ozYJLbm6Nf0-00000-00000083-00000831 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00001-00000832-00001019 so ozYJLbm6Nf0-00002-00001019-00003690 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00003-00003690-00004350 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00004-00004351-00005823 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00005-00005824-00006500 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00006-00006501-00006991 [Music] ozYJLbm6Nf0-00007-00006992-00007200 you o-y-yaRrbEA-00000-00000003-00000269 in addition to searching the UCC library o-y-yaRrbEA-00001-00000270-00000530 databases for academic articles you can o-y-yaRrbEA-00002-00000531-00000767 also search Google Scholar you can o-y-yaRrbEA-00003-00000768-00000956 search Google Scholar in your search o-y-yaRrbEA-00004-00000957-00001216 engine the web address is scholar o-y-yaRrbEA-00005-00001217-00001630 google.com Google attempts to index all o-y-yaRrbEA-00006-00001632-00001807 of the academic articles that have been o-y-yaRrbEA-00007-00001809-00002048 published and makes them findable o-y-yaRrbEA-00008-00002049-00002249 through Google Scholar this is a place o-y-yaRrbEA-00009-00002250-00002441 where you can see what articles have o-y-yaRrbEA-00010-00002442-00002717 been published but not necessarily a way o-y-yaRrbEA-00011-00002718-00002906 that you can get to full text of these o-y-yaRrbEA-00012-00002907-00003208 articles free as we'll see to get the o-y-yaRrbEA-00013-00003209-00003445 full text of these articles you may have o-y-yaRrbEA-00014-00003446-00003565 to request them through interlibrary o-y-yaRrbEA-00015-00003567-00003661 loan o-y-yaRrbEA-00016-00003663-00003881 you can search Google Scholar the same o-y-yaRrbEA-00017-00003882-00004060 way you would search a library database o-y-yaRrbEA-00018-00004061-00004418 instead of using boxes you can use o-y-yaRrbEA-00019-00004419-00004627 parentheses for example I'd like to o-y-yaRrbEA-00020-00004628-00004784 search for articles that have the o-y-yaRrbEA-00021-00004785-00004994 keywords homeless or homelessness in o-y-yaRrbEA-00022-00004995-00005188 them so I'll per homeless or o-y-yaRrbEA-00023-00005189-00005495 homelessness in parentheses I'd also o-y-yaRrbEA-00024-00005496-00005668 like to search for articles that have o-y-yaRrbEA-00025-00005669-00005924 either the keyword diabetes or the o-y-yaRrbEA-00026-00005925-00006224 keywords diabetic so I'll put diabetes o-y-yaRrbEA-00027-00006225-00006457 or diabetic in parentheses and then o-y-yaRrbEA-00028-00006458-00006677 connect my two sets of parentheses with o-y-yaRrbEA-00029-00006678-00007009 and summary search string is homeless or o-y-yaRrbEA-00030-00007011-00007289 homelessness in parentheses and diabetes o-y-yaRrbEA-00031-00007290-00007589 or diabetic in parentheses I can limit o-y-yaRrbEA-00032-00007590-00007795 the publication date of articles in my o-y-yaRrbEA-00033-00007797-00008045 search results by clicking custom range o-y-yaRrbEA-00034-00008045-00008456 and then all enter 2012 to 2017 and o-y-yaRrbEA-00035-00008457-00008774 search now I can look to see which o-y-yaRrbEA-00036-00008775-00009142 articles look relevant I'd like to look o-y-yaRrbEA-00037-00009143-00009323 at the abstract for the second article o-y-yaRrbEA-00038-00009324-00009539 down it's diabetes and homeless persons o-y-yaRrbEA-00039-00009540-00009809 barriers and enablers to health as o-y-yaRrbEA-00040-00009810-00010073 perceived by patients medical and social o-y-yaRrbEA-00041-00010074-00010310 service providers when I click on the o-y-yaRrbEA-00042-00010311-00010588 title I'm brought to wherever on the web o-y-yaRrbEA-00043-00010589-00010778 this article is made available this o-y-yaRrbEA-00044-00010779-00010921 article is published in the journal o-y-yaRrbEA-00045-00010922-00011255 social work in public health and is made o-y-yaRrbEA-00046-00011256-00011477 available by the publisher Taylor & o-y-yaRrbEA-00047-00011478-00011549 Francis o-y-yaRrbEA-00048-00011550-00011792 now we can look at the abstract to see o-y-yaRrbEA-00049-00011793-00012041 if this article is related to our topic o-y-yaRrbEA-00050-00012042-00012263 the abstract says that the authors o-y-yaRrbEA-00051-00012264-00012439 sought to understand barriers and o-y-yaRrbEA-00052-00012440-00012631 enablers to health for homeless people o-y-yaRrbEA-00053-00012632-00012847 with diabetes as perceived by homeless o-y-yaRrbEA-00054-00012848-00013154 persons and providers it says that the o-y-yaRrbEA-00055-00013155-00013349 authors performed semi-structured o-y-yaRrbEA-00056-00013350-00013436 interviews o-y-yaRrbEA-00057-00013437-00013619 the sample of participants seven o-y-yaRrbEA-00058-00013619-00013805 homeless persons six social service o-y-yaRrbEA-00059-00013806-00014008 providers and five medical providers in o-y-yaRrbEA-00060-00014009-00014357 an urban Midwest community the authors o-y-yaRrbEA-00061-00014358-00014669 analyzed the data with a qualitative o-y-yaRrbEA-00062-00014669-00014888 editing method right away we should o-y-yaRrbEA-00063-00014888-00015050 start thinking about how we could use o-y-yaRrbEA-00064-00015051-00015344 this because it is a small sample size o-y-yaRrbEA-00065-00015344-00015505 but we are going to get a lot of o-y-yaRrbEA-00066-00015506-00015775 qualitative information the abstract o-y-yaRrbEA-00067-00015776-00016000 says that the article concludes that o-y-yaRrbEA-00068-00016001-00016186 adapting the care of homeless persons o-y-yaRrbEA-00069-00016187-00016475 with diabetes to include involvement of o-y-yaRrbEA-00070-00016476-00016661 patients in medical and social service o-y-yaRrbEA-00071-00016662-00016822 providers must be emerging and o-y-yaRrbEA-00072-00016823-00017027 responsive to changing needs it looks o-y-yaRrbEA-00073-00017028-00017197 like this article can be pretty useful o-y-yaRrbEA-00074-00017198-00017353 to us as long as we take into account o-y-yaRrbEA-00075-00017354-00017656 that it is a small sample size we should o-y-yaRrbEA-00076-00017657-00017819 continue our research to see if other o-y-yaRrbEA-00077-00017820-00018014 articles corroborate this information o-y-yaRrbEA-00078-00018015-00018205 now if we'd like to read the full text o-y-yaRrbEA-00079-00018206-00018502 of this article we can click get access o-y-yaRrbEA-00080-00018503-00018794 but we see pretty quickly that we o-y-yaRrbEA-00081-00018795-00019114 actually run into a paywall where we're o-y-yaRrbEA-00082-00019115-00019313 required to actually pay for this o-y-yaRrbEA-00083-00019314-00019450 article if we'd like to read the full o-y-yaRrbEA-00084-00019451-00019778 text at this point what we need to do is o-y-yaRrbEA-00085-00019779-00019937 request the article through interlibrary o-y-yaRrbEA-00086-00019938-00020275 loan from the UCC library so we can go o-y-yaRrbEA-00087-00020276-00020581 to my GDU and click resources and o-y-yaRrbEA-00088-00020582-00020819 services in library and then services an o-y-yaRrbEA-00089-00020820-00021133 interlibrary loan or interlibrary loan o-y-yaRrbEA-00090-00021134-00021346 in one of the bottom boxes on the page o-y-yaRrbEA-00091-00021347-00021625 we can complete the form here with our o-y-yaRrbEA-00092-00021626-00021808 personal information and information o-y-yaRrbEA-00093-00021809-00022030 about the journal article we can also o-y-yaRrbEA-00094-00022031-00022222 get the citation for this article by o-y-yaRrbEA-00095-00022223-00022612 clicking the quotation mark icon a box o-y-yaRrbEA-00096-00022613-00022906 will pop up with the citation in MLA APA o-y-yaRrbEA-00097-00022907-00023275 and other citation formats we'll copy o-y-yaRrbEA-00098-00023276-00023600 the citation in APA format and then o-y-yaRrbEA-00099-00023601-00023900 paste it into a Word document Microsoft o-y-yaRrbEA-00100-00023901-00024103 Word offers different formatting options o-y-yaRrbEA-00101-00024104-00024317 when pasting I'm going to choose the o-y-yaRrbEA-00102-00024318-00024530 center option because it preserves the o-y-yaRrbEA-00103-00024531-00024784 italics in the journal title when I o-y-yaRrbEA-00104-00024785-00025049 paste it now from my list of references o-y-yaRrbEA-00105-00025050-00025312 in APA I they need to be double-spaced I o-y-yaRrbEA-00106-00025313-00025522 also need to make sure that the citation o-y-yaRrbEA-00107-00025523-00025762 that Google Scholar gave me is in the o-y-yaRrbEA-00108-00025763-00026065 correct format for APA to do this I'll o-y-yaRrbEA-00109-00026066-00026279 go to the library's website and click o-y-yaRrbEA-00110-00026280-00026576 research guides I can find the APA guide o-y-yaRrbEA-00111-00026577-00026787 under cite your sources on the right o-y-yaRrbEA-00112-00026788-00026994 under the library research tutorial or o-y-yaRrbEA-00113-00026995-00027366 under start here and either citations or o-y-yaRrbEA-00114-00027367-00027608 APA then I'm going to click how to build o-y-yaRrbEA-00115-00027610-00027912 a citation article examples I noticed o-y-yaRrbEA-00116-00027913-00028127 that it first asks me how many authors o-y-yaRrbEA-00117-00028129-00028302 the article has I can see that the o-y-yaRrbEA-00118-00028302-00028491 article has two authors and so I'll o-y-yaRrbEA-00119-00028492-00028830 click the two authors tab now I can see o-y-yaRrbEA-00120-00028831-00029070 what the format for this citation should o-y-yaRrbEA-00121-00029070-00029252 be and I can look for any differences o-y-yaRrbEA-00122-00029254-00029499 between the one I copied from Google o-y-yaRrbEA-00123-00029500-00029691 Scholar and what the correct format is o-y-yaRrbEA-00124-00029692-00029832 the only thing I noticed that's o-y-yaRrbEA-00125-00029833-00030077 incorrect is that all of the words in o-y-yaRrbEA-00126-00030079-00030327 the journal title should be capitalized o-y-yaRrbEA-00127-00030327-00030714 and with the exception of conjunctions o-y-yaRrbEA-00128-00030714-00030966 prepositions and articles so for example o-y-yaRrbEA-00129-00030967-00031182 in does not need to be capitalized but o-y-yaRrbEA-00130-00031183-00031383 Social Work Public Health do need to be o-y-yaRrbEA-00131-00031383-00031605 capitalized the last thing I need to do o-y-yaRrbEA-00132-00031606-00031776 is make sure that my references in my o-y-yaRrbEA-00133-00031777-00032007 reference list have it hanging indent o-y-yaRrbEA-00134-00032008-00032193 this means that the first line in the o-y-yaRrbEA-00135-00032194-00032445 citation is not indented but that's the o-y-yaRrbEA-00136-00032445-00032702 second third fourth and all the o-y-yaRrbEA-00137-00032704-00032943 succeeding lines are indented to do this o-y-yaRrbEA-00138-00032944-00033216 in Microsoft Word in the Home tab click o-y-yaRrbEA-00139-00033217-00033531 line spacing options under paragraph and o-y-yaRrbEA-00140-00033532-00033930 then under special click hanging and o-y-yaRrbEA-00141-00033931-00034224 click OK now we have our first citation o-y-yaRrbEA-00142-00034225-00034494 in our reference list and any additional o-y-yaRrbEA-00143-00034495-00034689 citations I tation should be put in o-y-yaRrbEA-00144-00034690-00034869 alphabetical order based on the first o-y-yaRrbEA-00145-00034870-00035121 word in the citation in the case of this o-y-yaRrbEA-00146-00035122-00035322 citation the first word is the one of o-y-yaRrbEA-00147-00035323-00035433 the author's last names o-y-yaRrbEA-00148-00035434-00035760 Eldar google also allows us to use the o-y-yaRrbEA-00149-00035761-00036060 cited by feature to see which articles o-y-yaRrbEA-00150-00036061-00036399 have cited a particular article in our o-y-yaRrbEA-00151-00036400-00036699 search results if we click cited by we o-y-yaRrbEA-00152-00036700-00036912 can see a list of all the articles that o-y-yaRrbEA-00153-00036913-00037136 Google has indexed that have cited our o-y-yaRrbEA-00154-00037137-00037320 particular article of interest o-y-yaRrbEA-00155-00037321-00037682 presumably if an article is important or o-y-yaRrbEA-00156-00037683-00037953 reporting good-quality information it o-y-yaRrbEA-00157-00037954-00038199 will be cited by more people but of o-y-yaRrbEA-00158-00038200-00038370 course this is not always the case and o-y-yaRrbEA-00159-00038371-00038580 it's always up to us to use our critical o-y-yaRrbEA-00160-00038581-00038739 thinking skills when selecting articles o-y-yaRrbEA-00161-00038740-00039084 for our research now we can access the o-y-yaRrbEA-00162-00039085-00039299 full-text of quite a few articles on o-y-yaRrbEA-00163-00039300-00039615 Google Scholar because they are either o-y-yaRrbEA-00164-00039616-00039807 in the public domain because they're o-y-yaRrbEA-00165-00039808-00040095 government documents or because o-y-yaRrbEA-00166-00040096-00040377 they are open access meaning that they o-y-yaRrbEA-00167-00040378-00040605 have been released under a Creative o-y-yaRrbEA-00168-00040606-00040730 Commons license o-y-yaRrbEA-00169-00040731-00040905 we should be able to access the full o-y-yaRrbEA-00170-00040906-00041171 text of the article which which has a o-y-yaRrbEA-00171-00041172-00041382 title beginning with factors predictive o-y-yaRrbEA-00172-00041383-00041490 of knowledge and self-management o-y-yaRrbEA-00173-00041491-00041742 behaviors among male military veterans o-y-yaRrbEA-00174-00041743-00042111 with diabetes because this article is o-y-yaRrbEA-00175-00042112-00042387 published in the Eric database and it's o-y-yaRrbEA-00176-00042388-00042582 made available through the US government o-y-yaRrbEA-00177-00042583-00042780 when we click on the articles title o-y-yaRrbEA-00178-00042781-00042990 we'll be able to read the abstract and o-y-yaRrbEA-00179-00042991-00043233 see that it's peer-reviewed and access o-y-yaRrbEA-00180-00043234-00043443 the full-text sometimes university o-y-yaRrbEA-00181-00043444-00043689 repositories have the full-text of o-y-yaRrbEA-00182-00043690-00043896 articles that their faculty or grad o-y-yaRrbEA-00183-00043897-00044033 students have written look at o-y-yaRrbEA-00184-00044034-00044252 comorbidities of skin disease in the o-y-yaRrbEA-00185-00044253-00044412 homeless and medical students o-y-yaRrbEA-00186-00044413-00044742 perspectives this is a doctoral thesis o-y-yaRrbEA-00187-00044743-00044952 from Yale and it's made available in the o-y-yaRrbEA-00188-00044953-00045252 Yale Medicine thesis digital library we o-y-yaRrbEA-00189-00045253-00045659 can access the full text of this thesis o-_SVmV3-UE-00000-00000042-00000311 no no no no o-_SVmV3-UE-00001-00000312-00000388 no o-_SVmV3-UE-00002-00000389-00000659 no no no o-_SVmV3-UE-00003-00000660-00000881 no no no no no no no no no no no no no o-_SVmV3-UE-00004-00000882-00001618 no o-_SVmV3-UE-00005-00001619-00002051 no o-_SVmV3-UE-00006-00002052-00002409 um o-_SVmV3-UE-00007-00002410-00003249 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00008-00003250-00003972 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00009-00003973-00005473 come on o-_SVmV3-UE-00010-00005474-00006329 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00011-00006330-00007317 [Applause] o-_SVmV3-UE-00012-00007318-00007813 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00013-00007814-00008062 thank you o-_SVmV3-UE-00014-00008063-00010063 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00015-00010064-00010423 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00016-00010424-00010900 bye baby o-_SVmV3-UE-00017-00010901-00011620 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00018-00011621-00013619 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00019-00013619-00015004 hmm o-_SVmV3-UE-00020-00015005-00017230 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00021-00017231-00017357 okay o-_SVmV3-UE-00022-00017358-00019753 okay o-_SVmV3-UE-00023-00019754-00020479 thank you o-_SVmV3-UE-00024-00020480-00020947 times away again your turn o-_SVmV3-UE-00025-00020948-00021108 exclusive o-_SVmV3-UE-00026-00021109-00021739 times to Reagan we know why o-_SVmV3-UE-00027-00021740-00022562 time to raise awaken break up break up o-_SVmV3-UE-00028-00022563-00023093 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00029-00023094-00023292 mm-hmm o-_SVmV3-UE-00030-00023293-00023707 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00031-00023708-00024322 wake up wake up the town needs you o-_SVmV3-UE-00032-00024323-00024671 all around o-_SVmV3-UE-00033-00024672-00025464 they're trying to destroy us o-_SVmV3-UE-00034-00025465-00025746 from the Sun o-_SVmV3-UE-00035-00025747-00026064 we will collide o-_SVmV3-UE-00036-00026066-00026467 it's time to o-_SVmV3-UE-00037-00026468-00026987 flights back like all the Shacks lock o-_SVmV3-UE-00038-00026988-00027262 all the doors knock all the sewers lock o-_SVmV3-UE-00039-00027263-00027868 all now o-_SVmV3-UE-00040-00027869-00028145 don't o-_SVmV3-UE-00041-00028145-00028483 lock always o-_SVmV3-UE-00042-00028483-00028937 it's time to fight back with your life o-_SVmV3-UE-00043-00028938-00029243 and you better hold a knife o-_SVmV3-UE-00044-00029244-00029789 like a diamond in the sky o-_SVmV3-UE-00045-00029789-00030311 like a child in the line o-_SVmV3-UE-00046-00030312-00030911 like you're free five five o-_SVmV3-UE-00047-00030912-00031345 it's time to time o-_SVmV3-UE-00048-00031345-00031733 how about no no no no no no no no no no o-_SVmV3-UE-00049-00031733-00032195 no no no no no no no no no o-_SVmV3-UE-00050-00032195-00032645 it's time to fight o-_SVmV3-UE-00051-00032645-00033095 It's Time To Shine the lights o-_SVmV3-UE-00052-00033096-00033539 it's time to see it's time to be it's o-_SVmV3-UE-00053-00033540-00033911 time to see the tyranny o-_SVmV3-UE-00054-00033912-00034357 time to be it's time to fight o-_SVmV3-UE-00055-00034358-00034858 for the light o-_SVmV3-UE-00056-00034859-00035817 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00057-00035818-00037379 [Music] o-_SVmV3-UE-00058-00037380-00037640 hmm oCDrx8cl7M0-00000-00000068-00001514 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00001-00001515-00003833 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00002-00003834-00003957 Wow oCDrx8cl7M0-00004-00007538-00008064 oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm gonna oCDrx8cl7M0-00005-00008065-00008287 have an SMG my second spot I just oCDrx8cl7M0-00006-00008288-00008876 freakin oCDrx8cl7M0-00007-00008877-00010389 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00008-00010390-00012614 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00009-00012615-00013336 oh where are you oCDrx8cl7M0-00010-00013337-00015899 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00011-00015900-00017480 [Music] oCDrx8cl7M0-00012-00017481-00017687 you oEEDi9lh9kA-00000-00000373-00000999 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00001-00001000-00001188 so oEEDi9lh9kA-00002-00001189-00002366 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00003-00002367-00003239 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00004-00003240-00004273 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00005-00004274-00004317 [Applause] oEEDi9lh9kA-00006-00004318-00005559 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00007-00005560-00005727 hello very warm welcome you're watching oEEDi9lh9kA-00008-00005728-00005975 bbc news in the uk and around the world oEEDi9lh9kA-00009-00005976-00006199 i'm ben boulos these are our top stories oEEDi9lh9kA-00010-00006200-00006446 the ukrainian government urges the un to oEEDi9lh9kA-00011-00006447-00006678 do more to help bring the estimated 100 oEEDi9lh9kA-00012-00006679-00006870 000 people trapped in the city of oEEDi9lh9kA-00013-00006872-00007239 mariopol to safety oEEDi9lh9kA-00014-00007240-00007446 has ended in france's presidential oEEDi9lh9kA-00015-00007447-00007639 election as emmanuel macron and his oEEDi9lh9kA-00016-00007640-00007831 far-right rival marine le pen urged oEEDi9lh9kA-00017-00007831-00008287 people to turn out and vote on sunday oEEDi9lh9kA-00018-00008288-00008487 i'm david eads in the north of paris oEEDi9lh9kA-00019-00008488-00008751 where most of the voters here rejected oEEDi9lh9kA-00020-00008752-00008935 both of those candidates in the first oEEDi9lh9kA-00021-00008936-00009255 round so their decision this time round oEEDi9lh9kA-00022-00009256-00009663 could be key to the final outcome oEEDi9lh9kA-00023-00009664-00009839 downing street confirms britain's prime oEEDi9lh9kA-00024-00009840-00010023 minister boris johnson has not yet oEEDi9lh9kA-00025-00010024-00010246 received any further fines for breaking oEEDi9lh9kA-00026-00010247-00010510 lockdown rules oEEDi9lh9kA-00027-00010511-00010727 supermarkets across the uk are limiting oEEDi9lh9kA-00028-00010728-00010910 how much cooking oil customers are able oEEDi9lh9kA-00029-00010911-00011167 to buy as supplies are hit by the war in oEEDi9lh9kA-00030-00011168-00011414 ukraine oEEDi9lh9kA-00031-00011415-00011631 tyson fury will take on dillian white oEEDi9lh9kA-00032-00011632-00011878 later in what's expected to be one of oEEDi9lh9kA-00033-00011879-00012070 the biggest all-british heavyweight oEEDi9lh9kA-00034-00012071-00012708 fights in boxing history oEEDi9lh9kA-00035-00012709-00014158 [Music] oEEDi9lh9kA-00036-00014159-00014383 hello good afternoon ukraine has called oEEDi9lh9kA-00037-00014384-00014566 on the united nations to provide urgent oEEDi9lh9kA-00038-00014568-00014766 help to evacuate civilians from the port oEEDi9lh9kA-00039-00014768-00014975 city of mariopol which is under severe oEEDi9lh9kA-00040-00014976-00015191 pressure from russian forces as they oEEDi9lh9kA-00041-00015191-00015375 continue their assault in the east of oEEDi9lh9kA-00042-00015376-00015486 the country oEEDi9lh9kA-00043-00015487-00015686 the latest british military intelligence oEEDi9lh9kA-00044-00015687-00015894 on the russian invasion oEEDi9lh9kA-00045-00015895-00016119 says that moscow hasn't made any major oEEDi9lh9kA-00046-00016119-00016375 gains in the past 24 hours oEEDi9lh9kA-00047-00016376-00016583 the russian advance is reported to have oEEDi9lh9kA-00048-00016584-00016920 been hindered by ukraine oFt8yQup5s4-00000-00000014-00000308 the ballista latin from greek ballast oFt8yQup5s4-00001-00000309-00000494 treble Istra and that from below below oFt8yQup5s4-00002-00000495-00000827 throw plural ballast a sometimes called oFt8yQup5s4-00003-00000827-00000893 bolt thrower oFt8yQup5s4-00004-00000894-00001052 was an ancient missile weapon that oFt8yQup5s4-00005-00001053-00001247 launched a large projectile at a distant oFt8yQup5s4-00006-00001248-00001520 target developed from earlier greek oFt8yQup5s4-00007-00001521-00001700 weapons it relied upon different oFt8yQup5s4-00008-00001701-00001922 mechanics using two levers with torsion oFt8yQup5s4-00009-00001923-00002117 springs instead of attention prod the oFt8yQup5s4-00010-00002118-00002312 bow part of a modern crossbow offering oFt8yQup5s4-00011-00002313-00002500 much greater efficiency over tension oFt8yQup5s4-00012-00002501-00002767 based weaponry the springs consisting of oFt8yQup5s4-00013-00002768-00003020 several loops of twisted skeins early oFt8yQup5s4-00014-00003021-00003206 versions projected heavy darts or oFt8yQup5s4-00015-00003207-00003413 spherical stone projectiles of various oFt8yQup5s4-00016-00003414-00003688 sizes for siege warfare it developed oFt8yQup5s4-00017-00003689-00003872 into a smaller precision weapon the oFt8yQup5s4-00018-00003872-00004595 scorpio and possibly the poly bolos oFt8yQup5s4-00019-00004596-00005122 topic Greek weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00020-00005123-00005350 the early ballista in ancient Greece was oFt8yQup5s4-00021-00005351-00005538 developed from two weapons called Aqsa oFt8yQup5s4-00022-00005539-00005809 bells in gastro feats the gastro feats oFt8yQup5s4-00023-00005810-00006043 bellied bow was a handheld crossbow it oFt8yQup5s4-00024-00006044-00006252 had a composite pradhan was spanned by oFt8yQup5s4-00025-00006253-00006409 bracing the front end of the weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00026-00006409-00006580 against the ground while placing the end oFt8yQup5s4-00027-00006581-00006742 of a slider mechanism against the oFt8yQup5s4-00028-00006743-00006973 stomach the operator would then walk oFt8yQup5s4-00029-00006973-00007113 forward to arm the weapon while a oFt8yQup5s4-00030-00007114-00007281 ratchet prevented it from shooting oFt8yQup5s4-00031-00007283-00007519 during loading this produced a weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00032-00007520-00007726 which it was claimed could be operated oFt8yQup5s4-00033-00007727-00007896 by a person of average strength but oFt8yQup5s4-00034-00007897-00008041 which had a power that allowed it to be oFt8yQup5s4-00035-00008042-00008252 successfully used against armored troops oFt8yQup5s4-00036-00008253-00008496 the Ox Abele's was a bigger and heavier oFt8yQup5s4-00037-00008497-00008701 construction employing a winch and was oFt8yQup5s4-00038-00008702-00008980 mounted on a tripod it had a low rate of oFt8yQup5s4-00039-00008981-00009307 fire and was used as a siege engine with oFt8yQup5s4-00040-00009308-00009489 the invention of torsion spring bundle oFt8yQup5s4-00041-00009490-00009694 technology the first ballista was built oFt8yQup5s4-00042-00009695-00009978 the advantage of this new technology was oFt8yQup5s4-00043-00009979-00010194 the fast relaxation time of this system oFt8yQup5s4-00044-00010195-00010435 thus it was possible to shoot lighter oFt8yQup5s4-00045-00010436-00010648 projectiles with higher velocities over oFt8yQup5s4-00046-00010649-00010744 a longer distance oFt8yQup5s4-00047-00010745-00011035 by contrast the comparatively slow oFt8yQup5s4-00048-00011036-00011238 relaxation time of attention machines oFt8yQup5s4-00049-00011239-00011401 such as the Aqsa bells meant that much oFt8yQup5s4-00050-00011402-00011551 less energy could be transferred to oFt8yQup5s4-00051-00011552-00011776 light projectiles limiting the effective oFt8yQup5s4-00052-00011777-00012063 range of the weapon the earliest form of oFt8yQup5s4-00053-00012064-00012213 the ballista is thought to have been oFt8yQup5s4-00054-00012214-00012435 developed for Dionysius of Syracuse C oFt8yQup5s4-00055-00012436-00012810 400 BC the Greek ballista was a siege oFt8yQup5s4-00056-00012811-00013044 weapon all components that were not made oFt8yQup5s4-00057-00013045-00013216 of wood were transported in the baggage oFt8yQup5s4-00058-00013216-00013471 train it would be assembled with local oFt8yQup5s4-00059-00013472-00013711 wood if necessary some were positioned oFt8yQup5s4-00060-00013712-00013969 inside large armored mobile siege towers oFt8yQup5s4-00061-00013969-00014136 or even on the edge of the battlefield oFt8yQup5s4-00062-00014137-00014383 for all of the tactical advantages oFt8yQup5s4-00063-00014384-00014593 offered it was only under philip ii of oFt8yQup5s4-00064-00014594-00014788 macedon and even more so under his son oFt8yQup5s4-00065-00014788-00014980 Alexander that the ballista began to oFt8yQup5s4-00066-00014981-00015166 develop and gain recognition is both a oFt8yQup5s4-00067-00015166-00015366 siege engine and field artillery oFt8yQup5s4-00068-00015366-00015643 historical accounts for instance cited oFt8yQup5s4-00069-00015644-00015825 that philip ii employed a group of oFt8yQup5s4-00070-00015826-00016024 engineers within his army to design and oFt8yQup5s4-00071-00016025-00016155 build catapults for his military oFt8yQup5s4-00072-00016156-00016453 campaigns there is even a claim that it oFt8yQup5s4-00073-00016454-00016633 was philip ii with his team of engineers oFt8yQup5s4-00074-00016634-00016840 who invented the ballista after oFt8yQup5s4-00075-00016841-00017055 improving Dionysius device which was oFt8yQup5s4-00076-00017056-00017322 merely an oversized slingshot it was oFt8yQup5s4-00077-00017323-00017539 further perfected by Alexander whose own oFt8yQup5s4-00078-00017540-00017752 team of engineers introduced innovations oFt8yQup5s4-00079-00017753-00017947 such as the idea of using Springs made oFt8yQup5s4-00080-00017948-00018108 from tightly strung coils of rope oFt8yQup5s4-00081-00018109-00018310 instead of a bow to achieve more energy oFt8yQup5s4-00082-00018311-00018523 and power when throwing projectiles oFt8yQup5s4-00083-00018524-00018766 Polybius reported about the usage of oFt8yQup5s4-00084-00018767-00018970 smaller more portable ballista called oFt8yQup5s4-00085-00018971-00019209 scorpions during the Second Punic War oFt8yQup5s4-00086-00019210-00019486 the liste could be easily modified to oFt8yQup5s4-00087-00019487-00019627 shoot both spherical and shaft oFt8yQup5s4-00088-00019628-00019849 projectiles allowing the crews to adapt oFt8yQup5s4-00089-00019850-00020014 easily to prevailing battlefield oFt8yQup5s4-00090-00020015-00020326 situations in real time as the role of oFt8yQup5s4-00091-00020327-00020512 battlefield Artillery became more oFt8yQup5s4-00092-00020513-00020734 sophisticated a universal joint which oFt8yQup5s4-00093-00020735-00020926 was invented just for this function was oFt8yQup5s4-00094-00020927-00021085 integrated into the ballista stand oFt8yQup5s4-00095-00021086-00021256 allowing the operators to all to the oFt8yQup5s4-00096-00021257-00021445 trajectory and firing direction of the oFt8yQup5s4-00097-00021446-00021628 ballista is required without a lengthy oFt8yQup5s4-00098-00021629-00022264 disassembly of the machine oFt8yQup5s4-00099-00022265-00022808 topic Roman weaponry oFt8yQup5s4-00100-00022809-00023013 after the absorption of the ancient oFt8yQup5s4-00101-00023014-00023178 Greek city-states into the Roman oFt8yQup5s4-00102-00023179-00023483 Republic in 146 BC the highly advanced oFt8yQup5s4-00103-00023484-00023667 Greek technology began to spread across oFt8yQup5s4-00104-00023668-00023867 many areas of Roman influence oFt8yQup5s4-00105-00023868-00024125 this included the great military machine oFt8yQup5s4-00106-00024126-00024314 advances the Greeks had made most oFt8yQup5s4-00107-00024315-00024564 notably by Dionysus of Syracuse as well oFt8yQup5s4-00108-00024565-00024722 as all the scientific mathematical oFt8yQup5s4-00109-00024723-00025080 political and artistic developments the oFt8yQup5s4-00110-00025081-00025280 Romans inherited the torsion powered oFt8yQup5s4-00111-00025281-00025449 ballista which had by now spread to oFt8yQup5s4-00112-00025450-00025649 several cities around the Mediterranean oFt8yQup5s4-00113-00025650-00025844 all of which became Roman spoils of war oFt8yQup5s4-00114-00025845-00026069 including one from Pergamum which was oFt8yQup5s4-00115-00026070-00026268 depicted among a pile of trophy weapons oFt8yQup5s4-00116-00026269-00026564 in relief on a balustrade the torsion oFt8yQup5s4-00117-00026566-00026771 ballista developed by Alexander was a oFt8yQup5s4-00118-00026772-00026952 far more complicated weapon than its oFt8yQup5s4-00119-00026952-00027143 predecessor and the Romans developed it oFt8yQup5s4-00120-00027144-00027318 even further especially into much oFt8yQup5s4-00121-00027319-00027492 smaller versions that could be easily oFt8yQup5s4-00122-00027493-00028042 carried oFt8yQup5s4-00123-00028043-00028608 topic early Roman ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00124-00028610-00028825 the early Roman ballista were made of oFt8yQup5s4-00125-00028826-00029008 wood and held together with iron plates oFt8yQup5s4-00126-00029008-00029194 around the frames and iron nails in the oFt8yQup5s4-00127-00029195-00029482 stand the main stand had a slider on the oFt8yQup5s4-00128-00029483-00029670 top into which were loaded the bolts or oFt8yQup5s4-00129-00029672-00029958 stone shot attached to this at the back oFt8yQup5s4-00130-00029960-00030189 was a pair of winches and the claw used oFt8yQup5s4-00131-00030191-00030370 to ratchet the bowstring back to the arm oFt8yQup5s4-00132-00030370-00030661 firing position the slider passed oFt8yQup5s4-00133-00030662-00030835 through the field frames of the weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00134-00030836-00030997 in which were located the torsion oFt8yQup5s4-00135-00030998-00031198 springs rope made of animal sinew which oFt8yQup5s4-00136-00031199-00031383 were twisted around the bow arms which oFt8yQup5s4-00137-00031385-00031614 in turn were attached to the bowstring oFt8yQup5s4-00138-00031614-00031833 drawing the bowstring back with the oFt8yQup5s4-00139-00031835-00031989 winches twisted the already taught oFt8yQup5s4-00140-00031991-00032200 Springs storing the energy to fire the oFt8yQup5s4-00141-00032201-00032488 projectiles the bronze or iron caps oFt8yQup5s4-00142-00032489-00032689 which secured the torsion bundles were oFt8yQup5s4-00143-00032689-00032848 adjustable by means of pins and oFt8yQup5s4-00144-00032849-00033013 peripheral holes which allowed the oFt8yQup5s4-00145-00033014-00033196 weapon to be tuned for symmetrical power oFt8yQup5s4-00146-00033197-00033493 and for changing weather conditions the oFt8yQup5s4-00147-00033494-00033679 ballista was a highly accurate weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00148-00033680-00033826 there are many accounts of single oFt8yQup5s4-00149-00033827-00034009 soldiers being picked off by ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00150-00034010-00034222 operators but some design aspects meant oFt8yQup5s4-00151-00034223-00034405 it could compromise its accuracy for oFt8yQup5s4-00152-00034406-00034726 range the maximum range was over 500 oFt8yQup5s4-00153-00034727-00035038 yards 460 meters but effective combat oFt8yQup5s4-00154-00035039-00035262 range for many targets was far shorter oFt8yQup5s4-00155-00035263-00035533 the Romans continued the development of oFt8yQup5s4-00156-00035534-00035698 the ballista and it became a highly oFt8yQup5s4-00157-00035699-00035881 prized and valued weapon in the army of oFt8yQup5s4-00158-00035882-00036214 the Roman Empire it was used just before oFt8yQup5s4-00159-00036215-00036424 the start of the empire by Julius Caesar oFt8yQup5s4-00160-00036425-00036622 during his conquest of Gaul and on both oFt8yQup5s4-00161-00036623-00037270 of his campaigns in subduing Britain oFt8yQup5s4-00162-00037271-00037821 topic first invasion of Britain oFt8yQup5s4-00163-00037822-00038025 the first of Caesars invasions of oFt8yQup5s4-00164-00038026-00038292 Britain took place in 55 BC after a oFt8yQup5s4-00165-00038293-00038496 rapid and successful initial conquest of oFt8yQup5s4-00166-00038497-00038709 Gaul in part as an expedition and more oFt8yQup5s4-00167-00038710-00038895 practically to try to put an end to the oFt8yQup5s4-00168-00038896-00039060 reinforcements sent by the native oFt8yQup5s4-00169-00039061-00039293 Britons to fight the Romans in Gaul a oFt8yQup5s4-00170-00039294-00039579 total of 80 transports carrying two oFt8yQup5s4-00171-00039580-00039783 legions attempted to land on the British oFt8yQup5s4-00172-00039784-00039981 Shore only to be driven back by the many oFt8yQup5s4-00173-00039982-00040146 British warriors assembled along the oFt8yQup5s4-00174-00040147-00040392 shoreline the ships had to unload the oFt8yQup5s4-00175-00040393-00040566 troops on the beach as it was the only oFt8yQup5s4-00176-00040567-00040773 one suitable for many miles yet the oFt8yQup5s4-00177-00040774-00040953 massed ranks of British charioteers and oFt8yQup5s4-00178-00040954-00041174 Java liners were making it difficult oFt8yQup5s4-00179-00041175-00041454 seeing this Caesar ordered the warships oFt8yQup5s4-00180-00041455-00041652 which were swifter and easier to handle oFt8yQup5s4-00181-00041653-00041826 than the transports and likely to oFt8yQup5s4-00182-00041827-00041979 impress the natives more by their oFt8yQup5s4-00183-00041980-00042171 unfamiliar appearance to be removed a oFt8yQup5s4-00184-00042172-00042354 short distance from the others and then oFt8yQup5s4-00185-00042355-00042519 be rode hard and run ashore on the oFt8yQup5s4-00186-00042520-00042723 enemy's right flank from which position oFt8yQup5s4-00187-00042724-00042912 the slings bows and artillery could be oFt8yQup5s4-00188-00042913-00043095 used by men on deck to drive them back oFt8yQup5s4-00189-00043096-00043340 this maneuver was highly successful oFt8yQup5s4-00190-00043341-00043569 scared by the strange shape of the oFt8yQup5s4-00191-00043570-00043770 warships the motion of the oars and the oFt8yQup5s4-00192-00043771-00043983 unfamiliar machines the natives halted oFt8yQup5s4-00193-00043984-00044250 and retreated Caesar the conquest of oFt8yQup5s4-00194-00044251-00044801 Gaul p99 oFt8yQup5s4-00195-00044802-00045308 topic siege of Alesia oFt8yQup5s4-00196-00045309-00045554 in Gaul the stronghold of elysia was oFt8yQup5s4-00197-00045555-00045821 under a roman siege in 52 BC and was oFt8yQup5s4-00198-00045822-00045977 completely surrounded by a Roman oFt8yQup5s4-00199-00045978-00046157 fortification including a wooden oFt8yQup5s4-00200-00046158-00046403 palisade and towers as with standard oFt8yQup5s4-00201-00046404-00046610 siege technique at the time small oFt8yQup5s4-00202-00046611-00046790 ballista were placed in the towers with oFt8yQup5s4-00203-00046791-00046976 other troops armed with bows or slings oFt8yQup5s4-00204-00046977-00047234 the use of the ballista in the Roman oFt8yQup5s4-00205-00047235-00047453 siege strategy was also demonstrated in oFt8yQup5s4-00206-00047454-00048086 the case of the siege of Masada oFt8yQup5s4-00207-00048087-00048698 topic the liste in the Roman Empire oFt8yQup5s4-00208-00048699-00048923 during the conquest of the Empire the oFt8yQup5s4-00209-00048924-00049127 ballista proved it's worth many times in oFt8yQup5s4-00210-00049128-00049318 sieges and battles both at sea and on oFt8yQup5s4-00211-00049319-00049655 land it was even used to quell riots it oFt8yQup5s4-00212-00049656-00049832 is from the time of the Roman Empire oFt8yQup5s4-00213-00049833-00050027 that many of the archaeological finds of oFt8yQup5s4-00214-00050028-00050302 ballista a date account by the finders oFt8yQup5s4-00215-00050303-00050515 including technical manuals and journals oFt8yQup5s4-00216-00050516-00050723 are used today by archaeologists to oFt8yQup5s4-00217-00050724-00051049 reconstruct these weapons after Julius oFt8yQup5s4-00218-00051050-00051226 Caesar the ballista was a permanent oFt8yQup5s4-00219-00051227-00051436 fixture in the Roman army and overtime oFt8yQup5s4-00220-00051437-00051650 modifications and improvements were made oFt8yQup5s4-00221-00051651-00051935 by successive engineers this included oFt8yQup5s4-00222-00051936-00052114 replacing the remaining wooden parts of oFt8yQup5s4-00223-00052115-00052294 the machine with metal creating a much oFt8yQup5s4-00224-00052295-00052444 smaller lighter and more powerful oFt8yQup5s4-00225-00052445-00052637 machine than the wooden version which oFt8yQup5s4-00226-00052638-00052811 required less maintenance though the oFt8yQup5s4-00227-00052812-00052973 vital torsion springs were still oFt8yQup5s4-00228-00052974-00053225 vulnerable to the strain the largest oFt8yQup5s4-00229-00053226-00053390 ballista day of the 4th century could oFt8yQup5s4-00230-00053391-00053713 throw a dart further than 1,200 yards oFt8yQup5s4-00231-00053714-00054026 1,100 meters the weapon was named oFt8yQup5s4-00232-00054027-00054236 ballista for Mona Lucinda rebus Bellis oFt8yQup5s4-00233-00054237-00054524 from this ballista darts were projected oFt8yQup5s4-00234-00054525-00054749 not only in great number but also at a oFt8yQup5s4-00235-00054750-00054955 large size over a considerable distance oFt8yQup5s4-00236-00054957-00055187 such as across the width of the Danube oFt8yQup5s4-00237-00055188-00055478 River ballista were not only used in oFt8yQup5s4-00238-00055479-00055853 laying siege after ad 350 at least 22 oFt8yQup5s4-00239-00055854-00056063 semicircular towers were erected around oFt8yQup5s4-00240-00056064-00056266 the walls of Londinium London to provide oFt8yQup5s4-00241-00056267-00056441 platforms for permanently mounted oFt8yQup5s4-00242-00056441-00057046 defensive devices oFt8yQup5s4-00243-00057047-00057612 topic Eastern Roman Empire oFt8yQup5s4-00244-00057613-00057828 during the sixth century procopius oFt8yQup5s4-00245-00057829-00058137 described the effects of this weapon but oFt8yQup5s4-00246-00058138-00058316 Belisarius placed upon the towers oFt8yQup5s4-00247-00058317-00058614 engines which they call ballista now oFt8yQup5s4-00248-00058615-00058824 these engines have the form of a bow but oFt8yQup5s4-00249-00058825-00058959 on the underside of them a grooved oFt8yQup5s4-00250-00058960-00059187 wooden shaft projects this shaft is so oFt8yQup5s4-00251-00059188-00059346 fitted to the bow that it is free to oFt8yQup5s4-00252-00059347-00059564 move and rests upon a straight iron bed oFt8yQup5s4-00253-00059565-00059799 so when men wish to shoot at the enemy oFt8yQup5s4-00254-00059800-00060003 with this they make the parts of the bow oFt8yQup5s4-00255-00060004-00060177 which form the ends Bend toward one oFt8yQup5s4-00256-00060178-00060329 another by means of a short rope oFt8yQup5s4-00257-00060330-00060507 fastened to them and they place in the oFt8yQup5s4-00258-00060508-00060699 grooved shaft the arrow which is about oFt8yQup5s4-00259-00060700-00060903 1/2 the length of the ordinary missiles oFt8yQup5s4-00260-00060904-00061091 which they shoot from bows but about oFt8yQup5s4-00261-00061092-00061326 four times as wide oFt8yQup5s4-00262-00061327-00061542 top that the missile is discharged from oFt8yQup5s4-00263-00061543-00061737 the shaft and with such force that it oFt8yQup5s4-00264-00061738-00061885 attains the distance of not less than oFt8yQup5s4-00265-00061886-00062122 two bow shots and that when it hits a oFt8yQup5s4-00266-00062123-00062424 tree or a rock it pierces it easily such oFt8yQup5s4-00267-00062425-00062590 is the engine which bears this name oFt8yQup5s4-00268-00062591-00062785 being so called because it shoots with oFt8yQup5s4-00269-00062786-00063085 very great force the missiles were able oFt8yQup5s4-00270-00063086-00063346 to penetrate body armor and that the oFt8yQup5s4-00271-00063347-00063535 Silurian gator goth of goodly stature oFt8yQup5s4-00272-00063536-00063748 and a capable warrior wearing a corset oFt8yQup5s4-00273-00063749-00063936 and having a helmet on his head a man oFt8yQup5s4-00274-00063937-00064090 who was of no means stationed in the oFt8yQup5s4-00275-00064091-00064287 gothic nation refused to remain in the oFt8yQup5s4-00276-00064288-00064479 ranks with his comrades but stood by a oFt8yQup5s4-00277-00064480-00064684 tree and kept shooting many missiles at oFt8yQup5s4-00278-00064685-00064960 the parapet but this man by some chance oFt8yQup5s4-00279-00064961-00065142 was hit by a missile from an engine oFt8yQup5s4-00280-00065143-00065340 which was on a tower at his left and oFt8yQup5s4-00281-00065341-00065544 passing through the core slit in the oFt8yQup5s4-00282-00065545-00065734 body of the man the missile sank more oFt8yQup5s4-00283-00065735-00065907 than half its length into the tree and oFt8yQup5s4-00284-00065908-00066073 pinning him to the spot where it entered oFt8yQup5s4-00285-00066074-00066237 the tree it suspended him there are oFt8yQup5s4-00286-00066238-00066751 corpse oFt8yQup5s4-00287-00066752-00067026 topic Cairo balusters and maneuver oFt8yQup5s4-00288-00067027-00067363 Lister oFt8yQup5s4-00289-00067364-00067543 the karo Balestra and the maneuver oFt8yQup5s4-00290-00067544-00067732 Lister are held by many archaeologists oFt8yQup5s4-00291-00067733-00067981 to be the same weapon the difference in oFt8yQup5s4-00292-00067982-00068134 name may be attributable to the oFt8yQup5s4-00293-00068135-00068340 different languages spoken in the Empire oFt8yQup5s4-00294-00068341-00068587 Latin remained the official language in oFt8yQup5s4-00295-00068588-00068746 the Western Empire but the Eastern oFt8yQup5s4-00296-00068747-00068941 Empire predominantly used Greek which oFt8yQup5s4-00297-00068942-00069153 added an extra R to the word ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00298-00069154-00069397 the maneuver Lister was a handheld oFt8yQup5s4-00299-00069398-00069613 version of the traditional ballista this oFt8yQup5s4-00300-00069614-00069802 new version was made entirely of iron oFt8yQup5s4-00301-00069803-00069988 which conferred greater power to the oFt8yQup5s4-00302-00069989-00070165 weapon since it was smaller and less oFt8yQup5s4-00303-00070166-00070375 iron an expensive material before the oFt8yQup5s4-00304-00070376-00070572 19th century was used in its production oFt8yQup5s4-00305-00070573-00070876 it was not the ancient gastro feats but oFt8yQup5s4-00306-00070877-00071092 the Roman weapon however the same oFt8yQup5s4-00307-00071093-00071287 physical limitations applied as with the oFt8yQup5s4-00308-00071288-00071790 gastro feats oFt8yQup5s4-00309-00071791-00072282 topic Cairo ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00310-00072283-00072510 the carro ballista was a cart mounted oFt8yQup5s4-00311-00072511-00072669 version of the weapon there were oFt8yQup5s4-00312-00072670-00072846 probably different models of ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00313-00072847-00073041 under the carro Balestra class at least oFt8yQup5s4-00314-00073042-00073236 two different two-wheeled models in one oFt8yQup5s4-00315-00073237-00073500 model with four wheels there probable oFt8yQup5s4-00316-00073501-00073698 size was roughly one point four seven oFt8yQup5s4-00317-00073699-00074069 meters width ie five Roman feet the cart oFt8yQup5s4-00318-00074070-00074244 system and structure gave it a great oFt8yQup5s4-00319-00074245-00074454 deal of flexibility and capability as a oFt8yQup5s4-00320-00074455-00074646 battlefield weapon since the increased oFt8yQup5s4-00321-00074647-00074817 maneuverability allowed it to be moved oFt8yQup5s4-00322-00074818-00075048 with the flow of the battle this weapon oFt8yQup5s4-00323-00075049-00075249 features several times on Trajan's oFt8yQup5s4-00324-00075250-00075711 column oFt8yQup5s4-00325-00075712-00076212 topic poly bolos oFt8yQup5s4-00326-00076213-00076430 it has been speculated that the Roman oFt8yQup5s4-00327-00076431-00076599 military may have also fielded at oFt8yQup5s4-00328-00076600-00076812 repeating ballista also known as a poly oFt8yQup5s4-00329-00076813-00077118 bolos reconstruction and trials of such oFt8yQup5s4-00330-00077119-00077276 a weapon carried out in a BBC oFt8yQup5s4-00331-00077277-00077505 documentary what the Romans did for us oFt8yQup5s4-00332-00077506-00077744 showed that they were able to shoot 11 oFt8yQup5s4-00333-00077745-00077946 bolts a minute which is almost four oFt8yQup5s4-00334-00077947-00078137 times the rate at which an ordinary oFt8yQup5s4-00335-00078138-00078494 ballista can be operated however no oFt8yQup5s4-00336-00078495-00078662 example of such a weapon has been found oFt8yQup5s4-00337-00078663-00079301 by archaeologists oFt8yQup5s4-00338-00079302-00079945 topic archeology in the Roman ballista oFt8yQup5s4-00339-00079946-00080123 archeology and in particular oFt8yQup5s4-00340-00080124-00080321 experimental archeology has been oFt8yQup5s4-00341-00080322-00080549 influential on this subject although oFt8yQup5s4-00342-00080550-00080783 several ancient authors such as veggie oFt8yQup5s4-00343-00080784-00080939 she wrote very detailed technical oFt8yQup5s4-00344-00080940-00081137 treatises providing us with all the oFt8yQup5s4-00345-00081138-00081338 information necessary to reconstruct the oFt8yQup5s4-00346-00081339-00081497 weapons all their measurements were in oFt8yQup5s4-00347-00081498-00081632 their native language and therefore oFt8yQup5s4-00348-00081633-00081959 highly difficult to translate attempts oFt8yQup5s4-00349-00081960-00082136 to reconstruct these ancient weapons oFt8yQup5s4-00350-00082137-00082283 began at the end of the 19th century oFt8yQup5s4-00351-00082284-00082529 based on rough translations of ancient oFt8yQup5s4-00352-00082530-00082805 authors it was only during the 20th oFt8yQup5s4-00353-00082806-00082976 century however that many of the oFt8yQup5s4-00354-00082977-00083171 reconstructions began to make any sense oFt8yQup5s4-00355-00083172-00083402 as a weapon by bringing in modern oFt8yQup5s4-00356-00083403-00083579 engineers progress was made with the oFt8yQup5s4-00357-00083580-00083825 ancient systems of measurement by oFt8yQup5s4-00358-00083826-00084023 redesigning the reconstructions using oFt8yQup5s4-00359-00084024-00084215 the new information archaeologists in oFt8yQup5s4-00360-00084216-00084389 that specialty were able to recognize oFt8yQup5s4-00361-00084390-00084599 certain finds from Roman military sites oFt8yQup5s4-00362-00084600-00084869 and identify them as ballista the oFt8yQup5s4-00363-00084870-00085061 information gained from the excavations oFt8yQup5s4-00364-00085062-00085229 was fed into the next generation of oFt8yQup5s4-00365-00085230-00085448 reconstructions and so on sites across oFt8yQup5s4-00366-00085449-00085646 the Empire have yielded information on oFt8yQup5s4-00367-00085647-00085829 ballista from Spain the am furious oFt8yQup5s4-00368-00085830-00086066 catapult to Italy the Cremona battle oFt8yQup5s4-00369-00086067-00086246 shield which proved that the weapons had oFt8yQup5s4-00370-00086247-00086426 decorative metal plates to shield the oFt8yQup5s4-00371-00086427-00086666 operators to Iraq the Hatra machine and oFt8yQup5s4-00372-00086667-00086873 even Scotland burns walk siege tactics oFt8yQup5s4-00373-00086874-00087068 training camp and many other sites oFt8yQup5s4-00374-00087069-00087209 between the most influential oFt8yQup5s4-00375-00087210-00087389 archaeologists in this area have been oFt8yQup5s4-00376-00087390-00087602 Peter Connelly and Eric Marsden who have oFt8yQup5s4-00377-00087603-00087767 not only written extensively on the oFt8yQup5s4-00378-00087768-00087926 subject but have also made many oFt8yQup5s4-00379-00087927-00088100 reconstructions themselves and have oFt8yQup5s4-00380-00088101-00088289 refined the designs over many years of oFt8yQup5s4-00381-00088290-00088832 work oFt8yQup5s4-00382-00088833-00089374 topic Middle Ages oFt8yQup5s4-00383-00089375-00089572 with the decline of the Roman Empire oFt8yQup5s4-00384-00089573-00089767 resources to build and maintain these oFt8yQup5s4-00385-00089768-00090018 complex machines became very scarce so oFt8yQup5s4-00386-00090019-00090196 the ballista was supplanted initially by oFt8yQup5s4-00387-00090197-00090361 the simpler and cheaper onager and the oFt8yQup5s4-00388-00090362-00090606 more efficient spring old though the oFt8yQup5s4-00389-00090607-00090762 weapon continued to be used in the oFt8yQup5s4-00390-00090763-00090973 Middle Ages it faded from popular use oFt8yQup5s4-00391-00090974-00091141 with the advent of the trebuchet and oFt8yQup5s4-00392-00091142-00091792 mangle in siege warfare oFt8yQup5s4-00393-00091793-00092321 topic see also oFt8yQup5s4-00394-00092322-00092734 harp acts chew Hank knew in Chinese case oFt8yQup5s4-00395-00092735-00093101 equals equals notes oFKfGIjlDvY-00000-00000057-00000337 as range Space Center short for mez oFKfGIjlDvY-00001-00000338-00000542 range is a rocket range and Research oFKfGIjlDvY-00002-00000543-00000794 Center located about 40 kilometers east oFKfGIjlDvY-00003-00000795-00001016 of the town of Carina in northern Sweden oFKfGIjlDvY-00004-00001017-00001300 it is a base for scientific research oFKfGIjlDvY-00005-00001301-00001468 with high-altitude balloons oFKfGIjlDvY-00006-00001469-00001672 investigation of the aurora borealis oFKfGIjlDvY-00007-00001673-00001943 sounding rocket launchers and satellite oFKfGIjlDvY-00008-00001944-00002327 tracking among other things located 200 oFKfGIjlDvY-00009-00002328-00002495 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle oFKfGIjlDvY-00010-00002496-00002759 and surrounded by a vast wilderness its oFKfGIjlDvY-00011-00002760-00003005 geographic location is ideal for many of oFKfGIjlDvY-00012-00003006-00003358 these purposes as range was built in oFKfGIjlDvY-00013-00003359-00003677 1964 by es ro the European Space oFKfGIjlDvY-00014-00003678-00003938 Research Organisation which later became oFKfGIjlDvY-00015-00003939-00004178 European Space Agency by merging with oFKfGIjlDvY-00016-00004179-00004415 Aldo the European launcher development oFKfGIjlDvY-00017-00004416-00004703 organization the first rocket launch oFKfGIjlDvY-00018-00004704-00005093 from esra in the 19th of November 1966 oFKfGIjlDvY-00019-00005094-00005516 in 1972 ownership was transferred to the oFKfGIjlDvY-00020-00005517-00006295 newly started Swedish space corporation oFKfGIjlDvY-00021-00006296-00006830 topic history oFKfGIjlDvY-00022-00006831-00007169 in the 1960s s range was established as oFKfGIjlDvY-00023-00007170-00007381 an ESR Oh sounding rocket launching oFKfGIjlDvY-00024-00007383-00007706 range located in Kiruna Sweden this oFKfGIjlDvY-00025-00007706-00007895 location was chosen because it was oFKfGIjlDvY-00026-00007895-00008089 generally agreed that it was important oFKfGIjlDvY-00027-00008090-00008294 to carry out a sounding rocket program oFKfGIjlDvY-00028-00008295-00008485 in the auroral zone and for this reason oFKfGIjlDvY-00029-00008486-00008749 it was essential that es ro equip itself oFKfGIjlDvY-00030-00008750-00008935 with a suitable range in the northern oFKfGIjlDvY-00031-00008936-00009271 latitudes access to Karuna was good by oFKfGIjlDvY-00032-00009272-00009488 air road and rail and the launching oFKfGIjlDvY-00033-00009489-00009683 range was relatively close to the town oFKfGIjlDvY-00034-00009684-00010007 of Karina finally and perhaps decisively oFKfGIjlDvY-00035-00010008-00010241 as range could be located near Karina oFKfGIjlDvY-00036-00010242-00010477 geophysical Observatory subsequently oFKfGIjlDvY-00037-00010478-00010696 renamed to Swedish Institute of Space oFKfGIjlDvY-00038-00010697-00011126 physics in 1972 ownership and operations oFKfGIjlDvY-00039-00011127-00011299 of the range was transferred to the oFKfGIjlDvY-00040-00011300-00011992 Swedish space corporation oFKfGIjlDvY-00041-00011993-00012508 topic name oFKfGIjlDvY-00042-00012509-00012748 the name of the facility was originally oFKfGIjlDvY-00043-00012749-00013033 esra ng e which was an abbreviation for oFKfGIjlDvY-00044-00013034-00013332 es ro sounding rocket launching range oFKfGIjlDvY-00045-00013333-00013657 when Swedish space corporation took over oFKfGIjlDvY-00046-00013658-00013924 the range as range with capital e only oFKfGIjlDvY-00047-00013925-00014302 became a name only as range space center oFKfGIjlDvY-00048-00014303-00014479 is the name that is currently used for oFKfGIjlDvY-00049-00014480-00015091 the facility oFKfGIjlDvY-00050-00015093-00015704 topic rocket activities oFKfGIjlDvY-00051-00015705-00015956 there had been Swedish rocket activities oFKfGIjlDvY-00052-00015957-00016219 previously mainly at Crona guard 18 oFKfGIjlDvY-00053-00016221-00016621 launchers in the period 1961 to 1964 oFKfGIjlDvY-00054-00016622-00016925 however the rocket activity in sweden oFKfGIjlDvY-00055-00016926-00017156 did not gain thrust until after a SRO oFKfGIjlDvY-00056-00017157-00017594 established as range in 1964 during the oFKfGIjlDvY-00057-00017595-00018053 period 1966 to 1972 es ro launched more oFKfGIjlDvY-00058-00018054-00018317 than 150 rockets from ezreal oFKfGIjlDvY-00059-00018318-00018626 most of these were sent all Nike Apache oFKfGIjlDvY-00060-00018627-00018995 and schoo rockets reaching 100 to 220 oFKfGIjlDvY-00061-00018996-00019289 kilometers altitude they supported many oFKfGIjlDvY-00062-00019290-00019523 branches of European research but the oFKfGIjlDvY-00063-00019524-00019697 emphasis was on atmospheric and oFKfGIjlDvY-00064-00019698-00020111 ionospheric research in 1972 the oFKfGIjlDvY-00065-00020112-00020339 management of s range was transferred to oFKfGIjlDvY-00066-00020340-00020629 the Swedish space corporation SSC oFKfGIjlDvY-00067-00020630-00020849 gradually the smaller rockets were oFKfGIjlDvY-00068-00020850-00021080 complemented by larger rockets reaching oFKfGIjlDvY-00069-00021081-00021248 higher altitudes achieving oFKfGIjlDvY-00070-00021249-00021431 weightlessness for a few minutes when oFKfGIjlDvY-00071-00021432-00021587 the rocket is above the parts of the oFKfGIjlDvY-00072-00021588-00021749 atmosphere giving an appreciable oFKfGIjlDvY-00073-00021750-00022142 friction three main programs Texas Mesa oFKfGIjlDvY-00074-00022143-00022391 and Maxis currently dominate the rocket oFKfGIjlDvY-00075-00022392-00022586 activities at s range and support oFKfGIjlDvY-00076-00022587-00022885 microgravity research for ESA and DLR oFKfGIjlDvY-00077-00022886-00023150 more than five hundred Rockets have been oFKfGIjlDvY-00078-00023151-00023288 launched from ezreal oFKfGIjlDvY-00079-00023289-00023690 in 66 for information on individual oFKfGIjlDvY-00080-00023691-00023930 rockets see the list of rockets launched oFKfGIjlDvY-00081-00023931-00024168 from s range oFKfGIjlDvY-00082-00024169-00024543 as range has six launchers Maxis oFKfGIjlDvY-00083-00024544-00024756 launcher used for the caster for be oFKfGIjlDvY-00084-00024757-00025248 rocket man launcher owned by DLR mrl oFKfGIjlDvY-00085-00025249-00025518 launcher used for the orion nike orion oFKfGIjlDvY-00086-00025519-00025820 taurus orion nike black brand v terrier oFKfGIjlDvY-00087-00025822-00026177 black brand rockets Skylark launch tower oFKfGIjlDvY-00088-00026179-00026489 used for the vs b 30 rocket oFKfGIjlDvY-00089-00026489-00026746 ffar launched at used for folding thin oFKfGIjlDvY-00090-00026747-00026908 aircraft rockets oFKfGIjlDvY-00091-00026908-00027218 sulo Viper launcher used for super low oFKfGIjlDvY-00092-00027219-00027774 key and Viper rockets oFKfGIjlDvY-00093-00027775-00028395 topic balloon activities oFKfGIjlDvY-00094-00028395-00028787 since 1974 more than 500 high-altitude oFKfGIjlDvY-00095-00028788-00028989 balloons have been launched from Eze oFKfGIjlDvY-00096-00028989-00029274 range for research purposes the launch oFKfGIjlDvY-00097-00029275-00029493 pad can handle balloons with volumes oFKfGIjlDvY-00098-00029494-00029982 exceeding 1 million cubic meters topics oFKfGIjlDvY-00099-00029983-00030218 satellite services the Arctic latitude oFKfGIjlDvY-00100-00030219-00030435 of Eze range makes it very suitable for oFKfGIjlDvY-00101-00030436-00030645 communication with satellites in polar oFKfGIjlDvY-00102-00030645-00030971 orbits as range satellite station is oFKfGIjlDvY-00103-00030972-00031193 part of a global network with stations oFKfGIjlDvY-00104-00031194-00031467 in Canada Alaska Hawaii Chile and oFKfGIjlDvY-00105-00031468-00031782 Australia this global network is managed oFKfGIjlDvY-00106-00031783-00032087 from s rain as range satellite station oFKfGIjlDvY-00107-00032088-00032292 emphasizes on data acquisition and oFKfGIjlDvY-00108-00032293-00032471 processing for remote sensing and oFKfGIjlDvY-00109-00032472-00032727 scientific missions as well as T T and C oFKfGIjlDvY-00110-00032727-00033027 support the station is often used in oFKfGIjlDvY-00111-00033028-00033285 combination with SSC's inuvik satellite oFKfGIjlDvY-00112-00033286-00033507 station in northern canada to increase oFKfGIjlDvY-00113-00033508-00033681 coverage opportunities for polar oFKfGIjlDvY-00114-00033682-00033983 orbiting missions as range satellite oFKfGIjlDvY-00115-00033984-00034158 station includes six independent oFKfGIjlDvY-00116-00034159-00034449 telemetry tracking and command T T and C oFKfGIjlDvY-00117-00034450-00034689 systems in S band one with receive oFKfGIjlDvY-00118-00034690-00034974 capability also in the UHF band six oFKfGIjlDvY-00119-00034975-00035217 multi frequency receive antenna systems oFKfGIjlDvY-00120-00035218-00035465 in SX band and an operational building oFKfGIjlDvY-00121-00035466-00035633 which houses reception system oFKfGIjlDvY-00122-00035634-00035775 electronics and data processing oFKfGIjlDvY-00123-00035776-00036135 equipment satellite services at s range oFKfGIjlDvY-00124-00036136-00036798 began in 1978 oFKfGIjlDvY-00125-00036799-00037470 topic satellite control services oFKfGIjlDvY-00126-00037471-00037734 a number of telecommunication satellites oFKfGIjlDvY-00127-00037735-00037964 have been controlled through as range oFKfGIjlDvY-00128-00037965-00038715 tele X 1989 to 1998 serious one 1995 to oFKfGIjlDvY-00129-00038716-00039499 2003 serious to 1997 to 2009 serious 3 oFKfGIjlDvY-00130-00039500-00040020 1998 serious for 2008 most research oFKfGIjlDvY-00131-00040021-00040248 satellites of the Swedish space program oFKfGIjlDvY-00132-00040249-00040464 have received control commands through s oFKfGIjlDvY-00133-00040465-00041221 range Viking 1986-1987 Fraser 1992 to oFKfGIjlDvY-00134-00041222-00041393 1996 oFKfGIjlDvY-00135-00041394-00041999 Astrid 1 1995 Odin 2001 the exception oFKfGIjlDvY-00136-00042000-00042215 was controlled from SSC's laboratories oFKfGIjlDvY-00137-00042216-00042677 in sauna outside Stockholm Astrid 2 1998 oFKfGIjlDvY-00138-00042678-00043211 1999 oFKfGIjlDvY-00139-00043212-00043844 topic ground station services oFKfGIjlDvY-00140-00043845-00044102 data have been received it as range from oFKfGIjlDvY-00141-00044103-00044351 more than 50 satellites including spot oFKfGIjlDvY-00142-00044352-00044462 one to five oFKfGIjlDvY-00143-00044463-00044729 Landsat two to seven as 1 to 2 and n oFKfGIjlDvY-00144-00044730-00044939 VSAT oFKfGIjlDvY-00145-00044940-00045311 you oFKfGIjlDvY-00146-00045312-00045857 topic see also oFKfGIjlDvY-00147-00045858-00046165 list of rockets launched from s range oFKfGIjlDvY-00148-00046166-00046541 Swedish space corporation Swedish oFKfGIjlDvY-00149-00046542-00046868 National Space Agency Swedish Institute oFKfGIjlDvY-00150-00046869-00047213 of space physics North European oFKfGIjlDvY-00151-00047214-00047549 aerospace test range list of rocket oFKfGIjlDvY-00152-00047550-00047729 launch sites oFKfGIjlDvY-00153-00047730-00048047 rexis and XS oJBl9wiHu1Y-00000-00000047-00001465 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00002-00005720-00007378 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00004-00010487-00010687 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00005-00010688-00010820 do oJBl9wiHu1Y-00006-00010821-00011905 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00008-00016160-00017812 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00009-00017813-00020599 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00010-00020600-00020926 so oJBl9wiHu1Y-00011-00020927-00022345 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00013-00026600-00027487 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00014-00027488-00027683 foreign oJBl9wiHu1Y-00015-00027683-00028258 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00016-00028258-00030727 [Music] oJBl9wiHu1Y-00017-00030727-00030936 you oJcyQV4SWJk-00000-00000029-00000281 hi I'm Ann Clark I'm the London assembly oJcyQV4SWJk-00001-00000282-00000491 member for Barnett and Camden I've also oJcyQV4SWJk-00002-00000492-00000713 served two Awards on the council in oJcyQV4SWJk-00003-00000714-00000899 Finchley and Goldust green I've known oJcyQV4SWJk-00004-00000900-00001162 Arjun a long time and I've known him to oJcyQV4SWJk-00005-00001163-00001397 be one of our best campaigners one of oJcyQV4SWJk-00006-00001398-00001577 our best counselors and actually oJcyQV4SWJk-00007-00001578-00001859 somebody who really gets the job done oJcyQV4SWJk-00008-00001860-00002152 Arjun has a massive reputation on the oJcyQV4SWJk-00009-00002153-00002351 doorstep whenever I'm with him we get oJcyQV4SWJk-00010-00002352-00002560 stopped all the time for a chat and he oJcyQV4SWJk-00011-00002561-00002818 really is a unique individual who can oJcyQV4SWJk-00012-00002819-00002975 win the seat for Finchley and golders oJcyQV4SWJk-00013-00002976-00003281 green I know how tricky these seats are oJcyQV4SWJk-00014-00003282-00003520 to win they're not always necessarily oJcyQV4SWJk-00015-00003521-00003779 naturally labor and when we look at the oJcyQV4SWJk-00016-00003779-00003988 polls now I can see why so many people oJcyQV4SWJk-00017-00003989-00004163 would want to be our candidate but oJcyQV4SWJk-00018-00004164-00004710 actually we need somebody who's going to oJcyQV4SWJk-00019-00004711-00005002 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00000-00000039-00000418 hey guys welcome to my channel oKbyyAVq6t4-00001-00000419-00000767 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00002-00000768-00000966 hey guys welcome to this channel oKbyyAVq6t4-00003-00000967-00001174 subscribe for more videos and like this oKbyyAVq6t4-00004-00001175-00001247 video oKbyyAVq6t4-00005-00001248-00001629 another challenge today let's go oKbyyAVq6t4-00006-00001630-00002647 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00007-00002648-00002988 [Applause] oKbyyAVq6t4-00008-00002989-00003975 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00009-00003976-00004183 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00010-00004184-00004497 this is a doubt oKbyyAVq6t4-00011-00004498-00004727 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00012-00004728-00004959 so many colors and there's so many oKbyyAVq6t4-00013-00004960-00005054 paints oKbyyAVq6t4-00014-00005055-00005231 so we can paint with and there's so many oKbyyAVq6t4-00015-00005232-00005438 cards oKbyyAVq6t4-00016-00005439-00005886 oh my gosh i will pick this oKbyyAVq6t4-00017-00005887-00006127 i will pick even bigger than this oKbyyAVq6t4-00018-00006128-00006263 they're strong oKbyyAVq6t4-00019-00006264-00006623 so you can i want the paint i want to oKbyyAVq6t4-00020-00006623-00006687 paint oKbyyAVq6t4-00021-00006688-00007119 mine oKbyyAVq6t4-00022-00007120-00007334 what is this hair color green oKbyyAVq6t4-00023-00007336-00007542 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00024-00007543-00007910 what is this color blue oKbyyAVq6t4-00025-00007911-00008483 this yellow oKbyyAVq6t4-00026-00008484-00008977 this oKbyyAVq6t4-00027-00008978-00009599 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00028-00009600-00011295 can i paint your face with them see one oKbyyAVq6t4-00029-00011296-00011591 so we're gonna ask simon if you can all oKbyyAVq6t4-00030-00011592-00011774 of them's made oKbyyAVq6t4-00031-00011775-00012110 okay see more let's start what is this oKbyyAVq6t4-00032-00012111-00012574 for pets oKbyyAVq6t4-00033-00012575-00013552 what do cats say oKbyyAVq6t4-00034-00013553-00013694 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00035-00013695-00014327 and what does it say oKbyyAVq6t4-00036-00014328-00014735 hey what's this that's saying oKbyyAVq6t4-00037-00014736-00015630 there is ray okay what did you say oKbyyAVq6t4-00038-00015631-00015919 getting so creepy he's freaking me out oKbyyAVq6t4-00039-00015919-00016127 what's this oKbyyAVq6t4-00040-00016128-00016607 that's a chicken oKbyyAVq6t4-00041-00016608-00016935 okay that was nice i'm fine now oKbyyAVq6t4-00042-00016936-00017391 okay wait we say that this oKbyyAVq6t4-00043-00017392-00017694 that thing rabbit oKbyyAVq6t4-00044-00017695-00018865 okay what does it say that's a script oKbyyAVq6t4-00045-00018866-00021135 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00046-00021136-00021911 and what does it say oKbyyAVq6t4-00047-00021912-00022239 okay what is this a cow oKbyyAVq6t4-00048-00022240-00023094 what does it say baby oKbyyAVq6t4-00049-00023095-00023935 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00050-00023936-00024263 okay let me see again what's this stop oKbyyAVq6t4-00051-00024264-00024735 saying oKbyyAVq6t4-00052-00024736-00025222 okay oh my god oKbyyAVq6t4-00053-00025223-00025583 what's this that saying lord oKbyyAVq6t4-00054-00025584-00026111 what is it for pets i say that's a liar oKbyyAVq6t4-00055-00026112-00026683 liar oKbyyAVq6t4-00056-00027895-00028506 dog dog dog oKbyyAVq6t4-00057-00028507-00028679 [Applause] oKbyyAVq6t4-00058-00028680-00029007 what's this it's a liar okay what does oKbyyAVq6t4-00059-00029008-00029102 that say oKbyyAVq6t4-00060-00029104-00029820 that's a blop plug oKbyyAVq6t4-00061-00029820-00029974 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00062-00029975-00030214 wait a second i just have to paint on oKbyyAVq6t4-00063-00030216-00030414 her face oKbyyAVq6t4-00064-00030416-00030687 because if i don't get the same i cannot oKbyyAVq6t4-00065-00030688-00030855 paint on seymour's face and she won't oKbyyAVq6t4-00066-00030856-00030927 get the same oKbyyAVq6t4-00067-00030927-00031207 he can paint on my face and this is how oKbyyAVq6t4-00068-00031208-00031302 it starts oKbyyAVq6t4-00069-00031303-00031727 the game okay so we can alright oKbyyAVq6t4-00070-00031727-00032223 start your kitchen oKbyyAVq6t4-00071-00032224-00032543 put them here look at this oh it's oKbyyAVq6t4-00072-00032544-00032790 rainbow say that all the colors oKbyyAVq6t4-00073-00032791-00033127 blue green black oKbyyAVq6t4-00074-00033128-00033462 yellow red oKbyyAVq6t4-00075-00033463-00035039 white where did oKbyyAVq6t4-00076-00035040-00035315 here so we're gonna start oKbyyAVq6t4-00077-00035316-00035574 [Applause] oKbyyAVq6t4-00078-00035575-00035949 no wait wait wait wait let's put it oKbyyAVq6t4-00079-00035950-00036483 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00080-00036484-00036865 back oKbyyAVq6t4-00081-00036866-00037823 [Applause] oKbyyAVq6t4-00082-00037824-00038159 okay i got a dog my favorite oKbyyAVq6t4-00083-00038160-00038335 okay so i'm gonna do it now you're oKbyyAVq6t4-00084-00038336-00038711 trying to see more oKbyyAVq6t4-00085-00038712-00039046 funny baby oKbyyAVq6t4-00086-00039047-00039599 it's like a bunny baby it's my trick oKbyyAVq6t4-00087-00039600-00039896 shake it she gives me chicken oKbyyAVq6t4-00088-00039897-00040223 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00089-00040224-00041895 okay so it's your turn right oKbyyAVq6t4-00090-00041896-00042774 i'm the master a horse oKbyyAVq6t4-00091-00042775-00043015 i got my favorite but this is not my oKbyyAVq6t4-00092-00043016-00043079 favorite oKbyyAVq6t4-00093-00043080-00043287 those two is my favorite one i'm gonna oKbyyAVq6t4-00094-00043288-00044895 start again oKbyyAVq6t4-00095-00044896-00045223 but first i have to pick one color i oKbyyAVq6t4-00096-00045224-00045302 have to oKbyyAVq6t4-00097-00045303-00045646 pick one color i want blue oKbyyAVq6t4-00098-00045647-00046127 it's my favorite color i get wait oKbyyAVq6t4-00099-00046128-00046777 like i'm not saying something oKbyyAVq6t4-00100-00046778-00047683 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00101-00047684-00048751 um oKbyyAVq6t4-00102-00048752-00048871 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00103-00048872-00049446 i got oKbyyAVq6t4-00104-00049447-00049807 it's so cold i know oKbyyAVq6t4-00105-00049808-00050230 are you done yes yes oKbyyAVq6t4-00106-00050231-00050567 we'll put it right here mr simon oKbyyAVq6t4-00107-00050568-00050918 it's my turn okay i hope i get the shape oKbyyAVq6t4-00108-00050919-00051526 no okay oKbyyAVq6t4-00109-00051527-00051854 no that's cow oKbyyAVq6t4-00110-00051855-00052246 okay it's water i hope i get the same oKbyyAVq6t4-00111-00052247-00052479 bird okay it's my turn to paint what do oKbyyAVq6t4-00112-00052479-00052559 you want for oKbyyAVq6t4-00113-00052560-00053007 color oKbyyAVq6t4-00114-00053008-00053350 i want the list some too do you want oKbyyAVq6t4-00115-00053351-00053494 blue oKbyyAVq6t4-00116-00053495-00053894 yes no i want um i'm red oKbyyAVq6t4-00117-00053895-00054215 i'm i'm doing that i want to oKbyyAVq6t4-00118-00054216-00054535 do that i have to do you first because i oKbyyAVq6t4-00119-00054536-00054599 win oKbyyAVq6t4-00120-00054600-00054903 okay what should i paint her oKbyyAVq6t4-00121-00054904-00055350 i could cloud oKbyyAVq6t4-00122-00055351-00055687 okay wait wait wait oKbyyAVq6t4-00123-00055688-00055991 you're gonna pay more okay oKbyyAVq6t4-00124-00055991-00056311 look at me you clown oKbyyAVq6t4-00125-00056312-00057182 i'm scared of you oKbyyAVq6t4-00126-00057183-00057550 you are a cat i want a cat oKbyyAVq6t4-00127-00057551-00057871 i want to be a cat too but i'm gonna oKbyyAVq6t4-00128-00057872-00058054 make you but first we have to try again oKbyyAVq6t4-00129-00058055-00058142 it's your turn oKbyyAVq6t4-00130-00058144-00058726 wait is your shirt yeah oKbyyAVq6t4-00131-00058727-00059575 yeah yeah oKbyyAVq6t4-00132-00059576-00060047 okay i'm gonna pick black for paint oKbyyAVq6t4-00133-00060048-00060916 choose this wait i oKbyyAVq6t4-00134-00060917-00061399 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00135-00061400-00061887 but i want to paint you a message oKbyyAVq6t4-00136-00061888-00062303 with a cat mess that i wanted oKbyyAVq6t4-00137-00062304-00062806 mustache oKbyyAVq6t4-00138-00062807-00063366 so cold oKbyyAVq6t4-00139-00063367-00063687 it's so soft i don't know oKbyyAVq6t4-00140-00063688-00064038 how i look like do i look like a oKbyyAVq6t4-00141-00064039-00064342 fish oKbyyAVq6t4-00142-00064344-00065038 or a dog oKbyyAVq6t4-00143-00065039-00065391 i think i'm a cat no oKbyyAVq6t4-00144-00065391-00065750 you are not again okay oKbyyAVq6t4-00145-00065751-00067083 stop now oKbyyAVq6t4-00146-00067084-00067282 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00147-00067283-00067567 wait oKbyyAVq6t4-00148-00067568-00068615 it's my turn i hope i get sick oKbyyAVq6t4-00149-00068616-00068950 yes i have a bunny i have a bunny oKbyyAVq6t4-00150-00068951-00069191 i couldn't paint wait wait you have to oKbyyAVq6t4-00151-00069192-00069335 paint me little okay oKbyyAVq6t4-00152-00069336-00069782 i'm gonna pick white now i'm gonna take oKbyyAVq6t4-00153-00069783-00070360 this and i'm scared oKbyyAVq6t4-00154-00070361-00071922 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00155-00071923-00072150 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00156-00072151-00072882 please don't paint my eyes and i cannot oKbyyAVq6t4-00157-00072883-00073023 see oKbyyAVq6t4-00158-00073024-00073911 maybe i'm a maybe i'm a vampire oKbyyAVq6t4-00159-00073912-00074081 okay oKbyyAVq6t4-00160-00074082-00074975 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00161-00074976-00075255 it's my trick hope i get one please oKbyyAVq6t4-00162-00075256-00075399 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00163-00075400-00075815 are you serious i'm so mad oKbyyAVq6t4-00164-00075816-00076271 it's your turn please no oKbyyAVq6t4-00165-00076272-00076559 but you don't get any more okay take me oKbyyAVq6t4-00166-00076560-00076606 here oKbyyAVq6t4-00167-00076607-00077082 i hope i get something please oKbyyAVq6t4-00168-00077083-00077279 yes oKbyyAVq6t4-00169-00077280-00077575 okay okay stop stop i can't really use oKbyyAVq6t4-00170-00077576-00077647 this oKbyyAVq6t4-00171-00077648-00078126 what do you want for paint oKbyyAVq6t4-00172-00078127-00078599 blue i want to paint on this way oKbyyAVq6t4-00173-00078600-00079319 on this way okay look at me oKbyyAVq6t4-00174-00079320-00079535 i cannot paint the mustache i'm not oKbyyAVq6t4-00175-00079536-00080949 really good at it oKbyyAVq6t4-00176-00080950-00081855 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00177-00081856-00082061 hope you don't get it right oKbyyAVq6t4-00178-00082062-00082343 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00179-00082344-00082550 chicken lettuce i guess you could sit a oKbyyAVq6t4-00180-00082551-00083438 thousand pounds oKbyyAVq6t4-00181-00083439-00083655 the monkey baby no wait it's my turn oKbyyAVq6t4-00182-00083656-00083847 it's my turn it's my sister oKbyyAVq6t4-00183-00083848-00084196 what's your pick yes oKbyyAVq6t4-00184-00084197-00084967 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00185-00084968-00085247 okay i'm gonna use green i'm gonna as oKbyyAVq6t4-00186-00085248-00085482 much and pick for you oKbyyAVq6t4-00187-00085483-00085982 masterpiece masterpools oKbyyAVq6t4-00188-00085983-00086406 look at me my support look at me oKbyyAVq6t4-00189-00086407-00086671 okay i'm gonna make you masterpiece oKbyyAVq6t4-00190-00086672-00086838 don't worry oKbyyAVq6t4-00191-00086839-00087247 that's cold i know there's so much oKbyyAVq6t4-00192-00087248-00088191 cold there we go oKbyyAVq6t4-00193-00088192-00088855 is it cold you feel anything look at me oKbyyAVq6t4-00194-00088856-00089191 come here i'm gonna make you a son oKbyyAVq6t4-00195-00089192-00089711 my niece oKbyyAVq6t4-00196-00089712-00090023 okay more and more oKbyyAVq6t4-00197-00090024-00090344 you're going crazy oKbyyAVq6t4-00198-00090345-00091082 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00199-00091083-00091314 mario oKbyyAVq6t4-00200-00091315-00091935 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00201-00091936-00092103 thank you guys for watching this video oKbyyAVq6t4-00202-00092104-00092335 and like this video if you like it oKbyyAVq6t4-00203-00092336-00092550 for more videos and thank you for oKbyyAVq6t4-00204-00092551-00093562 watching oKbyyAVq6t4-00205-00093563-00095250 [Music] oKbyyAVq6t4-00206-00095251-00095551 review oLiZsOjDGqc-00000-00000064-00000286 hi there thanks so much for having us uh oLiZsOjDGqc-00001-00000287-00000551 to co-present my name is jen goldsack oLiZsOjDGqc-00002-00000552-00000790 i'm the ceo of the digital medicine oLiZsOjDGqc-00003-00000791-00001054 society or dime for folks who may not oLiZsOjDGqc-00004-00001055-00001350 know dime we are a 501c3 non-profit oLiZsOjDGqc-00005-00001351-00001582 organization dedicated to advancing the oLiZsOjDGqc-00006-00001583-00001871 safe effective ethical and equitable use oLiZsOjDGqc-00007-00001872-00002183 of digital technologies to improve lives oLiZsOjDGqc-00008-00002184-00002463 i am delighted to be co-presenting um oLiZsOjDGqc-00009-00002464-00002663 with my colleague my long-time oLiZsOjDGqc-00010-00002664-00002855 collaborator and great friend jessalyn oLiZsOjDGqc-00011-00002856-00002999 dunn jesse do you want to introduce oLiZsOjDGqc-00012-00003000-00003215 yourself to everyone sure thanks so much oLiZsOjDGqc-00013-00003215-00003527 jen um my name is jessie linden i'm an oLiZsOjDGqc-00014-00003528-00003727 assistant professor at duke in the oLiZsOjDGqc-00015-00003728-00003951 departments of biomedical engineering oLiZsOjDGqc-00016-00003952-00004222 and biostatistics and bioinformatics i oLiZsOjDGqc-00017-00004223-00004527 run the big ideas lab at duke um and i'm oLiZsOjDGqc-00018-00004528-00004775 thrilled to be presenting at this venue oLiZsOjDGqc-00019-00004776-00005022 and presenting alongside jen oLiZsOjDGqc-00020-00005023-00005263 fantastic so the way we'll run this oLiZsOjDGqc-00021-00005264-00005583 today um i will start by um presenting a oLiZsOjDGqc-00022-00005584-00005767 little bit on sort of current state of oLiZsOjDGqc-00023-00005768-00005983 the field and specifically digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00024-00005984-00006263 clinical measures um then what i'll do oLiZsOjDGqc-00025-00006264-00006463 is i'll hand over to jessalyn to take us oLiZsOjDGqc-00026-00006464-00006710 through some of the science that we use oLiZsOjDGqc-00027-00006711-00006967 to ensure that when we are using digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00028-00006968-00007167 technologies digital tools to measure oLiZsOjDGqc-00029-00007168-00007246 health oLiZsOjDGqc-00030-00007247-00007406 we can be certain that those measures oLiZsOjDGqc-00031-00007408-00007663 are trustworthy then jessalyn will hand oLiZsOjDGqc-00032-00007664-00007855 that to me i'll keep it short at that oLiZsOjDGqc-00033-00007856-00008063 point and we'll just reflect on what oLiZsOjDGqc-00034-00008064-00008263 needs to happen to take all of this to oLiZsOjDGqc-00035-00008264-00008503 scale and importantly jessalyn and i oLiZsOjDGqc-00036-00008504-00008751 actually recently collaborated um on oLiZsOjDGqc-00037-00008752-00009063 some uh research we have some data on oLiZsOjDGqc-00038-00009064-00009310 the state of the field and in particular oLiZsOjDGqc-00039-00009311-00009583 uh security research um that we thought oLiZsOjDGqc-00040-00009584-00009719 it might be interesting to share so oLiZsOjDGqc-00041-00009720-00009895 that's how we'll close out oLiZsOjDGqc-00042-00009896-00010142 so with that in mind let me go ahead and oLiZsOjDGqc-00043-00010143-00010455 start sharing my screen oLiZsOjDGqc-00044-00010456-00010655 jessalyn can you see that oLiZsOjDGqc-00045-00010656-00010735 yes oLiZsOjDGqc-00046-00010736-00010919 fantastic all right so let me go ahead oLiZsOjDGqc-00047-00010920-00011151 and dive in so we're going to be talking oLiZsOjDGqc-00048-00011152-00011319 about digital clinical measures today oLiZsOjDGqc-00049-00011320-00011495 and specifically what's the current oLiZsOjDGqc-00050-00011496-00011655 state of the field and how can we oLiZsOjDGqc-00051-00011656-00011903 anticipate them evolving instead of what oLiZsOjDGqc-00052-00011904-00012135 hopefully will soon be a post covered oLiZsOjDGqc-00053-00012136-00012223 error oLiZsOjDGqc-00054-00012224-00012414 what's interesting is if we look to the oLiZsOjDGqc-00055-00012415-00012670 um if we look to the press for example oLiZsOjDGqc-00056-00012671-00012927 we'll see that many of our sort of uh oLiZsOjDGqc-00057-00012928-00013151 terrific scientific sort of journalist oLiZsOjDGqc-00058-00013152-00013311 colleagues will say that healthcare is oLiZsOjDGqc-00059-00013312-00013607 undergoing a monumental shift towards oLiZsOjDGqc-00060-00013608-00013830 remote patient monitoring during the oLiZsOjDGqc-00061-00013831-00014030 last year three of the five biggest oLiZsOjDGqc-00062-00014031-00014279 companies in the world have announced oLiZsOjDGqc-00063-00014280-00014486 new remote monitoring products we've oLiZsOjDGqc-00064-00014487-00014727 seen amazon put their halo out that was oLiZsOjDGqc-00065-00014728-00015038 launched last uh last summer um google oLiZsOjDGqc-00066-00015040-00015286 now owns uh the fitbit sense they are oLiZsOjDGqc-00067-00015287-00015415 actually ha oLiZsOjDGqc-00068-00015416-00015671 a cleared technology um so in some ways oLiZsOjDGqc-00069-00015672-00015958 they are a regulated device their ecg oLiZsOjDGqc-00070-00015959-00016183 app is a clear product although that is oLiZsOjDGqc-00071-00016184-00016335 the only part of their sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00072-00016336-00016535 measurement suite that is cleared oLiZsOjDGqc-00073-00016536-00016830 there's also apple who have um developed oLiZsOjDGqc-00074-00016831-00017007 a phenomenal amount oLiZsOjDGqc-00075-00017008-00017247 of health measuring capabilities through oLiZsOjDGqc-00076-00017248-00017494 their smartwatch um they also have a oLiZsOjDGqc-00077-00017495-00017694 clearance specifically for pulse ox oLiZsOjDGqc-00078-00017695-00017943 monitoring oLiZsOjDGqc-00079-00017944-00018071 let's think about how these tools have oLiZsOjDGqc-00080-00018072-00018230 been used recently though and i think oLiZsOjDGqc-00081-00018231-00018471 this is really important for us to pause oLiZsOjDGqc-00082-00018472-00018679 and think about um oLiZsOjDGqc-00083-00018680-00018871 there's been a lot of use of technology oLiZsOjDGqc-00084-00018872-00019071 in healthcare but the digital clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-00085-00019072-00019311 measures piece in particular um where is oLiZsOjDGqc-00086-00019312-00019543 that in its development oLiZsOjDGqc-00087-00019544-00019775 during the pandemic at its height oLiZsOjDGqc-00088-00019776-00020055 we saw telehealth increased by nearly um oLiZsOjDGqc-00089-00020056-00020294 1200 percent oLiZsOjDGqc-00090-00020295-00020535 at the same time of those telehealth oLiZsOjDGqc-00091-00020536-00020863 visits only 11 of those relied on remote oLiZsOjDGqc-00092-00020864-00021014 patient monitoring oLiZsOjDGqc-00093-00021015-00021158 now there's a couple of things there oLiZsOjDGqc-00094-00021159-00021335 first of all i actually don't think by oLiZsOjDGqc-00095-00021336-00021503 any stretch of the imagination that oLiZsOjDGqc-00096-00021504-00021678 every single telehealth encounter needs oLiZsOjDGqc-00097-00021679-00021991 to be based on or reference um sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00098-00021992-00022175 digital clinical measures data we don't oLiZsOjDGqc-00099-00022176-00022343 have to be reliant on remote patient oLiZsOjDGqc-00100-00022344-00022599 monitoring for every telehealth visit oLiZsOjDGqc-00101-00022600-00022878 however 11 does feel low oLiZsOjDGqc-00102-00022879-00023094 kudos to our clinical colleagues all of oLiZsOjDGqc-00103-00023095-00023271 this care during the pandemic delivered oLiZsOjDGqc-00104-00023272-00023542 by telehealth they turned on a dime to oLiZsOjDGqc-00105-00023543-00023742 be able to deliver that care so there's oLiZsOjDGqc-00106-00023743-00023894 definitely some aspects there that oLiZsOjDGqc-00107-00023895-00024055 perhaps those tools and technologies oLiZsOjDGqc-00108-00024056-00024247 weren't deployed and weren't available oLiZsOjDGqc-00109-00024248-00024503 but that 11 number does seem low it oLiZsOjDGqc-00110-00024504-00024711 shows that there's a lot of work to do oLiZsOjDGqc-00111-00024712-00024950 to integrate these tools safely oLiZsOjDGqc-00112-00024951-00025086 effectively oLiZsOjDGqc-00113-00025087-00025294 into clinical workflows oLiZsOjDGqc-00114-00025295-00025503 i think it's also worthwhile um to look oLiZsOjDGqc-00115-00025504-00025687 at some additional data we collected and oLiZsOjDGqc-00116-00025688-00026046 published um around how those uh digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00117-00026047-00026318 data are being used when remote patient oLiZsOjDGqc-00118-00026319-00026470 monitoring um oLiZsOjDGqc-00119-00026472-00026646 uh is happening oLiZsOjDGqc-00120-00026647-00026862 really interestingly um when those oLiZsOjDGqc-00121-00026863-00027055 eleven uh when we're uh sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00122-00027056-00027239 leveraging that data we found that the oLiZsOjDGqc-00123-00027239-00027455 vast majority of times oLiZsOjDGqc-00124-00027456-00027727 it wasn't that um clinical care was oLiZsOjDGqc-00125-00027727-00027879 actually taking advantage of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00126-00027880-00028158 continuous nature of those data streams oLiZsOjDGqc-00127-00028160-00028351 rather they were being referenced and oLiZsOjDGqc-00128-00028352-00028543 they were being used in exactly the same oLiZsOjDGqc-00129-00028544-00028799 way that we would treat a stock data oLiZsOjDGqc-00130-00028800-00028895 point oLiZsOjDGqc-00131-00028895-00029135 captured in the clinic oLiZsOjDGqc-00132-00029136-00029343 what this tells us is on the healthcare oLiZsOjDGqc-00133-00029344-00029567 side there is enormous potential but we oLiZsOjDGqc-00134-00029568-00029790 haven't yet harnessed the power of these oLiZsOjDGqc-00135-00029791-00030014 technologies through a redesign of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00136-00030016-00030239 clinical workflow flow through truly oLiZsOjDGqc-00137-00030239-00030407 monitoring patients outside of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00138-00030408-00030687 clinic during activities of daily living oLiZsOjDGqc-00139-00030688-00030870 we aren't tracking the monitoring to see oLiZsOjDGqc-00140-00030872-00031070 if there's a spike or a within patient oLiZsOjDGqc-00141-00031072-00031295 change that should trigger some outreach oLiZsOjDGqc-00142-00031295-00031479 that should trigger additional care oLiZsOjDGqc-00143-00031480-00031743 we're not there yet it's certainly um oLiZsOjDGqc-00144-00031744-00031990 a powerful way that these tools will oLiZsOjDGqc-00145-00031991-00032262 transform the way we think of healthcare oLiZsOjDGqc-00146-00032263-00032423 but it's important to realize where we oLiZsOjDGqc-00147-00032424-00032590 are today oLiZsOjDGqc-00148-00032591-00032879 so that's over on the um healthcare side oLiZsOjDGqc-00149-00032880-00033111 of the shop where are we in the sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00150-00033112-00033302 clinical research side where are we oLiZsOjDGqc-00151-00033303-00033511 specifically in terms of medical product oLiZsOjDGqc-00152-00033512-00033639 development oLiZsOjDGqc-00153-00033640-00033902 um if we go back just a year and a half oLiZsOjDGqc-00154-00033903-00034215 in october 2019 my organization dime oLiZsOjDGqc-00155-00034216-00034407 launched a crowdsourced library of oLiZsOjDGqc-00156-00034408-00034671 digital endpoints being used in industry oLiZsOjDGqc-00157-00034672-00034879 sponsored trials of new medical products oLiZsOjDGqc-00158-00034880-00035071 and we were absolutely delighted to see oLiZsOjDGqc-00159-00035072-00035367 that there were 12 sponsors um who were oLiZsOjDGqc-00160-00035368-00035518 sort of actively collecting these oLiZsOjDGqc-00161-00035519-00035759 measures and that 34 unique endpoints oLiZsOjDGqc-00162-00035760-00035871 were oLiZsOjDGqc-00163-00035872-00036071 being used to answer clinical questions oLiZsOjDGqc-00164-00036072-00036318 about uh new therapies oLiZsOjDGqc-00165-00036319-00036527 we were so excited in fact we went ahead oLiZsOjDGqc-00166-00036528-00036767 and we published an op-ed um in stat oLiZsOjDGqc-00167-00036768-00036927 news saying you know this is not the oLiZsOjDGqc-00168-00036928-00037151 stuff of the future this is here today oLiZsOjDGqc-00169-00037152-00037343 but when we actually look just 18 months oLiZsOjDGqc-00170-00037344-00037583 ahead the growth has been absolutely oLiZsOjDGqc-00171-00037584-00037799 astronomical what we can see is we've oLiZsOjDGqc-00172-00037800-00038087 gone from 12 to 62 sponsors relying on oLiZsOjDGqc-00173-00038088-00038318 these digital clinical measures to make oLiZsOjDGqc-00174-00038319-00038495 decisions about whether we take a drug oLiZsOjDGqc-00175-00038496-00038607 to market oLiZsOjDGqc-00176-00038608-00038911 we can see that over 50 so over half of oLiZsOjDGqc-00177-00038912-00039159 these um oLiZsOjDGqc-00178-00039160-00039455 measures are being used uh in critical oLiZsOjDGqc-00179-00039456-00039679 phases of drug development and we can oLiZsOjDGqc-00180-00039680-00039902 also see that the growth in the number oLiZsOjDGqc-00181-00039903-00040262 of measures themselves has gone from in oLiZsOjDGqc-00182-00040263-00040559 from 34 up to 207 oLiZsOjDGqc-00183-00040560-00040790 absolutely extraordinary growth not only oLiZsOjDGqc-00184-00040791-00041118 in the number of measures but also in um oLiZsOjDGqc-00185-00041119-00041230 sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00186-00041231-00041446 the trust essentially by many many more oLiZsOjDGqc-00187-00041447-00041655 organizations to oLiZsOjDGqc-00188-00041656-00041846 rely on the data from these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00189-00041847-00042030 clinical measures in their decision oLiZsOjDGqc-00190-00042031-00042223 making in their product development oLiZsOjDGqc-00191-00042224-00042479 pipeline in their r d oLiZsOjDGqc-00192-00042480-00042679 um if this data is interesting to you oLiZsOjDGqc-00193-00042680-00042871 this is all open source and you can oLiZsOjDGqc-00194-00042872-00043143 access these data on the dime website oLiZsOjDGqc-00195-00043144-00043295 these slides will be available and we'll oLiZsOjDGqc-00196-00043296-00043502 make sure you get all of the links oLiZsOjDGqc-00197-00043503-00043702 i do think it's worthwhile pausing for oLiZsOjDGqc-00198-00043703-00043911 one second though what's interesting as oLiZsOjDGqc-00199-00043912-00044183 you mine the database is um you'll see oLiZsOjDGqc-00200-00044184-00044423 that every single one of those 207 oLiZsOjDGqc-00201-00044424-00044718 measures is unique and this while the oLiZsOjDGqc-00202-00044719-00044967 growth is impressive this does give me oLiZsOjDGqc-00203-00044968-00045071 pause oLiZsOjDGqc-00204-00045072-00045223 we've got to think about measuring oLiZsOjDGqc-00205-00045224-00045423 things that matter i don't think that oLiZsOjDGqc-00206-00045424-00045711 there are 207 unique measures of health oLiZsOjDGqc-00207-00045712-00045927 that are critically important oLiZsOjDGqc-00208-00045928-00046246 we see over 50 unique measures of sleep oLiZsOjDGqc-00209-00046247-00046502 certainly sleep is a complex um a oLiZsOjDGqc-00210-00046503-00046815 complex sort of uh domain of health it's oLiZsOjDGqc-00211-00046816-00047015 unlikely that there's just one measure oLiZsOjDGqc-00212-00047016-00047199 that will account for it perfectly in oLiZsOjDGqc-00213-00047200-00047415 all therapeutic areas but the idea that oLiZsOjDGqc-00214-00047416-00047607 there are 54 measures that warrant oLiZsOjDGqc-00215-00047608-00047862 development i have questions about the oLiZsOjDGqc-00216-00047863-00048039 same is true for physical activity i oLiZsOjDGqc-00217-00048040-00048239 think we've got over 70 measures of oLiZsOjDGqc-00218-00048240-00048518 physical activity in this library and i oLiZsOjDGqc-00219-00048519-00048735 think it's really important that we're oLiZsOjDGqc-00220-00048736-00049118 focused not only on our capability of oLiZsOjDGqc-00221-00049119-00049286 measuring health but actually making oLiZsOjDGqc-00222-00049287-00049439 sure that we are measuring things that oLiZsOjDGqc-00223-00049440-00049607 matter and we'll return to that in just oLiZsOjDGqc-00224-00049608-00049886 a little bit oLiZsOjDGqc-00225-00049887-00050079 and so you know jessalyn and i talk oLiZsOjDGqc-00226-00050080-00050343 about this a little bit but you know oLiZsOjDGqc-00227-00050344-00050574 the reason that we're excited about sort oLiZsOjDGqc-00228-00050575-00050735 of the field of digital clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-00229-00050736-00050918 measurement generally is oLiZsOjDGqc-00230-00050919-00051151 we imagine because these measures oLiZsOjDGqc-00231-00051152-00051302 because our understanding of health can oLiZsOjDGqc-00232-00051303-00051479 be developed outside of the walls of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00233-00051479-00051670 clinic because it can be developed oLiZsOjDGqc-00234-00051671-00051975 during a patient's everyday life oLiZsOjDGqc-00235-00051976-00052038 we oLiZsOjDGqc-00236-00052039-00052199 can imagine a future state of health oLiZsOjDGqc-00237-00052200-00052430 care where oLiZsOjDGqc-00238-00052432-00052591 health care is good because we keep oLiZsOjDGqc-00239-00052591-00052735 people healthy and we keep them out of oLiZsOjDGqc-00240-00052736-00052942 the doctors healthcare is no longer oLiZsOjDGqc-00241-00052944-00053199 measured by how well are we able to dive oLiZsOjDGqc-00242-00053200-00053399 in and add the assist once someone is oLiZsOjDGqc-00243-00053400-00053550 sick once they need to come to the oLiZsOjDGqc-00244-00053551-00053750 clinic or come to the hospital oLiZsOjDGqc-00245-00053751-00053887 and i wanted to give a couple of oLiZsOjDGqc-00246-00053888-00054111 examples just to underscore this oLiZsOjDGqc-00247-00054112-00054182 so oLiZsOjDGqc-00248-00054183-00054399 first of all in current state if a oLiZsOjDGqc-00249-00054400-00054623 patient needs a bone marrow transplant oLiZsOjDGqc-00250-00054624-00054838 in the two weeks preceding that visit oLiZsOjDGqc-00251-00054839-00055023 they have to come into the clinic oLiZsOjDGqc-00252-00055024-00055303 roughly five times simply to have vitals oLiZsOjDGqc-00253-00055304-00055454 measured to make sure that they are oLiZsOjDGqc-00254-00055455-00055711 stable and healthy enough for surgery oLiZsOjDGqc-00255-00055712-00055919 there is absolutely nothing right now oLiZsOjDGqc-00256-00055920-00056126 technically stopping us from measuring oLiZsOjDGqc-00257-00056127-00056407 all of those vital signs with a high oLiZsOjDGqc-00258-00056408-00056647 degree of certainty while that patient oLiZsOjDGqc-00259-00056648-00056847 is at home without dragging them into a oLiZsOjDGqc-00260-00056848-00057023 clinic while they're immunosuppressed oLiZsOjDGqc-00261-00057024-00057191 without asking their care partner to oLiZsOjDGqc-00262-00057191-00057415 take more time off work take oLiZsOjDGqc-00263-00057416-00057630 and bring them into the clinic without oLiZsOjDGqc-00264-00057632-00057799 sort of adding to the stress and the oLiZsOjDGqc-00265-00057800-00058023 time and the fatigue that these oLiZsOjDGqc-00266-00058024-00058271 continual clinic visits rely on and to oLiZsOjDGqc-00267-00058272-00058454 me that's actually something that at oLiZsOjDGqc-00268-00058455-00058711 some point it becomes unethical to to to oLiZsOjDGqc-00269-00058712-00058950 choose not to use those tools to keep oLiZsOjDGqc-00270-00058951-00059103 bringing that patient in for oLiZsOjDGqc-00271-00059104-00059375 fee-for-service lab visits as opposed to oLiZsOjDGqc-00272-00059376-00059566 simply monitoring their status at home oLiZsOjDGqc-00273-00059567-00059799 as they prepare for that surgery oLiZsOjDGqc-00274-00059800-00059982 um another example is in duchenne's oLiZsOjDGqc-00275-00059983-00060191 muscular dystrophy and for folks who oLiZsOjDGqc-00276-00060191-00060342 might not be familiar with the natural oLiZsOjDGqc-00277-00060344-00060606 history of duchenne's um it's oLiZsOjDGqc-00278-00060607-00060775 a pretty awful condition that affects oLiZsOjDGqc-00279-00060776-00061047 primarily boys and young men um the oLiZsOjDGqc-00280-00061048-00061287 natural history is diagnosis is oLiZsOjDGqc-00281-00061288-00061479 typically around seven years of age oLiZsOjDGqc-00282-00061479-00061647 unfortunately these boys are usually in oLiZsOjDGqc-00283-00061648-00061847 a wheelchair um oLiZsOjDGqc-00284-00061848-00062047 struggling to sort of walk independently oLiZsOjDGqc-00285-00062048-00062223 by the time that they're 13 and oLiZsOjDGqc-00286-00062224-00062406 unfortunately life expectancy is in the oLiZsOjDGqc-00287-00062407-00062630 early 20s so oLiZsOjDGqc-00288-00062632-00062830 how are we currently measuring this we oLiZsOjDGqc-00289-00062832-00063135 use um the six minute walk test um that oLiZsOjDGqc-00290-00063136-00063550 systematically excludes 60 of the um oLiZsOjDGqc-00291-00063551-00063759 population of those boys and young men oLiZsOjDGqc-00292-00063760-00063926 from participating in any kind of oLiZsOjDGqc-00293-00063927-00064094 research that means that we aren't oLiZsOjDGqc-00294-00064095-00064359 developing medical products that target oLiZsOjDGqc-00295-00064360-00064550 those individuals and whether in oLiZsOjDGqc-00296-00064551-00064750 research or in care we aren't thinking oLiZsOjDGqc-00297-00064751-00064935 about oLiZsOjDGqc-00298-00064936-00065175 the pieces of their condition that maybe oLiZsOjDGqc-00299-00065176-00065319 matter a lot to these boys we're not oLiZsOjDGqc-00300-00065320-00065430 thinking about whether they can text oLiZsOjDGqc-00301-00065432-00065615 their friends play video games whether oLiZsOjDGqc-00302-00065616-00065767 they can feed themselves whether they oLiZsOjDGqc-00303-00065768-00065911 can do their homework whether they can oLiZsOjDGqc-00304-00065912-00066103 take themselves to the toilet their oLiZsOjDGqc-00305-00066104-00066238 dignity oLiZsOjDGqc-00306-00066239-00066447 we have the capabilities to measure that oLiZsOjDGqc-00307-00066448-00066623 using things like smart watches smart oLiZsOjDGqc-00308-00066624-00066823 rings and yet we still rely on the six oLiZsOjDGqc-00309-00066824-00067038 minute walk test and the last example oLiZsOjDGqc-00310-00067039-00067191 that i wanted to share to really oLiZsOjDGqc-00311-00067192-00067415 underscore why what jessalyn and i are oLiZsOjDGqc-00312-00067416-00067567 talking about today these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00313-00067568-00067711 clinical measures of health are so oLiZsOjDGqc-00314-00067712-00067831 important oLiZsOjDGqc-00315-00067832-00068094 um parkinson's disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00316-00068095-00068294 unfortunately the number of people oLiZsOjDGqc-00317-00068295-00068487 affected around the world by parkinson's oLiZsOjDGqc-00318-00068488-00068759 is growing rapidly in the u.s most oLiZsOjDGqc-00319-00068760-00068935 people with parkinson's are diagnosed oLiZsOjDGqc-00320-00068936-00069255 incorrectly four or five times before oLiZsOjDGqc-00321-00069256-00069463 they get that correct diagnosis and then oLiZsOjDGqc-00322-00069464-00069679 once they are diagnosed due to the oLiZsOjDGqc-00323-00069680-00069855 maldistribution of specialist oLiZsOjDGqc-00324-00069856-00070087 neurologists and the patients who need oLiZsOjDGqc-00325-00070088-00070367 them 40 of parkinson's patients pass oLiZsOjDGqc-00326-00070368-00070671 away before they ever see a neurologist oLiZsOjDGqc-00327-00070672-00071094 imagine the power of a suite of uh sort oLiZsOjDGqc-00328-00071095-00071303 of digital clinical measures measuring oLiZsOjDGqc-00329-00071304-00071519 things like tremor freezing of gait oLiZsOjDGqc-00330-00071520-00071750 measuring things like um oLiZsOjDGqc-00331-00071751-00072038 uh cognitive decline measuring uh tenor oLiZsOjDGqc-00332-00072039-00072287 and toner voice all of those data could oLiZsOjDGqc-00333-00072288-00072487 be collected in the home of the patient oLiZsOjDGqc-00334-00072488-00072631 and then we could use telehealth to oLiZsOjDGqc-00335-00072632-00072894 connect those 40 of patients who never oLiZsOjDGqc-00336-00072895-00073111 see a neurologist to a specialist who oLiZsOjDGqc-00337-00073112-00073335 can more appropriately care for them it oLiZsOjDGqc-00338-00073336-00073582 would also allow us to develop a disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00339-00073583-00073782 modifying treatment which to date we've oLiZsOjDGqc-00340-00073783-00073999 had no luck doing that's why i think oLiZsOjDGqc-00341-00074000-00074175 this is so important that's why we have oLiZsOjDGqc-00342-00074176-00074375 to focus on those measures that matter oLiZsOjDGqc-00343-00074376-00074591 we can harness all of this data right oLiZsOjDGqc-00344-00074592-00074823 now those sort of continuously captured oLiZsOjDGqc-00345-00074824-00075150 currently invisible data points um using oLiZsOjDGqc-00346-00075151-00075406 uh using these tools oLiZsOjDGqc-00347-00075407-00075631 but what we have to do is make sure that oLiZsOjDGqc-00348-00075632-00075847 we are generating powerful meaningful oLiZsOjDGqc-00349-00075848-00076038 signal and not simply adding to the oLiZsOjDGqc-00350-00076039-00076150 noise oLiZsOjDGqc-00351-00076151-00076311 and to make sure we're doing that i'm oLiZsOjDGqc-00352-00076312-00076511 going to go ahead and stop sharing um oLiZsOjDGqc-00353-00076512-00076726 and jessica lynn who's lab absolute oLiZsOjDGqc-00354-00076727-00077038 experts in doing all of this work um oLiZsOjDGqc-00355-00077039-00077182 she will dive into some of the tools oLiZsOjDGqc-00356-00077183-00077359 techniques and science that they use to oLiZsOjDGqc-00357-00077360-00077479 make sure that these measures are oLiZsOjDGqc-00358-00077480-00077623 trustworthy oLiZsOjDGqc-00359-00077624-00077887 thanks so much jen um this was a a oLiZsOjDGqc-00360-00077888-00077982 perfect oLiZsOjDGqc-00361-00077983-00078335 um tee up to what what we're diving into oLiZsOjDGqc-00362-00078336-00078479 next um oLiZsOjDGqc-00363-00078480-00078759 so i'm just going to turn on um full oLiZsOjDGqc-00364-00078760-00079038 screen and hopefully you're seeing oLiZsOjDGqc-00365-00079039-00079367 no notes and just slides oLiZsOjDGqc-00366-00079368-00079462 perfect oLiZsOjDGqc-00367-00079463-00079550 great oLiZsOjDGqc-00368-00079551-00079791 all right um so oLiZsOjDGqc-00369-00079792-00080031 jen said it perfectly there is immense oLiZsOjDGqc-00370-00080032-00080391 potential for these digital technologies oLiZsOjDGqc-00371-00080392-00080631 that is currently going untapped for the oLiZsOjDGqc-00372-00080632-00080967 most part um so in my lab we're called oLiZsOjDGqc-00373-00080968-00081182 the big ideas lab it actually stands for oLiZsOjDGqc-00374-00081183-00081303 something oLiZsOjDGqc-00375-00081304-00081494 which describes what it is that we do oLiZsOjDGqc-00376-00081495-00081782 which is biomedical informatics date oLiZsOjDGqc-00377-00081783-00081959 integrating data engineering and oLiZsOjDGqc-00378-00081960-00082294 analytics and with that we're trying to oLiZsOjDGqc-00379-00082295-00082599 take these existing technologies and oLiZsOjDGqc-00380-00082600-00082943 develop new infrastructure to capitalize oLiZsOjDGqc-00381-00082944-00083159 on that data for early detection oLiZsOjDGqc-00382-00083160-00083494 intervention and prevention of disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00383-00083495-00083631 i don't think at this point in time we oLiZsOjDGqc-00384-00083632-00083782 really need a reminder about how oLiZsOjDGqc-00385-00083783-00084038 important this is um we're living in a oLiZsOjDGqc-00386-00084039-00084318 global pandemic um and what's oLiZsOjDGqc-00387-00084319-00084559 fascinating is that there have been many oLiZsOjDGqc-00388-00084560-00084855 existing and ongoing efforts to try to oLiZsOjDGqc-00389-00084856-00085071 harness and leverage our existing oLiZsOjDGqc-00390-00085072-00085326 digital infrastructure to curb the oLiZsOjDGqc-00391-00085327-00085591 spread of cobit 19. oLiZsOjDGqc-00392-00085592-00085799 there are a lot of different areas that oLiZsOjDGqc-00393-00085800-00086023 digital infrastructure can be useful for oLiZsOjDGqc-00394-00086024-00086238 so i just gave a few examples here on oLiZsOjDGqc-00395-00086239-00086343 screen oLiZsOjDGqc-00396-00086344-00086662 um where you know our current standard oLiZsOjDGqc-00397-00086663-00086806 of oLiZsOjDGqc-00398-00086807-00087071 care or standard of um oLiZsOjDGqc-00399-00087072-00087343 exploring who might be infected is oLiZsOjDGqc-00400-00087344-00087655 contact tracing so getting on the phone oLiZsOjDGqc-00401-00087656-00087903 and calling up people and finding out oLiZsOjDGqc-00402-00087904-00088126 who they've been in contact with there oLiZsOjDGqc-00403-00088127-00088303 have been a lot of efforts to try to oLiZsOjDGqc-00404-00088304-00088487 automate this process because we all oLiZsOjDGqc-00405-00088488-00088815 carry smartphones those smartphones have oLiZsOjDGqc-00406-00088816-00088982 the ability to know when they're near oLiZsOjDGqc-00407-00088983-00089343 other smartphones or other um oLiZsOjDGqc-00408-00089344-00089623 technological systems and so this is one oLiZsOjDGqc-00409-00089624-00089838 area where we've we've realized the oLiZsOjDGqc-00410-00089839-00090055 power of the tools that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00411-00090056-00090311 use passively in our everyday lives oLiZsOjDGqc-00412-00090312-00090647 um there are many many other areas and oLiZsOjDGqc-00413-00090648-00090759 today oLiZsOjDGqc-00414-00090760-00091006 i will give an example of how we can use oLiZsOjDGqc-00415-00091007-00091350 wearables um and you know wearables can oLiZsOjDGqc-00416-00091351-00091591 be useful also in a variety of different oLiZsOjDGqc-00417-00091592-00091687 ways oLiZsOjDGqc-00418-00091688-00092015 um from the detection and monitoring of oLiZsOjDGqc-00419-00092016-00092326 infectious disease or chronic disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00420-00092327-00092615 all the way to the interventions um to oLiZsOjDGqc-00421-00092616-00092855 deliver information at just the right oLiZsOjDGqc-00422-00092856-00093103 time to the right person oLiZsOjDGqc-00423-00093104-00093318 um oLiZsOjDGqc-00424-00093319-00093550 again there are so many opportunities to oLiZsOjDGqc-00425-00093551-00093774 apply this technology i'm gonna focus oLiZsOjDGqc-00426-00093775-00094103 here in my talk on early detection but oLiZsOjDGqc-00427-00094104-00094399 you can imagine how jen mentioned the oLiZsOjDGqc-00428-00094400-00094599 possibilities for at home monitoring for oLiZsOjDGqc-00429-00094600-00094806 a variety of different disease types we oLiZsOjDGqc-00430-00094807-00094967 can also expand this to public health oLiZsOjDGqc-00431-00094968-00095191 monitoring because if we have a huge oLiZsOjDGqc-00432-00095192-00095406 population already wearing devices or oLiZsOjDGqc-00433-00095407-00095606 carrying devices there's a ton of oLiZsOjDGqc-00434-00095607-00095774 information that's being passively oLiZsOjDGqc-00435-00095775-00095999 collected that could be leveraged to oLiZsOjDGqc-00436-00096000-00096223 realize where there are hot spots of oLiZsOjDGqc-00437-00096224-00096462 infection outbreaks before oLiZsOjDGqc-00438-00096463-00096718 people are exhibiting symptoms oLiZsOjDGqc-00439-00096719-00097023 um so again so many opportunities for oLiZsOjDGqc-00440-00097024-00097255 this technology so first i want to oLiZsOjDGqc-00441-00097256-00097494 explain a couple of terms um to dive oLiZsOjDGqc-00442-00097495-00097687 into some vocabulary when we talk about oLiZsOjDGqc-00443-00097688-00097967 digital biomarkers what we actually mean oLiZsOjDGqc-00444-00097968-00098126 um oLiZsOjDGqc-00445-00098127-00098350 first i like to back up and just revisit oLiZsOjDGqc-00446-00098351-00098662 this concept of a biomarker because many oLiZsOjDGqc-00447-00098663-00098950 folks who are working in this uh space oLiZsOjDGqc-00448-00098951-00099135 maybe don't have sort of the traditional oLiZsOjDGqc-00449-00099136-00099438 view of what we think of a biomarker oLiZsOjDGqc-00450-00099439-00099662 when we think about a clinical use case oLiZsOjDGqc-00451-00099663-00099894 so biomarkers typically have diagnostic oLiZsOjDGqc-00452-00099895-00100167 capabilities and can also help us to oLiZsOjDGqc-00453-00100168-00100415 learn new things about physiology so you oLiZsOjDGqc-00454-00100416-00100606 might think about an existing clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-00455-00100607-00100815 biomarker like a oLiZsOjDGqc-00456-00100816-00101038 blood glucose measurement and that oLiZsOjDGqc-00457-00101039-00101326 allows us to know who may have diabetes oLiZsOjDGqc-00458-00101327-00101647 or not how bad that diabetes may be oLiZsOjDGqc-00459-00101648-00101879 and if we give somebody a treatment like oLiZsOjDGqc-00460-00101880-00102103 metformin we can track how well that oLiZsOjDGqc-00461-00102104-00102231 treatment is oLiZsOjDGqc-00462-00102232-00102471 controlling the diabetes status oLiZsOjDGqc-00463-00102472-00102654 we also through oLiZsOjDGqc-00464-00102655-00102830 many new technologies allowing us to oLiZsOjDGqc-00465-00102831-00103158 measure large quantities of biomolecules oLiZsOjDGqc-00466-00103159-00103399 can discover new biomarkers that are oLiZsOjDGqc-00467-00103400-00103647 associated with disease and that allows oLiZsOjDGqc-00468-00103648-00103775 us to learn something new about oLiZsOjDGqc-00469-00103776-00104015 physiology so for example we might see oLiZsOjDGqc-00470-00104016-00104302 that there is a gene that is associated oLiZsOjDGqc-00471-00104303-00104710 with diabetes onset in young people that oLiZsOjDGqc-00472-00104711-00104990 is a biomarker that can then be used to oLiZsOjDGqc-00473-00104991-00105254 predict who might later come down with oLiZsOjDGqc-00474-00105255-00105407 diabetes oLiZsOjDGqc-00475-00105408-00105566 so we can extend this concept of a oLiZsOjDGqc-00476-00105567-00105831 biomarker to a digital biomarker which oLiZsOjDGqc-00477-00105832-00106031 means that rather than taking a physical oLiZsOjDGqc-00478-00106032-00106286 sample of blood or urine we're actually oLiZsOjDGqc-00479-00106288-00106543 taking a digital sample so we're oLiZsOjDGqc-00480-00106544-00106775 measuring something about physiology for oLiZsOjDGqc-00481-00106776-00106990 example heart rate from a vital sign oLiZsOjDGqc-00482-00106991-00107254 monitor that we can transform into an oLiZsOjDGqc-00483-00107255-00107447 indicator of health oLiZsOjDGqc-00484-00107448-00107651 so what that looks like on a very oLiZsOjDGqc-00485-00107652-00107886 pseudo-mathematical level is that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00486-00107888-00108239 have some uh outcomes and we develop oLiZsOjDGqc-00487-00108240-00108527 this function of these digital measures oLiZsOjDGqc-00488-00108528-00108734 and so these outcomes might be more of oLiZsOjDGqc-00489-00108735-00109031 our traditional um targets like blood oLiZsOjDGqc-00490-00109032-00109278 glucose for example or other clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-00491-00109279-00109583 measurements it could be survey data it oLiZsOjDGqc-00492-00109583-00109783 could be illness events oLiZsOjDGqc-00493-00109783-00109975 and the input data that we have here can oLiZsOjDGqc-00494-00109976-00110239 be anything that is collected digitally oLiZsOjDGqc-00495-00110240-00110486 from a smart watch a smartphone from oLiZsOjDGqc-00496-00110488-00110686 digital online traces oLiZsOjDGqc-00497-00110688-00111031 um you name it we have a ton of passive oLiZsOjDGqc-00498-00111032-00111302 sensors in our environments and that oLiZsOjDGqc-00499-00111303-00111519 information can tell us things about our oLiZsOjDGqc-00500-00111520-00111623 health oLiZsOjDGqc-00501-00111624-00111807 and so this isn't just a futuristic oLiZsOjDGqc-00502-00111808-00112023 vision there are a lot of digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00503-00112024-00112239 biomarkers being developed in practice oLiZsOjDGqc-00504-00112240-00112486 and this slide is a little bit old um so oLiZsOjDGqc-00505-00112488-00112743 it's just an example of what already oLiZsOjDGqc-00506-00112744-00112910 exists today oLiZsOjDGqc-00507-00112911-00113095 um but we and others have been oLiZsOjDGqc-00508-00113096-00113302 developing digital biomarkers ranging oLiZsOjDGqc-00509-00113303-00113534 from infection detection oLiZsOjDGqc-00510-00113535-00113758 um all the way to chronic disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00511-00113759-00114023 detection and monitoring and you can see oLiZsOjDGqc-00512-00114024-00114215 that a lot of these digital biomarkers oLiZsOjDGqc-00513-00114216-00114431 have commonalities in the types of oLiZsOjDGqc-00514-00114432-00114663 sensors or measurements that they use oLiZsOjDGqc-00515-00114664-00114927 many surround heart rate and blood flow oLiZsOjDGqc-00516-00114928-00115127 many surround temperature measurements oLiZsOjDGqc-00517-00115128-00115415 or movement measurements and a lot of oLiZsOjDGqc-00518-00115416-00115583 the machine learning algorithms that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00519-00115583-00115743 apply to that data also have oLiZsOjDGqc-00520-00115744-00116039 commonalities um so we use oLiZsOjDGqc-00521-00116040-00116166 um oLiZsOjDGqc-00522-00116167-00116375 basic regression strategies we use oLiZsOjDGqc-00523-00116376-00116599 random forests neural networks and we oLiZsOjDGqc-00524-00116600-00116895 bring these common elements together to oLiZsOjDGqc-00525-00116896-00117095 develop these new predictors of health oLiZsOjDGqc-00526-00117096-00117263 and disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00527-00117264-00117502 so with that i want to pivot for a oLiZsOjDGqc-00528-00117503-00117719 moment and and introduce a little bit of oLiZsOjDGqc-00529-00117720-00117951 vocabulary that will help us to kind of oLiZsOjDGqc-00530-00117952-00118286 get through the rest of this talk um oLiZsOjDGqc-00531-00118288-00118358 so oLiZsOjDGqc-00532-00118359-00118686 we worked extensively with um oLiZsOjDGqc-00533-00118688-00118919 jen and the team at dime oLiZsOjDGqc-00534-00118920-00119151 and a team of experts kind of from oLiZsOjDGqc-00535-00119152-00119423 around the globe on developing a common oLiZsOjDGqc-00536-00119424-00119631 language that we could use to describe oLiZsOjDGqc-00537-00119632-00119958 these digital clinical technologies that oLiZsOjDGqc-00538-00119959-00120190 are enabling us to capture these kinds oLiZsOjDGqc-00539-00120191-00120551 of measurements so this idea of a biomet oLiZsOjDGqc-00540-00120552-00120734 is essentially a connected digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00541-00120735-00120975 medicine tool and when i say connected i oLiZsOjDGqc-00542-00120976-00121223 mean that it has some sort of wireless oLiZsOjDGqc-00543-00121224-00121527 or even a wired connection but it sends oLiZsOjDGqc-00544-00121528-00121783 data from its own location to somewhere oLiZsOjDGqc-00545-00121783-00121871 else oLiZsOjDGqc-00546-00121872-00122119 and it processes data that is captured oLiZsOjDGqc-00547-00122120-00122351 by a mobile sensor and that there are oLiZsOjDGqc-00548-00122352-00122590 algorithms that are on board that oLiZsOjDGqc-00549-00122591-00122854 translate this these sensor measurements oLiZsOjDGqc-00550-00122855-00123023 into measures of behavioral or oLiZsOjDGqc-00551-00123024-00123247 physiologic function oLiZsOjDGqc-00552-00123248-00123319 so oLiZsOjDGqc-00553-00123320-00123534 this sounds like a very very detailed oLiZsOjDGqc-00554-00123535-00123847 definition and it is because when we try oLiZsOjDGqc-00555-00123848-00123958 to think about these different oLiZsOjDGqc-00556-00123959-00124239 technologies that exist in our world oLiZsOjDGqc-00557-00124240-00124334 today oLiZsOjDGqc-00558-00124335-00124766 it's hard to know what we classify as a oLiZsOjDGqc-00559-00124767-00125095 a wearable or a mobile device it's hard oLiZsOjDGqc-00560-00125096-00125310 to know what's regulated by the fda oLiZsOjDGqc-00561-00125311-00125614 versus what is categorized as a wellness oLiZsOjDGqc-00562-00125615-00125863 technology and so by introducing some of oLiZsOjDGqc-00563-00125864-00126134 this very specific language our hope is oLiZsOjDGqc-00564-00126135-00126358 that we can start to develop standards oLiZsOjDGqc-00565-00126359-00126551 surrounding these bionets which i'll oLiZsOjDGqc-00566-00126552-00126743 talk about in a second oLiZsOjDGqc-00567-00126744-00126910 um but one of the things that i like to oLiZsOjDGqc-00568-00126911-00127095 mention here is that oLiZsOjDGqc-00569-00127096-00127319 a biomat is not just what we see on the oLiZsOjDGqc-00570-00127320-00127534 outside right it's not just a fitbit or oLiZsOjDGqc-00571-00127535-00127710 an apple watch or a garmin device that's oLiZsOjDGqc-00572-00127711-00127902 sitting on someone's wrist but there's a oLiZsOjDGqc-00573-00127903-00128151 whole lot going on under the hood and i oLiZsOjDGqc-00574-00128152-00128366 think for this audience in particular oLiZsOjDGqc-00575-00128367-00128599 it's really important to recognize all oLiZsOjDGqc-00576-00128600-00128783 of the data transformations that can oLiZsOjDGqc-00577-00128783-00129063 take place on the device itself and then oLiZsOjDGqc-00578-00129064-00129366 in the process of transferring data from oLiZsOjDGqc-00579-00129367-00129647 that biomet to wherever that data is oLiZsOjDGqc-00580-00129648-00129775 headed oLiZsOjDGqc-00581-00129776-00130063 and so there are a lot of considerations oLiZsOjDGqc-00582-00130064-00130327 for what is going on with that data are oLiZsOjDGqc-00583-00130328-00130527 there transformations that are taking oLiZsOjDGqc-00584-00130528-00130758 place are we compressing data are we oLiZsOjDGqc-00585-00130759-00130943 down sampling data oLiZsOjDGqc-00586-00130944-00131175 um are there security and privacy oLiZsOjDGqc-00587-00131176-00131366 concerns at these onboard oLiZsOjDGqc-00588-00131367-00131590 transformations or at oLiZsOjDGqc-00589-00131591-00131790 transformations or processing to push oLiZsOjDGqc-00590-00131791-00131975 data to somewhere else oLiZsOjDGqc-00591-00131976-00132190 so there's a lot happening under the oLiZsOjDGqc-00592-00132191-00132278 hood oLiZsOjDGqc-00593-00132279-00132551 and in order to make accurate digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00594-00132552-00132814 biomarkers that can outlast the product oLiZsOjDGqc-00595-00132815-00133047 life cycle it's very important for us to oLiZsOjDGqc-00596-00133048-00133311 understand how each of these stages of oLiZsOjDGqc-00597-00133312-00133607 data processing affect the final digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00598-00133608-00133799 biomarker oLiZsOjDGqc-00599-00133800-00133975 so then that begs the question of how do oLiZsOjDGqc-00600-00133976-00134207 we evaluate these biomets and digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00601-00134208-00134607 biomarkers so if we see that a oLiZsOjDGqc-00602-00134608-00134847 smartwatch company is advertising their oLiZsOjDGqc-00603-00134848-00135047 heart rate detection algorithm as oLiZsOjDGqc-00604-00135048-00135399 clinically validated what does that mean oLiZsOjDGqc-00605-00135400-00135590 so one of the major challenges here is oLiZsOjDGqc-00606-00135591-00135814 that there really is not a standard oLiZsOjDGqc-00607-00135815-00136119 right now for um oLiZsOjDGqc-00608-00136120-00136302 for the terminology surrounding the oLiZsOjDGqc-00609-00136303-00136590 evaluation of these these biomets and oLiZsOjDGqc-00610-00136591-00136799 these digital biomarkers and so with the oLiZsOjDGqc-00611-00136800-00137023 dime society this is what we set out to oLiZsOjDGqc-00612-00137024-00137127 develop oLiZsOjDGqc-00613-00137128-00137463 um we again develop some of these more oLiZsOjDGqc-00614-00137464-00137678 systematic terminologies like the data oLiZsOjDGqc-00615-00137679-00137871 supply chain which i was showing you on oLiZsOjDGqc-00616-00137872-00138159 that previous slide uh shows us how data oLiZsOjDGqc-00617-00138160-00138583 flows through the biomet um and then oLiZsOjDGqc-00618-00138584-00138975 these ideas of uh evaluation processes oLiZsOjDGqc-00619-00138976-00139319 so we have verification and validation oLiZsOjDGqc-00620-00139320-00139551 that we've organized into a really nice oLiZsOjDGqc-00621-00139552-00139839 framework that we refer to as v3 that oLiZsOjDGqc-00622-00139840-00140087 helps us to determine whether a oLiZsOjDGqc-00623-00140088-00140311 technology or a biomat is fit for oLiZsOjDGqc-00624-00140312-00140423 purpose oLiZsOjDGqc-00625-00140424-00140599 and so when we say fit for purpose we oLiZsOjDGqc-00626-00140600-00140719 mean that oLiZsOjDGqc-00627-00140720-00141071 the final oLiZsOjDGqc-00628-00141072-00141295 experiment or oLiZsOjDGqc-00629-00141296-00141559 implementation in the clinic fits the oLiZsOjDGqc-00630-00141560-00141878 way that device or that biomet or that oLiZsOjDGqc-00631-00141879-00142214 digital biomarker was evaluated oLiZsOjDGqc-00632-00142215-00142495 so so what this v3 framework entails is oLiZsOjDGqc-00633-00142496-00142790 essentially a verification process an oLiZsOjDGqc-00634-00142791-00143007 analytic validation process and a oLiZsOjDGqc-00635-00143008-00143254 clinical validation process oLiZsOjDGqc-00636-00143255-00143511 the example we like to give in this case oLiZsOjDGqc-00637-00143512-00143807 is of an accelerometer where we might oLiZsOjDGqc-00638-00143808-00143951 have an accelerometer that we would oLiZsOjDGqc-00639-00143952-00144166 place on a shake plate in the lab and we oLiZsOjDGqc-00640-00144167-00144343 expect that the rpm that that shake oLiZsOjDGqc-00641-00144344-00144575 plate is set to is what the oLiZsOjDGqc-00642-00144576-00144854 accelerometer itself would measure oLiZsOjDGqc-00643-00144855-00145102 now ultimately our goal might be to use oLiZsOjDGqc-00644-00145103-00145278 this accelerometer to distinguish oLiZsOjDGqc-00645-00145279-00145511 between health and disease of a specific oLiZsOjDGqc-00646-00145512-00145614 disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00647-00145615-00145807 but in order to do that we want to know oLiZsOjDGqc-00648-00145808-00146023 what is the movement that we're trying oLiZsOjDGqc-00649-00146024-00146135 to capture oLiZsOjDGqc-00650-00146136-00146383 so let's take ms for example and say oLiZsOjDGqc-00651-00146384-00146575 that we want to use step count to oLiZsOjDGqc-00652-00146576-00146807 capture who's likely to have ms and oLiZsOjDGqc-00653-00146808-00146926 who's not oLiZsOjDGqc-00654-00146927-00147078 well we want to make sure then that this oLiZsOjDGqc-00655-00147079-00147271 accelerometer can actually accurately oLiZsOjDGqc-00656-00147272-00147543 capture a step so what we do is we have oLiZsOjDGqc-00657-00147544-00147863 a gold standard evaluation process like oLiZsOjDGqc-00658-00147864-00148071 a person actually watching a video and oLiZsOjDGqc-00659-00148072-00148302 marking steps and we compare that to the oLiZsOjDGqc-00660-00148303-00148551 accelerometer and that's