OKrGStGaOVu-00000-00000031-00001162 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ Học tập Bác OKrGStGaOVu-00002-00004163-00005648 cách mạng và phong cách của người chiến sỹ cộng sản chân chính. OKrGStGaOVu-00003-00005648-00007164 Thúc đẩy việc học tập Bác trở thành lối sống, nếp nghĩ, cách làm OKrGStGaOVu-00004-00007164-00008139 của từng cán bộ, đảng viên và người dân. OKrGStGaOVu-00005-00008139-00009552 Làm cho tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh thực OKrGStGaOVu-00006-00009552-00011089 sự thấm sâu vào đời sống xã hội, thật sự trở thành nền tảng tinh OKrGStGaOVu-00007-00011089-00012624 thần vững chắc, cội nguồn sức mạnh to lớn, để toàn Đảng, toàn OKrGStGaOVu-00008-00012624-00015148 dân và toàn quân ta phát huy nội lực, vượt qua khó khăn, thách thức, hoàn OKrGStGaOVu-00009-00015148-00016926 thành mọi nhiệm vụ cách mạng trong giai đoạn mới. OKrGStGaOVu-00010-00016926-00018520 Làm theo Bác Là thúc đẩy, tạo chuyển biến mạnh OKrGStGaOVu-00011-00018520-00020097 mẽ từ "học tập" sang "làm theo", hiện thực hóa bằng những chương OKrGStGaOVu-00012-00020097-00021623 trình hành động cụ thể, việc làm cụ thể, thiết thực trong thực hiện OKrGStGaOVu-00013-00021623-00023167 nhiệm vụ chính trị của địa phương, cơ quan, đơn vị và công tác xây dựng, OKrGStGaOVu-00014-00023167-00024723 chỉnh đốn Đảng, gắn với đề cao chức trách, đạo đức công vụ OKrGStGaOVu-00015-00024723-00026961 của mỗi cán bộ, đảng viên; giải quyết hiệu quả các khâu đột phá OKrGStGaOVu-00016-00026961-00029631 và các vấn đề trọng tâm, bức xúc trong thực tiễn, trên nền tảng, kim OKrGStGaOVu-00017-00029631-00031239 chỉ nam là tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh cùng với chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin trong OKrGStGaOVu-00018-00031239-00031500 mọi hành động. OKrGStGaOVu-00019-00031500-00032283 Nêu gương Là thực hiện đồng thời, gắn kết OKrGStGaOVu-00020-00032283-00033163 việc học tập với làm theo Bác và nêu gương. OKrGStGaOVu-00022-00037597-00038906 vai trò, trách nhiệm tiền phong, gương mẫu với nêu gương của cán bộ, OKrGStGaOVu-00023-00038906-00040165 đảng viên, nhất là người đứng đầu cấp ủy, chính quyền, cơ quan, OKrGStGaOVu-00024-00040165-00041712 đơn vị, mà trước hết là các đồng chí Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Ủy viên OKrGStGaOVu-00025-00041712-00042777 Ban Bí thư, Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng. OKrGStGaOVu-00026-00042777-00043362 Trong quá trình thực hiện ba nhiệm vụ nêu trên: OKrGStGaOVu-00027-00043362-00044515 Cần kết hợp chặt chẽ giữa "xây" và "chống," trong đó "xây" là cơ bản, OKrGStGaOVu-00028-00044515-00045178 chiến lược; "chống" là quan trọng, cấp bách. OKrGStGaOVu-00029-00045178-00047365 Đề cao tinh thần "nói đi đôi với làm," "rèn luyện suốt đời," thường OKrGStGaOVu-00030-00047365-00048105 xuyên "tự soi," "tự sửa." OKrGStGaOVu-00031-00048105-00050597 Đấu tranh, ngăn chặn, đẩy lùi tình trạng suy thoái về tư tưởng chính OKrGStGaOVu-00032-00050597-00052005 trị, đạo đức, lối sống, những biểu hiện "tự diễn biến," "tự OKrGStGaOVu-00033-00052005-00053017 chuyển hóa" trong nội bộ; kiên trì, kiên quyết đấu tranh phòng, chống OKrGStGaOVu-00034-00053017-00054248 tham nhũng, tiêu cực với tinh thần không có vùng cấm, không có ngoại OKrGStGaOVu-00035-00054248-00055662 lệ, không bị tác động bởi bất cứ tổ chức, cá nhân không trong sáng OKrGStGaOVu-00036-00055662-00055762 nào. OKrGStGaOVu-00037-00055762-00056370 Tăng cường công tác kiểm tra, giám sát. OKrGStGaOVu-00038-00056370-00057302 Nâng cao tính cảnh tỉnh, răn đe đối với những tư tưởng, biểu hiện OKrGStGaOVu-00039-00057302-00058289 tiêu cực; đồng thời khuyến khích, cổ vũ cán bộ, đảng viên suy nghĩ, OKrGStGaOVu-00040-00058289-00059491 hành động vì lợi ích chung, vì hạnh phúc của nhân dân, làm cho Đảng ta OKrGStGaOVu-00041-00059491-00059922 thật sự trong sạch, vững mạnh. OKrGStGaOVu-00042-00059922-00060371 (CỘNG ĐỒNG YÊU THƯƠNG http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ) OLtW_FqZEvY-00000-00000577-00000677 Hi. OLtW_FqZEvY-00001-00000677-00000874 I’m Lynette from PanicAttackRecovery.com. OLtW_FqZEvY-00002-00000874-00001374 We’re a collaboration of former sufferers who are helping current sufferers of anxiety, OLtW_FqZEvY-00003-00001374-00001612 panic attacks and agoraphobia. OLtW_FqZEvY-00004-00001612-00002039 Our videos are designed for those suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. OLtW_FqZEvY-00005-00002039-00002289 However anyone can benefit from them. OLtW_FqZEvY-00006-00002289-00003014 In this video, we would like to begin by discussing Progressive Muscle Relaxation: what it is, OLtW_FqZEvY-00007-00003014-00003421 and why it can be a helpful strategy anxiety sufferers. OLtW_FqZEvY-00008-00003421-00004046 Then we would like to provide an actual demonstration of this relaxation exercise during the video. OLtW_FqZEvY-00009-00004046-00004614 We hope that you will find this video to be informative and relaxing. OLtW_FqZEvY-00010-00004614-00005332 Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a technique that was created by Dr. Edmund Jacobson to OLtW_FqZEvY-00011-00005332-00005607 help people manage their anxiety and stress. OLtW_FqZEvY-00012-00005607-00006349 Dr. Jacobson’s major work, “You must relax”, addressing the general public, came out in OLtW_FqZEvY-00013-00006349-00006449 1934. OLtW_FqZEvY-00014-00006449-00007050 Interestingly, Dr. Jacobson lived until he was 92, so perhaps one should strongly consider OLtW_FqZEvY-00015-00007050-00007284 what he had to say on this topic! OLtW_FqZEvY-00016-00007284-00007975 Dr. Jacobson speculated that anxiety and stress lead to muscle tension, which leads to greater OLtW_FqZEvY-00017-00007975-00008109 anxiety. OLtW_FqZEvY-00018-00008109-00008725 This state of muscle tension is the opposite of the state that the body is in when it is relaxed. OLtW_FqZEvY-00019-00008825-00009396 Dr. Jacobson concluded that if a person’s body is relaxed, his/her mind cannot be in OLtW_FqZEvY-00020-00009396-00009534 a state of nervousness. OLtW_FqZEvY-00021-00009534-00010189 People who suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia may very well experience frequent OLtW_FqZEvY-00022-00010189-00010705 muscle tension, even when they feel that they are relaxing. OLtW_FqZEvY-00023-00010705-00011253 This is because chronic muscle tension may be so automatic that it seems normal, and OLtW_FqZEvY-00024-00011253-00011840 anxiety sufferers may have forgotten what it feels like when their muscles are completely OLtW_FqZEvY-00025-00011840-00012035 relaxed. OLtW_FqZEvY-00026-00012035-00012667 Progressive muscle relaxation has been shown to be beneficial in easing anxiety, and reducing OLtW_FqZEvY-00027-00012667-00013479 anxiety has been shown to improve the symptoms of many psychological and medical conditions. OLtW_FqZEvY-00028-00013479-00014104 This technique is often recommended for people with anxiety disorders, insomnia, chronic OLtW_FqZEvY-00029-00014104-00014336 pain and other disorders. OLtW_FqZEvY-00030-00014336-00014940 As shared in a previous video in our series, anxiety triggers certain physical changes OLtW_FqZEvY-00031-00014940-00015147 and sensations such as: OLtW_FqZEvY-00032-00015147-00015369 Increased blood flow to the muscle OLtW_FqZEvY-00033-00015369-00015506 Muscle tightening OLtW_FqZEvY-00034-00015506-00015700 Rapid or shallow breathing OLtW_FqZEvY-00035-00015700-00015881 Increased heart rate OLtW_FqZEvY-00036-00015881-00016648 By using Progressive Muscle Relaxation, you can counter these physical changes and sensations OLtW_FqZEvY-00037-00016648-00016949 to achieve a “relaxation response.” OLtW_FqZEvY-00038-00016949-00017684 A relaxation response comes from using relaxation techniques to calm your body. OLtW_FqZEvY-00039-00017684-00018290 During such a relaxation process, your breathing slows and your heart rate and blood pressure OLtW_FqZEvY-00040-00018290-00018418 decrease. OLtW_FqZEvY-00041-00018418-00018976 When muscles are relaxed, they don’t require as much oxygen as when they are tense. OLtW_FqZEvY-00042-00018976-00019565 This allows redirection of blood flow from the tense muscles to other areas of the body, OLtW_FqZEvY-00043-00019565-00020247 which reduces many of the unpleasant physical effects of anxiety. OLtW_FqZEvY-00044-00020247-00020848 By utilizing progressive muscle relaxation, you can learn to better distinguish between OLtW_FqZEvY-00045-00020848-00021318 relaxation and when your various muscle groups are tense. OLtW_FqZEvY-00046-00021318-00021903 Basically, a progressive muscle relaxation exercise involves systematically constricting OLtW_FqZEvY-00047-00021903-00022445 and relaxing various muscle groups from your feet upward or your head downward. OLtW_FqZEvY-00048-00022445-00023273 You focus on tensing and relaxing muscle groups in the feet, legs, buttocks, stomach, back, OLtW_FqZEvY-00049-00023273-00023769 hands, arms, chest, shoulders, neck and face. OLtW_FqZEvY-00050-00023769-00024170 As with any technique, there are some cautions. OLtW_FqZEvY-00051-00024170-00024639 We would suggest that you stop and talk to your doctor, if you experience any of the OLtW_FqZEvY-00052-00024639-00025026 following concerns, while using progressive muscle relaxation: OLtW_FqZEvY-00053-00025026-00025312 feelings of emotional distress; OLtW_FqZEvY-00054-00025312-00025476 sore or painful muscles; OLtW_FqZEvY-00055-00025476-00026127 or, if you have an injury to any body part that you want to target with progressive muscle OLtW_FqZEvY-00056-00026127-00026227 relaxation. OLtW_FqZEvY-00057-00026227-00026972 At this time, we would invite you to sit or lie down, relax, and try the following progressive OLtW_FqZEvY-00058-00026972-00027297 muscle relaxation exercise that we will talk you through. OLtW_FqZEvY-00059-00027297-00028200 While the instructions are being given, we will display some relaxing pictures on the screen. OLtW_FqZEvY-00060-00028270-00028820 You're free to adapt this exercise for other muscle groups of the body. OLtW_FqZEvY-00061-00028820-00030176 But in this example, we will focus on one arm and one hand. To be most effective, you should be sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. OLtW_FqZEvY-00062-00030176-00030941 Your eyes may be opened or closed, but most people find closing their eyes helps them OLtW_FqZEvY-00063-00030941-00031297 maintain focus during the exercise. OLtW_FqZEvY-00064-00031297-00031805 If you are in an appropriate setting, you might loosen restrictive clothing, and make OLtW_FqZEvY-00065-00031805-00032097 sure your surroundings are quiet. OLtW_FqZEvY-00066-00032097-00032391 Begin with the following: OLtW_FqZEvY-00067-00032391-00034069 Make a tight fist while at the same time flexing your hand upward at the wrist. OLtW_FqZEvY-00068-00034069-00035372 Focus on the sensations you feel while these muscles are tensed. OLtW_FqZEvY-00069-00035400-00036942 Hold this position for about 10 seconds and release. OLtW_FqZEvY-00070-00036980-00038463 Let your hand and arm go limp. OLtW_FqZEvY-00071-00038463-00039634 Focus on how your relaxed muscles feel. OLtW_FqZEvY-00072-00039750-00040116 Repeat this step a couple of times. OLtW_FqZEvY-00073-00040116-00040265 Take as long as you like. OLtW_FqZEvY-00074-00040265-00043216 I will be here. OLtW_FqZEvY-00075-00043216-00045036 Focus on the different feelings and physical sensations between tensing and relaxing your fist. OLtW_FqZEvY-00076-00045036-00046216 This concludes the sample exercise. Feel free to pause the video and carry this out for as long as you like. OLtW_FqZEvY-00077-00046420-00046777 We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this video. OLtW_FqZEvY-00078-00046777-00047381 For more information about relaxation exercises and other effective techniques, join our free OLtW_FqZEvY-00079-00047381-00047528 panic attack recovery series. OLtW_FqZEvY-00080-00047528-00048118 To get instant access to the five steps to recovery from anxiety and panic attacks, please OLtW_FqZEvY-00081-00048118-00048509 visit our website, and simply provide your email address. OLtW_FqZEvY-00082-00048509-00048896 All of information is absolutely free. OLtW_FqZEvY-00083-00048896-00049228 Please visit our website at PanicAttackRecovery.com Op92PCNCX5Q-00000-00000000-00000564 we all know of It's a Wonderful Life right amazing Christmas story so everybody else Op92PCNCX5Q-00001-00000564-00001158 thinks but when you watch another man at least for me when I watched George Bailey Op92PCNCX5Q-00002-00001158-00001848 bust off at the bottom of the railing this big ball dude I couldn't handle it it was like Op92PCNCX5Q-00003-00001848-00002496 an out-of-body experience and so for me it was just repulsive it triggered stuff in watching it Op92PCNCX5Q-00004-00002586-00003174 I couldn't watch the whole it's that same thing like that out of control rage it wasn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00005-00003174-00004026 who I wanted to be but I knew that was who I was appearing as how I was acting and so Op92PCNCX5Q-00006-00004140-00004944 in order to move through the anger I needed to look at me what were the things that I didn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00007-00004944-00005586 like what were the lies that I believed and really start working through where does that Op92PCNCX5Q-00008-00005586-00006210 lack of worth come from why do I feel special and not in a good way why do I feel like I'm Op92PCNCX5Q-00009-00006270-00007050 showing up on the radar as the kid that's always picked on that doesn't measure up yep you're just Op92PCNCX5Q-00010-00007050-00007662 out of sorts you're not normal that was very much where I was at and it was looking at those Op92PCNCX5Q-00011-00007662-00008406 messages and beginning to ask questions because as I grew up I was told if you fail that makes you Op92PCNCX5Q-00012-00008406-00009114 a failure not one of us wants to fail especially being considered a failure so I'm playing small J Op92PCNCX5Q-00013-00009114-00009870 I intentionally don't finish things so I'll start but I don't finish because if I don't finish then Op92PCNCX5Q-00014-00009870-00010788 yeah exactly you can look at it in somebody else and see the illogical pattern but yet we live with Op92PCNCX5Q-00015-00010788-00011388 those same kind of decisions we're making those decisions because there's this self-criticism Op92PCNCX5Q-00016-00011388-00011952 I would never see you in that light but I would place that on myself so quick back then Op92PCNCX5Q-00017-00012012-00012990 and so it was working through all those beliefs those knee-jerk phrases like why Op92PCNCX5Q-00018-00012990-00013596 are you such an idiot can't you do anything that's self-deprecating self-critical speech Op92PCNCX5Q-00019-00014600-00014700 [Music] Op92PCNCX5Q-00020-00014700-00015534 all right Mike hey man welcome to the podcast I am so excited number one that you're listening Op92PCNCX5Q-00021-00015534-00016002 but Mike I'm so excited that I get to introduce you to the group to the other fathers out there Op92PCNCX5Q-00022-00016116-00016692 and I want to start by saying we both met each other a long time ago when we were Op92PCNCX5Q-00023-00016692-00017142 both learning about podcasting and it was so fantastic and there's a funny story and Op92PCNCX5Q-00024-00017142-00017628 I want to cue you up to introduce yourself and we can just talk about how we met and Op92PCNCX5Q-00025-00017628-00018090 how we maintain that friendship since then so without further Ado Mike Forrester everybody Op92PCNCX5Q-00026-00018210-00018756 thank you man I'm super excited to be here absolutely uh going back and thinking about Op92PCNCX5Q-00027-00018834-00019560 eating over ribs and just having an open conversation I think that was what separated Op92PCNCX5Q-00028-00019560-00020268 you and I as far as becoming friends was that we were both open to it and so that's really Op92PCNCX5Q-00029-00020268-00020910 what's fostered and driven the friendship that we have now where it's not just hey Jay I need Op92PCNCX5Q-00030-00020910-00021540 something on business it's I need my friend I'm struggling in this area or if I want to celebrate Op92PCNCX5Q-00031-00021594-00022338 I can call you and go Jay I just did this breaking those old habits so yeah man it's Op92PCNCX5Q-00032-00022338-00022836 been an amazing journey and I'm super blessed to have you as my friend so thank you for inviting me Op92PCNCX5Q-00033-00022836-00023562 to join you no problem dude what habits what what happens you're talking about what habits of which Op92PCNCX5Q-00034-00023562-00024078 parts when breaking the habits man breaking the habits of thinking of relationships as just to Op92PCNCX5Q-00035-00024078-00024570 summarize that of transactional versus building a relationship what was the Habit that you had Op92PCNCX5Q-00036-00024636-00025332 and then what is the Habit that you've replaced that with it's one of those that man we all come Op92PCNCX5Q-00037-00025332-00026094 in as guys going I've got it together and being able to I think back on that night just before Op92PCNCX5Q-00038-00026094-00026627 before we had started into the event for talking about podcasting and learning was Op92PCNCX5Q-00039-00026766-00027648 this is my background this is who I was and being able to lay it out there instead of trying to Op92PCNCX5Q-00040-00027648-00028188 scoot it under the rug and go no I'm the dude with it all put together none of us are put together Op92PCNCX5Q-00041-00028314-00028974 yeah it's just that facade and so one of the habits maybe it's a characteristic depends on Op92PCNCX5Q-00042-00028974-00029688 how you want to look at it but is being open and genuine now does that mean like inner sanctum oh Op92PCNCX5Q-00043-00029688-00030233 my gosh here's my deepest darkest Secrets not initially but I was able to go to you and go Op92PCNCX5Q-00044-00030233-00030918 okay Jay have struggled with self-worth I've struggled with who I was as a dad as a husband Op92PCNCX5Q-00045-00030918-00031674 as a man and just at a basic level and test the waters right if you didn't judge me you didn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00046-00031674-00032333 come back at me and go oh my gosh how could you ever but being open like that I would say that's Op92PCNCX5Q-00047-00032333-00032790 one of the habits that has changed now as you and I have developed our friendship it's been Op92PCNCX5Q-00048-00032790-00033504 one of being able to go to you and say hey Jay this is what I'm wanting to do this is where Op92PCNCX5Q-00049-00033504-00034338 I'm at how I see myself and being open and willing to receive your perspective and what Op92PCNCX5Q-00050-00034416-00035082 because how we see ourselves in a situation isn't always how somebody else is going to we can color Op92PCNCX5Q-00051-00035082-00035682 it because of the glasses that we're wearing right our perspective or the thoughts that we've Op92PCNCX5Q-00052-00035682-00036498 had ingrained those beliefs and so Jay you've been brought up in similar ways but you're a different Op92PCNCX5Q-00053-00036498-00037206 person and as long as I grant you that respect and I put myself in a place of being open to your Op92PCNCX5Q-00054-00037206-00037956 response your input then it's hey Mike did you realize that you're saying this this old belief Op92PCNCX5Q-00055-00037956-00038544 of yours is coming up in podcasting or with your kids or with your wife and so that's been a new Op92PCNCX5Q-00056-00038652-00039156 habit that's been replaced I wouldn't say it's necessarily new it's one I exercise Op92PCNCX5Q-00057-00039156-00039876 is surrounding myself with men like yourself to say speak into my life guide me kind of a a Op92PCNCX5Q-00058-00039876-00040704 really firm belief here that when you care about somebody you're going to interrupt them or call Op92PCNCX5Q-00059-00040704-00041676 them out and reward and celebrate with them so frequently our default relationships and this is Op92PCNCX5Q-00060-00041766-00042696 from our spouses to our kids to work colleagues to acquaintances on the street so frequently they're Op92PCNCX5Q-00061-00042846-00043326 that genuine that authentic that authenticity that you're talking about the genuineness that willing Op92PCNCX5Q-00062-00043326-00043842 to show up talk about what you want to create talk about who you are talk about what's going on right Op92PCNCX5Q-00063-00043842-00044436 the idiom is hey how you doing I'm fine right I'm fine everything's fine everything's great Op92PCNCX5Q-00064-00044436-00044904 oh I'm doing great are you it's so funny when I think about the literature of emotional state Op92PCNCX5Q-00065-00044904-00045612 right that like stress is created for being overly high and super positive and then also overly low Op92PCNCX5Q-00066-00045612-00046158 and super negative that we're actually built to be temperate and I think when we're coming from Op92PCNCX5Q-00067-00046158-00046626 that perspective of this is what I'm creating here's how I'm being vulnerable using the catch Op92PCNCX5Q-00068-00046626-00047076 term so really what it's saying this is who I am this is what I'm creating do you want to come on Op92PCNCX5Q-00069-00047076-00047598 this ride with me and when we were meeting over those ribs that you made still fantastic I think Op92PCNCX5Q-00070-00047598-00048306 about that all the time that we were both in an environment where we were coming to build and Op92PCNCX5Q-00071-00048306-00049104 launch something new we were coming to learn and coming to the Forefront and saying I'm willing Op92PCNCX5Q-00072-00049104-00049632 right now to learn what I need to do to have what I want in the world and in the context of Op92PCNCX5Q-00073-00049632-00050112 a podcast it's these are the conversations I want to see in the world and I think that that level Op92PCNCX5Q-00074-00050112-00050700 can be applied to anything I've been seeing a lot lately on Instagram is where I hang out the most Op92PCNCX5Q-00075-00050802-00051174 a lot of millionaires and people that have built seven figure eight-figure nine figure Op92PCNCX5Q-00076-00051174-00051696 businesses talking about how did they get there and they say things like 70 to 80 are by referrals Op92PCNCX5Q-00077-00051767-00052266 the only way to get that referral the only way to have that relationship have that reciprocity is Op92PCNCX5Q-00078-00052266-00052998 by saying this is what I want to create and that all comes from who I am and it's been really easy Op92PCNCX5Q-00079-00053105-00053748 as I imagine this applies to you as well that as we both have put in the effort and done the work Op92PCNCX5Q-00080-00053748-00054462 and overcome done the work as if it's past tense as we're making progress in refining who we are Op92PCNCX5Q-00081-00054462-00055074 and how we want to show up in the world that we're naturally going to attract other like-minded folks Op92PCNCX5Q-00082-00055074-00055548 so I think when it comes to and we were just having a conversation recently about this about Op92PCNCX5Q-00083-00055548-00056322 building that Community I'd love to hear your perspective on how you've adjusted that habit Op92PCNCX5Q-00084-00056322-00056844 as you were saying and are intentionally building a peer group or intentionally building a community Op92PCNCX5Q-00085-00056928-00057420 around either who you are currently what progress you're making or where you want to go Op92PCNCX5Q-00086-00057600-00058500 so the first step was changing the because I have to like we were talking about I have Op92PCNCX5Q-00087-00058500-00059112 don't sorry don't have to I choose to be open and vulnerable to certain men Op92PCNCX5Q-00088-00059208-00059790 not everybody is going to be trustworthy unfortunately because of various reasons right for Op92PCNCX5Q-00089-00059790-00060390 me for a long time I wasn't trustworthy because I wasn't stable I wasn't secure I wasn't mentally Op92PCNCX5Q-00090-00060390-00060954 in that place so that's where it's like you test the waters like you and I did that first night Op92PCNCX5Q-00091-00061158-00061817 you test the waters to see where things are but it's unless I'm in a place to be open and honest Op92PCNCX5Q-00092-00061817-00062634 and then put myself in a position of being open to receiving what's being said to me I'm not going to Op92PCNCX5Q-00093-00062634-00063276 build the kind of community that I want around me the other thing is making sure that I'm working Op92PCNCX5Q-00094-00063276-00064032 to grow myself and that I'm surrounding myself with other growth-minded people not like-minded Op92PCNCX5Q-00095-00064104-00064908 because Jay if I had done that when I was in like that eor phase very victim mindset destructive Op92PCNCX5Q-00096-00064998-00065622 angry kind of mic man I would have just been in that misery loves company that doesn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00097-00065622-00066294 benefit anybody least of all us I love this because I think anger is something that men Op92PCNCX5Q-00098-00066408-00066864 I don't want to say uniquely but I think that the more and more that we listen Op92PCNCX5Q-00099-00066864-00067212 to men that are coming out about what they're talking about there's almost always an aspect Op92PCNCX5Q-00100-00067212-00067686 of anger and whether that's self-anger angry at themselves right that's that's Op92PCNCX5Q-00101-00067686-00068382 destructive or just angry at the world I'd love to hear for you two things number one Op92PCNCX5Q-00102-00068562-00069120 what did it take or what did you do to acknowledge that anger because I think the first I Op92PCNCX5Q-00103-00069180-00069594 I'll cue that up a little bit more as we are developing as men Op92PCNCX5Q-00104-00069666-00070326 as people right emotions are things that are just States they're ways of being and I think Op92PCNCX5Q-00105-00070326-00070944 under any sort of Journey in this space an emotion becomes it becomes either fuel right Op92PCNCX5Q-00106-00070944-00071502 in the positive sense or it becomes a litmus test for how do I like what's going on in the Op92PCNCX5Q-00107-00071502-00072006 environment at least that's my journey my journey has been hey emotions are telling me about what's Op92PCNCX5Q-00108-00072006-00072450 happening externally or internally and then I can decide what to do with it from that perspective Op92PCNCX5Q-00109-00072450-00073038 so first what did you do what was the work you did around anger and I'd love to hear transition Op92PCNCX5Q-00110-00073038-00073656 a little bit away from the community about how that is how that impacted your family right and Op92PCNCX5Q-00111-00073656-00074076 then the decisions that you made to change that because you have a fascinating story here about Op92PCNCX5Q-00112-00074184-00074556 well I think it's fascinating and I think that our listener right the feel good father out there Op92PCNCX5Q-00113-00074556-00074976 is going to love what you have to say about this so please go ahead I appreciate it thank you Jay Op92PCNCX5Q-00114-00074976-00075894 so as far as the anger for me came out of low self-esteem low belief my parents started with Op92PCNCX5Q-00115-00076032-00076380 you're not worthy you're not gonna matter you're not gonna Op92PCNCX5Q-00116-00076470-00077244 amount to anything in life that those beliefs really created the foundation from which I Op92PCNCX5Q-00117-00077244-00077970 worked from and so I was never enough and from that was where the anger came to the point where Op92PCNCX5Q-00118-00078084-00078804 we all know of It's a Wonderful Life right amazing Christmas story so everybody else thinks but when Op92PCNCX5Q-00119-00078804-00079470 you watch another man at least for me when I watched George Bailey bust off at the bottom Op92PCNCX5Q-00120-00079470-00080070 of the railing this big ball dude I couldn't handle it it was like an out-of-body experience Op92PCNCX5Q-00121-00080070-00080814 and so for me it was just repulsive it triggered stuff in watching it I couldn't watch the whole Op92PCNCX5Q-00122-00080868-00081588 it's that same thing like that out of control rage it wasn't who I wanted to be but I knew that was Op92PCNCX5Q-00123-00081684-00082638 who I was appearing as how I was acting and so in order to move through the anger I needed to look Op92PCNCX5Q-00124-00082638-00083460 at me what were the things that I didn't like what were the lies that I believed and really start Op92PCNCX5Q-00125-00083460-00084120 working through where does that lack of worth come from why do I feel special and not in a good way Op92PCNCX5Q-00126-00084120-00084876 why do I feel like I'm showing up on the radar as the kid that's always picked on that doesn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00127-00084876-00085638 measure up yep you're just out of sorts you're not normal that was very much where I was at and it Op92PCNCX5Q-00128-00085638-00086382 was looking at those messages and beginning to ask questions because as I grew up I was told if you Op92PCNCX5Q-00129-00086382-00086958 fail that makes you a failure not one of us wants to fail especially being considered a failure Op92PCNCX5Q-00130-00087036-00087648 it's so damaging because we know that success is literally trying and progress is defined by Op92PCNCX5Q-00131-00087648-00088242 sequences of what you would technically call a failure yeah right so I'm playing small Jay Op92PCNCX5Q-00132-00088242-00088950 I intentionally don't finish things so I'll start but I don't finish because if I don't finish then Op92PCNCX5Q-00133-00088950-00089862 yeah exactly you can look at it in somebody else and see the illogical pattern but yet we live with Op92PCNCX5Q-00134-00089862-00090546 those same kind of decisions we're making those decisions because there's this self-criticism I Op92PCNCX5Q-00135-00090546-00091170 would never see you in that light but I would place that on myself so quick back then and so Op92PCNCX5Q-00136-00091170-00092154 it was working through all those beliefs those knee-jerk phrases like why are you such an idiot Op92PCNCX5Q-00137-00092154-00093012 can't you do anything right that self-deprecating self-critical speech yeah and so taking a look and Op92PCNCX5Q-00138-00093012-00093678 not participating in that is the easiest way to say it but it wasn't easy work it was easy to see Op92PCNCX5Q-00139-00093678-00094326 it took a lot of effort and time to move through it and see myself differently and it's still Op92PCNCX5Q-00140-00094326-00095052 something I'm doing because there's so much that I took on that I didn't necessarily see readily in Op92PCNCX5Q-00141-00095052-00095484 the beginning that it's like you're digging down man you just keep digging further and further in Op92PCNCX5Q-00142-00095544-00096300 the amazing thing is I'm changing and it creates a space where I'm changing as I heal it creates Op92PCNCX5Q-00143-00096300-00096966 space for my wife to be who she's supposed to be for my children to see a different dad Op92PCNCX5Q-00144-00096966-00097656 and not pass on that Legacy of playing small of believing that if they fail they're a failure it Op92PCNCX5Q-00145-00097656-00098514 changes that Legacy that Heritage that we pass on and because I'm not intimidated or my worth isn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00146-00098514-00099330 dependent upon my wife not exceeding my ability or you know what I'm doing we're Partners we can work Op92PCNCX5Q-00147-00099330-00099888 through and I don't see her as an adversary I see her as an ally which is really what Op92PCNCX5Q-00148-00100014-00100482 in a marriage you want the kids are going to look at us and if there's a secure marriage Op92PCNCX5Q-00149-00100482-00101076 there and that gives them a security at a just a foundational level that changes the whole dynamic Op92PCNCX5Q-00150-00101076-00101568 there it's amazing I've been on both sides I'll tell you it's worth the work and effort but it Op92PCNCX5Q-00151-00101568-00102114 takes time to get there but I could think of one specific story that you shared in the past Op92PCNCX5Q-00152-00102114-00102768 but is there anything specifically that you or a specific time where you noticed this was Op92PCNCX5Q-00153-00102768-00103409 occurring that there was an event or a statement or a conversation where you had put in the work Op92PCNCX5Q-00154-00103500-00103926 and then somebody now you're putting in the work so you're focused on improving yourself Op92PCNCX5Q-00155-00104004-00104783 and then as a byproduct of you doing that work of you managing your past managing your internal Op92PCNCX5Q-00156-00104783-00105576 messaging managing your emotional state that it created uh more desirable result in your family Op92PCNCX5Q-00157-00105659-00106146 and that came back to you as a reaffirming get some sort of acknowledgment of something Op92PCNCX5Q-00158-00106248-00107226 yeah so about a year ago my wife walked across the stage to get her degree for counseling Op92PCNCX5Q-00159-00107226-00107856 oh yeah that never would have happened before because I would have seen that as Op92PCNCX5Q-00160-00107970-00108480 like in a front I'm the man I'm supposed to provide why are you doing this you don't need Op92PCNCX5Q-00161-00108480-00109235 to do that her getting a degree would just have been a threat in being healed I was able to one Op92PCNCX5Q-00162-00109235-00109800 give her space but also encourage her to continue the education and when she walked Op92PCNCX5Q-00163-00109800-00110459 across and celebrated I was able to be the person that was yelling and sharing the loudest for her Op92PCNCX5Q-00164-00110459-00111300 and so she came back and said I could not have done this without you dude there is nothing like Op92PCNCX5Q-00165-00111300-00112002 having the acknowledgment of your wife saying hey I got to this place of success because we're Op92PCNCX5Q-00166-00112002-00112446 walking in this together and thank you and that came from because you were able to turn Op92PCNCX5Q-00167-00112590-00113202 I'm going to use strong language your South loathing into self-love and then that self-love Op92PCNCX5Q-00168-00113202-00113682 started radiating from you and you're able to love on your family love on your wife in a new way Op92PCNCX5Q-00169-00113783-00114204 and then because of that transformation that created the space and that security Op92PCNCX5Q-00170-00114204-00114690 you were talking about right that security for her to be her best Op92PCNCX5Q-00171-00114846-00115242 there's another very specific thing and I'll just mention it here you have a podcast Op92PCNCX5Q-00172-00115409-00116076 and because you have your podcast and because of your journey in building that entrepreneurial Op92PCNCX5Q-00173-00116076-00116633 Pursuit something else happened in your family that I think is also important for other the Op92PCNCX5Q-00174-00116633-00117432 other father here to listen to yeah so one of my children all my children are adults now Op92PCNCX5Q-00175-00117492-00118002 and it's one we can control our kids to a certain extent when they're young Op92PCNCX5Q-00176-00118068-00118446 we don't think about when they get older they're going to have a mind of Their Own Op92PCNCX5Q-00177-00118446-00118950 and just as I left my parents they can just as easily turn about and go the other direction Op92PCNCX5Q-00178-00119046-00119735 the interesting thing has been as a result of me healing and reconciling the relationship with my Op92PCNCX5Q-00179-00119735-00120396 children them being forgiving is that one of my daughters and I've got four children one of my Op92PCNCX5Q-00180-00120396-00120983 daughters is helping me as I'm coaching men she's I want to be on board and she was the Op92PCNCX5Q-00181-00120983-00121494 one I was pushing the furthest and the fastest away from me at one point in time as she's now Op92PCNCX5Q-00182-00121494-00122346 walking alongside of me the other thing is my son has now said hey I am considering launching my own Op92PCNCX5Q-00183-00122346-00123282 podcast and want to get your input Jay there is no way that I would have ever held that space of Op92PCNCX5Q-00184-00123282-00123906 being approached and asked hey I want your help in this aspect in this area before and the thing Op92PCNCX5Q-00185-00123906-00124692 is when we're a dad of young children right we're so focused on the immediate season that we're in Op92PCNCX5Q-00186-00124692-00125196 we're not going to stay in that season forever the kids are going to grow up those kids go on to have Op92PCNCX5Q-00187-00125196-00125796 potentially their own children so now we're grandparents we're grandfathers if I had not Op92PCNCX5Q-00188-00125796-00126588 healed I would not have the place to be involved in their life much less my children's lives to Op92PCNCX5Q-00189-00126588-00127133 have that trust to have that trust and that love that your kids were able to say in the same way Op92PCNCX5Q-00190-00127133-00127626 that we were talking before about how when we met we were open to the conversation we're open to the Op92PCNCX5Q-00191-00127626-00127998 growth we're open to create something together to share where we're at and what we're doing Op92PCNCX5Q-00192-00128082-00128706 you being open to that specifically to come and build a relationship at the podcast event Op92PCNCX5Q-00193-00128790-00129594 was the same space that you held for the next person for your kids for your children to say Op92PCNCX5Q-00194-00129594-00130211 I want to do something as well right and the difference is clear one wants to encourage Op92PCNCX5Q-00195-00130211-00130818 and help and be a part of a business right a coaching mentorship and Mastermind business Op92PCNCX5Q-00196-00130818-00131394 and the other one wants to use their voice to talk about what they love and their passion Op92PCNCX5Q-00197-00131466-00132150 I I don't know that sounds pretty freaking amazing as far as the turnaround goes and here's the Op92PCNCX5Q-00198-00132150-00133080 difference right when my worth my value is wrapped up in how right I am from a conversation I'm gonna Op92PCNCX5Q-00199-00133080-00134046 argue until I've convinced you manipulated you beat you up to see things my way and relent right Op92PCNCX5Q-00200-00134148-00134928 I'm at a point now where I will take your input I'll process it consider it but it's not Op92PCNCX5Q-00201-00135006-00135780 impacting my value right it doesn't say hey Mike if you don't do this then you're not the Op92PCNCX5Q-00202-00135780-00136872 man that you should be a worth is not tied to me winning air quotes a conversation and so I Op92PCNCX5Q-00203-00136872-00137670 can have conversations and my worth my value as two separate things so we can actually have a Op92PCNCX5Q-00204-00137670-00138402 conversation have different perspectives my kids aren't doing everything that I want them to or Op92PCNCX5Q-00205-00138402-00139140 not want them to do but that doesn't mean that I'm okay with everything it also doesn't mean Op92PCNCX5Q-00206-00139140-00139962 that I have to bully them into doing what I think they should be doing I I can respect them as they Op92PCNCX5Q-00207-00139962-00140628 live their life and they still know hey yeah Dad doesn't agree with what I'm doing but I know he's Op92PCNCX5Q-00208-00140628-00141222 got my back and that wasn't something that existed before one of my values here that I've always held Op92PCNCX5Q-00209-00141222-00141648 and somebody I had the privilege of being asked when my daughter was being born what was it that Op92PCNCX5Q-00210-00141648-00142314 I was looking forward to and in that moment I said I'm really interested in knowing what decision she Op92PCNCX5Q-00211-00142314-00142770 makes and I knew that from way before she was born so that's kind of something that I took Op92PCNCX5Q-00212-00142770-00143376 with me the whole time and so one of the values I have is curiosity and then enthusiasm right it has Op92PCNCX5Q-00213-00143376-00143778 a family value it's like I want to know what you want to do and then I want to cheerlead the heck Op92PCNCX5Q-00214-00143778-00144258 out of whatever it is that you want to do and then let's exploit that whatever that activity is to Op92PCNCX5Q-00215-00144258-00144882 the point where you decide yay or nay this is what I want to do or not right I'm really curious about Op92PCNCX5Q-00216-00144882-00145356 something here because there's some epigenetic research some thought leaders are in the space Op92PCNCX5Q-00217-00145356-00145956 that talk about how generational lines of healing start with one decision Point all it takes is one Op92PCNCX5Q-00218-00145956-00146604 person to heal and then that can infect both up and down did you notice from the relationship you Op92PCNCX5Q-00219-00146604-00147456 have your parents and your in-laws right it's a tempestuous and rewarding place to have it's Op92PCNCX5Q-00220-00147456-00148008 a rewarding relationship to have because they're going to be a part of your life right and you have Op92PCNCX5Q-00221-00148008-00148320 an example of the relationship you had with your parents and the relationship they have with you Op92PCNCX5Q-00222-00148524-00149580 did your healing hear did that go up the tree did that go up a generation has it okay so then Op92PCNCX5Q-00223-00149658-00150600 let me just you have the luxury of seeing my head shake sorry so did the relationship with Op92PCNCX5Q-00224-00150600-00151314 my parents hila I believe is what you're asking no to an extent never did okay I was healing and Op92PCNCX5Q-00225-00151314-00152034 went to them to try and reconcile they made the choice not to okay but they continued on their Op92PCNCX5Q-00226-00152034-00152760 unhealthy patterns which meant that I put in implemented boundaries to protect myself and Op92PCNCX5Q-00227-00152760-00153636 my family right both my parents have now passed but they chose to stay distant to continue acting Op92PCNCX5Q-00228-00153636-00154242 the way they wanted to be angry and continue that so unfortunately it didn't go up the chain as far Op92PCNCX5Q-00229-00154242-00154968 as them then going oh hey we can have an impact on our side it did still create a space for my Op92PCNCX5Q-00230-00154968-00155406 children to realize hey things don't have to be parented the same so I was going to say that there Op92PCNCX5Q-00231-00155406-00155946 was a positive impact and that was the limiting of that influence yes it was absolutely it was Op92PCNCX5Q-00232-00155946-00156468 something that I'm really privileged and very grateful for to my mom for was that she made the Op92PCNCX5Q-00233-00156468-00157248 conscious choice of knowing the environment that she lived in of really shielding my sister and I Op92PCNCX5Q-00234-00157302-00158058 from that generational baggage from the messages I remember she told me when I was older she said Op92PCNCX5Q-00235-00158058-00158646 one of the things I specifically shielded you from was that pressure to find a woman and to Op92PCNCX5Q-00236-00158646-00159090 get married really early like that was just one of the things that like I was never aware of the Op92PCNCX5Q-00237-00159090-00159624 arguments at Thanksgiving dinner I'm Canadian so in October the arguments in October and Christmas Op92PCNCX5Q-00238-00159624-00160086 that were happening or even the discussions where it was like oh does Jay have a nice girl yet and Op92PCNCX5Q-00239-00160086-00160776 like I'm in high school face it was like what's Happening Here and I'm super grateful for that Op92PCNCX5Q-00240-00160776-00161280 right and it's I think it's a great place to discuss his fathers that we have to be Op92PCNCX5Q-00241-00161376-00161868 intentional about in the same way that you're intentionable about the space that you're creating Op92PCNCX5Q-00242-00162012-00162456 what I heard was that you were intentional about the space that your line Op92PCNCX5Q-00243-00162522-00162960 that your generational line can have in your family and in the same way that we're talking Op92PCNCX5Q-00244-00162960-00163368 about how when you're open and honest in a conversation and being able to create Op92PCNCX5Q-00245-00163368-00163740 relationships that you're curating who you want when you said okay you have to decide Op92PCNCX5Q-00246-00163740-00164100 who you want in your life and you don't want in your life you're curating who your peer group is Op92PCNCX5Q-00247-00164100-00164622 you're curating that Community you almost have to do that with your family as well one of my Op92PCNCX5Q-00248-00164622-00165030 favorite thought leaders out there garyvee he just says fire a loser friend hire a winning friend Op92PCNCX5Q-00249-00165120-00165756 right and there's a handful of distinct situations where he's look if your parents suck get out Op92PCNCX5Q-00250-00165834-00166506 get out go do your thing go heal surround yourself heal yourself right and because of the healing Op92PCNCX5Q-00251-00166506-00166842 that you did in the same way for these other people that are breaking that chain and moving Op92PCNCX5Q-00252-00166842-00167526 on because of healing you did it gave you an armor right you're able to acknowledge and say this way Op92PCNCX5Q-00253-00167526-00168072 of being that I had when I was speaking poorly about myself had nothing to do with me had nothing Op92PCNCX5Q-00254-00168072-00168744 to do with Mike this had to do with them right and the entire time you've been saying I adopted that Op92PCNCX5Q-00255-00168744-00169242 Persona I adopted that way of being and that other people that I loved were a threat to me Op92PCNCX5Q-00256-00169344-00169824 and so before I healed I put them down now that I healed I lift them up Op92PCNCX5Q-00257-00169998-00170766 I think that's absolutely fantastic I think that the ability for any parent specifically to decide Op92PCNCX5Q-00258-00170922-00171624 yes I want the parentage yes I want the generational habits and generational relationships Op92PCNCX5Q-00259-00171624-00172254 to extend to my current situation we have the ability and the capability of making that choice Op92PCNCX5Q-00260-00172368-00173154 and it is definitely one of the hardest choices to make absolutely just a little bit of sharing for Op92PCNCX5Q-00261-00173154-00174138 me so background because my father my biological father passed and I didn't have a relationship Op92PCNCX5Q-00262-00174138-00174570 after high school with him so it's like the last time we saw him was like freshman high school and Op92PCNCX5Q-00263-00174570-00174942 by we I mean my sister and I last time I saw him was when I was a freshman in high school Op92PCNCX5Q-00264-00174942-00175578 and then there was no contact and then when I was when we were pregnant I was like oh let's Op92PCNCX5Q-00265-00175578-00176046 just reach out like why not and I actually found out that year that he passed which was weird I Op92PCNCX5Q-00266-00176046-00176826 had this weird Year in 2012 where it's okay so I have lovely bundle of joy and love and affection Op92PCNCX5Q-00267-00176826-00177450 coming into my life and then that I don't know like that pit that absence right that absence Op92PCNCX5Q-00268-00177516-00178038 that that exists there but what I decisions that I made here was I never wanted to not be around Op92PCNCX5Q-00269-00178284-00178974 he wasn't around in for my life for any of my adult life and so when I was having my daughter Op92PCNCX5Q-00270-00178974-00179466 I said no I don't want that I want to be around this I want to break this I want to be around I Op92PCNCX5Q-00271-00179466-00179880 want that relation to exist I want to be positive and healthy I want to be curious about who she is Op92PCNCX5Q-00272-00179880-00180228 because I realize that these are all things that weren't part of to me from my father Op92PCNCX5Q-00273-00180444-00181092 and the fact that you were able to the fact that we both did right the fact that not only that we Op92PCNCX5Q-00274-00181092-00181464 both did but I know that a lot of other fathers are doing this work are making that same decision Op92PCNCX5Q-00275-00181536-00181980 it doesn't really even matter like we can even go into it doesn't even matter what the relationship Op92PCNCX5Q-00276-00181980-00182292 is whether it's positive or negative you get the choice you get the choice about what you want Op92PCNCX5Q-00277-00182412-00182646 and not only do you have that but you have the responsibility Op92PCNCX5Q-00278-00182862-00183426 okay that's fantastic which you've just said there is key deciding what you want Op92PCNCX5Q-00279-00183504-00184332 because most of my life I had known what I didn't want to be and that was exactly what I did become Op92PCNCX5Q-00280-00184332-00184962 I don't want to be like my parents guess what I became my parents but knowing what you want to Op92PCNCX5Q-00281-00184962-00185556 become hey who do you want to be to your children who do you want to be as a man as a husband Op92PCNCX5Q-00282-00185628-00186528 having that North Star is much more powering and driving than it is to go I'm running away from Op92PCNCX5Q-00283-00186528-00187368 these actions this behavior is having something that you run towards and refining that as who do Op92PCNCX5Q-00284-00187368-00188178 you want to be the other thing that I would say in all of this Jay is that I did this for me so Op92PCNCX5Q-00285-00188178-00188934 not tying it to my children's responses because that was challenging especially in the beginning Op92PCNCX5Q-00286-00188934-00189498 I had trained my family to expect me to behave in a certain way and as I'm working to change Op92PCNCX5Q-00287-00189570-00190218 they were still reacting to the way I would have been if I had tied it just to them and how they Op92PCNCX5Q-00288-00190218-00190716 were responding I wouldn't have gotten through it because I'm looking for their response to be Op92PCNCX5Q-00289-00190782-00191532 to how I'm acting now and they're trained just like we were they're trained to respond to us as Op92PCNCX5Q-00290-00191532-00192234 who we've been what are the specific I love this is a great pitfall what are the skills what's the Op92PCNCX5Q-00291-00192234-00192720 mindset what's the skill what's the methodology that you applied to separate out external Op92PCNCX5Q-00292-00192720-00193362 validation for the progress and the work that you're doing that that this is a critical critical Op92PCNCX5Q-00293-00193362-00193770 skill set to have and acknowledge that people that we don't talk about that we're not open about Op92PCNCX5Q-00294-00193854-00194340 when we're actually doing the work so what in your mind what are those skills Op92PCNCX5Q-00295-00194574-00195192 one is this is going to go straight back to community you need the external perspective Op92PCNCX5Q-00296-00195192-00195732 because we're going to still see things through the filter that we've had it doesn't just go away Op92PCNCX5Q-00297-00195732-00196338 and disappear overnight and so when something doesn't go the way that you're expecting your Op92PCNCX5Q-00298-00196338-00196794 immediate reaction is going to be this doesn't work Chuck it forget it I knew it wouldn't work Op92PCNCX5Q-00299-00196866-00197448 you've got those old beliefs and you're gonna look for things to validate that belief and so Op92PCNCX5Q-00300-00197448-00198216 as you're changing you need whether it's friends like Jay or men around you that know you that Op92PCNCX5Q-00301-00198216-00198816 when you go hey I'm fine they call you out and go that doesn't sound fine I was really blessed Op92PCNCX5Q-00302-00198816-00199740 with my wife seeing the effort and giving me that opportunity and saying yeah okay let's go ahead Op92PCNCX5Q-00303-00199740-00200460 and test this that's not something everybody has a luxury of I get it having other people around you Op92PCNCX5Q-00304-00200460-00201054 men in particular I would say because that's where you can lay it out without laying your emotional Op92PCNCX5Q-00305-00201132-00201648 sometimes like slime baggage whatever you want to call it on your marriage with your wife you can Op92PCNCX5Q-00306-00201648-00202128 lay it on other men who are like yeah I'm not tied to you how you feel it's not going to affect how I Op92PCNCX5Q-00307-00202206-00202602 like our marriage you know what I'm saying there's a difference in the relationship Op92PCNCX5Q-00308-00202602-00203064 you and I have versus how my wife and I have a relationship and I think that's pretty Universal Op92PCNCX5Q-00309-00203064-00203718 100 I think that a lot of us that are down this path of personal development and self-improvement Op92PCNCX5Q-00310-00203892-00204522 How do they a colleague of mine a mentor of mine mentioned to me that Op92PCNCX5Q-00311-00204648-00205254 your expectation of your spouse should not be the same that you had the expectation of Op92PCNCX5Q-00312-00205254-00205650 your colleagues in this peer group right your spouse is not your peer Op92PCNCX5Q-00313-00205800-00206544 they hold the different position for you and that was transformative for me that for longest time Op92PCNCX5Q-00314-00206544-00206958 I've always I just lived in this space like when I was in eighth grade I was reading this Op92PCNCX5Q-00315-00206958-00207438 lesson prophecy right that's where I started on this self-improvement I certainly dated myself Op92PCNCX5Q-00316-00207438-00208050 there but self-improvement and oppress development spirituality right was just a big part of my life Op92PCNCX5Q-00317-00208050-00208608 and for a long time I just I had this expectation of my wife that she was gonna do the same thing Op92PCNCX5Q-00318-00208673-00209502 and and thankfully I had this different perspective of no they don't need to it's nice but Op92PCNCX5Q-00319-00209502-00210138 she's similar to you has occupied that cheerleader role for me that she has always held the space Op92PCNCX5Q-00320-00210138-00210630 for me to do what I need to do and I've been privileged to be able to return that on occasion Op92PCNCX5Q-00321-00210762-00211254 when I've been enrolled in her journey sort of thing let me rephrase that Op92PCNCX5Q-00322-00211254-00211752 more specifically we have good boundaries with each other and she's able to tell me Op92PCNCX5Q-00323-00211752-00212304 yes I want your help in this Arena or no I don't want your help in this Arena so when she doesn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00324-00212304-00213167 want my help I don't butt in I'm like sweet great I love you and so by taking that and Op92PCNCX5Q-00325-00213336-00213666 I think that here I think what we've done is we've done a really good job of talking about Op92PCNCX5Q-00326-00213666-00214169 it but I want to talk I want to go back to the skill what's a specific mindset because I'd love Op92PCNCX5Q-00327-00214169-00214956 for the feel good father to be able to take that tangible element from this conversation Op92PCNCX5Q-00328-00214956-00215532 what is that skill what's it I guess what's the actionable behavior what is it that we can impart Op92PCNCX5Q-00329-00215532-00216058 to them together let's work this out what can we do what can we what can we give them [Laughter] Op92PCNCX5Q-00330-00216228-00217008 so I think one of the vital skills is being patient and having forgiveness I'm not saying Op92PCNCX5Q-00331-00217104-00217662 forgiving others I had the hardest thing of forgiving was myself being able to say yep Op92PCNCX5Q-00332-00217764-00218514 taking the ownership yeah you didn't do this well but that's not who you Op92PCNCX5Q-00333-00218514-00219234 are that was what you knew to do and how you behaved and so it's separating the fact of Op92PCNCX5Q-00334-00219354-00220271 who I was yesterday what I just did is not who I am so as I sit here today Op92PCNCX5Q-00335-00220458-00221580 I actually use a framework called Focus okay so focus is the different areas of my life both me Op92PCNCX5Q-00336-00221580-00222384 personally and then around me that I'm looking at where I want to be in the future placing myself in Op92PCNCX5Q-00337-00222384-00222917 a different position because otherwise I'm going to sit here Jay and if it's a rough patch right Op92PCNCX5Q-00338-00222917-00223398 work is going tough my wife and I are not getting along my kids don't respect me I don't have that Op92PCNCX5Q-00339-00223398-00224280 relationship dude where do I feel valid like I my worth in every area of Life man and it just Op92PCNCX5Q-00340-00224280-00224880 becomes overwhelming you don't feel like you have a win right okay yeah what am I doing productively Op92PCNCX5Q-00341-00224880-00225882 what am I doing you want to see that so I will sit down and look at Focus the f is for family so Op92PCNCX5Q-00342-00225882-00226500 family is a husband who am I as a father if you're in the same season as me then add grandfather Op92PCNCX5Q-00343-00226667-00227369 where am I within my immediate family o is occupation so work whether it's self-employed Op92PCNCX5Q-00344-00227369-00228426 or be an employee and then also finances C is my circles so it's extended family friends and Op92PCNCX5Q-00345-00228426-00229254 colleagues how do I engage in those relationships how do I appear in them what am I contributing the Op92PCNCX5Q-00346-00229254-00230064 you is uplifting so what am I doing that's growing me what am I doing that's self-care because if Op92PCNCX5Q-00347-00230064-00230490 we don't take care of ourselves it's just like when you're on an airplane please put your mask Op92PCNCX5Q-00348-00230490-00231090 on yourself and then put it on your child I need to take care of me to be able to give something Op92PCNCX5Q-00349-00231150-00231948 the last one in uplifting and mu is fun how many of us get so focused on goals and we forget hey Op92PCNCX5Q-00350-00231948-00232578 I need to have some fun in life all work in no play makes you know me a dull boy right Op92PCNCX5Q-00351-00232746-00233658 and then the S is looking at the state like you've talked about mental emotional physical spiritual Op92PCNCX5Q-00352-00233658-00234354 how do I want to be within those different areas how do I want to feel how do I want to Op92PCNCX5Q-00353-00234354-00235176 think if I'm not looking at myself and my life around me holistically I'm doing a disservice to Op92PCNCX5Q-00354-00235176-00235716 myself because I'm still going to have the pain the siren's still going to go off in that area Op92PCNCX5Q-00355-00235716-00236238 of life but if I'm not giving it that attention it's going to impact other stuff so that is where Op92PCNCX5Q-00356-00236292-00236958 I sit down quarterly and maybe that's too often maybe it's not soon enough but I sit down and I Op92PCNCX5Q-00357-00236958-00237564 look and go who do I want to be what are my goals in this area okay where do I need to adjust and Op92PCNCX5Q-00358-00237654-00238319 at this point in time I can take it to my wife and go hey this is what I'm looking at for us what is Op92PCNCX5Q-00359-00238319-00238680 most important to you because I don't know if you've ever done this you go to your wife and Op92PCNCX5Q-00360-00238680-00239352 this is my task list and her task list does not match up with yours right so she has a different Op92PCNCX5Q-00361-00239352-00239819 perspective and it's making sure that I've taken her considerations when I'm looking at and going Op92PCNCX5Q-00362-00239819-00240510 where's the blind the blinders at and that's part of the sensitive to what she and the kids want and Op92PCNCX5Q-00363-00240510-00241073 that's part of the partnership that part of the partnership specifically for your spouse is about Op92PCNCX5Q-00364-00241073-00241698 this is what I care about this is what you care about what's that Venn diagram it used to be just Op92PCNCX5Q-00365-00241698-00242412 a mic diagram I don't care what you want it's not right unless it aligns with mine yeah 100 so when Op92PCNCX5Q-00366-00242412-00242886 you're at runtime so when you're active in the moment and also when you're in your reflective Op92PCNCX5Q-00367-00242886-00243432 and planning periods right future planning and then also reflective on what happened in the past Op92PCNCX5Q-00368-00243504-00244428 the specific skill is focus family occupation your circles peer groups uplifting and fun love that Op92PCNCX5Q-00369-00244428-00245214 and your state right your state love that I think Mr feel good father will have a lot of value from Op92PCNCX5Q-00370-00245214-00245760 that being able to leverage that and I look at that stuff daily J and that's because it's like Op92PCNCX5Q-00371-00245832-00246414 how many of us yeah it's a typical Monday oh my gosh Monday was rough you enter Tuesday Op92PCNCX5Q-00372-00246414-00247062 and Monday's still fresh in your mind if we don't have that bigger perspective of why we're doing it Op92PCNCX5Q-00373-00247128-00247554 just like The Interchange if I'm looking at my kids and my wife's reaction Op92PCNCX5Q-00374-00247638-00248490 if I'm looking in the immediate I may not see the long-term objective the reasons why I'm investing Op92PCNCX5Q-00375-00248490-00249114 this effort and this time to make the changes to become the better me that feel good father Op92PCNCX5Q-00376-00249180-00249930 not the field down father exactly that's perfect and I think living in that space of the progress Op92PCNCX5Q-00377-00250014-00250500 right it's the wonderful thing we both have video games in Tech like as a background right Op92PCNCX5Q-00378-00250500-00251142 video games have this really great capability of giving as much sensory feedback as possible Op92PCNCX5Q-00379-00251142-00251621 what's happening it's one of the reasons why they're so addicting and influential there's Op92PCNCX5Q-00380-00251621-00252017 some other stuff going on but we can talk about that in a minute uh about 16 hours of video game Op92PCNCX5Q-00381-00252017-00252671 you have buttons being yeah checked off on there so yeah and we can talk about we're Op92PCNCX5Q-00382-00252671-00253302 going to come back to this in just a minute but getting that feedback of too frequently we're Op92PCNCX5Q-00383-00253302-00253871 comparing what's happening today with ideal and even worse too frequently we're comparing Op92PCNCX5Q-00384-00253938-00254652 my journey and we can say this for listening I compare my journey to everybody else around me Op92PCNCX5Q-00385-00254742-00255444 and I think that this self-love self-acceptance self-acceptance maybe that we're doing and Op92PCNCX5Q-00386-00255444-00255978 forgiveness that in the same way that we're creating the space by doing this Op92PCNCX5Q-00387-00255978-00256308 deep work for others we're creating a space for ourselves to be where we're at Op92PCNCX5Q-00388-00256410-00257100 right we have to acknowledge the fact and allow the fact that we're in perfect works of progress Op92PCNCX5Q-00389-00257202-00257832 right we are not there's no destination in life there's no perfect way to be a father there's Op92PCNCX5Q-00390-00257832-00258216 no perfect way to be a mother there's no perfect way to be a kid an adult whatever it happens to Op92PCNCX5Q-00391-00258216-00258696 be there are guidelines and a lot of that's culturally motivated but on the individual Op92PCNCX5Q-00392-00258696-00259308 basis right if we're allowing for the fact that hey this is who I want to be and authoring that Op92PCNCX5Q-00393-00259373-00260052 right that all of those Journeys are like this to the destination they're never a straight line Op92PCNCX5Q-00394-00260052-00260844 and that feedback is critical right that feedback is critical and the elements of your focus method Op92PCNCX5Q-00395-00260916-00261402 uh incorporate a lot of that family occupation and circles right and then Op92PCNCX5Q-00396-00261402-00261821 you have your consistent reward so lovely love it video games Op92PCNCX5Q-00397-00262067-00262974 one of the things as we're in this generation I I'd love to hear your take on this is that we are Op92PCNCX5Q-00398-00263106-00263622 where we're at we're really the first modern set of parents that have had the Op92PCNCX5Q-00399-00263622-00264114 they grew up in this particular climate there's always been a new tech that's I'm not trying to Op92PCNCX5Q-00400-00264114-00264666 say that we're unique in the tech world but we are definitely unique in the fact that we Op92PCNCX5Q-00401-00264666-00265254 have technology specifically that is authored to create a feedback and comeback mechanism Op92PCNCX5Q-00402-00265338-00265818 whether we're talking about social media or video games for that matter video games more Op92PCNCX5Q-00403-00265818-00266556 for men than than for women but I'm curious as another techie because I I certainly have certain Op92PCNCX5Q-00404-00266556-00267018 things and certain boundaries I place for myself and for my daughter now and then I'll definitely Op92PCNCX5Q-00405-00267018-00267504 be placing for my daughter coming because I'm gonna be a girl dad which is awesome New Op92PCNCX5Q-00406-00267504-00268074 Daughter coming about their use of tech and about them treating it not as a lifestyle but as a tool Op92PCNCX5Q-00407-00268134-00268944 that's my perspective what is your perspective on the space I just shut off the internet and Op92PCNCX5Q-00408-00268944-00269568 just put our head in the sand that's so much easier Jay yeah I see you as a Luddite yep okay Op92PCNCX5Q-00409-00269754-00270420 no it has been one I've used it inappropriately where it was the when I talked about 16 hours Op92PCNCX5Q-00410-00270420-00271122 dude I was medicating I was escaping will it allow it yes is that the only way it can Op92PCNCX5Q-00411-00271122-00271944 be used absolutely not I've spent time with my children I've got three daughters one son Op92PCNCX5Q-00412-00272034-00272520 and I spent time as they were in their teens playing video games with them and being like Op92PCNCX5Q-00413-00272520-00273282 hey here's Age of Empires three let's go and have fun right yeah yeah and the worst thing I did was Op92PCNCX5Q-00414-00273282-00273918 playing against them where it was competitive and fed my worth the coolest thing I did was doing Op92PCNCX5Q-00415-00273918-00274566 cooperative and playing with them and supporting them novel concept it'll relate back to life Op92PCNCX5Q-00416-00274626-00275442 one of my oh go ahead okay I was gonna say I think as far as how Tech shows up in each family Op92PCNCX5Q-00417-00275442-00276120 is going to be just like how you talked about the uniqueness of the journey and so what works Op92PCNCX5Q-00418-00276120-00276888 for one child in a family may be different than the next child we do have conversations with our Op92PCNCX5Q-00419-00276888-00277494 children about their children and how much Tech and everything like that but it's just being a Op92PCNCX5Q-00420-00277494-00278232 voice to it right long as it's seen as a tool fantastic when it became Comes This Escape or Op92PCNCX5Q-00421-00278352-00279240 lifestyle yeah almost a dependency right I have to get on Tick Tock or SnapChat to to see Op92PCNCX5Q-00422-00279240-00279966 what's going on when hits of the chemicals like neurological chemicals become the driving force Op92PCNCX5Q-00423-00280050-00280644 then we have a different conversation but as dads we can be watching One ourselves to make Op92PCNCX5Q-00424-00280644-00281178 sure we're not setting that example because if I'm at dinner and I'm on my phone and it's I'm Op92PCNCX5Q-00425-00281178-00281748 not engaged in that conversation around the dinner table guess what kind of habit and acceptance my Op92PCNCX5Q-00426-00281748-00282468 kid is going to see from me so watching ourself and then having the conversation I think with Op92PCNCX5Q-00427-00282468-00283146 the rest of our family is the place that I would work from to try and help them understand why not Op92PCNCX5Q-00428-00283146-00283764 just Dole out the rule and go hey you can't have more than an hour but saying hey let's keep it Op92PCNCX5Q-00429-00283764-00284244 to an hour and talk through the conversation of it and listen to what they do have to say am I Op92PCNCX5Q-00430-00284244-00284838 saying that the child rules the roost no but let them have a voice because you are gonna at some Op92PCNCX5Q-00431-00284838-00285396 point along the way it's either gonna be they're 18 and they're an adult and they make their own Op92PCNCX5Q-00432-00285396-00285966 decisions or you can adjust it so that over time they get more of a voice and they grow into that Op92PCNCX5Q-00433-00286128-00286380 understanding that their decisions have power and Op92PCNCX5Q-00434-00286434-00286836 how to think through things and that wasn't something I was ever brought up with was that Op92PCNCX5Q-00435-00286890-00287730 processing ability of making decision making that wasn't something that was a skill taught to me so Op92PCNCX5Q-00436-00287730-00288348 giving our children that gift I think is something that that's powerful for us as dads to be in that Op92PCNCX5Q-00437-00288348-00288996 place to do that I'd love to talk a little about skill set or specifics here again how did you Op92PCNCX5Q-00438-00288996-00289410 because your children are older than mine and so you've been through a couple different Cycles Op92PCNCX5Q-00439-00289704-00290466 so my daughter currently she's in fourth grade so she's starting to get that Independence and some Op92PCNCX5Q-00440-00290466-00291294 of my work in language acquisition and doing ESL I know that there are different at her age there Op92PCNCX5Q-00441-00291294-00291726 are certain things that she can't comprehend yet because her brain hasn't developed in that way the Op92PCNCX5Q-00442-00291726-00292242 one one core story I have is that is abstract rule sets right like she's just not able to Op92PCNCX5Q-00443-00292242-00292716 until kids aren't able to until they get to high school to really understand an abstract rule set Op92PCNCX5Q-00444-00292716-00293136 and then the sequence of an abstract rule set right so they get oh this is the rule I have to Op92PCNCX5Q-00445-00293136-00293712 stay in the boundaries but they can't extrapolate out right they can't figure out beyond the rule Op92PCNCX5Q-00446-00293712-00294558 where it is I'd love to have your perspective on what was the shift I guess it's yeah what was the Op92PCNCX5Q-00447-00294558-00295296 shift safer when they were younger and growing older as an applicable way to provide not only Op92PCNCX5Q-00448-00295296-00295986 healthy boundaries in specific activities but also healthy boundaries in developing decision making Op92PCNCX5Q-00449-00296124-00296724 because I can imagine I can certainly imagine a scenario where I'm enrolling or where we're Op92PCNCX5Q-00450-00296724-00297246 enrolling our children into a decision-making process and then saying that's nice thank you Op92PCNCX5Q-00451-00297246-00297906 we're not going that way and seeing the resentment and so for instance one of the things that we did Op92PCNCX5Q-00452-00297906-00298686 was that we had we have alternating dinner and movie nights and so if the chores get done if Op92PCNCX5Q-00453-00298686-00299262 the work is happening if she waits 15 minutes for the marshmallow she can pick either what Op92PCNCX5Q-00454-00299262-00299712 movie we watch and it can be a new one so we'll rent her by the movie or she can pick dinner Op92PCNCX5Q-00455-00299778-00300138 and that can either be something that we're making at home either as a family or individually or that Op92PCNCX5Q-00456-00300138-00300942 we order in so the reward happens after the work I would love to hear very specifically Op92PCNCX5Q-00457-00300942-00301662 how did you encourage and create the atmosphere for your children to be able to make decisions Op92PCNCX5Q-00458-00301662-00302136 for themselves and then what happened when they when you said no what happened when you said yes Op92PCNCX5Q-00459-00302412-00302790 when you tear anything away there's always going to be that gnashing of teeth and Op92PCNCX5Q-00460-00302862-00303402 so that I think is universal what we did was similar to how you're Op92PCNCX5Q-00461-00303402-00303948 talking about there's requirements and expectations to then get this reward Op92PCNCX5Q-00462-00304152-00304986 we worked to say okay we'll give you a half an hour on this game once you get all these things Op92PCNCX5Q-00463-00304986-00305730 done pending that you know you're done by it's one o'clock let's say five o'clock so we give Op92PCNCX5Q-00464-00305730-00306258 them that deadline because there's also other plans I'm just saying this is what's available Op92PCNCX5Q-00465-00306258-00306624 to you they get to make that decision do I want to do it or do I want to screw off Op92PCNCX5Q-00466-00306702-00307434 then when they earned that time being able to say okay you have a half an hour these are your Op92PCNCX5Q-00467-00307434-00307938 choices of what you want to play obviously I don't want my four-year-old playing Call of Duty Op92PCNCX5Q-00468-00308040-00308736 so it's something that's age-appropriate in in that area then what we also did was as we get Op92PCNCX5Q-00469-00308736-00309294 to 25 minutes in saying hey just so you have a heads up you've got about five minutes left Op92PCNCX5Q-00470-00309294-00310068 and then it's time's up time to get off because playing video games or electronic tools anything Op92PCNCX5Q-00471-00310068-00310560 along those they become immersive and we lose track of time and then when I as a dad come in Op92PCNCX5Q-00472-00310560-00311058 and go okay time's up it's like it's a rough stop wait a minute I haven't gotten to this level to Op92PCNCX5Q-00473-00311148-00311712 save my character whatever the case may be so giving them some advanced warning and coming in Op92PCNCX5Q-00474-00311712-00312348 to walk alongside of them where they may have lost attention to their attention and where time is Op92PCNCX5Q-00475-00312474-00313104 um the other thing is they got older was we would say hey as long as you get this stuff Op92PCNCX5Q-00476-00313104-00313812 done we're great with giving you seven hours a week whatever the case may be and so my son Op92PCNCX5Q-00477-00313812-00314232 could then say hey I want to work with my friends to figure out when we can all go Op92PCNCX5Q-00478-00314232-00314898 do this raid in Destiny they could get together to go do something cooperatively and so rather Op92PCNCX5Q-00479-00314898-00315384 than you have an hour today you have an hour tomorrow you have an hour the next day he could Op92PCNCX5Q-00480-00315384-00315936 say I want to save these up and use my three hours of time here to hang out with my friends Op92PCNCX5Q-00481-00315936-00316404 fantastic what did you do for social media I'm particularly curious about this because I know Op92PCNCX5Q-00482-00316548-00316986 kids nowadays that have no business being on social media being on social media and I'm not Op92PCNCX5Q-00483-00316986-00317568 saying that uh the communication medium like communication media is at fault we don't have Op92PCNCX5Q-00484-00317568-00318264 to go there but for young kids learning how to speak face to face is far more important than how Op92PCNCX5Q-00485-00318264-00318732 they're going to interact through text again this is that abstraction the we have a very difficult Op92PCNCX5Q-00486-00318732-00319314 our brain is not able to distinguish between the reward of a video game and the reward of real life Op92PCNCX5Q-00487-00319398-00319830 and this is one of the reasons why we escape into that space and social media is the same way Op92PCNCX5Q-00488-00319830-00320460 as kids get older and they become more independent they start building their own peer groups how Op92PCNCX5Q-00489-00320460-00321198 did you curate and place boundaries around or what like what tools what did you do here yeah Op92PCNCX5Q-00490-00321252-00321900 so what we chose and worked through was not always agreed upon It ultimately we're the parents Op92PCNCX5Q-00491-00321972-00322584 I'm the dad so there were friends that were more lenient that were like why are your parents not Op92PCNCX5Q-00492-00322584-00323286 let you watch this sure we made a decision we have been in in two different places one place Op92PCNCX5Q-00493-00323286-00323844 we were way too stringent the other place we were considered way too lacks right it doesn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00494-00323844-00324312 matter guess whose children they are and whose responsibility it is to raise them it's mine Op92PCNCX5Q-00495-00324366-00325140 so with the social media we when they were oh my gosh like 12. Op92PCNCX5Q-00496-00325224-00325776 we would let them have an account but it wasn't on like a device that they had Op92PCNCX5Q-00497-00325842-00326592 we waited until they were closer to like 14. now social media was also it there at that time when Op92PCNCX5Q-00498-00326592-00327210 we were raising them was not as prevalent as it is now so let's just state that clearly Op92PCNCX5Q-00499-00327210-00327798 but it was still there and so we waited until they were 14 they were able to do babysitting Op92PCNCX5Q-00500-00327798-00328542 my oldest three daughters they were able to make some money and so we got them a phone and Op92PCNCX5Q-00501-00328674-00329376 curated like who they were seeing okay that is challenging because there are apps that will Op92PCNCX5Q-00502-00329376-00330210 allow people to hide stuff that risk is always there right there were decisions that our children Op92PCNCX5Q-00503-00330318-00330612 made in actions that they took that put them in dangerous places Op92PCNCX5Q-00504-00330846-00331746 we had one child that was being groomed to be trafficked it's scary as heck it doesn't Op92PCNCX5Q-00505-00331746-00332568 it if they're hurting and they were at that time because I was as well right they're going to go Op92PCNCX5Q-00506-00332568-00333150 looking for that same validation that acceptance that approval and it doesn't always lead to great Op92PCNCX5Q-00507-00333150-00333888 places and so we started using tools that were like okay we can keep track of where they're Op92PCNCX5Q-00508-00333888-00334662 at you know some people that's invasion of their child's privacy okay that's your decision it's one Op92PCNCX5Q-00509-00334662-00335574 that we've worked to respect them individually but also protect them in their ignorance of what risks Op92PCNCX5Q-00510-00335574-00336174 they're facing even though you explain it doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna they can't abstract Op92PCNCX5Q-00511-00336174-00336810 that out by it at that age they can't imagine that scenario right like when we were driving you and I Op92PCNCX5Q-00512-00336810-00337284 were 16 man we get our license right the first thing we want to do testosterone kicks in you Op92PCNCX5Q-00513-00337284-00337956 floor it go faster we don't understand the risk of what we're doing both to ourselves or anybody Op92PCNCX5Q-00514-00337956-00338502 else because we haven't had the time in that seat and it's the same thing with our kids so it's a Op92PCNCX5Q-00515-00338502-00339318 balance man and what works for me and my family in putting in the parameters and the safety apps and Op92PCNCX5Q-00516-00339426-00340002 curating stuff at that age I mean I'll work for somebody else or I may be too lenient Op92PCNCX5Q-00517-00340086-00340386 I think what's really very important is that Op92PCNCX5Q-00518-00340566-00341088 your position as the father was from a position of wisdom and experience Op92PCNCX5Q-00519-00341250-00341742 and part of even part of Education right we don't take a four-year we don't take a Op92PCNCX5Q-00520-00341742-00342306 four-year-old's bad example we don't take a third grader and teach them high level calculus it's Op92PCNCX5Q-00521-00342306-00342666 especially if they don't know algebra right there's like the one teaching that so Op92PCNCX5Q-00522-00342822-00343398 at that stage in development what the only thing they can really do is memorize what we're giving Op92PCNCX5Q-00523-00343398-00343962 them that's really the only thing they can do right they don't have an understanding of the Op92PCNCX5Q-00524-00343962-00344496 implication of what they're doing and this is why education is split up that way it's built in a way Op92PCNCX5Q-00525-00344496-00345252 of proximal development right it's built in this construction of I'm giving you I'm challenging Op92PCNCX5Q-00526-00345252-00345828 your brain to develop a new Pathway to develop something new so that you're not overwhelmed you Op92PCNCX5Q-00527-00345828-00346362 don't just shut down and I can imagine this world where we're putting this pressure on our teenagers Op92PCNCX5Q-00528-00346362-00347106 and just saying there's this wide freaking world out there of consequences Bad actors Op92PCNCX5Q-00529-00347106-00347694 good actors good relationships well-meaning intentions that end up absolutely horrible Op92PCNCX5Q-00530-00347802-00348498 that they're just not really able to understand and comprehend and I don't belong any parent Op92PCNCX5Q-00531-00348570-00349104 for whether they're being super strict or super lacks in that environment I think about Op92PCNCX5Q-00532-00349332-00349806 I think about the experience of the different demographics in the world and the different Op92PCNCX5Q-00533-00349806-00350418 environments of the expectations I think about a lot of a lot of my black Friends Op92PCNCX5Q-00534-00350418-00351096 that talk about having Sons black sons and the concern of just them surviving to the age of 30. Op92PCNCX5Q-00535-00351204-00351744 I think about you talking about the sex trafficking that's like my freaking nightmare Op92PCNCX5Q-00536-00351744-00352464 right like now being a girl dad even more I'm just like man I want to not never have Op92PCNCX5Q-00537-00352464-00352872 to put myself in a situation or not have to put them in that situation where this is a Op92PCNCX5Q-00538-00353022-00353388 especially at the age of the r that this is a situation they have to live through Op92PCNCX5Q-00539-00353490-00354006 but I think the challenge is phrasing these things in a way that makes sense Op92PCNCX5Q-00540-00354102-00354702 right and one of the mechanisms that I've used is I love from my background I made video games Op92PCNCX5Q-00541-00354702-00355104 so my relationship with video games as we're in this discussion is fundamentally different Op92PCNCX5Q-00542-00355170-00355584 there was a time when I literally was sitting with my daughter when she was Op92PCNCX5Q-00543-00355584-00356142 would have been a Pre-K in kindergarten where I was building the game and letting her play it Op92PCNCX5Q-00544-00356142-00356586 and so I would just build a little platformer which is just like a Mario you're jumping it's Op92PCNCX5Q-00545-00356586-00357018 a 2d you're jumping from thing to saying if you don't know what the terminology and building that Op92PCNCX5Q-00546-00357018-00357414 for her so that she could just hang out with me in the office while I was doing other work and unreal Op92PCNCX5Q-00547-00357516-00357960 and just having that satisfaction that relationship of this is a tool that you can Op92PCNCX5Q-00548-00357960-00358524 create and so for us that pattern and I'm running away from that really uncomfortable discussion Op92PCNCX5Q-00549-00358524-00359082 about child trafficking and Bad actors so just it's awful but it's awful that that's a world Op92PCNCX5Q-00550-00359082-00359448 that we have to live in but I think navigating part of that wisdom and experience that you're Op92PCNCX5Q-00551-00359448-00359844 you were bringing to your family that I bring to mind is knowing and acknowledging that like Op92PCNCX5Q-00552-00359910-00360426 it's not always roses and it's not always Prairie Land and that there are dark mountains that are Op92PCNCX5Q-00553-00360426-00361008 spewing lava like Mount Mordor right in Lord of the Rings there are those things and that does Op92PCNCX5Q-00554-00361008-00361626 exist and I would much rather be a guardian and a steward and a custodian and freaking armor and Op92PCNCX5Q-00555-00361626-00362088 fighting that fight then being the one that's chasing and going on a rescue I'd rather be at Op92PCNCX5Q-00556-00362088-00362652 the gate preventing it from entering than having to do an Excursion out to go find the movie Taken Op92PCNCX5Q-00557-00362652-00363366 terrifies the [__] out of me funny you mentioned that because our children are innocent you know Op92PCNCX5Q-00558-00363366-00364080 for the most part they haven't in a sense and so my daughter she loved people and that was part of Op92PCNCX5Q-00559-00364080-00364710 the problem of being distant from people so it's a it's really impactful at that point but she always Op92PCNCX5Q-00560-00364710-00365382 saw the best in people and took them at face value so she's more vulnerable that's the other Op92PCNCX5Q-00561-00365382-00365952 thing is taking into account who your child is and what their behavior is so when that happened Op92PCNCX5Q-00562-00366060-00366648 we sat down and watched I want to say it was catfishing and taken to Op92PCNCX5Q-00563-00366648-00367158 say look in real life yes you could tell the difference of somebody being dressed up and Op92PCNCX5Q-00564-00367158-00367686 how they're appearing and everything like that online it's easy to put out a persona Op92PCNCX5Q-00565-00367800-00368202 and say that you're one thing when you're actually something else or that Op92PCNCX5Q-00566-00368202-00368724 your intentions are good when you know they're absolutely bad and they want to harm you and so Op92PCNCX5Q-00567-00368784-00369816 it hurt to be dad that's presenting hey here are the dark Troubles of the world but I would Op92PCNCX5Q-00568-00369816-00370530 rather take that role and do that than lose them or have that risk of yes everything in the world Op92PCNCX5Q-00569-00370530-00371034 is innocent and you don't have to worry about your actions having consequences with people Op92PCNCX5Q-00570-00371034-00371652 who are looking to hurt you what was the age how old was she if you don't mind my asking Op92PCNCX5Q-00571-00371814-00372462 was 16 at that point okay so she was at that stage where she's coming into Womanhood and starting Op92PCNCX5Q-00572-00372462-00373056 to have that traction with men in her regular life in her regular group not for her not for Op92PCNCX5Q-00573-00373056-00373794 her she's very sweet and innocent so it was okay I just want people yeah yeah got a field of Rose Op92PCNCX5Q-00574-00373794-00374478 or Field of Flowers from unicorns rainbows everything like that very sweet and innocent Op92PCNCX5Q-00575-00374604-00375366 just that heart if you wanted anybody to have a heart for you it's her got it it wasn't so much Op92PCNCX5Q-00576-00375366-00376092 looking for the guys as looking for relationship on a friend level got it we ran into something Op92PCNCX5Q-00577-00376092-00376800 really early where the language that I used was that same custodian that guardian and Op92PCNCX5Q-00578-00376800-00377442 how I enrolled my daughter and then as I said hey because she played on my name right she Op92PCNCX5Q-00579-00377442-00378018 plays on my name sometimes and it was in this environment you are the guardian of the house Op92PCNCX5Q-00580-00378114-00378606 so you have to be super intentional I'm just trying to explain it to she would have been first Op92PCNCX5Q-00581-00378606-00379080 grade I was really young when this was going on and nothing malicious was happening it was Op92PCNCX5Q-00582-00379080-00379488 more just a oh you're having a conversation with somebody that you don't know online Op92PCNCX5Q-00583-00379674-00380250 and it was about like hey don't give them address don't give them don't tell them your name don't Op92PCNCX5Q-00584-00380250-00380736 do these things you have to you're a custodian you have to guard the house this is your role Op92PCNCX5Q-00585-00380736-00381102 now is that as you're able to interact with people outside of the house that you have to Op92PCNCX5Q-00586-00381102-00381570 be a custodian of the household as well as part of the responsibility and she really reacted to Op92PCNCX5Q-00587-00381570-00382182 that into into that into that role she was able to really enjoy that because it was one of the Op92PCNCX5Q-00588-00382242-00382728 give it give a kid a responsibility they can handle and they love it they'll Thrive that's why Op92PCNCX5Q-00589-00382728-00383214 we let our young ones put the dishes on the table and when we let them put the soap around the table Op92PCNCX5Q-00590-00383214-00383664 for setting the dinner table instead of cooking the complex dinner right when they're super down Op92PCNCX5Q-00591-00383748-00384498 that's enlightening to hear so was there an impact long term is it how did you navigate Op92PCNCX5Q-00592-00384498-00385272 that and I guess the real question that I'm asking is that did this have an impact as a father how Op92PCNCX5Q-00593-00385272-00386070 did you take this scary situation and maintain a positive relationship with men for your daughter Op92PCNCX5Q-00594-00386268-00387048 it was an interesting time so I was still going through the healing at that time I overreact Op92PCNCX5Q-00595-00387048-00387708 yes I overreacted okay so our house became Fort Knox because I was like Op92PCNCX5Q-00596-00387708-00388290 ain't nobody coming through that door that's not approved safe anything like that I was Op92PCNCX5Q-00597-00388290-00389124 like I'm not losing my daughter or any of my children foreign but we can do that without Op92PCNCX5Q-00598-00389292-00389712 throwing off every alarm and creating a sense of insecurity in the house Op92PCNCX5Q-00599-00389832-00390918 didn't convey that well so I went into a very aggressive assertive the world is coming to our Op92PCNCX5Q-00600-00390918-00391722 door and it's a bad whereas if I had tempered it some and said hey yeah this is somebody you Op92PCNCX5Q-00601-00391722-00392424 ran across that wasn't safe they meant bad for you could have handled it differently Op92PCNCX5Q-00602-00392550-00393294 fortunately my wife is my temperament and so she was able to offset it immediately it had Op92PCNCX5Q-00603-00393294-00394248 some disheartening impacts for her but as things calm down and long term it was look there are Op92PCNCX5Q-00604-00394248-00394896 fantastic people in the world there are also people in the world that are not they're evil Op92PCNCX5Q-00605-00394896-00395496 and have bad intentions and it was helping to give both perspectives that brought about Op92PCNCX5Q-00606-00395496-00396126 the long-term health for her to see the world in going yes I can go do these things but I need to Op92PCNCX5Q-00607-00396126-00396720 put certain safeguards in place it's interesting because I think we tend to hang out in a place Op92PCNCX5Q-00608-00396720-00397146 of there's either good or malicious there's either good or there's no variety there and Op92PCNCX5Q-00609-00397146-00397470 I think from if we're pulling in the learnings from the previous conversation there could also Op92PCNCX5Q-00610-00397470-00397962 just be selfish right people are innately pro themselves not necessarily against somebody else Op92PCNCX5Q-00611-00398094-00398730 and I think in this situation when we're navigating that space and as we were talking Op92PCNCX5Q-00612-00398730-00399252 earlier about that great lesson you had about curating your own peer group right see from Focus Op92PCNCX5Q-00613-00399522-00400104 you're imparting part of that like part of that Focus method that you have you imparting that into Op92PCNCX5Q-00614-00400200-00400884 your daughter and saying hey there's one of the negative aspects of curating your peer group is Op92PCNCX5Q-00615-00400884-00401316 that you kind of always have to be not on your guard but you're always evaluating the people Op92PCNCX5Q-00616-00401316-00401706 that want to enter into your circle right because we always have a choice of who comes in and who Op92PCNCX5Q-00617-00401706-00402462 doesn't and I think that's very empowering this is also from that place Jay there was a lot going Op92PCNCX5Q-00618-00402462-00403080 on that wasn't like I said that was during the initial changes and everything going on there Op92PCNCX5Q-00619-00403230-00403806 so my family was in a bad spot because I was in a bad spot I'm hurting I'm navigating them Op92PCNCX5Q-00620-00403806-00404418 through pain and so they're looking for some enjoyment they're looking for fun in Op92PCNCX5Q-00621-00404418-00405150 life to be okay rather than going through the pain with Dad and so part of it was Op92PCNCX5Q-00622-00405216-00405924 working through it together and just saying because I'm healing giving her validation yes Op92PCNCX5Q-00623-00405924-00406656 you have worth this is not a reflection on you these people are looking for opportunity and Op92PCNCX5Q-00624-00406728-00407238 they're going to learn to manipulate it just like I've manipulated you they're looking to do Op92PCNCX5Q-00625-00407238-00408144 the same thing right bring about the things that she has experienced from me or seen in movies or Op92PCNCX5Q-00626-00408144-00408612 whatever that is part of her experiences helps to then paint that picture whereas Op92PCNCX5Q-00627-00408792-00409338 not everybody's bad but you need to be aware you need to be aware of where you are at that Op92PCNCX5Q-00628-00409338-00409758 time and then the people around you and your surroundings you got to be Op92PCNCX5Q-00629-00409884-00410496 I'm gonna say Vigilant but you have to be Discerning right 100 percent let's talk about Op92PCNCX5Q-00630-00410496-00411066 fun let's talk about let's talk about celebration bringing some great things in here because fun Op92PCNCX5Q-00631-00411066-00411726 especially for our children the fun the vacation the whatever it happens to be that uplift right Op92PCNCX5Q-00632-00411822-00412272 they'll they're going to attach equally to those moments as they will to the negative Op92PCNCX5Q-00633-00412272-00412985 experiences so what did you curate what did you curate specifically for fun for your family as Op92PCNCX5Q-00634-00412985-00413754 a father so for us it was random things if we were up at 2 A.M we might go to IHOP and Op92PCNCX5Q-00635-00413754-00414270 just get dinner sure to do something and that's not every week okay that was just Op92PCNCX5Q-00636-00414516-00415038 let's go do something different because everybody's a type right to create those memories Op92PCNCX5Q-00637-00415224-00415938 we would have snowball fights in the summer now okay what we did was like the not the Op92PCNCX5Q-00638-00415938-00416502 giant marshmallows that are like Palm sized but the ones that you would put on a s'more we would Op92PCNCX5Q-00639-00416502-00417156 get those and everybody in the family got a bag of marshmallows okay and then we would go ahead Op92PCNCX5Q-00640-00417156-00417780 get away from the big screen TV make sure it's a safe room yeah we would have snowball fights by Op92PCNCX5Q-00641-00417780-00418493 throwing marshmallows at each other in the middle of summer sure now one of the crazy things is you Op92PCNCX5Q-00642-00418493-00419285 will six to 12 months later find a marshmallow under the couch that is rock hard so be ready to Op92PCNCX5Q-00643-00419358-00419976 find them where you don't expect them yep at this point in time we have moved to Op92PCNCX5Q-00644-00419976-00420570 where once a year we're getting our family together and going to do something local Op92PCNCX5Q-00645-00420642-00421146 that it's like okay four hours away we get away for a week so we're coming together Op92PCNCX5Q-00646-00421146-00422052 and every other year doing a bigger trip okay but interspersed I've also giving my children Op92PCNCX5Q-00647-00422052-00422693 one-on-one time so we would have date nights yeah I would go out with my wife one week the Op92PCNCX5Q-00648-00422693-00423162 next week I go out with one child then I go out with my wife then I go out with another child Op92PCNCX5Q-00649-00423293-00423954 that is dependent upon your ability to find somebody as a babysitter obviously when they're Op92PCNCX5Q-00650-00423954-00424674 younger but if you're building your community you can usually find somebody else that you can trade Op92PCNCX5Q-00651-00424674-00425196 out so it doesn't impact your finances will impact your time there's going to be some give and take Op92PCNCX5Q-00652-00425196-00425970 right but creating those memories now here's the funny thing Jay before I healed we lived in Idaho Op92PCNCX5Q-00653-00426042-00426726 and the only thing that we could afford was to go camping because we were a one income household yep Op92PCNCX5Q-00654-00426726-00427476 so we would go camping my kids are loving it they still to this day Revel about those trips Op92PCNCX5Q-00655-00427476-00428039 yeah the thing that was going on in my head at that time Jay I'm a sucky dad because I can't Op92PCNCX5Q-00656-00428039-00428784 afford the trip to Disneyland yeah I'm broke I didn't amount and yet my children are having an Op92PCNCX5Q-00657-00428784-00429654 amazing time so it's not so much creating this Wonderland event as creating a memory so give Op92PCNCX5Q-00658-00429654-00430374 yourself the space to create the memory and be the dad who's doing it without having to have that Op92PCNCX5Q-00659-00430374-00431160 that Pinterest expectation of here's this marvelous event our kids just need the time Op92PCNCX5Q-00660-00431160-00431664 like that refresher it's just getting that validation creating those memories you don't Op92PCNCX5Q-00661-00431664-00432497 have to worry about it being populated so take a chance give yourself the space to do that got it Op92PCNCX5Q-00662-00432497-00433074 so Mike if folks want to follow up with you and find out where you're at where can they find you Op92PCNCX5Q-00663-00433176-00433884 hicoachmike.com that is the best place to find me like you said I have a podcast living Fearless Op92PCNCX5Q-00664-00433884-00434634 today and the focus is helping men who have come or are coming through the struggles that I faced Op92PCNCX5Q-00665-00434634-00435270 after anxiety depression self-worth who want a better life to realize just like you're doing here Op92PCNCX5Q-00666-00435270-00435858 I'm not the only dad that struggles with being a dad you know we all do it but unless we have that Op92PCNCX5Q-00667-00435858-00436446 Community we think it's just us that would be the best place to find me you'll find my social media Op92PCNCX5Q-00668-00436446-00437160 tags there you'll find the podcast hosted as well so I subject mike.com great thanks so much this Op92PCNCX5Q-00669-00437160-00437747 has been lovely I had a really great time just thanks for coming on the show and I know that Op92PCNCX5Q-00670-00437747-00438485 we'll be talking soon yeah my absolute pleasure thanks for having me on Jay awesome hey feel Op92PCNCX5Q-00671-00438485-00439074 good Fathers hit that like button to let YouTube know that you liked this video comment below with Op92PCNCX5Q-00672-00439074-00439572 your thoughts and reactions to this interview I really want to hear what you have to say you Op92PCNCX5Q-00673-00439572-00440304 know as a personal brand strategist I hear all the time about coaches trainers speakers and authors Op92PCNCX5Q-00674-00440304-00440988 doing the right thing but at the wrong time we specialize in helping brand builders have more Op92PCNCX5Q-00675-00440988-00441564 impact more credibility and Clarity and developing an overall brand strategy when you work with brand Op92PCNCX5Q-00676-00441564-00442260 builders group we'll help you do the right thing at the right time request a free brand call below Op92PCNCX5Q-00677-00442260-00442722 there's a link in the description and don't forget to subscribe you'll get updates when the new Op92PCNCX5Q-00678-00442722-00443147 episodes are launched and it really helps out the community and the channel we'll see you next time OphLZUQEb-g-00000-00000376-00000819 Hi, J-School graduates, this is Katie Palay and I just wanted to send you a quick message OphLZUQEb-g-00001-00000827-00001356 Congratulating you on all of the last four years of hard work that you guys have done. OphLZUQEb-g-00002-00001356-00001820 You're now moving on to the next stage in your life, albeit, it's an interesting time. OphLZUQEb-g-00003-00001820-00002134 But I know there are so many great and exciting things lying ahead for you. OphLZUQEb-g-00004-00002146-00002574 Because, no one prepares you better than the J-School at UW. OphLZUQEb-g-00005-00002574-00002810 So, congratulations again. We're rooting for you. OpJjRWRDBUk-00000-00000520-00001046 <clapping> OpJjRWRDBUk-00001-00001048-00001355 Good evening everybody. OpJjRWRDBUk-00002-00001357-00001804 I just wanted to start off thanking Robert W. Baird for this wonderful gift. OpJjRWRDBUk-00003-00001805-00001973 It's actually the only reason I'll be able to OpJjRWRDBUk-00004-00001975-00002128 get to my internship this year. OpJjRWRDBUk-00005-00002130-00002435 I'm actually moving to Virginia on Friday, OpJjRWRDBUk-00006-00002437-00002722 so it's going to be a great trip, OpJjRWRDBUk-00007-00002724-00002965 and it's really great that that's the biggest part OpJjRWRDBUk-00008-00002967-00003259 of the reason I'm getting there. OpJjRWRDBUk-00009-00003261-00003507 My story, I guess, starts out with.. OpJjRWRDBUk-00010-00003509-00003806 I actually went to Blackhawk Tech for a little while OpJjRWRDBUk-00011-00003808-00004105 and I didn't really know what I was doing. OpJjRWRDBUk-00012-00004107-00004359 I went through the programs, didn't really know what was.. OpJjRWRDBUk-00013-00004361-00004448 what I wanted to do. OpJjRWRDBUk-00014-00004450-00004752 So I majored in Electromechanical Tech OpJjRWRDBUk-00015-00004754-00004956 and then I went to Business Management OpJjRWRDBUk-00016-00004958-00005174 and then I ended up at Southwest Tech OpJjRWRDBUk-00017-00005176-00005393 doing Golf Course Management. OpJjRWRDBUk-00018-00005395-00005672 Which, I've golfed since I was 15 years old OpJjRWRDBUk-00019-00005674-00006121 and I didn't realize that you could go into a career doing that. <laughter> OpJjRWRDBUk-00020-00006123-00006409 And Southwest Technical was the only college OpJjRWRDBUk-00021-00006412-00006477 in Wisconsin at the time that had it. OpJjRWRDBUk-00022-00006479-00006761 So, I just looked at myself and I said.. OpJjRWRDBUk-00023-00006763-00006853 I looked in the mirror and I was like, OpJjRWRDBUk-00024-00006855-00006929 "What are you doing? Who is that guy? OpJjRWRDBUk-00025-00006931-00007305 What are you going to do with your life?" OpJjRWRDBUk-00026-00007306-00007404 I looked and I said, OpJjRWRDBUk-00027-00007406-00007704 "Well, I've always wanted to be a professional golfer or something like that." OpJjRWRDBUk-00028-00007706-00007834 So, I just been practicing and practicing OpJjRWRDBUk-00029-00007836-00008181 and I got to the Southwest Tech College OpJjRWRDBUk-00030-00008184-00008369 and I joined the golf team. OpJjRWRDBUk-00031-00008371-00008583 That's pretty much the only reason I went there OpJjRWRDBUk-00032-00008585-00008642 was the golf team. <laughter> OpJjRWRDBUk-00033-00008644-00009011 I found that the instructors were awesome, OpJjRWRDBUk-00034-00009013-00009273 the program was awesome, OpJjRWRDBUk-00035-00009275-00009392 just all the instructors there just OpJjRWRDBUk-00036-00009394-00009569 had such a genuine care for everybody. OpJjRWRDBUk-00037-00009571-00009764 And I just couldn't, you couldn't, OpJjRWRDBUk-00038-00009766-00009910 I can't find that anywhere else. OpJjRWRDBUk-00039-00009912-00010087 I mean, I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but.. OpJjRWRDBUk-00040-00010089-00010809 And I just really realized that being a part of a school OpJjRWRDBUk-00041-00010811-00011068 and being part of something bigger than just being, OpJjRWRDBUk-00042-00011070-00011158 just going to the school, OpJjRWRDBUk-00043-00011160-00011368 is really what makes you more involved OpJjRWRDBUk-00044-00011370-00011616 and feel more of a part of the school. OpJjRWRDBUk-00045-00011618-00011830 I mean, I went to the golfcourse.. OpJjRWRDBUk-00046-00011832-00012115 I started on the team, and I got first place in our first tournament OpJjRWRDBUk-00047-00012117-00012488 and that just made my, my confidence in who I was OpJjRWRDBUk-00048-00012490-00012674 just go through the roof, OpJjRWRDBUk-00049-00012676-00012829 because I went through some tougher times OpJjRWRDBUk-00050-00012831-00012904 when I was younger OpJjRWRDBUk-00051-00012906-00013312 and I didn't really think that I was the best person OpJjRWRDBUk-00052-00013313-00013487 to be fit to be a leader or stuff like that, OpJjRWRDBUk-00053-00013488-00013831 and Southwest Tech really brought out that person OpJjRWRDBUk-00054-00013833-00014299 that was underneath all that extra stuff that was under there. OpJjRWRDBUk-00055-00014301-00014593 And it really showed me that if you work hard OpJjRWRDBUk-00056-00014594-00014731 and you really believe in what you're going to do, OpJjRWRDBUk-00057-00014733-00014959 you just go out and set out and do it OpJjRWRDBUk-00058-00014961-00015256 and just try your hardest and that's all you can really do. OpJjRWRDBUk-00059-00015258-00015730 You're passion will show and that passion that people see OpJjRWRDBUk-00060-00015732-00015960 will actually fire their passions; OpJjRWRDBUk-00061-00015962-00016190 you're actually bringing out a better part in that person too, OpJjRWRDBUk-00062-00016191-00016390 just by being yourself. OpJjRWRDBUk-00063-00016392-00016790 So all I can say is that this has really shown me is OpJjRWRDBUk-00064-00016792-00017120 just be yourself and that's all you can really do in this life. OpJjRWRDBUk-00065-00017122-00017209 Thank you. 68 00:02:52,110 --> 00:02:50,650 <clapping> ORMAXD98lEE-00000-00000000-00000344 You got to go with where your passion is. You got to go where your fun is, ORMAXD98lEE-00001-00000344-00001120 your pizzazz, your joy. If your spiritual journey seems like “So many rituals. Okay, ORMAXD98lEE-00002-00001120-00001904 I got to do my spiritual practice now before I get on with my day.” How are you gonna make that 99% ORMAXD98lEE-00003-00001904-00002472 practice if you don’t even like it? If you have resistance to it, how are you going to do it 99%? ORMAXD98lEE-00004-00002600-00003440 Now, with me with movies I could probably do it 99% of the day. Because it’s the Spirit ORMAXD98lEE-00005-00003440-00003984 using it in some higher way, so. I am always advocating the fun way to God ORMAXD98lEE-00006-00004096-00004632 and I think that it can be fun. If you think you are waking up to all that is, ORMAXD98lEE-00007-00004632-00005320 why shouldn’t it be fun? I mean, I had to wash away some of the old ego ideas of fun. Of course, ORMAXD98lEE-00008-00005320-00006024 I had those too and we play them out and sometimes the things that the ego sponsors as fun aren’t fun ORMAXD98lEE-00009-00006024-00006608 anymore after a while. You have fun for a while and then all of a sudden you reach a boredom with ORMAXD98lEE-00010-00006608-00007184 it or a dullness with it. It’s not fun anymore, but this stuff is intoxicating in a good way. ORMAXD98lEE-00011-00007264-00008136 It takes you up into the ecstasy but it’s through your willingness to go with it, to dive into it. ORMAXD98lEE-00012-00008384-00008912 Somebody asked me and they said, “How many weeks of the year do you vacation?” ORMAXD98lEE-00013-00009032-00009872 And I said, “What do you mean like vacation like have fun?” “Yeah.” And I said, “That’s 52, ORMAXD98lEE-00014-00009872-00010400 that’s the whole year.” He said, “Don’t you work?” I said, “Well, it’s your own perception- ORMAXD98lEE-00015-00010400-00011000 I am either working all the time, or I am having fun all the time because I do feel my work is fun. ORMAXD98lEE-00016-00011064-00011728 I have a good boss actually, a good Creator.” So that’s where we are coming with this. ORMAXD98lEE-00017-00011728-00012144 We are coming more into that alignment of have...Why can’t we have fun with spirituality? ORMAXD98lEE-00018-00012256-00012784 I really think that is the question we really have to look at. If we are not having fun ORMAXD98lEE-00019-00012856-00013319 with our spirituality then there is something to question. Maybe we’ve gone too serious ORMAXD98lEE-00020-00013384-00013904 with something. There is some kind of a tweak we need if our spirituality isn’t fun. ORMAXD98lEE-00021-00014072-00015584 Of course there will be pockets of resistance but fun can overcome the resistance. OYpGVzMhw5c-00000-00000065-00000552 Hi, my name is Stephanie Towery. I'm the Copyright Officer at University OYpGVzMhw5c-00001-00000552-00001008 Libraries, Texas State University, and today we're going to talk a little bit OYpGVzMhw5c-00002-00001008-00001623 about the copyright features in our version of Canvas - in our instance of OYpGVzMhw5c-00003-00001623-00002139 Canvas at Texas State University. So there's a - we have some features that OYpGVzMhw5c-00004-00002139-00003336 we've turned on, and they really help us to show and evaluate how how we've OYpGVzMhw5c-00005-00003336-00003843 achieved either permissions to use someone else's copyrighted material, if OYpGVzMhw5c-00006-00003843-00004389 we have a license, if we're relying on fair use, or if perhaps we own the OYpGVzMhw5c-00007-00004389-00004907 copyright in something. And it allows us to track that and to show that we have OYpGVzMhw5c-00008-00004907-00005421 at least considered the copyright ownership of the things that we upload OYpGVzMhw5c-00009-00005421-00006153 to Canvas. So I want to show you how to activate those features, and there's a OYpGVzMhw5c-00010-00006153-00006512 couple different ways you can get there. And some of you may have actually OYpGVzMhw5c-00011-00006512-00007083 stumbled upon it by yourselves, but I'm gonna start with "Files." So I'm going to OYpGVzMhw5c-00012-00007083-00007734 start with "Files," and I'm gonna go over here to "Upload." So, say I want to upload OYpGVzMhw5c-00013-00007734-00008571 into my course some materials that I have on my desktop. So I've already OYpGVzMhw5c-00014-00008571-00009306 prepared a folder I called "Canvas resources," and have a variety of things OYpGVzMhw5c-00015-00009306-00010029 in there. And I want to talk about sort of the easiest version which is OYpGVzMhw5c-00016-00010029-00011031 something that I created and that I want to upload. So I'm gonna go ahead and pick OYpGVzMhw5c-00017-00011031-00011547 "Scholarly Communications Outreach Plan." I created this plan myself - my personal OYpGVzMhw5c-00018-00011547-00012511 self - and I - there's a little bit of a difficulty here because I created this OYpGVzMhw5c-00019-00012511-00013072 in the capacity of my job here as a Copyright Officer - as a librarian at OYpGVzMhw5c-00020-00013072-00013969 Texas State University. So the default rule is that in - in the US - is that the OYpGVzMhw5c-00021-00013969-00014518 work that I create for my employer is owned by my employer, so technically OYpGVzMhw5c-00022-00014518-00015101 Texas State University is the owner of this, but I'm going to say that I have OYpGVzMhw5c-00023-00015101-00015523 permission on behalf of the university to upload this to my course site OYpGVzMhw5c-00024-00015523-00016197 especially because I created it. So as a creator I'm going to take on that right. OYpGVzMhw5c-00025-00016197-00016841 One of the things that we haven't really figured out in our copyright policy here OYpGVzMhw5c-00026-00016841-00017347 at Texas State University is - does an employee have the right to license OYpGVzMhw5c-00027-00017347-00017929 material that they created. And we prepared - the Copyright Advisory Committee OYpGVzMhw5c-00028-00017929-00018914 and myself have created a "how-to select a Creative Commons license for the work OYpGVzMhw5c-00029-00018914-00019381 that you create," and one of the things that we've tackled is this problem of OYpGVzMhw5c-00030-00019381-00020069 what do you do if you created a worksheet or a form for your job, and you OYpGVzMhw5c-00031-00020069-00020651 want to put a Creative Commons license on it. So, because our - the spirit of our - OYpGVzMhw5c-00032-00020651-00021350 policy is so generous to creators, and we've sort of taken the taken the view OYpGVzMhw5c-00033-00021350-00021938 that employees can place Creative Commons licenses on most of the work OYpGVzMhw5c-00034-00021938-00022507 that they create. The next go-around when we revise the policy we'll probably put OYpGVzMhw5c-00035-00022507-00023372 that explicitly in there. So here we go - you see that this - we've uploaded this OYpGVzMhw5c-00036-00023372-00023926 document, and we see that it says "before publishing this file you must specifies - OYpGVzMhw5c-00037-00023926-00024904 specify usage rights." So let's just ignore that, and we'll try to - oh, I don't OYpGVzMhw5c-00038-00024904-00025270 want to publish the whole class, so we're not gonna. Ignore it. So here you go - so OYpGVzMhw5c-00039-00025270-00025718 you click on that - whatever that exclamation point that's in red - we're OYpGVzMhw5c-00040-00025718-00026373 going to choose a usage right. So in this case if I had actually placed a Creative OYpGVzMhw5c-00041-00026373-00026820 Commons license on it, if I had I would select "this material is licensed OYpGVzMhw5c-00042-00026820-00027342 under Creative Commons." The closest license is that" I hold the copyright" OYpGVzMhw5c-00043-00027342-00027750 even though this isn't technically true. Texas State University does hold the OYpGVzMhw5c-00044-00027750-00028419 copyright - it's not an option. Maybe in the future they'll allow me to add some OYpGVzMhw5c-00045-00028419-00028800 options on here, but right now these are the options. OYpGVzMhw5c-00046-00028800-00029388 "I hold the copyright." Now what I can do is put copyright holder on here, and I OYpGVzMhw5c-00047-00029388-00029937 can do it in the form of creating a copyright notice. And that's just the C OYpGVzMhw5c-00048-00029937-00030624 in parentheses that takes the place of the C in the circle - copyright. And I put OYpGVzMhw5c-00049-00030624-00031074 the date that this was created which technically - actually I created it in OYpGVzMhw5c-00050-00031074-00031866 2019. And I'm gonna put Texas State University. And that's all I have to do. I OYpGVzMhw5c-00051-00031866-00032319 don't even actually have to do that, but it helps to give notice to people that OYpGVzMhw5c-00052-00032319-00032991 this copyright is being protected by the owner, and that you should ask permission OYpGVzMhw5c-00053-00032991-00033480 before you use it. I don't have to get permission because I OYpGVzMhw5c-00054-00033480-00033888 created it. So I'm also gonna manage access, so I'm going to go ahead and say OYpGVzMhw5c-00055-00033888-00034680 "publish" and save it. And you see now that it comes up "private copyrighted" beside OYpGVzMhw5c-00056-00034680-00035274 it. And that gives me a heads-up that mmm - before I share this with someone maybe I OYpGVzMhw5c-00057-00035274-00035865 ought to consider the copyright status. That's pretty much all there is to that. OYpGVzMhw5c-00058-00035865-00036540 And I'm going to do some additional videos - short videos - that explain some OYpGVzMhw5c-00059-00036540-00037046 of the other options when I haven't created the work and that come into play. OYpGVzMhw5c-00060-00037046-00037668 If you have any questions you can go to my website which is txstate.edu/copyright, OYpGVzMhw5c-00061-00037668-00038379 or you can run a search for "copyright" at the Texas State OYpGVzMhw5c-00062-00038379-00039101 website, or you can contact me at copyrightoffice@txstate.edu. OYpGVzMhw5c-00063-00039101-00039603 Again my name is Stephanie Towery, and I'm the Copyright Officer here at University OYpGVzMhw5c-00064-00039603-00040074 Libraries at Texas State University. OZvV3jIV97k-00000-00000000-00000276 hi guys! OZvV3jIV97k-00001-00000276-00000961 so this would be the second video where my Japanese friend reacts to the most beautiful Italian women OZvV3jIV97k-00002-00000961-00001548 this would be the young version, all girls recommended by you on instagram OZvV3jIV97k-00003-00001564-00002476 last time there where some people complaining that most women where too old OZvV3jIV97k-00004-00002490-00002830 so, let's show him also some young girls OZvV3jIV97k-00005-00003215-00003438 the first one is Ludovica Pagani OZvV3jIV97k-00006-00003946-00003996 next OZvV3jIV97k-00007-00003996-00004130 Chiara Nasti OZvV3jIV97k-00008-00004372-00004564 "(this is a Japanese no") OZvV3jIV97k-00009-00004564-00004764 I like her hair OZvV3jIV97k-00010-00004774-00004942 Taylor Mega OZvV3jIV97k-00011-00005666-00005760 Chiara Biasi OZvV3jIV97k-00012-00006048-00006230 next one is Miriam Leone OZvV3jIV97k-00013-00006352-00006604 do you like her? yes, very beautiful OZvV3jIV97k-00014-00006628-00006940 she follows me on instagram, she's a famous actress OZvV3jIV97k-00015-00006959-00007286 this is a yes for Japanese guys...next one OZvV3jIV97k-00016-00007286-00007431 Chiara Ferragni OZvV3jIV97k-00017-00007926-00008214 Giulia Bellellis, I don't know her OZvV3jIV97k-00018-00009154-00009444 next one Alessandra Mastronardi OZvV3jIV97k-00019-00009964-00010238 (literal translation from Japanese is: she's not my type) OZvV3jIV97k-00020-00010286-00010406 next one OZvV3jIV97k-00021-00010406-00010532 Serena Rossi OZvV3jIV97k-00022-00011380-00011482 Enrica Giudi OZvV3jIV97k-00023-00012380-00012492 next one is Michelle Hunzinker OZvV3jIV97k-00024-00013506-00013678 the next one is Follettina Creation OZvV3jIV97k-00025-00015096-00015402 it's a natural beauty OZvV3jIV97k-00026-00015469-00015644 Annalisa Scarrone OZvV3jIV97k-00027-00016044-00016204 Chiara Francini OZvV3jIV97k-00028-00016332-00016596 the next one is Aurora Ruffino OZvV3jIV97k-00029-00017568-00017778 Biana Atzei OZvV3jIV97k-00030-00018378-00018708 let's continue with Denise Tantucci OZvV3jIV97k-00031-00018852-00018968 Alessandra Amoroso OZvV3jIV97k-00032-00019320-00019520 (translation from Japanese: I don't like her) OZvV3jIV97k-00033-00019526-00019724 Francesca Chilleni OZvV3jIV97k-00034-00020340-00020434 Miriam Dalmasio OZvV3jIV97k-00035-00020954-00021076 Vittoria Puccini OZvV3jIV97k-00036-00021184-00021270 Elisa Maino OZvV3jIV97k-00037-00021536-00021730 Emma Muscat OZvV3jIV97k-00038-00021950-00022068 Mara Maionchi OZvV3jIV97k-00039-00022682-00022808 be more engaged OZvV3jIV97k-00040-00023426-00023626 wow this is very convincing -.