kkkfN6r9RE0-00000-00000000-00000536 MARY WHISNER: Hi, this is Mary Whisner from the Gallagher Law Library. This is our third and final kkkfN6r9RE0-00001-00000536-00001160 short lesson on law review articles. We've talked about what they are (scholarly legal periodicals), kkkfN6r9RE0-00002-00001160-00001712 and where to look up articles when you have citations (Heinonline, Lexis, and Westlaw). kkkfN6r9RE0-00003-00001712-00002304 In this lesson, we'll demonstrate how to search. Searching enables you to follow your interests, kkkfN6r9RE0-00004-00002304-00002760 whether it's finding authority for a client's case, working on a class assignment, kkkfN6r9RE0-00005-00002760-00003232 or learning more about a topic you care about. You can search journal articles kkkfN6r9RE0-00006-00003232-00003944 in Heinonline, Lexis, and Westlaw. You can also use Google Scholar, which covers many fields, kkkfN6r9RE0-00007-00003944-00004448 in addition to law. I won't demonstrate Google Scholar today because I assume you kkkfN6r9RE0-00008-00004448-00005184 have seen Google searching. Heinonline, Lexis, and Westlaw all allow you to use Boolean connectors. kkkfN6r9RE0-00009-00005256-00005672 For example, you can search for an article that has the word "snowmobile" kkkfN6r9RE0-00010-00005672-00006304 and the word "trespasser," or you could look for the word "snowmobile" or "sno-cat". kkkfN6r9RE0-00011-00006360-00006928 All the systems have a truncation symbol. In Heinonline, it's an asterisk. kkkfN6r9RE0-00012-00007000-00007968 So, "negligen*" with an asterisk finds negligence, negligent, and negligently. In Lexis and Westlaw, kkkfN6r9RE0-00013-00007968-00008696 that symbol is an exclamation mark. All three systems also give you an option of requiring a kkkfN6r9RE0-00014-00008696-00009392 term to be in a particular field, for instance, the title field. In Heinonline, let's go to the kkkfN6r9RE0-00015-00009392-00010240 Law Journal Library and click on Advanced Search. If we look for "class action" and "civil rights" kkkfN6r9RE0-00016-00010376-00011096 we get over 400,000 results. That's a lot more than I want to deal with. What if we kkkfN6r9RE0-00017-00011096-00011680 go back to Advanced Search, and look for all of those words to be in the article's title? kkkfN6r9RE0-00018-00011760-00012784 Now we have just 22 articles, which is a more reasonable number to browse. Let's turn to Lexis. kkkfN6r9RE0-00019-00012912-00013312 In both Lexis and Westlaw, you can search across all types of content, kkkfN6r9RE0-00020-00013312-00013847 and then filter down to law review articles. I think it's more efficient to start with kkkfN6r9RE0-00021-00013847-00014447 law review articles, so here from the main menu I'm going to choose Law Reviews and Journals. kkkfN6r9RE0-00022-00014512-00015224 The easiest search is a natural language search, where I just type in terms without any connectors. kkkfN6r9RE0-00023-00015224-00016040 For example, "feminist critique reasonable man standard torts". I get 274 articles kkkfN6r9RE0-00024-00016216-00016912 and they're sorted by relevance, which is determined by Lexis' algorithm. kkkfN6r9RE0-00025-00016912-00017456 I could also choose to have them sorted by date, or other factors. I'm going to kkkfN6r9RE0-00026-00017456-00018016 also show you a Boolean search. Again, I'm choosing law reviews and journals. kkkfN6r9RE0-00027-00018088-00018736 A good way to get into the Boolean option is to click on Advanced Search. That shows you kkkfN6r9RE0-00028-00018736-00019448 on the right hand side here what connectors are available. It also indicates document fields that kkkfN6r9RE0-00029-00019448-00020336 you can use. So for example, I can search for the phrase "war on drugs," to be within 50 words of kkkfN6r9RE0-00030-00020392-00021224 "mass incarceration," and then I can look through these articles. Similarly, we can go into Westlaw. kkkfN6r9RE0-00031-00021224-00021728 In Westlaw, we could also search the whole collection and filter to law review articles, kkkfN6r9RE0-00032-00021728-00022328 or we can start with law review article. I'm going down here in the menu to Secondary Sources. kkkfN6r9RE0-00033-00022328-00022920 Within Secondary Sources there are different options — I'm choosing Law Reviews and Journals. kkkfN6r9RE0-00034-00022992-00023784 For a natural language search I can look for "access to justice poverty right to council kkkfN6r9RE0-00035-00023784-00024568 civil". Now, sometimes natural language searches give you way too much to deal with. In this case, kkkfN6r9RE0-00036-00024568-00025488 we have over 10,000 articles. My default sort was by date. If I change that to sorting by relevance, kkkfN6r9RE0-00037-00025560-00026192 then my first several articles are about the civil right to counsel. Now, again, we can get kkkfN6r9RE0-00038-00026192-00026832 into Boolean searching by clicking on advanced. They tell you what connectors are available. kkkfN6r9RE0-00039-00026832-00027576 They also show you fields that you can use. Let's say we want variations of vote, voting, voter in kkkfN6r9RE0-00040-00027576-00028448 the title. We put in "vot!" And somewhere in the article we want "voter suppression" to be in the kkkfN6r9RE0-00041-00028448-00029264 same paragraph as identification. And now we have 71 articles, and you see that they have voting kkkfN6r9RE0-00042-00029264-00029895 or voter in the title, and somewhere inside they have "voter suppression" close to identification. kkkfN6r9RE0-00043-00029968-00030495 Let's review: we've learned that law reviews are scholarly legal periodicals. You can look them kkkfN6r9RE0-00044-00030495-00031072 up when you have a citation in Heinonline, Lexis, or Westlaw. You can search for them kkkfN6r9RE0-00045-00031072-00031720 in Heinonline, Lexis, Westlaw, and Google Scholar. I'm Mary Whisner from the Gallagher Law Library. kkkfN6r9RE0-00046-00031720-00032383 Please see our website for library services, research guides, and more. lib.law.uw.edu kkmM9AWfaWg-00000-00000195-00000462 - [Instructor] I've got two cups of coffee here. kkmM9AWfaWg-00001-00000462-00000756 This is the one made with a paper filter. kkmM9AWfaWg-00002-00000756-00001074 This is the one made with a metal filter. kkmM9AWfaWg-00003-00001074-00001164 The metal filter one, kkmM9AWfaWg-00004-00001164-00001386 you can see the oil droplets on top. kkmM9AWfaWg-00005-00001662-00001843 Here, I've got the kkmM9AWfaWg-00006-00001989-00002388 what Tyndall test looks like for coffee. kkmM9AWfaWg-00007-00002388-00002565 There's a tiny bit of light. kkmM9AWfaWg-00008-00002678-00002838 I'm not exactly sure what that means, kkmM9AWfaWg-00009-00002838-00002937 but I think it's, kkmM9AWfaWg-00010-00003069-00003177 well. kkmM9AWfaWg-00011-00003177-00003336 But then, compare it to kkmM9AWfaWg-00012-00003507-00003660 the colloidal, kkmM9AWfaWg-00013-00003660-00003999 the Tyndall effect bouncing off the colloidal particles kkmM9AWfaWg-00014-00003999-00004458 as it goes through the one made with a metal filter. kkmM9AWfaWg-00015-00004458-00004743 So I would say that's a significant difference, at least. l2yzmuJzuic-00000-00000045-00000244 This is Perla Shaheen for CalTV News, and l2yzmuJzuic-00001-00000244-00000540 you're watching part 2 of my interview with the new chancellor l2yzmuJzuic-00002-00001046-00001266 As you know, there have been recent controversies l2yzmuJzuic-00003-00001266-00001500 on campus, regarding Republican speakers like l2yzmuJzuic-00004-00001500-00001692 Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos l2yzmuJzuic-00005-00001826-00002216 How do you plan to work with the Berkeley College Republicans to l2yzmuJzuic-00006-00002228-00002604 to make sure that violent uprisings don't occur in the future? l2yzmuJzuic-00007-00002716-00003198 First, I believe very strongly that l2yzmuJzuic-00008-00003198-00003634 speakers of all ideological persuasions should be able l2yzmuJzuic-00009-00003634-00003802 to speak on campus. l2yzmuJzuic-00010-00003802-00004264 That the right of anyone to speak is the right of us all to speak l2yzmuJzuic-00011-00004316-00004590 We will make sure that the events are secure l2yzmuJzuic-00012-00004590-00004894 by working with the campus police l2yzmuJzuic-00013-00004894-00005336 What I hope to do is create both a series of events l2yzmuJzuic-00014-00005336-00005704 around free speech at the very beginning of the term l2yzmuJzuic-00015-00005704-00006114 so the campus community has the opportunity to engage those issues l2yzmuJzuic-00016-00006114-00006402 So the students are really excited to get to know their new chancellor l2yzmuJzuic-00017-00006442-00006592 What are your hobbies? l2yzmuJzuic-00018-00006592-00006938 Well, I love music, I play the piano and I play the viola l2yzmuJzuic-00019-00006938-00007256 I try to play everyday, don't always succeed in doing that l2yzmuJzuic-00020-00007256-00007434 I walk everyday and l2yzmuJzuic-00021-00007434-00007738 of course, being an English professor, I love to read l2yzmuJzuic-00022-00007738-00008166 And I know you've published two books, both on Victorian Poetry l2yzmuJzuic-00023-00008166-00008460 so I guess who are your favorite poets? l2yzmuJzuic-00024-00008460-00008844 My favorite poets, I'm going to disappoint you by not naming Victorians l2yzmuJzuic-00025-00008844-00009392 My favorite living poet is Mary Oliver, whose work is just deeply moving to me l2yzmuJzuic-00026-00009392-00009596 I love classic modernist poets: l2yzmuJzuic-00027-00009596-00009884 T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yates, Wallace Stevens . l2yzmuJzuic-00028-00009884-00010098 Well thank you so much for meeting with me l2yzmuJzuic-00029-00010098-00010256 and I wish you the best in the coming years l2yzmuJzuic-00030-00010256-00010621 Thank you very much, Perla, it's been a pleasure talking with you l3kP8C_T8g8-00000-00000012-00000444 foreign l3kP8C_T8g8-00001-00000444-00000777 [Music] l3kP8C_T8g8-00002-00000777-00001158 [Music] l3kP8C_T8g8-00003-00001158-00002112 S as we have received a query of how to solve these questions and locate as we l3kP8C_T8g8-00004-00002112-00002592 all know there are many there are 40 questions in the whole passage so it is very important l3kP8C_T8g8-00005-00002592-00003228 for us to maintain uh or to manage our time and accountant here is the truth about the l3kP8C_T8g8-00006-00003228-00003779 environment what does the passage mean the truth means the factual information the true information l3kP8C_T8g8-00007-00003779-00004314 about the environment what is environment our surroundings so the topic is related l3kP8C_T8g8-00008-00004314-00004812 to environment the truth about the environment the factual information about our surroundings l3kP8C_T8g8-00009-00004812-00005586 so let us come to the questions so here as we all can see we have five mcqs the first l3kP8C_T8g8-00010-00005586-00006252 one what aspect of scientific research does the writer Express concern about in paragraph four l3kP8C_T8g8-00011-00006252-00006845 it is clearly mentioned that we have to see paragraph four and the keywords here is what l3kP8C_T8g8-00012-00006845-00007542 aspect of what what thing scientific research does this writer Express concern that means l3kP8C_T8g8-00013-00007542-00008136 what does it talk about so the options are the need to produce results the lack of financial l3kP8C_T8g8-00014-00008136-00008874 support the selection of areas to research and the desire to solve every research problem so the l3kP8C_T8g8-00015-00008874-00009360 main heading the main keyword is scientific research so let us come to the paragraph l3kP8C_T8g8-00016-00009582-00010368 coming to the fourth paragraph one two three and four one is the lopsidedness built in into l3kP8C_T8g8-00017-00010368-00011118 scientific research what is lopsidedness lope sidedness means leaning on one side that means l3kP8C_T8g8-00018-00011118-00011916 leaning on scientific research scientific funding goes mainly to areas with many problems that may l3kP8C_T8g8-00019-00011916-00012480 be Vice policy that means it can be a good policy but it will also create an impression l3kP8C_T8g8-00020-00012480-00013463 that many more potential problems exist than in the case so the answer here is the selection of l3kP8C_T8g8-00021-00013463-00014112 areas to research why here it is talked about the scientific funding that aware should scientific l3kP8C_T8g8-00022-00014112-00014969 funding go okay coming to this next question the writer codes from the worldwide fund for nature l3kP8C_T8g8-00023-00014969-00015600 to illustrate how that means the main topic is worldwide fund for nature we need to look for l3kP8C_T8g8-00024-00015600-00016194 these words in the passage so that means what it is telling the worldwide fund for nature what it l3kP8C_T8g8-00025-00016194-00016812 is telling any paragraph influential the mass the mass media can be effective environmental l3kP8C_T8g8-00026-00016812-00017538 groups can be the mass media can help group raise funds or environmental groups can exaggerate their l3kP8C_T8g8-00027-00017538-00018198 claims what do we mean by exaggerate exaggerate means over telling something so coming to the word l3kP8C_T8g8-00028-00018198-00018768 where we can find this that is the worldwide fund for nature that is in the paragraph five l3kP8C_T8g8-00029-00018936-00019584 so for example let us read this for example the worldwide fund for nature issued a press l3kP8C_T8g8-00030-00019584-00020280 release entitled press release yaniki that means it is talking about mass media what l3kP8C_T8g8-00031-00020280-00021024 are mass media the things which tell us the news or the facts so it entitled it said two-thirds of l3kP8C_T8g8-00032-00021024-00021708 the world Forest lost forever the truth turns out to be nearly 20 so now it is talking about l3kP8C_T8g8-00033-00021708-00022326 fraction and here it is talked about percentage so two third of what that means two third of 100 l3kP8C_T8g8-00034-00022428-00023334 that means it is approximately 66 that means the media says it is 66 while the truth turns out to l3kP8C_T8g8-00035-00023334-00024054 be nearly 20 that means they are what they are over telling over telling the facts that means l3kP8C_T8g8-00036-00024054-00024810 it was actually 20 but they have entitled that it was 66 so clearly it means that the environmental l3kP8C_T8g8-00037-00024810-00025314 groups are exaggerating their claims that they have done this and there's in this much percentage l3kP8C_T8g8-00038-00025410-00026154 so this is the right answer okay coming to a 35th question what is the writer point about Lobby l3kP8C_T8g8-00039-00026154-00026610 groups in Paris in paragraph six obviously we are now coming to the paragraph six and talking about l3kP8C_T8g8-00040-00026610-00027426 Lobby groups so the paragraph six in the last line yet a green organization we have been we have seen l3kP8C_T8g8-00041-00027426-00028038 that in the whole passage Lobby groups have been talked about so get a green organization opposing l3kP8C_T8g8-00042-00028038-00028938 such a weakening is seen as altruistic even if an impartial view impartial view of the controls that l3kP8C_T8g8-00043-00028938-00029508 means which is not supporting impartial view of the controls in question might suggest that they l3kP8C_T8g8-00044-00029508-00030245 are doing more harm than good more harm than good means the people are criticizing them impartial l3kP8C_T8g8-00045-00030245-00030726 view of control people are saying that they are not doing good rather they are doing more harm l3kP8C_T8g8-00046-00030833-00031560 so the answer is directly here some receive more criticism than others hair criticism means that l3kP8C_T8g8-00047-00031560-00032400 they are doing more harm rather than doing good so coming to the next question the writer suggests l3kP8C_T8g8-00048-00032400-00033066 that newspapers print items that are intended to directly we do not have many keywords here so the l3kP8C_T8g8-00049-00033066-00033834 only one keyword we have is newspapers print items that means we now are supposed to see newspaper l3kP8C_T8g8-00050-00033834-00034674 print items or the thing where it is being talked about and the options are they are intended to l3kP8C_T8g8-00051-00034674-00035388 educate readers meet their leaders expectations encourage feedback from readers and misled readers l3kP8C_T8g8-00052-00035388-00035910 the option means that the print newspaper print items are supposed to educate readers l3kP8C_T8g8-00053-00035910-00036456 that means what they are printing is educating the readers or influencing or helping them in any way l3kP8C_T8g8-00054-00036540-00037176 the next is meet their readers expectations that means what the readers or what the viewers are l3kP8C_T8g8-00055-00037176-00037590 expecting from the content from the newspaper content they are meeting their expectations l3kP8C_T8g8-00056-00037590-00038226 they are meeting what they are desired encourage feedback from readers encourage feedback from l3kP8C_T8g8-00057-00038226-00038724 readers means the feedback which is given from readers whether it is positive or negative is l3kP8C_T8g8-00058-00038724-00039246 being encouraged or is being implemented by the newspaper print items and the Nexus misled l3kP8C_T8g8-00059-00039246-00039810 readers that they are not providing uh specific information or the relevant information which l3kP8C_T8g8-00060-00039810-00040278 needed to be go to the readers but is not going from the newspaper print items of you l3kP8C_T8g8-00061-00040344-00040908 so let us see where newspaper print items has been talked about so the last question we found out it l3kP8C_T8g8-00062-00040908-00041418 was here so media obviously newspapers we can see it highlighting the word so let us discuss l3kP8C_T8g8-00063-00041484-00042084 a third source of confusion is the attitude of the media nothing is given here we can't relate this l3kP8C_T8g8-00064-00042084-00042822 people so we need to go to the next question next uh sentence people are clearly more curious about l3kP8C_T8g8-00065-00042822-00043452 bad news than good that means people are more encouraging towards bad news the things which are l3kP8C_T8g8-00066-00043452-00044064 not acceptable in the society they are more likely to talk about that so newspapers now we have the l3kP8C_T8g8-00067-00044064-00044628 keyword let us discuss whether the thing is talked about this in in this the given paragraph or not l3kP8C_T8g8-00068-00044724-00045516 newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants what is public here the l3kP8C_T8g8-00069-00045516-00046122 public means the one who is reading it the one the newspapers and broadcasters are giving content l3kP8C_T8g8-00070-00046122-00046854 to public that means their readers are what public so here so here we get the keyword reader l3kP8C_T8g8-00071-00046956-00047688 the thing the leader he was mentioning their hair public is a synonym for readers so let l3kP8C_T8g8-00072-00047688-00048192 us let us go back to the options educate readers meet their readers expectations l3kP8C_T8g8-00073-00048192-00048786 encourage feedback from readers and misled readers so what we are seeing is it is not l3kP8C_T8g8-00074-00048786-00049260 talking about educating readers they are nothing there is nothing we just talked about that it is l3kP8C_T8g8-00075-00049260-00049716 encouraging the readers or it is misleading the readers as well it is also not being talked about l3kP8C_T8g8-00076-00049788-00050412 so the options we are left with is me meet the readers expectations or encourage feedback l3kP8C_T8g8-00077-00050412-00051042 from readers so let us again read it newspapers and podcasts broadcasters are there to provide l3kP8C_T8g8-00078-00051042-00051708 what the public wants they are there to give the content what the public wants that mean l3kP8C_T8g8-00079-00051708-00052200 public wants means what are the expectations or what are the things they are wanting so l3kP8C_T8g8-00080-00052278-00052950 the options heavy is meet the readers expectation that means they are giving the content they are l3kP8C_T8g8-00081-00052950-00053382 giving the relevant information what their readers want so that they can be very powerful l3kP8C_T8g8-00082-00053484-00054300 so coming to the next what does the writer say about America's waste problem now the key word l3kP8C_T8g8-00083-00054300-00055079 here is America's waste problem option A it will increase in line with population growth l3kP8C_T8g8-00084-00055079-00055734 it is not as important as we have been led to believe it has been reduced through public l3kP8C_T8g8-00085-00055734-00056484 awareness of the issues and it is only significant in certain areas of the country so let us see l3kP8C_T8g8-00086-00056484-00057252 where America's waste problem has been talked about so this was the last paragraph We did now l3kP8C_T8g8-00087-00057252-00058110 yes in a glance I found the word America's trash what is trash the trash is garbage okay yet even l3kP8C_T8g8-00088-00058110-00058782 if America's trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past that means yes it has been l3kP8C_T8g8-00089-00058782-00059832 going on and even if American population doubles by 2100. all the rubbish America produces through l3kP8C_T8g8-00090-00059832-00060870 the entire 21st century will still take up only 1 12 000 of the area of the entire United States l3kP8C_T8g8-00091-00060960-00061541 now coming back to the options it will increase in linearity population growth there was nothing l3kP8C_T8g8-00092-00061541-00062202 which having talked about our population it was only that if it get doubles it was not real it l3kP8C_T8g8-00093-00062202-00062784 was not written that it will also increase the waste problem will also increase so no l3kP8C_T8g8-00094-00062940-00063378 it is only significant in certain areas of the country there is nothing mentioned that l3kP8C_T8g8-00095-00063378-00063828 this part of the America will deal with this or the other one so this is also not the issue l3kP8C_T8g8-00096-00063828-00064422 so the options left let us read these options again it is not as important as we have been led l3kP8C_T8g8-00097-00064422-00064955 to believe and it is has it has been reduced to public awareness of the issues is there anything l3kP8C_T8g8-00098-00064955-00065568 talked about public awareness here no nothing is here so this is also not the option so the l3PpZuqXcDo-00000-00000000-00000120 ELKAMAP.com is everything you need for your vacation in one place l3PpZuqXcDo-00001-00024601-00024705 Travel social network ELKAMAP.com created especially for travelers l43ozpBCNdk-00000-00000164-00000388 OMG l6AoIl4Mj5A-00000-00000240-00001056 hey guys what's up youtube um so uh what what is that yo clip of me talking about some stuff so l6AoIl4Mj5A-00001-00001056-00001736 i've been hearing some rumors about like charlie about to cop a new book like go charlie like yes l6AoIl4Mj5A-00002-00001736-00002248 but people are hating on her for trying to drop this new book like mind your business it's not l6AoIl4Mj5A-00003-00002248-00002904 really like your concern it's her decision and yo for you to be like just so like non-supportive l6AoIl4Mj5A-00004-00002904-00003768 and some of her fans people who claim to like charlie and say that um she's um like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00005-00003768-00004344 you know doing all this for money she could be but at the same time it's money on business like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00006-00004400-00004968 why are you being so rude like for no reason too and then i'm hearing other stuff like people l6AoIl4Mj5A-00007-00004968-00005312 talking about oh next thing you know charlie for the drop of [ __ ] collection if she do l6AoIl4Mj5A-00008-00005424-00006224 if she do i'm copying a pair quick fast i will beg my parents for repair if i have to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00009-00006224-00006768 i do not care does charlie be making some good stuff like her makeup line like go her l6AoIl4Mj5A-00010-00006768-00007295 she's just been thriving and everyone's just been hating and she's just been like i'm charlie like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00011-00007416-00008031 the girls who have been a hit 100 mil on tick tock like you can't really say that thing those are l6AoIl4Mj5A-00012-00008088-00008720 leaders leaders people who will literally fight toothpick nail l6AoIl4Mj5A-00013-00008776-00009416 for her and like um see i follow charlie but that's because she got some good dance moves and i l6AoIl4Mj5A-00014-00009416-00010008 do like dancing and you know i my friend she's like trying to be a dancer and stuff like that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00015-00010008-00010472 and i do like doing dances and stuff like that so i do look at charlie for a couple l6AoIl4Mj5A-00016-00010472-00011088 of inspirations on dances you know trying to make dances and stuff like that but the comment section l6AoIl4Mj5A-00017-00011176-00011824 like some of these people just be itching for attention out here like calm down like you do not l6AoIl4Mj5A-00018-00011824-00012456 need to be that serious it's not that it's not that serious sweetie i know but like seriously l6AoIl4Mj5A-00019-00012456-00012960 like they'd be out here talking about oh charlie doesn't get like bro you're 35 with a freaking l6AoIl4Mj5A-00020-00012960-00013463 unstable job you work at mcdonald's and i'm gonna walk through the drive to talk about some i want l6AoIl4Mj5A-00021-00013463-00014184 a big mac the next time i see you i am disgusting salty like why does she have famous and ray don't l6AoIl4Mj5A-00022-00014288-00014928 why do you care like all i care about is seeing the dances all this drama is unnecessary i like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00023-00014928-00015712 looking at the teeth not being in it and not like and i just don't get why people be so salty likes l6AoIl4Mj5A-00024-00015712-00016376 just get yo freaking sardine self go sit down drink you some apple juice drink you some freaking l6AoIl4Mj5A-00025-00016504-00017208 drink you a corona like go sit down somewhere and for people to just be like just uh like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00026-00017208-00017848 you make me want to vomit on how salty you are and it's like really getting to the point where l6AoIl4Mj5A-00027-00017848-00018400 like i'm thinking how is charlie feeling about all this hate and stuff like that and i'm like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00028-00018400-00018792 so sad because she's like 17 years old like she's the age of my brother l6AoIl4Mj5A-00029-00018792-00019504 and like she's just getting all this hate for nor i mean wait she's 16. she's one year younger than l6AoIl4Mj5A-00030-00019504-00020016 my brother and like she's getting all this hate for no reason and it's getting really like to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00031-00020016-00020464 the point where i'm like this is disrespect if someone were to come up to me talking about some l6AoIl4Mj5A-00032-00020464-00020880 next thing you know they cannot drop a shoe collection i'm drop kicking you and that's on site l6AoIl4Mj5A-00033-00020880-00021632 like what is wrong with people and the thing is like addison right she used to hate on charlie l6AoIl4Mj5A-00034-00021632-00022376 like in november when she didn't know her i heard and then like she just stopped hating on charlie l6AoIl4Mj5A-00035-00022376-00022984 as soon as she got to know her and now that that's like i don't feel like that's fake but that's fake l6AoIl4Mj5A-00036-00023128-00023496 i guess it's not fake if you like let her know that you are hating on her and like you don't have l6AoIl4Mj5A-00037-00023496-00023984 to forgive me and all that and like if you said all that then i guess it's not fake but if someone l6AoIl4Mj5A-00038-00024176-00024712 if someone were to out here talking about some oh i used to hate on you and say you're my friend l6AoIl4Mj5A-00039-00024872-00025832 you my friend oh really oh really oh oh and i think the only way to find out if someone actually l6AoIl4Mj5A-00040-00025832-00026256 does not like someone nowadays is to see if they didn't follow them if they unfollowed them on l6AoIl4Mj5A-00041-00026256-00027112 instagram because it is the truth it's the truth and it's the only way to hold on go close my door l6AoIl4Mj5A-00042-00027400-00028000 it's the only way to it and i mean like seriously like people just be so salty if you hear stuff in l6AoIl4Mj5A-00043-00028000-00028527 the background i'm doing a project so i'm like doing that project while i'm podcasting what up l6AoIl4Mj5A-00044-00028527-00029016 but like people just be so salty and i'd be just so irritated with people because like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00045-00029016-00029527 you don't know what people be going through like people be going through it and you just out here l6AoIl4Mj5A-00046-00029527-00030200 trying to be salty for no reason like go sit down somewhere and then people want to be like oh yeah l6AoIl4Mj5A-00047-00030200-00030704 charlie charlie always be doing stuff for money like i know you're not talking when i just saw l6AoIl4Mj5A-00048-00030704-00031327 you taking some coupons from freaking walmart like five days ago like stop talking about money l6AoIl4Mj5A-00049-00031327-00031616 when you know she's just doing stuff because she likes doing it maybe she l6AoIl4Mj5A-00050-00031616-00031992 just likes dancing maybe she just likes writing books maybe she just likes makeup so she does l6AoIl4Mj5A-00051-00031992-00032464 decide to make a makeup line like leave her alone she's just living her life and you have to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00052-00032464-00033064 hate for no reason and like people just like oh i don't support this as a um what's called an l6AoIl4Mj5A-00053-00033064-00033840 influencer you should not be supporting the fact of people doing stuff just for money like but like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00054-00033840-00034376 if we're being honest you've been doing everything for money honey i mean let's be let's be truthful l6AoIl4Mj5A-00055-00034376-00034776 don't act like you didn't become an accountant and just get a tick tock account because you l6AoIl4Mj5A-00056-00034776-00035320 got bored one day and was like it's quarantine i lost my job so what am i supposed to do like you l6AoIl4Mj5A-00057-00035320-00035968 are an accountant like accountants get beginning bank so i don't know what you talk about like oh l6AoIl4Mj5A-00058-00035968-00036352 i'm she's just doing this stuff for money like you work at mcdonald's like isn't that just for l6AoIl4Mj5A-00059-00036352-00036880 money like nobody wants to wear mcdonald's unless you're the ceo or the creator you're not gonna be l6AoIl4Mj5A-00060-00036880-00037536 there like cooking up hamburgers and grilling up some fries like that's not the point and just for l6AoIl4Mj5A-00061-00037536-00038280 people to be so like dang salty like that's my point why you so salty mind your business like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00062-00038280-00038816 just forget about that and focus on the fact that she's actually doing something with her life l6AoIl4Mj5A-00063-00038816-00039272 unlike you sitting down on your phone watching her do dances talking about some you shouldn't have l6AoIl4Mj5A-00064-00039272-00039880 made a makeup line like squish it out somewhere and people just be targeting dixie and noah back l6AoIl4Mj5A-00065-00039880-00040456 like people just be shipping out of the walls like dixie just got out of a breakup let her breathe l6AoIl4Mj5A-00066-00040512-00040904 it's like nobody be letting these tick tockers breathe these days like they just get all of the l6AoIl4Mj5A-00067-00040904-00041656 hate and disrespect i'm gonna get an fbi agent to hack into your system so we can do some on-site l6AoIl4Mj5A-00068-00041656-00042480 like no like no i'm just i'm done like seriously and the other thing that i realized was that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00069-00042592-00043096 um charlie like i don't really see a lot of charlie hate comments on her tick tocks but l6AoIl4Mj5A-00070-00043096-00043816 like if you scroll down far enough you will find them plus like like i believe a few months ago l6AoIl4Mj5A-00071-00043928-00044288 wait was it a few months ago i believe it was a few months ago charlie got this l6AoIl4Mj5A-00072-00044288-00044672 like this older dude that just simping over each other like you are 25 l6AoIl4Mj5A-00073-00044768-00045400 actually no you are 40 and you are talking about this younger girl it's disgusting and like you're l6AoIl4Mj5A-00074-00045400-00046192 just nasty you're you're gross you're gross you're gross like you need help like go to go get therapy l6AoIl4Mj5A-00075-00046192-00046688 with all that like go sit down somewhere drink you drink you freaking sprite or something like no l6AoIl4Mj5A-00076-00046768-00047496 and just seeing addison like easily being targeted for stuff like addison just be getting the most l6AoIl4Mj5A-00077-00047496-00048120 hate like recently she was targeted for freaking leaving her best friend till we lost once she got l6AoIl4Mj5A-00078-00048120-00048728 famous like i do what i know people do do that but like what i didn't even look at the video that way l6AoIl4Mj5A-00079-00048728-00049232 like the video was just so like with no detail whatsoever i don't know how people people just l6AoIl4Mj5A-00080-00049232-00049888 be reaching out their back pocket with hate for real like they don't even be looking like they be l6AoIl4Mj5A-00081-00049888-00050496 searching they