B-2DGwc2iQ8-00000-00000028-00000560 In House 1.7, we describe what is the product of these practices, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00001-00000570-00001330 which in the case is to have mental space, and mental flow, freer and cleaner. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00002-00001330-00002126 And this is important for anyone who writes, who works creatively, with things like that, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00003-00002126-00002468 so you do not have creative blocks. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00004-00002526-00003186 When you keep a practice of constant rhythm, several times a day, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00005-00003186-00003906 you end up increasing the power of your mind in creating and focusing, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00006-00003938-00004372 and this has a very positive effect, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00007-00004380-00005308 the more times you can pause your day to contemplate and resume their work. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00008-00005348-00005812 On your computer, there is a memory called RAM. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00009-00005812-00006220 When it gets too long being used, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00010-00006220-00006622 the RAM is full, and the computer is slow. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00011-00006636-00007128 It’s exactly the same principle that works in your mind. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00012-00007173-00007906 If you spend a day in college attending several classes, one after another, B-2DGwc2iQ8-00013-00007936-00008640 you will surely get very exhausted and will not understand or absorb anything else. B-2DGwc2iQ8-00014-00008652-00009736 So the only way we can handle this intensive labor with information B-2DGwc2iQ8-00015-00009742-00010416 is by cleaning, restarting the computer, clearing the RAM several times a day. BB7LHBLjLcU-00000-00000066-00000858 I noticed that veritasium started the premiere for the very first time. it has never been seen before, BB7LHBLjLcU-00001-00000990-00001704 and I think that this is something that he's done for the very first time. I'm BB7LHBLjLcU-00002-00001704-00002568 not really sure if he ever did that before or something, just not 100 sure. BBPXNsouKMY-00000-00000384-00001592 I'm artist Cory Bennett Anderson and this is some of my work here created by mixed media. BBPXNsouKMY-00001-00002160-00002600 Welcome to BIMA, a beautiful gallery space here today showcasing some of BBPXNsouKMY-00002-00002600-00003136 my recent work that I've been inspired to create. Some of my favorite pieces here, BBPXNsouKMY-00003-00003240-00003920 showcasing mixed media, deep rich textures with lots of vintage articles of maps, highlighting BBPXNsouKMY-00004-00003920-00004416 words of wisdom, music, and other inspiring things that I find in my life. BBPXNsouKMY-00005-00004472-00004920 Here we have a Martin Luther King piece where we're showcasing maps of Selma BBPXNsouKMY-00006-00004984-00005576 and music and also imagery from places that he's traveled, as well, BBPXNsouKMY-00007-00005576-00006168 as I've had the chance to travel. I find it's so important to find heroes in your life that you can BBPXNsouKMY-00008-00006168-00006808 relate to to give you positive inspiration and really, you know, in these times where we're BBPXNsouKMY-00009-00006808-00007423 stuck at home and we're trying to find ways to step out of the box and try to do new things, BBPXNsouKMY-00010-00007423-00007928 it's important to find heroes that have done something positive with their voice to help us BBPXNsouKMY-00011-00007928-00008576 to strive to do something special with our lives, you know. For instance John F. Kennedy here spoke BBPXNsouKMY-00012-00008576-00009136 so many words of wisdom on issues that maybe weren't so easily talked about at that time. BBPXNsouKMY-00013-00009136-00009608 So I try to paint things that open up a conversation that are issues that might BBPXNsouKMY-00014-00009608-00010168 be hard to talk about, but this art gives us an opportunity to talk about those things, you know? BBPXNsouKMY-00015-00010232-00010840 So it's all mixed media. I use spray paint and acrylic. I use a lot of stencils. I've always BBPXNsouKMY-00016-00010840-00011528 been inspired by paper and just the tactile feel of being able to manipulate paper with a knife and BBPXNsouKMY-00017-00011528-00012104 also paste, being able to collage things, really to create a rich story. You know, BBPXNsouKMY-00018-00012104-00012624 from far away you may see a portrait of a beautiful face or an inspiring hero, BBPXNsouKMY-00019-00012624-00013096 but as you get closer you start to see these small details these small little BBPXNsouKMY-00020-00013096-00013512 details that connect us and really enrich the the human experience. BBPXNsouKMY-00021-00013591-00014063 Well thank you again for being a part of this. Please show us your inspiration and the things BBPXNsouKMY-00022-00014063-00015584 that you have been intrigued to create at home. Until next time, it's Art in Action. BE3kLP16UxY-00000-00000050-00000680 Reflective conversation as part of your advanced facilitation techniques. BE3kLP16UxY-00001-00000680-00001517 I'm going to explain to you how to engage people with En-ROADS in ways that actually changes their thinking in really deep, BE3kLP16UxY-00002-00001517-00002081 profound ways, and changes their acting and behavior in the real world. BE3kLP16UxY-00003-00002081-00002696 This is one of the three legs of the stool for learning in complex systems. BE3kLP16UxY-00004-00002696-00003170 The other two: vision, systems thinking. Reflective conversation. BE3kLP16UxY-00005-00003170-00003692 I'm going to talk about why it's so incredibly important, how to think about it, BE3kLP16UxY-00006-00003692-00004475 and third, how to implement these ideas in a real En-ROADS engagement. BE3kLP16UxY-00007-00004475-00005516 Here we go. So here's the problem we're trying to address. John Sterman, our team member from MIT Sloan's Sustainability Initiative, said it best. BE3kLP16UxY-00008-00005516-00006269 He says it like this. Research shows that showing people research doesn't work. BE3kLP16UxY-00009-00006269-00006740 Research shows that showing people research doesn't work. BE3kLP16UxY-00010-00006740-00007151 And people like us who love simulations often believe otherwise. BE3kLP16UxY-00011-00007151-00007703 Well, I explained the insight accurately. Of course they understand what I meant. BE3kLP16UxY-00012-00007703-00008819 No, that's not how it works. So what works, we find, is that you're helping people surface their assumptions, even know that they have assumptions, BE3kLP16UxY-00013-00008819-00009569 see those assumptions, test them against a simulator, and if needed, improve them. BE3kLP16UxY-00014-00009569-00010448 Overall, your job is to help people learn on their own terms, help people learn for themselves. BE3kLP16UxY-00015-00010448-00011051 That's what we're doing. One important concept here is mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00016-00011051-00011588 We argue that all decisions are made with models. BE3kLP16UxY-00017-00011588-00012323 99 percent of them are made with the models between our ears, what we call mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00018-00012323-00013355 These are the maps of causality, cause and effect, our understanding of how complex systems or any systems behave over time, BE3kLP16UxY-00019-00013355-00014119 particularly here as it relates to how we would forecast how these systems might play out into the future. BE3kLP16UxY-00020-00014119-00014891 For example, imagine that there was a zero-carbon energy supply invented, say, next week. BE3kLP16UxY-00021-00014891-00015119 Thorium fission or something like that. BE3kLP16UxY-00022-00015119-00016247 Now think in your head what might happen, if that invention were made, what would happen to overall temperature around the world by 2060? BE3kLP16UxY-00023-00016247-00017527 So think for a second. What you're doing right now is you are simulating your mental model about how this energy carbon climate system works. BE3kLP16UxY-00024-00017527-00017956 That's what I mean by a mental model. Now it goes deeper than that, even. BE3kLP16UxY-00025-00017956-00018868 Note that mental models also shape what we're even able to perceive, what we're open to seeing in the world. BE3kLP16UxY-00026-00018868-00019297 As Rumi says, we don't see the world as it is. BE3kLP16UxY-00027-00019297-00020026 We see the world as we are. We see the world as limited by what our mental models are open to BE3kLP16UxY-00028-00020026-00020828 bringing in. Even more of a reason to question them as we try to come up with solutions to pressing challenges. BE3kLP16UxY-00029-00020828-00021718 Now, extensive research into mental models has revealed how incredibly bad they are at handling the BE3kLP16UxY-00030-00021718-00022750 dynamics of complex systems like the climate where cause and effect are distant in time and in space. BE3kLP16UxY-00031-00022750-00023494 They're really bad at slow accumulations, like CO2 in the atmosphere. They're really bad at feedback loops, say, BE3kLP16UxY-00032-00023494-00024676 like economies of scale or the price demand dynamic feedback loop or nonlinearities about many features of the climate system. BE3kLP16UxY-00033-00024676-00025210 Now, these are many of the things that are covered in the En-ROADS Dynamics course. BE3kLP16UxY-00034-00025210-00025920 So our mental models are bad at it. But the computer models, well, our model En-ROADS isn't perfect, BE3kLP16UxY-00035-00025920-00026662 but it's designed to be better than our mental model at handling many of those dynamics. BE3kLP16UxY-00036-00026662-00027775 So we use En-ROADS and we look for opportunities to supplement and improve people's mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00037-00027775-00028354 That's what we're doing. We're looking for opportunities to supplement and improve people's mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00038-00028354-00029026 So what can you do when you're sitting there with somebody and En-ROADS or in a workshop or in a game? BE3kLP16UxY-00039-00029026-00030157 The most concrete thing you can do to surface and test and improve mental models is to help people by asking them to simulate their mental models BE3kLP16UxY-00040-00030157-00030783 before you move a slider. Don't just move it and show the result. BE3kLP16UxY-00041-00030783-00031395 So you're going to say, hey, I'm going to move this new zero-carbon switch. BE3kLP16UxY-00042-00031395-00032145 What do you think is going to happen to temperature by 2100? And ask them to whisper it to themselves, BE3kLP16UxY-00043-00032145-00032833 if it's a sensitive moment. Write it on a piece of paper, turn to the person next to them and say what that number is, BE3kLP16UxY-00044-00032833-00033277 write it into poll, a poll online if you're doing this online. BE3kLP16UxY-00045-00033277-00033892 Better yet, ask them to reveal why. Talk to the person about why you think that's the case. BE3kLP16UxY-00046-00033892-00035059 Why do you think temperature would go down one degree? Well, we'd have no more coal and no more gas and it would have a huge impact. BE3kLP16UxY-00047-00035059-00035542 Have people say what they think is going on in the system. BE3kLP16UxY-00048-00035542-00036433 Now, when you notice that gap, when you notice that it doesn't match your understanding of the system, don't quickly correct them. BE3kLP16UxY-00049-00036433-00037174 Spend a little time in detective mode. Try to figure out how do they see the world. BE3kLP16UxY-00050-00037174-00037693 Because in this workshop, and as things perhaps go on with their engagement with them, BE3kLP16UxY-00051-00037693-00038650 it's going to be so helpful to understand their mental model and everybody's mental model about this complex system. Get really curious. BE3kLP16UxY-00052-00038650-00039322 Then you have the payoff moment of, well, many people think the world works like this, BE3kLP16UxY-00053-00039322-00039718 that we would totally eliminate coal or whatever, and that would have a huge effect. BE3kLP16UxY-00054-00039718-00040192 And yet, here is what we understand from running the model and what's going on in BE3kLP16UxY-00055-00040192-00040618 the system. I'm going to show you the graphs that illustrate that there are these delays, BE3kLP16UxY-00056-00040618-00041380 these nonlinearities, there's a feedback processes with price and demand feedback loop that is really important. BE3kLP16UxY-00057-00041380-00042058 That way, you're helping people learn on their own terms in the context of how they think about the system. BE3kLP16UxY-00058-00042058-00042604 You're not just sending your insights, given how you see the system. BE3kLP16UxY-00059-00042604-00043225 Now, a really powerful way to make this happen, of course, is to walk your talk. And to walk your talk, BE3kLP16UxY-00060-00043225-00043786 you will along the way talk about your own learnings. BE3kLP16UxY-00061-00043786-00044188 You'll talk about the own, your own gaps, in your mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00062-00044188-00044890 Things that you don't understand, or didn't understand, or if you look and see a surprise, talk about it BE3kLP16UxY-00063-00044890-00045541 that way. You need to demonstrate that kind of openness to seeing your own assumptions and testing your assumptions and BE3kLP16UxY-00064-00045541-00046364 changing your assumptions. That will create the kind of environment where everybody feels safe to do so themselves. BE3kLP16UxY-00065-00046364-00046961 The second way to implement this reflective conversation idea. BE3kLP16UxY-00066-00046961-00047828 The way to do this is to create and invite people into your virtual world. This virtual world, BE3kLP16UxY-00067-00047828-00048362 of course, is this simulated scenarios in En-ROADS. Make it a kind of a what BE3kLP16UxY-00068-00048362-00049406 if, somewhat playful place, where you can conduct experiments in the simulator that help people understand and improve their mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00069-00049406-00049817 And sometimes that could even be with impractical tests. BE3kLP16UxY-00070-00049817-00050450 Don't think of this like a forecast modeling exercise. You're not just trying to predict the future. BE3kLP16UxY-00071-00050450-00051092 You're pushing on this system and seeing if you can learn something about how this system behaves. BE3kLP16UxY-00072-00051092-00051476 You can create very impractical tests of the model. BE3kLP16UxY-00073-00051476-00052241 I remember sitting with a reporter from The New York Times across the street from their offices in an Italian restaurant, BE3kLP16UxY-00074-00052241-00052930 and he wanted to create a scenario where emissions would go really close to zero in like 10 years. BE3kLP16UxY-00075-00052930-00053279 Now, this wasn't something he was just trying to say was really going to happen, BE3kLP16UxY-00076-00053279-00054086 but it could reveal something about how the carbon cycle would behave, how the climate would behave, how sea level rise would behave. BE3kLP16UxY-00077-00054086-00054629 It was a what if, playful kind of test. So. BE3kLP16UxY-00078-00054629-00055574 Have a certain amount of levity as you invite people to play with you with this simulator in this virtual world. BE3kLP16UxY-00079-00055574-00056327 The third way to implement reflective conversation, get yourself out of the way. BE3kLP16UxY-00080-00056327-00057089 The architect and thinker Bucky Fuller said it best. If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, BE3kLP16UxY-00081-00057089-00057713 don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them the tool. BE3kLP16UxY-00082-00057713-00058220 Give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking. BE3kLP16UxY-00083-00058220-00058733 That's what you're doing with En-ROADS. You're not teaching them stuff. BE3kLP16UxY-00084-00058733-00058889 You're not telling them stuff. BE3kLP16UxY-00085-00058889-00059903 You are mediating an interaction between a person and their mental model and En-ROADS, and helping them get the most out of that experience. BE3kLP16UxY-00086-00059903-00060770 And along the way, things will come up. People will be disappointed. They will think, I'm frustrated that this isn't showing up, BE3kLP16UxY-00087-00060770-00061214 that my solution isn't showing up as big as I want it to be. BE3kLP16UxY-00088-00061214-00062177 And instead of sitting with that experience, sometimes people will turn on you and they'll all try to kind of like bait you in different ways. BE3kLP16UxY-00089-00062177-00062996 You're not taking the bait. You're just helping people have the experience with this grounded science. BE3kLP16UxY-00090-00062996-00063512 And other times they may have other kind of frustrations like, oh, it's hopeless, BE3kLP16UxY-00091-00063512-00064085 we're never going to do it. Your job isn't necessarily to say, oh, rah rah, we can do it, BE3kLP16UxY-00092-00064085-00064487 don't give up hope. That's not for you to do. BE3kLP16UxY-00093-00064487-00065242 Ideally, maybe someone else in the workshop, you're going to set them up to have that kind of interaction. BE3kLP16UxY-00094-00065242-00065690 Ironically, don't be a direct advocate for the climate BE3kLP16UxY-00095-00065690-00066119 if you can avoid it. It isn't as helpful. You're a facilitator. BE3kLP16UxY-00096-00066119-00066788 You are helping them have this experience with the simulator. BE3kLP16UxY-00097-00066788-00067730 And the second way that you do it, of get yourself out of the way, is to set up peers, other people in the room, to speak up. BE3kLP16UxY-00098-00067730-00068996 Learning is a social experience. It is an experience of people often testing their own words and testing their ideas with other people and BE3kLP16UxY-00099-00068996-00069614 making sure that they will still be accepted by their friends if they change their mind about something. BE3kLP16UxY-00100-00069614-00070745 I remember distinctly at a session at MIT when a group of young conservative policy analysts were all talking about carbon pricing in En-ROADS. BE3kLP16UxY-00101-00070745-00071787 And I was facilitating and showing the model. And I noticed that most of the eyes were not only at the screen, they were really looking at each other. BE3kLP16UxY-00102-00071787-00072281 Is it OK to talk about this? It is a social experience. BE3kLP16UxY-00103-00072281-00072650 It matters whether you're in or out with new ideas. BE3kLP16UxY-00104-00072650-00073223 And so you need to create a space where people can really interact with each other well. BE3kLP16UxY-00105-00073223-00073637 Many times, to turn people to each other and speak to one another. BE3kLP16UxY-00106-00073637-00074036 Talk to your friend. What did you think was interesting about that last scenario? BE3kLP16UxY-00107-00074036-00074627 Turn to the person next to you and talk for five minutes. What is the biggest insight that's come out of this session today? BE3kLP16UxY-00108-00074627-00075713 Turn to the person next to you and share your thoughts. People will always talk and talk and talk and have plenty to say on this overall idea. BE3kLP16UxY-00109-00075713-00076748 Now, the best way to get out of the way is to give them the simulator in pairs or in threes. BE3kLP16UxY-00110-00076748-00077255 So that both gets you out of the way, you've shown them how to run the model and test it BE3kLP16UxY-00111-00077255-00077882 and you've done maybe a bunch of scenarios. But if you can somehow, online or on laptops, give them the simulator, BE3kLP16UxY-00112-00077882-00078425 and because learning is social, in pairs or in twos or threes, BE3kLP16UxY-00113-00078425-00079358 then that can often be the best payoff. When you set them up to talk with each other and interact with the simulator to BE3kLP16UxY-00114-00079358-00080196 improve their model, mental models, about how the system is going to behave over time in ways that lead to effective action. BE3kLP16UxY-00115-00080196-00080997 OK, so there it is. Reflective conversation and the power of this idea of mental models and the commitment BE3kLP16UxY-00116-00080997-00081429 that we have to helping people use En-ROADS to improve those mental models. BE3kLP16UxY-00117-00081429-00082403 Some of the best ways to do it and implement this idea. One of them, have people mentally simulate to surface their top mental models and test them. BE3kLP16UxY-00118-00082403-00083210 Create a really fun, playful, virtual what if world. And get the heck out of the way. BE3kLP16UxY-00119-00083210-00083537 I hope this was helpful. Go get em. BGw_RJWIILo-00000-00000004-00000280 Gold Creek Pond BGw_RJWIILo-00001-00000600-00000880 303 frames ‧ 8 seconds/frame Real time: 40.4 min ⇒ 200⨯ BGw_RJWIILo-00002-00000900-00001180 Nikon D850 ‧ 85mm 4sec ‧ ƒ/2 ‧ ISO 5000 BHgzBJUZL5c-00000-00000106-00000563 We've previously covered the reasons to say affirmations and why they might not be working BHgzBJUZL5c-00001-00000563-00000670 for you. BHgzBJUZL5c-00002-00000670-00001151 However, if you are just beginning, how do you determine and say affirmations? BHgzBJUZL5c-00003-00001151-00001664 Well, in this video we look at 5 steps to saying affirmations... BHgzBJUZL5c-00004-00001664-00001764 1. BHgzBJUZL5c-00005-00001764-00002218 Write in First Person - When you say or write affirmations, you BHgzBJUZL5c-00006-00002218-00002746 always want to say them in the first person - As doing so makes them statements you identify BHgzBJUZL5c-00007-00002746-00003101 with - Which can benefit your belief about yourself, BHgzBJUZL5c-00008-00003101-00003378 or your motivation to change certain aspects about yourself BHgzBJUZL5c-00009-00003378-00003994 - So try to say statements beginning with "I..." or better yet, "I am ..." BHgzBJUZL5c-00010-00003994-00004094 2. BHgzBJUZL5c-00011-00004094-00004538 Focus on the Positives - When you create and say affirmations, try BHgzBJUZL5c-00012-00004538-00005078 to focus on positives rather than negative, as this self talk can have a significant impact BHgzBJUZL5c-00013-00005078-00005412 on you - So rather than focusing on what you don't BHgzBJUZL5c-00014-00005412-00005837 want, focus on what you do want instead, turning a phrase to positive BHgzBJUZL5c-00015-00005837-00006422 - So rather than saying "I don't like to eat junk food", which focuses on not wanting to BHgzBJUZL5c-00016-00006422-00006793 eat unhealthy food - ...say "I enjoy eating fruit and vegetables BHgzBJUZL5c-00017-00006793-00007131 everyday", focusing on positive intention to change BHgzBJUZL5c-00018-00007131-00007372 3. BHgzBJUZL5c-00019-00007372-00007922 Make it Emotionally Charged - When we feel emotionally invested in something, BHgzBJUZL5c-00020-00007922-00008274 we often feel closer to it and making change as necessary BHgzBJUZL5c-00021-00008274-00008688 - Therefore, use emotion to your benefit and as your strength BHgzBJUZL5c-00022-00008688-00009211 - As when times get challenging, it can be the difference to keep you on track and push BHgzBJUZL5c-00023-00009211-00009556 you through - This is because everyone wants to feel good BHgzBJUZL5c-00024-00009556-00009993 about themselves and their life, so using emotion can be motivating BHgzBJUZL5c-00025-00009993-00010232 4. BHgzBJUZL5c-00026-00010232-00010618 Write in the Present - When you say affirmations, say them as though BHgzBJUZL5c-00027-00010618-00011065 they are your present reality - This isn't to mean to follow the idea of BHgzBJUZL5c-00028-00011065-00011474 "fake it till you make it" - ...but instead try to embody who you intend BHgzBJUZL5c-00029-00011474-00011945 to be tomorrow...today - So rather than saying "I will be confident BHgzBJUZL5c-00030-00011945-00012578 when I achieve my goal", say "I am confident, as I work towards achieving my goal" BHgzBJUZL5c-00031-00012578-00012714 5. BHgzBJUZL5c-00032-00012714-00013280 Focus on Why, Not How - Affirmations aren't to plan how you intend BHgzBJUZL5c-00033-00013280-00013682 to achieve goals, as the work involved is different when doing this BHgzBJUZL5c-00034-00013682-00014222 - Instead, the intention is to set your state to be and perform at your best BHgzBJUZL5c-00035-00014222-00014705 - ...and set intention for where you will be going forward and your reason for this BHgzBJUZL5c-00036-00014705-00015488 - So start today, make your affirmations and begin embodying the self you want to be BHgzBJUZL5c-00037-00015488-00015947 Thanks for watching, please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your BHgzBJUZL5c-00038-00015947-00016056 terms. BHgzBJUZL5c-00039-00016056-00016458 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. BKmS2uq5090-00000-00000003-00000608 And I just wanted to see what I'll get and you know, I've got a goal right here a bronze BKmS2uq5090-00001-00000691-00000968 I've got me a little silver. I got a gold BKmS2uq5090-00002-00001038-00001676 Look at we have here my first thing diamond you don't say the one that I have pull. This is a BKmS2uq5090-00003-00001768-00002024 charming moment that I have to say BKmS2uq5090-00004-00002113-00002634 It's 100 percent the greatest moment in 2K history therefore saying BKmS2uq5090-00005-00002800-00003098 Let's see who it is. Hopefully, it's Blake Griffin BKmS2uq5090-00006-00003115-00003491 If it is Blake Griffin, bro, he gonna be fitting in this line up BKmS2uq5090-00007-00003492-00003909 He gonna be fitting and he gonna be doing great in this line up BKmS2uq5090-00008-00003930-00004661 But if it's Ben Wallace because I know this is a bunch of Ben Wallace's around then I'm have to put that in the park BKmS2uq5090-00009-00004696-00005378 Put that in the pack market. I really don't really want him but I don't want him everybody's telling him. This is Allen Iverson BKmS2uq5090-00010-00005500-00006035 Great, but I'll still song cuz you know, my shooting guard is Ray Allen. Oh, yeah, Ray Allen gameplay. Come on BKmS2uq5090-00011-00006035-00006362 Whip grunts - what's your game play? Cuz I gotta catch up on the youtube ministry BKmS2uq5090-00012-00006362-00006941 But anyways, you know, let me open this cuz I got y'all waiting and I know that's not good. So BKmS2uq5090-00013-00007018-00007430 Let's see who it is. I'm gonna click X and 3 2 BKmS2uq5090-00014-00007504-00007704 1 BKmS2uq5090-00015-00007708-00007864 See who it is BKmS2uq5090-00016-00007864-00008273 I'm gonna turn around I'm having my eyes closed. I can't see it. So I turn around BKmS2uq5090-00017-00008332-00008532 And then I'm gonna turn around BKmS2uq5090-00018-00008922-00009620 Blade grip yo, you see this bro. I was yo, I was talking about this dude, bro. That's wrong BKmS2uq5090-00019-00009621-00010301 Talk about Blake Griffin on the first try just for that bro. Why should I get 20 more tokens, but I slit right there BKmS2uq5090-00020-00010302-00010847 That's that's a great gift right there. Thank you - Kay Thank You Ronnie. That was wonderful right there BKmS2uq5090-00021-00010939-00011139 That was dope BKmS2uq5090-00022-00011196-00011432 Now I have to do the honors BKmS2uq5090-00023-00011511-00011852 Very sorry of the bumps. No, I'm leaving Brian go on. I'm you know, what? BKmS2uq5090-00024-00011934-00012271 - there we go, right there Blake Griffin in the lineup BKmS2uq5090-00025-00012450-00012650 Dang matter the stuff went down though BKmS2uq5090-00026-00012705-00013313 Well, it doesn't matter. Well, we got a new addition to the team. His name is Blake Griffin BKmS2uq5090-00027-00013326-00013619 We're gonna put him on the bench real quick. Let me uh, BKmS2uq5090-00028-00013755-00013955 Put magic on the bench BKmS2uq5090-00029-00014069-00014269 Yeah BKmS2uq5090-00030-00014654-00015141 And yeah, thank you guys for watching this video this video was pretty much BKmS2uq5090-00031-00015302-00015822 You know going through you know, I'm happy that I got my mans out here we have BKmS2uq5090-00032-00015953-00016285 Who we got Blake Griffin joining us today? BKmS2uq5090-00033-00016385-00016638 That was pretty lit right there. I called it BKmS2uq5090-00034-00016639-00017002 I don't even know I was gonna get him s to have the stuff that I like right there BKmS2uq5090-00035-00017078-00017541 Dang, I did take a 99 on my overall. I made him a 99 but BKmS2uq5090-00036-00017708-00018456 Is it really that serious should I keep running I don't really know but you know, it's whatever you know BKmS2uq5090-00037-00018509-00018739 that the team is solid but BKmS2uq5090-00038-00018920-00019470 Yeah, I said I might think about putting Magic Johnson back in so yeah, man BKmS2uq5090-00039-00019570-00019875 Actually, let me see what I'll do if I put them in right now BKmS2uq5090-00040-00020101-00020301 All right, let me go check BKmS2uq5090-00041-00020798-00021025 Jesus man, I'm so happy I got to do it BKmS2uq5090-00042-00021155-00021679 Well, nothing really will go up not. Yeah, I think I'll slide. I'll take them all BKmS2uq5090-00043-00022670-00022908 Everybody can get minutes where I tell you what I BKmS2uq5090-00044-00023129-00023592 Know it's close Ryan. I'm taking one minutes. You know, I'm gonna think about what I'm doing here BKmS2uq5090-00045-00023651-00024301 No one if I should keep them in or not, but he's still gonna get minutes Marbury. I'm sorry. You guys got it BKmS2uq5090-00046-00024301-00024510 All right is are we gonna do? BKmS2uq5090-00047-00024653-00024853 Won't give you submit all wrong person BKmS2uq5090-00048-00025292-00026010 We gonna give few minutes we're gonna give few minutes we're gonna get few minutes BKmS2uq5090-00049-00026308-00026508 We're going to give you miss BKmS2uq5090-00050-00026576-00027087 But Oh tank mid-range will be on 92. That's what I'm talking about. Um BKmS2uq5090-00051-00027302-00027906 Who's gonna do give mic in like 20 minutes, you know Magic Johnson could get like 30 BKmS2uq5090-00052-00028166-00028593 Rounds or 40, you know, this is a great experience. I had gotten much into it BKmS2uq5090-00053-00028618-00028954 You know, I'm but it's your it disrespecting my mr. Braun BKmS2uq5090-00054-00028954-00029499 Let me go go put go put them in back in the line feel I did disrespecting him out here BKmS2uq5090-00055-00029564-00029883 But anyways, like comment, you know BKmS2uq5090-00056-00030014-00030378 Like the video and everything, you know, this is a great pack opening BKmS2uq5090-00057-00030470-00030753 my very first time pulling a pink diamond BKmS2uq5090-00058-00030848-00031039 from the BKmS2uq5090-00059-00031039-00031239 cobra flip at BKmS2uq5090-00060-00031241-00031324 I BKmS2uq5090-00061-00031324-00031763 Really appreciate that if you just subscribe like and comment down there BKmS2uq5090-00062-00031827-00032011 and BKmS2uq5090-00063-00032011-00032580 Thank you guys, and I'll see you in the next video. Peace out BLOU-gm_huM-00000-00000635-00001007 Have you ever thought; how a dream would around us will look like? BLOU-gm_huM-00001-00001007-00001672 Of course, technical advancements help us to live a smooth and easy life. BLOU-gm_huM-00002-00001672-00002508 Even in future, more evolution of automation, telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries BLOU-gm_huM-00003-00002508-00003136 will lead us to live a superior and healthy way of life. BLOU-gm_huM-00004-00003136-00003812 But, in this series of videos, we are going to discuss five social aspects, managing those, BLOU-gm_huM-00005-00003812-00003915 world around us could be entirely changed. BLOU-gm_huM-00006-00003915-00004015 About those facets, which are much important for a healthy, physical, mental and communal BLOU-gm_huM-00007-00004015-00004116 lifestyle. BLOU-gm_huM-00008-00004116-00004216 In this video, we will talk about two of the total five topics. BLOU-gm_huM-00009-00004216-00004977 Before starting today's video, I kindly request you to join the discussion with a clear and BLOU-gm_huM-00010-00004977-00005077 opened mind. BLOU-gm_huM-00011-00005077-00005177 So, let's start- BLOU-gm_huM-00012-00005177-00005632 Respect & Love: We say; "Give Respect and Love to get those back...". BLOU-gm_huM-00013-00005632-00006157 That's very true, everywhere, from your family to workplaces. BLOU-gm_huM-00014-00006157-00007456 Listen to the people around you attentively, provide importance to other people's thoughts. BLOU-gm_huM-00015-00007456-00008652 Believe me; it will magically improve your popularity among others. BLOU-gm_huM-00016-00008652-00009609 You will also feel happier people around you. BLOU-gm_huM-00017-00009609-00010043 So it's a win-win situation from both of the sides. BLOU-gm_huM-00018-00010043-00010591 Will I give you a life hack? BLOU-gm_huM-00019-00010591-00011628 Here it is .... "Good listeners are more popular than good speakers". BLOU-gm_huM-00020-00011628-00012740 Cleanliness: Most of us have heard the saying, 'Cleanliness is next to godliness". BLOU-gm_huM-00021-00012740-00013053 Not only for physical health, but cleanliness is much important for mental health too. BLOU-gm_huM-00022-00013053-00013457 Naturally, you can't stay mentally freah, if, your home, office or the overall surroundings BLOU-gm_huM-00023-00013457-00013583 are dirty. BLOU-gm_huM-00024-00013583-00014925 According to the data given by WHO, in 2020, around 54% and over 1.7 billion people still BLOU-gm_huM-00025-00014925-00015244 do not have basic sanitation services. BLOU-gm_huM-00026-00015244-00015995 As, we all, try to keep our houses neat and clean, but forgot the same thing at outside. BLOU-gm_huM-00027-00015995-00017020 It's more of our moral duty to keep our community, city, country and overall the world cleaned. BLOU-gm_huM-00028-00017020-00018153 It's the government's duty to give a proper lookout for this genuine global problem. BMg--5kyjd0-00000-00000216-00000367 Puppy Toys BMg--5kyjd0-00001-00000558-00000775 Let's learn numbers and colors BMg--5kyjd0-00002-00000784-00000871 One BMg--5kyjd0-00003-00000992-00001080 Two BMg--5kyjd0-00004-00001180-00001272 Three BMg--5kyjd0-00005-00001347-00001430 Four BMg--5kyjd0-00006-00001518-00001593 Five BMg--5kyjd0-00007-00001672-00001760 Six BMg--5kyjd0-00008-00001822-00001935 Seven BMg--5kyjd0-00009-00002223-00002310 Blue BMg--5kyjd0-00010-00003190-00003269 Blue BMg--5kyjd0-00011-00006552-00006656 Orange BMg--5kyjd0-00012-00010485-00010585 Pink BMg--5kyjd0-00013-00013951-00014034 Green BMg--5kyjd0-00014-00015056-00015256 Learning numbers and colors BMg--5kyjd0-00015-00017888-00017988 Yellow BMg--5kyjd0-00016-00021450-00021550 Purple BMg--5kyjd0-00017-00028586-00028766 We learned numbers and colors BMg--5kyjd0-00018-00028874-00028966 Puppy Toys BOlmLvThNG0-00000-00000403-00000764 The hidden true heart of a rude person BOlmLvThNG0-00001-00000764-00001307 As we go through life, there are times when our patience is cut off BOlmLvThNG0-00002-00001307-00001668 'just as a tree branch breaks smash'. BOlmLvThNG0-00003-00001668-00002352 That's when a rude person speaks badly to us. BOlmLvThNG0-00004-00002352-00002767 At this point, two thoughts come to your mind. BOlmLvThNG0-00005-00002767-00002967 going to get mad? BOlmLvThNG0-00006-00002967-00003167 no, hold on BOlmLvThNG0-00007-00003167-00003797 Even if you put up with it, when you go home, you keep thinking about rude words and you feel bad. BOlmLvThNG0-00008-00003797-00004401 Belatedly, also regretted 'Why did I endure it then?' BOlmLvThNG0-00009-00004401-00004843 Why do people who are rude to other people do that? BOlmLvThNG0-00010-00004843-00005429 When you hear a rude person say something rude, you try hard to understand the rude person. BOlmLvThNG0-00011-00005430-00006149 'that person didn't have bad intentions, and just probably didn't notice.' BOlmLvThNG0-00012-00006149-00006471 'that person must have said it by accident.' BOlmLvThNG0-00013-00006471-00006859 Of course, the person could have said something rude BOlmLvThNG0-00014-00006859-00007147 because he was Asperger's or ignorant, BOlmLvThNG0-00015-00007147-00007347 but in reality, that's unlikely. BOlmLvThNG0-00016-00007347-00008000 Whether the person was deliberately rude to you or not can be determined by looking into the person's eyes BOlmLvThNG0-00017-00008001-00008201 when they say something rude. BOlmLvThNG0-00018-00008201-00008589 If someone accidentally says something rude to you while not paying attention to you, BOlmLvThNG0-00019-00008589-00008877 it may not be meant to offend you. BOlmLvThNG0-00020-00008877-00009767 If the other person says something rude and looks at you straight ahead and looks at you with their observing eyes, BOlmLvThNG0-00021-00009767-00010155 it's very likely that they were intentionally rude. BOlmLvThNG0-00022-00010155-00010609 Because when someone is watching your reaction and saying something rude, BOlmLvThNG0-00023-00010609-00010809 they are trying to enjoy your reaction. BOlmLvThNG0-00024-00010809-00011009 And above all, realistically, BOlmLvThNG0-00025-00011009-00011298 if you think that you have heard rude remarks, BOlmLvThNG0-00026-00011298-00011664 there is a high probability that 90% of what the other person said was intentional. BOlmLvThNG0-00027-00011664-00011952 This is because, unless the other person is Asperger, BOlmLvThNG0-00028-00011952-00012760 it is unlikely that an adult who has been attending school and living in a group since childhood will say something rude without knowing it. BOlmLvThNG0-00029-00012760-00013380 So, why do people who say rude things say rude things? BOlmLvThNG0-00030-00013380-00013768 That's because of 'lost nature'. BOlmLvThNG0-00031-00013768-00014046 It's also because of the 'reward mentality'. BOlmLvThNG0-00032-00014046-00014721 Let me explain in more detail. BOlmLvThNG0-00033-00014721-00015175 When we surf the Internet, we have a default account and a fake or temporary account. BOlmLvThNG0-00034-00015175-00015530 We do not do this maliciously, but there are cases where we temporarily create an account BOlmLvThNG0-00035-00015530-00015796 even if we have a main account while browsing the Internet. BOlmLvThNG0-00036-00015796-00016339 In this way, we distinguish between primary accounts that we use frequently and secondary accounts that we use less frequently. BOlmLvThNG0-00037-00016339-00016760 Just like there is an account for work and there is an account for personal use. BOlmLvThNG0-00038-00016809-00017075 Human's personality is like that too. BOlmLvThNG0-00039-00017075-00017777 There is such a thing as a secondary account that is inevitably used to survive in society. BOlmLvThNG0-00040-00017777-00018000 In fact, all humans are selfish when they are young. BOlmLvThNG0-00041-00018059-00018524 Humans are born weak and selfish, BOlmLvThNG0-00042-00018524-00018978 Even when humans are weak and selfish when they are young, they are not greatly criticized. BOlmLvThNG0-00043-00018978-00019156 Then, as humans grow up, BOlmLvThNG0-00044-00019156-00019511 they start to be criticized by adults and their peers when they show selfishness. BOlmLvThNG0-00045-00019511-00019777 "Why are you so selfish?" BOlmLvThNG0-00046-00019777-00020140 "Know your place!" etc... BOlmLvThNG0-00047-00020140-00020550 That's why little kids can't be as cocky as they used to be. BOlmLvThNG0-00048-00020550-00020949 In particular, puberty is a period of pruning of personality. BOlmLvThNG0-00049-00020949-00021337 But greedy people find it difficult to control themselves BOlmLvThNG0-00050-00021337-00021746 They want to use the main account, but they have no choice but to live with a fake account. BOlmLvThNG0-00051-00021746-00022035 In fact, they like to be very stuck up, BOlmLvThNG0-00052-00022035-00022401 they want to be praised very much, BOlmLvThNG0-00053-00022401-00022689 they want to live with narcissism. BOlmLvThNG0-00054-00022689-00022889 But in reality they can't do that. BOlmLvThNG0-00055-00022889-00023565 Jealous people become envious and jealous when they see superior people praised. BOlmLvThNG0-00056-00023565-00024107 From their point of view, it should always be themselves who are praised and treated. BOlmLvThNG0-00057-00024107-00024610 But the reality is that they don't follow suit, so they get jealous. BOlmLvThNG0-00058-00024610-00024987 'Life isn't fun,' they think like this. BOlmLvThNG0-00059-00024987-00025607 People who cannot live on their main account like this become obsessed with rank. BOlmLvThNG0-00060-00025607-00026293 So, to someone higher than they, they serves as a subordinate with "loyalty, loyalty". BOlmLvThNG0-00061-00026293-00026714 They think that they have to do that so that their main account (original heart) will not be discovered. BOlmLvThNG0-00062-00026714-00027080 That's how they hide their jealousy. BOlmLvThNG0-00063-00027080-00028231 They hide their jealousy by being "loyal, loyal" to someone who seems stronger and higher than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00064-00028231-00028586 But if live like that, people can't help but be dissatisfied with reality. BOlmLvThNG0-00065-00028586-00029007 How frustrating it must be to live as a concept and not live as they really want. BOlmLvThNG0-00066-00029007-00029914 So the way these people release their stress is by whipping someone who looks lower than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00067-00029914-00030230 It's amazing how well these kinds of people divide people into ranks. BOlmLvThNG0-00068-00030230-00030584 There are people who like to rank humans. BOlmLvThNG0-00069-00030585-00031083 These people are good at "loyalty, loyalty" to people with higher rank than themselves. BOlmLvThNG0-00070-00031083-00031471 So, because of their desire to be rewarded, BOlmLvThNG0-00071-00031471-00031826 they want people who look lower than them to support them as they did to their superiors. BOlmLvThNG0-00072-00031826-00032114 That's because those needs aren't being met, BOlmLvThNG0-00073-00032114-00032436 so they say rude things whenever their hearts are twisted. BOlmLvThNG0-00074-00032436-00032900 These people never say anything rude to someone higher in rank than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00075-00032900-00033664 These people release their feelings of helplessness and inferiority to someone who thinks less than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00076-00033664-00034063 This is a twisted attitude that tries to release their stress from uncompensated effort BOlmLvThNG0-00077-00034063-00034384 to someone who looks lower than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00078-00034385-00034982 Wherever you go, from the start these people rank people well within the groups they go to. BOlmLvThNG0-00079-00034982-00035182 So, no matter what group they join, BOlmLvThNG0-00080-00035183-00035427 from the outset these people distinguish between those who are better than them BOlmLvThNG0-00081-00035427-00035627 and those who see below them. BOlmLvThNG0-00082-00035627-00035926 That's why he or she fills his or her sense of superiority by saying rude things to people BOlmLvThNG0-00083-00035927-00036127 who look lower than him once in a while. BOlmLvThNG0-00084-00036127-00036415 In fact, the person these people say rude things to once in a while is someone BOlmLvThNG0-00085-00036415-00036814 who looks worse than themselves from the point of view of these people. BOlmLvThNG0-00086-00036814-00037434 So unfortunately, if someone keeps saying rude things to you, BOlmLvThNG0-00087-00037434-00037899 he or she consider you lower than them. BOlmLvThNG0-00088-00037900-00038188 Even if that person thinks you're a inferior person, BOlmLvThNG0-00089-00038188-00038399 that's just their opinion, it doesn't mean you're really inferior. BOlmLvThNG0-00090-00038399-00039085 Whether it's because of your condition or because of your docile nature, BOlmLvThNG0-00091-00039085-00039838 they're rude because they think there's nothing wrong with putting you down. BOlmLvThNG0-00092-00039838-00040149 To that person, you look like you're pushover. BOlmLvThNG0-00093-00040149-00040581 When dealing with such a person, BOlmLvThNG0-00094-00040581-00040847 there is one thing you should never do, BOlmLvThNG0-00095-00040847-00041125 and that is 'unconditionally put up with a smile'. BOlmLvThNG0-00096-00041125-00041480 If you put up with it and laugh unconditionally, BOlmLvThNG0-00097-00041480-00041868 that person will see it as a sign that he or she can do it to you. BOlmLvThNG0-00098-00041868-00042134 So you have to be decisive. BOlmLvThNG0-00099-00042134-00042411 In fact, even though you are not inferior to this person, BOlmLvThNG0-00100-00042412-00042612 this person treats you inferior than he or she. BOlmLvThNG0-00101-00042612-00042977 To stop this person's rude remarks, BOlmLvThNG0-00102-00042978-00043590 you need to make them realize that you are not inferior than that person. BOlmLvThNG0-00103-00043590-00043967 Even really ugly people can protect themselves BOlmLvThNG0-00104-00043967-00044299 from being affected by other people's rude words and actions, BOlmLvThNG0-00105-00044299-00044754 depending on how they protect their self-esteem. BOlmLvThNG0-00106-00044754-00045097 When someone says something rude to you, BOlmLvThNG0-00107-00045097-00045430 don't react emotionally by laughing it off, crying, getting angry... BOlmLvThNG0-00108-00045430-00045926 Rather, don't show your emotions on your face and don't react to the other person's rude words. BOlmLvThNG0-00109-00045926-00046624 To use an analogy, hearing rude comments from someone is like receiving a prank call. BOlmLvThNG0-00110-00046624-00047321 When someone says something rude to you, it's like prank calling you. BOlmLvThNG0-00111-00047321-00047831 A prank call is just a prank without responsibility. BOlmLvThNG0-00112-00047831-00048362 It is the same with a rude person saying rude things to you. BOlmLvThNG0-00113-00048362-00048783 A rude person does it because they think it doesn't hurt them to be rude to you. BOlmLvThNG0-00114-00048830-00049107 Suppose you get a call from someone. BOlmLvThNG0-00115-00049107-00049363 If you don't answer the other person's phone call, BOlmLvThNG0-00116-00049363-00049739 the other person will keep trying several times, right? BOlmLvThNG0-00117-00049740-00050382 But if you don't answer the phone even for one second until the end, BOlmLvThNG0-00118-00050382-00050758 the other person will start looking for other prey. BOlmLvThNG0-00119-00050759-00051423 You should think about whether you have accepted all the prank calls from the other person so far. BOlmLvThNG0-00120-00051423-00051877 The psychology of a narcissistic and rude person is similar to BOlmLvThNG0-00121-00051877-00052560 that of someone who makes prank calls until the other person picks up. BOlmLvThNG0-00122-00052612-00053000 It's good to draw the line at the beginning of a relationship with someone like this. BOlmLvThNG0-00123-00053000-00053311 When you're in a relationship with someone, it's good to be clear about what's acceptable and what's not. BOlmLvThNG0-00124-00053311-00053930 Don't allow the other person to use you as a tool to satisfy their narcissism BOlmLvThNG0-00125-00053931-00054440 In fact, the characteristic of those who fall prey to such rude people is that BOlmLvThNG0-00126-00054440-00055391 they react in some way to what the other person says or does. BOlmLvThNG0-00127-00055392-00055570 Whether these people laugh, cry, make eye contact... BOlmLvThNG0-00128-00055570-00055969 they give feedback in one way or another when a rude person says something rude to them. BOlmLvThNG0-00129-00055969-00056732 Because you answered the rude prank calls, rude people don't stop making rude prank calls. BOlmLvThNG0-00130-00056732-00057076 So don't respond to rude people's rude comments towards you. BOlmLvThNG0-00131-00057076-00057519 If you do not respond and the rude person continues to force a response, you should sternly warn the rude person. BOlmLvThNG0-00132-00057519-00057885 There's no reason to put up with a rude person in the first place, BOlmLvThNG0-00133-00057885-00058328 because if you put up with a rude person and then burst out of it, you might look like a hysterical person. BOlmLvThNG0-00134-00058329-00058937 Trust your instincts. It's better not to react to make you feel offended when you hear. BOlmLvThNG0-00135-00058938-00059270 You better not spend your energy on people who offend you BOlmLvThNG0-00136-00059270-00059533 People who speak rudely are actually people with a sense of inferiority. BOlmLvThNG0-00137-00059533-00060146 A rude person flatters those who are better than him or her. BOlmLvThNG0-00138-00060146-00060766 But a rude person is spiteful because those who seem inferior to him or her do not flatter him or her. BOlmLvThNG0-00139-00060766-00061419 As conceited as a rude person is, he or she is dissatisfied that people do not support him or her. BOlmLvThNG0-00140-00061420-00061852 A rude person hurts someone who is easy to deal with, BOlmLvThNG0-00141-00061852-00063000 in order to relieve the stress of not being treated as well by people as the rude person would like BOlmLvThNG0-00142-00063000-00063586 So, rude people relieve stress by saying rude things to people they see as mild or weak. BOlmLvThNG0-00143-00063587-00064450 However, not all humans live by dividing other humans into ranks, and not all treat them differently according to rank. BOlmLvThNG0-00144-00064450-00064738 You don't have to fall prey to rude humans! BOlmLvThNG0-00145-00064738-00065524 Rude people are thugs who put money elsewhere and ask you for money. BOlmLvThNG0-00146-00065524-00065845 A rude person is not a strong person on the inside, BOlmLvThNG0-00147-00065845-00066222 but a weak person on the inside who feels ashamed on the inside when you don't accept him or her. BOlmLvThNG0-00148-00066223-00066673 So, don't be intimidated by rude people and don't give feedback to rude people BOlmLvThNG0-00149-00066673-00066995 Innocent people tend to think that they must react to what others say. BOlmLvThNG0-00150-00066995-00067162 And the rude person is aiming for just this. BOlmLvThNG0-00151-00067162-00067430 A rude person says something rude to you, but if you laugh at the rude word BOlmLvThNG0-00152-00067430-00067806 the rude person thinks, 'Oh, I can say like this to this person,' and continues to say rude things. BOlmLvThNG0-00153-00067806-00068006 So, when dealing with rude people, use this mindset BOlmLvThNG0-00154-00068007-00069000 'You seem to think of me as inferior to you and say rude things, but I don't agree with that.' BOlmLvThNG0-00155-00069000-00069951 If you keep your attitude straight, eventually people will find out that the person who says the rude thing is a weirdo. BOlmLvThNG0-00156-00069951-00070936 And just not responding will hurt the rude person internally BOlmLvThNG0-00157-00070936-00071233 I support you, who is becoming confident day by day, BOlmLvThNG0-00158-00071233-00071908 Up to this point, it was StorytelHER. BPXZ9a05XWE-00000-00000000-00000050 Remember what we did in the begining of the training? BPXZ9a05XWE-00001-00000318-00000544 Remember what we did in the begining of the training? BPXZ9a05XWE-00002-00000544-00000666 I asked you to do the bouncing. . BPXZ9a05XWE-00003-00000708-00001028 Not exactly bouncing but jumps and moving BPXZ9a05XWE-00004-00001034-00001338 Ta-ta-ta it’ a jump-up. BPXZ9a05XWE-00007-00001673-00001918 But ... what is important… BPXZ9a05XWE-00008-00001936-00002242 Now you wil try this: a boxer number one and a boxer number two. BPXZ9a05XWE-00009-00002242-00002620 You will do a simple drill. BPXZ9a05XWE-00011-00003121-00003221 Ok the gadjet. BPXZ9a05XWE-00012-00003278-00003418 A simple drill. BPXZ9a05XWE-00013-00003692-00003960 Number one boxer. BPXZ9a05XWE-00014-00003960-00004251 Number one is not bounching, BPXZ9a05XWE-00015-00004252-00004559 he is constantly stepping. BPXZ9a05XWE-00016-00004560-00004874 See, I am nubmer one, OK? BPXZ9a05XWE-00017-00005136-00005432 I throw all punches with a left step. BPXZ9a05XWE-00018-00005530-00005816 But the step - remember what I told - not on a flat foot BPXZ9a05XWE-00020-00006108-00006328 but on the toe. BPXZ9a05XWE-00021-00006362-00006664 In this case… Do not do when I am explaining you distract me. BPXZ9a05XWE-00022-00006664-00006922 In this case... BPXZ9a05XWE-00023-00006973-00007312 You go forward with your toe not with your head. BPXZ9a05XWE-00024-00007334-00007570 If you step on your heel it will be like this. BPXZ9a05XWE-00025-00007700-00007912 With your fist. BPXZ9a05XWE-00026-00007984-00008262 OK? Number two does almost the same BPXZ9a05XWE-00027-00008262-00008416 but just a little different. BPXZ9a05XWE-00028-00008438-00008736 What does it mean? Number two… BPXZ9a05XWE-00029-00008736-00008992 For this drill you need a long distance. BPXZ9a05XWE-00030-00008992-00009274 If you stay at the middle distance BPXZ9a05XWE-00031-00009344-00009530 whatever he does whatever he tries BPXZ9a05XWE-00032-00009530-00009766 he won’t be able to avoid my hand. BPXZ9a05XWE-00033-00009786-00010044 You can bully him as much as you like. BPXZ9a05XWE-00034-00010054-00010276 That’s why I say make a step. BPXZ9a05XWE-00035-00010286-00010500 Your partner sees your step. BPXZ9a05XWE-00036-00010504-00010868 Now you will do almost the same but. BPXZ9a05XWE-00037-00010868-00011118 Do you understand what you going to do? BPXZ9a05XWE-00038-00011172-00011454 This work. One-one-two. One-one-two. BPXZ9a05XWE-00039-00011454-00011804 One-one-two. One-one-two. BPXZ9a05XWE-00040-00011821-00012105 So, am I number one? Yes. BPXZ9a05XWE-00041-00012105-00012253 You fall on your foot. BPXZ9a05XWE-00042-00012298-00012612 The front foot steps on its toe. BPXZ9a05XWE-00043-00012612-00012880 One-two-one. Look again from the right. BPXZ9a05XWE-00044-00012891-00013169 Left side: BPXZ9a05XWE-00045-00013169-00013457 step first than punch. BPXZ9a05XWE-00046-00013458-00013804 Right side: punch than step. So I push myself forward. BPXZ9a05XWE-00047-00013828-00014100 But not on a flat foot. I don’t want this. BPXZ9a05XWE-00048-00014100-00014380 So that you can step back immediately. BPXZ9a05XWE-00049-00014380-00014586 And number two? I will surely tell you. BPXZ9a05XWE-00050-00014596-00014916 Fists up! And number two does BPXZ9a05XWE-00051-00014916-00015196 this so called bouncing. Come here. BPXZ9a05XWE-00052-00015288-00015578 This bouncing… Look BPXZ9a05XWE-00053-00015590-00015780 I am number two now. BPXZ9a05XWE-00054-00015780-00015982 You step and punch please. BPXZ9a05XWE-00055-00015982-00016169 Here I am with you BPXZ9a05XWE-00056-00016254-00016476 Just step forward with the foot. BPXZ9a05XWE-00057-00017082-00017376 Ta-tam. What have I just done? BPXZ9a05XWE-00058-00017376-00017724 Here I did not just dropped my shoulders but I am trying to jump to the side BPXZ9a05XWE-00059-00017734-00018168 and then sway my shoulders a little BPXZ9a05XWE-00060-00018206-00018420 to catch his hand. BPXZ9a05XWE-00061-00018434-00018590 That is why BPXZ9a05XWE-00062-00018604-00018984 if I am on the middle distance I will not have time to do this. BPXZ9a05XWE-00063-00019004-00019188 We need a long distance. BPXZ9a05XWE-00064-00019238-00019570 The long distance equals your two stretched arms. One more time. BPXZ9a05XWE-00065-00019642-00019928 He makes a step you see his punch BPXZ9a05XWE-00067-00020054-00020154 One more time BPXZ9a05XWE-00068-00021040-00021196 Sway here. BPXZ9a05XWE-00069-00021212-00021466 Forward-back-forward-back-ta! BPXZ9a05XWE-00070-00021484-00021730 See it does not matter if BPXZ9a05XWE-00071-00021730-00021932 you are going forward BPXZ9a05XWE-00072-00021958-00022296 or going back. BPXZ9a05XWE-00073-00022344-00022558 Remember you worked in the frontal stance BPXZ9a05XWE-00074-00022558-00022858 doing side steps? Left or right. BPXZ9a05XWE-00075-00022858-00022958 Same here BPXZ9a05XWE-00076-00023526-00023868 I fall with my shoulders. And never step down on my heels. BPXZ9a05XWE-00077-00023940-00024238 And what is my next action? BPXZ9a05XWE-00078-00024238-00024570 His fist flies and misses. The arm is "charged". BPXZ9a05XWE-00079-00024636-00024922 I am not down on my heels I swayed my shoulders. BPXZ9a05XWE-00080-00025020-00025236 I go back and derotate my shoulder BPXZ9a05XWE-00081-00025236-00025446 and get into this triangle. BPXZ9a05XWE-00082-00025470-00025586 Right cross. BPXZ9a05XWE-00083-00025954-00026066 Tilt. BPXZ9a05XWE-00084-00026098-00026392 No body rotation. Short movement. BPXZ9a05XWE-00085-00026392-00026492 Ta-dam. BPXZ9a05XWE-00086-00026512-00026718 Forward-back-forwatd-back-ta-dam. BPXZ9a05XWE-00087-00026798-00026898 Ta-dam BPXZ9a05XWE-00088-00027036-00027233 Is everything clear? BPXZ9a05XWE-00089-00027254-00027526 So the second boxer BPXZ9a05XWE-00090-00027562-00027858 Not for extra entertaiment but for safety BPXZ9a05XWE-00091-00027864-00028126 Let's do this. BPXZ9a05XWE-00092-00028126-00028438 puts your palm. You punch. BPXZ9a05XWE-00093-00028476-00028576 Come on, come on. BPXZ9a05XWE-00094-00028618-00028936 No, you bounce. I will punch. BPXZ9a05XWE-00095-00029052-00029238 You went back. BPXZ9a05XWE-00096-00029572-00029786 That's too slow. BPXZ9a05XWE-00097-00029808-00030077 See he is trying to go away with his feet. BPXZ9a05XWE-00098-00030095-00030286 You will be late. BPXZ9a05XWE-00099-00030286-00030644 So I should stay on the same axis and do the tilt? Yes. BPXZ9a05XWE-00100-00030662-00030882 That's not easy. Why? BPXZ9a05XWE-00101-00030977-00031206 You do this. One - op, one - op. . BPXZ9a05XWE-00102-00031244-00031544 Does not matter, just do the shoulder drop BPXZ9a05XWE-00103-00031564-00031902 Here is the tilt. Here is the tilt. BPXZ9a05XWE-00104-00031930-00032172 Look, just with your shoulders. BPXZ9a05XWE-00105-00032172-00032414 And your head will follow. Try. BPXZ9a05XWE-00106-00032472-00032718 That’s it. Sway there and back. BPXZ9a05XWE-00107-00032732-00033006 Here it is important, when you sway BPXZ9a05XWE-00108-00033012-00033286 hold your fist. Hold your fist. BPXZ9a05XWE-00109-00033286-00033440 One more time BPXZ9a05XWE-00110-00033462-00033764 Just go up. Look what he did. He swayed BPXZ9a05XWE-00111-00033764-00034090 and he instincitively began to rotate with the punch. BPXZ9a05XWE-00112-00034090-00034318 He swayed and BPXZ9a05XWE-00113-00034318-00034589 his hand started to unfold from here. BPXZ9a05XWE-00114-00034590-00034770 Of course his hand pulled him into rotation. BPXZ9a05XWE-00115-00034788-00035042 If you swayed - look at me. BPXZ9a05XWE-00116-00035042-00035266 Throw right straight into my head. BPXZ9a05XWE-00117-00035280-00035778 Just simple right cross. Do not turn your ass. BPXZ9a05XWE-00118-00035802-00036236 Look this is the initial posture, look where are the shoulders located. BPXZ9a05XWE-00119-00036236-00036544 From here the hand will go and the foot will help it. BPXZ9a05XWE-00120-00036544-00036752 But my shoulder is much lower now. BPXZ9a05XWE-00121-00036764-00036896 I fall on my elbow. BPXZ9a05XWE-00122-00036896-00037228 Take away your hand. From here I am not able to hit him. BPXZ9a05XWE-00123-00037228-00037610 It will open me. Once I swayed here - what shall I do next? BPXZ9a05XWE-00124-00037612-00037916 I will straighten back into vertical position, and from there, BPXZ9a05XWE-00125-00037932-00038242 once the shoulder rotated BPXZ9a05XWE-00126-00038258-00038592 I will throw. Sway and throw. BPXZ9a05XWE-00127-00038592-00038888 Now do this in movement. You did this already. BPXZ9a05XWE-00128-00038888-00039176 Now it is not important which way I move - forward or back BPXZ9a05XWE-00129-00039226-00039326 - tam-tam. BPXZ9a05XWE-00130-00039352-00039452 - tam-tam. BPXZ9a05XWE-00131-00039880-00040132 One-two. Sway here, OK? BPXZ9a05XWE-00132-00040158-00040463 And the second boxer holds his palm. BPXZ9a05XWE-00133-00040464-00040708 Look, here is one more important moment. BPXZ9a05XWE-00134-00040708-00040928 It is a very interesting situation. BPXZ9a05XWE-00135-00040984-00041282 You swayed this way - throw straight right. BPXZ9a05XWE-00136-00041356-00041566 OK, let’s do it in movement. BPXZ9a05XWE-00137-00041990-00042292 In movement, don’t be static like monument. Got it, got it. BPXZ9a05XWE-00138-00042292-00042510 Tah and go back, tah and go back, BPXZ9a05XWE-00139-00042542-00042726 tah and go back. BPXZ9a05XWE-00140-00042788-00043278 Will you throw on not? You asked for the right. Just throw, does not matter. BPXZ9a05XWE-00141-00043278-00043554 OK, OK. Just throw your fists into my head. BPXZ9a05XWE-00142-00043874-00044152 What’s the purpose? BPXZ9a05XWE-00143-00044154-00044458 Once you did it - give me your hand BPXZ9a05XWE-00144-00044458-00044738 you are already at middle distance. BPXZ9a05XWE-00145-00044774-00044982 There is absolutely no need BPXZ9a05XWE-00146-00045024-00045264 to jump forward. Understood? BPXZ9a05XWE-00147-00045314-00045616 So that your want get hit in the forehead. BPXZ9a05XWE-00148-00045616-00045876 Now I will throw you do the weaving. BPXZ9a05XWE-00149-00046660-00046930 I added some safety with a shoulder block. BPXZ9a05XWE-00150-00046972-00047168 Extra security with a shoulder. BPXZ9a05XWE-00151-00047384-00047702 Let’s go, let’s try it. BPXZ9a05XWE-00152-00047924-00048076 Let’s go, let’s go. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00000-00000114-00000572 In this section, I want to take a few minutes and show you how very basically you can create BSNtXPqi2yQ-00001-00000572-00000749 a Typeform from scratch. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00002-00000749-00001232 I do think that the templates make it a lot easier and faster, but you can start from BSNtXPqi2yQ-00003-00001232-00001521 absolute zero and build things up the way that you want. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00004-00001521-00002044 Now, i'm going to spend the next few chapters in this course talking about the various elements BSNtXPqi2yQ-00005-00002044-00002157 when you build stuff up. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00006-00002157-00002657 So, I'm going to go through this kind of quickly and I will cover the information in more detail BSNtXPqi2yQ-00007-00002657-00002809 a little bit later. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00008-00002809-00002953 But here's what we are going to do. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00009-00002953-00003454 First, I'm going to come to my workspace, and I've already made it fullscreen and I'm BSNtXPqi2yQ-00010-00003454-00003761 going to come over to create a new Typeform. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00011-00003761-00004217 When I get there, click on that and instead of using a template I'm going to come up to BSNtXPqi2yQ-00012-00004217-00004435 start from scratch. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00013-00004435-00004842 Now, it's going to ask me first for a name. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00014-00004842-00006205 I'm going to give this a very non-exciting name TF01_2_4_Create because thats my internal BSNtXPqi2yQ-00015-00006205-00006416 name for this particular section. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00016-00006416-00007356 It's English I'm going to save that and there's my new Typeform. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00017-00007356-00007681 It opens up to this, you know the building blocks here. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00018-00007681-00008075 And all you need to do is start dragging and dropping and modifying it. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00019-00008075-00008672 The first thing I'm going to do is create a welcome screen because really most forms, BSNtXPqi2yQ-00020-00008672-00008915 most Typeforms should have this as a well really of introducing themselves. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00021-00008915-00009413 So, I'm going to click Welcome screen and drag it over here. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00022-00009413-00009779 That then brings up the welcome window allowing me to configure this. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00023-00009779-00010211 Now, by default, it just asks for a little bit of text and there's the start button there BSNtXPqi2yQ-00024-00010211-00010311 on the bottom. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00025-00010311-00010718 I'm going to add an image, and I'm going to come over here so it says image video so it BSNtXPqi2yQ-00026-00010718-00010818 says on. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00027-00010818-00011425 I'm going to come over here to upload and I've got an image saved to my desktop. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00028-00011425-00011975 Now, as I'm recording this video, it's just a few days before Halloween and so I'm going BSNtXPqi2yQ-00029-00011975-00012128 to ask about Halloween costumes. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00030-00012128-00013063 And I'm going to bring up this Unicorn head.Alright, that's a freaky picture but that's a nice BSNtXPqi2yQ-00031-00013063-00013163 place to start. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00032-00013163-00013672 I'm going to put some text in here, I'll delete that. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00033-00013672-00015075 And then I'm just going to say, It's Halloween and the unicorns are out. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00034-00015075-00016158 And then I'm going to add a little subtext with the description and say, but what about BSNtXPqi2yQ-00035-00016158-00016316 your costume? BSNtXPqi2yQ-00036-00016316-00017073 And then, we want to hear! BSNtXPqi2yQ-00037-00017073-00017480 And then I have one more option and that's this button down here that right now says BSNtXPqi2yQ-00038-00017480-00017684 start, I can change what that says. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00039-00017684-00018206 It's harder to change on other pages, but here on the welcome screen we have more control, BSNtXPqi2yQ-00040-00018206-00019028 Then I'm just going to say I'd love to...Great and then I'm going to save that and that's BSNtXPqi2yQ-00041-00019028-00019314 my welcome page, it's just kind of freaky looking. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00042-00019314-00019414 But it's a start. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00043-00019414-00019772 Now, if you want to see it again, we can just come back here and click on that one more BSNtXPqi2yQ-00044-00019772-00020213 time and there's my page with the Unicorn head. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00045-00020213-00020566 Alright and I can close that by just hitting on this x in the circle. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00046-00020566-00021012 Now, I'm going to ask a question. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00047-00021012-00021500 So, that was my little introduction here I'm going to get a little bit of short text because BSNtXPqi2yQ-00048-00021500-00021668 I'm going to ask for a person's name. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00049-00021668-00021858 Because that allows me to personalize some of the responses. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00050-00021858-00023206 I'm going to drag that over and I'm going to say But first things first, what's your BSNtXPqi2yQ-00051-00023206-00023306 name? BSNtXPqi2yQ-00052-00023306-00023818 Great and that's all I need from them. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00053-00023818-00024095 I don't need to add a picture or anything, I am going to make it required there, because BSNtXPqi2yQ-00054-00024095-00024341 I want to know their name. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00055-00024341-00024862 Okay, hit save so I'm going to come over here and get Statement. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00056-00024862-00025507 I'm going to drag it over and there we go. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00057-00025507-00026011 And now, this is one that I just get to say something, they don't have to respond to it. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00058-00026011-00026533 And I'm going to put in Hi, and I'm going to put in add variable, so I'm going to get BSNtXPqi2yQ-00059-00026533-00026769 their name from the first response. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00060-00026769-00028152 Then i'll come down here, period and then we're excited to hear about your fabulous BSNtXPqi2yQ-00061-00028152-00028260 costume! BSNtXPqi2yQ-00062-00028260-00028895 So, I'll ask a couple of questions about their Halloween costume and then I can leave the BSNtXPqi2yQ-00063-00028895-00029293 rest of that the way it is, I have the option of turning off the quote marks, but I'm going BSNtXPqi2yQ-00064-00029293-00029554 to leave that. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00065-00029554-00030360 Now, I'm going to put in a question group and that's where I can have a stem, I ask BSNtXPqi2yQ-00066-00030360-00030972 one at the beginning and then have several questions that follow with the same thing. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00067-00030972-00031555 Rate your costume on the following criteria. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00068-00031555-00031655 Okay, that's good. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00069-00031655-00032720 I'm going to save, then I'm going to drag in sub questions. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00070-00032720-00033143 I'm going to make them rating questions, so like a one to five kind of scale kind of like BSNtXPqi2yQ-00071-00033143-00033306 they are rating a movie. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00072-00033306-00034152 And these, may not be the most important questions but I'm going to put How scary was it? BSNtXPqi2yQ-00073-00034152-00034849 Now by default, I have three and their stars, I'm going to make it 5 and because it's scary BSNtXPqi2yQ-00074-00034849-00035584 I'm going to change it to, I'm going to come down here to skulls, because it's Halloween BSNtXPqi2yQ-00075-00035584-00035832 so I can do that. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00076-00035832-00035984 I'll hit save. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00077-00035984-00037081 I'll do another rating, I'll say this time, How regal was it?, maybe you dressed up as BSNtXPqi2yQ-00078-00037081-00037638 a Prince or Princess and I'll make that 5 steps also. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00079-00037638-00038080 And this time, because it's being regal, I'm going to use crowns. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00080-00038080-00038419 See, I've got a different outline there. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00081-00038419-00038519 Press save. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00082-00038519-00038731 I'll do two more. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00083-00038731-00039041 Also ratings, ratings all the way through. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00084-00039041-00039974 This time I'm going to say How much work did it take? and we'll get that up to 5 and we'll BSNtXPqi2yQ-00085-00039974-00040262 get something that looks like you're working here. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00086-00040262-00040975 And I think that is going to be pencils. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00087-00040975-00041201 Save that one, and then one more question here. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00088-00041201-00042332 We'll ask again on the 5 point rating scale How much did your friends like it? BSNtXPqi2yQ-00089-00042332-00043145 And this time, we'll get into 5 but I'll make it consistent with likes and I'll make it BSNtXPqi2yQ-00090-00043145-00043276 hearts. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00091-00043276-00043638 And that'll be the end of my rating questions. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00092-00043638-00044162 So now, I'm just going to finish with a short statement to wrap it up. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00093-00044162-00044858 I'll grab statement here, drag it in and put it down here so it's not a sub question and BSNtXPqi2yQ-00094-00044858-00045711 then "That's all, and then I will bring in their name again because that was our first BSNtXPqi2yQ-00095-00045711-00046388 question" and then "have a happy Halloween!". BSNtXPqi2yQ-00096-00046388-00047256 And that is the end of that, so what I've done here is I had this blank canvas and into BSNtXPqi2yQ-00097-00047256-00047606 it I dragged the different kind of questions, then I was able to change the text and some BSNtXPqi2yQ-00098-00047606-00047796 of the settings of some of the questions. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00099-00047796-00048011 Now, we have other options. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00100-00048011-00049023 We can also come here to design, and we can change the color palette because it's Halloween BSNtXPqi2yQ-00101-00049023-00049412 to something, black and orange is good for Halloween. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00102-00049412-00049962 And so I can save that and I can do some other things. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00103-00049962-00050674 Change the fonts, I can change the way things are displayed, I can configure the way I distribute BSNtXPqi2yQ-00104-00050674-00050891 it, but I'm going to save that for a little bit later. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00105-00050891-00051340 Mostly what I wanted you to know is that you can put these things together from scratch BSNtXPqi2yQ-00106-00051340-00051776 and in the following sections, we are going to go over each of those steps in detail. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00107-00051776-00051880 I'm going to finish with one thing. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00108-00051880-00052275 I'm going to come up here to the top right to view my Typeform. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00109-00052275-00052936 I click on that, it opens up a new web page, a new tab and this is now a live form. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00110-00052936-00053405 I can now say press enter because I'd love to talk about it. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00111-00053405-00054074 My name is Bart, and it's going to ask me about my costume and it was VERY scary. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00112-00054074-00054588 Not very regal, I actually don't have a costume, so it didn't take much work at all. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00113-00054588-00054711 And did my friends like it? BSNtXPqi2yQ-00114-00054711-00054951 Well, let's say it was a super hit! BSNtXPqi2yQ-00115-00054951-00055229 And then I can submit it and that's the end. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00116-00055229-00055710 And I will have one set of observations in my data set. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00117-00055710-00056182 So, you can create these things from scratch, I find it easier to use the templates but BSNtXPqi2yQ-00118-00056182-00056591 the nice thing about Typeform is it gives you the flexibility, it gives you the options. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00119-00056591-00057032 And we'll go over more regardless of whether you use a template or you start from scratch. BSNtXPqi2yQ-00120-00057032-00057467 We'll go over more about the kinds of things that you can put in there, the welcome screens, BSNtXPqi2yQ-00121-00057467-00057976 the questions, the methods of distribution so you can get it to be exactly the way you BSNtXPqi2yQ-00122-00057976-00058126 need for your project. BTudqTRvLS0-00000-00000138-00000312 Hi, I'm Mariangelica Fajardo BTudqTRvLS0-00001-00000312-00000509 and I want to tell how has been my BTudqTRvLS0-00002-00000509-00000710 espiritual multiplication path BTudqTRvLS0-00003-00001080-00001316 Karen Skadow from Chicago USA BTudqTRvLS0-00004-00001330-00001530 came to Venezuela as a missionary BTudqTRvLS0-00005-00001530-00001632 in Student Led Movements BTudqTRvLS0-00006-00001632-00001798 and she started my path like this BTudqTRvLS0-00007-00001798-00002020 She began disciple me for two year BTudqTRvLS0-00008-00002022-00002164 when I first met Chris BTudqTRvLS0-00009-00002164-00002320 After two year BTudqTRvLS0-00010-00002320-00002446 I met Naigelin BTudqTRvLS0-00011-00002446-00002622 And I started disciple her BTudqTRvLS0-00012-00002660-00002956 and she recently began to disciple BTudqTRvLS0-00013-00002956-00003030 Morelys BTudqTRvLS0-00014-00003060-00003308 Now they are growing together BTudqTRvLS0-00015-00003308-00003496 in their relationship with God BTudqTRvLS0-00016-00004128-00004328 How I met God? BTudqTRvLS0-00017-00004474-00004772 I met Him through Naigelin BTudqTRvLS0-00018-00004778-00004978 I began to knowing her BTudqTRvLS0-00019-00005070-00005270 she studies with me BTudqTRvLS0-00020-00005330-00005562 we were hanging out in the faculty BTudqTRvLS0-00021-00005562-00005720 in the University of Carabobo BTudqTRvLS0-00022-00005734-00006076 we had the same interests BTudqTRvLS0-00023-00006098-00006454 after that she began to speak about God BTudqTRvLS0-00024-00006578-00006872 and when I Heard her BTudqTRvLS0-00025-00006892-00007268 I Heard her speak about her experiences BTudqTRvLS0-00026-00007309-00007806 about her life, her testimony, what she lived BTudqTRvLS0-00027-00007823-00008023 I began to think BTudqTRvLS0-00028-00008078-00008390 something inside me touched me BTudqTRvLS0-00029-00008426-00008712 it told me: listen BTudqTRvLS0-00030-00008712-00008910 listen to Naigelin BTudqTRvLS0-00031-00008910-00009088 listen to The Word BTudqTRvLS0-00032-00009174-00009540 and I Heard it, I obeyed it BTudqTRvLS0-00033-00009624-00009918 and I told Naigelin: Nai BTudqTRvLS0-00034-00009962-00010378 I want to know more, teach me BTudqTRvLS0-00035-00010402-00010638 show me a lot from God BTudqTRvLS0-00036-00010654-00010854 I want to know more from Him BTudqTRvLS0-00037-00010888-00011132 every day I'm learning BTudqTRvLS0-00038-00011198-00011604 and every day I'm falling in love BTudqTRvLS0-00039-00011608-00011808 of God BTudqTRvLS0-00040-00011808-00012232 I really had a difficult life BTudqTRvLS0-00041-00012334-00012718 I was in a room BTudqTRvLS0-00042-00012788-00013010 of darkness BTudqTRvLS0-00043-00013010-00013426 I had no place BTudqTRvLS0-00044-00013496-00013890 I always was locked up BTudqTRvLS0-00045-00013994-00014250 I was always focused BTudqTRvLS0-00046-00014250-00014406 on studies BTudqTRvLS0-00047-00014452-00014797 This strengthened me a lot BTudqTRvLS0-00048-00014832-00015050 and now I want to keeping me BTudqTRvLS0-00049-00015094-00015341 firm, brave BTudqTRvLS0-00050-00015363-00015584 because God is with me BTudqTRvLS0-00051-00015596-00015816 because God has giving me a lot of thing BTudqTRvLS0-00052-00015841-00016141 He has giving me the opportunity BTudqTRvLS0-00053-00016154-00016374 of meeting a lot of friends BTudqTRvLS0-00054-00016412-00016612 He has shown me that friends BTudqTRvLS0-00055-00016612-00016760 there are BTudqTRvLS0-00056-00016774-00017012 that they can accept me BTudqTRvLS0-00057-00017012-00017246 just as I am BTudqTRvLS0-00058-00017482-00017790 Jesús is the life, the way BTudqTRvLS0-00059-00017790-00017958 and the Truth BTudqTRvLS0-00060-00017984-00018184 that's why I know that my way BTudqTRvLS0-00061-00018198-00018424 is the way of God BTudqTRvLS0-00062-00018454-00018784 my truth is the truth of God BTudqTRvLS0-00063-00018798-00019188 my life is the Life of God BTudqTRvLS0-00064-00019288-00019488 Thank you BTudqTRvLS0-00065-00019996-00020302 Now is the turn of my friend Pablo BTudqTRvLS0-00066-00020320-00020566 He is a staff member of SLM from San Cristóbal BTudqTRvLS0-00067-00020566-00020706 that lives in Maracaibo BTudqTRvLS0-00068-00020706-00020832 with his family BTudqTRvLS0-00069-00020906-00021256 He has multiplied in two years as follows BTudqTRvLS0-00070-00021316-00021528 Pablo disciples Javier BTudqTRvLS0-00071-00021616-00021816 While living in college BTudqTRvLS0-00072-00021844-00022096 Raquel shared her faith with Andrés BTudqTRvLS0-00073-00022118-00022318 and this is how Andrés BTudqTRvLS0-00074-00022342-00022542 now is a follower of Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00075-00022572-00022822 and Javier is discipling him BTudqTRvLS0-00076-00023050-00023274 Hi, my name is Andrés Valbuena BTudqTRvLS0-00077-00023300-00023732 I met Christ through a classmate BTudqTRvLS0-00078-00023764-00023984 in a University of Maracaibo UNICA BTudqTRvLS0-00079-00023998-00024198 She taught me about Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00080-00024198-00024358 she made me closer to Him BTudqTRvLS0-00081-00024374-00024682 I believed in Him but I was away from Him BTudqTRvLS0-00082-00024708-00024908 After that I met Pablo BTudqTRvLS0-00083-00024908-00025092 Pablo spoked to me too BTudqTRvLS0-00084-00025092-00025236 he gave me a lot of encouragement, strength BTudqTRvLS0-00085-00025236-00025314 he said: have encouragement BTudqTRvLS0-00086-00025314-00025620 he said to me that it's going to happen a conference BTudqTRvLS0-00087-00025620-00026020 To take advantage of to be able to unite with Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00088-00026020-00026389 I felt a Little depressed BTudqTRvLS0-00089-00026389-00026542 Because I could not raise the necessary finances BTudqTRvLS0-00090-00026542-00026686 he told me: have faith BTudqTRvLS0-00091-00026686-00026838 I prayed a lot to God BTudqTRvLS0-00092-00026838-00026998 to Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00093-00027004-00027283 Then they called me and said BTudqTRvLS0-00094-00027283-00027406 We have all paid BTudqTRvLS0-00095-00027406-00027692 It was like: really? I can't believe it BTudqTRvLS0-00096-00027692-00027872 I felt really happy BTudqTRvLS0-00097-00027874-00028294 at the end I came to the conference and it was spectacular BTudqTRvLS0-00098-00028316-00028624 and I said, God, do with me whatever you want BTudqTRvLS0-00099-00028624-00028810 I'm yours BTudqTRvLS0-00100-00028833-00029092 Do the plans You have to do with me BTudqTRvLS0-00101-00029120-00029612 because I know that Your plans and test are impeccable BTudqTRvLS0-00102-00029638-00029972 truly You know what to do with me BTudqTRvLS0-00103-00029989-00030116 I met a lot of partners BTudqTRvLS0-00104-00030116-00030302 I shared things I was feeling BTudqTRvLS0-00105-00030324-00030527 things that I needed to share with others BTudqTRvLS0-00106-00030527-00030658 because I was so overwhelmed BTudqTRvLS0-00107-00030658-00030789 they helped me, advised me BTudqTRvLS0-00108-00030789-00030900 I spoked about Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00109-00030918-00031136 what amazing the particular way of seeing Christ BTudqTRvLS0-00110-00031136-00031272 of every person BTudqTRvLS0-00111-00031272-00031368 and it was so beautiful BTudqTRvLS0-00112-00031395-00031616 and the thing most beautiful after all was BTudqTRvLS0-00113-00031676-00031933 that I felt a Deep calling BTudqTRvLS0-00114-00031938-00032138 the last day of the conference BTudqTRvLS0-00115-00032148-00032433 To be baptized in Christianity BTudqTRvLS0-00116-00032444-00032672 I felt so good BUJq2xOlZq0-00000-00000000-00000200 🔥 #short #drift #sportcar #mustang BUJq2xOlZq0-00001-00000200-00000400 🔥 #short #drift #sportcar #mustang 🔥 BYIdKFfYFb4-00001-00000883-00001191 First of all, Miloon Kothari, many thanks for joining us. BYIdKFfYFb4-00002-00001191-00001685 You've been special rapporteur on the right to housing between 2000 and 2008. BYIdKFfYFb4-00003-00001685-00001773 That's right. BYIdKFfYFb4-00004-00001773-00002185 It's been a very important mandate that you assumed then. BYIdKFfYFb4-00005-00002185-00002712 And I would like to ask you which of the tools BYIdKFfYFb4-00006-00002712-00003148 you felt that you used were most important. BYIdKFfYFb4-00007-00003148-00003360 Special rapporteurs may use country mission. BYIdKFfYFb4-00008-00003360-00003642 They may use their thematic reports where BYIdKFfYFb4-00009-00003642-00003907 they can explore in depth certain issues. BYIdKFfYFb4-00010-00003907-00004208 They also write allegation letters to governments. BYIdKFfYFb4-00011-00004208-00004730 Which of these tools made most difference in your view BYIdKFfYFb4-00012-00004730-00005119 and were most effective in supporting the right to housing in your case? BYIdKFfYFb4-00013-00005119-00005515 Well, I think that all of them were useful, because each one of the tools BYIdKFfYFb4-00014-00005515-00005983 helped me to sharpen my understanding of what my mandate was BYIdKFfYFb4-00015-00005983-00006145 and to give it a perspective. BYIdKFfYFb4-00016-00006145-00006414 So for example, the country missions helped BYIdKFfYFb4-00017-00006414-00006751 me to understand better the issue of the violations of the right BYIdKFfYFb4-00018-00006751-00007112 to housing, listening to people's voices, visiting areas. BYIdKFfYFb4-00019-00007112-00007575 And that helped me in my thematic reports to make clear to the Commission BYIdKFfYFb4-00020-00007575-00007951 and then to the Council what the real obstacles were to the right, which BYIdKFfYFb4-00021-00007951-00008407 is something I saw as one of my critical roles. BYIdKFfYFb4-00022-00008407-00008960 And out of that work on the field, and going through the allegation letters, BYIdKFfYFb4-00023-00008960-00009333 it became very clear to me that there was some more standard setting that BYIdKFfYFb4-00024-00009333-00009753 was necessary, both in terms of articulating the meaning of the right BYIdKFfYFb4-00025-00009753-00010065 to housing, so expanding what the Committee on Economic, Social, BYIdKFfYFb4-00026-00010065-00010613 and Cultural Rights had done, and my immediate sort of response when I took BYIdKFfYFb4-00027-00010613-00010863 over the mandate was that we really have to look BYIdKFfYFb4-00028-00010863-00011101 at the civil and political rights dimension. BYIdKFfYFb4-00029-00011101-00011522 so the reports helped me to expand these essential elements of the right BYIdKFfYFb4-00030-00011522-00011966 to include freedom from dispossession and right to participation and so on. BYIdKFfYFb4-00031-00011966-00012585 And also using all that experience, I realized very quickly BYIdKFfYFb4-00032-00012585-00012871 that what we didn't have at the global level BYIdKFfYFb4-00033-00012871-00013402 were operational guidelines on what to actually do BYIdKFfYFb4-00034-00013402-00013666 in the case of displacement and forced evictions. BYIdKFfYFb4-00035-00013666-00013911 So the mandate actually helped me. BYIdKFfYFb4-00036-00013911-00014394 through the thematic reports but also through regional consultations, BYIdKFfYFb4-00037-00014394-00014743 missions, to actually get a good understanding BYIdKFfYFb4-00038-00014743-00015063 of what should be the content of these guidelines. BYIdKFfYFb4-00039-00015063-00015635 And it also helped in that process of communications, developing standards, BYIdKFfYFb4-00040-00015635-00016013 sharpening the notion of the content of the right, BYIdKFfYFb4-00041-00016013-00016381 the dialogues that I had in the field with civil society groups, BYIdKFfYFb4-00042-00016381-00016664 movements, the information that they sent me. BYIdKFfYFb4-00043-00016664-00017209 So all of that, I think what I found the most exhilarating-- BYIdKFfYFb4-00044-00017209-00017497 although as you know it's very exhausting, BYIdKFfYFb4-00045-00017497-00018243 mandates, but-- was the ability, through your role BYIdKFfYFb4-00046-00018243-00018674 as rapporteur, to go to very remote areas, to meet people, BYIdKFfYFb4-00047-00018674-00018928 to have access to the highest levels of government BYIdKFfYFb4-00048-00018928-00019214 and to tell them exactly what was going on. BYIdKFfYFb4-00049-00019214-00019776 And I think that-- so it's a little bit of all of that, really. BYIdKFfYFb4-00050-00019776-00020090 What are the conditions for a mission to be successful? BYIdKFfYFb4-00051-00020090-00020439 Is it preparation before the mission that is key? BYIdKFfYFb4-00052-00020439-00020792 Is it the political context that you find in the country? BYIdKFfYFb4-00053-00020792-00021248 Is it the support given to NGOs to identify the key issues? BYIdKFfYFb4-00054-00021248-00021338 Yeah. BYIdKFfYFb4-00055-00021338-00021792 How would you provide advice to a special rapporteur preparing a mission BYIdKFfYFb4-00056-00021792-00022008 to a country for it to be successful? BYIdKFfYFb4-00057-00022008-00022113 What are the ingredients? BYIdKFfYFb4-00058-00022113-00022308 Well, first of all, I think it's very important BYIdKFfYFb4-00059-00022308-00022774 to develop a criteria on where do you want to go and what type of situations BYIdKFfYFb4-00060-00022774-00023090 do you want to see and where do you actually want to contribute. BYIdKFfYFb4-00061-00023090-00023447 So when I became rapporteur, first of all it was very clear to me BYIdKFfYFb4-00062-00023447-00023685 that the problem of housing rights and the violations, BYIdKFfYFb4-00063-00023685-00024130 dispossession, problems of women's rights to land and all that, BYIdKFfYFb4-00064-00024130-00024277 were local problems. BYIdKFfYFb4-00065-00024277-00024552 So I sort of made a very big criteria that I'm BYIdKFfYFb4-00066-00024552-00024863 going to not only concentrate on what the Commission at that time BYIdKFfYFb4-00067-00024863-00025138 thought it was only going to be looking at countries in the south, BYIdKFfYFb4-00068-00025138-00025264 but also in the north. BYIdKFfYFb4-00069-00025264-00025369 So that was one criteria. BYIdKFfYFb4-00070-00025369-00025795 The second one which I thought doesn't always work but what I tried BYIdKFfYFb4-00071-00025795-00026116 was to make sure that there were strong civil society BYIdKFfYFb4-00072-00026116-00026379 networks in the countries where I was going, BYIdKFfYFb4-00073-00026379-00026872 so that I got information in advance and I insisted that at least half BYIdKFfYFb4-00074-00026872-00027317 of the time would be spent exclusively with either the civil society BYIdKFfYFb4-00075-00027317-00027795 groups or the communities, without there being any government presence. BYIdKFfYFb4-00076-00027795-00027968 So that was another criteria. BYIdKFfYFb4-00077-00027968-00028158 The third criteria was that I wanted to look BYIdKFfYFb4-00078-00028158-00028460 at countries in different political situations. BYIdKFfYFb4-00079-00028460-00028693 I wanted to look at countries that were democratic, BYIdKFfYFb4-00080-00028693-00029217 some that were more authoritarian, of course if they agreed to invite me, BYIdKFfYFb4-00081-00029217-00029652 but also countries that were in a post-conflict situations, countries BYIdKFfYFb4-00082-00029652-00029882 that were peaceful democratic situations. BYIdKFfYFb4-00083-00029882-00030027 So those were some of the criteria. BYIdKFfYFb4-00084-00030027-00030453 And I think that it's something that-- I mean, BYIdKFfYFb4-00085-00030453-00030682 I was the first mandate-holder of the right to housing, BYIdKFfYFb4-00086-00030682-00031049 so I was actually learning by doing. BYIdKFfYFb4-00087-00031049-00031473 But my advice would be to not just go anywhere where you're invited, BYIdKFfYFb4-00088-00031473-00031635 but to have some criteria. BYIdKFfYFb4-00089-00031635-00031877 And yes, to do adequate preparation. BYIdKFfYFb4-00090-00031877-00032004 That was very, very important. BYIdKFfYFb4-00091-00032004-00032232 And there, of course, there were some questions BYIdKFfYFb4-00092-00032232-00032963 about not always having the best support from OHCHR and so on. BYIdKFfYFb4-00093-00032963-00033337 But I was sort of able to overcome that because luckily for me BYIdKFfYFb4-00094-00033337-00033594 I came from a very strong civil society background. BYIdKFfYFb4-00095-00033594-00034095 So we had already existing networks that I could rely on. BYIdKFfYFb4-00096-00034095-00034533 But I think the role of civil society and independent institutions, BYIdKFfYFb4-00097-00034533-00034767 national human rights commissions and others, BYIdKFfYFb4-00098-00034767-00035221 is absolutely key both to the success of the content of the mission, BYIdKFfYFb4-00099-00035221-00035433 but even more importantly to the follow-up BYIdKFfYFb4-00100-00035433-00035783 to the mission of what comes out of the recommendations. BYIdKFfYFb4-00101-00035783-00036462 So you had a mandate which included the transformation of the Commission BYIdKFfYFb4-00102-00036462-00036728 on Human Rights into the Human Rights Council. BYIdKFfYFb4-00103-00036728-00037180 And when the Human Rights Council was established with the new peer-review BYIdKFfYFb4-00104-00037180-00037563 mechanism, the Universal Periodic Review to monitor BYIdKFfYFb4-00105-00037563-00037793 states' compliance with their human rights obligations, BYIdKFfYFb4-00106-00037793-00038062 there were certain concerns expressed that we, BYIdKFfYFb4-00107-00038062-00038509 as special procedures with the Human Rights Council, former Human Rights BYIdKFfYFb4-00108-00038509-00039366 Commission, would have less weight, that our recommendations would be basically BYIdKFfYFb4-00109-00039366-00040024 circumvented or basically not sufficiently supported BYIdKFfYFb4-00110-00040024-00040351 by the Universal Periodic Review and the Human Rights Council. BYIdKFfYFb4-00111-00040351-00040651 My impression is that instead it has strengthened us, BYIdKFfYFb4-00112-00040651-00041243 because many of the recommendations that states made in this UPR process BYIdKFfYFb4-00113-00041243-00041391 are based on our findings. BYIdKFfYFb4-00114-00041391-00041441 Yes. BYIdKFfYFb4-00115-00041441-00041500 Yes. BYIdKFfYFb4-00116-00041500-00041943 And I'm not sure whether you agree that in fact the UPR has BYIdKFfYFb4-00117-00041943-00042402 been not competing with independent experts' monitoring, BYIdKFfYFb4-00118-00042402-00042523 but instead complementing it. BYIdKFfYFb4-00119-00042523-00042623 Is this your perception? BYIdKFfYFb4-00120-00042623-00042757 I would completely agree. BYIdKFfYFb4-00121-00042757-00042971 In fact, I would go back before the UPR when BYIdKFfYFb4-00122-00042971-00043253 I became a rapporteur I also decided that I BYIdKFfYFb4-00123-00043253-00043575 was going to have regular dialogues with the treaty bodies, BYIdKFfYFb4-00124-00043575-00043912 because I really felt that that complementarity of what BYIdKFfYFb4-00125-00043912-00044263 a rapporteur could do and what a treaty body could do was very important. BYIdKFfYFb4-00126-00044263-00044464 And so even when I went on missions, I always BYIdKFfYFb4-00127-00044464-00044704 asked-- so the Committee on ESC Rights had BYIdKFfYFb4-00128-00044704-00045014 concluding observations, what have you done for that? BYIdKFfYFb4-00129-00045014-00045480 And whatever I would come up with, I reported back to the treaty bodies. BYIdKFfYFb4-00130-00045480-00045843 So now that process became expanded with the UPR. BYIdKFfYFb4-00131-00045843-00046188 And I would completely agree with you that the initial anxiety that BYIdKFfYFb4-00132-00046188-00046606 was there, the fear, has not materialized. BYIdKFfYFb4-00133-00046606-00046898 In fact, I've done some writing on this recently BYIdKFfYFb4-00134-00046898-00047103 because I've been following the UPR very closely. BYIdKFfYFb4-00135-00047103-00047562 And I think for the first time in the international human rights system, BYIdKFfYFb4-00136-00047562-00048014 we have a possibility now of a continuous monitoring BYIdKFfYFb4-00137-00048014-00048235 of a country's human rights record. BYIdKFfYFb4-00138-00048235-00048448 So you have the UPR every four years. BYIdKFfYFb4-00139-00048448-00048678 We have the treaty body, different treaty body reviews. BYIdKFfYFb4-00140-00048678-00049006 You have one or two rapporteurs visiting every year. BYIdKFfYFb4-00141-00049006-00049367 You have countries submitting midterm reports on the UPR. BYIdKFfYFb4-00142-00049367-00049723 And each one strengthens the other, so each recommendation BYIdKFfYFb4-00143-00049723-00050040 goes into monitoring, into further recommendations. BYIdKFfYFb4-00144-00050040-00050386 So I think the UPR has been very, very useful. BYIdKFfYFb4-00145-00050386-00050780 And I'm actually hopeful that in the evolution of the UPR BYIdKFfYFb4-00146-00050780-00051100 becoming better that the work done by the special rapporteurs BYIdKFfYFb4-00147-00051100-00051683 will become a routine part of the body of work that is before the governments BYIdKFfYFb4-00148-00051683-00051945 when they ask questions and what they follow-up, BYIdKFfYFb4-00149-00051945-00052324 that it won't be just left to a particular government's BYIdKFfYFb4-00150-00052324-00052554 choice of whether they want to use that. BYIdKFfYFb4-00151-00052554-00052717 So one last question. BYIdKFfYFb4-00152-00052717-00053363 One of the many legacies you left is a set of basic principles and guidelines BYIdKFfYFb4-00153-00053363-00053700 on development-based evictions and displacements, BYIdKFfYFb4-00154-00053700-00054129 adopted or presented in 2007. BYIdKFfYFb4-00155-00054129-00054787 What follow-up was given to these basic principles and guidelines? BYIdKFfYFb4-00156-00054787-00055398 And what would you say are conditions for these normative advances BYIdKFfYFb4-00157-00055398-00055703 in the understanding of the concrete implications of the right to housing BYIdKFfYFb4-00158-00055703-00056038 to be successful and influential? BYIdKFfYFb4-00159-00056038-00056261 Well, I think there are many sort of conditions. BYIdKFfYFb4-00160-00056261-00056762 But I've recently been collecting information and reviewing progress BYIdKFfYFb4-00161-00056762-00056952 on the implementation of the guidelines. BYIdKFfYFb4-00162-00056952-00057488 And there wasn't any formal follow-up within the UN system, which, BYIdKFfYFb4-00163-00057488-00057765 as you know, is one of the main weaknesses generally BYIdKFfYFb4-00164-00057765-00058100 of rapporteur work or treaty body work. BYIdKFfYFb4-00165-00058100-00058662 But there was considerable follow-up by civil society groups taking up BYIdKFfYFb4-00166-00058662-00058945 the issue, by lawyers taking up the guidelines, BYIdKFfYFb4-00167-00058945-00059536 by courts using them in their judgments, by many groups translating them BYIdKFfYFb4-00168-00059536-00059623 into local languages. BYIdKFfYFb4-00169-00059623-00059909 So we have them in 19 languages now. BYIdKFfYFb4-00170-00059909-00060061 They're being increasingly used. BYIdKFfYFb4-00171-00060061-00060381 And I think that-- I, mean my overall assessment-- BYIdKFfYFb4-00172-00060381-00060702 it's a little difficult for me to make that-- is that they have been BYIdKFfYFb4-00173-00060702-00061186 tremendously useful in terms of setting a global standard. BYIdKFfYFb4-00174-00061186-00061411 But I think my initial idea that they would BYIdKFfYFb4-00175-00061411-00061812 be operational has turned out to be the correct one, that there BYIdKFfYFb4-00176-00061812-00062196 was no point in producing another set of theoretical, conceptual guidelines, BYIdKFfYFb4-00177-00062196-00062423 but something that would sort of step by step BYIdKFfYFb4-00178-00062423-00062672 explain what precautions are being taken. BYIdKFfYFb4-00179-00062672-00063229 So if governments understand it's a way to basically BYIdKFfYFb4-00180-00063229-00063941 be more effective in operating within the rules, if they see BYIdKFfYFb4-00181-00063941-00064306 it's useful as a guide for them to use, then they will rely on it. BYIdKFfYFb4-00182-00064306-00064384 Yeah. BYIdKFfYFb4-00183-00064384-00065025 And in fact now I know, for example, that the guidelines on extreme poverty BYIdKFfYFb4-00184-00065025-00065496 and human rights that are going to be presented and adopted in a few weeks, BYIdKFfYFb4-00185-00065496-00065831 Magdalena Sepulveda's's guidelines have learned from these experiences, BYIdKFfYFb4-00186-00065831-00066243 not only from the evictions guidelines, but the IDP ones and the others, BYIdKFfYFb4-00187-00066243-00066857 to say OK, so let's create an instrument that is useful BYIdKFfYFb4-00188-00066857-00067042 and that is something that-- BYIdKFfYFb4-00189-00067042-00067125 Totally operational. BYIdKFfYFb4-00190-00067125-00067228 --people will use. BYIdKFfYFb4-00191-00067228-00067524 And one of the ways of doing that, which is what I tried to do also was BYIdKFfYFb4-00192-00067524-00068000 the content actually came-- some of the content at least, came from the ground, BYIdKFfYFb4-00193-00068000-00068429 from the insights of the people who are struggling against evictions BYIdKFfYFb4-00194-00068429-00068710 and the people who are coming up with their own solutions, BYIdKFfYFb4-00195-00068710-00069074 but all within the context of the human rights instruments, which is, BYIdKFfYFb4-00196-00069074-00069559 as you know, very, very broad, so it allows us to do work which is not BYIdKFfYFb4-00197-00069559-00069796 necessarily-- and this was a selling point, in a way -- BYIdKFfYFb4-00198-00069796-00070251 it's not necessarily new standards, but it's interpreting existing standards BYIdKFfYFb4-00199-00070251-00070351 and elaborating on them. BYIdKFfYFb4-00200-00070351-00070544 That's often how human rights make progress, BYIdKFfYFb4-00201-00070544-00070940 by restating general principles in concrete settings BYIdKFfYFb4-00202-00070940-00071102 and giving them new meanings. BYIdKFfYFb4-00203-00071102-00071152 Yeah. BYIdKFfYFb4-00204-00071152-00071410 But I think that the role of rapporteurs is, in that sense, BYIdKFfYFb4-00205-00071410-00071634 different from the role of treaty bodies. BYIdKFfYFb4-00206-00071634-00072040 The treaty bodies can elaborate in sort of a general global sense, BYIdKFfYFb4-00207-00072040-00072274 through general comments and general recommendations. BYIdKFfYFb4-00208-00072274-00072462 But I think a rapporteur needs to go further, BYIdKFfYFb4-00209-00072462-00072935 because I see the role of rapporteurs, the sort of uniqueness and critical BYIdKFfYFb4-00210-00072935-00073127 importance of the role, as a practical role. BYIdKFfYFb4-00211-00073127-00073435 We are there to understand the problems and to provide solutions. BYIdKFfYFb4-00212-00073435-00073838 Practical and linked to developments on the ground that you can visit, BYIdKFfYFb4-00213-00073838-00074034 which is very unique and which is a privilege-- BYIdKFfYFb4-00214-00074034-00074063 That's right. BYIdKFfYFb4-00215-00074063-00074164 The fact-finding part. BYIdKFfYFb4-00216-00074164-00074438 --that the experts sitting in treaty bodies may not have. BYIdKFfYFb4-00217-00074438-00074531 That's right. BYIdKFfYFb4-00218-00074531-00074627 So thank you very much. BYIdKFfYFb4-00219-00074627-00074796 It has been very useful. BYIdKFfYFb4-00220-00074796-00074951 Thank you. BYJdTUlrMHy-00000-00004175-00004429 I'm just weathering a rough patch BYJdTUlrMHy-00001-00004429-00004658 Another villain with an itch to scratch BYJdTUlrMHy-00002-00004658-00004910 Denial is the darkest when you live in a hole BYJdTUlrMHy-00003-00004910-00005180 Why does the hell make you feel so cold? BYJdTUlrMHy-00004-00005230-00005451 Make a move and you pay for it BYJdTUlrMHy-00005-00005485-00005710 Pick a lord and you pray to it BYJdTUlrMHy-00006-00005726-00005931 You're so demanding when you want the truth BYJdTUlrMHy-00007-00005931-00006229 But your stories don't read for me BYJdTUlrMHy-00008-00006229-00006461 Indecision overload BYJdTUlrMHy-00009-00006461-00006740 Keep a buckle on the devil and your eyes on the road BYJdTUlrMHy-00010-00006740-00006953 Reaching out for the hand of God BYJdTUlrMHy-00011-00006953-00007247 But did you think you'd shake your own? BYJdTUlrMHy-00012-00007247-00007526 This killing field is all grown over BYJdTUlrMHy-00013-00007526-00007744 The motherfucker wants it wild BYJdTUlrMHy-00014-00007744-00008025 Go sow your oats in alphabetical order BYJdTUlrMHy-00015-00008025-00008278 The anti-antagonist is back in style BYJdTUlrMHy-00016-00008569-00010579 You've killed the saint in me How dare you martyr me? BYJdTUlrMHy-00017-00010913-00011410 You've killed the saint in me How dare you martyr me? BYJdTUlrMHy-00018-00012851-00013805 Did you think you could win? And fill me in? Did you think you could do it again? I'm not your sin BYJdTUlrMHy-00019-00013805-00014556 I was all that you wanted and more, but you didn't want me I was more than you thought I could be BYJdTUlrMHy-00020-00014556-00015000 So I'm setting you free, I'm setting you free BYJdTUlrMHy-00021-00017072-00017603 Your station is abandoned Fooled you 'cause I know what you've done BYJdTUlrMHy-00022-00017603-00018191 Sensation, depravation You should've burned when you turned on everyone BYJdTUlrMHy-00023-00019125-00019370 You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing BYJdTUlrMHy-00024-00019370-00019644 The flesh was in my bones The pain was always free BYJdTUlrMHy-00025-00019644-00019898 You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing BYJdTUlrMHy-00026-00019898-00020148 The flesh was in my bones The pain was always free BYJdTUlrMHy-00027-00020192-00020700 I've felt the hate rise up in me Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves BYJdTUlrMHy-00028-00020700-00021224 I wander out where you can't see Inside my shell, I wait and bleed BYJdTUlrMHy-00029-00021477-00023530 You've killed the saint in me How dare you martyr me? BYJdTUlrMHy-00030-00023559-00024026 All I've got, all I've got is insane BYJdTUlrMHy-00031-00024550-00025055 All I've got, all I've got is insane BYJdTUlrMHy-00032-00025592-00026767 Oh, I'll never kill myself to save my soul I was gone, but how was I to know? BYJdTUlrMHy-00033-00026881-00027322 I didn't come this far to sink so low I'm finally holding on to letting go BYJdTUlrMHy-00034-00027344-00027679 I'm finally holding on to letting go BYJdTUlrMHy-00035-00027922-00029970 You've killed the saint in me How dare you martyr me? Bb1CBQKhoeA-00000-00000143-00000675 Mergent Online contains financial information for U.S. and international companies. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00001-00000675-00001003 Let’s take a look at some of the information you can find Bb1CBQKhoeA-00002-00001003-00001168 using Mergent Online. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00003-00001274-00001680 You may have been assigned a specific company to research like Pandora. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00004-00001680-00001980 Let’s see what Mergent Online can tell us. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00005-00002118-00002460 Some companies have very similar names in Mergent Online. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00006-00002546-00003012 Make sure you select the correct company information from the drop-down menu. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00007-00003088-00003243 Company Details is Bb1CBQKhoeA-00008-00003243-00003703 the default page shown for companies searched using Mergent Online. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00009-00003703-00004478 This page includes helpful information like key financials, the latest news, and share pricing. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00010-00004548-00005182 What if we want to learn more about the financials like total assets or debt securities? Bb1CBQKhoeA-00011-00005182-00005756 We can look at the “Company Financials” tab to learn more about Pandora Media Inc. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00012-00005918-00006448 Financial information is categorized on the page by annual or quarter reports Bb1CBQKhoeA-00013-00006484-00006700 as well as by the Balance Sheet, Bb1CBQKhoeA-00014-00006792-00007004 Income Statement, Bb1CBQKhoeA-00015-00007072-00007252 Retained Earnings Bb1CBQKhoeA-00016-00007323-00007468 and Cash Flow. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00017-00007559-00007984 Let’s take a quick look at each of these options. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00018-00008023-00008208 The annual balance sheet contains Bb1CBQKhoeA-00019-00008208-00008665 financial information for each reported year available. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00020-00008665-00008928 This includes items like total assets, Bb1CBQKhoeA-00021-00009104-00009312 Current liabilities Bb1CBQKhoeA-00022-00009440-00009576 and common stock. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00023-00009704-00010056 These numbers can help you calculate the net worth. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00024-00010152-00010392 On the annual Income Statement, you Bb1CBQKhoeA-00025-00010404-00011120 can look at the total revenue And determine if a company has increased or decreased revenue Bb1CBQKhoeA-00026-00011120-00011488 over the years displayed. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00027-00011488-00012084 Remember that these numbers are listed using the scale, in this case in the thousands. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00028-00012264-00012712 The annual cash flow report shows net income loss Bb1CBQKhoeA-00029-00012748-00013247 and depreciation & amortization over the years displayed. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00030-00013291-00013871 In addition to checking quarterly and annual reports in Mergent Online, you can also review Bb1CBQKhoeA-00031-00013871-00014209 company information over a period of years. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00032-00014209-00014729 Data may be available from 3 to 15-year reports with the option to see data from all Bb1CBQKhoeA-00033-00014729-00014976 the years available in Mergent Online. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00034-00015004-00015216 You can also download these reports and charts Bb1CBQKhoeA-00035-00015216-00015540 for use in your work but remember to cite them. Bb1CBQKhoeA-00036-00015540-00015665 Thanks for watching! Bb1CBQKhoeA-00037-00015665-00015945 If you need help, contact your librarian! Bhhc7XWqGSc-00000-00000031-00000581 My name is Kevin Curran, I'm a Professor of Cybersecurity at Ulster University Bhhc7XWqGSc-00001-00000627-00001127 I'm also on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the British Blockchain Association. Bhhc7XWqGSc-00002-00001186-00001557 The Journal of the British Bolockchain Association is Europe's first Bhhc7XWqGSc-00003-00001629-00002393 Peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to all things blockchain technologies, distributed ledger technologies and cryptocurrencies Bhhc7XWqGSc-00004-00002467-00002936 The JBBA is an online open access journal Bhhc7XWqGSc-00005-00002989-00003509 Providing a wide range and comprehensive overview of all things to do with blockchain technology. Bhhc7XWqGSc-00006-00003544-00004044 It is also the leading practitioner journal for blockchain technology experts Bhhc7XWqGSc-00007-00004114-00004314 JBBA Bhhc7XWqGSc-00008-00004362-00004667 invites authors to submit original research, Bhhc7XWqGSc-00009-00004773-00005021 case studies, proof of impact Bhhc7XWqGSc-00010-00005130-00005474 Experimentation, and anything that they're working on within the blockchain Bhhc7XWqGSc-00011-00005539-00005916 technology community. The overarching mission is to Bhhc7XWqGSc-00012-00005973-00006356 advanced and common monologue within the blockchain Bhhc7XWqGSc-00013-00006411-00006911 technology community. Please go to the Journal of the British blockchain Association [jbba.scholasticahq.com] Bhhc7XWqGSc-00014-00006990-00007445 and submit your research right now. Bhlao0-3eq4-00000-00000000-00000336 hi my name is danielle i'm from salem oregon and i just Bhlao0-3eq4-00001-00000336-00000736 came here with the expectation that he was going to heal me how did you enter her body Bhlao0-3eq4-00002-00001008-00001696 what else have you done in her life her first marriage i'm gonna take her kids Bhlao0-3eq4-00003-00001792-00002320 you destroyed her first marriage yes so today in the prayer line i was standing Bhlao0-3eq4-00004-00002320-00002800 there and i was talking but it wasn't really me talking like in my head it sounded like my Bhlao0-3eq4-00005-00002800-00003176 own voice but as it was coming out it was not me how have you destroyed her family Bhlao0-3eq4-00006-00003415-00003928 she hates everyone i like didn't have control of my body and i started shaking Bhlao0-3eq4-00007-00003928-00004584 and screaming and yelling and then i just felt at peace fire all over your body Bhlao0-3eq4-00008-00004584-00004824 fire all over your body in the name of jesus christ Bhlao0-3eq4-00009-00005128-00005352 because they have the holy spirit and they know god they don't need Bhlao0-3eq4-00010-00005352-00005648 any more deliverance and that is a lie from the pit of hell because Bhlao0-3eq4-00011-00005648-00006064 there are many things strongholds that the enemy can use whether it be from birth or Bhlao0-3eq4-00012-00006128-00006640 um generational curses soul ties a big one the lord had me renounce those a long time ago Bhlao0-3eq4-00013-00006640-00007048 there's just a lot of things and the more that you ask god to seek you he will speak to you Bhlao0-3eq4-00014-00007048-00007536 and tell you this is what you need to do and you just need to be obedient and surrender that's like Bhlao0-3eq4-00015-00007536-00008136 the best thing i can tell you gotta speak freedom in her mind and her soul and her family in jesus Bhlao0-3eq4-00016-00008200-00008744 mighty name thank you for watching this testimony if you or anybody that you know is interested in Bhlao0-3eq4-00017-00008744-00009216 deliverance we have a few opportunities here at hungry gen we have our monthly Bhlao0-3eq4-00018-00009216-00009800 digital deliverances we also have monthly prayer lines that happen every last sunday of the month Bhlao0-3eq4-00019-00009800-00010464 and we host our yearly race to deliver conferences all over the usa if you are interested in any more Bhlao0-3eq4-00020-00010464-00011384 information just go to hungrygen.com deliverance better is not good enough the best is yet to come Bhlao0-3eq4-00021-00012064-00012072 you BhwatjbHsio-00000-00000000-00000220 Training courses BhwatjbHsio-00001-00000253-00000986 Whether you area student, a teacher or researcher, you can enroll in the library's training courses. BhwatjbHsio-00002-00001019-00001623 We offer courses available for registration orintegrated in the University curriculums, BhwatjbHsio-00003-00001656-00002336 visits, appointments with a librarian or self-training on the University digital learning platform. BhwatjbHsio-00004-00002370-00003102 We can adapt to your needs alone or within agroup, on site or remotely throughout the year. BhwatjbHsio-00005-00003138-00003826 For example, we can help you do documentaryresearch and monitoring, use "Zotero", BhwatjbHsio-00006-00003859-00004802 format your thesis and dissertations, create your research ID and open your publications and your research data. Bnxu25gwvXy-00001-00000560-00000800 Hi, I'm Doctor Carla Eisemberg Bnxu25gwvXy-00002-00000800-00001208 and I am a Research Associate Fellow at Charles Darwin University Bnxu25gwvXy-00003-00001208-00001537 and I have been working for the last six years with the pig-nosed turtle Bnxu25gwvXy-00004-00001537-00002030 which is a really cool animal and I think it's quite relevant to this course because Bnxu25gwvXy-00005-00002030-00002207 as you have been seeing during the course Bnxu25gwvXy-00006-00002207-00002516 the animals adapt to their environment Bnxu25gwvXy-00007-00002516-00002852 and the pig-nosed turtle is very interesting because Bnxu25gwvXy-00008-00002852-00003175 it has a very restricted distribution but it's quite separate Bnxu25gwvXy-00009-00003175-00003501 it happens in the Northern Territory in Australia and Bnxu25gwvXy-00010-00003501-00003917 also in Papua New Guinea and the both environments are very different Bnxu25gwvXy-00011-00003917-00004330 ...so each population of pig-nosed turtle have to adapt to this environment Bnxu25gwvXy-00012-00004339-00004699 and one interesting thing is that they only nest during the dry season Bnxu25gwvXy-00013-00004699-00005103 in Papua New Guinea the dry season is completely different than the dry season Bnxu25gwvXy-00014-00005103-00005166 in Australia. Bnxu25gwvXy-00015-00005166-00005537 It starts in October when in Australia it starts in May Bnxu25gwvXy-00016-00005537-00005843 so this population has to respond to these Bnxu25gwvXy-00017-00005843-00006244 different dry season periods. We are here in a sand bank Bnxu25gwvXy-00018-00006244-00006723 we know that a female turtle came here two months ago and laid her eggs so they're Bnxu25gwvXy-00019-00006758-00007122 ready to hatch but another these turtles do is that the egg Bnxu25gwvXy-00020-00007122-00007502 develops in two months and then they are ready to go but Bnxu25gwvXy-00021-00007502-00007892 in this case they are not quite ready because they have to wait Bnxu25gwvXy-00022-00007892-00008372 until the next flood because it is if they hatch right now they will have to walk Bnxu25gwvXy-00023-00008372-00008524 all the way from here Bnxu25gwvXy-00024-00008524-00008836 to the water, and there is a good chance that a predator would come Bnxu25gwvXy-00025-00008836-00009189 so they adapt to wait in the egg until Bnxu25gwvXy-00026-00009189-00009500 heavy rain or a flood comes and that's when they pop out Bnxu25gwvXy-00027-00009500-00009878 and very few species do that. You don't see that with sea turtles, you don't see that Bnxu25gwvXy-00028-00009878-00010200 with other fresh water turtles. It's quite unique from this turtle. Bnxu25gwvXy-00029-00010300-00010686 Let's have a look at this nest and see how this one is actually quite Bnxu25gwvXy-00030-00010686-00011003 close to the water and the female probably Bnxu25gwvXy-00031-00011003-00011375 is a new one and, actually, the water might come Bnxu25gwvXy-00032-00011375-00011864 and flood before they are ready, but they were actually quite lucky this year Bnxu25gwvXy-00033-00012040-00012248 ...the dry season has been quite long Bnxu25gwvXy-00034-00012248-00012684 so they are ready to go but still waiting for the flood to come Bnxu25gwvXy-00035-00012684-00013078 ...or a heavy rain. So let's dig carefully here Bnxu25gwvXy-00036-00013078-00013453 because if you'll turn the egg they might get stressed and Bnxu25gwvXy-00037-00013453-00013933 pop out or if they were not ready and you turn the egg they actually die Bnxu25gwvXy-00038-00013933-00014447 so you can see here, this is the egg of a pig-nosed turtle Bnxu25gwvXy-00039-00014447-00014600 it really looks like a ping-pong ball. Bnxu25gwvXy-00040-00014600-00014926 And let's just go to the lab now Bnxu25gwvXy-00041-00014926-00015359 and put this egg, who is ready to hatch and you will see that from it will come a Bnxu25gwvXy-00042-00015359-00015730 very cute pig-nosed turtle hatchling. Bnxu25gwvXy-00043-00015937-00016270 So, we just put the egg inside the container as you can see Bnxu25gwvXy-00044-00016270-00016664 and be patient, it will take a little bit for them to come out of the egg Bnxu25gwvXy-00045-00016664-00017012 you need to wait until the anoxia kicks in Bnxu25gwvXy-00046-00017012-00017423 and then they will start kicking the inside of the egg and coming out Bnxu25gwvXy-00047-00017423-00017805 sometimes it happens really quick. Bnxu25gwvXy-00048-00017805-00018153 In nature, it might take a few seconds and then they will be out there swimming already but Bnxu25gwvXy-00049-00018153-00018478 because we are in a lab it might actually take a little bit Bnxu25gwvXy-00050-00018478-00018820 the hatchling as you can see does not have a lot of grip Bnxu25gwvXy-00051-00018820-00019143 as the in the more that it gets out of the egg it can get Bnxu25gwvXy-00052-00019143-00019535 in the sand it would be easier for them to get out. Look at that now is coming out Bnxu25gwvXy-00053-00019750-00019837 Oh it's free! Bnxu25gwvXy-00054-00019837-00020278 And now it's interesting they have the same behavior as the sea turtles Bnxu25gwvXy-00055-00020278-00020659 They have this little frenzy in the beginning when they go like crazy Bnxu25gwvXy-00056-00020659-00021073 because they will be predators waiting for them and they just need to go as quick Bnxu25gwvXy-00057-00021073-00021245 as possible bury themselves Bnxu25gwvXy-00058-00021245-00021648 as you see in the next video, this is the moment releasing the into Bnxu25gwvXy-00059-00021648-00021967 in the creek as we're releasing now it's actually Bnxu25gwvXy-00060-00021967-00022362 swimming and it's digging itself. The more it digs itself and it's just there... Bnxu25gwvXy-00061-00022362-00022731 ...the Predators will not see them and now don't worry Bnxu25gwvXy-00062-00022731-00023154 and see enjoy this beautiful view because the turtle is hatched. C09jXYRGLxu-00000-00007344-00007648 Hey Guys, I'm Guilherme Trindade and you are on Ready To Fight C09jXYRGLxu-00001-00007648-00007962 look what Tranya send us again C09jXYRGLxu-00002-00007962-00008188 a true wireless earbuds C09jXYRGLxu-00003-00008188-00008346 this is the second one Tranya send us C09jXYRGLxu-00004-00008346-00008566 and here is a new TWS test and review C09jXYRGLxu-00005-00008566-00008708 I'll show you everything about it C09jXYRGLxu-00006-00008708-00009060 and how you could use it during phisical activities, check this out! C09jXYRGLxu-00007-00009062-00009600 Guys, Tranya send us that TWS earbuds the T10 model this is the second C09jXYRGLxu-00008-00009600-00010131 time Tranya send a TWS for a Ready To Fight review, the other one was B530 model C09jXYRGLxu-00009-00010131-00010529 you could check that other review at youtube cards C09jXYRGLxu-00010-00010529-00010713 Here we go for the unboxing C09jXYRGLxu-00011-00010713-00011153 We got here a fine-looking box and what we expect of a box like that C09jXYRGLxu-00012-00011153-00011746 if they had hard work in the box, certainly the product wold be great to C09jXYRGLxu-00013-00012020-00012560 A box of rigid paperboard, makes no difference what matters is the earbuds C09jXYRGLxu-00014-00012560-00013016 here we have the manual C09jXYRGLxu-00015-00013119-00013382 and here is the case C09jXYRGLxu-00016-00013404-00014034 This one it's a little bit more rounded then B530 C09jXYRGLxu-00017-00014034-00014472 little bit smaller too, looks like a bath soap C09jXYRGLxu-00018-00015168-00015944 In that another box, we have the accessories, one USB type C cable for charging C09jXYRGLxu-00019-00015944-00016717 and the eartips to change C09jXYRGLxu-00020-00016717-00017081 and use what fits better to you C09jXYRGLxu-00021-00017081-00017576 they came in 3 different sizes, one at the earbuds and two more pairs into the box C09jXYRGLxu-00022-00017576-00018132 And the most important is here the earbuds C09jXYRGLxu-00023-00018132-00018360 that have easy Bluetooth connection C09jXYRGLxu-00024-00018360-00018856 the last model I have some problem to pairing, but this one is very easy, even I got it C09jXYRGLxu-00026-00018926-00019328 At first impression it's notable it's bigger than the another model C09jXYRGLxu-00027-00019328-00019941 we review here, but this is because the new 12mm driver C09jXYRGLxu-00028-00019941-00020496 B530 has a 6mm driver, so here we got a driver twice the size C09jXYRGLxu-00029-00020496-00020944 looking from here it seems to be very big and awkward C09jXYRGLxu-00030-00020944-00021464 but it fits well and it's very comfortable C09jXYRGLxu-00031-00021688-00022095 and it doesn't fall at all, it's possible to train C09jXYRGLxu-00032-00022096-00022378 and maintain your activities using it and it's comfortable C09jXYRGLxu-00033-00022378-00022668 it controls everything using touch controls C09jXYRGLxu-00034-00022668-00023224 you just have to touch at the left or right earbud C09jXYRGLxu-00035-00023224-00023760 it doesn't respond to quick touch, with that prevents unwanted controls C09jXYRGLxu-00036-00023765-00024312 in case of taking the hair out of face, that's not my case, and unintentionally change the music C09jXYRGLxu-00037-00024312-00024632 or pause the music during your jogging, this will not happen C09jXYRGLxu-00038-00024632-00025384 to control it you need to press and hold for 1 sec or press 2 or 3 times, we have total control C09jXYRGLxu-00039-00025384-00025895 to next and previous track, to up and down volume as you need. C09jXYRGLxu-00040-00025912-00026352 During my tests in physical activities I came to the gym usign it C09jXYRGLxu-00041-00026352-00026768 I jump rope, hit the double end speed bag and the spinning boxing C09jXYRGLxu-00042-00026768-00026904 super confortable, really nice C09jXYRGLxu-00043-00026904-00027280 the volume is very loud C09jXYRGLxu-00044-00027280-00028395 you need to choose the right eartips for you, to be more comfortable C09jXYRGLxu-00045-00028397-00028611 you will be able to train and do all your activities C09jXYRGLxu-00046-00028611-00029200 Obviously at some point you’ll have to adjust it C09jXYRGLxu-00047-00029200-00029733 but considering their size and how they are projected out of the ear C09jXYRGLxu-00048-00029733-00029920 they are very stable and doesn't fall C09jXYRGLxu-00049-00029920-00030239 It has a good passive noise canceling C09jXYRGLxu-00050-00030239-00030576 if you use it without any music C09jXYRGLxu-00051-00030576-00030768 you will have a very great feeling of silence C09jXYRGLxu-00052-00030768-00031480 it will depends on the ambient sounds C09jXYRGLxu-00053-00031480-00031856 how much noise is in the ambient, if you are at traffic C09jXYRGLxu-00054-00031856-00032254 possibly you will hear a tractor pass by your side, I don't know where you will see tractor in traffic C09jXYRGLxu-00055-00032254-00032698 but there is a possibility that you can hear a truck, so, loud noises will be heard. C09jXYRGLxu-00056-00032698-00033138 About the sound quality, it's rich in mids and highs, it has a good bass too C09jXYRGLxu-00057-00033139-00033622 but the bass wasn't so great as the mids and highs C09jXYRGLxu-00058-00033622-00034189 It is conformtable to listen pop music, that has great bass frequencies C09jXYRGLxu-00059-00034189-00034621 but to listen classic rock guitars, especially the solos C09jXYRGLxu-00060-00034624-00035016 it sounds a little high-pitched, but it goes a lot to your taste of musical equalization C09jXYRGLxu-00061-00035016-00035440 if you like boosted highs and rich on voice tones C09jXYRGLxu-00062-00035440-00035584 that's the earbuds for you C09jXYRGLxu-00063-00035584-00036152 Because de 12mm driver, it has a real great volume C09jXYRGLxu-00064-00036152-00036448 it's even louder than B530 C09jXYRGLxu-00065-00036448-00036840 and how it has a bigger body it provides more acoustics C09jXYRGLxu-00066-00036845-00037139 being directly projected to your ears. C09jXYRGLxu-00067-00037139-00037321 That earbud is really good, you gonna like it. C09jXYRGLxu-00068-00037321-00037946 In our tests with B530 model, was possible to use the touch controls C09jXYRGLxu-00069-00037946-00038752 using boxing gloves, it was possible to play/pause and control volume C09jXYRGLxu-00070-00038752-00038952 touching with the boxing gloves C09jXYRGLxu-00071-00038952-00039262 Unfortunately this model doesn't respond to the boxing glove touch C09jXYRGLxu-00072-00039262-00039432 it really needs to touch with the finger C09jXYRGLxu-00073-00039432-00039688 but during the training using hand wraps I could control without any problems C09jXYRGLxu-00074-00039688-00040120 but control with boxing gloves dosen't work here. C09jXYRGLxu-00075-00040120-00040568 But has a good thing on that, unwanted touchs won't suddenly pause your music C09jXYRGLxu-00076-00040571-00041114 at the peak of your training, playing the best beat, the boxing glove accidentally touch it C09jXYRGLxu-00077-00041114-00041540 or you gonna get your hair out of your face, and unintentionally pause C09jXYRGLxu-00078-00041540-00042264 the music at the last 10 seconds sprint of your training and turn you off C09jXYRGLxu-00079-00042264-00042608 it's not possible to control with boxing gloves, but in the other hand C09jXYRGLxu-00080-00042608-00043047 has no risk of unwanted touch C09jXYRGLxu-00081-00043048-00043200 You could use each earbud separately C09jXYRGLxu-00082-00043200-00043402 it possible to use just one earbud C09jXYRGLxu-00083-00043402-00043630 just the right or left earbud C09jXYRGLxu-00084-00043630-00043862 in diferents situations C09jXYRGLxu-00085-00043862-00044134 even on the computer, or doing something C09jXYRGLxu-00086-00044134-00044684 Yoy could use just one side and hear external sounds in parallel C09jXYRGLxu-00087-00044684-00045070 but control commands are partially lost C09jXYRGLxu-00088-00045070-00045576 you'll just have the commands on the side you are currently using C09jXYRGLxu-00089-00045576-00046328 As I said before, it has full control C09jXYRGLxu-00090-00046328-00046804 Press and hold it's play/pause, double tap at right side increase volume C09jXYRGLxu-00091-00046804-00047042 double tap at left side decrease volume C09jXYRGLxu-00092-00047042-00047344 three touches on right side go to next track C09jXYRGLxu-00093-00047344-00047660 three touches on left side back to previous track C09jXYRGLxu-00094-00047660-00047881 to answer or reject calls is easy C09jXYRGLxu-00095-00047881-00048228 a simple touch answer a call C09jXYRGLxu-00096-00048228-00048630 press and hold for 1 sec to reject/end a call C09jXYRGLxu-00097-00048630-00048990 the only command we dont have here is to call the voice assistant C09jXYRGLxu-00098-00048990-00049410 something that almost nobody use C09jXYRGLxu-00099-00049430-00049954 The battery of the earbuds has an autonomy described by the manufacturer of 8 hours C09jXYRGLxu-00100-00049954-00050150 we got very close to that C09jXYRGLxu-00101-00050150-00050392 it will vary according the volume are playing C09jXYRGLxu-00102-00050392-00050930 the case also offers another 24 hours of autonomy to charge the earbuds C09jXYRGLxu-00103-00050930-00051160 totaling 32 hours C09jXYRGLxu-00104-00051160-00051496 You can train more than 1 hour a day for a month C09jXYRGLxu-00105-00051496-00051772 without having to recharge the case C09jXYRGLxu-00106-00051805-00052299 The case has fast charging with USB-C and even has wireless charging C09jXYRGLxu-00107-00052299-00052890 you simply place it on a wireless charging base and it will charge C09jXYRGLxu-00108-00052890-00053154 I don't have it, next time someone can send us C09jXYRGLxu-00109-00053154-00053396 then I can test it too, but this one I don't have available. C09jXYRGLxu-00110-00053396-00053878 It has IPX7 water and dust proof C09jXYRGLxu-00111-00053878-00054155 you could sweat a lot or even run at raining C09jXYRGLxu-00112-00054155-00054602 without any problem, it will still working C09jXYRGLxu-00113-00054622-00055078 The Tranya T10 has a Qualcomm aptX processor and Bluetooth 5.0 C09jXYRGLxu-00114-00055078-00055433 which are the most advanced technologies on the market at the moment. C09jXYRGLxu-00115-00055434-00055734 And last but not least the price C09jXYRGLxu-00116-00055734-00056154 if you will buy at Amazon BR it is R$199,00 C09jXYRGLxu-00117-00056154-00056566 or you can buy it at Tranya website for US$79,00 C09jXYRGLxu-00118-00056566-00056882 using the link and the discount code available C09jXYRGLxu-00119-00056882-00057336 at the description you'll have a 30% discount C09jXYRGLxu-00120-00057336-00057666 So that's it, in my opnion worth it a lot, I really like to listen music during the training C09jXYRGLxu-00121-00057666-00057964 and it offers a lot of functionality and quality C09jXYRGLxu-00122-00057966-00058179 I believe in this price range C09jXYRGLxu-00123-00058179-00058372 what you need to evaluate is not only it's price C09jXYRGLxu-00124-00058372-00058778 but if you find something similar with this price or cheaper C09jXYRGLxu-00125-00058778-00059008 at this price I think you can't find nothing C09jXYRGLxu-00126-00059008-00059291 similar in functionality and quality. C09jXYRGLxu-00127-00059291-00059588 So is really good, I would buy one like this, but this one it's already mine C09jXYRGLxu-00128-00059588-00059784 Filipe got the last one to him C09jXYRGLxu-00129-00059785-00060047 and that one will stay with me, he is laughing but he knows that one it's mine. C09jXYRGLxu-00130-00060047-00060255 That's all today, see you! C3vJeKEdSpy-00000-00000440-00000840 (male narrator) Let's say that I have content in a Microsoft Word document, C3vJeKEdSpy-00001-00000844-00001121 and I want to upload that to Google Docs C3vJeKEdSpy-00002-00001124-00001374 as part of the Open Course Library project. C3vJeKEdSpy-00003-00001377-00001674 One, um...possibility would be to save my Word document C3vJeKEdSpy-00004-00001678-00002108 and then upload it and have it convert to a Google Doc format, C3vJeKEdSpy-00005-00002112-00002275 but there might be, uh...good reasons C3vJeKEdSpy-00006-00002278-00002389 why I don't want to do that. C3vJeKEdSpy-00007-00002392-00002739 Maybe I have mathematical formulas, C3vJeKEdSpy-00008-00002742-00003163 or-or complex tables, or-or embedded images-- C3vJeKEdSpy-00009-00003166-00003516 things that don't translate over to Google Docs format very well. C3vJeKEdSpy-00010-00003520-00003653 And I want to just upload this C3vJeKEdSpy-00011-00003656-00003953 and keep it in Microsoft Word format. C3vJeKEdSpy-00012-00003957-00004057 So the first thing I'm gonna do C3vJeKEdSpy-00013-00004060-00004264 is while I'm still in Microsoft Word, C3vJeKEdSpy-00014-00004267-00004641 I'm going to go to "file, save as," C3vJeKEdSpy-00015-00004644-00004828 and I'm going to choose to save this C3vJeKEdSpy-00016-00004831-00005221 as a Microsoft Word 1997 to 2003-- C3vJeKEdSpy-00017-00005225-00005885 or d-o-c format file as opposed to a d-o-c-x...docx. C3vJeKEdSpy-00018-00005889-00006166 So on the "save file, save as type," C3vJeKEdSpy-00019-00006169-00006629 by default, it's gonna say, uh..."Word document .d-o-c-x," C3vJeKEdSpy-00020-00006633-00007003 but I wanna change that to 97-2003. C3vJeKEdSpy-00021-00007006-00007333 Uh...the reason I'm doing that is that this is a format C3vJeKEdSpy-00022-00007337-00007473 which is more transferable C3vJeKEdSpy-00023-00007477-00007741 to, um...a lot of the systems or programs C3vJeKEdSpy-00024-00007744-00008041 that-that the consumer might be using down the road. C3vJeKEdSpy-00025-00008044-00008348 So saving this as a 2003 format, C3vJeKEdSpy-00026-00008351-00008625 and I'll save it, uh...on my desktop C3vJeKEdSpy-00027-00008628-00008828 and give it a title. C3vJeKEdSpy-00028-00009873-00010170 Okay, now I'm gonna hop over to Google Docs. C3vJeKEdSpy-00029-00010173-00010336 And here, I'm logged in. C3vJeKEdSpy-00030-00010340-00010603 I can see my home with all my different documents, C3vJeKEdSpy-00031-00010607-00010770 and over on the side, C3vJeKEdSpy-00032-00010774-00010937 I have collections and subcollections. C3vJeKEdSpy-00033-00010940-00011171 And I can...I have a "create" button. C3vJeKEdSpy-00034-00011174-00011404 I also have an "upload" button here. C3vJeKEdSpy-00035-00011407-00011604 Uh...so I'm gonna click on that. C3vJeKEdSpy-00036-00011608-00011838 I'm gonna upload files in this case. C3vJeKEdSpy-00037-00011841-00012112 And I'm going to go to my desktop C3vJeKEdSpy-00038-00012115-00012415 and find my document that I just created. C3vJeKEdSpy-00039-00012859-00013016 There it is. C3vJeKEdSpy-00040-00013019-00013216 And I'll open that. C3vJeKEdSpy-00041-00013219-00013416 And now...this is the important part. C3vJeKEdSpy-00042-00013419-00013727 It's...by default, it's asking me to keep the checkbox C3vJeKEdSpy-00043-00013730-00013933 for convert documents, presentations, spreadsheets C3vJeKEdSpy-00044-00013937-00014084 to Google Docs format. C3vJeKEdSpy-00045-00014087-00014297 If I don't want it to be converted-- C3vJeKEdSpy-00046-00014300-00014527 I want it to stay in Word format-- C3vJeKEdSpy-00047-00014531-00015075 I'm going to uncheck those boxes and click, uh..."start upload." C3vJeKEdSpy-00048-00015078-00015408 Okay, so it's gonna show me a little window here C3vJeKEdSpy-00049-00015411-00015675 telling me that it is uploading the document. C3vJeKEdSpy-00050-00015678-00015879 And when that's done... C3vJeKEdSpy-00051-00016319-00016509 and the upload is complete, C3vJeKEdSpy-00052-00016513-00016833 I now see, uh..."upload complete" here, C3vJeKEdSpy-00053-00016836-00017110 and I also see the Gettysburg Address.d-o-c fie C3vJeKEdSpy-00054-00017113-00017253 that I just uploaded. C3vJeKEdSpy-00055-00017257-00017554 Notice that, uh...Google Docs have a sort of a square C3vJeKEdSpy-00056-00017557-00017867 with little red writing...little white writing on it as an icon. C3vJeKEdSpy-00057-00017871-00018041 And this has a "W" C3vJeKEdSpy-00058-00018044-00018308 that looks similar to a Microsoft Word icon. C3vJeKEdSpy-00059-00018311-00018775 So I now know that this is up in Google Docs here for me. C3vJeKEdSpy-00060-00018778-00018915 And...I'll close that notification. C3vJeKEdSpy-00061-00018918-00019149 Okay, so...I could just leave it there C3vJeKEdSpy-00062-00019152-00019349 and treat it like I would C3vJeKEdSpy-00063-00019352-00019542 any other document in my collection. C3vJeKEdSpy-00064-00019546-00019756 Or if I... or in my Google Docs. C3vJeKEdSpy-00065-00019759-00020023 Or if I wanted to put it into a collection, C3vJeKEdSpy-00066-00020026-00020290 I can drag and drop it from my home screen C3vJeKEdSpy-00067-00020293-00020593 into the collection where I want it to reside. C3vJeKEdSpy-00068-00020800-00021097 Now if I look in the example collection here, C3vJeKEdSpy-00069-00021101-00021444 I'll see that I have both the subfolder listed there-- C3vJeKEdSpy-00070-00021448-00021714 or subcollection--and then my, uh...my Word document. C3vJeKEdSpy-00071-00021718-00021948 Like...and again, I could move it around C3vJeKEdSpy-00072-00021951-00022409 by dragging and dropping it onto other locations if I want. C3vJeKEdSpy-00073-00022412-00022645 And that's... and then I'm done. C3H1xRkXACM-00000-00000174-00000919 When introducing functions, there's one specific thing that you need to keep in mind, C3H1xRkXACM-00002-00004610-00005488 So, if you were to say that there was a function box it's called f of x [f(x)]. C3H1xRkXACM-00004-00008510-00009482 Notice that the two values you put in for x, gave you the exact same value for y. C3H1xRkXACM-00005-00009490-00010600 But when you put in an alternate value in for x, you got a different value for y. C3H1xRkXACM-00006-00010610-00012508 If it's a function, we often write something called f(x), which is read as f of x. C3H1xRkXACM-00008-00015730-00017400 A vertical line test means we take a vertical line and we run it along the x axis. C3H1xRkXACM-00009-00017410-00019000 If the graph is only touched at any given point in one place, then that means that it is a function. C3H1xRkXACM-00010-00019010-00020908 But, if we look at example two, we see that if we do the same thing... try that again. C3H1xRkXACM-00011-00020908-00021600 If we try the vertical line test on this particular graph, C3H1xRkXACM-00012-00021610-00023100 we see that in several different points, the vertical line will cross the graph in more than one place. C3H1xRkXACM-00013-00023110-00023800 If we look back at our definitions of what a graph is: a graph is a function. C3H1xRkXACM-00014-00023810-00024480 If it passes the vertical line test or each x has at most one y. C3H1xRkXACM-00015-00024490-00025100 Over here, there was only one y at any given point on here for x. C3H1xRkXACM-00016-00025110-00026100 But on this graph, we see that there were three different points, the vertical line touched at any given point. C3H1xRkXACM-00017-00026110-00027691 So, we can say that this graph is a function, and we can say this graph is not a function. C5_5Jl4X7OA-00000-00000000-00000200 [FREE] Yeat type beat "mёrlin!" C5UgMb1ymkA-00000-00000016-00000263 Hi everybody, my name is Katie Palacios. C5UgMb1ymkA-00001-00000280-00000831 I'm, so excited to have you joining us in our second cohort of Buddies. I am here with C5UgMb1ymkA-00002-00000951-00001223 Cara Smulevitz. Hello. I'm very excited, too C5UgMb1ymkA-00003-00001320-00001879 So here we go, getting started with buddy's cohort number two, and i'm just thinking about how C5UgMb1ymkA-00004-00001935-00002543 you guys have probably heard about cohort number one, and now it's like a fresh new start with new faces and new people C5UgMb1ymkA-00005-00002600-00003368 We've got smaller cohort this time around and so I'm just really excited to be learning alongside you guys. C5UgMb1ymkA-00006-00003415-00003895 Yeah, it'll be fresh ideas and fresh community. So I'm looking forward to it. C5UgMb1ymkA-00007-00003976-00004176 Anything you want to add Cara? C5UgMb1ymkA-00008-00004192-00004392 I was just thinking about how nice it's going to be C5UgMb1ymkA-00009-00004448-00004560 to C5UgMb1ymkA-00010-00004560-00005000 have new friends. I made so many friends in my summer cohort of buddies C5UgMb1ymkA-00011-00005000-00005600 And then this is a smaller group and it'll really be a nice community. So I'm excited about that. Yeah, that'll be good C5UgMb1ymkA-00012-00005623-00005935 Okay, we talked about our elbow bump. So now we have to actually yeah C5UgMb1ymkA-00013-00006048-00006303 It's a covid handshake a covid-friendly C5UgMb1ymkA-00014-00006414-00006847 handshake. I think one of those has got to work. One of them did. Now I'm voguing. C5UgMb1ymkA-00015-00007056-00007642 Okay, yes that too! Bye everybody thank you for joining our craziness. Have fun and we'll be in touch! C6zlPPPe8G0-00000-00000000-00000200 GLIDE BAIT FISHING C74RRW1IugQ-00000-00000010-00000150 >>> AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT C74RRW1IugQ-00001-00000150-00000156 >>> AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT C74RRW1IugQ-00002-00000156-00000223 >>> AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT TEN. C74RRW1IugQ-00003-00000223-00000230 >>> AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT TEN. C74RRW1IugQ-00004-00000230-00000363 >>> AND NOW LAKELAND NEWS AT TEN. >> JOSH: DUE TO CURRENT EVENTS, C74RRW1IugQ-00005-00000363-00000370 TEN. >> JOSH: DUE TO CURRENT EVENTS, C74RRW1IugQ-00006-00000370-00000513 TEN. >> JOSH: DUE TO CURRENT EVENTS, MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION C74RRW1IugQ-00007-00000513-00000520 >> JOSH: DUE TO CURRENT EVENTS, MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION C74RRW1IugQ-00008-00000520-00000660 >> JOSH: DUE TO CURRENT EVENTS, MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION ARE POPULAR TOPICS OF C74RRW1IugQ-00009-00000660-00000667 MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION ARE POPULAR TOPICS OF C74RRW1IugQ-00010-00000667-00000737 MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION ARE POPULAR TOPICS OF CONVERSATION. C74RRW1IugQ-00011-00000737-00000744 ARE POPULAR TOPICS OF CONVERSATION. C74RRW1IugQ-00012-00000744-00000857 ARE POPULAR TOPICS OF CONVERSATION. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT SHOWS US WHAT C74RRW1IugQ-00013-00000857-00000864 CONVERSATION. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT SHOWS US WHAT C74RRW1IugQ-00014-00000864-00001010 CONVERSATION. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT SHOWS US WHAT ONE GROUP IN BAXTER DID TO RAISE C74RRW1IugQ-00015-00001010-00001017 OUR ANTHONY SCOTT SHOWS US WHAT ONE GROUP IN BAXTER DID TO RAISE C74RRW1IugQ-00016-00001017-00001187 OUR ANTHONY SCOTT SHOWS US WHAT ONE GROUP IN BAXTER DID TO RAISE MONEY AND AWARENESS. C74RRW1IugQ-00017-00001187-00001194 ONE GROUP IN BAXTER DID TO RAISE MONEY AND AWARENESS. C74RRW1IugQ-00018-00001194-00001307 ONE GROUP IN BAXTER DID TO RAISE MONEY AND AWARENESS. >> THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ANYONE C74RRW1IugQ-00019-00001307-00001314 MONEY AND AWARENESS. >> THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ANYONE C74RRW1IugQ-00020-00001314-00001511 MONEY AND AWARENESS. >> THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ANYONE CAN DO, AND IT'S FUN. C74RRW1IugQ-00021-00001511-00001518 >> THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ANYONE CAN DO, AND IT'S FUN. C74RRW1IugQ-00022-00001518-00002062 >> THIS IS JUST SOMETHING ANYONE CAN DO, AND IT'S FUN. >> ROWING MACHINES WERE RUNNING C74RRW1IugQ-00023-00002062-00002068 CAN DO, AND IT'S FUN. >> ROWING MACHINES WERE RUNNING C74RRW1IugQ-00024-00002068-00002205 CAN DO, AND IT'S FUN. >> ROWING MACHINES WERE RUNNING OUTSIDE ALL DAY AS PART OF THE C74RRW1IugQ-00025-00002205-00002212 >> ROWING MACHINES WERE RUNNING OUTSIDE ALL DAY AS PART OF THE C74RRW1IugQ-00026-00002212-00002375 >> ROWING MACHINES WERE RUNNING OUTSIDE ALL DAY AS PART OF THE MILLION METERS ROW CHALLENGE. C74RRW1IugQ-00027-00002375-00002382 OUTSIDE ALL DAY AS PART OF THE MILLION METERS ROW CHALLENGE. C74RRW1IugQ-00028-00002382-00002479 OUTSIDE ALL DAY AS PART OF THE MILLION METERS ROW CHALLENGE. INDIVIDUAL TEAMS WERE ROWING C74RRW1IugQ-00029-00002479-00002485 MILLION METERS ROW CHALLENGE. INDIVIDUAL TEAMS WERE ROWING C74RRW1IugQ-00030-00002485-00002642 MILLION METERS ROW CHALLENGE. INDIVIDUAL TEAMS WERE ROWING WITH ONE COMMON GOAL IN MIND. C74RRW1IugQ-00031-00002642-00002649 INDIVIDUAL TEAMS WERE ROWING WITH ONE COMMON GOAL IN MIND. C74RRW1IugQ-00032-00002649-00002862 INDIVIDUAL TEAMS WERE ROWING WITH ONE COMMON GOAL IN MIND. >> TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL C74RRW1IugQ-00033-00002862-00002869 WITH ONE COMMON GOAL IN MIND. >> TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL C74RRW1IugQ-00034-00002869-00002982 WITH ONE COMMON GOAL IN MIND. >> TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION AND JUST C74RRW1IugQ-00035-00002982-00002989 >> TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION AND JUST C74RRW1IugQ-00036-00002989-00003113 >> TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION AND JUST THE STIGMA THAT PEOPLE HAVE C74RRW1IugQ-00037-00003113-00003119 ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION AND JUST THE STIGMA THAT PEOPLE HAVE C74RRW1IugQ-00038-00003119-00003423 ILLNESS AND DEPRESSION AND JUST THE STIGMA THAT PEOPLE HAVE AROUND THAT AND JUST GET RID OF C74RRW1IugQ-00039-00003423-00003429 THE STIGMA THAT PEOPLE HAVE AROUND THAT AND JUST GET RID OF C74RRW1IugQ-00040-00003429-00003610 THE STIGMA THAT PEOPLE HAVE AROUND THAT AND JUST GET RID OF THAT AND TIME TO GET IT OUT IN C74RRW1IugQ-00041-00003610-00003616 AROUND THAT AND JUST GET RID OF THAT AND TIME TO GET IT OUT IN C74RRW1IugQ-00042-00003616-00003693 AROUND THAT AND JUST GET RID OF THAT AND TIME TO GET IT OUT IN THE OPEN. C74RRW1IugQ-00043-00003693-00003700 THAT AND TIME TO GET IT OUT IN THE OPEN. C74RRW1IugQ-00044-00003700-00003833 THAT AND TIME TO GET IT OUT IN THE OPEN. >> THE GOAL TODAY WAS FOR TEENS C74RRW1IugQ-00045-00003833-00003840 THE OPEN. >> THE GOAL TODAY WAS FOR TEENS C74RRW1IugQ-00046-00003840-00004067 THE OPEN. >> THE GOAL TODAY WAS FOR TEENS TO COLLECTIVELY ROW OVER C74RRW1IugQ-00047-00004067-00004074 >> THE GOAL TODAY WAS FOR TEENS TO COLLECTIVELY ROW OVER C74RRW1IugQ-00048-00004074-00004194 >> THE GOAL TODAY WAS FOR TEENS TO COLLECTIVELY ROW OVER 1 MILLION METERS AND THAT'S THE C74RRW1IugQ-00049-00004194-00004200 TO COLLECTIVELY ROW OVER 1 MILLION METERS AND THAT'S THE C74RRW1IugQ-00050-00004200-00004304 TO COLLECTIVELY ROW OVER 1 MILLION METERS AND THAT'S THE DISTANCE FROM HERE TO ABOUT C74RRW1IugQ-00051-00004304-00004310 1 MILLION METERS AND THAT'S THE DISTANCE FROM HERE TO ABOUT C74RRW1IugQ-00052-00004310-00004457 1 MILLION METERS AND THAT'S THE DISTANCE FROM HERE TO ABOUT KANSAS CITY, SO I BETTER GET C74RRW1IugQ-00053-00004457-00004464 DISTANCE FROM HERE TO ABOUT KANSAS CITY, SO I BETTER GET C74RRW1IugQ-00054-00004464-00004501 DISTANCE FROM HERE TO ABOUT KANSAS CITY, SO I BETTER GET GOING. C74RRW1IugQ-00055-00004501-00004507 KANSAS CITY, SO I BETTER GET GOING. C74RRW1IugQ-00056-00004507-00004584 KANSAS CITY, SO I BETTER GET GOING. >> IT'S AWESOME. C74RRW1IugQ-00057-00004584-00004591 GOING. >> IT'S AWESOME. C74RRW1IugQ-00058-00004591-00004704 GOING. >> IT'S AWESOME. IT'S AWESOME TO SEE THE C74RRW1IugQ-00059-00004704-00004711 >> IT'S AWESOME. IT'S AWESOME TO SEE THE C74RRW1IugQ-00060-00004711-00004841 >> IT'S AWESOME. IT'S AWESOME TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND GET C74RRW1IugQ-00061-00004841-00004848 IT'S AWESOME TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND GET C74RRW1IugQ-00062-00004848-00004964 IT'S AWESOME TO SEE THE COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND GET BEHIND A CAUSE LIKE THIS. C74RRW1IugQ-00063-00004964-00004971 COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND GET BEHIND A CAUSE LIKE THIS. C74RRW1IugQ-00064-00004971-00005178 COMMUNITY COME TOGETHER AND GET BEHIND A CAUSE LIKE THIS. >> IT WAS $20 TO RENT A ROWER, C74RRW1IugQ-00065-00005178-00005185 BEHIND A CAUSE LIKE THIS. >> IT WAS $20 TO RENT A ROWER, C74RRW1IugQ-00066-00005185-00005335 BEHIND A CAUSE LIKE THIS. >> IT WAS $20 TO RENT A ROWER, AND THEN TEAMS ALSO DID C74RRW1IugQ-00067-00005335-00005341 >> IT WAS $20 TO RENT A ROWER, AND THEN TEAMS ALSO DID C74RRW1IugQ-00068-00005341-00005548 >> IT WAS $20 TO RENT A ROWER, AND THEN TEAMS ALSO DID FUNDRAISING WITH ALL PROCEEDS C74RRW1IugQ-00069-00005548-00005555 AND THEN TEAMS ALSO DID FUNDRAISING WITH ALL PROCEEDS C74RRW1IugQ-00070-00005555-00005702 AND THEN TEAMS ALSO DID FUNDRAISING WITH ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORTING NORTHERN PINES ZERO C74RRW1IugQ-00071-00005702-00005709 FUNDRAISING WITH ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORTING NORTHERN PINES ZERO C74RRW1IugQ-00072-00005709-00006222 FUNDRAISING WITH ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORTING NORTHERN PINES ZERO SUICIDE INITIATIVE. C74RRW1IugQ-00073-00006222-00006229 SUPPORTING NORTHERN PINES ZERO SUICIDE INITIATIVE. C74RRW1IugQ-00074-00006229-00006376 SUPPORTING NORTHERN PINES ZERO SUICIDE INITIATIVE. >> ZERO SUICIDE IS AN C74RRW1IugQ-00075-00006376-00006383 SUICIDE INITIATIVE. >> ZERO SUICIDE IS AN C74RRW1IugQ-00076-00006383-00006496 SUICIDE INITIATIVE. >> ZERO SUICIDE IS AN EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM THAT WILL C74RRW1IugQ-00077-00006496-00006503 >> ZERO SUICIDE IS AN EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM THAT WILL C74RRW1IugQ-00078-00006503-00006756 >> ZERO SUICIDE IS AN EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM THAT WILL TRAIN AND EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE C74RRW1IugQ-00079-00006756-00006763 EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM THAT WILL TRAIN AND EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE C74RRW1IugQ-00080-00006763-00007143 EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAM THAT WILL TRAIN AND EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE AND C74RRW1IugQ-00081-00007143-00007150 TRAIN AND EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE AND C74RRW1IugQ-00082-00007150-00007510 TRAIN AND EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE AND ALSO HOW TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO C74RRW1IugQ-00083-00007510-00007517 WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE AND ALSO HOW TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO C74RRW1IugQ-00084-00007517-00007610 WARNING SIGNS OF SUICIDE AND ALSO HOW TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO SEEK HELP. C74RRW1IugQ-00085-00007610-00007617 ALSO HOW TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO SEEK HELP. C74RRW1IugQ-00086-00007617-00007861 ALSO HOW TO PERSUADE SOMEONE TO SEEK HELP. >> IT'S A CAUSE THAT PERSONALLY C74RRW1IugQ-00087-00007861-00007867 SEEK HELP. >> IT'S A CAUSE THAT PERSONALLY C74RRW1IugQ-00088-00007867-00008014 SEEK HELP. >> IT'S A CAUSE THAT PERSONALLY AFFECTED QUISBERG FOR OVER 20 C74RRW1IugQ-00089-00008014-00008021 >> IT'S A CAUSE THAT PERSONALLY AFFECTED QUISBERG FOR OVER 20 C74RRW1IugQ-00090-00008021-00008081 >> IT'S A CAUSE THAT PERSONALLY AFFECTED QUISBERG FOR OVER 20 YEARS. C74RRW1IugQ-00091-00008081-00008088 AFFECTED QUISBERG FOR OVER 20 YEARS. C74RRW1IugQ-00092-00008088-00008178 AFFECTED QUISBERG FOR OVER 20 YEARS. >> IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HOLD ME C74RRW1IugQ-00093-00008178-00008184 YEARS. >> IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HOLD ME C74RRW1IugQ-00094-00008184-00008301 YEARS. >> IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HOLD ME DOWN, AND I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO C74RRW1IugQ-00095-00008301-00008308 >> IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HOLD ME DOWN, AND I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO C74RRW1IugQ-00096-00008308-00008471 >> IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HOLD ME DOWN, AND I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT, TOO, ESPECIALLY THE C74RRW1IugQ-00097-00008471-00008478 DOWN, AND I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT, TOO, ESPECIALLY THE C74RRW1IugQ-00098-00008478-00008651 DOWN, AND I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT, TOO, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG KIDS THAT SEEM LIKE THEY C74RRW1IugQ-00099-00008651-00008658 KNOW THAT, TOO, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG KIDS THAT SEEM LIKE THEY C74RRW1IugQ-00100-00008658-00008918 KNOW THAT, TOO, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG KIDS THAT SEEM LIKE THEY MIGHT BE TRAPPED OR LOST AND C74RRW1IugQ-00101-00008918-00008925 YOUNG KIDS THAT SEEM LIKE THEY MIGHT BE TRAPPED OR LOST AND C74RRW1IugQ-00102-00008925-00008998 YOUNG KIDS THAT SEEM LIKE THEY MIGHT BE TRAPPED OR LOST AND LOST HOPE. C74RRW1IugQ-00103-00008998-00009005 MIGHT BE TRAPPED OR LOST AND LOST HOPE. C74RRW1IugQ-00104-00009005-00009142 MIGHT BE TRAPPED OR LOST AND LOST HOPE. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO TALK C74RRW1IugQ-00105-00009142-00009149 LOST HOPE. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO TALK C74RRW1IugQ-00106-00009149-00009249 LOST HOPE. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO TALK ABOUT THAT THERE'S A WAY OUT. C74RRW1IugQ-00107-00009249-00009255 THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO TALK ABOUT THAT THERE'S A WAY OUT. C74RRW1IugQ-00108-00009255-00009419 THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO TALK ABOUT THAT THERE'S A WAY OUT. >> HUNDREDS CAME TO BAXTER FOR C74RRW1IugQ-00109-00009419-00009426 ABOUT THAT THERE'S A WAY OUT. >> HUNDREDS CAME TO BAXTER FOR C74RRW1IugQ-00110-00009426-00009692 ABOUT THAT THERE'S A WAY OUT. >> HUNDREDS CAME TO BAXTER FOR MILLIONS METER ROW RAISING OVER C74RRW1IugQ-00111-00009692-00009699 >> HUNDREDS CAME TO BAXTER FOR MILLIONS METER ROW RAISING OVER C74RRW1IugQ-00112-00009699-00009819 >> HUNDREDS CAME TO BAXTER FOR MILLIONS METER ROW RAISING OVER $30,000 FOR NORTHERN PINES AND C74RRW1IugQ-00113-00009819-00009826 MILLIONS METER ROW RAISING OVER $30,000 FOR NORTHERN PINES AND C74RRW1IugQ-00114-00009826-00009946 MILLIONS METER ROW RAISING OVER $30,000 FOR NORTHERN PINES AND DEPRESSION AWARENESS. C74RRW1IugQ-00115-00009946-00009953 $30,000 FOR NORTHERN PINES AND DEPRESSION AWARENESS. C74RRW1IugQ-00116-00009953-00010066 $30,000 FOR NORTHERN PINES AND DEPRESSION AWARENESS. >> MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A C74RRW1IugQ-00117-00010066-00010073 DEPRESSION AWARENESS. >> MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A C74RRW1IugQ-00118-00010073-00010453 DEPRESSION AWARENESS. >> MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A CHOICE, JUST LIKE ANY PHYSICAL C74RRW1IugQ-00119-00010453-00010460 >> MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A CHOICE, JUST LIKE ANY PHYSICAL C74RRW1IugQ-00120-00010460-00010603 >> MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A CHOICE, JUST LIKE ANY PHYSICAL AILMENT, AND WE WANT TO MAKE C74RRW1IugQ-00121-00010603-00010610 CHOICE, JUST LIKE ANY PHYSICAL AILMENT, AND WE WANT TO MAKE C74RRW1IugQ-00122-00010610-00010750 CHOICE, JUST LIKE ANY PHYSICAL AILMENT, AND WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT FOLKS KNOW THAT IT'S C74RRW1IugQ-00123-00010750-00010757 AILMENT, AND WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT FOLKS KNOW THAT IT'S C74RRW1IugQ-00124-00010757-00010914 AILMENT, AND WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT FOLKS KNOW THAT IT'S OKAY, THERE'S NO SHAME IN ASKING C74RRW1IugQ-00125-00010914-00010920 SURE THAT FOLKS KNOW THAT IT'S OKAY, THERE'S NO SHAME IN ASKING C74RRW1IugQ-00126-00010920-00010980 SURE THAT FOLKS KNOW THAT IT'S OKAY, THERE'S NO SHAME IN ASKING FOR HELP. C74RRW1IugQ-00127-00010980-00010987 OKAY, THERE'S NO SHAME IN ASKING FOR HELP. C74RRW1IugQ-00128-00010987-00011121 OKAY, THERE'S NO SHAME IN ASKING FOR HELP. >> REPORTING FROM BAXTER, C74RRW1IugQ-00129-00011121-00011127 FOR HELP. >> REPORTING FROM BAXTER, C74RRW1IugQ-00130-00011127-00011508 FOR HELP. >> REPORTING FROM BAXTER, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. C74RRW1IugQ-00131-00011508-00011514 >> REPORTING FROM BAXTER, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. C74RRW1IugQ-00132-00011514-00011634 >> REPORTING FROM BAXTER, ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> JOSH: THIS BEING THE FIRST C74RRW1IugQ-00133-00011634-00011641 ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> JOSH: THIS BEING THE FIRST C74RRW1IugQ-00134-00011641-00011805 ANTHONY SCOTT, LAKELAND NEWS. >> JOSH: THIS BEING THE FIRST MILLION METERS ROW EVENT, THEY C74RRW1IugQ-00135-00011805-00011811 >> JOSH: THIS BEING THE FIRST MILLION METERS ROW EVENT, THEY C74RRW1IugQ-00136-00011811-00011951 >> JOSH: THIS BEING THE FIRST MILLION METERS ROW EVENT, THEY FELL A LITTLE SHORT OF THEIR ONE C7EnUr0HByk-00000-00001817-00001868 Morning C7EnUr0HByk-00001-00001996-00002329 I'm looking for some clarification I'm so close C7EnUr0HByk-00002-00002355-00002483 To grasp the concept C7EnUr0HByk-00003-00002534-00002662 But I feel there's just one piece missing C7EnUr0HByk-00004-00002713-00002816 Alright when you can't get there from C7EnUr0HByk-00005-00003072-00003174 Really I mean C7EnUr0HByk-00006-00003200-00003430 That was a really perfectly worded C7EnUr0HByk-00007-00003584-00003814 Statement and one that people make all the time C7EnUr0HByk-00008-00003840-00004096 But think about the vibrational components of it C7EnUr0HByk-00009-00004172-00004787 Something's missing help me find it something's missing help me find if something's missing help me find it C7EnUr0HByk-00010-00004864-00005324 Do you want a warm that up short can you just clarify something that you said another talks C7EnUr0HByk-00011-00005350-00005427 That I've heard you do C7EnUr0HByk-00012-00005504-00005657 You talk that was warmer okay C7EnUr0HByk-00013-00005708-00005964 You talked about and did you feel how much lighter that wall C7EnUr0HByk-00014-00006041-00006246 Did you see how much less defensive that wall C7EnUr0HByk-00015-00006297-00006400 Did you feel how C7EnUr0HByk-00016-00006425-00006630 Urgent it was less urgent C7EnUr0HByk-00017-00006681-00006758 Less urgent C7EnUr0HByk-00018-00006886-00007193 You can get if it's if it's not urgent it's easier to get to where you want C7EnUr0HByk-00019-00007295-00007398 Just making some very C7EnUr0HByk-00020-00007423-00007500 Important C7EnUr0HByk-00021-00007526-00007603 Distinction C7EnUr0HByk-00022-00007628-00007910 Because people are doing things without even knowing that they're doing C7EnUr0HByk-00023-00007987-00008089 And you might think C7EnUr0HByk-00024-00008115-00008320 That didn't deserve that Abraham yet did C7EnUr0HByk-00025-00008371-00008422 Dad did C7EnUr0HByk-00026-00008473-00008550 That's the most C7EnUr0HByk-00027-00008576-00008678 Important clarification C7EnUr0HByk-00028-00008704-00008755 That you will ever C7EnUr0HByk-00029-00008960-00009036 Something else C7EnUr0HByk-00030-00009062-00009113 Yeah C7EnUr0HByk-00031-00009318-00009625 See you at 1 said that God our source is always within us C7EnUr0HByk-00032-00009651-00009753 Or with us C7EnUr0HByk-00033-00009779-00009984 And that we don't feel him it's because C7EnUr0HByk-00034-00010009-00010419 We're not aligned or we're just not a nitrate C7EnUr0HByk-00035-00010470-00010598 So beach umbrella by the way C7EnUr0HByk-00036-00010624-00010675 An umbrella C7EnUr0HByk-00037-00010752-00011033 Flimsy but it keeps it keeps God out it does C7EnUr0HByk-00038-00011136-00011443 And in that makes complete sense when I heard it a lot of things click C7EnUr0HByk-00039-00011520-00012108 And at times when I feel I'm not an alignment and I'm trying to get back at times I'm looking for comfort as I get back C7EnUr0HByk-00040-00012185-00012569 And my question is at times I don't really know like I want to talk to somebody C7EnUr0HByk-00041-00012620-00012851 Like not pray just chat talk discuss C7EnUr0HByk-00042-00012876-00013004 And I never there from there C7EnUr0HByk-00043-00013081-00013337 Because anybody that you talk to from that place will just C7EnUr0HByk-00044-00013414-00013670 Just help you sustain the place that you're in C7EnUr0HByk-00045-00013747-00014003 How can that happen to you all the time who can I talk C7EnUr0HByk-00046-00014080-00014361 Who can I talk to every laugh every now and again C7EnUr0HByk-00047-00014387-00014745 Something will happen if she'll just want to talk to somebody and nobody is available C7EnUr0HByk-00048-00014771-00015027 Because they're all in alignment C7EnUr0HByk-00049-00015360-00015539 Nobody's there for me C7EnUr0HByk-00050-00015590-00015923 They're all on the high flying disc nobody is there for me C7EnUr0HByk-00051-00016102-00016537 I did in the past I had a definition of God that I would see no dear God please fix it C7EnUr0HByk-00052-00016588-00016665 And then I realized that C7EnUr0HByk-00053-00016691-00016844 That didn't work we fix C7EnUr0HByk-00054-00016870-00017305 Fixing work within ourselves do we really need to have this conversation at this point of understanding C7EnUr0HByk-00055-00017331-00017382 Yeah C7EnUr0HByk-00056-00017408-00017894 Because I don't know who to call on I feel sometimes alone and I'm still looking for a label C7EnUr0HByk-00057-00017920-00018073 Oh and it's the one thing I'm just C7EnUr0HByk-00058-00018099-00018688 Is searching to help me get up it doesn't matter what you call all of this help this is our entire discussion today C7EnUr0HByk-00059-00018713-00018995 Has been in wanting to help you to feel C7EnUr0HByk-00060-00019020-00019200 That place where you stand C7EnUr0HByk-00061-00019251-00019763 One day Esther was feeling particular preciation for some things that Jerry had said in the motion C7EnUr0HByk-00062-00019840-00019968 Has she started with her C7EnUr0HByk-00063-00019993-00020403 A feeling of appreciation for this and that and this and that and then C7EnUr0HByk-00064-00020454-00020864 The momentum of that appreciation grew until she began feeling appreciation C7EnUr0HByk-00065-00020889-00021350 For everyone who would ever lived in all that they had added to where she was now standing C7EnUr0HByk-00066-00021427-00022041 She began appreciating Commerce and technology and Industry and economy in other words she was C7EnUr0HByk-00067-00022067-00022681 Was Anna a true Rampage of appreciation but the but the most important thing that happened to her is if she fell C7EnUr0HByk-00068-00022707-00022758 Doubt herself C7EnUr0HByk-00069-00022784-00022937 Standing at the point of this C7EnUr0HByk-00070-00022963-00023296 Vortex of well-being as the receiver of all of that C7EnUr0HByk-00071-00023372-00023424 And C7EnUr0HByk-00072-00023449-00023680 She didn't feel alone she felt C7EnUr0HByk-00073-00023731-00023782 She felt C7EnUr0HByk-00074-00023833-00024115 The reason for everything that ever existed C7EnUr0HByk-00075-00024166-00024268 You see what we're getting at C7EnUr0HByk-00076-00024294-00024499 You're not looking for C7EnUr0HByk-00077-00024524-00024704 Someone to validate you C7EnUr0HByk-00078-00024729-00024960 Your Existence is validation enough C7EnUr0HByk-00079-00025062-00025472 The fact that you exist the fact that you were here is this extension of source energy C7EnUr0HByk-00080-00025548-00025983 But we can't no one else can validate you no one else can C7EnUr0HByk-00081-00026035-00026239 We can hold you C7EnUr0HByk-00082-00026291-00026342 Through the C7EnUr0HByk-00083-00026367-00026598 Through other object of attention from our C7EnUr0HByk-00084-00026623-00027007 Complete alignment and that does not mean that you are going to receive it C7EnUr0HByk-00085-00027033-00027647 About loneliness that you feel that feeling that you need or want someone to talk to is the evidence that C7EnUr0HByk-00086-00027673-00028134 You are not allowing yourself to be the receiver up so much that is Flowing to you C7EnUr0HByk-00087-00028185-00028364 This is the piece that we really want you to hear C7EnUr0HByk-00088-00028415-00028492 Because C7EnUr0HByk-00089-00028518-00028671 You are so focused upon C7EnUr0HByk-00090-00028697-00028979 Is the reason that sometimes you feel alone C7EnUr0HByk-00091-00029030-00029235 Now now will clarify that C7EnUr0HByk-00092-00029286-00029414 If if no one C7EnUr0HByk-00093-00029465-00029695 Had you in their sights of awareness C7EnUr0HByk-00094-00029798-00030079 You wouldn't feel loneliness when you don't let it in C7EnUr0HByk-00095-00030182-00030259 Can hear that C7EnUr0HByk-00096-00030489-00030566 So the very C7EnUr0HByk-00097-00030591-00030924 Evidence of your loneliness is indication of C7EnUr0HByk-00098-00030950-00031283 So much attention on you that you are not letting in in that moment C7EnUr0HByk-00099-00031359-00031948 And that human impulse to go to talk to somebody else who also feels lonely is wrongheaded C7EnUr0HByk-00100-00031974-00032307 Because now you just stand in a bigger lonelier pile C7EnUr0HByk-00101-00032358-00032486 With more people C7EnUr0HByk-00102-00032537-00032844 And the momentum of that just gets more and more and more until C7EnUr0HByk-00103-00032870-00033254 Pretty soon you've deprive yourself of more and more and more and more C7EnUr0HByk-00104-00033279-00033663 You're demanding more you're demanding more but you're depriving while you're demanding C7EnUr0HByk-00105-00033689-00033843 You're depriving me all your effort in C7EnUr0HByk-00106-00033894-00034201 Like me C7EnUr0HByk-00107-00034252-00034457 I was planning on talking to somebody C7EnUr0HByk-00108-00034483-00034687 Like that we would call God or theirs C7EnUr0HByk-00109-00034713-00035251 Do non physical things that you would like a higher but but but but as we C7EnUr0HByk-00110-00035276-00035404 As we talk to you C7EnUr0HByk-00111-00035430-00035583 You're not going to get anybody C7EnUr0HByk-00112-00035686-00036300 Who is higher than we are okay I just wanted to know and and you C7EnUr0HByk-00113-00036326-00036531 Still can't hear us C7EnUr0HByk-00114-00036582-00036940 We can't clarify the knock you can't get there from there C7EnUr0HByk-00115-00036966-00037580 When you say I need clarification of something that I don't understand we can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and we do it all day everyday C7EnUr0HByk-00116-00037606-00038143 And it feels wrong to you that we would be having this discussion with you right now when we have clarified endlessly C7EnUr0HByk-00117-00038169-00038655 For many many many many years while the person in the chair really got something people all over the world do C7EnUr0HByk-00118-00038758-00039014 Because Derek there in a place of receiving at UC C7EnUr0HByk-00119-00039039-00039142 We just want you to C7EnUr0HByk-00120-00039167-00039475 To stop arguing for your limitation of C7EnUr0HByk-00121-00039500-00039654 Needing a clarification C7EnUr0HByk-00122-00039705-00040089 Okay I just accept that clarifications are coming constantly and you just got it C7EnUr0HByk-00123-00040115-00040166 Gatsby's C7EnUr0HByk-00124-00040191-00040780 Oh now I get it and it's usually not in the middle of a discussion like this life will bring you the clarification C7EnUr0HByk-00125-00040831-00040985 So the steps really are then C7EnUr0HByk-00126-00041011-00041113 Not looking for the C7EnUr0HByk-00127-00041215-00041420 I thought or something but going into myself C7EnUr0HByk-00128-00041497-00041958 Trait that feeling again just gave us the best definition of unconditional love that could ever be off C7EnUr0HByk-00129-00042009-00042623 Not looking for the comfort of a change in a condition not looking for the comfort of someone else putting into words C7EnUr0HByk-00130-00042649-00042905 Not looking for the comfort of someone else knowing it C7EnUr0HByk-00131-00042956-00043391 Not looking for some condition to be different so that I can get it instead C7EnUr0HByk-00132-00043443-00043827 Accepting that right now I've got myself in a point of resistance C7EnUr0HByk-00133-00043852-00044108 I'm going further is not going to be all that helpful C7EnUr0HByk-00134-00044134-00044569 Like to take a walk or I can pet my cat or I could take a nap and when I wake up I could start it in C7EnUr0HByk-00135-00044595-00044697 Easier place C7EnUr0HByk-00136-00044748-00045132 We want you to get to the place where you no longer say I don't understand C7EnUr0HByk-00137-00045158-00045311 We want you to get to the place where you say C7EnUr0HByk-00138-00045337-00045491 Understanding just comes, C7EnUr0HByk-00139-00045619-00045721 Jerry's favorite C7EnUr0HByk-00140-00045747-00045977 Phrase was we're molding it in the place C7EnUr0HByk-00141-00046028-00046105 Which is molding and his C7EnUr0HByk-00142-00046182-00046489 That was his answer every time Esther pointed out something C7EnUr0HByk-00143-00046515-00046719 That wasn't the way she thought it should be C7EnUr0HByk-00144-00046745-00046847 Purchase molding it into play C7EnUr0HByk-00145-00046924-00047052 Nothing's going wrong here we C7EnUr0HByk-00146-00047078-00047129 Molded into C7EnUr0HByk-00147-00047155-00047206 The place C7EnUr0HByk-00148-00047257-00047334 Just wanted to C7EnUr0HByk-00149-00047359-00047513 Sue's her point of attraction C7EnUr0HByk-00150-00047539-00047641 Just molding in this place C7EnUr0HByk-00151-00047692-00047769 Take the sting out of C7EnUr0HByk-00152-00047846-00048127 But when someone says you should be in a different place than you are C7EnUr0HByk-00153-00048179-00048358 You need clarification you better get this C7EnUr0HByk-00154-00048383-00048767 Just figured out missing you better figure out what you're doing and you better get yourself in a better place C7EnUr0HByk-00155-00048895-00049023 Can't get there from there C7EnUr0HByk-00156-00049228-00049279 They're from there C7EnUr0HByk-00157-00049305-00049356 I just got C7EnUr0HByk-00158-00049484-00050099 Thank you yeah yeah yeah C7EnUr0HByk-00159-00050124-00050534 So C7EnUr0HByk-00160-00050559-00050790 We don't want you to misunderstand what just happened C7EnUr0HByk-00161-00050841-00050943 Because it looks like C7EnUr0HByk-00162-00050969-00051225 She got the clarification that she was demanding C7EnUr0HByk-00163-00051737-00052351 When what actually happened is she was ready or for the clarification then she was at first willing to admit C8QX97UOYju-00000-00000058-00000704 Welcome to Properties in Bulgaria - a service of easyBG - The Best UK BG C8QX97UOYju-00001-00000704-00001254 Property Specialist Since 1998. Hello savvy investors in Bulgarian C8QX97UOYju-00002-00001254-00001739 property. Today we have a real jewel embowered in the Stara Planina mountains C8QX97UOYju-00003-00001739-00002259 charming village of Lesidren. The place is just at 75 miles away from the C8QX97UOYju-00004-00002259-00002918 Sofia Airport most of which is on an A2 motorway. Located on a made asphalt road C8QX97UOYju-00005-00002918-00003414 with many old chestnut trees. It's a quality restored old stone built house C8QX97UOYju-00006-00003414-00003932 fitted with traditional furniture. Its attractive location makes it a perfect C8QX97UOYju-00007-00003932-00004371 choice for country and ecological tourism for both Bulgarians and foreign C8QX97UOYju-00008-00004371-00004836 investors too. There is a crystal-clear mountain river running along the village C8QX97UOYju-00009-00004836-00005325 and bordering the property. The beautiful large lake Sopot, suitable for fishing, C8QX97UOYju-00010-00005325-00005819 is just couple of miles away. The main house offers nearly a 120 C8QX97UOYju-00011-00005819-00006314 meters squared living area spanned on it's two levels. The ground C8QX97UOYju-00012-00006314-00006770 floor consists of a pretty spacious living room with moderate sized kitchen C8QX97UOYju-00013-00006770-00007286 and a bathroom with toilet. Upstairs there are two more fairly sized bedrooms and a C8QX97UOYju-00014-00007286-00007679 panoramic balcony with breathtaking views to the green hills and the C8QX97UOYju-00015-00007679-00008202 stunning Stara Planina Mountain. The house is South-facing. The size of C8QX97UOYju-00016-00008202-00008631 the plot is 920 meters squared being nicely kept and C8QX97UOYju-00017-00008631-00009111 stone wall fenced orchard. In the property there are also two authentic C8QX97UOYju-00018-00009111-00009618 old wooden farm buildings as well as a one-bedroom guest house. You can find C8QX97UOYju-00019-00009618-00009960 this and many more irresistibly attractive offers on our website: C8QX97UOYju-00020-00009960-00010647 propertiesinbulgaria.com - a service of easyBG - The best UK BG property C8QX97UOYju-00021-00010647-00011045 specialist since 1998. C9N_R7XufJM-00000-00000058-00000855 recently I logged into my computer and realized that my storage space on the H C9N_R7XufJM-00001-00000855-00001496 Drive was not looking good it's looking red here so I realized I needed to C9N_R7XufJM-00002-00001496-00001905 delete some of my downloads and I thought wait a minute a lot of teachers C9N_R7XufJM-00003-00001905-00002574 don't often think of doing this to gain space and so let me show you how to free C9N_R7XufJM-00004-00002574-00002916 up some space very easily on your computer so I'm gonna go ahead and close C9N_R7XufJM-00005-00002916-00003693 this a second wherever you can access like these are my computer files you C9N_R7XufJM-00006-00003693-00004196 need to go ahead or you just click on the my computer icon and you're going to C9N_R7XufJM-00007-00004196-00004761 see right here is where I have my H Drive there's some different ways to C9N_R7XufJM-00008-00004761-00005132 access the downloads you can see it on the left here you can get to it from C9N_R7XufJM-00009-00005132-00005517 your H Drive some people feel comfortable going that way and then go C9N_R7XufJM-00010-00005517-00006141 to downloads you're gonna notice if I start to scroll through here you may not C9N_R7XufJM-00011-00006141-00006840 realize how many things you've downloaded recently or in the past these C9N_R7XufJM-00012-00006840-00007518 are things that usually you open through emails and stuff like that or if you're C9N_R7XufJM-00013-00007518-00007986 on a website and you want more information has you download it so what C9N_R7XufJM-00014-00007986-00008520 I'm going to do is you can select all of it or just a portion of it and sometimes C9N_R7XufJM-00015-00008520-00009414 I usually go by dates like I'm going to go ahead and anything that is last year C9N_R7XufJM-00016-00009414-00010007 before Christmas how about I'm going to go ahead and delete so I went ahead I C9N_R7XufJM-00017-00010007-00010584 clicked on date modified when I did that it sequentially and I think it actually C9N_R7XufJM-00018-00010584-00011304 go this way so it'll go top down you'll notice it'll start with last year 2017 I C9N_R7XufJM-00019-00011304-00011592 think last year at the beginning school year is the last time I clean this out C9N_R7XufJM-00020-00011592-00012107 so I'm going to click on this and I'm going to go ahead and scroll down until C9N_R7XufJM-00021-00012107-00012664 the end of December which is right about here I'm going to hold my shift key down C9N_R7XufJM-00022-00012664-00013449 notice it selects all those I'm going to right-click and delete C9N_R7XufJM-00023-00013449-00014200 it's going to ask me do I want to delete all these items 197 it will delete those C9N_R7XufJM-00024-00014200-00015043 and then if I go back to this PC notice right here wow I just freed up a lot of C9N_R7XufJM-00025-00015043-00016095 space I can also go to my recycle bin and make sure I empty that and in case C9N_R7XufJM-00026-00016095-00016831 there were some items in there and it's deleting a little bit more here that is C9N_R7XufJM-00027-00016831-00017344 one easy way for you to get rid of the red on here and put yourself back in the C9N_R7XufJM-00028-00017344-00017605 blue so hopefully this take 2 4 tech has C9N_R7XufJM-00029-00017605-00018009 helped you and have a great day Cq0cZSn-EZU-00000-00001360-00001500 Me, Myself & I Cq0cZSn-EZU-00001-00001520-00001700 Went into the kitchen to have some pie Cq0cZSn-EZU-00002-00001750-00001960 In came my mother with a rolling pin Cq0cZSn-EZU-00003-00002000-00002260 And chased us all back out again. CqKXpv-rgC4-00000-00000000-00000200 A COMPROMISE IS FINALLY REACHED Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00000-00000000-00000648 Hello and welcome to the last module 'Further personal development'. Congrats, you’re almost Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00001-00000648-00001248 done with our MOOC and thank you to arrive so far. This module aims to serve as a guide for Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00002-00001248-00001746 you to deepen your knowledge on the different delivery models and innovative methodologies Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00003-00001746-00002346 included in the course modules. It serves as a first step to further research on the topic. Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00004-00002412-00002880 Please, navigate into the interactive content and go through the different categories and Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00005-00002880-00003240 explore the articles, videos and courses to deep your knowledge. Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00006-00003294-00003984 After that, don´t forget to give us your feedback with the final self-assessment and to answer us if Cvj_xc0vfDQ-00007-00003984-00004656 your expectations have been met. Thank you so much to be with us and see you soon. Join us! Cvl_sKyb46U-00000-00000000-00000306 Okay, Cottage Core House Tour Cvl_sKyb46U-00001-00000431-00000669 Heres the front of the house, there's my.... Cvl_sKyb46U-00002-00000684-00000946 little garden, which I think I need to weed. Cvl_sKyb46U-00003-00000974-00001472 We got some topiaries out there, got the bunny stump! Cvl_sKyb46U-00004-00002073-00002437 Here's the (Front) porch area. Cvl_sKyb46U-00005-00003048-00003477 Okay, uhm, here's the kitchen. Cvl_sKyb46U-00006-00004238-00004813 Here is...the living room! Cvl_sKyb46U-00007-00004978-00005661 I always put a lot of fans in my builds just to keep everyone cool in the summer time. Cvl_sKyb46U-00008-00005797-00006154 Here is the downstairs bathroom. Cvl_sKyb46U-00009-00006920-00007120 Now we're going upstairs~! Cvl_sKyb46U-00010-00007739-00007939 Here's the office. Cvl_sKyb46U-00011-00008676-00008876 [speedy chipmunk voice] now we're going to the upstairs bathroom. Cvl_sKyb46U-00012-00009041-00009241 Theres a puddle on the floor, ignore that. Cvl_sKyb46U-00013-00009678-00010180 And here is...the bedroom! Cvl_sKyb46U-00014-00010985-00011291 I need to put more art on the walls. I haven't done that yet but.... Cvl_sKyb46U-00015-00011419-00011619 And here is the balcony! Cvl_sKyb46U-00016-00012924-00013408 Okay so, this is the back porch Cvl_sKyb46U-00017-00013408-00013737 Theres a bon fire over there and a picnic table. Cvl_sKyb46U-00018-00014139-00014605 So this is where all the animals...uhhhh...live. Cvl_sKyb46U-00019-00014605-00015055 We have a Llama pen--uh--shed, which needs to be cleaned. Cvl_sKyb46U-00020-00015055-00015371 We have a Cow shed which needs to be cleaned. Cvl_sKyb46U-00021-00015371-00016384 Uhmmm, there is a chicken coop and another chicken coop. Cvl_sKyb46U-00022-00016384-00016737 Uh, we have a little pond. Cvl_sKyb46U-00023-00017780-00017907 She's gonna drop it (the trash) on the ground. Cvl_sKyb46U-00024-00017907-00018226 She keeps doing that even though theres a trash can out here, I don't know! Cvl_sKyb46U-00025-00019427-00020634 Yeah, okay so, heres the bonfire and picnic table, a werewolf uhhh statue, theres the little bunny stump. Cvl_sKyb46U-00026-00020634-00020806 Uhhhh, theres the cow (topiary). Cvl_sKyb46U-00027-00020956-00021428 Here, we'll go over here. I have another pond up front. Cvl_sKyb46U-00028-00021952-00022259 There you go, theres the other pond. Cvl_sKyb46U-00029-00022259-00022380 And that's my house. CyPYO_1XusQ-00000-00000400-00000597 안녕하세요. 닥터토마토 프로토콜 CyPYO_1XusQ-00001-00000597-00001101 한약의 치료 효과 기전에 대해서 설명하는 세 번째 강의 시간이에요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00002-00001101-00001283 오늘 알려드릴 강의 주제는 CyPYO_1XusQ-00003-00001283-00001744 한약의 치료 효과 중에 자가면역작용으로 인한 신경계 손상 방지와 CyPYO_1XusQ-00004-00001744-00002312 중추신경계에 반응성 증가 및 정보 처리 속도 회복을 통한 인지활동력 증가 CyPYO_1XusQ-00005-00002312-00002448 말이 어려운데요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00006-00002448-00002893 어쨌든 신경계 손상을 방지한다는 것과, 인지능력을 향상시킨다는 것 CyPYO_1XusQ-00007-00002893-00003103 이 2가지로 집중해서 말씀 드릴게요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00008-00003103-00003304 제가 이런 효과로 지적을 하는 것 중에, CyPYO_1XusQ-00009-00003304-00003819 자폐스펙트럼 장애는 서서히 진행되는 초기에는 치료하면 거의 다 호전이 됩니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00010-00003819-00004205 근데 어느정도 (자폐가) 진행이 되면 비가역적인 손상으로 CyPYO_1XusQ-00011-00004205-00004565 완전히 고착화된 신경계 손상을 일으키기 시작하거든요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00012-00004565-00004898 그 과정은 자가면역반응에 의해서 만들어집니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00013-00004898-00005229 자가면역반응에 의해서 신경계에 손상이 가는 거죠. CyPYO_1XusQ-00014-00005229-00005604 손상이 가고, 비가역적인 수준에 이르게 되니까 CyPYO_1XusQ-00015-00005604-00005981 종국에는 지적장애나 뇌전증이 진행되는 겁니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00016-00005981-00006282 결국 자가면역반응을 방지한다는 것은? CyPYO_1XusQ-00017-00006282-00006664 지적장애를 방지하고, 뇌전증 진행을 방지하는 과정이라고 할 수 있어요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00018-00006664-00007059 어떻게 보면 자폐스펙트럼 장애를 도저히 회복 불가능한 수준으로 CyPYO_1XusQ-00019-00007059-00007487 계속 영구적 퇴행 상태를 만드는 것을 한약이 방지할 수 있다는 것인데요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00020-00007487-00007661 이렇게 설명드릴 수 있습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00021-00007661-00008123 한약 자체가 자가면역반응에 굉장히 효과가 좋은 치료법입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00022-00008123-00008395 자가면역반응을 현대 의학에서 컨트롤하려고 하면 CyPYO_1XusQ-00023-00008395-00008930 자가면역반응을 일으키는 특정한 항원에 대해 특이성이 있는 항체를 만들어서 CyPYO_1XusQ-00024-00008930-00009263 작용시키고, 중지시키는 게 가장 기본 치료법이 될 것 같아요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00025-00009263-00009660 그러나 자폐스펙트럼 같은 장애에서 나타나는 자가면역반응은 CyPYO_1XusQ-00026-00009660-00009982 특이성 있는 항원항체 반응에서만 진행된다고 보기 어렵습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00027-00009982-00010543 굉장히 중층화, 다양화된 항원과 항체방들이 같이 결합되어 있기 때문에 CyPYO_1XusQ-00028-00010543-00010903 1~2가지 물질로 이것을 이루는 건 거의 불가능에 가깝습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00029-00010903-00011532 그러나 한약 자체는 다양한 항원, 항체방들을 일으킬 수 있는 물질들을 복합적으로 가지고 있기 때문에 CyPYO_1XusQ-00030-00011532-00011944 인간에게 나타나는 자가면역반응을 100% 완치시킬 수는 없지만 CyPYO_1XusQ-00031-00011944-00012241 거의 상당한 수준으로 유효 반응을 일으킵니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00032-00012241-00012854 이것은 자폐성 장애에서 진행되는 신경계 손상에 나타나는 자가면역반응에도 마찬가지입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00033-00012854-00013305 제가 자폐의 자가면역반응을 안정화시키기 위해 주목했던 2가지 질환이 있습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00034-00013305-00013772 한약에서는 예로 신경계 손상을 회복시키는 치료에 대한 기록들이 충분히 많습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00035-00013772-00013982 가장 대표적인 것은 '파상풍' 입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00036-00013982-00014455 파상풍은 클로스트리디움이라는 균에 감염되면서 나타나는데 CyPYO_1XusQ-00037-00014455-00014659 심하면 죽음까지 이르게 하죠. CyPYO_1XusQ-00038-00014659-00014838 이 클로스트리디움균은? CyPYO_1XusQ-00039-00014838-00015451 자폐성 장애에서 중증장애, 지적장애를 만드는데 심각하게 관여하는 세균으로 추정하고 있습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00040-00015451-00015830 즉, 자폐성 장애를 중증 자폐로 만드는 것이나, 파상풍을 만드는 것이나 CyPYO_1XusQ-00041-00015830-00016166 원인균이 클로스트리디움균으로 동일한 것으로 추정하고 있어요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00042-00016166-00016495 2000년 전부터 파상풍에 양방의 치료제가 없을 때 CyPYO_1XusQ-00043-00016495-00016823 동양에서는 한약재를 이용해서 충분히 컨트롤 해왔습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00044-00016823-00017128 100%라고 할 순 없지만, 상당수를 호전시켰어요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00045-00017128-00017769 그때 사용된 약재가 마황, 계지, 망초, 갈근이라고 부르는 칡, 대황, 감초 이런 약재들입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00046-00017769-00018260 이런 약재 배합들이 자폐에서도 클로스트리디움균에 대한 대항력들을 만들어내고 있는 거예요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00047-00018260-00018556 두 번째로 주목해야 할 질환은? 소아마비 질환입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00048-00018556-00018902 지금은 예방접종에 의해서 발생 자체를 컨트롤하고 있지만 CyPYO_1XusQ-00049-00018902-00019123 예방접종이 만들어지기 이전에 동양에서 CyPYO_1XusQ-00050-00019123-00019580 소아마비가 진행되는 그 순간에 능력있는 한의사를 만나면 치료할 수 있었어요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00051-00019580-00020036 소아마비는 폴리오라는 장바이러스 즉, 바이러스 감염에 의해 진행되는 질환인데 CyPYO_1XusQ-00052-00020036-00020529 소아마비를 치료했던 기록으로 남아있는 것은 석고, 지모 같은 약재들입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00053-00020529-00021038 자가면역반응, 신경계 염증반응을 호전시키는데 굉장히 특이성이 높은 약재들이에요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00054-00021038-00021323 저는 이 약재들을 파상풍이나 소아마비에 CyPYO_1XusQ-00055-00021323-00021779 즉, 신경계 염증을 가라앉히는 약재들을 한약에 고강도로 투입을 해서 CyPYO_1XusQ-00056-00021779-00022335 자폐로 인해서 아이들의 인지능력이 손상되고 뇌전증으로 진행되는 것을 막을 수 있고, CyPYO_1XusQ-00057-00022335-00022716 굉장히 완화시킬 수 있는 효과를 내고 있다고 생각하고 있습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00058-00022716-00023000 다섯 번째 영역으로, 그 다음에 낼 수 있는 효과는? CyPYO_1XusQ-00059-00023000-00023361 중추신경계의 반응성이 증가하고, 정보 처리 속도가 회복됩니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00060-00023361-00023848 자폐 치료를 하다보면? 부모님들이 언어가 된다든지, 눈맞춤을 한다든지, CyPYO_1XusQ-00061-00023848-00024154 상호작용을 한다든지 이런 사회성 발달이 이루어지면 CyPYO_1XusQ-00062-00024154-00024404 '아~자폐가 치료되는구나' 하고 좋아하시는데 CyPYO_1XusQ-00063-00024404-00024749 사실 거기서 멈추는 부모님들이 굉장히 많으신데 그렇게 해선 안됩니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00064-00024749-00025235 자폐스펙트럼장애를 오래 앓은 아이들은 이런 사회성 손상에만 멈추지 않고 CyPYO_1XusQ-00065-00025235-00025601 인지활동력 또한 손상되어 있습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00066-00025601-00025847 중추신경계의 반응성이 떨어져요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00067-00025847-00026358 민감하게 반응을 하면 지적 활동도 굉장히 민감하게 이루어지는데, 굉장히 둔하게 반응합니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00068-00026358-00026573 그로인해서 정보처리 속도도 느리게 나와요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00069-00026573-00026941 웩슬러 지능 검사를 하면 반응속도가 매우 떨어지게 나옵니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00070-00026941-00027472 이로 인해서 실제 타고난 아이의 인지능력보다 굉장히 떨어지는 인지활동력을 보입니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00071-00027472-00027838 제가 치료를 하면 사회성 발달은 초반에 빠르게 이루어지는데요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00072-00027838-00028169 이러한 인지활동력은 느리게, 느리게 완성되어 갑니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00073-00028169-00028441 대략 30개월 전후의 아동들에게서 차이가 납니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00074-00028441-00028799 30개월 전의 아동들은 인지 손상이 많지가 않기 때문에 CyPYO_1XusQ-00075-00028799-00029251 사회성이 좋아지면서 인지력도 바로 정상범주로 회복되는 경우가 많은 반면에 CyPYO_1XusQ-00076-00029251-00029579 30개월이 넘은 아이들은 사회성 발달이 이루어진다고 해도 CyPYO_1XusQ-00077-00029579-00029914 인지활동력이 회복되는데 상당한 기간이 걸립니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00078-00029914-00030194 따라서 닥터토마토 프로토콜에 의해서 아이들이 치료가 되면 CyPYO_1XusQ-00079-00030194-00030683 사회성이 좋아지는데서 멈춰선 안 되고 이후로도 한 1년 정도를 지속하시면 CyPYO_1XusQ-00080-00030683-00031089 뇌의 반응 체계, 느리게 반응하던 아이가 빨리빨리 반응하는 아이로 바뀝니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00081-00031089-00031399 서서히 올라옵니다. 그래서 인지력이 회복되게 되어 있어요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00082-00031399-00031604 제가 계속 강조하는 것은? CyPYO_1XusQ-00083-00031604-00032141 자폐 장애에서 나타나는 지능저하, 인지저하 현상을 선천적인 질환으로 이해하고 있는데 CyPYO_1XusQ-00084-00032141-00032379 현대의학에서 그렇게 생각하면 굉장히 잘못된 거라는 거예요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00085-00032379-00032987 이것은 자폐가 퇴행되면서, 손상된 신경계가 완전 회복되지 못하면서 나타나는 겁니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00086-00032987-00033322 예를 들어, 첫 번째로 자가면역반응이 쭉 진행이 되면 CyPYO_1XusQ-00087-00033322-00033711 염증반응이 있었던 신경계가 염증이 없어진 다음에도 CyPYO_1XusQ-00088-00033711-00033985 둔화된 반응을 회복하지 못한 것이 원인이 되는 거고요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00089-00033985-00034424 두 번째는 자율신경계 이상으로 뇌의 혈류량에 장애가 생깁니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00090-00034424-00034622 뇌의 압 자체가 떨어져 있는 것으로 보여요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00091-00034622-00035148 그래서 뇌가 충분히 부스팅되지 못해 반응력 자체가 떨어지는 겁니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00092-00035148-00035378 정보 처리 속도가 떨어지는 것도 이것 때문이에요. CyPYO_1XusQ-00093-00035378-00035921 결국 자율신경계가 완전한 수준까지 회복이 되면 아이들의 인지능력은 상당히 개선됩니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00094-00035921-00036229 닥터토마토 치료를 통해서 지능이 70-80정도 되는 아이가 CyPYO_1XusQ-00095-00036229-00036734 90 넘어 100, 110, 120 이렇게 나타나는 경우는 수없이 많습니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00096-00036734-00037036 수없이 많은 게 아니라, 거의 대부분의 아이들이 CyPYO_1XusQ-00097-00037036-00037442 지능 자체도 굉장히 고지능 상태로 올라가는 걸로 나타납니다. CyPYO_1XusQ-00098-00037442-00037768 지, 한약이 낼 수 있는 효과의 마지막을 설명드렸는데 CyPYO_1XusQ-00099-00037768-00038245 인지 발달까지 이루어져야 자폐 치료가 완성이 되는 것이고, CyPYO_1XusQ-00100-00038245-00038808 우리 아이들이 타고난 탤런트가 온전하게 회복되는 과정이라 할 수 있습니다. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00000-00000157-00000737 The Leander ISD Board of Trustees is reviewing attendance zones for the 2020–21 school C-Ilo9xv-E4-00001-00000737-00001067 year and the opening of Danielson Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00002-00001067-00001536 At this point in the rezoning process, the Board is presenting Scenario D for public C-Ilo9xv-E4-00003-00001536-00001647 comment. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00004-00001647-00002018 Leander ISD engaged the community throughout the process. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00005-00002018-00002607 In two districtwide online surveys receiving 5,000 responses, the community identified C-Ilo9xv-E4-00006-00002607-00003067 the following priorities for the development of proposed changes: C-Ilo9xv-E4-00007-00003067-00003286 Proximity to home and geography. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00008-00003286-00003808 While having school in proximity of neighborhoods reduces travel and need for buses, it could C-Ilo9xv-E4-00009-00003808-00004184 lead to overcrowded schools and unbalanced enrollments. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00010-00004184-00004750 LISD provides busing if a student’s walking route to school is more than two miles away C-Ilo9xv-E4-00011-00004750-00005301 from their assigned school or if their walking route is identified as hazardous. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00012-00005301-00005819 Another identified priority was looking at feeder patterns that minimize splitting schools C-Ilo9xv-E4-00013-00005819-00006094 as students advance to the next level. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00014-00006094-00006759 LISD avoided splitting small groups of students during transitions between schools at middle-to-high C-Ilo9xv-E4-00015-00006759-00007043 school, based on survey results. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00016-00007043-00007526 This principle allows for students to stay together with their peer groups during transitions C-Ilo9xv-E4-00017-00007526-00007951 between elementary and middle and middle to high schools. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00018-00007951-00008552 When this is not possible, LISD staff work to build continuity through counseling services, C-Ilo9xv-E4-00019-00008552-00009144 fine arts and athletic programs to ensure students have a quality and fair experience. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00020-00009144-00009648 Our middle and high school teams work with their feeder schools to ease the transition C-Ilo9xv-E4-00021-00009648-00009791 for all students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00022-00009791-00010373 The third identified priority was to relieve overcrowded schools and balance enrollments. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00023-00010373-00010890 Overcrowded schools create a higher need for portable buildings and lead to other adjustments, C-Ilo9xv-E4-00024-00010890-00011407 such as crowded and mixed grade level lunch periods and hallways; increased number of C-Ilo9xv-E4-00025-00011407-00012019 academic teams; and impacts to participation on competitive teams and performance groups. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00026-00012019-00012614 When school enrollments exceed the building’s capacity, LISD may need to adjust school administrative C-Ilo9xv-E4-00027-00012614-00012963 staffing, traffic patterns and safety protocols. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00028-00012963-00013534 LISD provides staffing to schools based on the number of students, so additional students C-Ilo9xv-E4-00029-00013534-00013819 means additional teachers and support staff. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00030-00013819-00014390 A focus on balancing enrollments or relieving overcrowded schools could lead to students C-Ilo9xv-E4-00031-00014390-00015001 being zoned to schools farther away from their homes or to schools with split feeder patterns. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00032-00015001-00015519 While we worked to achieve these three priorities, in most of the district, achieving all three C-Ilo9xv-E4-00033-00015519-00015684 is not possible. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00034-00015684-00016206 For example, if you relieve overcrowding at one school, you could create a split feeder C-Ilo9xv-E4-00035-00016206-00016629 pattern or send students to a school farther from their neighborhood. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00036-00016629-00017365 In developing the proposed plan, LISD sought to balance each priority as best as possible. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00037-00017365-00017927 Starting in the northern part of the district, the Danielson Middle School zone will incorporate C-Ilo9xv-E4-00038-00017927-00018520 north portions of the current Leander Middle School and Wiley Middle School zones. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00039-00018520-00019084 As a result of this new zone, Leander Middle School will split its feeder pattern approximately C-Ilo9xv-E4-00040-00019084-00019511 50/50 to Leander and Glenn high schools. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00041-00019511-00020123 The resulting Wiley Middle School zone will feed exclusively to Rouse High School, and C-Ilo9xv-E4-00042-00020123-00020637 Danielson Middle School will feed exclusively to Glenn High School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00043-00020637-00021638 In Scenario D, the projected 2020–21 enrollment for Danielson Middle School is 994 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00044-00021638-00022180 Shifting to the northeast part of the district, Stiles Middle School will see relief in Scenario C-Ilo9xv-E4-00045-00022180-00023034 D as neighborhoods west of Ronald Reagan Boulevard and north of Ranch Road 1431 move to Wiley C-Ilo9xv-E4-00046-00023034-00023170 Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00047-00023170-00023932 The projected 2020–21 enrollment for Wiley Middle School is 868 students in Scenario C-Ilo9xv-E4-00048-00023932-00024544 D, down from the current-year total of 1,084 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00049-00024544-00025151 In addition to changing from Stiles to Wiley, Neighborhood Code 1625 will also change its C-Ilo9xv-E4-00050-00025151-00025700 high school zone to Rouse to keep vertical feeder pattern alignment. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00051-00025700-00026256 Stiles Middle School will see additional relief in Scenario D as the neighborhood codes zoned C-Ilo9xv-E4-00052-00026256-00026776 to Rutledge Elementary School shift to Henry Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00053-00026776-00027518 Enrollment at Stiles Middle School is projected at 975 students in 2020–21, down from the C-Ilo9xv-E4-00054-00027518-00027855 current-year total of 1,405 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00055-00027855-00028418 In the central part of the district, the focus of aligning middle school to high school feeder C-Ilo9xv-E4-00056-00028418-00028897 patterns brings change to neighborhood codes on the west side of the current Henry Middle C-Ilo9xv-E4-00057-00028897-00029058 School zone. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00058-00029058-00029674 This change moves the small cohort of Henry students zoned for Cedar Park High School C-Ilo9xv-E4-00059-00029674-00029899 to Cedar Park Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00060-00029899-00030411 To create some space at Henry Middle School and to maintain middle school to high school C-Ilo9xv-E4-00061-00030411-00031140 feeder pattern alignment, Neighborhood Codes 2000 and 2010 will switch from Henry-Vista C-Ilo9xv-E4-00062-00031140-00031565 Ridge to Cedar Park Middle School and Cedar Park High School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00063-00031565-00032493 The projected Henry Middle School enrollment for 2020–21 is 1,545 students in Scenario C-Ilo9xv-E4-00064-00032493-00033121 D, up from the current-year total of 1,381 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00065-00033121-00034118 Cedar Park Middle School is projected at 1,475 students, up from 1,321 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00066-00034118-00034690 The resulting Henry Middle School zone will feed exclusively to Vista Ridge High School, C-Ilo9xv-E4-00067-00034690-00035321 and Cedar Park Middle School will continue to feed exclusively to Cedar Park High School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00068-00035321-00036052 The last area with rezoning in Scenario D comes in the western part of the district. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00069-00036052-00036661 Neighborhood Code 4770 changes to Leander Middle School to provide relief to Running C-Ilo9xv-E4-00070-00036661-00036850 Brushy Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00071-00036850-00037591 Enrollment at Leander Middle School is projected at 979 students in Scenario D for the 2020–21 C-Ilo9xv-E4-00072-00037591-00038365 school year, down from the current-year total of 1,114 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00073-00038365-00039412 Running Brushy Middle School is projected at 1,383 students, up from 1,216 students. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00074-00039412-00040387 Neighborhood Codes 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400 and 9955 will remain at Running Brushy Middle C-Ilo9xv-E4-00075-00040387-00040924 School but change from Cedar Park High School to Leander High School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00076-00040924-00041458 This change was made to align the middle school and high school feeder pattern without adding C-Ilo9xv-E4-00077-00041458-00041777 more students to Cedar Park Middle School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00078-00041777-00042472 As a result, Running Brushy Middle School will feed exclusively to Leander High School. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00079-00042472-00042986 This scenario does not impact Canyon Ridge or Four Points middle schools. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00080-00042986-00045018 Please take a moment to review the impacts of Scenario D on school enrollments. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00081-00045018-00045697 In addition to two public meetings -- Monday, April 8, and Wednesday, April 10 -- community C-Ilo9xv-E4-00082-00045697-00046752 feedback is welcomed online at www.leanderisd.org/msaz. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00083-00046752-00047290 This feedback will be presented to the Board at the April 18 meeting. C-Ilo9xv-E4-00084-00047290-00048080 The district is on pace to approve 2020–21 attendance zoning changes in May 2019. CAUkM50Ewq0-00000-00000120-00000509 Hello YouTube in this interactive card trick I can work out what your card is CAUkM50Ewq0-00001-00000509-00000850 even if you're living across the world from me I can sense it. CAUkM50Ewq0-00002-00000850-00001212 Here, I have five cards, I want you to choose one. CAUkM50Ewq0-00003-00001212-00001562 Now study it very hard for me for the next ten seconds CAUkM50Ewq0-00004-00001562-00001772 that brainwave will pass onto me. CAUkM50Ewq0-00005-00001876-00001926 Ten. CAUkM50Ewq0-00006-00002954-00003154 Now, I'll take the cards CAUkM50Ewq0-00007-00003430-00003648 and I'll sense which one it is. CAUkM50Ewq0-00008-00003648-00003784 I can feel it. CAUkM50Ewq0-00009-00004020-00004498 Here, I have now removed your card from the pack. CBdCj50UaJ8-00000-00000000-00001484 birthday music with Chirsmas version CEJVqkk2_Y8-00000-00000300-00000803 Thank you, everyone, for coming or for joining online... as you could. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00001-00000803-00001220 In these 20 minutes I will try - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00002-00001220-00001680 Hopefully after these 20 minutes you will understand the title of my thesis... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00003-00001680-00001904 If I manage that I'm happy. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00004-00001904-00002400 So, this - it says "Cloudspotting: visual analytics for distributional semantics" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00005-00002480-00002784 So, in this presentation CEJVqkk2_Y8-00006-00002784-00003300 - if I manage to move the slides... yeah - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00007-00003300-00003350 I have four stages: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00008-00003384-00003644 First, I will explain what the dissertation is for CEJVqkk2_Y8-00009-00003644-00003911 - what the research was for, what it was the goal; CEJVqkk2_Y8-00010-00003928-00004200 then I will explain the distributional semantics part CEJVqkk2_Y8-00011-00004200-00004380 - what I mean by that - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00012-00004380-00004580 then what the visual analytics are doing, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00013-00004580-00004924 and then finally what are the main insightsof my dissertation. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00014-00004924-00005180 So there's a lot that I'm not going to be saying CEJVqkk2_Y8-00015-00005180-00005660 but that should be - um - that's the gist of it. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00016-00005700-00005980 So what is this research for? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00017-00006000-00006196 The goal has been using in distributional semantics CEJVqkk2_Y8-00018-00006196-00006444 for semasiological research CEJVqkk2_Y8-00019-00006456-00006631 So, distributional semantics is a methodology CEJVqkk2_Y8-00020-00006631-00007000 and the question is: how can we can use it for semasiological research CEJVqkk2_Y8-00021-00007016-00007252 and you might not understand any of those words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00022-00007252-00007392 so, the idea is: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00023-00007392-00007784 Suppose you want to know the meaning or meaningS of a word CEJVqkk2_Y8-00024-00007784-00008004 what you normally do is CEJVqkk2_Y8-00025-00008004-00008176 go look them up in a dictionary CEJVqkk2_Y8-00026-00008176-00008400 but someone has to write the dictionary, right? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00027-00008408-00008552 So what do they do? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00028-00008552-00008800 What those persons do is CEJVqkk2_Y8-00029-00008800-00009184 read a lot of instances of the word CEJVqkk2_Y8-00030-00009188-00009480 - those are occurrences, attestations - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00031-00009480-00009692 read how it occurs in different texts, for example CEJVqkk2_Y8-00032-00009712-00010072 and try to find patterns and what those differentmeanings are CEJVqkk2_Y8-00033-00010072-00010334 but to do that you have to read CEJVqkk2_Y8-00034-00010334-00010620 many, many cases CEJVqkk2_Y8-00035-00010620-00010788 which is tiring CEJVqkk2_Y8-00036-00010788-00010992 especially if you want to do a lot of words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00037-00011004-00011276 so the question here is: What if... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00038-00011300-00011600 we could get the computer to read all those cases CEJVqkk2_Y8-00039-00011600-00011840 and make the groups for ourselves CEJVqkk2_Y8-00040-00011880-00012272 so the - the technique that I've been doing researchon CEJVqkk2_Y8-00041-00012272-00012632 would take all that text and turn it into CEJVqkk2_Y8-00042-00012672-00013012 dots and scatter plots where each line of the text CEJVqkk2_Y8-00043-00013012-00013100 - each attestation of a word - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00044-00013100-00013319 in this case Dutch "horde" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00045-00013419-00013700 becomes one dot and the computer itself CEJVqkk2_Y8-00046-00013700-00014008 - based on of course the instructions that we give it - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00047-00014008-00014391 groups them based on what are similar to each other and from them- CEJVqkk2_Y8-00048-00014447-00014756 can we get the senses from that, for example? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00049-00014756-00014947 that - that would be the initial question: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00050-00014952-00015147 Can we get the computer to do all the hard work CEJVqkk2_Y8-00051-00015147-00015380 of reading and finding patterns CEJVqkk2_Y8-00052-00015380-00015736 and then we get those patterns CEJVqkk2_Y8-00053-00015736-00016016 and assign or interpret the meaning from them? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00054-00016016-00016172 So that was the question. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00055-00016344-00016560 What is, then, distributional semantics? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00056-00016560-00017144 What is this method that would turn those texts into those groups of points? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00057-00017144-00017536 So, it's based on the Distributional Hypothesis, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00058-00017536-00017632 according to which CEJVqkk2_Y8-00059-00017632-00017888 if you have words that occur in similar contexts CEJVqkk2_Y8-00060-00017888-00018088 they will have similar meanings. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00061-00018184-00018552 So, when you have words that occur often with the same words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00062-00018552-00018724 then they should have a similar meaning CEJVqkk2_Y8-00063-00018724-00018868 and if they occur with different words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00064-00018868-00018980 they would have different meanings. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00065-00019000-00019332 So, that means we can use frequency information CEJVqkk2_Y8-00066-00019332-00019520 - which is something that computers arevery good at - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00067-00019520-00019900 to try to extract a proxy for meaning. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00068-00019992-00020148 So, that works with vectors. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00069-00020148-00020328 We would have a vector, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00070-00020328-00020616 such as in this case for the word "linguistics" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00071-00020616-00021020 and based on how often it occurs (or it co-occurs) next to CEJVqkk2_Y8-00072-00021020-00021488 "language", "word", "English", "speak", "Flemish", "eat"... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00073-00021488-00021600 or many other words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00074-00021600-00021908 between how often they co-occur together we can build a profile. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00075-00021908-00022168 So the description of the term "linguistics" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00076-00022168-00022464 would be: it occurs very often with "language", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00077-00022464-00022712 and not as often with "word", and - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00078-00022740-00023000 not as often with "speak", does not occur with "Flemish" or "eat" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00079-00023088-00023360 of course, that is based on a certain corpus, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00080-00023360-00023660 anda certain window size, on certain selections. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00081-00023728-00023963 And instead of using the raw frequencies CEJVqkk2_Y8-00082-00023963-00024270 because wordscan have very varied frequencies CEJVqkk2_Y8-00083-00024270-00024538 we transform them with something called PMI CEJVqkk2_Y8-00084-00024538-00024946 and this is the mosttechnical thing I'm going to show here CEJVqkk2_Y8-00085-00024946-00025228 where we take, for example, that "linguistics" and "language" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00086-00025228-00025543 in a certain window, in a certain corpus, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00087-00025543-00025748 go together 285 times, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00088-00025748-00026208 and one of them goes to- it goes by itself - 20 000 times CEJVqkk2_Y8-00089-00026208-00026568 the other one much more - like 15 000 times - (yes, I know, improv...) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00090-00026568-00026904 and based on how often they occur together, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00091-00026904-00027156 based on how often they occur by themselves, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00092-00027156-00027392 we can havea number - magic number - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00093-00027392-00027783 4.37, which tells us how attracted they are to each other CEJVqkk2_Y8-00094-00027924-00028164 and then we can do that with many different words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00095-00028164-00028612 And we can compare the words to each other based on thoseprofiles that we build CEJVqkk2_Y8-00096-00028612-00028895 of who their friends are, basically. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00097-00028895-00029127 But these are what we call "type level vectors". CEJVqkk2_Y8-00098-00029127-00029360 So: we have one row for "linguistics", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00099-00029360-00029668 which collapses all the occurrences of "linguistics" inthe corpus. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00100-00029668-00030032 But if you want to know the *internal* behavior of "linguistics" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00101-00030032-00030316 so, what the differentinstances are, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00102-00030316-00030464 what the different senses are CEJVqkk2_Y8-00103-00030464-00030756 you can't have only one vector CEJVqkk2_Y8-00104-00030756-00031044 because it'sgoing to combine all the behaviors as one thing. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00105-00031300-00031472 So we're going to do something else. But, first: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00106-00031508-00031716 These type level vectors CEJVqkk2_Y8-00107-00031716-00032100 so - the vectors that have information for only oneword - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00108-00032100-00032439 all the negative values are going to be turned to zero CEJVqkk2_Y8-00109-00032439-00032700 which is also something technical. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00110-00032900-00033336 So, let's suppose we want to know the meanings of "to study" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00111-00033336-00033528 and we have threeinstances: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00112-00033540-00033760 (1) Would you like to study linguistics? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00113-00033760-00033980 (2) They study these in computational linguistics too. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00114-00033980-00034220 or (3) I eat chocolate while I study. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00115-00034220-00034304 I didn't take these from a corpus CEJVqkk2_Y8-00116-00034320-00034696 I produced them by myself (but, I mean, that's also language production) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00117-00034696-00035308 So, for example, we could have a vector for the first case: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00118-00035308-00035520 (1) Would you like to study linguistics? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00119-00035520-00036121 By choosing the context word "linguistics" and using the vector of that "linguistics", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00120-00036200-00036776 and we could take the second sentence and select the context words "computational" and "linguistics" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00121-00036776-00037376 and use those two vectors to represent the vector of (2) They study this in computational linguistics too. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00122-00037448-00037808 So when you have two vectors you have to merge them somehow CEJVqkk2_Y8-00123-00037808-00038108 in this case we're going to just add them up CEJVqkk2_Y8-00124-00038108-00038516 and then what you end up with is a tokenlevel vector CEJVqkk2_Y8-00125-00038516-00038848 so a vector that represents one instance of "study" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00126-00038848-00038960 and that is the - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00127-00039088-00039528 the merge of the type level vectors of the words in that context. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00128-00039672-00040077 And then you would have one vector per instance (= per occurrence) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00129-00040077-00040244 which are token level vectors CEJVqkk2_Y8-00130-00040244-00040564 and those are based on the context words that we chose. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00131-00040740-00040828 We could have chosen different words; CEJVqkk2_Y8-00132-00040828-00041268 we could have chosen also "would", "they", "this", "eat", "while"... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00133-00041268-00041708 which wordsyou choose - with which criterion, how wide your window is, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00134-00041740-00042000 if you have parts of speech tags or whatever - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00135-00042000-00042200 those are decisions that you make CEJVqkk2_Y8-00136-00042224-00042548 and as you change those decisions you have different results CEJVqkk2_Y8-00137-00042548-00042699 and those results we call "models" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00138-00042699-00042888 and part of my research was seeing CEJVqkk2_Y8-00139-00042888-00043148 what isthe effects of making those different decisions? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00140-00043148-00043452 If you have a different context: what is theresult? Is it better? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00141-00043452-00043900 Is that better to try to find metaphorical senses, or something like that? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00142-00043900-00044300 I'm not going to talk much about those differences, but that is a question - is: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00143-00044300-00044440 How do you definecontext? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00144-00044440-00044876 You don't need to use "computational" and "linguistics", you could only select "linguistics", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00145-00044876-00045298 and then example (1) and example (2) are identical, for example. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00146-00045298-00045740 So those are decisions that youhave to make and they give you different results. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00147-00045740-00046101 One of the questions is: how does that work? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00148-00046101-00046400 Whichkinds of decision give you which kind of answer? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00149-00046496-00047008 So what happens is: you have an original text, youhave a token-context matrix CEJVqkk2_Y8-00150-00047008-00047380 which is: each row is a token and you base it on the context - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00151-00047380-00047632 whichis not the context of the token, it's the context of the context CEJVqkk2_Y8-00152-00047632-00047840 (because type level vectors) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00153-00047900-00048100 and thenyou make a distance matrix, so: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00154-00048100-00048744 the - token "study 1" and "study 2" are very similar to each other, so they're going to have a very low distance CEJVqkk2_Y8-00155-00048800-00049124 each token is identical to each other, so distance is going to be zero CEJVqkk2_Y8-00156-00049176-00049616 and then you have "study 3" - is totally oppositefrom "study 1" and 2 CEJVqkk2_Y8-00157-00049616-00050244 because they have the different columns are zero or the columns that arenon-zero in "study 3" are zero in the others CEJVqkk2_Y8-00158-00050244-00050568 Those are - like - as if it was perpendicular; totally different CEJVqkk2_Y8-00159-00050568-00050792 and so the distance is going to be one. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00160-00050900-00051314 But if you have many, many tokens - like 300, let's say - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00161-00051314-00051616 it's very hard to look at this matrix and make sense of it, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00162-00051672-00051968 so that's where the visualization comes in CEJVqkk2_Y8-00163-00051968-00052431 we have t-SNE, which will try to get each of those rows or columns, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00164-00052431-00052855 and put them as dots, and it will make different tries CEJVqkk2_Y8-00165-00052855-00053388 until the distances in the scatter plot are similar to the distances inthe matrix. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00166-00053388-00053808 So it's going to try this one so that the orange and blue one are very close to eachother CEJVqkk2_Y8-00167-00053808-00054288 and super far from the green one and that's a rather faithful representation. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00168-00054288-00054807 The more tokensyou have the harder it is, but that's what we are trying to do, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00169-00054807-00055270 and it's more interpretable or easier to see than a matrix. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00170-00055440-00056024 So that's the Distributional Semantics part, and the t-SNE was the visual an- the bridge to visual analytics. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00171-00056152-00056608 For visual analytics we have developed a tool that lets us look at the clouds and also at CEJVqkk2_Y8-00172-00056608-00057240 all the different models and their variation and compare them and get information but it's CEJVqkk2_Y8-00173-00057240-00057720 it's an analytical tool, it's something that you would look at when you're trying to do analysis CEJVqkk2_Y8-00174-00057720-00058136 it's not the best way of showing the results so i'm not going to show the visual analytics CEJVqkk2_Y8-00175-00058136-00058360 you can look it up online! (link in the description) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00176-00058412-00058813 What I'm going to showis one of the products and the kind of information you can get CEJVqkk2_Y8-00177-00058813-00059252 so: this is a cloud of Dutch "horde". CEJVqkk2_Y8-00178-00059252-00059608 so, "horde", in Dutch... so, "horde" has at least CEJVqkk2_Y8-00179-00059688-00060136 it has two homonyms: one has to do with ahurdle, like the ones when you're running CEJVqkk2_Y8-00180-00060136-00060679 like an obstacle, and the other one is a horde: that's a bunch of people running and like yeah CEJVqkk2_Y8-00181-00060752-00061183 "barbarians" or something and the "hurdle" one can be literal, so CEJVqkk2_Y8-00182-00061183-00061584 it's normally in sports context, something that you jump over CEJVqkk2_Y8-00183-00061584-00062173 or it can bemetaphorical, like, this is my last hurdle to get - to become a doctor CEJVqkk2_Y8-00184-00062173-00062312 that would be an example, yes? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00185-00062467-00062688 So, what we have here is - different CEJVqkk2_Y8-00186-00062688-00063389 those are different instances of this word, "horde", and we wouldlike these groups to match the senses. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00187-00063389-00063901 Clearly the groups are more than the senses, so that isnot really working, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00188-00063901-00064064 but it's also not that bad. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00189-00064184-00064304 uh... yeah, so CEJVqkk2_Y8-00190-00064304-00064840 What this cloud is representing is- for example you have there a circle CEJVqkk2_Y8-00191-00064840-00065144 and the circle is - each dot is a concordance, so basicallyis CEJVqkk2_Y8-00192-00065144-00065560 a more readable version than actually having the sentences. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00193-00065560-00066045 But in the visual analytics tool youhover over the dot and you can see the context CEJVqkk2_Y8-00194-00066045-00066299 so you can find that - and find that out. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00195-00066468-00066768 And basicallywhat happens with the visualization is CEJVqkk2_Y8-00196-00066768-00067256 what you, after many hours of looking at all the aspects of the visual analytics... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00197-00067256-00067400 what you find out is CEJVqkk2_Y8-00198-00067400-00067972 the different groups are normally dominated - notalways but mostly - dominated by some context words. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00199-00068060-00068348 so what we have here (uh - okay - no, again) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00200-00068436-00068759 so youhave a group - an orange group with a red group - that CEJVqkk2_Y8-00201-00068759-00069343 uh - where "horde" is correlated with "meter" andalso with "hoog" (high) CEJVqkk2_Y8-00202-00069343-00069828 and those are normally the sport context, of the literal hurdles that peopleare jumping, so- CEJVqkk2_Y8-00203-00069828-00070583 they're talking about races, of 400 meters of hurdles.. so, that's why "meter" is - is -uh- coming up a lot. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00204-00070592-00071220 The light blue one on top goes with "nemen" (take). So, in "horde" - in "een horde nemen" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00205-00071220-00071664 It's normally - it's a metaphorical expression of taking this last or this first obstacle, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00206-00071664-00072000 So insome models it's not just "nemen", which is this verb "to take", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00207-00072000-00072344 but also "eerste" or "laatste", so "the first" or"the last" one, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00208-00072344-00072616 and this is kind of a fixed expression. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00209-00072800-00073111 Then we have the yellow one - it's with "journalist" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00210-00073111-00073472 but it's also sometimes "fans", and "camera people"... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00211-00073528-00074024 And then -the green one- we have "tourists", so: hordes of journalists and hordes of tourists CEJVqkk2_Y8-00212-00074024-00074408 are technically the same sense of "horde", of the"mass of people", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00213-00074468-00074898 but an interesting thing is that - so you would expect that journalists and tourists CEJVqkk2_Y8-00214-00074898-00075275 as people, are close - are similar to each other CEJVqkk2_Y8-00215-00075275-00075544 so those tokens should be close to each other CEJVqkk2_Y8-00216-00075544-00075856 and more or less they are; they are far from the "hurdle" sense CEJVqkk2_Y8-00217-00075864-00076064 but they're normally separated CEJVqkk2_Y8-00218-00076064-00076332 and that has to do with two things: CEJVqkk2_Y8-00219-00076332-00076640 One is the frequency of "journalists" and "tourists" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00220-00076640-00077028 so, becausethey're frequent enough they're strong enough to bring the tokens with themselves CEJVqkk2_Y8-00221-00077028-00077206 and not let themmerge with others. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00222-00077206-00077470 That's one thing. But the other is - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00223-00077470-00077939 Some distinctiveness, which has to do with the rest of the context, so - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00224-00077939-00078379 when you're talking about hordes of tourists you're talking about a flow oftourists CEJVqkk2_Y8-00225-00078379-00078647 filling the streets and invading a city... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00226-00078647-00079188 With the journalists you're talking about them chasing someone or surrounding someone CEJVqkk2_Y8-00227-00079188-00079415 and it's a very different - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00228-00079415-00079926 and so the interestingthing here is - those are not two different senses CEJVqkk2_Y8-00229-00079926-00080355 but those are two differentperspectives that you can have on the same sense CEJVqkk2_Y8-00230-00080355-00080684 and that you might not think of initially, so CEJVqkk2_Y8-00231-00080684-00081220 this gives you maybe not information of - not the kind of information that you mightwant to expect CEJVqkk2_Y8-00232-00081220-00081544 when you're trying to look up the senses of "horde", but it's interesting, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00233-00081544-00081840 aboutthe usage of the word and it's combinations. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00234-00081960-00082460 So, here we have different senses, they arenot exactly - but CEJVqkk2_Y8-00235-00082460-00082856 What we have mostly is patterns, it's: "horde" occurs-- co-ocurs with "meter", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00236-00082856-00083160 it co-occurs with "nemen", it co-occurs with "journalists" CEJVqkk2_Y8-00237-00083216-00083588 those three don't occur together - that is alsoinformation, because CEJVqkk2_Y8-00238-00083588-00083985 if you have a list of collocates, for example, of words that co-occur with"horde", CEJVqkk2_Y8-00239-00083985-00084444 you don't know if they occur together or not so here you have: this is a pattern CEJVqkk2_Y8-00240-00084444-00084862 thisis another pattern, this is another pattern sometimes they match senses CEJVqkk2_Y8-00241-00084862-00085278 sometimesthey don't, sometimes they have many senses in one group CEJVqkk2_Y8-00242-00085278-00085688 sometimes different groups are what we would call the same sense... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00243-00085768-00086200 um - but still, you have the patterns as information. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00244-00086200-00086544 So, what are the insights that we have from here? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00245-00086632-00086819 Models represent contextual patterns. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00246-00086819-00087072 So, westarted with this Distributional Hypothesis CEJVqkk2_Y8-00247-00087136-00087600 where if you have words in the same context they are going to have similar senses CEJVqkk2_Y8-00248-00087680-00088072 and there's, like - okay, if that's truethen we can have a technique CEJVqkk2_Y8-00249-00088072-00088327 that represents context and that will representsenses. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00250-00088327-00088544 So: Does it represent context? Yeah. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00251-00088752-00089180 But not senses. So if you wanted to usethis - this method CEJVqkk2_Y8-00252-00089180-00089520 to automatically have your entries for the dictionary CEJVqkk2_Y8-00253-00089520-00089672 andthen you have to assign which sense it is, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00254-00089768-00090000 no: it doesn't work for that. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00255-00090000-00090324 What it does tell you in the clouds, in the kind of shapes - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00256-00090324-00090600 because you have, as you saw - The different groups ofcolors CEJVqkk2_Y8-00257-00090600-00091055 some of them are more compact, some of them are bigger some of them are kind of mixed - uh CEJVqkk2_Y8-00258-00091055-00091192 some are more distinct... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00259-00091192-00091480 They have to do with the characteristics of the context words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00260-00091480-00091904 Their frequency: how "journalist" and "tourist" are big enough to have their own groups; CEJVqkk2_Y8-00261-00091904-00092656 Their distinctiveness: how"nemen" and "hoog" or - or "meter" are different from each other CEJVqkk2_Y8-00262-00092656-00092856 and so they are going to have differentgroups; CEJVqkk2_Y8-00263-00092856-00093336 and relatedness: if they are not so distinctive they are going to be grouped CEJVqkk2_Y8-00264-00093336-00093456 uh - groupedtogether, for example. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00265-00093496-00093741 So those characteristics of the context words CEJVqkk2_Y8-00266-00093741-00094120 are going to affect the shapesthat the clouds take and how you can interpret them. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00267-00094224-00094529 So: can we use them for automatic disambiguation? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00268-00094529-00094936 Mm, not so reliable. Depends a lot on the word that you're studying, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00269-00094936-00095405 sometimes the result reallymatches the senses (yay!) and others not at all CEJVqkk2_Y8-00270-00095405-00096076 it's almost like the computer is always doing the samething with the context and we are the ones kind of arbitrarily - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00271-00096076-00096444 this is a sense, this is not a sense, and - and so on... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00272-00096444-00096608 it's - yeah, something I'm thinking. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00273-00096608-00097040 um - But does it mean that we shouldn't work with these models at all? CEJVqkk2_Y8-00274-00097040-00097500 Well, not necessarily. It still has very rich, interesting information CEJVqkk2_Y8-00275-00097500-00097820 about whichwords co-occur with the word that you're studying, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00276-00097820-00098232 with how - how much frequency, whether they occurtogether as well... CEJVqkk2_Y8-00277-00098232-00098597 and you can even compare words to see: this one has very strong patterns, CEJVqkk2_Y8-00278-00098597-00099220 and thisone is a total mess... and I'm -I'm going to - I have to manually annotate them. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00279-00099220-00099968 Insome cases this can already save you a lot of manual annotation, because you have the patterns. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00280-00099968-00100288 And if you use the visualization tools - which i didn't show you - CEJVqkk2_Y8-00281-00100288-00100448 that's going to help youa lot. CEJVqkk2_Y8-00282-00100516-00100728 So, thank you very much for listening! CGyO9zumEpI-00002-00008923-00008937 off CPxBQRDzgYg-00000-00000416-00000702 Hi! My name is Amy Siewe and I am the lead agent at CPxBQRDzgYg-00001-00000710-00000966 Venture City Homes with Keller Williams Realty. CPxBQRDzgYg-00002-00000974-00001140 And I am here to talk to you CPxBQRDzgYg-00003-00001141-00001531 about the 2016 fourth-quarter market update. CPxBQRDzgYg-00004-00001544-00001794 Since the election, we have seen CPxBQRDzgYg-00005-00001794-00002028 interest rates starting to creep up. CPxBQRDzgYg-00006-00002028-00002202 And we're also seeing houses sitting on the CPxBQRDzgYg-00007-00002202-00002318 market a little bit longer than what CPxBQRDzgYg-00008-00002338-00002540 they were earlier this year. CPxBQRDzgYg-00009-00002560-00002836 So, the other thing that people should probably know, CPxBQRDzgYg-00010-00002858-00003024 is that we are expecting a CPxBQRDzgYg-00011-00003028-00003252 market shift for next year. CPxBQRDzgYg-00012-00003252-00003409 Now, what that means is that the market CPxBQRDzgYg-00013-00003409-00003607 is supposed to slow way down CPxBQRDzgYg-00014-00003610-00003836 in comparison to what it is right now. CPxBQRDzgYg-00015-00003840-00004104 So, what does that mean for everybody? CPxBQRDzgYg-00016-00004105-00004294 Well, if you are a buyer, and you're on CPxBQRDzgYg-00017-00004294-00004477 the fence about, you know, should you buy, CPxBQRDzgYg-00018-00004477-00004593 should you not buy - CPxBQRDzgYg-00019-00004593-00004744 get off that fence and CPxBQRDzgYg-00020-00004744-00004840 get that rate locked! CPxBQRDzgYg-00021-00004840-00005094 Because right now, rates are about 4%. CPxBQRDzgYg-00022-00005104-00005392 Now, if you take 1% of - CPxBQRDzgYg-00023-00005412-00005686 A 1% difference in interest rate is actually - CPxBQRDzgYg-00024-00005702-00006282 - on a $250,000 home - is actually a $118 a month. CPxBQRDzgYg-00025-00006296-00006346 So that's a CPxBQRDzgYg-00026-00006346-00006570 pretty significant jump with just CPxBQRDzgYg-00027-00006570-00006761 a 1% difference in interest rate. CPxBQRDzgYg-00028-00006773-00006897 Now, don't get me wrong - CPxBQRDzgYg-00029-00006897-00006995 that's still really low. CPxBQRDzgYg-00030-00007002-00007390 Because if you look at 2006, 2007, 2008, CPxBQRDzgYg-00031-00007390-00007642 the interest rates were about, between 6 and 7%. CPxBQRDzgYg-00032-00007650-00007886 So we're still really really low in comparison. CPxBQRDzgYg-00033-00007902-00008172 So - But you might want to CPxBQRDzgYg-00034-00008172-00008414 get in before it goes up too high. CPxBQRDzgYg-00035-00008432-00008584 Now, if you're a seller, CPxBQRDzgYg-00036-00008584-00008688 what does this mean? CPxBQRDzgYg-00037-00008688-00008884 It means get that house on the market CPxBQRDzgYg-00038-00008886-00008970 because buyers are CPxBQRDzgYg-00039-00008971-00009171 going to want to buy before the interest CPxBQRDzgYg-00040-00009171-00009333 rates continue to go up. CPxBQRDzgYg-00041-00009354-00009676 And even though winter is quickly, quickly approaching, CPxBQRDzgYg-00042-00009696-00010203 the real serious buyers are - sorry CPxBQRDzgYg-00043-00010203-00010378 the real serious buyers are shopping in CPxBQRDzgYg-00044-00010378-00010428 the winter. CPxBQRDzgYg-00045-00010428-00010545 So get the house on the market, CPxBQRDzgYg-00046-00010545-00010770 and it's a gorgeous day today but CPxBQRDzgYg-00047-00010770-00010952 the weather is changing. CPxBQRDzgYg-00048-00010970-00011436 So anyways, if you guys have any questions on, CPxBQRDzgYg-00049-00011448-00011722 you know, I can go more in depth in the market, or CPxBQRDzgYg-00050-00011722-00011879 even if you want to talk about your CPxBQRDzgYg-00051-00011879-00012022 situation and kind of come up with a CPxBQRDzgYg-00052-00012022-00012220 game plan specifically for you, CPxBQRDzgYg-00053-00012234-00012430 let me know, and I'm happy to talk with you! CRb3kEL2rV4-00000-00000092-00000292 Please subscribe my channel CRb3kEL2rV4-00001-00000538-00000738 Please subscribe my channel CSld77T6stQ-00000-00000110-00000310 Imagine a world CSld77T6stQ-00001-00000934-00001110 Where everyone lives happily CSld77T6stQ-00002-00001889-00002161 You can only imagine it CSld77T6stQ-00003-00006400-00006590 Why? CVeZ5bsrnVA-00000-00000296-00000496 Family table CVeZ5bsrnVA-00001-00001048-00001494 Shtit'ha Whiting Fillets CVeZ5bsrnVA-00002-00001620-00002140 Whiting Fillets CVeZ5bsrnVA-00003-00002372-00002592 Oil CVeZ5bsrnVA-00004-00002748-00003120 Minced garlic CVeZ5bsrnVA-00005-00003436-00003829 Diced tomatoes CVeZ5bsrnVA-00006-00003996-00004286 Salt CVeZ5bsrnVA-00007-00004358-00004730 Black pepper CVeZ5bsrnVA-00008-00004880-00005162 Hot red pepper CVeZ5bsrnVA-00009-00005244-00005494 Ras el hanout (mixture of spices from North West Africa) CVeZ5bsrnVA-00010-00006904-00007278 Tomato paste CVeZ5bsrnVA-00011-00009740-00010258 chili pepper CVeZ5bsrnVA-00012-00010616-00011130 1 Bay leaf CVeZ5bsrnVA-00013-00012866-00013066 Family table CZc-UKXCq4Y-00000-00001676-00001948 This is the school of Doiras. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00001-00002148-00002612 It was a primary school before it was closed. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00002-00002718-00003297 I feel sad when I see the school like that, abandoned. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00003-00003452-00004224 The reason for the school to close was that there not enough children. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00004-00004244-00004528 So they all go the a bigger village. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00005-00004606-00005126 Some schools in the area are currently closed and all students come here. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00006-00005182-00005542 Nowadays we have 50 students. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00007-00005582-00005964 Years ago we had 300 students. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00008-00006082-00006706 This is due to the increasing depopulation of the region. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00009-00006742-00006890 We studied here. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00010-00006930-00007288 I remember being a child and there were much more children. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00011-00007331-00007930 As years passed I realized we were less, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00012-00007984-00008730 I noticed that during the lunch time, as more tables were empty. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00013-00008848-00009348 For little children it would be better if the school was opened, because it’s a long way to San Roman... CZc-UKXCq4Y-00014-00009406-00009884 .... maybe one hour by car. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00015-00010020-00010514 In this school we just needed to walk 15 minutes. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00016-00010632-00011272 We ask the government to give a special treat to youngster of these areas, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00017-00011370-00012476 thinking always on a quality criteria, not just in figures. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00018-00012542-00013386 So they are in equality with students from other localities. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00019-00013438-00013641 The young ones? Nothing at all. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00020-00013691-00013880 What are you going to do? CZc-UKXCq4Y-00021-00013922-00014436 Some livestock and that's it. There's nothing else to do. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00022-00015318-00015913 Without being illusory, we are certainly on a critical situation. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00023-00015996-00016334 But we cannot be so pessimistic, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00024-00016369-00016806 because if we think Cervantes is going to die, at the end it will die. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00025-00016854-00017142 So we have to struggle to face it. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00026-00017178-00017502 We cannot see only the negative side, we must focus also on the positive. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00027-00017536-00018062 Mainly for our self-esteem, otherwise how are you feeling? CZc-UKXCq4Y-00028-00018132-00018678 How can you cope with this situation? You are already death. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00029-00018796-00019238 It’s difficult to meet other boys here because I’m the only one at my village. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00030-00019286-00019936 You need to organise a party, music lesson, football match…. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00031-00019980-00020382 ... not for competition, just to have fun all together. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00032-00020428-00020806 At my hamlet I’m alone but… CZc-UKXCq4Y-00033-00020878-00021200 with old people you can also have a good time. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00034-00021240-00021582 Sometimes during the evening I visit my neighbours... CZc-UKXCq4Y-00035-00021628-00022096 and we sing together, and enjoy these moments. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00036-00022188-00022826 You are also free to ride your bicycle or play the bagpipe, wherever you want. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00037-00022866-00023272 They always greet you for playing music. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00038-00023302-00023856 Isolina and me we love to walk, we go every Sunday. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00039-00023948-00024680 One day we decided to put up some posters for more people to join our hiking route. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00040-00026592-00027338 I’m from Cervantes and I started, together with other neighbour, a small company ... CZc-UKXCq4Y-00041-00027368-00027880 ... organizing activities for tourism. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00042-00028239-00029170 We don’t know why it didn’t strive, maybe a lack of marketing… CZc-UKXCq4Y-00043-00029820-00030300 This is my son's business. I give them a hand. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00044-00030608-00031292 Honey from this region is very tasty, very nice. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00045-00031332-00031762 I think there's a good opportunity on this area. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00046-00031866-00032292 I move the cows from the stable to the outdoors, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00047-00032370-00032824 fill the water for the to drink, or move them around... CZc-UKXCq4Y-00048-00032924-00033808 ... nurture the fields, check the fences… CZc-UKXCq4Y-00049-00033864-00034188 This way I earn for a living. I can survive. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00050-00034234-00034766 I plant some potatoes, vegetables… I have enough. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00051-00035102-00035684 Youngsters need to know what do they want: CZc-UKXCq4Y-00052-00035712-00036528 apiculture, livestock, tourism… CZc-UKXCq4Y-00053-00036528-00036890 ... for them not emigrating. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00054-00037342-00037684 It can be complementary CZc-UKXCq4Y-00055-00037728-00038582 You can have an agro-tourism business, but you need to be involved on it and work for it. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00056-00039344-00039854 You cannot wait tourist to come, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00057-00040012-00040408 you have to organise activities even for children or schools, for example. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00058-00040480-00040732 You need to like what you do, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00059-00040776-00041362 if you start a business you don’t like It won’t work properly. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00060-00041422-00041824 People from here should open their mind, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00061-00041942-00042588 visit other places and see how are they doing to live in similar regions. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00062-00042620-00043210 You, the youngsters, are the ones who need to have initiative. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00063-00043434-00044228 I’d rather stay living here because of the people, the landscape, the feel of freedom… CZc-UKXCq4Y-00064-00044354-00044948 in the city you cannot shout, here you are free. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00065-00045072-00045976 We have a lot of heritage but almost abandoned, because we don’t value it. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00066-00046282-00046946 Promoting this heritage is the first step to value our region. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00067-00047174-00047526 If you promote, more people are coming, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00068-00047564-00048052 then, more money for conservation can be raised... CZc-UKXCq4Y-00069-00048052-00048412 and this could be a good way to increase tourism CZc-UKXCq4Y-00070-00048420-00048730 and this is a opportunity for development. Just one way. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00071-00048766-00049096 So more people can come to live here, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00072-00049118-00049378 because one of our biggest challenges is depopulation. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00073-00049396-00049730 Today during the training you asked what do you need in Cervantes? CZc-UKXCq4Y-00074-00049730-00049994 And I thought, people. We need people. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00075-00050024-00050468 If you promote and start new initiatives young people will come, CZc-UKXCq4Y-00076-00050506-00051160 some would stay and maybe have children, and bring some joy. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00077-00051405-00051820 I’d rather live in Cervantes because the city is boring. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00078-00051874-00052604 I wouldn’t mind working in the city and come back everydays, if possible. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00079-00052854-00053554 For sure, during the weekends and in the summertime I will be in my hamlet. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00080-00053690-00054274 And also, when old and retired, I’ll be here for sure. CZc-UKXCq4Y-00081-00054274-00054455 I hope so. CaLFWGrZm18-00000-00000071-00000307 Hey guys this is Lisa Smiley. CaLFWGrZm18-00001-00000307-00000570 I am here at the March For Life, CaLFWGrZm18-00002-00000570-00000909 the biggest pro-life event in the world. CaLFWGrZm18-00003-00000909-00001130 I am joined by thousands and thousands CaLFWGrZm18-00004-00001130-00001573 of pro-life Americans to commemorate the 60 million CaLFWGrZm18-00005-00001573-00001942 unborn lives lost to abortion since Roe V Wade. CaLFWGrZm18-00006-00002130-00002447 Every year pro-life Americans travel from all over CaLFWGrZm18-00007-00002447-00002833 the country to Washington DC for the biggest annual march CaLFWGrZm18-00008-00002833-00003160 you've ever seen, the March For Life. CaLFWGrZm18-00009-00003160-00003378 Well you would see if the mainstream media CaLFWGrZm18-00010-00003378-00003684 actually covered it properly, but they don't. CaLFWGrZm18-00011-00003684-00003910 They don't bother to show you the real footage CaLFWGrZm18-00012-00003910-00004320 of the huge diverse crowds of Americans peacefully marching CaLFWGrZm18-00013-00004320-00004491 at our nations capital. CaLFWGrZm18-00014-00004491-00004653 So why do we march? CaLFWGrZm18-00015-00004653-00004979 Why would ordinary Americans with families, jobs, CaLFWGrZm18-00016-00004979-00005246 and busy lives make the journey to the capital CaLFWGrZm18-00017-00005246-00005438 in the dead of winter? CaLFWGrZm18-00018-00005438-00005608 For life. CaLFWGrZm18-00019-00005608-00006031 Forty six years ago in the infamous decision Roe v Wade, CaLFWGrZm18-00020-00006031-00006338 abortion was legalized in all 50 states. CaLFWGrZm18-00021-00006338-00006758 The result? Over 60 million unborn lives aborted CaLFWGrZm18-00022-00006758-00006934 from our population. CaLFWGrZm18-00023-00006934-00007177 We were told, it's a woman's choice, CaLFWGrZm18-00024-00007177-00007470 it's just a blob of tissue, a parasite, CaLFWGrZm18-00025-00007470-00007773 and nothing more than a product of conception. CaLFWGrZm18-00026-00007773-00008086 But as science has advanced, we learned the truth. CaLFWGrZm18-00027-00008086-00008466 Science told us life begins at conception. CaLFWGrZm18-00028-00008466-00008794 Science told us every individual conceived in the womb CaLFWGrZm18-00029-00008794-00008968 is unique from day one. CaLFWGrZm18-00030-00008968-00009438 Science gave us 2D, 3D, and 4D ultrasounds that gave us CaLFWGrZm18-00031-00009438-00009640 a window into the womb. CaLFWGrZm18-00032-00009640-00009804 And what do we see? CaLFWGrZm18-00033-00009804-00010239 Life, a kicking, swimming, thumb sucking, smiling, CaLFWGrZm18-00034-00010239-00010441 unique human life. CaLFWGrZm18-00035-00010441-00010729 Surely a nation as prosperous as ours, CaLFWGrZm18-00036-00010729-00011024 as advanced in science and technology cannot let CaLFWGrZm18-00037-00011024-00011268 the atrocity of abortion continue, CaLFWGrZm18-00038-00011268-00011541 in light of what the science now tell us. CaLFWGrZm18-00039-00011541-00011843 Surely we will look back and wonder how we ever CaLFWGrZm18-00040-00011843-00012252 let 60 million unborn babies be dismembered, cut up, CaLFWGrZm18-00041-00012252-00012699 and poisoned at the hands of the abortionists for 46 years. CaLFWGrZm18-00042-00012699-00012900 And that is why we march. CaLFWGrZm18-00043-00012900-00013400 We are the pro-life generation and we will end abortion. CaSS-36HcnI-00000-00000021-00001558 EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE FUN :P CcKzHd_rfWQ-00000-00000000-00000425 I would like to think that this is vegetable. Yep! CcKzHd_rfWQ-00001-00000766-00001238 We will taste a little bit of East Africa, specifically Ethiopian food CcKzHd_rfWQ-00002-00001629-00002131 We're actually gonna check out a street food truck and a restaurant, it's gonna be CcKzHd_rfWQ-00003-00002131-00002433 the best of both worlds here CcKzHd_rfWQ-00004-00003268-00003600 While waiting, we got sambusa CcKzHd_rfWQ-00005-00003603-00004053 Sambusa are similar to samosa you know many cultures have it, but it's CcKzHd_rfWQ-00006-00004053-00004380 the Ethiopian version. So many spices in this lentil sambusa. Wow! CcKzHd_rfWQ-00007-00004380-00004758 Get a little awaze sauce. It's already got so much flavor on its own, but we CcKzHd_rfWQ-00008-00004758-00005139 love the awaze sauce so we're gonna take a dip into that CcKzHd_rfWQ-00009-00005478-00006039 Wow this the awaze really takes it to the next level, but even on its own CcKzHd_rfWQ-00010-00006039-00006473 it's so good. A lot of spice in here. Now we got a beef sambusa. Let's give CcKzHd_rfWQ-00011-00006473-00006709 this one a go CcKzHd_rfWQ-00012-00006822-00007281 Full of flavor right here. Not too thick not too flaky even it's just really well CcKzHd_rfWQ-00013-00007281-00007645 flavored. It's nice to go with your meal. We're waiting on our meal, can't wait to get it. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00014-00008686-00008850 We're gonna eat it with our hands too. We're gonna keep it very traditional. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00015-00008850-00009211 You know we're on the street. Street food truck. They gave us forks, but we also got CcKzHd_rfWQ-00016-00009211-00009495 the little wet wipes CcKzHd_rfWQ-00017-00009879-00010389 Alright so one of our favorite food trucks here. Look at this meal. You have a CcKzHd_rfWQ-00018-00010389-00010906 combo here we have - we definitely got the base of injera, the traditional Ethiopian CcKzHd_rfWQ-00019-00010906-00011449 bread that's made. It's kind of a sourdough spongy bread. So we got chicken CcKzHd_rfWQ-00020-00011449-00011889 tibs, we got miser, it's a red lentil stew and we have gomen. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00021-00011889-00012661 It is a collard green stew. It's so good ready just to dig in. Oh god the injera is so CcKzHd_rfWQ-00022-00012661-00012893 moist CcKzHd_rfWQ-00023-00013356-00013941 Unroll a piece of this injera, a piece of chicken tibs. It's also drizzled in the CcKzHd_rfWQ-00024-00013941-00014315 awaze sauce. Let's take a bite CcKzHd_rfWQ-00025-00014416-00014962 It is super juicy, tender, flavorful and you get that nice sourdough tang from CcKzHd_rfWQ-00026-00014962-00015346 the injera. Oh man then that awaze sauce comes in gives a little smoky spicy CcKzHd_rfWQ-00027-00015346-00015888 flavor. It is delicious Now let's give the miser a try. Oh yeah CcKzHd_rfWQ-00028-00015888-00016228 There's a whole layer at the bottom too. Here is the miser right here. Let's take a bite CcKzHd_rfWQ-00029-00016589-00017048 Wow you could really taste that berbere spice in there definitely taste some CcKzHd_rfWQ-00030-00017048-00017582 cardamom really nice. You can see the whole chunks of lentils very flavorful CcKzHd_rfWQ-00031-00017582-00017894 This is the great thing about this truck too is you can get if you're a vegetarian CcKzHd_rfWQ-00032-00017894-00018272 you can get an entire vegetarian plate too. But we love our meats so we got the meats. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00033-00018272-00018631 Now the gomen CcKzHd_rfWQ-00034-00018718-00019114 Pleasant bitterness of the collard greens, but still has a nice tangy flavor CcKzHd_rfWQ-00035-00019114-00019405 in there as well. Then you wrap it up in that injera you get that nice CcKzHd_rfWQ-00036-00019405-00019861 sour dough flavor too. Man this is an awesome plate. Very lucky to CcKzHd_rfWQ-00037-00019861-00020096 have them here in the city. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00038-00020096-00020553 We have Eden here from Makina Cafe CcKzHd_rfWQ-00039-00020553-00021079 The only Eritrean and Ethiopian food truck in New York City. Yes and some of my CcKzHd_rfWQ-00040-00021079-00021616 favorite people over here. You guys have been a fan since day one CcKzHd_rfWQ-00041-00021616-00022128 Thank you. This is super special. This is not just a regular customer, right? CcKzHd_rfWQ-00042-00022128-00022636 This is past that. And we're excited for your new venture. We're gonna have two CcKzHd_rfWQ-00043-00022636-00023346 trucks starting next week so I'm excited about that. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00044-00025042-00025354 We're here in Harlem at our favorite Ethiopian CcKzHd_rfWQ-00045-00025354-00025939 restaurant, Abyssinia. We got this whole plate. You CcKzHd_rfWQ-00046-00025939-00026308 say this is a plate but CcKzHd_rfWQ-00047-00026308-00026557 So this is something we love about Ethiopian food is you got a CcKzHd_rfWQ-00048-00026557-00026895 beautiful presentation. As you notice, there's no utensils on this table. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00049-00026895-00027394 The utensils are right here - our hands. So we got a nice combo here. We got a mix of CcKzHd_rfWQ-00050-00027394-00027897 veggies and meats. So we have the doro wat, its a spicy chicken stew, we've got CcKzHd_rfWQ-00051-00027897-00028312 a nice chicken leg here it's stewed in a berbere spice, which is what we mentioned CcKzHd_rfWQ-00052-00028312-00028660 before an essential spice in Ethiopian cooking it's a really good flavor so it CcKzHd_rfWQ-00053-00028660-00029074 looks like some onion in here, a whole boiled egg. We have a lamb stew here, CcKzHd_rfWQ-00054-00029074-00029533 we got beef stew, both more mild and have turmeric then we also have a spicy beef CcKzHd_rfWQ-00055-00029533-00029866 stew here and then we have the collard greens CcKzHd_rfWQ-00056-00029866-00030454 we have spicy red lentils you got split pea yellow looks like there's some turmeric CcKzHd_rfWQ-00057-00030454-00030949 and we also have a mix of cabbage potato and carrots. And then we also got something CcKzHd_rfWQ-00058-00030949-00031336 special outside of the combo which is kitfo. Kitfo is really one of the CcKzHd_rfWQ-00059-00031336-00031817 unique dishes. If you love tartare. It's raw beef with chili and butter. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00060-00031817-00032310 We have all this lovely innjera. It's made with the teff grain, so that's what CcKzHd_rfWQ-00061-00032310-00032958 makes it really special. That lovely tangy flatbread. Let's dig in can't even talk about it CcKzHd_rfWQ-00062-00032958-00033090 any more. Let's eat. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00063-00033640-00033736 Scoop all that CcKzHd_rfWQ-00064-00034526-00034830 Think the first dish we gotta dig into here and CcKzHd_rfWQ-00065-00034830-00035505 talk about is the kitfo. Kitfo here is that raw beef, let's scoop some with the CcKzHd_rfWQ-00066-00035505-00035879 injera. Let's take a bite CcKzHd_rfWQ-00067-00036102-00036621 Wow. The first thing you taste there is that butter then that little chilli comes CcKzHd_rfWQ-00068-00036621-00037071 in afterward you taste a little cardamom in there from the spice. Oh it's good. It's very CcKzHd_rfWQ-00069-00037071-00037491 dynamic so you get the spicy, the buttery and the texture is very smooth because the CcKzHd_rfWQ-00070-00037491-00037827 lean beef. Really tasty. Definitely you should try it. It's one of the most unique CcKzHd_rfWQ-00071-00037827-00037996 dishes you will try here. CcKzHd_rfWQ-00072-00037996-00038411 Let's dig in to try the lamb CcKzHd_rfWQ-00073-00039243-00039772 The lamb is very tender it's marinated in some turmeric so you get a little of that CcKzHd_rfWQ-00074-00039772-00040136 flavor. It's very juicy. And what's nice is that when you scoop it up with that injera, CcKzHd_rfWQ-00075-00040136-00040647 you get that wonderful sourdough flavor to complement it. It's so good CcKzHd_rfWQ-00076-00040647-00041188 We got the doro wat, love how they give you the whole CcKzHd_rfWQ-00077-00041188-00041545 chicken leg. We always love the dark meat. Let's take a look at that CcKzHd_rfWQ-00078-00041545-00042069 It's drenched in this sauce. This berbere sauce CcKzHd_rfWQ-00079-00042395-00042996 Oh that's excellent. A beautiful thing you have that layer of injera on the bottom on CcKzHd_rfWQ-00080-00042996-00043344 top of the plate here, so it's soaking up all those sauces. That's the good stuff CcKzHd_rfWQ-00081-00043344-00043614 right there. So it's spongy, so it's absorbing every CcKzHd_rfWQ-00082-00043614-00044295 little bit of it. Oh it's killer you taste all that berbere spice CcKzHd_rfWQ-00083-00044295-00044920 There's chopped up onions in here too. Just so many flavors in this cuisine. We love it! Ce1PbhxNY7g-00000-00000010-00000246 HELP IDENTIFY THEM. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00001-00000246-00000253 HELP IDENTIFY THEM. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00002-00000253-00000403 HELP IDENTIFY THEM. >>> A MAN SUSPECTED OF STEALING Ce1PbhxNY7g-00003-00000403-00000410 HELP IDENTIFY THEM. >>> A MAN SUSPECTED OF STEALING Ce1PbhxNY7g-00004-00000410-00000563 HELP IDENTIFY THEM. >>> A MAN SUSPECTED OF STEALING A CAR IN BEMIDJI'S NYMORE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00005-00000563-00000570 >>> A MAN SUSPECTED OF STEALING A CAR IN BEMIDJI'S NYMORE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00006-00000570-00000670 >>> A MAN SUSPECTED OF STEALING A CAR IN BEMIDJI'S NYMORE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY WAS INJURED Ce1PbhxNY7g-00007-00000670-00000677 A CAR IN BEMIDJI'S NYMORE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY WAS INJURED Ce1PbhxNY7g-00008-00000677-00000780 A CAR IN BEMIDJI'S NYMORE NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY WAS INJURED AFTER DRIVING THE VEHICLE INTO A Ce1PbhxNY7g-00009-00000780-00000787 NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY WAS INJURED AFTER DRIVING THE VEHICLE INTO A Ce1PbhxNY7g-00010-00000787-00000884 NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY WAS INJURED AFTER DRIVING THE VEHICLE INTO A LIGHT POLE NEAR THE SANFORD Ce1PbhxNY7g-00011-00000884-00000890 AFTER DRIVING THE VEHICLE INTO A LIGHT POLE NEAR THE SANFORD Ce1PbhxNY7g-00012-00000890-00001047 AFTER DRIVING THE VEHICLE INTO A LIGHT POLE NEAR THE SANFORD CENTER. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00013-00001047-00001054 LIGHT POLE NEAR THE SANFORD CENTER. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00014-00001054-00001471 LIGHT POLE NEAR THE SANFORD CENTER. BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00015-00001471-00001478 CENTER. BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00016-00001478-00001771 CENTER. BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THE VEHICLE WAS STOLEN AND WAS Ce1PbhxNY7g-00017-00001771-00001778 BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THE VEHICLE WAS STOLEN AND WAS Ce1PbhxNY7g-00018-00001778-00001868 BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICIALS SAY THE VEHICLE WAS STOLEN AND WAS HEADED SOUTHBOUND ON CENTRAL Ce1PbhxNY7g-00019-00001868-00001875 VEHICLE WAS STOLEN AND WAS HEADED SOUTHBOUND ON CENTRAL Ce1PbhxNY7g-00020-00001875-00002062 VEHICLE WAS STOLEN AND WAS HEADED SOUTHBOUND ON CENTRAL AVENUE WHEN IT CROSSED FIRST Ce1PbhxNY7g-00021-00002062-00002068 HEADED SOUTHBOUND ON CENTRAL AVENUE WHEN IT CROSSED FIRST Ce1PbhxNY7g-00022-00002068-00002205 HEADED SOUTHBOUND ON CENTRAL AVENUE WHEN IT CROSSED FIRST STREET AND ENTERED THE ROAD NEAR Ce1PbhxNY7g-00023-00002205-00002212 AVENUE WHEN IT CROSSED FIRST STREET AND ENTERED THE ROAD NEAR Ce1PbhxNY7g-00024-00002212-00002429 AVENUE WHEN IT CROSSED FIRST STREET AND ENTERED THE ROAD NEAR THE FAR SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00025-00002429-00002435 STREET AND ENTERED THE ROAD NEAR THE FAR SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00026-00002435-00002786 STREET AND ENTERED THE ROAD NEAR THE FAR SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00027-00002786-00002792 THE FAR SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00028-00002792-00002852 THE FAR SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. THE SUSPECT THEN EXITED THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00029-00002852-00002859 SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. THE SUSPECT THEN EXITED THE Ce1PbhxNY7g-00030-00002859-00002939 SANFORD CENTER PARKING LOT. THE SUSPECT THEN EXITED THE VEHICLE AND GOT AWAY ON FOOT, Ce1PbhxNY7g-00031-00002939-00002946 THE SUSPECT THEN EXITED THE VEHICLE AND GOT AWAY ON FOOT, Ce1PbhxNY7g-00032-00002946-00002989 THE SUSPECT THEN EXITED THE VEHICLE AND GOT AWAY ON FOOT, BUT WAS INJURED. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00033-00002989-00002996 VEHICLE AND GOT AWAY ON FOOT, BUT WAS INJURED. Ce1PbhxNY7g-00034-00002996-00003073 VEHICLE AND GOT AWAY ON FOOT, BUT WAS INJURED. HE WAS APPREHENDED A SHORT TIME CgOIQ9EkaN0-00000-00000130-00000500 I'm Donald Boesch. I'm emeritus professor at the University of Maryland, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00001-00000500-00000660 Center for Environmental Science, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00002-00000660-00000980 and I served on President Obama's CgOIQ9EkaN0-00003-00000980-00001294 oil spill commission after the Deepwater Horizon blowout. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00004-00001294-00001928 The drilling rig Deepwater Horizon was drilling a well for BP CgOIQ9EkaN0-00005-00001928-00002275 and it was in about a mile deep water. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00006-00002275-00002689 BP and the rig operator Transocean CgOIQ9EkaN0-00007-00002689-00002812 were completing the well CgOIQ9EkaN0-00008-00002812-00003099 and made a series of misjudgments. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00009-00003099-00003366 Ultimately, the result was something like CgOIQ9EkaN0-00010-00003366-00003623 four or five million barrels of oil CgOIQ9EkaN0-00011-00003623-00003830 were released into the Gulf of Mexico. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00012-00003830-00004137 What happened in 2010 CgOIQ9EkaN0-00013-00004137-00004427 was really the outcome of a series of CgOIQ9EkaN0-00014-00004427-00004781 mistakes and neglect that took place long before. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00015-00004781-00005058 There were mistakes made in CgOIQ9EkaN0-00016-00005058-00005328 estimating the probability of an impact CgOIQ9EkaN0-00017-00005328-00005595 and making sure that there was adequate CgOIQ9EkaN0-00018-00005595-00005745 government oversight. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00019-00005745-00006096 There were problems with the blowout preventer CgOIQ9EkaN0-00020-00006096-00006416 that was supposed to make it very unlikely CgOIQ9EkaN0-00021-00006416-00006623 that that could ever be a blowout. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00022-00006680-00006930 We recommended that the CgOIQ9EkaN0-00023-00006930-00007123 government programs within the CgOIQ9EkaN0-00024-00007123-00007307 Department of the Interior CgOIQ9EkaN0-00025-00007307-00007764 should be reformed to separate out the Safety Beureau CgOIQ9EkaN0-00026-00007764-00008038 from that responsible for the CgOIQ9EkaN0-00027-00008038-00008241 leasing and development of the CgOIQ9EkaN0-00028-00008241-00008555 oil and gas tracts in the Gulf of Mexico. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00029-00008555-00008818 We recommended that the industry CgOIQ9EkaN0-00030-00008818-00009005 develop a capacity to CgOIQ9EkaN0-00031-00009005-00009269 stop a blowout more quickly than they had. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00032-00009269-00009536 We recommended that there should be a more CgOIQ9EkaN0-00033-00009536-00009873 systemic way to assess safety the safety risk, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00034-00009873-00010096 not just individual processes, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00035-00010096-00010266 but in a collective way. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00036-00010266-00010523 We recommended that Congress take action CgOIQ9EkaN0-00037-00010523-00010834 to put it in law and to make an increase CgOIQ9EkaN0-00038-00010834-00011061 for example, in the liability limits, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00039-00011061-00011368 which were ridiculously low at $75 million CgOIQ9EkaN0-00040-00011368-00011644 for an offshore blowout from an offshore facility. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00041-00011644-00011841 So some of those things were done CgOIQ9EkaN0-00042-00011841-00012042 and some were not done. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00043-00012042-00012549 My concern now, though, is with the deregulation, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00044-00012549-00012906 the rolling back of some of these safety rules CgOIQ9EkaN0-00045-00012906-00013106 that we see in the Trump administration CgOIQ9EkaN0-00046-00013106-00013236 that has occurred. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00047-00013256-00013550 One is that there is a very important CgOIQ9EkaN0-00048-00013550-00013983 thing of maintaining the proper safety margin CgOIQ9EkaN0-00049-00013983-00014551 in the drill, in the pressure that you see deep in the well. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00050-00014551-00014904 and they relaxed that requirement. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00051-00014904-00015305 Secondly, I mentioned the blowout preventers. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00052-00015305-00015662 Turns out that the blowout preventer in Deepwater Horizon CgOIQ9EkaN0-00053-00015662-00015885 had not been been inspected and wasn't working right. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00054-00015885-00016433 So this administration rolled back the requirements CgOIQ9EkaN0-00055-00016433-00016740 that there be a third party independent inspection CgOIQ9EkaN0-00056-00016740-00016893 of blowout preventers. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00057-00016893-00017290 Finally, a third example is the CgOIQ9EkaN0-00058-00017290-00017697 requirement to have continuous 24/7 on-shore CgOIQ9EkaN0-00059-00017697-00018114 monitoring by technical people on-shore who are watching CgOIQ9EkaN0-00060-00018114-00018441 what's going on in the well, communicating with the people on the well, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00061-00018441-00018732 they reduced that requirement as well. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00062-00018732-00019105 I think there are a number of questions on the horizon. CgOIQ9EkaN0-00063-00019105-00019319 First of all, we need to be asking the question, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00064-00019319-00019469 “where do we go in the long run?” CgOIQ9EkaN0-00065-00019469-00019619 And with climate change, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00066-00019619-00020126 essentially decarbonise our economy by sort of the middle of the century, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00067-00020126-00020306 I think one should ask the question, CgOIQ9EkaN0-00068-00020306-00020593 "Do we need any expanded offshore drilling CgOIQ9EkaN0-00069-00020593-00020967 when it's going to take 20 years or so to produce it?” ChgnLxwwfIg-00000-00000160-00000342 You're out in the cold environment. ChgnLxwwfIg-00001-00000342-00000518 This is what they told us to prepare for. ChgnLxwwfIg-00002-00000518-00000786 This is what we're training to be prepared for. ChgnLxwwfIg-00003-00001026-00001468 One of the things we do is we preheat our aircraft before we go fly. ChgnLxwwfIg-00004-00001468-00002156 So, we go and we'll hook up these large pre-heaters and shoot hot air into all the different areas of the aircraft. ChgnLxwwfIg-00005-00002156-00002492 We go ahead and heat it up so that way once we start up to turn it on, ChgnLxwwfIg-00006-00002492-00002722 it's not an instant from hot to cold, ChgnLxwwfIg-00007-00002722-00002872 which could cause a lot of stress. ChgnLxwwfIg-00008-00002952-00003322 The GSC out here is absolutely fantastic. ChgnLxwwfIg-00009-00003322-00003754 It's not that it's newer, it's that it's well maintained. ChgnLxwwfIg-00010-00003754-00004300 You know, when you go to check out GSC it's going to be, okay this stuff is squared away, we're good to go. ChgnLxwwfIg-00011-00004444-00004946 Overall, we've done fantastic. We still decide that we're gonna get it done. ChgnLxwwfIg-00012-00004946-00005310 So, we go out to the aircraft, and although it's cold and it's wet, it's raining, ChgnLxwwfIg-00013-00005310-00005674 we still go out and make the aircraft fly. Chzegx5Du4u-00000-00000017-00000343 as you know you probably have been around the web and Chzegx5Du4u-00001-00000343-00000818 every single one of these sites wants you to set up a background image Chzegx5Du4u-00002-00000818-00001187 like this one at Google+ and have a Chzegx5Du4u-00003-00001187-00001534 profile picture and they have their specific Chzegx5Du4u-00004-00001534-00001893 pixel dimensions plus Google+ has Chzegx5Du4u-00005-00001893-00002359 the events that if you want to do an event you have to create a Chzegx5Du4u-00006-00002359-00002705 a banner of a specific size Chzegx5Du4u-00007-00002705-00003059 that will become this [smaller version] plus it will become, on the events page, its banner Chzegx5Du4u-00008-00003059-00003440 and if you do Chzegx5Du4u-00009-00003440-00003915 hangouts on air: let's go ahead now Chzegx5Du4u-00010-00003915-00004314 well if you do hangouts on the air there is this Chzegx5Du4u-00011-00004314-00004728 thing they call the "lower third" -- now I don't see anybody here using one Chzegx5Du4u-00012-00004728-00005161 so I can... there we go -- like this person here, Chzegx5Du4u-00013-00005161-00005721 he's using Mrquark 71 -- he has designed a lower third -- he's got his Chzegx5Du4u-00014-00005721-00006144 picture on it plus his name and and name Chzegx5Du4u-00015-00006144-00006618 yeah a little piece about him or a title. OK, so you have to create those Chzegx5Du4u-00016-00006618-00007053 and those have specific dimensions. Alright and of course Chzegx5Du4u-00017-00007053-00007456 go to YouTube where they want a banner behind you in a Chzegx5Du4u-00018-00007456-00007965 thing and it has different dimensions of course. Then you go to LinkedIn and they want a Chzegx5Du4u-00019-00007965-00008400 profile pic and they like to have a background thing (I don't have one) -- Chzegx5Du4u-00020-00008400-00008797 different dimensions again -- and Chzegx5Du4u-00021-00008797-00009238 at Twitter's page you have a big background picture and you've got a cover photo and your Chzegx5Du4u-00022-00009238-00009543 profile pic, and those are different dimensions once again Chzegx5Du4u-00023-00009543-00010002 and go to Facebook and they want a cover and your profile pic Chzegx5Du4u-00024-00010002-00010379 and different dimensions again. So, how do you deal with all this? Well, I created a Chzegx5Du4u-00025-00010379-00010440 page Chzegx5Du4u-00026-00010440-00010836 that has automated banner and display ad templates Chzegx5Du4u-00027-00010836-00011238 and I've even thrown in an 8-1/2 by 11 flyer Chzegx5Du4u-00028-00011238-00011636 template, but like here you you have your Google+ image formats for the cover, Chzegx5Du4u-00029-00011636-00011939 the lower third, the profile pic, Chzegx5Du4u-00030-00011939-00012343 the event header, the YouTube image format for the banner Chzegx5Du4u-00031-00012343-00012664 LinkedIn image format for the banner, and the Chzegx5Du4u-00032-00012664-00012967 profile pic, the Twitter Chzegx5Du4u-00033-00012967-00013444 background header image and profile pic and Facebook formats Chzegx5Du4u-00034-00013444-00013953 with the cover image and profile pic and is also "app" image size in there Chzegx5Du4u-00035-00013953-00014328 plus I do Google AdWords and so Chzegx5Du4u-00036-00014328-00014794 I have all the different AdWords in all the ad formats that can be used Chzegx5Du4u-00037-00014794-00015168 and at the very bottom even a WordPress Chzegx5Du4u-00038-00015168-00015523 banner - a standard 940 X 198 Chzegx5Du4u-00039-00015523-00016022 banner for wordpress. And so, how these things work, what do they do, what am I talking Chzegx5Du4u-00040-00016022-00016079 about? Chzegx5Du4u-00041-00016079-00016397 well what these do is they allow you to quickly make Chzegx5Du4u-00042-00016397-00016870 one of these by simply clicking on the link and it opens up in Pixlr -- at Chzegx5Du4u-00043-00016870-00017319 PI XLR com in their editor Chzegx5Du4u-00044-00017319-00017683 and it's a pretty high-end editor with layers Chzegx5Du4u-00045-00017683-00018084 and all kinds of things, and you see it's already got Chzegx5Du4u-00046-00018084-00018709 the images in the right size 2120 pixels by 1192 so it's the right size for Google+ Chzegx5Du4u-00047-00018709-00019205 ...Immediately! So the best way to use it Chzegx5Du4u-00048-00019205-00019651 used... Well there are two ways: you could go to File and you could open image or image URL Chzegx5Du4u-00049-00019651-00019726 or use Chzegx5Du4u-00050-00019726-00020287 an image that from your library -- but it's easier to go to layer Chzegx5Du4u-00051-00020287-00020665 and do the same thing open images layer URL's layer or Chzegx5Du4u-00052-00020665-00021009 open something from the library as a layer, because that Chzegx5Du4u-00053-00021009-00021365 opens it as a layer right in here so you can Chzegx5Du4u-00054-00021365-00021684 start fiddling with layers. so let's go ahead and Chzegx5Du4u-00055-00021684-00022062 open an image in a layer from my Chzegx5Du4u-00056-00022062-00022515 computer an artist have been using things from me Chzegx5Du4u-00057-00022515-00022839 audubon preserve pictures Chzegx5Du4u-00058-00022839-00023318 so for instance here's a photo of a Chzegx5Du4u-00059-00023318-00023793 how nice dramatic picture house you know 6-2 Big Chzegx5Du4u-00060-00023793-00024186 making click on this to lapierre or hit the letter V Chzegx5Du4u-00061-00024186-00024636 net loss 0 click it for the move two all beef remove Chzegx5Du4u-00062-00024636-00024943 and I can direct the surrounding position it Chzegx5Du4u-00063-00024943-00025334 however only this bottom part is going to be typically Chzegx5Du4u-00064-00025334-00025652 visible if you go to Google+ page Chzegx5Du4u-00065-00025652-00026091 the full screen version is going to be shown on TV sets Chzegx5Du4u-00066-00026091-00026549 okay the love the bottom part is going to be used for Chzegx5Du4u-00067-00026549-00026850 where your picture will show up Chzegx5Du4u-00068-00026850-00027368 circle over here and some text and they can ascend to the whole operation Chzegx5Du4u-00069-00027368-00027805 here go ahead now began in a Google+ Chzegx5Du4u-00070-00027805-00028505 page need to get my profile page Chzegx5Du4u-00071-00028644-00028974 and you say it's just the bottom section which picture Chzegx5Du4u-00072-00028974-00029360 and depending on the size and the monitor has a different Chzegx5Du4u-00073-00029360-00029693 way that it kinda lays out this information Chzegx5Du4u-00074-00029693-00030007 but if you scroll up you see shows the whole picture Chzegx5Du4u-00075-00030007-00030332 it also shows that whole picture if you hover over Chzegx5Du4u-00076-00030332-00030703 persons name it has this thing called the card Chzegx5Du4u-00077-00030703-00031124 and you'll notice said in the card at the top it shows the full picture shrunk Chzegx5Du4u-00078-00031124-00031193 down Chzegx5Du4u-00079-00031193-00031588 and your picture so here basically picking Chzegx5Du4u-00080-00031588-00031894 a picture that going to did have these malty Chzegx5Du4u-00081-00031894-00032216 tasking is going to several things Chzegx5Du4u-00082-00032216-00032625 so in this case I pry won't shrink it down so I can go to Edit Chzegx5Du4u-00083-00032625-00033071 and you know it a a control ti will bring up the free transform Chzegx5Du4u-00084-00033071-00033375 it's also in most browsers hey open a new tab Chzegx5Du4u-00085-00033375-00033777 so doesn't work in all browsers had to drag this Chzegx5Du4u-00086-00033777-00034369 so you can see the handles and hold down the Shift key and drag any corner handle Chzegx5Du4u-00087-00034369-00034747 middle shrink the image proportionately Chzegx5Du4u-00088-00034747-00035144 okay if you clicked sides it won't work people are distorted Chzegx5Du4u-00089-00035144-00035499 I'm even with the ship's Kia so Chzegx5Du4u-00090-00035499-00035985 you go gonna have to crop this for a little bit Chzegx5Du4u-00091-00035985-00036346 but a insane have a great picture for Chzegx5Du4u-00092-00036346-00036712 for your thing we are just trying to see how you're going to get the picture in Chzegx5Du4u-00093-00036712-00036775 here Chzegx5Du4u-00094-00036775-00037115 UK head enter it now crops a picture Chzegx5Du4u-00095-00037115-00037516 you notice in his crop to into the viewing area Chzegx5Du4u-00096-00037516-00038012 to a quick controls eat put it back or you can click on the history here Chzegx5Du4u-00097-00038012-00038380 here you notice it is two layers you have the invisible original layer Chzegx5Du4u-00098-00038380-00038721 and you have another where I could also Chzegx5Du4u-00099-00038721-00039103 write some kind of text in here we just don't forget this lower area is already Chzegx5Du4u-00100-00039103-00039185 going to Chzegx5Du4u-00101-00039185-00039509 be popularly would text and in the Chzegx5Du4u-00102-00039509-00039941 card for Google+ is going to have the circle with your picture and Chzegx5Du4u-00103-00039941-00040372 K so be mindful that when your place in the text but Chzegx5Du4u-00104-00040372-00040734 you could go ahead and click the a Chzegx5Du4u-00105-00040734-00041103 click anywhere to make some text Chzegx5Du4u-00106-00041103-00041466 carey's great Chzegx5Du4u-00107-00041466-00041809 Google class p Chzegx5Du4u-00108-00041809-00042394 ago and go ahead and make a nice and big Chzegx5Du4u-00109-00042394-00042730 tapping me boulder up Chzegx5Du4u-00110-00042730-00043091 and I you can pick a different font Chzegx5Du4u-00111-00043091-00043424 had anything at Erica Chzegx5Du4u-00112-00043424-00043850 and now United States in its own layer so anything to bring it this point is Chzegx5Du4u-00113-00043850-00044013 going to be in its own layer Chzegx5Du4u-00114-00044013-00044409 I can do that letter V can I keep or get the move tool again Chzegx5Du4u-00115-00044409-00044813 and move this thing around. as I please okay Chzegx5Du4u-00116-00044813-00045125 and that you can also bring in other pictures like Chzegx5Du4u-00117-00045125-00045472 to bring in any layer again thank you say Chzegx5Du4u-00118-00045472-00045941 open damages layer and I could bring in a portion over Chzegx5Du4u-00119-00045941-00046641 picture is find something that doesn't involve people's faces Chzegx5Du4u-00120-00046687-00047025 you know perhaps a detail here Chzegx5Du4u-00121-00047025-00047338 now mind you this is I can act NRS Chzegx5Du4u-00122-00047338-00047641 but I am I can Chzegx5Du4u-00123-00047641-00047990 take a lasso Chzegx5Du4u-00124-00047990-00048349 and circle to assess par Chzegx5Du4u-00125-00048349-00048733 system roughest mask you've ever seen in your life Chzegx5Du4u-00126-00048733-00049084 hoops and then Haiti and layer mask button Chzegx5Du4u-00127-00049084-00049716 and I got a layer and I can move around and I can free transforming Chzegx5Du4u-00128-00049716-00050018 hadn't read transform Chzegx5Du4u-00129-00050018-00050469 and hair again movie so I can see the Aeros Chzegx5Du4u-00130-00050469-00050866 he knows it moving around inside Damascus her cat mask selected Chzegx5Du4u-00131-00050866-00051289 here its had escaped get at Chzegx5Du4u-00132-00051289-00051663 I would have had the image selected appear you have the mask Chzegx5Du4u-00133-00051663-00052237 on the image belief I can now free transform Chzegx5Du4u-00134-00052237-00052588 and removing partner can and Chzegx5Du4u-00135-00052588-00053273 way so mask will be moved as a separate thing once I finish with free transfer Chzegx5Du4u-00136-00053273-00053650 so go ahead and put to San Chzegx5Du4u-00137-00053650-00054249 and enlarge it Chzegx5Du4u-00138-00054249-00054625 and looks like I'm stuck with my future my my things Chzegx5Du4u-00139-00054625-00055183 size I had it so practice Free Transform again so Chzegx5Du4u-00140-00055183-00055762 say is one that much Chzegx5Du4u-00141-00055762-00056130 an hour call-in shrink it down I disappeared Chzegx5Du4u-00142-00056130-00056583 event on go Chzegx5Du4u-00143-00056583-00056977 alrighty an ASO we can take the move tool Chzegx5Du4u-00144-00056977-00057372 and move this whole assembly around King Chzegx5Du4u-00145-00057372-00057717 II to make this mask smaller I would have to Chzegx5Du4u-00146-00057717-00058055 transform that somehow and I'm sure how I can Chzegx5Du4u-00147-00058055-00058358 never tried it back Chzegx5Du4u-00148-00058358-00058812 you getting the basic idea you can move things on layers around as what I want Chzegx5Du4u-00149-00058812-00058919 you to see Chzegx5Du4u-00150-00058919-00059286 okay and yes total crap I do that Chzegx5Du4u-00151-00059286-00059645 because no artist just technician I Chzegx5Du4u-00152-00059645-00060166 alright so went to do do that you got several layers go ahead and save Chzegx5Du4u-00153-00060166-00060635 first is the Save button and save it as a Chzegx5Du4u-00154-00060635-00061141 layered Pixar file to be alone in his layers again and give it a name and save Chzegx5Du4u-00155-00061141-00061254 it to your computer Chzegx5Du4u-00156-00061254-00061583 set this is giving you a backup and you can come back in Chzegx5Du4u-00157-00061583-00062019 and and do some work on eliminate a layer chain to lay a ram Chzegx5Du4u-00158-00062019-00062494 and then when you done doing there come back and save it has a drape ache for Chzegx5Du4u-00159-00062494-00062644 these gigantic Chzegx5Du4u-00160-00062644-00062985 things like this Google+ picture Chzegx5Du4u-00161-00062985-00063289 alright and eighties a good enough Chzegx5Du4u-00162-00063289-00063775 quality size and you'll have something to get upload right into Chzegx5Du4u-00163-00063775-00064229 your Google Plus now google also has another Chzegx5Du4u-00164-00064229-00064662 I think Nick called the lower third Chzegx5Du4u-00165-00064662-00064973 and you should probably too little article about a its Chzegx5Du4u-00166-00064973-00065451 I know it looks about the same size as nyse: 1280 by 720 Chzegx5Du4u-00167-00065451-00065783 and with that the idea is that you can Chzegx5Du4u-00168-00065783-00066183 get your name inside a box for instance I Mia Chzegx5Du4u-00169-00066183-00066597 let's go ahead make a box rectangle Chzegx5Du4u-00170-00066597-00067232 now feel that was some color with the paint bucket tool Chzegx5Du4u-00171-00067232-00067761 and I'm effect landfill wears a yeah I just over the color Chzegx5Du4u-00172-00067761-00068120 soul make a little bit color here Chzegx5Du4u-00173-00068120-00068441 kinda pink Chzegx5Du4u-00174-00068441-00068956 and feel that up and then I get my text or Chzegx5Du4u-00175-00068956-00069607 clicking here Chzegx5Du4u-00176-00069607-00069948 and Chzegx5Du4u-00177-00069948-00070568 always wonder and Chzegx5Du4u-00178-00070568-00071233 okay so angle definitely don't want be the same color Chzegx5Du4u-00179-00071233-00071627 you have it and Chzegx5Du4u-00180-00071627-00072067 this would show up underneath my video anywhere we see the check a box is Chzegx5Du4u-00181-00072067-00072226 transparent Chzegx5Du4u-00182-00072226-00072533 and I see you see through that where the video is Chzegx5Du4u-00183-00072533-00072844 okay Meyer have two layers here Chzegx5Du4u-00184-00072844-00073248 I probably if I want to move stuff around term the %um happy Chzegx5Du4u-00185-00073248-00073570 me there to control d to get rid of the marching ants Chzegx5Du4u-00186-00073570-00074060 you see here you see there mom little like lines there Chzegx5Du4u-00187-00074060-00074489 to control the to get rid of those and an who appear to layer Chzegx5Du4u-00188-00074489-00074904 and flatness thing right there flatten image Chzegx5Du4u-00189-00074904-00075249 and now you can grab this thing Chzegx5Du4u-00190-00075249-00075680 and move around and trusted get lower for instance Chzegx5Du4u-00191-00075680-00076056 and and I can Chzegx5Du4u-00192-00076056-00076577 had a profile pic Orica and you know do anything I can add a graphic to this Chzegx5Du4u-00193-00076577-00077011 bringing out for everything will show up on different layers like a more around Chzegx5Du4u-00194-00077011-00077055 here Chzegx5Du4u-00195-00077055-00077488 you can your idea and then I can finally flat net Chzegx5Du4u-00196-00077488-00077813 I and but before you flat now usually Chzegx5Du4u-00197-00077813-00078166 save my layers as that PXT file first Chzegx5Du4u-00198-00078166-00078574 big deal here though is that when you're saving the transparent Chzegx5Du4u-00199-00078574-00079073 version for Google+ which 1i feel see the video through Chzegx5Du4u-00200-00079073-00079483 that's when you want to select a PNG not Jay pag Chzegx5Du4u-00201-00079483-00079891 and will be for quality so you'll probably want a flattening Chzegx5Du4u-00202-00079891-00080401 and I have because it's so much transparency the fire will stay nice and Chzegx5Du4u-00203-00080401-00080482 small Chzegx5Du4u-00204-00080482-00080892 okay if this were full photograph in your savings a PNG would be a pretty big Chzegx5Du4u-00205-00080892-00080950 file Chzegx5Du4u-00206-00080950-00081272 in multiples makes Chzegx5Du4u-00207-00081272-00081631 so but for any doing the transparency no got a little bit have Chzegx5Du4u-00208-00081631-00082097 image content in it then it's small enough to be viable Chzegx5Du4u-00209-00082097-00082417 alright to save as PNG format which allows Chzegx5Du4u-00210-00082417-00082898 a class a checkerboard actually work NJ pig pieces just turned into a white Chzegx5Du4u-00211-00082898-00082991 space Chzegx5Du4u-00212-00082991-00083293 just become white hit save you know given a name Chzegx5Du4u-00213-00083293-00083612 it's a and then you can upload that as the lower third Chzegx5Du4u-00214-00083612-00084186 in New Google+ Hangouts thing using all that is subject for different video Chzegx5Du4u-00215-00084186-00084520 but I just fine you see how to use all this with Chzegx5Du4u-00216-00084520-00084889 the pics editor so I hope I'm giving enough staff Chzegx5Du4u-00217-00084889-00085299 attacks again rolling in using these templates Chzegx5Du4u-00218-00085299-00085701 you know again you just simply click I and takes UN Chzegx5Du4u-00219-00085701-00086081 and you're going okay so you 646 by 2:20 Chzegx5Du4u-00220-00086081-00086462 banner for a LinkedIn boom there you go I just again Chzegx5Du4u-00221-00086462-00086823 layer open images a layer Chzegx5Du4u-00222-00086823-00087250 and I will take it in has a layer uncanny Chzegx5Du4u-00223-00087250-00087557 and you simply use your move to alter the letter V Chzegx5Du4u-00224-00087557-00087879 new keyboard to move stuff around Chzegx5Du4u-00225-00087879-00088182 and you can Chzegx5Du4u-00226-00088182-00088617 crop and all that Chzegx5Du4u-00227-00088617-00088938 so I hope this is enough info Chzegx5Du4u-00228-00088938-00089349 to get you going on where you feel on like you can get somewhere with this Chzegx5Du4u-00229-00089349-00089838 alright so take care and doing any kind of feedback Chzegx5Du4u-00230-00089838-00090156 on what more you need to know and I'll make more videos or Chzegx5Du4u-00231-00090156-00090367 replaces video take care CjkHN86pFAY-00000-00000156-00000392 Hi! This is Cheryl from the CTLE. CjkHN86pFAY-00001-00000508-00000880 I have a little announcement about our Active Learning Kits. CjkHN86pFAY-00002-00000952-00001080 You remember those, right? CjkHN86pFAY-00003-00001336-00001520 You could come and grab an object, CjkHN86pFAY-00004-00001576-00001848 and it came with a sheet of ideas, use it in class, CjkHN86pFAY-00005-00001877-00002152 [ buzzer makes "boing" sound ] and then bring it back to the CTLE. CjkHN86pFAY-00006-00002316-00002444 Well, guess what? CjkHN86pFAY-00007-00002516-00002954 We have made a brand new Active Learning Kit CjkHN86pFAY-00008-00002954-00003267 full of ideas for Live Online instruction. CjkHN86pFAY-00009-00003384-00003679 That means you can use the ideas in this book CjkHN86pFAY-00010-00003760-00003896 in your virtual classes. CjkHN86pFAY-00011-00004000-00004604 You get to this book by going to open.maricopa.edu/activelearning CjkHN86pFAY-00012-00004604-00004787 (like it's all one word). CjkHN86pFAY-00013-00004956-00005308 This is part of the Maricopa Open Digital Press, CjkHN86pFAY-00014-00005388-00005772 so this book is public online, available to anybody. CjkHN86pFAY-00015-00005848-00006372 You can click "Read Book" from this page or you can scroll down CjkHN86pFAY-00016-00006440-00006692 to get to a list of the Table of Contents. CjkHN86pFAY-00017-00006788-00007084 You can see there's a little Introduction which explains ... CjkHN86pFAY-00018-00007084-00007184 how to use the book. CjkHN86pFAY-00019-00007248-00007506 Then there is a section full of Web Apps, CjkHN86pFAY-00020-00007506-00007834 tools that you can use inside of your web browser by ... CjkHN86pFAY-00021-00007834-00008147 sharing your screen into your virtual meeting. CjkHN86pFAY-00022-00008376-00008652 Or you can go to the section that just deals with ... CjkHN86pFAY-00023-00008652-00008843 Videoconferece Tool Features. CjkHN86pFAY-00024-00008843-00009113 All of these are ideas for how to use your video ... CjkHN86pFAY-00025-00009113-00009339 conferencing tools for active learn. CjkHN86pFAY-00026-00009464-00009768 At the very end there's a place to make a suggestion, CjkHN86pFAY-00027-00009768-00009960 and there's Acknowledgements, CjkHN86pFAY-00028-00009960-00010179 References, and Image Attributions. CjkHN86pFAY-00029-00010376-00010560 So if you were to click "read book," CjkHN86pFAY-00030-00010616-00010915 you'll go straight into the introduction. CjkHN86pFAY-00031-00010915-00011223 You can click Next to go to the very next page, CjkHN86pFAY-00032-00011223-00011615 or you can click the Table of Contents and either open the ... CjkHN86pFAY-00033-00011615-00011665 Web App section, CjkHN86pFAY-00034-00011665-00012192 or the Videoconference Tool Features section. CjkHN86pFAY-00035-00012308-00012536 If I wanted to take a look at CjkHN86pFAY-00036-00012632-00012720 3D Dice, CjkHN86pFAY-00037-00012792-00012936 then I would get CjkHN86pFAY-00038-00013056-00013300 a brief description of what that is, CjkHN86pFAY-00039-00013360-00013472 ways you can use it, CjkHN86pFAY-00040-00013532-00013708 a list of teaching ideas, CjkHN86pFAY-00041-00013856-00013916 and then. CjkHN86pFAY-00042-00013968-00014308 in the Tools section, a direct link to go use the tool. CjkHN86pFAY-00043-00014452-00014568 So if I go there, CjkHN86pFAY-00044-00014647-00014941 you see that I can just share the screen with my students ... CjkHN86pFAY-00045-00014941-00015075 and start throwing dice, CjkHN86pFAY-00046-00015132-00015463 and use the ideas that came with it CjkHN86pFAY-00047-00015552-00015747 for active learning. CjkHN86pFAY-00048-00015804-00016093 I can also click into the Contents CjkHN86pFAY-00049-00016100-00016464 and look at the Videoconference Fool Features. CjkHN86pFAY-00050-00016796-00016948 And if I go to Chat, CjkHN86pFAY-00051-00017012-00017148 I can look at some ways, CjkHN86pFAY-00052-00017204-00017454 some ideas, for how to use the Chat ... CjkHN86pFAY-00053-00017454-00017786 feature for active learning specifically. CjkHN86pFAY-00054-00017786-00018028 Where you get to the book again is ... CjkHN86pFAY-00055-00018028-00018323 open.maricopa.edu/activelearning. CjkHN86pFAY-00056-00018420-00018767 We hope that you will check it out and let us know what you ... CjkHN86pFAY-00057-00018767-00018987 think. If you have any ideas that we ... CjkHN86pFAY-00058-00018987-00019229 can include, please share them with us ... CjkHN86pFAY-00059-00019229-00019531 using the suggestion form at the end of the book. CjkHN86pFAY-00060-00019640-00020100 We would love to include your ideas to make the book even better. CjkHN86pFAY-00061-00020208-00020284 Enjoy! Cm_nno91-Jg-00000-00000079-00000429 In this video, I’ll show you how I built my new workbench for electronic and smaller Cm_nno91-Jg-00001-00000429-00000529 mechanical projects. Cm_nno91-Jg-00002-00000529-00000960 I built it in less than a day from stock parts that you can pick up from IKEA and a hardware Cm_nno91-Jg-00003-00000960-00001422 store for less than 150 €, and I used only very few tools for this. Cm_nno91-Jg-00004-00001422-00001668 If I can do this, so can you. Cm_nno91-Jg-00005-00001668-00002106 Just a word of caution before we get started: This workbench is intended for light to medium-rough Cm_nno91-Jg-00006-00002106-00002486 work: Soldering, assembly, some drilling, sawing and filing. Cm_nno91-Jg-00007-00002486-00002930 It’s not a carpenter’s or welder’s workbench, and it will probably fail catastrophically Cm_nno91-Jg-00008-00002930-00003236 when properly abused by a 200-pound gorilla. Cm_nno91-Jg-00009-00003236-00003661 If you need something that can withstand these forces, this is not the project for you. Cm_nno91-Jg-00010-00003661-00003822 Here’s what we need. Cm_nno91-Jg-00011-00003822-00004591 The shopping list is short: From IKEA, get two separate HEJNE 78x50x171 cm storage rack Cm_nno91-Jg-00012-00004591-00005235 sets (25 € each) and three additional sets of two HEJNE vertical posts (3 € each). Cm_nno91-Jg-00013-00005235-00005605 You should end up with 14 posts in 7 packs of two. Cm_nno91-Jg-00014-00005605-00006500 Also, get a LILLTRÄSK kitchen countertop, white, 186x63 cm, for 17 €. Cm_nno91-Jg-00015-00006500-00006745 From the hardware store, you need a few packs of screws. Cm_nno91-Jg-00016-00006745-00007112 I used some drywall screws I had left over from a previous project. Cm_nno91-Jg-00017-00007112-00007488 Drywall screws are great because you can get large packs for little money, but other countersunk Cm_nno91-Jg-00018-00007488-00007608 screws should do as well. Cm_nno91-Jg-00019-00007608-00008201 I used about 60 25 mm and 35 mm screws each, although you’ll probably get away with substantially Cm_nno91-Jg-00020-00008201-00008303 less than that. Cm_nno91-Jg-00021-00008303-00008454 You’ll also need some wood glue. Cm_nno91-Jg-00022-00008454-00008902 In total, the parts from the hardware store will probably set you back about 15 €, making Cm_nno91-Jg-00023-00008902-00009184 it a total of less than 100 € so far. Cm_nno91-Jg-00024-00009184-00009501 I also decided to add some mains sockets to my workbench. Cm_nno91-Jg-00025-00009501-00010017 If you want to do so as well, get two robust sockets, a junction box and the required cables Cm_nno91-Jg-00026-00010017-00010481 while at the hardware store – that shouldn’t cost much more than 40 €. Note that I won’t Cm_nno91-Jg-00027-00010481-00010884 be showing how to do the electrical installation – if you don’t already know how to do Cm_nno91-Jg-00028-00010884-00011241 that, get some competent help, because I don’t want you to kill yourself. Cm_nno91-Jg-00029-00011241-00011689 Alternatively, get a pre-wired extension lead with a multi-socket outlet suitable for wall Cm_nno91-Jg-00030-00011689-00011937 mounting, that should do as well. Cm_nno91-Jg-00031-00011937-00012421 Tool-wise, you should have a good cordless drill (not surprising for that amount of screws) Cm_nno91-Jg-00032-00012421-00012702 with some decent screw bits and a 3 mm drill. Cm_nno91-Jg-00033-00012702-00012966 If possible, try to get a countersink drill. Cm_nno91-Jg-00034-00012966-00013356 I used an electric jigsaw to cut down the wood, but any other saw will do, except perhaps Cm_nno91-Jg-00035-00013356-00013456 for a chainsaw. Cm_nno91-Jg-00036-00013456-00013744 A miter saw would be ideal, but a hand saw will do as well. Cm_nno91-Jg-00037-00013744-00014191 Also, if you don’t own one yet, get a carpenter’s square, it’s a very useful tool to have Cm_nno91-Jg-00038-00014191-00014291 around. Cm_nno91-Jg-00039-00014291-00014728 Other than that, we’ll just need the usual suspects – hammer, screw drivers, some clamps, Cm_nno91-Jg-00040-00014728-00015069 a rule or tape measure, a bit of sandpaper. Cm_nno91-Jg-00041-00015069-00015594 First, unpack all of the wood and check the HEJNE components for cracked or bent parts. Cm_nno91-Jg-00042-00015594-00015850 Select six posts that are mostly straight and undamaged. Cm_nno91-Jg-00043-00015850-00016253 We’ll use these as the primary legs of the workbench – don’t worry, we’ll reinforce Cm_nno91-Jg-00044-00016253-00016398 them later. Cm_nno91-Jg-00045-00016398-00017071 For a countertop height of about 98 cm, we need posts of approximately 94.5 cm in length. Cm_nno91-Jg-00046-00017071-00017628 I’d recommend not to measure the length from the end, but to measure 2.25 cm from Cm_nno91-Jg-00047-00017628-00018058 the center of the eighth hole instead because we need that end to be flush with the shelves Cm_nno91-Jg-00048-00018058-00018224 we will mount there. Cm_nno91-Jg-00049-00018224-00018536 When in doubt, a millimeter too short will be better than one too long. Cm_nno91-Jg-00050-00018536-00019001 Don’t forget to mark the ends that you cut, and go over the edges with some sandpaper. Cm_nno91-Jg-00051-00019001-00019448 A word of caution – if you want to lower the countertop, you can easily do so by cutting Cm_nno91-Jg-00052-00019448-00019843 down the posts further, as long as they are all of the same length and the top end stays Cm_nno91-Jg-00053-00019843-00019981 flush with the shelves. Cm_nno91-Jg-00054-00019981-00020441 However, if you want to raise the countertop, you’ll need to buy four to six additional Cm_nno91-Jg-00055-00020441-00020915 vertical posts, because we’ll need the pieces we just cut off later on. Cm_nno91-Jg-00056-00020915-00021265 Since the countertop will be fixed to the rack with screws from the underside, it’s Cm_nno91-Jg-00057-00021265-00021549 much easier to build the workbench upside-down. Cm_nno91-Jg-00058-00021549-00021925 Unpack the LILLTRÄSK plate now, but leave it face-down on the cardboard it came with Cm_nno91-Jg-00059-00021925-00022215 to prevent the upper side from being scratched prematurely. Cm_nno91-Jg-00060-00022215-00022466 Identify and mark the front and back side. Cm_nno91-Jg-00061-00022466-00022910 If necessary, you can now cut the plate to width – luckily, I didn’t need to. Cm_nno91-Jg-00062-00022910-00023427 Then mark the center of the plate and place two HEJNE shelves upside-down onto it. Cm_nno91-Jg-00063-00023427-00023795 Align them and mark their positions – I’m using white painter’s tape for this so that Cm_nno91-Jg-00064-00023795-00024543 my markings are better to see. Cm_nno91-Jg-00065-00024543-00024937 If you want to run some cables between the sides of the rack like I did, you will probably Cm_nno91-Jg-00066-00024937-00025663 need to make some cutouts now in order to feed the cables through later on. Cm_nno91-Jg-00067-00025663-00026456 Then, carefully place the shelves, add the center posts to ensure they stay aligned, Cm_nno91-Jg-00068-00026456-00026880 pre-drill the holes through the shelves into the countertop and fasten the shelves with Cm_nno91-Jg-00069-00026880-00027038 screws from the inside out. Cm_nno91-Jg-00070-00027038-00027472 I probably overdid it with the screws here, but better safe than sorry. Cm_nno91-Jg-00071-00027472-00027874 Note that it is really important to pre-drill all of the screw holes – the quality of Cm_nno91-Jg-00072-00027874-00028299 the wood is sometimes so bad that it will split right away if you put in a screw without Cm_nno91-Jg-00073-00028299-00028611 drilling a hole for it first. Cm_nno91-Jg-00074-00028611-00029097 Now if the legs we cut in the first step ended up just a tiny bit too short, the entire weight Cm_nno91-Jg-00075-00029097-00029533 of the countertop will rest on just eight screws which are probably made of factory-grade Cm_nno91-Jg-00076-00029533-00029633 chinesium. Cm_nno91-Jg-00077-00029633-00030118 I decided not to trust in that alone and added some support by cutting down two of the left-over Cm_nno91-Jg-00078-00030118-00030724 pieces from the first step to 53 cm and mounting them centered under both shelves. Cm_nno91-Jg-00079-00030724-00031918 They will be supported by horizontal beams later on. Cm_nno91-Jg-00080-00031918-00032203 Now screw in the six legs we cut down earlier. Cm_nno91-Jg-00081-00032203-00032488 Also screw in the shelves that will be the bottom-most layer. Cm_nno91-Jg-00082-00032488-00033766 That’s something I should have done, but didn’t – hindsight is 20/20 after all. Cm_nno91-Jg-00083-00033766-00034497 Next, take four of the remaining HEJNE posts and place them horizontally across the shelves Cm_nno91-Jg-00084-00034497-00034640 and the support struts. Cm_nno91-Jg-00085-00034640-00035152 Mark their length and cut them to size – again, a bit too short is better than too long here. Cm_nno91-Jg-00086-00035152-00035634 Do not let these beams protrude over the edge of the vertical posts. Cm_nno91-Jg-00087-00035634-00036022 If you want to mount the sockets and run some cables, now would be a good time to do so, Cm_nno91-Jg-00088-00036022-00036433 while you can still easily reach everything and don’t have to thread cable through parts Cm_nno91-Jg-00089-00036433-00036627 that have already been screwed on. Cm_nno91-Jg-00090-00036627-00036900 Then, glue and screw on the horizontal beams. Cm_nno91-Jg-00091-00036900-00037374 Ensure that the outer beams rest on the support struts so that they can take up the load. Cm_nno91-Jg-00092-00037374-00037765 The inner beams won’t connect to the struts because the shelf edges are thicker than the Cm_nno91-Jg-00093-00037765-00038097 struts, but they will add stability and support the shelves nonetheless. Cm_nno91-Jg-00094-00038097-00038599 Oh, and when screwing in from the front and back side, make sure that the screws don’t Cm_nno91-Jg-00095-00038599-00038849 meet in the middle. Cm_nno91-Jg-00096-00038849-00039233 Now mount all of the remaining shelves in any configuration you would like. Cm_nno91-Jg-00097-00039233-00039680 As I said, I should have screwed in the bottom-most shelves before adding the horizontal beams Cm_nno91-Jg-00098-00039680-00039946 because I somehow goofed up on the alignment there. Cm_nno91-Jg-00099-00039946-00040147 Just a mistake you don’t need to make. Cm_nno91-Jg-00100-00040147-00040505 When mounting the shelves, you need to do something that I would strongly advise against Cm_nno91-Jg-00101-00040505-00041000 under normal circumstances: Drive in the mounting screws so much that they dig into the wood Cm_nno91-Jg-00102-00041000-00041294 and their heads come almost flush with the surface of the wood. Cm_nno91-Jg-00103-00041294-00041769 You might want to take a Forstner or Spade drill and make some countersink holes instead, Cm_nno91-Jg-00104-00041769-00042218 but I confess I was too lazy for this, except for one screw where the hole went right through Cm_nno91-Jg-00105-00042218-00042528 a knot and the wood was too hard for the screw to dig into. Cm_nno91-Jg-00106-00042528-00042953 No matter how you do this, you need to make sure that the screws are nearly flush with Cm_nno91-Jg-00107-00042953-00043487 the outer surface of the vertical posts or they’ll be in the way for the next step. Cm_nno91-Jg-00108-00043487-00043752 Now we’ll add some reinforcements to the legs. Cm_nno91-Jg-00109-00043752-00044252 Take three of the as of yet unused vertical posts and cut them in half rather precisely, Cm_nno91-Jg-00110-00044252-00044652 then place them onto the outer horizontal beams and mark their length as precisely as Cm_nno91-Jg-00111-00044652-00044762 possible. Cm_nno91-Jg-00112-00044762-00044949 Also mark where each post goes. Cm_nno91-Jg-00113-00044949-00045075 Cut them to size. Cm_nno91-Jg-00114-00045075-00045449 This should only take off a centimeter or so, which is why you need to divide the posts Cm_nno91-Jg-00115-00045449-00045619 exactly in half in the first place. Cm_nno91-Jg-00116-00045619-00046069 In this case, a millimeter too long is better than one too short because you can always Cm_nno91-Jg-00117-00046069-00046387 sand the leg reinforcements down later on. Cm_nno91-Jg-00118-00046387-00046809 Now glue and screw on the reinforcement posts, making sure that they connect firmly to the Cm_nno91-Jg-00119-00046809-00046946 outer horizontal beams. Cm_nno91-Jg-00120-00046946-00047575 Then, if necessary, make sure that the undersides of the leg posts align by sanding them down. Cm_nno91-Jg-00121-00047575-00047968 The next part is optional, but after the wobbly hell of the metal storage rack I used as a Cm_nno91-Jg-00122-00047968-00048452 makeshift workbench before, I wanted to add some more struts for stability. Cm_nno91-Jg-00123-00048452-00048961 Take two of the remaining cut-off pieces and cut one end to a 45° angle. Cm_nno91-Jg-00124-00048961-00049219 Then place them diagonally across the outer faces. Cm_nno91-Jg-00125-00049219-00049705 There’s no need to do this super-precisely unless you really want to, just eyeball it. Cm_nno91-Jg-00126-00049705-00049933 Mark the other end and cut it to length. Cm_nno91-Jg-00127-00049933-00050438 Then fix these braces with some screws to the legs and to the shelf sides as well. Cm_nno91-Jg-00128-00050438-00050909 Finally, flip the workbench around onto its legs, move it into position and connect the Cm_nno91-Jg-00129-00050909-00051634 sockets to the mains. Cm_nno91-Jg-00130-00051634-00051827 So this is my new workbench in its final position. Cm_nno91-Jg-00131-00051827-00052353 I’ve already moved most of the stuff from the older workbench and from some of the shelves Cm_nno91-Jg-00132-00052353-00052577 down here into the storage area. Cm_nno91-Jg-00133-00052577-00052994 I have to say – I’m pretty happy with it. Cm_nno91-Jg-00134-00052994-00053273 I had to shim one leg a bit, but that’s mostly due to the uneven floor down here. Cm_nno91-Jg-00135-00053273-00054077 Stability is very good; if I lean on it or try to move it, I can only move it by a few Cm_nno91-Jg-00136-00054077-00054570 millimeters, so it should be good for most of the work I do. Cm_nno91-Jg-00137-00054570-00055150 I’m still trying to think of something to clamp on a bench vise here, but that’s a Cm_nno91-Jg-00138-00055150-00055250 different project. Cm_nno91-Jg-00139-00055250-00055873 For under 100 € in building material and some additional 35 € for the electrical Cm_nno91-Jg-00140-00055873-00056319 installation material, I’m really happy with that, so – should be good to go. Cnj2IuM9360-00000-00000763-00001217 hello guys welcome in Xamarin Android tutorial Cnj2IuM9360-00001-00001217-00001851 what is Xamarinand what is Xamarin Android, Xamarin is a platform allows Cnj2IuM9360-00002-00001851-00002202 you develop in c-sharp a native apps for Android and iOS. Cnj2IuM9360-00003-00002202-00002517 and Xamarin Android is a product lets you build and Cnj2IuM9360-00004-00002517-00003066 develop Android apps. Cnj2IuM9360-00005-00003066-00003836 what we will cover in this tutorial first user interface we Cnj2IuM9360-00006-00003836-00004575 will talk about the complete set of user interface in UI or user interface we Cnj2IuM9360-00007-00004575-00005432 will talk about first Android designer and second layouts like grid layout Cnj2IuM9360-00008-00005432-00006291 third and finally controls in controls we will talk about something like Action Cnj2IuM9360-00009-00006291-00007176 Bar and buttons and spinners and everything in controls second Xamarin Cnj2IuM9360-00010-00007176-00008031 Essentials we will talk in this chapter about Xamarin Essentials features example Cnj2IuM9360-00011-00008031-00008961 of features of xamarin essentials like battery flashlights SMS and more third Cnj2IuM9360-00012-00008961-00009671 and finally we will talk about data, data access. how to access data make use of Cnj2IuM9360-00013-00009671-00010439 SQlite. so, what are you waiting go to the first video. CnL7EjkgJEu-00000-00000500-00001200 If we go some place else, then when people will speak with us in English then we will CnL7EjkgJEu-00001-00001200-00002300 not be able to respond. This is why we need to learn in English and we should know Hindi as well because people can ask us any question in any language. CnL7EjkgJEu-00002-00002300-00003700 We read stories and we read library books. All those are in English as well so if we know the language then we can read books and understand stories and the questions that CnL7EjkgJEu-00003-00003700-00004000 are asked in the story books we can answer those too! CnL7EjkgJEu-00004-00004330-00005630 When Nirali Didi came to our class first, she gave every child a list of sight words. CnL7EjkgJEu-00005-00005630-00006500 That list had meanings in English as well as Hindi so we could learn, understand and then our English started improving and it is still improving. CnL7EjkgJEu-00006-00006700-00007780 For example, the word 'and' is there in the list and then we write sentences in which CnL7EjkgJEu-00007-00007780-00008508 the word 'and' is used. Then Didi tells us a few sentences and how to read, understand CnL7EjkgJEu-00008-00008508-00009397 them. So when Didi tells us this and after a few days Didi takes a test with sight words CnL7EjkgJEu-00009-00009397-00009450 in it and with different questions. D6MuOkR8IPY-00000-00000513-00000863 By now, we combined different kinds of footwork exclusively D6MuOkR8IPY-00001-00000863-00001183 with diagonal forehand and the horizontal backhand strikes. D6MuOkR8IPY-00002-00001183-00001433 Today, we shall change that. D6MuOkR8IPY-00003-00001433-00001939 Let’s start with variations that will still cross our centerline. D6MuOkR8IPY-00004-00001939-00002343 So we’ll still be going from left to right and right to left. D6MuOkR8IPY-00005-00002343-00002831 We can move our hand to the other side without doing anything, D6MuOkR8IPY-00006-00002831-00002991 Or strike downward, D6MuOkR8IPY-00007-00002991-00003126 horizontal, D6MuOkR8IPY-00008-00003126-00003261 upward, D6MuOkR8IPY-00009-00003261-00004043 or with an abanico. D6MuOkR8IPY-00010-00004043-00004202 We can defend with an umbrella D6MuOkR8IPY-00011-00004202-00004674 or a simple block. D6MuOkR8IPY-00012-00004674-00005094 Alternatives for the backhand horizontal are: D6MuOkR8IPY-00013-00005094-00005388 Moving without doing anything, D6MuOkR8IPY-00014-00005388-00006042 strikes from all angles, D6MuOkR8IPY-00015-00006042-00006625 abanicos. D6MuOkR8IPY-00016-00006625-00006832 Defense by roof D6MuOkR8IPY-00017-00006832-00007305 or sweeping blocks. D6MuOkR8IPY-00018-00007305-00007604 If we do not want to go back and forth all the time, D6MuOkR8IPY-00019-00007604-00007961 we have to end our motion on the same side that it started from. D6MuOkR8IPY-00020-00007961-00008114 Examples include: D6MuOkR8IPY-00021-00008114-00008367 Doing nothing for one count, D6MuOkR8IPY-00022-00008367-00008778 Retracting strikes, D6MuOkR8IPY-00023-00008778-00009134 Abanicos, D6MuOkR8IPY-00024-00009134-00009422 Blocking on the same side, D6MuOkR8IPY-00025-00009422-00010192 And circular strikes. D6MuOkR8IPY-00026-00010192-00010389 Same from the backhand: D6MuOkR8IPY-00027-00010389-00010703 do nothing, D6MuOkR8IPY-00028-00010703-00011192 retract your strikes D6MuOkR8IPY-00029-00011192-00011581 or strike in a circle, D6MuOkR8IPY-00030-00011581-00011746 sweeping blocks D6MuOkR8IPY-00031-00011746-00011874 and abanicos D6MuOkR8IPY-00032-00011874-00012274 can all return to the same side that they started from. D6MuOkR8IPY-00033-00012274-00013106 Thrusting will allow us to return to either side of your body. D6MuOkR8IPY-00034-00013106-00015675 Now, you can walk around with a newfound sense of freedom. D6MuOkR8IPY-00035-00015675-00015955 Should you still crave variation, the next video D6MuOkR8IPY-00036-00015955-00016197 is about footwork patterns with an uneven count. D7nguS3zGpM-00000-00000730-00001251 LOCATIONS AROUND THE REGION. D7nguS3zGpM-00001-00001251-00001257 LOCATIONS AROUND THE REGION. D7nguS3zGpM-00002-00001257-00001327 LOCATIONS AROUND THE REGION. GENE DILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IS D7nguS3zGpM-00003-00001327-00001334 LOCATIONS AROUND THE REGION. GENE DILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IS D7nguS3zGpM-00004-00001334-00001394 LOCATIONS AROUND THE REGION. GENE DILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BREAKING D7nguS3zGpM-00005-00001394-00001401 GENE DILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BREAKING D7nguS3zGpM-00006-00001401-00001468 GENE DILLON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BREAKING GROUND. D7nguS3zGpM-00007-00001468-00001474 ONE STEP CLOSER TO BREAKING GROUND. D7nguS3zGpM-00008-00001474-00001708 ONE STEP CLOSER TO BREAKING GROUND. AT TONIGHT'S MEETING THE BEMIDJI D7nguS3zGpM-00009-00001708-00001714 GROUND. AT TONIGHT'S MEETING THE BEMIDJI D7nguS3zGpM-00010-00001714-00001795 GROUND. AT TONIGHT'S MEETING THE BEMIDJI SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED A BID FOR D7nguS3zGpM-00011-00001795-00001801 AT TONIGHT'S MEETING THE BEMIDJI SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED A BID FOR D7nguS3zGpM-00012-00001801-00001888 AT TONIGHT'S MEETING THE BEMIDJI SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED A BID FOR THE DIVISION STREET WATER AND D7nguS3zGpM-00013-00001888-00001895 SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED A BID FOR THE DIVISION STREET WATER AND D7nguS3zGpM-00014-00001895-00002262 SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED A BID FOR THE DIVISION STREET WATER AND SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. D7nguS3zGpM-00015-00002262-00002268 THE DIVISION STREET WATER AND SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. D7nguS3zGpM-00016-00002268-00002348 THE DIVISION STREET WATER AND SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. THAT BID IS IN THE AMOUNT OF D7nguS3zGpM-00017-00002348-00002355 SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. THAT BID IS IN THE AMOUNT OF D7nguS3zGpM-00018-00002355-00003213 SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT. THAT BID IS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,039,796.59. D7nguS3zGpM-00019-00003213-00003219 THAT BID IS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,039,796.59. D7nguS3zGpM-00020-00003219-00003356 THAT BID IS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,039,796.59. >> A LONG TIME IN THE WORKS, AND D7nguS3zGpM-00021-00003356-00003363 $1,039,796.59. >> A LONG TIME IN THE WORKS, AND D7nguS3zGpM-00022-00003363-00003590 $1,039,796.59. >> A LONG TIME IN THE WORKS, AND WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MOVE AHEAD AND D7nguS3zGpM-00023-00003590-00003596 >> A LONG TIME IN THE WORKS, AND WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MOVE AHEAD AND D7nguS3zGpM-00024-00003596-00003707 >> A LONG TIME IN THE WORKS, AND WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MOVE AHEAD AND COMPLETE THIS PROJECT, AND THE D7nguS3zGpM-00025-00003707-00003713 WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MOVE AHEAD AND COMPLETE THIS PROJECT, AND THE D7nguS3zGpM-00026-00003713-00003920 WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MOVE AHEAD AND COMPLETE THIS PROJECT, AND THE SCHOOL THAT OUR COMMUNITY VOTED D7nguS3zGpM-00027-00003920-00003927 COMPLETE THIS PROJECT, AND THE SCHOOL THAT OUR COMMUNITY VOTED D7nguS3zGpM-00028-00003927-00004367 COMPLETE THIS PROJECT, AND THE SCHOOL THAT OUR COMMUNITY VOTED ON AND THAT OUR KIDS SO D7nguS3zGpM-00029-00004367-00004374 SCHOOL THAT OUR COMMUNITY VOTED ON AND THAT OUR KIDS SO D7nguS3zGpM-00030-00004374-00004494 SCHOOL THAT OUR COMMUNITY VOTED ON AND THAT OUR KIDS SO DESPERATELY NEED. D7nguS3zGpM-00031-00004494-00004501 ON AND THAT OUR KIDS SO DESPERATELY NEED. D7nguS3zGpM-00032-00004501-00004547 ON AND THAT OUR KIDS SO DESPERATELY NEED. THE GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY D7AFYVMG090-00000-00000001-00000405 ♫ ♫ D7AFYVMG090-00001-00000407-00000810 Welcome back. I'm Tim Herrera with the D7AFYVMG090-00002-00000811-00001213 Sacramento County Office of Education, here with another Teacher of the Year profile. D7AFYVMG090-00003-00001215-00001616 And we're speaking with René Delgado, who is the Sacramento County Office. Congratulations. D7AFYVMG090-00004-00001618-00002018 Thank you. Well, tell us about yourself. Tell us, you know, where you teach D7AFYVMG090-00005-00002020-00002424 and what you teach. I am a special education teacher at D7AFYVMG090-00006-00002426-00002829 Leo A. Palmiter Middle School and High School. D7AFYVMG090-00007-00002831-00003234 Explain, you know, what the Palmiter campus is. Well, we are a special D7AFYVMG090-00008-00003236-00003636 education site within the Sacramento County Office of Education. D7AFYVMG090-00009-00003639-00004038 And we take students from all over the county, from their home D7AFYVMG090-00010-00004040-00004445 districts that have -- they need a little bit more D7AFYVMG090-00011-00004447-00004850 -- what's the word -- structure. D7AFYVMG090-00012-00004852-00005254 They need a little more structure then and that we can provide them with. D7AFYVMG090-00013-00005256-00005657 And, so, what we do at our campus is D7AFYVMG090-00014-00005659-00006059 our middle school is called the Discovery Academy and D7AFYVMG090-00015-00006061-00006468 their job, basically, is to kind of experience everything that D7AFYVMG090-00016-00006470-00006873 our campus has to offer. And we have a culinary academy and a D7AFYVMG090-00017-00006875-00007277 sustainable environments academy for our older students. For the high schoolers. D7AFYVMG090-00018-00007279-00007681 So, when you're talking about teaching students with emotional disturbances, D7AFYVMG090-00019-00007684-00008083 explain what that is to the average person D7AFYVMG090-00020-00008084-00008491 who doesn't know. Well, I mean, it's more than just D7AFYVMG090-00021-00008493-00008899 behavior. It's behavior that impacts learning. D7AFYVMG090-00022-00008901-00009304 And our students have issues that D7AFYVMG090-00023-00009306-00009709 have had them -- they haven't been able to be successful at their D7AFYVMG090-00024-00009711-00010111 home districts. And, so, their behaviors range anywhere from D7AFYVMG090-00025-00010113-00010514 just not being able to follow classroom D7AFYVMG090-00026-00010516-00010920 rules. Some of them have got in a lot of fights. And, so, D7AFYVMG090-00027-00010922-00011321 these behaviors have impacted their learning so much that they need the more structured D7AFYVMG090-00028-00011323-00011725 environment. And, so, they come to us. D7AFYVMG090-00029-00011727-00012127 And they're in smaller classroom. Less students. D7AFYVMG090-00030-00012129-00012529 And more support. And, so, when you have, you know, kids D7AFYVMG090-00031-00012531-00012936 of all different levels and different -- let's say emotional D7AFYVMG090-00032-00012938-00013341 needs -- what's it like trying to kind of control D7AFYVMG090-00033-00013344-00013747 that and stay on task with the lesson? It sounds like you're really juggling D7AFYVMG090-00034-00013749-00014149 a lot of things at once. Yeah. A lot of it is -- you know, sometimes it takes a little D7AFYVMG090-00035-00014151-00014552 while just to get everybody in their seats and ready to D7AFYVMG090-00036-00014554-00014960 learn. Look like they're ready to learn. That's why I say, "If you're not ready to learn, just look like D7AFYVMG090-00037-00014962-00015366 you're ready to learn." [laughs] So, "Just in case -- D7AFYVMG090-00038-00015368-00015771 just in case Ms. Roth comes in here, everybody look like you're trying to learn D7AFYVMG090-00039-00015772-00016175 something right now." [laughs] So -- but that D7AFYVMG090-00040-00016177-00016577 can be the challenges. Getting everybody sitting down and ready to engage D7AFYVMG090-00041-00016579-00016984 and ready to work. So, that can be a challenge. But, you know, we do a lot of D7AFYVMG090-00042-00016986-00017391 behavior support. A lot of positive behavior support. We try to reward good behavior D7AFYVMG090-00043-00017393-00017795 when we see it. And, you know, that kind of varies from kid to kid. Sometimes D7AFYVMG090-00044-00017797-00018199 we have a student that's having a hard time sitting down D7AFYVMG090-00045-00018201-00018600 and following directions. When they do it, you know, we have to jump all over and, you know, give them D7AFYVMG090-00046-00018602-00019007 that praise. We have a behavior support program D7AFYVMG090-00047-00019009-00019414 within our classroom and within the school where we give D7AFYVMG090-00048-00019416-00019819 -- in my classroom, they get money on their balance sheets. D7AFYVMG090-00049-00019821-00020222 And in the school -- for the school-wide program, they get what we call positive D7AFYVMG090-00050-00020224-00020626 referrals. Kind of a play on the referral that gets you sent up to the D7AFYVMG090-00051-00020628-00021027 office. These are the positive referrals that you get if you -- because you D7AFYVMG090-00052-00021029-00021434 got caught doing something good. So, a lot of D7AFYVMG090-00053-00021436-00021839 --there's a lot of positive support. So, do you feel that the students D7AFYVMG090-00054-00021841-00022243 in that type of a setting need -- I mean, all students need positive reinforcement D7AFYVMG090-00055-00022245-00022645 -- but students in that setting might need a lot extra? Yeah. D7AFYVMG090-00056-00022647-00023047 I mean, there's -- we're trying to get them to -- get them back D7AFYVMG090-00057-00023049-00023453 to that level where they can function in the classroom. D7AFYVMG090-00058-00023455-00023859 And, you know, actually receive their education. D7AFYVMG090-00059-00023861-00024264 So, they need a lot of that reinforcement. And, like, sometimes the most powerful D7AFYVMG090-00060-00024266-00024667 reinforcement is just a verbal praise. You know, "Hey, good job. D7AFYVMG090-00061-00024669-00025069 I'm really proud of you today." And sometimes that's better than, you know, any D7AFYVMG090-00062-00025071-00025475 token or little prize. Just that praise that D7AFYVMG090-00063-00025477-00025881 -- that we give them. And it might not be from me. D7AFYVMG090-00064-00025883-00026285 It might be from my aid or one of the counselors D7AFYVMG090-00065-00026287-00026689 on campus. So, just that little bit of praise D7AFYVMG090-00066-00026691-00027091 goes a long way. D7AFYVMG090-00067-00027093-00027499 So, as far as motivation in the classroom and motivating students, would you say positive praise is D7AFYVMG090-00068-00027501-00027905 probably the best tool you have? It's one of them. Yeah, definitely. D7AFYVMG090-00069-00027907-00028310 You know, you couple that -- I mean, we're trying to reinforce all the time. And some kids respond D7AFYVMG090-00070-00028312-00028713 -- you know, some kids respond better to certain things. D7AFYVMG090-00071-00028714-00029114 I mean, we have one kid that will even -- if I print him out a word search. I mean, D7AFYVMG090-00072-00029117-00029523 it's a very powerful thing for me to print him out a word search or a coloring D7AFYVMG090-00073-00029525-00029930 page. That can be a powerful little prize for some of these guys. D7AFYVMG090-00074-00029932-00030336 You know, there's some kids that need a little bit more. D7AFYVMG090-00075-00030338-00030738 And we try to do what we can to accommodate them. D7AFYVMG090-00076-00030739-00031139 So, what made you become a teacher? How did you get here? D7AFYVMG090-00077-00031141-00031541 I was -- I've always kind of gravitated towards working with D7AFYVMG090-00078-00031543-00031947 -- working with students. Or working with kids. Right out of college, D7AFYVMG090-00079-00031949-00032352 we talked about it before, I was a sociology major, so D7AFYVMG090-00080-00032354-00032755 right out of college, I went and worked at a group home. D7AFYVMG090-00081-00032757-00033157 With the same population that I'm working with now, more or less. D7AFYVMG090-00082-00033159-00033559 These kids are all in foster care, so I worked in the group home. D7AFYVMG090-00083-00033561-00033967 And just kind of moved from there. I've always been interested in coaching D7AFYVMG090-00084-00033969-00034372 and, kind of, well, let's put the two together and be a teacher. D7AFYVMG090-00085-00034374-00034776 And just found my niche in special ed. and working the the ED students. D7AFYVMG090-00086-00034778-00035178 What kind of gratification do you get working with D7AFYVMG090-00087-00035180-00035581 the ED kids? I think just that when they appreciate D7AFYVMG090-00088-00035583-00035982 something, or when they succeed, that feels D7AFYVMG090-00089-00035984-00036386 -- that's great. A big one would be getting a kid D7AFYVMG090-00090-00036388-00036790 from our campus and transitioning him back D7AFYVMG090-00091-00036792-00037192 regular -- their regular home campus. Their regular D7AFYVMG090-00092-00037194-00037596 -- their home school. And explain, you know, why that's important. D7AFYVMG090-00093-00037598-00038004 Well, that's -- I mean, for some kids, I mean, we have kids that are really -- they're content being where they're at. D7AFYVMG090-00094-00038006-00038411 We love them. I mean, they like being there at our campus. D7AFYVMG090-00095-00038413-00038815 And, you know, they're going to get a regular diploma, just like everybody else. D7AFYVMG090-00096-00038817-00039218 And they're, you know, it's a public school, and that's great. They love being here. D7AFYVMG090-00097-00039220-00039620 But, some kids want to go on. And, we have some kids that are really -- we have some great D7AFYVMG090-00098-00039622-00040029 athletes at our school. And they're really motivated by, you know, "I want to go play D7AFYVMG090-00099-00040031-00040435 football at, you know, back in my own school. In my community high school." D7AFYVMG090-00100-00040437-00040839 And so we really try to use D7AFYVMG090-00101-00040841-00041243 -- for some kids, we used that as, kind of, the end game. D7AFYVMG090-00102-00041245-00041646 And it revolves around, "Are you going to meet that goal to get back to your home school?" D7AFYVMG090-00103-00041648-00042047 And you'll play football. You'll play basketball. Or do whatever it is you want to do. D7AFYVMG090-00104-00042049-00042450 So, that's, kind of a real powerful motivator for some of our guys. Now, you're a wrestling coach as well? D7AFYVMG090-00105-00042452-00042856 Correct. At? Casa Roble in Orangevale. D7AFYVMG090-00106-00042858-00043261 So, explain, kind of how being a teacher -- meaning coach or D7AFYVMG090-00107-00043263-00043665 coach are the same and the skills that you need to kind of cross both. D7AFYVMG090-00108-00043667-00044066 I think having expectations. Whether it's athletes or D7AFYVMG090-00109-00044068-00044473 students. You have expectations and you set the bar. D7AFYVMG090-00110-00044475-00044879 And sometimes, you set it a little high. And sometimes you gotta be pushed D7AFYVMG090-00111-00044881-00045282 for them to meet that. So, just like I D7AFYVMG090-00112-00045284-00045685 coach my wrestlers or -- same thing I do with my students. They need to be pushed D7AFYVMG090-00113-00045687-00046086 a little bit. And -- you know, when D7AFYVMG090-00114-00046088-00046492 you're pushed -- and even when you fail, I think that failure D7AFYVMG090-00115-00046494-00046894 is where you actually learn. And, you know, students D7AFYVMG090-00116-00046896-00047299 in the classroom, it's the same thing as on a wrestling mat. I tell -- you know, I tell my wrestlers D7AFYVMG090-00117-00047301-00047701 you know, "What'd you learn from that loss?" D7AFYVMG090-00118-00047703-00048103 I mean, the loss is -- you learn from it, right? I mean, you don't learn a lot from wins. You learn from losses. D7AFYVMG090-00119-00048105-00048510 And, same thing, we learn from our failures. And in the classroom, D7AFYVMG090-00120-00048512-00048917 you know, student's gonna fail. A lot. But, were they learning from it? D7AFYVMG090-00121-00048919-00049322 And in our classroom, they fail a lot in everyday kind of D7AFYVMG090-00122-00049324-00049724 procedures. But we've got to take that opportunity to learn from it. D7AFYVMG090-00123-00049726-00050125 And that's kind of what we do. And that's kind of how I feel about D7AFYVMG090-00124-00050127-00050532 -- it's that same kind of mentality as learning from your failures. D7AFYVMG090-00125-00050534-00050938 So, what would you say to someone who's considering teaching as a profession? D7AFYVMG090-00126-00050940-00051341 What are some of the highlights? How would you put a sales pitch together? D7AFYVMG090-00127-00051344-00051745 Um...don't. [laughs] No. Save yourself! [laughs] No. D7AFYVMG090-00128-00051747-00052147 It's -- I would say the best -- it's rewarding. If you like working D7AFYVMG090-00129-00052149-00052554 with kids. And I was -- I've been doing a lot of D7AFYVMG090-00130-00052555-00052962 thinking about this and it's -- you know, we're all kind of indebted. D7AFYVMG090-00131-00052964-00053366 If you like the person that you become, you know know, the adult D7AFYVMG090-00132-00053369-00053770 you've become, and then you're -- I've always felt like D7AFYVMG090-00133-00053772-00054173 when I got into coaching wrestling, you know, I got a lot out of that sport. D7AFYVMG090-00134-00054175-00054575 And so, I've kind of felt like maybe I should give back to D7AFYVMG090-00135-00054577-00054980 something that's given me a lot. And I've had great teachers throughout my life. D7AFYVMG090-00136-00054983-00055387 And, whether elementary school, D7AFYVMG090-00137-00055389-00055791 high school, college, I've had great teachers. D7AFYVMG090-00138-00055792-00056192 And I think my way of, kind of, giving back to society has been teaching, D7AFYVMG090-00139-00056195-00056594 you know? And it sounds, maybe a little D7AFYVMG090-00140-00056596-00057001 pompous, or whatever, but I feel like that's, you know, kind of our job D7AFYVMG090-00141-00057003-00057405 is -- we're kind of indebted, you know. If you want to give back to your community, D7AFYVMG090-00142-00057408-00057810 If you want to give back to society as a whole, it's a great thing to do. D7AFYVMG090-00143-00057812-00058213 And like you say, if a kid can look at himself in the mirror and say, D7AFYVMG090-00144-00058215-00058615 "I like the person that I've become," then you feel you've done your job as a teacher. Exactly. D7AFYVMG090-00145-00058616-00059019 Yeah. Well, congratulations to you on being the Sacramento County Office D7AFYVMG090-00146-00059021-00059427 of Education Teacher of the Year. We've been speaking with René Delgado. D7AFYVMG090-00147-00059429-00060234 Thanks for joining us. Thanks. D9-FrZoaubc-00000-00082174-00082509 >> PRINCIPAL O'CONNELL: Good evening. And we made it y’all.. D9-FrZoaubc-00001-00082993-00083233 Yes we are here. We are here. D9-FrZoaubc-00002-00083341-00083584 My name is Andrew O'Connell and I am the proud D9-FrZoaubc-00003-00083584-00083752 principal of Franklin High School. D9-FrZoaubc-00004-00084207-00084397 And I want to formally D9-FrZoaubc-00005-00084397-00084587 welcome you to the graduation D9-FrZoaubc-00006-00084587-00085027 ceremony for the class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00007-00085027-00085122 Oh yeah. D9-FrZoaubc-00008-00085122-00085280 At this time please D9-FrZoaubc-00009-00085280-00085673 rise for the playing D9-FrZoaubc-00010-00085673-00085811 of the Black National Anthem. D9-FrZoaubc-00011-00096717-00096873 Thank you. You may all be seated. D9-FrZoaubc-00012-00097355-00097517 As we start today's ceremony D9-FrZoaubc-00013-00097517-00097703 we asked at all times D9-FrZoaubc-00014-00097703-00097808 you keep your mask D9-FrZoaubc-00015-00097808-00097949 on and that you remain D9-FrZoaubc-00016-00097949-00098072 within your seating pod. D9-FrZoaubc-00017-00098193-00098433 Bathrooms and other facilities are located under D9-FrZoaubc-00018-00098433-00098595 each of the upper grandstands. D9-FrZoaubc-00019-00098691-00098946 We want to thank you so much for being here to celebrate D9-FrZoaubc-00020-00098946-00099108 this beautiful class of two 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00021-00099750-00099999 So class of 2021 it's an honor D9-FrZoaubc-00022-00099999-00100115 to be with you this evening. D9-FrZoaubc-00023-00100203-00100506 And after we've all all we've been through this past year D9-FrZoaubc-00024-00100506-00100806 and a half I'm so thankful that we're able D9-FrZoaubc-00025-00100806-00101081 to stand here and be here together to celebrate you. D9-FrZoaubc-00026-00101212-00101434 To recognize your efforts and your achievements D9-FrZoaubc-00027-00101611-00101818 as an alumni of Franklin myself. D9-FrZoaubc-00028-00101818-00102079 And I'm joined on stage by our assistant D9-FrZoaubc-00029-00102079-00102229 deputy superintendent Dr. D9-FrZoaubc-00030-00102229-00102502 Pritchett who is also an alumni of Franklin. D9-FrZoaubc-00031-00102838-00102984 We have enormous pride D9-FrZoaubc-00032-00103167-00103286 for the Franklin community. D9-FrZoaubc-00033-00103452-00103779 So I want to thank the friends and family and loved ones D9-FrZoaubc-00034-00103779-00103965 who have come from near and far to celebrate D9-FrZoaubc-00035-00103965-00104070 this special occasion. D9-FrZoaubc-00036-00104135-00104406 And this evening is all about you class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00037-00104555-00104761 While the ceremony may look and feel a little bit D9-FrZoaubc-00038-00104761-00104959 different than what you might expected when you came D9-FrZoaubc-00039-00104959-00105355 in as ninth graders we're still here. Right. D9-FrZoaubc-00040-00105355-00105640 We didn't know that we were going to be D9-FrZoaubc-00041-00105640-00105798 here but we're here. D9-FrZoaubc-00042-00105798-00105974 And we're super proud. D9-FrZoaubc-00043-00105974-00106223 And with all the restrictions and limitations D9-FrZoaubc-00044-00106223-00106657 that COVID has presented. I'll be your emcee this evening. D9-FrZoaubc-00045-00106748-00106967 Which is a role typically held by our students. D9-FrZoaubc-00046-00107144-00107345 And they would probably do a much better job D9-FrZoaubc-00047-00107345-00107560 than I will but that's okay. D9-FrZoaubc-00048-00107611-00108089 But I do want to recognize Olivia Antiani Nicholas D9-FrZoaubc-00049-00108089-00108189 and Beya. D9-FrZoaubc-00050-00108268-00108454 I want to recognize you for your efforts. D9-FrZoaubc-00051-00108853-00109072 Recognizing your D9-FrZoaubc-00052-00109072-00109249 unparalleled Quaker spirit. D9-FrZoaubc-00053-00109352-00109631 And you have demonstrated remarkable leadership over D9-FrZoaubc-00054-00109631-00109895 the past year and I sincerely appreciate D9-FrZoaubc-00055-00109895-00109995 everything you've done. D9-FrZoaubc-00056-00110203-00110361 At this time I'd D9-FrZoaubc-00057-00110361-00110488 like to introduce D9-FrZoaubc-00058-00110488-00110645 our top scholars. D9-FrZoaubc-00059-00110645-00110942 Oftentimes schools or excuse me recognize their D9-FrZoaubc-00060-00110942-00111233 valedictorian and salutatorian but at D9-FrZoaubc-00061-00111233-00111419 Franklin we honor our top scholars. D9-FrZoaubc-00062-00111527-00111811 And doing so allows us to recognize the efforts D9-FrZoaubc-00063-00111811-00112055 and achievements of multiple students who have D9-FrZoaubc-00064-00112055-00112218 earned the highest academic honor. D9-FrZoaubc-00065-00112346-00112631 This year we recognize nine students whose combined D9-FrZoaubc-00066-00112631-00113121 GPA is above four point two. A truly remarkable achievement. D9-FrZoaubc-00067-00113258-00113606 Top scholars as I read your name please stand and be recognized. D9-FrZoaubc-00068-00113696-00113796 Nathan Louis. D9-FrZoaubc-00069-00114263-00114363 Than Le. D9-FrZoaubc-00070-00114741-00114852 Kulani Chan. D9-FrZoaubc-00071-00115269-00115369 Judy Fu. D9-FrZoaubc-00072-00115777-00115877 Sayla Li. D9-FrZoaubc-00073-00116271-00116371 Lily My. D9-FrZoaubc-00074-00116794-00116914 Georgia Pfister. D9-FrZoaubc-00075-00117273-00117398 Melinda Nguyen. D9-FrZoaubc-00076-00117744-00117856 And Abby Zao. D9-FrZoaubc-00077-00118299-00118399 Thank you. D9-FrZoaubc-00078-00118630-00118846 Franklin is known first D9-FrZoaubc-00079-00118846-00118966 and foremost for our D9-FrZoaubc-00080-00118966-00119080 beautiful students. D9-FrZoaubc-00081-00119131-00119377 And it's our students who stand the tallest D9-FrZoaubc-00082-00119377-00119599 and speak the loudest when the demand D9-FrZoaubc-00083-00119599-00119751 for change is called. D9-FrZoaubc-00084-00119815-00120148 It's our students who embody everything it means D9-FrZoaubc-00085-00120148-00120277 to be a Franklin Quaker. D9-FrZoaubc-00086-00120384-00120705 Our student speaker this evening Miss Gisele Masmela D9-FrZoaubc-00087-00120778-00120988 comes from a long line of Quakers. D9-FrZoaubc-00088-00121045-00121386 And as our ASB president she represents Franklin D9-FrZoaubc-00089-00121386-00121608 so well in so many ways. D9-FrZoaubc-00090-00121717-00121891 At this time I'd like to introduce D9-FrZoaubc-00091-00121891-00122164 and welcome to the stage our student speaker D9-FrZoaubc-00092-00122164-00122443 and ASB President Miss Gisele Masmela. D9-FrZoaubc-00093-00123834-00123991 >> GISELE MASMELA: Thank you Mr. O’Connell. D9-FrZoaubc-00094-00124051-00124337 Good evening Franklin graduating class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00095-00124498-00124801 It is with proud honor that I stand up here today D9-FrZoaubc-00096-00124801-00125122 to welcome you all your families friends and staff D9-FrZoaubc-00097-00125122-00125506 to celebrate this wonderful day. My name is Gisele Masmela. D9-FrZoaubc-00098-00125506-00125705 Many of you may recognize me as Gigi. D9-FrZoaubc-00099-00125776-00126033 With these past four years flying by we have endured D9-FrZoaubc-00100-00126033-00126238 so much and overcame even more. D9-FrZoaubc-00101-00126304-00126625 From bad grades to leading anti-racist demonstrations D9-FrZoaubc-00102-00126625-00126949 and touring colleges virtually we have made it this far D9-FrZoaubc-00103-00126949-00127110 and none of these things have stopped us D9-FrZoaubc-00104-00127110-00127258 from being here on this stage. D9-FrZoaubc-00105-00127357-00127615 This makes me even more excited and I cannot D9-FrZoaubc-00106-00127615-00127832 wait to see where each one of us goes in the future. D9-FrZoaubc-00107-00127897-00128251 The best advice I can give you today is to just D9-FrZoaubc-00108-00128251-00128455 when you're moving forward to the next chapter D9-FrZoaubc-00109-00128455-00128617 of your life make it count. D9-FrZoaubc-00110-00128701-00128929 Many adults in my life told me to just enjoy D9-FrZoaubc-00111-00128929-00129263 high school because it's going to fly by and it did. D9-FrZoaubc-00112-00129263-00129538 I mean I could tell you right now that I still D9-FrZoaubc-00113-00129538-00129627 feel like a junior. D9-FrZoaubc-00114-00129627-00129856 We lost a year and a half of what was supposed D9-FrZoaubc-00115-00129856-00129970 to be normal. D9-FrZoaubc-00116-00129970-00130372 So when I tell you make it count I really mean to just enjoy it. D9-FrZoaubc-00117-00130372-00130678 And wherever you go go with all of your heart and mind. D9-FrZoaubc-00118-00130738-00130911 To each one of you sitting here today D9-FrZoaubc-00119-00130911-00131158 ready to throw your cap in the air take it all D9-FrZoaubc-00120-00131158-00131296 in one last time. D9-FrZoaubc-00121-00131296-00131527 You should be immensely proud of yourselves. D9-FrZoaubc-00122-00131527-00131875 This night is for you. With all that being said. D9-FrZoaubc-00123-00131875-00132121 Thank you Franklin and congratulations seniors. D9-FrZoaubc-00124-00132121-00132322 Give it up for yourselves we finally made it. D9-FrZoaubc-00125-00133088-00133188 Now I D9-FrZoaubc-00126-00133188-00133317 would like to pass the mike D9-FrZoaubc-00127-00133317-00133420 to our keynote D9-FrZoaubc-00128-00133420-00133549 speaker of the night. D9-FrZoaubc-00129-00133549-00133833 This adult has taught and guided many of us students here. D9-FrZoaubc-00130-00133833-00134010 Some of us for two years. D9-FrZoaubc-00131-00134010-00134187 Many can recognize her as the head D9-FrZoaubc-00132-00134187-00134415 of the science department at Franklin but also D9-FrZoaubc-00133-00134415-00134553 as an amazing teacher. D9-FrZoaubc-00134-00134553-00134790 Let's give a warm welcome to our very own Dr. D9-FrZoaubc-00135-00134790-00134890 AJ Katzaroff. D9-FrZoaubc-00136-00135435-00135656 >> AJ KATZAROFF: Thank you Gigi. D9-FrZoaubc-00137-00135656-00135878 Good evening Franklin families students and staff D9-FrZoaubc-00138-00135878-00136105 the Quaker community. D9-FrZoaubc-00139-00136105-00136393 I'm so honored to be here recognizing D9-FrZoaubc-00140-00136393-00136666 