed any big changes? HvCdMFXLRuY-00132-00037651-00037803 They noticed that one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00133-00037903-00038118 I think one of the biggest changes is the acceptance HvCdMFXLRuY-00134-00038118-00038257 and use of online learning, HvCdMFXLRuY-00135-00038257-00038558 if we think about what's really changed in the last decade. HvCdMFXLRuY-00136-00038558-00038876 A decade ago people didn't think online learning worked. HvCdMFXLRuY-00137-00038876-00039139 Or you can't teach what I teach through online learning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00138-00039139-00039336 Or online learning isn't as good. HvCdMFXLRuY-00139-00039336-00039532 And it turns out the research with adult learners shows HvCdMFXLRuY-00140-00039532-00039952 it's probably even a little better with adult learners. HvCdMFXLRuY-00141-00039952-00040272 And so that's a big change, I think. HvCdMFXLRuY-00142-00040383-00040613 I think the fact that the higher and higher percentages HvCdMFXLRuY-00143-00040613-00040782 of the population are participating. HvCdMFXLRuY-00144-00040782-00041148 It's not just the top 20%, 25, 40. HvCdMFXLRuY-00145-00041148-00041352 It's now pretty much everybody is trying to get HvCdMFXLRuY-00146-00041352-00041674 into college and make a future because that degree HvCdMFXLRuY-00147-00041674-00041892 does make a difference. HvCdMFXLRuY-00148-00041952-00042172 And we have changes in the typical student. HvCdMFXLRuY-00149-00042172-00042486 So one of the big things, especially in online, HvCdMFXLRuY-00150-00042486-00042862 people think of the college student, and it's an 18-year-old HvCdMFXLRuY-00151-00042862-00042993 walking the campus. HvCdMFXLRuY-00152-00042993-00043375 Well, that's not the majority anymore. HvCdMFXLRuY-00153-00043375-00043476 And so this is huge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00154-00043476-00043792 And the potential there is huge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00155-00043792-00044251 People like us will be learning for a long time. HvCdMFXLRuY-00156-00044309-00044584 But we're not necessarily gonna register for a degree. HvCdMFXLRuY-00157-00044584-00044759 Alright, we have one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00158-00044759-00045021 We had got that ticket, so if we think about that change HvCdMFXLRuY-00159-00045021-00045260 and how we might capitalize on that, HvCdMFXLRuY-00160-00045260-00045570 especially through online methods, HvCdMFXLRuY-00161-00045570-00045777 it's a pretty bright future. HvCdMFXLRuY-00162-00045777-00045985 So why have we had so little change in education? HvCdMFXLRuY-00163-00045985-00046313 Well, it could be because we got it right the first time. HvCdMFXLRuY-00164-00046313-00046544 When people a couple of centuries ago put it together, HvCdMFXLRuY-00165-00046544-00046832 they nailed it, right, and it works. HvCdMFXLRuY-00166-00046832-00047141 Or it could be, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00167-00047141-00047355 Or that there just isn't enough competition to really HvCdMFXLRuY-00168-00047355-00047723 get us moving forward, that we're just sort of HvCdMFXLRuY-00169-00047723-00047994 doin' what we've been doin'. HvCdMFXLRuY-00170-00047994-00048328 So how many of you saw the Saturday Night Live HvCdMFXLRuY-00171-00048328-00048651 40th Anniversary show the other day? HvCdMFXLRuY-00172-00048651-00048751 OK, about half. HvCdMFXLRuY-00173-00048751-00049080 The rest of you, I'm gonna help you out. HvCdMFXLRuY-00174-00049080-00049277 This character, I'm about to show you a character HvCdMFXLRuY-00175-00049277-00049577 that wasn't even on the 40th anniversary, HvCdMFXLRuY-00176-00049577-00049649 but should have been. HvCdMFXLRuY-00177-00049649-00049873 I don't know how they missed him. HvCdMFXLRuY-00178-00049873-00050009 Here we go. HvCdMFXLRuY-00179-00050323-00050516 - [Guido] But I never liked school too much, HvCdMFXLRuY-00180-00050516-00050668 to tell you the truth. HvCdMFXLRuY-00181-00050668-00050914 I find education, I think it don't matter where HvCdMFXLRuY-00182-00050914-00051008 you go to school. HvCdMFXLRuY-00183-00051008-00051392 Italy, America, Brazil, it's all the same. HvCdMFXLRuY-00184-00051392-00051636 It's all just memorization. HvCdMFXLRuY-00185-00051636-00051861 And it don't matter how long you can remember anything, HvCdMFXLRuY-00186-00051861-00052163 just so you can parrot it back for the test. HvCdMFXLRuY-00187-00052163-00052507 And I gotta this idea for this school I would like to start. HvCdMFXLRuY-00188-00052507-00052822 Something called the Five-Minute University. HvCdMFXLRuY-00189-00052822-00052995 (laughter) HvCdMFXLRuY-00190-00052995-00053237 And the idea is that in five minutes you learn HvCdMFXLRuY-00191-00053237-00053518 what the average college graduate remembers HvCdMFXLRuY-00192-00053518-00053826 five years after he or she is outta the school. HvCdMFXLRuY-00193-00053826-00054088 (laughter and applause) HvCdMFXLRuY-00194-00054345-00054611 Would cost like $20 dollars. HvCdMFXLRuY-00195-00054726-00054956 That might seem like a lotta money, $20 dollars HvCdMFXLRuY-00196-00054956-00055122 just for five minutes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00197-00055122-00055622 But that's for like tuition, cap and gown rental, HvCdMFXLRuY-00198-00055645-00056058 graduation picture, snacks, everything, HvCdMFXLRuY-00199-00056058-00056257 everything included. HvCdMFXLRuY-00200-00056257-00056558 You know like in college you have to take foreign language. HvCdMFXLRuY-00201-00056558-00056824 Well at the Five-Minute University you can have your choice. HvCdMFXLRuY-00202-00056824-00057057 Any language you want, you can take it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00203-00057057-00057361 Say if you wanna take Spanish, what I teach you is, HvCdMFXLRuY-00204-00057361-00057605 Como esta Usted? HvCdMFXLRuY-00205-00057605-00057761 That means, how are you? HvCdMFXLRuY-00206-00057761-00058020 And the answer is, muy bien. HvCdMFXLRuY-00207-00058020-00058365 Means very well, and believe me, if you took two years HvCdMFXLRuY-00208-00058365-00058713 of college Spanish, five years after you're outta school, HvCdMFXLRuY-00209-00058713-00059137 como esta Usted, muy bien, 'bout all you're gonna remember. HvCdMFXLRuY-00210-00059564-00059830 So in my school that's all you learn. HvCdMFXLRuY-00211-00059830-00060015 You see, you don't have to waste your time HvCdMFXLRuY-00212-00060015-00060474 with conjugations, vocabulary, all that junk. HvCdMFXLRuY-00213-00060474-00060803 You just forget it anyway, and what's the difference? HvCdMFXLRuY-00214-00060803-00060966 Economics. HvCdMFXLRuY-00215-00060966-00061238 Supply and demand. HvCdMFXLRuY-00216-00061497-00061631 That's it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00217-00061807-00062307 Business is you buy something, and you sell it for more. HvCdMFXLRuY-00218-00062544-00062827 Theology, I'm gonna have theology department, you know. HvCdMFXLRuY-00219-00062827-00063026 Since I'm a priest, it's only right. HvCdMFXLRuY-00220-00063026-00063311 And what you have to learn in theology is the answer HvCdMFXLRuY-00221-00063311-00063676 to the question, where is God? HvCdMFXLRuY-00222-00063676-00064061 And the answer is, God is everywhere. HvCdMFXLRuY-00223-00064218-00064335 Why? HvCdMFXLRuY-00224-00064428-00064657 Because he likes you. HvCdMFXLRuY-00225-00065062-00065372 That's kinda the combination of the Disney HvCdMFXLRuY-00226-00065372-00065652 and Roman Catholic philosophy. HvCdMFXLRuY-00227-00065743-00066164 It's just perfect for the late '70's, early '80's, you know? HvCdMFXLRuY-00228-00066164-00066308 Just perfect. HvCdMFXLRuY-00229-00066308-00066569 Well, after the courses are all over, HvCdMFXLRuY-00230-00066569-00066879 then it's time for a little Easter vacation. HvCdMFXLRuY-00231-00066942-00067125 No time to go to Fort Lauderdale. HvCdMFXLRuY-00232-00067125-00067396 Only lasts like 20 seconds. HvCdMFXLRuY-00233-00067514-00067946 But what I do for you, I like to turn on a sun lamp. HvCdMFXLRuY-00234-00067946-00068239 You know, I give you a little glass of orange juice. HvCdMFXLRuY-00235-00068239-00068543 That'sa the snack part, orange juice. HvCdMFXLRuY-00236-00068543-00068752 And then after vacation, you know, after you swallow it HvCdMFXLRuY-00237-00068752-00069152 real quick, then it's time for the final exams. HvCdMFXLRuY-00238-00069152-00069360 I say to you, como esta Usted? HvCdMFXLRuY-00239-00069360-00069488 You say, muy bien. HvCdMFXLRuY-00240-00069488-00069562 Where is God? HvCdMFXLRuY-00241-00069562-00069687 God is everywhere. HvCdMFXLRuY-00242-00069687-00069914 Economics is supply and demand. HvCdMFXLRuY-00243-00069914-00070218 Then I put on your cap and gown, HvCdMFXLRuY-00244-00070218-00070508 I get out my Polaroid camera, you know, HvCdMFXLRuY-00245-00070508-00070782 make a little snappy flashy picture for you. HvCdMFXLRuY-00246-00070782-00071052 I give you the picture, you give me $20 dollars. HvCdMFXLRuY-00247-00071052-00071372 I give you diploma, and you're a college graduate, HvCdMFXLRuY-00248-00071372-00071513 ready to go. HvCdMFXLRuY-00249-00071513-00071738 (applause) HvCdMFXLRuY-00250-00072308-00072759 I'm notta sure, but I'm pretty sure, right next door HvCdMFXLRuY-00251-00072759-00072985 to the Five-Minute University I mighta open up HvCdMFXLRuY-00252-00072985-00073224 a little law school. HvCdMFXLRuY-00253-00073475-00073732 You got another minute? HvCdMFXLRuY-00254-00074137-00074603 - OK, it's funny because it kinda hurts a little bit. HvCdMFXLRuY-00255-00074603-00074779 Like it's funny like when somebody falls down HvCdMFXLRuY-00256-00074779-00075081 it's funny a little bit, you know. HvCdMFXLRuY-00257-00075081-00075274 There's a lotta truth in there, but we all know HvCdMFXLRuY-00258-00075274-00075517 that's not everything we do. HvCdMFXLRuY-00259-00075517-00075752 So what's holding us here? HvCdMFXLRuY-00260-00075752-00076148 Why are we operating in a system that everybody can HvCdMFXLRuY-00261-00076148-00076361 sorta relate to what just happened? HvCdMFXLRuY-00262-00076361-00076615 Here's my one minute answer. HvCdMFXLRuY-00263-00076615-00077104 (Fiddler on the Roof theme music) HvCdMFXLRuY-00264-00079005-00079266 ♫ Tradition HvCdMFXLRuY-00265-00079266-00079600 ♫ Tradition, tradition HvCdMFXLRuY-00266-00079600-00079819 ♫ Tradition HvCdMFXLRuY-00267-00079819-00080186 ♫ Tradition, tradition HvCdMFXLRuY-00268-00080186-00080646 (Fiddler on the Roof music) HvCdMFXLRuY-00269-00081494-00081621 - [Voiceover] Because of our traditions, HvCdMFXLRuY-00270-00081621-00081889 we've kept our balance for many, many years. HvCdMFXLRuY-00271-00081889-00082112 We have traditions for everything. HvCdMFXLRuY-00272-00082112-00082540 How to eat, how to sleep, how to wear clothes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00273-00082540-00082776 You may ask, how this tradition start? HvCdMFXLRuY-00274-00082776-00083055 I'll tell you. HvCdMFXLRuY-00275-00083055-00083420 Eh, I don't know, but it's a tradition. HvCdMFXLRuY-00276-00083575-00084048 - OK, so I think we do a lot of what we do because HvCdMFXLRuY-00277-00084048-00084261 that's the way we've done it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00278-00084261-00084488 And I think we do a lot of what we do because HvCdMFXLRuY-00279-00084488-00084792 that's kind of what people expect us to do. HvCdMFXLRuY-00280-00084792-00084928 But that's changing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00281-00084928-00085292 So people's expectations are changing pretty dramatically HvCdMFXLRuY-00282-00085292-00085501 because of things like online shopping, HvCdMFXLRuY-00283-00085501-00085950 because of the cost, because of employers' dissatisfaction HvCdMFXLRuY-00284-00085950-00086068 with some of the product. HvCdMFXLRuY-00285-00086068-00086190 Because, because, because. HvCdMFXLRuY-00286-00086190-00086370 It's a whole bunch of different things that are coming HvCdMFXLRuY-00287-00086370-00086630 together to cause us this problem. HvCdMFXLRuY-00288-00086630-00087092 So it's a combination of problems and opportunities HvCdMFXLRuY-00289-00087092-00087338 to do things another way, alright? HvCdMFXLRuY-00290-00087338-00087539 It's not just all coming out of dissatisfaction HvCdMFXLRuY-00291-00087539-00087638 in negative place. HvCdMFXLRuY-00292-00087638-00087864 It's coming out of a positive place as well. HvCdMFXLRuY-00293-00087864-00088077 So I know this audience knows a lot about MOOC, HvCdMFXLRuY-00294-00088077-00088275 so I'm not gonna go into detail there, HvCdMFXLRuY-00295-00088275-00088527 but Massive Open Online Courses and open educational HvCdMFXLRuY-00296-00088527-00088896 resources have a great potential to change HvCdMFXLRuY-00297-00088896-00089101 the way people learn. HvCdMFXLRuY-00298-00089101-00089511 How many of you have learned anything on YouTube? HvCdMFXLRuY-00299-00089511-00089643 Yeah, yeah. HvCdMFXLRuY-00300-00089643-00090057 That's my go-to if I need to learn how to do X now, HvCdMFXLRuY-00301-00090057-00090172 I go to YouTube. HvCdMFXLRuY-00302-00090172-00090466 But there are all kinds of other great learning HvCdMFXLRuY-00303-00090466-00090645 opportunites out there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00304-00090645-00090829 We also have competency-based education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00305-00090829-00091128 It's not a new idea, but it's making a real comeback HvCdMFXLRuY-00306-00091128-00091302 right now, OK? HvCdMFXLRuY-00307-00091302-00091550 It's really climbing the charts here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00308-00091550-00091789 That's another opportunity for us, HvCdMFXLRuY-00309-00091789-00092024 especially in online learning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00310-00092024-00092160 Alright, man. HvCdMFXLRuY-00311-00092160-00092660 OK, digital badges I see as a really nice companion HvCdMFXLRuY-00312-00092677-00092860 to competency-based learning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00313-00092860-00093039 They kind of drive each other. HvCdMFXLRuY-00314-00093039-00093201 We'll get into that a little more later. HvCdMFXLRuY-00315-00093201-00093376 Personalization. HvCdMFXLRuY-00316-00093376-00093603 There are adaptive learning systems. HvCdMFXLRuY-00317-00093603-00093743 This is a new name they gave. HvCdMFXLRuY-00318-00093743-00094033 I co-authored the first book on computer-based HvCdMFXLRuY-00319-00094033-00094213 learning way back. HvCdMFXLRuY-00320-00094213-00094477 That's how all this gray came about. HvCdMFXLRuY-00321-00094477-00094716 And we were doing branching paths. HvCdMFXLRuY-00322-00094716-00094886 If somebody has trouble with this, you take them this way. HvCdMFXLRuY-00323-00094886-00095032 If they're doing well, you take them that way. HvCdMFXLRuY-00324-00095032-00095270 Well, there are whole systems that are being developed HvCdMFXLRuY-00325-00095270-00095480 mainly for the great big bread and butter courses HvCdMFXLRuY-00326-00095480-00095868 that we teach to undergraduates to help optimize HvCdMFXLRuY-00327-00095868-00096116 everybody's path, and first of all, make sure everybody HvCdMFXLRuY-00328-00096116-00096516 can be successful and optimize a path through it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00329-00096516-00096764 Companies like Newton and Smart Sparrow HvCdMFXLRuY-00330-00096764-00096874 are in that space. HvCdMFXLRuY-00331-00096874-00096986 You may have heard about them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00332-00096986-00097203 Prior learning assessment. HvCdMFXLRuY-00333-00097263-00097527 Not talking about credit for work experience. HvCdMFXLRuY-00334-00097527-00097873 Talking about proving that you learned something, HvCdMFXLRuY-00335-00097873-00098081 and getting credit for that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00336-00098081-00098278 And then there will be, there are an increasing number HvCdMFXLRuY-00337-00098278-00098593 of competitors who are willing to reinvent HvCdMFXLRuY-00338-00098593-00098840 higher education if we don't. HvCdMFXLRuY-00339-00098896-00099332 Somebody just sent me an article that ran in, HvCdMFXLRuY-00340-00099332-00099588 I think it was Time today online. HvCdMFXLRuY-00341-00099588-00099818 It said it's a 1.3 trillion dollar industry, HvCdMFXLRuY-00342-00099818-00100138 and venture capitalists are lining up right and left. HvCdMFXLRuY-00343-00100138-00100415 And if we don't do it, others will. HvCdMFXLRuY-00344-00100415-00100509 But we're the professionals. HvCdMFXLRuY-00345-00100509-00100786 We know the industry, and we have the design background HvCdMFXLRuY-00346-00100786-00101008 to really make things right. HvCdMFXLRuY-00347-00101008-00101313 So wow, this is a pretty amazing time in the history HvCdMFXLRuY-00348-00101313-00101593 of education, and I really think it's wonderful HvCdMFXLRuY-00349-00101593-00101695 for us to be here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00350-00101695-00102092 I'd actually like to roll the clock back to where HvCdMFXLRuY-00351-00102092-00102322 I'm about your age, most of your age, HvCdMFXLRuY-00352-00102322-00102557 so I could have a longer swing at this. HvCdMFXLRuY-00353-00102557-00102758 But it's really gonna be impressive when we put HvCdMFXLRuY-00354-00102758-00103078 all of those things together and say, what can we do now HvCdMFXLRuY-00355-00103078-00103364 that all of these opportunities exist that we simply HvCdMFXLRuY-00356-00103364-00103556 couldn't do before? HvCdMFXLRuY-00357-00103556-00103862 Instead of saying, how do we incorporate this into HvCdMFXLRuY-00358-00103862-00104311 everything that's there, sort of integrating technology. HvCdMFXLRuY-00359-00104311-00104592 There's always this argument integrating technology, HvCdMFXLRuY-00360-00104592-00104835 whether you sort of evolve, evolutionary or HvCdMFXLRuY-00361-00104835-00105074 revolutionary kinds of approaches. HvCdMFXLRuY-00362-00105074-00105454 I think we need to start thinking beyond the degree, HvCdMFXLRuY-00363-00105454-00105633 beyond the course. HvCdMFXLRuY-00364-00105633-00105923 We can keep those, you know, let's keep those. HvCdMFXLRuY-00365-00105923-00106196 Let's add some of these new idea to those, HvCdMFXLRuY-00366-00106196-00106579 but let's also make them available in revolutionary ways. HvCdMFXLRuY-00367-00106624-00106863 I'm sorry I'm gonna miss David Wiley tomorrow. HvCdMFXLRuY-00368-00106863-00107133 Please give him my regards. HvCdMFXLRuY-00369-00107226-00107616 I remember him first as the learning objects guy, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00370-00107616-00107804 And when he talked about learning objects and how we can HvCdMFXLRuY-00371-00107804-00108013 take these learning objects and use them and reuse them HvCdMFXLRuY-00372-00108013-00108166 in many ways. HvCdMFXLRuY-00373-00108166-00108448 And now as one of the leaders in the open education HvCdMFXLRuY-00374-00108448-00108636 resource movement. HvCdMFXLRuY-00375-00108636-00108939 But yeah, I mean we can take these things we build HvCdMFXLRuY-00376-00108939-00109123 and use them in multiple ways, HvCdMFXLRuY-00377-00109123-00109417 and meet the demand for degrees, which isn't likely to HvCdMFXLRuY-00378-00109417-00109681 go away anytime soon, but also meet the demand HvCdMFXLRuY-00379-00109681-00109937 of people who have degrees, who aren't gonna go back HvCdMFXLRuY-00380-00109937-00110142 and get a whole degree. HvCdMFXLRuY-00381-00110142-00110485 And let's build things that make sense to them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00382-00110611-00110810 I'll get into that online shopping a little bit later. HvCdMFXLRuY-00383-00110810-00111126 So spoiler alert, if I haven't already, I'd like to tell you HvCdMFXLRuY-00384-00111126-00111284 that this is the punchline. HvCdMFXLRuY-00385-00111284-00111454 Whoops, I blew it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00386-00111454-00111621 There we go. HvCdMFXLRuY-00387-00111621-00111912 I think life is gonna be a lot different, HvCdMFXLRuY-00388-00112118-00112416 and I don't think our primary business in 20 years HvCdMFXLRuY-00389-00112416-00112596 is gonna be selling degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-00390-00112596-00112873 I think we'll still sell some degrees, but it won't HvCdMFXLRuY-00391-00112873-00113040 necessarily be from people who come here HvCdMFXLRuY-00392-00113040-00113509 or wherever we are, or even invest in a four-year HvCdMFXLRuY-00393-00113509-00113650 continuous kind of a thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00394-00113650-00114111 A degree will be something that people gather the pieces HvCdMFXLRuY-00395-00114111-00114461 of as they move through life. HvCdMFXLRuY-00396-00114461-00114767 And we'll be a lot more flexible than we are now. HvCdMFXLRuY-00397-00114849-00115233 OK, I wanna point out that the success that you have caused, HvCdMFXLRuY-00398-00115233-00115317 ah, rats. HvCdMFXLRuY-00399-00115317-00115432 The success