literally be searching like where's waldo for hate like for just for just just hate l6AoIl4Mj5A-00082-00050560-00051279 and and now no snap once i saw the noah schnapp comments and stuff like that and once i saw that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00083-00051279-00051784 beep i was like we were rooting for you we were all rooting for you man and then once i saw that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00084-00051784-00052279 he said neighbor and like like i said people be searching in their back pocket like where's waldo l6AoIl4Mj5A-00085-00052279-00053016 trying to look for something to expose these tick-tockers now tiny lopez on the other hand l6AoIl4Mj5A-00086-00053255-00053808 i don't know what to say about him because he's kind of like his own situation he's kind of l6AoIl4Mj5A-00087-00053808-00054544 like just he's just how do i put this in a way where i won't get hated on by tony lopez dance l6AoIl4Mj5A-00088-00054544-00055055 um so i'm not saying i don't like him like i'm not saying i hate him or stuff like that i don't l6AoIl4Mj5A-00089-00055055-00055504 know him i don't have a right to hate him but i'm just saying that the stuff that i've seen l6AoIl4Mj5A-00090-00055504-00056008 the stuff that i've like heard about the stuff that i've like read about that he's done like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00091-00056184-00056567 moment of silence just for the fact that those poor victims l6AoIl4Mj5A-00092-00056640-00057312 and like this i'm gonna get real serious real quick like no one like deserves hate and all that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00093-00057376-00058040 but all the stuff i was hearing about is like really really sad and like it's it it's true l6AoIl4Mj5A-00094-00058040-00058496 he had admitted to it he said i don't like what i've done in my past but that apology l6AoIl4Mj5A-00095-00058616-00059696 salty the apology was salty splatoon just so so freaking what people put on pizza just salty l6AoIl4Mj5A-00096-00059696-00060136 like cheese put an extra salt on your ramen noodles though you know the sodium level is at l6AoIl4Mj5A-00097-00060136-00060584 sixty percent and you don't need that much fun to have freaking high cholesterol and a heart attack l6AoIl4Mj5A-00098-00060584-00061167 waiting to happen like it was just so bad to the point where i had to take a minute and like think l6AoIl4Mj5A-00099-00061224-00062000 i took i literally took like five minutes to think because i was just stuck on a stupid literally and l6AoIl4Mj5A-00100-00062000-00062472 um it i'm finna get real serious i'm gonna stop coloring so that y'all can like pay attention l6AoIl4Mj5A-00101-00062472-00062832 so that y'all can like listen to me clearly because i know that the sounds of freaking l6AoIl4Mj5A-00102-00062888-00063567 just be blurring up the mic but i feel really bad for take talkers when they do get hate but at the l6AoIl4Mj5A-00103-00063567-00064176 exact same time if you've actually done something wrong i kind of like don't feel bad for you but l6AoIl4Mj5A-00104-00064288-00064712 don't get me wrong no one deserves to be told that they need to kill themselves now that's where i l6AoIl4Mj5A-00105-00064712-00065120 draw the line like you freaking telling people to kill themselves like what's wrong with you need l6AoIl4Mj5A-00106-00065120-00065664 help you've been under way up too much that's what i know and it's the dark web hold on let me change l6AoIl4Mj5A-00107-00065664-00066016 the subject real quick because the dark web people just be stupid these days like you know that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00108-00066016-00066568 people can hack find your ip address and just come to your house and kill you like people just don't l6AoIl4Mj5A-00109-00066568-00067088 know that like that can happen on any occasion but going to the dark web just makes that way more l6AoIl4Mj5A-00110-00067152-00067672 easy to happen like nobody cares the fact that the dark web is a place that you should not be l6AoIl4Mj5A-00111-00067672-00068336 it is a very spooky very like no i've never been on the dark web thank god because i know better l6AoIl4Mj5A-00112-00068336-00068952 but it's just not a place to go because it's just not right to go there and back to this one look at l6AoIl4Mj5A-00113-00068952-00069568 stuff like i'll just be wondering how these girls be just just just like i love how they find the l6AoIl4Mj5A-00114-00069568-00070048 evidence right when they get famous like right they tell somebody right when they get famous l6AoIl4Mj5A-00115-00070048-00070608 i mean i know why some people like you know i'm not saying that what happened to them was okay l6AoIl4Mj5A-00116-00070608-00071240 because what happened to them was not okay um what happened to them was awful but just for them to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00117-00071240-00071728 come out and like come out right when this person becomes famous and knock them out before that l6AoIl4Mj5A-00118-00071728-00072288 it's a little it's a little distasteful because you know people start to say that they're like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00119-00072288-00072864 lying and stuff but if this person came out about this when they were a lower like a less l6AoIl4Mj5A-00120-00072864-00073488 famous not in a high pass possibly you know famous creator people would believe you more because you l6AoIl4Mj5A-00121-00073488-00073864 know they're not a big creator and you're not trying to do this for trial because people will l6AoIl4Mj5A-00122-00073864-00074280 start speculating people will start thinking it's a little bit distasteful and people will l6AoIl4Mj5A-00123-00074280-00074720 start talking and if you don't want to know what people have to say then don't like i'm not saying l6AoIl4Mj5A-00124-00074720-00075240 like don't tell people your story definitely tell people your story but like i'm saying they could l6AoIl4Mj5A-00125-00075240-00075616 have done it at a better time i'm not saying what happened to them was right and i'm not saying they l6AoIl4Mj5A-00126-00075616-00076144 deserved what happened but i'm saying for them to come out as soon as this as like when this person l6AoIl4Mj5A-00127-00076144-00076728 is like famous and bawling like it's a little bit distasteful in it and it's a little bit suspicious l6AoIl4Mj5A-00128-00076728-00077248 but tony came out and he declared that all of this stuff was basically true there was also a lot of l6AoIl4Mj5A-00129-00077248-00077712 evidence backing it up my thing was why didn't you come out as soon as stuff just started rushing out l6AoIl4Mj5A-00130-00077712-00078272 at you like every other creator like love anthony jayden hoster all them other creators be coming l6AoIl4Mj5A-00131-00078272-00078840 out as soon as it all races to the internet but y'all you'll be coming out like a month a month l6AoIl4Mj5A-00132-00078904-00079536 it'd be taken you a month to write an apology like what is wrong with you you could have just l6AoIl4Mj5A-00133-00079536-00079896 you could have made a video i would have accepted a video but no you got to take a picture you know l6AoIl4Mj5A-00134-00079896-00080520 zap taking a picture of your notes app like no i don't accept that but he did apologize l6AoIl4Mj5A-00135-00080520-00080856 i'm not saying i'm gonna forgive him and i'm saying i don't forgive him it's really not l6AoIl4Mj5A-00136-00080856-00081584 my place the i'm saying like but looking at the comments on it looking at the comments like bro l6AoIl4Mj5A-00137-00081728-00082280 like you just be thinking like oh all these like people being like oh we forgive you l6AoIl4Mj5A-00138-00082360-00082784 we forgive i don't forgive a single person because it's not really my place to forgive you l6AoIl4Mj5A-00139-00082848-00083456 and like saying like oh yeah we give you we forgive you and you're not a victim shut up this l6AoIl4Mj5A-00140-00083456-00084168 is none of your business really like you are not a if you're not a victim you do not have a place l6AoIl4Mj5A-00141-00084168-00084704 to speak on it and that's on period and i feel like people talking about why does he get hate l6AoIl4Mj5A-00142-00084704-00085144 like no one like no one deserves this much hate oh why is he getting hate all the victims should l6AoIl4Mj5A-00143-00085144-00085640 just forgive him he apologized yeah he apologized but you cannot take back their innocence from what l6AoIl4Mj5A-00144-00085640-00086264 happened to them yeah he apologized he apologized you could continue to say he apologized but it l6AoIl4Mj5A-00145-00086264-00086920 does not justify his actions it never will and it never does so for people to be like oh yeah l6AoIl4Mj5A-00146-00086920-00087376 we accept your apology if you are not a victim you should not be putting your input on it and l6AoIl4Mj5A-00147-00087376-00087928 i think that's just a fact and though i'm lowkey putting my input on it i'm not really trying to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00148-00087928-00088408 it just came out during the podcast or during this i don't know what it's going to be i just l6AoIl4Mj5A-00149-00088408-00088968 started recording and started coloring i don't know but just for people to like be like why is l6AoIl4Mj5A-00150-00088968-00089376 he getting so much hate oh the victims should just like forgive him that's not okay because i l6AoIl4Mj5A-00151-00089376-00089800 do not i found that a little bit disrespectful because you're out here talking about people l6AoIl4Mj5A-00152-00089800-00090232 should just forgive him when you don't know what but you probably don't even know the full story l6AoIl4Mj5A-00153-00090232-00090744 and you out here you're trying to be like all salty and beyond disrespectful to the victim l6AoIl4Mj5A-00154-00090744-00091312 if i were the victim i would have slapped you across your stupid face and that is a fact but l6AoIl4Mj5A-00155-00091384-00091848 like just for people to be so disrespectful to the victims though what they had what happened to them l6AoIl4Mj5A-00156-00091848-00092656 was completely just awful to me it just makes me want to slap them across their face like i want to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00157-00092656-00093176 put them six feet under because of what they said what they said was not okay and them trying to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00158-00093176-00093664 say that we should just forgive tony for what he did and just put and brush it under the freaking l6AoIl4Mj5A-00159-00093664-00094176 table and you know brush it under the rug it never happened no that's not how it works you can't just l6AoIl4Mj5A-00160-00094240-00094656 you know justify his actions though you are not a victim you are not a victim you cannot like l6AoIl4Mj5A-00161-00094720-00095480 say if we accept your apology and that is a fact period no one deserves that peaches peaches oh l6AoIl4Mj5A-00162-00095480-00095960 i just got the chills once i said her name peaches be doing she on some other stuff she l6AoIl4Mj5A-00163-00096032-00096808 um she owns something i don't know what it is crack cocaine i don't know many other drugs i l6AoIl4Mj5A-00164-00096808-00097568 don't know a lot of drugs but she beyond something like she be doing what are you what are you taking l6AoIl4Mj5A-00165-00097568-00098192 for you to do something like that to a seven tweet like what she's 16 right hold on i'm gonna l6AoIl4Mj5A-00166-00098192-00098792 have to look this up is she 16 hold on charlie to me oh wow she's the first thing it looks l6AoIl4Mj5A-00167-00099040-00099552 she's 16. you are doing this oh my gosh she has 6.58 million she goes to king's school l6AoIl4Mj5A-00168-00099552-00100200 why is that on the internet she has she is 16 years old oh her little name is grace that's l6AoIl4Mj5A-00169-00100200-00100768 kind of cute she is 16 years old she is 16 years old and for you to start doing this l6AoIl4Mj5A-00170-00100768-00101472 like you're doing this like why are you doing this i feel so bad for her because she's just so l6AoIl4Mj5A-00171-00102072-00102856 she's just so she's something she's something i don't know what it is but she is she's definitely l6AoIl4Mj5A-00172-00102856-00103711 she's some type of breed she's a breed that's all i could say she is a breed we don't know l6AoIl4Mj5A-00173-00103711-00104480 what breed she's from she's one of the breeds but like i'm just feeling so bad for charlie because l6AoIl4Mj5A-00174-00104480-00105120 she had to sit through this like we all might feel sympathetic for her but she had to go through this l6AoIl4Mj5A-00175-00105120-00105824 like we will never understand that type of pain that she had to go to that she had to go to l6AoIl4Mj5A-00176-00105824-00106600 go through with this like she i say that charlie demille is a trooper facts facts l6AoIl4Mj5A-00177-00106600-00107104 because for her to have to go through all of that and just still be rising above l6AoIl4Mj5A-00178-00107280-00108352 clap it up clap it up because she went through mess she went through it and still like thrived l6AoIl4Mj5A-00179-00108352-00108783 she is thriving well i'm gonna end this um little podcast or something l6AoIl4Mj5A-00180-00108783-00109056 here i don't know what this is gonna be called it's probably just gonna be called l6AoIl4Mj5A-00181-00109056-00109559 spill the tea episode one or something like that i don't know but i will see you guys i think l6AoIl4Mj5A-00182-00109559-00110232 tomorrow or maybe later tonight um my bedtime's almost coming up so i'll see you later bye l9mohynOfJY-00000-00000048-00000592 Hey everyone, so in this tutorial we are going to create this photo manipulation in Gimp l9mohynOfJY-00001-00001175-00001745 First create a document of 2000 by 2000 pixels 72 pixels per inch and fill it with transparency l9mohynOfJY-00002-00003048-00003639 Bring in the images and scale down the bike image by selecting the Scale tool and press enter after scaling l9mohynOfJY-00003-00003936-00004249 Next select the Pen tool and create a path along the bridge l9mohynOfJY-00004-00006768-00007073 Press Ctrl and click on the first point to complete the path l9mohynOfJY-00005-00007400-00007745 Next add a layer mask and make sure Invert Mask is unchecked l9mohynOfJY-00006-00009511-00009929 Mask out the sky by using Fuzzy Select tool and click and drag to preview the mask l9mohynOfJY-00007-00010352-00010586 Invert the mask this time to hide the sky l9mohynOfJY-00008-00011847-00012129 Lower the brush size by pressing left square bracket key l9mohynOfJY-00009-00013847-00014178 Select the moon using Fuzzy Select and uncheck Invert Mask l9mohynOfJY-00010-00017608-00017865 Next scale the cloud layer to fill the canvas l9mohynOfJY-00011-00018415-00018913 Duplicate the same, delete the layer mask and position it above the bridge layer l9mohynOfJY-00012-00020295-00020879 Mask the whole layer and then show the part selectively while making sure white is your foreground color l9mohynOfJY-00013-00021056-00021353 Increase the brush size by pressing right square bracket key l9mohynOfJY-00014-00025512-00025722 Next mask out some part of the bridge l9mohynOfJY-00015-00026816-00027097 Match the color temperature of the moon according to the image l9mohynOfJY-00016-00031712-00031912 Apply color correction l9mohynOfJY-00017-00032791-00033073 Video filter for stylization and you're done! lrE53XwV-II-00000-00000287-00000404 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-বিএনপি-বিক্ষোভ/ ‎ lrE53XwV-II-00002-00000685-00000785 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-বিএনপি-বিক্ষোভ/ ‎ lrE53XwV-II-00007-00002618-00002759 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-বিএনপি-বিক্ষোভ/ ‎ lrE53XwV-II-00011-00003885-00003985 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-বিএনপি-বিক্ষোভ/ ‎ lrE53XwV-II-00013-00004285-00004385 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-বিএনপি-বিক্ষোভ/ ‎ lsqbY99ynRk-00000-00000254-00000354 Ready? lsqbY99ynRk-00001-00000468-00000568 Let's go! lsqbY99ynRk-00002-00001106-00001402 Everyone knows how to get big chest with calisthenics lsqbY99ynRk-00003-00001404-00001676 You have to do dips, but you have to do them right way! lsqbY99ynRk-00004-00001728-00001854 Today I will tell you how lsqbY99ynRk-00005-00002732-00003044 How to do dips to get big chest? lsqbY99ynRk-00006-00003044-00003384 I don't have big chest, so I don't know for myself lsqbY99ynRk-00007-00003388-00003488 But I have read books, so I will tell you lsqbY99ynRk-00008-00003644-00003744 The main thing lsqbY99ynRk-00009-00003786-00003964 when doing dips for chest lsqbY99ynRk-00010-00004002-00004158 and for triceps as well lsqbY99ynRk-00011-00004282-00004504 One variation is to do straight dips lsqbY99ynRk-00012-00004560-00004756 Slightly bend yourself forward lsqbY99ynRk-00013-00004832-00005106 Already with flexed chest muscles lsqbY99ynRk-00014-00005106-00005318 You should not be like this lsqbY99ynRk-00015-00005364-00005664 Your shoulders should not be behind the chest lsqbY99ynRk-00016-00005688-00005986 You should be like this lsqbY99ynRk-00017-00006042-00006178 When you go down lsqbY99ynRk-00018-00006228-00006514 Your chest muscles should have maximal strecth lsqbY99ynRk-00019-00006618-00006862 And after you get to the end point of movement lsqbY99ynRk-00020-00006864-00007022 Your chest should be flexed again lsqbY99ynRk-00021-00007056-00007350 This is the main thing you should keep in mind while doing dips lsqbY99ynRk-00022-00007354-00007648 If you don't do dips like that, then you will never get big chest lsqbY99ynRk-00023-00007648-00007868 Even if you do 100 or 200 reps during training lsqbY99ynRk-00024-00007952-00008166 And when you do dips like this lsqbY99ynRk-00025-00008286-00008558 Already after 10-20 reps you will feel the burn in chest muscles lsqbY99ynRk-00026-00008558-00008892 I'm okay with 10 reps for this lsqbY99ynRk-00028-00010940-00011256 You don't have to do reps slowly lsqbY99ynRk-00029-00011256-00011548 You can do them fast, but it's important to keep the right form lsqbY99ynRk-00030-00011548-00011874 Why most people fail to get chest muscles to work? lsqbY99ynRk-00031-00011874-00012152 Because they do reps fast lsqbY99ynRk-00032-00012154-00012444 And when they do reps fast, they do them only half way like this lsqbY99ynRk-00034-00012698-00012990 You have to keep the body straight with flexed chest and don't bend backwards lsqbY99ynRk-00035-00013028-00013254 Because this way your chest is open lsqbY99ynRk-00036-00013291-00013434 While they have to be closed lsqbY99ynRk-00037-00013502-00013660 That's first part lsqbY99ynRk-00038-00013980-00014262 If you can't feel your chest when flexed in the end point of movement lsqbY99ynRk-00040-00014476-00014680 It would really help you to do lsqbY99ynRk-00041-00014680-00014980 a turtle move, to squeeze your muscles and hump your back lsqbY99ynRk-00042-00015110-00015338 I do that sometimes when I do push-ups or dips lsqbY99ynRk-00043-00015338-00015572 Looks like this lsqbY99ynRk-00045-00015744-00016030 This is how you do dips normal way lsqbY99ynRk-00046-00016030-00016240 And this is how turtle move looks like lsqbY99ynRk-00051-00017006-00017338 There is another way to do dips in chest favoured way lsqbY99ynRk-00052-00017338-00017622 When you move your torso forward, but you don't bring your chest in front of your shoulders lsqbY99ynRk-00053-00017622-00017930 Or do dolphin dives lsqbY99ynRk-00054-00017930-00018204 It means that you lean forward a little bit regarding your arms lsqbY99ynRk-00056-00018458-00018808 I'll show them here at first lsqbY99ynRk-00057-00018854-00019104 You do dips like this lsqbY99ynRk-00058-00019136-00019418 Like bars are in front of you lsqbY99ynRk-00059-00019418-00019612 The closer the angle to the parallel lsqbY99ynRk-00060-00019612-00019854 The more your chest would work lsqbY99ynRk-00061-00019904-00020184 Now it's time to show you this technique on parallel bars lsqbY99ynRk-00063-00020442-00020740 You don't go forward like this lsqbY99ynRk-00065-00020958-00021258 But you go forward like this lsqbY99ynRk-00067-00021882-00022092 This way you also include shoulder training as well lsqbY99ynRk-00068-00022256-00022558 But the main work is done by chest muscles lsqbY99ynRk-00070-00022808-00023082 But you would feel burn in shoulders too lsqbY99ynRk-00071-00023082-00023356 So I would suggest you to combine these two variations of dips lsqbY99ynRk-00073-00023526-00023788 I can't tell you how you should train, you know lsqbY99ynRk-00074-00023800-00023888 For example lsqbY99ynRk-00075-00023888-00024200 One day you do straight dips and the other day you do leaned dips lsqbY99ynRk-00076-00024200-00024492 Or you do one set straight and one set leaned lsqbY99ynRk-00077-00024492-00024770 Or one week you do only straight dips and the other only leaned lsqbY99ynRk-00078-00024774-00024984 You get the idea lsqbY99ynRk-00079-00025040-00025318 It's 100% up to you lsqbY99ynRk-00080-00025318-00025660 That's all what I wanted to tell you today lsqbY99ynRk-00082-00025808-00025908 The most important thing is lsqbY99ynRk-00083-00025924-00026194 Of all this video lsqbY99ynRk-00084-00026194-00026508 The whole point is that it is always quality above quantity lsqbY99ynRk-00085-00026508-00026748 It's better to do 30 good reps than 70 creepy lsqbY99ynRk-00086-00026748-00026936 70 creepy reps will only give you lsqbY99ynRk-00087-00026936-00027182 micro injuries and many other bad things lsqbY99ynRk-00088-00027183-00027483 30 good reps will give you only strength and muscles size! lsqbY99ynRk-00089-00027483-00027770 After 30 you could go for 35, then for 40 and etc lsqbY99ynRk-00090-00027770-00028052 and to infinity and beyond lsqbY99ynRk-00091-00028052-00028362 It's all about how much do you train and how much do you sleep lsqbY99ynRk-00092-00028362-00028556 But you should do all reps in good form lsqbY99ynRk-00094-00028854-00029106 If you want to increase number of repetition in dips lsqbY99ynRk-00095-00029106-00029374 Write comments and we will publish a video lsqbY99ynRk-00096-00029374-00029700 How to get up to 100 good reps in dips lsqbY99ynRk-00098-00029798-00030004 That's all! ltkM4Hp9bhU-00000-00001363-00001663 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00001-00001663-00001869 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00002-00001869-00002182 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00003-00002182-00002434 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00004-00002434-00002652 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00005-00002652-00002965 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00006-00002965-00003247 BIARKAN MEREKA TANYA SIAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00007-00003247-00003633 YANG HILANG DULU DI ANTARA KITA BERDUA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00008-00003633-00003960 SEMUA NYA RASA TAK MENGAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00009-00003960-00004249 BIARKAN SAJA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00010-00004249-00004449 HATI DIA YANG TERLUKA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00011-00004449-00004655 PEDULI APA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00012-00004655-00004861 AKU PUN TAHU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00013-00004861-00005017 KAU PUN DAH ADA BARU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00014-00005017-00005204 SETAHUN YANG LALU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00015-00005204-00005396 BUKAN BENDA BARU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00016-00005396-00005573 AKU BUAT TAK TAHU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00017-00005573-00005785 BUKAN TAK MAHU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00018-00005785-00005972 TAPI SENGAJA BEGITU, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00019-00005972-00006183 JANGAN ENGKAU SALAHKAN DIA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00020-00006183-00006416 WALAUPUN TAK SAMA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00021-00006416-00006620 MASIH KELIRU JUGA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00022-00006620-00006842 DIRI DIA YANG MANA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00023-00006842-00007031 DIA DAH JADI GILA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00024-00007031-00007252 AKU TAK TAHU NAK CAKAP APA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00025-00007252-00007428 BILA-BILA MASA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00026-00007428-00007708 KAU PUN TAHU SIAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00027-00007708-00007939 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00028-00007939-00008116 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00029-00008116-00008403 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00030-00008403-00008650 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00031-00008650-00008901 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00032-00008901-00009192 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00033-00009192-00009469 BIARKAN MEREKA TANYA SIAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00034-00009469-00009861 YANG HILANG DULU DI ANTARA KITA BERDUA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00035-00009861-00010306 SEMUA NYA RASA TAK MENGAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00036-00010306-00010468 BIARKAN SAJA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00037-00010468-00010664 HATI DIA YANG TERLUKA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00038-00010664-00010912 PEDULI APA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00039-00010912-00011346 YOU AINT GOT ANIME TITTIES, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00040-00011346-00011695 SWALLOW MY CHILD, KIDS ON YOUR BELLY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00041-00011695-00012090 NOT MY BITCH DONT PRETENDING SO FRIENDLY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00042-00012090-00012537 ALL YOUR PAST, SHOULD NEVER TOLD NEW BOYFIE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00043-00012537-00012897 I KNOW, IT YOUR, FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00044-00012897-00013287 I JUST, HAVE FUN, HAVING MY WAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00045-00013287-00013682 I HOPE, YOU GOOD, LIVING YOUR DAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00046-00013682-00014012 MY WISH, TO YOU, HOPE HE BETRAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00047-00014012-00014210 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00048-00014210-00014384 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00049-00014384-00014659 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00050-00014659-00014936 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00051-00014936-00015159 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00052-00015159-00015460 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00053-00015460-00015731 BIARKAN MEREKA TANYA SIAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00054-00015731-00016133 YANG HILANG DULU DI ANTARA KITA BERDUA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00055-00016133-00016480 SEMUA NYA RASA TAK MENGAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00056-00016480-00016654 BIARKAN SAJA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00057-00016654-00016851 HATI DIA YANG TERLUKA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00058-00016851-00017097 PEDULI APA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00059-00017097-00017339 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00060-00017339-00017513 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00061-00017513-00017820 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00062-00017820-00018081 I KNOW IT YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00063-00018081-00018299 AND I DON'T CARE, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00064-00018299-00018607 I WON'T REVELING ANYWAY, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00065-00018607-00018866 BIARKAN MEREKA TANYA SIAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00066-00018866-00019342 YANG HILANG DULU DI ANTARA KITA BERDUA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00067-00019342-00019640 SEMUA NYA RASA TAK MENGAPA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00068-00019640-00019835 BIARKAN SAJA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00069-00019835-00020016 HATI DIA YANG TERLUKA, ltkM4Hp9bhU-00070-00020016-00020116 PEDULI APA, lvi5aea3l5E-00000-00000000-00000200 sky lyuprjQPCEc-00000-00000045-00000413 Rock climbing is one of the fastest-growing sports on the planet. lyuprjQPCEc-00001-00000413-00000883 The upcoming 2020 Olympics in Japan will be the first to feature climbing as one of its lyuprjQPCEc-00002-00000883-00001068 prestigious events. lyuprjQPCEc-00003-00001068-00001574 While research has helped climbers learn how to avoid injuries to their upper body, surprisingly lyuprjQPCEc-00004-00001574-00001920 little is known about the effects of climbing on the lower body. lyuprjQPCEc-00005-00001920-00002405 Now, for the first time, researchers have discovered patterns of knee injury across lyuprjQPCEc-00006-00002405-00002735 both competitive and noncompetitive climbers. lyuprjQPCEc-00007-00002735-00003167 Their findings, published in the March issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine, lyuprjQPCEc-00008-00003167-00003651 could offer athletes and healthcare providers useful tips on how to avoid or bounce back lyuprjQPCEc-00009-00003651-00003754 from injury. lyuprjQPCEc-00010-00003754-00004377 Over a period of 4 years, the authors of the study looked at 71 patients with 77 independent lyuprjQPCEc-00011-00004377-00004662 acute knee injuries due to climbing. lyuprjQPCEc-00012-00004662-00005097 Athletes were grouped by performance level, either competitive or noncompetitive, and lyuprjQPCEc-00013-00005097-00005588 injuries were classified by climbing type, due either to rope climbing or to bouldering, lyuprjQPCEc-00014-00005588-00005815 both indoor and outdoor. lyuprjQPCEc-00015-00005815-00006340 The team identified 4 distinctive maneuvers that led to knee injury: the high step, the lyuprjQPCEc-00016-00006340-00006836 drop knee, the heel hook, and in the case of bouldering, the fall. lyuprjQPCEc-00017-00006836-00007313 Overall, bouldering was linked to 69% of all injuries. lyuprjQPCEc-00018-00007313-00007742 The reason might be that while relatively short, bouldering routes normally involve lyuprjQPCEc-00019-00007742-00008393 hard moves, requiring strong body tension, difficult body positioning, and lots of strength. lyuprjQPCEc-00020-00008393-00008904 Among the leading types of injury were meniscal tears, sprains of the iliotibial band, and lyuprjQPCEc-00021-00008904-00009088 ACL injuries. lyuprjQPCEc-00022-00009088-00009511 These diagnoses could be traced back to the four climbing techniques identified by the lyuprjQPCEc-00023-00009511-00009628 authors. lyuprjQPCEc-00024-00009628-00010121 Medial meniscal tears were predominantly caused by the high-step, drop-knee, and heel-hook lyuprjQPCEc-00025-00010121-00010318 positions. lyuprjQPCEc-00026-00010318-00010720 Iliotibial band sprains were caused exclusively by the heel-hook position. lyuprjQPCEc-00027-00010720-00011128 And all ACL tears occurred due to uncontrolled falls. lyuprjQPCEc-00028-00011128-00011663 In terms of performance level, noncompetitive athletes had significantly more medical meniscal lyuprjQPCEc-00029-00011663-00012053 tears than competitive athletes and underwent more surgical procedures. lyuprjQPCEc-00030-00012053-00012542 While it’s unclear why, the authors note that the competitive group was significantly lyuprjQPCEc-00031-00012542-00012806 younger and carried less body weight. lyuprjQPCEc-00032-00012806-00013118 The teams findings can’t be generalized to all climbers. lyuprjQPCEc-00033-00013118-00013423 But they do point to ways of training safely. lyuprjQPCEc-00034-00013423-00013870 For athletes rehabbing an injury, rope climbing should be preferred to bouldering to avoid lyuprjQPCEc-00035-00013870-00014137 falls and direct impact on the knee. lyuprjQPCEc-00036-00014137-00014612 And all athletes, regardless of experience, might want to address muscle weaknesses not lyuprjQPCEc-00037-00014612-00014845 trained through climbing alone. lyuprjQPCEc-00038-00014845-00015243 More studies should help researchers weigh in further on the biomechanics of the knee lyuprjQPCEc-00039-00015243-00015365 during climbing. lyuprjQPCEc-00040-00015365-00015795 And with the sport only growing in popularity, understanding the science of climbing could lyuprjQPCEc-00041-00015795-00015901 be more important than ever. ly_8IGI7cuy-00000-00000077-00000636 JayKay and Castle Colditz, 14.8.2022 ly_8IGI7cuy-00001-00000714-00001246 Hi, this is JayKay Historicus. ly_8IGI7cuy-00002-00001322-00001751 It´s Sunday 14.8.2022. ly_8IGI7cuy-00003-00001849-00002235 And here we are at Castle Colditz. ly_8IGI7cuy-00004-00002313-00003227 From this castle had during WW2 fled allied prisoners. ly_8IGI7cuy-00005-00003249-00003800 This is the 1st courtyard and the castle is enormously huge. ly_8IGI7cuy-00006-00003954-00004585 JayKay Airplanicus in Castle Colditz. ly_8IGI7cuy-00007-00004625-00005226 And this is replica of the glider which English prisoners built during WW2. ly_8IGI7cuy-00008-00005280-00005619 In order to flee from this prison. ly_8IGI7cuy-00009-00005625-00005825 There were over 600 officers inprisoned here. ly_8IGI7cuy-00010-00005842-00006723 They built it from wood and linen. ly_8IGI7cuy-00011-00006751-00007634 The guys planned to start from the roof of the castle. ly_8IGI7cuy-00012-00007670-00008397 They built a false wall - marked red - and behind this wall they constructed the glider. ly_8IGI7cuy-00013-00008454-00008876 After completing the glider, they want to build a ramp on the roof and launch from it using a pulley. ly_8IGI7cuy-00014-00008876-00009312 On the other side of the rope they planned to place bathtub full of concrete. ly_8IGI7cuy-00015-00009403-00009833 This idea was proofed to be workable by experiment. ly_8IGI7cuy-00016-00009843-00010418 This shaft was dug by the French which as the first prisoners succeeded to escape from Colditz. ly_8IGI7cuy-00017-00010471-00011072 Look, this is the hole the Frenchmen dug! ly_8IGI7cuy-00018-00011153-00011758 So here they dug but the question was where they stored the soil and stones? ly_8IGI7cuy-00019-00011795-00012210 They carried the excavated clay to the attic of this chapel, which lately collapsed. ly_8IGI7cuy-00020-00012238-00012884 Terrace in Colditz, valley of Mulde river and this is the roof for planned launch. lyAnb5DR0QU-00000-00000003-00000525 It'll change your theology. It'll change what you think about God. It'll change lyAnb5DR0QU-00001-00000525-00000959 how you live in the earth. It'll change how you wake up in the morning and who you're lyAnb5DR0QU-00002-00000959-00001332 walking... Who do you wake up and walk with in the morning? The Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00003-00001332-00003455 Who's God in the earth? The Holy Ghost. Is that different than what you used to do? Yes! lyAnb5DR0QU-00004-00003455-00003764 Hebrews 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ. Does that mean we leave them as in we don't have anything lyAnb5DR0QU-00005-00003764-00004152 to do with them anymore? No. It means we go on from there. lyAnb5DR0QU-00006-00004152-00004623 Meaning, we still have those (doctrines) as our foundation but we go on from the lyAnb5DR0QU-00007-00004623-00005221 foundation. Where do you go from a foundation? Up. Right? You build up on it. lyAnb5DR0QU-00008-00005221-00005714 You don't spend all your time in the basement do you? What happens if you lyAnb5DR0QU-00009-00005714-00005907 spend all your time in the basement? lyAnb5DR0QU-00010-00005907-00006561 You start looking weird. Right? Not laying again the foundation of repentance from lyAnb5DR0QU-00011-00006561-00007229 dead works and of faith towards God, of doctrine of baptisms (plural) and of lyAnb5DR0QU-00012-00007229-00007629 laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the Dead and eternal lyAnb5DR0QU-00013-00007629-00008031 judgment... You should know all of these things. We've preached on all of these things lyAnb5DR0QU-00014-00008031-00008990 These are basic, basic, basic, basics... Verse 3 and this we will do. Who has to do lyAnb5DR0QU-00015-00008990-00009911 it? We have to will to do it. Right? This we will do if God permit. And I present lyAnb5DR0QU-00016-00009911-00010377 to you tonight that God is permitting it. And we're going to go on. If He doesn't lyAnb5DR0QU-00017-00010377-00010925 permit it now when is He going to permit it? These are the last of lyAnb5DR0QU-00018-00010925-00011486 the last days. He's got to take off the permission so to speak and permit for lyAnb5DR0QU-00019-00011486-00011864 people to go on. And if they're gonna go on and the others don't want to go on lyAnb5DR0QU-00020-00011864-00012738 what happens to them? They get left behind. I'm going to be speaking this evening from lyAnb5DR0QU-00021-00012738-00013269 the room say, "the room" of Holy Ghost worship. lyAnb5DR0QU-00022-00013269-00013656 It's a different place. It's a different room than most people have ever been in. lyAnb5DR0QU-00023-00013656-00014080 Even if other people don't, we do have people that ARE worshiping the Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00024-00014080-00014479 Ghost. And when they "worship the Holy Ghost" they enter into that "room" of Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00025-00014479-00015273 Ghost worship. And they need to go on. Are you here? Myself included, I want to go on. lyAnb5DR0QU-00026-00015273-00015648 I don't want to go back and have to lay the foundation again. I've got the lyAnb5DR0QU-00027-00015648-00016026 foundation. I like it. It's good. It's good strong and solid foundation. I'm not lyAnb5DR0QU-00028-00016026-00016443 trying to lay a new foundation. It's the same foundation. But we need to go on! lyAnb5DR0QU-00029-00016443-00017044 Well, we need to go on, if God permit. And I'm telling you He is permitting it – in lyAnb5DR0QU-00030-00017044-00017566 this day and in this hour. So, I'm gonna be speaking from this room of Holy Ghost lyAnb5DR0QU-00031-00017566-00017895 worship. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, we've got plenty of other lyAnb5DR0QU-00032-00017895-00018295 messages online (see below) that talk about Holy Ghost worship. We're actually talking lyAnb5DR0QU-00033-00018295-00018798 about, not the music portion of a service, I like music, but we're talking about actually lyAnb5DR0QU-00034-00018798-00019398 worshiping the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today. It's a different thing. It's lyAnb5DR0QU-00035-00019398-00019860 a different operation. It does something different to you. It's a diversity of lyAnb5DR0QU-00036-00019860-00020203 operations that does something different than all of the other things you've been lyAnb5DR0QU-00037-00020203-00020716 doing. Are you here? So, I'm gonna be speaking from "this room" and even if you lyAnb5DR0QU-00038-00020716-00021204 don't really know all of the things that I'm talking about... lyAnb5DR0QU-00039-00021204-00021643 Imagine that? You don't really even know all of the stuff that I'm gonna be lyAnb5DR0QU-00040-00021643-00022456 talking about. If you will use the words "I worship you Holy Ghost" it (those words) will start lyAnb5DR0QU-00041-00022456-00022969 working for you. Those things in that room will become available to lyAnb5DR0QU-00042-00022969-00023392 you. Say, "become available." I'm talking about when you begin to lyAnb5DR0QU-00043-00023392-00023806 worship the Holy Ghost it makes the room of Holy Ghost worship and all of the lyAnb5DR0QU-00044-00023806-00024285 things in that room available to you. Even if you don't know all of the things lyAnb5DR0QU-00045-00024285-00024731 I'm going to be talking about. Other people have done it. You can do it too. lyAnb5DR0QU-00046-00024731-00025185 It's a function of you making up your mind that you are willing to go on. And lyAnb5DR0QU-00047-00025185-00025666 you're gonna go okay, "I worship You Holy Ghost" because the Holy Ghost is God in lyAnb5DR0QU-00048-00025666-00026131 the earth today and you walk with Him by saying words. If you don't know how we lyAnb5DR0QU-00049-00026131-00026569 got here then you need to subscribe to the website and go and listen to some of lyAnb5DR0QU-00050-00026569-00026924 those other messages that tell you how you got here... that the lyAnb5DR0QU-00051-00026924-00027338 Holy Ghost is the only part of the Godhead in the earth today. And because lyAnb5DR0QU-00052-00027338-00027770 He is God... If you knew him as God, what would you do? You would worship Him as lyAnb5DR0QU-00053-00027770-00028283 God. You can do this. You can catch up. Well, I tell you one of the best ways to lyAnb5DR0QU-00054-00028283-00028826 do it is, just to do it. Use those words and say, I worship you Holy Ghost. Are you lyAnb5DR0QU-00055-00028826-00029245 here? And when you do, those things become available to you, that weren't available lyAnb5DR0QU-00056-00029245-00029806 until you did that. Others have done it and so can you. Use lyAnb5DR0QU-00057-00029806-00030749 the words "I worship you Holy Ghost" and Holy Ghost worship changes everything! It lyAnb5DR0QU-00058-00030749-00031331 does! It'll change your theology. It'll change what you think about God. It'll lyAnb5DR0QU-00059-00031331-00031724 change how you live in the earth. It'll change how you wake up in the morning lyAnb5DR0QU-00060-00031724-00032150 and who you're walking with. Who do you wake up and walk with in the morning? The Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00061-00032150-00032639 Who's God in the earth? The Holy Ghost. Is that different than what you lyAnb5DR0QU-00062-00032639-00033620 used to do? Yes. Daily use of the words... Say, "daily." Daily use of the words... and I lyAnb5DR0QU-00063-00033620-00034076 recommend to people at least 5 minutes a day. Start out with 5 minutes a day. What lyAnb5DR0QU-00064-00034076-00034661 do you mean 5 minutes a day? For 5 minutes every day, sit in your chair and lyAnb5DR0QU-00065-00034661-00035279 use the words I worship you Holy Ghost. What do you mean, use the words lyAnb5DR0QU-00066-00035279-00036085 I worship you Holy Ghost? I mean, say out your mouth, "I worship you Holy Ghost" lyAnb5DR0QU-00067-00036085-00036821 I worship you Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost I worship you. I worship you Holy Ghost. And lyAnb5DR0QU-00068-00036821-00037283 you're gonna do that for five minutes. If you will do that for five minutes every lyAnb5DR0QU-00069-00037283-00038021 day it will change your life! Certainly, it'll change your doctrine. I'm telling you lyAnb5DR0QU-00070-00038021-00038675 that if you begin to worship the Holy Ghost and you use those words, it is one lyAnb5DR0QU-00071-00038675-00039056 of the most profitable things that you can ever do. You know, people that say lyAnb5DR0QU-00072-00039056-00039534 that oh oh you don't you know that's cute but it's not profitable, blah, blah. How do you know? lyAnb5DR0QU-00073-00039534-00040282 How do you know? I dare you to do it! What are you afraid of? That God might pay lyAnb5DR0QU-00074-00040282-00040677 attention to you? That God might look at you when you're worshipping Him? He will! lyAnb5DR0QU-00075-00040677-00041017 Who do you think you're worshipping when you go, "I worship you Holy Ghost." You're lyAnb5DR0QU-00076-00041017-00041503 worshiping God. He is in the earth. He's been here since the day of Pentecost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00077-00041503-00042058 He's still here! Right? And when you worship Him you get lyAnb5DR0QU-00078-00042058-00042493 His attention. You get his favor. He will come and look at you and your life will lyAnb5DR0QU-00079-00042493-00043123 be changed. He's the teacher. And I'm here to tell you, it's my testimony. What's my lyAnb5DR0QU-00080-00043123-00043570 testimony not worth anything? I'm telling you. It's my testimony, that if you lyAnb5DR0QU-00081-00043570-00044011 worship the Holy Ghost every day your life will be changed! lyAnb5DR0QU-00082-00044011-00044686 Holy Ghost worship is one of the most profitable things you can do. Yes you lyAnb5DR0QU-00083-00044686-00045085 repent and believe on Jesus. Yes you receive the Holy Ghost, with the evidence lyAnb5DR0QU-00084-00045085-00045969 of speaking in tongues. Yes you worship God the Holy Ghost. And when you do that lyAnb5DR0QU-00085-00045969-00046549 it becomes one of the most profitable things... and I'm telling you, that's my lyAnb5DR0QU-00086-00046549-00046915 testimony. Others have the exact same testimony. Anybody here (in this room) have that lyAnb5DR0QU-00087-00046915-00047362 testimony? Anybody out there have that testimony? Does it change everything? Yes. lyAnb5DR0QU-00088-00047362-00047791 You get a brand-new Bible. (I always wanted a new Bible) You live in the new lyAnb5DR0QU-00089-00047791-00048216 reality, that the Holy Ghost is God. He's in the earth. You're in the earth. Who do lyAnb5DR0QU-00090-00048216-00049120 you walk with now? Him, the Holy Ghost. Now, listen. He will... if you do this. If you lyAnb5DR0QU-00091-00049120-00050071 worship Him everyday, He will rewire you! Rewire your mind. Rewire you into this lyAnb5DR0QU-00092-00050071-00050860 new dispensation! If you worship Him, He will rewire you into this new lyAnb5DR0QU-00093-00050860-00051447 dispensation. Did you get that? What dispensation are you in? The Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00094-00051447-00051901 Ghost dispensation. Most people are not wired into it. They're wired into some lyAnb5DR0QU-00095-00051901-00052270 other dispensation. Fragments here, fragments there, trying to draw power lyAnb5DR0QU-00096-00052270-00053035 from the neighbors. Right? Holy Ghost worship wires you into this dispensation. lyAnb5DR0QU-00097-00053035-00053627 Where should you be fully engaged? In this dispensation! lyAnb5DR0QU-00098-00053627-00054079 If we're gonna fulfill what we're called to fulfill. Worshiping the Holy Ghost, I'm lyAnb5DR0QU-00099-00054079-00054580 telling you, rewires you. All of your thoughts, your mind, everything, into this lyAnb5DR0QU-00100-00054580-00055289 dispensation –His dispensation. More than five minutes a day and you'll begin to lyAnb5DR0QU-00101-00055289-00055853 partake of the contents of that room. What do you mean the contents of that lyAnb5DR0QU-00102-00055853-00056254 room? It's an actual room in the spirit and if you worship the Holy Ghost, He'll lyAnb5DR0QU-00103-00056254-00056830 begin to rewire you into that room. Right? And there's contents in the room. Let's lyAnb5DR0QU-00104-00056830-00057695 just go here... This will sound freaky to some people, but too bad. Psalm chapter 34 lyAnb5DR0QU-00105-00057695-00058349 and look at verse 7. The angel of the lord encamps round about them that do lyAnb5DR0QU-00106-00058349-00059039 something and delivers those that do that something. What's the something? lyAnb5DR0QU-00107-00059039-00059582 That fear him. It says here. Other translations say "worship." And that same word lyAnb5DR0QU-00108-00059582-00060010 that's translated fear, is translated "worship" many other times in the Bible. lyAnb5DR0QU-00109-00060010-00060464 The angel of the lord encamps around about those that worship Him and lyAnb5DR0QU-00110-00060464-00060953 delivers them. And as I was in this room... You can receive this or not. I hope that lyAnb5DR0QU-00111-00060953-00061253 you do. As I was in the room of Holy Ghost worship. What do you mean? I was lyAnb5DR0QU-00112-00061253-00061604 worshiping the Holy Ghost, worshiping the Holy Ghost. I worship You lyAnb5DR0QU-00113-00061604-00062129 Holy Ghost. I worship You Holy Ghost... an angel came up to me. I was in that room, lyAnb5DR0QU-00114-00062129-00062576 he was in that room. What do you mean, there was an angel in that room worshiping God? What do lyAnb5DR0QU-00115-00062576-00063142 you think the Angels do when they're not just doing other angel things? They're lyAnb5DR0QU-00116-00063142-00063824 worshiping God. This angel said to me, "I have nothing to do with people who don't lyAnb5DR0QU-00117-00063824-00064526 worship God." God is who the Holy Ghost. So, he (the angel) has nothing to do with people that lyAnb5DR0QU-00118-00064526-00065045 don't worship the Holy Ghost. And I said, God wait, wait, wait, wait a second. You've got lyAnb5DR0QU-00119-00065045-00065621 to give me some scriptures on this. We just read it. The angel of the lord lyAnb5DR0QU-00120-00065621-00066281 encamps round about them that worship Him and delivers them. Who does this lyAnb5DR0QU-00121-00066281-00066786 angel deliver? People that worship God. Who is he sent lyAnb5DR0QU-00122-00066786-00067155 to deliver? People that worship God. Will he deliver somebody that isn't lyAnb5DR0QU-00123-00067155-00067545 worshiping God? Not according to this verse of scripture. And maybe just not lyAnb5DR0QU-00124-00067545-00068103 that angel. Are you here? So anyway, that's the one of the things that you can lyAnb5DR0QU-00125-00068103-00068958 expect. Say, "I can expect angels to minister for me when I'm in that room of lyAnb5DR0QU-00126-00068958-00069351 Holy Ghost worship." You don't even have to do anything. Here it said, he's lyAnb5DR0QU-00127-00069351-00069813 doing the delivering things. Right? You're just worshiping God. God who? God lyAnb5DR0QU-00128-00069813-00070152 the Holy Ghost. You've come to know Him as God in the earth today and you lyAnb5DR0QU-00129-00070152-00070581 worship Him. And when you do, where are the angels gonna do things for you and lyAnb5DR0QU-00130-00070581-00071448 deliver you? Deliver you in heaven? No. You don't need it there. Here! on earth. Now, if you lyAnb5DR0QU-00131-00071448-00071973 are worshiping the Holy Ghost and five minutes seems like an eternity or seems lyAnb5DR0QU-00132-00071973-00072540 like a really long time, you need to just continue doing it, daily. It's an indicator of lyAnb5DR0QU-00133-00072540-00073056 whether you're really getting into that room or not. You understand? lyAnb5DR0QU-00134-00073056-00073602 Again, I'm speaking from... these are advanced things for people that worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00135-00073602-00073998 the Holy Ghost. You understand? And it doesn't mean this too far out for you. lyAnb5DR0QU-00136-00073998-00074346 You can get there. But you're gonna have to worship the Holy Ghost. Does this make lyAnb5DR0QU-00137-00074346-00074898 sense? If five minutes seems like a long time you've just got to keep lyAnb5DR0QU-00138-00074898-00075527 continuing. Keep doing it every day. If five minutes seems like it's not enough lyAnb5DR0QU-00139-00075527-00076095 or it wasn't enough time, and I want to stay in this room, and like you don't lyAnb5DR0QU-00140-00076095-00076581 want to leave the party, then you're getting somewhere. You understand? It's an lyAnb5DR0QU-00141-00076581-00077076 indicator that you can look for. There's too much going on... I don't want to leave it. lyAnb5DR0QU-00142-00077076-00077457 I tell you, so many times –again my testimony. So many times I'm in that room lyAnb5DR0QU-00143-00077457-00077862 of Holy Ghost worship. I worship you Holy Ghost. I worship you Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00144-00077862-00078537 I know that things are happening for me. Say, " things are happening." The angels are lyAnb5DR0QU-00145-00078537-00078906 doing things. God's doing things for me. God's showing favor to me. God's going lyAnb5DR0QU-00146-00078906-00079353 out and doing stuff that I can't do. You don't believe me? Wait till we get lyAnb5DR0QU-00147-00079353-00079764 into some of this stuff later tonight. Well, you say, I don't worship the Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00148-00079764-00080173 Well you can. There's no reason you can't. I'll give lyAnb5DR0QU-00149-00080173-00080572 you the exact words to use and the way to do it. You use the words, I lyAnb5DR0QU-00150-00080572-00081012 worship you Holy Ghost. I would indicate you and you'll say "I" lyAnb5DR0QU-00151-00081012-00081523 Sometimes I'll even put my own name in there. I'll go, "I Andrew Hemstrought worship you lyAnb5DR0QU-00152-00081523-00081805 Holy Ghost. Because, I don't want Him to get confused. lyAnb5DR0QU-00153-00081805-00082423 I want Him to know that I'm the one doing it. Are you here? Who's God in the earth lyAnb5DR0QU-00154-00082423-00082897 today? So you guys are pretty solid on that? There's nobody going to shake you from that? lyAnb5DR0QU-00155-00082897-00083380 How did you get there? You know how you got there. Who got you there? Jesus got you lyAnb5DR0QU-00156-00083380-00084258 there. Didn't he. The real jesus said, when he leaves he's gonna send, who? A space lyAnb5DR0QU-00157-00084258-00084708 alien? No, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Ghost is going to come in, the lyAnb5DR0QU-00158-00084708-00085443 comforter. Did Jesus do that? Yes, so Who is here today? Holy Ghost, He is God. lyAnb5DR0QU-00159-00085443-00086161 Don't leave him out! He's the One that's here. Acts chapter 9 and then let's look lyAnb5DR0QU-00160-00086161-00086956 at verse 31 The churches (the societies) had rest and prosperity and were built lyAnb5DR0QU-00161-00086956-00087750 up and were multiplied. Right? Yes, they were increased in numbers. How you say. lyAnb5DR0QU-00162-00087750-00088837 How? Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. Walking lyAnb5DR0QU-00163-00088837-00089524 in the fear... What does fear mean? Worship. So, in some way somehow there's a lyAnb5DR0QU-00164-00089524-00090004 connection between the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00165-00090004-00090442 Can you imagine that. The comfort of the Holy Ghost means the lyAnb5DR0QU-00166-00090442-00091095 Paraclete or the one called alongside that helps you. If you fear the Lord (Holy Ghost) He lyAnb5DR0QU-00167-00091095-00091689 comes alongside and helps you. Are you here? If you worship the Lord lyAnb5DR0QU-00168-00091689-00092268 He's more prone to come alongside and help you. That's my point here. Those lyAnb5DR0QU-00169-00092268-00092686 things are connected. They were prospered, they grew, they lyAnb5DR0QU-00170-00092686-00093164 multiplied in numbers, through worshiping the Lord (Holy Ghost) lyAnb5DR0QU-00171-00093164-00093797 and having Him do things, i.e. comfort them. Is this making sense? The fear of... lyAnb5DR0QU-00172-00093797-00094226 Say, "the fear of the Lord." I'm hoping that I can get this through to you tonight. lyAnb5DR0QU-00173-00094226-00094691 Because the fear of the Lord, that we're going to be talking about... Reverence is also used, lyAnb5DR0QU-00174-00094691-00095009 many modern translations, that's what they'll use, the "reverence" of the Lord, lyAnb5DR0QU-00175-00095009-00095747 rather than "fear." Also "worship" the Lord. So, if we're going to fear the Lord, we're lyAnb5DR0QU-00176-00095747-00096440 gonna be worshiping the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the worship of the Lord. Say, lyAnb5DR0QU-00177-00096440-00096967 the fear of the Lord is the worship of the Lord. Who's God in the earth today? lyAnb5DR0QU-00178-00096967-00097655 Who do we worship? The Holy Ghost. Which means... that's the fear of the Lord. lyAnb5DR0QU-00179-00097655-00098171 So, they were walking in the fear (worship) of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00180-00098171-00098563 Ghost. It was multiplied to them. Are you still here? lyAnb5DR0QU-00181-00098563-00099209 proverbs chapter 9 verse 10 The fear of the Lord. Is that in your Bible? The fear lyAnb5DR0QU-00182-00099209-00099980 of the Lord is extra something that you don't even need to worry about. Some lyAnb5DR0QU-00183-00099980-00100394 people do, some people don't, eh, whatever. Is that what it says? lyAnb5DR0QU-00184-00100394-00100975 That's the modern loose version translation. No, it says, the fear of the Lord lyAnb5DR0QU-00185-00100975-00101963 is the beginning! Are you here? So, we know that the fear of the Lord means the lyAnb5DR0QU-00186-00101963-00102716 worship of the Lord. The worship of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It's the lyAnb5DR0QU-00187-00102716-00103541 beginning. And the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. How am I gonna get lyAnb5DR0QU-00188-00103541-00104603 knowledge of the Holy Ghost? What did it say? The worship of the Lord. Are you here? lyAnb5DR0QU-00189-00104603-00105107 The worship of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00190-00105107-00105839 is understanding, still applying to the worshipping of the Holy Ghost. If I lyAnb5DR0QU-00191-00105839-00106126 worship the Holy Ghost, according to the scripture what am I gonna have? lyAnb5DR0QU-00192-00106126-00106676 A beginning right? How do you enter into the room of Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00193-00106676-00107039 Ghost Worship? I gave you a key. That's what it says on the door. Holy Ghost lyAnb5DR0QU-00194-00107039-00107867 Worship. You worship the Holy Ghost. It's literally the fear of the Lord. Say, Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00195-00107867-00108542 Ghost Worship is the fear of the Lord. The churches had rest, walking in the lyAnb5DR0QU-00196-00108542-00109286 fear of the Lord. Are you here? I mean literally right in the first chapter of lyAnb5DR0QU-00197-00109286-00110161 the book of Proverbs and verse 7 it says. the fear of the Lord is the beginning. lyAnb5DR0QU-00198-00110161-00110975 How many of us don't begin by worshiping God? You want to know the Holy Ghost lyAnb5DR0QU-00199-00110975-00111455 you're gonna have to worship Him. Say, if I want to know the Holy Ghost I'm going lyAnb5DR0QU-00200-00111455-00112511 to have to worship Him. Using the words, I worship you Holy Ghost is the beginning lyAnb5DR0QU-00201-00112511-00113300 of the fear of the Lord. It is the fear of the Lord. Are you here? Did I make that lyAnb5DR0QU-00202-00113300-00113888 clear enough or maybe I just gotta be louder. When I use the words, I worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00203-00113888-00114287 the Holy Ghost, that's the fear of the Lord. It's the beginning of wisdom. It's lyAnb5DR0QU-00204-00114287-00115047 the beginning of knowing. I can testify personally that until I begin worshiping lyAnb5DR0QU-00205-00115047-00115724 the Holy Ghost I didn't know... I knew a lot of stuff, but it wasn't knowing Him. lyAnb5DR0QU-00206-00115724-00116413 When you want to know God the Holy Ghost as God in the earth today, give it a go. lyAnb5DR0QU-00207-00116413-00117222 Worship Him. Why? Because, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowing Him. lyAnb5DR0QU-00208-00117222-00117713 Okay, now having said all of that and I hope I got it across. Sometimes I don't know. lyAnb5DR0QU-00209-00117713-00118766 I know next to nothing about the fear of the Lord... because of its scope lyAnb5DR0QU-00210-00118766-00119865 and size. It's seemingly infinite in its scope. So, it seems like...even... lyAnb5DR0QU-00211-00119865-00120177 So, whatever I know about it is still very small. lyAnb5DR0QU-00212-00120177-00120639 You understand? It's next to nothing compared to the scope of it all. It's like lyAnb5DR0QU-00213-00120639-00121398 the earth in the universe, it's next to nothing. But, I know a lot more than most lyAnb5DR0QU-00214-00121398-00122192 people, about the fear of the Lord, which is the worship of the Holy Ghost. Are you here? lyAnb5DR0QU-00215-00122192-00122973 Paul said in first Corinthians 14 18 he said, I thank my God I speak with lyAnb5DR0QU-00216-00122973-00123554 tongues more than you all. Remember that? We all assume that Paul... and this is the lyAnb5DR0QU-00217-00123554-00123989 way it hits my mind, is we go okay. Well, Paul speaks in tongues more than all the lyAnb5DR0QU-00218-00123989-00124379 Corinthians. Which means the combined bunch of the Corinthians speaking in lyAnb5DR0QU-00219-00124379-00124852 tongues, Paul still spoke in tongues more than any of them. Well now, what about lyAnb5DR0QU-00220-00124852-00125382 people that don't speak in tongues? Did Paul speak in tongues more than they lyAnb5DR0QU-00221-00125382-00126348 did? Yes. Is Paul therefore an authority on speaking in tongues? You could say yes. lyAnb5DR0QU-00222-00126348-00126752 He speaks in tongues more than all of them. He speaks in tongues more than the lyAnb5DR0QU-00223-00126752-00127158 Corinthians, but he certainly speaks in tongues more than everybody who doesn't lyAnb5DR0QU-00224-00127158-00127478 speak in tongues. It is funny because all the ones who don't lyAnb5DR0QU-00225-00127478-00127808 speak in tongues want to say that they're the authority on speaking in tongues. Have you lyAnb5DR0QU-00226-00127808-00128349 ever seen that? He goes, I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you lyAnb5DR0QU-00227-00128349-00128895 all. Bible right? And Paul was an authority on it. The reason I said that lyAnb5DR0QU-00228-00128895-00129627 is, I worship the Holy Ghost more than you all. Now, you may be worshiping the lyAnb5DR0QU-00229-00129627-00129953 Holy but you've got a ways to go to catch up to me. Because, I've been doing this for lyAnb5DR0QU-00230-00129953-00130604 almost 30 years and because of that I'm an authority on this subject. So when I lyAnb5DR0QU-00231-00130604-00130940 start talking about "the room of Holy Ghost worship" and what goes on in that lyAnb5DR0QU-00232-00130940-00131552 room, I have something to stand on. Are you here? Do I worship the Holy Ghost lyAnb5DR0QU-00233-00131552-00132060 more than people who don't worship the Holy Ghost or believe in that? Why are lyAnb5DR0QU-00234-00132060-00132447 they telling me that they are somehow an authority on whether I should worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00235-00132447-00132933 the Holy Ghost or not? They know nothing about it? They can't tell me what's in lyAnb5DR0QU-00236-00132933-00133326 that room. They can't tell me the effects that it has. lyAnb5DR0QU-00237-00133326-00133609 I'm telling you when you worship the Holy Ghost, lyAnb5DR0QU-00238-00133609-00134179 He literally rewires you into this dispensation and if that's the only lyAnb5DR0QU-00239-00134179-00134644 thing you got out of this message, glory to God. It's huge! lyAnb5DR0QU-00240-00134644-00134971 You're worshiping Him. He's God in the earth today. You're walking with Him. lyAnb5DR0QU-00241-00134971-00135772 He rewires you into, fully into, this dispensation where you need to be. So I'm lyAnb5DR0QU-00242-00135772-00136386 somewhat of an authority on this and I'm telling you that Holy Ghost worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00243-00136386-00137218 changes everything! Everything, say everything. It goes on and on. lyAnb5DR0QU-00244-00137218-00137782 The scope of it, the fear of the Lord. Say, the fear of the Lord. What is the fear of lyAnb5DR0QU-00245-00137782-00138385 the Lord? Worshiping the Lord –worshiping the Holy Ghost. Okay, is this fun yet? lyAnb5DR0QU-00246-00138385-00139312 In that room you can find everything. Everything? Yeah, everything. In the room lyAnb5DR0QU-00247-00139312-00139645 of the fear of... Now if I say it that way people are a lot more prone to lyAnb5DR0QU-00248-00139645-00140020 understand it. In the room of the fear of the Lord is lyAnb5DR0QU-00249-00140020-00140788 everything. In the room of the fear of the Lord is everything! What's the fear lyAnb5DR0QU-00250-00140788-00141358 of the Lord? The worship of the Holy Ghost. Are you here? So, in the room of lyAnb5DR0QU-00251-00141358-00141901 Holy Ghost worship is everything. Somebody out there got that! Glory be to lyAnb5DR0QU-00252-00141901-00142633 God! In Holy Ghost worship is everything. Is everything in Him? In God, the Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00253-00142633-00143322 Ghost, yes! Worshiping Him gives you access to literally everything! lyAnb5DR0QU-00254-00143322-00143686 You shouldn't worship the Holy Ghost. Oh, you're telling me I shouldn't worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00255-00143686-00144595 God? To that I say poopoo. I should worship God. Besides, you're too late. lyAnb5DR0QU-00256-00144595-00144856 you're way too late. That's like somebody lyAnb5DR0QU-00257-00144856-00145354 saying oh you shouldn't speak in tongues everyday. You are way way you are lyAnb5DR0QU-00258-00145354-00145785 literally thousands and thousands of hours of me speaking in tongues too late. lyAnb5DR0QU-00259-00145785-00146170 To tell me that there's no benefit to speaking in lyAnb5DR0QU-00260-00146170-00146517 tongues. Or now your trying to tell me there's no benefit –you're the authority– lyAnb5DR0QU-00261-00146517-00146926 you're trying to tell me there's no benefit to worshiping the Holy Ghost. lyAnb5DR0QU-00262-00146926-00147478 I'm showing you scripturally there's huge benefits to worshiping the Holy lyAnb5DR0QU-00263-00147478-00148165 Ghost literally everything is in that room. It's exciting! And you get in that lyAnb5DR0QU-00264-00148165-00148771 room and you don't want to come out. Proverbs chapter 22 let's look at verse lyAnb5DR0QU-00265-00148771-00149998 4 By humility and what? The fear of the Lord. By humility and the fear of the lyAnb5DR0QU-00266-00149998-00151078 Lord are riches and honor and life. That means in this room of the fear of the lyAnb5DR0QU-00267-00151078-00151714 Lord. What's in there? Riches and honor and life. You know what the word lyAnb5DR0QU-00268-00151714-00152269 riches means? Yeah, riches (wealth). What's in that lyAnb5DR0QU-00269-00152269-00153054 room you say? There's wealth in that room! Humility, meaning submitting myself lyAnb5DR0QU-00270-00153054-00153745 to worshiping God. Does this make sense? That's the fear of the Lord. lyAnb5DR0QU-00271-00153745-00153988 It's in there. What's in there? Riches and honor and life. lyAnb5DR0QU-00272-00153988-00154696 Where? In worshiping the Holy Ghost. In the room of worshiping God, which is also lyAnb5DR0QU-00273-00154696-00155292 called the fear of the Lord. Yeah, you mean just little riches and a lyAnb5DR0QU-00274-00155292-00155866 little bit honor and just a sprinkling of life. No, it's all there! lyAnb5DR0QU-00275-00155866-00156562 Its however much you want. Listen to me! It's however much you want. Say, however much I want lyAnb5DR0QU-00276-00156562-00157309 is in there. So, let's just take for instance that I've come to the place of lyAnb5DR0QU-00277-00157309-00157789 knowing that the Holy Ghost is God. That He's the one that Jesus sent into the lyAnb5DR0QU-00278-00157789-00158413 earth. And because I know Him as God, I worship Him. I'm submitting myself to lyAnb5DR0QU-00279-00158413-00159082 that. Worshiping the Holy Ghost as God in the earth. That is the fear of the lyAnb5DR0QU-00280-00159082-00159780 Lord. When I do that, it opens up this room to me. lyAnb5DR0QU-00281-00159780-00160414 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life. Those things lyAnb5DR0QU-00282-00160414-00161137 are in there. In that room is wealth in every area of life. Every area. Say, every lyAnb5DR0QU-00283-00161137-00161758 area. Is there anything in the room of Holy Ghost worship? Everything's in there. lyAnb5DR0QU-00284-00161758-00162235 And when you begin to worship Him and use those words, "I worship you Holy Ghost" lyAnb5DR0QU-00285-00162235-00162919 you begin to gain access to all of the things that are in that room: all the lyAnb5DR0QU-00286-00162919-00163381 angels, all the stuff, and all the power that He's made available to you. Because you lyAnb5DR0QU-00287-00163381-00164020 become fully in this dispensation, which is the Holy Ghost, Who's God in the earth lyAnb5DR0QU-00288-00164020-00164398 today. Let me pray for you. Holy Ghost I thank you for these people who've heard lyAnb5DR0QU-00289-00164398-00164923 this message. I ask that you begin to seal on their lips those words, "I worship lyAnb5DR0QU-00290-00164923-00165394 you Holy Ghost" and as they begin to worship you, you will begin to do things lyAnb5DR0QU-00291-00165394-00165979 that you couldn't do before and we can do praise and glory for all of it. In Jesus name. lyAnb5DR0QU-00292-00165979-00166029 Amen. lyAnb5DR0QU-00293-00166029-00166221 Please Subscribe. Thank you. lyBzzW2IrSo-00000-00000000-00000103 Bloomberg's Ed Ludlow joins Emily Chang l-igbIDIGWI-00000-00000902-00001268 Well the core belief is, again, one of causation. l-igbIDIGWI-00001-00001334-00001528 Germs don't cause anything. l-igbIDIGWI-00002-00001616-00002128 Diseases are not passed through germs. l-igbIDIGWI-00003-00002168-00002284 They're not.... l-igbIDIGWI-00004-00002332-00002728 Sickness is not passed through heredity, through DNA. l-igbIDIGWI-00005-00002728-00003326 You know, I'm undoing most of everything the world believes in, but none of this is real! l-igbIDIGWI-00006-00003326-00003578 There's no hereditary disease. l-igbIDIGWI-00007-00003578-00003964 There is no disease-catching germs, l-igbIDIGWI-00008-00003964-00004176 because it's a projection! l-igbIDIGWI-00009-00004176-00004566 it's all a projection; it's just thoughts in the mind. l-igbIDIGWI-00010-00004566-00004818 And there's a beautiful l-igbIDIGWI-00011-00004818-00005302 line in the workbook of the Course that says: "I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts." l-igbIDIGWI-00012-00005348-00005956 If I'm holding on to thoughts of separation, attack thoughts, that's where the virus is. l-igbIDIGWI-00013-00005956-00006294 The virus is not in time and space. l-igbIDIGWI-00014-00006294-00006659 The virus is those attack thoughts in the mind. l-igbIDIGWI-00015-00006659-00007238 The grievance in the mind is the dis-ease, is the un-ease of the mind. l-igbIDIGWI-00016-00007254-00007684 And, of course, Atonement, or the miracle corrects those, l-igbIDIGWI-00017-00007684-00008138 basically shows that those are impossible, because God didn't create attack thoughts. l-igbIDIGWI-00018-00008154-00008686 And God doesn't create grievances, and that's what the Atonement shows. l-igbIDIGWI-00019-00008706-00008852 Be of good cheer! l-igbIDIGWI-00020-00008852-00009204 There is no reason for l-igbIDIGWI-00021-00009204-00009644 the belief in harm, in the belief in attack, the belief in destruction. l-igbIDIGWI-00022-00009644-00010314 Whether it be war, or it be even viruses, and even l-igbIDIGWI-00023-00010338-00010678 viruses that seem to be catchable. None of those l-igbIDIGWI-00024-00010678-00011038 are real. They're all part of a make-believe thought system. l-igbIDIGWI-00025-00011038-00011512 And that's what you're really going for! You're going for the clarity of mind. l_bL8_x1kQo-00000-00000112-00000728 My plan for the next 10 years? Well it's gonna be a long 10 years. I'm my own worst enemy. l_bL8_x1kQo-00001-00000903-00001080 Can you trust life is no yoke? l_bL8_x1kQo-00002-00001288-00001664 You should know that we've been doing this for a decade. 