the analytic oLiZsOjDGqc-00661-00148552-00148751 validation it means that when we put the oLiZsOjDGqc-00662-00148752-00148959 accelerometer on a human being it oLiZsOjDGqc-00663-00148960-00149207 measures what we expect it to measure oLiZsOjDGqc-00664-00149208-00149366 and then finally we have that level of oLiZsOjDGqc-00665-00149367-00149631 clinical validation which is if we put oLiZsOjDGqc-00666-00149632-00150014 this technology on a patient are we able oLiZsOjDGqc-00667-00150015-00150199 to distinguish between a disease state oLiZsOjDGqc-00668-00150200-00150447 and a healthy state for example can this oLiZsOjDGqc-00669-00150448-00150647 accelerometer distinguish between people oLiZsOjDGqc-00670-00150648-00150951 who have ms and people who do not oLiZsOjDGqc-00671-00150952-00151175 and what's really tricky about this oLiZsOjDGqc-00672-00151176-00151423 process is that we know that these oLiZsOjDGqc-00673-00151424-00151687 technologies are not static so there are oLiZsOjDGqc-00674-00151688-00151895 firmware updates there are hardware oLiZsOjDGqc-00675-00151896-00152095 updates there are new generations of oLiZsOjDGqc-00676-00152096-00152390 devices coming out constantly and so how oLiZsOjDGqc-00677-00152391-00152711 can we ensure that this v3 framework is oLiZsOjDGqc-00678-00152712-00152887 followed for all of these different oLiZsOjDGqc-00679-00152888-00153095 iterations of these devices oLiZsOjDGqc-00680-00153096-00153302 and so really that the take home message oLiZsOjDGqc-00681-00153303-00153535 here is that oLiZsOjDGqc-00682-00153536-00153790 these steps need to be redone when any oLiZsOjDGqc-00683-00153791-00154007 change is made to the biometric oLiZsOjDGqc-00684-00154008-00154254 monitoring technology and so if there oLiZsOjDGqc-00685-00154255-00154439 are changes to hardware if there are oLiZsOjDGqc-00686-00154440-00154647 changes to firmware which often occur oLiZsOjDGqc-00687-00154648-00154814 over air and oLiZsOjDGqc-00688-00154815-00155047 many people don't know about them that oLiZsOjDGqc-00689-00155048-00155335 changes the data and so it's very very oLiZsOjDGqc-00690-00155336-00155502 important that that gets taken into oLiZsOjDGqc-00691-00155503-00155943 consideration when any of um these oLiZsOjDGqc-00692-00155944-00156054 these oLiZsOjDGqc-00693-00156055-00156254 biomets are being employed in practice oLiZsOjDGqc-00694-00156255-00156399 so that we know that they're fit for oLiZsOjDGqc-00695-00156400-00156583 purpose oLiZsOjDGqc-00696-00156584-00156814 so i want to switch gears for a moment oLiZsOjDGqc-00697-00156815-00157023 and talk about an implementation of a oLiZsOjDGqc-00698-00157024-00157190 digital biomarker so that we can see an oLiZsOjDGqc-00699-00157191-00157414 example of how this would actually be oLiZsOjDGqc-00700-00157415-00157599 useful um oLiZsOjDGqc-00701-00157600-00157831 so there was a lot of press around this oLiZsOjDGqc-00702-00157832-00158063 um sort of first oLiZsOjDGqc-00703-00158064-00158335 example of how we might be able to use oLiZsOjDGqc-00704-00158336-00158535 wearables to detect illness before a oLiZsOjDGqc-00705-00158536-00158702 person themselves might know that oLiZsOjDGqc-00706-00158703-00158831 they're sick oLiZsOjDGqc-00707-00158832-00159071 um so i always give the spoiler alert oLiZsOjDGqc-00708-00159072-00159239 before i actually explain the details of oLiZsOjDGqc-00709-00159240-00159495 what we did and so this was work that i oLiZsOjDGqc-00710-00159496-00159759 did alongside mike snyder oLiZsOjDGqc-00711-00159760-00159975 and his team at stanford oLiZsOjDGqc-00712-00159976-00160287 um where we um oLiZsOjDGqc-00713-00160288-00160614 collected a lot of data from a cohort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00714-00160615-00160799 people there were about a hundred oLiZsOjDGqc-00715-00160800-00161078 individuals wearing these smart watches oLiZsOjDGqc-00716-00161079-00161254 for oLiZsOjDGqc-00717-00161255-00161359 between oLiZsOjDGqc-00718-00161360-00161639 three and five years um this was an oLiZsOjDGqc-00719-00161640-00161839 interesting study because a proportion oLiZsOjDGqc-00720-00161840-00162175 of this population was pre-diabetic um oLiZsOjDGqc-00721-00162176-00162343 that's not what i'm going to be talking oLiZsOjDGqc-00722-00162344-00162519 about today today i'm talking about oLiZsOjDGqc-00723-00162520-00162759 infection detection but that's initially oLiZsOjDGqc-00724-00162760-00162951 why this study was launched oLiZsOjDGqc-00725-00162952-00163247 um and so there were samples that were oLiZsOjDGqc-00726-00163248-00163631 given from these folks in the lab um oLiZsOjDGqc-00727-00163632-00163895 four times per year and then we also had oLiZsOjDGqc-00728-00163896-00164199 people come in to give samples when they oLiZsOjDGqc-00729-00164200-00164454 had anything kind of anomalous happen in oLiZsOjDGqc-00730-00164455-00164671 their lives so viral infections oLiZsOjDGqc-00731-00164672-00164935 stressful events dietary changes and so oLiZsOjDGqc-00732-00164936-00165095 what we can do with this is we can oLiZsOjDGqc-00733-00165096-00165263 capture what it looks like on a oLiZsOjDGqc-00734-00165264-00165438 biomolecular level oLiZsOjDGqc-00735-00165439-00165743 to see health and to see disease oLiZsOjDGqc-00736-00165744-00165999 so this was the setup for this study oLiZsOjDGqc-00737-00166000-00166159 where we developed these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00738-00166160-00166463 biomarkers of infection oLiZsOjDGqc-00739-00166464-00166695 so what i'm showing here is kind of just oLiZsOjDGqc-00740-00166696-00166919 an overview of what that data looks like oLiZsOjDGqc-00741-00166920-00167199 we have data from 43 people who are oLiZsOjDGqc-00742-00167200-00167414 wearing this intel basis watch it's oLiZsOjDGqc-00743-00167415-00167631 measuring three different things heart oLiZsOjDGqc-00744-00167632-00167902 rate temperature and accelerometry and oLiZsOjDGqc-00745-00167903-00168087 you can see here oLiZsOjDGqc-00746-00168088-00168351 that um showing in blue the skin oLiZsOjDGqc-00747-00168352-00168543 temperature data and then in these red oLiZsOjDGqc-00748-00168544-00168775 circles the heart rate data oLiZsOjDGqc-00749-00168776-00168951 these black squares here are showing the oLiZsOjDGqc-00750-00168952-00169166 number of days monitored oLiZsOjDGqc-00751-00169167-00169390 and so what you can immediately see is oLiZsOjDGqc-00752-00169391-00169566 that there's a big difference in the oLiZsOjDGqc-00753-00169567-00169751 variation between the skin temperature oLiZsOjDGqc-00754-00169752-00170031 measures and the heart rate measures oLiZsOjDGqc-00755-00170032-00170190 this makes a lot of sense because we oLiZsOjDGqc-00756-00170191-00170423 know that temperature cannot vary that oLiZsOjDGqc-00757-00170424-00170638 much and still sustain life oLiZsOjDGqc-00758-00170639-00170854 but heart rate we know can actually vary oLiZsOjDGqc-00759-00170855-00171071 dramatically between different people oLiZsOjDGqc-00760-00171072-00171335 and within a particular person oLiZsOjDGqc-00761-00171336-00171502 so this becomes challenging when we oLiZsOjDGqc-00762-00171503-00171743 think about how we can detect anomalies oLiZsOjDGqc-00763-00171744-00171911 within an individual oLiZsOjDGqc-00764-00171912-00172199 for example if we have two people let's oLiZsOjDGqc-00765-00172200-00172478 take this person here and this person oLiZsOjDGqc-00766-00172479-00172751 here that have very similar oLiZsOjDGqc-00767-00172752-00172951 resting heart rates oLiZsOjDGqc-00768-00172952-00173190 a measurement that's out here oLiZsOjDGqc-00769-00173191-00173438 for this person would be very anomalous oLiZsOjDGqc-00770-00173439-00173702 it does not fit within their oLiZsOjDGqc-00771-00173703-00174047 uh their sort of um confidence interval oLiZsOjDGqc-00772-00174048-00174326 of of their data whereas for this person oLiZsOjDGqc-00773-00174327-00174543 it would be very normal because it fits oLiZsOjDGqc-00774-00174544-00174711 within their typical oLiZsOjDGqc-00775-00174712-00174943 uh variation of their own body oLiZsOjDGqc-00776-00174944-00175247 so when we're developing these anomaly oLiZsOjDGqc-00777-00175248-00175454 detection algorithms it's very important oLiZsOjDGqc-00778-00175455-00175695 that we have a personalized look at this oLiZsOjDGqc-00779-00175696-00175895 and i can show this even a step further oLiZsOjDGqc-00780-00175896-00176135 if we look at some of the circadian oLiZsOjDGqc-00781-00176136-00176295 changes that occur oLiZsOjDGqc-00782-00176296-00176519 um with heart rate which i'm showing oLiZsOjDGqc-00783-00176520-00176814 here in pink or skin temperature which oLiZsOjDGqc-00784-00176815-00177038 i'm showing here in blue that at night oLiZsOjDGqc-00785-00177039-00177199 time we know when people are sleeping oLiZsOjDGqc-00786-00177200-00177390 their heart rate tends to dip down their oLiZsOjDGqc-00787-00177391-00177599 skin temperature tends to increase oLiZsOjDGqc-00788-00177600-00177783 but again this is true to different oLiZsOjDGqc-00789-00177784-00177983 extents for different people and even oLiZsOjDGqc-00790-00177984-00178254 for some people the opposite is true so oLiZsOjDGqc-00791-00178255-00178423 it's really important that when we're oLiZsOjDGqc-00792-00178424-00178566 trying to detect something that's oLiZsOjDGqc-00793-00178567-00178814 abnormal in an individual we know what oLiZsOjDGqc-00794-00178815-00179023 normal looks like for that particular oLiZsOjDGqc-00795-00179024-00179159 person oLiZsOjDGqc-00796-00179160-00179383 so all of this is leading up to how do oLiZsOjDGqc-00797-00179384-00179631 we detect an infection in a person using oLiZsOjDGqc-00798-00179632-00179878 just smartwatch data oLiZsOjDGqc-00799-00179879-00180071 so the method that we developed here is oLiZsOjDGqc-00800-00180072-00180271 called the change of heart method and oLiZsOjDGqc-00801-00180272-00180511 the idea is that we have oLiZsOjDGqc-00802-00180512-00180678 um oLiZsOjDGqc-00803-00180679-00180926 outlier periods of time that we want to oLiZsOjDGqc-00804-00180927-00181126 try to detect from an individual oLiZsOjDGqc-00805-00181127-00181414 baseline so the the algorithm that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00806-00181415-00181623 developed here essentially goes based oLiZsOjDGqc-00807-00181624-00181814 off of the individual mean and standard oLiZsOjDGqc-00808-00181815-00182038 deviation and you can imagine that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00809-00182039-00182263 could have sliding windows where we take oLiZsOjDGqc-00810-00182264-00182519 a a sliding mean or a sliding standard oLiZsOjDGqc-00811-00182520-00182799 deviation and what we're looking for oLiZsOjDGqc-00812-00182800-00183063 are measurements that fall way outside oLiZsOjDGqc-00813-00183064-00183311 of what we deem to be normal oLiZsOjDGqc-00814-00183312-00183478 what's tricky about this is with a oLiZsOjDGqc-00815-00183479-00183663 smartwatch that measures one measurement oLiZsOjDGqc-00816-00183664-00183951 per second every day we get 86 oLiZsOjDGqc-00817-00183952-00184263 400 measurements per sensor per day oLiZsOjDGqc-00818-00184264-00184447 the likelihood of any one of those oLiZsOjDGqc-00819-00184448-00184638 measurements falling well outside of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00820-00184639-00184863 norm is pretty high oLiZsOjDGqc-00821-00184864-00185087 that's due to miss wear that's due to oLiZsOjDGqc-00822-00185088-00185278 all sorts of things that can happen and oLiZsOjDGqc-00823-00185279-00185447 so what we want to do instead is figure oLiZsOjDGqc-00824-00185448-00185663 out the proportion of measurements that oLiZsOjDGqc-00825-00185664-00185878 are falling outside of the norm so that oLiZsOjDGqc-00826-00185879-00186095 we're smoothing over these sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-00827-00186096-00186390 outlying events that are not due to a oLiZsOjDGqc-00828-00186391-00186614 change in physiology and so that's what oLiZsOjDGqc-00829-00186615-00186750 these the size of these circles is oLiZsOjDGqc-00830-00186751-00186902 showing essentially the size of this oLiZsOjDGqc-00831-00186903-00187343 circle is showing how uh much the oLiZsOjDGqc-00832-00187344-00187511 the the proportion of measurements is oLiZsOjDGqc-00833-00187512-00187678 deviating from the baseline for that oLiZsOjDGqc-00834-00187679-00187966 particular person on that day oLiZsOjDGqc-00835-00187967-00188247 so employing this change of heart method oLiZsOjDGqc-00836-00188248-00188535 we were able to show in this this data oLiZsOjDGqc-00837-00188536-00188783 set from this ipod study at stanford oLiZsOjDGqc-00838-00188784-00189119 that um we were able to detect infection oLiZsOjDGqc-00839-00189120-00189302 in all of the participants where oLiZsOjDGqc-00840-00189303-00189519 infection occurred oLiZsOjDGqc-00841-00189520-00189743 what's tricky about this is that this oLiZsOjDGqc-00842-00189744-00190078 was a sort of real life study where oLiZsOjDGqc-00843-00190079-00190295 people were getting sick naturally and oLiZsOjDGqc-00844-00190296-00190550 so we didn't have an intervention where oLiZsOjDGqc-00845-00190551-00190783 people were actually infected oLiZsOjDGqc-00846-00190784-00191023 and and we kind of had to rely on what oLiZsOjDGqc-00847-00191024-00191263 naturally happens in the environment oLiZsOjDGqc-00848-00191264-00191599 um but we were able to develop these oLiZsOjDGqc-00849-00191600-00191807 these outlier detection algorithms that oLiZsOjDGqc-00850-00191808-00191983 did indicate when people had some sort oLiZsOjDGqc-00851-00191984-00192231 of influenza-like illness oLiZsOjDGqc-00852-00192232-00192454 and the way that this worked was that we oLiZsOjDGqc-00853-00192455-00192719 have these individual baselines based on oLiZsOjDGqc-00854-00192720-00192847 that we developed these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00855-00192848-00193095 biomarkers and that leads us to this oLiZsOjDGqc-00856-00193096-00193271 early identification of acute and oLiZsOjDGqc-00857-00193272-00193438 chronic illness oLiZsOjDGqc-00858-00193439-00193678 so there's obviously a situation now oLiZsOjDGqc-00859-00193679-00193902 where there are a lot of people getting oLiZsOjDGqc-00860-00193903-00194023 sick oLiZsOjDGqc-00861-00194024-00194295 unfortunately we have a huge widespread oLiZsOjDGqc-00862-00194296-00194478 respiratory infection oLiZsOjDGqc-00863-00194479-00194783 and that is enabling us to to really see oLiZsOjDGqc-00864-00194784-00195031 it in real time if we can detect these oLiZsOjDGqc-00865-00195032-00195214 signatures of infection from smart oLiZsOjDGqc-00866-00195215-00195414 watches alone and i'm showing here on oLiZsOjDGqc-00867-00195415-00195590 the screen just a sampling of studies oLiZsOjDGqc-00868-00195591-00195854 one of them is run by my group at duke oLiZsOjDGqc-00869-00195855-00196071 um cove identify oLiZsOjDGqc-00870-00196072-00196247 but there are many other studies that oLiZsOjDGqc-00871-00196248-00196447 are going on in this space trying to oLiZsOjDGqc-00872-00196448-00196607 understand whether we can actually oLiZsOjDGqc-00873-00196608-00196807 detect infection before people oLiZsOjDGqc-00874-00196808-00197038 themselves know that they're sick oLiZsOjDGqc-00875-00197039-00197247 um and the idea there is that if you can oLiZsOjDGqc-00876-00197248-00197407 tell somebody they're sick even if oLiZsOjDGqc-00877-00197408-00197654 they're asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic oLiZsOjDGqc-00878-00197655-00197838 you can prevent them from going out and oLiZsOjDGqc-00879-00197839-00197990 spreading the virus oLiZsOjDGqc-00880-00197991-00198263 so that is the goal of this infection oLiZsOjDGqc-00881-00198264-00198590 detection digital biomarker work oLiZsOjDGqc-00882-00198591-00198766 all right so with the last couple oLiZsOjDGqc-00883-00198767-00199054 minutes here i want to talk about uh the oLiZsOjDGqc-00884-00199055-00199271 goal of digital biomarker discovery some oLiZsOjDGqc-00885-00199272-00199447 of the open source methods that we're oLiZsOjDGqc-00886-00199448-00199702 working on in this space and where all oLiZsOjDGqc-00887-00199703-00199911 of this can take us oLiZsOjDGqc-00888-00199912-00200190 um so so with digital biomarker oLiZsOjDGqc-00889-00200191-00200454 discovery really our goal is to extract oLiZsOjDGqc-00890-00200455-00200678 useful information and knowledge from oLiZsOjDGqc-00891-00200679-00200959 large volumes of biomet data in order to oLiZsOjDGqc-00892-00200960-00201047 improve oLiZsOjDGqc-00893-00201048-00201271 medical decision making or provide oLiZsOjDGqc-00894-00201272-00201575 insights for health decisions and so oLiZsOjDGqc-00895-00201576-00201814 some of the specific questions that my oLiZsOjDGqc-00896-00201815-00202063 group is looking at are can we develop oLiZsOjDGqc-00897-00202064-00202375 digital biomarkers to detect or predict oLiZsOjDGqc-00898-00202376-00202599 improvements from sleep or exercise oLiZsOjDGqc-00899-00202600-00202911 pre-diabetes prior to symptoms oLiZsOjDGqc-00900-00202912-00203135 issues around infection how contagious a oLiZsOjDGqc-00901-00203136-00203343 person is or how susceptible they are to oLiZsOjDGqc-00902-00203344-00203566 contracting illness which becomes very oLiZsOjDGqc-00903-00203567-00203750 important if we think about sending out oLiZsOjDGqc-00904-00203751-00203919 warfighters into oLiZsOjDGqc-00905-00203920-00204166 a field setting so so knowing different oLiZsOjDGqc-00906-00204167-00204423 baseline physiology is really useful oLiZsOjDGqc-00907-00204424-00204614 we also are looking at circadian oLiZsOjDGqc-00908-00204615-00204823 destruction and shift workers and risk oLiZsOjDGqc-00909-00204823-00204982 of preterm birth and other women's oLiZsOjDGqc-00910-00204983-00205127 health issues oLiZsOjDGqc-00911-00205128-00205271 so what's interesting about this if we oLiZsOjDGqc-00912-00205271-00205558 think back to kind of the beginning uh oLiZsOjDGqc-00913-00205559-00205758 slide that i mentioned where we are oLiZsOjDGqc-00914-00205759-00205886 developing these different digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00915-00205887-00206119 biomarkers a lot of these are using very oLiZsOjDGqc-00916-00206119-00206382 similar sensors and very similar machine oLiZsOjDGqc-00917-00206383-00206575 learning methods so there's a lot of oLiZsOjDGqc-00918-00206576-00206790 commonalities amongst these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-00919-00206791-00207071 biomarkers that we can capitalize on to oLiZsOjDGqc-00920-00207071-00207286 make the downstream process easier and oLiZsOjDGqc-00921-00207287-00207438 more standardized oLiZsOjDGqc-00922-00207439-00207566 and for those of you who have worked in oLiZsOjDGqc-00923-00207567-00207734 the bioinformatics room before oLiZsOjDGqc-00924-00207735-00207998 potentially in genomics this might feel oLiZsOjDGqc-00925-00208000-00208231 reminiscent because a lot of this is oLiZsOjDGqc-00926-00208232-00208551 akin to the early days of genomics where oLiZsOjDGqc-00927-00208552-00208694 there there were a lot of common oLiZsOjDGqc-00928-00208696-00208879 methodologies being developed in oLiZsOjDGqc-00929-00208880-00209103 parallel and there was a realization oLiZsOjDGqc-00930-00209104-00209190 that oLiZsOjDGqc-00931-00209191-00209327 groups could actually come together and oLiZsOjDGqc-00932-00209328-00209534 do a better job and so we've been oLiZsOjDGqc-00933-00209535-00209734 working on this initiative called the oLiZsOjDGqc-00934-00209735-00209998 dbdp or the digital biomarker discovery oLiZsOjDGqc-00935-00210000-00210342 pipeline which is an online environment oLiZsOjDGqc-00936-00210344-00210439 that oLiZsOjDGqc-00937-00210440-00210727 aggregates open source software oLiZsOjDGqc-00938-00210728-00210927 algorithms data sets oLiZsOjDGqc-00939-00210928-00211271 and is working to develop best practices oLiZsOjDGqc-00940-00211271-00211382 for oLiZsOjDGqc-00941-00211383-00211591 developing new digital biomarkers and oLiZsOjDGqc-00942-00211592-00211855 evaluating them and so i'm just going to oLiZsOjDGqc-00943-00211856-00212091 throw this out there that you can go to oLiZsOjDGqc-00944-00212092-00212255 dbdp.org oLiZsOjDGqc-00945-00212256-00212415 and you can take a look this is actually oLiZsOjDGqc-00946-00212416-00212623 an older snapshot but oLiZsOjDGqc-00947-00212623-00212863 since since the snapshot we've added oLiZsOjDGqc-00948-00212864-00213039 more modules and actually oLiZsOjDGqc-00949-00213040-00213279 our hope is that the community continues oLiZsOjDGqc-00950-00213280-00213494 to come together and contributes more oLiZsOjDGqc-00951-00213496-00213791 and more modules to the dbdp oLiZsOjDGqc-00952-00213792-00214103 um right now this does require a level oLiZsOjDGqc-00953-00214104-00214334 of coding experience because all of the oLiZsOjDGqc-00954-00214335-00214567 digital biomarkers are written as code oLiZsOjDGqc-00955-00214567-00214798 modules on github but we do have some oLiZsOjDGqc-00956-00214800-00215006 really great documentation and resources oLiZsOjDGqc-00957-00215007-00215151 for people who are oLiZsOjDGqc-00958-00215152-00215279 new to oLiZsOjDGqc-00959-00215280-00215519 wearables or biomats or digital health oLiZsOjDGqc-00960-00215519-00215742 and want to figure out where to get oLiZsOjDGqc-00961-00215744-00215982 started um i highly recommend checking oLiZsOjDGqc-00962-00215983-00216271 out the user guide and and some of our oLiZsOjDGqc-00963-00216271-00216606 sort of um getting started guides to oLiZsOjDGqc-00964-00216607-00216903 understand where to begin and and how to oLiZsOjDGqc-00965-00216904-00217215 become hopefully a long-term contributor oLiZsOjDGqc-00966-00217216-00217423 um one of the other plugs that i'll push oLiZsOjDGqc-00967-00217423-00217694 here is as jen mentioned um there's a oLiZsOjDGqc-00968-00217696-00217958 huge need for work in privacy and oLiZsOjDGqc-00969-00217959-00218094 security oLiZsOjDGqc-00970-00218096-00218303 and that is an area where we really have oLiZsOjDGqc-00971-00218304-00218542 not done a lot and could really envision oLiZsOjDGqc-00972-00218544-00218758 some beautiful contributions oLiZsOjDGqc-00973-00218759-00218846 so oLiZsOjDGqc-00974-00218848-00219079 finally you know looking to the future oLiZsOjDGqc-00975-00219080-00219310 there's there are ever expanding options oLiZsOjDGqc-00976-00219311-00219534 of measurement for biomats um we have oLiZsOjDGqc-00977-00219535-00219839 smart textiles we have smart inc oLiZsOjDGqc-00978-00219840-00220142 um the ability to collect information oLiZsOjDGqc-00979-00220144-00220358 about our physiology and behaviors is oLiZsOjDGqc-00980-00220359-00220591 only going to increase as time goes on oLiZsOjDGqc-00981-00220592-00220831 so the hope is that this data gets used oLiZsOjDGqc-00982-00220832-00221127 for these four purposes um and and oLiZsOjDGqc-00983-00221128-00221358 nothing nefarious which is hopefully oLiZsOjDGqc-00984-00221359-00221687 what everyone here is working to ensure oLiZsOjDGqc-00985-00221688-00221894 um but leading to patient empowerment oLiZsOjDGqc-00986-00221896-00222094 precision therapies just-in-time oLiZsOjDGqc-00987-00222096-00222279 interventions and improved access to oLiZsOjDGqc-00988-00222280-00222375 care oLiZsOjDGqc-00989-00222376-00222606 so i'll pop this last slide on here just oLiZsOjDGqc-00990-00222607-00222831 to say thanks to lots of folks who oLiZsOjDGqc-00991-00222832-00222975 contributed to some of the work that i oLiZsOjDGqc-00992-00222976-00223127 showed today oLiZsOjDGqc-00993-00223128-00223391 and i will turn it back over to jen uh oLiZsOjDGqc-00994-00223392-00224167 for a nice wrap up oLiZsOjDGqc-00995-00224167-00224398 i had to do it at some point um i was oLiZsOjDGqc-00996-00224400-00224655 going to say that was terrific and um oLiZsOjDGqc-00997-00224656-00224782 i'm lucky enough to sort of see your oLiZsOjDGqc-00998-00224783-00224951 work up close often but to see it sort oLiZsOjDGqc-00999-00224952-00225110 of presented and see the body of work oLiZsOjDGqc-01000-00225111-00225351 you've done is absolutely phenomenal let oLiZsOjDGqc-01001-00225352-00225679 me go ahead and as you said round us out oLiZsOjDGqc-01002-00225680-00225967 with a few thoughts um oLiZsOjDGqc-01003-00225967-00226175 what you showed us jessalyn was that you oLiZsOjDGqc-01004-00226176-00226375 know these technologies the measurement oLiZsOjDGqc-01005-00226376-00226694 capabilities using digital tools are oLiZsOjDGqc-01006-00226696-00226942 um not only extraordinary but they're oLiZsOjDGqc-01007-00226944-00227063 actually oLiZsOjDGqc-01008-00227064-00227287 largely ready for prime time the science oLiZsOjDGqc-01009-00227288-00227423 is there oLiZsOjDGqc-01010-00227423-00227703 but i oLiZsOjDGqc-01011-00227704-00227910 i think this place is at a place as us oLiZsOjDGqc-01012-00227911-00228198 at a crossroads right how now we have oLiZsOjDGqc-01013-00228200-00228358 these new tools in the toolbox now we oLiZsOjDGqc-01014-00228359-00228591 have these capabilities how do we ensure oLiZsOjDGqc-01015-00228592-00228798 that we actually use them to improve oLiZsOjDGqc-01016-00228800-00229103 individuals care right do that um sort oLiZsOjDGqc-01017-00229104-00229406 of precision medicine um and not violate oLiZsOjDGqc-01018-00229407-00229591 individuals privacy how do we make sure oLiZsOjDGqc-01019-00229592-00229758 that we're taking a data-driven approach oLiZsOjDGqc-01020-00229759-00229934 to public health just like you showed us oLiZsOjDGqc-01021-00229935-00230127 jessalyn and make sure that we're not oLiZsOjDGqc-01022-00230128-00230319 just facilitating harmful surveillance oLiZsOjDGqc-01023-00230319-00230527 how do we make sure that we use these oLiZsOjDGqc-01024-00230528-00230646 tools oLiZsOjDGqc-01025-00230648-00230934 that can extend by place that can extend oLiZsOjDGqc-01026-00230935-00231158 by capabilities that can connect oLiZsOjDGqc-01027-00231159-00231342 clinicians and experts with patients oLiZsOjDGqc-01028-00231344-00231542 wherever they are people during their oLiZsOjDGqc-01029-00231544-00231775 daily lives and make sure that we use oLiZsOjDGqc-01030-00231776-00231942 that to improve access and improve oLiZsOjDGqc-01031-00231944-00232246 health equity and not just um sort of oLiZsOjDGqc-01032-00232248-00232558 exacerbate existing disparities oLiZsOjDGqc-01033-00232559-00233063 along the digital divide oLiZsOjDGqc-01034-00233064-00233231 and i think there are a few issues that oLiZsOjDGqc-01035-00233232-00233391 it's really important that we start to oLiZsOjDGqc-01036-00233392-00233598 address um some questions that we're oLiZsOjDGqc-01037-00233600-00233839 asking ourselves here at dime um that i oLiZsOjDGqc-01038-00233840-00234039 want to share with folks is you know oLiZsOjDGqc-01039-00234040-00234206 should we be thinking about broadband oLiZsOjDGqc-01040-00234207-00234439 access as a social determinant of health oLiZsOjDGqc-01041-00234440-00234663 we can see here a snapshot from the um oLiZsOjDGqc-01042-00234664-00234951 dartmouth atlas of help where you health oLiZsOjDGqc-01043-00234952-00235175 where you see red health is typically oLiZsOjDGqc-01044-00235176-00235391 better and where you see dark blue over oLiZsOjDGqc-01045-00235392-00235606 here we can see that broadband access is oLiZsOjDGqc-01046-00235607-00235742 much higher oLiZsOjDGqc-01047-00235744-00235942 these two areas correlate so if all we oLiZsOjDGqc-01048-00235944-00236119 do is roll these tools out to folks oLiZsOjDGqc-01049-00236119-00236271 where the technology infrastructure oLiZsOjDGqc-01050-00236271-00236423 already exists oLiZsOjDGqc-01051-00236423-00236639 we're simply helping the privileged few oLiZsOjDGqc-01052-00236640-00236887 rather than improving care for all oLiZsOjDGqc-01053-00236888-00237046 and this is something that extends well oLiZsOjDGqc-01054-00237048-00237367 beyond um sort of just broadband access oLiZsOjDGqc-01055-00237367-00237542 we have to think about other issues of oLiZsOjDGqc-01056-00237544-00237791 health equity digital literacy and other oLiZsOjDGqc-01057-00237792-00237967 social determinants of health and oLiZsOjDGqc-01058-00237967-00238175 there's a really terrific paper oLiZsOjDGqc-01059-00238176-00238271 that was published through a oLiZsOjDGqc-01060-00238271-00238455 collaboration between the ohio state oLiZsOjDGqc-01061-00238456-00238663 university and the national digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01062-00238664-00238887 inclusion alliance that i would highly oLiZsOjDGqc-01063-00238888-00239087 encourage everyone to take a look at the oLiZsOjDGqc-01064-00239088-00239246 link is here and it's absolutely oLiZsOjDGqc-01065-00239248-00239382 terrific oLiZsOjDGqc-01066-00239383-00239551 in our own work here at diamond oLiZsOjDGqc-01067-00239552-00239751 specifically through our collaborative oLiZsOjDGqc-01068-00239752-00240046 community data cc we're exploring the oLiZsOjDGqc-01069-00240048-00240310 idea of a new term we're thinking more oLiZsOjDGqc-01070-00240311-00240471 about less about sort of health oLiZsOjDGqc-01071-00240471-00240727 disparities it seems like a statement of oLiZsOjDGqc-01072-00240728-00240934 fact and trying to take us towards a oLiZsOjDGqc-01073-00240935-00241175 more action-oriented language let's oLiZsOjDGqc-01074-00241176-00241423 think more about digital inclusion let's oLiZsOjDGqc-01075-00241423-00241591 think you know and how that applies in oLiZsOjDGqc-01076-00241592-00241806 digital health measurement we would say oLiZsOjDGqc-01077-00241807-00241975 that it refers to activities and oLiZsOjDGqc-01078-00241976-00242206 practice throughout product development oLiZsOjDGqc-01079-00242207-00242351 deployment evaluation and oLiZsOjDGqc-01080-00242352-00242671 commercialization that are necessary not oLiZsOjDGqc-01081-00242671-00242958 optional but necessary to respond to the oLiZsOjDGqc-01082-00242959-00243191 needs of all populations oLiZsOjDGqc-01083-00243192-00243367 and to enable all individuals oLiZsOjDGqc-01084-00243367-00243575 communities to benefit from these oLiZsOjDGqc-01085-00243576-00243798 digital health measures again go back to oLiZsOjDGqc-01086-00243800-00243958 the power of these technologies that oLiZsOjDGqc-01087-00243959-00244206 jessalyn shared and think about how we oLiZsOjDGqc-01088-00244207-00244479 can um sort of deploy them oLiZsOjDGqc-01089-00244480-00244734 for everyone oLiZsOjDGqc-01090-00244735-00244934 data rights are increasingly important oLiZsOjDGqc-01091-00244935-00245158 we have to build trust in the health oLiZsOjDGqc-01092-00245159-00245319 data ecosystem and there's another oLiZsOjDGqc-01093-00245319-00245487 really terrific paper here around oLiZsOjDGqc-01094-00245488-00245734 privacy protections that encourage the oLiZsOjDGqc-01095-00245735-00245991 use of health relevant digital data oLiZsOjDGqc-01096-00245992-00246142 right and i think that's the other piece oLiZsOjDGqc-01097-00246144-00246423 too we are awash with data right now not oLiZsOjDGqc-01098-00246423-00246615 only are we making sure that these data oLiZsOjDGqc-01099-00246616-00246830 are being used to help not harm us how oLiZsOjDGqc-01100-00246831-00246991 are we making sure that we're not just oLiZsOjDGqc-01101-00246992-00247287 adding to the noise oLiZsOjDGqc-01102-00247288-00247487 there's a concept and actually we spoke oLiZsOjDGqc-01103-00247488-00247623 a little bit about this last year with oLiZsOjDGqc-01104-00247623-00247806 my colleague deanna mendelson you know oLiZsOjDGqc-01105-00247807-00248063 said if this idea of redefining patient oLiZsOjDGqc-01106-00248064-00248294 safety in the digital era and this is oLiZsOjDGqc-01107-00248296-00248423 something we've considered we've oLiZsOjDGqc-01108-00248423-00248687 continued to explore here at dime the oLiZsOjDGqc-01109-00248688-00248871 definition of patient safety i actually oLiZsOjDGqc-01110-00248871-00249030 think is excellent oLiZsOjDGqc-01111-00249031-00249215 but there are new kinds of harm there oLiZsOjDGqc-01112-00249216-00249446 are new kinds of risks and the oLiZsOjDGqc-01113-00249448-00249655 definition of safety is contingent on oLiZsOjDGqc-01114-00249656-00249919 sort of current knowledge of resources oLiZsOjDGqc-01115-00249919-00250094 available and the context in which care oLiZsOjDGqc-01116-00250096-00250382 is delivered well current knowledge is oLiZsOjDGqc-01117-00250383-00250655 limited in this interdisciplinary field oLiZsOjDGqc-01118-00250656-00250919 clinicians knowledge of cyber security oLiZsOjDGqc-01119-00250919-00251127 for example is limited we're not oLiZsOjDGqc-01120-00251128-00251294 collaborating well enough yet there oLiZsOjDGqc-01121-00251296-00251455 isn't sufficient knowledge sharing we oLiZsOjDGqc-01122-00251456-00251615 need to do much better at knowledge oLiZsOjDGqc-01123-00251616-00251927 exchange in forums like this um we need oLiZsOjDGqc-01124-00251928-00252055 to think about all of the different oLiZsOjDGqc-01125-00252056-00252287 resources available jessalyn mentioned oLiZsOjDGqc-01126-00252288-00252479 some we produce a lot of dime but oLiZsOjDGqc-01127-00252480-00252671 there's a lot of silos of resources oLiZsOjDGqc-01128-00252671-00252863 unfortunately we also need to think oLiZsOjDGqc-01129-00252864-00253094 about new context of care care isn't oLiZsOjDGqc-01130-00253096-00253310 always delivered in the clinic anymore oLiZsOjDGqc-01131-00253311-00253479 and that means the data isn't always oLiZsOjDGqc-01132-00253480-00253694 confined to a locked filing cabinet in oLiZsOjDGqc-01133-00253696-00253894 the clinic either there are all sorts of oLiZsOjDGqc-01134-00253896-00254079 harms that now exist and we want to make oLiZsOjDGqc-01135-00254080-00254263 sure that we reap all of the benefits of oLiZsOjDGqc-01136-00254264-00254494 digital clinical measures and limit oLiZsOjDGqc-01137-00254496-00254830 those harms as far as possible oLiZsOjDGqc-01138-00254831-00255006 there are other challenges around the oLiZsOjDGqc-01139-00255007-00255151 sort of um oLiZsOjDGqc-01140-00255152-00255351 lack of standardization the challenges oLiZsOjDGqc-01141-00255352-00255623 around integrating um these data into oLiZsOjDGqc-01142-00255623-00255798 the traditional clinical data sets oLiZsOjDGqc-01143-00255800-00256087 whether that's an edc an electronic data oLiZsOjDGqc-01144-00256088-00256294 capture system on the research side or oLiZsOjDGqc-01145-00256296-00256423 whether that's the electronic health oLiZsOjDGqc-01146-00256423-00256694 record on the care side oLiZsOjDGqc-01147-00256696-00256839 and perhaps one of the most important oLiZsOjDGqc-01148-00256840-00256991 things and something we focus on a lot oLiZsOjDGqc-01149-00256992-00257263 at dime is we have to build the digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01150-00257264-00257510 workforce necessary to actually support oLiZsOjDGqc-01151-00257511-00257630 the field oLiZsOjDGqc-01152-00257631-00257791 we have to think about this sort of big oLiZsOjDGqc-01153-00257792-00258030 tent thinking to make sure we have oLiZsOjDGqc-01154-00258031-00258271 all of the technical skills necessary oLiZsOjDGqc-01155-00258271-00258430 alongside the traditional clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-01156-00258431-00258671 competencies and importantly be making oLiZsOjDGqc-01157-00258671-00258863 sure that we're now attentive to the oLiZsOjDGqc-01158-00258864-00259063 patients we're all here to serve oLiZsOjDGqc-01159-00259064-00259239 this emerging and sort of group of oLiZsOjDGqc-01160-00259240-00259463 powerful citizen scientists and oLiZsOjDGqc-01161-00259464-00259639 ethicists are pretty and critically oLiZsOjDGqc-01162-00259640-00259855 important in all of this work oLiZsOjDGqc-01163-00259856-00260030 we need to think about how we're oLiZsOjDGqc-01164-00260031-00260206 actually training the next generation oLiZsOjDGqc-01165-00260207-00260398 intentionally we can't hope is not a oLiZsOjDGqc-01166-00260400-00260575 strategy we really need to start oLiZsOjDGqc-01167-00260576-00260687 upstream oLiZsOjDGqc-01168-00260688-00260871 with the future workforce and we need to oLiZsOjDGqc-01169-00260871-00261079 do some re-scaling retooling of the oLiZsOjDGqc-01170-00261080-00261255 current workforce oLiZsOjDGqc-01171-00261256-00261471 and perhaps you know most importantly as oLiZsOjDGqc-01172-00261471-00261615 we think about making sure we're oLiZsOjDGqc-01173-00261616-00261798 ameliorating as far as possible health oLiZsOjDGqc-01174-00261800-00262039 disparities we have to have a commitment oLiZsOjDGqc-01175-00262040-00262223 to diversity in this workforce that goes oLiZsOjDGqc-01176-00262224-00262463 beyond just lip service on the technical oLiZsOjDGqc-01177-00262464-00262615 side of the shop on the clinical side of oLiZsOjDGqc-01178-00262616-00262782 the shop these workforces are not oLiZsOjDGqc-01179-00262783-00262958 terribly representative of the patients oLiZsOjDGqc-01180-00262959-00263199 we serve right now we have to make sure oLiZsOjDGqc-01181-00263200-00263415 as we combine them we improve that not oLiZsOjDGqc-01182-00263416-00263639 exacerbate um there's a sort of lack of oLiZsOjDGqc-01183-00263640-00263879 representation in the experts who are oLiZsOjDGqc-01184-00263880-00264063 working to develop digital health as a oLiZsOjDGqc-01185-00264064-00264382 field oLiZsOjDGqc-01186-00264383-00264543 i wanted to talk a little bit and the oLiZsOjDGqc-01187-00264544-00264727 last piece of data i'll present was from oLiZsOjDGqc-01188-00264728-00264975 an enormous collaboration that jessalyn oLiZsOjDGqc-01189-00264976-00265143 and the lab were part of and that we oLiZsOjDGqc-01190-00265144-00265351 were lucky enough to host the digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01191-00265352-00265630 clinical measures playbook um really oLiZsOjDGqc-01192-00265631-00265943 this is the essential guide for um sort oLiZsOjDGqc-01193-00265944-00266255 of the uh development and successful oLiZsOjDGqc-01194-00266256-00266455 development and deployment of digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01195-00266456-00266710 clinical measures across public health oLiZsOjDGqc-01196-00266711-00266982 across clinical care and across research oLiZsOjDGqc-01197-00266983-00267287 um and oLiZsOjDGqc-01198-00267288-00267527 what we sort of uh what we came up with oLiZsOjDGqc-01199-00267528-00267782 was a several hundred slide playbook oLiZsOjDGqc-01200-00267783-00268039 that gets into every facet of thinking oLiZsOjDGqc-01201-00268040-00268287 about these measures from the sort of uh oLiZsOjDGqc-01202-00268288-00268519 sort of the v3 process that just uh oLiZsOjDGqc-01203-00268520-00268719 jessalyn mentioned um all the way oLiZsOjDGqc-01204-00268720-00268967 through to the ethical considerations oLiZsOjDGqc-01205-00268968-00269182 variety of different uh operational and oLiZsOjDGqc-01206-00269183-00269399 technical issues in between we really oLiZsOjDGqc-01207-00269400-00269582 dive into this oLiZsOjDGqc-01208-00269583-00269851 there are um also oLiZsOjDGqc-01209-00269852-00270191 110 i believe action-oriented tools from oLiZsOjDGqc-01210-00270192-00270358 educational curricular all the way oLiZsOjDGqc-01211-00270359-00270510 through to checklists and toolkits that oLiZsOjDGqc-01212-00270511-00270743 i encourage you to take a look at oLiZsOjDGqc-01213-00270744-00270943 and we also did some work really oLiZsOjDGqc-01214-00270944-00271158 thinking about the key archetypes the oLiZsOjDGqc-01215-00271159-00271358 key experts who need to be involved in oLiZsOjDGqc-01216-00271359-00271606 this process for it to be successful oLiZsOjDGqc-01217-00271607-00271806 we recognize that our academic oLiZsOjDGqc-01218-00271807-00272023 colleagues were a particularly important oLiZsOjDGqc-01219-00272024-00272167 cohort oLiZsOjDGqc-01220-00272168-00272351 in advancing the field of digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01221-00272352-00272543 clinical measures and making sure that oLiZsOjDGqc-01222-00272544-00272719 not only as we develop them but we oLiZsOjDGqc-01223-00272720-00272934 deploy them we can be confident that oLiZsOjDGqc-01224-00272935-00273127 they are trustworthy oLiZsOjDGqc-01225-00273128-00273351 um and so really there's some oLiZsOjDGqc-01226-00273352-00273543 fascinating data that i want to share in oLiZsOjDGqc-01227-00273544-00273751 closing this is data extracted from a oLiZsOjDGqc-01228-00273752-00274127 pre-print um currently um in a uh oLiZsOjDGqc-01229-00274128-00274310 gemma the journal of medical internet oLiZsOjDGqc-01230-00274311-00274430 research oLiZsOjDGqc-01231-00274431-00274687 and what you can see is the kind of work oLiZsOjDGqc-01232-00274688-00274847 that jessalyn discussed around oLiZsOjDGqc-01233-00274848-00275047 verification analytical validation oLiZsOjDGqc-01234-00275048-00275334 clinical validation that sort of um that oLiZsOjDGqc-01235-00275335-00275527 piece of the tech stack oLiZsOjDGqc-01236-00275528-00275710 they're doing great work there oLiZsOjDGqc-01237-00275711-00275879 importantly we're doing the work to make oLiZsOjDGqc-01238-00275880-00276006 sure that we're measuring things that oLiZsOjDGqc-01239-00276007-00276255 matter we're starting to get oLiZsOjDGqc-01240-00276256-00276439 sophisticated around how we oLiZsOjDGqc-01241-00276440-00276743 operationally um sort of deploy these oLiZsOjDGqc-01242-00276744-00276967 but there are some frankly alarming gaps oLiZsOjDGqc-01243-00276968-00277255 when we look at the last two years oLiZsOjDGqc-01244-00277256-00277455 of published literature oLiZsOjDGqc-01245-00277456-00277703 by academic researchers oLiZsOjDGqc-01246-00277704-00277982 as we can tie um security research oLiZsOjDGqc-01247-00277983-00278143 specifically to digital clinical oLiZsOjDGqc-01248-00278144-00278375 measures there was one study there was oLiZsOjDGqc-01249-00278376-00278615 only one published study really diving oLiZsOjDGqc-01250-00278616-00278758 into issues of data rights and oLiZsOjDGqc-01251-00278759-00279015 governance there was not a single paper oLiZsOjDGqc-01252-00279016-00279158 examining oLiZsOjDGqc-01253-00279159-00279358 their ethics of advancing these digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01254-00279359-00279671 clinical measures we also saw a death of oLiZsOjDGqc-01255-00279672-00279895 work trying to establish standards there oLiZsOjDGqc-01256-00279896-00280055 was limited work ensuring that these oLiZsOjDGqc-01257-00280056-00280263 things are economically feasible oLiZsOjDGqc-01258-00280264-00280415 and when we think about the operations oLiZsOjDGqc-01259-00280416-00280647 of deploying this in care vis-a-vis oLiZsOjDGqc-01260-00280648-00280887 research we saw that that was a lagging oLiZsOjDGqc-01261-00280888-00281095 um sort of indicator too and if we think oLiZsOjDGqc-01262-00281096-00281271 back to how these measures are being oLiZsOjDGqc-01263-00281272-00281406 used in care right now without oLiZsOjDGqc-01264-00281407-00281663 reorganizing the workflow that shouldn't oLiZsOjDGqc-01265-00281664-00281927 be terribly surprising oLiZsOjDGqc-01266-00281928-00282151 and the last slide um before we close oLiZsOjDGqc-01267-00282152-00282310 out and i think that this gives us a oLiZsOjDGqc-01268-00282311-00282534 real call to action here is how are oLiZsOjDGqc-01269-00282535-00282703 these studies that are published how is oLiZsOjDGqc-01270-00282704-00282879 this research in the field of digital oLiZsOjDGqc-01271-00282880-00283087 clinical measures being funded oLiZsOjDGqc-01272-00283088-00283247 we can see that oLiZsOjDGqc-01273-00283248-00283463 there is robust government funding most oLiZsOjDGqc-01274-00283464-00283655 of it is going into operations of oLiZsOjDGqc-01275-00283656-00283879 research but we can see that government oLiZsOjDGqc-01276-00283880-00284223 funding is supporting these areas of v3 oLiZsOjDGqc-01277-00284224-00284487 and identifying measures that matter oLiZsOjDGqc-01278-00284488-00284623 however oLiZsOjDGqc-01279-00284624-00284791 they are not supporting them in quite oLiZsOjDGqc-01280-00284792-00284967 the same way as we see other areas of oLiZsOjDGqc-01281-00284968-00285158 sort of medical research we're relying oLiZsOjDGqc-01282-00285159-00285430 heavily on independent foundations and oLiZsOjDGqc-01283-00285431-00285695 also on the hard work of academic oLiZsOjDGqc-01284-00285696-00285903 colleagues and labs like jessalyn to oLiZsOjDGqc-01285-00285904-00286079 find the resources internally from oLiZsOjDGqc-01286-00286080-00286367 investigative funds to do this work oLiZsOjDGqc-01287-00286368-00286623 we can see that 100 of the security oLiZsOjDGqc-01288-00286624-00286767 research is government funded but when oLiZsOjDGqc-01289-00286768-00286991 that's in one study that's not enough oLiZsOjDGqc-01290-00286992-00287254 it's critically important that we see oLiZsOjDGqc-01291-00287255-00287558 funding agencies start to identify oLiZsOjDGqc-01292-00287559-00287815 how important it is that we move to plug oLiZsOjDGqc-01293-00287816-00288127 this gap quickly we need to start having oLiZsOjDGqc-01294-00288128-00288310 requests for applications for grant oLiZsOjDGqc-01295-00288311-00288567 funding that address security that oLiZsOjDGqc-01296-00288568-00288727 address data rights and governance and oLiZsOjDGqc-01297-00288728-00288934 that address ethics and until we get to oLiZsOjDGqc-01298-00288935-00289054 that point oLiZsOjDGqc-01299-00289055-00289279 the promise of this field to deliver on oLiZsOjDGqc-01300-00289280-00289430 everything it can bring to improve oLiZsOjDGqc-01301-00289431-00289639 health and health equity is going to be oLiZsOjDGqc-01302-00289640-00289863 limited by these risks oLiZsOjDGqc-01303-00289864-00290063 so with that that's why jocelyn and i oLiZsOjDGqc-01304-00290064-00290230 have been so excited to come and join oLiZsOjDGqc-01305-00290231-00290415 you today this field is absolutely oLiZsOjDGqc-01306-00290416-00290623 mission critical to take all of this to oLiZsOjDGqc-01307-00290624-00290887 scale so with that i'll stop sharing i'm oLiZsOjDGqc-01308-00290888-00291103 about to get the sun right in my eyes i oLiZsOjDGqc-01309-00291104-00291279 can see it setting it's i'm about to go oLiZsOjDGqc-01310-00291280-00291519 blind so the timing is perfect thank you oLiZsOjDGqc-01311-00291520-00291695 so much for having us jessalyn would you oLiZsOjDGqc-01312-00291696-00291943 like to close out with any final remarks oLiZsOjDGqc-01313-00291944-00292254 oh this was great um thank you for this oLiZsOjDGqc-01314-00292255-00292454 community and hopefully this inspired oLiZsOjDGqc-01315-00292455-00292534 some oLiZsOjDGqc-01316-00292535-00292775 um some interest in this work because oLiZsOjDGqc-01317-00292776-00292991 there's a lot that's needed oLiZsOjDGqc-01318-00292992-00293110 thanks oLiZsOjDGqc-01319-00293111-00293411 fantastic oS3mMDIigJ0-00000-00000679-00001119 ruth phone call oS3mMDIigJ0-00001-00001120-00001447 hello oS3mMDIigJ0-00002-00001448-00001887 hello oS3mMDIigJ0-00003-00001888-00002170 you're gonna pay for what you did oS3mMDIigJ0-00004-00002171-00002550 [Music] oS3mMDIigJ0-00005-00002551-00002815 i was in prison oS3mMDIigJ0-00006-00002816-00003055 i just got out oS3mMDIigJ0-00007-00003056-00003335 i was there for 20 years oS3mMDIigJ0-00008-00003336-00004422 for what oS3mMDIigJ0-00009-00004423-00004582 this accent oS3mMDIigJ0-00010-00004583-00005318 [Music] oS3mMDIigJ0-00011-00005319-00005511 does your release alter the terms of oS3mMDIigJ0-00012-00005512-00005670 your no contact order you don't have to oS3mMDIigJ0-00013-00005671-00005951 give me a speech i'm looking for katie oS3mMDIigJ0-00014-00005952-00006238 she's my little sister i raised her oS3mMDIigJ0-00015-00006239-00006383 okay next time don't drag me through oS3mMDIigJ0-00016-00006384-00006534 three bus transfers to tell me something oS3mMDIigJ0-00017-00006536-00006752 you already know oS3mMDIigJ0-00018-00006753-00006910 [Music] oS3mMDIigJ0-00019-00006911-00007039 john oS3mMDIigJ0-00020-00007040-00007263 there's a woman in the front yard can i oS3mMDIigJ0-00021-00007264-00007439 help you with something oS3mMDIigJ0-00022-00007440-00007639 if you're a lawyer oS3mMDIigJ0-00023-00007640-00007870 what would catherine gain by meeting her oS3mMDIigJ0-00024-00007872-00008014 now oS3mMDIigJ0-00025-00008015-00008191 i wonder all the time oS3mMDIigJ0-00026-00008192-00008391 what she looks like oS3mMDIigJ0-00027-00008392-00008551 when she became oS3mMDIigJ0-00028-00008552-00008871 your life starts here now not 20 years oS3mMDIigJ0-00029-00008872-00008934 ago oS3mMDIigJ0-00030-00008935-00009046 [Music] oS3mMDIigJ0-00031-00009047-00009246 she did her time she killed somebody in oS3mMDIigJ0-00032-00009247-00009414 cold blood oS3mMDIigJ0-00033-00009415-00009583 if that were any of your black sons who oS3mMDIigJ0-00034-00009584-00009710 had been in this system they would be oS3mMDIigJ0-00035-00009711-00009806 dead oS3mMDIigJ0-00036-00009807-00010006 she walks around like it never happened oS3mMDIigJ0-00037-00010007-00010206 no you tell me if that's fair you got to oS3mMDIigJ0-00038-00010207-00010374 be a convict wherever i go no you're a oS3mMDIigJ0-00039-00010375-00010695 cop killer everywhere you go oS3mMDIigJ0-00040-00010696-00010791 okay oS3mMDIigJ0-00041-00010792-00010942 just stop you're not oS3mMDIigJ0-00042-00010943-00011231 good oS3mMDIigJ0-00043-00011232-00011463 don't treat me like i don't exist tell oS3mMDIigJ0-00044-00011464-00012287 her about me oS3mMDIigJ0-00045-00012288-00012470 pretend this is about her yes i was oS3mMDIigJ0-00046-00012471-00013038 protecting her you are not a victim oS3mMDIigJ0-00047-00013039-00013247 i don't quit oS3mMDIigJ0-00048-00013247-00013576 i don't katie oS3mMDIigJ0-00049-00013577-00015358 [Music] oS3mMDIigJ0-00050-00015359-00015568 you oToxnABB9K8-00000-00000000-00000179 get ready for some action-packed Demon oToxnABB9K8-00001-00000180-00000323 Slayer goodness as the swordsmith oToxnABB9K8-00002-00000324-00000515 village Arc finally makes its debut in oToxnABB9K8-00003-00000516-00000707 the latest season of anime oToxnABB9K8-00004-00000708-00000923 season 3 episode 1 starts off right oToxnABB9K8-00005-00000924-00001139 where we left off with tanjiro and his oToxnABB9K8-00006-00001140-00001307 gang successfully defeating the Demonic oToxnABB9K8-00007-00001308-00001523 siblings daki and jitaro oToxnABB9K8-00008-00001524-00001697 but there's no rest for the wicked as oToxnABB9K8-00009-00001698-00001859 musin summons the rest of the upper oToxnABB9K8-00010-00001860-00002021 moons to Infinity Castle to discuss oToxnABB9K8-00011-00002022-00002171 their next moves oToxnABB9K8-00012-00002172-00002363 the Dynamics between the upper demons oToxnABB9K8-00013-00002364-00002525 are nothing short of interesting with oToxnABB9K8-00014-00002526-00002675 each member showcasing their unique oToxnABB9K8-00015-00002676-00002891 personalities and motivations oToxnABB9K8-00016-00002892-00003149 upper Moon 2 Doma tries to show oToxnABB9K8-00017-00003150-00003413 affection towards upper Moon 3 akaza by oToxnABB9K8-00018-00003414-00003593 placing his hand on his shoulder but the oToxnABB9K8-00019-00003594-00003767 tattooed demon is having none of it and oToxnABB9K8-00020-00003768-00004025 delivers a powerful punch to doma's face oToxnABB9K8-00021-00004026-00004193 the tension between the demons only oToxnABB9K8-00022-00004194-00004361 continues to rise as they discuss the oToxnABB9K8-00023-00004362-00004553 recent events with musin announcing the oToxnABB9K8-00024-00004554-00004769 arrival of the higher rank 1 demon much oToxnABB9K8-00025-00004770-00004961 to a cause of surprise oToxnABB9K8-00026-00004962-00005195 despite the news of jutaro's death the oToxnABB9K8-00027-00005196-00005369 upper moons are surprisingly calm and oToxnABB9K8-00028-00005370-00005554 collected with Doma expressing regret oToxnABB9K8-00029-00005555-00005717 over his failure and wondering what oToxnABB9K8-00030-00005718-00005915 punishment Museum would impose oToxnABB9K8-00031-00005916-00006154 however the legendary demon surprises oToxnABB9K8-00032-00006155-00006304 them all by rejecting any form of oToxnABB9K8-00033-00006305-00006503 penalty and instead demanding that they oToxnABB9K8-00034-00006504-00006719 all focus on their respective missions oToxnABB9K8-00035-00006720-00006959 meanwhile tanjiro wakes up to find his oToxnABB9K8-00036-00006959-00007192 sword broken and is comrades gone oToxnABB9K8-00037-00007193-00007414 to make matters worse he's informed that oToxnABB9K8-00038-00007415-00007601 he needs to visit the elusive swordsmith oToxnABB9K8-00039-00007602-00007733 Village and find the legendary oToxnABB9K8-00040-00007734-00007931 swordmaker hataru oToxnABB9K8-00041-00007931-00008123 security is of utmost importance in the oToxnABB9K8-00042-00008123-00008333 village so tanjiro is blindfolded and oToxnABB9K8-00043-00008334-00008446 carried there oToxnABB9K8-00044-00008447-00008633 as soon as he enters the village he's oToxnABB9K8-00045-00008634-00008801 created by the pleasant Aroma of hot oToxnABB9K8-00046-00008802-00008933 springs and the chief of the village oToxnABB9K8-00047-00008934-00009113 Tekken who's known as the best oToxnABB9K8-00048-00009114-00009310 swordsmyth in the community oToxnABB9K8-00049-00009311-00009473 while waiting for ataru to return oToxnABB9K8-00050-00009474-00009755 tanjiro runs into the lafashira mitsuri oToxnABB9K8-00051-00009756-00009977 kenroji who's taking a bath in a nearby oToxnABB9K8-00052-00009978-00010073 spring oToxnABB9K8-00053-00010074-00010295 mitsuri is intrigued by tanjiro's oToxnABB9K8-00054-00010296-00010439 presence and Strikes up a conversation oToxnABB9K8-00055-00010440-00010535 with him oToxnABB9K8-00056-00010536-00010751 as they talk tanjiro discovers that oToxnABB9K8-00057-00010752-00010937 mitsuri joined the Demon Slayer Corps oToxnABB9K8-00058-00010938-00011074 because she wanted to marry a man who oToxnABB9K8-00059-00011075-00011219 could defend her and be stronger than oToxnABB9K8-00060-00011220-00011296 her oToxnABB9K8-00061-00011297-00011542 in the meantime Jenny shinazugawa the oToxnABB9K8-00062-00011543-00011728 younger brother of the wind hashira San oToxnABB9K8-00063-00011729-00011963 Emi appears and refuses to engage in a oToxnABB9K8-00064-00011964-00012149 conversation with tanjiro oToxnABB9K8-00065-00012150-00012371 the episode ends with tanjiro searching oToxnABB9K8-00066-00012372-00012551 for ataru in the forest and running into oToxnABB9K8-00067-00012552-00012719 two people one of whom is the Miss oToxnABB9K8-00068-00012720-00012941 Tashira muchiro taquito oToxnABB9K8-00069-00012941-00013127 The swordsmith Village Arc is just oToxnABB9K8-00070-00013128-00013294 getting started and we can't wait to see oToxnABB9K8-00071-00013295-00013433 what happens next oToxnABB9K8-00072-00013434-00013666 for watching drop a comment below and oToxnABB9K8-00073-00013668-00013775 let us know what you thought of the oToxnABB9K8-00074-00013776-00013877 episode oToxnABB9K8-00075-00013878-00014080 and don't forget to like share and oToxnABB9K8-00076-00014081-00014230 subscribe for more thrilling Demon oToxnABB9K8-00077-00014231-00014497 Slayer content oTeRlhkqZFu-00000-00001508-00002308 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00001-00002309-00002734 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00002-00002735-00003177 oh oTeRlhkqZFu-00003-00003178-00004119 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00004-00004120-00004597 why are you keeping me oTeRlhkqZFu-00005-00004598-00005943 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00006-00005944-00006651 why are you keeping me oTeRlhkqZFu-00007-00006652-00008830 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00008-00008831-00009741 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00009-00009742-00011177 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00010-00011178-00012387 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00011-00012388-00014699 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00012-00014700-00015499 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00013-00015500-00016127 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00014-00016128-00016369 uh oTeRlhkqZFu-00015-00016369-00017303 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00016-00017304-00017791 why are you keeping me oTeRlhkqZFu-00017-00017792-00019135 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00018-00019136-00019842 why are you keeping me oTeRlhkqZFu-00019-00019843-00022021 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00020-00022022-00022933 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00021-00022934-00024999 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00022-00025000-00025799 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00023-00025800-00027399 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00024-00027400-00027649 so oTeRlhkqZFu-00025-00027650-00028449 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00026-00028450-00028887 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00027-00028888-00029319 oh oTeRlhkqZFu-00028-00029320-00030255 [Music] oTeRlhkqZFu-00029-00030256-00030739 why are you keeping me oTeRlhkqZFu-00031-00033784-00033991 you oUnd4X4_Bcy-00000-00000102-00001002 [Music] oUnd4X4_Bcy-00001-00001002-00001491 [Music] oUnd4X4_Bcy-00002-00001492-00001735 wow oUnd4X4_Bcy-00003-00001736-00002883 [Music] oUnd4X4_Bcy-00004-00002884-00002996 so oUnd4X4_Bcy-00006-00007111-00008033 bye oUnd4X4_Bcy-00007-00008034-00009883 [Music] oUnd4X4_Bcy-00008-00009884-00010310 so oUnd4X4_Bcy-00009-00010311-00012783 [Music] oUnd4X4_Bcy-00010-00012784-00012991 you oXj4fcNztJc-00000-00000351-00000802 [Music] oXj4fcNztJc-00001-00000802-00001124 tatemiya Danny Kaleo use of some zombies oXj4fcNztJc-00002-00001125-00001343 so you do some song Charlotte made me oXj4fcNztJc-00003-00001344-00001514 people oh no I'm a look at his couch I'm oXj4fcNztJc-00004-00001515-00001780 up your piace Molly Umar Khalid cannot oXj4fcNztJc-00005-00001782-00002051 look down town I looked here Carla look oXj4fcNztJc-00006-00002052-00002342 up tomorrow t isn't so not sappy rock oXj4fcNztJc-00007-00002343-00002570 Tim be like God Kelly called me a few oXj4fcNztJc-00008-00002571-00002827 moutoku gulabi tomorrow lulara people to oXj4fcNztJc-00009-00002828-00003032 Prudhoe Bay mankind is reacting with oXj4fcNztJc-00010-00003033-00003311 culo be sorry tomorrow d arienzo a team oXj4fcNztJc-00011-00003311-00003575 up to be rah rah can I sleep at a map de oXj4fcNztJc-00012-00003576-00003904 vive clearly local O'Meara to Tia Obama oXj4fcNztJc-00013-00003905-00004175 Saguaro CLE ha my click copy Oh oXj4fcNztJc-00014-00004176-00004429 Pinocchio lady de Romandie a oXj4fcNztJc-00015-00004430-00004688 metacognitive literature tomorrow D oXj4fcNztJc-00016-00004689-00004913 appeal might be like a Bloody Mary me oXj4fcNztJc-00017-00004914-00005222 the tally Malita the Tai Chi sir Magglio oXj4fcNztJc-00018-00005223-00005540 panic after lady to Lodi Ella go to tea oXj4fcNztJc-00019-00005541-00005900 out tomorrow Yami notice check ro du chí oXj4fcNztJc-00020-00005901-00006154 minh like tally eliminated Ali a oXj4fcNztJc-00021-00006155-00006472 tertiary chitara too soupy lima any oXj4fcNztJc-00022-00006473-00006794 sudhi tomorrow chanita a petty male oXj4fcNztJc-00023-00006795-00007139 clearly achieve illusion male chimney oXj4fcNztJc-00024-00007140-00007339 Tunisia Maru social permit tomorrow - oXj4fcNztJc-00025-00007340-00007583 suvamay Atacama Caleo pecan EEPROM a oXj4fcNztJc-00026-00007584-00007939 Paulina me that I am a mere town de la oXj4fcNztJc-00027-00007940-00008314 propiedad wretched re so below Chico oXj4fcNztJc-00028-00008315-00008666 pure Obama a Cheney piaba me today no oXj4fcNztJc-00029-00008667-00009020 Takata lead oh irani a to do a beer oXj4fcNztJc-00030-00009021-00009324 or tequila Morrow to lo tiene Basilio oXj4fcNztJc-00031-00009325-00009489 Mohammed oXj4fcNztJc-00032-00009490-00009785 angelonia AutoTrack MSOE a Tyrone a oXj4fcNztJc-00033-00009786-00010145 social game is sooo yeah Callie t come oXj4fcNztJc-00034-00010146-00010396 near to Allah Ta'ala believe me come oXj4fcNztJc-00035-00010397-00010599 near to Allah oXj4fcNztJc-00036-00010600-00010859 da-da-da-da-da Bellini McCarney Amulya oXj4fcNztJc-00037-00010860-00011117 away much young happy county optimally a oXj4fcNztJc-00038-00011118-00011335 procrastinator be cognitive earlier the oXj4fcNztJc-00039-00011336-00011927 same meter Center Pahlavi Michelle oXj4fcNztJc-00040-00011928-00012381 seafoam caring for will be oXyaQ3tSC4g-00000-00001359-00001582 hello and welcome back to railroads oXyaQ3tSC4g-00001-00001583-00001959 adventures if you've only just joined oXyaQ3tSC4g-00002-00001960-00002134 please hit that subscribe button as oXyaQ3tSC4g-00003-00002135-00002342 that'll really help support what we're oXyaQ3tSC4g-00004-00002343-00002599 doing and hit notification bell and give oXyaQ3tSC4g-00005-00002600-00002775 us a thumbs up oXyaQ3tSC4g-00006-00002776-00002895 today oXyaQ3tSC4g-00007-00002896-00003247 we have shelley with us hi y'all oXyaQ3tSC4g-00008-00003247-00003647 as she enjoys art and where we are today oXyaQ3tSC4g-00009-00003647-00003927 we have a lot of art so we brought her oXyaQ3tSC4g-00010-00003928-00004079 along oXyaQ3tSC4g-00011-00004079-00004415 today we are visiting the what's gallery oXyaQ3tSC4g-00012-00004416-00004735 to share what to expect before visiting oXyaQ3tSC4g-00013-00004736-00005086 we have bought the mobility scooter with oXyaQ3tSC4g-00014-00005087-00005318 us because we weren't too sure how big oXyaQ3tSC4g-00015-00005319-00005422 it would be oXyaQ3tSC4g-00016-00005423-00005711 and because we both have this invisible oXyaQ3tSC4g-00017-00005712-00006006 disabilities we both have a scooter oXyaQ3tSC4g-00018-00006007-00006231 and the first time cheryl is driven a oXyaQ3tSC4g-00019-00006232-00006446 mobility scooter oXyaQ3tSC4g-00020-00006447-00006767 so it will be fun we'll be sharing lots oXyaQ3tSC4g-00021-00006768-00006991 of little videos as we go around we'll oXyaQ3tSC4g-00022-00006992-00007246 also be sharing information oXyaQ3tSC4g-00023-00007247-00007470 as we go around as well that will be oXyaQ3tSC4g-00024-00007472-00007719 quoted from the website so we give you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00025-00007720-00007942 the right information oXyaQ3tSC4g-00026-00007943-00008287 so enough talking and let's go and see oXyaQ3tSC4g-00027-00008288-00010039 what we can find oXyaQ3tSC4g-00028-00010040-00010271 hello and welcome to watts artist oXyaQ3tSC4g-00029-00010272-00010367 village oXyaQ3tSC4g-00030-00010368-00010663 my name is celia i'm one of the stewards oXyaQ3tSC4g-00031-00010664-00010910 and duty managers here at the site oXyaQ3tSC4g-00032-00010911-00011023 i'll tell you a little bit more about oXyaQ3tSC4g-00033-00011024-00011214 what you can see here oXyaQ3tSC4g-00034-00011215-00011431 primarily we have the historic galleries oXyaQ3tSC4g-00035-00011432-00011623 which celebrates the work of george oXyaQ3tSC4g-00036-00011624-00011759 frederick watts oXyaQ3tSC4g-00037-00011760-00012103 an amazing victorian painter who painted oXyaQ3tSC4g-00038-00012104-00012278 the great and the good so we have a lot oXyaQ3tSC4g-00039-00012279-00012559 of portraits here but also a lot of oXyaQ3tSC4g-00040-00012560-00012783 political and symbolic work which is oXyaQ3tSC4g-00041-00012784-00013094 absolutely fascinating to find out about oXyaQ3tSC4g-00042-00013095-00013286 while you're here you get to visit his oXyaQ3tSC4g-00043-00013287-00013558 house and studios and find out about his oXyaQ3tSC4g-00044-00013559-00013855 wife mary watts who was a artist in her oXyaQ3tSC4g-00045-00013856-00014063 own right and also an incredible oXyaQ3tSC4g-00046-00014063-00014230 ceramicist oXyaQ3tSC4g-00047-00014231-00014391 it was down to her that we have the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00048-00014391-00014671 watts chapel in compton oXyaQ3tSC4g-00049-00014672-00014822 which is just down the road which you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00050-00014823-00015071 can visit while you're here oXyaQ3tSC4g-00051-00015072-00015479 the chapel was made by many local oXyaQ3tSC4g-00052-00015480-00015743 people who came to work with mary to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00053-00015744-00016063 create the very unique interior and oXyaQ3tSC4g-00054-00016063-00016279 exterior oXyaQ3tSC4g-00055-00016280-00016486 finally we have our shop tea room and oXyaQ3tSC4g-00056-00016487-00016719 contemporary gallery which you can enjoy oXyaQ3tSC4g-00057-00016720-00016911 all free of charge oXyaQ3tSC4g-00058-00016912-00017094 if you want to come and just walk in the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00059-00017095-00017391 woodlands in the surrounding area oXyaQ3tSC4g-00060-00017392-00017711 we hope to welcome you one day soon oXyaQ3tSC4g-00061-00017712-00017958 and this piece of artwork charlie's oXyaQ3tSC4g-00062-00017959-00018150 going to tell you a little bit about it oXyaQ3tSC4g-00063-00018151-00018399 it happens to be the daughters of fear oXyaQ3tSC4g-00064-00018400-00018599 is an artwork to celebrate women's oXyaQ3tSC4g-00065-00018600-00018886 relationship to the moon oXyaQ3tSC4g-00066-00018887-00019199 the work comprises of 84 ceramic oXyaQ3tSC4g-00067-00019200-00019511 goddesses individually made with the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00068-00019512-00020393 help of invited artists and friends oXyaQ3tSC4g-00071-00030202-00031799 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00072-00031800-00032158 do oXyaQ3tSC4g-00074-00035244-00037127 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00075-00037128-00037343 we are now standing at the chapel mary oXyaQ3tSC4g-00076-00037344-00037590 watts was the artist oXyaQ3tSC4g-00077-00037591-00037871 artistic force behind the creation of oXyaQ3tSC4g-00078-00037872-00038174 what chapel and she dedicated it to the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00079-00038175-00038487 loving memory of all who find rest near oXyaQ3tSC4g-00080-00038488-00038702 the walls and for the comfort and the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00081-00038703-00039015 help of those to whom the sorrow of oXyaQ3tSC4g-00082-00039016-00039223 separation remains oXyaQ3tSC4g-00083-00039224-00039583 george and mary watts both rest in watts oXyaQ3tSC4g-00084-00039584-00039871 cemetery as do many other people who oXyaQ3tSC4g-00085-00039872-00040143 have played a role in the artists oXyaQ3tSC4g-00086-00040144-00040374 village over the years oXyaQ3tSC4g-00087-00040375-00040483 in oXyaQ3tSC4g-00088-00040484-00040935 1895 mary began to run evening classes oXyaQ3tSC4g-00089-00040936-00041111 doing terracotta oXyaQ3tSC4g-00090-00041112-00041358 at lemonsley oXyaQ3tSC4g-00091-00041359-00041511 the waters oXyaQ3tSC4g-00092-00041512-00041879 nearby residence and studio at these oXyaQ3tSC4g-00093-00041880-00042190 classes mary would teach local villagers oXyaQ3tSC4g-00094-00042191-00042479 how to model tiles from local terracotta oXyaQ3tSC4g-00095-00042480-00042646 clay oXyaQ3tSC4g-00096-00042647-00042902 with the beautiful and symbolic patterns oXyaQ3tSC4g-00097-00042903-00043190 that she had designed to decorate the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00098-00043191-00043483 walls of the chapel george watts oXyaQ3tSC4g-00099-00043484-00043815 financed the buildings of the chapel oXyaQ3tSC4g-00100-00043816-00045300 through painting commissioned portraits oXyaQ3tSC4g-00101-00045301-00047644 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00102-00047645-00049918 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00103-00049919-00052679 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00104-00052679-00053454 so oXyaQ3tSC4g-00105-00053454-00053863 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00106-00053864-00054514 so oXyaQ3tSC4g-00107-00054515-00056263 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00108-00056264-00056671 so we did use the scooters today as you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00109-00056672-00057030 can see and as we said this morning um oXyaQ3tSC4g-00110-00057032-00057542 and because this uh is quite a spreaded oXyaQ3tSC4g-00111-00057544-00057823 area isn't it it's got three different oXyaQ3tSC4g-00112-00057824-00058103 sort of plots that you have to travel to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00113-00058104-00058391 and but they do all have car parts but oXyaQ3tSC4g-00114-00058391-00058559 also if you want to walk or you've got a oXyaQ3tSC4g-00115-00058560-00058879 scooter then you can go that way it's oXyaQ3tSC4g-00116-00058879-00059135 pretty much accessible and there are oXyaQ3tSC4g-00117-00059136-00059454 lifts in the majority of the places oXyaQ3tSC4g-00118-00059455-00059687 we've seen throughout the film oXyaQ3tSC4g-00119-00059688-00060007 and there are also pull-out seats um oXyaQ3tSC4g-00120-00060008-00060206 around the galleries that you can carry oXyaQ3tSC4g-00121-00060207-00060415 around with you if you need to take lots oXyaQ3tSC4g-00122-00060416-00060711 of um stops to sit down and relax there oXyaQ3tSC4g-00123-00060712-00060838 are some oXyaQ3tSC4g-00124-00060839-00061079 um benches as well oXyaQ3tSC4g-00125-00061079-00061263 throughout the galleries oXyaQ3tSC4g-00126-00061264-00061566 to take a seat on there are free oXyaQ3tSC4g-00127-00061567-00061719 wheelchairs oXyaQ3tSC4g-00128-00061720-00061903 that you can hire oXyaQ3tSC4g-00129-00061904-00062311 and they do advise you to call before oXyaQ3tSC4g-00130-00062312-00062526 your visit to book the wheelchair as oXyaQ3tSC4g-00131-00062527-00062935 there's only one wheelchair in each park oXyaQ3tSC4g-00132-00062936-00063166 when you go up to chapel oXyaQ3tSC4g-00133-00063167-00063454 that is a little step so if you're in a oXyaQ3tSC4g-00134-00063455-00063719 wheelchair or a mobile scooter you may oXyaQ3tSC4g-00135-00063720-00064006 struggle just getting up that a little oXyaQ3tSC4g-00136-00064007-00064254 bit handy on the sides of the scooter as oXyaQ3tSC4g-00137-00064255-00064366 well oXyaQ3tSC4g-00138-00064367-00064599 for a wheelchair it shouldn't be too bad oXyaQ3tSC4g-00139-00064600-00064887 if someone's assisting you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00140-00064888-00065238 um and it's quite steep on the way up to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00141-00065239-00065319 the oXyaQ3tSC4g-00142-00065320-00065550 chapel the nurse oXyaQ3tSC4g-00143-00065551-00065879 yeah but if you make it up there do go oXyaQ3tSC4g-00144-00065880-00066159 inside it is very pretty oXyaQ3tSC4g-00145-00066160-00066279 wonderful oXyaQ3tSC4g-00146-00066280-00066519 yeah you'll never find another chapel oXyaQ3tSC4g-00147-00066520-00066775 exactly like yeah oXyaQ3tSC4g-00148-00066776-00066967 it's very unique oXyaQ3tSC4g-00149-00066968-00067335 definitely there is a park in oXyaQ3tSC4g-00150-00067336-00067575 the woodlands but oXyaQ3tSC4g-00151-00067576-00068047 um it has a flip gate and so oXyaQ3tSC4g-00152-00068048-00068247 we couldn't get up there to go and see oXyaQ3tSC4g-00153-00068248-00068319 it oXyaQ3tSC4g-00154-00068320-00068463 we definitely wouldn't have made it oXyaQ3tSC4g-00155-00068464-00068847 walking would we it's very steep um oXyaQ3tSC4g-00156-00068848-00069135 so if again if you're in a wheelchair or oXyaQ3tSC4g-00157-00069136-00069375 a scooter you're not going to be going oXyaQ3tSC4g-00158-00069376-00069671 up there because there is no other oXyaQ3tSC4g-00159-00069672-00069894 access way up there oXyaQ3tSC4g-00160-00069895-00070319 um but there is a park so all in all oXyaQ3tSC4g-00161-00070320-00070519 scoots did really well we did get off oXyaQ3tSC4g-00162-00070520-00070663 and walk around oXyaQ3tSC4g-00163-00070664-00070847 as these scooters probably would have oXyaQ3tSC4g-00164-00070848-00071055 been too big to take in but if you've oXyaQ3tSC4g-00165-00071056-00071247 got the smallest scooters they would oXyaQ3tSC4g-00166-00071248-00072631 have been all right going inside oXyaQ3tSC4g-00167-00072632-00072950 and they are installing apparently they oXyaQ3tSC4g-00168-00072951-00073215 are looking into oXyaQ3tSC4g-00169-00073216-00073343 getting oXyaQ3tSC4g-00170-00073344-00073479 hearing loops oXyaQ3tSC4g-00171-00073480-00073743 fitted so that when you visit oXyaQ3tSC4g-00172-00073744-00074150 you are able to listen to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00173-00074151-00074575 the talks about the art museum as you go oXyaQ3tSC4g-00174-00074576-00074662 around oXyaQ3tSC4g-00175-00074663-00074935 so we'll see if that gets put in place oXyaQ3tSC4g-00176-00074936-00075191 soon we've come to the end of our day oXyaQ3tSC4g-00177-00075192-00075455 visiting the what's gallery we'd like to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00178-00075456-00075687 say a massive thank you to the watts oXyaQ3tSC4g-00179-00075688-00075975 gallery for letting us come along today oXyaQ3tSC4g-00180-00075976-00076326 to visit and share what they have here i oXyaQ3tSC4g-00181-00076327-00076582 would also like to say a big thank you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00182-00076583-00076862 to hobby for doing the filming and thank oXyaQ3tSC4g-00183-00076863-00077079 you to shirley for coming oXyaQ3tSC4g-00184-00077080-00077343 out with us today so thank you thank you oXyaQ3tSC4g-00185-00077344-00077519 have you enjoyed yourself oh it's been oXyaQ3tSC4g-00186-00077520-00077735 brilliant and have you enjoyed driving oXyaQ3tSC4g-00187-00077736-00078038 the scooter around yes i have yeah oXyaQ3tSC4g-00188-00078039-00078319 really good my new toy oXyaQ3tSC4g-00189-00078320-00078591 we would also like to say thank you to oXyaQ3tSC4g-00190-00078592-00078911 you the viewers for joining us and don't oXyaQ3tSC4g-00191-00078912-00079247 forget to hit that subscribe button oXyaQ3tSC4g-00192-00079248-00079487 as that will really really help support oXyaQ3tSC4g-00193-00079488-00079687 what we are doing and give us a thumbs oXyaQ3tSC4g-00194-00079688-00080079 up and hit notification bell oXyaQ3tSC4g-00195-00080080-00080846 and it's free oXyaQ3tSC4g-00196-00080847-00083087 [Music] oXyaQ3tSC4g-00197-00083088-00083295 you oZho22o4JVA-00000-00000008-00000318 the uh the program and the start from oZho22o4JVA-00001-00000319-00000455 the next block oZho22o4JVA-00002-00000456-00000703 uh because from the next block uh you oZho22o4JVA-00003-00000704-00000790 you oZho22o4JVA-00004-00000791-00001023 you can load some pre-calculated oZho22o4JVA-00005-00001024-00001199 observables you don't have to generate oZho22o4JVA-00006-00001200-00001607 in 11 to the 11th block oZho22o4JVA-00007-00001607-00001934 so it's really taking too long uh oZho22o4JVA-00008-00001935-00002110 you can just comment out everything over oZho22o4JVA-00009-00002111-00002310 here uh oZho22o4JVA-00010-00002311-00002623 what did we say when we continue oZho22o4JVA-00011-00002624-00002847 i think stephen said the five minutes oZho22o4JVA-00012-00002848-00002999 it's already five minutes oZho22o4JVA-00013-00003000-00003359 yeah we continue okay yeah oZho22o4JVA-00014-00003360-00003583 so everybody if you if you're really oZho22o4JVA-00015-00003584-00003790 taking too long for you to run oZho22o4JVA-00016-00003792-00004127 block 11 i will recommend you to oZho22o4JVA-00017-00004128-00004727 pause it over here oZho22o4JVA-00018-00004728-00004999 and then move to the next block i think oZho22o4JVA-00019-00005000-00005095 it should work oZho22o4JVA-00020-00005096-00005683 for example if i don't have to say at oZho22o4JVA-00021-00005684-00005934 all oZho22o4JVA-00022-00005935-00006734 okay oZho22o4JVA-00023-00006736-00007639 you should uh oZho22o4JVA-00024-00007640-00008327 uh oZho22o4JVA-00025-00008328-00009671 let's see if you really need block 11 oZho22o4JVA-00026-00009672-00010006 ah okay uh so it looks you really need oZho22o4JVA-00027-00010007-00010095 to oZho22o4JVA-00028-00010096-00010614 to go through block eleven uh uh oZho22o4JVA-00029-00010615-00010942 how many yeses are there right now 38 oZho22o4JVA-00030-00010943-00011087 and two no's oZho22o4JVA-00031-00011088-00011335 and we had something like 50 active oZho22o4JVA-00032-00011336-00011614 participants in the last exercise oZho22o4JVA-00033-00011615-00011831 okay okay then let's wait a few more oZho22o4JVA-00034-00011832-00011951 time let's uh oZho22o4JVA-00035-00011952-00012374 okay we have now 40 years or so still oZho22o4JVA-00036-00012375-00012695 still coming in slowly okay oZho22o4JVA-00037-00012696-00012838 then in the meantime i'll just talk oZho22o4JVA-00038-00012839-00013007 about how we organize our following oZho22o4JVA-00039-00013008-00013215 observables oZho22o4JVA-00040-00013216-00013551 so as you see that uh sometimes oZho22o4JVA-00041-00013552-00013775 for some available it's very hard to get oZho22o4JVA-00042-00013776-00013983 the statistics under control so in that oZho22o4JVA-00043-00013984-00014030 case it's oZho22o4JVA-00044-00014031-00014279 me you may consider convert them into oZho22o4JVA-00045-00014280-00014430 something simpler oZho22o4JVA-00046-00014431-00014671 so in this case i convert this oZho22o4JVA-00047-00014672-00014783 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00048-00014784-00015166 of eccentricities oZho22o4JVA-00049-00015168-00015494 into the standard deviation oZho22o4JVA-00050-00015495-00016383 and the schoolness of the distribution oZho22o4JVA-00051-00016384-00016758 so you can organize the prediction oZho22o4JVA-00052-00016759-00016999 at each parameter point into the oZho22o4JVA-00053-00017000-00017222 following big vector oZho22o4JVA-00054-00017223-00017575 so this vector contains uh oZho22o4JVA-00055-00017576-00017950 the first 24 values contains the energy oZho22o4JVA-00056-00017951-00018207 deposition at the mid-rapidity as a oZho22o4JVA-00057-00018208-00018279 function oZho22o4JVA-00058-00018280-00018630 of centrality and for the next eight oZho22o4JVA-00059-00018631-00018758 values oZho22o4JVA-00060-00018759-00019271 uh oZho22o4JVA-00061-00019272-00019519 it actually comes actually controls two oZho22o4JVA-00062-00019520-00019847 two centrality classes oZho22o4JVA-00063-00019848-00020414 it's a typo here oZho22o4JVA-00064-00020415-00020630 so there's the standard deviation of oZho22o4JVA-00065-00020631-00020839 epsilon 2 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00066-00020840-00020991 standard deviation of epsilon 3 oZho22o4JVA-00067-00020992-00021199 distribution and the oZho22o4JVA-00068-00021200-00021519 schoolness of the two at two different oZho22o4JVA-00069-00021520-00021622 centralities one oZho22o4JVA-00070-00021623-00022167 from 2025 another from 40 to 45. oZho22o4JVA-00071-00022168-00022486 so this are another eight values oZho22o4JVA-00072-00022487-00022863 for uh modal calculations at each oZho22o4JVA-00073-00022864-00023071 parameter set so eventually oZho22o4JVA-00074-00023072-00023286 for each of the 100 parameter set you oZho22o4JVA-00075-00023287-00023471 get in total oZho22o4JVA-00076-00023472-00023822 24 plus 4 plus 4 32 numbers oZho22o4JVA-00077-00023823-00024158 uh to represent the model predictions oZho22o4JVA-00078-00024159-00025814 uh 32 okay oZho22o4JVA-00079-00025816-00026070 so in in such a way we can construct oZho22o4JVA-00080-00026072-00026134 this oZho22o4JVA-00081-00026135-00026502 hundred by uh 100 design points oZho22o4JVA-00082-00026504-00026862 by 32 observable matrices and along with oZho22o4JVA-00083-00026863-00026983 our design matrices oZho22o4JVA-00084-00026983-00027311 this finite modal data are passed to the oZho22o4JVA-00085-00027312-00027551 gaussian process emulator oZho22o4JVA-00086-00027552-00027823 to to to train to to train them to learn oZho22o4JVA-00087-00027824-00028151 how to predict these observables oZho22o4JVA-00088-00028152-00028414 so so where do we stand on the number of oZho22o4JVA-00089-00028416-00028511 yeses now oZho22o4JVA-00090-00028512-00028670 yeah it's not changing anymore we have oZho22o4JVA-00091-00028672-00028862 42 essays and two no's oZho22o4JVA-00092-00028863-00029111 i think we have to take that and move on oZho22o4JVA-00093-00029112-00029462 okay oZho22o4JVA-00094-00029463-00029774 okay big success story okay oZho22o4JVA-00095-00029775-00029927 yeah sorry about that i really didn't oZho22o4JVA-00096-00029927-00030190 expect that sometimes can be very slow oZho22o4JVA-00097-00030191-00030670 uh on binder even for making the plot oZho22o4JVA-00098-00030672-00031055 uh so oZho22o4JVA-00099-00031056-00031423 if you run through block 12 13 oZho22o4JVA-00100-00031424-00031935 and 14. so this plots the oZho22o4JVA-00101-00031936-00032158 the the observables we're going to to oZho22o4JVA-00102-00032160-00032295 trim the emulator oZho22o4JVA-00103-00032295-00032695 so on the left is the 30 oZho22o4JVA-00104-00032695-00032967 is the 24 values of energy as function oZho22o4JVA-00105-00032968-00033135 of centrality oZho22o4JVA-00106-00033136-00033511 on the right is the eight oZho22o4JVA-00107-00033512-00033790 either standard deviations or schoolness oZho22o4JVA-00108-00033791-00034071 of the eccentricities distribution oZho22o4JVA-00109-00034072-00034318 so here on the red plot this is a very oZho22o4JVA-00110-00034319-00034535 interesting way to represent oZho22o4JVA-00111-00034536-00034711 your data sometimes it's called the oZho22o4JVA-00112-00034712-00034895 violin plot oZho22o4JVA-00113-00034896-00035279 so okay so oZho22o4JVA-00114-00035280-00035431 yeah you like let let you like you can oZho22o4JVA-00115-00035432-00035607 see it's actually this function is not oZho22o4JVA-00116-00035608-00035718 actually called violin oZho22o4JVA-00117-00035719-00035983 in in in the in the python plotting oZho22o4JVA-00118-00035984-00036079 function oZho22o4JVA-00119-00036080-00036423 uh so so this plot is that once oZho22o4JVA-00120-00036424-00036767 when you have a 100 set of calculations oZho22o4JVA-00121-00036768-00036951 for example for sigma two oZho22o4JVA-00122-00036952-00037223 if you just plot scatter plot it all oZho22o4JVA-00123-00037224-00037423 overlapped together it doesn't represent oZho22o4JVA-00124-00037424-00037646 how it distributed at all oZho22o4JVA-00125-00037647-00037959 and this violin plot will uh histogram oZho22o4JVA-00126-00037960-00038127 those 100 values oZho22o4JVA-00127-00038128-00038487 and use the the rest of this little oZho22o4JVA-00128-00038488-00038559 shape oZho22o4JVA-00129-00038560-00038783 to represent the probability density at oZho22o4JVA-00130-00038784-00038943 that particular value oZho22o4JVA-00131-00038944-00039199 so just a interesting way to visualize oZho22o4JVA-00132-00039200-00039311 the data oZho22o4JVA-00133-00039312-00039662 of course if you are not worried about oZho22o4JVA-00134-00039663-00039830 data being overlapped you can also use oZho22o4JVA-00135-00039831-00040551 scattered plot oZho22o4JVA-00136-00040552-00040951 okay now we run into oZho22o4JVA-00137-00040952-00041335 uh the the problem of building the oZho22o4JVA-00138-00041336-00041679 emulator uh so this is what the previous oZho22o4JVA-00139-00041680-00041943 two small examples are are talking about oZho22o4JVA-00140-00041944-00042111 we want to first use dimensional oZho22o4JVA-00141-00042112-00042302 reduction oZho22o4JVA-00142-00042303-00042527 to reduce this 32 dimensional object oZho22o4JVA-00143-00042528-00042846 into just a few oZho22o4JVA-00144-00042847-00043118 a few degrees of freedom and only build oZho22o4JVA-00145-00043119-00043495 one gaussian emulator for each of this oZho22o4JVA-00146-00043496-00043767 principal component to make this process oZho22o4JVA-00147-00043768-00043974 efficient oZho22o4JVA-00148-00043975-00044302 uh so oZho22o4JVA-00149-00044303-00044511 if you add at this point go ahead and oZho22o4JVA-00150-00044512-00044743 run block 15 oZho22o4JVA-00151-00044744-00044999 which is exactly the same block you get oZho22o4JVA-00152-00045000-00045143 from the pc example oZho22o4JVA-00153-00045144-00045543 it's the class that defined to wrap oZho22o4JVA-00154-00045544-00045935 the functionalities of the oZho22o4JVA-00155-00045936-00046190 principal components and please press oZho22o4JVA-00156-00046191-00046239 yes oZho22o4JVA-00158-00050040-00050462 so is everybody oZho22o4JVA-00159-00050463-00051366 still working we are at 26. oZho22o4JVA-00160-00051367-00051607 can you see the yes count in when you oZho22o4JVA-00161-00051608-00051742 click on your participants oZho22o4JVA-00162-00051744-00052094 tab in the bottom see oh yeah yeah i can oZho22o4JVA-00163-00052095-00052142 see it oZho22o4JVA-00164-00052144-00052487 yes so you can follow yourself okay 32 oZho22o4JVA-00165-00052488-00052847 now oZho22o4JVA-00166-00052848-00053119 okay i think block 15 doesn't require oZho22o4JVA-00167-00053120-00053230 any computation oZho22o4JVA-00168-00053232-00053487 so i'm just going to wait for another oZho22o4JVA-00169-00053488-00053550 minute oZho22o4JVA-00170-00053551-00053911 and we'll move on oZho22o4JVA-00171-00053912-00056082 sounds good oZho22o4JVA-00172-00056083-00058663 uh oZho22o4JVA-00173-00058664-00059126 okay maybe let's uh move on good oZho22o4JVA-00174-00059127-00059526 so so in block 16 again it led you to oZho22o4JVA-00175-00059527-00059903 to create uh the number of oZho22o4JVA-00176-00059904-00060047 principle components you want to include oZho22o4JVA-00177-00060048-00060319 it and we built this uh oZho22o4JVA-00178-00060320-00060615 here we call it transformer it oZho22o4JVA-00179-00060616-00060750 transforms back and forth oZho22o4JVA-00180-00060751-00061023 between the principal component space oZho22o4JVA-00181-00061024-00061199 and the real space oZho22o4JVA-00182-00061200-00061391 so for those who are running this code oZho22o4JVA-00183-00061391-00061719 on your local computer oZho22o4JVA-00184-00061720-00061950 you can go ahead to use the for example oZho22o4JVA-00185-00061951-00062079 the default number of oZho22o4JVA-00186-00062079-00062254 number of principal component npc equals oZho22o4JVA-00187-00062255-00062382 to five oZho22o4JVA-00188-00062383-00062726 uh for those who are using binder oZho22o4JVA-00189-00062727-00063030 uh maybe let's choose oZho22o4JVA-00190-00063032-00063319 two principal component because uh if oZho22o4JVA-00191-00063320-00063471 it's slow for you to generate the oZho22o4JVA-00192-00063472-00063591 previous plot oZho22o4JVA-00193-00063591-00063750 it's probably also going to be slow when oZho22o4JVA-00194-00063751-00063926 you train each of this principle oZho22o4JVA-00195-00063927-00064063 component oZho22o4JVA-00196-00064064-00064303 so for those who are on binder let's use oZho22o4JVA-00197-00064304-00064487 number of transform oZho22o4JVA-00198-00064488-00064815 npc equals two oZho22o4JVA-00199-00064816-00064950 and if you're on a local computer you oZho22o4JVA-00200-00064951-00065199 can use five to six oZho22o4JVA-00201-00065200-00065591 uh oZho22o4JVA-00202-00065592-00066175 look computer okay and we run block 16. oZho22o4JVA-00203-00066176-00066567 and block 17 is the exact same plot we oZho22o4JVA-00204-00066568-00066823 we see in the principal component oZho22o4JVA-00205-00066824-00066999 analysis example oZho22o4JVA-00206-00067000-00067287 it visualizes what this transform looks oZho22o4JVA-00207-00067288-00067350 like oZho22o4JVA-00208-00067351-00067679 looks like so oZho22o4JVA-00209-00067680-00067982 for my case uh if you focus on the first oZho22o4JVA-00210-00067983-00068063 plot oZho22o4JVA-00211-00068064-00068294 by choosing only two kinds of oZho22o4JVA-00212-00068295-00068415 accompaniment oZho22o4JVA-00213-00068416-00068726 uh we are only recovering about ninety oZho22o4JVA-00214-00068727-00068847 percent oZho22o4JVA-00215-00068848-00069303 of the data various of its features oZho22o4JVA-00216-00069304-00069575 if you are choosing five to six you are oZho22o4JVA-00217-00069576-00069759 getting much more oZho22o4JVA-00218-00069760-00069919 uh faceful representation of the oZho22o4JVA-00219-00069920-00070135 original data maybe up to oZho22o4JVA-00220-00070136-00070623 over 99 of the data variants oZho22o4JVA-00221-00070624-00070855 uh so like we said this principal oZho22o4JVA-00222-00070856-00071038 component analysis oZho22o4JVA-00223-00071039-00071462 uh is used to remove linear correlations oZho22o4JVA-00224-00071463-00071575 between oZho22o4JVA-00225-00071576-00071823 observables but it does that doesn't oZho22o4JVA-00226-00071824-00071999 guarantee that you can remove oZho22o4JVA-00227-00072000-00072335 all the non-linear correlations uh oZho22o4JVA-00228-00072336-00072679 for example on the right hand side uh oZho22o4JVA-00229-00072680-00073038 of the first column i plotted the oZho22o4JVA-00230-00073039-00073343 uh the 100 transformed principal oZho22o4JVA-00231-00073344-00073455 components oZho22o4JVA-00232-00073456-00073735 a and b in this case a equals to zero oZho22o4JVA-00233-00073736-00073815 will be equals to oZho22o4JVA-00234-00073816-00073982 one the first product to principal oZho22o4JVA-00235-00073983-00074255 component if you actually compute oZho22o4JVA-00236-00074256-00074455 the linear correlation coefficients oZho22o4JVA-00237-00074456-00074647 which should be printed oZho22o4JVA-00238-00074648-00074975 right on top of your figure this linear oZho22o4JVA-00239-00074976-00075143 correlation between a and b are oZho22o4JVA-00240-00075144-00075487 very tiny is a practically zero so oZho22o4JVA-00241-00075488-00075655 indeed principal component removes oZho22o4JVA-00242-00075656-00075823 linear correlations oZho22o4JVA-00243-00075824-00075999 but you can see there are apparent oZho22o4JVA-00244-00076000-00076247 nonlinear correlations in your model oZho22o4JVA-00245-00076248-00076606 so so sometimes this can be a problem oZho22o4JVA-00246-00076607-00076656 and oZho22o4JVA-00247-00076657-00076926 [Music] oZho22o4JVA-00248-00076927-00077231 for the effectiveness of the pca oZho22o4JVA-00249-00077232-00077503 in this case you may think whether you oZho22o4JVA-00250-00077504-00077662 can make transformations of the oZho22o4JVA-00251-00077663-00077775 observables oZho22o4JVA-00252-00077776-00078103 or your primarizations to reduce oZho22o4JVA-00253-00078104-00078647 this degree of nonlinear correlations oZho22o4JVA-00254-00078648-00078911 in the bottom two plots again we show oZho22o4JVA-00255-00078912-00078991 what this oZho22o4JVA-00256-00078992-00079199 each principal components actually looks oZho22o4JVA-00257-00079200-00079431 like in the real space oZho22o4JVA-00258-00079432-00079647 so for principle component one a oZho22o4JVA-00259-00079648-00079815 principle common one oZho22o4JVA-00260-00079816-00080135 is almost the constant level for oZho22o4JVA-00261-00080136-00080423 energy dependencies and almost a oZho22o4JVA-00262-00080424-00080606 constant level for oZho22o4JVA-00263-00080607-00080911 those uh variants as for those moments oZho22o4JVA-00264-00080912-00081038 of the distribution of oZho22o4JVA-00265-00081039-00081415 epsilon principle component two uh oZho22o4JVA-00266-00081416-00081655 is a linear dependencies as a function oZho22o4JVA-00267-00081656-00081806 of centrality oZho22o4JVA-00268-00081807-00082047 uh you you may wonder why it's growing oZho22o4JVA-00269-00082048-00082199 with centrality because oZho22o4JVA-00270-00082200-00082415 when you combine principle components is oZho22o4JVA-00271-00082416-00082543 there has a oZho22o4JVA-00272-00082544-00082823 arbitrary constant in front of it which oZho22o4JVA-00273-00082824-00082999 can be negative so oZho22o4JVA-00274-00083000-00083318 with principal company one the two uh oZho22o4JVA-00275-00083319-00083687 you you you can you can produce uh this oZho22o4JVA-00276-00083688-00084079 uh decreasing feature of the oZho22o4JVA-00277-00084080-00084406 energy dependencies as a function energy oZho22o4JVA-00278-00084407-00084662 as function of centralities oZho22o4JVA-00279-00084663-00084918 uh of course you can plot transfer oZho22o4JVA-00280-00084919-00085006 components three and oZho22o4JVA-00281-00085007-00085382 four and so on uh if you have time you oZho22o4JVA-00282-00085383-00085479 can see oZho22o4JVA-00283-00085480-00085743 how each principal component looks like oZho22o4JVA-00284-00085744-00085935 in the real space what feature they may oZho22o4JVA-00285-00085936-00086662 represent that you can understand oZho22o4JVA-00286-00086663-00087159 okay so oZho22o4JVA-00287-00087160-00087615 after that we go ahead and train oZho22o4JVA-00288-00087616-00087982 emulators for each of the principal oZho22o4JVA-00289-00087983-00088038 component oZho22o4JVA-00290-00088039-00088455 for me it's just two uh oZho22o4JVA-00291-00088456-00088703 so here uh because we have for more than oZho22o4JVA-00292-00088704-00088847 one parameters oZho22o4JVA-00293-00088848-00089191 uh this kernel is high dimensional oZho22o4JVA-00294-00089192-00089526 so instead of just uh oZho22o4JVA-00295-00089527-00089767 a more a one-dimensional normal function oZho22o4JVA-00296-00089768-00089894 as the kernel oZho22o4JVA-00297-00089895-00090247 is actually a oZho22o4JVA-00298-00090248-00090582 a high dimensional oZho22o4JVA-00299-00090583-00090926 gaussian function and in this case i oZho22o4JVA-00300-00090927-00091279 indeed add a noise term to the kernel oZho22o4JVA-00301-00091280-00091391 because oZho22o4JVA-00302-00091392-00091694 uh to generate this calculation i only oZho22o4JVA-00303-00091695-00091943 use this uh i think other hundred oZho22o4JVA-00304-00091944-00092143 thousand events oZho22o4JVA-00305-00092144-00092343 which is very high statistics for the oZho22o4JVA-00306-00092344-00092679 energy dependencies of centrality but oZho22o4JVA-00307-00092680-00093006 it might not be enough for the epsilon oZho22o4JVA-00308-00093007-00093143 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00309-00093144-00093423 so i can assume that there are still oZho22o4JVA-00310-00093424-00093567 significant level of oZho22o4JVA-00311-00093568-00093871 statistical noise in my training data oZho22o4JVA-00312-00093872-00094150 so in this case in addition to this uh oZho22o4JVA-00313-00094151-00094271 gaussian kernel oZho22o4JVA-00314-00094272-00094735 i'm also adding a white noise current oZho22o4JVA-00315-00094736-00094991 are you think are you guessing the value oZho22o4JVA-00316-00094992-00095118 of the oZho22o4JVA-00317-00095119-00095438 noise or is the emulator optimizing it oZho22o4JVA-00318-00095439-00095559 by itself oZho22o4JVA-00319-00095560-00095967 yeah it's optimizing by itself uh oZho22o4JVA-00320-00095968-00096143 like you can see here when we actually oZho22o4JVA-00321-00096144-00096382 build emulators we we call the gaussian oZho22o4JVA-00322-00096383-00096543 process regressor oZho22o4JVA-00323-00096544-00096974 passing it kernel and let it oZho22o4JVA-00324-00096975-00097423 optimize for a few times oZho22o4JVA-00325-00097424-00097671 so so in this process you you can get an oZho22o4JVA-00326-00097672-00097855 optimized value for each of these oZho22o4JVA-00327-00097856-00098159 so-called hyperparameters oZho22o4JVA-00328-00098160-00098415 again for those on binder i would oZho22o4JVA-00329-00098416-00098559 recommend you oZho22o4JVA-00330-00098560-00098815 for now you just change this and restart oZho22o4JVA-00331-00098816-00099111 optimizer to one oZho22o4JVA-00332-00099112-00099423 because this will take time for those oZho22o4JVA-00333-00099424-00099750 on your local computer you can use a oZho22o4JVA-00334-00099751-00099894 larger value for example oZho22o4JVA-00335-00099895-00101638 5 or 10. oZho22o4JVA-00336-00101639-00102079 just one oZho22o4JVA-00337-00102080-00102359 it will take some time to optimize the oZho22o4JVA-00338-00102360-00102494 hyper parameters oZho22o4JVA-00339-00102495-00102975 and print the optimized value oZho22o4JVA-00340-00102976-00103271 under this block so so here i'm going to oZho22o4JVA-00341-00103272-00103727 make another pause to wait for oZho22o4JVA-00342-00103728-00105054 people to train their gauche emulators oZho22o4JVA-00343-00105055-00105223 here please press yes once you have oZho22o4JVA-00344-00105224-00105695 completed block 18. oZho22o4JVA-00345-00105696-00105902 so usually it doesn't take so long uh on oZho22o4JVA-00346-00105903-00106047 your local computers it's this oZho22o4JVA-00347-00106048-00106727 is still pretty fast oZho22o4JVA-00348-00106728-00106934 okay now now i have the one of the oZho22o4JVA-00349-00106935-00107102 amulet point the first emulator oZho22o4JVA-00350-00107103-00107383 is trained so again we need to check oZho22o4JVA-00351-00107383-00107543 whether these parameters are oZho22o4JVA-00352-00107544-00107934 are reasonable okay before maybe before oZho22o4JVA-00353-00107935-00108095 while we are waiting for some of these oZho22o4JVA-00354-00108096-00108278 students to um oZho22o4JVA-00355-00108279-00108710 some of the votes to come in uh what oZho22o4JVA-00356-00108711-00108943 sorry here's a question what would oZho22o4JVA-00357-00108944-00109158 happen if the noise parameter was not oZho22o4JVA-00358-00109159-00109431 added and you have a case where the oZho22o4JVA-00359-00109432-00109590 statistics is not denied oZho22o4JVA-00360-00109591-00109951 not high enough for some observables oZho22o4JVA-00361-00109952-00110302 so if you don't have the noise term oZho22o4JVA-00362-00110303-00110623 and there is indeed significant amount oZho22o4JVA-00363-00110624-00110863 of noise in your data oZho22o4JVA-00364-00110864-00111183 sometimes the gaussian process may oZho22o4JVA-00365-00111183-00111423 recognize some statistical fluctuation oZho22o4JVA-00366-00111424-00111710 as actual physical features oZho22o4JVA-00367-00111711-00111934 for example you vary the ether breasts oZho22o4JVA-00368-00111935-00112151 and you compute v2 oZho22o4JVA-00369-00112152-00112327 uh in principle weight 2 should increase oZho22o4JVA-00370-00112328-00112471 but you have so much so oZho22o4JVA-00371-00112472-00112631 little events that which actually oZho22o4JVA-00372-00112632-00112790 decreases oZho22o4JVA-00373-00112791-00113054 uh if you don't correctly estimate this oZho22o4JVA-00374-00113055-00113166 uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00375-00113167-00113366 maybe your gaussian emulator will try to oZho22o4JVA-00376-00113367-00113663 emulate a model that oZho22o4JVA-00377-00113664-00113839 behave exactly in the update as your oZho22o4JVA-00378-00113840-00114151 model so it's very important to add this oZho22o4JVA-00379-00114152-00114502 uh add this oZho22o4JVA-00380-00114503-00114831 uh white noise kernel uh oZho22o4JVA-00381-00114832-00115254 as you can think of as a regulator to oZho22o4JVA-00382-00115255-00115743 the training process okay good oZho22o4JVA-00383-00115744-00115943 so now why don't you go through the oZho22o4JVA-00384-00115944-00116127 discussion of your results while oZho22o4JVA-00385-00116128-00116263 some of the students are still working oZho22o4JVA-00386-00116264-00116454 on and theirs oZho22o4JVA-00387-00116455-00116734 so so here you see that once you so we oZho22o4JVA-00388-00116735-00116902 get two sets of results because oZho22o4JVA-00389-00116903-00117134 in in my case i have two press oZho22o4JVA-00390-00117135-00117302 components and therefore two oZho22o4JVA-00391-00117303-00117607 sets of gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-00392-00117608-00117790 for those who are on a local computer oZho22o4JVA-00393-00117791-00117983 who are using five or six principal oZho22o4JVA-00394-00117983-00118127 components you may get more of these oZho22o4JVA-00395-00118128-00118375 outputs oZho22o4JVA-00396-00118376-00118727 so here again you see that uh oZho22o4JVA-00397-00118728-00119119 this prefecture in front of this oZho22o4JVA-00398-00119120-00119454 gaussian kernel is order one or not far oZho22o4JVA-00399-00119455-00119607 from other one oZho22o4JVA-00400-00119608-00119831 because uh when we trim these oZho22o4JVA-00401-00119832-00119958 observables we often oZho22o4JVA-00402-00119959-00120175 standardize observable by removing their oZho22o4JVA-00403-00120176-00120286 mean oZho22o4JVA-00404-00120288-00120631 and rescale their values so that oZho22o4JVA-00405-00120632-00120943 the variance is close to one oZho22o4JVA-00406-00120944-00121214 the length scale uh for different oZho22o4JVA-00407-00121215-00121399 parameters oZho22o4JVA-00408-00121400-00121790 uh uh virus a lot because parameters oZho22o4JVA-00409-00121791-00122110 has different ranges oZho22o4JVA-00410-00122111-00122471 uh but uh you need to check oZho22o4JVA-00411-00122472-00122719 whether this length scale compared to oZho22o4JVA-00412-00122720-00122847 the allowed oZho22o4JVA-00413-00122848-00123014 allowed range of variance of the oZho22o4JVA-00414-00123015-00123278 parameters are not significantly below oZho22o4JVA-00415-00123279-00123310 that oZho22o4JVA-00416-00123311-00123566 or above that for example i can add oZho22o4JVA-00417-00123567-00123823 another block oZho22o4JVA-00418-00123824-00124271 over here i just print out oZho22o4JVA-00419-00124272-00124823 the ranges of my parameters oZho22o4JVA-00420-00124824-00125127 okay so you see the first parameter oZho22o4JVA-00421-00125128-00125414 uh the total range of the variance the p oZho22o4JVA-00422-00125415-00125590 parameter is from minus one to one oZho22o4JVA-00423-00125591-00125895 so the parameter range is two and for oZho22o4JVA-00424-00125896-00126110 the next parameter is one point one oZho22o4JVA-00425-00126111-00126431 and then two point six and then two oZho22o4JVA-00426-00126432-00126751 so we see that for this first parameter oZho22o4JVA-00427-00126752-00127063 uh the gaussian process is getting a oZho22o4JVA-00428-00127064-00127214 correspondence of oZho22o4JVA-00429-00127215-00127495 indeed of order one which is good but oZho22o4JVA-00430-00127496-00127727 for the very last parameters oZho22o4JVA-00431-00127728-00127958 uh the gaussian process is predicting a oZho22o4JVA-00432-00127959-00128166 very large correlation lens oZho22o4JVA-00433-00128167-00128423 which means that you don't get too much oZho22o4JVA-00434-00128424-00128495 variance oZho22o4JVA-00435-00128496-00128727 in these parameters while you're turning oZho22o4JVA-00436-00128728-00128883 on these two oZho22o4JVA-00437-00128883-00129278 particular principal components oZho22o4JVA-00438-00129279-00129527 finally you have another kernel oZho22o4JVA-00439-00129528-00129695 optimized which is the white noise oZho22o4JVA-00440-00129696-00129799 kernel oZho22o4JVA-00441-00129800-00130102 so here's the noise level oZho22o4JVA-00442-00130103-00130351 so for the first two principal component oZho22o4JVA-00443-00130352-00130558 that i included the noise level is very oZho22o4JVA-00444-00130559-00130614 low oZho22o4JVA-00445-00130615-00130863 maybe the first one is only as one oZho22o4JVA-00446-00130864-00130990 thousandth oZho22o4JVA-00447-00130991-00131175 seven the second vice about eight oZho22o4JVA-00448-00131176-00131335 percent oZho22o4JVA-00449-00131336-00131614 for higher and higher order principle oZho22o4JVA-00450-00131615-00131823 component where the feature oZho22o4JVA-00451-00131824-00132119 are more and more tricky and the oZho22o4JVA-00452-00132120-00132254 statistical fluctuation oZho22o4JVA-00453-00132255-00132463 becomes important you may observe a oZho22o4JVA-00454-00132464-00132778 noise level that can be close to oZho22o4JVA-00455-00132779-00133039 1.9.98 something like that oZho22o4JVA-00456-00133040-00133487 so that's a indicator of oZho22o4JVA-00457-00133488-00133647 uh for for you that those principal oZho22o4JVA-00458-00133648-00133807 content really don't contain any more oZho22o4JVA-00459-00133808-00133927 information they're just oZho22o4JVA-00460-00133928-00134311 white noise and you don't really need to oZho22o4JVA-00461-00134312-00134735 to emulate uh those principal component oZho22o4JVA-00462-00134736-00134927 uh of course if a gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-00463-00134928-00135159 emulator works perfectly oZho22o4JVA-00464-00135160-00135375 it will figure out that that that scene oZho22o4JVA-00465-00135376-00135559 is just about noise oZho22o4JVA-00466-00135560-00135919 but sometimes it uh it will oZho22o4JVA-00467-00135920-00136223 if the training is not successful oZho22o4JVA-00468-00136224-00136431 it will recognize some of the noise oZho22o4JVA-00469-00136432-00136654 fluctuation as physical features oZho22o4JVA-00470-00136655-00137007 which could uh really bias your oZho22o4JVA-00471-00137008-00137239 parametric extraction so it's really oZho22o4JVA-00472-00137240-00137327 important oZho22o4JVA-00473-00137328-00137495 after your training to check whether oZho22o4JVA-00474-00137496-00138007 these numbers looks reasonable oZho22o4JVA-00475-00138008-00138311 okay let me check how many yeses we have oZho22o4JVA-00476-00138312-00138671 okay 32 roughly the same number of oZho22o4JVA-00477-00138672-00139335 yes's when we pass block 15 oZho22o4JVA-00478-00139336-00139775 okay i'm going to keep going oZho22o4JVA-00479-00139776-00140095 so run through block 19 oZho22o4JVA-00480-00140096-00140399 it's the same function as before oZho22o4JVA-00481-00140400-00140631 it gives a set of parameters and it oZho22o4JVA-00482-00140632-00140783 generates the prediction oZho22o4JVA-00483-00140784-00141351 and there's a prediction error oZho22o4JVA-00484-00141352-00141663 so now we go we we oZho22o4JVA-00485-00141664-00141975 run into this uh final part oZho22o4JVA-00486-00141976-00142263 of oh sorry sorry not to find it it's oZho22o4JVA-00487-00142264-00142311 actually oZho22o4JVA-00488-00142312-00142631 uh first we need to do a closure oZho22o4JVA-00489-00142632-00143143 test actually so uh oZho22o4JVA-00490-00143144-00143399 sorry the wrong software is actually oZho22o4JVA-00491-00143400-00143623 validating the gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-00492-00143624-00143807 so by validating the gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-00493-00143808-00143959 means that uh oZho22o4JVA-00494-00143960-00144311 whether this interpolator works uh oZho22o4JVA-00495-00144312-00144631 depends on its ability to to accurately oZho22o4JVA-00496-00144632-00144695 produce oZho22o4JVA-00497-00144696-00144999 new sets of observables uh sorry sorry oZho22o4JVA-00498-00145000-00145190 new set of predictions oZho22o4JVA-00499-00145191-00145614 so in this case i generate trento data oZho22o4JVA-00500-00145615-00145911 with three sets of parameters that is oZho22o4JVA-00501-00145912-00146047 not contained oZho22o4JVA-00502-00146048-00146311 in the training data so this is oZho22o4JVA-00503-00146312-00146471 completely new information oZho22o4JVA-00504-00146472-00146654 for the gaussian process emulator we oZho22o4JVA-00505-00146655-00146863 have built and we're going to see oZho22o4JVA-00506-00146864-00147023 whether they can oZho22o4JVA-00507-00147024-00147343 accurately reproduce reproduces uh oZho22o4JVA-00508-00147344-00147583 these calculations using this new sense oZho22o4JVA-00509-00147584-00147719 update oZho22o4JVA-00510-00147720-00148023 so if it runs through block 20 oZho22o4JVA-00511-00148024-00148519 and 21 oZho22o4JVA-00512-00148520-00148839 so for my case it's not as uh oZho22o4JVA-00513-00148840-00149039 it may not works very well because i'm oZho22o4JVA-00514-00149040-00149311 only including two principal components oZho22o4JVA-00515-00149312-00149647 uh for those who are using for example oZho22o4JVA-00516-00149648-00149863 five crime principle component oZho22o4JVA-00517-00149864-00150223 uh you will find that so so this plot is oZho22o4JVA-00518-00150224-00150278 the oZho22o4JVA-00519-00150279-00150583 predicted value of gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-00520-00150584-00150663 emulator oZho22o4JVA-00521-00150664-00150983 at this normal parameter input over the oZho22o4JVA-00522-00150984-00151166 actual model calculations oZho22o4JVA-00523-00151167-00151447 you should find that the energy as oZho22o4JVA-00524-00151448-00151663 function of centrality oZho22o4JVA-00525-00151664-00152143 this ratio is very close to one oZho22o4JVA-00526-00152144-00152335 maybe we're seeing plus or minus five oZho22o4JVA-00527-00152336-00152487 percent uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00528-00152488-00152683 if we include enough principal oZho22o4JVA-00529-00152684-00152831 components oZho22o4JVA-00530-00152832-00153151 uh of course for oZho22o4JVA-00531-00153152-00153431 for for my analysis with two principal oZho22o4JVA-00532-00153432-00153551 components you'll see that oZho22o4JVA-00533-00153552-00153895 you have a larger uncertainty at larger oZho22o4JVA-00534-00153896-00154166 uh centrality classes maybe up to 10 to oZho22o4JVA-00535-00154167-00154311 15 percent oZho22o4JVA-00536-00154312-00154631 but still once you include the include oZho22o4JVA-00537-00154632-00154847 uh the correct magnitude of the oZho22o4JVA-00538-00154848-00155143 ambulatory uncertainty you'll see that oZho22o4JVA-00539-00155144-00155366 you have this deviation but the emulator oZho22o4JVA-00540-00155367-00155502 tells you that oZho22o4JVA-00541-00155503-00155799 this deviation is facing is predicted on oZho22o4JVA-00542-00155800-00155919 certain demands so don't oZho22o4JVA-00543-00155920-00156343 run into overfit problems oZho22o4JVA-00544-00156344-00156663 and the right pool plots are oZho22o4JVA-00545-00156664-00156943 the prediction compared to calculation oZho22o4JVA-00546-00156944-00157047 for oZho22o4JVA-00547-00157048-00157407 uh the variance sorry the standard oZho22o4JVA-00548-00157408-00157583 deviation and schoolness oZho22o4JVA-00549-00157584-00157975 of the eccentricity distributions oZho22o4JVA-00550-00157976-00158287 so this is not a very important step oZho22o4JVA-00551-00158288-00158502 uh apart from checking whether the type oZho22o4JVA-00552-00158503-00158671 of parameters are reasonable oZho22o4JVA-00553-00158672-00158871 it's more important to check whether you oZho22o4JVA-00554-00158872-00158999 can really oZho22o4JVA-00555-00159000-00159263 make predictions reasonable predictions oZho22o4JVA-00556-00159264-00159566 at arbitrary new parameter set oZho22o4JVA-00557-00159567-00159999 using this uh emulator oZho22o4JVA-00558-00160000-00160223 arbitrary new parameter set inside the oZho22o4JVA-00559-00160224-00160343 room oZho22o4JVA-00560-00160344-00160663 indicted you can't extrapolate you have oZho22o4JVA-00561-00160664-00160854 to do interpolation you cannot go oZho22o4JVA-00562-00160855-00161007 outside of the oZho22o4JVA-00563-00161008-00161271 uh the design range yes arbitrary oZho22o4JVA-00564-00161272-00161390 parameter set inside oZho22o4JVA-00565-00161391-00161951 the design range oZho22o4JVA-00566-00161952-00162326 okay uh so oZho22o4JVA-00567-00162327-00162519 so usually make sure you you always oZho22o4JVA-00568-00162520-00162751 generate this plot before oZho22o4JVA-00569-00162752-00163054 uh you you use this emulator in the base oZho22o4JVA-00570-00163055-00163326 analysis if this test doesn't pass oZho22o4JVA-00571-00163327-00163543 uh it won't give you any reasonable oZho22o4JVA-00572-00163544-00163654 results oZho22o4JVA-00573-00163655-00164287 in the following oZho22o4JVA-00574-00164288-00164471 okay so here's a question for you to oZho22o4JVA-00575-00164472-00164599 think about maybe oZho22o4JVA-00576-00164600-00164831 how do you know these error bars are oZho22o4JVA-00577-00164832-00164966 also correctly reflecting the oZho22o4JVA-00578-00164967-00165166 interpolation uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00579-00165167-00165583 so it's a statistical question oZho22o4JVA-00580-00165584-00165766 so it really depends on whether this oZho22o4JVA-00581-00165767-00165959 error bar correctly reflects oZho22o4JVA-00582-00165960-00166126 the deviation from the true model oZho22o4JVA-00583-00166127-00166335 calculations whether their magnitudes oZho22o4JVA-00584-00166336-00166871 are compatible oZho22o4JVA-00585-00166872-00167199 okay now we go to oZho22o4JVA-00586-00167200-00167590 this final step oZho22o4JVA-00587-00167591-00168083 the last eight blocks oZho22o4JVA-00588-00168084-00168214 uh oZho22o4JVA-00589-00168215-00168663 let let's do a pool again whether you oZho22o4JVA-00590-00168664-00169038 have generated the the validation plot oZho22o4JVA-00591-00169039-00169087 and oZho22o4JVA-00592-00169088-00169399 is able to to go to oZho22o4JVA-00593-00169400-00170543 maybe start from block 22 oZho22o4JVA-00594-00170544-00170895 okay i see yes this is going up oZho22o4JVA-00595-00170896-00171175 and based on past experience we will oZho22o4JVA-00596-00171176-00171878 continue once we reach maybe 30. oZho22o4JVA-00597-00171879-00172863 okay great oZho22o4JVA-00598-00172864-00173207 so we want to now extract oZho22o4JVA-00599-00173208-00173559 the model parameters uh oZho22o4JVA-00600-00173560-00173919 we always do this very in a very oZho22o4JVA-00601-00173920-00174263 cautious manner so before we oZho22o4JVA-00602-00174264-00174495 we compare to experimental data we want oZho22o4JVA-00603-00174496-00174735 to do a so-called closure test oZho22o4JVA-00604-00174736-00175007 so closure test is a concept john oZho22o4JVA-00605-00175008-00175119 francois introduced oZho22o4JVA-00606-00175120-00175478 yesterday is that instead of using oZho22o4JVA-00607-00175479-00175790 experimental uh experimental measured oZho22o4JVA-00608-00175791-00175871 values oZho22o4JVA-00609-00175872-00176135 to invert the parameters we are just oZho22o4JVA-00610-00176136-00176207 going to use oZho22o4JVA-00611-00176208-00176566 model generated data as pseudo oZho22o4JVA-00612-00176567-00176838 to infer the known parameters to see oZho22o4JVA-00613-00176839-00177278 whether the inferred posterior oZho22o4JVA-00614-00177279-00177614 is a reasonable estimation of the true oZho22o4JVA-00615-00177615-00177838 value oZho22o4JVA-00616-00177839-00178159 so in block 22 we're going to choose use oZho22o4JVA-00617-00178160-00178543 sudo data equals to true oZho22o4JVA-00618-00178544-00178854 so we're not using experiments yet oZho22o4JVA-00619-00178855-00179063 and the pseudo data index is equal to oZho22o4JVA-00620-00179064-00179283 zero it means that we're going to use oZho22o4JVA-00621-00179284-00179495 the oZho22o4JVA-00622-00179496-00179766 remember we generated these three noble oZho22o4JVA-00623-00179767-00179807 trend oZho22o4JVA-00624-00179808-00180119 calculations a few blocks ago we're oZho22o4JVA-00625-00180120-00180278 going to use the first set oZho22o4JVA-00626-00180279-00180751 of that calculation as pseudonate oZho22o4JVA-00627-00180752-00181190 now if you run block 22 and 23 oZho22o4JVA-00628-00181191-00181502 it will organize the pseudo oZho22o4JVA-00629-00181503-00181743 experimental data for you and also tells oZho22o4JVA-00630-00181744-00181854 you what's the true oZho22o4JVA-00631-00181855-00182031 value of the parameters that generate in oZho22o4JVA-00632-00182032-00182207 this set of data oZho22o4JVA-00633-00182208-00182487 so the true parameter values you better oZho22o4JVA-00634-00182488-00182590 remember this oZho22o4JVA-00635-00182591-00182871 so that we can compare later as p equals oZho22o4JVA-00636-00182872-00182959 2.2 oZho22o4JVA-00637-00182960-00183263 w equals 2.5 sigma oZho22o4JVA-00638-00183264-00183495 is the the standard deviation of the oZho22o4JVA-00639-00183496-00183663 fluctuation we put in is oZho22o4JVA-00640-00183664-00184166 1.2 v is the oZho22o4JVA-00641-00184167-00184502 might be useful to oZho22o4JVA-00642-00184503-00184847 to again see what this are so oZho22o4JVA-00643-00184848-00185295 v is oZho22o4JVA-00644-00185296-00185607 the minimum to the cube as oZho22o4JVA-00645-00185608-00185983 is 1 over square root of k oZho22o4JVA-00646-00185984-00186175 and normalization is the energy density oZho22o4JVA-00647-00186176-00187047 normalization okay oZho22o4JVA-00648-00187048-00187495 and as a reminder oZho22o4JVA-00649-00187496-00187799 because this is our pseudo data so we oZho22o4JVA-00650-00187800-00187926 can estimate this oZho22o4JVA-00651-00187927-00188199 that statistical uncertainty but we oZho22o4JVA-00652-00188200-00188543 don't have a systematic uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00653-00188544-00188895 and also uh we're assuming a five oZho22o4JVA-00654-00188896-00189038 percent oZho22o4JVA-00655-00189039-00189199 uh statistical uncertainty for the oZho22o4JVA-00656-00189200-00189471 standard deviation the school is cumulus oZho22o4JVA-00657-00189472-00189814 uh of course you can compute uh oZho22o4JVA-00658-00189815-00190183 the actual uh status of fluctuations oZho22o4JVA-00659-00190184-00190399 in these numbers uh but here i'm just oZho22o4JVA-00660-00190400-00190583 assuming oZho22o4JVA-00661-00190584-00190935 a five percent uncertainties uh oZho22o4JVA-00662-00190936-00191247 once you go through experiments uh it oZho22o4JVA-00663-00191248-00191438 you can just use the experimental bar in oZho22o4JVA-00664-00191439-00191743 that case oZho22o4JVA-00665-00191744-00192166 so now if you go ahead and run block 15 oZho22o4JVA-00666-00192167-00192550 well 15 uh sorry block 25 oZho22o4JVA-00667-00192551-00193007 uh block 24 and 25 oZho22o4JVA-00668-00193008-00193343 so block 24 and 25 uh oZho22o4JVA-00669-00193344-00193631 it's just a mathematical tool uh called oZho22o4JVA-00670-00193632-00193671 the oZho22o4JVA-00671-00193672-00194119 markov chairman's column to sample oZho22o4JVA-00672-00194120-00194463 uh parameter points from the posterior oZho22o4JVA-00673-00194464-00194614 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00674-00194615-00194911 because given the likelihood function oZho22o4JVA-00675-00194912-00194950 the oZho22o4JVA-00676-00194951-00195214 experimental uncertainty the emulator oZho22o4JVA-00677-00195215-00195302 prediction oZho22o4JVA-00678-00195303-00195487 and experiment values and the prior oZho22o4JVA-00679-00195488-00195711 range you can just write down oZho22o4JVA-00680-00195712-00196038 uh the posterior distribution function oZho22o4JVA-00681-00196039-00196223 uh however that scene is so had the high oZho22o4JVA-00682-00196224-00196343 dimensional oZho22o4JVA-00683-00196344-00196550 uh it's very hard to do marginalization oZho22o4JVA-00684-00196551-00196735 it's hard to visualize oZho22o4JVA-00685-00196736-00197038 so usually we we use this marked markov oZho22o4JVA-00686-00197039-00197231 chain monte carlo oZho22o4JVA-00687-00197232-00197543 uh to to put samples from it and when oZho22o4JVA-00688-00197544-00197599 you project oZho22o4JVA-00689-00197600-00197743 all these parametric samples onto one oZho22o4JVA-00690-00197744-00197999 dimension uh you are effectively doing oZho22o4JVA-00691-00198000-00198214 marginalization of other parameters oZho22o4JVA-00692-00198215-00198535 and it's also easy to visualize uh this oZho22o4JVA-00693-00198536-00198654 high dimension function oZho22o4JVA-00694-00198655-00199031 from its samples so oZho22o4JVA-00695-00199032-00199623 um in block 26 oZho22o4JVA-00696-00199624-00200071 again for those oZho22o4JVA-00697-00200072-00200438 who are using binder i recommend you to oZho22o4JVA-00698-00200439-00200487 just oZho22o4JVA-00699-00200488-00200759 load mcmc chan that i i generated for oZho22o4JVA-00700-00200760-00201111 you oZho22o4JVA-00701-00201112-00201407 and for those following local computers oZho22o4JVA-00702-00201408-00201454 uh oZho22o4JVA-00703-00201455-00201799 you you can oZho22o4JVA-00704-00201800-00202087 generator your your own mark of monte oZho22o4JVA-00705-00202088-00203083 carlo oZho22o4JVA-00706-00203084-00204526 samples oZho22o4JVA-00707-00204527-00204838 okay so so since i'm loading the chain oZho22o4JVA-00708-00204839-00205006 it's going to take seconds oZho22o4JVA-00709-00205007-00205327 and i'm finished but uh oZho22o4JVA-00710-00205328-00205638 oh chan oh okay so oZho22o4JVA-00711-00205639-00206158 can i have to specify oZho22o4JVA-00712-00206159-00206694 the file name so the file name should be oZho22o4JVA-00713-00206696-00207214 model data mcmc oZho22o4JVA-00714-00207215-00207598 hence that should do oZho22o4JVA-00715-00207600-00207910 okay but i will wait for oZho22o4JVA-00716-00207911-00208151 a few minutes for those who are using oZho22o4JVA-00717-00208152-00208319 your own computer to generate your own oZho22o4JVA-00718-00208319-00208519 chain oZho22o4JVA-00719-00208519-00208982 depending on how much workers you choose oZho22o4JVA-00720-00208983-00209166 how much burning step and how much a oZho22o4JVA-00721-00209167-00209327 production step oZho22o4JVA-00722-00209328-00209582 it may take few minutes if you want this oZho22o4JVA-00723-00209583-00209767 process to be faster oZho22o4JVA-00724-00209767-00209942 just for demonstration process you can oZho22o4JVA-00725-00209944-00210071 reduce the number of workers oZho22o4JVA-00726-00210071-00210431 maybe to 20 and oZho22o4JVA-00727-00210432-00210951 reduce these numbers if you oZho22o4JVA-00728-00210952-00211598 want to get some results quickly oZho22o4JVA-00729-00211600-00211798 in the meantime while we are waiting for oZho22o4JVA-00730-00211800-00211982 people generating the chain oZho22o4JVA-00731-00211983-00212294 uh if you are loading my pre-generated oZho22o4JVA-00732-00212296-00212334 chain oZho22o4JVA-00733-00212335-00212694 this chain are generated uh oZho22o4JVA-00734-00212696-00213063 from uh gauche oZho22o4JVA-00735-00213064-00213379 from gaussian oZho22o4JVA-00736-00213380-00213782 emulators uh plus oZho22o4JVA-00737-00213783-00214094 five i think six oZho22o4JVA-00738-00214096-00214431 principal components oZho22o4JVA-00739-00214432-00214958 so it's quite accurate oZho22o4JVA-00740-00214959-00215303 so i'm going to do another pull once oZho22o4JVA-00741-00215304-00215591 you have either loaded the chain or oZho22o4JVA-00742-00215592-00215839 generated your own chain oZho22o4JVA-00744-00220288-00222798 okay it's going up oZho22o4JVA-00745-00222800-00222998 oh meanwhile i can maybe i can take a oZho22o4JVA-00746-00223000-00223158 few questions if oZho22o4JVA-00747-00223159-00223623 there's any questions oZho22o4JVA-00748-00223623-00224063 uh on slack oZho22o4JVA-00749-00224064-00224310 right now there isn't i think everybody oZho22o4JVA-00750-00224311-00224494 is oZho22o4JVA-00751-00224496-00224958 really busy trying to catch up oZho22o4JVA-00752-00224959-00225215 you have about 15 minutes until the end oZho22o4JVA-00753-00225216-00225455 of the oZho22o4JVA-00754-00225456-00225679 yeah we will just have three more blocks oZho22o4JVA-00755-00225680-00225831 to go and all of them are like oZho22o4JVA-00756-00225832-00228158 plotting functions sounds good oZho22o4JVA-00757-00228159-00228623 okay so so for those who have oZho22o4JVA-00758-00228623-00228927 finished generating the chain uh oZho22o4JVA-00759-00228928-00229246 you can go ahead and run block 27 it oZho22o4JVA-00760-00229248-00229327 plots oZho22o4JVA-00761-00229328-00229855 some plot that's very common in oZho22o4JVA-00762-00229856-00230271 a multi-parameter patient fit oZho22o4JVA-00763-00230271-00230598 which is the marginalized one parameter oZho22o4JVA-00764-00230600-00230861 posterior distribution and oZho22o4JVA-00765-00230862-00231015 [Music] oZho22o4JVA-00766-00231016-00231327 so those are listed on the diagonal plot oZho22o4JVA-00767-00231328-00231510 so here is the one parameter oZho22o4JVA-00768-00231511-00231639 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00769-00231640-00231846 uh with all the other parameter oZho22o4JVA-00770-00231848-00232023 marginalized over oZho22o4JVA-00771-00232023-00232246 for the p parameter this is for the oZho22o4JVA-00772-00232248-00232455 nucleon west parameter oZho22o4JVA-00773-00232456-00232631 for the fluctuation parameter and oZho22o4JVA-00774-00232632-00232855 finally for oZho22o4JVA-00775-00232856-00233175 the nuclear minimum distance parameter oZho22o4JVA-00776-00233176-00233406 and oh there's one more it's the oZho22o4JVA-00777-00233407-00233598 