that you have caused, HvCdMFXLRuY-00400-00115432-00115764 this is not my own clicker, but it's a great one, HvCdMFXLRuY-00401-00115764-00115914 but it's much more sensitive than mine. HvCdMFXLRuY-00402-00115914-00116017 Here we go. HvCdMFXLRuY-00403-00116017-00116336 OK, so online learning has changed our thinking. HvCdMFXLRuY-00404-00116336-00116571 Again, it wasn't very many years ago where people HvCdMFXLRuY-00405-00116571-00116708 didn't believe in this. HvCdMFXLRuY-00406-00116708-00116925 And now we've gone from that point to where most people HvCdMFXLRuY-00407-00116925-00117198 believe that you can learn important things online, HvCdMFXLRuY-00408-00117198-00117519 and most administrators, I think it was 74% HvCdMFXLRuY-00409-00117519-00117958 in a survey I saw recently, of institutional leaders HvCdMFXLRuY-00410-00117958-00118458 believe that a strong online learning department or aspect HvCdMFXLRuY-00411-00118461-00118781 is critical to the institution's success. HvCdMFXLRuY-00412-00118781-00119020 Not just nice to have, but critical. HvCdMFXLRuY-00413-00119020-00119234 Like if you don't have it, you're gonna have trouble HvCdMFXLRuY-00414-00119234-00119379 in the future. HvCdMFXLRuY-00415-00119379-00119741 The population of people who want to get into college HvCdMFXLRuY-00416-00119741-00120241 is growing from 150 million in 2000 to 250 million by 2025. HvCdMFXLRuY-00417-00120407-00120577 People from all over the world want access HvCdMFXLRuY-00418-00120577-00120936 to higher education, but they can't pay a Penn State HvCdMFXLRuY-00419-00120936-00121166 price for it, most of them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00420-00121166-00121504 I feel really bad about that, but I think combinations HvCdMFXLRuY-00421-00121504-00121859 of open educational resources, MOOCs, other things, HvCdMFXLRuY-00422-00121859-00122253 digital badges, small pieces, and allowing people to HvCdMFXLRuY-00423-00122253-00122462 accumulate pieces from a bunch of different sources HvCdMFXLRuY-00424-00122462-00122583 is what's gonna happen. HvCdMFXLRuY-00425-00122583-00122805 That's where my title comes from. HvCdMFXLRuY-00426-00122805-00123215 So think about learning in the age of the nomad, HvCdMFXLRuY-00427-00123215-00123338 the K-N-O-W mad. HvCdMFXLRuY-00428-00123338-00123654 Nomads wandered the earth sort of looking for food, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00429-00123654-00123872 And they were hunters and gatherers, HvCdMFXLRuY-00430-00123872-00124068 and I think with education credentials that's what's HvCdMFXLRuY-00431-00124068-00124222 gonna happen again. HvCdMFXLRuY-00432-00124222-00124473 Well, not again, a new kind of nomad. HvCdMFXLRuY-00433-00124473-00124690 People like us are gonna say, oh, for this job I need HvCdMFXLRuY-00434-00124690-00124951 a leadership credential, a diversity credential, HvCdMFXLRuY-00435-00124951-00125420 and I need to be certified in network administration. HvCdMFXLRuY-00436-00125420-00125587 Oh, and teamwork, they value teamwork. HvCdMFXLRuY-00437-00125587-00125979 And I'm gonna say I need to get a credential in this. HvCdMFXLRuY-00438-00125979-00126382 And I think we're gonna go to an amazon.com-like marketplace HvCdMFXLRuY-00439-00126382-00126646 where we're gonna say, I need a leadership credential. HvCdMFXLRuY-00440-00126646-00126868 And just like amazon.com right now... HvCdMFXLRuY-00441-00126868-00127282 By the way, they have a store for 3D printed products. HvCdMFXLRuY-00442-00127282-00127389 You think they're not gonna have a store HvCdMFXLRuY-00443-00127389-00127624 for education products? HvCdMFXLRuY-00444-00127624-00127726 So I'm gonna be able to search. HvCdMFXLRuY-00445-00127726-00127999 I want a leadership badge, a leadership credential. HvCdMFXLRuY-00446-00127999-00128413 It's gonna come back and show me three pages of HvCdMFXLRuY-00447-00128413-00128664 organizations that are offering a leadership badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00448-00128664-00129134 But right now, if I say I need an MBA, you get a little bit HvCdMFXLRuY-00449-00129134-00129403 of information about the MBA, not much at all really, HvCdMFXLRuY-00450-00129403-00129581 and you're buying this huge thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00451-00129581-00129740 In the future you're gonna be buying a smaller thing, HvCdMFXLRuY-00452-00129740-00129941 and you're gonna have great information. HvCdMFXLRuY-00453-00129941-00130171 That includes amazon.com like you get a little blurb. HvCdMFXLRuY-00454-00130171-00130316 You click to read more. HvCdMFXLRuY-00455-00130316-00130628 See some reviews of people who've earned that badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00456-00130628-00130832 See some reviews of people who've hired people HvCdMFXLRuY-00457-00130832-00131037 who had that badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00458-00131037-00131156 See how long it's gonna take. HvCdMFXLRuY-00459-00131156-00131347 And maybe like Best Buy, you'll be able to sort them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00460-00131347-00131536 How long does it take to earn this credential? HvCdMFXLRuY-00461-00131536-00131705 How much does it cost? HvCdMFXLRuY-00462-00131787-00132026 You know, maybe equality, and there's an endorsement layer HvCdMFXLRuY-00463-00132026-00132128 that's gonna be there, too. HvCdMFXLRuY-00464-00132128-00132414 So you'll be able to say, who's endorsed this badge? HvCdMFXLRuY-00465-00132414-00132687 So anyway, it's gonna be a very different marketplace. HvCdMFXLRuY-00466-00132687-00133081 That's exciting opportunity for us, we get there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00467-00133231-00133572 And I think there's gonna be another bit of growth in HvCdMFXLRuY-00468-00133572-00133905 remote participation in synchronous classes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00469-00133905-00134174 You'll see it in a minute, as a designer I'm a believer HvCdMFXLRuY-00470-00134174-00134449 in the taxonomies of different learning outcomes, HvCdMFXLRuY-00471-00134449-00134613 and some things are fine in MOOCs, HvCdMFXLRuY-00472-00134613-00134847 some knowledge level and comprehension level stuff. HvCdMFXLRuY-00473-00134847-00135091 But the other stuff needs to be done in real time HvCdMFXLRuY-00474-00135091-00135446 interaction, but even that can be done from a distance. HvCdMFXLRuY-00475-00135446-00135616 So you've probably heard the talk about HvCdMFXLRuY-00476-00135616-00136026 disruptive innovations, innovations that start out weak, HvCdMFXLRuY-00477-00136026-00136243 so nobody ever looks at 'em and says, sheesh, HvCdMFXLRuY-00478-00136243-00136503 you know, MOOCs aren't gonna change higher education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00479-00136503-00136742 You know, MOOCs, it's just talking head videos, HvCdMFXLRuY-00480-00136742-00137033 and quizzes, multiple choice quizzes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00481-00137033-00137225 That doesn't replace what I do. HvCdMFXLRuY-00482-00137225-00137604 But disruptive innovations get better fast, HvCdMFXLRuY-00483-00137604-00138031 and ultimately they do present a challenge to the incumbent. HvCdMFXLRuY-00484-00138031-00138531 And what I propose to you is that we don't just have HvCdMFXLRuY-00485-00138533-00138742 one disruptive innovation, and it's not gonna be HvCdMFXLRuY-00486-00138742-00138869 any one thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00487-00138869-00139151 It's not gonna be MOOCs or digital badges HvCdMFXLRuY-00488-00139151-00139484 or competency-based learning or prior learning assessment. HvCdMFXLRuY-00489-00139484-00139711 It's gonna be a combination of those things, HvCdMFXLRuY-00490-00139711-00140197 or new assessment techniques, computer algorithms that HvCdMFXLRuY-00491-00140197-00140499 can grade a written page, and things like that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00492-00140499-00140632 It's not gonna be any one of those things. HvCdMFXLRuY-00493-00140632-00140845 It's gonna be a combination of those, with those other HvCdMFXLRuY-00494-00140845-00141323 factors in terms of cost and what my expectations are HvCdMFXLRuY-00495-00141323-00141519 as an online consumer. HvCdMFXLRuY-00496-00141724-00141929 So here's one example. HvCdMFXLRuY-00497-00141929-00142061 I mean, these are all things that might be HvCdMFXLRuY-00498-00142061-00142262 disruptive innovations. HvCdMFXLRuY-00499-00142262-00142462 I just used Kahn Academy as the most familiar HvCdMFXLRuY-00500-00142462-00142962 of the examples of open online educational resources. HvCdMFXLRuY-00501-00142971-00143073 And then online shopping. HvCdMFXLRuY-00502-00143073-00143315 I really think that that's changing our expectations HvCdMFXLRuY-00503-00143315-00143579 for how we buy things and what we know HvCdMFXLRuY-00504-00143579-00143699 and the kind of information. HvCdMFXLRuY-00505-00143699-00144040 People aren't gonna say, I'm about to buy the biggest, HvCdMFXLRuY-00506-00144040-00144262 most important thing in my life. HvCdMFXLRuY-00507-00144262-00144522 Other than my house, my education probably cost more HvCdMFXLRuY-00508-00144522-00144701 than anything else, HvCdMFXLRuY-00509-00144701-00145012 and I'm doing that on almost no information. HvCdMFXLRuY-00510-00145094-00145538 And if I don't finish, I walk away with almost nothing HvCdMFXLRuY-00511-00145538-00145781 in terms of actually having that credential. HvCdMFXLRuY-00512-00145781-00146007 So I think things are gonna change pretty dramatically. HvCdMFXLRuY-00513-00146007-00146310 I think those things together create the perfect storm HvCdMFXLRuY-00514-00146310-00146553 kind of metaphor, and that there is, HvCdMFXLRuY-00515-00146553-00146892 'cause people have said over and over and over again, HvCdMFXLRuY-00516-00146892-00147242 you know, the movie projector is gonna HvCdMFXLRuY-00517-00147242-00147481 change education forever, alright? HvCdMFXLRuY-00518-00147481-00147673 The video disk is gonna change education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00519-00147673-00148018 The computer's gonna change education, and they didn't. HvCdMFXLRuY-00520-00148018-00148402 But this time I think, I think, and it's not just me, HvCdMFXLRuY-00521-00148402-00148727 the CIC, which is the Big Ten sort of an organization of HvCdMFXLRuY-00522-00148727-00148983 big ten universities, they commissioned a study, HvCdMFXLRuY-00523-00148983-00149183 and they came back and said this time it is different. HvCdMFXLRuY-00524-00149183-00149299 It does appear to be different. HvCdMFXLRuY-00525-00149299-00149444 This isn't like those other times. HvCdMFXLRuY-00526-00149444-00149725 There's so many forces together that this time could HvCdMFXLRuY-00527-00149725-00150040 potentially be very different. HvCdMFXLRuY-00528-00150040-00150241 Just like online learning's changed our thinking, HvCdMFXLRuY-00529-00150241-00150369 so have MOOCs. HvCdMFXLRuY-00530-00150369-00150562 So it used to be that we thought, you know, take the world's HvCdMFXLRuY-00531-00150562-00150762 best courses for free, and we used to think that it was HvCdMFXLRuY-00532-00150762-00151176 going to be primarily students from Africa and HvCdMFXLRuY-00533-00151176-00151423 under-developed nations that were gonna take courses. HvCdMFXLRuY-00534-00151423-00151581 DIdn't turn out to be true. HvCdMFXLRuY-00535-00151581-00151810 Udacity, Sebastian Thrun at one point said there'll only HvCdMFXLRuY-00536-00151810-00152140 be 25 universities left after ten years, HvCdMFXLRuY-00537-00152140-00152251 or something like that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00538-00152251-00152422 That's changing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00539-00152422-00152691 And then Ed X, too, was saying in this picture HvCdMFXLRuY-00540-00152691-00152927 the future of education, HvCdMFXLRuY-00541-00152927-00153167 they were calling MOOCs the future of education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00542-00153167-00153501 So although I don't think all of that hype was true, HvCdMFXLRuY-00543-00153501-00153743 and I should probably build in the Gartner Group HvCdMFXLRuY-00544-00153743-00154016 hype cycle here where every new technology goes up HvCdMFXLRuY-00545-00154016-00154194 to where everybody's starry-eyed, and then boom, HvCdMFXLRuY-00546-00154194-00154469 down into entrophic disillusionment, and then climbs out HvCdMFXLRuY-00547-00154469-00154763 the other side with realistic gains to be made HvCdMFXLRuY-00548-00154763-00155019 and contributions to be made. HvCdMFXLRuY-00549-00155019-00155147 Note to self, build it in here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00550-00155147-00155271 Or I'll get it on the recording. HvCdMFXLRuY-00551-00155271-00155433 Kyle, build that in when you... HvCdMFXLRuY-00552-00155433-00155539 OK. HvCdMFXLRuY-00553-00155539-00155919 But I do think we've learned through MOOCs that there are HvCdMFXLRuY-00554-00155919-00156207 higher ed institutions ready to give away content. HvCdMFXLRuY-00555-00156207-00156528 And I know David and Lumen Learning have been fighting HvCdMFXLRuY-00556-00156528-00156702 that good fight trying to make that happen, HvCdMFXLRuY-00557-00156702-00156937 and some institutions are way ahead of others HvCdMFXLRuY-00558-00156937-00157223 in terms of giving away their academic content. HvCdMFXLRuY-00559-00157223-00157496 It's proved that we're already seeing tools for HvCdMFXLRuY-00560-00157496-00157683 peer assessment improve. HvCdMFXLRuY-00561-00157748-00158157 So if we can build online ways for students to support HvCdMFXLRuY-00562-00158157-00158460 each other, they'll be able to take on challenges HvCdMFXLRuY-00563-00158460-00158591 that are greater and greater. HvCdMFXLRuY-00564-00158591-00158809 Think Bogotski there, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00565-00158809-00159000 With support they can do things they can't necessarily HvCdMFXLRuY-00566-00159000-00159146 do on their own, but for free. HvCdMFXLRuY-00567-00159146-00159432 They can't buy expert support, so what can we do to HvCdMFXLRuY-00568-00159432-00159750 create support that is somewhere in between HvCdMFXLRuY-00569-00159750-00159908 an expert and none? HvCdMFXLRuY-00570-00159908-00160189 And those tools are being developed. HvCdMFXLRuY-00571-00160189-00160539 So in the end, and we also know, especially the online HvCdMFXLRuY-00572-00160539-00160825 learning crowd, that online learning's not for everybody. HvCdMFXLRuY-00573-00160825-00161128 You have to be sort of a self-regulating, HvCdMFXLRuY-00574-00161128-00161286 you know, you have some self-discipline. HvCdMFXLRuY-00575-00161286-00161520 You have to be for it to work for you. HvCdMFXLRuY-00576-00161520-00161755 It's not gonna work for everybody, but some students HvCdMFXLRuY-00577-00161755-00162255 certainly will learn what they can learn by themselves HvCdMFXLRuY-00578-00162314-00162421 and with peer support. HvCdMFXLRuY-00579-00162421-00162779 And then they're gonna want to demonstrate that and say, HvCdMFXLRuY-00580-00162779-00162903 hey, wait a minute. HvCdMFXLRuY-00581-00162903-00163099 Don't make me take that class. HvCdMFXLRuY-00582-00163099-00163303 i know what's in that class. HvCdMFXLRuY-00583-00163389-00163662 And we tend to say, well, you know six of these HvCdMFXLRuY-00584-00163662-00163901 seven modules, but not all seven. HvCdMFXLRuY-00585-00163901-00164020 So take the class. HvCdMFXLRuY-00586-00164020-00164351 Oh, and then it's a big 18-week long thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00587-00164430-00164765 What other commitments do you make that are 18 weeks, HvCdMFXLRuY-00588-00164765-00165115 let alone four years, six years? HvCdMFXLRuY-00589-00165115-00165401 That's not the way this population in this HvCdMFXLRuY-00590-00165401-00165590 country's gonna go. HvCdMFXLRuY-00591-00165803-00166124 So when we create ways for them to demonstrate HvCdMFXLRuY-00592-00166124-00166363 their learning, I mean real, and this is great. HvCdMFXLRuY-00593-00166363-00166550 Learning designers, man, we've got... HvCdMFXLRuY-00594-00166550-00166832 Our job security is solid, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00595-00166832-00167015 'Cause somebody's gotta develop all these good HvCdMFXLRuY-00596-00167015-00167284 learning outcomes and the ways to measure that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00597-00167284-00167737 And you know, it's gonna be a great decade for us. HvCdMFXLRuY-00598-00167737-00168074 So let's talk a little bit about competency-based education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00599-00168074-00168308 Here's a good reference for that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00600-00168308-00168808 It was published by iNACOL, and in that they say... HvCdMFXLRuY-00601-00169035-00169535 In that they define competency-based pathways, HvCdMFXLRuY-00602-00169603-00169829 really these three bullets are the important piece. HvCdMFXLRuY-00603-00169829-00170117 So students advance based on mastery. HvCdMFXLRuY-00604-00170117-00170322 In other words, get the clock outta here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00605-00170322-00170565 It's not necessarily due next week, and you don't have HvCdMFXLRuY-00606-00170565-00170740 this much time to finish. HvCdMFXLRuY-00607-00170740-00171043 You move forward when you've mastered thing X. HvCdMFXLRuY-00608-00171043-00171171 And if you're having trouble with thing X, HvCdMFXLRuY-00609-00171171-00171420 let's get you some other ways to learn it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00610-00171420-00171739 And then, of course, you have to have explicit measureable HvCdMFXLRuY-00611-00171739-00172030 learning outcomes for that, and you have to have assessments HvCdMFXLRuY-00612-00172030-00172221 that really do the job. HvCdMFXLRuY-00613-00172221-00172392 And sometimes those assessments are gonna take HvCdMFXLRuY-00614-00172392-00172566 expert intervention. HvCdMFXLRuY-00615-00172717-00172997 But competency-based learning is really coming on. HvCdMFXLRuY-00616-00172997-00173091 It's gaining steam. HvCdMFXLRuY-00617-00173091-00173360 Western Governors University and Southern New Hampshire HvCdMFXLRuY-00618-00173360-00173659 University are the two that are sort of the poster children HvCdMFXLRuY-00619-00173659-00173864 now 'cause they were the first two to apply to HvCdMFXLRuY-00620-00173864-00173983 the federal government, HvCdMFXLRuY-00621-00173983-00174239 well, Western Governors was sort of set up to be that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00622-00174239-00174465 And then Southern New Hampshire was actually sort of HvCdMFXLRuY-00623-00174465-00174721 going under as a community college, and then changed HvCdMFXLRuY-00624-00174721-00175220 to degree completion focus and competency-based approach, HvCdMFXLRuY-00625-00175220-00175481 and now both of those institutions that are sort of the HvCdMFXLRuY-00626-00175481-00175685 flagships of competency-based education are growing HvCdMFXLRuY-00627-00175685-00175921 at about 30% per year. HvCdMFXLRuY-00628-00176029-00176097 Why? HvCdMFXLRuY-00629-00176097-00176268 Because they're providing a service that students HvCdMFXLRuY-00630-00176268-00176446 want and respect. HvCdMFXLRuY-00631-00176513-00176912 It's flexible, it's personal, it's accessible. HvCdMFXLRuY-00632-00177032-00177532 And when I went to a conference in Boston two years ago HvCdMFXLRuY-00633-00177587-00177860 the U.S. Department of Education was there saying, hey, HvCdMFXLRuY-00634-00177860-00178223 we sent a letter to all the heads of institutions saying, HvCdMFXLRuY-00635-00178223-00178547 please come to us and ask for permission to develop HvCdMFXLRuY-00636-00178547-00178726 competency-based programs rather than ones HvCdMFXLRuY-00637-00178726-00178871 based on seat time. HvCdMFXLRuY-00638-00178871-00179089 If you get our permission, then your students can use HvCdMFXLRuY-00639-00179089-00179362 their federal loans to register for courses even HvCdMFXLRuY-00640-00179362-00179562 that aren't time-based. HvCdMFXLRuY-00641-00179562-00179839 So at that point Southern New Hampshire was in the audience, HvCdMFXLRuY-00642-00179839-00180049 and they said, we've got one on your desk, HvCdMFXLRuY-00643-00180049-00180257 and it's been there for two months. HvCdMFXLRuY-00644-00180257-00180505 But at that point there was almost nobody. HvCdMFXLRuY-00645-00180505-00180740 Last year there were 20 applications, HvCdMFXLRuY-00646-00180740-00181093 and this year so far there are 250 applications HvCdMFXLRuY-00647-00181093-00181294 from universities saying we wanna implement HvCdMFXLRuY-00648-00181294-00181444 competency-based programs. HvCdMFXLRuY-00649-00181444-00181712 So I call that a trend. HvCdMFXLRuY-00650-00181802-00181986 Personalized and flex degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-00651-00181986-00182117 We have someone here, I met her earlier, HvCdMFXLRuY-00652-00182117-00182383 I'm not good