10 years l_bL8_x1kQo-00003-00001664-00002184 of indie Vitamix content creators. But I have to tell you the story of how this began l_bL8_x1kQo-00004-00002184-00002872 and more than anything I wish the story was: I got a Vitamix, it helped me level-up my smoothie game, l_bL8_x1kQo-00005-00002944-00003824 and then I joined the affiliate program. The reality is I bought a Vitamix only because l_bL8_x1kQo-00006-00003824-00004384 it was a requirement for being a part of the affiliate program. l_bL8_x1kQo-00007-00004728-00005264 So why would I buy a vitamix just so I could maybe earn a commission doing Vitamix referrals? l_bL8_x1kQo-00008-00005352-00006224 Well it was my ticket to freedom. I was a traveling consultant working for big consulting. l_bL8_x1kQo-00009-00006224-00006831 Physically and mentally I was very unwell, despite what it may have appeared. And I was so l_bL8_x1kQo-00010-00006831-00007576 run down by the long hours and the travel and, well, just the demands of working for l_bL8_x1kQo-00011-00007576-00008272 big consulting, that my doctor prescribed me Adderall. And I think a lot of us were on it, l_bL8_x1kQo-00012-00008272-00008640 although we never really talked about it. By the way, that's the first time I've ever told people l_bL8_x1kQo-00013-00008640-00009448 about this outside of you know maybe Shalva I don't think my parents even knew that so... l_bL8_x1kQo-00014-00009968-00010696 hi! 40 extra pounds eating terribly dealing with addiction the sleep deprivation everything. l_bL8_x1kQo-00015-00010696-00010960 I wanted to turn my life around. It was killing me. l_bL8_x1kQo-00016-00011176-00011384 Lucy, it was killing me. l_bL8_x1kQo-00017-00012040-00012863 Was it killing me? Yes. This is not a part of the script, but I got you two weeks after I quit. l_bL8_x1kQo-00018-00013088-00013519 So this has nothing to do with healthy eating but this is about loving yourself. l_bL8_x1kQo-00019-00013728-00014328 Maybe adopt a dog? So I quit! Well, I worked one last year to, sort of, rebrand myself as a health l_bL8_x1kQo-00020-00014328-00015000 and wellness guru: lose the weight, deal with the addiction, and just turn my life around. I wasn't l_bL8_x1kQo-00021-00015000-00015608 sure how but my plan was to share my story of doing this total 180 and make a career out of l_bL8_x1kQo-00022-00015608-00016119 health and wellness. And i remember like it was yesterday I was in the Denver airport and I had l_bL8_x1kQo-00023-00016119-00016720 just finished another exhausting week at a client site and I was on the phone with Vitamix it was l_bL8_x1kQo-00024-00016784-00017432 Diana at the time I said I'm going to be your best Vitamix affiliate. I think I cried a little bit. l_bL8_x1kQo-00025-00017520-00017976 Maybe. And I said that with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder because the guys l_bL8_x1kQo-00026-00017976-00018528 at my consulting firm never let me sell. They'd say sales isn't a good fit for you. l_bL8_x1kQo-00027-00018664-00019400 You know too much. And I think from their perspective if you know too much and I think l_bL8_x1kQo-00028-00019456-00019888 they thought that was bad for sales. So my plan was to sell the Vitamix machine. l_bL8_x1kQo-00029-00019888-00020376 This was going to be my means to an end. And since 2012 when I went full-time doing this, l_bL8_x1kQo-00030-00020472-00021296 it has! My former life was done. I, now we, Shalva and I and with the help of our brother and a l_bL8_x1kQo-00031-00021296-00021944 handful of other helpers, developers, and stuff, we're full-time Vitamix affiliate partners. This l_bL8_x1kQo-00032-00021944-00022496 is what we do. So what does that mean? We're like online Vitamix demonstrators. We earn commission l_bL8_x1kQo-00033-00022496-00023112 when people buy from us. But since we're just affiliates, we get to do this work from our home. l_bL8_x1kQo-00034-00023712-00024456 Hello! So we hold no inventory. And people, well, it's link-based. When you use our links to make l_bL8_x1kQo-00035-00024456-00024976 purchases direct from Vitamix, we'll earn credit for the referral. So we're affiliates and l_bL8_x1kQo-00036-00024976-00025416 technically we're independent contractors for Vitamix and that means a few things. From a l_bL8_x1kQo-00037-00025416-00025960 not-so-great perspective, we don't get employee benefits. We we pay our own health insurance. l_bL8_x1kQo-00038-00026136-00026600 We rely on you dependent on your clicky click. Independent contractors we self-insure in case l_bL8_x1kQo-00039-00026600-00027104 we're sick. We're also kept at arm's length for almost everything. So pricing, strategy, l_bL8_x1kQo-00040-00027104-00027616 marketing, new products-- they they don't tell us much. And when they do, we have to sign an l_bL8_x1kQo-00041-00027616-00028368 NDA. But this independence has some benefits for us and you. We are not sponsored content. That, l_bL8_x1kQo-00042-00028368-00029208 if you ever see it, this is sponsored content, is you say these words and we will pay you x. We say l_bL8_x1kQo-00043-00029208-00029816 what we want. For example when people ask us about Explorian models: if you're concerned at all about l_bL8_x1kQo-00044-00029816-00030568 noise about the output of a Vitamix that you're gonna get, I would stay away from that tier three, l_bL8_x1kQo-00045-00030568-00031136 so the Explorian series. And if you do get one you should get some protective ear wear. Earmuffs. l_bL8_x1kQo-00046-00031136-00031624 And this type of guidance, for people wondering which Vitamix to buy, is good for everyone, and l_bL8_x1kQo-00047-00031624-00032208 it follows our number one principle which is be the most helpful. We we could easily sell everyone l_bL8_x1kQo-00048-00032208-00032648 the best machine with the most accessories. We're good at this. Shalva: The first thing I'm doing l_bL8_x1kQo-00049-00032648-00033288 is putting my hand roasted beets into the food processor, the new Vitamix food processor. l_bL8_x1kQo-00050-00033432-00034080 Ready ready? Shred some beets. Lenny: But that's not what's right for everyone. We aim for a l_bL8_x1kQo-00051-00034080-00034576 minimalist approach to getting the right Vitamix at the right time even if it's not best for our l_bL8_x1kQo-00052-00034576-00035080 business in the short run. We're playing the long game. Look, like, our business has slowly grown l_bL8_x1kQo-00053-00035080-00035576 over the last decade because of word of mouth. People are are very satisfied when they get a l_bL8_x1kQo-00054-00035576-00036136 Vitamix through us. They're getting the right one and they're using our methods. In fact, that's one l_bL8_x1kQo-00055-00036136-00036816 of the big reasons that the folks at Vitamix like us so much. People are generally satisfied Vitamix l_bL8_x1kQo-00056-00036816-00037432 owners. But people that buy their Vitamix through us are very satisfied because they get the right l_bL8_x1kQo-00057-00037432-00037856 machine and they're using it the right way they're getting the most out of it. And so that's really l_bL8_x1kQo-00058-00037856-00038512 good for Vitamix's business. And ours! So does LifeIsNoYoke work for Vitamix? Technically no. l_bL8_x1kQo-00059-00038672-00039216 But kind of. We're definitely partners. And that's only now something that we've, kind of, l_bL8_x1kQo-00060-00039216-00039664 come to terms with. And that's clear in a couple of our older videos. In our l_bL8_x1kQo-00061-00039664-00040272 infamous Ninja versus Vitamix video, I said something like I do not work for Ninja l_bL8_x1kQo-00062-00040344-00041104 and I do not work for Vitamix I work for you. For you. Got all dramatic with it. That was all true. l_bL8_x1kQo-00063-00041160-00041840 But some of the information were brought to my attention from a meeting we had as affiliates l_bL8_x1kQo-00064-00041840-00042536 at Vitamix headquarters. They showed us some of the science behind why Vitamix machines work as l_bL8_x1kQo-00065-00042536-00043096 well as they do for the long haul compared to other products. Same thing with the l_bL8_x1kQo-00066-00043152-00043720 Nutribullet video. And while I stand by those demonstrations and the facts presented in them, l_bL8_x1kQo-00067-00043784-00044312 I don't stand by the tone.Now let's get to the fun stuff. Let's take the Vitamix and l_bL8_x1kQo-00068-00044312-00044928 the Nutribullet in the kitchen, and show the 10 things... Yeah and just sort of the l_bL8_x1kQo-00069-00044928-00045592 bravado in them, you know? It was dismissive and divisive and just kind of elitist and... l_bL8_x1kQo-00070-00045832-00046384 Only now do I realize that most people come to us looking for a Vitamix having come from l_bL8_x1kQo-00071-00046528-00047024 a Nutribullet or a Ninja one of those Vitamix alternatives. And then it's not about convincing l_bL8_x1kQo-00072-00047024-00047496 people to avoid the mistake of getting one of those Vitamix alternatives it's about showing l_bL8_x1kQo-00073-00047496-00047912 love for them. Because eventually if they're into this lifestyle, something that we can l_bL8_x1kQo-00074-00047912-00048512 impart on them no matter what blender they have, their lives are going to be better, we'll have l_bL8_x1kQo-00075-00048512-00048976 achieved our goals, and hopefully they'll be ready to level-up someday. Because we're l_bL8_x1kQo-00076-00048976-00049616 not going anywhere. It's the same thing with the vegan stuff. I'm a strict vegan 99% of the year. l_bL8_x1kQo-00077-00049744-00050352 And I truly believe that 100% plant-based diet is the best thing for you and for animals and for l_bL8_x1kQo-00078-00050352-00051184 the planet. But feelings aren't helpful even if it comes with zero judgment for people in l_bL8_x1kQo-00079-00051304-00051640 achieving their goals and getting a little better, eating a little better. And it's realizing that l_bL8_x1kQo-00080-00051640-00052160 most people do in fact want to eat less meat. And that I can get more of what I want by helping l_bL8_x1kQo-00081-00052160-00052655 people get what they want. So with the food stuff going forward, we're going to do a better job. And l_bL8_x1kQo-00082-00052655-00053400 we're going to try and remind people three things: One, I was a meat cheese and egg-eating fanatic l_bL8_x1kQo-00083-00053400-00053896 for my first 30 years, and where I'm at today is not necessarily the destination that's right for l_bL8_x1kQo-00084-00053952-00054432 everyone and that that destination has been a journey. It's been like five years l_bL8_x1kQo-00085-00054432-00055112 kind of figuring all this out for myself. Two, we want to remind you that Shalva is a never-vegan l_bL8_x1kQo-00086-00055112-00055728 vegetarian, proud. I found it to be helpful when you're living with a vegan and you're not a vegan l_bL8_x1kQo-00087-00055728-00056191 is a little self-loathing. And third thing, we want to just keep reminding you is that we we just l_bL8_x1kQo-00088-00056191-00056840 want you to eat a little better. Because all this Vitamix stuff is really what it was when I began: l_bL8_x1kQo-00089-00056840-00057424 just a means to an end. It's a way to help people feel as good as I felt when I transformed l_bL8_x1kQo-00090-00057424-00058112 my life, let go of all these bad habits, and lifestyles and, you know, really learn to l_bL8_x1kQo-00091-00058224-00058696 love myself and take care of myself. Guys we're going to keep growing and evolving. You know, l_bL8_x1kQo-00092-00058696-00059167 maybe even offer a diet plan or something. Because we want to do more for you. It's kind l_bL8_x1kQo-00093-00059167-00059952 of scary having all of our eggs in one Vitamix container. This is all we do, kind of to a fault. l_bL8_x1kQo-00094-00059952-00060367 Guys we're so grateful for this opportunity to do this work and connect and look forward l_bL8_x1kQo-00095-00060367-00060920 to the next 10 years with you. Thanks, thanks so much, see you in the next one. Bye, guys. lAGjA7hofBg-00000-00000000-00000200 🔥 #supercar 🔥 #drift 🔥 #shorts 🔥 #LAMBORGHINI #Huracan lAGjA7hofBg-00001-00000200-00000400 🔥 #viral 🔥 #shorts 🔥 #LAMBORGHINI #Huracan lB25ceIums0-00000-00000025-00000225 Perfect! Let's Spin it togheter! lB25ceIums0-00001-00000332-00000532 "Play Jenshin Impact using only one hand" lB25ceIums0-00002-00000600-00000667 Ok lB25ceIums0-00003-00000667-00000700 Well lB25ceIums0-00004-00000700-00000836 I'll take out my phone. lB25ceIums0-00005-00000888-00000948 Here we are. lB25ceIums0-00006-00000948-00001019 *Jean and Kazuka asserting their superiority* lB25ceIums0-00007-00001019-00001104 How funny! (sarcastic) lB25ceIums0-00008-00001104-00001352 We've currently got the challenge lB25ceIums0-00009-00001380-00001430 to play lB25ceIums0-00010-00001436-00001564 JENSHIN IMPACT lB25ceIums0-00011-00001628-00001764 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00012-00001764-00002072 *The actual Genshin Impact theme from the original video.* They DEFINETELY didn't put that in post production, did they? lB25ceIums0-00013-00002072-00002308 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00014-00002360-00002496 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00015-00002496-00002800 *C418 - Sweden* lB25ceIums0-00016-00002800-00003040 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00017-00003098-00003240 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00018-00003240-00003536 *Ornstein and Smough theme* Run for your life! lB25ceIums0-00019-00003536-00003768 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00020-00003824-00003960 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00021-00003960-00004256 *Yoshi's Island Athletic OST* lB25ceIums0-00022-00004256-00004508 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00023-00004552-00004696 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00024-00004696-00005000 *BFG Division* lB25ceIums0-00025-00005000-00005236 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00026-00005295-00005420 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00027-00005420-00005728 *Hatsune Miku - World is Mine* lB25ceIums0-00028-00005728-00005964 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00029-00006024-00006152 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00030-00006152-00006456 *BEFALL from Honkai Impact 3rd* Mihoyoception lB25ceIums0-00031-00006456-00006700 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00032-00006755-00006895 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00033-00006895-00007195 *Just trolling Iphone users* lB25ceIums0-00034-00007195-00007431 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00035-00007489-00007616 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00036-00007616-00007920 *KODOU ~パーフェクト・ハーモニー~* I don't know how to read lol lB25ceIums0-00037-00007920-00008156 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00038-00008217-00008352 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00039-00008352-00008652 *Il Piave mormorava* Doeas that count as black humor? lB25ceIums0-00040-00008652-00008896 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00041-00008953-00009084 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00042-00009084-00009384 *Free Bird · Lynyrd Skynyrd* or *Horizzontally spinning rat* for zoomers lB25ceIums0-00043-00009384-00009624 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00044-00009686-00009812 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00045-00009812-00010120 *Khezu roar from Monster Hunter* lB25ceIums0-00046-00010120-00010364 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00047-00010415-00010548 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00048-00010548-00010848 *Alessandra Mussolini - Tokyo Fantasy* lB25ceIums0-00049-00010848-00011084 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00050-00011149-00011284 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00051-00011284-00011576 *Great Days* lB25ceIums0-00052-00011576-00011820 Wow! It's Jenshin Impact. Alright? lB25ceIums0-00053-00011879-00012032 Listen to the music. Listen! lB25ceIums0-00054-00012032-00012576 YOU HAVE BEEN RICKROLLED!!! lDC6M6_OFj8-00000-00000000-00000303 hi hi lDC6M6_OFj8-00001-00000967-00001206 hello lDC6M6_OFj8-00002-00001271-00001823 hello hello lDC6M6_OFj8-00003-00001509-00002224 still on FreePlay lDC6M6_OFj8-00004-00001823-00002719 Phantom studio phantoms okay this time lDC6M6_OFj8-00005-00002224-00003124 I will not review or explain lDC6M6_OFj8-00006-00002719-00003421 again about this game about this cone lDC6M6_OFj8-00007-00003124-00003690 Master and will immediately play lDC6M6_OFj8-00008-00003421-00004169 at level 101 lDC6M6_OFj8-00009-00003690-00004471 Alright let's click 100 add 100 lDC6M6_OFj8-00010-00004169-00004790 Okay we are called the arrow army lDC6M6_OFj8-00011-00004471-00005262 there let's add 125 lDC6M6_OFj8-00012-00004790-00005672 yes, this is Om, the sticker is very challenging, lDC6M6_OFj8-00013-00005262-00005672 we add 25 lDC6M6_OFj8-00014-00005708-00006044 Okay done lDC6M6_OFj8-00015-00006079-00006804 Hey lDC6M6_OFj8-00016-00006088-00006804 [Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00017-00007116-00007931 just skip it lDC6M6_OFj8-00018-00007434-00007931 Okay without 40 plus 100 lDC6M6_OFj8-00019-00008009-00008538 this is welcomed again by the arrow troops lDC6M6_OFj8-00020-00008574-00009180 Okay lDC6M6_OFj8-00021-00008820-00009480 so this is the obstacle the flight is lDC6M6_OFj8-00022-00009180-00009480 jumping up and down lDC6M6_OFj8-00023-00009525-00010279 we have to be careful lDC6M6_OFj8-00024-00009879-00010578 and we take the bonus we get at lDC6M6_OFj8-00025-00010279-00010734 80 the amount becomes a lot and lDC6M6_OFj8-00026-00010578-00011068 fight lDC6M6_OFj8-00027-00010734-00011356 this boss the boss uses a lDC6M6_OFj8-00028-00011068-00011767 magic wand, yes, hand over the magic wand G, lDC6M6_OFj8-00029-00011356-00011979 after the party, Club Hai, go straight lDC6M6_OFj8-00030-00011767-00012150 to the next level. The lDC6M6_OFj8-00031-00011979-00012435 key lDC6M6_OFj8-00032-00012150-00012855 we multiply four times lDC6M6_OFj8-00033-00012435-00013058 this sixth is austicle. Hammer, yes. lDC6M6_OFj8-00034-00012855-00013058 Hi lDC6M6_OFj8-00035-00013588-00014480 without 60 lDC6M6_OFj8-00036-00013894-00014480 steak knives and finished lDC6M6_OFj8-00037-00014900-00015516 before continuing this video it would be lDC6M6_OFj8-00038-00015135-00015686 nice if you click subscribe and lDC6M6_OFj8-00039-00015516-00015926 turn on the bell u to subscribe lDC6M6_OFj8-00040-00015686-00016397 to our content lDC6M6_OFj8-00041-00015926-00016769 OK, next we get 187 coins, i.e. lDC6M6_OFj8-00042-00016397-00016769 OK, go to lDC6M6_OFj8-00043-00016785-00017606 Hi, this is your 2nd autec, lDC6M6_OFj8-00044-00017186-00017958 OK, without 10 lDC6M6_OFj8-00045-00017606-00018348 flying jumps and adding 40, we lDC6M6_OFj8-00046-00017958-00018594 defeat the Tower, arrows are sucked in by the Tower, but lDC6M6_OFj8-00047-00018348-00018794 there is an arrow above it, OK, lDC6M6_OFj8-00048-00018594-00019295 done, lDC6M6_OFj8-00049-00018794-00019498 next straight to the level next lDC6M6_OFj8-00050-00019295-00019745 Hi Oh here we are here we get lDC6M6_OFj8-00051-00019498-00020069 the best prize Let's choose the lDC6M6_OFj8-00052-00019745-00020215 rightmost one okay we get 20 lDC6M6_OFj8-00053-00020069-00020483 Thailand lDC6M6_OFj8-00054-00020215-00020818 Okay we claim 20 Diamond and lDC6M6_OFj8-00055-00020483-00021381 get plus 228 coins lDC6M6_OFj8-00056-00020818-00021381 Ok next we change the sixth time to lDC6M6_OFj8-00057-00021426-00022322 k-abc yes the enemy add 10 lDC6M6_OFj8-00058-00021834-00022489 Okay we jump without 4425 lDC6M6_OFj8-00059-00022322-00022710 [ Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00060-00022489-00022870 finishes this Tower again lDC6M6_OFj8-00061-00022710-00023311 [Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00062-00022870-00023690 and we take the bonus we add lDC6M6_OFj8-00063-00023311-00023806 40 to fight Boss Saini when there lDC6M6_OFj8-00064-00023690-00023976 are lDC6M6_OFj8-00065-00023806-00024139 so many lDC6M6_OFj8-00066-00023976-00024555 [Music] the lDC6M6_OFj8-00067-00024139-00024935 breath immediately subsides or dies lDC6M6_OFj8-00068-00024555-00025272 hey okay continue to the next level lDC6M6_OFj8-00069-00024935-00025683 on this ball there is an obstacle Pira is lDC6M6_OFj8-00070-00025272-00025852 like a maze like that maze lDC6M6_OFj8-00071-00025683-00026342 can reduce lDC6M6_OFj8-00072-00025852-00026342 reduce our number of harmful substances lDC6M6_OFj8-00073-00026360-00027227 okay finish finish lDC6M6_OFj8-00074-00026677-00027844 [Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00075-00027227-00027992 we get 156 coinex instantly g lDC6M6_OFj8-00076-00027844-00028257 [Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00077-00027992-00028407 okay and here there is lDC6M6_OFj8-00078-00028257-00028697 a red maze that can reduce lDC6M6_OFj8-00079-00028407-00029138 our number we have to be careful there lDC6M6_OFj8-00080-00028697-00029675 add 10 add 80 lDC6M6_OFj8-00081-00029138-00030024 we beat Tower arrows add 50 lDC6M6_OFj8-00082-00029675-00030431 Ok and it's finished so it's fun, lDC6M6_OFj8-00083-00030024-00030431 you can try this game at home lDC6M6_OFj8-00084-00030556-00030845 for your curious sustenance who need to lDC6M6_OFj8-00085-00030733-00031081 download it lDC6M6_OFj8-00086-00030845-00031269 please download it is in my video for lDC6M6_OFj8-00087-00031081-00031707 example OK lDC6M6_OFj8-00088-00031269-00031707 next we continue to add 100 lDC6M6_OFj8-00089-00031712-00032269 [Music] lDC6M6_OFj8-00090-00031881-00032784 this add 40 Hi lDC6M6_OFj8-00091-00032269-00033108 add 80plus 20 so this adds lDC6M6_OFj8-00092-00032784-00033509 Hi our troops will be able to fight lDC6M6_OFj8-00093-00033108-00033900 our enemies add 50g we take the bonus lDC6M6_OFj8-00094-00033509-00034063 continue right to choose add 40 lDC6M6_OFj8-00095-00033900-00034359 Yes OK lDC6M6_OFj8-00096-00034063-00034677 until here first See you next time lDC6M6_OFj8-00097-00034359-00035010 and good bye don't forget to like Comment lDC6M6_OFj8-00098-00034677-00035384 and subscribe if you like a lDC6M6_OFj8-00099-00035010-00035384 channel like this lHr3RYITWwk-00000-00000021-00001087 Meghan Furious As Camilla Tells Reporters What Royal Family Really Thinks Of Her lHr3RYITWwk-00001-00001087-00001541 It’s been less than a week since the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex tied the knot at lHr3RYITWwk-00002-00001541-00002060 St. George’s Chapel in front of a congregation of 600 guests, but already, there is more lHr3RYITWwk-00003-00002060-00002160 drama. lHr3RYITWwk-00004-00002160-00002684 Meghan Markle is now furious with her step-mother, Camilla, who spilled the beans entirely, telling lHr3RYITWwk-00005-00002684-00003114 reporters what the royal family really thinks of the new addition to their ranks. lHr3RYITWwk-00006-00003114-00003550 Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall spoke with 5 News in London on Wednesday after having had lHr3RYITWwk-00007-00003550-00003898 a few days to recover from the royal wedding last weekend. lHr3RYITWwk-00008-00003898-00004308 She described Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s nuptials as “uplifting,” but she admitted lHr3RYITWwk-00009-00004308-00004687 that even the royal family hadn’t been sure “what would happen next.” lHr3RYITWwk-00010-00004687-00005144 Of course, Camilla was referencing the chaotic lead-up to the wedding, in which the bride-to-be’s lHr3RYITWwk-00011-00005144-00005713 father, Thomas Markle, who lives in a dilapidated shack in Mexico, abruptly backed out of walking lHr3RYITWwk-00012-00005713-00006016 his daughter down the aisle, citing health concerns: lHr3RYITWwk-00013-00006016-00006514 Meghan’s dad, Thomas Markle was set to walk his daughter down the aisle, but in the days lHr3RYITWwk-00014-00006514-00006965 leading up to the ceremony he made headlines after admitting he had staged paparazzi photos lHr3RYITWwk-00015-00006965-00007348 and didn’t want to embarrass his daughter or the royal family any further. lHr3RYITWwk-00016-00007348-00007803 What followed was several days of back-and-forth as Thomas, who lives in Mexico, initially lHr3RYITWwk-00017-00007803-00008158 walked back his decision not to attend and then ultimately announced that his health lHr3RYITWwk-00018-00008158-00008404 would keep him from traveling to the U.K. lHr3RYITWwk-00019-00008404-00008577 [Source: PEOPLE] lHr3RYITWwk-00020-00008577-00008977 As if that wasn’t bad enough, Meghan’s siblings brought their own drama to the table lHr3RYITWwk-00021-00008977-00009275 with a plea for Prince Harry to dump their sister: lHr3RYITWwk-00022-00009275-00009773 As if that weren’t enough drama, Markle’s half siblings, Thomas Jr. and Samantha, took lHr3RYITWwk-00023-00009773-00010217 every opportunity they could get to smear the former Suits star (Thomas Jr. penned a lHr3RYITWwk-00024-00010217-00010557 handwritten note to Price Harry claiming his sister would “make a joke of you and the lHr3RYITWwk-00025-00010557-00010996 royal family heritage,” while Samantha began shopping around a book titled The Diary of lHr3RYITWwk-00026-00010996-00011182 Princess Pushy’s Sister). lHr3RYITWwk-00027-00011182-00011707 Suddenly, our awkward family dinners on Thanksgiving don’t seem so horrible. lHr3RYITWwk-00028-00011707-00011849 [Source: Refinery29] lHr3RYITWwk-00029-00011849-00012347 Yes, it’s safe to say that Camilla and the rest of the royal family were preparing themselves lHr3RYITWwk-00030-00012347-00012721 for the worst as Harry and Meghan’s wedding neared, so when it didn’t turn out to be lHr3RYITWwk-00031-00012721-00013041 a complete disaster, everyone was pleasantly surprised. lHr3RYITWwk-00032-00013041-00013301 “It was such a lovely day. lHr3RYITWwk-00033-00013301-00013458 Just everything went right. lHr3RYITWwk-00034-00013458-00013809 We all wondered whatever would happen next and then everything went right,” Camilla lHr3RYITWwk-00035-00013809-00013980 told 5 News reporters. lHr3RYITWwk-00036-00013980-00014384 She did get one dig in at Meghan, however, noting that is was “nice to have something lHr3RYITWwk-00037-00014384-00014665 that is uplifting” after all of that “depressing” drama beforehand. lHr3RYITWwk-00038-00014665-00015106 “It’s nice to have something that is uplifting rather than depressing. lHr3RYITWwk-00039-00015106-00015497 Everything was just perfect, including the weather, which couldn’t have been better. lHr3RYITWwk-00040-00015497-00015712 It was a beautiful day,” said Camilla. lHr3RYITWwk-00041-00015712-00016041 “The only thing is that we are all losing our voices now!” lHr3RYITWwk-00042-00016041-00016452 It’s really a testament to all of the people who worked behind the scenes to make this lHr3RYITWwk-00043-00016452-00016836 wedding happen that it went off without a hitch, even when huge decisions like who would lHr3RYITWwk-00044-00016836-00017157 walk the bride down the aisle were made in the eleventh hour. lHr3RYITWwk-00045-00017157-00017592 Luckily for Meghan, even though her own family didn’t come through, Prince Charles stepped lHr3RYITWwk-00046-00017592-00017775 up to do the honors. lHr3RYITWwk-00047-00017775-00018184 Apparently, Prince Harry hasn’t heard the old adage that when you marry someone, you lHr3RYITWwk-00048-00018184-00018318 marry their family. lHr3RYITWwk-00049-00018318-00018715 Either that, or he was so smitten with Meghan that he was willing to put aside the fact lHr3RYITWwk-00050-00018715-00018964 that her siblings and parents are scandalous. lHr3RYITWwk-00051-00018964-00019411 It is unlikely that this will be as easy to overlook once the honeymoon stage is over, lHr3RYITWwk-00052-00019411-00019511 though. lHr3RYITWwk-00053-00019511-00019891 Once the smoke clears, Prince Harry will be left with the reality that he married a girl lHr3RYITWwk-00054-00019891-00020220 without the “breeding” the royal family is accustomed to. lHr3RYITWwk-00055-00020220-00020582 An estranged dad and money-hungry siblings would be enough to cause rifts between any lHr3RYITWwk-00056-00020582-00021065 average couple, but Meghan and Harry are one of the most famous couples in the world. lHr3RYITWwk-00057-00021065-00021465 Furthermore, Harry is not accustomed to the kind of drama his new wife’s family seems lHr3RYITWwk-00058-00021465-00021630 to thrive off of. lHr3RYITWwk-00059-00021630-00022030 This is exactly why many people worried that the union was doomed from the start — Meghan lHr3RYITWwk-00060-00022030-00023212 simply isn’t “royal material.” lHEE9TKX794-00000-00000016-00000424 welcome back to gaming and aiming explained where today we'll be talking about tracking lHEE9TKX794-00001-00000424-00000784 tracking is one of the major types of vein it is the skill to maintain your crosshair lHEE9TKX794-00002-00000784-00001272 on target while it moves and to reacquire the same target after it changes direction there are lHEE9TKX794-00003-00001272-00001720 two subparts or categories of tracking the first is smoothness which is the ability to keep your lHEE9TKX794-00004-00001720-00002264 crosshair consistently on target while it doesn't change direction and then the second is reactivity lHEE9TKX794-00005-00002264-00002672 where you flick back on to continue tracking the same target after it changes direction lHEE9TKX794-00006-00002672-00003120 the technique to execute good tracking is to track the enemy or bot like they're never going lHEE9TKX794-00007-00003120-00003576 to change direction to reduce prediction then when it changes direction to a small flick to lHEE9TKX794-00008-00003576-00004079 reacquire it as fast as possible tracking is mostly utilized in games with a relatively lHEE9TKX794-00009-00004079-00005032 high fire rate and a long time to kill like overwatch quake apex legends and many other games lKZsJEFAnl0-00000-00000000-00000200 Dia mirza at indore