normalization parameter oZho22o4JVA-00778-00233600-00233903 and on the off diagonal you have the oZho22o4JVA-00779-00233904-00234223 the joint probability distribution oZho22o4JVA-00780-00234223-00234446 of the posterior for each of the two oZho22o4JVA-00781-00234448-00234606 parameters oZho22o4JVA-00782-00234607-00234934 uh uh you can think of way to visualize oZho22o4JVA-00783-00234935-00235079 three parameter correlation but oZho22o4JVA-00784-00235080-00235446 that'd be not not easy to to show oZho22o4JVA-00785-00235448-00235846 uh on this two-dimensional plot oZho22o4JVA-00786-00235848-00236223 so so here you can see i've drawn oZho22o4JVA-00787-00236223-00236655 uh the right lines and the blue lines oZho22o4JVA-00788-00236656-00236975 in each of this plot so the red line are oZho22o4JVA-00789-00236976-00237175 the oZho22o4JVA-00790-00237176-00237510 uh red lines represents the the true oZho22o4JVA-00791-00237511-00237703 values that we put in oZho22o4JVA-00792-00237704-00238094 in the trento simulation and oZho22o4JVA-00793-00238096-00238415 the the blue lines are oZho22o4JVA-00794-00238416-00238742 the median predictions of this special oZho22o4JVA-00795-00238744-00239071 analysis so by median is means that oZho22o4JVA-00796-00239071-00239303 you so you have this probability oZho22o4JVA-00797-00239304-00239398 distribution oZho22o4JVA-00798-00239400-00239639 for the value of p you'll find the value oZho22o4JVA-00799-00239640-00239871 where exactly half of your samples are oZho22o4JVA-00800-00239871-00240023 above this value oZho22o4JVA-00801-00240023-00240206 and half of the samples are below this oZho22o4JVA-00802-00240207-00240415 value oZho22o4JVA-00803-00240416-00240655 so you may ask why don't we just use the oZho22o4JVA-00804-00240656-00240855 maximum oZho22o4JVA-00805-00240856-00241094 value for for this distribution to oZho22o4JVA-00806-00241096-00241198 define oZho22o4JVA-00807-00241200-00241503 our best fit so the maximum value oZho22o4JVA-00808-00241504-00241806 can sometimes be deceiving for example oZho22o4JVA-00809-00241807-00242246 uh if your peak doesn't exist in your oZho22o4JVA-00810-00242248-00242598 uh uh design range oZho22o4JVA-00811-00242600-00242887 uh then your peak is completely biased oZho22o4JVA-00812-00242888-00243046 to one side of oZho22o4JVA-00813-00243048-00243558 the this function oZho22o4JVA-00814-00243559-00243798 and you you will have to estimate some oZho22o4JVA-00815-00243800-00244063 very unsymmetric uncertainties oZho22o4JVA-00816-00244064-00244358 another advantage of using median values oZho22o4JVA-00817-00244359-00244423 instead of oZho22o4JVA-00818-00244423-00244710 for example mean values or maximum value oZho22o4JVA-00819-00244711-00244830 is that oZho22o4JVA-00820-00244831-00245215 the medium is very robust against oZho22o4JVA-00821-00245216-00245542 a parameter transformation for example oZho22o4JVA-00822-00245544-00245942 if i if somehow in the model i oZho22o4JVA-00823-00245944-00246151 i didn't choose to prime price p the oZho22o4JVA-00824-00246152-00246287 current way oZho22o4JVA-00825-00246288-00246479 i chose another parameterization where oZho22o4JVA-00826-00246480-00246606 the new p is related oZho22o4JVA-00827-00246607-00246894 by this p by us another square so p oZho22o4JVA-00828-00246896-00246998 prime equals p oZho22o4JVA-00829-00247000-00247334 square so we such as transformation oZho22o4JVA-00830-00247335-00247639 uh this density distribution's maximum oZho22o4JVA-00831-00247640-00247871 and its mean value will will all be oZho22o4JVA-00832-00247871-00248030 moved around by this transformation oZho22o4JVA-00833-00248031-00248142 however oZho22o4JVA-00834-00248144-00248279 as long as this transformation is oZho22o4JVA-00835-00248280-00248606 monotonic the median value is still oZho22o4JVA-00836-00248607-00248991 the median uh so that's why often we use oZho22o4JVA-00837-00248992-00249079 median values oZho22o4JVA-00838-00249080-00249367 as a central prediction for the oZho22o4JVA-00839-00249367-00249855 parametric extraction oZho22o4JVA-00840-00249856-00250119 also medium also allows you to define oZho22o4JVA-00841-00250119-00250215 other quantiles oZho22o4JVA-00842-00250216-00250382 so medium is the quantile of the oZho22o4JVA-00843-00250383-00250679 parameters at 50 percent oZho22o4JVA-00844-00250680-00250830 you can also define quantiles at ten oZho22o4JVA-00845-00250831-00251023 percent ninety percent oZho22o4JVA-00846-00251023-00251215 so that you have this eighty percent oZho22o4JVA-00847-00251216-00251375 credible limit oZho22o4JVA-00848-00251376-00251767 so here uh on top of each diagonal plot oZho22o4JVA-00849-00251767-00251823 use oZho22o4JVA-00850-00251823-00252119 you you will find a mean value as a oZho22o4JVA-00851-00252119-00252382 median value plus or minus some number oZho22o4JVA-00852-00252383-00252567 so that plus or minus some number oZho22o4JVA-00853-00252567-00252827 actually shows the oZho22o4JVA-00854-00252828-00253198 95 percent credible region i think oZho22o4JVA-00855-00253200-00253542 let me check yes it's 95. it's the 2.5 oZho22o4JVA-00856-00253544-00253639 quantile oZho22o4JVA-00857-00253640-00254023 and the 97.5 quantile oZho22o4JVA-00858-00254023-00254358 of the distribution so you see that oZho22o4JVA-00859-00254359-00254671 in such a way from this closure test the oZho22o4JVA-00860-00254671-00254791 true values oZho22o4JVA-00861-00254792-00255119 are pretty good enclosed uh in oZho22o4JVA-00862-00255119-00255334 the quoted median plus or minus oZho22o4JVA-00863-00255335-00255479 uncertainties oZho22o4JVA-00864-00255480-00255646 uh you may notice that there's a very oZho22o4JVA-00865-00255648-00255815 large discrepancies between oZho22o4JVA-00866-00255816-00256079 this minimum nuclear distance parameter oZho22o4JVA-00867-00256080-00256198 but oZho22o4JVA-00868-00256200-00256358 and this parameter is really not really oZho22o4JVA-00869-00256359-00256655 constrained and you have this oZho22o4JVA-00870-00256656-00256863 medium around one and the uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00871-00256864-00257039 band stretching oZho22o4JVA-00872-00257040-00257310 from zero to two so it's still oZho22o4JVA-00873-00257311-00257687 consistent with the uncertainty oZho22o4JVA-00874-00257688-00258046 so if you have time you can go ahead oZho22o4JVA-00875-00258048-00258358 and perform a disclosure test for the oZho22o4JVA-00876-00258359-00258494 rest tool set oZho22o4JVA-00877-00258496-00258798 of the uh of the the validation side i oZho22o4JVA-00878-00258800-00258982 provide you oZho22o4JVA-00879-00258983-00259287 but for the rest ten minutes let's oZho22o4JVA-00880-00259288-00259623 just imagine you have passed oZho22o4JVA-00881-00259623-00259934 a numerous tests on this closure closure oZho22o4JVA-00882-00259935-00260023 test oZho22o4JVA-00883-00260023-00260271 and we go ahead and compare with actual oZho22o4JVA-00884-00260271-00260734 experimental results oZho22o4JVA-00885-00260735-00261175 so that will require you to go back to oZho22o4JVA-00886-00261176-00261551 uh block let's see oZho22o4JVA-00887-00261552-00261967 log 22 22 oZho22o4JVA-00888-00261967-00262191 where you simply to change this you oZho22o4JVA-00889-00262192-00262455 still to data to false oZho22o4JVA-00890-00262456-00262743 that's enough to to activate using the oZho22o4JVA-00891-00262744-00262927 experimental data oZho22o4JVA-00892-00262928-00263143 and you you run through the rest of the oZho22o4JVA-00893-00263144-00263319 block oZho22o4JVA-00894-00263320-00263687 loading data define the like to function oZho22o4JVA-00895-00263688-00264151 uh ram cmc chain and oZho22o4JVA-00896-00264152-00264495 again for binder users you can load the oZho22o4JVA-00897-00264496-00264703 pre-generated chain oZho22o4JVA-00898-00264704-00264863 otherwise you can generate your own oZho22o4JVA-00899-00264864-00265182 chain for experimental data oZho22o4JVA-00900-00265183-00265543 and again we have this final oZho22o4JVA-00901-00265544-00266082 uh why it's not oZho22o4JVA-00902-00266083-00266671 changed oZho22o4JVA-00903-00266672-00266951 okay it's not changing let me see what's oZho22o4JVA-00904-00266952-00267375 going on oZho22o4JVA-00905-00267376-00268882 you see the data equals to oZho22o4JVA-00906-00268883-00269671 false oZho22o4JVA-00907-00269672-00270039 okay oZho22o4JVA-00908-00270040-00270527 so so here you'll get your uh oZho22o4JVA-00909-00270528-00271327 oh let's see what's going on oZho22o4JVA-00910-00271328-00271503 so for experiment data we don't have a oZho22o4JVA-00911-00271504-00271682 true value so i will turn off the red oZho22o4JVA-00912-00271683-00271943 line we are guessing what the true value oZho22o4JVA-00913-00271944-00272087 is oZho22o4JVA-00914-00272088-00272423 okay so so here oZho22o4JVA-00915-00272424-00272767 you see that you using the experimental oZho22o4JVA-00916-00272768-00272919 data you will not know what oZho22o4JVA-00917-00272920-00273247 true value is for for these parameters oZho22o4JVA-00918-00273248-00273582 so to to to to gain confidence in oZho22o4JVA-00919-00273583-00273767 this extracted values it's really oZho22o4JVA-00920-00273768-00273927 important that you perform oZho22o4JVA-00921-00273928-00274230 that closure test as extensive as oZho22o4JVA-00922-00274231-00274358 possible oZho22o4JVA-00923-00274359-00274606 so of course the closure test works oZho22o4JVA-00924-00274607-00274799 doesn't guarantee you cannot it also oZho22o4JVA-00925-00274800-00274879 works for oZho22o4JVA-00926-00274880-00275143 experimental data because closure test oZho22o4JVA-00927-00275144-00275334 is a much simpler problem for oZho22o4JVA-00928-00275335-00275551 visual analysis because you don't have oZho22o4JVA-00929-00275552-00275839 modal uncertainties oZho22o4JVA-00930-00275840-00276087 your model should precisely describe oZho22o4JVA-00931-00276088-00276230 what it predicts oZho22o4JVA-00932-00276231-00276463 given the correct set of parameters oZho22o4JVA-00933-00276464-00276639 however one of those red lines what are oZho22o4JVA-00934-00276640-00276847 the red lines in the correlation plots oZho22o4JVA-00935-00276848-00277310 oh yeah i should turn that off either oZho22o4JVA-00936-00277311-00277663 so there's no true values for oZho22o4JVA-00937-00277664-00278543 comparing two experiments okay oZho22o4JVA-00938-00278544-00278895 and finally to see whether these oZho22o4JVA-00939-00278896-00279199 parameters provides a good description oZho22o4JVA-00940-00279200-00279382 of the data oZho22o4JVA-00941-00279383-00279743 uh you may want to sample oZho22o4JVA-00942-00279744-00280082 from this parameters a posterior and oZho22o4JVA-00943-00280083-00280391 using uh the inverse transform of oZho22o4JVA-00944-00280392-00280758 the emulator plus uh principal component oZho22o4JVA-00945-00280759-00280863 analysis oZho22o4JVA-00946-00280864-00281079 to see whether the predictor observables oZho22o4JVA-00947-00281080-00281230 agrees well with the oZho22o4JVA-00948-00281231-00281519 experiments uh because i think you know oZho22o4JVA-00949-00281520-00281727 francois also covered this yesterday oZho22o4JVA-00950-00281728-00282030 you can always constrain parameters with oZho22o4JVA-00951-00282031-00282199 a very well-defined peak oZho22o4JVA-00952-00282200-00282534 while at the same time completely uh oZho22o4JVA-00953-00282535-00282830 of the data point so eventually it's oZho22o4JVA-00954-00282831-00282982 important to check oZho22o4JVA-00955-00282983-00283310 whether we also provide reasonable oZho22o4JVA-00956-00283311-00283382 description oZho22o4JVA-00957-00283383-00283758 for data so oZho22o4JVA-00958-00283759-00284079 okay i'm drawing too much samples to oZho22o4JVA-00959-00284080-00284182 change this number oZho22o4JVA-00960-00284183-00284599 we're just going to sample maybe oZho22o4JVA-00961-00284600-00285182 uh 100 parameters oZho22o4JVA-00962-00285183-00285382 and see what the predictor observables oZho22o4JVA-00963-00285383-00285999 looks like oZho22o4JVA-00964-00286000-00286254 so this is a hundred parameter sets in oZho22o4JVA-00965-00286255-00286351 the oZho22o4JVA-00966-00286352-00286654 uh in the highest percent confidence oZho22o4JVA-00967-00286655-00286775 region or oZho22o4JVA-00968-00286776-00287071 uh yes it gets weighted with the oZho22o4JVA-00969-00287072-00287334 probability or how does that work oZho22o4JVA-00970-00287335-00287671 so it's pulled according to this uh oZho22o4JVA-00971-00287672-00287943 posterior distributions okay it just oZho22o4JVA-00972-00287944-00288482 draws oZho22o4JVA-00973-00288483-00288758 uh let me see i think oZho22o4JVA-00974-00288759-00288999 there's something not loaded correctly oZho22o4JVA-00975-00289000-00290003 over here oZho22o4JVA-00976-00290004-00290839 experiments oZho22o4JVA-00977-00290840-00291039 there are some discrepancies but this is oZho22o4JVA-00978-00291040-00291239 fun because oZho22o4JVA-00979-00291240-00291439 i think i've loaded the correct oZho22o4JVA-00980-00291440-00293351 parameter set oZho22o4JVA-00981-00293352-00293527 so you expected this to describe the oZho22o4JVA-00982-00293528-00293799 data well and it doesn't oZho22o4JVA-00983-00293800-00293975 it's not fulfilled so we are looking for oZho22o4JVA-00984-00293976-00294254 a problem okay yes this happened before oZho22o4JVA-00985-00294255-00295482 oh i see so this block never finishes oZho22o4JVA-00986-00295483-00295606 okay oZho22o4JVA-00987-00295607-00295951 okay okay so so the logic is correct oZho22o4JVA-00988-00295952-00296303 so see again i'm plotting oZho22o4JVA-00989-00296304-00296623 the predictions as this valid shape uh oZho22o4JVA-00990-00296624-00296703 because oZho22o4JVA-00991-00296704-00296927 after you put this 100 samples at each oZho22o4JVA-00992-00296928-00297023 point oZho22o4JVA-00993-00297024-00297254 you have 100 scattered plots scattered oZho22o4JVA-00994-00297255-00297423 dots over here oZho22o4JVA-00995-00297424-00297687 and to visualize this probability oZho22o4JVA-00996-00297688-00297919 distribution we use this uh oZho22o4JVA-00997-00297920-00298134 welding plot so you see that most of the oZho22o4JVA-00998-00298135-00298271 predictions oZho22o4JVA-00999-00298272-00298495 are pretty close to the experimental oZho22o4JVA-01000-00298496-00298615 value shown by oZho22o4JVA-01001-00298616-00298982 the the red dot oZho22o4JVA-01002-00298983-00299206 uh of course for this uh on the right oZho22o4JVA-01003-00299207-00299310 hand side oZho22o4JVA-01004-00299311-00299630 uh you can see there are some oZho22o4JVA-01005-00299631-00299927 some tensions in some of the observables oZho22o4JVA-01006-00299928-00299967 uh oZho22o4JVA-01007-00299968-00300263 so these are often can happen while oZho22o4JVA-01008-00300264-00300439 compared to experimental data oZho22o4JVA-01009-00300440-00300751 because uh there's no point that oZho22o4JVA-01010-00300752-00301023 a model will describe more experiments oZho22o4JVA-01011-00301024-00301158 in every detail oZho22o4JVA-01012-00301159-00301358 however if you redo this process for the oZho22o4JVA-01013-00301359-00301463 closure test oZho22o4JVA-01014-00301464-00301751 there are less tensions because the data oZho22o4JVA-01015-00301752-00301934 still data are generated from the model oZho22o4JVA-01016-00301935-00302191 itself oZho22o4JVA-01017-00302192-00302527 so i think that will conclude uh oZho22o4JVA-01018-00302528-00302791 this huge example uh there are still oZho22o4JVA-01019-00302792-00302863 many oZho22o4JVA-01020-00302864-00303158 uh parts you can play with for example oZho22o4JVA-01021-00303159-00303287 you can try different oZho22o4JVA-01022-00303288-00303639 numbers of principle components uh oZho22o4JVA-01023-00303640-00303854 uh you you can choose whether you want oZho22o4JVA-01024-00303855-00303991 to include this set of oZho22o4JVA-01025-00303992-00304295 observables or not oZho22o4JVA-01026-00304296-00304687 you can choose the how many oZho22o4JVA-01027-00304688-00305079 uh optimization process you want to oZho22o4JVA-01028-00305080-00305415 you want to do over the gaussian process oZho22o4JVA-01029-00305416-00305671 uh you can you can try other gaussian oZho22o4JVA-01030-00305672-00305839 process kernels oZho22o4JVA-01031-00305840-00306167 uh and so on so oZho22o4JVA-01032-00306168-00306487 uh i think i hope that this oZho22o4JVA-01033-00306488-00306799 example is not just an example uh oZho22o4JVA-01034-00306800-00307134 you you can also modify it so that it oZho22o4JVA-01035-00307135-00307399 it can modify to to your own small oZho22o4JVA-01036-00307400-00307510 projects oZho22o4JVA-01037-00307511-00308223 i think it could be helpful yeah oZho22o4JVA-01038-00308224-00308575 okay uh so i'm giving oZho22o4JVA-01039-00308576-00308958 this back to you okay so i don't see oZho22o4JVA-01040-00308959-00309447 any leftover questions let me check oZho22o4JVA-01041-00309448-00309727 um there were at the end there were some oZho22o4JVA-01042-00309728-00309903 technical issues which oZho22o4JVA-01043-00309904-00310247 people are trying to resolve but uh oZho22o4JVA-01044-00310248-00310575 no more physics questions of general oZho22o4JVA-01045-00310576-00310839 interest i think you're good oZho22o4JVA-01046-00310840-00311023 uh so this is this ends your oZho22o4JVA-01047-00311024-00311143 presentation oZho22o4JVA-01048-00311144-00311615 yes yes okay so let's have a vote on oZho22o4JVA-01049-00311616-00312630 whether way out did a good job oZho22o4JVA-01050-00312631-00313087 oh thank you i see the yes is coming in oZho22o4JVA-01051-00313088-00313430 okay so i think we should all uh oZho22o4JVA-01052-00313431-00313703 applaud you thank you very much stephan oZho22o4JVA-01053-00313704-00313758 stephan oZho22o4JVA-01054-00313759-00313943 anything else that we need to take care oZho22o4JVA-01055-00313944-00314215 of before we send everybody home oZho22o4JVA-01056-00314216-00314775 no i don't think so i believe we're done oZho22o4JVA-01057-00314776-00314934 all right chair number one why don't you oZho22o4JVA-01058-00314935-00315143 close these the oZho22o4JVA-01059-00315144-00315430 can i can i uh you make a statement oZho22o4JVA-01060-00315431-00315527 quickly oZho22o4JVA-01061-00315528-00315847 yes hi yes just to everybody oZho22o4JVA-01062-00315848-00316127 who's still here uh there's a poll on oZho22o4JVA-01063-00316128-00316319 the welcome channel oZho22o4JVA-01064-00316320-00316558 for the most helpful participant oZho22o4JVA-01065-00316559-00316815 somebody who helped you a lot on slack oZho22o4JVA-01066-00316816-00317230 or on the zoom to you know to set up oZho22o4JVA-01067-00317231-00317591 the docker or anything else please oZho22o4JVA-01068-00317592-00317775 partici you know take that poll as soon oZho22o4JVA-01069-00317776-00317982 as you can it it'll be open until the oZho22o4JVA-01070-00317983-00318110 end of the school oZho22o4JVA-01071-00318111-00318319 uh there are some names already there so oZho22o4JVA-01072-00318320-00318479 you can just click on the names to vote oZho22o4JVA-01073-00318480-00318551 on somebody oZho22o4JVA-01074-00318552-00318751 or you can add a name you know under the oZho22o4JVA-01075-00318752-00318919 add option oZho22o4JVA-01076-00318920-00319063 right and just add a name and you can oZho22o4JVA-01077-00319064-00319215 just click on that name and then that's oZho22o4JVA-01078-00319216-00319463 basically that you're voting for them oZho22o4JVA-01079-00319464-00319775 all right thank you that was it oZho22o4JVA-01080-00319776-00320304 all right thank you oc0sRcV1uoQ-00000-00000032-00000553 I think my mo interesting the most oc0sRcV1uoQ-00001-00000554-00000821 interesting assignment recently has had oc0sRcV1uoQ-00002-00000822-00001219 to be the Q&A session during the oc0sRcV1uoQ-00003-00001220-00001541 premiere of the new Witcher series which oc0sRcV1uoQ-00004-00001542-00001832 was produced in Maine by Netflix and it oc0sRcV1uoQ-00005-00001832-00002085 was in Poland it was a huge event oc0sRcV1uoQ-00006-00002086-00002465 because the series of books which the oc0sRcV1uoQ-00007-00002466-00002687 show is based on is very very popular oc0sRcV1uoQ-00008-00002688-00003085 and we are responsible for the live oc0sRcV1uoQ-00009-00003086-00003415 subtitling from English into Polish and oc0sRcV1uoQ-00010-00003415-00003647 during the Q&A session with the main oc0sRcV1uoQ-00011-00003647-00004324 cast with the producers he is this oc0sRcV1uoQ-00012-00004325-00005108 spirit to do violence I think just the oc0sRcV1uoQ-00013-00005109-00005291 topic was interesting but also the oc0sRcV1uoQ-00014-00005292-00005470 stress connected to the event was really oc0sRcV1uoQ-00015-00005471-00005666 really really high we've decided to work oc0sRcV1uoQ-00016-00005667-00005986 with with interpret and who works oc0sRcV1uoQ-00017-00005987-00006181 already on the site which allowed us to oc0sRcV1uoQ-00018-00006182-00006628 focus more on introducing new words into oc0sRcV1uoQ-00019-00006629-00006791 the dictionary which was especially oc0sRcV1uoQ-00020-00006792-00006973 difficult in this particular case oc0sRcV1uoQ-00021-00006975-00007376 because the books and the show are from oc0sRcV1uoQ-00022-00007377-00007601 the high fantasy genre which means there oc0sRcV1uoQ-00023-00007602-00007906 are a lot of proper names ocs3OSG0fhE-00000-00000330-00001495 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00001-00001496-00002515 um ocs3OSG0fhE-00003-00007000-00007700 m ocs3OSG0fhE-00004-00007701-00008483 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00005-00008484-00009741 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00006-00009742-00012700 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00007-00012701-00015471 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00009-00023840-00025158 um ocs3OSG0fhE-00010-00025159-00025546 will be started in our next ocs3OSG0fhE-00011-00025547-00028423 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00012-00028424-00028718 we will keep working on the optimization ocs3OSG0fhE-00013-00028719-00029087 of the square the square 2.0 will soon ocs3OSG0fhE-00014-00029088-00029287 meet you with better functional ocs3OSG0fhE-00015-00029288-00030927 experience and that ocs3OSG0fhE-00016-00030927-00031183 requires efforts to achieve the full ocs3OSG0fhE-00017-00031183-00031527 functionality of wallet official keep ocs3OSG0fhE-00018-00031527-00031839 tuned and wait for the wallet official ocs3OSG0fhE-00019-00031839-00032023 soon ocs3OSG0fhE-00020-00032024-00032127 again ocs3OSG0fhE-00021-00032127-00033687 number pointer again ocs3OSG0fhE-00023-00037892-00038271 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00024-00038272-00038590 a version of a piece of software that is ocs3OSG0fhE-00025-00038591-00038902 made available for testing ocs3OSG0fhE-00026-00038903-00039199 typically by a limited number of users ocs3OSG0fhE-00028-00043456-00044054 um ocs3OSG0fhE-00029-00044055-00046215 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00030-00046216-00046471 we have made improvements for some bugs ocs3OSG0fhE-00031-00046472-00046623 and experience ocs3OSG0fhE-00032-00046624-00046895 especially for global language to reduce ocs3OSG0fhE-00033-00046896-00047255 difficulties in using with joint efforts ocs3OSG0fhE-00034-00047256-00047471 of our community ocs3OSG0fhE-00035-00047472-00050070 economo ocs3OSG0fhE-00036-00050071-00051075 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00037-00051076-00051646 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00038-00051647-00051911 in software or other ocs3OSG0fhE-00039-00051912-00052263 aspects of a program this mistake may ocs3OSG0fhE-00040-00052264-00052575 reduce an error in the form of ocs3OSG0fhE-00041-00052576-00052847 unexpected ocs3OSG0fhE-00042-00052848-00052991 results of ocs3OSG0fhE-00043-00052991-00053407 idit behavior in the best case a bug may ocs3OSG0fhE-00044-00053408-00053687 only affected software performance in ocs3OSG0fhE-00045-00053688-00053950 the worst case it may take ocs3OSG0fhE-00046-00053951-00054271 the software crash we'll say back ocs3OSG0fhE-00049-00064367-00066854 um ocs3OSG0fhE-00050-00066855-00069490 [Music] ocs3OSG0fhE-00052-00074288-00076799 um ocs3OSG0fhE-00053-00076800-00077100 be ocX1AYPqvuA-00000-00000608-00000886 come all you brave young shanty boys ocX1AYPqvuA-00001-00000888-00001254 i pray you all draw near because of ocX1AYPqvuA-00002-00001255-00001599 a frightful accident that i would have ocX1AYPqvuA-00003-00001600-00001895 you here ocX1AYPqvuA-00004-00001896-00002175 dissolve the young and calmly youth ocX1AYPqvuA-00005-00002176-00002359 james whalen he was ocX1AYPqvuA-00006-00002360-00002799 called god drowned from le karen's raft ocX1AYPqvuA-00007-00002800-00003206 all on the upper falls ocX1AYPqvuA-00008-00003207-00003519 the water being in its raging course the ocX1AYPqvuA-00009-00003520-00003759 river rolling high ocX1AYPqvuA-00010-00003760-00004047 when the foreman too young wayland said ocX1AYPqvuA-00011-00004047-00004502 the gem you'll have to try ocX1AYPqvuA-00012-00004503-00004815 as they were rolling off the logs young ocX1AYPqvuA-00013-00004816-00005054 whale and made a shout ocX1AYPqvuA-00014-00005055-00005391 to shore to shore my shanty boys ocX1AYPqvuA-00015-00005392-00005815 the jam is going out ocX1AYPqvuA-00016-00005816-00006118 those mighty logs went and done and with ocX1AYPqvuA-00017-00006119-00006375 fearful crashing sound ocX1AYPqvuA-00018-00006376-00006767 and when the shanty boys looked back ocX1AYPqvuA-00019-00006768-00007198 young whalen had gone down ocX1AYPqvuA-00020-00007200-00007519 the foaming waters tore and tossed the ocX1AYPqvuA-00021-00007520-00007598 logs from ocX1AYPqvuA-00022-00007600-00007951 shore to shore and here and there his ocX1AYPqvuA-00023-00007952-00009006 body lies a tumbling door ocX1AYPqvuA-00024-00009007-00009215 you odJk1x_sUaY-00000-00000078-00001019 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00001-00001019-00003125 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00002-00003126-00003503 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00003-00003504-00003613 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00005-00008778-00010153 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00007-00014036-00015363 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00008-00015365-00016429 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00009-00016430-00017150 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00010-00017151-00018803 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00011-00018804-00019394 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00012-00019395-00020132 [Laughter] odJk1x_sUaY-00013-00020133-00022739 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00014-00022740-00023153 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00015-00023154-00024196 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00016-00024197-00025163 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00017-00025164-00026676 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00018-00026677-00027574 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00019-00027575-00028083 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00020-00028083-00028814 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00021-00028814-00030604 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00022-00030605-00031408 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00023-00031410-00031720 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00024-00031720-00031800 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00025-00031801-00031983 [Applause] odJk1x_sUaY-00026-00031985-00033622 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00027-00033623-00034474 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00028-00034475-00034620 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00030-00037756-00038327 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00031-00038328-00038428 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00032-00038429-00039413 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00033-00039414-00041672 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00034-00041673-00042227 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00035-00042228-00043890 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00036-00043891-00044412 all right odJk1x_sUaY-00037-00044413-00044849 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00038-00044850-00045187 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00039-00045188-00046161 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00040-00046162-00047855 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00041-00047856-00048311 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00042-00048312-00048685 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00043-00048686-00050163 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00044-00050164-00051332 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00045-00051333-00052294 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00046-00052295-00053623 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00047-00053624-00054766 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00048-00054767-00055140 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00049-00055141-00056926 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00050-00056927-00058037 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00051-00058038-00058132 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00052-00058133-00058310 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00053-00058311-00060241 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00054-00060241-00061169 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00055-00061170-00061600 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00056-00061601-00062703 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00057-00062704-00063290 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00058-00063291-00064354 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00059-00064355-00065519 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00060-00065520-00068187 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00061-00068188-00070141 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00062-00070142-00070369 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00063-00070370-00070559 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00064-00070560-00070763 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00065-00070764-00070894 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00066-00070895-00071021 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00067-00071022-00071792 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00068-00071793-00073388 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00069-00073389-00074129 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00070-00074130-00075607 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00071-00075608-00076999 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00072-00077000-00077180 thank you foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00073-00077181-00078839 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00074-00078840-00079558 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00075-00079559-00080206 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00076-00080207-00080603 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00077-00080604-00082586 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00078-00082587-00084319 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00079-00084320-00084695 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00080-00084696-00085382 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00081-00085383-00087017 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00082-00087018-00087505 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00083-00087506-00088381 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00084-00088382-00089572 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00085-00089573-00090221 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00086-00090222-00090928 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00087-00090929-00092236 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00088-00092237-00092878 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00089-00092879-00094367 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00091-00097725-00098672 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00092-00098673-00100818 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00093-00100819-00101316 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00094-00101317-00103550 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00095-00103551-00104154 [Applause] odJk1x_sUaY-00096-00104155-00104961 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00097-00104963-00106811 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00098-00106813-00107208 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00099-00107209-00107602 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00100-00107603-00108909 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00101-00108910-00109979 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00102-00109980-00111521 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00103-00111522-00111552 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00104-00111553-00112103 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00105-00112104-00112954 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00106-00112955-00114684 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00107-00114685-00115084 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00108-00115085-00115188 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00109-00115189-00117734 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00110-00117735-00118127 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00111-00118128-00118342 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00112-00118343-00120163 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00113-00120164-00122602 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00114-00122603-00122859 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00115-00122860-00124083 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00116-00124083-00125070 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00117-00125071-00125849 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00118-00125850-00126150 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00119-00126151-00127240 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00120-00127241-00128914 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00121-00128915-00129431 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00122-00129432-00131161 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00123-00131162-00132901 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00124-00132902-00133038 thank you odJk1x_sUaY-00125-00133039-00135485 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00126-00135486-00137143 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00127-00137144-00137811 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00128-00137812-00138558 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00129-00138559-00138725 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00130-00138726-00139184 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00132-00142620-00142967 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00133-00142968-00143737 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00134-00143738-00145390 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00135-00145391-00145506 wow odJk1x_sUaY-00136-00145507-00147989 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00137-00147990-00148765 wow odJk1x_sUaY-00138-00148766-00150663 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00139-00150664-00150893 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00140-00150894-00151259 foreign odJk1x_sUaY-00141-00151260-00153262 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00142-00153263-00154871 [Music] odJk1x_sUaY-00143-00154872-00155172 foreign of7MzSDdz6Q-00000-00000010-00000356 the National Basketball League NBL was a of7MzSDdz6Q-00001-00000357-00000578 professional basketball league in Japan of7MzSDdz6Q-00002-00000579-00000793 run by the Japan Basketball Association of7MzSDdz6Q-00003-00000794-00000914 jba of7MzSDdz6Q-00004-00000915-00001240 the first NBL season started in autumn of7MzSDdz6Q-00005-00001241-00001535 2013 replacing the JB's previous of7MzSDdz6Q-00006-00001536-00001745 top-flight League the Japan Basketball of7MzSDdz6Q-00007-00001746-00002042 League below the NBL was the National of7MzSDdz6Q-00008-00002043-00002285 Basketball Development League NB DL of7MzSDdz6Q-00009-00002286-00002483 which was the successor to the former of7MzSDdz6Q-00010-00002484-00002825 JBL 2 division the NBL and its of7MzSDdz6Q-00011-00002826-00003065 predecessor existed alongside the bj of7MzSDdz6Q-00012-00003066-00003250 league an independent league based on of7MzSDdz6Q-00013-00003251-00003466 the American sports franchise model that of7MzSDdz6Q-00014-00003467-00003820 had been active since 2005 the jba was of7MzSDdz6Q-00015-00003821-00004111 suspended by FIBA in November 2014 for of7MzSDdz6Q-00016-00004112-00004288 failing to address the fragmentation of of7MzSDdz6Q-00017-00004289-00004543 the sport into competing leagues as a of7MzSDdz6Q-00018-00004544-00004775 condition of FIBA lifting the suspension of7MzSDdz6Q-00019-00004776-00005131 in August 2015 the NBA L&N BDL merged of7MzSDdz6Q-00020-00005132-00005327 with the bj league to form the B League of7MzSDdz6Q-00021-00005328-00005586 which will commence in October 2016 of7MzSDdz6Q-00022-00005587-00005986 accordingly the 2015-16 NBL season was of7MzSDdz6Q-00023-00005987-00006655 the league's third and final season of7MzSDdz6Q-00024-00006656-00007163 topic teams of7MzSDdz6Q-00025-00007164-00007456 the league's initial season in 2013-14 of7MzSDdz6Q-00026-00007458-00007784 consisted of 12 teams the eight teams of7MzSDdz6Q-00027-00007784-00008006 that participated in the final season of of7MzSDdz6Q-00028-00008006-00008249 the JBL 1 joined the league as well as of7MzSDdz6Q-00029-00008250-00008582 the JBL 2 champion he'll go storks the of7MzSDdz6Q-00030-00008583-00008828 Chiba Jets returned to the jba system of7MzSDdz6Q-00031-00008829-00009032 after playing two seasons in the bj of7MzSDdz6Q-00032-00009033-00009227 league including a ninth place finish in of7MzSDdz6Q-00033-00009228-00009590 2012-13 date Ric Tsukuba intended to of7MzSDdz6Q-00034-00009591-00009809 join the NBL after finishing third in of7MzSDdz6Q-00035-00009810-00010163 their first JBL 2 season in 2012-13 but of7MzSDdz6Q-00036-00010164-00010364 subsequent financial difficulties saw of7MzSDdz6Q-00037-00010365-00010592 them withdraw their application they of7MzSDdz6Q-00038-00010593-00010742 were replaced by the newly formed of7MzSDdz6Q-00039-00010743-00010979 Tsukuba robots who submitted a separate of7MzSDdz6Q-00040-00010980-00011228 application for entry to the league the of7MzSDdz6Q-00041-00011229-00011405 12th team to join the league was the of7MzSDdz6Q-00042-00011406-00011599 Kumamoto voltar's who had been seeking of7MzSDdz6Q-00043-00011600-00012032 entrance into the JBL 2 since 2009 3 NB of7MzSDdz6Q-00044-00012033-00012271 DL teams were given associate membership of7MzSDdz6Q-00045-00012272-00012476 status allowing for the possibility of of7MzSDdz6Q-00046-00012477-00012682 their future promotion to the NBL of7MzSDdz6Q-00047-00012683-00013024 however all three teams Renova Kagoshima of7MzSDdz6Q-00048-00013025-00013250 Tokyo excellence and Toyota sushi Oh of7MzSDdz6Q-00049-00013251-00013454 fighting Eagles ultimately remained in of7MzSDdz6Q-00050-00013455-00013640 the NBL for the duration of the of7MzSDdz6Q-00051-00013641-00013994 competition's existence the 2014-15 of7MzSDdz6Q-00052-00013994-00014252 season saw the hiroshima dragonflies of7MzSDdz6Q-00053-00014253-00014435 enter the league as an expansion team of7MzSDdz6Q-00054-00014436-00014647 and the Tsukuba robots transfer from the of7MzSDdz6Q-00055-00014648-00014803 Western Conference to the Eastern of7MzSDdz6Q-00056-00014804-00015100 Conference the waka ama treants who were of7MzSDdz6Q-00057-00015101-00015287 runners-up in the league's first season of7MzSDdz6Q-00058-00015288-00015509 withdrew midway through the 2014-15 of7MzSDdz6Q-00059-00015510-00015821 season in January 2015 due to financial of7MzSDdz6Q-00060-00015822-00016022 difficulty and were refused entry into of7MzSDdz6Q-00061-00016022-00016481 the 2015-2016 season in March 2014 the of7MzSDdz6Q-00062-00016482-00016619 league issued a public call for of7MzSDdz6Q-00063-00016620-00016934 expansion teams to join the NBL or n BDL of7MzSDdz6Q-00064-00016935-00017327 for the 2015-16 season the tokyo hoshi o of7MzSDdz6Q-00065-00017328-00017600 ji trains joined the NBL but the NBL of7MzSDdz6Q-00066-00017601-00017846 remained at 12 teams the league of7MzSDdz6Q-00067-00017847-00018049 abandoned the two conference system in of7MzSDdz6Q-00068-00018050-00018347 2015-16 with teams instead playing five of7MzSDdz6Q-00069-00018348-00018539 matches against each other for a total of7MzSDdz6Q-00070-00018540-00019205 55 game regular season of7MzSDdz6Q-00071-00019206-00019782 topic playoff champions of7MzSDdz6Q-00072-00019783-00020184 equals equals all-star game ohPeCx7znDA-00000-00000028-00000549 [Music] ohPeCx7znDA-00001-00000550-00000914 Toronto got my father and may though ohPeCx7znDA-00002-00000915-00001598 your house lovers mhmm india garden ohPeCx7znDA-00003-00001599-00001841 level basically an aquiline as we do i ohPeCx7znDA-00004-00001842-00001973 owe them so much you're gonna give you ohPeCx7znDA-00005-00001973-00002352 the script and then do before i order ohPeCx7znDA-00006-00002353-00002717 and then but in killing warheads and ohPeCx7znDA-00007-00002718-00002965 haleka watch it the other sovereign ohPeCx7znDA-00008-00002966-00003224 below eye level can watch video mio but ohPeCx7znDA-00009-00003225-00003581 in so we both won in july was it but in ohPeCx7znDA-00010-00003582-00003800 index hey halaqa to get so we're you ohPeCx7znDA-00011-00003801-00003992 shared hello mitches alone in to get the ohPeCx7znDA-00012-00003993-00004231 head one panic I want adventure what the ohPeCx7znDA-00013-00004232-00004481 heaven ok lamahieu door work I'm an ohPeCx7znDA-00014-00004482-00004724 equal clock oil is door to anyone about ohPeCx7znDA-00015-00004725-00004936 it back on owner all right guy in one ohPeCx7znDA-00016-00004937-00005126 and then sweet alexia attention on a ohPeCx7znDA-00017-00005127-00005351 warhead minute oil manager Bob tamayo ohPeCx7znDA-00018-00005352-00005834 tobacco hello is the montebello chefs ohPeCx7znDA-00019-00005835-00006065 laws image area as a much higher came up ohPeCx7znDA-00020-00006066-00006227 with about Eric so on foot there when ohPeCx7znDA-00021-00006228-00006409 i'm also still does involve a goofy mood ohPeCx7znDA-00022-00006411-00006737 on and then Mulholland and you're near ohPeCx7znDA-00023-00006738-00007166 indy bed soho yes maybe it's like a stop ohPeCx7znDA-00024-00007167-00007373 to ensure nobody Libyans like you know a ohPeCx7znDA-00025-00007373-00007696 family dollar rhubari superwomen amazon ohPeCx7znDA-00026-00007697-00007998 took a message last man standing any ohPeCx7znDA-00027-00008000-00008274 assume you won't walk another walk ohPeCx7znDA-00028-00008275-00009121 wonderfully much metallica man horse ohPeCx7znDA-00029-00009122-00009460 awesome ashaki plan it's you should i be ohPeCx7znDA-00030-00009461-00009830 kind of okay allegorical figures that ohPeCx7znDA-00031-00009831-00010039 cuz one move and you flee or with me I ohPeCx7znDA-00032-00010040-00010310 suppose okay okay Jonathan in the world ohPeCx7znDA-00033-00010311-00010714 we're safe affinia do not move never ohPeCx7znDA-00034-00010715-00011099 happens ok I'll go birth yet oh yes of ohPeCx7znDA-00035-00011100-00011513 course you can go back at the pole how ohPeCx7znDA-00036-00011514-00011881 are you we go to comment yeah one good ohPeCx7znDA-00037-00011882-00012028 attack ohPeCx7znDA-00038-00012029-00012633 you're good my money come on nope nope ohPeCx7znDA-00039-00012634-00013071 now every bit of my eyes and I always go ohPeCx7znDA-00040-00013072-00014421 [__] on hey hey so I love it whoa ohPeCx7znDA-00041-00014422-00015765 whoa whoa wait wait sporty i'ma dork ohPeCx7znDA-00042-00015766-00016483 whoa yeah that was whenever you end your ohPeCx7znDA-00043-00016484-00018964 turn again we see sweet freezing at its ohPeCx7znDA-00044-00018965-00019405 hood ohPeCx7znDA-00046-00029941-00030083 [Music] ohPeCx7znDA-00049-00058390-00060654 Oh ohPeCx7znDA-00051-00064259-00066635 [Music] ohPeCx7znDA-00052-00066636-00068307 [Music] ohPeCx7znDA-00055-00079933-00082393 go away come on husband on go back I ohPeCx7znDA-00057-00085712-00087929 no I'm not hello ok ok go how goes it I ohPeCx7znDA-00058-00087930-00088112 kill him dress up council hands up yeah ohPeCx7znDA-00059-00088113-00089012 ok ok minute ok we made that figure that ohPeCx7znDA-00060-00089013-00089131 scooter is what do you happen to know ohPeCx7znDA-00061-00089132-00090677 what so you know ok dude in your ticket ohPeCx7znDA-00062-00090678-00091619 yes you're good you don't get you guys ohPeCx7znDA-00063-00091620-00092012 house we're close like 20 seconds and ohPeCx7znDA-00064-00092013-00092402 laughing GG easily coffee we offer free ohPeCx7znDA-00065-00092403-00092588 consumption level talks everybody ohPeCx7znDA-00066-00092589-00093071 everybody ohPeCx7znDA-00067-00093072-00093921 a little boy ohPeCx7znDA-00068-00093922-00094563 [Music] okEIK2Kb3Xy-00000-00000119-00000455 let's put this all together okEIK2Kb3Xy-00001-00000456-00000695 we're going to create a working thesis okEIK2Kb3Xy-00002-00000696-00000823 statement okEIK2Kb3Xy-00003-00000824-00001191 and this is called a working thesis okEIK2Kb3Xy-00004-00001192-00001247 statement okEIK2Kb3Xy-00005-00001248-00001623 because it's bound to change from now okEIK2Kb3Xy-00006-00001623-00001910 until when you submit your final draft okEIK2Kb3Xy-00007-00001911-00002215 of your research paper okEIK2Kb3Xy-00008-00002216-00002558 your research is going to take you on okEIK2Kb3Xy-00009-00002559-00002902 all sorts of little avenues okEIK2Kb3Xy-00010-00002903-00003142 and bumps in the road and you're going okEIK2Kb3Xy-00011-00003143-00003254 to redirect okEIK2Kb3Xy-00012-00003255-00003583 all the time it's not a straight path okEIK2Kb3Xy-00013-00003584-00003879 and so don't expect this to stay the okEIK2Kb3Xy-00014-00003879-00003999 same okEIK2Kb3Xy-00015-00004000-00004319 it's a journey it it's okEIK2Kb3Xy-00016-00004320-00004606 just one of those quirks about the okEIK2Kb3Xy-00017-00004607-00004695 project okEIK2Kb3Xy-00018-00004696-00004935 but the reason why we need a working okEIK2Kb3Xy-00019-00004936-00005063 thesis statement okEIK2Kb3Xy-00020-00005064-00005375 is so that when you go to present your okEIK2Kb3Xy-00021-00005376-00005743 research proposal so it can be approved okEIK2Kb3Xy-00022-00005744-00005959 you have a starting point for your okEIK2Kb3Xy-00023-00005960-00006159 instructor to know okEIK2Kb3Xy-00024-00006160-00006422 what direction you might be starting okEIK2Kb3Xy-00025-00006423-00006495 with okEIK2Kb3Xy-00026-00006495-00006814 okay so taking from professor okEIK2Kb3Xy-00027-00006815-00007110 isis fernandez we're going to create okEIK2Kb3Xy-00028-00007111-00007159 that okEIK2Kb3Xy-00029-00007159-00007478 by using a template okEIK2Kb3Xy-00030-00007479-00007687 we're going to start the sentence off okEIK2Kb3Xy-00031-00007688-00007927 with the topic okEIK2Kb3Xy-00032-00007928-00008183 what are you writing about and all you okEIK2Kb3Xy-00033-00008184-00008303 have to say is okEIK2Kb3Xy-00034-00008304-00008703 i'm studying and fill in the blank okEIK2Kb3Xy-00035-00008704-00009023 what are you studying okEIK2Kb3Xy-00036-00009024-00009214 and then you're going to include your okEIK2Kb3Xy-00037-00009215-00009327 question okEIK2Kb3Xy-00038-00009328-00009519 what don't you know about the topic that okEIK2Kb3Xy-00039-00009520-00009783 you want to explore okEIK2Kb3Xy-00040-00009784-00010023 so you continue the sentence by saying okEIK2Kb3Xy-00041-00010024-00010087 because okEIK2Kb3Xy-00042-00010088-00010438 i want to find out what why how okEIK2Kb3Xy-00043-00010439-00010710 whatever it is something you want to okEIK2Kb3Xy-00044-00010711-00010927 find out something okEIK2Kb3Xy-00045-00010928-00011214 and we're going to end the sentence with okEIK2Kb3Xy-00046-00011215-00011303 the so what okEIK2Kb3Xy-00047-00011304-00011703 the significance why okEIK2Kb3Xy-00048-00011704-00012031 are your readers going to okEIK2Kb3Xy-00049-00012032-00012470 care about and want to know about okEIK2Kb3Xy-00050-00012471-00012822 whatever it is you're exploring okEIK2Kb3Xy-00051-00012823-00013071 so you end it by saying in order to help okEIK2Kb3Xy-00052-00013072-00013158 my reader okEIK2Kb3Xy-00053-00013159-00013758 understand whatever it is okEIK2Kb3Xy-00054-00013759-00013935 when you put it all together this is okEIK2Kb3Xy-00055-00013936-00014151 what you're okEIK2Kb3Xy-00056-00014152-00014407 working thesis statement should probably okEIK2Kb3Xy-00057-00014408-00014503 look like okEIK2Kb3Xy-00058-00014504-00014791 i'm studying something because i want to okEIK2Kb3Xy-00059-00014791-00014927 find out okEIK2Kb3Xy-00060-00014928-00015263 something in order to help my reader okEIK2Kb3Xy-00061-00015263-00015663 understand something okay okEIK2Kb3Xy-00062-00015663-00015855 on your worksheet you have this okEIK2Kb3Xy-00063-00015856-00015966 statement okEIK2Kb3Xy-00064-00015968-00016286 fill in the blanks and okEIK2Kb3Xy-00065-00016287-00016715 you're just one step closer to getting okEIK2Kb3Xy-00066-00016716-00017016 started olYTlTZwU5A-00000-00000007-00000334 [Music] olYTlTZwU5A-00001-00000335-00000617 in this video we're going to talk about olYTlTZwU5A-00002-00000618-00000833 linear regression linear regression is olYTlTZwU5A-00003-00000834-00001040 going to help us find a consistent best olYTlTZwU5A-00004-00001041-00001291 fit line for a set of data to understand olYTlTZwU5A-00005-00001292-00001474 how we find a regression line it's olYTlTZwU5A-00006-00001475-00001634 useful to take a look at what we call olYTlTZwU5A-00007-00001635-00001918 the residuals of some best fit lines olYTlTZwU5A-00008-00001919-00002152 that we've found a residual is the olYTlTZwU5A-00009-00002153-00002390 difference between the Y value of the olYTlTZwU5A-00010-00002391-00002615 data point and the y value of the line olYTlTZwU5A-00011-00002616-00002893 these are typically small quantities in olYTlTZwU5A-00012-00002894-00003199 statistics this is represented by y sub olYTlTZwU5A-00013-00003200-00003572 I or the eighth live a you minus y hat olYTlTZwU5A-00014-00003572-00003829 which is the y-value of the line in the olYTlTZwU5A-00015-00003830-00004133 graphs below we have two plots the first olYTlTZwU5A-00016-00004134-00004370 plot is the scatter plot with the best olYTlTZwU5A-00017-00004371-00004613 fit line and in the second plot the olYTlTZwU5A-00018-00004614-00004934 right-hand plot is that same graph with olYTlTZwU5A-00019-00004935-00005195 the residuals plotted as X's the olYTlTZwU5A-00020-00005196-00005417 residuals all fall close to the x axis olYTlTZwU5A-00021-00005418-00005693 in the first graph on the page we have a olYTlTZwU5A-00022-00005694-00005968 best fit line that is a perfect diagonal olYTlTZwU5A-00023-00005969-00006200 and the scatter plot has points that are olYTlTZwU5A-00024-00006201-00006409 equidistant from that line to the top olYTlTZwU5A-00025-00006411-00006595 and bottom of it there are point five olYTlTZwU5A-00026-00006597-00006814 units above and below the line in each olYTlTZwU5A-00027-00006815-00007084 case for X values of one two three four olYTlTZwU5A-00028-00007086-00007367 and five for example at five the best olYTlTZwU5A-00029-00007368-00007598 fit line goes through y equals five and olYTlTZwU5A-00030-00007598-00007817 the actual data points are at four point olYTlTZwU5A-00031-00007818-00007981 five and five point five on the y axis olYTlTZwU5A-00032-00007983-00008369 let me blow up what happens at x equals olYTlTZwU5A-00033-00008370-00008552 five if we wanted to calculate the olYTlTZwU5A-00034-00008553-00008749 residual there are actually two olYTlTZwU5A-00035-00008750-00009035 residuals at this value of x equals five olYTlTZwU5A-00036-00009036-00009256 there's a residual for the point above olYTlTZwU5A-00037-00009257-00009476 the line and so remember the value there olYTlTZwU5A-00038-00009477-00009721 was five point five and the value of the olYTlTZwU5A-00039-00009722-00010006 line was five this five point five is olYTlTZwU5A-00040-00010007-00010346 the Y I value and five is the Y hat olYTlTZwU5A-00041-00010347-00010583 value if we do that subtraction five olYTlTZwU5A-00042-00010584-00010796 point five minus five we're just finding olYTlTZwU5A-00043-00010797-00010963 the vertical distance between those olYTlTZwU5A-00044-00010964-00011246 points which is 0.5 and if we go over to olYTlTZwU5A-00045-00011247-00011453 x equals five where the residuals are olYTlTZwU5A-00046-00011454-00011767 plotted we see an X at five comma point olYTlTZwU5A-00047-00011768-00011966 five if we look at the point below that olYTlTZwU5A-00048-00011967-00012305 line the Y I is four point five and the olYTlTZwU5A-00049-00012306-00012595 Y hat is still five so if we do four olYTlTZwU5A-00050-00012596-00012824 point five minus five we get negative olYTlTZwU5A-00051-00012825-00013058 point five for the residual if we go olYTlTZwU5A-00052-00013059-00013286 over to x equals five on the graph of olYTlTZwU5A-00053-00013287-00013369 the raziel olYTlTZwU5A-00054-00013371-00013559 you'll see another residual value at olYTlTZwU5A-00055-00013560-00013799 negative 0.5 we can go through and do olYTlTZwU5A-00056-00013800-00014027 this for any of the points and because olYTlTZwU5A-00057-00014028-00014258 those points are all equidistant from olYTlTZwU5A-00058-00014259-00014504 the line one above and one below we have olYTlTZwU5A-00059-00014505-00014713 a pretty boring set of residuals for the olYTlTZwU5A-00060-00014715-00014990 x value of 1 the residuals at 0.5 and olYTlTZwU5A-00061-00014991-00015247 negative 0.5 for the x value of 2 the olYTlTZwU5A-00062-00015249-00015563 residuals at 0.5 and negative 0.5 etc olYTlTZwU5A-00063-00015563-00015821 through all the values in the second olYTlTZwU5A-00064-00015822-00016019 graph on the page we have a decreasing olYTlTZwU5A-00065-00016019-00016271 line of best fit roughly half the points olYTlTZwU5A-00066-00016272-00016433 below it and half the points above it olYTlTZwU5A-00067-00016434-00016628 but they're not equally spaced from the olYTlTZwU5A-00068-00016629-00016757 line anymore I'm not going to give olYTlTZwU5A-00069-00016758-00016988 values for all the points let's just olYTlTZwU5A-00070-00016989-00017282 zoom in on one point that's far away olYTlTZwU5A-00071-00017283-00017465 from the line and one point that's very olYTlTZwU5A-00072-00017466-00017684 close to the line we'll look at the olYTlTZwU5A-00073-00017685-00018005 point 4 point 5 comma 3 point 5 this olYTlTZwU5A-00074-00018006-00018230 point is a distance of about one point olYTlTZwU5A-00075-00018231-00018593 three above the best-fit line so if we olYTlTZwU5A-00076-00018594-00018776 look at the second graph the one that olYTlTZwU5A-00077-00018777-00019007 includes the residuals we would expect olYTlTZwU5A-00078-00019008-00019250 to see a residual at four point five olYTlTZwU5A-00079-00019251-00019754 comma one point three and we do let's olYTlTZwU5A-00080-00019755-00020012 look at a point that is just below the olYTlTZwU5A-00081-00020013-00020339 line the point five point five comma two olYTlTZwU5A-00082-00020340-00020564 the distance from this point to the line olYTlTZwU5A-00083-00020565-00020896 there's barely any distance it's maybe olYTlTZwU5A-00084-00020897-00021182 0.1 and because the point is below the olYTlTZwU5A-00085-00021183-00021392 line it's actually residual of negative olYTlTZwU5A-00086-00021393-00021572 point one if we move over to the second olYTlTZwU5A-00087-00021573-00021716 graph we would expect to see the olYTlTZwU5A-00088-00021717-00022010 residual at five point five negative olYTlTZwU5A-00089-00022011-00022294 point one and we do the basic goal olYTlTZwU5A-00090-00022295-00022514 linear regression is to find the linear olYTlTZwU5A-00091-00022515-00022787 equation that just minimizes those olYTlTZwU5A-00092-00022788-00023093 residuals so the idea is that we want to olYTlTZwU5A-00093-00023094-00023306 add all the residuals up and minimize olYTlTZwU5A-00094-00023307-00023516 the result however some of the residuals olYTlTZwU5A-00095-00023517-00023678 are positive and some are negative and olYTlTZwU5A-00096-00023679-00023849 we don't want them to just cancel each olYTlTZwU5A-00097-00023850-00024023 other out we want to add up all the olYTlTZwU5A-00098-00024024-00024212 positive ones and minimize it and add up olYTlTZwU5A-00099-00024213-00024356 all the negative ones and minimize it olYTlTZwU5A-00100-00024357-00024524 turns out there's an easier way to do olYTlTZwU5A-00101-00024525-00024722 that to avoid the cancellation of the olYTlTZwU5A-00102-00024723-00024896 positive and negative residuals we're olYTlTZwU5A-00103-00024897-00025058 just going to square all of them and olYTlTZwU5A-00104-00025059-00025310 when we square all of them then they all olYTlTZwU5A-00105-00025311-00025553 become positive then we can take a sum olYTlTZwU5A-00106-00025554-00025886 and minimize it over a process now we're olYTlTZwU5A-00107-00025887-00026089 looking at a best fit line with its olYTlTZwU5A-00108-00026091-00026377 residuals on the left and a best fit olYTlTZwU5A-00109-00026379-00026636 line with the squared residuals on the olYTlTZwU5A-00110-00026637-00026711 right olYTlTZwU5A-00111-00026712-00026902 thing to notice here is that on the olYTlTZwU5A-00112-00026904-00027122 right hand graph all of the residuals olYTlTZwU5A-00113-00027123-00027401 are zero or greater and because most olYTlTZwU5A-00114-00027402-00027712 residuals are small decimals under 1 olYTlTZwU5A-00115-00027713-00027956 when we square them they move even olYTlTZwU5A-00116-00027957-00028262 closer into the x-axis so if we just olYTlTZwU5A-00117-00028263-00028427 take a look at one of these negative olYTlTZwU5A-00118-00028427-00028625 residuals and look what happens when we olYTlTZwU5A-00119-00028626-00028886 square it you can see it's moved in a olYTlTZwU5A-00120-00028887-00029102 little closer to the x-axis but is now olYTlTZwU5A-00121-00029102-00029314 positive so what is linear regression olYTlTZwU5A-00122-00029316-00029555 it's a statistical technique that just olYTlTZwU5A-00123-00029556-00029812 takes all of those residuals squared olYTlTZwU5A-00124-00029813-00030080 terms that's why I a minus y hat in olYTlTZwU5A-00125-00030081-00030260 parentheses squared and it minimizes olYTlTZwU5A-00126-00030261-00030470 that sum now we're not going to go olYTlTZwU5A-00127-00030470-00030644 through all the statistics in this class olYTlTZwU5A-00128-00030645-00030800 we're just going to learn how to do olYTlTZwU5A-00129-00030801-00031064 linear regression in desmos to do that olYTlTZwU5A-00130-00031064-00031315 we start with the basic linear model y olYTlTZwU5A-00131-00031316-00031586 equals MX plus B the slope-intercept olYTlTZwU5A-00132-00031587-00031823 form we've come to know and love and to olYTlTZwU5A-00133-00031824-00032042 make it a linear estimation model or a olYTlTZwU5A-00134-00032043-00032318 linear regression model we simply change olYTlTZwU5A-00135-00032319-00032618 the equals in that formula to a tilde olYTlTZwU5A-00136-00032619-00032918 which is an approximation symbol finding olYTlTZwU5A-00137-00032919-00033059 the linear regression and desmos olYTlTZwU5A-00138-00033060-00033356 basically involves two steps one plot olYTlTZwU5A-00139-00033357-00033674 your data in a table and to insert the olYTlTZwU5A-00140-00033675-00033937 estimation model below the table using olYTlTZwU5A-00141-00033938-00034196 whatever variables and subscripts you olYTlTZwU5A-00142-00034197-00034421 used in your data table and that's very olYTlTZwU5A-00143-00034422-00034589 important that the two things match up olYTlTZwU5A-00144-00034590-00034805 we're gonna start with a simple case olYTlTZwU5A-00145-00034806-00035111 involving an XY data table I'm gonna olYTlTZwU5A-00146-00035112-00035327 read the data in the table as I type it olYTlTZwU5A-00147-00035328-00035654 into desmos I start by inserting a table olYTlTZwU5A-00148-00035655-00035962 it already has the variables x and y in olYTlTZwU5A-00149-00035963-00036206 the top row of the table labeled x sub 1 olYTlTZwU5A-00150-00036207-00036533 and y sub 1 it's exactly the way we want olYTlTZwU5A-00151-00036534-00036710 it I'll read the data I going across and olYTlTZwU5A-00152-00036711-00037177 rows 0 3.1 is the first data row 1 2 olYTlTZwU5A-00153-00037178-00037487 point 3 is the next step to two point olYTlTZwU5A-00154-00037488-00037927 five three one point nine four one point olYTlTZwU5A-00155-00037928-00038381 six and five one point nine examining olYTlTZwU5A-00156-00038382-00038726 the data there is a slightly decreasing olYTlTZwU5A-00157-00038727-00038962 trend and it does look like the data may olYTlTZwU5A-00158-00038963-00039215 represent a linear function we could in olYTlTZwU5A-00159-00039216-00039431 this case probably even eyeball a line olYTlTZwU5A-00160-00039432-00039620 of best fit but we're going to calculate olYTlTZwU5A-00161-00039621-00039790 the regression line remember the olYTlTZwU5A-00162-00039791-00040007 point-slope form would normally be y olYTlTZwU5A-00163-00040008-00040070 equals olYTlTZwU5A-00164-00040071-00040463 MX plus B if you just type y equals MX olYTlTZwU5A-00165-00040464-00040631 plus B you're going to see an error olYTlTZwU5A-00166-00040632-00040835 message next to it says there's too many olYTlTZwU5A-00167-00040836-00041081 variables in this we need to correct two olYTlTZwU5A-00168-00041082-00041303 things we need to tell it which olYTlTZwU5A-00169-00041304-00041606 variables are in our table which is why olYTlTZwU5A-00170-00041607-00041861 one just type a one after the Y you'll olYTlTZwU5A-00171-00041862-00042038 automatically make it a subscript and olYTlTZwU5A-00172-00042039-00042296 then x1 just type a one after the X olYTlTZwU5A-00173-00042297-00042434 which will automatically make it a olYTlTZwU5A-00174-00042435-00042680 subscript now it's still a little upset olYTlTZwU5A-00175-00042681-00042869 with us and that's because we haven't olYTlTZwU5A-00176-00042870-00043049 made it an estimation model we still olYTlTZwU5A-00177-00043050-00043211 have an equal sign in here so let's olYTlTZwU5A-00178-00043212-00043475 change that to a tilde and as soon as we olYTlTZwU5A-00179-00043476-00043712 do that BAM you should see a line of olYTlTZwU5A-00180-00043713-00043997 best fit appear on your data this line olYTlTZwU5A-00181-00043998-00044318 has a slope of M equals negative zero olYTlTZwU5A-00182-00044319-00044528 point two four eight five seven one and olYTlTZwU5A-00183-00044529-00044792 a y-intercept of two point eight three olYTlTZwU5A-00184-00044793-00045026 eight one for now you can ignore the olYTlTZwU5A-00185-00045027-00045230 rest of the data there we should be able olYTlTZwU5A-00186-00045231-00045479 to write a linear equation for this data olYTlTZwU5A-00187-00045480-00045848 it is y equals negative zero point two olYTlTZwU5A-00188-00045849-00046106 four eight five seven one let's actually olYTlTZwU5A-00189-00046107-00046358 round that a little bit two point four olYTlTZwU5A-00190-00046359-00046850 nine X plus two point eight three eight olYTlTZwU5A-00191-00046851-00047249 that's y equals MX plus B with the M and olYTlTZwU5A-00192-00047250-00047471 B numbers inserted and when that's olYTlTZwU5A-00193-00047472-00047714 graphed you can see it exactly matches olYTlTZwU5A-00194-00047715-00048022 the best fit line that was drawn for us olYTlTZwU5A-00195-00048023-00048293 so we've found a linear regression model olYTlTZwU5A-00196-00048294-00048569 for the data in our next example we're olYTlTZwU5A-00197-00048570-00048875 using a data table involving lowercase T olYTlTZwU5A-00198-00048876-00049172 and capital P maybe something like time olYTlTZwU5A-00199-00049173-00049424 and population again let me read the olYTlTZwU5A-00200-00049425-00049688 data as I enter it into desmos I'm going olYTlTZwU5A-00201-00049689-00049925 to insert a table of data and then edit olYTlTZwU5A-00202-00049926-00050381 x1 to be t1 lowercase T and y1 to be olYTlTZwU5A-00203-00050382-00050747 capital p1 in the first row of data we olYTlTZwU5A-00204-00050748-00051212 have zero and then 14,000 287 now I put olYTlTZwU5A-00205-00051213-00051425 the comma in here just to show you what olYTlTZwU5A-00206-00051426-00051764 happens if you write 14 comma 287 you'll olYTlTZwU5A-00207-00051765-00052054 get a little error and it says table olYTlTZwU5A-00208-00052055-00052250 entries must be simple expressions this olYTlTZwU5A-00209-00052251-00052460 type of expression is not allowed that's olYTlTZwU5A-00210-00052461-00052685 simply because I put the comma in so olYTlTZwU5A-00211-00052686-00052895 make sure you don't enter data with a olYTlTZwU5A-00212-00052896-00053177 comma does most want like that the next olYTlTZwU5A-00213-00053178-00053447 data pair is 5 15,000 olYTlTZwU5A-00214-00053448-00053873 145 then ten sixteen thousand two olYTlTZwU5A-00215-00053874-00054161 hundred thirty-six fifteen seventeen olYTlTZwU5A-00216-00054162-00054428 thousand two hundred fifty six twenty olYTlTZwU5A-00217-00054429-00054611 eighteen thousand three hundred twenty olYTlTZwU5A-00218-00054612-00054890 one and twenty five nineteen thousand olYTlTZwU5A-00219-00054891-00055075 one hundred eighty seven clearly we're olYTlTZwU5A-00220-00055076-00055334 not seeing the data in desmos yet I'm on olYTlTZwU5A-00221-00055335-00055586 a standard zoomed in window remember olYTlTZwU5A-00222-00055587-00055837 that the little magnifying glass to the olYTlTZwU5A-00223-00055838-00056092 left side of the data table the zoom fit olYTlTZwU5A-00224-00056094-00056387 icon will jump you directly to uh view olYTlTZwU5A-00225-00056388-00056600 that shows you that set of data looks olYTlTZwU5A-00226-00056601-00056771 like it's a pretty linear increasing olYTlTZwU5A-00227-00056772-00057007 trend now let's write the equation that olYTlTZwU5A-00228-00057008-00057187 represents the data we might normally olYTlTZwU5A-00229-00057188-00057544 write y equals MX plus B for a linear olYTlTZwU5A-00230-00057545-00057979 equation but in this case y is p1 make olYTlTZwU5A-00231-00057980-00058156 sure you use a capital P if that's olYTlTZwU5A-00232-00058157-00058484 what's used in your table X is T sub one olYTlTZwU5A-00233-00058485-00058760 which also matches our table and then I olYTlTZwU5A-00234-00058761-00058993 need to change that equal sign to an olYTlTZwU5A-00235-00058994-00059312 estimation sign the tilde BAM there is olYTlTZwU5A-00236-00059313-00059561 our line of best fit looks like it fits olYTlTZwU5A-00237-00059562-00059800 our data really well if we wanted to olYTlTZwU5A-00238-00059801-00060013 write the linear model for this it would olYTlTZwU5A-00239-00060014-00060437 be capital P equals we grab the M value olYTlTZwU5A-00240-00060438-00060647 from the linear regression that's 200 olYTlTZwU5A-00241-00060648-00061105 point 274 T plus the B value which is 14 olYTlTZwU5A-00242-00061106-00061276 thousand two hundred thirty five point olYTlTZwU5A-00243-00061277-00061456 two and you can see that this line olYTlTZwU5A-00244-00061457-00061738 perfectly matches the best fit line that olYTlTZwU5A-00245-00061739-00062044 was drawn for us so we have a model for olYTlTZwU5A-00246-00062045-00062249 our data and we could even write it in olYTlTZwU5A-00247-00062250-00062648 function notation as P of T equals 200 olYTlTZwU5A-00248-00062649-00063001 point two seven forty plus 14 thousand olYTlTZwU5A-00249-00063002-00063209 two hundred thirty five point two in our olYTlTZwU5A-00250-00063210-00063451 final example we're looking between the olYTlTZwU5A-00251-00063452-00063817 years 2015 and 2019 at the daily active olYTlTZwU5A-00252-00063819-00064075 users for slack which appears like it olYTlTZwU5A-00253-00064076-00064349 might be linear on the graph you can see olYTlTZwU5A-00254-00064350-00064594 that slacks daily active users increased olYTlTZwU5A-00255-00064595-00064928 much slower prior to January of 2015 olYTlTZwU5A-00256-00064929-00065155 let's find our regression model to plot olYTlTZwU5A-00257-00065156-00065360 against the data and I've estimated the olYTlTZwU5A-00258-00065361-00065557 data points for you in the table below olYTlTZwU5A-00259-00065558-00065755 the graph we're going to assume the olYTlTZwU5A-00260-00065756-00065960 growth of slack continues in the same olYTlTZwU5A-00261-00065961-00066197 way and then predict the DA use for olYTlTZwU5A-00262-00066198-00066437 slack in 2025 the variables are declared olYTlTZwU5A-00263-00066438-00066688 for us T is the number of years since olYTlTZwU5A-00264-00066689-00066794 January olYTlTZwU5A-00265-00066795-00067052 fifteen all of the data in the table is olYTlTZwU5A-00266-00067053-00067445 the January data so January 2015 2016 olYTlTZwU5A-00267-00067446-00067907 2017 2018 and 2019 we can re index those olYTlTZwU5A-00268-00067908-00068201 with the given time January of 2015 olYTlTZwU5A-00269-00068202-00068543 would be 0 years January 2016 would be 1 olYTlTZwU5A-00270-00068544-00068918 then 2 then 3 then 4 for our T values olYTlTZwU5A-00271-00068919-00069239 the estimated D I use in millions start olYTlTZwU5A-00272-00069240-00069551 with January at 0.6 then two point three olYTlTZwU5A-00273-00069552-00069794 four point eight seven point five and olYTlTZwU5A-00274-00069795-00070046 ten the next thing we need to do is jump olYTlTZwU5A-00275-00070047-00070292 over to desmos plot that data and find olYTlTZwU5A-00276-00070293-00070541 the regression model in my data table I olYTlTZwU5A-00277-00070542-00070865 have T sub 1 and capital D sub 1 for the olYTlTZwU5A-00278-00070866-00071078 for the header row and then my data olYTlTZwU5A-00279-00071079-00071483 pairs 0 0 point 6 by the way if you are olYTlTZwU5A-00280-00071484-00071774 on a keyboard you can use tab to go from olYTlTZwU5A-00281-00071775-00072041 one cell to the next it will tab down to olYTlTZwU5A-00282-00072042-00072275 the next line for you my next data pair olYTlTZwU5A-00283-00072276-00072875 is 1 2 point 3 then 2 4 point 8 37.5 and olYTlTZwU5A-00284-00072876-00073256 4 10 I'm going to use zoom fit to find olYTlTZwU5A-00285-00073257-00073481 my data looks pretty linear from this olYTlTZwU5A-00286-00073482-00073685 let's go ahead and find the regression olYTlTZwU5A-00287-00073686-00073853 model remember you could start by olYTlTZwU5A-00288-00073854-00074219 thinking about y equals MX plus B then olYTlTZwU5A-00289-00074220-00074408 replace the variables so instead of Y olYTlTZwU5A-00290-00074409-00074597 you're gonna have capital D sub 1 olYTlTZwU5A-00291-00074598-00074858 instead of X you're gonna have T sub 1 olYTlTZwU5A-00292-00074859-00075059 and instead of the equal sign you're olYTlTZwU5A-00293-00075060-00075260 going to use a tilde for the estimation olYTlTZwU5A-00294-00075261-00075437 model there's our line of best fit it olYTlTZwU5A-00295-00075438-00075716 has a slope of 2.4 and a y-intercept of olYTlTZwU5A-00296-00075717-00075968 point 2 4 I'm going to double check it olYTlTZwU5A-00297-00075969-00076331 by plotting it D equals two point four t olYTlTZwU5A-00298-00076332-00076601 plus zero point two four looks perfect olYTlTZwU5A-00299-00076602-00076841 so I have a model D of T equals two olYTlTZwU5A-00300-00076842-00077084 point forty plus point two four now olYTlTZwU5A-00301-00077085-00077261 there was one more thing we wanted to do olYTlTZwU5A-00302-00077262-00077465 in this problem we wanted to predict the olYTlTZwU5A-00303-00077466-00077840 DA use for slack in 2025 now 20-25 would olYTlTZwU5A-00304-00077841-00078158 be ten years after 2015 so what I really olYTlTZwU5A-00305-00078159-00078407 want to do here is find capital D of ten olYTlTZwU5A-00306-00078408-00078593 now you can do that two ways you to plug olYTlTZwU5A-00307-00078594-00078923 in ten so two point four times ten plus olYTlTZwU5A-00308-00078924-00079151 zero point two four or we could run over olYTlTZwU5A-00309-00079152-00079493 to desmos and just ask it right D of T olYTlTZwU5A-00310-00079494-00079691 so that it's in function notation and olYTlTZwU5A-00311-00079692-00079822 then write D of olYTlTZwU5A-00312-00079823-00080005 ten and that'll give us a value of olYTlTZwU5A-00313-00080006-00080227 twenty four point two four and you olYTlTZwU5A-00314-00080228-00080302 should get that olYTlTZwU5A-00315-00080303-00080500 whether you calculated it by hand or use olYTlTZwU5A-00316-00080501-00080731 desmos to do it let's recap the olYTlTZwU5A-00317-00080732-00080971 important thing to know here is that to olYTlTZwU5A-00318-00080972-00081166 find a linear regression model you want olYTlTZwU5A-00319-00081167-00081400 to go over to desmos plot your data and olYTlTZwU5A-00320-00081401-00081691 then use a linear estimation model that olYTlTZwU5A-00321-00081692-00081925 matches the variables and subscripts in olYTlTZwU5A-00322-00081926-00082198 your data table omuycf2Smfk-00000-00000050-00000421 thermoeconomics also referred to as omuycf2Smfk-00001-00000422-00000716 biophysical economics is a school of omuycf2Smfk-00002-00000717-00000965 heterodox economics that applies the omuycf2Smfk-00003-00000966-00001244 laws of statistical mechanics to omuycf2Smfk-00004-00001245-00001667 economic theory thermoeconomics can be omuycf2Smfk-00005-00001668-00001927 thought of as the statistical physics of omuycf2Smfk-00006-00001928-00002207 economic value and is a subfield of omuycf2Smfk-00007-00002208-00002855 ikana physics omuycf2Smfk-00008-00002856-00003690 topic thermodynamics thermal kana mists omuycf2Smfk-00009-00003690-00004014 maintain that human economic systems can omuycf2Smfk-00010-00004015-00004370 be modeled as thermodynamic systems omuycf2Smfk-00011-00004371-00004710 thermo economists argue that economic omuycf2Smfk-00012-00004711-00005022 systems always involve matter energy omuycf2Smfk-00013-00005023-00005478 entropy and information then based on omuycf2Smfk-00014-00005479-00005745 this premise theoretical economic omuycf2Smfk-00015-00005746-00006003 analogues of the first and second laws omuycf2Smfk-00016-00006004-00006345 of thermodynamics are developed moreover omuycf2Smfk-00017-00006346-00006666 many economic activities result in the omuycf2Smfk-00018-00006667-00007052 formation of structures thermoeconomics omuycf2Smfk-00019-00007053-00007373 applies the statistical mechanics of omuycf2Smfk-00020-00007375-00007704 non-equilibrium thermodynamics to model omuycf2Smfk-00021-00007705-00008102 these activities in thermodynamic omuycf2Smfk-00022-00008103-00008457 terminology human economic activity may omuycf2Smfk-00023-00008458-00008738 be described as a dissipative system omuycf2Smfk-00024-00008739-00009009 which flourishes by consuming free omuycf2Smfk-00025-00009010-00009299 energy in transformations and exchange omuycf2Smfk-00026-00009300-00010132 of resources goods and services omuycf2Smfk-00027-00010133-00010922 topic application to biology thermo omuycf2Smfk-00028-00010923-00011162 economics is based on the proposition omuycf2Smfk-00029-00011163-00011489 that the role of energy in biological omuycf2Smfk-00030-00011490-00011726 evolution should be defined and omuycf2Smfk-00031-00011727-00012025 understood not through the second law of omuycf2Smfk-00032-00012026-00012284 thermodynamics but in terms of such omuycf2Smfk-00033-00012285-00012557 economic criteria as productivity omuycf2Smfk-00034-00012558-00012902 efficiency and especially the costs and omuycf2Smfk-00035-00012903-00013213 benefits or profitability of the various omuycf2Smfk-00036-00013215-00013522 mechanisms for capturing and utilizing omuycf2Smfk-00037-00013524-00013850 available energy to build biomass and do omuycf2Smfk-00038-00013851-00014525 work equals equals see also poP09CWgDIk-00000-00000006-00000209 have you ever noticed how it feels or poP09CWgDIk-00001-00000210-00000446 what happens when someone is talking to poP09CWgDIk-00002-00000447-00000632 and just before they say an important poP09CWgDIk-00003-00000633-00000827 piece of information or part of a story poP09CWgDIk-00004-00000827-00001133 they say your name first did it capture poP09CWgDIk-00005-00001134-00001307 attention and pull you into what they poP09CWgDIk-00006-00001308-00001504 were saying well let's take a look at poP09CWgDIk-00007-00001505-00001684 this underused weapon of influence and poP09CWgDIk-00008-00001685-00002000 let's get 60 seconds on the clock using poP09CWgDIk-00009-00002001-00002167 a person's name is a powerful and poP09CWgDIk-00010-00002168-00002471 underused social interaction tool people poP09CWgDIk-00011-00002472-00002701 love hearing their own name and you can poP09CWgDIk-00012-00002702-00002981 use it to be more influential when I poP09CWgDIk-00013-00002982-00003175 first started performing it was as a poP09CWgDIk-00014-00003176-00003392 roving entertainer I had to go table to poP09CWgDIk-00015-00003393-00003638 table in a noisy environment now to poP09CWgDIk-00016-00003639-00003860 engage people and capture their poP09CWgDIk-00017-00003861-00004028 attention was really hard especially poP09CWgDIk-00018-00004029-00004208 over all the noise and with lots of poP09CWgDIk-00019-00004209-00004352 other exciting things happening around poP09CWgDIk-00020-00004353-00004645 me however once I started to use poP09CWgDIk-00021-00004646-00004852 people's names especially when asking poP09CWgDIk-00022-00004853-00005090 them to do something like either think poP09CWgDIk-00023-00005091-00005338 of a pet name or choose a card I found poP09CWgDIk-00024-00005339-00005624 that every time I said their name it had poP09CWgDIk-00025-00005625-00005845 a massive impact on their attention poP09CWgDIk-00026-00005846-00006113 towards me so I've got two tips for you poP09CWgDIk-00027-00006114-00006368 one when introduced repeat somebody's poP09CWgDIk-00028-00006369-00006556 name back to them and repeat it a couple poP09CWgDIk-00029-00006558-00006803 of times for example you could say hi poP09CWgDIk-00030-00006804-00007016 Dave great to meet you let me ask you poP09CWgDIk-00031-00007017-00007270 this Dave not only does this grab their poP09CWgDIk-00032-00007272-00007459 attention it also helps you remember poP09CWgDIk-00033-00007461-00007759 their name and the second thing is use a poP09CWgDIk-00034-00007761-00007964 person's name at important points in a poP09CWgDIk-00035-00007965-00008131 conversation let's say that you're about poP09CWgDIk-00036-00008133-00008317 to describe an important part of a pitch poP09CWgDIk-00037-00008318-00008524 or a product you could say something poP09CWgDIk-00038-00008525-00008864 like and this is the best bit Sarah or poP09CWgDIk-00039-00008865-00009176 Sarah I think this will be really poP09CWgDIk-00040-00009177-00009413 valuable to you again using their name poP09CWgDIk-00041-00009414-00009631 grabs their attention at important poP09CWgDIk-00042-00009632-00009851 points now you may have noticed I also poP09CWgDIk-00043-00009852-00010034 gave a swipe pause after saying the name poP09CWgDIk-00044-00010035-00010148 this was on purpose poP09CWgDIk-00045-00010149-00010331 this ensures that they register that poP09CWgDIk-00046-00010332-00010549 their name has been said now my advice poP09CWgDIk-00047-00010550-00010808 is don't over use this tool subtlety is poP09CWgDIk-00048-00010809-00011719 key here poP09CWgDIk-00049-00011720-00011930 [Music] poP09CWgDIk-00050-00011931-00012141 well that is it for me what would you poP09CWgDIk-00051-00012142-00012393 like me to cover in a future video what poP09CWgDIk-00052-00012394-00012567 you struggle with what is it that keeps poP09CWgDIk-00053-00012568-00012705 you awake at night poP09CWgDIk-00054-00012706-00012918 send me a message or leave a comment poP09CWgDIk-00055-00012919-00013068 below but thanks for watching I'm poP09CWgDIk-00056-00013069-00013287 Anthony Lai take action create your poP09CWgDIk-00057-00013288-00013446 story poP09CWgDIk-00058-00013447-00013884 [Music] p0gcOWaKrMA-00003-00043651-00044754 [Music] p0gcOWaKrMA-00004-00044755-00046807 [Music] p0gcOWaKrMA-00005-00046808-00047016 you p0UcZAMu3dy-00000-00000000-00000214 the book of ezekiel is the most p0UcZAMu3dy-00001-00000215-00000447 overlooked book in the bible p0UcZAMu3dy-00002-00000448-00000823 the time of ezekiel were tough times p0UcZAMu3dy-00003-00000824-00001199 zedekiah was judah's final puppet king p0UcZAMu3dy-00004-00001200-00001374 he was given the authority to rule in p0UcZAMu3dy-00005-00001375-00001679 jerusalem with only a small army p0UcZAMu3dy-00006-00001680-00001951 the city was besieged once more p0UcZAMu3dy-00007-00001952-00002151 and nebuchadnezzar's army captured p0UcZAMu3dy-00008-00002152-00002334 zedekiah p0UcZAMu3dy-00009-00002335-00002583 they slayed each of his sons in front of p0UcZAMu3dy-00010-00002584-00002702 his eyes p0UcZAMu3dy-00011-00002703-00002918 so that he could see that the royal line p0UcZAMu3dy-00012-00002919-00003095 had ended p0UcZAMu3dy-00013-00003096-00003311 then they took his eyes out p0UcZAMu3dy-00014-00003311-00003567 so the last thing he saw was his sons p0UcZAMu3dy-00015-00003568-00003751 being slain p0UcZAMu3dy-00016-00003752-00003967 then nebuchadnezzar ordered the total p0UcZAMu3dy-00017-00003968-00004286 destruction of jerusalem p0UcZAMu3dy-00018-00004287-00004567 ezekiel was called to preach around this p0UcZAMu3dy-00019-00004568-00004654 time p0UcZAMu3dy-00020-00004655-00004847 despite the fact that he was thousands p0UcZAMu3dy-00021-00004848-00005054 of miles away from jerusalem in the land p0UcZAMu3dy-00022-00005055-00005270 of babylon p0UcZAMu3dy-00023-00005271-00005551 the traditional spiritual dem dry bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00024-00005552-00005751 has a catchy tune p0UcZAMu3dy-00025-00005752-00005943 but it's actually about a boneyard p0UcZAMu3dy-00026-00005944-00006095 revival p0UcZAMu3dy-00027-00006096-00006327 it is based on ezekiel's vision of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00028-00006328-00006687 valley of dry bones given by the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00029-00006688-00006887 god desired to provide desperately p0UcZAMu3dy-00030-00006888-00007159 needed hope to his chosen people p0UcZAMu3dy-00031-00007159-00007375 because of their wickedness p0UcZAMu3dy-00032-00007376-00007614 the lord allowed nebuchadnezzar to enter p0UcZAMu3dy-00033-00007615-00007846 and conquer their land p0UcZAMu3dy-00034-00007847-00008055 the people had become captives in the p0UcZAMu3dy-00035-00008056-00008335 exotic faraway land of babylon p0UcZAMu3dy-00036-00008336-00008559 they were downcast p0UcZAMu3dy-00037-00008560-00008791 the valley of dry bones vision is p0UcZAMu3dy-00038-00008792-00009055 primarily about the children of israel p0UcZAMu3dy-00039-00009056-00009295 but it also has practical implications p0UcZAMu3dy-00040-00009296-00009527 for our own lives p0UcZAMu3dy-00041-00009528-00009999 ezekiel chapter 37 verses 1 and 2. p0UcZAMu3dy-00042-00010000-00010263 the hand of the lord came upon me p0UcZAMu3dy-00043-00010264-00010463 and brought me out in the spirit of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00044-00010464-00010574 lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00045-00010575-00010759 and set me down in the midst of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00046-00010760-00010855 valley p0UcZAMu3dy-00047-00010856-00011135 and it was full of bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00048-00011136-00011342 then he caused me to pass by them all p0UcZAMu3dy-00049-00011343-00011551 around and behold p0UcZAMu3dy-00050-00011552-00011823 there were very many in the open valley p0UcZAMu3dy-00051-00011824-00012191 and indeed they were very dry p0UcZAMu3dy-00052-00012192-00012414 the lord appeared to ezekiel in the form p0UcZAMu3dy-00053-00012415-00012735 of a valley full of dry bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00054-00012736-00013046 god does not change ezekiel's location p0UcZAMu3dy-00055-00013047-00013286 but gives him a vivid inward sense that p0UcZAMu3dy-00056-00013287-00013479 he has been taken to a valley full of p0UcZAMu3dy-00057-00013480-00013630 bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00058-00013631-00013838 their dryness indicates that they had p0UcZAMu3dy-00059-00013840-00014015 been there for an extended period of p0UcZAMu3dy-00060-00014016-00014151 time p0UcZAMu3dy-00061-00014152-00014430 the bones also suggested that the valley p0UcZAMu3dy-00062-00014431-00014638 was once inhabited p0UcZAMu3dy-00063-00014640-00014886 but it wasn't there anymore p0UcZAMu3dy-00064-00014887-00015143 the lord wanted ezekiel's mind and spear p0UcZAMu3dy-00065-00015144-00015391 to be deeply affected by the situation's p0UcZAMu3dy-00066-00015391-00015638 apparent hopelessness p0UcZAMu3dy-00067-00015640-00015863 if they are not careful p0UcZAMu3dy-00068-00015863-00016127 our homes can decompose into a pile of p0UcZAMu3dy-00069-00016128-00016319 dry bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00070-00016319-00016567 the more we ignore god's word's family p0UcZAMu3dy-00071-00016568-00016671 rules p0UcZAMu3dy-00072-00016672-00016847 the more likely they will become a p0UcZAMu3dy-00073-00016848-00017022 skeleton p0UcZAMu3dy-00074-00017023-00017199 even some christians who were once p0UcZAMu3dy-00075-00017200-00017415 walking with the lord have become a heap p0UcZAMu3dy-00076-00017416-00017583 of bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00077-00017584-00017807 they live on what they were p0UcZAMu3dy-00078-00017808-00018135 rather than what they should have been p0UcZAMu3dy-00079-00018136-00018535 ephesians chapter 6 verses 1 to 4 p0UcZAMu3dy-00080-00018536-00018655 children p0UcZAMu3dy-00081-00018656-00018943 obey your parents in the lord for this p0UcZAMu3dy-00082-00018944-00019119 is right p0UcZAMu3dy-00083-00019120-00019367 honor your father and mother p0UcZAMu3dy-00084-00019368-00019527 which is the first commandment with p0UcZAMu3dy-00085-00019528-00019671 promise p0UcZAMu3dy-00086-00019672-00019871 that it may be well with you p0UcZAMu3dy-00087-00019872-00020175 and you may live long in the earth p0UcZAMu3dy-00088-00020176-00020343 and you fathers p0UcZAMu3dy-00089-00020344-00020622 do not provoke your children to wrath p0UcZAMu3dy-00090-00020623-00020814 but bring them up in the training and p0UcZAMu3dy-00091-00020815-00021094 admonition of the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00092-00021095-00021471 ezekiel chapter 37 verse 3 p0UcZAMu3dy-00093-00021472-00021663 and he said to me p0UcZAMu3dy-00094-00021664-00021799 son of man p0UcZAMu3dy-00095-00021800-00022063 can these bones live p0UcZAMu3dy-00096-00022064-00022367 so i answered o lord god p0UcZAMu3dy-00097-00022368-00022614 you know p0UcZAMu3dy-00098-00022615-00022871 ezekiel responded to god's inquiry about p0UcZAMu3dy-00099-00022872-00023071 whether or not the bones were capable of p0UcZAMu3dy-00100-00023072-00023255 sustaining life p0UcZAMu3dy-00101-00023256-00023478 by stating that only the lord knew for p0UcZAMu3dy-00102-00023479-00023647 definite p0UcZAMu3dy-00103-00023648-00023903 according to ezekiel the scenario was p0UcZAMu3dy-00104-00023904-00024111 impossible p0UcZAMu3dy-00105-00024112-00024327 when we contemplate the significance of p0UcZAMu3dy-00106-00024328-00024439 the day p0UcZAMu3dy-00107-00024440-00024630 we may also think about the times that p0UcZAMu3dy-00108-00024631-00024775 come p0UcZAMu3dy-00109-00024776-00025039 if we desire to see a revival p0UcZAMu3dy-00110-00025040-00025214 it will be up to the lord to bring it p0UcZAMu3dy-00111-00025215-00025342 about p0UcZAMu3dy-00112-00025343-00025678 just as he did in the time of ezekiel p0UcZAMu3dy-00113-00025679-00025974 but god is able to accomplish whatsoever p0UcZAMu3dy-00114-00025975-00026150 he sets his mind to p0UcZAMu3dy-00115-00026151-00026470 he is the god of the unthinkable p0UcZAMu3dy-00116-00026472-00026831 luke chapter 18 verse 27. p0UcZAMu3dy-00117-00026832-00026958 but he said p0UcZAMu3dy-00118-00026960-00027214 the things which are impossible with men p0UcZAMu3dy-00119-00027216-00027527 are possible with god p0UcZAMu3dy-00120-00027527-00027983 ezekiel chapter 37 verses 4 to 8. p0UcZAMu3dy-00121-00027983-00028174 again he said to me p0UcZAMu3dy-00122-00028175-00028487 prophesy to these bones and say to them p0UcZAMu3dy-00123-00028488-00028670 o dry bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00124-00028672-00028935 hear the word of the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00125-00028936-00029262 thus says the lord god to these bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00126-00029263-00029511 surely i will cause breath to enter into p0UcZAMu3dy-00127-00029512-00029583 you p0UcZAMu3dy-00128-00029583-00029814 and you shall live p0UcZAMu3dy-00129-00029816-00030102 i will put sinews on you and bring flesh p0UcZAMu3dy-00130-00030103-00030246 upon you p0UcZAMu3dy-00131-00030247-00030479 cover you with skin and put breath in p0UcZAMu3dy-00132-00030480-00030567 you p0UcZAMu3dy-00133-00030568-00030790 and you shall live p0UcZAMu3dy-00134-00030791-00031158 then you shall know that i am the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00135-00031160-00031455 so i prophesied as i was commanded p0UcZAMu3dy-00136-00031456-00031790 and as i prophesied there was a noise p0UcZAMu3dy-00137-00031791-00032014 and suddenly a rattling p0UcZAMu3dy-00138-00032016-00032223 and the bones came together p0UcZAMu3dy-00139-00032224-00032446 bone to bone p0UcZAMu3dy-00140-00032447-00032646 indeed as i looked p0UcZAMu3dy-00141-00032647-00032959 the sinews and the flesh came upon them p0UcZAMu3dy-00142-00032960-00033199 and the skin covered them over p0UcZAMu3dy-00143-00033200-00033583 but there was no breath in them p0UcZAMu3dy-00144-00033584-00033815 ezekiel was subsequently given p0UcZAMu3dy-00145-00033816-00033999 instructions from the lord to preach to p0UcZAMu3dy-00146-00034000-00034262 the bones that had already died p0UcZAMu3dy-00147-00034263-00034543 ezekiel was being shown by god a crucial p0UcZAMu3dy-00148-00034544-00034855 truth that we all need to comprehend p0UcZAMu3dy-00149-00034856-00035046 and that is that the proclamation of p0UcZAMu3dy-00150-00035047-00035383 god's word carries with it power p0UcZAMu3dy-00151-00035384-00035695 there is life to be found in the bible p0UcZAMu3dy-00152-00035696-00035943 it offers both life and faith to those p0UcZAMu3dy-00153-00035944-00036151 who receive it p0UcZAMu3dy-00154-00036152-00036374 ezekiel was present for a miraculous p0UcZAMu3dy-00155-00036375-00036518 event p0UcZAMu3dy-00156-00036519-00036790 the bones began to fuse with one another p0UcZAMu3dy-00157-00036791-00037023 bone to bone p0UcZAMu3dy-00158-00037024-00037159 as he watched p0UcZAMu3dy-00159-00037160-00037415 muscles and flesh began to grow over the p0UcZAMu3dy-00160-00037416-00037551 skeletons p0UcZAMu3dy-00161-00037552-00037671 and soon p0UcZAMu3dy-00162-00037672-00037974 their bodies were covered with skin p0UcZAMu3dy-00163-00037975-00038079 however p0UcZAMu3dy-00164-00038080-00038255 they were nothing more than a horde of p0UcZAMu3dy-00165-00038256-00038623 dead bodies moving in an orderly fashion p0UcZAMu3dy-00166-00038624-00038967 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 p0UcZAMu3dy-00167-00038968-00039199 for the word of god is living and p0UcZAMu3dy-00168-00039200-00039327 powerful p0UcZAMu3dy-00169-00039328-00039655 and sharper than any two-edged sword p0UcZAMu3dy-00170-00039656-00039774 piercing p0UcZAMu3dy-00171-00039775-00040118 even to the division of soul and spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00172-00040119-00040335 and of joints and marrow p0UcZAMu3dy-00173-00040336-00040551 and is a discerner of the thoughts and p0UcZAMu3dy-00174-00040552-00040683 intents of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00175-00040684-00041167 heart romans chapter 10 verse 17 p0UcZAMu3dy-00176-00041168-00041415 so then faith comes by hearing and p0UcZAMu3dy-00177-00041416-00041695 hearing by the word of god p0UcZAMu3dy-00178-00041696-00042102 ezekiel chapter 37 verse 9 p0UcZAMu3dy-00179-00042103-00042302 also he said to me p0UcZAMu3dy-00180-00042303-00042518 prophesy to the breath p0UcZAMu3dy-00181-00042519-00042735 prophesy son of man and say to the p0UcZAMu3dy-00182-00042736-00042855 breath p0UcZAMu3dy-00183-00042856-00043102 thus says the lord god p0UcZAMu3dy-00184-00043103-00043367 come from the four winds o breath p0UcZAMu3dy-00185-00043368-00043599 and breathe on this land that they may p0UcZAMu3dy-00186-00043600-00043823 live p0UcZAMu3dy-00187-00043824-00044039 some people believe that god's work is p0UcZAMu3dy-00188-00044040-00044279 accomplished through organization p0UcZAMu3dy-00189-00044280-00044430 which is something that shouldn't be p0UcZAMu3dy-00190-00044431-00044599 underestimated p0UcZAMu3dy-00191-00044600-00044807 because even our own bodies are p0UcZAMu3dy-00192-00044808-00044974 organized p0UcZAMu3dy-00193-00044975-00045255 a church may have its affairs in order p0UcZAMu3dy-00194-00045256-00045518 but if it does not have breath in it p0UcZAMu3dy-00195-00045519-00045695 the church is nothing more than a p0UcZAMu3dy-00196-00045696-00045911 lifeless body p0UcZAMu3dy-00197-00045912-00046046 ezekiel p0UcZAMu3dy-00198-00046047-00046287 was instructed by god to preach to the p0UcZAMu3dy-00199-00046288-00046462 breath p0UcZAMu3dy-00200-00046463-00046702 the word winds is derived from the p0UcZAMu3dy-00201-00046703-00046935 hebrew word ruach p0UcZAMu3dy-00202-00046936-00047071 which can mean p0UcZAMu3dy-00203-00047072-00047423 wind breath or spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00204-00047424-00047583 ezekiel was in the process of p0UcZAMu3dy-00205-00047584-00047830 discovering that everything that people p0UcZAMu3dy-00206-00047831-00048062 accomplish is in vain unless the holy p0UcZAMu3dy-00207-00048063-00048286 spirit is there p0UcZAMu3dy-00208-00048287-00048479 the presence of the divine breath of p0UcZAMu3dy-00209-00048480-00048655 life and our existence p0UcZAMu3dy-00210-00048656-00048902 is necessary in the same way that it was p0UcZAMu3dy-00211-00048903-00049071 for adam p0UcZAMu3dy-00212-00049072-00049311 a person is born of the spirit when he p0UcZAMu3dy-00213-00049312-00049583 or she is born again p0UcZAMu3dy-00214-00049584-00049855 god must instill spiritual life into our p0UcZAMu3dy-00215-00049856-00050055 very hearts p0UcZAMu3dy-00216-00050056-00050302 ezekiel witnessed a tremendous display p0UcZAMu3dy-00217-00050303-00050527 of vitality as the army stood to its p0UcZAMu3dy-00218-00050528-00050686 feet p0UcZAMu3dy-00219-00050687-00051023 genesis chapter 2 verse 7 p0UcZAMu3dy-00220-00051024-00051230 and the lord god formed a man of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00221-00051232-00051407 dust of the ground p0UcZAMu3dy-00222-00051408-00051590 and breathed into his nostrils the p0UcZAMu3dy-00223-00051591-00051799 breath of life p0UcZAMu3dy-00224-00051800-00052175 and man became a living being p0UcZAMu3dy-00225-00052176-00052542 john chapter 3 verses 5-8 p0UcZAMu3dy-00226-00052544-00052735 jesus answered p0UcZAMu3dy-00227-00052736-00052975 most assuredly i say to you p0UcZAMu3dy-00228-00052976-00053199 unless one is born of water and of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00229-00053200-00053303 spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00230-00053304-00053638 he cannot enter the kingdom of god p0UcZAMu3dy-00231-00053639-00053959 that which is born of the flesh is flesh p0UcZAMu3dy-00232-00053960-00054182 and that which is born of the spirit is p0UcZAMu3dy-00233-00054183-00054359 spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00234-00054360-00054550 do not marvel that i said to you you p0UcZAMu3dy-00235-00054551-00054775 must be born again p0UcZAMu3dy-00236-00054776-00055023 the wind blows where it wishes p0UcZAMu3dy-00237-00055024-00055254 and you hear the sound of it p0UcZAMu3dy-00238-00055255-00055479 but cannot tell where it comes from and p0UcZAMu3dy-00239-00055479-00055654 where it goes p0UcZAMu3dy-00240-00055655-00055871 so is everyone who was born of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00241-00055872-00056079 spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00242-00056079-00056454 ezekiel chapter 37 verse 10 p0UcZAMu3dy-00243-00056455-00056719 so i prophesied as he commanded me p0UcZAMu3dy-00244-00056720-00056982 and breath came into them and they lived p0UcZAMu3dy-00245-00056983-00057175 and stood upon their feet p0UcZAMu3dy-00246-00057176-00057550 an exceedingly great army p0UcZAMu3dy-00247-00057551-00058030 ezekiel chapter 37 verses 11-13 p0UcZAMu3dy-00248-00058032-00058230 then he said to me p0UcZAMu3dy-00249-00058232-00058382 son of man p0UcZAMu3dy-00250-00058383-00058575 these bones are the whole house of p0UcZAMu3dy-00251-00058576-00058719 israel p0UcZAMu3dy-00252-00058720-00058879 they indeed say p0UcZAMu3dy-00253-00058879-00059063 our bones are dry p0UcZAMu3dy-00254-00059064-00059238 our hope is lost p0UcZAMu3dy-00255-00059239-00059575 and we ourselves are cut off p0UcZAMu3dy-00256-00059576-00059847 therefore prophesy and say to them p0UcZAMu3dy-00257-00059848-00060111 thus says the lord god p0UcZAMu3dy-00258-00060112-00060342 behold o my people p0UcZAMu3dy-00259-00060344-00060550 i will open your graves and cause you to p0UcZAMu3dy-00260-00060551-00060750 come up from your graves p0UcZAMu3dy-00261-00060751-00061038 and bring you into the land of israel p0UcZAMu3dy-00262-00061039-00061311 then you shall know that i am the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00263-00061312-00061535 when i have opened your graves o my p0UcZAMu3dy-00264-00061536-00061647 people p0UcZAMu3dy-00265-00061648-00061991 and brought you up from your graves p0UcZAMu3dy-00266-00061991-00062206 the vision was made clear p0UcZAMu3dy-00267-00062207-00062423 and god illuminated its uplifting p0UcZAMu3dy-00268-00062424-00062599 significance p0UcZAMu3dy-00269-00062600-00062903 the israelites had lost all hope p0UcZAMu3dy-00270-00062904-00063079 but god had promised them that they p0UcZAMu3dy-00271-00063079-00063399 would experience a national revival p0UcZAMu3dy-00272-00063400-00063575 they had been cornered and scattered p0UcZAMu3dy-00273-00063576-00063806 around the area p0UcZAMu3dy-00274-00063807-00064047 humans thought things were hopeless p0UcZAMu3dy-00275-00064048-00064406 yet they underestimated god's might p0UcZAMu3dy-00276-00064407-00064679 israel will not only be revived p0UcZAMu3dy-00277-00064679-00064871 but also brought back to its former p0UcZAMu3dy-00278-00064872-00065030 glory p0UcZAMu3dy-00279-00065032-00065223 god promised to restore them to their p0UcZAMu3dy-00280-00065224-00065382 homeland p0UcZAMu3dy-00281-00065383-00065767 ezekiel chapter 37 verse 14 p0UcZAMu3dy-00282-00065768-00065999 i will put my spirit in you and you p0UcZAMu3dy-00283-00066000-00066135 shall live p0UcZAMu3dy-00284-00066136-00066438 and i will place you in your own land p0UcZAMu3dy-00285-00066439-00066671 then you shall know that i the lord has p0UcZAMu3dy-00286-00066672-00067119 spoken it and performed it says the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00287-00067120-00067359 god finished the vision for him since p0UcZAMu3dy-00288-00067360-00067567 ezekiel wouldn't answer p0UcZAMu3dy-00289-00067568-00067879 and then he told him what it meant p0UcZAMu3dy-00290-00067880-00068047 how was he going to resurrect the p0UcZAMu3dy-00291-00068048-00068279 disjointed bones of israel that had lost p0UcZAMu3dy-00292-00068280-00068511 all vitality p0UcZAMu3dy-00293-00068512-00068735 word and spirit would be the means by p0UcZAMu3dy-00294-00068736-00069047 which you would accomplish this goal p0UcZAMu3dy-00295-00069048-00069303 it was revealed to ezekiel that he p0UcZAMu3dy-00296-00069304-00069582 should prophesy concerning these bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00297-00069583-00069815 and he was instructed to say to them p0UcZAMu3dy-00298-00069816-00070082 dry bones hear the word of the p0UcZAMu3dy-00299-00070083-00070431 lord then as ezekiel obeyed p0UcZAMu3dy-00300-00070432-00070638 god permitted the bones to begin mending p0UcZAMu3dy-00301-00070639-00070806 themselves together p0UcZAMu3dy-00302-00070807-00071062 while tendons flesh and skin gave them p0UcZAMu3dy-00303-00071063-00071262 their original shape again p0UcZAMu3dy-00304-00071263-00071399 but the word p0UcZAMu3dy-00305-00071400-00071575 had to be followed by the imparting of p0UcZAMu3dy-00306-00071576-00071791 the spirit in order for these bodies to p0UcZAMu3dy-00307-00071792-00072023 receive breath and come to life p0UcZAMu3dy-00308-00072024-00072343 which is a classic example of revival p0UcZAMu3dy-00309-00072344-00072575 the spiritual revitalization of god's p0UcZAMu3dy-00310-00072576-00072750 church in the modern day p0UcZAMu3dy-00311-00072751-00072991 is brought about via the word into the p0UcZAMu3dy-00312-00072992-00073143 spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00313-00073144-00073406 when either of these elements is lacking p0UcZAMu3dy-00314-00073407-00073631 the people of god are unable to have a p0UcZAMu3dy-00315-00073632-00073831 meaningful experience of god's presence p0UcZAMu3dy-00316-00073832-00074023 among them p0UcZAMu3dy-00317-00074024-00074303 second corinthians chapter 3 verses 17 p0UcZAMu3dy-00318-00074304-00074519 and 18 p0UcZAMu3dy-00319-00074520-00074759 now the lord is that spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00320-00074760-00074999 and where the spirit of the lord is p0UcZAMu3dy-00321-00075000-00075199 there is liberty p0UcZAMu3dy-00322-00075200-00075487 but we all with open face beholding as p0UcZAMu3dy-00323-00075488-00075838 in a glass the glory of the lord are p0UcZAMu3dy-00324-00075839-00076071 changed into the same image from glory p0UcZAMu3dy-00325-00076072-00076231 to glory p0UcZAMu3dy-00326-00076232-00076655 even as by the spirit of the lord p0UcZAMu3dy-00327-00076656-00076855 according to the word of god p0UcZAMu3dy-00328-00076856-00077111 our trespasses and sins had previously p0UcZAMu3dy-00329-00077112-00077343 rendered us as lifeless as a pile of p0UcZAMu3dy-00330-00077344-00077543 dried bones p0UcZAMu3dy-00331-00077544-00077703 on the other hand p0UcZAMu3dy-00332-00077704-00078103 god conveyed to us a message of hope p0UcZAMu3dy-00333-00078104-00078406 when we acknowledged jesus christ as our p0UcZAMu3dy-00334-00078407-00078559 lord and savior p0UcZAMu3dy-00335-00078560-00078950 he quickened or brought us back to life p0UcZAMu3dy-00336-00078951-00079182 the time has come for us to share this p0UcZAMu3dy-00337-00079183-00079431 word of hope with those who because of p0UcZAMu3dy-00338-00079432-00079671 their sins and transgressions are still p0UcZAMu3dy-00339-00079672-00079887 spiritually dead p0UcZAMu3dy-00340-00079888-00080143 if we spread the word and keep in mind p0UcZAMu3dy-00341-00080144-00080350 that we are dependent on the holy spirit p0UcZAMu3dy-00342-00080351-00080575 for a strength and direction p0UcZAMu3dy-00343-00080576-00080838 we might be able to observe a revival in p0UcZAMu3dy-00344-00080839-00081023 a tomb p0UcZAMu3dy-00345-00081024-00081319 ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 p0UcZAMu3dy-00346-00081320-00081575 by grace through faith p0UcZAMu3dy-00347-00081576-00081775 and you he made alive p0UcZAMu3dy-00348-00081776-00082167 who were dead in trespasses and sins p0UcZAMu3dy-00349-00082168-00082471 romans chapter 5 verse 8 p0UcZAMu3dy-00350-00082472-00082743 but god demonstrates his own love toward p0UcZAMu3dy-00351-00082744-00082838 us p0UcZAMu3dy-00352-00082839-00083103 in that while we were still sinners p0UcZAMu3dy-00353-00083104-00083199 christ p0UcZAMu3dy-00354-00083200-00083556 died for us p1n9gllds18-00000-00000119-00000385 foreign p1n9gllds18-00001-00000386-00000724 starter out strong baby p1n9gllds18-00002-00000725-00000989 show me what you got it looks like p1n9gllds18-00003-00000990-00001339 Pikmin p1n9gllds18-00004-00001340-00001582 those textures p1n9gllds18-00005-00001583-00001780 sure look like a Nintendo switch game p1n9gllds18-00006-00001782-00001925 don't they p1n9gllds18-00007-00001926-00002279 whoa this looks really good p1n9gllds18-00008-00002280-00002495 that camera angle is interesting it's p1n9gllds18-00009-00002496-00002992 like a third person instead of top down p1n9gllds18-00010-00002993-00003270 oh p1n9gllds18-00011-00003271-00003563 that looks very different p1n9gllds18-00012-00003564-00003838 oh the lighting looks awesome p1n9gllds18-00013-00003839-00004169 the ice Pikmin p1n9gllds18-00014-00004170-00004752 can freeze guys make sense p1n9gllds18-00015-00004753-00005404 oh let you walk on water p1n9gllds18-00016-00005405-00005681 oh my God p1n9gllds18-00017-00005682-00006172 I love them p1n9gllds18-00018-00006173-00006436 he's got the strength of of 10 men in p1n9gllds18-00019-00006437-00006653 one p1n9gllds18-00020-00006654-00007187 foreign p1n9gllds18-00021-00007188-00007601 is that a dead body this looks cool p1n9gllds18-00022-00007602-00007834 look at all the characters p1n9gllds18-00023-00007836-00008291 Pikmin four four player co-op p1n9gllds18-00024-00008292-00008555 Perhaps Perhaps p1n9gllds18-00025-00008556-00008777 hey there you go we knew this would show p1n9gllds18-00026-00008778-00008939 up p1n9gllds18-00027-00008940-00009173 I'm glad it's showing up early p1n9gllds18-00028-00009174-00009395 so it won't take time later p1n9gllds18-00029-00009396-00009713 it's crazy how well this game did though p1n9gllds18-00030-00009714-00009989 good for Xenoblade p1n9gllds18-00031-00009990-00010264 but damn I did not expect this game to p1n9gllds18-00032-00010265-00010469 sell as well as it did I guess they p1n9gllds18-00033-00010470-00010685 really put their whole uh advertising p1n9gllds18-00034-00010686-00011053 budget into it but even still p1n9gllds18-00035-00011054-00011267 it's crazy to think because we know p1n9gllds18-00036-00011268-00011688 blade is like a mainstream series now p1n9gllds18-00037-00011689-00011927 I know him p1n9gllds18-00038-00011928-00012205 I don't know him p1n9gllds18-00039-00012206-00012545 yo okay p1n9gllds18-00040-00012546-00012778 I've always wondered why they didn't do p1n9gllds18-00041-00012779-00012952 one of these for the switch with the two p1n9gllds18-00042-00012953-00013072 controllers p1n9gllds18-00043-00013073-00013444 it seems made for it p1n9gllds18-00044-00013445-00013913 it's crazy they're only doing it now p1n9gllds18-00045-00013913-00014165 it's been what like six years since the p1n9gllds18-00046-00014166-00014413 switch came out p1n9gllds18-00047-00014413-00014825 world party p1n9gllds18-00048-00014826-00015088 a battle royale mode for this is so p1n9gllds18-00049-00015090-00015233 funny p1n9gllds18-00050-00015234-00015497 especially since it's like all motion p1n9gllds18-00051-00015497-00015730 controls it's not even like Battle p1n9gllds18-00052-00015731-00015965 Royale Guitar Hero it's like p1n9gllds18-00053-00015966-00016199 you're up and you're dancing you're p1n9gllds18-00054-00016200-00016403 making it happen friends p1n9gllds18-00055-00016404-00016903 okay p1n9gllds18-00056-00016904-00017315 liking people in real life p1n9gllds18-00057-00017316-00017615 that's so funny imagine you just walk up p1n9gllds18-00058-00017616-00017800 to someone on the street and you're like p1n9gllds18-00059-00017801-00018035 like p1n9gllds18-00060-00018036-00018305 or even better you like dislike thumb p1n9gllds18-00061-00018306-00018647 down I'm not trying to hate but like p1n9gllds18-00062-00018648-00018994 I feel like they should know a Nintendo p1n9gllds18-00063-00018995-00019300 Direct is not the audience for this like p1n9gllds18-00064-00019301-00019439 this is the kind of thing you just p1n9gllds18-00065-00019440-00019672 upload a trailer to YouTube right people p1n9gllds18-00066-00019673-00019967 watching directs are not the people who p1n9gllds18-00067-00019968-00020194 are going to buy that p1n9gllds18-00068-00020195-00020369 the people who see an ad for it on p1n9gllds18-00069-00020370-00020700 Facebook or Instagram are gonna buy it p1n9gllds18-00070-00020701-00021077 new game okay draculous p1n9gllds18-00071-00021078-00021755 in this new paid DLC not new game p1n9gllds18-00072-00021756-00021875 die p1n9gllds18-00073-00021876-00022241 wow man they made a complete duplicate p1n9gllds18-00074-00022242-00022475 of reality and they're using it to train p1n9gllds18-00075-00022476-00022672 Detectives p1n9gllds18-00076-00022673-00022913 I feel like there's better uses for that p1n9gllds18-00077-00022914-00023358 sort of Technology right p1n9gllds18-00078-00023359-00023621 what is happening p1n9gllds18-00079-00023622-00023885 I just I don't even have anything to say p1n9gllds18-00080-00023886-00024125 to this oh we got more band out of stuff p1n9gllds18-00081-00024126-00024541 I don't know what the overlap is p1n9gllds18-00082-00024542-00024797 for people who like Bayonetta and people p1n9gllds18-00083-00024798-00024947 who like p1n9gllds18-00084-00024948-00025571 puzzle action games p1n9gllds18-00085-00025572-00025883 so he just does all the attacks for you p1n9gllds18-00086-00025883-00026050 is that fun p1n9gllds18-00087-00026051-00026249 for a full price game I I don't know p1n9gllds18-00088-00026250-00026437 about that p1n9gllds18-00089-00026438-00027157 that seems a bit much Zelda p1n9gllds18-00090-00027158-00027424 no Splatoon p1n9gllds18-00091-00027425-00027695 we all know Splatoon is getting more p1n9gllds18-00092-00027695-00028024 stuff it always does it always will p1n9gllds18-00093-00028025-00028217 I don't know anything about this is this p1n9gllds18-00094-00028218-00028733 the old city p1n9gllds18-00095-00028733-00029057 a whole pass huh p1n9gllds18-00096-00029058-00029377 it is the old city but why p1n9gllds18-00097-00029377-00029596 but why though p1n9gllds18-00098-00029597-00030064 base just for items p1n9gllds18-00099-00030066-00030905 wait what p1n9gllds18-00100-00030906-00031385 salmon runs what they're adding paid DLC p1n9gllds18-00101-00031386-00031696 to be able to then buy cosmetics p1n9gllds18-00102-00031697-00032014 I'm so confused as to what this is p1n9gllds18-00103-00032016-00032261 I just don't understand it's a DLC Hub p1n9gllds18-00104-00032262-00032362 world p1n9gllds18-00105-00032363-00032608 can they do that why would you buy that p1n9gllds18-00106-00032610-00033011 that was the most confusing trailer I p1n9gllds18-00107-00033012-00033217 don't get it p1n9gllds18-00108-00033218-00033551 what is it I need someone to draw me a p1n9gllds18-00109-00033552-00033839 diagram p1n9gllds18-00110-00033840-00034211 ah yes gotta get Camilla in there p1n9gllds18-00111-00034212-00034589 fan favorite for obvious reasons how p1n9gllds18-00112-00034590-00034877 long how long has it been p1n9gllds18-00113-00034878-00035302 we're 20 minutes in p1n9gllds18-00114-00035303-00035683 Pikmin 4 trailer was good I'll say that p1n9gllds18-00115-00035684-00036017 I'm literally yawning branching story p1n9gllds18-00116-00036018-00036293 pads along with a riveting soundtrack by p1n9gllds18-00117-00036294-00036631 Celeste literally zzz right now p1n9gllds18-00118-00036632-00037057 this game looks sick p1n9gllds18-00119-00037058-00037361 freely traversed Paper Mario octopath p1n9gllds18-00120-00037362-00037579 traveler looking ass p1n9gllds18-00121-00037580-00037949 oh my God it's here p1n9gllds18-00122-00037950-00038674 tell me you're dropping it right now p1n9gllds18-00123-00038675-00038905 a couple of months p1n9gllds18-00124-00038906-00039196 and More in two full-story campaigns p1n9gllds18-00125-00039197-00039677 what do you mean months it's been years p1n9gllds18-00126-00039678-00040007 what do you mean months p1n9gllds18-00127-00040008-00040396 comes to Nintendo switch April 21st I p1n9gllds18-00128-00040397-00040637 don't know if this game really needs uh p1n9gllds18-00129-00040638-00040895 needs a remake but p1n9gllds18-00130-00040896-00041111 they feel like they gotta fill the Kirby p1n9gllds18-00131-00041112-00041393 Gap p1n9gllds18-00132-00041394-00041573 by defeating p1n9gllds18-00133-00041574-00041855 what magic p1n9gllds18-00134-00041856-00042065 can be restored the best you could come p1n9gllds18-00135-00042066-00042340 up with is Magic points p1n9gllds18-00136-00042341-00042587 I mean it's it's Kirby p1n9gllds18-00137-00042588-00042773 all right p1n9gllds18-00138-00042774-00043012 10 minutes of Zelda p1n9gllds18-00139-00043013-00043277 news about Nintendo switch online please p1n9gllds18-00140-00043278-00043696 take a look at this new system Game Boy p1n9gllds18-00141-00043697-00044011 gotta be Game Boy right p1n9gllds18-00142-00044012-00044273 finally play these games anytime p1n9gllds18-00143-00044274-00044489 anywhere just like you could back in the p1n9gllds18-00144-00044490-00044561 day p1n9gllds18-00145-00044562-00044717 yeah p1n9gllds18-00146-00044718-00044890 funny how it took us this long to get p1n9gllds18-00147-00044891-00045112 there right oh they do have Game Boy p1n9gllds18-00148-00045113-00045395 colors I wonder if they'll add Game Boy p1n9gllds18-00149-00045396-00045574 Color p1n9gllds18-00150-00045575-00045952 to uh like games p1n9gllds18-00151-00045953-00046258 hey there you go oracles p1n9gllds18-00152-00046259-00046390 that's what I was gonna ask if the p1n9gllds18-00153-00046391-00046639 Oracle games are going to be on it p1n9gllds18-00154-00046640-00046889 yo they're doing Game Boy Advance now p1n9gllds18-00155-00046890-00047208 I'm hyped now I'm actually hyped I mean p1n9gllds18-00156-00047209-00047543 that's 38 extra levels we can already p1n9gllds18-00157-00047544-00047896 play that we can already play that Mega p1n9gllds18-00158-00047897-00048143 micro games experience the origins of p1n9gllds18-00159-00048144-00048371 the lightning fast that's pretty sick p1n9gllds18-00160-00048372-00048683 all those games are good that's hype p1n9gllds18-00161-00048684-00049180 that's the that's the hype right there p1n9gllds18-00162-00049181-00049618 Superstar Saga goes [__] crazy p1n9gllds18-00163-00049619-00049835 Minish Cap is also pretty good I liked p1n9gllds18-00164-00049836-00049979 it quite a bit p1n9gllds18-00165-00049980-00050296 Superstar Saga is worth everyone's time p1n9gllds18-00166-00050297-00050518 I tried Fusion Fire Emblem f-zero p1n9gllds18-00167-00050519-00050795 Amazing Mirror Golden Sun p1n9gllds18-00168-00050796-00051011 Game Boy Advance now I'm hyped for Game p1n9gllds18-00169-00051012-00051240 Boy Advance p1n9gllds18-00170-00051241-00051707 f-zero fans you gotta wait p1n9gllds18-00171-00051708-00051916 real p1n9gllds18-00172-00051917-00052187 after all this time p1n9gllds18-00173-00052188-00052426 this has been bacon in the oven for the p1n9gllds18-00174-00052427-00052847 past decade and now is the right time p1n9gllds18-00175-00052848-00053123 oh this looks beautiful though p1n9gllds18-00176-00053124-00053332 oh my God look at it p1n9gllds18-00177-00053333-00053626 I mean seriously since the switch came p1n9gllds18-00178-00053627-00053921 out this has been rumored to to be a p1n9gllds18-00179-00053922-00054004 thing p1n9gllds18-00180-00054005-00054341 and we've never seen anything of it p1n9gllds18-00181-00054341-00054835 I have actually never played Prime p1n9gllds18-00182-00054836-00055115 so this is something I will definitely p1n9gllds18-00183-00055116-00055330 pick up p1n9gllds18-00184-00055332-00055535 I can't believe it's only the first one p1n9gllds18-00185-00055536-00055835 though that sucks p1n9gllds18-00186-00055836-00056176 that's a that's a feels bad and that p1n9gllds18-00187-00056177-00056503 doesn't bode well for Prime four does it p1n9gllds18-00188-00056504-00056854 Prime 4 has been pushed to be a switch p1n9gllds18-00189-00056855-00057107 to game for sure p1n9gllds18-00190-00057108-00057353 there's no way Prime 4 comes out on base p1n9gllds18-00191-00057354-00057635 switch and not on the next one p1n9gllds18-00192-00057636-00057887 it might do both but it's definitely p1n9gllds18-00193-00057888-00058073 gonna come out when the next console p1n9gllds18-00194-00058074-00058294 comes out Master adds new dual stick p1n9gllds18-00195-00058295-00058549 controls I would hope so p1n9gllds18-00196-00058550-00058925 I would hope that it would p1n9gllds18-00197-00058926-00059419 [__] 22 years later p1n9gllds18-00198-00059420-00059761 oh my God p1n9gllds18-00199-00059762-00060226 February 22nd today p1n9gllds18-00200-00060227-00060425 bro am I gonna have to stay up all night p1n9gllds18-00201-00060426-00060557 playing that p1n9gllds18-00202-00060558-00060785 so today we have we have Game Boy games p1n9gllds18-00203-00060786-00060985 and we have Prime p1n9gllds18-00204-00060986-00061421 and we have octopath two demo and we p1n9gllds18-00205-00061422-00061697 have sea of stars demo p1n9gllds18-00206-00061698-00061961 all slappers p1n9gllds18-00207-00061962-00062176 I mean it's hard for me to even pretend p1n9gllds18-00208-00062177-00062429 to care about this after after we just p1n9gllds18-00209-00062429-00062657 got a Metroid reveal I can't believe p1n9gllds18-00210-00062658-00062844 after all this time p1n9gllds18-00211-00062845-00063161 it was actually real we're uh running p1n9gllds18-00212-00063162-00063730 out of time for Zelda p1n9gllds18-00213-00063732-00063941 that's cool p1n9gllds18-00214-00063941-00064079 oh damn p1n9gllds18-00215-00064079-00064391 I've heard nothing but praise for Baton p1n9gllds18-00216-00064391-00064523 kaidos p1n9gllds18-00217-00064524-00064756 that's crazy I'll I'll have to buy this p1n9gllds18-00218-00064757-00065003 too because that is an RPG I've heard p1n9gllds18-00219-00065004-00065200 nothing but good things about p1n9gllds18-00220-00065201-00065519 it looks like Final Fantasy 9. that's p1n9gllds18-00221-00065520-00065843 what it reminds me of but p1n9gllds18-00222-00065844-00066205 your attack oh it's card based p1n9gllds18-00223-00066206-00066382 damn p1n9gllds18-00224-00066383-00066755 I would love this game huh you got a p1n9gllds18-00225-00066756-00067095 card turn based RPG p1n9gllds18-00226-00067096-00067300 [Music] p1n9gllds18-00227-00067301-00067606 two of my favorite things put together p1n9gllds18-00228-00067607-00067799 man this p1n9gllds18-00229-00067800-00068093 this direct has had some high highs and p1n9gllds18-00230-00068094-00068543 some low lows let me tell you what a p1n9gllds18-00231-00068544-00068891 mixed bag of content is racist I forgot p1n9gllds18-00232-00068892-00069137 about Mario Kart p1n9gllds18-00233-00069138-00069341 what is that p1n9gllds18-00234-00069342-00069587 no way they're doing characters that's p1n9gllds18-00235-00069588-00069785 crazy I can't believe Birdo wasn't in p1n9gllds18-00236-00069786-00069929 this game p1n9gllds18-00237-00069930-00070253 seriously p1n9gllds18-00238-00070254-00071026 this whole time we've had no Birdo p1n9gllds18-00239-00071027-00071321 I'm looking p1n9gllds18-00240-00071322-00071615 it better be zeldorf p1n9gllds18-00241-00071616-00071885 it sure is but it's only gonna be like a p1n9gllds18-00242-00071886-00072299 one minute trailer by the look of it p1n9gllds18-00243-00072300-00072641 Underground p1n9gllds18-00244-00072642-00072869 damn so the blood moon just went up to p1n9gllds18-00245-00072870-00073235 like a hundred out of ten p1n9gllds18-00246-00073236-00073555 you're still not telling us much p1n9gllds18-00247-00073556-00073909 you'll be able to stop him p1n9gllds18-00248-00073910-00074182 I think we'll be fine I think we'll p1n9gllds18-00249-00074183-00074476 manage p1n9gllds18-00250-00074477-00074819 homing Arrow grinding Sonic Sonic p1n9gllds18-00251-00074820-00075161 Frontiers p1n9gllds18-00252-00075162-00075382 oh p1n9gllds18-00253-00075383-00075479 okay p1n9gllds18-00254-00075480-00075688 making friends with the skeleton dude p1n9gllds18-00255-00075689-00075917 actually oh p1n9gllds18-00256-00075918-00076265 a cop you can build a car p1n9gllds18-00257-00076266-00076505 bolt spray p1n9gllds18-00258-00076506-00076726 of all the things I expect tears of the p1n9gllds18-00259-00076727-00076906 Kingdom to be p1n9gllds18-00260-00076907-00077309 nuts and bolts is not one of them p1n9gllds18-00261-00077310-00077626 please p1n9gllds18-00262-00077627-00077915 I p1n9gllds18-00263-00077916-00078329 that he built the car bro p1n9gllds18-00264-00078330-00078503 he built a car p1n9gllds18-00265-00078504-00078712 so it looks like you're gonna go in the p1n9gllds18-00266-00078713-00078959 sky you're gonna go underground p1n9gllds18-00267-00078960-00079181 it's like a homing Arrow p1n9gllds18-00268-00079182-00079432 still got magnesis but yeah like this p1n9gllds18-00269-00079433-00079709 instead of the Chica slate it's his arm p1n9gllds18-00270-00079710-00080021 I can't believe this you can you can see p1n9gllds18-00271-00080022-00080387 all the different pieces like he he p1n9gllds18-00272-00080388-00080669 picks the piece up out of the lake p1n9gllds18-00273-00080670-00081325 and he uses this to build a car p1n9gllds18-00274-00081326-00081617 that is insane p1n9gllds18-00275-00081618-00081911 that is insane p1n9gllds18-00276-00081912-00082165 he made an airplane p1n9gllds18-00277-00082166-00082655 man what a crazy Direct p1n9gllds18-00278-00082656-00083153 that was all over the place p1n9gllds18-00279-00083154-00083369 yeah there was some there were some high p1n9gllds18-00280-00083370-00083638 highs and some low lows I'll say that p1n9gllds18-00281-00083639-00083876 much p2BVqlVlG0Q-00000-00000024-00000238 around the phenomenon of globalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00001-00000239-00000534 is as far-reaching and multi-dimensional p2BVqlVlG0Q-00002-00000535-00000734 sometimes confused p2BVqlVlG0Q-00003-00000735-00000991 as in my own country p2BVqlVlG0Q-00004-00000992-00001150 sweden which p2BVqlVlG0Q-00005-00001151-00001335 is always rapid in following american p2BVqlVlG0Q-00006-00001336-00001582 trends in different matters p2BVqlVlG0Q-00007-00001583-00001726 i don't know whether p2BVqlVlG0Q-00008-00001727-00001814 the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00009-00001816-00002063 discussion has reached the heights p2BVqlVlG0Q-00010-00002064-00002247 is here in this country as it has in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00011-00002248-00002431 stockholm recently where p2BVqlVlG0Q-00012-00002432-00002726 there was an acrimonious exchange p2BVqlVlG0Q-00013-00002727-00002942 on this subject between the leader of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00014-00002943-00003118 the christian democratic party on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00015-00003119-00003454 one hand and the archbishop of sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-00016-00003455-00003679 where they were p2BVqlVlG0Q-00017-00003679-00004199 attacking each other for being dishonest p2BVqlVlG0Q-00018-00004200-00004375 but at the same time the extensiveness p2BVqlVlG0Q-00019-00004376-00004527 and sometimes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00020-00004528-00004751 vagueness of the notion p2BVqlVlG0Q-00021-00004752-00004943 is not always helpful in understanding p2BVqlVlG0Q-00022-00004944-00005127 the processes at hand and at the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00023-00005128-00005438 outcomes at hand p2BVqlVlG0Q-00024-00005439-00005683 