with names, from Northern Arizona. HvCdMFXLRuY-00653-00182383-00182604 Yeah, they have personalized Bachelors degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-00654-00182604-00182929 It's not what she's about, she's in another aspect of it, HvCdMFXLRuY-00655-00182929-00183202 but places like University of Northern Arizona, HvCdMFXLRuY-00656-00183202-00183369 University of Wisconsin, HvCdMFXLRuY-00657-00183369-00183869 serious, formidable forces, are moving in this direction. HvCdMFXLRuY-00658-00183960-00184460 And vendors, Pearson is drooling at that prospect. HvCdMFXLRuY-00659-00184693-00185005 They're building the mechanisms, the inner infrastructure HvCdMFXLRuY-00660-00185005-00185227 to support competency-based learning, HvCdMFXLRuY-00661-00185227-00185453 and they're going into badging, and they're really trying to HvCdMFXLRuY-00662-00185453-00185953 get in there and steal our lunch, if you will. HvCdMFXLRuY-00663-00185986-00186231 I mean, they want our business. HvCdMFXLRuY-00664-00186293-00186496 OK, so that takes us to prior learning assessment. HvCdMFXLRuY-00665-00186496-00186769 I think we all understand what it is, but what is isn't HvCdMFXLRuY-00666-00186769-00186964 is just saying, I've already been in the workplace HvCdMFXLRuY-00667-00186964-00187247 for three years, so give me 90 credits. HvCdMFXLRuY-00668-00187247-00187358 Doesn't happen. HvCdMFXLRuY-00669-00187358-00187742 What happens is you evaluate a legitimate HvCdMFXLRuY-00670-00187742-00188164 college-level outcome using... HvCdMFXLRuY-00671-00188164-00188325 You know, we don't care where it comes from, HvCdMFXLRuY-00672-00188325-00188480 that's the second bullet, HvCdMFXLRuY-00673-00188480-00188830 and it has to be the equivalent of a college outcome. HvCdMFXLRuY-00674-00188830-00189035 And then, if in fact they can prove to you through HvCdMFXLRuY-00675-00189035-00189418 an examination or a portfolio or a performance, HvCdMFXLRuY-00676-00189418-00189832 then you can give them credit, college credits for that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00677-00189832-00190075 There is one institution in Tennessee, HvCdMFXLRuY-00678-00190075-00190212 I really should know it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00679-00190212-00190507 In fact, I should put that another slide in here, HvCdMFXLRuY-00680-00190507-00190617 that does that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00681-00190617-00190848 They had, for $1,200 dollars you could come in and HvCdMFXLRuY-00682-00190848-00191123 take a battery of tests on one day, HvCdMFXLRuY-00683-00191219-00191427 and you'll go through a bunch of inbox, HvCdMFXLRuY-00684-00191427-00191794 it's not inbox exercises, but actual performances you do HvCdMFXLRuY-00685-00191794-00192122 that are graded by people who are trained in that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00686-00192122-00192361 They were developed by external, and I think the person HvCdMFXLRuY-00687-00192361-00192714 who did that got something like 30 credits. HvCdMFXLRuY-00688-00192783-00193018 Which you say, well $1,200 dollars for one day? HvCdMFXLRuY-00689-00193018-00193303 Yeah, no, $1,200 dollars for 30 credits. HvCdMFXLRuY-00690-00193303-00193418 Look at it that way. HvCdMFXLRuY-00691-00193418-00193831 It's a good deal, and it's just the right thing to do. HvCdMFXLRuY-00692-00193926-00193999 Alright? HvCdMFXLRuY-00693-00193999-00194071 Why would we do this? HvCdMFXLRuY-00694-00194071-00194480 Well, how can I justify making somebody learn something HvCdMFXLRuY-00695-00194480-00194604 they already know? HvCdMFXLRuY-00696-00194604-00194830 Make them sit through a class, make them do exercises. HvCdMFXLRuY-00697-00194830-00195009 That's just not right. HvCdMFXLRuY-00698-00195009-00195231 I mean, there should be a code of ethics for educators HvCdMFXLRuY-00699-00195231-00195564 that say, no, we don't make them do that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00700-00195564-00195768 There's a big thing about reducing time to HvCdMFXLRuY-00701-00195768-00195905 completion of degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-00702-00195905-00196012 That would help. HvCdMFXLRuY-00703-00196012-00196208 And efficiency fills the gaps in the labor market, HvCdMFXLRuY-00704-00196208-00196601 and the people who are given prior learning assessment HvCdMFXLRuY-00705-00196601-00196912 credits do finish at a higher rate. HvCdMFXLRuY-00706-00196912-00197210 So here's a study that was published by Cael, HvCdMFXLRuY-00707-00197210-00197475 which is an organization around C-A-E-L, HvCdMFXLRuY-00708-00197475-00197735 which is around competency-based learning HvCdMFXLRuY-00709-00197735-00198098 where they actually tracked graduation rates of people HvCdMFXLRuY-00710-00198098-00198346 who did not earn any prior learning assessment credit HvCdMFXLRuY-00711-00198346-00198759 and those who did, and in every category the HvCdMFXLRuY-00712-00198759-00199017 blue is earned Associates degrees, Bachelors degrees HvCdMFXLRuY-00713-00199017-00199256 is the red, and did not is the top. HvCdMFXLRuY-00714-00199256-00199529 You can see the degree earners in the blue and red HvCdMFXLRuY-00715-00199529-00199900 is higher when prior learning assessment was awarded. HvCdMFXLRuY-00716-00199900-00199969 Why? HvCdMFXLRuY-00717-00199969-00200092 'Cause you've reduced the time, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00718-00200092-00200204 They're already part way there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00719-00200204-00200387 It's not rocket science. HvCdMFXLRuY-00720-00200541-00200763 I think I've already said this, I'm not gonna get into HvCdMFXLRuY-00721-00200763-00200938 the discussion, so I'm not gonna spend much more HvCdMFXLRuY-00722-00200938-00201156 time on that, but online shopping is changing HvCdMFXLRuY-00723-00201156-00201655 our expectations about the way we buy things, HvCdMFXLRuY-00724-00201655-00201816 the way we engage in things. HvCdMFXLRuY-00725-00201931-00202093 Nano degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-00726-00202093-00202301 This is another interesting thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00727-00202301-00202652 So Udacity, one of the MOOC companies, has started to HvCdMFXLRuY-00728-00202652-00203039 call what we would call a certificate, like if you take the HvCdMFXLRuY-00729-00203039-00203257 five core courses in computer science, HvCdMFXLRuY-00730-00203257-00203441 you get a nano degree in computer science. HvCdMFXLRuY-00731-00203441-00203641 They're not calling it a Bachelors degree. HvCdMFXLRuY-00732-00203641-00203816 They're calling it a nano degree. HvCdMFXLRuY-00733-00203816-00203970 So people are already starting to say, HvCdMFXLRuY-00734-00203970-00204259 move this stuff aside and just get this, HvCdMFXLRuY-00735-00204259-00204374 which is I think a danger. HvCdMFXLRuY-00736-00204374-00204685 I think you would agree, those of you who value the degrees, HvCdMFXLRuY-00737-00204685-00204873 think we need to do something in defense of that HvCdMFXLRuY-00738-00204873-00205044 kind of approach. HvCdMFXLRuY-00739-00205044-00205320 So here's another look at it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00740-00205406-00205706 This is an article in the Chronicle saying, HvCdMFXLRuY-00741-00205706-00206120 peoples now buy songs, not albums, alright? HvCdMFXLRuY-00742-00206120-00206269 And they're making the parallel to us. HvCdMFXLRuY-00743-00206269-00206534 Are they gonna continue to buy degrees? HvCdMFXLRuY-00744-00206534-00206752 Or are they gonna buy smaller things? HvCdMFXLRuY-00745-00206752-00207016 Now we could argue that, and I hope we'll get there soon, HvCdMFXLRuY-00746-00207016-00207139 but that was an interesting one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00747-00207139-00207451 They call it the end of the class as we know it claim. HvCdMFXLRuY-00748-00207451-00207805 And the very notion of class might be outdated. HvCdMFXLRuY-00749-00207805-00208151 So lots of people projecting. HvCdMFXLRuY-00750-00208151-00208314 I gonna borrow the next few slides from my HvCdMFXLRuY-00751-00208314-00208463 associates at Penn State. HvCdMFXLRuY-00752-00208463-00208672 Kyle Bowen, who used to be at Purdue, HvCdMFXLRuY-00753-00208672-00209052 he's the most smartest guy I know in terms of HvCdMFXLRuY-00754-00209052-00209304 digital badging, and Chris Long, who's our Associate Dean HvCdMFXLRuY-00755-00209304-00209526 in Undergraduate Education. HvCdMFXLRuY-00756-00209526-00209680 So they put these together. HvCdMFXLRuY-00757-00209680-00209965 Talk about one of the problems we have. HvCdMFXLRuY-00758-00209965-00210302 That is blurred out because it's an academic transcript. HvCdMFXLRuY-00759-00210302-00210528 It's an academic transcript. HvCdMFXLRuY-00760-00210528-00210882 My friend Kyle Bowen sort of stunned me one day when HvCdMFXLRuY-00761-00210882-00211223 he compared it to a Walmart receipt. HvCdMFXLRuY-00762-00211296-00211410 He said, look at that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00763-00211410-00211590 By the way, that's what you get. HvCdMFXLRuY-00764-00211590-00211833 That's what you get after you spend years and HvCdMFXLRuY-00765-00211833-00212089 tens of thousands of dollars, you get that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00766-00212089-00212352 And you get that pretty piece of diploma, too. HvCdMFXLRuY-00767-00212352-00212706 But as far as proving what you know and what you can do, HvCdMFXLRuY-00768-00212706-00213112 those aren't even full course names behind there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00769-00213112-00213495 It's Intro Ed Prog or Intro Ed Res, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00770-00213495-00213683 We don't even know what that means, HvCdMFXLRuY-00771-00213683-00213871 let alone whether I was good at, HvCdMFXLRuY-00772-00213871-00214212 eh, OK, talkin' to the choir here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00773-00214212-00214349 I like this quote. HvCdMFXLRuY-00774-00214349-00214558 Compared with the new open badge system standard college HvCdMFXLRuY-00775-00214558-00214895 transcript looks like a sad and archaic thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00776-00214895-00214980 Why? HvCdMFXLRuY-00777-00214980-00215110 Because it is. HvCdMFXLRuY-00778-00215110-00215370 You know, the grading, the letter grade, HvCdMFXLRuY-00779-00215370-00215673 that was developed in a paper and pencil world. HvCdMFXLRuY-00780-00215673-00216108 We grade meat, right, we grade eggs. HvCdMFXLRuY-00781-00216108-00216505 We don't need to grade learning or grade people. HvCdMFXLRuY-00782-00216505-00216689 That's kinda demeaning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00783-00216689-00216842 We just need to say what they can do, HvCdMFXLRuY-00784-00216842-00217068 when they've mastered something, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00785-00217068-00217290 Let's move on, leave that behind, HvCdMFXLRuY-00786-00217290-00217555 which takes us to digital badging. HvCdMFXLRuY-00787-00217555-00217886 So a digital badge, we all kinda know what a badge was, HvCdMFXLRuY-00788-00217886-00218107 a picture that represents something. HvCdMFXLRuY-00789-00218107-00218372 But it's more than that now because beneath the skin HvCdMFXLRuY-00790-00218372-00218734 of a digital badge, it's an electronic image that has HvCdMFXLRuY-00791-00218734-00218892 metadata behind it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00792-00218892-00219089 Just like when you click a link on the internet HvCdMFXLRuY-00793-00219089-00219391 or somewhere, it takes you somewhere. HvCdMFXLRuY-00794-00219391-00219588 When you're using digital badges, you click a link, HvCdMFXLRuY-00795-00219588-00220057 and it reveals comprehensive information about HvCdMFXLRuY-00796-00220057-00220307 that badge, including who issued the badge, HvCdMFXLRuY-00797-00220307-00220588 who earned the badge, what they had to do to earn the badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00798-00220588-00220747 There can be links to the evidence. HvCdMFXLRuY-00799-00220747-00221045 If the evidence is stored digitally, you can click a link HvCdMFXLRuY-00800-00221045-00221301 and actually see a video of somebody demonstrating HvCdMFXLRuY-00801-00221301-00221506 presentation skills. HvCdMFXLRuY-00802-00221506-00221751 And there's another link called evidence that you can click HvCdMFXLRuY-00803-00221751-00222117 to see the rubric that was used to evaluate that performance. HvCdMFXLRuY-00804-00222117-00222506 Not filled in, but the rubric that they used to assess that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00805-00222506-00222749 And there's going to be another field in there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00806-00222749-00222975 You can tie it to standards, that's another good one. HvCdMFXLRuY-00807-00222975-00223069 Date issued. HvCdMFXLRuY-00808-00223069-00223265 If you want 'em to expire over time, you can set HvCdMFXLRuY-00809-00223265-00223462 an expiration date. HvCdMFXLRuY-00810-00223462-00223675 But there's also gonna be one for endorsements. HvCdMFXLRuY-00811-00223675-00223987 So associations, professional associations, universities, HvCdMFXLRuY-00812-00223987-00224165 companies will be able to put their seal of HvCdMFXLRuY-00813-00224165-00224365 approval on badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-00814-00224447-00224938 So this changes things because now if your institution HvCdMFXLRuY-00815-00224938-00225227 is doing a better job than mine in terms of leadership HvCdMFXLRuY-00816-00225227-00225573 development, it's gonna be clear to the world, HvCdMFXLRuY-00817-00225573-00225782 'cause they're gonna click my badge and see to earn HvCdMFXLRuY-00818-00225782-00226000 Kyle's badge all you had to do was read three articles HvCdMFXLRuY-00819-00226000-00226277 on leadership and write a two-page paper. HvCdMFXLRuY-00820-00226277-00226525 To earn your badge they had to do that, and they had to HvCdMFXLRuY-00821-00226525-00226772 actually lead a team to do something, HvCdMFXLRuY-00822-00226772-00226981 and the assessment wasn't just from a professor, HvCdMFXLRuY-00823-00226981-00227297 it was from the team of people that were led, HvCdMFXLRuY-00824-00227297-00227420 and dah dah dah. HvCdMFXLRuY-00825-00227420-00227608 And all of a sudden you look better than I do. HvCdMFXLRuY-00826-00227608-00228043 And ratings, rankings of universities that have taken HvCdMFXLRuY-00827-00228043-00228393 centuries to build can change very quickly once this HvCdMFXLRuY-00828-00228393-00228790 starts to happen because we finally would have an indication HvCdMFXLRuY-00829-00228790-00229059 of the teaching and learning that really goes on, HvCdMFXLRuY-00830-00229059-00229464 instead of number of books in the library and other factors. HvCdMFXLRuY-00831-00229464-00229779 The SAT scores of people when they come in the door, HvCdMFXLRuY-00832-00229856-00230061 how does that make me a good school? HvCdMFXLRuY-00833-00230061-00230346 If I take exceptional people and produce exceptional HvCdMFXLRuY-00834-00230346-00230611 people, doesn't sound like a good school to me. HvCdMFXLRuY-00835-00230611-00230931 If I take the rest who have struggled and produce HvCdMFXLRuY-00836-00230931-00231143 exceptional people, that's a good school. HvCdMFXLRuY-00837-00231143-00231433 Alright, get off that soap box. HvCdMFXLRuY-00838-00231433-00231609 Badges can be used in universities in lots of HvCdMFXLRuY-00839-00231609-00231682 different ways. HvCdMFXLRuY-00840-00231682-00232139 This is another one of Kyle Bowen's illustrations here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00841-00232139-00232339 They can be used in curricular and non-curricular HvCdMFXLRuY-00842-00232339-00232667 and extra-curricular activites, co-curricular activities. HvCdMFXLRuY-00843-00232667-00232826 Clubs can use them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00844-00232826-00232966 That's the great thing about badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-00845-00232966-00233196 They're not only for universities. HvCdMFXLRuY-00846-00233196-00233495 They were developed by the programming community HvCdMFXLRuY-00847-00233495-00233721 to document some of the undocumented skills HvCdMFXLRuY-00848-00233721-00233956 that programmers were developing. HvCdMFXLRuY-00849-00233956-00234232 They learn new programming languages, they teach each other HvCdMFXLRuY-00850-00234232-00234428 languages, they develop competencies, and they got HvCdMFXLRuY-00851-00234428-00234596 nothing to show for it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00852-00234670-00234904 So that's where the idea came from. HvCdMFXLRuY-00853-00234904-00235117 But it's true, you know things about photography, HvCdMFXLRuY-00854-00235117-00235352 you know things about cooking, you know things about HvCdMFXLRuY-00855-00235352-00235604 interaction, social... HvCdMFXLRuY-00856-00235604-00236017 Yeah, all those things can be badged and can be curated HvCdMFXLRuY-00857-00236017-00236348 by you in an online portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-00858-00236417-00236584 I don't think we're gonna have time for me to get in and do HvCdMFXLRuY-00859-00236584-00236794 a hands-on demo, but I'll do that another time for you HvCdMFXLRuY-00860-00236794-00236914 if you want. HvCdMFXLRuY-00861-00236914-00237161 You end up with a collection of badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-00862-00237161-00237417 You can create a collection, a set of collections HvCdMFXLRuY-00863-00237417-00237796 on the side, and you just drag badges into a new box. HvCdMFXLRuY-00864-00237878-00238068 And then you title that box. HvCdMFXLRuY-00865-00238116-00238231 You check public. HvCdMFXLRuY-00866-00238231-00238470 You click one more link, and it makes a web page HvCdMFXLRuY-00867-00238470-00238622 with all those badges on it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00868-00238622-00238946 You copy the url, you send it to somebody, HvCdMFXLRuY-00869-00238946-00239181 and somebody now has a web page that has all the badges HvCdMFXLRuY-00870-00239181-00239518 you wanted to show them ready for display. HvCdMFXLRuY-00871-00239518-00239719 Boom, they click, they can see your evidence. HvCdMFXLRuY-00872-00239719-00239852 They see the criteria. HvCdMFXLRuY-00873-00239852-00240214 It's so much better than that transcript. HvCdMFXLRuY-00874-00240214-00240359 It's gonna blow us outta the water. HvCdMFXLRuY-00875-00240359-00240495 So some universities are doing this. HvCdMFXLRuY-00876-00240495-00240900 University UC Davis, Colorado State is into it, HvCdMFXLRuY-00877-00240900-00241106 Purdue was the leader for quite a while. HvCdMFXLRuY-00878-00241106-00241302 We hope to overtake them, come outta nowhere, HvCdMFXLRuY-00879-00241302-00241613 Penn State, with the new badging engine we're building HvCdMFXLRuY-00880-00241613-00241729 to take them on. HvCdMFXLRuY-00881-00241729-00242091 This is a glimpse of our liberal arts college is gonna be HvCdMFXLRuY-00882-00242091-00242463 using badges to describe this liberal arts citizen, HvCdMFXLRuY-00883-00242463-00242663 that has four different pieces to it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00884-00242663-00243030 Global perspective, initiative, leadership and engagement. HvCdMFXLRuY-00885-00243030-00243311 Inside global perspective you'll see things like HvCdMFXLRuY-00886-00243311-00243512 the globalist badge, the culturalist badge HvCdMFXLRuY-00887-00243512-00243695 and the traveler badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-00888-00243695-00243921 Inside excellence in communication you'll see things like HvCdMFXLRuY-00889-00243921-00244344 oral presentations, public discourse, so on and so on. HvCdMFXLRuY-00890-00244344-00244455 That's just the beginning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00891-00244455-00244621 We haven't really even released the engine. HvCdMFXLRuY-00892-00244621-00244766 I wanna jump now, HvCdMFXLRuY-00893-00244766-00244945 how am I doin' on time? HvCdMFXLRuY-00894-00244945-00245137 I'm doin' well, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00895-00245137-00245439 Two-o-three, oh yeah, we're good. HvCdMFXLRuY-00896-00245439-00245631 We're not great, but we're good. HvCdMFXLRuY-00897-00245631-00245870 OK, so Haven Ladd. HvCdMFXLRuY-00898-00246061-00246264 Futurist, he's with the Parthenon Group, HvCdMFXLRuY-00899-00246264-00246456 he does consulting for universities. HvCdMFXLRuY-00900-00246456-00246725 He put up this model and sort of talked about stages HvCdMFXLRuY-00901-00246725-00247079 that we move through, from new traditional HvCdMFXLRuY-00902-00247079-00247203 to academic innovation. HvCdMFXLRuY-00903-00247203-00247343 These are recent stages. HvCdMFXLRuY-00904-00247343-00247579 And you'll see it starts at the top left with online HvCdMFXLRuY-00905-00247579-00247766 enhancement to on ground traditional. HvCdMFXLRuY-00906-00247766-00248022 