- OZvV3jIV97k-00041-00023672-00023798 Francesca Cipriani OZvV3jIV97k-00042-00024168-00024352 the next one is ELISA OZvV3jIV97k-00043-00025038-00025318 if you like unique people you would love the next one... OZvV3jIV97k-00044-00025318-00025414 Loredana Bertè OZvV3jIV97k-00045-00026539-00026639 next is ARISA OZvV3jIV97k-00046-00026839-00027002 let's go on with Malika Ayane OZvV3jIV97k-00047-00027752-00028070 let's go on with Chiara Baschetti OZvV3jIV97k-00048-00028664-00028898 the next one Matilda DeAngelis OZvV3jIV97k-00049-00028994-00029170 Valentina Bellè OZvV3jIV97k-00050-00029686-00029777 Laura Pausini OZvV3jIV97k-00051-00030250-00030516 the next one is Tina Cippollari OZvV3jIV97k-00052-00030818-00031054 I don't think she did surgery...do you like her? OZvV3jIV97k-00053-00031160-00031438 and in Japan would people like her? OZvV3jIV97k-00054-00031548-00031600 Dolcenera OZvV3jIV97k-00055-00032694-00033046 let's go on with Clarissa Marchese OZvV3jIV97k-00056-00033784-00034196 the next one is basically Kim Kardashian, based on the picture that I choosed OZvV3jIV97k-00057-00034196-00034364 Giulia Salemi OZvV3jIV97k-00058-00034364-00034444 I don't know her OZvV3jIV97k-00059-00035156-00035256 Bianca Balti OZvV3jIV97k-00060-00035394-00035494 Stella Manente OZvV3jIV97k-00061-00035910-00036002 Federica Nargi OZvV3jIV97k-00062-00036236-00036304 Melissa Satta OZvV3jIV97k-00063-00036628-00036744 Rosa Perotta OZvV3jIV97k-00064-00037254-00037378 (Japanese compliments) OZvV3jIV97k-00065-00037778-00037882 Alice Pagani OZvV3jIV97k-00066-00039418-00039676 you need to be more natural, to like Japanese OZvV3jIV97k-00067-00039980-00040204 Kim Kardashian is not that famous in Japan OZvV3jIV97k-00068-00040716-00041314 they now her only because of the scandal of the lingerie with the brand name Kimono OZvV3jIV97k-00069-00041318-00041640 if you don't know what I mean, watch this video here OZvV3jIV97k-00070-00041642-00042208 if you want on Sunday we're in Venice to shoot another prank video :D BYE Ob6sls_YDxu-00000-00000010-00000206 SENATOR HAS PLANNED FOR THIS WE Ob6sls_YDxu-00001-00000206-00000213 SENATOR HAS PLANNED FOR THIS WE Ob6sls_YDxu-00002-00000213-00000426 SENATOR HAS PLANNED FOR THIS WE >>> THE INVESTIGATION OF A Ob6sls_YDxu-00003-00000426-00000433 SENATOR HAS PLANNED FOR THIS WE >>> THE INVESTIGATION OF A Ob6sls_YDxu-00004-00000433-00000500 SENATOR HAS PLANNED FOR THIS WE >>> THE INVESTIGATION OF A MISSING TEEN RUNAWAY CONTINUES Ob6sls_YDxu-00005-00000500-00000507 >>> THE INVESTIGATION OF A MISSING TEEN RUNAWAY CONTINUES Ob6sls_YDxu-00006-00000507-00000807 >>> THE INVESTIGATION OF A MISSING TEEN RUNAWAY CONTINUES IN CASS COUNTY. 15-YEAR-OLD Ob6sls_YDxu-00007-00000807-00000814 MISSING TEEN RUNAWAY CONTINUES IN CASS COUNTY. 15-YEAR-OLD Ob6sls_YDxu-00008-00000814-00000990 MISSING TEEN RUNAWAY CONTINUES IN CASS COUNTY. 15-YEAR-OLD DYLAN JOSEPH VORBECK WENT Ob6sls_YDxu-00009-00000990-00000997 IN CASS COUNTY. 15-YEAR-OLD DYLAN JOSEPH VORBECK WENT Ob6sls_YDxu-00010-00000997-00001224 IN CASS COUNTY. 15-YEAR-OLD DYLAN JOSEPH VORBECK WENT MISSING FROM HIS RURAL MOTELY Ob6sls_YDxu-00011-00001224-00001231 DYLAN JOSEPH VORBECK WENT MISSING FROM HIS RURAL MOTELY Ob6sls_YDxu-00012-00001231-00001394 DYLAN JOSEPH VORBECK WENT MISSING FROM HIS RURAL MOTELY HOME ON MARCH 10TH. THE Ob6sls_YDxu-00013-00001394-00001401 MISSING FROM HIS RURAL MOTELY HOME ON MARCH 10TH. THE Ob6sls_YDxu-00014-00001401-00001468 MISSING FROM HIS RURAL MOTELY HOME ON MARCH 10TH. THE INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED HE IS Ob6sls_YDxu-00015-00001468-00001474 HOME ON MARCH 10TH. THE INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED HE IS Ob6sls_YDxu-00016-00001474-00001578 HOME ON MARCH 10TH. THE INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED HE IS POSSIBLY IN THE PRESENCE OF A Ob6sls_YDxu-00017-00001578-00001584 INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED HE IS POSSIBLY IN THE PRESENCE OF A Ob6sls_YDxu-00018-00001584-00001671 INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED HE IS POSSIBLY IN THE PRESENCE OF A FAMILY MEMBER OR OTHER PARTIES Ob6sls_YDxu-00019-00001671-00001678 POSSIBLY IN THE PRESENCE OF A FAMILY MEMBER OR OTHER PARTIES Ob6sls_YDxu-00020-00001678-00001888 POSSIBLY IN THE PRESENCE OF A FAMILY MEMBER OR OTHER PARTIES KNOWN TO HIM. VORBECK LEFT HIS Ob6sls_YDxu-00021-00001888-00001895 FAMILY MEMBER OR OTHER PARTIES KNOWN TO HIM. VORBECK LEFT HIS Ob6sls_YDxu-00022-00001895-00002042 FAMILY MEMBER OR OTHER PARTIES KNOWN TO HIM. VORBECK LEFT HIS HOME WEARING A TWO-TONE BLUE Ob6sls_YDxu-00023-00002042-00002048 KNOWN TO HIM. VORBECK LEFT HIS HOME WEARING A TWO-TONE BLUE Ob6sls_YDxu-00024-00002048-00002429 KNOWN TO HIM. VORBECK LEFT HIS HOME WEARING A TWO-TONE BLUE JACKET AND RED SHOES. HE'S Ob6sls_YDxu-00025-00002429-00002435 HOME WEARING A TWO-TONE BLUE JACKET AND RED SHOES. HE'S Ob6sls_YDxu-00026-00002435-00002559 HOME WEARING A TWO-TONE BLUE JACKET AND RED SHOES. HE'S DESCRIBED AS 5'5 AND EXACTLY 130 Ob6sls_YDxu-00027-00002559-00002565 JACKET AND RED SHOES. HE'S DESCRIBED AS 5'5 AND EXACTLY 130 Ob6sls_YDxu-00028-00002565-00002742 JACKET AND RED SHOES. HE'S DESCRIBED AS 5'5 AND EXACTLY 130 POUNDS WITH BROWN HAIR AND BROWN Ob6sls_YDxu-00029-00002742-00002749 DESCRIBED AS 5'5 AND EXACTLY 130 POUNDS WITH BROWN HAIR AND BROWN Ob6sls_YDxu-00030-00002749-00002906 DESCRIBED AS 5'5 AND EXACTLY 130 POUNDS WITH BROWN HAIR AND BROWN HAZEL EYES. ANYONE WITH Ob6sls_YDxu-00031-00002906-00002912 POUNDS WITH BROWN HAIR AND BROWN HAZEL EYES. ANYONE WITH Ob6sls_YDxu-00032-00002912-00003059 POUNDS WITH BROWN HAIR AND BROWN HAZEL EYES. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION RELATED TO VORBECK Ob6sls_YDxu-00033-00003059-00003066 HAZEL EYES. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION RELATED TO VORBECK Ob6sls_YDxu-00034-00003066-00003296 HAZEL EYES. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION RELATED TO VORBECK IS ASKED TO CONTACT THE CASS CO Oguso6w7kXY-00000-00000000-00000200 "Handle" MonkeyMuzik Oguso6w7kXY-00001-00000200-00000400 Freestyle Beat HipHop Boom Bap Chill Free Piano Type Beat Oguso6w7kXY-00002-00000400-00000600 LoFi Rap Instrumental BGM 2022 OgeGA2md8c0-00000-00001256-00001590 What is the sum on the board? OgeGA2md8c0-00001-00001657-00001707 Siseko? OgeGA2md8c0-00002-00001852-00001946 Is equal to? OgeGA2md8c0-00003-00002204-00002414 - 9. - 8, Ma'am. OgeGA2md8c0-00004-00002440-00002604 It equals 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00005-00002624-00002696 It equals 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00006-00002714-00002864 Let's use the blocks now. OgeGA2md8c0-00007-00002926-00003056 Use the blocks. OgeGA2md8c0-00008-00003076-00003474 17 takeaway 9. Use the blocks. OgeGA2md8c0-00009-00003547-00003836 17, let me see it. Where is it? OgeGA2md8c0-00010-00004008-00004398 17-9. Did we see it? OgeGA2md8c0-00011-00004790-00004946 Where are the 17 blocks? OgeGA2md8c0-00012-00005116-00005278 We're subtracting here. OgeGA2md8c0-00013-00005278-00005570 We are doing subtraction, not addition. OgeGA2md8c0-00014-00005570-00005718 - What are we doing? - Subtraction. OgeGA2md8c0-00015-00005718-00005960 Take away 9 from 17, to check how many are left. OgeGA2md8c0-00016-00005960-00006072 Pay attention, child. OgeGA2md8c0-00017-00006210-00006304 Takeaway 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00018-00006372-00006494 Takeaway 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00019-00006670-00006908 I takeaway 10. OgeGA2md8c0-00020-00006944-00007159 Pay attention, we talked about it in that group. OgeGA2md8c0-00021-00007230-00007414 We said in that group. You will help me. OgeGA2md8c0-00022-00007454-00007623 Today, you will be a teacher. OgeGA2md8c0-00023-00007672-00007872 Is number 17 made of what? OgeGA2md8c0-00024-00008002-00008992 Let's count, 12, 14, 16, 17. OgeGA2md8c0-00025-00008992-00009177 There is 17. OgeGA2md8c0-00026-00009218-00009555 - What should we do now. - Subtraction. OgeGA2md8c0-00027-00009555-00009755 - How many should we take away? - 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00028-00009755-00009905 We take away 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00029-00009944-00010085 Let's take away 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00030-00010136-00010218 Look here... OgeGA2md8c0-00031-00010400-00010554 What should we do if we subtract 9? OgeGA2md8c0-00032-00010616-00010991 - We take away 9 from... - 10. OgeGA2md8c0-00033-00011025-00011724 Yes, lets take away, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7. OgeGA2md8c0-00034-00011724-00012058 - We don't have enough units and must borrow them from... - 10. OgeGA2md8c0-00035-00012058-00012250 Let's dismantle this one. OgeGA2md8c0-00036-00012250-00012418 Let's dismantle it. OgeGA2md8c0-00037-00012418-00013297 Let's dismantle 10. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. OgeGA2md8c0-00038-00013341-00013568 Let's put it away because we dismantled it. OgeGA2md8c0-00039-00013663-00013753 Here are the blocks. OgeGA2md8c0-00040-00013936-00014149 - What should we take away? - 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00041-00014149-00014254 Let's take ways 9. OgeGA2md8c0-00042-00014296-00014419 Let's subtract now. OgeGA2md8c0-00043-00014526-00014687 There are units missing. OgeGA2md8c0-00044-00014735-00014778 4. OgeGA2md8c0-00045-00014862-00014932 6. OgeGA2md8c0-00046-00014968-00015488 - 7. - We need to go and take units from the 10s. OgeGA2md8c0-00047-00015552-00015774 We won't borrow because we won't return it. OgeGA2md8c0-00048-00015807-00016098 - Let's take it again. What number shall we take? - 2. OgeGA2md8c0-00049-00016097-00016240 Yes, 2. OgeGA2md8c0-00050-00016442-00016804 We remove because subtraction takes away. OgeGA2md8c0-00051-00016804-00017203 - How many remained? - 2, 4, 6, 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00052-00017203-00017379 - How many remained? - 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00053-00017379-00017665 - What is our answer? - 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00054-00017665-00017750 It's 8. OgeGA2md8c0-00055-00017798-00017970 Pay attention grade 3. OgeGA2md8c0-00056-00018012-00018232 We will do this now. OgeGA2md8c0-00057-00018338-00018504 55 OgeGA2md8c0-00058-00018642-00018765 take way OgeGA2md8c0-00059-00018822-00019085 20 =? OgeGA2md8c0-00060-00019085-00019276 What do we take away now? Ol0lFUmxBvc-00000-00000636-00001200 this box of cube it up and this mini wheats have of the exact same amount of cereal in them Ol0lFUmxBvc-00001-00001210-00001535 but this has more surface area so more Ol0lFUmxBvc-00002-00001535-00002084 cost of cardboard making this the more eco-friendly and cost efficient option Ol0lFUmxBvc-00003-00002084-00002490 we're about to go introduce more people to show them why cube it up is a better choice Ol0lFUmxBvc-00004-00002500-00002600 real people not actors Ol0lFUmxBvc-00005-00002610-00002890 which box do you think holds the most cereal Ol0lFUmxBvc-00006-00002900-00003600 this one well they actually hold the same amount of cereal but this one is more eco-friendly Ol0lFUmxBvc-00007-00003610-00003720 because it has less cardboard Ol0lFUmxBvc-00008-00003800-00004100 Which box do you think has the most cereal in it Ol0lFUmxBvc-00009-00004250-00004500 I don't know, would it would be the same Ol0lFUmxBvc-00010-00004518-00005091 yes it's the same but this one's more efficient because it takes less surface Ol0lFUmxBvc-00011-00005091-00005399 area and less cardboard Ol0lFUmxBvc-00012-00006743-00007093 this is Cube it P0ZkFKAPqSo-00000-00000437-00000542 >> Anyway, the president P0ZkFKAPqSo-00001-00000542-00000695 of the Confederacy, of course, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00002-00000699-00000906 was Jefferson Davis, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00003-00000906-00001110 the former senator from P0ZkFKAPqSo-00004-00001110-00001180 (there he is) P0ZkFKAPqSo-00005-00001196-00001358 former senator from Mississippi, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00006-00001388-00001540 former secretary of war. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00007-00001612-00001919 A radical, but not a total fire- P0ZkFKAPqSo-00008-00001919-00002100 eater, as the South Carolinians P0ZkFKAPqSo-00009-00002100-00002179 had been called. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00010-00002212-00002558 His vice president was Alexander P0ZkFKAPqSo-00011-00002558-00002717 Stephens from Georgia, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00012-00002717-00002849 who had no connection P0ZkFKAPqSo-00013-00002849-00002961 with him whatsoever. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00014-00003026-00003325 Davis had been a Democrat before P0ZkFKAPqSo-00015-00003325-00003379 the war. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00016-00003429-00003548 Stephens had been a Whig, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00017-00003548-00003702 until the Whig Party collapsed. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00018-00003715-00003888 Stephens opposed secession, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00019-00003888-00004024 but then went along with it P0ZkFKAPqSo-00020-00004024-00004258 when it was voted in in Georgia. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00021-00004317-00004414 They didn't know each other. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00022-00004414-00004572 They had no personal rapport P0ZkFKAPqSo-00023-00004572-00004808 and basically couldn't get along P0ZkFKAPqSo-00024-00004847-00004884 at all. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00025-00004933-00005084 They had taken opposite sides P0ZkFKAPqSo-00026-00005084-00005238 on every major issue P0ZkFKAPqSo-00027-00005265-00005507 of the past 20 years or so. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00028-00005559-00005830 Now, most historians see Davis P0ZkFKAPqSo-00029-00005830-00005926 as a failure P0ZkFKAPqSo-00030-00005926-00006075 as Confederate leader. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00031-00006133-00006279 He wasn't really cut P0ZkFKAPqSo-00032-00006279-00006368 out for the position. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00033-00006368-00006609 He lacked many of the qualities, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00034-00006609-00006732 (now, this is the Potter point) P0ZkFKAPqSo-00035-00006732-00006858 you know, that Lincoln had, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00036-00006858-00006931 of leadership, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00037-00006931-00006995 whatever you think P0ZkFKAPqSo-00038-00006995-00007153 about particular policies. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00039-00007245-00007520 Lincoln was thick-skinned. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00040-00007520-00007624 He didn't mind people P0ZkFKAPqSo-00041-00007624-00007704 criticizing him. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00042-00007704-00007799 He tried to learn. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00043-00007835-00008034 Davis was super sensitive. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00044-00008034-00008149 He couldn't stand people P0ZkFKAPqSo-00045-00008149-00008229 criticizing him. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00046-00008258-00008364 When anyone criticized him, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00047-00008364-00008443 he just, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00048-00008443-00008571 stopped listening, instead P0ZkFKAPqSo-00049-00008571-00008620 of thinking, well, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00050-00008620-00008691 maybe I can learn P0ZkFKAPqSo-00051-00008691-00008756 something here. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00052-00008811-00008983 He was rather aristocratic. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00053-00009008-00009231 He had no real public rapport P0ZkFKAPqSo-00054-00009231-00009393 with ordinary people. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00055-00009429-00009599 He had no sense P0ZkFKAPqSo-00056-00009599-00009734 of delegating authority. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00057-00009734-00009897 Because he'd been secretary P0ZkFKAPqSo-00058-00009897-00010021 of war, he thought of himself P0ZkFKAPqSo-00059-00010021-00010179 as a military, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00060-00010179-00010221 as a person P0ZkFKAPqSo-00061-00010221-00010358 with great military knowledge, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00062-00010358-00010632 and he was always interfering P0ZkFKAPqSo-00063-00010632-00010807 in military strategy, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00064-00010807-00010949 I mean, down to very minor P0ZkFKAPqSo-00065-00010949-00011143 things, interfering. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00066-00011143-00011195 And, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00067-00011195-00011294 the president is not supposed P0ZkFKAPqSo-00068-00011294-00011427 to worry about how different P0ZkFKAPqSo-00069-00011439-00011637 troops are disposed at a battle. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00070-00011637-00011685 You know, they're supposed P0ZkFKAPqSo-00071-00011685-00011841 to have generals you trust P0ZkFKAPqSo-00072-00011841-00011878 to do that. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00073-00011878-00012017 He couldn't delegate authority, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00074-00012017-00012078 in other words. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00075-00012112-00012247 He was aloof. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00076-00012247-00012392 He was unable to rally people. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00077-00012392-00012460 Now, everything P0ZkFKAPqSo-00078-00012460-00012709 that I have said here was said P0ZkFKAPqSo-00079-00012709-00013048 in a book by a guy, no relation, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00080-00013048-00013161 William C. Davis, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00081-00013161-00013290 who published some years ago a P0ZkFKAPqSo-00082-00013290-00013383 very good biography P0ZkFKAPqSo-00083-00013383-00013464 of Jefferson Davis. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00084-00013464-00013553 And he gave every one, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00085-00013579-00013672 in the introduction, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00086-00013672-00013784 he listed everything I've said. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00087-00013784-00013860 And then he said, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00088-00013992-00014171 this book is actually a P0ZkFKAPqSo-00089-00014171-00014396 positive view of Jefferson Davis P0ZkFKAPqSo-00090-00014396-00014520 against his critics. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00091-00014563-00014647 So you can imagine what the P0ZkFKAPqSo-00092-00014647-00014711 critics say, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00093-00014711-00014856 if what I just described was the P0ZkFKAPqSo-00094-00014856-00015021 defense of Jefferson Davis. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00095-00015105-00015272 So there is a saying in the South P0ZkFKAPqSo-00096-00015272-00015417 that to be a real Southerner, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00097-00015417-00015664 you have to, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00098-00015740-00015892 admire Robert E. Lee, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00099-00015926-00016083 have a great-great-grandfather P0ZkFKAPqSo-00100-00016083-00016206 who fought with Stonewall P0ZkFKAPqSo-00101-00016206-00016331 Jackson, and hate P0ZkFKAPqSo-00102-00016331-00016431 Jefferson Davis. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00103-00016558-00016683 Of course, a lot of people just, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00104-00016683-00016835 it's easy to blame Jefferson P0ZkFKAPqSo-00105-00016835-00016927 Davis and that's it. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00106-00016927-00017063 It's his fault they lost. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00107-00017118-00017344 But Davis doesn't quite occupy P0ZkFKAPqSo-00108-00017376-00017534 the position, let's say, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00109-00017534-00017711 that Robert E. Lee does P0ZkFKAPqSo-00110-00017745-00017943 in Southern culture. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00111-00017943-00018054 So, for example, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00112-00018054-00018413 if you go to the [Ogden Museum of Art, New Orleans], P0ZkFKAPqSo-00113-00018413-00018564 wonderful museum, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00114-00018604-00018779 here is the painting P0ZkFKAPqSo-00115-00018807-00018920 that is right P0ZkFKAPqSo-00116-00018920-00019108 at the entry there. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00117-00019108-00019276 This is a, can you see? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00118-00019276-00019401 This is emblems P0ZkFKAPqSo-00119-00019401-00019496 of Southern culture. [laughter] P0ZkFKAPqSo-00120-00019496-00019784 So on the left, we have Elvis, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00121-00019857-00020068 Jesus Christ, and Robert E. Lee. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00122-00020068-00020183 [laughter] P0ZkFKAPqSo-00123-00020183-00020279 No, that's alright, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00124-00020279-00020327 that's cool. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00125-00020347-00020501 But no Jefferson Davis here. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00126-00020587-00020779 Jefferson Davis is not elevated P0ZkFKAPqSo-00127-00020859-00020971 to this level. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00128-00021076-00021288 Now, the problem P0ZkFKAPqSo-00129-00021288-00021448 with blaming Jefferson Davis, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00130-00021448-00021684 for all his faults, is P0ZkFKAPqSo-00131-00021691-00021947 that it sort of assumes P0ZkFKAPqSo-00132-00021947-00022118 that a better political leader P0ZkFKAPqSo-00133-00022118-00022173 would have been able P0ZkFKAPqSo-00134-00022173-00022311 to solve all the South's P0ZkFKAPqSo-00135-00022311-00022403 problems, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00136-00022403-00022486 that these problems -- P0ZkFKAPqSo-00137-00022513-00022711 it goes back to our Civil War, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00138-00022711-00022775 you know, the cause P0ZkFKAPqSo-00139-00022775-00022842 of the Civil War. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00140-00022842-00023021 Is it a blundering generation? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00141-00023068-00023185 But maybe the problems were P0ZkFKAPqSo-00142-00023185-00023290 so deeply rooted P0ZkFKAPqSo-00143-00023290-00023494 that no political genius could P0ZkFKAPqSo-00144-00023494-00023619 have solved them, you know? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00145-00023710-00023822 Maybe it's not just -- P0ZkFKAPqSo-00146-00023822-00023974 maybe his failure is a P0ZkFKAPqSo-00147-00023974-00024137 reflection of the situation he P0ZkFKAPqSo-00148-00024137-00024484 faces, rather than just, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00149-00024496-00024838 you know, a personal lack. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00150-00024909-00025049 So what kind P0ZkFKAPqSo-00151-00025049-00025232 of situations made it difficult P0ZkFKAPqSo-00152-00025232-00025293 for a political leader? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00153-00025293-00025441 Now, years and years ago, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00154-00025472-00025684 one of our great scholars here, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00155-00025684-00025803 who passed away years ago, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00156-00025803-00025915 but great scholar P0ZkFKAPqSo-00157-00025915-00026105 of the 1960s and 70s, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00158-00026193-00026294 Eric McKitrick, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00159-00026349-00026576 wrote a fascinating article, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00160-00026576-00026690 turning a kind P0ZkFKAPqSo-00161-00026690-00027044 of normal assumption on its head, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00162-00027044-00027266 that the Confederacy's lack P0ZkFKAPqSo-00163-00027266-00027510 of a two-party political system P0ZkFKAPqSo-00164-00027556-00027736 was a serious impediment P0ZkFKAPqSo-00165-00027740-00027833 to success. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00166-00027914-00028079 The Confederate leaders were P0ZkFKAPqSo-00167-00028079-00028187 like the leaders P0ZkFKAPqSo-00168-00028187-00028321 of the American Revolution P0ZkFKAPqSo-00169-00028321-00028445 or the early Republic P0ZkFKAPqSo-00170-00028445-00028576 in that they didn't want P0ZkFKAPqSo-00171-00028576-00028680 political parties. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00172-00028680-00028903 And they never had P0ZkFKAPqSo-00173-00028903-00029001 political parties. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00174-00029050-00029101 They thought P0ZkFKAPqSo-00175-00029101-00029206 that political parties were P0ZkFKAPqSo-00176-00029206-00029454 divisive, factionalizing. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00177-00029454-00029606 There should be just the general P0ZkFKAPqSo-00178-00029643-00029803 politics of the public good P0ZkFKAPqSo-00179-00029803-00030019 and people should not be divided P0ZkFKAPqSo-00180-00030019-00030245 into organized political parties, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00181-00030310-00030521 for unity. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00182-00030521-00030646 But as McKitrick argued, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00183-00030646-00030824 actually the lack P0ZkFKAPqSo-00184-00030824-00030980 of political parties had exactly P0ZkFKAPqSo-00185-00030980-00031103 the opposite effect. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00186-00031180-00031456 It prevented the formulation P0ZkFKAPqSo-00187-00031456-00031699 of alternative policies. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00188-00031699-00031772 In other words, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00189-00031772-00031977 you have an opposition P0ZkFKAPqSo-00190-00031977-00032074 political party, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00191-00032074-00032195 they've got to come forth P0ZkFKAPqSo-00192-00032195-00032315 with another policy. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00193-00032342-00032443 They can't just say, oh, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00194-00032443-00032532 it's no good, no good. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00195-00032532-00032591 They've got to say, well, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00196-00032591-00032668 what would we do? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00197-00032734-00032879 Lincoln actually benefited P0ZkFKAPqSo-00198-00032892-00033138 from criticism from Democrats. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00199-00033166-00033267 And more important, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00200-00033267-00033427 Lincoln benefited enormously P0ZkFKAPqSo-00201-00033427-00033612 from having a political party P0ZkFKAPqSo-00202-00033612-00033683 behind him. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00203-00033768-00033847 The existence P0ZkFKAPqSo-00204-00033847-00034013 of a strong political party P0ZkFKAPqSo-00205-00034057-00034239 complements the government. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00206-00034239-00034327 It makes the government P0ZkFKAPqSo-00207-00034327-00034396 function better. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00208-00034396-00034556 Lincoln used the Republican P0ZkFKAPqSo-00209-00034556-00034760 Party as a major source P0ZkFKAPqSo-00210-00034760-00034938 of public strength, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00211-00034938-00035030 public support, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00212-00035053-00035178 for the war effort. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00213-00035219-00035556 What is the alternative P0ZkFKAPqSo-00214-00035556-00035635 in politics P0ZkFKAPqSo-00215-00035635-00035711 if you don't have P0ZkFKAPqSo-00216-00035711-00035799 political parties? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00217-00035799-00035895 The alternative is P0ZkFKAPqSo-00218-00035900-00036172 personal parties. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00219-00036231-00036432 Groups develop, loyal P0ZkFKAPqSo-00220-00036432-00036561 to a certain leader. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00221-00036590-00036792 Or maybe state by state. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00222-00036792-00036985 But they actually create more P0ZkFKAPqSo-00223-00036985-00037086 factionalism P0ZkFKAPqSo-00224-00037117-00037321 than would be the case P0ZkFKAPqSo-00225-00037321-00037441 if you had two parties. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00226-00037445-00037630 Parties nationalize things. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00227-00037663-00037756 The parties exist P0ZkFKAPqSo-00228-00037756-00037903 in all the states, right? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00229-00037943-00038145 The Republican Party P0ZkFKAPqSo-00230-00038183-00038452 unified the North in many ways. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00231-00038485-00038731 But Davis never had an P0ZkFKAPqSo-00232-00038731-00038850 organization like that. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00233-00038850-00039108 So, as I say, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00234-00039126-00039356 this is not a full explanation. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00235-00039356-00039483 But it's an interesting insight P0ZkFKAPqSo-00236-00039483-00039603 that McKitrick put forward P0ZkFKAPqSo-00237-00039630-00039690 long ago. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00238-00039690-00039817 Instead of parties, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00239-00039817-00040030 Southern politics descends back P0ZkFKAPqSo-00240-00040030-00040243 to a kind of 18th century -- P0ZkFKAPqSo-00241-00040243-00040374 if you've ever taken a course P0ZkFKAPqSo-00242-00040407-00040696 on 18th century English history, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00243-00040735-00040861 this is what -- you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00244-00040861-00041066 you have significant aristocrats P0ZkFKAPqSo-00245-00041087-00041305 building up personal followings P0ZkFKAPqSo-00246-00041336-00041517 with patronage and support P0ZkFKAPqSo-00247-00041517-00041625 and getting people jobs. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00248-00041625-00041751 And politics is sort P0ZkFKAPqSo-00249-00041751-00041861 of factionalized like that. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00250-00041861-00042035 But it doesn't really build P0ZkFKAPqSo-00251-00042035-00042145 into any significant P0ZkFKAPqSo-00252-00042145-00042309 policy questions. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00253-00042519-00042750 Or you get politics dividing P0ZkFKAPqSo-00254-00042750-00042941 along class lines, as we'll see P0ZkFKAPqSo-00255-00042941-00042991 in a minute, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00256-00042991-00043246 with poorer whites finding P0ZkFKAPqSo-00257-00043246-00043319 themselves more P0ZkFKAPqSo-00258-00043319-00043455 and more alienated P0ZkFKAPqSo-00259-00043475-00043686 from the wealthier planters P0ZkFKAPqSo-00260-00043686-00043822 who are controlling policy. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00261-00043846-00044050 And parties create a link P0ZkFKAPqSo-00262-00044050-00044188 between different classes, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00263-00044188-00044332 which doesn't quite work P0ZkFKAPqSo-00264-00044332-00044499 out that way in the South. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00265-00044499-00044546 In the North, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00266-00044546-00044791 party loyalty unified people, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00267-00044851-00044980 even though the conflict P0ZkFKAPqSo-00268-00044980-00045071 between Democrats P0ZkFKAPqSo-00269-00045071-00045230 and Republicans was also P0ZkFKAPqSo-00270-00045230-00045324 very intense. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00271-00045402-00045601 You can see this P0ZkFKAPqSo-00272-00045601-00045859 by comparing Davis' cabinet P0ZkFKAPqSo-00273-00045894-00046016 with Lincoln's cabinet. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00274-00046118-00046269 As Doris Kearns Goodwin pointed P0ZkFKAPqSo-00275-00046269-00046443 out long ago, or years ago, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00276-00046443-00046596 in her book about Lincoln P0ZkFKAPqSo-00277-00046604-00046753 and his cabinet, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00278-00046860-00046985 Lincoln's cabinet was filled P0ZkFKAPqSo-00279-00046985-00047211 with the major figures P0ZkFKAPqSo-00280-00047211-00047302 of his party. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00281-00047350-00047504 All his major rivals P0ZkFKAPqSo-00282-00047504-00047656 for the presidential nomination P0ZkFKAPqSo-00283-00047656-00047707 were in there. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00284-00047707-00047898 Seward, Chase, Bates, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00285-00047937-00048071 Cameron to begin with. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00286-00048224-00048304 Each member P0ZkFKAPqSo-00287-00048304-00048393 of Lincoln's cabinet, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00288-00048393-00048571 some of them were more, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00289-00048624-00048748 you know, competent than others, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00290-00048776-00048981 but they represented powerful P0ZkFKAPqSo-00291-00048981-00049075 elements of the P0ZkFKAPqSo-00292-00049075-00049196 Republican Party. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00293-00049314-00049707 Davis' cabinet was largely a P0ZkFKAPqSo-00294-00049707-00049849 bunch of non-entities. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00295-00049889-00050080 They didn't represent anybody, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00296-00050080-00050475 except maybe some local interest P0ZkFKAPqSo-00297-00050508-00050706 group in their state. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00298-00050763-00050944 They didn't quite rise P0ZkFKAPqSo-00299-00050944-00051096 to the level of Lincoln's, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00300-00051116-00051274 of the people Lincoln brought P0ZkFKAPqSo-00301-00051274-00051466 around him. Because Lincoln was not P0ZkFKAPqSo-00302-00051466-00051620 afraid to surround himself P0ZkFKAPqSo-00303-00051620-00051720 with strong people. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00304-00051778-00051908 He had the self-confidence P0ZkFKAPqSo-00305-00051908-00051963 to do that. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00306-00051963-00052074 And Davis doesn't seem P0ZkFKAPqSo-00307-00052074-00052273 to have had that. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00308-00052273-00052391 And then just compare the two P0ZkFKAPqSo-00309-00052391-00052474 vice presidents. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00310-00052536-00052611 Lincoln didn't know P0ZkFKAPqSo-00311-00052611-00052691 Hannibal Hamlin. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00312-00052691-00052754 Hannibal Hamlin, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00313-00052754-00052897 Lincoln's first vice president, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00314-00052984-00053100 he was a Democrat, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00315-00053100-00053253 an ex-Democrat from Maine. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00316-00053305-00053438 He was put on the ticket P0ZkFKAPqSo-00317-00053460-00053581 for balance, right? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00318-00053581-00053841 But it was geographical balance. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00319-00053841-00054033 It was Lincoln's P0ZkFKAPqSo-00320-00054033-00054095 from the West, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00321-00054129-00054245 Hamlin's from the East; P0ZkFKAPqSo-00322-00054253-00054444 Lincoln's a former Whig, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00323-00054444-00054562 Hamlin's a former Democrat. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00324-00054562-00054675 But on the basic issues, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00325-00054675-00054802 they agreed with each other. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00326-00054870-00054950 Whereas as I've said, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00327-00054950-00055254 Alexander Stephens doesn't agree P0ZkFKAPqSo-00328-00055254-00055406 with Davis on anything. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00329-00055437-00055566 So what's the point P0ZkFKAPqSo-00330-00055566-00055693 of having a vice president who's P0ZkFKAPqSo-00331-00055693-00055791 completely at odds P0ZkFKAPqSo-00332-00055791-00055899 with the president P0ZkFKAPqSo-00333-00055899-00056192 on most major policy issues? P0ZkFKAPqSo-00334-00056192-00056287 He wasn't loyal P0ZkFKAPqSo-00335-00056287-00056381 to the government he was in. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00336-00056465-00056863 So, elections in the South. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00337-00056880-00057014 They had elections. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00338-00057014-00057191 They had congressional elections P0ZkFKAPqSo-00339-00057191-00057512 in 1863, but they, as I say, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00340-00057512-00057676 they don't give you any clues, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00341-00057676-00057826 really, about public sentiment. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00342-00057826-00057884 They're mostly P0ZkFKAPqSo-00343-00057884-00058013 on personal lines, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00344-00058013-00058103 individual lines. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00345-00058129-00058315 Lincoln could read the P0ZkFKAPqSo-00346-00058315-00058429 election returns. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00347-00058429-00058467 And, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00348-00058467-00058590 even though some people think P0ZkFKAPqSo-00349-00058590-00058699 Lincoln was a tyrant, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00350-00058725-00058834 there were elections every P0ZkFKAPqSo-00351-00058834-00058934 single year in the North. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00352-00058934-00059024 They were never canceled. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00353-00059024-00059127 They were never postponed. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00354-00059158-00059312 And the Democrats did very well, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00355-00059312-00059369 as I mentioned, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00356-00059369-00059546 in 1862, as a kind P0ZkFKAPqSo-00357-00059546-00059690 of an initial reaction P0ZkFKAPqSo-00358-00059690-00059811 against the Preliminary P0ZkFKAPqSo-00359-00059811-00059949 Emancipation Proclamation. P0ZkFKAPqSo-00360-00059984-00060148 Lincoln could read the election P0ZkFKAPqSo-00361-00060148-00060377 returns and know something P0ZkFKAPqSo-00362-00060377-00060533 about public sentiment. Before P0ZkFKAPqSo-00363-00060533-00060802 Gallup polls and, you know, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00364-00060805-00060937 Quinnipiac polls P0ZkFKAPqSo-00365-00060937-00061012 and all this stuff, P0ZkFKAPqSo-00366-00061058-00061182 elections are the way you P0ZkFKAPqSo-00367-00061187-00061360 figured out what people were P0ZkFKAPqSo-00368-00061360-00061457 thinking. But it didn't work P0ZkFKAPqSo-00369-00061457-00061781 that way so well in the South. P1ZJqeg6_14-00000-00000000-00000200 I had made my first one-star rating. P3Idd_17eCc-00000-00000000-00000176 SUBSCRIBED hey would you like to know a better way to drop P3Idd_17eCc-00001-00000176-00000728 ship without facebook ads aliexpress long shipping times these crazy refunds to charge back from P3Idd_17eCc-00002-00000728-00001344 customers these crazy paypal and facebook accounts shut down just like that right he's trying to find P3Idd_17eCc-00003-00001344-00001784 winning product hoping you scale and kind of like coming back to the drawing board well i want to P3Idd_17eCc-00004-00001784-00002384 share with you here results for selling premium items use the smart google campaigns right with P3Idd_17eCc-00005-00002384-00002960 a nice 300 to 400 profit per unit and a three to five day delivery to a customer with a quality P3Idd_17eCc-00006-00002960-00003528 products so you can see here over thirty four thousand dollars in sales 31 total orders over P3Idd_17eCc-00007-00003528-00004096 seven thousand visitors right so basically making more money with less amount of work once set up P3Idd_17eCc-00008-00004096-00004552 you can see here thirty four thousand today's look at yesterday's results pretty consistent as well P3Idd_17eCc-00009-00004552-00005032 just looking for example this week all right so look the month has really just started so what P3Idd_17eCc-00010-00005032-00005728 nine days in we're at six figures 242 k how old is started is i actually started in 2014 P3Idd_17eCc-00011-00005728-00006168 selling low price items and then i was getting to the point where we're doing like 20k plus days i P3Idd_17eCc-00012-00006168-00006831 was hiring people from philippines and freelancers etc but then i had my account shut down overnight P3Idd_17eCc-00013-00006831-00007352 my paypal shutdown facebook account my account shutdowns and i always get depressed because i P3Idd_17eCc-00014-00007352-00007776 was making a lot of money all of a sudden one night i was just gone everything's gone so like P3Idd_17eCc-00015-00007856-00008280 it got to the point where i'm so depressed that i needed to find a way i'm really to be honest i was P3Idd_17eCc-00016-00008280-00008848 looking for option number b which was to go into a nine-to-five job and thank god i didn't get to P3Idd_17eCc-00017-00008848-00009432 that level and so i uh looked for someone to sell premium items and the guy was doing decent numbers P3Idd_17eCc-00018-00009432-00009992 but for let me try myself and be a bit stubborn so i did it my stubbornness just the i did it and i P3Idd_17eCc-00019-00009992-00010440 didn't get any results didn't get any cells and so then from there i hired this person that was doing P3Idd_17eCc-00020-00010440-00010848 a good numbers and i've been able to achieve these kind of numbers so i've been at this for over two P3Idd_17eCc-00021-00010848-00011472 years so it's really really interesting it's powerful powerful stuff all right so the first P3Idd_17eCc-00022-00011472-00011928 step is to basically find a niche that's going to be highly profitable right now as well as P3Idd_17eCc-00023-00011928-00012472 throughout the whole year right and the way we do this is very simple we go over to alibaba we could P3Idd_17eCc-00024-00012472-00013040 use aliexpress we could also use amazon and we want to go to all categories our goal is to find P3Idd_17eCc-00025-00013040-00013544 niches within niches within niches so we're going to do this together let's understand something P3Idd_17eCc-00026-00013544-00013991 right now people don't want to go outside of their homes i'm sure you understand why so we're P3Idd_17eCc-00027-00013991-00014512 going to be finding niches that are based within someone's home they could use the product within P3Idd_17eCc-00028-00014512-00015128 their home such as you know a home gym right so let's look around here very simple so right now P3Idd_17eCc-00029-00015128-00015624 you can see here we've got electronics security all this good stuff your gift sports let's go into P3Idd_17eCc-00030-00015624-00016344 indoor sports for example very simple and now we've gone from you know essentially indoor P3Idd_17eCc-00031-00016344-00016880 sports now and we're going to look for products here i like to sort by price anywhere from 200 P3Idd_17eCc-00032-00016880-00017504 to a thousand dollars and i go okay and from here what i like to do is like scroll down a little bit P3Idd_17eCc-00033-00017560-00018176 and just look around right so for example this is a screen cabinet for amusements okay this is P3Idd_17eCc-00034-00018176-00018808 a vending machine you've got to think who is the customer right like who would buy this for example P3Idd_17eCc-00035-00018808-00019272 anything to do like gambling stuff like that a lot of you know casinos shut down stuff like that well P3Idd_17eCc-00036-00019272-00019744 you know you can sell a higher price items around gambling right so you build a store P3Idd_17eCc-00037-00019744-00020240 around gambling niche right let's keep going here for example this inflatable uh dart here P3Idd_17eCc-00038-00020296-00020704 right this one here is a table tennis so this could be the niche here table tennis training P3Idd_17eCc-00039-00020704-00021224 machine ping pong robot interesting definitely can look into that right maybe open that up P3Idd_17eCc-00040-00021304-00021808 for example this one a fitness indoor cyclist obviously you know all in inside products and P3Idd_17eCc-00041-00021808-00022264 this one here is a table tennis another one another one here is another table tennis P3Idd_17eCc-00042-00022264-00022904 robot interesting and keeps coming up this one here table tennis table okay let's open that up P3Idd_17eCc-00043-00022904-00023256 nice interesting and there's another one there so these are niches as well P3Idd_17eCc-00044-00023256-00023696 you've got this four in one multi-game snooker right you've got this uh indoor you can use this P3Idd_17eCc-00045-00023696-00024176 as indoor fitness equipment right this one is a treadmill indoor treadmills right so there's P3Idd_17eCc-00046-00024176-00024720 multiple natures that we can go this is just in one niche okay so let's go back to where we were P3Idd_17eCc-00047-00024720-00025384 right very simple we've gone from uh sports and entertainment to now what we call back over here P3Idd_17eCc-00048-00025464-00025927 sports entertainment indoor sports table tennis and now this is essentially where we're at right P3Idd_17eCc-00049-00025927-00026536 so what i'm gonna do is let's say for example this one here table tennis i'm picking the niche within P3Idd_17eCc-00050-00026536-00027064 the title okay so we've gone from all industries sports entertainment indoor sports table tennis P3Idd_17eCc-00051-00027127-00027712 table tennis tables i'm going niche underneath underneath the niche okay so i'm going to just P3Idd_17eCc-00052-00027712-00028183 copy this and i just want to see if anyone's running any types of advertisements right P3Idd_17eCc-00053-00028264-00028712 so these guys here if i scroll down here these guys here running ads right so P3Idd_17eCc-00054-00028712-00029304 dick's uh best in outdoor wayfarer doesn't matter you know wayfair being there e-game table sports P3Idd_17eCc-00055-00029304-00029832 probably drop shippers right so what i like to do is kind of see the search volume so we're P3Idd_17eCc-00056-00029832-00030400 at 5400 you can see the search volume for ping pong table which is kind of similar to this one P3Idd_17eCc-00057-00030456-00031256 90 000 right this is interesting right so what i want to do is shop him and i'm just looking P3Idd_17eCc-00058-00031256-00031848 at what is coming up right it's a dick sport 500 so 600 kind of what's the average price point here P3Idd_17eCc-00059-00031848-00032456 thousand dollars times about 159 you'll work out over you know six figures right there six figures P3Idd_17eCc-00060-00032456-00032880 right there right so this company keeps coming out can open them up in just a minute we'll go P3Idd_17eCc-00061-00032880-00033560 for it 105 times by you know 1500 products right there you can work out how much they made there P3Idd_17eCc-00062-00033616-00034240 isn't this niche as well this is very niche niche down uh we like to go into more um you know P3Idd_17eCc-00063-00034304-00034856 higher price products right so anywhere from 800 to you know 1500 plus right P3Idd_17eCc-00064-00034856-00035168 so what we like to do now this is pretty cool right but you can see the average P3Idd_17eCc-00065-00035168-00035536 price point of a thousand three hundred three thousand dollars i'm going to go over here P3Idd_17eCc-00066-00035672-00036272 and i just want to see what is the google trends telling us right now and if it's going up which P3Idd_17eCc-00067-00036272-00036640 would be really good so look at look at this the way it's going up right it's going up right pretty P3Idd_17eCc-00068-00036640-00037104 cool you pick the niche right so let's say we're going to go into this table niche right this table P3Idd_17eCc-00069-00037104-00037560 uh game niche so we're going to go over here i'm going to go into the second one which is going P3Idd_17eCc-00070-00037560-00038136 to be around building a store how do we do this we're going to look our our contenders here so P3Idd_17eCc-00071-00038136-00038888 dick's sporting goods okay so this company here billard factory on earth bill of factory uh this P3Idd_17eCc-00072-00038888-00039632 one here this one here so you can model what is working right now but we use again a mafia offer P3Idd_17eCc-00073-00039632-00040352 to basically differentiate ourselves right we use better conversion elements than these guys here P3Idd_17eCc-00074-00040352-00040848 like this i can tell these guys are just like drop shippers look at this it's just yeah i'm P3Idd_17eCc-00075-00040848-00041208 gonna talk probably there you go brands there you go right there these are drop shippers right P3Idd_17eCc-00076-00041264-00041800 so this is their store using cloner right these guys are running advertised as we P3Idd_17eCc-00077-00041800-00042280 speak it's all right it could do a lot better than this got live chat etc okay P3Idd_17eCc-00078-00042280-00042720 right they they're kind of picking up that you know people are wanting this kind of products P3Idd_17eCc-00079-00042720-00043072 right based on the demand and stuff like that here's another niche right so this is all good P3Idd_17eCc-00080-00043072-00043544 in everything all right there's another one here make sure that when someone comes to a store you P3Idd_17eCc-00081-00043544-00044040 know we have the no like a trust factor and it has the mafia offer that it gets them to buy so P3Idd_17eCc-00082-00044040-00044376 these guys are not having that and we can actually out beat these guys i'm looking P3Idd_17eCc-00083-00044376-00044800 for opportunity this is what i'm looking for i'm looking in the mindset of opportunity P3Idd_17eCc-00084-00044912-00045456 and there's definitely opportunity here to come into this market except now we're going to focus P3Idd_17eCc-00085-00045456-00046248 on number three and that would be supplies so we're going to work with suppliers that our P3Idd_17eCc-00086-00046248-00046696 brand so these these are contenders we're going to be working with brands so for example brands P3Idd_17eCc-00087-00046696-00047280 and let's say fat cat champion dynamite let's click into brands let's go into a tornado maybe P3Idd_17eCc-00088-00047456-00047984 right so these are football i want to go into game table and then let's go into see P3Idd_17eCc-00089-00047984-00048336 what they've got multiple different types of table tennis this is the niche that we're getting into P3Idd_17eCc-00090-00048432-00049088 and then here's the brands expo my t5 is another brand jeweler's another brand svr is another brand P3Idd_17eCc-00091-00049088-00049664 juva the the mobile brands are coming up right and then these are the brands we would be working with P3Idd_17eCc-00092-00049664-00050144 again you'll be using uh our script and stuff like that very simple all three emails stuff P3Idd_17eCc-00093-00050144-00050792 like that really good get proved really quickly uh here's more as well right so there's more here P3Idd_17eCc-00094-00050848-00051264 and there's this one here i know these guys so these guys are doing really well by the way so P3Idd_17eCc-00095-00051264-00051840 just so you're aware uh yeah so table tennis i can also look at you know the niches that they're P3Idd_17eCc-00096-00051840-00052479 selling as well pretty cool right so here's their niches so sorry their brands brunswick P3Idd_17eCc-00097-00052479-00053176 dominio killer sprint promo products right here so grayson is a niche is our brand liam's com so P3Idd_17eCc-00098-00053176-00053600 i can contact these guys and i basically sell it right now look if you want to still learn P3Idd_17eCc-00099-00053600-00053991 this how to pick a niche how to you know get a store created and get supplies stuff like that P3Idd_17eCc-00100-00053991-00054352 click link below right and book a call with me on one of my team and we'll be able to go through the P3Idd_17eCc-00101-00054352-00055096 process all right keep going here now the next step is really simple that is google ads now P3Idd_17eCc-00102-00055096-00055496 i say google ads because again it's a lot of expertise and i'm going to show you P3Idd_17eCc-00103-00055496-00056000 a small baby account right now richie just started this recently we've got a conversion from this P3Idd_17eCc-00104-00056000-00056400 need to update the conversion elements but we're going to spend only 150 dollars and we've got a P3Idd_17eCc-00105-00056400-00057088 conversion rate pretty cool and refresh so you can see uh pretty interesting and the reality is this P3Idd_17eCc-00106-00057088-00057752 google has the no like it's called search traffic people actually searching for the product right so P3Idd_17eCc-00107-00057752-00058216 there's keywords that they're searching for unlike facebook where no one's really searching for their P3Idd_17eCc-00108-00058216-00058832 interaction-based marketing so that's google ads right we run specific campaigns from generic P3Idd_17eCc-00109-00058832-00059424 to you know all the products level as well as a brand level so that's literally the person now P3Idd_17eCc-00110-00059424-00059848 obviously there's much more details to the devil so look if you want to learn more you could book a P3Idd_17eCc-00111-00059848-00060464 call with my team go to this website here and then just book a date and time and just whenever you're P3Idd_17eCc-00112-00060464-00060904 available right you can also see other people's results i mean i keep going and going and going P3Idd_17eCc-00113-00061024-00061479 numbers like everything's here if you want to just check out some of the stuff here P3Idd_17eCc-00114-00061479-00062032 and that's basically the scenario okay so look hopefully you found value in this training P3Idd_17eCc-00115-00062032-00062504 uh you can see it's really simple process once you've got this down you've got this P3Idd_17eCc-00116-00062560-00063360 right you've got this you've got this you've got this you can make money right so i'm not guarantee P3Idd_17eCc-00117-00063360-00063767 anything i don't know you i don't know where you come from or who you are or your experience or P3Idd_17eCc-00118-00063767-00064312 anything you don't need that much experience when you come with me but i can tell you now if you P3Idd_17eCc-00119-00064312-00064824 follow these steps and you get into the much more detail because we use software to reverse engineer P3Idd_17eCc-00120-00064824-00065240 the success of the niche right based on how much money it's making for others and it should be P3Idd_17eCc-00121-00065240-00065656 making millions of dollars we reverse engineer to find the best selling product stuff like that P3Idd_17eCc-00122-00065656-00066224 so again you learn how to do that let's get on a call we'll go through it it's very no obligation P3Idd_17eCc-00123-00066224-00066648 you know it's not a sales call or anything like that i'm not going to sell you actually you sell P3Idd_17eCc-00124-00066648-00067120 us on why we you should work with us essentially because we only want to take people and that we P3Idd_17eCc-00125-00067120-00067512 know we can get results so look if you're allowed to do this you don't even know you don't even need P3Idd_17eCc-00126-00067512-00067992 to do this yourself if you think look i just want someone to do this then we've got that option as P3Idd_17eCc-00127-00067992-00068464 well so you're going to click the link below we'll go through the process and take it from P3Idd_17eCc-00128-00068464-00069080 there hopefully that makes sense and uh yeah let's make things happen this is intrigued you P3Idd_17eCc-00129-00069080-00069544 and you will learn how to do this book a strategy call with my team step up your game and let's make P3Idd_17eCc-00130-00069544-00070016 it happen no matter if you're doing a thousand dollars a day 10k day coming to this business well P3Idd_17eCc-00131-00070016-00070512 you can see we'll be able to scale even higher right with more profits per customer with no need P3Idd_17eCc-00132-00070512-00070952 all these crazy funnels and all this stuff right and actually build longevity and look i'm going P3Idd_17eCc-00133-00070952-00071448 to show you some awesome reviews and people that we've helped as well potential after this video or P3Idd_17eCc-00134-00071448-00071952 on the screen somewhere so again click the link below book a strategy called me or my team and P3Idd_17eCc-00135-00071952-00072376 we'll be able to see if we're a good fit for a good fit that's cool if not that's cool as well P3Idd_17eCc-00136-00072376-00072904 all right make it happen hey pepe man i just want to thank you man uh what you taught me was a real P3Idd_17eCc-00137-00072904-00073440 life changer i'm now seeing four to five figures a month and at the end of this year i'm going to hit P3Idd_17eCc-00138-00073440-00074032 well over six figures just by from what you guys taught me so i just want to say thank you man for P3Idd_17eCc-00139-00074032-00074520 what you've done for me and you know for for the heights you've given me man and the the knowledge P3Idd_17eCc-00140-00074520-00075088 and the skill sets that i acquired from your course so thank you peppy what's going on guys P3Idd_17eCc-00141-00075088-00075648 my name is roman and i'm from paris and i'm making this quick video to thank pepe for the coaching he P3Idd_17eCc-00142-00075648-00076448 gave me last year so thank you again bro your coaching really helped me to change my mindset P3Idd_17eCc-00143-00076448-00077024 you know i was totally a noob i didn't have any experience in business and in dropshipping P3Idd_17eCc-00144-00077096-00077752 and after this coaching i started to make sales and you know i continued P3Idd_17eCc-00145-00077752-00078584 to invest in myself so it's been a year now and now i am making sales every day with shopify P3Idd_17eCc-00146-00078672-00079480 so i'm really happy and what i learned from this is that investing yourself is the best thing you P3Idd_17eCc-00147-00079480-00080480 can do with mentors and in courses so thank you again bro i'm on my way uh to building my own P3Idd_17eCc-00148-00080480-00081312 shopify ecommerce store after reviewing tons of materials online on youtube and through google P3Idd_17eCc-00149-00081368-00081992 it was still a mystery for me how to build my own high ticket selling shopify store P3Idd_17eCc-00150-00082144-00082952 after meeting pepe i decided to take a take a coaching session from him and it was really P3Idd_17eCc-00151-00082952-00083856 brilliant he opened my eyes on how to choose the niche in the right way and the easiest way P3Idd_17eCc-00152-00083952-00084568 he shared the tools he is using and it was really an eye-opening session for me P3Idd_17eCc-00153-00084656-00085368 so that's why i definitely recommend you to choose coaching sessions with pepe P3Idd_17eCc-00154-00085368-00086456 and i'm sure that you won't regret it worth every penny and every minute you spend on it cheers hey P3Idd_17eCc-00155-00086456-00087008 good morning from new york my name is franklin zhumi i just want to give a special shout to P3Idd_17eCc-00156-00087104-00087864 pepe and his team i recently yesterday in fact i came across with him and we spoke over the phone P3Idd_17eCc-00157-00087928-00088536 and a video call and i have to say that this is a person that brings a lot of value a lot P3Idd_17eCc-00158-00088536-00089304 of value in premium ticket high ticket especially i actually before i entered the call i was mostly P3Idd_17eCc-00159-00089384-00089880 i was mostly lost of how to do some product research and i was and i was looking up how P3Idd_17eCc-00160-00089944-00090496 i can find the winning product know more about the system and how it works in terms of finding P3Idd_17eCc-00161-00090496-00091288 a profitable high ticket product and pepe and his knowledge showed me step by step on how to P3Idd_17eCc-00162-00091288-00091904 actually make that work and he's been helping me in my high ticket process in my high ticket store P3Idd_17eCc-00163-00091904-00092632 and how to earn a significant amount of money and for sure every every every second of his videos P3Idd_17eCc-00164-00092728-00093664 contains so much value and i'm sure you can get a lot from him so people who who are were starting P3Idd_17eCc-00165-00093664-00094240 out in the high ticket store um i'm pretty sure you could definitely make this work and because P3Idd_17eCc-00166-00094240-00094816 this is a person with high character and provides great value and again special thank you for to P3Idd_17eCc-00167-00094816-00095616 pepe and his team and it's truly wonderful i can't wait and i'm enthusiastic about my results thank P3Idd_17eCc-00168-00095616-00096128 you so much what's up guys i just want to give a quick shout out to pepe once again for really P3Idd_17eCc-00169-00096128-00096656 laying down the fundamentals on what it takes to launch a successful high ticket ecom store P3Idd_17eCc-00170-00096744-00097432 you know he really goes fully in-depth on the gtf formula product research how to find niches P3Idd_17eCc-00171-00097432-00098080 within niches and he really just ultimately teaches what systems you need to have in place P3Idd_17eCc-00172-00098080-00098664 if you want to run a seven figure digital asset so pepe big shout out to you thank you so much for P3Idd_17eCc-00173-00098664-00099192 all your help guys as somebody who's been mentored by multiple guys in the space i think it's P3Idd_17eCc-00174-00099192-00100144 important to let you know that pepe hands down is very updated and knows exactly what he's doing so P3Qzb-RyzIy-00000-00000000-00000182 Alright, so Nanalew made a no-cut P3Qzb-RyzIy-00001-00000182-00000357 confessional video and then tagged a bunch P3Qzb-RyzIy-00002-00000357-00000585 of people, and then Abi did one and then P3Qzb-RyzIy-00003-00000585-00000756 Thom did one, and I got tagged in that, P3Qzb-RyzIy-00004-00000756-00001001 so I'm supposed to answer these four props that P3Qzb-RyzIy-00005-00001001-00001170 are the most deep ever, and you know I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00006-00001170-00001386 love deep things, so I'm gonna try to P3Qzb-RyzIy-00007-00001386-00001566 keep this -- whoa getting kinda close - P3Qzb-RyzIy-00008-00001566-00001794 to keep this under four minutes if I can. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00009-00001794-00002003 So I feel.... I feel kind of sick right now. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00010-00002003-00002378 It's a little bit of a cold. I feel P3Qzb-RyzIy-00011-00002378-00002718 grateful because of NerdCon and all the P3Qzb-RyzIy-00012-00002718-00002843 things I experienced through volunteering P3Qzb-RyzIy-00013-00002843-00003099 at NerdCon, which was just fantastic. I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00014-00003099-00003396 feel really inspired and grateful and P3Qzb-RyzIy-00015-00003396-00003680 just connected to people. It's all about P3Qzb-RyzIy-00016-00003680-00003929 the people as John Green said. Now that's P3Qzb-RyzIy-00017-00003929-00004280 really, really important to me more than P3Qzb-RyzIy-00018-00004280-00004566 ever because in the past I didn't feel P3Qzb-RyzIy-00019-00004566-00004755 very humble. I didn't have a lot of P3Qzb-RyzIy-00020-00004755-00004914 humility when I was younger. I wasn't as P3Qzb-RyzIy-00021-00004914-00005207 interested in people and prioritizing P3Qzb-RyzIy-00022-00005207-00005348 people all the time because I got into P3Qzb-RyzIy-00023-00005348-00005526 self-leadership and self leadership is P3Qzb-RyzIy-00024-00005526-00005739 all about knowing yourself and your P3Qzb-RyzIy-00025-00005739-00006048 values and everything, so my life in the P3Qzb-RyzIy-00026-00006048-00006276 past few years, especially with FCCLA and P3Qzb-RyzIy-00027-00006276-00006417 everything, has been all about people. I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00028-00006417-00006797 want. I want to do remarkable things with P3Qzb-RyzIy-00029-00006797-00007158 the time that I have. I want to you know.... P3Qzb-RyzIy-00030-00007158-00007353 I don't want to have be remembered, but I want P3Qzb-RyzIy-00031-00007353-00007481 to make a mark and I want to contribute P3Qzb-RyzIy-00032-00007481-00007881 to things. I want to create things. I want P3Qzb-RyzIy-00033-00007881-00008127 to create constantly all the time. I want P3Qzb-RyzIy-00034-00008127-00008400 to connect people. I want to do P3Qzb-RyzIy-00035-00008400-00008565 remarkable things. That's mainly it. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00036-00008565-00008832 You can see. I got a little mind map P3Qzb-RyzIy-00037-00008832-00009045 going up there and on it is "create P3Qzb-RyzIy-00038-00009045-00009186 remarkable" and I just have all my P3Qzb-RyzIy-00039-00009186-00009372 projects. I want to write. I want to P3Qzb-RyzIy-00040-00009372-00009704 create. I want to connect people. I want P3Qzb-RyzIy-00041-00009704-00009864 to be self-sufficient. I want to be P3Qzb-RyzIy-00042-00009864-00010172 sustainable. I want to be able to help P3Qzb-RyzIy-00043-00010172-00010557 people and I want to prioritize people P3Qzb-RyzIy-00044-00010557-00010782 and make people the priority, which is P3Qzb-RyzIy-00045-00010782-00011315 hard to do - cough. But I want to be P3Qzb-RyzIy-00046-00011315-00011486 committed. Look at me so many videos while I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00047-00011486-00011625 have this little cough. I'm coming to you from P3Qzb-RyzIy-00048-00011625-00011843 my husky voice, just like I did before I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00049-00011843-00012159 left for NerdCon, apparently. Second P3Qzb-RyzIy-00050-00012159-00012654 minute. I fear. Whew. I fear being P3Qzb-RyzIy-00051-00012654-00012962 forgotten. I fear not doing things that P3Qzb-RyzIy-00052-00012962-00013125 are remarkable and remembered, but we'll P3Qzb-RyzIy-00053-00013125-00013253 all be forgotten P3Qzb-RyzIy-00054-00013253-00013481 eventually, but I recognize that fear is P3Qzb-RyzIy-00055-00013481-00013819 definitely one. I fear coming off to P3Qzb-RyzIy-00056-00013819-00014162 people in the wrong light. Like the value P3Qzb-RyzIy-00057-00014162-00014324 that I create and the message that I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00058-00014324-00014591 create, that's a positivity, comes off as P3Qzb-RyzIy-00059-00014591-00014863 fake, comes off as something not genuine, P3Qzb-RyzIy-00060-00014863-00015065 something that I don't care about or P3Qzb-RyzIy-00061-00015065-00015370 that I'm faking or masking. I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00062-00015370-00015656 fear that my message gets warped and P3Qzb-RyzIy-00063-00015656-00015887 people - I can't control what they take P3Qzb-RyzIy-00064-00015887-00016081 from it - but I fear that that message, that P3Qzb-RyzIy-00065-00016081-00016511 genuine message I send, it somehow is me seeming P3Qzb-RyzIy-00066-00016511-00016769 more valuable to them. I fear P3Qzb-RyzIy-00067-00016769-00017063 making people feel less or more than P3Qzb-RyzIy-00068-00017063-00017261 they are in some way and that damaging P3Qzb-RyzIy-00069-00017261-00017573 people with what I create. I definitely fear P3Qzb-RyzIy-00070-00017573-00017806 that. I fear not being connected too P3Qzb-RyzIy-00071-00017806-00017975 to people/ I fear not prioritizing P3Qzb-RyzIy-00072-00017975-00018278 people in my life because this past P3Qzb-RyzIy-00073-00018278-00018458 event at NerdCon has just really bringed P3Qzb-RyzIy-00074-00018458-00018719 to mind how important people are to me P3Qzb-RyzIy-00075-00018719-00019031 and the only reason that I am where I am P3Qzb-RyzIy-00076-00019031-00019276 in my life, in terms of how grateful I am P3Qzb-RyzIy-00077-00019276-00019487 now happy I am and I am - I give myself some P3Qzb-RyzIy-00078-00019487-00019648 credit, but you know, I'm not so author of P3Qzb-RyzIy-00079-00019648-00019850 my victories and willing victim I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00080-00019850-00020276 defeats - it's a congregate thing. I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00081-00020276-00020482 feast on the labor centuries because of P3Qzb-RyzIy-00082-00020482-00020609 all the people that have helped me in P3Qzb-RyzIy-00083-00020609-00020851 the past and I fear like not living up P3Qzb-RyzIy-00084-00020851-00021011 to their legacy and not helping them P3Qzb-RyzIy-00085-00021011-00021326 with that. And then I am. I'm happy. I'm P3Qzb-RyzIy-00086-00021326-00021800 grateful. I am present. I'm mindful. I am P3Qzb-RyzIy-00087-00021800-00022304 at peace. I'm in a good place. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00088-00022304-00022726 I'm grateful for people in my P3Qzb-RyzIy-00089-00022726-00023012 life and grateful for all the things I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00090-00023012-00023332 get to eat and the place I have. The P3Qzb-RyzIy-00091-00023332-00023489 community I'm connected to. The online P3Qzb-RyzIy-00092-00023489-00023929 communities I can hop in. I am inspired. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00093-00023929-00024350 And yeah. I have another minute. I'm gonna P3Qzb-RyzIy-00094-00024350-00024592 make it five minutes, but P3Qzb-RyzIy-00095-00024592-00025000 I am a little bit tired. I'm working P3Qzb-RyzIy-00096-00025000-00025228 really hard. My sleep schedule is a little P3Qzb-RyzIy-00097-00025228-00025318 messed up because of the leadership P3Qzb-RyzIy-00098-00025318-00025489 emerges things I'm doing on the PalkaDots P3Qzb-RyzIy-00099-00025489-00025738 channel, but I am I'm happy to P3Qzb-RyzIy-00100-00025738-00026443 create. I am just I'm blessed and I P3Qzb-RyzIy-00101-00026443-00027097 just so I'm so grateful for everything. I'm really into what I'm doing and P3Qzb-RyzIy-00102-00027097-00027520 the people I talk to and I am P3Qzb-RyzIy-00103-00027520-00027769 persistent and persevering, despite the P3Qzb-RyzIy-00104-00027769-00028158 struggles that I've had. I fear losing P3Qzb-RyzIy-00105-00028158-00028429 connection with people that I value or P3Qzb-RyzIy-00106-00028429-00028558 that like I said before, that message P3Qzb-RyzIy-00107-00028558-00028741 coming up is wrong. I'm gonna tag some P3Qzb-RyzIy-00108-00028741-00028908 people in the description because I have P3Qzb-RyzIy-00109-00028908-00029125 no idea who. I'll pick a few people. Thanks, Nanalew, P3Qzb-RyzIy-00110-00029125-00029293 for creating the tag and P3Qzb-RyzIy-00111-00029293-00029491 thank you, Thom, for tagging me. As I say P3Qzb-RyzIy-00112-00029491-00029749 say in my own videos, keep being you, DFTBA, P3Qzb-RyzIy-00113-00029749-00030027 and everybodyPalka. Thanks for watching. P3Qzb-RyzIy-00114-00030027-00030525 That felt good to make P4ihoPXp6Fc-00000-00000000-00000200 I will Tell you how to buy MuskSwap token P4Mt5hhLgH8-00000-00006728-00007440 hello everyone and welcome to the Red United Tv it's your boy Ivorian Spice P4Mt5hhLgH8-00001-00007440-00008136 back at it again with another episode of the Manchester United weekly bulletin. Yes P4Mt5hhLgH8-00002-00008208-00008760 i believe it's about episode nine guys and as always guys if you're new to this channel P4Mt5hhLgH8-00003-00008760-00009216 and you're wondering what the hell are we doing here why am i logged into this live stream guys, P4Mt5hhLgH8-00004-00009296-00009808 yeah this is a live stream where we talk about this week the hottest and latest debate P4Mt5hhLgH8-00005-00009808-00010488 surrounding our beloved team Manchester United, you know transfers events anything has happened P4Mt5hhLgH8-00006-00010488-00010976 during the week we discuss it, we talk about it, guys and as always if you're new to this channel P4Mt5hhLgH8-00007-00010976-00011696 remember to subscribe smash that like button guys and also remember to share because why sharing P4Mt5hhLgH8-00008-00011696-00012320 Ivorian Spice is caring and guys i must admit if my stream is acting up today there is something P4Mt5hhLgH8-00009-00012320-00013040 going on with my internet guys so i do apologies for any kind of blurry screens that you'll see P4Mt5hhLgH8-00010-00013040-00013496 in very blurry vision that you've seen on your side of the field, I do apologies but please do P4Mt5hhLgH8-00011-00013496-00014008 continue to watch of course because I've always have lovely content as always. Smash that like P4Mt5hhLgH8-00012-00014008-00014528 button share press that share button make sure you get people to watch and also if you have questions P4Mt5hhLgH8-00013-00014632-00015144 comment and I will get to your question and I will also answer that so get actively involved. P4Mt5hhLgH8-00014-00015200-00015928 This week the episode now we will be talking about Jadon Sancho what's going on right now is he going P4Mt5hhLgH8-00015-00015928-00016608 to come I don't know Raphael Varane is on the agenda Kieran Trippier is on the agenda. Pogba P4Mt5hhLgH8-00016-00016608-00017168 again you know it is the transfer window in this transfer it's the summer there is no transfer P4Mt5hhLgH8-00017-00017168-00017736 window without a Paul Pogba you know transfer heading out to Real Madrid or PSG, whatever also P4Mt5hhLgH8-00018-00017792-00018288 Martial of course will be talking about him as well Van De Beek will be on the agenda and also P4Mt5hhLgH8-00019-00018288-00018960 Joel Glazer and a little bit about England because it's our lovely beloved pride nation that is where P4Mt5hhLgH8-00020-00018960-00019456 we represent you know this is where the channel is from is station in the UK in England come P4Mt5hhLgH8-00021-00019456-00020280 on England. But let's start it up guys straight into it Jadon Sancho news of the week so far is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00022-00020280-00021016 that united have submitted a second bid for Jadon Sancho guys it's recording from Fabrizio Romano P4Mt5hhLgH8-00023-00021016-00021584 the transfer guru and other many other outlets has been also stating that Manchester united have P4Mt5hhLgH8-00024-00021584-00022192 submitted a second bid reports are okay always suggesting that Man United and Borussia Dortmund P4Mt5hhLgH8-00025-00022192-00022624 are far away from a little bit forward from their valuation last time it was reported P4Mt5hhLgH8-00026-00022624-00023224 about 10 to 11 million away from valuation mention that going for a second bid again P4Mt5hhLgH8-00027-00023280-00023904 hopefully this will be accepted apparently it has not been accepted because there's still a bit away P4Mt5hhLgH8-00028-00023904-00024408 apart away from of their valuations you know and this will be going on for a while and as well guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00029-00024408-00025072 you know my opinion of this situation right now why are we going in for a second bid our first P4Mt5hhLgH8-00030-00025072-00025576 [ __ ] should have been the most serious bit of them all which would they will set we know the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00031-00025576-00026056 valuation of Jadon Sancho Manchester United have been eyeing up Jadon Sancho and almost P4Mt5hhLgH8-00032-00026056-00026704 came into well last season got into negotiation with Dortmund and they knew exactly that dope men P4Mt5hhLgH8-00033-00026704-00027232 are not [ __ ] they do not budge they are strong man they are hard knock they are the Margaret P4Mt5hhLgH8-00034-00027232-00027920 Thatcher of this world the iron lady, the iron lady club and they will never ever budge for a P4Mt5hhLgH8-00035-00027920-00028327 team likes of Manchester United, doesn't matter who we are doesn't matter how big our name is, P4Mt5hhLgH8-00036-00028327-00028888 they said it last year we want x amount you better cough up you know and Manchester United are still P4Mt5hhLgH8-00037-00028888-00029608 not learning still doing the same shenanigans the same [ __ ] reach guys as always yeah the same P4Mt5hhLgH8-00038-00029608-00030120 [ __ ] that they've been doing all the entire time negotiating and adding add-ons trying to P4Mt5hhLgH8-00039-00030120-00030760 find the cheapest deal you can for a top quality player. I don't think you look for a cheapest deal P4Mt5hhLgH8-00040-00030760-00031304 you can when it comes to top designers you don't walk into Gucci and say how much is this Gucci P4Mt5hhLgH8-00041-00031304-00031824 [ __ ] t-shirt or jacket and they tell you 200 pounds and you tell them I'll give you 150 pounds, P4Mt5hhLgH8-00042-00031824-00032352 don't take the piss, piss off get out my shop in fact security get this guy out of my shop P4Mt5hhLgH8-00043-00032352-00032976 who are you to come in here and start negotiating prices it's 200 pound the price tag says 200 pound P4Mt5hhLgH8-00044-00032976-00033648 you have to pay for it right now I believe Dortmund wants 90 million euros plus add-ons P4Mt5hhLgH8-00045-00033760-00034280 give them what they want and stop messing around because we are wasting time on offer transfers P4Mt5hhLgH8-00046-00034280-00034936 that we could be capitalizing guys and guys do you agree that Manchester united are wasting time P4Mt5hhLgH8-00047-00034936-00035384 on trying to sign Jadon Sancho and missing out on other opportunities guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00048-00035472-00036112 it is really yeah I don't even know what to say it was really what frustrating is the word is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00049-00036112-00036752 frustrating guys that Manchester United cannot agree a deal with Jadon Sancho with Borussia P4Mt5hhLgH8-00050-00036752-00037208 Dortmund it's actually knowing that what they want and the fact that they come into the media P4Mt5hhLgH8-00051-00037208-00037720 spinning lines saying that. Mentioning do not want to waste time, they want to get this deal done as P4Mt5hhLgH8-00052-00037720-00038304 quickly as possible but look at it now it's been two weeks, it's been two weeks and we're still P4Mt5hhLgH8-00053-00038304-00039032 waiting for Jadon Sancho's transfer fees to be agreed with Borussia Dortmund. Shambles guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00054-00039104-00039608 shambles shambles shambles with Manchester United signing Jadon Sancho before the euros even finish, P4Mt5hhLgH8-00055-00039704-00040136 I don't know I'll leave that question to you guys you guys let me know in the comments as well P4Mt5hhLgH8-00056-00040136-00040656 whether you feel that Manchester United will leave it to lastminute.com to sign Jadon Sancho, P4Mt5hhLgH8-00057-00040744-00041344 Singing him at the end of the transfer window on deadline day imagine if they was to do that just P4Mt5hhLgH8-00058-00041512-00042144 imagine how pissed off you all would be if Jadon Sancho signs at the end of the transforming on P4Mt5hhLgH8-00059-00042144-00042656 deadline day and that's the only signing all nationality dragging this to the end of the season P4Mt5hhLgH8-00060-00042656-00043152 i mean to the end of the transfer window on their land day just to say at least we signed someone P4Mt5hhLgH8-00061-00043152-00043472 yeah we told you we're going to sign someone we thought you were serious in transfer window P4Mt5hhLgH8-00062-00043536-00044016 just as an excuse but I hope not because we've got other people that we should be chasing P4Mt5hhLgH8-00063-00044016-00044968 we are snacking guys we are slacking but again we've got sue matt mc who comes up and says that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00064-00044968-00045840 Bruno Fernandes goes in against cruz gundagan and goriska he loves to to bully lower level P4Mt5hhLgH8-00065-00045840-00046440 basement teams like burnley west brom and fulham actually have to agree with you in the big games P4Mt5hhLgH8-00066-00046576-00047432 bruno hasn't been popping you know even yesterday against Germany where was he nowhere to be seen P4Mt5hhLgH8-00067-00047432-00048008 nowhere to be found guys this really was where Bruno where is Bruno we don't know where Bruno P4Mt5hhLgH8-00068-00048008-00048808 is you know and unfortunately Bruno the big games hasn't been able to turn up and is it P4Mt5hhLgH8-00069-00048808-00049304 is it him is it him that or is it the team factor I don't I don't know it's an interesting thing he P4Mt5hhLgH8-00070-00049304-00049848 has scored in big games in terms of penalties when he's time to step up take depending he has scored P4Mt5hhLgH8-00071-00049848-00050344 but it's about his overall performance and his overall performance have been like this sometimes P4Mt5hhLgH8-00072-00050464-00051184 yeah it's very beaten no big game as to max says but yesterday again P4Mt5hhLgH8-00073-00051240-00051944 Portugal did losing to Germany 4-2 Bruno didn't showed up too. Ronaldo scored a goal but Bruno P4Mt5hhLgH8-00074-00051944-00052391 wasn't there and we would think that Bruno by now would be kicked would have kicked his P4Mt5hhLgH8-00075-00052391-00053096 um euro campaign up to running by scoring a goal but no at least a penalty you know but it hasn't P4Mt5hhLgH8-00076-00053096-00053632 happened it's just unfortunate but other players mentioned i played I've been involved in the euro P4Mt5hhLgH8-00077-00053632-00054176 so far so many more doing all rights some of them haven't really got it started you know especially P4Mt5hhLgH8-00078-00054176-00054784 for the England team match united players haven't really got it started drink break guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00079-00055000-00055872 but again guys back to Jadon Manchester cannot waste time we don't want it for it to drag out P4Mt5hhLgH8-00080-00055872-00056624 for that long he has to sign with by next week you know agree a fee transfer fee has to be agreed by P4Mt5hhLgH8-00081-00056624-00057216 next week because otherwise we're all wasting our time next news we will be looking at is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00082-00057216-00057696 the defender that we all would like to see our mention night which is Raphael P4Mt5hhLgH8-00083-00057840-00058440 the French defender who is at Real Madrid again we've spoken to about him last week in the week P4Mt5hhLgH8-00084-00058440-00058960 before and I won't stop until Manchester United have signed this guy you know because P4Mt5hhLgH8-00085-00058960-00059624 he's a world-class defender it's been reported that um with Raphael Varaine Real Madrid wants P4Mt5hhLgH8-00086-00059624-00060224 about 80 million as you know guys Raphael Varaine is on his final year of his contract P4Mt5hhLgH8-00087-00060360-00060800 which means that the valuation of 80 million is a bit far too much but hey P4Mt5hhLgH8-00088-00060800-00061216 Eden hazard signed for Real Madrid on his final year for almost a hundred million right so P4Mt5hhLgH8-00089-00061288-00061920 dam you'd have the right to demand a high amount of fee for your best defender you know four times P4Mt5hhLgH8-00090-00061920-00062832 champions league winner one time world cup winner guys that there cannot be you know understated P4Mt5hhLgH8-00091-00062832-00063400 you know you can't let that just go by you know a player like that with that many and P4Mt5hhLgH8-00092-00063464-00064216 what you call it accolades medals and etc. You will command 80 million it is normal but with P4Mt5hhLgH8-00093-00064216-00064928 various report to saying Real Madrid of valued for 80 million Manchester uh reportedly as well has P4Mt5hhLgH8-00094-00065008-00065672 made a bid for Rapheal during this week as many sources indicated obviously guys none of that has P4Mt5hhLgH8-00095-00065672-00066136 been has been true because you will know by now will be to like that mention that it did make that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00096-00066136-00066536 bit but of course the other outlets and sources are saying that I mentioned that that may have P4Mt5hhLgH8-00097-00066536-00067176 been for rap forever and reportedly around 40 50 million which i believe my evaluation of Raphael P4Mt5hhLgH8-00098-00067176-00067856 for ran it's 50 million but not 80 million if mentioned that it was to break the bank it would P4Mt5hhLgH8-00099-00067856-00068528 be after they signed Sancho maybe have signed a cheaper alternative to center defensive midfielder P4Mt5hhLgH8-00100-00068640-00069080 and then of that if they have money and it has sold some players because I'm still waiting for P4Mt5hhLgH8-00101-00069080-00069576 Jessie Lingard to be sold I'm still waiting for white matters to be released I'm still waiting for P4Mt5hhLgH8-00102-00069576-00070176 people like Phil bloody Jones are still here to be sold guys we see here and still Phil jones is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00103-00070176-00070824 still here still here but it is what it is but i would want Manchester united to try and break P4Mt5hhLgH8-00104-00070824-00071360 the back for rent after doing crucial signings the most important find signing the right winger P4Mt5hhLgH8-00105-00071360-00071824 sorted out center defensive midfielder so that i don't know why i imagine i want to sign a right P4Mt5hhLgH8-00106-00071824-00072448 back when you can just bring that law back from his loan and compete with and one second i don't P4Mt5hhLgH8-00107-00072448-00072944 know guys you guys you let me know exactly what you think because Manchester united right now P4Mt5hhLgH8-00108-00072944-00073640 they are time wasters um from from my experience with with women speaking to women mention aid are P4Mt5hhLgH8-00109-00073640-00074328 fuckboys you know [ __ ] boys if you don't know what that means guys you learn you will learn also P4Mt5hhLgH8-00110-00074328-00074864 woman also a woman