as an example of how fashionable and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00025-00005684-00005959 omnipresent the buzzword was mentioned p2BVqlVlG0Q-00026-00005960-00006159 earlier the notion of globalization has p2BVqlVlG0Q-00027-00006160-00006295 become i would like to tell you the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00028-00006296-00006814 following episode from this summer p2BVqlVlG0Q-00029-00006815-00006998 this summer my children i we went to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00030-00007000-00007231 beautiful swedish island of gotland in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00031-00007231-00007495 the midst of the baltic sea p2BVqlVlG0Q-00032-00007495-00007767 in order to bike in the harbor of bisbee p2BVqlVlG0Q-00033-00007768-00008039 the medieval hanseatic capital p2BVqlVlG0Q-00034-00008040-00008231 together with some friends we went to a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00035-00008232-00008510 quite simple trattoria-like restaurant p2BVqlVlG0Q-00036-00008511-00008791 and ordered today's salad p2BVqlVlG0Q-00037-00008792-00009039 to our great and pleasant surprise we p2BVqlVlG0Q-00038-00009040-00009327 were served an absolutely delicious dish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00039-00009328-00009614 the gastronomic quality of which by far p2BVqlVlG0Q-00040-00009615-00009927 surpassed the setting of the place p2BVqlVlG0Q-00041-00009928-00010151 we started to discuss how this marvel p2BVqlVlG0Q-00042-00010152-00010327 was possible p2BVqlVlG0Q-00043-00010328-00010527 and then somebody in the company came up p2BVqlVlG0Q-00044-00010528-00010751 with the obvious answer it must be the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00045-00010752-00011046 globalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00046-00011047-00011206 the answer however p2BVqlVlG0Q-00047-00011207-00011399 was similar to the answer given by a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00048-00011400-00011719 lawyer in one of the innumerable p2BVqlVlG0Q-00049-00011720-00011974 american stories about this profession p2BVqlVlG0Q-00050-00011975-00012095 that is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00051-00012096-00012327 perfectly accurate and absolutely p2BVqlVlG0Q-00052-00012328-00012583 useless p2BVqlVlG0Q-00053-00012584-00012759 in economic terms the good we were p2BVqlVlG0Q-00054-00012760-00013022 enjoying was the result of trading goods p2BVqlVlG0Q-00055-00013023-00013327 in particular high value per unit p2BVqlVlG0Q-00056-00013328-00013583 of weight goods like spices p2BVqlVlG0Q-00057-00013584-00013751 but the salad was also a function of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00058-00013752-00013943 imported intellectual property in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00059-00013944-00014215 form of production production method the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00060-00014216-00014407 recipe p2BVqlVlG0Q-00061-00014408-00014583 if trade in goods and services p2BVqlVlG0Q-00062-00014584-00014751 influenced the supply side in this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00063-00014752-00014919 transaction p2BVqlVlG0Q-00064-00014919-00014999 the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00065-00015000-00015238 supply was stimulated by the demands p2BVqlVlG0Q-00066-00015240-00015503 supported by the purchasing power and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00067-00015504-00015750 culinary sophistication of the crews on p2BVqlVlG0Q-00068-00015751-00016015 board the elegant yachts in the harbor p2BVqlVlG0Q-00069-00016016-00016407 branding swedish danish german polish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00070-00016408-00016647 and estonian flags p2BVqlVlG0Q-00071-00016648-00016830 in this sense the answer contained many p2BVqlVlG0Q-00072-00016831-00016999 of the elements what is covered by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00073-00017000-00017230 notion of globalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00074-00017231-00017479 at the same time all this the trade in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00075-00017480-00017663 goods services p2BVqlVlG0Q-00076-00017664-00017822 and tastes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00077-00017823-00018086 or preferences is not to put it mildly a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00078-00018087-00018247 new phenomenon p2BVqlVlG0Q-00079-00018248-00018422 even if the development of transport p2BVqlVlG0Q-00080-00018423-00018655 technology and communications p2BVqlVlG0Q-00081-00018656-00018879 particularly of course the internet p2BVqlVlG0Q-00082-00018880-00019086 have changed the volumes and intensity p2BVqlVlG0Q-00083-00019087-00019279 of the trade flows by several orders of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00084-00019280-00019527 magnitude we can be pretty sure that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00085-00019528-00019791 spices and other goods valuable enough p2BVqlVlG0Q-00086-00019792-00020030 were traded already in the centuries p2BVqlVlG0Q-00087-00020031-00020175 when the roman p2BVqlVlG0Q-00088-00020176-00020422 and arab coins were brought there and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00089-00020423-00020639 which now are regularly unearthed on p2BVqlVlG0Q-00090-00020640-00020950 gotlam p2BVqlVlG0Q-00091-00020951-00021063 as many p2BVqlVlG0Q-00092-00021064-00021255 economists have pointed out the degree p2BVqlVlG0Q-00093-00021256-00021527 of globalization quote unquote was as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00094-00021528-00021711 great or even more extensive in relative p2BVqlVlG0Q-00095-00021712-00021958 terms at the beginning of last century p2BVqlVlG0Q-00096-00021959-00022135 as they are now p2BVqlVlG0Q-00097-00022136-00022358 for example investment flows p2BVqlVlG0Q-00098-00022359-00022550 from great britain reached a level which p2BVqlVlG0Q-00099-00022551-00022758 exceeded the kind of laws we registered p2BVqlVlG0Q-00100-00022759-00022894 today p2BVqlVlG0Q-00101-00022895-00023103 in the at the beginning of the last p2BVqlVlG0Q-00102-00023104-00023207 century p2BVqlVlG0Q-00103-00023208-00023455 not only mobility of capital was higher p2BVqlVlG0Q-00104-00023456-00023678 due to the lack of capital controls but p2BVqlVlG0Q-00105-00023679-00023927 the mobility of labor was much greater p2BVqlVlG0Q-00106-00023928-00024191 too as the migration waves from europe p2BVqlVlG0Q-00107-00024192-00024399 to this country show p2BVqlVlG0Q-00108-00024400-00024575 and the international movement of ideas p2BVqlVlG0Q-00109-00024576-00024783 go further back in history back at least p2BVqlVlG0Q-00110-00024784-00025063 to the renaissance p2BVqlVlG0Q-00111-00025064-00025263 to a certain extent i suspect that the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00112-00025264-00025478 very wide and encompassing application p2BVqlVlG0Q-00113-00025479-00025718 of the term globalization is not very p2BVqlVlG0Q-00114-00025719-00025943 helpful because it bundles together p2BVqlVlG0Q-00115-00025944-00026199 different developments and problems p2BVqlVlG0Q-00116-00026200-00026446 which are better analyzed and hopefully p2BVqlVlG0Q-00117-00026447-00026718 solved independently p2BVqlVlG0Q-00118-00026719-00026911 for example the same level of income per p2BVqlVlG0Q-00119-00026912-00027095 capita can be associated with different p2BVqlVlG0Q-00120-00027095-00027318 levels of environmental p2BVqlVlG0Q-00121-00027319-00027558 consciousness or even stress or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00122-00027560-00027862 degradation the same is true for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00123-00027863-00028102 degree of cultural autonomy where p2BVqlVlG0Q-00124-00028104-00028374 philosophical or religious attitudes can p2BVqlVlG0Q-00125-00028375-00028702 make the respective country more or less p2BVqlVlG0Q-00126-00028704-00029167 resistant or open to globalized trends p2BVqlVlG0Q-00127-00029168-00029367 the homogenous and uniform character of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00128-00029368-00029590 the globalization process is also often p2BVqlVlG0Q-00129-00029591-00029807 overstated even when it comes to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00130-00029808-00030095 relatively easily measurable phenomena p2BVqlVlG0Q-00131-00030095-00030318 like trade flows p2BVqlVlG0Q-00132-00030319-00030583 i give i will give you an example p2BVqlVlG0Q-00133-00030583-00030855 that trade flows are sometimes analyzed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00134-00030856-00031111 by the so-called gravity model p2BVqlVlG0Q-00135-00031112-00031383 which is built on the relatively simple p2BVqlVlG0Q-00136-00031383-00031607 and common sensical thought that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00137-00031608-00031951 bilateral trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00138-00031952-00032070 here we have it p2BVqlVlG0Q-00139-00032072-00032231 that bilateral trade flows are p2BVqlVlG0Q-00140-00032232-00032439 determined by the number of people in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00141-00032439-00032646 the two countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-00142-00032647-00032895 their respective per capita income p2BVqlVlG0Q-00143-00032896-00033039 and the distance between the two p2BVqlVlG0Q-00144-00033040-00033223 countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-00145-00033224-00033318 if we p2BVqlVlG0Q-00146-00033319-00033527 will be able to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00147-00033528-00033774 you have the national income p2BVqlVlG0Q-00148-00033775-00034007 of country j you have per capita income p2BVqlVlG0Q-00149-00034008-00034183 in that country and the same for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00150-00034184-00034295 other country p2BVqlVlG0Q-00151-00034296-00034399 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00152-00034400-00034711 the level of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00153-00034712-00034999 income is positively correlated with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00154-00035000-00035111 trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00155-00035112-00035431 the the uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00156-00035432-00035662 per capita income can p2BVqlVlG0Q-00157-00035663-00035974 work both ways and the distance p2BVqlVlG0Q-00158-00035975-00036335 is uh is uh of course a negative factor p2BVqlVlG0Q-00159-00036336-00036639 this simple model explains why sweden's p2BVqlVlG0Q-00160-00036640-00036918 trade with neighboring norway some 5 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00161-00036919-00037143 million inhabitants p2BVqlVlG0Q-00162-00037144-00037271 is as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00163-00037272-00037535 as large as with the united states some p2BVqlVlG0Q-00164-00037536-00037751 270 million p2BVqlVlG0Q-00165-00037752-00038071 inhabitants p2BVqlVlG0Q-00166-00038072-00038367 you can make this model more refined by p2BVqlVlG0Q-00167-00038368-00038623 taking into account common trade regimes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00168-00038624-00038830 common or similar languages p2BVqlVlG0Q-00169-00038831-00039135 and whether two countries share a border p2BVqlVlG0Q-00170-00039136-00039327 if one takes the average degree of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00171-00039328-00039567 integration and trade independent p2BVqlVlG0Q-00172-00039568-00039783 penetration in the ocd countries as a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00173-00039784-00039927 yardstick p2BVqlVlG0Q-00174-00039928-00040143 it's possible to get quite interesting p2BVqlVlG0Q-00175-00040144-00040487 even surprising results p2BVqlVlG0Q-00176-00040488-00040567 now p2BVqlVlG0Q-00177-00040568-00040655 one p2BVqlVlG0Q-00178-00040656-00040935 is the oecd average p2BVqlVlG0Q-00179-00040936-00041158 when these factors have been taken into p2BVqlVlG0Q-00180-00041159-00041318 account p2BVqlVlG0Q-00181-00041319-00041711 gdp gdp per capita and distance p2BVqlVlG0Q-00182-00041712-00041790 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00183-00041791-00041999 what is interesting to see here p2BVqlVlG0Q-00184-00042000-00042158 is that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00185-00042159-00042535 the if you take eu as exporting block to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00186-00042536-00042679 nafta p2BVqlVlG0Q-00187-00042680-00042918 the ratio of trade integration is below p2BVqlVlG0Q-00188-00042919-00043135 the ocd average p2BVqlVlG0Q-00189-00043136-00043230 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00190-00043231-00043383 the same goes for p2BVqlVlG0Q-00191-00043384-00043479 if you take p2BVqlVlG0Q-00192-00043480-00043751 nafta as the exporting p2BVqlVlG0Q-00193-00043752-00043974 partner to the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00194-00043975-00044167 the the level is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00195-00044168-00044311 far below p2BVqlVlG0Q-00196-00044312-00044487 one p2BVqlVlG0Q-00197-00044488-00044807 whereas uh the trade integration between p2BVqlVlG0Q-00198-00044808-00045246 uh not asia nafta is is much higher p2BVqlVlG0Q-00199-00045247-00045567 uh and uh and surprisingly enough the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00200-00045568-00045918 trade integration between eu and asia p2BVqlVlG0Q-00201-00045919-00046479 is uh is higher than than the average p2BVqlVlG0Q-00202-00046480-00046846 and this um p2BVqlVlG0Q-00203-00046847-00047079 rather surprising at least for a swede p2BVqlVlG0Q-00204-00047080-00047311 result that the transatlantic p2BVqlVlG0Q-00205-00047312-00047607 relations are not as intensive as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00206-00047608-00047839 the other connections in this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00207-00047840-00047990 triangle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00208-00047991-00048302 um the reasons for this is uh is unknown p2BVqlVlG0Q-00209-00048303-00048462 to me but one p2BVqlVlG0Q-00210-00048463-00048574 suspect p2BVqlVlG0Q-00211-00048575-00048886 would be the trade diverting effects p2BVqlVlG0Q-00212-00048887-00049079 of the regional trade integration in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00213-00049080-00049271 eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00214-00049272-00049543 that these trade diverting effects are p2BVqlVlG0Q-00215-00049544-00049815 so so strong that they dampen the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00216-00049816-00050030 trade-creating effects of the growth of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00217-00050031-00050423 gdp to a measurable degree p2BVqlVlG0Q-00218-00050424-00050671 this is also an example of the fact that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00219-00050672-00050958 globalization is far from as homogeneous p2BVqlVlG0Q-00220-00050959-00051151 and all pervasive as is sometimes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00221-00051152-00051270 claimed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00222-00051271-00051470 and that a lot of globalization is quite p2BVqlVlG0Q-00223-00051471-00051863 regional or even local in character p2BVqlVlG0Q-00224-00051864-00052007 coming back to the notion of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00225-00052008-00052207 globalization i think there is a problem p2BVqlVlG0Q-00226-00052208-00052375 that so many different issues have been p2BVqlVlG0Q-00227-00052376-00052519 brought together under one single p2BVqlVlG0Q-00228-00052520-00052607 heading p2BVqlVlG0Q-00229-00052608-00052791 this makes it easier to perceive and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00230-00052791-00052975 depict something which in itself is a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00231-00052976-00053199 positive and even highly desirable p2BVqlVlG0Q-00232-00053200-00053503 development as a deterministic almost p2BVqlVlG0Q-00233-00053504-00053750 totalitarian march of the history-like p2BVqlVlG0Q-00234-00053751-00054023 process and therefore easier to vilify p2BVqlVlG0Q-00235-00054024-00054166 and demonize p2BVqlVlG0Q-00236-00054167-00054279 with all this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00237-00054279-00054526 with this all-embrace bracing brand or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00238-00054527-00054775 set package of political ingredients p2BVqlVlG0Q-00239-00054776-00055023 which you either have to take or leave p2BVqlVlG0Q-00240-00055024-00055182 it's easier to for example see p2BVqlVlG0Q-00241-00055183-00055454 environmental degradation as a necessary p2BVqlVlG0Q-00242-00055455-00055654 and unavoidable consequence of trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00243-00055655-00055871 liberalization which of course is not p2BVqlVlG0Q-00244-00055872-00056247 the case p2BVqlVlG0Q-00245-00056248-00056471 even if i am fully aware that my view p2BVqlVlG0Q-00246-00056472-00056647 will never have any wider support i p2BVqlVlG0Q-00247-00056648-00056863 think that the word global ought to be p2BVqlVlG0Q-00248-00056864-00057015 or have been reserved to denote p2BVqlVlG0Q-00249-00057016-00057247 phenomena which are truly global p2BVqlVlG0Q-00250-00057248-00057479 that is covering all of us here on earth p2BVqlVlG0Q-00251-00057479-00057703 for example the global warming about p2BVqlVlG0Q-00252-00057704-00057903 which i will comment later p2BVqlVlG0Q-00253-00057904-00058063 for most other developments it would be p2BVqlVlG0Q-00254-00058064-00058311 more meaningful to apply terms like p2BVqlVlG0Q-00255-00058312-00058591 international economic political p2BVqlVlG0Q-00256-00058591-00058791 technological and or cultural p2BVqlVlG0Q-00257-00058791-00058903 integration p2BVqlVlG0Q-00258-00058904-00059142 all of which have a long and varied p2BVqlVlG0Q-00259-00059144-00059303 history p2BVqlVlG0Q-00260-00059304-00059463 with your permission from the vantage p2BVqlVlG0Q-00261-00059464-00059615 point of a small traditionally highly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00262-00059616-00059854 internationalistic country i ventured to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00263-00059855-00059950 suggest p2BVqlVlG0Q-00264-00059951-00060119 that the great attention devoted to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00265-00060120-00060350 globalization is strongly influenced by p2BVqlVlG0Q-00266-00060351-00060511 the fact that the us p2BVqlVlG0Q-00267-00060512-00060703 world's biggest economy is undergoing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00268-00060704-00060942 great structural changes at the same p2BVqlVlG0Q-00269-00060944-00061159 time as it's becoming more integrated p2BVqlVlG0Q-00270-00061160-00061391 into into the world economy through the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00271-00061391-00061566 increased shares of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00272-00061567-00061735 trade to gdp p2BVqlVlG0Q-00273-00061736-00061942 and large flows of foreign capital into p2BVqlVlG0Q-00274-00061944-00062159 the u.s economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00275-00062160-00062375 the ensuing social changes even if they p2BVqlVlG0Q-00276-00062376-00062550 are predominantly driven by domestic p2BVqlVlG0Q-00277-00062551-00062654 factors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00278-00062655-00062823 tend to be associated with the opening p2BVqlVlG0Q-00279-00062824-00062975 up of the economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00280-00062976-00063150 and i could add that the protection it p2BVqlVlG0Q-00281-00063151-00063391 pressures one can see despite the low p2BVqlVlG0Q-00282-00063391-00063623 level of unemployment in the u.s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00283-00063624-00063919 is something that open up often appears p2BVqlVlG0Q-00284-00063920-00064271 as a consequence of a high or overvalued p2BVqlVlG0Q-00285-00064272-00064494 exchange rate p2BVqlVlG0Q-00286-00064495-00064742 turning now to economic integration as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00287-00064744-00064982 such there seems to be few relationships p2BVqlVlG0Q-00288-00064983-00065199 in the economic sciences which have been p2BVqlVlG0Q-00289-00065200-00065454 so thoroughly demonstrated as the link p2BVqlVlG0Q-00290-00065455-00065671 between trade and the growth of wealth p2BVqlVlG0Q-00291-00065672-00065919 beginning of course with adam smith p2BVqlVlG0Q-00292-00065920-00066087 but that this matter p2BVqlVlG0Q-00293-00066088-00066382 practice by far precedes theory p2BVqlVlG0Q-00294-00066383-00066567 i do not intend here to describe the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00295-00066568-00066711 economic history of the world from the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00296-00066712-00066879 phoenician trade system around the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00297-00066880-00067055 mediterranean sea p2BVqlVlG0Q-00298-00067056-00067255 some three thousand years ago to our p2BVqlVlG0Q-00299-00067256-00067447 days but in the light of the current p2BVqlVlG0Q-00300-00067448-00067679 isolationistic trends and also to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00301-00067680-00067903 underline that the phenomena covered by p2BVqlVlG0Q-00302-00067904-00068143 globalization have a long history it p2BVqlVlG0Q-00303-00068144-00068350 could be of irrelevance to see what role p2BVqlVlG0Q-00304-00068351-00068511 the rest of the world played for a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00305-00068512-00068775 country like sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-00306-00068776-00068935 if you limit yourself to the modern p2BVqlVlG0Q-00307-00068936-00069191 history of sweden and disregard the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00308-00069192-00069431 great tradesmen the vikings p2BVqlVlG0Q-00309-00069432-00069638 and start with the very foundation of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00310-00069639-00069823 the modern swedish state p2BVqlVlG0Q-00311-00069824-00070006 this actually can be said to have begun p2BVqlVlG0Q-00312-00070007-00070223 with an operation on the international p2BVqlVlG0Q-00313-00070224-00070575 capital markets p2BVqlVlG0Q-00314-00070576-00070791 in the first quarter of the 16th century p2BVqlVlG0Q-00315-00070792-00071199 gustavosa the grandfather of gustavus p2BVqlVlG0Q-00316-00071200-00071462 turned to the hanseatic league in lubeck p2BVqlVlG0Q-00317-00071463-00071662 in germany where he borrowed in order to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00318-00071663-00072071 finance his war against the danish king p2BVqlVlG0Q-00319-00072072-00072206 and it was the victory in that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00320-00072207-00072423 liberation war which created the swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00321-00072424-00072655 state as we know it today p2BVqlVlG0Q-00322-00072656-00072903 we might add that as many later p2BVqlVlG0Q-00323-00072904-00073191 investors in emerging markets p2BVqlVlG0Q-00324-00073192-00073382 the gentlemen of the hansa made a bad p2BVqlVlG0Q-00325-00073383-00073511 investment p2BVqlVlG0Q-00326-00073512-00073743 not only were they never repaid p2BVqlVlG0Q-00327-00073744-00073903 but in addition they were squeezed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00328-00073904-00074126 military militarily and politically out p2BVqlVlG0Q-00329-00074127-00074350 of business by the young upstart they p2BVqlVlG0Q-00330-00074351-00074582 had helped p2BVqlVlG0Q-00331-00074583-00074799 in the 17th century trade played a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00332-00074800-00075079 decisive role in financing this swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00333-00075080-00075294 short-lived period as great european p2BVqlVlG0Q-00334-00075295-00075406 power p2BVqlVlG0Q-00335-00075407-00075615 sweden was the major european exporter p2BVqlVlG0Q-00336-00075616-00075959 of iron copper as all warring parties in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00337-00075960-00076350 the 30 years war 1618 to 1648 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00338-00076351-00076511 used these metals p2BVqlVlG0Q-00339-00076512-00076662 the demand for these goods grew p2BVqlVlG0Q-00340-00076663-00076823 proportionally to the action on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00341-00076824-00077047 battlefields thereby replenishing the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00342-00077048-00077311 swedish treasury in this way the swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00343-00077312-00077459 army could be considered as a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00344-00077460-00077767 self-financing machine p2BVqlVlG0Q-00345-00077768-00077975 not only trade with domestic natural p2BVqlVlG0Q-00346-00077976-00078159 resources was of great importance at p2BVqlVlG0Q-00347-00078160-00078399 that time economic integration also took p2BVqlVlG0Q-00348-00078400-00078638 the form of foreign direct investment p2BVqlVlG0Q-00349-00078639-00078806 and transfers of technology through p2BVqlVlG0Q-00350-00078807-00078991 dutch investments into the mining p2BVqlVlG0Q-00351-00078992-00079126 industry p2BVqlVlG0Q-00352-00079127-00079287 important movements of people in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00353-00079288-00079519 form of bologna experts in mining and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00354-00079520-00079775 metallurgy also contributed to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00355-00079776-00080199 strengthening the swedish economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00356-00080200-00080382 in the 18th century modern international p2BVqlVlG0Q-00357-00080383-00080631 scientific interaction began with the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00358-00080632-00080767 creation of the royal academy of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00359-00080768-00080999 sciences in the 1740s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00360-00081000-00081231 and sweden was plugged p2BVqlVlG0Q-00361-00081232-00081471 quote unquote into the global p2BVqlVlG0Q-00362-00081472-00081694 quote unquote intellectual system which p2BVqlVlG0Q-00363-00081695-00081862 developed within the framework of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00364-00081863-00082071 enlightenment with prominent swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-00365-00082072-00082311 scientists like linears the botanists p2BVqlVlG0Q-00366-00082312-00082494 celsius who created the centigrade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00367-00082495-00082703 system for measuring temperature and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00368-00082704-00083118 sheila who discovered oxygen p2BVqlVlG0Q-00369-00083119-00083287 when sweden became ripe for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00370-00083288-00083543 industrialization almost a century after p2BVqlVlG0Q-00371-00083544-00083711 its beginning in britain the underlying p2BVqlVlG0Q-00372-00083712-00083918 driving forces were the expansion of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00373-00083919-00084294 system of education in the 1840s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00374-00084295-00084518 that is heavy investments into human p2BVqlVlG0Q-00375-00084519-00084838 capital to to put it in economic terms p2BVqlVlG0Q-00376-00084839-00085038 and the very pervasive liberal reforms p2BVqlVlG0Q-00377-00085039-00085247 of the legislation governing business p2BVqlVlG0Q-00378-00085248-00085535 and industry in the 1860s which created p2BVqlVlG0Q-00379-00085536-00085806 a new growth friendly system of defined p2BVqlVlG0Q-00380-00085807-00086062 property rights p2BVqlVlG0Q-00381-00086063-00086255 but foreign direct investments also p2BVqlVlG0Q-00382-00086256-00086431 played an important role in the form of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00383-00086432-00086694 very large british investments in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00384-00086695-00086871 construction of railroads across the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00385-00086872-00086975 country p2BVqlVlG0Q-00386-00086976-00087143 in the event the british to a certain p2BVqlVlG0Q-00387-00087144-00087359 degree shared the fate of the gentleman p2BVqlVlG0Q-00388-00087360-00087599 of luibek the british had extended p2BVqlVlG0Q-00389-00087600-00087823 long-term fixed interest loans p2BVqlVlG0Q-00390-00087824-00088047 denominated in swedish corner p2BVqlVlG0Q-00391-00088048-00088255 the real value which was strongly eroded p2BVqlVlG0Q-00392-00088256-00088479 during the first world war an ensuing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00393-00088480-00088718 wave of inflation p2BVqlVlG0Q-00394-00088719-00088831 looking at the scientific and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00395-00088832-00089055 technological fields at the beginning of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00396-00089056-00089231 last century sweden was strongly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00397-00089232-00089494 dependent on germany the uk and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00398-00089495-00089838 increasingly on the u.s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00399-00089839-00090103 from around 1870 to 1970 sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-00400-00090104-00090287 registered the highest average annual p2BVqlVlG0Q-00401-00090288-00090591 growth rates after japan and was turned p2BVqlVlG0Q-00402-00090592-00090782 from one of the poorest to one of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00403-00090783-00091047 richest countries of europe p2BVqlVlG0Q-00404-00091048-00091206 and we've been talking about developing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00405-00091207-00091391 countries one could be reminded of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00406-00091392-00091518 fact that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00407-00091519-00091806 at the beginning of the last century the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00408-00091807-00092071 life expectancy and child mortality in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00409-00092072-00092359 sweden was at the same level as in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00410-00092360-00092775 present-day tanzania p2BVqlVlG0Q-00411-00092776-00093079 and the driving be force behind this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00412-00093080-00093262 whole development which i've tried to to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00413-00093263-00093438 sketch here is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00414-00093439-00093647 is the increasing openness of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00415-00093648-00094031 economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00416-00094032-00094271 and today of course uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00417-00094272-00094511 sweden seems to have recovered some p2BVqlVlG0Q-00418-00094512-00094815 economic health and uh we are very proud p2BVqlVlG0Q-00419-00094816-00094903 that we p2BVqlVlG0Q-00420-00094904-00095111 we stockholm is the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00421-00095112-00095518 internet uh capital of europe but again p2BVqlVlG0Q-00422-00095519-00095823 a very decisive factor here is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00423-00095824-00096015 the two factors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00424-00096016-00096303 that young swedes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00425-00096304-00096623 understand english quite well and second p2BVqlVlG0Q-00426-00096624-00096838 that they have to a higher degree than p2BVqlVlG0Q-00427-00096839-00096918 than p2BVqlVlG0Q-00428-00096919-00097094 their european colleagues established p2BVqlVlG0Q-00429-00097095-00097518 contacts in silicon valley p2BVqlVlG0Q-00430-00097519-00097703 but an open economy the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00431-00097704-00097943 of the small size of sweden is of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-00432-00097944-00098159 vulnerable to the shifting trends of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00433-00098160-00098374 demand on the world markets which lead p2BVqlVlG0Q-00434-00098375-00098671 to exogenous shocks to production p2BVqlVlG0Q-00435-00098672-00098887 employment and incomes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00436-00098888-00099143 it is therefore not very surprising that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00437-00099144-00099391 the level of social expenditures and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00438-00099392-00099599 publicly organized welfare systems have p2BVqlVlG0Q-00439-00099600-00099782 tended to be higher in a number of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00440-00099783-00100031 smaller european countries even if this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00441-00100032-00100206 trend has been most pronounced in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00442-00100207-00100382 nordic countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-00443-00100383-00100559 the development of an ambitious social p2BVqlVlG0Q-00444-00100560-00100743 safety net has been a necessary p2BVqlVlG0Q-00445-00100744-00100903 corollary to the policy of trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00446-00100904-00101087 liberalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00447-00101088-00101262 even if the extent and design of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00448-00101263-00101518 welfare system as it looks today is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00449-00101519-00101743 subject to criticism from the academic p2BVqlVlG0Q-00450-00101744-00101855 community p2BVqlVlG0Q-00451-00101856-00102062 and to a lesser degree controversy in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00452-00102063-00102238 the political arena p2BVqlVlG0Q-00453-00102239-00102471 the main points of criticism concern the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00454-00102472-00102654 unnecessarily high p2BVqlVlG0Q-00455-00102655-00102910 deadweight losses due to the high tax p2BVqlVlG0Q-00456-00102911-00103158 wages and unfocused distributional p2BVqlVlG0Q-00457-00103159-00103342 effects of the transfer system as a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00458-00103343-00103671 whole p2BVqlVlG0Q-00459-00103672-00103975 i ventured into this very brief overview p2BVqlVlG0Q-00460-00103976-00104230 of sweden's economic history in order to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00461-00104231-00104406 put the traditional swedish and for that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00462-00104407-00104623 matter my own positive attitude to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00463-00104624-00104839 international economic integration p2BVqlVlG0Q-00464-00104840-00105031 against the background of the profoundly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00465-00105032-00105231 positive experience we have had of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00466-00105232-00105478 policy of openness p2BVqlVlG0Q-00467-00105479-00105671 if the proof of the pudding is the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00468-00105672-00105886 eating of it then internationalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00469-00105888-00106302 has been delicious at least to us swedes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00470-00106303-00106558 from this position of strong support p2BVqlVlG0Q-00471-00106559-00106695 for an interest in further p2BVqlVlG0Q-00472-00106696-00106831 liberalization in the international p2BVqlVlG0Q-00473-00106832-00107054 economic field the present state of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00474-00107055-00107231 affairs at the level of international p2BVqlVlG0Q-00475-00107232-00107502 economic diplomacy and negotiations is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00476-00107503-00107734 highly unsatisfactory in several p2BVqlVlG0Q-00477-00107735-00107902 respects p2BVqlVlG0Q-00478-00107903-00108143 the remarks i'm going to make could well p2BVqlVlG0Q-00479-00108144-00108343 be put under the heading borrowed from p2BVqlVlG0Q-00480-00108344-00108654 aksalux p2BVqlVlG0Q-00481-00108655-00108815 the remarkable prime minister and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00482-00108816-00108983 chancellor of the treasury who served p2BVqlVlG0Q-00483-00108983-00109199 for more than 30 years in the 17th p2BVqlVlG0Q-00484-00109200-00109486 century under among others gustavus p2BVqlVlG0Q-00485-00109488-00109678 adolphus and i would add p2BVqlVlG0Q-00486-00109679-00109886 gustavus adolphus wouldn't have p2BVqlVlG0Q-00487-00109888-00110190 half the size he has in swedish history p2BVqlVlG0Q-00488-00110191-00110463 if he hadn't had uh axel luksan shanna p2BVqlVlG0Q-00489-00110464-00110654 as his prime minister p2BVqlVlG0Q-00490-00110655-00110839 ooks and shanna formed the society and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00491-00110840-00111031 the economy in a profound way that left p2BVqlVlG0Q-00492-00111032-00111286 traces in sweden until our days and he p2BVqlVlG0Q-00493-00111288-00111471 was a major player p2BVqlVlG0Q-00494-00111472-00111710 at the top level of european power p2BVqlVlG0Q-00495-00111711-00111863 politics p2BVqlVlG0Q-00496-00111864-00112086 in a letter to his son at the end of his p2BVqlVlG0Q-00497-00112088-00112366 life with all his experience accumulated p2BVqlVlG0Q-00498-00112367-00112623 he wrote in the globalized language of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00499-00112624-00113399 that period that is latin p2BVqlVlG0Q-00500-00113400-00113678 which means you don't know my son with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00501-00113679-00114415 how little wisdom the world is governed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00502-00114416-00114686 firsthand witnesses as such p2BVqlVlG0Q-00503-00114688-00114966 a first matter of great concern p2BVqlVlG0Q-00504-00114967-00115199 is the slow pace if not stalemates in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00505-00115200-00115390 the international trade field symbolized p2BVqlVlG0Q-00506-00115391-00115566 by the breakdown of the seattle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00507-00115567-00115839 conference of the wto and the lack of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00508-00115840-00116015 progress to launch a new round of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00509-00116016-00116223 negotiations p2BVqlVlG0Q-00510-00116224-00116439 now what factors do explain that trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00511-00116440-00116615 liberalization which has been an p2BVqlVlG0Q-00512-00116616-00116871 important even decisive factor behind p2BVqlVlG0Q-00513-00116872-00117143 the growth of the oecd uh country's p2BVqlVlG0Q-00514-00117144-00117366 economies for most of the post-world war p2BVqlVlG0Q-00515-00117367-00117478 ii period p2BVqlVlG0Q-00516-00117479-00117663 has come to a halt p2BVqlVlG0Q-00517-00117664-00117902 if one will believe the mass media is to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00518-00117903-00118119 be credited or blamed on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00519-00118120-00118295 anti-globalized protesters in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00520-00118296-00118495 streets of seattle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00521-00118496-00118654 in itself it's a remarkable and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00522-00118655-00118790 regrettable fact that extra p2BVqlVlG0Q-00523-00118791-00119143 parliamentary groups or ngos p2BVqlVlG0Q-00524-00119144-00119327 should be allowed not to express their p2BVqlVlG0Q-00525-00119328-00119486 views that's p2BVqlVlG0Q-00526-00119488-00119831 obviously their right but to to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00527-00119832-00120199 deroot the the process of negotiations p2BVqlVlG0Q-00528-00120200-00120527 and decision making by governments p2BVqlVlG0Q-00529-00120528-00120727 that at least in trade weighted terms p2BVqlVlG0Q-00530-00120728-00121039 are predominantly democratically elected p2BVqlVlG0Q-00531-00121040-00121310 however on closer inspection the seattle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00532-00121311-00121583 meeting was doomed already before it was p2BVqlVlG0Q-00533-00121583-00121919 started and this for several reasons p2BVqlVlG0Q-00534-00121920-00122086 the main reason was that the differences p2BVqlVlG0Q-00535-00122088-00122278 between the positions of the main actors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00536-00122279-00122519 were too great on almost every major p2BVqlVlG0Q-00537-00122520-00122663 issue p2BVqlVlG0Q-00538-00122664-00122814 even within the group of rich p2BVqlVlG0Q-00539-00122815-00122999 industrialized countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-00540-00123000-00123190 which had been promoting the eurogarden p2BVqlVlG0Q-00541-00123191-00123431 round within the gat in the 80s the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00542-00123432-00123647 divergences were very deep on issues p2BVqlVlG0Q-00543-00123648-00123910 like rules for investments competition p2BVqlVlG0Q-00544-00123911-00124119 as well as regarding the degree of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00545-00124120-00124351 linkages to be made between trade and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00546-00124352-00124607 environmental concerns p2BVqlVlG0Q-00547-00124608-00124814 before the meeting in seattle the quad p2BVqlVlG0Q-00548-00124815-00125063 that is the united states eu japan and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00549-00125064-00125302 canada had been publicly pushing for p2BVqlVlG0Q-00550-00125303-00125558 liberalizations in several fields but p2BVqlVlG0Q-00551-00125559-00125766 were totally unwilling to discuss issues p2BVqlVlG0Q-00552-00125767-00126223 that are politically sensitive at home p2BVqlVlG0Q-00553-00126224-00126463 like agriculture textiles or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00554-00126464-00126671 anti-dumping practices p2BVqlVlG0Q-00555-00126672-00126839 the collapse of the meeting was also p2BVqlVlG0Q-00556-00126840-00127039 facilitated by p2BVqlVlG0Q-00557-00127040-00127310 insufficient preparations in advance p2BVqlVlG0Q-00558-00127311-00127510 here it's instructive to compare with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00559-00127511-00127823 the relatively successful uruguay round p2BVqlVlG0Q-00560-00127824-00128054 in the mid 80s the differences p2BVqlVlG0Q-00561-00128055-00128295 and distrust between the major actors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00562-00128296-00128454 were also very great but that the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00563-00128455-00128623 initiatives by some smaller free p2BVqlVlG0Q-00564-00128624-00128847 trade-minded countries like switzerland p2BVqlVlG0Q-00565-00128848-00128966 and sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-00566-00128967-00129158 an informal group of delegations the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00567-00129159-00129414 so-called g-47 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00568-00129415-00129695 uh was formed in geneva which discussed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00569-00129696-00129871 and prepared a draft mandate for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00570-00129872-00130095 launching of the uruguay round p2BVqlVlG0Q-00571-00130096-00130334 without that ground work the punta p2BVqlVlG0Q-00572-00130335-00130527 deleste conference which started the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00573-00130528-00130790 uruguay round would have have gone the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00574-00130791-00131039 same way as the seattle conference or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00575-00131040-00131278 vice versa had seattle been better p2BVqlVlG0Q-00576-00131279-00131399 prepared it could have been more p2BVqlVlG0Q-00577-00131400-00131543 successful p2BVqlVlG0Q-00578-00131544-00131678 in any case p2BVqlVlG0Q-00579-00131679-00131863 the result of the collapse in seattle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00580-00131864-00132078 has at least three effects p2BVqlVlG0Q-00581-00132079-00132278 first a strong impression of defeat for p2BVqlVlG0Q-00582-00132279-00132495 the trend to liberalize has been created p2BVqlVlG0Q-00583-00132496-00132902 and this after the collapse of the miai p2BVqlVlG0Q-00584-00132903-00133111 negotiations at the ocd p2BVqlVlG0Q-00585-00133112-00133399 dealing with rules for investment p2BVqlVlG0Q-00586-00133400-00133623 second the negotiations are or rather p2BVqlVlG0Q-00587-00133624-00133790 talks which have been started on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00588-00133791-00134014 so-called built-in agenda or leftovers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00589-00134015-00134175 from the uruguay round p2BVqlVlG0Q-00590-00134176-00134423 in the field of agriculture and services p2BVqlVlG0Q-00591-00134424-00134663 will be deprived of momentum as they p2BVqlVlG0Q-00592-00134664-00134759 lack p2BVqlVlG0Q-00593-00134760-00134999 the the political will and they lack p2BVqlVlG0Q-00594-00135000-00135375 deadlines and specific goals p2BVqlVlG0Q-00595-00135376-00135583 third the absence of political pressure p2BVqlVlG0Q-00596-00135584-00135854 from the multilateral system p2BVqlVlG0Q-00597-00135855-00136063 uh leads to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00598-00136064-00136135 to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00599-00136136-00136414 greater difficulties in reforming the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00600-00136415-00136631 agriculture policies before the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00601-00136632-00136911 enlargement of eu to the candidates uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00602-00136912-00137159 countries in the eastern europe p2BVqlVlG0Q-00603-00137160-00137311 um i will p2BVqlVlG0Q-00604-00137312-00137678 i will comment this in a moment p2BVqlVlG0Q-00605-00137679-00137887 in the resumed trade talks in geneva p2BVqlVlG0Q-00606-00137888-00138135 it's necessary to try to show real p2BVqlVlG0Q-00607-00138136-00138383 political will to make progress this p2BVqlVlG0Q-00608-00138384-00138551 could be facilitated by a number of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00609-00138552-00138702 confidence building measures in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00610-00138703-00138983 agriculture and service field p2BVqlVlG0Q-00611-00138984-00139263 but there is also an urgent need to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00612-00139264-00139502 start a building a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00613-00139503-00139919 common ground between the major players p2BVqlVlG0Q-00614-00139920-00140014 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00615-00140015-00140175 that must be built p2BVqlVlG0Q-00616-00140176-00140614 on some kind of reasonable compromise p2BVqlVlG0Q-00617-00140615-00140814 where one would p2BVqlVlG0Q-00618-00140815-00141031 include both p2BVqlVlG0Q-00619-00141032-00141239 elements of a total approach linking all p2BVqlVlG0Q-00620-00141240-00141447 different areas together p2BVqlVlG0Q-00621-00141448-00141647 in one single undertaking p2BVqlVlG0Q-00622-00141648-00141871 but at the same time taking into account p2BVqlVlG0Q-00623-00141872-00142039 the difficulties of the developing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00624-00142040-00142239 countries to to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00625-00142240-00142711 enter on such a platform p2BVqlVlG0Q-00626-00142712-00142975 finally a general remark about the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00627-00142976-00143199 intellectual logic of the negotiations p2BVqlVlG0Q-00628-00143200-00143375 within gat p2BVqlVlG0Q-00629-00143376-00143631 earlier and now wto p2BVqlVlG0Q-00630-00143632-00143831 it's built on an activistic system of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00631-00143832-00143935 thought p2BVqlVlG0Q-00632-00143936-00144166 namely the mercantilistic view that the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00633-00144167-00144351 ultimate good is to export whereas p2BVqlVlG0Q-00634-00144352-00144599 imports is something bad p2BVqlVlG0Q-00635-00144600-00144878 a lowering of tariffs or elimination of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00636-00144879-00145095 impediments to investments which lead to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00637-00145096-00145375 cheaper and or better goods and services p2BVqlVlG0Q-00638-00145376-00145614 in your own country are presented as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00639-00145615-00145759 sacrifices p2BVqlVlG0Q-00640-00145760-00145966 concessions which have to be traded p2BVqlVlG0Q-00641-00145967-00146287 against other countries concessions p2BVqlVlG0Q-00642-00146288-00146511 as even liberalization in isolation is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00643-00146512-00146687 profitable for a country this logic p2BVqlVlG0Q-00644-00146688-00146911 amounts to saying that i will stop p2BVqlVlG0Q-00645-00146912-00147159 shooting myself in the foot if only you p2BVqlVlG0Q-00646-00147160-00147566 will stop shooting yourself in your foot p2BVqlVlG0Q-00647-00147567-00147790 intellectually and from from the point p2BVqlVlG0Q-00648-00147791-00147966 of view the level of development of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00649-00147967-00148078 science p2BVqlVlG0Q-00650-00148079-00148311 this is as if an international medical p2BVqlVlG0Q-00651-00148312-00148519 conference today would recommend p2BVqlVlG0Q-00652-00148520-00148783 diagnostics of human patients p2BVqlVlG0Q-00653-00148784-00149071 by inspection of the livers of birds or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00654-00149072-00149199 frogs p2BVqlVlG0Q-00655-00149200-00149399 like the organs used to do in ancient p2BVqlVlG0Q-00656-00149400-00149543 rome p2BVqlVlG0Q-00657-00149544-00149719 the reason for this absurdity in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00658-00149720-00149887 trade field is of course the need for p2BVqlVlG0Q-00659-00149888-00150135 governments to get sufficient leverage p2BVqlVlG0Q-00660-00150136-00150319 from the gains in one sector in order to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00661-00150320-00150526 break down resistance to change by p2BVqlVlG0Q-00662-00150527-00150831 vested interest in other sectors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00663-00150832-00150983 now this brings me p2BVqlVlG0Q-00664-00150984-00151190 to a subject which i think has not been p2BVqlVlG0Q-00665-00151191-00151447 given sufficient attention and that is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00666-00151448-00151831 the real costs of special interests p2BVqlVlG0Q-00667-00151832-00152054 from the point of view of democracy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00668-00152055-00152254 special interests are of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-00669-00152255-00152439 absolutely legitimate p2BVqlVlG0Q-00670-00152440-00152775 as democracy is about among other things p2BVqlVlG0Q-00671-00152776-00152966 freedom for all citizens to organize p2BVqlVlG0Q-00672-00152967-00153119 themselves in different groups and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00673-00153120-00153359 constellations in order to promote p2BVqlVlG0Q-00674-00153360-00153599 common ideals p2BVqlVlG0Q-00675-00153600-00153759 ideas and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00676-00153760-00153895 interests p2BVqlVlG0Q-00677-00153896-00154063 at the same time there is a risk that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00678-00154064-00154335 such organized groups will exert a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00679-00154336-00154566 disproportionate influence where the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00680-00154567-00154766 more or less legitimate fight over p2BVqlVlG0Q-00681-00154767-00154911 resources p2BVqlVlG0Q-00682-00154912-00155143 is transformed from a zero-sum game into p2BVqlVlG0Q-00683-00155144-00155383 a negative sum game for the society as a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00684-00155384-00155502 whole p2BVqlVlG0Q-00685-00155503-00155719 my conviction is that what we are p2BVqlVlG0Q-00686-00155720-00155935 witnessing today is precisely very p2BVqlVlG0Q-00687-00155936-00156214 costly negative some outcome as a result p2BVqlVlG0Q-00688-00156215-00156423 of the influence and political power of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00689-00156424-00156847 certain special interests p2BVqlVlG0Q-00690-00156848-00157007 i know that the question of campaign p2BVqlVlG0Q-00691-00157008-00157183 financing has become a serious issue in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00692-00157184-00157526 u.s politics but out of courtesy i will p2BVqlVlG0Q-00693-00157527-00157719 confine myself to the experience with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00694-00157720-00158087 special interests we have in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00695-00158088-00158263 but the most striking example of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00696-00158264-00158447 influence of special interests p2BVqlVlG0Q-00697-00158448-00158654 is of course the common agricultural p2BVqlVlG0Q-00698-00158655-00158775 policy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00699-00158776-00159014 almost half of the budget of the eu in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00700-00159015-00159326 large amounts directly extorted from the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00701-00159327-00159575 consumers through artificially highly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00702-00159576-00159863 high regulated prices are spent to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00703-00159864-00160111 support the farmers allegedly in need of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00704-00160112-00160231 support p2BVqlVlG0Q-00705-00160232-00160439 even if there is no statistical evidence p2BVqlVlG0Q-00706-00160440-00160702 showing that the farmers on average have p2BVqlVlG0Q-00707-00160703-00160902 lower incomes than other groups rather p2BVqlVlG0Q-00708-00160903-00161083 the country p2BVqlVlG0Q-00709-00161084-00161351 however as the subsidies directly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00710-00161352-00161519 indirectly are tied to quantities p2BVqlVlG0Q-00711-00161520-00161639 produced p2BVqlVlG0Q-00712-00161640-00161823 about eighty percent of the subsidies p2BVqlVlG0Q-00713-00161824-00162007 accrue to the twenty percent of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00714-00162008-00162207 farmers with the highest incomes and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00715-00162208-00162407 with well far above the level of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00716-00162408-00162559 average p2BVqlVlG0Q-00717-00162560-00162814 an increase of food prices has a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00718-00162815-00163014 regressive distributional effect among p2BVqlVlG0Q-00719-00163015-00163151 consumers too p2BVqlVlG0Q-00720-00163152-00163359 so both in consumption and in production p2BVqlVlG0Q-00721-00163360-00163583 the result of policies is that the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00722-00163584-00163790 unevenness of income and wealth p2BVqlVlG0Q-00723-00163791-00163883 are p2BVqlVlG0Q-00724-00163884-00164207 reinforced this perverse effect p2BVqlVlG0Q-00725-00164208-00164502 however comes at considerable cost p2BVqlVlG0Q-00726-00164503-00164711 a recent study puts that cost a slightly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00727-00164712-00164983 less than one percent of gdp per year p2BVqlVlG0Q-00728-00164984-00165166 considering that the active farming p2BVqlVlG0Q-00729-00165167-00165351 population of the eu has shrunk to a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00730-00165352-00165551 couple of percents of the total the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00731-00165552-00165726 level of subsidization is very p2BVqlVlG0Q-00732-00165727-00165878 considerable p2BVqlVlG0Q-00733-00165879-00166078 but the help to those working on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00734-00166079-00166263 farms does not reach them as the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00735-00166264-00166519 subsidies tend to concentrate on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00736-00166520-00166726 least mobile factor of production in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00737-00166727-00166919 this case land p2BVqlVlG0Q-00738-00166920-00167078 therefore the farm subsidies mainly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00739-00167079-00167326 contribute to maintaining or increasing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00740-00167327-00167559 the land rent to the benefit of bigger p2BVqlVlG0Q-00741-00167560-00167759 land owners p2BVqlVlG0Q-00742-00167760-00168023 but this costs do not stop here p2BVqlVlG0Q-00743-00168024-00168207 you have to add the strongly negative p2BVqlVlG0Q-00744-00168208-00168463 effects on an on the environment which p2BVqlVlG0Q-00745-00168464-00168687 yagish bhagwati already mentioned p2BVqlVlG0Q-00746-00168688-00168871 of the high intensive farming techniques p2BVqlVlG0Q-00747-00168872-00169111 in europe with high inputs of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00748-00169112-00169343 fertilizers and pesticides which are p2BVqlVlG0Q-00749-00169344-00169478 driven by the high level of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00750-00169479-00169671 subsidization p2BVqlVlG0Q-00751-00169672-00169854 and on top of that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00752-00169855-00170095 the developing countries and certain p2BVqlVlG0Q-00753-00170096-00170231 industrialized countries with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00754-00170232-00170519 comparative advantages in agriculture p2BVqlVlG0Q-00755-00170520-00170790 are both denied access to the um p2BVqlVlG0Q-00756-00170791-00170999 eu markets and subject to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00757-00171000-00171359 devastating effects of the eu dumping of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00758-00171360-00171638 its surpluses on the world market p2BVqlVlG0Q-00759-00171639-00171799 this is particularly negative for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00760-00171800-00171943 growth potential of a number of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00761-00171944-00172214 developing countries of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-00762-00172215-00172438 agricultural protectionism was one major p2BVqlVlG0Q-00763-00172439-00172583 issue and a stumbling block in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00764-00172584-00172838 uruguay round in the 1990s the whole p2BVqlVlG0Q-00765-00172839-00173063 round almost broke down and was saved p2BVqlVlG0Q-00766-00173064-00173254 later by the blair house compromise p2BVqlVlG0Q-00767-00173255-00173471 which marked a certain standstill in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00768-00173472-00173702 subsidization war between the major p2BVqlVlG0Q-00769-00173703-00173878 trading partners p2BVqlVlG0Q-00770-00173879-00174047 more profound liberalization was p2BVqlVlG0Q-00771-00174048-00174247 postponed to the next round p2BVqlVlG0Q-00772-00174248-00174502 of negotiations that's the one which p2BVqlVlG0Q-00773-00174503-00175351 broke down in seattle p2BVqlVlG0Q-00774-00175352-00175663 this um this table shows you however p2BVqlVlG0Q-00775-00175664-00175943 that the agricultural lobby in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00776-00175944-00176199 has been quite successful in maintaining p2BVqlVlG0Q-00777-00176200-00176366 and even increasing the level of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00778-00176367-00176671 subsidies in terms of producer subsidy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00779-00176672-00176935 equivalents which measure all kinds of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00780-00176936-00177143 support the farmers receive as p2BVqlVlG0Q-00781-00177144-00177390 percentages of the total revenues from p2BVqlVlG0Q-00782-00177391-00177638 agriculture product production p2BVqlVlG0Q-00783-00177639-00177895 now this is a rather strange measure in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00784-00177896-00178135 itself if p2BVqlVlG0Q-00785-00178136-00178326 i would have hundred thousand dollars in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00786-00178327-00178495 income and i get a subsidy of a hundred p2BVqlVlG0Q-00787-00178496-00178654 thousand i would say i got hundred p2BVqlVlG0Q-00788-00178655-00178766 percent p2BVqlVlG0Q-00789-00178767-00179038 but that would be a too high figure p2BVqlVlG0Q-00790-00179039-00179254 so instead you have pec which says i p2BVqlVlG0Q-00791-00179255-00179511 have a fifty percent of my total income p2BVqlVlG0Q-00792-00179512-00179583 is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00793-00179584-00179887 is uh is uh a subsidy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00794-00179888-00179990 uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00795-00179991-00180119 so um p2BVqlVlG0Q-00796-00180120-00180447 actually uh what we see here is uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00797-00180448-00180559 uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00798-00180560-00180711 during the 90s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00799-00180712-00180883 the the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00800-00180884-00181078 subsidization level p2BVqlVlG0Q-00801-00181079-00181423 even measured in this benign way has has p2BVqlVlG0Q-00802-00181424-00181878 increased in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00803-00181879-00182095 and further p2BVqlVlG0Q-00804-00182096-00182431 at present the cap i think i have a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00805-00182432-00182726 a diagram which uh shows the relative p2BVqlVlG0Q-00806-00182727-00182863 levels of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00807-00182864-00183238 of subsidization or again in pec terms p2BVqlVlG0Q-00808-00183239-00183671 uh in different countries and areas and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00809-00183672-00183911 from that you see that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00810-00183912-00184095 united states is somewhere between 20 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00811-00184096-00184359 and 30 pse's p2BVqlVlG0Q-00812-00184360-00184511 which is then p2BVqlVlG0Q-00813-00184512-00184726 the difference is actually larger the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00814-00184727-00184902 the difference is between 50 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00815-00184903-00185175 subsidization in the u.s and almost 100 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00816-00185176-00185502 percent in in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00817-00185503-00185887 the top levels are attained by by japan p2BVqlVlG0Q-00818-00185888-00186199 iceland and norway for some reason p2BVqlVlG0Q-00819-00186200-00186326 um p2BVqlVlG0Q-00820-00186327-00186695 but the costs do not stop here p2BVqlVlG0Q-00821-00186696-00186871 at present the cap is the main p2BVqlVlG0Q-00822-00186872-00186999 impediment for the entry of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00823-00187000-00187199 democracies of the central europe into p2BVqlVlG0Q-00824-00187200-00187326 the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00825-00187327-00187463 the problem being particularly p2BVqlVlG0Q-00826-00187464-00187647 intractable in the case of the largest p2BVqlVlG0Q-00827-00187648-00187919 of the candidate countries poland p2BVqlVlG0Q-00828-00187920-00188150 the political problem consists mainly of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00829-00188151-00188326 the fact that the successful rent p2BVqlVlG0Q-00830-00188327-00188478 seekers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00831-00188479-00188687 the farmers in the present eu do not p2BVqlVlG0Q-00832-00188688-00188831 want to share their pie with the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00833-00188832-00189150 newcomers within a given cap budget p2BVqlVlG0Q-00834-00189151-00189407 or within the present price level p2BVqlVlG0Q-00835-00189408-00189575 the eu politicians however are not p2BVqlVlG0Q-00836-00189576-00189759 willing to or able to devote more p2BVqlVlG0Q-00837-00189760-00189990 resources from taxpayers and or p2BVqlVlG0Q-00838-00189991-00190223 consumers which would accommodate both p2BVqlVlG0Q-00839-00190224-00190447 the old members of the farmers club and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00840-00190448-00190759 the new members and finally the peoples p2BVqlVlG0Q-00841-00190760-00190959 of central europe with per capita p2BVqlVlG0Q-00842-00190960-00191207 incomes far below the eu average p2BVqlVlG0Q-00843-00191208-00191383 and accordingly spending much higher p2BVqlVlG0Q-00844-00191384-00191599 share of their incomes on food p2BVqlVlG0Q-00845-00191600-00191790 are less than enthusiastic to have to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00846-00191791-00191975 see their food prices soar to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00847-00191976-00192166 present eu level p2BVqlVlG0Q-00848-00192167-00192359 at present outlook is for either the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00849-00192360-00192654 enlargement being substantially delayed p2BVqlVlG0Q-00850-00192655-00192871 or the candidate states being forced to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00851-00192872-00193135 accepting terms which would be be not p2BVqlVlG0Q-00852-00193136-00193295 only very onerous p2BVqlVlG0Q-00853-00193296-00193478 in the present but would also prejudice p2BVqlVlG0Q-00854-00193479-00193687 the future growth potential of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00855-00193688-00193943 economies at large by binding resources p2BVqlVlG0Q-00856-00193944-00194135 in agriculture when they could come to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00857-00194136-00194431 better use in other sectors p2BVqlVlG0Q-00858-00194432-00194654 the third and rational alternative a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00859-00194655-00194871 reform leading to a dismantlement of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00860-00194872-00194950 cap p2BVqlVlG0Q-00861-00194951-00195159 and the transition of agriculture to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00862-00195160-00195366 same rules of the game as for other p2BVqlVlG0Q-00863-00195367-00195607 sectors of economy does not seem to have p2BVqlVlG0Q-00864-00195608-00195943 a very high probability p2BVqlVlG0Q-00865-00195944-00196135 now i would like to give you another p2BVqlVlG0Q-00866-00196136-00196414 example of ooks and china's wisdom p2BVqlVlG0Q-00867-00196415-00196599 which brings us from the morally p2BVqlVlG0Q-00868-00196600-00196719 questionable p2BVqlVlG0Q-00869-00196720-00197231 to the realm of the outright absurd p2BVqlVlG0Q-00870-00197232-00197390 i'm thinking with particularly both p2BVqlVlG0Q-00871-00197391-00197623 ridiculous and damaging policy and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00872-00197624-00197847 jagdish already mentioned it which is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00873-00197848-00198078 the result of lobbyist pressures that is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00874-00198079-00198383 the eu protection of bananas p2BVqlVlG0Q-00875-00198384-00198599 the proclaimed and alleged aim is to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00876-00198600-00198871 help poor growers of bananas in the old p2BVqlVlG0Q-00877-00198872-00199007 french and british colonies in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00878-00199008-00199143 caribbean p2BVqlVlG0Q-00879-00199144-00199343 in order to achieve this goal a p2BVqlVlG0Q-00880-00199344-00199654 complicated system of quotas and tariffs p2BVqlVlG0Q-00881-00199655-00199831 has been set up in order to protect p2BVqlVlG0Q-00882-00199832-00199966 these producers from the more p2BVqlVlG0Q-00883-00199967-00200166 cost-effective competitors in primarily p2BVqlVlG0Q-00884-00200167-00200319 central america p2BVqlVlG0Q-00885-00200320-00200543 however the result is that the price to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00886-00200544-00200783 the eu consumers is considerably p2BVqlVlG0Q-00887-00200784-00200887 increased p2BVqlVlG0Q-00888-00200888-00201063 but only a small fraction of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00889-00201064-00201190 foregone p2BVqlVlG0Q-00890-00201191-00201487 consumer surplus does turn up as an p2BVqlVlG0Q-00891-00201488-00201702 increase in the producer surplus of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00892-00201703-00201935 eu banana producers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00893-00201936-00202166 actually different estimations put the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00894-00202167-00202407 cost to the consumers at around 2 p2BVqlVlG0Q-00895-00202408-00202583 billion us dollars p2BVqlVlG0Q-00896-00202584-00202863 after which something like 150 million p2BVqlVlG0Q-00897-00202864-00203119 us dollars reached the protected growers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00898-00203120-00203414 which means that it costs 13 and a half p2BVqlVlG0Q-00899-00203415-00203711 us dollars for the consumers to transfer p2BVqlVlG0Q-00900-00203712-00204023 one dollar to the growers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00901-00204024-00204231 the major part of the rest p2BVqlVlG0Q-00902-00204232-00204495 lands as a nice monopoly windfall gain p2BVqlVlG0Q-00903-00204496-00204687 with a limited group of european p2BVqlVlG0Q-00904-00204688-00204927 wholesale traders who managed to get p2BVqlVlG0Q-00905-00204928-00205223 allotments of import quotas p2BVqlVlG0Q-00906-00205223-00205423 the cost due to this way of subsidizing p2BVqlVlG0Q-00907-00205423-00205655 the probably quite well-off owners of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00908-00205656-00205838 wholesale trading companies p2BVqlVlG0Q-00909-00205839-00206119 is again only part of the total bill p2BVqlVlG0Q-00910-00206119-00206286 to get the grand total you will have to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00911-00206287-00206486 add the protracted legal battle in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00912-00206487-00206798 wto between the eu on one side and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00913-00206800-00207023 u.s and the latin american banana p2BVqlVlG0Q-00914-00207023-00207238 exporters on the other side p2BVqlVlG0Q-00915-00207239-00207510 a special panel of the w-2 found the u.s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00916-00207511-00207831 scheme was against the wto rules and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00917-00207832-00208110 ruled in favor of the u.s and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00918-00208111-00208246 and others p2BVqlVlG0Q-00919-00208248-00208414 but that did not stop the eu from p2BVqlVlG0Q-00920-00208415-00208638 continuing its banana policy p2BVqlVlG0Q-00921-00208639-00208823 then the u.s took counter measures p2BVqlVlG0Q-00922-00208823-00209079 against different kinds of eu exports p2BVqlVlG0Q-00923-00209080-00209294 which added further to the total cost of p2BVqlVlG0Q-00924-00209296-00209566 the policies through higher costs to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00925-00209567-00209782 u.s consumers and lower income for p2BVqlVlG0Q-00926-00209783-00209998 certain europeans who have nothing to do p2BVqlVlG0Q-00927-00210000-00210263 whatsoever with bananas p2BVqlVlG0Q-00928-00210264-00210519 at the political level the effect is to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00929-00210519-00210734 create antagonism between the two major p2BVqlVlG0Q-00930-00210735-00210975 trading partners with a souring effect p2BVqlVlG0Q-00931-00210976-00211103 on the whole climate for trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-00932-00211104-00211398 negotiations and finally the political p2BVqlVlG0Q-00933-00211400-00211687 legitimacy of the eu the representatives p2BVqlVlG0Q-00934-00211688-00211910 of which are constantly proclaiming that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00935-00211911-00212246 the u.n union primarily is a legal p2BVqlVlG0Q-00936-00212248-00212342 system p2BVqlVlG0Q-00937-00212344-00212558 loses quite some credibility when it so p2BVqlVlG0Q-00938-00212559-00212855 openly disregards the rule of law within p2BVqlVlG0Q-00939-00212856-00213110 the wto framework an international p2BVqlVlG0Q-00940-00213111-00213510 treaty the union has acceded to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00941-00213511-00213639 another p2BVqlVlG0Q-00942-00213640-00213927 blatant example and i have to use the uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00943-00213928-00214175 the expression by jeff sacks uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-00944-00214176-00214439 yesterday it's a factoid p2BVqlVlG0Q-00945-00214440-00214694 this is i haven't read it i've p2BVqlVlG0Q-00946-00214696-00214879 gotten oral reports about the following p2BVqlVlG0Q-00947-00214880-00215031 story p2BVqlVlG0Q-00948-00215032-00215334 and the example of uh of the wisdom with p2BVqlVlG0Q-00949-00215335-00215503 which the world is governed and that's p2BVqlVlG0Q-00950-00215504-00215703 the case of eu tobacco policy in p2BVqlVlG0Q-00951-00215704-00216046 bulgaria in the beginning of 1990s p2BVqlVlG0Q-00952-00216048-00216255 as you might know the eu has within the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00953-00216256-00216479 cap a program for subsidizing tobacco p2BVqlVlG0Q-00954-00216480-00216598 growers p2BVqlVlG0Q-00955-00216600-00216798 thereby stimulating the production and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00956-00216800-00216967 supply of this good p2BVqlVlG0Q-00957-00216967-00217231 at the same time the eu the enlightened p2BVqlVlG0Q-00958-00217232-00217375 part of the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-00959-00217376-00217623 like your surgeon general p2BVqlVlG0Q-00960-00217623-00217846 has found that tobacco is hazardous to p2BVqlVlG0Q-00961-00217848-00217942 health p2BVqlVlG0Q-00962-00217944-00218223 and not as smart and fashionable as it p2BVqlVlG0Q-00963-00218223-00218367 was in in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00964-00218367-00218646 late 18th century with this nice picture p2BVqlVlG0Q-00965-00218648-00218798 was made p2BVqlVlG0Q-00966-00218800-00219071 so they they have supported campaigns p2BVqlVlG0Q-00967-00219071-00219246 and regulations in order to limit the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00968-00219248-00219494 consumption and demand for this same p2BVqlVlG0Q-00969-00219496-00219703 good which is the production of which is p2BVqlVlG0Q-00970-00219704-00219863 stimulated p2BVqlVlG0Q-00971-00219864-00220151 so the eu steps on the gas and and on p2BVqlVlG0Q-00972-00220152-00220351 the brake at the same time p2BVqlVlG0Q-00973-00220352-00220582 as this does not square quantitatively p2BVqlVlG0Q-00974-00220583-00220791 and also due to the lower quality of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00975-00220792-00221023 european tobacco it has problems in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00976-00221023-00221175 eu marketplace p2BVqlVlG0Q-00977-00221176-00221398 the ensuing surplus is then dumped on p2BVqlVlG0Q-00978-00221400-00221598 the world market p2BVqlVlG0Q-00979-00221600-00221846 now bulgaria has a very long tradition p2BVqlVlG0Q-00980-00221848-00222071 as a tobacco producer p2BVqlVlG0Q-00981-00222071-00222391 and its main market was the soviet union p2BVqlVlG0Q-00982-00222392-00222598 and the soviet bloc p2BVqlVlG0Q-00983-00222600-00222798 when the soviet union disappeared and p2BVqlVlG0Q-00984-00222800-00222982 the marlborough man and his likes p2BVqlVlG0Q-00985-00222983-00223206 victoriously rode into every major p2BVqlVlG0Q-00986-00223207-00223471 russian ukrainian etc city p2BVqlVlG0Q-00987-00223471-00223655 the main market of the bulgarian tobacco p2BVqlVlG0Q-00988-00223656-00223871 industry almost disappeared p2BVqlVlG0Q-00989-00223871-00224079 but as if that had not been enough the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00990-00224080-00224287 domestic bulgarian market was flooded p2BVqlVlG0Q-00991-00224288-00224534 with eu surplus tobacco p2BVqlVlG0Q-00992-00224535-00224679 when the bulgarians wanted to take p2BVqlVlG0Q-00993-00224680-00224871 protective measures on this account the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00994-00224871-00225134 imf did not allow them to do that p2BVqlVlG0Q-00995-00225135-00225287 the result p2BVqlVlG0Q-00996-00225288-00225455 and the result was that a very tough p2BVqlVlG0Q-00997-00225456-00225671 adjustment had to be performed by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-00998-00225671-00225934 bulgarian tobacco growers many of them p2BVqlVlG0Q-00999-00225935-00226119 belonging to the turkish minority p2BVqlVlG0Q-01000-00226119-00226310 thereby contributing to the ethnical p2BVqlVlG0Q-01001-00226311-00226494 tensions in bulgaria p2BVqlVlG0Q-01002-00226496-00226655 in the event many of them had to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01003-00226656-00227039 emigrate to turkey p2BVqlVlG0Q-01004-00227040-00227327 this kind of policies have to be put p2BVqlVlG0Q-01005-00227328-00227558 into into the context of the enormous p2BVqlVlG0Q-01006-00227559-00227815 tasks facing a country like bulgaria p2BVqlVlG0Q-01007-00227816-00227991 when it comes to transforming its p2BVqlVlG0Q-01008-00227992-00228310 economy and creating a bible democracy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01009-00228311-00228487 on the ruins of the soviet system it p2BVqlVlG0Q-01010-00228488-00228615 belonged to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01011-00228616-00228791 and also seen in the context of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01012-00228792-00229006 relative economic capacity to alleviate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01013-00229007-00229239 the necessary downward adjustment of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01014-00229240-00229582 tobacco industry in the rich eu and in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01015-00229583-00229927 the impoverished bulgaria respectively p2BVqlVlG0Q-01016-00229928-00230198 still another case of lack of wisdom or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01017-00230200-00230391 rather successful lobbying by special p2BVqlVlG0Q-01018-00230392-00230598 interests is the restrictive measures p2BVqlVlG0Q-01019-00230600-00230775 applied towards russian exports due p2BVqlVlG0Q-01020-00230776-00230967 1990s p2BVqlVlG0Q-01021-00230967-00231142 the russian for all practical purposes p2BVqlVlG0Q-01022-00231144-00231303 soviet economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01023-00231304-00231519 did not have many civilian goods with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01024-00231519-00231703 higher value added which could be p2BVqlVlG0Q-01025-00231704-00231927 competitive than the world market p2BVqlVlG0Q-01026-00231928-00232231 the few they had like aluminum chemical p2BVqlVlG0Q-01027-00232232-00232527 fertilizers cement and seamless steel p2BVqlVlG0Q-01028-00232528-00232767 tubes were however almost without p2BVqlVlG0Q-01029-00232767-00233015 exceptions subject to different trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-01030-00233016-00233215 restrictions preferably at the in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01031-00233216-00233455 transparent and particularly damaging p2BVqlVlG0Q-01032-00233456-00233575 kind p2BVqlVlG0Q-01033-00233576-00233663 like p2BVqlVlG0Q-01034-00233664-00234127 qrs and anti-dumping duties strangely p2BVqlVlG0Q-01035-00234128-00234327 enough it was precisely the last p2BVqlVlG0Q-01036-00234328-00234591 percentage of total supply to the oecd p2BVqlVlG0Q-01037-00234592-00234798 markets of these goods that came from p2BVqlVlG0Q-01038-00234800-00235031 russia that was considered to destroy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01039-00235032-00235223 the price formation p2BVqlVlG0Q-01040-00235223-00235455 and this at the same time as a lot of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01041-00235456-00235631 political capital p2BVqlVlG0Q-01042-00235632-00235823 and financial resources p2BVqlVlG0Q-01043-00235823-00236015 a lot of rhetoric were invested by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01044-00236016-00236198 same western governments which had put p2BVqlVlG0Q-01045-00236200-00236391 up these barriers in assisting the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01046-00236392-00236639 transformation of the russian economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01047-00236640-00236806 from the militarized service structure p2BVqlVlG0Q-01048-00236807-00236991 to one which could be better adjusted to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01049-00236992-00237215 the demands of the civilian domestic and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01050-00237216-00237510 international market p2BVqlVlG0Q-01051-00237511-00237703 i've given you some eloquent partial p2BVqlVlG0Q-01052-00237704-00237839 examples of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01053-00237840-00238119 protectionist policies in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-01054-00238119-00238398 the total cost for some 22 sectors in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01055-00238400-00238631 terms of foregone gdp p2BVqlVlG0Q-01056-00238632-00238846 has been estimated by professor patrick p2BVqlVlG0Q-01057-00238848-00238991 messer p2BVqlVlG0Q-01058-00238992-00239182 of the uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01059-00239183-00239375 institute for political sciences in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01060-00239376-00239767 paris the seance pool p2BVqlVlG0Q-01061-00239767-00239942 to be to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01062-00239944-00240023 order p2BVqlVlG0Q-01063-00240023-00240342 between six and seven percent of gdp p2BVqlVlG0Q-01064-00240344-00240519 or between thirty and fourteen percent p2BVqlVlG0Q-01065-00240519-00240742 of the output of eu goods p2BVqlVlG0Q-01066-00240744-00240903 every year p2BVqlVlG0Q-01067-00240904-00241094 according to his results the average p2BVqlVlG0Q-01068-00241096-00241310 cost of saving a job by protectionist p2BVqlVlG0Q-01069-00241311-00241630 measures is some 230 000 us dollars p2BVqlVlG0Q-01070-00241631-00241855 which is 10 times higher than the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01071-00241856-00242142 average wage in the sector's concern p2BVqlVlG0Q-01072-00242144-00242351 these are of course very high figures p2BVqlVlG0Q-01073-00242352-00242703 which the general public is not aware of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01074-00242704-00242919 then his study also shows p2BVqlVlG0Q-01075-00242919-00243175 it is forthcoming it's not published yet p2BVqlVlG0Q-01076-00243176-00243351 he shows that much of the wanted p2BVqlVlG0Q-01077-00243352-00243542 globalization in the trade field in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01078-00243544-00243871 1990s is highly overrated p2BVqlVlG0Q-01079-00243871-00244151 the tariff reductions negoti negotiated p2BVqlVlG0Q-01080-00244152-00244367 during the uruguay round have been more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01081-00244367-00244623 or less offset by the introduction of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01082-00244623-00244887 anti-dumping measures of the of some p2BVqlVlG0Q-01083-00244888-00245039 kind p2BVqlVlG0Q-01084-00245040-00245223 from the swedish experience i can only p2BVqlVlG0Q-01085-00245223-00245382 point to the fact that when we entered p2BVqlVlG0Q-01086-00245383-00245527 the union p2BVqlVlG0Q-01087-00245528-00245806 we had zero anti-dumping rulings p2BVqlVlG0Q-01088-00245807-00246055 now we have something between 80 and 19 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01089-00246056-00246239 and they have been established by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01090-00246240-00246534 the eu commission p2BVqlVlG0Q-01091-00246535-00246839 coming back to mr last figures of six to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01092-00246840-00247046 seven percent of gdp p2BVqlVlG0Q-01093-00247048-00247215 they do not include what i would like to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01094-00247216-00247439 call the political multipliers p2BVqlVlG0Q-01095-00247440-00247598 which you have to include into the bill p2BVqlVlG0Q-01096-00247600-00247830 for the protectionist pleasures p2BVqlVlG0Q-01097-00247831-00248023 what is the opportunity cost of a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01098-00248023-00248327 further delay in the integration of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01099-00248328-00248558 of western and central europe and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01100-00248559-00248855 ensuing low lower growth in that part of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01101-00248856-00249087 europe and what are the costs in terms p2BVqlVlG0Q-01102-00249088-00249303 of greater political and military in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01103-00249304-00249471 military instability p2BVqlVlG0Q-01104-00249471-00249703 in the whole region and the consequences p2BVqlVlG0Q-01105-00249704-00249887 for our ability to solve the truly p2BVqlVlG0Q-01106-00249888-00250206 herculean political task of integrating p2BVqlVlG0Q-01107-00250207-00250534 russia into the world economy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01108-00250535-00250846 in a not too distant future p2BVqlVlG0Q-01109-00250848-00251063 and looking westwards i've already p2BVqlVlG0Q-01110-00251064-00251246 indicated the unmeasurable but quite p2BVqlVlG0Q-01111-00251248-00251542 real costs of european protectionism in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01112-00251544-00251727 terms of prospects for regaining the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01113-00251728-00252006 momentum for cooperative transatlantic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01114-00252007-00252303 strategies in the trade field p2BVqlVlG0Q-01115-00252304-00252503 as i mentioned i've been limiting myself p2BVqlVlG0Q-01116-00252504-00252663 to eliciting some aspects of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01117-00252664-00252919 protectionism in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-01118-00252919-00253175 for those free traders in this audience p2BVqlVlG0Q-01119-00253176-00253423 who have been thinking of parallels p2BVqlVlG0Q-01120-00253423-00253775 in the us i can give reassurance p2BVqlVlG0Q-01121-00253776-00253991 according to professor mr la the level p2BVqlVlG0Q-01122-00253992-00254198 of border protection is almost the same p2BVqlVlG0Q-01123-00254200-00254334 in this country p2BVqlVlG0Q-01124-00254335-00254510 even if its domestic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01125-00254511-00254767 negative effects are dampened by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01126-00254767-00255046 livelier competition among the producers p2BVqlVlG0Q-01127-00255048-00255230 in the domestic market compared to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01128-00255231-00255471 conditions in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-01129-00255471-00255830 so there is a target waiting for you too p2BVqlVlG0Q-01130-00255831-00256271 and uh both jeffrey sachs and and uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01131-00256271-00256519 no both uh joseph stiglitz and and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01132-00256519-00256703 jagish bhagwati have have mentioned a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01133-00256704-00257015 number of examples here of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-01134-00257016-00257230 the facts i've been describing to you p2BVqlVlG0Q-01135-00257231-00257510 can be useful including into the present p2BVqlVlG0Q-01136-00257511-00257703 discussion about the poverty in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01137-00257704-00257934 world it's obvious that the rich p2BVqlVlG0Q-01138-00257935-00258158 countries would be able to reallocate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01139-00258159-00258287 resources p2BVqlVlG0Q-01140-00258288-00258519 to increase the official development aid p2BVqlVlG0Q-01141-00258519-00258775 by reducing the extent to which the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01142-00258776-00258998 public budgets or other instruments are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01143-00259000-00259310 used to transfer money from the poor or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01144-00259311-00259567 poorer to the wealthier p2BVqlVlG0Q-01145-00259567-00259791 even a fraction of the cost i've quoted p2BVqlVlG0Q-01146-00259792-00259982 would be sufficient to double the level p2BVqlVlG0Q-01147-00259983-00260263 of official development aid which today p2BVqlVlG0Q-01148-00260264-00260455 as an average in the ocd is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01149-00260456-00260651 approximately 0.3 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01150-00260652-00260998 0.3 percent of gdp p2BVqlVlG0Q-01151-00261000-00261246 and that's in its turn is is only p2BVqlVlG0Q-01152-00261248-00261519 four tenths of whatever of the official p2BVqlVlG0Q-01153-00261519-00261887 u.n goal of 0.7 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01154-00261888-00262079 it's also striking fact that one does p2BVqlVlG0Q-01155-00262080-00262251 hear precious little from the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01156-00262252-00262455 anti-globalizers about the effects of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01157-00262456-00262679 the rich world's protectionism on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01158-00262680-00262855 poor of this world p2BVqlVlG0Q-01159-00262856-00263030 their credibility would be considerably p2BVqlVlG0Q-01160-00263031-00263239 enhanced if they care to devote somewhat p2BVqlVlG0Q-01161-00263240-00263439 more attention to the distributional p2BVqlVlG0Q-01162-00263440-00263647 effects of special interests at home p2BVqlVlG0Q-01163-00263648-00263734 first p2BVqlVlG0Q-01164-00263735-00263903 before blaming the liberalization of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01165-00263904-00264063 trade for all possible negative p2BVqlVlG0Q-01166-00264064-00264287 phenomena in today's world as we all p2BVqlVlG0Q-01167-00264288-00264671 know charity begins at home p2BVqlVlG0Q-01168-00264672-00264919 now once you realize the role and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01169-00264920-00265143 influence of the special interests the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01170-00265144-00265343 next question is what can be done to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01171-00265344-00265551 change things and principle one can p2BVqlVlG0Q-01172-00265552-00265775 distinguish between three approaches p2BVqlVlG0Q-01173-00265776-00265927 the first one could be termed the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01174-00265928-00266095 conservative one and consists of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01175-00266096-00266310 limiting the public sector's role in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01176-00266311-00266510 economy as much as possible p2BVqlVlG0Q-01177-00266511-00266734 thereby limiting the domain p2BVqlVlG0Q-01178-00266735-00266895 over which the special interests are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01179-00266896-00267110 able to wield their influence p2BVqlVlG0Q-01180-00267111-00267343 in this nightwatch state only the basic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01181-00267344-00267479 public goods are delivered through the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01182-00267480-00267734 government and even if special interest p2BVqlVlG0Q-01183-00267735-00267871 might have an influence on these p2BVqlVlG0Q-01184-00267872-00268079 functions too the damage would be p2BVqlVlG0Q-01185-00268080-00268215 limited p2BVqlVlG0Q-01186-00268216-00268406 the liberal in the european sense of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01187-00268407-00268630 world word p2BVqlVlG0Q-01188-00268631-00268806 in that model you try to contain the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01189-00268807-00269039 rent seekers by strict regulation of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01190-00269040-00269239 integrity and the independence of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01191-00269240-00269463 government officials combined with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01192-00269464-00269623 transparency p2BVqlVlG0Q-01193-00269624-00269839 in this way excessive abuse of political p2BVqlVlG0Q-01194-00269840-00270055 power would be exposed to the general p2BVqlVlG0Q-01195-00270056-00270303 public and politicians called to order p2BVqlVlG0Q-01196-00270304-00270495 by the same public p2BVqlVlG0Q-01197-00270496-00270630 a third model p2BVqlVlG0Q-01198-00270631-00270743 could be distinguished of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01199-00270744-00270934 scandinavian but also other social p2BVqlVlG0Q-01200-00270935-00271103 democratic regimes p2BVqlVlG0Q-01201-00271104-00271351 where uh where certain special interests p2BVqlVlG0Q-01202-00271352-00271575 like the trade unions have or have had p2BVqlVlG0Q-01203-00271576-00271830 such a broad membership basis as making p2BVqlVlG0Q-01204-00271831-00272047 them willy-nilly interested not only in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01205-00272048-00272263 their particular group interest but in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01206-00272264-00272463 the general interest too p2BVqlVlG0Q-01207-00272464-00272639 the government strategy has been in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01208-00272640-00272879 those cases one of including the special p2BVqlVlG0Q-01209-00272880-00273087 interests into the decision-making p2BVqlVlG0Q-01210-00273088-00273287 sufficiently as to influence them p2BVqlVlG0Q-01211-00273288-00273543 through modification of their priorities p2BVqlVlG0Q-01212-00273544-00273791 of course what you see in the real world p2BVqlVlG0Q-01213-00273792-00274095 is a combination of the three approaches p2BVqlVlG0Q-01214-00274096-00274239 my own experience is from the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01215-00274240-00274406 agriculture reform that the swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-01216-00274407-00274543 government launched at the end of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01217-00274544-00274639 eighties p2BVqlVlG0Q-01218-00274640-00274863 and which was later undone completely as p2BVqlVlG0Q-01219-00274864-00275119 sweden entrant into the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-01220-00275120-00275263 however p2BVqlVlG0Q-01221-00275264-00275439 the reform is still of interest as it p2BVqlVlG0Q-01222-00275440-00275615 demonstrates that it's possible to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01223-00275616-00275847 implement a far-reaching reform in a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01224-00275848-00276039 thoroughly subsidized sector p2BVqlVlG0Q-01225-00276040-00276334 mainly by mobilizing the general public p2BVqlVlG0Q-01226-00276335-00276543 in contrast to the other even more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01227-00276544-00276751 far-reaching agricultural reform of that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01228-00276752-00277030 period the one implemented in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01229-00277031-00277151 new zealand p2BVqlVlG0Q-01230-00277152-00277375 the swedish reform was not enacted out p2BVqlVlG0Q-01231-00277376-00277687 of compelling macroeconomic reasons p2BVqlVlG0Q-01232-00277688-00277958 sweden could afford as it does now to go p2BVqlVlG0Q-01233-00277959-00278167 on spending huge resources on a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01234-00278168-00278406 perfectly irrational policy p2BVqlVlG0Q-01235-00278407-00278591 but out of rational reasoning and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01236-00278592-00278758 general increasing understanding for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01237-00278759-00278991 need to deregulate different sectors of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01238-00278992-00279223 the economy a consensus was created p2BVqlVlG0Q-01239-00279224-00279487 about the broad lines of liberalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-01240-00279488-00279703 as the main elements of this reform must p2BVqlVlG0Q-01241-00279704-00279927 constitute parts of any reasonable p2BVqlVlG0Q-01242-00279928-00280095 future reform of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01243-00280096-00280239 cap in the eu p2BVqlVlG0Q-01244-00280240-00280823 it might be worth mentioning them here p2BVqlVlG0Q-01245-00280824-00281087 the basic idea behind their form is is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01246-00281088-00281351 mirroring or equaling what jagdish said p2BVqlVlG0Q-01247-00281352-00281527 if you have one goal you must have one p2BVqlVlG0Q-01248-00281528-00281639 instrument p2BVqlVlG0Q-01249-00281640-00281863 the policy we had and we have now in in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01250-00281864-00282079 the eu is that you p2BVqlVlG0Q-01251-00282080-00282367 the special interests they put forward a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01252-00282368-00282591 whole bunch of different goals and have p2BVqlVlG0Q-01253-00282592-00282847 one instrument high price p2BVqlVlG0Q-01254-00282848-00283103 and what were the the different uh goals p2BVqlVlG0Q-01255-00283104-00283191 well p2BVqlVlG0Q-01256-00283192-00283479 uh national safety of supply p2BVqlVlG0Q-01257-00283480-00283887 uh we uh we were preparing for a uh the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01258-00283888-00284151 last war as it were i mean a perfect p2BVqlVlG0Q-01259-00284152-00284279 isolation p2BVqlVlG0Q-01260-00284280-00284615 or a situation of war p2BVqlVlG0Q-01261-00284616-00284943 so we had uh we had uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01262-00284944-00285167 in in the in the in in the framework of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01263-00285168-00285343 the national defense p2BVqlVlG0Q-01264-00285344-00285623 planning we had stocks p2BVqlVlG0Q-01265-00285624-00285847 of food the problem was that the stocks p2BVqlVlG0Q-01266-00285848-00286054 were enough for three years complete p2BVqlVlG0Q-01267-00286055-00286310 isolation whereas the military defense p2BVqlVlG0Q-01268-00286311-00286543 was calibrated for some two to three p2BVqlVlG0Q-01269-00286544-00286639 weeks p2BVqlVlG0Q-01270-00286640-00286982 so the only logical conclusion was that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01271-00286983-00287358 when the enemy had occupied us we would p2BVqlVlG0Q-01272-00287359-00287639 we would kill him off by having him p2BVqlVlG0Q-01273-00287640-00288023 eating himself to death p2BVqlVlG0Q-01274-00288024-00288151 now p2BVqlVlG0Q-01275-00288152-00288254 this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01276-00288255-00288639 of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-01277-00288640-00288927 we could show was nonsensical p2BVqlVlG0Q-01278-00288928-00289199 the income goal targets p2BVqlVlG0Q-01279-00289200-00289447 we already i already mentioned p2BVqlVlG0Q-01280-00289448-00289671 uh we demonstrated that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01281-00289672-00289951 that there was no even if we wanted we p2BVqlVlG0Q-01282-00289952-00290134 couldn't steer the income of the labor p2BVqlVlG0Q-01283-00290135-00290351 in that sector because that would depend p2BVqlVlG0Q-01284-00290352-00290606 on on productivity and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01285-00290607-00290903 and relative wages in other sectors p2BVqlVlG0Q-01286-00290904-00290975 if p2BVqlVlG0Q-01287-00290976-00291175 if income was pushed up p2BVqlVlG0Q-01288-00291176-00291334 people would flow into the sector and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01289-00291335-00291751 lower the the real wage p2BVqlVlG0Q-01290-00291752-00291847 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01291-00291848-00292071 what was left was p2BVqlVlG0Q-01292-00292072-00292310 an inter in the main components of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01293-00292311-00292599 reform was an internal liberalization we p2BVqlVlG0Q-01294-00292600-00292879 couldn't go so far as as tearing down p2BVqlVlG0Q-01295-00292880-00293039 the tariffs p2BVqlVlG0Q-01296-00293040-00293319 walls because of the the dumping on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01297-00293320-00293543 world market that would absolutely p2BVqlVlG0Q-01298-00293544-00293663 eliminate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01299-00293664-00293951 the the swedish agriculture in a free p2BVqlVlG0Q-01300-00293952-00294254 mark world market a sizable part of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01301-00294255-00294510 swedish culture would survive anyway p2BVqlVlG0Q-01302-00294511-00294743 but we couldn't go that far but we we p2BVqlVlG0Q-01303-00294744-00295039 took away all the price regulations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01304-00295040-00295239 internally established a free pricey p2BVqlVlG0Q-01305-00295240-00295375 market p2BVqlVlG0Q-01306-00295376-00295495 we p2BVqlVlG0Q-01307-00295496-00295695 maintained the border protection as i p2BVqlVlG0Q-01308-00295696-00295847 said p2BVqlVlG0Q-01309-00295848-00296110 we tried to create the even playing p2BVqlVlG0Q-01310-00296111-00296327 field between agriculture and other p2BVqlVlG0Q-01311-00296328-00296551 rural activities p2BVqlVlG0Q-01312-00296552-00296647 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01313-00296648-00296854 and then we had the element of paying p2BVqlVlG0Q-01314-00296855-00297151 them off an adjustment payment over a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01315-00297152-00297375 five-year period p2BVqlVlG0Q-01316-00297376-00297582 and then if if p2BVqlVlG0Q-01317-00297583-00297871 the general public the voters wanted to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01318-00297872-00298095 maintain the countryside open p2BVqlVlG0Q-01319-00298096-00298271 yes by all means p2BVqlVlG0Q-01320-00298272-00298495 you could set aside money for that on p2BVqlVlG0Q-01321-00298496-00298758 market terms you could p2BVqlVlG0Q-01322-00298759-00299087 purchase these services from the farmers p2BVqlVlG0Q-01323-00299088-00299319 thereby keeping up the the environment p2BVqlVlG0Q-01324-00299320-00299415 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01325-00299416-00299663 and or the landscape p2BVqlVlG0Q-01326-00299664-00299934 and of course this this reform would p2BVqlVlG0Q-01327-00299935-00300230 lead to a lower level of subsidization p2BVqlVlG0Q-01328-00300231-00300454 and therefore an increased environment p2BVqlVlG0Q-01329-00300455-00300687 through lower inputs of pesticides and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01330-00300688-00300982 fertilizers p2BVqlVlG0Q-01331-00300983-00301079 the main p2BVqlVlG0Q-01332-00301080-00301279 method here to fight the special p2BVqlVlG0Q-01333-00301280-00301423 interest was p2BVqlVlG0Q-01334-00301424-00301751 to to show the the evidence on each p2BVqlVlG0Q-01335-00301752-00301991 particular point p2BVqlVlG0Q-01336-00301992-00302287 but i have to admit p2BVqlVlG0Q-01337-00302288-00302654 that was not enough you also must have p2BVqlVlG0Q-01338-00302655-00302991 politicians who are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01339-00302992-00303223 sufficiently devoted to the general p2BVqlVlG0Q-01340-00303224-00303454 interest and prepared to fight for it p2BVqlVlG0Q-01341-00303455-00303743 and that we had at that time p2BVqlVlG0Q-01342-00303744-00303999 so i guess the main conclusion is that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01343-00304000-00304095 one p2BVqlVlG0Q-01344-00304096-00304367 one important step you can take is to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01345-00304368-00304543 vote for people p2BVqlVlG0Q-01346-00304544-00304799 into political power who are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01347-00304800-00304982 declaring their solidarity with the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01348-00304983-00305158 general interest and not with special p2BVqlVlG0Q-01349-00305159-00305503 interest p2BVqlVlG0Q-01350-00305504-00305663 now finally i would like to turn to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01351-00305664-00305871 those issues i indicated the beginning p2BVqlVlG0Q-01352-00305872-00306119 as truly global in nature p2BVqlVlG0Q-01353-00306120-00306334 namely the environmental problems which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01354-00306335-00306519 do affect all of us on the earth this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01355-00306520-00306599 earth p2BVqlVlG0Q-01356-00306600-00306791 among the more dramatic problems in this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01357-00306792-00307006 field are the depletion of the ozone p2BVqlVlG0Q-01358-00307007-00307247 layer and the global warming or climate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01359-00307248-00307375 change p2BVqlVlG0Q-01360-00307376-00307558 each of these areas have been treated by p2BVqlVlG0Q-01361-00307559-00307751 the international community in a number p2BVqlVlG0Q-01362-00307752-00307910 of conferences p2BVqlVlG0Q-01363-00307911-00308087 from the analytical point of view these p2BVqlVlG0Q-01364-00308088-00308247 problems are cases of negative p2BVqlVlG0Q-01365-00308248-00308479 environmental externalities or inversely p2BVqlVlG0Q-01366-00308480-00308695 if we think positively reduction of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01367-00308696-00308927 pollution as a kind of public good p2BVqlVlG0Q-01368-00308928-00309054 which has been dealt with at the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01369-00309055-00309263 national level in different ways mainly p2BVqlVlG0Q-01370-00309264-00309503 by regulation taxes and subsidies or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01371-00309504-00309687 establishing property rights p2BVqlVlG0Q-01372-00309688-00309903 which has led to the cost of the damage p2BVqlVlG0Q-01373-00309904-00310143 on the environment being internalized in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01374-00310144-00310463 the process of production or consumption p2BVqlVlG0Q-01375-00310464-00310654 example of these policies are regulation p2BVqlVlG0Q-01376-00310655-00310854 of car exhausts and trade in defined p2BVqlVlG0Q-01377-00310855-00311063 emission rights for example p2BVqlVlG0Q-01378-00311064-00311239 the first environmental threat on a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01379-00311240-00311423 global scale to be dealt with relatively p2BVqlVlG0Q-01380-00311424-00311534 effectively p2BVqlVlG0Q-01381-00311535-00311799 was the depletion of the ozone layer p2BVqlVlG0Q-01382-00311800-00312054 after years of controversy around the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01383-00312055-00312239 scientific evidence p2BVqlVlG0Q-01384-00312240-00312471 a broad consensus was established that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01385-00312472-00312743 indeed the cfcs were having the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01386-00312744-00312863 dangerous p2BVqlVlG0Q-01387-00312864-00313103 uh effects that controversial scientists p2BVqlVlG0Q-01388-00313104-00313358 like paul crewson mario molina and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01389-00313359-00313575 sherwood rowland were predicting and for p2BVqlVlG0Q-01390-00313576-00313734 which they were awarded the nobel prize p2BVqlVlG0Q-01391-00313735-00314063 for chemistry in 1995. p2BVqlVlG0Q-01392-00314064-00314271 the preparedness to go from words to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01393-00314272-00314367 deeds p2BVqlVlG0Q-01394-00314368-00314567 gained momentum and the montreal p2BVqlVlG0Q-01395-00314568-00314887 convention in 1987 was ratified by a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01396-00314888-00315063 large number of countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-01397-00315064-00315239 this convention is considered to be a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01398-00315240-00315423 success with relative p2BVqlVlG0Q-01399-00315424-00315671 rapid implementation of the goals to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01400-00315672-00315919 stop the use of ozone destroying p2BVqlVlG0Q-01401-00315920-00316054 substances p2BVqlVlG0Q-01402-00316055-00316247 several factors contributed to this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01403-00316248-00316375 result p2BVqlVlG0Q-01404-00316376-00316606 the general public was made aware of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01405-00316607-00316879 threat in a relatively clear way p2BVqlVlG0Q-01406-00316880-00317095 the diplomats succeeded in designing a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01407-00317096-00317375 treaty with both sticks and carrots for p2BVqlVlG0Q-01408-00317376-00317567 poorer countries and potential free p2BVqlVlG0Q-01409-00317568-00317679 riders p2BVqlVlG0Q-01410-00317680-00317967 and last but not least even conservative p2BVqlVlG0Q-01411-00317968-00318158 cost benefit analysis p2BVqlVlG0Q-01412-00318159-00318334 showed the present value of the benefits p2BVqlVlG0Q-01413-00318335-00318567 by far exceeding the cost p2BVqlVlG0Q-01414-00318568-00318767 well you don't are probably not able to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01415-00318768-00319023 see any of the figures here but if you p2BVqlVlG0Q-01416-00319024-00319167 trust me they p2BVqlVlG0Q-01417-00319168-00319334 they show you that the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01418-00319335-00319630 the benefits are widely greater than the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01419-00319631-00319782 cost uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01420-00319783-00319863 to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01421-00319864-00320127 to stop the use of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01422-00320128-00320423 of these substances the cfcs p2BVqlVlG0Q-01423-00320424-00320582 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01424-00320583-00320871 these calculations were p2BVqlVlG0Q-01425-00320872-00321182 made or the the the results became off p2BVqlVlG0Q-01426-00321183-00321415 exposed after the event p2BVqlVlG0Q-01427-00321416-00321630 uh even more favorable due to the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01428-00321631-00321839 technological development of substitutes p2BVqlVlG0Q-01429-00321840-00321991 for the cfcs p2BVqlVlG0Q-01430-00321992-00322239 so um that's one of course important p2BVqlVlG0Q-01431-00322240-00322423 reason for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01432-00322424-00322630 relatively swift action by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01433-00322631-00322806 international community on this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01434-00322807-00323151 this account p2BVqlVlG0Q-01435-00323152-00323319 for the greenhouse gases which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01436-00323320-00323487 contribute to the warming of the global p2BVqlVlG0Q-01437-00323488-00323751 climate a convention was elaborated p2BVqlVlG0Q-01438-00323752-00324151 finally in kyoto in 1997 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01439-00324152-00324327 but here the political support has been p2BVqlVlG0Q-01440-00324328-00324623 much more lukewarm and one has not yet p2BVqlVlG0Q-01441-00324624-00324758 reached the two p2BVqlVlG0Q-01442-00324759-00324919 55 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01443-00324920-00325199 thresholds that is 55 percent of both p2BVqlVlG0Q-01444-00325200-00325406 industrial industrialized countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-01445-00325407-00325703 having ratified and 55 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01446-00325704-00325999 of the emission quantities being covered p2BVqlVlG0Q-01447-00326000-00326199 which are stipulated in order for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01448-00326200-00326479 convention to enter into force the slow p2BVqlVlG0Q-01449-00326480-00326663 progress in modifying the influence of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01450-00326664-00326887 man on climate is explained by several p2BVqlVlG0Q-01451-00326888-00327047 circumstances p2BVqlVlG0Q-01452-00327048-00327254 first the factual assessment has been p2BVqlVlG0Q-01453-00327255-00327558 more controversial p2BVqlVlG0Q-01454-00327559-00327767 and or uncertain as there have been p2BVqlVlG0Q-01455-00327768-00327991 natural fluctuations in the climate over p2BVqlVlG0Q-01456-00327992-00328254 the very long history of earth p2BVqlVlG0Q-01457-00328255-00328430 uh here we have p2BVqlVlG0Q-01458-00328431-00328623 a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01459-00328624-00328734 uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01460-00328735-00328963 time horizon from a year thousand or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01461-00328964-00329151 less p2BVqlVlG0Q-01462-00329152-00329278 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01463-00329279-00329567 one sees the the great fluctuations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01464-00329568-00329791 which are more or less natural you also p2BVqlVlG0Q-01465-00329792-00330063 see the the trend upwards p2BVqlVlG0Q-01466-00330064-00330482 at during the last century p2BVqlVlG0Q-01467-00330483-00330663 um p2BVqlVlG0Q-01468-00330664-00330743 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01469-00330744-00331054 these fluctuations are are prompted by p2BVqlVlG0Q-01470-00331055-00331319 both external cosmic influences as well p2BVqlVlG0Q-01471-00331320-00331567 as terrestrial phenomena like volcano p2BVqlVlG0Q-01472-00331568-00331687 eruptions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01473-00331688-00331871 over the last century the warming p2BVqlVlG0Q-01474-00331872-00332254 account amounted to 0.6 degrees celsius p2BVqlVlG0Q-01475-00332255-00332543 after which 0.3 to 0.4 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01476-00332544-00332703 takes place in the second half of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01477-00332704-00332830 century p2BVqlVlG0Q-01478-00332831-00333191 two clearly warmer periods p2BVqlVlG0Q-01479-00333192-00333543 are distinguishable 1910 to 45 and from p2BVqlVlG0Q-01480-00333544-00333847 1975 to the present day p2BVqlVlG0Q-01481-00333848-00334015 whereas the earlier periods could be p2BVqlVlG0Q-01482-00334016-00334206 fitted into models built on natural p2BVqlVlG0Q-01483-00334207-00334447 fluctuations the latter is not possible p2BVqlVlG0Q-01484-00334448-00334654 to explain without entering p2BVqlVlG0Q-01485-00334655-00334878 anthropogenic factors or man-made p2BVqlVlG0Q-01486-00334879-00334999 factors p2BVqlVlG0Q-01487-00335000-00335230 it's also clear from the examination of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01488-00335231-00335551 the the carbon dioxide concentrations in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01489-00335552-00335847 the antarctic ices p2BVqlVlG0Q-01490-00335848-00336054 this is this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01491-00336055-00336439 the time span is 400 000 years p2BVqlVlG0Q-01492-00336440-00336591 um p2BVqlVlG0Q-01493-00336592-00336782 it's still that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01494-00336783-00336951 the earth has not held p2BVqlVlG0Q-01495-00336952-00337263 so high levels of carbon dioxide in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01496-00337264-00337478 atmosphere for for this whole period as p2BVqlVlG0Q-01497-00337479-00337727 it does now in a shorter and more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01498-00337728-00338110 fathomable time perspective the last 150 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01499-00338111-00338447 to 200 years the level of co2 has risen p2BVqlVlG0Q-01500-00338448-00338871 from 270 to 280 parts per million of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01501-00338872-00339543 that volume to some 370. p2BVqlVlG0Q-01502-00339544-00339751 we are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01503-00339752-00340063 there now p2BVqlVlG0Q-01504-00340064-00340230 these are our p2BVqlVlG0Q-01505-00340231-00340454 data from from p2BVqlVlG0Q-01506-00340455-00341078 investigations of isis p2BVqlVlG0Q-01507-00341079-00341334 the the however the projections of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01508-00341335-00341534 effects of this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01509-00341535-00341743 are very uncertain and that has of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01510-00341744-00341991 course contributed to the the slower p2BVqlVlG0Q-01511-00341992-00342191 progress on this account p2BVqlVlG0Q-01512-00342192-00342447 and also the cost-benefit studies p2BVqlVlG0Q-01513-00342448-00342695 which again are almost impossible to see p2BVqlVlG0Q-01514-00342696-00342767 but p2BVqlVlG0Q-01515-00342768-00343030 the longer short of this table is that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01516-00343031-00343382 there's a wide margin between the very p2BVqlVlG0Q-01517-00343383-00343606 wide span between the different cost p2BVqlVlG0Q-01518-00343607-00343799 benefits results p2BVqlVlG0Q-01519-00343800-00343878 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01520-00343879-00344119 there are a number of uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01521-00344120-00344254 factors which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01522-00344255-00344478 primarily the discount rate that we p2BVqlVlG0Q-01523-00344479-00344623 should discount the future which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01524-00344624-00345415 influences the results p2BVqlVlG0Q-01525-00345416-00345882 the latest projections p2BVqlVlG0Q-01526-00345883-00346199 however give a wider span of possible or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01527-00346200-00346399 probable rises in the temperature than p2BVqlVlG0Q-01528-00346400-00346606 previously p2BVqlVlG0Q-01529-00346607-00346895 this is a result from the international p2BVqlVlG0Q-01530-00346896-00347199 panel on climate change p2BVqlVlG0Q-01531-00347200-00347519 if the earlier span was p2BVqlVlG0Q-01532-00347520-00347815 a rise by one to three and a half p2BVqlVlG0Q-01533-00347816-00348287 centigrades to the year to 2100 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01534-00348288-00348567 the span now is between one and five p2BVqlVlG0Q-01535-00348568-00348710 centigrades p2BVqlVlG0Q-01536-00348711-00348895 the consequences of these temperature p2BVqlVlG0Q-01537-00348896-00349127 increases are very uncertain of course p2BVqlVlG0Q-01538-00349128-00349327 for sweden the prospect of a somewhat p2BVqlVlG0Q-01539-00349328-00349534 warmer climate seems for example a quite p2BVqlVlG0Q-01540-00349535-00349678 attractive thought p2BVqlVlG0Q-01541-00349679-00349878 particularly in comparison with the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01542-00349879-00350271 scenarios for africa and southern europe p2BVqlVlG0Q-01543-00350272-00350382 until p2BVqlVlG0Q-01544-00350383-00350654 which of course would suffer a lot by p2BVqlVlG0Q-01545-00350655-00350815 higher temperatures p2BVqlVlG0Q-01546-00350816-00351023 and this seems nice until the spectre is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01547-00351024-00351182 a vote of the gulf stream being p2BVqlVlG0Q-01548-00351183-00351503 deflected by the arctic ice melting in a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01549-00351504-00351727 way that would lead to a new ice period p2BVqlVlG0Q-01550-00351728-00351919 in scandinavia p2BVqlVlG0Q-01551-00351920-00352110 my reading of this latest assessment is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01552-00352111-00352391 that on balance the benefits of measures p2BVqlVlG0Q-01553-00352392-00352599 limiting the greenhouse gases ought to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01554-00352600-00352743 have increased p2BVqlVlG0Q-01555-00352744-00352943 and one would hope that the thresholds p2BVqlVlG0Q-01556-00352944-00353182 of the kyoto convention will be reached p2BVqlVlG0Q-01557-00353183-00353423 at the follow-up conference which starts p2BVqlVlG0Q-01558-00353424-00353710 in at the hague next month p2BVqlVlG0Q-01559-00353711-00353895 the environmental problems which the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01560-00353896-00354054 international community is facing is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01561-00354055-00354230 only one aspect of a more general need p2BVqlVlG0Q-01562-00354231-00354447 to establish institutions and rules