Then hybrid online, fully online programs, HvCdMFXLRuY-00907-00248022-00248201 moves to competency-based learning. HvCdMFXLRuY-00908-00248201-00248423 Notice that these on the right-hand side he's calling HvCdMFXLRuY-00909-00248423-00248585 student paced models. HvCdMFXLRuY-00910-00248585-00249085 This is like a new era that we're moving into here. HvCdMFXLRuY-00911-00249089-00249310 And that in those student paced models he's really HvCdMFXLRuY-00912-00249310-00249513 labeling that sort of academic innovation. HvCdMFXLRuY-00913-00249513-00249762 That's the academic innovation side. HvCdMFXLRuY-00914-00249762-00250029 And in that it's students completing online courses HvCdMFXLRuY-00915-00250029-00250269 at their own pace, culminating in online assessment HvCdMFXLRuY-00916-00250269-00250443 and credentials. HvCdMFXLRuY-00917-00250443-00250588 It doesn't have to be, again some of them, HvCdMFXLRuY-00918-00250588-00250754 like Western Governors University, they don't care HvCdMFXLRuY-00919-00250754-00250861 where you learn it. HvCdMFXLRuY-00920-00250861-00251159 Just that you learn it, and you finish the assessments. HvCdMFXLRuY-00921-00251295-00251470 I'm gonna move through this quickly 'cause I wanna HvCdMFXLRuY-00922-00251470-00251623 leave more time. HvCdMFXLRuY-00923-00251623-00251889 So we need to act on the changes we see. HvCdMFXLRuY-00924-00251889-00252221 So these things are happening, and we are the designers HvCdMFXLRuY-00925-00252221-00252439 of this industry, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00926-00252439-00252712 And somebody's gonna build the next something. HvCdMFXLRuY-00927-00252712-00253113 I want it to be us 'cause we know more. HvCdMFXLRuY-00928-00253113-00253428 We're better prepared to do that than other people. HvCdMFXLRuY-00929-00253428-00253736 Our primary business isn't gonna be content delivery. HvCdMFXLRuY-00930-00253736-00254137 It's gonna be support, assessment and certification. HvCdMFXLRuY-00931-00254137-00254436 Alright, we're gonna find ways to make students wanna come HvCdMFXLRuY-00932-00254436-00254640 to our organization because they're gonna get the support HvCdMFXLRuY-00933-00254640-00255059 they need to be successful in the program HvCdMFXLRuY-00934-00255059-00255410 over some timeframe that makes sense to them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00935-00255496-00255642 Others wanna do that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00936-00255642-00255889 I think I covered all that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00937-00255889-00256172 So the question is, how do we bring all this together? HvCdMFXLRuY-00938-00256239-00256386 How do we bring all that together? HvCdMFXLRuY-00939-00256386-00256655 How do we do all these things I just talked about? HvCdMFXLRuY-00940-00256655-00256796 What's the first step? HvCdMFXLRuY-00941-00256796-00257073 So it starts as a designer with Bloom's Taxonomy, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00942-00257073-00257316 We all know this as designers. HvCdMFXLRuY-00943-00257316-00257467 There are different kinds of learning outcomes. HvCdMFXLRuY-00944-00257467-00257621 Some are tougher than others. HvCdMFXLRuY-00945-00257621-00257838 As you move up that scale, it's gonna require HvCdMFXLRuY-00946-00257838-00257988 more expert guidance. HvCdMFXLRuY-00947-00257988-00258321 You can rely less on peer support. HvCdMFXLRuY-00948-00258321-00258558 So what if we took that and said that's the basis HvCdMFXLRuY-00949-00258558-00258891 on which we're gonna make our decisions? HvCdMFXLRuY-00950-00258891-00259314 So an advanced course might have learning outcomes from all HvCdMFXLRuY-00951-00259314-00259691 of those different levels, might look something like this. HvCdMFXLRuY-00952-00259817-00260099 An intro course is gonna have things from the lower levels, HvCdMFXLRuY-00953-00260099-00260364 just comprehension and knowledge acquisition levels, HvCdMFXLRuY-00954-00260364-00260645 maybe a little application at the end. HvCdMFXLRuY-00955-00260645-00260978 I was told I don't give enough credit to those intro courses HvCdMFXLRuY-00956-00260978-00261341 that they apply it many times, so I'm inclined to add HvCdMFXLRuY-00957-00261341-00261657 a few more green boxes, but not that many probably. HvCdMFXLRuY-00958-00261657-00261878 Advanced level dissertation research, it's almost all HvCdMFXLRuY-00959-00261878-00262117 the upper level, and if there's any dipping back down to HvCdMFXLRuY-00960-00262117-00262305 knowledge and comprehension usually the student's doing it HvCdMFXLRuY-00961-00262305-00262446 on his or her own. HvCdMFXLRuY-00962-00262446-00262570 They figured out something's missing, HvCdMFXLRuY-00963-00262570-00262724 and they go back down there. HvCdMFXLRuY-00964-00262724-00262985 So what if we think about it this way, and sort of HvCdMFXLRuY-00965-00262985-00263206 overlay the idea of badging on that? HvCdMFXLRuY-00966-00263206-00263651 Now what if we took chunks of the content in those courses HvCdMFXLRuY-00967-00263651-00263834 and said this isn't just a course? HvCdMFXLRuY-00968-00263834-00264256 It's a series of units, series of modules that are HvCdMFXLRuY-00969-00264256-00264419 these digital badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-00970-00264419-00264662 And if we did that in our introductory courses, and did that HvCdMFXLRuY-00971-00264662-00264909 in the advanced courses, and did that in the dissertation HvCdMFXLRuY-00972-00264909-00265141 and research courses, we put 'em into badges, HvCdMFXLRuY-00973-00265141-00265469 we put 'em into an order and say, of course, HvCdMFXLRuY-00974-00265469-00265700 if you take a course from me we're gonna work on this badge, HvCdMFXLRuY-00975-00265700-00266165 then that badge, if the badges are prerequisite in nature. HvCdMFXLRuY-00976-00266165-00266306 Some are to the others. HvCdMFXLRuY-00977-00266306-00266510 Then we take all that, and why don't we HvCdMFXLRuY-00978-00266510-00266677 give that stuff away? HvCdMFXLRuY-00979-00266677-00267128 Why don't we put that out in this content pool out there HvCdMFXLRuY-00980-00267128-00267465 and create what I like to call a flex MOOC, alright? HvCdMFXLRuY-00981-00267465-00267716 Why don't we do that and have other people do that, HvCdMFXLRuY-00982-00267716-00267963 and do that for different courses, and there's a whole bunch HvCdMFXLRuY-00983-00267963-00268207 of things out there that could be called this flex MOOC. HvCdMFXLRuY-00984-00268207-00268482 And people create a personalized learning plan, right? HvCdMFXLRuY-00985-00268482-00268670 There are a lot of designers out there who haven't HvCdMFXLRuY-00986-00268670-00268794 finished programs. HvCdMFXLRuY-00987-00268794-00268917 There may be some in this room. HvCdMFXLRuY-00988-00268917-00269203 Very capable designers haven't finished programs. HvCdMFXLRuY-00989-00269203-00269352 Maybe they didn't figure everything out. HvCdMFXLRuY-00990-00269352-00269536 They might wanna just take pieces of that. HvCdMFXLRuY-00991-00269536-00269911 Let 'em do it, let them select badges, put them in a HvCdMFXLRuY-00992-00269911-00270167 personalized learning plan based on the ones that HvCdMFXLRuY-00993-00270167-00270334 make sense to them. HvCdMFXLRuY-00994-00270334-00270607 And then let them work through those badges on their HvCdMFXLRuY-00995-00270607-00270961 own pace, and they pass a test. HvCdMFXLRuY-00996-00270961-00271140 That was knowledge and comprehension level stuff, HvCdMFXLRuY-00997-00271140-00271263 so it can be tested. HvCdMFXLRuY-00998-00271263-00271558 If you earn the badge, it goes into your online portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-00999-00271558-00271741 This next one, because of the brighter colors HvCdMFXLRuY-01000-00271741-00271924 it's more of a higher order thing. HvCdMFXLRuY-01001-00271924-00272210 So that would have to be peer review rather than assessment. HvCdMFXLRuY-01002-00272210-00272440 If they pass it, great, they got another badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-01003-00272440-00272669 Here comes another low level one, great. HvCdMFXLRuY-01004-00272669-00272776 Automated, no problem. HvCdMFXLRuY-01005-00272776-00272998 Test, whoops, problem, didn't pass the test. HvCdMFXLRuY-01006-00272998-00273122 Not really a problem. HvCdMFXLRuY-01007-00273122-00273355 Go look at it a different way, come back again HvCdMFXLRuY-01008-00273355-00273608 and pass it the next time. HvCdMFXLRuY-01009-00273608-00273894 The tricky part is if you don't pass one of the HvCdMFXLRuY-01010-00273894-00274248 higher order ones, then you end up with sort of HvCdMFXLRuY-01011-00274248-00274431 owing more peer review. HvCdMFXLRuY-01012-00274431-00274811 If this is gonna be free, then before you get your badge HvCdMFXLRuY-01013-00274811-00274956 you're gonna have to review, HvCdMFXLRuY-01014-00274956-00275110 if three people reviewed your badge, you're gonna have to HvCdMFXLRuY-01015-00275110-00275277 review three other people's badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-01016-00275277-00275596 After you've been certified as, yeah, that was a good HvCdMFXLRuY-01017-00275596-00275887 performance, now you're capable to do a peer review HvCdMFXLRuY-01018-00275887-00276331 in my way this goes, and then you end up with that badge HvCdMFXLRuY-01019-00276331-00276492 show up in your portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-01020-00276492-00276855 If you fail the first time around, then you're gonna owe HvCdMFXLRuY-01021-00276855-00277115 six reviews because six people reviewed yours HvCdMFXLRuY-01022-00277115-00277269 before you got through. HvCdMFXLRuY-01023-00277269-00277542 So anyway, that results in an online portfolio that HvCdMFXLRuY-01024-00277542-00277794 ultimately gets filled with other badges that people earn. HvCdMFXLRuY-01025-00277794-00277973 They have this online portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-01026-00277973-00278323 Then how does it connect back to everything else we do? HvCdMFXLRuY-01027-00278502-00278848 OK, so you can put them in collections, HvCdMFXLRuY-01028-00278848-00279236 and you can create reports out of that portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-01029-00279236-00279445 You could pass those reports out for prior HvCdMFXLRuY-01030-00279445-00279569 learning assessment. HvCdMFXLRuY-01031-00279569-00279757 One of the real problems with prior learning assessment is HvCdMFXLRuY-01032-00279757-00280091 it's a pain in the butt because I say I require a portfolio, HvCdMFXLRuY-01033-00280091-00280291 but your portfolio doesn't have the things in it HvCdMFXLRuY-01034-00280291-00280436 that I wanna see. HvCdMFXLRuY-01035-00280436-00280854 Well, if you worked on my badges, you have met my criteria. HvCdMFXLRuY-01036-00280854-00281268 I have a product there that is the product I'm looking for. HvCdMFXLRuY-01037-00281268-00281533 So if you want CEUs I can just say, well earning each of HvCdMFXLRuY-01038-00281533-00281763 those badges was worth so much time, and we could issue HvCdMFXLRuY-01039-00281763-00282146 CEUs pretty easily on that side, if they give us something HvCdMFXLRuY-01040-00282146-00282275 that's the equivalent of courses. HvCdMFXLRuY-01041-00282275-00282578 If the badges in that report are the same as in that course, HvCdMFXLRuY-01042-00282578-00282732 then they should be able to go ahead and say HvCdMFXLRuY-01043-00282732-00283115 I'd like to apply for college credit for that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01044-00283115-00283393 And again, you get credit by examiner portfolio. HvCdMFXLRuY-01045-00283393-00283559 If it's knowledge and comprehension level, HvCdMFXLRuY-01046-00283559-00283691 you do an exam. HvCdMFXLRuY-01047-00283691-00283854 If you pass the exam, great. HvCdMFXLRuY-01048-00283854-00284024 If you don't, you try again. HvCdMFXLRuY-01049-00284024-00284272 Pass it, you go ahead and get credits for what you passed, HvCdMFXLRuY-01050-00284272-00284481 and those can be partial, doesn't have to be everything HvCdMFXLRuY-01051-00284481-00284643 has to be three credits. HvCdMFXLRuY-01052-00284643-00284916 If it's a higher order thing, and you need somebody HvCdMFXLRuY-01053-00284916-00285151 to review your portfolio, then you go through this HvCdMFXLRuY-01054-00285151-00285368 portfolio review, which would include a HvCdMFXLRuY-01055-00285368-00285586 Skype-based interview. HvCdMFXLRuY-01056-00285586-00285777 Alright, if this is higher order stuff. HvCdMFXLRuY-01057-00285777-00286042 I would look at the portfolio you created out there HvCdMFXLRuY-01058-00286042-00286354 in the peer review piece, so I'd have your products HvCdMFXLRuY-01059-00286354-00286661 and I'd have three other peer reviews to look at. HvCdMFXLRuY-01060-00286661-00286866 Then I could look at that rather efficiently HvCdMFXLRuY-01061-00286866-00287160 and then go ahead and do a Skype interview and say, HvCdMFXLRuY-01062-00287160-00287400 yeah, you've qualified for that, and I can issue HvCdMFXLRuY-01063-00287400-00287575 those credits. HvCdMFXLRuY-01064-00287575-00287925 Then those credits translate into, HvCdMFXLRuY-01065-00287925-00288087 they can be used in certificates, HvCdMFXLRuY-01066-00288087-00288292 they can be used in degrees. HvCdMFXLRuY-01067-00288292-00288595 And so we use that, we give away free content which does HvCdMFXLRuY-01068-00288595-00288723 good things for the world. HvCdMFXLRuY-01069-00288723-00288941 Wouldn't it be great if we did this with instructional HvCdMFXLRuY-01070-00288941-00289124 design and people all over the world designed better HvCdMFXLRuY-01071-00289124-00289610 training programs, and as a result everybody's lifted? HvCdMFXLRuY-01072-00289610-00289798 But also some percentage of those are gonna come through HvCdMFXLRuY-01073-00289798-00290157 and want formal degrees, and they can come to us for that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01074-00290157-00290640 So I think I'm gonna stop it there and just say HvCdMFXLRuY-01075-00290775-00290974 I'm not a fan of the Carnegie Unit. HvCdMFXLRuY-01076-00290974-00291169 It was created back when this was the airplane HvCdMFXLRuY-01077-00291169-00291340 that was flying when they said this is how we should HvCdMFXLRuY-01078-00291340-00291511 run our educational system. HvCdMFXLRuY-01079-00291511-00291706 And this is the fire department that basically blew up HvCdMFXLRuY-01080-00291706-00292078 and caused most of the fires that took down San Francisco. HvCdMFXLRuY-01081-00292078-00292415 Even the Carnegie Foundation now is readdressing HvCdMFXLRuY-01082-00292415-00292616 whether or not that's misused. HvCdMFXLRuY-01083-00292616-00292957 Carnegie Unit was designed as a unit to tell how many HvCdMFXLRuY-01084-00292957-00293384 courses a teacher must teach before becoming eligible HvCdMFXLRuY-01085-00293384-00293593 for their retirement program. HvCdMFXLRuY-01086-00293593-00293840 There was nothing magic about this is how much learning HvCdMFXLRuY-01087-00293840-00294036 should be in the box, and yet we're doing everything HvCdMFXLRuY-01088-00294036-00294207 based on that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01089-00294207-00294352 OK, so I'm gonna stop there. HvCdMFXLRuY-01090-00294352-00294598 We're in a very precarious position. HvCdMFXLRuY-01091-00294711-00294795 Two critical questions. HvCdMFXLRuY-01092-00294795-00294851 I'll stop. HvCdMFXLRuY-01093-00294851-00295085 This is how I'll kick it off for discussion. HvCdMFXLRuY-01094-00295085-00295427 We need to think about what will students need from us HvCdMFXLRuY-01095-00295427-00295574 in that world? HvCdMFXLRuY-01096-00295691-00296003 When open online resources are there, when MOOCs are there, HvCdMFXLRuY-01097-00296003-00296253 when peer review system, what will they need from us? HvCdMFXLRuY-01098-00296253-00296606 And we need to think W-W-R-B-D. HvCdMFXLRuY-01099-00296971-00297162 What would Richard Branson do? HvCdMFXLRuY-01100-00297162-00297423 In other words, what would somebody from outside do? HvCdMFXLRuY-01101-00297423-00297623 Then I'm not saying we do what Richard Branson would do, HvCdMFXLRuY-01102-00297623-00297730 but we need to think about that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01103-00297730-00297939 We need to try and think like an entrepreneur. HvCdMFXLRuY-01104-00297939-00298242 He's the guy who did Virgin Airlines, Virgin Records, HvCdMFXLRuY-01105-00298242-00298531 maybe Virgin University next, I don't know. HvCdMFXLRuY-01106-00298531-00298754 Virgin Space, did anybody do? HvCdMFXLRuY-01107-00298754-00299065 Anyway, so yeah, what would an entrepreneur do? HvCdMFXLRuY-01108-00299065-00299432 If you could stop and come at it fresh? HvCdMFXLRuY-01109-00299432-00299573 And that's pretty much my talk, HvCdMFXLRuY-01110-00299573-00299714 so let's open it for questions. HvCdMFXLRuY-01111-00299714-00299817 How much time do I have? HvCdMFXLRuY-01112-00299817-00299929 I have a little time? HvCdMFXLRuY-01113-00299929-00300057 - [Brunette woman] Yes, about two minutes. HvCdMFXLRuY-01114-00300057-00300454 - Sorry I talked too long, but questions, thoughts? HvCdMFXLRuY-01115-00300454-00300616 There's one back there. HvCdMFXLRuY-01116-00300855-00300988 - [Brunette woman] Hang on just a second. HvCdMFXLRuY-01117-00300988-00301122 Let me get you a mic. HvCdMFXLRuY-01118-00301866-00302012 - I'm just curious. HvCdMFXLRuY-01119-00302012-00302276 In this model that you're looking at that would HvCdMFXLRuY-01120-00302276-00302583 differentiate students based on badging, HvCdMFXLRuY-01121-00302583-00303001 what do you see as the effect on people that have not HvCdMFXLRuY-01122-00303001-00303231 gone through that badging program? HvCdMFXLRuY-01123-00303231-00303629 So when you're comparing a new person that has the badging HvCdMFXLRuY-01124-00303629-00303903 versus an old person that only has access to a HvCdMFXLRuY-01125-00303903-00304208 traditional resume and transcript. HvCdMFXLRuY-01126-00304384-00304652 Is this something where you're looking at grandfathering HvCdMFXLRuY-01127-00304652-00304966 them in and going back and redoing it for them, HvCdMFXLRuY-01128-00304966-00305466 or are they expected to retest to generate new badges, HvCdMFXLRuY-01129-00305518-00305952 or just in general, how would you look at handling HvCdMFXLRuY-01130-00305952-00306058 that legacy? HvCdMFXLRuY-01131-00306058-00306162 - [Kyle] So that's a good question. HvCdMFXLRuY-01132-00306162-00306345 So at first I thought you were saying if I were a HvCdMFXLRuY-01133-00306345-00306499 potential employer, I'm looking at somebody with a HvCdMFXLRuY-01134-00306499-00306925 traditional degree and somebody with badges, HvCdMFXLRuY-01135-00306925-00307066 so you can compare those two things. HvCdMFXLRuY-01136-00307066-00307283 Or you can compare somebody with a degree and badges, HvCdMFXLRuY-01137-00307283-00307570 which is what my graduates will leave with when my program HvCdMFXLRuY-01138-00307570-00307787 I'm working on gets developed. HvCdMFXLRuY-01139-00307787-00307996 But what you're saying is, OK, so what if some of my HvCdMFXLRuY-01140-00307996-00308269 students graduated before I implemented badges? HvCdMFXLRuY-01141-00308269-00308568 Would I retroactively issue badges, or would I make them HvCdMFXLRuY-01142-00308568-00308769 earn those badges? HvCdMFXLRuY-01143-00308769-00308896 That's a tough one. HvCdMFXLRuY-01144-00308896-00309314 I think I would ask them to resubmit stuff, HvCdMFXLRuY-01145-00309359-00309446 but I don't know. HvCdMFXLRuY-01146-00309446-00309604 I haven't really thought about that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01147-00309604-00309745 That's a great question. HvCdMFXLRuY-01148-00309745-00310061 I would probably cop out and write a letter that they HvCdMFXLRuY-01149-00310061-00310172 could use instead of that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01150-00310172-00310449 Or write a badge that has a letter behind it that says HvCdMFXLRuY-01151-00310449-00310889 this degree was earned before I itemized everything, HvCdMFXLRuY-01152-00310889-00311219 but I have reason to believe that what they learned is HvCdMFXLRuY-01153-00311219-00311581 almost as good as when I rebuilt. HvCdMFXLRuY-01154-00311767-00312177 And that leads you to, a badge can be like a time capsule HvCdMFXLRuY-01155-00312177-00312377 or a stake in time. HvCdMFXLRuY-01156-00312377-00312855 So I could issue a task analysis badge 2015, HvCdMFXLRuY-01157-00312855-00313157 so that if things change in that area, HvCdMFXLRuY-01158-00313157-00313371 I can always issue a 2017. HvCdMFXLRuY-01159-00313371-00313610 So instead one person would have the '15, not the '17. HvCdMFXLRuY-01160-00313610-00313703 That's a really good question. HvCdMFXLRuY-01161-00313703-00313883 I hadn't thought about that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01162-00313883-00314118 I will think about that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01163-00314118-00314395 Send me an email, kpeck@psu, and I'll give you HvCdMFXLRuY-01164-00314395-00314638 