the accomplishments of our students and tonight celebrating D9-FrZoaubc-00141-00136666-00136807 their graduation from Franklin. D9-FrZoaubc-00142-00136895-00137219 The path to this celebratory graduation was different D9-FrZoaubc-00143-00137219-00137573 than any one of us could have imagined when you the students D9-FrZoaubc-00144-00137573-00137706 started your Franklin journey. D9-FrZoaubc-00145-00137762-00137993 This was not the way we expected anyone D9-FrZoaubc-00146-00137993-00138320 students staff and families to experience the senior D9-FrZoaubc-00147-00138320-00138625 year of all you amazing Quakers. D9-FrZoaubc-00148-00138625-00138990 To you seniors it was unforeseeable D9-FrZoaubc-00149-00138990-00139269 that this year’s school your senior year would see D9-FrZoaubc-00150-00139269-00139545 you taking classes from your bedrooms your D9-FrZoaubc-00151-00139545-00139854 kitchens and living rooms becoming caretakers for younger D9-FrZoaubc-00152-00139854-00140276 siblings their educators your cousins family members and more. D9-FrZoaubc-00153-00140364-00140595 Some of you worked new and different hours to support D9-FrZoaubc-00154-00140595-00140726 yourselves and your families. D9-FrZoaubc-00155-00140835-00141144 Some of you faced COVID-19 in your own families. D9-FrZoaubc-00156-00141144-00141405 And these were only some of the changes D9-FrZoaubc-00157-00141405-00141729 and challenges of this year and certainly there are more. D9-FrZoaubc-00158-00141870-00142044 And through this all you've progressed on your D9-FrZoaubc-00159-00142044-00142278 Franklin journey to this moment. D9-FrZoaubc-00160-00142370-00142721 We did this together inside the classroom with your D9-FrZoaubc-00161-00142721-00142913 collaboration and determination. D9-FrZoaubc-00162-00143039-00143282 Together as a Franklin community we learned how D9-FrZoaubc-00163-00143282-00143570 to learn how to teach and how to support each D9-FrZoaubc-00164-00143570-00143963 other in new ways while holding firm to our Franklin values. D9-FrZoaubc-00165-00144085-00144373 Outside the classroom you continue to strengthen D9-FrZoaubc-00166-00144373-00144694 your roles as leaders to change the unacceptable D9-FrZoaubc-00167-00144694-00145060 and systemic and social racism embedded in our nation. D9-FrZoaubc-00168-00145197-00145515 You organized protests for Black Lives Matter D9-FrZoaubc-00169-00145515-00145876 and against anti-Asian and Pacific Islander hate. D9-FrZoaubc-00170-00145876-00146169 You were engaged with how the climate crisis D9-FrZoaubc-00171-00146169-00146559 disproportionately impacts BIPOC and immigrant communities. D9-FrZoaubc-00172-00146667-00146904 Even in the midst of the pandemic D9-FrZoaubc-00173-00146904-00147267 you have been leaders in advocacy and creating change. D9-FrZoaubc-00174-00147267-00147718 Quakers I am inspired by your advocacy. D9-FrZoaubc-00175-00147777-00148126 I am inspired about how you have overcome the challenges D9-FrZoaubc-00176-00148126-00148226 of this past year. D9-FrZoaubc-00177-00148279-00148660 I am inspired how you are agents for positive change. D9-FrZoaubc-00178-00148767-00149007 We are here celebrating your graduation and how D9-FrZoaubc-00179-00149007-00149388 you will continue to be advocates agents of change D9-FrZoaubc-00180-00149388-00149496 and leaders. D9-FrZoaubc-00181-00149613-00149934 Keep showing why you Franklin Quakers D9-FrZoaubc-00182-00149934-00150348 are leaders in change. I love you all. Congratulations. D9-FrZoaubc-00183-00151136-00151357 >> PRINCIPAL O'CONNELL: Thank you Dr. Katz. D9-FrZoaubc-00184-00151357-00151579 A wise woman once told me D9-FrZoaubc-00185-00151579-00151853 that there's nothing D9-FrZoaubc-00186-00151853-00151961 about a caterpillar D9-FrZoaubc-00187-00151961-00152214 that will ever tell you it will D9-FrZoaubc-00188-00152214-00152373 someday become a butterfly. D9-FrZoaubc-00189-00152373-00152578 And the same is true D9-FrZoaubc-00190-00152578-00152678 about the butterfly. D9-FrZoaubc-00191-00152773-00153019 There's nothing about the butterfly that would ever D9-FrZoaubc-00192-00153019-00153379 tell you it was once a caterpillar and D9-FrZoaubc-00193-00153379-00153499 it was always beautiful. D9-FrZoaubc-00194-00153687-00154152 And that caterpillar for some time developing after some D9-FrZoaubc-00195-00154152-00154365 time developing and learning about itself D9-FrZoaubc-00196-00154365-00154836 and the world around it went through a metamorphosis a change D9-FrZoaubc-00197-00154926-00155046 to become a butterfly. D9-FrZoaubc-00198-00155170-00155386 But the caterpillar and the butterfly D9-FrZoaubc-00199-00155386-00155494 are one in the same. D9-FrZoaubc-00200-00155599-00155917 And it's inherent beauty has never changed. D9-FrZoaubc-00201-00156053-00156317 What changed was both the form of the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00202-00156440-00156716 and the ways we have been conditioned to observe D9-FrZoaubc-00203-00156716-00157192 and appreciate the beauty often without considering D9-FrZoaubc-00204-00157192-00157342 the beauty of the caterpillar. D9-FrZoaubc-00205-00157539-00157848 Now some people see the butterfly and easily D9-FrZoaubc-00206-00157848-00158124 identify it as the more beautiful product D9-FrZoaubc-00207-00158124-00158265 of the metamorphosis. D9-FrZoaubc-00208-00158408-00158564 They appreciate the colors of the D9-FrZoaubc-00209-00158564-00158837 wings and the graceful flight. D9-FrZoaubc-00210-00158980-00159202 And they may only recognize the caterpillar's D9-FrZoaubc-00211-00159202-00159324 new beauty in this way. D9-FrZoaubc-00212-00159493-00159835 Other people fewer I would expect to see the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00213-00159835-00159979 of the caterpillar first. D9-FrZoaubc-00214-00160121-00160487 They appreciate that furry little creature the slow D9-FrZoaubc-00215-00160487-00160811 and methodical movement the youthful stage D9-FrZoaubc-00216-00160811-00161114 of development and they've come to appreciate D9-FrZoaubc-00217-00161114-00161345 the foundation of the butterfly’s beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00218-00161345-00161773 and recognize this foundation as fundamental as necessary. D9-FrZoaubc-00219-00161935-00162304 And yet they may not be able to see foresee the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00220-00162304-00162494 that is yet to come. D9-FrZoaubc-00221-00162494-00162684 And there's another group of people. D9-FrZoaubc-00222-00162684-00163028 This group of people have come to appreciate D9-FrZoaubc-00223-00163028-00163489 the change process itself. The metamorphosis. D9-FrZoaubc-00224-00163602-00163989 Now they may they may be able to appreciate D9-FrZoaubc-00225-00163989-00164385 what was and what is and my sincere hope D9-FrZoaubc-00226-00164385-00164831 is that they do for brilliance and beauty exist there. D9-FrZoaubc-00227-00165001-00165364 But this takes intentional introspection and awareness. D9-FrZoaubc-00228-00165516-00165840 This group of people can generally recognize the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00229-00165891-00166227 of what is yet to come even if they never get to witness D9-FrZoaubc-00230-00166227-00166577 it and they dedicate their lives to supporting D9-FrZoaubc-00231-00166577-00166697 the change process. D9-FrZoaubc-00232-00166833-00167106 They recognize that what they see is not D9-FrZoaubc-00233-00167106-00167264 always what is to come. D9-FrZoaubc-00234-00167525-00167645 There's another group of people. D9-FrZoaubc-00235-00167731-00167968 A group of people who recognize that all D9-FrZoaubc-00236-00167968-00168259 of this has just been a change in the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00237-00168259-00168385 that was always there. D9-FrZoaubc-00238-00168527-00168806 They appreciate the caterpillar for the foundational D9-FrZoaubc-00239-00168806-00169117 brilliance and beauty it brought to the world. D9-FrZoaubc-00240-00169226-00169526 They appreciate the butterfly for the brilliance D9-FrZoaubc-00241-00169526-00169856 and beauty that resulted from the metamorphosis. D9-FrZoaubc-00242-00169982-00170249 And they appreciate the change process itself. D9-FrZoaubc-00243-00170370-00170748 They can see what was what is and they have D9-FrZoaubc-00244-00170748-00171110 deep faith and hope for what is yet to come. D9-FrZoaubc-00245-00171240-00171630 They have always seen recognized and appreciated the beauty D9-FrZoaubc-00246-00171735-00171867 and it was always there. D9-FrZoaubc-00247-00172049-00172319 This is of course a metaphor for how we have D9-FrZoaubc-00248-00172319-00172519 experienced you the class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00249-00172667-00173039 Your brilliance and your beauty has always been D9-FrZoaubc-00250-00173039-00173203 and will always be there. D9-FrZoaubc-00251-00173344-00173713 And as we watched you change thus far we know D9-FrZoaubc-00252-00173713-00173857 you will continue to change. D9-FrZoaubc-00253-00174008-00174281 What won't change is that you'll always D9-FrZoaubc-00254-00174281-00174547 be brilliant and you'll always be beautiful. D9-FrZoaubc-00255-00174667-00174961 Now it's time for you to fly and go change the world. D9-FrZoaubc-00256-00175152-00175539 To everyone here today I ask us all which group reflects D9-FrZoaubc-00257-00175539-00176101 who you are and what you believe about where the brilliance D9-FrZoaubc-00258-00176101-00176263 and where the beauty exists. D9-FrZoaubc-00259-00176444-00176669 Is that the group you really truly want D9-FrZoaubc-00260-00176669-00177021 to be a part of and is a metamorphosis D9-FrZoaubc-00261-00177021-00177316 necessary for you. Thank you. D9-FrZoaubc-00262-00177915-00178015 It's important to know D9-FrZoaubc-00263-00178015-00178165 class of 2021 that you have D9-FrZoaubc-00264-00178165-00178437 not done this alone. Right. D9-FrZoaubc-00265-00178579-00178735 There have been people in your corner who have D9-FrZoaubc-00266-00178735-00178948 helped you and supported you and guided D9-FrZoaubc-00267-00178948-00179080 you to reach today. D9-FrZoaubc-00268-00179208-00179472 There are of course the first teachers in your life D9-FrZoaubc-00269-00179523-00179934 your parents or guardians your family members your loved ones. D9-FrZoaubc-00270-00180025-00180336 You also have your teachers your mentors your D9-FrZoaubc-00271-00180336-00180666 religious leaders counselors and other D9-FrZoaubc-00272-00180666-00180766 trusted adults. D9-FrZoaubc-00273-00180859-00181117 It's time to recognize them for the ways they've D9-FrZoaubc-00274-00181117-00181249 loved and supported you. D9-FrZoaubc-00275-00181380-00181857 If you have one please take out your phone take a quick photo D9-FrZoaubc-00276-00181857-00182025 of the people in the stands today. D9-FrZoaubc-00277-00182240-00182366 Take a selfie with them D9-FrZoaubc-00278-00182366-00182466 in the background. D9-FrZoaubc-00279-00182522-00182756 This is a moment you will want to remember. D9-FrZoaubc-00280-00183414-00183572 It's okay you can D9-FrZoaubc-00281-00183572-00183794 shout them out it's okay. Go ahead. D9-FrZoaubc-00282-00183794-00185384 All right. Thank you. D9-FrZoaubc-00283-00185384-00185506 At this time I'd D9-FrZoaubc-00284-00185506-00185603 like to introduce D9-FrZoaubc-00285-00185603-00185701 a couple other D9-FrZoaubc-00286-00185701-00185750 distinguished D9-FrZoaubc-00287-00185750-00185873 guests on the stage. D9-FrZoaubc-00288-00185873-00186128 Joining us up here today our school board director D9-FrZoaubc-00289-00186128-00186476 Brandon Hersey and the Chief of the Office D9-FrZoaubc-00290-00186476-00186686 of African-American Male Achievement Dr. D9-FrZoaubc-00291-00186686-00186776 Mia Williams. D9-FrZoaubc-00292-00186776-00186941 Please give them a round of applause. D9-FrZoaubc-00293-00187735-00187972 Director Hersey as the proud D9-FrZoaubc-00294-00187972-00188026 principal D9-FrZoaubc-00295-00188026-00188088 of D9-FrZoaubc-00296-00188088-00188243 Franklin High School I D9-FrZoaubc-00297-00188243-00188398 formally present and recommend D9-FrZoaubc-00298-00188398-00188614 for graduation the students D9-FrZoaubc-00299-00188614-00188829 of the graduating class of 2021 D9-FrZoaubc-00300-00188938-00189169 from the Franklin High School. D9-FrZoaubc-00301-00189732-00189909 These students having met D9-FrZoaubc-00302-00189909-00190005 all the graduation D9-FrZoaubc-00303-00190005-00190071 requirements D9-FrZoaubc-00304-00190071-00190194 of Seattle Public Schools D9-FrZoaubc-00305-00190194-00190329 and the State of Washington D9-FrZoaubc-00306-00190329-00190514 are prepared to graduate today. D9-FrZoaubc-00307-00191069-00191324 >> DIRECTOR HERSEY: Principal O'Connell on behalf D9-FrZoaubc-00308-00191324-00191564 of the Seattle Public School Board D9-FrZoaubc-00309-00191564-00191984 and the citizens of Seattle that we represent I hereby D9-FrZoaubc-00310-00191984-00192340 accept the 2021 high school class or excuse me D9-FrZoaubc-00311-00192340-00192538 the Franklin High School class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00312-00192641-00192830 Congratulations graduates. D9-FrZoaubc-00313-00193547-00193647 Franklin High School D9-FrZoaubc-00314-00193647-00193800 it is now time to celebrate D9-FrZoaubc-00315-00193800-00194004 your graduation by reading D9-FrZoaubc-00316-00194004-00194163 your names into the record. D9-FrZoaubc-00317-00194217-00194529 School directors will now direct each individual row D9-FrZoaubc-00318-00194529-00194748 to stand and move to the outside of your D9-FrZoaubc-00319-00194748-00195081 row where you will be directed to the main stage. D9-FrZoaubc-00320-00195081-00195417 As your name is read please pick up a diploma shield D9-FrZoaubc-00321-00195417-00195657 and move to the center of the stage. D9-FrZoaubc-00322-00195657-00196089 You may then briefly lower your mask for that Kodak moment D9-FrZoaubc-00323-00196089-00196365 before re-covering your face and returning D9-FrZoaubc-00324-00196365-00196472 to your original seat. D9-FrZoaubc-00325-00196524-00196719 Please sit down as soon as you have D9-FrZoaubc-00326-00196719-00196863 returned to your seat. D9-FrZoaubc-00327-00196863-00197133 We will repeat this process until all D9-FrZoaubc-00328-00197133-00197407 students have had their names called. D9-FrZoaubc-00329-00234846-00235100 >> PRESENTATION OF GRADUATES: [presentation of graduates] D9-FrZoaubc-00332-00341785-00342070 >> PRINCIPAL O'CONNELL: Let's give them all a round D9-FrZoaubc-00333-00342070-00342165 of applause. D9-FrZoaubc-00334-00342165-00343982 Congratulations once D9-FrZoaubc-00335-00343982-00344082 again class of 2021. D9-FrZoaubc-00336-00344228-00344693 Franklin High School graduates it is now time D9-FrZoaubc-00337-00344798-00345353 for the time-honored tradition of moving your tassel to signify D9-FrZoaubc-00338-00345439-00345579 your status as a graduate. D9-FrZoaubc-00339-00345655-00345940 I ask you and any of our students attending D9-FrZoaubc-00340-00345940-00346255 graduation remotely to stand as you are able D9-FrZoaubc-00341-00346312-00346549 and to move your tassel on the count of three D9-FrZoaubc-00342-00346618-00346780 from right to left. D9-FrZoaubc-00343-00347244-00347577 All right. On the count of three. D9-FrZoaubc-00344-00347577-00347823 One two three. D9-FrZoaubc-00345-00349257-00349357 Yeah feel free D9-FrZoaubc-00346-00349357-00349501 to throw those up. Throw them up. D9-FrZoaubc-00347-00350306-00350502 And then and then pick them up. Yeah D9-FrZoaubc-00348-00350803-00351151 throw them up but you got to pick them up too. D9-FrZoaubc-00349-00351151-00351310 Okay all right graduates. D9-FrZoaubc-00350-00351310-00351547 Our ceremony is nearing its completion. D9-FrZoaubc-00351-00351547-00351801 However before we finish we want to remind our D9-FrZoaubc-00352-00351801-00352155 guests and you all how we're going to exit from the stadium. D9-FrZoaubc-00353-00352218-00352578 Family and guests we ask that you remain in your seats D9-FrZoaubc-00354-00352578-00352944 until all of the graduates have been dismissed from their seats. D9-FrZoaubc-00355-00353065-00353380 They will exit out to the north west field D9-FrZoaubc-00356-00353598-00353832 from the stadium and head to the International Fountain. D9-FrZoaubc-00357-00353961-00354395 For guests on the left in the south section D9-FrZoaubc-00358-00354395-00354623 of our stadium please exit through the tunnels D9-FrZoaubc-00359-00354623-00354866 and the rolling doors immediately at the back D9-FrZoaubc-00360-00354866-00354966 of the stadium. D9-FrZoaubc-00361-00355032-00355333 For guests to the right in the north D9-FrZoaubc-00362-00355333-00355438 section of the stadium. D9-FrZoaubc-00363-00355438-00355708 You may come down to the stadium field and use D9-FrZoaubc-00364-00355708-00356353 the field exit after after the students have left D9-FrZoaubc-00365-00356353-00356578 through the back entrance or exit excuse me. D9-FrZoaubc-00366-00356650-00356920 Graduates our staff is heading to the back D9-FrZoaubc-00367-00356920-00357261 of the field to form a tunnel to celebrate your graduation. D9-FrZoaubc-00368-00357377-00357674 After the tunnel is formed the directors of schools D9-FrZoaubc-00369-00357674-00358094 will dismiss each row in reverse order starting at the back. D9-FrZoaubc-00370-00358311-00358411 Please walk through D9-FrZoaubc-00371-00358411-00358627 the tunnel celebrate D9-FrZoaubc-00372-00358627-00358932 yourselves one more time D9-FrZoaubc-00373-00359136-00359370 and go up to the International Fountain D9-FrZoaubc-00374-00359433-00359658 where you can reconnect with family D9-FrZoaubc-00375-00359658-00359850 friends and loved ones. D9-FrZoaubc-00376-00359989-00360247 Staff I can see are already moving to the back. D9-FrZoaubc-00377-00360358-00360463 Thank you for doing that. D9-FrZoaubc-00378-00360520-00360744 Once you're back there please form a tunnel. D9-FrZoaubc-00379-00360858-00361455 And once again congratulations. We love you. We care about you. D9-FrZoaubc-00380-00361455-00361620 And we all belong here. D9-FrZoaubc-00381-00361704-00361911 Congratulations Franklin class of 2021. DqTbwsfF_vA-00000-00000000-00000421 KIDS FARM SHOW DqTbwsfF_vA-00001-00000421-00001418 We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New year! DqTbwsfF_vA-00002-00001418-00002364 The presents we bring to friends and loved ones We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year DqTbwsfF_vA-00003-00002364-00003378 It's snowing outside We gather together Family brings us such joy What a festive year DqTbwsfF_vA-00004-00003378-00004366 The presents we bring to friends and loved ones We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year DqTbwsfF_vA-00005-00004366-00005342 We’re making angels in the snow Having hot chocolate in this glow Families where we belong Oh, so much joy DqTbwsfF_vA-00006-00005342-00006284 The presents we bring to friends and loved ones We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year DqTbwsfF_vA-00007-00006284-00007277 The Christmas tree is so bright We are here so tight Sitting down together What a joyous time DqTbwsfF_vA-00008-00007277-00008278 The presents we bring to friends and loved ones We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year DqTbwsfF_vA-00009-00008278-00009295 We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year DqTbwsfF_vA-00010-00009295-00010484 KIDS FARM SHOW DrgBT4tf0EA-00000-00001095-00001416 this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing DrgBT4tf0EA-00001-00001416-00001860 education webinar on demand CEUs are still available for this presentation DrgBT4tf0EA-00002-00001860-00002412 through all CEUs register at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox DrgBT4tf0EA-00003-00002593-00003385 I'd like to welcome everybody to today's presentation on common co-occurring issues DrgBT4tf0EA-00004-00003385-00003936 exploring the interaction between mental health physical health and addiction so we're kind of DrgBT4tf0EA-00005-00003936-00004354 putting together the stuff that we've been talking about for a couple of sessions now DrgBT4tf0EA-00006-00004354-00004831 we're gonna start out by talking about some questions and then reviewing what a healthy DrgBT4tf0EA-00007-00004831-00005374 person needs and then going through and talking about how different addictions may cause or be DrgBT4tf0EA-00008-00005374-00005875 caused by mood disorders and physical health issues and we're going to talk about things DrgBT4tf0EA-00009-00005875-00006658 that you may see in in private practice or in the facility that you're working in just real quickly DrgBT4tf0EA-00010-00006658-00007405 for those of you who are here how many people if you would just type in the chat window if you're DrgBT4tf0EA-00011-00007405-00008173 a mental health counselor type mhm if you are a addictions counselor type SI or whatever so just DrgBT4tf0EA-00012-00008173-00009022 kind of so and know who I'm talking to you okay so mostly mental health ok cool so what we're DrgBT4tf0EA-00013-00009022-00009643 really going to look at and and is what you may see in a private practice or in a mental health DrgBT4tf0EA-00014-00009643-00010273 setting because these clients a lot of clients that have substance abuse or addiction issues DrgBT4tf0EA-00015-00010273-00010768 and I use the term addiction because we're talking about behavioral addictions too many DrgBT4tf0EA-00016-00010768-00011290 times they don't meet the criteria for admission for substance abuse because they don't meet that DrgBT4tf0EA-00017-00011290-00011965 threshold of a substance use disorder tolerance withdrawal yada yada so substance abuse agencies DrgBT4tf0EA-00018-00011965-00012544 can't get funding to provide the treatment so they end up in a mental health facility or a DrgBT4tf0EA-00019-00012544-00013041 mental health counselors office and they may be dealing with some of these addiction issues DrgBT4tf0EA-00020-00013041-00013546 and wanting to address them or they may not be but those issues are out there and exists so DrgBT4tf0EA-00021-00013546-00014362 we want to know how they interact so told you we're gonna have a couple questions to think DrgBT4tf0EA-00022-00014362-00014869 about and I'm just asking you to ponder these for right now and you can add throughout the class if DrgBT4tf0EA-00023-00014869-00015484 you want but we're gonna talk about it more at the end how how can we and why is it important DrgBT4tf0EA-00024-00015484-00016122 to address chronic illness and disabilities that result from or that cause mood disorders DrgBT4tf0EA-00025-00016122-00017080 or addictions so thinking about you know like HIV or hepatitis those are two of the big ones DrgBT4tf0EA-00026-00017080-00017866 cirrhosis of the liver chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from smoking so these are DrgBT4tf0EA-00027-00017866-00018538 things that can result from addiction why or how is it important for us as clinicians mental health DrgBT4tf0EA-00028-00018538-00019330 clinicians mainly to think about addressing these how can we address depression and/or anxiety kind DrgBT4tf0EA-00029-00019330-00020095 of our mood disorder genre and hopelessness that results from or causes depression and anxiety so DrgBT4tf0EA-00030-00020095-00020839 we know that thinking back to effect acceptance and commitment therapy there's clean discomfort DrgBT4tf0EA-00031-00020839-00021337 which is what he calls your initial emotion when you feel something if you feel depressed DrgBT4tf0EA-00032-00021337-00021928 if you feel anxious that's how you feel and it's uncomfortable but it's clean it is it is DrgBT4tf0EA-00033-00021928-00022519 what it is and then he calls dirty discomfort the feelings that we have about those feelings DrgBT4tf0EA-00034-00022519-00023266 so we can get angry that we are depressed we can get depressed that we're still depressed and he DrgBT4tf0EA-00035-00023266-00023755 calls that dirty discomfort because we're kind of layering on and piling in think about just kind of DrgBT4tf0EA-00036-00023755-00024337 throwing somebody into a hole and piling more dirt on top of them so we want to think about DrgBT4tf0EA-00037-00024337-00025156 how can we address these issues that result from depression or anxiety or sleeping eating or energy DrgBT4tf0EA-00038-00025156-00026064 changes so if you've got somebody who is dealing with with a chronic illness or something else has DrgBT4tf0EA-00039-00026064-00026464 happened or they're they've got some sort of an addiction and they are not eating well not DrgBT4tf0EA-00040-00026464-00026995 sleeping well it could trigger depression or anxiety so we're going to talk about that how DrgBT4tf0EA-00041-00026995-00027448 can we address sleeping eating and energy changes seems like we're getting repetitive we're looking DrgBT4tf0EA-00042-00027448-00028095 at how each one interfaces how can we address these things that are caused by or cause mood DrgBT4tf0EA-00043-00028095-00028545 disorders or addictions because we know when we look at the diagnostic criteria for depression DrgBT4tf0EA-00044-00028545-00029218 for example sleeping eating and energy changes primary in there and how can we address guilt DrgBT4tf0EA-00045-00029218-00029839 and regret which may accompany addiction recovery or the diagnosis of the disease as the result of DrgBT4tf0EA-00046-00029839-00030673 addiction such as lung cancer or HIV or cirrhosis of the liver and people who have liver disorders DrgBT4tf0EA-00047-00030673-00031468 cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis are at a greater risk of liver cancer so that can they DrgBT4tf0EA-00048-00031468-00031939 can have some additional anxiety that are related to that so they may look back and go I wish I DrgBT4tf0EA-00049-00031939-00032776 hadn't well you have so how can we help you deal with that and come to some level of acceptance so DrgBT4tf0EA-00050-00032776-00033361 my little editorialized soapbox when we're talking about addictions I mean sometimes we don't want to DrgBT4tf0EA-00051-00033361-00033793 think that they exist we want to pretend that our clients are coming in their mental health clients DrgBT4tf0EA-00052-00033793-00034264 otherwise they're perfectly healthy things are going great well that may not be the trick the DrgBT4tf0EA-00053-00034264-00034822 case a lot of people begin to use and I mean think about ourselves when we're when we were DrgBT4tf0EA-00054-00034822-00035452 in high school and college or you know even later some people use for recreation you know they want DrgBT4tf0EA-00055-00035452-00036088 to go out have a few beers do whatever cool you know that's fine some people drink or use for DrgBT4tf0EA-00056-00036088-00037150 relaxation my son has a love of we will use that word videogames and he will get on his videogames DrgBT4tf0EA-00057-00037150-00037669 and we'll kind of get lost in it it helps him escape from you know life as we know it for a DrgBT4tf0EA-00058-00037669-00038248 little bit a little bit of time some people use because of peer pressure you know it's everybody's DrgBT4tf0EA-00059-00038248-00038887 doing it or you know you're at a football party or something and everybody's having a beer and DrgBT4tf0EA-00060-00038887-00039484 somebody offers you one and you don't want to be rude things like that can happen and some people DrgBT4tf0EA-00061-00039484-00039985 begin to use straight up for self medication they're like I feel crappy I need something to DrgBT4tf0EA-00062-00039985-00040732 help me feel better or numb the pain so there's a lot of reasons people begin to use so then you DrgBT4tf0EA-00063-00040732-00041518 might say well why don't they just say no because evidently it's easy to say no well it's not some DrgBT4tf0EA-00064-00041518-00041950 people start to use because they're bored and they want something to bring some excitement some DrgBT4tf0EA-00065-00041950-00042604 euphoria to their life and we're talking about everything from sex addiction internet addict DrgBT4tf0EA-00066-00042712-00043429 to cocaine use I mean we're running the gamut here they may lack the awareness of the dangers or how DrgBT4tf0EA-00067-00043429-00044140 quickly you can become addicted I know when I was working in the facility in Florida there was the DrgBT4tf0EA-00068-00044140-00045112 sort of knowledge if you will and knowledge is not really the right word rule I guess that with crack DrgBT4tf0EA-00069-00045112-00045688 cocaine for some people it was a one-hit wonder you did it once and you were hooked and there are DrgBT4tf0EA-00070-00045688-00046393 several drugs that can be really highly addicting really quickly especially if they're taken either DrgBT4tf0EA-00071-00046393-00046945 through injection or inhalation but we've talked before about the fact that our bodies can start DrgBT4tf0EA-00072-00046945-00047755 developing tolerance to opiates within 3 to 5 days so you know people may not a lot of people DrgBT4tf0EA-00073-00047755-00048172 don't realize when they go in and their doctor writes him a script for two weeks of opiates and DrgBT4tf0EA-00074-00048172-00048838 they take it as prescribed that they're actually becoming somewhat addicted to those opiates if DrgBT4tf0EA-00075-00048838-00049669 they take the whole prescription so they may not understand that some people don't say no because DrgBT4tf0EA-00076-00049669-00050275 they have low self-esteem so they're looking for comfort to help them relax to help them loosen DrgBT4tf0EA-00077-00050275-00050959 up so they can be more fun at the party and or to peer pressure somebody tells them why don't DrgBT4tf0EA-00078-00050959-00051586 you use or why don't you come out and go drinking with us or whatever the case may be so to fit in DrgBT4tf0EA-00079-00051586-00052357 they may try to use in order to fit in to feel part of a crowd and part of it can also be you DrgBT4tf0EA-00080-00052357-00052951 know with that peer pressure just generally the culture promoting this kind of behavior going DrgBT4tf0EA-00081-00052951-00053500 it's ok I think I've shared with you before at the beginning of some of the original Beverly DrgBT4tf0EA-00082-00053500-00054238 Hillbillies episodes they still advertised Winston cigarettes like they are the greatest thing and DrgBT4tf0EA-00083-00054238-00054862 cool people have them and that's the thing to do so if that message gets out people may start DrgBT4tf0EA-00084-00054862-00055886 believing it and not do their research so to speak on what the true problems or risks maybe DrgBT4tf0EA-00085-00055886-00056540 and then again self-medication some people may be struggling just to get by from day to day and DrgBT4tf0EA-00086-00056540-00057142 this helps them survive the best they can with the tools they have until we give them some new tools DrgBT4tf0EA-00087-00057142-00057991 so just saying you know and and I had I grew up during the era of Nancy Reagan and you know God DrgBT4tf0EA-00088-00057991-00058780 love her she was trying to help and for a certain small percentage she probably did but for a larger DrgBT4tf0EA-00089-00058780-00059621 percentage just saying no is not that easy we need to give people the tools so they can say no so DrgBT4tf0EA-00090-00059621-00060004 they don't so they aren't relying on these drugs for some reason because when people start using DrgBT4tf0EA-00091-00060004-00060713 for recreation and relaxation some people may not have a big big issue with it other people it may DrgBT4tf0EA-00092-00060713-00061253 start throwing their neurotransmitters kind of out of whack depending on how much how often they use DrgBT4tf0EA-00093-00061253-00062017 what combinations if they're on any medication so people may inadvertently start messing with their DrgBT4tf0EA-00094-00062017-00062554 neurotransmitters and creating and we'll talk about this creating the depression or anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00095-00062554-00063353 that they end up trying to self-medicate so that that is my soapbox for it is not that easy to just DrgBT4tf0EA-00096-00063353-00064091 say no we as a culture not just as clinicians have some work to do so what do we need to do DrgBT4tf0EA-00097-00064091-00064646 in order to help people be able to just say no they need to have access to healthy nutrition DrgBT4tf0EA-00098-00064646-00065420 and knowledge of what that means my son and it's still like drawing fingernails on a blackboard DrgBT4tf0EA-00099-00065420-00066065 to me today this week I told his sister that you know he didn't understand why she was so concerned DrgBT4tf0EA-00100-00066065-00066605 with nutrition he's a guy he doesn't need to pay attention to nutrition it's just whatever and I DrgBT4tf0EA-00101-00066605-00067310 was just like oh my gosh you know everything I've said has fallen on deaf ears but okay we'll back DrgBT4tf0EA-00102-00067310-00067931 up and figure out a way but they need access to it and then they also need to eat it you know if DrgBT4tf0EA-00103-00067931-00068453 we have healthy foods available but people are still eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches DrgBT4tf0EA-00104-00068453-00068969 for every single meal it's not going to help so we need to make sure people understand what a healthy DrgBT4tf0EA-00105-00068969-00069606 diet looks like how to do it in a way that's not painful you know we're not asking you to just eat DrgBT4tf0EA-00106-00069606-00070584 rabbit food as my daddy used to say but so what does it look like to eat a diet or nutrition that DrgBT4tf0EA-00107-00070584-00071064 makes you feel good that's happy that makes you feel happy fulfilled you like it it tastes good DrgBT4tf0EA-00108-00071064-00071763 whatever you want to say but that that's also healthy you know it's not just pizza or just DrgBT4tf0EA-00109-00071763-00072411 peanut butter we need to educate people and a lot of adults that I work with have no clue about DrgBT4tf0EA-00110-00072411-00072957 sleep hygiene you know they know they're supposed to try to go to sleep but they don't know anything DrgBT4tf0EA-00111-00072957-00073566 about turning off the blue turning on blue light filters so the blue lights are not keeping them DrgBT4tf0EA-00112-00073566-00074193 up so we need to do some education here ideally in elementary schools but if we can get it out to the DrgBT4tf0EA-00113-00074193-00074916 community so they can pass it on to their little minions we'll be on a good path pain control we DrgBT4tf0EA-00114-00074916-00075513 need people to start having pain control but we need to also have them have alternatives to DrgBT4tf0EA-00115-00075513-00076041 pain control besides opiates and there are a lot of them out there again people don't know about DrgBT4tf0EA-00116-00076041-00076743 so it's important that we educate and we're not prescribing pain control that's not our job but DrgBT4tf0EA-00117-00076743-00077334 if we have a client who's in chronic pain we can suggest that they work with their doctor that they DrgBT4tf0EA-00118-00077334-00077925 look into options for pain control you can google it and find a lot of different alternatives now DrgBT4tf0EA-00119-00077925-00078351 if they don't want to go to the doctor but you know there are a lot of different things from DrgBT4tf0EA-00120-00078351-00079005 acupressure it attends units to things that are non pharmacological that can help people manage DrgBT4tf0EA-00121-00079005-00079590 their pain so they can sleep which will help them rest and rebalance deal with fatigue and DrgBT4tf0EA-00122-00079590-00080067 be able to deal with life kind of on life's terms because they won't be in this constant state of DrgBT4tf0EA-00123-00080067-00080928 stress people need access to regular medical care to prevent problems so you know we want to prevent DrgBT4tf0EA-00124-00080928-00081702 this thing on your face from becoming skin cancer we want to prevent anything else that that might DrgBT4tf0EA-00125-00081702-00082386 trigger problems and early intervention so like with Lyme disease if people get early intervention DrgBT4tf0EA-00126-00082386-00082974 mentioned they don't end up with the chronic problems with HIV the earlier the intervention DrgBT4tf0EA-00127-00082974-00083469 the better same thing with hepatitis you know the list goes on so we want to make sure that if DrgBT4tf0EA-00128-00083469-00084111 people have some sort of issue that's disrupting their ability to get enough sleep process DrgBT4tf0EA-00129-00084111-00084948 nutrition go to work do any of these things that they have access to some method whatever method DrgBT4tf0EA-00130-00084948-00085446 they need to address it so sometimes it's medical sometimes it's mental health sometimes it's social DrgBT4tf0EA-00131-00085446-00086100 services they need safe housing so we're on to social services now and that includes a roof DrgBT4tf0EA-00132-00086100-00086610 over their head that they're not worried when they go to sleep at night but also being safe DrgBT4tf0EA-00133-00086610-00087321 from domestic violence and things like that safety and this kind of goes with safe housing and I put DrgBT4tf0EA-00134-00087321-00088011 internal and external because you know the first part is external safety we want to be able to know DrgBT4tf0EA-00135-00088011-00088500 that our patients can relax wherever they're at they have enough money to keep a roof over their DrgBT4tf0EA-00136-00088500-00089088 head in a safe place and you know typically that's not something that we think about as mental health DrgBT4tf0EA-00137-00089088-00089646 counselors we think about helping them deal with their anxiety but if they can't get enough sleep DrgBT4tf0EA-00138-00089646-00090114 and they never feel safe when they're at home they're not going to be able to rest and they're DrgBT4tf0EA-00139-00090114-00090804 at best their recovery is going to be impeded at worst you know it's going to contribute to the DrgBT4tf0EA-00140-00090804-00091338 issue that they're seeing us for so safe housing is important we're not going to get it for them DrgBT4tf0EA-00141-00091338-00092091 but we can point them in the right direction your local United Way which is 2-1-1 and most places DrgBT4tf0EA-00142-00092091-00092712 generally has a listing of different resources for accessing safe housing if you don't work DrgBT4tf0EA-00143-00092712-00093501 in a facility that's used to dealing with that and then internal safety that's shutting up that DrgBT4tf0EA-00144-00093501-00094320 internal critic that's being able to go through a day without being derogatory to yourself and DrgBT4tf0EA-00145-00094320-00094710 and that's something that we definitely can help with we can help people shut down that DrgBT4tf0EA-00146-00094710-00095379 internal critic or that internal person that is always calling gloom and doom and you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00147-00095379-00095859 waiting for the other shoe to drop or whatever the case may be we can help clients change their DrgBT4tf0EA-00148-00095859-00096471 cognitions so it's safe inside their own head and then people need love and acceptance and DrgBT4tf0EA-00149-00096471-00096921 this should sound pretty familiar this is you know Maslow's hierarchy here kind of in Reverse DrgBT4tf0EA-00150-00096921-00097590 but people need love and acceptance but in order for love to have love and acceptance in many cases DrgBT4tf0EA-00151-00097590-00098112 they also need to love and accept themselves so we're gonna work on self-esteem we're gonna help DrgBT4tf0EA-00152-00098112-00098661 people develop relationship skills hopefully there are some people in their life that have provided DrgBT4tf0EA-00153-00098661-00099222 some level of love and acceptance maybe not the unconditional positive regard we've hoped for but DrgBT4tf0EA-00154-00099222-00099765 they're there so these are things that the healthy happy person needs and these are things in large DrgBT4tf0EA-00155-00099765-00100662 part we can through education referral and direct services help people get so why do we care about DrgBT4tf0EA-00156-00100662-00101349 co-occurring issues as mental health counselors well 35 percent of people with anxiety disorders DrgBT4tf0EA-00157-00101349-00101895 have according to one of these studies abused opiates so that's a lot if you've got somebody DrgBT4tf0EA-00158-00101895-00102420 with an an anxiety disorder this isn't just panic this isn't just something you know really severe DrgBT4tf0EA-00159-00102420-00103058 this is you know any of your anxiety disorders one in three roughly have abused opiates they've DrgBT4tf0EA-00160-00103058-00103784 used some sort of opiate drug to help them kind of chill out of opiate or alcohol dependent patients DrgBT4tf0EA-00161-00103784-00104466 20% have major depressive disorder so of that 35% you know there's going to be a percentage DrgBT4tf0EA-00162-00104466-00105134 of them who may be opiate or alcohol dependent and there's a lot of our clients that we see in DrgBT4tf0EA-00163-00105134-00105825 mental health treatment who are not willing to be truthful about how much they really drink or how DrgBT4tf0EA-00164-00105825-00106341 often they really drink because they might be suspecting it's a little bit of a problem but DrgBT4tf0EA-00165-00106341-00106958 they're not wanting to go there yet they're in what we call pre pre contemplation okay so let's DrgBT4tf0EA-00166-00106958-00107601 just go with this in mind that there may be some underlying other stuff that they haven't told us DrgBT4tf0EA-00167-00107601-00108405 about opiate or alcohol dependent patients 20% have major depressive disorder so you know we're DrgBT4tf0EA-00168-00108405-00109210 taking them and we may be seeing them in clinic for depression and we do want to be suspect of DrgBT4tf0EA-00169-00109210-00109844 whether there's either some opiate or alcohol issues there depression and opioid dependent DrgBT4tf0EA-00170-00109844-00110366 patients including pain management patients so those who are opiate dependent by prescription DrgBT4tf0EA-00171-00110366-00111017 has been associated with poorer physical health decreased quality of life increased risk taking DrgBT4tf0EA-00172-00111017-00111671 behaviors and suicidality am I saying that pain management clinics are bad no but what I'm saying DrgBT4tf0EA-00173-00111671-00112277 is those who are in pain management clinics for a variety of reasons are at a high in a higher risk DrgBT4tf0EA-00174-00112277-00112823 category I mean think about it if your pain is bad enough that you need to be going to a pain DrgBT4tf0EA-00175-00112823-00113420 management clinic think about how much that must hurt think about how much that must impair your DrgBT4tf0EA-00176-00113420-00113972 daily life think about the impact of the drugs that you're taking on your mood your energy levels DrgBT4tf0EA-00177-00113972-00114602 and the stigma in some cases associated with it some people here suboxone and they're like yeah DrgBT4tf0EA-00178-00114602-00115133 whatever my neighbor takes that other people here suboxone and they're like ah you can't be taking DrgBT4tf0EA-00179-00115133-00115766 that so there is still a lot of social stigma that goes along with medication assisted therapies so DrgBT4tf0EA-00180-00115766-00116402 there's a lot of things that may contribute to depression in opioid dependent patients DrgBT4tf0EA-00181-00116402-00117032 the prevalence and severity of depression tend to decline within the first few weeks after treatment DrgBT4tf0EA-00182-00117032-00117701 initiation so if they are trying to get off of you know ideally their their detox and they're DrgBT4tf0EA-00183-00117701-00118493 trying to you know remain sober the prevalence and severity of depression tends to decline so we DrgBT4tf0EA-00184-00118493-00119045 need to get them off of it first get them through that acute withdrawal withdrawal from a depressant DrgBT4tf0EA-00185-00119045-00119519 including alcohol and I know this slide is boring but we're gonna be through in a second withdrawal DrgBT4tf0EA-00186-00119519-00120283 from depressants including alcohol opioids and even stimulants invariably includes potent anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00187-00120283-00120815 symptoms so it's important to pay attention and withdrawal from stimulants can also include potent DrgBT4tf0EA-00188-00120815-00121556 depressive symptoms if they've been on a crack binge for you know five days that won't sleep for DrgBT4tf0EA-00189-00121556-00122096 a while many people with substance use disorders may exhibit symptoms of depression that fade over DrgBT4tf0EA-00190-00122096-00122621 time and are related to acute with drawl well we talk about acute withdrawal we're talking about DrgBT4tf0EA-00191-00122621-00123182 the first three months we're not talking about the detox period which is generally three days so DrgBT4tf0EA-00192-00123182-00123698 encourage people if they've gone through detox and maybe they're seeing you on an outpatient basis DrgBT4tf0EA-00193-00123698-00124523 encourage people to you know be patient work with the treatment team if they need to but the first DrgBT4tf0EA-00194-00124523-00125255 three months is always the hardest so chicken or egg you know did the person start using and become DrgBT4tf0EA-00195-00125255-00125855 depressed or was the person depressed so they self medicated does it matter depression and anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00196-00125855-00126511 are associated with addiction because because if you have stimulant withdrawal or recovery DrgBT4tf0EA-00197-00126511-00127036 that period after you quit using that's maybe a week maybe two weeks where your body is going DrgBT4tf0EA-00198-00127036-00127814 whew that was a run people may feel depressed fatigued have difficulty concentrating which can DrgBT4tf0EA-00199-00127814-00128410 impact how well they eat it'll definitely impact their sleep they're gonna sleep a lot more but the DrgBT4tf0EA-00200-00128410-00129133 quality of sleep may be poor so they can mess up their circadian rhythms and you know they DrgBT4tf0EA-00201-00129133-00129872 may not have access to the social support that they wanted they may but really with stimulant DrgBT4tf0EA-00202-00129872-00130469 withdrawal we're definitely looking at nutrition and sleep so we want to educate patients if they DrgBT4tf0EA-00203-00130469-00131393 decide to stop taking stimulants what they need to look at stimulant use can also be associated DrgBT4tf0EA-00204-00131393-00131972 with depression and anxiety because many people not you know the majority but a lot of people DrgBT4tf0EA-00205-00131972-00132572 out there will self-medicate depression with stimulants from anything from caffeine which DrgBT4tf0EA-00206-00132572-00133220 you know may be like mild dysthymia but if you abuse enough caffeine you know it starts getting DrgBT4tf0EA-00207-00133220-00133844 into your system you become dependent on it but if you start combining caffeine and nicotine plus oh DrgBT4tf0EA-00208-00133844-00134495 let's add in some workout supplements or you know the occasional Ritalin or something not suggesting DrgBT4tf0EA-00209-00134495-00135401 it then it's these things can wear the body down which can lead to additional depression but people DrgBT4tf0EA-00210-00135401-00135978 may use these things to try to feel better because think depression is really related for some people DrgBT4tf0EA-00211-00135978-00136380 they may not feel like they can wake up they're fatigued they're lethargic all the time and DrgBT4tf0EA-00212-00136380-00136917 they're feeling blue so if they take stimulants they get that dopamine rush they're starting DrgBT4tf0EA-00213-00136917-00137652 to feel really good and they're awake stimulant use can cause anxiety well the so if you've got DrgBT4tf0EA-00214-00137652-00138180 somebody who already has maybe they are depressed but they've also got some anxiety and they start DrgBT4tf0EA-00215-00138180-00139032 using stimulants it may make the anxiety way worse alcohol or opiate use some people use these things DrgBT4tf0EA-00216-00139032-00139593 to numb or to forget and and that's just your standard used to the depressant some people will DrgBT4tf0EA-00217-00139593-00140220 use either one of these but especially opiates to deal with physical pain to medicate depression or DrgBT4tf0EA-00218-00140220-00140772 anxiety remember there are a lot of trial not several trials right now that are looking at DrgBT4tf0EA-00219-00140772-00141543 using opiates to treat intractable depression but a lot of people also use opiates off-label DrgBT4tf0EA-00220-00141543-00142287 illegaly to address anxiety so if you've got a client with depression or anxiety just kind of DrgBT4tf0EA-00221-00142287-00142806 be alert for how they're behaving if they've got pinpoint pupils or if they're itching and DrgBT4tf0EA-00222-00142806-00143343 picking all the time I mean not the occasional is winter and the heat just turned on I've got DrgBT4tf0EA-00223-00143343-00143922 dry skin itch but constantly itching and picking and you know where you're like please just settle DrgBT4tf0EA-00224-00143922-00144831 down detox from opiates can all often produce depression it produces a lot of flu-like symptoms DrgBT4tf0EA-00225-00144831-00145530 which can make people feel really crappy and the flu-like symptoms I won't get graphic impaired DrgBT4tf0EA-00226-00145530-00146010 nutrient absorption impaired sleep you know they're sleeping a lot because they feel like DrgBT4tf0EA-00227-00146010-00146574 crap but they're also having to get up every 10 minutes to go to the bathroom sometimes so DrgBT4tf0EA-00228-00146574-00147195 this first week or so during the initial if they go cold turkey so to speak can be really rough DrgBT4tf0EA-00229-00147195-00148146 detox from alcohol as I've talked about before can produce anxiety symptoms so understanding DrgBT4tf0EA-00230-00148146-00148932 that when people are going through detox whether they are alcohol dependent and have been drinking DrgBT4tf0EA-00231-00148932-00149465 a whole lot which needs to be medically monitored I can't say this enough and I'll say it a lot more DrgBT4tf0EA-00232-00149465-00150200 tomorrow when we talk about where Nikki Korsakoff syndrome but people who are detoxing from alcohol DrgBT4tf0EA-00233-00150200-00150962 will have anxiety symptoms and a period of high blood pressure and sometimes depression anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00234-00150962-00151454 is associated with addiction just because they sober up one morning and they look at their life DrgBT4tf0EA-00235-00151454-00152156 and they're like what the hell have I done so you know and you're looking at them going yeah DrgBT4tf0EA-00236-00152156-00152513 I don't blame you for feeling that way now let's see what we can do to improve the next moment DrgBT4tf0EA-00237-00152513-00153290 so making sure that we understand that these things are going to go hand in hand and to be DrgBT4tf0EA-00238-00153290-00153830 on the lookout because like I said a lot of people aren't forthcoming even about alcohol use which is DrgBT4tf0EA-00239-00153830-00154424 legal but if they're using something illegally or using maybe their kids Ritalin or something DrgBT4tf0EA-00240-00154424-00155075 they're pretty much almost guaranteed not to tell you so we want to be on the lookout for signs and DrgBT4tf0EA-00241-00155075-00155960 symptoms bipolar disorder can be triggered by drug use so we just know that we can the person could DrgBT4tf0EA-00242-00155960-00156356 get worn down mess with the neurotransmitters enough they're not exactly sure how it happens DrgBT4tf0EA-00243-00156356-00157115 but we have seen the initial acute episode of bipolar disorder triggered mania triggered by DrgBT4tf0EA-00244-00157115-00157829 drug use it is more common for people with bipolar to use stimulants when they're depressed and just DrgBT4tf0EA-00245-00157829-00158423 about anything when they're manic now if you're working with somebody with bipolar you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00246-00158423-00158948 you're probably already having these discussions about how do you stay safe when you're in a manic DrgBT4tf0EA-00247-00158948-00159707 episode people with ADHD may use to self-medicate and we're talking cannabis is a big one for ADHD DrgBT4tf0EA-00248-00159707-00160406 to help people feel like they've got more focus and not feel like they've got so much coming in DrgBT4tf0EA-00249-00160406-00161582 and so much stimulation all the time which can be exhausting and after use of any of the substances DrgBT4tf0EA-00250-00161582-00162068 of abuse the disruption and neurotransmitters can make people feel like they've got ADHD DrgBT4tf0EA-00251-00162068-00162935 type symptoms faculty concentrating difficulty following through with things etc so understanding DrgBT4tf0EA-00252-00162935-00163637 that even if things don't meet the threshold for dsm-5 diagnosis we want to look at what symptoms DrgBT4tf0EA-00253-00163637-00164342 are there and how can we help people manage them so they're getting adequate sleep nutrition pain DrgBT4tf0EA-00254-00164342-00165044 control social support and safety borderline and antisocial personality just kind of threw those DrgBT4tf0EA-00255-00165044-00165731 in there because we see those a lot when we're working in dual diagnosis facilities more people DrgBT4tf0EA-00256-00165731-00166292 are more likely to use addictions to cope with a lack of sense of self and their emotional lability DrgBT4tf0EA-00257-00166292-00167054 if they're borderline so I mean their world is so chaotic many people with borderline personality DrgBT4tf0EA-00258-00167054-00167927 disorder are likely to use to try to get some calm in the storm now I will put out my other soapbox DrgBT4tf0EA-00259-00167927-00168773 here with both of these personality disorders when you see somebody in active addiction or in DrgBT4tf0EA-00260-00168773-00169526 early recovery they probably have symptoms that would meet diagnosis you know their symptoms DrgBT4tf0EA-00261-00169526-00170003 are pervasive in multiple areas of life their symptoms would meet diagnosis for one of these DrgBT4tf0EA-00262-00170003-00170912 two personality disorders during this period but it's resolves as recovery becomes the norm DrgBT4tf0EA-00263-00170912-00171524 as the neurotransmitter stabilizes they develop interpersonal skills so you know giving people DrgBT4tf0EA-00264-00171524-00172256 a little bit of time before we say it's borderline personality disorder versus borderline personality DrgBT4tf0EA-00265-00172256-00173258 characteristics if you will can be helpful because both of these diagnoses can block people from DrgBT4tf0EA-00266-00173258-00173774 getting into certain treatment centers and getting some of the services they need okay so we're going DrgBT4tf0EA-00267-00173774-00174395 to move on to some of our more common addictions alcoholism is associated with eating disorders DrgBT4tf0EA-00268-00174395-00175166 there's a really strong Association and it usually flip-flops between bulimia and alcoholism so if DrgBT4tf0EA-00269-00175166-00175754 somebody's symptomatic for bulimia they may not be drinking a lot of alcohol but they may during DrgBT4tf0EA-00270-00175754-00176516 periods of remission from the bulimia drink a lot more alcohol become alcohol dependent so there's DrgBT4tf0EA-00271-00176516-00177068 a lot of research out there that is shown there's a strong correlation between these two things and DrgBT4tf0EA-00272-00177068-00177716 it's also associated with binge eating disorder but especially bulimia nutritional deficiencies DrgBT4tf0EA-00273-00177716-00178409 from alcoholism can cause mood disorders so even if somebody is not and I use the term DrgBT4tf0EA-00274-00178409-00179222 I should have put alcohol instead of alcoholism because even the term heavy use without physical DrgBT4tf0EA-00275-00179222-00179861 dependence can cause nutritional deficiencies that can cause ulcers it can cause physical problems DrgBT4tf0EA-00276-00179861-00180656 physical exhaustion which can disrupt sleep alcohol impairs sleep quality alcohol makes DrgBT4tf0EA-00277-00180656-00181175 apnea worse so if you've got a client who has sleep apnea they're drinking they're probably DrgBT4tf0EA-00278-00181175-00181706 gonna sleep even worse than they normally do depression is the result of use well alcohol DrgBT4tf0EA-00279-00181706-00182420 is a depressant so what do people expect well most people expect to relax they don't think about the DrgBT4tf0EA-00280-00182420-00183137 rest of the stuff that's going on neuro chemical imbalances because the alcohol exits our system a DrgBT4tf0EA-00281-00183137-00183653 lot faster than our brain can catch up and go okay it's not in there anymore so I need to adjust the DrgBT4tf0EA-00282-00183653-00184454 temperature and in sleep disruption anxiety can also be triggered as a result of use I've said DrgBT4tf0EA-00283-00184454-00185138 before say it again after that initial period where people feel the depressant or relaxing DrgBT4tf0EA-00284-00185138-00185795 effects of alcohol there is an upsurge in anxiety so a lot of people have another drink to kind of DrgBT4tf0EA-00285-00185795-00186335 quell that anxiety feeling but you know people with anxiety disorders are gonna feel it more DrgBT4tf0EA-00286-00186335-00187196 prominently and the neuro chemical imbalances that alcohol use causes can worsen pre-existing DrgBT4tf0EA-00287-00187196-00188024 anxiety conditions or trigger anxiety conditions nicotine is another one that we see a lot even DrgBT4tf0EA-00288-00188024-00188666 in just straight-up mental health clinics not co-occurring so what effect does nicotine have DrgBT4tf0EA-00289-00188666-00189517 well anxiety and depression are 70% more likely in smokers so that's one of those statistics we want DrgBT4tf0EA-00290-00189517-00190501 to look at nicotine triggers dopamine release okay so nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs on DrgBT4tf0EA-00291-00190501-00191062 the planet and you're thinking I thought that was opiates well opiates are in there but nicotine DrgBT4tf0EA-00292-00191062-00191701 not only is nicotine legal but it's also one of the most addictive drugs on the planet so that's DrgBT4tf0EA-00293-00191701-00192187 another important point to think about people are using their trigger and dopamine release their DrgBT4tf0EA-00294-00192187-00192844 brain gets used to being flooded with dopamine so their receptors on the other end start sensitizing DrgBT4tf0EA-00295-00192844-00193621 so we're creating a artificial environment basically when people are smoking blood vessel DrgBT4tf0EA-00296-00193621-00194356 changes when people smoke it causes blood vessel changes that can cause high blood pressure as well DrgBT4tf0EA-00297-00194356-00195184 as depression and fatigue and confusion the blood vessels narrow and get stiffer so the oxygenated DrgBT4tf0EA-00298-00195184-00195841 blood has a harder time getting to where it needs to be so people start feeling blah and that can DrgBT4tf0EA-00299-00195841-00196297 cause them to think that they're starting to feel depressed it can also cause those cause loss of DrgBT4tf0EA-00300-00196297-00196960 energy people with severe and persistent mental illnesses are two to three times more likely than DrgBT4tf0EA-00301-00196960-00197518 the general population to use nicotine so that's just an interesting little fact to have out there DrgBT4tf0EA-00302-00197518-00198469 if you work with people with SP MI and people with ADHD may smoke because it increases their DrgBT4tf0EA-00303-00198469-00199105 concentration and attention for about five minutes literally for about five minutes but during that DrgBT4tf0EA-00304-00199105-00199786 five minutes they're like oh my gosh it's a relief I can actually like focus for half a second so we DrgBT4tf0EA-00305-00199786-00200755 want to look at what else is going on whether the person has adult ADHD for example physical health DrgBT4tf0EA-00306-00200755-00201820 mental nicotine is linked with COPD and emphysema and lung cancer so you know all kinds of lung DrgBT4tf0EA-00307-00201820-00202563 and cardiopulmonary stuff well when that happens you know we have less oxygenated blood efficient DrgBT4tf0EA-00308-00202563-00203277 efficiently getting through the system we're going to have increased fatigue increased confusion some DrgBT4tf0EA-00309-00203277-00203724 grief that may go along with that especially if people are starting to have to carry an oxygen DrgBT4tf0EA-00310-00203724-00204366 tank around with them or something you know we may have to help them deal with disability acceptance DrgBT4tf0EA-00311-00204366-00205065 and depression and stroke because smoking like I said increases blood pressure and reduces DrgBT4tf0EA-00312-00205065-00205701 circulation so by cutting off or greatly reducing circulation to the brain they have shown that DrgBT4tf0EA-00313-00205701-00206658 people who smoke especially heavy smokers are at a much greater risk of stroke an addiction nicotine DrgBT4tf0EA-00314-00206658-00207156 is strongly correlated with other addictions a lot of people when they're in the bar well not DrgBT4tf0EA-00315-00207156-00207687 so much anymore since smoking is not allowed in public places but used to be when they were in DrgBT4tf0EA-00316-00207687-00208278 the bar they would also be smoking but a lot of people associate alcohol and nicotine or nicotine DrgBT4tf0EA-00317-00208278-00209106 and other drugs so if somebody is using other drugs likely they're smoking now it doesn't work DrgBT4tf0EA-00318-00209106-00209661 the other way around just because they're smoking doesn't mean they're likely using other drugs the DrgBT4tf0EA-00319-00209661-00210237 reason this is more important is because people who continue to smoke after they have gone into DrgBT4tf0EA-00320-00210237-00211131 recovery for their drug of choice have relapse rates as high as 68 percent higher than for people DrgBT4tf0EA-00321-00211131-00211785 who quit smoking so we start thinking about that and we say well why is that well because nicotine DrgBT4tf0EA-00322-00211839-00212289 a mood-altering substance you know we don't really think of it as such because it's not a DrgBT4tf0EA-00323-00212289-00213213 woohoo it's marva hey okay it's not as prominent of an interaction as maybe cocaine or something DrgBT4tf0EA-00324-00213213-00214023 but it does change the balance and people still do use smoking to cope with life when things get DrgBT4tf0EA-00325-00214023-00214602 stressful they smoke well if things get stressful and you know they're too stressful for smoking to DrgBT4tf0EA-00326-00214602-00215151 handle then they may start going back to what else can I take use or do that will make this DrgBT4tf0EA-00327-00215151-00215994 feeling go away right now we know also that was smoking and that repeated release of dopamine DrgBT4tf0EA-00328-00215994-00216835 they're messing with the neurochemical balances in their brain so it makes sense that eventually DrgBT4tf0EA-00329-00216835-00217408 just like tolerance to other drugs happens it may not be enough at a certain point and they may fall DrgBT4tf0EA-00330-00217408-00218491 back into other habits nicotine has been known to suppress appetite and but whether it keeps weight DrgBT4tf0EA-00331-00218491-00219148 off or not they haven't really shown but alcohol and nicotine both are appetite suppressants which DrgBT4tf0EA-00332-00219148-00219846 is another reason people with bulimia tend to drink and one of the reasons when people quit DrgBT4tf0EA-00333-00219846-00220477 smoking they tend to be hungrier so helping them get through that period now whether it DrgBT4tf0EA-00334-00220477-00221053 helps them keep weight off party that deals with the reason that they eat it's not really that it's DrgBT4tf0EA-00335-00221053-00221827 suppressing their or increasing their metabolism so much is its nicotine suppresses the anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00336-00221827-00222538 and sometimes the desire the hunger but if people are still eating out of anxiety if they're still DrgBT4tf0EA-00337-00222538-00223192 eating stress eating then you know when they stop smoking and they don't have a cigarette to put DrgBT4tf0EA-00338-00223192-00223729 in their mouth when they're stressed they tend to go for other things and so we need to help people DrgBT4tf0EA-00339-00223729-00224281 figure out what when they stop smoking are you eating because you're hungry or are you eating DrgBT4tf0EA-00340-00224281-00224926 because you're stressed and if they're eating because they're hungry and they're getting heavier DrgBT4tf0EA-00341-00224926-00225721 than they want to be they need to talk with their doctor about you know thyroid tests and also let DrgBT4tf0EA-00342-00225721-00226351 their doctor educate them on biological set point theory of you know not everybody's going to be DrgBT4tf0EA-00343-00226351-00227062 a zero so you know that may be something we can help them deal with is body acceptance issues if DrgBT4tf0EA-00344-00227062-00228028 you know maybe they're programmed genetically to be you know a size X whatever that is and they're DrgBT4tf0EA-00345-00228028-00228604 not happy because they want to be a zero which our culture really does tell us to do as clinicians DrgBT4tf0EA-00346-00228604-00229227 we can help them look at you know the costs and benefits of continuing to smoke and what is being DrgBT4tf0EA-00347-00229227-00230202 you know a size zero really mean for them opiate abuse there's a lot of physical stuff and we're DrgBT4tf0EA-00348-00230202-00230667 just gonna run through it real quick because you're not as concerned with it the physical DrgBT4tf0EA-00349-00230667-00231258 stuff the doctors are gonna see but we need to be aware of from a clinical point because it can keep DrgBT4tf0EA-00350-00231258-00231971 people from getting their basic needs met blood and injection site infections you know that's DrgBT4tf0EA-00351-00231971-00232365 probably going to lay them up for a while but if they have repeated infections and are repeatedly DrgBT4tf0EA-00352-00232365-00232962 out of work they can lose their job they can lose their housing they can you know get some sort DrgBT4tf0EA-00353-00232962-00233391 of MRSA or something else which can be really expensive it can be life-threatening yada-yada DrgBT4tf0EA-00354-00233391-00234044 collapsed veins and this is more common obviously this is only for injection drug users but DrgBT4tf0EA-00355-00234044-00234534 collapsed veins just as you would expect keep the oxygenated blood from getting where it needs to be DrgBT4tf0EA-00356-00234534-00235296 so people are more likely to experience strokes and may have certain forms of vascular dementia DrgBT4tf0EA-00357-00235296-00236130 because of the strokes dementia we're familiar with endocarditis is the inflammation around DrgBT4tf0EA-00358-00236130-00237044 the heart so again this is really only for needle drug users but if you've got a client who is using DrgBT4tf0EA-00359-00237044-00237896 needles to inject any kind of drug being aware of that and what they get and what they inject is DrgBT4tf0EA-00360-00237896-00238557 rarely pure so knowing what else they're injecting into their system if they're you know crushing DrgBT4tf0EA-00361-00238557-00239001 pills from the pharmacy you're a little bit more sure about what they're getting as opposed to if DrgBT4tf0EA-00362-00239001-00239436 it's from the corner dealer and sometimes they're cut with really nasty things like DrgBT4tf0EA-00363-00239436-00240279 you know comic bathroom cleaner and stuff HIV if people get HIV from injection or some other risky DrgBT4tf0EA-00364-00240279-00241179 behavior they're probably going to experience some depression and a lot of times HIV from DrgBT4tf0EA-00365-00241179-00241866 opiate abuse they're gonna experience depression remorse regret all that kind of stuff anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00366-00241866-00242369 about how long they're going to live what's going to happen and oh those medication side DrgBT4tf0EA-00367-00242369-00243282 effects those the antiretroviral medications that they have to take are doozies I've seen people go DrgBT4tf0EA-00368-00243282-00243981 through the induction weeks on their medications and it is a rough rough time so helping people DrgBT4tf0EA-00369-00243981-00244488 get through it so they are medication compliance so they can continue to live we need to help them DrgBT4tf0EA-00370-00244488-00245142 maintain hope and self-efficacy and all that kind of stuff to maintain that forward movement to get DrgBT4tf0EA-00371-00245142-00245775 through the induction period liver damage from acetaminophen can set people up for you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00372-00245775-00246390 physical pain among other things and it decreased pain tolerance now this generally the decreased DrgBT4tf0EA-00373-00246390-00246998 pain tolerance generally goes away after the body starts producing its own endorphins and DrgBT4tf0EA-00374-00246998-00247782 natural painkillers again but that initial period if somebody quits using and maybe you know they DrgBT4tf0EA-00375-00247782-00248439 you are seeing them as a mental health client and they had an accident or had surgery or something DrgBT4tf0EA-00376-00248439-00249129 they started using pills they got a couple of refills then the doctor said no I'm cutting you DrgBT4tf0EA-00377-00249129-00249923 off and now they're going through a detox period detox from opiates is unpleasant but it is rarely DrgBT4tf0EA-00378-00249923-00250452 life-threatening unless somebody become their electrolytes get imbalanced because of the flu DrgBT4tf0EA-00379-00250452-00251223 symptoms but we still may see this in private practice in in mental health practice because DrgBT4tf0EA-00380-00251223-00252126 of the scenario I just told you people can start taking painkillers as prescribed for something DrgBT4tf0EA-00381-00252126-00252561 they may get addicted you know take them for a month or so then when they get off of them DrgBT4tf0EA-00382-00252561-00253335 not only do they feel like you know really bad but their pain is also back and it may be they DrgBT4tf0EA-00383-00253335-00253817 had their wisdom teeth out that pain may be gone but other aches and pains and everything you feel DrgBT4tf0EA-00384-00253817-00254415 is probably going to be intensified until the body kicks back in so educating clients about DrgBT4tf0EA-00385-00254415-00255051 this is what happens you know it's not uncommon if you think it's too bad obviously go see your DrgBT4tf0EA-00386-00255051-00255575 doctor helping them make sure they're getting good nutrition you know it's hard if you've got DrgBT4tf0EA-00387-00255575-00256121 flu symptoms to feel like you want to eat or hold anything down so what can you do to make DrgBT4tf0EA-00388-00256121-00256664 sure your body has the building blocks to make the stuff that it needs to help you feel better what DrgBT4tf0EA-00389-00256664-00257276 can you do to improve your sleep and a lot of our clients and and you know I where I used to work we DrgBT4tf0EA-00390-00257276-00257786 had a methadone clinic and we also had a mother baby unit and as soon as the mothers would give DrgBT4tf0EA-00391-00257786-00258323 birth then the doctor would start start them on their detox from methadone and he didn't believe DrgBT4tf0EA-00392-00258323-00258923 in the kinder gentler taper he was just like okay baby's gone threats gone because you can't detox DrgBT4tf0EA-00393-00258923-00259577 from somebody from opiates when they are pregnant because it can cause the baby to die but anyway DrgBT4tf0EA-00394-00259577-00260132 so as soon as they would stop or as soon as they weren't pregnant anymore he would just DrgBT4tf0EA-00395-00260132-00260821 D see them and they would feel really bad I mean not only did they just push an 8 pound something DrgBT4tf0EA-00396-00260821-00261680 out of their body but they also are experiencing a decreased pain tolerance because they're not DrgBT4tf0EA-00397-00261680-00262316 on the opiates anymore and all they want to do is sleep it's just like please so understanding that DrgBT4tf0EA-00398-00262316-00262907 is really important helping people get through that period even though they may want to sleep DrgBT4tf0EA-00399-00262907-00263375 all the time helping them understand that it's important to maintain their circadian rhythms DrgBT4tf0EA-00400-00263375-00263948 if they have to take two or three ten-minute power naps throughout the day to get through DrgBT4tf0EA-00401-00263948-00264563 the day you know more power to them but if they can practice good sleep hygiene they're gonna DrgBT4tf0EA-00402-00264563-00265394 be way better off in the long run OPD opiate abuse is also or opiate use is also associated DrgBT4tf0EA-00403-00265394-00266063 with treatment of depression but it can cause depressive symptoms due to its pharmacological DrgBT4tf0EA-00404-00266063-00266624 properties I mean it slows everything down from your gastrointestinal to your heart rate to your DrgBT4tf0EA-00405-00266624-00267131 respiration you're not breathing as much you're not getting as much oxygen in you're gonna have DrgBT4tf0EA-00406-00267131-00267590 more fatigue you're gonna have more confusion you're going to have more of those symptoms of DrgBT4tf0EA-00407-00267590-00268484 depression for some people they find it is and certain opiates they find it is a powerful way DrgBT4tf0EA-00408-00268484-00268955 to reduce anxiety it makes them feel like they've got a ton of energy because they're not stressed DrgBT4tf0EA-00409-00268955-00269495 out anymore and that this last one is one of the main reasons that I find people don't want to give DrgBT4tf0EA-00410-00269495-00270116 up opiates because they finally feel better when they're on them eating disorders commonly a coat DrgBT4tf0EA-00411-00270116-00270806 co-occur with depression and anxiety which can be caused by nutritional deficiencies you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00412-00270806-00271295 you're not giving your body the building blocks so it can't make the neurotransmitters it needs DrgBT4tf0EA-00413-00271295-00272099 and it also probably disrupts your sleep some and depression anxiety can cause or trigger or DrgBT4tf0EA-00414-00272099-00272723 whatever you want to say eating disorders because people with eating disorders may fear becoming fat DrgBT4tf0EA-00415-00272723-00273359 have low self esteem have a sense of lack of self control or have body dysmorphic disorder DrgBT4tf0EA-00416-00273359-00273998 so we also want to be aware that there's mental health stuff that can trigger dysfunctional eating DrgBT4tf0EA-00417-00273998-00274826 patterns there's about a 24% prevalence of PTSD among people with eating disorders so if you've DrgBT4tf0EA-00418-00274826-00275477 got a client with eating disorders especially bulimia be on the lookout for depression anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00419-00275528-00276431 body dysmorphic disorder alcoholism and PTSD they may be smoking too but of the things I just listed DrgBT4tf0EA-00420-00276431-00277070 that's probably the least of their worries it's all eating disorders are also associated with DrgBT4tf0EA-00421-00277070-00277886 alcoholism and smoking like I said physical health issues now you're seeing somebody with an eating DrgBT4tf0EA-00422-00277886-00278558 disorder it's a mild eating disorder you're seeing them once a week outpatient so you're not and you DrgBT4tf0EA-00423-00278558-00278960 have you know obviously you have training and working with eating disorders or maybe it's DrgBT4tf0EA-00424-00278960-00279617 mild enough that you're just getting supervision on treating this issue whatever being aware that DrgBT4tf0EA-00425-00279617-00280214 people with eating disorders anorexia or bulimia can have irregular heartbeats and cardiac arrest DrgBT4tf0EA-00426-00280214-00281033 due to potassium imbalances and electrolyte imbalances so if they're not eating or if DrgBT4tf0EA-00427-00281033-00281618 they are binging and purging in some way shape or form and that includes excessive exercise it can DrgBT4tf0EA-00428-00281618-00282169 trigger a lot of heart problems they may have loss of bone mass and osteoporosis so they may DrgBT4tf0EA-00429-00282169-00282850 break bones a little bit easier going back up to the heartbeat not to belabor the point but again DrgBT4tf0EA-00430-00282850-00283555 heart problems mean lack of available oxygen mean confusion fatigue potential difficulty DrgBT4tf0EA-00431-00283555-00284290 sleeping depressive symptoms and you know cardiac arrest in and of itself is bad kidney damage from DrgBT4tf0EA-00432-00284290-00284854 Doretta caboose and low potassium can also potentially drain damaged the adrenals which DrgBT4tf0EA-00433-00284854-00285640 are on the kidneys and so it's important to be aware of what people are using a lot of people DrgBT4tf0EA-00434-00285640-00286150 with eating disorders are going to creatively use stimulants to suppress their appetite think DrgBT4tf0EA-00435-00286150-00286786 about any of your diet drugs your enter mean I think it's one of them the ones they give to help DrgBT4tf0EA-00436-00286786-00287317 people actually lose weight they're stimulants they're intense stimulants so people who are DrgBT4tf0EA-00437-00287317-00288100 struggling with eating disorders are likely to go towards abusing stimulants or at least using them DrgBT4tf0EA-00438-00288100-00288808 which can drain the adrenals it can in some cases has been linked to the development of DrgBT4tf0EA-00439-00288808-00289549 Addison's disease liver damage from not eating or binging and purging causing toxin buildup DrgBT4tf0EA-00440-00289549-00290293 and possibly pain we can help people deal with it as much as we can anemia which can cause symptoms DrgBT4tf0EA-00441-00290293-00290839 of depression in and of itself so goes back to that nutrition making sure they're getting enough DrgBT4tf0EA-00442-00290839-00291862 infertility which in and of itself can be devastating for young women if they can't DrgBT4tf0EA-00443-00291862-00292432 have children anymore or can't have children ever that may be a grief issue that we need to DrgBT4tf0EA-00444-00292432-00293254 help them deal with cathartic : and this is an important one to be aware of because you DrgBT4tf0EA-00445-00293254-00293887 don't have to have somebody who uses laxatives all the time but people who regularly use or DrgBT4tf0EA-00446-00293887-00294529 abuse laxatives can become dependent on them so when they don't use them they have a feeling of DrgBT4tf0EA-00447-00294529-00295198 bloating feeling full and abdominal pain which especially in people with eating disorders or DrgBT4tf0EA-00448-00295198-00295946 body morphic disorder surrounding just general body fit bad back body fat can greatly increase DrgBT4tf0EA-00449-00295946-00296903 anxiety depression hopelessness and in some cases suicidality so again educating people DrgBT4tf0EA-00450-00296903-00297725 is the first step to help them understand what's going on and how dangerous laxatives can be but DrgBT4tf0EA-00451-00297725-00298367 also if somebody is trying to cut back on their use of laxatives or just recently stopped using DrgBT4tf0EA-00452-00298367-00298874 laxatives just like when people stopped using opiates it takes the body awhile to get back DrgBT4tf0EA-00453-00298874-00299576 online but for most people it eventually does people with eating disorders also have chronic DrgBT4tf0EA-00454-00299576-00300236 ulcers which are painful can keep you up at night with you know gastric reflux and pancreatitis DrgBT4tf0EA-00455-00300236-00301040 which can flare up at a moment's notice will is extraordinarily painful and can cause people to DrgBT4tf0EA-00456-00301040-00301715 lose time from school or work social activities feel really bad about themselves and it also DrgBT4tf0EA-00457-00301715-00302303 pancreatitis also causes a lot of bloating which in eating disorders is a huge trigger DrgBT4tf0EA-00458-00302303-00303125 for anxiety and depression pathological gambling is associated with stimulant abuse especially DrgBT4tf0EA-00459-00303125-00303746 cocaine methamphetamine and Ritalin to stay focused disrupted sleep and rebound depression DrgBT4tf0EA-00460-00303746-00304397 when they quit taking that stuff they wake up and they're like oh wow what did I just do alcoholism DrgBT4tf0EA-00461-00304397-00304958 is also associated with pathological gambling some people drink to calm their nerves some DrgBT4tf0EA-00462-00304958-00305438 people drink because it's the culture if you go to any of the casinos you know their hand and DrgBT4tf0EA-00463-00305438-00305966 out drinks they're trying to get you drunk so you keep gambling more and there's as we spoke about DrgBT4tf0EA-00464-00305966-00306725 earlier rebound depression or anxiety smoking may help people increase their focus or make DrgBT4tf0EA-00465-00306725-00307196 them think they can increase their focus so if you can't smoke in public places this is more of DrgBT4tf0EA-00466-00307196-00307673 an issue if you have somebody who does a lot of online gambling or they gamble at their friend's DrgBT4tf0EA-00467-00307673-00308252 house or somebody's house where there's poker games and stuff smoking has some anti-anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00468-00308252-00308858 anti-anxiety properties and maybe part of the culture I know when my daddy used to have his DrgBT4tf0EA-00469-00308858-00309632 poker games everybody would smoke cigars and even the one woman who went there would be smoking a DrgBT4tf0EA-00470-00309632-00310187 cigar with everybody else and it was just the culture of being there so there are a lot of DrgBT4tf0EA-00471-00310187-00311231 different reasons that people may use substances in addition to gambling mental health issues from DrgBT4tf0EA-00472-00311231-00311939 gambling anxiety from the stimulant use or from the tension and release of am I going to you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00473-00311939-00312896 I'm down $20,000 am I going to make it back ADHD is also strongly associated with pathological DrgBT4tf0EA-00474-00312896-00313547 gambling bipolar disorder especially during manic phases is associated with pathological gambling DrgBT4tf0EA-00475-00313547-00314042 generally you see them co-occurring it's not like gambling causes it it's you will see them DrgBT4tf0EA-00476-00314042-00314882 co-occur depression can occur due to losses and gambling can start because somebody's depressed DrgBT4tf0EA-00477-00314882-00315479 because of their financial situation and they're trying to figure out a way to you know borrow from DrgBT4tf0EA-00478-00315479-00316157 Peter to pay Paul and get ahead you also see pathological gambling more strongly associated DrgBT4tf0EA-00479-00316157-00316691 with people who have obsessive compulsive disorder if you've got clients with these DrgBT4tf0EA-00480-00316691-00317312 diagnoses just kind of you know be attentive to the fact that they are more likely to engage in DrgBT4tf0EA-00481-00317312-00317954 pathological gambling or if they start gambling it's more likely to become a problem then for DrgBT4tf0EA-00482-00317954-00318443 people who don't have these issues internet addiction which is actually diagnoseable so DrgBT4tf0EA-00483-00318443-00318983 you know I'm not just making something up depending on your resource effects eight DrgBT4tf0EA-00484-00318983-00319607 point two percent to thirty eight percent of the general population now obviously we were looking DrgBT4tf0EA-00485-00319607-00320336 at you know like games versus you know games plus Facebook plus shopping or something so depending DrgBT4tf0EA-00486-00320336-00320822 on the study you looked at their parameters were a little bit different but either way up DrgBT4tf0EA-00487-00320822-00321563 to 38 percent of the population has sacrificed significant personal recreational activities DrgBT4tf0EA-00488-00321794-00322706 in order to engage in some sort of internet behavior Internet addiction can cause anxiety or DrgBT4tf0EA-00489-00322706-00323258 depression due to eyestrain and chronic headaches you know if you're hurting all the time it can DrgBT4tf0EA-00490-00323258-00323912 make you feel wonky it can also interrupt your sleep it can cause circadian rhythm disorder which DrgBT4tf0EA-00491-00323912-00324434 can trigger depression fatigue reduced stress tolerance this is a condition when your body DrgBT4tf0EA-00492-00324434-00324974 doesn't know whether it's supposed to be awake or asleep because a lot of people who engage in DrgBT4tf0EA-00493-00324974-00325628 internet addictive behaviors do so in the dark or you know they don't pay attention to whether the DrgBT4tf0EA-00494-00325628-00326357 lights on or not they may just sit there kind of in their cave carpal tunnel contributes to pain DrgBT4tf0EA-00495-00326357-00327014 and sleep disruption because carpal tunnel does wake you up at night back ache again may disrupt DrgBT4tf0EA-00496-00327014-00327596 your sleep and can cause chronic pain during the day which can interrupt your daily activities poor DrgBT4tf0EA-00497-00327596-00328280 nutrition I know a lot of gamers that will sit there for an entire weekend and not get up to go DrgBT4tf0EA-00498-00328280-00328784 eat so if it's not brought to them they don't eat they'll even wear adult diapers so they don't have DrgBT4tf0EA-00499-00328784-00329516 to get up to go to the bathroom reduced immunity due to exhaustion from not sleeping and job or DrgBT4tf0EA-00500-00329516-00330155 relationship problems I know uh several people whose marriages ended over a world of warcraft' DrgBT4tf0EA-00501-00330155-00331010 so internet addiction is a real thing and it's something that we need to be cognizant of because DrgBT4tf0EA-00502-00331010-00331523 it does cause a lot of problems and a lot of relationships and it may be one of many problems DrgBT4tf0EA-00503-00331523-00332276 but it's something to look at and sex addiction can cause hepatitis a variety of different STDs DrgBT4tf0EA-00504-00332276-00333254 which if not treated can cause systemic problems it's related to anxiety and depression because sex DrgBT4tf0EA-00505-00333254-00333812 addiction may begin in order because somebody wants to feel loved or connected maybe after DrgBT4tf0EA-00506-00333812-00334283 a breakup or because they never felt loved you're connected and then they feel that rush and they're DrgBT4tf0EA-00507-00334283-00334964 like oh I like that I want to do that again part of it could be engaging in that behavior which is DrgBT4tf0EA-00508-00334964-00335675 so thrilling you know depends on the person psychological withdrawal from sex addiction DrgBT4tf0EA-00509-00335675-00336395 people who have been engaging in in sex addiction type behaviors and I include pornography addiction DrgBT4tf0EA-00510-00336395-00336971 in it for this presentation if they're not able to access that may start feeling anxious or depressed DrgBT4tf0EA-00511-00336971-00337532 they can't get to that they can't get to the thing that's gonna cause the dopamine rush and DrgBT4tf0EA-00512-00337532-00338300 reflection on behaviors that they've engaged in as a part of their sex addiction can also prompt DrgBT4tf0EA-00513-00338300-00339062 anxiety about a spouse finding out you know am I going to develop an STD and am I you know how do DrgBT4tf0EA-00514-00339062-00339830 I feel about what I've been doing so as clinicians if we're working with somebody who has compulsive DrgBT4tf0EA-00515-00339830-00340481 sexual behaviors even if you know anywhere on that spectrum we need to be aware that these things may DrgBT4tf0EA-00516-00340481-00341096 exist and figure out or help them figure out how they feel about it and what they need to DrgBT4tf0EA-00517-00341096-00341555 do to make sure that they're getting good sleep that they're dealing with their depression and DrgBT4tf0EA-00518-00341555-00342329 their anxiety that they can have a safe internal and external environment so back to that global DrgBT4tf0EA-00519-00342329-00343049 perspective how can we and why is it important to address chronic illness and disabilities DrgBT4tf0EA-00520-00343049-00343733 that result from or cause mood disorders or addictions how can we address depression anxiety DrgBT4tf0EA-00521-00343733-00344420 and hopelessness that results from or causes depression anxiety or physical problems how can DrgBT4tf0EA-00522-00344420-00344804 we address physical problems that are caused by mood or addictions and how can we address DrgBT4tf0EA-00523-00344804-00345479 guilt or regret which may accompany addiction recovery or the realization of a diagnosis of a DrgBT4tf0EA-00524-00345479-00346055 disease caused by the addiction so while you kind of ponder those there was a question that came in DrgBT4tf0EA-00525-00346438-00347506 so the question is what about the robbing Peter to pay Paul in association with trauma specifically DrgBT4tf0EA-00526-00347506-00349144 a childhood trauma so if you could clarify that for me a little bit I had mentioned robbing Peter DrgBT4tf0EA-00527-00349144-00351286 to pay Paul in terms of gambling so I'm just so mental health issues can be caused by or trigger DrgBT4tf0EA-00528-00351286-00351970 addictions or physical health issues addictions can cause or trigger mental health issues or DrgBT4tf0EA-00529-00351970-00352570 physical health issues physical health issues can be caused by addictions or mental health issues DrgBT4tf0EA-00530-00352570-00353245 so again chicken-or-egg we don't necessarily know which one came first but when you have any one of DrgBT4tf0EA-00531-00353245-00353944 these it's probably going to or likely impact each other person or each other area common DrgBT4tf0EA-00532-00353944-00354766 issues seen in all three changes in sleeping changes in nutrition fatigue and grief effective DrgBT4tf0EA-00533-00354766-00355213 treatment requires addressing the underlying causes as well as the ripple effects you know DrgBT4tf0EA-00534-00355991-00357137 so yes after childhood trauma or trauma of any sort some people may spend a lot DrgBT4tf0EA-00535-00357137-00357905 of time feeding the addiction as you put it or engaging in addictive behaviors to avoid some DrgBT4tf0EA-00536-00357905-00358520 of the PTSD symptoms to avoid thinking about it to deal with the grief to deal with the shame so DrgBT4tf0EA-00537-00358520-00358997 they may engage in something that makes them feel better or helps them forget in order to DrgBT4tf0EA-00538-00358997-00359909 cope with the trauma that happened until they have other tools so they can actually come to DrgBT4tf0EA-00539-00359909-00361580 some sort of terms with it and you know as I say close that chapter in their book already DrgBT4tf0EA-00540-00361580-00362084 if there are no other questions tomorrow's presentation I learned a lot creating it is DrgBT4tf0EA-00541-00362084-00362786 on alcohol-related dementia and vascular dementia and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders all three of DrgBT4tf0EA-00542-00362786-00364130 which are issues that are caused by substance use and specifically alcoholism and in the I'll DrgBT4tf0EA-00543-00364130-00364694 give you a hint about where an acute Korsakoff a lot of clients who abuse alcohol but they're not DrgBT4tf0EA-00544-00364694-00365291 alcohol dependent who decide to stop drinking can actually trigger where Nikki Korsakoff syndrome DrgBT4tf0EA-00545-00365291-00365990 and cause alcohol-related dementia type symptoms so again in mental health we need to be on the DrgBT4tf0EA-00546-00365990-00366353 lookout for it if we hear that our clients are trying to cut down on their alcohol use DrgBT4tf0EA-00547-00366353-00367322 alrighty everybody and so tomorrow is is that presentation and then Thursday we're going to DrgBT4tf0EA-00548-00367322-00368351 look at different models of new bottles of treatment if you enjoy this podcast please DrgBT4tf0EA-00549-00368351-00368828 like and subscribe either in your podcast player or on YouTube you can attend and participate DrgBT4tf0EA-00550-00368828-00369545 in our live webinars with doctor Snipes by subscribing at all CEUs com VirtualBox this DrgBT4tf0EA-00551-00369545-00370145 episode has been brought to you in part by all CEUs calm providing 24/7 multimedia continuing DrgBT4tf0EA-00552-00370145-00370712 education and pre certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 DrgBT4tf0EA-00553-00370712-00371279 use coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount off your order this month DuvK0T9drfg-00000-00000000-00000200 The last chip in the M1 line is coming. Dw3fAtn-j8u-00000-00000040-00000824 Hello everyone welcome to this week's ARF brown bag lecture got our speaker David Hyde here for Dw3fAtn-j8u-00001-00000824-00001504 you waiting in the wings um i am one of the grad student organizers of the brown bag series Dw3fAtn-j8u-00002-00001504-00002304 my name is jordan brown i'm a grad student here and very excited to have have one of our own Dw3fAtn-j8u-00003-00002304-00003176 on the program again i don't have any big announcements for y'all here but i do Dw3fAtn-j8u-00004-00003176-00003784 want to flag that next week's brown bag talk will be another fun one with another alum annelise Dw3fAtn-j8u-00005-00003784-00004328 morris who is currently a high school teacher in oakland and she will be talking with us about Dw3fAtn-j8u-00006-00004328-00004920 education and archaeology and archaeology and education so i'm very excited about that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00007-00005056-00005600 before we get going today i will begin with a land acknowledgement and it's modeled on that developed Dw3fAtn-j8u-00008-00005600-00006200 by the native american student development office in partnership with the maloney tribe this is a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00009-00006200-00006736 working formulation which will be replaced with language reflecting the particular position of the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00010-00006736-00007184 art community and developed in collaboration with appropriate stakeholders we're working on that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00011-00007304-00007864 the archaeological research facility sits on the territory of cochon the ancestral and unseeded Dw3fAtn-j8u-00012-00007864-00008344 land of the churcheno alone the successors of the historic and sovereign verona band of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00013-00008344-00008928 alameda county we hereby acknowledge this land remains of great importance to the ohlone people Dw3fAtn-j8u-00014-00008928-00009424 that every member of the ark community benefits from the continued occupation of this land Dw3fAtn-j8u-00015-00009424-00009864 and that it is our responsibility to support indigenous sovereignty and hold the university Dw3fAtn-j8u-00016-00009864-00010528 of california accountable to the needs of american indian and indigenous peoples so for our talk this Dw3fAtn-j8u-00017-00010528-00011304 week as i mentioned briefly before we have david hyde here who completed his phd in anthropology at Dw3fAtn-j8u-00018-00011304-00011888 berkeley in 2019 studying emergent community relations and material practices within a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00019-00011888-00012528 pluralistic workforce at a historic era lime kiln and company village on the santa cruz coast Dw3fAtn-j8u-00020-00012624-00013160 since 2018 he's been working as a principal investigator and historical archaeologist for Dw3fAtn-j8u-00021-00013160-00013816 far western anthropological research group out of their sausalito office so not all too far away Dw3fAtn-j8u-00022-00013984-00014352 and in this role he has conducted archaeological projects Dw3fAtn-j8u-00023-00014424-00014760 within an environmental compliance framework throughout northern california Dw3fAtn-j8u-00024-00014816-00015232 participating in all aspects of that work from project management to fieldwork historical Dw3fAtn-j8u-00025-00015232-00015647 research artifact analysis reporting and all that goes with all that so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00026-00015647-00016328 we're looking forward to hearing about all these things today um and uh we've got a bevy of current Dw3fAtn-j8u-00027-00016328-00016856 grad students here with us on the zoom as well so looking forward to a lively discussion afterwards Dw3fAtn-j8u-00028-00016912-00017536 so bring your questions if you're not in the zoom uh and you're on the youtube feel free to post in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00029-00017536-00018032 the chat and we will convey the questions there as well so without any further ado Dw3fAtn-j8u-00030-00018032-00018656 i'll turn it over to david for cultural resource management the wide and wild world of consulting Dw3fAtn-j8u-00031-00019032-00020160 all right thanks very much i'm just going to share my screen here can you guys see that okay Dw3fAtn-j8u-00032-00020432-00021104 yeah i'll take the lack of response as a yes. Great well first of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00033-00021104-00021552 all thank you very much thanks for the great invitation or excuse me introduction and the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00034-00021552-00022064 invitation you know i uh i wish i was back in person in the arf obviously getting to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00035-00022064-00022664 see you all in person um but it's you know it's really nice seeing some familiar names and faces Dw3fAtn-j8u-00036-00022664-00023136 and your little tiles floating over there so um yeah thank you again for the invitation so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00037-00023232-00023848 uh yeah that was a nice introduction hit on some of my background so i won't go too much into that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00038-00023848-00024344 um as mentioned i am currently working at far western anthropological research group Dw3fAtn-j8u-00039-00024344-00024800 as a principal investigator a bit of a mouthful so i'm just going to call it far western Dw3fAtn-j8u-00040-00024800-00025520 most people call it um and yeah you know i i work in the consulting kind of world of crm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00041-00025520-00026008 i saw that you had alexandra a couple weeks ago um who gave a talk so i'm hoping this might be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00042-00026008-00026736 a nice kind of counter or parallel conversation um from her sort of perspective from the tippo Dw3fAtn-j8u-00043-00026736-00027192 world which is definitely crm but but very different than the consulting world Dw3fAtn-j8u-00044-00027256-00027912 um so yeah i also understand it's supposed to be pretty informal so you know i'll try to keep my Dw3fAtn-j8u-00045-00027912-00028439 sort of spiel relatively short 15 minutes or so um so that i can turn it over to the important stuff Dw3fAtn-j8u-00046-00028439-00029127 which is kind of questions and interests that you guys might have for me so i will just kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00047-00029127-00029839 give you a little bit of a road map for where uh where the sort of intro part of this talk will go Dw3fAtn-j8u-00048-00029839-00030288 um i'll give you a little bit of an insight into kind of my journey into crm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00049-00030288-00030895 um that's not because i like talking about myself in fact it's kind of horrifying but uh but when i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00050-00030895-00031392 talk to people about you know careers and what i'm doing um i often get a lot of questions Dw3fAtn-j8u-00051-00031392-00031864 about that you know how did you get into it why are you working there all that kind of stuff um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00052-00031864-00032383 then i'm gonna try to give you a little bit of a insight into the daily life you know kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00053-00032448-00032944 what i do on a day-to-day basis what i do in my current position um then i'm going to talk Dw3fAtn-j8u-00054-00032944-00033488 specifically about the role and opportunity for community engagement within crm this was sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00055-00033488-00034104 specifically asked sounds like there's an interest in knowing what that looks like and what that can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00056-00034104-00034536 be so i'll talk about that and then i'm going to try to kind of distill some of the main ideas to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00057-00034536-00035144 what i think are kind of the good and bads like any job of of crm and spoiler alert it kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00058-00035144-00035752 depends on your perspective and who you are uh whether it's good or bad um yeah and so my kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00059-00035752-00036440 goal of this intro part of our talk today is to kind of give you some candid and personal insights Dw3fAtn-j8u-00060-00036440-00037128 into what a job in the crm consulting world fresh out of a phd program kind of looks like um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00061-00037128-00037672 with the kind of thought that you might be able to get something from that think about whether it Dw3fAtn-j8u-00062-00037672-00038136 might be a good career option for you or not you know just kind of provide some insights for you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00063-00038320-00038960 okay so yeah as jordan was saying um for those of you who i didn't overlap in the program with uh i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00064-00038960-00039584 graduated from berkeley in 2019 so not not too long ago um and there's probably some familiar Dw3fAtn-j8u-00065-00039584-00040264 faces for you there um i like many people entered the program you know with a career Dw3fAtn-j8u-00066-00040264-00040744 goal of wanting to work in academia you know getting that one of those coveted tenure track Dw3fAtn-j8u-00067-00040744-00041304 jobs i had worked in crm a little bit before coming to the program i had worked as a sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00068-00041304-00042080 on-call field and lab techs for some crm companies i interned for the archaeology program of cal fire Dw3fAtn-j8u-00069-00042160-00042528 so i kind of worked in the contract compliance world a little bit Dw3fAtn-j8u-00070-00042528-00043232 but to be honest crm was not really on my radar as sort of a career goal coming out of the program Dw3fAtn-j8u-00071-00043296-00044064 um but you know as i'm sure many of you can can relate um a lot of things can change in the six to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00072-00044136-00044816 ten to twelve years you might be in the program uh you know your priorities can change your interests Dw3fAtn-j8u-00073-00044816-00045432 change importantly but maybe not talked about that much is like your life situations change Dw3fAtn-j8u-00074-00045432-00046024 and all this can lead to you know one job uh option being maybe more appealing than another Dw3fAtn-j8u-00075-00046024-00046672 um so for me one of the big things was i wanted to stay local i was born and raised in the bay area Dw3fAtn-j8u-00076-00046752-00047376 my wife's from the area both of our families are here her career is here so we had to have some Dw3fAtn-j8u-00077-00047376-00048016 tough conversations early not early on but when i was sort of finishing up and starting to look Dw3fAtn-j8u-00078-00048016-00048552 at the job landscape um and we kind of decided that at least for the short term i'd kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00079-00048552-00049080 look locally um and if a tenure track kind of position was available in the general area you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00080-00049080-00049592 know definitely go for it um but you know if it was like university of arkansas or something Dw3fAtn-j8u-00081-00049592-00050040 uh nothing against the razorbacks but you know i'd probably probably pass on that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00082-00050040-00050640 just for for personal reasons um and this is one of the reasons why crm started to look Dw3fAtn-j8u-00083-00050640-00051264 a little bit appealing or at least as a possible job opportunity um as you probably already know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00084-00051264-00051840 there are tons there are dozens of crm companies in the bay area the greater bay area or you know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00085-00051840-00052624 environmental compliance companies that have a crm component um and you know that it was Dw3fAtn-j8u-00086-00052744-00053120 the local aspect was somewhat appealing but it was also an opportunity to continue doing you know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00087-00053120-00053567 like direct kind of archaeology for like a better word you know working with sites and resources and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00088-00053567-00054136 doing research um and yeah and then i knew that the work would probably be at least centered Dw3fAtn-j8u-00089-00054136-00054784 generally in california which was my kind of geographic research area Dw3fAtn-j8u-00090-00054855-00055472 so uh it was kind of around september 2018 i was on track to finish up my dissertation in uh spring Dw3fAtn-j8u-00091-00055472-00056144 of 2019 keeping an eye for for the job or keeping an eye on the job market um and i was perusing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00092-00056144-00056672 the society for california archaeology job board only reason i give you these details is because Dw3fAtn-j8u-00093-00056672-00057200 if you're not already looking at that and you want to work especially locally i highly encourage you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00094-00057200-00058040 to check out the sca job board um it's where a lot of agency and crm contract work gets posted um and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00095-00058128-00058760 yeah there was you know there was a job posting through far western um and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00096-00058848-00059208 you know it met a lot of the sort of things i was looking for um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00097-00059208-00059952 and i had known a little bit about far western ahead time uh they had i knew to to me they had Dw3fAtn-j8u-00098-00059952-00060504 kind of a reputation for doing really good and interesting research within the kind of umbrella Dw3fAtn-j8u-00099-00060504-00061352 of compliance and crm so it immediately kind of jumped out at me as a opportunity um and i was Dw3fAtn-j8u-00100-00061488-00062000 it's kind of amazing i was talking to on niko before this started um it was really sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00101-00062000-00062728 serendipitous this job posting for far western um was for their brand new office in sausalito Dw3fAtn-j8u-00102-00062728-00063384 um so not too far from berkeley uh for a sort of upper-level historical archaeologist to help like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00103-00063384-00063928 basically start to build out their historical archaeology program that was going to be rooted Dw3fAtn-j8u-00104-00063928-00064712 in that office so it was a really serendipitous kind of opportunity um and so i interviewed and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00105-00064712-00065352 got the job um and yeah it was great they i started part-time until i finished my Dw3fAtn-j8u-00106-00065352-00065968 dissertation they were super supportive of me kind of balancing both things and helping me do that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00107-00065968-00066480 um and then i hit the ground running full time basically the day after i walked at graduation Dw3fAtn-j8u-00108-00066560-00067272 um so just a little bit of background on far western just for your own knowledge as a locally Dw3fAtn-j8u-00109-00067272-00067984 available archaeology opportunity um they're based in they're sort of mainly based in davis which is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00110-00067984-00068600 just south of sacramento um but like i said they now have a satellite office in sausalito which Dw3fAtn-j8u-00111-00068656-00069032 mainly focuses on bay area projects but we do do work everywhere Dw3fAtn-j8u-00112-00069120-00069728 and has a strong historical archaeology component far western also has an office they call their Dw3fAtn-j8u-00113-00069728-00070280 great basin office in carson city which is near lake tahoe so also a really awesome place to live Dw3fAtn-j8u-00114-00070360-00070936 and then they have a desert branch office in henderson which is near las vegas so i don't Dw3fAtn-j8u-00115-00070936-00071496 know maybe a cool place depending on what you're into um but between those offices we kind of have Dw3fAtn-j8u-00116-00071496-00072080 all california and the great basin covered and that's really where the majority of our work takes Dw3fAtn-j8u-00117-00072080-00072680 place um and there's about a hundred full-time employees spread about those offices most of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00118-00072680-00073192 them being in the davis office we have about six people in the sausalito office so it's not huge Dw3fAtn-j8u-00119-00073256-00073880 not a huge office so um i got hired as a principal investigator and so if you're not familiar with Dw3fAtn-j8u-00120-00073880-00074392 that means in kind of the compliance world you as a principal investigator and that's kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00121-00074472-00074824 senior archaeologist or principal investigator is kind of the position you'd be coming in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00122-00074888-00075384 coming out of a phd program and you're basically going to be expected to kind of do everything Dw3fAtn-j8u-00123-00075384-00075984 that is involved in managing an archaeological project in the crm world so everything from Dw3fAtn-j8u-00124-00075984-00076544 developing proposals managing budgets doing staffing delegating different tasks coordinating Dw3fAtn-j8u-00125-00076544-00077040 with departments but also occasionally you know out in the field directing field crews Dw3fAtn-j8u-00126-00077112-00077560 once in a while you get to actually look at an artifact and do some analysis um and then Dw3fAtn-j8u-00127-00077560-00078096 you're doing research and you're spending a lot of your time writing up these compliance reports um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00128-00078168-00078752 which is really your main product in crm that's your deliverable unfortunately i don't have many Dw3fAtn-j8u-00129-00078752-00079192 super exciting photos of me sitting at my desk writing reports so instead i subbed in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00130-00079192-00079888 a couple cooler photos of some of our work in marin county that one on the left is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00131-00079888-00080296 in southern marin you can see mount tamalpais back there i chose these specifically because Dw3fAtn-j8u-00132-00080360-00080808 of the other berkeley connections um that's monse australia she's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00133-00080808-00081464 a graduate of the undergrad anthropology program at berkeley um and then that small Dw3fAtn-j8u-00134-00081464-00081896 little head popping out from behind the rock and the photo on the right is michelle maybe Dw3fAtn-j8u-00135-00081896-00082400 who some of you might know and remember from her time at berkeley both of them also work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00136-00082400-00082952 out of the salsa office so lots of berkeley connections and hopefully more in the future Dw3fAtn-j8u-00137-00083120-00083720 all right so um i wanted to talk a little bit about kind of the transition between grad school Dw3fAtn-j8u-00138-00083720-00084584 and academia and crm um so i mentioned i had some but not a ton of crm experience and when i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00139-00084584-00085048 when i first got the job you know i thought hey i'm a pretty good archaeologist you know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00140-00085048-00085736 this compliance stuff can't be too complicated um shouldn't be that hard of a transition um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00141-00085736-00086208 and that actually really wasn't the case uh i found there to be a pretty steep learning curve Dw3fAtn-j8u-00142-00086264-00086880 um so i want to touch on some of those those things that that kind of caught me by surprise um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00143-00086968-00087512 so one is just kind of like basic organizational structure so like in grad school you're used to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00144-00087512-00088256 doing everything yourself right you for the most part with support from your from your from your Dw3fAtn-j8u-00145-00088256-00088712 cohort and advisors obviously but you know if you want a gis component in your dissertation Dw3fAtn-j8u-00146-00088712-00089136 you're going to take two semesters worth of classes in the geography department and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00147-00089136-00090016 then teach yourself arcgis or bug nico to teach you arcgis or something um so in the crm world Dw3fAtn-j8u-00148-00090016-00090560 in the professional world of archaeology that's just not the case um we have a whole team of gis Dw3fAtn-j8u-00149-00090560-00091016 people we have a geo archaeology team we have like 10 different internal databases that do all Dw3fAtn-j8u-00150-00091016-00091520 sorts of cool stuff we have a production team we have something called accounts receivable Dw3fAtn-j8u-00151-00091520-00092040 you know like stuff you would never imagine having to deal with um being an archaeologist Dw3fAtn-j8u-00152-00092160-00092704 um and you know all those things can be really great they can be really great resources but you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00153-00092704-00093392 gotta get the hang of them um and kind of when you enter into a crm company it's a big machine that's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00154-00093392-00094016 moving pretty fast and you have to kind of catch up with with all that stuff and crm companies are Dw3fAtn-j8u-00155-00094016-00094584 are businesses and they operate as such and that can be quite different than maybe an academic Dw3fAtn-j8u-00156-00094584-00095072 department which you're used to not necessarily better or worse but but definitely different Dw3fAtn-j8u-00157-00095224-00095896 um another