lKZsJEFAnl0-00001-00000200-00000337 bollywood celebrity lKZsJEFAnl0-00002-00000337-00000387 bollywood actress lKZsJEFAnl0-00003-00000387-00000437 model lLied4-hZk0-00000-00000008-00000416 drilled and and i said they will just keep back backing on the door knocking on the lLied4-hZk0-00001-00000416-00000911 door ready for it because they're not going to change and what i would say is i think they lLied4-hZk0-00002-00000911-00001280 probably look a shot like as the game goes on they'll be a bit sharper they've been a little lLied4-hZk0-00003-00001280-00001655 bit longer not as many players at the euros so later in the game if man united are not out of lLied4-hZk0-00004-00001655-00002048 sight this could get interesting okay let's see but no surprise the top scorer for manchester lLied4-hZk0-00005-00002048-00002592 united from last season is the first man to score a goal this season bruno fernandez you lLied4-hZk0-00006-00002592-00003016 know what manchester united didn't win a league game here at old trafford until november last lLied4-hZk0-00007-00003016-00003615 season they're 45 minutes away from victory at the first time of asking second half next lLied4-hZk0-00008-00004079-00004624 we'll just want to temper expectations right now yes i think he'll understand as well the point i lLied4-hZk0-00009-00004624-00005088 made earlier this is this is an expansive game you know leads are an expansive team lLied4-hZk0-00010-00005088-00005512 they can cause you a lot of problems with their expansive play but if you're able to deal with lLied4-hZk0-00011-00005512-00006096 their play and get control of the ball if you can get turned as often as uh united did today lLied4-hZk0-00012-00006096-00006536 in the midfield there was some fantastic play for the midfield players in when they were being fed lLied4-hZk0-00013-00006536-00006984 balls getting getting turned with the ball and then attacking that space in front of the back lLied4-hZk0-00014-00006984-00007712 four well if you got the ability to do that then you've um you as a team plan against them you find lLied4-hZk0-00015-00007712-00008192 pogba on the ball behind your midfield you find fernandez on the wall behind your midfield lLied4-hZk0-00016-00008192-00008560 you start to worry because if they're going to make the runs they did today the ball is going lLied4-hZk0-00017-00008560-00009080 to be fed in right and then you just hope i suppose if you give them that other chances lLied4-hZk0-00018-00009080-00009384 they're going to miss them but they didn't look like missing today no they certainly didn't it's lLied4-hZk0-00019-00009384-00009856 one of the goals which really highlights one of my pet hates and that's the one i think that lLied4-hZk0-00020-00009912-00010800 fernandez scores which is allowed uh on the the goal line technology seeing the defender lLied4-hZk0-00021-00010800-00011216 who's trying to defend it with his hands behind his back i mean that really does drive me crazy lLied4-hZk0-00022-00011216-00011728 i do not understand how we can expect defenders to defend and keep their balance if they're running lLied4-hZk0-00023-00011728-00012112 with their hands behind their back yeah i think paul agrees with you as well uh this is where you lLied4-hZk0-00024-00012112-00012520 leave us roy but thank you so much for coming over the last couple of hours your insight has lLied4-hZk0-00025-00012520-00012912 been delightful i hope to see you soon michael owen will be joining us after the break here on lLied4-hZk0-00026-00012912-00013600 match day live as we gear up towards a five game goal we've got a five game gold rush including lLied4-hZk0-00027-00013600-00014056 rappers first game in charge of everton against southampton and new boys watford at home to aston lLied4-hZk0-00028-00014056-00014480 villa our feature game comes from stamford bridge as champions league winners chelsea lLied4-hZk0-00029-00014480-00014976 host crystal palace with the eagles now under the management of former arsenal man patrick lLied4-hZk0-00030-00014976-00015584 vieiro and we end the day with newly promoted norwich city up against jurgen klopp's liverpool lLied4-hZk0-00031-00015872-00015888 so lPRuUPxlI5E-00000-00000014-00000626 The best ideas that you get typically in the Marine Corps come from junior Marines and NCOs. lPRuUPxlI5E-00001-00000684-00000924 They're not going to come from people like me, right. lPRuUPxlI5E-00002-00000924-00001234 I can provide the framework, but not the technical know-how lPRuUPxlI5E-00003-00001234-00001800 or the understanding of day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute tasks. lPRuUPxlI5E-00004-00001948-00002670 So, to help Marines broaden their horizons a little bit, we created this program lPRuUPxlI5E-00005-00002670-00003222 in conjunction with a dealership out in town to have them shadow service technicians, lPRuUPxlI5E-00006-00003222-00003604 floor technicians, parts room employees for one day. lPRuUPxlI5E-00007-00003604-00004312 And really what it exposes them to are certain things that are similar to the way we conduct business. lPRuUPxlI5E-00008-00004312-00004516 Certain aspects don't compare at all, lPRuUPxlI5E-00009-00004516-00005030 and certain types of work they do are exactly the way we conduct business, lPRuUPxlI5E-00010-00005030-00005402 and there are best practices that we can take from what we see lPRuUPxlI5E-00011-00005402-00006180 and most importantly it engages the Marine's creativity, which is really what we're looking for. lPRuUPxlI5E-00012-00006214-00006562 We see the Marines coming back from the program with an increased confidence lPRuUPxlI5E-00013-00006562-00006759 that they can bring ideas to the table, lPRuUPxlI5E-00014-00006759-00007388 and then as leaders we've seen the value of entertaining ideas no matter where they come from. lPRuUPxlI5E-00015-00007388-00008045 Valuing everybody's opinion and ideas equally has given us a lot of value here at 5th Marines. lRjLKLBMObo-00000-00002398-00002750 Colombia has 7 native cattle breeds, lRjLKLBMObo-00001-00002780-00003128 making it the most bovine diverse country in Latin America. lRjLKLBMObo-00002-00003215-00003618 This genetic diversity is due to the adaptation process lRjLKLBMObo-00003-00003626-00003934 Spanish breeds were forced to undergo in order lRjLKLBMObo-00004-00003934-00004224 to survive Colombia's different geographical areas. lRjLKLBMObo-00005-00004322-00004614 That's how in Colombia's Orinoco region lRjLKLBMObo-00006-00004646-00004846 two breeds were developed. lRjLKLBMObo-00007-00004908-00005302 One of them is the native breed of Casanare. lRjLKLBMObo-00008-00006126-00006480 Criollo Casanareño Cattle Breed lRjLKLBMObo-00009-00007081-00007544 Today, in the Casanare Department, lRjLKLBMObo-00010-00007570-00007934 in the southern region of Orocué, lRjLKLBMObo-00011-00007934-00008524 it's estimated that there are only 421 purebred cattle of this breed lRjLKLBMObo-00012-00008552-00009140 The habitat consists of the floodplain of Arauca and Casanare, lRjLKLBMObo-00013-00009140-00009696 an area known for its acidic soil, extreme drought and floods. lRjLKLBMObo-00014-00009800-00010052 These environmental factors lRjLKLBMObo-00015-00010088-00010388 produced a nervous natured bovine. lRjLKLBMObo-00016-00010408-00011044 It is also small and incredibly adept at surviving harsh conditions. lRjLKLBMObo-00017-00011076-00011732 Here in Casanare there is a family devoted to breeding this native breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00018-00011768-00011944 Let's discover their beginnings lRjLKLBMObo-00019-00011944-00012268 and how they have developed their work throughout the decades. lRjLKLBMObo-00020-00012352-00012872 Since I was a boy. I have this in my blood. lRjLKLBMObo-00021-00012872-00013136 I was raised amongst horses and cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00022-00013284-00013684 When I was two my father brought me here. lRjLKLBMObo-00023-00013752-00014047 That was up here in Buenos Aires. lRjLKLBMObo-00024-00014096-00014428 That's when I started horseback riding. lRjLKLBMObo-00025-00014463-00014808 At first I was tied and a worker would carry me. lRjLKLBMObo-00026-00014844-00015184 Afterwards I would go out alone on tame horses. lRjLKLBMObo-00027-00015260-00015724 Little by little I learned. Then as a teenager lRjLKLBMObo-00028-00015747-00016232 I was an excellent "llanero", not the best but normal. lRjLKLBMObo-00029-00016676-00017108 Fernando Wilches is a serious person. lRjLKLBMObo-00030-00017128-00017316 a respectable person, lRjLKLBMObo-00031-00017316-00017524 as is the Casanareño native bull. lRjLKLBMObo-00032-00017588-00018068 Little Cesar is the same, following his dad's footsteps. lRjLKLBMObo-00033-00018072-00018432 Since he was a boy we've taught him lRjLKLBMObo-00034-00018432-00018560 to love the plains. lRjLKLBMObo-00035-00018584-00019044 He would study Monday to Friday and be at the farm Saturday and Sunday. lRjLKLBMObo-00036-00019116-00019492 We were tough on him so that he could learn lRjLKLBMObo-00037-00019532-00019856 So he followed in his father's footsteps and now lRjLKLBMObo-00038-00019864-00020256 he continues with the work and with the farm. lRjLKLBMObo-00039-00020256-00020516 He is now replacing us. lRjLKLBMObo-00040-00020568-00020764 This is happyness. lRjLKLBMObo-00041-00020764-00021100 If I arrive sick I become better. lRjLKLBMObo-00042-00021124-00021368 If I come with a headache it goes away. lRjLKLBMObo-00043-00021372-00021752 If I have a toothache, everything gets better when I'm in Matafresca. lRjLKLBMObo-00044-00021772-00021996 Here with these beautiful trees lRjLKLBMObo-00045-00022004-00022400 living embedded within the environment. lRjLKLBMObo-00046-00022400-00022840 Our plains, what I've accomplished and what I have are my life. lRjLKLBMObo-00047-00022840-00023192 My family, my wife and children, lRjLKLBMObo-00048-00023192-00023412 true examples of life. lRjLKLBMObo-00049-00023464-00023904 Not to mention my brothers, nephews, and so on.. lRjLKLBMObo-00050-00023924-00024220 You can't hide being a plainsman, lRjLKLBMObo-00051-00024268-00024600 You are recognised just by your accent. lRjLKLBMObo-00052-00024664-00025132 And wherever you go, you won't let people down. lRjLKLBMObo-00053-00025164-00025560 That's because you were raised with these customs lRjLKLBMObo-00054-00025560-00025700 you learn on the plains. lRjLKLBMObo-00055-00025727-00026027 Honestly this makes me feel great and proud lRjLKLBMObo-00056-00026027-00026208 of my father's teachings. lRjLKLBMObo-00057-00028548-00028944 This love for the plains, horses and cattle lRjLKLBMObo-00058-00028964-00029268 have driven the Wilches family to maintain the bases lRjLKLBMObo-00059-00029268-00029560 of native cattle breeding. lRjLKLBMObo-00060-00029595-00029795 They currently possess lRjLKLBMObo-00061-00029864-00030336 one of the biggest herds of Criollo Casanareño cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00062-00030412-00030956 It's an endangered breed found in this area of Colombia. lRjLKLBMObo-00063-00030992-00031452 Let's learn about the history, characteristics lRjLKLBMObo-00064-00031456-00031816 and advantages of this breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00065-00031944-00032383 Well at that time the Spaniards brought Criollo breeds. lRjLKLBMObo-00066-00032472-00032756 They came in through Venezuela, Arauca.. lRjLKLBMObo-00067-00032824-00033344 The breed that came here was the Criollo Araucano. lRjLKLBMObo-00068-00033412-00033752 And I'm not sure what caused the change lRjLKLBMObo-00069-00033776-00034060 but it then became Criollo Casanareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00070-00034060-00034172 That's the name. lRjLKLBMObo-00071-00034196-00034480 So first it was Criollo Araucano, lRjLKLBMObo-00072-00034480-00034680 today known as Criollo Casanareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00073-00034776-00035152 Until the 1960's all cattle was Criollo Casanareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00074-00035220-00035564 In 1960, Zebu cattle was introduced. lRjLKLBMObo-00075-00035624-00036052 It started to surround the criollo, native, cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00076-00036076-00036344 That's because us Colombians don't value what is ours. lRjLKLBMObo-00077-00036344-00036516 We value what we don't know, lRjLKLBMObo-00078-00036516-00036696 unknown cattle breeds. lRjLKLBMObo-00079-00036724-00036924 Zebu cattle stuck around. lRjLKLBMObo-00080-00036936-00037192 The cross with Casareña cattle was excellent. lRjLKLBMObo-00081-00038024-00038440 Plainsmen believed the benefits were given by the Zebu lRjLKLBMObo-00082-00038440-00038668 and didn't appreciate the native breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00083-00038668-00038800 They started to die out. lRjLKLBMObo-00084-00038800-00038900 Dad died. lRjLKLBMObo-00085-00038916-00039412 And then I separated some 20 or 30 native specimens into a pasture. lRjLKLBMObo-00086-00039468-00039708 So as to not let them die out. lRjLKLBMObo-00087-00039732-00040308 It's been 40 years since I separated those cows with my brothers. lRjLKLBMObo-00088-00040340-00040776 They let their cows die out, I kept the breed alive. lRjLKLBMObo-00089-00040824-00041272 I've had them since my elder, my elders since lRjLKLBMObo-00090-00041340-00041584 80 or 100 years ago. lRjLKLBMObo-00091-00041596-00041944 The entire trajectory of the native Colombian Criollo Casareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00092-00042524-00042820 The coat varies in color lRjLKLBMObo-00093-00042844-00043152 although animals are mostly one color, lRjLKLBMObo-00094-00043152-00043392 Colors range from black to light yellow. lRjLKLBMObo-00095-00043392-00043492 They have large horns lRjLKLBMObo-00096-00043512-00043740 their backs are straight and wide, lRjLKLBMObo-00097-00043776-00044056 Their legs are thin and strong, lRjLKLBMObo-00098-00044060-00044404 facilitating their search for food and water. lRjLKLBMObo-00099-00044864-00045140 They also possess advantages lRjLKLBMObo-00100-00045140-00045336 other breeds do not. lRjLKLBMObo-00101-00045632-00045984 I'm not saying we're running out of cattle, lRjLKLBMObo-00102-00046036-00046568 but we are running out of females. lRjLKLBMObo-00103-00046612-00047040 Females are in high demand commercially. lRjLKLBMObo-00104-00047068-00047552 A Brahman female must undergo a strict process in order to breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00105-00047564-00047856 The vet must be on top of things. lRjLKLBMObo-00106-00047860-00048196 He must do check ups and set appointments.. lRjLKLBMObo-00107-00048196-00048420 Many things that cost money. lRjLKLBMObo-00108-00048420-00048708 Most of our cows give birth yearly. lRjLKLBMObo-00109-00048724-00049108 A fifteen year old cow has calved eleven times. lRjLKLBMObo-00110-00049108-00049308 Possibly more. lRjLKLBMObo-00111-00049312-00049700 And she may be toothless but you put her out to pasture and she fattens up to sell. lRjLKLBMObo-00112-00049724-00049996 You can sell her in Bogotá or where business is good. lRjLKLBMObo-00113-00049996-00050156 Not so with the white cow. lRjLKLBMObo-00114-00050176-00050492 Artificial pastures eat away at teeth. lRjLKLBMObo-00115-00050584-00051004 Thus those cows have a shorter life span. lRjLKLBMObo-00116-00051896-00052508 These cows, besides having maternal ability, build up their resistance. lRjLKLBMObo-00117-00052520-00053052 Not only that, this cattle is grateful, they are always plump. lRjLKLBMObo-00118-00053155-00053820 If they need water, they will search 1 or 2 kilometres for it. lRjLKLBMObo-00119-00053888-00054212 The white european cattle does not because it's lazy. lRjLKLBMObo-00120-00054264-00054544 That cattle wastes energy, this breed doesn't. lRjLKLBMObo-00121-00054600-00054832 This breed eats pellets. lRjLKLBMObo-00122-00054840-00055084 It eats legumes. lRjLKLBMObo-00123-00055084-00055340 It even eats thorns. lRjLKLBMObo-00124-00055360-00055576 It really is a grateful animal. lRjLKLBMObo-00125-00055579-00055832 People are going to look for ways to save money lRjLKLBMObo-00126-00055832-00056032 because medication is expensive lRjLKLBMObo-00127-00056076-00056491 Taxes are so high, ranchers work for the government now. lRjLKLBMObo-00128-00056516-00056984 Crime has gone up but thank God we are still law abiding here. lRjLKLBMObo-00129-00057020-00057524 There used to be public disorder but everything is okay now. lRjLKLBMObo-00130-00057608-00057891 But people are tired. lRjLKLBMObo-00131-00058408-00058836 With this breed you will have more return. lRjLKLBMObo-00132-00058864-00059112 Manpower is complicated. lRjLKLBMObo-00133-00059136-00059567 With the white cows you need to milk them when they give birth. lRjLKLBMObo-00134-00059600-00059984 Not so with these cows because their teats are smaller. lRjLKLBMObo-00135-00060008-00060444 Twenty minutes after they're born the calves are running and walking around. lRjLKLBMObo-00136-00060652-00060976 Therefore you don't need a worker to be on top of them. lRjLKLBMObo-00137-00061008-00061300 People used to do this work with love, lRjLKLBMObo-00138-00061316-00061496 They used to love the farm and love the boss. lRjLKLBMObo-00139-00061496-00061684 They would fight over getting a job. lRjLKLBMObo-00140-00061696-00061928 They would go to school to become managers. lRjLKLBMObo-00141-00061944-00062355 They would work their way up until they were managers. lRjLKLBMObo-00142-00062355-00062572 Nowadays it's different, people don't care about that. lRjLKLBMObo-00143-00062604-00062852 That's why we need things to be easier, lRjLKLBMObo-00144-00062852-00063072 and we get that with the Casanareño breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00145-00063091-00063360 Honestly, the most adaptable breed in the world lRjLKLBMObo-00146-00063360-00063616 has to be the Casanareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00147-00063640-00063936 It was bred here and Casanare and here it remains. lRjLKLBMObo-00148-00067044-00067436 Right now the world needs more conservative use of its resources. lRjLKLBMObo-00149-00067472-00067784 It's a good time to use animals lRjLKLBMObo-00150-00067796-00068140 that are adapted to living in existing environmental conditions lRjLKLBMObo-00151-00068200-00068472 Animals that don't depend on external elements lRjLKLBMObo-00152-00068492-00068924 and are able to produce, even if not as much as lRjLKLBMObo-00153-00068924-00069100 subsidised systems. lRjLKLBMObo-00154-00069116-00069464 They should produce enough to improve the rancher's way of life. lRjLKLBMObo-00155-00069836-00070072 The breed that became the most adapted lRjLKLBMObo-00156-00070072-00070312 to this region, and stayed, was this one. lRjLKLBMObo-00157-00070324-00070572 That's why it carries the name Casanareño. lRjLKLBMObo-00158-00070604-00070868 Today, the breed is a relic. lRjLKLBMObo-00159-00070868-00071268 There are now very few breeders, if it's not just us, that breed them. lRjLKLBMObo-00160-00071308-00071856 This breed takes 10 months longer compared to other breeds. lRjLKLBMObo-00161-00071944-00072304 But the reduction in other costs evens out expense. lRjLKLBMObo-00162-00072348-00072672 This cattle breed doesn't get sick, doesn't need vaccinations, lRjLKLBMObo-00163-00072712-00073096 doesn't need purging, it is self sufficient. lRjLKLBMObo-00164-00073172-00073372 There are many benefits lRjLKLBMObo-00165-00073384-00073836 about getting more from the pasture, making it last longer. lRjLKLBMObo-00166-00073836-00074080 Not to speak badly of other Colombian breeds, lRjLKLBMObo-00167-00074104-00074564 but they are not as meaty or as heavy as this breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00168-00075188-00075580 Cattle used to be bought in Piedemonte, lRjLKLBMObo-00169-00075580-00075848 a two or three day ride from here. lRjLKLBMObo-00170-00075860-00076068 It was very cheap and it was discriminated. lRjLKLBMObo-00171-00076100-00076836 That's what led to white Brahman cattle to settle in this area. lRjLKLBMObo-00172-00076884-00077360 Other types also replaced this cattle breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00173-00077400-00077748 Today, many have regretted the decision lRjLKLBMObo-00174-00077752-00077980 because they see this breed works. lRjLKLBMObo-00175-00078524-00078880 They are noble animals that don't react well to mistreatment. lRjLKLBMObo-00176-00078900-00079140 You have to know how to handle them. lRjLKLBMObo-00177-00079176-00079476 You must be understanding. lRjLKLBMObo-00178-00079516-00079740 They are intelligent animals. lRjLKLBMObo-00179-00079776-00079980 They are not difficult to handle. lRjLKLBMObo-00180-00079980-00080192 One or two people can manage. lRjLKLBMObo-00181-00080236-00080784 Don't leave the animal alone in a corral because it will get uneasy. lRjLKLBMObo-00182-00080784-00080960 It will think it's in danger. lRjLKLBMObo-00183-00080980-00081252 They won't attack but they will defend themselves. lRjLKLBMObo-00184-00081476-00081824 The Zebú cattle came from a tropical region lRjLKLBMObo-00185-00081852-00082152 so it has adapted well to the Piedemonte region. lRjLKLBMObo-00186-00082200-00082584 It doesn't do as well in these floodplains. lRjLKLBMObo-00187-00082620-00083104 It doesn't have the same grazing ability as the Casanareño breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00188-00083580-00083956 This breed is cost effective to raise. lRjLKLBMObo-00189-00083984-00084660 It's a tough breed that withstands extreme heat, as you've seen today. lRjLKLBMObo-00190-00084704-00085116 Our cattle is fat, with shiny coats, they have no problems being in this sun. lRjLKLBMObo-00191-00085148-00085468 A pure bred cattle breed in these conditions lRjLKLBMObo-00192-00085468-00085736 would be destroyed and losing weight. lRjLKLBMObo-00193-00085736-00086012 They would be hiding under the trees. lRjLKLBMObo-00194-00086012-00086464 If there are no trees they could take a downturn. lRjLKLBMObo-00195-00087068-00087268 The bulls are impecable. lRjLKLBMObo-00196-00087320-00087520 Well built. lRjLKLBMObo-00197-00087552-00087852 It's a long bull with good aplomb. lRjLKLBMObo-00198-00087852-00088392 The foreskin does not hang low, reducing cutting risk. lRjLKLBMObo-00199-00088524-00088920 The Brahman on the other hand has low hanging foreskin. lRjLKLBMObo-00200-00088944-00089576 So you invest a lot of money and they get hurt. lRjLKLBMObo-00201-00089612-00089812 This breed does not have that problem. lRjLKLBMObo-00202-00089832-00090084 You can have 200 calves a year with this breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00203-00090084-00090304 The white breed gives you 30 or 40. lRjLKLBMObo-00204-00090440-00090688 The bull is precocious. lRjLKLBMObo-00205-00090700-00091028 It can mount 12 cows in one day. lRjLKLBMObo-00206-00091040-00091180 He doesn't fall in love. lRjLKLBMObo-00207-00091192-00091432 When he is done with one cow he looks for another. lRjLKLBMObo-00208-00091448-00091708 He doesn't insist, he'll mount an old one, lRjLKLBMObo-00209-00091708-00091844 he mounted 3 that day. lRjLKLBMObo-00210-00091868-00092156 The white one insists on one, will smell and follow. lRjLKLBMObo-00211-00092156-00092316 Will mount one 3 times. lRjLKLBMObo-00212-00092316-00092564 These bulls do it once and they are done. lRjLKLBMObo-00213-00092636-00093208 These are positive advantages of the Casanareño cattle breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00214-00097296-00097544 Since this breed originated in Colombia lRjLKLBMObo-00215-00097564-00097932 it is capable of extreme weather such as drought and flooding lRjLKLBMObo-00216-00097976-00098456 it has become an ideal breed to raise in Colombia. lRjLKLBMObo-00217-00098512-00098804 It is a breed that can become key lRjLKLBMObo-00218-00098824-00099156 to developing the Colombian cattle industry in the future. lRjLKLBMObo-00219-00099500-00099800 It's a thankful breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00220-00099892-00100376 They don't require a lot of feed. lRjLKLBMObo-00221-00100436-00100788 They practically take care of themselves. lRjLKLBMObo-00222-00100828-00101184 One of the advantages we have today with this breed, lRjLKLBMObo-00223-00101224-00101696 in a time where so many are greedy, lRjLKLBMObo-00224-00101760-00102120 it's not like the dim witted white cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00225-00102120-00102428 They are easy to hunt, steal and catch. lRjLKLBMObo-00226-00102452-00102788 This breed is tougher to get to, to hunt. lRjLKLBMObo-00227-00102800-00103180 To catch a cow or a bull you need a good horse lRjLKLBMObo-00228-00103180-00103359 you need to be skilled, lRjLKLBMObo-00229-00103372-00103740 otherwise the bull will kill the thief and the horse as well. lRjLKLBMObo-00230-00103780-00104080 They are fast animals. lRjLKLBMObo-00231-00104135-00104440 They can kill a horse or a person in two minutes. lRjLKLBMObo-00232-00105208-00105540 People are realising things and want to return to what they had. lRjLKLBMObo-00233-00105596-00106028 This is a breed that has adapted to its environment. lRjLKLBMObo-00234-00106028-00106408 I don't see a difference with European or Bos Indicus breeds. lRjLKLBMObo-00235-00106556-00107211 The difference could be this breed needs more maturing time. lRjLKLBMObo-00236-00107264-00107796 That balances out however since you need to invest more with other breeds. lRjLKLBMObo-00237-00107832-00108156 They need feed, medications, vets, many things. lRjLKLBMObo-00238-00108196-00108508 So the expense is compensated. lRjLKLBMObo-00239-00109072-00109580 The results are reflected in the work put in by Cesar lRjLKLBMObo-00240-00109580-00109748 in taking care of his cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00241-00109816-00110140 It's thanks to the teaching of his father, Fernando Wilches, lRjLKLBMObo-00242-00110159-00110748 that they are working to avoid the extinction of this native breed lRjLKLBMObo-00243-00110752-00111116 which has for so long represented the ranchers of Casanare. lRjLKLBMObo-00244-00111472-00111959 I'm grateful I can do this with my son, lRjLKLBMObo-00245-00111959-00112140 so that this doesn't disappear lRjLKLBMObo-00246-00112148-00112359 so this can move forward lRjLKLBMObo-00247-00112372-00112572 and prospers for a long time. lRjLKLBMObo-00248-00112611-00113011 This native breed has been very special to us. lRjLKLBMObo-00249-00113035-00113352 Thanks to this breed our children got an education. lRjLKLBMObo-00250-00113400-00113788 They have gone to university and even travelled abroad, lRjLKLBMObo-00251-00113811-00114108 and have even did their masters on the Criollo Casanareño lRjLKLBMObo-00252-00114132-00114456 They are more than family lRjLKLBMObo-00253-00114492-00114996 because thanks to them we could eat, grow, lRjLKLBMObo-00254-00115020-00115304 and gave us part of our education. lRjLKLBMObo-00255-00116635-00116956 We have gone forward thanks to this cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00256-00117000-00117300 My father also fed himself and his brothers, lRjLKLBMObo-00257-00117300-00117516 gave them an education thanks to this cattle. lRjLKLBMObo-00258-00117559-00117792 The cattle is also grateful. lRjLKLBMObo-00259-00117824-00118116 You can put it out to pasture when it's very thin lRjLKLBMObo-00260-00118140-00118472 and 10 months later it is a well built animal. lRjLKLBMObo-00261-00118564-00118864 It is an animal that can eat a lot. lRjLKLBMObo-00262-00118900-00119100 A grateful animal. lRjLKLBMObo-00263-00119132-00119624 This breed, the Criollo Casanareño, is everything to me. lRjLKLBMObo-00264-00119644-00120168 This breed and the native Criollo horses are for me, the best. lRjLKLBMObo-00265-00120168-00120328 It's a passion. lRjLKLBMObo-00266-00120959-00121235 I would like to invite you to know more about this breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00267-00121240-00121476 It is a meaty breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00268-00121496-00121740 It has nice hindquarters and loins. lRjLKLBMObo-00269-00121772-00122320 The most expensive cuts are the tenderloins, hindquarters, top sirloins lRjLKLBMObo-00270-00122396-00122676 I don't want to discriminate the other breeds lRjLKLBMObo-00271-00122676-00122859 but other Colombian native ones lRjLKLBMObo-00272-00122880-00123056 have boney behinds. lRjLKLBMObo-00273-00123056-00123183 Not this one. lRjLKLBMObo-00274-00123183-00123420 This breed is lean and thick. lRjLKLBMObo-00275-00123440-00123780 So I want to invite you to know more about this unknown breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00276-00123780-00124083 Very few people knew about this breed. lRjLKLBMObo-00277-00124156-00124500 We are valuing what many people almost destroyed. lS0j_4tpO1Q-00000-00000134-00001030 ❤😘Please like and subcribe to support me! I love you all ❤ lS0j_4tpO1Q-00001-00005180-00005980 Thanks for watching! Love you all 😘❤ lSs1R6nvkJy-00000-00000028-00000408 well good morning this video is to get you to think about your role in your lSs1R6nvkJy-00001-00000408-00000861 business you don't need to seek permission to continues the technician lSs1R6nvkJy-00002-00000861-00001269 if that's what you really want to do but you may want to be the manager you may lSs1R6nvkJy-00003-00001269-00001713 be the leader in your business but think about the reason why you want to run lSs1R6nvkJy-00004-00001713-00002034 your own business and the role that you want to undertake to add most value lSs1R6nvkJy-00005-00002034-00002484 using your skill and attributes and with that clarity you will stride towards lSs1R6nvkJy-00006-00002484-00002884 your mission vision goals and objectives lTdEokHongE-00000-00000000-00000425 our team works hard to make you with the lTdEokHongE-00001-00000252-00000720 warm safe and harassment-free lTdEokHongE-00002-00000425-00000936 environment because of this we build lTdEokHongE-00003-00000720-00001158 cultural norms to keep in mind when lTdEokHongE-00004-00000936-00001379 using our platform and interacting with lTdEokHongE-00005-00001158-00001536 our community when posting a project or lTdEokHongE-00006-00001379-00001848 interacting with the giveth Community lTdEokHongE-00007-00001536-00002124 you should never use sexualized language lTdEokHongE-00008-00001848-00002250 or imagery sexual attention or advances lTdEokHongE-00009-00002124-00002466 of any kind lTdEokHongE-00010-00002250-00002711 troll posed with the intention of lTdEokHongE-00011-00002466-00002958 causing disruption or argument insult lTdEokHongE-00012-00002711-00003318 use derogatory comments or do personal lTdEokHongE-00013-00002958-00003529 or political attacks harassment bullying lTdEokHongE-00014-00003318-00003797 and discrimination is unacceptable lTdEokHongE-00015-00003529-00003996 publish private information such as lTdEokHongE-00016-00003797-00004223 physical or email addresses of other lTdEokHongE-00017-00003996-00004362 people without their explicit permission lTdEokHongE-00018-00004223-00004662 or consent lTdEokHongE-00019-00004362-00004860 you should also never conduct yourself lTdEokHongE-00020-00004662-00005070 in such a way in which it could be lTdEokHongE-00021-00004860-00005268 reasonably considered inappropriate in a lTdEokHongE-00022-00005070-00005519 professional setting refrain from lTdEokHongE-00023-00005268-00005796 inappropriate advertising data mining or lTdEokHongE-00024-00005519-00006048 improper use of Support Services Loop lTdEokHongE-00025-00005796-00006216 donations if you have a project and try lTdEokHongE-00026-00006048-00006419 to cheat the system by using donations lTdEokHongE-00027-00006216-00006576 received from your project to donate lTdEokHongE-00028-00006419-00006761 back to you again in order to get lTdEokHongE-00029-00006576-00007079 Kickbacks you may have your project lTdEokHongE-00030-00006761-00007361 removed or get banned in some cases even lTdEokHongE-00031-00007079-00007559 if your project is verified Learners may lTdEokHongE-00032-00007361-00007829 also get feedbacks denied or their lTdEokHongE-00033-00007559-00008100 verification status revoke cases in lTdEokHongE-00034-00007829-00008304 which this could happen are offering lTdEokHongE-00035-00008100-00008525 good or services to Learners in exchange lTdEokHongE-00036-00008304-00008832 for Their donation circulating donations lTdEokHongE-00037-00008525-00009000 raised by other third-party means the lTdEokHongE-00038-00008832-00009143 funds are not being used for what is lTdEokHongE-00039-00009000-00009402 expressed in the project page or lTdEokHongE-00040-00009143-00009702 verification form unscrupulous or lTdEokHongE-00041-00009402-00009918 fraudulent activity and finally projects lTdEokHongE-00042-00009702-00010170 verified status can be revoked after lTdEokHongE-00043-00009918-00010368 three months of no updates activity lTdEokHongE-00044-00010170-00010565 check out the link in the description of lTdEokHongE-00045-00010368-00010757 this video in which we explain more lTdEokHongE-00046-00010565-00011046 details around the reasons behind keep lTdEokHongE-00047-00010757-00011238 bugs disqualification we look forward to lTdEokHongE-00048-00011046-00011588 having you help us build a positive and lTdEokHongE-00049-00011238-00011588 collaborative Community for all lV6rSvB9i0g-00000-00002282-00002630 Alright people, let's go. Places. lV6rSvB9i0g-00001-00002630-00002740 Places. lV6rSvB9i0g-00002-00002740-00003200 It is time to start the next season of Logo Bloopers. lV6rSvB9i0g-00003-00003200-00003592 Now, cue the BBC Video 1997 logo. lV6rSvB9i0g-00004-00004744-00005700 Um, excuse me? BBC Video 1997, you are not supposed to be in silent era, Noir, or Black & White. lV6rSvB9i0g-00005-00005700-00006096 You are supposed to cue in colour. Change it now. lV6rSvB9i0g-00006-00007256-00007886 You cannot either do it in Heat Wave. You are supposed to have it normal. Change it. lV6rSvB9i0g-00007-00009034-00009734 Why is it still vintage? You are not supposed to use those types of effects. Do you read me? lV6rSvB9i0g-00008-00012072-00012462 Seriously, why did it speed up and then slow down? lV6rSvB9i0g-00009-00012462-00013086 Alright, I'm giving you one last chance, and if you screw up again, you're fired. lV6rSvB9i0g-00010-00013086-00013156 Do... lV6rSvB9i0g-00011-00013156-00013206 ...you... lV6rSvB9i0g-00012-00013206-00013330 ...understand? lV6rSvB9i0g-00013-00013330-00013530 OK, now go. lV6rSvB9i0g-00014-00014686-00015204 Correct! We did it. Now go do whatever you want to do! lVsH4-r6d-0-00000-00000224-00000832 G'day, everyone. My name's James O'Brien and I come to you from my small farm here in Australia lVsH4-r6d-0-00001-00000832-00001432 on the outskirts of the capital, Canberra. I came to GIS about 20 years ago via a computing science lVsH4-r6d-0-00002-00001432-00002039 background. I worked in IT for a few years and then I completed a PhD in geography at Penn State lVsH4-r6d-0-00003-00002039-00002752 in 2004. I've been teaching programming classes in the program pretty much ever since and my current lVsH4-r6d-0-00004-00002752-00003279 day job is the chief geospatial scientist of an Australian natural hazards risk modeling company. lVsH4-r6d-0-00005-00003432-00003608 In my spare time, I race cars, lVsH4-r6d-0-00006-00003976-00004520 I race bikes, and I'm a member of our local volunteer emergency firefighting lVsH4-r6d-0-00007-00004520-00005312 and other emergency response organizations. I look forward to seeing you all in class lVJ_LA86JFg-00000-00000016-00000440 So to work out the uncertainty on a single measurement, lVJ_LA86JFg-00001-00000440-00000992 any single measurement is likely to be within half the range lVJ_LA86JFg-00002-00000992-00001392 of the average value, so that's actually a pretty simple calculation. lVJ_LA86JFg-00003-00001392-00001896 So an uncertainty of an individual reading is just half the range. lVJ_LA86JFg-00004-00002007-00002472 So the range is the maximum minus the minimum. lVJ_LA86JFg-00005-00002544-00002968 OK, so any existing or future measurement is likely to be lVJ_LA86JFg-00006-00002968-00003360 within half the range of whatever your average value is, so lVJ_LA86JFg-00007-00003360-00003792 we say that an individual measurement or reading has an uncertainty of half the range. lVJ_LA86JFg-00008-00003792-00004368 Now, it's really important to point out here that the value of this uncertainty here is lVJ_LA86JFg-00009-00004368-00005048 not necessarily the same as whatever your instrumental uncertainty is -- so, whatever lVJ_LA86JFg-00010-00005048-00005632 uncertainty you anticipated based on the size of the divisions on your measuring instrument. lVJ_LA86JFg-00011-00005632-00005992 The uncertainty that you calculate for an individual reading lVJ_LA86JFg-00012-00005992-00006640 might turn out to be larger than the instrument uncertainty, because of sources of random error lVJ_LA86JFg-00013-00006640-00007223 that cause the numbers to vary evenly above and below or where your average value is. lVJ_LA86JFg-00014-00007223-00007864 So if you go back and look at our data here, the range of the data is the maximum value, lVJ_LA86JFg-00015-00007864-00008912 which is 1.59, minus the minimum value, which is 1.53, which gives us a range of 0.06 volts. lVJ_LA86JFg-00016-00008912-00009304 And so our uncertainty on our voltage - which we symbolize with lVJ_LA86JFg-00017-00009304-00010080 that triangle there - the uncertainty is half the range, which equals 0.03 volts. lVJ_LA86JFg-00018-00010080-00010472 So we can say that on any individual reading that we have listed below there, lVJ_LA86JFg-00019-00010536-00010984 0.3-- .03 volts is the uncertainty on the number listed. lVJ_LA86JFg-00020-00010984-00011480 Now this number of uncertainty supersedes any uncertainty estimate that you may have made lVJ_LA86JFg-00021-00011480-00011968 based on the size of the divisions on your measuring instrument. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00000-00000444-00000681 Hello everyone, this is the editing captain lWdN74Gg0Zg-00001-00000444-00000681 Hello everyone, this is the editing captain lWdN74Gg0Zg-00002-00000720-00001091 Today, if you look at my video among the Mobabi features, lWdN74Gg0Zg-00003-00000720-00001091 Today, if you look at my video among the Mobabi features, lWdN74Gg0Zg-00004-00001091-00001439 you have seen the watermark on the top or on this side, lWdN74Gg0Zg-00005-00001091-00001439 you have seen the watermark on the top or on this side, lWdN74Gg0Zg-00006-00001439-00001557 that is, the logo. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00007-00001439-00001557 that is, the logo. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00008-00001584-00002004 So today, let’s learn how to make my own watermark lWdN74Gg0Zg-00009-00001584-00002004 So today, let’s learn how to make my own watermark lWdN74Gg0Zg-00010-00002034-00002383 This is a new feature in Mobabi 2021 version, so you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00011-00002034-00002383 This is a new feature in Mobabi 2021 version, so you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00012-00002383-00002690 can easily create it with a click of a button. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00013-00002383-00002690 can easily create it with a click of a button. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00014-00002721-00003135 Then let's go with me~ gogo Now, I turned on Mobabi lWdN74Gg0Zg-00015-00002721-00003135 Then let's go with me~ gogo Now, I turned on Mobabi lWdN74Gg0Zg-00016-00003354-00003569 Today’s video is very simple lWdN74Gg0Zg-00017-00003354-00003569 Today’s video is very simple lWdN74Gg0Zg-00018-00003603-00003834 It’s probably the simplest of the movavi lectures lWdN74Gg0Zg-00019-00003603-00003834 It’s probably the simplest of the movavi lectures lWdN74Gg0Zg-00020-00003834-00003939 I’ve taught you so far. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00021-00003834-00003939 I’ve taught you so far. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00022-00003942-00004077 It is applied in 1 second lWdN74Gg0Zg-00023-00003942-00004077 It is applied in 1 second lWdN74Gg0Zg-00024-00004140-00004373 First of all, I brought the video to be edited lWdN74Gg0Zg-00025-00004140-00004373 First of all, I brought the video to be edited lWdN74Gg0Zg-00026-00004383-00004747 You can also bring in an edited video or an image to lWdN74Gg0Zg-00027-00004383-00004747 You can also bring in an edited video or an image to lWdN74Gg0Zg-00028-00004747-00004899 create a watermark. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00029-00004747-00004899 create a watermark. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00030-00004953-00005233 has a lot of these easy and convenient functions lWdN74Gg0Zg-00031-00004953-00005233 has a lot of these easy and convenient functions lWdN74Gg0Zg-00032-00005233-00005367 hidden behind the scenes. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00033-00005233-00005367 hidden behind the scenes. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00034-00005436-00005652 First, I called up a mark lWdN74Gg0Zg-00035-00005436-00005652 First, I called up a mark lWdN74Gg0Zg-00036-00005679-00005858 Usually, after uploading it like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00037-00005679-00005858 Usually, after uploading it like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00038-00005963-00006211 Align the position like this and lWdN74Gg0Zg-00039-00005963-00006211 Align the position like this and lWdN74Gg0Zg-00040-00006374-00006463 It stretches like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00041-00006374-00006463 It stretches like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00042-00006469-00006886 But there is a much simpler way than this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00043-00006469-00006886 But there is a much simpler way than this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00044-00006911-00007024 I'll show you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00045-00006911-00007024 I'll show you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00046-00007306-00007543 Go into the tool window here lWdN74Gg0Zg-00047-00007306-00007543 Go into the tool window here lWdN74Gg0Zg-00048-00007631-00007834 If you look here, you can see the logo type lWdN74Gg0Zg-00049-00007631-00007834 If you look here, you can see the logo type lWdN74Gg0Zg-00050-00007847-00008195 If you click the logo type and add logo type, there lWdN74Gg0Zg-00051-00007847-00008195 If you click the logo type and add logo type, there lWdN74Gg0Zg-00052-00008195-00008577 is a location where the image I want to load is located. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00053-00008195-00008577 is a location where the image I want to load is located. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00054-00008600-00009054 Find that location, just click and open it, and you're lWdN74Gg0Zg-00055-00008600-00009054 Find that location, just click and open it, and you're lWdN74Gg0Zg-00056-00009054-00009105 done. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00057-00009054-00009105 done. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00058-00009143-00009218 It's really simple lWdN74Gg0Zg-00059-00009143-00009218 It's really simple lWdN74Gg0Zg-00060-00009281-00009543 All you have to do is align the position like this. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00061-00009281-00009543 All you have to do is align the position like this. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00062-00009581-00009782 Any video, regardless of the length lWdN74Gg0Zg-00063-00009581-00009782 Any video, regardless of the length lWdN74Gg0Zg-00064-00009782-00009903 It is applied like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00065-00009782-00009903 It is applied like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00066-00009932-00010321 However, images imported to Media Bean and these lWdN74Gg0Zg-00067-00009932-00010321 However, images imported to Media Bean and these lWdN74Gg0Zg-00068-00010321-00010739 are not applied as logotypes, but my videos, my saved lWdN74Gg0Zg-00069-00010321-00010739 are not applied as logotypes, but my videos, my saved lWdN74Gg0Zg-00070-00010739-00011015 desktops, or saved files as files. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00071-00010739-00011015 desktops, or saved files as files. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00072-00011054-00011224 It only applies to that. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00073-00011054-00011224 It only applies to that. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00074-00011273-00011541 Videos can also be applied in the same way lWdN74Gg0Zg-00075-00011273-00011541 Videos can also be applied in the same way lWdN74Gg0Zg-00076-00011842-00012178 I’ll delete this and load the video. I’ll think of lWdN74Gg0Zg-00077-00011842-00012178 I’ll delete this and load the video. I’ll think of lWdN74Gg0Zg-00078-00012178-00012514 it as a PIP function. Enter the logo type again and lWdN74Gg0Zg-00079-00012178-00012514 it as a PIP function. Enter the logo type again and lWdN74Gg0Zg-00080-00012514-00012653 click the logo type. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00081-00012514-00012653 click the logo type. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00082-00012691-00012804 If you bring it like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00083-00012691-00012804 If you bring it like this lWdN74Gg0Zg-00084-00012913-00013089 That’s it. It’s really simple. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00085-00012913-00013089 That’s it. It’s really simple. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00086-00013122-00013559 However, the audio of the video here is not yet available. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00087-00013122-00013559 However, the audio of the video here is not yet available. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00088-00013561-00013819 That part is a little disappointing, but it would lWdN74Gg0Zg-00089-00013561-00013819 That part is a little disappointing, but it would lWdN74Gg0Zg-00090-00013819-00014071 be nice to use this example video to show when you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00091-00013819-00014071 be nice to use this example video to show when you lWdN74Gg0Zg-00092-00014071-00014216 say you're using it as a meme lWdN74Gg0Zg-00093-00014071-00014216 say you're using it as a meme lWdN74Gg0Zg-00094-00014233-00014394 Today’s video is over lWdN74Gg0Zg-00095-00014233-00014394 Today’s video is over lWdN74Gg0Zg-00096-00014455-00014661 Then thank you for watching the video lWdN74Gg0Zg-00097-00014455-00014661 Then thank you for watching the video lWdN74Gg0Zg-00098-00014734-00014860 Subscribe and Like lWdN74Gg0Zg-00099-00014734-00014860 Subscribe and Like lWdN74Gg0Zg-00100-00014950-00015160 Setting notifications is a big boost for me lWdN74Gg0Zg-00101-00014950-00015160 Setting notifications is a big boost for me lWdN74Gg0Zg-00102-00015213-00015381 I'll come back with another informative video next lWdN74Gg0Zg-00103-00015213-00015381 I'll come back with another informative video next lWdN74Gg0Zg-00104-00015381-00015401 time. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00105-00015381-00015401 time. lWdN74Gg0Zg-00106-00015447-00015538 Good-bye lWdN74Gg0Zg-00107-00015447-00015538 Good-bye lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00000-00001050-00002028 hello everyone I'm Simon welcome part 9 Jib the vampire bar bill oh he's evil lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00001-00002028-00002883 evil we left the last video she's toying around with John the boyfriends computer lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00002-00002883-00004044 his mother's bank accounts and you know she's got her eyes on the money this lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00003-00004044-00004911 story it's based on true effects more will become apparent the other day by lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00004-00004911-00005760 but yeah she talks to her tribe she tells them there's money available she's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00005-00005760-00006280 been looking after John's mother a lot more than John with the caring she's all lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00006-00006280-00007441 elderly and frail Jim seems to be working away out of getting her hands on lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00007-00007441-00008238 that money she takes some advice from the tribe John's computer it's an old PC lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00008-00008238-00008926 if she is to be able to get that money she needs to stop John seeing the anchor lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00009-00008926-00009901 count the bank details and she hatches a plot she applies for a slightly lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00010-00009901-00010492 different card on the mother's account through John's name he seems to have lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00011-00010492-00011218 total control on the account this would be a debit card frog ATM with a higher lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00012-00011218-00011950 limit of 500-pound a withdrawal on the ATM mm-hmm see where this is going see a lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00013-00011950-00012268 place like Gardens only that will be posted to the mother's house clearly to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00014-00012268-00012528 set the mail lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00015-00012597-00013371 now there's a savings account with 50,000 pound in it that separates of the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00016-00013371-00013854 main account she's the mother's got 40 plus it pays lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00017-00013854-00014235 and pain in the main account she's getting money every week more than she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00018-00014235-00014888 needs to survive so she's saving every week jibs very lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00019-00014888-00015477 calculating she talked to the girls she knows basically what she can and lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00020-00015477-00016063 can't do the biggest problem is stopping John seeing what she's doing lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00021-00016097-00016854 couple of weeks pass and sure enough that card ATM debit card arrives at lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00022-00016854-00018105 mother's days Kiev intercepts it now she's moving into vampire mode - hmm she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00023-00018105-00018612 goes on to John's computer most days he's working nights sleeping in the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00024-00018612-00019368 mornings afternoons she's on there in the morning what does she do she sets lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00025-00019368-00020211 the bank account to paperless reports that come statements that come through lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00026-00020211-00020673 the post to paperless so they don't come through the post hmm that's one good lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00027-00020673-00021465 move she then knows if she transfers money large money either they came it'll lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00028-00021465-00022230 start asking for confirmation and proof of everything so she's really very lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00029-00022230-00023304 careful what she do she decides that she is going to buy itself a laptop and set lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00030-00023304-00024000 all this up on her laptop she goes age-wise a small laptop she keeps it lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00031-00024000-00024732 down to the restaurant out of sight John he doesn't know she's got it she can now lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00032-00024732-00025467 access all the accounts away from the house or when John's asleep you use the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00033-00025467-00025712 one a nice lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00034-00025757-00026343 she starts withdrawing 500 pound a day with that new ATM card lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00035-00026343-00027081 from the main account if John sees this she could probably talk her way out of lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00036-00027081-00027357 it so this goes on for a couple of weeks lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00037-00027357-00028163 and he hasn't bothered looking he goes up with us the mums sometimes he doesn't lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00038-00028163-00028872 go and she goes on her own to take care he's trusting her trusting Jib to you lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00039-00028872-00029444 know interact with the mum the mum loved you as he loves her so she starts with lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00040-00029444-00029864 drain money daily now she knows this can't go on for long because he will lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00041-00029864-00030439 spot it so she decides after chatting with the girls lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00042-00030439-00030983 she needs an exit plan if she's going to take all this money from John and his lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00043-00030983-00031599 mum she's not going to be able to stay around she's gonna have to exit the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00044-00031599-00032631 country so she's had enough with him looks like it she loves money more what lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00045-00032631-00033201 does she do she transfers the fifty thousand pound from the savings account lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00046-00033201-00033756 to the bank account now because it's staying in the bank adjust account to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00047-00033756-00034251 account it just asked for a password to verify which has got and with all that lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00048-00034251-00034833 money into the main account there's now over 90,000 pound in there - a few lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00049-00034833-00036158 thousand she's been taken out with the ATM she then sends from the main account lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00050-00036158-00037163 thirty thousand pound to her or a Thai bank account through the online system lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00051-00037163-00037890 and sure enough this is in the morning John's asleep sure enough verification lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00052-00037890-00038316 because a large amount of money there's a choice on the screen on the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00053-00038316-00038831 verification on one of them is a code number sent to John's mobile phone lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00054-00038831-00039406 for authorization Jon's mobile phone is sat on the side next to click click lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00055-00039406-00040258 picks up his phone which is on silent code comes through taps the coding lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00056-00040258-00041110 30,000 pound on its way now there's still sixty fifty plus thousand in that lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00057-00041110-00042212 this is a gamble but she's got Smith what she's doing she's Oh John goes to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00058-00042212-00043000 work that day and she then tips a cup of coffee into the top back part of his PC lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00059-00043000-00043595 again had advice from the tribe where the power supply is on the PC tips a cup lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00060-00043595-00044393 of coffee in there with EC turned on bang blows a fuse blows the power supply lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00061-00044393-00045509 probably some of the internal organs of the PC gone bang why John comes home lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00062-00045509-00046013 next more on it she lets him sleep she doesn't tell him when he wakes up she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00063-00046013-00046772 says she knocked the coffee over the PC it's gone bang John he's mainly plays lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00064-00046772-00047258 with his PlayStation on the TV so the PC is old he just used it for the mum's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00065-00047258-00047816 bank and bits and pieces but he's he's upset a bit and he's old Eeyore what can lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00066-00047816-00048758 we do I haven't got age insurance chief says don't worry darling over the next lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00067-00048758-00049076 month or so we'll put some money together and we'll buy you buy you a lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00068-00049076-00049472 nice PC and you want maybe you can play some games and things on it we'll get lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00069-00049472-00050066 you a better one what do you think John's Elvis excellent great yeah good lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00070-00050066-00050405 idea we don't need even though she says be lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00071-00050405-00050996 fine couple of months and he agrees he's none no why he doesn't know what's going lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00072-00050996-00051211 on lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00073-00051455-00052320 the money gets to Thailand the 30,000 pounds she's sent all okay that's the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00074-00052320-00053058 green light she then gets onto her laptop couple of days later bang sends lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00075-00053058-00053741 another 30 days in pain few weeks pass she's still pulling money on an ATM lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00076-00053741-00054349 every day she going down to a shop Western Union sending that 500 pound a lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00077-00054349-00054870 day to her friend colleague in the village who then puts it into her bank lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00078-00054870-00055626 over that the money is coming down rapidly on the mother's account John's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00079-00055626-00056270 not the wiser he has no idea that mother has no idea she makes one last payment lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00080-00056270-00057004 abroad she empties the account except for two thousand pound she's got heart lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00081-00057004-00057466 she's leaving John and his mother a couple of days in Bank she's not that lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00082-00057466-00058341 evil vampire she has got heart enters the bank sends it it's going to take lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00083-00058341-00058885 three days to get there it's not going to be long before John finds out what's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00084-00058885-00059311 going on at some point she could string it on a bit longer lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00085-00059311-00059860 my suggest for a couple of weeks but she started to get nervous she talks to the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00086-00059860-00060661 tribe she's got to renew this vengan visa for the weekends they go around lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00087-00060661-00061498 Europe so she does that not visas a three-month visa she gets the stage lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00088-00061498-00061825 where it's just just too much of a gamble she can't hang around any longer lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00089-00061825-00062188 he could find out and there could be problems she doesn't know exactly what lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00090-00062188-00062944 happened in the law and she says to John John I'm sorry I'm moving abroad I'm lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00091-00062944-00063651 going or I'm going back home to tell you that possibly the founders not well or lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00092-00063651-00064319 something I'm going I'm sorry it's devastated absolutely devastated lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00093-00064319-00064698 he's in rented house that he can just afford lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00094-00064698-00065457 he did this for jib and she's leaving him absolutely devastated which says she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00095-00065457-00066089 packs her bags off she goes she gets on a plane goes to Germany John's left lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00096-00066089-00067094 there with this house it's a week before something happens in John's mother's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00097-00067094-00067854 house the boiler or something goes bang and he needs to get some money at the lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00098-00067854-00068186 bank more than normal and he goes to the bank lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00099-00068186-00068844 chibs in Germany the tribes that was on four words they're seeing her still John lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00100-00068844-00069494 goes to the bank and it all becomes apparent what's happened huge shock lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00101-00069494-00070064 absolute shock but it starts dawning he starts talking to the bank personnel he lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00102-00070064-00070482 gets through to the maybe the manager and he's starting to realize he's just lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00103-00070482-00071367 been taken and his mother's money's gone in the interview with the manager he lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00104-00071367-00071874 tells the manager that jib was looking after his mum with him and he'd given to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00105-00071874-00072567 you full access to the account plus cards the manager said to him you've lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00106-00072567-00072947 given her access to your mother's account with a our permission lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00107-00072947-00073662 you've got no reclaim on this you can go to the police and see if there's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00108-00073662-00074213 something you can do there for fraud the bank is not going to help you we're not lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00109-00074213-00074870 going to support you at all with this this is broken our policies we may even lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00110-00074870-00075169 close the account date lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00111-00075287-00075750 it's a couple of thousand in there still you managed to withdraw enough to sort lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00112-00075750-00076260 the boiler rate get that done he goes to the police he goes to his local police lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00113-00076260-00076990 station sits down talks that there's nothing they can do he handed lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00114-00076990-00077671 all the talk she needed the cars access permission she sets the country there's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00115-00077671-00078730 nothing they can do for him he was actually have to prove all the time lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00116-00078730-00079041 where she was what she was doing how she did it lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00117-00079041-00079320 there's going to be no way of him getting it back lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00118-00079320-00079825 he was have to go and find her and get the money back he doesn't know where she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00119-00079825-00080196 she's gone he doesn't know in Thailand where she lives or anything lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00120-00080196-00080938 and sadly John just actually walks up police station says forget it it gives lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00121-00080938-00081550 up he's just not he's not that sort of person he's not interested he gets out lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00122-00081550-00081934 of the house he finishes the rent for the month gives it back moves back in lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00123-00081934-00082537 with his mum and it just gives up on the than money and chippy doesn't bother lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00124-00082537-00083401 doing anything strange mums money's still coming in he's now got his ways lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00125-00083401-00084010 going into the house they start building that money back up slowly that's the end lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00126-00084010-00085021 of John skips gone enter chip she's in Germany she's moving from Germany to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00127-00085021-00085653 France to Belgium around on the spanking visa selling her body and all these lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00128-00085653-00086200 places the Tribe girl he's having that party in the world over time the tribe lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00129-00086200-00086836 thinks she's amazing she's just got away with 80 90 thousand pound they can't lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00130-00086836-00087469 believe it um this goes on for three months Rangoon lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00131-00087469-00088033 visa stand to run eight she can't renew it in Germany where she's at the time lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00132-00088033-00088680 she would have to go back to the UK or back to Thailand lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00133-00088680-00089427 she's a vampire she sucked whether life out of Peter and John took