a more thought out answer. HvCdMFXLRuY-01165-00314919-00315026 Yes. HvCdMFXLRuY-01166-00315521-00315799 - [Man in glasses] I was thinking about higher ed, HvCdMFXLRuY-01167-00315799-00316187 how higher ed is so specific in terms of requiring people HvCdMFXLRuY-01168-00316187-00316451 to have degrees to teach. HvCdMFXLRuY-01169-00316451-00316686 So how long you think it's gonna take for higher ed HvCdMFXLRuY-01170-00316686-00316857 to catch up with this? HvCdMFXLRuY-01171-00316857-00317240 Because right now if you apply for a teaching position, HvCdMFXLRuY-01172-00317240-00317658 they want a Masters in the area, in the discipline, HvCdMFXLRuY-01173-00317658-00317798 and that's what they want. HvCdMFXLRuY-01174-00317798-00318116 In most universities that's what they're looking for, HvCdMFXLRuY-01175-00318116-00318517 in many cases actually a PhD, and that's what HvCdMFXLRuY-01176-00318517-00318594 they wanna see. HvCdMFXLRuY-01177-00318594-00318765 They wanna see a transcript, and they wanna see HvCdMFXLRuY-01178-00318765-00318948 that degree, they don't wanna see badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-01179-00318948-00319426 So I'm just wondering even these institutions are trying to HvCdMFXLRuY-01180-00319426-00319703 create badges and give them to students. HvCdMFXLRuY-01181-00319703-00320162 Are they gonna follow the same thing to hire teachers? HvCdMFXLRuY-01182-00320211-00320472 - [Kyle] I think it's gonna take a long time to get there HvCdMFXLRuY-01183-00320472-00320676 because we move really slowly. HvCdMFXLRuY-01184-00320676-00321086 But I think others may leap frog us, so this is where, HvCdMFXLRuY-01185-00321086-00321405 so there's an interesting project called Minerva, HvCdMFXLRuY-01186-00321405-00321661 Minerva University or Minerva Schools, HvCdMFXLRuY-01187-00321661-00321874 if you Google Minerva University. HvCdMFXLRuY-01188-00321874-00322044 And so they're hiring people with great degrees, HvCdMFXLRuY-01189-00322044-00322326 with great reputations, but it doesn't mean they have to. HvCdMFXLRuY-01190-00322326-00322692 So once you've identified what it is students need to know HvCdMFXLRuY-01191-00322692-00322919 and be able to do, and you've got sort of validation HvCdMFXLRuY-01192-00322919-00323197 of that from employers, you know, HvCdMFXLRuY-01193-00323197-00323534 if Boeing says this is a good aerospace certification. HvCdMFXLRuY-01194-00323534-00323730 If you can accomplish that with somebody who doesn't HvCdMFXLRuY-01195-00323730-00324071 have the PhD, and by the way there's a lot of people HvCdMFXLRuY-01196-00324071-00324284 with a PhD who probably couldn't accomplish that 'cause HvCdMFXLRuY-01197-00324284-00324434 they're not very good at the teaching side, HvCdMFXLRuY-01198-00324434-00324603 they don't have a teaching badge. HvCdMFXLRuY-01199-00324603-00324856 Most people who are out there teaching don't have HvCdMFXLRuY-01200-00324856-00325103 any credentials in teaching. HvCdMFXLRuY-01201-00325103-00325556 But I think it will, the good news is the evidence is there, HvCdMFXLRuY-01202-00325556-00325820 and once we start proving that people can do it HvCdMFXLRuY-01203-00325820-00326025 and measuring well whether they can or can't, HvCdMFXLRuY-01204-00326025-00326269 then we'll be able to show that it doesn't necessarily take HvCdMFXLRuY-01205-00326269-00326769 the PhD to teach calculus, for example. HvCdMFXLRuY-01206-00326896-00327117 Another good question, thank you. HvCdMFXLRuY-01207-00327318-00327454 Do I have time for another question? HvCdMFXLRuY-01208-00327454-00327590 There's one over here. HvCdMFXLRuY-01209-00327590-00327735 - [Brunette man] I'll be really loud. HvCdMFXLRuY-01210-00327831-00327942 - I'll run over. HvCdMFXLRuY-01211-00327942-00328079 - [Brunette man] Thank you for a very HvCdMFXLRuY-01212-00328079-00328228 cogent explanation of badging. HvCdMFXLRuY-01213-00328228-00328540 I mean, I haven't quite heard it put as clear HvCdMFXLRuY-01214-00328540-00328761 as you put it today, so thank you. HvCdMFXLRuY-01215-00328761-00329171 And so my next question is do they ask you at Penn State HvCdMFXLRuY-01216-00329171-00329486 to do this all over to the faculty, because I think HvCdMFXLRuY-01217-00329486-00329743 those of us in this room already were meetin' you HvCdMFXLRuY-01218-00329743-00329977 at least half way, if not more than that, HvCdMFXLRuY-01219-00329977-00330335 and I imagine that in dealing with faculty a lot of times HvCdMFXLRuY-01220-00330335-00330514 they get hung up on just the word badge, HvCdMFXLRuY-01221-00330514-00330686 and then their eyes glaze over and they don't hear HvCdMFXLRuY-01222-00330686-00330771 the rest of us. HvCdMFXLRuY-01223-00330771-00331014 So do you have any advice for broaching the subject HvCdMFXLRuY-01224-00331014-00331287 with faculty who don't already sort of think about this HvCdMFXLRuY-01225-00331287-00331560 on a regular basis, and are sort of just mostly doing HvCdMFXLRuY-01226-00331560-00331885 the day-to-day job of teaching and that sort of thing? HvCdMFXLRuY-01227-00331885-00332139 - [Kyle] So my advice would be start and it's back to HvCdMFXLRuY-01228-00332139-00332365 the CBAM model that they were saying earlier. HvCdMFXLRuY-01229-00332365-00332567 Start with early adopters and the people who are HvCdMFXLRuY-01230-00332567-00332665 further along the curve. HvCdMFXLRuY-01231-00332665-00332990 I would start with the designers in these different places. HvCdMFXLRuY-01232-00332990-00333232 So Earth and Mineral Science is gonna be doing some badges. HvCdMFXLRuY-01233-00333232-00333283 Why? HvCdMFXLRuY-01234-00333283-00333489 Because we've got some really outstanding designers there HvCdMFXLRuY-01235-00333489-00333775 who get that and who are sort of leading the fight. HvCdMFXLRuY-01236-00333775-00333864 So start there. HvCdMFXLRuY-01237-00333864-00334193 Start also with the co-curricular stuff. HvCdMFXLRuY-01238-00334193-00334526 So another first use of badges at Penn State's gonna be HvCdMFXLRuY-01239-00334526-00334700 our engaged scholarship. HvCdMFXLRuY-01240-00334700-00334943 We have this movement for engaged scholarship now HvCdMFXLRuY-01241-00334943-00335246 where with all these service projects students are HvCdMFXLRuY-01242-00335246-00335635 supposed to develop systems thinking, critical thinking, HvCdMFXLRuY-01243-00335635-00336135 understanding of diversity and global perspectives. HvCdMFXLRuY-01244-00336207-00336420 So we're creating badges for those things. HvCdMFXLRuY-01245-00336420-00336586 It's not the equivalent of a course, HvCdMFXLRuY-01246-00336586-00336688 but it's gonna be valuable. HvCdMFXLRuY-01247-00336688-00336885 And people, right now all that stuff the students do HvCdMFXLRuY-01248-00336885-00337170 goes undocumented, and they have nothing they can show HvCdMFXLRuY-01249-00337170-00337400 a potential employer other than talking about it. HvCdMFXLRuY-01250-00337400-00337687 So start with early adopters, and start with HvCdMFXLRuY-01251-00337687-00338096 co-curricular stuff, and then when people can see it HvCdMFXLRuY-01252-00338096-00338224 I think they'll warm up to it, and they'll say, HvCdMFXLRuY-01253-00338224-00338399 oh, I can do that. HvCdMFXLRuY-01254-00338475-00338731 But the scary part is for a lot of courses we really HvCdMFXLRuY-01255-00338731-00339005 haven't identified what those outcomes are, HvCdMFXLRuY-01256-00339005-00339249 and we really don't measure them well. HvCdMFXLRuY-01257-00339249-00339736 So that Carnegie quote, if I had more time, HvCdMFXLRuY-01258-00339736-00340013 if I'd budgeted my time better I could have read to you HvCdMFXLRuY-01259-00340013-00340188 where it's a risk. HvCdMFXLRuY-01260-00340188-00340615 Will higher ed do the work required to identify those HvCdMFXLRuY-01261-00340615-00340841 competencies well and measure them well? HvCdMFXLRuY-01262-00340841-00341080 So until happens, they're probably gonna keep HvCdMFXLRuY-01263-00341080-00341204 the credit hour. HvCdMFXLRuY-01264-00341204-00341443 You know, that's what it comes down to. HvCdMFXLRuY-01265-00341443-00341626 Alright, I think I need to stop. HvCdMFXLRuY-01266-00341626-00341889 I'll be here today and most of tomorrow, HvCdMFXLRuY-01267-00341889-00342091 so if you have any questions, stop me. HvCdMFXLRuY-01268-00342091-00342279 Or we may be going out tonight. HvCdMFXLRuY-01269-00342279-00342509 Maybe I can answer questions at that point. HvCdMFXLRuY-01270-00342509-00342633 Thank you very much. HvCdMFXLRuY-01271-00342633-00342974 (applause) HypmPs8YV9Y-00000-00000413-00001038 life love and pop culture hi guys my name is Danielle Delgado HypmPs8YV9Y-00001-00001038-00001548 hi I'm Tetona Jackson and you're watching life love and pop culture okay so we HypmPs8YV9Y-00002-00001548-00001866 have to talk about your film all styles yes HypmPs8YV9Y-00003-00001866-00002316 I'm sure being a professional dancer and ice skater kind of helps prepare for a HypmPs8YV9Y-00004-00002316-00002843 role like this right it did I mean the the dancers that I was working with were HypmPs8YV9Y-00005-00002843-00003430 phenomenal the choreographers Chris Scott is amazing so I hadn't really been HypmPs8YV9Y-00006-00003430-00004050 dancing as much at that point because I was more focused on acting and music but HypmPs8YV9Y-00007-00004050-00004487 it was so much fun getting back into it and and rehearsing every day and like HypmPs8YV9Y-00008-00004487-00004832 getting back into the groove of things so it was so it was a lot of fun filming HypmPs8YV9Y-00009-00004832-00005294 the project and yeah having that background definitely we had to talk HypmPs8YV9Y-00010-00005294-00005721 about this cast we can do have people from 13 reasons why and So You Think You HypmPs8YV9Y-00011-00005721-00006198 Can Dance now I've been on the set of So You Think You Can Dance and it is a HypmPs8YV9Y-00012-00006198-00006768 non-stop party so I imagine this set was kind of similar it was we were filming HypmPs8YV9Y-00013-00006768-00007314 on location so we were filming in Baton Rouge Louisiana so like all of us were HypmPs8YV9Y-00014-00007314-00007713 in a hotel and we were working together we would always hang out together HypmPs8YV9Y-00015-00007713-00008400 there was definitely like every day on set in between takes in between setups HypmPs8YV9Y-00016-00008400-00008957 during lunch there was always some sort of like a dance party happening between HypmPs8YV9Y-00017-00008957-00009368 everyone there yeah so it was a lot of fun and like for me I would just sit HypmPs8YV9Y-00018-00009368-00009893 back and watch everything go down and watch watch them just go at it and like HypmPs8YV9Y-00019-00009893-00010322 that one youth thing right yeah they just dance throughout like fish the HypmPs8YV9Y-00020-00010322-00010736 whole time it's so fun to watch it's crazy how much energy everyone has at HypmPs8YV9Y-00021-00010736-00011238 all times like we got it back from set late at night go to dinner and like HypmPs8YV9Y-00022-00011238-00011595 still hang out at night and like they would be battling in the hotel rooms and HypmPs8YV9Y-00023-00011595-00012018 it was it was a lot of fun yeah you're also a series regular on the show all HypmPs8YV9Y-00024-00012018-00012449 night so tell me about your character Cassy phoner she's uh HypmPs8YV9Y-00025-00012449-00013213 an out lesbian so many roller coasters through the show but I have my two best HypmPs8YV9Y-00026-00013213-00013769 friends in the show fake Indiana my twin brother Christian HypmPs8YV9Y-00027-00013769-00014344 my girlfriend Alexis but um she's definitely one of those people that like HypmPs8YV9Y-00028-00014344-00014903 she's so what I love about her relationship with Alexis is like there's HypmPs8YV9Y-00029-00014903-00015536 no opposite Alexis is like the popular girl and Instagram and this and that and HypmPs8YV9Y-00030-00015536-00016069 Cassie's just like the complete opposite so they're dynamic together is like it's HypmPs8YV9Y-00031-00016069-00016577 really cool to see everything come together and see them as a couple but HypmPs8YV9Y-00032-00016577-00016936 yes she's just she's an out lesbian definitely figuring her life out as HypmPs8YV9Y-00033-00016936-00017684 every seventeen eighteen-year-old kid is trying to do and you just see like their HypmPs8YV9Y-00034-00017684-00018017 rollercoaster like everyone's just through the night or living their last HypmPs8YV9Y-00035-00018017-00018620 hurrah at this grad night party and how has the response been from the LGBTQ HypmPs8YV9Y-00036-00018620-00019139 community it's been amazing I am so honored and HypmPs8YV9Y-00037-00019139-00019573 thankful that I got to represent that community and be a voice for the youth HypmPs8YV9Y-00038-00019573-00020123 of that community and but it's been so it's been actually really cool seeing HypmPs8YV9Y-00039-00020123-00020939 people respond to the fact that there it is two african-american lesbians because HypmPs8YV9Y-00040-00020939-00021437 for me personally I don't think I've ever seen that on screen I mean I've HypmPs8YV9Y-00041-00021437-00021737 seen lesbians I've seen gay couples but I don't think I've ever seen two HypmPs8YV9Y-00042-00021737-00022382 african-american a couple of lesbians that are a couple on screen and on top HypmPs8YV9Y-00043-00022382-00022873 of that for it to be high school students I think it was it's a great HypmPs8YV9Y-00044-00022873-00023375 message and and also the fact that Cassie is so open about being a lesbian HypmPs8YV9Y-00045-00023375-00024029 and and doesn't hide it she's okay with her sexuality she's you know she's very HypmPs8YV9Y-00046-00024029-00024518 like she owns it I mean I think that's a great message and the response has been HypmPs8YV9Y-00047-00024518-00024920 great let's let your fans get to know you a little bit better tell us tell us HypmPs8YV9Y-00048-00024920-00025448 something that they may not know about you HypmPs8YV9Y-00049-00025448-00026152 I mean at this put they might but I'm half person and I speak fluent Farsi so HypmPs8YV9Y-00050-00026152-00026602 it was it was my first language and Farsi boiler really yeah HypmPs8YV9Y-00051-00026602-00027263 oh that's so cool okay now you have to say something what are you insane Salam HypmPs8YV9Y-00052-00027263-00027856 is Samantha knows man alone the Ramraj European monarchies are now HypmPs8YV9Y-00053-00027856-00028939 yeah I don't know what you said there you go it's so much prettier in that way HypmPs8YV9Y-00054-00028939-00029363 I've done so many great projects but at the end of the day what do you want your HypmPs8YV9Y-00055-00029363-00030158 fans to remember you for the most Wow that is a very loaded question I don't HypmPs8YV9Y-00056-00030158-00030929 know like remember me for me for my personality I would love to I want to be HypmPs8YV9Y-00057-00030929-00031838 a voice for the youth and you know yeah just every project I do I put on a HypmPs8YV9Y-00058-00031838-00032360 percent of myself into so I hope you guys all love the projects and there's a HypmPs8YV9Y-00059-00032360-00033074 fully many more to come and yeah yeah I look forward to seeing your future HypmPs8YV9Y-00060-00033074-00033656 projects look forward to everything well thank you for joining me HypmPs8YV9Y-00061-00033656-00034025 yes and thank you guys for watching and don't forget to tune in next time as we HypmPs8YV9Y-00062-00034025-00034420 discuss more life love and pop culture HypmPs8YV9Y-00063-00035194-00035840 life love and pop pop culture if you enjoyed my interview subscribe to my HypmPs8YV9Y-00064-00035840-00036391 youtube channel and don't forget to look out for new videos every Wednesday HAAKF6BC2qE-00000-00000022-00000263 Thank very you for joining us today. HAAKF6BC2qE-00001-00000263-00000760 If you are looking for a way to strengthen your own open education community of practice, HAAKF6BC2qE-00002-00000760-00001223 we hope our experiences in hosting the Open Education Cross-Canada Coffee Chats HAAKF6BC2qE-00003-00001223-00001399 will be useful to you. HAAKF6BC2qE-00004-00001399-00001879 This session is an overview of our experience over the past 10 months or so HAAKF6BC2qE-00005-00001879-00002228 organizing a monthly series of Zoom calls intended to strengthen HAAKF6BC2qE-00006-00002228-00002532 the open education community of practice in Canada. HAAKF6BC2qE-00007-00002654-00003280 My name is Ann Ludbrook, and my colleagues Olga, Paula, Kate and I are all academic librarians HAAKF6BC2qE-00008-00003280-00003713 working within post-secondary educational institutions in Canada. HAAKF6BC2qE-00009-00003713-00004273 Lise is a librarian who works for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL). HAAKF6BC2qE-00010-00004273-00004434 We are all members of the CARL Open Education Working Group (ORWG) HAAKF6BC2qE-00011-00004434-00005056 and the five of us make up the Task Group on Community of Practice. HAAKF6BC2qE-00012-00005227-00005779 In 2019, CARL formed the Open Education Working Group -- a group of Canadian librarians HAAKF6BC2qE-00013-00005779-00006258 working in and committed to open education. Its activities and programs are designed HAAKF6BC2qE-00014-00006258-00006692 to bolster Open Education as an emerging area of practice for research libraries HAAKF6BC2qE-00015-00006692-00007173 and support the development of national leadership in this area, including supporting HAAKF6BC2qE-00016-00007173-00007559 Open Education community of practice development in Canada where possible. HAAKF6BC2qE-00017-00007684-00008044 The early development of CARL's Open Education Working Group was inspired HAAKF6BC2qE-00018-00008044-00008475 by the wonderful work that SPARC had undertaken in open education in the US. HAAKF6BC2qE-00019-00008505-00009095 We were in part inspired by SPARC's Open Education activities but felt we needed a Canadian community. HAAKF6BC2qE-00020-00009095-00009589 Nicole Allen was involved with some early community building and strategy meetings and HAAKF6BC2qE-00021-00009589-00009900 we had SPARC membership on our Open Education Working Group. HAAKF6BC2qE-00022-00009900-00010475 We also ended up reusing some features of the SPARC LibOER Monthly Community Call HAAKF6BC2qE-00023-00010475-00010771 in our community of practice calls. HAAKF6BC2qE-00024-00010900-00011499 One of the first working groups created by the first 2019-2020 Open Education Working Group HAAKF6BC2qE-00025-00011499-00011942 was the Community of Practice group that consisted of Ali Versluis, Hope Power, HAAKF6BC2qE-00026-00011942-00012435 Michelle Brailey, Olga Perkovic, Rosarie Coughlan, and Stephanie Quail. HAAKF6BC2qE-00027-00012453-00012896 They did a scan of already existing Open Education Community of Practice groups in Canada. HAAKF6BC2qE-00028-00012896-00013281 They also came up with several recommendations on best practices for HAAKF6BC2qE-00029-00013281-00013486 Community of practice work going forward. HAAKF6BC2qE-00030-00013626-00013888 Some of their community of practice recommendations were: HAAKF6BC2qE-00031-00013888-00014202 Using existing community of practice networks in Canada HAAKF6BC2qE-00032-00014202-00014514 The community of practice group did an environmental scan of already existing HAAKF6BC2qE-00033-00014514-00014773 community of practice groups in open education. HAAKF6BC2qE-00034-00014793-00015203 They felt that existing provincial (and national) based communities of practice, could be used HAAKF6BC2qE-00035-00015203-00015618 as a starting point for further community of practice development. HAAKF6BC2qE-00036-00015618-00015820 Include all OE professionals. HAAKF6BC2qE-00037-00015820-00016274 Although CARL is an association of research libraries, and almost all the members of the HAAKF6BC2qE-00038-00016274-00016839 Open Education Working Group are librarians, due to the collaborative nature of open education production, HAAKF6BC2qE-00039-00016839-00017229 the membership was adamant from the get-go that our community of practise efforts HAAKF6BC2qE-00040-00017249-00017629 should be inclusive of everyone working in open education. HAAKF6BC2qE-00041-00017629-00018065 We also wanted to ensure that there were bilingual or francophone opportunities. HAAKF6BC2qE-00042-00018065-00018481 In order for a Canadian community of practice to be truly inclusive, it needs to be a space HAAKF6BC2qE-00043-00018481-00018849 where participation can happen in both official languages. HAAKF6BC2qE-00044-00018849-00019165 And we also wanted to make room for Indigenous perspectives. HAAKF6BC2qE-00045-00019165-00019667 Crucial to this exercise of a Community of Practice was to make sure that there was participation HAAKF6BC2qE-00046-00019667-00020059 and input of Canadian Indigenous scholars and those already working HAAKF6BC2qE-00047-00020059-00020316 on Open education Indigenous projects. HAAKF6BC2qE-00048-00020316-00020676 In an upcoming session to be held in the new year, we plan to have a session HAAKF6BC2qE-00049-00020676-00021204 focused on Indigenous recommendations and experiences with OE creations. HAAKF6BC2qE-00050-00021274-00021570 These recommendations