of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01563-00354448-00354606 the game for the international p2BVqlVlG0Q-01564-00354607-00354830 interaction which would take care of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01565-00354831-00355134 externalities both negative and positive p2BVqlVlG0Q-01566-00355135-00355327 if the environmental externalis p2BVqlVlG0Q-01567-00355328-00355599 externalities are of negative kind p2BVqlVlG0Q-01568-00355600-00355839 positive externalities or global public p2BVqlVlG0Q-01569-00355840-00356103 goods can be illustrated by the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01570-00356104-00356334 establishment of clear property rights p2BVqlVlG0Q-01571-00356335-00356527 and our standards for the economic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01572-00356528-00356687 interaction for example in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01573-00356688-00356958 international financial markets p2BVqlVlG0Q-01574-00356959-00357191 within the nation states such rules of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01575-00357192-00357382 the game have been developed by local or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01576-00357383-00357527 national governments at the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01577-00357528-00357710 international level the closest one can p2BVqlVlG0Q-01578-00357711-00357967 come to global authority is the un p2BVqlVlG0Q-01579-00357968-00358087 system p2BVqlVlG0Q-01580-00358088-00358247 but as we all know the power and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01581-00358248-00358519 efficiency of this system is weak and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01582-00358520-00358743 the capacity of enforcement is limited p2BVqlVlG0Q-01583-00358744-00358878 by mainly the unwillingness of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01584-00358879-00359151 nation-states for a number of good and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01585-00359152-00359367 some bad reasons to give up their p2BVqlVlG0Q-01586-00359368-00359527 sovereignty p2BVqlVlG0Q-01587-00359528-00359751 even in extreme cases of infringement of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01588-00359752-00360015 the declaration of human rights one of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01589-00360016-00360182 the rules of the game the authority of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01590-00360183-00360399 the union has been severely hampered by p2BVqlVlG0Q-01591-00360400-00360663 the refusal by major countries to give p2BVqlVlG0Q-01592-00360664-00360887 the un a greater role p2BVqlVlG0Q-01593-00360888-00361078 behind the resistance to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01594-00361079-00361278 resistance to global governance you can p2BVqlVlG0Q-01595-00361279-00361534 find both the fear that the more strict p2BVqlVlG0Q-01596-00361535-00361758 implementation of urine principles could p2BVqlVlG0Q-01597-00361759-00361919 affect the freedom to suppress or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01598-00361920-00362191 maltreat parts of your own population p2BVqlVlG0Q-01599-00362192-00362478 after all despite this all globalization p2BVqlVlG0Q-01600-00362479-00362695 large parts of humanity do still not p2BVqlVlG0Q-01601-00362696-00362878 live in democracies p2BVqlVlG0Q-01602-00362879-00363039 and in the democracies the general p2BVqlVlG0Q-01603-00363040-00363215 public is not too enthusiastic about p2BVqlVlG0Q-01604-00363216-00363406 putting the bill in terms of human and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01605-00363407-00363591 financial resources p2BVqlVlG0Q-01606-00363592-00363767 in order to give the u.n the necessary p2BVqlVlG0Q-01607-00363768-00363910 clout p2BVqlVlG0Q-01608-00363911-00364103 i might add at the risk of being p2BVqlVlG0Q-01609-00364104-00364415 impertinent that the u.n is a slightly p2BVqlVlG0Q-01610-00364416-00364663 odd club where the wealthiest member of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01611-00364664-00364903 the club attends all the lunches and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01612-00364904-00365063 dinners and even some of the club p2BVqlVlG0Q-01613-00365064-00365319 outings but is constantly delayed with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01614-00365320-00365806 paying the annual membership fee p2BVqlVlG0Q-01615-00365807-00366006 the presence well p2BVqlVlG0Q-01616-00366007-00366134 [Applause] p2BVqlVlG0Q-01617-00366135-00366215 the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01618-00366216-00366423 present um system is a very extensive p2BVqlVlG0Q-01619-00366424-00366575 organizational structure which you can p2BVqlVlG0Q-01620-00366576-00366695 study on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01621-00366696-00366878 united nations website p2BVqlVlG0Q-01622-00366879-00367078 but in order to convey a more realistic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01623-00367079-00367351 vision of the reality i've chosen this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01624-00367352-00367519 symbolic p2BVqlVlG0Q-01625-00367520-00367678 vision of the global government under p2BVqlVlG0Q-01626-00367679-00367903 construction p2BVqlVlG0Q-01627-00367904-00367999 that is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01628-00368000-00368239 the tower of babel as peter berger saw p2BVqlVlG0Q-01629-00368240-00368447 it in 1563 p2BVqlVlG0Q-01630-00368448-00368758 the u.n system is vast but the decay as p2BVqlVlG0Q-01631-00368759-00368927 the case was that the tower of abel p2BVqlVlG0Q-01632-00368928-00369182 people speak too many languages without p2BVqlVlG0Q-01633-00369183-00369334 understanding each other or more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01634-00369335-00369447 precisely p2BVqlVlG0Q-01635-00369448-00369599 the different parts of the system are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01636-00369600-00369895 very poorly coordinated as far as i can p2BVqlVlG0Q-01637-00369896-00370078 understand it is more a rule than p2BVqlVlG0Q-01638-00370079-00370287 exception that for example the united p2BVqlVlG0Q-01639-00370288-00370503 nations general assembly or other its p2BVqlVlG0Q-01640-00370504-00370678 committees discuss matters of trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-01641-00370679-00370854 investment or globalization without p2BVqlVlG0Q-01642-00370855-00371078 having any dialogue or interaction with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01643-00371079-00371463 the specialized agencies like the wto p2BVqlVlG0Q-01644-00371464-00371663 sometimes the conditions within the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01645-00371664-00371910 specialized agencies have been such that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01646-00371911-00372078 you would need the combined literary p2BVqlVlG0Q-01647-00372079-00372358 capacity of a niccolo machiavelli p2BVqlVlG0Q-01648-00372359-00372623 jonathan swift and the franz kafka to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01649-00372624-00372823 make full justice to what was going on p2BVqlVlG0Q-01650-00372824-00373054 and i we have heard something of this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01651-00373055-00373151 today p2BVqlVlG0Q-01652-00373152-00373287 i think p2BVqlVlG0Q-01653-00373288-00373527 one example clearly not the worst but p2BVqlVlG0Q-01654-00373528-00373678 difficult enough for taxpayers to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01655-00373679-00373871 understand is the constant problem of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01656-00373872-00374063 establishing a good working climate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01657-00374064-00374302 between the imf and the world bank in in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01658-00374303-00374558 operational terms located as they are p2BVqlVlG0Q-01659-00374559-00374695 not only in the same city but in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01660-00374696-00374910 immediate vicinity of each other p2BVqlVlG0Q-01661-00374911-00375102 the blame for the poor government and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01662-00375103-00375367 this has already been underlined p2BVqlVlG0Q-01663-00375368-00375575 of the the global system and the u.n p2BVqlVlG0Q-01664-00375576-00375734 system should not primarily be put on p2BVqlVlG0Q-01665-00375735-00375878 those institutions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01666-00375879-00376127 as such but on the owners that is the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01667-00376128-00376319 member governments and their inability p2BVqlVlG0Q-01668-00376320-00376615 to coordinate their policies p2BVqlVlG0Q-01669-00376616-00376839 the secretary general kofi annan who is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01670-00376840-00376967 one of the most impressive of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01671-00376968-00377119 statesman's who have been entrusted with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01672-00377120-00377399 this almost impossible post is waging a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01673-00377400-00377623 reform campaign which one can hope will p2BVqlVlG0Q-01674-00377624-00377863 be successful but even so the idea of a p2BVqlVlG0Q-01675-00377864-00378110 government a world government is clearly p2BVqlVlG0Q-01676-00378111-00378358 something for the very very long run p2BVqlVlG0Q-01677-00378359-00378527 but the need to address and cope with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01678-00378528-00378719 the problems like the global environment p2BVqlVlG0Q-01679-00378720-00378902 or the stability of financial markets is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01680-00378903-00379030 there today p2BVqlVlG0Q-01681-00379031-00379223 what can realistically be achieved in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01682-00379224-00379391 order to strengthen the international p2BVqlVlG0Q-01683-00379392-00379719 system in the near future one necessary p2BVqlVlG0Q-01684-00379720-00379887 line of action is to enhance the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01685-00379888-00380047 coordination between the existing p2BVqlVlG0Q-01686-00380048-00380191 organizations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01687-00380192-00380463 fora and institutions and establish p2BVqlVlG0Q-01688-00380464-00380671 clear property right p2BVqlVlG0Q-01689-00380672-00380982 rights as it were or demarcation of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01690-00380983-00381230 between the relevant agencies another p2BVqlVlG0Q-01691-00381231-00381406 way to put it is that the principle of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01692-00381407-00381623 comparative advantage should be applied p2BVqlVlG0Q-01693-00381624-00381823 also to the producers of global public p2BVqlVlG0Q-01694-00381824-00382095 goods within the un system p2BVqlVlG0Q-01695-00382096-00382310 with such an approach environmental p2BVqlVlG0Q-01696-00382311-00382551 questions would as also jagish bhagwati p2BVqlVlG0Q-01697-00382552-00382751 has said would primarily be dealt with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01698-00382752-00382999 by by the united nations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01699-00383000-00383158 environment program p2BVqlVlG0Q-01700-00383159-00383358 and perhaps the world bank p2BVqlVlG0Q-01701-00383359-00383558 uh trade policies would be the main p2BVqlVlG0Q-01702-00383559-00383871 worry responsibility by the wto and if i p2BVqlVlG0Q-01703-00383872-00384047 in the financial area p2BVqlVlG0Q-01704-00384048-00384343 it would be the imf the bis p2BVqlVlG0Q-01705-00384344-00384519 bank for international settlements and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01706-00384520-00384734 the financial stability forum which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01707-00384735-00384951 would be responsible whereas p2BVqlVlG0Q-01708-00384952-00385095 questions relating to corporate p2BVqlVlG0Q-01709-00385096-00385239 governance and the fight against p2BVqlVlG0Q-01710-00385240-00385582 corruption come under the oecd and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01711-00385583-00385702 world bank p2BVqlVlG0Q-01712-00385703-00385871 this division of labor is nothing new in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01713-00385872-00386047 principle but the new element would p2BVqlVlG0Q-01714-00386048-00386239 consist of enhanced cooperation in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01715-00386240-00386430 implementing existing or developing new p2BVqlVlG0Q-01716-00386431-00386567 rules p2BVqlVlG0Q-01717-00386568-00386839 through simultaneous moral suasion or p2BVqlVlG0Q-01718-00386840-00387119 political peer pressure in several fora p2BVqlVlG0Q-01719-00387120-00387287 free riders could be stimulated to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01720-00387288-00387519 comply with the rules of the game in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01721-00387520-00387710 their respective area p2BVqlVlG0Q-01722-00387711-00387951 in this ganging up process the financial p2BVqlVlG0Q-01723-00387952-00388239 agencies clearly have a special weight p2BVqlVlG0Q-01724-00388240-00388391 at the same time it's very important p2BVqlVlG0Q-01725-00388392-00388543 that the distinction is maintained p2BVqlVlG0Q-01726-00388544-00388695 between the standard setting bodies and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01727-00388696-00388854 the other human bodies to take an p2BVqlVlG0Q-01728-00388855-00388999 example it's very important not to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01729-00389000-00389295 broaden the wto with new rules which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01730-00389296-00389519 would open the gates for more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01731-00389520-00389830 or less disguised protectionism p2BVqlVlG0Q-01732-00389831-00390047 or to avoid the risk that imf would be p2BVqlVlG0Q-01733-00390048-00390206 further pushed into the direction of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01734-00390207-00390454 wider foreign policy making p2BVqlVlG0Q-01735-00390455-00390615 with limited relevance to the fund's p2BVqlVlG0Q-01736-00390616-00390799 basics tasks in the financial and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01737-00390800-00390999 balance of payments fields p2BVqlVlG0Q-01738-00391000-00391199 in the environmental field a major p2BVqlVlG0Q-01739-00391200-00391343 instrument for international norm p2BVqlVlG0Q-01740-00391344-00391478 setting have been the respective p2BVqlVlG0Q-01741-00391479-00391647 conventions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01742-00391648-00391823 much could be said about their lack of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01743-00391824-00392167 sanctions and therefore low efficiency p2BVqlVlG0Q-01744-00392168-00392406 but they constitute a basis for further p2BVqlVlG0Q-01745-00392407-00392606 political pressure in order to get p2BVqlVlG0Q-01746-00392607-00392743 greater compliance and for the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01747-00392744-00392951 operational policies of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01748-00392952-00393127 development agencies p2BVqlVlG0Q-01749-00393128-00393327 so if one should conclude on a positive p2BVqlVlG0Q-01750-00393328-00393415 note p2BVqlVlG0Q-01751-00393416-00393687 what can one who one what one can hope p2BVqlVlG0Q-01752-00393688-00393927 for is a gradual development where p2BVqlVlG0Q-01753-00393928-00394119 existing agencies and bodies are made p2BVqlVlG0Q-01754-00394120-00394310 more efficient and cooperation between p2BVqlVlG0Q-01755-00394311-00394519 them is enhanced with a system of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01756-00394520-00394734 international rules producing global p2BVqlVlG0Q-01757-00394735-00395047 good public goods is gradually expanded p2BVqlVlG0Q-01758-00395048-00395271 instead of one single political legal p2BVqlVlG0Q-01759-00395272-00395487 and administrative edifice like the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01760-00395488-00395623 tower of babel p2BVqlVlG0Q-01761-00395624-00395775 one would see a pattern where the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01762-00395776-00396006 different configurations gradually come p2BVqlVlG0Q-01763-00396007-00396239 closer to each other and more and more p2BVqlVlG0Q-01764-00396240-00396527 solid ground is created p2BVqlVlG0Q-01765-00396528-00396758 in conclusion or to sum up the different p2BVqlVlG0Q-01766-00396759-00396967 dishes i have offered you on this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01767-00396968-00397206 marvelous board of different reflections p2BVqlVlG0Q-01768-00397207-00397351 i've tried to put the notion of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01769-00397352-00397519 globalization into a historical p2BVqlVlG0Q-01770-00397520-00397782 perspective which makes its ingredients p2BVqlVlG0Q-01771-00397783-00397958 less new and less homogeneous p2BVqlVlG0Q-01772-00397959-00398175 homogeneous and therefore perhaps less p2BVqlVlG0Q-01773-00398176-00398302 scary p2BVqlVlG0Q-01774-00398303-00398478 the globalization offers enormous p2BVqlVlG0Q-01775-00398479-00398695 positive possibilities for international p2BVqlVlG0Q-01776-00398696-00398943 political economic technological and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01777-00398944-00399134 cultural integration p2BVqlVlG0Q-01778-00399135-00399327 but how these possibilities are realized p2BVqlVlG0Q-01779-00399328-00399487 is still to a very high degree in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01780-00399488-00399678 hands of the nation state p2BVqlVlG0Q-01781-00399679-00399967 or at least those states with which have p2BVqlVlG0Q-01782-00399968-00400158 functioning governments which are not p2BVqlVlG0Q-01783-00400159-00400358 all states p2BVqlVlG0Q-01784-00400359-00400534 on closer inspection the trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-01785-00400535-00400687 integration during the decade of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01786-00400688-00400895 globalized liberalization turns out to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01787-00400896-00401127 have been considerably less far-reaching p2BVqlVlG0Q-01788-00401128-00401351 than generally perceived p2BVqlVlG0Q-01789-00401352-00401543 and within the current set of policies p2BVqlVlG0Q-01790-00401544-00401719 i've tried to point to the impressive p2BVqlVlG0Q-01791-00401720-00401958 potential for increasing welfare in both p2BVqlVlG0Q-01792-00401959-00402215 rich and poor countries you will find if p2BVqlVlG0Q-01793-00402216-00402375 you care to look at what the special p2BVqlVlG0Q-01794-00402376-00402575 invested interests have been able to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01795-00402576-00402815 appropriate for themselves p2BVqlVlG0Q-01796-00402816-00402982 the really global problems in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01797-00402983-00403182 stricter sense of the word concerns the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01798-00403183-00403358 environment on this earth p2BVqlVlG0Q-01799-00403359-00403599 here i've concentrated on the ozone p2BVqlVlG0Q-01800-00403600-00403830 layer and the climate change but there p2BVqlVlG0Q-01801-00403831-00404030 are other pressing p2BVqlVlG0Q-01802-00404031-00404287 or rather depressing issues like the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01803-00404288-00404551 decreasing bio diversity and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01804-00404552-00404910 persistent persistent organic pollutants p2BVqlVlG0Q-01805-00404911-00405158 which have to be dealt with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01806-00405159-00405310 in order to solve these and other p2BVqlVlG0Q-01807-00405311-00405471 international problems a strengthened p2BVqlVlG0Q-01808-00405472-00405743 system of governance is needed but at p2BVqlVlG0Q-01809-00405744-00406039 best we can only expect gradual progress p2BVqlVlG0Q-01810-00406040-00406295 and to conclude in a way which is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01811-00406296-00406439 conform with the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01812-00406440-00406719 the ethos of the profession the dismal p2BVqlVlG0Q-01813-00406720-00406958 scientists p2BVqlVlG0Q-01814-00406959-00407175 the risk is with collective action that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01815-00407176-00407310 the action p2BVqlVlG0Q-01816-00407311-00407582 will be too little and too late thank p2BVqlVlG0Q-01817-00407583-00407758 you very much p2BVqlVlG0Q-01818-00407759-00407965 [Music] p2BVqlVlG0Q-01819-00407966-00410670 [Applause] p2BVqlVlG0Q-01820-00410671-00410887 for one last time we'll p2BVqlVlG0Q-01821-00410888-00411278 gather up here for some questions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01822-00411279-00411495 if you have questions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01823-00411496-00411670 you have questions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01824-00411671-00411895 you can write them on paper and give p2BVqlVlG0Q-01826-00418552-00419191 oh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01827-00419192-00419391 once again we ask that you as p2BVqlVlG0Q-01828-00419392-00419695 expeditiously as possible p2BVqlVlG0Q-01829-00419696-00419966 those of you who might wish to submit p2BVqlVlG0Q-01830-00419967-00420103 a question for a speaker that should p2BVqlVlG0Q-01831-00420104-00420231 deliver that question to one of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01832-00420232-00420375 ushers p2BVqlVlG0Q-01833-00420376-00420583 picking those up and we'll get the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01834-00420584-00420759 q a portion of the program underway p2BVqlVlG0Q-01835-00420760-00420959 promptly so as not to be further delayed p2BVqlVlG0Q-01836-00420960-00421479 in conclusion p2BVqlVlG0Q-01837-00421480-00421679 here's the first question p2BVqlVlG0Q-01838-00421680-00422047 in 1991 while in sweden our family there p2BVqlVlG0Q-01839-00422047-00422270 informed us that sweden was the largest p2BVqlVlG0Q-01840-00422271-00422591 importer of bananas in the world p2BVqlVlG0Q-01841-00422592-00422807 that weekly banana boats arrived in p2BVqlVlG0Q-01842-00422808-00423031 yodeburg to satisfy the need of swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-01843-00423032-00423303 people for bananas is this still true p2BVqlVlG0Q-01844-00423304-00423718 and where do you buy them p2BVqlVlG0Q-01845-00423719-00423903 well um p2BVqlVlG0Q-01846-00423904-00424175 i i i can't possibly believe we were the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01847-00424176-00424343 biggest importer in the world but per p2BVqlVlG0Q-01848-00424343-00424551 capita consumption was uh was the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01849-00424552-00424718 highest p2BVqlVlG0Q-01850-00424719-00424822 because p2BVqlVlG0Q-01851-00424823-00425127 germany is also a big banana eater p2BVqlVlG0Q-01852-00425128-00425318 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01853-00425319-00425607 well we get them this system is operated p2BVqlVlG0Q-01854-00425608-00425759 now so we get p2BVqlVlG0Q-01855-00425760-00425863 both p2BVqlVlG0Q-01856-00425864-00426127 both bananas from well mainly we get p2BVqlVlG0Q-01857-00426128-00426422 bananas from from not from the caribbean p2BVqlVlG0Q-01858-00426423-00426679 supported the countries p2BVqlVlG0Q-01859-00426680-00426807 but they p2BVqlVlG0Q-01860-00426808-00426991 my point is that this is a very p2BVqlVlG0Q-01861-00426992-00427175 transparent deal which p2BVqlVlG0Q-01862-00427176-00427527 confers great great rents on p2BVqlVlG0Q-01863-00427528-00427735 on people who are not supposed to be p2BVqlVlG0Q-01864-00427735-00427863 supported p2BVqlVlG0Q-01865-00427864-00428143 but we still have bananas in imported to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01866-00428143-00428870 sweden yes p2BVqlVlG0Q-01867-00428871-00429047 i was asked to fill in the time so let p2BVqlVlG0Q-01868-00429047-00429263 me just say p2BVqlVlG0Q-01869-00429264-00429566 i was fascinated by the uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01870-00429567-00429759 the last part of what you were saying p2BVqlVlG0Q-01871-00429760-00429991 when you indicating the multiple needs p2BVqlVlG0Q-01872-00429992-00430159 that we have to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01873-00430160-00430455 manage the international community p2BVqlVlG0Q-01874-00430456-00430743 and how we need to do that in somewhat p2BVqlVlG0Q-01875-00430743-00430918 separated ways p2BVqlVlG0Q-01876-00430919-00431159 obviously p2BVqlVlG0Q-01877-00431160-00431414 i'm not saying that's not right i'm also p2BVqlVlG0Q-01878-00431415-00431647 going to express concern that unless p2BVqlVlG0Q-01879-00431647-00431814 there is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01880-00431815-00432047 some integration among these then the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01881-00432047-00432255 one p2BVqlVlG0Q-01882-00432256-00432431 they may operate at somewhat cross p2BVqlVlG0Q-01883-00432432-00432614 purposes and for example you were p2BVqlVlG0Q-01884-00432615-00432903 indicating that the trade organization p2BVqlVlG0Q-01885-00432904-00433175 should deal only with trade issues p2BVqlVlG0Q-01886-00433176-00433295 and then the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01887-00433296-00433487 environmental concerns would be dealt p2BVqlVlG0Q-01888-00433488-00433575 with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01889-00433576-00433863 by international conferences p2BVqlVlG0Q-01890-00433864-00434127 so if we just bring these two together p2BVqlVlG0Q-01891-00434128-00434463 does that mean that the only aspect of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01892-00434464-00434670 environmental concerns p2BVqlVlG0Q-01893-00434671-00434951 that could play any role in trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-01894-00434952-00435063 thinking p2BVqlVlG0Q-01895-00435064-00435327 would be those that had been become p2BVqlVlG0Q-01896-00435328-00435535 internationally accepted through these p2BVqlVlG0Q-01897-00435535-00435655 conferences p2BVqlVlG0Q-01898-00435656-00435870 so that it i think you are saying that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01899-00435871-00436087 that that trade issue should not take p2BVqlVlG0Q-01900-00436088-00436287 account of environmental concerns except p2BVqlVlG0Q-01901-00436288-00436503 under very special circumstances is that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01902-00436504-00436783 is that your view well i i my point is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01903-00436784-00436863 uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01904-00436864-00437047 almost the same as professor bhagwati p2BVqlVlG0Q-01905-00437047-00437295 was making that one should p2BVqlVlG0Q-01906-00437296-00437479 try to devise p2BVqlVlG0Q-01907-00437480-00437751 one instrument for one goal and for each p2BVqlVlG0Q-01908-00437752-00437831 goal p2BVqlVlG0Q-01909-00437832-00437918 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01910-00437919-00438279 the role of wto is to liberalize trade p2BVqlVlG0Q-01911-00438280-00438359 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-01912-00438360-00438535 possibly establish then p2BVqlVlG0Q-01913-00438535-00438663 what is pos p2BVqlVlG0Q-01914-00438664-00438927 acceptable rules how to deal with with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01915-00438928-00439279 other issues but the the standards etc p2BVqlVlG0Q-01916-00439280-00439503 should be set by those working with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01917-00439504-00439718 environmental problems within the unep p2BVqlVlG0Q-01918-00439719-00439999 for example or ilo when it comes to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01919-00440000-00440247 workers rights and so on but i mean it's p2BVqlVlG0Q-01920-00440247-00440455 so obvious that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01921-00440456-00440751 that these issues are pushed not only p2BVqlVlG0Q-01922-00440752-00440855 for p2BVqlVlG0Q-01923-00440856-00441095 for the good reasons but also for p2BVqlVlG0Q-01924-00441096-00441279 protectionist reasons p2BVqlVlG0Q-01925-00441280-00441559 those other other goals p2BVqlVlG0Q-01926-00441560-00441743 and and are you saying that it is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01927-00441743-00441887 because they are pushed for p2BVqlVlG0Q-01928-00441888-00442110 protectionist reasons that they should p2BVqlVlG0Q-01929-00442112-00442318 not be considered in trade negotiations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01930-00442319-00442518 exactly exactly even though p2BVqlVlG0Q-01931-00442519-00442687 so that we shouldn't push them for good p2BVqlVlG0Q-01932-00442688-00442903 reasons because somebody else might push p2BVqlVlG0Q-01933-00442904-00443079 them for batteries you should put push p2BVqlVlG0Q-01934-00443080-00443343 them in the appropriate forum as it were p2BVqlVlG0Q-01935-00443343-00443535 of course there should be some kind of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01936-00443535-00443727 coordination or an p2BVqlVlG0Q-01937-00443728-00443927 improved p2BVqlVlG0Q-01938-00443928-00444118 exchange of information between the the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01939-00444119-00444407 agencies that's one point yeah i mean p2BVqlVlG0Q-01940-00444408-00444607 but uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01941-00444608-00444766 i mean p2BVqlVlG0Q-01942-00444767-00444959 the the division of labor is a good p2BVqlVlG0Q-01943-00444960-00445231 principle uh even in this field but uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01944-00445232-00445447 division of labor works better if there p2BVqlVlG0Q-01945-00445447-00445703 is relative equality in power among the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01946-00445704-00445855 various groups p2BVqlVlG0Q-01947-00445856-00446022 at the present time that's not the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01948-00446023-00446287 general impression with respect to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01949-00446288-00446655 the trade organization has more power p2BVqlVlG0Q-01950-00446656-00446943 to push its goal than the others do to p2BVqlVlG0Q-01951-00446943-00447143 push their goals in general is that not p2BVqlVlG0Q-01952-00447143-00447431 the case well uh professor bhagwat is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01953-00447432-00447663 an expert on this p2BVqlVlG0Q-01954-00447664-00447959 i mean the reason why you think wto has p2BVqlVlG0Q-01955-00447960-00448159 more power is because p2BVqlVlG0Q-01956-00448160-00448335 of the regular you know because of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01957-00448335-00448559 dispute settlement mechanism but there's p2BVqlVlG0Q-01958-00448560-00448791 no reason why i mean that's only p2BVqlVlG0Q-01959-00448792-00449047 enforcing whatever is agreed to so i p2BVqlVlG0Q-01960-00449047-00449239 think what mrs oldman is basically p2BVqlVlG0Q-01961-00449239-00449391 saying is but there's a necessary p2BVqlVlG0Q-01962-00449392-00449599 interface obviously the organizations p2BVqlVlG0Q-01963-00449600-00449807 have to talk with each other like on the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01964-00449808-00449999 question which some i think joe stiglitz p2BVqlVlG0Q-01965-00450000-00450110 was p2BVqlVlG0Q-01966-00450112-00450359 you know raising about the multilateral p2BVqlVlG0Q-01967-00450360-00450575 environmental agreements since many of p2BVqlVlG0Q-01968-00450576-00450718 them do have p2BVqlVlG0Q-01969-00450719-00450863 trade sanctions p2BVqlVlG0Q-01970-00450864-00451039 clearly there could be a potential p2BVqlVlG0Q-01971-00451039-00451391 conflict with the wto rules so that p2BVqlVlG0Q-01972-00451392-00451631 would have to be negotiated together p2BVqlVlG0Q-01973-00451632-00451735 naturally p2BVqlVlG0Q-01974-00451735-00452070 again on you know values related to uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-01975-00452071-00452287 you know like dolphin tuna shrimp turtle p2BVqlVlG0Q-01976-00452288-00452527 those those in turn i think i better p2BVqlVlG0Q-01977-00452528-00452718 negotiate how to deal with them like the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01978-00452719-00453007 kyoto agreement so clearly p2BVqlVlG0Q-01979-00453008-00453199 some thinking would have to go be going p2BVqlVlG0Q-01980-00453200-00453351 back and forth p2BVqlVlG0Q-01981-00453352-00453695 but once you've done that you know the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01982-00453696-00453887 the principle of comparative advantage p2BVqlVlG0Q-01983-00453888-00454183 applies to massive amounts of things p2BVqlVlG0Q-01984-00454184-00454487 right so the basic thrust of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01985-00454488-00454743 governance would be what mr solman is p2BVqlVlG0Q-01986-00454743-00454822 saying p2BVqlVlG0Q-01987-00454823-00454943 with p2BVqlVlG0Q-01988-00454943-00455143 necessary you know p2BVqlVlG0Q-01989-00455143-00455559 talks interactions including parallel p2BVqlVlG0Q-01990-00455560-00455783 talks with civil society and so on going p2BVqlVlG0Q-01991-00455784-00456439 on p2BVqlVlG0Q-01992-00456439-00456622 question that may cross the boundaries p2BVqlVlG0Q-01993-00456623-00456783 of the two topics that we have just been p2BVqlVlG0Q-01994-00456784-00456943 discussing p2BVqlVlG0Q-01995-00456943-00457103 is there a connection between p2BVqlVlG0Q-01996-00457104-00457270 agricultural production and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-01997-00457271-00457455 prevention of the environmental problems p2BVqlVlG0Q-01998-00457456-00457727 you discussed does changing the cap p2BVqlVlG0Q-01999-00457728-00457966 contribute to or alleviate environmental p2BVqlVlG0Q-02000-00457967-00458166 degradation p2BVqlVlG0Q-02001-00458167-00458479 oh yes very much so p2BVqlVlG0Q-02002-00458480-00458679 the um p2BVqlVlG0Q-02003-00458680-00458759 if i p2BVqlVlG0Q-02004-00458760-00458935 this was some time i worked with these p2BVqlVlG0Q-02005-00458935-00459310 questions but uh if i remember correctly p2BVqlVlG0Q-02006-00459312-00459479 in in p2BVqlVlG0Q-02007-00459480-00459710 serious production you make something p2BVqlVlG0Q-02008-00459712-00459935 like two tons per hectare in the united p2BVqlVlG0Q-02009-00459935-00460022 states p2BVqlVlG0Q-02010-00460023-00460166 and in p2BVqlVlG0Q-02011-00460167-00460551 in comparable circumstances in europe p2BVqlVlG0Q-02012-00460552-00460791 uh production is pushed up to the level p2BVqlVlG0Q-02013-00460792-00461135 of 8 10 tons per hectare through the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02014-00461135-00461447 input of huge quantities of fertilizers p2BVqlVlG0Q-02015-00461447-00461743 and and pesticides and this then p2BVqlVlG0Q-02016-00461743-00462095 leads to to an over fertilization of p2BVqlVlG0Q-02017-00462096-00462351 rivers and lakes and the sea p2BVqlVlG0Q-02018-00462352-00462710 and also has other environmental effects p2BVqlVlG0Q-02019-00462712-00462975 and a lowering of the intensity should p2BVqlVlG0Q-02020-00462976-00463143 benefit the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02021-00463143-00463263 the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02022-00463264-00463487 environment uh quite a lot p2BVqlVlG0Q-02023-00463488-00463566 in p2BVqlVlG0Q-02024-00463567-00463695 in p2BVqlVlG0Q-02025-00463696-00463807 particular in p2BVqlVlG0Q-02026-00463808-00464655 central europe and the continent p2BVqlVlG0Q-02027-00464656-00464839 after decades of liberal social p2BVqlVlG0Q-02028-00464839-00465127 government are there any poor in sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-02029-00465128-00465263 do they have p2BVqlVlG0Q-02030-00465264-00465510 a political role are there any poor p2BVqlVlG0Q-02031-00465512-00465663 in sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-02032-00465664-00466022 well it's a relative concept p2BVqlVlG0Q-02033-00466023-00466247 there are people who p2BVqlVlG0Q-02034-00466247-00466366 who p2BVqlVlG0Q-02035-00466367-00466591 well the poor are the the immigrants p2BVqlVlG0Q-02036-00466592-00466687 which p2BVqlVlG0Q-02037-00466688-00466935 still have not got jobs and are waiting p2BVqlVlG0Q-02038-00466935-00467222 for jobs that's the main main p2BVqlVlG0Q-02039-00467223-00467318 part p2BVqlVlG0Q-02040-00467319-00467463 uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-02041-00467464-00467695 single mothers are also another p2BVqlVlG0Q-02042-00467696-00467895 group which has been under certain p2BVqlVlG0Q-02043-00467896-00468183 pressure during the uh the first well p2BVqlVlG0Q-02044-00468184-00468343 during the most of 90s we have been p2BVqlVlG0Q-02045-00468343-00468575 through a p2BVqlVlG0Q-02046-00468576-00468759 first economic crisis and then the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02047-00468760-00468870 recovery p2BVqlVlG0Q-02048-00468871-00469087 and here p2BVqlVlG0Q-02049-00469088-00469399 some people have fared less well p2BVqlVlG0Q-02050-00469400-00469470 but p2BVqlVlG0Q-02051-00469471-00469663 in relation to p2BVqlVlG0Q-02052-00469664-00469814 the kind of p2BVqlVlG0Q-02053-00469815-00470103 of poor we're talking about today p2BVqlVlG0Q-02054-00470104-00471014 we don't have it p2BVqlVlG0Q-02055-00471015-00471143 living standards of poor in the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02056-00471143-00471270 developing world p2BVqlVlG0Q-02057-00471271-00471766 nobody's starving etc p2BVqlVlG0Q-02058-00471767-00472007 please comment on the outside capital p2BVqlVlG0Q-02059-00472008-00472263 purging and purchasing interest p2BVqlVlG0Q-02060-00472264-00472999 in the auto and copper industry p2BVqlVlG0Q-02061-00473000-00473295 please comment on the outside capital p2BVqlVlG0Q-02062-00473296-00473575 purchasing interest in the auto and p2BVqlVlG0Q-02063-00473576-00473855 copper industry what does that mean p2BVqlVlG0Q-02064-00473856-00474135 the auto industry that's volvo and sub p2BVqlVlG0Q-02065-00474135-00474287 and uh p2BVqlVlG0Q-02066-00474288-00474414 they have been p2BVqlVlG0Q-02067-00474415-00474566 purchased by p2BVqlVlG0Q-02068-00474567-00474918 u.s companies or the the car part of the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02069-00474919-00475039 volvo p2BVqlVlG0Q-02070-00475039-00475135 and p2BVqlVlG0Q-02071-00475135-00475447 and the same for uh saab scania p2BVqlVlG0Q-02072-00475447-00475735 well p2BVqlVlG0Q-02073-00475735-00475935 that wasn't what swedes would have p2BVqlVlG0Q-02074-00475935-00476191 expected 10 or 20 years ago but that's p2BVqlVlG0Q-02075-00476192-00476391 the fact of life and p2BVqlVlG0Q-02076-00476392-00476727 and it seems to work quite well p2BVqlVlG0Q-02077-00476728-00476966 we are specializing the the car swedish p2BVqlVlG0Q-02078-00476967-00477143 car industry is p2BVqlVlG0Q-02079-00477143-00477391 sort of retreating to the higher levels p2BVqlVlG0Q-02080-00477392-00477559 of value added p2BVqlVlG0Q-02081-00477560-00477807 by by being very big in the in the truck p2BVqlVlG0Q-02082-00477808-00478079 construction business instead volvo and p2BVqlVlG0Q-02083-00478080-00478375 scania both of them p2BVqlVlG0Q-02084-00478376-00478566 i i would i should add from an p2BVqlVlG0Q-02085-00478567-00478743 economist's point of view p2BVqlVlG0Q-02086-00478743-00478847 sweden p2BVqlVlG0Q-02087-00478847-00478991 when we talk about poor and the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02088-00478992-00479199 distribution of incomes p2BVqlVlG0Q-02089-00479200-00479463 uh we have the the most p2BVqlVlG0Q-02090-00479464-00479622 equal p2BVqlVlG0Q-02091-00479623-00479847 genie coefficient p2BVqlVlG0Q-02092-00479847-00480110 i think among the industrialized world p2BVqlVlG0Q-02093-00480112-00480495 that has changed somewhat over the 90s p2BVqlVlG0Q-02094-00480496-00480703 it's slightly p2BVqlVlG0Q-02095-00480704-00480895 lower or higher i don't remember the p2BVqlVlG0Q-02096-00480896-00480999 figures now p2BVqlVlG0Q-02097-00481000-00481303 but due to these developments higher p2BVqlVlG0Q-02098-00481304-00481462 unemployment for a certain period of p2BVqlVlG0Q-02099-00481463-00481751 time we're still i think on the very top p2BVqlVlG0Q-02100-00481752-00481839 of p2BVqlVlG0Q-02101-00481839-00481935 income p2BVqlVlG0Q-02102-00481935-00482622 equality p2BVqlVlG0Q-02103-00482623-00482766 well on that note i think we'll close p2BVqlVlG0Q-02104-00482767-00482927 the q a for this session unless there p2BVqlVlG0Q-02105-00482928-00483118 are some final summary comments from any p2BVqlVlG0Q-02106-00483119-00483530 of the rest of the members of the panel p2BVqlVlG0Q-02107-00483531-00484183 [Applause] p2BVqlVlG0Q-02108-00484184-00484327 yes thank you all you've been a p2BVqlVlG0Q-02109-00484328-00484710 remarkably loyal audience p2BVqlVlG0Q-02110-00484712-00484903 i'll remind you those of you who are p2BVqlVlG0Q-02111-00484904-00485175 attending the banquet that begins at 6 p2BVqlVlG0Q-02112-00485176-00485399 30 this evening it's in the evelyn young p2BVqlVlG0Q-02113-00485400-00485551 dining room p2BVqlVlG0Q-02114-00485552-00485718 and dr p2BVqlVlG0Q-02115-00485719-00486007 ezioni's talk will begin probably about p2BVqlVlG0Q-02116-00486008-00486166 7 45 p2BVqlVlG0Q-02117-00486167-00486343 and if you'd like to join us even though p2BVqlVlG0Q-02118-00486343-00486510 you don't have tickets for dinner you're p2BVqlVlG0Q-02119-00486512-00486751 welcome to come to the dining room at 7 p2BVqlVlG0Q-02120-00486752-00487022 30 and we'll have a place for you to sit p2BVqlVlG0Q-02121-00487023-00487647 thank you very much p2BVqlVlG0Q-02122-00487647-00487856 you p36r4lMGhE0-00000-00001520-00001695 welcome back to the channel guys thanks p36r4lMGhE0-00001-00001696-00001871 for joining me once again and i hope p36r4lMGhE0-00002-00001872-00002110 your day is going well thus far now for p36r4lMGhE0-00003-00002111-00002310 today's show i want to share two p36r4lMGhE0-00004-00002311-00002487 freebies that you can pick up inside the p36r4lMGhE0-00005-00002488-00002718 galaxy app store which are unlimited p36r4lMGhE0-00006-00002719-00002975 time promotions and by free i mean p36r4lMGhE0-00007-00002976-00003158 you're not gonna need any codes to p36r4lMGhE0-00008-00003159-00003359 download these they're gonna be straight p36r4lMGhE0-00009-00003360-00003551 downloads directly to your samsung p36r4lMGhE0-00010-00003552-00003806 accounts and both of these are normally p36r4lMGhE0-00011-00003807-00004006 paid watch faces so really there's no p36r4lMGhE0-00012-00004007-00004222 harm in at least checking them out plus p36r4lMGhE0-00013-00004223-00004375 stick around because later on in the p36r4lMGhE0-00014-00004376-00004615 video i'm gonna throw in a bonus watch p36r4lMGhE0-00015-00004616-00004854 face that's also available free but p36r4lMGhE0-00016-00004855-00005111 again this is also going to be on a very p36r4lMGhE0-00017-00005112-00005383 limited time promotion p36r4lMGhE0-00018-00005384-00005606 okay guys i chose two very different p36r4lMGhE0-00019-00005607-00005775 styles of watch faces today so i'm p36r4lMGhE0-00020-00005776-00005959 hoping you guys like at least one of p36r4lMGhE0-00021-00005960-00006159 them now kicking things off this is an p36r4lMGhE0-00022-00006160-00006399 old digital variety which is bold it's p36r4lMGhE0-00023-00006400-00006598 easy to read and it comes packed with p36r4lMGhE0-00024-00006600-00006823 lots of useful health and activity data p36r4lMGhE0-00025-00006823-00007039 which means this would also be a great p36r4lMGhE0-00026-00007040-00007198 one for throwing on when you're working p36r4lMGhE0-00027-00007200-00007406 out or going to the gym now you have p36r4lMGhE0-00028-00007408-00007631 three stats over on the right hand side p36r4lMGhE0-00029-00007631-00007839 with your distance traveled followed by p36r4lMGhE0-00030-00007840-00008014 your last recorded heart rate underneath p36r4lMGhE0-00031-00008015-00008207 that and then you got your calories p36r4lMGhE0-00032-00008208-00008391 burnt there at the bottom you then have p36r4lMGhE0-00033-00008392-00008599 your total steps count shown over in the p36r4lMGhE0-00034-00008600-00008831 nine position and the bottom half of the p36r4lMGhE0-00035-00008832-00009023 watch face includes the full date as p36r4lMGhE0-00036-00009024-00009271 well as your daily step goal completed p36r4lMGhE0-00037-00009272-00009463 your power remaining finishes off your p36r4lMGhE0-00038-00009464-00009678 data right at the top there and then you p36r4lMGhE0-00039-00009679-00009927 also get some subtle yet colorful theme p36r4lMGhE0-00040-00009928-00010231 variations as well as a simple but easy p36r4lMGhE0-00041-00010232-00010446 to see animated seconds hand which p36r4lMGhE0-00042-00010447-00012167 circles the bezel p36r4lMGhE0-00043-00012168-00012342 all right the second freebie is from p36r4lMGhE0-00044-00012343-00012574 vienna studios now this one is a hybrid p36r4lMGhE0-00045-00012575-00012815 version and it comes in more of a classy p36r4lMGhE0-00046-00012816-00012983 and sophisticated style than the p36r4lMGhE0-00047-00012984-00013191 previous watch face this one includes p36r4lMGhE0-00048-00013191-00013415 theme variations for the backgrounds as p36r4lMGhE0-00049-00013416-00013655 well as the dials and although it comes p36r4lMGhE0-00050-00013656-00013879 with less data at your fingertips you p36r4lMGhE0-00051-00013880-00014119 still get your most popular stats with p36r4lMGhE0-00052-00014119-00014303 your total steps count and goal p36r4lMGhE0-00053-00014304-00014486 identified in the dial on the left hand p36r4lMGhE0-00054-00014487-00014686 side you got your battery power maining p36r4lMGhE0-00055-00014687-00014871 in the dial over on the right hand side p36r4lMGhE0-00056-00014872-00015015 and then you got your last recorded p36r4lMGhE0-00057-00015016-00015207 heart rate along with the full date and p36r4lMGhE0-00058-00015208-00015358 digital time which is shown at the p36r4lMGhE0-00059-00015359-00015566 bottom of the watch face and as you can p36r4lMGhE0-00060-00015568-00015807 see you get a ton of options here for p36r4lMGhE0-00061-00015808-00016063 mixing and matching those colorful theme p36r4lMGhE0-00062-00016063-00016303 variations so really you can keep it p36r4lMGhE0-00063-00016304-00016567 simple and classy or you can really go p36r4lMGhE0-00064-00016568-00016807 wild with all those combinations and p36r4lMGhE0-00065-00016808-00017094 lastly you get a ton of both fixed and p36r4lMGhE0-00066-00017095-00017343 customizable app shortcuts pre-loaded p36r4lMGhE0-00067-00017344-00019335 here p36r4lMGhE0-00068-00019336-00019575 okay guys that's a quick recap of these p36r4lMGhE0-00069-00019576-00019791 two limited time freebies and i did p36r4lMGhE0-00070-00019792-00020039 promise you guys a third bonus one that p36r4lMGhE0-00071-00020040-00020263 you can pick up so here it is just p36r4lMGhE0-00072-00020264-00020439 remember though if you want to grab any p36r4lMGhE0-00073-00020440-00020655 of these watch faces then click down p36r4lMGhE0-00074-00020656-00020839 below in the video description as that's p36r4lMGhE0-00075-00020840-00021030 where i've included the links to all p36r4lMGhE0-00076-00021031-00021230 three of them but keep in mind all of p36r4lMGhE0-00077-00021231-00021414 these are in the galaxy app store which p36r4lMGhE0-00078-00021415-00021630 means they're only for kaizen powered p36r4lMGhE0-00079-00021631-00021830 devices thanks again for watching the p36r4lMGhE0-00080-00021831-00022014 review and for supporting the channel p36r4lMGhE0-00081-00022015-00022247 and don't forget to smash that like and p36r4lMGhE0-00082-00022248-00022447 subscribe button before you leave i'll p36r4lMGhE0-00083-00022448-00022647 see you all in our next review until p36r4lMGhE0-00084-00022648-00023735 then take care p36r4lMGhE0-00085-00023736-00023911 thanks again for watching our review and p36r4lMGhE0-00086-00023912-00024086 if you liked it then show us some love p36r4lMGhE0-00087-00024087-00024294 with a thumbs up subscribe to the p36r4lMGhE0-00088-00024295-00024455 channel and share the video with your p36r4lMGhE0-00089-00024456-00024622 friends because with your support it p36r4lMGhE0-00090-00024623-00024814 really helps me keep the channel going p36r4lMGhE0-00091-00024815-00025007 so i can continue to offer you guys p36r4lMGhE0-00092-00025008-00025222 discounts giveaways and of course fresh p36r4lMGhE0-00093-00025223-00025455 content i'll see you in the next episode p36r4lMGhE0-00094-00025456-00025868 until then take care p71pW1IUNbE-00000-00000024-00000422 in functional analysis and related areas p71pW1IUNbE-00001-00000423-00000790 of mathematics the MACD topology named p71pW1IUNbE-00002-00000791-00001070 after George McGee is the finest p71pW1IUNbE-00003-00001071-00001397 topology for a topological vector space p71pW1IUNbE-00004-00001398-00001639 which still preserves the continuous p71pW1IUNbE-00005-00001641-00002068 dual in other words the maquis topology p71pW1IUNbE-00006-00002069-00002282 does not make linear functions p71pW1IUNbE-00007-00002283-00002564 continuous which were discontinuous in p71pW1IUNbE-00008-00002565-00002842 the default topology p71pW1IUNbE-00009-00002843-00003183 the maki topology is the opposite of the p71pW1IUNbE-00010-00003184-00003465 weak topology which is the coarsest p71pW1IUNbE-00011-00003467-00003796 topology on a topological vector space p71pW1IUNbE-00012-00003797-00004047 which preserves the continuity of all p71pW1IUNbE-00013-00004048-00004404 linear functions in the continuous dual p71pW1IUNbE-00014-00004405-00004561 the Mackie p71pW1IUNbE-00015-00004562-00004804 Aran's theorem states that all possible p71pW1IUNbE-00016-00004805-00005113 dual topologies are finer than the weak p71pW1IUNbE-00017-00005114-00005385 topology and coarser than the Mackie p71pW1IUNbE-00018-00005386-00005662 topology p71pW1IUNbE-00019-00005663-00006041 you p71pW1IUNbE-00020-00006042-00006631 topic definition p71pW1IUNbE-00021-00006631-00007686 given a dual pair X X display style X X p71pW1IUNbE-00022-00007687-00008539 with X display style X a topological p71pW1IUNbE-00023-00008540-00009375 vector space and X display style X it's p71pW1IUNbE-00024-00009376-00009927 continuous dual the Mackey topology tau p71pW1IUNbE-00025-00009928-00011013 X X display style tau xx is a polar p71pW1IUNbE-00026-00011014-00011878 topology defined on X display style X by p71pW1IUNbE-00027-00011879-00012174 using the set of all absolutely convex p71pW1IUNbE-00028-00012175-00012531 and weekly compact sets in p71pW1IUNbE-00029-00012532-00012866 X display style p71pW1IUNbE-00030-00012867-00013516 X p71pW1IUNbE-00031-00013516-00014127 topic examples p71pW1IUNbE-00032-00014128-00014615 every metro Zobel locally convex space p71pW1IUNbE-00033-00014616-00014793 X p71pW1IUNbE-00034-00014794-00015558 Tao display style X tau with continuous p71pW1IUNbE-00035-00015559-00015738 duel p71pW1IUNbE-00036-00015740-00016394 X display style X carries the Mackey p71pW1IUNbE-00037-00016395-00016674 topology that as p71pW1IUNbE-00038-00016675-00017101 Tao equals p71pW1IUNbE-00039-00017102-00017527 Tao ex p71pW1IUNbE-00040-00017528-00018379 X display style tau equals tau xx or to p71pW1IUNbE-00041-00018380-00018664 put it more succinctly every Metro Zobel p71pW1IUNbE-00042-00018665-00019160 locally convex space as a Mac G space p71pW1IUNbE-00043-00019161-00019498 every fresshe space p71pW1IUNbE-00044-00019499-00019675 X p71pW1IUNbE-00045-00019676-00020403 taou display style X tau carries the p71pW1IUNbE-00046-00020404-00020655 Mackey topology and the topology p71pW1IUNbE-00047-00020656-00020997 coincides with the strong topology that p71pW1IUNbE-00048-00020998-00021130 as p71pW1IUNbE-00049-00021131-00021349 Tao p71pW1IUNbE-00050-00021350-00021555 equals p71pW1IUNbE-00051-00021556-00022151 Tao X X p71pW1IUNbE-00052-00022152-00022809 equals beta X p71pW1IUNbE-00053-00022810-00022988 X p71pW1IUNbE-00054-00022989-00023559 display style tau equals tau xx equals p71pW1IUNbE-00055-00023560-00024276 beta xx p71pW1IUNbE-00056-00024277-00024880 topic see also p71pW1IUNbE-00057-00024881-00025474 polar topology week topology p71pW1IUNbE-00058-00025475-00026155 strong topology p71pW1IUNbE-00059-00026156-00026776 topic applications p71pW1IUNbE-00060-00026777-00027157 the maki topology has an application in p71pW1IUNbE-00061-00027158-00027367 economies with infinitely many p71pW1IUNbE-00062-00027368-00027663 commodities prwd80m_C78-00001-00003679-00003903 hey guys it's felicia with happily ever prwd80m_C78-00002-00003904-00004167 after living today is prwd80m_C78-00003-00004168-00004511 today is sunday february 20th um this prwd80m_C78-00004-00004512-00004791 morning i walked four miles and now i'm prwd80m_C78-00005-00004792-00005079 about to do a quick upper body workout prwd80m_C78-00006-00005080-00005247 um but as you can see from the title of prwd80m_C78-00007-00005248-00005575 this video today i wrote what was first prwd80m_C78-00008-00005576-00005735 going to be private but i decided to prwd80m_C78-00009-00005736-00005934 make it an open letter prwd80m_C78-00010-00005935-00006254 to my fact prwd80m_C78-00011-00006255-00006406 if you've been around well enough then prwd80m_C78-00012-00006408-00006831 you know that i'm a little woo-woo so prwd80m_C78-00013-00006831-00007087 yeah anyways if you're prwd80m_C78-00014-00007088-00007239 if you're interested i don't mind prwd80m_C78-00015-00007240-00007351 sharing this with you guys so i'm prwd80m_C78-00016-00007352-00007519 currently out of my garage right now and prwd80m_C78-00017-00007520-00007774 i have the door open so it's a little prwd80m_C78-00018-00007775-00008078 loud so what i think i'm going to do is prwd80m_C78-00019-00008079-00008351 my workout and then i'll also prwd80m_C78-00020-00008352-00008614 read my letter as a voice over on top of prwd80m_C78-00021-00008615-00008751 the workout so if that's something that prwd80m_C78-00022-00008752-00008895 you're interested in i would love for prwd80m_C78-00023-00008896-00008967 you prwd80m_C78-00024-00008968-00009206 to stick around and let's do this this prwd80m_C78-00025-00009207-00009367 is what we have planned for today's prwd80m_C78-00026-00009368-00009542 workout i'm not sure if you guys can see prwd80m_C78-00027-00009543-00009663 that or not prwd80m_C78-00028-00009664-00009910 but let's get to it prwd80m_C78-00029-00009911-00010151 also just so you guys know prwd80m_C78-00030-00010152-00010463 in the open in the letter to my fat like prwd80m_C78-00031-00010464-00010687 you guys know like um in the medical prwd80m_C78-00032-00010688-00010814 community prwd80m_C78-00033-00010815-00011055 uh the medical terminology for fat is prwd80m_C78-00034-00011056-00011310 adipose it's adipose tissue prwd80m_C78-00035-00011311-00011606 so i use the name adipose so like prwd80m_C78-00036-00011607-00011759 throughout the letter when you hear me prwd80m_C78-00037-00011760-00012119 refer to adipose to me i am properly prwd80m_C78-00038-00012120-00012774 referring to my fact by calling her by prwd80m_C78-00039-00012775-00013079 by calling her by her full name so prwd80m_C78-00040-00013080-00013294 hopefully you can get down with that i prwd80m_C78-00041-00013295-00013494 am just addressing her appropriately prwd80m_C78-00042-00013495-00013735 okay prwd80m_C78-00043-00013736-00013894 dear adipose prwd80m_C78-00044-00013895-00014135 hey girl it's felicia prwd80m_C78-00045-00014136-00014407 so here i am in week 38 of my weight prwd80m_C78-00046-00014408-00014615 loss journey and i was sitting with a prwd80m_C78-00047-00014616-00014822 cup of coffee trying to strategize the prwd80m_C78-00048-00014823-00015007 next eight weeks of this weight loss prwd80m_C78-00049-00015008-00015150 journey prwd80m_C78-00050-00015151-00015399 dude so like i've hit a plateau prwd80m_C78-00051-00015400-00015622 and i'm no longer losing weight but prwd80m_C78-00052-00015623-00015879 thankfully i'm also not gaining weight prwd80m_C78-00053-00015880-00016047 either prwd80m_C78-00054-00016047-00016238 as i was sitting and thinking of my next prwd80m_C78-00055-00016240-00016543 move you crossed my mind prwd80m_C78-00056-00016544-00016822 first i want to acknowledge you prwd80m_C78-00057-00016823-00017039 i want to acknowledge that throughout prwd80m_C78-00058-00017040-00017271 the years through so many of life's prwd80m_C78-00059-00017272-00017583 circumstances the ups and downs the joys prwd80m_C78-00060-00017584-00017727 of sorrows prwd80m_C78-00061-00017728-00018071 i am the one that invited you here prwd80m_C78-00062-00018072-00018279 i want to acknowledge that during my prwd80m_C78-00063-00018280-00018527 times of poverty consciousness and poor prwd80m_C78-00064-00018528-00018679 food choices prwd80m_C78-00065-00018680-00018814 it was me prwd80m_C78-00066-00018815-00019079 i invited you here prwd80m_C78-00067-00019080-00019335 i acknowledge that during the times of prwd80m_C78-00068-00019336-00019558 hurt and pain instead of doing crazy prwd80m_C78-00069-00019559-00019822 things like drinking alcohol lashing out prwd80m_C78-00070-00019823-00020150 at other people or even verbalizing and prwd80m_C78-00071-00020151-00020422 expressing my truest feelings or even prwd80m_C78-00072-00020423-00020655 investing in therapy at the time prwd80m_C78-00073-00020656-00020807 i overeat prwd80m_C78-00074-00020808-00020967 and as a result prwd80m_C78-00075-00020968-00021158 i invited you here prwd80m_C78-00076-00021159-00021319 at this time prwd80m_C78-00077-00021320-00021527 i want to thank you prwd80m_C78-00078-00021528-00021839 i thank you for accepting my invitation prwd80m_C78-00079-00021840-00022158 i thank you for comforting me when i prwd80m_C78-00080-00022159-00022407 need you the most prwd80m_C78-00081-00022408-00022694 specifically during my first marriage prwd80m_C78-00082-00022695-00022911 when i was literally in the best shape prwd80m_C78-00083-00022912-00023294 of my life but was told that by my i'm prwd80m_C78-00084-00023295-00023583 using air quotes here perfection in prwd80m_C78-00085-00023584-00023883 every area of my life that it was prwd80m_C78-00086-00023884-00024086 emasculating you see prwd80m_C78-00087-00024087-00024278 health and fitness was the one area that prwd80m_C78-00088-00024279-00024558 this individual felt seen prwd80m_C78-00089-00024559-00024878 so subconsciously in an effort to save prwd80m_C78-00090-00024879-00025150 my marriage i sabotaged the hell out of prwd80m_C78-00091-00025151-00025247 myself prwd80m_C78-00092-00025248-00025503 i started to play small prwd80m_C78-00093-00025504-00025646 octopus prwd80m_C78-00094-00025647-00025799 thank you prwd80m_C78-00095-00025800-00026014 thank you for being there prwd80m_C78-00096-00026016-00026287 thank you for the late night binges prwd80m_C78-00097-00026288-00026495 thank you for covering my body and prwd80m_C78-00098-00026495-00026751 following my subconscious thoughts of prwd80m_C78-00099-00026752-00027031 making me appear less attractive less prwd80m_C78-00100-00027032-00027231 desirable prwd80m_C78-00101-00027232-00027502 thank you for thickening me up a bit and prwd80m_C78-00102-00027504-00027831 covering my muscle tissue prwd80m_C78-00103-00027832-00028039 even though it wasn't enough prwd80m_C78-00104-00028039-00028511 thank you for allowing him to win prwd80m_C78-00105-00028512-00028718 adipose prwd80m_C78-00106-00028719-00028823 now prwd80m_C78-00107-00028824-00029095 i want to release you prwd80m_C78-00108-00029095-00029446 it's time to let you go prwd80m_C78-00109-00029447-00029695 i know that this may be just as scary prwd80m_C78-00110-00029695-00029967 for you as it is for me prwd80m_C78-00111-00029968-00030199 but it's time prwd80m_C78-00112-00030200-00030414 i've done the inner work prwd80m_C78-00113-00030416-00030655 i'm no longer in my 20s prwd80m_C78-00114-00030656-00031062 i am now a 40 year old woman i'm safe prwd80m_C78-00115-00031063-00031223 now prwd80m_C78-00116-00031224-00031462 i've done the work now prwd80m_C78-00117-00031463-00031702 i no longer allow people's words to prwd80m_C78-00118-00031703-00031887 control me prwd80m_C78-00119-00031888-00032190 i know that i am no longer responsible prwd80m_C78-00120-00032191-00032414 for the lives and dreams or happiness of prwd80m_C78-00121-00032416-00032543 others prwd80m_C78-00122-00032544-00032999 i am solely responsible for me prwd80m_C78-00123-00033000-00033135 adipose prwd80m_C78-00124-00033136-00033559 i need you to know that i am smarter now prwd80m_C78-00125-00033560-00033855 i've learned how to manage money i've prwd80m_C78-00126-00033856-00034190 learned how to budget save and invest prwd80m_C78-00127-00034191-00034623 i've released that poverty consciousness prwd80m_C78-00128-00034624-00034918 i no longer need to eat as if the food prwd80m_C78-00129-00034919-00035174 is going to run out prwd80m_C78-00130-00035175-00035495 i no longer have to rely on a diet a prwd80m_C78-00131-00035496-00035823 ramen predominantly prwd80m_C78-00132-00035824-00036102 i no longer have to eat every dish at a prwd80m_C78-00133-00036103-00036335 family get together in order to save the prwd80m_C78-00134-00036336-00036559 feelings of others prwd80m_C78-00135-00036560-00036687 guess what prwd80m_C78-00136-00036688-00036911 i now know how to say no prwd80m_C78-00137-00036912-00037215 with love prwd80m_C78-00138-00037216-00037367 adipose prwd80m_C78-00139-00037368-00037655 it's time for me to shed more layers prwd80m_C78-00140-00037656-00038151 it's time for me to release more of you prwd80m_C78-00141-00038152-00038543 i need you to know that i am not alone prwd80m_C78-00142-00038544-00038895 at 40 my relationship with god is so prwd80m_C78-00143-00038896-00039143 much more beautiful than it was when i prwd80m_C78-00144-00039144-00039551 was just practicing religion at 25 prwd80m_C78-00145-00039552-00039823 i now know that without a shadow of a prwd80m_C78-00146-00039824-00040151 doubt he's got me prwd80m_C78-00147-00040152-00040439 i need for you to trust me prwd80m_C78-00148-00040440-00040695 it's time for me to push through prwd80m_C78-00149-00040696-00040967 my limiting beliefs the beliefs that all prwd80m_C78-00150-00040968-00041223 the women in my family are heavy prwd80m_C78-00151-00041224-00041430 the beliefs that this is just how i'm prwd80m_C78-00152-00041431-00041558 built prwd80m_C78-00153-00041559-00041855 the belief that this is just how my body prwd80m_C78-00154-00041856-00042023 is prwd80m_C78-00155-00042024-00042199 it's time to push through the beliefs prwd80m_C78-00156-00042200-00042423 that even in my own community the ones i prwd80m_C78-00157-00042424-00042807 have about don't get too small prwd80m_C78-00158-00042808-00042935 oedipus prwd80m_C78-00159-00042936-00043415 girl i'm 228 pounds i am not too small prwd80m_C78-00160-00043416-00043655 boo prwd80m_C78-00161-00043656-00044023 i need you to trust me in knowing that i prwd80m_C78-00162-00044024-00044311 won't drop below medical recommendations prwd80m_C78-00163-00044312-00044583 but for now again prwd80m_C78-00164-00044584-00045079 we have more layers to shed prwd80m_C78-00165-00045080-00045311 of us i love you prwd80m_C78-00166-00045312-00045502 i love you for your protection prwd80m_C78-00167-00045503-00045758 throughout the years i love you for prwd80m_C78-00168-00045759-00046135 always wanting to keep me safe prwd80m_C78-00169-00046136-00046295 but now prwd80m_C78-00170-00046296-00046607 i need for you to acknowledge prwd80m_C78-00171-00046608-00046999 that i am now a more conscious being prwd80m_C78-00172-00047000-00047239 i love myself prwd80m_C78-00173-00047240-00047430 i truly prwd80m_C78-00174-00047431-00047702 love myself prwd80m_C78-00175-00047703-00047951 my love for myself is no longer tied prwd80m_C78-00176-00047952-00048318 into how much someone else loves me prwd80m_C78-00177-00048319-00048518 but i truly prwd80m_C78-00178-00048519-00049135 truly love felicia prwd80m_C78-00179-00049136-00049286 you know prwd80m_C78-00180-00049287-00049662 releasing 32 pounds is incredible prwd80m_C78-00181-00049663-00050079 now here's to the next 30 and beyond prwd80m_C78-00182-00050080-00050215 adipose prwd80m_C78-00183-00050216-00050462 just as you've done your job prwd80m_C78-00184-00050463-00050735 it's time for me to do mine prwd80m_C78-00185-00050736-00050999 my job is to continue building my dream prwd80m_C78-00186-00051000-00051279 life in a body that i love while on a prwd80m_C78-00187-00051279-00051558 budget that i can afford but also to prwd80m_C78-00188-00051559-00051882 continue teaching other women to do the prwd80m_C78-00189-00051883-00052503 same i can do that with less of you prwd80m_C78-00190-00052504-00052735 i no longer need prwd80m_C78-00191-00052736-00053023 all of you prwd80m_C78-00192-00053024-00053182 so girl prwd80m_C78-00193-00053183-00053399 here's the plan prwd80m_C78-00194-00053400-00053750 i give you permission to be free prwd80m_C78-00195-00053751-00054150 i'm no longer holding you captive prwd80m_C78-00196-00054151-00054382 over the next eight weeks i will be prwd80m_C78-00197-00054383-00054719 implementing a few different things prwd80m_C78-00198-00054720-00054838 number one prwd80m_C78-00199-00054839-00055071 treadmill intervals prwd80m_C78-00200-00055072-00055279 you see i'm now in a season of life prwd80m_C78-00201-00055279-00055535 where creating the time for long walks prwd80m_C78-00202-00055536-00055726 is kind of becoming prwd80m_C78-00203-00055727-00056015 a little inconvenience on the daily prwd80m_C78-00204-00056016-00056166 number two prwd80m_C78-00205-00056167-00056311 weight training prwd80m_C78-00206-00056312-00056566 and listen even if the numbers go up on prwd80m_C78-00207-00056567-00056687 the scale prwd80m_C78-00208-00056688-00056887 i'm not stopping prwd80m_C78-00209-00056888-00057111 maybe like at the end of eight weeks prwd80m_C78-00210-00057112-00057303 i'll reassess prwd80m_C78-00211-00057304-00057582 but i'm not stopping prwd80m_C78-00212-00057583-00057742 number three prwd80m_C78-00213-00057744-00058103 i'm also introducing more core work prwd80m_C78-00214-00058104-00058294 this is something that i have stopped prwd80m_C78-00215-00058295-00058559 doing when i had my fibroids prwd80m_C78-00216-00058560-00058799 but since then i haven't really restored prwd80m_C78-00217-00058800-00059030 that same level of intensity as i was prwd80m_C78-00218-00059032-00059407 doing before and now i feel is safe to prwd80m_C78-00219-00059408-00059638 receive prwd80m_C78-00220-00059639-00059854 so out of this prwd80m_C78-00221-00059855-00060071 girl i love you prwd80m_C78-00222-00060072-00060279 i acknowledge you prwd80m_C78-00223-00060279-00060463 i thank you prwd80m_C78-00224-00060464-00060711 i appreciate you prwd80m_C78-00225-00060712-00060942 but now it's time prwd80m_C78-00226-00060944-00061166 for me to set you free prwd80m_C78-00227-00061167-00061711 and to release you prwd80m_C78-00228-00061712-00061903 for those of you that are still here in prwd80m_C78-00229-00061904-00062150 this part of the video i just want to prwd80m_C78-00230-00062151-00062230 say prwd80m_C78-00231-00062232-00062399 thank you all for choosing to be a part prwd80m_C78-00232-00062400-00062638 of this community if you stay for this prwd80m_C78-00233-00062639-00062823 long please consider hitting that thumbs prwd80m_C78-00234-00062824-00063079 up button and subscribe as i look prwd80m_C78-00235-00063079-00063375 forward to sharing more of my 100 pound prwd80m_C78-00236-00063376-00063630 weight loss journey with you prwd80m_C78-00237-00063632-00063799 until the next time prwd80m_C78-00238-00063800-00064126 i'll see you in the next video prwd80m_C78-00239-00064127-00064630 bye prwd80m_C78-00240-00064632-00064839 you prD6IeCVzgu-00000-00000057-00000335 the southern deltaac words are a meteor prD6IeCVzgu-00001-00000336-00000526 shower visible from mid-july to prD6IeCVzgu-00002-00000527-00000749 mid-august each year with peak activity prD6IeCVzgu-00003-00000750-00001178 on 28th or the 29th of July the shower prD6IeCVzgu-00004-00001179-00001403 originated from the breakup of what are prD6IeCVzgu-00005-00001404-00001589 now the Marsden uncracked sungrazing prD6IeCVzgu-00006-00001590-00001844 comets the Delta AK reads get the name prD6IeCVzgu-00007-00001845-00002066 because their radiant appears to lie in prD6IeCVzgu-00008-00002067-00002294 the constellation Aquarius near one of prD6IeCVzgu-00009-00002295-00002558 the constellations brightest stars Delta prD6IeCVzgu-00010-00002559-00002876 Acura the name derives from the Latin prD6IeCVzgu-00011-00002877-00003176 possessive form aqua Rai whereby the prD6IeCVzgu-00012-00003177-00003644 declension eye is replaced by its hence prD6IeCVzgu-00013-00003645-00003911 a creates with two eyes there are two prD6IeCVzgu-00014-00003911-00004142 branches of the Delta a queried meteor prD6IeCVzgu-00015-00004143-00004319 shower southern and northern the prD6IeCVzgu-00016-00004320-00004631 southern Delta Aquarids are considered a prD6IeCVzgu-00017-00004632-00004838 strong shower with an average meteor prD6IeCVzgu-00018-00004839-00005114 observation rate of 15 to 20 per hours prD6IeCVzgu-00019-00005115-00005465 and a peak Zenith hourly rate of 18 the prD6IeCVzgu-00020-00005466-00005828 average radiant is at R R equals 339 prD6IeCVzgu-00021-00005829-00006221 degrees Dec equals minus 17 degrees the prD6IeCVzgu-00022-00006222-00006439 northern Delta AK reads are a weaker prD6IeCVzgu-00023-00006440-00006683 shower peaking later in mid-august with prD6IeCVzgu-00024-00006684-00006887 an average peak rate of 10 meteors per prD6IeCVzgu-00025-00006888-00007103 hour and an average radiant of R R prD6IeCVzgu-00026-00007104-00008067 equals 340 degrees Dec equals -2 degrees prD6IeCVzgu-00027-00008068-00008624 topic history prD6IeCVzgu-00028-00008625-00008880 observations of the then unidentified prD6IeCVzgu-00029-00008881-00009150 deltaac reads delta ik reads were prD6IeCVzgu-00030-00009151-00009459 recorded by GL Tubman in 1870 who prD6IeCVzgu-00031-00009460-00009756 plotted 65 meteors observed between July prD6IeCVzgu-00032-00009757-00010158 27th and August 6 he potted the radiance prD6IeCVzgu-00033-00010159-00010392 apparent beginning and ending points raw prD6IeCVzgu-00034-00010393-00010794 equals 340 degrees Dec equals minus 14 prD6IeCVzgu-00035-00010795-00011163 degrees brah equals 333 degrees Dec prD6IeCVzgu-00036-00011164-00011493 equals minus 16 degrees this was prD6IeCVzgu-00037-00011494-00011774 corrected later Ronald a McIntosh REE prD6IeCVzgu-00038-00011775-00011970 plotted the paths based on a greater prD6IeCVzgu-00039-00011971-00012302 number of observations made from 1926 to prD6IeCVzgu-00040-00012303-00012684 1933 he determined it to begin at raw prD6IeCVzgu-00041-00012685-00012888 equals three hundred and thirty-four prD6IeCVzgu-00042-00012888-00013131 point nine degrees Dec equals minus prD6IeCVzgu-00043-00013132-00013344 nineteen point two degrees and enter R prD6IeCVzgu-00044-00013344-00013575 equals three hundred and fifty two point prD6IeCVzgu-00045-00013576-00013836 four degrees Dec equals minus eleven prD6IeCVzgu-00046-00013837-00013963 point eight degrees prD6IeCVzgu-00047-00013965-00014259 Kuno Hofmeister and a team of German prD6IeCVzgu-00048-00014260-00014475 observers were the first to record the prD6IeCVzgu-00049-00014476-00014685 characteristics of a northern a curried prD6IeCVzgu-00050-00014686-00014961 radiant within the stream around 1938 prD6IeCVzgu-00051-00014962-00015338 and Canadian DWR McKinley observed both prD6IeCVzgu-00052-00015340-00015669 branches in 1949 but did not associate prD6IeCVzgu-00053-00015669-00015984 the two radians that was accomplished by prD6IeCVzgu-00054-00015985-00016311 astronomer Mary almond in 1952 who prD6IeCVzgu-00055-00016312-00016530 determined both accurate velocity and prD6IeCVzgu-00056-00016531-00016842 orbit of the Delta a Creed's she used prD6IeCVzgu-00057-00016843-00017178 her more selectively beamed areal echo prD6IeCVzgu-00058-00017179-00017430 radio to identify probable member prD6IeCVzgu-00059-00017431-00017661 meteors and plotted an accurate orbital prD6IeCVzgu-00060-00017662-00017975 plane her paper reported it as a broad prD6IeCVzgu-00061-00017976-00018306 system of orbits that are probably prD6IeCVzgu-00062-00018307-00018618 connected and produced by one extended prD6IeCVzgu-00063-00018619-00019014 stream this was confirmed in the 1952 to prD6IeCVzgu-00064-00019015-00019299 1954 Harvard meteor project by a prD6IeCVzgu-00065-00019300-00019625 photographic observation of orbits the prD6IeCVzgu-00066-00019626-00019866 project also produced the first evidence prD6IeCVzgu-00067-00019867-00020043 that the streams evolution was prD6IeCVzgu-00068-00020044-00020710 influenced by Jupiter prD6IeCVzgu-00069-00020711-00021230 topic viewing prD6IeCVzgu-00070-00021231-00021500 the deltaac words are best viewed in the prD6IeCVzgu-00071-00021501-00021725 pre-dawn hours away from the glow of prD6IeCVzgu-00072-00021726-00022037 city lights southern hemisphere viewers prD6IeCVzgu-00073-00022038-00022262 usually get a better show because the prD6IeCVzgu-00074-00022263-00022499 radiant is higher in the sky during the prD6IeCVzgu-00075-00022500-00022811 peak season since the radiant is above prD6IeCVzgu-00076-00022812-00022988 the southern horizon for northern prD6IeCVzgu-00077-00022989-00023180 hemisphere viewers meteors will prD6IeCVzgu-00078-00023181-00023419 primarily fan out in all compass points prD6IeCVzgu-00079-00023420-00023768 east north and west few meteors will be prD6IeCVzgu-00080-00023769-00023972 seen heading southward unless they are prD6IeCVzgu-00081-00023973-00024685 fairly short and near the radiant prD6IeCVzgu-00082-00024686-00025240 topic see also prD6IeCVzgu-00083-00025241-00025675 list have accurate meteor showers prOLjEUtdqA-00000-00000182-00000563 hope media presents ueponi worship prOLjEUtdqA-00001-00000564-00000815 experience we are excited to invite you prOLjEUtdqA-00002-00000816-00001012 together with us for an uplifting and prOLjEUtdqA-00003-00001013-00001258 inspiring worship experience on the 17th prOLjEUtdqA-00004-00001259-00001630 of March 2023 from 5 PM to 9pm guest art prOLjEUtdqA-00005-00001632-00001841 is featured at the event include Peter prOLjEUtdqA-00006-00001842-00002134 wataco kestin Bongo and select artists prOLjEUtdqA-00007-00002135-00002399 from The Rock our theme for the night is prOLjEUtdqA-00008-00002400-00002758 ueponi based on Psalm 84 10 or a pony prOLjEUtdqA-00009-00002759-00002921 worship experience will be alive prOLjEUtdqA-00010-00002922-00003118 in-person event hosted at the Dennis prOLjEUtdqA-00011-00003119-00003347 White Hall in sitam Valley Road let's prOLjEUtdqA-00012-00003347-00003533 come together soak in the powerful prOLjEUtdqA-00013-00003534-00003754 atmosphere of worship and praise as we prOLjEUtdqA-00014-00003755-00004036 bask in the presence of the Lord hashtag prOLjEUtdqA-00015-00004037-00004328 aliens hope psYql32SxzU-00000-00000287-00002710 here we go tip please psYql32SxzU-00001-00002711-00002926 hey psYql32SxzU-00002-00002927-00003126 [__] off louise i don't mean have we psYql32SxzU-00003-00003127-00003279 been through this already lead to the psYql32SxzU-00004-00003279-00003431 fact that you wanted to kill me been psYql32SxzU-00005-00003432-00003527 through the fact that you're far from psYql32SxzU-00006-00003528-00003854 alone that desire this is over it's over psYql32SxzU-00007-00003855-00003999 i just want to go someplace far away psYql32SxzU-00008-00004000-00004263 from here and quietly wait to die i psYql32SxzU-00009-00004264-00004511 lifted i lived it hard and now i'm ready psYql32SxzU-00010-00004512-00004695 to end it oh shut up you're hysterical psYql32SxzU-00011-00004696-00004902 [__] queen get a grip bro oh yes psYql32SxzU-00012-00004903-00005047 silly me psYql32SxzU-00013-00005048-00005247 silly [__] me psYql32SxzU-00014-00005248-00005463 the russian mob want me dead my best psYql32SxzU-00015-00005464-00005670 friend just contemplated murdering me psYql32SxzU-00016-00005671-00005927 the mob are on my case i'm massively in psYql32SxzU-00017-00005928-00006206 debt and i just lost two million dollars psYql32SxzU-00018-00006207-00006399 worth of diamonds any other man would psYql32SxzU-00019-00006400-00006719 just dust himself off and carry on look psYql32SxzU-00020-00006720-00006855 okay i'm sorry i thought about killing psYql32SxzU-00021-00006856-00007006 you i really am but if you keep up with psYql32SxzU-00022-00007008-00007134 the [__] i might have to kill you psYql32SxzU-00023-00007136-00007375 for real [__] off louise no you [__] off psYql32SxzU-00024-00007376-00007655 tony i didn't kill you i wanted to why psYql32SxzU-00025-00007656-00007806 because you've become a useless junkie psYql32SxzU-00026-00007808-00008055 [__] that's why but i didn't and now psYql32SxzU-00027-00008056-00008231 it's you and me against the world okay psYql32SxzU-00028-00008232-00008374 and if your brains ain't working right psYql32SxzU-00029-00008375-00008607 then i'll make the decision for us okay psYql32SxzU-00030-00008608-00008839 it's bulgari or us or you can shoot us psYql32SxzU-00031-00008840-00009406 both and make his life easy for him psYql32SxzU-00032-00009407-00009574 look psYql32SxzU-00033-00009575-00009967 you're kind of clever aren't psYql32SxzU-00034-00009968-00010087 i you hired you because i thought you psYql32SxzU-00035-00010088-00010199 were dumb psYql32SxzU-00036-00010200-00010463 yeah thank you very much psYql32SxzU-00037-00010464-00010671 you're welcome very much psYql32SxzU-00038-00010672-00011287 are you coming now psYql32SxzU-00039-00011288-00011695 yes i'm coming now psYql32SxzU-00040-00011696-00012495 well let's go come on psYql32SxzU-00041-00012496-00012687 bulgarian was moving some smack out at psYql32SxzU-00042-00012688-00013056 the fun land on firefly island psYql32SxzU-00043-00013057-00013694 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00044-00013695-00013903 so say we find him what are we gonna do psYql32SxzU-00045-00013904-00014079 then we're gonna take out their income psYql32SxzU-00046-00014080-00014247 stream and then we're gonna take them psYql32SxzU-00047-00014247-00014543 out in this [__] okay i'm armed i'm psYql32SxzU-00048-00014544-00014766 dangerous let's [__] do this psYql32SxzU-00049-00014768-00015063 monty give me a break what we're in this psYql32SxzU-00050-00015063-00015366 together pony bro i love you but i shall psYql32SxzU-00051-00015368-00015527 handle this alone i don't want you psYql32SxzU-00052-00015528-00015679 getting yourself killed then you're psYql32SxzU-00053-00015680-00015879 gonna have to punch me out again lou psYql32SxzU-00054-00015880-00016055 don't make me man you know you're just psYql32SxzU-00055-00016056-00016279 gonna slow me down bro and kill us both psYql32SxzU-00056-00016280-00016543 i want at least one of us to survive no psYql32SxzU-00057-00016544-00016807 look dee don't go home don't go to the psYql32SxzU-00058-00016808-00017039 clubs don't go nowhere anyone might psYql32SxzU-00059-00017040-00017271 conceivably think to look for you there psYql32SxzU-00060-00017272-00017422 aren't many places like that left in the psYql32SxzU-00061-00017423-00017671 city i'm afraid come on where do you psYql32SxzU-00062-00017672-00017799 think you can hide that no one would psYql32SxzU-00063-00017800-00018127 expect i have no [__] clue uh dukes i psYql32SxzU-00064-00018128-00018311 ran away from there when i was a kid i psYql32SxzU-00065-00018312-00018583 swore blind i'd never go back apart from psYql32SxzU-00066-00018584-00018919 to catch a plane okay cool hit up like psYql32SxzU-00067-00018920-00019103 uh that monogram monument thing in psYql32SxzU-00068-00019104-00019343 meadows park hang out for a few hours if psYql32SxzU-00069-00019344-00019558 i survive this [__] i'll find it if i psYql32SxzU-00070-00019559-00019758 don't show then i'm gone psYql32SxzU-00071-00019759-00019950 move to brazil move somewhere he'll psYql32SxzU-00072-00019951-00020175 never look back dee i thought i was the psYql32SxzU-00073-00020176-00020407 annoying drama queen in this pairing i'm psYql32SxzU-00074-00020408-00020735 serious t this is my last testament yo psYql32SxzU-00075-00020736-00020943 send some money to my mom some later psYql32SxzU-00076-00020944-00021047 thing psYql32SxzU-00077-00021048-00021191 [__] lou psYql32SxzU-00078-00021192-00023239 look after yourself psYql32SxzU-00079-00023240-00023542 now raskolov is dead we have sole claim psYql32SxzU-00080-00023543-00024293 to the junk psYql32SxzU-00081-00024294-00024439 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00082-00024440-00026062 you gotta score to settle psYql32SxzU-00083-00026063-00026639 where you at [__] psYql32SxzU-00084-00026639-00027870 see did i just do that psYql32SxzU-00085-00027872-00028574 you are all psYql32SxzU-00086-00028575-00029702 [__] psYql32SxzU-00087-00029704-00029879 you guys tried to kill me one too many psYql32SxzU-00088-00029880-00031661 times psYql32SxzU-00089-00031662-00032662 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00090-00032663-00034631 where's my god psYql32SxzU-00091-00034632-00035017 it ain't me going down psYql32SxzU-00092-00035018-00036015 [Applause] psYql32SxzU-00093-00036016-00036199 i got you psYql32SxzU-00094-00036200-00036830 come on psYql32SxzU-00095-00036831-00037679 must be on the other side psYql32SxzU-00096-00037680-00038568 you know who you're [__] with now psYql32SxzU-00097-00038569-00039974 [Applause] psYql32SxzU-00098-00039975-00041758 you got me angry psYql32SxzU-00099-00041759-00042295 okay psYql32SxzU-00100-00042296-00042729 come on psYql32SxzU-00101-00042730-00043127 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00102-00043128-00043727 y'all psYql32SxzU-00103-00043728-00044407 now he dies psYql32SxzU-00104-00044408-00044735 [__] psYql32SxzU-00105-00044736-00045846 come on psYql32SxzU-00106-00045847-00047711 [__] psYql32SxzU-00107-00047712-00047990 today psYql32SxzU-00108-00047991-00048246 ray flies away now pretty boy you are psYql32SxzU-00109-00048247-00048423 too late to get it psYql32SxzU-00110-00048424-00048662 [__] you you think he will forget about psYql32SxzU-00111-00048663-00048974 you you and all your friends are dead psYql32SxzU-00112-00048975-00049599 yeah that ain't happening timmy psYql32SxzU-00113-00049600-00051942 you're killing your whole family psYql32SxzU-00114-00051944-00052270 i always told mr ray you are too weak psYql32SxzU-00115-00052271-00052430 yeah well i'm strong enough to kill your psYql32SxzU-00116-00052432-00052742 ass psYql32SxzU-00117-00052744-00052919 hospitality man psYql32SxzU-00118-00052920-00053135 yo we always have a fight policy man and psYql32SxzU-00119-00053136-00053399 you don't cut it psYql32SxzU-00120-00053400-00053726 you are dead psYql32SxzU-00121-00053727-00054471 trying to kill me one two three times psYql32SxzU-00122-00054472-00054942 [__] you bro psYql32SxzU-00123-00054944-00056210 timmy psYql32SxzU-00124-00056211-00058367 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00125-00058369-00058887 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00126-00058888-00059015 it's really coming apart what do you psYql32SxzU-00127-00059016-00059175 mean let me help you out there ain't psYql32SxzU-00128-00059176-00059382 nothing you can do houston if this crazy psYql32SxzU-00129-00059383-00059535 russian [__] manages to leave the psYql32SxzU-00130-00059536-00059766 country it's over for me at all i gotta psYql32SxzU-00131-00059767-00059950 get down to dresses password without any psYql32SxzU-00132-00059951-00060111 number of russian assassins taking me psYql32SxzU-00133-00060112-00060350 down or we're done why am i even saying psYql32SxzU-00134-00060351-00061227 this wish me luck bro psYql32SxzU-00135-00061228-00062329 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00136-00062329-00063087 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00137-00063088-00064045 is psYql32SxzU-00138-00064046-00065287 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00139-00065288-00065532 he's a heavily on [__] psYql32SxzU-00140-00065533-00066543 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00141-00066544-00066885 don't [__] with that guy psYql32SxzU-00142-00066886-00067711 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00143-00067712-00068177 so psYql32SxzU-00144-00068178-00069436 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00145-00069437-00070082 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00146-00070083-00070271 god yeah psYql32SxzU-00147-00070272-00071011 your [__] hero bro psYql32SxzU-00148-00071012-00073494 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00149-00073495-00074896 i didn't come this far psYql32SxzU-00150-00074897-00077670 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00151-00077671-00078406 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00152-00078407-00079013 i have grenade you kill me we all die psYql32SxzU-00153-00079014-00079319 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00154-00079320-00079559 you can't shoot me you'll blow the whole psYql32SxzU-00155-00079560-00079711 plane up psYql32SxzU-00156-00079712-00080729 i'll take my chances psYql32SxzU-00157-00080730-00082103 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00158-00082104-00084791 oh psYql32SxzU-00159-00084792-00086982 so psYql32SxzU-00160-00086983-00089068 oh psYql32SxzU-00161-00089069-00089223 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00162-00089224-00089303 in psYql32SxzU-00163-00089304-00089503 400 yards psYql32SxzU-00164-00089504-00089755 turn right psYql32SxzU-00165-00089756-00090494 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00166-00090495-00091094 please make a u-turn we're safe psYql32SxzU-00167-00091095-00091303 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00168-00091304-00091575 in 800 yards psYql32SxzU-00169-00091576-00092662 turn left then immediately left psYql32SxzU-00170-00092663-00092926 in 200 yards psYql32SxzU-00171-00092927-00093503 turn right psYql32SxzU-00172-00093504-00093759 in 50 yards psYql32SxzU-00173-00093760-00093944 turn left psYql32SxzU-00174-00093945-00094287 [Applause] psYql32SxzU-00175-00094288-00094359 in psYql32SxzU-00176-00094360-00094559 100 yards psYql32SxzU-00177-00094560-00095032 turn left psYql32SxzU-00178-00095033-00095511 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00179-00095512-00095797 please proceed to highlighted route psYql32SxzU-00180-00095798-00096479 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00181-00096480-00098118 calculate psYql32SxzU-00182-00098119-00098382 oh psYql32SxzU-00183-00098383-00098582 [__] psYql32SxzU-00184-00098583-00098855 sorry pops psYql32SxzU-00185-00098856-00099262 come on get up get up psYql32SxzU-00186-00099263-00099487 okay psYql32SxzU-00187-00099488-00099774 yeah thanks take care of yourself okay psYql32SxzU-00188-00099775-00100094 stay away from idiots like me psYql32SxzU-00189-00100095-00102247 [__] you psYql32SxzU-00190-00102248-00102878 laughs psYql32SxzU-00191-00102879-00103063 you always have to make a scene don't psYql32SxzU-00192-00103064-00103223 you yeah i know it's a real problem with psYql32SxzU-00193-00103224-00103406 me you know i wish i was more like you psYql32SxzU-00194-00103407-00103894 subtle shy retiring psYql32SxzU-00195-00103895-00103999 oh psYql32SxzU-00196-00104000-00104086 boy psYql32SxzU-00197-00104088-00104215 i used to play around here when i was a psYql32SxzU-00198-00104216-00104302 kid psYql32SxzU-00199-00104303-00104463 dreaming of the world wondering what's psYql32SxzU-00200-00104464-00104630 like at that place over there or that psYql32SxzU-00201-00104631-00104806 little island over there psYql32SxzU-00202-00104807-00105007 you ever go that thing ah went to psYql32SxzU-00203-00105008-00105239 algonquin instead waiting for the world psYql32SxzU-00204-00105240-00105710 to come to me psYql32SxzU-00205-00105711-00105934 you did it man psYql32SxzU-00206-00105935-00106047 you did it psYql32SxzU-00207-00106048-00106207 you saved my life you psYql32SxzU-00208-00106208-00106383 you saved the business you you [__] psYql32SxzU-00209-00106383-00106727 did it hey man i did what i could bro psYql32SxzU-00210-00106728-00106983 i'm proud of you man psYql32SxzU-00211-00106983-00107207 thank you psYql32SxzU-00212-00107208-00107390 but i want you to get a big head i want psYql32SxzU-00213-00107391-00107575 you to go uh change psYql32SxzU-00214-00107576-00107783 call my megastar go to vinewood write a psYql32SxzU-00215-00107783-00107934 blog oh psYql32SxzU-00216-00107935-00108119 you're a pill-popping old queen man i'm psYql32SxzU-00217-00108120-00108423 a murdering maniac but we survived boom psYql32SxzU-00218-00108424-00108631 we survived we did more than survive psYql32SxzU-00219-00108632-00108934 amigo we prospered we took on his town psYql32SxzU-00220-00108935-00109158 and we won we took on this place we gave psYql32SxzU-00221-00109159-00109407 it the [__] finger [__] you all i psYql32SxzU-00222-00109408-00109639 don't care what people say tony prince psYql32SxzU-00223-00109640-00109958 and luis lopez could not be stopped psYql32SxzU-00224-00109959-00110319 huh oh geez who's this what's up my psYql32SxzU-00225-00110320-00110543 [__] oh did he just say that yeah hey psYql32SxzU-00226-00110544-00110623 man psYql32SxzU-00227-00110624-00110871 you [__] made it man that was some psYql32SxzU-00228-00110872-00111207 serious gangster [__] shoot shoot shoot psYql32SxzU-00229-00111208-00111502 him up i said shoot shoot shoot him up psYql32SxzU-00230-00111503-00111807 y'all d t give me a hug give me a hug psYql32SxzU-00231-00111808-00111943 not too close though i don't want to psYql32SxzU-00232-00111944-00112263 give my father the wrong impression ah psYql32SxzU-00233-00112264-00112502 luis i love you man i love you i love psYql32SxzU-00234-00112503-00112743 you too i love everyone psYql32SxzU-00235-00112744-00112943 come on let's get out of here psYql32SxzU-00236-00112944-00113158 oh by the way i think my father may be psYql32SxzU-00237-00113159-00113431 into franchising clubs i know franchise psYql32SxzU-00238-00113432-00113615 is not the way to go the club is all psYql32SxzU-00239-00113616-00113775 about the people psYql32SxzU-00240-00113776-00113934 [__] the people psYql32SxzU-00241-00113935-00114143 [__] them all whip out your dick and psYql32SxzU-00242-00114144-00114358 piss all over them psYql32SxzU-00243-00114359-00114486 you're gonna go a long way in psYql32SxzU-00244-00114488-00115593 hospitality my friend psYql32SxzU-00246-00158127-00158351 this is your man psYql32SxzU-00247-00158352-00158639 unfortunately i'm busy being a rich psYql32SxzU-00248-00158640-00158790 successful and very popular psYql32SxzU-00249-00158791-00159902 international superhero psYql32SxzU-00250-00159903-00162311 um psYql32SxzU-00251-00162312-00163834 jackhausers psYql32SxzU-00252-00163835-00164671 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00253-00164672-00165007 you probably won't regret this psYql32SxzU-00254-00165008-00165438 thanks psYql32SxzU-00255-00165439-00166031 read on the chain fill your brain psYql32SxzU-00256-00166032-00166287 hey steve psYql32SxzU-00257-00166288-00166623 how are you mate it's so good to see you psYql32SxzU-00258-00166624-00166766 it's luis psYql32SxzU-00259-00166767-00167014 how are you daisy you never call me psYql32SxzU-00260-00167015-00167438 sorry leslie yeah i'm great marvellous psYql32SxzU-00261-00167439-00167607 listen have you got any coke no i'm psYql32SxzU-00262-00167608-00167702 sorry psYql32SxzU-00263-00167703-00167911 not to worry i don't need it i'm more or psYql32SxzU-00264-00167912-00168054 less stop doing it now i only do it at psYql32SxzU-00265-00168055-00168319 night now it's so good to see you psYql32SxzU-00266-00168320-00168454 darling psYql32SxzU-00267-00168455-00168719 how is darling terry psYql32SxzU-00268-00168720-00168951 tony i love that man psYql32SxzU-00269-00168952-00169199 just a shame he's a puff psYql32SxzU-00270-00169200-00169366 yeah a lot of people say that about him psYql32SxzU-00271-00169367-00169487 anyway i thought you said you were going psYql32SxzU-00272-00169488-00169711 back to london i did psYql32SxzU-00273-00169712-00169878 yes i did psYql32SxzU-00274-00169879-00170014 i came back psYql32SxzU-00275-00170015-00170175 i was actually just about to call you psYql32SxzU-00276-00170176-00170735 when my phone got stolen psYql32SxzU-00277-00170736-00170903 don't worry about it psYql32SxzU-00278-00170904-00171559 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00279-00171560-00171783 well i didn't know we were being filled psYql32SxzU-00280-00171784-00172071 with your [__] hand job psYql32SxzU-00281-00172072-00172566 oh [__] [__] what's wrong my fiancee psYql32SxzU-00282-00172567-00172887 [__] [__] [__] [__] what psYql32SxzU-00283-00172888-00173119 [__] you said that oh psYql32SxzU-00284-00173120-00173390 my beyonce [__] psYql32SxzU-00285-00173391-00173535 listen psYql32SxzU-00286-00173536-00173743 god when you say it out loud it sounds psYql32SxzU-00287-00173744-00174038 really awful and i'm not a slapper why psYql32SxzU-00288-00174039-00174119 so psYql32SxzU-00289-00174120-00174390 anyway i was really drunk psYql32SxzU-00290-00174391-00174687 but anyway you know chris hunt psYql32SxzU-00291-00174688-00174966 the gay action star he's not gay psYql32SxzU-00292-00174967-00175190 he's a viral man who takes an interest psYql32SxzU-00293-00175191-00175359 in personal grooming and likes psYql32SxzU-00294-00175360-00175487 gladiators psYql32SxzU-00295-00175488-00175607 but psYql32SxzU-00296-00175608-00175799 yes he's probably a bender so anyway i psYql32SxzU-00297-00175800-00176095 got off with him ended up getting taped psYql32SxzU-00298-00176096-00176302 and now he's going to leak it online to psYql32SxzU-00299-00176303-00176614 prove he's straight that wanker the psYql32SxzU-00300-00176615-00176807 classic blind beer oh and if my fiance psYql32SxzU-00301-00176808-00177007 find out i'll be buggered psYql32SxzU-00302-00177008-00177207 oh please please darling i need your psYql32SxzU-00303-00177208-00177471 help psYql32SxzU-00304-00177472-00177614 fine psYql32SxzU-00305-00177615-00177783 come on let's go psYql32SxzU-00306-00177784-00178463 man i wish we had some coke psYql32SxzU-00307-00178464-00178663 we need to find this [__] psYql32SxzU-00308-00178664-00178887 [__] you don't know where he is he's psYql32SxzU-00309-00178888-00179214 always on that bloody bleeter website psYql32SxzU-00310-00179215-00179359 wait till he bleeds and then we should psYql32SxzU-00311-00179360-00179783 be able to join psYql32SxzU-00312-00179784-00180007 let me look at that thing he posted from psYql32SxzU-00313-00180008-00180223 a bathroom where middle park youth we psYql32SxzU-00314-00180224-00180384 should head up town psYql32SxzU-00315-00180385-00180863 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00316-00180864-00181094 oh psYql32SxzU-00317-00181095-00182399 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00318-00182400-00182687 okay he's posted a bleat what is he he's psYql32SxzU-00319-00182688-00182951 bleated marcus asked me if i had left or psYql32SxzU-00320-00182952-00183183 right and i told him to find out for psYql32SxzU-00321-00183184-00183414 himself what could that possibly be i psYql32SxzU-00322-00183415-00183535 think he's getting his inner innocent psYql32SxzU-00323-00183536-00183751 measured a tailor all chris's suits are psYql32SxzU-00324-00183752-00184087 made by that darling little man psYql32SxzU-00325-00184088-00184505 we should go there psYql32SxzU-00326-00184506-00185007 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00327-00185008-00185151 he's getting his tailor to check his psYql32SxzU-00328-00185152-00185366 johnson and you say this guy ain't gay psYql32SxzU-00329-00185367-00185638 all i know is i wanked him off okay psYql32SxzU-00330-00185639-00185814 i mean you and i had sex and you're a psYql32SxzU-00331-00185815-00186054 bit fruity so it wouldn't exactly be a psYql32SxzU-00332-00186055-00186463 first you say so oh sugar that sweet a psYql32SxzU-00333-00186464-00186735 girl knows psYql32SxzU-00334-00186736-00186847 that maybe i've been hanging out with psYql32SxzU-00335-00186848-00187047 tony too long or maybe it's you is your psYql32SxzU-00336-00187048-00187254 fiance gay too is that like a fetish for psYql32SxzU-00337-00187255-00187559 you oh bertie's had some flings but he's psYql32SxzU-00338-00187560-00188014 pretty much 70 psYql32SxzU-00339-00188015-00188126 oh psYql32SxzU-00340-00188127-00188238 bugger psYql32SxzU-00341-00188239-00188463 missed him did we apparently his fingers psYql32SxzU-00342-00188464-00188702 haven't smelled this fishy since he last psYql32SxzU-00343-00188703-00188975 crossed over good for him he must be a psYql32SxzU-00344-00188976-00189111 squid row psYql32SxzU-00345-00189112-00189359 that budget seafood place he loves psYql32SxzU-00346-00189360-00189797 slumming it there for some reason psYql32SxzU-00347-00189798-00190350 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00348-00190351-00190607 yo okay worst case scenario the video psYql32SxzU-00349-00190608-00190814 comes out you lay low for a while maybe psYql32SxzU-00350-00190815-00191087 get a reality tv show the new american psYql32SxzU-00351-00191088-00191190 dream psYql32SxzU-00352-00191191-00191495 perfect sweetie just what i want mommy psYql32SxzU-00353-00191496-00191766 and daddy would be so proud some other psYql32SxzU-00354-00191767-00191926 girls were killed to be in your position psYql32SxzU-00355-00191927-00192126 think of it that way enjoy the ride good psYql32SxzU-00356-00192127-00192447 for those trams i'm a respectable woman psYql32SxzU-00357-00192448-00192599 i've had two hundred thousand dollars psYql32SxzU-00358-00192600-00192775 spent on my education daddy's got a psYql32SxzU-00359-00192776-00193007 peerage i was made of the month for psYql32SxzU-00360-00193008-00193223 god's sake i don't want to be famous for psYql32SxzU-00361-00193224-00193434 tossing up some psYql32SxzU-00362-00193435-00194726 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00363-00194727-00195063 [__] [__] [__] he's posted another psYql32SxzU-00364-00195064-00195319 bleat apparently he's premiering his new psYql32SxzU-00365-00195320-00195614 movie in star junction start junction it psYql32SxzU-00366-00195615-00195830 is then psYql32SxzU-00367-00195831-00197271 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00368-00197272-00197423 they've always been like that haven't psYql32SxzU-00369-00197424-00197663 they psYql32SxzU-00370-00197664-00197895 okay come on let's see if we can talk psYql32SxzU-00371-00197896-00198478 some sense into him psYql32SxzU-00372-00198479-00198766 chris you [__] [__] hand over the psYql32SxzU-00373-00198767-00198871 tape psYql32SxzU-00374-00198872-00199135 too late dolly you're gonna be famous psYql32SxzU-00375-00199136-00199247 check it psYql32SxzU-00376-00199248-00199687 oh my god is that my minge he's ten feet psYql32SxzU-00377-00199688-00200071 high you really just want a wank psYql32SxzU-00378-00200072-00200343 we're not 12. psYql32SxzU-00379-00200344-00200583 give me some digits too baby three of psYql32SxzU-00380-00200584-00201023 them [__] [__] [__] my life is over psYql32SxzU-00381-00201024-00201231 who's game now [__] psYql32SxzU-00382-00201232-00201447 see you later babe could it happen to a psYql32SxzU-00383-00201448-00202319 nicer person psYql32SxzU-00384-00202320-00202448 hmm psYql32SxzU-00385-00202449-00203319 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00386-00203320-00204783 time for this psYql32SxzU-00387-00204784-00205006 hey have your light hey sorry poppy i psYql32SxzU-00388-00205007-00205294 don't smoke ah a spaniard wonderful a psYql32SxzU-00389-00205296-00205510 man of culture i'm not sure someone from psYql32SxzU-00390-00205511-00205671 the heights qualifies as being spaniard psYql32SxzU-00391-00205671-00205871 but whatever oh exactly whatever psYql32SxzU-00392-00205871-00206151 whatever you say daddy excuse me what is psYql32SxzU-00393-00206152-00206342 wrong with you the british they give you psYql32SxzU-00394-00206344-00206534 this beautiful little little awkward psYql32SxzU-00395-00206535-00206751 language and you just debase it with psYql32SxzU-00396-00206752-00207006 whatever or like or [__] you or get over psYql32SxzU-00397-00207007-00207103 yourself psYql32SxzU-00398-00207104-00207534 in that case [__] you oh psYql32SxzU-00399-00207535-00207775 who am i to complain my country is not psYql32SxzU-00400-00207776-00208031 much better or we are the worst my psYql32SxzU-00401-00208032-00208206 people watch american television and psYql32SxzU-00402-00208207-00208527 then they complain about it afterwards psYql32SxzU-00403-00208528-00208855 i am rich psYql32SxzU-00404-00208856-00209110 time was when we would chop someone's psYql32SxzU-00405-00209111-00209342 head off and would run around the street psYql32SxzU-00406-00209344-00209734 with it on a stick vivla france psYql32SxzU-00407-00209735-00209871 now if psYql32SxzU-00408-00209871-00210182 we are soft and miserable just like you psYql32SxzU-00409-00210183-00210367 hey i'm not miserable psYql32SxzU-00410-00210367-00210510 well then clearly you do not watch psYql32SxzU-00411-00210511-00210655 enough television psYql32SxzU-00412-00210656-00210855 you enjoy the the bright lights and the psYql32SxzU-00413-00210856-00211055 big cities and the hope that maybe one psYql32SxzU-00414-00211056-00211310 day you become rich and stupid and your psYql32SxzU-00415-00211311-00211494 people maybe you can make a nice little psYql32SxzU-00416-00211496-00211719 tv show with you and your friends hey psYql32SxzU-00417-00211719-00211975 knowing my friends i hope not psYql32SxzU-00418-00211976-00212063 well psYql32SxzU-00419-00212064-00212358 i do not come to liberty city to watch psYql32SxzU-00420-00212359-00212679 television i come to [__] and get high psYql32SxzU-00421-00212680-00212951 what else is there i don't know family psYql32SxzU-00422-00212952-00213342 i had a family meaningless honor psYql32SxzU-00423-00213344-00213551 don't make me puke psYql32SxzU-00424-00213552-00213879 no money me i had to tell you my friend psYql32SxzU-00425-00213880-00214103 nothing matters in this world apart from psYql32SxzU-00426-00214104-00214358 getting your rocks off or getting so out psYql32SxzU-00427-00214359-00214527 of it you don't realize you haven't got psYql32SxzU-00428-00214528-00214671 your rocks off psYql32SxzU-00429-00214671-00215039 i like a man who's so focused psYql32SxzU-00430-00215040-00215191 have you got a car psYql32SxzU-00431-00215192-00215334 i'm not sure i want to get into a car psYql32SxzU-00432-00215335-00215519 with someone like you oh psYql32SxzU-00433-00215519-00215727 relax relax psYql32SxzU-00434-00215728-00216031 let's go for a drive i like you psYql32SxzU-00435-00216032-00216751 you find things as ridiculous as me psYql32SxzU-00436-00216752-00216934 i have an appointment at the hyatt psYql32SxzU-00437-00216935-00218437 massage spa on diamond street psYql32SxzU-00438-00218438-00218815 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00439-00218816-00219046 can i buy a massage for you it's the psYql32SxzU-00440-00219048-00219239 least i can do considering your many psYql32SxzU-00441-00219240-00219503 kindnesses no i'm cool bro i don't need psYql32SxzU-00442-00219504-00219734 no slave labor fluffing me i like things psYql32SxzU-00443-00219735-00220039 giving up willingly as you wish but psYql32SxzU-00444-00220040-00220246 there are pleasures distinct to the psYql32SxzU-00445-00220248-00220439 professional mistress psYql32SxzU-00446-00220440-00220679 you may come to understand that in later psYql32SxzU-00447-00220680-00220910 years spaniard psYql32SxzU-00448-00220911-00221206 yeah okay frenchman psYql32SxzU-00449-00221207-00221439 thank you spaniard i am only sorry you psYql32SxzU-00450-00221440-00221687 will not join me in this adventure don't psYql32SxzU-00451-00221688-00222110 catch nothing bro psYql32SxzU-00452-00222111-00223375 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00453-00223376-00223703 huh it's okay bro look i just wanted to psYql32SxzU-00454-00223704-00223982 apologize to you i was an [__] i've psYql32SxzU-00455-00223983-00224167 been out tilling the land and it really psYql32SxzU-00456-00224167-00224375 put [__] in perspective for me you know psYql32SxzU-00457-00224376-00224623 oh yeah yeah yeah kibbutz all the psYql32SxzU-00458-00224623-00224839 [__] kaboots huh yeah but i've psYql32SxzU-00459-00224840-00225039 taken this [__] over i brought some real psYql32SxzU-00460-00225040-00225294 modern world [__] into this joint it's a psYql32SxzU-00461-00225296-00225542 much better use of my time these people psYql32SxzU-00462-00225544-00225798 were [__] backwards sharing and [__] psYql32SxzU-00463-00225800-00226134 come on i mean like communism yeah but psYql32SxzU-00464-00226135-00226439 but it's a cameo was now it's more of a psYql32SxzU-00465-00226440-00226694 um how do i say this dictatorship you psYql32SxzU-00466-00226696-00226806 know psYql32SxzU-00467-00226807-00226942 hey hey psYql32SxzU-00468-00226944-00227231 hey do some [__] work huh i don't psYql32SxzU-00469-00227232-00227567 care if you're 78 you want to eat work psYql32SxzU-00470-00227567-00227798 oh uh sorry lou yeah now where were we psYql32SxzU-00471-00227800-00228151 yeah we were saying goodbye maury psYql32SxzU-00472-00228152-00228342 sorry i didn't get your car please try psYql32SxzU-00473-00228344-00228503 back later psYql32SxzU-00474-00228504-00228710 this is armando's personal non-business psYql32SxzU-00475-00228711-00228863 related talk psYql32SxzU-00476-00228864-00229046 this is rocco psYql32SxzU-00477-00229048-00229167 mommy psYql32SxzU-00478-00229167-00229519 my wayward son i hope you ain't brought psYql32SxzU-00479-00229519-00229767 no curses on the family psYql32SxzU-00480-00229767-00229934 you don't need to sacrifice no frogs for psYql32SxzU-00481-00229935-00230142 me mommy listen i thought you should psYql32SxzU-00482-00230144-00230310 know that things is cool with tony now psYql32SxzU-00483-00230311-00230503 it looks like we might be okay psYql32SxzU-00484-00230504-00230751 what are you doing with that man why psYql32SxzU-00485-00230752-00230975 don't you go to college like a good boy psYql32SxzU-00486-00230976-00231127 i mean i thought you wanted me to psYql32SxzU-00487-00231128-00231398 respect him you can respect him from a psYql32SxzU-00488-00231400-00231703 college library not just the band stand psYql32SxzU-00489-00231704-00231942 of his nightclub past that psYql32SxzU-00490-00231944-00232175 your man look i can never win with you i psYql32SxzU-00491-00232176-00233246 love you mommy i love you iho psYql32SxzU-00492-00233248-00234644 goodbye have a nice day psYql32SxzU-00493-00234644-00235342 [Music] psYql32SxzU-00494-00235344-00235552 you pyIMzwslKxy-00000-00000016-00000238 hello everyone i hope you all are safe pyIMzwslKxy-00001-00000239-00000342 and sound pyIMzwslKxy-00002-00000343-00000591 the registration for this year's biggest pyIMzwslKxy-00003-00000592-00000799 ai and coding competition pyIMzwslKxy-00004-00000800-00001103 cordova 2020 ai is now open pyIMzwslKxy-00005-00001104-00001319 this video guides you through how to get pyIMzwslKxy-00006-00001320-00001415 yourself pyIMzwslKxy-00007-00001416-00001574 or your team registered for the pyIMzwslKxy-00008-00001575-00001871 competition let's begin pyIMzwslKxy-00009-00001872-00002134 visit the codeover.org website on your pyIMzwslKxy-00010-00002135-00002215 web browser pyIMzwslKxy-00011-00002216-00002534 or your smartphone you may find all the pyIMzwslKxy-00012-00002535-00002726 information that you need to know about pyIMzwslKxy-00013-00002727-00002855 the competition pyIMzwslKxy-00014-00002856-00003142 on the first page of the website go pyIMzwslKxy-00015-00003143-00003383 through it if you haven't already pyIMzwslKxy-00016-00003384-00003559 once you get through the details let's pyIMzwslKxy-00017-00003560-00003783 begin with the registration process pyIMzwslKxy-00018-00003784-00004022 you may find register on the menu bar of pyIMzwslKxy-00019-00004023-00004191 the website pyIMzwslKxy-00020-00004192-00004399 click on it and you'll be taken to the pyIMzwslKxy-00021-00004400-00004735 registration page for the participants pyIMzwslKxy-00022-00004736-00004991 the first section asks you to enter the pyIMzwslKxy-00023-00004992-00005199 team details pyIMzwslKxy-00024-00005200-00005495 first find a suitable name for your team pyIMzwslKxy-00025-00005496-00005654 which can be unique pyIMzwslKxy-00026-00005655-00005927 next is to set the password as you keep pyIMzwslKxy-00027-00005928-00006079 on writing the password pyIMzwslKxy-00028-00006080-00006295 the strength indicator shows how strong pyIMzwslKxy-00029-00006296-00006583 your password is pyIMzwslKxy-00030-00006584-00006903 confirm your password now choose the age pyIMzwslKxy-00031-00006904-00007110 group that you belong to pyIMzwslKxy-00032-00007111-00007359 if you are a group of two make sure that pyIMzwslKxy-00033-00007359-00007534 both the teammates belong to the same pyIMzwslKxy-00034-00007536-00007695 age group pyIMzwslKxy-00035-00007695-00008039 next select the country you reside in pyIMzwslKxy-00036-00008040-00008207 enter the name of the school that you pyIMzwslKxy-00037-00008208-00008519 study in if your school is not present pyIMzwslKxy-00038-00008520-00008614 in the list pyIMzwslKxy-00039-00008615-00008823 select the others option and write the pyIMzwslKxy-00040-00008824-00009303 name of your school pyIMzwslKxy-00041-00009304-00009487 if you are a student of any of the pyIMzwslKxy-00042-00009488-00009671 coding clubs who have partnered with pyIMzwslKxy-00043-00009672-00009759 codeiver pyIMzwslKxy-00044-00009760-00010055 choose your organization name if not pyIMzwslKxy-00045-00010056-00010142 kindly choose pyIMzwslKxy-00046-00010143-00010591 not applicable select your team size pyIMzwslKxy-00047-00010592-00010799 moving on to the next step you need to pyIMzwslKxy-00048-00010800-00010935 fill in yours pyIMzwslKxy-00049-00010936-00011246 and your teammates details make sure pyIMzwslKxy-00050-00011247-00011446 that you do not make any mistake in pyIMzwslKxy-00051-00011447-00011614 writing your name as that will be pyIMzwslKxy-00052-00011615-00011855 printed on your certificate pyIMzwslKxy-00053-00011856-00012055 do share the correct email address on pyIMzwslKxy-00054-00012056-00012238 which all the updates related to code pyIMzwslKxy-00055-00012239-00012470 ever will be sent to pyIMzwslKxy-00056-00012471-00012774 next add your contact detail gender and pyIMzwslKxy-00057-00012775-00012958 a profile photo which will be added to pyIMzwslKxy-00058-00012959-00013166 the certificate pyIMzwslKxy-00059-00013168-00013327 finally agree to the terms and pyIMzwslKxy-00060-00013328-00013566 conditions and click on register pyIMzwslKxy-00061-00013568-00013751 with this you have registered your team pyIMzwslKxy-00062-00013752-00013886 onto the website pyIMzwslKxy-00063-00013887-00014103 but there is one last step which you pyIMzwslKxy-00064-00014104-00014375 need to do is to complete the payment pyIMzwslKxy-00065-00014376-00014558 once you click on register you'll be pyIMzwslKxy-00066-00014559-00014758 redirected to the payment page pyIMzwslKxy-00067-00014759-00014958 add your billing details on the left pyIMzwslKxy-00068-00014959-00015071 section pyIMzwslKxy-00069-00015072-00015311 if you have a scholarship code enter it pyIMzwslKxy-00070-00015312-00015430 here pyIMzwslKxy-00071-00015431-00015727 and click on the complete payment you pyIMzwslKxy-00072-00015728-00015927 may find all the available options pyIMzwslKxy-00073-00015928-00016119 for the payment here once you complete pyIMzwslKxy-00074-00016119-00016319 the payment you'll be now able to get pyIMzwslKxy-00075-00016319-00016550 access to the free tutorials pyIMzwslKxy-00076-00016551-00016839 your dashboard and will now be able to pyIMzwslKxy-00077-00016840-00017119 submit your project for codeiver 2020a pyIMzwslKxy-00078-00017120-00018714 all the very best pyIMzwslKxy-00079-00018715-00019015 hmm p_JVuUxYJa0-00000-00000071-00000214 now I'm going to touch on some things p_JVuUxYJa0-00001-00000215-00000413 here I'm so sorry it's late do y'all p_JVuUxYJa0-00002-00000413-00000599 have time did y'all go out like partying p_JVuUxYJa0-00003-00000600-00000833 late okay do I can do I have 10 more p_JVuUxYJa0-00004-00000834-00001169 minutes okay p_JVuUxYJa0-00005-00001170-00001289 well I just need to know the building p_JVuUxYJa0-00006-00001290-00001493 rules if we got if I gotta Kick p_JVuUxYJa0-00007-00001494-00001625 everybody out p_JVuUxYJa0-00008-00001626-00001960 I can talk faster than I'm talking p_JVuUxYJa0-00009-00001961-00002231 okay so years ago when I came to p_JVuUxYJa0-00010-00002232-00002531 Nashville to minister as I flew in to p_JVuUxYJa0-00011-00002532-00003166 Nashville p_JVuUxYJa0-00012-00003167-00003388 I saw that the city was surrounded and p_JVuUxYJa0-00013-00003389-00003719 controlled by two main Spirits a jezebel p_JVuUxYJa0-00014-00003720-00003983 and a python spirit p_JVuUxYJa0-00015-00003984-00004133 those of you that are intercessors this p_JVuUxYJa0-00016-00004134-00004367 is not news to you p_JVuUxYJa0-00017-00004368-00004570 as soon as I landed I got a call from my p_JVuUxYJa0-00018-00004571-00004727 head intercessor she said we've been p_JVuUxYJa0-00019-00004728-00004877 praying for you today and we feel like p_JVuUxYJa0-00020-00004878-00005002 when you're there p_JVuUxYJa0-00021-00005003-00005159 you're going to see that the city is p_JVuUxYJa0-00022-00005160-00005567 under the control of Jezebel and python p_JVuUxYJa0-00023-00005568-00005765 I got three more emails from people p_JVuUxYJa0-00024-00005766-00005945 telling me the exact same thing within p_JVuUxYJa0-00025-00005946-00006083 an hour p_JVuUxYJa0-00026-00006084-00006233 so I'm walking back and forth in my p_JVuUxYJa0-00027-00006234-00006413 hotel room and I say God I don't p_JVuUxYJa0-00028-00006414-00006545 understand p_JVuUxYJa0-00029-00006545-00006803 everything that I'm seeing or hearing I p_JVuUxYJa0-00030-00006804-00006953 don't understand why is that so p_JVuUxYJa0-00031-00006954-00007181 entrenched in this city Music City and p_JVuUxYJa0-00032-00007181-00007331 all the great things but why is it so p_JVuUxYJa0-00033-00007331-00007559 entrenched here and as I was walking and p_JVuUxYJa0-00034-00007559-00007769 praying I picked up a magazine p_JVuUxYJa0-00035-00007770-00007955 and the magazine said things to do in p_JVuUxYJa0-00036-00007956-00008170 Nashville and I opened up the page and p_JVuUxYJa0-00037-00008172-00008410 there's a picture of the Parthenon p_JVuUxYJa0-00038-00008411-00008723 with a 43-foot statue p_JVuUxYJa0-00039-00008724-00008939 of Jezebel p_JVuUxYJa0-00040-00008940-00009160 with a thigh-high python snake right p_JVuUxYJa0-00041-00009161-00009377 next to her p_JVuUxYJa0-00042-00009378-00009551 it is literally p_JVuUxYJa0-00043-00009552-00009845 a pagan Temple p_JVuUxYJa0-00044-00009846-00010109 in the heart of your city p_JVuUxYJa0-00045-00010110-00010601 that the church has authority over p_JVuUxYJa0-00046-00010602-00010781 but as long as we just say well that's p_JVuUxYJa0-00047-00010782-00011033 them and this is us it just continues to p_JVuUxYJa0-00048-00011034-00011249 operate and it locks up the city I will p_JVuUxYJa0-00049-00011250-00011506 tell you Nashville is slated to be one p_JVuUxYJa0-00050-00011507-00011806 of the epicenters of the Great Awakening p_JVuUxYJa0-00051-00011807-00011963 that God is bringing in the United p_JVuUxYJa0-00052-00011964-00012317 States of America Nashville is one of p_JVuUxYJa0-00053-00012318-00012569 the main epicenters for this coming p_JVuUxYJa0-00054-00012570-00012821 Awakening why is this happening it's p_JVuUxYJa0-00055-00012822-00013049 because Nashville is an epicenter of p_JVuUxYJa0-00056-00013050-00013211 this Awakening why is God Gathering p_JVuUxYJa0-00057-00013212-00013415 people from across congregations because p_JVuUxYJa0-00058-00013416-00013625 it's an epicenter p_JVuUxYJa0-00059-00013626-00013822 you know what an epicenter is it means p_JVuUxYJa0-00060-00013823-00014116 it starts here and it goes out like this p_JVuUxYJa0-00061-00014118-00014308 maybe where you live maybe where some of p_JVuUxYJa0-00062-00014309-00014411 the people that are watching online p_JVuUxYJa0-00063-00014412-00014608 maybe where you live is going to be p_JVuUxYJa0-00064-00014609-00014765 another of the epicenters but I believe p_JVuUxYJa0-00065-00014766-00015029 that God is looking for a people and it p_JVuUxYJa0-00066-00015030-00015244 doesn't even have to be thousands it can p_JVuUxYJa0-00067-00015245-00015503 just be hundreds or a few thousand God's p_JVuUxYJa0-00068-00015504-00015665 just looking for a people that'll say I p_JVuUxYJa0-00069-00015666-00015851 believe that our job is to pull Heaven p_JVuUxYJa0-00070-00015852-00016115 into Earth and to destroy every Gate of p_JVuUxYJa0-00071-00016116-00016361 Hell to destroy every Power Of Darkness p_JVuUxYJa0-00072-00016362-00016775 to take out Jezebel and her throne p_JVuUxYJa0-00073-00016776-00016943 I believe p_JVuUxYJa0-00074-00016944-00017285 that what is anchored here in the spirit p_JVuUxYJa0-00075-00017286-00017572 is also controlling Washington D.C p_JVuUxYJa0-00076-00017573-00017872 and it's also controlling California p_JVuUxYJa0-00077-00017873-00018089 I believe that when you see this shift p_JVuUxYJa0-00078-00018090-00018197 here p_JVuUxYJa0-00079-00018198-00018575 you're going to see it shift there p_JVuUxYJa0-00080-00018576-00018886 I'm telling you listen I'm a I'm a woman p_JVuUxYJa0-00081-00018887-00019043 that came up in Ministry probably like p_JVuUxYJa0-00082-00019044-00019307 Judy Jacobs did years ago p_JVuUxYJa0-00083-00019308-00019469 that because we were strong we got p_JVuUxYJa0-00084-00019470-00019697 called Jezebel if I had a dollar for p_JVuUxYJa0-00085-00019698-00019858 every time I called Jezebel I could pay p_JVuUxYJa0-00086-00019859-00020069 off my house okay p_JVuUxYJa0-00087-00020070-00020243 I don't like talking about Jezebel but p_JVuUxYJa0-00088-00020244-00020350 I'm telling you it's a controlling p_JVuUxYJa0-00089-00020351-00020579 experience it's rooted in witchcraft the p_JVuUxYJa0-00090-00020580-00020969 occult Rebellion perversion all kinds of p_JVuUxYJa0-00091-00020970-00021155 things that's rooted here now a few p_JVuUxYJa0-00092-00021156-00021269 years later p_JVuUxYJa0-00093-00021270-00021550 I was in a service with Marty Layton and p_JVuUxYJa0-00094-00021551-00021869 uh at his church here and and I was p_JVuUxYJa0-00095-00021870-00022078 worshiping the Lord and all of a sudden p_JVuUxYJa0-00096-00022079-00022217 I saw p_JVuUxYJa0-00097-00022218-00022511 a very clear image I have visions a lot p_JVuUxYJa0-00098-00022512-00022853 I had a very clear image vision p_JVuUxYJa0-00099-00022854-00023158 of Ursula the sea witch from The Little p_JVuUxYJa0-00100-00023159-00023327 Mermaid cartoon p_JVuUxYJa0-00101-00023328-00023567 y'all didn't expect that did you p_JVuUxYJa0-00102-00023568-00023758 and I thought why in the world I'm I'm p_JVuUxYJa0-00103-00023759-00024053 worshiping the Lord here why am I seeing p_JVuUxYJa0-00104-00024054-00024208 Ursula p_JVuUxYJa0-00105-00024209-00024394 and I remembered what she did in that p_JVuUxYJa0-00106-00024395-00024647 cartoon is she stole the little p_JVuUxYJa0-00107-00024648-00025228 mermaid's voice p_JVuUxYJa0-00108-00025229-00025427 and the Lord said p_JVuUxYJa0-00109-00025428-00025618 Nashville p_JVuUxYJa0-00110-00025619-00025811 will not just be a city will not just be p_JVuUxYJa0-00111-00025812-00025984 Music City p_JVuUxYJa0-00112-00025985-00026128 but I believe that God's going to make p_JVuUxYJa0-00113-00026129-00026435 it the prophet's City p_JVuUxYJa0-00114-00026436-00026681 and I believe that Nashville is also p_JVuUxYJa0-00115-00026682-00026818 going to be known as the city with a p_JVuUxYJa0-00116-00026819-00026974 voice p_JVuUxYJa0-00117-00026975-00027227 yes musicians will continue to relocate p_JVuUxYJa0-00118-00027227-00027479 here yes musicians are still going to p_JVuUxYJa0-00119-00027480-00027683 continue to thrive here but I saw the p_JVuUxYJa0-00120-00027683-00027827 Lord also p_JVuUxYJa0-00121-00027827-00028061 moving profits here p_JVuUxYJa0-00122-00028062-00028295 from all over the place p_JVuUxYJa0-00123-00028295-00028517 I saw God raising prophets up here and p_JVuUxYJa0-00124-00028518-00028985 strong prophetic Ministries here not not p_JVuUxYJa0-00125-00028986-00029177 to just prophesy to people but to p_JVuUxYJa0-00126-00029177-00029345 contend p_JVuUxYJa0-00127-00029345-00029633 like Elijah contended against the p_JVuUxYJa0-00128-00029633-00029879 prophets of Baal and ashroth do you p_JVuUxYJa0-00129-00029880-00030112 realize that here in Nashville in 2007 p_JVuUxYJa0-00130-00030113-00030383 there was a major national gathering p_JVuUxYJa0-00131-00030383-00030658 called the call where 70 000 people p_JVuUxYJa0-00132-00030660-00030887 gathered in Titan Stadium how many of p_JVuUxYJa0-00133-00030888-00031073 you were part of the call and what they p_JVuUxYJa0-00134-00031074-00031301 did in that that that stadium that day p_JVuUxYJa0-00135-00031302-00031523 is they prayed for 12 hours over the p_JVuUxYJa0-00136-00031524-00031708 city of Nashville and you know what they p_JVuUxYJa0-00137-00031710-00032068 did they decreed that that as a nation p_JVuUxYJa0-00138-00032069-00032308 we were divorcing ourselves from the p_JVuUxYJa0-00139-00032310-00032711 spirit of Baal p_JVuUxYJa0-00140-00032712-00032902 I believe tonight God's called us to p_JVuUxYJa0-00141-00032903-00033112 divorce this city from the spirit of p_JVuUxYJa0-00142-00033113-00033545 Jezebel p_JVuUxYJa0-00143-00033546-00033802 for some of you that may be out there p_JVuUxYJa0-00144-00033803-00034079 I'm telling you the Lord spoke to me and p_JVuUxYJa0-00145-00034080-00034324 said it's time that this city p_JVuUxYJa0-00146-00034325-00034618 divorce itself from Jezebel and command p_JVuUxYJa0-00147-00034619-00034829 her to go p_JVuUxYJa0-00148-00034830-00034996 and the Lord says what we do here p_JVuUxYJa0-00149-00034997-00035165 tonight is going to have a residual p_JVuUxYJa0-00150-00035166-00035429 effect an epicenter effect p_JVuUxYJa0-00151-00035430-00035596 it's going to have an effect of reaching p_JVuUxYJa0-00152-00035597-00035812 out and beginning to touch things and p_JVuUxYJa0-00153-00035813-00036161 it's going to disempower the powers p_JVuUxYJa0-00154-00036162-00036395 that are in that Pagan Temple I'm sorry p_JVuUxYJa0-00155-00036396-00036551 to tell you you have a pagan temple in p_JVuUxYJa0-00156-00036552-00036815 the heart of your city but you do p_JVuUxYJa0-00157-00036816-00037012 and as those powers are broken it's p_JVuUxYJa0-00158-00037013-00037174 going to break what's in DC it's going p_JVuUxYJa0-00159-00037175-00037396 to break what's on the west coast that p_JVuUxYJa0-00160-00037397-00037655 is a jezebel control there and I believe p_JVuUxYJa0-00161-00037656-00037781 that the Lord's saying I'm going to give p_JVuUxYJa0-00162-00037782-00038129 