that's been spent batman you know saying what does a fuckboy mean and she will P4Mt5hhLgH8-00111-00074864-00075456 tell you exactly what a [ __ ] way means you know guy that just keeps messing things up guys it it P4Mt5hhLgH8-00112-00075520-00076080 literally is but Varaine I'm hoping that you will come and I'm hoping. You mentioned that we are P4Mt5hhLgH8-00113-00076080-00076760 serious about fixing up and strengthening the defense because boy oh boy we need a world-class P4Mt5hhLgH8-00114-00076760-00077376 solid center-back that can make harry Mcguire the 80 million defender that years and i know P4Mt5hhLgH8-00115-00077376-00077848 why Real Madrid are valuing for right now eighty million because they're looking at mentioning like P4Mt5hhLgH8-00116-00077848-00078432 if they bought that slab head that's slow that needs other fast defenders or other defenders P4Mt5hhLgH8-00117-00078432-00078928 making look good for 80 mil we cannot smash now for a minute our player got one year left P4Mt5hhLgH8-00118-00078928-00079504 they're dumb enough to to go for eighty million in fact if I tell Ed Woodward that for rand shits out P4Mt5hhLgH8-00119-00079504-00079880 gold he'll probably believe it because he doesn't know [ __ ] about football he's gonna be like oh P4Mt5hhLgH8-00120-00079880-00080616 oh he shits out gold that is fantastic yo glazers we got a defend that [ __ ] out load we can make P4Mt5hhLgH8-00121-00080616-00081160 more money we really can make more money with this guy 80 million is nothing let's spend. P4Mt5hhLgH8-00122-00081232-00081784 A bunch of idiots at Woodward how do we have a banker that knows nothing about P4Mt5hhLgH8-00123-00081784-00082360 football but it's in charge of running a football club a banker hey banker you know P4Mt5hhLgH8-00124-00082656-00083024 anyway guys let me just take another break P4Mt5hhLgH8-00125-00083552-00084184 guys it's not easy because at the same time P4Mt5hhLgH8-00126-00084560-00085248 i haven't been feeling well stuffy nose and etc and it is hay fever times as well it's not easy P4Mt5hhLgH8-00127-00085248-00085808 doing this stream with the stuff he knows hey fever and dry mouth full of time but it is where P4Mt5hhLgH8-00128-00085808-00086496 the show must go on guys the show always goes on we're moving up to another news kieran trippier P4Mt5hhLgH8-00129-00086664-00087408 Atletico Madrid again very range came in trippy at 40 million euros and they're not budging at all P4Mt5hhLgH8-00130-00087408-00087872 because they they do value Trippier and it's reported that kieran trippier is keen on returning P4Mt5hhLgH8-00131-00087872-00088360 back to the premier league after spending two years in sunny Spain sunny Madrid as well i don't P4Mt5hhLgH8-00132-00088360-00088800 know why you want to come back to this weather i actually don't know why i'll rather be in Spain P4Mt5hhLgH8-00133-00088800-00089152 playing for Atletico you just won the league and you would like to come back to the premier P4Mt5hhLgH8-00134-00089152-00089688 league to play for Manchester united to me it's a step down if kieran trippierr wants to leave P4Mt5hhLgH8-00135-00089688-00090264 Atletico Madrid the current la liga champions you know playing champions league football week from P4Mt5hhLgH8-00136-00090264-00090888 season in season out you know to come to match united where you probably might play second fiddle P4Mt5hhLgH8-00137-00090888-00091392 because only got a social doesn't know who is the better player out certain players you know he P4Mt5hhLgH8-00138-00091392-00091864 struggles to see that with the eye test sometimes i feel like he's partially blind sometimes i feel P4Mt5hhLgH8-00139-00091864-00092400 like he's got just one eye because for since for four whole season he didn't realize that violent P4Mt5hhLgH8-00140-00092400-00093096 break is then mctominay or fred you know but yeah he chooses to play them he he doesn't realize P4Mt5hhLgH8-00141-00093096-00093824 that Lindalof a pom-pom and he's weak and he's not strong enough and mcguire is too slow and he needs P4Mt5hhLgH8-00142-00093824-00094240 someone that to support him he doesn't realize these type of things you know this is what it is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00143-00094240-00094728 with our manager so each camera trip it was just come to mention that which i think will not happen P4Mt5hhLgH8-00144-00094728-00095384 guys you guys let me know what you think about the kirin strip your situation yeah i i i think he'll P4Mt5hhLgH8-00145-00095384-00095752 be playing sacrifice i remember beside but even though kieran trippier is better going forward P4Mt5hhLgH8-00146-00095808-00096400 and he's got um the ability to cross the ball better than Aaron Bissaka and also take set pieces P4Mt5hhLgH8-00147-00096400-00096888 and crucial in that kind of um department still he'll play second fiddle i like i don't remember P4Mt5hhLgH8-00148-00096888-00097424 soccer guys because of course um the first thing i want my right back on my left hand do is be strong P4Mt5hhLgH8-00149-00097424-00097936 in defense and then after that going forward is the second option you know the assist and all that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00150-00097936-00098512 kind of stuff being able to cross it's a bonus as always is a bonus it's like i always say this P4Mt5hhLgH8-00151-00098656-00099336 if you happen to be with a woman that has a pretty face everything else like P4Mt5hhLgH8-00152-00099440-00100016 like you know the derriere in the middle section if it's a good size it's a bonus at the end of P4Mt5hhLgH8-00153-00100016-00100528 the day it's a bonus for you if you're someone that loves a pretty woman yeah if you're someone P4Mt5hhLgH8-00154-00100528-00101136 that that likes um the breast and you're a fan of the breasts and you happen to be a woman P4Mt5hhLgH8-00155-00101136-00101832 that has big boobs and and you sat down with her and she happens to have a pretty face and a P4Mt5hhLgH8-00156-00101832-00102296 lovely bomb then it's a bonus for you too because that wasn't your main concern your main concern P4Mt5hhLgH8-00157-00102296-00102920 was does she have the melons and you said yep she has the melons that's what i like same thing for a P4Mt5hhLgH8-00158-00102920-00103448 guy i mean for a woman if a woman has if you if you're a guy and you lack women with a big dead P4Mt5hhLgH8-00159-00103528-00104064 and she happens to have a pretty face or to add to that it's a bonus same for you women as well P4Mt5hhLgH8-00160-00104064-00104688 that who are watching if you happen to like a guy that has um you know you love handsome men P4Mt5hhLgH8-00161-00104688-00105272 that self groom themselves particularly well and and you have one that matches that that's what P4Mt5hhLgH8-00162-00105272-00105800 you want first and foremost your foundation but they happen to have a a gigantic serpent P4Mt5hhLgH8-00163-00105880-00106368 that's a bonus for you because i didn't say that that's not what you wanted but it's a bonus if you P4Mt5hhLgH8-00164-00106368-00106976 happen to have a nice strong physique with abs and chest it's a bonus for you if you're a woman that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00165-00106976-00107559 likes guys with abs and chest yeah and that's what he said for your foundation but the guy P4Mt5hhLgH8-00166-00107559-00108168 is handsome it's a bonus for you so you get what I'm saying guys in in that kind of investment that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00167-00108168-00108783 analogy must be as mad as hell and you're probably thinking Ivorian Spice what are you talking about P4Mt5hhLgH8-00168-00108783-00109432 but that is so funny and that's some matter but i get you fam i get you you get me you just you P4Mt5hhLgH8-00169-00109432-00109864 know what I'm saying guys what's exactly what i mean by iran because the more first and foremost P4Mt5hhLgH8-00170-00109864-00110648 thing is can he defend yes everything else is a bonus and that's it on kieran trippier on top of P4Mt5hhLgH8-00171-00110648-00111135 that mention united are looking at an alternative if they're unable to sign kieran trippier which P4Mt5hhLgH8-00172-00111135-00111744 would be of course the norwich and right back max aaron who we have been um linked with for P4Mt5hhLgH8-00173-00111744-00112248 what the past two seasons yeah we have been interviewing for the past two seasons P4Mt5hhLgH8-00174-00112248-00112959 we i remember when when um our manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer first took over he was linked to our P4Mt5hhLgH8-00175-00113024-00113759 max aaron to come in but we did get Wan Bissaka so it is what it is i'm happy with that i'll be happy P4Mt5hhLgH8-00176-00113759-00114320 with magnum i think he's a good prospect i don't know what you guys think but he is a good prospect P4Mt5hhLgH8-00177-00114856-00115111 sorry guys just do do do apologize um P4Mt5hhLgH8-00178-00115232-00115904 i think someone tried to call me right there and disturb the whole sex recording but moving on P4Mt5hhLgH8-00179-00116152-00117152 we have mentioned that aid that will look to sell paul pogba if if he doesn't sign a new contract P4Mt5hhLgH8-00180-00117416-00118000 if he doesn't sign a new contract they will look to sell him this summer which i believe is P4Mt5hhLgH8-00181-00118000-00118480 fake news because you can't get rid of poop about they'll imagine i would prefer to keep paul pogba P4Mt5hhLgH8-00182-00118552-00119208 with um one year left on his contract and try and negotiate a new contract that for next during the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00183-00119208-00119759 whole season of next season and i know they'll try out the best they can to tie down because P4Mt5hhLgH8-00184-00119759-00120624 you cannot lose someone like paul pogba he's he is guys if my vision has gone blurry i do a project P4Mt5hhLgH8-00185-00120624-00121272 like i said before and right now my connection is currently bad but no i used normally use the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00186-00121272-00121944 5g hub at moment 5g around this area for some reason it's down in the 4g quiet down as well P4Mt5hhLgH8-00187-00121944-00122592 so i do apologize for the connection if i've gone blurry guys but yes with pogba as i was saying if P4Mt5hhLgH8-00188-00122592-00123456 pogba eventually was willing to wait until the end of next season just hopefully tie down put papa P4Mt5hhLgH8-00189-00123456-00124072 and it better be like i said before match that would not sell pooper budget someone P4Mt5hhLgH8-00190-00124072-00124783 they're probably looking to just tie him down they probably really are looking to tie him down P4Mt5hhLgH8-00191-00125192-00126008 anyway guys at the moment i said before my internet is unstable at we speak but hopefully P4Mt5hhLgH8-00192-00126008-00126816 everything can come will be better as we speak later on hopefully it will clear up as well guys i P4Mt5hhLgH8-00193-00126816-00127728 do apologize for that as well if if um you cannot see me right now but yes we moved on to what else P4Mt5hhLgH8-00194-00128111-00128752 martial of course being offered to real madrid on loan i'm very sure that you guys have seen that P4Mt5hhLgH8-00195-00128752-00129304 you have seen that uh manchester united i've been linked to real madrid and P4Mt5hhLgH8-00196-00129472-00129808 i mean i mean sorry Martial has been linked with real madrid and P4Mt5hhLgH8-00197-00129808-00130528 probably looking to leave and i know that Martial himself has been unhappy so far P4Mt5hhLgH8-00198-00130528-00131320 especially with lost seasons and not being able to do well having heavy impact on on the season P4Mt5hhLgH8-00199-00131592-00132168 and he's been injured as well unfortunately it hasn't been the best season for P4Mt5hhLgH8-00200-00132240-00132936 martial you guys know that and he's had the lowest return in terms of P4Mt5hhLgH8-00201-00132936-00133440 goals for last season and some of you guys are still upset about that but you have to P4Mt5hhLgH8-00202-00133440-00133888 remember the season before where he scored 17 goals in a premier league without a penalty P4Mt5hhLgH8-00203-00133976-00134520 about 24 5 goals and we remember that martial we was happy with that with that that's the striker P4Mt5hhLgH8-00204-00134520-00134976 that we want but now we're treating that trash it's unacceptable and it's disgusting P4Mt5hhLgH8-00205-00134976-00135432 i if Martial wants to leave it's because of us the way we've treated because you guys rather see P4Mt5hhLgH8-00206-00135520-00136256 martial be sold before daniel james which don't make no sense you have to see a hdtv stay and let P4Mt5hhLgH8-00207-00136256-00136928 ultra hdtv go just so you can get that 4k central tv you're supposed to keep the 4k in the ultra hd P4Mt5hhLgH8-00208-00136928-00137328 but you guys don't know nothing about that you know you don't know about evolution evolving P4Mt5hhLgH8-00209-00137328-00137848 you know you know that's the most important thing i always say this again guys we want P4Mt5hhLgH8-00210-00137848-00138584 to evolve evolve is very important you know and to us to evolve we have to keep our best players P4Mt5hhLgH8-00211-00138696-00139160 and also in previous time 11 and whoever was not starting heaven goes into on the sub and P4Mt5hhLgH8-00212-00139160-00139672 whatever what's on the sub gets sold that's exactly how you're supposed to do things guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00213-00139776-00140328 learn enough about Martial we've got Donny Van De Beek as well who's also rumored to leave after one P4Mt5hhLgH8-00214-00140328-00140968 season we apparently saw we have barcelona who are interested in taking vanity online barcelona P4Mt5hhLgH8-00215-00140968-00141552 as well are broke as right now no money just don't mind the free transfer alone right now P4Mt5hhLgH8-00216-00141624-00142264 but for that for father bake to be looking to leave off the wall one season P4Mt5hhLgH8-00217-00142352-00142768 which i don't believe so i i know van der beek probably spoke to ollie and knows exactly what he P4Mt5hhLgH8-00218-00142768-00143320 needs to do for next season to get back into the first team 11 he knows exactly what to do so for P4Mt5hhLgH8-00219-00143320-00143928 him to be for just rumors and sources to say that and a big looking to leave on loan i just don't P4Mt5hhLgH8-00220-00143928-00144480 know if that will happen guys you let me know what you thinks i honestly don't know what would happen P4Mt5hhLgH8-00221-00144480-00144952 guys as you are 24 minutes in make sure you smash that like button make sure you share make sure P4Mt5hhLgH8-00222-00144952-00145680 you subscribe hit that hit that as well and we on a roll to 2.1 k guys i believe about what 20 P4Mt5hhLgH8-00223-00145680-00146144 subscribers away so make sure if you're new make sure you smash that like button these buttons also P4Mt5hhLgH8-00224-00146144-00146712 make sure you share support guys but with Donny Van De Beek with that news i i honestly feel like P4Mt5hhLgH8-00225-00146776-00147336 it won't happen donny will stay Donny will stay guys another news coming towards the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00226-00147336-00147952 end of the show joe glazer has been told that manchester united or are laughing stock P4Mt5hhLgH8-00227-00148080-00148904 in a fan forum and again again again guys we just found foreign thing i want to see some actions so P4Mt5hhLgH8-00228-00148904-00149264 far i'm not seeing what brought the scene with the whole jailers angel thing and you've got drawer P4Mt5hhLgH8-00229-00149264-00149768 glazer that's telling people telling the fans that they will invest doing what ensured i mentioned P4Mt5hhLgH8-00230-00149768-00150456 that i don't know a lot of this stuff would this happen i don't know guys i really don't know and P4Mt5hhLgH8-00231-00150456-00151120 with that guys with my final opinion of everything i'm hoping that mention i will sign dates and i P4Mt5hhLgH8-00232-00151120-00151880 know you guys want that and it should and it needs to happen you know as far as i'm concerned mention P4Mt5hhLgH8-00233-00151880-00152432 that it should also be looking at love but he was being shining brilliantly guys he's been shining P4Mt5hhLgH8-00234-00152432-00152992 in the euros man doing so well scoring two goals and i know that we need a defensive midfielder P4Mt5hhLgH8-00235-00152992-00153528 and fight for a million is what would be ideal if we want to sign something like that and rise P4Mt5hhLgH8-00236-00153528-00153992 and spend eight million we're wasting our time we should be going for a cheap alternative guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00237-00153992-00154496 you gotta let me know what you think about that and with england as well as you know england has P4Mt5hhLgH8-00238-00154496-00155296 won their first game and also have joined their second game guys so it is what it is and pick up P4Mt5hhLgH8-00239-00155296-00155848 england for for doing so well four points one more game and we will be seeing england in the knockout P4Mt5hhLgH8-00240-00155848-00156448 stages guys we have come to the end of the show this has been your manchester united weekly P4Mt5hhLgH8-00241-00156448-00156992 bulletin guys and as always remember to subscribe smash that like button remember to share remember P4Mt5hhLgH8-00242-00156992-00157528 to follow the official Instagram account of Red United TV which is @reunitedtv1 baby and the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00243-00157528-00158056 official tik tok account already red united which is @redunitedtv and also remember to follow the P4Mt5hhLgH8-00244-00158056-00158880 official Instagram account of red united i mean of mine which is @ivorian_spice my personal Instagram P4Mt5hhLgH8-00245-00158880-00159536 account sorry about that kind of got lost there guys and also remember subscribe smash that like P4Mt5hhLgH8-00246-00159536-00160072 button as this has been your weekly bulletin we shall see you tomorrow for the catch up guys P4Mt5hhLgH8-00247-00160184-00160904 and again as always peace love remember to keep it united and remember to keep it ready night we P5f4aDSRcXu-00000-00000003-00000540 in this PowerPoint we're going to explore the relationships between Gibbs free energy P5f4aDSRcXu-00001-00000540-00001407 equilibrium and electrochemical cell potential in the previous PowerPoint P5f4aDSRcXu-00002-00001407-00001869 we learned that spontaneous redox reactions can be characterized as having a positive P5f4aDSRcXu-00003-00001869-00002445 electrochemical cell potential between the reduction and oxidation half reactions in P5f4aDSRcXu-00004-00002445-00003336 other words E sub cell is greater than zero from the last unit you should also remember P5f4aDSRcXu-00005-00003336-00003996 that spontaneous processes result in a reduction in chemical potential energy or a negative value P5f4aDSRcXu-00006-00003996-00005085 for the Gibbs free energy change Delta G from our study of equilibrium we also know that reversible P5f4aDSRcXu-00007-00005085-00005586 processes in which the forward reaction is favored which happens when the forward P5f4aDSRcXu-00008-00005586-00006282 reaction is spontaneous these processes will have an equilibrium constant K that is greater than 1 P5f4aDSRcXu-00009-00006282-00006951 this is because the reaction proceeds until there are more products at equilibrium than reactants P5f4aDSRcXu-00010-00006951-00007931 we also know the reverse relationships non spontaneous redox reactions will have a P5f4aDSRcXu-00011-00007931-00008667 negative electrochemical cell potential the change in Gibbs free energy will be positive as potential P5f4aDSRcXu-00012-00008667-00009489 energy increases and for reversible reactions in which the forward reaction is non spontaneous will P5f4aDSRcXu-00013-00009489-00010182 have a K value that's less than 1 as there will be mostly reactants at equilibrium K values less than P5f4aDSRcXu-00014-00010182-00010968 1 also imply that the reverse process is favored now since all of these are ultimately indicators P5f4aDSRcXu-00015-00010968-00011805 of spontaneous or non-spontaneous reactions we should be able to connect them together and we can P5f4aDSRcXu-00016-00012063-00012621 so let's start with the relationship between electrochemical cell potential and Gibbs free P5f4aDSRcXu-00017-00012621-00013329 energy and remember that the e sub cell is the standard cell potential of a redox reaction P5f4aDSRcXu-00018-00013329-00013929 measured in units of volts and this standard unit for electrochemical potential the vault P5f4aDSRcXu-00019-00013929-00014763 is actually a measure of potential energy in terms of joules per unit charge or coulombs P5f4aDSRcXu-00020-00014763-00015638 so joules per Coulomb the standard Gibbs free energy change for any reaction is actually a P5f4aDSRcXu-00021-00015638-00016530 measure of potential energy usually in joules or kilojoules per mole of reactant so we have two P5f4aDSRcXu-00022-00016530-00017037 related units and we simply need to convert from joules per Coulomb to joules per mole P5f4aDSRcXu-00023-00017037-00017949 now to do that we need to know how much charge is actually being transferred in P5f4aDSRcXu-00024-00017949-00018591 a redox reaction per mole of reactants and the charge transferred is actually determined by P5f4aDSRcXu-00025-00018591-00019056 the number of electrons that are transferred from the oxidation half-reaction to the reduction one P5f4aDSRcXu-00026-00019056-00019689 so we can figure this out when we break apart our redox reaction into its separate half reactions or P5f4aDSRcXu-00027-00019689-00020436 half cells and look at the balanced number of electrons between those two half reactions so P5f4aDSRcXu-00028-00020436-00020919 we actually need to assign a charge in units of coulombs to the number of electrons being P5f4aDSRcXu-00029-00020919-00021399 transferred and the easiest way to do this is to use Faraday's constant which simply gives us P5f4aDSRcXu-00030-00021399-00021849 the total charge for one mole of electrons it's a ninety six thousand four hundred and eighty P5f4aDSRcXu-00031-00021849-00022896 five coulombs for every mole of electrons so to convert from a sub cell to Delta G we can P5f4aDSRcXu-00032-00022896-00023751 take our standard electrochemical cell potential measured in units of joules per Coulomb multiplied P5f4aDSRcXu-00033-00023751-00024525 this by Faraday's constant which is the number of coulombs per mole of electrons and then multiplied P5f4aDSRcXu-00034-00024525-00025254 by the number of electrons the moles of electrons transferred in the redox reaction our units will P5f4aDSRcXu-00035-00025254-00025929 cancel out ultimately to give us joules per mole what we need for our Gibbs free energy P5f4aDSRcXu-00036-00025929-00026658 change you'll notice that in this formula we also have a negative incorporated into it this P5f4aDSRcXu-00037-00026658-00027336 is because we know that spontaneous reactions have a positive isom cell but a negative Delta P5f4aDSRcXu-00038-00027336-00028092 G value so we will need to flip the sign between a sub cell and Delta G you'll also notice the P5f4aDSRcXu-00039-00028092-00028647 degree sign superscript as long as our standard electrochemical cell potential was measured under P5f4aDSRcXu-00040-00028647-00029238 standard conditions the Delta G value that we calculate in this way will also be considered P5f4aDSRcXu-00041-00029238-00029988 the standard Delta G for the reaction in the last unit we also defined the relationship between the P5f4aDSRcXu-00042-00029988-00030750 standard Gibbs free energy change for any process and its equilibrium constant K so we said that P5f4aDSRcXu-00043-00030750-00031383 the standard Gibbs free energy change is equal to the negative of R which is the gas constant P5f4aDSRcXu-00044-00031383-00032045 unit of joules per mole Kelvin times temperature in units of Kelvin times the natural log of K P5f4aDSRcXu-00045-00032045-00032823 which is your equilibrium constant if we set this equation equal to the one we just defined relating P5f4aDSRcXu-00046-00032823-00033510 Gibbs free energy changes to electrochemical cell potential we can then figure out the relationship P5f4aDSRcXu-00047-00033510-00034038 between the equilibrium constant K and the standard electrochemical cell potential ease P5f4aDSRcXu-00048-00034038-00034800 of cell for any particular redox reaction so what we get is the negative of the number of electrons P5f4aDSRcXu-00049-00034800-00035487 and times Faraday's constant times the standard electrochemical cell potential e sub cell is P5f4aDSRcXu-00050-00035487-00036108 equal to the negative of the gas constant R times the temperature of the reaction in Kelvin times P5f4aDSRcXu-00051-00036108-00036855 the natural log of the equilibrium constant K for that rack reaction we can actually rearrange this P5f4aDSRcXu-00052-00036855-00037446 equation to solve for one side or the other and a common way of doing that is to rearrange to solve P5f4aDSRcXu-00053-00037446-00038145 for the standard electrochemical cell potential e sub cell and that's going to be equal to the P5f4aDSRcXu-00054-00038145-00039336 positive value of R times T divided by n divided by F times the natural log of okay so this is a P5f4aDSRcXu-00055-00039336-00039864 classic way of representing these relationships as a triangle and we now have equations which will P5f4aDSRcXu-00056-00039864-00040638 allow us to solve for any of these primary values Gibbs free energy change equilibrium constant or P5f4aDSRcXu-00057-00040638-00041397 your standard electrochemical cell potential so we can figure out any of these values if P5f4aDSRcXu-00058-00041397-00042309 we have at least one of them so with this in mind we can answer questions about Gibbs free P5f4aDSRcXu-00059-00042309-00043059 energy changes and equilibrium constant for any redox reaction so for example let's figure out P5f4aDSRcXu-00060-00043059-00043647 the standard Gibbs free energy change in the equilibrium constant for this reaction between P5f4aDSRcXu-00061-00043647-00044601 solid zinc and copper ion in solution our first step to do this is to figure out the standard P5f4aDSRcXu-00062-00044601-00045231 electrochemical cell potential using reference electrode potentials for the reduction in P5f4aDSRcXu-00063-00045231-00046080 oxidation half reactions so in order to do this we have to actually figure out our reduction in P5f4aDSRcXu-00064-00046080-00046836 oxidation half reactions for our net process and then find them on a table of standard electric P5f4aDSRcXu-00065-00046836-00047448 potentials we can then subtract what we find for the cathode minus the anode or for the reduction P5f4aDSRcXu-00066-00047448-00047931 half-reaction minus the oxidation reaction to get our standard electrochemical cell potential P5f4aDSRcXu-00067-00047931-00048651 to break this particular reaction up into its separate half reactions remember we have to P5f4aDSRcXu-00068-00048651-00049044 identify what's being oxidized and what's being reduced we'll start with our zinc it P5f4aDSRcXu-00069-00049044-00050010 starts as neutral metal solid metal zinc so an oxidation state of zero and it goes to the ion P5f4aDSRcXu-00070-00050010-00050790 with a charge of plus two on the product side so the charge the oxidation state increases and P5f4aDSRcXu-00071-00050790-00051597 that's oxidation that will only call occur with the loss of electrons copper on the other hand P5f4aDSRcXu-00072-00051597-00052437 starts as the ion and ends as neutral copper metal so we go from plus to zero this occurs P5f4aDSRcXu-00073-00052437-00053208 with the gain of electrons this is a reduction we separate these into our two half-reactions we'll P5f4aDSRcXu-00074-00053208-00053717 start with the reduction half-reaction copper two-plus gains electrons so the electrons are P5f4aDSRcXu-00075-00053717-00054765 written as reactants to form the copper metal our oxidation half-reaction is zinc solid zinc as a P5f4aDSRcXu-00076-00054765-00055503 neutral forming zinc ion and the loss of electrons being shown with the electrons in the product side P5f4aDSRcXu-00077-00055503-00056295 now we're going to look for these two half-reactions on a table of standard P5f4aDSRcXu-00078-00056295-00056829 reference electrode potentials or standard reduction potentials the reduction half-reaction P5f4aDSRcXu-00079-00056829-00057345 will be the easiest to find because it's going to be written in the exact same form as we wrote for P5f4aDSRcXu-00080-00057345-00058044 our half reaction for the reduction so copper two-plus with our two electrons form in copper P5f4aDSRcXu-00081-00058044-00058845 metal and it has an electrode potential of positive 0.34 volts remember that the P5f4aDSRcXu-00082-00058845-00059244 oxidation half reaction is going to be flipped on our table because it's always written in the P5f4aDSRcXu-00083-00059244-00059973 reduction form so the products the zinc ion and the electrons will actually be our reactants on P5f4aDSRcXu-00084-00059973-00060663 the table and that's what we'll look for down here and we'll find that at the bottom the zinc P5f4aDSRcXu-00085-00060663-00061521 ion plus two electrons forms the zinc metal and it has an electrode potential of negative 0.76 P5f4aDSRcXu-00086-00061521-00062129 now we're going to calculate the electrochemical cell potential as the difference between these P5f4aDSRcXu-00087-00062129-00062847 two and it's always of course the reduction half-reaction potential minus the oxidation so P5f4aDSRcXu-00088-00062847-00063834 0.34 positive minus the negative of 0.76 so minus a negative makes a positive so we end up with 0.3 P5f4aDSRcXu-00089-00063834-00064602 4 plus 0.76 which gives us a total standard electrochemical cell potential of 1.10 volts P5f4aDSRcXu-00090-00064972-00065602 and with the value for the standards electrochemical cell potential e sub P5f4aDSRcXu-00091-00065602-00066250 cell we can now calculate the standard change in Gibbs free energy using our equation that P5f4aDSRcXu-00092-00066250-00066799 relates those two so we need to know the number of electrons transferred and we can P5f4aDSRcXu-00093-00066799-00067456 look at our half reactions to figure that out and the balanced half reactions we've got two P5f4aDSRcXu-00094-00067456-00067984 electrons gained in reduction in two electrons lost in oxidation so our n value is going to P5f4aDSRcXu-00095-00067984-00068650 be equal to two two electrons F of course is Faraday's constant of 96 thousand four hundred P5f4aDSRcXu-00096-00068650-00069334 eighty five coulombs per mole of electron and the e sub cell is what we calculated in the last P5f4aDSRcXu-00097-00069334-00070327 slide 1.10 volts or one point one zero joules per Coulomb we multiply all of these together P5f4aDSRcXu-00098-00070327-00071005 and apply the negative to flip the charge notice that our units the coulombs will actually cancel P5f4aDSRcXu-00099-00071005-00071668 out we're going to be left with units of joules per mole so negative two times 96 thousand four P5f4aDSRcXu-00100-00071668-00072364 hundred eighty five times 1.10 volts gives us a value for the standard Gibbs free energy change P5f4aDSRcXu-00101-00072364-00072808 of negative two hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and sixty-seven joules per mole P5f4aDSRcXu-00102-00072808-00073258 this is a large number so we can convert this into kilojoules by moving the decimal P5f4aDSRcXu-00103-00073258-00073945 over three places and it gives us negative 212 kilojoules per mole three significant figures P5f4aDSRcXu-00104-00073945-00074491 reflecting the three significant figures in our standard electrochemical cell potential P5f4aDSRcXu-00105-00074905-00075664 now we can calculate our equilibrium constant K for this reaction using either of these two P5f4aDSRcXu-00106-00075664-00076135 formulas so this is the one we learned in the thermodynamics unit that relates standard Gibbs P5f4aDSRcXu-00107-00076135-00076756 free energy change to our equilibrium constant K and this is the formula that we just derived P5f4aDSRcXu-00108-00076756-00077569 for the standard electrochemical cell potential relative to our equilibrium constant K we're P5f4aDSRcXu-00109-00077569-00078070 gonna use the second one since we're dealing with electrochemical cell potential and we've P5f4aDSRcXu-00110-00078070-00078838 just calculated it and in order to isolate K by itself that's what we want to solve for we have P5f4aDSRcXu-00111-00078838-00079246 to move everything over to the other side and get rid of our natural log so we'll move our P5f4aDSRcXu-00112-00079246-00079852 ratio over the other side by multiplying by the inverse it'll cancel out on the right-hand side P5f4aDSRcXu-00113-00079852-00080773 and on the Left we'll end up with the number of electrons n times Faraday's constant F divided P5f4aDSRcXu-00114-00080773-00081316 by the ideal gas constant R and the temperature in units of Kelvin and that will be multiplied by P5f4aDSRcXu-00115-00081316-00082021 our standard electrochemical cell potential we'll get rid of our natural log by raising everything P5f4aDSRcXu-00116-00082021-00082687 to the base e so we do it on this side and it cancels out the natural log leaving us with K P5f4aDSRcXu-00117-00082687-00083257 the capital K for equilibrium constant by itself we have to do it on this side as well and what it P5f4aDSRcXu-00118-00083257-00084340 gives us is actually a an exponent raised to the base e Euler's constant where the exponent which P5f4aDSRcXu-00119-00084340-00084955 is represented in parentheses here is actually a ratio of all of our different terms and we can P5f4aDSRcXu-00120-00084955-00085552 substitute now what we know for all of these terms into the equation so we know that n is P5f4aDSRcXu-00121-00085552-00086152 going to be the number of electrons in this case it's two electrons based upon our balanced redox P5f4aDSRcXu-00122-00086152-00086686 reaction we know Faraday's constant 96 thousand four hundred and eighty-five coulombs per mole P5f4aDSRcXu-00123-00086686-00087358 of electrons we know the standard electrochemical cell potential because we calculated it as 1.10 P5f4aDSRcXu-00124-00087358-00088036 volts or joules per Coulomb our R value is going to be in units of joules to cancel out P5f4aDSRcXu-00125-00088036-00088606 the joules and our ah chemical potential so that's 8.314 joules per mole Kelvin and our P5f4aDSRcXu-00126-00088606-00089572 temperature is given to us in the problem is 25 degrees Celsius which is 298.15 kelvin so P5f4aDSRcXu-00127-00089572-00090187 here we have the rearranged equation with all the appropriate variable values substituted in P5f4aDSRcXu-00128-00090187-00090997 this is a really unwieldy exponent you can tell and it's going to be easier to reduce P5f4aDSRcXu-00129-00090997-00091837 this exponent to one value and then do the e to the X function on your calculator so we can P5f4aDSRcXu-00130-00091837-00092671 enter in this ratio simply what's in parentheses here into your calculator and it will reduce to P5f4aDSRcXu-00131-00092671-00093523 eighty five point six three two three zero seven seven four so I'm carrying a lot more decimals P5f4aDSRcXu-00132-00093523-00094213 than I need but I'll wait till the final answer to round now notice what happened to the units P5f4aDSRcXu-00133-00094213-00095032 in this process our coulombs cancelled out our joules are going to cancel out the moles will P5f4aDSRcXu-00134-00095032-00095809 cancel out and our Kelvin also cancels out so we're actually left with a unitless exponent P5f4aDSRcXu-00135-00095809-00097108 value we do e to the X and raise this value to the X exponent in our calculator and we get a P5f4aDSRcXu-00136-00097108-00097855 K equilibrium constant value that's really large one point five five times ten to the thirty-seven P5f4aDSRcXu-00137-00097855-00098305 and I've rounded to three significant figures here to reflect the three significant figures P5f4aDSRcXu-00138-00098305-00098947 in the standard electrochemical cell potential that's our starting point for this so this P5f4aDSRcXu-00139-00098947-00099691 makes sense though we have a very spontaneous process indicated by a relatively large value P5f4aDSRcXu-00140-00099691-00100483 for our electrochemical cell potential 1.10 volts positive value a relatively large Gibbs P5f4aDSRcXu-00141-00100483-00101044 free energy change of negative 212 kilojoules per mole this means that the forward reaction P5f4aDSRcXu-00142-00101120-00101849 is very spontaneous and we will end up with a lot more products at equilibrium than reactants and P5f4aDSRcXu-00143-00101849-00103007 that is reflected in our very large equilibrium constant value okay so we have one last equation P5f4aDSRcXu-00144-00103007-00103490 we can derive from our Gibbs free energy relationships and that's the Nernst equation P5f4aDSRcXu-00145-00103490-00104030 this is an important relationship which allows us to relate our cell potentials measured in P5f4aDSRcXu-00146-00104030-00104584 standard conditions to the cell potentials weeds observe at concentrations and temperatures other P5f4aDSRcXu-00147-00104584-00105314 than standard conditions so to do this we're going to look again at a relationship that P5f4aDSRcXu-00148-00105314-00105881 we learned in the thermodynamics unit remember this it allowed us to calculate the Gibbs free P5f4aDSRcXu-00149-00105881-00106520 energy change for any reaction at non-standard conditions using the standard Gibbs free energy P5f4aDSRcXu-00150-00106520-00107222 that we could calculate from standard reference values we modified it with Q which is simply the P5f4aDSRcXu-00151-00107222-00107884 reaction quotient for the process and remember that the reaction quotient is the equilibrium P5f4aDSRcXu-00152-00107884-00108389 expression for that reaction with the actual concentrations or pressures that we're dealing P5f4aDSRcXu-00153-00108389-00109040 in dealing with in our system substituted in all right so it allowed us to examine the effect of P5f4aDSRcXu-00154-00109040-00109496 non-standard standard concentration zones the spontaneity of any particular reaction P5f4aDSRcXu-00155-00109496-00110813 now if we substitute into this relationship what we've derived for the relationship between Gibbs P5f4aDSRcXu-00156-00110813-00111460 free energy and electrochemical cell potential we can actually derive the Nernst equation and P5f4aDSRcXu-00157-00111460-00112058 we're going to use this relationship for both the non-standard Delta G and the standard the P5f4aDSRcXu-00158-00112058-00112646 difference being that for the non-standard Delta G our electrochemical cell potential is going to P5f4aDSRcXu-00159-00112646-00113225 be the non-standard one so without the degree superscript for the standard Delta G we use the P5f4aDSRcXu-00160-00113225-00114026 standard electrochemical cell potential with the degree superscript now we can rearrange this to P5f4aDSRcXu-00161-00114026-00114917 get the non-standard electrochemical potential isom sell on its own by dividing both sides by P5f4aDSRcXu-00162-00114917-00115703 the negative of n times F when we do this we get this relationship and this is the Nernst P5f4aDSRcXu-00163-00115703-00116306 equation the non-standard electrochemical cell potential for any redox reaction is equal to P5f4aDSRcXu-00164-00116306-00116849 the standard electrochemical cell potential that we can calculate from standard electrode P5f4aDSRcXu-00165-00116849-00117620 values minus the ideal gas constant R in units of joules per mole Kelvin times the temperature P5f4aDSRcXu-00166-00117620-00118214 of the process in units of Kelvin divided by the number of electrons transferred between P5f4aDSRcXu-00167-00118214-00118892 oxidation and reduction half cells and divided by Faraday's constant and that will be multiplied P5f4aDSRcXu-00168-00118892-00119536 by the natural log of Q the reaction quotient for this particular process with whatever non P5f4aDSRcXu-00169-00119536-00120464 standard concentrations we have substituted in let's use this equation to calculate the P5f4aDSRcXu-00170-00120464-00121043 cell potential for the redox reaction that we've looked at earlier so this is between P5f4aDSRcXu-00171-00121043-00121988 zinc metal and copper ion we're going to deal with non standard concentrations though we'll P5f4aDSRcXu-00172-00121988-00122741 have a copper ion concentration of 2.0 moles per liter and a zinc ion concentration of 0.010 moles P5f4aDSRcXu-00173-00122741-00123248 per liter so it's no longer 1 mole per liter what we expect for standard conditions and this P5f4aDSRcXu-00174-00123248-00123733 is going to influence the electrochemical cell potential between our two half-cells P5f4aDSRcXu-00175-00123733-00124805 so the first step in this process will be to determine our standard cell potential and n the P5f4aDSRcXu-00176-00124805-00125243 number of electrons transferred in this reaction we've actually already done this in the previous P5f4aDSRcXu-00177-00125243-00125870 example so this is the same redox equation we used I'm just going to carry over the values P5f4aDSRcXu-00178-00125870-00126610 that we used for the last set of problems so our redox reaction our reduction in oxidation P5f4aDSRcXu-00179-00126610-00127064 half reactions are separated out here and we can see the number of electrons transferred P5f4aDSRcXu-00180-00127064-00127783 we figured out was two so two electrons for n we also used our standard electrode potentials P5f4aDSRcXu-00181-00127847-00128666 to calculate our standard electrochemical cell potential as 1.10 volts or joules per Coulomb P5f4aDSRcXu-00182-00128666-00129521 we also know the other constants that we use in this process F is Faraday's constant 96,000 485 P5f4aDSRcXu-00183-00129521-00130178 coulombs per mole of electron r is the ideal gas constant and units of joules per mole Kelvin and P5f4aDSRcXu-00184-00130178-00130826 our temperature is given to us in the problem as 25 degrees Celsius in Kelvin that's 298.15 P5f4aDSRcXu-00185-00130826-00131753 kelvin the last thing we need to figure out is our Q value so Q is the equilibrium expression P5f4aDSRcXu-00186-00131753-00132431 for the reaction with our actual concentrations or non-standard concentrations substituted in now P5f4aDSRcXu-00187-00132431-00133091 we have to look at our balanced chemical equation to figure out the equilibrium expression remember P5f4aDSRcXu-00188-00133091-00133727 that its products over reactants raised to their coefficients so everything is one-to-one in this P5f4aDSRcXu-00189-00133727-00134195 relationship so we're not going to have any exponents but in terms of the products and P5f4aDSRcXu-00190-00134195-00135008 reactants that we include we only include gases and solutions so we're only going to include the P5f4aDSRcXu-00191-00135008-00135536 aqueous terms we don't have any gases here so just the aqueous terms the solids solid P5f4aDSRcXu-00192-00135536-00136259 zinc and solid copper are never included in equilibrium expressions so our Q is simply P5f4aDSRcXu-00193-00136259-00136892 the concentration of our zinc ion over our copper ion our product over our reactant P5f4aDSRcXu-00194-00136892-00137774 solution so we substitute in the non standard concentrations given to us in the problem into P5f4aDSRcXu-00195-00137774-00138746 our Q expression and we get zero point zero zero five zero for our Q value we can substitute all P5f4aDSRcXu-00196-00138746-00139574 of this into the Nernst equation and we have a really complicated second term here the easiest P5f4aDSRcXu-00197-00139574-00140132 thing to do is to take the natural log of zero point zero zero five zero in your calculator P5f4aDSRcXu-00198-00140132-00140711 and then multiply it by this ratio term so multiply that by eight point three one four P5f4aDSRcXu-00199-00140711-00141260 times to 98.1 five and then divide by two and divide by 96 thousand four hundred and eighty P5f4aDSRcXu-00200-00141260-00142349 five and that should actually reduce to just negative 0.068 in terms of the unit's notice P5f4aDSRcXu-00201-00142349-00143090 that our moles are actually gonna cancel out here and our kelvins will cancel out but we'll P5f4aDSRcXu-00202-00143090-00143609 still have joules in coulombs and that's the same unit as we have on our standard electrochemical P5f4aDSRcXu-00203-00143609-00144371 cell potential the 1.10 joules per Coulomb so these terms the units will subtract out easily P5f4aDSRcXu-00204-00144371-00145025 a negative minus a negative adds together and we end up with one point one six eight joules P5f4aDSRcXu-00205-00145025-00145739 per Coulomb so in terms of rounding this is subtraction is the last operation that P5f4aDSRcXu-00206-00145739-00146282 we do so we're gonna look at the number of decimal places that's the rule for rounding to the correct P5f4aDSRcXu-00207-00146282-00146909 number for subtraction or addition we have two decimal places in our standard electrochemical P5f4aDSRcXu-00208-00146909-00147452 cell potential we're going to round so that we have two decimal places in our final value our P5f4aDSRcXu-00209-00147452-00148475 non-standard electrochemical cell potential so we round to one point one seven volts so P5f4aDSRcXu-00210-00148475-00148967 in summary our standard electrochemical cell potential can be related to standard Gibbs P5f4aDSRcXu-00211-00148967-00149858 free energy and the equilibrium constant capital K for any redox reaction the electrochemical cell P5f4aDSRcXu-00212-00149858-00150461 potential e sub cell at non standard conditions can be calculated using the Nernst equation P8ixfaC928E-00000-00000003-00000478 A: Hi guys I'm Alice, J: And I'm Jamie, A: and welcome to Campden on a shoestring! P8ixfaC928E-00001-00000478-00001387 (Music) P8ixfaC928E-00002-00001450-00002247 Right, so guys, we're at this night street market in Chiang Mai, we're ready to show you how cheap the street food is. P8ixfaC928E-00003-00002247-00002817 J: Ok guys, so for starters, we've got a little, crispy little friend here the cricket. P8ixfaC928E-00004-00002817-00003215 So, when you get it from here, all you do here, is put a little tip in this box - P8ixfaC928E-00005-00003215-00003755 Alice you put a little tip in the box and basically … or, you put a little tip P8ixfaC928E-00006-00003755-00004191 for one, or for twenty baht, you can get a whole spoonful, like a whole spoonful, P8ixfaC928E-00007-00004191-00004557 for 20 baht. So, we didn't, we only got one, she was nice to give it to us for P8ixfaC928E-00008-00004557-00004951 free, so here we go bottoms up - P8ixfaC928E-00009-00005291-00005900 It reminds … it's very crispy. I thought it was gonna be juicy but, so far so good eh? P8ixfaC928E-00010-00006037-00007170 (sizzling and sound of spoon in pan) P8ixfaC928E-00011-00007176-00007630 So guys, here we have a veggie bahl, and the veggie bahl's like a really soft, P8ixfaC928E-00012-00007630-00008283 white bun, and I've got some pepper some tofu, I think there's a little … oo … a little mush... P8ixfaC928E-00013-00008283-00008842 mushrooms in there, onions, P8ixfaC928E-00014-00008947-00009425 yeah, really nice. P8ixfaC928E-00015-00009425-00009786 (Music and sounds of market) P8ixfaC928E-00016-00009786-00010840 A: Ooof, that's hot, it's ???? spice. J: Is that spicy? A: I need water! P8ixfaC928E-00017-00010849-00011351 J: Hey guys, A: Hey, J: So yeah, that was the veggie bahl and I'm probably gonna rate it a P8ixfaC928E-00018-00011351-00011873 solid little five out of ten nice, little star, Alice forgot to say no spice so P8ixfaC928E-00019-00011873-00012566 obviously it was really spicy. Now let's go look for a nice meaty main course, and a P8ixfaC928E-00020-00012566-00012860 vegetarian main course, so we got everyone's options covered, yeah? A: Yeah. J: Cool P8ixfaC928E-00021-00012860-00013004 Alright? Let's go. P8ixfaC928E-00022-00013004-00013622 (Street market music and sounds of market) P8ixfaC928E-00023-00013622-00013871 A: We've just ordered this beef stick P8ixfaC928E-00024-00013871-00014146 (Street market music and sounds of market) P8ixfaC928E-00025-00014153-00014512 And while that's cooking I'm gonna go and have a bougie. Bye P8ixfaC928E-00026-00014512-00015510 (Street market music) P8ixfaC928E-00027-00015510-00016054 A: Hang up. J: (indistinguishable) A: No P8ixfaC928E-00028-00016054-00018510 (Live Music) P8ixfaC928E-00029-00018517-00019100 (Live Music) A: What is this? P8ixfaC928E-00030-00019166-00019518 My beef stick is finally here, and I'm gonna munch it. P8ixfaC928E-00031-00019518-00019808 J: (shouting) Go on ! P8ixfaC928E-00032-00019808-00020165 A: I can't get it off! P8ixfaC928E-00033-00020597-00020917 I got it on my dress P8ixfaC928E-00034-00020917-00021117 Do you want some? P8ixfaC928E-00035-00021117-00021317 Take it. P8ixfaC928E-00036-00021468-00021893 J: Um, you're gonna have to, you're gonna have to feed me - I've P8ixfaC928E-00037-00021893-00022723 got the camera ... Ooo, she took it away from me, she took it away from me! P8ixfaC928E-00038-00022723-00023257 (Live Music) P8ixfaC928E-00039-00023595-00023918 Oh that's some tough beef. P8ixfaC928E-00040-00023924-00024602 Nice and tasteful, this beef stick here was 100 baht, P8ixfaC928E-00041-00024602-00025163 so £2.50 for the beef kebab. We're gonna try and find some more cheap stuff P8ixfaC928E-00042-00025163-00025582 so, yes, this is really nice. P8ixfaC928E-00043-00025582-00027248 (Street market music and sounds) P8ixfaC928E-00044-00027248-00027610 (Meat sizzling) P8ixfaC928E-00045-00027610-00028050 A: Can we get this one? J: No. A: Not dessert time yet? P8ixfaC928E-00046-00028050-00028419 J: No, Guys it's not dessert time yet, we need more meat and more food in us, this P8ixfaC928E-00047-00028419-00028854 one, Alice loves Nutella, but maybe we'll come and get a crepe or a churrio P8ixfaC928E-00048-00028854-00029450 for dessert, right now more break … more breakfast? more food. P8ixfaC928E-00049-00029555-00030070 (Street market music and sounds) P8ixfaC928E-00050-00030070-00030430 So guys, I was wandering around the night market when I got myself some food and P8ixfaC928E-00051-00030430-00030856 Alice, literally, I haven't seen her for like a good five or so minutes, and she's P8ixfaC928E-00052-00030856-00031640 just walked up to me right now munching, munching some sweetcorn, like it's, 'yeah, you alright mate? yeah yeah P8ixfaC928E-00053-00031640-00032025 just got some sweetcorn'. The sweetcorn was 40 baht, so it was really cheap, P8ixfaC928E-00054-00032025-00032312 less than, less than a quid. Tasty? P8ixfaC928E-00055-00032312-00032392 Very tasty. P8ixfaC928E-00056-00032392-00034380 (Street market music and sounds) P8ixfaC928E-00057-00034386-00034860 A: Food makes me happy. P8ixfaC928E-00059-00038577-00039085 J: Guys, yeah, so for our last meal we've gone vegan, and this is what we've got, come and have a P8ixfaC928E-00060-00039085-00039487 look - so we've got pumpkin soup, because it's Halloween and we're feeling festive, P8ixfaC928E-00061-00039487-00040144 we've gone for some banana leaf fritters and here's some high-energy rice for the P8ixfaC928E-00062-00040144-00040693 energy, for the energy later, yeah so, that's what we're having and P8ixfaC928E-00063-00040693-00041062 we just like to say a big thank you now to everyone who's watching this video so P8ixfaC928E-00064-00041062-00041557 please don't forget to go down and click Subscribe ... A: No, it's not the end, I did not P8ixfaC928E-00065-00041557-00042118 get my Nutella crepe! J: Oh easy tiger, we need to give Alice her P8ixfaC928E-00066-00042118-00042667 dessert guys, otherwise she'll get angry ... angry and upset and we don't want an angry and upset Alice! P8ixfaC928E-00067-00042667-00042964 So, crepe time. Go. P8ixfaC928E-00068-00042964-00043200 (Street market music and sounds) P8ixfaC928E-00069-00043250-00043747 A: Oh my God, now? P8ixfaC928E-00071-00047034-00047172 Stall holder: Thank you, A: Thank you. P8ixfaC928E-00072-00047172-00047970 (Street market music and sounds) P8ixfaC928E-00073-00047971-00048367 J: We'd just like to say a big thank you now to everyone who's watching this video, so P8ixfaC928E-00074-00048367-00048817 please don't forget to go down and click subscribe, A: Put that like bell on (laughs) P8ixfaC928E-00075-00048817-00049243 J: Put that like bell on, that like button, leave us a comment let us know what you thought P8ixfaC928E-00076-00049243-00049767 about this video, ding the bell on, and we'll A&J see you in a jifty. J: See you later, A&J: Bye. P8ixfaC928E-00077-00049767-00051800 (Music) PrbHXhhmHNy-00000-00000175-00000503 Hello everyone baghayi here and welcome back to another video PrbHXhhmHNy-00001-00000989-00001127 How's it going? Is everything ok? PrbHXhhmHNy-00002-00001127-00001558 Good to have a good great day every day with a smiling face so smile a bit and keep continuing. PrbHXhhmHNy-00003-00001585-00002125 in this video, we are going to have an unboxing the DJI om5 or Osmo mobile 5 PrbHXhhmHNy-00004-00002125-00002386 oh yeah let's open this up. PrbHXhhmHNy-00005-00002386-00002639 check it out and see what do we have inside PrbHXhhmHNy-00006-00008907-00009161 These are the stuff which there were inside the box PrbHXhhmHNy-00007-00009175-00009513 Here is a grip tripod with a Threaded Screw on the top PrbHXhhmHNy-00008-00009513-00009878 to mount it on our gimbal for a steady shoot PrbHXhhmHNy-00009-00010411-00010704 that's nice we can use it for other devices too like PrbHXhhmHNy-00010-00010851-00011026 my camera! :D PrbHXhhmHNy-00011-00011400-00011517 isn't it cool PrbHXhhmHNy-00012-00012181-00012518 DJI wrist strap for keeping the gimbal secure PrbHXhhmHNy-00013-00012518-00012836 oh nice in a good size PrbHXhhmHNy-00014-00013006-00013356 in case if it falls off from your hands so Safety First PrbHXhhmHNy-00015-00013466-00013926 few coupled papers such as manual guide and guarantee PrbHXhhmHNy-00016-00013982-00014486 here we have a USB type A to USB type-c powered cable PrbHXhhmHNy-00017-00014562-00014863 and the famous gimbal itself in a folded-up form PrbHXhhmHNy-00018-00014890-00015300 super nice ohh, and super light wow PrbHXhhmHNy-00019-00015446-00015657 like you have nothing in your hand. PrbHXhhmHNy-00020-00015730-00015840 really nice PrbHXhhmHNy-00021-00016010-00016630 magnetic phone clamp with DJI branding here at the backside and here in front PrbHXhhmHNy-00022-00016630-00017052 to show the actual position of the phone when attaching to the gimbal PrbHXhhmHNy-00023-00017100-00017443 we have the spacer pad here for smaller phones PrbHXhhmHNy-00024-00017443-00017723 you know we can use it between the gimbal grip PrbHXhhmHNy-00025-00017723-00018040 and our small phone just right here PrbHXhhmHNy-00026-00018408-00018832 and finally a carry pouch with a noise fabric material PrbHXhhmHNy-00027-00018832-00019087 OHHH interesting PrbHXhhmHNy-00028-00019260-00019580 I like it. because it makes you too easy to carry them around PrbHXhhmHNy-00029-00019629-00019729 here's the gimbal PrbHXhhmHNy-00030-00019868-00019975 tripod PrbHXhhmHNy-00031-00020095-00020243 power cable PrbHXhhmHNy-00032-00020338-00020502 strap PrbHXhhmHNy-00033-00020636-00020801 magnetic clamp PrbHXhhmHNy-00034-00020801-00020994 and even this spacer PrbHXhhmHNy-00035-00021157-00021300 ready to go PrbHXhhmHNy-00036-00021544-00022047 for opening the gimbal to use we need to push this up to unfold it PrbHXhhmHNy-00037-00022121-00022489 then attach the magnetic clamp into the center of your phone PrbHXhhmHNy-00038-00022515-00022784 now we are ready to attach to the gimbal PrbHXhhmHNy-00039-00022784-00023504 for attaching the clamp to the gimbal just line the DJI logos up and bingo PrbHXhhmHNy-00040-00023700-00024360 easy to clamp it on and off on off on off :D PrbHXhhmHNy-00041-00024484-00025000 with one click on the power button or M button we can see the battery charger PrbHXhhmHNy-00042-00025417-00025779 and if you hold it for about two seconds it will turn on PrbHXhhmHNy-00043-00026550-00026783 so let's press and hold the power button to turn it on PrbHXhhmHNy-00044-00026783-00027068 when we hear a beep sound we're ready to go PrbHXhhmHNy-00045-00028094-00028389 the gimbal is about 290 gram PrbHXhhmHNy-00046-00028389-00028658 with three-axis stabilization PrbHXhhmHNy-00047-00028658-00028843 it has a built-in extension Rod PrbHXhhmHNy-00048-00028843-00029130 with magnetic design and foldable PrbHXhhmHNy-00049-00029130-00029555 super light, super handy and really enjoyable to use PrbHXhhmHNy-00050-00034305-00034500 in the next video, we are going to have a depth review PrbHXhhmHNy-00051-00034500-00034685 about this handsome gimbal so PrbHXhhmHNy-00052-00034685-00034884 stay tuned and enjoy shooting PsMxXCJ93Hc-00000-00000547-00000883 Understanding how cryptocurrencies work is hard PsMxXCJ93Hc-00001-00000883-00001204 enough. But getting your head around blockchains PsMxXCJ93Hc-00002-00001204-00001411 can be even more challenging. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00003-00001480-00001777 Blockchains are capable of many things: PsMxXCJ93Hc-00004-00001777-00002152 processing transactions, enabling smart contracts PsMxXCJ93Hc-00005-00002152-00002494 and automatically releasing brand new coins into PsMxXCJ93Hc-00006-00002494-00002884 circulation. This is why blockchain networks may PsMxXCJ93Hc-00007-00002884-00003214 form the foundation for the next generation of PsMxXCJ93Hc-00008-00003214-00003583 the internet. In this Cointelegraph video, we're PsMxXCJ93Hc-00009-00003583-00003897 going to use animations to simply explain how PsMxXCJ93Hc-00010-00003897-00004243 blockchains work and why this technology is so PsMxXCJ93Hc-00011-00004243-00004546 exciting. Don't forget to subscribe to our PsMxXCJ93Hc-00012-00004546-00004813 YouTube channel for new videos about crypto. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00013-00004837-00005086 We are the leading channel for crypto news PsMxXCJ93Hc-00014-00005086-00005275 coverage and education. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00015-00005341-00005626 To cut a long story short, a blockchain is a PsMxXCJ93Hc-00016-00005626-00005770 digital database. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00017-00005809-00006148 Bitcoin uses its blockchain to keep a record of PsMxXCJ93Hc-00018-00006148-00006456 every transaction that's ever been made, dating PsMxXCJ93Hc-00019-00006456-00006691 all the way back to when the cryptocurrency first PsMxXCJ93Hc-00020-00006691-00007039 launched on January the 3rd, 2009. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00021-00007090-00007351 But there are a few things that make blockchain PsMxXCJ93Hc-00022-00007351-00007723 special. Traditional databases can often be PsMxXCJ93Hc-00023-00007723-00008026 edited because they are typically maintained by PsMxXCJ93Hc-00024-00008026-00008374 centralized authorities, such as governments or PsMxXCJ93Hc-00025-00008374-00008848 corporations. This can lead to manipulation and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00026-00008848-00009115 means that trust in the database is completely PsMxXCJ93Hc-00027-00009115-00009400 reliant on the trustworthiness of the governing PsMxXCJ93Hc-00028-00009400-00009796 authority. But blockchains are different. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00029-00009817-00010075 They are immutable, and that means the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00030-00010075-00010351 information they store cannot be changed. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00031-00010417-00010732 Traditional databases can also be private, PsMxXCJ93Hc-00032-00010735-00011017 meaning they can only be viewed by a small number PsMxXCJ93Hc-00033-00011017-00011371 of people. By comparison, the Bitcoin and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00034-00011371-00011590 Ethereum blockchains are completely PsMxXCJ93Hc-00035-00011590-00011929 decentralized, allowing anyone to download a copy PsMxXCJ93Hc-00036-00011929-00012274 of the database for themselves. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00037-00012274-00012469 Because these blockchains are distributed across PsMxXCJ93Hc-00038-00012469-00012730 thousands of computers around the world, the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00039-00012730-00013038 networks are much more difficult to take down. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00040-00013129-00013432 Blockchains also deliver transparency. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00041-00013486-00013804 Online explorers allow you to track where Bitcoin PsMxXCJ93Hc-00042-00013804-00014122 and Ether is sent and how much is stored in PsMxXCJ93Hc-00043-00014122-00014308 individual crypto wallets. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00044-00014322-00014626 This can be especially valuable after a hack PsMxXCJ93Hc-00045-00014626-00014950 because the world can see where stolen funds end PsMxXCJ93Hc-00046-00014950-00015346 up. So, how does a blockchain work? PsMxXCJ93Hc-00047-00015385-00015604 Whenever Bitcoin is sent from one person to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00048-00015604-00015913 another, details about the transaction are sent PsMxXCJ93Hc-00049-00015913-00016135 to the blockchain to be confirmed. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00050-00016183-00016447 These transactions are bundled together into a PsMxXCJ93Hc-00051-00016447-00016744 block covering all of the payments that happened PsMxXCJ93Hc-00052-00016744-00016906 in a specific period. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00053-00016951-00017203 This block is then attached to the blocks that PsMxXCJ93Hc-00054-00017203-00017536 came before it, creating a chain of blocks. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00055-00017545-00017773 Now you can see why this is called the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00056-00017773-00018166 blockchain. A new block is created every 10 PsMxXCJ93Hc-00057-00018166-00018457 minutes and once it's been added to the network, PsMxXCJ93Hc-00058-00018460-00018736 all previous blocks are practically impossible to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00059-00018736-00019066 edit. This helps keep the blockchain secure. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00060-00019129-00019402 There are several types of blockchain out there. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00061-00019432-00019723 The most common is proof-of-work, and this is the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00062-00019723-00019963 one that's used by Bitcoin's network. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00063-00019996-00020266 Proof-of-work helps to eliminate the risk that PsMxXCJ93Hc-00064-00020266-00020548 the same cryptocurrency can end up being spent PsMxXCJ93Hc-00065-00020548-00020893 twice, something that would inflate supply and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00066-00020893-00021061 cause prices to fall. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00067-00021103-00021352 Miners are responsible for ensuring that the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00068-00021352-00021601 Bitcoin blockchain runs smoothly. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00069-00021643-00021862 In order to be chosen to add the next block to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00070-00021862-00022201 the blockchain, miners need to complete a complex PsMxXCJ93Hc-00071-00022201-00022537 mathematical puzzle, one that takes a lot of PsMxXCJ93Hc-00072-00022537-00022781 computing power to solve. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00073-00022781-00023152 This computing power proves some work was done. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00074-00023257-00023551 There are downsides to this approach, especially PsMxXCJ93Hc-00075-00023551-00023848 because the Bitcoin network ends up using a lot PsMxXCJ93Hc-00076-00023848-00024202 of energy and it can't complete transactions PsMxXCJ93Hc-00077-00024202-00024628 quickly. Another alternative is proof-of-stake. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00078-00024637-00024880 This type of blockchain eliminates the need for PsMxXCJ93Hc-00079-00024880-00025036 miners altogether. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00080-00025087-00025404 That's because they are replaced by validators, PsMxXCJ93Hc-00081-00025405-00025683 people who lock up their coins in order to play a PsMxXCJ93Hc-00082-00025683-00025902 role in keeping the network secure. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00083-00025948-00026230 Those who stake the most coins have a greater PsMxXCJ93Hc-00084-00026230-00026502 chance of being selected to add a new block to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00085-00026502-00026818 the blockchain. Although this uses a lot less PsMxXCJ93Hc-00086-00026818-00027142 energy than proof-of-work, there are downsides. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00087-00027145-00027397 One of them is that validators can end up being PsMxXCJ93Hc-00088-00027397-00027688 penalized if they act against the network's best PsMxXCJ93Hc-00089-00027688-00027997 interests, meaning their stake is slashed and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00090-00027997-00028114 they lose crypto. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00091-00028225-00028579 Over the past 13 years, trilemma of blockchain PsMxXCJ93Hc-00092-00028579-00028792 characteristics has formed. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00093-00028822-00029070 An ideal blockchain network should be widely PsMxXCJ93Hc-00094-00029070-00029374 decentralized, infinitely scalable and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00095-00029374-00029530 impenetrable secure. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00096-00029533-00029854 But achieving all three at once is difficult. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00097-00029899-00030258 Scalability, in particular, is a big challenge. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00098-00030289-00030589 Right now, the main Bitcoin blockchain can only PsMxXCJ93Hc-00099-00030589-00030961 handle 7 transactions per second, while Ethereum PsMxXCJ93Hc-00100-00030961-00031105 can handle 13. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00101-00031152-00031462 By comparison, the likes of Visa can handle PsMxXCJ93Hc-00102-00031462-00031618 thousands per second. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00103-00031657-00031942 This means that blockchains can suffer from PsMxXCJ93Hc-00104-00031942-00032227 congestion. It can take a long time for PsMxXCJ93Hc-00105-00032227-00032545 transactions to be finalized, and this causes PsMxXCJ93Hc-00106-00032545-00032758 fees to go through the roof. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00107-00032839-00033178 Thankfully, solutions are beginning to emerge. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00108-00033262-00033568 Layer 2 blockchains can allow transactions to be PsMxXCJ93Hc-00109-00033568-00033694 confirmed faster. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00110-00033745-00034000 As their name suggests, they sit on top of a PsMxXCJ93Hc-00111-00034000-00034327 network, an extra layer to ensure things run PsMxXCJ93Hc-00112-00034327-00034642 smoothly. One of the most popular Layer 2 PsMxXCJ93Hc-00113-00034642-00034978 solutions for Bitcoin is the Lightning Network. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00114-00034999-00035308 This reduces congestion by allowing payments to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00115-00035308-00035584 take place instantly and off the blockchain. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00116-00035629-00035935 Details about transactions are then simplified PsMxXCJ93Hc-00117-00035935-00036364 and added to the main network later. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00118-00036364-00036640 Blockchains have countless other uses aside from PsMxXCJ93Hc-00119-00036640-00036804 cryptocurrencies. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00120-00036804-00037051 For example, they can help ensure that sensitive PsMxXCJ93Hc-00121-00037051-00037348 data, such as medical records, can be shared PsMxXCJ93Hc-00122-00037348-00037741 securely. These tamper-proof databases are also PsMxXCJ93Hc-00123-00037741-00038062 useful for recording other forms of information, PsMxXCJ93Hc-00124-00038062-00038374 such as who owns a non-fungible token. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00125-00038449-00038761 Blockchains can also shake up supply chains, PsMxXCJ93Hc-00126-00038761-00039052 keeping track of how items are produced every PsMxXCJ93Hc-00127-00039052-00039157 step of the way. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00128-00039175-00039535 This can be vastly more efficient and safer than PsMxXCJ93Hc-00129-00039538-00039682 old-fashioned methods. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00130-00039721-00039958 Food safety is a good example. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00131-00039982-00040213 There have been incidents where vegetables have PsMxXCJ93Hc-00132-00040213-00040432 been contaminated, meaning they need to be PsMxXCJ93Hc-00133-00040432-00040690 recalled as fast as possible. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00134-00040690-00040987 Before blockchain existed, this process could take PsMxXCJ93Hc-00135-00040987-00041362 up to seven days, but now it's been slashed to PsMxXCJ93Hc-00136-00041362-00041536 just two seconds. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00137-00041623-00041899 Luxury brands have also started to embrace PsMxXCJ93Hc-00138-00041899-00042012 blockchain. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00139-00042012-00042277 In the world of designer goods, counterfeiting can PsMxXCJ93Hc-00140-00042277-00042610 be a real problem, meaning fake handbags can be PsMxXCJ93Hc-00141-00042610-00042859 sold to unsuspecting consumers. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00142-00042880-00043183 The blockchain can provide proof that a product PsMxXCJ93Hc-00143-00043183-00043579 is real. This technology is still very young and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00144-00043579-00043888 very new. Potential use cases for blockchain are PsMxXCJ93Hc-00145-00043888-00044182 emerging all of the time, and who knows, the PsMxXCJ93Hc-00146-00044182-00044524 biggest and best idea may still be undiscovered. PsMxXCJ93Hc-00147-00044623-00044872 If you enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like PsMxXCJ93Hc-00148-00044872-00045205 and a comment. The Cointelegraph Cryptopedia is PsMxXCJ93Hc-00149-00045205-00045544 your guide to the chaotic space of blockchain and PsMxXCJ93Hc-00150-00045544-00045637 cryptocurrency. PwQaFZLOnSA-00000-00006008-00006958 Ok, let’s begin. So some fact first of all. Why must we learn English ? PwQaFZLOnSA-00001-00006958-00007631 Why are you doing this course? Why do you need English in your life ? PwQaFZLOnSA-00002-00007631-00008960 Number one. English is the most widely spoken and written language than any other language in the world. PwQaFZLOnSA-00003-00008960-00009730 It’s the number one form of communication in this world. Super important. PwQaFZLOnSA-00004-00009730-00011320 Another fact over 400 million people use English vocabulary as there first language. 400 million that a big number. PwQaFZLOnSA-00005-00011320-00013140 And even bigger number over 700 million people speak English as a foreign language. You are one of the 700 million. PwQaFZLOnSA-00006-00013140-00015310 Next fact 80% of information on the internet is English. The internet is one of our society most important tools. PwQaFZLOnSA-00007-00015310-00016678 You must speak English to use the internet to it for list. And finally that is the one is important for your guides. PwQaFZLOnSA-00008-00016678-00017418 English language is the language of tourism all over the world. PwQaFZLOnSA-00009-00017418-00018484 If you want a job, a career, if you want to travel you need English to communicate with everybody. PwQaFZLOnSA-00010-00018484-00019612 This is why we must learn English. So there is some fact but let’s look in picture form. PwQaFZLOnSA-00011-00019612-00020746 Ok, we have a graph. In the graph we have the green the small green part. PwQaFZLOnSA-00012-00020746-00022152 This is the number of native English speakers people who speak English as the first language. PwQaFZLOnSA-00013-00022152-00022842 Number two, the yellow part a litter bit bigger. PwQaFZLOnSA-00014-00022842-00023766 This is the number of people who speak English as a second languages. PwQaFZLOnSA-00015-00023766-00025340 Again a very big number and in blue the large part. This is the number of who don’t speak English. PwQaFZLOnSA-00016-00025340-00026354 You want to be part of the yellow. Speaking English as your second language. PwQaFZLOnSA-00017-00026354-00027639 This will help you with your job, with your future or with a holiday or to communicate with people not from your country. PwQaFZLOnSA-00018-00027639-00029672 Ok, lets look at the number of people who are non native and native. There is a blue speech bubble at top of the picture. PwQaFZLOnSA-00019-00029672-00031616 In this blue speech bubble, it say non native speaker of English out number native speaker of English by more than two to the one. PwQaFZLOnSA-00020-00031616-00032738 This mean there is a very large number of second English speaker. Much more than first language speakers. PwQaFZLOnSA-00021-00032738-00034130 What’s that means? Is there are many many many people making mistakes. PwQaFZLOnSA-00022-00034130-00035124 So don’t worry, So many people speak English as a second language and there are not perfect. PwQaFZLOnSA-00023-00035124-00036030 They do not speak with perfect grammar, perfect accent, perfect vocabulary, they cannot. PwQaFZLOnSA-00024-00036030-00036646 So, what I am telling you? It’s be confident. PwQaFZLOnSA-00025-00036646-00037736 Don’t be worried to make mistake. Because other people are make mistake too. Never worry. PwQaFZLOnSA-00026-00037736-00039450 Ok. In the circle graph we call pie chart. It’s show this amount of information on the internet in English. PwQaFZLOnSA-00027-00039450-00040212 That the blue part. It’s the English information. PwQaFZLOnSA-00028-00040212-00041566 White is the non English information as you can see the blue part is much bigger it more than half. PwQaFZLOnSA-00029-00041566-00042658 So it’s so important to know English to use the internet to it for list. PwQaFZLOnSA-00030-00042658-00044020 And finally we have a litter square at the bottom of the picture. English belong to everyone. PwQaFZLOnSA-00031-00044020-00045338 What to know one? What’s that means is? You do not need to be a native speaker to speak English. PwQaFZLOnSA-00032-00045338-00046106 The world is speaking English. Making mistake. Not being perfect. PwQaFZLOnSA-00033-00046106-00048238 So, please this information be confident in yourself and in your skill and in your learning of English to go out and try your best to speak English as much as possible. PzVUImmtG2M-00000-00000368-00000858 You can help a child learn about the difference between quiet and loud PzVUImmtG2M-00001-00000858-00001114 by using your voices PzVUImmtG2M-00002-00001214-00001464 You can start by whispering, PzVUImmtG2M-00003-00001464-00001873 "This is quiet. Can you speak quietly?" PzVUImmtG2M-00004-00001873-00002130 and the child can speak quietly PzVUImmtG2M-00005-00002214-00002408 Then you can loudly say, PzVUImmtG2M-00006-00002408-00002822 "This is loud! Can you speak loudly?" PzVUImmtG2M-00007-00002822-00003052 and the child can speak loudly. PzVUImmtG2M-00008-00003186-00003474 You can both have fun saying things quietly PzVUImmtG2M-00009-00003474-00003597 and then loudly PzVUImmtG2M-00010-00003597-00004002 and you can also try the same thing with singing. PzVUImmtG2M-00011-00004268-00004582 By doing this, you are helping the child understand that PzVUImmtG2M-00012-00004582-00004972 sounds can have different volume. P_0oy62UGOc-00000-00000043-00000535 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00001-00000609-00001066 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00002-00001173-00001663 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00003-00001733-00002211 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00004-00002297-00002497 Dashing through the snow P_0oy62UGOc-00005-00002531-00002731 In a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00006-00002862-00003062 O'er the fields we go P_0oy62UGOc-00007-00003142-00003342 Laughing all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00008-00003426-00003626 Bells on bob tails ring P_0oy62UGOc-00009-00003677-00003877 Making spirits bright P_0oy62UGOc-00010-00003952-00004464 What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight P_0oy62UGOc-00011-00004553-00005041 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00012-00005121-00005609 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00013-00005685-00006188 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00014-00006251-00006760 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00015-00006814-00007014 A day or two ago P_0oy62UGOc-00016-00007103-00007303 I thought I'd take a ride P_0oy62UGOc-00017-00007383-00007583 And soon Miss Fanny Bright P_0oy62UGOc-00018-00007668-00007868 Was seated by my side P_0oy62UGOc-00019-00007952-00008152 The horse was lean and lank P_0oy62UGOc-00020-00008219-00008419 Misfortune seemed his lot P_0oy62UGOc-00021-00008507-00008991 We went into a drifted bank and then we got upsot P_0oy62UGOc-00022-00009082-00009540 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00023-00009645-00010102 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh P_0oy62UGOc-00024-00010208-00010705 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way P_0oy62UGOc-00025-00010775-00011281 Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh PAQwNws4bko-00000-00000472-00000532 Hi folks! PAQwNws4bko-00001-00000549-00000772 Today a new Godot's tutorial. PAQwNws4bko-00002-00000830-00000962 In reality... PAQwNws4bko-00003-00001002-00001278 colaboration (deed) and sharing of information PAQwNws4bko-00004-00001441-00001738 Today the subject is Websockets. PAQwNws4bko-00005-00001965-00002341 Latest Godot release don't include websockets. PAQwNws4bko-00006-00002536-00002928 And all people know that is a protocol used PAQwNws4bko-00007-00003012-00003217 so much in this times. PAQwNws4bko-00008-00003425-00004013 As I not have patience to wait for Godot' developers to include it PAQwNws4bko-00009-00004185-00004473 I decide to make it myself. PAQwNws4bko-00010-00004560-00004948 And implement it using the low level API from GDScript. PAQwNws4bko-00011-00005484-00005617 I work based PAQwNws4bko-00012-00005721-00006182 at this oficial documentation of Websockets protocol PAQwNws4bko-00013-00006342-00006569 and using that library PAQwNws4bko-00014-00006744-00007236 WS, inside the server that make the communication PAQwNws4bko-00015-00007295-00007446 of my game client PAQwNws4bko-00016-00007584-00007798 with other game client. PAQwNws4bko-00017-00008245-00008420 This library WS PAQwNws4bko-00018-00008476-00009034 is considered the most lightweight and faster library to NodeJS. PAQwNws4bko-00019-00009256-00009830 I try other libraries, as Socket.io, the most famous library for it. PAQwNws4bko-00020-00009940-00010738 It's a Hi-level library, very useful. I reach a server like "Tibia" using it. PAQwNws4bko-00021-00010838-00011217 But it have some features PAQwNws4bko-00022-00011313-00011608 so much hard to imanualy implement in Godot PAQwNws4bko-00023-00011705-00012066 and it have his our websocket implements. PAQwNws4bko-00024-00012205-00012446 It get away a bit from the pattern. PAQwNws4bko-00025-00012634-00012896 to one that desire work with it PAQwNws4bko-00026-00013013-00013550 in a non HTML page client, that no use Javascript from Socket.io. PAQwNws4bko-00027-00013593-00013730 The I using PAQwNws4bko-00028-00013768-00013940 and recomend that WS PAQwNws4bko-00029-00013982-00014380 (that even Socket.io use it as basis) PAQwNws4bko-00030-00015312-00015421 For those who do not know PAQwNws4bko-00031-00015490-00015802 Websocket is a internet protocol PAQwNws4bko-00032-00015886-00016166 to transmit data in low level and real time PAQwNws4bko-00033-00016354-00016574 similar to the protocol PAQwNws4bko-00034-00016590-00016848 that you use in your MMO. PAQwNws4bko-00035-00017092-00017305 The difference is because websockets PAQwNws4bko-00036-00017340-00017748 is protocoled and approved by W3C PAQwNws4bko-00037-00017774-00018041 from the HTML5 standards. PAQwNws4bko-00038-00018269-00018673 It is a communication protocol PAQwNws4bko-00039-00018769-00018868 tuneled. PAQwNws4bko-00040-00018932-00019509 In other words, it can work over "proxys", over various networks. PAQwNws4bko-00041-00019674-00020262 I make this little game client in Godot, with a button to send a basic message. PAQwNws4bko-00042-00020378-00020577 a timer indicator. PAQwNws4bko-00043-00021177-00021504 On press it, it sends a message to server. PAQwNws4bko-00044-00021853-00022058 And the websocket initialization PAQwNws4bko-00045-00022108-00022342 is: websocket.start PAQwNws4bko-00046-00022437-00022666 a server address and a port. PAQwNws4bko-00047-00022981-00023357 I not explain in details this class, I already work on it. PAQwNws4bko-00048-00023393-00023812 I upload it to a GitHub repo. PAQwNws4bko-00049-00024157-00024502 I try to make it on the most simple way, as possible. PAQwNws4bko-00050-00024669-00025418 All communication steps of protocol is inside one huge function, here. PAQwNws4bko-00051-00025568-00025666 It's linear. PAQwNws4bko-00052-00026053-00026373 And it has a restriction: I not use all PAQwNws4bko-00053-00026458-00026832 capacity of data transfer from websockets. For a while. PAQwNws4bko-00054-00026922-00027306 It accept the maximum of 125 chars. PAQwNws4bko-00055-00027344-00027476 of data to transmit. PAQwNws4bko-00056-00027549-00027676 Less a twitty. PAQwNws4bko-00057-00027704-00028148 But it can be used to pass position, rotation PAQwNws4bko-00058-00028258-00028464 of a character on screen. PAQwNws4bko-00059-00028504-00028683 Or even little messages. PAQwNws4bko-00060-00030325-00030736 Alone it not works, we need a server. PAQwNws4bko-00061-00030846-00031038 Then, its begin our tutorial. PAQwNws4bko-00062-00031186-00031333 The server side, PAQwNws4bko-00063-00031577-00032080 I not talk to you to stall nothing in your system. PAQwNws4bko-00064-00032856-00033333 I use so much, this web IDE. It's in cloud. PAQwNws4bko-00065-00033370-00033654 This name is Cloud 9, c9. PAQwNws4bko-00066-00033880-00034129 And it create to us virtual machines. PAQwNws4bko-00067-00034416-00034602 With a lot of technologies to choice. PAQwNws4bko-00068-00034690-00034938 The Godot have a server side implementation. PAQwNws4bko-00069-00035221-00035289 but... PAQwNws4bko-00070-00035338-00035934 Is... consider it, Godot is made to make games. Although it can run in servers PAQwNws4bko-00071-00035968-00036434 I prefer to use it to games, and to use server side languages on server. PAQwNws4bko-00072-00036510-00036833 Without talk that I notice before PAQwNws4bko-00073-00036902-00037289 it's not have a native implementation of websockets. I need other PAQwNws4bko-00074-00037329-00037497 technology that implement it. PAQwNws4bko-00075-00037717-00038012 I quickly create a workspace here PAQwNws4bko-00076-00041820-00042205 And here I have a lot of technologies to choice. PAQwNws4bko-00077-00042352-00042662 From Python (similar to our GDScript) PAQwNws4bko-00078-00042721-00043397 but I use the NodeJS, because I more acquainted with his libraries. And WS is for NodeJS. PAQwNws4bko-00079-00043478-00043557 Do creating... PAQwNws4bko-00080-00043837-00043913 oops PAQwNws4bko-00081-00045945-00046173 It create a Virtual Machine PAQwNws4bko-00082-00046308-00046574 that runs on cloud environment. PAQwNws4bko-00083-00046704-00046844 It uses Ubuntu. PAQwNws4bko-00084-00047038-00047378 And as you see, you can use a lot of technologies. PAQwNws4bko-00085-00047442-00047673 Unattached that I have PAQwNws4bko-00086-00047765-00048122 that I have on that initial screen, I can install more things on it. PAQwNws4bko-00087-00048261-00048401 Here you see PAQwNws4bko-00088-00048429-00048764 a little terminal. For here I can make various things. PAQwNws4bko-00089-00048804-00049129 Including install new technologies under this VM. PAQwNws4bko-00090-00049370-00049978 This is a complete VM, 512 of RAM, 2GB of HD. PAQwNws4bko-00091-00050254-00050460 A good machine to by a server. PAQwNws4bko-00092-00051034-00051177 And it already comes with a server PAQwNws4bko-00093-00051337-00051455 example. here. PAQwNws4bko-00094-00051726-00052094 I use it just for two things. The first is it PAQwNws4bko-00095-00052172-00052245 Hit on Run. PAQwNws4bko-00096-00052567-00052852 I get this address from server, here. PAQwNws4bko-00097-00053304-00053398 I need it. PAQwNws4bko-00098-00053894-00054025 ... just now that it terminate to load.... PAQwNws4bko-00099-00054733-00054893 I not use this server. PAQwNws4bko-00100-00056198-00056470 In install other things in our server. PAQwNws4bko-00101-00056593-00056966 It already have the needed libraries to work with web PAQwNws4bko-00102-00057025-00057279 pre installed. But I install others for it. PAQwNws4bko-00103-00057382-00057678 The first tool NPM PAQwNws4bko-00104-00057760-00058114 Is a NodeJS tool to install libraries. PAQwNws4bko-00105-00058282-00058504 And I will install that WS. PAQwNws4bko-00106-00058567-00058879 To use as our websocket system. PAQwNws4bko-00107-00059506-00059610 It is installed. PAQwNws4bko-00108-00059734-00059891 This is the basic for work. PAQwNws4bko-00109-00059991-00060250 But I will install some basic things too. PAQwNws4bko-00110-00060737-00061444 Now I use a common command on Linux: sudo apt-get install PAQwNws4bko-00111-00061808-00062016 I install Coffee Script suport. PAQwNws4bko-00112-00062322-00062465 Its a language PAQwNws4bko-00113-00062584-00062697 of hi-level PAQwNws4bko-00114-00062932-00063021 and agile. PAQwNws4bko-00115-00063041-00063386 Very useful to develop PAQwNws4bko-00116-00063454-00063560 to Node JS. PAQwNws4bko-00117-00064282-00064458 And it is very fast to learn, too. PAQwNws4bko-00118-00066388-00066958 When installed I can create a script for new server. PAQwNws4bko-00119-00066997-00067096 new file PAQwNws4bko-00120-00068525-00068666 app.coffee PAQwNws4bko-00121-00069060-00069517 And now I start to load some needed libraries to run the server. PAQwNws4bko-00122-00070006-00070618 To one that know Java , here you also use imports, in this case 'require'. PAQwNws4bko-00123-00073876-00074614 To one that not know, coffeescript allows to call functions without parentheses. PAQwNws4bko-00124-00075021-00075748 Now, after load the libraries, I create some constants. PAQwNws4bko-00125-00076574-00076706 The public folder. PAQwNws4bko-00126-00076788-00077009 To sotre all PAQwNws4bko-00127-00077084-00077408 static documents of my server. PAQwNws4bko-00128-00077920-00078126 The server port. PAQwNws4bko-00129-00078216-00078618 To it I use the example script that has come with it. PAQwNws4bko-00130-00078862-00078988 At start of this PAQwNws4bko-00131-00079378-00079614 I have the server start command. PAQwNws4bko-00132-00079794-00080153 It show the port, using PAQwNws4bko-00133-00080246-00080569 a pattern from C9. That we get. PAQwNws4bko-00134-00081321-00081677 Now we create the server application. PAQwNws4bko-00135-00082541-00082676 Using Express. PAQwNws4bko-00136-00082737-00083177 The Express is native library of NodeJS. PAQwNws4bko-00137-00083314-00083724 It have ALL basic functionalities from a web server. PAQwNws4bko-00138-00083805-00084690 All is primary is here. We just work on the logic from our own specialist server. PAQwNws4bko-00139-00086328-00086417 server PAQwNws4bko-00140-00086932-00087104 and Web Socket Server. PAQwNws4bko-00141-00087490-00087652 Usin new. PAQwNws4bko-00142-00087764-00087930 That import that I make before. PAQwNws4bko-00143-00088397-00089149 For those not familiar with this, I will create a object and send it to constructor PAQwNws4bko-00144-00089312-00089442 of this class. PAQwNws4bko-00145-00089597-00090208 a normal object, as you used it on other languages, GDScript work as same way. PAQwNws4bko-00146-00090528-00090990 I put "server" paramn and pass that "server" to it. PAQwNws4bko-00147-00091348-00091874 I pass one more paramn to my websocket server. PAQwNws4bko-00148-00092736-00093469 "perMessageDeflate" forces the server to not compress the data when send it to client. PAQwNws4bko-00149-00093654-00093993 If it makes a data comprees, is obvious PAQwNws4bko-00150-00094042-00094740 the frist thing that you think is this optimize connection. However I need to implement it on Godot PAQwNws4bko-00151-00094880-00095430 as I not focused on long long implementations PAQwNws4bko-00152-00095725-00096060 and I not know how is the compress Algorithm PAQwNws4bko-00153-00096106-00096340 I make it without compress. PAQwNws4bko-00154-00096341-00096880 Even because it not make difference, I will transmit little data fragments, as... PAQwNws4bko-00155-00096908-00097110 Integers from positions PAQwNws4bko-00156-00097164-00097468 One or other string to command, simple messages... PAQwNws4bko-00157-00097526-00097625 Just it. PAQwNws4bko-00158-00098073-00098394 As I like the Coffee Script style PAQwNws4bko-00159-00098478-00098760 I make it a example PAQwNws4bko-00160-00099000-00099248 And put this entry using PAQwNws4bko-00161-00099332-00099476 Coffee Script format. PAQwNws4bko-00162-00100156-00100442 And now, we put the server to run. PAQwNws4bko-00163-00100680-00101044 I start using a library of Express. PAQwNws4bko-00164-00101265-00101513 (yes, libraries inside libraries) PAQwNws4bko-00165-00101989-00102713 This library "static" catch all that resides on "public" folder, and handle it as static content. PAQwNws4bko-00166-00102873-00103392 In other words, all that is .html, image files, css files... PAQwNws4bko-00167-00103509-00103652 is static file PAQwNws4bko-00168-00103724-00104144 And Express automaticaly handle it to us. PAQwNws4bko-00169-00105186-00105386 And now, just start the server. PAQwNws4bko-00170-00105908-00106057 Make it to listen... PAQwNws4bko-00171-00106154-00106268 that port. PAQwNws4bko-00172-00107889-00108078 I open a new terminal, here. PAQwNws4bko-00173-00109073-00109293 And start our server. PAQwNws4bko-00174-00109485-00109718 with coffee script. PAQwNws4bko-00175-00110254-00110562 No errors noticied. Server started. PAQwNws4bko-00176-00110738-00110920 Now, as I mentioned PAQwNws4bko-00177-00111085-00111225 Have a public folder here... PAQwNws4bko-00178-00111918-00112104 I create a file inside it PAQwNws4bko-00179-00112280-00112413 the famous index.html PAQwNws4bko-00180-00112680-00113038 This file is automaticaly loaded when you log inany server. PAQwNws4bko-00181-00114050-00114322 And it is showed here. Out server is run! PAQwNws4bko-00182-00114656-00115034 Obvious, we need to turn it more PAQwNws4bko-00183-00115276-00115430 user friendly. PAQwNws4bko-00184-00117438-00117738 You can use it as a landing page PAQwNws4bko-00185-00117801-00117892 for example. PAQwNws4bko-00186-00117977-00118134 This is only for someone... PAQwNws4bko-00187-00118356-00118598 accidentaly find our tutorial PAQwNws4bko-00188-00119032-00119225 just to make a more professional appearance. PAQwNws4bko-00189-00119283-00119728 Other step is remove the S from that https here. PAQwNws4bko-00190-00119840-00119976 Leave just http PAQwNws4bko-00191-00120674-00121144 The connection using HTTPS is more complex, we not using it. PAQwNws4bko-00192-00121725-00121859 Can return to Godot. PAQwNws4bko-00193-00122208-00122330 With this one copied. PAQwNws4bko-00194-00123024-00123257 The port is 80 PAQwNws4bko-00195-00123417-00123752 In the Internet when the port is not informad, assume it as 80. PAQwNws4bko-00196-00123810-00123934 in HTTP. PAQwNws4bko-00197-00124204-00124446 HTTPS is 443, if I right remember. PAQwNws4bko-00198-00124542-00124698 We using only 80. PAQwNws4bko-00199-00126490-00126761 Nothing work, because we not start PAQwNws4bko-00200-00126866-00127026 the websocket system. PAQwNws4bko-00201-00127494-00127709 Now, stop the server. PAQwNws4bko-00202-00127844-00127985 Ctrl + C in this terminal. PAQwNws4bko-00203-00128250-00128381 stopped. PAQwNws4bko-00204-00128585-00128933 It is the default page from Cloud9. PAQwNws4bko-00205-00129340-00129578 And here I implement a server code. PAQwNws4bko-00206-00129630-00130214 to websocket, we start before on create it. But it not have instructions to work. PAQwNws4bko-00207-00131301-00131512 Before start to listen PAQwNws4bko-00208-00131814-00131937 We go PAQwNws4bko-00209-00132128-00132433 setting some events to this server socket. PAQwNws4bko-00210-00132909-00133025 The "on" keyword PAQwNws4bko-00211-00133449-00133837 "connection", event connection PAQwNws4bko-00212-00134076-00134248 this receive a Websocket PAQwNws4bko-00213-00134388-00134534 (in realy the connected client) PAQwNws4bko-00214-00134649-00135037 it receive the websocket client, in this case our game! PAQwNws4bko-00215-00136226-00136374 It shows PAQwNws4bko-00216-00137208-00137393 The address for connected people. PAQwNws4bko-00217-00137742-00138086 and this client handle some events. PAQwNws4bko-00218-00138988-00139090 on "message" PAQwNws4bko-00219-00139540-00139818 All that need... "console.log"... PAQwNws4bko-00220-00140096-00140246 is show the messaged data. PAQwNws4bko-00221-00145228-00145757 Now I make one more thing on the end PAQwNws4bko-00222-00146074-00146237 I create a function PAQwNws4bko-00223-00148697-00149234 In really, I not send that one. It is the current date. I send the letter A only. PAQwNws4bko-00224-00149338-00149550 The letter A I know PAQwNws4bko-00225-00149608-00149882 from ASC II table, and I know that it have the value 65. PAQwNws4bko-00226-00149961-00150136 Just for starting tests. PAQwNws4bko-00227-00150609-00150725 Get server PAQwNws4bko-00228-00151136-00151568 I fave the list of connected clients, in this case our game. PAQwNws4bko-00229-00152093-00152420 Make a forEach inside it, in other words transverse the list. PAQwNws4bko-00230-00153296-00153428 here a thick arrow. PAQwNws4bko-00231-00153902-00154150 And here is important it PAQwNws4bko-00232-00154198-00154449 in case I have some problem with that client. PAQwNws4bko-00233-00155226-00155701 In case of erros with client, we have this "try ... catch" here. PAQwNws4bko-00234-00157365-00157497 To prevent something. PAQwNws4bko-00235-00158568-00158682 And call PAQwNws4bko-00236-00159162-00159530 This function from each 3 seconds. PAQwNws4bko-00237-00159970-00160173 Check if I write all correctly... PAQwNws4bko-00238-00161126-00161405 Note, it show connected here. PAQwNws4bko-00239-00162166-00163230 And this function called from each 3 seconds, return the letter A. As I mentoned it have the number 65. PAQwNws4bko-00240-00163633-00164013 It in each 3 seconds, is sended to Godot from this server. PAQwNws4bko-00241-00164086-00164529 Using this 46 lines of code. PAQwNws4bko-00242-00164572-00164788 I can get here on send message. PAQwNws4bko-00243-00164980-00165246 And it sends a message to my server. PAQwNws4bko-00244-00166962-00167354 And it is a basic scope. And now I begin to send PAQwNws4bko-00245-00167452-00167593 The date PAQwNws4bko-00246-00167713-00167877 integral. PAQwNws4bko-00247-00168072-00168346 Close it, save it. PAQwNws4bko-00248-00168921-00169134 Run agein my server. PAQwNws4bko-00249-00170178-00170925 Note that the Date is a biger string. PAQwNws4bko-00250-00171872-00172245 I just make a little change to you see it. PAQwNws4bko-00251-00178440-00178969 The it is the string sended by server with the current date. PAQwNws4bko-00252-00179598-00180005 I leave the link with the code in GitHub. PAQwNws4bko-00253-00180109-00180557 And at future, I use that base to implement some things PAQwNws4bko-00254-00180640-00180816 of a Multiplayer Game. PAQwNws4bko-00255-00180968-00181117 It's all folks! PBt-amBQs78-00000-00000000-00000351 hey there! Today's going to be a video on the wallet that I designed for youtuber Black Friday. PBt-amBQs78-00001-00000696-00001067 Now, this is the me's version, so if you want to hear a little bit more about this .....keep watching. Avelina De Moray INTRO PBt-amBQs78-00002-00001163-00001632 hey I'm Avelina De Moray, welcome back to my channel. and I thought I better get my PBt-amBQs78-00003-00001632-00002016 ass in gear and do this video because I need to tell you guys that this is PBt-amBQs78-00004-00002016-00002460 nearly sold out, which I'm so happy about it's almost like every time I release PBt-amBQs78-00005-00002460-00003008 things now, they are selling out a lot quicker than they were which for me Is phenomenal PBt-amBQs78-00006-00003008-00003461 I only have 50 of these left so I think there's 20 of the version without the PBt-amBQs78-00007-00003461-00003882 sigils I will go through it with you in more detail, but on the inside there, there would be no PBt-amBQs78-00008-00003882-00004362 sigil, and 30 left of the one with the sigil. Black Friday PBt-amBQs78-00009-00004362-00004842 and I are of course very proud of this little baby and our ever-expanding collection and I PBt-amBQs78-00010-00004842-00005148 love that ladies are really into this wallet as well, I know that some of you PBt-amBQs78-00011-00005148-00005687 ladies don't like to carry the kitchen sink inside your hem thing as I do - and I PBt-amBQs78-00012-00005687-00006230 wish I was like you I just can't do it it's just it's too fucking small how two PBt-amBQs78-00013-00006230-00006654 men do it? it's also really cool for my brand to start seeing photos of men with PBt-amBQs78-00014-00006654-00006986 my products. Thank you to any male out there that has purchased one of these PBt-amBQs78-00015-00006986-00007359 and has sent me a photo on Instagram Facebook it to be really lovely to see PBt-amBQs78-00016-00007359-00007788 so if you have been eyeing this please go to my side and either buy it or you PBt-amBQs78-00017-00007788-00008278 can delay by well I think that's still only for PBt-amBQs78-00018-00008278-00008788 Australia possibly New Zealand but lay-by is available worldwide okay so PBt-amBQs78-00019-00008788-00009225 this was super simple for me to design because it carried over the same batwing PBt-amBQs78-00020-00009225-00009525 element that a torito's site but the wallet so it was just a matter of PBt-amBQs78-00021-00009525-00009988 transforming it into a a smaller wallet that kind of had the same aesthetic PBt-amBQs78-00022-00009988-00010375 which is of course the black and red I am loving so my husband has been using PBt-amBQs78-00023-00010375-00010720 this for about six months he loves it it hasn't fallen apart or PBt-amBQs78-00024-00010720-00011250 anything which is really important to know and he wears it in his back pocket PBt-amBQs78-00025-00011250-00011703 so he sits on it when he drives that's getting squatched it still looks awesome PBt-amBQs78-00026-00011703-00012136 so the quality is fantastic this is Peyton's not PVC that's really PBt-amBQs78-00027-00012136-00012597 important to mention even on my handbags and the wallets I always use Payton it PBt-amBQs78-00028-00012597-00013075 is all a lot zero PVC is a lot thinner and it's going to basically disintegrate PBt-amBQs78-00029-00013075-00013404 a lot sooner than Payton's wills a lot of people get those materials PBt-amBQs78-00030-00013404-00013806 confused so I just wanted to clear that up so the man this one is pretty simple PBt-amBQs78-00031-00013806-00014145 on the front absolutely playing on the back on the PBt-amBQs78-00032-00014145-00014626 inside you've just got constants and command I think that is the PBt-amBQs78-00033-00014626-00015137 standing here Black Friday by a bullet this side but essentially to be so far PBt-amBQs78-00034-00015137-00015619 we've got one two three four five six card slots and then when you lift up PBt-amBQs78-00035-00015619-00015971 that little window give this a loose intersection when I first started to PBt-amBQs78-00036-00015971-00016358 design this bullet I put out a bit of a call on Instagram mainly to the male PBt-amBQs78-00037-00016358-00016753 followers and said what do you want him out well like what's what's what to need PBt-amBQs78-00038-00016753-00017258 beside it being aesthetically pleasing as fuck what practical elements do I PBt-amBQs78-00039-00017258-00017603 very clearly remember someone writing to me saying please have a look at stupid PBt-amBQs78-00040-00017603-00018041 section when I go out I put my key in it you know I go to nightclubs or popes or PBt-amBQs78-00041-00018041-00018566 whatever and all I take is my house key and it's not secure enough in the pocket PBt-amBQs78-00042-00018566-00019034 of my jeans so put a zipper in it so I listen to you and I really like that my PBt-amBQs78-00043-00019034-00019412 husband doesn't use that section but I'm sure one day he will it's very handy PBt-amBQs78-00044-00019412-00019997 they can put pills or keys or whatever it is great about and this little PBt-amBQs78-00045-00019997-00020476 section here just like the ladies willing is to sleep weekly put your ID PBt-amBQs78-00046-00020563-00021167 it's got the same matching red velvet as well one thing that I really wanted to PBt-amBQs78-00047-00021167-00021617 achieve throughout the whole set was to have the same color scheme so I said to PBt-amBQs78-00048-00021617-00021983 my manufacturer you'd be changing this on me because they did that previously PBt-amBQs78-00049-00021983-00022406 nobody go into that I confirmed the color and then they made the bulk water PBt-amBQs78-00050-00022406-00022835 for me and they changed the material they didn't tell me and I didn't realize PBt-amBQs78-00051-00022835-00023395 until 200 bags arrived this is I wasn't happy and I said guys PBt-amBQs78-00052-00023395-00023887 you cannot do that the color scheme for my brand is so important so if you were PBt-amBQs78-00053-00023887-00024265 to buy the matching lady's wallet and like you and your man I want to be PBt-amBQs78-00054-00024265-00024742 matching you can entirely do that is exactly that same material PBt-amBQs78-00055-00024742-00025251 sumon really nobody peaches are that the inside is also lined with red I love PBt-amBQs78-00056-00025251-00025666 that little pop of color when you open it up to get your notes and the other PBt-amBQs78-00057-00025666-00026058 thing is for little islet plan so you can put that bullet chain on it a lot of PBt-amBQs78-00058-00026058-00026569 menus that I think you so sexy it's very metal Oh God PBt-amBQs78-00059-00026569-00027070 we're talking about golf not metal god forbid enough anyway if you do have one PBt-amBQs78-00060-00027070-00027385 of these change you can put that on that that's probably the shortest video I've PBt-amBQs78-00061-00027385-00027708 ever done I don't know from getting older and I'm just like I'm gonna get to PBt-amBQs78-00062-00027708-00028008 the point and just tell you what you need to know or if I'm summarizing let PBt-amBQs78-00063-00028008-00028452 me know if you feel like this is just too quick like Friday and I are working PBt-amBQs78-00064-00028452-00028912 on other products we've definitely heard your call for a matching makeup bag so I PBt-amBQs78-00065-00028912-00029299 would get a sample started on that ASAP we also have a compact mirror that we're PBt-amBQs78-00066-00029299-00029697 working on changing the subject a little bit I'm also starting to design my hair PBt-amBQs78-00067-00029697-00030016 back but they need to bind so in the next few months there's going to be a PBt-amBQs78-00068-00030016-00030477 little sneak peeks of designs we'll start it and then at the end of PBt-amBQs78-00069-00030477-00031026 2019 both products I'm also starting on the version two of the death candy PBt-amBQs78-00070-00031026-00031431 coffin and I ran a column Instagram asking you one of the new colors should PBt-amBQs78-00071-00031431-00031836 be pumpkin orange and I was an overwhelming yes and I said what if it's PBt-amBQs78-00072-00031836-00032310 not available by Halloween though the others go I cannot guarantee its PBt-amBQs78-00073-00032310-00032784 availability by Halloween do you still want it and you guys say yes we do so PBt-amBQs78-00074-00032784-00033579 they big as well as a few little minor changes like Mara because if you bought PBt-amBQs78-00075-00033579-00033939 one or you bought a bag that has a mirror in it they was fucking drama with PBt-amBQs78-00076-00033939-00034410 that I don't think that in my life no more mirrors anything I will make my PBt-amBQs78-00077-00034410-00034812 own cutback Maris and they will fucking kick ass I can see them on my head I PBt-amBQs78-00078-00034812-00035121 just need the time to sit down at my table to decide that and get samples PBt-amBQs78-00079-00035121-00035393 going oh PBt-amBQs78-00080-00035438-00035922 so again only 50 of these left we had 200 made we have 20 of the nice digital PBt-amBQs78-00081-00035922-00036306 and 30 of the version with sigil so please be quick if you do want to get PBt-amBQs78-00082-00036306-00036624 your hands on one of these if you're wondering about this lovely dress it is PBt-amBQs78-00083-00036624-00037026 by current mood and I got it from dolls chill it just arrived this week it is PBt-amBQs78-00084-00037026-00037374 going to be part of that massive hole that I keep talking about the problem PBt-amBQs78-00085-00037374-00037821 with that role is I keep buying things from gel skills so the hole keeps PBt-amBQs78-00086-00037821-00038172 getting bigger bigger bigger I will do it next week I promise and tomorrow I PBt-amBQs78-00087-00038172-00038538 will be filming my Q&A so if you haven't already head over to that video where I PBt-amBQs78-00088-00038538-00038964 ask you guys questions and that will be where I'm reading from when I please PBt-amBQs78-00089-00038964-00039312 like and comment on this video it's just about my channel a lot another big hello PBt-amBQs78-00090-00039312-00039812 to all my new subscribers and I will see you guys in my next video PCoFtwS9Iky-00000-00000000-00000186 Spettacolare salto di un cervo davanti macchina in corsa PCoFtwS9Iky-00001-00000204-00000334 Deer Sport jumping nature PCoFtwS9Iky-00002-00000370-00000552 Spectacular leap of a deer in front of the car in the race PCoFtwS9Iky-00003-00000584-00000824 Spektakularny skok jelenia przed samochodem w wyścigu PDMfivQjnCk-00000-00000610-00001392 Converter of Mechanical Waves Into Electromagnetic Waves PDMfivQjnCk-00001-00001392-00002164 The challenge that was presented to us was to use a Galileo (an Intel hardware) PDMfivQjnCk-00002-00002164-00003000 to create an installation that stimulates people to express themselves, PDMfivQjnCk-00003-00003014-00003206 transforming this expressions into light. PDMfivQjnCk-00004-00003206-00003756 It receives sound information and trigger the light programming. PDMfivQjnCk-00005-00003822-00004522 It was like transforming people behavior into light. PDMfivQjnCk-00006-00004522-00004958 So they show a mirror of people reactions. PDMfivQjnCk-00007-00005106-00006094 We started to make tests with a prototype were the Galileo received an audio communication PDMfivQjnCk-00008-00006094-00006558 and we started to mapping that with a software. PDMfivQjnCk-00009-00007404-00008310 In the first moment we made some tests using a small sound table and a microphone, PDMfivQjnCk-00010-00008310-00009010 we tried to make the hardware to recognize this audio and turn on a LED. PDMfivQjnCk-00011-00009010-00009250 This was our mission. PDMfivQjnCk-00012-00009250-00009848 We worked for hours and hours, and after a long time, the LED was turned on. PDMfivQjnCk-00013-00009924-00010568 We could make the LED flash, which was exciting, but it had a greater significance PDMfivQjnCk-00014-00010568-00010826 as It meant that the entire communication system worked! PDMfivQjnCk-00015-00010826-00011424 We developed the software at the same time as the hardware. PDMfivQjnCk-00016-00011424-00012038 We needed to make a small part and test that the hardware and the software were communicationg PDMfivQjnCk-00017-00012038-00013241 And then adapting both, looking for bugs of software and hardware until we found a system that really worked. PDMfivQjnCk-00018-00013241-00013566 After that we got to the stage of rehearsals. PDMfivQjnCk-00019-00013566-00014024 Once the hardware and software was developed, PDMfivQjnCk-00020-00014024-00014256 we put them to work and developed them. PDMfivQjnCk-00021-00014280-00015046 In the same way you compose music, we created the equivalent of a visual score PDMfivQjnCk-00022-00015046-00015928 so we created a sequence of notes with images playing in reaction to the sound level of the room. PDMfivQjnCk-00023-00015928-00016534 Each lighting state was planned to increase or decrease in relation to the intensity of the sound. PDMfivQjnCk-00024-00016534-00017076 As the sound intensified, more devices were triggered. PDMfivQjnCk-00025-00017522-00017950 The final result was very beautiful. PDMfivQjnCk-00026-00017950-00018746 We could see that the intensity and the frequency we wanted to achieve worked, and it started to respond very well. PDMfivQjnCk-00027-00018746-00019268 And I think that everyone in this moment realised they could control and were happy to interact. PDMfivQjnCk-00028-00019268-00020044 It was great to see this new thing working, made in a open source way by us. PDMfivQjnCk-00029-00020054-00020688 What I think was most interesting is that going into this universe opened a door in my head. PDMfivQjnCk-00030-00020688-00021148 I like to think that it is a channel to investigate other things. PDMfivQjnCk-00031-00021410-00021748 If we're talking about light, it's like a reflection. PDMfivQjnCk-00032-00021748-00022176 It was like, as if you could watch yourself. PDMfivQjnCk-00033-00022176-00022672 If we think as audio, it was like an echo, where we are able to hear ourselves. PDMfivQjnCk-00034-00022678-00023190 But we are mixing them together, so we are receiving this echo as light. PFsIeqPGgSg-00000-00000000-00000988 *Intro Music* PFsIeqPGgSg-00001-00001024-00001402 Whats up people and welcome to the Tutorial PFsIeqPGgSg-00002-00001418-00001666 As you can see in the Title PFsIeqPGgSg-00003-00001700-00001996 Its about the new Steam minigame Saliens PFsIeqPGgSg-00004-00002184-00002512 it is basically just stupidly clickling everywhere PFsIeqPGgSg-00005-00002534-00002714 you are doing nothing at all PFsIeqPGgSg-00006-00002810-00002984 I can show it to you if you want PFsIeqPGgSg-00007-00002984-00003692 Showing just the Game PFsIeqPGgSg-00008-00003754-00004036 Soo done thats the game PFsIeqPGgSg-00009-00004086-00004330 You can get Games and stuff but you can read more about it yourself PFsIeqPGgSg-00010-00004424-00004624 But the good thing is we have the Internet PFsIeqPGgSg-00011-00004796-00005092 As you can see, btw i am doing it in Chrome(Mr obvious xD) PFsIeqPGgSg-00012-00005138-00005360 It should work in all other Browser's too PFsIeqPGgSg-00013-00005394-00005592 You can Pause and look up which extension you need PFsIeqPGgSg-00014-00005658-00005858 I honestly didnt tried it out with Greasemonkey PFsIeqPGgSg-00015-00005916-00006116 It could work or not i didnt try it PFsIeqPGgSg-00016-00006194-00006394 at least with the script i have here right now PFsIeqPGgSg-00017-00006573-00006773 I never used this script but you can try it PFsIeqPGgSg-00018-00006938-00007138 But i tried this one! PFsIeqPGgSg-00019-00007214-00007388 This script is great PFsIeqPGgSg-00020-00007445-00007523 First you need Tampermonkey PFsIeqPGgSg-00021-00007595-00008336 Tampermonkey is a extension which allows you to use Scripts in your Browser PFsIeqPGgSg-00022-00008372-00008698 As you can see i installed it already PFsIeqPGgSg-00023-00008796-00009350 Just check if the extension is real and not fake stuff PFsIeqPGgSg-00024-00009394-00009692 Maybe there are alot of fakes extension out there but i am not sure PFsIeqPGgSg-00025-00009776-00009976 essentially it should be the first link everytime PFsIeqPGgSg-00026-00010094-00010294 Soo its already added PFsIeqPGgSg-00027-00010332-00010532 Then you go to this Site PFsIeqPGgSg-00028-00010586-00010814 Everything is linked below PFsIeqPGgSg-00029-00010894-00011432 and then search the Userscript Mode right there and press on the link PFsIeqPGgSg-00030-00011604-00011862 And then the Tampermonkey site should pop up PFsIeqPGgSg-00031-00011972-00012738 Basically what i am saying here is press on Install PFsIeqPGgSg-00032-00012836-00013119 And then right there should pop-up your script PFsIeqPGgSg-00033-00013194-00013352 if not you can just press on Overview PFsIeqPGgSg-00034-00013446-00013726 Check if the Bot is running and show's you the green bar PFsIeqPGgSg-00035-00013806-00014006 And everything is set up PFsIeqPGgSg-00036-00014062-00014262 if you got that go to Steam PFsIeqPGgSg-00037-00014350-00014469 I am already logged in PFsIeqPGgSg-00038-00014508-00014638 And as you can see PFsIeqPGgSg-00039-00014669-00014869 I am not pressing anything PFsIeqPGgSg-00040-00014928-00015076 My hands are up here PFsIeqPGgSg-00041-00015094-00015294 And.. PFsIeqPGgSg-00042-00015382-00015830 the script should work fine now and does it automatically as you can see PFsIeqPGgSg-00043-00016036-00016578 *For proof just look at my Cam and my Hands+mouse movement* PFsIeqPGgSg-00044-00016586-00016828 It does everything automatically PFsIeqPGgSg-00045-00016910-00017196 You can also just run it in the Background it should be no problem PFsIeqPGgSg-00046-00017226-00017396 Just check the Site sometimes PFsIeqPGgSg-00047-00017584-00017640 Basically thats it with the Video PFsIeqPGgSg-00048-00017892-00019954 If there is any problems just reinstall the script or the extension PFsIeqPGgSg-00049-00020038-00020532 If you dont want the script or the extension anymore just right click on the extension and press remove PFsIeqPGgSg-00050-00020564-00020710 if you wanna be safe with it go to Overview delete the script and then remove the extension PFsIeqPGgSg-00051-00020758-00020846 otherwise PFsIeqPGgSg-00052-00020906-00021090 i hope you liked the video PFsIeqPGgSg-00053-00021130-00021456 if soo i would be happy about a thumps up and a Sub PFsIeqPGgSg-00054-00021476-00021544 If not its your choice anyway xD PFsIeqPGgSg-00055-00021570-00021720 Have fun with what ever you guys doing PFsIeqPGgSg-00056-00021738-00021938 also have fun with your free games and trading cards PFsIeqPGgSg-00057-00021966-00022166 i wish you a good day and bye PIsQ6BHxVOk-00000-00000187-00000767 It’s hard to be grateful these days as we hit the 6-month wall of the pandemic. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00001-00000767-00001259 Watching the wildfires and storms and melting glaciers. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00002-00001259-00001985 Worrying about kids, about Elders nearby, about friends and family across the globe. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00003-00001985-00002569 Grieving the deaths in our communities, the murders at the hands of police. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00004-00002627-00002915 Sometimes, it’s hard to be grateful. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00005-00002990-00003724 But there is something about the seasonal rituals like Thanksgiving that nudge and encourage us into gratitude. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00006-00003774-00004175 And when we do, there is much waiting for us. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00007-00004233-00004500 The changing leaves are beautiful. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00008-00004500-00004854 The people practicing kindness are comforting. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00009-00004888-00005271 The diligence of essential workers is inspiring. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00010-00005336-00005843 Indigenous wisdom is powerful. I return gratitude. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00011-00005926-00006308 I am particularly grateful for those I know by name PIsQ6BHxVOk-00012-00006348-00007253 migrant workers who bring our food from fields and factories to our tables, caregivers and personal support workers PIsQ6BHxVOk-00013-00007253-00008220 who provide care and comfort to elders in private homes and long term care facilities, all at great risk to their own lives. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00014-00008312-00008796 It is an honour to continue to find ways, particularly in this pandemic, PIsQ6BHxVOk-00015-00008796-00009601 to stand with these people who are so essential to our communities with our solidarity and our action. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00016-00009672-00010485 Supporting the call for permanent status for these essential workers is a concrete expression of this gratitude. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00017-00010539-00011102 Let this be a reality, so they too can find meaning in Thanksgiving. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00018-00011182-00011578 This Thanksgiving, we wish for you: connection, PIsQ6BHxVOk-00019-00011578-00012608 connection with those you love and those you may not know personally but know of their contributions, even if only on screen or over the phone. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00020-00012658-00013463 We give gratitude to Creator and all our relations for life in fullness on this wounded earth. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00021-00013580-00014443 We hope that all of us, out of this gratitude, will renew our action for migrant and ecological justice, PIsQ6BHxVOk-00022-00014443-00015060 for human rights and Indigenous rights, for gender and racial justice. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00023-00015110-00015377 Thank you for your support. PIsQ6BHxVOk-00024-00015377-00015782 Thanksgiving blessings from all of us at KAIROS. PKIrjI5H3mI-00000-00000355-00001026 Hello hello everyone I'm Olivier Norvez the animation coordinator of the french biodiversity PKIrjI5H3mI-00001-00001026-00001146 data lab Pôle national de données de biodiversité which is a national infrastructure for research PKIrjI5H3mI-00002-00001146-00001246 and proposing FAIR tools and services around biodiversity data and metadata. PKIrjI5H3mI-00003-00001246-00002682 This infrastructure is led by the French National Museum of Natural History. PKIrjI5H3mI-00004-00002682-00003365 As you can hear is my accent I'm french so, sorry guys, I just hope you will understand PKIrjI5H3mI-00005-00003365-00003614 everything that I will show you for the next hour. PKIrjI5H3mI-00006-00003614-00004032 Now I'm going to share with you my screen and please few second. PKIrjI5H3mI-00007-00004032-00004132 That’s it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00008-00004132-00004232 So here we go. PKIrjI5H3mI-00009-00004232-00004410 Introduction We’ll together Compute and analyse biodiversity PKIrjI5H3mI-00010-00004410-00005791 metrics with the Biodiversity Data Exploration tools training. PKIrjI5H3mI-00011-00005791-00006463 Indeed in this tutorial we will extract and explore a data set from the famous reef live PKIrjI5H3mI-00012-00006463-00006563 survey project. PKIrjI5H3mI-00013-00006563-00007120 So we'll be using data extracted from the australian ocean data network portal. PKIrjI5H3mI-00014-00007120-00007730 We have decided to use subdata set only on the Mollusca phylum from the east coast of PKIrjI5H3mI-00015-00007730-00008536 Australia between 2008 and 2021. PKIrjI5H3mI-00016-00008536-00009586 We will explore this data set in the view of making statistical analysis so we'll check PKIrjI5H3mI-00017-00009586-00009788 the homoscedasticity and normality of the variables, see if some variables are corrected PKIrjI5H3mI-00018-00009788-00009940 or not, how the data are distributed through space and time, etc. PKIrjI5H3mI-00019-00009940-00010393 And finally, we will explore beta diversity through the computation of the special contribution PKIrjI5H3mI-00020-00010393-00011297 to beta diversity and local contribution to beta diversity PKIrjI5H3mI-00021-00011297-00012139 Galaxy Ecology So, before to start the training I will present PKIrjI5H3mI-00022-00012139-00012432 to you the galaxy ecology interface. PKIrjI5H3mI-00023-00012432-00013266 First thing to do is simply to go to Galaxy-ecology through URL ecology.galaxy.eu. PKIrjI5H3mI-00024-00013266-00013413 Like this. PKIrjI5H3mI-00025-00013413-00014760 OK, here we go to ecology dot usegalaxy dot eu up interface is composed by four main parts. PKIrjI5H3mI-00026-00014760-00016381 The head banner where you can log in, find data and workflows PKIrjI5H3mI-00027-00016381-00016481 the tools here on the left PKIrjI5H3mI-00028-00016481-00017456 Your history on your right, and the main part where you can check your result and visualize PKIrjI5H3mI-00029-00017456-00017561 your data. PKIrjI5H3mI-00030-00017561-00018466 You have to login for the Galaxy because it's better and you can if you are logging you PKIrjI5H3mI-00031-00018466-00019200 can save your history and something like that, so it's better to create an output. PKIrjI5H3mI-00032-00019200-00019940 it's simple, free and better for you in the future. PKIrjI5H3mI-00033-00019940-00020505 OK, so, now we will check the Galaxy training of biodiversity data exploration PKIrjI5H3mI-00034-00020505-00021331 When the way to go there, is to go to the “help”, “support”, “tutorials” PKIrjI5H3mI-00035-00021331-00021539 and Galaxy training network PKIrjI5H3mI-00036-00021539-00023879 So there you can see the there there are a lot of trainings about many topics like ensemble PKIrjI5H3mI-00037-00023879-00024643 climate epigenetics, genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, etc, and for us ecology PKIrjI5H3mI-00038-00024643-00026331 In total you have eight tutorials, and for us especially the biodiversity data exploration. PKIrjI5H3mI-00039-00026331-00026781 So we will follow this tutorial. PKIrjI5H3mI-00040-00026781-00027190 OK this page is like this. PKIrjI5H3mI-00041-00027190-00027962 So the title is about biodiversity data exploration, the authors, and you can make contribution PKIrjI5H3mI-00042-00027962-00029262 if you want. because Galaxy the Galaxy project it's a common and collaborative project, you PKIrjI5H3mI-00043-00029262-00029999 can make contribution and it's better to understand that you will do, and it's better for the PKIrjI5H3mI-00044-00029999-00030115 community in general. PKIrjI5H3mI-00045-00030115-00030624 So this training is composed of four parts. PKIrjI5H3mI-00046-00030624-00030995 And the introduction of course. PKIrjI5H3mI-00047-00030995-00031838 The first part is the data preparation : get data, product, customize your data set, just PKIrjI5H3mI-00048-00031838-00031938 to prepare your data set to make real analysis. PKIrjI5H3mI-00049-00031938-00032832 After that, the second part is the data checking and here, we will check and test the normality, PKIrjI5H3mI-00050-00032832-00033409 the structure of your data, the autocorrelation, the colinearity, etc. PKIrjI5H3mI-00051-00033409-00034488 The data exploration for the third part and we will visualize abundance, repartition and PKIrjI5H3mI-00052-00034488-00034844 dispersion. and the final part is the beta diversity and as I said, we will test the PKIrjI5H3mI-00053-00034844-00035515 local contribution to beta diversity lcbd and the species contribution to beta diversity PKIrjI5H3mI-00054-00035515-00035836 scbd, OK. PKIrjI5H3mI-00055-00035836-00036411 Data preparation so for the data preparation. PKIrjI5H3mI-00056-00036411-00036958 In this part I will show you how you can get your data and customize your data set and PKIrjI5H3mI-00057-00036958-00037537 we'll use a classical biodiversity dataset containing taxonomic, spatial and temporal PKIrjI5H3mI-00058-00037537-00037837 information for illustrating our training. PKIrjI5H3mI-00059-00037837-00038127 The first step is to get data. PKIrjI5H3mI-00060-00038127-00038838 And just before that we'll come back to the Galaxy page. PKIrjI5H3mI-00061-00038838-00040065 So we have to create a history, so here you click on the plus button and then history. PKIrjI5H3mI-00062-00040065-00040746 So we'll name it because we will use the data set from the Reef life survey. PKIrjI5H3mI-00063-00040746-00041597 Maybe we can use the acronym RLS for Reef life survey and biodiversity data exploration PKIrjI5H3mI-00064-00041597-00041728 like this. PKIrjI5H3mI-00065-00041728-00044043 OK we have the net this name now RLS for biodiversity data exploration tutorial, and now we'll upload PKIrjI5H3mI-00066-00044043-00044460 your data you can upload your data from your local computer, or from the external source, PKIrjI5H3mI-00067-00044460-00045713 so get data, on your left you have to put on the upload data button, here, and a new PKIrjI5H3mI-00068-00045713-00046831 window appears, and you will upload the data from zenodo that you can find in the training, PKIrjI5H3mI-00069-00046831-00047621 and past and fetch data, copy past, and start. PKIrjI5H3mI-00070-00047621-00048119 Okay it works, we can close this window. PKIrjI5H3mI-00071-00048119-00049091 As you can see it's gray, and it's not green, this case, it means it doesn't ready to start PKIrjI5H3mI-00072-00049091-00050480 some analysis or some customizing dataset, etc. so you have to wait you can drink a coffee PKIrjI5H3mI-00073-00050480-00051141 like this, or just wait a few seconds. PKIrjI5H3mI-00074-00051141-00051241 Because,.... PKIrjI5H3mI-00075-00051241-00051940 Maybe it will be long just because yesterday there was a big maintenance on the Galaxy PKIrjI5H3mI-00076-00051940-00052995 ecology platform for europe, and maybe if it's too long, we will use the national instance. PKIrjI5H3mI-00077-00052995-00054405 Here we are in ecology Galaxy europe and maybe we can use the french instance so dot FR. PKIrjI5H3mI-00078-00054405-00054533 Okay we will use it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00079-00054533-00054633 okay. PKIrjI5H3mI-00080-00054633-00055048 just change and tape FR for France. PKIrjI5H3mI-00081-00055048-00056654 Exactly the same interface with the banner, head banner, the tools on your left, the history PKIrjI5H3mI-00082-00056654-00057966 on your right, and the main part to visualize your data and result after you did some analysis. PKIrjI5H3mI-00083-00057966-00059724 “Unamed history”, we have to do exactly the same steps : RLS for reef life survey PKIrjI5H3mI-00084-00059724-00061982 biodiversity data exploration, get data from an external source, upload data, start, okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00086-00068599-00068699 are changed. PKIrjI5H3mI-00087-00068699-00070566 Now it's green, perfect, with the eye button or icon, you can click on it, and check your PKIrjI5H3mI-00088-00070566-00071331 dataset, okay it's not possible to see something with that. PKIrjI5H3mI-00089-00071331-00072616 and as you can see, on the first lines, it's not data, it's just metadata so we will use PKIrjI5H3mI-00090-00072616-00073117 a tool. PKIrjI5H3mI-00092-00076143-00076992 from this dataset, just verify it's the same dataset but because we have only one data PKIrjI5H3mI-00093-00076992-00078192 set in our story, there is no reason, there is a mistake, so okay, execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00094-00078192-00080685 It's gray, oh the color is changing, and you can see it's running, yes it's green, okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00095-00080685-00081167 the first 72 lines disappeared. PKIrjI5H3mI-00096-00081167-00082364 That's perfect, now because it's not the good format to do some analysis, we have to change PKIrjI5H3mI-00097-00082364-00083592 the format just before we can change the name of this dataset because the name is a little PKIrjI5H3mI-00098-00083592-00083724 bit long. PKIrjI5H3mI-00099-00083724-00084514 So maybe reef life survey molluscs. PKIrjI5H3mI-00100-00084514-00085058 Save it okay. PKIrjI5H3mI-00101-00085058-00086608 The name has changed and now we have to specify the format. PKIrjI5H3mI-00102-00086608-00088022 so we'll change it, to csv, save it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00104-00093112-00094474 so verify “convert csv to tabular” okay, create data set, a new step appears in your PKIrjI5H3mI-00105-00094474-00094770 history : “convert csv to tabular” PKIrjI5H3mI-00106-00094770-00096860 so here, as the name is history you you have the first step : reef life survey molluscs, PKIrjI5H3mI-00107-00096860-00098057 it's your upload after that we have removed the 72 lines; first lines; and now we convert PKIrjI5H3mI-00108-00098057-00099252 this data set to csv and to csv to tabular, now maybe you can check it, ok, it looks like PKIrjI5H3mI-00109-00099252-00099526 good PKIrjI5H3mI-00110-00099526-00100764 Because we won't use all the columns here because too much informations just for the PKIrjI5H3mI-00111-00100764-00101694 tuto, we will use another tools which is advances, “advanced cut columns from a table” so PKIrjI5H3mI-00112-00101694-00102104 same thing, than just did it before PKIrjI5H3mI-00113-00102104-00104978 okay it appears, here this is the first position that's perfect PKIrjI5H3mI-00114-00104978-00105477 okay and now you have to verify PKIrjI5H3mI-00115-00105477-00107117 up this is your dataset, keep, “delimited by tab”, PKIrjI5H3mI-00116-00107117-00107919 cut by fields and we have to select the column 8 PKIrjI5H3mI-00117-00107919-00108019 okay and execute now PKIrjI5H3mI-00118-00108019-00108342 Ok it works, PKIrjI5H3mI-00121-00117777-00118069 information to do, biodiversity data exploration. PKIrjI5H3mI-00122-00118069-00118447 it it's cool, it works, PKIrjI5H3mI-00123-00118447-00120330 The second step to customize your dataset is : we will use the tool “column regex PKIrjI5H3mI-00124-00120330-00121884 find and replace” with the following parameters : “select from” we will use this dataset PKIrjI5H3mI-00125-00121884-00123725 and we will select the column four, one, two, three, four, “survey date” just to to PKIrjI5H3mI-00126-00123725-00124242 keep the year, and remove all of this information like months and days so PKIrjI5H3mI-00127-00124242-00124883 I will search the “column regex find and replace” PKIrjI5H3mI-00128-00124883-00125818 okay this is this is one. PKIrjI5H3mI-00129-00125818-00126442 Ok “select cells from”, PKIrjI5H3mI-00130-00126442-00129126 this is a good data set, well, this is the good step of the history. PKIrjI5H3mI-00131-00129126-00129626 using column 4 as I said because it's for the date. PKIrjI5H3mI-00132-00129626-00130650 click on “insert check” and using the “regex” PKIrjI5H3mI-00133-00130650-00131746 so you can just copy past your data set , well no, your formula from the tuto PKIrjI5H3mI-00134-00131746-00131981 Yep PKIrjI5H3mI-00135-00131981-00132921 you have to check PKIrjI5H3mI-00136-00132921-00133626 Okay, execute now PKIrjI5H3mI-00138-00137386-00139486 tutorial you can send to me an email to olivier.norvez@mnhn.fr and you you can you can do anything to have PKIrjI5H3mI-00139-00139486-00140118 better tutorials like contribution or just simple suggestions. PKIrjI5H3mI-00140-00140118-00141626 Okay it's green, it works, just check the data and it's perfect . You removed all the PKIrjI5H3mI-00141-00141626-00142265 information about the month and the days and just keep the year, so we have six columns PKIrjI5H3mI-00142-00142265-00142992 the size code the latitude, the longitude survey date, with only the year, the species PKIrjI5H3mI-00143-00142992-00143953 name of the mollusc phyllum and the total of these species and it is the abundance. PKIrjI5H3mI-00144-00143953-00144101 okay that's cool PKIrjI5H3mI-00145-00144101-00145193 Data checking Here, in the next parts, we will check our PKIrjI5H3mI-00146-00145193-00146150 dataset, I mean, how are structured these data, and especially we will examine sorry PKIrjI5H3mI-00147-00146150-00147321 the Homoscedasticity it's a difficult word to say and normality and the autocorrelation PKIrjI5H3mI-00148-00147321-00147627 and collinearity. PKIrjI5H3mI-00149-00147627-00148215 Here we will check homogeneity of the variance with the Leven test for every species, and PKIrjI5H3mI-00150-00148215-00149001 represent it so multiple box plot and the normal distribution thanks to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov PKIrjI5H3mI-00151-00149001-00149808 test, represent, which will be represented by a distribution histogram and the qq plot. PKIrjI5H3mI-00152-00149808-00150600 So use the tool Homoscedasticity and normality with the following parameters: PKIrjI5H3mI-00153-00150600-00151363 okay you can just because the world is difficult to say and tape, maybe you can just copy and PKIrjI5H3mI-00154-00151363-00152603 paste from the tutorials this function, this tools, and that's perfect you get it so click PKIrjI5H3mI-00155-00152603-00154256 on it, okay the same interface, I mean okay from where and you will categorize your action PKIrjI5H3mI-00156-00154256-00154873 so like select column containing select column containing species etc etc and after that PKIrjI5H3mI-00157-00154873-00155759 you can execute so the interface could be complicated but it's so simple because it's PKIrjI5H3mI-00158-00155759-00156304 all the time the same things PKIrjI5H3mI-00159-00156304-00157039 so we have to check the following parameters : so “input table” use the column regex PKIrjI5H3mI-00160-00157039-00157902 file okay this is the last one we use it and that's it select column containing temporal PKIrjI5H3mI-00161-00157902-00158914 date this is the c4 for column 4, select column containing species. PKIrjI5H3mI-00162-00158914-00160134 species, species, species name, and numerical values : total , total for abundance so execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00163-00160134-00162103 now you can execute and wait a few seconds, take a coffee as I said, verify your email PKIrjI5H3mI-00164-00162103-00163067 your social networks, or whatever, and you will have two, three outputs. PKIrjI5H3mI-00165-00163067-00163879 These three outputs are running as you can see on your right part, the history. PKIrjI5H3mI-00166-00163879-00165727 These three outputs which are : the Leven tests for the Homoscedasticity of your dataset, PKIrjI5H3mI-00167-00165727-00166686 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality, and nine png files in a data collection. PKIrjI5H3mI-00168-00166686-00166878 okay, cool PKIrjI5H3mI-00169-00166878-00167359 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, you can check it PKIrjI5H3mI-00170-00167359-00167791 OK, Leven-test PKIrjI5H3mI-00171-00167791-00168007 okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00172-00168007-00170064 If the levene test is significant (P-value in column Pr < 0.5 and at least one * at the PKIrjI5H3mI-00173-00170064-00171098 end of the 4th line), variances aren’t homogeneous, the hypothesis of homoscedasticity is rejected. PKIrjI5H3mI-00174-00171098-00171812 If the K-S test is significant (p-value < 0.5), your numerical variable isn’t normally distributed, PKIrjI5H3mI-00175-00171812-00172503 the hypothesis of normality is rejected. PKIrjI5H3mI-00176-00172503-00173918 The two tests have to be significant so variances aren’t homogenous and data isn’t normally PKIrjI5H3mI-00177-00173918-00175278 distributed, and the nine png files appears here, appear here, and you will check with PKIrjI5H3mI-00178-00175278-00176473 the eye icon for each species, you are in your data set like this. PKIrjI5H3mI-00179-00176473-00176947 so as you can see Galaxy ecology is perfect just to, to have a teasing of your data, to PKIrjI5H3mI-00180-00176947-00178247 prepare your data, to customize your data, and it's very practical to discover your data PKIrjI5H3mI-00181-00178247-00179157 and explore, exploring your data, so come back for the RLS biodiversity data exploration PKIrjI5H3mI-00182-00179157-00179463 tutorial, okay. PKIrjI5H3mI-00183-00179463-00180615 Now we'll use the tools “variables exploration” with the following parameters I will said PKIrjI5H3mI-00184-00180615-00180900 to you, I will say to you. PKIrjI5H3mI-00185-00180900-00181741 so click on the tools part “variables exploration” PKIrjI5H3mI-00186-00181741-00182074 With the good orthography, it’s better PKIrjI5H3mI-00187-00182074-00183990 okay here it appears, in the first suggestion PKIrjI5H3mI-00188-00183990-00184927 and we have to check some parameters, so as the tutorial said, says “input table”, PKIrjI5H3mI-00189-00184927-00185670 the last one, this is okay, verify it, “the first line is header line”, yes. PKIrjI5H3mI-00190-00185670-00186028 you have to click on yes. PKIrjI5H3mI-00191-00186028-00187047 “Variables links exploration” and here select “autocorrelation of one selected PKIrjI5H3mI-00192-00187047-00187892 numerical variables”, “numerical value” if you remember well, it's a six, the column PKIrjI5H3mI-00193-00187892-00189092 six, total, for abundances, and now you can execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00194-00189092-00189972 You will have two outputs, here you can see it's running and after that, it’s green. PKIrjI5H3mI-00195-00189972-00190823 And these two outputs is one text file containing the Autocorrelation function values and one PKIrjI5H3mI-00196-00190823-00191547 PNG file in the data collection showing the autocorrelation for a variable. PKIrjI5H3mI-00197-00191547-00192165 If the bars of the histogram are strictly confined between the dashed lines (representing PKIrjI5H3mI-00198-00192165-00192660 95% confidence interval without white noise), there is auto-correlation. PKIrjI5H3mI-00199-00192660-00193804 so we have to wait, and we will check the autocorrelation PKIrjI5H3mI-00200-00193804-00194889 Yes it's green PKIrjI5H3mI-00201-00194889-00195812 We can check it, okay a table with auto correlation for each species, I don't have to watch it PKIrjI5H3mI-00202-00195812-00196449 anyway and the variable exploration, autocorrelation, png PKIrjI5H3mI-00203-00196449-00197174 That's cool, here we can see there is no autocorrelation. PKIrjI5H3mI-00204-00197174-00197285 okay so PKIrjI5H3mI-00205-00197285-00198890 And for the last part of this check data part, we will test the collinearité, collinearity PKIrjI5H3mI-00206-00198890-00198990 sorry. PKIrjI5H3mI-00207-00198990-00200206 between numerical variables, so use the tool, the same tools before, “variables exploration”, PKIrjI5H3mI-00208-00200206-00200331 okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00209-00200331-00201643 I need a coffee I think, another coffee, okay we have to check some parameters “input PKIrjI5H3mI-00210-00201643-00202427 tables” this is the good one”, “column regex find and replace data from 4, verify PKIrjI5H3mI-00211-00202427-00202756 it's “yes” okay no yes yes PKIrjI5H3mI-00212-00202756-00204165 and now you have to select “collinearity between selected numerical variables for each PKIrjI5H3mI-00213-00204165-00205253 species” so that's perfect this is the first one ,so it appears directly in this parameter. PKIrjI5H3mI-00214-00205253-00207921 select column containing species, species name, the column 5, and now you have to select PKIrjI5H3mI-00217-00217513-00219055 it's a little bit long, stop the recording PKIrjI5H3mI-00218-00219055-00219527 OK I ‘m back PKIrjI5H3mI-00219-00219527-00219805 so it works PKIrjI5H3mI-00220-00219805-00221073 we have two outputs one describing species we couldn’t evaluate and one PNG file with PKIrjI5H3mI-00221-00221073-00221675 one plot containing multiple correlation plots and the correlation values between each variables. PKIrjI5H3mI-00222-00221675-00222733 so we can check it, this is not enough data ,as I said, so we cannot evaluate it, and PKIrjI5H3mI-00223-00222733-00223096 the nine outputs in the data collection. PKIrjI5H3mI-00224-00223096-00223857 so we can see the autocorrelation for each, no, no, the collinearity of each species. PKIrjI5H3mI-00225-00223857-00224457 there was a total, survey date, PKIrjI5H3mI-00226-00224457-00225206 you can download all of these images. PKIrjI5H3mI-00227-00225206-00226096 I didn't say that but it's very practical to illustrate your articles or your data paper PKIrjI5H3mI-00228-00226096-00226798 or technical papers or scientific paper anyway, or just a tuto. PKIrjI5H3mI-00229-00226798-00227573 And you can see in the training of biodiversity exploration some of these images. PKIrjI5H3mI-00230-00227573-00228386 Data exploration So okay back to our main history part, and PKIrjI5H3mI-00231-00228386-00229821 now we will enter in the hard part not when I say I mean it's not difficult but just the PKIrjI5H3mI-00232-00229821-00230412 important part to explore biodiversity in your dataset. PKIrjI5H3mI-00233-00230412-00230973 In this part, I’ll show you how you can explore the biodiversity of your dataset through PKIrjI5H3mI-00234-00230973-00231742 the abundance through space and time of the molluscan species of your dataset PKIrjI5H3mI-00235-00231742-00232431 Here we will visualise the abundance repartition through space. PKIrjI5H3mI-00236-00232431-00232923 So I present to you a very cool tools, the “Presence-absence and abundance” PKIrjI5H3mI-00237-00232923-00234626 OK, I go to the tool part and copy-paste the function tools you can find in your training, PKIrjI5H3mI-00238-00234626-00235521 or just type the name “presence, absence and abundance” and okay this is the second PKIrjI5H3mI-00239-00235521-00235923 one of the propositions. PKIrjI5H3mI-00240-00235923-00236604 We have the same things : you have to put the good history, well step so “column regex PKIrjI5H3mI-00241-00236604-00237180 find and replace of the data 4”, “yes”, that's it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00242-00237180-00237806 and now check what do you want to do. PKIrjI5H3mI-00243-00237806-00240063 So for us, we have to use “variables presence”, “abundance map” yes that's it okay select PKIrjI5H3mI-00244-00240063-00241141 column containing latitude okay perfect, see the same name longitude, column three, what PKIrjI5H3mI-00245-00241141-00241291 do you study in this analysis? PKIrjI5H3mI-00246-00241291-00242741 for example mollusc of the australian east coast from 2008 to 2021 if I remember well. PKIrjI5H3mI-00247-00242741-00243481 finally tomorrow is called the australian discussed select columns containing taxon, PKIrjI5H3mI-00248-00243481-00244536 “species name” and “abundance the” column 6” for total PKIrjI5H3mI-00249-00244536-00244915 Now you can execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00250-00244915-00246246 You will have to get two outputs, one with the map of the abundance through space with PKIrjI5H3mI-00251-00246246-00246863 the coordinates and one text file to inform you about the geographical extent of your PKIrjI5H3mI-00252-00246863-00247219 map. PKIrjI5H3mI-00253-00247219-00247930 Okay, it works PKIrjI5H3mI-00254-00247930-00250453 Wiat few seconds, just appears, that's perfect, that I use up “longitude from” and “latitude PKIrjI5H3mI-00255-00250453-00251449 from” now we can click on the presence absence options and map this one, oh that's cool it's PKIrjI5H3mI-00256-00251449-00252692 a really cool tool because with it you can see the repartition of your species from the PKIrjI5H3mI-00257-00252692-00253607 latitude and longitude and with the abundance as you can see, on the right of this graph, PKIrjI5H3mI-00258-00253607-00254185 more the circle is bigger, more there are important abundances. PKIrjI5H3mI-00259-00254185-00255054 And this is interesting because you can see exactly the same thing with the map, with PKIrjI5H3mI-00260-00255054-00256033 the background but here,you can detect a pattern, or maybe an interesting repartition without, PKIrjI5H3mI-00261-00256033-00257135 without the perturbation of the background of a map behind this, information .so yeah PKIrjI5H3mI-00262-00257135-00257902 I think it's a really nice tool. PKIrjI5H3mI-00263-00257902-00259557 Okay so now we will visualise the number of locations where each taxons are present, same PKIrjI5H3mI-00264-00259557-00260917 thing, we will use the “presence absence and abundance” tool PKIrjI5H3mI-00265-00260917-00261744 okay click on yes, yes PKIrjI5H3mI-00266-00261744-00262592 and now “variables presence we will use “presence count of taxons” (for the bar PKIrjI5H3mI-00267-00262592-00263250 plot) okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00268-00263250-00264316 select column containing your separation variables : this is the site code, containing taxon, PKIrjI5H3mI-00269-00264316-00265631 species name, containing abundance, c6 for column 6, and now you can execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00271-00271915-00272739 the number of locations where each taxons are present and one text file to inform you PKIrjI5H3mI-00272-00272739-00273817 about the used locations. PKIrjI5H3mI-00273-00273817-00274934 We can check it This is the location PKIrjI5H3mI-00274-00274934-00275374 and PKIrjI5H3mI-00275-00275374-00276976 the 120 representations, so for example, for this one, okay, for this species, etc. PKIrjI5H3mI-00276-00276976-00278220 As you can see there is no so many informations on these images, because as I said at the PKIrjI5H3mI-00277-00278220-00278905 beginning of the tutorials it's a subset so just for illustrating our tutorial we don't PKIrjI5H3mI-00278-00278905-00279822 select a big dataset but for normal dataset you will have more information of this kind PKIrjI5H3mI-00279-00279822-00279936 of representation. PKIrjI5H3mI-00280-00279936-00280856 Okay back to RLS biodiversity data exploration tutorial, the main history part and now we PKIrjI5H3mI-00281-00280856-00281598 will visualize the rarefaction curves of your species. PKIrjI5H3mI-00282-00281598-00282119 Use the tool Presence-absence and abundance again PKIrjI5H3mI-00283-00282119-00283669 with other parameters, okay this one, this is the good input table, yes, refraction curves PKIrjI5H3mI-00284-00283669-00285063 of species, size of sub-samples, we can select and type 200, select column containing species, PKIrjI5H3mI-00285-00285063-00286564 spaces name, column 5, abundance column 6, total, and now we can execute. PKIrjI5H3mI-00286-00286564-00287075 yes PKIrjI5H3mI-00288-00292992-00294093 Okay it works, everything is green, so you have to get two outputs, one data collection PKIrjI5H3mI-00289-00294093-00295047 with one PNG files representing the rarefaction curves of each species in one graph and one PKIrjI5H3mI-00290-00295047-00295147 tabular file. PKIrjI5H3mI-00291-00295147-00295598 okay you can check it PKIrjI5H3mI-00293-00298629-00298729 so that's cool PKIrjI5H3mI-00294-00298729-00301419 Beta diversity Here we will explore the beta diversity which PKIrjI5H3mI-00295-00301419-00302125 is the ratio between regional and local species diversity. PKIrjI5H3mI-00296-00302125-00302709 And for test this beta diversity, we will use the LCBD for Local contribution to beta PKIrjI5H3mI-00297-00302709-00303228 diversity which are comparative indicators of the ecological uniqueness of the sites PKIrjI5H3mI-00298-00303228-00304268 and the SCBD for species contribution to beta diversity which is the degree of variation PKIrjI5H3mI-00299-00304268-00304769 for individual species across the study area. PKIrjI5H3mI-00300-00304769-00306160 So we have to select the tool “local contribution to beta diversity” in the same tool part, PKIrjI5H3mI-00301-00306160-00306260 here. PKIrjI5H3mI-00302-00306260-00306452 This is one. PKIrjI5H3mI-00303-00306452-00307785 And you will see this is the same tool for the SCBD, so select it okay we have to check PKIrjI5H3mI-00304-00307785-00309138 some parameters input formatted data file” this one PKIrjI5H3mI-00305-00309138-00310809 select column with abundances, total, with locations, sitecode PKIrjI5H3mI-00306-00310809-00312248 Taxons, species name, date, survey date PKIrjI5H3mI-00307-00312248-00312357 click on yes, PKIrjI5H3mI-00308-00312357-00314740 and select push it in decimal degrees PKIrjI5H3mI-00309-00314740-00315426 I will stop the recording few seconds sorry PKIrjI5H3mI-00310-00315426-00316020 okay so i had to check something. PKIrjI5H3mI-00311-00316020-00317636 okay we were for the local contribution to the university okay select the good one the PKIrjI5H3mI-00312-00317636-00318727 input table click on yes select column with abundance so this is column 6, with location, PKIrjI5H3mI-00313-00318727-00319891 site code, column containing taxon, species name, survey date, date and here “other PKIrjI5H3mI-00314-00319891-00320248 lcbd specialised representation or xy plot”. PKIrjI5H3mI-00315-00320248-00321321 So you have to select specialised representation and select column containing latitude in decimal PKIrjI5H3mI-00316-00321321-00322278 degrees, latitude okay, continuing longitude, longitude okay, and now you can execute it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00317-00322278-00323871 And I just remember we forgot the boxplot, so we will do the box plot in the in the check PKIrjI5H3mI-00318-00323871-00325973 data part so we'll do it, just after this beta diversity, sorry for that PKIrjI5H3mI-00319-00325973-00327559 It's green it's perfect PKIrjI5H3mI-00320-00327559-00330094 okay you have four outputs here here here and here PKIrjI5H3mI-00321-00330094-00331243 this is for the object of your analysis, so you have only three outputs PKIrjI5H3mI-00322-00331243-00331936 Two text file containing a table with information on the beta diversity and one text file with PKIrjI5H3mI-00323-00331936-00332392 the list of species that has a SCBD larger than the mean SCBD. PKIrjI5H3mI-00324-00332392-00333239 One data collection with PNG files showing multiple plots according to one type of variables PKIrjI5H3mI-00325-00333239-00333632 in order to vizualize the beta diversity. PKIrjI5H3mI-00326-00333632-00334602 Oki doki we can view, that's it PKIrjI5H3mI-00327-00334602-00335913 which species have SCBD larger than mean SCBD, you can see it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00328-00335913-00336394 LCBD, PKIrjI5H3mI-00329-00336394-00337170 beta diversity through space, sites time, mean LCBD, and you can check it, with a beautiful PKIrjI5H3mI-00330-00337170-00337330 graph. PKIrjI5H3mI-00331-00337330-00338714 or if you want you can change not the interface, the resolution of your screen to have a better PKIrjI5H3mI-00332-00338714-00339014 information of this graph. PKIrjI5H3mI-00333-00339014-00339281 The mean SCBD. PKIrjI5H3mI-00334-00339281-00339801 A SCBP radar plot PKIrjI5H3mI-00335-00339801-00341050 that's cool for me I think this is the best tool ever. PKIrjI5H3mI-00336-00341050-00341150 so PKIrjI5H3mI-00337-00341150-00342341 As i said just before we forgot, we have forgotten one tool, so we'll come back for the check PKIrjI5H3mI-00338-00342341-00344011 data part, and I will present you the presence absence with boxplot for visualising the number PKIrjI5H3mI-00339-00344011-00344383 of locations where each taxons are present. PKIrjI5H3mI-00340-00344383-00345075 okay so come back to the tools part and type presence-absence and abundance. PKIrjI5H3mI-00341-00345075-00346675 Okay click this one, and we have to check the same parameters all the time, column regex PKIrjI5H3mI-00342-00346675-00347716 find and replace data 4, click on yes, it's yes, okay PKIrjI5H3mI-00343-00347716-00348794 Presence count of taxons (barplot), separation variables : site code, containing taxon, species PKIrjI5H3mI-00344-00348794-00349243 name, abundance okay that's it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00345-00349243-00351061 and you will have two outputs, Ok ba on l’a déjà fait en fait, okay; sorry guys we did PKIrjI5H3mI-00346-00351061-00351973 it, okay we did it. PKIrjI5H3mI-00347-00351973-00352535 but we can do it again just for fun. PKIrjI5H3mI-00348-00352535-00353060 Definitely I need a big coffee for this afternoon. PKIrjI5H3mI-00349-00353060-00354254 Sorry but thanks to me you can see exactly the same situation twice, like in the inception PKIrjI5H3mI-00350-00354254-00356617 movie or matrix movie. PKIrjI5H3mI-00351-00356617-00358937 As you can see there are lot of tools for biological analysis PKIrjI5H3mI-00352-00358937-00360827 for biodiversity, climate etc, This is a really interesting tool and as you can see I'm not PKIrjI5H3mI-00353-00360827-00361590 a coder, I used it five or six years ago and now i don't use it because my function doesn't PKIrjI5H3mI-00354-00361590-00362701 need it but now if i want to do some analysis ecological analysis, I can use Galaxy ecology PKIrjI5H3mI-00355-00362701-00363821 without knowing, without a big knowledge of programmation, and this is the main advantage PKIrjI5H3mI-00356-00363821-00363967 of Galaxy ecology. PKIrjI5H3mI-00357-00363967-00364876 It works with a strong background of statistical analysis, everything is checked, everything PKIrjI5H3mI-00358-00364876-00365865 is reviewing by pair, so no worries this is a strong instance and strong tool to do an PKIrjI5H3mI-00359-00365865-00366751 ecological analysis and as I said it's the best tool for people without big knowledge PKIrjI5H3mI-00360-00366751-00366851 in progression. PKIrjI5H3mI-00361-00366851-00368410 and we have exactly the same thing that before,yes, so we did it again so sorry. PKIrjI5H3mI-00362-00368410-00369361 Conclusion anyway now this is the end of the of this PKIrjI5H3mI-00363-00369361-00369925 tutorial so thank you for watching me. PKIrjI5H3mI-00364-00369925-00370310 You just did a ecological analysis on biodiversity in exploring your biodiversity dataset ! So PKIrjI5H3mI-00365-00370310-00371033 now you know how to prepare your biodiversity dataset, check the data inside and explore PKIrjI5H3mI-00366-00371033-00371295 them, espceially the beta-diversity. PKIrjI5H3mI-00367-00371295-00371590 I hope I didn’t bore you too much with technicalities and that you enjoyed this training with me PKIrjI5H3mI-00368-00371590-00372559 don’t hesitate to ask questions on the event’s chat or by email at this address olivier.norvez@mnhn.fr PKIrjI5H3mI-00369-00372559-00373792 if you have any suggestions on how to make this training better do not hesitate to contact PKIrjI5H3mI-00370-00373792-00373892 me as well. PKIrjI5H3mI-00371-00373892-00374360 Thank you very much for watching ! ciao bye PKXyhvQpBvk-00000-00000000-00000456 Hello everyone good afternoon uh thank you for attending this session on ICT PKXyhvQpBvk-00001-00000456-00001144 accessibility I'm very pleased to participate In ICT A conference and to share with you PKXyhvQpBvk-00002-00001144-00001792 uh mada center efforts towards fostering ICT accessibility proficiency In the Arab region PKXyhvQpBvk-00003-00001792-00002368 and beyond through Mada ICT accessibility and Inclusive design competency framework PKXyhvQpBvk-00004-00002648-00003368 the plan of my presentation will be as follows first I'll start by providing a brief Introduction PKXyhvQpBvk-00005-00003368-00004079 about Mada center then I'll recall the ICT accessibility and Inclusive design background PKXyhvQpBvk-00006-00004176-00004544 In order to highlight In some way the urgent need PKXyhvQpBvk-00007-00004544-00005216 to closing the training and knowledge gap In ICT accessibility after that I PKXyhvQpBvk-00008-00005216-00005896 shed light on existing related valuable works In terms of building capability on ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00009-00006016-00006752 then I'll be focusing on how mada ICT AID project In general the framework the aligned PKXyhvQpBvk-00010-00006752-00007568 resources the repository we’ll build on these efforts and contribute hopefully uh toward PKXyhvQpBvk-00011-00007568-00008224 further fostering the ICT accessibility proficiency In the arab region and beyond PKXyhvQpBvk-00012-00008408-00009264 so let me first start by saying few words about Madacenter Mada Is a non-profit organization PKXyhvQpBvk-00013-00009264-00010032 founded in 2010 as an Initiative aiming at promoting digital Inclusion and building PKXyhvQpBvk-00014-00010032-00010656 a technology based community that meets the needs of person with persons with disabilities PKXyhvQpBvk-00015-00010824-00011440 to empower them living independently and participating actively In all aspects of life PKXyhvQpBvk-00016-00011560-00012376 this Is why In Mada we are endeavoring to enhance ICT accessibility for all here In Qatar and beyond PKXyhvQpBvk-00017-00012472-00013144 basically through enabling ICT accessible capabilities and platforms and promoting PKXyhvQpBvk-00018-00013144-00013904 Innovation and research In the field to achieve such goals and to enable the education PKXyhvQpBvk-00019-00014040-00014991 culture community and employment sectors through ICT Mada provides different services and performs PKXyhvQpBvk-00020-00014991-00015847 several activities so for example Mada Is building partners’ capabilities through training and PKXyhvQpBvk-00021-00015928-00016632 building capabilities services Mada raises awareness provides consulting services and PKXyhvQpBvk-00022-00016632-00017152 Increases the number of 80 assistive technology solutions In arabic language PKXyhvQpBvk-00023-00017384-00018064 Mada also drives the ICT accessibility research agenda and leads the advancement and dissemination PKXyhvQpBvk-00024-00018120-00018768 of global regional and International Industry leading practices by carrying out research and PKXyhvQpBvk-00025-00018768-00019688 analysis across wide range of sector-specific areas so here are some of the flagship projects PKXyhvQpBvk-00026-00019688-00020416 led by mada to name but a few we've got here mada glossary which Is the first ICT glossary PKXyhvQpBvk-00027-00020416-00021216 In arabic and english languages Including terms related to the ICT accessibility and AT fields PKXyhvQpBvk-00028-00021216-00021976 we have also the Mada arabic unified braille portal um the tawasol symbol project PKXyhvQpBvk-00029-00022144-00022832 which Is a bilingual arabic and english symbol of frequently used words In spoken and written PKXyhvQpBvk-00030-00022832-00023592 communication represented by Images and pictograms we have also the translation of the WCAG PKXyhvQpBvk-00031-00023760-00024712 the web content accessibility guidelines we have got also the uh avatar the qatari avatar Bu hamad PKXyhvQpBvk-00032-00024848-00025400 sign language avatar for automated Interpretation of websites we have PKXyhvQpBvk-00033-00025400-00026024 also the Mada digital accessibility monitor tool for measuring website accessibility and PKXyhvQpBvk-00034-00026095-00026656 last but not least we have the Mada ICT accessibility and Inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00035-00026783-00027495 project that we'll be talking about In the next slides PKXyhvQpBvk-00036-00027704-00028216 okay let's talk now a little bit about the general background of PKXyhvQpBvk-00037-00028216-00028936 ICT accessibility and Inclusive design In order to kind of dig deeper Into the subject PKXyhvQpBvk-00038-00028936-00029776 and highlight more the need to combine our efforts In terms of fostering ICT AID literacy PKXyhvQpBvk-00039-00030064-00030776 according to the world report on disability published In 2011 more than one billion people PKXyhvQpBvk-00040-00030776-00031408 experienced some form of disability and as you know disability prevalence PKXyhvQpBvk-00041-00031408-00032224 Is higher for developing countries and persons with disabilities face daily challenges and PKXyhvQpBvk-00042-00032224-00032856 barriers In different sectors especially In the Information communication technologies ICT field PKXyhvQpBvk-00043-00032912-00033472 which results actually In their exclusion accessing and using digital technologies PKXyhvQpBvk-00044-00033528-00034232 limiting their access to diverse online services educational opportunities as well as employment PKXyhvQpBvk-00045-00034816-00035408 there are actually several barriers In different sectors and of all types hindering full Inclusion PKXyhvQpBvk-00046-00035408-00036008 for persons with disabilities regarding access to ICT we can spot the following PKXyhvQpBvk-00047-00036008-00036840 obstacles we have physical barriers Including Inaccessible technologies platforms computers PKXyhvQpBvk-00048-00036840-00037600 uh hardware In general software also we have the content barriers uh when It comes to deal with PKXyhvQpBvk-00049-00037600-00038392 uh digital or web content uh which Is mostly still Inaccessible and designed as one-size-fits-all PKXyhvQpBvk-00050-00038448-00039232 content not considering uh thus the user variability we have also the financial barriers PKXyhvQpBvk-00051-00039232-00039944 since lots of hardware software AT are still not affordable for all they are very expensive PKXyhvQpBvk-00052-00040048-00040640 and also many platforms are still not open for all and come with lots of restrictions PKXyhvQpBvk-00053-00040720-00041512 and we need to pay additional financial cost to be able to get In and to use all the PKXyhvQpBvk-00054-00041584-00042216 underlying functionalities there are also the knowledge or skills PKXyhvQpBvk-00055-00042352-00043064 I can call that the cognitive barriers as there Is a lack of knowledge sharing and transfer PKXyhvQpBvk-00056-00043064-00043584 In terms of dissemination of learning and teaching materials without restrictions PKXyhvQpBvk-00057-00044000-00044192 which has resulted actually to PKXyhvQpBvk-00058-00044344-00044984 the lack of ICT accessibility and Inclusive design awareness and competencies PKXyhvQpBvk-00059-00045200-00045880 so today we witness a kind of Imbalance between the rapid growth and spread of ICT PKXyhvQpBvk-00060-00046000-00046384 accelerating digital transformation In all sectors and aspects of life PKXyhvQpBvk-00061-00046464-00047184 and In the other hand Investments and spread of accessibility In ICT products PKXyhvQpBvk-00062-00047184-00047976 services and Infrastructure In many sectors are unfortunately still farther below aspirations PKXyhvQpBvk-00063-00048264-00048928 and actually albeit all the existing enabling legal landscape In relation with PKXyhvQpBvk-00064-00048928-00049656 disabilities and accessibility so here It may be appropriate to recall briefly the relevant PKXyhvQpBvk-00065-00049656-00050200 u.n united nation frameworks and International context to achieve digital Inclusion PKXyhvQpBvk-00066-00050432-00051080 of course we have at the top of the list the crpd the convention on the rights of persons PKXyhvQpBvk-00067-00051080-00052208 with disabilities especially articles number nine uh 21 and 24. the article 9 Is on accessibility uh PKXyhvQpBvk-00068-00052208-00052855 21 Is about freedom of expression and opinion and access to Information and article 24 PKXyhvQpBvk-00069-00052855-00053616 Is about education we have also the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals the sdgs which PKXyhvQpBvk-00070-00053616-00054360 highlights the pivotal role and the significant potential of ICT In bridging the digital divide PKXyhvQpBvk-00071-00054448-00055336 we have also the marrakesh treaty stipulating countries to make the production and International PKXyhvQpBvk-00072-00055336-00056255 transfer of books for people with blindness or visual Impairments easier so no doubt about that PKXyhvQpBvk-00073-00056255-00057064 It Is a necessity for ICT to be fully accessible towards achieving digital Inclusion for all PKXyhvQpBvk-00074-00057279-00057944 in order to enable all persons Including those with disabilities to develop the PKXyhvQpBvk-00075-00057944-00058576 necessary ICT accessibility and Inclusive design development competencies for life and work there PKXyhvQpBvk-00076-00058576-00059240 Is an urgent need to promote knowledge sharing transfer and networking In ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00077-00059360-00059664 to advance ICT accessibility training and long life PKXyhvQpBvk-00078-00059791-00060384 learning opportunities to foster the Integration of ICT accessibility courses PKXyhvQpBvk-00079-00060440-00061200 In education and training curricula and to harness the power of open educational resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00080-00061288-00061784 In order to build capacity In ICT accessibility and inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00081-00062032-00062736 so we need to further build awareness and capability In the ICT accessibility and inclusive PKXyhvQpBvk-00082-00062736-00063552 design fields that's In my view the cornerstone of success In building Inclusive digital communities PKXyhvQpBvk-00083-00063832-00064584 so In reality now one can ask what Is the status of ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00084-00064672-00065255 In terms of training and capacity building In the region and and even beyond PKXyhvQpBvk-00085-00065376-00066008 so let us ask the following few questions to help us maybe getting more Insight on this PKXyhvQpBvk-00086-00066248-00066680 to what extent our educational and training programs and courses on PKXyhvQpBvk-00087-00066680-00067288 ICT accessibility are available especially In arabic language what about the ease of access PKXyhvQpBvk-00088-00067288-00067896 and affordability of such contents especially also In arabic language Is there any existing PKXyhvQpBvk-00089-00067896-00068536 common Instrument or global competency framework guiding ICT accessibility capacity building PKXyhvQpBvk-00090-00068688-00069328 our existing educational learning teaching training resources are they aligned to a PKXyhvQpBvk-00091-00069328-00069776 common competency framework delimiting all required development competencies In PKXyhvQpBvk-00092-00069776-00070488 the field of ICT accessibility Is there any available accessible dedicated repositories PKXyhvQpBvk-00093-00070488-00070952 uh to build capability In the field of Isis accessibility and Inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00094-00071040-00071712 uh our open educational resources or we are well harnessed uh to enable open and free PKXyhvQpBvk-00095-00071712-00072080 access to education and training resources on ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00096-00072368-00072864 there Is no doubt that many organizations and educational Institutions worldwide PKXyhvQpBvk-00097-00073000-00073680 are providing capacity building activities and services In ICT accessibility and Inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00098-00073784-00074896 at the top of the list we have w3c g3ICT IAAP all of them are endeavoring to conduct several PKXyhvQpBvk-00099-00075120-00075936 activities and the training services for example the w3c web accessibility Initiative has developed PKXyhvQpBvk-00100-00075936-00076408 training materials to support Individuals understanding and Implementing accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00101-00076552-00077016 w3c has also developed the curriculum on web accessibility to be used PKXyhvQpBvk-00102-00077016-00077296 as a framework for educators to build their own courses PKXyhvQpBvk-00103-00077432-00077960 additionally the IAAP the International association of accessibility professionals PKXyhvQpBvk-00104-00078032-00078736 which Is a division of g3 ICT It Is providing professional resources and certification In the PKXyhvQpBvk-00105-00078736-00079296 field of digital accessibility uh to support uh professionals developing and advancing PKXyhvQpBvk-00106-00079296-00080032 their careers and Integrating accessibility In products content contents and services PKXyhvQpBvk-00107-00080408-00081200 also the w3cs web accessibility Initiative and the unesco Institute for Information PKXyhvQpBvk-00108-00081200-00081984 technologies In education provided a free online course built In on the open curricula of the w3c PKXyhvQpBvk-00109-00082248-00082936 they have launched an Introduction to web accessibility course uh on edx platform so It Is a PKXyhvQpBvk-00110-00082936-00083680 mooc massive open online course on ICT access on web accessibility also Itu organization PKXyhvQpBvk-00111-00083680-00084296 offers a self-based online training on ICT accessibility especially through their PKXyhvQpBvk-00112-00084536-00085192 itu academy In order to develop a good understanding of ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00113-00085288-00086008 for all stakeholders also several universities around the world have joined these efforts and PKXyhvQpBvk-00114-00086168-00086984 have shown Interest towards Integrating more ICT accessibility courses within their curricular PKXyhvQpBvk-00115-00087048-00087680 here we have the example of for example In qatar hamad bin khalifa university ccq PKXyhvQpBvk-00116-00087784-00088264 community college qatar and other universities are also PKXyhvQpBvk-00117-00088360-00089136 showing Interest to collaborate and to Integrate ICT accessibility courses Into their curricula PKXyhvQpBvk-00118-00089512-00090504 all that said and although all the aforementioned valuable efforts In order to promote uh PKXyhvQpBvk-00119-00090648-00091184 training and capacity building In the field of Icity accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00120-00091296-00091896 one of the most relevant key findings as shown In the DARE ndex 2020 results PKXyhvQpBvk-00121-00092104-00092784 there Is still a lack of availability of ICT accessibility courses offered by professional PKXyhvQpBvk-00122-00092784-00093488 educational services In many countries and there Is also a lack of Integration of ICT accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00123-00093568-00094248 topics In curricula especially In universities so capacity building PKXyhvQpBvk-00124-00094320-00094992 looks like more a complex challenge and this Is actually due to the course sector PKXyhvQpBvk-00125-00094992-00095672 of collaboration and and coordination needed by all the Involved stakeholders PKXyhvQpBvk-00126-00095888-00096552 so Indeed there Is still a lack of Integration of ICT ad aligned courses In educational Institutions PKXyhvQpBvk-00127-00096552-00097408 and professional development services there Is also a limited use of open educational resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00128-00097568-00098152 In order to Increase access to digital content products and services and to the best of our PKXyhvQpBvk-00129-00098152-00098752 knowledge there Is no existing dedicated open educational resources repository gathering open PKXyhvQpBvk-00130-00098752-00099336 access ICT accessibility and Inclusive design aligned resources uh that can be used In order to PKXyhvQpBvk-00131-00099400-00100232 facilitate access search and retrieval of these resources based on a ICT AID education standard PKXyhvQpBvk-00132-00100728-00101096 this actually represents our motives when we proposed PKXyhvQpBvk-00133-00101096-00101680 the ICT AID project which would help a lot In delimiting all the required development PKXyhvQpBvk-00134-00101680-00102160 competencies and capabilities In the field of ICT accessibility and Inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00135-00102160-00102735 especially In arabic language so that we'll have more Integration efficient PKXyhvQpBvk-00136-00102735-00103304 Integration of ICT accessibility courses within uh capacity building and education PKXyhvQpBvk-00137-00103304-00103952 curricula and lifelong programs harnessing the potential of open educational resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00138-00104816-00105648 so basically here are the objectives of our ICT aid project so we aim at providing the community PKXyhvQpBvk-00139-00105648-00106288 with an open framework that can be used as a tool to assist all educational Institutions PKXyhvQpBvk-00140-00106288-00106992 organizations and Individuals In delimiting all required development competencies In the PKXyhvQpBvk-00141-00106992-00107711 field of ICT accessibility and Inclusive design we aim also at supporting the development of PKXyhvQpBvk-00142-00107808-00108632 learning and teaching resources on ICT AID which will foster hopefully the Integration PKXyhvQpBvk-00143-00108816-00109840 of ICT aid courses In education curricula at universities and education services providers PKXyhvQpBvk-00144-00110168-00110888 we aim also at facilitating indexing and describing ICT aid aligned resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00145-00110983-00111624 and to provide a dedicated open access repository gathering all these resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00146-00111752-00112544 which will facilitate access and source and retrieve of these resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00147-00112959-00113744 to achieve all of these objectives we've set the following milestones so first we started PKXyhvQpBvk-00148-00113744-00114511 by developing the framework Itself using a competency-based approach so we've Identified PKXyhvQpBvk-00149-00114511-00115320 a set of relevant competency domains each of which encompasses a set of relevant competencies PKXyhvQpBvk-00150-00115416-00116016 that come with a set of underlying capabilities expressing different levels of proficiency PKXyhvQpBvk-00151-00116080-00116824 and formulated using bloom's taxonomy then comes the step of reviewing and validating the PKXyhvQpBvk-00152-00116880-00117304 framework by a group of experts In the In the region PKXyhvQpBvk-00153-00117552-00117983 we've been also working on the development of a dedicated PKXyhvQpBvk-00154-00117983-00118608 ICT aid aligned open educational resources repository gathering all relevant PKXyhvQpBvk-00155-00118696-00119183 educational resources talking about ICT accessibility and inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00156-00119296-00120304 then we've proposed to Integrate ICT AID as an educational standard on the well-known platform PKXyhvQpBvk-00157-00120383-00121144 the oer commons repository In order to facilitate Indexing and describing all ICT aid resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00158-00121232-00122111 and eventually comes the final step of spreading the word and talking about the ICT aid at large PKXyhvQpBvk-00159-00122111-00123383 scale In order to work together and collaborate and to partner on this valuable project PKXyhvQpBvk-00160-00123456-00124192 so basically there are six major domains of competencies showing a kind of logical progression PKXyhvQpBvk-00161-00124192-00125183 In terms of mastering ICT accessibility skills the first domain of competency Is entitled becoming PKXyhvQpBvk-00162-00125183-00125888 familiar with disability and accessibility the second domain Is about describing the legal PKXyhvQpBvk-00163-00125888-00126568 landscape of disability and accessibility the third domain making a sense of universal design PKXyhvQpBvk-00164-00126648-00127232 the fourth domain creating accessible digital content the fifth domain creating accessible PKXyhvQpBvk-00165-00127232-00127840 web content and the sixth domain making digital environments and platforms accessible PKXyhvQpBvk-00166-00128056-00128511 so as I've previously mentioned here Is the structure of the competency framework PKXyhvQpBvk-00167-00128568-00129008 each of the featured competency domain contains a set of competencies each of PKXyhvQpBvk-00168-00129008-00129464 which Is subdivided Into capabilities that the Intended audience should master PKXyhvQpBvk-00169-00129464-00129880 to be able to develop evaluate and remediate accessible digital contents PKXyhvQpBvk-00170-00130192-00130744 the first competency domain d1 entitled becoming familiar with disability and accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00171-00130824-00131328 covers the following competencies uh distinguishing theoretical models of PKXyhvQpBvk-00172-00131328-00131832 disability recognizing the major types of disabilities and their Impact on lives of PKXyhvQpBvk-00173-00131832-00132352 personal disabilities demonstrating understanding of accessibility describing PKXyhvQpBvk-00174-00132352-00132776 and following disability etiquette guidelines for Interacting with people with disabilities PKXyhvQpBvk-00175-00132848-00133368 for example the first competency day one one encompasses the following three capabilities PKXyhvQpBvk-00176-00133368-00133928 Identifying permanent theoretical models of disability describing modules characteristics and PKXyhvQpBvk-00177-00133928-00134456 understanding their stagnations and weaknesses and defining disability on your own words PKXyhvQpBvk-00178-00134544-00135072 and so on and so forth for the remaining competencies and capabilities PKXyhvQpBvk-00179-00135240-00135736 here Is the second competency domain describing the legal land escape of disability and PKXyhvQpBvk-00180-00135736-00136512 accessibility and all the underlying competencies so here we have the first competency Identifying PKXyhvQpBvk-00181-00136512-00137048 and characterizing main laws declarations and conventions and normal disability rights then PKXyhvQpBvk-00182-00137048-00137568 the second competency dealing with recognizing key ICT accessibility regulations policies and PKXyhvQpBvk-00183-00137568-00138304 best practices the third competency Identifying ICT accessibility standards and eventually the PKXyhvQpBvk-00184-00138304-00138856 fourth competency dealing with the Integration of ICT accessibility equality organization PKXyhvQpBvk-00185-00139112-00139792 here Is the third competency domain uh making a sense of universal design that encompasses PKXyhvQpBvk-00186-00139856-00140352 basically two competencies the first Is dealing with the description of the universal design PKXyhvQpBvk-00187-00140352-00141112 paradigm and the second one Is dealing with the universal design for learning so for example PKXyhvQpBvk-00188-00141112-00141968 the capabilities related to the second competency are as follows uh explaining PKXyhvQpBvk-00189-00141968-00142472 the universal design for learning concept then demonstrating understanding of open education PKXyhvQpBvk-00190-00142472-00143024 open educational resources and Inclusive education describing why universal design for learning PKXyhvQpBvk-00191-00143024-00143536 matters In today's classrooms Identifying the benefits of universal design for learning PKXyhvQpBvk-00192-00143536-00144192 Identifying and describing the trivial principles of udl making a sense of key concepts of the udl PKXyhvQpBvk-00193-00144192-00144752 guidelines and developing a basic understanding on how to use the udl guidelines In course design PKXyhvQpBvk-00194-00145096-00145368 here Is the fourth competency domain PKXyhvQpBvk-00195-00145464-00146120 creating accessible digital content It covers the following competencies Identifying major PKXyhvQpBvk-00196-00146120-00146688 accessibility considerations to common digital formats creating accessible word processing PKXyhvQpBvk-00197-00146688-00147360 documents creating accessible presentation documents creating accessible pdf documents PKXyhvQpBvk-00198-00147360-00147776 and generalizing accessibility considerations for different multimedia formats PKXyhvQpBvk-00199-00148136-00148808 the fifth competency domain and all the underlying competencies creating accessible PKXyhvQpBvk-00200-00148808-00149496 web content uh we have four competencies demonstrating understanding of web accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00201-00149496-00150032 designing and creating web content In accordance with the w3c accessibility specifications PKXyhvQpBvk-00202-00150032-00150496 testing and evaluating web accessibility remediating Inaccessible web documents PKXyhvQpBvk-00203-00150736-00151000 and at last but not least the PKXyhvQpBvk-00204-00151136-00151976 6th competency domain making digital environments and platforms accessible It features four PKXyhvQpBvk-00205-00151976-00152592 competencies Identifying and applying the basic principles of mobile applications accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00206-00152592-00153104 evaluating mobile applications accessibility Identifying accessibility considerations for PKXyhvQpBvk-00207-00153104-00153664 Improved game accessibility and ensuring the accessibility of emerging digital technologies PKXyhvQpBvk-00208-00153944-00154408 for the full description of Mada ICT aid competency framework and to get PKXyhvQpBvk-00209-00154464-00155016 more details on the ICT aid project you can PKXyhvQpBvk-00210-00155160-00155992 access a dedicated website of the project ictaid.mada.org.qa and explore all details PKXyhvQpBvk-00211-00155992-00156608 on the competency framework and explore all featured competencies and underlying capabilities PKXyhvQpBvk-00212-00156928-00157568 of course the website and the framework are available In arabic and english languages you PKXyhvQpBvk-00213-00157568-00158160 can find also a pdf version of the framework that you can download and use everything PKXyhvQpBvk-00214-00158160-00158936 Is available In open access under creative commons license attribution share alike 4.0 PKXyhvQpBvk-00215-00159288-00159688 obviously we can use the framework the competency framework to build PKXyhvQpBvk-00216-00159776-00160336 programs and to design and create courses targeting one or more of the relevant competencies PKXyhvQpBvk-00217-00160400-00160808 It depends on the level of proficiency that we want to target PKXyhvQpBvk-00218-00161128-00161824 in order to review and validate the competency framework we prepared and sent questionnaires to PKXyhvQpBvk-00219-00161824-00162568 a group of experts In the region requesting the review and then the validation of the proposed PKXyhvQpBvk-00220-00162568-00163432 framework Indeed two-round delphi questionnaires were sent to selected experts reviewers PKXyhvQpBvk-00221-00163432-00164080 were chosen from mostly from academia based on their expertise In the fields of accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00222-00164080-00164720 education technology and competency frameworks and I'd like to take this opportunity on behalf of PKXyhvQpBvk-00223-00164720-00165304 Mada center to thank the working group of experts on mada ICT aid accessibility Inclusive design PKXyhvQpBvk-00224-00165392-00165872 project for their time through analysis and valuable Inputs PKXyhvQpBvk-00225-00165984-00166408 of course you can see the list of experts by referring to the PKXyhvQpBvk-00226-00166408-00167280 arab ICT accessibility expert group website by mother aiaeg established to unify the arabic PKXyhvQpBvk-00227-00167280-00167776 efforts and to establish the first expert hub division dedicated to digital accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00228-00168016-00168568 here are some of the feedback obtained from experts you can of course access more details PKXyhvQpBvk-00229-00168568-00169176 In the paper for example based on the Inputs from experts the lack of Integration of ICT PKXyhvQpBvk-00230-00169176-00169928 aid aligned courses In education Institutions was asserted as 10 out of 22 experts affirmed PKXyhvQpBvk-00231-00169928-00170424 that ICT aid courses or similar courses are not yet Included In any curriculum In their PKXyhvQpBvk-00232-00170424-00171120 universities In their countries six don't know and only successful answered yes the average rate of PKXyhvQpBvk-00233-00171120-00171872 9.05 on the Interval Interval 1 to 10 was obtained to expressing the PKXyhvQpBvk-00234-00171872-00172440 extent to which experts do agree with the current enhanced ICT ad competency firmware version PKXyhvQpBvk-00235-00172520-00173136 and the promising average rate of 8.09 on the Interval 1 to 10 was obtained to PKXyhvQpBvk-00236-00173136-00173784 expressing the potential readiness of experts universities to be ICT adopters In the future PKXyhvQpBvk-00237-00174608-00175032 okay now how we can benefit from open educational resources PKXyhvQpBvk-00238-00175032-00175496 and ICT aid framework to promote learning and training content on Ict accessibility PKXyhvQpBvk-00239-00175600-00176240 actually Mada centre Is preparing to launch soon the Mada-accessible oer hub to be the Mada branded PKXyhvQpBvk-00240-00176240-00176768 portal on oer commons where accessible open resources are aggregated curated PKXyhvQpBvk-00241-00176768-00177296 and managed through collections and groups and development tools so as you can see here PKXyhvQpBvk-00242-00177296-00177864 this hub contains collections of accessible open educational resources created by mada and partners PKXyhvQpBvk-00243-00177864-00178352 Including collections of resources which are aligned to Mada ICT accessibility Inclusive PKXyhvQpBvk-00244-00178352-00179016 design competency framework so the community can discover accessible open content and connect with PKXyhvQpBvk-00245-00179016-00179560 others to Improve Inclusive practices and share knowledge on accessibility and Inclusive ICTs PKXyhvQpBvk-00246-00179712-00180280 I'm also pleased to announce that Mada ICT accessibility and Inclusive design competency PKXyhvQpBvk-00247-00180280-00180840 framework Is now featured as a new education standard available to users of the well-known PKXyhvQpBvk-00248-00180840-00181432 oer commons digital library and collaboration platform as a standard Mada ICT ad will be used PKXyhvQpBvk-00249-00181432-00182056 to Index and describe ICT aid aligned educational resources providing accordingly ease of access PKXyhvQpBvk-00250-00182056-00182896 and retrieve of these and retrieve of these resources so we kindly Invite you experts PKXyhvQpBvk-00251-00182896-00183512 advocates educators educational Institutions that are Interested In Mada ICT aid competency PKXyhvQpBvk-00252-00183512-00184088 framework and ready to adopt and contextualize and build on Mada framework for designing PKXyhvQpBvk-00253-00184088-00184616 structuring and creating learning and training content In the field of ict accessibility we PKXyhvQpBvk-00254-00184616-00185272 are pleased to Invite you all to partner on ICT AID so please access the ICT aid website PKXyhvQpBvk-00255-00185272-00185784 and fill In this form uh all the required details and we are more than happy to PKXyhvQpBvk-00256-00185784-00186384 collaborate share knowledge towards achieving together hand-in-hand digital Inclusion for all PKXyhvQpBvk-00257-00186664-00187056 voila that's all for now thanks a lot for your attention PKXyhvQpBvk-00258-00187056-00187472 please feel free to email us for more details and questions on PKXyhvQpBvk-00259-00187472-00188264 academy@Mada.org.qa thanks again see you bye PNj_sFpfuu4-00000-00000013-00000113 [ominous music playing] PNj_sFpfuu4-00001-00000513-00000657 I've never seen this in the daytime before. PNj_sFpfuu4-00002-00000664-00000850 Yeah, it looks super different, like... PNj_sFpfuu4-00003-00000951-00001131 - Less spooky. - I prefer it spooky. PNj_sFpfuu4-00004-00001274-00001384 Guys. PNj_sFpfuu4-00005-00001725-00001891 - Take a seat. - I just wanna say-- PNj_sFpfuu4-00006-00001898-00001995 Explain yourself! PNj_sFpfuu4-00007-00002002-00002148 Yeah, seriously, what's going on? PNj_sFpfuu4-00008-00002208-00002385 I'm just as in the dark as the rest of you. PNj_sFpfuu4-00009-00002432-00002565 - What? - How is that possible? PNj_sFpfuu4-00010-00002632-00002752 Rachel, it's just... PNj_sFpfuu4-00011-00002809-00002916 None of this makes any sense. PNj_sFpfuu4-00012-00002922-00003143 None of this makes any sense to me either. PNj_sFpfuu4-00013-00003199-00003333 I made up the story. PNj_sFpfuu4-00014-00003403-00003630 I have nightmares about a creepy carnival PNj_sFpfuu4-00015-00003650-00003847 and I turned those nightmares into a story, that's it. PNj_sFpfuu4-00016-00003893-00004087 And now the creepy carnival is real! PNj_sFpfuu4-00017-00004127-00004351 Maybe it's not the same carnival. PNj_sFpfuu4-00018-00004407-00004551 Mr. Tophat's not on the flyer. PNj_sFpfuu4-00019-00004621-00004844 It's literally called The Carnival of Doom. PNj_sFpfuu4-00020-00004854-00004965 Maybe it's a coincidence? PNj_sFpfuu4-00021-00004971-00005138 I went there before this meeting to check it out. PNj_sFpfuu4-00022-00005158-00005268 [tires screeching] PNj_sFpfuu4-00023-00006169-00006336 It is just like I imagined it. PNj_sFpfuu4-00024-00006343-00006486 And I Googled The Carnival of Doom. PNj_sFpfuu4-00025-00006493-00006589 - Ditto. - Yeah, same. PNj_sFpfuu4-00026-00006596-00006743 OK, we all did, we're not dumb. PNj_sFpfuu4-00027-00006793-00007130 But the point is The Carnival of Doom has no social media presence. PNj_sFpfuu4-00028-00007147-00007390 Nothing at all, no website, no Wikipedia. PNj_sFpfuu4-00029-00007400-00007507 Nothing, nada, zip! PNj_sFpfuu4-00030-00007514-00007784 Maybe we're gonna have to look in places more er... physical. PNj_sFpfuu4-00031-00007791-00008101 So are you suggesting we look in old newspapers or go to the library? PNj_sFpfuu4-00032-00008108-00008208 Yeah. PNj_sFpfuu4-00033-00008278-00008378 I already did that. PNj_sFpfuu4-00034-00008465-00008568 [music playing] PNj_sFpfuu4-00035-00009179-00009329 There's nothing anywhere! PNj_sFpfuu4-00036-00009376-00009579 OK, I spent the entire lunch period looking. PNj_sFpfuu4-00037-00009626-00009813 There's only one way we're gonna find out PNj_sFpfuu4-00038-00009819-00010020 if this is the same carnival from my story. PNj_sFpfuu4-00039-00010046-00010287 We should go tomorrow night... together. PNj_sFpfuu4-00040-00010420-00010520 This Thursday? PNj_sFpfuu4-00041-00010557-00010734 I-- I really-- I really can't, I have... PNj_sFpfuu4-00042-00010804-00011014 Lots of plans, really serious plans. PNj_sFpfuu4-00043-00011024-00011224 Yeah and I am not going to an Evil Carnival. PNj_sFpfuu4-00044-00011274-00011464 Sounds fun but hard pass. PNj_sFpfuu4-00045-00011478-00011888 Yeah... no offence, Rachel but... I'm staying far away from that place. PNj_sFpfuu4-00046-00012032-00012258 There's something else you guys need to consider. PNj_sFpfuu4-00047-00012389-00012736 I don't even wanna say it out loud because I hope I'm wrong. PNj_sFpfuu4-00048-00012879-00013266 Nearly all of my nightmares about Mr. Tophat involve him taking kids. PNj_sFpfuu4-00049-00013550-00013653 Just like my story. PNj_sFpfuu4-00050-00013740-00014004 If this carnival is the carnival from my nightmares, PNj_sFpfuu4-00051-00014047-00014250 the same carnival from my story, PNj_sFpfuu4-00052-00014401-00014664 Adam went missing the same day the carnival came to town. PNj_sFpfuu4-00053-00014891-00015091 I think Mr. Tophat took him. PNj_sFpfuu4-00054-00015655-00015755 [ominous music playing] PNj_sFpfuu4-00055-00016019-00016219 Now, am I still going alone? PNj_sFpfuu4-00056-00016306-00016436 Or are you all going to join me? PNj_sFpfuu4-00057-00016683-00016773 - Nope. - No. PNj_sFpfuu4-00058-00016780-00016880 The hardest no imaginable. PNj_sFpfuu4-00059-00016886-00017057 Yeah, what you just said made it ten times worse. PNj_sFpfuu4-00060-00017354-00017704 I declare this meeting of the Midnight Society closed. PNj_sFpfuu4-00061-00017734-00017834 Come on, let's go. PNj_sFpfuu4-00062-00020016-00020256 Adam went missing the same day the carnival came to town. PNj_sFpfuu4-00063-00020337-00020450 We should go tomorrow night. PNj_sFpfuu4-00064-00020477-00020610 We'll figure this out together. PNj_sFpfuu4-00065-00020730-00020910 Welcome to The Carnival... PNj_sFpfuu4-00066-00021031-00021131 Of Doom. PNj_sFpfuu4-00067-00021394-00021695 Remember, it's all part of the show! PNj_sFpfuu4-00068-00021965-00022168 Our lives were perfectly normal before you showed up. PNj_sFpfuu4-00069-00022175-00022429 I never wanted to put any one of you in danger. PNj_sFpfuu4-00070-00022502-00022609 Now are you in or out? PNj_sFpfuu4-00071-00022699-00022799 Do you have a plan? PNj_sFpfuu4-00072-00022876-00023073 Your destiny is to kill Mr. Tophat. PNj_sFpfuu4-00073-00023276-00023436 We have to win... right? PNj_sFpfuu4-00074-00023620-00023720 Right? PNj_sFpfuu4-00075-00023837-00023980 What's wrong, little girl? PNj_sFpfuu4-00076-00024014-00024114 [screaming] PNj_sFpfuu4-00077-00024140-00024371 I thought you liked being scared? PNj_sFpfuu4-00078-00024497-00024597 Rachel! PNj_sFpfuu4-00079-00024898-00025038 I'm going to end this. PNj_sFpfuu4-00080-00025098-00025198 Let's go! PNj_sFpfuu4-00081-00025221-00025322 Run! PNj_sFpfuu4-00082-00025355-00025455 [laughing maniacally] PNj_sFpfuu4-00083-00025595-00025885 - This is where the fun begins. - I'm ready. Pp_XQVDqonU-00000-00000000-00000298 Hi, today in Vintage Sky Pp_XQVDqonU-00001-00000328-00000718 we'll make use of tire tube and mercury... Pp_XQVDqonU-00002-00000746-00000869 VINTAGE SKY Pp_XQVDqonU-00003-00000903-00001396 Meet the BŻ-4 Żuk (Beetle) helicopter. Pp_XQVDqonU-00004-00001532-00002072 64 years ago engineers led by Bronisław Żurakowski Pp_XQVDqonU-00005-00002084-00002374 began creating a utility helicopter. Pp_XQVDqonU-00006-00002392-00002776 All elements had to be Polish made Pp_XQVDqonU-00007-00002796-00003315 and the design was to suit the army, training use Pp_XQVDqonU-00008-00003328-00003758 medical flights - it was not just experimental. Pp_XQVDqonU-00009-00003786-00004202 Many cutting-edge sulutions were used anyway. Pp_XQVDqonU-00010-00004210-00004756 It may seem blocky and clumsy Pp_XQVDqonU-00011-00004776-00005306 but despite lack of aerodynamic and aesthetic perfection Pp_XQVDqonU-00012-00005322-00005974 this edgy box covers a modern machine. Pp_XQVDqonU-00013-00006062-00006490 The design was so advanced Pp_XQVDqonU-00014-00006498-00006942 that it didnt't match the industrial capabilities. Pp_XQVDqonU-00015-00006962-00007362 Also materials available at the time Pp_XQVDqonU-00016-00007372-00007809 were of too low quality to withstand high vibration. Pp_XQVDqonU-00017-00007840-00008366 Fuselage is based on a tubular metal frame. Pp_XQVDqonU-00018-00008384-00008848 There were 2 seats in front and a bench behind. Pp_XQVDqonU-00019-00008860-00009990 Medical version was to have tandem seats and stretcher placed through opened windscreen. Pp_XQVDqonU-00020-00010036-00010606 Two fuel tanks (220 litre together) were fitted. Pp_XQVDqonU-00021-00010662-00011524 Tail boom was a triangular crane-like construction. Pp_XQVDqonU-00022-00011542-00012148 At the end there was a tail rotor and adjustable (in flight) horizontal stabilizer. Pp_XQVDqonU-00023-00012188-00012656 Instrument set was pretty rich. Pp_XQVDqonU-00024-00012672-00013182 Rotor RPM indicator was present, Pp_XQVDqonU-00025-00013197-00013588 as well as rotor blade pitch indicator Pp_XQVDqonU-00026-00013606-00013969 and radio-altimeter. Pp_XQVDqonU-00027-00014078-00014626 Polish WN-4 engine by eng. Narkiewicz was used. Pp_XQVDqonU-00028-00014652-00015313 It was a modified Bies airplane radial engine. Pp_XQVDqonU-00029-00015340-00015738 Here is the data of this 7-cylinder engine. Pp_XQVDqonU-00030-00015747-00016141 It was mounted horizontally, Pp_XQVDqonU-00031-00016160-00016614 and was fitted with a ventillator Pp_XQVDqonU-00032-00016620-00017036 to prevent overheating inside the fuselage. Pp_XQVDqonU-00033-00017072-00017548 This engine had a friction clutch Pp_XQVDqonU-00034-00017566-00017930 between the crankshaft and rotor shaft. Pp_XQVDqonU-00035-00017958-00018458 Helicopter rotor is much larger and heavier than airplane propeller, Pp_XQVDqonU-00036-00018478-00019000 so it could not be directly fitted to crankshaft. Pp_XQVDqonU-00037-00019026-00019824 In order to deal with the problem, especially during engine start, Pp_XQVDqonU-00038-00019842-00020106 a unique clutch was created. Pp_XQVDqonU-00039-00020118-00020752 Today friction clutch is in wide use - in chainsaws, lawnmovers or scooters, Pp_XQVDqonU-00040-00020774-00021102 but at that time it was quite a discovery. Pp_XQVDqonU-00041-00021114-00021606 There was a round element fitted to crankshaft Pp_XQVDqonU-00042-00021630-00022102 which increased its radius by centrifugal force Pp_XQVDqonU-00043-00022116-00022424 and pressed against the mercury-filled tube Pp_XQVDqonU-00044-00022442-00023074 On the tube's outer side there was onther part of the clutch Pp_XQVDqonU-00045-00023092-00024102 and increasing engine RPM increased friction, thus increasing thr rotor RPM. Pp_XQVDqonU-00046-00024120-00024806 This paired airplane engine with helicopter rotor and worked fine. Pp_XQVDqonU-00047-00024850-00025352 Main rotor gear was placed on "cradle". Pp_XQVDqonU-00048-00025370-00026212 And for the first time ever this was shock-absorber equiped. Pp_XQVDqonU-00049-00026233-00026824 Later, this "cradle" was linked to landing gear, Pp_XQVDqonU-00050-00026850-00027714 so shock-absorbing characteristics were different on the ground and in flight. Pp_XQVDqonU-00051-00027730-00028202 Unwanted vibration was generally eliminated. Pp_XQVDqonU-00052-00028218-00028688 Or maybe - vibration was optimized. Pp_XQVDqonU-00053-00028712-00029220 Main rotor was of Hiller type and had 3 blades. Pp_XQVDqonU-00054-00029238-00029598 Usually Hiller rotors were double-bladed. Pp_XQVDqonU-00055-00029618-00029968 The smaller top control-rotor Pp_XQVDqonU-00056-00029983-00030322 had round blades. Pp_XQVDqonU-00057-00030326-00030820 Standard for the era was rectangular shape. Pp_XQVDqonU-00058-00030854-00031364 Round shape allowed for great increase in critical angles Pp_XQVDqonU-00059-00031388-00031888 and made airflow direction irrelevant. Pp_XQVDqonU-00060-00031908-00032295 This made it easier to control. Pp_XQVDqonU-00061-00032320-00032846 Aditionally there was a hydraulic booster Pp_XQVDqonU-00062-00032862-00033410 making it yet easier to control the rotor. Pp_XQVDqonU-00063-00033428-00033922 The rotor was so well designed, Pp_XQVDqonU-00064-00033942-00034752 than no spring mehcanizm keeping the control column in neutral was necessary. Pp_XQVDqonU-00065-00034760-00035260 Even without them piloting the Żuk was easy. Pp_XQVDqonU-00066-00035262-00035792 Moreover, the rotor could be folded back. Pp_XQVDqonU-00067-00035810-00036558 This made it easy to store and transport the helicopter. Pp_XQVDqonU-00068-00036570-00037100 Rotor blades were load-tested. Pp_XQVDqonU-00069-00037118-00037534 6-meter blade under the 100% load Pp_XQVDqonU-00070-00037556-00037858 bent by 83cm Pp_XQVDqonU-00071-00037880-00038080 and under 180% Pp_XQVDqonU-00072-00038090-00038290 by 161cm (!) Pp_XQVDqonU-00073-00038304-00038594 Gear had 4 wheels Pp_XQVDqonU-00074-00038612-00039010 None had brakes, Pp_XQVDqonU-00075-00039026-00039480 but all had shock absorbers. Pp_XQVDqonU-00076-00039492-00039848 Ground resonance was eliminated. Pp_XQVDqonU-00077-00039856-00040128 Testing took 3 years. Pp_XQVDqonU-00078-00040142-00040460 1956-1959. Pp_XQVDqonU-00079-00040488-00041126 First flights were witch the craft strapped to the ground. Pp_XQVDqonU-00080-00041126-00041724 It was possible to spot-hover with all the straps strained. Pp_XQVDqonU-00081-00041744-00042256 Tests made it possible to synchronize blade pitch with engine power Pp_XQVDqonU-00082-00042276-00042564 by a curve mechanizm. Pp_XQVDqonU-00083-00042580-00043266 First free flight was on February 10th, 1959. Pp_XQVDqonU-00084-00043364-00043820 Żuk had 11 failures while testing. Pp_XQVDqonU-00085-00043836-00044272 mainly caused by insufficient technology available. Pp_XQVDqonU-00086-00044294-00044722 There was a pilot's song at the time: Pp_XQVDqonU-00087-00044742-00045082 Soar high, pilots! Pp_XQVDqonU-00088-00045096-00045366 Reach high, for the distant sky! Pp_XQVDqonU-00089-00045370-00045698 Heart won't run out of power Pp_XQVDqonU-00090-00045712-00045978 Good steel won't fail us! Pp_XQVDqonU-00091-00045978-00046320 And so did the steel not fail, Pp_XQVDqonU-00092-00046338-00046874 that one of the screws in rotor broke, Pp_XQVDqonU-00093-00046898-00047430 as well as a blade of engine cooling ventillator. Pp_XQVDqonU-00094-00047468-00047996 The faulty part was projectiled through the fuselage side, Pp_XQVDqonU-00095-00048014-00048694 thankfully not toward the front where the cockpit was. Pp_XQVDqonU-00096-00048734-00049596 All tests were performed with crew wearing military helmets. Pp_XQVDqonU-00097-00049694-00050170 Major and minor flaws made 2/3 of testing time Pp_XQVDqonU-00098-00050196-00050952 wasted for repairs or awaitng for parts to be delivered. Pp_XQVDqonU-00099-00050982-00051388 This project was not a priority, Pp_XQVDqonU-00100-00051402-00051784 so some repairs took 3 months instead of 2 weeks. Pp_XQVDqonU-00101-00051812-00052458 Before the final flight pilot opened the fuel valve between the tanks Pp_XQVDqonU-00102-00052474-00052802 and fuel drained to the front tank. Pp_XQVDqonU-00103-00052822-00053302 This made the helicopter pitch forward. Pp_XQVDqonU-00104-00053320-00053841 Pilot began rotor pitch change Pp_XQVDqonU-00105-00053874-00054417 but the hydraulic booster had a leak Pp_XQVDqonU-00106-00054428-00054848 so the booster reached its limit Pp_XQVDqonU-00107-00054855-00055174 blade pitch changed rapidly Pp_XQVDqonU-00108-00055186-00055770 and the helicopter hit the ground with the nose and the tail. Pp_XQVDqonU-00109-00055790-00056379 It ended up safely, but the rotor hit the tail boom and damaged the shaft. Pp_XQVDqonU-00110-00056396-00057248 This episode made the policymakers terminate the BŻ-4 Żuk project. Pp_XQVDqonU-00111-00057290-00058005 A total of 17 flights (3h 40min) were made. Pp_XQVDqonU-00112-00058036-00058352 Żuk was not to be developed Pp_XQVDqonU-00113-00058370-00058710 also because since 1956 Soviet Mi-1helicopters Pp_XQVDqonU-00114-00058726-00059146 were licence-biult in Poland. Pp_XQVDqonU-00115-00059158-00059440 Their Polish name was SM-1. Pp_XQVDqonU-00116-00059454-00059864 As a ready Soviet type was in use Pp_XQVDqonU-00117-00059882-00060724 there was no use developing a rival craft of strictly Polish origin. Pp_XQVDqonU-00118-00060820-00061258 Soviet engineers respected Bronisław Żurakowski. Pp_XQVDqonU-00119-00061267-00061996 They were aware that despite lack of experience he made his helicopters stand out. Pp_XQVDqonU-00120-00062014-00062450 They titled him "professor", Pp_XQVDqonU-00121-00062467-00062905 despite him not having such a degree. Pp_XQVDqonU-00122-00063026-00063538 One Żuk prototype for flight tests Pp_XQVDqonU-00123-00063546-00063882 and two unfnished ones were made. Pp_XQVDqonU-00124-00063900-00064504 One was used as a teaching aid in Military Academy (WAT) and was later scrapped. Pp_XQVDqonU-00125-00064528-00065210 The one that flew was directed to Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków. Pp_XQVDqonU-00126-00065232-00065686 However it arrived at the museum severely damaged. Pp_XQVDqonU-00127-00065718-00066328 There was no engine, no rotor, no intruments or even fuses, Pp_XQVDqonU-00128-00066340-00067122 many elements - even the windscreen - were missing or destroyed beyond repair. Pp_XQVDqonU-00129-00067142-00067678 In the 1980's there were attempts to restore it, Pp_XQVDqonU-00130-00067698-00068164 but museum experts along with Żuk designers Pp_XQVDqonU-00131-00068184-00068732 decided that restoration would mean building it from scratch. Pp_XQVDqonU-00132-00068748-00069280 Today it is on display as seen here Pp_XQVDqonU-00133-00069300-00069686 in Polish Aviation Museum. Pp_XQVDqonU-00134-00069704-00070184 I always smile at it, it's clumsy but cute. Pp_XQVDqonU-00135-00070196-00070790 It's just another design which didn't fully make it. Pp_XQVDqonU-00136-00070848-00071370 License-produced Soviet helicopters dominated the era. Pp_XQVDqonU-00137-00071400-00071722 That's it for today, Pp_XQVDqonU-00138-00071738-00072298 tell me what would you like an episode about, Pp_XQVDqonU-00139-00072310-00072948 and give me a hint if you own some vintage aircraft to make a film about. Pp_XQVDqonU-00140-00072948-00073106 See you! PR0AR6PDIaA-00000-00000688-00000888 How to Draw a Lamborghini PR0AR6PDIaA-00001-00000888-00001088 Step 1 Let’s start with the basic outlines. PR0AR6PDIaA-00002-00001088-00001236 Since we are drawing a sports car using the example of Lamborghini, PR0AR6PDIaA-00003-00001236-00001382 we must use many straight lines and sharp corners. PR0AR6PDIaA-00004-00001386-00001586 With the help of light lines sketch out the body of our sports car PR0AR6PDIaA-00005-00001586-00001746 Step 2 Let’s add the most basic details. PR0AR6PDIaA-00006-00001896-00002096 In the front part sketch out the long angular headlights. PR0AR6PDIaA-00007-00002284-00002484 Slightly below draw the lines of the grille. PR0AR6PDIaA-00008-00002832-00003032 At the bottom of the sports car draw wheels and mirrors at the sides PR0AR6PDIaA-00009-00003388-00003588 Step 3 The main outlines of the sports car PR0AR6PDIaA-00010-00004044-00004244 are ready and starting from this step we will work on the details. PR0AR6PDIaA-00011-00005670-00005870 Using straight, dark and clear lines draw out the headlights. PR0AR6PDIaA-00012-00007294-00007494 Step 4 Continue the drawing tutorial about how to draw a sports car step by step. PR0AR6PDIaA-00013-00007842-00008042 Let’s go down a bit and draw out the bumper PR0AR6PDIaA-00014-00008188-00008388 and lines of the radiator grille. PR0AR6PDIaA-00015-00008544-00008744 Step 5 Let’s get a little higher and draw the hood lines. PR0AR6PDIaA-00016-00009042-00009242 In the same step, we will need to draw the logo of our sports car in the center of the hood PR0AR6PDIaA-00017-00013040-00013240 Step 6 Let’s get a little higher and draw the lines PR0AR6PDIaA-00018-00013884-00014084 of the roof and windows. PR0AR6PDIaA-00019-00015734-00015934 Since this is a sports car, its roof should be very low and sloping PR0AR6PDIaA-00020-00016804-00017004 Step 7 Draw side windows and rear-view