them both for lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00134-00089427-00089937 lots of money not so much Peter but took John for a lot of money his mother her lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00135-00089937-00090522 daughter she's not interested she signed the rights away to her daughter Peters lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00136-00090522-00091398 fine daughter John's gone back to normal for his mother but she sucked a lot of lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00137-00091398-00092379 their life and my money out of them what a young lady what can I say she gets on lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00138-00092379-00093369 a plane and she heads to Thailand back to her big house for five bedroom house lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00139-00093369-00093995 that mum and dad love their family she's now got loads of money in the bank she lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00140-00093995-00094422 made all that money with the gold buying and selling she was selling her body lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00141-00094422-00095789 around Europe as I was in money what happens next that is the end of jib for lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00142-00095789-00096525 now we've gone through nine parts I'm going to call that season one and that's lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00143-00096525-00097032 the end of season one takes a lot of work for me to write these and put these lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00144-00097032-00097593 together and get the facts and everything and film 9 episodes it's worn lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00145-00097593-00098151 me out I need to get back to doing some other videos for you guys so I'm going lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00146-00098151-00098867 to finish this as season 1 final part number 9 and we will revisit lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00147-00098867-00099795 Jib the vampire bar girl I believe this probably another 10 videos episodes to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00148-00099795-00100662 do on her I mean at this point she is close on 30 years old there's more lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00149-00100662-00101444 there's a lot more I hope you've enjoyed this saga seems to lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00150-00101444-00102026 go along for ages but I've enjoyed telling it and as I said it was based on lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00151-00102026-00102785 facts mmm I've got this more don't crucify me I lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00152-00102785-00103919 need a break from jib we will revisit jib I will see you soon thanks for lZ0Xp6Z-TI4-00153-00103919-00105380 watching bye leCB1gufBtI-00000-00000894-00001358 So, moreover, I'm a lawyer, so everything goes against me. leCB1gufBtI-00001-00001368-00002552 So I'll be talking about the major regulatory challenges that relate to robotics regulation leCB1gufBtI-00002-00002552-00003000 and, of course, this is just a sample we could speak at length about them. leCB1gufBtI-00003-00003000-00003405 But these are really depressing issues and also the issues that the leCB1gufBtI-00004-00003405-00003846 European Parliament has directly addressed in its recommendations to the leCB1gufBtI-00005-00003846-00004411 European Commission and we're all awaiting the official statement of leCB1gufBtI-00006-00004411-00004912 the European Commission coming up later this month. So I will be discussing leCB1gufBtI-00007-00004912-00005572 why we need a European approach to robotics regulation. And I will point out leCB1gufBtI-00008-00005572-00006270 some of the reasons why European legal system not completely adequate or leCB1gufBtI-00009-00006270-00006825 largely inadequate and I will refer to some specific bodies of regulation. leCB1gufBtI-00010-00006826-00007230 I will propose an alternative approach which I like to call the risk management approach. leCB1gufBtI-00011-00007230-00008008 I'll briefly touch upon Robot testing which is a topical issue due to Fabio. leCB1gufBtI-00012-00008008-00008682 And, as more, insurance and the use of standartization and the purpose of leCB1gufBtI-00013-00008682-00008936 a potential European robotics agency. leCB1gufBtI-00014-00008936-00009372 So, first of all, why do we need to regulate robotics? leCB1gufBtI-00015-00009372-00009966 We need to regulate robotics because regulation is anyway, anyway there. leCB1gufBtI-00016-00010114-00010566 If we invented today the time machine that would already be regulated. leCB1gufBtI-00017-00010566-00011092 The only question is: "Is it good regulation or not for a time machine?". leCB1gufBtI-00018-00011092-00011830 If somebody used the time machine for attempt travel and got injured over his travel leCB1gufBtI-00019-00011830-00012349 and his family or himself wanted to sue the manufacturer leCB1gufBtI-00020-00012349-00012772 of the time machine in the court, the judge would simply have to find the solution. leCB1gufBtI-00021-00012772-00013091 And what he would do is apply existing regulation because it would not leCB1gufBtI-00022-00013091-00013716 be able to say: "There is no detailed regulation of time travel and, therefore, leCB1gufBtI-00023-00013716-00014008 I'm allowed not to judge the case". leCB1gufBtI-00024-00014008-00014238 So, this is a really important point leCB1gufBtI-00025-00014238-00014446 that I always try to make clear to engineers in particular, leCB1gufBtI-00026-00014446-00014924 because regulating doesn't mean necessarily limiting. Actually, it could leCB1gufBtI-00027-00014924-00015374 entail unleashing the full potential of innovation. leCB1gufBtI-00028-00015374-00015636 Why does that need to happen in EU level? leCB1gufBtI-00029-00015636-00016540 Because EU is one market, EU is one not only economic, leCB1gufBtI-00030-00016540-00017143 but also cultural area. And that's very important, because we value consumer leCB1gufBtI-00031-00017143-00017746 protection, we value human rights and we also want those principles that are very leCB1gufBtI-00032-00017746-00018198 dear to us to be deeply embedded in technological innovation. leCB1gufBtI-00033-00018216-00018952 And by regulating you make sure that it happens. So, you can conceive good regulation, leCB1gufBtI-00034-00018952-00019406 you can conceive that EU level to avoid fragmentation. leCB1gufBtI-00035-00019422-00019962 And this is a very important point both for businesses and for consumers. leCB1gufBtI-00036-00019962-00020434 But at the same time, you also want to regulate because you want to be sure that leCB1gufBtI-00037-00020434-00020864 you're embedding those fundamental values and principles into the technology you get. leCB1gufBtI-00038-00020864-00021544 And all my research shows that even very distant rules, such as liability rules, leCB1gufBtI-00039-00021544-00022064 have a very important bearing on the kind of technology that ultimately will emerge. leCB1gufBtI-00040-00022064-00022572 And, therefore, also on the incentives that are provided to manufacturers leCB1gufBtI-00041-00022572-00022924 and a kind of technology we get on our market. If we do not regulate, leCB1gufBtI-00042-00022924-00023406 if we let robotics emerge elsewhere outside of Europe, leCB1gufBtI-00043-00023424-00023846 it will embed those principles and those values and we might not like them. leCB1gufBtI-00044-00023846-00024256 And we'll still buy those devices and those products. leCB1gufBtI-00045-00024256-00025070 So, this is a really strategic issue for the EU not only on pure economic terms that are very relevant still, leCB1gufBtI-00046-00025070-00025532 but also on social and policy aspects and, in particular, leCB1gufBtI-00047-00025532-00026004 in the perspective of ensuring we get the technology we want. leCB1gufBtI-00048-00026072-00026644 We shall avoid fragmentation. So, what is happening, some member states are talking about leCB1gufBtI-00049-00026644-00026989 adopting their own rules on robotics and AI. leCB1gufBtI-00050-00026989-00027170 I'm thinking of Estonia I was... leCB1gufBtI-00051-00027180-00027858 There are some initiatives in Germany and one that is coming up in the UK with respect to driverless cars... leCB1gufBtI-00052-00027858-00028064 That may not be the best approach. leCB1gufBtI-00053-00028064-00028716 If we have... If the legal system deeply influences the way technology evolves, leCB1gufBtI-00054-00028716-00029516 we will get driveless cars that functions are slightly different in Germany and in the UK. leCB1gufBtI-00055-00029516-00029774 Is that acceptable? Most likely, not. leCB1gufBtI-00056-00029788-00030072 That's gonna harm our economy, that's gonna harm our industry. leCB1gufBtI-00057-00030072-00030554 So, we don't want fragmentation. We want legislation to occur at EU level. leCB1gufBtI-00058-00030554-00030933 The speaker just before me mentioned that leCB1gufBtI-00059-00030933-00031354 it will be very hard to spot where AI is. And this is the problem we already witness with the Internet. leCB1gufBtI-00060-00031354-00031716 So, fragmentation is really going in the opposite direction shall we leCB1gufBtI-00061-00031716-00032256 like member states should have that idea very clear in their mind. leCB1gufBtI-00062-00032256-00032760 How do you want to regulate robotics and technology in general? leCB1gufBtI-00063-00032760-00033490 You could say: "We have to stress, to identify those profile technical differences that leCB1gufBtI-00064-00033490-00033964 differentiate specific classes of application one from the other. leCB1gufBtI-00065-00033964-00034368 It makes no sense to attempt to regulate robotics as the whole leCB1gufBtI-00066-00034368-00034806 or to make the code of robotics to make the new asm of laws. leCB1gufBtI-00067-00034880-00035386 Driveless cars give rise to specific issues that are very different from those leCB1gufBtI-00068-00035386-00036026 that are triggered by drones, robot companions, softbots and surgical robots. Just to name a few. leCB1gufBtI-00069-00036026-00036502 So, you need to have a class by class application approach. leCB1gufBtI-00070-00036502-00037406 And also because similar technological trades may give rise to different legal, ethical and social issues. leCB1gufBtI-00071-00037406-00038040 So, you have to identify the specific societal impact of a single classes of applications. leCB1gufBtI-00072-00038040-00038334 Just the Rumba vacuum cleaner is an autonomous system, leCB1gufBtI-00073-00038334-00038826 but for sure it does not trigger the same issues that a driverless car or a drone does. leCB1gufBtI-00074-00038826-00039274 You know, so, it's not just autonomy or the ability to learn leCB1gufBtI-00075-00039274-00039658 that makes the difference is autonomy in the specific context leCB1gufBtI-00076-00039658-00040206 considering a specific kind of application in the specific setting. leCB1gufBtI-00077-00040206-00040622 At the same time, the same issue may require different solutions. leCB1gufBtI-00078-00040622-00040946 And we have to devise the right incentives leCB1gufBtI-00079-00041060-00041706 that we want to provide manufacturers, researchers, users of a specific technology. leCB1gufBtI-00080-00041916-00042582 So, the same solution may help you working for a robotic prostheses and a driverless car. leCB1gufBtI-00081-00042582-00042756 Just to keep with that one example. leCB1gufBtI-00082-00042924-00043464 Within this framework (this is like a methodological framework), how to address technology regulation. leCB1gufBtI-00083-00043464-00044028 Then we shall make one point very clear: robots are products. leCB1gufBtI-00084-00044028-00044445 They are no philosophical, no legal grounds to deem leCB1gufBtI-00085-00044446-00045038 or not even technological grants to deem that existing or reasonably foreseeable technologies. leCB1gufBtI-00086-00045038-00045770 They are subjects in an ontological sense, they are not beings - they are things. leCB1gufBtI-00087-00045770-00046248 And if they are things, they're given framework, leCB1gufBtI-00088-00046248-00046790 legislative framework applies to them. And that's the setting of product liability rules leCB1gufBtI-00089-00046790-00047156 and all the rules about standardization and CE Marking that EU level. leCB1gufBtI-00090-00047156-00047458 There's a number of European directives on those, leCB1gufBtI-00091-00047458-00047902 on the second aspect, plus the European product liability directive. leCB1gufBtI-00092-00047902-00048642 Now... So, this goes back to the story of the time travel. leCB1gufBtI-00093-00048642-00049108 Do these... Are these rules fit for purpose? This is a really relevant question. leCB1gufBtI-00094-00049108-00049830 And, well, this is a very long story, but, probably, the product liability regulation is not really fit for purpose. leCB1gufBtI-00095-00049830-00050082 Why is so? It's currently under revision. leCB1gufBtI-00096-00050082-00050714 And we will find out about the conclusions of the European Commission in a few days. leCB1gufBtI-00097-00050714-00050856 And very curious about that. leCB1gufBtI-00098-00050856-00051654 I was involved in the debate around product liability directive and I have to say that leCB1gufBtI-00099-00051654-00051976 there are two studies, they are very relevant studies, that were carried out leCB1gufBtI-00100-00051976-00052510 and found very little litigation with respect to product liability rules in Europe. leCB1gufBtI-00101-00052510-00052864 And that can be explained in different ways, but I will get back to that in a moment. leCB1gufBtI-00102-00052864-00053338 At the same time, for liability is an exposed solution. leCB1gufBtI-00103-00053338-00053652 When an accident occurs, it tells us who is going to be held liable leCB1gufBtI-00104-00053652-00054229 and, basically, holds the producer liable for all damages deriving from the use of their product. leCB1gufBtI-00105-00054372-00054664 Now except that there is an entirely different body of regulation leCB1gufBtI-00106-00054664-00055262 that is out of certification like so the different directives of the machinery directive, the medical device directive leCB1gufBtI-00107-00055262-00055655 and so on and so far, according to that kinds of products that we are considering. leCB1gufBtI-00108-00055655-00056360 And those high requirements at least that is the intention to make sure the products are safe. leCB1gufBtI-00109-00056360-00056788 And this should ex ante, but they do not exclude liability. leCB1gufBtI-00110-00056788-00057654 Now these... So, these two things work in parallel. But why is the product liability regulation, probably, leCB1gufBtI-00111-00057654-00058028 inadequate for the task of regulating emerging technologies? leCB1gufBtI-00112-00058028-00058622 Well, we have some impartial data about how it performed until today. leCB1gufBtI-00113-00058622-00059194 And we can slow litigation level which we see clearly that the causal nexus leCB1gufBtI-00114-00059200-00059564 between the fact and the damage is very hard to establish leCB1gufBtI-00115-00059564-00059782 for a claimant, somebody's seeking compensation. leCB1gufBtI-00116-00059826-00060470 We also see that the development risk defense is quite ineffective in its application. leCB1gufBtI-00117-00060470-00060784 Now I don't want to get too much into the legal details of them. leCB1gufBtI-00118-00060812-00061126 The reports will tell us more about it. leCB1gufBtI-00119-00061164-00061504 The data can be interpreted in different ways, leCB1gufBtI-00120-00061504-00061990 but if you speak to consumers' associations and if you look into leCB1gufBtI-00121-00062198-00062546 litigation involving medical products, leCB1gufBtI-00122-00062546-00063038 you see that it's very very hard for a claimant to get any sort of compensation. leCB1gufBtI-00123-00063038-00063705 And you can witness high level of randomness of career decisions and very little consumer protection. leCB1gufBtI-00124-00063705-00064048 Today in the morning I was reading an article in Financial Times and it was talking about leCB1gufBtI-00125-00064048-00064810 the intentionally EU of ensuring we reach better consumer protection in reality leCB1gufBtI-00126-00064810-00065257 and the importance of that. I think that we could take the example of leCB1gufBtI-00127-00065257-00065610 the product liability regulation into account as a very leCB1gufBtI-00128-00065610-00066074 good example of a body of regulation that is very well conceived theoretically. leCB1gufBtI-00129-00066074-00066966 But when it is applied it's very difficult to implement and to use it to successfully protect consumers. leCB1gufBtI-00130-00067046-00067622 And what are the inadequacies of the product liability directly with respect to emerging technology? leCB1gufBtI-00131-00067622-00068042 Well, originally, that body of regulation was understood leCB1gufBtI-00132-00068042-00068544 as a safety net intended to be applied and very exceptional circumstances. leCB1gufBtI-00133-00068544-00069014 Because safety is provided exactly through standardization. leCB1gufBtI-00134-00069014-00069670 However, close machine to human interaction and the case of the action leCB1gufBtI-00135-00069670-00070160 that involves the Uber driveless car just a few days back is a good example of that. leCB1gufBtI-00136-00070160-00070374 'cause these are two different bodies of regulations leCB1gufBtI-00137-00070374-00070692 to overlap traditional tort law and product liability regulation. leCB1gufBtI-00138-00070692-00071162 And so, basically, the product liability is going to serve purposes leCB1gufBtI-00139-00071162-00071396 for which it wasn't originally conceived. leCB1gufBtI-00140-00071434-00072232 And this will, you know, show even more its weaknesses and the uncertainties it gives rise to. leCB1gufBtI-00141-00072232-00072694 And at the same time, it really stresses the disproportion in the power leCB1gufBtI-00142-00072694-00073090 between businesses and consumer in undergoing a litigation. leCB1gufBtI-00143-00073090-00073700 So, this is a body of legislation that most likely needs to be profoundly revised. leCB1gufBtI-00144-00073700-00074392 And how could we do that? One way is (the one I propose) is through a risk management approach. leCB1gufBtI-00145-00074392-00074669 A risk management approach tries to burden leCB1gufBtI-00146-00074669-00075275 the party that is best positioned to minimize costs and acquire insurance. leCB1gufBtI-00147-00075275-00075946 Rather than the one that can be blamed for failing to comply with a specific standard. leCB1gufBtI-00148-00075946-00076338 It's basically grounded on absolute liability rules that are even leCB1gufBtI-00149-00076338-00076752 more than objective liability rules and does not always require establishing leCB1gufBtI-00150-00076752-00077496 a specific causal nexus which means pinpointing the one party that is liable up in the given accident. leCB1gufBtI-00151-00077518-00077882 And it should ensure prompt compensation to the victim leCB1gufBtI-00152-00077882-00078273 with very little, if any litigation at all. leCB1gufBtI-00153-00078273-00078778 Rather than a complex system that leading requires relevant litigation leCB1gufBtI-00154-00078778-00079088 to provide some compensation to the victim. leCB1gufBtI-00155-00079088-00079606 I'll provide you with one specific example. leCB1gufBtI-00156-00079606-00080064 That's of driveless cars again. We may decide to hold the producer liable leCB1gufBtI-00157-00080064-00080544 based on a risk management kind of consideration. leCB1gufBtI-00158-00080544-00080882 If we hold the producer liable based on a risk management approach, leCB1gufBtI-00159-00080882-00081381 we hold the producer liable in all cases: an autonomous or leCB1gufBtI-00160-00081381-00081714 semi-autonomous vehicle is involved in a crash. leCB1gufBtI-00161-00081714-00082142 What the producer will do is that he will acquire and insurance leCB1gufBtI-00162-00082142-00082488 and, most likely, because he won't purchase insurance for just one vehicle, leCB1gufBtI-00163-00082488-00082757 but for all the cars that he puts in production. leCB1gufBtI-00164-00082758-00083056 He will manage to explore economies of scale leCB1gufBtI-00165-00083056-00083342 that could be bad story for insurance companies, maybe. leCB1gufBtI-00166-00083342-00084158 But what he will do is that he will factor that cost into the cost function of his car leCB1gufBtI-00167-00084158-00084982 and then he will transfer that cost or a part of that cost onto the final user that purchases the vehicle. leCB1gufBtI-00168-00084982-00085648 So, it's not even the producer that ultimately bears the entire economic cost in such a scenario. leCB1gufBtI-00169-00085648-00085848 What happens when an accident occurs? leCB1gufBtI-00170-00085848-00086226 There is no need to show through complex litigation leCB1gufBtI-00171-00086226-00086624 that it was a defective design in the vehicle, that something went wrong, leCB1gufBtI-00172-00086624-00087106 that it's the fault of the manufacturer or of the internet service provider leCB1gufBtI-00173-00087106-00087710 or any other person involved in the completion of the driving task. leCB1gufBtI-00174-00087710-00087946 Because litigation is unnecessary, leCB1gufBtI-00175-00087946-00088498 it's the manufacturer that gonna be hold responsible and he's gonna have to pay. leCB1gufBtI-00176-00088498-00089132 What he can do then? Is that at the end of the year through contractual agreements leCB1gufBtI-00177-00089132-00089626 he can distribute this cost along the value chain to all the suppliers leCB1gufBtI-00178-00089626-00090152 that he might identify as the best part in position to either avoid that kind of accident, leCB1gufBtI-00179-00090152-00090605 or, anyway, responsible for that kind of occurrence. leCB1gufBtI-00180-00090606-00091112 So, at the end of the year a large manufacturer will be better positioned to say leCB1gufBtI-00181-00091112-00091966 in a hundred percent of cases, in... like... considering a hundred cases, in sixty cases leCB1gufBtI-00182-00091966-00092181 it was a matter of the Internet connection. leCB1gufBtI-00183-00092181-00092746 So, while I negotiate my agreement with an Internet connection provider for my connected vehicle, leCB1gufBtI-00184-00092746-00093256 I will take that into account and I will force them to internalise a part of that cost. leCB1gufBtI-00185-00093256-00093556 But at the end of the year he will have managed that cost, leCB1gufBtI-00186-00093556-00093872 minimized that cost and managed to avoid all litigation. leCB1gufBtI-00187-00093872-00094282 What is the major problem with a risk management approach? leCB1gufBtI-00188-00094282-00094672 As well we have to identify emerging risk. leCB1gufBtI-00189-00094672-00094988 And there are many risks that technologies will bring about leCB1gufBtI-00190-00094988-00095324 that we can hardly foretell as of today. leCB1gufBtI-00191-00095482-00095694 There will be a lot of cyber security issues. leCB1gufBtI-00192-00095694-00096048 We had an event here at the European Parliament just few weeks back leCB1gufBtI-00193-00096048-00096600 still organized by Mady Delvaux, where a cyber security expert made very clear of leCB1gufBtI-00194-00096600-00096869 how vulnerable many technologies are. leCB1gufBtI-00195-00096870-00097386 And that is again a problem of risk identification and regulation, leCB1gufBtI-00196-00097386-00097740 but also of technical regulations, so, standardization. leCB1gufBtI-00197-00097740-00097986 And we get back to that in a moment. leCB1gufBtI-00198-00097986-00098334 And then we need to assess such risk... leCB1gufBtI-00199-00098334-00098687 Yes, I'm almost done. And then we need to assess such risk, leCB1gufBtI-00200-00098687-00099592 because we also need to determine how likely it is that given harmful event will occur. leCB1gufBtI-00201-00099592-00099780 And that is not that obvious. leCB1gufBtI-00202-00099780-00100334 Because... We'll still stick with the example of driveless cars. leCB1gufBtI-00203-00100334-00100904 There is a study about rent from 2016 that says that with the given data we have today leCB1gufBtI-00204-00100904-00101380 we cannot say that driveless cars are safer than traditional vehicles. leCB1gufBtI-00205-00101380-00101772 And if we wanted to be based... to base that assumption on data, leCB1gufBtI-00206-00101772-00102255 we would have to wait 4 hundred more years. That, of course, is not possible. leCB1gufBtI-00207-00102255-00102740 But we have to invent new ways of testing. Some will be traditional ways of testing, leCB1gufBtI-00208-00102740-00103318 some will be simulations. But we also need Robot testing, which is the other aspect. leCB1gufBtI-00209-00103318-00103508 We need to regulate robot testing. leCB1gufBtI-00210-00103508-00104022 And other... other countries, such as Japan, are doing that effectively. leCB1gufBtI-00211-00104022-00104654 They organize toku-zones that are areas where existing regulation is temporarily disapplied leCB1gufBtI-00212-00104654-00105136 in order to allow experimentation under conditions of safety. This doesn't happen in Europe. leCB1gufBtI-00213-00105136-00105405 Well, most European countries have now passed legislation leCB1gufBtI-00214-00105406-00105774 to allow the testing of driverless cars on the road, leCB1gufBtI-00215-00105774-00106304 even if they did not legislate autonomous driving, which is good. leCB1gufBtI-00216-00106304-00106859 But this is probably largely insufficient, because many other kind of technologies are not easily tested. leCB1gufBtI-00217-00106859-00107202 We could think of drone swarms. According to Italian legislation leCB1gufBtI-00218-00107202-00107588 you cannot for each drone in the air you have to have a pilot. leCB1gufBtI-00219-00107588-00108124 So, that also entails that you cannot test drone swarms, but that is useful technology. leCB1gufBtI-00220-00108124-00108430 And do we have to change legislation today? Most likely, not. leCB1gufBtI-00221-00108435-00108818 We have to wait until we get data about how drone swarms work. leCB1gufBtI-00222-00108818-00109168 But in order to get that data we have to let the testing happen. leCB1gufBtI-00223-00109168-00109633 So, we need to disapply probably momentarily existing relation to that end. leCB1gufBtI-00224-00109885-00110290 What we need is also smart insurance. leCB1gufBtI-00225-00110290-00110830 It is a new approach to insurance that will be based on free flow of data, most likely, leCB1gufBtI-00226-00110830-00111414 and by design approaches, but also in time contracting... I explained this is a bit complex, leCB1gufBtI-00227-00111414-00112242 but the idea is that all the data generated by our tools leCB1gufBtI-00228-00112242-00112574 will help insurance companies change their business models leCB1gufBtI-00229-00112574-00113459 and calculate and internalize better the kind of risk we give rise to. leCB1gufBtI-00230-00113459-00113835 Of course, once a privacy by design approach is respected, leCB1gufBtI-00231-00113835-00114478 so, our data is kept sufficiently safe and protected, which is a problem itself. leCB1gufBtI-00232-00114478-00114883 And then I said standardization is necessary, standardization is useful. leCB1gufBtI-00233-00114883-00115359 We need more and narrow-tailored technological standards for many issues. leCB1gufBtI-00234-00115359-00115764 One above all, for instance, cyber security that are not sufficiently regulated leCB1gufBtI-00235-00115764-00116458 and, in particular, that are not sufficiently regulated with respect to robotics, AI and emerging technologies. leCB1gufBtI-00236-00116458-00117072 And this is one of the reasons, why we might benefit of the European robotics agency leCB1gufBtI-00237-00117072-00117302 that performs this specific task. leCB1gufBtI-00238-00117302-00118196 Now all this builds upon a knowledge that merges law, economics, ethics and engineering. leCB1gufBtI-00239-00118198-00118698 And, therefore, we also need to train European lawyers and engineers of tomorrow in that way. leCB1gufBtI-00240-00118698-00119111 And this is what we're trying to do at St. Anna also with my summer school. leCB1gufBtI-00241-00119111-00119558 And this is the third edition. And, so, I hope, you're interested. leCB1gufBtI-00242-00119558-00119909 And if you want to ask some questions, please, don't hesitate. leCB1gufBtI-00243-00119909-00120126 Thank you! lnkxwPsLclu-00000-00000079-00000294 Thank you so much for the opportunity lnkxwPsLclu-00001-00000295-00000535 to share with you what we are passionate about. lnkxwPsLclu-00002-00000973-00001415 We have been organizing community worldwide through social media, lnkxwPsLclu-00003-00001419-00001771 for people to learn, share and communicate compassion, lnkxwPsLclu-00004-00001772-00002044 awareness and wisdom for the benefit of all. lnkxwPsLclu-00005-00002197-00002553 We provide a complete solution for standardized education, lnkxwPsLclu-00006-00002555-00002811 empowerment and mobilization lnkxwPsLclu-00007-00002811-00003154 of compassion, awareness and wisdom on a global scale. lnkxwPsLclu-00008-00003254-00003670 A lifestyle of innovation and engagement is the result. lnkxwPsLclu-00009-00003721-00003998 Our technology includes a simple solution lnkxwPsLclu-00010-00003999-00004274 to reset the mind to spontaneous wisdom. lnkxwPsLclu-00011-00004335-00004703 Certified trainers, endless free media, lnkxwPsLclu-00012-00004704-00004904 and a worldwide community of friends. lnkxwPsLclu-00013-00005153-00005313 Thank you so much for your time lnkxwPsLclu-00014-00005316-00005668 and we look forward to seeing you at the Wisdom 2.0 in New York. moDBixxJdoQ-00000-00000032-00000568 I’m finally wearing my pajamas. It's been over a month since I wore my pyjamas, and I liked it. moDBixxJdoQ-00001-00000632-00001064 I had to cut some of the threads. This is not actually a thread. m73lbgHcIvU-00000-00000010-00000150 HARVEST PROVIDED ALMOST m73lbgHcIvU-00001-00000150-00000156 HARVEST PROVIDED ALMOST m73lbgHcIvU-00002-00000156-00000426 HARVEST PROVIDED ALMOST 3 MILLION MEALS IN SEVEN m73lbgHcIvU-00003-00000426-00000433 HARVEST PROVIDED ALMOST 3 MILLION MEALS IN SEVEN m73lbgHcIvU-00004-00000433-00000507 HARVEST PROVIDED ALMOST 3 MILLION MEALS IN SEVEN COUNTIES. m73lbgHcIvU-00005-00000507-00000513 3 MILLION MEALS IN SEVEN COUNTIES. m73lbgHcIvU-00006-00000513-00000573 3 MILLION MEALS IN SEVEN COUNTIES. >> DENNIS: THE EMERGENCY m73lbgHcIvU-00007-00000573-00000580 COUNTIES. >> DENNIS: THE EMERGENCY m73lbgHcIvU-00008-00000580-00000637 COUNTIES. >> DENNIS: THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AT THE LAKEWOOD m73lbgHcIvU-00009-00000637-00000643 >> DENNIS: THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AT THE LAKEWOOD m73lbgHcIvU-00010-00000643-00000774 >> DENNIS: THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AT THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM MAIN CAMPUS IN m73lbgHcIvU-00011-00000774-00000780 DEPARTMENT AT THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM MAIN CAMPUS IN m73lbgHcIvU-00012-00000780-00000970 DEPARTMENT AT THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM MAIN CAMPUS IN STAPLES HAS A NEW LOOK. m73lbgHcIvU-00013-00000970-00000977 HEALTH SYSTEM MAIN CAMPUS IN STAPLES HAS A NEW LOOK. m73lbgHcIvU-00014-00000977-00001121 HEALTH SYSTEM MAIN CAMPUS IN STAPLES HAS A NEW LOOK. A TOUR WAS GIVEN TODAY OF THE m73lbgHcIvU-00015-00001121-00001127 STAPLES HAS A NEW LOOK. A TOUR WAS GIVEN TODAY OF THE m73lbgHcIvU-00016-00001127-00001274 STAPLES HAS A NEW LOOK. A TOUR WAS GIVEN TODAY OF THE NEARLY COMPLETED RENOVATION AND m73lbgHcIvU-00017-00001274-00001281 A TOUR WAS GIVEN TODAY OF THE NEARLY COMPLETED RENOVATION AND m73lbgHcIvU-00018-00001281-00001331 A TOUR WAS GIVEN TODAY OF THE NEARLY COMPLETED RENOVATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT. m73lbgHcIvU-00019-00001331-00001337 NEARLY COMPLETED RENOVATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT. m73lbgHcIvU-00020-00001337-00001448 NEARLY COMPLETED RENOVATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT. THE PROJECT HAS EXPANDED THE m73lbgHcIvU-00021-00001448-00001454 EXPANSION PROJECT. THE PROJECT HAS EXPANDED THE m73lbgHcIvU-00022-00001454-00001594 EXPANSION PROJECT. THE PROJECT HAS EXPANDED THE NUMBER OF PATIENT ROOMS TO NINE, m73lbgHcIvU-00023-00001594-00001601 THE PROJECT HAS EXPANDED THE NUMBER OF PATIENT ROOMS TO NINE, m73lbgHcIvU-00024-00001601-00001741 THE PROJECT HAS EXPANDED THE NUMBER OF PATIENT ROOMS TO NINE, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF TWO m73lbgHcIvU-00025-00001741-00001748 NUMBER OF PATIENT ROOMS TO NINE, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF TWO m73lbgHcIvU-00026-00001748-00001931 NUMBER OF PATIENT ROOMS TO NINE, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF TWO SAFE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY m73lbgHcIvU-00027-00001931-00001938 INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF TWO SAFE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY m73lbgHcIvU-00028-00001938-00002165 INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF TWO SAFE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY HARM THEMSELVES. m73lbgHcIvU-00029-00002165-00002172 SAFE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY HARM THEMSELVES. m73lbgHcIvU-00030-00002172-00002318 SAFE ROOMS FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY HARM THEMSELVES. THE RENOVATION ALSO INCLUDED A m73lbgHcIvU-00031-00002318-00002325 HARM THEMSELVES. THE RENOVATION ALSO