this city back its voice I see secular p_JVuUxYJa0-00163-00038130-00038537 conservative secular conservative media p_JVuUxYJa0-00164-00038538-00038746 people moving here from all over the p_JVuUxYJa0-00165-00038747-00038861 country p_JVuUxYJa0-00166-00038862-00039149 I see corporations that are tired of p_JVuUxYJa0-00167-00039150-00039418 liberal rulership and government moving p_JVuUxYJa0-00168-00039419-00039557 here right you're going to start saying p_JVuUxYJa0-00169-00039558-00039761 corporations move from different places p_JVuUxYJa0-00170-00039762-00039929 around the country here into Nashville p_JVuUxYJa0-00171-00039930-00040145 if you think Nashville's been exploding p_JVuUxYJa0-00172-00040146-00040379 get hold on to your hats because the p_JVuUxYJa0-00173-00040380-00040505 city of Nashville is going to continue p_JVuUxYJa0-00174-00040506-00040739 to grow and increase and expand and the p_JVuUxYJa0-00175-00040740-00040895 Lord says I'm going to pour my spirit p_JVuUxYJa0-00176-00040896-00041117 out you're going to begin to see Revival p_JVuUxYJa0-00177-00041118-00041249 meetings it's not going to be like any p_JVuUxYJa0-00178-00041250-00041435 Revival meeting you've ever seen it's p_JVuUxYJa0-00179-00041436-00041579 because it's not about Revival it's p_JVuUxYJa0-00180-00041580-00041849 about Awakening p_JVuUxYJa0-00181-00041850-00042130 Charles Finney said a Revival touches p_JVuUxYJa0-00182-00042131-00042311 the heart of a man unawakening touches p_JVuUxYJa0-00183-00042312-00042479 the heart of a Nation I don't know about p_JVuUxYJa0-00184-00042480-00042689 you but I'm tired of just praying for p_JVuUxYJa0-00185-00042690-00042917 revivals having some great meetings and p_JVuUxYJa0-00186-00042918-00043079 then going on with our lives I want to p_JVuUxYJa0-00187-00043080-00043271 see an Awakening that touches the heart p_JVuUxYJa0-00188-00043272-00043480 of a nation that United States of p_JVuUxYJa0-00189-00043481-00043721 America wakes up to her destiny that the p_JVuUxYJa0-00190-00043722-00043883 United States of America wakes up and p_JVuUxYJa0-00191-00043884-00044123 understands she's a city set on a hill p_JVuUxYJa0-00192-00044124-00044417 that God's got a purpose and a plan and p_JVuUxYJa0-00193-00044418-00044668 a Destiny and a calling Upon This Nation p_JVuUxYJa0-00194-00044669-00044849 and I'm telling you if nothing else all p_JVuUxYJa0-00195-00044850-00045137 this confusion's cause is the church to p_JVuUxYJa0-00196-00045138-00045430 rise up and to cry out and to Hunger for p_JVuUxYJa0-00197-00045431-00045658 More Of God to Hunger for More of the p_JVuUxYJa0-00198-00045659-00045946 presence of Jesus to Hunger for More of p_JVuUxYJa0-00199-00045947-00046174 the manifestation of God's glory and to p_JVuUxYJa0-00200-00046175-00046468 begin to see God's power release to yes p_JVuUxYJa0-00201-00046469-00046757 heal the sick and raise the dead yes to p_JVuUxYJa0-00202-00046758-00047039 see demons cast out but to see it on a p_JVuUxYJa0-00203-00047040-00047267 city-wide level to see it on a p_JVuUxYJa0-00204-00047268-00047518 nationwide level and God is saying that p_JVuUxYJa0-00205-00047519-00047705 is what I'm calling the church to do in p_JVuUxYJa0-00206-00047706-00047921 this season of time I'm calling the p_JVuUxYJa0-00207-00047922-00048173 church to be that radical to be that p_JVuUxYJa0-00208-00048174-00048443 bold to be that authoritative and to p_JVuUxYJa0-00209-00048444-00048629 understand that I've given you the power p_JVuUxYJa0-00210-00048630-00048971 to bring this legislation to pass p_JVuUxYJa0-00211-00048972-00049187 Jesus name all of you that have Voice p_JVuUxYJa0-00212-00049188-00049387 issues lift your hands right now p_JVuUxYJa0-00213-00049388-00049768 Lord I decree a release now all of you p_JVuUxYJa0-00214-00049769-00049907 that feel like just keep your hands up p_JVuUxYJa0-00215-00049908-00050099 all of you that feel like your voice has p_JVuUxYJa0-00216-00050100-00050351 been cut off your voice of influence p_JVuUxYJa0-00217-00050352-00050530 come on I see the enemy just holding p_JVuUxYJa0-00218-00050531-00050795 people holding you holding your career p_JVuUxYJa0-00219-00050796-00051035 holding your forward path the Lord's p_JVuUxYJa0-00220-00051036-00051185 made you promises and it's like nothing p_JVuUxYJa0-00221-00051186-00051520 delay is just delay or delay delay right p_JVuUxYJa0-00222-00051521-00051701 now in the name of Jesus lift your hands p_JVuUxYJa0-00223-00051702-00051880 up father we just decree right now p_JVuUxYJa0-00224-00051882-00052187 father God that Lord that this Jezebel p_JVuUxYJa0-00225-00052188-00052438 assignment against those in this city p_JVuUxYJa0-00226-00052439-00052613 against the Ministries in this city p_JVuUxYJa0-00227-00052614-00052804 against the musicians in this city p_JVuUxYJa0-00228-00052805-00052979 against the business peoples and people p_JVuUxYJa0-00229-00052979-00053171 in this city right now we decree right p_JVuUxYJa0-00230-00053172-00053357 now God that tonight is their night of p_JVuUxYJa0-00231-00053358-00053542 breakthrough and release we command p_JVuUxYJa0-00232-00053544-00053813 Jezebel to loose them now I want you to p_JVuUxYJa0-00233-00053814-00054221 say out of your mouth Jezebel go p_JVuUxYJa0-00234-00054222-00054538 say it again Jezebel go p_JVuUxYJa0-00235-00054539-00054803 in Jesus name p_JVuUxYJa0-00236-00054804-00055007 just now here's what we're going to do p_JVuUxYJa0-00237-00055008-00055187 I'm going to lead you in a decree okay p_JVuUxYJa0-00238-00055188-00055349 we're going to decree this against this p_JVuUxYJa0-00239-00055350-00055523 Jezebel spirit some of you that are like p_JVuUxYJa0-00240-00055524-00055666 oh I don't want to do that because the p_JVuUxYJa0-00241-00055667-00055823 devil will come get me there's no p_JVuUxYJa0-00242-00055824-00056182 doctrine of retaliation p_JVuUxYJa0-00243-00056183-00056338 under that I should have been dead like p_JVuUxYJa0-00244-00056339-00056573 40 years ago okay p_JVuUxYJa0-00245-00056574-00056753 we're covered in the blood of Jesus guys p_JVuUxYJa0-00246-00056754-00056915 okay we don't have anything to be afraid p_JVuUxYJa0-00247-00056916-00056992 of p_JVuUxYJa0-00248-00056994-00057226 I'm telling you we are the Ecclesia in p_JVuUxYJa0-00249-00057227-00057359 the earth we're going to dance this p_JVuUxYJa0-00250-00057360-00057580 dance of the mahanaim dance this dance p_JVuUxYJa0-00251-00057582-00057826 as we begin to decree it Angel armies p_JVuUxYJa0-00252-00057827-00058030 are going to begin to to go out amen p_JVuUxYJa0-00253-00058032-00058247 that I I knew the second I walked in p_JVuUxYJa0-00254-00058248-00058391 here this place was full of angels and p_JVuUxYJa0-00255-00058391-00058607 Angel armies are here all right so we're p_JVuUxYJa0-00256-00058608-00058732 going to begin to decree this right now p_JVuUxYJa0-00257-00058733-00058871 I want you to just say right now in p_JVuUxYJa0-00258-00058872-00059111 Jesus name p_JVuUxYJa0-00259-00059112-00059561 we stand in the authority of the cross p_JVuUxYJa0-00260-00059562-00060011 as anointed members of the Ecclesia p_JVuUxYJa0-00261-00060012-00060226 and tonight we declare court is in p_JVuUxYJa0-00262-00060227-00060526 session p_JVuUxYJa0-00263-00060527-00060899 and the judgment is being rendered p_JVuUxYJa0-00264-00060900-00061271 Against The Jezebel spirit p_JVuUxYJa0-00265-00061272-00061541 and python spirit p_JVuUxYJa0-00266-00061541-00061907 that have controlled this city p_JVuUxYJa0-00267-00061908-00062188 tonight in Jesus name p_JVuUxYJa0-00268-00062189-00062621 we break every witchcraft power p_JVuUxYJa0-00269-00062622-00062999 we break every occult Force p_JVuUxYJa0-00270-00063000-00063479 and we command Jezebel and python to go p_JVuUxYJa0-00271-00063480-00063619 [Applause] p_JVuUxYJa0-00272-00063620-00063907 witchcraft go p_JVuUxYJa0-00273-00063908-00064211 perversion go p_JVuUxYJa0-00274-00064212-00064488 Fusion go p_JVuUxYJa0-00275-00064489-00064837 infirmity go p_JVuUxYJa0-00276-00064838-00065242 poverty go p_JVuUxYJa0-00277-00065244-00065699 every demonic attachment p_JVuUxYJa0-00278-00065700-00066047 in the realm of the church p_JVuUxYJa0-00279-00066048-00066367 controlled by Jezebel p_JVuUxYJa0-00280-00066368-00066595 now must go p_JVuUxYJa0-00281-00066596-00066737 [Applause] p_JVuUxYJa0-00282-00066738-00067103 in Jesus name now I want you to give a p_JVuUxYJa0-00283-00067104-00067201 shout to the Lord p_JVuUxYJa0-00284-00067202-00068149 [Applause] pAd6qH0LBHI-00000-00000041-00000353 William Starke Rosecrans September 6th pAd6qH0LBHI-00001-00000354-00000713 1819 to March 11th 1898 was an American pAd6qH0LBHI-00002-00000714-00000923 inventor coal oil company executive pAd6qH0LBHI-00003-00000924-00001200 diplomat politician and US Army officer pAd6qH0LBHI-00004-00001201-00001474 he gained fame for his role as a Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00005-00001475-00001766 General during the American Civil War he pAd6qH0LBHI-00006-00001767-00001934 was the victor at prominent Western pAd6qH0LBHI-00007-00001935-00002132 theater battles but his military career pAd6qH0LBHI-00008-00002133-00002321 was effectively ended following his pAd6qH0LBHI-00009-00002322-00002489 disastrous defeat at the Battle of pAd6qH0LBHI-00010-00002490-00002921 Chickamauga in 1863 Rosecrans graduated pAd6qH0LBHI-00011-00002922-00003164 in 1842 from the West Point Military pAd6qH0LBHI-00012-00003165-00003392 Academy where he served in engineering pAd6qH0LBHI-00013-00003393-00003547 assignments as well as a professor pAd6qH0LBHI-00014-00003548-00003731 before leaving the Army to pursue a pAd6qH0LBHI-00015-00003732-00004015 career in civil engineering at the start pAd6qH0LBHI-00016-00004017-00004195 of the Civil War leading troops from pAd6qH0LBHI-00017-00004196-00004469 Ohio he achieved early combat success in pAd6qH0LBHI-00018-00004470-00004831 western Virginia in 1862 in the Western pAd6qH0LBHI-00019-00004832-00005038 theater he won the battles of Iuka and pAd6qH0LBHI-00020-00005039-00005206 Corinth while under the command of Maj pAd6qH0LBHI-00021-00005207-00005534 Gen Ulysses s grant his brusque pAd6qH0LBHI-00022-00005535-00005711 outspoken manner and willingness to pAd6qH0LBHI-00023-00005712-00005951 quarrel openly with superiors caused a pAd6qH0LBHI-00024-00005952-00006158 professional rivalry with Grant as well pAd6qH0LBHI-00025-00006159-00006347 as with Secretary of War Edwin M Stanton pAd6qH0LBHI-00026-00006348-00006578 that would adversely affect Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00027-00006579-00006859 career given command of the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00028-00006861-00007001 Cumberland he thought against pAd6qH0LBHI-00029-00007002-00007292 Confederate Gen Braxton Bragg at Stones pAd6qH0LBHI-00030-00007293-00007498 River and later outmaneuvered him in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00031-00007500-00007703 brilliant telehomecare Payne driving the pAd6qH0LBHI-00032-00007704-00007948 Confederates from Middle Tennessee his pAd6qH0LBHI-00033-00007950-00008156 strategic movements then caused Bragg to pAd6qH0LBHI-00034-00008156-00008353 abandon the critical city of Chattanooga pAd6qH0LBHI-00035-00008354-00008609 but Rosecrans pursuit of Bragg ended pAd6qH0LBHI-00036-00008610-00008749 during the bloody Battle of Chickamauga pAd6qH0LBHI-00037-00008750-00008984 where his unfortunately worded order pAd6qH0LBHI-00038-00008985-00009178 mistakenly opened a gap in the Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00039-00009179-00009362 line and Rosecrans and a third of his pAd6qH0LBHI-00040-00009363-00009620 army were swept from the field besieged pAd6qH0LBHI-00041-00009621-00009848 in Chattanooga rosecrans was relieved of pAd6qH0LBHI-00042-00009849-00009991 command by grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00043-00009992-00010214 following his humiliating defeat pAd6qH0LBHI-00044-00010215-00010417 Rosecrans was reassigned to command the pAd6qH0LBHI-00045-00010418-00010610 Department of Missouri where he opposed pAd6qH0LBHI-00046-00010611-00010916 prices raid he was briefly considered as pAd6qH0LBHI-00047-00010917-00011105 a vice presidential running mate for pAd6qH0LBHI-00048-00011106-00011492 Abraham Lincoln in 1864 after the war he pAd6qH0LBHI-00049-00011493-00011669 served in diplomatic and appointed pAd6qH0LBHI-00050-00011670-00011903 political positions and in 1880 was pAd6qH0LBHI-00051-00011904-00012083 elected to Congress representing pAd6qH0LBHI-00052-00012084-00012655 California pAd6qH0LBHI-00053-00012656-00013063 topic early life in education pAd6qH0LBHI-00054-00013063-00013261 you pAd6qH0LBHI-00055-00013262-00013513 William Starke Rosecrans was born on a pAd6qH0LBHI-00056-00013513-00013732 farm near little tailor run in Kingston pAd6qH0LBHI-00057-00013733-00014013 Township Delaware County Ohio the second pAd6qH0LBHI-00058-00014015-00014236 of five sons of Crandall rosecrans and pAd6qH0LBHI-00059-00014237-00014488 Jemima Hopkins the first child Chauncey pAd6qH0LBHI-00060-00014488-00014719 died in infancy Crandall was a veteran pAd6qH0LBHI-00061-00014719-00014964 of the war of 1812 in which he served as pAd6qH0LBHI-00062-00014965-00015133 adjutant to General William Henry pAd6qH0LBHI-00063-00015134-00015328 Harrison and then subsequently ran a pAd6qH0LBHI-00064-00015329-00015519 tavern and store as well as a family pAd6qH0LBHI-00065-00015520-00015802 farm one of krandalls heroes General pAd6qH0LBHI-00066-00015803-00015988 John Stark was the inspiration for pAd6qH0LBHI-00067-00015988-00016246 Williams middle name rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00068-00016247-00016475 descended from harmon henrik Rosencrantz pAd6qH0LBHI-00069-00016476-00016819 1614 to 1674 who arrived in New pAd6qH0LBHI-00070-00016820-00017103 Amsterdam in 1651 but the family name pAd6qH0LBHI-00071-00017104-00017283 changed spelling during the American pAd6qH0LBHI-00072-00017284-00017547 Revolutionary War his mother was the pAd6qH0LBHI-00073-00017548-00017769 widow of Timothy Hopkins a relative of pAd6qH0LBHI-00074-00017770-00017997 Stephen Hopkins the colonial governor of pAd6qH0LBHI-00075-00017998-00018147 Rhode Island and a signer of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00076-00018148-00018375 Declaration of Independence William had pAd6qH0LBHI-00077-00018376-00018577 little formal education in his early pAd6qH0LBHI-00078-00018578-00018775 years relying heavily on reading books pAd6qH0LBHI-00079-00018776-00019102 at the age of 13 he left home to work as pAd6qH0LBHI-00080-00019103-00019278 a store clerk in Utica and later pAd6qH0LBHI-00081-00019279-00019618 Mansfield Ohio unable to afford College pAd6qH0LBHI-00082-00019619-00019800 rosecrans decided to try for an pAd6qH0LBHI-00083-00019801-00019950 appointment to the United States pAd6qH0LBHI-00084-00019951-00020224 Military Academy he interviewed with pAd6qH0LBHI-00085-00020225-00020440 congressman Alexander Harper who had pAd6qH0LBHI-00086-00020441-00020602 been reserving his appointment for his pAd6qH0LBHI-00087-00020603-00020805 own son but Harper was so impressed by pAd6qH0LBHI-00088-00020806-00021022 Rosecrans that he nominated him instead pAd6qH0LBHI-00089-00021023-00021200 despite his lack of formal education pAd6qH0LBHI-00090-00021201-00021462 Rosecrans excelled academically at West pAd6qH0LBHI-00091-00021463-00021678 Point particularly in mathematics but pAd6qH0LBHI-00092-00021679-00021892 also in French drawing and English pAd6qH0LBHI-00093-00021893-00022153 grammar it was at the academy that he pAd6qH0LBHI-00094-00022154-00022458 received his nickname rosy or more often pAd6qH0LBHI-00095-00022459-00022822 old rosy he graduated from West Point in pAd6qH0LBHI-00096-00022823-00023178 1842 within his class of 56 cadets which pAd6qH0LBHI-00097-00023179-00023406 included notable future generals such as pAd6qH0LBHI-00098-00023407-00023647 James Longstreet Abner Doubleday D H pAd6qH0LBHI-00099-00023648-00023955 Hill and Earl van Doorn he was pAd6qH0LBHI-00100-00023956-00024142 commissioned a brevet second lieutenant pAd6qH0LBHI-00101-00024143-00024312 in the prestigious Corps of Engineers pAd6qH0LBHI-00102-00024313-00024540 reflecting his high academic achievement pAd6qH0LBHI-00103-00024541-00024843 at his graduation he met and Elizabeth pAd6qH0LBHI-00104-00024844-00025261 or Eliza eggman 1823 to 1883 of New York pAd6qH0LBHI-00105-00025262-00025528 City and immediately fell in love they pAd6qH0LBHI-00106-00025529-00025861 were married on August 24th 1843 their pAd6qH0LBHI-00107-00025862-00026034 marriage lasted until her death on pAd6qH0LBHI-00108-00026035-00026380 December 25th 1883 they had eight pAd6qH0LBHI-00109-00026381-00026886 children pAd6qH0LBHI-00110-00026887-00027389 topic courier pAd6qH0LBHI-00111-00027389-00027620 after graduating from West Point pAd6qH0LBHI-00112-00027620-00027824 Rosecrans was assigned to duty at Fort pAd6qH0LBHI-00113-00027825-00028093 Monroe Virginia engineering seawalls pAd6qH0LBHI-00114-00028094-00028385 after a year he requested assignment as pAd6qH0LBHI-00115-00028386-00028558 a professor at West Point where he pAd6qH0LBHI-00116-00028560-00028733 taught engineering and served as post pAd6qH0LBHI-00117-00028733-00028907 commissary in quartermaster pAd6qH0LBHI-00118-00028908-00029177 although West Point was a strong bastion pAd6qH0LBHI-00119-00029177-00029377 of Episcopal Protestantism during this pAd6qH0LBHI-00120-00029379-00029597 assignment he converted to Catholicism pAd6qH0LBHI-00121-00029598-00029942 in 1845 he wrote about this decision to pAd6qH0LBHI-00122-00029943-00030110 his family who had raised him in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00123-00030111-00030277 Methodist faith which inspired the pAd6qH0LBHI-00124-00030279-00030464 youngest of his brothers Sylvester pAd6qH0LBHI-00125-00030464-00030702 Horton Rosecrans to convert as well pAd6qH0LBHI-00126-00030704-00030938 Sylvester would become the first Bishop pAd6qH0LBHI-00127-00030939-00031120 of the Roman Catholic Diocese of pAd6qH0LBHI-00128-00031122-00031307 Columbus although most of the officers pAd6qH0LBHI-00129-00031308-00031495 in his graduating class fought in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00130-00031497-00031664 Mexican American War the War Department pAd6qH0LBHI-00131-00031664-00031993 retained rosecrans at West Point from pAd6qH0LBHI-00132-00031994-00032318 1847 through 1853 he served on pAd6qH0LBHI-00133-00032319-00032519 engineering assignments in Newport Rhode pAd6qH0LBHI-00134-00032520-00032738 Island New Bedford Massachusetts and pAd6qH0LBHI-00135-00032739-00032936 untempered sign meant to the United pAd6qH0LBHI-00136-00032937-00033160 States Navy at the Washington Navy Yard pAd6qH0LBHI-00137-00033161-00033416 during this period Rosecrans sought pAd6qH0LBHI-00138-00033417-00033641 several civilian jobs as an alternative pAd6qH0LBHI-00139-00033642-00033836 way to support his growing family now pAd6qH0LBHI-00140-00033837-00034073 with four children he applied for a pAd6qH0LBHI-00141-00034074-00034247 professorship at the Virginia Military pAd6qH0LBHI-00142-00034248-00034589 Institute in 1851 losing the position to pAd6qH0LBHI-00143-00034590-00034793 fellow West pointer Thomas J Jackson pAd6qH0LBHI-00144-00034794-00035024 while serving in Newport Rhode Island he pAd6qH0LBHI-00145-00035025-00035222 volunteered his services as the engineer pAd6qH0LBHI-00146-00035223-00035423 for the construction of st. Mary's Roman pAd6qH0LBHI-00147-00035424-00035693 Catholic Church the church is best known pAd6qH0LBHI-00148-00035694-00035864 as the site of the wedding of John F pAd6qH0LBHI-00149-00035865-00036146 Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953 pAd6qH0LBHI-00150-00036147-00036299 and was one of the largest churches pAd6qH0LBHI-00151-00036300-00036497 constructed in the United States at that pAd6qH0LBHI-00152-00036498-00036755 time there is a memorial window in pAd6qH0LBHI-00153-00036756-00037085 rosecrans honor in the Church Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00154-00037086-00037289 suffered a period of failing health and pAd6qH0LBHI-00155-00037290-00037559 resigned from the Army in 1854 moving pAd6qH0LBHI-00156-00037560-00037817 into civilian fields he took over a pAd6qH0LBHI-00157-00037818-00038018 mining business in western Virginia pAd6qH0LBHI-00158-00038019-00038252 today West Virginia and ran it extremely pAd6qH0LBHI-00159-00038253-00038504 successfully he designed and installed pAd6qH0LBHI-00160-00038505-00038729 one of the first complete lock and dam pAd6qH0LBHI-00161-00038730-00038948 systems in western Virginia on the coal pAd6qH0LBHI-00162-00038949-00039149 River today recognized as the Coal River pAd6qH0LBHI-00163-00039150-00039449 locks dams and log booms archaeological pAd6qH0LBHI-00164-00039450-00039671 district in Cincinnati pAd6qH0LBHI-00165-00039672-00039836 he and two partners built one of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00166-00039837-00040010 first oil refineries west of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00167-00040011-00040286 Allegheny Mountains he obtained patents pAd6qH0LBHI-00168-00040287-00040487 for many inventions including the first pAd6qH0LBHI-00169-00040488-00040679 kerosene lamp to successfully burn pAd6qH0LBHI-00170-00040680-00040739 around pAd6qH0LBHI-00171-00040740-00040877 in a more effective method of pAd6qH0LBHI-00172-00040878-00041165 manufacturing so while Rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00173-00041166-00041330 president of the preston coal oil pAd6qH0LBHI-00174-00041331-00041627 company in 1859 he was burned severely pAd6qH0LBHI-00175-00041628-00041936 when an experimental safety oil lamp pAd6qH0LBHI-00176-00041937-00042190 exploded setting the refinery on fire pAd6qH0LBHI-00177-00042191-00042434 it took him 18 months to recover and the pAd6qH0LBHI-00178-00042435-00042620 resulting facial scars gave him the pAd6qH0LBHI-00179-00042621-00042812 appearance of having a perpetual smirk pAd6qH0LBHI-00180-00042813-00043058 as he concluded recovering from those pAd6qH0LBHI-00181-00043059-00043723 injuries the Civil War began pAd6qH0LBHI-00182-00043724-00044283 topic American Civil War pAd6qH0LBHI-00183-00044284-00044541 just days after fort sumter surrendered pAd6qH0LBHI-00184-00044542-00044779 Rosecrans offered his services to Ohio pAd6qH0LBHI-00185-00044780-00044982 Governor William Dennison who assigned pAd6qH0LBHI-00186-00044983-00045186 him as a volunteer aide-de-camp to Maj pAd6qH0LBHI-00187-00045187-00045513 Gen George B McClellan who commanded all pAd6qH0LBHI-00188-00045514-00045726 Ohio volunteer forces at the beginning pAd6qH0LBHI-00189-00045727-00045963 of the war promoted to the rank of pAd6qH0LBHI-00190-00045964-00046194 colonel Rosecrans briefly commanded the pAd6qH0LBHI-00191-00046195-00046435 23rd Ohio infantry regiment whose pAd6qH0LBHI-00192-00046436-00046654 members included Rutherford B Hayes and pAd6qH0LBHI-00193-00046655-00046873 William McKinley both future presidents pAd6qH0LBHI-00194-00046874-00047148 he was promoted to Brigadier General in pAd6qH0LBHI-00195-00047149-00047382 the Regular Army ranking from May 16th pAd6qH0LBHI-00196-00047383-00047754 1861 his plans and decisions proved pAd6qH0LBHI-00197-00047755-00047929 extremely effective in the western pAd6qH0LBHI-00198-00047930-00048204 Virginia campaign his victories at rich pAd6qH0LBHI-00199-00048205-00048498 mountain and Couric's Ford in July 1861 pAd6qH0LBHI-00200-00048499-00048679 were among the very first Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00201-00048680-00048882 victories of the war but his superior pAd6qH0LBHI-00202-00048883-00049187 Maj Gen McClellan received the credit pAd6qH0LBHI-00203-00049188-00049452 Rosecrans then prevented by much pAd6qH0LBHI-00204-00049453-00049664 maneuvering but little fighting pAd6qH0LBHI-00205-00049665-00049815 Confederate Brig pAd6qH0LBHI-00206-00049816-00050055 General John B Floyd and his superior pAd6qH0LBHI-00207-00050056-00050335 Gen robert e lee from recapturing the pAd6qH0LBHI-00208-00050336-00050496 area that became the state of West pAd6qH0LBHI-00209-00050497-00050557 Virginia pAd6qH0LBHI-00210-00050558-00050773 when McClellan was summoned to pAd6qH0LBHI-00211-00050774-00050970 Washington after the defeat suffered by pAd6qH0LBHI-00212-00050971-00051168 federal forces at the First Battle of pAd6qH0LBHI-00213-00051169-00051417 Bull Run General in chief Winfield Scott pAd6qH0LBHI-00214-00051418-00051630 suggested that McClellan turned over the pAd6qH0LBHI-00215-00051631-00051854 West Virginia command to Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00216-00051855-00052123 McClellan agreed and Rosecrans assumed pAd6qH0LBHI-00217-00052124-00052254 command of what was to become the pAd6qH0LBHI-00218-00052255-00052474 department of western virginia in late pAd6qH0LBHI-00219-00052475-00052755 1861 Rosecrans planned for a winter pAd6qH0LBHI-00220-00052756-00052954 campaign to capture the strategic town pAd6qH0LBHI-00221-00052954-00053157 of Winchester Virginia turning the pAd6qH0LBHI-00222-00053158-00053406 Confederate flank at Manassas he pAd6qH0LBHI-00223-00053407-00053572 traveled to Washington to obtain pAd6qH0LBHI-00224-00053573-00053769 McClellan's approval McClellan pAd6qH0LBHI-00225-00053770-00053887 disapproved however pAd6qH0LBHI-00226-00053888-00054129 telling Rosecrans that putting 20,000 pAd6qH0LBHI-00227-00054130-00054300 Union men into Winchester would be pAd6qH0LBHI-00228-00054301-00054462 countered by Confederates moving an pAd6qH0LBHI-00229-00054463-00054738 equal number into the vicinity he also pAd6qH0LBHI-00230-00054739-00054960 transferred 20,000 of rosecrans his pAd6qH0LBHI-00231-00054961-00055199 22,000 men to serve under Brig pAd6qH0LBHI-00232-00055200-00055474 general Frederick W Lander leaving pAd6qH0LBHI-00233-00055475-00055696 rosecrans with insufficient resources to pAd6qH0LBHI-00234-00055697-00055996 do any campaigning in March 1862 pAd6qH0LBHI-00235-00055997-00056256 Rosecrans department was converted to pAd6qH0LBHI-00236-00056257-00056437 the mountain department which was given pAd6qH0LBHI-00237-00056438-00056659 to political General John C Fremont pAd6qH0LBHI-00238-00056660-00056919 leaving rosecrans without a command he pAd6qH0LBHI-00239-00056920-00057124 served briefly in Washington where his pAd6qH0LBHI-00240-00057125-00057304 opinions clashed with those of newly pAd6qH0LBHI-00241-00057304-00057507 appointed Secretary of War Edwin M pAd6qH0LBHI-00242-00057508-00057600 Stanton pAd6qH0LBHI-00243-00057601-00057819 Dixon Union command organization for the pAd6qH0LBHI-00244-00057820-00057993 Shenandoah Valley campaign against pAd6qH0LBHI-00245-00057994-00058275 Stonewall Jackson Stanton became one of pAd6qH0LBHI-00246-00058276-00058542 rosecrans 'iz most vocal critics one of pAd6qH0LBHI-00247-00058543-00058741 Stanton's assignments for Rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00248-00058741-00058990 to act as a guide for brick general pAd6qH0LBHI-00249-00058991-00059181 Lewis blenkers division Fremont's pAd6qH0LBHI-00250-00059182-00059385 department in the valley and Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00251-00059386-00059541 became intimately involved in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00252-00059542-00059740 political and command confusion in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00253-00059741-00060387 campaign against Jackson in the valley pAd6qH0LBHI-00254-00060388-00061011 topic western theater rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00255-00061012-00061290 transferred in May 1862 to the Western pAd6qH0LBHI-00256-00061291-00061479 theater and received the command of two pAd6qH0LBHI-00257-00061479-00061805 divisions the right wing of Maj Gen John pAd6qH0LBHI-00258-00061806-00061986 Pope's army of the Mississippi pAd6qH0LBHI-00259-00061987-00062190 he took an active part in the siege of pAd6qH0LBHI-00260-00062191-00062559 Corinth under Maj Gen Henry W Halleck he pAd6qH0LBHI-00261-00062560-00062760 received command of the entire army On pAd6qH0LBHI-00262-00062761-00062999 June 26th and in July added the pAd6qH0LBHI-00263-00063000-00063171 responsibility of commanding the pAd6qH0LBHI-00264-00063172-00063441 district of Corinth in these roles he pAd6qH0LBHI-00265-00063441-00063762 was the subordinate of Maj Gen Ulysses s pAd6qH0LBHI-00266-00063763-00063938 grant who commanded the district of pAd6qH0LBHI-00267-00063939-00064122 western Tennessee and the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00268-00064123-00064329 Tennessee for whom he received direction pAd6qH0LBHI-00269-00064329-00064499 in the Iuka Corinth campaign in pAd6qH0LBHI-00270-00064500-00065190 September and October 1862 pAd6qH0LBHI-00271-00065191-00065648 topic i Yuka pAd6qH0LBHI-00272-00065649-00065931 Confederate Maj General Sterling Price pAd6qH0LBHI-00273-00065932-00066204 had been ordered by Gen Braxton Bragg to pAd6qH0LBHI-00274-00066205-00066378 move his army from Tupelo toward pAd6qH0LBHI-00275-00066379-00066576 Nashville Tennessee in conjunction with pAd6qH0LBHI-00276-00066577-00066879 Bragg's Kentucky offensive prices army pAd6qH0LBHI-00277-00066880-00067062 settled in Iuka and awaited the arrival pAd6qH0LBHI-00278-00067063-00067455 of Maj Gen Earl van Dorn's army the two pAd6qH0LBHI-00279-00067456-00067647 generals intended to unite and attack pAd6qH0LBHI-00280-00067648-00067824 Grant's lines of communication in pAd6qH0LBHI-00281-00067825-00067998 western Tennessee which would prevent pAd6qH0LBHI-00282-00067999-00068220 Buell's reinforcements if grant reacted pAd6qH0LBHI-00283-00068221-00068388 the way they expected or might allow pAd6qH0LBHI-00284-00068389-00068568 them to follow Bragg and support his pAd6qH0LBHI-00285-00068569-00068760 northern invasion if grant acted more pAd6qH0LBHI-00286-00068761-00068943 passively grant did not wait to be pAd6qH0LBHI-00287-00068944-00069144 attacked approving a plan proposed by pAd6qH0LBHI-00288-00069145-00069366 Rosecrans to converge on price with two pAd6qH0LBHI-00289-00069367-00069573 columns before Van Dorn could reinforce pAd6qH0LBHI-00290-00069574-00069897 him grant sent Brig General Edward orde pAd6qH0LBHI-00291-00069898-00070053 with three army of the Tennessee pAd6qH0LBHI-00292-00070054-00070278 divisions about 8,000 men along the pAd6qH0LBHI-00293-00070279-00070467 Memphis and Charleston railroad to move pAd6qH0LBHI-00294-00070468-00070658 upon a yuka from the northwest pAd6qH0LBHI-00295-00070659-00070926 rosecrans s army would march in concert pAd6qH0LBHI-00296-00070927-00071085 along the mobile and Ohio Railroad pAd6qH0LBHI-00297-00071086-00071322 swinging into Iuka from the southwest pAd6qH0LBHI-00298-00071323-00071552 closing the escape route for prices army pAd6qH0LBHI-00299-00071553-00071820 grant moved with Ords headquarters and pAd6qH0LBHI-00300-00071821-00071997 had little tactical control over pAd6qH0LBHI-00301-00071998-00072186 Rosecrans during the battle while Ord pAd6qH0LBHI-00302-00072187-00072357 advanced toward Iuka on the night of pAd6qH0LBHI-00303-00072358-00072630 September 18th Rosecrans was late having pAd6qH0LBHI-00304-00072631-00072834 farther to march over roads mired in mud pAd6qH0LBHI-00305-00072835-00073032 furthermore one of his divisions took a pAd6qH0LBHI-00306-00073033-00073218 wrong turn and had to counter march to pAd6qH0LBHI-00307-00073219-00073485 the correct road that night he notified pAd6qH0LBHI-00308-00073486-00073761 grant that he was 20 miles 32 kilometres pAd6qH0LBHI-00309-00073762-00073965 away but planned to start marching again pAd6qH0LBHI-00310-00073966-00074190 at 4:30 a.m. and should reach Iuka by pAd6qH0LBHI-00311-00074191-00074417 mid-afternoon on September 19th pAd6qH0LBHI-00312-00074418-00074658 considering this delay grant ordered pAd6qH0LBHI-00313-00074659-00074916 orde to move within four miles 6.4 pAd6qH0LBHI-00314-00074917-00075126 kilometers of the town but to await the pAd6qH0LBHI-00315-00075127-00075321 sound of fighting between rosecrans and pAd6qH0LBHI-00316-00075322-00075542 price before engaging the confederates pAd6qH0LBHI-00317-00075543-00075768 Rosecrans army marched early on pAd6qH0LBHI-00318-00075769-00076011 September 19th but instead of using two pAd6qH0LBHI-00319-00076012-00076209 roads as originally planned it took only pAd6qH0LBHI-00320-00076210-00076482 one of them rosecrans was concerned that pAd6qH0LBHI-00321-00076483-00076683 if he used both roads the two halves of pAd6qH0LBHI-00322-00076684-00076872 his divided force could not support each pAd6qH0LBHI-00323-00076873-00077099 other if the Confederates attacked pAd6qH0LBHI-00324-00077100-00077400 Rosecrans was within two miles 3.2 pAd6qH0LBHI-00325-00077401-00077652 kilometers of the town on September 19th pAd6qH0LBHI-00326-00077653-00077832 pushing back Confederate pickets when pAd6qH0LBHI-00327-00077833-00078021 his lead element was struck suddenly by pAd6qH0LBHI-00328-00078022-00078264 a Confederate division fighting which pAd6qH0LBHI-00329-00078265-00078519 price later stated he had never seen pAd6qH0LBHI-00330-00078520-00078843 surpassed continued from 4:30 p.m. until pAd6qH0LBHI-00331-00078844-00078981 after dark pAd6qH0LBHI-00332-00078982-00079158 fresh north wind blowing from ords pAd6qH0LBHI-00333-00079159-00079377 position in the direction of Iuka caused pAd6qH0LBHI-00334-00079378-00079566 an acoustic shadow that prevented the pAd6qH0LBHI-00335-00079567-00079743 sound of the guns from reaching him and pAd6qH0LBHI-00336-00079744-00079884 he and grant knew nothing of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00337-00079885-00080076 engagement until after it was over pAd6qH0LBHI-00338-00080077-00080307 Lord's troops stood idly while the pAd6qH0LBHI-00339-00080308-00080484 fighting raged only a few miles away pAd6qH0LBHI-00340-00080485-00080577 during the night pAd6qH0LBHI-00341-00080578-00080772 both Rosecrans and Ord deployed their pAd6qH0LBHI-00342-00080773-00080985 forces in the expectation of a renewal pAd6qH0LBHI-00343-00080986-00081159 of the engagement at daylight but the pAd6qH0LBHI-00344-00081160-00081423 Confederate forces had withdrawn price pAd6qH0LBHI-00345-00081424-00081576 had been planning this move since pAd6qH0LBHI-00346-00081577-00081807 September 18th and Rosecrans attack pAd6qH0LBHI-00347-00081808-00082041 merely delayed his departure the pAd6qH0LBHI-00348-00082042-00082212 Confederates used the road that the pAd6qH0LBHI-00349-00082213-00082401 Union Army had not blocked meeting up pAd6qH0LBHI-00350-00082402-00082631 with Van Dorn's army five days later pAd6qH0LBHI-00351-00082632-00082890 Rosecrans s Calvary and some infantry pAd6qH0LBHI-00352-00082891-00083217 pursued price for 15 miles 24 kilometres pAd6qH0LBHI-00353-00083218-00083412 but owing to the exhausted condition of pAd6qH0LBHI-00354-00083413-00083625 his troops his column was outrun and he pAd6qH0LBHI-00355-00083626-00083898 gave up the pursuit grant had partially pAd6qH0LBHI-00356-00083899-00084138 accomplished his objective Pryce was not pAd6qH0LBHI-00357-00084139-00084339 able to link up with Bragg in Kentucky pAd6qH0LBHI-00358-00084340-00084528 but Rosecrans had not been able to pAd6qH0LBHI-00359-00084529-00084693 destroy the Confederate Army are pAd6qH0LBHI-00360-00084694-00084876 prevented from linking up with Van Dorn pAd6qH0LBHI-00361-00084877-00085041 and threatening the critical railroad pAd6qH0LBHI-00362-00085042-00085257 junction at Corinth the Battle of Iuka pAd6qH0LBHI-00363-00085258-00085386 marked the beginning of a long pAd6qH0LBHI-00364-00085387-00085587 professional enmity between Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00365-00085588-00085827 and grant the northern press gave pAd6qH0LBHI-00366-00085828-00086055 accounts very favorable to Rosecrans at pAd6qH0LBHI-00367-00086056-00086355 Grant's expense some rumors circulated pAd6qH0LBHI-00368-00086356-00086523 that the reason ords column had not pAd6qH0LBHI-00369-00086524-00086712 attacked in conjunction with Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00370-00086713-00086844 was not that the battle had been pAd6qH0LBHI-00371-00086845-00087051 inaudible but that Grant had been drunk pAd6qH0LBHI-00372-00087052-00087330 and incompetent grants first report of pAd6qH0LBHI-00373-00087331-00087522 the battle was highly complementary to pAd6qH0LBHI-00374-00087523-00087732 Rosecrans but his second written after pAd6qH0LBHI-00375-00087733-00087930 rosecrans had published his own report pAd6qH0LBHI-00376-00087931-00088206 took a markedly negative turn his third pAd6qH0LBHI-00377-00088207-00088401 statement was in his personal memoirs pAd6qH0LBHI-00378-00088402-00088596 where he wrote I was disappointed at the pAd6qH0LBHI-00379-00088597-00088845 result of the Battle of Iuka but I had pAd6qH0LBHI-00380-00088846-00089064 so high an opinion of general Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00381-00089065-00089688 but I found no fault at the time pAd6qH0LBHI-00382-00089689-00090133 topic Corinth pAd6qH0LBHI-00383-00090134-00090370 prices army joined van Dorn's on pAd6qH0LBHI-00384-00090371-00090661 September 28th Van Dorn as the senior pAd6qH0LBHI-00385-00090662-00090844 officer took command of the combined pAd6qH0LBHI-00386-00090845-00091138 force grant became certain that Corinth pAd6qH0LBHI-00387-00091139-00091357 was their next target the Confederates pAd6qH0LBHI-00388-00091358-00091492 hoped to seize Corinth from an pAd6qH0LBHI-00389-00091493-00091741 unexpected direction isolating Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00390-00091742-00091945 from reinforcements and then sweep into pAd6qH0LBHI-00391-00091946-00092191 Middle Tennessee grant sent word to pAd6qH0LBHI-00392-00092192-00092382 rosecrans to be prepared for an attack pAd6qH0LBHI-00393-00092383-00092611 but despite the warning rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00394-00092612-00092755 not convinced that Corinth was pAd6qH0LBHI-00395-00092756-00092950 necessarily the target of Van Dorn's pAd6qH0LBHI-00396-00092951-00093214 advance he believed that the Confederate pAd6qH0LBHI-00397-00093215-00093397 commander would not be foolhardy enough pAd6qH0LBHI-00398-00093398-00093586 to attack the fortified town and might pAd6qH0LBHI-00399-00093587-00093769 well instead choose to strike the mobile pAd6qH0LBHI-00400-00093770-00093943 and Ohio Railroad and maneuver the pAd6qH0LBHI-00401-00093944-00094126 Federals out of their position on the pAd6qH0LBHI-00402-00094127-00094291 morning of October 3rd three of pAd6qH0LBHI-00403-00094292-00094504 Rosecrans divisions advanced into Old pAd6qH0LBHI-00404-00094505-00094687 Confederate rifle pits north and pAd6qH0LBHI-00405-00094688-00094963 northwest of town van Doorn began his pAd6qH0LBHI-00406-00094964-00095131 assault at 10:00 a.m. as a planned pAd6qH0LBHI-00407-00095132-00095307 double envelopment in which he would pAd6qH0LBHI-00408-00095308-00095503 open the fight on Rosecrans is left in pAd6qH0LBHI-00409-00095504-00095695 the hope that Rosecrans would weaken his pAd6qH0LBHI-00410-00095696-00095872 right to reinforce his left at which pAd6qH0LBHI-00411-00095873-00096043 time price would make the main assault pAd6qH0LBHI-00412-00096044-00096220 against the federal right and enter the pAd6qH0LBHI-00413-00096221-00096274 works pAd6qH0LBHI-00414-00096275-00096481 the Confederates forced their way pAd6qH0LBHI-00415-00096482-00096652 through a temporary gap in the line pAd6qH0LBHI-00416-00096653-00096895 about 1:30 p.m. and the whole Union line pAd6qH0LBHI-00417-00096896-00097069 fell back to within half a mile of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00418-00097070-00097285 readouts so far the advantage had been pAd6qH0LBHI-00419-00097286-00097549 with the Confederates rosecrans had been pAd6qH0LBHI-00420-00097550-00097729 driven back at all points and night pAd6qH0LBHI-00421-00097730-00097948 found his entire army except pickets pAd6qH0LBHI-00422-00097949-00098071 inside the redoubt pAd6qH0LBHI-00423-00098072-00098305 both sides had been exhausted by the pAd6qH0LBHI-00424-00098306-00098521 fighting the weather had been hot with a pAd6qH0LBHI-00425-00098522-00098806 high of 94 degrees Fahrenheit 34 degrees pAd6qH0LBHI-00426-00098807-00099037 Celsius and water was scarce causing pAd6qH0LBHI-00427-00099038-00099190 many men to nearly faint from their pAd6qH0LBHI-00428-00099191-00099469 exertions Rosecrans as biographer pAd6qH0LBHI-00429-00099470-00099721 William M lamerz reported that rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00430-00099722-00099882 was confident at the end of the first pAd6qH0LBHI-00431-00099883-00100107 day of battle saying we've got them pAd6qH0LBHI-00432-00100108-00100330 where we want them and that some of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00433-00100331-00100516 generals associates claimed that he was pAd6qH0LBHI-00434-00100517-00100831 in magnificent humor Peter cousins pAd6qH0LBHI-00435-00100832-00101053 however suggested that Rosecrans Wes pAd6qH0LBHI-00436-00101054-00101344 tired and bewildered certain only he was pAd6qH0LBHI-00437-00101345-00101632 badly outnumbered at least three to one pAd6qH0LBHI-00438-00101633-00101929 by his reckoning civil war historian pAd6qH0LBHI-00439-00101930-00102154 Stephen E Woodworth portrayed Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00440-00102155-00102366 as conduct in a negative light pAd6qH0LBHI-00441-00102367-00102624 rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00442-00102625-00102852 had not done well he had failed to pAd6qH0LBHI-00443-00102853-00103058 anticipate the enemy's action put little pAd6qH0LBHI-00444-00103059-00103215 more than half his troops into the pAd6qH0LBHI-00445-00103216-00103406 battle and called on his men to fight on pAd6qH0LBHI-00446-00103407-00103658 ground they could not possibly hold he pAd6qH0LBHI-00447-00103659-00103835 had sent a series of confusing and pAd6qH0LBHI-00448-00103836-00104028 unrealistic orders to his division pAd6qH0LBHI-00449-00104029-00104186 commanders and had done nothing to pAd6qH0LBHI-00450-00104188-00104357 coordinate their activities while he pAd6qH0LBHI-00451-00104358-00104529 personally remained safely back in pAd6qH0LBHI-00452-00104530-00104766 Corinth the movements of the army that pAd6qH0LBHI-00453-00104767-00104964 day had had nothing to do with any plan pAd6qH0LBHI-00454-00104965-00105134 of his to develop the enemy or make a pAd6qH0LBHI-00455-00105135-00105381 fighting withdrawal the troops and their pAd6qH0LBHI-00456-00105382-00105594 officers had simply held on as best as pAd6qH0LBHI-00457-00105595-00105867 they could on the second day of battle pAd6qH0LBHI-00458-00105868-00106056 the Confederates moved forward at 9:00 pAd6qH0LBHI-00459-00106057-00106275 a.m. to meet heavy Union artillery fire pAd6qH0LBHI-00460-00106276-00106484 storming battery Powell and battery pAd6qH0LBHI-00461-00106485-00106668 robinette we're desperate hand-to-hand pAd6qH0LBHI-00462-00106669-00106953 fighting occurred a brief incursion into pAd6qH0LBHI-00463-00106954-00107193 the town of Corinth was repulsed after a pAd6qH0LBHI-00464-00107194-00107373 federal counter-attack recaptured pAd6qH0LBHI-00465-00107374-00107568 battery Powell van Doorn ordered a pAd6qH0LBHI-00466-00107569-00107801 general retreat at 4:00 p.m. pAd6qH0LBHI-00467-00107802-00107991 reinforcements from Grant under the pAd6qH0LBHI-00468-00107992-00108252 command of Brig General James B pAd6qH0LBHI-00469-00108253-00108489 McPherson derived from Jackson but the pAd6qH0LBHI-00470-00108490-00108681 Battle of Corinth had effectively been pAd6qH0LBHI-00471-00108682-00108833 over since 1:00 p.m. and the pAd6qH0LBHI-00472-00108834-00109022 Confederates were in full retreat pAd6qH0LBHI-00473-00109023-00109332 once again Rosecrans performance during pAd6qH0LBHI-00474-00109333-00109488 the second day of the battle has been pAd6qH0LBHI-00475-00109489-00109684 the subject of dispute among historians pAd6qH0LBHI-00476-00109685-00110016 his biographer Lamers paints a romantic pAd6qH0LBHI-00477-00110017-00110304 picture one of Davey's men David pAd6qH0LBHI-00478-00110305-00110360 Henderson pAd6qH0LBHI-00479-00110361-00110565 watched rosecrans as he dashed in front pAd6qH0LBHI-00480-00110566-00110823 of the Union lines bullets carried his pAd6qH0LBHI-00481-00110824-00111093 hat away his hair flew in the wind as he pAd6qH0LBHI-00482-00111094-00111386 rode along he shouted soldiers stand by pAd6qH0LBHI-00483-00111388-00111726 your country quote quote he was the only pAd6qH0LBHI-00484-00111727-00111978 general I ever knew Henderson said later pAd6qH0LBHI-00485-00111979-00112230 who was closer to the enemy than we were pAd6qH0LBHI-00486-00112231-00112433 who fought at the front Henderson after pAd6qH0LBHI-00487-00112434-00112704 the war a congressman from Ohio and pAd6qH0LBHI-00488-00112705-00112929 Speaker of the House of Representatives pAd6qH0LBHI-00489-00112930-00113232 wrote that Rosecrans was the central pAd6qH0LBHI-00490-00113233-00113526 leading and victorious spirit pAd6qH0LBHI-00491-00113527-00113745 by his splendid example in the thickest pAd6qH0LBHI-00492-00113746-00113895 of the fight he succeeded in restoring pAd6qH0LBHI-00493-00113896-00114081 the line before it was completely pAd6qH0LBHI-00494-00114082-00114291 demoralized and the men brave when pAd6qH0LBHI-00495-00114292-00114606 bravely led fought again Peter cozzens pAd6qH0LBHI-00496-00114607-00114822 author of a recent book length study of pAd6qH0LBHI-00497-00114823-00115026 Iuka and Corinth came to the opposite pAd6qH0LBHI-00498-00115027-00115320 conclusion rosecrans was in the thick of pAd6qH0LBHI-00499-00115321-00115488 battle but his presence was hardly pAd6qH0LBHI-00500-00115489-00115770 inspiring the Ohioan had lost all pAd6qH0LBHI-00501-00115771-00115968 control of his infamous temper and he pAd6qH0LBHI-00502-00115969-00116145 cursed as cowards everyone who pushed pAd6qH0LBHI-00503-00116146-00116420 past him until he too lost hope pAd6qH0LBHI-00504-00116421-00116697 rosecrans as histrionics nearly cost him pAd6qH0LBHI-00505-00116698-00116913 his life on the second day I was pAd6qH0LBHI-00506-00116914-00117201 everywhere on the line of battle he pAd6qH0LBHI-00507-00117202-00117426 wrote with disingenuous pride temple pAd6qH0LBHI-00508-00117427-00117629 clarke of my staff was shot through the pAd6qH0LBHI-00509-00117630-00117935 breast my saber - strap was caught by a pAd6qH0LBHI-00510-00117936-00118140 bullet and my gloves were stained with pAd6qH0LBHI-00511-00118141-00118353 the blood of a staff officer wounded at pAd6qH0LBHI-00512-00118354-00118641 my side an alarm spread that I was pAd6qH0LBHI-00513-00118642-00118845 killed but it was soon stopped by my pAd6qH0LBHI-00514-00118846-00119099 appearance on the field pAd6qH0LBHI-00515-00119100-00119340 rosecrans his performance immediately pAd6qH0LBHI-00516-00119341-00119568 after the battle was lackluster grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00517-00119569-00119781 had given him specific orders to pursue pAd6qH0LBHI-00518-00119782-00119979 Van Dorn without delay but he did not pAd6qH0LBHI-00519-00119980-00120150 begin his march until the morning of pAd6qH0LBHI-00520-00120151-00120354 October 5th explaining that his troops pAd6qH0LBHI-00521-00120355-00120546 needed rest in the ticketed country made pAd6qH0LBHI-00522-00120547-00120771 progress difficult by day and impossible pAd6qH0LBHI-00523-00120772-00121071 by night at 1:00 p.m. on October 4th pAd6qH0LBHI-00524-00121072-00121208 when pursuit would have been most pAd6qH0LBHI-00525-00121209-00121404 effective Rosecrans rode along his line pAd6qH0LBHI-00526-00121405-00121614 to deny in person a rumor that he had pAd6qH0LBHI-00527-00121615-00121878 been slain at battery robinette he pAd6qH0LBHI-00528-00121879-00122082 dismounted bared his head and told his pAd6qH0LBHI-00529-00122083-00122261 soldiers I stand in the presence of pAd6qH0LBHI-00530-00122263-00122923 brave men and I take my hat off to you pAd6qH0LBHI-00531-00122924-00123431 topic army of the Cumberland pAd6qH0LBHI-00532-00123432-00123678 rosecrans once again found that he was a pAd6qH0LBHI-00533-00123679-00123969 hero in the northern press on October pAd6qH0LBHI-00534-00123970-00124233 24th he was given command of 14th corps pAd6qH0LBHI-00535-00124233-00124433 which because he was also given command pAd6qH0LBHI-00536-00124434-00124583 of the Department of the Cumberland pAd6qH0LBHI-00537-00124584-00124752 would soon be renamed the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00538-00124753-00124958 Cumberland replacing the ineffectual Maj pAd6qH0LBHI-00539-00124959-00125289 Gen Don Carlos Buell who had just fought pAd6qH0LBHI-00540-00125290-00125448 the inconclusive Battle of Perryville pAd6qH0LBHI-00541-00125449-00125804 Kentucky against Gen Braxton Bragg but pAd6qH0LBHI-00542-00125805-00125996 was accused of moving too cautiously pAd6qH0LBHI-00543-00125997-00126228 rosecrans was promoted to the rank of pAd6qH0LBHI-00544-00126229-00126465 Major General of volunteers as opposed pAd6qH0LBHI-00545-00126466-00126641 to his Brigadier rank in the Regular pAd6qH0LBHI-00546-00126642-00126879 Army the promotion was applied pAd6qH0LBHI-00547-00126880-00127251 retroactively to March 21st 1862 so that pAd6qH0LBHI-00548-00127252-00127545 he would outrank fellow Maj Gen Thomas pAd6qH0LBHI-00549-00127546-00127743 Thomas had earlier been offered Buell's pAd6qH0LBHI-00550-00127744-00127878 command but turned down the opportunity pAd6qH0LBHI-00551-00127879-00128223 out of a sense of personal loyalty grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00552-00128224-00128427 was not unhappy that Rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00553-00128428-00128613 leaving his command in his role as an pAd6qH0LBHI-00554-00128614-00128829 army commander Rosecrans became one of pAd6qH0LBHI-00555-00128830-00129011 the most popular generals in the Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00556-00129013-00129291 Army he was known to his Mena's old pAd6qH0LBHI-00557-00129292-00129591 rosey not only because of his last name pAd6qH0LBHI-00558-00129592-00129768 the source for that nickname at West pAd6qH0LBHI-00559-00129769-00129972 Point but because of his large red nose pAd6qH0LBHI-00560-00129973-00130278 which was described as intensified roman pAd6qH0LBHI-00561-00130279-00130527 as a devout Catholic he carried a pAd6qH0LBHI-00562-00130528-00130731 crucifix on his watch-chain and a rosary pAd6qH0LBHI-00563-00130732-00130916 in his pocket and he delighted in pAd6qH0LBHI-00564-00130917-00131058 keeping his staff up half the night pAd6qH0LBHI-00565-00131058-00131322 debating religious doctrine he could pAd6qH0LBHI-00566-00131323-00131523 swing swiftly from bristling anger to pAd6qH0LBHI-00567-00131524-00131700 good natured amusement which endeared pAd6qH0LBHI-00568-00131701-00132223 him to his men pAd6qH0LBHI-00569-00132224-00132829 topic stones river Rosecrans s pAd6qH0LBHI-00570-00132830-00133024 predecessor Buell had been relieved pAd6qH0LBHI-00571-00133025-00133219 because of his desultory pursuit of pAd6qH0LBHI-00572-00133220-00133513 Confederate Gen Braxton Bragg following pAd6qH0LBHI-00573-00133514-00133699 the Battle of Perryville and yet pAd6qH0LBHI-00574-00133700-00133909 rosecrans displayed similar caution pAd6qH0LBHI-00575-00133910-00134062 remaining in Nashville while he pAd6qH0LBHI-00576-00134063-00134239 reprovision his army and improved the pAd6qH0LBHI-00577-00134240-00134524 training of his cavalry forces by early pAd6qH0LBHI-00578-00134525-00134869 December 1862 General in chief Henry W pAd6qH0LBHI-00579-00134870-00135133 Halleck had lost his patience he wrote pAd6qH0LBHI-00580-00135134-00135400 to rosecrans if you remain one more week pAd6qH0LBHI-00581-00135401-00135607 in nashville i cannot prevent your pAd6qH0LBHI-00582-00135608-00135970 removal Rosecrans replied i need no pAd6qH0LBHI-00583-00135971-00136150 other stimulus to make me do my duty pAd6qH0LBHI-00584-00136151-00136435 than the knowledge of what it is to pAd6qH0LBHI-00585-00136436-00136663 threats of removal or the like i must be pAd6qH0LBHI-00586-00136664-00136921 permitted to say that I am insensible in pAd6qH0LBHI-00587-00136922-00137218 late December rosecrans began his march pAd6qH0LBHI-00588-00137219-00137425 against Bragg's army of Tennessee and pAd6qH0LBHI-00589-00137426-00137631 camped outside Murfreesboro Tennessee pAd6qH0LBHI-00590-00137632-00137893 the Battle of Stones River was the pAd6qH0LBHI-00591-00137894-00138085 bloodiest battle of the war in terms of pAd6qH0LBHI-00592-00138086-00138412 percentages of casualties both Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00593-00138413-00138589 and Bragg planned to attack the others pAd6qH0LBHI-00594-00138590-00138670 right flank pAd6qH0LBHI-00595-00138671-00138850 but Bragg moved first early in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00596-00138851-00139072 morning of December 31st driving the pAd6qH0LBHI-00597-00139073-00139288 Union Army back into a small defensive pAd6qH0LBHI-00598-00139289-00139561 perimeter as he realized the severity of pAd6qH0LBHI-00599-00139562-00139732 the surprise attack rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00600-00139733-00139927 demonstrated the nervous hyperactivity pAd6qH0LBHI-00601-00139928-00140176 for which he was known in battle he pAd6qH0LBHI-00602-00140177-00140344 personally rallied his men along the pAd6qH0LBHI-00603-00140345-00140551 line and gave direct orders to any pAd6qH0LBHI-00604-00140552-00140749 brigades regiments or companies he pAd6qH0LBHI-00605-00140750-00141016 encountered disregarding his own safety pAd6qH0LBHI-00606-00141017-00141229 he rode back and forth at the very front pAd6qH0LBHI-00607-00141230-00141424 of his line and sometimes between his pAd6qH0LBHI-00608-00141425-00141691 men and the enemy as Rosecrans raced pAd6qH0LBHI-00609-00141692-00141907 across the battlefield directing units pAd6qH0LBHI-00610-00141908-00142102 seeming ubiquitous to his men his pAd6qH0LBHI-00611-00142103-00142297 uniform was covered with blood from his pAd6qH0LBHI-00612-00142298-00142600 friend and chief of staff call Julius pAd6qH0LBHI-00613-00142601-00142819 garish a beheaded by a cannonball while pAd6qH0LBHI-00614-00142820-00143113 riding alongside when disaster had pAd6qH0LBHI-00615-00143114-00143290 enveloped half the army and from that pAd6qH0LBHI-00616-00143291-00143380 time to the end pAd6qH0LBHI-00617-00143381-00143641 rosecrans was magnificent rising pAd6qH0LBHI-00618-00143642-00143830 superior to the disaster that in a pAd6qH0LBHI-00619-00143831-00143992 single moment had annihilated his pAd6qH0LBHI-00620-00143993-00144217 carefully prepared plans he grasped in pAd6qH0LBHI-00621-00144218-00144400 his single hands the fortunes of the day pAd6qH0LBHI-00622-00144401-00144664 he stemmed the tide of retreat hurried pAd6qH0LBHI-00623-00144665-00144844 brigades and divisions to the point of pAd6qH0LBHI-00624-00144845-00145081 danger massed artillery infused into pAd6qH0LBHI-00625-00145082-00145258 them his own dauntless spirit and out of pAd6qH0LBHI-00626-00145259-00145447 defeat itself fashioned the weapons of pAd6qH0LBHI-00627-00145448-00145542 victory pAd6qH0LBHI-00628-00145543-00145794 as at rich mountain Iuka in corinth it pAd6qH0LBHI-00629-00145795-00145953 was his personal presence that pAd6qH0LBHI-00630-00145954-00146271 magnetized his plans into success the pAd6qH0LBHI-00631-00146272-00146502 armies paused on January 1st but the pAd6qH0LBHI-00632-00146503-00146700 following day Bragg attacked again this pAd6qH0LBHI-00633-00146701-00146868 time against a strong position on pAd6qH0LBHI-00634-00146869-00147129 Rosecrans his left flank the Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00635-00147130-00147321 defence was formidable and the attack pAd6qH0LBHI-00636-00147322-00147588 was repulsed with heavy losses Bragg pAd6qH0LBHI-00637-00147589-00147740 withdrew his army to Tullahoma pAd6qH0LBHI-00638-00147741-00147966 effectively ceding control of Middle pAd6qH0LBHI-00639-00147967-00148215 Tennessee to the Union the battle was pAd6qH0LBHI-00640-00148216-00148416 important to Union morale following its pAd6qH0LBHI-00641-00148417-00148617 defeat at the Battle of Fredericksburg a pAd6qH0LBHI-00642-00148618-00148803 few weeks earlier and President Abraham pAd6qH0LBHI-00643-00148804-00149118 Lincoln wrote to Rosecrans you gave us a pAd6qH0LBHI-00644-00149119-00149283 hard-earned victory which had there been pAd6qH0LBHI-00645-00149284-00149460 a defeat instead the nation could pAd6qH0LBHI-00646-00149461-00150043 scarcely have lived over pAd6qH0LBHI-00647-00150044-00150712 topic Tullahoma Rosecrans is 14th corps pAd6qH0LBHI-00648-00150713-00150910 was soon redesignate the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00649-00150911-00151066 Cumberland which he kept in place pAd6qH0LBHI-00650-00151067-00151306 occupying Murfreesboro for almost six pAd6qH0LBHI-00651-00151307-00151525 months spending the time resupplying and pAd6qH0LBHI-00652-00151526-00151708 training for he was reluctant to advance pAd6qH0LBHI-00653-00151709-00151963 on the muddy winter roads he received pAd6qH0LBHI-00654-00151964-00152146 numerous and treaties from President pAd6qH0LBHI-00655-00152147-00152365 Lincoln Secretary of War Stanton and pAd6qH0LBHI-00656-00152366-00152548 general-in-chief Halleck to resume pAd6qH0LBHI-00657-00152549-00152743 campaigning against brag but rebuffed pAd6qH0LBHI-00658-00152744-00152910 them through the winter and spring a pAd6qH0LBHI-00659-00152911-00153151 primary concern of the government was pAd6qH0LBHI-00660-00153152-00153346 that if Rosecrans continued to sit idly pAd6qH0LBHI-00661-00153347-00153541 the Confederates might move units from pAd6qH0LBHI-00662-00153542-00153727 Bragg's army in an attempt to relieve pAd6qH0LBHI-00663-00153728-00153988 the pressure that Union Maj General pAd6qH0LBHI-00664-00153989-00154177 ulysses s grant was applying to pAd6qH0LBHI-00665-00154178-00154423 Vicksburg Mississippi Lincoln wrote to pAd6qH0LBHI-00666-00154424-00154495 Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00667-00154496-00154756 I would not push you to any rashness but pAd6qH0LBHI-00668-00154757-00154936 I am very anxious that you do your pAd6qH0LBHI-00669-00154937-00155176 utmost short of rashness to keep Bragg pAd6qH0LBHI-00670-00155177-00155371 from getting lost to help Johnston pAd6qH0LBHI-00671-00155372-00155674 against Grant Rosecrans offered an pAd6qH0LBHI-00672-00155675-00155830 excuse that if he started to move pAd6qH0LBHI-00673-00155831-00156061 against brac Brad would likely relocate pAd6qH0LBHI-00674-00156062-00156244 his entire army to Mississippi and pAd6qH0LBHI-00675-00156245-00156454 threaten grants Vicksburg campaign even pAd6qH0LBHI-00676-00156455-00156499 more pAd6qH0LBHI-00677-00156500-00156682 thus by not attacking Bragg he was pAd6qH0LBHI-00678-00156683-00156961 helping grant frustration with Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00679-00156962-00157165 excuses led Halleck to threaten to pAd6qH0LBHI-00680-00157166-00157342 relieve him if he did not move but in pAd6qH0LBHI-00681-00157343-00157570 the end he merely protested against the pAd6qH0LBHI-00682-00157571-00157780 expense to which rosecrans put the pAd6qH0LBHI-00683-00157781-00158128 government for telegrams on June 2nd pAd6qH0LBHI-00684-00158129-00158353 helic telegraphed that if rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-00685-00158354-00158539 unwilling to move some of his troops pAd6qH0LBHI-00686-00158540-00158686 would be sent to Mississippi to pAd6qH0LBHI-00687-00158687-00158808 reinforce grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00688-00158809-00159040 rosecrans sent a questionnaire to his pAd6qH0LBHI-00689-00159041-00159214 Corps and division commanders in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00690-00159215-00159400 hopes of documenting support for his pAd6qH0LBHI-00691-00159401-00159646 position that bragg had so far detached pAd6qH0LBHI-00692-00159647-00159868 no significant forces to mississippi pAd6qH0LBHI-00693-00159869-00160012 that advancing the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00694-00160013-00160177 Cumberland would do nothing to prevent pAd6qH0LBHI-00695-00160178-00160384 any such transfer and that any immediate pAd6qH0LBHI-00696-00160385-00160720 advance was not a good idea 15 of the 17 pAd6qH0LBHI-00697-00160721-00160951 senior generals supported most of pAd6qH0LBHI-00698-00160952-00161149 Rosecrans positions and the council pAd6qH0LBHI-00699-00161150-00161338 against advancing was unanimous pAd6qH0LBHI-00700-00161339-00161545 the only dissenter was the newly pAd6qH0LBHI-00701-00161546-00161845 assigned chief of staff Brig general pAd6qH0LBHI-00702-00161846-00162058 James a Garfield who recommended an pAd6qH0LBHI-00703-00162059-00162280 immediate advance but historian Stephen pAd6qH0LBHI-00704-00162281-00162451 E Woodworth opined that he may have been pAd6qH0LBHI-00705-00162452-00162661 most concerned with the political pAd6qH0LBHI-00706-00162662-00162892 impression his statement would make in pAd6qH0LBHI-00707-00162893-00163264 Washington on June 16th Pell acquired a pAd6qH0LBHI-00708-00163265-00163342 blunt message pAd6qH0LBHI-00709-00163343-00163516 is it your intention to make an pAd6qH0LBHI-00710-00163517-00163753 immediate movement forward a definite pAd6qH0LBHI-00711-00163754-00164013 answer yes or no is required pAd6qH0LBHI-00712-00164014-00164284 Rosecrans responded to this ultimatum if pAd6qH0LBHI-00713-00164285-00164563 immediate means tonight or tomorrow no pAd6qH0LBHI-00714-00164564-00164761 if it means as soon as all things are pAd6qH0LBHI-00715-00164762-00165172 ready say five days yes seven days later pAd6qH0LBHI-00716-00165173-00165385 early in the morning of June 24th pAd6qH0LBHI-00717-00165386-00165601 Rosecrans reported that the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00718-00165602-00165763 Cumberland had begun to move against pAd6qH0LBHI-00719-00165764-00166033 Bragg the Tullahoma campaign June 24th pAd6qH0LBHI-00720-00166034-00166354 to July 3rd 1863 was characterized by pAd6qH0LBHI-00721-00166355-00166528 flawless maneuvers and very low pAd6qH0LBHI-00722-00166529-00166774 casualties as Rosecrans forced Bragg to pAd6qH0LBHI-00723-00166775-00167056 retreat back to Chattanooga Tullahoma is pAd6qH0LBHI-00724-00167057-00167356 considered a brilliant campaign by many pAd6qH0LBHI-00725-00167357-00167629 historians Abraham Lincoln wrote the pAd6qH0LBHI-00726-00167630-00167812 flanking of brag at Shelbyville pAd6qH0LBHI-00727-00167813-00168055 Tullahoma and Chattanooga as the most pAd6qH0LBHI-00728-00168056-00168336 splendid piece of strategy I know of pAd6qH0LBHI-00729-00168337-00168616 Union cavalry Corps commander David as pAd6qH0LBHI-00730-00168617-00168844 Stanley wrote if any student of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00731-00168845-00169102 military art desires to make a study of pAd6qH0LBHI-00732-00169103-00169330 a model campaign let him take his maps pAd6qH0LBHI-00733-00169331-00169573 and general Rosecrans as orders for the pAd6qH0LBHI-00734-00169574-00169849 daily movements of his campaign no pAd6qH0LBHI-00735-00169850-00170107 better example of successful strategy pAd6qH0LBHI-00736-00170108-00170302 was carried out during the war than in pAd6qH0LBHI-00737-00170303-00170620 the Tullahoma campaign when Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00738-00170621-00170791 troops entered Shelbyville they were pAd6qH0LBHI-00739-00170792-00170995 able to rescue captured union spy pAd6qH0LBHI-00740-00170996-00171181 Pauline Cushman Cushman had been pAd6qH0LBHI-00741-00171182-00171436 scouting the movements of Jan Bragg when pAd6qH0LBHI-00742-00171437-00171670 she was captured gen John Hunt Morgan pAd6qH0LBHI-00743-00171671-00171937 was one of her escorts to Gen Bragg for pAd6qH0LBHI-00744-00171938-00172162 questioning a military trial found her pAd6qH0LBHI-00745-00172163-00172447 guilty she was to be hung as a spy her pAd6qH0LBHI-00746-00172448-00172660 rescue came just three days prior to her pAd6qH0LBHI-00747-00172661-00172903 scheduled execution Rosecrans and pAd6qH0LBHI-00748-00172904-00173098 Cushman went on to raise over 1 million pAd6qH0LBHI-00749-00173099-00173356 dollars for soldiers aid at the 1863 pAd6qH0LBHI-00750-00173357-00173743 Cincinnati Ohio sanitary fair ironically pAd6qH0LBHI-00751-00173744-00173932 Rosecrans had approved the court-martial pAd6qH0LBHI-00752-00173933-00174163 and hanging of two Confederate officers pAd6qH0LBHI-00753-00174164-00174358 Lawrence Orton Williams and Walter pAd6qH0LBHI-00754-00174359-00174670 Peters June 9th 1863 at Franklin 10:00 pAd6qH0LBHI-00755-00174671-00174871 after these two officers had disguised pAd6qH0LBHI-00756-00174872-00175063 themselves as Union officers for the pAd6qH0LBHI-00757-00175064-00175279 purposes of spying Rosecrans did not pAd6qH0LBHI-00758-00175280-00175483 receive all of the public acclaim his pAd6qH0LBHI-00759-00175484-00175615 campaign might have under different pAd6qH0LBHI-00760-00175616-00175912 circumstances the day it ended was the pAd6qH0LBHI-00761-00175913-00176146 day Gen Robert Ely launched the pAd6qH0LBHI-00762-00176147-00176344 ill-fated Pickett's Charge and lost the pAd6qH0LBHI-00763-00176345-00176626 Battle of Gettysburg the following day pAd6qH0LBHI-00764-00176627-00176727 Vicksburg surrender pAd6qH0LBHI-00765-00176728-00176979 to grant secretary Stanton telegraphed pAd6qH0LBHI-00766-00176980-00177276 Rosecrans Lee's army overthrown grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00767-00177277-00177561 victorious you and your noble army now pAd6qH0LBHI-00768-00177562-00177765 have a chance to give the finishing blow pAd6qH0LBHI-00769-00177766-00178023 to the rebellion will you neglect the pAd6qH0LBHI-00770-00178024-00178100 chance pAd6qH0LBHI-00771-00178101-00178314 rosecrans was infuriated by this pAd6qH0LBHI-00772-00178315-00178533 attitude and responded just received pAd6qH0LBHI-00773-00178534-00178701 your cheering telegram announcing the pAd6qH0LBHI-00774-00178702-00178869 fall of Vicksburg and confirming the pAd6qH0LBHI-00775-00178870-00179118 defeat of Lee you do not appear to pAd6qH0LBHI-00776-00179119-00179304 observe the fact that this noble Army pAd6qH0LBHI-00777-00179305-00179451 has driven the rebels from Middle pAd6qH0LBHI-00778-00179452-00179523 Tennessee pAd6qH0LBHI-00779-00179524-00179844 I beg in behalf of this army that the pAd6qH0LBHI-00780-00179845-00180048 War Department may not overlook so great pAd6qH0LBHI-00781-00180049-00180213 an event because it is not written in pAd6qH0LBHI-00782-00180214-00180753 letters of blood pAd6qH0LBHI-00783-00180754-00181230 topic Chickamauga pAd6qH0LBHI-00784-00181231-00181471 rosecrans did not immediately pursue pAd6qH0LBHI-00785-00181472-00181708 braggin give the finishing blow to the pAd6qH0LBHI-00786-00181709-00182008 rebellion as Stanton had urged he paused pAd6qH0LBHI-00787-00182009-00182206 to regroup and study the logistically pAd6qH0LBHI-00788-00182207-00182410 difficult choices of pursuit into the pAd6qH0LBHI-00789-00182411-00182578 mountainous regions to the west and pAd6qH0LBHI-00790-00182579-00182818 south of Chattanooga when he was ready pAd6qH0LBHI-00791-00182819-00183010 to move he once again maneuvered in a pAd6qH0LBHI-00792-00183011-00183241 way to disadvantage Bragg the pAd6qH0LBHI-00793-00183242-00183442 confederates abandoned Chattanooga and pAd6qH0LBHI-00794-00183443-00183580 withdrew into the mountains of pAd6qH0LBHI-00795-00183581-00183720 northwestern Georgia pAd6qH0LBHI-00796-00183721-00183958 rosecrans threw aside his previous pAd6qH0LBHI-00797-00183959-00184132 caution under the assumption that Bragg pAd6qH0LBHI-00798-00184133-00184321 would continue to retreat and began to pAd6qH0LBHI-00799-00184322-00184504 pursue with his army over three routes pAd6qH0LBHI-00800-00184505-00184645 that left his corps commanders pAd6qH0LBHI-00801-00184646-00184930 dangerously far apart at the Battle of pAd6qH0LBHI-00802-00184931-00185170 Davis's crossroads on September 11th pAd6qH0LBHI-00803-00185171-00185350 Bragg came close to ambushing and pAd6qH0LBHI-00804-00185351-00185569 destroying one of Rosecrans isolated pAd6qH0LBHI-00805-00185570-00185806 Corps realizing the threat at last pAd6qH0LBHI-00806-00185807-00186025 rosecrans issued urgent orders to pAd6qH0LBHI-00807-00186026-00186196 concentrate his army and the two pAd6qH0LBHI-00808-00186197-00186385 opponents faced each other across West pAd6qH0LBHI-00809-00186386-00186646 Chickamauga Creek the Battle of pAd6qH0LBHI-00810-00186647-00186901 Chickamauga began on September 19th with pAd6qH0LBHI-00811-00186902-00187042 Bragg attacking the not fully pAd6qH0LBHI-00812-00187043-00187243 concentrated Union Army but he was pAd6qH0LBHI-00813-00187244-00187411 unable to break through rosecrans as pAd6qH0LBHI-00814-00187412-00187681 defensive positions on the second day of pAd6qH0LBHI-00815-00187682-00187948 battle however disaster befell Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00816-00187949-00188134 in the form of his poorly worded order pAd6qH0LBHI-00817-00188135-00188277 in response to a poorly understood pAd6qH0LBHI-00818-00188278-00188623 situation the order was directed to Brig pAd6qH0LBHI-00819-00188624-00188923 general Thomas J Wood to close up and pAd6qH0LBHI-00820-00188924-00189184 support General Joseph J Reynolds his pAd6qH0LBHI-00821-00189185-00189493 division planning to fill an assumed gap pAd6qH0LBHI-00822-00189494-00189739 in the line however would subsequent pAd6qH0LBHI-00823-00189740-00189907 movement actually opened up a new pAd6qH0LBHI-00824-00189908-00190165 division sized gap in the line by pAd6qH0LBHI-00825-00190166-00190357 coincidence a massive assault by pAd6qH0LBHI-00826-00190358-00190612 lieutenant gen James Longstreet had been pAd6qH0LBHI-00827-00190613-00190801 planned to strike that very area and the pAd6qH0LBHI-00828-00190802-00190996 Confederates exploited the gap to full pAd6qH0LBHI-00829-00190997-00191053 effect pAd6qH0LBHI-00830-00191054-00191347 shattering rosecrans his right flank the pAd6qH0LBHI-00831-00191348-00191536 majority of units on the Union right pAd6qH0LBHI-00832-00191537-00191787 fell back in disorder toward Chattanooga pAd6qH0LBHI-00833-00191788-00192052 rosecrans Garfield and two of the corps pAd6qH0LBHI-00834-00192053-00192226 commanders although attempting to rally pAd6qH0LBHI-00835-00192227-00192430 retreating units soon joined them in the pAd6qH0LBHI-00836-00192431-00192721 rush to safety rosecrans decided to pAd6qH0LBHI-00837-00192722-00192928 proceed in haste to Chattanooga in order pAd6qH0LBHI-00838-00192929-00193114 to organize his returning men and the pAd6qH0LBHI-00839-00193115-00193405 city defenses he sent Garfield to Maj pAd6qH0LBHI-00840-00193406-00193699 Gen George H Tomas with orders to take pAd6qH0LBHI-00841-00193700-00193867 command of the forces remaining at pAd6qH0LBHI-00842-00193868-00194092 Chickamauga and withdraw the Union Army pAd6qH0LBHI-00843-00194093-00194293 managed to escape complete disaster pAd6qH0LBHI-00844-00194294-00194449 because of the stout defense pAd6qH0LBHI-00845-00194450-00194644 organized by Thomas on horseshoe Ridge pAd6qH0LBHI-00846-00194645-00194800 heroism that earned him the nickname pAd6qH0LBHI-00847-00194801-00195094 rock of Chickamauga the army withdrew pAd6qH0LBHI-00848-00195095-00195298 that night to fortified positions in pAd6qH0LBHI-00849-00195299-00195538 Chattanooga Bragg had not succeeded in pAd6qH0LBHI-00850-00195539-00195739 his objective to destroy the army of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00851-00195740-00195892 Cumberland but the Battle of Chickamauga pAd6qH0LBHI-00852-00195893-00196123 was nonetheless the worst Union defeat pAd6qH0LBHI-00853-00196124-00196248 in the Western theater pAd6qH0LBHI-00854-00196249-00196519 Thomas urged rosecrans to rejoin the pAd6qH0LBHI-00855-00196520-00196696 army and lead it but rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00856-00196697-00196933 physically exhausted and psychologically pAd6qH0LBHI-00857-00196934-00197154 a beaten man remained in Chattanooga pAd6qH0LBHI-00858-00197155-00197395 President Lincoln attempted to prop up pAd6qH0LBHI-00859-00197396-00197596 the morale of his general telegraphing pAd6qH0LBHI-00860-00197597-00197857 be of good cheer pAd6qH0LBHI-00861-00197858-00198127 we have unabated confidence in you and pAd6qH0LBHI-00862-00198128-00198379 your soldiers and officers in the main pAd6qH0LBHI-00863-00198380-00198586 you must be the judge as to what is to pAd6qH0LBHI-00864-00198587-00198910 be done if I was to suggest I would say pAd6qH0LBHI-00865-00198911-00199090 save your army by taking strong pAd6qH0LBHI-00866-00199091-00199380 positions until Burnside joins you pAd6qH0LBHI-00867-00199381-00199642 privately Lincoln told John hay that pAd6qH0LBHI-00868-00199643-00199894 rosecrans seemed confused and stunned pAd6qH0LBHI-00869-00199895-00200230 like a duck hit on the head whether he pAd6qH0LBHI-00870-00200231-00200404 did or did not know that Thomas still pAd6qH0LBHI-00871-00200405-00200602 held the field it was a catastrophe that pAd6qH0LBHI-00872-00200603-00200857 rosecrans did not himself ride to Thomas pAd6qH0LBHI-00873-00200858-00201133 and sent Garfield to Chattanooga had he pAd6qH0LBHI-00874-00201134-00201310 gone to the front in person and shown pAd6qH0LBHI-00875-00201311-00201544 himself to his men as at Stone River he pAd6qH0LBHI-00876-00201545-00201706 might by his personal presence have pAd6qH0LBHI-00877-00201707-00201895 plucked victory from disaster although pAd6qH0LBHI-00878-00201896-00202042 it is doubtful whether he could have pAd6qH0LBHI-00879-00202043-00202294 done more than Thomas did Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00880-00202295-00202631 however rode to Chattanooga instead pAd6qH0LBHI-00881-00202632-00202789 although rosecrans --is men were pAd6qH0LBHI-00882-00202790-00203012 protected by strong defensive positions pAd6qH0LBHI-00883-00203013-00203222 the supply lines into Chattanooga were pAd6qH0LBHI-00884-00203223-00203416 tenuous and subject to Confederate pAd6qH0LBHI-00885-00203417-00203720 cavalry raids Bragg's army occupied the pAd6qH0LBHI-00886-00203721-00203882 heights surrounding the city and laid pAd6qH0LBHI-00887-00203883-00204182 siege upon the Union forces Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00888-00204183-00204410 demoralized by his defeat proved unable pAd6qH0LBHI-00889-00204411-00204533 to break the siege without pAd6qH0LBHI-00890-00204534-00204805 reinforcements only hours after the pAd6qH0LBHI-00891-00204806-00205021 defeat at Chickamauga secretary Stanton pAd6qH0LBHI-00892-00205023-00205360 ordered Maj Gen Joseph Hooker to travel pAd6qH0LBHI-00893-00205361-00205606 to Chattanooga with 15,000 men in two pAd6qH0LBHI-00894-00205607-00205786 Corps from the Army of the Potomac in pAd6qH0LBHI-00895-00205787-00205855 Virginia pAd6qH0LBHI-00896-00205856-00206188 Maj Gen Ulysses s grant was ordered to pAd6qH0LBHI-00897-00206189-00206396 send 20,000 men under his chief pAd6qH0LBHI-00898-00206396-00206710 subordinate Maj Gen William T Sherman pAd6qH0LBHI-00899-00206711-00206978 from Vicksburg Mississippi on September pAd6qH0LBHI-00900-00206979-00207203 29th Staunton ordered grant to go to pAd6qH0LBHI-00901-00207204-00207419 Chattanooga himself as commander of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00902-00207419-00207626 newly created military division of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00903-00207627-00207869 Mississippi grant was given the option pAd6qH0LBHI-00904-00207869-00208094 of replacing the demoralized rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00905-00208094-00208357 with Thomas although grant did not have pAd6qH0LBHI-00906-00208358-00208526 good personal relations with either pAd6qH0LBHI-00907-00208527-00208741 General he selected Thomas to command pAd6qH0LBHI-00908-00208742-00208957 the army of the Cumberland grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00909-00208958-00209137 traveled over the treacherous mountains pAd6qH0LBHI-00910-00209138-00209303 supply line roads and arrived in pAd6qH0LBHI-00911-00209304-00209627 Chattanooga on October 23rd on the pAd6qH0LBHI-00912-00209628-00209833 morning of the 21st we took the train pAd6qH0LBHI-00913-00209834-00210007 for the front reaching Stephenson pAd6qH0LBHI-00914-00210008-00210166 Alabama after dark pAd6qH0LBHI-00915-00210167-00210437 rosecrans was there on his way north he pAd6qH0LBHI-00916-00210438-00210619 came into my car and we held a brief pAd6qH0LBHI-00917-00210621-00210817 interview in which he described very pAd6qH0LBHI-00918-00210819-00211037 clearly the situation at Chattanooga and pAd6qH0LBHI-00919-00211038-00211210 made some excellent suggestions as to pAd6qH0LBHI-00920-00211211-00211466 what should be done my only wonder was pAd6qH0LBHI-00921-00211467-00211735 that he had not carried them out grant pAd6qH0LBHI-00922-00211736-00211960 executed a plan originally devised by pAd6qH0LBHI-00923-00211961-00212342 Rosecrans and Brig Gen William F Baldy pAd6qH0LBHI-00924-00212342-00212635 Smith to open the cracker line and pAd6qH0LBHI-00925-00212636-00212876 resupplied the army and in a series of pAd6qH0LBHI-00926-00212877-00213157 battles for Chattanooga November 23 to pAd6qH0LBHI-00927-00213158-00213521 25 1863 routed Bragg's army and sent it pAd6qH0LBHI-00928-00213521-00214094 retreating into Georgia pAd6qH0LBHI-00929-00214096-00214742 topic Missouri and resignation rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00930-00214744-00214931 was sent to Cincinnati to await further pAd6qH0LBHI-00931-00214932-00215142 orders but ultimately he would play no pAd6qH0LBHI-00932-00215142-00215391 further large part in the fighting he pAd6qH0LBHI-00933-00215392-00215555 was given command of the Department of pAd6qH0LBHI-00934-00215556-00215862 Missouri from January to December 1864 pAd6qH0LBHI-00935-00215863-00216063 where he was active in opposing Sterling pAd6qH0LBHI-00936-00216064-00216387 prices Missouri rain during the 1864 pAd6qH0LBHI-00937-00216388-00216612 Republican National Convention his pAd6qH0LBHI-00938-00216613-00216860 former chief of staff James Garfield pAd6qH0LBHI-00939-00216861-00217071 head of the Ohio delegation telegraphed pAd6qH0LBHI-00940-00217071-00217256 rosecrans to ask if he would consider pAd6qH0LBHI-00941-00217257-00217433 running to be Abraham Lincoln's vice pAd6qH0LBHI-00942-00217434-00217704 president the Republicans that year were pAd6qH0LBHI-00943-00217705-00217878 seeking a war Democrat to run with pAd6qH0LBHI-00944-00217879-00218046 Lincoln under the temporary name of pAd6qH0LBHI-00945-00218046-00218379 National Union Party Rosecrans replied pAd6qH0LBHI-00946-00218380-00218577 in a cryptically positive manner but pAd6qH0LBHI-00947-00218578-00218748 Garfield never received the return pAd6qH0LBHI-00948-00218748-00219056 telegram friends of Rosecrans speculated pAd6qH0LBHI-00949-00219057-00219287 that Edwin M Stanton Secretary of War pAd6qH0LBHI-00950-00219288-00219537 intercepted and suppressed it rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-00951-00219538-00219731 was mustered out of the u.s. volunteer pAd6qH0LBHI-00952-00219732-00220152 service On January 15th 1866 on June pAd6qH0LBHI-00953-00220153-00220448 30th 1866 President Andrew Johnson pAd6qH0LBHI-00954-00220450-00220694 nominated Rosecrans for appointment as a pAd6qH0LBHI-00955-00220696-00220892 brevet Major General in the Regular Army pAd6qH0LBHI-00956-00220894-00221231 to rank from March 13 1865 in gratitude pAd6qH0LBHI-00957-00221232-00221463 for his actions at Stones River and the pAd6qH0LBHI-00958-00221464-00221654 US Senate confirmed the appointment on pAd6qH0LBHI-00959-00221655-00222069 July 25th 1866 Rosecrans resigned from pAd6qH0LBHI-00960-00222069-00222410 the Regular Army on March 28 1867 On pAd6qH0LBHI-00961-00222411-00222867 February 27th 1889 by act of Congress he pAd6qH0LBHI-00962-00222867-00223062 was reappointed a brigadier general in pAd6qH0LBHI-00963-00223063-00223251 the Regular Army and was placed on the pAd6qH0LBHI-00964-00223252-00223556 retired list on March 1st 1889 after the pAd6qH0LBHI-00965-00223557-00223773 war Rosecrans became a companion of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00966-00223773-00223977 District of Columbia commandery of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00967-00223978-00224175 military order of the loyal Legion of pAd6qH0LBHI-00968-00224176-00224417 the United States a military society of pAd6qH0LBHI-00969-00224419-00224582 officers who had served in the Union pAd6qH0LBHI-00970-00224583-00225264 Armed Forces and their descendants pAd6qH0LBHI-00971-00225265-00225792 topic later life pAd6qH0LBHI-00972-00225794-00226012 after the war rosecrans became pAd6qH0LBHI-00973-00226013-00226203 interested in railroads and was one of pAd6qH0LBHI-00974-00226204-00226390 the eleven incorporators of the Southern pAd6qH0LBHI-00975-00226391-00226501 Pacific Railroad pAd6qH0LBHI-00976-00226502-00226680 but his valuable interests in the stock pAd6qH0LBHI-00977-00226681-00226854 of the railroad were lost to some of the pAd6qH0LBHI-00978-00226855-00227044 unscrupulous finance ears who were his pAd6qH0LBHI-00979-00227044-00227433 business partners from 1868 to 1869 pAd6qH0LBHI-00980-00227434-00227679 Rosecrans served as US minister to pAd6qH0LBHI-00981-00227680-00227910 Mexico but was replaced after just five pAd6qH0LBHI-00982-00227911-00228121 months when his old nemesis Ulysses pAd6qH0LBHI-00983-00228121-00228402 Grant became president during this brief pAd6qH0LBHI-00984-00228403-00228637 service he became convinced that Mexico pAd6qH0LBHI-00985-00228638-00228792 would benefit from a narrow gauge pAd6qH0LBHI-00986-00228794-00229039 railway and telegraph line from Tampico pAd6qH0LBHI-00987-00229040-00229300 to the coast but this venture from 1869 pAd6qH0LBHI-00988-00229301-00229554 through 1873 was a failure pAd6qH0LBHI-00989-00229555-00229762 rosecrans then became interested in pAd6qH0LBHI-00990-00229763-00229935 civil administration and wrote a book pAd6qH0LBHI-00991-00229936-00230125 popular government with a former pAd6qH0LBHI-00992-00230126-00230331 newspaperman Josiah Reilly which pAd6qH0LBHI-00993-00230332-00230512 advocated registration and voting pAd6qH0LBHI-00994-00230513-00230791 reforms he was approached by various pAd6qH0LBHI-00995-00230792-00230985 political parties to run for high office pAd6qH0LBHI-00996-00230986-00231340 governor of Ohio Union Party 1866 pAd6qH0LBHI-00997-00231341-00231592 Governor of California Democratic Party pAd6qH0LBHI-00998-00231592-00231937 1868 Governor of Ohio Democratic Party pAd6qH0LBHI-00999-00231938-00232240 1869 US Representative from Nevada pAd6qH0LBHI-01000-00232241-00232663 Democratic Party 1876 he refused all of pAd6qH0LBHI-01001-00232664-00232846 these offers because they conflicted pAd6qH0LBHI-01002-00232846-00232992 with potentially promising business pAd6qH0LBHI-01003-00232994-00233196 ventures leading him to be referred to pAd6qH0LBHI-01004-00233198-00233259 by the nickname pAd6qH0LBHI-01005-00233260-00233652 the great decliner in 1869 Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-01006-00233653-00233938 bought 16,000 acres sixty-five square pAd6qH0LBHI-01007-00233939-00234183 kilometers of Rancho San Pedro in the pAd6qH0LBHI-01008-00234184-00234439 Los Angeles basin for two dollars and 50 pAd6qH0LBHI-01009-00234440-00234702 cents per acre 620 dollars per square pAd6qH0LBHI-01010-00234703-00234951 kilometre a low price possibly because pAd6qH0LBHI-01011-00234952-00235117 the land was deemed worthless for lack pAd6qH0LBHI-01012-00235117-00235389 of a spring for water the ranch dubbed pAd6qH0LBHI-01013-00235390-00235717 Rosecrans Rancho was bordered by what pAd6qH0LBHI-01014-00235717-00235908 later was Florence Avenue on the North pAd6qH0LBHI-01015-00235909-00236109 Redondo Beach Boulevard on the South pAd6qH0LBHI-01016-00236110-00236326 Central Avenue on the east and Arlington pAd6qH0LBHI-01017-00236327-00236587 Avenue on the west by the time of pAd6qH0LBHI-01018-00236588-00236791 Rosecrans is death his son Carl was pAd6qH0LBHI-01019-00236792-00236962 living on the estate but most of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01020-00236963-00237187 land had been sold parcel by parcel to pAd6qH0LBHI-01021-00237188-00237376 support the financial needs of mining pAd6qH0LBHI-01022-00237377-00237571 ventures in which rose cremes invested pAd6qH0LBHI-01023-00237571-00237828 in 1880 Rosecrans was elected US pAd6qH0LBHI-01024-00237829-00238008 Representative as a Democrat from pAd6qH0LBHI-01025-00238009-00238158 California's first congressional pAd6qH0LBHI-01026-00238159-00238473 district that same year James Garfield pAd6qH0LBHI-01027-00238475-00238703 was elected president as a republican pAd6qH0LBHI-01028-00238704-00238929 Rosecrans was distressed to see that pAd6qH0LBHI-01029-00238930-00239130 Garfield's campaign literature played up pAd6qH0LBHI-01030-00239131-00239192 his role pAd6qH0LBHI-01031-00239194-00239498 the worid rosecrans expense their former pAd6qH0LBHI-01032-00239500-00239646 friendship was irretrievably broken pAd6qH0LBHI-01033-00239646-00239958 after Garfield's assassination Charles a pAd6qH0LBHI-01034-00239959-00240177 dana capitalized on the tragedy by pAd6qH0LBHI-01035-00240178-00240315 publishing the letters written by pAd6qH0LBHI-01036-00240316-00240513 Garfield after Chickamauga - then pAd6qH0LBHI-01037-00240514-00240719 secretary of the Treasury salmon P chase pAd6qH0LBHI-01038-00240721-00240896 the letters may have been the major pAd6qH0LBHI-01039-00240898-00241137 reason for rosecrans loss of political pAd6qH0LBHI-01040-00241138-00241319 support at the time Rosecrans was pAd6qH0LBHI-01041-00241321-00241554 reelected in 1882 and became the pAd6qH0LBHI-01042-00241555-00241740 chairman of the House military affairs pAd6qH0LBHI-01043-00241741-00241914 committee a position in which he pAd6qH0LBHI-01044-00241915-00242079 publicly opposed a bill that would pAd6qH0LBHI-01045-00242080-00242265 provide a pension to former President pAd6qH0LBHI-01046-00242266-00242508 Grant and his wife unaware of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01047-00242509-00242709 serious financial condition of grant's pAd6qH0LBHI-01048-00242710-00242928 family Rosecrans objected that some of pAd6qH0LBHI-01049-00242929-00243102 grant's official statements were false pAd6qH0LBHI-01050-00243103-00243342 and which he knew to be false at the pAd6qH0LBHI-01051-00243342-00243537 time he made them and which i have shown pAd6qH0LBHI-01052-00243538-00243791 in my official reports to be false i pAd6qH0LBHI-01053-00243792-00244053 cannot say to the people of this country pAd6qH0LBHI-01054-00244054-00244298 that a business which has been conducted pAd6qH0LBHI-01055-00244300-00244521 as to rob poor people of millions in pAd6qH0LBHI-01056-00244521-00244742 which if done on a smaller scale would pAd6qH0LBHI-01057-00244744-00244956 have sent its managers to prison shall pAd6qH0LBHI-01058-00244957-00245151 be considered as important when the pAd6qH0LBHI-01059-00245152-00245346 principal manager has allowed a great pAd6qH0LBHI-01060-00245346-00245550 name to be used as the instrument of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01061-00245551-00245846 robbery the bill was passed over his pAd6qH0LBHI-01062-00245848-00246092 objections when a bill was introduced in pAd6qH0LBHI-01063-00246094-00246189 1889 pAd6qH0LBHI-01064-00246190-00246423 to restore rosecrans rank and place him pAd6qH0LBHI-01065-00246423-00246636 on the retired list some representatives pAd6qH0LBHI-01066-00246637-00246852 objected based on Rosecrans 'iz actions pAd6qH0LBHI-01067-00246853-00247119 against grant in 1885 but the bill was pAd6qH0LBHI-01068-00247119-00247314 passed rosecrans did not seek reelection pAd6qH0LBHI-01069-00247315-00247653 in 1884 he served as a regent of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01070-00247654-00247935 university of california in 1884 and pAd6qH0LBHI-01071-00247936-00248048 1885 pAd6qH0LBHI-01072-00248048-00248286 although Rosecrans was mentioned on a pAd6qH0LBHI-01073-00248287-00248502 few occasions as a possible presidential pAd6qH0LBHI-01074-00248503-00248751 candidate the first Democratic president pAd6qH0LBHI-01075-00248752-00248916 elected after the war was Grover pAd6qH0LBHI-01076-00248917-00249258 Cleveland in 1884 newspaper stories pAd6qH0LBHI-01077-00249259-00249456 circulated that Rosecrans was under pAd6qH0LBHI-01078-00249457-00249654 serious consideration to be appointed pAd6qH0LBHI-01079-00249655-00249828 his Secretary of War but he was pAd6qH0LBHI-01080-00249829-00250014 appointed instead as the register of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01081-00250015-00250089 Treasury pAd6qH0LBHI-01082-00250090-00250434 serving from 1885 to 1893 Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-01083-00250435-00250581 spoke at the dedication of the pAd6qH0LBHI-01084-00250582-00250740 chickamauga and chattanooga nat'l pAd6qH0LBHI-01085-00250741-00251082 military park on september 1918 89 pAd6qH0LBHI-01086-00251083-00251262 during which he delivered an address pAd6qH0LBHI-01087-00251263-00251400 that was considered the best in pAd6qH0LBHI-01088-00251401-00251567 capturing the feelings of the veterans pAd6qH0LBHI-01089-00251569-00252204 present from both sides pAd6qH0LBHI-01090-00252205-00252684 topic death pAd6qH0LBHI-01091-00252685-00253017 in February 1898 Rosecrans suffered from pAd6qH0LBHI-01092-00253017-00253203 a cold that turned into pneumonia but pAd6qH0LBHI-01093-00253204-00253473 appeared to recover successfully then he pAd6qH0LBHI-01094-00253473-00253592 learned that one of his favorite pAd6qH0LBHI-01095-00253594-00253844 grandchildren rosecrans Toole the son of pAd6qH0LBHI-01096-00253846-00254064 Lillie and Joseph Kemp Toole the first pAd6qH0LBHI-01097-00254065-00254241 governor of Montana had died of pAd6qH0LBHI-01098-00254242-00254502 diphtheria he was seized with grief and pAd6qH0LBHI-01099-00254503-00254730 his health failed precipitously he died pAd6qH0LBHI-01100-00254731-00255023 on March 11th 1898 at Rancho sossel pAd6qH0LBHI-01101-00255025-00255342 Redondo Redondo Beach California his pAd6qH0LBHI-01102-00255342-00255582 casket lay in state in Los Angeles City pAd6qH0LBHI-01103-00255583-00255777 Hall covered by the headquarters flag pAd6qH0LBHI-01104-00255778-00255944 that flew over Stones River and pAd6qH0LBHI-01105-00255946-00256263 Chickamauga in 1908 his remains were pAd6qH0LBHI-01106-00256264-00256986 interred in Arlington National Cemetery pAd6qH0LBHI-01107-00256987-00257467 topic legacy pAd6qH0LBHI-01108-00257469-00257804 Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San pAd6qH0LBHI-01109-00257805-00258051 Diego California is named in his honor pAd6qH0LBHI-01110-00258052-00258269 major streets named after William pAd6qH0LBHI-01111-00258271-00258528 Rosecrans include Rosecrans Avenue a pAd6qH0LBHI-01112-00258529-00258741 major east-west street that runs through pAd6qH0LBHI-01113-00258742-00258921 the southern part of Los Angeles County pAd6qH0LBHI-01114-00258921-00259176 and Rosecrans Street in San Diego which pAd6qH0LBHI-01115-00259177-00259384 runs near the aforementioned cemetery a pAd6qH0LBHI-01116-00259385-00259701 school general Rosecrans elementary on pAd6qH0LBHI-01117-00259702-00259938 Rosecrans and acacia avenues bears his pAd6qH0LBHI-01118-00259939-00260123 name in the City of Compton a Los pAd6qH0LBHI-01119-00260125-00260412 Angeles suburb a simple memorial was pAd6qH0LBHI-01120-00260413-00260546 constructed on the site of his pAd6qH0LBHI-01121-00260548-00260838 birthplace and childhood home just north pAd6qH0LBHI-01122-00260839-00261054 of Sunbury Ohio a large boulder pAd6qH0LBHI-01123-00261055-00261267 surrounded by a wrought iron fence holds pAd6qH0LBHI-01124-00261267-00261458 a plaque in memoriam and rests beside a pAd6qH0LBHI-01125-00261459-00261612 rural road that bears his name pAd6qH0LBHI-01126-00261613-00261939 a magnificent equestrian statue resting pAd6qH0LBHI-01127-00261940-00262164 on a 55 thousand pound black granite pAd6qH0LBHI-01128-00262165-00262374 boulder now has a commanding place on pAd6qH0LBHI-01129-00262375-00262638 the city of Sunbury square Rosecrans pAd6qH0LBHI-01130-00262639-00262808 headquarters in the build-up to the pAd6qH0LBHI-01131-00262809-00263004 Chickamauga campaign was listed on the pAd6qH0LBHI-01132-00263005-00263233 National Register of Historic Places in pAd6qH0LBHI-01133-00263234-00263715 1978 the USA tea Rosecrans was a troop pAd6qH0LBHI-01134-00263716-00263976 transport ship used in the early 1900s pAd6qH0LBHI-01135-00263977-00264254 that saw service in the Pacific the u.s. pAd6qH0LBHI-01136-00264255-00264597 80 William s Rosecrans another similarly pAd6qH0LBHI-01137-00264598-00264789 named ship was built as Liberty Ship pAd6qH0LBHI-01138-00264790-00265055 Hall 570 by the Oregon shipbuilding pAd6qH0LBHI-01139-00265056-00265848 corporation and rated to hold 504 troops pAd6qH0LBHI-01140-00265849-00266348 topic see also pAd6qH0LBHI-01141-00266349-00266628 list of American Civil War generals pAd6qH0LBHI-01142-00266629-00267059 union fortress rosecrans equals equals pAd6qH0LBHI-01143-00267060-00267294 notes pBr7nOLfQyc-00000-00002135-00002302 hello pBr7nOLfQyc-00001-00002303-00002575 welcome to a very special voodoo ranger pBr7nOLfQyc-00002-00002576-00002663 themed pBr7nOLfQyc-00003-00002664-00002991 art to art episode hello everyone thank pBr7nOLfQyc-00004-00002992-00003039 you pBr7nOLfQyc-00005-00003040-00003175 thank you to voodoo ranger for pBr7nOLfQyc-00006-00003176-00003367 sponsoring the stream uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00007-00003368-00003551 voodoo ranger is releasing their next pBr7nOLfQyc-00008-00003552-00003743 great ipa and the choice is in your pBr7nOLfQyc-00009-00003744-00003822 hands you can go to pBr7nOLfQyc-00010-00003823-00004095 vote voodoo.com to cast your vote on pBr7nOLfQyc-00011-00004096-00004279 which ipa gets made pBr7nOLfQyc-00012-00004280-00004575 today we're trying out their two newest pBr7nOLfQyc-00013-00004576-00004702 flavors pBr7nOLfQyc-00014-00004703-00005127 agent 77 and captain dynamite not pBr7nOLfQyc-00015-00005128-00005254 captain dynamic pBr7nOLfQyc-00016-00005255-00005551 uh so the difference between these two pBr7nOLfQyc-00017-00005552-00005583 and pBr7nOLfQyc-00018-00005584-00005854 this one uh well i'm not even on screen pBr7nOLfQyc-00019-00005855-00006118 1877 is a refined ipa pBr7nOLfQyc-00020-00006119-00006495 brewed with international nelson soven pBr7nOLfQyc-00021-00006495-00006806 and galaxy hops to create a fruity and pBr7nOLfQyc-00022-00006808-00006998 floral ipa galaxy hops that's out of pBr7nOLfQyc-00023-00007000-00007142 this world pBr7nOLfQyc-00024-00007143-00007551 and then captain dynamic is a hazy ipa pBr7nOLfQyc-00025-00007552-00007727 juiced with mosaic pBr7nOLfQyc-00026-00007728-00008063 simcoe and cascade hops and exploding pBr7nOLfQyc-00027-00008064-00008567 with tropical citrus flavors and aroma pBr7nOLfQyc-00028-00008568-00008742 i don't know i don't know what a lot of pBr7nOLfQyc-00029-00008743-00008910 those words mean but they sound pBr7nOLfQyc-00030-00008911-00009006 delicious pBr7nOLfQyc-00031-00009007-00009246 so before we get started we're gonna try pBr7nOLfQyc-00032-00009247-00009319 these and pBr7nOLfQyc-00033-00009320-00009559 uh we're gonna talk about like which one pBr7nOLfQyc-00034-00009560-00009839 gets our vote pBr7nOLfQyc-00035-00009840-00010503 somebody just cracked one open pBr7nOLfQyc-00036-00010504-00010806 i did captain dynamic uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00037-00010807-00011023 dynamite oh dynamite yeah captain pBr7nOLfQyc-00038-00011024-00011446 dynamics your nickname right jordan pBr7nOLfQyc-00039-00011447-00011567 all right so we're going to try captain pBr7nOLfQyc-00040-00011568-00011695 dynamite first i think we should try pBr7nOLfQyc-00041-00011696-00011806 them at the same time pBr7nOLfQyc-00042-00011807-00012335 just like okay you already did it pBr7nOLfQyc-00043-00012336-00012583 it's good it's good yeah i like it it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00044-00012584-00012799 very smooth oh pBr7nOLfQyc-00045-00012800-00012935 yeah i like was this the one with the pBr7nOLfQyc-00046-00012936-00013183 little extra citrus in it pBr7nOLfQyc-00047-00013184-00013351 yeah that really does come through i'm pBr7nOLfQyc-00048-00013352-00013655 normally not like crazy about ipas but i pBr7nOLfQyc-00049-00013656-00013886 feel like it's pretty tasty pBr7nOLfQyc-00050-00013887-00014135 that one has like just off of the visual pBr7nOLfQyc-00051-00014136-00014230 i wanted to go for pBr7nOLfQyc-00052-00014231-00014527 1877 but i mean you haven't even tried pBr7nOLfQyc-00053-00014528-00014663 it i know but i'm just saying starting pBr7nOLfQyc-00054-00014663-00014855 off pretty good pBr7nOLfQyc-00055-00014856-00015207 uh i was gonna say that i think that one pBr7nOLfQyc-00056-00015208-00015407 has the lower ibu which is like a pBr7nOLfQyc-00057-00015408-00015519 bitterness rating pBr7nOLfQyc-00058-00015519-00015686 so i think that's why like it doesn't pBr7nOLfQyc-00059-00015687-00015847 really taste like an ipa which tends to pBr7nOLfQyc-00060-00015847-00015903 be more pBr7nOLfQyc-00061-00015904-00016103 hoppy and bitter all right cracking open pBr7nOLfQyc-00062-00016104-00016335 77. pBr7nOLfQyc-00063-00016336-00016783 something pBr7nOLfQyc-00064-00016784-00016991 oh i have a very high bitterness rating pBr7nOLfQyc-00065-00016992-00017158 this one's actually also not bitter it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00066-00017159-00017222 very smooth pBr7nOLfQyc-00067-00017223-00017543 awesome yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00068-00017544-00017703 i will say it because i'm also not pBr7nOLfQyc-00069-00017704-00017879 really an ipa person but that pBr7nOLfQyc-00070-00017880-00018283 doesn't really they're very clean pBr7nOLfQyc-00071-00018284-00018591 yeah i mean it's hold on i'm gonna have pBr7nOLfQyc-00072-00018592-00018750 to go back-to-back pBr7nOLfQyc-00073-00018751-00019527 i am too i am too i was gonna tell you pBr7nOLfQyc-00074-00019528-00019807 interesting i wasn't expecting it to be pBr7nOLfQyc-00075-00019808-00019871 that close pBr7nOLfQyc-00076-00019872-00020086 but like they're both very good i think pBr7nOLfQyc-00077-00020087-00020439 i like 77 like a little bit more pBr7nOLfQyc-00078-00020440-00020647 interesting i think i think i like pBr7nOLfQyc-00079-00020648-00020822 captain dynamite a little bit better i pBr7nOLfQyc-00080-00020823-00021086 can't be friends we'll see i'll i'll pBr7nOLfQyc-00081-00021087-00021247 split the difference i like pBr7nOLfQyc-00082-00021248-00021543 captain dynamite but i like the way they pBr7nOLfQyc-00083-00021544-00021727 can look pBr7nOLfQyc-00084-00021728-00021919 that's true and can really does play a pBr7nOLfQyc-00085-00021920-00022527 big part in all of that attention pBr7nOLfQyc-00086-00022528-00022727 so which one which one gets your vote pBr7nOLfQyc-00087-00022728-00022814 i'm going to say i'm going to say pBr7nOLfQyc-00088-00022815-00023014 captain dynamite that's good pBr7nOLfQyc-00089-00023015-00023391 i agree i agree and look i got this pBr7nOLfQyc-00090-00023392-00023503 sticker pBr7nOLfQyc-00091-00023504-00023678 i think i'm like the complete opposite pBr7nOLfQyc-00092-00023679-00023839 of you like i think like pBr7nOLfQyc-00093-00023840-00025111 this can pBr7nOLfQyc-00094-00025112-00025447 yeah it's pretty dope too they're both pBr7nOLfQyc-00095-00025448-00025687 for sure yeah go to vote voodoo.com and pBr7nOLfQyc-00096-00025688-00025831 you can vote for pBr7nOLfQyc-00097-00025832-00026094 your favorite and help us uh decide pBr7nOLfQyc-00098-00026095-00026255 which one becomes the next official pBr7nOLfQyc-00099-00026256-00026683 voodoo ranger ipa it's that simple pBr7nOLfQyc-00100-00026683-00026918 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00101-00026919-00027135 based on our recommendation only how pBr7nOLfQyc-00102-00027136-00027439 many times can you vote pBr7nOLfQyc-00103-00027439-00027631 is this is this like can i vote by mail pBr7nOLfQyc-00104-00027632-00027790 situation maybe we shouldn't get into pBr7nOLfQyc-00105-00027791-00028023 that pBr7nOLfQyc-00106-00028024-00028679 there was a pBr7nOLfQyc-00107-00028680-00028887 apparently apparently it's going to go pBr7nOLfQyc-00108-00028888-00029102 through multiple rounds of voting so pBr7nOLfQyc-00109-00029104-00029390 keep your eyes on that all right now pBr7nOLfQyc-00110-00029391-00029446 that we pBr7nOLfQyc-00111-00029447-00029814 are properly juiced pBr7nOLfQyc-00112-00029816-00030190 let's uh let's get into the drawing um pBr7nOLfQyc-00113-00030191-00030518 so for your warm up pBr7nOLfQyc-00114-00030519-00030839 i want you guys to draw uh since pBr7nOLfQyc-00115-00030839-00031014 since it's all like since we're doing pBr7nOLfQyc-00116-00031016-00031151 we're talking about voting and stuff i pBr7nOLfQyc-00117-00031152-00031295 want you guys to draw pBr7nOLfQyc-00118-00031295-00031631 a presidential style pBr7nOLfQyc-00119-00031632-00031951 campaign poster for each other so pBr7nOLfQyc-00120-00031952-00032127 anything you draw one pBr7nOLfQyc-00121-00032127-00032479 you draw one for andrew draws one for pBr7nOLfQyc-00122-00032480-00032687 ethan so i want to see like at least pBr7nOLfQyc-00123-00032688-00033023 like a characterized version of ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00124-00033024-00033087 and then like pBr7nOLfQyc-00125-00033088-00033343 what his uh what what his slogan pBr7nOLfQyc-00126-00033344-00033495 campaign slogan would be this is our pBr7nOLfQyc-00127-00033496-00033679 warm-up pBr7nOLfQyc-00128-00033680-00033846 yeah i'll give you guys five minutes on pBr7nOLfQyc-00129-00033847-00033983 it and you just or pBr7nOLfQyc-00130-00033984-00034183 let's do three minutes and then let you pBr7nOLfQyc-00131-00034184-00034343 guys just this is pBr7nOLfQyc-00132-00034344-00034607 really quick a master work or something pBr7nOLfQyc-00133-00034608-00034687 yeah i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00134-00034688-00034935 jesus uh it doesn't have to be a master pBr7nOLfQyc-00135-00034936-00035111 one i just wanna see something cute pBr7nOLfQyc-00136-00035112-00035415 i'm just going off yeah that's pBr7nOLfQyc-00137-00035416-00036183 that's that works for me and there we go pBr7nOLfQyc-00138-00036184-00036327 you you really went out i guess because pBr7nOLfQyc-00139-00036328-00036767 we are voting pBr7nOLfQyc-00140-00036768-00036967 well i'm trying to be a political but pBr7nOLfQyc-00141-00036968-00037111 i'm trying to be pBr7nOLfQyc-00142-00037112-00038207 democracy themed election themed pBr7nOLfQyc-00143-00038208-00038399 are you ethan are you drawing like the pBr7nOLfQyc-00144-00038400-00038590 wall yeah i started a little too big pBr7nOLfQyc-00145-00038591-00038759 i started like drawing the city and then pBr7nOLfQyc-00146-00038760-00038943 i like pBr7nOLfQyc-00147-00038944-00039287 that's okay even always pBr7nOLfQyc-00148-00039288-00039495 yeah you got to get your head in the pBr7nOLfQyc-00149-00039496-00039695 right in the right place pBr7nOLfQyc-00150-00039696-00039830 he's trying to set the atmosphere it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00151-00039831-00040039 like in the big city walking by pBr7nOLfQyc-00152-00040040-00040683 what kind of things you know where do we pBr7nOLfQyc-00153-00040684-00041079 live pBr7nOLfQyc-00154-00041080-00041255 that was damn it that was the slogan i pBr7nOLfQyc-00155-00041256-00041462 was gonna do pBr7nOLfQyc-00156-00041463-00041711 really good crop copywriters here i pBr7nOLfQyc-00157-00041712-00041862 think i think andrew's pBr7nOLfQyc-00158-00041863-00042167 like campaign slogan needs to be like pBr7nOLfQyc-00159-00042168-00042479 get me a haircut okay pBr7nOLfQyc-00160-00042480-00042774 so i i this is the first time i've ever pBr7nOLfQyc-00161-00042775-00042918 grown my hair out this long pBr7nOLfQyc-00162-00042919-00043095 i'm like i have never seen your hair so pBr7nOLfQyc-00163-00043096-00043239 long i know it's crazy pBr7nOLfQyc-00164-00043240-00043543 it is very scary but i mean i couldn't pBr7nOLfQyc-00165-00043544-00043599 really get pBr7nOLfQyc-00166-00043600-00043879 a safe haircut here so i was like yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00167-00043880-00043974 what can i do pBr7nOLfQyc-00168-00043975-00044183 and so i was like why don't i just throw pBr7nOLfQyc-00169-00044184-00044374 it out super long and then donate it and pBr7nOLfQyc-00170-00044375-00044662 i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00171-00044663-00044999 what's going on this is like pBr7nOLfQyc-00172-00045000-00045407 a an interactive poster pBr7nOLfQyc-00173-00045408-00045630 oh this is in the future this isn't like pBr7nOLfQyc-00174-00045631-00046283 the 2020 election this is like the 2050 pBr7nOLfQyc-00175-00046284-00046911 elections pBr7nOLfQyc-00176-00046912-00047223 you guys you guys have 58 seconds 58 pBr7nOLfQyc-00177-00047224-00047683 seconds oh jesus pBr7nOLfQyc-00178-00047684-00049086 uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00179-00049087-00049390 i didn't put a slogan but you say pBr7nOLfQyc-00180-00049391-00049630 yours is just gonna be please please pBr7nOLfQyc-00181-00049631-00050174 clap pBr7nOLfQyc-00182-00050175-00050502 there you go ethan you're like pBr7nOLfQyc-00183-00050503-00050807 please okay that is that i'm like always pBr7nOLfQyc-00184-00050808-00051015 saying that that would very much be pBr7nOLfQyc-00185-00051016-00051190 ethan's pBr7nOLfQyc-00186-00051191-00051599 slogan pBr7nOLfQyc-00187-00051600-00051750 i like that you guys went with red and pBr7nOLfQyc-00188-00051751-00052038 blue as well oh wow pBr7nOLfQyc-00189-00052039-00052326 red is kind of just like my go-to uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00190-00052327-00052479 drawing color but don't read into that pBr7nOLfQyc-00191-00052479-00052615 that doesn't mean pBr7nOLfQyc-00192-00052616-00053215 i mean i mean i said earlier pBr7nOLfQyc-00193-00053216-00053615 you know what they're good colors yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00194-00053616-00053830 all right i think that's pretty good i pBr7nOLfQyc-00195-00053832-00054079 mean we got two very different stylized pBr7nOLfQyc-00196-00054079-00054471 ones don't make it go away pBr7nOLfQyc-00197-00054472-00054663 well i have to we're going to draw that pBr7nOLfQyc-00198-00054664-00055471 we have pBr7nOLfQyc-00199-00055472-00055654 no of course not either one to me pBr7nOLfQyc-00200-00055655-00055782 strikes me as pBr7nOLfQyc-00201-00055783-00056047 like i guess ethan is wearing a hat so pBr7nOLfQyc-00202-00056048-00056119 i'm pretty good pBr7nOLfQyc-00203-00056120-00056279 and look he's got little blushies he's a pBr7nOLfQyc-00204-00056279-00056550 happy happy guy pBr7nOLfQyc-00205-00056551-00056719 and andrews does have long hair i don't pBr7nOLfQyc-00206-00056720-00057126 know why he has a robot arm pBr7nOLfQyc-00207-00057127-00057494 it's it's 20 25 yeah he's got a robot pBr7nOLfQyc-00208-00057495-00057711 andrew andrew i don't know i don't know pBr7nOLfQyc-00209-00057712-00057879 when it's going to happen but sometime pBr7nOLfQyc-00210-00057879-00058047 in the next 30 years or so you're going pBr7nOLfQyc-00211-00058048-00058166 to be losing your arm pBr7nOLfQyc-00212-00058167-00058423 i do i do need this arm for a lot of pBr7nOLfQyc-00213-00058424-00058559 things though pBr7nOLfQyc-00214-00058560-00058854 i i don't know can we chop off my left pBr7nOLfQyc-00215-00058855-00059079 arm instead pBr7nOLfQyc-00216-00059079-00059399 uh nope the drawing has foretold it oh pBr7nOLfQyc-00217-00059400-00059582 okay well pBr7nOLfQyc-00218-00059583-00059742 i feel like you're my drawing of you pBr7nOLfQyc-00219-00059744-00059887 definitely came out like more like pBr7nOLfQyc-00220-00059888-00060159 harvey dent pBr7nOLfQyc-00221-00060160-00060366 you did give me a very nice chin i will pBr7nOLfQyc-00222-00060367-00060559 yeah it comes down pBr7nOLfQyc-00223-00060560-00060799 it comes down for me to the uh slogans pBr7nOLfQyc-00224-00060800-00061215 and i think please clap wins pBr7nOLfQyc-00225-00061216-00061550 that's pretty good i mean pBr7nOLfQyc-00226-00061551-00061742 please in general is very always a great pBr7nOLfQyc-00227-00061744-00061919 slogan pBr7nOLfQyc-00228-00061920-00062126 i don't think any campaign slogan has pBr7nOLfQyc-00229-00062127-00062326 ever had the word please in it before pBr7nOLfQyc-00230-00062327-00062566 but it's a very polite campaign pBr7nOLfQyc-00231-00062567-00062823 more yeah more polite campaign slogans pBr7nOLfQyc-00232-00062824-00063063 please pBr7nOLfQyc-00233-00063064-00063375 please for your consideration pBr7nOLfQyc-00234-00063376-00063759 be nice to me say nice things pBr7nOLfQyc-00235-00063760-00064103 about pBr7nOLfQyc-00236-00064104-00064406 um okay so the next uh this one's gonna pBr7nOLfQyc-00237-00064407-00064542 be our first kind of big one pBr7nOLfQyc-00238-00064544-00064703 uh i think i'm gonna give you 12 minutes pBr7nOLfQyc-00239-00064704-00064911 for this but i want to see pBr7nOLfQyc-00240-00064912-00065287 um uh the voodoo pBr7nOLfQyc-00241-00065288-00065631 ranger skeleton man pBr7nOLfQyc-00242-00065632-00066006 in a style i was thinking pBr7nOLfQyc-00243-00066007-00066294 you guys helped me out here do you think pBr7nOLfQyc-00244-00066295-00066582 style of the show you work on pBr7nOLfQyc-00245-00066583-00066806 like andrew like camp camp and ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00246-00066807-00067047 ruby or do you think like just the style pBr7nOLfQyc-00247-00067048-00067143 of pBr7nOLfQyc-00248-00067144-00067575 a like if voodoo ranger had a cartoon pBr7nOLfQyc-00249-00067576-00067735 i mean i like leave it a little more pBr7nOLfQyc-00250-00067736-00068071 open yeah just a stylized pBr7nOLfQyc-00251-00068072-00068406 skeleton man cartoon okay pBr7nOLfQyc-00252-00068407-00068550 andrew i want you to go a little more pBr7nOLfQyc-00253-00068551-00068743 like uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00254-00068744-00069047 gravity falls-esque like a little more pBr7nOLfQyc-00255-00069048-00069287 cartoon network and then you can do that pBr7nOLfQyc-00256-00069288-00069591 and then ethan i think more not quite pBr7nOLfQyc-00257-00069592-00069782 anime but kind of more grungier pBr7nOLfQyc-00258-00069783-00070111 like a little heavier detailed all right pBr7nOLfQyc-00259-00070112-00070479 so so i'll and you can use the uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00260-00070480-00070663 the guys from the can so you can do pBr7nOLfQyc-00261-00070664-00070871 agent 77 ethan and you could do captain pBr7nOLfQyc-00262-00070872-00071175 dynamite pBr7nOLfQyc-00263-00071176-00072071 all right 12 minutes starting now go pBr7nOLfQyc-00264-00072072-00072319 okay so skeletons give me like college pBr7nOLfQyc-00265-00072320-00072471 flashbacks and doesn't make me really pBr7nOLfQyc-00266-00072472-00072711 happy because life drawing was always pBr7nOLfQyc-00267-00072712-00073335 not fun but yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00268-00073336-00073526 i mean the voodoo ranger guy like is he pBr7nOLfQyc-00269-00073527-00073671 supposed to be like or the one on pBr7nOLfQyc-00270-00073672-00073991 captain dynamite he's like pBr7nOLfQyc-00271-00073992-00074247 i don't know it looks like he's gonna go pBr7nOLfQyc-00272-00074248-00074487 like fight the power in a rebellion pBr7nOLfQyc-00273-00074488-00074615 that's that's he looks like he's like pBr7nOLfQyc-00274-00074616-00074806 geared up i've been doing that pBr7nOLfQyc-00275-00074807-00075119 yeah i think he just looks cold pBr7nOLfQyc-00276-00075120-00075431 he looks cold he's wearing like a key pBr7nOLfQyc-00277-00075432-00075806 outfit and he looks they both look like pBr7nOLfQyc-00278-00075807-00075838 they pBr7nOLfQyc-00279-00075839-00076111 they have their own fashions it's true pBr7nOLfQyc-00280-00076112-00076150 that's pBr7nOLfQyc-00281-00076151-00076511 yeah yeah agent 77 is definitely like a pBr7nOLfQyc-00282-00076512-00076743 uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00283-00076744-00077238 he's like a uh uh archer type pBr7nOLfQyc-00284-00077239-00077638 yeah yeah totally pBr7nOLfQyc-00285-00077639-00077903 although asian 70s it keeps making me pBr7nOLfQyc-00286-00077904-00078182 think of soldier 76 pBr7nOLfQyc-00287-00078183-00078550 should have done like overwatch style pBr7nOLfQyc-00288-00078551-00079055 we're all skeletons now pBr7nOLfQyc-00289-00079056-00079431 we're all still down here we've already pBr7nOLfQyc-00290-00079432-00079775 have a prompt yeah i know pBr7nOLfQyc-00291-00079776-00079926 like it's too late to go back i like the pBr7nOLfQyc-00292-00079927-00080223 perspective you're using andrew pBr7nOLfQyc-00293-00080224-00080382 i mean i mean ethan i don't know why i pBr7nOLfQyc-00294-00080383-00080582 said andrew i'm doing pBr7nOLfQyc-00295-00080583-00080823 a cartoon he's using he's a storyboarder pBr7nOLfQyc-00296-00080824-00080943 i can't pBr7nOLfQyc-00297-00080944-00081071 you know like when your teacher calls pBr7nOLfQyc-00298-00081072-00081471 you the wrong name pBr7nOLfQyc-00299-00081472-00081694 or like when you uh have you guys ever pBr7nOLfQyc-00300-00081695-00081871 called teacher mom on accident pBr7nOLfQyc-00301-00081872-00082111 i was homeschooled so mom not not pBr7nOLfQyc-00302-00082112-00082182 secretary so pBr7nOLfQyc-00303-00082183-00082638 all the time pBr7nOLfQyc-00304-00082639-00082799 my whole life though people have been pBr7nOLfQyc-00305-00082800-00083015 calling me nathan or ian pBr7nOLfQyc-00306-00083016-00083326 and then and then really yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00307-00083327-00083726 i mumble so oh pBr7nOLfQyc-00308-00083727-00084055 yeah i hate that like pBr7nOLfQyc-00309-00084056-00084247 my wife's name is holly so she always pBr7nOLfQyc-00310-00084248-00084382 like will say my name's holly and pBr7nOLfQyc-00311-00084383-00084511 they'll be like polly pBr7nOLfQyc-00312-00084512-00084911 and then no holly molly no holly pBr7nOLfQyc-00313-00084912-00085111 how many times do i have to say it it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00314-00085112-00085255 like holly like christmas is what she pBr7nOLfQyc-00315-00085256-00085367 says to get them like pBr7nOLfQyc-00316-00085368-00085711 on the right track she has to like start pBr7nOLfQyc-00317-00085712-00085871 with that be like holly pBr7nOLfQyc-00318-00085872-00086103 yeah well that's what i do with my pBr7nOLfQyc-00319-00086104-00086311 [__] up last name is just like pBr7nOLfQyc-00320-00086312-00086462 they'll say and what's your last name pBr7nOLfQyc-00321-00086463-00086631 and i'll say it's weird but i'm gonna pBr7nOLfQyc-00322-00086632-00087615 spell it for you because hold on pBr7nOLfQyc-00323-00087616-00087855 uh whenever i type out your name i have pBr7nOLfQyc-00324-00087856-00087926 to make sure pBr7nOLfQyc-00325-00087927-00088271 i look at it again yes pBr7nOLfQyc-00326-00088272-00088471 the most common mistake the most common pBr7nOLfQyc-00327-00088472-00088591 mistake is just pBr7nOLfQyc-00328-00088592-00088759 flipping the i in the e yeah that well i pBr7nOLfQyc-00329-00088760-00088926 mean um pBr7nOLfQyc-00330-00088927-00089159 yeah it's not so much like for somebody pBr7nOLfQyc-00331-00089160-00089350 hearing it for the first time they pBr7nOLfQyc-00332-00089351-00089711 go straight for s um sometimes they hear pBr7nOLfQyc-00333-00089712-00089815 spears pBr7nOLfQyc-00334-00089816-00090191 which is interesting yeah um but we got pBr7nOLfQyc-00335-00090192-00090399 uh we got a question from the chat that pBr7nOLfQyc-00336-00090400-00090447 uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00337-00090448-00090838 tyler sent me uh zebro 96 wants to know pBr7nOLfQyc-00338-00090839-00091167 uh what tablets you guys are using pBr7nOLfQyc-00339-00091168-00091631 um i'm using the uh wacom pBr7nOLfQyc-00340-00091632-00092126 hd 13 pBr7nOLfQyc-00341-00092127-00092326 it's the hd wide stream ones they have pBr7nOLfQyc-00342-00092327-00092679 like the normal um rare one but i have pBr7nOLfQyc-00343-00092680-00092974 the pBr7nOLfQyc-00344-00092975-00093215 yours is very big yeah my mine's very pBr7nOLfQyc-00345-00093216-00093550 big very fancy pBr7nOLfQyc-00346-00093551-00093687 i was gonna say that was that was my pBr7nOLfQyc-00347-00093688-00093855 first purchase when i like pBr7nOLfQyc-00348-00093856-00094238 started out of college and like pBr7nOLfQyc-00349-00094239-00094791 it's a good investment pBr7nOLfQyc-00350-00094792-00095135 i don't i'm i'm using a big one it's big pBr7nOLfQyc-00351-00095136-00095438 and it used to be melanie's from pBr7nOLfQyc-00352-00095439-00095750 from animation so i don't pBr7nOLfQyc-00353-00095751-00095999 i don't know what kind it is is it a pBr7nOLfQyc-00354-00096000-00096143 cintiq or a wax pBr7nOLfQyc-00355-00096144-00096599 an antique wacom it's a wacom pBr7nOLfQyc-00356-00096600-00096903 if i had a it was probably another pBr7nOLfQyc-00357-00096904-00097406 giant yeah it's big it's a big boy pBr7nOLfQyc-00358-00097407-00097791 when uh i started at rooster teeth like pBr7nOLfQyc-00359-00097792-00097903 when i moved to austin pBr7nOLfQyc-00360-00097904-00098206 into the studio and stuff um pBr7nOLfQyc-00361-00098207-00098574 i think rvb 10 had just ended pBr7nOLfQyc-00362-00098575-00098750 so like a bunch of the people who were pBr7nOLfQyc-00363-00098751-00098982 contract on that were like pBr7nOLfQyc-00364-00098983-00099223 uh just leaving and uh there was a bunch pBr7nOLfQyc-00365-00099224-00099382 of like leftover equipment pBr7nOLfQyc-00366-00099383-00099718 um so there was there was a cintiq uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00367-00099719-00099991 lying around and i was like hmm i wonder pBr7nOLfQyc-00368-00099992-00100262 if this would improve my workflow at all pBr7nOLfQyc-00369-00100263-00100567 rtaa pBr7nOLfQyc-00370-00100568-00100894 which was just me using my mouse to draw pBr7nOLfQyc-00371-00100895-00101023 everything pBr7nOLfQyc-00372-00101024-00101326 and uh so for like half a day pBr7nOLfQyc-00373-00101327-00101655 i set up a cintiq and tried working pBr7nOLfQyc-00374-00101656-00101999 on it and now it was just easier with pBr7nOLfQyc-00375-00102000-00102087 the mouse pBr7nOLfQyc-00376-00102088-00102430 the mouse was easy yep i don't know pBr7nOLfQyc-00377-00102431-00102671 for for that style in particular it was pBr7nOLfQyc-00378-00102672-00102854 easier like i'm not actually drawing pBr7nOLfQyc-00379-00102855-00102966 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00380-00102967-00103294 maybe maybe after seven or ten years pBr7nOLfQyc-00381-00103295-00103623 well yeah what has it been ten years now pBr7nOLfQyc-00382-00103624-00103927 oh yeah i want to see like you you pBr7nOLfQyc-00383-00103928-00103975 trying pBr7nOLfQyc-00384-00103976-00104134 to do it and it just like keeps coming pBr7nOLfQyc-00385-00104135-00104327 out like monet or like like really pBr7nOLfQyc-00386-00104328-00104390 beautiful pBr7nOLfQyc-00387-00104391-00104751 it's not shitty enough pBr7nOLfQyc-00388-00104752-00105078 it was like um like issa recently got pBr7nOLfQyc-00389-00105079-00105199 this cool like pBr7nOLfQyc-00390-00105200-00105510 um it's almost like a powerpoint pBr7nOLfQyc-00391-00105511-00105719 presentation remote that she uses pBr7nOLfQyc-00392-00105720-00105966 for her tablet um thought i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00393-00105967-00106119 well if i had that it would be no pBr7nOLfQyc-00394-00106120-00106183 problem because pBr7nOLfQyc-00395-00106183-00106383 i hated because like i had all these pBr7nOLfQyc-00396-00106383-00106615 like shortcuts and stuff uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00397-00106616-00106766 it was just easier to have like a mouse pBr7nOLfQyc-00398-00106767-00106927 and keyboard like a mouse and one-handed pBr7nOLfQyc-00399-00106928-00107047 keyboard on the other pBr7nOLfQyc-00400-00107048-00107199 and like there weren't enough buttons on pBr7nOLfQyc-00401-00107200-00107454 the cintiq to map all the stuff that i pBr7nOLfQyc-00402-00107455-00107543 needed pBr7nOLfQyc-00403-00107544-00107766 but she had this like she has this pBr7nOLfQyc-00404-00107767-00107934 remote thing where she just has like a pBr7nOLfQyc-00405-00107935-00108166 map to shortcuts so she just like pBr7nOLfQyc-00406-00108167-00108454 she's drawing and using shortcuts at the pBr7nOLfQyc-00407-00108455-00108558 same time pBr7nOLfQyc-00408-00108559-00108847 so yeah yeah i think i think if i had pBr7nOLfQyc-00409-00108848-00109031 had that it would have been easier pBr7nOLfQyc-00410-00109032-00109863 yeah that's what you're used to you were pBr7nOLfQyc-00411-00109864-00110039 yeah it was just it was mostly because pBr7nOLfQyc-00412-00110040-00110278 of what i was used to pBr7nOLfQyc-00413-00110279-00110486 but again it's been 10 years long try pBr7nOLfQyc-00414-00110488-00110631 again pBr7nOLfQyc-00415-00110632-00110743 i mean i don't even think i can draw pBr7nOLfQyc-00416-00110744-00110863 with a mouse anymore i can't remember pBr7nOLfQyc-00417-00110864-00111151 the last time i drew pBr7nOLfQyc-00418-00111152-00111510 pieces and chats like talk about me pBr7nOLfQyc-00419-00111511-00112039 we just did my remote pBr7nOLfQyc-00420-00112040-00112190 yeah you said that remote it's cool i pBr7nOLfQyc-00421-00112191-00112551 should have had i wish i had that pBr7nOLfQyc-00422-00112552-00112910 what kind of gun uh does the uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00423-00112911-00113319 agent 77 guys guess pBr7nOLfQyc-00424-00113320-00113647 walther ppkk right pBr7nOLfQyc-00425-00113648-00113815 oh yeah that was is that like is that a pBr7nOLfQyc-00426-00113816-00113951 james bond reference pBr7nOLfQyc-00427-00113952-00114254 yeah there we go i remember that from pBr7nOLfQyc-00428-00114255-00114734 goldeneye the n64 game pBr7nOLfQyc-00429-00114735-00115015 runs like poop but it's been impossible pBr7nOLfQyc-00430-00115016-00115175 to play now you talk about like pBr7nOLfQyc-00431-00115176-00115510 going back and trying to like it pBr7nOLfQyc-00432-00115511-00115671 that game is like trying to draw with a pBr7nOLfQyc-00433-00115672-00115919 mouse it's crazy yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00434-00115920-00116071 yeah it's crazy to think that we thought pBr7nOLfQyc-00435-00116072-00116439 that was like cool good controls pBr7nOLfQyc-00436-00116440-00116599 also like yeah like because the frame pBr7nOLfQyc-00437-00116600-00116743 rate's terrible it's like as a kid pBr7nOLfQyc-00438-00116744-00116871 anything on the n64 pBr7nOLfQyc-00439-00116872-00117095 ran pretty terrible i'm like how did i pBr7nOLfQyc-00440-00117096-00117190 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00441-00117191-00117454 how did i think this was yeah it's like pBr7nOLfQyc-00442-00117455-00117599 i feel like when i go back it's like why pBr7nOLfQyc-00443-00117600-00117871 was this fun pBr7nOLfQyc-00444-00117872-00118351 why would i didn't have anything else pBr7nOLfQyc-00445-00118352-00118807 books are for nerds i had that with like pBr7nOLfQyc-00446-00118808-00119031 whenever you go and look at old graphics pBr7nOLfQyc-00447-00119032-00119231 where it's like i remember this looking pBr7nOLfQyc-00448-00119232-00119423 better but it was just your imagination pBr7nOLfQyc-00449-00119424-00119558 filling in the gaps pBr7nOLfQyc-00450-00119559-00119823 yeah like i had that when they when they pBr7nOLfQyc-00451-00119824-00119910 did like a pBr7nOLfQyc-00452-00119911-00120102 it wasn't a remake but it was a remaster pBr7nOLfQyc-00453-00120103-00120271 of final fantasy viii pBr7nOLfQyc-00454-00120272-00120439 like i was