mirrors. PR0AR6PDIaA-00021-00017004-00017178 Another distinguishing feature of sports cars is that they have very narrow side windows PR0AR6PDIaA-00022-00017178-00017360 Step 8 Here we continue to draw the side of our sports car PR0AR6PDIaA-00023-00017582-00017782 We need to draw the door lines and the handle. In the same step, PR0AR6PDIaA-00024-00018452-00018652 we draw the rear part and the air intake next to the wheel PR0AR6PDIaA-00025-00022746-00022946 Step 9 A very difficult step – we need to draw the wheel and wheel arch. PR0AR6PDIaA-00026-00023256-00023456 The lines must be smooth and round. PR0AR6PDIaA-00027-00023894-00024094 Note that unlike conventional cars, PR0AR6PDIaA-00028-00024150-00024350 sports cars have very big and wide wheels PR0AR6PDIaA-00029-00027327-00027527 Step 10 So we got to the last step in the drawing lesson PR0AR6PDIaA-00030-00027536-00027736 about how to draw a sports car in which we draw rims. PR0AR6PDIaA-00031-00030702-00030902 We chose this type of rims, but of course, PR0AR6PDIaA-00032-00032700-00032900 you can choose your own design PTIkqnCHSv0-00000-00000044-00000094 Heey PTIkqnCHSv0-00001-00000636-00000726 Prost PTIkqnCHSv0-00002-00000734-00000884 Really feeling like a local here PTIkqnCHSv0-00003-00000934-00000984 Prost PTIkqnCHSv0-00004-00001602-00002142 All right so it's a saturday morning and we just got bikes rented from the hotel PTIkqnCHSv0-00005-00002142-00002552 and we're just gonna ride around the city a bit along the river PTIkqnCHSv0-00006-00002570-00002754 and this is actually my first time PTIkqnCHSv0-00007-00002754-00002950 cycling in like a foreign city PTIkqnCHSv0-00008-00002950-00003268 So it is very cool! PTIkqnCHSv0-00009-00003300-00003350 Ohooooooo PTIkqnCHSv0-00010-00003374-00003522 It is amazing! PTIkqnCHSv0-00011-00004410-00005072 So after just cruising along the river we found this weekend market about five minutes PTIkqnCHSv0-00012-00005072-00005489 out of the city and like along the river we found this weekend market PTIkqnCHSv0-00013-00005489-00005916 selling knickknacks, a bit of food, mostly like antique stuff. I don't know PTIkqnCHSv0-00014-00007922-00008745 Hey, hello, oh my god, you just, you just, oh my god, he just like came running to us PTIkqnCHSv0-00015-00008745-00009344 oh my god you doggy, doggy, you just came to us like this... PTIkqnCHSv0-00016-00012458-00012604 Hi Sophia, nice to meet you PTIkqnCHSv0-00017-00012616-00012666 Shawn PTIkqnCHSv0-00018-00012666-00012752 Nice to meet you! PTIkqnCHSv0-00019-00012752-00012802 Hi! PTIkqnCHSv0-00020-00013291-00013624 What's up guys so for today's episode the topic is gonna be PTIkqnCHSv0-00021-00013628-00014240 about living and studying in Dresden and I have with me Sofia. // Hi! // ...which will be PTIkqnCHSv0-00022-00014240-00014868 bringing me around the university and there is a beer brewery in the university PTIkqnCHSv0-00023-00014868-00015291 itself, this is true? Of course this is true and we will see it on our own. PTIkqnCHSv0-00024-00015291-00015810 I'm at Dresden for 10 years until now and I studied food chemistry five years and PTIkqnCHSv0-00025-00015810-00016451 then doing my PhD and for five years ago we started a brewery project and then let's PTIkqnCHSv0-00026-00016452-00016586 have a look what we are doing. PTIkqnCHSv0-00027-00016586-00016968 Yeah so as a student can I like just hang out and drink some beer PTIkqnCHSv0-00028-00016968-00017354 if I'm stressed? Ehm no. PTIkqnCHSv0-00029-00017354-00017734 When you are a student of chemistry or food chemistry you have to brew the beer PTIkqnCHSv0-00030-00017734-00018108 then wait eight weeks then you analyze the beer and then you can drink it PTIkqnCHSv0-00031-00018120-00018688 So it's only for educational purpose and a bit of tasting, no casual drinking. Until now. PTIkqnCHSv0-00032-00018704-00019016 Until now, because it's a school all right cool. Let's go. PTIkqnCHSv0-00033-00020498-00021020 Okay this is our small research brewery. Here the malt and the hop... PTIkqnCHSv0-00034-00021020-00021558 So this are the different malts, that you have because the darker color one will produce like the black beers PTIkqnCHSv0-00035-00021558-00021996 Yes this is for black beer and this is for wheat beer PTIkqnCHSv0-00036-00022092-00022400 What time is it Sophia, what time is it right now? About beer o'clock PTIkqnCHSv0-00037-00022400-00022560 Beer o'clock, yes. PTIkqnCHSv0-00038-00022614-00022924 Woooah I didn't expect that. PTIkqnCHSv0-00039-00023676-00023878 Wow it's really really good PTIkqnCHSv0-00040-00023890-00024090 What time is it Shawn? Beer time! PTIkqnCHSv0-00041-00024132-00024242 It's beer o'clock. PTIkqnCHSv0-00042-00024618-00024668 It's good PTIkqnCHSv0-00043-00024668-00024978 it's really balanced like with the bitterness and a bit of sweetness. I like it PTIkqnCHSv0-00044-00025010-00025382 And of course cold beer on the summer's afternoon... PTIkqnCHSv0-00045-00025382-00025564 Cheers! PTIkqnCHSv0-00046-00025630-00025992 Alright so get your beer in Dresden called Lohrmanns... PTIkqnCHSv0-00047-00025992-00026264 And Lohrmann was the founder of the university. PTIkqnCHSv0-00048-00026264-00026877 Ah it's great, yeah, support the university. Yeah! Yes! Cheers! PTIkqnCHSv0-00049-00028092-00028832 So now we are in Dresden Neustadt, in the new town and our alternative and hippie area of Dresden. PTIkqnCHSv0-00050-00028842-00029477 But also families are living here and students. And it's a really cool place to live. PTIkqnCHSv0-00051-00029477-00030052 There are a lot of bars and small shops and maybe we can get to some bars PTIkqnCHSv0-00052-00030074-00030252 yep, so basically we are gonna drink more beer PTIkqnCHSv0-00053-00030258-00030552 Of course. Awesome, it's beer time! PTIkqnCHSv0-00054-00031394-00031570 So right Sophia, where are we right now? PTIkqnCHSv0-00055-00031570-00032036 We are in the Alaunpark or short A-Park. Oh that's really simple... PTIkqnCHSv0-00056-00032104-00032370 This is the green heart of the new town PTIkqnCHSv0-00057-00032388-00032924 People come here every day for relaxing , doing some barbecue, some music or sports PTIkqnCHSv0-00058-00032942-00033142 Yeah it's a good place for families PTIkqnCHSv0-00059-00033414-00033838 So we're just out here, sitting along the streets and eating some kebabs PTIkqnCHSv0-00060-00033838-00034194 Apparently it's like very common for everyone to just hang out around the street PTIkqnCHSv0-00061-00034194-00034606 look at around the corner. Just like yeah, everyone chilling out and hanging out... PTIkqnCHSv0-00062-00035182-00035782 We are on a pub crawl. I'm feeling like you know... When you gonna say "pub crawl" it means... PTIkqnCHSv0-00063-00035782-00036364 drink until you crawl back home. Yes you don't stop going to the bars until we crawl for one bar. PTIkqnCHSv0-00064-00036364-00036630 Yes, and that what it means PTIkqnCHSv0-00065-00036816-00036924 Prooost! PTIkqnCHSv0-00066-00037706-00038078 Really feeling like a local here. Everyone's just like sitting around PTIkqnCHSv0-00067-00038078-00038212 drinking beer PTIkqnCHSv0-00068-00038368-00038668 Thank you. Thank you Sophia. Nice meeting you PTIkqnCHSv0-00069-00038676-00038870 Goodbye, good night PTIkqnCHSv0-00070-00038934-00039432 Too much beer in a day. Whou. Alright so that's the end for today's episode... PTIkqnCHSv0-00071-00039478-00040070 I'll catch you in the next one. Take care! You have a good rest tonight... PTIkqnCHSv0-00072-00040218-00040496 We're gonna crawl back to the hotel now... PTIkqnCHSv0-00073-00040576-00040686 See you! PUXJVEODx1Y-00000-00000000-00000368 We're currently in London Euston station of all places and we're actually PUXJVEODx1Y-00001-00000368-00000813 on route to Manchester, the City of Manchester and also Manchester PUXJVEODx1Y-00002-00000813-00001284 University because of why Charles. We're gonna do a presentation to all the PUXJVEODx1Y-00003-00001284-00001607 students there and what's currently going down in blockchain what they need PUXJVEODx1Y-00004-00001607-00001959 to know. Just having some really great relationships at all the blockchain PUXJVEODx1Y-00005-00001959-00002631 societies in the UK, our home turf, our advantage home core territory and also PUXJVEODx1Y-00006-00002631-00002913 really just getting out and seeing what's going on in the universities in PUXJVEODx1Y-00007-00002913-00003254 their level of understanding and what type of protocols are looking at and PUXJVEODx1Y-00008-00003254-00003678 what devs are really actually building of course we're going here to talk about PUXJVEODx1Y-00009-00003678-00004320 our view but also really to explain our story and to give our vision with PUXJVEODx1Y-00010-00004320-00004692 regards to the EOSIO protocol so usually a lot of interesting things get PUXJVEODx1Y-00011-00004692-00005248 thrown the better these things right the Q&A is the most valuable PUXJVEODx1Y-00012-00006848-00007326 First of all we really appreciate your time and attention this evening and we're really here to give PUXJVEODx1Y-00013-00007326-00007811 you value in each and every way that we can and it's really been at the ethos PUXJVEODx1Y-00014-00007811-00008385 with what we do is to give forward and build a community, help with education PUXJVEODx1Y-00015-00008385-00008817 and it's amazing just how much positive stuff has actually come back when you PUXJVEODx1Y-00016-00008817-00009243 actually deploy that that type of approach to the space and we realized PUXJVEODx1Y-00017-00009243-00009743 we're really really really early like what we've seen so far with regards to PUXJVEODx1Y-00018-00009743-00010161 cryptocurrency and blockchain technology it's not even the tip of the iceberg to PUXJVEODx1Y-00019-00010161-00010659 where we'll be like opportunity like you've never seen before like technology PUXJVEODx1Y-00020-00010659-00011178 never goes back like it never goes back look we walk around with these things PUXJVEODx1Y-00021-00011178-00011604 okay you're used to that now right do you know there was a time when someone PUXJVEODx1Y-00022-00011604-00012239 left the house that they would have a box which was the size of a bag and PUXJVEODx1Y-00023-00012239-00012465 another box which had a phone on it and they PUXJVEODx1Y-00024-00012465-00012950 walk around with two boxes was a mobile phone that's what it comes to and it PUXJVEODx1Y-00025-00012950-00013290 will continue to develop like it's not gonna stop here PUXJVEODx1Y-00026-00013290-00013851 it never does and when you see lack of knowledge that we see here we see the PUXJVEODx1Y-00027-00013851-00014286 same thing across blockchain in fact I had just recently looked at a Jeff Jeff PUXJVEODx1Y-00028-00014286-00015135 Bezos interview he raised the first million dollars for Amazon when the PUXJVEODx1Y-00029-00015135-00015747 implied valuation was five million he did that with 60 investors and each of PUXJVEODx1Y-00030-00015747-00016191 the investment meetings started with each of those investors asking what is PUXJVEODx1Y-00031-00016191-00016554 this thing called the internet anyway there were numerous different operating PUXJVEODx1Y-00032-00016554-00016938 systems in the future that we knew Victor some protocols in the future on PUXJVEODx1Y-00033-00016938-00017466 those protocols have only really started that the plumbing and the piping is now PUXJVEODx1Y-00034-00017466-00017880 being laid for what will become a decentralized future right whereby PUXJVEODx1Y-00035-00017880-00018468 people will own their own data and where there will be non fungible tokens for PUXJVEODx1Y-00036-00018468-00018972 gaming, where there'll be land rights, fractional ownership, where there are be PUXJVEODx1Y-00037-00018972-00019386 medical records everything will be on on the block and in order for that to PUXJVEODx1Y-00038-00019386-00019668 happen well you need to have the infrastructure built and then of course PUXJVEODx1Y-00039-00019668-00020079 you need to have adoption and then you need to have the needs. Big revolution in PUXJVEODx1Y-00040-00020079-00020532 the 1970s for PC and hardware you all remember that of course in the 90s we PUXJVEODx1Y-00041-00020532-00020994 had the internet and now we have blockchain so technology never goes PUXJVEODx1Y-00042-00020994-00021462 backwards what you're going to start to see then is companies that are valued PUXJVEODx1Y-00043-00021462-00021801 with the likes of the market caps that you existed today in the hundreds of PUXJVEODx1Y-00044-00021801-00022392 millions of dollars so for me it's about staying sharp, seeing the tech, look PUXJVEODx1Y-00045-00022392-00022719 what's being solved and by the way all the smartest people that I know that PUXJVEODx1Y-00046-00022719-00023070 worked at Google, Facebook all the smartest people that I know that we're PUXJVEODx1Y-00047-00023070-00023409 on the institutional side working for Goldman's or Merrill's, Fidelity or PUXJVEODx1Y-00048-00023409-00023841 Blackrock they've all come into this community everybody is there to help PUXJVEODx1Y-00049-00023841-00024243 everybody else because we know how early it is and I think if we keep with those PUXJVEODx1Y-00050-00024243-00024831 core values to help, to educate, to build community, to solve problems then the PUXJVEODx1Y-00051-00024831-00025294 future for us will look the best that's ever been because it will make PUXJVEODx1Y-00052-00025294-00025681 the world a better place so for us we've never been more excited PUXJVEODx1Y-00053-00025681-00026388 to deploy capital, we're more than happy to do so and I think history will be PUXJVEODx1Y-00054-00026388-00026916 kind to us when we look back at this in the next 10 years and so thank you all PUXJVEODx1Y-00055-00026916-00027344 very much thank you very much again appreciate PXnRCVbCkvA-00000-00001128-00001620 All For One: Tomura has finally started thinking rationally and making decisions by himself. PXnRCVbCkvA-00001-00001750-00001944 All For One: I do wish that you hadn't gotten in his way. PYJqOdJrPuc-00000-00000000-00000225 well to talk max eat will be a giant PYJqOdJrPuc-00001-00000225-00000554 weighing some 23,000 tons and measuring PYJqOdJrPuc-00002-00000554-00000731 30 by 30 meters PYJqOdJrPuc-00003-00000731-00000971 its mission to prove the technical PYJqOdJrPuc-00004-00000971-00001299 feasibility of fusion power the EEG PYJqOdJrPuc-00005-00001299-00001475 machine will be nestled at the core of a PYJqOdJrPuc-00006-00001475-00001734 seven-story concrete building once PYJqOdJrPuc-00007-00001734-00001910 completed the passageways of this PYJqOdJrPuc-00008-00001910-00002115 complex will be chock-full of cables PYJqOdJrPuc-00009-00002115-00002340 pipes and ducts for supplying the PYJqOdJrPuc-00010-00002340-00002543 state-of-the-art superconducting magnets PYJqOdJrPuc-00011-00002543-00002759 an orchestra of diagnostic instruments PYJqOdJrPuc-00012-00002759-00003009 and the heating systems that injects PYJqOdJrPuc-00013-00003009-00003279 kinetic energy into the plasma so that PYJqOdJrPuc-00014-00003279-00003534 won't be much room for maneuvering but PYJqOdJrPuc-00015-00003534-00003947 let's enter and take a closer look we PYJqOdJrPuc-00016-00003947-00004098 have just entered the vacuum battle PYJqOdJrPuc-00017-00004098-00004382 through one of its 44 ports for its PYJqOdJrPuc-00018-00004382-00004553 allow access to the installation PYJqOdJrPuc-00019-00004553-00004748 replacement or repair of investable PYJqOdJrPuc-00020-00004748-00004992 components and can also host plugs PYJqOdJrPuc-00021-00004992-00005228 dissipated with a variety of diagnostic PYJqOdJrPuc-00022-00005228-00005528 and heating equipment the vacuum vessel PYJqOdJrPuc-00023-00005528-00005721 is a double-walled stainless steel PYJqOdJrPuc-00024-00005721-00005946 container with cooling water circulating PYJqOdJrPuc-00025-00005946-00006192 between the walls its interior surface PYJqOdJrPuc-00026-00006192-00006515 is class 440 blanket modules to provide PYJqOdJrPuc-00027-00006515-00006695 the physical boundary between the plasma PYJqOdJrPuc-00028-00006695-00006929 and the vessel structure contributing to PYJqOdJrPuc-00029-00006929-00007115 the thermal and nuclear shielding the PYJqOdJrPuc-00030-00007115-00007361 battle directly facing the ultra hot PYJqOdJrPuc-00031-00007361-00007578 plasma and designed to cope with large PYJqOdJrPuc-00032-00007578-00007875 electromagnetic forces the blanket is PYJqOdJrPuc-00033-00007875-00008067 arguably one of the most critical and PYJqOdJrPuc-00034-00008067-00008235 technically challenging components of PYJqOdJrPuc-00035-00008235-00008547 pita machine at the bottom of the PYJqOdJrPuc-00036-00008547-00008802 machine such diverter which is literally PYJqOdJrPuc-00037-00008802-00008997 a giant Hoover will be a very PYJqOdJrPuc-00038-00008997-00009279 sophisticated one its function is to PYJqOdJrPuc-00039-00009279-00009482 extract heat and impurities from the PYJqOdJrPuc-00040-00009482-00009875 plasma the diverter is made up of 54 PYJqOdJrPuc-00041-00009875-00010095 cassette the heat flux that reaches PYJqOdJrPuc-00042-00010095-00010304 these components is extremely intense PYJqOdJrPuc-00043-00010304-00010668 after 20 megawatts per square meter the PYJqOdJrPuc-00044-00010668-00010821 choice of surface material for the PYJqOdJrPuc-00045-00010821-00011085 diverter is thus an important one PYJqOdJrPuc-00046-00011085-00011409 on the outside of the vacuum vessel we PYJqOdJrPuc-00047-00011409-00011607 can take a look at the Vita's important PYJqOdJrPuc-00048-00011607-00011922 superconducting magnet systems the 18 to PYJqOdJrPuc-00049-00011922-00012168 royal coils and the six polite or coils PYJqOdJrPuc-00050-00012168-00012453 the first by 30 meter class that PYJqOdJrPuc-00051-00012453-00012611 surrounds the backing battle and the PYJqOdJrPuc-00052-00012611-00012852 superconducting magnets and provides a PYJqOdJrPuc-00053-00012852-00013166 high-vacuum super cool environment the PYJqOdJrPuc-00054-00013166-00013370 stainless steel structure will be the PYJqOdJrPuc-00055-00013370-00013716 largest vacuum chamber in the world in a PYJqOdJrPuc-00056-00013716-00013950 few years from now this virtual machine PYJqOdJrPuc-00057-00013950-00014109 will have become a tangible concrete PYJqOdJrPuc-00058-00014109-00014420 reality ready to be turned on to prove PYJqOdJrPuc-00059-00014420-00014625 the fusion as an energy source is a PYJqOdJrPuc-00060-00014625-00015260 viable option for our future Pa__9kGcBHY-00000-00000069-00000484 You may also encounter ebrary ebooks in the library catalog. Pa__9kGcBHY-00001-00000484-00001042 Ebrary is noted under "added author.'To view the book, simply click "view online." Pa__9kGcBHY-00002-00001042-00001429 You will go directly into the full text of the ebook. Pa__9kGcBHY-00003-00001429-00001985 If you wish to skip to a particular chapter, you can skip ahead using the table of contents Pa__9kGcBHY-00004-00001985-00002611 on the right; you can page through the pages using the arrow keys; you can also print up Pa__9kGcBHY-00005-00002611-00002913 to 60 pages of any ebrary book. Pa__9kGcBHY-00006-00002913-00003380 Another option is to download the full text of the book so you can read it offline. Pa__9kGcBHY-00007-00003380-00003822 If you have any questions about using an ebrary ebook contact a librarian. PbmgvVgJQ90-00000-00000393-00000865 THE OLDEST U.S. NAVY SHIP THAT FOUGHT IN BOTH WORLD WARS, BATTLESHIP TEXAS, CELEBRATED ITS PbmgvVgJQ90-00001-00000865-00001024 CENTENNIAL OVER THE WEEKEND. PbmgvVgJQ90-00002-00001024-00001387 THE CELEBRATION TOOK PLACE ABOARD THE MUSEUM SHIP IN LA PORTE, TEXAS. PbmgvVgJQ90-00003-00001387-00001855 THIS WAS THE LAST CREW REUNION FOR 32 VETERANS WHO SERVED ABOARD THE SHIP DURING WORLD WAR PbmgvVgJQ90-00004-00001855-00001955 TWO. PbmgvVgJQ90-00005-00001955-00002237 ONE FORMER CREW MEMBER SHARED HIS EXPERIENCE AFTER THE CELEBRATION. PbmgvVgJQ90-00006-00002237-00002365 "I LOVED IT. PbmgvVgJQ90-00007-00002365-00002465 I LOVED IT. PbmgvVgJQ90-00008-00002465-00002565 I LOVED IT. PbmgvVgJQ90-00009-00002565-00003102 YEAH, AND I'M SHOCKED TO THIS DAY ABOUT HOW WE WERE TREATED AND I'M AMAZED WITH ALL THE PbmgvVgJQ90-00010-00003102-00003653 VOLUNTEERS THAT THEY HAVE HERE YOU KNOW THE PREPARATION AND EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH. PbmgvVgJQ90-00011-00003653-00004011 I WOULD FEEL SORRY FOR ANYBODY THAT MISSED IT. PbmgvVgJQ90-00012-00004011-00004111 IT WAS PERFECT." PbmgvVgJQ90-00013-00004111-00004564 IN 1914, TEXAS WAS COMMISSIONED AND AT THE TIME, CONSIDERED THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON PbmgvVgJQ90-00014-00004564-00004664 IN THE WORLD. PbmgvVgJQ90-00015-00004664-00005130 ON D-DAY SHE FIRED ON THE GERMANS AT NORMANDY AND LATER IN THE PACIFIC AGAINST THE JAPANESE. PbmgvVgJQ90-00016-00005130-00005419 FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT BATTLESHIPTEXAS.ORG. PbmgvVgJQ90-00017-00005419-00005762 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN SUNDERMAN. PenYrN06694-00000-00000022-00000288 Earthbound was in trouble. PenYrN06694-00001-00000288-00000696 The game had been in dire straits for a long time now. PenYrN06694-00002-00000696-00001136 After years and years of development, it felt like the team were no closer to getting the PenYrN06694-00003-00001136-00001462 game working than they had been when they’d started. PenYrN06694-00004-00001462-00001897 When they’d begun developing for Nintendo’s new hardware, the SNES, they’d been among PenYrN06694-00005-00001897-00002391 the first to get the chance to build on this exciting, advanced gaming platform. PenYrN06694-00006-00002391-00002880 Now, many other projects had come and gone, and the little team were still struggling PenYrN06694-00007-00002880-00003207 to make something that even remotely worked. PenYrN06694-00008-00003207-00003735 The project’s leader, advertising superstar Shigesato Itoi, was struggling to get his PenYrN06694-00009-00003735-00004150 team organized enough to be able to complete Earthbound’s inner workings. PenYrN06694-00010-00004150-00004635 The game’s designers and artists had built a huge library of assets that were theoretically PenYrN06694-00011-00004635-00005210 complete, but the game’s coding was such a mess that nothing seemed to work right. PenYrN06694-00012-00005210-00005710 Earthbound had become increasingly expensive, and nobody knew how it could be fixed. PenYrN06694-00013-00005710-00005942 All hope seemed lost. PenYrN06694-00014-00005942-00006404 The higher ups at Nintendo were getting ready to bring the axe down on the entire project, PenYrN06694-00015-00006404-00006613 and cancel Earthbound outright. PenYrN06694-00016-00006613-00007203 Then, just as Shigesato and his team began preparing for the worst, the day was saved, PenYrN06694-00017-00007203-00007641 when a programming genius floated down from On High to fix everything. PenYrN06694-00018-00007641-00008314 This is the story of how Satoru Iwata single-handedly saved one of the most iconic roleplaying games PenYrN06694-00019-00008314-00008500 in Nintendo’s history. PenYrN06694-00020-00009574-00010502 Nintendo’s choppy approach to localizing Shigesato Itoi’s first game, Mother, probably PenYrN06694-00021-00010502-00010749 should have come as a warning sign. PenYrN06694-00022-00010749-00011260 The game had sold well in Japan, but translation into English for sale oversees had proven PenYrN06694-00023-00011260-00011388 difficult. PenYrN06694-00024-00011388-00011834 Nintendo wasn’t exactly well known for their roleplaying games at the time, and such a PenYrN06694-00025-00011834-00012389 big, complicated game with so much text required a large amount of time and effort to perfectly PenYrN06694-00026-00012389-00012585 translate into another language. PenYrN06694-00027-00012585-00013070 What’s more, Mother was filled with cultural references and jokes that didn’t exactly PenYrN06694-00028-00013070-00013341 translate well into foreign languages. PenYrN06694-00029-00013341-00013710 Many at Nintendo wondered whether the game’s appeal would even carry over into Western PenYrN06694-00030-00013710-00013925 markets in the first place. PenYrN06694-00031-00013925-00014419 While the translation was eventually completed, Nintendo actually decided against releasing PenYrN06694-00032-00014419-00015012 the game, instead choosing to bury their translation within their archives, and move on to different PenYrN06694-00033-00015012-00015112 projects. PenYrN06694-00034-00015112-00015584 It didn’t help that Mother was coming right at the end of the Nintendo Entertainment System’s PenYrN06694-00035-00015584-00016029 lifespan, and the company didn’t want to distract customers from the new, shiny Super PenYrN06694-00036-00016029-00016365 Nintendo that was the focus of their efforts at that time. PenYrN06694-00037-00016365-00016829 This was reflected in the development of Shigesato’s second game as well. PenYrN06694-00038-00016829-00017346 Mother 2 began life on the Famicom, but as Nintendo’s efforts shifted to the console’s PenYrN06694-00039-00017346-00017690 successor, the team was told that they’d have to scrap much of what they’d already PenYrN06694-00040-00017690-00018065 done in order to begin anew on the more complicated hardware. PenYrN06694-00041-00018065-00018613 This, it proved, was to be the first of many delays to the project. PenYrN06694-00042-00018613-00018981 The problem was that Shigesato wasn’t a game developer. PenYrN06694-00043-00018981-00019497 He had come to Nintendo as a writer, actor, and advertiser, with ambitions of making something PenYrN06694-00044-00019497-00020061 immersive and interactive, that was, above all, a story-based experience. PenYrN06694-00045-00020061-00020573 Even with one game under his belt, Shigesato wasn’t particularly computer literate. PenYrN06694-00046-00020573-00021012 He left the majority of the technical decisions to other members of his team, while focusing PenYrN06694-00047-00021012-00021287 on getting the story and visuals right. PenYrN06694-00048-00021287-00021626 This even extended to the way the game’s design was laid out. PenYrN06694-00049-00021626-00022101 Shigesato dictated the entirety of his game’s script, while another member of the team wrote PenYrN06694-00050-00022101-00022364 his dialogue into the computer. PenYrN06694-00051-00022364-00022834 Sometimes, when Shigesato saw his words on the screen in front of him, he’d scrap them, PenYrN06694-00052-00022834-00023206 getting his typist to delete them, and trying again with another line. PenYrN06694-00053-00023206-00023676 Sometimes, he’d spell things out letter by letter, especially when it came to the PenYrN06694-00054-00023676-00023995 weird names of some of his game’s characters. PenYrN06694-00055-00023995-00024418 While this wasn’t particularly efficient, the most useful element of Shigesato’s writing PenYrN06694-00056-00024418-00024820 method was that he could get instant feedback on what he was writing. PenYrN06694-00057-00024820-00025272 As he spoke, he’d watch his typist’s face to see the response he got. PenYrN06694-00058-00025272-00025723 If his typist smiled, laughed, or welled up with tears, Shigesato knew that he was on PenYrN06694-00059-00025723-00025900 the right lines. PenYrN06694-00060-00025900-00026360 This process ended up taking time, but Shigesato figured it was probably a lot quicker than PenYrN06694-00061-00026360-00026857 agonizing over every individual line in the game without having such tangible feedback PenYrN06694-00062-00026857-00027117 as he wrote the script. PenYrN06694-00063-00027117-00027576 Unfortunately, it also meant that while the project’s story and art assets were progressing PenYrN06694-00064-00027576-00028070 well, the technical underpinnings of the game weren’t falling into place as they should. PenYrN06694-00065-00028070-00028466 An almost entirely new team of developers and programmers had been assembled for Mother PenYrN06694-00066-00028466-00028991 2, so there wasn’t a lot of experience on the first game of the series to draw from. PenYrN06694-00067-00028991-00029410 These developers were having to figure things out from scratch – especially after the PenYrN06694-00068-00029410-00029575 jump to the Super Famicom. PenYrN06694-00069-00029575-00030110 With Shigesato storming ahead on the game’s design elements, his team of programmers found PenYrN06694-00070-00030110-00030598 themselves directionless, and they were trapped going in circles as they attempted to transform PenYrN06694-00071-00030598-00031079 the game’s ambitious, complicated roleplaying foundations and expansive world into something PenYrN06694-00072-00031079-00031452 that could be coded, organized, and built upon. PenYrN06694-00073-00031452-00031617 Years went by without progress. PenYrN06694-00074-00031617-00032050 While Shigesato had finished his game’s story and designs, there was no framework PenYrN06694-00075-00032050-00032245 to attach this to. PenYrN06694-00076-00032245-00032613 Every attempt from the programmers to build the systems that were needed seemed to end PenYrN06694-00077-00032613-00032780 in disaster. PenYrN06694-00078-00032780-00033364 Finally, after a lot of agonizing work, Nintendo’s higher ups began growing tired of the game’s PenYrN06694-00079-00033364-00033609 many, many delays and hiccups. PenYrN06694-00080-00033609-00034063 Shigesato and his team prepared for the worst, as they anticipated the cancellation that PenYrN06694-00081-00034063-00034324 was drawing near. PenYrN06694-00082-00034324-00034966 But Mother 2 didn’t get cancelled – instead, the project was saved at the last minute. PenYrN06694-00083-00034966-00035489 Satoru Iwata, President of HAL Laboratory, another company that worked closely with Nintendo PenYrN06694-00084-00035489-00035906 on various games, volunteered to help with the project. PenYrN06694-00085-00035906-00036400 He wasn’t going to step on Shigesato’s toes, but he knew how to program a game, how PenYrN06694-00086-00036400-00036973 to manage a team of coders, and how to fix projects that were going horribly wrong. PenYrN06694-00087-00036973-00037523 Shigesato accepted Satoru’s help, expecting the seasoned programmer to sweep in and repair PenYrN06694-00088-00037523-00037779 all the holes in his game’s code. PenYrN06694-00089-00037779-00038243 But instead, Satoru suggested something far more radical. PenYrN06694-00090-00038243-00038692 In order to get Earthbound to the point where it could be saved, the entire coding team PenYrN06694-00091-00038692-00039239 would need to throw away nearly everything they’d done thus far, and start work all PenYrN06694-00092-00039239-00039444 over again. PenYrN06694-00093-00039444-00039978 It seemed ludicrous to throw away so much work, and it left Shigesato with a tough decision PenYrN06694-00094-00039978-00040112 to take. PenYrN06694-00095-00040112-00040432 Did they keep working to patch up their existing game engine? PenYrN06694-00096-00040432-00040949 Or should the team ditch five years’ of coding work in order to trust Satoru Iwata? PenYrN06694-00097-00040949-00041674 Either way, the team had a lot of work ahead of them. PenYrN06694-00098-00041674-00042031 Satoru Iwata wasn’t pushy about his plans for Earthbound. PenYrN06694-00099-00042031-00042494 He’d looked over everything that Shigesato and the team had produced thus far, and he PenYrN06694-00100-00042494-00042853 wasn’t sure that continuing with the existing code was the best strategy. PenYrN06694-00101-00042853-00043536 As far as Satoru could tell, it would be easier to rebuild the entire game with a better foundation PenYrN06694-00102-00043536-00044038 than to continue struggling with a system that wasn’t fit for purpose. PenYrN06694-00103-00044038-00044410 Nevertheless, Satoru wasn’t about to tell Shigesato what to do. PenYrN06694-00104-00044410-00044657 This wasn’t his game, and he wasn’t in charge. PenYrN06694-00105-00044657-00045209 It wasn’t Satoru’s place to wade in and begin demanding that the team scrap everything PenYrN06694-00106-00045209-00045388 they’d already done. PenYrN06694-00107-00045388-00045943 Instead, he took Shigesato aside, and respectfully gave him some advice. PenYrN06694-00108-00045943-00046453 If they continued to use the existing system, it would take two more years to finish Earthbound, PenYrN06694-00109-00046453-00046948 but if the team started afresh with Satoru to guide them they could complete the project PenYrN06694-00110-00046948-00047125 in half that time. PenYrN06694-00111-00047125-00047607 Either way, Satoru insisted, he would support Shigesato in his decision. PenYrN06694-00112-00047607-00047854 This was his passion project, his baby. PenYrN06694-00113-00047854-00048311 Satoru would be there to assist him no matter what he decided. PenYrN06694-00114-00048311-00048880 Shigesato really appreciated Satoru’s honesty, and his gentle, supportive attitude. PenYrN06694-00115-00048880-00049382 He accepted the suggestion – Shigesato admitted that he didn’t have the best grasp of the PenYrN06694-00116-00049382-00049641 technical aspect of game making. PenYrN06694-00117-00049641-00050071 If his friend felt that he could get things done quicker by restarting the coding, then PenYrN06694-00118-00050071-00050539 perhaps it was best to trust someone who had a lot more experience in this field. PenYrN06694-00119-00050539-00051046 And so, Satoru set to work – but not in the way that Shigesato expected. PenYrN06694-00120-00051046-00051479 Instead of tackling any of the big, gaping holes in the project, Satoru started coding PenYrN06694-00121-00051479-00051771 a tool for implementing game content. PenYrN06694-00122-00051771-00052157 Shigesato was confused, but Satoru was in his element. PenYrN06694-00123-00052157-00052604 He presented the seemingly unimportant tool to the coding team, and showed them how it PenYrN06694-00124-00052604-00052900 worked, then explained what they could build with it. PenYrN06694-00125-00052900-00053363 Finally, he assigned them several tasks, and instructed them to use his self-made computing PenYrN06694-00126-00053363-00053601 tool in order to achieve them. PenYrN06694-00127-00053601-00054110 This kind of compartmentalized game making blew Shigesato away, but he was also astounded PenYrN06694-00128-00054110-00054321 by the way Satoru dealt with his team. PenYrN06694-00129-00054321-00054794 For years, Shigesato had been trying to manage the group, organizing their efforts into something PenYrN06694-00130-00054794-00054944 cohesive. PenYrN06694-00131-00054944-00055324 Satoru clearly had a plan in his head for how things should be organized, and could PenYrN06694-00132-00055324-00055697 break down the project into smaller, more achievable chunks that he could then assign PenYrN06694-00133-00055697-00056104 to groups within the larger team in order to help things run smoothly. PenYrN06694-00134-00056104-00056599 Everything Satoru said and did was presented with the utmost respect for the teams’ skills. PenYrN06694-00135-00056599-00056975 He knew what they were capable of, and knew where they needed help in order to stretch PenYrN06694-00136-00056975-00057188 themselves and achieve their goals. PenYrN06694-00137-00057188-00057650 To a certain extent, Satoru was treating project management in the same way that he treated PenYrN06694-00138-00057650-00057813 the process of coding. PenYrN06694-00139-00057813-00058270 He had a desired outcome, and made sure to break down and organize the team’s resources PenYrN06694-00140-00058270-00058494 and talents in order to make it happen. PenYrN06694-00141-00058494-00058822 The group’s problem before had been in communication. PenYrN06694-00142-00058822-00059264 They hadn’t known specifically what they needed to do, and so they’d struggled to PenYrN06694-00143-00059264-00059427 deliver the needed results. PenYrN06694-00144-00059427-00060077 Satoru saw each member of the team as a process within a piece of code; without clear instructions, PenYrN06694-00145-00060077-00060268 they couldn’t work as they needed to. PenYrN06694-00146-00060268-00060707 Thus, Satoru didn’t blame these coders for failing to build Earthbound the first time PenYrN06694-00147-00060707-00060812 around. PenYrN06694-00148-00060812-00061337 Shigesato had, very understandably considering his background, merely been unable to explain PenYrN06694-00149-00061337-00061527 what they needed to do. PenYrN06694-00150-00061527-00062001 Satoru provided the structure that the team needed to organize the code, and he left Shigesato PenYrN06694-00151-00062001-00062361 to implement the specifics of his creative vision. PenYrN06694-00152-00062361-00062866 The two made an excellent pair, and within no time at all, the looming threat of cancellation PenYrN06694-00153-00062866-00063160 faded as Mother 2 began to take shape. PenYrN06694-00154-00063160-00063402 Finally, the game was finished. PenYrN06694-00155-00063402-00063888 In fixing the project, Satoru had managed to achieve in mere months what Shigesato had PenYrN06694-00156-00063888-00064107 struggled to do in years. PenYrN06694-00157-00064107-00064533 Shigesato was blown away with the speed and efficiency that his team were capable of with PenYrN06694-00158-00064533-00065048 Satoru to guide them, and similarly, Satoru was very impressed with the deep, emotionally PenYrN06694-00159-00065048-00065479 powerful story that Shigesato had created within this game. PenYrN06694-00160-00065479-00065973 Mother 2 was released to Japan, and Earthbound hit American shelves not long after. PenYrN06694-00161-00065973-00066374 The game became one of Nintendo’s most iconic titles. PenYrN06694-00162-00066374-00066787 While Earthbound initially struggled to find an audience in the West, in large part due PenYrN06694-00163-00066787-00067207 to a bizarre marketing campaign that didn’t do a great job of communicating the game’s PenYrN06694-00164-00067207-00067713 quirky, heartfelt yet comedic story, it took a few years for English speaking fans to really PenYrN06694-00165-00067713-00067842 engage with the game. PenYrN06694-00166-00067842-00068307 Eventually, though, fans began to embrace the title in their millions. PenYrN06694-00167-00068307-00068755 Earthbound became a phenomenon, with fans worldwide falling in love with its odd sense PenYrN06694-00168-00068755-00069211 of humor, its complex themes, and its unique gameplay mechanics that were unlike anything PenYrN06694-00169-00069211-00069406 gamers had seen before. PenYrN06694-00170-00069406-00069767 All of the hard work that had gone into Earthbound paid off. PenYrN06694-00171-00069767-00070302 Shigesato Itoi got to see his vision realized, as the game became a cultural touchstone for PenYrN06694-00172-00070302-00070520 a generation of gamers. PenYrN06694-00173-00070520-00071094 Satoru Iwata had saved the day, as he had done before, and would do many times again. PenYrN06694-00174-00071094-00071716 His practical, caring, understanding managing style, paired with his own coding brilliance, PenYrN06694-00175-00071716-00072332 had helped to turn an ailing project into one of Nintendo’s greatest achievements. PenYrN06694-00176-00072332-00072724 The moral of the story is that if at first you don’t succeed, it doesn’t mean you PenYrN06694-00177-00072724-00072877 should give up. PenYrN06694-00178-00072877-00073430 Sometimes, as we work to learn new skills, improve ourselves, and develop our talents, PenYrN06694-00179-00073430-00073858 we may find ourselves hitting a wall, as we’re unable to continue progressing. PenYrN06694-00180-00073858-00074444 It’s easy, when trials come our way, to give up, throw in the towel, and decide that PenYrN06694-00181-00074444-00074693 some things are just too hard to achieve. PenYrN06694-00182-00074693-00075325 Or, alternatively, we might belligerently keep pushing forward, dead set in our ways PenYrN06694-00183-00075325-00075689 even though our stubbornness is getting in the way of our own success. PenYrN06694-00184-00075689-00076216 It takes a lot of patience, wisdom, and self-control to change direction. PenYrN06694-00185-00076216-00076770 Sometimes, all that we need is a fresh perspective, and a new approach, in order to overcome the PenYrN06694-00186-00076770-00077089 pitfalls that stand between us and our goals. PenYrN06694-00187-00077089-00077587 If you find yourself stuck, if you’re not able to progress and develop as you’d like, PenYrN06694-00188-00077587-00078152 and if you just can’t quite get things to go your way, remember the example of Satoru PenYrN06694-00189-00078152-00078291 Iwata. PenYrN06694-00190-00078291-00079037 Sometimes, the best solution is to take a moment to breathe, take stock of your situation, PenYrN06694-00191-00079037-00079372 and consider an alternative way to move forward. PenYrN06694-00192-00079372-00079807 Seek help from others where necessary, think hard about your goals and what needs to be PenYrN06694-00193-00079807-00079989 done to achieve them. PenYrN06694-00194-00079989-00080551 Sometimes, by trying a fresh approach to an old problem, you may find a solution that’s PenYrN06694-00195-00080551-00080712 been in front of you all along. PeJz50kuzQo-00000-00001120-00001296 So we're going to start out task 2 PeJz50kuzQo-00001-00001296-00001590 using the same worldview QGIS mapfile PeJz50kuzQo-00002-00001590-00001903 that we ended task one with. Here we're going to examine PeJz50kuzQo-00003-00001903-00002252 a map projection more suitable for mapping the entire world PeJz50kuzQo-00004-00002252-00002665 the eckert 4 projection the eckert 4 map projection is an PeJz50kuzQo-00005-00002665-00003093 equal area pseudo cylindrical map projection with straight parallel latitude PeJz50kuzQo-00006-00003093-00003169 lines PeJz50kuzQo-00007-00003169-00003617 and equally spaced meridians. So we're in Mercator now. PeJz50kuzQo-00008-00003617-00003943 As we left task one so I'm gonna go to the project PeJz50kuzQo-00009-00003943-00004379 menu project properties again to the CRS tab PeJz50kuzQo-00010-00004379-00004744 and here I'm gonna use the filter search box again PeJz50kuzQo-00011-00004744-00005222 but instead of typing in an EPSG code I"m gonna use the name of the projection PeJz50kuzQo-00012-00005222-00005276 eckert PeJz50kuzQo-00013-00005276-00005604 so this filters through PeJz50kuzQo-00014-00005604-00006022 and finds eckert projections. I'm gonna locate eckert 4 PeJz50kuzQo-00015-00006022-00006468 and specifically used the world eckert 4 click OK PeJz50kuzQo-00016-00006468-00006992 one note there are some occasional rendering issues with this PeJz50kuzQo-00017-00006992-00007351 projection in QGIS if you get a blocky appearance PeJz50kuzQo-00018-00007351-00007875 up the circles of the land to fix that just resume in and zoom back to the previous PeJz50kuzQo-00019-00007875-00007963 extent PeJz50kuzQo-00020-00007963-00008382 so for example I can zoom in zoom to the previous extent and PeJz50kuzQo-00021-00008382-00008769 actually that right there is what I was talking about that blocky extent PeJz50kuzQo-00022-00008769-00009118 I"m just gonna hit the previous extent and it looks fine again PeJz50kuzQo-00023-00009118-00009499 so if that happens just zoom in and zoom out and you should be able to get the PeJz50kuzQo-00024-00009499-00009617 map to look correct PeJz50kuzQo-00025-00009617-00010040 the eckert 4 projection is useful for world maps PeJz50kuzQo-00026-00010040-00010520 as its equal area and is pleasing to the eye a lot of projections are chosen just PeJz50kuzQo-00027-00010520-00010771 because that's the way people are used to seeing PeJz50kuzQo-00028-00010771-00011279 those parts of the world as geographies so let's see how the distance property PeJz50kuzQo-00029-00011279-00011418 fares with this projection PeJz50kuzQo-00030-00011418-00011865 I'm gonna use the measure tool again measure line PeJz50kuzQo-00031-00011865-00012297 and I'm gonna use this and measure distance between Atlanta and Alice Springs again PeJz50kuzQo-00032-00012297-00012720 so your gonna left click right click on Alice Springs to end PeJz50kuzQo-00033-00012720-00013051 and I get about just short of 21,000 PeJz50kuzQo-00034-00013051-00013547 kilometers so we can see the Eckert 4 projection is not equal distance and PeJz50kuzQo-00035-00013547-00013769 shouldn't be used for distance measurements PeJz50kuzQo-00036-00013769-00014183 in task three we're going to explore national map projections PiM2sOBZslc-00000-00000096-00000363 Art Full Text database contains articles about PiM2sOBZslc-00001-00000363-00000670 art history, graphic arts, interior design, PiM2sOBZslc-00002-00000670-00001054 decorative art, fine art, photography, and architecture. PiM2sOBZslc-00003-00001054-00001404 The best method for searching in this database PiM2sOBZslc-00004-00001404-00001897 is to use the Advanced Search option. To make sure you retrieve only viewable PiM2sOBZslc-00005-00001897-00002023 results, PiM2sOBZslc-00006-00002023-00002534 click the Full Text box before searching. The Advanced Search has multiple search PiM2sOBZslc-00007-00002534-00002821 bars so you can enter more than one term at a time. PiM2sOBZslc-00008-00002821-00003521 Note that single terms or phrases, PiM2sOBZslc-00009-00003627-00003952 not sentences, work best in databases. PiM2sOBZslc-00010-00003952-00004510 The number of search results are shown before the list of articles. PiM2sOBZslc-00011-00004510-00004964 There are multiple ways in this database to narrow the results down. PiM2sOBZslc-00012-00004964-00005446 You can choose to view only articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals. PiM2sOBZslc-00013-00005446-00005860 You can also select results that are from a particular source type like PiM2sOBZslc-00014-00005860-00006153 magazines, newspapers, journals, or books. PiM2sOBZslc-00015-00006153-00006588 You can choose a publication date range by typing in the years PiM2sOBZslc-00016-00006588-00007065 or using the slider bar. This is helpful to narrow to historic or current PiM2sOBZslc-00017-00007065-00007200 information. PiM2sOBZslc-00018-00007200-00007763 Notice that the number of search results was reduced by adjusting the date range. PiM2sOBZslc-00019-00007763-00008225 The source type of each article is represented by a graphic. PiM2sOBZslc-00020-00008225-00008642 Periodicals are another name for magazines in this database. PiM2sOBZslc-00021-00008642-00009303 To view an article, click on the title. On the description page, PiM2sOBZslc-00022-00009303-00009614 you will find the citation information including title, PiM2sOBZslc-00023-00009614-00010157 author, and source information. Subject Terms are standardized terms that PiM2sOBZslc-00024-00010157-00010378 describe the content of the article. PiM2sOBZslc-00025-00010378-00010807 This is a great place to find additional keywords and search terms. PiM2sOBZslc-00026-00010807-00011140 The abstract provides a summary of the article PiM2sOBZslc-00027-00011140-00011557 and can help you decide whether this article is relevant to your search. PiM2sOBZslc-00028-00011557-00011892 Full text options for articles can include PiM2sOBZslc-00029-00011892-00012475 HTML or PDF versions. PDFs are a scan of the original article PiM2sOBZslc-00030-00012475-00012844 and contain page numbers to help with in-text citations. PiM2sOBZslc-00031-00012844-00013144 To send yourself a copy of the article PiM2sOBZslc-00032-00013144-00013450 and the citation, click on the E-Mail link. PiM2sOBZslc-00033-00013450-00013762 From here, enter the name of your preferred PiM2sOBZslc-00034-00013762-00014422 email provider. Don't forget to choose a citation style as well. PiM2sOBZslc-00035-00014422-00015070 Just make sure to check the database-generated citations against an official PiM2sOBZslc-00036-00015070-00015203 guide for accuracy. Q0YThz62fF0-00000-00000798-00001278 This video walkthrough tour of 7750 Crooked Rd St, San Antonio, TX 78254 Q0YThz62fF0-00001-00001278-00001892 is brought to you by the industry leader in property management in San Antonio -- RentWerx San Antonio! Q0YThz62fF0-00002-00008140-00008724 Available now! Come and visit this great home in a conveniently located neighborhood. Q0YThz62fF0-00003-00008790-00009492 This beautiful home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, nice kitchen with a breakfast nook, spacious bedrooms Q0YThz62fF0-00004-00009492-00009748 and large living area for your family. Q0YThz62fF0-00005-00014269-00014932 This great home also includes a spacious master suite, Fireplace, tile floors, walk-in-closets, Q0YThz62fF0-00006-00014932-00015116 and a separate dining area. Q0YThz62fF0-00007-00015972-00016622 Its location makes it to easy commute to shopping areas, and restaurants. Q0YThz62fF0-00008-00016622-00017238 Don't miss out! Can you imagine yourself living in our lovely houses for rent in San Antonio? Q0YThz62fF0-00009-00017238-00017742 Visit http://rentwerx.com/ and give our professional San Antonio property managers a call today! Q3yS0GkUN48-00000-00000000-00000200 Motivational quotes Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00000-00000000-00000614 [music: "Long Shadows"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00001-00000633-00001363 [Grifters] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00002-00001605-00002314 [Episode 17 - "The White Phial"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00003-00002536-00003212 >>(Cira) I do suppose we could ask the... White Phial man? What was his name? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00004-00003212-00003608 >>(Myth) Nurelion, I think. >>(Cira) Nurelion. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00005-00003608-00004093 >>(Cira) We could ask him if he has any fire salts. >>(Myth) Back it up. There's a giant. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00006-00004093-00004384 >>(Cira) Oh. Uh... which way? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00007-00004624-00005240 >>(Myth) I'm just going to wait for him to get off the road, actually. And true, but I'm not sure Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00008-00005240-00005764 I want to go into the White Phial without the White Phial in our hands. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00009-00005818-00006520 I just want to let Aventus know that his message was delivered...before we get too carried away. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00010-00006520-00006678 >>(Cira) Good point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00011-00006712-00007401 >>(Myth) Oh, we're going. Okay- yep. >>(Cira) Yep, it's hard to hear youin the rain but I can sort of hear you. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00012-00007401-00007537 >>(Myth) Well good. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00013-00007888-00008280 >>(Cira) Oh! And if Curamil was indeed an alchemist... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00014-00008280-00008776 ...maybe there will be fire souls lying around where someone could just... come in and pick them up? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00015-00009040-00009473 >>(Myth) How old do you think he is? >>(Cira) Who, Nurelion? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00016-00009473-00010353 >>(Myth) No, Curamil. I would assume the fire salts would be at least as old ashim. Think they'd still be useful? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00017-00010544-00011409 >>(Cira) You know, I'm not actually sure. That alsoassumes we'd find some, of course, and wedon't know what might be in there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00018-00011409-00011904 >>(Myth) Very, very true. >>(Cira) And after that... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00019-00011904-00013169 >>(Cira) We go all the way back to Riften to give Elgrim his ore sample? >>(Myth) I believe so. Lotsand lots of crows. That's not ominous at all. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00020-00013169-00013329 [Cira laughs] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00021-00013499-00013624 [Cira sighs] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00022-00013784-00014263 >>(Myth) I suppose if we don't get back to it immediately, it's not like the ore is going to go bad is it? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00023-00014463-00015165 >>(Cira) I suppose not, but it doesn't exactly set a good example to be late on that sort of thing. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00024-00015697-00016204 >>(Myth) Eh. The price of being helpful, I suppose. You can't please everyone. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00025-00016464-00016669 >>(Cira) You're very laid back about this. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00026-00016920-00017346 >>(Myth) Impressing alchemists is not exactly my first priority here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00027-00017408-00018000 I don't have anything to prove, and Elgrim and his wife have enough to worry about besides. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00028-00018379-00018474 >>(Cira) You know... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00029-00018672-00018864 That does sort of raise the question of... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00030-00019176-00019957 >>(Cira) What *is* your first priority here? >>(Myth) Well,checking in with Aventus right at the moment. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00031-00020640-00021153 Although, I'll have you wait outside. It is rather chaotic and cramped in there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00032-00021468-00021829 >>(Myth) Upto your left- well, in front of you. >>(Cira) I'm coming. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00033-00022008-00022234 Why are you having me wait outside? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00034-00022424-00023111 >>(Myth) because it's rather chaotic and cramped in thereand I don't want you tripping over something andhurting yourself. Left. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00035-00023111-00023600 >>(Cira) What a gentleman. I'm sureI'll be fine but if you insist. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00036-00023687-00024350 >>(Myth) Phrased another way, I'd rather you stay out here and keep anear open in case something interesting happens. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00037-00024520-00025000 >>(Cira) Now that, I might be able to do. What kind of interesting? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00038-00025128-00025254 >>(Myth) Hmm... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00039-00025560-00025728 I don't know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00040-00025799-00026086 Dragons, maybe. [Cira laughs] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00041-00026144-00026711 >>(Cira) I still think they must have had one too many pints of mead down there. Be safe. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00042-00026711-00026874 >>(Myth) *You* be safe. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00043-00027536-00027898 And a quick change of wardrobe just in case... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00044-00029808-00030569 >>(Aventus) Well? Grelod the Kind. Is she... youknow? >>(Myth) Grelod the Kind is indeed dead. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00045-00030656-00031136 >>(Aventus) Aha! I knew you could do it! I just knew it! I knew the Dark Brotherhood would save me! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00046-00031136-00031757 Here, just like I promised. This should fetch you a nice price. And thank you. Thank you again. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00047-00031757-00031945 >>(Myth) Of course. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00048-00032816-00033000 And what will you do now? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00049-00033352-00033910 Rather a large place for such a... young man to take care of. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00050-00034208-00034297 Good luck. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00051-00034656-00035000 Come to think of it he's probably going back to the Orphanage. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00052-00035032-00035375 Oh, and I can't very well go out like this, can I? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00053-00037264-00037845 >>(Myth) Well, that was fast. >>(Cira) Indeed! I expectedit to take significantly longer. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00054-00037920-00038490 >>(Myth) Yes, well. Right to the point. Doesn't take that long to deliver a message. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00055-00038490-00038743 >>(Cira) I-- [horn blows] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00056-00038768-00039123 ...You know, that's a good point. Where to now? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00057-00039488-00039596 >>(Myth) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00058-00040328-00040949 >>(Myth) Do you happen to have a tent? >>(Cira) Uh, no. Ihave exactly as much as you've given me. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00059-00041056-00041293 Which is rather depressing, all told. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00060-00041512-00042022 >>(Myth) We may end up having to camp out for the night. I regret not bringing one with me. great Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00061-00042087-00042287 >>(Cira) Great...? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00062-00042440-00043181 >>(Myth) We're going to the market - I want to see if anyone has one... for sale. Hold on. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00063-00043342-00043921 >>(Silda) It's so good to see you again. >>(Myth) And it'sgood to see you as well. Here you are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00064-00044032-00044873 >>(Silda) Oh, thank you. Divines bless your kind heart. The divines smile on a charitable soul. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00065-00044896-00045248 >>(Cira) You are a very generous man. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00066-00045301-00045769 >>(Myth) Well, I do try. I haveto make up for some of my darker aspects, don't I? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00067-00045796-00046408 >>(Cira) [snickers] *What* darker aspects? You've beennothing but sweet to me so far. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00068-00046832-00047186 Are you alright? We've stopped...? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00069-00047336-00047822 >>(Myth) Well yes. Oh dear... Excuse me, madam? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00070-00047822-00048421 >>(Nir) I don't haggle. If you want a lowerprice, look elsewhere. >>(Cira) Oh! She sounds Altmeri. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00071-00048421-00048602 >>(Myth) She is. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00072-00048808-00049352 >>(Myth) I see the Nords may have been givingyou trouble? >>(Niranye) It was difficult at first. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00073-00049352-00050064 The Nords of this city are at best suspicious of outsiders. But in time I made the right friends and Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00074-00050064-00050568 proved myself useful enough that they don't give me trouble anymore. The dark elves are too proud Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00075-00050568-00051226 and naive to understand the way things truly are, and so they continue to dwell in that slum. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00076-00051567-00052274 >>(Myth) To be fair, I don't know quite enough about Windhelm to comment on that yet... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00077-00052376-00052936 >>(Myth) But. What do you have for sale? >>(Niranye) Trinkets.Odds and ends. That sort of thing. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00078-00053052-00053201 >>(Myth) Oh, perfect. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00079-00053544-00053929 >>(Myth) Well that's unfortunate. >>(Cira) What? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00080-00054323-00054730 >>(Myth) Uh... this one comes with only one bedroll. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00081-00055000-00055632 >>(Cira) [laughs] Oh, I've read enough books to see where this isgoing. We're taking watches, right? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00082-00055632-00055881 >>(Myth) We are indeed. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00083-00055960-00056184 Ah, that could be useful... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00084-00056424-00056746 >>(Myth) And I should probably get something to hold all ofthis in. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00085-00056850-00057226 >>(Cira) Yes, probably. Would you like me to carry it? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00086-00057512-00058332 >>(Myth) Do you want to carry it? >>(Cira) Well I'm notreally stealthy, so... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00087-00058332-00058895 >>(Myth) Fair enough. Take care. >>(Niranye) Thank you for your custom. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00088-00058895-00059444 >>(Cira) It's good to... ah... meet another Altmer. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00089-00059648-00059850 >>(Myth) I wonder who runs this stand? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00090-00060072-00060814 There is merchandise all over the ground. Seems somebody has been... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00091-00061224-00061357 ...causing trouble. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00092-00061536-00062517 >>(Cira) Always fun. Always fun. >>(Myth) Right. Here. If youare sure you want to carry it... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00093-00062535-00063000 >>(Cira) I mean... I'm not really going to be... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00094-00063208-00063542 >>(Cira) You know. In the midst of-- >>(Myth) Oh, I should have soldthat.. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00095-00063542-00064168 >>(Cira) Sold what? >>(Myth) Oh, the payment for delivering the message. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00096-00064168-00064684 I sort of forgot to, but I suppose I'll just hold on to it for now. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00097-00064684-00064840 >>(Cira) All right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00098-00065208-00065597 >>(Myth) Tie that onto the back of the- Hey, that works. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00099-00065816-00066232 >>(Cira) We are prepared for adventure then? >>(Myth) We're prepared for something. I don't Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00100-00066232-00066558 know about adventure. Sorry, there's someone in the way. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00101-00066752-00066922 Or, coming rather. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00102-00067088-00067226 Hold on... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00103-00067480-00067888 >>(Myth) Where are they cutting wood aroundhere? >>(Cira) Oh, that's a good question. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00104-00067888-00068218 >>(Cira) Will we need some for a fire? >>(Myth) Oh, probably. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00105-00068448-00068556 Um... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00106-00068984-00069270 >>(Myth) Looking around. >>(Cira) Obviously. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00107-00069560-00069947 >>(Cira) So... Aventus. What's going to happen with him now? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00108-00070170-00070618 >>(Myth) I think he's going to go back to the orphanage, but I'm not actually sure on that. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00109-00070952-00071690 >>(Cira) Didn't he leave for some reason or...? >>(Myth) Oh yes. He justhad a few things to take care of at home, I think. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00110-00071752-00072489 >>(Myth) I'm honestly not sure. I didn'task. >>(Cira) You... perhaps should have, but... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00111-00072552-00073235 >>(M) Would you like to go back there andask him yourself? Careful. >>(Cira) Oh. Indeed. Um... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00112-00073328-00074025 >>(Cira) No, I don't... I suppose I could find my way backbut- >>(Myth) You are standing very close to me Cira. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00113-00074025-00074698 >>(Cira) I- uh- sorry. I can't tell when or where you're swinging that thing so... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00114-00074904-00075333 >>(Myth) Just watch out. >>(Cira) See, I would, if I could watch. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00115-00075520-00075610 >>(Myth) Fair point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00116-00075875-00076037 Very fair point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00117-00076232-00076609 Right, do we want to tackle this White Phial thing in the middle of the night? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00118-00076816-00077184 >>(Cira) I mean we're prepared for camping out, I don't see why not. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00119-00077640-00077945 >>(Myth) No, I think we should rest first. I don't like... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00120-00078320-00078830 >>(Myth) I don't like adventuring on anempty stomach. >>(Cira) I suppose that's fair. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00121-00079000-00079374 >>(Myth) I'm sure this lady in here is getting well tired of us. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00122-00079416-00079876 >>(Cira) Well that's fine, she can be tired of us all she wants. We're paying her. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00123-00080088-00080210 >>(Myth) Fair enough. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00124-00080555-00081225 >>(Myth) All right... we're up bright and early. >>(Cira) Youdon't sound terribly pleased about the matter. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00125-00081304-00081602 >>(Myth) I'm not terribly pleased about the matter. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00126-00081704-00082221 >>(Cira) Your morning voice is something tobehold. >>(Myth) Welcome to being a Dunmer. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00127-00082600-00082862 >>(Cira) Right. Okay. So. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00128-00083008-00083393 Uh... I'm going to take the lead. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00129-00083488-00083970 >>(Myth) That's... not necessarily a good idea... >>(Bard) This one'sa favorite of mine - a legend we all know and love. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00130-00084032-00084735 [bard singing "The Dragonborn Comes"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00131-00084735-00084832 >>(Cira) Myth? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00132-00084832-00085459 [bard singing "The Dragonborn Comes"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00133-00085459-00085606 >>(Cira) Oh, he's... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00134-00085606-00086044 [bard singing "The Dragonborn Comes"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00135-00086044-00086239 >>(Cira) ...Doing something, for sure. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00136-00086239-00087527 [bard singing "The Dragonborn Comes"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00137-00087527-00088507 >>(Bard) You'll know, you'll know, the Dragonborn's come. >>(Cira) Good for... him? I don't know. Oh, this is a door. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00138-00088736-00089270 >>(Captain) I lost my family years ago. Truth is, I don't really know what keeps me going. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00139-00089270-00089758 >>(Cira) You know, sometimes it's just survivalI think. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00140-00089907-00090193 >>(Myth) Well said. I think. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00141-00090704-00091242 >>(Cira) Uh... gate is this way... there's the weird thing... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00142-00091560-00092221 Right, um... you know the way there, is the only problem. And I don't. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00143-00092384-00092853 >>(Myth) I can guide you. I think. Hopefully. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00144-00093403-00093740 >>(Cira) It sounds like a lot of crows. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00145-00093811-00094425 >>(Myth) Well good news, it *looks* like a lot of crows. >>(Cira) Oh good! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00146-00094592-00094808 So, bridge? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00147-00094886-00095418 >>(Myth) Bridge, and then you'll want totake a right, I think. >>(Cira) You think? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00148-00095502-00095673 >>(Myth) Well, yes. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00149-00095856-00096560 I'm not entirely sure where the road leads but we'll get there some-- ...Gods that is a lot of crows. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00150-00096560-00097054 [lots of crows chattering overhead] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00151-00097128-00098000 >>(Cira) They've got something that they're interestedin. I'm not entirely sure what. Is themerchant with the guar there? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00152-00098000-00098486 >>(Myth) No? I'm notsure why they would be interested in a guar. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00153-00098536-00099846 >>(Cira) Ah, who knows? I surely don't. Okay here's the road. Feels cobbly underfoot, so... this way. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00154-00099846-00100000 >>(Myth) Correct. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00155-00100152-00100530 It seems it's going to be an adventure just getting to the place. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00156-00100530-00100663 [Cira runs into the pole] >>(Cira) Oop. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00157-00100753-00101209 >>(Myth) Sorry. >>(Cira) I mean, you're not wrong. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00158-00102072-00102593 >>(Cira) Do you mind if I stop for just a moment? >>(Myth) No, why? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00159-00102816-00103473 >>(Cira) Ah, just... need to do something. >>(Myth) All right, take your time. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00160-00104528-00104904 >>(Myth) Meditating? >>(Cira) Um, sort of. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00161-00105232-00105613 Just trying to get back in touch with... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00162-00105698-00106199 ...withXarxes. I'm not sure if I can actually... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00163-00106328-00106926 Well, you know... Read. But. I mean- I'm sure I *can't* Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00164-00107232-00107806 But I- I sort of want him to know that I'm thinking about him, if that makes any sense. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00165-00108072-00108745 >>(Myth) I mean... as long as it makes sense to you. I'm not exactly the religious type. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00166-00108848-00109575 >>(Cira) That's fair enough- I hear wolves... >>(Myth) They're on yourright. If they charge at you, I'll let you know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00167-00109856-00110069 Otherwise, just keep on going. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00168-00110448-00111165 >>(Myth) The road curves to your left up here. >>(Cira) Okay- oh-! Itsmells like flowers. Feels like flowers, sort of. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00169-00111272-00111901 It is rather hard to actually feel plant matter with gloves on. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00170-00112064-00112533 >>(Myth) That's a good point. Uh, there's a bridge to your right up here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00171-00112888-00113821 >>(Cira) Uh, I can hear the waterfall. Is that where we'regoing? >>(Myth) Yes. Across and then uh... to your left, I think. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00172-00114344-00114413 [Cira gasps] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00173-00114413-00114883 >>(Dunmer) I'm on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Azura, the goddess of twilight if you'll excuse me. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00174-00114883-00115508 >>(Cira) I didn't realize he was there. It sort of- [laughs nervously] I thoughtI nearly bumped into him. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00175-00115508-00116270 >>(Myth) Oh, you're fine. Shrine of Azura... I don't think I've spotted it yet,but I'm not sure where to look. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00176-00116480-00116762 >>(Cira) So, do you, uhh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00177-00116888-00117213 I- I don't actually know what Dunmer worship. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00178-00117352-00117744 >>(Myth) Depends on the Dunmer. >>(Cira) You know, that's a good point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00179-00117864-00118302 Well okay. This Dunmer in particular. How about you? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00180-00118624-00118740 >>(Myth) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00181-00119024-00119642 Technically, the Reclamations. That's what we're supposed to worship these days. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00182-00119704-00119838 >>(Cira) And you don't? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00183-00119867-00120389 >>(Myth) Well no, I do, I'm just not as reverent as the next guy, I suppose. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00184-00120759-00120882 >>(Cira) That's fair. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00185-00121032-00121656 >>(Cira) And which ones are the Reclamations? >>(Myth) Azura, Mephala, and Boethiah. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00186-00121738-00121938 >>(Cira) Oh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00187-00122088-00122361 Right. Dunmer and Daedra worship. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00188-00122735-00123264 >>(Myth) I'm not sure the Altmer haveanything to say about that. >>(Cira) What do you mean? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00189-00123331-00123821 >>(Myth) You all put Ayleids on a pedestal. They were Daedra worshippers. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00190-00123821-00123977 >>(Cira) I suppose that's fair. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00191-00124120-00124679 >>(Myth) There's a bear fighting something just ahead of us, just so you know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00192-00124712-00124817 >>(Cira) Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00193-00125096-00125577 >>(Myth) Well there's the bear... and someone Dwemer plate. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00194-00125619-00125882 [bear roars] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00195-00125882-00126409 >>(Cira) I hear the bear... Is it going to come after us? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00196-00126832-00127320 >>(Myth) I think he's going to go afterthe Dwemer... plate... man. >>(Cira) Okay...? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00197-00127511-00127583 I... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00198-00127896-00128425 >>(Cira) I think I'm just going to take careof it, if that's all right. >>(Myth) Be my guest. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00199-00128651-00128777 >>(Cira) Oh dear! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00200-00129335-00129423 Okay! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00201-00129616-00129948 You know what? It's not that hardto hit a bear. [whack] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00202-00129948-00130168 >>(Myth) It's dead, Cira. >>(Cira) Oh. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00203-00130405-00130854 [chuckles] Right! [laughs again] Sorry! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00204-00131000-00131792 >>(Myth) A little bit punchy this morning arewe? >>(Cira) Um yes. Trying to navigate withhearing alone. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00205-00131792-00132562 >>(Cira) Also, it's very high up. I'm not used to this. >>(Myth) Oh yes. Island people. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00206-00132636-00133353 >>(Myth) I imagine this altitude is rather... significant. >>(Cira) Uh, yes. Where arewe going? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00207-00133420-00133686 >>(Myth) Do you have a map-? I have a map. Hang on. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00208-00133952-00134327 >>(Myth) Just up the road to your left. >>(Cira) Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00209-00135136-00135692 Hoo... Fighting is exhilarating. But also terrifying. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00210-00136024-00136561 >>(Myth) You know, it's very easy to forget that you're not a combatant... when you're wearing plate armor. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00211-00136590-00137017 >>(Cira) [giggles] Er... yes. I'm-- Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00212-00137017-00137217 [Ice Wraith noises] What's that? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00213-00137370-00137525 Oh! Oh, it's cold. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00214-00137968-00138051 Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00215-00138604-00138739 Is it dead? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00216-00138739-00139277 >>(Myth) I hope it's dead. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00217-00139488-00139789 >>(Cira) It's very cold, and I'm taking whatever that was. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00218-00139888-00140034 Um... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00219-00140320-00140482 I'm not sure where we are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00220-00140768-00141334 >>(Myth) Well the road is sort of down here, but I think I see where the entrance is. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00221-00141408-00141637 It's to your right now. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00222-00141666-00141830 Right in front of you now. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00223-00141902-00142044 >>(Cira) Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00224-00142592-00143412 Stone! Big stone. Ooh! Warm. Ah... [chuckles] Ahh... Very nice, very warm. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00225-00143800-00143982 Waiting for Myth to catch up. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00226-00144803-00144915 Myth? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00227-00145464-00145784 You're not going to make me go into this thing alone are you? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00228-00146248-00146353 Myth? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00229-00146736-00147000 Oh gods, where has he gone? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00230-00147592-00147802 I hear something moving out there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00231-00148016-00148256 I sort of don't want to move. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00232-00148720-00149078 Well, this is a problem. Myth? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00233-00149824-00150282 Uh, this is bad. This is very bad. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00234-00150680-00151000 Okay, he saw the place, so he knows that I'm here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00235-00151134-00151437 >>(Cira) Oh dear. >>(Myth) Hello. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00236-00151537-00152186 >>(Cira) I honestly thought you'd just goneand vanished on me. >>(Myth) Oh, no. I was dealing with wolves. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00237-00152264-00152732 >>(Cira) Oh, that's what I heard. >>(Myth) Yes. After you. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00238-00152732-00153288 >>(Cira) After me! Okay. [Nervous laughter] I'm beginning to regret mydecisions, just so you know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00239-00153488-00153583 Hang on... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00240-00153760-00153952 Uh... well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00241-00154536-00154653 That's fine. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00242-00154896-00155165 It's all fine. We're good. Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00243-00155260-00155567 Whew. We can do this. I can do this. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00244-00155736-00155886 We can do this. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00245-00156072-00156779 >>(Myth) Do you want me to go in first? >>(Cira) Nope! Nope, I'm... hoo. We're going. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00246-00157312-00157820 >>(Cira) Oh, I was not expecting ice. Oh. It's alittle bit slidy underfoot. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00247-00157820-00158096 >>(Myth) Ooh, chest. >>(Cira) Chest! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00248-00158320-00158685 Feels like gold and a gemstone. I will take that. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00249-00159112-00159469 We were talking about something on the road and I've sort of... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00250-00159616-00159874 >>(Myth) Wraith. >>(Cira) Oh! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00251-00160104-00160217 Ah- there it is. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00252-00160457-00160592 >>(Myth) Careful. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00253-00160592-00161074 >>(Cira) Uh, I- I have to ask you to be careful because I can't exactly see where youare. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00254-00161074-00161589 I can hear you. And if I poke you I can feel where you are so- uh- sorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00255-00161744-00162079 But. Um... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00256-00162224-00162372 Right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00257-00162928-00163244 I'm sort of trying to hear where theopen spaces are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00258-00163336-00163717 There you are! Oh-! Sorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00259-00164032-00164274 Let me get him - I'm the one in heavy armor. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00260-00164600-00165061 >>(Myth) And you also can't really seewhere he is. >>(Cira) What are those things? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00261-00165312-00165769 >>(Myth) I'm not altogether sure, but they aren't pleasant for certain. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00262-00166000-00166556 >>(Cira) True... What is this? It has gold in it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00263-00166556-00167021 >>(Myth) Oh,don't take that, that's an urn. >>(Cira) Oh. Heh, sorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00264-00167128-00167394 I thought you said you weren't very... uh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00265-00167536-00167631 Reverent. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00266-00167920-00168742 >>(Myth) Of the Daedric Princes? Not particularly. Of ancestors? I'd rather be safe thansorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00267-00168742-00169116 I don't want to be haunted by bone spirit or something like that. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00268-00169116-00169372 >>(Cira) [nervous snicker] Fair enough. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00269-00169648-00170384 There's so much I don't know. It'sterrifying and enthralling all at the same time. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00270-00170384-00171025 This is... precarious. Just keep a hand on the wall, Cira. Keep a hand on the wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00271-00171256-00171509 >>(Myth) That's a very good way to do things actually. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00272-00171912-00172340 >>(Cira) Hand on th- What did I step on? >>(Myth) A plate. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00273-00172426-00172781 >>(Cira) A plate. Hand on the wall Cira. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00274-00173264-00173825 >>(Cira) There's no wall here. Okay. Whichway do we go? >>(Myth) Right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00275-00173975-00174250 >>(Cira) Hand on the... urns. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00276-00174408-00175159 >>(Myth) Don't step where you're about to step. Go around. >>(Cira) To... which direction? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00277-00175159-00175702 >>(Myth) Left. There's a pressure plate on the floor. I'll do my best not to step on it as well. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00278-00176419-00176677 I sort of thought he was going to charge you. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00279-00176832-00177149 >>(Cira) Oh dear. Well done. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00280-00177440-00177908 >>(Myth) That was my attempt to trap the draugr.I'm resistant to poison. You're not. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00281-00178016-00178313 >>(Cira) You're resistant to poison? >>(Myth) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00282-00178536-00179334 >>(Myth) Sort of. It's a learned tolerance, not a natural one. >>(Cira) That's... interesting. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00283-00179504-00179813 >>(Cira) How did that happen? >>(Myth) Rough childhood. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00284-00179813-00180094 >>(Cira) [laughs] All right! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00285-00180267-00180543 Oh! There you are! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00286-00181072-00181193 >>(Myth) Very nice! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00287-00181776-00182353 >>(Cira) Uh... right. I've lost my way. >>(Myth) Rightin front of you there's a door. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00288-00182648-00183024 >>(Cira) Hand on the wall. Found a wall. With holes in it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00289-00183024-00183366 I sort of don't want to feel too far into those holes. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00290-00183499-00183757 >>(Myth) Indeed. Draugr on your left. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00291-00184366-00184463 >>(Cira) Ow! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00292-00184816-00184930 >>(Myth) There we go. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00293-00185248-00185750 >>(Cira) Ooh! A long mace. That is a big weapon. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00294-00185936-00186384 >>(Myth) I think he was wielding it two-handed, so if you want to keep the stick, I don't recommend it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00295-00186448-00186880 >>(Cira) I would like to keep the stick very much,thanks. >>(Myth ) On your left. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00296-00187000-00187281 >>(Cira) Okay... There you are! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00297-00187480-00187728 >>(Cira) Oh-! >>(Myth) Trust your armor. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00298-00188648-00188765 >>(Cira) Oh! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00299-00189208-00189509 >>(Cira) I hear him... >>(Myth) Yes, he's running. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00300-00189752-00190123 >>(Cira) Have you got it? >>(Myth) Well, we'll see. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00301-00190248-00190915 >>(Cira) Hello? I hear another one. Oh-! >>(Myth) Youtake care of the one that ran. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00302-00190915-00191336 >>(Cira) Okay... where did he run to? >>(Myth) In here somewhere. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00303-00191728-00192229 I'm not altogether sure. It might be this dead one over here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00304-00192744-00192835 >>(Cira) Huh. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00305-00193064-00193384 Okay. Trying to keep track of you... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00306-00193456-00193946 ...and find the draugr at the same time-! That's stairs. Hand on the wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00307-00194352-00194816 >>(Myth) Yes, there are holes in the wall that may or may not contain dead bodies so be careful. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00308-00194816-00194987 [draugr barks] >>(Cira) Oh! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00309-00195216-00195570 I think I found him. [clunk] I sure did! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00310-00195720-00196088 Oh. That sounded... delightful. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00311-00196256-00196626 >>(Myth) Archer. >>(Cira) Oh! Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00312-00197280-00197946 >>(Cira) We make a very good team. >>(Myth) Well. We make *some* kindof a team, that's for sure. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00313-00197946-00198263 >>(Cira) Hand on the wall. >>(Myth) Oh, just go to your left. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00314-00198397-00198765 Not right where you'restanding though, there's a plate on the floor. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00315-00198814-00199443 >>(Cira) Okay! Do you want me to let youhandle him? >>(Myth) He's got a big sword. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00316-00199443-00199639 [sword hit, Myth falls on the pressure plate] >>(Myth) Ah f--! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00317-00199720-00199937 >>(Cira) You alright? >>(Myth) Nope! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00318-00200224-00200490 >>(Cira) Okay! All right. All right. You get off. Get off him. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00319-00200928-00201113 Myth, what's going on? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00320-00201248-00202000 >>(Myth) Just a bit of fire. That's nothing I can't handle, but he winded me very, very much. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00321-00202000-00202120 >>(Cira) Oh dear. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00322-00202384-00202608 >>(Myth) Can you get him off this plate? Please? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00323-00203088-00203237 >>(Cira) I'll give you a moment. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00324-00203416-00203886 >>(Myth) Look around for any potions,that would be wonderful. >>(Cira) Okay? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00325-00204128-00204410 Uhh... right. Me look. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00326-00204589-00205499 >>(Myth) Right. I forgot. I thought you said youwere a healer? >>(Cira) Uh, amateur at best. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00327-00205544-00206050 And with herbs. And bandages. Not necessarily magic. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00328-00206352-00206645 >>(Myth) Great. >>(Cira) Sorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00329-00206645-00207223 I also don't know howto cast with a weapon in my hand. I know it can be done, I just... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00330-00207223-00207673 I'm not sure how to do it. I think the weapon has to be enchanted. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00331-00207896-00208000 >>(Myth) Right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00332-00208208-00208478 Okay, well... [tiny chuckle] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00333-00208512-00209402 >>(Myth) I'm back on my feet, if we want to get going. >>(Cira) Okay. I'll be honest, you did panic me a bit there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00334-00209608-00210285 >>(Cira) You stepped in fire. >>(Myth) I'm a Dunmer. As longas I don't step in lava we should be fine. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00335-00210464-00211050 >>(Myth) There's another pressureplate on the floor. >>(Cira) Okay. Um. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00336-00211312-00211837 >>(Cira) How do we want to handle this? >>(Myth) It's a narrow hallway, so just run. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00337-00211864-00212025 >>(Cira) All right, running. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00338-00212104-00212361 Ow! Oh, it grazed me. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00339-00212623-00212737 I think we're good though. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00340-00212952-00213277 >>(Cira) What's in here? >>(Myth) Ingots of some sort. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00341-00213560-00214193 >>(Cira) Uh, any potions? >>(Myth) Uh- actually yes. Oneon that shelf right about there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00342-00214319-00214793 >>(Cira) Excellent, excellent. >>(Myth) Couple more on your right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00343-00215048-00215213 >>(Cira) Uh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00344-00215400-00215784 Okay. And a door. In we go, I suppose. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00345-00216509-00216830 Hoo... How deep does this place go, do you think? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00346-00217056-00217549 >>(Myth) I'm not sure I want to linger on that question. Itmay well just depress us. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00347-00217549-00218644 >>(Cira) [laughs] I'd rather not be trapped in a whatever this place is for the rest of my-uh- bleary existence, if it ends up being in here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00348-00218919-00220123 >>(Cira) There we go. One crumply... whatever you called them. >>(Myth) Draugr. Be glad you can't see. They're rather... dusty. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00349-00220123-00220751 >>(Myth) Oh, there's potions on that shelf overthere. >>(Cira) There *are* potions on this shelf. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00350-00220751-00221212 >>(Myth) Oh dear... >>(Cira) ...What? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00351-00221261-00221705 >>(Myth) Grammar. >>(Cira) Oh, sorry. Bad habit. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00352-00221840-00222309 Hand on the wall, hand on the wall, ha- There's holes in the wall. Hand on the wall... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00353-00222608-00222973 Okay. We're making it through this. We´re making it through just fine. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00354-00223167-00223450 Oh! Oh, that's a mage. Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00355-00224032-00224117 >>(Myth) Wow. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00356-00224376-00224546 >>(Cira) Good thing about mages... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00357-00224696-00225117 ...is that you can follow the path of the magic. And I don't have to really... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00358-00225256-00225584 ...uh. Try to aim with the stick too much. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00359-00225832-00226334 I can just follow the magic and smack at where it's generally coming from. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00360-00226736-00227065 >>(Myth) That's dangerous. >>(Cira) Isn't it just? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00361-00227480-00228272 Hand on the wall, hand on the wall. There's no wall. Oh, it's- it's- it's a bridge, isn't it? Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00362-00228528-00228713 We're going to be very careful. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00363-00228992-00229464 >>(Myth) Another mage. Be careful. >>(Cira) Okay,this I know how to deal with. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00364-00229808-00230230 Come on. There you are! Oh! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00365-00230371-00230943 Ifell! I don't know where I am anymore! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00366-00230943-00231465 >>(Myth, distantly) Uh.. Hand on the wall. You'llfind your way back just fine. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00367-00231465-00231810 >>(Cira) Okay. Hand on the wall, hand on the wall hand on th- Oh, there's a dead-! Oh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00368-00232080-00232494 Okay, I might know where we are. I might know whereI am. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00369-00232651-00233022 >>(Myth) Yep, just up this hallway. >>(Cira) Oh! Okay. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00370-00233022-00233295 Oh, there you are! Oh, sorry. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00371-00233407-00233942 Okay. And we just keep the maceon the wall. Mace on the wall, mace on the wall... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00372-00234200-00234606 >>(Myth) You don't have to say, "mace on thewall," just keep the mace on the wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00373-00234606-00234728 >>(Cira) I... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00374-00234888-00235712 It's scary in here, okay? It sounds scary and I can't see anything, so it's doubly scary. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00375-00235967-00236154 >>(Myth) I suppose that's a good point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00376-00236367-00237000 >>(Cira) Although I am seeming to be able to navigateit- Oh, there's the- Ah! This is where I fell off. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00377-00237136-00237333 Okay, we go around here this time. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00378-00237653-00237808 Uh-huh. Oh, chest! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00379-00238104-00238423 I will take those... Are they labeled, these potions? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00380-00238648-00239124 >>(Myth) Well, they're color coordinated. >>(Cira) Oh*that's* helpful. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00381-00239273-00239708 I can't feel color. [Myth chuckles] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00382-00239944-00240302 >>(Cira) Did you just laugh at me? >>(Myth) I might have. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00383-00240744-00241230 >>(Cira) All right. We're going, we're going, we're going... There's draugr. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00384-00241463-00241618 Oop! Sword. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00385-00242627-00242827 That'll do! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00386-00242859-00243426 >>(Myth) Very nice. Now don't you dare walk intothe middle of the room. >>(Cira) Okay?? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00387-00243529-00244441 >>(Myth) There's just a large depression in the floor and I think it lifts intothe ceiling, where there are multitudes of spikes. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00388-00244471-00245281 >>(Cira) Oh. And that sounds like a perfectly hideous way to meet one's end. Lovely! Door. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00389-00245888-00246017 Okay, hands on the- Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00390-00246280-00247138 Whatever this is? Cage? Oh, I do hate cages. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00391-00247280-00248162 >>(Myth) That sounded like the bitter voice of experience to me. >>(Cira) Um... I don't want to say that it is... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00392-00248432-00248574 But it is. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00393-00248816-00248941 Oh! There you are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00394-00249104-00249210 >>(Myth) Another one. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00395-00249896-00250314 >>(Myth) Nice! >>(Cira) Did you just do that teleporty thing again? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00396-00250314-00250881 >>(Myth) I'm honestly trying my best not to, knowing that you could fling a mace at my back at any moment Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00397-00250881-00251385 >>(Cira) I... You know that's... I- I suppose that's a... good choice. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00398-00251632-00251860 Uh, hand on the wall. There's the wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00399-00252200-00252394 >>(Cira) Hello? >>(Draugr) Kren sosaal! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00400-00252767-00252965 >>(Cira) Did that thing just speak? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00401-00253240-00253814 >>(Myth) Well... I... think so? I have no idea what it said, though. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00402-00253842-00254795 >>(Cira) I... you know, probably some sort of ancient Nordic or Atmoran or something. Who knows. Oh- Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00403-00255000-00255404 I'm sorry I kicked your jug around! There you are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00404-00255665-00255865 >>(Draugr) Bolog aaz, mal lir! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00405-00255975-00256524 >>(Cira) A- sorry! >>(Myth) You're fine. Heh. Just hurt a little bit. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00406-00256744-00257148 >>(Cira) Oh! I found one of your arrows.Would you like it back? >>(Myth) Please? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00407-00257148-00257470 [Cira laughs] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00408-00257519-00257933 >>(Cira) You sound very strange being, uh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00409-00258128-00258601 >>(Cira) ...polite. >>(Myth) Why do I sound strange being polite? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00410-00258816-00259035 >>(Cira) Oh that sounds lovely. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00411-00259400-00259653 I have to time this by sound, don't ? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00412-00259840-00260170 >>(Myth) You're wearing heavy armor, you probably could just go. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00413-00260344-00261000 >>(Cira) Maybe... I'm a little bit terrifiedthough. >>(Myth) I'll tell you when to run. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00414-00261124-00261233 Go. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00415-00261488-00261866 >>(Cira) What is that? [Word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00416-00261912-00262933 >>(Myth) A draugr. Oh good. >>(Cira) What!? Okay! Uh- Ooh, there's a lot! There's a lot of draugr! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00417-00263232-00263680 >>(Myth) Careful. >>(Cira) I'm doing my best! Oh dear. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00418-00264072-00264841 Potion! I need a potion, I need a potion... okay. What am I hearing? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00419-00264841-00265321 [Word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00420-00265536-00265979 >>(Cira) Is that all of them? >>(Myth) Not quite -there's one hiding in a corner. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00421-00266140-00266453 >>(Cira) Okay, I... I need a minute... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00422-00266563-00266962 Hoo... Oh boy. [nervous laugh] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00423-00267000-00267378 Aha- I thought I was about to die- I hea- do youhear that? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00424-00267378-00267539 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00425-00267539-00267792 >>(Myth) Hear what? >>(Cira) That chanting. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00426-00267792-00268144 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00427-00268144-00268247 >>(Myth) No? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00428-00268247-00268592 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00429-00268592-00268872 >>(Cira) Ah, are you sure? Because it's rather loud. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00430-00268872-00269248 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00431-00269248-00269789 >>(Myth) Which potion did you take, exactly? >>(Cira) Uh- that'sa good point. They have been in here for awhile. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00432-00269789-00270502 I have been sort of leery... Maybe I'm just hallucinating. That's fine. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00433-00270502-00270642 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00434-00270642-00271221 The bodies are around here somewhere aren't they? Oh-Yes, I'm stepping in them. That's always fun. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00435-00271221-00271392 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00436-00271392-00271755 I found your arrows... again. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00437-00271755-00272176 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00438-00272176-00272621 Okay, it's not going away and I'm sort of- The adrenaline is wearing off. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00439-00272621-00272792 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00440-00272792-00273035 A little bit. Hand on the wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00441-00273035-00273544 [word wall chanting, sizzling sound] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00442-00273544-00273789 Something's crackling. Like a fire. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00443-00273789-00274056 [word wall chanting, sizzling sound] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00444-00274056-00274149 Or ice. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00445-00274149-00274328 [word wall chanting, sizzling sound] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00446-00274328-00274766 >>(Myth) Um... Are you sure you're all right? Did he hit you in the head? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00447-00274766-00275268 >>(Cira) You know, he might have? I'm starting to thinkinvesting in a helmet might be a good idea. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00448-00275268-00275576 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00449-00275576-00276173 >>(Myth) There's stairs here. And a chest up the stairs, if you want to go see what's-- well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00450-00276173-00276344 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00451-00276344-00276957 >>(Myth) "See," I say. >>(Cira) It sort of feels like thechanting is coming from the stairs. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00452-00276957-00277096 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00453-00277096-00277384 >>(Myth) There's a weird wall up thereif you want to go touch it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00454-00277384-00277544 [word wall chanting] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00455-00277544-00278316 >>(Cira) You know, I think I might. I'm a little bit leery as to what might happen, but it's very- It's warmer up here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00456-00278896-00279041 ...That was weird... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00457-00279368-00279898 There's depressions on this wall... I think they spell something. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00458-00280032-00280581 >>(Myth) They look like... just chunks taken out of the stone, to me. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00459-00280816-00280919 >>(Cira) Huh. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00460-00281144-00281757 I- this one is inlaid with something. I'm not sure what. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00461-00282032-00282200 It felt kind of weird actually. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00462-00282504-00282656 >>(Myth) Are you alright? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00463-00283352-00283814 >>(Cira) You know, that's an excellent question? I don't know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00464-00284120-00284384 I'm not sure what it means. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00465-00284616-00284809 Ah... there's more wall. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00466-00285048-00285360 I wonder if I could read this? Well, sort of- Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00467-00285360-00285925 I mean, if it's a language then Icould... I can actually feel... the indents. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00468-00286688-00287000 Actually, it would probably take me a while to read this. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00469-00287248-00287608 >>(Myth) Do you want to pause for a bit so that you can? Or.. try? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00470-00287608-00287920 >>(Cira) I mean, I don't know what the language is, otherwise I would. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00471-00288144-00288494 Odd. Oh right, there's a chest here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00472-00288651-00288945 Isort of forgot about the chest thing- ooh! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00473-00289040-00289225 This ring has a spell on it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00474-00289400-00289568 >>(Myth) Oh, I wonder if that's what that was? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00475-00289776-00290168 >>(Cira) Oh? >>(Myth) Well, if there was somesort of magic on the wall... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00476-00290168-00290525 ...and you're an Altmer, maybe you sensed it somehow? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00477-00290816-00291624 >>(Cira) Maybe? I don't really know. You know,that sort of makes sense though, if- Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00478-00291624-00292400 Because I know that Nords and... they do and have hate elves. And have hated elves... They do Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00479-00292400-00293021 hate elves, or they have hated elves, for as long as they've been in Tamriel, so maybe it was a... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00480-00293088-00293493 "If you're an elf, keep out," sort of thing on the wall?? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00481-00293672-00293771 Maybe? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00482-00293973-00294410 >>(Myth) Eh, I don't know. That makes about as much sense as anything else I could come up with. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00483-00294440-00294544 >>(Cira) That's fair. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00484-00294644-00295019 >>(Myth) Oh, I think the thing forNurelion´s mixture is in there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00485-00295019-00295826 >>(Cira) Okay? Oh, this thing! All right, let's see what this does. Hopefully no more Draugr. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00486-00296359-00296614 Okay, I heard that... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00487-00296904-00297685 >>(Myth) The White Phial's on a pedestal right infront of you. No draugr. >>(Cira) Oh good! Uh... stairs. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00488-00297872-00298521 Oh. Oh dear. Am I feeling what you're seeing? Does it have a crack in it? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00489-00298864-00299379 >>(Myth) Ah, the old man's not going to be happy is he? >>(Cira) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00490-00299688-00300418 >>(Cira) I mean, maybe not? Maybe he can fix it somehow? >>(Myth) Oh, that's a good point. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00491-00300542-00300730 >>(Cira) Let´s see. What else is in here? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00492-00300984-00301290 If he was an alchemist, any uh...? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00493-00301480-00302429 >>(Cira) I feel sort of bad just going through his things,but... >>(Myth) Ooh, book. ould you like me to read it to you? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00494-00302472-00303271 >>(Cira) Uh, maybe? What is it? >>(Myth) "A Game at Dinner" by AnAnonymous Spy. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00495-00303271-00304168 >>(Cira) Oh! Is that the one with uh- Barenziah and the stuff with the... dinner partyand the poison? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00496-00304284-00304686 >>(Myth) Have you read this? >>(Cira) I might have? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00497-00304936-00305148 >>(Myth) I'm not sure. Hang on. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00498-00305912-00306046 It might be. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00499-00306360-00307029 >>(Myth) Do you want to take it? >>(Cira) Um... Do you want to readit? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00500-00307029-00307305 >>(Myth) It could be useful for research purposes. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00501-00307432-00307813 >>(Cira) Research purposes?! >>(Myth) What? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00502-00308008-00308472 >>(Cira) I- uh- What exactly are you researching, how to kill people? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00503-00308554-00308682 >>(Myth) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00504-00308824-00309271 >>(Cira) I... I'm not sure what to make of that, to be honest. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00505-00309321-00310048 >>(Myth) Oh, fire salts. >>(Cira) Oh? Oh, uh... Warm thing! There we are. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00506-00311000-00311369 >>(Myth) You're staring vaguely in my general direction. What is it? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00507-00311560-00312342 >>(Cira) Uh... I'm just trying to not be suspicious of you, that's all. Walking into uh... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00508-00312368-00313206 The Orphanage and then the lady dies? And then the way that you handled Cu- uh... the curio guy? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00509-00313528-00313949 >>(Cira) It's just a bit suspicious,that's all I'm saying. >>(Myth) Well... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00510-00314136-00314834 >>(Myth) Lucky for you, you have nothing to fear from me. >>(Cira) That's not any *less* suspicious, I hope you know. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00511-00314896-00315551 >>(Myth) I'm here in Skyrim to help. And defend myselfand you if necessary. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00512-00315551-00315714 >>(Cira) Ah, what a gentleman. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00513-00315888-00316030 I found a door! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00514-00316296-00316422 Found another door! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00515-00317080-00317305 >>(Myth) There's a lever on the wall to your right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00516-00317504-00317677 >>(Myth) Here. >>(Cira) Oh! There. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00517-00317872-00318042 I hear that door. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00518-00318368-00318637 Oh, and stuff on the floor. Where are we now? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00519-00318832-00319482 >>(Myth) Uh... right by the entrance, actually. Just go downthe precarious slope in front of you. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00520-00319482-00319657 >>(Cira) Oh! Oh good. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00521-00319864-00320084 Wall! Hand on the wall, hand on the wall... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00522-00320368-00320476 Okay... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00523-00320776-00321000 >>(Myth) You know that really, actually works. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00524-00321160-00321561 >>(Cira) Oh! Oh, this is the wagon in the chest and the skeleton! Oh, there's a satchel. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00525-00321608-00321964 I missed that the first time. I wonder why? [sarcasm] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00526-00322872-00322963 Ah. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00527-00323208-00323958 Fresh air! Oh, that's nice. Do you have any idea what time it is? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00528-00324064-00324693 >>(Myth) The sun is low in the west so we might be better off just putting up a camp here. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00529-00324832-00325338 >>(Cira) Okay, I think I can put up the tent by feel, ifyou point me to where you want it. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00530-00325434-00325568 >>(Myth) All right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00531-00325864-00326473 >>(Cira) Now, keep in mind I've never done this before so if it's lopsided, I do apologize. Where do you want it? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00532-00326584-00326953 >>(Myth) A bit to the right. >>(Cira) Okay. To theright, to the right, to the right... Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00533-00326976-00327079 To the right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00534-00327203-00327378 >>(Myth) That'll do right about there. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00535-00327664-00327784 >>(Cira) Okay! Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00536-00328048-00328884 >>(Cira) And you'll handle the fire, right? >>(Myth) Indeed. You takea load off, I'll take first watch. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00537-00328884-00329702 >>(Cira) Okay, sounds good. That was a lot of fighting and I am verymuch not used to it, so I thank you very kindly. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00538-00330000-00330584 >>(Cira) [sighs] We got the Phial! >>(Myth) We got the Phial. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00539-00330792-00330883 >>(Cira) Right. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00540-00331048-00331463 >>(Myth) Sit down, Cira. >>(Cira) Okay, okay, I'm sitting down. Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00541-00332362-00332782 [campfire crackling] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00542-00334079-00334639 [music: "Long Shadows"] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00543-00335809-00335972 [arrow shot] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00544-00336160-00336313 >>(Myth) Hello? Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00545-00337253-00337391 [thud] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00546-00337593-00337963 [faint footsteps, fire fizzles out] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00547-00340125-00340552 [Grifters] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00548-00340658-00341107 [Huge thanks to Dawntreader for helping with the subtitles!] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00549-00341146-00341598 [And thank you for watching!] Q3Ldsqyhlhg-00550-00341629-00342144 [All of my music is available for download on Patreon.] Q4-3bHKHa5k-00000-00000008-00000528 since the start of the pandemic youtuber chris clements has been extremely vocal calling out Q4-3bHKHa5k-00001-00000528-00001176 his fellow influencers for not abiding by covey guidelines celebrity influencers have been acting Q4-3bHKHa5k-00002-00001176-00001664 as though they're not only immune from covid but they also believe they're immune from giving it Q4-3bHKHa5k-00003-00001664-00002296 to anyone else public shaming from fans only does so much so it's great to see that chris clements Q4-3bHKHa5k-00004-00002296-00002848 has been putting the pressure on his peers unfortunately he doesn't seem to be doing Q4-3bHKHa5k-00005-00002848-00003464 much better although chris klemons has positioned himself as the example for his peers and fans to Q4-3bHKHa5k-00006-00003464-00004104 follow chris hasn't been doing the best job by obeying the covad guidelines either one of his Q4-3bHKHa5k-00007-00004104-00004832 most recent tweets that has over 33 000 likes and over 2 000 retweets at the time of writing this Q4-3bHKHa5k-00008-00004832-00005520 and his tweet says influencers be like what content do you guys want to see from me um Q4-3bHKHa5k-00009-00005520-00006136 maybe you staying the heck home from your fifth vacation this pandemic i found this extremely Q4-3bHKHa5k-00010-00006136-00006680 odd coming from chris because in the last three months he's not only traveled out of the state Q4-3bHKHa5k-00011-00006680-00007400 twice but he also had a recent covet scare so as i see him calling out these other influencers Q4-3bHKHa5k-00012-00007400-00008040 i can't help but ask myself what the is wrong with chris clemons before we get started i want to make Q4-3bHKHa5k-00013-00008040-00008672 it very clear that i think chris klemons is a good person he's regularly donating to worthy causes Q4-3bHKHa5k-00014-00008672-00009240 and small businesses chris is also vocal about his mental health to help others and i respect that he Q4-3bHKHa5k-00015-00009240-00009888 speaks about political issues that he believes in but that's what makes this situation even stranger Q4-3bHKHa5k-00016-00009888-00010544 chris clemons is a good person and he means well he also seems quite intelligent Q4-3bHKHa5k-00017-00010600-00011280 so how can he simultaneously call people out for traveling and going out when he's doing the same Q4-3bHKHa5k-00018-00011280-00011856 thing this isn't just chris clemons either i have plenty of friends here in las vegas Q4-3bHKHa5k-00019-00011856-00012408 who complain to me about people not following covet guidelines but then i see them out and Q4-3bHKHa5k-00020-00012408-00013088 about all the time on their social media profiles what is happening do they not realize that they're Q4-3bHKHa5k-00021-00013088-00013719 doing the exact same thing they're telling other people not to do if they aren't aware why is that Q4-3bHKHa5k-00022-00013719-00014240 as someone who is fascinated with human behavior i thought it was not only a good time to ask what Q4-3bHKHa5k-00023-00014240-00014863 the is wrong with chris clements but what the is wrong with everyone else and what the [ __ ] is Q4-3bHKHa5k-00024-00014863-00015512 wrong with us fortunately cognitive psychology has some answers before we nerd out with some Q4-3bHKHa5k-00025-00015512-00016063 psychology we need some backstory if you don't watch chris clemons you're missing out he's Q4-3bHKHa5k-00026-00016063-00016584 kind as well as hilarious and i'm mad at myself for taking so long to finally watch his content Q4-3bHKHa5k-00027-00016584-00016984 but during the pandemic i started watching his videos with my beautiful girlfriend tristan Q4-3bHKHa5k-00028-00017048-00017592 and he regularly has me cracking up as i got to know more about chris through his videos i saw Q4-3bHKHa5k-00029-00017592-00018184 him discussing kovid donating to small businesses and encouraging others to stay safe not only that Q4-3bHKHa5k-00030-00018184-00018728 but i saw him calling out people like tana mojo james charles and others who kept partying during Q4-3bHKHa5k-00031-00018728-00019384 the pandemic then something strange happened on october 8th chris klemons posted a video titled Q4-3bHKHa5k-00032-00019384-00020160 leaving la for very caucasian reasons and it was a video about him traveling to portland i thought Q4-3bHKHa5k-00033-00020160-00020712 this was strange because as someone who has been so vocal about the lockdown and being responsible Q4-3bHKHa5k-00034-00020712-00021216 i was surprised that he'd take the risk by traveling but it didn't stop there less Q4-3bHKHa5k-00035-00021216-00021880 than a month later on october 22nd chris posted a video titled i was verbally assaulted while voting Q4-3bHKHa5k-00036-00021880-00022504 in this video he shares a story and video clips of him doing early voting in his state of california Q4-3bHKHa5k-00037-00022504-00022904 and he was verbally assaulted what i found surprising about this video Q4-3bHKHa5k-00038-00022904-00023488 was that he was out and about in southern california to cast his ballot as an influencer Q4-3bHKHa5k-00039-00023488-00024144 telling people to stay indoors who lives in a state with constantly rising covet cases Q4-3bHKHa5k-00040-00024144-00024784 i would think he'd mail in his ballot or at least do a drive through drop off to limit human contact Q4-3bHKHa5k-00041-00024848-00025488 then on november 19th chris dropped a bombshell with a video titled i tested positive for Q4-3bHKHa5k-00042-00025488-00026192 coronavirus in the video chris is extremely distraught and in tears because he tested positive Q4-3bHKHa5k-00043-00026192-00026904 for covid chris has been getting tested regularly but this test was for a very specific reason Q4-3bHKHa5k-00044-00026904-00027544 chris went and got this specific test because he was planning on collaborating with another Q4-3bHKHa5k-00045-00027544-00028200 youtuber and wanted to be as safe as possible while in tears chris talked about how unfair this Q4-3bHKHa5k-00046-00028200-00028856 is he talks about how he's doing quote unquote everything right so this just isn't fair this is Q4-3bHKHa5k-00047-00028856-00029480 when we really have to ask ourselves what the is wrong with chris clemons as well as the rest of us Q4-3bHKHa5k-00048-00029480-00030248 how is it that chris isn't able to see what he's made so public in his mind the anti-masters around Q4-3bHKHa5k-00049-00030248-00030952 the world and influencers going to parties deserve to get covet as you saw from his recent tweet he Q4-3bHKHa5k-00050-00030952-00031536 thinks other influencers shouldn't be traveling like they are but we just went over chris's own Q4-3bHKHa5k-00051-00031536-00032160 travel and activities prior to testing positive how can he not see the reality of the situation Q4-3bHKHa5k-00052-00032216-00032752 now if i were to play devil's advocate i'd argue that chris limited his exposure and was Q4-3bHKHa5k-00053-00032752-00033400 safe with testing but this does not eliminate the cognitive dissonance that chris is experiencing Q4-3bHKHa5k-00054-00033400-00033808 he has publicly called out people for interacting with others and traveling Q4-3bHKHa5k-00055-00033808-00034520 while he tested positive before he was about to do a youtube collaboration with another person Q4-3bHKHa5k-00056-00034520-00035080 cognitive dissonance is when the mind has two conflicting thoughts which causes discomfort Q4-3bHKHa5k-00057-00035080-00035664 in order to ease the dissonance we justify and rationalize what's happening from an outside Q4-3bHKHa5k-00058-00035664-00036248 perspective we can see this clear as day but when you're in it you're completely oblivious Q4-3bHKHa5k-00059-00036320-00036896 on one hand chris believes that other people should not travel shouldn't collaborate Q4-3bHKHa5k-00060-00036896-00037472 and should stay indoors but on the other hand chris has things that he wants to do Q4-3bHKHa5k-00061-00037472-00038176 that involve traveling collaborating and going outside so how does somebody ease this dissonance Q4-3bHKHa5k-00062-00038232-00038832 thankfully chris was retested and he found out that he had a false positive so he didn't actually Q4-3bHKHa5k-00063-00038832-00039480 have covid when this happened i figured that since chris is a smart rational person he'd be even more Q4-3bHKHa5k-00064-00039480-00040144 paranoid about traveling and going out but that's not what happened weeks later on december 13th Q4-3bHKHa5k-00065-00040144-00040872 chris posted a video titled i drove across america alone why did he travel across america to visit Q4-3bHKHa5k-00066-00040872-00041352 his family for the holidays when driving across the country we have to ask ourselves Q4-3bHKHa5k-00067-00041352-00041888 how many stops did he make along the way where he interacted with other people and is this more Q4-3bHKHa5k-00068-00041888-00042376 dangerous than flying because you've stopped so much on a cross-country road trip which makes it Q4-3bHKHa5k-00069-00042376-00043096 easier to spread the virus and that brings us to today when chris sent out that tweet which said Q4-3bHKHa5k-00070-00043096-00043736 again influencers be like what content do you guys want to see from me um maybe you staying the heck Q4-3bHKHa5k-00071-00043736-00044504 home from your fifth vacation this pandemic again we have to ask ourselves on a psychological level Q4-3bHKHa5k-00072-00044504-00045200 what the hell is going on well i'd theorize that chris is experiencing one of the worst biases Q4-3bHKHa5k-00073-00045200-00045912 around and it's something that we all fall victim to this bias is known as the attribution bias Q4-3bHKHa5k-00074-00045912-00046528 the attribution bias is when we judge others for doing something but we make excuses for why we Q4-3bHKHa5k-00075-00046528-00047216 do the exact same thing you probably experience attribution bias all the time when you're driving Q4-3bHKHa5k-00076-00047216-00047856 when someone cuts you off or is speeding they're an idiot or did it intentionally but when you make Q4-3bHKHa5k-00077-00047856-00048416 a mistake while driving it's because you were in a hurry or it was just a simple accident due Q4-3bHKHa5k-00078-00048416-00049088 to the attribution bias we believe others have terrible intentions but meanwhile we believe that Q4-3bHKHa5k-00079-00049088-00049736 our intentions are pure our cognitive dissonance makes us look at our own situation in a much more Q4-3bHKHa5k-00080-00049736-00050432 nuanced way so we can rationalize why we did what we did the issue is that we don't afford Q4-3bHKHa5k-00081-00050432-00051104 other people the same courtesy none of us have been perfect during this pandemic but we do need Q4-3bHKHa5k-00082-00051104-00051672 to become more self-aware as good as we all think we're doing as we await the vaccine we can all be Q4-3bHKHa5k-00083-00051672-00052336 doing better we need to also remember that even if we're not massive influencers we have an influence Q4-3bHKHa5k-00084-00052336-00052872 on the people around us when we post pictures of us going out and traveling we're sending the Q4-3bHKHa5k-00085-00052872-00053391 signal that it's okay for others to do the same chris clemons may be subject to cognitive flaws Q4-3bHKHa5k-00086-00053391-00054200 but he's not alone i have the same problem and so do you it's part of being human last year i read Q4-3bHKHa5k-00087-00054200-00054824 over 280 books and most of them were on cognitive psychology if there's one lesson i learned it's Q4-3bHKHa5k-00088-00054824-00055408 that once we become aware of our cognitive flaws it's easier to address and avoid them Q4-3bHKHa5k-00089-00055776-00056344 hey hey what's up everybody it's been a little while since i posted and here's why and if you Q4-3bHKHa5k-00090-00056344-00056848 enjoyed this video i have exciting news for you i don't know what my posting schedule is going to be Q4-3bHKHa5k-00091-00056848-00057352 like this year because i'm focusing a lot on my writing and i'm currently working on my new book Q4-3bHKHa5k-00092-00057432-00058008 called why is everybody so dumb all right so if you enjoyed this video make sure you're Q4-3bHKHa5k-00093-00058008-00058632 following me on twitter and instagram i'm gonna be writing and posting updates i need feedback i need Q4-3bHKHa5k-00094-00058632-00059048 beta readers i need people to you know be involved in the process because i'm writing Q4-3bHKHa5k-00095-00059048-00059560 it for other people but anyways as i hope you gathered from this video it's not just figuring Q4-3bHKHa5k-00096-00059560-00060152 out why everybody's so dumb like we are part of everybody i've been reading a lot about uh like i Q4-3bHKHa5k-00097-00060152-00060816 said cognitive psychology and decision making and the different biases and flaws and irrationality Q4-3bHKHa5k-00098-00060816-00061520 that we all experience so i'm hoping that this book can help us all make better decisions by Q4-3bHKHa5k-00099-00061520-00062016 learning about things like i mentioned in here the attribution bias cognitive dissonance and all Q4-3bHKHa5k-00100-00062016-00062400 that kind of stuff so make sure you follow me on social media twitter and instagram like i said i Q4-3bHKHa5k-00101-00062400-00062816 don't know how much i'll be posting this year like i was actually gonna come back with a video that Q4-3bHKHa5k-00102-00062816-00063288 was like hey everybody i don't know if i'm gonna be posting but then i saw this and i was like oh Q4-3bHKHa5k-00103-00063288-00064000 well this ties into what i'm doing so um yeah but anyways uh i write regularly over on um medium i'm Q4-3bHKHa5k-00104-00064000-00064448 always on social media so if you miss me if you miss your boy chris make sure you follow me over Q4-3bHKHa5k-00105-00064448-00064888 there on instagram and twitter at the rewired soul i've also been doing uh daily tick talks Q4-3bHKHa5k-00106-00064888-00065400 just kind of uh recapping the writing process and getting feedback from people and stuff like that Q4-3bHKHa5k-00107-00065400-00065840 all right but anyways i've been talking too much way too much but if you have any questions about Q4-3bHKHa5k-00108-00065840-00066184 the book or you're interested in becoming a beta reader or whatever leave a comment down Q4-3bHKHa5k-00109-00066184-00066584 below all right but anyways that's all i got for this video if you like this video please Q4-3bHKHa5k-00110-00066584-00066944 give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell Q4-3bHKHa5k-00111-00066944-00067368 and a huge thank you to everybody who supports the channel whether it's over on patreon or getting Q4-3bHKHa5k-00112-00067368-00067856 the other books that i've written or getting the books that i recommend that help support Q4-3bHKHa5k-00113-00067856-00068344 the channel as well all that stuff you're all beautiful and amazing and i'll see you next time Q4cSh8V2_6U-00000-00001100-00001800 Anu Malik composes song for Varun Dhawan starrer Sui Dhaaga on the sets of Indian Idol Q4cSh8V2_6U-00001-00001900-00002600 Sui Dhaaga actors on the sets of Indian Idol. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00002-00002700-00003600 Singer and composer Anu Malik created a song titled Sab Badhiya on the sets of the singing reality show Indian Idol and now it will be used in the forthcoming film of Varun Dhawan, Sui Dhaaga. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00003-00003700-00004400 Varun and his co-star Anushka Sharma made a special appearance on the show to promote Sui Dhaaga and after hearing the track, the lead actor was thrilled about it. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00004-00004500-00005200 Incidentally, Anu has also composed music for the title track of this Bollywood film. While shooting for the episode, Anu composed Sab badhiya on the spot, read a statement.. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00005-00005300-00006000 Everyone including Anu's co-judges Neha Kakkar and Vishal Dadlani, along with Varun and Anushka were surprised. "This came as a pleasant surprise to both me and Anushka as we were not expecting it at all. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00006-00006100-00007059 While leaving from the sets, Anuji got all the 11 Indian Idol contestants to come on stage and perform the song Sab badhiya. It was so amazing and powerful that we have decided to retain it in the film. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00007-00007159-00007859 Personally, this was an extremely emotional moment for me as I have been requesting Anuji for a composition since a long time now. It was worth the wait," Varun said. Q4cSh8V2_6U-00008-00007959-00008660 Directed by Sharat Katariya, Sui Dhaaga is a movie that talks about self-dependence and companionship. The flick in which both the stars will be seen in de-glam avatars will release on 28th September. Q5go8dk_nRc-00000-00000003-00000902 from the fish with a snake's head to one-eyed freaks of nature fish the blue Q5go8dk_nRc-00001-00000902-00001311 parrotfish is found in shallow waters on coral reefs in tropical and subtropical Q5go8dk_nRc-00002-00001311-00001835 areas of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea they are as their name Q5go8dk_nRc-00003-00001835-00002259 suggests blue in color with a yellow spot on their head which fades as they Q5go8dk_nRc-00004-00002259-00002841 get older they grow to an average size of 30 to 75 centimeters although some do Q5go8dk_nRc-00005-00002841-00003402 grow to 1.2 meters they have a large beak that is used for scraping algae and Q5go8dk_nRc-00006-00003402-00003854 other small organisms from rocks with their teeth they can grind rocks that Q5go8dk_nRc-00007-00003854-00004320 they ingest into sand during the summer the blue parrotfish gather into spawning Q5go8dk_nRc-00008-00004320-00004734 groups and after sexual interaction occurs the females deposit their eggs Q5go8dk_nRc-00009-00004734-00005301 which then sink to the seabed the eggs will then hatch about 25 hours later the Q5go8dk_nRc-00010-00005301-00005639 blue parrotfish is found in water ranging from 3 to 25 Q5go8dk_nRc-00011-00005639-00006162 metres deep from Maryland in the USA to bermuda the bahamas and as far south as Q5go8dk_nRc-00012-00006162-00006668 brazil they are abundant in the caribbean but do not appear anywhere in Q5go8dk_nRc-00013-00006668-00007109 the gulf of mexico their young can be found sheltering in beds of turtle grass Q5go8dk_nRc-00014-00007109-00007811 around 80% of the time they are searching for food a big thank you to Q5go8dk_nRc-00015-00007811-00008313 all you guys who leave us comments for today's video we are giving a big Q5go8dk_nRc-00016-00008313-00009611 shout-out to pixie moonlight 9 pig nose sturgeon this fish is a monster wayna Q5go8dk_nRc-00017-00009611-00010221 reputed 650 pounds and was caught in 2016 before being released back into the Q5go8dk_nRc-00018-00010221-00010661 Fraser River in canada's british columbia pig nose is more than ten feet Q5go8dk_nRc-00019-00010661-00011075 long five feet in girth and it has been happily living in the depths of the Q5go8dk_nRc-00020-00011075-00011625 Fraser River for an estimated 80 years this strange shape of its nose could be Q5go8dk_nRc-00021-00011625-00012114 from a fight or accident at some point in its life white sturgeons are now an Q5go8dk_nRc-00022-00012114-00012564 endangered species but mostly because of overfishing they generally grow to Q5go8dk_nRc-00023-00012564-00012989 around five feet in length although the biggest white sturgeon recorded weighed Q5go8dk_nRc-00024-00012989-00013469 in at almost 18 pounds was 20 feet long and said to be Q5go8dk_nRc-00025-00013469-00014343 104 years old so pig nose still has some growing to do to beat that record eight Q5go8dk_nRc-00026-00014343-00014875 cyclops bull shark when a fisherman discovered an unborn one-eyed Cyclops Q5go8dk_nRc-00027-00014875-00015418 shark inside a pregnant dusky shark in the Gulf of California many people were Q5go8dk_nRc-00028-00015418-00015706 skeptical as to the authenticity of this creature Q5go8dk_nRc-00029-00015706-00016095 the malformed creature would probably have not survived once it had entered Q5go8dk_nRc-00030-00016095-00016534 into the world after the remains were examined by shark researchers it is Q5go8dk_nRc-00031-00016534-00016963 considered to be an extremely rare event with fewer than 50 cases of such an Q5go8dk_nRc-00032-00016963-00017434 abnormality having previously been recorded other abnormalities recorded in Q5go8dk_nRc-00033-00017434-00017829 sharks have been of 2-headed embryos found inside pregnant female sharks when Q5go8dk_nRc-00034-00017829-00018337 caught it is believed the embryo began to split as twins but may have failed to Q5go8dk_nRc-00035-00018337-00019054 split completely due to lack of space inside the pregnant mother number 7 half Q5go8dk_nRc-00036-00019054-00019629 fish half bird a creature described as half fish and half bird surprised the Q5go8dk_nRc-00037-00019629-00020032 fisherman that caught it in gusu province in southern China or the fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00038-00020032-00020523 appeared to have a bird's head the fish was later described as being a common Q5go8dk_nRc-00039-00020523-00021019 freshwater carp yet despite this the story went viral with speculation that a Q5go8dk_nRc-00040-00021019-00021495 new half fish half bird had been discovered with a beak like mouth and Q5go8dk_nRc-00041-00021495-00022029 fins on its sides giving it the impression it possessed wings experts Q5go8dk_nRc-00042-00022029-00022398 were quick to point out that the unusually shaped head was probably the Q5go8dk_nRc-00043-00022398-00022888 result of a developmental problem in the early stages of the fish's life it was Q5go8dk_nRc-00044-00022888-00023295 probably caused by a swelling in the skeletal system which resulted in the Q5go8dk_nRc-00045-00023295-00023645 mouth tilting downward Q5go8dk_nRc-00046-00023714-00024440 number six south south or Salva is a barrel-shaped planktonic Tunica that Q5go8dk_nRc-00047-00024440-00024896 moves by contracting and then pumping water through its gelatinous body the Q5go8dk_nRc-00048-00024896-00025301 system of jet propulsion used by a South is one of the animal kingdom's most Q5go8dk_nRc-00049-00025301-00025723 efficient while pumping water through its body the internal feeding filters Q5go8dk_nRc-00050-00025723-00026162 allow it to feed on phytoplankton South can be found in equatorial water Q5go8dk_nRc-00051-00026162-00026633 temperate and even in cold seas they can be seen on the surface singly although Q5go8dk_nRc-00052-00026633-00027056 usually long stringy colonies they are found in their greatest numbers in the Q5go8dk_nRc-00053-00027056-00027452 Southern Ocean near to Antarctica in the deep waters of the Southern Ocean they Q5go8dk_nRc-00054-00027452-00027889 are known to form enormous swarms that are more abundant than krill a single Q5go8dk_nRc-00055-00027889-00028358 sap is between 1 and 10 centimetres tall and a single creature can a sexually Q5go8dk_nRc-00056-00028358-00028787 produce tens of thousands of individuals which will be released from the parent Q5go8dk_nRc-00057-00028787-00029231 at a small size they remain attached to each other in the chain feeding and Q5go8dk_nRc-00058-00029231-00029727 growing until the food sources become too inadequate to sustain the chain in Q5go8dk_nRc-00059-00029727-00030230 1920 the large number of South entering into the North Sea led to the failure Q5go8dk_nRc-00060-00030230-00030608 that year of the herring fishing industry although they appear to have Q5go8dk_nRc-00061-00030608-00031019 similarities to jellyfish they are actually related to vertebrates animals Q5go8dk_nRc-00062-00031019-00031439 with backbones they are believed to be an example of how vertebrates evolved Q5go8dk_nRc-00063-00031439-00031864 and also contain a primitive nervous system which eventually evolved into the Q5go8dk_nRc-00064-00031864-00032729 more complex nervous system seen on vertebrates today five fish snake the Q5go8dk_nRc-00065-00032729-00033110 fish snake is also known as the snakehead and is a freshwater fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00066-00033110-00033644 native to Africa and Asia they are an elongated predator with long dorsal fins Q5go8dk_nRc-00067-00033644-00034118 large mouths than shiny teeth the fish snake is also able to breathe air Q5go8dk_nRc-00068-00034118-00034591 through its gills allowing them to cover short distances across land the fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00069-00034591-00035021 snake is a notorious intentionally released invasive species becoming very Q5go8dk_nRc-00070-00035021-00035491 successful due in part to having no natural predators in those regions it Q5go8dk_nRc-00071-00035491-00035987 has been introduced into adult fish snakes will eat other fish hogs and Q5go8dk_nRc-00072-00035987-00036440 occasionally small mammals such as rats there are around 40 species of fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00073-00036440-00036863 snake with the smallest feed the dwarf snake had growing to just 25 centimetres Q5go8dk_nRc-00074-00036863-00037216 or 10 inches most species grow to between 30 and 90 Q5go8dk_nRc-00075-00037216-00037763 centimeters 12 to 35 inches there are five species that reach an excess of 1 Q5go8dk_nRc-00076-00037763-00038947 metre 3 feet 3 inches for Hornet fish Hornet fish are also known as flute Q5go8dk_nRc-00077-00038947-00039284 mouths there are four species that be found in the tropical and temperate Q5go8dk_nRc-00078-00039284-00039710 waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans they can be found on soft sea Q5go8dk_nRc-00079-00039710-00040109 floors such as sand flats sea grasses and coral reefs they possess an Q5go8dk_nRc-00080-00040109-00040559 elongated snout that ends with a mouth containing minut teeth at the other end Q5go8dk_nRc-00081-00040559-00041047 of their body is the end of the backbone extending to a four tail fin the largest Q5go8dk_nRc-00082-00041047-00041453 core net fish can grow up to two metres in length the blue spotted corded fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00083-00041453-00041794 and the red kornpett fish are found in the oceans of the Atlantic and western Q5go8dk_nRc-00084-00041794-00042272 Pacific as well as the Mediterranean Sea the recorded fish and deepwater Cornette Q5go8dk_nRc-00085-00042272-00043063 fish are primarily found in the eastern Pacific Ocean three armored sea Robin Q5go8dk_nRc-00086-00043063-00043583 the armored sea Robin is also known as the armored gurnard and is found in deep Q5go8dk_nRc-00087-00043583-00043978 waters of the world's tropical regions they are related to the family of sea Q5go8dk_nRc-00088-00043978-00044351 Robins in the trig liday family they are different from sea Robins in that they Q5go8dk_nRc-00089-00044351-00044759 are encased in heavy scales that feature prominent spines they also have Q5go8dk_nRc-00090-00044759-00045218 prominent barbells on their chins they have large pectoral fin which when Q5go8dk_nRc-00091-00045218-00045653 they are swimming open and close like a bird's wings in flight they are able to Q5go8dk_nRc-00092-00045653-00046069 glide short distances above the surface of the water similar to that of a flying Q5go8dk_nRc-00093-00046069-00046562 fish they prefer to be in deeper water often down to 200 metres below this Q5go8dk_nRc-00094-00046562-00047099 surface they measure about 30 to 40 centimetres long with a solid skull when Q5go8dk_nRc-00095-00047099-00048019 caught they make a croaking noise similar to a frog to mystery fish this Q5go8dk_nRc-00096-00048019-00048544 unknown fish was found in a fish market in Japan it has been researched on Q5go8dk_nRc-00097-00048544-00048966 several sites but remains without a name Q5go8dk_nRc-00098-00049022-00049837 do you know what type of fish this is let us know in the comment section below Q5go8dk_nRc-00099-00049867-00050585 number one lancet fish the lancet fish is a large predatory fish also known as Q5go8dk_nRc-00100-00050585-00050963 a scale us lizard due to its appearance they can grow up to two metres in length Q5go8dk_nRc-00101-00050963-00051355 although little is known about this fish except that it is found in all the Q5go8dk_nRc-00102-00051355-00051754 world's oceans except for the polar regions they have been recorded as far Q5go8dk_nRc-00103-00051754-00052204 north as Greenland and are often caught by vessels fishing for tuna there are Q5go8dk_nRc-00104-00052204-00052595 two species of Landsat fish this short snout and the long snout Q5go8dk_nRc-00105-00052595-00053078 both species have relatively long and pointed snouts the short snout Atlantic Q5go8dk_nRc-00106-00053078-00053486 fish has a slightly shorter snout than the other species the main feature of Q5go8dk_nRc-00107-00053486-00053990 the lancet fish is its high and long dorsal fin the dorsal fin contains 41 to Q5go8dk_nRc-00108-00053990-00054482 44 Ray's occupying the greater length of the fish's back the fin is twice as high Q5go8dk_nRc-00109-00054482-00054904 as the fish's deep the mouth is wide with two or three fang-like teeth on Q5go8dk_nRc-00110-00054904-00055346 each jaw with numerous smaller teeth there are no scales present on this fish Q5go8dk_nRc-00111-00055346-00055729 and the fins are very fragile Q5_PvKGn_lg-00000-00002039-00002208 Did you clean your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00001-00002372-00002452 You didn't? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00002-00002646-00002838 you didn't clean your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00003-00002922-00003146 That's why your teeth are yellow. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00004-00003340-00003515 When you clean your teeth. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00005-00004376-00004426 when? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00006-00004426-00004556 Is that 5 Years ago or 6 years ago? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00007-00005420-00005540 What's your name? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00008-00005804-00006188 I asked your name, I Didn't ask you that you are good or bad. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00009-00006188-00006358 I will ask you later, first tell your name. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00010-00006680-00006792 No no.......... Q5_PvKGn_lg-00011-00007290-00007494 What I asked you? Just tell me the ans. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00012-00007502-00007564 look at the camera Q5_PvKGn_lg-00013-00007922-00008034 just listen to me Q5_PvKGn_lg-00014-00008176-00008288 just listen to me Q5_PvKGn_lg-00015-00008288-00008378 Take a big breath Q5_PvKGn_lg-00016-00008692-00008772 My name is AJ Q5_PvKGn_lg-00017-00008810-00008930 What's your name/ Q5_PvKGn_lg-00018-00009146-00009266 What's your name? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00019-00009494-00009798 we are not gonna talk with you in proper Bangla Q5_PvKGn_lg-00020-00009798-00010064 we are gonna talk with you Bangla but in Noakhali accent Q5_PvKGn_lg-00021-00010550-00010742 Did you went to the Washroom? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00022-00011116-00011252 you didn't go there? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00023-00011496-00011710 You ran from your house to school like that? And you didn't go to the washroom Q5_PvKGn_lg-00024-00011908-00012004 You didn't go? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00025-00012478-00012830 you didn't go to the washroom like 2 months or 3 months Q5_PvKGn_lg-00026-00013118-00013430 He didn't go to the washroom from when he was born Q5_PvKGn_lg-00027-00013660-00013772 Did you ate rice? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00028-00013812-00014078 you didn't, like how many years? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00029-00014806-00014974 did you clean your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00030-00015422-00015526 show your teeth Q5_PvKGn_lg-00031-00016058-00016376 I Didn't say Beautiful, I sayed it's ugly Q5_PvKGn_lg-00032-00016376-00016524 Stupid, I will slap you Q5_PvKGn_lg-00033-00016874-00016978 Where you from? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00034-00017318-00017494 Do you like to eat chicken? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00035-00017908-00018236 After eating chicken, did your clean your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00036-00018786-00019082 After eating chicken, did your clean your teeth in the morning? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00037-00019526-00019694 show your teeth to camera Q5_PvKGn_lg-00038-00019898-00020026 no no, no ones want to kiss with you Q5_PvKGn_lg-00040-00020226-00020676 I am sure that in the video we are gonna see your teeth and eyes. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00041-00021980-00022148 Do you wanna date with me ? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00042-00023572-00023724 when today or tomorrow Q5_PvKGn_lg-00043-00024230-00024358 you wanna eat poop ? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00044-00024798-00024894 you wanna eat? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00045-00024916-00025060 you are not gonna eat? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00046-00025110-00025238 you wanna eat lots? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00047-00025584-00025736 do you want to eat poop? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00048-00026310-00026470 He wanna eat pop, he said Q5_PvKGn_lg-00049-00026726-00026862 you didn't eat rice? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00050-00026972-00027260 when you eat like 5 years 6 years or 10 years. Q5_PvKGn_lg-00051-00027392-00027783 He didn't eat rice like 10 years, we need those kind of people Q5_PvKGn_lg-00052-00027802-00028026 Is there any girl brake you heart? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00053-00028222-00028272 boy or girl Q5_PvKGn_lg-00054-00028630-00028742 broke your heart Q5_PvKGn_lg-00055-00028910-00028960 where? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00056-00029088-00029168 what it say in t-shirt Q5_PvKGn_lg-00057-00030412-00030604 sorry is for your boyfriend? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00058-00030848-00031072 This sorry is for your boyfriend? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00059-00031233-00031602 you are black right , Did any time your mom scared of you? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00060-00031945-00032306 Your mom wake like that, Rafrail where are you? O my mom Q5_PvKGn_lg-00061-00032930-00033630 When your mom sleep on south side, she didn't scared of you, but when she sleep on West side she scared of you Q5_PvKGn_lg-00062-00033630-00033758 Did you clean your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00063-00034256-00034392 You didn't, but why? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00064-00034392-00034508 How many years ago you cleaned your teeth? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00065-00034538-00034706 1 Year, 2years or 3 years? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00066-00034828-00035092 You didn't clean like 3years, o my Allah Q5_PvKGn_lg-00067-00035282-00035642 Astagfarollah that's why man, yo give me a Air fresher Q5_PvKGn_lg-00068-00035928-00036388 Bangladesh have two ones name is Hasina and another name is Khalada, which one you wants to marry? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00069-00036428-00036556 Hasina or Khalada? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00070-00036556-00036776 who do you like? Hasina or Khalada? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00071-00038094-00038366 Just tell me that who do you want to marry? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00072-00038702-00039064 you are gonna send to Hasina? Q5_PvKGn_lg-00073-00039706-00040346 If you marry Hasina, Hasina will do every thig for you but If you marry khalada You are gonna go to the Jail. Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00000-00000061-00000161 Hi! Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00001-00000161-00000288 Today I want to talk to you about "to articulate".Until now I haven't thought about this verb in this Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00002-00000288-00001092 way but I been thinking that the joints connects bones somehow (in romanian language the joints=articulatii,same Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00003-00001092-00001944 meaning as for "to articulate") and when someone say about another person that is useing well Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00004-00001944-00002379 articulated words I think that means to connect words well. Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00005-00002379-00003180 And is looking alike very much,I just figured this out, the joints from the bones with "to Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00006-00003180-00003502 articulate" the words.Actually you say about someone that articulate well when not only Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00007-00003502-00004757 bite well the words but connect the ideas well.For you what does it mean "to articulate?" Q8-zj_kO-Dk-00008-00004757-00005096 Bye! QxRFPnewE-o-00000-00000185-00000659 Batman: Arkham Knight is an action-adventure video game. The game takes place one year QxRFPnewE-o-00001-00000659-00001133 after the events of the previous game, Batman: Arkham City. The main storyline QxRFPnewE-o-00002-00001133-00001577 revolves around Batman's efforts to stop the Scarecrow from unleashing a new fear toxin QxRFPnewE-o-00003-00001577-00002057 on Gotham City. Along the way, he must also contend with the mysterious Arkham Knight, QxRFPnewE-o-00004-00002057-00002543 who seems to have a personal vendetta against the Dark Knight. The game features an open-world QxRFPnewE-o-00005-00002543-00003035 environment that allows players to explore Gotham City, as well as a variety of side missions and QxRFPnewE-o-00006-00003035-00003503 challenges. One of the standout features of the game is its graphics and visual effects, QxRFPnewE-o-00007-00003503-00003953 which make Gotham City come to life with stunning detail and atmosphere. The game QxRFPnewE-o-00008-00003953-00004517 also features a large cast of iconic Batman characters. Overall, Batman: Arkham Knight QxRFPnewE-o-00009-00004517-00005033 is a highly-acclaimed game that received positive reviews for its storytelling, gameplay, graphics, QxRFPnewE-o-00010-00005033-00005543 and presentation. It is considered by many to be one of the best superhero games ever made. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00000-00001184-00001439 Right so we have the stuff for the BBQ... QBAr5Ywc8OY-00001-00001439-00001761 Well we had most of the stuff anyway, and we got a few more stuff. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00002-00001761-00001905 If you don't know I have a new camera. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00003-00001905-00002058 It's the DJI Osmo Action.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00004-00002058-00002240 But Ineed to get an SD card because.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00005-00002240-00002392 ThisSD card's got less memory.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00006-00002392-00002518 And today.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00007-00002518-00002663 Is a special vlog! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00008-00002689-00002832 It's gonna be super exciting (iA) QBAr5Ywc8OY-00009-00003343-00003424 Yep, it's working QBAr5Ywc8OY-00010-00003424-00003474 Thank you. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00011-00003576-00003719 Okay so we finally got the SD card.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00012-00003719-00003968 It's obviouslyin the camera, this is the one that's used. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00013-00003986-00004051 And.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00014-00004065-00004213 We went to like four shops.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00015-00004213-00004362 And some were closed, some didn't have it.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00016-00004362-00004475 But anyway we have it. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00017-00004475-00004525 And now.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00018-00004525-00004635 Let's get ready to go. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00019-00006088-00006222 *epic acapella beats* QBAr5Ywc8OY-00020-00008614-00008714 We've arrived. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00021-00008720-00008824 Look at this.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00022-00008858-00008972 We're gonna have a BBQ here.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00023-00008972-00009074 And then Insha'Allah go.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00024-00009098-00009180 Further up.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00025-00009210-00009260 to.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00026-00009270-00009455 Hopefully it's still there. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00027-00009455-00009591 I won't spoil it, I wont spoil it. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00028-00009632-00009803 Hello, hello.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00029-00009803-00009920 Hello! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00030-00009936-00010018 [#HijabiSid in the comments] QBAr5Ywc8OY-00031-00010032-00010200 Look where we are! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00032-00010228-00010446 This beautiful desert (mA) QBAr5Ywc8OY-00033-00010558-00010653 "HELLOO" QBAr5Ywc8OY-00034-00011232-00011399 So we just lighted the fire.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00035-00011399-00011570 And Ali, my Brother.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00036-00011570-00011688 Said to goup there. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00037-00011688-00011846 There's like a house.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00038-00011902-00011961 Here. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00039-00012065-00012240 Oh my God QBAr5Ywc8OY-00040-00012448-00012543 That's mad. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00041-00012592-00012735 Just some random.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00042-00012785-00012878 Random house. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00043-00012973-00013132 I wonder if somebody would have lived here.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00044-00013132-00013298 It's not [that big].. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00045-00013328-00013500 These rocks are solid. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00046-00013508-00013612 How'd they stick this? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00047-00013816-00014025 Some of them are like you, can move but.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00048-00014055-00014249 They are fully tacked. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00049-00014249-00014299 Thats mad.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00050-00014299-00014469 I wonder how old it is. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00051-00014483-00014666 But look at this scenery.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00052-00014666-00014740 Look up there. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00053-00014752-00014905 And then this mountain rightthere.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00054-00014905-00015030 Well this is technically.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00055-00015030-00015146 This whole thing is a mountain. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00056-00015146-00015283 Ali: Oof, show [them] that mountain. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00057-00015293-00015384 Theres a mountain.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00058-00015410-00015552 They're literally everywhere. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00059-00015568-00015696 So manysharp thingies. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00060-00015705-00015840 This desert place.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00061-00015854-00015946 It's so cool (mA). QBAr5Ywc8OY-00062-00015946-00016034 We came here.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00063-00016034-00016187 Came here a lot of times now. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00064-00016187-00016311 Alhamdulillah. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00065-00016335-00016511 But last time we came there was so.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00066-00016511-00016590 So much.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00067-00016648-00016722 Water *foreshadowing be like* QBAr5Ywc8OY-00068-00016951-00017090 I don't know if you can see that on Camera.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00069-00017090-00017204 But there's like billions of.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00070-00017256-00017314 stuff.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00071-00017400-00017518 Flying things. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00072-00017604-00017686 Oh my God QBAr5Ywc8OY-00073-00018798-00018934 We finished eating. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00074-00018934-00019086 InshaAllah we are going to go over.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00075-00019173-00019282 Over there. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00076-00019824-00020018 This is in the middle of the desert, It's so peaceful. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00077-00020510-00020683 Uh, lemme do a time-lapse now. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00078-00022797-00022879 We've arrived. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00079-00023100-00023292 Normally its empty but there's.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00080-00023292-00023509 So many cars. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00081-00023608-00023718 Look at this water. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00082-00023888-00024061 Every time we come it feels like it's changed. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00083-00024115-00024214 All these rocks.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00084-00024214-00024328 Were all these here? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00085-00024328-00024473 The further we get the.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00086-00024543-00024678 More waterthere is. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00087-00024708-00024815 I think anyway. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00088-00024970-00025082 Look at that! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00089-00025392-00025526 Look how clear the water is. *looked clearer irl* QBAr5Ywc8OY-00090-00025727-00025911 ah such a Bongo. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00091-00025936-00026033 Here's awaterfall. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00092-00026326-00026424 Look at that. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00093-00026495-00026545 Before.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00094-00026545-00026796 We used to slide down there.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00095-00026796-00027096 And there was no water, and now it's all the water QBAr5Ywc8OY-00096-00027136-00027239 And it goes all the way up. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00097-00027357-00027472 Look at that.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00098-00028000-00028085 Shall we jump? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00099-00028600-00028783 This camera is allegedly waterproof.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00100-00028783-00028899 But I don't know if I want to risk it. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00101-00029136-00029336 That water sound is so satisfying. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00102-00029348-00029463 Should I just put it in the water? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00103-00029700-00029888 Okay, I'm gonna put you in the water.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00104-00030080-00030187 Are you ready? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00105-00030975-00031092 Okay its still alive [the Camera].. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00106-00031824-00032022 So you are officially in thewater.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00107-00032022-00032161 What does it feel like? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00108-00032466-00032616 That's sick! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00109-00032694-00032783 MashaAllah. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00110-00032817-00032982 It is waterproof, its working. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00111-00033137-00033195 Now.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00112-00033217-00033337 I wanna go in that waterfall.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00113-00033337-00033446 I even got my swimming shorts. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00114-00033552-00033716 Apparently the audio is a bit.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00115-00033756-00033889 Weirdafter you put it in the water.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00116-00033889-00034000 Until it dries so.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00117-00034040-00034204 If the audio's a bit weird.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00118-00034204-00034289 Sorry 😅. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00119-00034392-00034527 I'm just leavingmy shoes. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00120-00034631-00034794 The sand is so good! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00121-00034926-00035031 [It] feels so good. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00122-00036787-00036866 Are you swimming? QBAr5Ywc8OY-00123-00036894-00036944 Ali: Yeah. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00124-00036992-00037099 It's soo coldd! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00125-00037099-00037173 - It's not cold. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00126-00037216-00037275 - Yes it is. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00127-00037872-00037938 Hello.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00128-00037938-00038024 You said you're coming in.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00129-00038889-00038950 Oh my God QBAr5Ywc8OY-00130-00040027-00040133 It's so COLD! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00131-00040504-00040662 Look at this! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00132-00040718-00040855 Oh my.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00133-00041064-00041208 This is insane!! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00134-00044512-00044627 We're done.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00135-00044627-00044721 Swimming. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00136-00044759-00044899 And now we're gonna go up. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00137-00045517-00045639 That's where we were. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00138-00045929-00046042 And there's where we're going. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00139-00046266-00046396 Look at this waterfall. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00140-00047134-00047214 That was so cool. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00141-00047214-00047333 And we can even.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00142-00047333-00047500 Go further, but we're going down. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00143-00048933-00049173 Look how many cars there are now! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00144-00049975-00050120 Jazakallahu Khairan, for watching.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00145-00050120-00050235 Hopefully you enjoyed it. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00146-00050247-00050353 And I'll see you.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00147-00050353-00050429 In the next.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00148-00050456-00050506 Vlog. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00149-00050506-00050623 I don't know if it's going to be.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00150-00050671-00050802 As interesting as this one.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00151-00050802-00050909 Or as cool as this one. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00152-00050936-00051068 I don't know if the vlog was cool but.. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00153-00051068-00051254 This place is so cool MashaAllah. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00154-00051280-00051399 Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. QBAr5Ywc8OY-00155-00051399-00051476 Assalamualaikum, QBAr5Ywc8OY-00156-00051476-00051544 Warahmatullahi, QBAr5Ywc8OY-00157-00051544-00051619 Wabarakatuh! QBAr5Ywc8OY-00158-00051878-00051900 *Next Vlog* QCCT7hUjixM-00000-00000000-00000203 Like and sub is new 11-34 logo effect QCRs0PqxXwu-00000-00000444-00000743 Hello, my name is Joey Lundquist. QCRs0PqxXwu-00001-00000743-00001363 I am the Ramsey County project manager for Hodgson Road Design and Reconstruction. QCRs0PqxXwu-00002-00001406-00001851 This presentation is for the August 2021 open house. QCRs0PqxXwu-00003-00002077-00002634 Ramsey County is presently working on the road design for reconstructing Hodgson Road QCRs0PqxXwu-00004-00002634-00003069 from Gramsie Road and Rice Street up to Highway 96 in Shoreview. QCRs0PqxXwu-00005-00003128-00003760 The preliminary design is underway and construction is anticipated to begin in 2023. QCRs0PqxXwu-00006-00003820-00004364 The purpose of the project is to: Improve access for people who walk, bike, and roll. QCRs0PqxXwu-00007-00004392-00005111 To replace the aging pavement, to improve safety along the corridor, and to improve stormwater management. QCRs0PqxXwu-00008-00005321-00005811 The project is presently in 30 to 60 percent design plans. QCRs0PqxXwu-00009-00005851-00006261 We are working on the layout, and... QCRs0PqxXwu-00010-00006280-00006880 ...working toward construction limits to start purchasing right-of-way for the project. QCRs0PqxXwu-00011-00006930-00007545 The project will be in final design in 2022, and construction in 2023. QCRs0PqxXwu-00012-00007773-00008286 Preliminary design of the project is underway. QCRs0PqxXwu-00013-00008297-00008721 The project includes: a roundabout at Gramsie Road and Rice Street, QCRs0PqxXwu-00014-00008776-00009345 an 8 foot trail on the west side of Hodgson Road and a 6 foot sidewalk on the east side, QCRs0PqxXwu-00015-00009380-00009806 a three-lane road design with continuous center left turn lane, QCRs0PqxXwu-00016-00009843-00010179 ...and a storm sewer system with curb and gutter. QCRs0PqxXwu-00017-00010409-00010791 So, this is a typical section of the... QCRs0PqxXwu-00018-00010791-00010972 ...what the road will look like after. QCRs0PqxXwu-00019-00010972-00011413 There will be an 8 foot bituminous trail on the west side of the road, QCRs0PqxXwu-00020-00011450-00012026 ...a 5 foot boulevard with curb and gutter between the shoulder and the boulevard, QCRs0PqxXwu-00021-00012026-00012419 ...the shoulder through lane, center left turn lane, QCRs0PqxXwu-00022-00012637-00012860 ...another through lane, shoulder. QCRs0PqxXwu-00023-00012860-00013278 There will be more curb and gutter, and then a boulevard and concrete walk. QCRs0PqxXwu-00024-00013304-00013637 So the road will look different than it presently does. QCRs0PqxXwu-00025-00013637-00014294 We will be moving the water through curb and gutter and storm sewer system... QCRs0PqxXwu-00026-00014294-00014641 ...rather than the ditches, how it presently flows. QCRs0PqxXwu-00027-00014862-00015330 This slide shows the roundabout at Gramsie Road at Rice Street. QCRs0PqxXwu-00028-00015600-00016277 This will replace the signal that presently controls the intersection. QCRs0PqxXwu-00029-00016277-00016968 The roundabout is a nice alternative at this location because of the odd angles of the roads. QCRs0PqxXwu-00030-00017037-00017719 It will also provide a nice solution for pedestrians flowing through the intersection. QCRs0PqxXwu-00031-00017890-00018357 We are presently showing a cul-de-sac on County Road F... QCRs0PqxXwu-00032-00018428-00019029 ...at Hodgson Road, but we are working through discussions with the City of Shoreview... QCRs0PqxXwu-00033-00019451-00019838 ...looking at other alternatives, possibly... QCRs0PqxXwu-00034-00019852-00020544 ...continuing it through to Hodgson Road with some modifications to the intersection. QCRs0PqxXwu-00035-00020791-00021380 This slide shows the bituminous trail on the west side of the road. QCRs0PqxXwu-00036-00021437-00022096 And this is the road section with the center left turn lane, and the sidewalk on the east side of the road. QCRs0PqxXwu-00037-00022296-00023126 This kind of shows a similar section with the trail and the center left turn lane and the sidewalk. QCRs0PqxXwu-00038-00023558-00023814 So, we want to hear from you! QCRs0PqxXwu-00039-00023814-00024346 We would like you to share your input on the preliminary road design. QCRs0PqxXwu-00040-00024368-00024842 Let us know any issues that you see with the project or with... QCRs0PqxXwu-00041-00024842-00025451 ...things that are going on in your neighborhood that we might be able to fix with the project. QCRs0PqxXwu-00042-00025451-00026086 Your comments and feedback will help to inform the final design for Hodgson Road... QCRs0PqxXwu-00043-00026126-00026523 ...between Gramsie Road and Rice Street, and Highway 96. QCRs0PqxXwu-00044-00026523-00027279 You can go to the project website at ramseycounty.us/HodgsonRoad. QCRs0PqxXwu-00045-00027402-00028163 There you can complete an online survey and submit your comments on the interactive map available through August 30th. QCRs0PqxXwu-00046-00028254-00028998 You can contact myself about any issues you see with the project or the project area. QCRs0PqxXwu-00047-00029218-00029766 My email is josephine.lundquist@ramseycounty.us. QCRs0PqxXwu-00048-00029766-00030306 My phone number is 651-266-7114. QCRs0PqxXwu-00049-00030394-00030813 To learn more about the project and stay connected... QCRs0PqxXwu-00050-00030813-00031163 ...go to the project website and sign up for email updates, QCRs0PqxXwu-00051-00031163-00031711 ...and you can follow Ramsey County on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. QCRs0PqxXwu-00052-00031957-00032193 Thank you for your participation... QCRs0PqxXwu-00053-00032193-00032664 ...and contact me with any other questions or comments you have. QCRs0PqxXwu-00054-00032700-00032856 Thank you! QDspTsf5X3A-00000-00000010-00000558 When it comes to college production, it’s hard to find a better prospect in this year’s wide receiver class than Tyler Johnson. QDspTsf5X3A-00001-00000558-00000825 Among the players who were invited to the combine, QDspTsf5X3A-00002-00000826-00001330 Johnson ranks first in final-season reception share, and 2nd in final-season receiving yard share. QDspTsf5X3A-00003-00001330-00002026 All the while, when looking at BEST season production, Johnson ranks 1st in yards per team pass attempt and touchdown share. QDspTsf5X3A-00004-00002026-00002380 So why isn’t Tyler Johnson considered the best wide receiver in this class? QDspTsf5X3A-00005-00002380-00002756 He’s got some physical limitations that may force him down in the draft. QDspTsf5X3A-00006-00002756-00003142 And if he goes late in the draft, the chance of him succeeding drops dramatically. QDspTsf5X3A-00007-00003142-00003444 If you look at this pessimistically – if you’re a believer that Johnson won’t have QDspTsf5X3A-00008-00003444-00003835 the physical gifts to succeed at the next level – then we could be looking at a Rashard QDspTsf5X3A-00009-00003835-00004251 Higgins type player. Like Johnson, Higgins had a great college production profile but QDspTsf5X3A-00010-00004251-00004708 wasn’t able to translate it into the NFL. The analytical evaluators will say that Johnson QDspTsf5X3A-00011-00004708-00004952 has a lot more upside than Rashard Higgins, though. QJATY14JoKQ-00000-00000000-00000600 Do you know the perfect age to downsize? Well stay tuned and I'll tell you why QJATY14JoKQ-00001-00000600-00000991 and what that age is. QJATY14JoKQ-00002-00002053-00002542 Hi my name is Lynn Robinson and I'm a REALTOR at Century 21 The Real Estate QJATY14JoKQ-00003-00002542-00003094 Group in Milford, Massachusetts. Every Monday I publish a video " All About QJATY14JoKQ-00004-00003094-00003679 Seniors" and I hope you'll like my channel and subscribe below. This week's QJATY14JoKQ-00005-00003679-00004315 video is all about the reasons to downsize. Reason number one: you may have QJATY14JoKQ-00006-00004315-00005005 empty nest syndrome all your children are grown they've left the house and now QJATY14JoKQ-00007-00005005-00005678 you have too much space, it's a lot to clean and a lot to heat. Reason number QJATY14JoKQ-00008-00005678-00006368 two: For whatever reasons you may now just need a one-bedroom place to live. It QJATY14JoKQ-00009-00006368-00007009 could be either an apartment or a condo or you're looking for a new affordable QJATY14JoKQ-00010-00007009-00007864 option for your new retirement budget, a nice cozy 500 square foot studio in a QJATY14JoKQ-00011-00007864-00008384 senior complex might do the trick. However, reason number 3 might be the QJATY14JoKQ-00012-00008384-00008888 most important reason and that would be for your declining health or the QJATY14JoKQ-00013-00008888-00009242 declining health of a spouse or loved one. QJATY14JoKQ-00014-00009242-00009892 Whatever the reason, depending on where you move it will mean less housework, QJATY14JoKQ-00015-00009892-00010511 lower maintenance and less worry. So what's the perfect age to think about QJATY14JoKQ-00016-00010511-00011340 downsizing? It's 64 and why is that? It's because you are still young enough and QJATY14JoKQ-00017-00011340-00011986 hopefully physically capable of moving, and you are mentally strong enough to make QJATY14JoKQ-00018-00011986-00012521 the right decision for you. Thank you for watching my video today and check back QJATY14JoKQ-00019-00012521-00013169 every Monday when I will have another video "All About Seniors" QL6KDxB6wc4-00000-00000103-00000603 Palestinian tea biscuits QL6KDxB6wc4-00001-00000803-00001903 crunchy and cracked QL6KDxB6wc4-00002-00001903-00002103 cups flour4 1 cup vegetable oil QL6KDxB6wc4-00003-00002303-00002703 1 tablespoon crushed mahlab 2 tablespoons ground fennel black bean spoon 2 vanilla 2 baking powder (sweet yeast) QL6KDxB6wc4-00004-00002803-00003303 Half a cup of sesame 1 cup water QL6KDxB6wc4-00005-00005003-00005903 spoon of crushed anise kneading QL6KDxB6wc4-00006-00006003-00006503 Knead until we get a soft and smooth dough and leave it for five minutes QL6KDxB6wc4-00007-00006703-00009003 Cut it into pieces As you can see QL6KDxB6wc4-00008-00010003-00011003 We cut it in circles QL6KDxB6wc4-00009-00014903-00016003 Put it in the cooking oven and fry it from the sides and below, and the browning is light QL6KDxB6wc4-00010-00016203-00016603 get ready And when it cools, it increases its crunch QL6KDxB6wc4-00011-00017703-00018303 Served with tea QL6KDxB6wc4-00012-00018403-00019003 Don't forget to subscribe and like the channel QNKw5E8I3ic-00000-00000535-00001242 Most gardening enthusiasts like a green lawn. So when a homeowner landowner comes QNKw5E8I3ic-00001-00001242-00001655 out in their lawn isn't green enough, they really need to diagnose what's QNKw5E8I3ic-00002-00001655-00002103 happening that their lawn isn't green enough. When we start diagnosing problems QNKw5E8I3ic-00003-00002103-00002451 we really look at three areas. The first one is environmental, when you look at QNKw5E8I3ic-00004-00002451-00002927 this lawn it's not getting enough water. Plants need enough water, nutrients in QNKw5E8I3ic-00005-00002927-00003381 order to stay green and growing. Some other environmental problems might be QNKw5E8I3ic-00006-00003381-00003813 pets, might be too much traffic, it might be getting too much Sun, or not enough QNKw5E8I3ic-00007-00003813-00004221 Sun. We can we can diagnose those environmental issues and figure out what QNKw5E8I3ic-00008-00004221-00004611 we can do to help our lawns stay green and lush throughout the year. The second QNKw5E8I3ic-00009-00004611-00005013 thing we think about is insects, you know we can check this for insects there's no QNKw5E8I3ic-00010-00005013-00005493 grubs underneath this, there's no insects in the lawn. So we're good on insects. The QNKw5E8I3ic-00011-00005493-00005925 third thing to think about is disease, there are several viruses bacterias that QNKw5E8I3ic-00012-00005925-00006484 will turn our lawns yellow in in these cases or several things to do with QNKw5E8I3ic-00013-00006484-00007152 chemicals or resistant seeds or timing of water. If you have any questions on QNKw5E8I3ic-00014-00007152-00007595 diagnosing problems with your lawn contact an Extension Office in your QNKw5E8I3ic-00015-00007595-00007968 county. This is Hudson Hale, University of Wyoming extension you're watching from QNKw5E8I3ic-00016-00007968-00008222 the ground up. QQgRz8C-bB8-00000-00000100-00000500 [This video requires no sound] QQgRz8C-bB8-00001-00000500-00000900 1. Go to the Nealley Library website: www.sac.edu/library QQgRz8C-bB8-00002-00000900-00001236 1. Go to the Nealley Library website: www.sac.edu/library QQgRz8C-bB8-00003-00001236-00001239 1. Go to the Nealley Library website: www.sac.edu/library QQgRz8C-bB8-00004-00001240-00001639 2. Select “Find Articles and E-books” QQgRz8C-bB8-00005-00001639-00001923 3. Select “List of Periodicals” QQgRz8C-bB8-00006-00001923-00002483 4. Enter the title of the periodical you need into the “Full Text Finder” search box QQgRz8C-bB8-00007-00002483-00002693 5. Select “Search” QQgRz8C-bB8-00008-00002693-00003093 6. Link to the database containing articles from this periodical. QQgRz8C-bB8-00009-00003093-00003236 6. Link to the database containing articles from this periodical. QQgRz8C-bB8-00010-00003236-00003239 6. Link to the database containing articles from this periodical. QQgRz8C-bB8-00011-00003240-00003833 Note the date range of availability to ensure it covers the year the article you are looking for was published. QUCKPI2GJlk-00000-00000486-00001110 For this self-care exercise, you are going to reflect on one of your past successes. QUCKPI2GJlk-00001-00001176-00001973 Something you're proud of. Some examples: you created something, you solved a difficult problem, QUCKPI2GJlk-00002-00002082-00002496 you helped someone, you improved something. QUCKPI2GJlk-00003-00002622-00003372 For example: I'm proud that I made this self-care website with the wheel and these 10 self-care QUCKPI2GJlk-00004-00003372-00004194 videos. It helps people take time to nurture their well-being. Another example: my wife is pleased QUCKPI2GJlk-00005-00004194-00004836 that she's been able to knit lots of things, socks, and toques, etc., for family and friends. QUCKPI2GJlk-00006-00004944-00005346 Ttake some time now to think about one of your past successes. QUCKPI2GJlk-00007-00005418-00005790 Perhaps write down a few notes. I'll give you a bit of time. QUCKPI2GJlk-00008-00007866-00008508 All right. If you would like now to perhaps share your story, QUCKPI2GJlk-00009-00008604-00009006 I'm sure we'd all love to hear your story, your success story! QWsR9z_QeBu-00000-00000000-00000200 type beat QXVX1sL35eM-00000-00000000-00000063 Narrator : QXVX1sL35eM-00001-00000063-00000314 In a world where lizards rule, and chaos is always on the menu... QXVX1sL35eM-00002-00000314-00000492 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): Welcome to OVROLAND, QXVX1sL35eM-00003-00000492-00000788 the epicenter of tomfoolery and non-stop action! QXVX1sL35eM-00004-00000788-00000972 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): Prepare yourself for the most QXVX1sL35eM-00005-00000972-00001370 anticipated event of the year: The OvroLand Gaming Tournament Finals! QXVX1sL35eM-00006-00001370-00001560 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): Witness as two extraordinary QXVX1sL35eM-00007-00001560-00002046 teams clash in "Battle for the Portal," a mind-blowing fusion of MOBA and FPS gameplay! QXVX1sL35eM-00008-00002046-00002352 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): Will Team A, led by the charismatic Dom, QXVX1sL35eM-00009-00002352-00002868 the fierce Sting, and the lovable Rango, emerge as the ultimate champions? Or will Team B, QXVX1sL35eM-00010-00002868-00003398 featuring the genius Repjar, the strong Juice, and the lightning-fast Lucas, claim the coveted title? QXVX1sL35eM-00011-00003398-00003600 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): Get ready for jaw-dropping action, QXVX1sL35eM-00012-00003600-00003926 unforgettable moments, and the lizard mayhem you've come to love! QXVX1sL35eM-00013-00003926-00004272 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): This is OVROLAND! Don't miss the most epic gaming QXVX1sL35eM-00014-00004272-00004526 showdown in history, and remember to come back for more OVRO-tastic adventures every week! QXVX1sL35eM-00015-00004526-00004529 Narrator (Movie Trailer Voice): QXVX1sL35eM-00016-00004529-00005340 The OvroLand Gaming Tournament Finals: Battle for the Portal. Coming soon to a screen near you. QaFbMhiFppc-00000-00000010-00001307 TOGETHER TO QaFbMhiFppc-00001-00001307-00001314 TOGETHER TO QaFbMhiFppc-00002-00001314-00001444 TOGETHER TO LOGAN GAY HAS MORE. QaFbMhiFppc-00003-00001444-00001451 TOGETHER TO LOGAN GAY HAS MORE. QaFbMhiFppc-00004-00001451-00001581 TOGETHER TO LOGAN GAY HAS MORE. >> IF YOU DRIVE PAST THEñÔs>5 QaFbMhiFppc-00005-00001581-00001588 LOGAN GAY HAS MORE. >> IF YOU DRIVE PAST THEñÔs>5 QaFbMhiFppc-00006-00001588-00001694 LOGAN GAY HAS MORE. >> IF YOU DRIVE PAST THEñÔs>5 BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT, YOU QaFbMhiFppc-00007-00001694-00001701 >> IF YOU DRIVE PAST THEñÔs>5 BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT, YOU QaFbMhiFppc-00008-00001701-00001881 >> IF YOU DRIVE PAST THEñÔs>5 BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT, YOU MIGHT SEE INTERESTING OBJECTS QaFbMhiFppc-00009-00001881-00001888 BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT, YOU MIGHT SEE INTERESTING OBJECTS QaFbMhiFppc-00010-00001888-00002068 BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT, YOU MIGHT SEE INTERESTING OBJECTS HANGING FROM A TREE OUTSIDE THE QaFbMhiFppc-00011-00002068-00002075 MIGHT SEE INTERESTING OBJECTS HANGING FROM A TREE OUTSIDE THE QaFbMhiFppc-00012-00002075-00002102 MIGHT SEE INTERESTING OBJECTS HANGING FROM A TREE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. QaFbMhiFppc-00013-00002102-00002108 HANGING FROM A TREE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. QaFbMhiFppc-00014-00002108-00002212 HANGING FROM A TREE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. THOSE AREN'T CHRISTMAS QaFbMhiFppc-00015-00002212-00002218 OFFICE. THOSE AREN'T CHRISTMAS QaFbMhiFppc-00016-00002218-00002459 OFFICE. THOSE AREN'T CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS BUT A GESTURE OF QaFbMhiFppc-00017-00002459-00002465 THOSE AREN'T CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS BUT A GESTURE OF QaFbMhiFppc-00018-00002465-00002502 THOSE AREN'T CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS BUT A GESTURE OF KINDNESS. QaFbMhiFppc-00019-00002502-00002509 DECORATIONS BUT A GESTURE OF KINDNESS. QaFbMhiFppc-00020-00002509-00002822 DECORATIONS BUT A GESTURE OF KINDNESS. >> I READ AN ARTICLE WHERE QaFbMhiFppc-00021-00002822-00002829 KINDNESS. >> I READ AN ARTICLE WHERE QaFbMhiFppc-00022-00002829-00003053 KINDNESS. >> I READ AN ARTICLE WHERE SOMEBODY HAD PUT ITEMS/ZGT0jiw H QaFbMhiFppc-00023-00003053-00003059 >> I READ AN ARTICLE WHERE SOMEBODY HAD PUT ITEMS/ZGT0jiw H QaFbMhiFppc-00024-00003059-00003196 >> I READ AN ARTICLE WHERE SOMEBODY HAD PUT ITEMS/ZGT0jiw H THEIR TAGS SAYING I'M NOT LOST. QaFbMhiFppc-00025-00003196-00003203 SOMEBODY HAD PUT ITEMS/ZGT0jiw H THEIR TAGS SAYING I'M NOT LOST. QaFbMhiFppc-00026-00003203-00003373 SOMEBODY HAD PUT ITEMS/ZGT0jiw H THEIR TAGS SAYING I'M NOT LOST. IF YOU NEED ME TO STAY WARM. QaFbMhiFppc-00027-00003373-00003379 THEIR TAGS SAYING I'M NOT LOST. IF YOU NEED ME TO STAY WARM. QaFbMhiFppc-00028-00003379-00003423 THEIR TAGS SAYING I'M NOT LOST. IF YOU NEED ME TO STAY WARM. TAKE ME. QaFbMhiFppc-00029-00003423-00003429 IF YOU NEED ME TO STAY WARM. TAKE ME. QaFbMhiFppc-00030-00003429-00003646 IF YOU NEED ME TO STAY WARM. TAKE ME. I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA. QaFbMhiFppc-00031-00003646-00003653 TAKE ME. I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA. QaFbMhiFppc-00032-00003653-00004124 TAKE ME. I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA. >> THEY WERE BY KRISTI YUTRZENKA QaFbMhiFppc-00033-00004124-00004130 I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA. >> THEY WERE BY KRISTI YUTRZENKA QaFbMhiFppc-00034-00004130-00004354 I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA. >> THEY WERE BY KRISTI YUTRZENKA AND HUNG FROM A TREE ON SUNDAY. QaFbMhiFppc-00035-00004354-00004361 >> THEY WERE BY KRISTI YUTRZENKA AND HUNG FROM A TREE ON SUNDAY. QaFbMhiFppc-00036-00004361-00004751 >> THEY WERE BY KRISTI YUTRZENKA AND HUNG FROM A TREE ON SUNDAY. >> WE ARE DOING CHILDREN, BABY, QaFbMhiFppc-00037-00004751-00004758 AND HUNG FROM A TREE ON SUNDAY. >> WE ARE DOING CHILDREN, BABY, QaFbMhiFppc-00038-00004758-00004931 AND HUNG FROM A TREE ON SUNDAY. >> WE ARE DOING CHILDREN, BABY, ADULT SIZES AND SCARVES, AND WE QaFbMhiFppc-00039-00004931-00004938 >> WE ARE DOING CHILDREN, BABY, ADULT SIZES AND SCARVES, AND WE QaFbMhiFppc-00040-00004938-00005271 >> WE ARE DOING CHILDREN, BABY, ADULT SIZES AND SCARVES, AND WE HAVE A FEW OUT THERE WE HAVE QaFbMhiFppc-00041-00005271-00005278 ADULT SIZES AND SCARVES, AND WE HAVE A FEW OUT THERE WE HAVE QaFbMhiFppc-00042-00005278-00005435 ADULT SIZES AND SCARVES, AND WE HAVE A FEW OUT THERE WE HAVE GOTTEN SO HAR. QaFbMhiFppc-00043-00005435-00005442 HAVE A FEW OUT THERE WE HAVE GOTTEN SO HAR. QaFbMhiFppc-00044-00005442-00005545 HAVE A FEW OUT THERE WE HAVE GOTTEN SO HAR. >> ORIGINALLY YUTRZENKA WANTED QaFbMhiFppc-00045-00005545-00005552 GOTTEN SO HAR. >> ORIGINALLY YUTRZENKA WANTED QaFbMhiFppc-00046-00005552-00005742 GOTTEN SO HAR. >> ORIGINALLY YUTRZENKA WANTED TO REMAIN PRIVATE ABOUT HER QaFbMhiFppc-00047-00005742-00005749 >> ORIGINALLY YUTRZENKA WANTED TO REMAIN PRIVATE ABOUT HER QaFbMhiFppc-00048-00005749-00005859 >> ORIGINALLY YUTRZENKA WANTED TO REMAIN PRIVATE ABOUT HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE FROJT. QaFbMhiFppc-00049-00005859-00005865 TO REMAIN PRIVATE ABOUT HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE FROJT. QaFbMhiFppc-00050-00005865-00006192 TO REMAIN PRIVATE ABOUT HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE FROJT. PROJECT. QaFbMhiFppc-00051-00006192-00006199 INVOLVEMENT IN THE FROJT. PROJECT. QaFbMhiFppc-00052-00006199-00006342 INVOLVEMENT IN THE FROJT. PROJECT. >> WE WANTED IT TO BE SOMETHING QaFbMhiFppc-00053-00006342-00006349 PROJECT. >> WE WANTED IT TO BE SOMETHING QaFbMhiFppc-00054-00006349-00006439 PROJECT. >> WE WANTED IT TO BE SOMETHING NICE FOR PEOPLE. QaFbMhiFppc-00055-00006439-00006446 >> WE WANTED IT TO BE SOMETHING NICE FOR PEOPLE. QaFbMhiFppc-00056-00006446-00006639 >> WE WANTED IT TO BE SOMETHING NICE FOR PEOPLE. >> THE TREE IS AVAILABLE TO QaFbMhiFppc-00057-00006639-00006646 NICE FOR PEOPLE. >> THE TREE IS AVAILABLE TO QaFbMhiFppc-00058-00006646-00006723 NICE FOR PEOPLE. >> THE TREE IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. QaFbMhiFppc-00059-00006723-00006730 >> THE TREE IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. QaFbMhiFppc-00060-00006730-00006823 >> THE TREE IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. >> NO QUESTIONS ASKED. QaFbMhiFppc-00061-00006823-00006830 ANYONE. >> NO QUESTIONS ASKED. QaFbMhiFppc-00062-00006830-00007040 ANYONE. >> NO QUESTIONS ASKED. ACCESS IT WHEN IT'S CREENT FOR QaFbMhiFppc-00063-00007040-00007047 >> NO QUESTIONS ASKED. ACCESS IT WHEN IT'S CREENT FOR QaFbMhiFppc-00064-00007047-00007193 >> NO QUESTIONS ASKED. ACCESS IT WHEN IT'S CREENT FOR YOU, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK QaFbMhiFppc-00065-00007193-00007200 ACCESS IT WHEN IT'S CREENT FOR YOU, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK QaFbMhiFppc-00066-00007200-00007370 ACCESS IT WHEN IT'S CREENT FOR YOU, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK IN WITH US OR ANYBODY, AND IF QaFbMhiFppc-00067-00007370-00007377 YOU, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK IN WITH US OR ANYBODY, AND IF QaFbMhiFppc-00068-00007377-00007484 YOU, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK IN WITH US OR ANYBODY, AND IF THERE'S SOMETHING THERE, AND YOU QaFbMhiFppc-00069-00007484-00007490 IN WITH US OR ANYBODY, AND IF THERE'S SOMETHING THERE, AND YOU QaFbMhiFppc-00070-00007490-00007667 IN WITH US OR ANYBODY, AND IF THERE'S SOMETHING THERE, AND YOU THINK YOU CAN USE IT, YOU ARE QaFbMhiFppc-00071-00007667-00007674 THERE'S SOMETHING THERE, AND YOU THINK YOU CAN USE IT, YOU ARE QaFbMhiFppc-00072-00007674-00007777 THERE'S SOMETHING THERE, AND YOU THINK YOU CAN USE IT, YOU ARE WELCOME TO IT. QaFbMhiFppc-00073-00007777-00007784 THINK YOU CAN USE IT, YOU ARE WELCOME TO IT. QaFbMhiFppc-00074-00007784-00008128 THINK YOU CAN USE IT, YOU ARE WELCOME TO IT. >> IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF QaFbMhiFppc-00075-00008128-00008134 WELCOME TO IT. >> IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF QaFbMhiFppc-00076-00008134-00008308 WELCOME TO IT. >> IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO MAKE A QaFbMhiFppc-00077-00008308-00008314 >> IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO MAKE A QaFbMhiFppc-00078-00008314-00008348 >> IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. QaFbMhiFppc-00079-00008348-00008355 COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. QaFbMhiFppc-00080-00008355-00008545 COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. >> I THINK IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE QaFbMhiFppc-00081-00008545-00008551 DIFFERENCE. >> I THINK IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE QaFbMhiFppc-00082-00008551-00008688 DIFFERENCE. >> I THINK IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND QaFbMhiFppc-00083-00008688-00008695 >> I THINK IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND QaFbMhiFppc-00084-00008695-00008838 >> I THINK IT'S A GREAT EXAMPLE OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND COMMUNITY POLICING, AND WE ARE QaFbMhiFppc-00085-00008838-00008845 OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND COMMUNITY POLICING, AND WE ARE QaFbMhiFppc-00086-00008845-00008975 OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND COMMUNITY POLICING, AND WE ARE FORTUNATE WE HAVE A GREAT QaFbMhiFppc-00087-00008975-00008982 COMMUNITY POLICING, AND WE ARE FORTUNATE WE HAVE A GREAT QaFbMhiFppc-00088-00008982-00009095 COMMUNITY POLICING, AND WE ARE FORTUNATE WE HAVE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITIZENS QaFbMhiFppc-00089-00009095-00009102 FORTUNATE WE HAVE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITIZENS QaFbMhiFppc-00090-00009102-00009319 FORTUNATE WE HAVE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITIZENS IN OUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THEM QaFbMhiFppc-00091-00009319-00009325 RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITIZENS IN OUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THEM QaFbMhiFppc-00092-00009325-00009499 RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITIZENS IN OUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THEM TO COME FORWARD WITH THIS IDEA. QaFbMhiFppc-00093-00009499-00009506 IN OUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THEM TO COME FORWARD WITH THIS IDEA. QaFbMhiFppc-00094-00009506-00009833 IN OUR COMMUNITY, AND FOR THEM TO COME FORWARD WITH THIS IDEA. IT WAS A COMMUNITY IDEA, AND NOT QaFbMhiFppc-00095-00009833-00009839 TO COME FORWARD WITH THIS IDEA. IT WAS A COMMUNITY IDEA, AND NOT QaFbMhiFppc-00096-00009839-00010013 TO COME FORWARD WITH THIS IDEA. IT WAS A COMMUNITY IDEA, AND NOT OURS, AND DEMONSTRATE HOW QaFbMhiFppc-00097-00010013-00010020 IT WAS A COMMUNITY IDEA, AND NOT OURS, AND DEMONSTRATE HOW QaFbMhiFppc-00098-00010020-00010113 IT WAS A COMMUNITY IDEA, AND NOT OURS, AND DEMONSTRATE HOW FORTUNATE WE REALLY ARE. QaFbMhiFppc-00099-00010113-00010120 OURS, AND DEMONSTRATE HOW FORTUNATE WE REALLY ARE. QaFbMhiFppc-00100-00010120-00010300 OURS, AND DEMONSTRATE HOW FORTUNATE WE REALLY ARE. >> IN BRAINERD, LOGAN GAY, QaFbMhiFppc-00101-00010300-00010306 FORTUNATE WE REALLY ARE. >> IN BRAINERD, LOGAN GAY, QaFbMhiFppc-00102-00010306-00010427 FORTUNATE WE REALLY ARE. >> IN BRAINERD, LOGAN GAY, LAKELAND NEWS. QaFbMhiFppc-00103-00010427-00010433 >> IN BRAINERD, LOGAN GAY, LAKELAND NEWS. QaFbMhiFppc-00104-00010433-00010573 >> IN BRAINERD, LOGAN GAY, LAKELAND NEWS. >> YUTRZENKA PLANS TO WORK WITH QaFbMhiFppc-00105-00010573-00010580 LAKELAND NEWS. >> YUTRZENKA PLANS TO WORK WITH QaFbMhiFppc-00106-00010580-00010703 LAKELAND NEWS. >> YUTRZENKA PLANS TO WORK WITH THE BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT QaFbMhiFppc-00107-00010703-00010710 >> YUTRZENKA PLANS TO WORK WITH THE BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT QaFbMhiFppc-00108-00010710-00010907 >> YUTRZENKA PLANS TO WORK WITH THE BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO RESTOCK THE TREE AND GIVE QaFbMhiFppc-00109-00010907-00010914 THE BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO RESTOCK THE TREE AND GIVE QaFbMhiFppc-00110-00010914-00011117 THE BRAINERD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO RESTOCK THE TREE AND GIVE THEM EXTRA GEAR TO KEEP IN THEIR QaFbMhiFppc-00111-00011117-00011124 TO RESTOCK THE TREE AND GIVE THEM EXTRA GEAR TO KEEP IN THEIR QaFbMhiFppc-00112-00011124-00011267 TO RESTOCK THE TREE AND GIVE THEM EXTRA GEAR TO KEEP IN THEIR PATROL CARS AND GIVE PEOPLE AS QiWHAf6uUqc-00000-00000038-00000618 Hi, my name is Stephanie Towery, and I'm the Copyright Officer here at University QiWHAf6uUqc-00001-00000618-00001053 Libraries, Texas State University. I'm going to show you a little bit about QiWHAf6uUqc-00002-00001053-00001533 some of the copyright features in Canvas that you should be aware of. In this QiWHAf6uUqc-00003-00001533-00002181 video, we're just going to talk about the copyright acknowledgments that you make QiWHAf6uUqc-00004-00002181-00002751 when you ask to begin a course or project - when you, when you request course QiWHAf6uUqc-00005-00002751-00003590 authorization. So, for academic courses and for new project courses, it's roughly QiWHAf6uUqc-00006-00003590-00004112 the same. I only have access to new project courses, so I'm going to show you QiWHAf6uUqc-00007-00004112-00004698 what the Appropriate Use Statement and the Copyright, Teach Act, Fair Use, Digital QiWHAf6uUqc-00008-00004698-00005189 Millennium, Texas State Policies - what that means. You're gonna have to agree to QiWHAf6uUqc-00009-00005189-00005546 the Appropriate Use statement and copyright policies above, so we're just QiWHAf6uUqc-00010-00005546-00006087 going to look at them. And I'm going to explain them a bit. Basically, this is QiWHAf6uUqc-00011-00006087-00006584 going to have you agree to comply with the copyright protections and licensing QiWHAf6uUqc-00012-00006584-00007415 terms applicable to all works that are in your account. So that means that you QiWHAf6uUqc-00013-00007415-00008081 are acknowledging that you're aware that you may not own the copyright in the QiWHAf6uUqc-00014-00008081-00008624 works that you're uploading, and you agree to abide by any kind of licensing QiWHAf6uUqc-00015-00008624-00009342 that those materials are subject to. It does say that "I further affirm that I am QiWHAf6uUqc-00016-00009342-00009893 solely responsible for compliance with the copyright protections and licensing QiWHAf6uUqc-00017-00009893-00010602 regardless of the source" - now, this pretty much puts it on you as a faculty member QiWHAf6uUqc-00018-00010602-00011072 