underpinned how we approached HAAKF6BC2qE-00051-00021570-00022095 the development of the CARL Community of Practice in the 2020-2022 team. HAAKF6BC2qE-00052-00022157-00022545 When our Community of Practice Task Group was formed, we discussed what we wanted to HAAKF6BC2qE-00053-00022545-00022964 offer in terms of activities and supports to help those working in open education in HAAKF6BC2qE-00054-00022964-00023079 Canada. HAAKF6BC2qE-00055-00023079-00023562 We certainly didn’t want to duplicate supports that already existed internationally or regionally, HAAKF6BC2qE-00056-00023562-00023943 and we wanted to focus on national projects and challenges. HAAKF6BC2qE-00057-00023943-00024476 We talked about whether we wanted to create a listserv, host regular webinars, or maybe HAAKF6BC2qE-00058-00024476-00024739 something more informal. HAAKF6BC2qE-00059-00024739-00025269 The provincial organization BCcampus, though its mandate is to support OER adoption and HAAKF6BC2qE-00060-00025269-00025882 production in its home province of British Columbia, had already been facilitating some HAAKF6BC2qE-00061-00025882-00026120 exchange at the national level. HAAKF6BC2qE-00062-00026120-00026716 It had created a CanadaOER listserv, and had held cross-Canada calls about twice a year HAAKF6BC2qE-00063-00026716-00027075 where people involved in OER gave updates on their work. HAAKF6BC2qE-00064-00027075-00027585 However, not long before our task group started our work, BCcampus had asked if others would HAAKF6BC2qE-00065-00027585-00028008 be willing to organize these in the future so we knew they would be open to us filling HAAKF6BC2qE-00066-00028008-00028128 this gap. HAAKF6BC2qE-00067-00028227-00028782 Although the CanadaOER list was not terribly active, we opted not to create a new list but rather HAAKF6BC2qE-00068-00028782-00029069 communicate with the community via this existing one. HAAKF6BC2qE-00069-00029108-00029502 And on every call, we encourage those who aren’t on the list to join it. HAAKF6BC2qE-00070-00029521-00029798 And we hope to see increased use of it as our community of HAAKF6BC2qE-00071-00029798-00029912 practise strengthens. HAAKF6BC2qE-00072-00029912-00030362 The Portage network, which at the time was a sister organization of CARL, and which focuses HAAKF6BC2qE-00073-00030362-00030835 on research data management, had been hosting something called “Water Cooler Chats.” HAAKF6BC2qE-00074-00030835-00031172 These were informal, “drop-in” calls that were very successful. HAAKF6BC2qE-00075-00031199-00031611 We thought this would be a good way to provide a stable, consistent support for our community. HAAKF6BC2qE-00076-00031663-00032054 So this is one the inspirations behind the Coffee Chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00077-00032054-00032581 We use Zoom as our platform, as most people in academia in Canada are very familiar with it. HAAKF6BC2qE-00078-00032581-00032961 Our calls are one hour long, and take place once a month. HAAKF6BC2qE-00079-00033047-00033577 Even though we sometimes have over 50 attendees, we use the Zoom meeting functionality rather HAAKF6BC2qE-00080-00033577-00034097 than webinar, which allows everyone who wants to do so to turn on their camera and speak HAAKF6BC2qE-00081-00034097-00034450 freely, which helps create a community spirit. HAAKF6BC2qE-00082-00034450-00035078 We have opted not to record these calls in order to keep them informal and low stress. HAAKF6BC2qE-00083-00035078-00035330 The structure of the calls has evolved over time. HAAKF6BC2qE-00084-00035330-00035881 On our first call, the members of our task group introduced the series and created a HAAKF6BC2qE-00085-00035881-00036117 few ice-breaker polls in Zoom. HAAKF6BC2qE-00086-00036117-00036488 We still do these things but, for the rest of the call, HAAKF6BC2qE-00087-00036488-00036932 we posed open-ended questions that we hoped people might answer live. HAAKF6BC2qE-00088-00037024-00037483 After the call, we debriefed, and found that few people were really comfortable speaking up HAAKF6BC2qE-00089-00037483-00038089 at least at this first session. Many preferred to contribute in the chat box in writing. HAAKF6BC2qE-00090-00038089-00038400 And we felt it might be useful -- for awhile, anyway -- HAAKF6BC2qE-00091-00038400-00038784 to bring in speakers (similarly to SPARC’s community calls). HAAKF6BC2qE-00092-00038843-00039225 And that way, we'd have at least part of the call being programmed in advance. HAAKF6BC2qE-00093-00039254-00039566 As it turns out, having speakers has worked very well, HAAKF6BC2qE-00094-00039566-00039980 not only because it cut down on the awkward silences, but because it creates HAAKF6BC2qE-00095-00039980-00040481 a great opportunity to reach out to those outside of libraries to grow our community of practice. HAAKF6BC2qE-00096-00040533-00040928 We’ve done this by asking people we already know for recommendations for new speakers HAAKF6BC2qE-00097-00040928-00041123 depending on the topic. HAAKF6BC2qE-00098-00041123-00041661 More recently, we have been making concerted efforts to ensure diversity in our speaker HAAKF6BC2qE-00099-00041661-00041921 panels, which Kate will speak about in a moment. HAAKF6BC2qE-00100-00041921-00042359 We haven’t had any difficulty finding topics for these coffee chats, but we certainly appreciate HAAKF6BC2qE-00101-00042359-00042880 receiving feedback and suggestions from attendees, which helps us reflect the community's needs HAAKF6BC2qE-00102-00042880-00043122 and prioritize topics. HAAKF6BC2qE-00103-00043122-00043450 You can see on screen the topics we have included up to now. HAAKF6BC2qE-00104-00043450-00043878 We’ve taken advantage of new projects, for example inviting the team behind the Code HAAKF6BC2qE-00105-00043878-00044467 of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER in order to engage the Canadian community in a similar HAAKF6BC2qE-00106-00044467-00044776 conversation about fair dealing. HAAKF6BC2qE-00107-00044776-00045186 Following on the work done by BCcampus and eCampus Ontario, we held in May HAAKF6BC2qE-00108-00045186-00045557 an “OE Cross-Canada Check-In” which was intended to be similar HAAKF6BC2qE-00109-00045557-00045874 to the CanadaOER calls they used to create. HAAKF6BC2qE-00110-00045943-00046368 Since Canada is a bilingual country, with English and French as official languages, HAAKF6BC2qE-00111-00046368-00046667 we have been working to be inclusive of both languages. HAAKF6BC2qE-00112-00046667-00046883 [In French] Bonjour à tous les participants francophones! HAAKF6BC2qE-00113-00046952-00047268 I’ll admit that this can be difficult, as many Canadians only speak HAAKF6BC2qE-00114-00047268-00048109 one of the two languages, and it is most often the English speakers who do not understand French. HAAKF6BC2qE-00115-00048109-00048475 We have not entirely solved the problem, but we are working on it. HAAKF6BC2qE-00116-00048475-00048818 The OEWG (Open Education Working Group) has a separate task group HAAKF6BC2qE-00117-00048818-00049203 devoted to the francophone OE community, so that group collaborates with us HAAKF6BC2qE-00118-00049203-00049563 and organized a coffee chat in February that was held entirely in French, HAAKF6BC2qE-00119-00049563-00050170 which focused on initiatives that are producing or adapting OER in French or in both languages. HAAKF6BC2qE-00120-00050170-00050774 One challenge to note that the French community has that is different from the rest of the country HAAKF6BC2qE-00121-00050774-00051320 is that there are far fewer existing OER in French, so there are not many opportunities HAAKF6BC2qE-00122-00051320-00051491 to adapt content. HAAKF6BC2qE-00123-00051491-00051927 This means more focus on creation or translation of OER. HAAKF6BC2qE-00124-00051927-00052312 That task group is currently preparing another francophone coffee chat that will take place HAAKF6BC2qE-00125-00052312-00052514 in October. HAAKF6BC2qE-00126-00052514-00052879 For the coffee chats that are not held in French, we invite attendees to contribute HAAKF6BC2qE-00127-00052879-00053304 in the language of their choice, and we offer to provide a written English summary of any HAAKF6BC2qE-00128-00053304-00053689 comments made in French in the chat as well as in the notes. HAAKF6BC2qE-00129-00053689-00054075 I don’t think we’ve had anyone take us up on this offer, but we will continue to HAAKF6BC2qE-00130-00054075-00054368 offer this option in case anyone wishes to use it. HAAKF6BC2qE-00131-00054368-00054872 We do also enable the automatic transcription in Zoom, which we know can be helpful to people HAAKF6BC2qE-00132-00054872-00055226 whose English comprehension is better in written form than spoken. HAAKF6BC2qE-00133-00055295-00055816 In keeping with the casual and informal tone that we wanted to set for the coffee chats, HAAKF6BC2qE-00134-00055816-00056176 we decided early on that the coffee chats would not be recorded HAAKF6BC2qE-00135-00056176-00056460 and PowerPoint slides were not required. HAAKF6BC2qE-00136-00056460-00056977 We also recognized that some valuable information would be exchanged during the coffee chats HAAKF6BC2qE-00137-00056977-00057616 and we wanted some way to record the discussion, presentations and questions. HAAKF6BC2qE-00138-00057616-00058222 Some members of our group subscribe to the SPARC Libraries and OER Forum listserv and HAAKF6BC2qE-00139-00058222-00058593 attend the Monthly LibOER Community Calls. HAAKF6BC2qE-00140-00058593-00058870 These calls use running notes for their meetings. HAAKF6BC2qE-00141-00058870-00059283 Participants can contribute to the notes during or after the meetings. HAAKF6BC2qE-00142-00059283-00059640 Anyone can read the notes from the previous calls. HAAKF6BC2qE-00143-00059681-00060219 Using this as our model, we decided to create a Running Notes document for our coffee chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00144-00060219-00060836 A link to the notes is provided in the slide and you may view the content of the previous HAAKF6BC2qE-00145-00060836-00061316 coffee chats starting with Jan. 29, 2021. HAAKF6BC2qE-00146-00061316-00061817 At the start of each call, we ask participants to add their names, titles and institutions HAAKF6BC2qE-00147-00061817-00062314 or organizations to the notes so that we may record attendance and see who is on the call. HAAKF6BC2qE-00148-00062314-00062814 Participants can also indicate why they were interested in attending the call. HAAKF6BC2qE-00149-00062814-00063358 Some participants prefer this way of communicating and sharing than speaking to the larger group HAAKF6BC2qE-00150-00063358-00063517 or writing in the chat. HAAKF6BC2qE-00151-00063517-00063930 Here you will see a sample page of the Running Notes document. HAAKF6BC2qE-00152-00063930-00064416 You will see the theme of the call and our assigned roles for that call, and you will HAAKF6BC2qE-00153-00064416-00065058 see the start of the document where the participants added their names, institutions and interests. HAAKF6BC2qE-00154-00065058-00065537 There are some benefits to using a running notes document for the coffee chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00155-00065537-00065902 One is that the notes are useful for those who cannot attend the call. HAAKF6BC2qE-00156-00065902-00066418 They serve as a record of what transpired on the call so that anyone can check back HAAKF6BC2qE-00157-00066418-00066801 and read about the content of the speaker presentations, HAAKF6BC2qE-00158-00066847-00067420 follow up on links included in the document and read the questions asked and answers provided. HAAKF6BC2qE-00159-00067496-00068105 The Running Notes are also useful as a networking tool since names and contact information HAAKF6BC2qE-00160-00068105-00068299 are included in the document. HAAKF6BC2qE-00161-00068299-00068755 Participants who wish to engage further with the speakers or others on the call HAAKF6BC2qE-00162-00068755-00068985 may do so by reading the notes. HAAKF6BC2qE-00163-00069217-00069674 There are some challenges to using a running notes document for the coffee chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00164-00069707-00069992 One is that the notetaker may not capture all of the content HAAKF6BC2qE-00165-00069992-00070262 taking place during the call. HAAKF6BC2qE-00166-00070262-00070795 If multiple speakers are involved, and if the participants are engaging in an active HAAKF6BC2qE-00167-00070795-00071267 discussion, it may be difficult to capture all the information being exchanged. HAAKF6BC2qE-00168-00071400-00071806 Sometimes speakers fill in the gaps in the notes, but this is not often, HAAKF6BC2qE-00169-00071806-00072389 unless we specifically ask them to add information to the document after the call. HAAKF6BC2qE-00170-00072389-00072869 Another challenge is that the notetaker has to incorporate the information from the chat HAAKF6BC2qE-00171-00072869-00073068 to the document. HAAKF6BC2qE-00172-00073068-00073497 Depending on the topic, this may take a significant amount of time to do. HAAKF6BC2qE-00173-00073497-00073898 On one call, the chat was not captured and we missed some activity from the chat HAAKF6BC2qE-00174-00073898-00074038 in our notes. HAAKF6BC2qE-00175-00074144-00074499 One way to define a community of practice is “a group of people who share a concern HAAKF6BC2qE-00176-00074499-00074999 or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” HAAKF6BC2qE-00177-00074999-00075419 To help foster a community of practice, it’s important for us as the chat organizers to HAAKF6BC2qE-00178-00075419-00075744 create a space that is welcoming for everyone. HAAKF6BC2qE-00179-00075744-00076067 This means a community of people from diverse backgrounds and people with different roles HAAKF6BC2qE-00180-00076067-00076307 in relation to open education. HAAKF6BC2qE-00181-00076307-00076756 We want to draw from and reflect the community’s wide-ranging interests and we want to make HAAKF6BC2qE-00182-00076756-00076955 participants feel safe and comfortable. HAAKF6BC2qE-00183-00076955-00077234 We use CARL’s Code of Conduct as a guide to creating a harassment HAAKF6BC2qE-00184-00077234-00077454 and discrimination-free space. HAAKF6BC2qE-00185-00077454-00077843 We state at the beginning of each chat that all participants must adhere to the code, HAAKF6BC2qE-00186-00077843-00078081 and we link to it in the running notes. HAAKF6BC2qE-00187-00078081-00078470 We recognize that we are five white women who organize the coffee chat and as such, HAAKF6BC2qE-00188-00078470-00078772 our own backgrounds don’t represent the diversity of our community. HAAKF6BC2qE-00189-00078772-00079214 Furthermore, we are all librarians but the audience we have aimed to reach includes faculty, HAAKF6BC2qE-00190-00079214-00079580 students, instructional designers, and OER practitioners of all kinds. HAAKF6BC2qE-00191-00079642-00079975 We have made an explicit effort to have diverse speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00192-00079975-00080276 Racial diversity and representation of equity-deserving groups HAAKF6BC2qE-00193-00080276-00080498 is of great importance to us. HAAKF6BC2qE-00194-00080498-00080922 In addition to this, Lise mentioned our work to include francophone speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00195-00080922-00081380 We also seek regional representation across the provinces and territories, and representation HAAKF6BC2qE-00196-00081380-00081838 from different types of post-secondary institutions: university, college and cégep. HAAKF6BC2qE-00197-00081931-00082243 So, how we do work to achieve this diversity among speakers? HAAKF6BC2qE-00198-00082243-00082726 One of our strategies has been to reach beyond our own professional networks to other practitioners, HAAKF6BC2qE-00199-00082726-00082967 asking them to suggest potential speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00200-00082967-00083275 This greatly expands our knowledge of the OER community across Canada. HAAKF6BC2qE-00201-00083351-00083782 We also work to stay up to date on Canadian OER projects by paying attention to listservs, HAAKF6BC2qE-00202-00083782-00084120 conferences, social media, and announcements from different sources. HAAKF6BC2qE-00203-00084190-00084456 The chats are meant to be a place for informal discussion. HAAKF6BC2qE-00204-00084456-00084755 Discussion does not always flow freely in large groups, so we have different ways for HAAKF6BC2qE-00205-00084755-00085007 people to communicate with and contribute to the larger group. HAAKF6BC2qE-00206-00085007-00085493 Participants can share ideas, experiences, resources and questions with the group through: HAAKF6BC2qE-00207-00085493-00085895 Zoom’s chat tool: We have 1-2 organizers monitor the chat. HAAKF6BC2qE-00208-00085895-00086479 Audio, with Zoom’s raised hand tool: Participants can comment by turning on their microphones; HAAKF6BC2qE-00209-00086479-00086676 and Typing in the running notes. HAAKF6BC2qE-00210-00086676-00087136 Participants can respond to questions in the running notes or add to what the note-takers have included. HAAKF6BC2qE-00211-00087136-00087355 For example, by adding resource links. HAAKF6BC2qE-00212-00087477-00087738 We have experimented with different ways to jumpstart discussion. HAAKF6BC2qE-00213-00087738-00087987 We include a fun multiple choice poll question at the beginning of the chat, HAAKF6BC2qE-00214-00087987-00088114 to break the ice. HAAKF6BC2qE-00215-00088114-00088303 For example, “What beverage are you drinking?” HAAKF6BC2qE-00216-00088408-00088661 We also include a topic-oriented poll. HAAKF6BC2qE-00217-00088661-00088959 If we ask for questions or comments and there are none right away, we go HAAKF6BC2qE-00218-00088959-00089150 to prepared discussion questions. HAAKF6BC2qE-00219-00089150-00089510 For example: “How have your collaborations changed since the pandemic started?” HAAKF6BC2qE-00220-00089625-00090391 Since establishing the Open Education Cross Canada Coffee chat in January 2021, we have HAAKF6BC2qE-00221-00090391-00090814 experienced a lot of trial and error, and as a result, our events have evolved HAAKF6BC2qE-00222-00090814-00090992 along the way. HAAKF6BC2qE-00223-00090992-00091586 When planning our first event, we wanted to create a welcoming and informal environment, HAAKF6BC2qE-00224-00091586-00092066 so we strayed away from the more structured format of guest speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00225-00092066-00092599 With little scheduled content to fill the hour, we relied on discussion questions and HAAKF6BC2qE-00226-00092599-00093051 participant contributions to keep the conversation going. HAAKF6BC2qE-00227-00093051-00093636 Naturally, there were some lulls in the discussion and much of the input from attendees was limited HAAKF6BC2qE-00228-00093636-00093816 to the Zoom chat. HAAKF6BC2qE-00229-00093816-00094296 While this was a great start, we recognized that there was room for improvement, HAAKF6BC2qE-00230-00094296-00094685 so as a group we brainstormed ways to keep the conversation going, HAAKF6BC2qE-00231-00094685-00095233 which led us to incorporate more polls, prompt questions and guest speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00232-00095233-00095849 While it contradicted our initial plans, the addition of guest speakers in particular was HAAKF6BC2qE-00233-00095849-00096274 a great way to emphasize the coffee chat’s topic and include HAAKF6BC2qE-00234-00096274-00096633 expert insight that encouraged group discussion. HAAKF6BC2qE-00235-00096769-00097255 However, the inclusion of guest speakers was not without its challenges. HAAKF6BC2qE-00236-00097272-00097782 Inviting guest speakers now meant that we had to carefully plan out how each session HAAKF6BC2qE-00237-00097782-00098382 would be broken down, including how many speakers should present, how much time each speaker HAAKF6BC2qE-00238-00098382-00098968 should be allotted and how much time should be reserved for discussion afterwards. HAAKF6BC2qE-00239-00098968-00099488 We also had to be considerate of each speaker’s time, as they are managing busy schedules. HAAKF6BC2qE-00240-00099488-00100125 Therefore, it was important that we select a topic, deliberate on who we would like to HAAKF6BC2qE-00241-00100125-00100563 invite as guest speakers and then reach out to those people in advance. HAAKF6BC2qE-00242-00100613-00101067 By confirming these details prior to the event, we have been able to provide our speakers HAAKF6BC2qE-00243-00101067-00101531 with enough notice to reserve the date and plan what they would like to discuss. HAAKF6BC2qE-00244-00101604-00102297 For larger topics such as the Cross Country Check-In, where we accommodated 24 speakers HAAKF6BC2qE-00245-00102297-00102730 from across Canada, we encountered new obstacles. HAAKF6BC2qE-00246-00102730-00103278 For this event, we asked the speakers to prepare a very quick update on topics such as new HAAKF6BC2qE-00247-00103278-00103542 initiatives, policies or funding. HAAKF6BC2qE-00248-00103618-00104183 Although we had set a