watching the trailer and i pBr7nOLfQyc-00455-00120440-00120575 was like looking at the graphics and i pBr7nOLfQyc-00456-00120576-00120654 was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00457-00120655-00120854 yeah when is the like when does the pBr7nOLfQyc-00458-00120855-00121031 remaster graphic show up because these pBr7nOLfQyc-00459-00121032-00121151 graphics suck pBr7nOLfQyc-00460-00121152-00121343 but then like i compared the graphics of pBr7nOLfQyc-00461-00121344-00121551 the of the remaster to the original i pBr7nOLfQyc-00462-00121552-00121702 was like oh no this is way better why pBr7nOLfQyc-00463-00121703-00121943 did i think it looked better than this pBr7nOLfQyc-00464-00121944-00122199 had your your glasses on that were just pBr7nOLfQyc-00465-00122200-00122310 yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00466-00122311-00122527 yeah your imagination just fills it in pBr7nOLfQyc-00467-00122528-00122751 and makes a fun adventure for you pBr7nOLfQyc-00468-00122752-00123047 there was a lucas arts game it was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00469-00123048-00123223 the jedi outcast games pBr7nOLfQyc-00470-00123224-00123431 and i remember the first time i played pBr7nOLfQyc-00471-00123432-00123647 that i was like holy [__] pBr7nOLfQyc-00472-00123648-00123910 like this is real it looks the same as pBr7nOLfQyc-00473-00123911-00124031 real life pBr7nOLfQyc-00474-00124032-00124254 yeah but you go back and look at those pBr7nOLfQyc-00475-00124255-00124375 and they're just like pBr7nOLfQyc-00476-00124376-00125343 very polygonal yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00477-00125344-00125647 you guys have three minutes oh god what pBr7nOLfQyc-00478-00125648-00126083 sorry oh i mean pBr7nOLfQyc-00479-00126083-00126639 okay pBr7nOLfQyc-00480-00126640-00126775 well it hasn't been 12 minutes yeah it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00481-00126776-00127119 been nine minutes pBr7nOLfQyc-00482-00127120-00127934 the best nine minutes of my life pBr7nOLfQyc-00483-00127935-00128071 i keep going back to the captain pBr7nOLfQyc-00484-00128072-00128302 dynamite it's very hard not to say pBr7nOLfQyc-00485-00128303-00128407 captain dynamic pBr7nOLfQyc-00486-00128408-00128710 after the the short starring pBr7nOLfQyc-00487-00128711-00128958 um oh my god what's his name well how pBr7nOLfQyc-00488-00128959-00129127 did i forget his name pBr7nOLfQyc-00489-00129128-00129590 the guy the guy from barenaked ladies pBr7nOLfQyc-00490-00129591-00129878 yeah yeah captain flowers yeah that's pBr7nOLfQyc-00491-00129879-00130078 what i was going to say pBr7nOLfQyc-00492-00130079-00130343 yeah oh you mean that guy that did the pBr7nOLfQyc-00493-00130344-00130471 big bang pBr7nOLfQyc-00494-00130472-00130766 theme stuff it's crazy how much stuff pBr7nOLfQyc-00495-00130767-00130902 they've done you know i was in one of pBr7nOLfQyc-00496-00130903-00131223 their music videos pBr7nOLfQyc-00497-00131224-00131487 i didn't know you were famous yeah you pBr7nOLfQyc-00498-00131488-00131631 know no big deal pBr7nOLfQyc-00499-00131632-00131951 wait wait wait what was that uh there pBr7nOLfQyc-00500-00131952-00132063 was pBr7nOLfQyc-00501-00132064-00132390 god it was probably like 2013 or 2014. pBr7nOLfQyc-00502-00132391-00132759 uh they uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00503-00132760-00133127 captain dynamite uh they were uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00504-00133128-00133278 they came out with a new song and like pBr7nOLfQyc-00505-00133279-00133478 rooster filmed a music video for it so pBr7nOLfQyc-00506-00133479-00133878 i have a cameo pBr7nOLfQyc-00507-00133879-00134023 yeah people stop me on the street all pBr7nOLfQyc-00508-00134024-00134207 the time and they're like wait i saw you pBr7nOLfQyc-00509-00134208-00134483 for a second in that bare naked ladies pBr7nOLfQyc-00510-00134484-00134727 video pBr7nOLfQyc-00511-00134728-00135031 it's like yes yes it's me yeah it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00512-00135032-00135223 crazy pBr7nOLfQyc-00513-00135224-00135423 did you i forgot when we when we moved pBr7nOLfQyc-00514-00135424-00135807 out of stage 5 pBr7nOLfQyc-00515-00135808-00136111 um did you did you pBr7nOLfQyc-00516-00136112-00136263 keep the banner that has your name pBr7nOLfQyc-00517-00136264-00136487 spelled wrong on it pBr7nOLfQyc-00518-00136488-00136639 it's still there it's still in stage pBr7nOLfQyc-00519-00136640-00136847 five oh oh it is still there pBr7nOLfQyc-00520-00136848-00137183 yeah i needed like i want to move it but pBr7nOLfQyc-00521-00137184-00137319 i just don't know where we could put it pBr7nOLfQyc-00522-00137320-00137478 so it's just it remains pBr7nOLfQyc-00523-00137479-00137766 at this point like there's been so that pBr7nOLfQyc-00524-00137767-00137966 room has changed so much pBr7nOLfQyc-00525-00137967-00138223 so in stage five there's this like pBr7nOLfQyc-00526-00138224-00138431 leftover set that they used for pBr7nOLfQyc-00527-00138432-00138743 from desk till dawn the tv show um pBr7nOLfQyc-00528-00138744-00139071 that was our uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00529-00139072-00139478 2d animation studio for it was our room pBr7nOLfQyc-00530-00139479-00139807 uh where all of us were in um pBr7nOLfQyc-00531-00139808-00139975 and yeah there's a banner from a pBr7nOLfQyc-00532-00139976-00140143 convention that had pBr7nOLfQyc-00533-00140144-00140327 my name on it and they spelled my last pBr7nOLfQyc-00534-00140328-00140511 name correctly pBr7nOLfQyc-00535-00140512-00140711 and it was great but somehow they pBr7nOLfQyc-00536-00140712-00141119 spelled my first name wrong pBr7nOLfQyc-00537-00141120-00141423 right that's part of it yeah so it says pBr7nOLfQyc-00538-00141424-00141495 jordan pBr7nOLfQyc-00539-00141496-00141814 instead of jordan um and so pBr7nOLfQyc-00540-00141815-00142159 yeah carrie and miles like uh stole it pBr7nOLfQyc-00541-00142160-00142390 from the convention and brought it back pBr7nOLfQyc-00542-00142391-00142543 uh and hung it up pBr7nOLfQyc-00543-00142544-00142743 in front of that building or that that pBr7nOLfQyc-00544-00142744-00142943 that office and there's been so many pBr7nOLfQyc-00545-00142944-00143014 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00546-00143015-00143214 different departments in there that i'm pBr7nOLfQyc-00547-00143215-00143399 pretty sure nobody who works there now pBr7nOLfQyc-00548-00143400-00143487 knows what the pBr7nOLfQyc-00549-00143488-00143854 joke is or why it's there pBr7nOLfQyc-00550-00143855-00144239 yeah all right time is up pBr7nOLfQyc-00551-00144240-00144575 no time is up uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00552-00144576-00144935 baker's time is up stop baking pBr7nOLfQyc-00553-00144936-00145607 pencils down pBr7nOLfQyc-00554-00145608-00145951 i like ethan yours is like very stylized pBr7nOLfQyc-00555-00145952-00146095 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00556-00146096-00146263 in like a it looks like the opening of pBr7nOLfQyc-00557-00146264-00146407 cowboy bebop pBr7nOLfQyc-00558-00146408-00146711 yeah that's what i like oh yeah oh the pBr7nOLfQyc-00559-00146712-00146919 gun the gun is the gun pBr7nOLfQyc-00560-00146920-00147175 and andrew yours reminds me of like it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00561-00147176-00147399 like sands or something from undertale pBr7nOLfQyc-00562-00147400-00147847 which i also really like pBr7nOLfQyc-00563-00147848-00148247 i love the post it's so good pBr7nOLfQyc-00564-00148248-00148511 bring some beer today i honestly rather pBr7nOLfQyc-00565-00148512-00148814 hang out with that guy pBr7nOLfQyc-00566-00148815-00149023 this guy's going to shoot me i don't pBr7nOLfQyc-00567-00149024-00149295 yeah well that yeah that but that guy's pBr7nOLfQyc-00568-00149296-00149599 they're both very very cool sure yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00569-00149600-00149719 this one's a push for me pBr7nOLfQyc-00570-00149720-00149959 so good job guys you win you both win pBr7nOLfQyc-00571-00149960-00150207 yeah yeah that's what i like to hear pBr7nOLfQyc-00572-00150208-00150519 yes it doesn't have to be a contest and pBr7nOLfQyc-00573-00150520-00150590 it's not pBr7nOLfQyc-00574-00150591-00150831 and it really isn't yeah you just like pBr7nOLfQyc-00575-00150832-00151039 the performance pBr7nOLfQyc-00576-00151040-00151254 the only contest is which beer are you pBr7nOLfQyc-00577-00151255-00151526 gonna vote for go to vote voodoo.com pBr7nOLfQyc-00578-00151527-00152207 for the next great voodoo ranger ipa pBr7nOLfQyc-00579-00152208-00152359 i didn't i haven't even got that this pBr7nOLfQyc-00580-00152360-00152566 was a contest pBr7nOLfQyc-00581-00152567-00152887 and so well that's in quotes you know pBr7nOLfQyc-00582-00152888-00153126 but my one of my i told i asked my pBr7nOLfQyc-00583-00153127-00153302 manager if i could do this he was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00584-00153303-00153375 you better win pBr7nOLfQyc-00585-00153376-00154083 and i was like what pBr7nOLfQyc-00586-00154084-00154295 pressure pBr7nOLfQyc-00587-00154296-00154511 it's like a who's line type deal like pBr7nOLfQyc-00588-00154512-00154639 yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00589-00154640-00155007 nobody really wins no matter who wins we pBr7nOLfQyc-00590-00155008-00155095 all lose pBr7nOLfQyc-00591-00155096-00155483 yeah it's a real alien versus predator pBr7nOLfQyc-00592-00155484-00155823 situation pBr7nOLfQyc-00593-00155824-00156335 uh all right next prompt uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00594-00156336-00156535 let's see we did voting we did voodoo pBr7nOLfQyc-00595-00156536-00156775 ranger pBr7nOLfQyc-00596-00156776-00157095 let's do pBr7nOLfQyc-00597-00157096-00157343 i kind of want to do like the uh the pBr7nOLfQyc-00598-00157344-00157478 overwatch aspect pBr7nOLfQyc-00599-00157479-00157823 but i want you to take your overwatch pBr7nOLfQyc-00600-00157824-00158111 mane pBr7nOLfQyc-00601-00158112-00158295 me neither i want you to take your pBr7nOLfQyc-00602-00158296-00158535 favorite overwatch character pBr7nOLfQyc-00603-00158536-00158878 even if you have to google it ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00604-00158879-00159143 and make make a uh make a voodoo ranger pBr7nOLfQyc-00605-00159144-00159375 version of them pBr7nOLfQyc-00606-00159376-00159575 and try to get it as close as you can to pBr7nOLfQyc-00607-00159576-00159726 that blizzard like pBr7nOLfQyc-00608-00159727-00160039 uh style like pBr7nOLfQyc-00609-00160040-00160399 in a 2d form of course um pBr7nOLfQyc-00610-00160400-00160726 i'll give you a little longer honestly pBr7nOLfQyc-00611-00160727-00161414 yeah yeah gorilla you you pBr7nOLfQyc-00612-00161415-00161751 now i don't want it to be like like pBr7nOLfQyc-00613-00161752-00161943 uh winston's like body and then just a pBr7nOLfQyc-00614-00161944-00162071 skeleton head it needs to be like pBr7nOLfQyc-00615-00162072-00162159 winston pBr7nOLfQyc-00616-00162160-00162519 skeleton anatomically correct gorilla pBr7nOLfQyc-00617-00162520-00162575 skull pBr7nOLfQyc-00618-00162576-00162783 you know what what if i what if i want pBr7nOLfQyc-00619-00162784-00163054 to do bathroom pBr7nOLfQyc-00620-00163055-00163495 shut up why do you gotta ruin this ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00621-00163496-00163607 should be fine i'll take a different pBr7nOLfQyc-00622-00163608-00165287 care don't think pBr7nOLfQyc-00623-00165288-00165454 find a way to make bastion work if you pBr7nOLfQyc-00624-00165455-00165638 want to do better okay okay i'll do that pBr7nOLfQyc-00625-00165639-00165678 then pBr7nOLfQyc-00626-00165679-00165943 i want to see what you come up with okay pBr7nOLfQyc-00627-00165944-00166190 all right are you guys ready pBr7nOLfQyc-00628-00166191-00166326 how long do we have them i'm gonna give pBr7nOLfQyc-00629-00166327-00167759 you 15. okay pBr7nOLfQyc-00630-00167760-00168102 somebody suggested xbox versus ps5 in a pBr7nOLfQyc-00631-00168103-00168495 console fight but we did a uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00632-00168496-00168775 art to art happy hour for rtx one of one pBr7nOLfQyc-00633-00168776-00168863 of the prompts i pBr7nOLfQyc-00634-00168864-00169247 i gave was uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00635-00169248-00169559 uh reimagining uh the next gen consoles pBr7nOLfQyc-00636-00169560-00169702 is a different appliance because they pBr7nOLfQyc-00637-00169703-00169926 all look like appliances pBr7nOLfQyc-00638-00169927-00170278 that's true and aaron nguyen did the ps5 pBr7nOLfQyc-00639-00170279-00170766 as a blender pBr7nOLfQyc-00640-00170767-00171095 it was like uh like the discs went into pBr7nOLfQyc-00641-00171096-00171343 the blender and you turned it on pBr7nOLfQyc-00642-00171344-00171559 oh really though what were they thinking pBr7nOLfQyc-00643-00171560-00171671 with that new design pBr7nOLfQyc-00644-00171672-00171975 it looks like an internet router it's so pBr7nOLfQyc-00645-00171976-00172238 weird yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00646-00172239-00172478 i feel like everyone's reaction to like pBr7nOLfQyc-00647-00172479-00172614 next-gen consoles pBr7nOLfQyc-00648-00172615-00172838 design is always like well this is awful pBr7nOLfQyc-00649-00172839-00172943 and then like pBr7nOLfQyc-00650-00172944-00173214 aesthetics catch up to it kind of yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00651-00173215-00173263 totally pBr7nOLfQyc-00652-00173264-00173735 like actually it's not so bad yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00653-00173736-00174047 oh my goodness ethan i don't know what's pBr7nOLfQyc-00654-00174048-00174111 going on pBr7nOLfQyc-00655-00174112-00174895 i'm really looking forward to this pBr7nOLfQyc-00656-00174896-00175735 oh that's better that feels pBr7nOLfQyc-00657-00175736-00175966 oh his little goggle yeah he gets the pBr7nOLfQyc-00658-00175967-00176047 goggles pBr7nOLfQyc-00659-00176048-00176483 his cool glass just one glass just one pBr7nOLfQyc-00660-00176484-00176902 glass pBr7nOLfQyc-00661-00176903-00177031 have you guys been playing a lot of pBr7nOLfQyc-00662-00177032-00177231 among us uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00663-00177232-00177502 a stupid amount i've played a little bit pBr7nOLfQyc-00664-00177503-00177614 of it it's very pBr7nOLfQyc-00665-00177615-00177790 i've learned that i'm i'm not a very pBr7nOLfQyc-00666-00177791-00178287 good liar pBr7nOLfQyc-00667-00178288-00178502 my girlfriend is a very good liar and pBr7nOLfQyc-00668-00178503-00178887 it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00669-00178888-00179095 we're both like she's like i'm scared i pBr7nOLfQyc-00670-00179096-00179447 don't know why i'm so good at this pBr7nOLfQyc-00671-00179448-00179607 she's like naturally good at it and pBr7nOLfQyc-00672-00179608-00179775 she's just like i i don't want to be pBr7nOLfQyc-00673-00179776-00179863 this good at it pBr7nOLfQyc-00674-00179864-00180119 it's just i'm really good at killing pBr7nOLfQyc-00675-00180120-00180295 people and they're lying about it pBr7nOLfQyc-00676-00180296-00180454 well then like most of the games like pBr7nOLfQyc-00677-00180455-00180695 she'll like kill me first and then pBr7nOLfQyc-00678-00180696-00180878 the rest of the game is just me watching pBr7nOLfQyc-00679-00180879-00181071 her lie to like a group of people pBr7nOLfQyc-00680-00181072-00181302 and everyone there's nothing you can do pBr7nOLfQyc-00681-00181303-00181390 to stop it pBr7nOLfQyc-00682-00181391-00181647 yeah nobody like even suspects her for a pBr7nOLfQyc-00683-00181648-00181766 little bit they're like we definitely pBr7nOLfQyc-00684-00181767-00181831 trust you pBr7nOLfQyc-00685-00181832-00182263 but everyone else is suss pBr7nOLfQyc-00686-00182264-00182414 that's like the perfect kind of player pBr7nOLfQyc-00687-00182415-00182566 though it's true pBr7nOLfQyc-00688-00182567-00182999 she's a beast pBr7nOLfQyc-00689-00183000-00183166 yeah i feel like i haven't i haven't pBr7nOLfQyc-00690-00183167-00183302 played yet but i've been watching a lot pBr7nOLfQyc-00691-00183303-00183335 of pBr7nOLfQyc-00692-00183336-00183543 people play it and i'm just like i just pBr7nOLfQyc-00693-00183544-00183751 imagine how stressed out i would be pBr7nOLfQyc-00694-00183752-00184054 if i were the imposter because pBr7nOLfQyc-00695-00184055-00184214 i get stressed out when i'm the werewolf pBr7nOLfQyc-00696-00184215-00184431 playing werewolves or something pBr7nOLfQyc-00697-00184432-00184599 it's not so bad if you're if you have pBr7nOLfQyc-00698-00184600-00184790 like two people but if you're just the pBr7nOLfQyc-00699-00184791-00185126 only one pBr7nOLfQyc-00700-00185127-00185663 yes totally pBr7nOLfQyc-00701-00185664-00185823 achievement hunter just did a let's play pBr7nOLfQyc-00702-00185824-00185975 that came out last week where they they pBr7nOLfQyc-00703-00185976-00186054 did a really pBr7nOLfQyc-00704-00186055-00186414 cool editing job um pBr7nOLfQyc-00705-00186415-00186583 where you kind of just see everyone pBr7nOLfQyc-00706-00186584-00186759 individually without them being able to pBr7nOLfQyc-00707-00186760-00186950 talk to each other and like you get pBr7nOLfQyc-00708-00186951-00187166 you get to see what they're seeing and pBr7nOLfQyc-00709-00187167-00187423 like them trying to like pBr7nOLfQyc-00710-00187424-00187687 talk through what's going on and stuff pBr7nOLfQyc-00711-00187688-00187726 it was pBr7nOLfQyc-00712-00187727-00187911 really it was really well done and it pBr7nOLfQyc-00713-00187912-00188063 really made me like want to play the pBr7nOLfQyc-00714-00188064-00188183 game pBr7nOLfQyc-00715-00188184-00188350 i was surprised because i didn't know pBr7nOLfQyc-00716-00188351-00188535 the game came a family it was it's been pBr7nOLfQyc-00717-00188536-00188711 out for like a year like two years ago pBr7nOLfQyc-00718-00188712-00188975 yeah and then one person plays it and it pBr7nOLfQyc-00719-00188976-00189083 takes off pBr7nOLfQyc-00720-00189084-00189390 yep i didn't it just i come out for like pBr7nOLfQyc-00721-00189391-00189495 uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00722-00189496-00189702 the phone for free i think i think pBr7nOLfQyc-00723-00189703-00189814 that's part of it yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00724-00189815-00190078 oh is that what you play on ethan are pBr7nOLfQyc-00725-00190079-00190199 you a phone player pBr7nOLfQyc-00726-00190200-00190526 yeah i'm not like a real gamer pBr7nOLfQyc-00727-00190527-00190759 i am two you picked you picked some of pBr7nOLfQyc-00728-00190760-00190895 the worst gamers apparently pBr7nOLfQyc-00729-00190896-00191111 this stream sorry jordan do you remember pBr7nOLfQyc-00730-00191112-00191247 when i first graduated pBr7nOLfQyc-00731-00191248-00191454 your teeth and you asked me what halo pBr7nOLfQyc-00732-00191455-00191607 was and i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00733-00191608-00191838 i know what halo is it's a video game pBr7nOLfQyc-00734-00191839-00191966 and you're like no no pBr7nOLfQyc-00735-00191967-00192302 what is the halo pBr7nOLfQyc-00736-00192303-00192566 it's that's not that's not the guy he pBr7nOLfQyc-00737-00192567-00192654 has like pBr7nOLfQyc-00738-00192655-00193071 the guy yeah this guy he [__] he pBr7nOLfQyc-00739-00193072-00193302 doesn't even know what a pBr7nOLfQyc-00740-00193303-00193502 halo does he doesn't know that it's a pBr7nOLfQyc-00741-00193503-00193663 weapon designed to pBr7nOLfQyc-00742-00193664-00193878 starve the flood by wiping out all pBr7nOLfQyc-00743-00193879-00193966 edible pBr7nOLfQyc-00744-00193967-00194190 or old sentient life therefore starving pBr7nOLfQyc-00745-00194191-00194278 the flood pBr7nOLfQyc-00746-00194279-00194683 i think i was like isn't it like a death pBr7nOLfQyc-00747-00194684-00194871 star pBr7nOLfQyc-00748-00194872-00195078 and i i think it was early so i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00749-00195079-00195263 am i going to get fired right now pBr7nOLfQyc-00750-00195264-00195743 yes yes 100 pBr7nOLfQyc-00751-00195744-00195966 i i don't know how comfortable that pBr7nOLfQyc-00752-00195967-00196047 makes me like pBr7nOLfQyc-00753-00196048-00196214 for you to assume that i have the power pBr7nOLfQyc-00754-00196215-00196566 to fire you well now i know pBr7nOLfQyc-00755-00196567-00196975 go to your head i think my first week pBr7nOLfQyc-00756-00196976-00197271 or first few months everyone could fire pBr7nOLfQyc-00757-00197272-00197678 me if they wanted you're on the bottom pBr7nOLfQyc-00758-00197679-00197775 is drunk pBr7nOLfQyc-00759-00197776-00198102 yeah exactly the janitor could fire you pBr7nOLfQyc-00760-00198103-00198463 that'll like them get them out of here pBr7nOLfQyc-00761-00198464-00199119 the guy picked weird snacks to eat pBr7nOLfQyc-00762-00199120-00199302 i i'm the person picking your snacks to pBr7nOLfQyc-00763-00199303-00199535 eat pBr7nOLfQyc-00764-00199536-00199902 um i was gonna say when you when ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00765-00199903-00200190 first started he was doing like pBr7nOLfQyc-00766-00200191-00200447 a bunch of like he had like so many pBr7nOLfQyc-00767-00200448-00200559 random tasks pBr7nOLfQyc-00768-00200560-00200935 as his job but one of them was to uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00769-00200936-00201238 edit uh audio yes pBr7nOLfQyc-00770-00201239-00201535 from from uh some of our out of house pBr7nOLfQyc-00771-00201536-00201566 like pBr7nOLfQyc-00772-00201567-00201838 people uh voice actors who set stuff in pBr7nOLfQyc-00773-00201839-00202014 and it would always make ethan so happy pBr7nOLfQyc-00774-00202015-00202199 when he got uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00775-00202200-00202550 you know tom yeah uh jotan perils uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00776-00202551-00202719 harrison lines because he would put like pBr7nOLfQyc-00777-00202720-00203014 little messages in them pBr7nOLfQyc-00778-00203015-00203238 he'd always be like is this good please pBr7nOLfQyc-00779-00203239-00203438 don't fire me pBr7nOLfQyc-00780-00203439-00203775 and ethan was like i could relate pBr7nOLfQyc-00781-00203776-00204102 i also don't want to get fired pBr7nOLfQyc-00782-00204103-00204271 yeah that was the best i think i would pBr7nOLfQyc-00783-00204272-00204487 just like message you like pBr7nOLfQyc-00784-00204488-00205423 oh look out for this part pBr7nOLfQyc-00785-00205423-00205646 are you excuse me are you looking up pBr7nOLfQyc-00786-00205648-00205790 like what a gorilla skull looks like pBr7nOLfQyc-00787-00205791-00205855 ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-00788-00205856-00206271 no i just know i have this oh weird pBr7nOLfQyc-00789-00206271-00206575 yeah i just look at skeleton skulls like pBr7nOLfQyc-00790-00206576-00206886 every night before i'm gonna die pBr7nOLfQyc-00791-00206887-00207358 it calms me yeah i definitely am pBr7nOLfQyc-00792-00207359-00207590 let's see uh you guys are about halfway pBr7nOLfQyc-00793-00207591-00207710 through you have about eight minutes pBr7nOLfQyc-00794-00207711-00207855 left pBr7nOLfQyc-00795-00207856-00208271 you're making good time pBr7nOLfQyc-00796-00208271-00208758 nice nice night nice pBr7nOLfQyc-00797-00208759-00208934 i i'm literally i'm just drawing the pBr7nOLfQyc-00798-00208935-00209103 characters with skeleton heads and then pBr7nOLfQyc-00799-00209104-00209151 putting pBr7nOLfQyc-00800-00209152-00209631 a little mask and pBr7nOLfQyc-00801-00209632-00209942 it's a very tiny bastion body you have pBr7nOLfQyc-00802-00209944-00210182 look i'm i'm i don't have time to draw a pBr7nOLfQyc-00803-00210183-00210446 full bat pBr7nOLfQyc-00804-00210448-00210591 you wanted to draw the one of the most pBr7nOLfQyc-00805-00210592-00211046 complex characters though i like robots pBr7nOLfQyc-00806-00211048-00211446 fashion's so cool the pBr7nOLfQyc-00807-00211448-00211646 the little bird i thought was sonic for pBr7nOLfQyc-00808-00211648-00211751 a second i thought you're drawing a pBr7nOLfQyc-00809-00211752-00211846 little sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-00810-00211848-00212167 i mean he's got the i mean no pBr7nOLfQyc-00811-00212167-00212319 i didn't know we don't need to make pBr7nOLfQyc-00812-00212319-00212471 everything about sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-00813-00212471-00213006 andrea why not yeah why not pBr7nOLfQyc-00814-00213007-00213471 what's your favorite video game ethan uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00815-00213471-00213855 probably the last of us part two pBr7nOLfQyc-00816-00213856-00214223 honestly like i know that's like a pBr7nOLfQyc-00817-00214223-00214598 lot hot you're more of a cinematic gamer pBr7nOLfQyc-00818-00214600-00214815 yeah like that and uncharted i feel like pBr7nOLfQyc-00819-00214816-00214942 those aren't like the most pBr7nOLfQyc-00820-00214944-00215327 like uh gamer games but i just pBr7nOLfQyc-00821-00215328-00215558 i like to watch a movie that sometimes pBr7nOLfQyc-00822-00215559-00215703 lets me interact with it pBr7nOLfQyc-00823-00215704-00215887 you would you would love metal gear pBr7nOLfQyc-00824-00215888-00216103 solid pBr7nOLfQyc-00825-00216104-00216342 that i which one like i've watched some pBr7nOLfQyc-00826-00216344-00216551 of those pBr7nOLfQyc-00827-00216552-00216951 connor play a couple of um pBr7nOLfQyc-00828-00216952-00217271 i would probably start with well pBr7nOLfQyc-00829-00217271-00217510 it depends how much you like story and pBr7nOLfQyc-00830-00217511-00217894 how much you like story to make sense pBr7nOLfQyc-00831-00217896-00218110 it has to be a fun story even if it pBr7nOLfQyc-00832-00218111-00218279 doesn't make sense pBr7nOLfQyc-00833-00218280-00218519 it's definitely fun and kind of it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00834-00218519-00218606 it's fun in a very pBr7nOLfQyc-00835-00218607-00218839 pulpy kind of way i guess but the thing pBr7nOLfQyc-00836-00218840-00218967 i always think pBr7nOLfQyc-00837-00218967-00219239 action movie with those games is like pBr7nOLfQyc-00838-00219240-00219423 how that one character kind of got a lot pBr7nOLfQyc-00839-00219423-00219510 of flack for pBr7nOLfQyc-00840-00219511-00219751 like having like a pretty revealing pBr7nOLfQyc-00841-00219752-00219863 costume pBr7nOLfQyc-00842-00219864-00220191 oh yeah you're going to be pBr7nOLfQyc-00843-00220192-00220398 really you're going to feel so dumb when pBr7nOLfQyc-00844-00220400-00220519 you find out why pBr7nOLfQyc-00845-00220519-00220839 she's dressed like that it's like she pBr7nOLfQyc-00846-00220840-00220871 has pBr7nOLfQyc-00847-00220871-00221191 like some yeah she needs like she's like pBr7nOLfQyc-00848-00221192-00221415 a plant basically she needs like pBr7nOLfQyc-00849-00221416-00221606 a sunlight contacting your skin it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00850-00221607-00222142 like that just seems like pBr7nOLfQyc-00851-00222144-00222519 a nice save guys still your idea pBr7nOLfQyc-00852-00222519-00222798 exactly you're to be really you're going pBr7nOLfQyc-00853-00222800-00222967 to look so foolish when you figure out pBr7nOLfQyc-00854-00222967-00223279 why i can drive this scenario for her pBr7nOLfQyc-00855-00223280-00223415 really dumb when you find out this pBr7nOLfQyc-00856-00223416-00223871 ridiculous thing i did pBr7nOLfQyc-00857-00223871-00224239 but they do look super fun yeah metal pBr7nOLfQyc-00858-00224240-00224358 gear solid five was pBr7nOLfQyc-00859-00224359-00224631 was actually a lot of fun um is that pBr7nOLfQyc-00860-00224632-00224742 that one the one that's like kind of pBr7nOLfQyc-00861-00224744-00224846 open world pBr7nOLfQyc-00862-00224848-00225046 yeah yeah it's kind of a different one pBr7nOLfQyc-00863-00225048-00225231 but i i had a lot of fun playing it the pBr7nOLfQyc-00864-00225232-00225415 first one i played was actually four i pBr7nOLfQyc-00865-00225416-00225534 watched my brother pBr7nOLfQyc-00866-00225535-00225846 play two and three and uh pBr7nOLfQyc-00867-00225848-00226094 four was the first one i played and then pBr7nOLfQyc-00868-00226096-00226279 when mel gear solid five came out i pBr7nOLfQyc-00869-00226280-00226446 actually hadn't bought any of the pBr7nOLfQyc-00870-00226448-00226655 current gen consoles yet so i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00871-00226656-00226919 guess i gotta make a choice so i bought pBr7nOLfQyc-00872-00226919-00227191 it now i find yeah i bought a ps4 and pBr7nOLfQyc-00873-00227192-00227510 and bought know yourself no regrets it pBr7nOLfQyc-00874-00227511-00227623 was very good pBr7nOLfQyc-00875-00227623-00228023 that's awesome um pBr7nOLfQyc-00876-00228023-00228158 i wonder i haven't played death pBr7nOLfQyc-00877-00228159-00228398 stranding but i that one is definitely pBr7nOLfQyc-00878-00228400-00228719 like a lot of people either love it or pBr7nOLfQyc-00879-00228719-00228806 they hate it pBr7nOLfQyc-00880-00228807-00229039 yeah i'd be curious about like if you pBr7nOLfQyc-00881-00229040-00229127 played it ethan and pBr7nOLfQyc-00882-00229128-00229406 what you thought i really don't play it pBr7nOLfQyc-00883-00229407-00229631 because it looked like ridiculous to me pBr7nOLfQyc-00884-00229632-00229806 and then but i really like i don't know pBr7nOLfQyc-00885-00229807-00229975 if you'll like there's some pBr7nOLfQyc-00886-00229976-00230191 youtubers that i like that did a review pBr7nOLfQyc-00887-00230192-00230279 of it that pBr7nOLfQyc-00888-00230280-00230582 that made it look like really like a of pBr7nOLfQyc-00889-00230583-00230951 an experience it has to be that kind of pBr7nOLfQyc-00890-00230952-00231082 game because pBr7nOLfQyc-00891-00231083-00231351 it again i haven't played either but all pBr7nOLfQyc-00892-00231352-00231423 i know is pBr7nOLfQyc-00893-00231423-00231734 is from the the trailers and it's it's pBr7nOLfQyc-00894-00231735-00231815 just pBr7nOLfQyc-00895-00231816-00232215 the guy from from uh from pBr7nOLfQyc-00896-00232216-00232534 uh the walking dead and then it's just pBr7nOLfQyc-00897-00232535-00232791 carrying babies everywhere pBr7nOLfQyc-00898-00232792-00233055 it's like a delivery man somebody called pBr7nOLfQyc-00899-00233056-00233279 it like a walking simulator i think pBr7nOLfQyc-00900-00233280-00233582 or that was kind of like that pBr7nOLfQyc-00901-00233583-00233846 i can only imagine the story is like pBr7nOLfQyc-00902-00233848-00234031 bananas nuts pBr7nOLfQyc-00903-00234032-00234255 yeah i mean it has to be if that's the pBr7nOLfQyc-00904-00234256-00234334 if that's all they pBr7nOLfQyc-00905-00234335-00234710 they advertise it has to be pBr7nOLfQyc-00906-00234711-00235055 some sort of crazy story pBr7nOLfQyc-00907-00235056-00235327 how much time do we have left i'm glad pBr7nOLfQyc-00908-00235328-00235494 you asked pBr7nOLfQyc-00909-00235496-00235863 i'm gonna guess three minutes and 31 pBr7nOLfQyc-00910-00235864-00235919 seconds pBr7nOLfQyc-00911-00235919-00236319 oh is that enough i want to pBr7nOLfQyc-00912-00236319-00236575 i want to add him holding the drink but pBr7nOLfQyc-00913-00236576-00238342 maybe maybe pBr7nOLfQyc-00914-00238344-00238951 that's uh that is a great idea pBr7nOLfQyc-00915-00238952-00239142 a little birdie actually can't drink it pBr7nOLfQyc-00916-00239144-00240751 because of the robots pBr7nOLfQyc-00917-00240752-00241046 do you have a favorite like kind of like pBr7nOLfQyc-00918-00241048-00241239 i guess like classic franchise video pBr7nOLfQyc-00919-00241240-00241423 games like a zelda or a sonic or pBr7nOLfQyc-00920-00241423-00241919 mario oh um pBr7nOLfQyc-00921-00241919-00242191 i mean is half-life considered that i pBr7nOLfQyc-00922-00242192-00242382 mean like definitely zelda zelda's up pBr7nOLfQyc-00923-00242383-00242423 there pBr7nOLfQyc-00924-00242423-00242751 okay yeah his life's really good pBr7nOLfQyc-00925-00242752-00242934 i remember playing half-life when i was pBr7nOLfQyc-00926-00242935-00243158 a kid just because i liked pBr7nOLfQyc-00927-00243159-00243334 the feeling of like walking around the pBr7nOLfQyc-00928-00243335-00243630 cool laboratory pBr7nOLfQyc-00929-00243631-00243887 of black mesa i was like yeah i'm a pBr7nOLfQyc-00930-00243888-00244071 scientist pBr7nOLfQyc-00931-00244071-00244255 and then like the game actually starts pBr7nOLfQyc-00932-00244256-00244391 and things go wrong i was like this is pBr7nOLfQyc-00933-00244392-00244494 no longer fun pBr7nOLfQyc-00934-00244496-00244982 yeah this is stressful pBr7nOLfQyc-00935-00244983-00245127 i was always really drawn to like the pBr7nOLfQyc-00936-00245128-00245358 role-playing aspect pBr7nOLfQyc-00937-00245359-00245519 of games and like you mentioned you pBr7nOLfQyc-00938-00245519-00245758 mentioned like jedi pBr7nOLfQyc-00939-00245759-00246127 outcasts there was a an uh online aspect pBr7nOLfQyc-00940-00246128-00246271 to that game pBr7nOLfQyc-00941-00246271-00246534 yeah and like you could like there were pBr7nOLfQyc-00942-00246535-00246734 role-playing servers that like you could pBr7nOLfQyc-00943-00246735-00247087 like pretend to be jedi and stuff um pBr7nOLfQyc-00944-00247088-00247463 it was actually really cool yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-00945-00247464-00247839 drink me i i didn't really get into pBr7nOLfQyc-00946-00247840-00248087 the role-playing games until like later pBr7nOLfQyc-00947-00248088-00248255 in life i was just always the pBr7nOLfQyc-00948-00248256-00248479 i need a character to run forward and pBr7nOLfQyc-00949-00248480-00248575 then pBr7nOLfQyc-00950-00248576-00249039 jump around pBr7nOLfQyc-00951-00249040-00249351 did you i remember like when the n64 pBr7nOLfQyc-00952-00249352-00249398 came out pBr7nOLfQyc-00953-00249400-00249719 and i think i played this before pBr7nOLfQyc-00954-00249719-00250071 uh ocarina of time but quest 64. pBr7nOLfQyc-00955-00250071-00250287 i i never had it but a friend of the pBr7nOLfQyc-00956-00250288-00250446 cross because i didn't i didn't get the pBr7nOLfQyc-00957-00250448-00251182 n64 until i like pBr7nOLfQyc-00958-00251183-00251471 that was one where i was like i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-00959-00251471-00251542 yeah i can go pBr7nOLfQyc-00960-00251544-00251934 anywhere and do anything this is amazing pBr7nOLfQyc-00961-00251935-00252094 yeah it really like opened my eyes to pBr7nOLfQyc-00962-00252096-00252310 the possibilities of like 3d pBr7nOLfQyc-00963-00252311-00252494 do you all remember like jet force pBr7nOLfQyc-00964-00252496-00252615 gemini pBr7nOLfQyc-00965-00252616-00252894 and like that era of like rareware rare pBr7nOLfQyc-00966-00252896-00252967 wear pBr7nOLfQyc-00967-00252967-00253358 games i was a big uh banjo-kazooie fan pBr7nOLfQyc-00968-00253359-00253646 and perfect perfect dark yeah perfect is pBr7nOLfQyc-00969-00253648-00253742 awesome pBr7nOLfQyc-00970-00253744-00253934 yeah the banjo is another game though pBr7nOLfQyc-00971-00253935-00254119 like back then it ran pBr7nOLfQyc-00972-00254119-00254430 like two frames per second on the n64 pBr7nOLfQyc-00973-00254431-00254694 the xbox 360 remake is actually really pBr7nOLfQyc-00974-00254696-00256087 good pBr7nOLfQyc-00975-00256088-00256206 man i guess i gave you guys too much pBr7nOLfQyc-00976-00256207-00256406 time you have five seconds pBr7nOLfQyc-00977-00256407-00256839 okay well then pBr7nOLfQyc-00978-00256840-00257191 wow so good i like the bird and his tiny pBr7nOLfQyc-00979-00257192-00257534 body pBr7nOLfQyc-00980-00257535-00257927 very interesting oh my gosh pBr7nOLfQyc-00981-00257928-00258230 i love it and then pBr7nOLfQyc-00982-00258231-00258382 ethan's is actually i like how pBr7nOLfQyc-00983-00258383-00258542 atomically correct yours pBr7nOLfQyc-00984-00258544-00259142 is big rocket booster pBr7nOLfQyc-00985-00259144-00259351 i got it i gotta say ethan probably pBr7nOLfQyc-00986-00259352-00259471 takes this one just pBr7nOLfQyc-00987-00259471-00259798 just for the the for the yeah the giant pBr7nOLfQyc-00988-00259800-00259967 drink me pBr7nOLfQyc-00989-00259967-00260479 andre pBr7nOLfQyc-00990-00260480-00260623 all right i think we have time for one pBr7nOLfQyc-00991-00260623-00260975 more so um pBr7nOLfQyc-00992-00260976-00261319 and the reason i was i was uh inquiring pBr7nOLfQyc-00993-00261319-00261367 about pBr7nOLfQyc-00994-00261367-00261703 your favorite game ethan is because i pBr7nOLfQyc-00995-00261704-00261830 want you to draw pBr7nOLfQyc-00996-00261831-00262158 a little link pBr7nOLfQyc-00997-00262159-00262599 oh hell yeah um but i want pBr7nOLfQyc-00998-00262600-00262782 i want these to be kind of dynamic so pBr7nOLfQyc-00999-00262783-00262991 like think like not so much like pBr7nOLfQyc-01000-00262992-00263295 the art in the game but like pBr7nOLfQyc-01001-00263296-00263455 on like the box or like in the pBr7nOLfQyc-01002-00263456-00263639 instruction booklet like pBr7nOLfQyc-01003-00263640-00263991 that kind of key art um so i wanted to pBr7nOLfQyc-01004-00263992-00264119 be kind of dynamic pBr7nOLfQyc-01005-00264120-00264423 um but it's for you pBr7nOLfQyc-01006-00264424-00264743 it's link doing something cool uh with a pBr7nOLfQyc-01007-00264744-00264799 skeleton pBr7nOLfQyc-01008-00264800-00265239 head and for andrew sonic doing like a pBr7nOLfQyc-01009-00265240-00265367 cool running pBr7nOLfQyc-01010-00265368-00265639 or like something something in in motion pBr7nOLfQyc-01011-00265640-00265839 uh with a skull pBr7nOLfQyc-01012-00265840-00266030 with a skull i don't know how it's gonna pBr7nOLfQyc-01013-00266031-00266143 work with sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-01014-00266144-00266599 but i have an idea pBr7nOLfQyc-01015-00266600-00266791 this one this one's gonna be this one's pBr7nOLfQyc-01016-00266792-00267191 gonna be a 12 minute pBr7nOLfQyc-01017-00267192-00267391 i just want to see i just want to google pBr7nOLfQyc-01018-00267392-00268895 if someone pBr7nOLfQyc-01019-00268896-00269239 man man you know he has just one big eye pBr7nOLfQyc-01020-00269240-00269543 yeah what is that gonna look like pBr7nOLfQyc-01021-00269544-00269806 one big hole what did you want me to pBr7nOLfQyc-01022-00269807-00269855 draw pBr7nOLfQyc-01023-00269856-00270282 oh yeah good luck pBr7nOLfQyc-01024-00270283-00271534 okay pBr7nOLfQyc-01025-00271535-00271879 yeah just and then and started racing pBr7nOLfQyc-01026-00271880-00271982 stuff on his head pBr7nOLfQyc-01027-00271983-00272182 yeah i'll do like a little thing where i pBr7nOLfQyc-01028-00272183-00272287 like just draw pBr7nOLfQyc-01029-00272288-00272455 draw a detailed head and then erase the pBr7nOLfQyc-01030-00272456-00272671 lines and you have a circle pBr7nOLfQyc-01031-00272672-00272863 you draw like a really detailed sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-01032-00272864-00273039 head and then you erase it and there's a pBr7nOLfQyc-01033-00273040-00273223 skeleton underneath pBr7nOLfQyc-01034-00273224-00273503 that's what i should do yeah that's not pBr7nOLfQyc-01035-00273504-00273663 how you guys draw i always draw the pBr7nOLfQyc-01036-00273664-00273847 skeleton and then the pBr7nOLfQyc-01037-00273848-00274039 and then the the muscular system and pBr7nOLfQyc-01038-00274040-00274230 then cardiovascular pBr7nOLfQyc-01039-00274231-00274527 i definitely tried to i think there's pBr7nOLfQyc-01040-00274528-00274703 like a period of art where i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-01041-00274704-00274855 trying to like always pBr7nOLfQyc-01042-00274856-00275110 do that and i was like okay you gotta pBr7nOLfQyc-01043-00275111-00275215 you don't have time for this pBr7nOLfQyc-01044-00275216-00275695 you gotta speak how am i pBr7nOLfQyc-01045-00275696-00276039 sonic was not made to have a is sonic's pBr7nOLfQyc-01046-00276040-00276319 uh is his hair also bone is that gonna pBr7nOLfQyc-01047-00276320-00276358 be pBr7nOLfQyc-01048-00276359-00276479 i mean it's gonna have to be how else pBr7nOLfQyc-01049-00276480-00276671 would you tell the sign you'd just be pBr7nOLfQyc-01050-00276672-00276839 you'd just be a circle pBr7nOLfQyc-01051-00276840-00277287 right pBr7nOLfQyc-01052-00277288-00277606 here's you're asking me to know that uh pBr7nOLfQyc-01053-00277607-00277823 the anatomy now you're gonna make it pBr7nOLfQyc-01054-00277824-00278143 work pBr7nOLfQyc-01055-00278144-00278399 i believe in you you wouldn't really pBr7nOLfQyc-01056-00278400-00278599 have a nose then either pBr7nOLfQyc-01057-00278600-00279055 he um you should have a nose still pBr7nOLfQyc-01058-00279056-00279327 okay so the nose doesn't count but it's pBr7nOLfQyc-01059-00279328-00279534 his nose is bone it's not cartilage it's pBr7nOLfQyc-01060-00279535-00279815 a different kind of pBr7nOLfQyc-01061-00279816-00280095 it's a different kind of bone sure a pBr7nOLfQyc-01062-00280096-00280199 different kind of pBr7nOLfQyc-01063-00280200-00280703 bone pBr7nOLfQyc-01064-00280704-00280895 what kind of pose you're going for ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-01065-00280896-00281047 like he looks like he's in like pBr7nOLfQyc-01066-00281048-00281191 mid-dance pBr7nOLfQyc-01067-00281192-00281406 it's i was going for like a end of like pBr7nOLfQyc-01068-00281407-00281806 baseball swing pBr7nOLfQyc-01069-00281807-00282103 bass big baseball but he also might be pBr7nOLfQyc-01070-00282104-00282263 doing like a pBr7nOLfQyc-01071-00282264-00282567 it's like having bacon movie pBr7nOLfQyc-01072-00282568-00282895 dirty dancing uh pBr7nOLfQyc-01073-00282896-00283223 no footloose pBr7nOLfQyc-01074-00283224-00283406 footloose that's right yeah dirty pBr7nOLfQyc-01075-00283407-00283591 dancing swayze pBr7nOLfQyc-01076-00283592-00284215 yeah both solid movies pBr7nOLfQyc-01077-00284216-00284471 keep going andrew i don't know what i'm pBr7nOLfQyc-01078-00284472-00284663 doing right now pBr7nOLfQyc-01079-00284664-00284982 it looks good there you go pBr7nOLfQyc-01080-00284983-00285199 that's sonic well yeah but now i gotta pBr7nOLfQyc-01081-00285200-00286743 make him a skeleton somehow good luck pBr7nOLfQyc-01082-00286744-00286951 that's very scary yeah and then we'll pBr7nOLfQyc-01083-00286952-00287119 just move pBr7nOLfQyc-01084-00287120-00287503 oc do not do not steal my sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-01085-00287504-00287919 um pBr7nOLfQyc-01086-00287920-00288254 have you guys ever ever like looked up pBr7nOLfQyc-01087-00288255-00288558 your name and then the hedgehog pBr7nOLfQyc-01088-00288559-00288815 to see which sonic oc you are we did pBr7nOLfQyc-01089-00288816-00288951 that in the office pBr7nOLfQyc-01090-00288952-00289158 yeah there was a day where we just pBr7nOLfQyc-01091-00289159-00289287 everyone typed in their name and there pBr7nOLfQyc-01092-00289288-00289327 was pBr7nOLfQyc-01093-00289328-00289495 there was not only was there a character pBr7nOLfQyc-01094-00289496-00289663 there was like a bio of what that pBr7nOLfQyc-01095-00289664-00289887 character pBr7nOLfQyc-01096-00289888-00290127 that's amazing let me look up ethan the pBr7nOLfQyc-01097-00290128-00290399 hedgehog pBr7nOLfQyc-01098-00290400-00290806 i'm scared pBr7nOLfQyc-01099-00290807-00291630 oh there's some good ones pBr7nOLfQyc-01100-00291631-00291815 okay i like this one because he has like pBr7nOLfQyc-01101-00291816-00291999 stats and stuff pBr7nOLfQyc-01102-00292000-00292110 yeah that's what i'm saying they all pBr7nOLfQyc-01103-00292111-00292319 have their stats and like pBr7nOLfQyc-01104-00292320-00292519 their relations like like one of them i pBr7nOLfQyc-01105-00292520-00292695 remember was like sonic's pBr7nOLfQyc-01106-00292696-00292903 a distant cousin related from a pBr7nOLfQyc-01107-00292904-00293071 different planet and i was like pBr7nOLfQyc-01108-00293072-00293367 here ethan uh put this on your screen so pBr7nOLfQyc-01109-00293368-00293463 everyone can see it pBr7nOLfQyc-01110-00293464-00293679 i just i just sent it to the discord oh pBr7nOLfQyc-01111-00293680-00294006 that was fast pBr7nOLfQyc-01112-00294007-00294303 your abilities are flying and other air pBr7nOLfQyc-01113-00294304-00294423 related abilities pBr7nOLfQyc-01114-00294424-00294863 and great dagger skills pBr7nOLfQyc-01115-00294864-00295175 you're also very smart calm serious pBr7nOLfQyc-01116-00295176-00295487 you're very patient a bit it's true a pBr7nOLfQyc-01117-00295488-00295782 bit edgy lol pBr7nOLfQyc-01118-00295783-00296015 i have to be honest with you guys i pBr7nOLfQyc-01119-00296016-00296191 wrote this pBr7nOLfQyc-01120-00296192-00296767 this is yours this is my oc pBr7nOLfQyc-01121-00296768-00297175 yeah looks and sounds just like you pBr7nOLfQyc-01122-00297176-00297415 know it was you would be like very pBr7nOLfQyc-01123-00297416-00297743 polite but very nervous pBr7nOLfQyc-01124-00297744-00298103 generally shameful please don't fire me pBr7nOLfQyc-01125-00298104-00299406 yeah embarrassed pBr7nOLfQyc-01126-00299407-00299551 it's turning out really good you're pBr7nOLfQyc-01127-00299552-00299958 doing great pBr7nOLfQyc-01128-00299959-00300087 the only thing is he's not in a very pBr7nOLfQyc-01129-00300088-00300358 dynamic pose but i'm i'm trying to get pBr7nOLfQyc-01130-00300359-00300382 the pBr7nOLfQyc-01131-00300383-00300654 the but you're but anatomy do you have a pBr7nOLfQyc-01132-00300655-00301391 tall task yes pBr7nOLfQyc-01133-00301392-00301710 okay you're drawing the the classic hat pBr7nOLfQyc-01134-00301711-00301919 as well yeah he's looking a little more pBr7nOLfQyc-01135-00301920-00302134 like santa claus than i wanted pBr7nOLfQyc-01136-00302135-00302447 ho ho ho [__] pBr7nOLfQyc-01137-00302448-00302958 oh on man pBr7nOLfQyc-01138-00302959-00303463 he's got the hair too yep pBr7nOLfQyc-01139-00303464-00303799 oh he's an elf oh my god pBr7nOLfQyc-01140-00303800-00304415 he's hylian pBr7nOLfQyc-01141-00304416-00304751 i'm not googling that i'm not pBr7nOLfQyc-01142-00304752-00305054 googling it either what was that one pBr7nOLfQyc-01143-00305055-00305103 game pBr7nOLfQyc-01144-00305104-00305454 was it it was like the shitty pBr7nOLfQyc-01145-00305455-00305943 sonic like 3d game that was like fan pBr7nOLfQyc-01146-00305944-00305982 made pBr7nOLfQyc-01147-00305983-00306167 they played it on game grumps yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-01148-00306168-00306303 you're one where like pBr7nOLfQyc-01149-00306304-00306495 dreams collection sonic dreams pBr7nOLfQyc-01150-00306496-00306687 collection yes where you do take off pBr7nOLfQyc-01151-00306688-00306743 sonic pBr7nOLfQyc-01152-00306744-00306967 you take off sonic shoes and he has toes pBr7nOLfQyc-01153-00306968-00307191 you give his feet the tickles pBr7nOLfQyc-01154-00307192-00307606 oh what it's a nightmare pBr7nOLfQyc-01155-00307607-00308082 so to answer your question yes he has pBr7nOLfQyc-01156-00308083-00308319 toes pBr7nOLfQyc-01157-00308320-00308871 all right ethan the hedgehog is back pBr7nOLfQyc-01158-00308872-00309191 you can't escape put him put him over pBr7nOLfQyc-01159-00309192-00309399 ethan's camera pBr7nOLfQyc-01160-00309400-00309879 oh he's he's holding the the beauty pBr7nOLfQyc-01161-00309880-00310495 he's got great captain dynamite skills pBr7nOLfQyc-01162-00310496-00311158 what a sellout oh my god pBr7nOLfQyc-01163-00311159-00311367 so ethan the hedgehog big fan of captain pBr7nOLfQyc-01164-00311368-00311463 dynamite pBr7nOLfQyc-01165-00311464-00311806 yeah that's who he's voting for pBr7nOLfQyc-01166-00311807-00312230 he's going to voodoo vote voodoo.com pBr7nOLfQyc-01167-00312231-00312919 and voting for pBr7nOLfQyc-01168-00312920-00313071 oh i like that he's cutting another pBr7nOLfQyc-01169-00313072-00313303 skeleton in half yeah it's one of the pBr7nOLfQyc-01170-00313304-00313758 others yes pBr7nOLfQyc-01171-00313759-00314127 very nice you guys have four minutes pBr7nOLfQyc-01172-00314128-00314734 oh geez louise oh god okay pBr7nOLfQyc-01173-00314735-00315015 this is what we're doing now yeah that's pBr7nOLfQyc-01174-00315016-00315230 how bones work well pBr7nOLfQyc-01175-00315231-00315399 you know he wouldn't have ears he pBr7nOLfQyc-01176-00315400-00315575 wouldn't have any of this stuff pBr7nOLfQyc-01177-00315576-00315839 that's cartoon bones that's not yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-01178-00315840-00316071 yeah that's cartoon logic but pBr7nOLfQyc-01179-00316072-00316406 he'll have like yeah candy corn looking pBr7nOLfQyc-01180-00316407-00316767 looking like the hair bones pBr7nOLfQyc-01181-00316768-00316951 hair hair bones is not a word that pBr7nOLfQyc-01182-00316952-00317134 should exist the leg bone pBr7nOLfQyc-01183-00317135-00317406 connects to the hair to the hairline at pBr7nOLfQyc-01184-00317407-00317534 least his lower body pBr7nOLfQyc-01185-00317535-00317999 kind of looks okay i'm waiting pBr7nOLfQyc-01186-00318000-00318303 because he's dead yeah yeah he has pBr7nOLfQyc-01187-00318304-00318510 he i was gonna have to do the tap in the pBr7nOLfQyc-01188-00318511-00319110 foot pBr7nOLfQyc-01189-00319111-00319495 what was the time was four minutes ago pBr7nOLfQyc-01190-00319496-00319703 about one minute ago pBr7nOLfQyc-01191-00319704-00320575 that's so so now you have maps pBr7nOLfQyc-01192-00320576-00321006 these are pretty rough yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-01193-00321007-00321391 don't worry i i don't think pBr7nOLfQyc-01194-00321392-00321767 quality is the uh well i really pBr7nOLfQyc-01195-00321768-00321991 like fun i like the framing and stuff pBr7nOLfQyc-01196-00321992-00322199 that you went with ethan your storyboard pBr7nOLfQyc-01197-00322200-00322406 artist skills are really showing through pBr7nOLfQyc-01198-00322407-00322543 in this one pBr7nOLfQyc-01199-00322544-00322863 very it's very uh action pBr7nOLfQyc-01200-00322864-00323239 i have the like art of um pBr7nOLfQyc-01201-00323240-00323487 ocarina of time book so it was just like pBr7nOLfQyc-01202-00323488-00323743 thinking about pBr7nOLfQyc-01203-00323744-00324030 all that stuff yeah it's kind of muddy pBr7nOLfQyc-01204-00324031-00324358 in here pBr7nOLfQyc-01205-00324359-00324719 clean it up too muddy around the hands pBr7nOLfQyc-01206-00324720-00324967 things seem to get a little uh you know pBr7nOLfQyc-01207-00324968-00325054 loose pBr7nOLfQyc-01208-00325055-00325527 gestural pBr7nOLfQyc-01209-00325528-00326254 i'm or pBr7nOLfQyc-01210-00326255-00326551 instead of a ring he's collecting yeah pBr7nOLfQyc-01211-00326552-00326751 cans pBr7nOLfQyc-01212-00326752-00326999 well there you go that's what sonic's uh pBr7nOLfQyc-01213-00327000-00327151 um pBr7nOLfQyc-01214-00327152-00327471 that's what he looks like it's pretty pBr7nOLfQyc-01215-00327472-00327591 horrifying pBr7nOLfQyc-01216-00327592-00328071 i i agree which is why he has skin pBr7nOLfQyc-01217-00328072-00328447 very important so you have pBr7nOLfQyc-01218-00328448-00328758 one minute and 45 seconds left so if you pBr7nOLfQyc-01219-00328759-00329919 want to add anything else to it pBr7nOLfQyc-01220-00329920-00330806 oh that got dark dead tails pBr7nOLfQyc-01221-00330807-00331087 he's just like sonic why i thought we pBr7nOLfQyc-01222-00331088-00331534 were friends pBr7nOLfQyc-01223-00331535-00331919 you still have a little like pBr7nOLfQyc-01224-00331920-00332223 yeah hair bone yes it connects to the pBr7nOLfQyc-01225-00332224-00332415 leg bone pBr7nOLfQyc-01226-00332416-00332558 why would it connect to the hair bone pBr7nOLfQyc-01227-00332559-00332734 ethan everything connects to the leg pBr7nOLfQyc-01228-00332735-00332854 bone pBr7nOLfQyc-01229-00332855-00333263 that's how the song goes pBr7nOLfQyc-01230-00333264-00333599 everything does it's the nexus of the pBr7nOLfQyc-01231-00333600-00334110 body pBr7nOLfQyc-01232-00334111-00334454 all right 50 seconds to go baby pBr7nOLfQyc-01233-00334455-00334623 we're almost where this is gonna be it pBr7nOLfQyc-01234-00334624-00335006 this is winding we're winding down pBr7nOLfQyc-01235-00335007-00335415 there he's like a pile of bones pBr7nOLfQyc-01236-00335416-00335934 and some tails and some tails pBr7nOLfQyc-01237-00335935-00336110 is that blood coming out of the the pBr7nOLfQyc-01238-00336111-00336278 stealthos there ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-01239-00336279-00336575 uh it's just some particle you know it's pBr7nOLfQyc-01240-00336576-00336639 just like a pBr7nOLfQyc-01241-00336640-00336895 little bit little bone bits yeah it's pBr7nOLfQyc-01242-00336896-00337310 bone marrow pBr7nOLfQyc-01243-00337311-00337647 all right all right cool you pBr7nOLfQyc-01244-00337648-00337887 aren't done you have you had 15 seconds pBr7nOLfQyc-01245-00337888-00338054 to spare pBr7nOLfQyc-01246-00338055-00338199 this one's hard to choose because the pBr7nOLfQyc-01247-00338200-00338406 skeleton anatomy is perfect on pBr7nOLfQyc-01248-00338407-00338782 uh andrews but yes the prompt did call pBr7nOLfQyc-01249-00338783-00339343 for a dynamic shot which either pBr7nOLfQyc-01250-00339344-00339599 i'm glad you got you uh acknowledge my pBr7nOLfQyc-01251-00339600-00339967 um pBr7nOLfQyc-01252-00339968-00341551 so solid pBr7nOLfQyc-01253-00341552-00341839 all right well that'll do it for us so i pBr7nOLfQyc-01254-00341840-00341919 just want to pBr7nOLfQyc-01255-00341920-00342158 thank foodie ranger again for sponsoring pBr7nOLfQyc-01256-00342159-00342310 this art to art pBr7nOLfQyc-01257-00342311-00342543 uh go to vote voodoo.com and vote for pBr7nOLfQyc-01258-00342544-00342727 either agent 77 pBr7nOLfQyc-01259-00342728-00342943 a refined ipa brewed with international pBr7nOLfQyc-01260-00342944-00343063 nelson soven pBr7nOLfQyc-01261-00343064-00343295 and galaxy hops or captain dynamite a pBr7nOLfQyc-01262-00343296-00343543 hazy ipa juice with mosaic simcoe pBr7nOLfQyc-01263-00343544-00343919 and cascade hops uh these are the cans pBr7nOLfQyc-01264-00343920-00344239 uh we tried them earlier um you can't pBr7nOLfQyc-01265-00344240-00344358 really go wrong with either pBr7nOLfQyc-01266-00344359-00344727 come on face the camera uh pBr7nOLfQyc-01267-00344728-00344982 but i'm voting i captain dynamite has my pBr7nOLfQyc-01268-00344983-00345047 vote so pBr7nOLfQyc-01269-00345048-00345358 they're both pretty close pBr7nOLfQyc-01270-00345359-00345678 yeah so we're going to vote voodoo.com pBr7nOLfQyc-01271-00345679-00345887 and we're going to help decide the next pBr7nOLfQyc-01272-00345888-00346119 official voodoo ranger ipa pBr7nOLfQyc-01273-00346120-00346423 drink up thank you guys thanks guys pBr7nOLfQyc-01274-00346424-00346630 yeah thank guys this is great tell your pBr7nOLfQyc-01275-00346631-00346982 manager you won ethan pBr7nOLfQyc-01276-00346983-00347439 you do the same andrew thanks pBr7nOLfQyc-01277-00347440-00349815 bye everybody pBr7nOLfQyc-01278-00349816-00350024 you pCMw70BSMMQ-00000-00000152-00000342 hi it's tybug pCMw70BSMMQ-00001-00000343-00000567 and today i'm going to show you how i pCMw70BSMMQ-00002-00000568-00000815 get a week's worth of schoolwork done in pCMw70BSMMQ-00003-00000816-00001135 three days yes you heard me right pCMw70BSMMQ-00004-00001136-00001407 three days and you're done you got the pCMw70BSMMQ-00005-00001408-00001630 rest of the week to yourself so i'm pCMw70BSMMQ-00006-00001632-00001823 going to be completely honest with you pCMw70BSMMQ-00007-00001823-00002023 and say this probably only works if you pCMw70BSMMQ-00008-00002023-00002207 have an asynchronous schedule pCMw70BSMMQ-00009-00002208-00002407 an asynchronous schedule is when you get pCMw70BSMMQ-00010-00002408-00002567 your work at the beginning of the week pCMw70BSMMQ-00011-00002568-00002718 and then you have a due date at probably pCMw70BSMMQ-00012-00002719-00002863 like at the end of the week where you pCMw70BSMMQ-00013-00002864-00002999 have to get everything done by them but pCMw70BSMMQ-00014-00003000-00003150 you don't have like set class times pCMw70BSMMQ-00015-00003151-00003303 where you have to log on to zoom or pCMw70BSMMQ-00016-00003304-00003359 anything pCMw70BSMMQ-00017-00003360-00003551 it took me about three semesters to get pCMw70BSMMQ-00018-00003552-00003735 this plan foolproof pCMw70BSMMQ-00019-00003736-00003927 so i'm going to show you what works for pCMw70BSMMQ-00020-00003928-00004111 me i'm kind of going to be a little bit pCMw70BSMMQ-00021-00004112-00004335 vague about my schedule so like pCMw70BSMMQ-00022-00004336-00004495 i don't put my whole schedule on the pCMw70BSMMQ-00023-00004496-00004647 internet but this pCMw70BSMMQ-00024-00004648-00004879 is how you guys will be able to do it it pCMw70BSMMQ-00025-00004880-00005022 took the first couple of weeks of this pCMw70BSMMQ-00026-00005023-00005238 semester to make sure it's still applied pCMw70BSMMQ-00027-00005239-00005406 and it does so this will be really pCMw70BSMMQ-00028-00005407-00005591 helpful for all of you guys i hope pCMw70BSMMQ-00029-00005592-00005951 so i made a list you can't see it but pCMw70BSMMQ-00030-00005952-00006151 it's a list of how you guys can achieve pCMw70BSMMQ-00031-00006152-00006279 this as well pCMw70BSMMQ-00032-00006280-00006631 so the first step is obviously your pCMw70BSMMQ-00033-00006631-00006710 workspace pCMw70BSMMQ-00034-00006711-00006831 you want to be in a space that's going pCMw70BSMMQ-00035-00006831-00006983 to be comfortable for you to work for a pCMw70BSMMQ-00036-00006984-00007119 couple of hours i know pCMw70BSMMQ-00037-00007120-00007303 everyone has different situations at pCMw70BSMMQ-00038-00007304-00007439 home or wherever you are pCMw70BSMMQ-00039-00007440-00007751 studying but you want to be able to pCMw70BSMMQ-00040-00007752-00008127 sit with your computer laptop or desktop pCMw70BSMMQ-00041-00008128-00008246 i don't mind pCMw70BSMMQ-00042-00008247-00008551 and have notes step two is probably the pCMw70BSMMQ-00043-00008552-00008687 most important step pCMw70BSMMQ-00044-00008688-00008927 hands down and that is finding your pCMw70BSMMQ-00045-00008928-00009087 optimal working hours pCMw70BSMMQ-00046-00009088-00009327 what i mean by optimal working hours is pCMw70BSMMQ-00047-00009328-00009455 when you focus the best pCMw70BSMMQ-00048-00009456-00009646 when you get the most work done and when pCMw70BSMMQ-00049-00009647-00009903 you can focus for the longest pCMw70BSMMQ-00050-00009904-00010231 so this took me so pCMw70BSMMQ-00051-00010232-00010455 long to figure out like throughout high pCMw70BSMMQ-00052-00010456-00010591 school you didn't have a choice pCMw70BSMMQ-00053-00010592-00010783 you went to school when school started pCMw70BSMMQ-00054-00010784-00010974 you ended school when school ended pCMw70BSMMQ-00055-00010975-00011214 but with asynchronous learning you can pCMw70BSMMQ-00056-00011215-00011367 make your own schedule pCMw70BSMMQ-00057-00011368-00011510 but i couldn't figure out what my pCMw70BSMMQ-00058-00011511-00011703 schedule was so pCMw70BSMMQ-00059-00011704-00011959 this is where trial and error comes into pCMw70BSMMQ-00060-00011960-00012014 play pCMw70BSMMQ-00061-00012015-00012295 and i know we hate hearing that you just pCMw70BSMMQ-00062-00012296-00012478 want an answer right away but it's pCMw70BSMMQ-00063-00012479-00012655 really i had to do trial and error to pCMw70BSMMQ-00064-00012656-00012815 figure it out for myself pCMw70BSMMQ-00065-00012816-00013063 so what i figured out is i can't work in pCMw70BSMMQ-00066-00013063-00013158 the mornings pCMw70BSMMQ-00067-00013159-00013479 i just i can't uh pCMw70BSMMQ-00068-00013480-00013711 i take the mornings to do other stuff pCMw70BSMMQ-00069-00013712-00013911 that doesn't require intense focus like pCMw70BSMMQ-00070-00013912-00014063 school and just pCMw70BSMMQ-00071-00014063-00014351 i do other stuff then after lunch that pCMw70BSMMQ-00072-00014352-00014527 is when i get started with my work pCMw70BSMMQ-00073-00014528-00014830 so that is my optimal working time after pCMw70BSMMQ-00074-00014831-00015030 lunch to before dinner pCMw70BSMMQ-00075-00015031-00015303 so that's a good chunk of time but pCMw70BSMMQ-00076-00015304-00015438 that's not like the whole day so you pCMw70BSMMQ-00077-00015440-00015599 must be thinking how do i get my work pCMw70BSMMQ-00078-00015600-00015838 done in that short amount of time and pCMw70BSMMQ-00079-00015840-00016007 let me tell you pCMw70BSMMQ-00080-00016008-00016271 it takes a lot of focus but i can do it pCMw70BSMMQ-00081-00016272-00016375 and if i can do it pCMw70BSMMQ-00082-00016376-00016591 you guys can do it too i believe in you pCMw70BSMMQ-00083-00016592-00016783 easy way to figure out when your optimal pCMw70BSMMQ-00084-00016784-00016894 working time is pCMw70BSMMQ-00085-00016895-00017119 is to figure out what chronotype you are pCMw70BSMMQ-00086-00017120-00017319 there's an easy quiz you can take on the pCMw70BSMMQ-00087-00017320-00017527 internet i think it's by this doctor guy pCMw70BSMMQ-00088-00017528-00017686 i don't remember his name but i'll link pCMw70BSMMQ-00089-00017687-00017799 him down below pCMw70BSMMQ-00090-00017800-00018047 and like it asks you questions about uh pCMw70BSMMQ-00091-00018048-00018214 your personal schedule like when you pCMw70BSMMQ-00092-00018215-00018367 wake up when you go to bed pCMw70BSMMQ-00093-00018368-00018630 when you eat when you focus all that pCMw70BSMMQ-00094-00018631-00018758 type of stuff pCMw70BSMMQ-00095-00018759-00019183 um hi mika hi mika pCMw70BSMMQ-00096-00019184-00019383 and then at the end it'll tell you like pCMw70BSMMQ-00097-00019384-00019558 what chrono type you are like a bear a pCMw70BSMMQ-00098-00019559-00019694 dolphin a wolf pCMw70BSMMQ-00099-00019695-00019958 uh there's one more i don't remember pCMw70BSMMQ-00100-00019959-00020094 what the last one is pCMw70BSMMQ-00101-00020095-00020222 but then that will tell you when your pCMw70BSMMQ-00102-00020223-00020407 optimal working time is so if you don't pCMw70BSMMQ-00103-00020408-00020535 want to do trial and error i just pCMw70BSMMQ-00104-00020536-00020678 recommend doing that pCMw70BSMMQ-00105-00020679-00020839 because i did trial and error and then i pCMw70BSMMQ-00106-00020840-00021071 took the um chronotype test and then i pCMw70BSMMQ-00107-00021072-00021214 figured out like okay those meshed pCMw70BSMMQ-00108-00021215-00021422 together my answers were similar pCMw70BSMMQ-00109-00021423-00021727 okay so step three is pCMw70BSMMQ-00110-00021728-00022055 to know your classes so pCMw70BSMMQ-00111-00022056-00022483 here here is where i wrote down all my pCMw70BSMMQ-00112-00022484-00022719 classes i wrote down how many pCMw70BSMMQ-00113-00022720-00022950 classes i have when the class starts in pCMw70BSMMQ-00114-00022951-00023030 the semester pCMw70BSMMQ-00115-00023031-00023375 when the class ends in the semester then pCMw70BSMMQ-00116-00023376-00023519 i'll show you this in just a second but pCMw70BSMMQ-00117-00023520-00023703 i need to blur out what classes i do pCMw70BSMMQ-00118-00023704-00024014 because that's personal but it is i pCMw70BSMMQ-00119-00024015-00024158 wrote down what class is pCMw70BSMMQ-00120-00024159-00024414 what's the title of it what number it is pCMw70BSMMQ-00121-00024415-00024519 and then below that pCMw70BSMMQ-00122-00024520-00024822 i wrote what online sources i needed to pCMw70BSMMQ-00123-00024823-00024991 complete those classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00124-00024992-00025247 because this semester all my teachers pCMw70BSMMQ-00125-00025248-00025303 figured pCMw70BSMMQ-00126-00025304-00025503 let's just try different online things pCMw70BSMMQ-00127-00025504-00025646 let's just do something completely pCMw70BSMMQ-00128-00025647-00025839 different from everyone else pCMw70BSMMQ-00129-00025839-00025990 and then didn't tell us about it and pCMw70BSMMQ-00130-00025991-00026150 then just sent us links to all these pCMw70BSMMQ-00131-00026151-00026270 different websites that we've never pCMw70BSMMQ-00132-00026272-00026358 signed up for pCMw70BSMMQ-00133-00026360-00026607 so that was fun and with asynchronous pCMw70BSMMQ-00134-00026608-00026807 learning every teacher has their own pCMw70BSMMQ-00135-00026808-00026967 website they want you to work from and pCMw70BSMMQ-00136-00026968-00027111 then they have outside websites that pCMw70BSMMQ-00137-00027112-00027279 they want you to get stuff from pCMw70BSMMQ-00138-00027280-00027495 so that was really important for me for pCMw70BSMMQ-00139-00027495-00027702 this semester since everything is online pCMw70BSMMQ-00140-00027704-00027846 and teachers are getting kind of bold pCMw70BSMMQ-00141-00027847-00028031 with what websites they use pCMw70BSMMQ-00142-00028032-00028295 so underneath what class it is i write pCMw70BSMMQ-00143-00028295-00028335 what pCMw70BSMMQ-00144-00028336-00028590 websites i need then next to that i pCMw70BSMMQ-00145-00028591-00028662 write pCMw70BSMMQ-00146-00028663-00028855 when my final due dates are for the pCMw70BSMMQ-00147-00028856-00028999 entire semester pCMw70BSMMQ-00148-00029000-00029311 so if i do slack off i know when my end pCMw70BSMMQ-00149-00029312-00029462 time is pCMw70BSMMQ-00150-00029463-00029727 and right next to what um class i'm pCMw70BSMMQ-00151-00029727-00029814 taking pCMw70BSMMQ-00152-00029816-00030183 i write when the due dates are pCMw70BSMMQ-00153-00030183-00030487 each week so i have it right there pCMw70BSMMQ-00154-00030488-00030814 right where i can see it so you never pCMw70BSMMQ-00155-00030816-00031014 forget you have another class like pCMw70BSMMQ-00156-00031016-00031151 you're just in the middle of semester pCMw70BSMMQ-00157-00031152-00031335 and realize oh my god i had a biology pCMw70BSMMQ-00158-00031336-00031431 class and i haven't done pCMw70BSMMQ-00159-00031432-00031662 anything this way you know every single pCMw70BSMMQ-00160-00031663-00031767 class you have pCMw70BSMMQ-00161-00031768-00031999 when you have it where you have it step pCMw70BSMMQ-00162-00032000-00032174 four is to know what tasks you have pCMw70BSMMQ-00163-00032175-00032295 during the week pCMw70BSMMQ-00164-00032295-00032607 so for me i found out that online pCMw70BSMMQ-00165-00032608-00032783 writing stuff online doesn't work for me pCMw70BSMMQ-00166-00032784-00032831 at all pCMw70BSMMQ-00167-00032832-00033223 i had to hand write everything so i have pCMw70BSMMQ-00168-00033224-00033471 three little notepads where i write out pCMw70BSMMQ-00169-00033472-00033607 each of my classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00170-00033608-00033759 all the tasks for each of my classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00171-00033760-00033918 during the week pCMw70BSMMQ-00172-00033919-00034231 so i write them pCMw70BSMMQ-00173-00034232-00034623 in order of it so each class has its own pCMw70BSMMQ-00174-00034624-00034718 section pCMw70BSMMQ-00175-00034719-00034895 i write down what the tasks are for that pCMw70BSMMQ-00176-00034896-00035087 class then i start a new section for the pCMw70BSMMQ-00177-00035088-00035327 next class and i write them in order pCMw70BSMMQ-00178-00035328-00035590 of when my first due date is so i have pCMw70BSMMQ-00179-00035591-00035759 one class that instead of due pCMw70BSMMQ-00180-00035760-00035959 during the end of the week it's due in pCMw70BSMMQ-00181-00035960-00036071 the middle of the week pCMw70BSMMQ-00182-00036072-00036262 so that's my first due date so that's pCMw70BSMMQ-00183-00036263-00036623 the class i need to prioritize the most pCMw70BSMMQ-00184-00036624-00036902 after that if you have multiple classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00185-00036903-00037102 that are due on the same due date pCMw70BSMMQ-00186-00037103-00037311 then you write which class is the pCMw70BSMMQ-00187-00037312-00037415 hardest pCMw70BSMMQ-00188-00037416-00037623 because harder classes you need to focus pCMw70BSMMQ-00189-00037624-00037774 more obviously pCMw70BSMMQ-00190-00037775-00038079 so after i write down first due date pCMw70BSMMQ-00191-00038080-00038399 hardest class then i do pCMw70BSMMQ-00192-00038400-00038623 which is the most time consuming because pCMw70BSMMQ-00193-00038624-00038799 you may have a super easy class but it pCMw70BSMMQ-00194-00038800-00039007 may have you do tasks that are like pCMw70BSMMQ-00195-00039008-00039215 take you three hours to do like i have pCMw70BSMMQ-00196-00039216-00039390 this one class where i have to do 48 pCMw70BSMMQ-00197-00039391-00039559 hours worth of something so pCMw70BSMMQ-00198-00039560-00039687 that's obviously going to be the most pCMw70BSMMQ-00199-00039688-00039887 time consuming is going to be important pCMw70BSMMQ-00200-00039888-00040030 for me to know at the beginning of the pCMw70BSMMQ-00201-00040031-00040143 week pCMw70BSMMQ-00202-00040144-00040439 so once you're writing your tasks i pCMw70BSMMQ-00203-00040440-00040535 would recommend pCMw70BSMMQ-00204-00040536-00040759 on the first day when everything is pCMw70BSMMQ-00205-00040760-00041015 assigned that is your first day of work pCMw70BSMMQ-00206-00041016-00041174 so my first day where everything is pCMw70BSMMQ-00207-00041175-00041318 assigned is a monday pCMw70BSMMQ-00208-00041319-00041502 so that is the day i work the hardest pCMw70BSMMQ-00209-00041503-00041655 and that is the day where i do the most pCMw70BSMMQ-00210-00041656-00041718 work pCMw70BSMMQ-00211-00041719-00041967 that's the day i write down all my tasks pCMw70BSMMQ-00212-00041968-00042158 where i look at all the due dates pCMw70BSMMQ-00213-00042159-00042390 and where i actually start working on my pCMw70BSMMQ-00214-00042391-00042623 first due date and my hardest classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00215-00042624-00042751 so your first day is going to be your pCMw70BSMMQ-00216-00042752-00042895 hardest is going to be the day you don't pCMw70BSMMQ-00217-00042896-00042999 want to do anything pCMw70BSMMQ-00218-00043000-00043246 and it's just going to be something pCMw70BSMMQ-00219-00043247-00043367 you're going to have to push yourself pCMw70BSMMQ-00220-00043368-00043543 for really hard pCMw70BSMMQ-00221-00043544-00043846 but this is where my favorite step comes pCMw70BSMMQ-00222-00043847-00043902 in pCMw70BSMMQ-00223-00043903-00044111 and that is step number five which is pCMw70BSMMQ-00224-00044112-00044295 reward yourself pCMw70BSMMQ-00225-00044296-00044615 so i don't work straight through pCMw70BSMMQ-00226-00044616-00044943 my lunch to dinner hours i take breaks pCMw70BSMMQ-00227-00044944-00045143 in between literally like each task pCMw70BSMMQ-00228-00045144-00045399 maybe i'll either look at youtube i'll pCMw70BSMMQ-00229-00045400-00045487 look at twitter pCMw70BSMMQ-00230-00045488-00045767 i'll look at something else but that's pCMw70BSMMQ-00231-00045768-00045983 what i found helps me to do the most pCMw70BSMMQ-00232-00045984-00046111 work consistently pCMw70BSMMQ-00233-00046112-00046415 is to take breaks and not just like take pCMw70BSMMQ-00234-00046416-00046599 a break to go do chores or something but pCMw70BSMMQ-00235-00046600-00046774 like actually take a break pCMw70BSMMQ-00236-00046775-00047023 where you can relax either your body pCMw70BSMMQ-00237-00047024-00047151 your mind pCMw70BSMMQ-00238-00047152-00047374 even step away from the computer if you pCMw70BSMMQ-00239-00047375-00047495 need to pCMw70BSMMQ-00240-00047496-00047807 but taking a break is how i get the best pCMw70BSMMQ-00241-00047808-00048118 work done consistently pCMw70BSMMQ-00242-00048119-00048351 okay so those are all my steps i'm just pCMw70BSMMQ-00243-00048352-00048558 gonna say them real quickly so you guys pCMw70BSMMQ-00244-00048559-00048702 can get them in your head pCMw70BSMMQ-00245-00048703-00048983 again so one make sure you have a good pCMw70BSMMQ-00246-00048984-00049143 workspace pCMw70BSMMQ-00247-00049144-00049302 make sure you know what your optimal pCMw70BSMMQ-00248-00049303-00049535 hours are for focusing pCMw70BSMMQ-00249-00049536-00049774 know what your classes are know what pCMw70BSMMQ-00250-00049775-00049967 your tasks are pCMw70BSMMQ-00251-00049968-00050190 tasks are for the week and reward pCMw70BSMMQ-00252-00050191-00050430 yourself those are my five steps to get pCMw70BSMMQ-00253-00050431-00050646 a week's worth of class done in three pCMw70BSMMQ-00254-00050647-00050735 days pCMw70BSMMQ-00255-00050736-00050935 so now i'm going to show you my pCMw70BSMMQ-00256-00050936-00051151 workspace and how i write everything out pCMw70BSMMQ-00257-00051152-00051326 just in case you guys need to know that pCMw70BSMMQ-00258-00051327-00051470 this is all my notebooks pCMw70BSMMQ-00259-00051471-00051679 i have each of my notebooks out at all pCMw70BSMMQ-00260-00051679-00051870 times so i don't forget to do pCMw70BSMMQ-00261-00051871-00052038 a certain class and i have them all pCMw70BSMMQ-00262-00052039-00052238 color coded these are from target i pCMw70BSMMQ-00263-00052239-00052423 think they're just like a dollar pCMw70BSMMQ-00264-00052424-00052679 then i have my silly putty also from pCMw70BSMMQ-00265-00052679-00052766 target pCMw70BSMMQ-00266-00052767-00053087 i got these stamps just so i could uh pCMw70BSMMQ-00267-00053088-00053375 play with my work while i'm doing it and pCMw70BSMMQ-00268-00053376-00053503 these are from daiso pCMw70BSMMQ-00269-00053504-00053735 they're just a dollar i have nail polish pCMw70BSMMQ-00270-00053736-00053887 here just for fun pCMw70BSMMQ-00271-00053888-00054111 and then my washi tape little bear pCMw70BSMMQ-00272-00054112-00054303 dispenser in case i need to take pCMw70BSMMQ-00273-00054304-00054607 anything together then water stay pCMw70BSMMQ-00274-00054608-00054775 hydrated at all times pCMw70BSMMQ-00275-00054776-00054950 this is just some fun motivation i did pCMw70BSMMQ-00276-00054951-00055175 for myself i colored in a notepad i'm so pCMw70BSMMQ-00277-00055176-00055271 tired of this pCMw70BSMMQ-00278-00055272-00055519 and that's for um youtube stuff then my pCMw70BSMMQ-00279-00055520-00055663 laptop pCMw70BSMMQ-00280-00055664-00055982 and then a candle for fun and this is pCMw70BSMMQ-00281-00055983-00056047 where i pCMw70BSMMQ-00282-00056048-00056335 this is my list for um my video this pCMw70BSMMQ-00283-00056336-00056399 video pCMw70BSMMQ-00284-00056400-00056679 this is where i write down all my tasks pCMw70BSMMQ-00285-00056679-00056735 so pCMw70BSMMQ-00286-00056736-00057015 my first task is this class and then i pCMw70BSMMQ-00287-00057016-00057159 write down each task pCMw70BSMMQ-00288-00057160-00057391 and when i'm done i check it off and pCMw70BSMMQ-00289-00057391-00057511 then once i'm done with pCMw70BSMMQ-00290-00057512-00057719 the entire task list for this class then pCMw70BSMMQ-00291-00057720-00057887 i cross out the class pCMw70BSMMQ-00292-00057888-00058142 and i don't do it like each class one at pCMw70BSMMQ-00293-00058144-00058238 a time pCMw70BSMMQ-00294-00058239-00058503 i kind of mesh it together and do pCMw70BSMMQ-00295-00058504-00058591 whatever pCMw70BSMMQ-00296-00058591-00058838 is easiest at the time or when i can pCMw70BSMMQ-00297-00058839-00059007 focus on the most pCMw70BSMMQ-00298-00059008-00059182 but the first one is always the first pCMw70BSMMQ-00299-00059183-00059359 due date so i always do this one pCMw70BSMMQ-00300-00059360-00059630 usually altogether so then this is where pCMw70BSMMQ-00301-00059632-00059823 i wrote down all my classes pCMw70BSMMQ-00302-00059824-00060142 so i wrote down what semester it is pCMw70BSMMQ-00303-00060144-00060375 how many courses i have the first date pCMw70BSMMQ-00304-00060376-00060550 and the last date then i did a cool pCMw70BSMMQ-00305-00060551-00060671 little design pCMw70BSMMQ-00306-00060672-00060950 and then class when they're due each pCMw70BSMMQ-00307-00060951-00061047 week pCMw70BSMMQ-00308-00061048-00061271 all my sources and when the last due pCMw70BSMMQ-00309-00061272-00061406 date is pCMw70BSMMQ-00310-00061407-00061623 so i did that for each of my classes and pCMw70BSMMQ-00311-00061624-00061766 then i posted it pCMw70BSMMQ-00312-00061767-00061942 right next to my computer so i could see pCMw70BSMMQ-00313-00061944-00062094 it at all times pCMw70BSMMQ-00314-00062095-00062254 and then this is where i have on my pens pCMw70BSMMQ-00315-00062255-00062503 and stuff and just fun stuff pCMw70BSMMQ-00316-00062504-00062735 so yeah that's my workspace those are my pCMw70BSMMQ-00317-00062736-00062903 five steps on how you finish a week's pCMw70BSMMQ-00318-00062904-00063006 worth of school in pCMw70BSMMQ-00319-00063007-00063150 three days and then you have the rest of pCMw70BSMMQ-00320-00063151-00063311 the week to yourself pCMw70BSMMQ-00321-00063312-00063630 i hope that was helpful for you guys and pCMw70BSMMQ-00322-00063632-00063879 i explained it well enough if you guys pCMw70BSMMQ-00323-00063879-00063991 need any more help pCMw70BSMMQ-00324-00063991-00064215 feel free to comment down below or dm me pCMw70BSMMQ-00325-00064216-00064415 on instagram or twitter i will pCMw70BSMMQ-00326-00064416-00064615 always respond it may take me a little pCMw70BSMMQ-00327-00064616-00064766 bit of time to respond but pCMw70BSMMQ-00328-00064767-00065159 i'll get on it um let me know if you are pCMw70BSMMQ-00329-00065160-00065335 trying this without an asynchronous pCMw70BSMMQ-00330-00065336-00065471 schedule how it goes for you pCMw70BSMMQ-00331-00065472-00065631 um if you need any tips on that because pCMw70BSMMQ-00332-00065632-00065831 i did have some classes last semester pCMw70BSMMQ-00333-00065832-00065991 that weren't asynchronous they were pCMw70BSMMQ-00334-00065992-00066135 originally in person but then they pCMw70BSMMQ-00335-00066136-00066287 switched to online pCMw70BSMMQ-00336-00066288-00066599 so um i figured out a way to get stuff pCMw70BSMMQ-00337-00066600-00066638 done pCMw70BSMMQ-00338-00066639-00066879 in three days still then so let me know pCMw70BSMMQ-00339-00066880-00067047 if you need help with that pCMw70BSMMQ-00340-00067048-00067350 um any other questions or comments put pCMw70BSMMQ-00341-00067351-00067463 them down below pCMw70BSMMQ-00342-00067464-00067671 make sure to like and subscribe i hope pCMw70BSMMQ-00343-00067672-00067806 you guys are healthy and safe pCMw70BSMMQ-00344-00067807-00068038 and i will see you guys next week or the pCMw70BSMMQ-00345-00068039-00068111 week after pCMw70BSMMQ-00346-00068112-00068463 depending on how school is going pCMw70BSMMQ-00348-00071488-00071695 you pFl2x9I_MeM-00000-00000000-00000398 btro aerospace group was renamed by BTR pFl2x9I_MeM-00001-00000399-00000719 PLC after the acquisition of the Dunlop pFl2x9I_MeM-00002-00000720-00001060 aviation division from Dunlop rubber in pFl2x9I_MeM-00003-00001061-00001470 1985 it was a group of four companies pFl2x9I_MeM-00004-00001471-00001843 standard Aero in Canada Dunlop aviation pFl2x9I_MeM-00005-00001844-00002105 division aero engine equipment Dunlop pFl2x9I_MeM-00006-00002106-00002522 precision rubber in 1996 Dunlop aircraft pFl2x9I_MeM-00007-00002523-00002917 tires limited was sold by BTR PLC to pFl2x9I_MeM-00008-00002918-00003265 form an independent company it is based pFl2x9I_MeM-00009-00003266-00003608 at Fort Dunlop Birmingham England in pFl2x9I_MeM-00010-00003609-00004076 July 1998 Doughty Hansen & Co purchased pFl2x9I_MeM-00011-00004077-00004433 BTR aerospace group and renamed a Dunlop pFl2x9I_MeM-00012-00004434-00005138 standard aerospace group pFl2x9I_MeM-00013-00005139-00005701 topic see also pFl2x9I_MeM-00014-00005702-00006126 aerospace industry in the United Kingdom pFl2x9I_MeM-00015-00006127-00006508 Dunlop brands pIlCev_KubE-00000-00000065-00000619 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00001-00000620-00000791 thank you pIlCev_KubE-00003-00003797-00003886 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00004-00003888-00004536 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00005-00004537-00005423 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00006-00005424-00007109 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00007-00007109-00007365 thank you pIlCev_KubE-00008-00007366-00008279 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00009-00008280-00009435 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00010-00009436-00009541 [Applause] pIlCev_KubE-00011-00009542-00010456 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00012-00010457-00011123 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00013-00011124-00013001 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00014-00013002-00013176 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00015-00013177-00015026 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00016-00015027-00015941 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00017-00015941-00016620 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00018-00016621-00018235 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00019-00018236-00018446 thank you pIlCev_KubE-00020-00018447-00020308 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00021-00020309-00020491 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00022-00020492-00023180 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00023-00023181-00023591 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00024-00023592-00023980 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00025-00023981-00024745 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00026-00024746-00027251 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00027-00027252-00027372 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00028-00027373-00029017 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00029-00029018-00029591 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00030-00029592-00030281 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00031-00030282-00031164 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00032-00031166-00033383 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00033-00033384-00033588 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00034-00033589-00035299 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00035-00035300-00037259 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00036-00037260-00037701 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00038-00041486-00042021 thank you pIlCev_KubE-00039-00042022-00043294 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00040-00043295-00043517 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00041-00043518-00043678 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00043-00047463-00047743 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00044-00047744-00047845 thank you pIlCev_KubE-00045-00047846-00049117 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00046-00049118-00049936 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00047-00049937-00050168 foreign pIlCev_KubE-00048-00050169-00051696 [Music] pIlCev_KubE-00049-00051697-00051945 [Music] pIs56ivZ-Vo-00000-00000050-00000371 evidence as to man's place in nature as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00001-00000372-00000743 an 1863 book by thomas henry huxley in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00002-00000744-00000928 which he gives evidence for the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00003-00000930-00001178 evolution of man and apes from a common pIs56ivZ-Vo-00004-00001179-00001268 ancestor pIs56ivZ-Vo-00005-00001269-00001549 it was the first book devoted to the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00006-00001550-00001807 topic of human evolution and discussed pIs56ivZ-Vo-00007-00001809-00001997 much of the anatomical and other pIs56ivZ-Vo-00008-00001998-00002335 evidence backed by this evidence the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00009-00002336-00002591 book proposed to a wide readership that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00010-00002592-00002855 evolution applied as fully to man as to pIs56ivZ-Vo-00011-00002856-00003474 all other life pIs56ivZ-Vo-00012-00003475-00004113 topic precursors of the idea pIs56ivZ-Vo-00013-00004114-00004428 in the 18th century Linnaeus and others pIs56ivZ-Vo-00014-00004429-00004704 had classified man as a primate but pIs56ivZ-Vo-00015-00004705-00004977 without drawing evolutionary conclusions pIs56ivZ-Vo-00016-00004978-00005298 it was Lamarck the first to develop a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00017-00005299-00005532 coherent theory of evolution who pIs56ivZ-Vo-00018-00005533-00005733 discussed human evolution in this pIs56ivZ-Vo-00019-00005734-00006114 context Robert Chambers in his anonymous pIs56ivZ-Vo-00020-00006115-00006422 vestiges also clearly made the point the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00021-00006423-00006651 book came five years after Charles pIs56ivZ-Vo-00022-00006652-00006825 Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace pIs56ivZ-Vo-00023-00006826-00007106 announced their theory of evolution by pIs56ivZ-Vo-00024-00007108-00007365 means of natural selection and four pIs56ivZ-Vo-00025-00007366-00007584 years after the publication of Darwin's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00026-00007584-00007980 Origin of Species in the Origin Darwin pIs56ivZ-Vo-00027-00007981-00008241 had deliberately avoided tackling human pIs56ivZ-Vo-00028-00008242-00008556 evolution but left an omec trailer light pIs56ivZ-Vo-00029-00008557-00008841 will be thrown on the origin of man and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00030-00008842-00009252 his history darwin's sequel came eight pIs56ivZ-Vo-00031-00009253-00009507 years later with the Descent of Man and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00032-00009508-00009972 selection in relation to sex 1871 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00033-00009973-00010403 you pIs56ivZ-Vo-00034-00010404-00011123 topic content and structure of the book pIs56ivZ-Vo-00035-00011124-00011456 you pIs56ivZ-Vo-00036-00011457-00011970 topic chapters pIs56ivZ-Vo-00037-00011971-00012279 I on the natural history of the man-like pIs56ivZ-Vo-00038-00012280-00012729 Apes P 156 this contains a summary of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00039-00012730-00012944 what was known of the great apes at that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00040-00012946-00013371 time - on the relations of man to the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00041-00013372-00013908 lower animals P 57 112 this chapter and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00042-00013909-00014115 its addendum contained most of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00043-00014116-00014337 controversial material and is still pIs56ivZ-Vo-00044-00014338-00014507 important today pIs56ivZ-Vo-00045-00014508-00014799 addendum a succinct history of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00046-00014800-00015041 controversy respecting the cerebral pIs56ivZ-Vo-00047-00015043-00015501 structure of man and the Apes P 113 118 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00048-00015502-00015912 set in a smaller font 3 on some fossil pIs56ivZ-Vo-00049-00015913-00016515 remains of man P 119 159 a Neanderthal pIs56ivZ-Vo-00050-00016516-00016785 skull cap and other bones had been found pIs56ivZ-Vo-00051-00016786-00017040 and various remains of early Homo pIs56ivZ-Vo-00052-00017041-00017406 sapiens Huxley compares these remains pIs56ivZ-Vo-00053-00017407-00017894 with existing human races topic previous pIs56ivZ-Vo-00054-00017895-00018141 publication of the content as Huxley pIs56ivZ-Vo-00055-00018142-00018378 said in his advertisement of the reader pIs56ivZ-Vo-00056-00018379-00018633 most of the content of his book had been pIs56ivZ-Vo-00057-00018634-00018867 presented to the public before the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00058-00018868-00019110 greater part of the following essays has pIs56ivZ-Vo-00059-00019111-00019325 already been published in the form of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00060-00019326-00019581 oral discourses addressed to widely pIs56ivZ-Vo-00061-00019582-00019794 different audiences during the past pIs56ivZ-Vo-00062-00019795-00020184 three years the oral presentations began pIs56ivZ-Vo-00063-00020185-00020556 in 1860 the publication's in serials pIs56ivZ-Vo-00064-00020557-00020952 included 1861 on the zoological pIs56ivZ-Vo-00065-00020953-00021233 relations of man with the lower animals pIs56ivZ-Vo-00066-00021234-00021638 Natural History Review new series P 67 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00067-00021639-00022239 84 1861 man and the Apes letters to the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00068-00022240-00022584 Athenaeum March 30th and September 21st pIs56ivZ-Vo-00069-00022585-00023346 P 433 and 498 1862 the brain of man in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00070-00023347-00023622 Apes letter to medical times and Gazette pIs56ivZ-Vo-00071-00023623-00024342 October 25th P 449 1862 on some fossil pIs56ivZ-Vo-00072-00024343-00024636 remains of man Proceedings of the Royal pIs56ivZ-Vo-00073-00024637-00025043 Institution of Great Britain 3 1858 - pIs56ivZ-Vo-00074-00025044-00025333 1862 P 400 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00075-00025334-00025943 422 1862 on some fossil remains of man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00076-00025944-00027076 medical times and Gazette 24 159 to 161 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00077-00027077-00027652 topic the central argument pIs56ivZ-Vo-00078-00027652-00027933 the second chapter contains the basic pIs56ivZ-Vo-00079-00027935-00028220 evidence for man as an animal after pIs56ivZ-Vo-00080-00028222-00028543 half-a-dozen preliminary pages Huxley pIs56ivZ-Vo-00081-00028544-00028833 introduces the study of development that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00082-00028835-00029089 every living creature commences its pIs56ivZ-Vo-00083-00029089-00029362 existence under a form different from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00084-00029363-00029620 and simpler to that which it eventually pIs56ivZ-Vo-00085-00029620-00030204 attains P 74 of course this follows from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00086-00030205-00030460 fertilization taking place in a single pIs56ivZ-Vo-00087-00030461-00030789 cell he follows the embryo logical pIs56ivZ-Vo-00088-00030791-00030979 development of a dog and it's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00089-00030980-00031183 similarities with other vertebrates pIs56ivZ-Vo-00090-00031183-00031620 before turning to man without question pIs56ivZ-Vo-00091-00031620-00032133 man's early stages of development pIs56ivZ-Vo-00092-00032135-00032470 our far nearer the Apes than Apes are to pIs56ivZ-Vo-00093-00032470-00033043 the dog PA d1 Huxley next begins a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00094-00033044-00033295 comparison of the adult anatomy of apes pIs56ivZ-Vo-00095-00033296-00033652 with man asking is man so different from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00096-00033653-00033898 any of these Apes that he must form an pIs56ivZ-Vo-00097-00033899-00034447 order by himself p85 it is quite certain pIs56ivZ-Vo-00098-00034448-00034630 that the ape which most nearly pIs56ivZ-Vo-00099-00034631-00034942 approaches man as either the chimpanzee pIs56ivZ-Vo-00100-00034943-00035223 or the gorilla pIs56ivZ-Vo-00101-00035224-00035673 P 86 in the general proportions of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00102-00035674-00035895 body and limbs there is a remarkable pIs56ivZ-Vo-00103-00035896-00036227 difference between the gorilla and man P pIs56ivZ-Vo-00104-00036228-00036485 87 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00105-00036486-00036980 but in whatever proportion the gorilla pIs56ivZ-Vo-00106-00036981-00037292 differs from man the other apes depart pIs56ivZ-Vo-00107-00037293-00037556 still more widely from the gorillas and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00108-00037557-00037853 that consequently such differences of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00109-00037854-00038326 proportion can have no ordinal value p89 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00110-00038327-00038714 put simply Huxley rejects the idea that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00111-00038715-00038972 man should occupy an order separate from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00112-00038973-00039082 the Apes pIs56ivZ-Vo-00113-00039083-00039424 therefore they are primates pIs56ivZ-Vo-00114-00039425-00039733 next the skull and brains the difference pIs56ivZ-Vo-00115-00039734-00040015 between a gorillas skull and a man's are pIs56ivZ-Vo-00116-00040016-00040618 truly immense P 92-93 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00117-00040619-00040933 thus in the important matter of cranial pIs56ivZ-Vo-00118-00040934-00041261 capacity men differ more widely from one pIs56ivZ-Vo-00119-00041262-00041539 another than they do from the Apes while pIs56ivZ-Vo-00120-00041540-00041785 the lowest Apes differ as much in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00121-00041786-00042070 proportion from the highest as the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00122-00042071-00042548 latter does from man P 95 there is much pIs56ivZ-Vo-00123-00042549-00042776 more detailed comparative anatomy pIs56ivZ-Vo-00124-00042777-00043039 leading to the same type of argument for pIs56ivZ-Vo-00125-00043040-00043351 example hence it is obvious that greatly pIs56ivZ-Vo-00126-00043352-00043583 as the dentition of the highest ape pIs56ivZ-Vo-00127-00043584-00043880 differs from man it differs far more pIs56ivZ-Vo-00128-00043881-00044152 widely from that of the lower and lowest pIs56ivZ-Vo-00129-00044153-00044680 Apes P 101 thus whatever system of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00130-00044681-00044968 organs be studied the comparison of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00131-00044969-00045236 their modifications in the ape series pIs56ivZ-Vo-00132-00045237-00045580 leads to one and the same result that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00133-00045581-00045779 the structural differences which pIs56ivZ-Vo-00134-00045780-00046010 separate men from the gorilla and the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00135-00046011-00046298 chimpanzee are not so great as those pIs56ivZ-Vo-00136-00046299-00046526 which separate the gorillas from the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00137-00046527-00047149 lower Apes P 123 but if men be separated pIs56ivZ-Vo-00138-00047150-00047413 by no greater structural barrier from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00139-00047414-00047635 the brutes than they are from each other pIs56ivZ-Vo-00140-00047636-00048049 then it seems to follow that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00141-00048050-00048337 there would be no rational ground for pIs56ivZ-Vo-00142-00048338-00048737 doubting that man might have originated pIs56ivZ-Vo-00143-00048738-00049010 by the gradual modification of a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00144-00049011-00049335 man-like ape pIs56ivZ-Vo-00145-00049336-00049639 at the present moment there is but one pIs56ivZ-Vo-00146-00049640-00049920 hypothesis which has any scientific pIs56ivZ-Vo-00147-00049921-00050368 existence that propounded by mr. Darwin pIs56ivZ-Vo-00148-00050369-00050967 P 125 Huxley's conclusion that man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00149-00050968-00051186 differs from Apes at the level of a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00150-00051187-00051446 family may be compared with the opinion pIs56ivZ-Vo-00151-00051447-00051675 today that the distinction between the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00152-00051676-00051912 great apes and man as at the level of a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00153-00051913-00052200 subfamily the homonym AR at the level of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00154-00052201-00052461 the tribe hominid or even at the level pIs56ivZ-Vo-00155-00052462-00052773 of a sub tribe the hominid 'no the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00156-00052774-00053054 australopithecines separate man from the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00157-00053055-00053334 great apes and the genus Homo is almost pIs56ivZ-Vo-00158-00053335-00053542 certainly an offshoot of the early pIs56ivZ-Vo-00159-00053544-00053813 australopithecines upright Apes of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00160-00053814-00054171 wooded savanna see human taxonomy the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00161-00054172-00054431 general opinion today is that man is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00162-00054432-00054687 more closely related to apes than even pIs56ivZ-Vo-00163-00054688-00054887 Huxley thought pIs56ivZ-Vo-00164-00054888-00055301 you pIs56ivZ-Vo-00165-00055302-00055619 topic the addendum pIs56ivZ-Vo-00166-00055620-00055817 you pIs56ivZ-Vo-00167-00055819-00056117 the addendum to chapter 2 was Huxley's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00168-00056119-00056375 account of his great hippocampus pIs56ivZ-Vo-00169-00056376-00056705 question controversy with owen about the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00170-00056706-00057024 comparison of human and ape brains for pIs56ivZ-Vo-00171-00057025-00057287 the full text of the addendum CS the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00172-00057288-00057650 cerebral structure of man in apes in his pIs56ivZ-Vo-00173-00057651-00057887 collected essays this addendum was pIs56ivZ-Vo-00174-00057888-00058134 edited out and is lacking in most later pIs56ivZ-Vo-00175-00058135-00058479 reprints a key event had already pIs56ivZ-Vo-00176-00058479-00058805 occurred in 1857 when Richard Owen pIs56ivZ-Vo-00177-00058806-00059087 presented to the Linnean Society his pIs56ivZ-Vo-00178-00059088-00059312 view that man was marked off from all pIs56ivZ-Vo-00179-00059313-00059561 other mammals by possessing features of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00180-00059562-00059840 the brain peculiar to the genus Homo pIs56ivZ-Vo-00181-00059841-00060080 having reached this opinion pIs56ivZ-Vo-00182-00060081-00060293 Owen separated man from all other pIs56ivZ-Vo-00183-00060294-00060641 mammals in a subclass of its own no pIs56ivZ-Vo-00184-00060642-00060891 other biologists before or since has pIs56ivZ-Vo-00185-00060891-00061274 held such an extreme view the subject pIs56ivZ-Vo-00186-00061275-00061524 was raised at the 1860 British pIs56ivZ-Vo-00187-00061525-00061821 associations Oxford meeting when Huxley pIs56ivZ-Vo-00188-00061822-00062093 flatly contradicted Owen and promised a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00189-00062094-00062397 later demonstration of the facts pIs56ivZ-Vo-00190-00062398-00062682 I redeemed that pledge by publishing in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00191-00062683-00062895 the January number of the Natural pIs56ivZ-Vo-00192-00062896-00063237 History Review for 1861 an article pIs56ivZ-Vo-00193-00063238-00063459 wherein the truth of the three following pIs56ivZ-Vo-00194-00063460-00063747 propositions was fully demonstrated LOC pIs56ivZ-Vo-00195-00063748-00064338 CIT P 71 one that the third lobe as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00196-00064339-00064632 neither peculiar to nor characteristic pIs56ivZ-Vo-00197-00064633-00064902 of man seeing that it exists in all the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00198-00064903-00065214 higher quod Romana point to that the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00199-00065215-00065412 posterior core knew of the lateral pIs56ivZ-Vo-00200-00065413-00065694 ventricle as neither peculiar to nor pIs56ivZ-Vo-00201-00065695-00065985 characteristic of man in aspect as it pIs56ivZ-Vo-00202-00065986-00066216 also exists in the higher quod Romana pIs56ivZ-Vo-00203-00066217-00066573 point 3 that the hippocampus minor is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00204-00066574-00066873 neither peculiar to nor characteristic pIs56ivZ-Vo-00205-00066874-00067137 of man as it is found in certain of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00206-00067138-00067491 higher quod Romana in fact a number of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00207-00067492-00067740 demonstrations were held in London and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00208-00067741-00068139 the provinces in 1862 at the Cambridge pIs56ivZ-Vo-00209-00068140-00068321 meeting of the BA pIs56ivZ-Vo-00210-00068322-00068613 Huxley's friend William flower gave a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00211-00068614-00068856 public dissection to show that the same pIs56ivZ-Vo-00212-00068857-00069090 structures the posterior horn of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00213-00069091-00069291 lateral ventricle and the hippocampus pIs56ivZ-Vo-00214-00069292-00069666 Minor were indeed present in Apes thus pIs56ivZ-Vo-00215-00069667-00069897 was exposed one of Owens greatest pIs56ivZ-Vo-00216-00069898-00070170 blunders revealing Huxley as not only pIs56ivZ-Vo-00217-00070171-00070413 dangerous in debate but also a better pIs56ivZ-Vo-00218-00070414-00070866 anatomist as he says Huxley's ideas on pIs56ivZ-Vo-00219-00070867-00071123 this topic were summed up in January pIs56ivZ-Vo-00220-00071124-00071484 1861 in the first issue new series of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00221-00071485-00071709 his own journal the Natural History pIs56ivZ-Vo-00222-00071710-00072039 Review the most violent scientific paper pIs56ivZ-Vo-00223-00072040-00072417 he had ever composed the substance of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00224-00072418-00072753 this paper was presented in 1863 as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00225-00072754-00073005 chapter two of man's place in nature pIs56ivZ-Vo-00226-00073006-00073236 with the addendum giving his account of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00227-00073237-00073482 the Owen Huxley controversy about the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00228-00073483-00073643 eighth brain pIs56ivZ-Vo-00229-00073644-00073957 in due course Owen did finally concede pIs56ivZ-Vo-00230-00073958-00074135 that there was something that could be pIs56ivZ-Vo-00231-00074136-00074348 called a hippocampus minor in the Apes pIs56ivZ-Vo-00232-00074349-00074609 but said that it was much less developed pIs56ivZ-Vo-00233-00074610-00074834 and that such a presence did not detract pIs56ivZ-Vo-00234-00074835-00075068 from the overall distinction of smaller pIs56ivZ-Vo-00235-00075069-00075434 brain size interpreted as an attempt to pIs56ivZ-Vo-00236-00075435-00075730 defend his original decision Owens point pIs56ivZ-Vo-00237-00075731-00076036 on brain size was answered by Huxley in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00238-00076037-00076322 man's place excerpt above and repeated pIs56ivZ-Vo-00239-00076323-00076543 when he wrote a section comparing ape pIs56ivZ-Vo-00240-00076544-00076754 and human brains for the second edition pIs56ivZ-Vo-00241-00076755-00077161 of Darwin's descent of man again as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00242-00077162-00077443 respects the question of absolute size pIs56ivZ-Vo-00243-00077444-00077705 it is established that the difference pIs56ivZ-Vo-00244-00077706-00077905 between the largest and the smallest pIs56ivZ-Vo-00245-00077906-00078215 healthy human brain as greater than the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00246-00078216-00078461 difference between the smallest healthy pIs56ivZ-Vo-00247-00078462-00078751 human brain and the largest chimpanzees pIs56ivZ-Vo-00248-00078752-00079231 or orangs brain and a character which is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00249-00079232-00079499 thus variable within the limits of a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00250-00079500-00079807 single group can have no great taxonomic pIs56ivZ-Vo-00251-00079808-00080192 value the extended argument on the ape pIs56ivZ-Vo-00252-00080193-00080480 brain partly in debate and partly in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00253-00080481-00080551 print pIs56ivZ-Vo-00254-00080552-00080806 backed by dissections and demonstrations pIs56ivZ-Vo-00255-00080807-00081185 was a landmark in Huxley's career it was pIs56ivZ-Vo-00256-00081186-00081392 highly important in asserting his pIs56ivZ-Vo-00257-00081393-00081655 dominance of comparative anatomy and in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00258-00081656-00081878 the long run more influential in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00259-00081879-00082084 establishing evolution amongst pIs56ivZ-Vo-00260-00082085-00082312 biologists than was the debate with pIs56ivZ-Vo-00261-00082313-00082651 Samuel Wilberforce it also marked the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00262-00082652-00082918 start of Owens decline in the esteem of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00263-00082919-00083431 his fellow biologists topic structure of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00264-00083432-00083621 the book the first edition of man's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00265-00083622-00083905 place in nature as arranged as follows pIs56ivZ-Vo-00266-00083906-00084337 eight Voe 9 x 57 eighths of an inch 23 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00267-00084338-00084997 by 15 centimeters v + 1 v 9 + i + 8 adds pIs56ivZ-Vo-00268-00084998-00085330 bound in dark green pebbled cloth with pIs56ivZ-Vo-00269-00085331-00085606 blind stamped borders on boards gilt pIs56ivZ-Vo-00270-00085607-00085898 lettering on spine as follows head man's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00271-00085899-00086344 place in nature rule th Huxley foot pIs56ivZ-Vo-00272-00086345-00086674 Williams and nor gate dark brick-red pIs56ivZ-Vo-00273-00086675-00086936 advertisement and papers front and back pIs56ivZ-Vo-00274-00086937-00086999 with pIs56ivZ-Vo-00275-00087000-00087262 Williams and nor gates publications pIs56ivZ-Vo-00276-00087263-00087601 frontispiece diagram of apes skeletons pIs56ivZ-Vo-00277-00087602-00087830 photographically reproduced after pIs56ivZ-Vo-00278-00087831-00088076 drawings by Waterhouse Hawkins from pIs56ivZ-Vo-00279-00088077-00088301 specimens in the Museum of the Royal pIs56ivZ-Vo-00280-00088302-00088691 College of Surgeons title bears Williams pIs56ivZ-Vo-00281-00088692-00088969 and nor gates medallion logo date is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00282-00088970-00089507 1863 topic translations and other pIs56ivZ-Vo-00283-00089508-00089783 editions English the original Edition pIs56ivZ-Vo-00284-00089784-00090191 was reprinted in 1864 the American pIs56ivZ-Vo-00285-00090192-00090440 edition was first published in New York pIs56ivZ-Vo-00286-00090441-00090911 by Appleton in 1863 the type was reset pIs56ivZ-Vo-00287-00090912-00091145 and the format was slightly smaller than pIs56ivZ-Vo-00288-00091146-00091478 the London Edition eight vau 81 quarters pIs56ivZ-Vo-00289-00091479-00091829 by 51 quarters of an inch twenty-one by pIs56ivZ-Vo-00290-00091830-00092129 thirteen point three centimeters x plus pIs56ivZ-Vo-00291-00092130-00092453 nine one eight four plus eight adds plus pIs56ivZ-Vo-00292-00092454-00092873 e german translated by victor Karras as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00293-00092874-00093152 xub nice fur dice telling day mention in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00294-00093153-00093539 der natur by Wegg and son bran sheik pIs56ivZ-Vo-00295-00093540-00093980 Brunswick 1863 Russian translated by pIs56ivZ-Vo-00296-00093981-00094262 Vladimir kovalevskiy published at st. pIs56ivZ-Vo-00297-00094263-00094556 Petersburg there were two separate pIs56ivZ-Vo-00298-00094557-00094820 editions of man's place prepared before pIs56ivZ-Vo-00299-00094821-00095171 Darwin's Origin was translated French pIs56ivZ-Vo-00300-00095172-00095803 Paris 1868 and 1910 Italian Milan 1869 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00301-00095804-00096466 polish Warsaw 1874 Chinese Shanghai 1935 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00302-00096467-00097237 Japanese Tokyo 1940 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00303-00097238-00097633 topic comparison with Lyle's antiquity pIs56ivZ-Vo-00304-00097634-00098047 of man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00305-00098048-00098349 in assessing Huxley's work the content pIs56ivZ-Vo-00306-00098350-00098601 of Charles Lyell's the antiquity of man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00307-00098602-00098931 should be considered it was published in pIs56ivZ-Vo-00308-00098932-00099351 early February 1863 just before Huxley's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00309-00099352-00099576 work and covered the discoveries of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00310-00099577-00099840 traces of early man in the Paleolithic pIs56ivZ-Vo-00311-00099841-00100236 Pleistocene however Lyell avoided a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00312-00100237-00100499 definitive statement on human evolution pIs56ivZ-Vo-00313-00100500-00100899 Darwin wrote I am fearfully disappointed pIs56ivZ-Vo-00314-00100900-00101301 at Lyles excessive caution and the book pIs56ivZ-Vo-00315-00101302-00101700 is a mere digest in other respects pIs56ivZ-Vo-00316-00101701-00102042 antiquity was a success it sold well and pIs56ivZ-Vo-00317-00102043-00102340 it shattered the tacit agreement that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00318-00102341-00102603 mankind should be the sole preserve of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00319-00102604-00103044 theologians and historians but when Lyle pIs56ivZ-Vo-00320-00103045-00103236 wrote that it remained a profound pIs56ivZ-Vo-00321-00103238-00103488 mystery how the huge gulf between man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00322-00103489-00103747 and beast could be bridged Darwin wrote pIs56ivZ-Vo-00323-00103748-00104157 Oh in the margin of his copy for this pIs56ivZ-Vo-00324-00104158-00104358 reason despite its merits pIs56ivZ-Vo-00325-00104359-00104592 Lyle's book did not anticipate the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00326-00104593-00105383 crucial arguments which Huxley presented pIs56ivZ-Vo-00327-00105383-00106108 topic comparison with the Descent of Man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00328-00106109-00106421 eight years after man's place Darwin's pIs56ivZ-Vo-00329-00106422-00106742 Descent of Man was published in it pIs56ivZ-Vo-00330-00106743-00107027 Darwin faced the same task of persuading pIs56ivZ-Vo-00331-00107028-00107222 the reader of man's evolutionary pIs56ivZ-Vo-00332-00107223-00107558 heritage he took in Chapter one the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00333-00107558-00107785 evidence of the descent of man from some pIs56ivZ-Vo-00334-00107786-00108044 lower form an approach which made good pIs56ivZ-Vo-00335-00108045-00108326 use of his vast supply of information on pIs56ivZ-Vo-00336-00108327-00108692 the natural history of mammals Darwin pIs56ivZ-Vo-00337-00108693-00109016 starts it is notorious that man is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00338-00109017-00109298 constructed on the same general type or pIs56ivZ-Vo-00339-00109299-00109684 model as other mammals pIs56ivZ-Vo-00340-00109685-00110082 p6 he goes on to discuss infections by pIs56ivZ-Vo-00341-00110083-00110360 similar diseases the similarity of non pIs56ivZ-Vo-00342-00110361-00110601 contagious diseases compared with pIs56ivZ-Vo-00343-00110602-00110858 monkeys the liking of monkeys for tea pIs56ivZ-Vo-00344-00110859-00111243 coffee and alcohol he draws a wonderful pIs56ivZ-Vo-00345-00111244-00111525 word picture of baboons grumpily holding pIs56ivZ-Vo-00346-00111526-00111723 their aching heads the day after a pIs56ivZ-Vo-00347-00111724-00112094 drinking session p7 he was aware that pIs56ivZ-Vo-00348-00112095-00112409 closely related animals always seemed to pIs56ivZ-Vo-00349-00112410-00112697 suffer from closely related parasites pIs56ivZ-Vo-00350-00112698-00113003 he follows Huxley in his account of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00351-00113004-00113261 man's embryonic development and then pIs56ivZ-Vo-00352-00113263-00113457 considers the evidence of vestigial pIs56ivZ-Vo-00353-00113458-00113718 organs which he and Huxley called pIs56ivZ-Vo-00354-00113719-00114099 rudiments P 11 the discussion of a rare pIs56ivZ-Vo-00355-00114100-00114353 human hereditary condition permitting pIs56ivZ-Vo-00356-00114354-00114578 its possessors to move their scalps as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00357-00114579-00114783 connected to the regular use of this pIs56ivZ-Vo-00358-00114783-00115166 ability in many monkeys the fine lanugo pIs56ivZ-Vo-00359-00115167-00115452 a covering of hair on the human fetus is pIs56ivZ-Vo-00360-00115453-00115698 thought by Darwin to be a vestige of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00361-00115699-00115914 first permanent coat of hair in those pIs56ivZ-Vo-00362-00115915-00116196 mammals which are born hairy the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00363-00116197-00116457 existence of non erupting third molars pIs56ivZ-Vo-00364-00116458-00116649 as connected to the shortening of the pIs56ivZ-Vo-00365-00116650-00116909 jaw in humans and like the shortened pIs56ivZ-Vo-00366-00116910-00117165 cecum in the alimentary canal is an pIs56ivZ-Vo-00367-00117166-00117402 adaptation to the human change of diet pIs56ivZ-Vo-00368-00117403-00117725 from full herbivory humans are omnivores pIs56ivZ-Vo-00369-00117726-00118296 P 20-21 the bearing of the three great pIs56ivZ-Vo-00370-00118297-00118550 classes of facts now given as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00371-00118551-00118810 unmistakable pIs56ivZ-Vo-00372-00118811-00119144 the facts are intelligible if we admit pIs56ivZ-Vo-00373-00119145-00119393 their descent from a common ancestor pIs56ivZ-Vo-00374-00119394-00119589 together with their subsequent pIs56ivZ-Vo-00375-00119590-00120058 adaptation to diversified conditions pIs56ivZ-Vo-00376-00120059-00120364 thus we can understand how it has come pIs56ivZ-Vo-00377-00120365-00120586 to pass that man and all other pIs56ivZ-Vo-00378-00120588-00120824 vertebrate animals have been constructed pIs56ivZ-Vo-00379-00120825-00121121 on the same general model why they pIs56ivZ-Vo-00380-00121122-00121354 passed through the same early stages of pIs56ivZ-Vo-00381-00121355-00121631 development and why they retain certain pIs56ivZ-Vo-00382-00121632-00122029 rudiments in common consequently we pIs56ivZ-Vo-00383-00122030-00122270 ought frankly to admit their community pIs56ivZ-Vo-00384-00122271-00122756 of descent p25 later in Chapter six pIs56ivZ-Vo-00385-00122757-00123023 Darwin produces his famous passage on pIs56ivZ-Vo-00386-00123024-00123238 the birthplace and antiquity of man pIs56ivZ-Vo-00387-00123239-00123506 quoting the chimpanzee and gorilla as pIs56ivZ-Vo-00388-00123507-00123964 evidence that as these two species are pIs56ivZ-Vo-00389-00123965-00124300 now man's nearest allies it is somewhat pIs56ivZ-Vo-00390-00124301-00124533 more probable that our early progenitors pIs56ivZ-Vo-00391-00124534-00124832 lived on the African continent than pIs56ivZ-Vo-00392-00124833-00125698 elsewhere P 155 pIs56ivZ-Vo-00393-00125699-00126270 topic see also pIs56ivZ-Vo-00394-00126271-00126579 great hippocampus question pIs56ivZ-Vo-00395-00126580-00126864 march of progress pKrmgN34KlE-00000-00000013-00001269 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00001-00001270-00001693 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00002-00001694-00001885 I'm sorry Patrick pKrmgN34KlE-00003-00001886-00002180 it's just for a second I know you got pKrmgN34KlE-00004-00002181-00002775 the same as me pKrmgN34KlE-00005-00002776-00003904 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00006-00003904-00004950 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00007-00004951-00005247 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00008-00005248-00005638 I'll be moving in now are you alone no pKrmgN34KlE-00009-00005639-00005857 are you now or have you ever been a pKrmgN34KlE-00010-00005858-00007276 sponge yes Oh which way to the living pKrmgN34KlE-00011-00007277-00008196 without a brain seminar don't be late pKrmgN34KlE-00012-00008197-00008835 inside three or four new life straight pKrmgN34KlE-00013-00008836-00009249 Squidward speaking nice Bertram I would pKrmgN34KlE-00014-00009250-00010149 really be impressed if it had scurvy pKrmgN34KlE-00015-00010150-00010494 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00016-00010495-00010753 we've just got to convince Squidward to pKrmgN34KlE-00017-00010754-00010964 come back home you got our apology cake pKrmgN34KlE-00018-00010965-00011121 we're ready pKrmgN34KlE-00019-00011122-00011321 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00020-00011322-00011863 I do large number one exercise yes we pKrmgN34KlE-00021-00011864-00012039 gonna order inside you might as well pKrmgN34KlE-00022-00012040-00012938 rename this town Squidward's paradise pKrmgN34KlE-00023-00012940-00013566 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00024-00013566-00013957 [Laughter] pKrmgN34KlE-00025-00013958-00014894 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00026-00014896-00015172 any one of these Woodward's could be the pKrmgN34KlE-00027-00015172-00015352 real Squidward are you Squidward you pKrmgN34KlE-00028-00015353-00015540 Squidward pKrmgN34KlE-00029-00015541-00016103 that's okay take your time pKrmgN34KlE-00030-00016104-00016500 [Music] pKrmgN34KlE-00031-00016501-00016699 it's bad pKrmgN34KlE-00032-00016700-00017059 [Music] pKyZ8iFNCRg-00000-00000625-00000816 being married to someone who started a pKyZ8iFNCRg-00001-00000817-00001086 business when you're in your 30s when pKyZ8iFNCRg-00002-00001087-00001410 you're working so hard constantly build pKyZ8iFNCRg-00003-00001411-00001651 that business you don't have a lot of pKyZ8iFNCRg-00004-00001652-00001860 working cash perhaps at the moment and pKyZ8iFNCRg-00005-00001861-00001968 you're putting everything into that pKyZ8iFNCRg-00006-00001969-00002230 business why though is it critical to pKyZ8iFNCRg-00007-00002231-00002485 step back and start doing this because pKyZ8iFNCRg-00008-00002486-00002683 it would weigh what does happen if pKyZ8iFNCRg-00009-00002684-00002839 you're then 20 years down the road and pKyZ8iFNCRg-00010-00002840-00003001 you go my god you know retirement is pKyZ8iFNCRg-00011-00003002-00003252 looming larger why is it that time in pKyZ8iFNCRg-00012-00003253-00003502 your 30s perhaps that you really need to pKyZ8iFNCRg-00013-00003503-00003727 start spending the time meeting with tax pKyZ8iFNCRg-00014-00003728-00003864 professionals and meeting with pKyZ8iFNCRg-00015-00003865-00004045 investment strategist to get it together pKyZ8iFNCRg-00016-00004046-00004261 well here's a simple formula for people pKyZ8iFNCRg-00017-00004262-00004600 to remember so if at age 20 you save a pKyZ8iFNCRg-00018-00004601-00004861 hundred dollars a month and never pKyZ8iFNCRg-00019-00004862-00005037 increase it just save 100 hours month pKyZ8iFNCRg-00020-00005038-00005268 all the way till age 65 it's worth a pKyZ8iFNCRg-00021-00005269-00005502 million dollars if you wait until you're pKyZ8iFNCRg-00022-00005503-00005703 30 now you've got to save three hundred pKyZ8iFNCRg-00023-00005704-00005862 dollars a month to get to the same place pKyZ8iFNCRg-00024-00005863-00006061 if you're waiting till you're 40 now pKyZ8iFNCRg-00025-00006062-00006231 it's got to be eight hundred dollars and pKyZ8iFNCRg-00026-00006232-00006387 if you wait until you're 50 it needs to pKyZ8iFNCRg-00027-00006388-00006589 be twenty four hundred dollars every ten pKyZ8iFNCRg-00028-00006590-00006742 years that you wait you got a triple the pKyZ8iFNCRg-00029-00006743-00006885 amount of savings to get to the same pKyZ8iFNCRg-00030-00006886-00007000 point where if you just would have pKyZ8iFNCRg-00031-00007001-00007245 started earlier so it's critical because pKyZ8iFNCRg-00032-00007247-00007531 the earlier that you start the more your pKyZ8iFNCRg-00033-00007531-00007750 money can work for you as opposed to you pKyZ8iFNCRg-00034-00007751-00007909 having to work for your money so it's pKyZ8iFNCRg-00035-00007909-00008197 critical but you touched on an issue pKyZ8iFNCRg-00036-00008198-00008344 that I think is also important for pKyZ8iFNCRg-00037-00008345-00008488 self-employed people or people that are pKyZ8iFNCRg-00038-00008489-00008755 running a business because most business pKyZ8iFNCRg-00039-00008756-00008977 owners think of their businesses be in pKyZ8iFNCRg-00040-00008978-00009175 their retirement and to a large extent pKyZ8iFNCRg-00041-00009176-00009331 it is going to be their retirement so pKyZ8iFNCRg-00042-00009332-00009460 I'm going to build up this business and pKyZ8iFNCRg-00043-00009461-00009562 I'm going to sell it and that's going to pKyZ8iFNCRg-00044-00009563-00009751 be my retirement and the fundamental pKyZ8iFNCRg-00045-00009752-00009997 problem with that is it would be the pKyZ8iFNCRg-00046-00009998-00010192 same thing as coming to me and I'm going pKyZ8iFNCRg-00047-00010193-00010321 to tell you that I'm going to put pKyZ8iFNCRg-00048-00010322-00010540 everything all of your investments into pKyZ8iFNCRg-00049-00010541-00010735 one stock I'm going to put it all into pKyZ8iFNCRg-00050-00010736-00010960 hershey foods or GE or something you pKyZ8iFNCRg-00051-00010961-00011080 would probably think that I'm crazy well pKyZ8iFNCRg-00052-00011081-00011251 what about diversification what about pKyZ8iFNCRg-00053-00011252-00011434 you know what makes you think that this pKyZ8iFNCRg-00054-00011435-00011575 is going to be the business and that pKyZ8iFNCRg-00055-00011576-00011710 it's going to get an effective return pKyZ8iFNCRg-00056-00011711-00011863 and that's the same problem with pKyZ8iFNCRg-00057-00011864-00012091 counting only on your business you pKyZ8iFNCRg-00058-00012092-00012256 really as a business owner you need to pKyZ8iFNCRg-00059-00012257-00012400 diversify you need to have something pKyZ8iFNCRg-00060-00012401-00012546 that you're putting money into besides pKyZ8iFNCRg-00061-00012547-00012727 your own business because who knows pKyZ8iFNCRg-00062-00012728-00012832 what's going to happen with your pKyZ8iFNCRg-00063-00012833-00013041 business and it could and it may be pKyZ8iFNCRg-00064-00013042-00013216 something totally beyond your control pKyZ8iFNCRg-00065-00013216-00013488 that it goes down the tubes or it pKyZ8iFNCRg-00066-00013490-00013630 doesn't become as successful as you pKyZ8iFNCRg-00067-00013631-00013773 think it's going to be and without any pKyZ8iFNCRg-00068-00013774-00013966 kind of diversification now you pKyZ8iFNCRg-00069-00013968-00014766 no retirement pKyZ8iFNCRg-00070-00014768-00014973 you pKeud3xOcDk-00000-00000496-00000623 hey everyone i'm terry g pKeud3xOcDk-00001-00000624-00000799 this is an alcohol free life channel pKeud3xOcDk-00002-00000800-00000958 where we learn to live silver pKeud3xOcDk-00003-00000959-00001103 one day at a time if you could take a pKeud3xOcDk-00004-00001104-00001295 second can you please subscribe to my pKeud3xOcDk-00005-00001296-00001462 channel i'd really appreciate it again pKeud3xOcDk-00006-00001463-00001623 thanks a lot for stopping by pKeud3xOcDk-00007-00001623-00001775 i want to do something different today i pKeud3xOcDk-00008-00001776-00001934 want to talk about a book pKeud3xOcDk-00009-00001935-00002142 that i just recently finished reading pKeud3xOcDk-00010-00002143-00002287 i'm going to give a brief pKeud3xOcDk-00011-00002288-00002542 book review about this book the name of pKeud3xOcDk-00012-00002543-00002599 the book pKeud3xOcDk-00013-00002600-00002879 is 12 smart things