or a staff member that you're responsible for copyright protection. You - QiWHAf6uUqc-00019-00011072-00011724 no one's going through - and just because I'm the copyright officer, I'm QiWHAf6uUqc-00020-00011724-00012228 not policing you, and, really, no one is going to come through and audit that. So QiWHAf6uUqc-00021-00012228-00012795 you're gonna need to make sure that you're complying with copyright, TEACH Act, QiWHAf6uUqc-00022-00012795-00013280 Fair Use, Digital Millennium, and Texas state policies. QiWHAf6uUqc-00023-00013280-00013955 That's gonna tell you a little bit about copyright, so this means that - I'm just QiWHAf6uUqc-00024-00013955-00014429 gonna read it: "Copyright law generally prohibits the use of a complete body of QiWHAf6uUqc-00025-00014429-00014936 work for online distribution without express written permission from the QiWHAf6uUqc-00026-00014936-00015769 copyright owner." This is means that you're gonna have to have permission or QiWHAf6uUqc-00027-00015769-00016529 licensing if you are uploading, say, a complete movie or song. There are QiWHAf6uUqc-00028-00016529-00017075 exceptions to that, and you don't always have to have written permission. So if QiWHAf6uUqc-00029-00017075-00017615 you have questions about that, I encourage you to reach out to me. It does QiWHAf6uUqc-00030-00017615-00018431 say here that you are likely to be infringing, and that's a good statement. QiWHAf6uUqc-00031-00018431-00018887 We don't really know - there are some exceptions. "University policy holds that QiWHAf6uUqc-00032-00018887-00019262 the university is not responsible for copyright infringement by members of its QiWHAf6uUqc-00033-00019262-00019640 faculty, staff and administration," and they're "the responsibility of the QiWHAf6uUqc-00034-00019640-00020207 individual infringer." That's true, but because you are an employee of the QiWHAf6uUqc-00035-00020207-00020945 university, the university is ultimately responsible. "If you are unsure if your QiWHAf6uUqc-00036-00020945-00021488 use of work is a fair use under copyright law, you should remove the work," QiWHAf6uUqc-00037-00021488-00021899 and contact me. And I can help you assess that fact whether or not your use is QiWHAf6uUqc-00038-00021899-00022406 fair or whether it fits under another exception such as the TEACH act. I do QiWHAf6uUqc-00039-00022406-00023270 have policies and rules available here on my website, and I encourage you just QiWHAf6uUqc-00040-00023270-00023825 to contact me directly. So once you agree to that - it's gonna make you agree to QiWHAf6uUqc-00041-00023825-00024494 that before you apply to create a project course - so I'm going to say my QiWHAf6uUqc-00042-00024494-00025013 name - hopefully this is asking for my name. I think it's probably asking for QiWHAf6uUqc-00043-00025013-00025711 the project name, so I'm going to put copyright training. QiWHAf6uUqc-00044-00025775-00027377 New copyright issues, and it's letting me create the course. Awesome. So now I can QiWHAf6uUqc-00045-00027377-00027954 go to the project course, and I can create my whole course. This is awesome. QiWHAf6uUqc-00046-00027954-00028395 Initially I didn't think it would be this easy to create a project course, but QiWHAf6uUqc-00047-00028395-00028860 it is. So I'm going to show you some other copyright features that happen QiWHAf6uUqc-00048-00028860-00029466 within Canvas but I'm going to do that on a different video. So if you need to QiWHAf6uUqc-00049-00029466-00030293 contact me, please contact copyrightoffice@txstate.edu. Thanks. QkVtI0-MD38-00000-00000078-00000320 Before we can talk about methods to write QkVtI0-MD38-00001-00000320-00000508 equivalent expressions, QkVtI0-MD38-00002-00000576-00001014 we need to talk a little bit about this word, term. QkVtI0-MD38-00003-00001112-00001354 Identifying the terms of an expression QkVtI0-MD38-00004-00001354-00001632 seems a little bit complicated at first QkVtI0-MD38-00005-00001692-00002092 but it very quickly becomes a habit and seems QkVtI0-MD38-00006-00002092-00002258 fairly straightforward. QkVtI0-MD38-00007-00002356-00002526 So, here's the big idea. QkVtI0-MD38-00008-00002710-00003010 When the last operation to be done in an expression QkVtI0-MD38-00009-00003010-00003146 is called, addition - QkVtI0-MD38-00010-00003374-00003632 When the last operation that's going to be done QkVtI0-MD38-00011-00003632-00003864 in an expression is addition, QkVtI0-MD38-00012-00003908-00004146 then the sub-expressions that are going to be QkVtI0-MD38-00013-00004146-00004462 added together are called, terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00014-00004502-00004710 So, let me give you a simple example. QkVtI0-MD38-00015-00004826-00005200 In the expression, two x plus five plus three x QkVtI0-MD38-00016-00005200-00005306 plus one, QkVtI0-MD38-00017-00005450-00005774 those four sub-expressions that I'm adding together, QkVtI0-MD38-00018-00005984-00006104 two x, QkVtI0-MD38-00019-00006320-00006416 five, QkVtI0-MD38-00020-00006681-00006798 three x, QkVtI0-MD38-00021-00007004-00007109 and one, QkVtI0-MD38-00022-00007340-00007562 are all terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00023-00007562-00008000 This expression has four terms, namely those four. QkVtI0-MD38-00024-00008084-00008320 Here's a more complicated example. QkVtI0-MD38-00025-00008598-00008824 In this expression again, QkVtI0-MD38-00026-00008998-00009324 addition is the last operation we're going to do QkVtI0-MD38-00027-00009384-00009648 and when we do that addition, QkVtI0-MD38-00028-00009724-00009952 five times x minus y QkVtI0-MD38-00029-00010022-00010502 and six times two x plus one, QkVtI0-MD38-00030-00010564-00010682 are the terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00031-00010742-00011012 Now, these sub-expressions are much more QkVtI0-MD38-00032-00011012-00011320 complicated than these ones were. QkVtI0-MD38-00033-00011520-00011796 But, they're things that are going to be added QkVtI0-MD38-00034-00011796-00012002 together in the last step, QkVtI0-MD38-00035-00012042-00012358 therefore they are the terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00036-00012386-00012840 Now, notice I said addition, not subtraction. QkVtI0-MD38-00037-00012876-00013240 But wait, didn't I say that addition and subtraction QkVtI0-MD38-00038-00013240-00013454 are just two sides of the same thing? QkVtI0-MD38-00039-00013558-00013786 Yes, that's absolutely true. QkVtI0-MD38-00040-00013846-00014163 Whenever we're thinking about terms, QkVtI0-MD38-00041-00014194-00014588 if we see subtraction, we should rewrite it as QkVtI0-MD38-00042-00014588-00014769 adding the opposite. QkVtI0-MD38-00043-00014802-00014990 So, what do I mean by that? QkVtI0-MD38-00044-00014990-00015141 Let's look at an example. QkVtI0-MD38-00045-00015194-00015626 Here, we have an expression where the last operations QkVtI0-MD38-00046-00015626-00015884 we'll do will be addition and subtraction. QkVtI0-MD38-00047-00015974-00016459 Everywhere I see subtraction, I'm going to QkVtI0-MD38-00048-00016460-00017284 instead of minus, write plus the opposite. QkVtI0-MD38-00049-00018020-00018314 And again, I'm just including the parentheses QkVtI0-MD38-00050-00018314-00018690 so that I can see that that's really plus a negative. QkVtI0-MD38-00051-00018906-00018980 Oh. QkVtI0-MD38-00052-00019092-00019400 But now, I can easily see what the terms are. QkVtI0-MD38-00053-00019630-00019798 We have five z, QkVtI0-MD38-00054-00020122-00020492 we have negative seven z squared, QkVtI0-MD38-00055-00020648-00020878 we have twenty-one, QkVtI0-MD38-00056-00021132-00021390 we have negative five z, QkVtI0-MD38-00057-00021544-00021892 and we have negative sixteen. QkVtI0-MD38-00058-00022008-00022080 OK. QkVtI0-MD38-00059-00022258-00022724 So, let's take a look at the anatomy of a term. QkVtI0-MD38-00060-00022892-00023202 Here's an expression with three terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00061-00023284-00023468 Negative four x, QkVtI0-MD38-00062-00023556-00023772 three x plus one, QkVtI0-MD38-00063-00023904-00024158 and two-thirds x squared. QkVtI0-MD38-00064-00024356-00024932 Notice, all of these terms are made up of two parts, QkVtI0-MD38-00065-00025152-00025608 namely a number and then a variable expression QkVtI0-MD38-00066-00025662-00025954 and they're just written next to each other, QkVtI0-MD38-00067-00025954-00026236 so that means that they are multiplied together. QkVtI0-MD38-00068-00026314-00026922 So, the number part of the term is called, the coefficient. QkVtI0-MD38-00069-00026976-00027608 In this example, in the term negative four x, QkVtI0-MD38-00070-00027832-00028145 the coefficient is negative four. QkVtI0-MD38-00071-00028214-00028550 In the term three x plus one, QkVtI0-MD38-00072-00028660-00028924 the coefficient is three. QkVtI0-MD38-00073-00029002-00029426 In the term two-thirds x squared, QkVtI0-MD38-00074-00029492-00029774 the coefficient is two-thirds. QkVtI0-MD38-00075-00029927-00030314 So, the number part of the term is called, QkVtI0-MD38-00076-00030314-00030427 the coefficient. QkVtI0-MD38-00077-00030562-00030852 The variable part of the term is creatively called, QkVtI0-MD38-00078-00030852-00030970 the variable part. QkVtI0-MD38-00079-00031012-00031410 So, the big vocabulary word here is, coefficient. QkVtI0-MD38-00080-00031536-00031776 In the negative four x term, QkVtI0-MD38-00081-00031776-00032033 the variable part is just the x. QkVtI0-MD38-00082-00032092-00032370 In the three x plus one term, QkVtI0-MD38-00083-00032433-00032682 the variable part is x plus one. QkVtI0-MD38-00084-00032727-00033046 And in the two-thirds x squared term, QkVtI0-MD38-00085-00033092-00033412 the variable part is x squared. QkVtI0-MD38-00086-00033650-00033980 Notice, again, the term is just made up of the QkVtI0-MD38-00087-00033980-00034378 coefficient and the variable part multiplied together. QkVtI0-MD38-00088-00034574-00035028 With that in mind, we can describe something called, QkVtI0-MD38-00089-00035028-00035250 like terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00090-00035412-00035706 Two terms are called, like terms, QkVtI0-MD38-00091-00035706-00036094 if they're variable parts are exactly the same. QkVtI0-MD38-00092-00036178-00036492 So, for example in this expression, QkVtI0-MD38-00093-00036492-00036824 notice I see subtraction that I'm going to rewrite QkVtI0-MD38-00094-00036824-00037084 as plus the negative. QkVtI0-MD38-00095-00037172-00037538 Here and also here. QkVtI0-MD38-00096-00037600-00038224 I have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00097-00038420-00038890 Of those, two thirds x and five x are like terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00098-00038890-00039212 They have exactly the same variable parts, QkVtI0-MD38-00099-00039340-00039582 namely just x. QkVtI0-MD38-00100-00039660-00039822 Let's see, what else? QkVtI0-MD38-00101-00039922-00040294 Four y squared and eight y squared are like terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00102-00040294-00040536 Their variable part is y squared. QkVtI0-MD38-00103-00040748-00041306 Oh, and I guess sixteen and negative twenty-four QkVtI0-MD38-00104-00041306-00041652 are like terms, they have no variable part. QkVtI0-MD38-00105-00041814-00042158 On the other hand, four y squared and QkVtI0-MD38-00106-00042158-00042491 negative seven y, those are not like terms. QkVtI0-MD38-00107-00042532-00042600 Why not? QkVtI0-MD38-00108-00042650-00043006 Because y and y squared are different from each other. Ro7hTO1W3D4-00000-00000064-00000552 i was expecting that more views would come from end screens on my last video, Ro7hTO1W3D4-00001-00000616-00001328 but instead, when i checked the traffic sources, a lot of it was just from channel pages, and it Ro7hTO1W3D4-00002-00001328-00001952 was weird. so yeah, i don't know why end screens aren't making that much traffic, Ro7hTO1W3D4-00003-00002023-00002608 even though they were all going through the latest videos. so what happened. i also Ro7hTO1W3D4-00004-00002608-00003224 noticed that my views are now down to 35 during night time, because you know why. Ro7hTO1W3D4-00005-00003336-00003952 that is where i can get worried now, because of the 24 hour cycle. it still seemed normal, too. R3ixv5ANnQM-00000-00000090-00000326 [♪♪♪] R3ixv5ANnQM-00001-00001440-00001639 I'm standing. R3ixv5ANnQM-00002-00001644-00001739 Okay... R3ixv5ANnQM-00003-00001746-00002023 This is a big-ass truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00004-00002030-00002166 Allright. R3ixv5ANnQM-00005-00002170-00002444 Some of you believed that I got a new truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00006-00002448-00002714 It's my truck and I own it. R3ixv5ANnQM-00007-00002896-00003458 Some of you think I'm bragging and showing off that I got the new truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00008-00003461-00003715 I'm taking the pride to have the big truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00009-00003836-00004168 Some of you think my truck is a hidden message R3ixv5ANnQM-00010-00004174-00004374 that I have a small penis. R3ixv5ANnQM-00011-00004646-00004804 Ah, guess what? R3ixv5ANnQM-00012-00004902-00005102 This truck isn't mine. R3ixv5ANnQM-00013-00005376-00005690 What actually happened... R3ixv5ANnQM-00014-00005696-00006172 My life partner needed to take his SUV R3ixv5ANnQM-00015-00006176-00006878 to a shop at Honda dealership. R3ixv5ANnQM-00016-00006890-00007308 It needed some annual maintenance and other things, R3ixv5ANnQM-00017-00007314-00007678 They detected a recall that needed to be fixed, R3ixv5ANnQM-00018-00007681-00007928 it would take all day to fix. R3ixv5ANnQM-00019-00007938-00008474 But what about the transportation between home and work? R3ixv5ANnQM-00020-00008488-00009110 The dealership offered a rental truck and they paid for it. R3ixv5ANnQM-00021-00009114-00009428 That was nice of them and we would take it. R3ixv5ANnQM-00022-00009436-00009990 We went to Entreprise rental cars. R3ixv5ANnQM-00023-00010002-00010722 The lady gave us an option which vehicle to rent. R3ixv5ANnQM-00024-00010730-00010930 That was awesome! R3ixv5ANnQM-00025-00010938-00011186 There were only two options: R3ixv5ANnQM-00026-00011192-00011676 One, a black minivan. R3ixv5ANnQM-00027-00011686-00011818 It was ugly. R3ixv5ANnQM-00028-00011826-00012110 Two, the Ford truck! R3ixv5ANnQM-00029-00012428-00012650 We both went for the truck! R3ixv5ANnQM-00030-00012718-00012956 It's fucking huge! R3ixv5ANnQM-00031-00013118-00013362 Nope, we're not owning it. R3ixv5ANnQM-00032-00013369-00013647 We're enjoying the ride for the day R3ixv5ANnQM-00033-00013656-00013894 then we are returning it tomorrow morning. R3ixv5ANnQM-00034-00013924-00014124 It was a good experience. R3ixv5ANnQM-00035-00014172-00014372 It's 4X4. R3ixv5ANnQM-00036-00014388-00014824 It's a nice truck. It's good for going on mountains and camping. R3ixv5ANnQM-00037-00014830-00015019 It sits six people. R3ixv5ANnQM-00038-00015026-00015241 It has a spacious cargo on the back. R3ixv5ANnQM-00039-00015250-00015402 It got a plenty of room... R3ixv5ANnQM-00040-00015454-00015638 Yes, it's big. R3ixv5ANnQM-00041-00015832-00016162 It won't fit in our stanard garage like those. R3ixv5ANnQM-00042-00016169-00016247 Nope. R3ixv5ANnQM-00043-00016362-00016770 [SIGHS] Sorry to disappoint you, we don't own the truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00044-00017084-00017328 Now, those who believed that I own it, R3ixv5ANnQM-00045-00017334-00017500 unfortunately, it is not mine. R3ixv5ANnQM-00046-00017710-00018082 Some of you thought I'm showing off the big truck. R3ixv5ANnQM-00047-00018094-00018376 You could just stop thinking this way. R3ixv5ANnQM-00048-00018386-00018660 I'm not the kind of person to brag. R3ixv5ANnQM-00049-00018666-00018862 I'm taking it back tomorrow. R3ixv5ANnQM-00050-00019120-00019338 Some of you thought I have a small penis, R3ixv5ANnQM-00051-00019348-00019708 just like "Big truck syndrome". R3ixv5ANnQM-00052-00019708-00019945 It means a hidden message that I have a small penis -- R3ixv5ANnQM-00053-00019945-00020071 Uhh, guess what? R3ixv5ANnQM-00054-00020071-00020196 Stop that. R3ixv5ANnQM-00055-00020196-00020291 Okay. R3ixv5ANnQM-00056-00020291-00020617 I'm taking this truck back which means I don't have a small penis. R3ixv5ANnQM-00057-00020617-00020972 Also we're not going to discuss my size on this Facebook post. R3ixv5ANnQM-00058-00020972-00021109 Okay? R3ixv5ANnQM-00059-00021468-00021714 [♪♪♪] R4dIlCf5bK8-00000-00002096-00002676 This week we got invited by our friend Milan Tasić, to attend on a group hunt for foxes and jackals. R4dIlCf5bK8-00001-00002940-00003318 Day begin, with traditional hunting breakfast. R4dIlCf5bK8-00002-00003700-00004130 For younger hunters, that was special pleasure. R4dIlCf5bK8-00003-00005126-00005532 President of the hunting club, wish welcome to all hunter who came today. R4dIlCf5bK8-00004-00005766-00006270 Today we will hunt foxes and jackals. R4dIlCf5bK8-00005-00006384-00007009 Orange west is a must, and all people on the stand need to be calm, untill drive come to them. R4dIlCf5bK8-00006-00007184-00007531 Lead size shouldn't be bigger than 4,5mm. R4dIlCf5bK8-00007-00007968-00008582 Now we will play one song, as a suport to all serbian in Montenegro who fight for serbian ortodox church in Montenegro. R4dIlCf5bK8-00008-00012984-00013184 Back to hunting. R4dIlCf5bK8-00009-00017832-00018086 4.3 mm B&P 34g. R4dIlCf5bK8-00010-00019236-00019668 My friend Sinisa is next to me. R4dIlCf5bK8-00011-00022394-00022714 Thrid go pro is also on great position. R4dIlCf5bK8-00012-00024802-00025206 Unfortunetly he shot inside branches... R4dIlCf5bK8-00013-00025886-00026433 In some moment, i felt like whole action is around me, but nothing came out. R4dIlCf5bK8-00014-00026664-00026995 My friend Sima also didn't shot, he only saw roedeers. R4dIlCf5bK8-00015-00027476-00027818 But his neighbour had more luck. R4dIlCf5bK8-00016-00028092-00028292 And what is result? R4dIlCf5bK8-00017-00028342-00028545 1:0 for us! Actually 2:0 R4dIlCf5bK8-00018-00028888-00029168 Let's pick it up, and check is it a male or female. R4dIlCf5bK8-00019-00029326-00029526 Our guide shot one fox. R4dIlCf5bK8-00020-00029814-00030064 And Sinisa got one finally! R4dIlCf5bK8-00021-00031624-00031824 It's a male. R4dIlCf5bK8-00022-00031983-00032210 He passed next to me, but you got it. R4dIlCf5bK8-00023-00032708-00032908 One really nice fox. R4dIlCf5bK8-00024-00033676-00033876 Ammo use, 4.00 mm R4dIlCf5bK8-00025-00034104-00034374 Succesfully finished driven hunt in Mladenovac. R4dIlCf5bK8-00026-00034528-00034828 Unfortunatly we didn't had chance on jackals... R4dIlCf5bK8-00027-00038456-00038940 For more videos like this, please SUBSCRIBE. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00000-00001786-00002200 The mountains can become very hostile all of a sudden, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00001-00002270-00002628 the weather changes, it gets colder, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00002-00002734-00002974 your path can be very long. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00003-00003215-00003938 And that's why, just like at sea, for everyone, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00004-00004042-00004438 if you know that someone is in trouble on the mountains, you go for them. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00005-00004506-00005120 I mean, it's like a common sense that tells you to intervene. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00006-00005280-00005542 The mountains didn't split us apart, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00007-00005542-00006118 actually it was this being on the mountains that united us. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00008-00006162-00006598 The awareness of being in a place, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00009-00006636-00006862 with a range of challenges, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00010-00006908-00007380 and to have necessarily a relationship with others, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00011-00007434-00007658 with those "on the other side" R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00012-00007708-00008012 is maybe something inside our DNA. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00013-00008306-00008672 In my life I've always thought of it as a passage, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00014-00008738-00008960 the idea of border... R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00015-00008978-00009218 I don't know, it doesn't exist for me, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00016-00009252-00009524 yes, it exists on paper but... R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00017-00009564-00009720 actually there isn't any. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00018-00009764-00009954 For us there is no border. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00019-00010140-00010302 It doesn't exist. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00020-00010344-00010874 With our italian friends from Claviere, Oulx, Turin, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00021-00010906-00011270 that live just behind this mountain, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00022-00011294-00011778 we are together in the same mountain area. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00023-00011854-00012096 Because you feel something like... R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00024-00012180-00012518 a sort of complicity, of style, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00025-00012518-00012884 of familiarity with people. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00026-00012891-00013266 We see things the same way. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00027-00013282-00013456 That's all in the way we live together. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00028-00013478-00013776 And I'd say also that since we live in such a remote environment, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00029-00013796-00014212 we all know each other e we already make the effort of living together, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00030-00014240-00014556 we put up with each other even if we have our differences, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00031-00014606-00014991 and maybe there are other worlds, other borders R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00032-00015018-00015452 that can even seem more important, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00033-00015491-00015726 but at the end we're all humans. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00034-00015758-00016076 And I think that this mountain, this environment here, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00035-00016097-00016515 puts us back in place: we're little in front of the elements. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00036-00016516-00016844 And that's what makes us feel united as human beings R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00037-00016870-00017020 and we help each other. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00038-00017020-00017430 Together we can make it... I think that's why in this context R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00039-00017452-00017694 is something natural since ages. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00040-00017728-00017840 One... R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00041-00017952-00018072 cannot R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00042-00018152-00018382 forget of being human. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00043-00018414-00018748 This kind of humanity that... R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00044-00018748-00018976 that keeps going no matter what, R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00045-00019002-00019230 and that's what makes the world go on. R4iEp7CZ7kQ-00046-00019298-00019564 I hope we never lose this hope. R4kG_ezuEWc-00000-00000059-00000451 Don’t forget to subscribe R4kG_ezuEWc-00001-00000451-00000642 [Music] R4kG_ezuEWc-00002-00000642-00000816 wouldn’t it be great to make a movie R4kG_ezuEWc-00003-00000816-00000888 where it's like R4kG_ezuEWc-00004-00000888-00001044 it's Annabelle meets the Terminator R4kG_ezuEWc-00005-00001044-00001302 when I saw the trailer for Megan a few months back R4kG_ezuEWc-00006-00001302-00001590 it felt like an extended episode of black mirror R4kG_ezuEWc-00007-00001590-00001914 and you mix that with a slice of Chucky from Child's Play R4kG_ezuEWc-00008-00001914-00002028 Then we have Megan R4kG_ezuEWc-00009-00002028-00002688 it is the story of this Misfit household with a child an adult and a robot! R4kG_ezuEWc-00010-00002688-00002988 Research shows that if you force a child to eat vegetables R4kG_ezuEWc-00011-00002988-00003264 then they'll be less likely to choose those foods as adults R4kG_ezuEWc-00012-00003264-00003342 is that so?! R4kG_ezuEWc-00013-00003342-00003408 yes! R4kG_ezuEWc-00014-00003408-00003720 Experts say the preferred method is to give your child the choice R4kG_ezuEWc-00015-00003720-00003954 it's called the division of responsibility R4kG_ezuEWc-00016-00003954-00004446 Megan is a robot with Limitless AI capabilities she finally gets properly R4kG_ezuEWc-00017-00004446-00004890 made after many years of failed attempts by the Creator Gemma played by Allison Williams R4kG_ezuEWc-00018-00004890-00005172 I remember her from that HBO show girls R4kG_ezuEWc-00019-00005172-00005241 !!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00020-00005241-00005538 and also that little Jordan Peele movie R4kG_ezuEWc-00021-00005538-00005628 anywho R4kG_ezuEWc-00022-00005628-00005682 in this film R4kG_ezuEWc-00023-00005682-00005988 her sister and brother-in-law die tragically R4kG_ezuEWc-00024-00005988-00006354 and leaves their surviving daughter Cady to be looked after by Gemma R4kG_ezuEWc-00025-00006354-00006581 now our brainy Tech head is stuck in a R4kG_ezuEWc-00026-00006581-00006636 tough position R4kG_ezuEWc-00027-00006636-00006972 with juggling her new duties of being a legal guardian R4kG_ezuEWc-00028-00006972-00007134 organizing her Tinder dates R4kG_ezuEWc-00029-00007134-00007191 !!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00030-00007191-00007602 and more importantly for Gemma she's trying to create toys for a boss who R4kG_ezuEWc-00031-00007602-00007818 wants to be the biggest toy company in the world R4kG_ezuEWc-00032-00007818-00008040 defeating Hasbro in the process! R4kG_ezuEWc-00033-00008040-00008202 Unachievable Ambitions… R4kG_ezuEWc-00034-00008202-00008244 but still! R4kG_ezuEWc-00035-00008244-00008544 when Cady sees one of gemma's University Creations R4kG_ezuEWc-00036-00008544-00008820 she comes up with an idea for a potential toy R4kG_ezuEWc-00037-00008820-00009060 we then get a montage of Megan's creation R4kG_ezuEWc-00038-00009060-00009132 and boom!!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00039-00009132-00009378 we kick off with one freeaky @$$ character! R4kG_ezuEWc-00040-00009378-00009600 this robot is here to entertain Cady R4kG_ezuEWc-00041-00009600-00009792 SO Gemma can GO back to work R4kG_ezuEWc-00042-00009792-00010068 and not worry about her new parenting duties R4kG_ezuEWc-00043-00010068-00010134 !!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00044-00010134-00010620 she'll never run out of ways to keep your child occupied and she'll never run out of patience R4kG_ezuEWc-00045-00010620-00010770 Cady seriously R4kG_ezuEWc-00046-00010770-00010896 flush the toilet R4kG_ezuEWc-00047-00010896-00011220 this does however take a strain on Gemma’s relationship with Cady R4kG_ezuEWc-00048-00011220-00011586 but due to Gemma not putting many restriction protocols on the robot R4kG_ezuEWc-00049-00011586-00011802 Megan becomes too attached to Cady R4kG_ezuEWc-00050-00011802-00012018 and then she starts getting a bit too R4kG_ezuEWc-00051-00012018-00012180 over protective R4kG_ezuEWc-00052-00012180-00012294 let's just talk about it R4kG_ezuEWc-00053-00012294-00012375 hey hey hey R4kG_ezuEWc-00054-00012375-00012450 let me go R4kG_ezuEWc-00055-00012450-00012510 whoa! R4kG_ezuEWc-00056-00012510-00012576 hey R4kG_ezuEWc-00057-00012576-00012666 what's going on? R4kG_ezuEWc-00058-00012666-00012768 Hey Cady R4kG_ezuEWc-00059-00012768-00012863 Let Go! what are you doing? R4kG_ezuEWc-00060-00012863-00012936 stop it! R4kG_ezuEWc-00061-00012936-00013038 Cady calm down R4kG_ezuEWc-00062-00013038-00013116 LET HER GO! R4kG_ezuEWc-00063-00013410-00013518 Megan turn off. R4kG_ezuEWc-00064-00013518-00013632 Are You Sure?!?! R4kG_ezuEWc-00065-00013632-00013878 and this is where the horror part begins R4kG_ezuEWc-00066-00013878-00014058 we get a few classic tropes R4kG_ezuEWc-00067-00014058-00014238 like the annoying next door neighbor R4kG_ezuEWc-00068-00014238-00014388 with their aggressive pet R4kG_ezuEWc-00069-00014388-00014490 normally a dog R4kG_ezuEWc-00070-00014490-00014796 and one of those typical generic bullies who get their R4kG_ezuEWc-00071-00014796-00014897 “Justified comeuppance” R4kG_ezuEWc-00072-00014897-00015102 I don't like that she kills people! R4kG_ezuEWc-00073-00016088-00016188 [Music] R4kG_ezuEWc-00074-00016188-00016362 this is the part where you run!!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00075-00016362-00016560 The story rolls along really well R4kG_ezuEWc-00076-00016560-00016692 with some decent acting R4kG_ezuEWc-00077-00016692-00016788 cool scenes R4kG_ezuEWc-00078-00016788-00016992 and some fun set pieces however R4kG_ezuEWc-00079-00016992-00017436 we get to the last 15 minutes and the film started to get slightly tiresome R4kG_ezuEWc-00080-00017436-00017808 it's always going to be difficult to wrap this film up with their cool concept R4kG_ezuEWc-00081-00017808-00017904 and bless them R4kG_ezuEWc-00082-00017904-00017976 they did try R4kG_ezuEWc-00083-00017976-00018180 Don't come in here Cady it's kind of a mess! R4kG_ezuEWc-00084-00018180-00018366 Aunt Gemma's right Cady R4kG_ezuEWc-00085-00018366-00018516 I'm All Odds and Ends right now R4kG_ezuEWc-00086-00018516-00018708 I'd really rather you didn't see me like this R4kG_ezuEWc-00087-00018960-00019086 it sounds like you're fighting? R4kG_ezuEWc-00088-00019086-00019188 we're not fighting!!! R4kG_ezuEWc-00089-00019188-00019356 C plus I'm gonna give Megan R4kG_ezuEWc-00090-00019356-00019446 which is a shame R4kG_ezuEWc-00091-00019446-00019710 because I thought this was gonna break the “Hollywood mould” R4kG_ezuEWc-00092-00019710-00020004 but once again we get homages to other films R4kG_ezuEWc-00093-00020004-00020190 it goes a bit ex machina R4kG_ezuEWc-00094-00020190-00020388 with corridors and dancing R4kG_ezuEWc-00095-00020388-00020580 and just felt copied R4kG_ezuEWc-00096-00020580-00020742 if I really think about it R4kG_ezuEWc-00097-00020742-00020982 Megan is just another unoriginal film R4kG_ezuEWc-00098-00020982-00021246 although if this becomes financially successful R4kG_ezuEWc-00099-00021246-00021576 then I'd be happy enough for sequels because there's so R4kG_ezuEWc-00100-00021576-00021822 many possibilities with such a fun concept R4kG_ezuEWc-00101-00021822-00021960 unfortunately though R4kG_ezuEWc-00102-00021960-00022194 Hollywood have a pretty good track record of R4kG_ezuEWc-00103-00022194-00022662 creating franchises that loses its spark fairly quickly on subsequent sequels R4kG_ezuEWc-00104-00022728-00023142 so maybe leaving it at one film might just benefit this folklore R4kG_ezuEWc-00105-00023142-00023220 but you know R4kG_ezuEWc-00106-00023220-00023352 Hollywood being Hollywood! R4kG_ezuEWc-00107-00023352-00024144 if it was so it might be and if it was all it would be but as it isn't it ain't that's logically R4kG_ezuEWc-00108-00024144-00024336 Thor Four Christian Bale! R4kG_ezuEWc-00109-00024336-00024666 And how do you feel about being in the MCU? R4kG_ezuEWc-00110-00024666-00024714 sorry R4kG_ezuEWc-00111-00024714-00024930 the Marvel Cinematic Universe! R4kG_ezuEWc-00112-00025506-00025556 well R9W0JomeQTo-00000-00000265-00000580 - Yeah, so, a few things here about cultural appropriation, R9W0JomeQTo-00001-00000580-00000830 which, there's a lot of sensitivity to these days. R9W0JomeQTo-00002-00001065-00001410 Here we are in the dominant culture facing a R9W0JomeQTo-00003-00001410-00001650 disintegration of the culture, really. R9W0JomeQTo-00004-00001797-00002079 A severance of our ties to tradition, R9W0JomeQTo-00005-00002079-00002372 to our indigeneity, to our structures of meaning, R9W0JomeQTo-00006-00002600-00002848 and so we're hungry for these things. R9W0JomeQTo-00007-00002992-00003359 We're hungry for rituals that feel authentic. R9W0JomeQTo-00008-00003359-00003740 We're hungry for stories that tell us who we are. R9W0JomeQTo-00009-00003740-00003915 We're hungry for a sense of belonging. R9W0JomeQTo-00010-00003915-00004093 We're hungry for identity, R9W0JomeQTo-00011-00004093-00004258 'cause identity is built through relationships, R9W0JomeQTo-00012-00004258-00004547 and our relationships have been attenuated R9W0JomeQTo-00013-00004547-00005047 and reduced by consumer culture, by technology. R9W0JomeQTo-00014-00005083-00005450 So here we are, hungry for meaning, hungry for identity, R9W0JomeQTo-00015-00005450-00005870 hungry for belonging, and then we come across R9W0JomeQTo-00016-00005870-00006275 indigenous practices, rituals, stories that R9W0JomeQTo-00017-00006572-00007020 offer some meaning, offer some identity. R9W0JomeQTo-00018-00007020-00007447 One form of appropriation is to latch R9W0JomeQTo-00019-00007539-00007713 onto that and identify with that. R9W0JomeQTo-00020-00008224-00008610 It's almost like you're kind of using it almost as R9W0JomeQTo-00021-00008610-00008938 like a consumer product to meet an unmet need. R9W0JomeQTo-00022-00009117-00009376 At the same time, though, there's also like a R9W0JomeQTo-00023-00009376-00009614 really authentic, beautiful longing here R9W0JomeQTo-00024-00009970-00010331 that comes from the bankruptcy of our culture. R9W0JomeQTo-00025-00010421-00010685 The danger is to bankrupt the other cultures, too. R9W0JomeQTo-00026-00010812-00011298 And to turn them into workshop leaders and to R9W0JomeQTo-00027-00011298-00011621 kind of commoditize their culture and essentially R9W0JomeQTo-00028-00011621-00011959 strip mine their culture just as we strip mined R9W0JomeQTo-00029-00011959-00012445 their places, their mountains, their rivers, their soils. R9W0JomeQTo-00030-00012590-00012896 And there's still something left, it's the culture, R9W0JomeQTo-00031-00012896-00013128 and maybe we can strip mine that, as well. R9W0JomeQTo-00032-00013128-00013336 So that's one of the dangers. R9W0JomeQTo-00033-00013729-00013976 You have, yeah, so like the hungry for identity R9W0JomeQTo-00034-00013976-00014354 and meaning, so maybe you practice yoga and you R9W0JomeQTo-00035-00014354-00014679 take on a Hindu name and you identify with, R9W0JomeQTo-00036-00014679-00014957 and you do Hindu rituals from the yoga tradition, R9W0JomeQTo-00037-00015086-00015415 and that meets some of the need, perhaps. R9W0JomeQTo-00038-00015415-00015641 I'm not necessarily even saying this is a bad thing. R9W0JomeQTo-00039-00015641-00016000 'Cause here's another level here where all of the R9W0JomeQTo-00040-00016112-00016551 cultures on earth that were not fully colonized, R9W0JomeQTo-00041-00016551-00017026 and that, I say fully because most of R9W0JomeQTo-00042-00017026-00017287 them have been to some extent. R9W0JomeQTo-00043-00017287-00017587 There are very, very few, if any, well there are a few, R9W0JomeQTo-00044-00017587-00018031 maybe, more or less pristine cultures that have R9W0JomeQTo-00045-00018129-00018629 escaped the influence of modernization. R9W0JomeQTo-00046-00018676-00018943 But even the ones that have been heavily influenced, R9W0JomeQTo-00047-00018943-00019223 there's usually something there that has been preserved. R9W0JomeQTo-00048-00019357-00019579 And that's been preserved for a reason. R9W0JomeQTo-00049-00019579-00019858 It's been preserved not, and the reason isn't R9W0JomeQTo-00050-00019949-00020293 to keep it and to protect it, R9W0JomeQTo-00051-00020438-00020756 to preserve our traditions. R9W0JomeQTo-00052-00020756-00021002 Traditions never were preserved. R9W0JomeQTo-00053-00021002-00021237 They never were static, they were alive and organic, R9W0JomeQTo-00054-00021237-00021378 and they evolved over time. R9W0JomeQTo-00055-00021501-00021877 Each culture then, through what has been preserved, R9W0JomeQTo-00056-00021877-00022310 or what has not died, what has not been colonized, R9W0JomeQTo-00057-00022310-00022791 has a gift to offer the planet today. R9W0JomeQTo-00058-00022791-00023110 These precious treasures that have been R9W0JomeQTo-00059-00023246-00023669 kept sacred and kept safe within Maori culture, R9W0JomeQTo-00060-00023669-00024169 within every culture outside of the dominant culture. R9W0JomeQTo-00061-00024351-00024851 Those are part of the great reunion, the coming together, R9W0JomeQTo-00062-00025208-00025476 the next evolutionary step of the planet. R9W0JomeQTo-00063-00025476-00025705 They've been kept safe for a reason. R9W0JomeQTo-00064-00025705-00025969 The time, and this isn't just like me some R9W0JomeQTo-00065-00025969-00026095 white guy making this up, okay? R9W0JomeQTo-00066-00026095-00026527 This comes from a lot of deep conversations R9W0JomeQTo-00067-00026527-00026912 and communion with wisdom keepers, R9W0JomeQTo-00068-00027212-00027388 and they all say the same thing, R9W0JomeQTo-00069-00027481-00027902 which is that the time has come for the R9W0JomeQTo-00070-00027902-00028173 hidden treasures to be made visible, R9W0JomeQTo-00071-00028173-00028396 to be brought into the world to be shared. R9W0JomeQTo-00072-00028494-00028864 Whether it's by indigenous people, R9W0JomeQTo-00073-00028864-00029308 whether it's secret mystery schools, R9W0JomeQTo-00074-00029308-00029610 lineages that have within dominant cultures R9W0JomeQTo-00075-00029610-00030008 have kept certain knowledge safe and secret. R9W0JomeQTo-00076-00030133-00030368 It was necessary for it to be secret and no R9W0JomeQTo-00077-00030368-00030760 longer necessary, so all of the hidden gifts are coming R9W0JomeQTo-00078-00030760-00031114 to the surface right now for the times that we are in. R9W0JomeQTo-00079-00031114-00031427 So I think that, yeah, I think this is, R9W0JomeQTo-00080-00031875-00032165 and it might be a bit of a contentious thing to say, R9W0JomeQTo-00081-00032420-00032913 especially as a person with pale skin but R9W0JomeQTo-00082-00033304-00033804 maybe those of you who are connected to these R9W0JomeQTo-00083-00034138-00034412 traditions can feel the truth of it. R9W0JomeQTo-00084-00034529-00034908 That all things, ultimately, all gifts are R9W0JomeQTo-00085-00034908-00035049 meant to be given forward. R9W0JomeQTo-00086-00035314-00035814 There's an element that's still necessary of protecting it. R9W0JomeQTo-00087-00035894-00036324 Protecting it from being monetized, commercialized, R9W0JomeQTo-00088-00036324-00036660 strip mined, basically to keep it sacred, R9W0JomeQTo-00089-00036660-00036868 but no longer to keep it secret. R9W0JomeQTo-00090-00036868-00037212 To say, yeah, this is a sacred offering to the world. R9W0JomeQTo-00091-00037212-00037702 We would love for you to learn our dances, R9W0JomeQTo-00092-00037702-00038035 but not to learn them as some kinda spectacle R9W0JomeQTo-00093-00038035-00038284 to put on a performance and charge money for. R9W0JomeQTo-00094-00038284-00038584 But to learn them as the gateway to a deeper R9W0JomeQTo-00095-00038584-00038828 knowledge that we've kept safe for you. R9W0JomeQTo-00096-00039357-00039857 When that knowledge is offered and accepted with permission, R9W0JomeQTo-00097-00040112-00040326 and grounded in that lineage, R9W0JomeQTo-00098-00040478-00040669 and connected with a whole way of thinking and a R9W0JomeQTo-00099-00040669-00041169 whole value system and part of this arising story, R9W0JomeQTo-00100-00041191-00041280 when it's done in that way, R9W0JomeQTo-00101-00041280-00041507 that's not cultural appropriation. R9W0JomeQTo-00102-00041507-00041847 That's receiving a gift respectfully R9W0JomeQTo-00103-00041847-00042347 and accepting the duty that comes with a gift, R9W0JomeQTo-00104-00042408-00042573 the obligation that comes with a gift, R9W0JomeQTo-00105-00042573-00042741 to pass the gift forward. R9W0JomeQTo-00106-00042741-00043212 To use that gift for the purpose that it's there for R9W0JomeQTo-00107-00043212-00043712 and not to divert the gift toward narrow self-interest. RsIUG_rEnYu-00000-00003600-00004800 supporting region and integrated natural resource management He's also the Vice President of the Latin American and Caribbean soil partnership, as like with responsibility for implementation of the 5 core pillars in the RsIUG_rEnYu-00001-00004800-00006000 Caribbean. He also sells as a regional representative of the group of Latin, American, and Caribbean and culture to the intergomental working group on fraud of the unc city is also a science advisor RsIUG_rEnYu-00002-00006000-00006600 to the partnership initiative for soil system for sustainable soil management. RsIUG_rEnYu-00003-00006600-00007600 I get that right Great. Our second briefer this morning is that the Elvis, tanging with the coordinates of the great Green Wall initiative at the African Union Commission. RsIUG_rEnYu-00004-00007600-00008700 The great Green Wall initiative is a Pan African flagship program, aimed at resilience period in the dry lands of Africa through a mosaic of sustainable landm management restoration of sustainable RsIUG_rEnYu-00005-00008700-00009100 economic development projects. The current focus for the initiative is innovation through extension. RsIUG_rEnYu-00006-00009100-00009700 To the dry lands of the Southern African region, attracting private sector investments and innovative finance. RsIUG_rEnYu-00007-00009700-00010000 This, such as blockchains and cryptocurrency. RsIUG_rEnYu-00008-00010000-00011000 Before joining the African Union. Dr. kang team what's as Regional Enterprise Development manager for 3 8 international A Uk based International Development charity. RsIUG_rEnYu-00009-00011000-00012200 He also worked with the United Nations Ato Food and Agriculture organization as technical adviser for the programs to promote actors in engaged erada engaged in forest products based enterprises. RsIUG_rEnYu-00010-00012200-00012800 Yes, also served with other organizations, including the center in Scotland and Tormented Justice Foundation. RsIUG_rEnYu-00011-00012800-00014000 London was what the Shit That's group in camera also mentor and coach, and it's behind the establishment of one known startups in Cambridge and West Africa that's the time game holds the Bst from the RsIUG_rEnYu-00012-00014000-00014900 University of Chiang, in Camera and Msc. in ecology and management in the University of Edinburgh, and exactly see Mba from Pgs and Paris and PHD. RsIUG_rEnYu-00013-00014900-00016100 In business administration, certificates, and deep robbers he's a member of several professional networks, including junior chambers, International, where he's a senator and a pounding a member of the world bringing alliance created RsIUG_rEnYu-00014-00016100-00017000 by the wcst and alloying group in China, so very qualified speakers that we have this morning for briefing. RsIUG_rEnYu-00015-00017000-00017800 This briefing is brought to you a body Ab. Jones, and that what the Egyptian at the Robert Barge is Stifton in partnership with the United Nations Convention. RsIUG_rEnYu-00016-00017800-00018200 To convert this certification. we are truly appreciating of Dr. RsIUG_rEnYu-00017-00018200-00018600 Giles and Dr. Tangim for participating in this grid. RsIUG_rEnYu-00018-00018600-00019000 Some ground rules just to get started. If you have any questions, please use the Q. RsIUG_rEnYu-00019-00019000-00019300 A function, or you could use a chat function as well. RsIUG_rEnYu-00020-00019300-00020700 If you want to, and it's important for us to say Yeah, that this webinar is recorded, and so we would make sure that for those who cannot participate they can follow this as soon after to get started RsIUG_rEnYu-00021-00020700-00021000 We would get an opening statement from Dr. Gay. RsIUG_rEnYu-00022-00021000-00021600 And another opening statement about 10min from Dr. Tang him, and soon after that we shall open up to questions. RsIUG_rEnYu-00023-00021600-00022000 So with that I would pass over the floor to Dr. Gauss. RsIUG_rEnYu-00024-00022000-00023500 Thank you all over to you, sir, RsIUG_rEnYu-00025-00023500-00024500 Yes, I think you can go. Thank you so very much. David, and let me to extend my fans to the actualism network as well as the RsIUG_rEnYu-00026-00024500-00025300 Call 15 of the Usc. 's a pleasure begins a pleasure interacting with our he was and listeners. RsIUG_rEnYu-00027-00025300-00027000 I think I will start by speaking to drought in numbers, and what we do know is that drought has been and has continued to be with us as one of those hazards that remains for the most part unnoticed. RsIUG_rEnYu-00028-00027000-00028400 And but very impactful. a number of countries over the last 2 years mass, much by our Covid 19, suffered with significant episodes of the hydrological and agricultural drought, which has created RsIUG_rEnYu-00029-00028400-00029000 tremendous, not only local, but far reaching impact. RsIUG_rEnYu-00030-00029000-00030100 I would just mention 2 key examples that are very put in the how drought could have impacts at a very global level, where, as the actual job is occurring at a local level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00031-00030100-00031900 So, for instance, we do know that, Indonesia initiated an exponential band on top oil, and how that affected export and available market for oils is very interesting to understand particularly in a job perspective, one of the RsIUG_rEnYu-00032-00031900-00032500 things we do know is, for instance, Brazil, who is a significant producer of Soyabin oil as well as after Canada. RsIUG_rEnYu-00033-00032500-00034100 Significant producer, an exporter of Canada, or both of them suffered troll conditions, and which resulted in you Can in the years of those critical props. and obviously the extent of those products on the market. RsIUG_rEnYu-00034-00034100-00035200 So there is a sense that we have to recognize that even if they are traditionally regions and countries that I'm more phone to episodes of drugs. RsIUG_rEnYu-00035-00035200-00036800 We have to appreciate now that our Google environment if I reaching economic impacts we agree that we may leave, and as such as a need for us to have dropped as a very topical issue and it's a RsIUG_rEnYu-00036-00036800-00038500 very good. Oh, It's very important that it was, please very high on your agenda at this particular call 15 just yesterday, being from the Caribbean a small island developing region in the tropical RsIUG_rEnYu-00037-00038500-00039700 zoom. how our Caribbean Institute for Metrology and Hydrology, sent out a circular, indicated that the many islands of the eastern Caribbean should be bracing for an RsIUG_rEnYu-00038-00039700-00040600 extended job period. So, for instance, we have a unique model climate in that particular region where we do our addresses, and that generally ends at the end of me. RsIUG_rEnYu-00039-00040600-00041400 But they are telling us now that we should be breathing for drug conditions until the end of July. RsIUG_rEnYu-00040-00041400-00042100 So it's clearly saying that there is a certain level of impact outside of areas that are traditionally what we know as drop food areas. RsIUG_rEnYu-00041-00042100-00042600 And as such we have to be of these changes and what is needed. RsIUG_rEnYu-00042-00042600-00044400 And from that perspective I think I want to touch on the importance of ensuring that we do have, or we do make mention of the important rule that our multilateral institutions are i'm making pretending to drop so I RsIUG_rEnYu-00043-00044400-00044900 will speak specifically. How about you and CCD: and about because 3 Co. RsIUG_rEnYu-00044-00044900-00046200 14 for the intergovernmental working group. on trial. and efforts at that particular group has undertaken such that drought I could have a place at the global level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00045-00046200-00046500 So do you know, working the governmental working to control? RsIUG_rEnYu-00046-00046500-00047100 Comprised 15 experts, of course, the different regional groupings and as well. RsIUG_rEnYu-00047-00047100-00048700 15 regional representatives, and that group met for roughly 2 years in a very virtual environment, and had very intense discussions arounding throughout at the global level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00048-00048700-00050100 And what we can recommend to the country parties are called 15 pertaining to. addressing this issue and ensuring that the the level of attention, Yeah, an advocacy for drought is achieved. RsIUG_rEnYu-00049-00050100-00051400 So the group recognize the integrated job management pillars and identified within the group for task groups. RsIUG_rEnYu-00050-00051400-00053200 That's special, Especially Look at yeah warning systems in pack and vulnerability assessment, financial resources as well as aspects of policy and institutional arrangements. and throughout that those deliberations some key points came out RsIUG_rEnYu-00051-00053200-00054200 that was very important to how we think about drugs and how we should move to what's trying to address drought at a very global level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00052-00054200-00056100 Notably it was recognized i'm a very ineffective from a consensus perspective is that there is a need for more consulting effort, and to what's dropped and i'm thinking and RsIUG_rEnYu-00053-00056100-00057400 this particular pop is a I did open opportunity for country parties to assert themselves and to reassure the global community that, actually sticking as it as it relates to drugs. RsIUG_rEnYu-00054-00057400-00058900 So we know that that is very key. We also know is that, you know, which has to be integrated approach, and that approach must also be one that is coordinated among the furious players that we have at international regional as well RsIUG_rEnYu-00055-00058900-00059900 as local level. We also recognize the importance of ensuring that we have a too active approach to ensuring our early warning systems. RsIUG_rEnYu-00056-00059900-00060700 In place. Our monitoring capacity is there, and we also understand, at the very local level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00057-00060700-00061800 Vulnerability and impact assessment. So those are some very key areas that we knew that we have to a address as part of a global effort. RsIUG_rEnYu-00058-00061800-00063700 The Un. CCD. is in a crime position. once guided by country country parties 2 coordinate efforts towards ensuring that we , at a very high level in our global agenda and we recognize that RsIUG_rEnYu-00059-00063700-00064400 the impacts to our global population. might be just as significant as many of you as a global threat that we face. RsIUG_rEnYu-00060-00064400-00065000 I think I would end there. Thank you so very much. Excellent! RsIUG_rEnYu-00061-00065000-00066200 Great. Thank you so much. doctor, we typically appreciate the thoughts that you have brought to this mornings briefing. We really appreciate it. RsIUG_rEnYu-00062-00066200-00066900 We will be opening up to questions anytime soon. and please, for those who are have joined us this morning. RsIUG_rEnYu-00063-00066900-00068500 Please bear with the literary technical maneuver So we're trying to do a year So we've gotten a global business faculty from someone with Google working on droughts at handling trials issue from a global perspective working for the RsIUG_rEnYu-00064-00068500-00069000 intake of mental working group on Droughts, and part of the Un. CCD. RsIUG_rEnYu-00065-00069000-00069400 For those who do not know, particularly the journalists. Obviously the UncCD. RsIUG_rEnYu-00066-00069400-00069800 Is this global conference of the parties of nations, with several other. RsIUG_rEnYu-00067-00069800-00071100 You know, international organizations, civil society groups, businesses working on, making sure that they are addressing all issues with respect to lunch dealership, but which drought is obviously a keeper to this. RsIUG_rEnYu-00068-00071100-00071400 So you would have a chance to ask him questions. but great does from you. RsIUG_rEnYu-00069-00071400-00072200 Thank you very much with that i'm gonna now turn it over to our friend and colleague from the African Union Commission. RsIUG_rEnYu-00070-00072200-00073500 For several years now he's been working on the great Grin Wall, which is one of these you would say Morti actual project which is aims at, you know, containing the spread of the Sahara Desert, so many of the RsIUG_rEnYu-00071-00073500-00074100 journalists yet of the time game are from countries that are faced by our data facing the challenges of Proud. RsIUG_rEnYu-00072-00074100-00074600 So it'll be important that you can speak directly to them and obviously after that they can then ask you questions. RsIUG_rEnYu-00073-00074600-00074900 So you have about 10min to be able to do that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00074-00074900-00076100 Thank you a little bit to you. Yes, I thank you very much, and thanks for the invitation, and welcome to our brother from our Jasper, which is, by the way, the ninth region of the African. RsIUG_rEnYu-00075-00076100-00076900 But which is, does the dream I mean we We're not getting it right. RsIUG_rEnYu-00076-00076900-00077300 So thank you very much. and not to be here today. RsIUG_rEnYu-00077-00077300-00079200 So we are talking about very important people. in fact, drought desertification, land, the sun, and those stones which are all related to trials enough Africa today. RsIUG_rEnYu-00078-00079200-00081400 Which is many conf. are not losing the transport because of the existence of cloud. extreme way, that conditions on all of this in Africa is been exacerbated by climate change and climate change is one RsIUG_rEnYu-00079-00081400-00082200 of the biggest, of the cloud that extra weather conditions on the continent, especially in the drylands of Africa. RsIUG_rEnYu-00080-00082200-00083100 And as you know, Africa is 60% dry because that's what many people I I tend not to to know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00081-00083100-00084400 And And so when we talk specifically about drug as we speak in the home of Africa, we have 20.6 million people that are facing Hong Kong and malnutrition and millions of hey? RsIUG_rEnYu-00082-00084400-00085100 It's. Okay. Animals have been destroyed completely because of trial. RsIUG_rEnYu-00083-00085100-00085300 I Swiss Peak, in the southern part of Angola. RsIUG_rEnYu-00084-00085300-00085900 Many people don't know that the angola can be stuffing from to our We have for 10 million people. RsIUG_rEnYu-00085-00085900-00086500 That's a displaced and not needed humanitarian intervention because of drugs. RsIUG_rEnYu-00086-00086500-00088200 In fact, my colleagues just came the my colleagues of the of the disaster which the Red Cross and other humanitarian organization went down to Southern The incidence of trial this year in in RsIUG_rEnYu-00087-00088200-00088800 Madagascar, which is an island nation, more than 10 million people with software. RsIUG_rEnYu-00088-00088800-00089500 Phone in the southern part of the country, so the incident of throughout in Africa could not be over emphasized. RsIUG_rEnYu-00089-00089500-00090400 If we look at the design, we are just here, at the fringes of desire throughout increases of more than one mentor. RsIUG_rEnYu-00090-00090400-00091000 Construction of of of every board line support the Meta a year to do throughout. RsIUG_rEnYu-00091-00091000-00091800 So drug is a wheel trade. so it's a multiplier of many, many, many incidents that we are having today. RsIUG_rEnYu-00092-00091800-00093000 In fact, one of the main factors, much better of conflict of country is due to Java, which is manifested through the certification which is goes by. Yeah. RsIUG_rEnYu-00093-00093000-00093400 Also send the whole users of none non degradation. RsIUG_rEnYu-00094-00093400-00094300 This field to pay motion. drought is a fabulous in Portugal or ikrusha element in Africa's development. RsIUG_rEnYu-00095-00094300-00095100 And that's my brother from tobago say it is So it's so important that now they say all day. RsIUG_rEnYu-00096-00095100-00096100 That is been dedicated for throughout here at this international conference, and I think, if there is anything in Africa that has push mainstream, RsIUG_rEnYu-00097-00096100-00096800 Who's the agenda or drought on the continent is the great great world, the good world which is a Pan African program. RsIUG_rEnYu-00098-00096800-00098500 As what? I hello! Quickly they could come out is African program that was created by the Africa Union into 2,005, and it's one of those few tools that came from the head of State themselves. RsIUG_rEnYu-00099-00098500-00099100 Because it was brought forward by RsIUG_rEnYu-00100-00099100-00099900 Yeah, that taking over by President, what of the 10% of the 2,005? RsIUG_rEnYu-00101-00099900-00100700 And then the President created it, and then caught upon the scientist to work on it, you know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00102-00100700-00101300 So it's it's a very very important program for Africa at the agenda. RsIUG_rEnYu-00103-00101300-00102300 If you look at the agenda, 26, and 3, which is the Africa in the genius development, attended the aspiration. RsIUG_rEnYu-00104-00102300-00102700 One talks about sustainability of the constant and the up the good couldn't work. RsIUG_rEnYu-00105-00102700-00103600 This path of the flashy program of the Africa Union that enhances the implementation of at that 26, 3. RsIUG_rEnYu-00106-00103600-00104700 So they click doing. One was initiated, and then 2,000, And it became a fantastic program for social level and management and restoration. RsIUG_rEnYu-00107-00104700-00106000 Which is the way all the web , and when you talk about the drivers, we'll talk about 60% of the content. RsIUG_rEnYu-00108-00106000-00106500 Which means that basically talking about half of the population of the content. RsIUG_rEnYu-00109-00106500-00108200 These are alias that so far for vulnerability because of extreme weather conditions, things like drought in on 100 and then a few most down below you have silver flood. RsIUG_rEnYu-00110-00108200-00108800 I'll give you a statistically what I do in 2,007 in 2,000, and 9. RsIUG_rEnYu-00111-00108800-00109900 There was a rental. What? in 24h that is, $74 for 2 to 3 months. RsIUG_rEnYu-00112-00109900-00111200 It completely. Almost the whole code Detroit house, right and the Moles, and everything that you can take off RsIUG_rEnYu-00113-00111200-00112200 The could be more was created because of this increasing itself of extreme weather conditions on the Continent, especially in this. RsIUG_rEnYu-00114-00112200-00113100 I have By then climate change was not very. I have moved, you understand? RsIUG_rEnYu-00115-00113100-00114300 So there was not much talk about there was 2 which is answers whether climate change is really pushing the drought or you know, pushing this extreme what up conditions but the sense of open. RsIUG_rEnYu-00116-00114300-00115100 That it is created one of the biggest challenges that the violence of of fits and at the drought are they at climate change? RsIUG_rEnYu-00117-00115100-00116100 It's even more tire The biggest conflict We are happy in the trials of Africa today. RsIUG_rEnYu-00118-00116100-00117900 Competition for access. Our use of natural resources, especially if it's manifested to farmers and craziest that are completely annoyed pitching in the very limous way of the intervention of animals that want to come RsIUG_rEnYu-00119-00117900-00118300 out, and I I have drinking rota into the phone. RsIUG_rEnYu-00120-00118300-00120000 Just so in that face like you have one does i'm not happy with the customers, because they are animals are destroying their traps, and and are setting away their animals RsIUG_rEnYu-00121-00120000-00121400 Access. perfect time that for for agriculture, for pastor I love stuff for 94. RsIUG_rEnYu-00122-00121400-00122900 Oh, the actor, you know, in africa's 80% of our economic activities are in continuation after this based on land, and more than 80% of our agriculture is still in fact, which means the purposes of nature directly RsIUG_rEnYu-00123-00122900-00124100 directly affects force. So when there was drought when there's this situation window is not the position but touching the very core of the existence of our community. RsIUG_rEnYu-00124-00124100-00125200 And so the issues of this nature is very very important that's Why, here, at the call, you most have listened to the champion of the Africa, you know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00125-00125200-00126600 But in our statistics about the challenges that africa is facing. That's why we're so happy with the legacy program. , that the President of this country That's what i'm how was it what that'd be it will RsIUG_rEnYu-00126-00126600-00127800 go a long way in enhancing the implementation of the good green world. And if I have to come back with zoom work and what are the focus, I think I need to talk a bit about all the programs at the end of the Africa RsIUG_rEnYu-00127-00127800-00128500 you don't have that are aimed at combatants about. We have awaited due to the coffee. RsIUG_rEnYu-00128-00128500-00129300 We had the good recovery. action plan was developed by the idiot, the Union and its partners to look at R recovery. RsIUG_rEnYu-00129-00129300-00129800 How do we and Covid recovery from the conflict? RsIUG_rEnYu-00130-00129800-00130500 Pandemic, but true, not true i'm a in in a more sustainable way, because we saw the impact of copy. RsIUG_rEnYu-00131-00130500-00131700 And then we also have the t our That's, How it's reductional unit of the Afghan, you know that has that the the framework for implementation of the San Diego working in Africa which is the RsIUG_rEnYu-00132-00131700-00133100 Africa, . Co. in the as we speak a new kind of level or 2, was just which is the Monti has that any warning systems that was installed at the African Union to ensure that RsIUG_rEnYu-00133-00133100-00133700 It's just to do with external that was and do some. RsIUG_rEnYu-00134-00133700-00135300 I like eddie. that's the population that you have to start with in place measures that will mitigate and adapt to this extra audition. to also have we have we have to climb into the strategy we have RsIUG_rEnYu-00135-00135300-00136000 the the the 2 economic strategy that looks at the issues to do with disasters also. RsIUG_rEnYu-00136-00136000-00136900 So within the film of the Africa you don't and show that issues don't like trial. RsIUG_rEnYu-00137-00136900-00138100 And more lunch landscape approach, because you can not stack on no sect to contact with such a difficult program. RsIUG_rEnYu-00138-00138100-00139000 You know they? What did I school, though, of of economics through the common land program they call throughout this application that are weate programs. RsIUG_rEnYu-00139-00139000-00139600 We could. Tools are pulling that new one. A push can solve it. RsIUG_rEnYu-00140-00139600-00141500 , together, every board of been together, every Atco to be able to solve that for the And that is why the good Google actually said, it's a multifacet that multi partner, development. a a a strategy of the africa you know RsIUG_rEnYu-00141-00141500-00142100 and today we are talking about the 6 Member States from the RsIUG_rEnYu-00142-00142100-00142500 How are we doing with Egypt? Julia? RsIUG_rEnYu-00143-00142500-00142900 Moreover, and all of our countries in there in the world. RsIUG_rEnYu-00144-00142900-00143600 In front of this all the countries in the in the Sahara and the hecat. RsIUG_rEnYu-00145-00143600-00144600 This is the Eastern Africa region. And now, since 2,015, we have no extending to the 16 Member States of the Southern Africa region. RsIUG_rEnYu-00146-00144600-00145600 Yeah, no excellent I thought that was sort of It's very substantive presentation of the great green. RsIUG_rEnYu-00147-00145600-00146400 World. but before that, your position as an expert with respect to the criticality of drop, and how that links to our livelihood. RsIUG_rEnYu-00148-00146400-00147000 How that affects our overall development. moving forward so that's very critical for the journalists. RsIUG_rEnYu-00149-00147000-00147800 What are connected here. so their participants you've actually listened to 2 experts. RsIUG_rEnYu-00150-00147800-00148100 This morning. it would be great that we could hear from you at this point. RsIUG_rEnYu-00151-00148100-00148800 If you do have any questions, we'll be more than happy to take them, we can tell that you already send in some questions, and please use the Q and A. RsIUG_rEnYu-00152-00148800-00149400 And we can see quite some questions here. and I'm glad to see a question coming from David David Kazi. RsIUG_rEnYu-00153-00149400-00150300 He works for the more issues broadcasting cooperation it's an island State and so you talked a little bit about Rodi, Madagascar. RsIUG_rEnYu-00154-00150300-00150600 Someone not imagined that there is fraud in Madagascar. RsIUG_rEnYu-00155-00150600-00151200 So this is very important, so if there are I think it's important for us to not be able to do questions. RsIUG_rEnYu-00156-00151200-00151700 We've had 25min of you know discussion and so let's see what questions we do. half year. RsIUG_rEnYu-00157-00151700-00153000 So there is one from Evelyn evelyn is actually a journalist for working for Dutch Ella, and she's based in Liberia, and her question is, that how many countries have made significant progress in combating route RsIUG_rEnYu-00158-00153000-00153700 and which countries in Africa are at high risk I think this is a question that's directly directed to you not to thank it. RsIUG_rEnYu-00159-00153700-00154200 So maybe you want to answer that little quick so i'll repeat that obey in? RsIUG_rEnYu-00160-00154200-00154600 She had question is, how many countries have made significant progress in combating proud? RsIUG_rEnYu-00161-00154600-00155000 So you have 36 member countries who are part of the great world. RsIUG_rEnYu-00162-00155000-00155600 Yeah, I think she wants to see which countries are doing better in terms of combating which are not doing well. RsIUG_rEnYu-00163-00155600-00156000 . so do you have any thoughts with respect to yes, yes, of course. RsIUG_rEnYu-00164-00156000-00157200 I'm a evident thanks firmware here countries are doing a lot of different levels, as I say, to come back issues of thisification drought. RsIUG_rEnYu-00165-00157200-00158300 You need, as I say it's also we can problem which means every aspect, every part of this society has to be involved. RsIUG_rEnYu-00166-00158300-00159100 It's just not only the minister of development or definition of force, so, which countries are doing. RsIUG_rEnYu-00167-00159100-00159900 Oh, good countries are doing good in such aematics. RsIUG_rEnYu-00168-00159900-00161200 Yeah, that's, for instance, it's up here it's doing so well in terms of for station and restoration of land as we speak. RsIUG_rEnYu-00169-00161200-00161600 It took us but the we thought about 5 million hectares of land. RsIUG_rEnYu-00170-00161600-00162500 That doing work is doing very well in terms of also restoration, because I've done about 12 million hectares. RsIUG_rEnYu-00171-00162500-00164400 But Syndica is also doing better in terms of probably see, because the government of Senegal invests above 400 million cfa every year. RsIUG_rEnYu-00172-00164400-00164800 Unwilling steady is part of the national. Yeah. RsIUG_rEnYu-00173-00164800-00165200 Project for the to support implementation of the good reward. RsIUG_rEnYu-00174-00165200-00166300 No, not to Ya. he's also doing very well in terms of also the governance of the directing world, because ratio took it a bit higher. RsIUG_rEnYu-00175-00166300-00167200 Question of the oil phone goes to the ecological phones, and 2% of that ecological. RsIUG_rEnYu-00176-00167200-00167600 Most of the implementation of the good New World at the site. RsIUG_rEnYu-00177-00167600-00169000 Right. So there are 7 well, you know, and then you have consciousness on the book in the fossil, and are also doing very well in at the level of development of value. RsIUG_rEnYu-00178-00169000-00170800 Change. What we got known to Buffalo was product right, which also has in restoration, because people now tend to see that living trees are better than that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00179-00170800-00171800 Trees, because they have , from these trees that have now, like she bought at the from my international garage. it would package the Us. RsIUG_rEnYu-00180-00171800-00172400 And that even go to the stop exchange. So these countries are doing. RsIUG_rEnYu-00181-00172400-00174300 Yeah. which is very practical because of the incident of throughout, and they almost disappearance of the chat region, is doing very well in terms of with soften So I met with that conflict. RsIUG_rEnYu-00182-00174300-00175500 You understand? Well, most of the conflict. You lecture the company from the coconut It is competition over user and access to natural resources. RsIUG_rEnYu-00183-00175500-00176500 So everything do you? Different countries are doing different things, and they are good in different aspects of fighting throughout and desertification. RsIUG_rEnYu-00184-00176500-00177000 So. But okay, let's say one thing is clear hey? RsIUG_rEnYu-00185-00177000-00178500 Eden, , notification and documentation it's touching as I say, is our external existential trade in Africa. RsIUG_rEnYu-00186-00178500-00179600 Well, excellent points the tank game, and maybe just to say that, because happening from live area if you do have any, follow-up respect to the any that might have to do. RsIUG_rEnYu-00187-00179600-00180300 Liberia. Please do not hesitate to and every in Obviously you can feel free to contact we're gonna send We're gonna send Dr. RsIUG_rEnYu-00188-00180300-00180800 Tangiums contact You you and all those what participated this morning. RsIUG_rEnYu-00189-00180800-00181600 Let's see this David who has a question obviously we're gonna come back to you at some point of the guys. there is David from David Kazi. RsIUG_rEnYu-00190-00181600-00182300 He's from Mauritius this question is what about issues full of up concerning the engagement of countries at the regional local level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00191-00182300-00182900 Is there any institution that will oversee the actions being done by countries concerning the trial issue? RsIUG_rEnYu-00192-00182900-00184100 No I don't know if any of you want to take this question sounds a little bit broad, we. RsIUG_rEnYu-00193-00184100-00185100 We work the Africa in New York, within the within a system called a system of subsidiary, which means we work through what we call the X. RsIUG_rEnYu-00194-00185100-00186600 The original economic communities. And since you are in it's more issues, right, we Yeah. welcome very closely with the satellite secretary with the Southern Africa Government Community secretary, they call today you would say that there was a launch of RsIUG_rEnYu-00195-00186600-00186900 the 2 band, , and i'll do for the Southern Africa. RsIUG_rEnYu-00196-00186900-00187500 Things happen into the tomorrow we've worked with all those RsIUG_rEnYu-00197-00187500-00189200 With others regional institutions to ensure that and it's a system to ensure sustainability and integrity. because if we sit in at disabled and talk about what is happening in the Southern Africa, so without the RsIUG_rEnYu-00198-00189200-00189700 app it will not it's not tenable it's not sustainable. Yeah. RsIUG_rEnYu-00199-00189700-00190200 So, and the development of strategy. Now we are working with the Southern up with the static. RsIUG_rEnYu-00200-00190200-00191100 Community to develop what we call the original action plan, and then after that would develop the that they percentage of the great wolf. RsIUG_rEnYu-00201-00191100-00191900 And so this is don't you patrick actually which is very inclusive, Excellent! RsIUG_rEnYu-00202-00191900-00192500 So yeah super let us say, Yeah, Dr. thank you sorry that's the value. RsIUG_rEnYu-00203-00192500-00193000 Just so, you know. A lot of the journalists were participating in this webinar this morning. RsIUG_rEnYu-00204-00193000-00193500 Mostly from the African region, so you can understand the bias or questions around the region. RsIUG_rEnYu-00205-00193500-00194600 Probably understandable But we're gonna come to you in a few minutes, because I think it's important for us to talk a little bit about the support on draw that you talked about, and some of the consensus that is a Imagine respect to what should RsIUG_rEnYu-00206-00194600-00195000 be done in terms of addressing throughout. so we will come back to that in a few minutes. RsIUG_rEnYu-00207-00195000-00195400 But quickly. Evelyn has a question the follow-up which I think Dr. RsIUG_rEnYu-00208-00195400-00196100 Sanchez should address his librarian part of the 30 sixth grade, in what interests and what is his performance cause? I think she might want to complete a story on that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00209-00196100-00197200 But again you can. Is it a yes or no? I mean RsIUG_rEnYu-00210-00197200-00197800 So let's take a few more Guys questions that are coming in. There is one from Paul or Moreover. RsIUG_rEnYu-00211-00197800-00198200 He says, What would he consider to be with this challenge on the great world? RsIUG_rEnYu-00212-00198200-00198900 The greatest challenge for thank you for that question. that you quit is challenging of the good room world is a narrative. RsIUG_rEnYu-00213-00198900-00200200 It's a communication around it. But i'm there that that that is a funny one, because you see many when the good Google started, many of the all the media said it was another white elephant. RsIUG_rEnYu-00214-00200200-00200700 Project. They said it was the it was never going to work. These Africans are crazy. RsIUG_rEnYu-00215-00200700-00201600 I have those with us So then now we took what's very bad, and then the it was like it was all about just planting trees hack. RsIUG_rEnYu-00216-00201600-00202000 I do plan to . How can you do that? No. RsIUG_rEnYu-00217-00202000-00202400 So. but over the years we have worked Cleveland. RsIUG_rEnYu-00218-00202400-00203200 Okay of the narrative. make it more understandable to me before that trees. RsIUG_rEnYu-00219-00203200-00203800 When you say you have contributed to sport, so you it sure to actually go close. RsIUG_rEnYu-00220-00203800-00204300 You have to take care of the water issues around the trees, especially in dry lands. RsIUG_rEnYu-00221-00204300-00205000 You have to take about the order which is the agriculture and postalization around the tree, you have to make sure that the tree is protected. RsIUG_rEnYu-00222-00205000-00205900 So so they treat it's for a tree to cool it's which I think in the difficult dry area. RsIUG_rEnYu-00223-00205900-00206400 It means you have taken care of almost all of the challenges to have out the trees. RsIUG_rEnYu-00224-00206400-00206900 Are. You have to think of the needs of the order at those around the tree? RsIUG_rEnYu-00225-00206900-00207600 So that is why we talked about trees it's a microphone. i'm trying to say make that for for the more to facet it. RsIUG_rEnYu-00226-00207600-00208600 So syllable land management but that they can please allow me more, or the trailers. for instance. RsIUG_rEnYu-00227-00208600-00209600 Now we are into because 51 they won't go to plant any trees, so you must take care of that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00228-00209600-00210600 We are now having to peace building initiatives of the conflict that is existing between the the the The failure was active. RsIUG_rEnYu-00229-00210600-00211100 I don't want to focus so much on head that's on farmers, because i'm not only the main one. RsIUG_rEnYu-00230-00211100-00212000 So, and you know that conflict has double issues because it doesn't only destroy the development it destroys the corporate. RsIUG_rEnYu-00231-00212000-00212800 So we really need to focus now on our community have only for also be able to implement whether we have that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00232-00212800-00214400 Smart famous. But at the oh, in vito, so far let us just tend to doubt. the is Elsie and i'm apologize If I Mispronounce your RsIUG_rEnYu-00233-00214400-00215100 name. this is much and indigenous to us, very little bit exotic as well as just about that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00234-00215100-00216300 But the point here would be that, as an internal working group, you are there it providing evidence, Yeah, that provide the analytical part of work for the pollution to to make the decisions. RsIUG_rEnYu-00235-00216300-00217100 And the question here, of course, is that yes, I know you said at this top we've elevated drought, you know, to a level where you might be very comfortable. RsIUG_rEnYu-00236-00217100-00218400 But tell us a little bit Are you comfortable to go to this point that you know they add some of the analytical work that you're producing, including this report that you're talking about drug is actually feeding into the policy. RsIUG_rEnYu-00237-00218400-00219300 I mean nobody. And would you say which regions are doing well in terms of actually taking evidence of what and that sort of thing? Do you want to speak to that a little bit? RsIUG_rEnYu-00238-00219300-00220900 Thank you. sounds so very much, and I would. I would start by saying that the assess to which the actual lab report was created was a very intensive process it until taking us to think already happened that national level So we did RsIUG_rEnYu-00239-00220900-00223200 review a number of national policies we did with you on the national drug plants that were ready to pay They get a sense globally, as we have with regards to the addressing that that that RsIUG_rEnYu-00240-00223200-00224400 stops. It was analyzed what eventually, came off of that with the identification of key gaps, and led to the developer options for improvement. RsIUG_rEnYu-00241-00224400-00225500 As the how our various institutions, such as our uses come by drove action at that point. RsIUG_rEnYu-00242-00225500-00226100 So, if RsIUG_rEnYu-00243-00226100-00227200 And one of the key things that we recognize is that it cannot be business as usual, because we recognize that the business as usual is leading us down on a track, and that, yeah, Dt: or everything. RsIUG_rEnYu-00244-00227200-00228200 We forgot so obviously our land and all this impacts that, that degradation of land, including the impacts of Job, are having on our communities, particularly do that have vulnerable. RsIUG_rEnYu-00245-00228200-00229100 So we knew that that business, as usual, was not such; that there was something else. RsIUG_rEnYu-00246-00229100-00229500 Having said that we we deliberated, for some time. RsIUG_rEnYu-00247-00229500-00229900 As to what kind of we recommend, especially at a global level. RsIUG_rEnYu-00248-00229900-00230600 Be recommended for improving our cost action to what? RsIUG_rEnYu-00249-00230600-00231200 And we recognize that that had to be done at different levels of different skills. RsIUG_rEnYu-00250-00231200-00232700 So it is with a median Schema and it's gonna be presented. to the company hoping that the contents of passengers who recognized significance of that he as mentioned again about 40 here you have RsIUG_rEnYu-00251-00232700-00234000 to recognize that it's multifaceted wiles for additional mom speak will have to recognize that It's a little more than what we thought it was that it is no longer so thing that is and I know we do RsIUG_rEnYu-00252-00234000-00234300 the aircraft traditionally that's a for me to run. RsIUG_rEnYu-00253-00234300-00235900 But it's not only those countries that are are there climate change as well mentioned number of countries within the last 2 years are experiencing trump and is having a tremendous impact on our our food, security, you know, livelihoods on my RsIUG_rEnYu-00254-00235900-00236900 creation and many issues. So I think when we look at that banded view of John, then brings it to a level that we have to pay specific attention to. You know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00255-00236900-00237300 Are there many ways in which we can address these concerts? RsIUG_rEnYu-00256-00237300-00239200 For instance, we recognize that you know, one thing that is required is a deeper understanding on the actual vulnerability and the impact that drops out on local communities, while we may speak to mainstreaming various elements of these recommendations international RsIUG_rEnYu-00257-00239200-00239500 policy Also, after Internet that is a need for us to be able to monitor. RsIUG_rEnYu-00258-00239500-00240200 See how you know even our efforts are doing that. How effective are those it will be now speaking about. RsIUG_rEnYu-00259-00240200-00241800 That whereas under the Us. measurement of effectiveness, and the abstract objective free you know, that's fixed to whether or not it's in activities towards drug mitigation is actually having an effect at that RsIUG_rEnYu-00260-00241800-00243800 particular, whether or not our current activities, some amount of refinement to address that whose evolving circumstances super super, you know, I have to say that for the journalists who are connected is I mean we already. RsIUG_rEnYu-00261-00243800-00244200 Seen, you know, some stories emerging Yeah, isn't it that drought obviously is. RsIUG_rEnYu-00262-00244200-00244900 Imagine as a key issue at this conference, but also in our overall development dynamics moving forward. RsIUG_rEnYu-00263-00244900-00245800 And I see that as a key story, right? Because, you know, based on all of what we are now hearing from these 2 experts, this is pretty good. RsIUG_rEnYu-00264-00245800-00246800 We have received questions and of course if you're just joining us, You haven't missed a lot we actually you know having this briefing from the Unc. RsIUG_rEnYu-00265-00246800-00247100 City fifteenth conference of the party cues. RsIUG_rEnYu-00266-00247100-00248000 There is a question from Robert. there is another question from Tusani in Zimbabwe. RsIUG_rEnYu-00267-00248000-00248900 Robert is from Kenya, and there is one as well from Leonard. not exactly. sure. But you're not from Malawi. Super. RsIUG_rEnYu-00268-00248900-00249300 So all of this again seem to have some parallel with a great real world. RsIUG_rEnYu-00269-00249300-00250200 . let's see the first one. is from Robin, and Robert says number one, He has 3 questions actually one the landscape, you know, has moved from green yellow. RsIUG_rEnYu-00270-00250200-00251200 And now, Brown, do you see Africa reversing the changes that's a question to you, Paul. RsIUG_rEnYu-00271-00251200-00252100 The other one, Alice Rata. The other one is second question is, do you think that the agenda, 2,063, has been well publicized to the masses? RsIUG_rEnYu-00272-00252100-00252800 In other words, to the population i'm ben the third one is a bloomy feature is a managing from top 15 Us. RsIUG_rEnYu-00273-00252800-00253600 But then, instead of the certification in Africa, do you feel the international community pledge to restore 1 billion hectares of degraded land? RsIUG_rEnYu-00274-00253600-00254600 But it is feasible, especially in Africa. So these are substantive questions. If you would take a few minutes to address this and please doctor, please feel free to jump in anytime. RsIUG_rEnYu-00275-00254600-00255100 If there is something that you feel you might want to compliment. RsIUG_rEnYu-00276-00255100-00256000 Yes, thank you very much. I think those have very questions fast up evolution of landscape. RsIUG_rEnYu-00277-00256000-00256800 In Africa is consent. Yes, we we we have that very, very aware of the definition. RsIUG_rEnYu-00278-00256800-00257400 We shall vote by you know, RsIUG_rEnYu-00279-00257400-00258300 You know land use land use change andic change some of the key. RsIUG_rEnYu-00280-00258300-00258900 I'm a i'm a factors that are pushing like he. RsIUG_rEnYu-00281-00258900-00259600 Yeah, great, And maybe K Ivan will create things like that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00282-00259600-00260500 Yeah, and those are very, very Ceos challenges that we are having to be, but it's it's we are very, very positive. RsIUG_rEnYu-00283-00260500-00261000 If you look at the the adjacent 26 tutorial, you will realize, too. RsIUG_rEnYu-00284-00261000-00261500 Yeah, that is a issues to do with sustainable land management. RsIUG_rEnYu-00285-00261500-00262400 Very, very, i'm it's probably probably clear in it, and Africa's the government will be buried on the sustainability of its land. RsIUG_rEnYu-00286-00262400-00263800 We are in 9 people. I was so sure linked to our land, and so Nan is more than just about how identity, you know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00287-00263800-00264400 If you look at all of us within the band, too, wherever you come from, as a land is very important. RsIUG_rEnYu-00288-00264400-00265000 And so yes, we yeah positive. Why? Because the last Ipcc report came out. RsIUG_rEnYu-00289-00265000-00266500 At first there was a lot of this location on how climate change was seen in the world. but the last Ipc report hooked up out the contribution of land application to climate change, and all of a sudden, the world. RsIUG_rEnYu-00290-00266500-00267500 Was that? Oh, my God! So this thing! because, oh, like an African thing! even the Usc. RsIUG_rEnYu-00291-00267500-00268400 City was still called the African Convention, because they thought that always, just before in Africa, , but not one. RsIUG_rEnYu-00292-00268400-00270100 There was a scientific, but not the creation Okay, it's a much better, because when you did with and of course the couple slides away, and where does it go to the ozone? RsIUG_rEnYu-00293-00270100-00271000 There that all of a sudden the Us. has become one of the most popular convention. RsIUG_rEnYu-00294-00271000-00271500 So we are very positive it's a lot that's still used to be done. RsIUG_rEnYu-00295-00271500-00271900 I like How about that? said But and not it's been Dot already? RsIUG_rEnYu-00296-00271900-00272900 So for those of us that are in the sector At first we will will look RsIUG_rEnYu-00297-00272900-00273500 Excellent, and the incidence of coffee is very important in in in what we are talking here today. RsIUG_rEnYu-00298-00273500-00274400 When Covid Not so every port and the work was last, you remember, in my country. RsIUG_rEnYu-00299-00274400-00275000 Come on. Everybody went back into the traditional systems of do it because oh, the pharmacies were not. RsIUG_rEnYu-00300-00275000-00277200 Everything was stuff, There was no food. There was no more international Trade and then people would not die as much as possible. RsIUG_rEnYu-00301-00277200-00277600 Excellent point, thank you. . I can tell that you're very passionate about this. RsIUG_rEnYu-00302-00277600-00277900 Paul wants to know. do you think they are generally 60? RsIUG_rEnYu-00303-00277900-00278300 3 has been more publicized to the master. No. do you have any thoughts on that? RsIUG_rEnYu-00304-00278300-00280000 I took that 26 to 3 words launching 2,050 it's the Africa Stages as a documentary RsIUG_rEnYu-00305-00280000-00281700 Okay, not that much, but I that's a new answer to it us the process of implementation of that document I'm. RsIUG_rEnYu-00306-00281700-00283100 So it's been implemented. in our member states people are seeing their food, but they still don't know that it's a platform So that's Why, it's it's not excellent point take this last one RsIUG_rEnYu-00307-00283100-00283900 from Paul, which is that there is of course, a promise and a commitment to plan to 1 billion tries by 2030 is feasible in Africa. RsIUG_rEnYu-00308-00283900-00285600 That's the question it's visible it's visible. I don't know what facility type of disability needs but 20 touch is just one and that is the good twin world. How many have you granted on the recorded RsIUG_rEnYu-00309-00285600-00286200 call. you cannot come. How many trees that goes in? turn back and tell you how many heck tests will send that up with Mr. RsIUG_rEnYu-00310-00286200-00286700 Okay, So how about the video? Take that offline? If you look at the last assessment with what I would do with us. RsIUG_rEnYu-00311-00286700-00287200 Ccd. by the way, we from when it was started in 2,007. RsIUG_rEnYu-00312-00287200-00288100 We became a program today. I don't 80% of the target and that 18% is not about those trees. RsIUG_rEnYu-00313-00288100-00288700 It's about the number of people we have we've created more than 10 million dollars. RsIUG_rEnYu-00314-00288700-00289100 We've created it's a more than 200 or 50,000. RsIUG_rEnYu-00315-00289100-00289500 Not sure how we saw space enterprises we we start communities. RsIUG_rEnYu-00316-00289500-00290700 We'll put into one of the biggest are you new policies everything without the right policy that they will happen. RsIUG_rEnYu-00317-00290700-00291500 So we have managed, through the good reward, to have a regional policy on the certification, on drug, on land. RsIUG_rEnYu-00318-00291500-00291900 The willation and members to traffic common channel to wish RsIUG_rEnYu-00319-00291900-00292500 They are working together, and our partners have not. A platform, too, is to come up with that resources. RsIUG_rEnYu-00320-00292500-00294100 That is why in the last. but one plan is so it We can mobilize to 19.1 billion dollars in a day for this certification for climate change, and for which , excellent there is just quite some interest in RsIUG_rEnYu-00321-00294100-00294900 this topic. the journalists are really excited and since, like they have a lot of questions . RsIUG_rEnYu-00322-00294900-00295500 Joshani Bassana it's based in Sabbath, and his question is that giving that brought us as much as a huge development issue across Africa. RsIUG_rEnYu-00323-00295500-00295900 How do we move from political and policy commitment to action? RsIUG_rEnYu-00324-00295900-00296300 So talking this fried that is really both of you. RsIUG_rEnYu-00325-00296300-00296800 Experts have spoken about this morning, giving that 230 is not far. RsIUG_rEnYu-00326-00296800-00297500 Of course, 3 is ours on Africa. Yeah. 2,030 is respect to the Sg: So 2, how do you really move? all of this to action? RsIUG_rEnYu-00327-00297500-00298800 That is why we we he's in zimbabwe I remember It's one of our targets, and that is why we lent a lot in the past decade from what we've done in the South and RsIUG_rEnYu-00328-00298800-00300500 that's why, I will this hi is good too, not stable in terms of you know, but in terms of visibility, and in terms of which resources, so they said, Okay, move where the phenomenon of drought at RsIUG_rEnYu-00329-00300500-00301000 this Yeah, it's good to critical it's Communist. RsIUG_rEnYu-00330-00301000-00302200 It's 3 times out. Now also we are now working with our Member States with our reach without academic community. RsIUG_rEnYu-00331-00302200-00303800 So a short that we bush the best practices that we've had for is her down to our webpage, and the booting about what we are doing in the South of covid. is that it's not going to be as RsIUG_rEnYu-00332-00303800-00305300 long. so it will be. Yeah, we are going to fast track. what we are doing in a in the Southern Africa region, and it's not only going to be perpetual working for the problem is a very small part of it. RsIUG_rEnYu-00333-00305300-00305700 We are going straight to the few I know we do. I just came back from the long way. RsIUG_rEnYu-00334-00305700-00306500 Whether what a planning meeting for this call with the national football points of Uscc. RsIUG_rEnYu-00335-00306500-00306900 From all the countries in the is the southern of coverage. RsIUG_rEnYu-00336-00306900-00307300 On what the key messages we are going to take to the cost. RsIUG_rEnYu-00337-00307300-00308300 What will be our solid point because many people still don't know that that the world is now going down south, and many people still don't know that the downtown is suffering from drought. RsIUG_rEnYu-00338-00308300-00309800 And this is education almost the same. and this I have a so us assured, that we are really going to work according to the Francis of the Countess, and the recommendations for more local population. RsIUG_rEnYu-00339-00309800-00310400 Excellent great Well, let's take this question from you and I and then Mata Tc. RsIUG_rEnYu-00340-00310400-00311000 And then we will come back to your Robert, because you have a very important question with respect to the involvement of you. RsIUG_rEnYu-00341-00311000-00311500 But because you've already asked a question so Let's give the the opportunity to artist. RsIUG_rEnYu-00342-00311500-00312100 So from the Malawi News Agency. there is a question, How is Lisoto not sorry? RsIUG_rEnYu-00343-00312100-00312400 Is there a specific time land giving to the country, especially on restoration. RsIUG_rEnYu-00344-00312400-00313000 So they work for us that go. This is from unit massuli. RsIUG_rEnYu-00345-00313000-00313600 The Malawi News Agency. Again, is there a specific timeline giving to countries, especially in on restoration? RsIUG_rEnYu-00346-00313600-00314200 So the work towards that goal. I mean, would this be have any thoughts? RsIUG_rEnYu-00347-00314200-00315000 Is there any any specific timeline? Obviously the sustainable development goes, is a timeline that everyone is working towards right. RsIUG_rEnYu-00348-00315000-00316000 I don't know if you want to well I don't know that I could speak specifically to a timeline where it comes to resolution within a country. RsIUG_rEnYu-00349-00316000-00317800 I think that is a right. yeah. but nonetheless, I think the time is now, and I think that we have to recognize where it comes to labor solution, especially moving that this is the un decade excessive restoration it is a important aspect of how RsIUG_rEnYu-00350-00317800-00318200 we address drugs, and I think I wanna take from a group of points over here that you know. RsIUG_rEnYu-00351-00318200-00320100 The fact is that language represents the central interlocking resource for all of Google phrase. and it is something that we have to recognize that we have to address at this particular present time what are the issues. RsIUG_rEnYu-00352-00320100-00320900 As well, Similarly, as we will see with other things like climate change, that it has something that is ongoing, something that you see 4 feet. RsIUG_rEnYu-00353-00320900-00322200 You know, I know that the comments as well we we have learned a lot from the equipment , and that is what we need to do such that The time frame that'd be thinking about you know, in terms of interesting issues like RsIUG_rEnYu-00354-00322200-00323400 not really resolution I just think like it's it's done in a manner that will allow for our company to get the least amount of impact. RsIUG_rEnYu-00355-00323400-00324600 So I I really think it's something that we have to at this very moment. And I wanna ask that when you think about the yeah of all the comments. RsIUG_rEnYu-00356-00324600-00325900 Yeah, , Now, if we do not attempt to address well, particularly within the free work of these other things that seems to drive it, you know, I think we will be at a loss, and we will. RsIUG_rEnYu-00357-00325900-00326800 Be , no direct. We totally agree, with you Dr. guys because we don't want to miss that opportunity given the stakes in fall. RsIUG_rEnYu-00358-00326800-00327600 Matthewsi is based in Lisoto, and our question is, you know RsIUG_rEnYu-00359-00327600-00328100 How is little to do it in terms of land, restoration, and addressing food in security? RsIUG_rEnYu-00360-00328100-00329200 Is is it delivering as expected and in what areas is let's start doing what I know that you might have some come from sitting from the African Union? RsIUG_rEnYu-00361-00329200-00329600 You might have a say with respect to list of those performance in terms of land restoration. RsIUG_rEnYu-00362-00329600-00330700 By the Recommendation, it would always be to get to the , delegation instructory, because they can speak. you know, , very specifically with respect to some of these issues. RsIUG_rEnYu-00363-00330700-00332200 Yeah, but and the certification series yeah what couldn't government of the Soo under that taking the issue very seriously. RsIUG_rEnYu-00364-00332200-00332600 I'm. a current see that all yeah I have I was with the application. RsIUG_rEnYu-00365-00332600-00333300 Yesterday have some side to virtue. Okay, strategy to come back with itsification. RsIUG_rEnYu-00366-00333300-00333900 The very strong member of the Uscc. So yes, check in the issue of talk. RsIUG_rEnYu-00367-00333900-00335300 Seriously, because yeah, you are Connecticut, So you see the manifestations that where people have to go hundreds of kids RsIUG_rEnYu-00368-00335300-00336300 But the correlation have these, and they have lots of of heads of especially. RsIUG_rEnYu-00369-00336300-00337000 No, they are seeing the impact there's no longer a wage not to keep this animal. RsIUG_rEnYu-00370-00337000-00337400 Some people are even forced to sell down completely because it cannot go back. RsIUG_rEnYu-00371-00337400-00338600 Yeah, you know. So yeah. So the the the issues really , ? we have started with me. RsIUG_rEnYu-00372-00338600-00339900 So far we've got in they're very serious I will be working with this which is just exactly where it's not a document. RsIUG_rEnYu-00373-00339900-00341000 It's just action for all Okay, and how they want to and we're gonna send it to our panelists very positive about what's going to. RsIUG_rEnYu-00374-00341000-00342300 I can imagine that myth is going to be very excited now, because she already has a story out of Miss if livestock owners in. let's say to having a hard time finding you know RsIUG_rEnYu-00375-00342300-00343200 , obviously something to them. Speak to the Government and find out exactly what's being done to mitigate that situation. RsIUG_rEnYu-00376-00343200-00343800 We only have a few more minutes to go. But then there is a last question that I think we should raise here, which is that of youth. RsIUG_rEnYu-00377-00343800-00344700 And so Robert says, there is. there are a few you speaking at this cup whereas they are the majority of the population on the Continent, and globally as well. RsIUG_rEnYu-00378-00344700-00346300 So do you feel that, you know? us have been adequately factored in fighting product certification. and it does on both of you and the very one. Yeah. Well, I will start by saying while they may not necessarily have been RsIUG_rEnYu-00379-00346300-00347400 feature featured at the level as a youth may want to see , I think there is a space for them, and they have been a space for them this group or nothing. RsIUG_rEnYu-00380-00347400-00348100 But certainly at national regional. Next, speak to us specifically was, for instance, our region. it's , Caribbean. RsIUG_rEnYu-00381-00348100-00348600 We have a very strong youthful environment on that's, speaks. RsIUG_rEnYu-00382-00348600-00349900 Not only or I just represent not only a national level, but at our regional level through our I will call think about you. RsIUG_rEnYu-00383-00349900-00351500 I think the traditional ways in which I adults like to tend to communicate, maybe a little different from how you can reach out. So you will see that there are several people forms that do encourage after this fully various social media RsIUG_rEnYu-00384-00351500-00352000 platforms and . come in Asia to become more. RsIUG_rEnYu-00385-00352000-00353000 But one of the things we do. yeah emphasize the importance of I use we didn't we processed. RsIUG_rEnYu-00386-00353000-00354500 Because we do realize that for one the you've contribution has been extraordinary and a very, you know feature in terms of the ideas in terms of the the solutions. and also we do recognize that it is important to leave a RsIUG_rEnYu-00387-00354500-00355200 legacy, so that they understand what systems I am listed, and how those systems can be approved. RsIUG_rEnYu-00388-00355200-00355800 Moving forward. So I think the essence really is for us to continue to work. RsIUG_rEnYu-00389-00355800-00356300 To get that to ensure that that space is expanded. RsIUG_rEnYu-00390-00356300-00357400 Such that kind of have a food opportunities there for them to express themselves that they are impacted back. RsIUG_rEnYu-00391-00357400-00358300 I do believe that we do need to continue to work on that, and I think, through the company that will be exercise as well. RsIUG_rEnYu-00392-00358300-00358700 Excellent. So with that I really wanted. Thank you so much that. RsIUG_rEnYu-00393-00358700-00359900 Those I couldn't we couldn't be proud of that. You made time to be Yeah, I have to say that these 2 gentlemen are very busy. incredibly easy, and it'd be fair enough for us to let them RsIUG_rEnYu-00394-00359900-00360300 now go back to the in this case the African party. RsIUG_rEnYu-00395-00360300-00361000 I'm gonna we want to thank you so much for the time that you had to be with us. RsIUG_rEnYu-00396-00361000-00361600 We will send over, with your permission, your contacts to the journalists in case they have any. RsIUG_rEnYu-00397-00361600-00362200 , yeah, And so with that ladies and gentlemen, we would come to the end of this. RsIUG_rEnYu-00398-00362200-00362500 Press briefing from the U. N. CCD. RsIUG_rEnYu-00399-00362500-00363000 15 conference of the party. Cnn. Ab. show. Please join us again tomorrow. RsIUG_rEnYu-00400-00363000-00364100 At exactly 9 Am. Gmt: 2 of noon Nairobi time. for another griffin, perhaps focusing on food systems. Rud3d3x6EuI-00000-00000028-00000211 Music. Rud3d3x6EuI-00001-00000211-00001905 I moved up here with the family. My wife got a real good job right off and I have a real extensive background in drafting from Florida, and I assumed that I'd be able to move up here and with all of my experience that I'd be