big difference is sort of the scope and the pace of work uh so coming out of this program Dw3fAtn-j8u-00158-00095896-00096504 you know you're gonna be experts at you know archaeological theory and methods you can do Dw3fAtn-j8u-00159-00096504-00096912 that at a very high level you're gonna be great writers and researchers and critical thinkers Dw3fAtn-j8u-00160-00096968-00097368 no question you're going to be able to do archaeology at a really high level Dw3fAtn-j8u-00161-00097488-00097776 and those are definitely skills you're going to mobilize in crn Dw3fAtn-j8u-00162-00097856-00098600 but in crm especially consulting archaeology in that sort of pure sense is really only one part Dw3fAtn-j8u-00163-00098600-00099344 of your job and honestly sometimes it's a small part of your job when you're coming in with a phd Dw3fAtn-j8u-00164-00099432-00100056 you will be doing like i said some that research design field work evaluating sites um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00165-00100056-00100600 but as much if not more of your job is going to be kind of project management type things Dw3fAtn-j8u-00166-00100784-00101272 which i know you do project management with your dissertation work but it's at a whole different Dw3fAtn-j8u-00167-00101272-00101744 level of scale so you're going to be tracking budgets and schedules you're going to be doing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00168-00101744-00102264 a lot of task delegation you're going to be coordinating with other companies and other Dw3fAtn-j8u-00169-00102264-00102848 other people doing other types of studies right geological or biological studies for the project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00170-00102848-00103464 you're working on um you're gonna be putting out fires constantly you have to field questions from Dw3fAtn-j8u-00171-00103464-00104135 clients all sorts of stuff um that take up a lot of time that are not super archaeology related Dw3fAtn-j8u-00172-00104216-00104776 um and you know i know you get pulled in a lot of directions as a grad student Dw3fAtn-j8u-00173-00104880-00105392 but honestly in when you're working in consulting you might have sort of like 10 Dw3fAtn-j8u-00174-00105392-00106080 to 15 sort of dissertation project scale things going on at any one time and they're all at Dw3fAtn-j8u-00175-00106080-00106776 different um they're all kind of at different stages so so yeah i titled this talk the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00176-00106840-00107472 wide and wild world of crm consulting because i thought i was trying to sort of capture that um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00177-00107472-00107911 it is a really fast-paced environment it's a really dynamic working environment Dw3fAtn-j8u-00178-00107911-00108504 and it involves doing a really broad range of things both archaeological and non-archaeological Dw3fAtn-j8u-00179-00108672-00109248 with that though is you get to work on a real diversity of projects and so you get great Dw3fAtn-j8u-00180-00109248-00109872 exposure to a bunch of different stuff um and if you're not you know actually physically traveling Dw3fAtn-j8u-00181-00109872-00110272 to those areas you're at least sort of mentally traveling to those areas from your desktop Dw3fAtn-j8u-00182-00110392-00110880 and so you know every day you're dealing with unexpected things or new things or getting pushed Dw3fAtn-j8u-00183-00110880-00111559 out of your kind of comfort zone of your research area or your geographic expertise um so that can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00184-00111559-00112176 be a pretty pretty cool and interesting part of the job and none of this is necessarily meant to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00185-00112176-00112776 be framed as like a good or a bad thing the reason i bring it up is because i think some people Dw3fAtn-j8u-00186-00112776-00113200 really thrive in that kind of environment that dynamic environment and others really don't Dw3fAtn-j8u-00187-00113280-00113888 um and honestly i don't know if it's the like environment i immediately thrived in right Dw3fAtn-j8u-00188-00113888-00114335 there was definitely a lot of work on my part um i've definitely never been accused of being Dw3fAtn-j8u-00189-00114400-00115008 super organized or managerial uh so you know even two and a half years into this job it's something Dw3fAtn-j8u-00190-00115008-00115488 i'm continuously learning about and how to do better and trying to get trying to grow Dw3fAtn-j8u-00191-00115696-00116383 another big difference is kind of the objective of crm work so you know in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00192-00116472-00117144 in the academic world you kind of have free range in a lot of ways to develop a research project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00193-00117264-00117920 but within crm you know you like i said it's a the consulting world is it works Dw3fAtn-j8u-00194-00117920-00118624 under a business model so your objective is to do the best archaeology possible within the very Dw3fAtn-j8u-00195-00118624-00119264 defined scope and budget of a particular project um and so while there are mechanisms for reviewing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00196-00119264-00119792 you know the quality of the archaeology um you are also accountable to the client the one paying you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00197-00119792-00120608 to do the work um and so sometimes that can be at odds with itself and so i think to be a good crm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00198-00120608-00121168 professional and archaeologist you need to have a really strong understanding of the regulatory Dw3fAtn-j8u-00199-00121168-00121864 frameworks so the laws that guide your actions and possibilities you really strong ethical foundation Dw3fAtn-j8u-00200-00121952-00122456 and you need to be really creative and savvy in finding ways that you can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00201-00122456-00123192 meet the demands of your clients while also doing you know some really good and valuable archaeology Dw3fAtn-j8u-00202-00123328-00124072 and honestly not all crm companies um are the same in this regard there can be a lot of window Dw3fAtn-j8u-00203-00124072-00124768 washing and box checking in archaeology in any sort of compliance job so i would really encourage Dw3fAtn-j8u-00204-00124768-00125288 you if you are thinking about working in crm to do some research to talk to people that are in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00205-00125288-00125783 the field to get a feel for sort of a company culture at any place you might want to work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00206-00125783-00126264 um because there are some areas where you know the the archaeology gets sidelined Dw3fAtn-j8u-00207-00126264-00126896 um and you probably don't want to work at a place like that if i'm being honest um i can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00208-00126896-00127320 really only speak to far western and i can say that you know while we're not always perfect Dw3fAtn-j8u-00209-00127320-00127944 uh the archaeology is always a primary focus of any work we're doing and you know i think i can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00210-00127944-00128528 say that they have a good reputation for doing really quality research focused meaningful work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00211-00128528-00129128 within that um within that compliance framework and while still meeting the needs of our clients Dw3fAtn-j8u-00212-00129320-00129816 yeah words like clients you never thought you would be saying so much as a as an archaeologist Dw3fAtn-j8u-00213-00129976-00130416 so yeah i'll kind of pause there and shift towards the community engagement side of stuff Dw3fAtn-j8u-00214-00130416-00130952 because that you know it sounds like there's some interest in what that looks like in the crm world Dw3fAtn-j8u-00215-00131136-00131832 and like everything in crm world the community engagement aspect is really guided by regulations Dw3fAtn-j8u-00216-00131912-00132624 and you know honestly um stakeholder consultations that regulations require Dw3fAtn-j8u-00217-00132712-00133272 are probably what any of us would call kind of a bare minimum of community engagement which is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00218-00133272-00133880 basically like notifying people that a project's happening asking if they have some sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00219-00133936-00134344 desire to be involved in some kind of way asking if they have particular Dw3fAtn-j8u-00220-00134344-00134720 information that should be included so that the project's in compliance Dw3fAtn-j8u-00221-00134936-00135504 and their involvement can be the involvement of stakeholders can be really variable based Dw3fAtn-j8u-00222-00135504-00136024 on those responses that you get but the regulations just kind of require Dw3fAtn-j8u-00223-00136024-00136472 that initial effort and what happens after that can be really variable Dw3fAtn-j8u-00224-00136544-00137184 um that being said there are some really there are some opportunities to do really good community Dw3fAtn-j8u-00225-00137184-00137944 engaged work that go above and beyond sort of basic requirements and i think the trick Dw3fAtn-j8u-00226-00137944-00138624 is is to recognize these opportunities early on and to frame them as a value to the project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00227-00138624-00139216 and to meeting the compliance goals and then to write that into the project proposals and budgets Dw3fAtn-j8u-00228-00139216-00139808 and things like that um and you know all of us know that doing community engaged archaeology Dw3fAtn-j8u-00229-00139808-00140376 is not only the right and ethical thing to do but it results in better work all around Dw3fAtn-j8u-00230-00140512-00141096 so you just have to work that into the project and convince your client that that's the case Dw3fAtn-j8u-00231-00141240-00141760 so there's a couple good examples i can kind of point to about how i projects i've worked on have Dw3fAtn-j8u-00232-00141760-00142520 done that so this photo on the left here is me on a very cold and foggy day in marin working with a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00233-00142520-00143080 local tribe we were surveying an area where we had some information that there could be some pretty Dw3fAtn-j8u-00234-00143160-00143664 um pretty important archaeological sites that were going to be that are considered sacred by Dw3fAtn-j8u-00235-00143664-00144368 the local group and so we from the very beginning knowing this information had them involved at Dw3fAtn-j8u-00236-00144368-00144904 almost every stage and so this is them involved with us in the actual field work going out there Dw3fAtn-j8u-00237-00144904-00145336 and we wanted to do that because we knew they were going to see things differently they were going to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00238-00145336-00145920 interpret things differently and we were tasked with developing sort of a management plan for this Dw3fAtn-j8u-00239-00145920-00146456 area and we wanted to make sure we captured those perspectives um and doing this kind Dw3fAtn-j8u-00240-00146456-00147112 of stuff you know works to build really great relationships with local groups which crm has Dw3fAtn-j8u-00241-00147112-00147736 not always had a great sort of history of doing so i'll say that while compliance is mandated Dw3fAtn-j8u-00242-00147736-00148288 through regulations a lot of it falls to sort of individual efforts and relationship building Dw3fAtn-j8u-00243-00148288-00149040 um so that's to say that you know um it is totally possible within the crm world uh there's another Dw3fAtn-j8u-00244-00149040-00149464 project i'm working on which is pretty interesting it's actually a caltrans project in the east bay Dw3fAtn-j8u-00245-00149464-00150136 i'm being purposely vague for all sorts of reasons um but we had some money that was sort of tagged Dw3fAtn-j8u-00246-00150136-00150744 for doing some additional archival work um and instead of us meaning sort of the archaeologists Dw3fAtn-j8u-00247-00150800-00151304 saying great you know we'll use this money to do research and answer these kind of questions Dw3fAtn-j8u-00248-00151384-00151968 we actually started the process by coordinating with the tribe that we were that we were Dw3fAtn-j8u-00249-00151968-00152496 collaborating with and saying hey you know like we have the money to go do this archival work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00250-00152496-00152984 what are some of the questions that the tribe is interested in exploring how i how might we Dw3fAtn-j8u-00251-00152984-00153816 be able to use these funds in this effort to to uh to the advantages of the tribe and again that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00252-00153816-00154608 only was made possible by really starting that process early on um and then yeah this this kind Dw3fAtn-j8u-00253-00154608-00155296 of awkward photo of this wonderful gentleman to the right that's stan harlan um he uh he's like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00254-00155296-00156008 a i think he's 95 now i was working on a project another caltrans projects project down on big Dw3fAtn-j8u-00255-00156008-00156608 the big sur coast which was really really great um i'll take any excuse to spend time down there and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00256-00156608-00157104 of all things it was another lime kiln site so my dissertation was a line count site so that was fun Dw3fAtn-j8u-00257-00157168-00157768 um but consultation and community engagement especially in crm is really often kind of just Dw3fAtn-j8u-00258-00157768-00158240 thought to mean working with tribes that is a really important part for obvious reasons Dw3fAtn-j8u-00259-00158320-00158880 but it also can and should be interpreted more broadly and we've started doing that by doing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00260-00158880-00159672 outreach and consultation with local historical societies and archives and repositories because Dw3fAtn-j8u-00261-00159672-00160304 they're stakeholders as well and so with this work i was uh i reached out to the big sur historical Dw3fAtn-j8u-00262-00160304-00161016 society and they put me in touch with stan and uh because he had lived right near lived and grew Dw3fAtn-j8u-00263-00161016-00161496 up right near where the project area was and his grandfather had actually worked at the lime kiln Dw3fAtn-j8u-00264-00161496-00162200 when it was in operation in the late 1900s excuse me late 1800s um and so i was able to actually do Dw3fAtn-j8u-00265-00162200-00162736 in oral history and do an interview in oral history with him and incorporate that into our Dw3fAtn-j8u-00266-00162736-00163496 compliance document and um that made for better work um and made everyone really happy so just a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00267-00163496-00164088 couple examples of the ways in which that has been done productively very recently in my experience Dw3fAtn-j8u-00268-00164296-00164944 um okay so already kind of maxing out some time so i'll kind of try to distill Dw3fAtn-j8u-00269-00165008-00165568 uh some of these conversations point conversation points to what i might call kind of the good and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00270-00165568-00166120 bad of crm consulting archaeology so i've already kind of mentioned one of the really Dw3fAtn-j8u-00271-00166120-00166584 what i think is a good aspect of it is the diversity of projects and archaeology that you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00272-00166584-00167184 that you get to engage with especially after your phd coming out of your phd where you've like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00273-00167288-00167808 had such tunnel vision and focus on one particular project it can be really refreshing to kind Dw3fAtn-j8u-00274-00167808-00168280 of pull back and get thrown into all these different projects that are in all different Dw3fAtn-j8u-00275-00168280-00168904 areas different time periods different resources it can be challenging but it can be a really Dw3fAtn-j8u-00276-00168960-00169544 really cool part of the consulting world as i mentioned it's a very dynamic work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00277-00169544-00169936 environment you never really know what's going on you always have a bunch of balls in the air Dw3fAtn-j8u-00278-00170056-00170728 and like i said that can kind of be a good or bad thing depending on who you are another good thing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00279-00170728-00171352 i think is the development of skills outside of for pure strict archaeology and archaeological Dw3fAtn-j8u-00280-00171352-00172080 methods so you know i now am really good at reading engineering plans and managing people and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00281-00172160-00172624 a lot of things that i think make you a better archaeologist but could also be extremely valuable Dw3fAtn-j8u-00282-00172704-00172976 in other ways and in other careers further down the line Dw3fAtn-j8u-00283-00173184-00173832 another good thing about consulting archaeology is job availability there there tend to be quite Dw3fAtn-j8u-00284-00173832-00174328 a few jobs available especially in the bay area i was just looking at the sta job board before Dw3fAtn-j8u-00285-00174416-00174944 before this presentation and there are a number of jobs for consulting archaeologists at all levels Dw3fAtn-j8u-00286-00175000-00175544 posted right now here in the bay area you know development projects are always happening um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00287-00175544-00175944 and so this kind of archaeological work is always going to be a need so that's a good Dw3fAtn-j8u-00288-00175944-00176816 thing and another thing is the the pay i mean nobody gets into archaeology for the money Dw3fAtn-j8u-00289-00176816-00177496 but crm does pay fairly well um especially you know at the position you'd be coming in with Dw3fAtn-j8u-00290-00177496-00178160 uh coming out of the out of the phd program um and so you can kind of know that you'll be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00291-00178160-00178544 working in an industry and profession where you can make the livelihood um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00292-00178608-00178896 and even you know maybe survive in the bay area so that's nice Dw3fAtn-j8u-00293-00179112-00179704 um okay they're bad but not so good um this is us getting a flat tire in the middle of nowhere which Dw3fAtn-j8u-00294-00179704-00180400 happens more than more than i'd like um so a lot of the bad is actually kind of a flip side to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00295-00180400-00181096 the good um so with that diversity of projects um there can be a lot of sort of transiency in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00296-00181096-00181688 the consulting world you know you might spend you might be jumping from project to project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00297-00181688-00182184 um you might be living out of a hotel for a month and a half or something or Dw3fAtn-j8u-00298-00182184-00182624 you can be away from home a lot um and so yeah you know depending on your own Dw3fAtn-j8u-00299-00182768-00183304 desires and life situation that could be good it could be bad um but something to know about Dw3fAtn-j8u-00300-00183432-00183912 uh again a cardi kind of already alluded to this but you spend a lot of your time doing not Dw3fAtn-j8u-00301-00183912-00184776 archaeology you know doing safety trainings doing you know being on calls with clients um you know i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00302-00184776-00185312 spent three hours on a call the other day talking about design alternatives for an overpass in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00303-00185312-00186144 modesto um you know it it's it's not a bad thing um per se but if you're looking for a job that's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00304-00186144-00186720 just all archaeology all the time not sure if that job exists but um you know this probably is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00305-00186720-00187408 not it's not that one um and as a general rule kind of the higher you go up in a crm company Dw3fAtn-j8u-00306-00187576-00188264 the sort of less or dirt archaeology you do it becomes much more project management type of work Dw3fAtn-j8u-00307-00188264-00188912 so just something to know of for sort of longer term career paths and then again another thing i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00308-00188912-00189720 sort of already alluded to is that consulting crm is is a business to be quite blunt so everything Dw3fAtn-j8u-00309-00189720-00190528 is really framed by cost and while that's true for academic research projects to an extent in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00310-00190528-00191016 the serum consulting world you also have the added layer of profitability right and so you're always Dw3fAtn-j8u-00311-00191016-00191640 constantly having to negotiate um what you want to do uh versus what you have to do and then what you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00312-00191640-00192352 can do um so those are conversations you have to have with yourself and your team on a daily level Dw3fAtn-j8u-00313-00192576-00193280 and then finally maybe a bad is that you don't have a ton of choice in the types of projects Dw3fAtn-j8u-00314-00193280-00193904 you take on in consulting world you kind of get what you're given right so i know in academia you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00315-00193904-00194376 start off with research questions and this topic you want to explore and then trying to find the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00316-00194376-00194976 perfect site to explore it and that's just not how crm consulting archaeology works right your Dw3fAtn-j8u-00317-00195048-00195616 the project defines what you're going to be doing um and sometimes that's really cool like the lime Dw3fAtn-j8u-00318-00195616-00196184 kiln project on the big sur coast and sometimes it can be really not cool like the road project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00319-00196240-00196776 in richmond or something you know like an urban landscape suburban landscape where Dw3fAtn-j8u-00320-00196776-00197248 there's not a lot going on so projects can sometimes be uninteresting and uninspiring Dw3fAtn-j8u-00321-00197336-00198048 and you still have to go in and do really good archaeology and produce a quality product um so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00322-00198048-00198576 not everything is going to be a passion project but you know that that's kind of life anyway so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00323-00198656-00199104 um so yeah the last thing i'll sort of leave you with before i turn over to questions Dw3fAtn-j8u-00324-00199104-00199552 is um to let you know that if you've kind of heard this stuff and after we talk through Dw3fAtn-j8u-00325-00199552-00200240 some questions if you're like ah crm consulting there's some good and there's some bad i think Dw3fAtn-j8u-00326-00200240-00200872 it's worth thinking about crm as being a really great stepping stone as well to other jobs and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00327-00200872-00201376 positions within the archaeology world you know if you want a job at state parks or national parks Dw3fAtn-j8u-00328-00201472-00202072 those are heavily compliance driven and project management driven and you're not going to get Dw3fAtn-j8u-00329-00202072-00202872 one of those jobs without having some real practical meaty experience in the world of crm and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00330-00203000-00203656 a consulting position will get you that experience very quickly um and even in academia you know i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00331-00203656-00204272 think i think we're all sort of seeing a pattern where many places are looking to hire new faculty Dw3fAtn-j8u-00332-00204272-00204760 that have some background in crm recognizing that a lot of undergrads coming out if they're Dw3fAtn-j8u-00333-00204760-00205176 going to be working in archaeology are going to be working in crm so you need to be able to teach Dw3fAtn-j8u-00334-00205176-00205656 classes that prepare them adequately you need to have faculty that are experienced in that so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00335-00205656-00206456 it doesn't have to be an either or thing crm can be i think a great stepping stone to um to other Dw3fAtn-j8u-00336-00206456-00207264 career options that might meet other other sort of desires that you have um okay so that was kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00337-00207264-00207904 a whirlwind uh hopefully i hit on some things that were of interest to you but as i said i really Dw3fAtn-j8u-00338-00207904-00208784 wanted to save a good chunk of time to answer any questions or thoughts that you might have Dw3fAtn-j8u-00339-00209112-00209671 thanks so much david that was great uh folks you can turn on your your videos on uh Dw3fAtn-j8u-00340-00209760-00210256 on the zoom here and uh and we can have a discussion and uh ask away Dw3fAtn-j8u-00341-00210848-00211767 oh look at all those familiar faces thanks i'm expanding here if no one has a question Dw3fAtn-j8u-00342-00211767-00212719 immediately i do have one so i can take my uh my introducer's privilege here mc's privilege um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00343-00212832-00213208 so it was really great to hear about all the community engagement work that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00344-00213312-00213784 that you all are doing um and uh and one of the things that sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00345-00213784-00214384 came to mind for me about that was um you know thinking about dissemination of crm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00346-00214440-00214952 research as well and obviously in some cases it's it's very clear where that goes like you know if Dw3fAtn-j8u-00347-00214952-00215384 you started work with with a tribe and with their research questions then you know you're Dw3fAtn-j8u-00348-00215384-00215823 you're bringing those those answers back to them or or you know you're you're producing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00349-00215823-00216432 them collaboratively together the whole time um but in the case of like talking to to stan um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00350-00216552-00216928 and you know having that connection with like a local historical society like how Dw3fAtn-j8u-00351-00216928-00217288 does that work as far as like dissemination of your your guys results and that sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00352-00217288-00217800 thing you have some interesting stories about that yeah no that's a fantastic question um so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00353-00217896-00218800 i mean with any archaeological work the main factor surrounding that is um so privacy and and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00354-00218800-00219423 you know making sure that there's not some sort of protected information um that is being too widely Dw3fAtn-j8u-00355-00219423-00220128 distributed when you are working with tribes um they're actually usually the most sort of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00356-00220128-00221000 primary drivers about uh how far information can kind of flow outside of your your sort of project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00357-00221000-00222008 um for again obvious reasons so yeah the the data that you produce um i don't want to say always Dw3fAtn-j8u-00358-00222008-00222528 because as i was saying the tribal involvement can vary from project to project but when tribes Dw3fAtn-j8u-00359-00222528-00223104 are really involved that information is constantly being shared back and forth um and if you're doing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00360-00223104-00223664 it right there's sort of a constant communication from every every sort of phase of the project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00361-00223944-00224656 the uh when it comes to like non-tribal outreach and work um that is a really like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00362-00224656-00225304 project by project specific thing and honestly like a personality by personality thing so um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00363-00225304-00225856 but again it just has it all comes down to communication so when this opportunity to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00364-00225856-00226576 speak with stan um came up i got in touch with the caltrans archaeologist that was overseeing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00365-00226632-00227152 who was essentially like who we were reporting to and said hey this opportunity has come up i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00366-00227152-00227671 think it would benefit the project in these ways i want to make sure that it's cool within the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00367-00227671-00228248 scope of this project to do that and i want to make sure that i can share our report with him Dw3fAtn-j8u-00368-00228248-00228944 when we're done right and so there was that kind of that that clear communication up front um and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00369-00228944-00229800 so and so yeah the and sometimes the the client will have confidentiality reasons where you can't Dw3fAtn-j8u-00370-00229936-00230280 you can't share i mean i'm working on a project right now where like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00371-00230280-00230800 the overarching body body is the federal energy regulatory commission you know like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00372-00230800-00231184 the people who keep keep track of like nukes and stuff and you're like they're not letting you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00373-00231184-00231767 tell anybody what you're working on um so there are it's a constant balancing act um but when Dw3fAtn-j8u-00374-00231871-00232640 um but yeah it comes down to sort of communication um before you get too far into it um and knowing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00375-00232640-00233112 that that's kind of making it clear to the client the client that the contingency of doing that can Dw3fAtn-j8u-00376-00233112-00233648 that good work involves sharing that information on the back end um in my experience you know if Dw3fAtn-j8u-00377-00233648-00234176 there's not some sort of like big security or confidentiality issue people are supportive Dw3fAtn-j8u-00378-00234176-00235064 of that but it can be really project specific and personality specific for sure thanks so much yeah Dw3fAtn-j8u-00379-00235296-00235856 lucy has a virtual hand raised hi thank you so much again for doing this this is really Dw3fAtn-j8u-00380-00235856-00236623 interesting um i have a couple of questions um one about sort of this distinction you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00381-00236623-00237256 mentioned at the beginning between uh sort of like environmental consulting firms that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00382-00237256-00237767 have an archaeology wing versus an archaeology uh specific crm firm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00383-00237840-00238408 i was wondering if you can talk a little bit about um that distinction and then um this is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00384-00238408-00239208 not so much of a question but just um i've been working on uh sort of a community project with Dw3fAtn-j8u-00385-00239208-00240096 jordan that has involved some um like not actual crm work but um work with crm data and stuff um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00386-00240160-00240864 and uh one of the things that's come up a lot is um like sites being nominated or not to the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00387-00240864-00241376 national registry of historic places um so i assume that's a significant part of your job Dw3fAtn-j8u-00388-00241376-00241664 those kinds of things i was wondering if you could just speak a little bit about that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00389-00241728-00242480 yeah for sure thank you great questions um so for the first part of your question um the uh Dw3fAtn-j8u-00390-00242664-00243152 it's not that the the type of work you do differs too much whether you're working out Dw3fAtn-j8u-00391-00243152-00243752 like an archaeology specific consulting company or for one of these bigger environmental compliance Dw3fAtn-j8u-00392-00243752-00244448 companies um it's just kind of you know it's more kind of like organizational structure differences Dw3fAtn-j8u-00393-00244448-00244976 so like far western all we do is archaeology which is really nice i mean we have people who do Dw3fAtn-j8u-00394-00244976-00245528 all different kinds of archaeology and you know we have graphic designers that do like help put Dw3fAtn-j8u-00395-00245528-00246192 our reports together and like i said we have like geo geo archaeologists um but everyone Dw3fAtn-j8u-00396-00246192-00247064 but like everything is archaeology specific um so that kind of makes it easier and cleaner in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00397-00247064-00247512 some ways because everything is a little bit kind of self-contained everyone's kind of on the same Dw3fAtn-j8u-00398-00247512-00248160 page and you know there can be even at far western which is actually a pretty small company there Dw3fAtn-j8u-00399-00248160-00248767 can be some sort of organizational complexity um when you're working for these bigger environmental Dw3fAtn-j8u-00400-00248767-00249616 compliance firms you know you the archaeology is like one tiny team within this like massive Dw3fAtn-j8u-00401-00249616-00250288 corporation right and so it's not that the work you're doing is different um but the way in which Dw3fAtn-j8u-00402-00250288-00250823 it's done might be different so you know it's gonna be a much more kind of like corporate Dw3fAtn-j8u-00403-00250823-00251280 structure there's going to be a lot more hierarchies um you're probably going to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00404-00251280-00252000 end up like doing a more narrow range of work but even that's not totally true um like or it's not Dw3fAtn-j8u-00405-00252000-00252680 a rule across the board um and yeah and you know there's going to be the team in the you know the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00406-00252680-00253144 room next to you that's like the bio team that are that's doing work on the same project and stuff Dw3fAtn-j8u-00407-00253144-00253800 like that so you know i guess a benefit to that is that there's less communication between companies Dw3fAtn-j8u-00408-00253960-00254584 and one of those things might handle like mult multiple aspects of the compliance aspects Dw3fAtn-j8u-00409-00254688-00255296 multiple aspects of the compliance needs for one project whereas we will just be one team doing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00410-00255296-00255823 only archaeology and there'll be you know dozens of other teams doing the other stuff so yeah it's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00411-00255823-00256776 you know kind of nuanced differences and you know i'd say if you like yeah if you if you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00412-00256776-00257216 think you might be interested working for like a big company then those bigger environmental firms Dw3fAtn-j8u-00413-00257216-00257728 would probably be a good fit for you if you're not if you want like a little boutique firm you know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00414-00257728-00258384 these uh smaller compliance you know these smaller archaeology specifics might be the one for you um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00415-00258552-00258928 where i landed kind of tells you where what i was looking for and what what i wanted and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00416-00258928-00259288 what i like and obviously i'm probably pretty biased and there's probably someone from a big Dw3fAtn-j8u-00417-00259288-00259856 company that'll tell you why that's so much better um to get to your second question um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00418-00259928-00260504 yeah i didn't i didn't talk at all about what sort of crm is uh i had to kind of assume you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00419-00260504-00260952 guys had a rough working knowledge of that but happy to answer any specific questions Dw3fAtn-j8u-00420-00260952-00261504 i meant to make that clear up front that you might have about that so yeah i mean Dw3fAtn-j8u-00421-00261504-00262264 when it comes down to it the idea of like is a site eligible or not um it's kind of shorthand for Dw3fAtn-j8u-00422-00262416-00263152 i mean that's essentially what we're working towards in crm because a site that is eligible for Dw3fAtn-j8u-00423-00263152-00263712 the national register means that it has undergone a certain degree of study to determine if it is Dw3fAtn-j8u-00424-00263712-00264448 considered historically significant or not in a legal framing right historically significant Dw3fAtn-j8u-00425-00264448-00265256 is a legal designation in compliance environmental compliance world and what historically significant Dw3fAtn-j8u-00426-00265256-00265952 means means that you've done the work to decide this is a site that has important qualities Dw3fAtn-j8u-00427-00265952-00266728 um that mean it needs to be protected under environmental laws and it needs to be managed um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00428-00266824-00267312 or you do your study and you find that it doesn't meet the threshold of historical significance Dw3fAtn-j8u-00429-00267312-00267912 which means it essentially doesn't have any protections like you don't have to manage it um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00430-00268064-00268632 and it's not quite that clean like it's not like a psychic is recommended eligible and therefore Dw3fAtn-j8u-00431-00268632-00269120 is historically significant and you can't touch it right there are there are times when Dw3fAtn-j8u-00432-00269384-00269800 a highway realignment cannot avoid an archaeological site Dw3fAtn-j8u-00433-00269800-00270432 right so um and that site might if that site's historically significant it's going to have to be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00434-00270432-00271264 impacted in or affected in regulatory speak and so what you do is then you you then move Dw3fAtn-j8u-00435-00271264-00271816 on to the mitigation phase which is where you basically have to come up with some processes Dw3fAtn-j8u-00436-00271816-00272696 to deal with the impacts that that project's going to have on this significant resource um and so Dw3fAtn-j8u-00437-00272696-00273184 mitigation can look like a lot of different things um in archaeolo for archaeologically Dw3fAtn-j8u-00438-00273256-00273752 significant resources um oftentimes that's what's called it includes what's called data Dw3fAtn-j8u-00439-00273752-00274496 recovery which basically means okay this road's gonna destroy this the site this road has to be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00440-00274496-00275072 built right like literally working on a project where highway 101 is like eroding into the ocean Dw3fAtn-j8u-00441-00275144-00275832 and it's on a steep cliff there's only so many ways you can reroute it um it has to go through Dw3fAtn-j8u-00442-00275832-00276320 there it's going to impact the site so data recovery you would focus on like excavating Dw3fAtn-j8u-00443-00276392-00276912 and otherwise acquiring all the data associated with that site or the part that's going to be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00444-00276912-00277592 impacted and then producing you know records and reports that document that stuff and come up with Dw3fAtn-j8u-00445-00277592-00278128 a curation plan to make that stuff available for future research with the idea being that if it's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00446-00278128-00278920 the archaeological data that's that makes that site important then you are mitigating Dw3fAtn-j8u-00447-00278920-00279440 the effects of this development because you're extracting that data and for protecting that data Dw3fAtn-j8u-00448-00279616-00280264 there's obviously a lot of sort of problematic aspects to that and you know there's nuances to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00449-00280264-00280944 that there's other kind of mitigation uh solutions as well like it might involve putting up a display Dw3fAtn-j8u-00450-00280944-00281552 or you know putting funds toward developing curriculum about that site that gets made Dw3fAtn-j8u-00451-00281552-00282104 available to local elementary school students or something like that but you have to do something Dw3fAtn-j8u-00452-00282104-00282576 to uh essentially counteract the negative things that are happening to that site Dw3fAtn-j8u-00453-00282664-00283376 um but yeah but that's essentially at the crux of what the m in crm is right the managing of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00454-00283376-00284048 resources um that's mostly what your job is is trying to figure out well not mostly but a big Dw3fAtn-j8u-00455-00284048-00284520 part of what your job is is figuring out you know is this a site that we need to manage and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00456-00284520-00285120 how are we going to manage it so that's kind of the first step thanks yeah you could take a whole Dw3fAtn-j8u-00457-00285120-00285784 class you could i could do a whole lecture on that um not that i want to but you could Dw3fAtn-j8u-00458-00286032-00286480 speaking speaking of full classes on that we have a question from bill white in the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00459-00286480-00287216 in the youtube chat um which is is not about classes but uh yes what Dw3fAtn-j8u-00460-00287216-00287896 what what does the job market look like for for 2021 so that's a great question um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00461-00288168-00288920 so i've been slammed uh and asking around you know people who have been doing this longer than i have Dw3fAtn-j8u-00462-00288976-00289488 um have been talking about how this is kind of almost the busiest they've ever been in their Dw3fAtn-j8u-00463-00289488-00290112 career which is strange but also not that strange you're working on development projects like i just Dw3fAtn-j8u-00464-00290112-00290688 said you know i'm working on a project that has you know being funded by caltrans a lot of our Dw3fAtn-j8u-00465-00290688-00291304 work is pg e related um i'm working on a project right now that's a dam and reservoir expansion Dw3fAtn-j8u-00466-00291304-00291848 project so you're talking about water issues like a lot of the stuff is like big picture things that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00467-00291848-00292464 are sort of critical infrastructure so we were actually like tapped early as being considered Dw3fAtn-j8u-00468-00292464-00293208 essential staff or you know essential services um and it's not that archaeology by any measure Dw3fAtn-j8u-00469-00293208-00293904 is an essential service but because of our legal role that we play in allowing these projects to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00470-00293904-00294368 happen you can't do these things until they've gone through the environmental review process Dw3fAtn-j8u-00471-00294440-00295216 so we are kind of like looped into that um you know so in the same way that utility project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00472-00295216-00295584 you know the guys building the utility line are essential service workers Dw3fAtn-j8u-00473-00295696-00296344 we kind of have been lumped into that so all that is to say is that um there's a lot of work um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00474-00296424-00297344 like far western is even looking to hire um people right now um for different with different Dw3fAtn-j8u-00475-00297344-00298072 backgrounds and specialties um and i know that uh i was actually just talking to my supervisor Dw3fAtn-j8u-00476-00298072-00298600 yesterday and it sound it sounds like a lot of a lot of companies in the area are also they're Dw3fAtn-j8u-00477-00298600-00299128 looking to try to build out staff to meet this demand um and i don't know if that kind of like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00478-00299184-00299960 real busy environment will last for forever or for years um but i can sort of safely say that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00479-00299960-00300568 there is sort of a continual demand for like for people that want to do this work and especially Dw3fAtn-j8u-00480-00300568-00301048 for people that can do the kind of job that you're going to be able to do with a phd which is like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00481-00301048-00301816 come in run a field crew but also come back to the office and like write up a you know solid report Dw3fAtn-j8u-00482-00301816-00302504 um and you know be detailed enough to to meet all those compliance needs and produce a really Dw3fAtn-j8u-00483-00302504-00303000 an archaeological document you know there's a lot of you know there's a lot of people that can do Dw3fAtn-j8u-00484-00303000-00303616 sort of the entry-level field tech work and you know there's there's not necessarily as big of a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00485-00303616-00304264 demand for that but for people um people like us uh there seems to be a pretty pretty good demand Dw3fAtn-j8u-00486-00304264-00305040 right now and i don't see anything in 2021 looking forward that would kind of curb that too much Dw3fAtn-j8u-00487-00305304-00305512 i mean fingers crossed hopefully i didn't just change us Dw3fAtn-j8u-00488-00306024-00306272 so yeah i i don't know if Dw3fAtn-j8u-00489-00306336-00306824 there's any other questions i'm happy to stick around for a few more minutes if you'd like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00490-00307088-00307496 i mean we've got a couple more from the chat certainly i'll you know if folks are Dw3fAtn-j8u-00491-00307496-00308184 on the zoom here have questions then i'll have those go first since we're here live Dw3fAtn-j8u-00492-00308496-00309232 but if not i can funnel in the ones from the chat which i will do um so speaking of probably more Dw3fAtn-j8u-00493-00309232-00309848 field tech sort of work chris lohman asks if there are um if there are students who Dw3fAtn-j8u-00494-00309848-00310320 want to get involved like while they're still undergrads in crm work um what sort of role Dw3fAtn-j8u-00495-00310320-00310632 that would look like or you know if there are particularly good opportunities for that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00496-00310696-00311152 for sure yeah that's a good question i've definitely catered this talk towards grad students Dw3fAtn-j8u-00497-00311152-00311928 but um the undergrad environment is a little bit different um you know because unfortunately and i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00498-00311928-00312488 i personally think this is kind of a problem with the industry as a whole um the sort of entry level Dw3fAtn-j8u-00499-00312488-00313408 positions are filled by sort of on-call project by project needs in a lot of places in a lot of times Dw3fAtn-j8u-00500-00313408-00313992 so you'll have full-time staff people that just have bachelor's degrees that work for you you know Dw3fAtn-j8u-00501-00313992-00314352 monster and michelle who i showed in this presentation are two examples of such people Dw3fAtn-j8u-00502-00314416-00315080 um who graduated you know they have undergraduate bas and are now full time with far western Dw3fAtn-j8u-00503-00315144-00315856 but they have like many many years of experience doing like field tech work um so working for Dw3fAtn-j8u-00504-00315856-00316552 multiple crm companies jumping from project to project um and the downside of that is that there Dw3fAtn-j8u-00505-00316552-00317232 uh there can be big gaps you know like between projects nothing's really guaranteed um it's Dw3fAtn-j8u-00506-00317232-00317816 really actually exploitative labor labor position but um that's a conversation for another day you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00507-00317816-00318344 know and we are there are some people that are having conversations about unionization and things Dw3fAtn-j8u-00508-00318344-00319056 like that that might address these kinds of things um but on the flip side what that means is that um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00509-00319056-00319544 you know if you're if you're still working on your undergrad or you kind of want to dip your toe into Dw3fAtn-j8u-00510-00319544-00320112 it to see if it's something you're interested in um there is opportunity for kind of you know like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00511-00320112-00320616 project based work so a couple weeks here or a couple weeks there and most of the work most Dw3fAtn-j8u-00512-00320616-00321224 of the field work is done in the summer months um you know when the weather allows for it and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00513-00321224-00321872 when there's not snow covering everything uh well in the higher elevations um and so yeah i would Dw3fAtn-j8u-00514-00321976-00322488 i would keep an eye out there's often you know just kind of postings for that kind of field Dw3fAtn-j8u-00515-00322488-00323064 tech on-call work for companies i know there's a bunch posted right now i encourage you to get in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00516-00323064-00323672 touch with people like myself or other people that have full-time positions in companies and say hey Dw3fAtn-j8u-00517-00323672-00324144 you know like can you put me on your list because essentially there's just kind of a running list of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00518-00324144-00324728 people for these sort of seasonal jobs and when you know when our staff is maxed out and we need Dw3fAtn-j8u-00519-00324728-00325360 to fill some positions we start pulling from that list and the longer you the more projects Dw3fAtn-j8u-00520-00325360-00325784 you work with the company and the more you build those relationships kind of higher on that list Dw3fAtn-j8u-00521-00325784-00326480 you you end up going and getting pulled from i will say that to really even get kind of that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00522-00326480-00327056 level that entry level position in crm you really have to have some field experience Dw3fAtn-j8u-00523-00327136-00327712 it is really important to know that you know even those on-call positions you are expected to be a Dw3fAtn-j8u-00524-00327712-00328248 professional archaeologist right so like it's not a field school it's not an opportunity to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00525-00328312-00328944 teach students field methods um there is always kind of in the field teaching and learning going Dw3fAtn-j8u-00526-00328944-00329376 on um you know there's even when i go out in the field now there's people have been doing Dw3fAtn-j8u-00527-00329376-00330080 serum archaeology for 30 years and i learned stuff from them um but you need to kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00528-00330080-00330560 know the mechanics of what you're doing out there um otherwise you're not going to get called back Dw3fAtn-j8u-00529-00330560-00330976 right like it's not an opportunity to learn those things um so i would encourage if your Dw3fAtn-j8u-00530-00330976-00331560 students are interested encourage them to you know volunteer do a field school work on your Dw3fAtn-j8u-00531-00331560-00332152 dissertation project to to get that you know learning and mentoring experience um and then Dw3fAtn-j8u-00532-00332152-00332576 they'll be you know they'll be ready to hit the ground running in those entry-level crm positions Dw3fAtn-j8u-00533-00333056-00333560 we have one more question about uh sort of a different aspect of things i'll put it out there Dw3fAtn-j8u-00534-00333560-00334248 you can answer it at whatever length you feel like you've got time for how does crm how does crm Dw3fAtn-j8u-00535-00334248-00334920 policies relate to historic collections management post project excavations and such as ownership and Dw3fAtn-j8u-00536-00334920-00335504 research available accessioning or where can i put my excavated artifacts after the project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00537-00335688-00336328 yeah that's a good question um and again you know this kind of stock answer very project specific Dw3fAtn-j8u-00538-00336328-00337352 um so some larger agencies have their own collection facilities um or they have contracts Dw3fAtn-j8u-00539-00337352-00338072 with other like not private but like sonoma state has a really robust collections facility or they Dw3fAtn-j8u-00540-00338072-00338488 might have contracts with sort of state collection facilities and things like that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00541-00338488-00339168 so it really depends on where uh or who you're who you're working with and where your project Dw3fAtn-j8u-00542-00339168-00339728 is and things like that um but that's actually something you have to account for right in your Dw3fAtn-j8u-00543-00339800-00340472 like even in your proposals and um throughout the sort of project as the project unfolds so it's not Dw3fAtn-j8u-00544-00340472-00340952 that you like end up with 80 boxes of stuff and then you're like oh where's this stuff going to Dw3fAtn-j8u-00545-00340952-00341376 go like you're not even you're not going to put a shovel in the ground until everyone's clear Dw3fAtn-j8u-00546-00341432-00341784 about where the stuff's going and who's paying for it particularly Dw3fAtn-j8u-00547-00341864-00342456 because it's not cheap to curate curing materials how that kind of fits within the compliance world Dw3fAtn-j8u-00548-00342456-00343048 is um kind of gets into that eligibility historical significant sense you know like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00549-00343048-00343688 if it's not a historically significant resource you don't have to do anything with it like Dw3fAtn-j8u-00550-00343872-00344440 it's up to kind of the you know the client or you as the consultant to figure out what Dw3fAtn-j8u-00551-00344440-00344800 to do with that stuff oftentimes it involves getting buried on site Dw3fAtn-j8u-00552-00344904-00345568 we're big proponents of donating those collections to like local historical societies or Dw3fAtn-j8u-00553-00345656-00346144 um other sort of repositories that might take it for research purposes even if it's not Dw3fAtn-j8u-00554-00346144-00346672 historically significant right because you know any archaeological resource has some potential Dw3fAtn-j8u-00555-00346768-00347440 um but not technically in the compliance world right uh but um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00556-00347544-00348032 but yeah but then if it's historically significant and that material is excavated either as part of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00557-00348032-00348616 the testing phase so kind of getting the data to determine if it's significant or not or in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00558-00348616-00349128 maybe the data recovery phase or something um then that you know that's going to be Dw3fAtn-j8u-00559-00349128-00349760 paid for at the client's expense as part of doing this cultural resource uh mitigation Dw3fAtn-j8u-00560-00349760-00350536 phase and in those studies um but how that actually plays out um can be really variable um Dw3fAtn-j8u-00561-00350632-00351208 and so that's for the physical stuff for the actual like documents you know the site records Dw3fAtn-j8u-00562-00351208-00351824 you produce and the reports you produce um that all gets housed at the in california at the Dw3fAtn-j8u-00563-00351824-00352536 information system um or excuse me information centers um which are part of a broader system Dw3fAtn-j8u-00564-00352536-00353040 of beta basically data management repositories and there's a bunch of them throughout california that Dw3fAtn-j8u-00565-00353040-00353544 service particular areas so you know the first thing you do when you get a project you say we're Dw3fAtn-j8u-00566-00353544-00354224 going to be working in this area and you request a search of the appropriate info center and they say Dw3fAtn-j8u-00567-00354280-00354888 you know here is all the here are all the projects the reports that you know intersect with that area Dw3fAtn-j8u-00568-00354888-00355456 here are all the sites in that area or in the buffer around it that you've requested so when Dw3fAtn-j8u-00569-00355456-00355952 you finish your work you submit it to those same repositories so it becomes part of the kind of Dw3fAtn-j8u-00570-00356048-00356832 that that part of the archaeological record yeah all right thank you so much uh both for the talk Dw3fAtn-j8u-00571-00356832-00357360 and for all of the detailed discussion you are a font um and we are fond of you Dw3fAtn-j8u-00572-00357360-00358160 um well thank you invitation i meant to throw my email up there um if people want to follow up with Dw3fAtn-j8u-00573-00358240-00358960 uh questions or you know whatever i'm happy to sort of feel those individually um so sorry i Dw3fAtn-j8u-00574-00358960-00359488 didn't include that it's just david farwestern.com so it's pretty easy and you can find me on the far Dw3fAtn-j8u-00575-00359488-00360024 western website as well great we got a lot of thanks rolling in from the youtube chat as well Dw3fAtn-j8u-00576-00360024-00360512 um and uh we're very happy to have you on here and uh hope to you know see you in Dw3fAtn-j8u-00577-00360512-00361064 person at some point yeah the non-virtual future definitely i'll crash up your night some way Dw3fAtn-j8u-00578-00361064-00361768 sometimes all right take care yeah thanks everyone Dwm8gKM7cm4-00000-00000000-00000579 because I get asked that all the time right or is a strong judgment that comes Dwm8gKM7cm4-00001-00000579-00001021 out of it yeah regarding when they hear so-called truth Dwm8gKM7cm4-00002-00001021-00001575 they have this strong judgment where they feel now they've got to lift that Dwm8gKM7cm4-00003-00001575-00002130 truth even if they haven't changed in their soul towards that truth so so if Dwm8gKM7cm4-00004-00002130-00002517 they hear a truth about like for example I've talked to people about you know Dwm8gKM7cm4-00005-00002517-00002936 love would sooner or later mean that you'd give up meat in your life you know Dwm8gKM7cm4-00006-00002936-00003252 because you love the animals and you don't want to see them harmed and Dwm8gKM7cm4-00007-00003252-00003768 destroy so you would actually give up this process of eating meat for other Dwm8gKM7cm4-00008-00003768-00004170 reasons to love of the love of the environment love of some of people Dwm8gKM7cm4-00009-00004170-00004467 because there's a lot of people's livelihoods getting destroyed by this Dwm8gKM7cm4-00010-00004467-00004812 demand that we have for meat as well so there's quite a lot going on with Dwm8gKM7cm4-00011-00004812-00005321 regarded advancement so so sooner or later we would give up our desire for me Dwm8gKM7cm4-00012-00005321-00005769 but if the person who hears those words then goes I have to give up me and I Dwm8gKM7cm4-00013-00005769-00006447 really like me you know like then if they don't address that issue and they Dwm8gKM7cm4-00014-00006447-00006951 just give up me yeah because I've been told to or they believes of it yeah Dwm8gKM7cm4-00015-00006951-00007302 that's when you have to be humility and where they're not addressing the Dwm8gKM7cm4-00016-00007302-00007673 underlying emotional reason why they've done it and if they don't address the Dwm8gKM7cm4-00017-00007673-00008006 underlying information promotion of why they've done it then their body will Dwm8gKM7cm4-00018-00008006-00008415 demand that still and this is how many of them become emancipated [EMACIATED] you know that Dwm8gKM7cm4-00019-00008415-00008804 you know they lose all this weight and everything because the body their soul Dwm8gKM7cm4-00020-00008804-00009461 is still desiring the meat that I've given up yeah if your body has stopped Dwm8gKM7cm4-00021-00009461-00010020 desiring it and you've truly given it up in your soul then you won't lose weight Dwm8gKM7cm4-00022-00010020-00010415 you know you won't you when I say you won't lose weight you won't go so thin Dwm8gKM7cm4-00023-00010415-00010734 that you know you can go to the doctor and the doctor guys because you're Dwm8gKM7cm4-00024-00010734-00011253 lacking protein you had that won't never happened to you if if you you have given Dwm8gKM7cm4-00025-00011253-00011789 up the desire for it in your soul so you know we need to address those particular Dwm8gKM7cm4-00026-00011789-00012504 issues in a truthful meadow so I'm not saying to a person if you hear that you Dwm8gKM7cm4-00027-00012504-00012866 need to give up me to become more loving and then you ponder about it yourself Dwm8gKM7cm4-00028-00012866-00013100 and you go yes oh I can see the point to that Dwm8gKM7cm4-00029-00013100-00013763 and you know that that's great and then so then you stop leading me that that's Dwm8gKM7cm4-00030-00013763-00014122 great but don't think you've cured the solve a problem yeah because you haven't Dwm8gKM7cm4-00031-00014122-00014716 and anis only by curing this all those problem that that you'll add that your Dwm8gKM7cm4-00032-00014716-00015206 actual body will retain its current weight and will actually purify itself Dwm8gKM7cm4-00033-00015206-00015622 anyway so because if you think that stuff like that shouldn't be an effort I Dwm8gKM7cm4-00034-00015622-00016190 feel like I'm trying to make it said that it should it be an effort for that Dwm8gKM7cm4-00035-00016190-00016607 it is you just want to stop as soon as you deal with that issue to stop Dwm8gKM7cm4-00036-00016607-00017042 automatically wouldn't ya know you you know there I feel there are some Dwm8gKM7cm4-00037-00017042-00017462 addictions that we have on the planet that are so damaging gardez that it's Dwm8gKM7cm4-00038-00017462-00018098 worth the effort to give it up however don't think that once you've given it up Dwm8gKM7cm4-00039-00018098-00018530 that you've actually cured the real cause of the problem because the real Dwm8gKM7cm4-00040-00018530-00018893 cause of the problem is an emotion inside of the soul they drove you to it Dwm8gKM7cm4-00041-00018893-00019430 in the first plane out and it's one thing to give up the action and I do Dwm8gKM7cm4-00042-00019430-00019835 believe we need to give up actions that we know are unknowingly and Dwm8gKM7cm4-00043-00019835-00020222 intellectually yeah but quite another to believe that we've Dwm8gKM7cm4-00044-00020222-00020654 cured the problem in ourselves yeah because because the reality is Dwm8gKM7cm4-00045-00020654-00021119 curing the problem in the soul is a lot more involved to it than just taking an Dwm8gKM7cm4-00046-00021119-00021530 action and giving up pain articulation to that knowing something that I mean Dwm8gKM7cm4-00047-00021530-00022040 yeah so so just because we stopped leading me it doesn't mean we're still Dwm8gKM7cm4-00048-00022040-00022445 going to have the problem that drivers doing meat and if we're truly sincere Dwm8gKM7cm4-00049-00022445-00022841 with our soul will go into the emotion that caused us to have that particular Dwm8gKM7cm4-00050-00022841-00023297 problem rather than and a lot of times that might be things like I just want Dwm8gKM7cm4-00051-00023297-00023708 mum and dad's approval or just basic things I've actually you know you know Dwm8gKM7cm4-00052-00023708-00024035 our parents daughters but without me you're not going to be a strong man so Dwm8gKM7cm4-00053-00024035-00024428 so you know if you have this belief in you that without me you're just going to Dwm8gKM7cm4-00054-00024428-00024662 be a weakling yeah and ironically if you haven't that Dwm8gKM7cm4-00055-00024662-00025045 belief your body will just shed weight until you are a weakling until you Dwm8gKM7cm4-00056-00025045-00025741 address that problem if you give up me and but but but I feel that we once we Dwm8gKM7cm4-00057-00025741-00026345 hear that something is damaging to others if there is no other way Dwm8gKM7cm4-00058-00026345-00026948 you change it other than giving it up we need to give it up and you know if there Dwm8gKM7cm4-00059-00026948-00027311 is another way to do it then I don't feel we need to give it up Dwm8gKM7cm4-00060-00027311-00027830 so strongly we need to look at changing the way that we do it rather than giving Dwm8gKM7cm4-00061-00027830-00028414 it up so there are some things that damage other people in this in the world Dwm8gKM7cm4-00062-00028414-00028877 we live it for example you know at the moment a lot of diamond mining damages Dwm8gKM7cm4-00063-00028877-00029345 people so we could choose to give up having a diamond ring you know giving up Dwm8gKM7cm4-00064-00029345-00029870 a desire for Donner II but at the end they're going we are able to produce Dwm8gKM7cm4-00065-00029870-00030398 diamonds without harming people again so wouldn't it be better to take action to Dwm8gKM7cm4-00066-00030398-00030760 make sure that that the diamond mines are brought into more harmony with love Dwm8gKM7cm4-00067-00030760-00031166 you know and all those kind of things if we still want those to do two things and Dwm8gKM7cm4-00068-00031166-00031868 they are quite handy to God and to us in terms of tools and so forth so you know Dwm8gKM7cm4-00069-00031868-00032237 we need to take some other maybe alternative action other than just Dwm8gKM7cm4-00070-00032237-00032795 giving it up however with eating meat things die each every single time every Dwm8gKM7cm4-00071-00032795-00033242 single time I've eaten some me somethings other diet to get it on my Dwm8gKM7cm4-00072-00033242-00033844 plate and so you know my feeling there is no matter what alternative there is Dwm8gKM7cm4-00073-00033844-00034433 you know what what with regard to my demand for meat something's going to die Dwm8gKM7cm4-00074-00034433-00034898 so in the end I can see that yes perhaps I need to give up that particular desire Dwm8gKM7cm4-00075-00034898-00035377 that I have which obviously is not a pure desire if something else has to be Dwm8gKM7cm4-00076-00035377-00035816 calmed for to be something else yet and if you give up and many result whether Dwm8gKM7cm4-00077-00035816-00036231 you're going to walk past the steak on now smell it and you go buddy and Dwm8gKM7cm4-00078-00036231-00036666 emotionally now you can activate it so I don't I feel under those circumstances Dwm8gKM7cm4-00079-00036666-00037183 yes give up the meat but understand that the underlying desire is still present Dwm8gKM7cm4-00080-00037183-00037624 and there is a need for you to address it at some point in the future in it and Dwm8gKM7cm4-00081-00037624-00038184 it will be emotional it's going to be emotional before it be released so you Dwm8gKM7cm4-00082-00038184-00038736 know it's very important for us to see those particular things on them yeah DxJzwpkTVlc-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, DxJzwpkTVlc-00001-00000105-00000401 we will begin looking at the slope of a line DxJzwpkTVlc-00002-00000401-00000802 and how we can find that slope from its graph. DxJzwpkTVlc-00003-00000802-00001002 We use slope to measure... DxJzwpkTVlc-00004-00001301-00001501 the steepness... DxJzwpkTVlc-00005-00001806-00002006 of a line. DxJzwpkTVlc-00006-00002302-00002801 It is often called the "rate of change," DxJzwpkTVlc-00007-00002801-00003301 or how fast this line or relationship is changing. DxJzwpkTVlc-00008-00003707-00004006 The way we calculate this rate of change DxJzwpkTVlc-00009-00004006-00004302 is how fast the graph rises... DxJzwpkTVlc-00010-00004407-00004802 compared to how fast the graph runs. DxJzwpkTVlc-00011-00005102-00005500 You might think about rising as how far the graph goes up, DxJzwpkTVlc-00012-00005500-00005807 and run as how far the graph goes over. DxJzwpkTVlc-00013-00005807-00006207 We often use the letter m to represent the slope: DxJzwpkTVlc-00014-00006207-00006409 rise over run. DxJzwpkTVlc-00015-00006409-00006701 Let's take a look at some graphs DxJzwpkTVlc-00016-00006701-00007100 and see if we can find the slope of the graph. DxJzwpkTVlc-00017-00007100-00007205 To find the slope, DxJzwpkTVlc-00018-00007205-00007507 we need to know some points on the graph. DxJzwpkTVlc-00019-00007507-00007906 Let's use this point on the x-axis. DxJzwpkTVlc-00020-00007906-00008307 Let's also use the point up near the top right DxJzwpkTVlc-00021-00008307-00008703 where the graph hits perfectly on the coordinate plane. DxJzwpkTVlc-00022-00008900-00009504 Slope is rise...over run, so we will want to calculate DxJzwpkTVlc-00023-00009504-00009804 how far the graph rises or goes up DxJzwpkTVlc-00024-00009804-00010302 and then goes over to the point we have second. DxJzwpkTVlc-00025-00010302-00010606 Counting, we see the graph rises 4 units DxJzwpkTVlc-00026-00010606-00011004 and runs over to the right 6 units. DxJzwpkTVlc-00027-00011004-00011608 This means we rise 4 and run 6, giving us the fraction: 4/6. DxJzwpkTVlc-00028-00011802-00012201 We can reduce that fraction by dividing by 2 DxJzwpkTVlc-00029-00012201-00012608 to get our final slope of the line: 2/3. DxJzwpkTVlc-00030-00012608-00013004 This means for every two spaces the graph climbs, DxJzwpkTVlc-00031-00013004-00013401 it will also run a distance of 3. DxJzwpkTVlc-00032-00013508-00013704 Let's try another line DxJzwpkTVlc-00033-00013704-00014004 and see if we can calculate its slope. DxJzwpkTVlc-00034-00014107-00014408 On this line, we will again identify two points DxJzwpkTVlc-00035-00014408-00014804 we can use to calculate the slope. DxJzwpkTVlc-00036-00014804-00015008 At the very top of the graph, DxJzwpkTVlc-00037-00015008-00015303 it seems to hit the grid perfectly. DxJzwpkTVlc-00038-00015408-00015603 Just past the y-axis, DxJzwpkTVlc-00039-00015603-00015909 we see another point where we hit the grid perfectly. DxJzwpkTVlc-00040-00016101-00016403 We will read the graph from left to right again DxJzwpkTVlc-00041-00016403-00016808 to calculate the slope, which is rise over run. DxJzwpkTVlc-00042-00017003-00017207 Notice in this case, for our rise, DxJzwpkTVlc-00043-00017207-00017508 we actually must go down... DxJzwpkTVlc-00044-00017508-00017809 and then over to our second point. DxJzwpkTVlc-00045-00017809-00018300 Because we've gone down, we're going to call that a -3, DxJzwpkTVlc-00046-00018300-00018600 reflecting the motion downward. DxJzwpkTVlc-00047-00018600-00018909 We then moved 4 units to the right. DxJzwpkTVlc-00048-00018909-00019206 Our slope is rise over run. DxJzwpkTVlc-00049-00019206-00019601 We rose -3, and we ran 4. DxJzwpkTVlc-00050-00019703-00020109 Notice when the graph went downhill from left to right, DxJzwpkTVlc-00051-00020109-00020508 the slope--or rate of change-- was negative. DxJzwpkTVlc-00052-00020807-00021100 By counting the rise and the run, DxJzwpkTVlc-00053-00021100-00021404 we can find how steep, or what is the slope, DxJzwpkTVlc-00054-00021404-00021804 or rate of change of our line. DziOEEtD4j4-00000-00001152-00001560 hello folks all over the world today i want to discuss and i will analyze the DziOEEtD4j4-00001-00001560-00002088 TikTok channel Unico sobreviviente oh thank you Conchita for the correct pronunciation DziOEEtD4j4-00002-00002144-00002552 this user says he woke up in a hospital in Valencia apparently trapped to a parallel DziOEEtD4j4-00003-00002552-00003360 universe of 2021 but all electronic objects seems apparently bear the date 2027. Wait.. hey! this DziOEEtD4j4-00004-00003360-00003968 matter does not convince me and, what do you think about it? So let's start analyzing his videos. DziOEEtD4j4-00005-00004032-00004488 When I face a case the first thing to check is the famous saying of Agatha Christie the most famous DziOEEtD4j4-00006-00004488-00004912 best-selling mystery writer in the world that says one proof is one proof, two proofs are DziOEEtD4j4-00007-00004912-00005568 coincidence but three proofs are in evidence. So let's start with the first proof all past, DziOEEtD4j4-00008-00005568-00006176 presenter and future videos are uploaded in 2021 if the user Javier was technologically speaking DziOEEtD4j4-00009-00006176-00006736 in 2027 as he admits we wouldn't be able to see his videos they have yet to be posted to give a DziOEEtD4j4-00010-00006736-00007304 little example if it had been in 2017 in the past we would already see them all these videos already DziOEEtD4j4-00011-00007304-00008584 present right? So, from a technological standpoint he is here in our time 2021 that's a fact OK? okay DziOEEtD4j4-00012-00009800-00010184 Ooh! this is not proof that you are in 2027 Javier, DziOEEtD4j4-00013-00010184-00010632 Google or Alexa vocal assistance can be commanded to answer what you want to specific questions, DziOEEtD4j4-00014-00010688-00011288 for example for Google you can find many helps online like this one also to youtube for Alexa DziOEEtD4j4-00015-00011288-00011928 is the same thing like this video tutorial Q&A "and then click this button it says make your own DziOEEtD4j4-00016-00012080-00012472 now here is the fun parts we get to tell our smart speaker what we want her to say in response to our DziOEEtD4j4-00017-00012472-00012800 questions, to start we have a set of questions and answer fields pre-filled with simple questions and DziOEEtD4j4-00018-00012800-00013432 answers, just replace the sample content with the first question, will write, Where can i find DziOEEtD4j4-00019-00013432-00014400 tech tutorials on youtube? And on her response to do: I suggest you check out chris tech die DziOEEtD4j4-00020-00014768-00014863 this general features DziOEEtD4j4-00021-00015088-00015647 tutorials and reviews to help make technology work for you DziOEEtD4j4-00022-00015784-00016176 or when in another video he tries to demonstrate the year 2027 simply from DziOEEtD4j4-00023-00016176-00016608 a computer when it is very easy to change the date of a pc a clumsy attempt that was DziOEEtD4j4-00024-00016608-00017048 criticized by everyone in the comments in fact this video has been deleted from his channel DziOEEtD4j4-00025-00017816-00018336 in other videos he tries to demonstrate he live in the future 2027 by placing specific objects DziOEEtD4j4-00026-00018336-00018848 around Valencia and giving the GPS coordinates to locate them, some of these objects have been DziOEEtD4j4-00027-00018848-00019328 found by some users and he has produced videos to prove they find them, even this attempt don't DziOEEtD4j4-00028-00019328-00019800 proves nothing, all his videos are shot in moments where there are no people or traffic, he may have DziOEEtD4j4-00029-00019800-00020240 produced these videos during the coronavirus pandemic when we are at home especially in DziOEEtD4j4-00030-00020240-00021184 Spain where there were many restrictions by the government regarding the containment of infections DziOEEtD4j4-00031-00021336-00021672 in some comments some users underline how clean the streets are DziOEEtD4j4-00032-00021728-00022152 this is easily explained Valencia is a very clean city known for its architectural DziOEEtD4j4-00033-00022152-00022624 modernity and before the pandemic for Covid 19 tourism was very frequent in this place DziOEEtD4j4-00034-00023704-00024104 the second proof that i would like to analyze is the fact that many of the videos of unico DziOEEtD4j4-00035-00024104-00025384 saber viviente also known as Javier are edited, manipulated, let's take a look at this video DziOEEtD4j4-00036-00026320-00026632 Did you see it? The church door handle is on the left, DziOEEtD4j4-00037-00026632-00027008 so pushing it, should open left to right, not right to left as the video shows DziOEEtD4j4-00038-00027920-00028248 now i would like to show you two videos in the first Javier DziOEEtD4j4-00039-00028248-00028648 enters a shop probably taking advantage of a moment of absence of the shop assistant DziOEEtD4j4-00040-00028648-00029024 or with her complicity and shows us the interior of the shop where you can glimpse DziOEEtD4j4-00041-00029024-00029583 an object a radio which then we will see in the next video that i would like to show you DziOEEtD4j4-00042-00030312-00030808 okay in this next video he tried to demonstrate how even on the streets of madrid when the radio DziOEEtD4j4-00043-00030808-00031304 is turned up loud at night or in other words to pumping the volume no one complains or opens the DziOEEtD4j4-00044-00031304-00031839 windows there is no one who yells at him or tells him to turn off the radio take a look DziOEEtD4j4-00045-00032056-00033784 to respect the copyright on the song you will hear a reggaetton song the title is "Ram Pam Pam" DziOEEtD4j4-00046-00034120-00034488 this video is re-edited, the music that propagates on the street does not have DziOEEtD4j4-00047-00034488-00034936 this audio tone that seems to be recorded in a rather narrow room the music on the street DziOEEtD4j4-00048-00034936-00035416 has audio that propagates and bounces much more widely than this it seems dry and crisp sound DziOEEtD4j4-00049-00035624-00036032 now we try to make a game we try to re-edit the audio track to try to DziOEEtD4j4-00050-00036032-00036584 make it resemble as much as possible a song heard in the street let's try DziOEEtD4j4-00051-00038896-00039328 what we did with this audio track was simply to add a convolution reverb effect DziOEEtD4j4-00052-00039328-00039760 in particular the backstage area which gives a much more extended and propagated sound DziOEEtD4j4-00053-00039760-00040784 you can try it from home to the result is much more credible here is a demonstration DziOEEtD4j4-00054-00042512-00042888 my personal opinion on the videos of this channel is that they are all shot either DziOEEtD4j4-00055-00042888-00043312 in the lockdown period for Covid 19 as i have already said or in moments when DziOEEtD4j4-00056-00043312-00043744 there was no one on the street or in the buildings however perhaps some of us are DziOEEtD4j4-00057-00043744-00044168 unaware that there is a new feature in the adobe after effect video editing program DziOEEtD4j4-00058-00044168-00044784 that effectively removes people cars or objects from your video very easily trust me people this DziOEEtD4j4-00059-00044784-00046384 user is capable of editing videos because the next video i'm going to show you is totally shocking DziOEEtD4j4-00060-00046504-00047056 in the next video a great tik tok user Damien Malla challenges Javier telling him "I know you DziOEEtD4j4-00061-00047056-00047784 are here in Madrid, I'm hiding a book written by me inside this complex find it and read it!" DziOEEtD4j4-00062-00050792-00051984 Javier accepts the challenge and posts this video DziOEEtD4j4-00063-00055248-00055679 The tiktoker Damian Malla post a new video saying that the book is gone DziOEEtD4j4-00064-00055679-00056200 and clearly this is not possible if Javier was really in 2027. So, this is another DziOEEtD4j4-00065-00056200-00056752 proof that unico sobreviviente lives with us in 2021, great shot Damien, my compliments DziOEEtD4j4-00066-00057384-00057584 come on DziOEEtD4j4-00067-00058736-00058984 is DziOEEtD4j4-00068-00060055-00060360 and now the matter gets complicated yes DziOEEtD4j4-00069-00060360-00061784 because damien with his colleagues decides to examine the security camera here's what he finds DziOEEtD4j4-00070-00063079-00063184 a DziOEEtD4j4-00071-00064000-00064584 is DziOEEtD4j4-00072-00065144-00065744 now i know what you're thinking how is it possible let's start with a rule it is not possible to go DziOEEtD4j4-00073-00065744-00066248 unnoticed in front of a security camera nor to appear invisible what is possible however DziOEEtD4j4-00074-00066248-00066728 is to hack access to the security camera browse the server folder where the video is contained DziOEEtD4j4-00075-00066728-00067200 download the video use a software to remove objects or people from the video which works frame DziOEEtD4j4-00076-00067200-00067752 by frame and reload it on the server here's what i believe happened however something went wrong DziOEEtD4j4-00077-00067808-00068272 some frames Javier was unable to delete them there are two hypotheses he was DziOEEtD4j4-00078-00068272-00068624 in a hurry and didn't do a clean job or the editing software he used edited the DziOEEtD4j4-00079-00068624-00069064 video with an incorrect frame per second frequency leaving some frames unchanged DziOEEtD4j4-00080-00070144-00070584 I admit that the latest videos which we have seen were real twists in this investigation but DziOEEtD4j4-00081-00070584-00071088 the third proof is overwhelming proof the mother of all proof uneego saber viviente DziOEEtD4j4-00082-00071088-00071480 is not alone or rather it is not the same person who shoots all the videos DziOEEtD4j4-00083-00071480-00071944 because there are several people involved in this tik tok channel personally i have managed DziOEEtD4j4-00084-00071944-00072488 to count three mans involved so far but i believe there are more and after i will go and explain why DziOEEtD4j4-00085-00072712-00073224 in some videos especially those on painting you can see a squat hand like an adult man DziOEEtD4j4-00086-00073224-00073672 maneuvering the various colors in other videos instead where there is the entrance to some DziOEEtD4j4-00087-00073672-00074136 sensitive structures such as the military complex we can see a darker hairy hand DziOEEtD4j4-00088-00074136-00074728 of a thin young person in many other videos a pale white hairless young hand can be seen DziOEEtD4j4-00089-00074792-00075288 it usually appears in videos where Javier leaves objects around valencia to be found by users DziOEEtD4j4-00090-00075576-00076144 in some videos Javier is seen entering locked complexes using a set of keys for example the DziOEEtD4j4-00091-00076144-00076720 football stadium or the military complex or the police station of course users comment where did DziOEEtD4j4-00092-00076720-00077240 you get those keys javier you never answered the reason could be that during the pandemic, DziOEEtD4j4-00093-00077240-00077720 Javier may have had political authorization for the purposes of advertising the city of Valencia DziOEEtD4j4-00094-00077720-00078584 that this whole story is a publicity stunt to revive tourism in the city during Covid 19 hit DziOEEtD4j4-00095-00078960-00079392 here ends the first part of the analysis of the tiktoker unico sobreviviente tech DziOEEtD4j4-00096-00079392-00079888 thanks folks for watching remember we live in a logical and mathematically ordered universe DziOEEtD4j4-00097-00079888-00080816 don't believe everything ask analyze and you will solve D-l2D-f1R0E-00000-00000003-00000783 hey welcome to Arizona living where the Rob Scribner let's get started before we D-l2D-f1R0E-00001-00000783-00001320 get started please take the time to subscribe then click on the bell icon to get notified of D-l2D-f1R0E-00002-00001320-00002067 future videos this video is made possible by arranger Rob poopy bags available in Amazon D-l2D-f1R0E-00003-00002067-00002841 right now hello once again this is ralph from arizona living and this is arizona living video D-l2D-f1R0E-00004-00002841-00004482 and I want to talk about Arizona rats I know jack but lesson learned so earlier maybe a few D-l2D-f1R0E-00005-00004482-00005157 months ago I did a video and I told you I made a really bad mistake because something was getting D-l2D-f1R0E-00006-00005157-00006222 in my garden and eating my buckle and it turns out the culprit is this stupid thing I thought D-l2D-f1R0E-00007-00006222-00007008 I'd be so cool and that's away from the house you see my back wall and that's my house behind me to D-l2D-f1R0E-00008-00007008-00007827 put a bird feeder out here and feed the birds which is wonderful and the birds loved it had D-l2D-f1R0E-00009-00007827-00008643 birds everywhere and I did this about the time I was planting my garden and I was trying to raise D-l2D-f1R0E-00010-00008643-00009261 blackly and might come out and I broccolis been all chewed up and gone and apparently rats like D-l2D-f1R0E-00011-00009261-00010317 broccoli I said what the heck brought the damn wrap and it turns out that I was feeding them so D-l2D-f1R0E-00012-00010317-00010980 either they came through a lot of people probably noticed in Arizona our little brick walls have D-l2D-f1R0E-00013-00010980-00011673 openings down here below and they can either come that way or if I come over here a little farther D-l2D-f1R0E-00014-00011891-00012539 you see I haven't opening way down there and that goes out to our front yard which goes out to it D-l2D-f1R0E-00015-00012539-00013157 across the street is a golf court and I'm sure you a lot of critters live in the golf course D-l2D-f1R0E-00016-00013157-00014228 there so just to make a look bring this story in a little more so I found out these little rats moved D-l2D-f1R0E-00017-00014228-00014891 in under our sauna and I know the first thing you say why do you have a sauna in Arizona when D-l2D-f1R0E-00018-00014891-00015803 Arizona is a sign and it came with a house if you really need to sign it so bad go sit in the garage D-l2D-f1R0E-00019-00015803-00017099 it's hot anyway so I ended up putting mousetraps about rat trap here on this side and also on the D-l2D-f1R0E-00020-00017099-00017693 other side when we bring you around over here and under the tools there I have another trap D-l2D-f1R0E-00021-00017693-00018830 so in so the first time I probably caught five six rats and then the problem on the way and D-l2D-f1R0E-00022-00018830-00019736 so I'm honored it closely and and make sure I'm not beating the critters and and also by the way D-l2D-f1R0E-00023-00019736-00020396 in our garden we keep netting over the top they can still get in but keep the birds out because D-l2D-f1R0E-00024-00020396-00020999 I had strawberries in there mm-hmm this time of year everything else is dying except peppers and D-l2D-f1R0E-00025-00020999-00021863 strawberries everything else is dying out until September and then we actually start planning D-l2D-f1R0E-00026-00021863-00022676 again well the problem came back he was like I'm never I don't have birth Cedars anymore what's D-l2D-f1R0E-00027-00022676-00023540 going on so it's like what brought him back and oh by the way the way I know that they're here is D-l2D-f1R0E-00028-00023540-00024355 if you look at the door here I have this pretty little kitty right here at nighttime she'd sit D-l2D-f1R0E-00029-00024355-00025426 up at the door and you could see all terror she fluff up because she'd see the rats off or just D-l2D-f1R0E-00030-00025426-00025876 be whining they're not all over you don't see my octave but they'll pop out once around the D-l2D-f1R0E-00031-00025876-00026617 cat was like this freak out like yeah and I could tell the cat cat told me we had a problem again D-l2D-f1R0E-00032-00026617-00027414 so what caused it this time I'm not feeding birds anymore I learned my lesson there and D-l2D-f1R0E-00033-00027414-00028189 my Gardens really not doing much except rats do like strawberry something brought them in because D-l2D-f1R0E-00034-00028189-00028693 I'm sure they cruise by and when they find a food source they go party party and they invite their D-l2D-f1R0E-00035-00028693-00029587 friends and Chris it's spring in summertime and they multiply like rabbits so what could it be D-l2D-f1R0E-00036-00029587-00030379 well the problem was I thought it'd be nice cuz in the spring we get a lot of gnats and a little bit D-l2D-f1R0E-00037-00030379-00031627 of of mosquitoes so I put a bug zapper in here right here see this guy and this guy is set to D-l2D-f1R0E-00038-00031627-00032374 come on at nighttime and it's like a blood fest when I turn this on they're just zap zap zap zap D-l2D-f1R0E-00039-00032374-00033136 tap tap and of course they're falling to the ground and so at night it's just you know the D-l2D-f1R0E-00040-00033136-00033742 things just lit up with little mops and little naps and little mosquitos and it's zapping away D-l2D-f1R0E-00041-00033742-00034342 and all the bugs are falling to the ground and in the mornings the birds would be in here having a D-l2D-f1R0E-00042-00034342-00035023 feast so that didn't feel so bad about mutilating bugs as because you know the birds the birds were D-l2D-f1R0E-00043-00035023-00035995 getting something to eat well apparently rats like buttons too so at night time I come out here about D-l2D-f1R0E-00044-00035995-00036478 two o'clock at night and cats at the window again and so I sat there and watched them and sure and D-l2D-f1R0E-00045-00036478-00037116 hack one one little rat would jump out of here and it thought it was nobody action coming run in a D-l2D-f1R0E-00046-00037116-00038214 craft and getting into the bugs and eating and so uh I did it again I literally which I bribed them D-l2D-f1R0E-00047-00038214-00039417 on myself I'm telling you anything that I'm a kitty anything that a rat possibly would like D-l2D-f1R0E-00048-00039417-00040179 to eat Oh will attract them and it'll be a party no tell their friends so once again lesson learned D-l2D-f1R0E-00049-00040179-00040830 if you live in Arizona if you're seeing rodents in your gardening is are your backyards or whatever D-l2D-f1R0E-00050-00040830-00041553 you've got to ask yourself it might attract them somehow Oh cuz really I try to I have to have a D-l2D-f1R0E-00051-00041553-00041949 lot of things on the ground I don't have a lot of boards on the ground or anything like that D-l2D-f1R0E-00052-00041949-00042687 but they love this little sign on up because it's a great hiding spot under there and now that I've D-l2D-f1R0E-00053-00042687-00043476 got my traps oh by the way and I caught another seven seven rat and then that stopped and I've D-l2D-f1R0E-00054-00043476-00043905 had these sitting for a couple more days the new trick I'm going to put underneath there is I'm D-l2D-f1R0E-00055-00043905-00044595 gonna put mint real little mint packets because apparently they don't like mint so I'm gonna put D-l2D-f1R0E-00056-00044595-00045222 them underneath this sauna and hopefully when they do come in here they'll realize go ahead D-l2D-f1R0E-00057-00045222-00045924 keep mice on it and move on so there we go guys I hope that was a lesson learned you live in Arizona D-l2D-f1R0E-00058-00045924-00046626 you don't want to pin this is not a real this was actually pretty nice neighborhood but critters are D-l2D-f1R0E-00059-00046626-00047340 critters and so to be on the preventative side I know it's nice to feed the birds and I know D-l2D-f1R0E-00060-00047340-00048042 it's nice to have a bug zapper but I only run your bug zapper when you're outside eating or D-l2D-f1R0E-00061-00048042-00048770 enjoying your patio then shut it off because otherwise you're just feeding the birds and D-l2D-f1R0E-00062-00048770-00049301 apparently the rooms oh there you go guys have a great day thanks for watching until next time D-l2D-f1R0E-00063-00049301-00049967 bye thank you for watching our video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos D-l2D-f1R0E-00064-00049967-00050639 all over then go down to the description and think about becoming a member of our patron this D-l2D-f1R0E-00065-00050639-00051251 will allow you to get special content just for you and help us build future content thank you DBiX2lR1w-Q-00000-00000586-00000732 HELLO!!! DBiX2lR1w-Q-00001-00000732-00000964 Excuse me? - oh sorry to interupt. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00002-00000964-00001230 no no, go ahead... want to jump in front of the camera? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00003-00001230-00001514 that would be nice. - no no, I won't interfere anymore. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00004-00001514-00001666 Are you making a calzone??? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00005-00001918-00002160 so.... we're visiting friends of ours, Martin and Monique DBiX2lR1w-Q-00006-00002250-00002702 Every once in a while we visit each other for dinner and a fun evening of games DBiX2lR1w-Q-00007-00002838-00003100 and they recently got a "Pizzarette" DBiX2lR1w-Q-00008-00003232-00003432 ... and you can make these kind of babies. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00009-00003846-00004198 We thought the time to make one would be long, but it takes about... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00010-00004198-00004592 ...about 6 minutes DBiX2lR1w-Q-00011-00004810-00005050 I had the knife with the sharp side up... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00012-00005124-00005324 That's because you're excited to try something new. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00013-00005596-00005778 It's actually pretty crunchy. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00014-00005954-00006224 The funny part is that if I don't like it, it's my own fault. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00015-00007294-00007416 So Jort, how is it? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00016-00007536-00007623 Pretty good. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00017-00007776-00007909 Where can we buy one? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00018-00007995-00008152 At "de Blokker" DBiX2lR1w-Q-00019-00008152-00008450 you can order it online.... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00020-00008456-00008682 You can also get it for 6 people and 8 people. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00021-00009144-00009258 I fully approve! DBiX2lR1w-Q-00022-00009258-00009434 Let's enjoy our meal. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00023-00009562-00009726 See you back in a while... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00024-00017346-00017656 You can actually smell...euhm... - the pizza DBiX2lR1w-Q-00025-00017656-00017790 ...just smells really good DBiX2lR1w-Q-00026-00017866-00017994 Do you know what it smells like, Mart? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00027-00018016-00018378 Like freshly home-made pizza. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00028-00020900-00021026 We're done eating. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00029-00021060-00021356 Now we're getting ready for a game of "Exploding Kittens" DBiX2lR1w-Q-00030-00021398-00021518 We hope we get the rules. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00031-00021614-00021714 It looks like fun DBiX2lR1w-Q-00032-00021960-00022124 The box is pretty simple... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00033-00022278-00022430 ... and pretty compact. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00034-00023162-00023418 Let's set it up and find out how to play. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00035-00024064-00024316 The goal of the game is to be the last one standing DBiX2lR1w-Q-00036-00024316-00024628 You play a card, or actually as much cards as you like... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00037-00024628-00024914 the cards tell you what they do DBiX2lR1w-Q-00038-00024928-00025438 there are some card that don;t have any instructions on them... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00039-00025438-00025872 you can save them to get 2 or 3 the same cards DBiX2lR1w-Q-00040-00025874-00026808 when you get 2 of a kind, you can play it and pick a random unseen card from any players deck DBiX2lR1w-Q-00041-00026808-00027400 when you play 3 of a kind, you can state which card you want from a chosen player. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00042-00027400-00027930 So I say I want your "defuse"-card, you have to give it, unless you don't have it, that's too bad for me. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00043-00027930-00028220 there are several "NOPE"-card you can play at any time... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00044-00028220-00028636 those cancel any previously played card. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00045-00028636-00029238 and the rest is actually on the cards DBiX2lR1w-Q-00046-00029238-00030080 When you're finished, you pick a card and if that's an Exploding Kitten, you're out of the game. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00047-00030350-00030756 And the game contains an exact amount of Exploding Kittens to let one player survive DBiX2lR1w-Q-00048-00030822-00031022 so it has 3 now DBiX2lR1w-Q-00049-00031026-00031632 And if you pick one but have a diffuse-card, you get to live and you may put the card back in the deck DBiX2lR1w-Q-00050-00031639-00032224 You don't get to see the other cards, but you can decide where you put it back. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00051-00032370-00032822 So if I don't like Jort, I can put it back as second card from the top DBiX2lR1w-Q-00052-00032822-00033006 Just as an example!!! DBiX2lR1w-Q-00053-00038750-00038966 Did you ceck it? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00054-00038966-00039304 The deck might be empty DBiX2lR1w-Q-00055-00039458-00039658 wait... - I already checked DBiX2lR1w-Q-00056-00039684-00039884 Double check! DBiX2lR1w-Q-00057-00040262-00040478 It isn't in the discard pile DBiX2lR1w-Q-00058-00043250-00043354 It's my turn, right? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00059-00045844-00046128 You put the card back in the deck... the pile of 2 DBiX2lR1w-Q-00060-00046928-00047108 It doesn't matter anymore now DBiX2lR1w-Q-00061-00049210-00049604 I would have just put it on top without being sneaky. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00062-00050978-00051202 The excitement is in the air... Just two cards left... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00063-00051202-00051367 the tension on the table can be felt DBiX2lR1w-Q-00064-00051482-00051752 What card is the Exploding Kitten... Which one isn't... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00065-00051758-00051967 Who's holding the last defuse-card.... Who isn't.... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00066-00052060-00052402 It's a photofinish in a game that normaly only lasts about 15 minutes... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00067-00052402-00052582 but now has taken up 19 already... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00068-00052717-00053072 The anticipation is intoxicating... So is the wine... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00069-00054040-00054274 She took a card, so it's your turn DBiX2lR1w-Q-00070-00054504-00054904 So now you need to finish the game, so you put this one in the discard pile... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00071-00054904-00055134 and that one back in the deck... GOOD LUCK!!! DBiX2lR1w-Q-00072-00055590-00055924 I just got this one!! What, isn't there one too many in there??? DBiX2lR1w-Q-00073-00056036-00056236 Martin removed the extra cards, and I just got this one... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00074-00056328-00056528 That was the top card... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00075-00056658-00057022 I thought it would be the bom, so I took it... DBiX2lR1w-Q-00076-00057022-00057366 I just started playing, because I thought they were both kittens. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00077-00057404-00057916 no, of course not, there's one less in there than players. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00078-00058548-00058904 So let's finish it officialy: I'll take the card DBiX2lR1w-Q-00079-00058904-00059241 You defused it, so Suus is done for... - I get to put it back. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00080-00059241-00059574 - in the middle. Suus, make your final turn. DBiX2lR1w-Q-00081-00059940-00060162 So that's "Exploding Kittens" DBiX2lR1w-Q-00082-00060191-00060472 We're going for a couple of more rounds, it's a really fun game DBiX2lR1w-Q-00083-00060514-00060955 We recommend it. There's also a XXX/NSFW version DBiX2lR1w-Q-00084-00061072-00061336 this is the regular deck DBiX2lR1w-Q-00085-00061434-00061710 Elke, Chris... Thank you for this awesome game DBiX2lR1w-Q-00086-00061879-00062188 Thanks for watching and see you next time!!! Bye!!! DCBecCQgSUI-00000-00001670-00001770 alright DCBecCQgSUI-00001-00001923-00002023 alright DCBecCQgSUI-00002-00002244-00002344 So you were laughing at me being able to speak ndebele DCBecCQgSUI-00003-00002696-00002796 is that so DCBecCQgSUI-00004-00003150-00003250 Apostle : what is your problem DCBecCQgSUI-00005-00003310-00003486 Woman : i feel side pains DCBecCQgSUI-00006-00003602-00003652 Apostle : speak in ndebele DCBecCQgSUI-00007-00003756-00003890 Woman : i feel side pains DCBecCQgSUI-00008-00003970-00004020 Apostle : where DCBecCQgSUI-00009-00004116-00004166 Woman : on one side DCBecCQgSUI-00010-00004240-00004464 Apostle : Is it painful right now DCBecCQgSUI-00011-00004540-00004654 Apostle : Take this zambia and place it where the pain is DCBecCQgSUI-00012-00005136-00005236 Apostle : Push it in a bit DCBecCQgSUI-00013-00005296-00005346 again DCBecCQgSUI-00014-00005430-00005696 Apostle : again DCBecCQgSUI-00015-00005756-00005902 Apostle : Remove DCBecCQgSUI-00016-00005950-00006102 Apostle : Place it agin DCBecCQgSUI-00017-00006136-00006214 Apostle : Remove DCBecCQgSUI-00018-00006272-00006326 Apostle : Place it again DCBecCQgSUI-00019-00006356-00006536 Apostle : Remove DCBecCQgSUI-00020-00007018-00007134 Apostle : Do You Still feel the pain DCBecCQgSUI-00021-00007145-00007245 Woman : No I Dont DCBecCQgSUI-00022-00007518-00007618 Apostle : Its no longer painful DCBecCQgSUI-00023-00007618-00007818 Woman : The pain is gone DCMrJq4TwmQ-00000-00000000-00000100 Hey, hello little fans! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00001-00000100-00000248 I hope you are doing well DCMrJq4TwmQ-00002-00000248-00000442 You, who are following my channel and my streams DCMrJq4TwmQ-00003-00000442-00000616 You know that I love video games DCMrJq4TwmQ-00004-00000616-00000788 But on top of playing and making demo videos, DCMrJq4TwmQ-00005-00000788-00000996 I often wonder how games are made DCMrJq4TwmQ-00006-00000996-00001280 So today I have prepared a somewhat special video DCMrJq4TwmQ-00007-00001280-00001422 thanks to the L'Oreal Foundation DCMrJq4TwmQ-00008-00001430-00001650 where I will meet with a developer who works on making DCMrJq4TwmQ-00009-00001660-00001968 video games, and I am going to ask her a super question: DCMrJq4TwmQ-00010-00001968-00002118 What is code? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00011-00002658-00002738 Hello Marie DCMrJq4TwmQ-00012-00002752-00002854 Hello DCMrJq4TwmQ-00013-00002908-00003002 Feeling good? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00014-00003002-00003068 Sure! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00015-00003068-00003158 super! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00016-00003160-00003308 Can you introduce yourself a little? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00017-00003308-00003484 My name is Marie DCMrJq4TwmQ-00018-00003488-00003704 and I am a tools tester at a large Paris studio DCMrJq4TwmQ-00019-00003704-00003900 OK... Tools tester?? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00020-00003904-00004040 It is a little... DCMrJq4TwmQ-00021-00004046-00004232 Yes a little blurry! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00022-00004232-00004590 I am testing everything that is going to appear in a video game DCMrJq4TwmQ-00023-00004590-00004794 from the characters, the animations DCMrJq4TwmQ-00024-00004800-00005054 what we call the script, meaning the way each part of the game links to other parts DCMrJq4TwmQ-00025-00005054-00005430 Absolutely everything that will appear in the game, at any point, went through my hands DCMrJq4TwmQ-00026-00005430-00005520 Except that you will never see this DCMrJq4TwmQ-00027-00005520-00005716 Can you give a more specific example? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00028-00005724-00006368 So, yesterday for example, we had a change related to how characters lay their feet on the stairs DCMrJq4TwmQ-00029-00006370-00006616 It looks completely harmless DCMrJq4TwmQ-00030-00006616-00006995 But it is extremely difficult to have a character lay their foot flat on a step DCMrJq4TwmQ-00031-00007000-00007162 without slipping, or falling... DCMrJq4TwmQ-00032-00007164-00007422 It is true that in some games, often you can see feet merging into the stairs DCMrJq4TwmQ-00033-00007426-00007559 we do not quite understand how it happens DCMrJq4TwmQ-00034-00007568-00007706 Sometimes the character seems to lose its feet altogether DCMrJq4TwmQ-00035-00007706-00007923 Yes, I had to verify that for example DCMrJq4TwmQ-00036-00007923-00008159 whatever way he enters into the stairs DCMrJq4TwmQ-00037-00008159-00008376 my character lays his feet right on the stairs... DCMrJq4TwmQ-00038-00008378-00008714 As for your career, can you explain a little how you got to this point? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00039-00008720-00008830 Have you chosen a math and science major for your high school final exam? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00040-00008840-00009172 Basically I did not choose a Sciences-Math focus as expected DCMrJq4TwmQ-00041-00009174-00009392 No, I chose economics and math because it was more of interest to me DCMrJq4TwmQ-00042-00009392-00009744 But this did not stop me from getting into a computer science program in college DCMrJq4TwmQ-00043-00009746-00010008 And then I chose to study at a school that specializes in video game design! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00044-00010008-00010352 Have you encountered difficult subjects during your studies? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00045-00010352-00010678 They are studies that are extremely interesting though DCMrJq4TwmQ-00046-00010678-00010878 and can bring you a lot DCMrJq4TwmQ-00047-00010878-00010998 You create things that are quite amazing DCMrJq4TwmQ-00048-00010998-00011184 what i mean is creating games all by myself DCMrJq4TwmQ-00049-00011186-00011278 that is really top! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00050-00011280-00011526 Yes it is true that can make you proud DCMrJq4TwmQ-00051-00011526-00011740 and then to be able to show this to your friends and make them try and test it... DCMrJq4TwmQ-00052-00011742-00011954 overall it is a great achievement DCMrJq4TwmQ-00053-00011954-00012438 Not obvious at first but a learning path that led to a very interesting job DCMrJq4TwmQ-00054-00012438-00012598 That's what is important! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00055-00012860-00013147 Marie, to get back to the question I wanted to ask you: DCMrJq4TwmQ-00056-00013154-00013546 Can you explain in a few words what is code? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00057-00013550-00013896 The code is what allows you to directly talk to machines DCMrJq4TwmQ-00058-00013896-00014254 Because a computer itself is only a powerful calculator and nothing else DCMrJq4TwmQ-00059-00014260-00014486 The code is what allows you to give the machine directives DCMrJq4TwmQ-00060-00014488-00014804 In a way that is understandable for us and also for the machine DCMrJq4TwmQ-00061-00014804-00014972 So you speak the language of the computer? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00062-00014972-00015280 More or less... It is the machine that is speaking our language DCMrJq4TwmQ-00063-00015290-00015524 So he speaks to you, you send each other little messages... DCMrJq4TwmQ-00064-00015526-00015734 Yes that's it, we send each other little hearts, too cute DCMrJq4TwmQ-00065-00015747-00015904 Very cute! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00066-00015908-00016202 Does this apply only to computers? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00067-00016202-00016446 Actually it applies to pretty much every device! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00068-00016448-00016800 It applies to telephones, calculators and all kids of computers DCMrJq4TwmQ-00069-00016800-00017052 even trash cans have embedded code DCMrJq4TwmQ-00070-00017054-00017178 Trash cans... what trash cans? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00071-00017178-00017564 Trash bins you find on the streets, they have embedded code DCMrJq4TwmQ-00072-00017566-00017954 There are more and more intelligent objects and therefore there is more and more code everywhere! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00073-00017954-00018164 But trash can, I would not have imagined! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00074-00018164-00018360 I am not going to look at my trash cans the same way now! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00075-00018360-00018540 It communicates with higher powers DCMrJq4TwmQ-00076-00018540-00018618 That is true! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00077-00018626-00018792 How does it work practically? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00078-00018800-00019154 well, it is a language that allows us to give orders DCMrJq4TwmQ-00079-00019156-00019340 For example, I speak French and I say DCMrJq4TwmQ-00080-00019340-00019536 when I encounter a red light, I stop. DCMrJq4TwmQ-00081-00019536-00019704 Now for my computer it does not work the same way. DCMrJq4TwmQ-00082-00019704-00019986 so it becomes: IF light = red DCMrJq4TwmQ-00083-00019994-00020158 (the color of the light = red) DCMrJq4TwmQ-00084-00020158-00020284 In this case: stop DCMrJq4TwmQ-00085-00020284-00020404 ELSE move forward DCMrJq4TwmQ-00086-00020404-00020826 If I forget to say the word ELSE, the computer will fall asleep DCMrJq4TwmQ-00087-00020826-00021004 " OK it is not red but green...what do I do??" DCMrJq4TwmQ-00088-00021004-00021374 So I really have to explain to him everything, all the possibilities to make it work correctly DCMrJq4TwmQ-00089-00021374-00021430 This is exactly how it works DCMrJq4TwmQ-00090-00021434-00021588 Or else if just one option is missing it crashes DCMrJq4TwmQ-00091-00021588-00021698 And this is what we call a bug! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00092-00021698-00021892 This is the reason there are lots of bugs, that's it! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00093-00021892-00022118 Do you think that I could start writing code tomorrow? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00094-00022118-00022338 Sure as early as tomorrow, you can learn how to code DCMrJq4TwmQ-00095-00022338-00022494 You could for example create a text game DCMrJq4TwmQ-00096-00022494-00022736 Like the first games that existed where DCMrJq4TwmQ-00097-00022736-00022996 you find yourself in front of a cabin and what do ytou do? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00098-00022996-00023110 You type "Enter" DCMrJq4TwmQ-00099-00023114-00023412 At that point you are inside the cabin what do you do? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00100-00023412-00023482 Super! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00101-00023482-00023964 And it is a good way to learn how to code because it gives you a goal and something real to achieve DCMrJq4TwmQ-00102-00023964-00024072 and it becomes fun! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00103-00024072-00024222 Yes, it is super fun! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00104-00024706-00025064 So Marie can you tell me more about your work environment DCMrJq4TwmQ-00105-00025064-00025398 Are there a lot of boys, lots of girls, how does it go? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00106-00025398-00025627 is it balanced or not at all? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00107-00025632-00026038 It is not totally balanced, it is more like 80% boys and 20% girls DCMrJq4TwmQ-00108-00026038-00026110 OK DCMrJq4TwmQ-00109-00026112-00026460 It is getting better, certainly getting better DCMrJq4TwmQ-00110-00026460-00026895 In fact things will improve even more as soon as more girls join in DCMrJq4TwmQ-00111-00026895-00027474 and it would be good because it would be a pleasure to see more girls get involved and dominate the field DCMrJq4TwmQ-00112-00027474-00027708 To see girls make this move... Yes that would be beautiful! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00113-00027708-00028020 For real, there are new girls who join the field and they are super talented DCMrJq4TwmQ-00114-00028020-00028454 And they are as qualified and capable as men DCMrJq4TwmQ-00115-00028454-00028877 So you who is listening in, if you are a girl and you love video games and you find Marie cool DCMrJq4TwmQ-00116-00028877-00028972 - Marie is cool - DCMrJq4TwmQ-00117-00028972-00029156 you can come and join in! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00118-00029168-00029362 And if you want to name a game DCMrJq4TwmQ-00119-00029362-00029794 do you have one in particular that you really love, one outstanding! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00120-00029794-00030118 Just one... No I cannot pick only one game DCMrJq4TwmQ-00121-00030118-00030254 Can I do a top 3? DCMrJq4TwmQ-00122-00030254-00030416 OK let's do a top 3 DCMrJq4TwmQ-00123-00030420-00030516 It is for you that I will do it DCMrJq4TwmQ-00124-00030516-00030674 It is because we have become friends you see! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00125-00030674-00030758 It is too cute DCMrJq4TwmQ-00126-00030762-00031133 So my preferred one of all time is tattooed on my wrist It is Kaya DCMrJq4TwmQ-00127-00031133-00031758 It is an adventure game with a cool girl who throws boomerangs DCMrJq4TwmQ-00128-00031768-00032195 And there is also the saga of Mass Effect that I love a whole lot DCMrJq4TwmQ-00129-00032195-00032300 And the Sims! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00130-00032300-00032562 And the Sims, yep, I can agree with you on the Sims DCMrJq4TwmQ-00131-00032577-00032838 So a big thank you Marie to have answered all of my questions! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00132-00032838-00033178 I enjoyed it very much and I am very happy to have met you DCMrJq4TwmQ-00133-00033178-00033504 and may be we will meet again soon, when you will have created a new game! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00134-00033504-00033576 Yes!! DCMrJq4TwmQ-00135-00033582-00033706 As for you people who are watching this video DCMrJq4TwmQ-00136-00033706-00033980 if you want ot see additional episodes DCMrJq4TwmQ-00137-00033980-00034546 do not hesitate to follow the hashtag #nowyouknow on social networks DCMrJq4TwmQ-00138-00034548-00035018 Ciao ciao DGEzTP2xMeo-00000-00000589-00000732 Hello everybody! DGEzTP2xMeo-00001-00000732-00001203 This video will help you learn the temperature of processor, video card or hard disk of your DGEzTP2xMeo-00002-00001203-00001349 computer. DGEzTP2xMeo-00003-00001349-00003944 It can also tell you about why it rises and how to cool DGEzTP2xMeo-00004-00003944-00005389 your hardware. DGEzTP2xMeo-00005-00005389-00005668 Any device works within its specific temperature range. DGEzTP2xMeo-00006-00005668-00006126 If the temperature of processor, video card or hard disk of your computer rises, it can DGEzTP2xMeo-00007-00006126-00006393 result in unstable work or even breakdown. DGEzTP2xMeo-00008-00006393-00006711 How can you learn their temperatures? DGEzTP2xMeo-00009-00006711-00007245 Initially, you can see all information about the work of your system in BIOS or UEFI (depending DGEzTP2xMeo-00010-00007245-00007425 on its configuration). DGEzTP2xMeo-00011-00007425-00007815 There is already a video on how to get into BIOS or UEFI in our channel. DGEzTP2xMeo-00012-00007815-00008079 You will find the link in the description:. DGEzTP2xMeo-00013-00008079-00008569 All you need is to get to BIOS or UEFI, then find the necessary information in the following DGEzTP2xMeo-00014-00008569-00009190 tabs, depending on the model of your motherboard: • PC Health Status (or just Status) DGEzTP2xMeo-00015-00009190-00009458 • Hardware Monitor (H/W Monitor, or just Monitor) DGEzTP2xMeo-00016-00009458-00009801 • Power • and so on. DGEzTP2xMeo-00017-00009801-00010267 In many motherboards with UEFI and a graphical interface, the information on the processor DGEzTP2xMeo-00018-00010267-00010631 temperature is shown in the main screen. DGEzTP2xMeo-00019-00010631-00011030 The minus of this method is that you can’t see the processor temperature when it is loaded DGEzTP2xMeo-00020-00011030-00011553 (because while you are in BIOS, the processor is idle), and the shown information is only DGEzTP2xMeo-00021-00011553-00011850 true for idle-state temperatures. DGEzTP2xMeo-00022-00011850-00012343 That is why the more convenient way to monitor the temperature of processor, video card or DGEzTP2xMeo-00023-00012343-00012669 hard disk of your computer is to use special software. DGEzTP2xMeo-00024-00012669-00013106 There are lots of such programs, and often they are fee-paying. DGEzTP2xMeo-00025-00013106-00013465 That is why we will have a look at the three most popular ones. DGEzTP2xMeo-00026-00013465-00013932 The first is AIDA64, previously known as Everest. DGEzTP2xMeo-00027-00013932-00014379 • To use it, go to the developer’s website and download it (find the link in the description, DGEzTP2xMeo-00028-00014379-00014503 then start it. DGEzTP2xMeo-00029-00014503-00015159 Please note that the program is not free but it offers a trial period of 30 days. DGEzTP2xMeo-00030-00015159-00015493 • Then go to the menu on the left to find Computer / Sensor DGEzTP2xMeo-00031-00015493-00016223 • Here, AIDA64 shows the data received from sensors installed in the computer. DGEzTP2xMeo-00032-00016223-00016620 • In the section Temperatures, we can see what we are looking for - how hot the devices DGEzTP2xMeo-00033-00016620-00016981 are: - CPU / Core - the temperature of processor DGEzTP2xMeo-00034-00016981-00017081 cores. DGEzTP2xMeo-00035-00017081-00017346 As a rule, the processor temperature is based on the hottest core. DGEzTP2xMeo-00036-00017346-00017637 - SanDisk – hard disk temperature - as my computer has an integrated video adapter, DGEzTP2xMeo-00037-00017637-00017845 its temperature is shown in CPU GT Cores – the temperature of the processor’s graphics. DGEzTP2xMeo-00038-00017845-00017945 - If this computer had a discrete video card, it would also have a line GPU Diode which DGEzTP2xMeo-00039-00017945-00018045 would show its temperature. DGEzTP2xMeo-00040-00018045-00018266 The second one is from another well-known developer – Piriform Speccy. DGEzTP2xMeo-00041-00018266-00018409 It has a free version. DGEzTP2xMeo-00042-00018409-00019000 Find the link to the website in the description: • First of all, download and install Speccy. DGEzTP2xMeo-00043-00019000-00019570 • After the program is launched, you will see absolutely all information about the computer. DGEzTP2xMeo-00044-00019570-00019901 • It includes the temperatures of the central processor, hard disk and graphics. DGEzTP2xMeo-00045-00019901-00020250 In my case, the last one is not shown as my video card is integrated. DGEzTP2xMeo-00046-00020250-00020780 Now it’s time for the third free program named CPUID HWMonitor. DGEzTP2xMeo-00047-00020780-00021122 Find the link to the program’s website in the description: DGEzTP2xMeo-00048-00021122-00021643 • As well as the two previous programs, after launching HWMonitor shows you main characteristics DGEzTP2xMeo-00049-00021643-00021780 of your computer’s equipment. DGEzTP2xMeo-00050-00021780-00022187 • Among others, we can see processor temperature, • hard disk temperature, DGEzTP2xMeo-00051-00022187-00022287 • and video card temperature. DGEzTP2xMeo-00052-00022287-00022387 It is interesting but the two other programs could not show the temperature of the integrated DGEzTP2xMeo-00053-00022387-00022487 video in my computer. DGEzTP2xMeo-00054-00022487-00022888 Now, what temperature of processor, video card or hard disk of a computer is OK? DGEzTP2xMeo-00055-00022888-00023359 Processor manufacturers set their own limits to CPU temperatures, but generally speaking, DGEzTP2xMeo-00056-00023359-00024135 • the processor should have up to 40°C when idle, and up to 70°C under load. DGEzTP2xMeo-00057-00024135-00024498 Anything hotter that than is critical. DGEzTP2xMeo-00058-00024498-00025132 • For a video card, 40°C when idle is OK, and up to 80°C under load is still normal. DGEzTP2xMeo-00059-00025132-00025481 • For a hard disk, the figures are from 40°C to 50°C. DGEzTP2xMeo-00060-00025481-00026026 I would like to emphasize that these are average figures, and you should go to your device DGEzTP2xMeo-00061-00026026-00026206 manufacturer’s website for particular details. DGEzTP2xMeo-00062-00026206-00026386 How can you do that? DGEzTP2xMeo-00063-00026386-00026672 For example: • Let’s take the name of the processor DGEzTP2xMeo-00064-00026672-00027000 in your PC from one of the diagnostic utilities we have just seen. DGEzTP2xMeo-00065-00027000-00027558 • Use a search engine to find its specifications in the manufacturer’s official website. DGEzTP2xMeo-00066-00027558-00027888 • Go to the corresponding website (in our case, Intel) DGEzTP2xMeo-00067-00027888-00028856 • and look for the temperature figures we need. DGEzTP2xMeo-00068-00028856-00029325 • TCase - Critical Temperature - is the maximal temperature allowed in the integrated DGEzTP2xMeo-00069-00029325-00029470 heat spreader (IHS) of the processor. DGEzTP2xMeo-00070-00029470-00029661 • As we can see, for this processor it is 72.6 °C. Anything higher than that would DGEzTP2xMeo-00071-00029661-00029761 be critical. DGEzTP2xMeo-00072-00029761-00030045 I want you to understand that this value will be different even for different modifications DGEzTP2xMeo-00073-00030045-00030237 of devices from one manufacturer. DGEzTP2xMeo-00074-00030237-00030722 In the same way, you can find the maximal or critical temperature for any device. DGEzTP2xMeo-00075-00030722-00031083 I strongly recommend using manufacturer official websites. DGEzTP2xMeo-00076-00031083-00031666 Here are the symptoms that can tell you the computer is getting overheated: DGEzTP2xMeo-00077-00031666-00032159 • Everything begins when the noise from your system case or laptop increases. DGEzTP2xMeo-00078-00032159-00032577 Heat sinks are slowly collecting dust and coolers have to work faster to maintain normal DGEzTP2xMeo-00079-00032577-00032797 temperature, which makes more noise. DGEzTP2xMeo-00080-00032797-00033149 It’s the first sign that things go wrong. DGEzTP2xMeo-00081-00033149-00033575 • If you ignore that, the cooling system gives way and now performance falls. DGEzTP2xMeo-00082-00033575-00033728 The computer is getting slower. DGEzTP2xMeo-00083-00033728-00034240 The system deliberately reduces performance of its hardware or certain components to keep DGEzTP2xMeo-00084-00034240-00034394 temperatures within normal range. DGEzTP2xMeo-00085-00034394-00034727 It’s a kind of a protective function. DGEzTP2xMeo-00086-00034727-00035184 • Sometimes you can get blue screens, restarts or shutdowns at the most interesting moment DGEzTP2xMeo-00087-00035184-00035284 in your game. DGEzTP2xMeo-00088-00035284-00035672 It’s a clear sign that it’s time to open the system case and check the cooling system. DGEzTP2xMeo-00089-00035672-00036187 If the computer is under warranty, you should take it to a service center. DGEzTP2xMeo-00090-00036187-00036674 Read our blog to learn how to recover data after a computer shuts down or restarts (find DGEzTP2xMeo-00091-00036674-00036950 the link in the description): DGEzTP2xMeo-00092-00036950-00037302 • The last stage is when an overheated part breaks down. DGEzTP2xMeo-00093-00037302-00037547 It mostly happens because a cooling system fails. DGEzTP2xMeo-00094-00037547-00038005 For example, when a cooler on a video card stops working. DGEzTP2xMeo-00095-00038005-00038353 To make sure it never happens: • Monitor the temperature of main devices DGEzTP2xMeo-00096-00038353-00038527 in your desktop or laptop. DGEzTP2xMeo-00097-00038527-00038955 • Pay attention to how your computer works and regularly clean it from dirt and dust, DGEzTP2xMeo-00098-00038955-00039362 • and if necessary, replace the thermal interface that connects the heatsinks with DGEzTP2xMeo-00099-00039362-00039662 the parts that become hot when they work. DGEzTP2xMeo-00100-00039662-00040044 If you found this video useful, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel DGEzTP2xMeo-00101-00040044-00040144 to see more. DGEzTP2xMeo-00102-00040144-00040343 Thank you for watching and good luck! DHnW09-Ut5M-00000-00000000-00000200 Joker DJpXVOlAjOI-00000-00000113-00000233 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. DJpXVOlAjOI-00001-00000233-00000347 HERE ARE TODAY'S HEADLINES. DJpXVOlAjOI-00002-00000387-00000630 CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL, VICE ADMIRAL BILL MORAN IS DJpXVOlAjOI-00003-00000630-00000830 KICKING OFF THE NEW YEAR BY VISITING SAILORS DJpXVOlAjOI-00004-00000830-00001071 STATIONED IN SAN DIEGO, JAPAN AND HAWAII OVER THE DJpXVOlAjOI-00005-00001071-00001171 NEXT WEEK. DJpXVOlAjOI-00006-00001191-00001401 MORAN WILL VISIT SHIPS AND COMMANDS TO DISCUSS HOW DJpXVOlAjOI-00007-00001401-00001621 THE NAVY'S PERSONNEL POLICIES ARE AFFECTING DJpXVOlAjOI-00008-00001621-00001818 SAILORS SERVING IN THE PACIFIC REGION. DJpXVOlAjOI-00009-00001818-00001918 U.S. DJpXVOlAjOI-00010-00001918-00002118 PACIFIC FLEET, GET YOUR QUESTIONS READY. DJpXVOlAjOI-00011-00002118-00002318 THE NAVY WILL SOON HONOR THOUSANDS OF SAILORS AND DJpXVOlAjOI-00012-00002318-00002562 NAVY CIVILIANS WITH SAILOR, JUNIOR SAILOR, DJpXVOlAjOI-00013-00002562-00002759 BLUEJACKET AND CIVILIAN OF THE YEAR AWARDS. DJpXVOlAjOI-00014-00002799-00002999 THE NAVY OFFICE OF COMMUNITY OUTREACH HELPS DJpXVOlAjOI-00015-00002999-00003196 COMMANDS SHARE THESE STORIES WITH MEDIA OUTLETS DJpXVOlAjOI-00016-00003196-00003396 ACROSS AMERICA WHERE THE AWARD RECIPIENTS HAVE DJpXVOlAjOI-00017-00003396-00003596 CONNECTIONS SUCH AS FAMILY AND FRIENDS. DJpXVOlAjOI-00018-00003656-00003890 SINCE NAVCO FIRST BEGAN ITS MEDIA OUTREACH PROGRAM DJpXVOlAjOI-00019-00003890-00004204 IN 2014, NEARLY 10,000 STORIES AND PHOTOS HAVE DJpXVOlAjOI-00020-00004204-00004320 BEEN SHARED. DJpXVOlAjOI-00021-00004320-00004597 EMAIL YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO NAVYOUTREACH@NAVY.MIL. DJpXVOlAjOI-00022-00004647-00004848 FOR MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR DJpXVOlAjOI-00023-00004848-00005048 NAVY, VISIT NAVY.MIL. DMp3pmEAmLo-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3060 The Last of Us i9-10850K DMJhfT5un6I-00000-00000866-00001334 hello how are you doing today I hope you're well DMJhfT5un6I-00001-00001334-00002325 goodness haha you know what we went on a weekend away, a few days DMJhfT5un6I-00002-00002325-00003086 not a week almost a week and when we were away there was heat wave like the sun came DMJhfT5un6I-00003-00003086-00003600 and this is what my plants and a few of my plants ended up like this DMJhfT5un6I-00004-00003600-00004157 they just dried up. This one suffered the most. This specie is called Rosanna DMJhfT5un6I-00005-00004157-00004982 which is from the geranium family and yeah the sun burnt DMJhfT5un6I-00006-00004982-00005394 it out. So you can you can see it had grown and had flowers, you can see some of DMJhfT5un6I-00007-00005394-00005930 the flowers here purple you know it had this lovely purple DMJhfT5un6I-00008-00005930-00006647 flower all over the place everywhere see ya and then the Sun came and dried it DMJhfT5un6I-00009-00006647-00007179 out you think they didn't have water or it hasn't been feed a long time it was just the DMJhfT5un6I-00010-00007179-00007806 heat. The heat was really bad and this was the one that got hit the most and a few others DMJhfT5un6I-00011-00007806-00008400 down there that were hit badly so what I want to show you is when you find your DMJhfT5un6I-00012-00008400-00008946 plants like this don't leave them like this for too long cut them up take all DMJhfT5un6I-00013-00008946-00009447 these dead bits out because the plants as you know uses a lot of its energy in DMJhfT5un6I-00014-00009447-00010038 growing it's leaves it's flowers you know it's stems it uses all that and you don't DMJhfT5un6I-00015-00010038-00010611 want it to be trying to to make this one work, this dead one work when this dead DMJhfT5un6I-00016-00010611-00011082 one is gone. So the best thing is when you find your plants like this take DMJhfT5un6I-00017-00011082-00011667 out all the dead ones and so that new flowers and new shoots can come out DMJhfT5un6I-00018-00011667-00012221 already you can see that new ones are coming out and that's because this one DMJhfT5un6I-00019-00012221-00012549 had you know I've been trying to find the perfect time to do this video but DMJhfT5un6I-00020-00012549-00012863 yeah so between the time I was waiting to do this video DMJhfT5un6I-00021-00012863-00013524 new ones had come up. New ones had come up. What' going to happen is once I DMJhfT5un6I-00022-00013524-00014019 trim this it will have space to even regenerate and bring out even more new DMJhfT5un6I-00023-00014019-00014535 ones I had two plants here this is a climbing one I can't remember the name of it. I DMJhfT5un6I-00024-00014535-00015201 got a snip, a little cutting you know from when we travelled and came back home I DMJhfT5un6I-00025-00015201-00015773 planted it and it had grown and multiplied okay so I'm just gonna trim DMJhfT5un6I-00026-00015773-00016281 it out. The whole purpose of this video is to say when you find your pot DMJhfT5un6I-00027-00016281-00016725 like this, don't give up don't be frustrated and don't get angry and don't DMJhfT5un6I-00028-00016725-00017220 abandon it, don't say it's dead and you abandon it. not necessary it may not be DMJhfT5un6I-00029-00017220-00017522 dead you know trim it out. Take out all the dead leaves, DMJhfT5un6I-00030-00017522-00018081 make sure the soil is damp and it has enough moist in soil but without to DMJhfT5un6I-00031-00018081-00018537 drowning it of course and then take out all the dead leaves and give it DMJhfT5un6I-00032-00018537-00019095 space to bring itself back if you've been away for a very long time and you're DMJhfT5un6I-00033-00019095-00019566 very certain that it is dead what I would suggest is, take the plants out of DMJhfT5un6I-00034-00019566-00019968 the soil and just check it's roots may not be dead it may just be alive down DMJhfT5un6I-00035-00019968-00020504 inside so bring it out of the soil and re pot it and you you probably DMJhfT5un6I-00036-00020504-00021204 save your plant don't just say oh it's dead and abandon it. No don't do that, don't do that. Okay so let me take DMJhfT5un6I-00037-00021204-00021701 out all this while we are watching I will stand up while the trimming is DMJhfT5un6I-00038-00021701-00022035 going on I thought I make some Corrections so what are the correction DMJhfT5un6I-00039-00022035-00022707 is I said Rosanna at the beginning no it is not Rosanna It is Rosanne I think DMJhfT5un6I-00040-00022707-00023204 that's the way it's pronounced, Rosanne not Rosanna and the other plants I could DMJhfT5un6I-00041-00023204-00024128 not remember the name it's called nepeta variegata nepeta glechoma DMJhfT5un6I-00042-00024128-00024714 nepeta veriegata yeah and it's a ground ivy it's an amazingly DMJhfT5un6I-00043-00024714-00025164 beautiful plant very good for as it's really you know when you have your DMJhfT5un6I-00044-00025164-00025703 hanging pot it's so beautiful and it's also called creeping Charlie and another DMJhfT5un6I-00045-00025703-00026229 name for it, people call it them run away Robin yeah DMJhfT5un6I-00046-00026229-00026850 it's absolutely lovely. You must have seen it. If you google the name you'd DMJhfT5un6I-00047-00026850-00027399 find it. It's just a lovely lovely plants anyway going back to trimming all the DMJhfT5un6I-00048-00027399-00027813 dead leaves you know it's always good to trim out the dead leaves and you give DMJhfT5un6I-00049-00027813-00028332 your plants space to regenerates to bring out new leaves and bring out new DMJhfT5un6I-00050-00028332-00028932 flowers and do well. Something else I do after I have taken out all the dead leaves is DMJhfT5un6I-00051-00028932-00029568 to feed it I like to feed it to help it be nourished. you DMJhfT5un6I-00052-00029568-00030111 know, just in case the soil has been, there's no more nutrients in the soil DMJhfT5un6I-00053-00030111-00030585 then the food I'm going to give it would help to nourish the soil and help DMJhfT5un6I-00054-00030585-00031305 to nourish the roots and also just support it in in growing again that's DMJhfT5un6I-00055-00031305-00031944 something else I do. Another thing I do is I try to water the leaves if I'm at DMJhfT5un6I-00056-00031944-00032688 home when the Sun is hot hot hot it's gonna be a very hot day I try to spray DMJhfT5un6I-00057-00032688-00033228 water all my plants early in the morning like cool up the leaves spray water DMJhfT5un6I-00058-00033228-00033726 tight and then after the Sun is gone spray what hides in the evening to call DMJhfT5un6I-00059-00033726-00034257 up the leaves not necessarily watering it down to the roots but just the DMJhfT5un6I-00060-00034257-00034893 leaves your spray of water hides some or may not do it so when the DMJhfT5un6I-00061-00034893-00035616 Sun is scourging hot I break my rules especially if I come out and I see that DMJhfT5un6I-00062-00035616-00036405 my plants are thirsty you can see that they are begging for for water then I do it DMJhfT5un6I-00063-00036405-00036969 quick spray over all the leaves just to help them out it just means that they DMJhfT5un6I-00064-00036969-00037833 are dehydrated yeah so you can see how neat the pot is after taking out all the DMJhfT5un6I-00065-00037833-00038403 dry leaves it does help it does really help and you don't need to lose your DMJhfT5un6I-00066-00038403-00039158 plant when you find all the leaves dried out you can actually save it. DMJhfT5un6I-00067-00039283-00039827 Thank you very much for watching I hope you found this video helpful if you have DMJhfT5un6I-00068-00039827-00040364 a port that looks like this, don't forget the plant, don't DMJhfT5un6I-00069-00040364-00040790 be discouraged and don't think you're plant is completely dead DMJhfT5un6I-00070-00040790-00041591 just take out time it doesn't take any ten minutes at the maximum you know just DMJhfT5un6I-00071-00041591-00042071 snip and tidy it up and take out all the dead leaves and the plant will begin to DMJhfT5un6I-00072-00042071-00042650 shoot out new shoots and new leaves because you won't be spending its energy DMJhfT5un6I-00073-00042650-00043115 trying to get this one and feed this one to bring it back alive. It will spend it's DMJhfT5un6I-00074-00043115-00043565 energy producing new shoots and new flowers. So again thank you very much for DMJhfT5un6I-00075-00043565-00044153 watching if you found this valuable, do like, do Share - Subscribe. E'm join the family we DMJhfT5un6I-00076-00044153-00044621 are growing and then leave me a comment it'd be nice to hear your thoughts on DMJhfT5un6I-00077-00044621-00045301 this video yeah and I'll see you in my next video bye for now and God Bless. DN4dyUTQpqM-00000-00000000-00000200 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | RTX 4090 | Sam is alive DNLin_FNWDc-00000-00000000-00000616 for healthy hearing ear protection and healthy brain i will be talking about what synapse DNLin_FNWDc-00001-00000616-00001272 60 is how it works and how to get the best discount for the product without being scammed DNLin_FNWDc-00002-00001272-00001912 as i will be sharing the scam i discovered when i was trying to buy synaptics t for my granny DNLin_FNWDc-00003-00001976-00002712 i searched for reviews and all i see was computer voices on youtube so i decided to do this review DNLin_FNWDc-00004-00002712-00003344 to help others looking for real customer reviews after synapse extended a miracle from my granny DNLin_FNWDc-00005-00003408-00003984 she's just 67 but was having some level of hearing problems over a period of time DNLin_FNWDc-00006-00003984-00004624 before we were introduced to this synapse 60 supplement so right before i share more DNLin_FNWDc-00007-00004624-00005096 about synapse 60 let me explain the scam i discovered and how it works DpYALyv5KCc-00000-00000032-00000600 okay guys so this is the third video about apple cider vinegar DpYALyv5KCc-00001-00000600-00001263 yes i decided to do three one to show all the stages DpYALyv5KCc-00002-00001263-00001703 the ways i got my conclusions the ways DpYALyv5KCc-00003-00001703-00002432 i figured out the best way to do it and then the second video was about DpYALyv5KCc-00004-00002432-00003143 the exact moment to harvest and the third video is about DpYALyv5KCc-00005-00003143-00003904 two mistakes i did for almost doing for almost a year doing DpYALyv5KCc-00006-00003904-00004255 apple cider vinegar so i did two mistakes DpYALyv5KCc-00007-00004255-00004976 first mistake was that instead of Chopping like this way i showed in the DpYALyv5KCc-00008-00004976-00005344 video on the stages about how to do apple DpYALyv5KCc-00009-00005344-00005752 cider vinegar organic apple cider vinegar instead of DpYALyv5KCc-00010-00005752-00006128 Chopping the apples i put in this DpYALyv5KCc-00011-00006128-00006911 kind of blender yeah it says it chops the vegetables but it kind of blend DpYALyv5KCc-00012-00006911-00007711 and made something almost like a juice it was not good it was very DpYALyv5KCc-00013-00007711-00008536 difficult after to strain the apples from the liquid DpYALyv5KCc-00014-00008536-00009064 it was very difficult see if you had the chopped apples here DpYALyv5KCc-00015-00009064-00009688 and then when you get like this and you start straining it's gonna be DpYALyv5KCc-00016-00009688-00009992 easy for you to separate apples from the DpYALyv5KCc-00017-00009992-00010407 liquid but if you have like almost DpYALyv5KCc-00018-00010407-00011104 a juice of apples when you're gonna try to strain DpYALyv5KCc-00019-00011104-00011807 it's gonna be very hard yes so this is the way it went DpYALyv5KCc-00020-00011807-00012496 through but it was not that good yes it became DpYALyv5KCc-00021-00012496-00012856 apple cider vinegar but i would never do it again DpYALyv5KCc-00022-00012856-00013608 yes it's just very hard that was another mistake i did DpYALyv5KCc-00023-00013608-00014295 i have those glasses that i bought actually to do the apple DpYALyv5KCc-00024-00014295-00014823 cider vinegar about an year ago and then i bought like six bottles of DpYALyv5KCc-00025-00014823-00015391 this because i did not find those bottles DpYALyv5KCc-00026-00015391-00015928 that i have here of five litters i found these one's DpYALyv5KCc-00027-00015928-00016448 so what have i done i just started doing this bottle DpYALyv5KCc-00028-00016448-00017280 and i did not take this metal part yes DpYALyv5KCc-00029-00017287-00017672 because it's something that normally never get DpYALyv5KCc-00030-00017672-00018040 rust and then i thought okay no problem this DpYALyv5KCc-00031-00018040-00018768 is something stainless steel so it doesn't get rust so let's do it but DpYALyv5KCc-00032-00018768-00019448 as the chemical process starts and continues for like two months DpYALyv5KCc-00033-00019448-00019823 the other bottles i had because i have five i just DpYALyv5KCc-00034-00019823-00020504 left one without using for the apple cider all the others DpYALyv5KCc-00035-00020504-00021208 the metal part got very rusty and all this liquid of rusty DpYALyv5KCc-00036-00021208-00021848 started to go outside the apple cider vinegar just DpYALyv5KCc-00037-00021848-00022495 leaking outside the bottle was pretty nasty once again DpYALyv5KCc-00038-00022495-00022895 i did not have a problem with the vinegar that was DpYALyv5KCc-00039-00022895-00023551 inside but the process of brewing brewing or DpYALyv5KCc-00040-00023551-00024184 if you want to say the fermentation the gases that were going out they DpYALyv5KCc-00041-00024184-00024768 started to rust this metal that was outside DpYALyv5KCc-00042-00024768-00025431 and it was not very good so i i'll never do again DpYALyv5KCc-00043-00025431-00026160 with a bottle like this so glass glass something like that yes DpYALyv5KCc-00044-00026160-00026639 don't forget this is very important so these were the DpYALyv5KCc-00045-00026639-00027432 two mistakes i did yes then i don't remember having other mistakes DpYALyv5KCc-00046-00027432-00027760 yeah i think i heard somebody saying about DpYALyv5KCc-00047-00027760-00028400 metal but i didn't think that was something about metal like DpYALyv5KCc-00048-00028400-00028863 stainless steel that it could be even in contact with the DpYALyv5KCc-00049-00028863-00029272 water that it wouldn't rust but it rusted DpYALyv5KCc-00050-00029272-00029895 because of the chemistry of the vinegar yes so i thought this one would be okay DpYALyv5KCc-00051-00029895-00030280 it was not and the DpYALyv5KCc-00052-00030280-00030632 chopping with something like this i would never do it again DpYALyv5KCc-00053-00030632-00030960 to make like a puree or a juice something DpYALyv5KCc-00054-00030960-00031536 close to a juice it was terrible to strain the apple from the liquid so DpYALyv5KCc-00055-00031536-00031944 this is it the two major the two mistakes i did DpYALyv5KCc-00056-00031944-00032280 yes just hope you guys follow those two mistakes DpYALyv5KCc-00057-00032280-00032928 there's no a big secret about doing apple cider vinegar yes DpYALyv5KCc-00058-00032928-00033440 subscribe to our channel thank you very much bye bye DR3lrxfp5yI-00000-00000000-00000200 Mačke se igraju DRwq7ZOmVcE-00000-00000065-00000165 Hi! DRwq7ZOmVcE-00001-00000165-00000265 Today is about "to feel." DRwq7ZOmVcE-00002-00000265-00000729 I invite you to my theater show " Facebook Lover" to see the difference between a text DRwq7ZOmVcE-00003-00000729-00001523 you have read alone at your home and a text felt and played on stage by an actor and felt DRwq7ZOmVcE-00004-00001523-00002074 by you also as spectator, so is not a reading show anymore like a year ago.The idea is that DRwq7ZOmVcE-00005-00002074-00002407 in dictionary is very curious,says something about senses, about the perception of a thing DRwq7ZOmVcE-00006-00002407-00002992 through few of our senses, the sight, the hearing and so on but always when I said I DRwq7ZOmVcE-00007-00002992-00003764 feel I actually described what I think I have in my soul and I think I have a lot of emotion DRwq7ZOmVcE-00008-00003764-00004712 in this theater show,I invite you to live it together, bye! DSAw2jEDZVA-00000-00000293-00000520 HELLO. I'M MATTHEW MOORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00001-00000520-00000900 I AM THE PUBLISHER OF "DEAF LIFE" MAGAZINE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00002-00000900-00001173 AND ALSO I AM A COORDINATOR WITH FLYING WORDS PROJECT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00003-00001173-00001336 I WANT TO WELCOME YOU HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00004-00001336-00001653 BEFORE WE START, I WOULD LIKE TO MENTION A FEW THINGS DSAw2jEDZVA-00005-00001653-00001850 TO GET US GOING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00006-00002013-00002276 FIRST OF ALL, GOOD MORNING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00007-00002276-00002476 I AM PERSONALLY NOT MUCH OF A MORNING PERSON. DSAw2jEDZVA-00008-00002476-00002803 I'M A LITTLE LOGY RIGHT NOW, BUT I'LL SHAKE THAT OFF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00009-00002986-00003383 NOW, I AM SUPPOSED TO INVITE KENNY LERNER TO THE STAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00010-00003383-00003593 TO SAY A FEW WORDS, BUT HE IS NOT HERE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00011-00003593-00003786 SO I GUESS WE'LL JUST JUMP AHEAD. DSAw2jEDZVA-00012-00004016-00004270 BUT I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO THIS CONFERENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00013-00004270-00004423 AND I WANTED TO MENTION THE PEOPLE DSAw2jEDZVA-00014-00004423-00004670 WHO HAVE MADE THIS CONFERENCE POSSIBLE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00015-00004670-00005903 KAREN CHRISTIE, PATRICIA DURR, LAURIE BREWER, KENNY LERNER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00016-00005903-00006550 MIRIAM LERNER, MYSELF--WELL, I DON'T MATTER SO MUCH-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00017-00006550-00007086 DOROTHY WILKINS, JEAN BONDI-WOLCOTT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00018-00007803-00008120 NOW, THE PURPOSE OF THIS CONFERENCE IS DSAw2jEDZVA-00019-00008120-00008423 TO DISCUSS THE IDEA OF ASL LITERATURE DSAw2jEDZVA-00020-00008423-00008686 AND WHAT EXACTLY THAT MEANS AND WHAT IT'S ABOUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00021-00008686-00008953 WE WANT TO HAVE A BETTER DEFINITION OF IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00022-00008953-00009203 AT THIS POINT, WE DO NOT HAVE A PARTICULAR WAY DSAw2jEDZVA-00023-00009203-00009436 TO DEFINE IT, SO AS A GROUP, WE'RE COMING TOGETHER TO FIND DSAw2jEDZVA-00024-00009436-00009870 A COMMON MEANING AND DEFINITION OF THE TERM "ASL LITERATURE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00025-00009870-00010070 DOES IT EXIST, OR DOESN'T IT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00026-00010436-00010603 THROUGHOUT THIS CONFERENCE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00027-00010603-00010820 WE'LL HAVE COPY SIGN INTERPRETERS UP ON THE STAGE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00028-00010820-00010986 MEANING YOU'LL HAVE THE PRESENTER DSAw2jEDZVA-00029-00010986-00011330 AND YOU'LL HAVE A COPY SIGNER AFTER THAT PRESENTER DSAw2jEDZVA-00030-00011330-00011550 HAS DONE WITH THEIR PARTICULAR INFORMATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00031-00011550-00011903 AND WHEN THERE'S A Q&A PORTION OF THE PRESENTATION, DSAw2jEDZVA-00032-00011903-00012150 SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE DON'T HAVE TO CRANE THEIR NECKS DSAw2jEDZVA-00033-00012150-00012326 CRAZILY AND TRY TO SEE EACH OTHER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00034-00012326-00012716 WE WILL HAVE A COPY SIGNER ON THE STAGE COPYING, MIRRORING DSAw2jEDZVA-00035-00012716-00012943 THAT QUESTION SO THAT EVERYBODY IN THE AUDIENCE DSAw2jEDZVA-00036-00012943-00013103 CAN SEE IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00037-00013103-00013319 AND THEN THE PRESENTER CAN GO AHEAD AND ADDRESS IT DSAw2jEDZVA-00038-00013319-00013569 AND GIVE THE ANSWER, ALL RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00039-00014136-00014319 WE'LL HAVE 3 COPY SIGNERS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00040-00014319-00014619 WHO WILL BE PROVIDING SERVICES THROUGHOUT--MYSELF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00041-00014619-00014973 LESLIE GREER, AND JACKIE SCHERTZ. DSAw2jEDZVA-00042-00014973-00015363 LET'S SEE. IS THERE ONE MORE? 1, 2, 3. I GUESS THAT'S IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00043-00015363-00015710 THE THREE OF US WILL BE PROVIDING THAT SERVICE, OK? DSAw2jEDZVA-00044-00015710-00015819 ALL RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00045-00016016-00016253 I AM VERY PLEASED TO BE WELCOMING TO THE STAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00046-00016253-00016720 OUR FIRST PRESENTER, CLAYTON VALLI. DSAw2jEDZVA-00047-00016720-00016986 HE PERFORMED HERE LAST NIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00048-00016986-00017160 SOME OF YOU MAY HAVE SEEN HIS SHOW, DSAw2jEDZVA-00049-00017160-00017370 AND TODAY HE'LL BE DISCUSSING HIS WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00050-00017370-00017610 HE IS A PROFESSOR AT GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY DSAw2jEDZVA-00051-00017610-00017953 IN THE DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS AND INTERPRETING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00052-00017953-00018386 HE'S ALSO STUDYING PART-TIME FOR HIS Ph.D. IN COLLABORATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00053-00018386-00018536 WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF OHIO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00054-00018536-00018870 PLEASE WELCOME HIM WITH ME, CLAYTON VALLI. DSAw2jEDZVA-00055-00019236-00019436 HELLO, EVERYBODY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00056-00019650-00019890 SO LAST NIGHT, I HAD MY PERFORMANCE HAT ON, DSAw2jEDZVA-00057-00019890-00020220 AND NOW I HAVE TO SWITCH HATS AND GO TO A PRESENTATION TRACK, DSAw2jEDZVA-00058-00020220-00020570 AND THAT'S VERY DIFFICULT FOR ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00059-00020570-00020870 THE TOPIC I'LL BE ADDRESSING TODAY IS DSAw2jEDZVA-00060-00020870-00021373 APPROACHES IN TEACHING ASL CREATIVE ARTS AND POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00061-00021620-00022076 I'VE BEEN ENGAGED IN RESEARCH AND STUDY AND ANALYSIS DSAw2jEDZVA-00062-00022076-00022436 ABOUT HOW TO TEACH CREATIVE ARTS AND POETRY IN ASL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00063-00022436-00022783 THIS IS IN REGARDS TO MY Ph.D. STUDIES DSAw2jEDZVA-00064-00022783-00022923 THAT I'M ENGAGED IN RIGHT NOW. DSAw2jEDZVA-00065-00022923-00023070 AND SO I'D LIKE TO GIVE AN OVERVIEW DSAw2jEDZVA-00066-00023070-00023303 OF WHAT I HAVE FOUND SO FAR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00067-00023580-00023936 NOW, IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY, AS I'VE BEEN STUDYING IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00068-00023936-00024120 I'VE NOTICED THAT THERE ARE 5 INTERESTING FORMS DSAw2jEDZVA-00069-00024120-00024403 WHICH HAVE PRESENTED THEMSELVES TO ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00070-00024403-00024636 THERE'S CREATIVE ARTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00071-00024636-00024870 AND I'LL EXPLAIN MORE ABOUT THE DEFINITIONS OF THAT DSAw2jEDZVA-00072-00024870-00025370 AS WE PROGRESS THROUGH THE PRESENTATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00073-00025370-00025753 THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED PERCUSSION--PERCUSSION SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00074-00025753-00026120 AND THAT'S RHYTHM ACCOMPANIED USUALLY BY A DRUM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00075-00026120-00026453 AND I'LL, AS I SAID, BE GOING MORE INTO THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00076-00026453-00026653 THERE'S POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00077-00026850-00027053 LET'S SEE. WHERE IS THIS FOURTH ONE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00078-00027770-00027936 THERE'S STORYTELLING... DSAw2jEDZVA-00079-00028086-00028286 AND THERE'S HUMOR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00080-00028536-00028870 THESE ARE 5 PARTICULAR ART FORMS THAT I HAVE SEEN EVIDENCED DSAw2jEDZVA-00081-00028870-00029020 IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00082-00029020-00029220 AND TODAY THE FOCUS OF MY TALK WILL BE SPECIFICALLY DSAw2jEDZVA-00083-00029220-00029553 ON CREATIVE ARTS AND POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00084-00029553-00029806 I MAY MENTION THE OTHER 3 IN PASSING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00085-00029806-00030120 BUT, PREDOMINANTLY, MY TALK WILL BE ABOUT THOSE FIRST TWO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00086-00030633-00030886 I HAVE AN OVERHEAD, AND I'LL BE TALKING A LITTLE BIT DSAw2jEDZVA-00087-00030886-00031053 ABOUT EACH ONE OF THESE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00088-00031053-00031456 WHAT CREATIVE ARTS ACTUALLY MEANS AS AN OVERARCHING THEME-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00089-00031456-00031703 AND THEN GO DOWN THROUGH THE VARIOUS PARTS DSAw2jEDZVA-00090-00031703-00031886 THAT I WANT TO ADDRESS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00091-00032286-00032520 IS THIS CLEAR? CAN YOU SEE THIS OK? DSAw2jEDZVA-00092-00032753-00032886 TOO SMALL? DSAw2jEDZVA-00093-00032886-00033286 YEAH, IF I MOVE THE PROJECTOR BACK, WE CAN ENLARGE IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00094-00035770-00036020 HOW'S THAT? OK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00095-00036020-00036203 YOU CAN SEE BETTER? DSAw2jEDZVA-00096-00036203-00036426 WHAT'S THE QUESTION FROM UP THERE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00097-00036426-00036686 OH, THE QUESTION FROM THE AUDIENCE IS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00098-00036686-00036886 WILL I BE DISSEMINATING COPIES OF MY PRESENTATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00099-00036886-00037053 IN TERMS OF THE OVERHEAD? DSAw2jEDZVA-00100-00037053-00037386 I WASN'T PLANNING TO, BUT I CAN ASK SOMEBODY TO MAKE SOME COPIES DSAw2jEDZVA-00101-00037386-00037753 AND MAKE SURE THAT EVERYBODY GETS ONE IF THEY CARE TO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00102-00038470-00038703 NOW, PREDOMINANTLY, WE'RE LOOKING AT DSAw2jEDZVA-00103-00038703-00039270 PATTERNS OF HANDSHAPES-- 5s, 1s, DIFFERENT HANDSHAPES DSAw2jEDZVA-00104-00039270-00039470 WHEN WE TALK ABOUT THE CREATIVE ART FORM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00105-00039470-00039836 OH. YOU WERE HAVING TROUBLE SEEING ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00106-00039836-00040320 SO, FOR EXAMPLE, PATTERNS, LIKE ABC STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00107-00040320-00040620 YOU'RE FAMILIAR ABC STORIES, RIGHT? YOU'VE SEEN THOSE BEFORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00108-00040853-00041193 I COULD DO IT THIS WAY, LIKE AN AUTOPSY-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00109-00041193-00041686 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, DSAw2jEDZVA-00110-00041686-00042103 L, M, N, O, P, DSAw2jEDZVA-00111-00042103-00042536 Q, R, S, T, U, V, DSAw2jEDZVA-00112-00042536-00043010 W, X, Y, Z. DSAw2jEDZVA-00113-00043010-00043153 AND THAT DESCRIBED AN AUTOPSY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00114-00043153-00043363 A PERSON BEING PREPARED FOR BURIAL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00115-00043363-00043503 AND THEN THE FUNERAL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00116-00043503-00043703 NOW, I DID NOT CREATE THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00117-00043703-00044056 I ACTUALLY TOOK THAT FROM A KID IN A HIGH SCHOOL DSAw2jEDZVA-00118-00044056-00044200 WHO CREATED IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00119-00044200-00044603 I BORROWED IT FROM THAT PERSON BECAUSE IT EVIDENCED IT SO WELL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00120-00044603-00044830 BUT, ANYWAY, THAT GIVES YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT ABC STORIES DSAw2jEDZVA-00121-00044830-00045070 WOULD LOOK LIKE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00122-00045070-00045286 AND THEN THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED NUMBER STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00123-00045286-00045720 HERE'S ONE. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, DSAw2jEDZVA-00124-00045720-00045920 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. DSAw2jEDZVA-00125-00046153-00046620 THAT'S 1-11. AGAIN, YOU, LOOK AT ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00126-00046620-00046770 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, DSAw2jEDZVA-00127-00046770-00046953 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. DSAw2jEDZVA-00128-00047263-00047470 NOW, I KNOW IT'S REALLY FAST. DSAw2jEDZVA-00129-00047756-00047913 BUT I REMEMBER THIS ONE REALLY WELL DSAw2jEDZVA-00130-00047913-00048220 BECAUSE I WAS INTRODUCED TO IT WHEN I WAS PRETTY YOUNG. DSAw2jEDZVA-00131-00048220-00048503 LET'S SEE. I THINK I WAS AT JUNIOR NAD-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00132-00048503-00048720 THE JUNIOR NAD CONFERENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00133-00048720-00049020 AND I WAS JUST SO YOUNG AND GREEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00134-00049020-00049336 AND I RAN INTO THIS GROUP OF OLDER DEAF KIDS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00135-00049336-00049486 WHO WERE JUST SORT OF ALL THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00136-00049486-00049926 AND I WALK IN, AND ONE OF THEM SAYS, "HEY, LOOK AT ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00137-00049926-00050053 "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, DSAw2jEDZVA-00138-00050053-00050183 7, 8, 9, 10, 11." DSAw2jEDZVA-00139-00050183-00050370 AND, OF COURSE, I DIDN'T GET IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00140-00050370-00050653 I HAD NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00141-00050653-00050903 AND I SAID, "HEY." AND THEY DID IT AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00142-00050903-00051103 AND THEY DID THIS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN DSAw2jEDZVA-00143-00051103-00051266 UNTIL I FINALLY GOT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00144-00051266-00051520 AND I REALIZED, "OH, THIS WHOLE THING IS THE NUMBERS 1-11, DSAw2jEDZVA-00145-00051520-00051716 BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THEY'RE CALLING ME ON THE CARPET DSAw2jEDZVA-00146-00051716-00051920 ABOUT SOMETHING, BUT I NEVER FORGOT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00147-00052240-00052453 NOW, THERE ARE SOME CREATIVE ART FORMS IN ASL DSAw2jEDZVA-00148-00052453-00052636 USING JUST ONE HANDSHAPE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00149-00052636-00052903 LET'S SEE HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00150-00052903-00053336 YES. LIKE, M.J. BIENVENU-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00151-00053336-00053553 SHE HAD A STORY ON A TAPE THAT I SAW, DSAw2jEDZVA-00152-00053553-00053763 AND I THOUGHT IT WAS A PERFECT EXAMPLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00153-00053763-00054110 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DRESSED VERY ELEGANTLY, TALKING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00154-00054110-00054270 AND THEN THEY LOOK UP. DSAw2jEDZVA-00155-00054270-00054576 THERE'S A FIRE. EVERYBODY TRIES TO GET OUT IN A MAD DASH, DSAw2jEDZVA-00156-00054576-00054736 AND THEY ALL, UNFORTUNATELY, DIED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00157-00054736-00054936 THAT WAS ALL IN 5 HANDSHAPE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00158-00054936-00055443 "MAN," "WOMAN," "CLOTHES," "FANCY," "TALKING," "MINGLING," DSAw2jEDZVA-00159-00055443-00055636 "LOOKING UP," "SEEING A FIRE," DSAw2jEDZVA-00160-00055636-00055786 "EVERYBODY SCRAMBLING TO GET OUT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00161-00055786-00055929 "BUT, UNFORTUNATELY, THEY TRAMPLE EACH OTHER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00162-00055929-00056070 AND THEY ALL DIE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00163-00056070-00056320 ONE HANDSHAPE THROUGHOUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00164-00056803-00057223 AND THEN THERE ARE WORD STORIES OR WORD UTTERANCES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00165-00057223-00057470 AND YOU'VE SEEN THESE AROUND. YOU'VE SEEN "GOLF," DSAw2jEDZVA-00166-00057470-00057783 THAT'S THE MOST FAMOUS ONE. "G" WITH AN "O," L-F. DSAw2jEDZVA-00167-00057783-00057976 "G" IS THE TEE, "O" IS THE BALL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00168-00057976-00058270 "L" IS THE CLUB, AND "F" IS WHEN THE BALL IS HIT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00169-00058270-00058473 "G-O-L-F." DSAw2jEDZVA-00170-00058473-00058629 THE BALL GOES INTO THE DISTANCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00171-00058629-00058986 OR SOMEBODY IN THE AUDIENCE IS SAYING SOMETHING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00172-00058986-00059153 OH. THEY HAVE AN EVEN CLEARER VERSION OF IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00173-00059153-00059306 OK, I LIKE YOUR VERSION BETTER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00174-00059306-00059470 YOU MAKE THE "G" LIKE THIS. THIS IS THE TEE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00175-00059470-00059726 THE "O" GOES ON TOP OF IT. RIGHT, RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00176-00059726-00060116 "G-O-L-F." "GOLF." DSAw2jEDZVA-00177-00060116-00060546 WHAT'S THE OTHER ONE? OH, THERE'S "LEAF." DSAw2jEDZVA-00178-00060546-00060836 HERE'S THE TREE, AND THEN "L." WAIT. HOW DOES IT GO? DSAw2jEDZVA-00179-00060836-00061320 "L-E-A-F." THE LEAF LANDS ON THE GROUND. L-E-A-F FOR "LEAF." DSAw2jEDZVA-00180-00061320-00061476 AND THEN THERE'S "WATERFALL." DSAw2jEDZVA-00181-00061476-00061620 THERE'S ALL SORTS OF THEM. THAT'S RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00182-00061620-00061903 THERE'S "REFLECTION," WHERE BOTH HANDS SPELL "REFLECTION," DSAw2jEDZVA-00183-00061903-00062056 AS IF ONE'S A REFLECTION OF THE OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00184-00062056-00062236 LOTS OF VARIATIONS ON THE THEME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00185-00062236-00062436 COFFEE. C-O... DSAw2jEDZVA-00186-00062436-00062720 I DON'T EVEN THINK I CAN EVEN DO THIS ONE. I FORGOT HOW TO DO IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00187-00062720-00063096 RIGHT. "C-O-F-F-E-E." DSAw2jEDZVA-00188-00063096-00063353 RIGHT. SOMETHING LIKE THAT. "COFFEE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00189-00063353-00063736 SO YOU CAN SEE THAT KIND OF WORDPLAY GOING ON. DSAw2jEDZVA-00190-00063736-00064286 THEN THERE'S FINGERSPELLED NAME STORIES OR JOKES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00191-00064286-00064470 LIKE MY NAME, VALLI. V-A-L-L-I. DSAw2jEDZVA-00192-00064470-00064753 I LOOKED DOWN, I GOT AN "A" ON AN EXAM. WOW! I'M ALL THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00193-00064753-00064903 I'M PRETTY HAPPY ABOUT THAT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00194-00064903-00065743 AND THEN I GO, "AH! IT'S ALL ABOUT ME." V-A-L-L-I. "VALLI." DSAw2jEDZVA-00195-00065743-00065986 SO YOU LOOK AT THE PERSON. DSAw2jEDZVA-00196-00065986-00066260 AND YOU TRY TO EVOKE SOME SORT OF PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC DSAw2jEDZVA-00197-00066260-00066503 ABOUT THEM BY TAKING THE LETTERS OF THEIR NAME-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00198-00066503-00066696 FIRST OR LAST NAME-- AND THEN CREATING DSAw2jEDZVA-00199-00066696-00066936 SORT OF A SIGN LANGUAGE PLAY ABOUT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00200-00067086-00067236 IT CAN EITHER BE SOMETHING COMPLIMENTARY DSAw2jEDZVA-00201-00067236-00067503 OR SOMETHING MORE CRITICAL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00202-00067503-00067653 [CHUCKLES] DSAw2jEDZVA-00203-00067653-00067870 SO YOU GET THE IDEA. THAT'S CREATIVE ARTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00204-00067870-00068123 AND ALL OF THE FOCUS IS ON THE HANDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00205-00068123-00068353 AND, OF COURSE, BODY LANGUAGE AND FACIAL EXPRESSION DSAw2jEDZVA-00206-00068353-00068660 IS IMPORTANT, BUT THE REAL ARTISTRY IS TAKING PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-00207-00068660-00069020 ON THE HANDS THEMSELVES AND THE SIGNS THAT ARE CHOSEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00208-00069836-00069986 NOW, YOU'RE PROBABLY FAMILIAR DSAw2jEDZVA-00209-00069986-00070286 WITH THE IDEA OF DEAF SONGS OR DEAF CHANTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00210-00070286-00070570 DEAF SONG--SONGS AND DEAFNESS DSAw2jEDZVA-00211-00070570-00070736 DON'T NECESSARILY SEEM TO GO TOGETHER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00212-00070736-00070873 AND THAT'S UP FOR DISCUSSION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00213-00070873-00070993 BUT I'VE GONE TO WORKSHOPS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00214-00070993-00071236 AND THERE WAS ONE PERSON WHO SUGGESTED DSAw2jEDZVA-00215-00071236-00071680 THE IDEA OF PERCUSSION, MEANING THAT THERE'S A FORCED BEAT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00216-00071680-00072026 THERE'S A SOUND THAT'S ACCOMPANYING THE SIGNS DSAw2jEDZVA-00217-00072026-00072230 AT THE SAME TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00218-00072230-00072403 AND I LIKE THAT WORD "PERCUSSION." DSAw2jEDZVA-00219-00072403-00072586 I THINK IT'S VERY STRONG, AND IT MAKES SENSE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00220-00072586-00072743 THERE CAN BE DIFFERENT SORTS OF DRUMS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00221-00072743-00073020 WHATEVER CONFIGURATION OF DRUMMING YOU MAY BE USING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00222-00073020-00073283 AND YOU FEEL THAT RESONANCE IN YOUR STERNUM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00223-00073283-00073536 YOU FEEL THAT AT THE SAME TIME THAT THE SIGNS ARE BEING DSAw2jEDZVA-00224-00073536-00073753 BALLISTICALLY PRODUCED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00225-00073753-00073986 IT WAS REALLY POPULAR BACK IN THE DAY AT GALLAUDET. DSAw2jEDZVA-00226-00073986-00074236 YOU MIGHT BE FAMILIAR WITH THE BISON CHEER DSAw2jEDZVA-00227-00074236-00074453 OR THE BISON CHANT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00228-00074453-00074803 AND I WAS NEVER ANY GOOD AT IT. I DON'T KNOW IT VERY WELL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00229-00074803-00075000 BUT I'VE SEEN IT. I'VE SEEN PEOPLE DO IT REALLY WELL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00230-00075000-00075170 BISON, BISON. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00231-00075170-00075436 SOMETHING LIKE THAT BUT WITH A DRUM ACCOMPANYING DSAw2jEDZVA-00232-00075436-00075603 AT THE SAME TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00233-00075603-00075820 AND IT'S WONDERFUL, REALLY. YOU CAN FEEL IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00234-00075820-00075960 IT'S VERY EXCITING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00235-00075960-00076103 YOU FEEL THE BOOM-BOOM, AND IT DSAw2jEDZVA-00236-00076103-00076270 RESONATES THROUGH YOUR WHOLE BEING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00237-00076270-00076616 IT SEEMS LIKE THERE ARE OCCASIONAL RECURRENCES DSAw2jEDZVA-00238-00076616-00076843 AND RESURGENCES OF THAT ART FORM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00239-00076843-00077153 BUT I HOPE THAT IT HAS A REJUVENATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00240-00077153-00077320 OF THAT TECHNIQUE BECAUSE I THINK THERE'S DSAw2jEDZVA-00241-00077320-00077550 A LOT OF VARIATIONS YOU CAN DO WITH IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00242-00077550-00077970 AND I DO SEE THAT BEGINNING TO PROLIFERATE AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00243-00077970-00078703 NOW, IN CANADA, THERE'S A WOMAN NAMED ANGELA STRATIY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00244-00079153-00079330 I'VE SEEN HER WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00245-00079330-00079636 I'LL TRY TO COPY A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00246-00079636-00080353 SHE WAS SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT-- LET'S SEE--HAIL THE FLAG. DSAw2jEDZVA-00247-00080353-00080533 AND IT GOES ALONG WITH THE DRUM, REMEMBER? DSAw2jEDZVA-00248-00080533-00080786 SO "HAIL THE FLAG, DSAw2jEDZVA-00249-00080786-00081016 COLORS OF WHITE AND RED," DSAw2jEDZVA-00250-00081016-00081286 AND THERE'S CLAPPING IN BETWEEN ALONG WITH THE BEAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00251-00081286-00081720 "IF YOU'RE DEAF AND YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED..." DSAw2jEDZVA-00252-00081720-00082016 FRUSTRATED, FRUSTRATED, I THINK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00253-00082016-00082370 "OPPRESSED, OPPRESSED, PUT DOWN, PUT DOWN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00254-00082370-00082580 TAKE HEART. BE BRAVE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00255-00082580-00082803 WHAT IS IT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00256-00082803-00083146 "FIGHT, FIGHT. COOPERATE, COOPERATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00257-00083146-00083336 COOPERATION, COOPERATION." DSAw2jEDZVA-00258-00083336-00083603 I THINK THAT'S IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00259-00083603-00083886 "FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE LAND... DSAw2jEDZVA-00260-00083886-00084270 WE LOOKED TO EACH OTHER AND KNOW THAT DEAF CAN." DSAw2jEDZVA-00261-00084270-00084520 SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I KNOW THAT WAS A LITTLE AWKWARD, DSAw2jEDZVA-00262-00084520-00084820 BUT ALONG WITH A DRUMBEAT, IT IS WONDERFUL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00263-00084820-00085020 AND THE SIGNS ARE PRODUCED IN DIFFERENT WAYS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00264-00085020-00085360 YOU KNOW, IF YOU WERE GONNA SAY "COOPERATION," YOU WOULD SIGN IT DSAw2jEDZVA-00265-00085360-00085536 LIKE THIS IN JUST EVERYDAY PARLANCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00266-00085536-00085743 BUT THERE IS A SWINGING MOVEMENT TO IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00267-00085743-00085906 IT CHANGES THE MOVEMENT OF THE SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00268-00085906-00086163 WHEN IT GOES ALONG WITH A DRUMBEAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00269-00086163-00086470 OR THE IDEA OF OPPRESSION OF BEING PUT DOWN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00270-00086470-00086653 THE REGULAR FORM WOULD JUST BE DSAw2jEDZVA-00271-00086653-00086800 THIS "RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR BODY" WAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00272-00086800-00086940 BUT THIS MAKES YOU LEAN BACK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00273-00086940-00087290 AND IT'S ALWAYS IN A COUNT OF THREE--1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. DSAw2jEDZVA-00274-00087290-00087553 AND SO THE BEAT ACTUALLY PUSHES THE SIGNS DSAw2jEDZVA-00275-00087553-00087753 IN A PARTICULAR DIRECTION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00276-00087753-00088136 AND I THINK THAT IT'S REALLY A DIFFERENT FORM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00277-00088136-00088353 A DIFFERENT WAY OF DOING IT THAT'S QUITE EXCITING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00278-00089053-00089710 NOW, RHYTHM AND METER--1, 2, 1, 2, 3 WITH A DRUM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00279-00089710-00089943 IT CAN BE TWO BEATS, IT CAN BE THREE BEATS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00280-00089943-00090296 OR SOMETIMES IT CAN ALTERNATE. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3. OR 1. DSAw2jEDZVA-00281-00090296-00090653 THERE'S LOTS OF DIFFERENT WAYS TO DO IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00282-00090653-00090903 AND THEN THERE'S THE MOVEMENTS OF THE SIGNS THEMSELVES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00283-00090903-00091113 LIKE I SAID, THE SIGN "COOPERATION" DSAw2jEDZVA-00284-00091113-00091293 CHANGED TO A SWINGING KIND OF MOVEMENT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00285-00091293-00091633 IT WAS NOT PRODUCED IN THE REGULAR PROSAIC WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00286-00091633-00091876 SOMETIMES THE AUDIENCE CLAPS ALONG, DSAw2jEDZVA-00287-00091876-00092170 SO THEY FEEL PART OF IT, AND THEY ACCOMPANY THE SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00288-00092170-00092353 SOMETIMES THE AUDIENCE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00289-00092353-00092553 THEY'RE JUST SUPPOSED TO FEEL IT AND WATCH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00290-00092553-00092770 SO IT'S INTERESTING. THERE ARE DIFFERENT ELEMENTS IN THAT DSAw2jEDZVA-00291-00092770-00092920 IN THIS PARTICULAR ART FORM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00292-00092920-00093296 BUT IT'S NOT SOMETHING THAT I HAVE LOOKED AT IN DEPTH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00293-00093296-00093636 I'M JUST BEGINNING MY RESEARCH INTO THAT PARTICULAR AREA. DSAw2jEDZVA-00294-00094620-00094876 NOW, THE DEAF COMMUNITY IS QUITE FAMOUS DSAw2jEDZVA-00295-00094876-00095070 FOR ITS STORYTELLING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00296-00095070-00095320 AND I'VE SEEN FOUR DIFFERENT SORTS OF STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00297-00095320-00095486 THERE'S PERSONAL NARRATIVES, PERSONAL EXPERIENCES DSAw2jEDZVA-00298-00095486-00095640 THAT PEOPLE TELL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00299-00095640-00095870 AND THEY ARE SO ARTFUL IN THE TELLING SOMETIMES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00300-00095870-00096053 PEOPLE ARE SO GOOD AT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00301-00096053-00096216 SOMEBODY WOULD BE TELLING A STORY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00302-00096216-00096503 AND, OF COURSE, WITH REPETITION OVER AND OVER AGAIN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00303-00096503-00096873 THEY AUGMENT IT, AND THEY EXAGGERATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00304-00096873-00097150 AND THEN YOU'RE REALLY ABLE TO SEE THE ART INSIDE DSAw2jEDZVA-00305-00097150-00097400 AS IT GROWS AS A PERSON TELLS IT MORE AND MORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00306-00097400-00097570 IT CAN BE ABOUT THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES DSAw2jEDZVA-00307-00097570-00097730 THAT THEY'RE RECOUNTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00308-00097730-00098133 THEN THERE ARE WRITTEN STORIES THAT A PERSON PERFORMS DSAw2jEDZVA-00309-00098133-00098336 ALMOST THE SAME AS WHEN THEY WERE WRITTEN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00310-00098336-00098656 JUST EXACTLY THE SAME FROM A WRITTEN STORY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00311-00098656-00098820 SOMEBODY IN THE AUDIENCE IS JUMPING AHEAD, SAYING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00312-00098820-00099136 "YOU MEAN TRANSLATION?" NOPE. THAT'S THE NEXT CATEGORY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00313-00099136-00099493 THEN THERE ARE TRANSLATIONS-- TRANSLATIONS OF STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00314-00099493-00099856 AND BY THAT, I MEAN--WELL, A GOOD EXAMPLE IS DSAw2jEDZVA-00315-00099856-00100016 "THE THREE LITTLE PIGS." DSAw2jEDZVA-00316-00100016-00100200 YOU KNOW, IN THAT STORY, THE WOLF DSAw2jEDZVA-00317-00100200-00100353 KNOCKS ON THE DOOR OF THE PIG. DSAw2jEDZVA-00318-00100353-00100503 THAT'S HOW IT'S WRITTEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00319-00100503-00100703 BUT IF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT A DEAF STORY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00320-00100703-00100853 YOU WOULD HAVE SOMEBODY RING THE BELL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00321-00100853-00101003 AND A LIGHT WOULD FLASH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00322-00101003-00101203 SO YOU COULD RETELL THE STORY SO THAT IT FITS BETTER DSAw2jEDZVA-00323-00101203-00101353 FOR DEAF AUDIENCES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00324-00101353-00101540 YOU COULD HAVE TTYs, FLASHING LIGHTS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00325-00101540-00101870 BEHAVIORS AND SENSIBILITIES THAT DEAF PEOPLE WOULD EXHIBIT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00326-00101870-00102120 SO YOU'RE ADAPTING THE STORY AND TRANSLATING IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00327-00102120-00102283 AND THEN THERE ARE ORIGINAL STORIES THAT ARE CREATED DSAw2jEDZVA-00328-00102283-00102713 BY THE STORYTELLERS THEMSELVES THAT ARE ORIGINAL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00329-00102713-00103203 DO YOU KNOW THE STORY OF EYETH? YOU FAMILIAR WITH "EYETH"? DSAw2jEDZVA-00330-00103203-00103470 THAT'S ONE THAT WAS CREATED BY SAM SUPALLA. DSAw2jEDZVA-00331-00103763-00103940 THAT WASN'T FROM SOMEBODY ELSE'S PEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00332-00103940-00104220 HE CREATED THAT ONE, AND HE'LL BE PERFORMING THAT-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00333-00104220-00104406 I THINK HE'S PERFORMING TONIGHT, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00334-00104406-00104936 SO MAYBE HE'LL GIVE A SHOW AND...MAYBE HE'LL PERFORM DSAw2jEDZVA-00335-00104936-00105253 "EYETH" FOR YOU TONIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00336-00105253-00105456 I'VE ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF LOOKING AT STORYTELLING DSAw2jEDZVA-00337-00105456-00105606 IN A MORE IN-DEPTH WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00338-00105606-00105753 THAT'S MORE SAM'S FIELD. DSAw2jEDZVA-00339-00105753-00105903 HE IS THE STORYTELLING GUY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00340-00105903-00106203 THAT'S THE FIELD THAT HE'S MOST INVOLVED WITH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00341-00106986-00107250 NOW FOR MY RESEARCH INTO POETRY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00342-00107250-00107553 AND I HAVE SEVERAL ELEMENTS THAT I'VE FOUND, DSAw2jEDZVA-00343-00107553-00107820 THAT I'D LIKE TO TALK ABOUT FROM WORKSHOPS I'VE BEEN IN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00344-00107820-00108053 THINGS I'VE BEEN EXPOSED TO FROM OTHER PEOPLE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00345-00108053-00108236 AND IDEAS THAT I'VE GATHERED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00346-00108236-00108683 NOW, POETRY DOES HAVE RHYME WITHIN IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00347-00108683-00108943 THERE'S REPETITION OF HANDSHAPES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00348-00108943-00109253 AND THAT CREATES RHYME IN ASL POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00349-00109520-00109690 NOW, I PERFORMED LAST NIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00350-00109690-00109893 AND YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED WHEN I DID "DANDELION" DSAw2jEDZVA-00351-00109893-00110153 THAT I USED THIS HANDSHAPE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DSAw2jEDZVA-00352-00110153-00110453 TO SHOW THE MAN AND ALSO THE DANDELION PUFF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00353-00110453-00110606 I USED IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00354-00110606-00110886 AND THAT ACTUALLY CREATED AN INTERNAL RHYME SCHEME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00355-00111390-00111916 AND THEN THERE'S CYCLES, OR DIFFERENT MOVEMENTS THAT RECUR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00356-00111916-00112103 YOU CAN LOOK AT THE MOVEMENT ITSELF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00357-00112103-00112330 AND THAT CREATES A SORT OF A RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00358-00112330-00112666 LIKE, ELLA MAE LENTZ'S POEM THAT SHE'S SHOWN BEFORE DSAw2jEDZVA-00359-00112666-00112970 WHERE THERE'S "TIME," "CONTINUE," DSAw2jEDZVA-00360-00112970-00113350 "CYCLES," "CIRCLES," "ORBITS," "ROTATIONS." DSAw2jEDZVA-00361-00113350-00113893 SO THE REPETITIVE MOTION OF THE CIRCLE CREATED A RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00362-00113893-00114203 REPEATING FACIAL EXPRESSIONS OVER AND OVER CAN ALSO CREATE DSAw2jEDZVA-00363-00114203-00114370 A CERTAIN KIND OF RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00364-00114370-00114703 AND ALSO REPEATING CERTAIN PLACEMENTS IN SPACE DSAw2jEDZVA-00365-00114703-00114853 CAN CREATE RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00366-00114853-00115120 SO THERE ARE SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS THAT ASL POETRY EXHIBITS DSAw2jEDZVA-00367-00115120-00115770 THE COROLLARY TO SPOKEN LANGUAGE RHYME BUT IN ASL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00368-00116620-00116909 NOW, ONE THING THAT YOU MIGHT CHANGE, TOO, IS THE WAY DSAw2jEDZVA-00369-00116909-00117143 YOU PRODUCE A SIGN IN SPACE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00370-00117143-00117293 I WAS SIGNING MY POEM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00371-00117293-00117456 AND THE SIGN "GRASS" GOES UP ON YOUR CHIN, ACTUALLY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00372-00117456-00117606 BUT I DIDN'T LIKE THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00373-00117606-00117800 I DIDN'T FEEL THAT IT FIT THE POEM TO HAVE DSAw2jEDZVA-00374-00117800-00117986 THE SIGN "GRASS" SO CLOSE TO MY FACE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00375-00117986-00118170 SO I CREATED A SIGN FOR "GRASS" DSAw2jEDZVA-00376-00118170-00118336 THAT WAS MORE CENTRAL TO MY BODY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00377-00118336-00118630 AND THAT'S A CHOICE A POET CAN MAKE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00378-00118630-00118920 NOW, IF I WAS GONNA SHOW "BLOWING A DANDELION," DSAw2jEDZVA-00379-00118920-00119120 IT WOULD SHOW PICKING IT AND BLOWING IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00380-00119120-00119320 BUT I DIDN'T FEEL THAT THAT WAS DRAMATIC ENOUGH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00381-00119320-00119563 SO I CREATED ANOTHER SIGN TO SHOW DSAw2jEDZVA-00382-00119563-00119830 THAT PUFF OF DANDELION SEEDLINGS DSAw2jEDZVA-00383-00119830-00119986 AT THE TIP OF THE STEM OF MY HAND. DSAw2jEDZVA-00384-00119986-00120230 SO YOU WILL MAKE THESE SORTS OF DETERMINATIONS DSAw2jEDZVA-00385-00120230-00120650 AND CREATIVE CHOICES DEPENDING ON THE FLOW OF YOUR POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00386-00120650-00120886 CLASSIFIERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00387-00120886-00121036 PRETTY MUCH, EVERYBODY'S FAMILIAR DSAw2jEDZVA-00388-00121036-00121200 WITH THE IDEA OF CLASSIFIERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00389-00121200-00121453 AND POETRY RELIES QUITE HEAVILY ON THEM DSAw2jEDZVA-00390-00121453-00121670 TO A GREATER OR LESSER EXTENT DEPENDING ON THE POEM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00391-00121670-00122013 OF COURSE, BUT CLASSIFIERS ARE A PRETTY INTEGRAL PART DSAw2jEDZVA-00392-00122013-00122186 OF MOST ASL POEMS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00393-00122370-00122703 TRANSFORMATIONS OF ONE SIGN TO ANOTHER ONE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00394-00122703-00122943 IF YOU'VE SEEN THE POEM BY DEBBIE RENNIE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00395-00122943-00123186 SHE HAS A QUITE FAMOUS POEM THAT SHE PERFORMS DSAw2jEDZVA-00396-00123186-00123530 WHERE SHE THROWS A CARD INTO THE AIR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00397-00123530-00123783 AND AS IT SLOWLY FALLS TO THE GROUND, DSAw2jEDZVA-00398-00123783-00123986 WHEN IT REACHES THE GROUND, IT TURNS OVER DSAw2jEDZVA-00399-00123986-00124233 AND BECOMES THE SIGN "DEATH." DSAw2jEDZVA-00400-00124233-00124463 SO THE CLASSIFIER "B" IS A CARD, DSAw2jEDZVA-00401-00124463-00124806 AND THEN AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MOVEMENT, IT TURNS OVER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00402-00124806-00125270 WHICH CREATES THE SIGN "TO DIE," OR "DEATH," WHICH IS AMAZING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00403-00125270-00125676 IT'S THE SAME SIGN, BUT IT CREATES TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00404-00125676-00126043 AS IT FLOWS THROUGH SPACE, IT TRANSFORMS INTO A DIFFERENT SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00405-00126043-00126420 AND THEREFORE A DIFFERENT FEELING FOR THE POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00406-00126643-00127086 NOW, MARKEDNESS. THAT MEANS THAT YOU NOTICE SOMETHING DSAw2jEDZVA-00407-00127086-00127336 THAT JUST SEEMS A LITTLE STRANGE AND OUT OF THE ORDINARY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00408-00127336-00127626 SOMETHING YOU WOULDN'T SEE IN EVERYDAY PARLANCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00409-00127626-00128150 IF SOMETHING'S MARKED, IT'S UNCOMMON THE WAY IT'S PRODUCED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00410-00128150-00128320 SO THE HANDSHAPE I SHOWED YOU BEFORE DSAw2jEDZVA-00411-00128320-00128596 WITH A STEM WITH A DANDELION SEED POD ON TOP OF IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00412-00128596-00128776 THAT'S NOT A NORMAL SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00413-00128776-00129306 IT'S A MARKED SIGN, A MARKEDLY DIFFERENT SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00414-00129306-00129713 PATRICK GRAYBILL WAS DOING HIS POEM "REFLECTION" THE OTHER DAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00415-00129713-00129963 "5, 4, 3, 2, 1," DSAw2jEDZVA-00416-00129963-00130123 AND THEN THE SMOKE FROM THE ROCKET DSAw2jEDZVA-00417-00130123-00130286 AS IT CLEARS THE LAUNCH PAD. DSAw2jEDZVA-00418-00130286-00130570 THEN WHAT WAS IT? HE WAS LOOKING BACK IN TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00419-00130570-00130880 AND THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF THE PRESIDENT BLEW OFF DSAw2jEDZVA-00420-00130880-00131236 AND CREATED THIS HANDSHAPE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00421-00131236-00131600 SO HE TOOK A HANDSHAPE, PUT IT BEHIND HIS HEAD, DSAw2jEDZVA-00422-00131600-00131870 AND IT WAS MARKED IN A WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00423-00131870-00132020 IT WAS SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00424-00132020-00132483 IT BROKE THE NORMAL RULES OF PRODUCTION AND MOVEMENT DSAw2jEDZVA-00425-00132483-00132720 AND DRAWS ATTENTION TO ITSELF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00426-00132720-00132956 EYE GAZE WOULD REFER TO WHERE YOUR EYES GO DSAw2jEDZVA-00427-00132956-00133163 WHEN YOU'RE PERFORMING THE POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00428-00133163-00133303 WITH STORYTELLING, YOU CAN EITHER LOOK DIRECTLY DSAw2jEDZVA-00429-00133303-00133453 AT THE AUDIENCE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00430-00133453-00133746 OR YOU WOULD LOOK AROUND YOU WITHIN THE WORLD OF THE POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00431-00133746-00133916 AND IT CAN GO EITHER WAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00432-00133916-00134153 EITHER ENGAGING THE AUDIENCE, LOOKING STRAIGHT OUT AT THEM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00433-00134153-00134420 OR BEING COMPLETELY SUBSUMED WITHIN THE WORLD OF THE POEM DSAw2jEDZVA-00434-00134420-00134586 THAT YOU'RE PERFORMING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00435-00134586-00134783 IT JUST DEPENDS ON WHAT SORT OF THING YOU'RE PERFORMING DSAw2jEDZVA-00436-00134783-00134970 AT THE TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00437-00135586-00136013 THERE'S ALSO PERSONIFICATION-- TAKING ON THE CHARACTER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00438-00136013-00136363 SUCH AS BECOMING THE FLOWER IN THE POEM I PERFORMED LAST NIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00439-00136363-00136550 I TOOK ON THE FLOWER'S CHARACTER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00440-00136550-00136770 I DIDN'T SHOW IT APART FROM MYSELF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00441-00136770-00137086 I PERSONIFIED IT AS IF THE FLOWER WAS A HUMAN DSAw2jEDZVA-00442-00137086-00137330 OR THE HUMAN WAS A FLOWER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00443-00137330-00137590 LIKE THE TEDDY BEAR POEM, WHEN I BECAME THE TEDDY BEAR DSAw2jEDZVA-00444-00137590-00137786 AND SAID, "I'M SORRY." DSAw2jEDZVA-00445-00137786-00138170 IT'S AN INANIMATE OBJECT THAT BECOMES HUMAN. IT'S PERSONIFIED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00446-00139270-00139886 THERE'S ALSO THE IDEA TO ADDRESS A LITERAL VERSUS FIGURATIVE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00447-00139886-00140240 NOW, LITERAL IS WHEN SOMETHING IS OVERT OR REALLY HAPPENING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00448-00140240-00140440 AND FIGURATIVE IS SOME SORT OF SYMBOLIC MEANING DSAw2jEDZVA-00449-00140440-00140636 THAT UNDERLIES IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00450-00140936-00141086 LITERAL. IT MEANS SOMETHING THAT'S REALLY HAPPENING DSAw2jEDZVA-00451-00141086-00141253 IN REAL LIFE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00452-00141253-00141653 FIGURATIVE IS JUST A PARTICULAR CONSTRUCT DSAw2jEDZVA-00453-00141653-00141903 THAT'S OPPOSITE OF LITERAL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00454-00141903-00142173 AND IT'S USED FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00455-00142173-00142490 ALMOST LIKE METAPHOR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00456-00142490-00142753 YOU SEE SOMETHING ON THE OUTSIDE OF SOMETHING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00457-00142753-00143003 BUT WHAT'S HIDDEN BEHIND IT COULD BE THE FIGURATIVE MEANING DSAw2jEDZVA-00458-00143003-00143176 THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO GET ACROSS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00459-00143176-00143460 AND SYMBOLISM, OF COURSE, IS QUITE IMPORTANT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00460-00143460-00143836 THE SUN REPRESENTS THE FATHER IN THE "SNOWFLAKE" POEM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00461-00143836-00144200 AND THE SNOWFLAKE REPRESENTED THE CHILD IN THAT POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00462-00144200-00144503 AND SO TOGETHER WHEN YOU PRESENT BOTH OF THOSE ELEMENTS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00463-00144503-00144786 YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE UNDERLYING MEANING IS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00464-00145093-00145386 THEN THERE'S THE USE OF IRONY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00465-00145610-00146003 REMEMBER IN THAT POEM, WHEN THE SNOWFLAKE LANDS DSAw2jEDZVA-00466-00146003-00146186 ON TOP OF THE REST OF THE SNOW, DSAw2jEDZVA-00467-00146186-00146386 IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A POSITIVE THING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00468-00146386-00146533 BUT MY FACE BELIES THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00469-00146533-00146720 OR WHEN THE FATHER SAYS, "ONE SENTENCE!" DSAw2jEDZVA-00470-00146720-00146866 HE SAID, "ONE SENTENCE!" DSAw2jEDZVA-00471-00146866-00147180 BUT MY FACIAL EXPRESSION, ALTHOUGH THE SIGNS LOOKED DSAw2jEDZVA-00472-00147180-00147470 LIKE IT WAS POSITIVE, I WAS SHOWING THAT THE OPPOSITE WAS DSAw2jEDZVA-00473-00147470-00147873 ACTUALLY TRUE, AND IT WAS IRONIC AND NOT SO GREAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00474-00148536-00148836 THERE'S ALSO THE IDEA OF FRAMING THAT I'D LIKE TO ADDRESS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00475-00148836-00149120 WHEN YOU LOOK AT A POEM-- A BEGINNING FRAME, DSAw2jEDZVA-00476-00149120-00149303 A MIDDLE FRAME, AND AN END FRAME-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00477-00149303-00149520 DIFFERENT SCENARIOS WITHIN IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00478-00149520-00149886 OR PERHAPS A WHOLE POEM CAN TAKE PLACE IN ONE FRAME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00479-00150060-00150263 PERHAPS THERE COULD BE 4 DIFFERENT FRAMES DSAw2jEDZVA-00480-00150263-00150566 IN SPACE AND TIME THAT YOU'RE PRESENTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00481-00150566-00150936 IT'S HOW YOU DIVIDE THE POEM UP INTO DIFFERENT SORTS OF SCENES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00482-00150936-00151170 SOMEBODY OVER IN THE AUDIENCE IS SAYING, FOR EXAMPLE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00483-00151170-00151370 "THE CAVE," MY POEM--"THE CAVE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00484-00151370-00151586 HOW MANY FRAMES DO YOU THINK THAT HAD? DSAw2jEDZVA-00485-00151586-00151853 THIS PERSON'S SAYING THAT "THE CAVE" TAKES PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-00486-00151853-00152010 IN JUST ONE FRAME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00487-00152243-00152500 SOMEBODY ELSE IS SAYING, "MAYBE, LIKE, 7 OR 8?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00488-00152500-00152736 SAYING, "THE WIRES, THE COCHLEAR IMPLANT?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00489-00152736-00153153 THAT BEARS SOME TIME FOR ANALYSIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00490-00153153-00153336 I DON'T REALLY HAVE TIME TO GO INTO IT RIGHT NOW, DSAw2jEDZVA-00491-00153336-00153470 BUT I'D HAVE TO REALLY LOOK AT IT AND DETERMINE DSAw2jEDZVA-00492-00153470-00153700 HOW MANY FRAMES ARE IN THAT POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00493-00153700-00153876 BUT THE IDEA OF FRAMING IS VERY IMPORTANT DSAw2jEDZVA-00494-00153876-00154036 WHEN YOU'RE COUNTING HOW MANY DIFFERENT SCENARIOS DSAw2jEDZVA-00495-00154036-00154220 ARE PRESENTED IN EACH POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00496-00154403-00154773 I ALSO HAVE NOTICED THAT MOST POETS--MOST ASL POETS-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00497-00154773-00155003 STAND IN ONE PLACE ROOTED TO THE SPOT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00498-00155003-00155436 NOW, THEY MAY CHANGE THEIR BODY ALIGNMENT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00499-00155436-00155836 THEY MAY WALK BACK AND FORTH JUST A LITTLE BIT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00500-00155836-00156120 BUT, PRIMARILY, THEY STAY IN ONE PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-00501-00156120-00156586 BECAUSE THE RHYTHM WOULD BE CONFOUNDED AND CONFUSED DSAw2jEDZVA-00502-00156586-00156813 BY SOMEBODY WALKING BACK AND FORTH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00503-00156813-00157070 IT'S HARD TO CATCH THE RHYTHM OF THE LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00504-00157070-00157296 WHEN THE BODY MOVEMENT IS SOMEHOW OVERLYING THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00505-00157296-00157483 AND WE NEED TO DISCUSS THIS MORE BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DSAw2jEDZVA-00506-00157483-00157653 DISAGREE WITH THIS PARTICULAR IDEA. DSAw2jEDZVA-00507-00157653-00157943 BUT I FIND THAT IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO STAY IN ONE PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-00508-00157943-00158220 TO PERFORM A POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00509-00158220-00158416 I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND DSAw2jEDZVA-00510-00158416-00158696 THAT THIS IS STILL VERY MUCH UP FOR DISCUSSION DSAw2jEDZVA-00511-00158696-00159186 AND HAS NOT BEEN AGREED UPON BY MOST PEOPLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00512-00159186-00159336 THERE'S A QUESTION OVER HERE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00513-00159533-00159876 I'M THINKING THAT STORYTELLING LENDS ITSELF MORE DSAw2jEDZVA-00514-00159876-00160130 TO PEOPLE WALKING BACK AND FORTH ON THE STAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00515-00160130-00160280 BECAUSE WHEN SOMEBODY'S PERFORMING DSAw2jEDZVA-00516-00160280-00160420 AND BEING MUCH MORE DRAMATIC, DSAw2jEDZVA-00517-00160420-00160546 THEY MIGHT TRAVEL A LITTLE BIT MORE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00518-00160546-00160686 BUT POEMS TEND TO STAY IN ONE PLACE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00519-00160686-00160956 SO THE ART FORMS DETERMINE THAT, I THINK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00520-00160956-00161180 YES, I WOULD AGREE. THAT'S TRUE FOR STORYTELLING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00521-00161180-00161353 PEOPLE SOMETIMES DO TRAVEL A LITTLE BIT MORE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00522-00161353-00161520 BUT SOMETIMES PEOPLE SIT ON THE EDGE OF A STAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00523-00161520-00161770 OR ON A CHAIR AND TELL A STORY AND DON'T MOVE AT ALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00524-00161770-00162170 POETRY--MOST PEOPLE TEND TO STAND, IT SEEMS TO ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00525-00162170-00162586 MOST SEEM TO STAY IN ONE PLACE FOR GREATER IMPACT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00526-00162586-00162753 I AGREE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00527-00163653-00163903 SO YOU GET THE IDEA OF WHAT I'M SEEING HERE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00528-00163903-00164146 I'M LOOKING AT ALL THE DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTS AND ELEMENTS DSAw2jEDZVA-00529-00164146-00164266 THAT I NOTICE IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY DSAw2jEDZVA-00530-00164266-00164636 IN TERMS OF CREATIVE ARTS AND POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00531-00166136-00166476 THESE ARE VARIOUS ART FORMS THAT I HAVE REMARKED UPON. DSAw2jEDZVA-00532-00166476-00166850 AND YOU CAN COMPARE THESE WITH REGULAR CONVERSATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00533-00166850-00167000 IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00534-00167000-00167160 AND YOU'LL NOTICE THAT THEY'RE QUITE DIFFERENT, OF COURSE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00535-00167160-00167306 IN CONVERSATION, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE DOING DSAw2jEDZVA-00536-00167306-00167493 ALL OF THESE DIFFERENT SORTS OF THINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00537-00167493-00167876 THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED CITATION FORM, CF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00538-00167876-00168270 AND YOU COULD SAY THAT'S A SIGN AS IT'S SHOWN DSAw2jEDZVA-00539-00168270-00168433 IN ITS DICTIONARY FORM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00540-00168433-00168563 IF YOU LOOK UP IN THE DICTIONARY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00541-00168563-00168886 YOU SEE THE SIGN "LOOK," L-O-O-K, DSAw2jEDZVA-00542-00168886-00169103 IT'LL SHOW YOU A PERSON LOOKING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00543-00169103-00169243 PERFORMING THAT SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00544-00169243-00169383 THAT'S THE CITATION FORM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00545-00169383-00169520 AND THERE'S ONLY ONE DSAw2jEDZVA-00546-00169520-00169956 WHEN, IN ACTUALITY, WE USE THAT SIGN AND WE PERFORM THAT SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00547-00169956-00170136 IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYS-- LOOKING UP AND DOWN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00548-00170136-00170286 LOOKING OUT IN SPACE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00549-00170286-00170476 MAKING TWO PEOPLE LOOK AT EACH OTHER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00550-00170476-00170883 ALL THE DIFFERENT PERMUTATIONS OF HOW YOU WOULD ACTUALLY SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00551-00170883-00171136 THE SIGN "LOOK." DSAw2jEDZVA-00552-00171136-00171453 BUT IN THE DICTIONARY, THERE'S JUST A FROZEN FORM OF HOW IT DSAw2jEDZVA-00553-00171453-00171770 SHOULD BE DONE ONE WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00554-00171770-00172336 IN PROSE, THERE'S DIFFERENT WAYS OF CREATING SIGNS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00555-00172336-00172486 AND THEN IN ART FORMS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00556-00172486-00172753 THERE'S YET ANOTHER WAY OF SHOWING SIGNS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00557-00172753-00173006 AND SO IT'S IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THERE ARE 3 DIFFERENT WAYS DSAw2jEDZVA-00558-00173006-00173303 TO PERFORM A SIGN, EVEN THOUGH THERE'S ONLY ONE CITATION FORM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00559-00173996-00174286 NOW, WHO ARE THE BEST ASL SIGNERS? DSAw2jEDZVA-00560-00174286-00174503 WE ALREADY KNOW IT'S KIDS WHO HAVE GROWN UP DSAw2jEDZVA-00561-00174503-00174653 WITH DEAF FAMILIES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00562-00174653-00174773 THEY'VE LEARNED FROM THEIR ELDERS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00563-00174773-00174936 THEY'VE LEARNED FROM PEER GROUPS DSAw2jEDZVA-00564-00174936-00175196 BY GOING TO THE SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF OR THE DEAF CLUBS DSAw2jEDZVA-00565-00175196-00175420 OR WHEREVER THEY MEET OTHER DEAF PEOPLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00566-00175420-00175800 AND THAT'S HOW THEY GROW THOSE PARTICULAR SKILLS DSAw2jEDZVA-00567-00175800-00176036 OF BEING ADEPT ASL SIGNERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00568-00176486-00176770 BUT I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE QUESTION, DSAw2jEDZVA-00569-00176770-00177160 WHO ARE THE SIGNERS WHO ARE EXTREMELY CREATIVE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00570-00177160-00177636 WHO I WOULD SAY ARE SIGN ATHLETES, IN A SENSE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00571-00177836-00178036 LIKE, MENTAL ATHLETES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00572-00178036-00178236 SO, YOU KNOW THAT WHEN SOMEBODY'S ATHLETIC DSAw2jEDZVA-00573-00178236-00178386 OR THEY'RE DESCRIBED AS ATHLETIC, DSAw2jEDZVA-00574-00178386-00178660 THAT MEANS THEY'RE REALLY ADEPT AT SPORTS--GOOD AT SOCCER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00575-00178660-00178953 VOLLEYBALL, TRACK, YOU KNOW, WORKING ON THE BODY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00576-00178953-00179403 BUT WHAT ABOUT THE COROLLARY OF THE MIND BEING ATHLETIC? DSAw2jEDZVA-00577-00179403-00179853 WHERE DO WE EXERCISE THOSE CREATIVE ASL TECHNIQUES DSAw2jEDZVA-00578-00179853-00180236 AND MAKE A MIND OR ASL ATHLETE MENTALLY? DSAw2jEDZVA-00579-00180236-00180593 WHERE ARE THE CREATIVE FORMS AND THE ARTS AND ARTISTRY? DSAw2jEDZVA-00580-00180593-00180736 GENERALLY, IT'S FOUND DSAw2jEDZVA-00581-00180736-00180970 IN THE DORMS OF THE SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF DSAw2jEDZVA-00582-00180970-00181170 OR THE DEAF CLUBS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00583-00181533-00181810 AND IN PUBLIC PERFORMANCES THAT PEOPLE PERFORM DSAw2jEDZVA-00584-00181810-00182113 AND WHERE PEOPLE CAN THEN SEE IT DEMONSTRATED FOR THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00585-00182113-00182270 BUT IN THE SCHOOLS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00586-00182270-00182636 THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE MUCH HAPPENING AT ALL TODAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00587-00182636-00182803 WHERE IS THAT HAPPENING? DSAw2jEDZVA-00588-00182803-00183053 I PROPOSE TO YOU THAT IT'S NOT HAPPENING AT ALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00589-00183053-00183436 IT IS OUT IN THE COMMUNITY, BUT IT'S NOT IN THE SCHOOLS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00590-00183436-00183813 AND THAT'S WHERE I INTEND TO FOCUS MY ENERGIES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00591-00183813-00184170 IS TO CREATE THAT MORE "IN THE SCHOOL" SETTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00592-00184520-00184756 THERE ARE SEVERAL REASONS WHY THERE'S A DEARTH OF THIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00593-00184756-00184956 SIGN LANGUAGE HAS BEEN PUSHED TO THE SIDE DSAw2jEDZVA-00594-00184956-00185086 IN FAVOR OF ORALISM-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00595-00185086-00185220 THE SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF DSAw2jEDZVA-00596-00185220-00185470 OR WHERE DEAF CHILDREN ARE BEING EDUCATED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00597-00185470-00185716 THE ARTIFICIAL SIGN SYSTEM, SUCH AS S.E.E. SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00598-00185716-00185993 OR OTHER THINGS LIKE THAT, THAT ARE CREATED DSAw2jEDZVA-00599-00185993-00186250 WHICH ARE STILL OUT AND ABOUT, HEALTHY AND WELL DSAw2jEDZVA-00600-00186250-00186403 IN THE SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00601-00186403-00186770 SOMETHING CALLED CONTACT SIGN SYSTEMS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00602-00186770-00187080 WHERE THE SCHOOL SOMETIMES TALKS, SOMETIMES SIGNS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00603-00187080-00187353 AND THEN BOTH OF THOSE LANGUAGES INFILTRATE EACH OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00604-00187353-00187553 THAT'S UBIQUITOUS AS WELL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00605-00187553-00187970 THERE ARE BILINGUAL SCHOOLS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00606-00187970-00188320 BUT THEY ARE VERY FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00607-00188320-00188753 NOW, WHAT THIS WOULD MEAN IS SOMETHING LIKE DSAw2jEDZVA-00608-00188753-00188986 YOU CAN SEE AT THE LEARNING CENTER IN BOSTON, DSAw2jEDZVA-00609-00188986-00189450 SOUTH OF BOSTON IN FRAMINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00610-00189450-00189686 THERE'S A PROGRAM THERE... DSAw2jEDZVA-00611-00189866-00190056 AND WHAT THEY DO WITH THAT APPROACH IS THEY DSAw2jEDZVA-00612-00190056-00190280 KEEP ENGLISH AND ASL QUITE SEPARATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00613-00190280-00190626 THE MOMENT YOU ENTER THAT SCHOOL, YOU TURN YOUR VOICE OFF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00614-00190626-00190880 AND ALL DAY LONG, VOICES ARE OFF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00615-00190880-00191186 AND IT'S ONLY ASL EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00616-00191186-00191336 EVEN IF TWO PEOPLE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00617-00191336-00191493 HEARING PEOPLE ARE ALONE IN A ROOM TOGETHER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00618-00191493-00191753 THEY'RE EXPECTED TO USE ASL WITHOUT THEIR VOICES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00619-00191753-00191966 AND IT'S QUITE AN INTERESTING APPROACH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00620-00191966-00192286 THE INDIANA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF IS NOW BEGINNING TO INITIATE DSAw2jEDZVA-00621-00192286-00192436 THAT AS WELL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00622-00192436-00192636 THE FREMONT SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF IS ALSO USING IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00623-00192636-00193103 SO IT SEEMS LIKE IT'S STARTING TO OCCUR HERE AND THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00624-00193103-00193376 MORE AND MORE SCHOOLS MAY BE USING IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00625-00193376-00193603 BUT I'M JUST NOT AWARE OF IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00626-00193603-00193753 THE KENDALL SCHOOL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00627-00193753-00193983 SOMEBODY SAID MSSD IS USING IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00628-00193983-00194196 THE OHIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF ALSO IS USING IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00629-00194196-00194386 SO IT SEEMS LIKE THAT APPROACH IS GAINING DSAw2jEDZVA-00630-00194386-00194536 A LITTLE BIT MORE TRACTION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00631-00194883-00195136 NATURAL SIGN LANGUAGE. WHERE'S THAT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00632-00195136-00195383 AND WHAT THAT MEANS IS THAT FROM A MOMENT A BABY DSAw2jEDZVA-00633-00195383-00195703 IS DETERMINED TO BE DEAF, THEY ARE SIGNED TO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00634-00195703-00196003 BUT THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN VERY MUCH. NOT YET. DSAw2jEDZVA-00635-00196003-00196313 AS WE KNOW, 90% OF DEAF KIDS ARE BORN TO HEARING FAMILIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00636-00196313-00196636 ONLY 10% HAVE DEAF FAMILIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00637-00196636-00196906 SO IF A HEARING COUPLE HAS A BABY DSAw2jEDZVA-00638-00196906-00197106 AND THEY DISCOVER IT'S DEAF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00639-00197106-00197290 THEY SPEND AN INORDINATE AMOUNT OF TIME TRYING TO FIGURE OUT DSAw2jEDZVA-00640-00197290-00197440 WHAT KIND OF PROGRAM TO PUT IT IN DSAw2jEDZVA-00641-00197440-00197676 AND ONLY EXPOSE IT TO SIGN LANGUAGE MUCH LATER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00642-00197676-00197903 AND THEY'VE LOST ALL THAT TIME AND WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY DSAw2jEDZVA-00643-00197903-00198156 RIGHT OFF THE GET-GO TO GIVE THEM NATURAL SIGN LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00644-00198156-00198370 RIGHT AWAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00645-00198370-00198736 WELL, IN THE CLASSROOM, THERE'S PROBLEMS DSAw2jEDZVA-00646-00198736-00198986 WITH THE DIFFERENT SORTS OF SIGN SYSTEMS DSAw2jEDZVA-00647-00198986-00199186 THAT ARE BEING PRESENTED TO THESE KIDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00648-00199186-00199486 AND ALL THIS HAPPENS AT THE EXPENSE OF ANY SORT OF ARTISTRY DSAw2jEDZVA-00649-00199486-00199653 OR ART FORMS BEING TAUGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00650-00199653-00199970 THE TEACHERS, FOR THE MOST PART, ARE NOT AWARE DSAw2jEDZVA-00651-00199970-00200153 OF THE ART FORM OF ASL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00652-00200153-00200370 AND IF THEY ARE, THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO TEACH IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00653-00200370-00200570 AND SO ANY SORT OF CREATIVE ARTISTRY AND LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00654-00200570-00200720 IS THROUGH ENGLISH, DSAw2jEDZVA-00655-00200720-00200920 AND THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE PUMMELING THE KIDS WITH, DSAw2jEDZVA-00656-00200920-00201403 IS ENGLISH--ENGLISH POETRY AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00657-00201753-00202056 SO I'VE DECIDED WHAT I WANT TO DO IS LOOK SPECIFICALLY AT DSAw2jEDZVA-00658-00202056-00202306 HOW TO ENGENDER CREATIVE ARTS IN ASL DSAw2jEDZVA-00659-00202306-00202530 TO SCHOOLCHILDREN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00660-00202530-00202803 NOW, THE FIRST TIME I TRIED THIS, I WENT DSAw2jEDZVA-00661-00202803-00203103 TO THE STERCK SCHOOL IN DELAWARE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00662-00203736-00204083 IT'S A S.E.E. PROGRAM-- SIGNED EXACT TO ENGLISH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00663-00204083-00204253 THE WHOLE SCHOOL IS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00664-00204253-00204603 IT'S ALL DEAF, AND IT'S A DAY PROGRAM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00665-00204603-00204786 SO THE KIDS GO HOME TO THEIR PARENTS EVERY DAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00666-00204786-00205046 THERE'S A FEW WHO STAY FOR THE WEEKENDS IN THE DORMS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00667-00205046-00205283 BUT FOR THE MOST PART, IT'S KIDS WHO ARE DAY SCHOOL STUDENTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00668-00205283-00205603 SO I WAS INVITED TO GO FOR A RESIDENCY THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00669-00205603-00205760 NOW, S.E.E. SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00670-00205760-00205986 I WAS A LITTLE INTIMIDATED. I DON'T REALLY GET IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00671-00205986-00206253 BUT I THOUGHT, "WELL, LET'S SEE HOW THIS GOES." DSAw2jEDZVA-00672-00206253-00206733 SO I WENT. AND, BOY, IN THE BEGINNING, IT WAS REALLY ROUGH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00673-00206733-00206946 THEY WERE DOING ALL OF THESE DIFFERENT SIGNS DSAw2jEDZVA-00674-00206946-00207136 THAT I WAS NOT FAMILIAR WITH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00675-00207136-00207783 BUT WHEN THEY SAW ME START TO SIGN, THEY JUST MOBBED ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00676-00207783-00208036 THEY CAME RIGHT AROUND AND THRONGED ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00677-00208036-00208319 AND I HAD TO STAY THEM DOWN A LITTLE BIT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00678-00208319-00208586 I STARTED TO INTRODUCE SOME CREATIVE ARTS TO THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00679-00208586-00208886 AND I DID THAT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 THING DSAw2jEDZVA-00680-00208886-00209063 THAT I HAD MET WHEN I WAS AS A KID. DSAw2jEDZVA-00681-00209063-00209413 AND THEY JUST WENT CRAZY. THEY WERE SO EXCITED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00682-00209413-00209653 AND THESE KIDS WERE SO CREATIVE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00683-00209653-00209836 AND I'M TELLING YOU, THEY HAD IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00684-00209836-00210019 THEY HAVE IT WITHIN THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00685-00210019-00210433 YOU COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. IT SENT SHIVERS UP MY SPINE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00686-00210433-00210703 IT DID NOT MATTER THAT THE PREVAILING FORM OF COMMUNICATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00687-00210703-00210863 IN THE SCHOOL WAS S.E.E. SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00688-00210863-00211053 THEY HAD ASL ARTS IN THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00689-00211053-00211226 AND THE TEACHERS WHO WERE WITNESSING ALL THIS DSAw2jEDZVA-00690-00211226-00211403 COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAW. DSAw2jEDZVA-00691-00211403-00211843 THEY CAME UP AND ASKED ME WHAT TO DO TO HELP FAN THIS FLAME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00692-00211843-00212146 AND I SAID, "THEY'VE GOT IT WITHIN THEM. DO WHAT YOU CAN." DSAw2jEDZVA-00693-00212146-00212553 AFTER I LEFT, THE WHOLE SCHOOL JUST WENT INTO BEDLAM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00694-00212553-00212786 THE PRINCIPAL DECIDED THAT EVERYBODY DSAw2jEDZVA-00695-00212786-00212936 HAD TO TURN OFF THEIR VOICES DSAw2jEDZVA-00696-00212936-00213163 AND WANTED TO CHANGE THEIR WHOLE CURRICULUM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00697-00213163-00213336 AND, ACTUALLY, THE PRINCIPAL WAS THEN FIRED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00698-00213336-00213523 THIS WAS UNINTENTIONAL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00699-00213523-00213776 I DID NOT MEAN TO TURN EVERYTHING TOPSY-TURVY DSAw2jEDZVA-00700-00213776-00214036 BY MY VISIT, BUT IT'S WHAT HAPPENED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00701-00214323-00214603 SO THEN--OH. THERE'S A QUESTION? DSAw2jEDZVA-00702-00215219-00215460 THE QUESTION IS, WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00703-00215460-00215793 DID THE SCHOOL STAY VOICE OFF AND GO TO ASL DSAw2jEDZVA-00704-00215793-00215996 EVEN THOUGH THE PRINCIPAL HAD BEEN FIRED? DSAw2jEDZVA-00705-00215996-00216203 MY UNDERSTANDING-- THE SCHOOL WENT BACK DSAw2jEDZVA-00706-00216203-00216369 TO THE WAY IT HAD BEEN BEFORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00707-00216369-00216643 YEAH, I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING MUCH LATELY ABOUT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00708-00216643-00216876 MY ASSUMPTION IS THEY WENT BACK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00709-00216876-00217133 I BEGGED THEM TO PLEASE TAKE SOME FILMS OF THE KIDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00710-00217133-00217410 TRIED TO CREATE THINGS, AND WITH WHATEVER THEY WERE TRYING TO DO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00711-00217410-00217843 BUT THEY DIDN'T BOTHER EVEN RETURNING MY CORRESPONDENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00712-00217843-00218069 AND I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00713-00218306-00218736 AND THE QUESTION IS, "WAS THE POEM LAST NIGHT THAT YOU DID DSAw2jEDZVA-00714-00218736-00218969 "LONE STURDY TREE," WAS THAT ABOUT THAT SCHOOL?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00715-00218969-00219136 NO, THAT WAS ABOUT ANOTHER SCHOOL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00716-00219136-00219386 SOME OTHER WORK I WAS DOING SOMEPLACE ELSE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00717-00219386-00219653 SO I REALLY LEARNED SOMETHING FROM THAT EXPERIENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00718-00219653-00219940 THESE KIDS HAD THIS WITHIN THEM. IT WAS INNATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00719-00219940-00220253 SO I WENT TO THE KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF NEXT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00720-00220253-00220719 NOW, THEY DID USE ASL AT THIS SCHOOL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00721-00220719-00221003 BUT THEY DIDN'T REALLY HAVE MUCH TRAINING DSAw2jEDZVA-00722-00221003-00221236 OR MUCH INFUSION OF ARTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00723-00221236-00221603 THE KIDS WHO WERE FROM DEAF FAMILIES ALREADY HAD THAT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00724-00221603-00221783 ALREADY KNEW HOW TO CREATE SOME THINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00725-00221783-00221990 MOST OF THE OTHER DEAF KIDS FROM HEARING FAMILIES DSAw2jEDZVA-00726-00221990-00222213 DIDN'T HAVE THAT IN THEIR LEXICON DSAw2jEDZVA-00727-00222213-00222436 OR IN THEIR REPERTOIRE UNLESS THEY'D PICKED UP DSAw2jEDZVA-00728-00222436-00222653 A LITTLE SOMETHING FROM THE OTHER KIDS WITH DEAF PARENTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00729-00222653-00222873 BUT I WAS INVITED TO DO A ONE-WEEK RESIDENCY THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00730-00222873-00223086 AND THE SAME SORT OF EXCITEMENT WAS PREVAILING DSAw2jEDZVA-00731-00223086-00223226 WITH ALL THESE KIDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00732-00223226-00223386 THEY WERE SO EXCITED. DSAw2jEDZVA-00733-00223386-00223563 AT THE END OF THE WEEK, I WAS COMPLETELY DEPLETED, DSAw2jEDZVA-00734-00223563-00223853 BUT, OH, MY GOODNESS, IT WAS JUST SUCH A GREAT EXPERIENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00735-00223853-00224086 AND, AGAIN, THEY HAD THAT WITHIN THEM, TOO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00736-00224086-00224260 THEN I WENT TO FANWOOD SCHOOL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00737-00224260-00224503 SAME EXACT SITUATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00738-00224503-00224943 JUST SO MUCH EXCITEMENT AND SO MUCH INFUSION OF ENERGY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00739-00224943-00225163 NOW, WHAT'S INTERESTING IS THAT I'VE NOTICED IN MOST DSAw2jEDZVA-00740-00225163-00225363 OF THE SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF THAT I'VE GONE TO, DSAw2jEDZVA-00741-00225363-00225636 IS THAT THE CAMPUSES ARE CONFIGURED DSAw2jEDZVA-00742-00225636-00225823 SO THAT THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND THE UPPER GRADES WERE DSAw2jEDZVA-00743-00225823-00225993 ON ONE SIDE OF CAMPUS AND THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ARE DSAw2jEDZVA-00744-00225993-00226136 ON THE OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00745-00226136-00226330 AND THERE IS, LIKE, A LINE OF DEMARCATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00746-00226330-00226619 BETWEEN THESE TWO AREAS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00747-00226619-00226819 AND IT SEEMS LIKE THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00748-00226819-00227136 SO I WAS HIRED TO WORK WITH THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL KIDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00749-00227136-00227340 AND I ASSUMED THAT DURING LUNCHTIME OR RECESS DSAw2jEDZVA-00750-00227340-00227500 THAT THESE KIDS WOULD MINGLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00751-00227500-00227830 BUT THE AGE GROUPS WERE KEPT QUITE SEPARATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00752-00227830-00228019 I WENT TO THE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, DSAw2jEDZVA-00753-00228019-00228186 THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AT FANWOOD, DSAw2jEDZVA-00754-00228186-00228319 AND I WAS TEACHING THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00755-00228319-00228590 SOME TEACHERS OVER ON THE ELEMENTARY SIDE GOT WIND DSAw2jEDZVA-00756-00228590-00228719 OF THE FACT THAT I WAS THERE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00757-00228719-00228953 AND THEY WANTED ME TO COME AND TEACH THOSE KIDS, TOO, DSAw2jEDZVA-00758-00228953-00229169 WORK WITH THE YOUNGER KIDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00759-00229390-00229716 I FEEL GREAT TODAY HERE-- STANDING HERE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00760-00229716-00229993 TALKING ABOUT ASL POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00761-00229993-00230183 BUT YOU KNOW WHY I'M HERE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00762-00230183-00230553 I'M NOT HERE SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF THIS CONFERENCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00763-00230553-00230953 I AM STANDING HERE--WELL, LET ME GO BACK IN TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00764-00230953-00231100 I WAS BORN HEARING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00765-00231100-00231286 AND WHEN I WAS A 3-YEAR-OLD KID, DSAw2jEDZVA-00766-00231286-00231590 I BECAME ILL WITH SPINAL MENINGITIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00767-00231590-00231890 AND THAT'S WHY I BECAME DEAF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00768-00231890-00232319 WHEN I GOT OLDER, I WAS PUT INTO AN ORAL SCHOOL, AN ORAL PROGRAM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00769-00232319-00232553 CLARKE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. DSAw2jEDZVA-00770-00232553-00232703 YEAH. EVERYBODY'S SITTING THERE, AGHAST. DSAw2jEDZVA-00771-00232703-00232869 YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00772-00232869-00233053 BUT I'M NOT FOOLING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00773-00233053-00233266 THAT'S REALLY WHERE I WENT WAS CLARKE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00774-00233460-00233919 I DID NOT LEARN SIGN LANGUAGE UNTIL I WAS 19 YEARS OLD. DSAw2jEDZVA-00775-00233919-00234313 AND IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHERE I LEARNED SIGN LANGUAGE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00776-00234313-00234519 IT IS RIGHT HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00777-00234519-00234853 LIKE, LITERALLY RIGHT HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00778-00234853-00235269 RIGHT THERE IN THIS THEATER ON THAT SPOT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00779-00235269-00235573 I WAS IN A PLAY CALLED "THE TEMPEST." DSAw2jEDZVA-00780-00235573-00235966 AND I PLAYED A CHARACTER NAMED CALIBAN-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00781-00235966-00236236 HALF-MAN, HALF-ANIMAL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00782-00236236-00236546 AND THE SIGNING WAS VERY AWKWARD. DSAw2jEDZVA-00783-00236546-00236823 THE DIRECTOR TOLD ME JUST KEEP IT LIKE THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00784-00236823-00237076 FOR 3 MONTHS, LET ME MAKE ALL KINDS OF MISTAKES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00785-00237076-00237386 LIKE, IF I WAS SIGNING "KING," I WOULD SIGN IT BACKWARDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00786-00237386-00237600 EVERYTHING I DID WRONG, THE DIRECTOR KEPT SAYING, "GREAT! DSAw2jEDZVA-00787-00237600-00237816 JUST KEEP DOING IT EXACTLY LIKE THAT." DSAw2jEDZVA-00788-00237816-00238173 PATRICK GRAYBILL WAS IN THIS PLAY WITH ME, DSAw2jEDZVA-00789-00238173-00238419 AND HE SAID, "YUP, YUP. STAY JUST LIKE YOU ARE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00790-00238419-00238566 AND I PROMISE AFTER THIS PLAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00791-00238566-00238766 I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO SIGN RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00792-00238766-00238986 SO I LEARNED FROM HIM. I LEARNED FROM ACTORS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00793-00238986-00239280 I LEARNED FROM PEOPLE WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00794-00239280-00239583 AND I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00795-00239583-00239803 EVER SINCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00796-00239803-00240176 SO TODAY, THE FACT THAT I'M TALKING ABOUT ASL, DSAw2jEDZVA-00797-00240176-00240583 WHEN I LOOK BACK TO WHERE I BEGAN, I THOUGHT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00798-00240583-00240869 "HOW COULD I EVEN OPEN A TALK LIKE THIS?