to do when the booze pKeud3xOcDk-00014-00002880-00003087 and drugs are gone pKeud3xOcDk-00015-00003088-00003303 and at the bottom here says choosing pKeud3xOcDk-00016-00003304-00003479 emotional sobriety pKeud3xOcDk-00017-00003479-00003854 through self-awareness and right actions pKeud3xOcDk-00018-00003855-00004143 the author of this book is alan berger pKeud3xOcDk-00019-00004144-00004279 he's a phd pKeud3xOcDk-00020-00004280-00004567 in recovery science the book was written pKeud3xOcDk-00021-00004568-00004686 in 209 pKeud3xOcDk-00022-00004687-00005086 i 208 sorry i came across it on amazon pKeud3xOcDk-00023-00005087-00005270 i always read a lot of stuff about pKeud3xOcDk-00024-00005271-00005438 addiction and pKeud3xOcDk-00025-00005439-00005647 personal well-being and i found this pKeud3xOcDk-00026-00005648-00005751 book to be pKeud3xOcDk-00027-00005752-00006079 terrific and what it focuses on pKeud3xOcDk-00028-00006080-00006359 is something a lot of people in recovery pKeud3xOcDk-00029-00006360-00006495 have a problem with pKeud3xOcDk-00030-00006495-00006678 you know we all think i should say we pKeud3xOcDk-00031-00006679-00006846 all think but i thought it pKeud3xOcDk-00032-00006847-00007167 that if i just quit the booze my life pKeud3xOcDk-00033-00007168-00007375 will get better and it did get better pKeud3xOcDk-00034-00007376-00007487 financially pKeud3xOcDk-00035-00007488-00007727 i was eating properly you know those pKeud3xOcDk-00036-00007728-00007878 kind of things got better pKeud3xOcDk-00037-00007879-00008151 but one area of my life that it never pKeud3xOcDk-00038-00008152-00008223 got better pKeud3xOcDk-00039-00008224-00008446 kind of kind worse after about a year pKeud3xOcDk-00040-00008447-00008678 and a half of recovery and that was pKeud3xOcDk-00041-00008679-00009046 my emotional sobriety back in the 2000s pKeud3xOcDk-00042-00009047-00009246 the early 2000s the late 90s pKeud3xOcDk-00043-00009247-00009503 they talked about a lot about emotional pKeud3xOcDk-00044-00009504-00009606 sobriety pKeud3xOcDk-00045-00009607-00009887 and i didn't really get it then but now pKeud3xOcDk-00046-00009888-00009919 i pKeud3xOcDk-00047-00009920-00010151 sort of do because when i started when i pKeud3xOcDk-00048-00010152-00010319 stopped drinking pKeud3xOcDk-00049-00010320-00010646 i was very emotionally immature pKeud3xOcDk-00050-00010647-00010910 and my emotions controlled me and they pKeud3xOcDk-00051-00010911-00011087 controlled me for many years pKeud3xOcDk-00052-00011088-00011359 in my recovery it took me a long time pKeud3xOcDk-00053-00011360-00011503 like about 10 years pKeud3xOcDk-00054-00011504-00011799 to get a handle on my emotions believe pKeud3xOcDk-00055-00011800-00011863 it or not pKeud3xOcDk-00056-00011864-00012055 i wasn't always totally crazy all over pKeud3xOcDk-00057-00012056-00012167 the place but i pKeud3xOcDk-00058-00012168-00012487 have a lot of emotional hangovers i had pKeud3xOcDk-00059-00012488-00012799 bouts of anger my behavior was erratic pKeud3xOcDk-00060-00012800-00013046 at times i would give in to my emotions pKeud3xOcDk-00061-00013047-00013247 and my behavior would be kind of pKeud3xOcDk-00062-00013247-00013503 crazy to say the least and a lot of it pKeud3xOcDk-00063-00013504-00013558 was pKeud3xOcDk-00064-00013559-00013951 that i was very immature emotionally pKeud3xOcDk-00065-00013952-00014255 and i believed that i couldn't pKeud3xOcDk-00066-00014256-00014535 like look after myself emotionally and pKeud3xOcDk-00067-00014536-00014655 this book pKeud3xOcDk-00068-00014656-00014855 points out a lot of things that i have pKeud3xOcDk-00069-00014856-00014983 done in the past pKeud3xOcDk-00070-00014984-00015230 and i really think it's a terrific read pKeud3xOcDk-00071-00015231-00015383 for anybody pKeud3xOcDk-00072-00015384-00015694 in recovery it's a terrific read it's in pKeud3xOcDk-00073-00015695-00015815 plain english pKeud3xOcDk-00074-00015816-00016030 there's lots of examples in it it pKeud3xOcDk-00075-00016031-00016294 mentions the co-founder of aa pKeud3xOcDk-00076-00016295-00016599 uh bill w talks about that it talks pKeud3xOcDk-00077-00016600-00016775 hazel dean books it mentions that people pKeud3xOcDk-00078-00016776-00016943 don't know what hazel dean books are pKeud3xOcDk-00079-00016944-00017215 they do recovery literature they also do pKeud3xOcDk-00080-00017216-00017286 a lot of pKeud3xOcDk-00081-00017287-00017486 spiritual readings they're they've been pKeud3xOcDk-00082-00017487-00017655 around for many many years pKeud3xOcDk-00083-00017656-00017999 it reflect references a lot of different pKeud3xOcDk-00084-00018000-00018094 psychiatrists pKeud3xOcDk-00085-00018095-00018367 and psychologists over the last 20 or 30 pKeud3xOcDk-00086-00018368-00018422 years pKeud3xOcDk-00087-00018423-00018775 that is recovery based it's not a heavy pKeud3xOcDk-00088-00018776-00018830 read pKeud3xOcDk-00089-00018831-00019047 and it's an easy read and some of the pKeud3xOcDk-00090-00019048-00019239 chapters that i like well i like all the pKeud3xOcDk-00091-00019240-00019422 chapters this book was so good i love pKeud3xOcDk-00092-00019423-00019494 this book pKeud3xOcDk-00093-00019495-00019727 you know this is one thing i used to do pKeud3xOcDk-00094-00019728-00019903 a lot of and it's one of the chapters pKeud3xOcDk-00095-00019904-00020207 stop pressuring others to change pKeud3xOcDk-00096-00020208-00020422 and instead pressure yourself and pKeud3xOcDk-00097-00020423-00020655 pressure yourself to change pKeud3xOcDk-00098-00020656-00020830 like it's it's it's like give up the pKeud3xOcDk-00099-00020831-00021022 manipulation pKeud3xOcDk-00100-00021023-00021358 learn how to change yourself pKeud3xOcDk-00101-00021359-00021743 emotionally that conforms with what you pKeud3xOcDk-00102-00021744-00021814 need pKeud3xOcDk-00103-00021815-00022150 instead of trying to get somebody else pKeud3xOcDk-00104-00022151-00022414 to do what you want them to do to make pKeud3xOcDk-00105-00022415-00022599 you feel better i know that's kind of pKeud3xOcDk-00106-00022600-00022783 heavy but i don't know if you did that pKeud3xOcDk-00107-00022784-00023047 but i used to do that manipulate people pKeud3xOcDk-00108-00023048-00023167 to make me feel pKeud3xOcDk-00109-00023168-00023519 better to get to soothe myself pKeud3xOcDk-00110-00023520-00023822 to help me with my self-esteem pKeud3xOcDk-00111-00023823-00024078 this book talks about building a pKeud3xOcDk-00112-00024079-00024294 relationship with number one pKeud3xOcDk-00113-00024295-00024591 and that's with you and also if we have pKeud3xOcDk-00114-00024592-00024742 a healthy pKeud3xOcDk-00115-00024743-00024935 balanced or healthy relationship with pKeud3xOcDk-00116-00024936-00025207 ourselves we are more apt to make better pKeud3xOcDk-00117-00025208-00025294 choices pKeud3xOcDk-00118-00025295-00025542 with our partners with our friends pKeud3xOcDk-00119-00025543-00025646 people at work pKeud3xOcDk-00120-00025647-00025822 and how we handle people and how we pKeud3xOcDk-00121-00025823-00025967 handle situations pKeud3xOcDk-00122-00025968-00026134 if we're emotionally in tune with pKeud3xOcDk-00123-00026135-00026383 ourselves the journey of emotional pKeud3xOcDk-00124-00026383-00026479 recovery pKeud3xOcDk-00125-00026480-00026758 will go on to the day we die it really pKeud3xOcDk-00126-00026760-00026918 will we're always pKeud3xOcDk-00127-00026919-00027183 working on being better people to pKeud3xOcDk-00128-00027183-00027302 ourselves pKeud3xOcDk-00129-00027304-00027551 and this book explains stuff like that pKeud3xOcDk-00130-00027552-00027614 too pKeud3xOcDk-00131-00027616-00027887 another chapter is that i had a hard pKeud3xOcDk-00132-00027888-00027943 time with pKeud3xOcDk-00133-00027944-00028246 in recovery was comforting yourself when pKeud3xOcDk-00134-00028247-00028295 you are pKeud3xOcDk-00135-00028295-00028639 hurt or disappointed with yourself or pKeud3xOcDk-00136-00028639-00028790 something was going on pKeud3xOcDk-00137-00028791-00029031 what used to happen to me in recovery a pKeud3xOcDk-00138-00029032-00029095 lot of pKeud3xOcDk-00139-00029095-00029399 when there was a crisis or i felt hurt pKeud3xOcDk-00140-00029400-00029814 or anger i couldn't talk myself down for pKeud3xOcDk-00141-00029816-00030135 down from it or soothe myself from it pKeud3xOcDk-00142-00030136-00030167 you know pKeud3xOcDk-00143-00030168-00030446 i never taught myself as a young fellow pKeud3xOcDk-00144-00030447-00030583 or as a teenager pKeud3xOcDk-00145-00030583-00030774 or my parents never taught me how to pKeud3xOcDk-00146-00030775-00030927 sort of look after myself pKeud3xOcDk-00147-00030927-00031214 emotionally but this book can give you pKeud3xOcDk-00148-00031216-00031414 some really great pointers pKeud3xOcDk-00149-00031416-00031735 and there's also examples of real life pKeud3xOcDk-00150-00031736-00032111 situations that ellen berger has pKeud3xOcDk-00151-00032112-00032390 has done in his in his uh in his office pKeud3xOcDk-00152-00032391-00032551 he's referred to pKeud3xOcDk-00153-00032552-00032807 true situations and i'm for sure you can pKeud3xOcDk-00154-00032808-00032943 relate to it pKeud3xOcDk-00155-00032944-00033102 there's also in this book is an pKeud3xOcDk-00156-00033103-00033311 emotional inventory you can do pKeud3xOcDk-00157-00033312-00033559 what i think is again is very very good pKeud3xOcDk-00158-00033560-00033646 i've done it pKeud3xOcDk-00159-00033647-00033855 and it works it works you know we're pKeud3xOcDk-00160-00033856-00033990 emotionally disturbed pKeud3xOcDk-00161-00033991-00034367 we can do a brief emotional uh inventory pKeud3xOcDk-00162-00034368-00034623 and find out really what's going on with pKeud3xOcDk-00163-00034624-00034743 ourselves pKeud3xOcDk-00164-00034744-00034887 there's a couple of things that i want pKeud3xOcDk-00165-00034888-00035039 to just mention before i finish the pKeud3xOcDk-00166-00035040-00035135 video pKeud3xOcDk-00167-00035136-00035479 in this book it talks about false self pKeud3xOcDk-00168-00035480-00035815 and true self addiction pKeud3xOcDk-00169-00035816-00036087 in itself takes us away from our true pKeud3xOcDk-00170-00036088-00036199 self pKeud3xOcDk-00171-00036200-00036502 so we sober up we don't quite understand pKeud3xOcDk-00172-00036503-00036815 the way we tick so our world can seem pKeud3xOcDk-00173-00036816-00037135 hostile because our outer world and what pKeud3xOcDk-00174-00037136-00037262 we show the world pKeud3xOcDk-00175-00037263-00037543 does not really reflect uh who we are pKeud3xOcDk-00176-00037544-00037615 inside pKeud3xOcDk-00177-00037616-00038030 or the way we feel in many chapters pKeud3xOcDk-00178-00038031-00038351 in in this book it talks about pKeud3xOcDk-00179-00038352-00038655 that bringing out our true self pKeud3xOcDk-00180-00038656-00038990 our real self through courage pKeud3xOcDk-00181-00038991-00039430 through honesty and through doing things pKeud3xOcDk-00182-00039431-00039695 uh in our life in our daily journey that pKeud3xOcDk-00183-00039696-00039783 may not feel pKeud3xOcDk-00184-00039784-00040095 comfortable but having the courage pKeud3xOcDk-00185-00040096-00040423 to do it and to say it because pKeud3xOcDk-00186-00040424-00040735 inside we know it's right for us and pKeud3xOcDk-00187-00040736-00040895 you know being true to ourselves you pKeud3xOcDk-00188-00040896-00041102 know the truth will set you free pKeud3xOcDk-00189-00041103-00041423 it takes a lot of courage to to be true pKeud3xOcDk-00190-00041424-00041527 to ourselves pKeud3xOcDk-00191-00041528-00041767 and to behave in a manner that is good pKeud3xOcDk-00192-00041768-00041855 for us pKeud3xOcDk-00193-00041856-00042135 and just to say things to people and be pKeud3xOcDk-00194-00042136-00042295 honest that is good pKeud3xOcDk-00195-00042296-00042623 for us as individuals and quit pKeud3xOcDk-00196-00042624-00042879 losing the fear of losing somebody we pKeud3xOcDk-00197-00042880-00043071 love because we're honest pKeud3xOcDk-00198-00043072-00043255 you know we're telling them honestly how pKeud3xOcDk-00199-00043256-00043518 we feel about the situation pKeud3xOcDk-00200-00043519-00043687 you know it takes a lot of courage to do pKeud3xOcDk-00201-00043688-00043887 things like that because addiction pKeud3xOcDk-00202-00043888-00044174 tells us to show the world that we are pKeud3xOcDk-00203-00044175-00044367 perfect and act in a way pKeud3xOcDk-00204-00044368-00044590 that we should be perfect and we we pKeud3xOcDk-00205-00044591-00044830 shouldn't show fault and show weakness pKeud3xOcDk-00206-00044831-00045039 and become vulnerable but through pKeud3xOcDk-00207-00045040-00045174 vulnerability pKeud3xOcDk-00208-00045175-00045455 and through our imperfections we find pKeud3xOcDk-00209-00045456-00045527 strength pKeud3xOcDk-00210-00045528-00045855 and we find our true self and i think pKeud3xOcDk-00211-00045856-00046030 it's incredible when we do that pKeud3xOcDk-00212-00046031-00046343 you know quitting drinking is pKeud3xOcDk-00213-00046344-00046671 just a mere start in our recovery pKeud3xOcDk-00214-00046672-00046751 journey pKeud3xOcDk-00215-00046752-00047239 if you can develop through spirituality pKeud3xOcDk-00216-00047240-00047486 through literature like this book pKeud3xOcDk-00217-00047487-00047615 through therapy pKeud3xOcDk-00218-00047616-00047862 through doing service in program helping pKeud3xOcDk-00219-00047863-00048079 people out in recovery programs pKeud3xOcDk-00220-00048080-00048399 and develop emotional a program pKeud3xOcDk-00221-00048400-00048623 emotional sobriety for yourself pKeud3xOcDk-00222-00048624-00048895 you will have a peace that you will not pKeud3xOcDk-00223-00048896-00049095 even know what to do you will pKeud3xOcDk-00224-00049096-00049415 find parts of you within you that you pKeud3xOcDk-00225-00049416-00049511 didn't even know pKeud3xOcDk-00226-00049512-00049879 exist because addiction alcoholism pKeud3xOcDk-00227-00049880-00050239 has taken it away from us it has taken pKeud3xOcDk-00228-00050240-00050351 away from us pKeud3xOcDk-00229-00050352-00050583 and i know it's a lot i'm talking about pKeud3xOcDk-00230-00050584-00050735 this book but i've got pKeud3xOcDk-00231-00050736-00051015 a lot out of it it's not a recovery book pKeud3xOcDk-00232-00051016-00051207 like a 12-step book or pKeud3xOcDk-00233-00051208-00051479 you know the 12 and 12 or drop the rock pKeud3xOcDk-00234-00051479-00051646 or many different books pKeud3xOcDk-00235-00051647-00051950 i've read in recovery it's totally pKeud3xOcDk-00236-00051951-00052135 different in a focus on emotional pKeud3xOcDk-00237-00052136-00052223 recovery pKeud3xOcDk-00238-00052224-00052511 and if you're at any stage on your pKeud3xOcDk-00239-00052512-00052575 journey pKeud3xOcDk-00240-00052576-00052838 in from alcoholism you know living clean pKeud3xOcDk-00241-00052839-00052919 and silver pKeud3xOcDk-00242-00052920-00053126 i would strongly suggest you read this pKeud3xOcDk-00243-00053127-00053223 book pKeud3xOcDk-00244-00053224-00053382 take your time and read it and pKeud3xOcDk-00245-00053383-00053599 acknowledge it and try to identify with pKeud3xOcDk-00246-00053600-00053638 it pKeud3xOcDk-00247-00053639-00053966 because this will open your eyes it'll pKeud3xOcDk-00248-00053967-00054135 create awareness pKeud3xOcDk-00249-00054136-00054366 it'll make you feel that you're not so pKeud3xOcDk-00250-00054367-00054447 alone pKeud3xOcDk-00251-00054448-00054742 and you're not going crazy like i said pKeud3xOcDk-00252-00054744-00054854 addiction pKeud3xOcDk-00253-00054855-00055159 has taken our emotions pKeud3xOcDk-00254-00055160-00055503 out of whack and we need to to find that pKeud3xOcDk-00255-00055504-00055735 emotional balance for ourselves pKeud3xOcDk-00256-00055736-00056054 find our true self find our conscious pKeud3xOcDk-00257-00056055-00056119 contact pKeud3xOcDk-00258-00056120-00056399 with ourselves and move forward with pKeud3xOcDk-00259-00056400-00056438 that pKeud3xOcDk-00260-00056439-00056750 knowledge your sobriety will blossom a pKeud3xOcDk-00261-00056751-00056847 day to time pKeud3xOcDk-00262-00056848-00057135 believing emotional sobriety developing pKeud3xOcDk-00263-00057136-00057287 emotional sobriety pKeud3xOcDk-00264-00057288-00057599 a strong sense of self pKeud3xOcDk-00265-00057600-00057871 will will do wonders for you you'll pKeud3xOcDk-00266-00057872-00058054 choose different partners you'll know pKeud3xOcDk-00267-00058055-00058182 how to handle things pKeud3xOcDk-00268-00058183-00058479 that used to baffle us because we will pKeud3xOcDk-00269-00058479-00058535 know pKeud3xOcDk-00270-00058536-00058815 how to understand ourselves emotionally pKeud3xOcDk-00271-00058816-00059015 and we won't be so reactive and our pKeud3xOcDk-00272-00059016-00059159 behavior will change pKeud3xOcDk-00273-00059160-00059438 our life will become great it really pKeud3xOcDk-00274-00059439-00059479 will pKeud3xOcDk-00275-00059479-00059742 it won't be perfect but it sure will be pKeud3xOcDk-00276-00059744-00059879 a hell of a lot better pKeud3xOcDk-00277-00059879-00060247 so 12 smart things to do when the booze pKeud3xOcDk-00278-00060248-00060375 and drugs are gone pKeud3xOcDk-00279-00060376-00060630 i would definitely recommend you read pKeud3xOcDk-00280-00060632-00060726 this book pKeud3xOcDk-00281-00060727-00060999 okay i've left the link below you can pKeud3xOcDk-00282-00061000-00061175 buy it off amazon if you buy it off pKeud3xOcDk-00283-00061176-00061550 amazon i get a small kickback from it pKeud3xOcDk-00284-00061551-00061854 if you read it and you you liked it or pKeud3xOcDk-00285-00061855-00062030 you don't like it leave a comment below pKeud3xOcDk-00286-00062032-00062175 but i'm sure you're going to enjoy it pKeud3xOcDk-00287-00062176-00062311 it's going to open up your eyes you're pKeud3xOcDk-00288-00062312-00062375 going to pKeud3xOcDk-00289-00062376-00062494 you know you're going to get a strong pKeud3xOcDk-00290-00062495-00062766 sense of i can do this i can do this pKeud3xOcDk-00291-00062767-00063071 okay so give it a read let me know how pKeud3xOcDk-00292-00063072-00063119 you pKeud3xOcDk-00293-00063120-00063350 how you feel about this book and if pKeud3xOcDk-00294-00063351-00063471 you've already read it pKeud3xOcDk-00295-00063472-00063694 leave a comment below okay thanks a lot pKeud3xOcDk-00296-00063695-00063830 for stopping by pKeud3xOcDk-00297-00063832-00064063 my name is terry g this is an alcohol pKeud3xOcDk-00298-00064064-00064238 free life channel where we learn to live pKeud3xOcDk-00299-00064239-00064335 silver pKeud3xOcDk-00300-00064336-00064679 one day at a time okay and pKeud3xOcDk-00301-00064679-00064935 that's it that's it for the video stay pKeud3xOcDk-00302-00064936-00065015 silver pKeud3xOcDk-00303-00065016-00065359 stay safe i'm out ciao i'll see you next pKeud3xOcDk-00304-00065360-00065399 week pKeud3xOcDk-00305-00065400-00065680 bye for now pKK5v4v9ALy-00000-00000901-00001270 Hey good morning to all of you or ever pKK5v4v9ALy-00001-00001271-00001723 you wanted a son of my voice this is pKK5v4v9ALy-00002-00001723-00002083 Patrick we know this is fate moment pKK5v4v9ALy-00003-00002084-00002429 bringing you and inspired a Word of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00004-00002430-00002845 to bring you to that place of awareness pKK5v4v9ALy-00005-00002846-00003158 all right to where we are in this pKK5v4v9ALy-00006-00003159-00003449 dispensation in the current in our pKK5v4v9ALy-00007-00003450-00003836 current time current time god bless you pKK5v4v9ALy-00008-00003836-00004222 man of god apostle I'm so proud of you pKK5v4v9ALy-00009-00004223-00004522 you have no idea so proud of you god pKK5v4v9ALy-00010-00004523-00004702 bless you stay focused and do what pKK5v4v9ALy-00011-00004703-00004913 you're doing all right god bless you pKK5v4v9ALy-00012-00004914-00005258 want to talk to you today ladies and pKK5v4v9ALy-00013-00005259-00005893 gentlemen about spirit about a spirit um pKK5v4v9ALy-00014-00005894-00006127 let's have a word of Prayer and we'll pKK5v4v9ALy-00015-00006128-00006341 get into the word our Heavenly Father we pKK5v4v9ALy-00016-00006342-00006484 are grateful to you for another day you pKK5v4v9ALy-00017-00006486-00006734 have given on to us this is the day that pKK5v4v9ALy-00018-00006734-00007048 you have created and made it we didn't pKK5v4v9ALy-00019-00007050-00007273 do it but you have given it to us as a pKK5v4v9ALy-00020-00007275-00007603 gift and we celebrate the gift and we pKK5v4v9ALy-00021-00007604-00007877 receive it with all gladness and we pKK5v4v9ALy-00022-00007878-00008195 thank you for it bless that which you pKK5v4v9ALy-00023-00008196-00008612 have done and all that we are about to pKK5v4v9ALy-00024-00008613-00008969 receive Holy Spirit now take control of pKK5v4v9ALy-00025-00008970-00009287 this atmosphere nothing of me but all of pKK5v4v9ALy-00026-00009288-00009746 you Holy Spirit revealing that which is pKK5v4v9ALy-00027-00009747-00010109 of you and which others other spirits pKK5v4v9ALy-00028-00010110-00010456 have imitating you to your people so pKK5v4v9ALy-00029-00010457-00010756 that we will be in the known and can be pKK5v4v9ALy-00030-00010757-00010939 in the flow we thank you for all that pKK5v4v9ALy-00031-00010940-00011296 you have done in Jesus name Amen and pKK5v4v9ALy-00032-00011297-00011810 amen amen and amen beloved wherever you pKK5v4v9ALy-00033-00011811-00012088 are my job is to bring you the word and pKK5v4v9ALy-00034-00012089-00012569 yours is to receive or not receive that pKK5v4v9ALy-00035-00012570-00012874 is in the hands of the Holy Spirit and pKK5v4v9ALy-00036-00012875-00013226 so let me start my work all right pKK5v4v9ALy-00037-00013227-00013308 and that pKK5v4v9ALy-00038-00013309-00013588 is bringing you to that place of pKK5v4v9ALy-00039-00013590-00013830 inspirational understanding of the word pKK5v4v9ALy-00040-00013831-00014082 of God and to for you to practically pKK5v4v9ALy-00041-00014083-00014363 know where you are we've been talking in pKK5v4v9ALy-00042-00014365-00014604 the past concerning the fact that we are pKK5v4v9ALy-00043-00014605-00015050 not living in the old dispensation of pKK5v4v9ALy-00044-00015051-00015536 the law but for God so loved the world pKK5v4v9ALy-00045-00015537-00015957 that he saw that man could not you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00046-00015958-00016542 fulfill his side of the Covenant so that pKK5v4v9ALy-00047-00016543-00016794 it was important that he changed again pKK5v4v9ALy-00048-00016795-00017105 if you will so he sent His only begotten pKK5v4v9ALy-00049-00017106-00017658 Son Jesus to come and complete the pKK5v4v9ALy-00050-00017659-00018069 assignment of men so that he will bridge pKK5v4v9ALy-00051-00018070-00018621 ok reconcile man with him and so Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00052-00018622-00018930 came to announce that in Matthew 5:17 pKK5v4v9ALy-00053-00018931-00019208 that he didn't come to abolish that of pKK5v4v9ALy-00054-00019209-00019403 the old but he came to fulfill it pKK5v4v9ALy-00055-00019404-00019930 well he did that and at a time of pKK5v4v9ALy-00056-00019931-00020193 bringing it all together on the cross of pKK5v4v9ALy-00057-00020194-00020718 Calvary he completed it he said it is pKK5v4v9ALy-00058-00020719-00021066 finished was buried on the third day he pKK5v4v9ALy-00059-00021067-00021291 rose from the dead as he said it which pKK5v4v9ALy-00060-00021292-00021699 they didn't believe at that time and she pKK5v4v9ALy-00061-00021700-00021917 you know showed himself to the disciples pKK5v4v9ALy-00062-00021918-00022236 now remember that all the things Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00063-00022237-00022562 did the disciples couldn't do it why pKK5v4v9ALy-00064-00022563-00022824 because the Holy Spirit has not come pKK5v4v9ALy-00065-00022825-00023061 upon them why is they aware with Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00066-00023062-00023325 now remember Jesus received the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00067-00023326-00023615 Spirit in the day or in the day of his pKK5v4v9ALy-00068-00023616-00023990 baptism okay by John he came from pKK5v4v9ALy-00069-00023991-00024192 Galilee to be baptized in the River pKK5v4v9ALy-00070-00024193-00024581 Jordan so we saw the evidence of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00071-00024582-00024933 Holy Spirit coming upon him so Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00072-00024934-00025278 then have to depart and until the ink pKK5v4v9ALy-00073-00025279-00025556 the disciples that they should wait in pKK5v4v9ALy-00074-00025557-00025812 Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit has come pKK5v4v9ALy-00075-00025813-00026025 upon them because he is going to send pKK5v4v9ALy-00076-00026026-00026235 the Holy Spirit he will send the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00077-00026236-00026481 Spirit to come and then when the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00078-00026482-00026637 Spirit comes he will help them pKK5v4v9ALy-00079-00026638-00026967 in every area of our lives and so we see pKK5v4v9ALy-00080-00026968-00027214 that the Holy Spirit is here now with us pKK5v4v9ALy-00081-00027214-00027535 we've seen that from then from Jerusalem pKK5v4v9ALy-00082-00027536-00027811 on to the now and he said it would be pKK5v4v9ALy-00083-00027812-00028036 with you dwell with us and be in us pKK5v4v9ALy-00084-00028037-00028311 forever so but therefore beloved ever pKK5v4v9ALy-00085-00028312-00028521 means forever and the Holy Spirit is pKK5v4v9ALy-00086-00028522-00029002 here with us yesterday I started one of pKK5v4v9ALy-00087-00029002-00029337 the series of this series with you and I pKK5v4v9ALy-00088-00029338-00029652 switched on for you to see that yes the pKK5v4v9ALy-00089-00029653-00029952 Holy Spirit is here with us but they are pKK5v4v9ALy-00090-00029953-00030465 the spirits also operating in like pKK5v4v9ALy-00091-00030466-00030751 manner if you will of the Holy Spirit so pKK5v4v9ALy-00092-00030752-00031143 we are to be able to decipher which pKK5v4v9ALy-00093-00031144-00031686 spirit is leading us remember that Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00094-00031687-00031867 says that when the Holy Spirit comes he pKK5v4v9ALy-00095-00031868-00032404 will lead you into all truth now there pKK5v4v9ALy-00096-00032405-00032886 are other spirits who operating and pKK5v4v9ALy-00097-00032887-00033211 looking just like that of the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00098-00033212-00033420 Spirit and beloved if you are not pKK5v4v9ALy-00099-00033421-00033664 discerning spiritually you will not be pKK5v4v9ALy-00100-00033665-00033936 able to know that and you will realize pKK5v4v9ALy-00101-00033937-00034168 that in the in the beginning it looks pKK5v4v9ALy-00102-00034169-00034501 more like the Holy Spirit is at work God pKK5v4v9ALy-00103-00034502-00034868 is at work but at the end its pKK5v4v9ALy-00104-00034869-00035257 destruction because it is not all pKK5v4v9ALy-00105-00035258-00035620 spirits that operate in looking like pKK5v4v9ALy-00106-00035621-00035851 that of the Holy Spirit is the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00107-00035852-00036240 Spirit if you understand so my job is to pKK5v4v9ALy-00108-00036241-00036520 bring you to that place of awareness and pKK5v4v9ALy-00109-00036521-00036852 understanding and the fact that we need pKK5v4v9ALy-00110-00036853-00037176 to test all spirits this is why pKK5v4v9ALy-00111-00037177-00037449 scripture tells us to test all spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00112-00037450-00037677 because yesterday I took you to a pKK5v4v9ALy-00113-00037678-00037977 revelation in chapter 12 from the pKK5v4v9ALy-00114-00037978-00038355 seventh verse now we saw how Satan okay pKK5v4v9ALy-00115-00038356-00038692 Satan the old excuse me did the odds pKK5v4v9ALy-00116-00038693-00039079 happen in Genesis who became a dragon in pKK5v4v9ALy-00117-00039080-00039383 Revelation was cast down from heaven and pKK5v4v9ALy-00118-00039384-00039757 came down with his own angels those who pKK5v4v9ALy-00119-00039758-00039865 followed him down pKK5v4v9ALy-00120-00039866-00040230 those fallen angels who have now become pKK5v4v9ALy-00121-00040231-00040664 okay bad spirits and operating in the pKK5v4v9ALy-00122-00040665-00041051 life of God's people and trying to get pKK5v4v9ALy-00123-00041052-00041270 them to be destroyed that is their pKK5v4v9ALy-00124-00041271-00041342 assignment pKK5v4v9ALy-00125-00041343-00041611 and so if you are not discerning pKK5v4v9ALy-00126-00041612-00041932 spiritually and if you walk not walking pKK5v4v9ALy-00127-00041933-00042245 in the spirit you will not be able to pKK5v4v9ALy-00128-00042246-00042629 know the difference between the work of pKK5v4v9ALy-00129-00042630-00042851 the holy spirit for regional work of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00130-00042852-00043120 holy spirit and that of the imitational pKK5v4v9ALy-00131-00043121-00043489 work of the holy spirit all right the pKK5v4v9ALy-00132-00043490-00043679 original work of the holy spirit and the pKK5v4v9ALy-00133-00043680-00043949 imitation our work that looks because pKK5v4v9ALy-00134-00043950-00044158 the imitations work of the holy spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00135-00044159-00044515 is from a different spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00136-00044516-00044890 it's from Satan and his demons and it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00137-00044891-00045127 it's it looks just like that of the holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00138-00045128-00045560 spirit and so the scripture tells you an pKK5v4v9ALy-00139-00045561-00045871 eye that we have to be very careful that pKK5v4v9ALy-00140-00045872-00046079 the last days which we are living in pKK5v4v9ALy-00141-00046080-00046540 here even the elect of God can be swayed pKK5v4v9ALy-00142-00046541-00046845 can be swayed how could you be swayed pKK5v4v9ALy-00143-00046846-00047155 even as you elect yes because if you pKK5v4v9ALy-00144-00047156-00047674 don't consistently consistently seek him pKK5v4v9ALy-00145-00047675-00048095 consistently seek him you would not you pKK5v4v9ALy-00146-00048096-00048262 would be mislead let me just put it that pKK5v4v9ALy-00147-00048263-00048526 way if you don't consistently seek Him pKK5v4v9ALy-00148-00048527-00048707 you will be mislead and so it's very pKK5v4v9ALy-00149-00048708-00049001 important that you as a child of God if pKK5v4v9ALy-00150-00049002-00049399 you are you should be aware of that are pKK5v4v9ALy-00151-00049400-00049670 you listening to me and this is where we pKK5v4v9ALy-00152-00049671-00050071 are sense of since yesterday and so I pKK5v4v9ALy-00153-00050072-00050242 want you to know that so I'm continuing pKK5v4v9ALy-00154-00050243-00050796 today about testing or spirits to know pKK5v4v9ALy-00155-00050797-00051161 to know the spirit that you think is pKK5v4v9ALy-00156-00051162-00051410 operating that you may be following and pKK5v4v9ALy-00157-00051411-00051631 that has to do with everything pKK5v4v9ALy-00158-00051632-00051880 everything whether the church you belong pKK5v4v9ALy-00159-00051882-00052138 to what kind of spirit is operating pKK5v4v9ALy-00160-00052139-00052637 there the the the office you know the pKK5v4v9ALy-00161-00052638-00052804 company where you are working what kind pKK5v4v9ALy-00162-00052805-00053032 of spirit is operating there you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00163-00053033-00053123 the associate pKK5v4v9ALy-00164-00053124-00053465 the those fraternities and those groups pKK5v4v9ALy-00165-00053466-00053788 and you know fellowships men's pKK5v4v9ALy-00166-00053789-00054044 fellowship or whatever and organizations pKK5v4v9ALy-00167-00054045-00054254 and and all that what kind of spread is pKK5v4v9ALy-00168-00054254-00054529 operating their families families what pKK5v4v9ALy-00169-00054530-00054766 kind of spirits is operating there is pKK5v4v9ALy-00170-00054767-00055013 this the Holy Spirit even in your home pKK5v4v9ALy-00171-00055014-00055274 what kind of find spiritus operates in pKK5v4v9ALy-00172-00055275-00055622 there because we have every spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00173-00055623-00055829 listen all the Spirit the Holy Spirit is pKK5v4v9ALy-00174-00055829-00056094 at work and every spirit is also at work pKK5v4v9ALy-00175-00056095-00056357 are you listening to me every spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00176-00056358-00056611 every spirit the source is at work they pKK5v4v9ALy-00177-00056612-00056954 they are not resting there the pKK5v4v9ALy-00178-00056954-00057260 assignment is to work and so we need to pKK5v4v9ALy-00179-00057261-00057644 find out which spirit its operated where pKK5v4v9ALy-00180-00057645-00057962 you are put yourself in any place that pKK5v4v9ALy-00181-00057963-00058274 you find yourself whether it's a soccer pKK5v4v9ALy-00182-00058275-00058501 field soccer match what kind of spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00183-00058502-00058799 is there whether it's a it's a musical pKK5v4v9ALy-00184-00058800-00058969 concept what kind of spirit is there pKK5v4v9ALy-00185-00058970-00059303 what there is you know yourself pKK5v4v9ALy-00186-00059304-00059542 just you know in that grocery store what pKK5v4v9ALy-00187-00059544-00059692 kind of spirit is operating that you pKK5v4v9ALy-00188-00059694-00059990 must know beloved not to say that you pKK5v4v9ALy-00189-00059991-00060341 cannot be anywhere anymore because you pKK5v4v9ALy-00190-00060341-00060776 have to be so careful no this is a pKK5v4v9ALy-00191-00060777-00061201 warning sign not to scare you but to pKK5v4v9ALy-00192-00061202-00061769 bring you to the place of knowledge in pKK5v4v9ALy-00193-00061770-00062056 Hosea chapter four verse 6 the Prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-00194-00062057-00062454 Hosea brings a word from God saying that pKK5v4v9ALy-00195-00062455-00062711 God says my people are destroyed for pKK5v4v9ALy-00196-00062712-00063046 lack of knowledge lack of knowledge pKK5v4v9ALy-00197-00063047-00063359 don't stop right there most of the time pKK5v4v9ALy-00198-00063360-00063532 you cut some of the scriptures and you pKK5v4v9ALy-00199-00063533-00063674 stop rebel stop right there pKK5v4v9ALy-00200-00063675-00063962 why is God saying that if you go down pKK5v4v9ALy-00201-00063963-00064144 there you see continue reading you see pKK5v4v9ALy-00202-00064145-00064799 that is recess because you have not pKK5v4v9ALy-00203-00064800-00065249 accepted knowledge you have defiled pKK5v4v9ALy-00204-00065250-00065794 knowledge you have disregard knowledge pKK5v4v9ALy-00205-00065795-00066040 and therefore he God has also pKK5v4v9ALy-00206-00066041-00066328 disregarded you that's what it is pKK5v4v9ALy-00207-00066329-00066512 my people are pKK5v4v9ALy-00208-00066513-00066728 for lack of knowledge and we stop don't pKK5v4v9ALy-00209-00066729-00066962 stop continue to read you see the reason pKK5v4v9ALy-00210-00066963-00067376 why and so the reason is beloved it is pKK5v4v9ALy-00211-00067377-00067682 your responsibility for you to know for pKK5v4v9ALy-00212-00067683-00068091 you to come to be in the know so you can pKK5v4v9ALy-00213-00068092-00068306 be in the flow hallelujah you can flow pKK5v4v9ALy-00214-00068307-00068409 with God amen pKK5v4v9ALy-00215-00068410-00068646 praise God if not you'll be flowing with pKK5v4v9ALy-00216-00068647-00069110 some spirits that looks like God but pKK5v4v9ALy-00217-00069111-00069437 it's not are you listening to me and I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-00218-00069438-00069725 gonna prove one of them to you today for pKK5v4v9ALy-00219-00069726-00070232 you to see how dangerous and very pKK5v4v9ALy-00220-00070233-00070531 sensitive world we are living in very pKK5v4v9ALy-00221-00070532-00070878 sensitive what I'm telling you the pKK5v4v9ALy-00222-00070879-00071387 Spirit of God will reveal you somebody pKK5v4v9ALy-00223-00071388-00071849 so close to you who you may be admiring pKK5v4v9ALy-00224-00071850-00072218 and loving and caring about who is pKK5v4v9ALy-00225-00072219-00072447 operating not from the spirit of I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-00226-00072448-00072609 enough from the Holy Spirit but some pKK5v4v9ALy-00227-00072610-00072791 other spirit and you don't even know I pKK5v4v9ALy-00228-00072792-00073071 am Telling You it's very very serious pKK5v4v9ALy-00229-00073072-00073394 are you listening to me so we are going pKK5v4v9ALy-00230-00073395-00073821 to be seen different spirits here today pKK5v4v9ALy-00231-00073822-00073953 I won't bore you tomb pKK5v4v9ALy-00232-00073954-00074165 too long because I know this type of pKK5v4v9ALy-00233-00074166-00074522 studies and messages and preachings it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00234-00074523-00074738 most of you don't that's not what you pKK5v4v9ALy-00235-00074739-00074975 want to hear I know what you want to pKK5v4v9ALy-00236-00074976-00075092 hear but that's not what you're gonna pKK5v4v9ALy-00237-00075093-00075315 get because it's not about what you're pKK5v4v9ALy-00238-00075316-00075569 itchy ears wanna hear it's about that pKK5v4v9ALy-00239-00075570-00075755 say yes the Lord which I'm bringing to pKK5v4v9ALy-00240-00075756-00075965 you now whether you want to give me a pKK5v4v9ALy-00241-00075966-00076185 thumbs up or you want you don't want to pKK5v4v9ALy-00242-00076186-00076379 come on the line it would be there this pKK5v4v9ALy-00243-00076380-00076619 is what I'm asked to do the rest is pKK5v4v9ALy-00244-00076620-00076937 yours are you listening to me but me and pKK5v4v9ALy-00245-00076938-00077324 my house glory be to God oh yes we will pKK5v4v9ALy-00246-00077325-00077687 be aware and not be ignorant of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00247-00077688-00077915 devices of the devil less he takes pKK5v4v9ALy-00248-00077916-00078200 advantage over us glory be to God amen pKK5v4v9ALy-00249-00078201-00078560 so because you see I have realized that pKK5v4v9ALy-00250-00078561-00078962 most people that God sent a lot of pKK5v4v9ALy-00251-00078963-00079301 people don't listen to them oh yeah the pKK5v4v9ALy-00252-00079302-00079487 people selected that God said I mean pKK5v4v9ALy-00253-00079488-00079671 through a script or history with pKK5v4v9ALy-00254-00079672-00079953 we hear them we see them people don't pKK5v4v9ALy-00255-00079954-00080163 listen to them why because they don't pKK5v4v9ALy-00256-00080164-00080325 know what they want to hear because it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00257-00080326-00080631 not what makes you know tickles they're pKK5v4v9ALy-00258-00080632-00080898 funny it's not what makes them you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00259-00080899-00081237 just kick their emotions and and and and pKK5v4v9ALy-00260-00081238-00081594 stir up the emotions beloved it's not pKK5v4v9ALy-00261-00081595-00081951 about your emotions it's not about your pKK5v4v9ALy-00262-00081952-00082134 emotions and so you better get serious pKK5v4v9ALy-00263-00082135-00082431 it's not about getting out at the word pKK5v4v9ALy-00264-00082432-00082986 that sounds good to you if Satan appears pKK5v4v9ALy-00265-00082987-00083259 like the angel of light and he can break pKK5v4v9ALy-00266-00083260-00083556 and he can he can coach you scriptures pKK5v4v9ALy-00267-00083557-00083910 and and and and you know wrongfully pKK5v4v9ALy-00268-00083911-00084282 divide the word of truth to you and you pKK5v4v9ALy-00269-00084283-00084489 are not spiritually discerning you would pKK5v4v9ALy-00270-00084490-00084798 not be able to know that that is not of pKK5v4v9ALy-00271-00084799-00085077 God are you listening to me this is very pKK5v4v9ALy-00272-00085078-00085398 serious the times we eliminate beloved pKK5v4v9ALy-00273-00085399-00085689 it's so serious and a few people God pKK5v4v9ALy-00274-00085690-00086139 uses to proclaim the truth that word of pKK5v4v9ALy-00275-00086140-00086361 truth to the people that live they pKK5v4v9ALy-00276-00086362-00086772 normally not heard and so I I have pKK5v4v9ALy-00277-00086773-00086838 resigned pKK5v4v9ALy-00278-00086839-00087312 I mean registered that in me so manage pKK5v4v9ALy-00279-00087313-00087768 to just do the work of God and leave the pKK5v4v9ALy-00280-00087769-00087966 room the rest for the Holy Spirit to pKK5v4v9ALy-00281-00087967-00088194 deal with you concerning that I cannot pKK5v4v9ALy-00282-00088195-00088524 change you I am NOT here to convince you pKK5v4v9ALy-00283-00088525-00088806 I am here by the help of the Holy Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00284-00088807-00089184 to bring you the Word of God and allow pKK5v4v9ALy-00285-00089185-00089610 the Holy Spirit to do what he has to do pKK5v4v9ALy-00286-00089611-00089823 consent in your life are you listening pKK5v4v9ALy-00287-00089824-00090279 so we are looking in the area because of pKK5v4v9ALy-00288-00090280-00090585 the fact that the Holy Spirit is here we pKK5v4v9ALy-00289-00090586-00091068 do to test all other spirits because not pKK5v4v9ALy-00290-00091069-00091479 every spirit is the Holy Spirit not pKK5v4v9ALy-00291-00091480-00091815 every spirit is the Holy Spirit are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00292-00091816-00091881 listening to me pKK5v4v9ALy-00293-00091882-00092112 all right so we're gonna see that go pKK5v4v9ALy-00294-00092113-00092439 with me now to the book of John France pKK5v4v9ALy-00295-00092440-00092730 John first John chapter 4 get your pKK5v4v9ALy-00296-00092731-00092882 Bibles if you don't have your Bibles pKK5v4v9ALy-00297-00092883-00092940 please pKK5v4v9ALy-00298-00092941-00093123 write them down write the scriptures and pKK5v4v9ALy-00299-00093124-00093621 refer to them don't just listen and go pKK5v4v9ALy-00300-00093622-00093840 please refer to them alright pKK5v4v9ALy-00301-00093841-00094076 fares John alright go with me to first pKK5v4v9ALy-00302-00094077-00094404 John chapter four first John chapter pKK5v4v9ALy-00303-00094405-00094874 four let's read from verse one alright pKK5v4v9ALy-00304-00094875-00095117 first John chapter four beloved beloved pKK5v4v9ALy-00305-00095118-00095361 beloved beloved you the beloved I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-00306-00095362-00095525 talking to you the Scriptures talking to pKK5v4v9ALy-00307-00095526-00095853 you this morning do not believe every pKK5v4v9ALy-00308-00095854-00096459 spirit did you hear that beloved do not pKK5v4v9ALy-00309-00096460-00096932 believe every spirit but test the pKK5v4v9ALy-00310-00096933-00097532 spirits son test the spirits pearl in pKK5v4v9ALy-00311-00097533-00097799 other words it is not only the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00312-00097800-00098091 Spirit operating in this dispensation of pKK5v4v9ALy-00313-00098092-00098571 time there other spirits tests the pKK5v4v9ALy-00314-00098572-00099030 spirits whether they are of God because pKK5v4v9ALy-00315-00099031-00099500 many false prophets have gone out into pKK5v4v9ALy-00316-00099501-00100025 the world many not few many false pKK5v4v9ALy-00317-00100026-00100335 prophets have gone out into the world pKK5v4v9ALy-00318-00100336-00100844 that you live in many prophets okay by pKK5v4v9ALy-00319-00100845-00101292 this you know the Spirit of God now your pKK5v4v9ALy-00320-00101293-00101616 goddess is letting you know he's not pKK5v4v9ALy-00321-00101617-00101871 stopping right there that test that come pKK5v4v9ALy-00322-00101872-00102123 Joyce was accent mean so how do you test pKK5v4v9ALy-00323-00102124-00102390 the spirit how do you tell the spirit to pKK5v4v9ALy-00324-00102391-00102536 know that this is of God and it's none pKK5v4v9ALy-00325-00102538-00102953 of God well this is it listen Bible it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00326-00102954-00103239 not controversial as somebody would tell pKK5v4v9ALy-00327-00103240-00103586 you to believe and then and God gives pKK5v4v9ALy-00328-00103588-00103928 you the answers to what he I said I just pKK5v4v9ALy-00329-00103929-00104124 give you one in a hosea chapter four pKK5v4v9ALy-00330-00104125-00104414 verse six most of the time you hear pKK5v4v9ALy-00331-00104415-00104693 people quote the scripture God says my pKK5v4v9ALy-00332-00104694-00104868 people are destroyed for lack of pKK5v4v9ALy-00333-00104869-00105113 knowledge and they stop right there no pKK5v4v9ALy-00334-00105114-00105375 that's the reason why God said that if pKK5v4v9ALy-00335-00105376-00105558 you continue to read you will get the pKK5v4v9ALy-00336-00105558-00105807 answer why he said that God doesn't do pKK5v4v9ALy-00337-00105808-00106064 things without a reason he doesn't leave pKK5v4v9ALy-00338-00106065-00106201 you in darkness pKK5v4v9ALy-00339-00106202-00106444 he pees the light and he wants to pKK5v4v9ALy-00340-00106445-00106699 breathe he wants you to come out of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00341-00106700-00106867 darkness into his marvelous light pKK5v4v9ALy-00342-00106868-00107077 hallelujah are you listening to me all pKK5v4v9ALy-00343-00107078-00107473 right so this is why he says test all pKK5v4v9ALy-00344-00107474-00107677 spirits number one I'm going to read it pKK5v4v9ALy-00345-00107678-00107905 again all right if you're just looking pKK5v4v9ALy-00346-00107906-00108271 at me of this one of chapter four or pKK5v4v9ALy-00347-00108272-00108601 face John beloved do not believe every pKK5v4v9ALy-00348-00108602-00108948 spirit do not believe every spirit but pKK5v4v9ALy-00349-00108949-00109324 test the spirits test the spirits pKK5v4v9ALy-00350-00109325-00109552 whether they are of God because many pKK5v4v9ALy-00351-00109553-00109884 false prophets have gone out into the pKK5v4v9ALy-00352-00109885-00110131 world that's why you need to test them pKK5v4v9ALy-00353-00110132-00110500 all many false prophets verse 2 but this pKK5v4v9ALy-00354-00110501-00110890 you know that the Spirit of God by this pKK5v4v9ALy-00355-00110891-00111313 you will know the Spirit of God you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00356-00111314-00111481 the Spirit of God every spirit that pKK5v4v9ALy-00357-00111482-00111826 confesses that Jesus Christ has come in pKK5v4v9ALy-00358-00111827-00112228 the flesh is of God by this you know and pKK5v4v9ALy-00359-00112229-00112729 this is that every spirit that confesses pKK5v4v9ALy-00360-00112730-00113182 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh pKK5v4v9ALy-00361-00113183-00113620 is of God and every spirit that does not pKK5v4v9ALy-00362-00113621-00113857 confess that Jesus Christ has come in pKK5v4v9ALy-00363-00113858-00114105 the flesh is not of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00364-00114106-00114438 darkness did you hear what I said pKK5v4v9ALy-00365-00114439-00114913 first John chapter 14 first John chapter pKK5v4v9ALy-00366-00114914-00115144 14 can you put it up there for me please pKK5v4v9ALy-00367-00115145-00115441 okay see this is why I'm saying help us pKK5v4v9ALy-00368-00115442-00115767 to get this this technology some pKK5v4v9ALy-00369-00115768-00116038 instrument that we can distance will be pKK5v4v9ALy-00370-00116039-00116286 there for you all right so even if you pKK5v4v9ALy-00371-00116288-00116578 came on the platform late you can see pKK5v4v9ALy-00372-00116579-00116983 where we are okay so we are John chapter pKK5v4v9ALy-00373-00116983-00117316 first John first John chapter four first pKK5v4v9ALy-00374-00117317-00117493 John chapter four we're talking about pKK5v4v9ALy-00375-00117494-00117808 the fact the reason why you need to test pKK5v4v9ALy-00376-00117808-00118158 all spirit okay so everyone was true pKK5v4v9ALy-00377-00118159-00118594 that confesses that that Jesus Christ pKK5v4v9ALy-00378-00118595-00118954 has come in the flesh is of God is of pKK5v4v9ALy-00379-00118955-00119173 God now pKK5v4v9ALy-00380-00119174-00119508 and every vestry and every spirit that pKK5v4v9ALy-00381-00119509-00119760 does not confess that Jesus Christ has pKK5v4v9ALy-00382-00119761-00120139 come in the flesh is not of God and this pKK5v4v9ALy-00383-00120140-00120453 is the spirit of the Antichrist the pKK5v4v9ALy-00384-00120454-00120802 spirit that is not confessing that Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00385-00120803-00121051 Christ has come in the flesh that is the pKK5v4v9ALy-00386-00121052-00121450 Antichrist so now you see that you we pKK5v4v9ALy-00387-00121451-00121645 are living in a times where a lot of pKK5v4v9ALy-00388-00121646-00121948 people and you see the scripture uses pKK5v4v9ALy-00389-00121949-00122278 prophets design human beings and so pKK5v4v9ALy-00390-00122279-00122653 human beings spirits the Anti Christ is pKK5v4v9ALy-00391-00122654-00122917 operating in human beings through human pKK5v4v9ALy-00392-00122918-00123186 beings flesh and blood God operates pKK5v4v9ALy-00393-00123188-00123475 through flesh and blood and that is why pKK5v4v9ALy-00394-00123476-00123810 you see that Jesus came in flesh and pKK5v4v9ALy-00395-00123811-00124240 blood and scripture is saying that every pKK5v4v9ALy-00396-00124241-00124560 spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ pKK5v4v9ALy-00397-00124561-00124956 has come in the flesh is of God and pKK5v4v9ALy-00398-00124957-00125299 every spirit that is not confessing that pKK5v4v9ALy-00399-00125300-00125551 Jesus Christ has not come in the flesh pKK5v4v9ALy-00400-00125552-00125859 is not of God and that is the spirit of pKK5v4v9ALy-00401-00125860-00126205 Antichrist are you listening to me and pKK5v4v9ALy-00402-00126206-00126649 so all these spirits are out there so pKK5v4v9ALy-00403-00126650-00126847 it's not only the Holy Spirit who is pKK5v4v9ALy-00404-00126848-00127291 working there are many spirits the Bible pKK5v4v9ALy-00405-00127292-00127630 says we infest John chapter four if you pKK5v4v9ALy-00406-00127631-00127831 are just joining us Phoebe are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00407-00127832-00128140 listening so now this is where you have pKK5v4v9ALy-00408-00128141-00128883 to pay attention to now so why let's pKK5v4v9ALy-00409-00128884-00129064 read verse three again and every spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00410-00129065-00129214 that does not confess that Jesus Christ pKK5v4v9ALy-00411-00129215-00129451 has come in the flesh is not of God and pKK5v4v9ALy-00412-00129452-00129664 this is the spirit of the Antichrist pKK5v4v9ALy-00413-00129665-00130171 which you have heard was coming and is pKK5v4v9ALy-00414-00130172-00130413 now already in the world pKK5v4v9ALy-00415-00130414-00130765 you had that Spirit is coming and the pKK5v4v9ALy-00416-00130766-00130948 spread is already in the world the pKK5v4v9ALy-00417-00130949-00131109 Spirit is already here pKK5v4v9ALy-00418-00131110-00131496 the Antichrist is already here operating pKK5v4v9ALy-00419-00131497-00132226 through man and woman okay through men pKK5v4v9ALy-00420-00132227-00132525 and women that spirit is already here pKK5v4v9ALy-00421-00132526-00132793 you are of God the Bible says in verse pKK5v4v9ALy-00422-00132794-00133234 four little children have little pKK5v4v9ALy-00423-00133235-00133471 children and have overcome them because pKK5v4v9ALy-00424-00133472-00133765 he who is in you is greater than he who pKK5v4v9ALy-00425-00133766-00134161 is in the world they are of the world pKK5v4v9ALy-00426-00134162-00134412 therefore they speak us of the world and pKK5v4v9ALy-00427-00134413-00134794 the world hears them these are the way pKK5v4v9ALy-00428-00134795-00135117 the Spirit speaks so you can identify pKK5v4v9ALy-00429-00135118-00135622 okay you can identify the spirit that is pKK5v4v9ALy-00430-00135623-00135874 not of God and the spirit that is of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00431-00135875-00136342 in other words if it's more of wetly pKK5v4v9ALy-00432-00136343-00136699 things the preaching is more of worldly pKK5v4v9ALy-00433-00136700-00136972 things the teaching of God's Word is pKK5v4v9ALy-00434-00136973-00137278 more of worldly things then you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00435-00137279-00137556 that that is not a Spirit of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00436-00137557-00137896 anything that has to do with with more pKK5v4v9ALy-00437-00137897-00138328 of the flesh it's not of God so there's pKK5v4v9ALy-00438-00138329-00138576 some deaths God is giving you and I a pKK5v4v9ALy-00439-00138577-00139153 key for us to be able to decipher the pKK5v4v9ALy-00440-00139154-00139438 Spirit of God the spirit of truth the pKK5v4v9ALy-00441-00139439-00139786 Holy Spirit and the spirit that is not pKK5v4v9ALy-00442-00139787-00140200 of God and it looks like I said they may pKK5v4v9ALy-00443-00140201-00140569 look so close so if you don't have this pKK5v4v9ALy-00444-00140570-00141028 knowledge okay this knowledge this this pKK5v4v9ALy-00445-00141029-00141343 knowledge that you you know your God pKK5v4v9ALy-00446-00141344-00141493 says my people are destroyed for the pKK5v4v9ALy-00447-00141494-00141736 lack of knowledge because you have the pKK5v4v9ALy-00448-00141737-00142018 the deserted knowledge if you don't have pKK5v4v9ALy-00449-00142019-00142417 this knowledge how can you be able to pKK5v4v9ALy-00450-00142418-00142663 differentiate the Spirit of God and the pKK5v4v9ALy-00451-00142664-00143128 spread of for the Antichrist so let me pKK5v4v9ALy-00452-00143129-00143233 show you something pKK5v4v9ALy-00453-00143234-00143620 that will probably help you to see this pKK5v4v9ALy-00454-00143621-00143995 and when I say that the spirit or the pKK5v4v9ALy-00455-00143996-00144190 spirits that are not of God are pKK5v4v9ALy-00456-00144191-00144652 operating they look and sound like the pKK5v4v9ALy-00457-00144653-00144916 Spirit of God but it's not are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00458-00144917-00144973 listening pKK5v4v9ALy-00459-00144974-00145372 they are not no they are not Acts pKK5v4v9ALy-00460-00145373-00145655 chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00461-00145656-00145952 Acts chapter 16 Gold me to the book of pKK5v4v9ALy-00462-00145953-00146215 Acts now chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00463-00146216-00146849 chut chapter 16 Acts chapter 16 glory be pKK5v4v9ALy-00464-00146850-00146906 to God pKK5v4v9ALy-00465-00146907-00147170 Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00466-00147171-00147671 Spirit Acts chapter 16 Acts chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00467-00147672-00148015 now this has to do with brother Paul and pKK5v4v9ALy-00468-00148016-00148706 and his you know his quest of preaching pKK5v4v9ALy-00469-00148707-00148976 the gospel and bringing the people to pKK5v4v9ALy-00470-00148977-00149282 the place of awareness they have come to pKK5v4v9ALy-00471-00149283-00149600 the place where our chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00472-00149601-00149855 look at verse 16 when you get a chance pKK5v4v9ALy-00473-00149856-00150311 beloved because of time okay I just pKK5v4v9ALy-00474-00150312-00150548 can't read the whole thing to you so pKK5v4v9ALy-00475-00150549-00150872 start from chapter 1 okay always when pKK5v4v9ALy-00476-00150873-00151112 you get the scriptures please start from pKK5v4v9ALy-00477-00151113-00151286 the chapter 1 pKK5v4v9ALy-00478-00151287-00151463 I'm in France one of that chapter and pKK5v4v9ALy-00479-00151464-00151718 read yourself to the end it will help pKK5v4v9ALy-00480-00151719-00152057 you to understand okay chapter 16 of pKK5v4v9ALy-00481-00152058-00152687 Acts chapter 16 of ours okay let me take pKK5v4v9ALy-00482-00152688-00153155 you from dress 11 okay but 16 16 bits is pKK5v4v9ALy-00483-00153156-00153458 where I want to bring you to a place of pKK5v4v9ALy-00484-00153459-00153920 attention 16 chapter 16 therefore pKK5v4v9ALy-00485-00153921-00154304 selling from trails we run a straight pKK5v4v9ALy-00486-00154305-00154763 course to Samothrace and the next day pKK5v4v9ALy-00487-00154764-00155138 came to neo polish and from there to pKK5v4v9ALy-00488-00155139-00155495 Philippi which is the foremost city of pKK5v4v9ALy-00489-00155496-00155801 the past of the part of Macedonia pKK5v4v9ALy-00490-00155802-00156179 a colony and we were staying in that pKK5v4v9ALy-00491-00156180-00156491 city for some days okay this is Paul and pKK5v4v9ALy-00492-00156492-00156806 on the Sabbath day we went out of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00493-00156807-00157150 city to the Riverside where prayer was pKK5v4v9ALy-00494-00157151-00157520 customary made and we sat down and spoke pKK5v4v9ALy-00495-00157521-00157985 to the woman who met there now a certain pKK5v4v9ALy-00496-00157986-00158339 woman named Lydia heard us she was a pKK5v4v9ALy-00497-00158340-00158518 seller of people pKK5v4v9ALy-00498-00158519-00158989 the city of Tyre on who was it God the pKK5v4v9ALy-00499-00158990-00159256 Lord open her heart to heed the things pKK5v4v9ALy-00500-00159257-00159625 spoken by Paul and when she and her pKK5v4v9ALy-00501-00159626-00160129 household were baptized she begged us pKK5v4v9ALy-00502-00160130-00160474 saying if you have judged me to be pKK5v4v9ALy-00503-00160475-00160738 faithful to the Lord come to my house pKK5v4v9ALy-00504-00160739-00161131 and stay and she constrained else verse pKK5v4v9ALy-00505-00161132-00161562 16 now it happened as we went to prayer pKK5v4v9ALy-00506-00161563-00161953 that a certain slave possessed with a pKK5v4v9ALy-00507-00161954-00162253 master's with a spirit of divination pKK5v4v9ALy-00508-00162254-00162697 watch this now now the 16 of chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00509-00162698-00163183 of at now it happened as we went to pKK5v4v9ALy-00510-00163184-00163573 prayer that a certain slave girl pKK5v4v9ALy-00511-00163574-00163893 possessed with a spirit of divination pKK5v4v9ALy-00512-00163894-00164380 met us who brought her master's much pKK5v4v9ALy-00513-00164381-00164875 profit by fortune telling this girl pKK5v4v9ALy-00514-00164876-00165183 followed Paul and us and cried out pKK5v4v9ALy-00515-00165184-00165706 saying what's this now this man are the pKK5v4v9ALy-00516-00165707-00165955 son of the servants of the Most High God pKK5v4v9ALy-00517-00165956-00166273 who proclaimed to us the way of pKK5v4v9ALy-00518-00166274-00166690 salvation and this the Bible says verse pKK5v4v9ALy-00519-00166691-00167155 18 and thus she did for many days she pKK5v4v9ALy-00520-00167156-00167451 did that for many days following Paul pKK5v4v9ALy-00521-00167452-00167893 but Paul watch this but Paul greatly and pKK5v4v9ALy-00522-00167894-00168388 no leader turned and said to the spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00523-00168389-00168826 I command you in the name of Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00524-00168827-00169345 Christ to come out of her and the Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00525-00169346-00170038 came out that very hour the Spirit came pKK5v4v9ALy-00526-00170039-00170434 out that very hour now what I'm trying pKK5v4v9ALy-00527-00170435-00170998 to say to you is that number one what pKK5v4v9ALy-00528-00170999-00171403 what this gal was saying was true was a pKK5v4v9ALy-00529-00171404-00171734 fact it was a fact that you pKK5v4v9ALy-00530-00171735-00171991 yes look at what she say this man are pKK5v4v9ALy-00531-00171992-00172175 the servants of the Most High God pKK5v4v9ALy-00532-00172176-00172613 were they not yes they were who pKK5v4v9ALy-00533-00172614-00172898 proclaimed to us the way of salvation pKK5v4v9ALy-00534-00172899-00173390 were they not yes they were are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00535-00173391-00173587 kidding are you getting the picture here pKK5v4v9ALy-00536-00173588-00173999 there the girl was saying exactly what pKK5v4v9ALy-00537-00174000-00174602 Paul and his associate were but what pKK5v4v9ALy-00538-00174603-00175116 kind of spirit was operating through her pKK5v4v9ALy-00539-00175117-00175585 that for that reason in got Paul annoyed pKK5v4v9ALy-00540-00175586-00176065 it got Paul annoyed why would Paul be pKK5v4v9ALy-00541-00176066-00176703 annoyed of what was the fact or the pKK5v4v9ALy-00542-00176704-00177149 truth of what he is truthful and what he pKK5v4v9ALy-00543-00177150-00177383 was doing what God Paul annoyed there pKK5v4v9ALy-00544-00177384-00177986 was a spirit behind that accolades there pKK5v4v9ALy-00545-00177987-00178264 was a spirit behind the accolades it was pKK5v4v9ALy-00546-00178265-00178613 a spirit behind you know that which was pKK5v4v9ALy-00547-00178614-00178864 making you know to let people know it pKK5v4v9ALy-00548-00178865-00179297 was the evil spirit it was the it was pKK5v4v9ALy-00549-00179298-00179597 per beloved if you don't know this word pKK5v4v9ALy-00550-00179598-00180068 carefully this is what you have to be pKK5v4v9ALy-00551-00180069-00180482 very careful as to what spirit is pKK5v4v9ALy-00552-00180483-00180899 operating in an environment that looks pKK5v4v9ALy-00553-00180900-00181414 like God but it's not so scripture is pKK5v4v9ALy-00554-00181415-00181787 telling you in John first John chapter 4 pKK5v4v9ALy-00555-00181788-00182222 he says test all spirit beloved we are pKK5v4v9ALy-00556-00182223-00182641 left some dangerous danger slicky pKK5v4v9ALy-00557-00182642-00183011 dangerous world I am serious pKK5v4v9ALy-00558-00183012-00183421 the more I live everyday the more I see pKK5v4v9ALy-00559-00183422-00184015 slicky dangerous world we live in Paul pKK5v4v9ALy-00560-00184016-00184504 got annoyed about this girl who is pKK5v4v9ALy-00561-00184505-00184820 saying something that was true about pKK5v4v9ALy-00562-00184821-00185040 Paul and his associate pKK5v4v9ALy-00563-00185041-00185440 and and she kept watch this now pKK5v4v9ALy-00564-00185441-00185761 she kept saying this behind them for pKK5v4v9ALy-00565-00185762-00186535 days days days days Bible says but the pKK5v4v9ALy-00566-00186536-00186904 interesting thing here is that she pKK5v4v9ALy-00567-00186905-00187494 possessed a spirit of divination pKK5v4v9ALy-00568-00187495-00187852 definition that makes profit pKK5v4v9ALy-00569-00187853-00188299 so what that who brought she brought her pKK5v4v9ALy-00570-00188300-00189147 masters much profit by fortune-telling pKK5v4v9ALy-00571-00189148-00189529 you go to a place and I'm going to say pKK5v4v9ALy-00572-00189530-00189730 this I mean it's it's really not too pKK5v4v9ALy-00573-00189731-00189898 much of my business is the work of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00574-00189899-00190213 Holy Spirit but it's just something that pKK5v4v9ALy-00575-00190214-00190474 I mean I need to interject this you're pKK5v4v9ALy-00576-00190475-00190812 going to see a man of God and pKK5v4v9ALy-00577-00190813-00191011 quote-unquote though I'm not even pKK5v4v9ALy-00578-00191012-00191302 putting it on general terms and you need pKK5v4v9ALy-00579-00191303-00192210 to pay money to see that person flee run pKK5v4v9ALy-00580-00192211-00192550 consultation fees so then it's a pKK5v4v9ALy-00581-00192551-00192909 business it's not the work of God right pKK5v4v9ALy-00582-00192910-00193246 consultation that's it I'm not going pKK5v4v9ALy-00583-00193247-00193825 further so this girl you see how much pKK5v4v9ALy-00584-00193826-00194134 money she makes she brings much profit pKK5v4v9ALy-00585-00194135-00194764 of money because of the spirit that was pKK5v4v9ALy-00586-00194765-00195178 operating or that is operating in her so pKK5v4v9ALy-00587-00195179-00195478 she make a lot of money am I telling you pKK5v4v9ALy-00588-00195479-00195769 something we are also going to see pKK5v4v9ALy-00589-00195770-00196353 another guy who also was attracted pKK5v4v9ALy-00590-00196354-00196708 listen the Holy Spirit are trapped the pKK5v4v9ALy-00591-00196709-00197082 Holy Spirit attracts even demon spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00592-00197083-00197347 so you need to know who the Holy Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-00593-00197348-00197584 is I'm telling you you got to know who pKK5v4v9ALy-00594-00197585-00197875 the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit of pKK5v4v9ALy-00595-00197876-00198002 God pKK5v4v9ALy-00596-00198003-00198524 now what's very interesting scenario pKK5v4v9ALy-00597-00198525-00198698 that took place verse 19 pKK5v4v9ALy-00598-00198699-00199076 but when him masters saw that their hope pKK5v4v9ALy-00599-00199077-00199505 of profit was gone they ceased Paul and pKK5v4v9ALy-00600-00199506-00199880 Silas Silas and dragged them into the pKK5v4v9ALy-00601-00199881-00200203 marketplace to the authorities pKK5v4v9ALy-00602-00200204-00200732 you see people some of some some some of pKK5v4v9ALy-00603-00200733-00201028 us who will you be with we know make it pKK5v4v9ALy-00604-00201029-00201329 financial profit by preaching of God's pKK5v4v9ALy-00605-00201330-00201806 Word and you listening we don't get the pKK5v4v9ALy-00606-00201807-00202052 hood we don't get a lot of money by pKK5v4v9ALy-00607-00202053-00202388 preaching God's Word because like I was pKK5v4v9ALy-00608-00202389-00202669 saying to Joyce I said do you know that pKK5v4v9ALy-00609-00202670-00203306 people who speak God's Word according to pKK5v4v9ALy-00610-00203307-00203492 God's assignment pKK5v4v9ALy-00611-00203493-00203885 not many people listen to them sometimes pKK5v4v9ALy-00612-00203886-00204185 when I say when I am I'm on this pKK5v4v9ALy-00613-00204186-00204497 Facebook preaching or teaching and I see pKK5v4v9ALy-00614-00204498-00204713 you know or two people looking one pKK5v4v9ALy-00615-00204714-00205246 person because it's very interesting now pKK5v4v9ALy-00616-00205248-00205448 not many people who come on here to pKK5v4v9ALy-00617-00205448-00205621 listen to the go to their word of truth pKK5v4v9ALy-00618-00205623-00206183 and this is but you see thousands of pKK5v4v9ALy-00619-00206184-00206444 people following some junkies messages pKK5v4v9ALy-00620-00206444-00206786 and some junky stuff on their own on pKK5v4v9ALy-00621-00206787-00207233 Facebook and some amazing because the pKK5v4v9ALy-00622-00207234-00207715 Antichrist the spirit of error doesn't pKK5v4v9ALy-00623-00207716-00208082 want you to hear the truth it doesn't pKK5v4v9ALy-00624-00208083-00208321 want you to hear the truth you see the pKK5v4v9ALy-00625-00208323-00208679 ignorance and this is why it's so pKK5v4v9ALy-00626-00208680-00209059 important beloved as a child of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00627-00209060-00209617 don't be following blindly test all pKK5v4v9ALy-00628-00209619-00210104 spirit test our spirit below if you want pKK5v4v9ALy-00629-00210105-00210386 to hear the truth you want to hear the pKK5v4v9ALy-00630-00210387-00210826 real truth people who follow God pKK5v4v9ALy-00631-00210827-00211139 they even from the beginning from the pKK5v4v9ALy-00632-00211140-00211234 beginning pKK5v4v9ALy-00633-00211235-00211567 they did not get it easy dear life pKK5v4v9ALy-00634-00211569-00211996 LaHood was not as simple and as easy and pKK5v4v9ALy-00635-00211998-00212527 as comfortably as you have been taught pKK5v4v9ALy-00636-00212528-00212773 to perceive or have been taught to pKK5v4v9ALy-00637-00212774-00213242 believe I'm serious the true Word of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00638-00213242-00213754 it is not about the wetly things do you pKK5v4v9ALy-00639-00213755-00213944 hear what the scripture the scripture is pKK5v4v9ALy-00640-00213944-00214252 always talking against the things of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00641-00214253-00214739 world not to say don't have a car to pKK5v4v9ALy-00642-00214740-00214940 move you for from point A to point B pKK5v4v9ALy-00643-00214941-00215090 because I mean the times we are living pKK5v4v9ALy-00644-00215091-00215704 yes not to say you can have a house it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00645-00215705-00216352 okay but if the focal point it's all pKK5v4v9ALy-00646-00216353-00216933 about you know some demons following you pKK5v4v9ALy-00647-00216934-00217258 things that you are going through is as pKK5v4v9ALy-00648-00217259-00217522 a resource of some somebody chasing you pKK5v4v9ALy-00649-00217523-00217852 and it's as a resource of therefore you pKK5v4v9ALy-00650-00217853-00218122 have to do these so that you can do that pKK5v4v9ALy-00651-00218123-00218809 and you can get that we love it no no if pKK5v4v9ALy-00652-00218810-00219396 after your salvation it's nothing but a pKK5v4v9ALy-00653-00219398-00219937 struggle but you don't understand that pKK5v4v9ALy-00654-00219938-00220273 you're you are now in the hands of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00655-00220274-00220873 and it is God who shows you blesses you pKK5v4v9ALy-00656-00220874-00221237 and therefore you have to go out pKK5v4v9ALy-00657-00221238-00221524 struggling and fighting and maneuvering pKK5v4v9ALy-00658-00221525-00221827 and manipulate it in order to be rich pKK5v4v9ALy-00659-00221828-00222157 and stay on top then you have a subject pKK5v4v9ALy-00660-00222158-00222355 Christ but you are still operating in pKK5v4v9ALy-00661-00222356-00222805 the flesh I used to be there you are I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-00662-00222806-00223064 telling you listen I'm I'm preaching to pKK5v4v9ALy-00663-00223065-00223750 the choir master myself yes I did yes so pKK5v4v9ALy-00664-00223751-00223948 beloved we have to be very very careful pKK5v4v9ALy-00665-00223949-00224352 because you see by the end of the day pKK5v4v9ALy-00666-00224353-00224907 I uh I'm gonna leave everything all that pKK5v4v9ALy-00667-00224908-00225240 I'm to struggle to get I'm gonna leave pKK5v4v9ALy-00668-00225241-00225528 it all down here I'm gonna leave it all pKK5v4v9ALy-00669-00225529-00226029 down here I'm struggling to get there pKK5v4v9ALy-00670-00226030-00226563 hundred cows fifty houses billions of pKK5v4v9ALy-00671-00226564-00226842 dollars and all that gonna leave it all pKK5v4v9ALy-00672-00226842-00227435 here so why don't I concentrate of pKK5v4v9ALy-00673-00227436-00228177 things eternal everlasting forever than pKK5v4v9ALy-00674-00228178-00228708 the things that are temporal think about pKK5v4v9ALy-00675-00228709-00229059 these things so let me get to my point pKK5v4v9ALy-00676-00229060-00229335 test on spirit so that you know what pKK5v4v9ALy-00677-00229336-00229650 kind of spirit is operating around you pKK5v4v9ALy-00678-00229651-00230091 and even in you all right read the rest pKK5v4v9ALy-00679-00230092-00230340 of the story concerning Paul and Silas pKK5v4v9ALy-00680-00230341-00230717 but I wanted to you to see that this pKK5v4v9ALy-00681-00230719-00231066 spirit of of this girl that was pKK5v4v9ALy-00682-00231067-00231291 operating on this girl who are saying pKK5v4v9ALy-00683-00231292-00231615 the right things behind going behind pKK5v4v9ALy-00684-00231616-00232062 Paul almost like um advertising Paul and pKK5v4v9ALy-00685-00232063-00232244 Silas as to who they were they were the pKK5v4v9ALy-00686-00232246-00232515 servants of God that's true people who pKK5v4v9ALy-00687-00232516-00232680 are talking to people about their pKK5v4v9ALy-00688-00232681-00233004 salvation that's true but that was not pKK5v4v9ALy-00689-00233005-00233406 the right spirit now what does that then pKK5v4v9ALy-00690-00233407-00233846 do to be in an environment that looks pKK5v4v9ALy-00691-00233848-00234033 like the Spirit of God operating here pKK5v4v9ALy-00692-00234034-00234408 but it's now it will lead you okay so pKK5v4v9ALy-00693-00234409-00234821 you see the trick is that holds a profit pKK5v4v9ALy-00694-00234823-00235191 you see in ecfs John what's this now you pKK5v4v9ALy-00695-00235192-00235527 see in first John first John chapter 4 pKK5v4v9ALy-00696-00235528-00235833 when the scriptures says that tests all pKK5v4v9ALy-00697-00235834-00236463 spirit because many false prophets not pKK5v4v9ALy-00698-00236464-00236910 apostles not teachers not they fall in pKK5v4v9ALy-00699-00236911-00237146 the same category you know the other day pKK5v4v9ALy-00700-00237148-00237453 I was just taking my time and go went pKK5v4v9ALy-00701-00237454-00237630 through a list of contact pKK5v4v9ALy-00702-00237631-00237849 some people that I know them to be pKK5v4v9ALy-00703-00237850-00238125 prophets now I see that they are even pKK5v4v9ALy-00704-00238126-00238449 change their titles no profit anymore pKK5v4v9ALy-00705-00238450-00238692 some say the apostles some Signia pKK5v4v9ALy-00706-00238693-00238983 teaches no no prophets anymore pKK5v4v9ALy-00707-00238984-00239229 I say oh hey you running away now I pKK5v4v9ALy-00708-00239230-00239445 thought you said you a prophet because pKK5v4v9ALy-00709-00239446-00239839 you prefer lies so many times and pKK5v4v9ALy-00710-00239840-00240276 nothing came to pass you prefer lies so pKK5v4v9ALy-00711-00240277-00240546 many nothing came to pass so now you are pKK5v4v9ALy-00712-00240547-00241012 you've run away from being prophet oh I pKK5v4v9ALy-00713-00241013-00241254 just just been tempted to mention a name pKK5v4v9ALy-00714-00241255-00241794 just be prophet - apostle well welcome pKK5v4v9ALy-00715-00241795-00242058 to the process ship so now you can I pKK5v4v9ALy-00716-00242059-00242454 believe your heart is changed - anyway pKK5v4v9ALy-00717-00242455-00242941 so so he says many prophets many false pKK5v4v9ALy-00718-00242942-00243203 prophets have gone out into the world so pKK5v4v9ALy-00719-00243204-00243600 you see that many eyes could have go to pKK5v4v9ALy-00720-00243601-00243785 this girl okay pKK5v4v9ALy-00721-00243786-00244080 many eyes will be drawn you see the pKK5v4v9ALy-00722-00244081-00244449 trick of the enemy many eyes so in the pKK5v4v9ALy-00723-00244450-00244812 end in the shadow of the things of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00724-00244813-00245190 people are doing a lot of church pKK5v4v9ALy-00725-00245191-00245544 business and all that in the name of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00726-00245545-00245910 but it's not you see how tricky and how pKK5v4v9ALy-00727-00245911-00246219 dangerous it is are you getting the pKK5v4v9ALy-00728-00246220-00246543 revelation here so many people's eyes pKK5v4v9ALy-00729-00246544-00246702 would have gone on this good because pKK5v4v9ALy-00730-00246703-00246846 it's like oh she's a prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-00731-00246847-00247095 she's a prophetess how did she know that pKK5v4v9ALy-00732-00247096-00247387 Paul and Silas had the servants of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00733-00247388-00247741 and and she can see and if she tells if pKK5v4v9ALy-00734-00247742-00248178 she can say this which is true wouldn't pKK5v4v9ALy-00735-00248179-00248319 you follow her if she tells you pKK5v4v9ALy-00736-00248320-00248590 something else which is not of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00737-00248591-00248955 because she has already baked you with pKK5v4v9ALy-00738-00248956-00249375 something that is of God but the rest is pKK5v4v9ALy-00739-00249376-00250220 not are you listening I mean imagine pKK5v4v9ALy-00740-00250221-00250518 Donais stop being a bad boy yes I might pKK5v4v9ALy-00741-00250519-00250710 even say the Evangelist now not a stop pKK5v4v9ALy-00742-00250711-00250946 saying I'm a prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-00743-00250946-00251319 so you see this now the Holy Spirit is pKK5v4v9ALy-00744-00251319-00251538 very very very important in your life pKK5v4v9ALy-00745-00251539-00251696 beloved this is what I'm saying that pKK5v4v9ALy-00746-00251698-00252044 above all you need without a will spit pKK5v4v9ALy-00747-00252046-00252255 so now we sit at all the spray this year pKK5v4v9ALy-00748-00252256-00252555 and all the spirits are imitating the pKK5v4v9ALy-00749-00252556-00252942 Holy Spirit now let me show you another pKK5v4v9ALy-00750-00252942-00253116 scripture read the rest of this pKK5v4v9ALy-00751-00253117-00253410 scriptures chapter 16 of acts acts 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00752-00253411-00253590 read the rest of it it will bless you it pKK5v4v9ALy-00753-00253591-00253815 was so bless you all right it will bless pKK5v4v9ALy-00754-00253816-00254214 you now if you go on there you see how pKK5v4v9ALy-00755-00254215-00254451 you know Paul and Silas were arrested pKK5v4v9ALy-00756-00254452-00254688 because they have come to mess up you pKK5v4v9ALy-00757-00254689-00254879 know the the business of this pKK5v4v9ALy-00758-00254880-00255167 fortune-teller spirits that was operated pKK5v4v9ALy-00759-00255169-00255552 in that environment in that area fortune pKK5v4v9ALy-00760-00255553-00255923 tellers fortune tellers people that are pKK5v4v9ALy-00761-00255925-00256230 I mean fortunate today today what I did pKK5v4v9ALy-00762-00256231-00256530 you used you call them prophets because pKK5v4v9ALy-00763-00256531-00256734 it's about let me go and see the pKK5v4v9ALy-00764-00256735-00256892 prophets let me go and see the prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-00765-00256894-00257144 to tell me you know what I need to hear pKK5v4v9ALy-00766-00257146-00257310 let me go and see the prophet let me go pKK5v4v9ALy-00767-00257311-00257559 and see the prophet yeah no that's what pKK5v4v9ALy-00768-00257560-00257703 you tell us they the today they are pKK5v4v9ALy-00769-00257704-00258051 prophets because you see the scripture pKK5v4v9ALy-00770-00258052-00258327 says false prophets have gone into the pKK5v4v9ALy-00771-00258328-00258735 world many they went ahead of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00772-00258736-00259019 fortune tellers so now their names are pKK5v4v9ALy-00773-00259021-00259215 no longer fortune tellers but there are pKK5v4v9ALy-00774-00259216-00259503 prophets in the house quote unquote in pKK5v4v9ALy-00775-00259504-00259721 the building where that children of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00776-00259723-00259911 are mm-hmm pKK5v4v9ALy-00777-00259912-00260241 what's yourself so they put them in pKK5v4v9ALy-00778-00260242-00260463 because the must test the masters of pKK5v4v9ALy-00779-00260464-00260676 this girl who you know she wait for them pKK5v4v9ALy-00780-00260677-00260844 and all that they were very very ticked pKK5v4v9ALy-00781-00260844-00261098 off that the business has been messed up pKK5v4v9ALy-00782-00261100-00261405 why because poor now full of the holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00783-00261406-00261711 spirit have commanded daddy's evil pKK5v4v9ALy-00784-00261712-00261954 spirit out of this girl to live here pKK5v4v9ALy-00785-00261955-00262194 alone and just get it out now if she's pKK5v4v9ALy-00786-00262195-00262497 the evil spirits out of her then there's pKK5v4v9ALy-00787-00262498-00262755 no more business because she can't she's pKK5v4v9ALy-00788-00262756-00262995 no longer good to be operating you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00789-00262996-00263510 in that business in that business of of pKK5v4v9ALy-00790-00263511-00263813 of a fortune-teller pKK5v4v9ALy-00791-00263814-00264171 are you listening and so they were they pKK5v4v9ALy-00792-00264172-00264363 were they were they were ticked off and pKK5v4v9ALy-00793-00264364-00264545 they got them arrested pKK5v4v9ALy-00794-00264546-00264735 they got them arrested by the pKK5v4v9ALy-00795-00264736-00265008 authorities okay if you look at it I pKK5v4v9ALy-00796-00265009-00265398 mean it's amazing it's amazing it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00797-00265399-00265767 amazing how this religious leaders would pKK5v4v9ALy-00798-00265768-00266019 do it's amazing I remember many years pKK5v4v9ALy-00799-00266020-00266322 ago I I won't mention this country and I pKK5v4v9ALy-00800-00266323-00266649 went to do good I want to do good I mean pKK5v4v9ALy-00801-00266650-00266949 went to do good you know bless the pKK5v4v9ALy-00802-00266950-00267197 people of that nation with you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00803-00267198-00267738 humanitarian deeds and to end the whole pKK5v4v9ALy-00804-00267739-00267852 thing you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00805-00267853-00268062 so let's tango or way down at pKK5v4v9ALy-00806-00268063-00268497 Thanksgiving gospel you know music pKK5v4v9ALy-00807-00268498-00268806 render Bowl if you will and invited you pKK5v4v9ALy-00808-00268807-00269133 know they're really there check the pKK5v4v9ALy-00809-00269134-00269307 church leaders and if you could to come pKK5v4v9ALy-00810-00269308-00269594 and be part of it did it eat you up pKK5v4v9ALy-00811-00269595-00270066 later on I was told by one who came and pKK5v4v9ALy-00812-00270067-00270690 says well because they you know you you pKK5v4v9ALy-00813-00270691-00271014 have come you know from from from a pKK5v4v9ALy-00814-00271015-00271245 broader to want to show off and you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00815-00271246-00271608 and I said you show off by doing if by pKK5v4v9ALy-00816-00271609-00271914 if you have to if by doing you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00817-00271915-00272217 humanitarian deeds for people who have pKK5v4v9ALy-00818-00272218-00272571 need is to show off then I thank God pKK5v4v9ALy-00819-00272572-00272889 that I show off you know to God because pKK5v4v9ALy-00820-00272890-00273312 why would I wish my time to do that it's pKK5v4v9ALy-00821-00273313-00273582 not about me getting the name it's all pKK5v4v9ALy-00822-00273583-00273858 the glory went to God because asthma for pKK5v4v9ALy-00823-00273859-00274232 people you know donated their time and pKK5v4v9ALy-00824-00274233-00274638 their finances their own finances to be pKK5v4v9ALy-00825-00274639-00274970 part of it without anybody paying them pKK5v4v9ALy-00826-00274971-00275232 without anybody paying them and I'm not pKK5v4v9ALy-00827-00275233-00275400 gonna give you more details but I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-00828-00275401-00275666 telling you this now understand this of pKK5v4v9ALy-00829-00275667-00276027 and what is going on even now so you pKK5v4v9ALy-00830-00276028-00276330 have an association you know and this pKK5v4v9ALy-00831-00276331-00276681 this religious as pKK5v4v9ALy-00832-00276682-00276954 decision and you have there there the pKK5v4v9ALy-00833-00276955-00277176 charismatic Association and then you pKK5v4v9ALy-00834-00277177-00277383 have the optimist Association and you pKK5v4v9ALy-00835-00277384-00277620 have there the serene Association you pKK5v4v9ALy-00836-00277621-00277833 are the sadducees Association and the pKK5v4v9ALy-00837-00277834-00278013 Pharisees associates and the scribes pKK5v4v9ALy-00838-00278014-00278244 Association and all that we are since we pKK5v4v9ALy-00839-00278245-00278529 have seen them now and so here they sent pKK5v4v9ALy-00840-00278530-00278763 Paul and Silas to them and they put him pKK5v4v9ALy-00841-00278764-00278949 in prison they command that Paul and pKK5v4v9ALy-00842-00278950-00279360 Silas to be beaten to be beaten and put pKK5v4v9ALy-00843-00279361-00279786 down in prison they did they didn't see pKK5v4v9ALy-00844-00279787-00280155 the holy spirit operating in them the pKK5v4v9ALy-00845-00280156-00280332 way that they was supposed to welcomed pKK5v4v9ALy-00846-00280333-00280743 him because they did not have the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00847-00280744-00281001 Spirit operating in them are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00848-00281002-00281469 listening and therefore they beat them pKK5v4v9ALy-00849-00281470-00281850 up now read on all the way down if you pKK5v4v9ALy-00850-00281851-00282252 come to feather down vest steady there pKK5v4v9ALy-00851-00282253-00282777 from 25 going down you see that the the pKK5v4v9ALy-00852-00282778-00283038 scripture says that when they put them pKK5v4v9ALy-00853-00283039-00283335 in prison during the night you know the pKK5v4v9ALy-00854-00283336-00283557 way we should put in shackles and they pKK5v4v9ALy-00855-00283558-00283740 were praising God for what God has done pKK5v4v9ALy-00856-00283741-00284025 and still doing that you know there was pKK5v4v9ALy-00857-00284026-00284274 a chicken in the in the prison there pKK5v4v9ALy-00858-00284275-00284568 that the gates the prison gates even pKK5v4v9ALy-00859-00284569-00284868 open and all that and the God thoughts pKK5v4v9ALy-00860-00284869-00285009 that Paul and Silas pKK5v4v9ALy-00861-00285010-00285201 they have run away and all that and he pKK5v4v9ALy-00862-00285202-00285501 took her you know his sordid to want to pKK5v4v9ALy-00863-00285502-00285924 kill himself because it's like like like pKK5v4v9ALy-00864-00285925-00286292 somebody like somebody told me that a pKK5v4v9ALy-00865-00286293-00286770 police officer you know was collected so pKK5v4v9ALy-00866-00286771-00286992 used to collect in bribes money from pKK5v4v9ALy-00867-00286993-00287202 people you know driving drivers in there pKK5v4v9ALy-00868-00287203-00287511 he didn't even know the the head of the pKK5v4v9ALy-00869-00287512-00287658 police department in this particular pKK5v4v9ALy-00870-00287659-00287892 place and you know he was doing the same pKK5v4v9ALy-00871-00287893-00288183 thing so he he took money from that that pKK5v4v9ALy-00872-00288184-00288399 in traffic that's what he did normally pKK5v4v9ALy-00873-00288400-00288807 do and and he didn't know that I was the pKK5v4v9ALy-00874-00288808-00289044 head of the police department and so pKK5v4v9ALy-00875-00289045-00289344 after he took the money and there the pKK5v4v9ALy-00876-00289345-00289557 map from this head of police department pKK5v4v9ALy-00877-00289558-00289911 the police officer said that you have pKK5v4v9ALy-00878-00289912-00289985 taken money pKK5v4v9ALy-00879-00289986-00290255 they give money to who says who are you pKK5v4v9ALy-00880-00290256-00290442 he says that's me that's I'm your boy pKK5v4v9ALy-00881-00290443-00290547 it's all Lord pKK5v4v9ALy-00882-00290548-00291310 oh I psyche myself this is what happened pKK5v4v9ALy-00883-00291311-00291650 the Bible says that the prison guard pKK5v4v9ALy-00884-00291651-00292004 took a knife you know his own sword too pKK5v4v9ALy-00885-00292005-00292325 to kill himself for what he thought pKK5v4v9ALy-00886-00292326-00292532 because if if we thought that the pKK5v4v9ALy-00887-00292533-00292829 prisoners have run away what what's pKK5v4v9ALy-00888-00292830-00293046 gonna be happening to him what's going pKK5v4v9ALy-00889-00293047-00293405 to happen to him and Paul yell from pKK5v4v9ALy-00890-00293406-00293568 there you saw him trying to do it I said pKK5v4v9ALy-00891-00293569-00293834 hey don't do that don't we are still pKK5v4v9ALy-00892-00293835-00294093 here we have no run away this is just pKK5v4v9ALy-00893-00294094-00294527 for God to show you that he's in charge pKK5v4v9ALy-00894-00294528-00294948 and he's working and this decide that I pKK5v4v9ALy-00895-00294949-00295362 love so much is verse 31 of chapter 16 pKK5v4v9ALy-00896-00295363-00296207 at 16 so then watch this he said he acts pKK5v4v9ALy-00897-00296208-00296622 Paul and Silas says verse 28 says but pKK5v4v9ALy-00898-00296623-00296807 Paul Paul with a loud voice saying do pKK5v4v9ALy-00899-00296808-00297114 not do yourself no harm for we are all pKK5v4v9ALy-00900-00297115-00297647 here then this God coliform then he pKK5v4v9ALy-00901-00297648-00297972 called for a light run in and fell down pKK5v4v9ALy-00902-00297973-00298488 trembling before Paul and Silas and and pKK5v4v9ALy-00903-00298489-00298814 he brought them out and he said sirs pKK5v4v9ALy-00904-00298815-00299099 what must I do to be saved pKK5v4v9ALy-00905-00299100-00299381 rest everyone said so they said believe pKK5v4v9ALy-00906-00299382-00299774 on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be pKK5v4v9ALy-00907-00299775-00300206 saved you and your household you believe pKK5v4v9ALy-00908-00300207-00300551 on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be pKK5v4v9ALy-00909-00300552-00300618 saved pKK5v4v9ALy-00910-00300619-00300945 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that is pKK5v4v9ALy-00911-00300946-00301221 a wait for somebody believe on the world pKK5v4v9ALy-00912-00301222-00301624 Jesus Christ a lot of people believe on pKK5v4v9ALy-00913-00301625-00302110 their spiritual leaders not to say don't pKK5v4v9ALy-00914-00302111-00302746 trust them oh you know he says believe pKK5v4v9ALy-00915-00302747-00303082 on the Lord Jesus Christ if they are pKK5v4v9ALy-00916-00303083-00303361 working for God then believe on the one pKK5v4v9ALy-00917-00303362-00303591 they working for pKK5v4v9ALy-00918-00303592-00303940 I'm a pastor - so I'm telling you pKK5v4v9ALy-00919-00303941-00304291 believe on the God believe in your God pKK5v4v9ALy-00920-00304292-00304504 do you believe on that on the Lord Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00921-00304505-00304786 Christ not telling you to before you to pKK5v4v9ALy-00922-00304787-00305086 believe on me I am NOT Jesus I am NOT pKK5v4v9ALy-00923-00305087-00305461 God Oh we'll talk about something else pKK5v4v9ALy-00924-00305462-00305650 about this think all about everybody's pKK5v4v9ALy-00925-00305651-00305914 is God another time okay pKK5v4v9ALy-00926-00305915-00306316 now so you see that the spirit of error pKK5v4v9ALy-00927-00306317-00306817 is operating as the spirit of the holy pKK5v4v9ALy-00928-00306818-00307093 stars at the Holy Spirit but it's not so pKK5v4v9ALy-00929-00307094-00307345 you need to test our spirit this is what pKK5v4v9ALy-00930-00307346-00307575 we're talking about today test all pKK5v4v9ALy-00931-00307576-00308074 spirits now go with me now to Utz let's pKK5v4v9ALy-00932-00308075-00308581 look at Acts chapter chapter 8 let me pKK5v4v9ALy-00933-00308582-00308809 show you another thing and I'll let you pKK5v4v9ALy-00934-00308810-00309088 go for the day it's chapter 8 that's pKK5v4v9ALy-00935-00309089-00309726 chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 pKK5v4v9ALy-00936-00309727-00310039 let's read from verse 1 okay so I think pKK5v4v9ALy-00937-00310040-00310222 we have some few more minutes we'll read pKK5v4v9ALy-00938-00310223-00310444 from verse 1 and then this will make pKK5v4v9ALy-00939-00310445-00310726 more sense to you Acts chapter 8 now pKK5v4v9ALy-00940-00310727-00311221 Saul was consenting is that at that time pKK5v4v9ALy-00941-00311222-00311413 a great persecution arose against the pKK5v4v9ALy-00942-00311414-00311722 church which was at Jerusalem and they pKK5v4v9ALy-00943-00311723-00311881 were all scattered throughout the pKK5v4v9ALy-00944-00311882-00312085 regions of Judea and Samaria except the pKK5v4v9ALy-00945-00312086-00312406 apostles and Department courage Stephen pKK5v4v9ALy-00946-00312407-00312598 to his Berean made great lamentation pKK5v4v9ALy-00947-00312599-00313069 over him as for so he made her walk of pKK5v4v9ALy-00948-00313070-00313747 the church entering enter in every house pKK5v4v9ALy-00949-00313748-00314131 and Dragon of men and women committing pKK5v4v9ALy-00950-00314132-00314275 them to prison pKK5v4v9ALy-00951-00314276-00314722 that's what Paul was Saul was doing pKK5v4v9ALy-00952-00314723-00314983 verse 5 then Philip went down to the pKK5v4v9ALy-00953-00314984-00315199 city of Samaria and preached Christ to pKK5v4v9ALy-00954-00315200-00315508 them and the multitude with one Accord pKK5v4v9ALy-00955-00315509-00315786 he did the things spoken by Philip pKK5v4v9ALy-00956-00315787-00315967 hearing and seen pKK5v4v9ALy-00957-00315968-00316444 miracles which he did for unclean pKK5v4v9ALy-00958-00316445-00316672 spirits crying out with a loud voice pKK5v4v9ALy-00959-00316673-00317014 come out of him came out sorry came out pKK5v4v9ALy-00960-00317015-00317353 of many who were possessed and many who pKK5v4v9ALy-00961-00317354-00317657 were paralyzed and lame were healed pKK5v4v9ALy-00962-00317658-00317989 verse eight and that was a great joy in pKK5v4v9ALy-00963-00317990-00318364 that city glory be to God best 9 but pKK5v4v9ALy-00964-00318365-00318694 there was a certain man called Simon who pKK5v4v9ALy-00965-00318695-00319096 previously practiced sorcery in the city pKK5v4v9ALy-00966-00319097-00319489 and astonished the people of Samaria pKK5v4v9ALy-00967-00319490-00319825 claiming that he was someone great pKK5v4v9ALy-00968-00319826-00320106 claiming that he was no wonder they need pKK5v4v9ALy-00969-00320107-00320454 to listen to our parasuraman the prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-00970-00320455-00320824 he was a sorcerer who is a sorcerer they pKK5v4v9ALy-00971-00320825-00321107 can tell you things that you know pKK5v4v9ALy-00972-00321108-00321598 somebody says that D - D - D - even tell pKK5v4v9ALy-00973-00321599-00321814 you the under word the color of your pKK5v4v9ALy-00974-00321815-00322114 underwear no the Prophet is great or the pKK5v4v9ALy-00975-00322115-00322318 prophet this whew Wow we can tell pKK5v4v9ALy-00976-00322319-00323467 everything yeah oh boy let's read verse pKK5v4v9ALy-00977-00323468-00323674 9 but there was a same one that was as pKK5v4v9ALy-00978-00323675-00323866 such him has said in man called Simon pKK5v4v9ALy-00979-00323867-00324108 who previously practiced sorcery in the pKK5v4v9ALy-00980-00324109-00324258 city and astonished the people of pKK5v4v9ALy-00981-00324259-00324613 Samaria claiming that he was someone he pKK5v4v9ALy-00982-00324614-00324919 was someone great to whom they all gave pKK5v4v9ALy-00983-00324920-00325260 attention from the list to the greater pKK5v4v9ALy-00984-00325261-00325737 st. this watch this now this man is the pKK5v4v9ALy-00985-00325738-00326892 great power of God how does a sorcerer pKK5v4v9ALy-00986-00326893-00327519 be seen as a man a great man of God pKK5v4v9ALy-00987-00327520-00328366 you better test all spirits verse 11 and pKK5v4v9ALy-00988-00328367-00328648 they heeded him because they listened to pKK5v4v9ALy-00989-00328649-00328959 him because he had astonished them with pKK5v4v9ALy-00990-00328960-00329321 his sorceress for a long time pKK5v4v9ALy-00991-00329322-00329710 but when they believed Philip us priests pKK5v4v9ALy-00992-00329711-00329969 as he preached the things concerning the pKK5v4v9ALy-00993-00329970-00330263 kingdom of God and the name of Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-00994-00330264-00330694 Christ both men and women were baptized pKK5v4v9ALy-00995-00330695-00330980 then Simon himself also believed and pKK5v4v9ALy-00996-00330981-00331229 when he was baptized continue with pKK5v4v9ALy-00997-00331230-00331520 Philip and he was amazed watch this now pKK5v4v9ALy-00998-00331521-00331744 seeing the miracles and science which pKK5v4v9ALy-00999-00331745-00332410 Philip and they did now verse 14 when pKK5v4v9ALy-01000-00332411-00332621 the apostles who were until solemn pKK5v4v9ALy-01001-00332622-00332915 health the Samaria had received a word pKK5v4v9ALy-01002-00332916-00333352 of God they sent Peter and John to them pKK5v4v9ALy-01003-00333353-00333758 who when they had come down prayed for pKK5v4v9ALy-01004-00333759-00334073 them that they might receive the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01005-00334074-00334558 Spirit whoa they might receive the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01006-00334559-00335129 Spirit for Casilla he the Holy Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01007-00335130-00335603 had fallen upon none of them they had pKK5v4v9ALy-01008-00335604-00335813 only been baptized in the name of the pKK5v4v9ALy-01009-00335814-00336221 Lord Jesus then they laid hands you know pKK5v4v9ALy-01010-00336222-00336641 Peter and John laid hands on them and pKK5v4v9ALy-01011-00336642-00336958 they received the Holy Spirit they lay pKK5v4v9ALy-01012-00336959-00337214 hands on them and they received the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01013-00337215-00337295 Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01014-00337296-00337706 now when Simon saw that through this pKK5v4v9ALy-01015-00337707-00337922 Simon now saw that through the lane of pKK5v4v9ALy-01016-00337923-00338249 all of the of the Apostles hands the pKK5v4v9ALy-01017-00338250-00338666 Holy Spirit was given what's this now he pKK5v4v9ALy-01018-00338667-00339419 offered them money saying give me this pKK5v4v9ALy-01019-00339420-00340198 power all so that anyone on whom I lay pKK5v4v9ALy-01020-00340199-00340903 hands may receive the Holy Spirit liar pKK5v4v9ALy-01021-00340904-00341375 but Peter full of the Holy Spirit said pKK5v4v9ALy-01022-00341376-00341729 to him your money perish with you pKK5v4v9ALy-01023-00341730-00342062 because you thought that the gift of God pKK5v4v9ALy-01024-00342063-00342590 could be purchased with your money pKK5v4v9ALy-01025-00342591-00342873 you have neither parts no portion in pKK5v4v9ALy-01026-00342874-00343194 this matter for your heart is not right pKK5v4v9ALy-01027-00343195-00343542 in the sight of God let me punch here pKK5v4v9ALy-01028-00343543-00343917 for a minute look at this this spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01029-00343918-00344154 also operating through this guy called pKK5v4v9ALy-01030-00344155-00344757 Simon and this guy has been practicing pKK5v4v9ALy-01031-00344758-00345072 this thing for long time made a lot of pKK5v4v9ALy-01032-00345073-00345827 money they saw him as a man of God pKK5v4v9ALy-01033-00345828-00346317 scripture said this so you must somebody pKK5v4v9ALy-01034-00346318-00346684 who has the power of God but his power pKK5v4v9ALy-01035-00346685-00347159 that he was operating to the attention pKK5v4v9ALy-01036-00347160-00347592 of the people was not of God who is a pKK5v4v9ALy-01037-00347593-00347664 sorcerer pKK5v4v9ALy-01038-00347665-00347834 go and look for it what they do to pKK5v4v9ALy-01039-00347835-00348423 people Belov a test on spirits people pKK5v4v9ALy-01040-00348424-00348980 are using sorceries black magic pKK5v4v9ALy-01041-00348981-00349638 fortune-telling underworld spirits all pKK5v4v9ALy-01042-00349639-00350241 mono spirits are operating remember John pKK5v4v9ALy-01043-00350242-00350635 says John Ford says test all spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01044-00350636-00351165 remember John the Prada the the the pKK5v4v9ALy-01045-00351166-00351552 Revelator says in Revelations chapter 12 pKK5v4v9ALy-01046-00351553-00351935 verse 7 down yesterday we saw that say pKK5v4v9ALy-01047-00351936-00352433 telling us that Satan is been cast down pKK5v4v9ALy-01048-00352434-00353225 here with his spirits spirits of air Oh pKK5v4v9ALy-01049-00353226-00353472 beloved if you're not careful you would pKK5v4v9ALy-01050-00353473-00353907 think that it would see the thing is and pKK5v4v9ALy-01051-00353908-00354065 and we're going to go there tomorrow pKK5v4v9ALy-01052-00354066-00354563 that even the elect may be swayed pKK5v4v9ALy-01053-00354564-00355071 because it is that close it looks so so pKK5v4v9ALy-01054-00355072-00355379 cool that's where me personally my pKK5v4v9ALy-01055-00355380-00355505 concern pKK5v4v9ALy-01056-00355506-00355970 is so I need to make sure that the holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01057-00355971-00356374 spirit is walking working living pKK5v4v9ALy-01058-00356375-00356708 dwelling or that with me so so so much pKK5v4v9ALy-01059-00356709-00357365 that I will be able to decipher whatever pKK5v4v9ALy-01060-00357366-00357896 church I go to wherever I am to be able pKK5v4v9ALy-01061-00357897-00358091 to know what kind of spirit is operating pKK5v4v9ALy-01062-00358092-00358294 there pKK5v4v9ALy-01063-00358295-00358829 this spirit of of fortune-telling was pKK5v4v9ALy-01064-00358830-00359030 saying the right thing about Pauline pKK5v4v9ALy-01065-00359031-00359084 silos pKK5v4v9ALy-01066-00359085-00359408 Oh everybody this is this are the pKK5v4v9ALy-01067-00359409-00359693 servants of God Most High God they are pKK5v4v9ALy-01068-00359694-00359861 they I they are these are the ones who pKK5v4v9ALy-01069-00359862-00360209 are telling us about our salvation that pKK5v4v9ALy-01070-00360210-00360686 is true to draw attention to that spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01071-00360687-00361001 you see how crafty it can be when Paul pKK5v4v9ALy-01072-00361002-00361379 and Silas have left that place what do pKK5v4v9ALy-01073-00361380-00361559 you think is going to be everybody's pKK5v4v9ALy-01074-00361560-00361825 attention who goes there because already pKK5v4v9ALy-01075-00361826-00362150 that's a spirit operates in there so pKK5v4v9ALy-01076-00362151-00362390 that's when Paul and Silas have been in pKK5v4v9ALy-01077-00362391-00362726 this area he's acknowledging them first pKK5v4v9ALy-01078-00362727-00363067 of all the people over there in darkness pKK5v4v9ALy-01079-00363068-00363473 they don't have this Holy Spirit to help pKK5v4v9ALy-01080-00363474-00363803 them decipher to know to identify that pKK5v4v9ALy-01081-00363804-00364034 this is not a spirit of the earth but pKK5v4v9ALy-01082-00364035-00364415 they saw this spirit operated in this pKK5v4v9ALy-01083-00364416-00364976 woman as a Spirit of God and in the time pKK5v4v9ALy-01084-00364977-00365375 of this Simon also they saw what was pKK5v4v9ALy-01085-00365376-00365885 operating in Simon as a spirit of God pKK5v4v9ALy-01086-00365886-00366320 my beloved it's it was not it was not pKK5v4v9ALy-01087-00366321-00366797 and still not even today means some pKK5v4v9ALy-01088-00366798-00367109 people because scripture says to you and pKK5v4v9ALy-01089-00367110-00367631 I in first John for the many false pKK5v4v9ALy-01090-00367632-00368252 spirits in the office of the Prophet pKK5v4v9ALy-01091-00368253-00368555 interestingly didn't say apostle the pKK5v4v9ALy-01092-00368556-00368694 office of the pores in the fivefold pKK5v4v9ALy-01093-00368695-00369027 ministry it mentioned the office of the pKK5v4v9ALy-01094-00369028-00369387 Prophet because that is the area where pKK5v4v9ALy-01095-00369388-00369741 they tell you things let me tell you pKK5v4v9ALy-01096-00369742-00369921 what you are going through now is as a pKK5v4v9ALy-01097-00369922-00370242 resource of somebody else it also some pKK5v4v9ALy-01098-00370243-00370554 demons have thrown a net on you and if pKK5v4v9ALy-01099-00370555-00370728 captured you and you are like a fish in pKK5v4v9ALy-01100-00370729-00370934 the net and when you hear this things pKK5v4v9ALy-01101-00370935-00371274 well you know if you if you we have to pKK5v4v9ALy-01102-00371275-00371456 do something we have to do some rituals pKK5v4v9ALy-01103-00371457-00371763 we have to do some directions it's no pKK5v4v9ALy-01104-00371764-00371991 longer ritual before was rituals now pKK5v4v9ALy-01105-00371992-00372464 it's directions you see how we upgrading pKK5v4v9ALy-01106-00372465-00372978 yes and beloved I fell into that pKK5v4v9ALy-01107-00372979-00373353 foolishness myself as a pastor yes I did pKK5v4v9ALy-01108-00373354-00373685 I am Telling You I know I know this is pKK5v4v9ALy-01109-00373686-00373851 not the most popular message you want to pKK5v4v9ALy-01110-00373852-00374180 hear but it's a front but I'm to do my pKK5v4v9ALy-01111-00374181-00374430 job because he by end of the day I rely pKK5v4v9ALy-01112-00374431-00374756 on God to take care of me and I thank pKK5v4v9ALy-01113-00374757-00375012 him for it this morning pKK5v4v9ALy-01114-00375013-00375206 yes I got up and yesterday I was dealing pKK5v4v9ALy-01115-00375207-00375450 with some issue and I mean I was on the pKK5v4v9ALy-01116-00375451-00376005 phone for so many so more than an hour pKK5v4v9ALy-01117-00376006-00376409 just to just for one simple thing and I pKK5v4v9ALy-01118-00376410-00376599 went through sumit and then the phone pKK5v4v9ALy-01119-00376600-00376815 would drop and I have to dial again and pKK5v4v9ALy-01120-00376816-00377081 it will drop and would delegates got so pKK5v4v9ALy-01121-00377082-00377487 good an every day every time I Dow it pKK5v4v9ALy-01122-00377488-00377892 was recorded and the person that I pKK5v4v9ALy-01123-00377893-00378243 needed to talk to as I prayed this one pKK5v4v9ALy-01124-00378244-00378663 as a Holy Spirit today is this day I pKK5v4v9ALy-01125-00378664-00379023 need to do this help me the Holy Spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01126-00379024-00379272 oh listen to me beloved I am Telling You pKK5v4v9ALy-01127-00379273-00379587 I am witness into what I am talking to pKK5v4v9ALy-01128-00379588-00379634 you about pKK5v4v9ALy-01129-00379635-00379902 I am i I am I am giving you a testimony pKK5v4v9ALy-01130-00379903-00380268 I'm telling you I said all the spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01131-00380269-00380625 let me not go through this because and pKK5v4v9ALy-01132-00380626-00380945 and and I have to exercise pKK5v4v9ALy-01133-00380946-00381394 my authority I bind us because I knew pKK5v4v9ALy-01134-00381395-00381862 what was going on after a while and pKK5v4v9ALy-01135-00381863-00382175 interestingly I was hungry too I mean pKK5v4v9ALy-01136-00382176-00382427 physically hungry I need to get pKK5v4v9ALy-01137-00382428-00382670 something to eat so I wanted to eat and pKK5v4v9ALy-01138-00382671-00382886 I said so I said to myself one when the pKK5v4v9ALy-01139-00382887-00383123 Holy Spirit prompted me I bind our pKK5v4v9ALy-01140-00383124-00383381 spirit I said I would I'm a core that pKK5v4v9ALy-01141-00383382-00383546 know this number one more time even pKK5v4v9ALy-01142-00383547-00383714 though people I think they have closed pKK5v4v9ALy-01143-00383715-00384047 out after five so it was about 5:20 I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-01144-00384048-00384413 gonna do it one more time I did make pKK5v4v9ALy-01145-00384414-00384926 that call and the somebody this guy who pKK5v4v9ALy-01146-00384927-00385229 was a guy this time oh boy he was even pKK5v4v9ALy-01147-00385230-00385529 worse in the beginning well I've been pKK5v4v9ALy-01148-00385530-00385817 working here for this while yes I know pKK5v4v9ALy-01149-00385818-00386021 what to do you know I don't know about pKK5v4v9ALy-01150-00386022-00386198 this extension you don't you you ought pKK5v4v9ALy-01151-00386199-00386396 to accent me to call which extension is pKK5v4v9ALy-01152-00386397-00386723 this then I said there is this extension pKK5v4v9ALy-01153-00386724-00386966 you need to call I was talking to them pKK5v4v9ALy-01154-00386967-00387122 several times and the phone keep pKK5v4v9ALy-01155-00387123-00387413 dropping well there's no extension like pKK5v4v9ALy-01156-00387414-00387668 this I have been in this place for all pKK5v4v9ALy-01157-00387669-00387956 these hundred years I know this no you pKK5v4v9ALy-01158-00387957-00388130 need to go here and I'm saying no pKK5v4v9ALy-01159-00388131-00388316 because he not all the spirit has pKK5v4v9ALy-01160-00388317-00388634 prompted me even that time that I know pKK5v4v9ALy-01161-00388635-00388949 that they are probably closed I make the pKK5v4v9ALy-01162-00388950-00389273 call and he was going on and finally pKK5v4v9ALy-01163-00389274-00389533 after standing on my foot and not pKK5v4v9ALy-01164-00389534-00389948 wavering because I know who that spirit pKK5v4v9ALy-01165-00389949-00390227 I was but I was dealing with I said then pKK5v4v9ALy-01166-00390228-00390425 he said okay hold on a second let me pKK5v4v9ALy-01167-00390426-00390764 just check something I held on for about pKK5v4v9ALy-01168-00390765-00390920 a minute and a half he came back he said pKK5v4v9ALy-01169-00390921-00391316 oh okay I think I see what what you pKK5v4v9ALy-01170-00391317-00391460 saying and I think they probably have pKK5v4v9ALy-01171-00391461-00391610 something special they're doing for you pKK5v4v9ALy-01172-00391611-00391943 so ok well now they've closed I said I pKK5v4v9ALy-01173-00391944-00392242 think that is why the call kept dropping pKK5v4v9ALy-01174-00392243-00392732 so well now he's giving me what's this pKK5v4v9ALy-01175-00392733-00393212 now the extension number which I didn't pKK5v4v9ALy-01176-00393213-00393461 even have he claimed his work in this pKK5v4v9ALy-01177-00393462-00393769 place for all these years pKK5v4v9ALy-01178-00393770-00394091 see what the the the spirit of error was pKK5v4v9ALy-01179-00394092-00394237 trying to do pKK5v4v9ALy-01180-00394238-00394642 deny me of what was rightfully mine and pKK5v4v9ALy-01181-00394643-00394952 so he told me now now he comes he said pKK5v4v9ALy-01182-00394953-00395162 oh I'm sorry uh oh I didn't know that pKK5v4v9ALy-01183-00395163-00395423 you know they do that here and they do pKK5v4v9ALy-01184-00395424-00395585 that and you are telling me you've been pKK5v4v9ALy-01185-00395586-00395747 here or this one you don't know that pKK5v4v9ALy-01186-00395748-00395903 there's nothing like that hi are you I pKK5v4v9ALy-01187-00395904-00396434 am the why you have to deal with Bible pKK5v4v9ALy-01188-00396435-00396731 says that Paul bought a non-reader pKK5v4v9ALy-01189-00396732-00397139 and God stopped that devil out of that pKK5v4v9ALy-01190-00397140-00397583 young girl the Holy Spirit will let you pKK5v4v9ALy-01191-00397584-00397928 know where you are and who you dealing pKK5v4v9ALy-01192-00397929-00398267 with and all that this morning I said pKK5v4v9ALy-01193-00398268-00398411 Holy Spirit II you need to help me with pKK5v4v9ALy-01194-00398412-00398846 this guess what the person when I call pKK5v4v9ALy-01195-00398847-00399029 this morning the person who pick up the pKK5v4v9ALy-01196-00399030-00399275 phone was the person I'm looking for pKK5v4v9ALy-01197-00399276-00399713 all this while yesterday and she pKK5v4v9ALy-01198-00399714-00399944 apologized and said you do you know why pKK5v4v9ALy-01199-00399945-00400232 I this one out too I say use me as a pKK5v4v9ALy-01200-00400233-00400648 case study to reach your supervisor and pKK5v4v9ALy-01201-00400649-00401006 make it something that the company have pKK5v4v9ALy-01202-00401007-00401192 to look out for and straighten the pKK5v4v9ALy-01203-00401193-00401525 people up in that company and she said pKK5v4v9ALy-01204-00401526-00401981 yes you are right well you see beloved pKK5v4v9ALy-01205-00401982-00402221 the frustration that the enemy was pKK5v4v9ALy-01206-00402222-00402539 trying to put me I said something pKK5v4v9ALy-01207-00402540-00403022 earlier that people who follow God we're pKK5v4v9ALy-01208-00403023-00403501 not people where you know seriously pKK5v4v9ALy-01209-00403502-00403849 financially rich materially rich in pKK5v4v9ALy-01210-00403850-00404249 going around from flamboyantly say I pKK5v4v9ALy-01211-00404250-00404540 have twenty cars and you know I I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-01212-00404541-00404693 preaching the word and I have five pKK5v4v9ALy-01213-00404694-00405089 houses and twenty you know companies and pKK5v4v9ALy-01214-00405090-00405416 all that this is where people were you pKK5v4v9ALy-01215-00405417-00405833 know passing through to where the actual pKK5v4v9ALy-01216-00405834-00406163 riches were so I'm letting you know that pKK5v4v9ALy-01217-00406164-00406399 there's nothing wrong in having a house pKK5v4v9ALy-01218-00406400-00406772 or a car but don't let your pKK5v4v9ALy-01219-00406773-00407128 concentration go into the flesh of pKK5v4v9ALy-01220-00407129-00407304 having pKK5v4v9ALy-01221-00407305-00407778 all this wetlands that you are even pKK5v4v9ALy-01222-00407779-00408066 gonna leave them here when your trumpet pKK5v4v9ALy-01223-00408067-00408581 is called when your trumpet is blown pKK5v4v9ALy-01224-00408582-00408866 think on these things pKK5v4v9ALy-01225-00408867-00409302 most importantly know that there's a lot pKK5v4v9ALy-01226-00409303-00409737 of spirits for spirits that have gone pKK5v4v9ALy-01227-00409738-00410043 into the world and they are operating in pKK5v4v9ALy-01228-00410043-00410507 the another spirit of God if you don't pKK5v4v9ALy-01229-00410508-00411084 know Jesus who whose spirit the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01230-00411085-00411342 Spirit will help you to decipher what pKK5v4v9ALy-01231-00411343-00411678 I'm talking about then you need to pKK5v4v9ALy-01232-00411679-00411809 receive the whole who you need to pKK5v4v9ALy-01233-00411810-00412139 receive Jesus Christ first as your Lord pKK5v4v9ALy-01234-00412141-00412472 and Savior and then be baptized in the pKK5v4v9ALy-01235-00412474-00412755 Holy Ghost in the Holy Spirit for you to pKK5v4v9ALy-01236-00412756-00413232 be able to walk and talk and live with pKK5v4v9ALy-01237-00413233-00413522 him so if you that prayer if you're that pKK5v4v9ALy-01238-00413524-00413751 person let me pray for you right now if pKK5v4v9ALy-01239-00413752-00413880 you're that person you want to receive pKK5v4v9ALy-01240-00413881-00414153 Jesus as your Lord and Savior scripture pKK5v4v9ALy-01241-00414154-00414553 says today today when you hear his voice pKK5v4v9ALy-01242-00414554-00414953 that you are convinced that indeed Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-01243-00414954-00415334 is Lord do not harden your heart do not pKK5v4v9ALy-01244-00415335-00415685 harden your heart don't harden your pKK5v4v9ALy-01245-00415687-00416142 heart let me pray for you receive Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-01246-00416143-00416388 as your Lord and Savior say after me pKK5v4v9ALy-01247-00416389-00416759 Lord Jesus I thank you of Harry award pKK5v4v9ALy-01248-00416760-00417267 this word I'm convinced that indeed you pKK5v4v9ALy-01249-00417268-00417710 came to share your blood for the pKK5v4v9ALy-01250-00417712-00418005 remission of myself I'm a sinner so pKK5v4v9ALy-01251-00418006-00418314 forgive me for not receiving you early pKK5v4v9ALy-01252-00418314-00418650 but how opportunity to do it now now I pKK5v4v9ALy-01253-00418651-00418977 believe and I receive you as my Lord and pKK5v4v9ALy-01254-00418978-00419117 Savior pKK5v4v9ALy-01255-00419118-00419564 now Lord Jesus baptized me let me pray pKK5v4v9ALy-01256-00419566-00419693 for you right now pKK5v4v9ALy-01257-00419695-00419997 put just lay your own hands on your head pKK5v4v9ALy-01258-00419997-00420456 as their pulse is dead and the disciples pKK5v4v9ALy-01259-00420457-00420722 there is even better lay your own hands pKK5v4v9ALy-01260-00420724-00420960 because I'm not there where you are to pKK5v4v9ALy-01261-00420960-00421200 lay my hands on you so I'm going to pKK5v4v9ALy-01262-00421201-00421479 stretch my hands even as you lay your pKK5v4v9ALy-01263-00421480-00421638 hands on your head pKK5v4v9ALy-01264-00421639-00422007 and I'm gonna believe God we're standing pKK5v4v9ALy-01265-00422008-00422364 on the Word of God that if any to or pKK5v4v9ALy-01266-00422364-00422706 touch and I agree whatever the acts of pKK5v4v9ALy-01267-00422707-00422967 God will be done so I'm going to pray pKK5v4v9ALy-01268-00422968-00423132 right now lay your hands on your own pKK5v4v9ALy-01269-00423133-00423402 head even as I stretch my hands to wash pKK5v4v9ALy-01270-00423403-00423893 yours to receive the Holy Spirit Father pKK5v4v9ALy-01271-00423895-00424278 in the name of Jesus I thank you for pKK5v4v9ALy-01272-00424279-00424533 this opportunity in this moment in this pKK5v4v9ALy-01273-00424534-00424920 hour this minute in the life of your son pKK5v4v9ALy-01274-00424921-00425181 and your daughter who have a scepter to pKK5v4v9ALy-01275-00425182-00425652 you as their Lord and Savior Jesus you pKK5v4v9ALy-01276-00425653-00425970 promised us the Holy Spirit and he's he pKK5v4v9ALy-01277-00425971-00426425 has come he's here with us for whosoever pKK5v4v9ALy-01278-00426426-00426759 believe on Him will not perish but have pKK5v4v9ALy-01279-00426760-00427097 everlasting life Holy Spirit now to pKK5v4v9ALy-01280-00427099-00427428 those who was want you so much in their pKK5v4v9ALy-01281-00427429-00427667 life pKK5v4v9ALy-01282-00427668-00428178 received them baptize them now may you pKK5v4v9ALy-01283-00428179-00428472 be baptized in the Holy Spirit be pKK5v4v9ALy-01284-00428472-00428772 baptized in the Holy Spirit be baptized pKK5v4v9ALy-01285-00428772-00429035 in the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus pKK5v4v9ALy-01286-00429035-00429455 be baptized in the Holy Spirit amen pKK5v4v9ALy-01287-00429456-00429963 beloved that's it is that simple now if pKK5v4v9ALy-01288-00429964-00430251 you have sincerely and activated your pKK5v4v9ALy-01289-00430252-00430674 faith to receive the Holy Spirit don't pKK5v4v9ALy-01290-00430675-00431042 stop right there don't stop right there pKK5v4v9ALy-01291-00431043-00431478 just continue to pray and ask the Holy pKK5v4v9ALy-01292-00431479-00432003 Spirit to increase himself with you hey pKK5v4v9ALy-01293-00432004-00432285 Dora don't work today I'm late you are pKK5v4v9ALy-01294-00432285-00432618 late yeah that's okay but just I'll just pKK5v4v9ALy-01295-00432618-00432928 get the video okay just go pKK5v4v9ALy-01296-00432929-00433249 or send it to you as well all right pKK5v4v9ALy-01297-00433250-00433426 because I'm gonna you know what I'm out pKK5v4v9ALy-01298-00433427-00433609 sent it to you alone today I'm not pKK5v4v9ALy-01299-00433610-00433897 sharing that thing I have come to the pKK5v4v9ALy-01300-00433897-00434122 place where I'm not going to it's not to pKK5v4v9ALy-01301-00434122-00434431 advertise okay it's not advertised in pKK5v4v9ALy-01302-00434432-00434638 this ministry I'm just doing God's work pKK5v4v9ALy-01303-00434639-00434785 and that's it I'll send it to you I'm pKK5v4v9ALy-01304-00434785-00434959 sending to nobody that's it pKK5v4v9ALy-01305-00434960-00435166 if you find it on the Facebook glory be pKK5v4v9ALy-01306-00435167-00435484 to God I would do that for you so anyway pKK5v4v9ALy-01307-00435485-00435607 if you have done that pKK5v4v9ALy-01308-00435608-00435787 continue to pray ask the Holy Spirit to pKK5v4v9ALy-01309-00435788-00436189 work with you talk to you and you will pKK5v4v9ALy-01310-00436189-00436743 help you to to be able to decipher all pKK5v4v9ALy-01311-00436744-00437230 right himself and the other spirits that pKK5v4v9ALy-01312-00437231-00437653 a spirit of error okay take your time pKK5v4v9ALy-01313-00437654-00437854 let me recap this for you I was our pKK5v4v9ALy-01314-00437855-00438024 scriptures for the day pKK5v4v9ALy-01315-00438025-00438406 our theme our title for today is test pKK5v4v9ALy-01316-00438407-00438883 all spirits friends John for tests all pKK5v4v9ALy-01317-00438884-00439084 spirits why because the Holy Spirit is pKK5v4v9ALy-01318-00439085-00439443 not only spirit that is operating test pKK5v4v9ALy-01319-00439444-00439722 all spirits Chuck first John four and pKK5v4v9ALy-01320-00439722-00440167 then look at what I told you concerning pKK5v4v9ALy-01321-00440168-00440626 or the spirits operating in like manner pKK5v4v9ALy-01322-00440627-00441154 of the Holy Spirit and in Acts chapter pKK5v4v9ALy-01323-00441155-00441597 16 alright and also in Acts chapter 9 pKK5v4v9ALy-01324-00441598-00442228 now in order for you to get that info pKK5v4v9ALy-01325-00442229-00442393 see all this information without being pKK5v4v9ALy-01326-00442393-00442693 there it will be there but like I said pKK5v4v9ALy-01327-00442693-00442960 we need to get this system this pKK5v4v9ALy-01328-00442960-00443293 equipment that will help you to see all pKK5v4v9ALy-01329-00443293-00443482 this even if you had come on the pKK5v4v9ALy-01330-00443483-00443857 platform late and so you know we are pKK5v4v9ALy-01331-00443858-00444172 raising funds yes we are raising funds pKK5v4v9ALy-01332-00444172-00444430 to let you be part of it lets you so pKK5v4v9ALy-01333-00444431-00444634 into it so that you can also be blessed pKK5v4v9ALy-01334-00444635-00444906 so that we can get this equipment pKK5v4v9ALy-01335-00444907-00445293 alright if you want to soil $1000 if you pKK5v4v9ALy-01336-00445294-00445476 want to so 500 if you want to show pKK5v4v9ALy-01337-00445477-00445753 10,000 $1,000,000 glory be to God pKK5v4v9ALy-01338-00445754-00445989 whatever this Holy Spirit help touches pKK5v4v9ALy-01339-00445991-00446245 your heart to do go to the website pKK5v4v9ALy-01340-00446246-00446425 okay of this ministry Patrick with new pKK5v4v9ALy-01341-00446426-00446893 ministries www dot requirement stress pKK5v4v9ALy-01342-00446893-00447205 calm you will see a button said donate pKK5v4v9ALy-01343-00447206-00447522 click on it use your PayPal if you can pKK5v4v9ALy-01344-00447523-00447808 or your your your credit card if you pKK5v4v9ALy-01345-00447809-00448057 want to all right god bless you to pKK5v4v9ALy-01346-00448058-00448395 Nana's all right be part of this so into pKK5v4v9ALy-01347-00448396-00448641 it let us get this equipment that will pKK5v4v9ALy-01348-00448642-00448960 help you to see everything alright we pKK5v4v9ALy-01349-00448960-00449220 need to buy that buy this and giving you pKK5v4v9ALy-01350-00449221-00449416 the opportunity to saw into it this is a pKK5v4v9ALy-01351-00449417-00449662 good round because I'm bringing you the pKK5v4v9ALy-01352-00449663-00449968 own outdoor written word the word that pKK5v4v9ALy-01353-00449968-00450289 will practically help your practical pKK5v4v9ALy-01354-00450289-00450568 daily life and living as a Christian are pKK5v4v9ALy-01355-00450568-00450904 you listening so help us to do that join pKK5v4v9ALy-01356-00450905-00451195 us let's do it together so so if you pKK5v4v9ALy-01357-00451196-00451462 want to use a cash app cache up that pKK5v4v9ALy-01358-00451463-00451759 number for it is nine one four five pKK5v4v9ALy-01359-00451760-00452041 seven two nine eight one six nine one pKK5v4v9ALy-01360-00452042-00452329 four five seven two nine eight one says pKK5v4v9ALy-01361-00452330-00452593 to use your cash app to support all pKK5v4v9ALy-01362-00452593-00452859 right you are not under any compulsion pKK5v4v9ALy-01363-00452860-00453193 you are giving to support because of pKK5v4v9ALy-01364-00453193-00453639 your love for God and offense of God not pKK5v4v9ALy-01365-00453640-00453934 to you know feel that if you don't do it pKK5v4v9ALy-01366-00453935-00454170 God will not bless you no don't ever pKK5v4v9ALy-01367-00454171-00454432 think that God is not expecting you to pKK5v4v9ALy-01368-00454433-00454749 give before he blesses you but it is a pKK5v4v9ALy-01369-00454750-00455064 maturity thinking for you to know that pKK5v4v9ALy-01370-00455065-00455413 the more you give the more you receive pKK5v4v9ALy-01371-00455414-00455739 the more you you have the work of God pKK5v4v9ALy-01372-00455739-00456291 sincerely identifying that the this work pKK5v4v9ALy-01373-00456292-00456607 of God is of the Holy Spirit it's very pKK5v4v9ALy-01374-00456608-00456791 important for you to know that too pKK5v4v9ALy-01375-00456792-00457195 alright then you so into it so may God pKK5v4v9ALy-01376-00457196-00457462 bless you same time tomorrow I'll do my pKK5v4v9ALy-01377-00457463-00457501 best pKK5v4v9ALy-01378-00457502-00457797 as God gives me a message for you to pKK5v4v9ALy-01379-00457798-00458235 bring you to you until then please go to pKK5v4v9ALy-01380-00458237-00459181 the website again www.minettis.com you pKK5v4v9ALy-01381-00459182-00459466 see the buttons there and pKK5v4v9ALy-01382-00459467-00459778 you'll be able to make your contribution pKK5v4v9ALy-01383-00459779-00460012 or donation you say donate do it if you pKK5v4v9ALy-01384-00460013-00460234 want to use a cash shop again it's not pKK5v4v9ALy-01385-00460235-00460450 one for that number to do that use it pKK5v4v9ALy-01386-00460451-00460722 nine one four five seven two nine eight pKK5v4v9ALy-01387-00460723-00460995 one six until same time tomorrow I want pKK5v4v9ALy-01388-00460996-00461091 you to know you don't have no trouble pKK5v4v9ALy-01389-00461092-00461695 all you need is your faith in God and in pKK5v4v9ALy-01390-00461696-00462127 order I get it get understanding