able to get in with a company up here right away and there would be no problems. Rud3d3x6EuI-00002-00001905-00003225 Once I got here in December and come April I still didn't have a job, I wasn't able to get any callbacks from any employers, and I kind of thought it was because I didn't have a degree. I didn't have kind of educational background. Rud3d3x6EuI-00003-00003225-00003911 Just that right there tells you that employers are looking at the degree; they want people with an education. Rud3d3x6EuI-00004-00003911-00004486 My name is David Henry. I am an Engineering Science Transfer, Class of 2013. Rud3d3x6EuI-00005-00004486-00005277 That's what got me here to BCC. I just got right in and I found out what a great Engineering program is here at BCC. Rud3d3x6EuI-00006-00005277-00006160 Because of the circuits class that I took and because of a mat lab programming class that I took, I'm thinking I would like to try to get into controls...aircraft controls. Rud3d3x6EuI-00007-00006160-00007003 So it was always kind of a dream of mine. You know I'd like to be an astronaut. I don't know that I can be an astronaut with my family, but I can support astronauts. Rud3d3x6EuI-00008-00007003-00007292 Congratulations...you made it! Rud3d3x6EuI-00009-00007292-00007594 Clapping. Rud3d3x6EuI-00010-00007594-00008245 And I'll be going to Florida Institute of Technology for their Aerospace Engineering Bachelor's Program. Rud3d3x6EuI-00011-00008245-00009894 The company that I'm working at--again I think it was the degree that finally did it--they had a real long list of requirements, and I really believe that the degree and the certificate that I earned played into their decision to hire me over some other. Rud3d3x6EuI-00012-00009894-00010294 I would tell anybody that's in this situation where they can't get a job to definitely look into retraining, to going out and furthering their education. RvAQDetuyLE-00000-00000026-00000475 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ Học tập Bác RvAQDetuyLE-00001-00000475-00002161 Là học tư tưởng, thế giới quan và nhân sinh quan cách mạng, đạo đức RvAQDetuyLE-00002-00002161-00003623 cách mạng và phong cách của người chiến sỹ cộng sản chân chính. RvAQDetuyLE-00003-00003623-00005198 Thúc đẩy việc học tập Bác trở thành lối sống, nếp nghĩ, cách làm RvAQDetuyLE-00004-00005198-00006210 của từng cán bộ, đảng viên và người dân. RvAQDetuyLE-00005-00006210-00007844 Làm cho tư tưởng, đạo đức, phong cách của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh thực RvAQDetuyLE-00006-00007844-00009652 sự thấm sâu vào đời sống xã hội, thật sự trở thành nền tảng tinh RvAQDetuyLE-00007-00009652-00011219 thần vững chắc, cội nguồn sức mạnh to lớn, để toàn Đảng, toàn RvAQDetuyLE-00008-00011219-00013069 dân và toàn quân ta phát huy nội lực, vượt qua khó khăn, thách thức, hoàn RvAQDetuyLE-00009-00013069-00014286 thành mọi nhiệm vụ cách mạng trong giai đoạn mới. RvAQDetuyLE-00010-00014286-00015491 Làm theo Bác Là thúc đẩy, tạo chuyển biến mạnh RvAQDetuyLE-00011-00015491-00017059 mẽ từ "học tập" sang "làm theo", hiện thực hóa bằng những chương RvAQDetuyLE-00012-00017059-00018835 trình hành động cụ thể, việc làm cụ thể, thiết thực trong thực hiện RvAQDetuyLE-00013-00018835-00021831 nhiệm vụ chính trị của địa phương, cơ quan, đơn vị và công tác xây dựng, RvAQDetuyLE-00014-00021831-00023555 chỉnh đốn Đảng, gắn với đề cao chức trách, đạo đức công vụ RvAQDetuyLE-00015-00023555-00024921 của mỗi cán bộ, đảng viên; giải quyết hiệu quả các khâu đột phá RvAQDetuyLE-00016-00024921-00026208 và các vấn đề trọng tâm, bức xúc trong thực tiễn, trên nền tảng, kim RvAQDetuyLE-00017-00026208-00027085 chỉ nam là tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh cùng với chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin trong RvAQDetuyLE-00018-00027085-00027244 mọi hành động. RvAQDetuyLE-00019-00027244-00027718 Nêu gương Là thực hiện đồng thời, gắn kết RvAQDetuyLE-00020-00027718-00028245 việc học tập với làm theo Bác và nêu gương. RvAQDetuyLE-00021-00028245-00029783 Phát huy hiệu quả mối quan hệ giữa ba nhiệm vụ này, trong đó đề cao RvAQDetuyLE-00022-00029783-00030817 vai trò, trách nhiệm tiền phong, gương mẫu với nêu gương của cán bộ, RvAQDetuyLE-00023-00030817-00031795 đảng viên, nhất là người đứng đầu cấp ủy, chính quyền, cơ quan, RvAQDetuyLE-00024-00031795-00033002 đơn vị, mà trước hết là các đồng chí Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Ủy viên RvAQDetuyLE-00025-00033002-00034616 Ban Bí thư, Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng. RvAQDetuyLE-00026-00034616-00036013 Trong quá trình thực hiện ba nhiệm vụ nêu trên: RvAQDetuyLE-00027-00036013-00038769 Cần kết hợp chặt chẽ giữa "xây" và "chống," trong đó "xây" là cơ bản, RvAQDetuyLE-00028-00038769-00041045 chiến lược; "chống" là quan trọng, cấp bách. RvAQDetuyLE-00029-00041045-00043246 Đề cao tinh thần "nói đi đôi với làm," "rèn luyện suốt đời," thường RvAQDetuyLE-00030-00043246-00043683 xuyên "tự soi," "tự sửa." RvAQDetuyLE-00031-00043683-00046389 Đấu tranh, ngăn chặn, đẩy lùi tình trạng suy thoái về tư tưởng chính RvAQDetuyLE-00032-00046389-00048710 trị, đạo đức, lối sống, những biểu hiện "tự diễn biến," "tự RvAQDetuyLE-00033-00048710-00050352 chuyển hóa" trong nội bộ; kiên trì, kiên quyết đấu tranh phòng, chống RvAQDetuyLE-00034-00050352-00052274 tham nhũng, tiêu cực với tinh thần không có vùng cấm, không có ngoại RvAQDetuyLE-00035-00052274-00054496 lệ, không bị tác động bởi bất cứ tổ chức, cá nhân không trong sáng RvAQDetuyLE-00036-00054496-00054623 nào. RvAQDetuyLE-00037-00054623-00055641 Tăng cường công tác kiểm tra, giám sát. RvAQDetuyLE-00038-00055641-00057424 Nâng cao tính cảnh tỉnh, răn đe đối với những tư tưởng, biểu hiện RvAQDetuyLE-00039-00057424-00059125 tiêu cực; đồng thời khuyến khích, cổ vũ cán bộ, đảng viên suy nghĩ, RvAQDetuyLE-00040-00059125-00060352 hành động vì lợi ích chung, vì hạnh phúc của nhân dân, làm cho Đảng ta RvAQDetuyLE-00041-00060352-00060776 thật sự trong sạch, vững mạnh. RvAQDetuyLE-00042-00060776-00061142 (CỘNG ĐỒNG YÊU THƯƠNG http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EIE8SR2FT7ww8gEiiMQSQ) RxMmzpuxKR0-00000-00001315-00001678 hey guys and welcome back to the unfiltered gamer Kickstarter board game RxMmzpuxKR0-00001-00001678-00002171 review today's game up on the tabletop is called new corp order new corp order RxMmzpuxKR0-00002-00002171-00002641 is for one to four players and it plays about 30 minutes for ages 12 and up in RxMmzpuxKR0-00003-00002641-00003011 the game new core order you're playing as corporations and it tells you exactly RxMmzpuxKR0-00004-00003011-00003340 how it plays it's kind of cool at the influence of guilty government's fading RxMmzpuxKR0-00005-00003340-00003710 away mega corps start to control the world but they're cautious in this new RxMmzpuxKR0-00006-00003710-00004070 brave world of hyper-connected citizens where the mistakes of the past media RxMmzpuxKR0-00007-00004070-00004442 conglomerates hold the key to planetary domination as the top executive of one RxMmzpuxKR0-00008-00004442-00004753 of the world's leading make corporation unit asses to improve the public image RxMmzpuxKR0-00009-00004753-00005137 of their company the wise manipulation of the four biggest media conglomerates RxMmzpuxKR0-00010-00005137-00005482 infiltrate their structures and use the influence to your advantage even that RxMmzpuxKR0-00011-00005482-00005951 means playing one Conglomorate against the other after all the prize is big, the world, and RxMmzpuxKR0-00012-00005951-00006328 if we will be choosing along with basically your card you would start in RxMmzpuxKR0-00013-00006328-00006692 your hand and different colors to allow you to manipulate the board you're also RxMmzpuxKR0-00014-00006692-00007001 gonna be getting certain types of characters like corporate lawyers or RxMmzpuxKR0-00015-00007001-00007451 insiders or deal makers military contractors and so on and so forth your RxMmzpuxKR0-00016-00007451-00007718 objective is to start placing your influence throughout these different RxMmzpuxKR0-00017-00007718-00008014 locations on the tiles at the end of the game you're going to see who has the RxMmzpuxKR0-00018-00008014-00008336 most control or influence in all the different sectors and you're getting RxMmzpuxKR0-00019-00008336-00008711 points based on how your control works alright that's the basic idea of the RxMmzpuxKR0-00020-00008711-00008978 game let's go ahead and show you what your company looks like so here we have RxMmzpuxKR0-00021-00008978-00009374 the contents for new Corp order and I'll talk about all of them including the box RxMmzpuxKR0-00022-00009374-00009677 here you're going to be getting conglomerate cards a full deck here RxMmzpuxKR0-00023-00009677-00010003 gonna deal out five no matter how many players and you're also gonna put out a RxMmzpuxKR0-00024-00010003-00010406 grid this is setup for three players so it's a four by four board you're also RxMmzpuxKR0-00025-00010406-00010711 going to be giving every single player of secret objective cards and this is RxMmzpuxKR0-00026-00010711-00010990 the extra ones that are over here you're gonna take two of them and deal them out RxMmzpuxKR0-00027-00010990-00011282 to each player and these are gonna be rain hidden players gonna be able to RxMmzpuxKR0-00028-00011282-00011624 choose to keep these or not Andry deal them out as they so choose they can RxMmzpuxKR0-00029-00011624-00011906 choose to keep one or two or however they want to do that every player is RxMmzpuxKR0-00030-00011906-00012172 also gonna get clunk conglomerate cards are starting with five and they're just RxMmzpuxKR0-00031-00012172-00012685 basically gonna have colors on them green blue yellow and red and everything RxMmzpuxKR0-00032-00012685-00013075 at five of those you're also going to go ahead and deal out these guys over here RxMmzpuxKR0-00033-00013075-00013433 it's going to be based on the number of players X minus one X being the number RxMmzpuxKR0-00034-00013433-00013741 of players from a three-player game there's only two of each of these in the RxMmzpuxKR0-00035-00013741-00014062 pile over here I'm gonna go ahead and take these and shuffle them up and then RxMmzpuxKR0-00036-00014062-00014388 deal them out to each player and we hood and remain RxMmzpuxKR0-00037-00014388-00014779 visibles players can see the extra one I assume is actually just gonna go back to RxMmzpuxKR0-00038-00014779-00015103 the pool here but I'm not exactly sure if that's how that works you're also RxMmzpuxKR0-00039-00015103-00015424 going to be getting influenced cubes to use throughout the game and that will be RxMmzpuxKR0-00040-00015424-00015816 placed on the board to show whoever has the most influence cards and to begin RxMmzpuxKR0-00041-00015816-00016093 you're also going to take four of each of the different types of colored cubes RxMmzpuxKR0-00042-00016093-00016555 shuffle them up and then deal one down in each of the different locations so RxMmzpuxKR0-00043-00016555-00017014 making sure that entire board has at least one influence on it to start the RxMmzpuxKR0-00044-00017014-00017311 game off as you can see each of the different tiles here is going to RxMmzpuxKR0-00045-00017311-00017767 represent a different corporation here print media online marketing social RxMmzpuxKR0-00046-00017767-00018154 media so on and so forth as well as abilities over here once everybody's got RxMmzpuxKR0-00047-00018154-00018466 their hand of five there are two special abilities or none if they choose not to RxMmzpuxKR0-00048-00018466-00018991 use them they are specific card here for basically I guess an employee dealmakers RxMmzpuxKR0-00049-00018991-00019345 military contracts corporate lawyers so on and so forth you'll be using these RxMmzpuxKR0-00050-00019345-00019645 also in a two-player game you going to take out certain cards which I believes RxMmzpuxKR0-00051-00019645-00019972 is a corporate lawyers but I'm not entirely sure but I'm pretty sure that's RxMmzpuxKR0-00052-00019972-00020197 what it is and make sure that you've got your deck RxMmzpuxKR0-00053-00020197-00020593 of cards here along with your face-up cards there's five to be chosen from and RxMmzpuxKR0-00054-00020593-00020941 I believe that's pretty much it your rule book as well but that is how you RxMmzpuxKR0-00055-00020941-00021232 what you're gonna do to set up the game and what's gonna become included in new RxMmzpuxKR0-00056-00021232-00021601 court order in new court order when it's your turn you'll be able to choose one RxMmzpuxKR0-00057-00021601-00021928 of three different actions the first action is going to be the plot and that RxMmzpuxKR0-00058-00021928-00022273 will be to allow you to draw two cards either from the deck or from the tableau RxMmzpuxKR0-00059-00022273-00022573 of five cards that are on the board after you've done that you're gonna RxMmzpuxKR0-00060-00022573-00022873 replace the cards you have drawn if it's from the board if it's from the deck you RxMmzpuxKR0-00061-00022873-00023236 just go ahead and keep that in your hand another thing to do is infiltrate which RxMmzpuxKR0-00062-00023236-00023710 is placing one color of cards from your hand onto your tableau it can be all of RxMmzpuxKR0-00063-00023710-00023962 the same has to be all the same color but it could be any number that you RxMmzpuxKR0-00064-00023962-00024337 choose you can also choose to use specific cards like maybe military RxMmzpuxKR0-00065-00024337-00024637 contract that will allow you play two different colors or even something more RxMmzpuxKR0-00066-00024637-00025066 like the corporate lawyer which says when you when you infiltrate you can RxMmzpuxKR0-00067-00025066-00025516 place two conglomerates instead of one so there's all these different cards you RxMmzpuxKR0-00068-00025516-00025764 can choose to play as well but in general when you're infiltrating you're RxMmzpuxKR0-00069-00025764-00026133 just playing one of any color as many cards as you lock in front of your RxMmzpuxKR0-00070-00026133-00026533 tableau and it's going to be face-up the other thing you do is take over and by RxMmzpuxKR0-00071-00026533-00026841 doing that you need to tap the cards turn the card sideways in front of you RxMmzpuxKR0-00072-00026841-00027303 in your tableau as many as you need to to did take over an adjacent colored RxMmzpuxKR0-00073-00027303-00027643 territory so for instance if you've got a three RxMmzpuxKR0-00074-00027643-00028081 in let's say print media and there is guerilla marketing that has two cubes RxMmzpuxKR0-00075-00028081-00028516 you'll need to turn over you'll need to turn over more than the number it RxMmzpuxKR0-00076-00028516-00028947 required so if you have three you can go ahead and take another spot of this too RxMmzpuxKR0-00077-00028947-00029316 however you have to leave at least one cube on your location so in that case it RxMmzpuxKR0-00078-00029316-00029683 only be two and two which means you couldn't but a 4 and a 2 would be ok RxMmzpuxKR0-00079-00029683-00030013 because you can take three of them which would be read off the two so three would RxMmzpuxKR0-00080-00030013-00030343 be the two and moving those three we destroy these guys leaving one two RxMmzpuxKR0-00081-00030343-00030712 you're bored and then you'd be able to use the action of the space as well as RxMmzpuxKR0-00082-00030712-00031113 keeping one of the colored cubes as your own for basically victory points at the RxMmzpuxKR0-00083-00031113-00031458 end of the game each space has its own unique action which you can go ahead and RxMmzpuxKR0-00084-00031458-00031711 take as well when you're infiltrating and when you're when you're taking over RxMmzpuxKR0-00085-00031711-00032133 certain locations which can benefit you as well your objective is to acquire the RxMmzpuxKR0-00086-00032133-00032463 most type of colored cards in your tableau than anybody else because that RxMmzpuxKR0-00087-00032463-00032752 was gonna be the locations you'll be scoring at the end of the game you're RxMmzpuxKR0-00088-00032752-00033046 also miss scoring points based on how you went ahead and took over different RxMmzpuxKR0-00089-00033046-00033430 spaces and more cubes you have the end as well is going to benefit you your RxMmzpuxKR0-00090-00033430-00033709 objective of course is get the most points there the game have the most RxMmzpuxKR0-00091-00033709-00034038 influence in the specific different locations because just because you have RxMmzpuxKR0-00092-00034038-00034327 a lot of that you've been placing a lot of cubes that does not matter you need RxMmzpuxKR0-00093-00034327-00034615 to have the cards in front of you if you have five blue cards and your opponent RxMmzpuxKR0-00094-00034615-00034990 has only four the five blue cards are going to make the difference but you can RxMmzpuxKR0-00095-00034990-00035313 also include the cubes of which you wouldn't hadn't used to take over which RxMmzpuxKR0-00096-00035313-00035662 can give you bonuses as well to make you secure the influence those specific RxMmzpuxKR0-00097-00035662-00035869 locations that might sound a little confusing but RxMmzpuxKR0-00098-00035869-00036187 I'm gonna show you on the board to show you how easy it is to understand back to RxMmzpuxKR0-00099-00036187-00036441 the board now as you can see I went ahead and shown you all the different RxMmzpuxKR0-00100-00036441-00036862 players hands as well as showed you their specific objectives this guy's RxMmzpuxKR0-00101-00036862-00037171 trying to get print media he can gain bonus points from being print media and RxMmzpuxKR0-00102-00037171-00037428 these are the different symbols regarding that he's broadcasting RxMmzpuxKR0-00103-00037428-00037831 networks and he also needs social media and shows you these symbols it'll also RxMmzpuxKR0-00104-00037831-00038241 tell you that and guerilla marketing and ambient advertising he's looking for RxMmzpuxKR0-00105-00038241-00038551 those the cards in your hand ago represent colored cubes which we'll be RxMmzpuxKR0-00106-00038551-00038830 using and like I said you got three different things you can do on your turn RxMmzpuxKR0-00107-00038830-00039187 the first one being plot you could take two cards from here or draw two cards RxMmzpuxKR0-00108-00039187-00039508 from here when you draw a card you have to draw another one and then you're RxMmzpuxKR0-00109-00039508-00039888 going to replace it however you can only have six cards in your hand so at this RxMmzpuxKR0-00110-00039888-00040138 point you're probably going to want to do your second action which is going to RxMmzpuxKR0-00111-00040138-00040486 be to infiltrate infiltrating means you can play any cards so you want from your RxMmzpuxKR0-00112-00040486-00040840 hand as long as it's the same color out on your tableau and so this guy here has RxMmzpuxKR0-00113-00040840-00041134 three green so three green is part he wants to play that's gonna go on to RxMmzpuxKR0-00114-00041134-00041497 his tableau this is his hand he's going to take three of the green cubes and RxMmzpuxKR0-00115-00041497-00041758 from the pool here and place them anywhere on the board that also has RxMmzpuxKR0-00116-00041758-00042286 green cubes whenever you place three or more cubes out onto the board for RxMmzpuxKR0-00117-00042286-00042700 instance if I put 2/3 here then you're going to also get one of these guys here RxMmzpuxKR0-00118-00042700-00043018 you can choose from a pool and you could have multiples of these things here to RxMmzpuxKR0-00119-00043018-00043281 use periodically the insider specifically says whenever you RxMmzpuxKR0-00120-00043281-00043731 infiltrate this turn one of the cards you place may have a different color so RxMmzpuxKR0-00121-00043731-00044050 if he had that card he could have also chosen to play this one here which I've RxMmzpuxKR0-00122-00044050-00044461 been nice but he didn't so that's okay after he's got I hadn't chosen to this RxMmzpuxKR0-00123-00044461-00044707 action the next player is gonna get to go and take their turn RxMmzpuxKR0-00124-00044707-00045003 remember he also wants to put him on these spaces here so putting it over RxMmzpuxKR0-00125-00045003-00045355 here is not going to be so helpful whereas let's see if he has one on the RxMmzpuxKR0-00126-00045355-00045790 board that's actually green there isn't one so he made a good choice then so the RxMmzpuxKR0-00127-00045790-00046090 next player he's probably also going to infiltrate as well he happens to have RxMmzpuxKR0-00128-00046090-00046411 three yellow so playing three yellows on the board is not going to be a bad idea RxMmzpuxKR0-00129-00046411-00046840 and taking three yellow cubes and once again placing them on the board RxMmzpuxKR0-00130-00046840-00047200 somewhere he's looking for these two locations here let's see if he can find RxMmzpuxKR0-00131-00047200-00047490 one this is a good location right here because it represents this one here for RxMmzpuxKR0-00132-00047490-00047887 extra bonus points if you can manage to control it and then of course the next RxMmzpuxKR0-00133-00047887-00048288 player is going to get a chance to go and he has three blue also very helpful RxMmzpuxKR0-00134-00048288-00048700 placing three blue on the board and taking these three he's gonna want to RxMmzpuxKR0-00135-00048700-00049036 print media and is there blue for print media Oh RxMmzpuxKR0-00136-00049036-00049330 one two three four none of these guys have it so he'll just go ahead and RxMmzpuxKR0-00137-00049330-00049669 select the location of his choosing okay so everybody's gonna head and done that RxMmzpuxKR0-00138-00049669-00049971 you don't get to refresh the cards in your hand because the next round of play RxMmzpuxKR0-00139-00049971-00050305 this player is going to get to do the plot and he is going to want to select RxMmzpuxKR0-00140-00050305-00050646 cards they're gonna be the same color the cards he s here but he also wants to RxMmzpuxKR0-00141-00050646-00050911 make sure he has the most everybody has the most of their certain color he has RxMmzpuxKR0-00142-00050911-00051252 the most green yellow and blue so if at the end of the game happened just now he RxMmzpuxKR0-00143-00051252-00051511 would control all the green points he would control the yellow and he would RxMmzpuxKR0-00144-00051511-00051850 control all the blue so he's simply going to go ahead and do the plot he'll RxMmzpuxKR0-00145-00051850-00052201 take a yellow card here and he'll draw he'll draw card first and then he'll RxMmzpuxKR0-00146-00052201-00052510 take a yellow card here and then afterwards this is going to it refresh RxMmzpuxKR0-00147-00052510-00052866 so he's got two yellows he's not too bad and then the next player will go ahead RxMmzpuxKR0-00148-00052866-00053142 and look at their hand and see what they want to do they've got let's go for the RxMmzpuxKR0-00149-00053142-00053635 two red here so he can have three red on his next turn OOP and Boop and this RxMmzpuxKR0-00150-00053635-00054007 players next now if he wants to let's say he wants to take the other action RxMmzpuxKR0-00151-00054007-00054352 said this is take over to take over something all you need to do RxMmzpuxKR0-00152-00054352-00054808 turn the cards sideways in front of you this he has three of them here and so if RxMmzpuxKR0-00153-00054808-00055111 he wanted to go here to here and take over that red he's gonna need to spend RxMmzpuxKR0-00154-00055111-00055594 at least one more than there is total cubes here so he could spend to take two RxMmzpuxKR0-00155-00055594-00055870 cubes from here making sure there's at least one left over here and place it RxMmzpuxKR0-00156-00055870-00056221 here this red is going to then score for him if there's two red one would go to RxMmzpuxKR0-00157-00056221-00056575 the pool one would go to him which we'll be using later on in the game and then RxMmzpuxKR0-00158-00056575-00056947 they place that here place these guys here after that he's not controlled this RxMmzpuxKR0-00159-00056947-00057328 area or at least blue has controlled this area and this ability is now going RxMmzpuxKR0-00160-00057328-00057802 to be partaken so this one says here I think it says untapped two cards of your RxMmzpuxKR0-00161-00057802-00058150 choice which is nice there's other ones that do different things like this one RxMmzpuxKR0-00162-00058150-00058525 allows you to move two cubes from one location to another so he can move two RxMmzpuxKR0-00163-00058525-00059023 cubes from one location to another this one makes you lose a card this one here RxMmzpuxKR0-00164-00059023-00059395 lets you swap locations or this one's lost locations this one swaps different RxMmzpuxKR0-00165-00059395-00059701 cards so you can do this and there's tons of other ones that do different RxMmzpuxKR0-00166-00059701-00060073 things you can tap your opponent's cards so on and so forth after that is done RxMmzpuxKR0-00167-00060073-00060388 the next round of play is going to begin people are going to continue to draw RxMmzpuxKR0-00168-00060388-00060850 cards and place out cubes and until eventually the end of the game is going RxMmzpuxKR0-00169-00060850-00061258 to occur and the game is going to end with this entire deck runs out well go RxMmzpuxKR0-00170-00061258-00061629 ahead and place a couple cubes randomly on the board another way that the game RxMmzpuxKR0-00171-00061629-00062200 can end too is if multiple different locations have more than enough cubes on RxMmzpuxKR0-00172-00062200-00062529 them I think it's seven four three it's something like that but if there's a RxMmzpuxKR0-00173-00062529-00062845 total a number of cubes on certain locations that can end the game as well RxMmzpuxKR0-00174-00062845-00063175 we're just going to move this on to the future a little bit to make it a little RxMmzpuxKR0-00175-00063175-00063804 easier and then I'm also going to randomly distribute some cards to RxMmzpuxKR0-00176-00063804-00064150 players so that way you can see what scoring is going to look like we don't RxMmzpuxKR0-00177-00064150-00064597 really need to have their hands anymore so I'll move these away and give people RxMmzpuxKR0-00178-00064597-00064975 a good idea of what it would look like an end of the game of course there's RxMmzpuxKR0-00179-00064975-00065593 going to be a lot more cards at the end of the game but just for example I think RxMmzpuxKR0-00180-00065593-00065992 it'd be best to do it this way and of course they'll also be he'll have some RxMmzpuxKR0-00181-00065992-00066487 tag cards okay so we'll just look at it like that right um I also players will RxMmzpuxKR0-00182-00066487-00066799 have some of these cubes as well for collecting infiltrating different RxMmzpuxKR0-00183-00066799-00067246 territory for going and taking over certain territories so now let's talk RxMmzpuxKR0-00184-00067246-00067648 about the end of the game okay so let's talk about how scoring works in the game RxMmzpuxKR0-00185-00067648-00067827 now of all you're gonna need to try and have RxMmzpuxKR0-00186-00067827-00068319 the most of a certain color this is his tableau his and his or hers so first we RxMmzpuxKR0-00187-00068319-00068754 look at green he's got two he's got two he's got three which means he is going RxMmzpuxKR0-00188-00068754-00069141 to control green and second-place is actually going to control green but just RxMmzpuxKR0-00189-00069141-00069540 slightly less in this case though Green would mean he's going to get two points RxMmzpuxKR0-00190-00069540-00070059 for each of the locations that green is controlled and so you can score it a ton RxMmzpuxKR0-00191-00070059-00070404 of points that way and then we're going to go ahead and look at yellow he's got RxMmzpuxKR0-00192-00070404-00070725 three yellow one so he would control yellow and he would score points based RxMmzpuxKR0-00193-00070725-00071136 on the yellow on the board and blue would be the same thing you'd also look RxMmzpuxKR0-00194-00071136-00071484 at these guys here if you have these in the game you start with two if you have RxMmzpuxKR0-00195-00071484-00071913 two then three then four you're going to score one three and uh one one two and RxMmzpuxKR0-00196-00071913-00072330 three points as you get more points the more you have individually of these guys RxMmzpuxKR0-00197-00072330-00072705 here you're also gonna score two points for each of the locations you control RxMmzpuxKR0-00198-00072705-00073131 with the colors on them so if he controlled green and green happened to RxMmzpuxKR0-00199-00073131-00073602 control let's say controlled this location here because it's this type he RxMmzpuxKR0-00200-00073602-00073968 would also score additional points that way and does the main aspects of how RxMmzpuxKR0-00201-00073968-00074352 scoring works in the game whoever has the most total points scored up at the RxMmzpuxKR0-00202-00074352-00074676 end of the game is going to be the winner of the game new court order let RxMmzpuxKR0-00203-00074676-00074991 me go and tell you couple caveats regarding what these guys can do along RxMmzpuxKR0-00204-00074991-00075360 with what I think about the game okay so a couple of caveats first I mess up a RxMmzpuxKR0-00205-00075360-00075771 little bit I gotta concede on that normally the Q of the cubes are gonna be RxMmzpuxKR0-00206-00075771-00076221 worth two points is for influence in color so in that case the green would RxMmzpuxKR0-00207-00076221-00076650 have actually been tied because to cube one cube and one card is three and three RxMmzpuxKR0-00208-00076650-00077061 cards is simply three points so remember that cubes are worth two and cards are RxMmzpuxKR0-00209-00077061-00077385 worth only one not only that but let's go ahead talk about the different types RxMmzpuxKR0-00210-00077385-00077814 of cards in the game you can get to use whenever you place down three pieces of RxMmzpuxKR0-00211-00077814-00078147 influence on a certain location you get some like the military contractor which RxMmzpuxKR0-00212-00078147-00078393 are you to take whenever you take over this turn you only need to match the RxMmzpuxKR0-00213-00078393-00078753 same number so if one location at three in one location had to you could RxMmzpuxKR0-00214-00078753-00079119 actually move those two from the three over to the two and beat that location RxMmzpuxKR0-00215-00079119-00079527 out you could also use the deal maker which allows you to after taking over RxMmzpuxKR0-00216-00079527-00079908 draw two cards from the deck which kind of let you draw even when you need cards RxMmzpuxKR0-00217-00079908-00080190 that you still want to take over to control the game you've got the insider RxMmzpuxKR0-00218-00080190-00080574 which allows you to infiltrate one additional color which is nice as well RxMmzpuxKR0-00219-00080574-00080886 as the corporate lawyer which allows you to place two different types of coulomb RxMmzpuxKR0-00220-00080886-00081174 rents but it's not usable in the two-player game only the RxMmzpuxKR0-00221-00081174-00081582 three and the four player version of the game and that's the basic idea the RxMmzpuxKR0-00222-00081582-00081876 ending of the game is going to go in the entire deck runs out or when a certain RxMmzpuxKR0-00223-00081876-00082173 number of cubes hits the board and you're gonna play and then you know the RxMmzpuxKR0-00224-00082173-00082526 score points based on who has the most locations is where you're going to tell RxMmzpuxKR0-00225-00082526-00082901 where you're gonna score and then how much is based on the different locations RxMmzpuxKR0-00226-00082901-00083286 that are earned as well as the bonus little cards here so what do I think RxMmzpuxKR0-00227-00083286-00083706 about the game well first off the game has some really remarkable aspects I RxMmzpuxKR0-00228-00083706-00084075 love the hidden cards I like the tableau management it reminds me kind of like a RxMmzpuxKR0-00229-00084075-00084531 villages of Valerius style Ticket to Ride feel it's got that corporate feel RxMmzpuxKR0-00230-00084531-00084888 as well the art works for me very well I really enjoy that and I like the RxMmzpuxKR0-00231-00084888-00085260 secretive nature about what cards you're on the way or into place on most of your RxMmzpuxKR0-00232-00085260-00085548 opponents have an idea of what you're going for based on the cards that are in RxMmzpuxKR0-00233-00085548-00085844 front of you in your tableau but they don't know your secret objectives and RxMmzpuxKR0-00234-00085844-00086157 they don't know where you are you gonna use your cards now what I must say this RxMmzpuxKR0-00235-00086157-00086535 is a deeply deeply strategic game in general it's pretty simple there's three RxMmzpuxKR0-00236-00086535-00086949 types of things you can do you can plot infiltrate or simply to take over RxMmzpuxKR0-00237-00086949-00087344 another location but you can accidentally take over locations for an RxMmzpuxKR0-00238-00087344-00087719 opponent if you only have four blue cards in some before blue points worth RxMmzpuxKR0-00239-00087719-00088127 of cards and somebody else has like ten you could use blue to infiltrate RxMmzpuxKR0-00240-00088127-00088401 something else however you're not gonna support points or reveal blue withing RxMmzpuxKR0-00241-00088401-00088694 the game if you don't have it many points as in your opponent so you've to RxMmzpuxKR0-00242-00088694-00089033 be very careful in that regard you also have to make sure that you check and see RxMmzpuxKR0-00243-00089033-00089322 all the different abilities on the cards so that makes a big difference as well RxMmzpuxKR0-00244-00089322-00089714 moving cubes around switching cards overrun tapping tapping cards is gonna RxMmzpuxKR0-00245-00089714-00090168 benefit you as well as the other actions on the board the corporate lawyers and RxMmzpuxKR0-00246-00090168-00090514 all of them have their own unique aspects I personally like the dealmaker RxMmzpuxKR0-00247-00090514-00090926 myself as my favorite military contractor is pretty cool as well but RxMmzpuxKR0-00248-00090926-00091293 they all have their own unique role and I found myself using them all throughout RxMmzpuxKR0-00249-00091293-00091664 the entire game if you like a lot of deep strategy if you like a lot of RxMmzpuxKR0-00250-00091664-00092033 thinking with a game that is a very simple idea and there's basically three RxMmzpuxKR0-00251-00092033-00092426 options you can do with each option has some severe consequences or some fear RxMmzpuxKR0-00252-00092426-00092712 benefits based on how you choose throughout the game you're going to RxMmzpuxKR0-00253-00092712-00093066 enjoy this game it gets bigger based on the number of players and small is RxMmzpuxKR0-00254-00093066-00093411 bigger with larger players and smaller with other with less players and it RxMmzpuxKR0-00255-00093411-00093752 really really works you get a lot of cards in your tableau RxMmzpuxKR0-00256-00093752-00094074 so you might some people didn't like that Ferdinand's they didn't enjoy the RxMmzpuxKR0-00257-00094074-00094425 fact that I think the tableau having a huge amount of cards to deal with but RxMmzpuxKR0-00258-00094425-00094686 if you just go ahead and stack them and put them all in their own unique RxMmzpuxKR0-00259-00094686-00095034 category simply like Magic the Gathering does with their lands I think it's not RxMmzpuxKR0-00260-00095034-00095313 gonna be very difficult for you any of you magic players or people who are used RxMmzpuxKR0-00261-00095313-00095649 to using cards as currency you'll find that this is not a very difficult RxMmzpuxKR0-00262-00095649-00096189 process in my opinion and overall it's really really fun my my cameraman slash RxMmzpuxKR0-00263-00096189-00096606 editor gave this game I think at 8.5 out of 10 I don't usually do a 10 scale but RxMmzpuxKR0-00264-00096606-00096894 he really really enjoyed this game so I figured let you know that after me RxMmzpuxKR0-00265-00096894-00097296 personally I had a lot of fun if you like in-depth decision making games with RxMmzpuxKR0-00266-00097296-00097689 not a huge amount of different like things you have to think about really as RxMmzpuxKR0-00267-00097689-00098073 far as like the three different choices but then you get into the real details RxMmzpuxKR0-00268-00098073-00098376 you're gonna enjoy this as well as the fact that the more you play the game the RxMmzpuxKR0-00269-00098376-00098622 better you're gonna get and the more you're gonna see what choices are the RxMmzpuxKR0-00270-00098622-00099015 best for you and even the more players you have the more nasty the game is RxMmzpuxKR0-00271-00099015-00099306 going to get I think for some people though there might be some analysis RxMmzpuxKR0-00272-00099306-00099663 paralysis and I also think it might bog some people down based on not knowing RxMmzpuxKR0-00273-00099663-00100011 exactly where to infiltrate you can mess over somebody else's in first place and RxMmzpuxKR0-00274-00100011-00100332 such of a second on accident and that could drive a player nuts because you RxMmzpuxKR0-00275-00100332-00100563 maybe you're in last place and you're still owing how to play the game there RxMmzpuxKR0-00276-00100563-00100977 is a big learning curve to this game but overall new court order is definitely a RxMmzpuxKR0-00277-00100977-00101322 very very fun game I definitely suggest you check out the Kickstarter in the RxMmzpuxKR0-00278-00101322-00101589 description below alright guys thanks watching the unfilter gamer a RxMmzpuxKR0-00279-00101589-00101940 Kickstarter board game review if you like this you can YouTube like subscribe RxMmzpuxKR0-00280-00101940-00102294 and comment it all does help as well as checking out new Corp order on RxMmzpuxKR0-00281-00102294-00102686 Kickstarter if you're interested going click on that link down below there let RxMmzpuxKR0-00282-00102686-00102986 me know what you guys think of the game if this is something you'd like to play RxMmzpuxKR0-00283-00102986-00103320 in the comment section below as well as check my website I'm Phil three-game RxMmzpuxKR0-00284-00103320-00103605 about comment on the blog post game boyse takes a list and more as well as a RxMmzpuxKR0-00285-00103605-00104022 person giving away a game from aeg called space base really cool game i RxMmzpuxKR0-00286-00104022-00104232 definitely suggest you go and do that as well RxMmzpuxKR0-00287-00104232-00104583 simple and easy to enter you can also check out our friends everything board RxMmzpuxKR0-00288-00104583-00104955 games comm and the giveaway geek they give away tons and tons of games and RxMmzpuxKR0-00289-00104955-00105174 they have some web user blog posts as well RxMmzpuxKR0-00290-00105174-00105555 it's almost as cool as my own stuff alright guys laughs I got this time and RxMmzpuxKR0-00291-00105555-00105911 as always you guys have a great day I look forward to seeing you guys next RxMmzpuxKR0-00292-00105911-00106124 time RxMmzpuxKR0-00293-00106272-00107182 you RxW1uJ5nrBI-00000-00000038-00000546 Hi, this is Geoff Challen. In the next short RxW1uJ5nrBI-00001-00000360-00000822 screencast for Lab 3 I'm going to show RxW1uJ5nrBI-00002-00000546-00001113 you how to create a new class file in RxW1uJ5nrBI-00003-00000822-00001278 your IntelliJ project. Now I don't need RxW1uJ5nrBI-00004-00001113-00001524 to do this—I already have one that I RxW1uJ5nrBI-00005-00001278-00001727 could use for this lab. This RxW1uJ5nrBI-00006-00001524-00001910 was created for me when I created the RxW1uJ5nrBI-00007-00001727-00002118 project because I chose the command line RxW1uJ5nrBI-00008-00001910-00002400 project template that automatically RxW1uJ5nrBI-00009-00002118-00002678 created a class that also has a main RxW1uJ5nrBI-00010-00002400-00003000 method. But let's say I wanted to create RxW1uJ5nrBI-00011-00002678-00003194 another class within my project with a RxW1uJ5nrBI-00012-00003000-00003393 different name, or because I want to use RxW1uJ5nrBI-00013-00003194-00003807 it to hold different functionality. So RxW1uJ5nrBI-00014-00003393-00003923 let's call this WebScraper. And RxW1uJ5nrBI-00015-00003807-00004116 that's all I have to do. So I just come RxW1uJ5nrBI-00016-00003923-00004302 over to here, click the source, I think up RxW1uJ5nrBI-00017-00004116-00004587 new Java class, and then choose a name RxW1uJ5nrBI-00018-00004302-00004823 for it. And when I'm done I have a class RxW1uJ5nrBI-00019-00004587-00005157 here. In order to make this class RxW1uJ5nrBI-00020-00004823-00005714 runnable, I need to add a main method. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00021-00005157-00006051 There's a canonical RxW1uJ5nrBI-00022-00005714-00006276 syntax for this which is:public static RxW1uJ5nrBI-00023-00006051-00006720 void main. It's the name of the method and it RxW1uJ5nrBI-00024-00006276-00006872 takes a array of strings as arguments. In RxW1uJ5nrBI-00025-00006720-00007053 this case I'm not going to use them, so RxW1uJ5nrBI-00026-00006872-00007383 I'll call it unused to indicate RxW1uJ5nrBI-00027-00007053-00007638 to other people that I'm not using those. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00028-00007383-00007818 And now I'll just put a single System.out.println RxW1uJ5nrBI-00029-00007638-00008067 here so that I can make sure that RxW1uJ5nrBI-00030-00007818-00008277 it's actually going to run. So now I RxW1uJ5nrBI-00031-00008067-00008574 have this option down here: run RxW1uJ5nrBI-00032-00008277-00008832 WebScraper.main. I'm going to run it, RxW1uJ5nrBI-00033-00008574-00009079 it's going to build, and now I can see RxW1uJ5nrBI-00034-00008832-00009267 that it printed "Ran". So this worked fine. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00035-00009079-00009384 The other thing I'm going to do in this RxW1uJ5nrBI-00036-00009267-00009554 screencast is show you how to get RxW1uJ5nrBI-00037-00009384-00009707 started with Git with a new project. So RxW1uJ5nrBI-00038-00009554-00010089 when you initialize a new project, RxW1uJ5nrBI-00039-00009707-00010278 Git is not active. So I RxW1uJ5nrBI-00040-00010089-00010506 can't commit things, I can't push things, RxW1uJ5nrBI-00041-00010278-00010689 I'm not able to save my work using RxW1uJ5nrBI-00042-00010506-00010943 version control. But I want to right away. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00043-00010689-00011367 So let's see how we can start doing this. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00044-00010943-00011543 So I go up to the VCS menu and RxW1uJ5nrBI-00045-00011367-00011921 there's an option here for "Enable RxW1uJ5nrBI-00046-00011543-00012102 Version Control Integration" and I want RxW1uJ5nrBI-00047-00011921-00012402 to go down here and I want to choose Git. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00048-00012102-00012564 So I'm going to associate version control RxW1uJ5nrBI-00049-00012402-00012814 —the Git version control system—with this RxW1uJ5nrBI-00050-00012564-00012814 particular project. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00051-00012851-00013608 So now what happened is the there was a RxW1uJ5nrBI-00052-00013350-00013881 Git repository that was initialized and RxW1uJ5nrBI-00053-00013608-00014199 now if I go up here I can see that I RxW1uJ5nrBI-00054-00013881-00014508 have the normal RxW1uJ5nrBI-00055-00014199-00014813 Git options including commit. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00056-00014508-00015012 There's not going to be a way to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00057-00014813-00015183 push and pull this yet—we're going to show RxW1uJ5nrBI-00058-00015012-00015543 you how to configure that later. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00059-00015183-00015786 But for now let's do a commit. You'll RxW1uJ5nrBI-00060-00015543-00015966 see here that this is committing right RxW1uJ5nrBI-00061-00015786-00016188 now. This is the initial commit for this RxW1uJ5nrBI-00062-00015966-00016611 project, it's committed all the files in RxW1uJ5nrBI-00063-00016188-00016833 in my directory. These are RxW1uJ5nrBI-00064-00016611-00016983 files that are used by IntelliJ RxW1uJ5nrBI-00065-00016833-00017313 internally to store information about my RxW1uJ5nrBI-00066-00016983-00017502 project, and then I've got WebScraper.java. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00067-00017313-00017819 and Main.java. So I'm going RxW1uJ5nrBI-00068-00017502-00018423 to put the initial project commit and RxW1uJ5nrBI-00069-00017819-00018726 hit commit down here. I'm not sure why RxW1uJ5nrBI-00070-00018423-00018852 it's not letting me do this—oh, I have to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00071-00018726-00019101 select everything. So I'm going to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00072-00018852-00019374 select all the files that I want to add to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00073-00019101-00020181 the initial project commit and I'm going to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00074-00019374-00020504 hit commit down here. RxW1uJ5nrBI-00075-00020181-00020823 These are just warnings, so that's OK. And RxW1uJ5nrBI-00076-00020504-00020970 now that Git is active for the project RxW1uJ5nrBI-00077-00020823-00021204 IntelliJ is going to start asking me about RxW1uJ5nrBI-00078-00020970-00021435 whether I want to add files to it. I RxW1uJ5nrBI-00079-00021204-00021693 would not click this. This is a nice pop RxW1uJ5nrBI-00080-00021435-00022029 up message to get from IntelliJ, so I'm RxW1uJ5nrBI-00081-00021693-00022311 going to hit yes here and now you can see RxW1uJ5nrBI-00082-00022029-00022485 down here that Git is RxW1uJ5nrBI-00083-00022311-00022638 active for this project and I'm able to RxW1uJ5nrBI-00084-00022485-00022940 save my work using version control. Which RxW1uJ5nrBI-00085-00022638-00022940 is something that's very important. (Captioned by Geoffrey Challen) Ryq1AunAumy-00000-00000010-00000160 NEWS. Ryq1AunAumy-00001-00000160-00000166 NEWS. Ryq1AunAumy-00002-00000166-00000296 NEWS. >> Collin: THE WARRIORS NEXT Ryq1AunAumy-00003-00000296-00000303 NEWS. >> Collin: THE WARRIORS NEXT Ryq1AunAumy-00004-00000303-00000840 NEWS. >> Collin: THE WARRIORS NEXT MATCH-UP IS AGAINST ST. GROWD Ryq1AunAumy-00005-00000840-00000847 >> Collin: THE WARRIORS NEXT MATCH-UP IS AGAINST ST. GROWD Ryq1AunAumy-00006-00000847-00001134 >> Collin: THE WARRIORS NEXT MATCH-UP IS AGAINST ST. GROWD APOLLO SAUK RAPIDS AT HOME 4:30 Ryq1AunAumy-00007-00001134-00001141 MATCH-UP IS AGAINST ST. GROWD APOLLO SAUK RAPIDS AT HOME 4:30 Ryq1AunAumy-00008-00001141-00001384 MATCH-UP IS AGAINST ST. GROWD APOLLO SAUK RAPIDS AT HOME 4:30 ON FRIDAY. Ryq1AunAumy-00009-00001384-00001391 APOLLO SAUK RAPIDS AT HOME 4:30 ON FRIDAY. Ryq1AunAumy-00010-00001391-00001458 APOLLO SAUK RAPIDS AT HOME 4:30 ON FRIDAY. WELL, ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES Ryq1AunAumy-00011-00001458-00001464 ON FRIDAY. WELL, ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES Ryq1AunAumy-00012-00001464-00001528 ON FRIDAY. WELL, ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES FOR THE CLASS DOUBLE-A STATE Ryq1AunAumy-00013-00001528-00001534 WELL, ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES FOR THE CLASS DOUBLE-A STATE Ryq1AunAumy-00014-00001534-00001601 WELL, ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES FOR THE CLASS DOUBLE-A STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM GRAND Ryq1AunAumy-00015-00001601-00001608 FOR THE CLASS DOUBLE-A STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM GRAND Ryq1AunAumy-00016-00001608-00001678 FOR THE CLASS DOUBLE-A STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM GRAND RAPIDS, MADE A DECISION ON WHERE Ryq1AunAumy-00017-00001678-00001685 CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM GRAND RAPIDS, MADE A DECISION ON WHERE Ryq1AunAumy-00018-00001685-00001745 CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM GRAND RAPIDS, MADE A DECISION ON WHERE HE WILL PLAY IN COLLEGE NEXT Ryq1AunAumy-00019-00001745-00001751 RAPIDS, MADE A DECISION ON WHERE HE WILL PLAY IN COLLEGE NEXT Ryq1AunAumy-00020-00001751-00001778 RAPIDS, MADE A DECISION ON WHERE HE WILL PLAY IN COLLEGE NEXT SEASON. Ryq1AunAumy-00021-00001778-00001785 HE WILL PLAY IN COLLEGE NEXT SEASON. Ryq1AunAumy-00022-00001785-00001855 HE WILL PLAY IN COLLEGE NEXT SEASON. THE THUNDERHAWK'S GOALIE ZACH Ryq1AunAumy-00023-00001855-00001861 SEASON. THE THUNDERHAWK'S GOALIE ZACH Ryq1AunAumy-00024-00001861-00001915 SEASON. THE THUNDERHAWK'S GOALIE ZACH STEJSKAL, WILL PLAY FOR Ryq1AunAumy-00025-00001915-00001921 THE THUNDERHAWK'S GOALIE ZACH STEJSKAL, WILL PLAY FOR Ryq1AunAumy-00026-00001921-00001975 THE THUNDERHAWK'S GOALIE ZACH STEJSKAL, WILL PLAY FOR THE NATIONAL RUNNER-UPS Ryq1AunAumy-00027-00001975-00001981 STEJSKAL, WILL PLAY FOR THE NATIONAL RUNNER-UPS Ryq1AunAumy-00028-00001981-00002025 STEJSKAL, WILL PLAY FOR THE NATIONAL RUNNER-UPS MINNESOTA-DULUTH. Ryq1AunAumy-00029-00002025-00002032 THE NATIONAL RUNNER-UPS MINNESOTA-DULUTH. Ryq1AunAumy-00030-00002032-00002088 THE NATIONAL RUNNER-UPS MINNESOTA-DULUTH. THE SENIOR FINISHED WITH A Ryq1AunAumy-00031-00002088-00002095 MINNESOTA-DULUTH. THE SENIOR FINISHED WITH A Ryq1AunAumy-00032-00002095-00002152 MINNESOTA-DULUTH. THE SENIOR FINISHED WITH A SEVEN-AND-FIVE RECORD THIS Ryq1AunAumy-00033-00002152-00002158 THE SENIOR FINISHED WITH A SEVEN-AND-FIVE RECORD THIS Ryq1AunAumy-00034-00002158-00002222 THE SENIOR FINISHED WITH A SEVEN-AND-FIVE RECORD THIS PAST SEASON, WITH A 2.74 GOALS Ryq1AunAumy-00035-00002222-00002228 SEVEN-AND-FIVE RECORD THIS PAST SEASON, WITH A 2.74 GOALS Ryq1AunAumy-00036-00002228-00002288 SEVEN-AND-FIVE RECORD THIS PAST SEASON, WITH A 2.74 GOALS AGAINST AVERAGE, POSTING TWO Ryq1AunAumy-00037-00002288-00002295 PAST SEASON, WITH A 2.74 GOALS AGAINST AVERAGE, POSTING TWO Ryq1AunAumy-00038-00002295-00002772 PAST SEASON, WITH A 2.74 GOALS AGAINST AVERAGE, POSTING TWO SHUT-OUTS. Ryq1AunAumy-00039-00002772-00002779 AGAINST AVERAGE, POSTING TWO SHUT-OUTS. Ryq1AunAumy-00040-00002779-00002979 AGAINST AVERAGE, POSTING TWO SHUT-OUTS. BUT WHEN THE STAGE GOT BIGGER, Ryq1AunAumy-00041-00002979-00002986 SHUT-OUTS. BUT WHEN THE STAGE GOT BIGGER, Ryq1AunAumy-00042-00002986-00003056 SHUT-OUTS. BUT WHEN THE STAGE GOT BIGGER, HE GOT BETTER IN NET, GOING 5-0 Ryq1AunAumy-00043-00003056-00003063 BUT WHEN THE STAGE GOT BIGGER, HE GOT BETTER IN NET, GOING 5-0 Ryq1AunAumy-00044-00003063-00003139 BUT WHEN THE STAGE GOT BIGGER, HE GOT BETTER IN NET, GOING 5-0 IN THE POSTSEASON, HERE'S WHAT Ryq1AunAumy-00045-00003139-00003146 HE GOT BETTER IN NET, GOING 5-0 IN THE POSTSEASON, HERE'S WHAT Ryq1AunAumy-00046-00003146-00003199 HE GOT BETTER IN NET, GOING 5-0 IN THE POSTSEASON, HERE'S WHAT HE HAD TO SAY ON HIS BIG Ryq1AunAumy-00047-00003199-00003206 IN THE POSTSEASON, HERE'S WHAT HE HAD TO SAY ON HIS BIG Ryq1AunAumy-00048-00003206-00003580 IN THE POSTSEASON, HERE'S WHAT HE HAD TO SAY ON HIS BIG DECISION. Ryq1AunAumy-00049-00003580-00003586 HE HAD TO SAY ON HIS BIG DECISION. Ryq1AunAumy-00050-00003586-00003727 HE HAD TO SAY ON HIS BIG DECISION. >> THEY CALLED ME THE MIDDLE OF Ryq1AunAumy-00051-00003727-00003733 DECISION. >> THEY CALLED ME THE MIDDLE OF Ryq1AunAumy-00052-00003733-00003947 DECISION. >> THEY CALLED ME THE MIDDLE OF APRIL, I BELIEVE, AND THEY SAID, Ryq1AunAumy-00053-00003947-00003953 >> THEY CALLED ME THE MIDDLE OF APRIL, I BELIEVE, AND THEY SAID, Ryq1AunAumy-00054-00003953-00004077 >> THEY CALLED ME THE MIDDLE OF APRIL, I BELIEVE, AND THEY SAID, HEY, BLAKE, WE ARE INTERESTED IN Ryq1AunAumy-00055-00004077-00004084 APRIL, I BELIEVE, AND THEY SAID, HEY, BLAKE, WE ARE INTERESTED IN Ryq1AunAumy-00056-00004084-00004260 APRIL, I BELIEVE, AND THEY SAID, HEY, BLAKE, WE ARE INTERESTED IN YOU, AND WE WANT TO GET YOU DOWN Ryq1AunAumy-00057-00004260-00004267 HEY, BLAKE, WE ARE INTERESTED IN YOU, AND WE WANT TO GET YOU DOWN Ryq1AunAumy-00058-00004267-00004414 HEY, BLAKE, WE ARE INTERESTED IN YOU, AND WE WANT TO GET YOU DOWN HERE FOR A VISIT, AND YESTERDAY Ryq1AunAumy-00059-00004414-00004421 YOU, AND WE WANT TO GET YOU DOWN HERE FOR A VISIT, AND YESTERDAY Ryq1AunAumy-00060-00004421-00004601 YOU, AND WE WANT TO GET YOU DOWN HERE FOR A VISIT, AND YESTERDAY I WENT DOWN, AND I LOVED IT, AND Ryq1AunAumy-00061-00004601-00004607 HERE FOR A VISIT, AND YESTERDAY I WENT DOWN, AND I LOVED IT, AND Ryq1AunAumy-00062-00004607-00004834 HERE FOR A VISIT, AND YESTERDAY I WENT DOWN, AND I LOVED IT, AND THEY OFFERED, AND I TOOK IT. Ryq1AunAumy-00063-00004834-00004841 I WENT DOWN, AND I LOVED IT, AND THEY OFFERED, AND I TOOK IT. Ryq1AunAumy-00064-00004841-00005061 I WENT DOWN, AND I LOVED IT, AND THEY OFFERED, AND I TOOK IT. I LOVE HOW CLOSE IT IS TO HOME. Ryq1AunAumy-00065-00005061-00005068 THEY OFFERED, AND I TOOK IT. I LOVE HOW CLOSE IT IS TO HOME. Ryq1AunAumy-00066-00005068-00005355 THEY OFFERED, AND I TOOK IT. I LOVE HOW CLOSE IT IS TO HOME. I CAN STILL HUNT AND FISH, BUT Ryq1AunAumy-00067-00005355-00005362 I LOVE HOW CLOSE IT IS TO HOME. I CAN STILL HUNT AND FISH, BUT Ryq1AunAumy-00068-00005362-00005545 I LOVE HOW CLOSE IT IS TO HOME. I CAN STILL HUNT AND FISH, BUT IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL FACILITY, Ryq1AunAumy-00069-00005545-00005552 I CAN STILL HUNT AND FISH, BUT IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL FACILITY, Ryq1AunAumy-00070-00005552-00005772 I CAN STILL HUNT AND FISH, BUT IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL FACILITY, AND I LOVE ALL THE GUYS THERE Ryq1AunAumy-00071-00005772-00005779 IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL FACILITY, AND I LOVE ALL THE GUYS THERE Ryq1AunAumy-00072-00005779-00005932 IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL FACILITY, AND I LOVE ALL THE GUYS THERE AND ALL THE GUYS I TALKED TO Ryq1AunAumy-00073-00005932-00005939 AND I LOVE ALL THE GUYS THERE AND ALL THE GUYS I TALKED TO Ryq1AunAumy-00074-00005939-00006403 AND I LOVE ALL THE GUYS THERE AND ALL THE GUYS I TALKED TO SAID IT'S A WORLD CLASSIC Ryq1AunAumy-00075-00006403-00006409 AND ALL THE GUYS I TALKED TO SAID IT'S A WORLD CLASSIC Ryq1AunAumy-00076-00006409-00006483 AND ALL THE GUYS I TALKED TO SAID IT'S A WORLD CLASSIC ORGANIZATION. RzTuPv0bamM-00000-00003208-00003709 ok, you probably have watched the commercial just played RzTuPv0bamM-00001-00003709-00004135 if you watch Youtube often, or you visit Las Vegas a lot. RzTuPv0bamM-00002-00004176-00004510 this is my good friend, Jongman Kim, an excellent actor from Korea RzTuPv0bamM-00003-00004510-00004811 these commercials all starring by him RzTuPv0bamM-00004-00004811-00005011 if you want to become such a commercial star RzTuPv0bamM-00005-00005011-00005600 or an actor, please don't miss it RzTuPv0bamM-00006-00005600-00005838 join the live streaming on HARLEYWOOD youtube channel RzTuPv0bamM-00007-00005838-00006038 at 6 pm on Sunday, January 30th RzTuPv0bamM-00008-00006038-00006301 Jongman will answer all your questions RzTuPv0bamM-00009-00006301-00006730 or let you know more about the story of filming and being an actor. RzTuPv0bamM-00010-00006730-00007228 We will see you at 6 pm on Sunday, January 30th. RzTuPv0bamM-00011-00007228-00007348 Bye bye, RzTuPv0bamM-00012-00013352-00014472 sorry! The date above is wrong! Should be: 6pm, Sun. Jan 30th 2022 RBzQzo02KG8-00000-00000026-00000337 well let's jump into GMT RBzQzo02KG8-00001-00000337-00000689 there's going to be a lot changes. Let's don't. I know. RBzQzo02KG8-00002-00000689-00001133 I'd rather not as well but I know there's going to be a lot of changes to RBzQzo02KG8-00003-00001133-00001174 the RBzQzo02KG8-00004-00001174-00001537 GMT that we all dread like that and hopefully RBzQzo02KG8-00005-00001537-00001869 making it something that's more useful to the sailors getting rid of some of those RBzQzo02KG8-00006-00001869-00002319 mandatory F Y and NKO courses they become so redundant because you've done it last RBzQzo02KG8-00007-00002319-00002535 year and it's very fresh in your mind RBzQzo02KG8-00008-00002535-00002933 and moving away, moving towards something where the CEO RBzQzo02KG8-00009-00002933-00003397 can determine for his unit how to do training and what training to do. RBzQzo02KG8-00010-00003397-00003704 well GMT is ending RBzQzo02KG8-00011-00003704-00004022 first to june no more GMT as we know it RBzQzo02KG8-00012-00004022-00004425 because it is and this is another thing that came from RBzQzo02KG8-00013-00004425-00004728 came from sailors, you know, on the deck plates RBzQzo02KG8-00014-00004728-00005150 it was boring it was repetitive lot of times their computers would freeze up and RBzQzo02KG8-00015-00005150-00005310 you have to start over RBzQzo02KG8-00016-00005310-00005696 doing the same thing over and over again until you finally finished in the RBzQzo02KG8-00017-00005696-00005882 computer stayed up the entire time. RBzQzo02KG8-00018-00005882-00006228 I don't think you have to listen too hard to hear that be back. And RBzQzo02KG8-00019-00006228-00006695 so we just decided to end it and like you said we're gonna let the RBzQzo02KG8-00020-00006695-00007040 the command triad, the CO RBzQzo02KG8-00021-00007040-00007404 the xo, command master chief decide what training RBzQzo02KG8-00022-00007404-00007731 is appropriate to to that unit and how RBzQzo02KG8-00023-00007731-00007786 how to do it. RC5k7uq02jM-00000-00000497-00000767 [Andrew Steer] Today, more than half the world's population RC5k7uq02jM-00001-00000767-00000967 live in cities. RC5k7uq02jM-00002-00000967-00001182 And another 1.5 billion people RC5k7uq02jM-00003-00001182-00001607 will be added to city populations by 2030. RC5k7uq02jM-00004-00001607-00002014 This means it is critical to address urban challenges now. RC5k7uq02jM-00005-00002153-00002594 Our EMBARQ program develops research-based transportation RC5k7uq02jM-00006-00002594-00002975 and public space solutions that save lives. RC5k7uq02jM-00007-00002975-00003465 EMBARQ is making big ideas happen in cities. RC5k7uq02jM-00008-00003465-00003665 This is our approach. RC5k7uq02jM-00009-00003867-00004200 [Claudia Adriazola-Steil] More people in cities means more cars, RC5k7uq02jM-00010-00004200-00004586 which brings more traffic fatalities, air pollution, RC5k7uq02jM-00011-00004586-00004928 and reduces physical activity. RC5k7uq02jM-00012-00004928-00005346 Over 1.2 million people die in traffic crashes every year. RC5k7uq02jM-00013-00005346-00005858 That's eight Boeing 747's every single day. RC5k7uq02jM-00014-00005858-00006198 Air pollution leads to shorter life expectancy RC5k7uq02jM-00015-00006198-00006537 and reduces overall quality of life. RC5k7uq02jM-00016-00006537-00006840 EMBARQ is helping cities to be safer by design. RC5k7uq02jM-00017-00006840-00007053 Through better road work planning and transport, RC5k7uq02jM-00018-00007053-00007255 traffic fatalities can be reduced RC5k7uq02jM-00019-00007255-00007523 while also providing cleaner air to breathe RC5k7uq02jM-00020-00007523-00007789 and healthier, active ways to get around. RC5k7uq02jM-00021-00008323-00008522 [Toni Lindau] Bus rapid transit or BRT RC5k7uq02jM-00022-00008522-00008950 is one of the fastest-growing public transport modes in the world. RC5k7uq02jM-00023-00008950-00009360 A single BRT corridor can move more than half a million people per day RC5k7uq02jM-00024-00009360-00009761 in cities like Istanbul, Guangzhou, Bogotá, RC5k7uq02jM-00025-00009761-00009998 and here in Rio de Janeiro. RC5k7uq02jM-00026-00009998-00010326 Providing a dedicated lane increases reliability RC5k7uq02jM-00027-00010326-00010643 and gives hours per week back to passengers. RC5k7uq02jM-00028-00010643-00010898 And that's why people choose to ride it. RC5k7uq02jM-00029-00010898-00011189 But what can make BRT really special RC5k7uq02jM-00030-00011189-00011507 is the effect on health and safety. RC5k7uq02jM-00031-00011507-00011835 By introducing high-quality and well-designed BRT RC5k7uq02jM-00032-00011835-00012133 in cities across the world, we can save lives RC5k7uq02jM-00033-00012133-00012543 and improve the quality of life for millions of people. RC5k7uq02jM-00034-00012543-00012891 We are also thinking about changing the face of cities RC5k7uq02jM-00035-00012891-00013141 and improving health through the bicycle. RC5k7uq02jM-00036-00013141-00013681 In Rio, more than 600,000 trips are made by bicycle every day. RC5k7uq02jM-00037-00013681-00013918 EMBARQ is working with the city of Rio RC5k7uq02jM-00038-00013918-00014216 to integrate bicycling in and around favelas RC5k7uq02jM-00039-00014216-00014422 where most people rely on walking. RC5k7uq02jM-00040-00014422-00014757 This can foster a healthier and safer alternative RC5k7uq02jM-00041-00014757-00015090 to more dangerous forms of transport like motorcycles, RC5k7uq02jM-00042-00015090-00015365 and increase access to public transport. RC5k7uq02jM-00043-00015365-00015725 By building streets for cyclists at low traffic speeds, RC5k7uq02jM-00044-00015725-00016086 we can improve safety, help residents be physically active, RC5k7uq02jM-00045-00016086-00016443 and cut down on the air pollution and emissions from vehicles. RC5k7uq02jM-00046-00016692-00016961 At EMBARQ, we believe in reclaiming public spaces RC5k7uq02jM-00047-00016961-00017214 for people to enjoy the city in which they live RC5k7uq02jM-00048-00017214-00017470 and have better accessibility on foot. RC5k7uq02jM-00049-00017470-00017704 EMBARQ partnered with the government of Istanbul RC5k7uq02jM-00050-00017704-00018019 to pedestrianize our Historic Peninsula. RC5k7uq02jM-00051-00018019-00018292 Traffic is no longer allowed on these beautiful streets, RC5k7uq02jM-00052-00018292-00018651 making it one of the safest and cleanest places RC5k7uq02jM-00053-00018651-00019020 within the city of nearly 14 million people. RC5k7uq02jM-00054-00019020-00019326 Today with its crowds shopping and enjoying the restaurants, RC5k7uq02jM-00055-00019326-00019685 it is back to its original purpose as a place for people. RC5k7uq02jM-00056-00019685-00019910 People are walking more and feel safer. RC5k7uq02jM-00057-00019910-00020434 The area has even seen increases in retail space and property values. RC5k7uq02jM-00058-00020434-00020708 This is one of many ways EMBARQ is working globally RC5k7uq02jM-00059-00020708-00020963 to make cities safer and more enjoyable. RC5k7uq02jM-00060-00021074-00021394 [Madhav Pai] We work locally to understand how people use their cities. RC5k7uq02jM-00061-00021394-00021688 Only then can we offer solutions that work. RC5k7uq02jM-00062-00021688-00022021 Here in Mumbai and in Bangalore, we're working to improve RC5k7uq02jM-00063-00022021-00022261 pedestrian access to metro stations. RC5k7uq02jM-00064-00022261-00022651 In Mumbai there are 10 million public transport trips every day. RC5k7uq02jM-00065-00022651-00023061 80% of these people access mass transit by walking. RC5k7uq02jM-00066-00023061-00023315 We are working to improve conditions for pedestrians RC5k7uq02jM-00067-00023315-00023635 by providing safer footpaths, wider footpaths, RC5k7uq02jM-00068-00023635-00024030 raised crossings, and median refuge islands. RC5k7uq02jM-00069-00024030-00024351 We also found ways to improve auto rickshaw services. RC5k7uq02jM-00070-00024351-00024619 We helped revise fares, improve driver service, RC5k7uq02jM-00071-00024619-00024879 in general bring innovation and entrepreneurship RC5k7uq02jM-00072-00024879-00025079 for a better rickshaw experience. RC5k7uq02jM-00073-00025079-00025452 Pedestrian access, rickshaws, mass transport RC5k7uq02jM-00074-00025452-00025697 all integrated, is how we can reduce RC5k7uq02jM-00075-00025697-00025951 private vehicle injuries in our cities. RC5k7uq02jM-00076-00025951-00026335 These are the ways we're working to make cities safer for people. RC5k7uq02jM-00077-00026419-00026636 [Claudia Adriazola-Steil] All of these systems are making cities RC5k7uq02jM-00078-00026636-00026850 safer by design. RC5k7uq02jM-00079-00026850-00027099 Our approach to health and road safety RC5k7uq02jM-00080-00027099-00027299 is evidence-based. RC5k7uq02jM-00081-00027299-00027548 Reducing the number of streets by automobile RC5k7uq02jM-00082-00027548-00027977 or prioritizing the streets for people makes cities safer. RC5k7uq02jM-00083-00027977-00028347 And so we work to redesign the streets and public spaces, RC5k7uq02jM-00084-00028347-00028631 give people better mobility options, RC5k7uq02jM-00085-00028631-00028902 and improve mass transport. RC5k7uq02jM-00086-00028902-00029314 EMBARQ is dedicated to health and road safety in urban areas, RC5k7uq02jM-00087-00029314-00029587 and to the most important thing in cities— RC5k7uq02jM-00088-00029587-00029787 the lives of people. RIIyeu4fjSU-00000-00000102-00000313 sdasfsfafadvcz RJqa5vr0ZwM-00000-00000443-00000802 (indistinct conversations) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00001-00002149-00002374 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00002-00003514-00003597 - Yeah. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00003-00003647-00003731 Yeah. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00004-00003934-00004126 - Sir, good to see you. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00005-00004127-00004244 - Morning Sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00006-00004556-00004915 (indistinct conversations) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00007-00005758-00005841 - Monsieur. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00008-00005841-00005925 Monsieur. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00009-00006141-00006532 - Hi (speaks foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00010-00007150-00007525 - I don't know but (mutters) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00011-00007708-00008066 (indistinct conversations) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00012-00008639-00008864 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00013-00010174-00010299 - Morning, sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00014-00010576-00010659 Morning. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00015-00011074-00011424 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00016-00011816-00012208 (speaking in foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00017-00013194-00013411 - [Man] Morning gentlemen. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00018-00013526-00013876 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00019-00016447-00016839 (speaking in foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00020-00017160-00017243 - Good morning. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00021-00017243-00017360 - Morning Sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00022-00017589-00017939 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00023-00019675-00020067 (speaking in foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00024-00021866-00022266 (speaking in foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00025-00024191-00024326 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00026-00024326-00024635 (speaking in foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00027-00024635-00024718 - Nice to meet you. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00028-00024718-00024877 - Nice to meet you. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00029-00025139-00025222 - We uh... RJqa5vr0ZwM-00030-00026386-00026484 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00031-00026484-00026634 - Looking forward. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00032-00027141-00027523 - Well, I got time this weekend if you (mumbles) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00033-00027523-00027631 - Yeah, yeah. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00034-00027681-00027773 - Sir, sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00035-00028194-00028544 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00036-00028791-00028936 - I serve as the political advisor-- RJqa5vr0ZwM-00037-00028936-00029070 - Ah, you serve. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00038-00029272-00029497 - It's just like old times. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00039-00029957-00030307 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00040-00034301-00034526 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00041-00035190-00035423 - You are more than welcome. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00042-00036804-00036887 - Yes sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00043-00036969-00037053 Yes sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00044-00037164-00037531 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00045-00037833-00038200 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00046-00040577-00040935 (indistinct conversations) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00047-00041366-00041733 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00048-00044161-00044536 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00049-00048757-00048840 - I see it, okay. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00050-00048840-00048948 That's right. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00051-00049705-00049988 - [Man] Did you have a good break? RJqa5vr0ZwM-00052-00051989-00052348 (indistinct conversations) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00053-00056735-00057025 - It's a good price, but it does the same job, so. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00054-00057025-00057250 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00055-00058176-00058543 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00056-00064538-00064646 - [Man] Take your seat please. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00057-00064646-00064730 Thank you. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00058-00065127-00065477 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00059-00069548-00069641 - Honor is money. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00060-00069641-00069725 - Good deal. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00061-00069725-00069808 - Thank you, sir. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00062-00069808-00069908 - Thank you. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00063-00073385-00073469 - [Man] Good time. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00064-00073469-00073694 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00065-00075136-00075502 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00066-00078770-00079136 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00067-00081475-00081700 (laughing) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00068-00083084-00083434 (indistinct conversation) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00069-00096632-00096999 (speaking foreign language) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00070-00098307-00098499 (thud) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00071-00098501-00098851 - Just on time as the military used to do. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00072-00098881-00099189 (speaking in French) RJqa5vr0ZwM-00073-00108712-00109079 In the afternoon we'll welcome our partners. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00074-00109108-00109411 First, we will meet with our 13 resolute RJqa5vr0ZwM-00075-00109411-00109653 support operational partners. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00076-00109669-00109891 Second, and the deputy commander RJqa5vr0ZwM-00077-00109891-00110022 of the resolute support mission RJqa5vr0ZwM-00078-00110022-00110439 will update on the strategic and operational situation. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00079-00110443-00110678 And the senior civilian representative RJqa5vr0ZwM-00080-00110678-00110969 will provide the political context. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00081-00110981-00111398 The continuant development of the ANDSF remains essential RJqa5vr0ZwM-00082-00111401-00111657 to the stability of Afghanistan RJqa5vr0ZwM-00083-00111657-00111990 and to the confidence of Afghan society. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00084-00112033-00112265 We will then meet with our seven RJqa5vr0ZwM-00085-00112265-00112528 Mediterranean dialogue partners. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00086-00112528-00112877 Understanding their views on the regional security situation RJqa5vr0ZwM-00087-00112877-00113153 and their expectations is crucial for us RJqa5vr0ZwM-00088-00113153-00113495 to identify the right strategy for the region. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00089-00113495-00113847 As such, we will be briefed by the Algerian RJqa5vr0ZwM-00090-00113847-00114169 and the Israeli general staff on the security concern RJqa5vr0ZwM-00091-00114169-00114494 in Northern Africa and the Middle East. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00092-00114534-00114709 We will finish today, RJqa5vr0ZwM-00093-00114765-00115080 one, by meeting with our 25 inter-operative RJqa5vr0ZwM-00094-00115080-00115413 platform partners from around the world. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00095-00115452-00115794 We will hear insights from Japan and republic of Korea RJqa5vr0ZwM-00096-00115794-00116093 about the secretive situation in the far east RJqa5vr0ZwM-00097-00116093-00116485 and their attempts to mediate emerging threats. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00098-00116535-00116826 Tomorrow, we will start with two meetings RJqa5vr0ZwM-00099-00116826-00117182 dedicated to our partners, Georgia and Ukraine, RJqa5vr0ZwM-00100-00117182-00117464 who will inform us on their perspectives RJqa5vr0ZwM-00101-00117464-00117745 of the regional security situation. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00102-00117745-00117988 We will also be updated on the status RJqa5vr0ZwM-00103-00117988-00118319 of a NATO substantial package for Georgia RJqa5vr0ZwM-00104-00118319-00118689 and on the Ukrainian Armed Forces development. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00105-00118689-00118972 Finally, we will have a session in which we focus RJqa5vr0ZwM-00106-00118972-00119297 on Russia and its relationship to NATO. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00107-00119441-00119798 The strategy commanders and I will brief the media RJqa5vr0ZwM-00108-00119798-00120017 on the outcomes of our discussion RJqa5vr0ZwM-00109-00120017-00120309 at the press conference once we have completed RJqa5vr0ZwM-00110-00120309-00120592 our proceedings at 13:30 tomorrow. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00111-00120657-00120945 I would now like to thank the media RJqa5vr0ZwM-00112-00120945-00121141 for attending an opening session RJqa5vr0ZwM-00113-00121141-00121441 and kindly as you to leave the room. RJqa5vr0ZwM-00114-00121449-00121532 Thank you. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00000-00000333-00002550 Ashley Love: Hi everyone, this is Dr. Love here again, welcome back. This is another short video on how to use SPSS before our biostatistics class. I hope everyone is doing well. Hang in there. Let me go through our next SPSS skill that's going to be very useful. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00001-00002976-00004854 Ashley Love: And basically what we're going to be doing is doing some simple manipulation of the data. So you're going to have a raw data that we've been working on. We're going to open that and then find this data in the SPSS menu on the top and you're going to RJXsbp_ruRQ-00002-00005028-00006684 Ashley Love: Manipulate the data by either selecting the cases and I'm going to show you another thing recording little bit later, and then seeing the results in the outputs. So I'm going to pause a little bit. So you guys have a chance to get your breath. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00003-00006840-00007784 Ashley Love: Okay, so hopefully you have a data set that's open that you've been working with. It's the same data set that you've been working on as homework one. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00004-00007833-00009366 Ashley Love: And what you're going to be doing is you're going to run a analysis using only select cases. So how do you do that. So let's say if you just want to look at females or males in this data set. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00005-00009465-00010731 Ashley Love: And just looking at the descriptors on just a female or male. So I'm going to show you how to do that pretty easily with SPSS and that's one of the reasons why SPSS is such a powerful tool. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00006-00010815-00012390 Ashley Love: Okay, so what you need to do is go to your data and you're going to select cases by going to the file here on the top. It's cut off here, but you should be able to find it right up on the top. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00007-00012417-00013533 Ashley Love: And the drop down menu will say select cases. So they'll say go to Data and then select cases. And this is how you select specific cases by doing this. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00008-00013680-00014487 Ashley Love: Kevin next screen that you're going to see the data and select cases menu is this. So we are interested in sex. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00009-00014559-00016569 Ashley Love: Male and female. So what we want to do is click on the if condition is satisfied icon here. Once you click on if the condition is satisfied this menu will come up, you need to select sex and RJXsbp_ruRQ-00010-00016695-00017340 Ashley Love: Once you select sex. Let's say if you want just women, which is coded as one RJXsbp_ruRQ-00011-00017409-00018813 Ashley Love: You want to put says equals one, because we the computers don't like words I it likes numbers and you're going to click on Continue. So you successfully. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00012-00018855-00020121 Ashley Love: Selected number one sex, which is women and what it's going to do, is it the next pop up menu is going to look like this. So you're going to come back to the select cases menu. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00013-00020178-00021570 Ashley Love: And it'll say if Sex equals one and then you're going to click on. Okay. Once you click on. Okay, you're going to notice that these cases are blacked out RJXsbp_ruRQ-00014-00021594-00023253 Ashley Love: Which means that all the number twos or feet males are not being selected and you're going to notice here in this in text that you have successfully done the analysis and now you could run the analysis only on Sex equals one, or female. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00015-00023433-00025428 Ashley Love: Okay, so if you want to go back and reset. So make sure that all the cases are selected. Again, you want to go back to data on the top of the menu and then select all cases. And then that's going to allow you to RJXsbp_ruRQ-00016-00025605-00026625 Ashley Love: Select both cases. One and two and all the hashtags will disappear when you clicked on either reset or select all cases. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00017-00026961-00027192 Ashley Love: Okay, so it's going to look like this. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00018-00027363-00028416 Ashley Love: So going back to just looking at females and the output that you're going to get if you just wanted to look at a female RJXsbp_ruRQ-00019-00028520-00029793 Ashley Love: Cases, it's going to show you that it has filtered out Sex equals one. Nothing else was selected and then you'll get the minimum and maximum of the females only. So it's going to look like this. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00020-00029826-00031058 Ashley Love: And you're going to copy and paste into the Word file just because if the learning module systems don't like SPSS output. So you have to copy and paste the outputs here. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00021-00031208-00031962 Ashley Love: Okay, so we successfully selected the cases and there's going to be scenarios where you want to read code the data. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00022-00032016-00033456 Ashley Love: What does that mean, well, in this case the data set that we're will look looking at there are seven cases and the age is coded as continuous. So let's say if you wanted to call the ages into a categorical data so RJXsbp_ruRQ-00023-00033534-00034581 Ashley Love: One and two. So anyone over 40 is considered to anyone younger than of 40 is coded as one, let's say, RJXsbp_ruRQ-00024-00034692-00035526 Ashley Love: The best practice is to record into a different variable. The reason why I say this is because if you recording to the same variable. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00025-00035580-00037449 Ashley Love: You actually transpose the original data set into the same variable and you won't be able to check whether or not you've coded the variable correctly. So I recommend that you do recoat into different variables to double check later. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00026-00037593-00038997 Ashley Love: Okay, so what do you need to do. So basically what you need to do is once you click on transform and then record into different variable in this case we're interested in age. So you click on age and it's going to RJXsbp_ruRQ-00027-00039033-00039543 Ashley Love: Come over to the next screen here, and it says age, question mark. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00028-00039621-00040959 Ashley Love: Well, this means that you have to tell the computer or tell SPSS, how you want to record the data before doing that. You want to make sure that you have the output variable in this case you want to rename it RJXsbp_ruRQ-00029-00041034-00042372 Ashley Love: In a way that is meaningful instead of just, you know, variable three. In this case you want to say like age re code and then we'll label would be age 40 cut off and then click on Change. You want to do that. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00030-00042603-00042681 Ashley Love: To RJXsbp_ruRQ-00031-00042798-00044667 Ashley Love: Define the age, you need to click on old and new values. So once you do the output variable and rename that variable, you want to go into the value section and this is what you're going to be seeing. So we decided that RJXsbp_ruRQ-00032-00044784-00045537 Ashley Love: Was the cutoff. So the 40 is going to go into the higher category and the 39 and under is going to be an age. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00033-00045603-00046737 Ashley Love: Value one. So let's start from the bottom value which is here. You click on age and you came up into the second pop up menu that you'll see RJXsbp_ruRQ-00034-00046785-00047859 Ashley Love: ricotta into different variables, old and new value. So you're going to see one pop up menu at a time, but I just transpose all three of them. So you can see the progression. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00035-00047892-00049176 Ashley Love: Of these pop up venues. So in this case you have different ways to record the value. So in this case, range, the quickest way to do this is we know that the cutoff is at 39 through value. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00036-00049254-00050295 Ashley Love: 39 and then the new value. You want to say value equals one and you want to click on and once you click on add RJXsbp_ruRQ-00037-00050397-00051305 Ashley Love: You'll see lowest through 39 equals one and you click on Continue. So you successfully ricotta. The continuous variable. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00038-00051369-00053064 Ashley Love: Of age into this category one. What about the rest of the numbers so 40 and up. So basically what you need to do is, in this case range value through the highest. This is the easiest way to do this, which is 40 RJXsbp_ruRQ-00039-00053115-00055304 Ashley Love: Range and then value to for the new value and then you click on Add and you see that it has successfully ricotta from old to new. You want to make sure that this bottom portion as populated to ensure that you have successfully recorded the variable and you press Continue. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00040-00055500-00056463 Ashley Love: So what do you see here. So basically what you're going to be seeing is this age eight recorded and then you want to click on. Okay. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00041-00056532-00058149 Ashley Love: Once you click on. Okay, you want to check to see if the new variable is recorded correctly. In this case, we only have seven cases. So it's easy to visually inspected. So now you can see that this Rico the age Rico that you see. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00042-00058296-00061116 Ashley Love: In the SPSS. Do you see that at their last column there is. Sorry about that. The age re code were to correspond to 41 correspond to 20 and as you can see. And if 31 and then 46 is to it recorded correctly so you can visually inspect it. However, if you have more than RJXsbp_ruRQ-00043-00061280-00063324 Ashley Love: 100 cases, it's hard to visually check really quickly. So what you can do is run the descriptive statistics to see what frequencies to see how many are you know how many cases are over 40. How many cases are under 40 to see whether or not you that this correctly. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00044-00063432-00064944 Ashley Love: And once again, you could run the analysis age in this case is categorical and then age here is continuous, the one that was there before. And you can continue to read code. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00045-00065013-00066093 Ashley Love: However, you would like. And you can manipulate the data this way. So back to the last slide. Sorry, I jumped the gun. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00046-00066165-00067578 Ashley Love: So SPSS is a really powerful tool so you can select certain cases, you can also merged and data as as well. So that's something that we didn't cover, but we did cover how to read code, the RJXsbp_ruRQ-00047-00067644-00068664 Ashley Love: Variable into a new variable, making the continuous into a categorical data. So now you're ready to perform inferential statistics. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00048-00068691-00069735 Ashley Love: We've done a lot of descriptive statistics. Up until now, and now we're going to move forward and talk about the inferential statistics that we've been talking about. RJXsbp_ruRQ-00049-00069765-00071289 Ashley Love: In class and also in the textbook. So I'll see you in the next video. Hang in there. And please feel free to message me if you're having a hard time or if you have any other questions. I'll talk to you soon. Bye, everyone. RKPICc2o0qA-00000-00000012-00000120 [Music] foreign RKPICc2o0qA-00001-00001154-00001254 [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00002-00001254-00001776 hey it's Jackie and welcome back to my Vlog Channel as you can see I have a lot of bows RKPICc2o0qA-00003-00001776-00002244 in my hair right now I've been seeing tons of cute hairstyles with really dainty little bows RKPICc2o0qA-00004-00002244-00002856 on people like Haley Bieber Madison beer Summer of a keen actually is a really really cute look with RKPICc2o0qA-00005-00002856-00003342 them so I thought it'd be fun to recreate some of my favorites and show you guys how to do it RKPICc2o0qA-00006-00003342-00003834 yourself have you noticed a cute pink bows popping up everywhere here's five easy hairstyles with RKPICc2o0qA-00007-00003834-00004338 bows create a tiny braid from the hairline next gather the hair from the ear upward combed back RKPICc2o0qA-00008-00004338-00004902 into a high ponytail with the small braid section off with a small elastic and tie a thin bow around RKPICc2o0qA-00009-00004902-00005352 it this is a subtle way to wear the trend that keeps your hair off the face if you have curtain RKPICc2o0qA-00010-00005352-00005760 bangs or bangs in general this next style will look great on you pick up a small section RKPICc2o0qA-00011-00005838-00006264 and then braid all the way down the hair elastic and finish off with another bow RKPICc2o0qA-00012-00006264-00006731 this look is inspired by a post by Madison Beer and it's my favorite because it adds RKPICc2o0qA-00013-00006731-00007206 a cute detail to long straight hair separate your hair over your shoulders and then split RKPICc2o0qA-00014-00007206-00007631 those in half crossing the top two sections and grouping them with the bottom two from RKPICc2o0qA-00015-00007631-00008094 the opposite side wrap a bunch of thin ribbon around add a bow and leave the end super long RKPICc2o0qA-00016-00008094-00008526 to highlight the two ponytails you can also pull these over your shoulders for pigtails RKPICc2o0qA-00017-00008718-00009264 obviously this one is not the most practical but I had fun with it and while I'm here I RKPICc2o0qA-00018-00009264-00009708 thought that this fragrance definitely captured the vibe this is of course by RKPICc2o0qA-00019-00009708-00010272 penhaligans I unboxed it in another video but I just love the pink bow I'm gonna spray some RKPICc2o0qA-00020-00010374-00011370 oh that kind of hurt because my cat is a menace and bit me there hi honey good boy RKPICc2o0qA-00021-00011478-00012360 you look sweet but you're a little evil you want to bite me oh you oh wow you're sweet on camera RKPICc2o0qA-00022-00012456-00013247 usually just bites the [__] out of me good boy little angel hi baby oh I'm gonna take these bows RKPICc2o0qA-00023-00013247-00013638 out and catch up with you guys tomorrow where I will show you a bunch of new home decor I RKPICc2o0qA-00024-00013638-00014160 got and kind of my kitchen makeover it's going in quite a coastal Direction like lots of seashells RKPICc2o0qA-00025-00015210-00015713 I'm back and let's talk home decor if you can tell I got new pink curtains these ones are RKPICc2o0qA-00026-00015713-00016380 from anthropology I think they add such a fun pop of color out here you live an amazing life we do RKPICc2o0qA-00027-00016662-00017142 and I thought I would start off this haul with some and I used candles they're a RKPICc2o0qA-00028-00017142-00017664 luxury candle brand and I already unboxed this one look at this beautiful sculpture RKPICc2o0qA-00029-00017664-00018012 I've been wanting these so bad so I kept everything else in the box and RKPICc2o0qA-00030-00018012-00018408 I haven't looked at what they sent me and I thought we could do an unboxing together RKPICc2o0qA-00031-00018900-00019074 oh my gosh RKPICc2o0qA-00032-00019632-00020190 at her these smell like white chocolate to me oh RKPICc2o0qA-00033-00020478-00020532 see what's in RKPICc2o0qA-00034-00020988-00021402 what's next oh my gosh this one's oh this one's kind of freaky RKPICc2o0qA-00035-00021666-00022026 she has like fabric all around her face but it's super pretty at the back RKPICc2o0qA-00036-00022176-00022854 final two candles oh it says I don't hear what they are Cupid candle to get a knife or something RKPICc2o0qA-00037-00023160-00023220 like huh RKPICc2o0qA-00038-00023634-00023742 oh RKPICc2o0qA-00039-00024012-00024696 look at this Cupid like there's so much detail on the wings I want to keep some of these just RKPICc2o0qA-00040-00024696-00025386 as sculptures and then I'll burn maybe one of them oh double layered creamy vintage cake RKPICc2o0qA-00041-00025590-00025716 how pretty RKPICc2o0qA-00042-00026112-00026550 oh here already smelled good because of the flowers but now with the candles oh I'm in RKPICc2o0qA-00043-00026550-00027108 like a dream right now the little card says and I use candle is inspired by sculptures RKPICc2o0qA-00044-00027108-00027702 and art yes we make luxurious 100 clean burning phthalate free candles for your home oh I need RKPICc2o0qA-00045-00027702-00028332 a wick trimmer they're perfect check out and I use candles if you're interested even just RKPICc2o0qA-00046-00028332-00028920 on Instagram like I love following them to see all the designs they create oh the blueberry RKPICc2o0qA-00047-00029208-00029832 foreign I've been filming a test run of this look today because it's inspired by RKPICc2o0qA-00048-00029832-00030330 one of my favorite looks ever it's from a 1999 runway show and the whole theme RKPICc2o0qA-00049-00030330-00030816 is chair of inspired and I saw that that was trending recently on Tick Tock so I'm doing RKPICc2o0qA-00050-00030816-00031289 my own take on it which is really just trying to replicate it as best as I can and I thought RKPICc2o0qA-00051-00031289-00031812 that I could just easily like replicate the outfit on camera but it did not go too well RKPICc2o0qA-00052-00031812-00032310 so tonight I'm gonna be crafting it making sure that it'll actually stay put for when RKPICc2o0qA-00053-00032310-00032820 I really film it tomorrow oh and a couple days ago I went to the Antique store there's one in RKPICc2o0qA-00054-00032820-00033270 Jacksonville called Great American antiques I think and it's amazing I love walking around RKPICc2o0qA-00055-00033270-00033732 there for hours I ended up finding this beautiful anthropology rug that is outside RKPICc2o0qA-00056-00034416-00034870 thank you [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00057-00035496-00036018 here's the new rug and then we have this table flowers RKPICc2o0qA-00058-00036282-00036642 Tyler's been picking me out flowers every week which is really sweet from Publix RKPICc2o0qA-00059-00036726-00037038 and then I have a bunch of craft stuff that I'm working with today RKPICc2o0qA-00060-00037278-00037770 this was one of the items that I got from my antique haul I absolutely love this I RKPICc2o0qA-00061-00037770-00038208 got this glass bowl we're gonna put shells in it from Beach days RKPICc2o0qA-00062-00038640-00039126 I think I'm gonna put this here so we have another place for keys because we always lose them RKPICc2o0qA-00063-00039198-00039666 also have been shopping on Amazon for a couple cute touches these spoon holders RKPICc2o0qA-00064-00039666-00040068 that have a mermaid feel to them these beautiful glasses that I actually enjoy RKPICc2o0qA-00065-00040068-00040356 drinking water out of so I'll have all these linked down below if you're RKPICc2o0qA-00066-00040356-00040746 interested and something that I wanted to do that makes a big difference is RKPICc2o0qA-00067-00040746-00041352 changing over all the knobs from stainless steel to these adorable starfish thank you RKPICc2o0qA-00068-00041802-00042162 I wanted to declutter all of my spices so I got a set from Amazon RKPICc2o0qA-00069-00042162-00042726 and I'm just dumping my old spices into the new containers foreign RKPICc2o0qA-00070-00043992-00044856 Decor details I have this couch by the window and added some lace RKPICc2o0qA-00071-00044856-00045264 curtains and even though it's a slightly different vibe I added seashell pillows RKPICc2o0qA-00072-00045564-00045774 you guys friends RKPICc2o0qA-00073-00046050-00046104 oh RKPICc2o0qA-00074-00046590-00046824 these were quite cheap but I really like how they look RKPICc2o0qA-00075-00048084-00048900 I just cleaned the kitchen a little bit and see above that door we have a big RKPICc2o0qA-00076-00048900-00049350 painting coming I'll put it on screen I'm so excited to see it it'll fit the beach theme RKPICc2o0qA-00077-00049512-00050100 let me set this up oh I got more things from the antique store RKPICc2o0qA-00078-00050340-00050760 I thought these picture frames were pretty so I have to find pictures to put in these RKPICc2o0qA-00079-00051246-00051708 and for my cats I got this sea turtle feeding bowl for both of them RKPICc2o0qA-00080-00051828-00052391 I wanted to finish off this Vlog with my favorite recipe we're gonna be making a cake Caesar salad RKPICc2o0qA-00081-00052391-00052896 it is so quick and easy and something that I've been eating at least like four times a week RKPICc2o0qA-00082-00053094-00053598 and this is all we need kale triple wash ready to eat RKPICc2o0qA-00083-00054060-00054204 oh [__] no RKPICc2o0qA-00084-00054479-00054774 it's gonna make a small portion RKPICc2o0qA-00085-00054929-00055500 I'll make Tyler some he won't be home till later and then I'm kind of picky I don't like the little RKPICc2o0qA-00086-00055500-00056046 stumps that much so I take them out and then I make the kale smaller just with my hands RKPICc2o0qA-00087-00056586-00056976 I don't mind the stocks but I don't like any big chunky ones RKPICc2o0qA-00088-00057029-00057629 no chunky stalks these are my favorite croutons cheese and garlic croutons RKPICc2o0qA-00089-00057629-00058217 by New York bakery anything by this brand in terms of croutons is ideal RKPICc2o0qA-00090-00058691-00059364 almost there this Caesar is the best I found it on a Blog I was like Googling what's the RKPICc2o0qA-00091-00059364-00059790 best Caesar dressing from the drugstore so I got this at Publix and it's the Ken Steakhouse RKPICc2o0qA-00092-00059790-00060438 creamy Caesar all-time favorite this bowl is the freaking best again an Amazon purchase RKPICc2o0qA-00093-00060438-00060912 obviously this is a very easy recipe but it's not so much the recipe it's like RKPICc2o0qA-00094-00060984-00061446 getting this this specifically and this and it makes such a difference RKPICc2o0qA-00095-00062334-00062867 I set these up here because I wanted to show you RKPICc2o0qA-00096-00062867-00063396 the dish set that I got from the antique store as well gorgeous RKPICc2o0qA-00097-00063600-00064067 to make it more like a chopped salad from New York I don't have chicken but I am going to add RKPICc2o0qA-00098-00064067-00064740 a little piece of really crispy bread on the side so that's toasting butter dishes so cute foreign RKPICc2o0qA-00099-00065022-00065255 this is the wine I'm having right now by the way RKPICc2o0qA-00100-00065994-00066120 hi baby RKPICc2o0qA-00101-00066324-00066642 who's a good kitten RKPICc2o0qA-00102-00066750-00067476 boy he's so fun to pick up and he always wants to try human food it's a raccoon are you a record RKPICc2o0qA-00103-00068652-00069054 well I'm gonna finish eating this outside with my wine and I think I'm gonna read RKPICc2o0qA-00104-00069054-00069432 the new Pamela Anderson book that came out I bought that a couple days ago and RKPICc2o0qA-00105-00069432-00069886 I just started it also have to put together that floral outfit so wish me luck [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00106-00070200-00070614 oh sweet boy RKPICc2o0qA-00107-00070806-00071562 hi sweetie back in the same bandeau and roll clips of all of the diying RKPICc2o0qA-00108-00071562-00072484 I've been doing this morning all sorts of flowers leaves ribbon more flowers [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00109-00074820-00075294 also if you like these nails they're by Olive in June they're my favorite these have been on RKPICc2o0qA-00110-00075294-00075768 for two weeks now you can see them growing out and I find the short nails do not stay RKPICc2o0qA-00111-00075768-00076188 put for me but these ones do these are the medium length so I picked up a couple more RKPICc2o0qA-00112-00076506-00077088 got this pink cheetah Licious one and then this blue set and they're my all-time favorites there's RKPICc2o0qA-00113-00077088-00077526 something about the glue that is amazing it doesn't recommend natural nail I have the RKPICc2o0qA-00114-00077526-00078054 photo here and I'm going to try to place on all those clips that I made to recreate the look I'm RKPICc2o0qA-00115-00078054-00078540 really hoping this works out and I forgot about this skirt there is like a big train skirt so RKPICc2o0qA-00116-00078540-00079092 I'm gonna head to Michaels after this but first I have to make sure the first bit works out perfect RKPICc2o0qA-00117-00079470-00079488 foreign RKPICc2o0qA-00118-00079784-00080496 [Music] better than I thought so I think I'm going to add more leaves around here and then RKPICc2o0qA-00119-00080496-00081114 drape it through because it definitely looks like there's more leaves on hers but so far pretty good RKPICc2o0qA-00120-00081252-00081702 I have a couple of flowers that I have to touch up and the headpiece I'm gonna put RKPICc2o0qA-00121-00081702-00082314 on when I have all the curls but yes this was the behind the scenes of my DIY project RKPICc2o0qA-00122-00082314-00082818 here these are a little big I might trim them down now that I am taking a good look at it RKPICc2o0qA-00123-00082908-00083670 I'm going to take some screenshots and like mess with it from here 's the test run voila RKPICc2o0qA-00124-00084362-00084462 [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00125-00084462-00085302 changed into this a very casual crop top this is from when I lived in La Jolla I still do miss San RKPICc2o0qA-00126-00085302-00085806 Diego a lot that's my favorite place I've lived but I love the weather in Florida it is stunning RKPICc2o0qA-00127-00085806-00086268 right now it feels like summer and I'm headed to Michael's to try to find something to DIY the RKPICc2o0qA-00128-00086268-00086724 skirt if I can't do it it's not the biggest deal usually I just do like half up body shots anyway RKPICc2o0qA-00129-00086724-00087306 but um yeah let's head to Michael's and we're gonna get the painting stretched at Michael's RKPICc2o0qA-00130-00087510-00087618 Easter stuff RKPICc2o0qA-00131-00087876-00087996 cute bunnies RKPICc2o0qA-00132-00088634-00088734 [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00133-00088734-00088914 I love it RKPICc2o0qA-00134-00089816-00089916 [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00135-00089916-00090204 morning stickers bright colors RKPICc2o0qA-00136-00090470-00091440 [Music] pretty I always leave with lots of flowers Target's tempting moving on to the RKPICc2o0qA-00137-00091440-00091932 skirt I found a foam wreath at Walmart and I cut it in half it happened to fit right on my hips RKPICc2o0qA-00138-00091998-00092544 and then I got about six feet of this pretty pink fabric that has some Sheen to it draped it over RKPICc2o0qA-00139-00092544-00093018 the wreath cut it into a rounded shape at the back with a matching ribbon that has some wire RKPICc2o0qA-00140-00093018-00093780 in it I'm crinkling it up like an accordion motion expanding it back out using that hot glue gun on RKPICc2o0qA-00141-00093780-00094284 the outside and inside and we can't forget the little details like a floral wristlet an anklet RKPICc2o0qA-00142-00094614-00095218 this ribbon is really pretty to add leaves to it and I had a blast crafting this [Music] RKPICc2o0qA-00143-00096486-00097134 got these pretty pots this whole set I fell in love with so we picked this up to add to RKPICc2o0qA-00144-00097134-00097686 the outdoor area and we're hanging these up but I will see you guys in my next Vlog and RKPICc2o0qA-00145-00097686-00098075 check out my main Channel video if you want to see on the full look at your note [Music]