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00799-00240869-00241203 AND I THINK MAYBE THE BEST WAY IS TO START OUT WITH A POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00800-00241419-00242169 THIS POEM IS CALLED "EINSTEIN UNDER THE APPLE TREE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00801-00243369-00243636 AN AIR-PUFF TENT... DSAw2jEDZVA-00802-00244219-00244453 UNZIPPED WITH KNOWLEDGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00803-00245086-00245603 RELEASING STARS OF RED, BLUE, WHITE... DSAw2jEDZVA-00804-00246286-00246490 PLANETS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00805-00247053-00247266 AND GALAXIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00806-00247930-00248130 SUPERNOVAS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00807-00248503-00248753 AND QUASARS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00808-00249063-00249343 MOONS PLAY TAG DSAw2jEDZVA-00809-00249343-00249776 WITH STARS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00810-00249776-00250453 TWINKLING STARS SHOOTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00811-00251040-00251260 EARTH... DSAw2jEDZVA-00812-00251260-00251666 A BREATHING BALL OF CLOUDS DSAw2jEDZVA-00813-00251666-00252203 COMING DOWN THROUGH CLOUDS OVER A TIMBERLINE FOREST DSAw2jEDZVA-00814-00252203-00252490 OF MAPLE AND SPRUCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00815-00252786-00253103 AN AIR-PUFF TENT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00816-00253103-00254019 AND EINSTEIN WITH A NEWTONIAN MIND UNDER AN APPLE TREE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00817-00256286-00256526 CRUNCH! DSAw2jEDZVA-00818-00256526-00256933 JUICES OF MOLTEN FLAME SINGE HIS HAIR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00819-00256933-00257203 THERE IS NO WATER! DSAw2jEDZVA-00820-00257203-00257519 HE LEAPS UP... DSAw2jEDZVA-00821-00257519-00257976 AND, JACKKNIFING DOWN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00822-00257976-00258253 SWIMS THROUGH ROCKS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00823-00258686-00259050 AND, SURFACING WITH A GRASS TOUPEE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00824-00259050-00259319 CLIMBING OUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00825-00261576-00261946 UNDER AN APPLE TREE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00826-00264386-00264753 THE CRUNCH STARTLES A DEER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00827-00264753-00265153 UNKNOWN NOISES IN THE FOREST. DSAw2jEDZVA-00828-00265523-00265793 LEAPING... DSAw2jEDZVA-00829-00265793-00266203 HOOVES OVER BOULDERS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00830-00266203-00266470 OVER FALLEN TIMBER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00831-00267136-00268086 AS HE ENTERS A CLEARING, A SHARPSHOOTER'S BULLET... DSAw2jEDZVA-00832-00268816-00269320 PIERCES TOWARDS... DSAw2jEDZVA-00833-00269620-00269803 THE ENEMY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00834-00269803-00270203 AS HE FALLS IN A POOL OF GRASS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00835-00270203-00270653 SOLDIERS OF GRAY, CONFEDERATES, CHARGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00836-00270653-00270996 SOLDIERS OF BLUE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00837-00270996-00271470 CHARGING LINES COME TOGETHER AS DRUMMERS DRUM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00838-00271470-00271906 HOOVES FLY. SABERS SLASH. FISTS FLY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00839-00271906-00272353 AND CANNONBALLS DECORATE THE AIR WITH FALLEN BODIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00840-00272533-00272953 THE WHITE-TAILED DEER HURTLES DSAw2jEDZVA-00841-00272953-00273233 OVER A JOHNNY REBEL... DSAw2jEDZVA-00842-00273556-00273770 THEN RACES... DSAw2jEDZVA-00843-00274050-00274520 PAST THE DYING THAT FALL LIKE TIMBER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00844-00274520-00275320 WITH A GREAT LEAP, HE GLIDES PAST THESE MEN OF WAR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00845-00280703-00281353 A RAISED HOOF SNAPS A TWIG, STARTLING EINSTEIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00846-00282503-00282803 UNDER THE APPLE TREE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00847-00283986-00284256 GAZING UP... DSAw2jEDZVA-00848-00284256-00284816 THROUGH LEAVES OF TREES, OVER TIMBERLINE FORESTS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00849-00284816-00285180 TO A BREATHING BALL OF DUST, DSAw2jEDZVA-00850-00285180-00285820 STARS TWINKLING, STARS SHOOTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00851-00286786-00287103 THANK YOU. THANK YOU. DSAw2jEDZVA-00852-00288220-00288380 NOW, I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW DSAw2jEDZVA-00853-00288380-00288590 THAT I DID NOT CREATE THIS POEM ALONE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00854-00288590-00288736 KENNY LERNER AND I ARE A TEAM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00855-00288736-00289086 AND QUITE OFTEN, WE WILL STAY UP ALL NIGHT LONG CREATING THINGS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00856-00289086-00289236 HAVING A GOOD TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-00857-00289236-00289453 AND THE MAIN GOAL IS THAT WE'RE PLAYING WITH LANGUAGE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00858-00289453-00289680 AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT TODAY-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00859-00289680-00290070 THE CONCEPT OF PLAYING WITH LANGUAGE--WHY IT'S IMPORTANT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00860-00290070-00290503 HOW IMPORTANT IT IS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00861-00290503-00290843 NOW, I HAVE GONE TO A LOT OF DIFFERENT SCHOOLS-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00862-00290843-00291150 MAINSTREAM SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, EVERYWHERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00863-00291150-00291586 AND IF A STUDENT WANTS TO TAKE ASL FOR CREDIT, DSAw2jEDZVA-00864-00291586-00291970 THEY'RE USUALLY TOLD IT WON'T COUNT AS AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00865-00291970-00292136 ON THEIR TRANSCRIPT DSAw2jEDZVA-00866-00292136-00292420 BECAUSE THEY DON'T THINK IT HAS ANY LITERARY VALUE DSAw2jEDZVA-00867-00292420-00292620 ON AN ADMINISTRATIVE LEVEL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00868-00292620-00292880 AND THEY'LL CITE FRENCH AND SPANISH AND GERMAN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00869-00292880-00293136 THAT THERE'S A LITERARY CANON FOR EACH OF THOSE LANGUAGES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00870-00293136-00293320 AND THEY DON'T THINK ASL DOES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00871-00293320-00293510 BUT I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ASL DOES HAVE POETRY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00872-00293510-00293766 IT DOES HAVE STORYTELLING. IT HAS THEATER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00873-00293766-00293983 IT HAS EVERY SINGLE LITERARY ELEMENT DSAw2jEDZVA-00874-00293983-00294290 THAT ANY OTHER LANGUAGE HAS, BUT HEGEMONICALLY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00875-00294290-00294636 NOBODY KNOWS THIS, AND IT'S OUR DUTY TO EDUCATE THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00876-00294636-00294900 SO WHAT ARE WE TO DO AS DEAF PEOPLE? DSAw2jEDZVA-00877-00294900-00295050 WHAT ARE WE TO DO? DSAw2jEDZVA-00878-00295050-00295403 MY ANSWER IS TO PLAY WITH LANGUAGE AND CREATE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00879-00295403-00295770 CHALLENGE YOURSELF. PLAY WITH YOUR OWN LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00880-00296020-00296203 SPOKEN LANGUAGE LITERATURE CREATION DSAw2jEDZVA-00881-00296203-00296336 DIDN'T COME OUT OF NOWHERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00882-00296336-00296536 IT CAME FROM YEARS OF EXPERIMENTATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00883-00296536-00296843 AND THAT'S WHY LIBRARY SHELVES ARE FILLED WITH EXAMPLES OF IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00884-00296843-00297170 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HAS MULTITUDES OF SHELVES DSAw2jEDZVA-00885-00297170-00297636 FULL OF LITERATURE IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES--SPOKEN LANGUAGES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00886-00297636-00297953 BUT VERY LITTLE OF IT IN ASL. DSAw2jEDZVA-00887-00297953-00298223 AND WE NEED TO SHOW THAT WE HAVE THE ENERGY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00888-00298223-00298420 WE HAVE THE TRAJECTORY, AND WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CREATE DSAw2jEDZVA-00889-00298420-00298670 JUST AS MUCH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00890-00298670-00299123 A FEW MONTHS AGO, I TOOK A THEATRICAL WORKSHOP DSAw2jEDZVA-00891-00299123-00299653 WITH SOME OTHER DEAF PEOPLE, AND WE HAD A HEARING INSTRUCTOR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00892-00299653-00299873 AND HE SAID, "OK, NOW, LET'S BE HONEST. DSAw2jEDZVA-00893-00299873-00300186 "YOU GUYS ARE ALL FRIENDS, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00894-00300186-00300470 "NOW, JUST IMAGINE, IF YOU WERE A DOCTOR, DSAw2jEDZVA-00895-00300470-00300653 "YOU PUT ON YOUR GLOVES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00896-00300653-00300850 "AND YOU'RE GOING TO PERFORM AN OPERATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-00897-00300850-00301086 "YOU SLICE OPEN THE PATIENT, AND YOU REACH IN, DSAw2jEDZVA-00898-00301086-00301270 "AND YOU GET ALL THE STUFF THAT YOU'RE DSAw2jEDZVA-00899-00301270-00301433 "SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING OUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00900-00301433-00301696 "AND YOU'RE ALL DONE, TAKE OFF THE GLOVES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00901-00301696-00301886 "AND YOU'RE ALL DONE WITH WORK, DSAw2jEDZVA-00902-00301886-00302220 "AND YOU GO TO A BAR TO KIND OF DECOMPRESS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00903-00302220-00302453 "OK, IT'S THE SAME THING IN ACTING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00904-00302453-00302686 "NOW, YOU TWO ARE FRIENDS, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00905-00302686-00302886 "I'M GONNA GIVE YOU EACH A SCRIPT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00906-00302886-00303103 "AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE REALLY MAD AT EACH OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00907-00303103-00303370 "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DESPISE EACH OTHER, OK? DSAw2jEDZVA-00908-00303370-00303586 "AND, REMEMBER, THIS IS THE WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00909-00303586-00303753 "REMEMBER, THIS IS THE WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00910-00303753-00303970 "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO JUST PRETEND THAT YOU'RE MAD AT EACH OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-00911-00303970-00304136 "LATER, YOU'RE GONNA BE AT A BAR, DSAw2jEDZVA-00912-00304136-00304313 AND EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE FINE, RIGHT?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00913-00304313-00304626 OK. SO THE TWO PEOPLE WENT UP ON STAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00914-00304626-00304853 THEY READ THEIR SCRIPTS. THEY'RE BOTH DEAF, OK? DSAw2jEDZVA-00915-00304853-00304993 REMEMBER? THEY READ THE SCRIPTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00916-00304993-00305120 PUT THE SCRIPTS DOWN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00917-00305120-00305433 AND THE INSTRUCTOR SAYS, "OK, GO AHEAD." DSAw2jEDZVA-00918-00305433-00305620 "YOU STOLE MY MONEY," ONE PERSON SAID. DSAw2jEDZVA-00919-00305620-00305820 "I DID NOT," THE OTHER ONE SAID. DSAw2jEDZVA-00920-00305820-00305996 AND THAT WAS IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00921-00305996-00306303 AND THE INSTRUCTOR SAID, "I'M NOT FEELING IT, GUYS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00922-00306303-00306536 "OK, HOLD ON. LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00923-00306536-00306710 YOU ARE MAD WITH HIM, RIGHT?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00924-00306710-00307036 AND THE GUY SAID, "BUT HE'S MY FRIEND," YOU KNOW? DSAw2jEDZVA-00925-00307036-00307220 THE INSTRUCTOR SAYS, "NO, JUST BAWL HIM OUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00926-00307220-00307370 "GIVE HIM WHAT FOR. REALLY YELL AT HIM, DSAw2jEDZVA-00927-00307370-00307496 "BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA GO TO THE BAR AFTERWARDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00928-00307496-00307640 "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A REALLY GOOD TIME AND SAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-00929-00307640-00307836 "'HA HA! WASN'T THAT FUN THAT I YELLED AT YOU,' RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-00930-00307836-00308166 "SO DON'T WORRY. THIS ISN'T PERSONAL. OK. OK. ALL RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00931-00308166-00308486 LET'S SEE. TAKE TWO." DSAw2jEDZVA-00932-00308486-00308743 "YOU STOLE MY MONEY," HE SAID. DSAw2jEDZVA-00933-00308743-00308953 "I DID NOT," THE OTHER GUY SAID. DSAw2jEDZVA-00934-00308953-00309316 AND SO AFTER REPETITION OF, LIKE, MANY, MANY, MANY TIMES, DSAw2jEDZVA-00935-00309316-00309486 IT STILL WASN'T GETTING MUCH OF ANYWHERE, DSAw2jEDZVA-00936-00309486-00309686 BECAUSE THE PEOPLE DIDN'T REALLY HAVE IT AUTHENTICALLY DSAw2jEDZVA-00937-00309686-00309826 WITHIN THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00938-00309826-00310186 BUT AFTER A FEW WEEKS OF THIS PARTICULAR WORKSHOP, DSAw2jEDZVA-00939-00310186-00310506 THE SCRIPTS WERE GIVEN OUT AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00940-00310506-00310783 AND THE INSTRUCTOR SAID, "GO AHEAD AND TRANSLATE THIS DSAw2jEDZVA-00941-00310783-00310926 "INTO ASL, THE ENGLISH. DSAw2jEDZVA-00942-00310926-00311050 TAKE IT IN ASL." DSAw2jEDZVA-00943-00311050-00311223 AND SOMEBODY SAID, "HOW WOULD YOU SAY THIS?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00944-00311223-00311356 SOMEBODY ELSE SAID, "NO! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WOULD SIGN IT DSAw2jEDZVA-00945-00311356-00311486 IN ASL." DSAw2jEDZVA-00946-00311486-00311650 AND THEY STARTED REALLY GOING BACK AND FORTH DSAw2jEDZVA-00947-00311650-00311820 AND GETTING REALLY ACTIVATED DSAw2jEDZVA-00948-00311820-00312070 JUST TALKING ABOUT THEIR OWN LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00949-00312070-00312386 AND THE INSTRUCTOR SAID, "WAIT A MINUTE. STOP." DSAw2jEDZVA-00950-00312386-00312553 EVERYBODY STOPPED WHAT THEY WERE DOING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00951-00312553-00312730 "LOOK WHAT YOU'RE DOING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00952-00312730-00312893 ARE YOU REALLY MAD AT YOUR FRIEND THERE?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00953-00312893-00313126 "NO. WE'RE JUST, LIKE, HAVING A FRIENDLY DISAGREEMENT DSAw2jEDZVA-00954-00313126-00313273 ABOUT THE LANGUAGE." DSAw2jEDZVA-00955-00313273-00313520 AND HE SAID, "YES. THAT WHOLE WRANGLING BACK AND FORTH DSAw2jEDZVA-00956-00313520-00313760 "AND THAT REALLY ACTIVATED DISCUSSION YOU'RE HAVING, DSAw2jEDZVA-00957-00313760-00313986 "THAT'S WHAT I WANT YOU TO BRING TO YOUR ACTING-- DSAw2jEDZVA-00958-00313986-00314303 THAT SAME KIND OF FEELING." DSAw2jEDZVA-00959-00314303-00314536 SO IT WAS SUCH A GREAT SUGGESTION DSAw2jEDZVA-00960-00314536-00314776 BECAUSE DEAF PEOPLE LOVE TALKING ABOUT THEIR LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00961-00314776-00314970 THEY LOVE IT! THEY DO ABC STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00962-00314970-00315120 THEY GO, 1-10 STORIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-00963-00315120-00315386 THEY, YOU KNOW, HAVE GROUP ACTIVITIES AND STUFF DSAw2jEDZVA-00964-00315386-00315530 WITH LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00965-00315530-00315703 IT'S AMAZING. THERE ARE SO MANY VARIATIONS. DSAw2jEDZVA-00966-00315703-00315896 AND I'VE GONE TO SO MANY DIFFERENT PLACES DSAw2jEDZVA-00967-00315896-00316070 AND MET WITH SO MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00968-00316070-00316320 LIKE, FOR ONE INSTANCE, I'LL SAY, "WHAT'S THE SIGN DSAw2jEDZVA-00969-00316320-00316473 FOR 'FAVORITE'?" DSAw2jEDZVA-00970-00316473-00316630 AND SOMEBODY WILL SAY, "OH, I DO THIS SIGN." DSAw2jEDZVA-00971-00316630-00316780 SOMEBODY ELSE DOES THAT SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00972-00316780-00316986 SO THAT SHOWS THAT THERE'S ENERGY IN THE LANGUAGE DSAw2jEDZVA-00973-00316986-00317136 AND ENERGY IN THE WAY PEOPLE DSAw2jEDZVA-00974-00317136-00317270 WANT TO PLAY WITH THE LANGUAGE OUT THERE DSAw2jEDZVA-00975-00317270-00317570 JUST NEEDS TO BE CAPITALIZED UPON. DSAw2jEDZVA-00976-00317570-00318036 NOBODY'S EVER THOUGHT ABOUT HOW TO THINK ABOUT THE LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00977-00318036-00318186 AND YOU DON'T REALLY NEED TO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00978-00318186-00318370 YOU JUST TAKE IT AND YOU DO IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-00979-00318370-00318720 AND THIS IS SOMETHING THAT WE NEED TO INCULCATE DSAw2jEDZVA-00980-00318720-00318880 IN LITTLE CHILDREN. DSAw2jEDZVA-00981-00318880-00319263 WE NEED TO LITTLE KIDS TO BE AWARE OF THEIR LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-00982-00319263-00319453 THEY'RE ALWAYS TAUGHT TO BE SO AWARE OF ENGLISH, DSAw2jEDZVA-00983-00319453-00319720 BUT WE NEED TO GIVE THEM SOME REAL DELIBERATE WAYS DSAw2jEDZVA-00984-00319720-00319933 TO WORK WITH ASL SO THAT THEY CAN CAPITALIZE DSAw2jEDZVA-00985-00319933-00320226 ON THAT CREATIVITY. DSAw2jEDZVA-00986-00320226-00320370 AND THEN CHALLENGE THEM! DSAw2jEDZVA-00987-00320370-00320623 THE MORE THEY COME UP WITH, THE MORE YOU MOVE THE BAR. DSAw2jEDZVA-00988-00320623-00320820 AND AS THEY GET OLDER AND OLDER, DSAw2jEDZVA-00989-00320820-00321153 YOU'RE GROWING THAT SKILL WITHIN THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-00990-00321153-00321476 AND THEN THAT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I TALKED ABOUT BEFORE DSAw2jEDZVA-00991-00321476-00321806 WILL HAVE SHELVES JUST AS FULL OF LITERATURE AND CANON DSAw2jEDZVA-00992-00321806-00321973 AS SPOKEN LANGUAGES DO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00993-00321973-00322190 THAT'S WHAT I THINK. YAY! DSAw2jEDZVA-00994-00322190-00322363 EVERYBODY'S CLAPPING. DSAw2jEDZVA-00995-00322363-00322586 KENNY'S CLAPPING, TOO. DSAw2jEDZVA-00996-00322586-00323003 ALL RIGHT. NOW WHAT I WANT TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT ARE DSAw2jEDZVA-00997-00323003-00323370 THE TECHNIQUES THAT KENNY AND I EMPLOY IN OUR WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-00998-00323370-00323810 TECHNIQUES ARE FUN BECAUSE THEY SERVE AS TOOLS, DSAw2jEDZVA-00999-00323810-00324053 AND THEY'RE TOOLS THAT MAKE US THINK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01000-00324053-00324586 AND IF YOU CAN GIVE THESE TOOLS TO KIDS TO THINK AND PLAY WITH, DSAw2jEDZVA-01001-00324586-00324936 THEN THEY, TOO, CAN GROW THAT PARTICULAR ART FORM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01002-00324936-00325123 AND, AGAIN, I WANT TO UNDERSCORE DSAw2jEDZVA-01003-00325123-00325436 THAT IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT FOR US TO BE DOING THIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01004-00325820-00325936 SO... DSAw2jEDZVA-01005-00326386-00326753 WE ALL ARE AWARE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF FACIAL GRAMMAR-- DSAw2jEDZVA-01006-00326753-00327146 EYES, NOSE, LIPS, MOUTH, CHEEKS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01007-00327146-00327393 IF YOU WANT TO SHOW SOMETHING REALLY FAR AWAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-01008-00327393-00327570 LIKE THIS--SQUINTING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01009-00327570-00327736 OR REALLY CLOSE UP. DSAw2jEDZVA-01010-00328063-00328503 OR SOMEBODY'S EXTREMELY SNOOTY WITH THEIR NOSE UP IN THE AIR DSAw2jEDZVA-01011-00328503-00328853 OR SOMEONE WHO'S GETTING THEIR NOSE PUNCHED IN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01012-00329196-00329403 MOUTHS CAN BE USED IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01013-00329403-00329586 SUCH AS THIS-- SORT OF JUDGMENTAL: DSAw2jEDZVA-01014-00329586-00329753 "EW. LOOK AT HER. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01015-00329753-00329910 I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SEE." DSAw2jEDZVA-01016-00329910-00330203 OR ASTONISHMENT... DSAw2jEDZVA-01017-00330203-00330370 OR DISGUST. DSAw2jEDZVA-01018-00330370-00330636 CHEEKS ARE USED IN DIFFERENT WAYS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01019-00330636-00330936 LIKE A MACHINE GUN FIRING DSAw2jEDZVA-01020-00330936-00331203 OR HELICOPTER BLADES CHOPPING... DSAw2jEDZVA-01021-00331353-00331786 OR WIND SMOOTHLY FLOWING THROUGH THE AIR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01022-00331986-00332240 AND THERE'S EVEN MORE WHEN YOU CONSIDER DSAw2jEDZVA-01023-00332240-00332506 ALL THE DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF BODY PARTS THAT YOU CAN USE DSAw2jEDZVA-01024-00332506-00332703 AND ADD TO THE FACIAL EXPRESSION. DSAw2jEDZVA-01025-00332910-00333086 LIFE IS VERY EXCITING. YOU WOULDN'T SAY... DSAw2jEDZVA-01026-00333086-00333260 [IN MONOTONE] "I WENT HOME FOR THE WEEKEND." DSAw2jEDZVA-01027-00333260-00333503 YOU WOULD EXPLAIN IT WITH A LOT MORE FORCE DSAw2jEDZVA-01028-00333503-00333736 AND A LOT MORE DRAMA. DSAw2jEDZVA-01029-00333736-00334253 YOU CATCHING UP TO ME, KENNY? WONDERFUL! DSAw2jEDZVA-01030-00334420-00334720 OOPS. YOU NEED SOMETHING. HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01031-00334720-00334920 TAKE THIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01032-00335386-00335586 CLASSIFIERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01033-00335886-00336133 YEAH, EVERYBODY'S AWARE OF CLASSIFIERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01034-00336340-00336566 THEY'RE USED TO DESCRIBE THINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01035-00336566-00336980 AND WE LOVE CLASSIFIERS, LIKE ALL THE DIFFERENT BAUBLES DSAw2jEDZVA-01036-00336980-00337136 AND THINGS AND DIFFERENT ELEMENTS ON DRESS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01037-00337136-00337286 FANCY CLOTHING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01038-00337286-00337436 ALL THE DIFFERENT PARTS THAT YOU DSAw2jEDZVA-01039-00337436-00337583 CAN SHOW ON SOMEBODY'S EYES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01040-00337583-00337786 THERE ARE EARRINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01041-00337786-00338040 EVERY ELEMENT THAT SOMEBODY COULD BE WEARING DSAw2jEDZVA-01042-00338040-00338236 COULD BE DESCRIBED WITH A CLASSIFIER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01043-00338420-00338886 OR IN ENVIRONMENTAL THINGS-- CLOUDS SWIRLING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01044-00338886-00339236 SENDING DOWN LIGHTNING BOLTS, BUCKETS OF RAIN, DSAw2jEDZVA-01045-00339236-00339403 TREES FALLING OVER, DSAw2jEDZVA-01046-00339403-00339820 A FLOOD--A TUMULTUOUS FLOOD THAT'S DESTROYING A VILLAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01047-00339820-00340053 ALL DIFFERENT WAYS YOU CAN USE CLASSIFIERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01048-00340053-00340303 HOW DID YOU INTERPRET THAT, KENNY? DSAw2jEDZVA-01049-00340486-00340653 "UH, UH, UH," HE'S SAYING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01050-00340653-00340803 I'M INTERPRETING FOR YOU, KENNY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01051-00340803-00340953 I'M SHOWING THEM WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01052-00340953-00341280 YOU'RE SAYING, "I STARTED TALKING, AND I SAID, DSAw2jEDZVA-01053-00341280-00341633 "CLOUDS AND FIRE AND THUNDERBOLTS AND THEN RAINDROPS DSAw2jEDZVA-01054-00341633-00341796 AND THEN A FLOOD AND..." DSAw2jEDZVA-01055-00341796-00342136 OH, DAMN IT. GOT EVERY BIT OF IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01056-00342386-00342603 ALWAYS GOOD TO CHALLENGE EACH OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01057-00342810-00343053 BUT BODY LANGUAGE IS SOMETHING I WANT TO TALK ABOUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01058-00343053-00343236 YOU CAN SHOW SOMEBODY BIG, SOMEBODY SMALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01059-00343236-00343503 HERE I AM KIND OF A JOHN WAYNE KIND OF GUY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01060-00343723-00343910 "HEY, COME ON OVER HERE." DSAw2jEDZVA-01061-00343910-00344353 "WHO? UH, ME? ME? YOU WANT ME? ME? YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ME? OK." DSAw2jEDZVA-01062-00344536-00344686 "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY." DSAw2jEDZVA-01063-00344686-00345020 "OH, YEAH, SURE. UH, GOT IT HERE SOMEWHERE. YUP. UH-HUH." DSAw2jEDZVA-01064-00345203-00345396 AND THEN THE MEAN GUY PICKS UP THE LITTLE GUY, DSAw2jEDZVA-01065-00345396-00345556 WHO'S HUNG UP IN THE AIR, DSAw2jEDZVA-01066-00345556-00345870 LETS HIM GO, AND HE FALLS DOWN TO THE GROUND AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01067-00345870-00346170 NOTICE THE EYE GAZE TOP TO BOTTOM, DSAw2jEDZVA-01068-00346170-00346453 THE BIG GUY LOOKING DOWN, THE LITTLE GUY LOOKING UP. DSAw2jEDZVA-01069-00346693-00346970 OR SIDE TO SIDE, NOT EVEN USING THE EYE GAZE DSAw2jEDZVA-01070-00346970-00347253 BUT JUST PICKING HIM UP BY THE TOP OF THE HEAD... DSAw2jEDZVA-01071-00347486-00347653 "HELLO." "HELLO." DSAw2jEDZVA-01072-00347653-00347953 AND THEN DROPPING HIM TO THE GROUND. DSAw2jEDZVA-01073-00347953-00348420 AGAIN, THAT EYE GAZE IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO DETERMINE DSAw2jEDZVA-01074-00348420-00348703 THE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIP AND THE POWER RELATIONSHIP. DSAw2jEDZVA-01075-00348703-00348886 SOMEBODY ON A MOTORCYCLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01076-00349070-00349226 YOU HAVE A PASSENGER ON THE BACK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01077-00349226-00349370 HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01078-00349370-00349703 THEY DRIVER SAYS, "HEY." THE RIDER SAYS, "WHAT?" DSAw2jEDZVA-01079-00349703-00349886 "DO I TURN LEFT?" "NO, YOU TURN RIGHT." DSAw2jEDZVA-01080-00349886-00350070 "I THINK WE GO LEFT." "I THINK WE TURN RIGHT." DSAw2jEDZVA-01081-00350070-00350466 SO HE TURNS LEFT, AND SHE GOES RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01082-00350466-00350736 SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS TO USE BODY LANGUAGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01083-00350996-00351436 SO WE TALKED ABOUT CLASSIFIERS, FACES, BODIES, DSAw2jEDZVA-01084-00351436-00351603 ALL THESE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01085-00351603-00352053 HANDSHAPES. HANDSHAPE RHYME SPECIFICALLY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01086-00352260-00352530 YOU KNOW, WHEN SPOKEN LANGUAGE POETS WRITE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01087-00352530-00352986 THEY HAVE THE LAST WORD OF EACH SENTENCE RHYME DSAw2jEDZVA-01088-00352986-00353186 OR HAVE DIFFERENT SORTS OF RHYME SCHEMES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01089-00353186-00353336 AND WE CAN DO THE SAME THING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01090-00353336-00353503 FOR EXAMPLE, THE "B" HANDSHAPE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01091-00353503-00353766 I'M WALKING. I APPROACH A HOUSE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01092-00353766-00354296 OPEN THE DOOR, ENTER A CORRIDOR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01093-00354296-00354520 AS I WALK DOWN THE HALL, MY HEART IS BEATING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01094-00354520-00354656 A BAT FLIES BY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01095-00354656-00354853 IT SCARES ME, AND MY HEART BEATS EVEN FASTER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01096-00354853-00355186 THERE'S A PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON LOOKING DOWN AT ME ON THE WALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01097-00355186-00355456 I KEEP WALKING, AND THEN THE FLOOR STARTS SHAKING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01098-00355456-00355620 A TRAP DOOR OPENS. I FALL DOWN A CHUTE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01099-00355620-00355776 DOWN INTO WATER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01100-00355776-00356020 I GO DOWN BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. I BLOW BUBBLES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01101-00356020-00356236 AND I'M SWIMMING WITH THE FISHES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01102-00356236-00356503 THAT'S ALL A "B" HANDSHAPE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01103-00356503-00356770 THAT IS A HANDSHAPE RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01104-00356770-00357136 DID YOU NOTICE IN THE "EINSTEIN" POEM JUST NOW THAT I CREATED DSAw2jEDZVA-01105-00357136-00357303 THAT THERE WERE SOME HANDSHAPE RHYMES? DSAw2jEDZVA-01106-00357303-00357520 DID YOU NOTICE SOME OF THEM? WHAT DO YOU THINK? DSAw2jEDZVA-01107-00357520-00357823 OH, THAT'S INTERESTING! I HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01108-00357823-00358106 EINSTEIN'S HAIR AND HIS EYEBROWS AND HIS MUSTACHE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-01109-00358106-00358436 THEY WERE ALL A BENT 4 HANDSHAPE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01110-00358436-00358770 WHAT OTHERS DID YOU NOTICE? ANYTHING ELSE YOU NOTICE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01111-00358770-00359070 THE HALLWAY, CORRIDOR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01112-00359070-00359203 OH, NO. THAT WAS WHAT I JUST SHOWED YOU. DSAw2jEDZVA-01113-00359203-00359340 I'M TALKING ABOUT DSAw2jEDZVA-01114-00359340-00359536 THE "EINSTEIN UNDER THE APPLE TREE" POEM THAT I PERFORMED DSAw2jEDZVA-01115-00359536-00359716 A FEW MINUTES AGO. DSAw2jEDZVA-01116-00359716-00359936 WHAT ELSE DID YOU SEE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01117-00360166-00360443 OH, THE STARS COMING OUT, THE STARS SHINING DSAw2jEDZVA-01118-00360443-00360636 OR THE STARS FLYING OUT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01119-00360903-00361170 OH, OK. I SEE THAT YOU SAW SOME SUBTLE THINGS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01120-00361170-00361370 BUT I'M LOOKING FOR THE MORE OVERT EXAMPLES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01121-00361370-00361530 THOSE WERE VERY SUBTLE, BUT THE ONES THAT WERE DSAw2jEDZVA-01122-00361530-00361753 REALLY, REALLY CLEAR EXAMPLES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01123-00361753-00362003 "APPLE ON HIS HEAD"? NO. DSAw2jEDZVA-01124-00362003-00362286 I MEAN, I GUESS YOU COULD SAY IT WAS A "C," THE APPLE FALLS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01125-00362286-00362520 AND THEN HE TAKES A BITE OUT OF IT. THAT'S Cs. DSAw2jEDZVA-01126-00362520-00362713 BUT I WANT SOMETHING EVEN MORE, MORE OBVIOUS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01127-00362713-00363026 YOU GOT IT! As. SHOW ME WHAT THEY WERE. RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01128-00363026-00363370 THAT'S RIGHT. THAT PERSON GOT IT--As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01129-00363370-00363553 HERE WAS A RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01130-00363553-00364013 REMEMBER THE FLAG? SO THE ARMIES ARE CHARGING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01131-00364013-00364133 THEY'RE BOTH HOLDING As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01132-00364133-00364333 SOMEBODY IS HITTING A DRUM. THOSE ARE WITH As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01133-00364333-00364590 THE HORSE'S HOOVES ARE As. THE SABERS SLASHING ARE As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01134-00364590-00364736 THE FISTS FLYING ARE As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01135-00364736-00365020 AND THEN THE CANNONBALLS FLYING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01136-00365180-00365376 THE HORSE IS GOING UP IN THE AIR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01137-00365376-00365753 REMEMBER? SABERS SLASHING? FISTS FLYING? THOSE ARE ALL As. DSAw2jEDZVA-01138-00365753-00366020 SO THAT'S HANDSHAPE RHYME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01139-00366020-00366353 POETRY MEANS THAT THERE'S HIDDEN TECHNIQUE DSAw2jEDZVA-01140-00366353-00366586 THAT YOU DON'T ALWAYS SEE UPON THE FIRST GLANCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01141-00366586-00366736 YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT SEVERAL TIMES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01142-00366736-00366886 SOMETIMES YOU'LL WATCH SOMETHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01143-00366886-00367020 YOU'LL ALWAYS CATCH MORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01144-00367020-00367253 IT'S A BIG HEADACHE FOR LINGUISTS, RIGHT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01145-00367253-00367426 BECAUSE THEY'RE STUDYING THESE THINGS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01146-00367426-00367620 AND THEY WATCH IT AND THINK THEY'VE NOTATED EVERYTHING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01147-00367620-00367770 AND THEN THEY WATCH IT AGAIN AND FIND EVEN MORE DSAw2jEDZVA-01148-00367770-00367920 TO ADD TO THEIR LIST. DSAw2jEDZVA-01149-00367920-00368060 THEN UPON A THIRD, A FOURTH, A FIFTH TIME, DSAw2jEDZVA-01150-00368060-00368200 THEY STILL ARE FINDING THINGS DSAw2jEDZVA-01151-00368200-00368340 THAT THEY DIDN'T SEE THE FIRST TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01152-00368340-00368486 WHERE IS CLAYTON VALLI? DSAw2jEDZVA-01153-00368486-00368720 I THINK HE'LL CORROBORATE WHAT I'M SAYING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01154-00368720-00368863 IS THAT RIGHT, VALLI? RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01155-00368863-00369206 HE SAYS, "YUP." RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01156-00369206-00369346 YOU WATCH IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01157-00369346-00369536 "YUP, ALWAYS, FOREVER." DSAw2jEDZVA-01158-00369536-00369703 THAT'S A GOOD THING, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01159-00370270-00370570 I'D ALSO LIKE TO TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-01160-00370970-00371240 SO YOU HAVE TWO PLACES--ONE ON MY RIGHT AND ONE ON MY LEFT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01161-00371240-00371446 SO I COULD TELL A STORY OVER HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01162-00371446-00371696 AND THEN I CAN GO OVER TO THE OTHER AREA DSAw2jEDZVA-01163-00371696-00371856 AND TELL A DIFFERENT STORY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01164-00371856-00372070 BUT IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01165-00372070-00372436 MAYBE I WANT BOTH THESE STORIES TO BE IN THE SAME PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-01166-00372436-00372853 AND TAKE PLACE AT THE SAME TIME, NOT AT SEPARATE TIMES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01167-00373066-00373330 AND THE WAY I CAN GO ABOUT DOING THIS IS DSAw2jEDZVA-01168-00373330-00373553 BY SHOWING THE EXAMPLE OF 4 DIFFERENT ELEMENTS-- DSAw2jEDZVA-01169-00373553-00373886 MAYBE THE SUN, A BIRD, A BUTTERFLY, AND A FARMER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01170-00373886-00374170 WATCH HOW THIS HAPPENS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01171-00374170-00374776 THIS IS A BIRD FLYING UP TOWARDS THE SUN, SWOOPING DOWN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01172-00374776-00375003 NOW THE SIGN FOR "BIRD" BECOMES "BUTTERFLY." DSAw2jEDZVA-01173-00375003-00375730 THE BUTTERFLY IS FLYING THROUGH GRAIN, OVER TO A FARMER, DSAw2jEDZVA-01174-00375730-00375986 WHO'S DIGGING IN HIS PATCH. DSAw2jEDZVA-01175-00375986-00376396 AND THEN THE BUTTERFLY LANDS IN HIS HAIR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01176-00376396-00376853 AND HE BATS IT AWAY, WIPES THE SWEAT FROM HIS BROW. DSAw2jEDZVA-01177-00376853-00377066 OK? DID YOU NOTICE THAT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01178-00377066-00377503 THERE WAS ONE MOVEMENT DOWN FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01179-00377503-00377820 IT TAKES PLACE IN A CERTAIN TIME SCHEME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01180-00377820-00378140 NOW, MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING TO SHOW YOU IS DSAw2jEDZVA-01181-00378140-00378303 GONNA COME NEXT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01182-00378303-00378536 NOW, I DON'T LIKE FOOTBALL. LET ME PREFACE IT BY SAYING THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01183-00378736-00378990 AND HERE'S A FOOTBALL PLAYER, A QUARTERBACK HUNCHED. DSAw2jEDZVA-01184-00378990-00379203 "HIKE, HIKE, HIKE." DSAw2jEDZVA-01185-00379203-00379390 SENDS IT DOWN THE FIELD. DSAw2jEDZVA-01186-00379390-00379720 THERE'S THE RUNNING BACK. CATCHES IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01187-00379963-00380170 HE HAS LOTS OF OTHER FOOTBALL PLAYERS DSAw2jEDZVA-01188-00380170-00380403 THAT ARE FALLING OVER HIM, BUT HE MAKES IT TO THE END ZONE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01189-00380403-00380703 AND HE SPIKES IT AND THEN GOES INTO HIS VICTORY DANCE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01190-00381403-00381636 NOW, I HAVE ANOTHER THING I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01191-00381636-00381886 BUT MAYBE YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT TO CALL IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01192-00381886-00382036 BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A WORD FOR IT YET. DSAw2jEDZVA-01193-00382036-00382186 MAYBE THAT'LL BE PART OF THE CHALLENGE DSAw2jEDZVA-01194-00382186-00382353 IN TODAY'S PRESENTATION. DSAw2jEDZVA-01195-00382353-00382603 HERE'S A LITTLE SNIPPET OF A POEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01196-00382603-00382803 A BOY IS READING A NEWSPAPER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01197-00382803-00383130 AND THEN YOU CAN SEE WHAT IT IS HE'S LOOKING AT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01198-00383130-00383296 NOW, THIS IS AT NIGHTTIME, I WANT TO SAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01199-00383296-00383520 AND HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP, HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE IN BED, DSAw2jEDZVA-01200-00383520-00383703 BUT HE'S READING UNDER THE COVERS WITH A FLASHLIGHT DSAw2jEDZVA-01201-00383703-00383863 SO HIS PARENTS DON'T KNOW. DSAw2jEDZVA-01202-00383863-00384203 SO HE OPENS UP THE NEWSPAPER, TURNS ON HIS FLASHLIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01203-00384203-00384406 AND IN THE BEAM OF THE FLASHLIGHT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01204-00384406-00384616 HE SEES A PICTURE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01205-00384616-00384986 AND THEN WE SEE THE PICTURE, AND HE'S IN THE PICTURE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01206-00384986-00385253 AND IT'S NIXON DOING THE VICTORY SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01207-00385253-00385586 THEN HE SHOWS THAT PICTURE GOING BACK ONTO THE PAGE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01208-00385586-00385753 AND HE TURNS OFF THE FLASHLIGHT DSAw2jEDZVA-01209-00385753-00386086 AND REACTS TO THE PICTURE HE JUST SAW. DSAw2jEDZVA-01210-00386086-00386486 OK? SO IT'S SORT OF A BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS MOVEMENT DSAw2jEDZVA-01211-00386486-00386643 OF SHOWING IT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01212-00386643-00386886 GOING INTO HIS MIND AND BECOMING PART OF THE PICTURE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01213-00386886-00387120 AND THEN PUTTING IT BACK INTO ITS ORIGINAL PLACE DSAw2jEDZVA-01214-00387120-00387286 ON THE NEWSPAPER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01215-00387286-00387430 SO WE DO THAT QUITE OFTEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01216-00387430-00387636 AND THE CHALLENGE IS, WHAT DO WE CALL IT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01217-00388220-00388470 NOW, OUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE, FAVORITE, FAVORITE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01218-00388470-00388643 HOW DO OTHER PEOPLE SIGN "FAVORITE"? DSAw2jEDZVA-01219-00388643-00389103 "FAVORITE." THERE'S ANOTHER ONE. HOW DO YOU SIGN "FAVORITE"? DSAw2jEDZVA-01220-00389370-00389720 WHAT'S THAT? "F" TO "V"? OH! I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01221-00389896-00390136 OH! INSTEAD OF SPELLING OUT "FAVORITE," IT'S F-A-V, DSAw2jEDZVA-01222-00390136-00390430 BUT IT KIND OF TRUNCATES THE WORD. OH, THAT'S COOL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01223-00390430-00390680 SO SEE? EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGE, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01224-00390680-00390826 ALL I HAD TO DO WAS ASK YOU ONE QUESTION, DSAw2jEDZVA-01225-00390826-00390976 AND THERE WE ARE OFF TO THE RACES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01226-00390976-00391343 BUT, ANYWAY, CINEMATIC TECHNIQUES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01227-00391343-00391603 YOU KNOW HOW THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS THAT YOU CAN SHOW DSAw2jEDZVA-01228-00391603-00392070 FRAMES AND SPACES AND MOVEMENT IN FILMS? DSAw2jEDZVA-01229-00392070-00392253 KENNY AND I LOVE GOING TO THE MOVIES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01230-00392253-00392433 WE GO TO THE MOVIES, AND WE EAT OUR POPCORN, DSAw2jEDZVA-01231-00392433-00392590 AND THEN AFTER A WHILE, WE JUST THROW THE POPCORN AWAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-01232-00392590-00392813 AND WE START LOOKING AT THE TECHNIQUES, THE ANGLES, DSAw2jEDZVA-01233-00392813-00393126 DIFFERENT WAYS THAT FILM LANGUAGE SPEAKS TO US DSAw2jEDZVA-01234-00393126-00393403 AND WHETHER WE COULD REPLICATE IT OR NOT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01235-00393603-00393803 SUPPOSE YOU HAVE TWO PEOPLE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01236-00393803-00394090 YOU COULD JUST HAVE A ONE SHOT, BACK AND FORTH, DSAw2jEDZVA-01237-00394090-00394286 SHOWING EACH PERSON TALKING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01238-00394466-00395143 IF AN ARMY CADET IS TRAINING A DOG FOR DUTY IN THE WAR DSAw2jEDZVA-01239-00395143-00395520 AND HE'S TRAINING HIM TO ATTACK A PADDED ARM SO THAT SOMEDAY, DSAw2jEDZVA-01240-00395520-00395703 HE'LL ATTACK AN UNPADDED ARM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01241-00395703-00395976 AND SO HE GOES BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN SHOWING DSAw2jEDZVA-01242-00395976-00396203 THE SOLDIER AND THE DOG. DSAw2jEDZVA-01243-00396363-00396540 BACK AND FORTH FROM THE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES DSAw2jEDZVA-01244-00396540-00396903 OF SHOWING EACH PLAYER IN THAT SCENE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01245-00397106-00397370 KENNY, I NEED YOU UP HERE TO HELP ME WITH THIS PART. DSAw2jEDZVA-01246-00398086-00398403 OK, WE'RE GONNA SHOW YOU A LITTLE BIT OF BASEBALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01247-00398403-00398633 KENNY'S THE RADIO. DSAw2jEDZVA-01248-00398633-00398786 HE'S HAD A BIG INFLUENCE ON ME DSAw2jEDZVA-01249-00398786-00398926 ABOUT FALLING IN LOVE WITH BASEBALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01250-00398926-00399103 MOVE BACK. MOVE BACK. MOVE BACK. MOVE BACK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01251-00399103-00399526 BACK, BACK, BACK, BACK, BACK, BACK. OK, GOOD. RIGHT THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01252-00399526-00399903 NO. RIGHT THERE. OVER. THERE. RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01253-00400100-00400316 BEAUTIFUL! DSAw2jEDZVA-01254-00400316-00400586 OK, YOU'RE GONNA THROW TO ME, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01255-00400586-00400836 I'M THE BATTER. YOU'RE THE PITCHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01256-00401193-00401743 WHOA! STRIKE. OK. THAT'S PRETTY NORMAL, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01257-00401743-00402083 AND NOW WE'RE GONNA CHANGE THE POINT OF VIEW OF THIS SCENE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01258-00402083-00402343 WE'RE GOING TO LOOK STRAIGHT OUT TO THE AUDIENCE, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01259-00402343-00402553 LET'S TRY THIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01260-00402553-00402903 I'M THE CATCHER. OH, NO. WAIT. YOU'RE THE CATCHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01261-00402903-00403120 I'M THE PITCHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01262-00404803-00405070 NO. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TALK DIRTY. BE CAREFUL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01263-00406920-00407186 THIS BALL'S DIRTY. I WANT ANOTHER ONE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01264-00409686-00409880 SO YOU SEE THAT WE BROKE THE RULES, DSAw2jEDZVA-01265-00409880-00410170 BUT RULES ARE FOR BREAKING, RIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01266-00410170-00410406 BECAUSE THEN YOU CAN EVEN BE MORE CREATIVE DSAw2jEDZVA-01267-00410406-00410589 IF YOU KNOW THE RULE AND THEN YOU BREAK IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01268-00410589-00410753 THANK YOU, KENNY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01269-00410753-00411120 OOPS. SORRY. I DO NEED YOU BACK UP HERE AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01270-00411120-00411370 OH, ALWAYS TORTURING HIM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01271-00411553-00411903 SERGE AND JOHANNA, COULD YOU COME UP HERE, TOO, PLEASE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01272-00411903-00412093 >> YOU DON'T NEED ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01273-00412093-00412703 >> OH, YOU'RE RIGHT. SORRY. GO BACK. OOPS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01274-00412703-00413106 YEAH. DO YOU REMEMBER THE PART ABOUT THE TRAIN DSAw2jEDZVA-01275-00413106-00413370 AND THE SMOKESTACK OF THE TRAIN AND THE TRAIN MOVING? DSAw2jEDZVA-01276-00413670-00413820 >> HOLD ON ONE SECOND. DSAw2jEDZVA-01277-00413820-00414070 I THINK I NEED SERGE TO INTERPRET FOR ME SO I UNDERSTAND DSAw2jEDZVA-01278-00414070-00414220 WHAT IT IS WE'RE DOING. DSAw2jEDZVA-01279-00414220-00414370 AND SERGE SAYS, "REMEMBER LAST NIGHT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01280-00414370-00414523 IT'S THE TRAIN SCENE." DSAw2jEDZVA-01281-00414523-00414770 >> OH, YOU MEAN WHEN IT'S MOVING? DSAw2jEDZVA-01282-00414770-00415003 >> YEAH. YOU KNOW, AND THE SMOKE FROM THE SMOKESTACK ON THE TRAIN DSAw2jEDZVA-01283-00415003-00415120 AND ALL THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01284-00415120-00415303 >> OK, I GOT IT. I THINK I GOT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01285-00415303-00415486 WITH THE TREES AND THE TELEPHONE POLES AND ALL THAT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01286-00415486-00415616 >> RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01287-00415616-00415853 >> SO LET ME EXPLAIN TO THEM WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN HERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01288-00415853-00416203 SO YOU KNOW HOW THERE'S A PANNING SHOT IN A FILM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01289-00416203-00416670 IT SHOWS A LONG SCENE FROM FAR AWAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01290-00416670-00417123 SO THIS IS A TRAIN ON THE TRACKS TRAVELING AT NIGHT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01291-00417123-00417356 AND TWO PEOPLE IN ONE OF THE CARS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01292-00417770-00417936 THAT'S THE TRAIN MOVING PAST A FOREST. DSAw2jEDZVA-01293-00417936-00418086 THERE'S THE SMOKESTACK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01294-00418086-00418460 THERE'S THE TRAIN TRACKS MOVING BELOW, DSAw2jEDZVA-01295-00418460-00418803 AND THE PEOPLE IN THE CAR AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01296-00418803-00419116 TO SHOW THE IDEA OF TIME MOVING, THE SUN HAS GONE DOWN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01297-00419116-00419386 THE MOON HAS GONE DOWN. IT'S GETTING DARK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01298-00419386-00419730 THE TRACKS, THE POLES OF WIRES MOVING BACK, DSAw2jEDZVA-01299-00419730-00420096 AND THE TWO PEOPLE IN THE CAR, EXHAUSTED, AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01300-00420096-00420370 THE TRAIN STOPS, AND EVERYBODY REACTS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01301-00420370-00420560 OK, THANK YOU. DSAw2jEDZVA-01302-00420560-00420860 [APPLAUSE] DSAw2jEDZVA-01303-00422153-00422453 HOW MUCH TIME DO WE HAVE LEFT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01304-00422453-00422970 UGH! FIVE MINUTES. I HATE CONFERENCES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01305-00422970-00423386 OK, LET ME TRY TO WRAP UP AS FAST AS I CAN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01306-00423386-00423786 I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF SPEED. DSAw2jEDZVA-01307-00424150-00424426 BECAUSE SPEED CAN REALLY HEIGHTEN EMOTION DSAw2jEDZVA-01308-00424426-00424703 IF YOU SPEED THINGS UP OR SLOW THEM DOWN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01309-00424703-00424903 FOR EXAMPLE... DSAw2jEDZVA-01310-00425203-00425536 THIS IS NORMAL SPEED. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. THE DOOR OPENS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01311-00425536-00425903 "FBI. AGAINST THE WALL." DSAw2jEDZVA-01312-00425903-00426070 TURNS THE GUY AGAINST THE WALL DSAw2jEDZVA-01313-00426070-00426320 AND APPREHENDS HIM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01314-00426320-00426566 OK, BUT YOU COULD CHANGE IT TO BE SOMETHING LIKE THIS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01315-00426566-00426720 KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. THE DOOR OPENS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01316-00426720-00427003 "FBI. DSAw2jEDZVA-01317-00427003-00427339 AGAINST...THE...WALL." DSAw2jEDZVA-01318-00427339-00427620 THE GUY IS DRAGGED AND THEN QUICKLY PUT AGAINST THE WALL, DSAw2jEDZVA-01319-00427620-00427820 BUT THEN IN SLOW MOTION, HE REACTS DSAw2jEDZVA-01320-00427820-00427986 AS HE BASHES AGAINST THE WALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01321-00427986-00428236 HE'S SLOWLY TURNED AROUND, AND THEN IN NORMAL MOTION, DSAw2jEDZVA-01322-00428236-00428376 HIS HANDS ARE PUT BEHIND HIM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01323-00428376-00428496 IN SLOW MOTION, DSAw2jEDZVA-01324-00428496-00428636 HE REACTS TO HIS HANDS BEING PUT BEHIND HIM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01325-00428636-00428866 IN SLOW MOTION, HE BASHES AGAINST THE WALL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01326-00428866-00429070 SO IT ALTERNATES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01327-00429643-00429853 I THINK I HAVE TO STOP AT THIS POINT FOR SOME QUESTIONS DSAw2jEDZVA-01328-00429853-00430139 BECAUSE TIME IS A-WASTIN'. DSAw2jEDZVA-01329-00430139-00430430 I'M SO SORRY WE DON'T HAVE A LOT MORE TIME, DSAw2jEDZVA-01330-00430430-00430783 BUT IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, I'M READY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01331-00430783-00431003 QUESTIONS FROM ANYONE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01332-00431003-00431253 YES. SOMETHING BACK THERE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01333-00432503-00432853 >> SO DID YOU THINK OF ALL THESE TECHNIQUES? DSAw2jEDZVA-01334-00432853-00433203 DID THEY COME UP BY ACCIDENT, OR HOW DO YOU USE THEM? DSAw2jEDZVA-01335-00433203-00433339 AND HOW DO THEY COME ABOUT? DSAw2jEDZVA-01336-00433339-00433553 THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION. DSAw2jEDZVA-01337-00433553-00433813 WE DO CHALLENGE OURSELVES TO COME UP DSAw2jEDZVA-01338-00433813-00433986 WITH DIFFERENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES, DSAw2jEDZVA-01339-00433986-00434136 BUT SUPPOSE WE HAVE SOME GREAT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01340-00434136-00434320 VERY COOL TECHNIQUE THAT WE WANT TO USE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01341-00434320-00434626 IF WE TRY TO FORCE IT INTO AN IDEA THAT WE HAVE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01342-00434626-00434826 GENERALLY, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01343-00434826-00434986 IT'S NO GOOD TO COME UP WITH AN IDEA DSAw2jEDZVA-01344-00434986-00435153 TO TRY TO FORCE IT INTO A TECHNIQUE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01345-00435153-00435353 SOMETIMES IT CAN WORK, BUT NOT QUITE OFTEN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01346-00435353-00435636 USUALLY WHAT HAPPENS IS WE COME UP WITH THESE IDEAS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01347-00435636-00435803 AND WE JUST SORT OF PUT THEM ASIDE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01348-00435803-00436070 IT'S AS IF WE HAVE A FILING CABINET FULL OF THEM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01349-00436070-00436383 THEN WE HAVE SOME SORT OF IDEA THAT WE'RE WORKING ON, DSAw2jEDZVA-01350-00436383-00436593 AND THEN WE TAKE SOMETHING THAT WE HAVE DSAw2jEDZVA-01351-00436593-00436836 THAT WE THINK MIGHT BE A GOOD TECHNIQUE THAT MAKES IT WORK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01352-00436836-00436989 AND WE TRY SEVERAL DIFFERENT ONES DSAw2jEDZVA-01353-00436989-00437246 UNTIL THE RIGHT ONE WORKS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01354-00437246-00437553 KENNY AND I MIGHT THINK OF SOME SUPER COOL THING THAT WE DSAw2jEDZVA-01355-00437553-00437780 REALLY WANT TO USE, BUT WE'LL HAVE THAT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01356-00437780-00438023 AND THEN WE'LL BOOKEND IT WITH SOME IDEAS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01357-00438023-00438186 BUT THE IDEAS WORK BETTER TOGETHER DSAw2jEDZVA-01358-00438186-00438500 WITHOUT SOME SUPER COOL THING HANGING THEM TOGETHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01359-00438500-00438786 BUT IT'S GREAT TO WORK IN THIS PARTICULAR WAY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01360-00438786-00439026 WE JUST NEVER GIVE UP. WE KEEP DOING IT ALL THE TIME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01361-00439026-00439203 SOMEBODY IN THE BACK? DSAw2jEDZVA-01362-00440170-00440453 YES. DSAw2jEDZVA-01363-00440453-00440936 YEAH. LET'S HEAR IT. YUP, YUP. WHAT IS IT? YOU'VE GOT ONE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01364-00441103-00441360 THAT'S THE NAME? THAT'S THE NAME OF THE TECHNIQUE DSAw2jEDZVA-01365-00441360-00441686 THAT I WAS SHOWING BEFORE THAT I DIDN'T HAVE A NAME FOR? NO? DSAw2jEDZVA-01366-00441686-00442170 NO? WE WERE TALKING ABOUT WHEN I WAS LOOKING AT THE NEWSPAPER, DSAw2jEDZVA-01367-00442170-00442330 AND THEN I HAD IT IN FRONT OF ME. DSAw2jEDZVA-01368-00442330-00442603 I'D SORT OF GO INTO IT, AND THEN I PUT IT BACK DOWN AGAIN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01369-00442603-00442786 WHAT DID YOU THINK? DSAw2jEDZVA-01370-00442786-00443263 VV? UH, I DON'T THINK IT'S VV. DSAw2jEDZVA-01371-00443263-00443520 VV. WELL... DSAw2jEDZVA-01372-00443789-00443960 CAN YOU COPY THAT, PLEASE? DSAw2jEDZVA-01373-00443960-00444486 SO VV. VISUAL--WHAT'S THAT SECOND WORD? VERNACULAR. DSAw2jEDZVA-01374-00444486-00444720 VISUAL VERNACULAR. RIGHT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01375-00444720-00445050 OK. THAT'S WHEN YOU CREATE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01376-00445050-00445236 AND YOU'RE STANDING IN ONE PARTICULAR PLACE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01377-00445236-00445403 YOU JUST STAY ROOTED TO THE SPOT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01378-00445403-00445596 YOU DON'T MOVE FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER DSAw2jEDZVA-01379-00445596-00445733 AND BECOME THOSE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01380-00445733-00445936 YOU'RE JUST IN ONE PLACE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01381-00446276-00446776 SO VV WOULD BE--LET'S SEE-- DSAw2jEDZVA-01382-00446776-00446956 I GUESS I COULD SAY-- MAYBE IT'S VV. DSAw2jEDZVA-01383-00446956-00447156 I'D OPEN THE NEWSPAPER. I'D LOOK IN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01384-00447156-00447389 AND THEN I SEE THE PICTURE, AND THEN I BECOME NIXON. DSAw2jEDZVA-01385-00447389-00447653 INSTEAD OF SHOWING THE PICTURE, I BECOME HIM. DSAw2jEDZVA-01386-00447653-00447870 BUT I'D HAVE TO SPIN AROUND. DSAw2jEDZVA-01387-00447870-00448153 I MEAN, THAT COULD BE VV, I GUESS. I'M NOT SURE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01388-00448153-00448403 I'M NOT SURE. THAT'S GOOD. IT'S A GOOD CHALLENGE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01389-00448403-00448573 I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01390-00449870-00450403 OK. WELL, QUITE OFTEN, KENNY AND I WILL JUST BE UP ALL NIGHT, DSAw2jEDZVA-01391-00450403-00450543 YOU KNOW? DSAw2jEDZVA-01392-00450543-00450820 AND ONE OF US WILL GET AN IDEA AND EXPLAIN IT TO THE OTHER. DSAw2jEDZVA-01393-00450820-00451103 AND THE OTHER ONE WILL LISTEN AND THEN EITHER GO AHEAD WITH IT DSAw2jEDZVA-01394-00451103-00451270 OR COME UP WITH ANOTHER IDEA. DSAw2jEDZVA-01395-00451270-00451676 AND WE GO BACK AND FORTH UNTIL IT BECOMES A PICTURE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01396-00451676-00451880 I MEAN, A PICTURE'S THE EASIEST WAY FOR ME TO THINK DSAw2jEDZVA-01397-00451880-00452053 IN TERMS OF OUR IDEAS, AND THEN WE COME UP DSAw2jEDZVA-01398-00452053-00452196 WITH A SEQUENCE OF DIFFERENT PICTURES DSAw2jEDZVA-01399-00452196-00452396 TILL THEY ALL SORT OF COME TOGETHER DSAw2jEDZVA-01400-00452396-00452563 AND WE HAVE THIS UNIFIED CONCEPT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01401-00452563-00452946 AND THEN WE SPRINKLE IN DOSES OF OUR DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES DSAw2jEDZVA-01402-00452946-00453273 THAT WE HAVE DISCOVERED OR CREATED, AND THEN WE PRACTICE, DSAw2jEDZVA-01403-00453273-00453503 PRACTICE UNTIL IT'S READY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01404-00453503-00453786 AND THEN TWO DAYS BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE, KENNY SAYS, DSAw2jEDZVA-01405-00453786-00454100 "I NEED SOME ENGLISH WORDS." "OH, RATS." DSAw2jEDZVA-01406-00454100-00454266 SO THEN WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THE WORDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01407-00454266-00454439 NOW, BACK IN THE DAY WHEN WE FIRST STARTED, DSAw2jEDZVA-01408-00454439-00454730 I WOULD GIVE KENNY THIS LONG TOME FULL OF WORDS DSAw2jEDZVA-01409-00454730-00455036 I WANTED TO USE, AND THEN HE JUST VERY JUDICIOUSLY PICKED OUT DSAw2jEDZVA-01410-00455036-00455336 DIFFERENT WORDS TO USE. DSAw2jEDZVA-01411-00455336-00455500 YOU SHOULD EXPLAIN THE VOCAL TECHNIQUE, KENNY. DSAw2jEDZVA-01412-00455500-00455686 COME ON. YOU SHOULD COME UP HERE AND DO THAT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01413-00455686-00455853 OH, THERE'S NO TIME! OK. DSAw2jEDZVA-01414-00455853-00456220 WELL, KENNY DOESN'T SAY EVERY SINGLE WORD THAT I SIGN. DSAw2jEDZVA-01415-00456220-00456453 WHAT HE DOES IS MORE LIKE ASL. DSAw2jEDZVA-01416-00456453-00456900 LIKE, FOR A GUN THAT'S SHOOTING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01417-00456900-00457053 HE'LL JUST MAKE THE SOUND EFFECT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01418-00457053-00457293 OR IF THE HELICOPTER BLADES ARE GOING, DSAw2jEDZVA-01419-00457293-00457500 THEN HE'LL MAKE THE HELICOPTER SOUND. DSAw2jEDZVA-01420-00457500-00457730 BUT HE WANTS THE ATTENTION TO BE ON THE ASL DSAw2jEDZVA-01421-00457730-00458026 AND ON THE DEAF PERFORMER AND NOT ON HIS WORDS. DSAw2jEDZVA-01422-00458026-00458286 OH, I'M SORRY. TIME'S RUN OUT. DSAw2jEDZVA-01423-00458286-00458439 BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MEET ME OUT IN THE LOBBY DSAw2jEDZVA-01424-00458439-00458586 SO WE CAN CONTINUE THIS DISCUSSION. DSAw2jEDZVA-01425-00458586-00458726 AND THANK YOU SO MUCH! DST2VuBYr_0-00000-00000000-00000132 Asaduddin owasi on neembu DST2VuBYr_0-00001-00000132-00000232 Asaduddin owasi on neembu Db9ou9NOsVM-00000-00000190-00000648 Not praying Db9ou9NOsVM-00001-00000462-00000919 is same as Noah not finishing the ark Db9ou9NOsVM-00002-00000994-00001420 Did Noah build an ark for 10 minutes a day? Db9ou9NOsVM-00003-00001420-00001888 He cannot not build it and he must show his obedience Db9ou9NOsVM-00004-00001888-00002113 1 hour? Db9ou9NOsVM-00005-00002124-00002451 I don't think so Db9ou9NOsVM-00006-00002451-00002918 He must have built an ark with all efforts every day Db9ou9NOsVM-00007-00002949-00003329 Bride preparation Db9ou9NOsVM-00008-00003329-00003890 The bride prepares the oil for her lampstand Db9ou9NOsVM-00009-00003890-00004113 10 minutes Db9ou9NOsVM-00010-00003996-00004347 1 hour Db9ou9NOsVM-00011-00004113-00004583 That's not it. One must completely fix their eyes on Jesus Db9ou9NOsVM-00012-00004692-00005225 That is why we pray 7 hours everyday and pray extra Db9ou9NOsVM-00013-00005598-00006006 I speak in tongues when I sleep Db9ou9NOsVM-00014-00005790-00006099 I pray in tongues while preparing sermons at my desk Db9ou9NOsVM-00015-00006099-00006590 I pray continually Db9ou9NOsVM-00016-00006326-00006834 I pray in tongues as I come to the church Db9ou9NOsVM-00017-00006894-00007436 No excuses Db9ou9NOsVM-00018-00007053-00007436 I'm busy. Pastor, you're not busy Db9ou9NOsVM-00019-00007500-00007920 I'm more busy than you Db9ou9NOsVM-00020-00007920-00008349 When we ask you for a representative prayer Db9ou9NOsVM-00021-00008135-00008511 you might not sleep for a week Db9ou9NOsVM-00022-00008511-00008824 Imagine if you have to preach sermons frequently as I don how much preparation is needed! Db9ou9NOsVM-00023-00009170-00009416 Sermons don't come out of my mouth naturally Db9ou9NOsVM-00024-00009609-00009960 Still, I pray as I prepare my sermons Db9ou9NOsVM-00025-00009960-00010329 Pray again Db9ou9NOsVM-00026-00010329-00010894 I pray while working out Db9ou9NOsVM-00027-00010654-00011224 You can pray while working as well Db9ou9NOsVM-00028-00010894-00011500 Say Amen Db9ou9NOsVM-00029-00011224-00011844 The prayer requirement must be met Db9ou9NOsVM-00030-00011500-00011844 Prayer requirement must be met Db9ou9NOsVM-00031-00011871-00012168 In Mount Carmel Db9ou9NOsVM-00032-00012168-00012654 at 9pm when people offer grain offerings at night Db9ou9NOsVM-00033-00012399-00012847 When the prayer requirement is met, the fire fell from heaven Db9ou9NOsVM-00034-00012847-00013219 Amen? Db9ou9NOsVM-00035-00013252-00013665 So we must never stop Db9ou9NOsVM-00036-00013695-00014109 praying Db9ou9NOsVM-00037-00013872-00014196 We must defend our 9pm prayer Db9ou9NOsVM-00038-00014196-00014547 You must participate in war-room prayer with more passion Db9ou9NOsVM-00039-00014547-00014953 Please say Amen Db9ou9NOsVM-00040-00014712-00015159 Our saints can't say Db9ou9NOsVM-00041-00014953-00015240 My pastor is good and passionate Db9ou9NOsVM-00042-00015240-00016187 then go off watching TV or sleep? That can't happen Db9ou9NOsVM-00043-00016362-00016756 Holy Spirit started that prayer meeting Db9ou9NOsVM-00044-00016978-00017520 Go wake them up Db9ou9NOsVM-00045-00017149-00017520 Prepare my brides Db9ou9NOsVM-00046-00017694-00018087 We must meet the prayer requirement even if forced Db9ou9NOsVM-00047-00017940-00018376 Say Amen Db9ou9NOsVM-00048-00018087-00018598 We must meet the requirement Db9ou9NOsVM-00049-00018376-00018811 The guests who are invited to the wedding feast refused to come because they were too busy Db9ou9NOsVM-00050-00018811-00019309 I don't have time Db9ou9NOsVM-00051-00019036-00019489 I don't have time to go the feast Db9ou9NOsVM-00052-00019309-00019776 I must work in the fields Db9ou9NOsVM-00053-00019489-00019776 and get married Db9ou9NOsVM-00054-00019975-00020610 I must train oxen that I bought in the fields Db9ou9NOsVM-00055-00020257-00020610 and plow the fields Db9ou9NOsVM-00056-00020719-00021220 Same thing. I don't have time to pray Db9ou9NOsVM-00057-00020872-00021415 Pastor, You know my situation Db9ou9NOsVM-00058-00021220-00021681 I know your situation Db9ou9NOsVM-00059-00021415-00021958 You should pray more Db9ou9NOsVM-00060-00021681-00022362 You need more prayer Db9ou9NOsVM-00061-00021958-00022362 Why can't you guard your prayer time Db9ou9NOsVM-00062-00022718-00023019 You must be conscience-stricken when you listen to this message Db9ou9NOsVM-00063-00023350-00023848 This is earnest request from your reverend Db9ou9NOsVM-00064-00023650-00024210 When a reverend opens a prayer meeting with members Db9ou9NOsVM-00065-00023848-00024210 you play games or sports? Db9ou9NOsVM-00066-00024265-00024817 That is very sad Db9ou9NOsVM-00067-00024554-00025081 You shouldn't be like that Db9ou9NOsVM-00068-00024817-00025284 We must pray fiercely Say Amen. Db9ou9NOsVM-00069-00025284-00025826 That earnestness Db9ou9NOsVM-00070-00025564-00026103 will get you selected as bride in the last days Db9ou9NOsVM-00071-00026103-00026891 When a king selects his bride Db9ou9NOsVM-00072-00026400-00026891 does he want anyone without criteria? Db9ou9NOsVM-00073-00027038-00027575 He sees their eyes Db9ou9NOsVM-00074-00027289-00027937 and their clothes Db9ou9NOsVM-00075-00027575-00027937 He wants to read their minds Db9ou9NOsVM-00076-00027976-00028347 And he selects her as a queen Db9ou9NOsVM-00077-00028352-00028936 Are your eyes fixed on Jesus? Db9ou9NOsVM-00078-00028714-00029163 Is your heart fixated on the Lord? Db9ou9NOsVM-00079-00029736-00030163 Are you meeting your daily prayer requirement? Db9ou9NOsVM-00080-00030236-00030663 Are your eyes fixed on Jesus? Db9ou9NOsVM-00081-00030736-00031363 Is your heart fixated on the Lord? Db9ou9NOsVM-00082-00031436-00032663 We must pray fiercely. Such earnestness gets you selected as bride of Christ in the end DdeBR7OxQdc-00000-00000858-00001881 If anyone desires a harvest in the life to come, We shall increase it for him; DdeBR7OxQdc-00001-00001881-00002748 if anyone desires a harvest in this world, We shall give him a share of it, DdeBR7OxQdc-00002-00002748-00003715 but in the Hereafter he will have no share. DdeBR7OxQdc-00003-00003715-00005284 How can they believe in others who ordain for them things which God has not sanctioned in the practice of their faith? DdeBR7OxQdc-00004-00005284-00005899 If it were not for God’s decree concerning the final Decision, judgement would already have been made between them. DdeBR7OxQdc-00005-00005899-00006859 The evildoers will have a grievous punishment- DdeBR7OxQdc-00006-00006859-00008092 you will see them fearful because of what they have done: punishment is bound to fall on them- DdeBR7OxQdc-00007-00008092-00009427 but those who believe and do good deeds will be in the flowering meadows of the Gardens. DdeBR7OxQdc-00008-00009427-00010405 They will have whatever they wish from their Lord: DdeBR7OxQdc-00009-00010405-00011154 this is the great bounty; DdeBR7OxQdc-00010-00011154-00012610 it is of this that God gives good news to His servants who believe and do good deeds. DdeBR7OxQdc-00011-00012610-00013711 Say [Prophet], ‘I ask no reward from you for this, only the affection due to kin.’ DdeBR7OxQdc-00012-00013711-00014638 If anyone does good, We shall increase it for him; DdeBR7OxQdc-00013-00014638-00015637 God is most forgiving and most appreciative. DdeBR7OxQdc-00014-00015637-00016308 How can they say, ‘He has invented a lie about God’? DdeBR7OxQdc-00015-00016308-00017020 If God so willed, He could seal your heart DdeBR7OxQdc-00016-00017020-00017831 and blot out lies: God confirms the Truth with His words. DdeBR7OxQdc-00017-00017831-00018936 He has full knowledge of what is in the heart- DdeBR7OxQdc-00018-00018936-00019687 it is He who accepts repentance from His servants DdeBR7OxQdc-00019-00019687-00021077 it is He who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons bad deeds- DdeBR7OxQdc-00020-00021077-00022094 and pardons bad deeds- He knows everything you do. DdeBR7OxQdc-00021-00022094-00023376 He responds to those who believe and do good deeds, and gives them more of His bounty; DdeBR7OxQdc-00022-00023376-00024434 agonizing torment awaits the disbelievers. DdeBR7OxQdc-00023-00024434-00025747 it is He who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons bad deeds- DdeBR7OxQdc-00024-00025747-00026822 and pardons bad deeds- He knows everything you do. DdeBR7OxQdc-00025-00026822-00028241 He responds to those who believe and do good deeds, and gives them more of His bounty; DdeBR7OxQdc-00026-00028241-00029210 agonizing torment awaits the disbelievers. DdeBR7OxQdc-00027-00029210-00030188 If God were to grant His plentiful provision to [all] His creatures, they would act insolently on earth, but DdeBR7OxQdc-00028-00030188-00031181 but He sends down in due measure whatever He will, DdeBR7OxQdc-00029-00031181-00032351 for He is well aware of His servants and watchful over them: DdeBR7OxQdc-00030-00032351-00033523 it is He who sends relief through rain after they have lost hope, and spreads His mercy far and wide. DdeBR7OxQdc-00031-00033523-00034490 He is the Protector, Worthy of All Praise. DdeBR7OxQdc-00032-00034490-00036132 Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: DdeBR7OxQdc-00033-00036132-00037165 He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. DdeBR7OxQdc-00034-00037165-00038502 Whatever misfortune befalls you [people], it is because of what your own hands have done DdeBR7OxQdc-00035-00038502-00039533 it is because of what your own hands have done -God forgives much- DdeBR7OxQdc-00036-00039533-00040638 you cannot escape Him anywhere on earth: DdeBR7OxQdc-00037-00040638-00042105 you have no protector or helper other than God. DdeBR7OxQdc-00038-00042105-00043114 Among His signs are the ships, sailing like floating mountains: DdeBR7OxQdc-00039-00043114-00044048 if He willed, He could bring the wind to a standstill and they would lie motionless on the surface of the sea DdeBR7OxQdc-00040-00044048-00045236 -there truly are signs in this for anyone who is steadfast and thankful- DdeBR7OxQdc-00041-00045236-00046387 or He could cause them to be wrecked on account of what their passengers have done- God pardons much- DdeBR7OxQdc-00042-00046387-00048231 to let those who argue about Our messages know that there is no escape for them. DdeBR7OxQdc-00043-00048231-00049538 What you have been given is only the fleeting enjoyment of this world. DdeBR7OxQdc-00044-00049538-00050407 Far better and more lasting is what God will give DdeBR7OxQdc-00045-00050407-00051958 Far better and more lasting is what God will give to those who believe and trust in their Lord; DdeBR7OxQdc-00046-00051958-00053601 who shun great sins and gross indecencies; who forgive when they are angry; DdeBR7OxQdc-00047-00053601-00054786 respond to their Lord; keep up the prayer; conduct their affairs by mutual consultation; DdeBR7OxQdc-00048-00054786-00056100 conduct their affairs by mutual consultation; give to others out of what We have provided for them; DdeBR7OxQdc-00049-00056100-00057383 and defend themselves when they are oppressed. DdeBR7OxQdc-00050-00057383-00058429 Let harm be requited by an equal harm, DdeBR7OxQdc-00051-00058429-00059367 though anyone who forgives and puts things right will have his reward from God Himself DdeBR7OxQdc-00052-00059367-00060224 He does not like those who do wrong. DdeBR7OxQdc-00053-00060224-00061778 There is no cause to act against anyone who defends himself after being wronged, DdeBR7OxQdc-00054-00061778-00063094 but there is cause to act against those who oppress people and transgress in the land against all justice DdeBR7OxQdc-00055-00063094-00063993 -they will have an agonizing torment- DdeBR7OxQdc-00056-00063993-00065254 though if a person is patient and forgives, this is one of the greatest things. DdeBR7OxQdc-00057-00065254-00066538 Anyone God allows to stray will have no one else to protect him: DdeBR7OxQdc-00058-00066538-00067436 you [Prophet] will see the wrongdoers, when they face the punishment, DdeBR7OxQdc-00059-00067444-00068429 you [Prophet] will see the wrongdoers, when they face the punishment, exclaiming, DdeBR7OxQdc-00060-00068438-00070171 you [Prophet] will see the wrongdoers, when they face the punishment, exclaiming, ‘Is there any way of going back?’ DdeBR7OxQdc-00061-00070171-00070981 You will see them exposed to the Fire, abject in humiliation, DdeBR7OxQdc-00062-00070981-00072000 abject in humiliation, glancing furtively, DdeBR7OxQdc-00063-00072000-00073653 while those who believed exclaim, ‘The losers are the ones who have lost themselves DdeBR7OxQdc-00064-00073653-00075530 while those who believed exclaim, ‘The losers are the ones who have lost themselves and their people on the Day of Resurrection.’ DdeBR7OxQdc-00065-00075530-00076942 Truly the evildoers will remain in lasting torment; DdeBR7OxQdc-00066-00076942-00078472 they will have no allies to help them against God. DdeBR7OxQdc-00067-00078472-00079660 There is no way [forward] for those God allows to stray. DdeBR7OxQdc-00068-00079660-00080807 So [people] respond to your Lord before there comes a Day DdeBR7OxQdc-00069-00080807-00082400 So [people] respond to your Lord before there comes a Day that cannot, against God’s will, be averted DdeBR7OxQdc-00070-00082400-00083816 before there comes a Day that cannot, against God’s will, be averted DdeBR7OxQdc-00071-00083816-00084536 you will have no refuge on that Day, DdeBR7OxQdc-00072-00084536-00085610 and no possibility of denying [your sins]. DdeBR7OxQdc-00073-00085610-00087300 So [people] respond to your Lord before there comes a Day that cannot, against God’s will, be averted DdeBR7OxQdc-00074-00087300-00088317 you will have no refuge on that Day, DdeBR7OxQdc-00075-00088317-00089292 and no possibility of denying [your sins]. DehV_hIvpJM-00000-00000268-00000676 alright so we get asked a lot about how to clean the surface of your finished DehV_hIvpJM-00001-00000677-00000772 ArtResin peice DehV_hIvpJM-00002-00000772-00001095 very simple just treat it like glass...just use a Windex DehV_hIvpJM-00003-00001095-00001403 and just spray it on DehV_hIvpJM-00004-00001403-00001736 and just paper towel is fine. Or if you want to be really careful you can DehV_hIvpJM-00005-00001736-00001934 use a really soft cloth DehV_hIvpJM-00006-00002016-00002260 so that's it. simple answer: just treat it like glass. Di3iC7DDgYU-00000-00000063-00000521 THE NAVY ORDERED A SHELTER IN PLACE FOR MEMBERS OF THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD AFTER A SHOOTING Di3iC7DDgYU-00001-00000521-00000993 INSIDE THE NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND HEADQUARTERS BUILDING SEPTEMBER 16TH. Di3iC7DDgYU-00002-00000993-00001301 THERE WERE REPORTS OF SEVERAL PEOPLE KILLED AND INJURED. Di3iC7DDgYU-00003-00001301-00001748 AS A RESULT, THE NAVY ORDERED A ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ACCOUNTABILITY MUSTER FOR NAVY PERSONNEL Di3iC7DDgYU-00004-00001748-00001953 IN THE NATIONAL CAPTIAL REGION. Di3iC7DDgYU-00005-00001953-00002567 LOG ONTO THE NAVY FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESMENT SYSTEM WEBSITE AT NAVYFAMILY.NAVY.MIL, Di3iC7DDgYU-00006-00002567-00002772 AND MAKE SURE YOUR INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE. Di3iC7DDgYU-00007-00002772-00003174 IF YOU'RE OUTSIDE THE D-C AREA YOU'RE ALSO ENCOURAGED TO LOG ON TO NFAAS TO MAKE SURE Di3iC7DDgYU-00008-00003174-00003638 YOUR INFORMATION IS CURRENT, SO YOU CAN BE EASILY CONTACTED IN AN EMERGENCY. Di3iC7DDgYU-00009-00003638-00004015 FAMILY MEMBERS LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THIER LOVED ONES SHOULD CONTACT THE WARFIGHTER Di3iC7DDgYU-00010-00004015-00004937 AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER AT (202) 433-6151, OR (202) 433-9713. Di3iC7DDgYU-00011-00004937-00005246 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER BRANDIE WILLS. Dml-COtwrrE-00000-00000272-00000808 When you have money in hand,,, only you forget,,, who you are,, Dml-COtwrrE-00001-00000936-00001655 But,, when you,,, do not have money in hand,,, The whole world forget,,, who you are,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00002-00001823-00002704 Hunger,,, Poverty,,, & Failure,, Can teach you,, the greatest lesson of life ,, Dml-COtwrrE-00003-00002704-00003072 That,,, no University in the world,, will teach you. Dml-COtwrrE-00004-00003192-00003696 We all have a deeper story,,, that most don’t see, Dml-COtwrrE-00005-00003847-00004864 More the Darkness,, more the value for moon. More the problems,,, more the value for Human. Dml-COtwrrE-00006-00005008-00005496 When you feel like,, you are Fighting alone, in Life,, Dml-COtwrrE-00007-00005632-00005840 That’s, when you should be, Dml-COtwrrE-00008-00005960-00006384 Fighting the Hardest, If you want to be, Strong,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00009-00006512-00007184 Learn how to fight, Alone. Sometimes, you face difficulties,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00010-00007288-00008264 Not because,, you are doing,, something Wrong. But because, you are doing,, something Right. Dml-COtwrrE-00011-00008368-00008816 Don’t be disappointed,,,, when nobody stands with you. Dml-COtwrrE-00012-00008960-00009688 Be thankful,,, to those, who left you,,, Because,, they thought you, that,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00013-00009776-00010544 You can do it,, Alone,,, Remember,, Every next level of your life,, Dml-COtwrrE-00014-00010624-00010944 will demand,, A different ,,,, You. Dml-COtwrrE-00015-00011080-00011624 A person,,,, who battle with himself, to correct his faults,, Dml-COtwrrE-00016-00011720-00012624 No one, can defeat him. Forget, about making mistakes,,, just do it. Dml-COtwrrE-00017-00012736-00013440 If you don’t have, the intension of stopping. Then, it never matters, how slow you walk. Dml-COtwrrE-00018-00013624-00013944 Best attitude is,, I will win,, Dml-COtwrrE-00019-00014072-00014712 not immediately,,, but definitely.. Keep going,,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00020-00014800-00015168 Everything,,, will come to you,,, at a perfect time. Dml-COtwrrE-00021-00015312-00015856 Positive thinking,,, is not only about,,, expecting the best, to happen. Dml-COtwrrE-00022-00015952-00016520 But, it is also about,,, Accepting whatever happens,,, is for the best. Dml-COtwrrE-00023-00016648-00017288 Our Hopes, should be like, Hair & Nails. No matter, how many times, they get cut, Dml-COtwrrE-00024-00017392-00018168 But, they never stop, Growing. No Poison, can kill, a Positive thinker. Dml-COtwrrE-00025-00018264-00018864 No medicine, can cure, a Negative thinker. Remember,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00026-00018976-00019472 Your mind, is your strongest muscle, & your worst Enemy. Dml-COtwrrE-00027-00019576-00019952 Rule your mind,,, or,,,, It will rule you. Dml-COtwrrE-00028-00020104-00020840 Hope,, is the power, that gives a person,,, The Confidence, to step out & Try. Dml-COtwrrE-00029-00020968-00021336 If you don’t try to start, build your own dream today,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00030-00021432-00021880 Then,, someone else, will use you to build,, their own dreams. Dml-COtwrrE-00031-00022024-00022368 Everything, will comes to you, at the right time,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00032-00022440-00023016 Be patient. Patience, is not about, the ability to wait,, Dml-COtwrrE-00033-00023104-00023648 But,, it’s the ability, to keep a Good attitude, while waiting. Dml-COtwrrE-00034-00023784-00024344 So be patient,, Sometimes, you have to go, through the worst,, Dml-COtwrrE-00035-00024432-00025032 To get, the best. We can control, a big Elephant easily. Dml-COtwrrE-00036-00025128-00025504 But, it’s very difficult, to control, our own mind. Dml-COtwrrE-00037-00025592-00026232 If we succeed, in controlling it,, Then, it’s not difficult, to win the world. Dml-COtwrrE-00038-00026383-00027056 If you fail, to achieve, your dreams,,, Then, change your ways,,, not, your principles. Dml-COtwrrE-00039-00027160-00027656 Remember,,, trees, changes their leaves ,,,, not roots. Dml-COtwrrE-00040-00027824-00028183 Dream,,, is not, what you see in Sleep,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00041-00028288-00028704 Dream ,, is the thing, which doesn’t let you Sleep. Dml-COtwrrE-00042-00028848-00029224 If you want to have, a bright feature, in your life, Dml-COtwrrE-00043-00029312-00029872 Then, You must need to face,, a hundred of bad days, now. Dml-COtwrrE-00044-00030024-00030439 Train your mind, to see the good, in every thing.,, Dml-COtwrrE-00045-00030544-00031136 Positivity & Happiness, is a choice,,, choose it every day. Dml-COtwrrE-00046-00031344-00031832 The greatest distance, in the world, is just 14 inches,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00047-00031944-00032600 That is,,, Mind & Heart,,, The most difficult task, Dml-COtwrrE-00048-00032600-00032856 is to balance, between them. Dml-COtwrrE-00049-00033048-00033784 You can’t control, everything, Sometimes,, you just need to relax, & have faith. Dml-COtwrrE-00050-00033872-00034280 That, things will work out,,, Let it go ,, A little. Dml-COtwrrE-00051-00034280-00035248 & just let, life to happen. Faith, is not knowing, what the feature holds, Dml-COtwrrE-00052-00035336-00035704 But,,, Knowing,,,, Who,, holds the Feature. Dml-COtwrrE-00053-00035864-00036584 Your Faith, can move, the Mountains,,,, But, your Doubt,,,, can create them. Dml-COtwrrE-00054-00036712-00037008 When you find, a dream, inside your heart,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00055-00037096-00038024 Don’t, let it go,, Dreams are, the tiny seeds,, From which, beautiful tomorrow, grows. Dml-COtwrrE-00056-00038176-00038856 Don’t say, it’s impossible,,,, without trying it. Everything is possible, in this world. Dml-COtwrrE-00057-00038952-00039472 Just, we need to try it, with our maximum effort. That’s it. Dml-COtwrrE-00058-00039600-00039992 To be the Best,,, you must be able, to handle, the worst,, Dml-COtwrrE-00059-00040160-00040784 Failure, is nothing ,, more than, a chance to revise, your strategy. Dml-COtwrrE-00060-00040928-00041584 A word, of encouragement,,, during, a failure,,, is worth, more than, an hour of praise, Dml-COtwrrE-00061-00041656-00042288 after success. Don’t settle for less than, you deserve in life. Dml-COtwrrE-00062-00042384-00043064 Weather, that’s a partner, a job, or a lifestyle… You can do it. Dml-COtwrrE-00063-00043200-00043832 Honest feelings,, & bad timing,,, Make, the most painful combination.. Dml-COtwrrE-00064-00043968-00044336 Just because,, the process hurts,,, Doesn’t mean,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00065-00044400-00044984 the results won’t be beautiful,, Don’t lose Hope,, because,, Dml-COtwrrE-00066-00045088-00045832 once hope is gone, there is no fight. Even if the whole world, has given up, on you,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00067-00045928-00046728 Don’t give up, on yourself.. Anything you want, is worth,,, fighting for. Dml-COtwrrE-00068-00046896-00047568 You might feel worthless, to one person, But, you are Priceless, to another,, Dml-COtwrrE-00069-00047680-00048408 Don’t ever forget, your value. Respect yourself, enough,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00070-00048408-00048888 to walk away, from anything,, That,, no longer serves you,, Dml-COtwrrE-00071-00048888-00049624 grows you,, or makes you, happy. Never reply ,,, when you are, Angry,, Dml-COtwrrE-00072-00049736-00050728 Never make a promise,,, when you are, Happy,, Never make a decision,,, when you are, Sad. Dml-COtwrrE-00073-00050864-00051432 Silence, is not empty,,,, it is, full of answers. Dml-COtwrrE-00074-00051576-00052160 Happiness, is not determined by, what’s happening, around you. Dml-COtwrrE-00075-00052240-00052544 But,, rather than, what’s happening,, Dml-COtwrrE-00076-00052632-00053136 inside you. Happiness, will never come to those,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00077-00053191-00054128 who fail, to appreciate, what they already have. Remember,,,, gratitude affects,, Attitude. Dml-COtwrrE-00078-00054288-00054920 Happiness,, is not something, readymade,,, It comes from, your own Actions. Dml-COtwrrE-00079-00055096-00055872 You,, are responsible, for your own, happiness. If you expect others,, to make you, happy, Dml-COtwrrE-00080-00055967-00056584 Then, you will be always,, disappointed. Depression is ,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00081-00056584-00057312 When you, don’t really, care about, anything. That is, you are living, in the Past, Dml-COtwrrE-00082-00057448-00057960 Anxiety is,,, When you care, too much, about everything. Dml-COtwrrE-00083-00058016-00058767 That is, you are living, in the Future. & having both, is just like, hell. Dml-COtwrrE-00084-00058888-00059840 So, Try to live, in the present,,, with peace, At the end, of the day,, it is,, what it is,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00085-00059976-00060544 Don’t look back,,, with regrets,,, Look forward ,,, with hope. Dml-COtwrrE-00086-00060655-00061136 Never believe, what the lines of your hand, predict, Dml-COtwrrE-00087-00061136-00061832 about your feature. Because,, people, who don’t have hands, Dml-COtwrrE-00088-00061832-00062191 also have a future. Believe in yourself. Dml-COtwrrE-00089-00062320-00062936 Luck, is not in your hands,, but,, Decision, is in your hands,, Dml-COtwrrE-00090-00063024-00063720 Your decision, can make luck,, But,,, Luck can never make, your decision,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00091-00063791-00064336 So,,, always, trust yourself.. Confidence, is nothing,, Dml-COtwrrE-00092-00064432-00065120 more than believing, in yourself. & believing in yourself,,, is about, Dml-COtwrrE-00093-00065208-00065768 doing the things now,,,, That, you once didn’t believe that,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00094-00065872-00066248 you could do this. We are Human,, Dml-COtwrrE-00095-00066360-00067216 we are not, perfect,,, we are alive,, We try things,, we make, mistakes,, Dml-COtwrrE-00096-00067328-00067600 we stumble,, we fall,, Dml-COtwrrE-00097-00067688-00068784 we get, hurt,, we rise again,, we try again,, we keep, learning,, we keep, growing,, Dml-COtwrrE-00098-00068904-00069512 we are thankful, for this priceless opportunity, called,, Life. Dml-COtwrrE-00099-00069640-00070488 Always look at,, what you have, Left,, Never look at,, what you have, Lost,, Dml-COtwrrE-00100-00070568-00071144 Be thankful, for what you have, You will end up, having more. Dml-COtwrrE-00101-00071224-00072016 If you concentrate, on what, you don’t have, You will never, ever, have, enough. Dml-COtwrrE-00102-00072144-00072680 The Bottom line is,,, Behind you,, all your, memories,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00103-00072784-00073504 Before you,,, all your, dreams,, Around you,, all,, who love you,,, Dml-COtwrrE-00104-00073616-00074024 With in you,,, all you need, So, Dml-COtwrrE-00105-00074112-00074656 Keep going,,, Keep going,,, never stop. Remember,, Dml-COtwrrE-00106-00074744-00075120 Always Difficult roads,, lead to, beautiful, Dml-COtwrrE-00107-00075120-00075784 destinations… Good Luck,,, Dmc4auo-A1k-00000-00000000-00000480 Hello guys welcome To Luigi.Nothing Dmc4auo-A1k-00001-00000600-00001592 Today, Luigi is going to try and win by doing absolutely nothing in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Online Dmc4auo-A1k-00002-00001968-00002200 We're doing a Renegade Roundup match so Dmc4auo-A1k-00003-00002592-00004000 if my team wins my team's wins Team Luigi will get a point if their team wins Team Dmc4auo-A1k-00004-00004000-00004640 Bowser Jr. will earn a point which we don't want we want team Luigi to earn a point that's right Dmc4auo-A1k-00005-00004856-00005784 That's right team Luigi wants to win Dmc4auo-A1k-00006-00006200-00006688 luigi team luigi is gonna try on one by doing absolutely not fun Dmc4auo-A1k-00007-00006888-00007312 he's just gonna chill and do absolutely nothing Dmc4auo-A1k-00008-00007559-00008008 he's just gonna do absolutely nothing that's right absolutely not fine Dmc4auo-A1k-00009-00008392-00009264 that's right he's just chilling there yes now should he just chill in there nothing else Dmc4auo-A1k-00010-00009888-00010168 plus look at luigi isn't this zoey Dmc4auo-A1k-00011-00011032-00011384 have you seen a silly little nose Dmc4auo-A1k-00012-00012728-00013416 here's my coins i currently have zero coins obviously because i'm not doing anything in this Dmc4auo-A1k-00013-00013416-00014184 video Dmc4auo-A1k-00014-00014624-00014904 oh my god luigi is so going Dmc4auo-A1k-00015-00015480-00015640 master mike caught me Dmc4auo-A1k-00016-00015856-00016176 master mike must have been playing mario kart Dmc4auo-A1k-00017-00016176-00016984 a lot he must have been playing since the nintendo switch even came out Dmc4auo-A1k-00018-00018992-00019992 my coin my coin thing zero obviously because this is called luigi is gonna Dmc4auo-A1k-00019-00019992-00021184 win is trying to win in mario kart by doing absolutely nothing yup that's right Dmc4auo-A1k-00020-00022064-00022584 okay Dmc4auo-A1k-00021-00023576-00024484 it says we got one minute left I'm gonna hum the Splatoon one minute Theme Dmc4auo-A1k-00023-00029239-00030272 YEAHHHHH Team Luigi wins good job Team Luigi okay bye Eo0XfJd00ky-00000-00000192-00000616 Seven years ago in 2012 the banking union was created. Eo0XfJd00ky-00001-00000616-00000984 But what is it exactly and how does it benefit you. Eo0XfJd00ky-00002-00000984-00001471 In 2008 we saw how quickly problems in the banking sector of Eo0XfJd00ky-00003-00001471-00001911 one country spread to other countries. Many banks got in trouble Eo0XfJd00ky-00004-00001911-00002472 and taxpayers had to rescue them. So to ensure a stronger financial sector Eo0XfJd00ky-00005-00002472-00002880 for the future the banking union was created. First Eo0XfJd00ky-00006-00002880-00003368 common banking rules were put in place for all euro area countries. Eo0XfJd00ky-00007-00003368-00003744 Second european banking supervision and the single resolution Eo0XfJd00ky-00008-00003744-00004255 mechanism were created. Together they supervised banks according to the same Eo0XfJd00ky-00009-00004255-00004703 high standards and they intervene if a bank goes into Eo0XfJd00ky-00010-00004703-00005048 trouble. This ensures that a failure of one bank Eo0XfJd00ky-00011-00005048-00005439 won't harm the economy and that you can rely on your bank to Eo0XfJd00ky-00012-00005439-00005984 save borrow and invest safely. E0hs1M2Au1M-00000-00000056-00000672 i'm getting a little bit angry over just what you were seeing, and what you had to do over them. E0hs1M2Au1M-00001-00000736-00001168 this made me really sad, and i had to hit them so many times. E0hs1M2Au1M-00002-00001376-00001704 and this is all because i'm just too aggressive over it. E0hs1M2Au1M-00003-00001784-00002880 and i can just do the same thing. now it's happened before. all of this those in separate stages. E3Jx8xPhMNg-00000-00000275-00000627 The apprenticeship's great because you're working amongst so many people who are industry E3Jx8xPhMNg-00001-00000627-00000899 professionals, they open so many doors for you. E3Jx8xPhMNg-00002-00000899-00001167 Without the apprenticeship scheme I wouldn't have been able to get into the competition E3Jx8xPhMNg-00003-00001167-00001529 route, which is basically what's got me to where I am now, which is where I'm successful. E3Jx8xPhMNg-00004-00001529-00001818 Not only are you making money you're learning a skill, a trade. E3Jx8xPhMNg-00005-00001818-00002135 A lot of jobs these days they always require experience. E3Jx8xPhMNg-00006-00002135-00002607 By the time you've finished it you've got three, four years full experience, full time E3Jx8xPhMNg-00007-00002607-00002781 and often a job waiting for you at the end of it too. E4MUXlmHtG0-00000-00000000-00000104 quack? E4MUXlmHtG0-00001-00000104-00000204 QUACK! E4MUXlmHtG0-00002-00000204-00000304 Q̷̺͈̪͙͛̍̾̓̀̌̇̅͛̉̅͊̒͝͠͝ȗ̸̳̲̪̩͌̓͘A̷̪̯͈͍̬̬̘͍͈̫̱͙̯͖͙͚̥̮̣̳͈̥̟̩̹͂͜͜ç̶̨̡̛̱̘̫͚̣̼͕͉̰̱̹͙̥̣͎͎̮͇̯̭̙̊̌̈́̊̈́́̈́͛͂̆̍̅́̍̔̎̇͛̾̔͒̏͌͋͆͂̚ͅͅK̴̢̧̧̛̛̠̠̗̱͈̳͎̝͉̘͎̫̤̮͓͉̯̻͚͚̬̝͋͑͌͗̈́̈́̽̈́̀̽͂̓̆̒̓̀͆̃̍̕̚͝͝͝͝ͅ E4MUXlmHtG0-00003-00000304-00000404 🦆🎧🎶 E4MUXlmHtG0-00004-00000404-00000604 [Voices] E4MUXlmHtG0-00005-00000704-00000904 [Dababy Type Beat] E4MUXlmHtG0-00006-00000904-00001204 [Prod. By Quacka] E4MUXlmHtG0-00007-00001404-00002004 can you imagine losing your voice?! what if one day you just suddenly lost the feeling of making a sound in your mouth?! that's what being deaf mute is like... E4MUXlmHtG0-00008-00002404-00002504 For more information about the beats, check my description below! 👇 E4MUXlmHtG0-00009-00002504-00003004 Want to collab with me? Contact me in my IG or Gmail in the description! 📲 E4MUXlmHtG0-00010-00003004-00003504 If you use this beat, make sure to credit me properly 😊 E5nloxp2TFc-00000-00000600-00000840 In this experiment we're going to be using the same setup E5nloxp2TFc-00001-00000840-00001144 that we had for calculating acceleration in a straight line. E5nloxp2TFc-00002-00001144-00001408 The only difference this time is that we're going to be using the information E5nloxp2TFc-00003-00001408-00001680 that we collect to try and estimate the friction between the cart E5nloxp2TFc-00004-00001680-00002119 and the track. Before you begin, if you haven't already, please review all the E5nloxp2TFc-00005-00002119-00002384 lab instructions as provided by your instructor. E5nloxp2TFc-00006-00002384-00002703 And please remember to wear your proper PPE, including safety glasses and E5nloxp2TFc-00007-00002703-00002927 anything else that your instructor requires. E5nloxp2TFc-00008-00002927-00003232 And finally, before you touch any equipment, please make sure to clean E5nloxp2TFc-00009-00003232-00003552 disinfect the equipment and your work area before proceeding and, of course, E5nloxp2TFc-00010-00003552-00003807 when you're done. E5nloxp2TFc-00011-00003823-00004128 As i said, we're using the same setup as before, so if you need a refresher on how E5nloxp2TFc-00012-00004128-00004400 to set anything up or how to read the data logger, please refer E5nloxp2TFc-00013-00004400-00004744 to the previous video which will be linked below. Once you're set up, you'll E5nloxp2TFc-00014-00004744-00005055 be running it exactly the same as the last experiment. You'll be changing your E5nloxp2TFc-00015-00005055-00005319 weights on your end, and then noting the speeds as they pass E5nloxp2TFc-00016-00005319-00005600 the two different photogates, and using that information for your E5nloxp2TFc-00017-00005600-00005903 calculations. The only additional information you're going to need E5nloxp2TFc-00018-00005903-00006303 this time is that you'll also need to know the mass of your cart. E5nloxp2TFc-00019-00006303-00006600 If you're doing this virtually, your instructor will provide you with the E5nloxp2TFc-00020-00006600-00006831 mass, the speeds, and the distance between your E5nloxp2TFc-00021-00006831-00007040 photogates and that should be enough to proceed. E5nloxp2TFc-00022-00007040-00007328 Otherwise, if you're doing this in person, please collect all that information and E5nloxp2TFc-00023-00007328-00007647 once you have all that information you can proceed on with the rest of the E5nloxp2TFc-00024-00007647-00008008 lab. You can do your tear down. Make sure to remember to always E5nloxp2TFc-00025-00008008-00008479 clean all the equipment in your area before putting everything away. E5nloxp2TFc-00026-00008479-00008784 Once you move on to the actual calculation section, I will E5nloxp2TFc-00027-00008784-00009175 caution that you may come across a negative value. E5nloxp2TFc-00028-00009175-00009472 Due to errors in measurement, it's possible when you're calculating the f E5nloxp2TFc-00029-00009472-00009728 sub k value, that you might get a negative number. E5nloxp2TFc-00030-00009728-00010079 If that happens, don't treat it as a negative. Treat it as a zero. E5nloxp2TFc-00031-00010079-00010384 And, if you're asked to plot anything, just don't plot any of the zeros on your E5nloxp2TFc-00032-00010384-00010672 graph. That should be everything that you need E5nloxp2TFc-00033-00010672-00010952 to know for this experiment. All the other instructions are in your lab E5nloxp2TFc-00034-00010952-00011184 report, so continue on and, once you're done, you E5nloxp2TFc-00035-00011184-00011607 can submit that as you would normally. As always, if there's any further E5nloxp2TFc-00036-00011607-00012584 questions, please contact your instructor. E71fH7IFeC0-00000-00000042-00001074 what animals live in the jungle you might live in the jungle E71fH7IFeC0-00001-00001194-00002274 what animals live in the grasslands bison live in the grasslands what animals live in E71fH7IFeC0-00002-00002274-00003588 the sea squids live in the sea what animals live in the sea squids live in the sea back E7hTVQcLowk-00000-00000567-00001216 Saira Khan appeared on Loose Women to discuss the controversy over H&M E7hTVQcLowk-00001-00001333-00002402 The retailer faced backlash for using an image of a black child wearing a green hooded sweatshirt emblazoned with the phrase 'Coolest Monkey in the Jungle' E7hTVQcLowk-00002-00002519-00003123 Saira says she failed to make the 'racist' connection and purchase the jumper E7hTVQcLowk-00003-00003240-00004211 Loose Women's Saira Khan has come to H&M's defense after the retailer was embroiled in a race row over a children's hoodie. E7hTVQcLowk-00004-00004328-00005964 The Swedish fashion chain has received backlash for using an image of a black child wearing a £7.99 green hooded sweatshirt emblazoned with the phrase 'Coolest Monkey in the Jungle' on it's UK and US websites E7hTVQcLowk-00005-00006081-00007361 And while many have been quick to criticise the chain, mother-of-two Saira said she failed to make the racist connection and would even consider purchasing the sweater for her mixed-race son. E7hTVQcLowk-00006-00007478-00008607 Appearing on Tuesday's Loose Women, the panelist said: 'I looked at that (the photo) and I saw it and I just saw a little kid wearing a little t-shirt. E7hTVQcLowk-00007-00008724-00009815 'I didn't even make a connection between racism and that top and I've got a mixed-raced child and I would buy that top because he is a cheeky little monkey.' E7hTVQcLowk-00008-00009932-00010768 Saira, 47, also remarked that you would have to be of a 'racist mind' to find the jumper offensive E7hTVQcLowk-00009-00010885-00011510 She continued: 'I think you have to have a racist mind to make that link E7hTVQcLowk-00010-00011627-00012379 I don't look at my life through racism But now that it has been pointed out it does make me feel uncomfortable. E7hTVQcLowk-00011-00012496-00012960 'I don't think H&M have done this deliberately E7hTVQcLowk-00012-00013077-00013803 I think it's a genuine mistake because they have promoted a lot of diversity in their other campaigns.' E7hTVQcLowk-00013-00013919-00014802 Her comments come just hours after The Weeknd cut ties with H&M following the backlash. E7hTVQcLowk-00014-00014919-00016151 The Weeknd, whose real name is Abel Tesfaye, has twice collaborated with H&M and performed at the brand's Spring 2017 fashion show E7hTVQcLowk-00015-00016268-00016896 However, he tweeted on Monday that he will no longer be working with the retailer E7hTVQcLowk-00016-00017013-00017986 In a statement shared with Daily Mail Online, H&M said: 'We completely understand and agree with his reaction to the image E7hTVQcLowk-00017-00018103-00018791 We are deeply sorry that the picture was taken, and we also regret the actual print E7hTVQcLowk-00018-00018908-00019663 'We have removed the image from all our channels and the sweater is no longer for sale in our stores E7hTVQcLowk-00019-00019780-00020451 We will also look into our internal routines to avoid such situations in the future E7hTVQcLowk-00020-00020568-00021232 We will continue the discussion with The Weeknd and his team separately.' E7hTVQcLowk-00021-00021349-00022541 The image has since been taken down from the site in the wake of the uproar, and H&M has issued a public apology after the photo prompted outrage on social media. E7hTVQcLowk-00022-00022658-00023502 'We sincerely apologize for offending people with this image of a printed hooded top,' the company said in a statement E7hTVQcLowk-00023-00023619-00024436 'The image has been removed from all online channels and the product will not be for sale in the United States E7hTVQcLowk-00024-00024553-00025567 'We believe in diversity and inclusion in all that we do and will be reviewing all our internal policies accordingly to avoid any future issues.' E7hTVQcLowk-00025-00025683-00027127 The Weeknd released his second clothing collaboration with H&M in September, proudly sharing a photo of himself modeling a varsity jacket from the line to announce it's launch last fall E7hTVQcLowk-00026-00027245-00028041 It's unclear if the star was working on a third collaboration with H&M at the time of the announcement E7hTVQcLowk-00027-00028158-00029587 After photos of the children's top took the internet by storm, customers took to to question whether H&M were being 'casually racist,' pointing out that 'monkey' has long been used as a racial slur. E7hTVQcLowk-00028-00029704-00030576 Even those who doubted the brand was being racist admitted there should have been more awareness of how the image could be perceived E7hTVQcLowk-00029-00030693-00031693 The campaign group Models Of Diversity, which pushes for more diversification across the industry, said H&M should be 'ashamed.' E7hTVQcLowk-00030-00031810-00032282 Other users were also quick to weigh in on the debate E7hTVQcLowk-00031-00032399-00033329 One wrote: 'Is this part of a publicity stunt? Do some brands want to be dragged on in order to gain more visibility?' E7hTVQcLowk-00032-00033446-00034026 Another added: 'Wow I mean, put it on a child of literally AN E7xbb5nYZBM-00000-00000000-00000244 Explore with JPSS E7xbb5nYZBM-00001-00000244-00000460 Recycled Seed Paper E7xbb5nYZBM-00002-00000506-00000814 Narrator: Earth observing satellites like the Joint Polar Satellite System E7xbb5nYZBM-00003-00000814-00001051 help scientists measure land surface temperatures, E7xbb5nYZBM-00004-00001051-00001247 soil moisture, and precipitation daily. E7xbb5nYZBM-00005-00001306-00001542 This data is important for farmers and home gardeners. E7xbb5nYZBM-00006-00001605-00001840 Did you know that it takes more than three gallons E7xbb5nYZBM-00007-00001840-00002022 of fresh water to produce a single sheet of paper? E7xbb5nYZBM-00008-00002065-00002303 Making recycled paper can be a great way to learn about E7xbb5nYZBM-00009-00002303-00002546 how recycling works and start a conversation E7xbb5nYZBM-00010-00002546-00002837 about how the products we use play a role in the modern water cycle. E7xbb5nYZBM-00011-00002920-00003195 To do this project, you'll need some simple materials from around the house. E7xbb5nYZBM-00012-00003245-00003522 You'll need scrap paper—like any used notebook or printer paper, E7xbb5nYZBM-00013-00003560-00003709 you'll need a bowl and access to water, E7xbb5nYZBM-00014-00003754-00004088 and a rigid screen. (I'm using a splatter guard from the dollar store.) E7xbb5nYZBM-00015-00004155-00004289 You'll also need some seeds. E7xbb5nYZBM-00016-00004289-00004607 Any mixed seeds like zinnias or marigolds will be perfect for this. E7xbb5nYZBM-00017-00004669-00005058 If you want, you can also add dried flowers, biodegradable glitter, E7xbb5nYZBM-00018-00005058-00005441 food coloring, fruit and vegetable dyes⁠—any additives like that that you want. E7xbb5nYZBM-00019-00005561-00005975 For the first step in this process, tear up your paper into tiny sheets. E7xbb5nYZBM-00020-00006034-00006470 You can use scissors for this, or just your hands, or a hole punch or something⁠— E7xbb5nYZBM-00021-00006470-00006732 you want to make the paper as small as you can. E7xbb5nYZBM-00022-00006853-00007121 At this stage, once you've torn up as much paper as you want, E7xbb5nYZBM-00023-00007121-00007629 you're going to cover it with water and let it soak E7xbb5nYZBM-00024-00007629-00008191 for a few hours or overnight. The longer you can soak it, the softer it will be. E7xbb5nYZBM-00025-00008307-00008655 Once you feel like it's soft (and you can kind of get in there and feel it) E7xbb5nYZBM-00026-00008655-00009051 mash it up into a pulp. You can use a potato masher for this E7xbb5nYZBM-00027-00009051-00009217 or you can just use your hands. E7xbb5nYZBM-00028-00009270-00009630 You're just going to try to break it down until it doesn't look like E7xbb5nYZBM-00029-00009630-00010160 little bits of paper anymore and is just kind of a blobby mass of paper. E7xbb5nYZBM-00030-00010248-00010456 At this point, once you have your pulp how you want it, E7xbb5nYZBM-00031-00010456-00010573 you can drain it E7xbb5nYZBM-00032-00010711-00010959 and then you don't want to get ALL the water out, E7xbb5nYZBM-00033-00010959-00011432 but you can add in your mix-ins here— so any dyes, biodegradable glitter, or flowers. E7xbb5nYZBM-00034-00011432-00011602 Add those at this stage. E7xbb5nYZBM-00035-00011663-00011835 Then you're going to add in your seeds. E7xbb5nYZBM-00036-00011835-00012203 You want to make sure that you gently fold in your seeds E7xbb5nYZBM-00037-00012203-00012494 and that you're not crushing them as you add them to your bowl. E7xbb5nYZBM-00038-00012638-00012754 Now comes the fun part. E7xbb5nYZBM-00039-00012754-00013410 You're going to get out that rigid screen or splatter guard or some parchment paper E7xbb5nYZBM-00040-00013410-00013602 and you're going to start to make the paper. E7xbb5nYZBM-00041-00013637-00014062 To do that, take out the pulp and spread it over your area E7xbb5nYZBM-00042-00014062-00014509 and try to smash it down until it becomes one cohesive sheet. E7xbb5nYZBM-00043-00014509-00014684 This is how you're making your paper. E7xbb5nYZBM-00044-00014748-00015147 You can shape it if you want, and can even use cookie cutters at this stage. E7xbb5nYZBM-00045-00015219-00015618 You just want to get it nice and flat and as dense as possible E7xbb5nYZBM-00046-00015618-00016106 and try to squeeze out and water that's still in it as much as you can. E7xbb5nYZBM-00047-00016106-00016482 You can even blot it with a paper towel at this stage, if you have one available. E7xbb5nYZBM-00048-00016560-00016926 And just try to get it smooth and the shape that you want E7xbb5nYZBM-00049-00016926-00017221 because this is where it's going to dry in the shape. E7xbb5nYZBM-00050-00017343-00017540 At this point, once you have it how you want it, E7xbb5nYZBM-00051-00017540-00017653 leave it alone. E7xbb5nYZBM-00052-00017700-00017900 Generally you can dry it overnight. E7xbb5nYZBM-00053-00017949-00018252 If you want to speed along the process, you can use a hair dryer, E7xbb5nYZBM-00054-00018252-00018854 but it's best to just leave it alone for a few hours and let it dry on its own. E7xbb5nYZBM-00055-00018923-00019313 Once it's totally dry, you should be able to easily peel it up. E7xbb5nYZBM-00056-00019313-00019584 If you made it sort of thin in some areas, E7xbb5nYZBM-00057-00019584-00019815 you might need to use a spatula to loosen it. E7xbb5nYZBM-00058-00019855-00020238 But in general, you can just peel the sheet right up when it's done E7xbb5nYZBM-00059-00020238-00020537 and at that point, you can treat it like a regular sheet of paper. E7xbb5nYZBM-00060-00020635-00020933 After you're done admiring it, you can plant your paper under a shallow E7xbb5nYZBM-00061-00020933-00021121 layer of soil to sprout your seeds. E7xbb5nYZBM-00062-00021151-00021551 What you're going to need to do is keep the soil moist while you wait for it to sprout E7xbb5nYZBM-00063-00021551-00021837 and your seeds should begin to germinate in just a few weeks. E7xbb5nYZBM-00064-00021985-00022312 If you enjoyed making this project, you can check out more educational E7xbb5nYZBM-00065-00022312-00022489 hands-on activities on our website E7xbb5nYZBM-00066-00022489-00022879 and make sure to follow the Joint Polar Satellite System on social media E7xbb5nYZBM-00067-00022879-00023151 so you can get updates on news, cool images, E7xbb5nYZBM-00068-00023151-00023462 and other fun educational opportunities like this one. E7R30dmLYeu-00000-00000000-00000200 Spiderman Remastered Fight Scene E7R30dmLYeu-00001-00000200-00000400 Spiderman Remastered Fight Scene EtCjCKWoYoI-00000-00000923-00001437 In this part, we're looking at the sales letter. It's a very common letter you're EtCjCKWoYoI-00001-00001437-00001950 going to use when you're in business. One of the most common jobs you can have as EtCjCKWoYoI-00002-00001950-00002514 a new graduate is sales. Every company needs lots of sales. So we will be writing EtCjCKWoYoI-00003-00002514-00002931 sales letters, putting them inside emails and sending them out to potential EtCjCKWoYoI-00004-00002931-00003440 customers. Of course we need to remember what's the goal of a sales letter. And EtCjCKWoYoI-00005-00003440-00004125 that is to get a customer, to obtain a customer's interest. Maybe to buy now, but EtCjCKWoYoI-00006-00004125-00004641 also maybe to buy later if they're interested. So a sales letter is an EtCjCKWoYoI-00007-00004641-00005169 excellent chance we have to get a customer involved. They're not easy EtCjCKWoYoI-00008-00005169-00005723 letters to write. The more you know about the receiver, the more chance you have to EtCjCKWoYoI-00009-00005723-00006533 succeed. Let's take a look at what is involved in a sales letter. Usually a EtCjCKWoYoI-00010-00006533-00007148 sales letter needs to focus on getting attention right away. And they do this by EtCjCKWoYoI-00011-00007148-00007839 directly addressing the customer or the receiver. So if your company is fortunate EtCjCKWoYoI-00012-00007839-00008372 enough to have a record or a list of previous customers, then you can write a EtCjCKWoYoI-00013-00008372-00008825 letter to those previous customers and say, "Hey, we have a new product you will EtCjCKWoYoI-00014-00008825-00009432 be interested in". That's a great way to get attention. You may also just have a EtCjCKWoYoI-00015-00009432-00009981 list of information of potential customers. And you may use that to get EtCjCKWoYoI-00016-00009981-00010353 their attention, if you know something about them or you pay for information EtCjCKWoYoI-00017-00010353-00010914 about them. In any case, a sales letter is a difficult one to write if you don't EtCjCKWoYoI-00018-00010914-00011522 know anything about the receiver. So it's best to know something. So if you're EtCjCKWoYoI-00019-00011522-00011900 doing business to business, it's especially important that you understand EtCjCKWoYoI-00020-00011900-00012285 the other person's business, the receivers business. And then you try to EtCjCKWoYoI-00021-00012285-00012853 explain why is your product, why is your service good for their business. EtCjCKWoYoI-00022-00012853-00013413 "I know you. I know your business. I have a product, I have a service that's good for EtCjCKWoYoI-00023-00013413-00013984 you. It's good for your business, that can help you succeed". That's the idea of a EtCjCKWoYoI-00024-00013984-00014707 sales letter. Let me go off on a little bit of a tangent here and give you a EtCjCKWoYoI-00025-00014707-00015497 little bit of a hint of the main kind of strategy a sales letter should undertake. EtCjCKWoYoI-00026-00015497-00016603 And that is what I call the A, B, C, D rule of thumb. And what that means is EtCjCKWoYoI-00027-00016603-00017157 each one of these letters has a meaning. So let's take a look at those. A is EtCjCKWoYoI-00028-00017157-00018825 attract attention,get attention. B means build interest. EtCjCKWoYoI-00029-00018967-00021013 C means create desire, and D means define action. Okay, attract, build, create EtCjCKWoYoI-00030-00021013-00021616 and define. Sometimes these are a little bit hard for my students to understand. EtCjCKWoYoI-00031-00021616-00022042 So let me just give you a quick example. Attract means get my attention. I see EtCjCKWoYoI-00032-00022042-00022423 something and "oh, that's interesting." So if you're walking down the street and EtCjCKWoYoI-00033-00022423-00022890 you see a big sign or you hear a loud sound or music, then that gets your attention. EtCjCKWoYoI-00034-00022890-00023419 Build interest means tell me something that makes me interested more and more EtCjCKWoYoI-00035-00023419-00024279 interested. C is create desire, means I actually want to buy something. And D EtCjCKWoYoI-00036-00024279-00024985 define action means tell me how to do it. So these three things are actually quite EtCjCKWoYoI-00037-00024985-00025554 different. And they're each a stage along the process of making a sale. So first, I EtCjCKWoYoI-00038-00025554-00026143 get my focus, I get my attention and that's the attention. Then I say, "Hmmm this is EtCjCKWoYoI-00039-00026143-00026658 interesting, I understand this". That's B, building the interest. And then C is EtCjCKWoYoI-00040-00026658-00027189 actually thinking that I might want to spend money on this, because the money EtCjCKWoYoI-00041-00027189-00027808 will give me a value back. If I spend $1,000, I will get something worth a EtCjCKWoYoI-00042-00027808-00028411 thousand or more dollars, because it's valuable to me. That's that create desire. Maybe EtCjCKWoYoI-00043-00028411-00028822 there's a special sale. It's something I kind of thought I would like, but I never EtCjCKWoYoI-00044-00028822-00029350 bought it. But today, there's a special price that's C, creating desire, you see. EtCjCKWoYoI-00045-00029350-00030003 Maybe there's a kind of phone I wanted to buy, but it was always too expensive. EtCjCKWoYoI-00046-00030003-00030937 But this week it's our special sale. It's 30% off. Well, I am interested. I always EtCjCKWoYoI-00047-00030937-00031444 wanted to buy it, but I never really had the desire to buy. Why? Because it was too EtCjCKWoYoI-00048-00031444-00031750 expensive. Now it's cheaper, that does it. So you can EtCjCKWoYoI-00049-00031750-00032343 get special offers, or special opportunities, special sale prices. That is EtCjCKWoYoI-00050-00032343-00032853 C, create desire. Define action is how do you buy? Where do you need to go? Where EtCjCKWoYoI-00051-00032853-00033411 do you need to spend your money? How do you do it? So these are the kind of rules of EtCjCKWoYoI-00052-00033411-00033738 thumb I like to use to help you understand, when you write your sales EtCjCKWoYoI-00053-00033738-00034605 letter, what are the things you need to kind of pay attention to and follow. The EtCjCKWoYoI-00054-00034605-00035160 sales letter will have three paragraphs. Each paragraph of course will focus on EtCjCKWoYoI-00055-00035160-00035813 one thing. And I'm going to go over how they focus on the A,B,C and D. So let's EtCjCKWoYoI-00056-00035813-00036519 look at paragraph one. First, here's an example of paragraph one. For paragraph EtCjCKWoYoI-00057-00036519-00037085 one, you need to begin strong. You need to really have a very clear beginning EtCjCKWoYoI-00058-00037085-00037841 sentence. And here, we can see this first sentence begins with a question. This is EtCjCKWoYoI-00059-00037841-00038337 very common for sales letter, for sales letter, where they can ask, "Do you need EtCjCKWoYoI-00060-00038337-00038841 something? Are you frustrated with something? Don't you want to do something EtCjCKWoYoI-00061-00038841-00039225 better? Don't you want to look better? Don't you want to feel better? Don't you EtCjCKWoYoI-00062-00039225-00039732 want to get your work done faster?" So that kind of asking a question. So here EtCjCKWoYoI-00063-00039732-00040212 they're selling a motorcycle. "Is your new x100 sports motorcycle important to you?" EtCjCKWoYoI-00064-00040212-00040770 So here we know the customer, because they bought this product before. And now, EtCjCKWoYoI-00065-00040770-00041196 we're trying to sell them another product related to that first product. So EtCjCKWoYoI-00066-00041196-00041805 this kind of personalization. That is you say something in the letter in the very EtCjCKWoYoI-00067-00041805-00042333 beginning that makes me feel you know me, you know something about me, you know EtCjCKWoYoI-00068-00042333-00042708 something about a product I bought previously. That's a great way to EtCjCKWoYoI-00069-00042708-00043443 begin a sales letter. Let's look at the the second example: "I know you". That's EtCjCKWoYoI-00070-00043443-00043712 a good example. Because you bought this magazine before, EtCjCKWoYoI-00071-00043712-00044271 "I know you as a reader of world magazine you are interested in learning about EtCjCKWoYoI-00072-00044271-00044825 social development taking place at an astonishing rate" So I'm saying something EtCjCKWoYoI-00073-00044825-00045321 positive here about the receiver. "You are a person who bought this product before. EtCjCKWoYoI-00074-00045321-00045824 And I know that only smart people buy that kind of product. So you must be a EtCjCKWoYoI-00075-00045824-00046472 smart person and we have another product for smart people like you". So in the EtCjCKWoYoI-00076-00046472-00047108 first paragraph, you really are using the A idea. That is get attention. Get my EtCjCKWoYoI-00077-00047108-00047718 attention. What's the best way to get someone's attention? The best way to get EtCjCKWoYoI-00078-00047718-00048263 someone's attention is "I know you. I know you. I know something about you". Now you EtCjCKWoYoI-00079-00048263-00048677 have to be careful. You don't want to be creepy or weird, and say I know too much EtCjCKWoYoI-00080-00048677-00049199 about you. But I know something about you. Isn't that the way so much advertising today EtCjCKWoYoI-00081-00049199-00049697 works? That you have some information about the people. You say I know what EtCjCKWoYoI-00082-00049697-00050193 you're interested in. So that's the way you open the sales letter, by getting EtCjCKWoYoI-00083-00050193-00050646 attention. So "I know you, and I have something really special that EtCjCKWoYoI-00084-00050646-00051003 you're going to like. I know you're going to like." Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00000-00000101-00000443 Are you looking for the best transportation provider in Hawaii? Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00001-00000443-00000628 Choose Pono Express… Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00002-00000628-00000841 Your transportation made easier! Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00003-00000841-00001386 With a range of shuttles and private cars available we can meet your every need! Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00004-00001386-00001945 We offer tours and airport transfers for visitors to our beautiful islands, as well as transport Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00005-00001945-00002117 for flight crews. Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00006-00002117-00002527 And we work directly with insurers to offer reliable medical transfers. Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00007-00002527-00003027 We’re recognized for the premium-quality service we offer... that’s why many of the Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00008-00003027-00003454 top hotels link directly to our website for streamlined booking! Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00009-00003454-00003686 Call us now on 800-258-6880. Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00010-00003686-00004063 In a hurry? Ez0xxe5Xd3I-00011-00004063-00004405 Visit PonoExpress.com to save time and book online! Ez7lUiGMDRy-00000-00000000-00000420 Hello guys as a part of Boycott China movement I want to show to you how Ez7lUiGMDRy-00001-00000420-00000844 dangerous the Chinese Communist Party is that rules China today. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00002-00000844-00001456 This has nothing to do with the people of China who have themselves protested against this very government of China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00003-00001466-00002086 Today I bring to you the speech of Chi Haotian delivered to a select group of high-level party members. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00004-00002112-00002762 Now Chi is no ordinary person he was the defense minister of China from 1993 to 2003. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00005-00002788-00003284 He was also the vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Military Commission. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00006-00003318-00003686 He was the person responsible for the killing of the people at the Tiananmen Square protests. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00007-00003686-00004228 Now understand that he is speaking the thoughts of the ruthless Chinese Communist Party that rules China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00008-00004242-00004756 He talks about the intention of the CCP to defeat occupy and colonize the United States. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00009-00004756-00005194 This plan was drawn up in 1992 soon after the fall of the Soviet Union. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00010-00005194-00005718 The speech was translated to English and first posted on the Epoch Times in 2005. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00011-00005718-00006509 The audacity of the plan, its timeline, the talk of demolishing US with its own open market model and the use of bio weapons is chilling indeed. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00012-00006509-00007251 Extracts from speech: Germany's dream to be the lord of the earth failed because ultimately history did not Ez7lUiGMDRy-00013-00007251-00007668 bestow this great mission upon them but the 3 lessons Germany learned from the experience are Ez7lUiGMDRy-00014-00007668-00008164 what we ought to remember as we complete our historic mission and revitalize our race. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00015-00008164-00008636 The three lessons are: Firmly grasp the country's living space, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00016-00008636-00009096 Firmly grasp the party's control over the nation and firmly grasp the general direction towards becoming Ez7lUiGMDRy-00017-00009096-00009461 the lord of the earth. Next I would like to address these three issues. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00018-00009462-00010162 The first issue is living space - this is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00019-00010162-00010856 In my last speech I said that the fight over the basic living resources including land and ocean is the source Ez7lUiGMDRy-00020-00010856-00011444 of the vast majority of wars in history. This may change in the information age but not fundamentally. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00021-00011444-00011868 Our capital resources are much less than those that Germany back then had. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00022-00011868-00012552 In addition economic development in the last 20 plus years had a negative impact and climate Ez7lUiGMDRy-00023-00012552-00012928 are rapidly changing for the worse. Our resources are in very short supply Ez7lUiGMDRy-00024-00012928-00013424 the environment is severely polluted especially that of soil water and earth. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00025-00013424-00014010 Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race but even its survival is greatly threatened, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00026-00014010-00014258 to a degree much greater than faced by Germany back then. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00027-00014258-00014454 Anybody who has been to the Western countries Ez7lUiGMDRy-00028-00014454-00014897 know that their living space is much better than ours. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00029-00014897-00015360 They have forests along the highways while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00030-00015360-00015822 Their sky is often blue with white clouds while our sky is covered by a layer of dark haze Ez7lUiGMDRy-00031-00015822-00016632 Their tap water is clean enough for drinking while our groundwater is so polluted that we cannot drink it without filtering. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00032-00016632-00017130 They have few people in the streets and two or three people can occupy a small residential building Ez7lUiGMDRy-00033-00017130-00017688 In contrast our streets are always crawling with people and several people have to share one room. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00034-00017688-00018140 Many years ago there was a book titled yellow catastrophes it said that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00035-00018140-00018352 due to us following the American style of consumption our limited resources Ez7lUiGMDRy-00036-00018352-00019214 would not long support the population and society would collapse once a population reaches 1.3 billion. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00037-00019214-00019734 Now our population has already exceeded this limit and we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00038-00019734-00020478 It is not that we haven't paid attention to this issue the Ministry of land resources is working on this issue. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00039-00020478-00021066 But the term living space (Lebensraum) is closely related with Nazi Germany. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00040-00021066-00021558 The reason we don't want to discuss this too openly is to avoid the West Association of us with NAZI Germany. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00041-00021558-00021846 Which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a threat. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00042-00021846-00022354 Therefore in our emphasis on He Xin’s new theory human rights are just living right Ez7lUiGMDRy-00043-00022354-00022900 we only talk about living but not space so as to avoid using the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00044-00022900-00023286 term living space from the perspective of history. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00045-00023286-00023712 The reason that china is faced with the issue of living space is because Western countries established Ez7lUiGMDRy-00046-00023712-00024153 colonies ahead of Eastern countries Western countries established colonies Ez7lUiGMDRy-00047-00024153-00024582 all around the world therefore giving themselves an advantage on the issue of living space. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00048-00024582-00025026 To solve this problem we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00049-00025026-00025467 so that they could develop outside of China. The second issue is a focus on Ez7lUiGMDRy-00050-00025467-00025663 the leadership capacity of the ruling party Ez7lUiGMDRy-00051-00025663-00025810 we have done better on this than the NAZI party Ez7lUiGMDRy-00052-00025810-00026242 although the NAZIs spread their powers to every aspect of the German nationa Ez7lUiGMDRy-00053-00026242-00026608 they did not stress their absolute leadership position like we have. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00054-00026608-00027268 They did not take the issue of managing the power of the party as first priority which we had Ez7lUiGMDRy-00055-00027268-00027826 when comrade Mao Zedong summarized the three treasures of a party's victory in conquering the country. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00056-00027826-00028262 He consider the most important treasure to be developing the Chinese Communist Party and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00057-00028262-00028577 strengthening its leadership position. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00058-00028577-00029126 We have to focus on two points to fortify our leadership position and improve our leadership capacity. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00059-00029126-00029754 The first is to stress that a party is the pioneer of the Chinese race. Many of our citizens say in private Ez7lUiGMDRy-00060-00029754-00030258 "We never voted for you the communist party to represent us how can you claim to be our representative". Ez7lUiGMDRy-00061-00030274-00030780 There is no need to worry about this issue comrade Mao Zedong said that if we could Ez7lUiGMDRy-00062-00030780-00031395 lead the Chinese people out of China resolving the lack of living space in China the Chinese people will support us. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00063-00031395-00031870 At that time we don't have to worry about the label of dictatorship. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00064-00031870-00032394 Whether we can forever represent the Chinese people depends upon whether we can succeed in leading Ez7lUiGMDRy-00065-00032394-00032782 the Chinese people out of China. The second point he says whether we can lead Ez7lUiGMDRy-00066-00032782-00033332 the Chinese people our China is the most important determinant of the CCP's leadership position. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00067-00033332-00033888 Why do I say this everyone knows that without the leadership of a party China would not exist today. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00068-00033888-00034462 Therefore our highest principle is to forever protect our party's leadership position. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00069-00034462-00034930 Before 4June... 4 June is commonly known as the June 4th Tienanmen square protest incident Ez7lUiGMDRy-00070-00034930-00035258 in mainland China. So when he refers to 4th June he is referring to Tiananmen Square protests. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00071-00035258-00035998 (This reference can also be used to verify that this speech was given after the 1989 incident of the Tiananmen Square protests). Ez7lUiGMDRy-00072-00035998-00036574 So he says: Before June 4 we realized vaguely that as long as China's economy is developed Ez7lUiGMDRy-00073-00036574-00036806 people would support and love the Communist Party. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00074-00036806-00037202 Therefore we had to use several decades of peacetime to develop China's economy. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00075-00037202-00037670 No matter what isms... whether it is a white cat or a black cat it is a good cat if it can catch the mice, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00076-00037670-00038178 Its a good cat if it can develop China's economy. But at that time we did not have the major ideas about Ez7lUiGMDRy-00077-00038178-00038634 how China would deal with international disputes after its economy becomes developed. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00078-00038634-00039010 Comrade Deng Xiaoping said that the main themes in the world Ez7lUiGMDRy-00079-00039010-00039698 were peace and development, but the June 4th riot gave a party of warning and gave us a lesson that is still fresh. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00080-00039698-00039978 The pressure of China's peaceful evolution make us reconsider that these two main themes of a time we see Ez7lUiGMDRy-00081-00039978-00040576 that neither of these two issues peace and development have been resolved. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00082-00040576-00040951 The Western oppositional forces always change the world according to their own visions. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00083-00040952-00041600 They want to change China and use peaceful evolution to overturn the leadership of Communist Party. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00084-00041600-00042110 Therefore if you only develop the economy we will still face the possibility of losing control. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00085-00042110-00042622 The June 4th right almost succeeded in bringing a peaceful transition, if it were not for the fact Ez7lUiGMDRy-00086-00042622-00042982 that a large number of veteran commanders were still alive and a Ez7lUiGMDRy-00087-00042982-00043574 crucial moment they moved Zhao Ziyang and his followers then we would all have been put in prison. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00088-00043574-00043910 After death we would have been too ashamed to report to Karl Marx. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00089-00043910-00044344 Although we have passed the test of 4 June after a group of senior comrades passed away Ez7lUiGMDRy-00090-00044344-00044892 without our control peaceful evolution may still come to China like it did to this former Soviet Union. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00091-00044892-00045532 In1956 they suppressed the Hungarian incident and defeated the attacks of Tito revolutionists of Yugoslavia Ez7lUiGMDRy-00092-00045560-00046136 but they could not withstand Gorbachev 30 some years later. Once those pioneering senior comrades died Ez7lUiGMDRy-00093-00046136-00046434 the power of the Communist Party was taken away by peaceful revolution. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00094-00046434-00046766 After the June 4th riot was surprised we have been thinking about how to prevent China from peaceful Ez7lUiGMDRy-00095-00046766-00047508 revolution and how to maintain the Communist Party leadership. We thought about it over and over but did not Ez7lUiGMDRy-00096-00047508-00048014 come up with any good ideas. If we do not have any good ideas, China will inevitably change peacefully & Ez7lUiGMDRy-00097-00048014-00048529 We will all become criminals in history. After some deep pondering we finally came to this conclusion - Ez7lUiGMDRy-00098-00048529-00049081 only by turning our developed national strength into the force first striking outward, only by leading people Ez7lUiGMDRy-00099-00049081-00049568 to go out can we win forever the Chinese people's support and love for the Communist Party. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00100-00049568-00050032 Our party will then stand on invincible ground and Chinese people will have to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00101-00050032-00050654 depend on the Communist Party they will forever follow the Communist Party with the hearts and mind Ez7lUiGMDRy-00102-00050654-00051084 as was written in a couplet frequently seen in the countryside some years ago - Ez7lUiGMDRy-00103-00051084-00051332 "Listen to Chairman Mao follow the Communist Party". Ez7lUiGMDRy-00104-00051332-00052017 Therefore the 4th June right made us realize that we must combine economic development with Ez7lUiGMDRy-00105-00052017-00052305 preparation for war and leading people to go out. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00106-00052305-00052648 Therefore since then our national defense policy has taken a 180-degree turn and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00107-00052648-00053184 we have since emphasized more and more combining peace and war. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00108-00053184-00053536 Our economic development is all about preparing for the needs of WAR. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00109-00053536-00053802 Publicly we still emphasize our economic development as our Center Ez7lUiGMDRy-00110-00053802-00054264 but in reality economic development has war as its center. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00111-00054264-00054870 We have made tremendous effort to construct the Great Wall project to build up along our coastal and land frontiers... Ez7lUiGMDRy-00112-00054870-00055555 as well as around large and medium-sized cities our solid underground wall that can withstand a nuclear war. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00113-00055555-00055832 We are also storing all necessary war materials. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00114-00055850-00056334 Therefore we will not hesitate to fight a third world war so as to lead the people to go out and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00115-00056334-00056840 to ensure the party leadership position in any even read the CCP will never step down from the stage of history. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00116-00056840-00057326 We will rather have the whole world or even the entire globe share life and death Ez7lUiGMDRy-00117-00057326-00057558 better than step down from the stage of history. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00118-00057572-00057991 Isn't there a nuclear bondage theory - It means that since nuclear weapons have bound the security Ez7lUiGMDRy-00119-00057991-00058358 of the entire world all will die together if death is inevitable. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00120-00058358-00058952 In my view there is another kind of bondage and that is the fate of a party is tied up with that of the whole world. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00121-00058952-00059262 If we the CCP are finished... China will be finished and the world will be finished. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00122-00059262-00059754 Our party's historical mission is to lead the Chinese people to go out. If you take the long view Ez7lUiGMDRy-00123-00059754-00060359 we will see that history led us on this path. First is China's long history as a result in the world's Ez7lUiGMDRy-00124-00060359-00060791 largest population including Chinese in China as well as overseas. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00125-00060791-00061264 Second once we open our doors the profit-seeking Western capitalist will invest capital & Ez7lUiGMDRy-00126-00061264-00061864 technology in China to assist our development so that we can occupy the biggest market in the world. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00127-00061864-00062455 Third how our numerous overseas Chinese will help us create the most favorable environment Ez7lUiGMDRy-00128-00062455-00062980 for the introduction of foreign capital, foreign technology and advance experience into China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00129-00062980-00063326 Thus it is guaranteed that our reform and open-door policy will achieve tremendous success. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00130-00063326-00064055 4th China's great economic expansion will inevitably lead to the shrinkage of per capita living space Ez7lUiGMDRy-00131-00064058-00064550 for the Chinese people and this will encourage China to turn outward in search of new living space. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00132-00064550-00065096 5th China's great economic expansion will inevitably come with significant development in our Ez7lUiGMDRy-00133-00065096-00065447 military forces creating conditions for our expansion overseas. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00134-00065447-00065822 Ever since Napoleon time the West has been alert for the possible awakening Ez7lUiGMDRy-00135-00065822-00066200 of sleeping lion that is China. Now the sleeping lion is standing up and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00136-00066200-00066442 advancing into the world & has become unstoppable. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00137-00066442-00066964 What is the third issue we should clinch firmly in order to accomplish historical mission of national renaissance? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00138-00066964-00067269 It is to hold firmly onto the big issue of America! Ez7lUiGMDRy-00139-00067269-00067596 This appears to be shocking when the logic is actually very simple. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00140-00067596-00068022 Comrade Hi Xin put forward a very fundamental judgment that is very reasonable. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00141-00068022-00068332 He asserted in his report to the Party Central Committee Ez7lUiGMDRy-00142-00068332-00068762 The renaissance of China is in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00143-00068762-00069196 therefore will inevitably be obstructed by the Western countries doing everything they can. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00144-00069196-00069674 So only by breaking the blockade formed by the Western countries headed by the United States Ez7lUiGMDRy-00145-00069674-00070246 can China grow and move towards the world. Would the United States allow usto go out gain new living space? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00146-00070246-00070800 First if the United States is firm in blocking us it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan, Vietnam, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00147-00070808-00071080 India or even Japan. So how much more living space can we get? Very trival! Ez7lUiGMDRy-00148-00071080-00071778 Only countries like the US, Canada & Australia have the vast land to solve our need for mass colonization. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00149-00071778-00072160 Therefore solving the "issue of America" is key to solving all other issues. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00150-00072160-00072562 First this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there (in US, Canada & Australia) & Ez7lUiGMDRy-00151-00072562-00072848 even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00152-00072849-00073186 America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race Ez7lUiGMDRy-00153-00073186-00073398 but Columbus gave credit to the white race. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00154-00073398-00073750 We the descendants of the Chinese nation are entitled to the position of the land. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00155-00073750-00074118 It is said that the residents of the yellow race have a very low social status in the United States. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00156-00074118-00074610 We need to liberate them. Second of solving the issue of America the Western countries of Europe would bow to us. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00157-00074676-00074865 Not to mentioned Taiwan, Japan or other countries (Vietnam, India, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, etc ) Ez7lUiGMDRy-00158-00074865-00075232 Therefore solving the issue of America is a mission assigned to CCP members by history. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00159-00075232-00075778 I sometimes think how cruel it is for China and United States to be enemies that are bound to meet on a narrow road. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00160-00075784-00076192 Do you remember the movie about Liberation Army troops led by by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00161-00076192-00076478 The title is something like “Decisive Battle on the Central Plains”. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00162-00076478-00076826 There is a famous remark in the movie that's full of power and grandeur - Ez7lUiGMDRy-00163-00076826-00077313 "the enemy is bound to meet on a narrow road... only the brave will win. It is this kind of fighting to win or die Ez7lUiGMDRy-00164-00077313-00077583 spirit that enabled us to seize power in mainland China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00165-00077583-00078036 It is historical destiny that China and United States will come to an avoidable confrontation on a narrow path & Ez7lUiGMDRy-00166-00078036-00078580 fight each other. The United States unlike Russia & Japan have never occupied and hurt China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00167-00078580-00078948 The United States also assisted China in its battle against the Japanese. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00168-00078948-00079300 But United States will certainly be an obstruction and the biggest obstruction. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00169-00079300-00079684 In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of life and death. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00170-00079684-00080032 One time some Americans came to visit and try to convince us that the relationship Ez7lUiGMDRy-00171-00080032-00080316 between China and the United States is one of interdependence Ez7lUiGMDRy-00172-00080316-00080740 Comrade Xiaoping replied in a polite manner - "go tell your government China and United States Ez7lUiGMDRy-00173-00080740-00081030 do not have such a relationship that it is interdependent and mutually aligned". Ez7lUiGMDRy-00174-00081031-00081398 Actually comrade Xiaoping was being too polite he could have been more frank the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00175-00081398-00081704 relationship between China and the United States is one of life and death. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00176-00081704-00082049 Of course right now it is not the time to openly break up with them yet. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00177-00082049-00082550 Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00178-00082550-00082890 Therefore we must do everything we can to promote our relationship with America Ez7lUiGMDRy-00179-00082890-00083324 Learn from America in all aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our country. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00180-00083324-00083788 How have you managed our foreign affairs in these years even if we had to put on a smiling face in order Ez7lUiGMDRy-00181-00083788-00084176 to please them... even if we had to give them the right cheek after they had hit our left cheek. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00182-00084176-00084618 We still must endure in order to further our relationship with United States. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00183-00084618-00084854 The United States is the most successful country in the world today. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00184-00084854-00085252 Only after we have learned all of its useful experiences can we replace it in the future. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00185-00085272-00085686 Even though we are presently imitating the American tone "China and the United States rely on each other Ez7lUiGMDRy-00186-00085686-00086125 and share honor & disgrace". We must not forget that the history of civilization repeatedly has taught us that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00187-00086126-00086638 One mountain does not like two tigers to live together. We also must never forget that comrade Xiaoping Ez7lUiGMDRy-00188-00086638-00087012 emphasized "refrain from revealing ambitions... and put others off track". Ez7lUiGMDRy-00189-00087012-00087540 The hidden messages is we must put up with America we must conceal our ultimate goals hide our capabilities Ez7lUiGMDRy-00190-00087540-00087923 and await the opportunity. In this way our mind is clear. Why have we not updated our Ez7lUiGMDRy-00191-00087923-00088262 national anthem with something peaceful? Why did we not change the anthem’s theme of war? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00192-00088262-00088690 Instead when revising the Constitution this time for the first time we clearly specified specified Ez7lUiGMDRy-00193-00088690-00089232 “March of the Volunteers” is our national anthem. Thus we will understand why we constantly talk loudly about Ez7lUiGMDRy-00194-00089232-00089636 the Taiwan issue but not the American issue. We all know the principle of doing one thing under the cover of another. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00195-00089636-00090030 If ordinary people can only see the small island of Taiwan in the eyes (& see big country of US) then you as Ez7lUiGMDRy-00196-00090030-00090480 the light of the country should be able to see the whole picture of our cause. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00197-00090480-00090998 Over these years, According to Comrade Xiaoping’s arrangement, a large piece of our territory in the north Ez7lUiGMDRy-00198-00090998-00091464 has been given up to Russia. Do you really think a party committee is a fool to resolve the issue of America. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00199-00091464-00091760 We must be able to transcend conventions and restriction. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00200-00091768-00092164 In history when a country defeated another country or occupied another country it could not Ez7lUiGMDRy-00201-00092164-00092501 kill all the people in the conquered land because back then you could not Ez7lUiGMDRy-00202-00092501-00092948 kill people effectively with sabers or long Spears or even with rifles or machine guns. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00203-00092948-00093382 Therefore it is impossible to gain a stretch of land without keeping the people on the land. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00204-00093382-00093862 However if we conquered America in this fashion we would not be able to make many people migrate there. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00205-00093862-00094290 Only by using special means to clean up America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00206-00094290-00094757 This was the only choice left for us this was not a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00207-00094757-00095072 What kind of special means is available for us to clean up America? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00208-00095080-00095482 Conventional weapons such as fighters, cannons, missiles and battleships won't do Ez7lUiGMDRy-00209-00095482-00095740 neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00210-00095740-00096056 We are not foolish as to want to perish together with Americans by using nuclear weapons. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00211-00096056-00096338 Despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have Ez7lUiGMDRy-00212-00096338-00096716 Taiwan issue solved at whatever cost only by using non destructive weapons that can kill many people Ez7lUiGMDRy-00213-00096716-00097054 will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00214-00097054-00097416 There has been rapid development in modern biological technology and new bio weapons have been invented Ez7lUiGMDRy-00215-00097416-00097748 one after another. Of course we are not been idle. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00216-00097748-00098206 In the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind we are capable of achieving Ez7lUiGMDRy-00217-00098206-00098366 a purpose of cleaning up America all of a sudden. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00218-00098366-00098687 When comrade Xiaoping was still with us the Party Central Committee had Ez7lUiGMDRy-00219-00098687-00099134 the insightfulness to make the right decisions not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus Ez7lUiGMDRy-00220-00099134-00099584 instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00221-00099584-00100022 From a humanitarian perspective we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00222-00100022-00100502 leave America and leave the land that they lived in to the Chinese people or at least should leave half Ez7lUiGMDRy-00223-00100502-00100850 of the United States to be China's colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00224-00100850-00101297 If this strategy does not work then there is only one choice left for us that is use decisive means to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00225-00101297-00101670 clean up America (and reserve America for our use) in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00226-00101670-00102088 as long as we make it happen nobody in the world can do anything about us. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00227-00102088-00102456 Furthermore if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00228-00102456-00102890 Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness but if the Americans do not die then the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00229-00102890-00103396 Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped with the present land total societal collapse is Ez7lUiGMDRy-00230-00103396-00103780 bound to take place according to the computation the author of Yellow Peril more than half the Chinese will die Ez7lUiGMDRy-00231-00103794-00104020 and the figure would be more than 800 million people. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00232-00104020-00104444 Our land has reached the limit of its capacity, One day who knows how soon it will come the great collapse Ez7lUiGMDRy-00233-00104444-00104768 will occur. Any time and more than half the population have to go. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00234-00104768-00105156 We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios - if a biological weapon succeed in a surprise attack Ez7lUiGMDRy-00235-00105156-00105611 the Chinese people be able to keep the losses to a minimum in the fight against the United States. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00236-00105611-00106059 Or If however the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00237-00106059-00106485 China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which and half of its population would perish. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00238-00106485-00106898 That is why we need to be ready with air defence systems for a big and medium-sized cities. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00239-00106898-00107324 Whatever the case may be we can only move forward fearlessly for sake of a party and state and our nation's Ez7lUiGMDRy-00240-00107324-00107816 future regardless of the hardships we have to face and sacrifices we have to make. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00241-00107816-00108346 The population if more than half dies can be reproduced but if the party fails everything is gone and forever gone. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00242-00108346-00108683 In the Chinese history in the replacement of dynasties the ruthless have always won Ez7lUiGMDRy-00243-00108683-00109130 and the benevolent have always failed. The most typical example involves Xiang Yu the King of Chu, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00244-00109130-00109600 who after defeating Liu bang failed to continue to chase after him and eliminate his forces and his leniency Ez7lUiGMDRy-00245-00109600-00110272 resulted in Xiang Yu's death and Liu's victory. Therefore we must emphasize the importance of adopting resolute Ez7lUiGMDRy-00246-00110272-00110835 measures. In the future the two rivals China and United States will eventually meet each other in the narrow Ez7lUiGMDRy-00247-00110835-00111190 road and a leniency to the Americans will mean cruelty to the Chinese people. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00248-00111190-00111535 You know some people may want to ask me "what about the several millions of our compatriots in the United States"? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00249-00111535-00111885 They may ask aren't we against Chinese killing other Chinese. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00250-00111885-00112280 These comrades are too pedantic we are not pragmatic enough if we are insisting on the principle that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00251-00112280-00112728 the Chinese should not kill our Chinese would we have liberated China? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00252-00112728-00113131 As for several million Chinese living in the United States this of course is a big issue. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00253-00113131-00113500 Therefore in recent years we have been conducting research on genetic weapons Ez7lUiGMDRy-00254-00113500-00113878 that is those weapons that do not kill yellow people. But producing a result with this kind of research Ez7lUiGMDRy-00255-00113878-00114490 is extremely difficult. Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world Israel is most advanced. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00256-00114490-00114906 We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps you can introduce some of the technologies Ez7lUiGMDRy-00257-00114906-00115233 used to protect the Israelis and remold this technologies to protect the yellow people. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00258-00115233-00115661 But their technologies are not mature yet and it is difficult fast to surpass them in a few years. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00259-00115664-00116058 But if it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons we Ez7lUiGMDRy-00260-00116058-00116522 cannot afford to wait any longer. Old comrade like us cannot afford to wait that long but we don't have that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00261-00116522-00117076 much time to live. Old soldiers of my age may be able to wait for five or ten more years but those from the period Ez7lUiGMDRy-00262-00117076-00117459 of anti-Japanese war, other few old Red Army soldiers cannot wait any longer. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00263-00117459-00117783 Therefore we have to give up my expectations about genetic weapons. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00264-00117783-00118081 Of course from another perspective the majority of those Chinese living in the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00265-00118081-00118375 United States have become a burden because they have been corrupted by the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00266-00118375-00118830 bourgeois liberal values for a long time and it would be difficult for them to accept a party's leadership. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00267-00118830-00119288 If they survive the war we would have to launch campaigns in future to deal with them, to reform them. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00268-00119288-00119770 Do you still remember that when we had just defeated the Koumintang (KMT) & liberated mainland China Ez7lUiGMDRy-00269-00119770-00120146 so how many people from the bourgeois class intellectuals welcomed us so warmly. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00270-00120146-00120538 But later we had to launch campaigns such as the suppression of the reactionaries Ez7lUiGMDRy-00271-00120538-00120959 and the anti-rightist movement to clean them up and reform them. Some of them were in hiding for Ez7lUiGMDRy-00272-00120959-00121240 a long time and were not exposed until the Cultural Revolution. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00273-00121240-00121561 History has proved that any social turmoil is likely to involve many deaths. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00274-00121561-00121813 Maybe we can put it this way death is the engine that moves history forward. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00275-00121814-00122140 During the period of the Three Kingdoms how many people died? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00276-00122140-00122359 When Genghis Khan conquered Eurasia how many people died? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00277-00122359-00122674 When Manchu invaded the interior of China, how many people died? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00278-00122674-00123038 Not many people died during the 1911 revolution but when we overthrew Ez7lUiGMDRy-00279-00123038-00123388 the Three Great Kingdoms and during their political campaigns such as separations of the reactionaries Ez7lUiGMDRy-00280-00123388-00124022 three anti-campaign and five anti-campaign at least twenty million people died. We are apprehensive that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00281-00124022-00124396 some young people today it would be trembling with fear when they hear about was and people dying. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00282-00124396-00124732 During wartime we were used to seeing dead people blood and flesh were Ez7lUiGMDRy-00283-00124732-00125278 flying everywhere. Corpses were lying in heaps in the fields and blood ran like river. We saw it all. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00284-00125278-00125802 On the battlefields everybody's eyes turned red with killing because it was life and death struggle and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00285-00125802-00126133 only the brave would survive. It is indeed brutal to kill 200,000,000 Americans. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00286-00126133-00126646 But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century in which CCP leads the world. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00287-00126646-00127141 We has the revolutionary humanitarians do not want death but if history confronts us with a choice between Ez7lUiGMDRy-00288-00127141-00127514 death of Chinese and those of Americans we would have to pick the later. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00289-00127514-00127880 As far as it was more important to safeguard the lives of Chinese people and the life of the party that is because Ez7lUiGMDRy-00290-00127880-00128478 after all we are Chinese and members of the CCP since the day we joined CCP the party life has always been Ez7lUiGMDRy-00291-00128478-00128918 above all else. History will prove that we made the right choice now when I'm about to finish my speech Ez7lUiGMDRy-00292-00128918-00129435 you will understand why we need to know whether the people would rise against us if one day we secretly Ez7lUiGMDRy-00293-00129435-00129856 adopted resolute means to clean up America. For over 20 years China has been enjoying peace and the whole Ez7lUiGMDRy-00294-00129861-00130314 generation has not been tested by war in particular since the end of World War 2. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00295-00130314-00130768 There have been many changes in the format's of war, the concept of war and the ethics of war. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00296-00130768-00131152 Especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European communist States. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00297-00131152-00131642 The ideology of the West has come to dominate the world as a whole the Western theory of human nature & Ez7lUiGMDRy-00298-00131642-00132100 the Western view of human rights have increasingly been disseminated among the young people in China. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00299-00132100-00132570 Therefore we are not very sure about the people's attitude if our people are fundamentally opposed to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00300-00132570-00133010 cleaning up America we will of course have to adopt corresponding measures. Why didn't we conduct the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00301-00133010-00133223 survey through administrator means instead up to the website? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00302-00133223-00133691 We did what we did for good reason. First of all we did it to reduce artificial interference and to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00303-00133691-00133841 make sure that we got the true thoughts of the people. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00304-00133842-00134358 In addition it is more confidential and won't reveal the true purpose for our survey. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00305-00134358-00134730 But what is more important is the fact most of the people who are able to respond to the questions Ez7lUiGMDRy-00306-00134730-00135103 online are from social groups that are relatively well educated and intelligent. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00307-00135104-00135480 There are the hardcore and leading group that play a decisive role among our people. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00308-00135480-00136068 If they support us then the people as a whole will follow us. If they oppose us they will play the dangerous Ez7lUiGMDRy-00309-00136080-00136380 role of inciting people and creating social disturbance. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00310-00136380-00136724 What turned out to be very comforting is that did not turn in a blank paper. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00311-00136724-00137010 In fact they turned in a paper with a score of over 80%. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00312-00137010-00137452 This is the excellent fruition of a party's work in propaganda and education over the past few decades. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00313-00137452-00137818 Of course the few people on the Western influence have objected to - Ez7lUiGMDRy-00314-00137818-00138000 Shooting at prisoners of war, Women & children. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00315-00138000-00138540 Some people said "Is everybody crazy" some others said "the Chinese love to label themselves as peace-loving people Ez7lUiGMDRy-00316-00138540-00138948 but actually they are the most ruthless people". The comments resonate of killing and murder sending Ez7lUiGMDRy-00317-00138948-00139354 chill to my heart although there are not too many people holding this kind of viewpoint and they will not affect Ez7lUiGMDRy-00318-00139354-00139888 the overall situation in any significant way. But we still need to strengthen the propaganda to respond to this Ez7lUiGMDRy-00319-00139888-00140344 kind of argument that is too vigorously propagate comrade He Xin's latest article which has already Ez7lUiGMDRy-00320-00140344-00140868 been reported to the central government. You may look it up on the website if you get on the website using Ez7lUiGMDRy-00321-00140868-00141290 keywords to search you will find out what comrade He Xin pointed out to the Hong Kong Business News during Ez7lUiGMDRy-00322-00141298-00141734 an interview that the US has a shocking conspiracy! According to what he had in hand Ez7lUiGMDRy-00323-00141734-00142190 from September 27th October 1995 the Mikhail Gorbachev foundation funded by the United States Ez7lUiGMDRy-00324-00142190-00142698 gathered 500 of the world's most important Statesman, economic leaders and scientists including Ez7lUiGMDRy-00325-00142698-00143317 George W Bush he was not the US president at that time the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski Ez7lUiGMDRy-00326-00143318-00143838 as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world's most popular characters Ez7lUiGMDRy-00327-00143838-00144488 in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level round-table conference discussing the problems about Ez7lUiGMDRy-00328-00144488-00144899 globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward to the 21st century. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00329-00144899-00145280 According to what He Xin had in hand the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00330-00145280-00145892 the 21st century a mere 20% of the world's population will be sufficient to maintain the world's Ez7lUiGMDRy-00331-00145892-00146342 economy and prosperity the other 80% of the world's population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00332-00146342-00146944 The people in attendance thought that this excess 80% population would be a trash population Ez7lUiGMDRy-00333-00146944-00147359 and hi-tech means should be used to eliminate them gradually. Since the enemies are secretly planning to Ez7lUiGMDRy-00334-00147359-00147787 eliminate our population we certainly cannot be indefinitely merciful and compassionate to them. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00335-00147788-00148254 Comrade He Xin's article came out at the right time. It has proven the correctness of our tit-for-tat battle Ez7lUiGMDRy-00336-00148254-00148688 approach and Comrade Deng Xiaoping's great foresight to deploy against the United States military strategy. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00337-00148688-00149166 Certainly in spreading complaints hazings view we cannot publish the article in the party newspapers Ez7lUiGMDRy-00338-00149170-00149674 in order to avoid raising the enemy's vigilance. He Xin's conversation may remind the enemy that we have Ez7lUiGMDRy-00339-00149675-00149978 grasped the modern science and technology including the clean nuclear Ez7lUiGMDRy-00340-00149978-00150462 technology as well as biological weapons technology and we can use powerful measures to eliminate Ez7lUiGMDRy-00341-00150466-00150986 their population on a large scale. The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing Ez7lUiGMDRy-00342-00150986-00151144 the preparation for a military battle. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00343-00151144-00151436 Currently we are at the crossroads of moving forward or backward. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00344-00151436-00151856 Some comrades saw problems flooding everywhere in our country. The corruption problem, the Ez7lUiGMDRy-00345-00151856-00152214 state-owned enterprise problem, the banks bad accounts problem, the environment problems, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00346-00152214-00152586 society security problems, education problems, the AIDS problems various Appeals problem, Ez7lUiGMDRy-00347-00152586-00153142 even the riots problem. These complaints vacillated in the determination to prepare for military battles. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00348-00153142-00153650 They thought they should first grab the political reform problem. That is our own political reform comes first. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00349-00153650-00154064 After resolving the domestic problems we can then deal with the foreign military battle problem. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00350-00154064-00154398 This reminds me of the crucial period in 1948 in the Chinese Revolution. Ez7lUiGMDRy-00351-00154398-00154778 At that time the People's Liberation Army's horses were drinking water at the Yangtze River Ez7lUiGMDRy-00352-00154778-00155192 but they faced extremely complex situations and different problems everywhere in the liberated areas and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00353-00155192-00155702 the central authority received emergency reports daily. What to do? Should we stop to manage your areas and Ez7lUiGMDRy-00354-00155702-00156204 internal matters first before moving forward? Or press to pass the Yangtze River with one vigorous effort? Ez7lUiGMDRy-00355-00156204-00156743 Chairman Mayo with his extraordinary wisdom and mettle gave the marching orders carry on the revolution Ez7lUiGMDRy-00356-00156743-00157249 to the end and liberated all of China. The previously thought serious conflicting problems were all resolved Ez7lUiGMDRy-00357-00157250-00157768 in this great forward moving revolutionary wave. Now it seems like we on the same critical period as the horses Ez7lUiGMDRy-00358-00157768-00158214 were drinking water in the Yangtze River days in the Revolutionary era. As long as we resolved Ez7lUiGMDRy-00359-00158214-00158704 the United States problem at one blow our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore our Ez7lUiGMDRy-00360-00158712-00159292 military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at United States and the preparation Ez7lUiGMDRy-00361-00159292-00159670 is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites. Marxism pointed out that Ez7lUiGMDRy-00362-00159670-00159956 "Violence is the Midwife for the birth of China's century". Ez7lUiGMDRy-00363-00159976-00160378 As war approaches I'm full of hope for our next generation E_28mRmwgT0-00000-00000166-00001074 Large White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum ) is most common and a spring season highlight for many. E_28mRmwgT0-00001-00001074-00001555 Large White Trillium (T. grandiflorum) - Hubbard Valley Park E_28mRmwgT0-00002-00001772-00002430 Toadshade (Trillium sessile) has a different look. "Sessile" is defined in botony as having no stalk. E_28mRmwgT0-00003-00002430-00003345 The petals rest on top of the three leaves. E_28mRmwgT0-00004-00003345-00004054 Wake Robin or Red Trillium (Trillium erectum). Beside the deep red petals note the red ovary in the center. E_28mRmwgT0-00005-00004217-00005207 Drooping Trillium (Trillium flexipes) looks similar but has a creamy white ovary. E_28mRmwgT0-00006-00005207-00006162 I was fascinated to learn that Drooping Trillium (T. flexipes) also has a less common red petal form. E_28mRmwgT0-00007-00006162-00006804 I heard about Painted Trillium and how rare in Ohio it is. But then I learned I could get a permit to photograph it at the Morgan Swamp Preserve. E_28mRmwgT0-00009-00007878-00008414 8:36 am after an hour hike I arrived at this secluded spot in a swampy forest in Morgan Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio. E_28mRmwgT0-00010-00008414-00009378 Painted Trillium is being protected and cared E_28mRmwgT0-00011-00009378-00010307 for by The Nature Conservancy at the Morgan Swamp Preserve. E_28mRmwgT0-00012-00010307-00010889 A high fence surrounds the area. In this fourth year of restoration some 60 blooming E_28mRmwgT0-00013-00010889-00011672 plants were found. I was surprised how small the flowers are. E_28mRmwgT0-00014-00011672-00012602 Painted Trillium on the forest floor at the Morgan Swamp Preserve, Rock E_28mRmwgT0-00015-00012602-00013200 Creek, OH, May 21, 2020. A E_28mRmwgT0-00016-00013363-00014258 A significant amount of clubmoss were neighbors of the trillium. E_28mRmwgT0-00017-00014258-00015241 Painted Trillium (Trillium undulatum), Ashtabula County, OHIO. E_28mRmwgT0-00018-00015241-00016270 The large leaves are somewhat dark and can have a hint of red. E_28mRmwgT0-00019-00016270-00017423 Painted Trillium (Trillium undulatum) at the Morgan Swamp Preserve, Rock Creek, OH, May 21, 2020 E_28mRmwgT0-00020-00017423-00018457 The "painted" name comes from the brushed look of the crimson veining surrounding the center pistil and stamens. E_28mRmwgT0-00021-00018457-00019097 I spent about two hours here enjoying this beauty of God's creation in a wonderful setting on this E_28mRmwgT0-00022-00019097-00020069 pleasant spring day. This Canada Mayflower was another neighbor of the E_28mRmwgT0-00023-00020069-00020995 trillum. Also plentiful - this Wild Geranium casts a shadow on its own petals. E_28mRmwgT0-00024-00020995-00021956 And Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris) among others highlighted the forest floor E_28mRmwgT0-00025-00021956-00022288 at the Morgan Swamp Preserve. EB2dPG6v7V4-00000-00000225-00000294 Hi there. EB2dPG6v7V4-00001-00000294-00000546 I'm Rob Jewell from the Westside 4-H Club EB2dPG6v7V4-00002-00000546-00000796 and I'm here with a few quick tips for building EB2dPG6v7V4-00003-00000797-00001113 a display board to exhibit at the Hennepin County Fair. EB2dPG6v7V4-00004-00001113-00001565 Now, before you start your poster Board, you'll want to choose an interesting topic for your exhibit EB2dPG6v7V4-00005-00001565-00001988 and then divide that topic into a few subtopics. EB2dPG6v7V4-00006-00001988-00002547 Now, when you're ready to start your poster board there are a few things to keep in mind. EB2dPG6v7V4-00007-00002547-00003118 Capture the audience's attention with interesting visuals like pictures and graphics with borders EB2dPG6v7V4-00008-00003118-00003365 and colors that fit your theme. EB2dPG6v7V4-00009-00003365-00003809 Choose a catchy title but one that conveys the meaning of your project. EB2dPG6v7V4-00010-00003809-00004185 You want to make sure your poster is easy to read and understand. EB2dPG6v7V4-00011-00004185-00004638 So to do that you want to use large and simple fonts that are visible from, you know, EB2dPG6v7V4-00012-00004638-00004850 five to ten feet away. EB2dPG6v7V4-00013-00004851-00005089 Organize your poster so that it isn't too cluttered. EB2dPG6v7V4-00014-00005089-00005456 Place and overview and most important information in the center panel EB2dPG6v7V4-00015-00005460-00005746 and use the side panels for supporting information. EB2dPG6v7V4-00016-00005810-00006280 Finally, be sure to check the county fair booklet for the exact rules and guidelines EB2dPG6v7V4-00017-00006280-00006595 for your poster board to make sure it's correctly sized. EB2dPG6v7V4-00018-00006595-00007092 Usually standard sized poster boards are fine but it's still best to make sure. EB2dPG6v7V4-00019-00007092-00007322 That's it for this Hennepin County Fair Quick Tip. EB2dPG6v7V4-00020-00007322-00007522 See you at the fair. EEB1PJ5SAok-00000-00000000-00000418 The Socialist Party also the French Section of the Workers International, traces its roots’ all the way back to the French Revolution. EEB1PJ5SAok-00001-00000418-00001118 It’s later parties’ formed in the nineteenth century, formally established in nineteen hundred and five. EEB1PJ5SAok-00002-00001118-00001818 Inspired by politicians’ and social theorists such as Charles Fourier, Henry de Saint-Simon, Francois-Noel Babeuf, Auguste Blanqui and Louis Blanc. EEB1PJ5SAok-00003-00001818-00002518 The four dominant forms’ of socialism were Utopian, Syndicalist, revolutionary and reformist. France’s first socialist party was called the French Workers’ Party. EEB1PJ5SAok-00004-00002518-00003218 In the Third Republic Era of France, between eighteen hundred and ninety-four until nineteen hundred and six, the Dreyfus affair created the political crisis. EEB1PJ5SAok-00005-00003218-00003918 The controversy centered around the innocence or guilt of a French officer, Alfred Dreyfus, who was convicted of treason. Dreyfus was an Army Captain, who allegedly sold military secrets’ to the Germans’ in, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. EEB1PJ5SAok-00006-00003918-00004618 At first, the public believed his guilt, many though have also claimed that it was only because he was Jewish, that he was prosecuted. EEB1PJ5SAok-00007-00004618-00005318 It was also stated that much of the publicity concerning the case came from Anti-Semitic publications’. EEB1PJ5SAok-00008-00005318-00006006 Accusations’ were apparently made, stating that Dreyfus symbolized the disloyalty of French Jews’. EEB1PJ5SAok-00009-00006006-00006645 At first, the only efforts’ made to reverse the sentence, were made by Alfred Dreyfus’s family. EEB1PJ5SAok-00010-00006645-00007345 Soon though, evidence started pointing towards guilt of another officer, Ferdinand Walsin-Esterhazy. The evidence pointed toward Esterhazy, presented itself in eighteen hundred and ninety-six. EEB1PJ5SAok-00011-00007345-00008045 Accusations’ made against Esterhazy, resulted in the court-martial, that acquitted him, in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Protests’ broke out and writers’ like, Emile Zola, were found guilty of libel. EEB1PJ5SAok-00012-00008045-00008746 The Dreyfus affair gained plenty of publicity, splitting the French into two opposing camps’, the Anti-Dreyfusards and the Dreyfusards. EEB1PJ5SAok-00013-00008746-00009446 The Dreyfusards’ saw the issue as a principle of freedom for the individual, subordinated to that of national security. EEB1PJ5SAok-00014-00009446-00010146 They wanted the military to be more Republican, placing it under parliamentary control. The Anti-Dreyfusards’ though, felt that the controversy was an attempt by their nation’s enemies’, to discredit the military and weaken France. EEB1PJ5SAok-00015-00010146-00010846 In eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, a document implicating Dreyfus was discovered as a forgery. Major Hubert-Joseph Henry confessed to fabricating the document, in order to strengthen the army’s position. EEB1PJ5SAok-00016-00010846-00011546 The Republican parties’ in the Chamber of Deputies’, recognized that the increasingly vocal nationalist right posed a threat to the parliamentary regime. EEB1PJ5SAok-00017-00011546-00012246 In response to protests’ and demonstrations’, a left-wing coalition of radicals’ was formed, in eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. Led by Rene Waldeck-Rousseau, it’s main purposes’ were defend the Republic and settle the Dreyfus case. EEB1PJ5SAok-00018-00012246-00012946 When a new court-martial was held, in eight hundred and ninety-nine, Dreyfus was again found guilty. The president of the republic, pardoned him though, in order for the issue to be resolved. EEB1PJ5SAok-00019-00012946-00013646 In nineteen hundred and six, a civilian court of appeals’, finally set aside the judgment by Rennes court and Dreyfus was released. The French army didn’t publicly declare Alfred Dreyfus innocent, until, nineteen hundred and ninety-five. EEB1PJ5SAok-00020-00013646-00014346 This case was to be a start in a new phase of the Third Republic, with series’ of radical led governments’. Resulting in the formal separation of church and state, within France. EEB1PJ5SAok-00021-00014346-00015046 Leon Blum was the first socialist premier of France, presiding over the Popular Front coalition between, nineteen hundred and thirty-six and thirty-seven. EEB1PJ5SAok-00022-00015046-00015746 Blum was born into a Jewish family from, Alsace, a region that was a former province of France, located between the Vosges and the Rhine. EEB1PJ5SAok-00023-00015746-00016446 He became interested in politics’ when he became involved in the Dreyfus affair. Because of his admiration for Jean Jaures, Blum joined the French Socialist Party in, nineteen hundred and four. EFdGwLiOjJ8-00000-00000600-00001442 There are a few fairly simple practices or rituals that help keep me in touch with nature, with creation. EFdGwLiOjJ8-00001-00001442-00002284 One of them is I have been living in Emery House for a few months and if I am asked to prepare a meal EFdGwLiOjJ8-00002-00002284-00003176 or if I am asked to help beautify the chapel, you know, things like going out to the garden and gathering EFdGwLiOjJ8-00003-00003176-00003968 basil or mint or eggs from the chicken coop for the meal, doing that as a prayer. EFdGwLiOjJ8-00004-00003968-00004938 So when I harvest those things or take those things, I thank God and I thank the earth EFdGwLiOjJ8-00005-00004938-00005202 for having given those gifts to me, to us. EFdGwLiOjJ8-00006-00005202-00005750 I think of the verse from the Eucharistic liturgy that refers to the wine as EFdGwLiOjJ8-00007-00005750-00006280 fruit of the vine and work of human hands; May it become for us our spiritual drink.” EFdGwLiOjJ8-00008-00006280-00006892 So I think of something raw that has come from the earth, from nature, EFdGwLiOjJ8-00009-00006892-00007788 and that’s somehow been worked through with the work of my own hands and then becomes something more, EFdGwLiOjJ8-00010-00007788-00008504 becomes sort of an “interspecies collaboration” in a sense, whether it is the meal that ends up on the table EFdGwLiOjJ8-00011-00008504-00009320 or as a painter, I practice egg temper painting, which is paint that is raw mineral pigment and egg yolk and white wine EFdGwLiOjJ8-00012-00009320-00009676 so there is a very Eucharistic symbolism to that. EFdGwLiOjJ8-00013-00009676-00010338 So now when I gather eggs from the chicken coop to make paint, EFdGwLiOjJ8-00014-00010338-00010992 it does really feel like this interspecies collaboration, and I thank the chickens for the gift that they are giving me, EFdGwLiOjJ8-00015-00010992-00011398 the way they are participating in my own creative process. EHHO_QZ0nR4-00000-00001869-00002379 I want to make this point explicit I mean it's it's implied but I want to EHHO_QZ0nR4-00001-00002379-00002886 make it explicit. When we talk about inclusion a lot of times it tends to get EHHO_QZ0nR4-00002-00002886-00003266 siloed into segments, right? So it's inclusive teachings.We talked about that EHHO_QZ0nR4-00003-00003266-00003712 in the classroom, was inclusive science communication or inclusive and k12 and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00004-00003712-00004200 really what we're talking about on my colleague here seen that this morning is, EHHO_QZ0nR4-00005-00004200-00004637 it's really about just inclusion as human beings, right? And you will find EHHO_QZ0nR4-00006-00004637-00005061 that as we describe our different contexts we're describing the same EHHO_QZ0nR4-00007-00005061-00005432 phenomenon, but at different scales all, alright. I will talk a little bit about EHHO_QZ0nR4-00008-00005432-00005895 what it means in the in the higher ed context. What is more specifically in the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00009-00005895-00006738 classroom the student voice and my colleague Dr. Ortiz will talk about at EHHO_QZ0nR4-00010-00006738-00007143 the scale of an entire institution and Ralph Bouquet will talk about some work at EHHO_QZ0nR4-00011-00007143-00007566 NOVA. So I wouldn't, I'm not gonna introduce them to you, when they come to EHHO_QZ0nR4-00012-00007566-00008289 give you their own backgrounds. A little bit about me, all right, I like to situate EHHO_QZ0nR4-00013-00008289-00008750 myself in this stuff. I'm originally from the Caribbean, I'm from Trinidad and Tobago I EHHO_QZ0nR4-00014-00008750-00009128 like to say that up front because my accent is still kind of thick and you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00015-00009128-00009588 know people do that thing students do to me when I teach they nod me along, EHHO_QZ0nR4-00016-00009588-00009999 "you don't understand what I'm saying right?" I know you didn't get that its EHHO_QZ0nR4-00017-00009999-00010670 cool you know I you know its alright [laughter] So, try to really work my enunciation but at EHHO_QZ0nR4-00018-00010670-00011117 times that may kind of chew a word or get too excited, but I did come to EHHO_QZ0nR4-00019-00011117-00012226 America for college so legally, [Laughter] you never know where ICE is EHHO_QZ0nR4-00020-00012226-00012956 and I had a kind of a pathway heading towards classical marine biology EHHO_QZ0nR4-00021-00012956-00013349 research scientists. And then one day I was given the opportunity to be in a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00022-00013349-00013835 classroom when everybody around me was telling me to avoid it, as much as I EHHO_QZ0nR4-00023-00013835-00014441 could. And in that classroom I found that what I think was my calling, and so that EHHO_QZ0nR4-00024-00014441-00014729 turned into really asking some interesting questions around research EHHO_QZ0nR4-00025-00014729-00015169 and teaching which led to this current position. So I teach intro bio and a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00026-00015169-00015547 couple other classes but my research program studies the social EHHO_QZ0nR4-00027-00015547-00016043 context of learning. So we look at everything from inclusive - sorry, implicit EHHO_QZ0nR4-00028-00016043-00016625 bias to social belonging, science communication in general public, we've EHHO_QZ0nR4-00029-00016625-00017228 taken on questions about privilege and how people interpret that. And I just EHHO_QZ0nR4-00030-00017228-00017789 want to spend a few minutes right now with you to talk about why this matters EHHO_QZ0nR4-00031-00017789-00018392 for our context, right? and these few slides really comes out of a lot of EHHO_QZ0nR4-00032-00018392-00019019 conversations that I have when I go to campuses around the country and I get a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00033-00019019-00019466 lot of fragility, right? I get a lot of defensiveness and I get a lot of that EHHO_QZ0nR4-00034-00019466-00020087 happened so long ago or it wasn't me and and is theres not us - there's not a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00035-00020087-00020714 really full understanding of how things that have been slowly built up over the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00036-00020714-00021266 years how they've come to have consequences that still matter in the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00037-00021266-00021926 current day, all right? So I'll give you a couple of examples of why it matters and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00038-00021926-00022280 and then the other second point that I make really quickly is, there's another EHHO_QZ0nR4-00039-00022280-00022697 movement that is grinning a groundswell right now that is bothering me quite a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00040-00022697-00023123 bit and that's the anti coddling movement, I call them. and as this sense EHHO_QZ0nR4-00041-00023123-00023714 that the college students today are too soft and too you know too radical and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00042-00023714-00024354 and they can't, you know, they can't take offense easily. To be fair, I think EHHO_QZ0nR4-00043-00024354-00024850 there's truth to both sides of the argument, but what happens when I read a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00044-00024851-00025376 lot it is these pieces. There's no engagement into why people EHHO_QZ0nR4-00045-00025377-00025727 are offended in the first place, right? There's no engagement in the situational EHHO_QZ0nR4-00046-00025727-00026189 context, there's this kind of highfalutin elitist, "well if only you just read EHHO_QZ0nR4-00047-00026189-00026616 the great books and and you know treated University like how I did when I was EHHO_QZ0nR4-00048-00026616-00027527 there in the 60s" so anyway I won't um won't go off on that tangent, but so. The EHHO_QZ0nR4-00049-00027527-00028227 term Social Belonging is not a new term, all right. We, we decided to call it that EHHO_QZ0nR4-00050-00028227-00028617 somewhere in the 70's when I did immigration research in Spain. But the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00051-00028617-00029079 idea of this is often is a "them" has really been around since there was an EHHO_QZ0nR4-00052-00029079-00029472 us and a them. So said once there's a main Society and another group who had EHHO_QZ0nR4-00053-00029472-00030095 to figure out how to integrate within that main group. That, them right, became EHHO_QZ0nR4-00054-00030095-00030387 the group that had to figure out how they, how they had to belong. EHHO_QZ0nR4-00055-00030387-00030833 So in 1912 it was Jews this is a quote from the then president of Harvard EHHO_QZ0nR4-00056-00030833-00031341 University making that argument as to why they should restrict the admission EHHO_QZ0nR4-00057-00031341-00031866 of Jews into Harvard, alright, so his successor Charles Eliot, you know, kind of EHHO_QZ0nR4-00058-00031866-00032695 very different feeling about, that but it's not really that long ago, okay? and I EHHO_QZ0nR4-00059-00032695-00033120 like to make that point because sometimes the the thinking or the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00060-00033122-00033651 assumption is that places of higher education will immune or separate from EHHO_QZ0nR4-00061-00034238-00034998 some of these social fractions as that was going on with white American in 1900's. A more EHHO_QZ0nR4-00062-00034998-00035046 radical example, all right? This is Cornell University. I think around mid EHHO_QZ0nR4-00063-00035046-00035783 1940s and so a group of black students took over the Student Union and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00064-00035783-00036456 demanding that the institution pays more attention to having classes that relate EHHO_QZ0nR4-00065-00036456-00036996 to their culture that having spaces that make them feel a sense of belonging, you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00066-00036996-00037350 will notice that they are armed and that was because after the first night of EHHO_QZ0nR4-00067-00037350-00037755 protests a white fraternity attacked them and so they you know to protect EHHO_QZ0nR4-00068-00037755-00038224 themselves. They got guns no no shots were fired but this this EHHO_QZ0nR4-00069-00038224-00038965 event ended in a a promise, a written document by President University to hire EHHO_QZ0nR4-00070-00038965-00039457 more African American professors, create more classes, the usual list of EHHO_QZ0nR4-00071-00039457-00040282 how we respond to these things, right? and you flash forward about 60 years and you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00072-00040282-00040801 have these young men at University of Missouri, who decided that they will not EHHO_QZ0nR4-00073-00040801-00041307 play another game of football unless the issues of race and belonging are addressed, EHHO_QZ0nR4-00074-00041307-00041838 alright? The significance of their shirt, "1839 was built on my Black," is signifies EHHO_QZ0nR4-00075-00041838-00042247 the fact that the campus was part of the campus structure was held built by EHHO_QZ0nR4-00076-00042247-00043090 former slaves. And I know these are, I've picked sort of two examples of this, and I'm not EHHO_QZ0nR4-00077-00043090-00043555 saying that every campus in America as majority White, the students of color EHHO_QZ0nR4-00078-00043555-00044233 feel this way, but if over half a century later you have students across the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00079-00044233-00044671 country basically making the same argument, then it at least should give EHHO_QZ0nR4-00080-00044671-00045378 you some clause. And while it is is perfectly okay to recognize the progress EHHO_QZ0nR4-00081-00045378-00045894 we have made on many of these issues it is also a professional responsibility to EHHO_QZ0nR4-00082-00045894-00046396 figure out the places where we havent and the consequences of that, all right? EHHO_QZ0nR4-00083-00046398-00046921 officially, the term is defined as, well they actually many definitions but this EHHO_QZ0nR4-00084-00046921-00047263 is probably one of my favorites, that is "sense of personal involvement that you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00085-00047263-00047877 have in our social system," right, "so that you feel indispensable and integral" a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00086-00047877-00048409 colleague of mine likes to compare to being a guest in someone's house, which I EHHO_QZ0nR4-00087-00048409-00048832 hope everyone in this room has had the experience of being a guest in someone's EHHO_QZ0nR4-00088-00048832-00049399 house or vice versa and you realize is the difference between being a guest and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00089-00049399-00049933 actually living thee. So if you're a guest, you know, you get fed, right? you, you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00090-00049933-00050431 get a room to sleep in and, you know, place to shower etc but you don't get to EHHO_QZ0nR4-00091-00050431-00050869 pick what the meals are gonna be you don't get to pick you know what time we EHHO_QZ0nR4-00092-00050869-00051265 leave the house and on what activities the house engages in, you're a guest, EHHO_QZ0nR4-00093-00051265-00051822 right? You're allowed to be here but you don't get to change the music. And we're sense EHHO_QZ0nR4-00094-00051822-00052512 of belonging and, I think the difference between just having students of color on EHHO_QZ0nR4-00095-00052512-00052960 campus this is actually having them being an integral part of the power EHHO_QZ0nR4-00096-00052960-00053287 structure. It's the degree to which you're actually including their voices EHHO_QZ0nR4-00097-00053287-00053754 in the way you design your syllabi, in the way it is on your campus, in your EHHO_QZ0nR4-00098-00053754-00054079 mission statement and not waiting for diversity week to have all these EHHO_QZ0nR4-00099-00054081-00054712 conversations. There are real consequences to this, this book is a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00100-00054712-00055380 little bit dated came out in 2000, but I can tell you that the authors are doing EHHO_QZ0nR4-00101-00055380-00055873 a second version of it and I'm a some of that data and it EHHO_QZ0nR4-00102-00055873-00056349 hasn't changed that much. and what I looked at is students who've EHHO_QZ0nR4-00103-00056349-00057061 left STEM disciplines. And unfortunately in many cases, leave the university EHHO_QZ0nR4-00104-00057061-00057864 completely and they they surveyed, I want to say, about 12 to 15 campuses and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00105-00057864-00058388 they asked these students why they left. And just in short what they found was EHHO_QZ0nR4-00106-00058388-00058758 these students of color - I'm sorry I should have said students of color. EHHO_QZ0nR4-00107-00058758-00059173 These students weren't leaving because they were failing, a lot of them were EHHO_QZ0nR4-00108-00059173-00059481 leaving that because it didn't feel like they belong and it can not identify with the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00109-00059481-00059877 culture, the discipline. So you were losing students who are getting A's and EHHO_QZ0nR4-00110-00059877-00060274 B's and passing grades and who could have fully gone on and been a EHHO_QZ0nR4-00111-00060274-00060726 productive whatever in science, but just because we've created this chilly EHHO_QZ0nR4-00112-00060726-00061225 climate. Then they say, you know, what this is not really for me, I'll go find EHHO_QZ0nR4-00113-00061225-00061800 something that actually speaks to my interest. So it sounds like a really EHHO_QZ0nR4-00114-00061800-00062422 simple concept the idea of feeling like you belonging to something but it has EHHO_QZ0nR4-00115-00062422-00063016 far-reaching implications. I try not to make any assumptions about my students EHHO_QZ0nR4-00116-00063016-00063375 or any one of them. Whether they of color or not of color, because I know as EHHO_QZ0nR4-00117-00063375-00063726 somebody who's an international person of color the way I handle these EHHO_QZ0nR4-00118-00063726-00064044 situations might be very different to somebody who was born and raised here as EHHO_QZ0nR4-00119-00064044-00064470 an African American, all right? I chose resilience throughout my own career I EHHO_QZ0nR4-00120-00064470-00064999 kind of choose to step aside and you see see the world for what it is as VS EHHO_QZ0nR4-00121-00064999-00065446 Naipaul would say, and and say "look this is what I want to do and I'll figure out EHHO_QZ0nR4-00122-00065446-00065647 how to move the pieces to make that happen." EHHO_QZ0nR4-00123-00065647-00066163 I've seen others look at this and say, "look man, you know, you white folk cannot EHHO_QZ0nR4-00124-00066163-00066478 go and do that I'll go back to your stuff that actually makes sense to me." EHHO_QZ0nR4-00125-00066478-00067174 and it is challenging to design a campus experience that speaks to all of these EHHO_QZ0nR4-00126-00067174-00067813 nuances. You typically get a lot of these knee-jerk reactions, I'm not trying to be EHHO_QZ0nR4-00127-00067813-00068302 dismissive of these things. They all have their place and they all have value, but EHHO_QZ0nR4-00128-00068302-00068860 a lot of times it's still they still subscribe to a very deficit model, all EHHO_QZ0nR4-00129-00068860-00069322 right? You're unhappy, let me give you something, you know, its not like you EHHO_QZ0nR4-00130-00069322-00069688 have that something I've done my job and we're done and we fall into that trap EHHO_QZ0nR4-00131-00069688-00070102 when we hire a couple faculty of color or build a multicultural center or EHHO_QZ0nR4-00132-00070102-00070510 celebrate MLK Day. And there's a sense in which way "ok we EHHO_QZ0nR4-00133-00070510-00071155 did it, now what else?" talks EHHO_QZ0nR4-00134-00071155-00071599 about your representation model, right? so this idea that as long as you have the EHHO_QZ0nR4-00135-00071599-00071950 the optics, all right? you have their United Colors EHHO_QZ0nR4-00136-00071950-00072526 of Benetton feel to your campus then you've done the hard work and what I'm EHHO_QZ0nR4-00137-00072526-00073042 gonna pass over to my colleagues to talk about is there's more to inclusion than EHHO_QZ0nR4-00138-00073042-00073546 just that, all right? I will unpack a bit more of my own scenario with, my talk this EHHO_QZ0nR4-00139-00073546-00073996 afternoon, not to shameless plug here. EIBPLM_KrD0-00000-00000000-00000145 A collection of my various short illustration line art and sketch composition videos EIBPLM_KrD0-00001-00000145-00000199 Digital Art Drawing Collection Subscribe EIBPLM_KrD0-00002-00000199-00000320 | Day : Illustration | ARYN | This sketch depicts | Figure exercise created in solid line EJ1_pVEblUg-00000-00000272-00000639 My home is located in Vinh Long town in southern Vietnam. EJ1_pVEblUg-00001-00000639-00001283 It is only a small town, but it is a place that gave me some specific presents such as EJ1_pVEblUg-00002-00001283-00001843 the love of nature, the love of family, and the love of friendship. EJ1_pVEblUg-00003-00001843-00002496 All of these are kept carefully in my mind until now. EJ1_pVEblUg-00004-00002496-00003198 I also have an old cheap present, my old bracelet, from my grandmother. EJ1_pVEblUg-00005-00003198-00003956 I always keep it carefully, and it had a special influence on my life when I came in Minnesota. EJ1_pVEblUg-00006-00003956-00004437 My bracelet is the stone light red color. EJ1_pVEblUg-00007-00004437-00004624 It is very old. EJ1_pVEblUg-00008-00004624-00004908 I have had it about 16 years. EJ1_pVEblUg-00009-00004908-00005724 It was a present from my grandma when I passed a high school examination with the highest EJ1_pVEblUg-00010-00005724-00005824 score. EJ1_pVEblUg-00011-00005824-00006645 It's not an expensive present, but I like so much because of its color and its meaning. EJ1_pVEblUg-00012-00006645-00007462 When I was a child, my parents often went far away for their work, so my grandmother EJ1_pVEblUg-00013-00007462-00007634 took care of me. EJ1_pVEblUg-00014-00007634-00007848 Her name is Ba Tran. EJ1_pVEblUg-00015-00007848-00008498 She is an honest and independent person with an optimistic outlook. EJ1_pVEblUg-00016-00008498-00009129 She never gives up and tries her best to solve her problem. EJ1_pVEblUg-00017-00009129-00009494 Furthermore, she always helps the elderly, the homeless. EJ1_pVEblUg-00018-00009494-00010365 She was always with me, gave me advice, and showed me what should I do when I had problems. EJ1_pVEblUg-00019-00010365-00011220 Her behavior influenced my thinking, and my decisions in life awhenI grew up. EJ1_pVEblUg-00020-00011220-00012170 That is the reason why I always keep my bracelet with me, wherever I go, and whatever I do. EJ1_pVEblUg-00021-00012170-00012774 In 2008, I married and four years later, I came to Minnesota. EJ1_pVEblUg-00022-00012774-00013390 At first living in the United States everything was so different. EJ1_pVEblUg-00023-00013390-00014236 I felt nervous because I couldn’t go anywhere by myself, or communicate with others in English. EJ1_pVEblUg-00024-00014236-00014497 I also miss my home so much. EJ1_pVEblUg-00025-00014497-00015251 At that time, my grandma phoned and convinced me not to give up. EJ1_pVEblUg-00026-00015251-00015618 She said the beginning is not always easy. EJ1_pVEblUg-00027-00015618-00016066 The more I try, the more successful I will be. EJ1_pVEblUg-00028-00016066-00016520 Until now, I have been living in Minnesota for three years. EJ1_pVEblUg-00029-00016520-00017326 I have a small happy family with my husband and my little daughter. EJ1_pVEblUg-00030-00017328-00017670 I have also studied at Saint Paul College. EJ1_pVEblUg-00031-00017670-00018450 I think it is a good chance for me to practice my English, especially to get certificate EJ1_pVEblUg-00032-00018450-00018820 to find a better job in the future. EJ1_pVEblUg-00033-00018820-00019321 Now, my grandma is too old to remember everything. EJ1_pVEblUg-00034-00019321-00019876 I wish I had a chance to go back to my home to visit her. EJ1_pVEblUg-00035-00019876-00020964 I will wear this bracelet forever even though it is old, has no value as gold or silver. EJ1_pVEblUg-00036-00020964-00021719 It reminds me the love of my grandmother, and how I get faith in my life especially EJ1_pVEblUg-00037-00021719-00021862 here in Minnesota. EKhKLfffDlM-00000-00000010-00000397 ON THE ROAD 69-61 THE FINAL EKhKLfffDlM-00001-00000397-00000403 ON THE ROAD 69-61 THE FINAL EKhKLfffDlM-00002-00000403-00000563 ON THE ROAD 69-61 THE FINAL SCORE. EKhKLfffDlM-00003-00000563-00000570 ON THE ROAD 69-61 THE FINAL SCORE. EKhKLfffDlM-00004-00000570-00000647 ON THE ROAD 69-61 THE FINAL SCORE. >> COLLIN: BRAINERD BOYS AT HOME EKhKLfffDlM-00005-00000647-00000653 SCORE. >> COLLIN: BRAINERD BOYS AT HOME EKhKLfffDlM-00006-00000653-00000700 SCORE. >> COLLIN: BRAINERD BOYS AT HOME FOR THE FIRST TIME. EKhKLfffDlM-00007-00000700-00000707 >> COLLIN: BRAINERD BOYS AT HOME FOR THE FIRST TIME. EKhKLfffDlM-00008-00000707-00000764 >> COLLIN: BRAINERD BOYS AT HOME FOR THE FIRST TIME. THEY HOST FERGUS FALLS. EKhKLfffDlM-00009-00000764-00000770 FOR THE FIRST TIME. THEY HOST FERGUS FALLS. EKhKLfffDlM-00010-00000770-00001014 FOR THE FIRST TIME. THEY HOST FERGUS FALLS. FIRST HALF WE GO. EKhKLfffDlM-00011-00001014-00001021 THEY HOST FERGUS FALLS. FIRST HALF WE GO. EKhKLfffDlM-00012-00001021-00001284 THEY HOST FERGUS FALLS. FIRST HALF WE GO. 6'5" TAYLOR SHELITO IN THE POST. EKhKLfffDlM-00013-00001284-00001291 FIRST HALF WE GO. 6'5" TAYLOR SHELITO IN THE POST. EKhKLfffDlM-00014-00001291-00001464 FIRST HALF WE GO. 6'5" TAYLOR SHELITO IN THE POST. HE SPINS AROUND A DEFENDER FOR EKhKLfffDlM-00015-00001464-00001471 6'5" TAYLOR SHELITO IN THE POST. HE SPINS AROUND A DEFENDER FOR EKhKLfffDlM-00016-00001471-00001688 6'5" TAYLOR SHELITO IN THE POST. HE SPINS AROUND A DEFENDER FOR AN EASY LAYUP. EKhKLfffDlM-00017-00001688-00001695 HE SPINS AROUND A DEFENDER FOR AN EASY LAYUP. EKhKLfffDlM-00018-00001695-00001931 HE SPINS AROUND A DEFENDER FOR AN EASY LAYUP. BRAINERD UP 12 AT THE UNDER FIVE EKhKLfffDlM-00019-00001931-00001938 AN EASY LAYUP. BRAINERD UP 12 AT THE UNDER FIVE EKhKLfffDlM-00020-00001938-00002011 AN EASY LAYUP. BRAINERD UP 12 AT THE UNDER FIVE LEFT MARK. EKhKLfffDlM-00021-00002011-00002018 BRAINERD UP 12 AT THE UNDER FIVE LEFT MARK. EKhKLfffDlM-00022-00002018-00002318 BRAINERD UP 12 AT THE UNDER FIVE LEFT MARK. HOW ABOUT THE LONG BALL NOW? EKhKLfffDlM-00023-00002318-00002325 LEFT MARK. HOW ABOUT THE LONG BALL NOW? EKhKLfffDlM-00024-00002325-00002565 LEFT MARK. HOW ABOUT THE LONG BALL NOW? CHRIS KARELS FINDS BEN STAEHLING EKhKLfffDlM-00025-00002565-00002572 HOW ABOUT THE LONG BALL NOW? CHRIS KARELS FINDS BEN STAEHLING EKhKLfffDlM-00026-00002572-00002675 HOW ABOUT THE LONG BALL NOW? CHRIS KARELS FINDS BEN STAEHLING IN THE CORNER. EKhKLfffDlM-00027-00002675-00002682 CHRIS KARELS FINDS BEN STAEHLING IN THE CORNER. EKhKLfffDlM-00028-00002682-00003063 CHRIS KARELS FINDS BEN STAEHLING IN THE CORNER. HE'LL KNOCK DOWN THE WARRIOR EKhKLfffDlM-00029-00003063-00003069 IN THE CORNER. HE'LL KNOCK DOWN THE WARRIOR EKhKLfffDlM-00030-00003069-00003186 IN THE CORNER. HE'LL KNOCK DOWN THE WARRIOR TREY, LEAD NOW 14. EKhKLfffDlM-00031-00003186-00003193 HE'LL KNOCK DOWN THE WARRIOR TREY, LEAD NOW 14. EKhKLfffDlM-00032-00003193-00003296 HE'LL KNOCK DOWN THE WARRIOR TREY, LEAD NOW 14. WARRIORS SHOWING OFF THEIR EKhKLfffDlM-00033-00003296-00003303 TREY, LEAD NOW 14. WARRIORS SHOWING OFF THEIR EKhKLfffDlM-00034-00003303-00003423 TREY, LEAD NOW 14. WARRIORS SHOWING OFF THEIR PASSING MOVES. EKhKLfffDlM-00035-00003423-00003429 WARRIORS SHOWING OFF THEIR PASSING MOVES. EKhKLfffDlM-00036-00003429-00003680 WARRIORS SHOWING OFF THEIR PASSING MOVES. BEN STAEHLING FINDS NATHAN RUDD EKhKLfffDlM-00037-00003680-00003686 PASSING MOVES. BEN STAEHLING FINDS NATHAN RUDD EKhKLfffDlM-00038-00003686-00003810 PASSING MOVES. BEN STAEHLING FINDS NATHAN RUDD WHO FINDS BRANDON FOR THE BACK EORrm15msIE-00000-00000791-00000865 >> Professor Perez: Hey! EORrm15msIE-00001-00000865-00001121 This is Professor Perez from Saddleback College. EORrm15msIE-00002-00001153-00001450 Today we're going to be adding some large numbers. EORrm15msIE-00003-00001461-00001594 Charlie's favorite subject! EORrm15msIE-00004-00001623-00001710 It better be. EORrm15msIE-00005-00001734-00001927 Anyway, let's see what Charlie's up to. EORrm15msIE-00006-00001943-00002062 He better be ready. EORrm15msIE-00007-00002276-00002429 Hey, Charlie, what are you doing? EORrm15msIE-00008-00002474-00002553 Are you ready to go? EORrm15msIE-00009-00002587-00002595 >> Charlie: Yeah! EORrm15msIE-00010-00002700-00003044 >> Professor Perez: Okay, get your abacus out and a piece of paper and let's get to work! EORrm15msIE-00011-00003044-00003446 >> Charlie: I don't know where the batteries are, I think this thing is dead! EORrm15msIE-00012-00003549-00003606 >> Professor Perez: Batteries? EORrm15msIE-00013-00003606-00003779 You don't need any batteries, Charlie! EORrm15msIE-00014-00003788-00003880 Get to work here! EORrm15msIE-00015-00003904-00004121 Okay, let's enter our first number. EORrm15msIE-00016-00004152-00004623 And our number is 65, 234. EORrm15msIE-00017-00004754-00005125 Okay? So, we'll begin by entering our ones first. EORrm15msIE-00018-00005128-00005415 We have 4 of those so we'll record that...enter that there. EORrm15msIE-00019-00005486-00005642 Okay, now we'll go to our tens. EORrm15msIE-00020-00005680-00005754 We have a 3. EORrm15msIE-00021-00005808-00006207 We'll go ahead and record that...enter that in our tens bead, right? EORrm15msIE-00022-00006235-00006488 Okay. Now we'll go to our hundreds column, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00023-00006560-00006604 What's that? EORrm15msIE-00024-00006670-00006695 >> Charlie: 2? EORrm15msIE-00025-00006695-00007032 >> Professor Perez: 2 there...so record and move your hundreds bead to the 2. EORrm15msIE-00026-00007074-00007125 Very good. EORrm15msIE-00027-00007173-00007620 Okay. Now we go to our one-thousands column which is a 5, EORrm15msIE-00028-00007654-00007825 very good, so we'll enter that one. EORrm15msIE-00029-00008069-00008293 In our ten-thousands column we have a what, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00030-00008339-00008393 >> Charlie: 6. EORrm15msIE-00031-00008393-00008450 >> Professor Perez: A 6. EORrm15msIE-00032-00008450-00008793 So we'll go ahead and move our bead over to the 6. EORrm15msIE-00033-00008793-00008842 Very nice, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00034-00008842-00009219 Now, remember, let's review some place value. EORrm15msIE-00035-00009232-00009703 Remember the pattern for place value was ones, tens, hundreds, okay? EORrm15msIE-00036-00009746-00010118 So we begin with a ones, tens, hundreds. EORrm15msIE-00037-00010179-00010324 And then we move to the thousands. EORrm15msIE-00038-00010401-00010865 Well, we have one thousands, ten thousands, a hundred thousands. EORrm15msIE-00039-00010935-00011107 And then what comes after the thousands, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00040-00011152-00011202 >> Charlie: The millions. EORrm15msIE-00041-00011265-00011368 >> Professor Perez: Millions, that's right. EORrm15msIE-00042-00011382-00011744 So then we go to the...after the thousands, we have the one millions, EORrm15msIE-00043-00011793-00012134 then the ten millions, then the hundred millions. EORrm15msIE-00044-00012185-00012271 What comes after millions? EORrm15msIE-00045-00012327-00012383 >> Charlie: Billions! EORrm15msIE-00046-00012383-00012484 >> Professor Perez: Billions, okay. EORrm15msIE-00047-00012517-00013019 Then you go to the one billions, ten billions, hundred billions. EORrm15msIE-00048-00013076-00013213 And what comes after billions, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00049-00013270-00013323 >> Charlie: Trillions! EORrm15msIE-00050-00013323-00013431 >> Professor Perez: Trillions! EORrm15msIE-00051-00013458-00013968 So then you go the one trillions, ten trillions, hundred trillions. EORrm15msIE-00052-00013968-00014231 There. There you go, so there's some place value review. EORrm15msIE-00053-00014245-00014389 Okay. Now let's get back to work. EORrm15msIE-00054-00014523-00015008 In our abacus we have now entered 65,234. EORrm15msIE-00055-00015059-00015737 So, we're going to add to that number, 31,753. EORrm15msIE-00056-00015756-00015922 Okay! So here we go, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00057-00015929-00016077 Let's start with our ones column. EORrm15msIE-00058-00016130-00016383 We have a 4 there and we have to add how many more, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00059-00016434-00016491 >> Charlie: 3. EORrm15msIE-00060-00016491-00016533 >> Professor Perez: 3. EORrm15msIE-00061-00016540-00016704 Right? So that's takes you to where? EORrm15msIE-00062-00016760-00016802 >> Charlie: 7. EORrm15msIE-00063-00016802-00016827 >> Professor Perez: 7. EORrm15msIE-00064-00016852-00016965 So go ahead and record that. EORrm15msIE-00065-00016997-00017332 7. Okay, now we're in our tens column, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00066-00017386-00017621 We have a 3 there, so we're going to add how many more? EORrm15msIE-00067-00017678-00017713 >> Charlie: 5. EORrm15msIE-00068-00017779-00017821 >> Professor Perez: 5. EORrm15msIE-00069-00017847-00017964 Which takes you to where, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00070-00018046-00018097 >> Charlie: 8. EORrm15msIE-00071-00018108-00018160 >> Professor Perez: An 8. EORrm15msIE-00072-00018160-00018254 So we'll go ahead and record that. EORrm15msIE-00073-00018309-00018439 Okay Charlie, here we go. EORrm15msIE-00074-00018477-00018635 Now we're in the hundreds column. EORrm15msIE-00075-00018704-00018956 We have a 2 there and we have to add how many more? EORrm15msIE-00076-00019042-00019095 >> Charlie: 7. EORrm15msIE-00077-00019095-00019126 >> Professor Perez: 7. EORrm15msIE-00078-00019126-00019176 That's right. EORrm15msIE-00079-00019185-00019362 So go ahead and add 7 there. EORrm15msIE-00080-00019389-00019477 That takes us to where? EORrm15msIE-00081-00019516-00019561 >> Charlie: 9. EORrm15msIE-00082-00019602-00020476 >> Professor Perez: 9 in the hundreds column, we'll go ahead and record that one. EORrm15msIE-00083-00020476-00021104 And so Charlie, what is our final answer? EORrm15msIE-00084-00021128-00021393 >> Charlie: 96,987. EORrm15msIE-00085-00021409-00021482 >> Professor Perez: That's right. EORrm15msIE-00086-00021482-00022093 96,987. Very nice, Charlie! EORrm15msIE-00087-00022160-00022845 Okay, now that we're warmed up, we're going to move to another problem EORrm15msIE-00088-00022928-00023354 that does require some carry over. EORrm15msIE-00089-00023354-00023497 So, don't get scared! EORrm15msIE-00090-00023531-00023687 Okay, here we go! EORrm15msIE-00091-00023749-00025236 This time what we're going to do, we're going to enter, into our abacus, 735,796. EORrm15msIE-00092-00025269-00025422 Now don't get scared, okay? EORrm15msIE-00093-00025435-00025663 In our ones column, Charlie... EORrm15msIE-00094-00025796-00025816 >> Charlie: 6. EORrm15msIE-00095-00025816-00025886 >> Professor Perez: We have a 6. EORrm15msIE-00096-00025904-00026093 We'll record that and enter that one there. EORrm15msIE-00097-00026134-00026181 Very nice. EORrm15msIE-00098-00026187-00026549 Okay, now, in our tens column, we have a 9 right? EORrm15msIE-00099-00026591-00026979 So we'll go ahead and write that down and move your tens bead to the 9. EORrm15msIE-00100-00027057-00027136 Very nice, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00101-00027183-00027330 Now, we're in the hundreds column. EORrm15msIE-00102-00027361-00027481 We have a 7 there, right? EORrm15msIE-00103-00027569-00028052 So, go ahead, record your 7, and move your hundreds bead to the 7. EORrm15msIE-00104-00028107-00028163 Very nice! EORrm15msIE-00105-00028237-00028778 Okay, now, we'll go to our one thousands column and we have a 5, so we'll go ahead and write EORrm15msIE-00106-00028784-00029148 that down and move our one thousands bead to the 5. EORrm15msIE-00107-00029212-00029264 Very good. EORrm15msIE-00108-00029337-00029639 And now we're in the ten thousands column, right? EORrm15msIE-00109-00029649-00029777 And we have to enter a what, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00110-00029823-00029905 >> Charlie: 3. EORrm15msIE-00111-00029929-00029993 >> Professor Perez: A 3. EORrm15msIE-00112-00030013-00030138 So we'll go ahead and write that down. EORrm15msIE-00113-00030210-00030393 Move our one thousands bead to the 3. EORrm15msIE-00114-00030488-00030544 Very nice! EORrm15msIE-00115-00030581-00030906 Here we have one more, we're in our hundred thousands column up there, right? EORrm15msIE-00116-00030947-00031109 We have to enter that 7. EORrm15msIE-00117-00031109-00031322 So go ahead, write that down over there. EORrm15msIE-00118-00031368-00031719 And go ahead and move your hundred thousands bead to the 7. EORrm15msIE-00119-00031723-00031792 So there it is! EORrm15msIE-00120-00031829-00032358 We have now entered 735,796. EORrm15msIE-00121-00032426-00032472 There we go. EORrm15msIE-00122-00032472-00033436 So, okay, Charlie, now, we're going to add to that number, 65,873. EORrm15msIE-00123-00033470-00033559 Now don't get scared, okay? EORrm15msIE-00124-00033585-00033620 Just relax. EORrm15msIE-00125-00033703-00033931 Okay, let's start with the ones column, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00126-00033970-00034220 We have a 6 there and we have to add how many more, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00127-00034264-00034312 >> Charlie: 3 more! EORrm15msIE-00128-00034347-00034427 >> Professor Perez: 3, that's right. EORrm15msIE-00129-00034464-00034708 So that'll take you to 9 and we'll go ahead and record. EORrm15msIE-00130-00034795-00034969 Now that was easy because there was no carry over. EORrm15msIE-00131-00035099-00035202 But now here we go. EORrm15msIE-00132-00035250-00035391 We're in our tens column, right? EORrm15msIE-00133-00035468-00035705 We have a 9 there, Charlie, and we have to add how many more? EORrm15msIE-00134-00035760-00035819 >> Charlie: 7. EORrm15msIE-00135-00035837-00035926 >> Professor Perez: 7 more, okay. EORrm15msIE-00136-00035953-00036194 So we've got to move 7 times, now we're at the 9. EORrm15msIE-00137-00036238-00036526 Once we make the first move, we've got to carry it over, right? EORrm15msIE-00138-00036572-00036757 So 9, we'll make our first move. EORrm15msIE-00139-00036757-00036814 There it is. EORrm15msIE-00140-00036814-00037190 Notice we carried over and we still have to move how many more, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00141-00037288-00037311 >> Charlie: 6 EORrm15msIE-00142-00037311-00037407 >> Professor Perez: 6 more, that's right. EORrm15msIE-00143-00037469-00037777 So, now in our tens column we have the 6 there, right? EORrm15msIE-00144-00037835-00038479 And notice in our hundreds column we have a 7 but we carried one over to get that 8. EORrm15msIE-00145-00038544-00039133 Okay? So record the 6 in your tens column and notice there Charlie, what's 9 plus 7? EORrm15msIE-00146-00039245-00039279 >> Charlie: 16. EORrm15msIE-00147-00039279-00039370 >> Professor Perez: It is 16. EORrm15msIE-00148-00039401-00039598 There's your 6 and you carried over the 1. EORrm15msIE-00149-00039642-00040087 So now we're in our hundreds column and notice our bead it at an 8 EORrm15msIE-00150-00040130-00040388 because we had a 7 before and we carried the 1 over. EORrm15msIE-00151-00040391-00040792 Okay. Now, in the hundreds column, right? EORrm15msIE-00152-00040792-00040979 We have an 8, we've got to add how many more Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00153-00041049-00041095 >> Charlie: 8 more. EORrm15msIE-00154-00041110-00041228 >> Professor Perez: 8 more, okay! EORrm15msIE-00155-00041259-00041330 So here we go. EORrm15msIE-00156-00041387-00041474 We've got to add 8. EORrm15msIE-00157-00041477-00041789 We're at 8, we add 1, it takes us to 9. EORrm15msIE-00158-00041828-00042433 We add another 1, that's where we have the carry over so we now move 2 of the required 8 EORrm15msIE-00159-00042514-00042669 so we have how many more to go, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00160-00042710-00042763 >> Charlie: 6 more! EORrm15msIE-00161-00042792-00042886 >> Professor Perez: 6, that's right. EORrm15msIE-00162-00042931-00043143 So, now, we're done in our hundreds column. EORrm15msIE-00163-00043152-00043239 We have the 6. EORrm15msIE-00164-00043260-00043368 We'll go ahead and record it. EORrm15msIE-00165-00043412-00043621 Okay, and now let's check our answer. EORrm15msIE-00166-00043674-00043950 We had a 1 plus 7 plus an 8. EORrm15msIE-00167-00043950-00044512 We're in the hundreds column, and 1 plus 7 is 8 plus 8 more is that 16. EORrm15msIE-00168-00044527-00044817 So there's the 6 in the hundreds column and you carried over the 1 EORrm15msIE-00169-00044842-00044993 to the one thousands column, okay? EORrm15msIE-00170-00045028-00045398 That's why in our one thousands column up there we now have a 6, EORrm15msIE-00171-00045442-00045694 because we had a 5 and we carried over the 1. EORrm15msIE-00172-00045769-00046239 Okay, now, we're in our one thousands column, Charlie, how many do we have to add? EORrm15msIE-00173-00046341-00046462 >> Professor Perez: 5 more, okay. EORrm15msIE-00174-00046511-00046696 So we have 6, we've got to add 5. EORrm15msIE-00175-00046702-00047129 So let's first add 3, that takes us to the 9, okay? EORrm15msIE-00176-00047165-00047674 We'll add 1 more, there's where we have the carry over, so now we move 4 and we've still got EORrm15msIE-00177-00047674-00048095 to move 1 more to make the full 5 moves, and there it is, EORrm15msIE-00178-00048137-00048469 we're at a 1 in our one thousands column, so go ahead and record that. EORrm15msIE-00179-00048523-00048681 Now again, you can check your answer. EORrm15msIE-00180-00048688-00049098 Notice, in the one thousands column, you have a 1, a 5, EORrm15msIE-00181-00049124-00049504 and a 5 and when you add all those together, you do get the 11. EORrm15msIE-00182-00049530-00049734 There's the 1 with the 1 carried over there. EORrm15msIE-00183-00049740-00049803 There we go! EORrm15msIE-00184-00049855-00050056 Now, where are we at now, Charlie? EORrm15msIE-00185-00050142-00050196 >> Charlie: Ten thousands. EORrm15msIE-00186-00050225-00050350 >> Professor Perez: We're in the ten thousands column. EORrm15msIE-00187-00050350-00050396 Very good. EORrm15msIE-00188-00050403-00050752 So notice, we have a 4 in our ten thousands column because we had a 3, EORrm15msIE-00189-00050752-00051091 we carried over the 1, and we have to add how many more? EORrm15msIE-00190-00051171-00051224 >> Charlie: 6. EORrm15msIE-00191-00051276-00051409 >> Professor Perez: 6 more, that's right, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00192-00051464-00052095 So, we're at the 4...well we know if we move 5, that takes us to 9, but we still have 1 more, EORrm15msIE-00193-00052132-00052309 but that's where we get to carry over, right? EORrm15msIE-00194-00052346-00052660 So we carry over to our hundred thousands column...one of those. EORrm15msIE-00195-00052682-00053239 All right...okay, so now, we go ahead and record a 0 in our ten thousands column. EORrm15msIE-00196-00053359-00054020 Now we notice again, in the ten thousands column, you have a 1, a 3, and a 6 which is 10. EORrm15msIE-00197-00054079-00054281 There's the 0, and we carried over the 1. EORrm15msIE-00198-00054319-00054695 All right, Charlie, we've got one last thing to do...bring us home, Charlie! EORrm15msIE-00199-00054813-00054849 >> Charlie: Bring down the 8. EORrm15msIE-00200-00054849-00054959 >> Professor Perez: That's just 8, right? EORrm15msIE-00201-00054959-00055210 We're not adding anything to that so we'll go ahead and record the 8. EORrm15msIE-00202-00055258-00055403 And there's our final answer. EORrm15msIE-00203-00055485-00056339 801,669. So that's 801, 669. EORrm15msIE-00204-00056350-00056781 Phew! Now that's a big number and we're doing this without a calculator. EORrm15msIE-00205-00056781-00057076 Remember, you don't want to become one of those calculator kids out there. EORrm15msIE-00206-00057076-00057462 You can use a calculator later, but not when you're taking my test! EORrm15msIE-00207-00057462-00057744 Anyway, we'll see you later, Charlie. EORrm15msIE-00208-00057794-00057949 Be sure you're keeping up with the homework! EORrm15msIE-00209-00057963-00058350 Now, the next time we come back, we're going to some subtraction problems. EORrm15msIE-00210-00058378-00058918 And there's where you have to do some borrowing, so, anyway, we'll see you all soon. EORrm15msIE-00211-00058931-00059347 Get to work, Charlie! ER2HzMIlYz0-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3050 Atomic Heart ETh6NI-RnRQ-00000-00010491-00010821 we can ETh6NI-RnRQ-00001-00020529-00020731 Oh ETh6NI-RnRQ-00002-00029341-00029909 close to I get up time is barely out of side ETh6NI-RnRQ-00003-00029909-00030777 I don't want always with love oh sweet Jesus and leading us love is ETh6NI-RnRQ-00004-00030777-00031413 all will ever trust ya I don't always ETh6NI-RnRQ-00005-00031770-00032194 we'll go through the wastelands through the ETh6NI-RnRQ-00006-00032194-00033085 highways from eyeshadow to sun rays will ETh6NI-RnRQ-00007-00036590-00037418 the way melodies we haven't played no I don't wanna know ETh6NI-RnRQ-00008-00037418-00038898 I go in around these walls to create a song I don't wanna miss be ETh6NI-RnRQ-00009-00038898-00039639 we'll go through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow to ETh6NI-RnRQ-00010-00039639-00040601 sunrays and we'll go ETh6NI-RnRQ-00011-00043025-00044331 we'll be number if you see the horizon send us to thousands and will grow be ETh6NI-RnRQ-00012-00044331-00044975 number if you see the her ETh6NI-RnRQ-00014-00048755-00048961 you ETh6NI-RnRQ-00015-00050354-00050654 yeah ETh6NI-RnRQ-00016-00050719-00051738 coming off I made ETh6NI-RnRQ-00017-00051849-00052233 it also ETh6NI-RnRQ-00018-00052242-00052608 I do ETh6NI-RnRQ-00019-00053406-00053745 why do I ETh6NI-RnRQ-00020-00053913-00054194 always leave me ETh6NI-RnRQ-00021-00062032-00062538 I do ETh6NI-RnRQ-00022-00063360-00063641 I do ETh6NI-RnRQ-00023-00063916-00064194 my two ETh6NI-RnRQ-00024-00064542-00065166 I do I do I do I do I do ETh6NI-RnRQ-00025-00072143-00072869 walking alone streets empty the only Daenerys is my ETh6NI-RnRQ-00026-00072869-00073804 I'm getting stronger step-by-step but the snow example relations ETh6NI-RnRQ-00027-00074894-00075143 say ETh6NI-RnRQ-00028-00075143-00075655 we are you know ETh6NI-RnRQ-00029-00075844-00076168 we are ETh6NI-RnRQ-00030-00076187-00076471 now ETh6NI-RnRQ-00031-00079658-00079989 like die ETh6NI-RnRQ-00032-00080024-00080741 ready to explore right I need you Phyllis ETh6NI-RnRQ-00033-00080751-00081194 and oh joy and ETh6NI-RnRQ-00034-00082349-00083316 it's a ETh6NI-RnRQ-00035-00083975-00084250 yeah ETh6NI-RnRQ-00036-00084471-00085203 we will fly EV6tq_fH7R8-00000-00000000-00000068 G'day Navy. EV6tq_fH7R8-00001-00000068-00000350 I'm joined this morning by Billy EV6tq_fH7R8-00002-00000350-00000596 Billy Blooddrop from the Red Cross EV6tq_fH7R8-00003-00000596-00000762 and we're here to give you an update on the EV6tq_fH7R8-00004-00000762-00001062 2019 Defence Blood Challenge. EV6tq_fH7R8-00005-00001062-00001328 Since I last spoke to you in October EV6tq_fH7R8-00006-00001328-00001804 Navy people have donated 1,982 donations EV6tq_fH7R8-00007-00001804-00002164 which is putting us ahead in four of the five categories. EV6tq_fH7R8-00008-00002164-00002526 So far we've saved more than 6,000 lives EV6tq_fH7R8-00009-00002526-00002748 through the donations that you've all made. EV6tq_fH7R8-00010-00002748-00003014 The Blood Challenge goes through until the 8th of December EV6tq_fH7R8-00011-00003014-00003479 and I'm looking to declare a national Navy donation day EV6tq_fH7R8-00012-00003479-00003710 next Friday the 29th of November. EV6tq_fH7R8-00013-00003710-00004050 And what we can do is not only those of us in uniform EV6tq_fH7R8-00014-00004050-00004330 but we can take our families and our friends along EV6tq_fH7R8-00015-00004330-00004646 to donate blood, whole blood or plasma EV6tq_fH7R8-00016-00004646-00005068 and their donations will count to the Navy target as well EV6tq_fH7R8-00017-00005068-00005546 and that will ensure that not only do we smash the Air Force and the Army EV6tq_fH7R8-00018-00005546-00005874 but that we save Australian lives in the process. EV6tq_fH7R8-00019-00005874-00006132 So roll up your sleeves Navy one last push EV6tq_fH7R8-00020-00006132-00006272 two weeks to go. EV6tq_fH7R8-00021-00006272-00006396 Thanks for your great work. EYmSAAbRnMQ-00000-00000210-00000336 meow EYmSAAbRnMQ-00002-00001042-00001092 thanks EYRvc3xRwfE-00000-00000000-00000200 English EbWKF-68erI-00000-00000095-00000832 But grammar is really a difficult topic, it’s very complex and somewhat mysterious how students EbWKF-68erI-00001-00000832-00001307 actually acquire grammar so that they can actually use it. EbWKF-68erI-00002-00001307-00002052 We’ll now turn to meeting our expert on grammar, Professor Bethany Gray. EbWKF-68erI-00003-00002052-00002381 Professor Gray teaches and researches English grammar. EbWKF-68erI-00004-00002381-00002921 Her research uses large samples of language to find out how people really use grammar EbWKF-68erI-00005-00002921-00003167 when they speak and write. EbWKF-68erI-00006-00003167-00004040 I asked Professor Gray how she became interested in grammar, and this is what she said: How EbWKF-68erI-00007-00004040-00004197 did you get interested in grammar? EbWKF-68erI-00008-00004197-00004940 Well, I became interested in grammar and linguistics when I was in high school as a first year EbWKF-68erI-00009-00004940-00005237 high school student, I started to learn Spanish. EbWKF-68erI-00010-00005237-00005737 And I was really bad at it, I kept getting low scores on my tests and I couldn’t figure EbWKF-68erI-00011-00005737-00005837 out why. EbWKF-68erI-00012-00005837-00006157 And one day all of a sudden everything just clicked. EbWKF-68erI-00013-00006157-00006584 I realized why I should use a particular form of a verb instead of a different form. EbWKF-68erI-00014-00006584-00007131 After that point I started to notice lots of patterns in the language that I was learning. EbWKF-68erI-00015-00007131-00007672 It became sort of an obsession of mine to look for these patterns in Spanish. EbWKF-68erI-00016-00007672-00008378 I continued and when I studied Spanish in high school, as a senior I got to choose my EbWKF-68erI-00017-00008378-00008478 final project. EbWKF-68erI-00018-00008478-00008757 My teacher said: find any kind of project related to the Spanish language. EbWKF-68erI-00019-00008757-00008892 I decided to write a grammar. EbWKF-68erI-00020-00008892-00009143 It was a really bad grammar. EbWKF-68erI-00021-00009143-00009634 I didn’t know much grammar of Spanish at that point but it reinforced my interest in EbWKF-68erI-00022-00009634-00010142 language structure and in explaining and presenting that structure formally. EbWKF-68erI-00023-00010142-00010617 As I went on to college and begin studying linguistics I was fascinated by all those EbWKF-68erI-00024-00010617-00011372 language problems where you have to decide on the structure of a language example and EbWKF-68erI-00025-00011372-00011495 explain it. EbWKF-68erI-00026-00011495-00012124 When I started to teach, and I stared to teach ESL grammar and ESL writing, I realized that EbWKF-68erI-00027-00012124-00012411 it was something that I really enjoyed doing. EbWKF-68erI-00028-00012411-00012928 As I went forward and actually started teaching grammar to native speakers and teaching them EbWKF-68erI-00029-00012928-00013587 how to analyze their own language, I realized that it’s a really good topic to teach because EbWKF-68erI-00030-00013587-00013804 every language user can connect to it. EbWKF-68erI-00031-00013804-00014329 They all use grammar and now it’s just about making them interested in being able to explain EbWKF-68erI-00032-00014329-00014676 the grammar that they use or why they use that grammar. EbWKF-68erI-00033-00014676-00015372 So it’s a way for me to make explicit connections between what we do every day in our life with EbWKF-68erI-00034-00015372-00015716 how we can describe that in terms of structure. EbWKF-68erI-00035-00015912-00016518 Have you ever meet anyone that decided to “write a grammar?” EbWKF-68erI-00036-00016518-00016762 Well, professor Gray did! EbWKF-68erI-00037-00016762-00017198 She said when she was studying Spanish, she decided to “write a grammar”. EbWKF-68erI-00038-00017198-00017822 And this, she said, is what made her interested in the structure of language. EbWKF-68erI-00039-00017822-00018239 What did Professor Gray mean when she said that she wanted to “write a grammar?”