strict 2 minute time limit for each speaker, the coffee chat still HAAKF6BC2qE-00249-00104183-00104679 ran about 10 minutes long, which left no room for discussion afterward. HAAKF6BC2qE-00250-00104679-00105197 However, even with this minor setback, the Cross Country Check-In event was one of our HAAKF6BC2qE-00251-00105197-00105511 most successful coffee chats to-date. HAAKF6BC2qE-00252-00105511-00105976 This was a great opportunity to hear what was going on coast-to-coast, and we plan to HAAKF6BC2qE-00253-00105976-00106491 continue hosting these sessions more regularly, perhaps even twice a year. HAAKF6BC2qE-00254-00106709-00107107 Since our Cross Country Check-In, we have worked hard to find a balance between the HAAKF6BC2qE-00255-00107107-00107542 time devoted to speakers and the time devoted to discussion. HAAKF6BC2qE-00256-00107542-00108098 Depending on the topic, this sometimes means limiting the number of speakers present or HAAKF6BC2qE-00257-00108098-00108526 encouraging attendees to ask their questions in the chat. HAAKF6BC2qE-00258-00108526-00109075 This is of course a work in progress, so we are always looking for new strategies to encourage HAAKF6BC2qE-00259-00109075-00109416 discussion and keep the content engaging. HAAKF6BC2qE-00260-00109479-00109756 Since January, we have worked to build HAAKF6BC2qE-00261-00109756-00110203 a diverse Open Education Cross Canada Coffee chat community. HAAKF6BC2qE-00262-00110203-00110731 When first establishing our coffee chats, we determined that developing a community HAAKF6BC2qE-00263-00110731-00111233 that included all Open Education professionals, and not just those working in libraries, HAAKF6BC2qE-00264-00111233-00111864 was an important goal. To achieve this, we invited common Open Education collaborators, HAAKF6BC2qE-00265-00111864-00112575 such as instructional designers, faculty and students to both attend and speak at our events. HAAKF6BC2qE-00266-00112644-00113148 Building a community that includes a variety of Open Education professionals and different HAAKF6BC2qE-00267-00113148-00113537 perspectives has added a lot of value to our coffee chats HAAKF6BC2qE-00268-00113537-00113803 and has been a great selling point. HAAKF6BC2qE-00269-00113803-00114410 In order to make these inclusive events successful, we recognized that we have to create content HAAKF6BC2qE-00270-00114410-00115098 that is engaging to everyone and caters to the interests of all Open Education professionals, HAAKF6BC2qE-00271-00115098-00115319 not just those working in libraries. HAAKF6BC2qE-00272-00115369-00116000 Asking attendees for input on topics of interest and monitoring the discussion for common questions HAAKF6BC2qE-00273-00116000-00116398 was a great way to get insight into what people found appealing. HAAKF6BC2qE-00274-00116546-00117072 When initiating the coffee chats, we also quickly understood the importance of including HAAKF6BC2qE-00275-00117072-00117742 diverse voices, especially as speakers, and ensuring everyone felt represented. HAAKF6BC2qE-00276-00117742-00118358 To achieve this, we reached out to professionals who could speak to diversity, equity and inclusion HAAKF6BC2qE-00277-00118358-00118678 within the field of Open Education. HAAKF6BC2qE-00278-00118678-00119291 We have also collaborated with other Open Education groups to highlight diverse voices HAAKF6BC2qE-00279-00119291-00119794 and reinforced the sense of community gained from the coffee chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00280-00119794-00120320 One example of collaboration includes our February coffee chat, which was hosted by HAAKF6BC2qE-00281-00120320-00120542 the Francophone OER group. HAAKF6BC2qE-00282-00120542-00121026 We hope to continue partnerships like this and participate in more collaborations HAAKF6BC2qE-00283-00121026-00121159 moving forward. HAAKF6BC2qE-00284-00121232-00121711 At our first coffee chat, we had a total of 52 attendees. HAAKF6BC2qE-00285-00121711-00122311 While this was certainly a success, we are always working toward increasing participation. HAAKF6BC2qE-00286-00122311-00122808 When first discussing how to promote our event, we decided it was best to use established HAAKF6BC2qE-00287-00122808-00123059 avenues and not reinvent the wheel. HAAKF6BC2qE-00288-00123126-00123685 As a result, we focused on using pre-existing Listservs to promote our events. HAAKF6BC2qE-00289-00123685-00124029 Initially, this was a great way to spread the word. HAAKF6BC2qE-00290-00124029-00124620 However, as our events progressed, we began to brainstorm other promotional methods that HAAKF6BC2qE-00291-00124620-00124851 we could apply to grow attendance. HAAKF6BC2qE-00292-00124936-00125408 We began personally inviting people within our own networks and encouraging speakers HAAKF6BC2qE-00293-00125408-00126126 to bring along their colleagues, such as faculty or students also working with Open Education. HAAKF6BC2qE-00294-00126126-00126366 When it comes to growing an audience though, HAAKF6BC2qE-00295-00126366-00126917 one of the biggest lessons we have learned so far is that it is important to be patient! HAAKF6BC2qE-00296-00126917-00127330 It takes time to build your attendance and grow momentum. HAAKF6BC2qE-00297-00127330-00127845 Attendance can depend on a number of factors, such as how frequently you hold events, what HAAKF6BC2qE-00298-00127845-00128385 other events are scheduled during a similar time, and the time of year. HAAKF6BC2qE-00299-00128385-00129009 For example, we decided to take a short hiatus from hosting coffee chats in July and August, HAAKF6BC2qE-00300-00129009-00129365 as we realized that many of those in our target audience would be taking time off HAAKF6BC2qE-00301-00129365-00129589 for the summer. HAAKF6BC2qE-00302-00129727-00130261 We have also discussed different ways to strengthen the Community of Practice going forward. HAAKF6BC2qE-00303-00130261-00130735 One approach is to increase the activity on the Canada OER listserv. HAAKF6BC2qE-00304-00130755-00131286 We can use the list to start sharing information about completed OER projects, and we can use HAAKF6BC2qE-00305-00131286-00131686 it to seek collaborators for new or ongoing projects. HAAKF6BC2qE-00306-00131686-00132139 We would also like to use other communication channels available, HAAKF6BC2qE-00307-00132139-00132401 such as Slack and social media. HAAKF6BC2qE-00308-00132401-00132745 There is an existing Open Education sub-category on the librarian HAAKF6BC2qE-00309-00132745-00133064 Scholarly Communication Slack channel. HAAKF6BC2qE-00310-00133064-00133734 And we can make a greater effort to promote the coffee chats using the hashtag #OECCCC HAAKF6BC2qE-00311-00133800-00134299 We can also identify and make connections with provincial Community of Practice networks HAAKF6BC2qE-00312-00134299-00134602 and seek cross-promotion opportunities. HAAKF6BC2qE-00313-00134602-00135073 In our September call, we promoted the Open Pedagogy group, which originated HAAKF6BC2qE-00314-00135073-00135287 at the University of Alberta. HAAKF6BC2qE-00315-00135287-00135815 Finally, we would like to plan for Indigenous-led and focused coffee chats. HAAKF6BC2qE-00316-00135815-00136159 This may involve more planning and outreach activities on our part, HAAKF6BC2qE-00317-00136159-00136544 however, we consider this to be a priority for our group. HAAKF6BC2qE-00318-00136816-00137109 In closing, we would like to provide you with some tips for starting HAAKF6BC2qE-00319-00137109-00137400 a Community of Practice of your own. HAAKF6BC2qE-00320-00137462-00137882 Use the communication channels that already exist and reach out to the network of people HAAKF6BC2qE-00321-00137882-00138075 that are working in the same field. HAAKF6BC2qE-00322-00138094-00138581 In our case, we used the Canada OER listserv as one of our promotion tools. HAAKF6BC2qE-00323-00138581-00139164 Depending on the topic, we often reached out to known colleagues to act as speakers. HAAKF6BC2qE-00324-00139164-00139380 Let participants give feedback on topics. HAAKF6BC2qE-00325-00139437-00139948 There is a place in our Running Notes for participants to add their topics of interest. HAAKF6BC2qE-00326-00139948-00140372 We refer to this feedback when we choose our monthly topics. HAAKF6BC2qE-00327-00140372-00140797 Make room for regional and diverse voices that reflect your communities. HAAKF6BC2qE-00328-00140797-00141207 The Community of Practice was formed with a recommendation to engage the Francophone HAAKF6BC2qE-00329-00141207-00141458 Open Education community. HAAKF6BC2qE-00330-00141458-00141916 Coffee chats for Francophone participants are scheduled twice a year to provide opportunities HAAKF6BC2qE-00331-00141916-00142089 for that group to meet. HAAKF6BC2qE-00332-00142200-00142628 Consider having expert speakers to jumpstart conversations. HAAKF6BC2qE-00333-00142628-00143160 Experts can provide insight into a topic that you, as the organizer, may not. HAAKF6BC2qE-00334-00143160-00143539 Take advantage of the experts who are often more than happy to participate HAAKF6BC2qE-00335-00143539-00143887 and share their knowledge and expertise. HAAKF6BC2qE-00336-00143887-00144064 Try to meet consistently. HAAKF6BC2qE-00337-00144064-00144346 The coffee chats are scheduled on the 3rd week of every month HAAKF6BC2qE-00338-00144346-00144570 and take place at the same time. HAAKF6BC2qE-00339-00144570-00144961 This familiarity can help build a foundation of regular participants HAAKF6BC2qE-00340-00144961-00145351 who may then invite others to join. HAAKF6BC2qE-00341-00145351-00145592 Try to make it fun and casual. HAAKF6BC2qE-00342-00145592-00146040 We run seasonal polls about drinks or food at the start of every meeting HAAKF6BC2qE-00343-00146040-00146194 to keep things light. HAAKF6BC2qE-00344-00146194-00146522 Our calls are not recorded and we do not ask our speakers to prepare HAAKF6BC2qE-00345-00146522-00146765 formal presentations such as slidedecks. HAAKF6BC2qE-00346-00146765-00147326 Again, this keeps the meetings light in tone and helps them to run efficiently. HAAKF6BC2qE-00347-00147469-00148114 On behalf of Ann, Lise, Paula, Kate and myself, thank you for attending this presentation HAAKF6BC2qE-00348-00148114-00148375 and for your engagement in the chat. HAAKF6BC2qE-00349-00148375-00148934 If you would like further information about the Open Education Cross Canada Coffee Chat, HAAKF6BC2qE-00350-00148934-00149300 please reach out to any one of us during or after the conference. HD7PyqvrWu0-00000-00000002-00000530 Ron asks about hardware wallet security. HD7PyqvrWu0-00001-00000530-00001096 "Let's say I use a securely protected, very long and strong passphrase... HD7PyqvrWu0-00002-00001096-00001846 with my BIP-39 compliant twenty-four word mnemonic in my hardware wallet." HD7PyqvrWu0-00003-00001846-00002860 "Is it unsafe to publicly publish (on Facebook or Twitter) the twenty-four word seed, treating my passphrase as... HD7PyqvrWu0-00004-00002860-00003365 the thing that protects my assets in my hardware wallet?" HD7PyqvrWu0-00005-00003365-00004126 Ron, the short answer is, it is absolutely unsafe. Long answer, let's look at why it is unsafe. HD7PyqvrWu0-00006-00004126-00004574 The BIP-39 standard works [by generating the mnemonic, and converting it into a binary seed]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00007-00004574-00005500 [The mnemonic] can range from twelve to twenty-four words, but most wallets use twenty-four words [now]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00008-00005500-00006258 Those twenty-four words actually encode [entropy in a multiple of 32 bits], which is used to produce... HD7PyqvrWu0-00009-00006258-00006906 [one root, the master extended key] for your hierarchical deterministic walet. HD7PyqvrWu0-00010-00006906-00007395 Basically, let's say your master key. It is produced from these twenty-four words. HD7PyqvrWu0-00011-00007395-00008846 In the process of producing that, your BIP-39 compliant wallet will operate a password stretching algorithm, HD7PyqvrWu0-00012-00008846-00009822 [the PBKDF2 function], which has only a few rounds. HD7PyqvrWu0-00013-00009822-00010848 By default, if you don't use a passphrase, it uses the [string] "mnenonic" as the salt. HD7PyqvrWu0-00014-00010848-00011540 Think about it this way: we have the twenty-four words and throw in another value, which we call the salt, HD7PyqvrWu0-00015-00011540-00012292 just a string of the word "mnemonic," and then we mix it up, [or "iterate"], two thousand times... HD7PyqvrWu0-00016-00012292-00012826 through this [key-stretching] algorithm to produce another value, [the derived key]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00017-00012826-00013674 The reason for that function, the [PBKDF2] key-stretching algorithm, [which stands for...] HD7PyqvrWu0-00018-00013674-00014506 Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2, is to ensure that it is difficult to brute-force the passphrase. HD7PyqvrWu0-00019-00014506-00015040 If you are using a passphrase on your BIP-39 compliant wallet, in order to check.. HD7PyqvrWu0-00020-00015040-00015834 if that ends up as a bitcoin address with money in it, or to verify it against the known address, HD7PyqvrWu0-00021-00015834-00016272 you must go through those rounds of hashing. HD7PyqvrWu0-00022-00016272-00016744 That takes time, though it doesn't take a lot of time on a powerful computer. HD7PyqvrWu0-00023-00016744-00017198 [For example], on this laptop, it would probably take less than a millisecond. HD7PyqvrWu0-00024-00017198-00018064 On a much less powerful device, like a USB hardware wallet such as the Ledger or Trezor, HD7PyqvrWu0-00025-00018064-00018514 which don't have enough processing capacity, it will actually take a few seconds. HD7PyqvrWu0-00026-00018514-00019406 You will notice that when you enter your passphrase on your hardware wallet, it will [display] a progress bar. HD7PyqvrWu0-00027-00019406-00020304 It takes maybe two three seconds. In order to make [the wallet] suitable for a small hardware device, HD7PyqvrWu0-00028-00020304-00020846 [the developers] had to limit the number of rounds of stretching. HD7PyqvrWu0-00029-00020846-00021116 Unfortunately, that [makes it weaker by default]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00030-00021116-00022034 You can implement a stretching algorithm in a laptop that is a thousand times faster than a Trezor. HD7PyqvrWu0-00031-00022034-00022958 On a GPU, it is maybe a hundred thousand times faster. On an FPGA, maybe ten million times faster. HD7PyqvrWu0-00032-00022958-00023544 And if you used an ASIC, you could probably do it two hundred million times faster than on a Trezor. HD7PyqvrWu0-00033-00023544-00024078 This would make it possible to try an enormous number of [possible] passphrases. HD7PyqvrWu0-00034-00024078-00024970 But if the attacker needs your twenty-four word seed and your passphrase, that is a good security mechanism. HD7PyqvrWu0-00035-00024970-00025484 If somebody finds your mnemonic seed lying around- By the way, you shouldn't have it lying around. HD7PyqvrWu0-00036-00025484-00026002 But if they do find it because it is not sufficiently physically secured, HD7PyqvrWu0-00037-00026002-00027022 then brute-forcing the passphrase will require either a lot of infrastructure or a lot of time. HD7PyqvrWu0-00038-00027022-00028045 [The attacker] will need to have specialized computers, GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, etc. or it will take a long time. HD7PyqvrWu0-00039-00028045-00029045 By 'a long time,' I mean a relatively complex passphrase will keep you safe for several weeks to a month. HD7PyqvrWu0-00040-00029045-00029583 A very strong, complex passphrase will keep you safe for months, HD7PyqvrWu0-00041-00029583-00030238 unless the [attacker] is willing to spend a million dollars on hardware to break that passphrase. HD7PyqvrWu0-00042-00030238-00030956 There are these trade-offs, right? At the bottom end of these trade-offs is a small hardware wallet... HD7PyqvrWu0-00043-00030956-00031612 which can't do this faster than about one or two seconds when you [enter] it in. HD7PyqvrWu0-00044-00031612-00032080 You don't want it to delay any more than that because then the hardware wallet becomes difficult to use. HD7PyqvrWu0-00045-00032080-00032439 That is the trade-off there. HD7PyqvrWu0-00046-00032439-00033026 Someone astutely pointed out that your passphrase is [kind of like] a brain wallet. HD7PyqvrWu0-00047-00033026-00033262 We have talked about brain wallets before. HD7PyqvrWu0-00048-00033262-00033846 Brain wallets [involve] making up a phrase, hashing it many times, producing a bitcoin [private key], HD7PyqvrWu0-00049-00033846-00034190 [derive a public key from that private key, and then create a bitcoin address to use]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00050-00034190-00035272 Brain wallets are not secure because, absent a second factor, you can pre-compute a very long list of... HD7PyqvrWu0-00051-00035272-00035836 of common strings that people will use [to generate their private keys for their brain wallet]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00052-00035836-00036872 Quotes or phrases from Star Trek and other movies or TV shows, slogans from various cultural movements, HD7PyqvrWu0-00053-00036872-00037156 poems, stories, whatever. HD7PyqvrWu0-00054-00037156-00037666 You can pre-compute [a list of these] and [people will tend to] produce the same brain wallets. HD7PyqvrWu0-00055-00037666-00037912 There is no other factor [involved]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00056-00037912-00038238 All you need to do is wait for someone to use [one of those common words or phrases], HD7PyqvrWu0-00057-00038238-00038468 and put money in one of the bitcoin addresses. HD7PyqvrWu0-00058-00038468-00039064 You could just track a trillion Bitcoin addresses, which would be a simple database [setup], HD7PyqvrWu0-00059-00039064-00039454 If someone is dumb enough to put some money in [one of those poorly generated address], you just take it. HD7PyqvrWu0-00060-00039454-00039704 We have seen that happen again and again. HD7PyqvrWu0-00061-00039704-00040240 People use brain wallets and within an hour, someone has taken the money, HD7PyqvrWu0-00062-00040240-00040714 because the brain wallet they chose wasn't secure. HD7PyqvrWu0-00063-00040714-00040966 Now, get this: brain wallets may be more secure than what you just proposed, HD7PyqvrWu0-00064-00040966-00041604 because I believe the number of rounds used for most brain wallets is 16,000. HD7PyqvrWu0-00065-00041604-00042318 But you can re-configure it and make your brain wallet use a hundred thousand rounds. HD7PyqvrWu0-00066-00042318-00042848 That will be far more [rounds] than what a little hardware wallet can do. HD7PyqvrWu0-00067-00042848-00043200 Brain wallets can be made secure with more rounds, HD7PyqvrWu0-00068-00043200-00044008 but they can never be made as secure as a true two- factor system, where one factor is the mneomonic... HD7PyqvrWu0-00069-00044008-00044206 and the other factor is the passphrase. HD7PyqvrWu0-00070-00044206-00044458 The attacker needs both [to take your money], HD7PyqvrWu0-00071-00044458-00045160 Since the mnemonic itself is [between 128 and 256 bits of entropy length], you are not brute-forcing that. HD7PyqvrWu0-00072-00045160-00045666 You would need to have all [the words], or a significant chunk of [the words]... HD7PyqvrWu0-00073-00045666-00046188 to have any meaningful way of brute-forcing the rest of it, and the passphrase. HD7PyqvrWu0-00074-00046188-00047010 So you can attack BIP-39 in certain ways, but it costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. HD7PyqvrWu0-00075-00047010-00047642 To summarize all of that: the most important rule in cryptography is, don't roll your own crypto. HD7PyqvrWu0-00076-00047642-00048108 Don't try to do "smart" things, because [most of the time] you will make mistakes. HD7PyqvrWu0-00077-00048108-00048684 You will not understand the impact on the complexity of solving the problem. HD7PyqvrWu0-00078-00048684-00049098 Let me give you a classic example of this that I read all the time. People will say: HD7PyqvrWu0-00079-00049098-00049930 "All you need to do is cut your twenty-four words in half, and store [each of the halves] in different places." HD7PyqvrWu0-00080-00049930-00050654 That is not the standard. It is not the standard because that is not secure. HD7PyqvrWu0-00081-00050654-00051441 Next time you hear that, ask the simple question: how much [more] effort is it to find one half of a seed? HD7PyqvrWu0-00082-00051441-00052226 If you split your seed in two, and I manage to [find] one of these [six or] twelve-word halves, HD7PyqvrWu0-00083-00052226-00052854 how hard is it for me to crack the other twelve words? HD7PyqvrWu0-00084-00052854-00054198 Is it half as difficult [as having] twenty-four words? It is not. It is 10^35 times less difficult, approximately. HD7PyqvrWu0-00085-00054198-00054905 Why? Because what you cut in half is not the base, it is the exponent of the complexity. HD7PyqvrWu0-00086-00054905-00056260 You took something that had 256 bits and [split] it into 128 bits, which is not half [as hard to crack]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00087-00056260-00057190 It is [between] 10^30 to 10^40, [much] less complex than 256 bits. HD7PyqvrWu0-00088-00057190-00058114 Don't roll your own crypto. Don't try to get smart about implementing schemes and systems to split your seed. HD7PyqvrWu0-00089-00058114-00058710 You are far more likely to lose your money because you simply forgot the scheme (because it wasn't standard). HD7PyqvrWu0-00090-00058710-00059166 If something happens to you, your heirs or your family [will have more trouble accessing it]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00091-00059166-00059584 Or because you forgot a password, which we have seen again and again. HD7PyqvrWu0-00092-00059584-00059732 Then you can't [or don't know how to] brute-force it. HD7PyqvrWu0-00093-00059732-00060191 Or you go to another extreme, your scheme is not really as complex as you think it is, HD7PyqvrWu0-00094-00060191-00060620 and someone can brute-force it easily, so you have effectively implemented a brain wallet. HD7PyqvrWu0-00095-00060620-00060829 Your money will be stolen. HD7PyqvrWu0-00096-00060829-00061584 The BIP-39 standard is very carefully balanced to achieve the best ratio... HD7PyqvrWu0-00097-00061584-00063129 of security and ease of use, security and resilience, security and recoverability for small hardware devices. HD7PyqvrWu0-00098-00063129-00063710 It is balanced by people who are actual cryptographers and know what they're doing. HD7PyqvrWu0-00099-00063710-00064258 When you try to change the way you use it, you will tip that balance [in ways you don't fully understand], HD7PyqvrWu0-00100-00064258-00064526 either too much towards security- HD7PyqvrWu0-00101-00064526-00065008 "I took my BIP-39 seed, cut it into twenty-four pieces, mixed them up, HD7PyqvrWu0-00102-00065008-00065906 encrypted them, put them on Dropbox, then erased it from the web, and I can only access it on the archive." HD7PyqvrWu0-00103-00065906-00066030 Your money will be gone. HD7PyqvrWu0-00104-00066030-00066580 You made [a scheme that was] too complex, buried your money in the desert without a map. HD7PyqvrWu0-00105-00066580-00067150 Or you went [too far towards ease-of-use] and end up with [a storage scheme] that is too easy to break, HD7PyqvrWu0-00106-00067150-00067744 because you didn't realize that you were [making] a big change and not a small change in the complexity. HD7PyqvrWu0-00107-00067744-00068282 Don't roll your own crypto unless you are an experienced cryptographer. HD7PyqvrWu0-00108-00068282-00068990 I'll tell you, I won't do it. I don't consider myself to be experienced enough in cryptography to roll my own. HD7PyqvrWu0-00109-00068990-00069824 I use the standards that are well-test, mature, and peer-reviewed by very good cryptographers. HD7PyqvrWu0-00110-00069824-00070474 [The standards] work well. Write your seed down. Use a pen / pencil and paper. Write it down. HD7PyqvrWu0-00111-00070474-00071112 Store it in a physically secure location like a locked drawer or bank safe deposit box. HD7PyqvrWu0-00112-00071112-00071590 [Maybe] etch [the seed words] on steel. Keep multiple copies of that seed. HD7PyqvrWu0-00113-00071590-00072074 Use a passphrase that is strong enough to not be easily brute-forceable. HD7PyqvrWu0-00114-00072074-00072868 Six to eight [random] words is just about right, though not English words from the mnemonic list. HD7PyqvrWu0-00115-00072868-00073470 Random words that don't mean something to you, not a phrase you will find on Google, HD7PyqvrWu0-00116-00073470-00073878 not something written in a book or seen in a [popular] movie. HD7PyqvrWu0-00117-00073878-00074462 Pick six to eight random words. Memorize them. Write them down. Store them in a different location. HD7PyqvrWu0-00118-00074462-00074780 [Write instructions somewhere] so your family actually has a chance to [access them] if something happens. HD7PyqvrWu0-00119-00074780-00075630 That will be more secure. You will not be robbed as easily. Use the standard as it was designed. HD7PyqvrWu0-00120-00075630-00076146 Anthony had a quick follow-up there: "Passphrase, does that mean the password on the hardware wallet?" HD7PyqvrWu0-00121-00076146-00076712 There are two things on the hardware wallet: the PIN, which is just to protect the physical device... HD7PyqvrWu0-00122-00076712-00076940 and has nothing to do with the seed. HD7PyqvrWu0-00123-00076940-00077452 If someone takes your physical hardware wallet, they can't simply unlock it [without the PIN]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00124-00077452-00077786 The PIN is designed [with a time delay mechanism]. HD7PyqvrWu0-00125-00077786-00078438 If you make a mistake, it takes twice as long to try again and quickly escalates [after a few attempts]... HD7PyqvrWu0-00126-00078438-00079204 to the point where you can only try one PIN a week, then every two weeks, then once a month, etc. HD7PyqvrWu0-00127-00079204-00079704 The PIN has nothing to do with the security of the [storage of the] keys. HD7PyqvrWu0-00128-00079704-00080634 The passphrase, however, an optional component of the BIP-39 standard, is an additional security factor. HD7PyqvrWu0-00129-00080634-00081632 That is separate from the PIN. In first-generation hardware wallets, you would type it [on your keyboard]; HD7PyqvrWu0-00130-00081632-00082038 in second generation hardware wallets, you click directly on the screen of the hardware wallet... HD7PyqvrWu0-00131-00082038-00082334 so that it is not entered on an online system. HD7PyqvrWu0-00132-00082334-00082682 [The passphrase] is mixed in with your mnemonic phrase. HD7PyqvrWu0-00133-00082682-00083140 It affects the security of your keys, and protects your seed [against disclosure]. HF6pu8-F0rY-00000-00000046-00000742 today we continue our Japanese lessons teaching you a word that will be very useful in Japan HF6pu8-F0rY-00001-00000742-00000853 PANCHIRA HF6pu8-F0rY-00002-00000866-00001580 Panchira is a Japanese term to say that underwear is visible HF6pu8-F0rY-00003-00001588-00002094 the word is the fusion of two words PANTIE (underwear) + CHIRA (quick view) HF6pu8-F0rY-00004-00002100-00002818 In the anime and manga context, Panchira generally refers to a visual convention used by Japanese artists and animators since the 1960s HF6pu8-F0rY-00005-00002818-00003265 According to Japanese sources, the convention would start with the Sazae-san. HF6pu8-F0rY-00006-00003272-00003602 and was also adopted on television, with the adaptation of Astro Boy. HF6pu8-F0rY-00007-00003614-00004170 The development of Panchira in popular Japanese culture has been analyzed by some American and Japanese writers. HF6pu8-F0rY-00008-00004200-00004722 Many observers have linked this phenomenon to the westernization of Japan after the Second World War. HF6pu8-F0rY-00009-00004732-00005592 During the American occupation the customs, ideas, and media that were previously unknown in Japan were imported; HF6pu8-F0rY-00010-00005610-00006190 Media coverage of the iconic scene with Marilyn Monroe contributed to the increase in popularity of the panchira. HF6pu8-F0rY-00011-00006206-00006850 According to Shoichi Inoue, the practice of glancing at young women's underwear became very popular during this period. HF6pu8-F0rY-00012-00006873-00007234 Currently the panchira is particularly present in the genus Shonen manga HF6pu8-F0rY-00013-00007245-00007708 we continue to explore the Japanese language with another very useful term HF6pu8-F0rY-00014-00007726-00008022 Zettai ryōiki literally Absolute Territory HF6pu8-F0rY-00015-00008036-00008496 that refers to that part of skin discovered between the socks that arrive above the knees and a miniskirt. HF6pu8-F0rY-00016-00008502-00008980 This term has spread in the otaku slag as an attribute of the characters moe of the souls and manga HF6pu8-F0rY-00017-00008988-00009310 but it is in use in Japan even if considered a hentai word HF6pu8-F0rY-00018-00009324-00009704 But you must know that this word was born with the series of Neon Genesis Evangelion, HF6pu8-F0rY-00019-00009722-00010112 where it was used with another meaning since 1995 HF6pu8-F0rY-00020-00010112-00010956 On February 13, 2006, the manufacturer of video games of Neon Genesis Evangelion, I advance two requests to register as trademark "Zettai Ryōiki" HF6pu8-F0rY-00021-00010958-00011238 This combination of clothes is very popular in Japan, HF6pu8-F0rY-00022-00011238-00011772 there is also a kind of glue that can be used on socks to ensure that they do not even go down a bit to maintain its perfect appearance. HF6pu8-F0rY-00023-00011794-00012558 An advertising agency launched in 2013 a campaign in which women paid to wear this pair of clothing to promote various events and products in the most popular areas. HF6pu8-F0rY-00024-00012572-00013356 On February 8, 2014, open a shop called "Zettai Ryōiki" dedicated just to socks over knees and socks in Akihabara HF6pu8-F0rY-00025-00013372-00013754 We hope you enjoyed this video of curiosity, let us know in the comments HF6pu8-F0rY-00026-00013778-00014202 you can find Sebastiano Serafini's music in all major digital stores HG6z-iUQpmA-00000-00000873-00000887 http://vk.com/maski_saratova HGunT9Wxwgu-00000-00002318-00002418 [ Music ] HGunT9Wxwgu-00001-00002418-00005362 do HGunT9Wxwgu-00002-00005362-00005396 you HGBVDM-NZgg-00000-00000069-00000590 SHIPMATES SET YOKE ON YOUR EARS AND ZEBRA ON YOUR MOUTH. IT'S TIME FOR ALL HANDS UPDATE, HGBVDM-NZgg-00001-00000590-00000785 I'M CHIEF PETTY OFFICER MIKE JONES . HGBVDM-NZgg-00002-00000785-00001042 THESE ARE YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. HGBVDM-NZgg-00003-00001042-00001453 THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER QUOTAS ARE OUT. HGBVDM-NZgg-00004-00001453-00001928 SELECTION BOARD MEMBERS MET IN MILLINGTON, TENNESSEE AND REVIEWED OVER 3,000 RECORDS HGBVDM-NZgg-00005-00001928-00002137 OF ELIGIBLE SENOIR CHIEFS. HGBVDM-NZgg-00006-00002137-00002701 THIS YEAR THERE ARE 394 QUOTAS, ADVANCING SAILORS WITH THE APPROPRIATE SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE HGBVDM-NZgg-00007-00002701-00002911 TO SUPPORT MISSION READINESS. HGBVDM-NZgg-00008-00002911-00003310 GO TO ALL HANDS MAGAZINE TO VIEW THE FULL LIST OF QUOTAS. HGBVDM-NZgg-00009-00003310-00003746 IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHY I'M BRINGING YOU THE NEWS TODAY, ITS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE HGBVDM-NZgg-00010-00003746-00004349 TODAY, NAVY CHIEFS CELEBRATE 122 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE AND SERVICE TO OUR NAVY. HGBVDM-NZgg-00011-00004349-00004915 SINCE APRIL 1ST, 1893 WE HAVE LED OUR SAILORS FROM THE DECKPLATES AROUND THE WORLD. HGBVDM-NZgg-00012-00004915-00005078 HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAVY CHIEFS! HGBVDM-NZgg-00013-00005078-00005717 NAVY CHIEF, NAVY PRIDE. HGc78g55-l8-00000-00001170-00001711 We are a hospital that is known for some pretty incredible firsts, particularly in women's HGc78g55-l8-00001-00001711-00002352 health. When we set about to design this facility, we knew that we needed to talk to women. So HGc78g55-l8-00002-00002352-00002886 we talked to over a thousand women from a very wide variety of backgrounds. We asked HGc78g55-l8-00003-00002886-00003422 them to tell us what they wanted in a hospital that focuses on their health. HGc78g55-l8-00004-00003422-00004325 These women didn't prescribe what the architecture should be. But they did, in a heartfelt way, HGc78g55-l8-00005-00004325-00004777 explain how they wanted to feel when they came to the hospital. HGc78g55-l8-00006-00004777-00005439 These women told us that they want a hospital to be a place that inspires health that inspires HGc78g55-l8-00007-00005439-00006029 healing in community. This is exactly what the new Women's College Hospital is designed HGc78g55-l8-00008-00006029-00006604 to be. They wanted a space where they felt heard, where they felt welcomed, where people HGc78g55-l8-00009-00006604-00007225 spoke their language. The wonderful, wonderful insight that we gained out of all of this HGc78g55-l8-00010-00007225-00007729 is that what works for women, which they told us loud and clear, actually works very well HGc78g55-l8-00011-00007729-00008224 for the men we serve as well. The pink cube is actually going to create HGc78g55-l8-00012-00008224-00008999 an iconic visual for our new facility. It's very meaningful in that it will be a light-filled HGc78g55-l8-00013-00008999-00009814 beautiful space. The cube was envisioned as a marker, a beacon HGc78g55-l8-00014-00009814-00010327 that would let you know that you had reached Women's College [Hospital]. HGc78g55-l8-00015-00010327-00010828 The iconic pink cube is going to be a focal point right at the centre - right at the heart - HGc78g55-l8-00016-00010828-00011435 of the new facility. It will be unique, a light-filled space where world-renowned experts HGc78g55-l8-00017-00011435-00011963 in health and science will gather, to work on advancing health for women everywhere. HGc78g55-l8-00018-00011963-00012656 I think it will be a call to people as they come toward and enter into the hospital. It's HGc78g55-l8-00019-00012656-00013291 really very symbolic of what we stand for. Once we are in the full new building, our HGc78g55-l8-00020-00013291-00013888 scientists and researchers will be working side by side with our educators, with our HGc78g55-l8-00021-00013888-00014590 learners and with our clinicians. And with patients. That's a very, very unique approach HGc78g55-l8-00022-00014590-00014966 and actually brings the best of all worlds to clinical care. HH_oVYIITZU-00000-00000098-00000292 alright , hello to the world HH_oVYIITZU-00001-00000300-00000372 hello world HH_oVYIITZU-00002-00000398-00000988 LIT tv back again! we always react to hot and cool MVs HH_oVYIITZU-00003-00001086-00001638 actually, we was preparing to react to other MV, but suddenly this guys MV just popped up HH_oVYIITZU-00004-00001696-00001786 just popped up HH_oVYIITZU-00005-00001786-00002032 so we thought we must react to this MV HH_oVYIITZU-00006-00002078-00002348 this guy is 'Timberlake' HH_oVYIITZU-00007-00002438-00002628 It's been 4 years since he released the latest album HH_oVYIITZU-00008-00002640-00002820 the emperor of Pop HH_oVYIITZU-00009-00002820-00002936 he is HH_oVYIITZU-00010-00002990-00003292 Justin Timberlake HH_oVYIITZU-00011-00003308-00003494 the song is 'Man of the woods' HH_oVYIITZU-00012-00003494-00003876 It can't be LIT action if we wouldn't react to this video HH_oVYIITZU-00013-00003900-00004202 he is LIT AF for real HH_oVYIITZU-00014-00004202-00004340 I can't wait to watch this HH_oVYIITZU-00015-00004340-00004484 should start right now HH_oVYIITZU-00016-00004484-00004550 let's get it right now HH_oVYIITZU-00017-00004550-00004856 quickly say 'LIT action' HH_oVYIITZU-00018-00005328-00005754 It just start in the forest like the song's name HH_oVYIITZU-00019-00005890-00006035 he looks cool HH_oVYIITZU-00020-00006035-00006329 I jizzed in my pants from the first HH_oVYIITZU-00021-00006329-00006472 what a song HH_oVYIITZU-00022-00006552-00006771 the beat is so cool HH_oVYIITZU-00023-00007028-00007481 the video is so cute lol HH_oVYIITZU-00024-00007812-00008045 he's just wearing casual clothes but so cool HH_oVYIITZU-00025-00008052-00008152 i wanna dress up like that HH_oVYIITZU-00026-00008220-00008310 see his face HH_oVYIITZU-00027-00008372-00008464 starring like this HH_oVYIITZU-00028-00008742-00008902 is the landscape real? HH_oVYIITZU-00030-00009094-00009176 nice HH_oVYIITZU-00031-00009192-00009494 I really like forests and camping HH_oVYIITZU-00032-00009502-00009648 yeah you do HH_oVYIITZU-00033-00009648-00010016 the video is just my type HH_oVYIITZU-00034-00010616-00010864 i'm getting happy now HH_oVYIITZU-00035-00010954-00011078 so happy HH_oVYIITZU-00036-00011178-00011403 sounds so Pop HH_oVYIITZU-00037-00011404-00011572 isn't really good? HH_oVYIITZU-00038-00011572-00011862 I just can feel peace HH_oVYIITZU-00039-00011862-00012082 chopping some timbers HH_oVYIITZU-00040-00012090-00012472 just come up with the Korean fairy tale that a swallow bought a branch to a farmer HH_oVYIITZU-00041-00012534-00012720 it's old fairy tale HH_oVYIITZU-00042-00013222-00013486 wanna go camping HH_oVYIITZU-00043-00013746-00013846 drink it HH_oVYIITZU-00044-00013904-00014004 I just drank with this dude HH_oVYIITZU-00045-00014254-00014396 like the viewpoint of the first person HH_oVYIITZU-00046-00014426-00014669 can feel like I'm just enjoying camping with Timberlake HH_oVYIITZU-00047-00014678-00014794 like traveling with him HH_oVYIITZU-00048-00014878-00015008 like 'where you wanna go?' HH_oVYIITZU-00049-00015008-00015108 'wanna hop on this boat?' HH_oVYIITZU-00050-00015108-00015297 I'mma hop on that right quick HH_oVYIITZU-00051-00016157-00016465 children probably like this video as well HH_oVYIITZU-00052-00016466-00016670 It has some child vibe HH_oVYIITZU-00053-00016670-00016820 like fairy tale HH_oVYIITZU-00054-00017068-00017386 He's wearing such a nice outfit HH_oVYIITZU-00055-00017386-00017586 even He's not wearing lots of items HH_oVYIITZU-00056-00017586-00017786 face is the most important in fashion HH_oVYIITZU-00057-00017838-00018216 he got the sauce on his face HH_oVYIITZU-00058-00018236-00018402 he has veteran vibe HH_oVYIITZU-00059-00018402-00018500 he does HH_oVYIITZU-00060-00018814-00018980 look at that angle of his hat HH_oVYIITZU-00061-00019026-00019150 if we wore that hat HH_oVYIITZU-00062-00019176-00019510 we'd be looking like a homeless HH_oVYIITZU-00063-00019992-00020170 he's born in 1981 HH_oVYIITZU-00064-00020534-00020714 he's almost age 40 HH_oVYIITZU-00065-00020720-00021004 aren't you guys getting happy? HH_oVYIITZU-00066-00021004-00021188 peace and love HH_oVYIITZU-00067-00021506-00021618 he's back in 4 years HH_oVYIITZU-00068-00021716-00022104 how could he be back so cool like this ? HH_oVYIITZU-00069-00022180-00022280 so cool HH_oVYIITZU-00070-00022744-00022926 children definitely like this MV HH_oVYIITZU-00071-00022926-00023180 he fits flannel shirts so well HH_oVYIITZU-00072-00023328-00023630 this fashion in this scene HH_oVYIITZU-00073-00023640-00024302 you can see this kinda fashion easely in american movies HH_oVYIITZU-00074-00024494-00024602 American casual HH_oVYIITZU-00075-00024710-00024940 slightly feeling kinda musical vibe HH_oVYIITZU-00076-00024986-00025166 children might like this HH_oVYIITZU-00077-00025166-00025418 but i don't think that it's not played in clubs so much HH_oVYIITZU-00078-00025418-00025550 or it is HH_oVYIITZU-00079-00025614-00025883 I think this can be played in HH_oVYIITZU-00080-00025883-00026136 some shopping malls HH_oVYIITZU-00081-00026136-00026268 or pubs? HH_oVYIITZU-00082-00026272-00026454 it probably be played in that kinda place HH_oVYIITZU-00084-00026883-00027266 I really wanna go that kinda place HH_oVYIITZU-00085-00027266-00027467 with my lover HH_oVYIITZU-00086-00027468-00027568 shall we go together? HH_oVYIITZU-00087-00027592-00027850 I said with my lover, not with you HH_oVYIITZU-00088-00028312-00028412 damn cool HH_oVYIITZU-00089-00028468-00029588 well, we've watched 'Man of the wood' by Justin Timberlake today HH_oVYIITZU-00090-00029610-00029904 I was so happy during i was watching it HH_oVYIITZU-00091-00029904-00030116 so peaceful HH_oVYIITZU-00092-00030116-00030676 we live fast life doing some stuff HH_oVYIITZU-00093-00030718-00031254 this song gave our stress away HH_oVYIITZU-00094-00031254-00031348 it was that kinda MV HH_oVYIITZU-00095-00031348-00031466 peace and love HH_oVYIITZU-00096-00031508-00031627 how you liked it? HH_oVYIITZU-00097-00031627-00032242 I think it sounds like pop and country music. that's why i enjoyed it HH_oVYIITZU-00098-00032277-00032564 I originally like those genres HH_oVYIITZU-00099-00032564-00032870 and I love his outfit HH_oVYIITZU-00100-00032908-00033207 that was damn cool HH_oVYIITZU-00101-00033208-00033602 if there are some people who planning to visit Korea HH_oVYIITZU-00102-00033602-00034006 go to 'Saryuni forest road' in Jeju island then you can see the landscape like in the MV HH_oVYIITZU-00103-00034006-00034330 here's a traveling tip HH_oVYIITZU-00104-00034376-00034898 anyway, that's LIT AF MV HH_oVYIITZU-00105-00034898-00034986 I was so happy HH_oVYIITZU-00106-00034986-00035297 'Man of the wood' by Justin Timberlake HH_oVYIITZU-00107-00035298-00035462 we enjoyed it HH_oVYIITZU-00108-00035462-00035718 hope you guys was happy too HH_oVYIITZU-00109-00035718-00035902 just passed another week HH_oVYIITZU-00110-00035904-00036266 hope you have another happy week HH_oVYIITZU-00111-00036296-00036456 have a good weekend HH_oVYIITZU-00112-00036456-00036876 alright, it's all for today and if you enjoyed this, please like and subscribe this channel HH_oVYIITZU-00113-00036876-00037302 well, let's finish with saying HH_oVYIITZU-00114-00037302-00037474 LIT action!