INCLUDED A m73lbgHcIvU-00032-00002325-00002402 HARM THEMSELVES. THE RENOVATION ALSO INCLUDED A NEGATIVE PRESSURE ROOM, m73lbgHcIvU-00033-00002402-00002409 THE RENOVATION ALSO INCLUDED A NEGATIVE PRESSURE ROOM, m73lbgHcIvU-00034-00002409-00002535 THE RENOVATION ALSO INCLUDED A NEGATIVE PRESSURE ROOM, INCREASED LIGHTING CONTROL, A m73lbgHcIvU-00035-00002535-00002542 NEGATIVE PRESSURE ROOM, INCREASED LIGHTING CONTROL, A m73lbgHcIvU-00036-00002542-00002846 NEGATIVE PRESSURE ROOM, INCREASED LIGHTING CONTROL, A NEW HVAC SYSTEM AND AN UPGRADED m73lbgHcIvU-00037-00002846-00002852 INCREASED LIGHTING CONTROL, A NEW HVAC SYSTEM AND AN UPGRADED m73lbgHcIvU-00038-00002852-00002959 INCREASED LIGHTING CONTROL, A NEW HVAC SYSTEM AND AN UPGRADED NURSE CALL SYSTEM. m73lbgHcIvU-00039-00002959-00002966 NEW HVAC SYSTEM AND AN UPGRADED NURSE CALL SYSTEM. m73lbgHcIvU-00040-00002966-00003093 NEW HVAC SYSTEM AND AN UPGRADED NURSE CALL SYSTEM. LAKEWOOD SAYS THE PROJECT WAS m73lbgHcIvU-00041-00003093-00003099 NURSE CALL SYSTEM. LAKEWOOD SAYS THE PROJECT WAS m73lbgHcIvU-00042-00003099-00003219 NURSE CALL SYSTEM. LAKEWOOD SAYS THE PROJECT WAS NEEDED AFTER THE AVERAGE NUMBER m73lbgHcIvU-00043-00003219-00003226 LAKEWOOD SAYS THE PROJECT WAS NEEDED AFTER THE AVERAGE NUMBER m73lbgHcIvU-00044-00003226-00003383 LAKEWOOD SAYS THE PROJECT WAS NEEDED AFTER THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF PATIENTS PER YEAR COMING m73lbgHcIvU-00045-00003383-00003390 NEEDED AFTER THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF PATIENTS PER YEAR COMING m73lbgHcIvU-00046-00003390-00003573 NEEDED AFTER THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF PATIENTS PER YEAR COMING THROUGH THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT m73lbgHcIvU-00047-00003573-00003580 OF PATIENTS PER YEAR COMING THROUGH THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT m73lbgHcIvU-00048-00003580-00003810 OF PATIENTS PER YEAR COMING THROUGH THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT INCREASED FROM ABOUT 5500 IN m73lbgHcIvU-00049-00003810-00003817 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT INCREASED FROM ABOUT 5500 IN m73lbgHcIvU-00050-00003817-00004320 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT INCREASED FROM ABOUT 5500 IN 2006 TO 7800 IN 2016. m73lbgHcIvU-00051-00004320-00004327 INCREASED FROM ABOUT 5500 IN 2006 TO 7800 IN 2016. m73lbgHcIvU-00052-00004327-00004564 INCREASED FROM ABOUT 5500 IN 2006 TO 7800 IN 2016. >> WE ALWAYS ARE HAVE A GOAL TO m73lbgHcIvU-00053-00004564-00004571 2006 TO 7800 IN 2016. >> WE ALWAYS ARE HAVE A GOAL TO m73lbgHcIvU-00054-00004571-00004798 2006 TO 7800 IN 2016. >> WE ALWAYS ARE HAVE A GOAL TO SEE A PATIENT SEE A DOC WITHIN m73lbgHcIvU-00055-00004798-00004804 >> WE ALWAYS ARE HAVE A GOAL TO SEE A PATIENT SEE A DOC WITHIN m73lbgHcIvU-00056-00004804-00004851 >> WE ALWAYS ARE HAVE A GOAL TO SEE A PATIENT SEE A DOC WITHIN 30 MINUTES. m73lbgHcIvU-00057-00004851-00004858 SEE A PATIENT SEE A DOC WITHIN 30 MINUTES. m73lbgHcIvU-00058-00004858-00004988 SEE A PATIENT SEE A DOC WITHIN 30 MINUTES. THAT'S A GOAL. m73lbgHcIvU-00059-00004988-00004994 30 MINUTES. THAT'S A GOAL. m73lbgHcIvU-00060-00004994-00005305 30 MINUTES. THAT'S A GOAL. IT'S NOT A REALITY RIGHT AT THIS m73lbgHcIvU-00061-00005305-00005311 THAT'S A GOAL. IT'S NOT A REALITY RIGHT AT THIS m73lbgHcIvU-00062-00005311-00005365 THAT'S A GOAL. IT'S NOT A REALITY RIGHT AT THIS POINT. m73lbgHcIvU-00063-00005365-00005372 IT'S NOT A REALITY RIGHT AT THIS POINT. m73lbgHcIvU-00064-00005372-00005688 IT'S NOT A REALITY RIGHT AT THIS POINT. IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE ACUITY OF m73lbgHcIvU-00065-00005688-00005695 POINT. IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE ACUITY OF m73lbgHcIvU-00066-00005695-00005782 POINT. IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE ACUITY OF THE PATIENT IS. m73lbgHcIvU-00067-00005782-00005789 IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE ACUITY OF THE PATIENT IS. m73lbgHcIvU-00068-00005789-00006042 IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE ACUITY OF THE PATIENT IS. IT HELPS WITH PATIENT m73lbgHcIvU-00069-00006042-00006049 THE PATIENT IS. IT HELPS WITH PATIENT m73lbgHcIvU-00070-00006049-00006182 THE PATIENT IS. IT HELPS WITH PATIENT SATISFACTION, EMPLOYEE m73lbgHcIvU-00071-00006182-00006189 IT HELPS WITH PATIENT SATISFACTION, EMPLOYEE m73lbgHcIvU-00072-00006189-00006242 IT HELPS WITH PATIENT SATISFACTION, EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION. m73lbgHcIvU-00073-00006242-00006249 SATISFACTION, EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION. m73lbgHcIvU-00074-00006249-00006372 SATISFACTION, EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION. IT HELPS WITH BOTTOM LINE FOR m73lbgHcIvU-00075-00006372-00006379 SATISFACTION. IT HELPS WITH BOTTOM LINE FOR m73lbgHcIvU-00076-00006379-00006459 SATISFACTION. IT HELPS WITH BOTTOM LINE FOR LAKEWOOD, TOO. m73lbgHcIvU-00077-00006459-00006466 IT HELPS WITH BOTTOM LINE FOR LAKEWOOD, TOO. m73lbgHcIvU-00078-00006466-00006743 IT HELPS WITH BOTTOM LINE FOR LAKEWOOD, TOO. SO THERE'S A LOT OF BENEFITS. m73lbgHcIvU-00079-00006743-00006750 LAKEWOOD, TOO. SO THERE'S A LOT OF BENEFITS. m73lbgHcIvU-00080-00006750-00006816 LAKEWOOD, TOO. SO THERE'S A LOT OF BENEFITS. >> DENNIS: THIS IS ONE OF A m73lbgHcIvU-00081-00006816-00006823 SO THERE'S A LOT OF BENEFITS. >> DENNIS: THIS IS ONE OF A m73lbgHcIvU-00082-00006823-00006940 SO THERE'S A LOT OF BENEFITS. >> DENNIS: THIS IS ONE OF A NUMBER OF PROJECTS GOING ON IN m73lbgHcIvU-00083-00006940-00006946 >> DENNIS: THIS IS ONE OF A NUMBER OF PROJECTS GOING ON IN m73lbgHcIvU-00084-00006946-00007077 >> DENNIS: THIS IS ONE OF A NUMBER OF PROJECTS GOING ON IN THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM, m73lbgHcIvU-00085-00007077-00007083 NUMBER OF PROJECTS GOING ON IN THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM, m73lbgHcIvU-00086-00007083-00007157 NUMBER OF PROJECTS GOING ON IN THE LAKEWOOD HEALTH SYSTEM, WHICH ALSO INCLUDES THE CURRENT m8q-P6C53NY-00000-00000140-00000380 Finding Themes with Joe Shindelar m8q-P6C53NY-00001-00000523-00000626 In this tutorial m8q-P6C53NY-00002-00000630-00000990 we'll learn how to search for and evaluate themes on drupal.org. m8q-P6C53NY-00003-00001030-00001326 By the end of this tutorial you'll know how to find new themes m8q-P6C53NY-00004-00001336-00001633 and have some tips for evaluating them before use. m8q-P6C53NY-00005-00001680-00001876 Before you get started with this tutorial m8q-P6C53NY-00006-00001880-00002106 you'll want to make sure that you're familiar with the concept m8q-P6C53NY-00007-00002110-00002310 of Drupal as a Content Management System m8q-P6C53NY-00008-00002323-00002576 and that you know what themes are and the role that they play. m8q-P6C53NY-00009-00002586-00002776 See the written version of this tutorial m8q-P6C53NY-00010-00002780-00003046 for links to each of these prerequisite tutorials. m8q-P6C53NY-00011-00003096-00003360 Start by navigating to drupal.org in your browser m8q-P6C53NY-00012-00003373-00003736 and then click on Download & Extend in the menu at the top of the page. m8q-P6C53NY-00013-00003820-00003979 From there, scroll down, m8q-P6C53NY-00014-00003996-00004300 and under the Extend section click on Themes. m8q-P6C53NY-00015-00004343-00004516 Filter your search using the categories m8q-P6C53NY-00016-00004516-00004743 on the Themes search page. m8q-P6C53NY-00017-00004743-00004950 How actively is the theme maintained? m8q-P6C53NY-00018-00004990-00005173 If a theme is actively maintained, m8q-P6C53NY-00019-00005176-00005480 you can expect bug fixes and improvements on a regular basis. m8q-P6C53NY-00020-00005496-00005673 Let's choose Actively maintained. m8q-P6C53NY-00021-00005706-00005930 What kind of development is the theme undergoing? m8q-P6C53NY-00022-00005976-00006200 If you select Under active development, you can expect m8q-P6C53NY-00023-00006200-00006540 new features to be added and some aspects may still change. m8q-P6C53NY-00024-00006550-00006753 If you select Maintenance fixes only, m8q-P6C53NY-00025-00006756-00006963 it means that the theme is considered complete. m8q-P6C53NY-00026-00006973-00007190 We'll choose Any for this example. m8q-P6C53NY-00027-00007220-00007606 Core compatibility, the Drupal version that the theme is compatible with. m8q-P6C53NY-00028-00007636-00007813 We'll go with 8.x here. m8q-P6C53NY-00029-00007846-00007973 Project status. m8q-P6C53NY-00030-00007980-00008213 Sandbox projects are experimental projects. m8q-P6C53NY-00031-00008220-00008510 Full projects have already gone through an approval process m8q-P6C53NY-00032-00008513-00008670 but they can still be in development. m8q-P6C53NY-00033-00008706-00008933 We're interested in full projects. m8q-P6C53NY-00034-00008993-00009253 You can optionally search by the theme's description. m8q-P6C53NY-00035-00009290-00009456 We're going to go ahead and leave this blank. m8q-P6C53NY-00036-00009483-00009763 And finally, you can choose to order your search results m8q-P6C53NY-00037-00009763-00010143 by criteria like Most installed or Last release. m8q-P6C53NY-00038-00010183-00010373 We'll use Most installed here. m8q-P6C53NY-00039-00010430-00010713 Click on Search and wait for the results to appear. m8q-P6C53NY-00040-00010733-00010906 To further evaluate a theme, m8q-P6C53NY-00041-00010910-00011143 click its title in the list of search results m8q-P6C53NY-00042-00011146-00011333 to visit its project page. m8q-P6C53NY-00043-00011443-00011723 Some aspects to pay attention to on the project page m8q-P6C53NY-00044-00011726-00011943 while evaluating themes include m8q-P6C53NY-00045-00011956-00012170 the description of the theme on its page; m8q-P6C53NY-00046-00012186-00012363 this should be clear and useful. m8q-P6C53NY-00047-00012376-00012660 A screenshot of the theme helps your evaluation as well. m8q-P6C53NY-00048-00012683-00012836 Under the Download section, m8q-P6C53NY-00049-00012850-00013176 the theme should be available for your version of the core software. m8q-P6C53NY-00050-00013213-00013513 Pay attention to the color coding here; themes marked green m8q-P6C53NY-00051-00013513-00013756 are recommended to be used on live sites. m8q-P6C53NY-00052-00013776-00013883 The ones marked yellow m8q-P6C53NY-00053-00013886-00014100 should be carefully evaluated before use, m8q-P6C53NY-00054-00014126-00014469 and the ones marked red are only recommended for testing. m8q-P6C53NY-00055-00014550-00014700 Under Project information, m8q-P6C53NY-00056-00014706-00014936 check the theme's maintenance and development status m8q-P6C53NY-00057-00014943-00015193 and how frequently it's downloaded and installed. m8q-P6C53NY-00058-00015219-00015450 Watch out for maintenance status notifications m8q-P6C53NY-00059-00015453-00015636 or development status notifications. m8q-P6C53NY-00060-00015643-00015816 If a theme is actively maintained, m8q-P6C53NY-00061-00015819-00016046 you can be sure that there will be security updates, m8q-P6C53NY-00062-00016050-00016433 bug fixes and feature improvements provided on a regular basis. m8q-P6C53NY-00063-00016470-00016640 If you don't see a status here, m8q-P6C53NY-00064-00016646-00016893 you can assume it's marked as actively maintained. m8q-P6C53NY-00065-00016953-00017060 As an example, m8q-P6C53NY-00066-00017103-00017286 here's what it looks like to have a project m8q-P6C53NY-00067-00017290-00017716 display additional status information under the Project information section. m8q-P6C53NY-00068-00017730-00018010 In the sidebar, under the Issues section, m8q-P6C53NY-00069-00018036-00018293 see if there are any open issues or potential problems m8q-P6C53NY-00070-00018296-00018563 with the theme you may want to browse first. m8q-P6C53NY-00071-00018593-00018753 Under the Maintainer section, m8q-P6C53NY-00072-00018776-00019056 check to make sure that the theme is actively maintained, m8q-P6C53NY-00073-00019086-00019276 how recently was their activity m8q-P6C53NY-00074-00019280-00019526 and new commits added to the code for this theme. m8q-P6C53NY-00075-00019553-00019906 Under Resources, check if the theme has documentation. m8q-P6C53NY-00076-00019950-00020063 While not required, m8q-P6C53NY-00077-00020066-00020250 it's a good indicator that the maintainers m8q-P6C53NY-00078-00020253-00020426 have been considerate and thorough. m8q-P6C53NY-00079-00020490-00020596 In this tutorial, m8q-P6C53NY-00080-00020596-00020816 we learned how to find themes on drupal.org m8q-P6C53NY-00081-00020820-00021000 using the Themes search tool m8q-P6C53NY-00082-00021006-00021393 and covered some tips for evaluating potential themes before using them. m9RhZJLAvtu-00000-00000000-00000679 Avoiding Dissertation Burnout. This video is presented by the Office of m9RhZJLAvtu-00001-00000679-00001482 Graduate Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington. What is burnout? Have m9RhZJLAvtu-00002-00001482-00001982 you heard of this term before? Since the nineteen seventies, burnout at work has m9RhZJLAvtu-00003-00001982-00002389 become a serious subject of discussion among psychologists, beginning with the m9RhZJLAvtu-00004-00002389-00002752 psychologist Herbert Freudenberger who described burnout as a state of mental m9RhZJLAvtu-00005-00002752-00003067 and physical exhaustion caused by one's professional life. m9RhZJLAvtu-00006-00003225-00003555 The symptoms of burnout vary widely, but all of them can stop you from being m9RhZJLAvtu-00007-00003555-00004259 productive. They can include exhaustion, detachment, boredom, cynicism, impatience, m9RhZJLAvtu-00008-00004259-00004809 irritability, physical illness, depression, and even denial. They're all pretty m9RhZJLAvtu-00009-00004809-00005523 terrible feelings, and we want to make sure that our students avoid them. What's m9RhZJLAvtu-00010-00005523-00006039 the cause of burnout? Psychologists describe the basic causes of burnout as m9RhZJLAvtu-00011-00006039-00006614 over dedication, over commitment, and unrealistic goals. People who suffer from m9RhZJLAvtu-00012-00006614-00007079 burnout are in general intensely driven, highly focused people who are committed m9RhZJLAvtu-00013-00007079-00007379 to their work at the expense of other areas of their lives. m9RhZJLAvtu-00014-00007439-00007879 Does this sound familiar to you? Advanced graduate students who are writing m9RhZJLAvtu-00015-00007879-00008388 dissertations are prime candidates to experience burnout. Dissertation writers m9RhZJLAvtu-00016-00008388-00008774 are highly driven and deeply committed to their work, not to mention m9RhZJLAvtu-00017-00008774-00009156 being under a great deal of pressure. That's one reason we are making m9RhZJLAvtu-00018-00009156-00009527 this video. We want to show you ways you can counterbalance feelings of m9RhZJLAvtu-00019-00009527-00010267 exhaustion and fatigue before they become burnout. How do you avoid burnout? m9RhZJLAvtu-00020-00010267-00010778 The number one activity you can do to prevent burnout is to be mindful of m9RhZJLAvtu-00021-00010778-00011250 stress and its effect on you. Be aware of sources of stress in your own personal m9RhZJLAvtu-00022-00011250-00011732 and professional life, and try to mediate them. The list of stresses that graduate m9RhZJLAvtu-00023-00011732-00012096 students face is long and varies from person to person, but here are some m9RhZJLAvtu-00024-00012096-00012639 possible sources of stress. Dissertation writers like you face many sources of m9RhZJLAvtu-00025-00012639-00012894 stress including a lack of free time, m9RhZJLAvtu-00026-00012894-00013212 intense academic programs, high academic and professional m9RhZJLAvtu-00027-00013266-00013688 expectations and standards, possibly a feeling of competition among your peers, m9RhZJLAvtu-00028-00013688-00014223 constant observation and evaluation by our mentors, and a feeling maybe that you m9RhZJLAvtu-00029-00014223-00014633 should be writing your dissertation all the time. The list goes on and on, really. m9RhZJLAvtu-00030-00014633-00015258 But being mindful of stress takes time and focus, both precious commodities to m9RhZJLAvtu-00031-00015258-00015655 someone who's writing a dissertation. But think of that time as an investment in m9RhZJLAvtu-00032-00015655-00016041 your long-term productivity, well-being, and feelings of satisfaction with your m9RhZJLAvtu-00033-00016041-00016584 work. In the rest of this presentation, will discuss four concrete ways you can m9RhZJLAvtu-00034-00016584-00016987 modify your life to avoid feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, and eventually burnout. m9RhZJLAvtu-00035-00016987-00017429 Work-life balance, time for recovery, m9RhZJLAvtu-00036-00017558-00018409 physical well-being, and managing expectations. The most important thing m9RhZJLAvtu-00037-00018409-00018848 you can do to prevent burnout is to dedicate time and physical space to m9RhZJLAvtu-00038-00018848-00019334 recovery from work. Just like your car will not operate when it runs out of gas, m9RhZJLAvtu-00039-00019395-00019753 your mind and body cannot work properly without regular intervals of restoration m9RhZJLAvtu-00040-00019753-00019900 and recovery. m9RhZJLAvtu-00041-00019900-00020200 Well, what kinds of activities can lead to recovery? m9RhZJLAvtu-00042-00020340-00020863 Daily psychological detachment from work, regularly. Stop thinking about your m9RhZJLAvtu-00043-00020863-00021301 dissertation, school problems, or any other issues facing in your professional m9RhZJLAvtu-00044-00021301-00021601 life. Stop thinking about those things at the end of the day. m9RhZJLAvtu-00045-00021653-00022154 Relaxation. Participate in activities that require low amount of effort. m9RhZJLAvtu-00046-00022154-00022865 Watching TV, taking walks, listening to music, yoga, breathing exercises - there any m9RhZJLAvtu-00047-00022865-00023360 number of activities that can help you relax. And finally, social activities and m9RhZJLAvtu-00048-00023360-00023872 interactions. Have positive conversations with friends and family. Enjoy time with m9RhZJLAvtu-00049-00023872-00024328 your friends. Join social organizations or meetups. Go to parties. Enjoy eating m9RhZJLAvtu-00050-00024328-00024791 dinner with your friends or colleagues. Social activities help us build social m9RhZJLAvtu-00051-00024791-00025213 support systems and positive feelings that lead to recovery from fatigue. m9RhZJLAvtu-00052-00025213-00025562 The good news about all of this is that paying attention to recovery is m9RhZJLAvtu-00053-00025562-00025895 something you can do to materially affect your feelings toward your work m9RhZJLAvtu-00054-00025895-00026358 while writing a dissertation. The physical space between work and home m9RhZJLAvtu-00055-00026358-00026543 life can become blurred, because m9RhZJLAvtu-00056-00026543-00027066 dissertation writers often work from home. Recovery from work is impossible m9RhZJLAvtu-00057-00027066-00027497 if your physical and mental space is always oriented toward work. People have m9RhZJLAvtu-00058-00027497-00027863 different preferences about how porous that boundary between work life and home m9RhZJLAvtu-00059-00027863-00028308 life should be, whether you prefer an integrated or segmented boundary between m9RhZJLAvtu-00060-00028308-00028718 work and home life. Be mindful of the ways that feelings about your work can m9RhZJLAvtu-00061-00028718-00029170 spill over into your home life. If you're currently having negative feelings about m9RhZJLAvtu-00062-00029170-00029519 your writing or your research, it's important to maintain a clear boundary m9RhZJLAvtu-00063-00029519-00030058 in the physical and mental rounds of home life and work life. Here are some m9RhZJLAvtu-00064-00030058-00030437 tips: create a dedicated physical space for your work, m9RhZJLAvtu-00065-00030437-00030784 ideally a desk in a distinct corner of the room from which you m9RhZJLAvtu-00066-00030784-00031294 conduct your work, and don't try to relax in that space. Similarly, try to avoid m9RhZJLAvtu-00067-00031294-00031691 working in spaces that should be reserved for recovery. In other words, m9RhZJLAvtu-00068-00031691-00032294 don't work in your bed or don't work on the couch. Finally, since social isolation m9RhZJLAvtu-00069-00032294-00032718 is a major cause of burnout, it's important to maintain and make time for m9RhZJLAvtu-00070-00032718-00033128 positive social relationships. Do you often turned down social invitations m9RhZJLAvtu-00071-00033128-00033608 because you're busy working? Well, we all do, but if you do that all the time m9RhZJLAvtu-00072-00033669-00034061 consider trying to set aside more time in the evenings or on weekends for m9RhZJLAvtu-00073-00034061-00034605 socializing. If certain people cause you anxiety, it might be best to limit your m9RhZJLAvtu-00074-00034605-00035199 exposure to them in person or on social media. Another important way to avoid m9RhZJLAvtu-00075-00035199-00035668 dissertation burnout is to prioritize your physical well-being. For many m9RhZJLAvtu-00076-00035668-00035963 centuries, people have noted the connection between physical well-being m9RhZJLAvtu-00077-00035963-00036359 and mental well-being. This makes me think of Homer's turn of phrase, "A healthy m9RhZJLAvtu-00078-00036359-00036838 mind in a healthy body." The challenge here is to dedicate regular time to your m9RhZJLAvtu-00079-00036838-00037375 physical well-being. Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercises like m9RhZJLAvtu-00080-00037375-00037799 jogging, cycling, and swimming are associated with coping with stress. m9RhZJLAvtu-00081-00038005-00038387 Nutrition also requires a time commitment, because eating healthy is not m9RhZJLAvtu-00082-00038387-00038756 usually the quickest option. Although, even fast-food restaurants nowadays m9RhZJLAvtu-00083-00038756-00038990 offer healthier options. m9RhZJLAvtu-00084-00038990-00039412 Finally, you already know that plenty of rest will lead to a sharp mind and, m9RhZJLAvtu-00085-00039412-00039847 therefore, more productive writing output. This doesn't just apply to some people, m9RhZJLAvtu-00086-00039847-00040309 it applies to almost everyone. Many people believe that they're able to get m9RhZJLAvtu-00087-00040309-00040747 by on small amounts of sleep, but according to Dr. Daniel Buysse, of a m9RhZJLAvtu-00088-00040747-00041097 hundred people who believe they only need five or six hours of sleep a night, m9RhZJLAvtu-00089-00041097-00041525 only about five of those people really do. So make time for your sleep. m9RhZJLAvtu-00090-00041659-00041971 Burnout is a real problem for dissertation writers, and it's m9RhZJLAvtu-00091-00041971-00042330 important to take some time to think about what it is, how to spot the m9RhZJLAvtu-00092-00042330-00042837 symptoms, and how to cope with them. In this video we covered what burnout is m9RhZJLAvtu-00093-00042837-00043346 and what it looks like. We also covered how important it is to be mindful of m9RhZJLAvtu-00094-00043346-00043859 stress and its effect upon your mind and body. And finally, we covered coping m9RhZJLAvtu-00095-00043859-00044288 strategies for dealing with the symptoms of burnout. Coping strategies like m9RhZJLAvtu-00096-00044288-00044531 recovery, work-life balance, m9RhZJLAvtu-00097-00044531-00044834 physical well-being, and managing your expectations. m9RhZJLAvtu-00098-00044905-00045083 Thank you for watching and happy writing! mreG6ZsDXxY-00000-00000019-00000336 (bright upbeat music) mreG6ZsDXxY-00001-00000494-00000659 - What I love about caregiving is the fact mreG6ZsDXxY-00002-00000659-00000949 that I can provide dignity to people in their own home mreG6ZsDXxY-00003-00000949-00001335 and they can be happy and that's important to me. mreG6ZsDXxY-00004-00001335-00001490 - Caregiving is a great job mreG6ZsDXxY-00005-00001490-00001732 because it allows you to really work with the patients mreG6ZsDXxY-00006-00001732-00001986 and really understand what things they're going through. mreG6ZsDXxY-00007-00001986-00002335 Many times, they're given diagnosis mreG6ZsDXxY-00008-00002335-00002724 in terms of all their limitations, but nobody really works mreG6ZsDXxY-00009-00002724-00002974 on the day-to-day basis or how to survive. mreG6ZsDXxY-00010-00003085-00003494 And I think caregiving is that opportunity to do that. mreG6ZsDXxY-00011-00003494-00003635 - Caregiving is an essential work mreG6ZsDXxY-00012-00003635-00003943 because it enables people to live at home mreG6ZsDXxY-00013-00003943-00004307 and in the community with dignity, for as long as possible. mreG6ZsDXxY-00014-00004307-00004621 I like to call these jobs double dignity jobs. mreG6ZsDXxY-00015-00004621-00004870 They're jobs that bring dignity to the people mreG6ZsDXxY-00016-00004870-00005199 that caregivers serve and they bring dignity mreG6ZsDXxY-00017-00005199-00005501 on the job to caregivers themselves. mreG6ZsDXxY-00018-00005501-00005643 - [Narrator] Caregiving is a great job for me mreG6ZsDXxY-00019-00005643-00005994 because it's one of the only jobs you can walk mreG6ZsDXxY-00020-00005994-00006379 into an entry-level with benefits and a retirement. mreG6ZsDXxY-00021-00006379-00006523 - We're making sure that you have health care, mreG6ZsDXxY-00022-00006523-00006740 that you have training, that you have retirement, mreG6ZsDXxY-00023-00006740-00007001 that you have access to jobs when you want them, mreG6ZsDXxY-00024-00007001-00007240 that you have services and supports that you need. mreG6ZsDXxY-00025-00007240-00007520 And the community, the people who are hiring you, mreG6ZsDXxY-00026-00007520-00007867 their clients have confidence that the person who's coming mreG6ZsDXxY-00027-00007867-00008123 to their home has been trained mreG6ZsDXxY-00028-00008123-00008301 and that that person has skills mreG6ZsDXxY-00029-00008301-00008591 that they need to stay healthy and safe on the job, mreG6ZsDXxY-00030-00008591-00008837 and that they are gonna provide with good service. mreG6ZsDXxY-00031-00008837-00009105 - If I can make someone's stay better, mreG6ZsDXxY-00032-00009214-00009454 it would make my day better. mreG6ZsDXxY-00033-00009454-00009696 So I just love my job. mreG6ZsDXxY-00034-00009823-00010057 (whooshing) msQmf4cdAlU-00000-00000080-00000600 hi this is Renae Olivia and in this video i'm going to be doing a revolve haul i've never done msQmf4cdAlU-00001-00000600-00001088 one of these before so i hope you like this one i love revolve i think they're amazing you can msQmf4cdAlU-00002-00001088-00001944 find so many great options there super easy lots of sales and just it's so much fun but first for msQmf4cdAlU-00003-00001944-00002456 all things beauty fashion and lifestyle in your 50s and beyond go ahead and hit that subscribe msQmf4cdAlU-00004-00002456-00002920 button and the bell that way you never miss any of my videos also i'm going to go ahead and put msQmf4cdAlU-00005-00002920-00003447 my instagram and my tic tac handle up so you can take a look at my channels there as well msQmf4cdAlU-00006-00003447-00003944 so anyway let's just get started let's jump right into all the good stuff okay so this is the first msQmf4cdAlU-00007-00003944-00004464 item i got this skirt is giving me all like the mermaid vibes i just think it's super cute i love msQmf4cdAlU-00008-00004464-00005112 the color um it's got fun little print that it's great for summer it's also very flattering because msQmf4cdAlU-00009-00005112-00005816 it's got the ruching and it's um very form-fitting but it sucks you in all the right places now the msQmf4cdAlU-00010-00005816-00006384 only thing is if you're going to be walking a lot it is a little tight so you can always adjust msQmf4cdAlU-00011-00006448-00007072 the length you can even pull it up and make it a little bit more high-waisted if you want msQmf4cdAlU-00012-00007136-00007776 but it's a little bit easier to walk like that um i think it's really great i love it and it's just msQmf4cdAlU-00013-00007776-00008464 different um and so i just paired it with like a cute um tank and some strappy heels msQmf4cdAlU-00014-00008520-00009192 i'm wearing an extra small it's a tad small so i would go a little bit maybe one size um msQmf4cdAlU-00015-00009256-00010032 bigger but i love it okay so this is i just kept the same accessories and body suit um msQmf4cdAlU-00016-00010032-00010584 and just switched out the skirt this is a really great option if you're going away on vacation to msQmf4cdAlU-00017-00010584-00011288 the caribbean date night i like the little slit it's very sexy but also super classy msQmf4cdAlU-00018-00011392-00012008 i love this little detail that it goes like in a v because it's very um flattering and because if msQmf4cdAlU-00019-00012008-00012728 you're looking like this it slims you don't down so just i like it and then this unique little gold msQmf4cdAlU-00020-00012728-00013256 chain just makes it different i like it because this is like a great color because you can wear msQmf4cdAlU-00021-00013256-00014063 it with anything colors black white tan anything beige so that's why i really think this is like msQmf4cdAlU-00022-00014063-00014704 a great option and it's perfect like i said for date night and this is an extra small fits great msQmf4cdAlU-00023-00014704-00015304 it drapes really nicely and it's not like you're not going to be thinking oh my god everything's msQmf4cdAlU-00024-00015304-00015904 going to be showing it's just it's a nice um kind of what do you want what am i trying to say msQmf4cdAlU-00025-00016040-00016768 it's like it it flows nicely so i love it so let's go to the next one okay so this dress msQmf4cdAlU-00026-00016768-00017272 is my favorite and first of all i didn't even mention this necklace this is also from revolve msQmf4cdAlU-00027-00017272-00017864 which i love a good statement necklace and this necklace can go with everything as you can see msQmf4cdAlU-00028-00017864-00018568 i'm just keeping it on with all these outfits and i think it looks really fabulous so again i've got msQmf4cdAlU-00029-00018568-00019168 my black strappy heels and you can never go wrong with black strappy heels and this is just like a msQmf4cdAlU-00030-00019168-00019936 really fun print again it's very flattering it like hugs you but it's not going to show every msQmf4cdAlU-00031-00020040-00020704 flaw that you have um and if you guys want to know i'm going to put like my favorite msQmf4cdAlU-00032-00020704-00021288 shapewear that i wear on your dresses that really will slim you out and you won't see msQmf4cdAlU-00033-00021288-00021824 any anything it's just very flattering so i'm going to link that down below as well but i msQmf4cdAlU-00034-00021824-00022432 love this dress it's an extra small fun print great for date night drinks with your friends msQmf4cdAlU-00035-00022432-00023056 um so for me this is a this is like my favorite i haven't had a dress like this in a while so i msQmf4cdAlU-00036-00023056-00023568 really really am super excited about it um so yeah so let's go to the next one msQmf4cdAlU-00037-00023656-00024336 okay i put the black bodysuit back on um for this skirt because first of all i love this skirt but msQmf4cdAlU-00038-00024336-00024960 it runs small or i ate too much for lunch i'm not quite sure which but i love it and i'm gonna just msQmf4cdAlU-00039-00024960-00025512 exchange it for a bigger size again it's extra small so i'll probably get in a small it's just msQmf4cdAlU-00040-00025512-00026336 if you can see it's just way too tight in this area but i love the button detail i love the the msQmf4cdAlU-00041-00026495-00027024 this tie strap and the length because this you can wear for work you just throw in a blazer or msQmf4cdAlU-00042-00027024-00027712 cardigan so professional but cute like a different option than just a normal pencil skirt but you can msQmf4cdAlU-00043-00027712-00028280 also wear it like this for like happy hour date night even if you're in the caribbean i think msQmf4cdAlU-00044-00028280-00028848 this is like a great option it's linen so it's great for summer and with linen i always like msQmf4cdAlU-00045-00028848-00029456 to put like an estradiol with it i think it's just makes it really cute you can just add in your bag msQmf4cdAlU-00046-00029527-00030239 and you are ready for drink so again i'm gonna exchange this for a bigger size but i love it msQmf4cdAlU-00047-00030239-00030976 i think it's great and if you like these kind of trians um i have a zara try on that i've done and msQmf4cdAlU-00048-00030976-00031488 also sheen so if you want to check those out i'll link those down below i think they're all really msQmf4cdAlU-00049-00031488-00032088 great options and great for summer um so i am going to go to the next one we're almost done so msQmf4cdAlU-00050-00032088-00032880 stay with me okay so this is the last skirt i have one top i want to show you a little tank that's msQmf4cdAlU-00051-00032880-00033576 cute for summer but this how adorable is this little skirt i'm going on vacation very soon and msQmf4cdAlU-00052-00033576-00034064 i think this is great for like a caribbean island and everyone's like ready to travel so i think msQmf4cdAlU-00053-00034064-00034616 that's why i wanted to show you this because it's just super cute and flowy and lightweight i love msQmf4cdAlU-00054-00034616-00035272 the print it's super cute and i just paired it again with the necklace i love this necklace msQmf4cdAlU-00055-00035272-00035984 and a cute like straw bag and i thought this matched pretty well um but yeah and then i msQmf4cdAlU-00056-00035984-00036520 just kind of made it a little bit different with the crop top little button down and msQmf4cdAlU-00057-00036520-00036976 you're ready to go shopping wherever in the caribbean i just love it i mean i'm just like msQmf4cdAlU-00058-00036976-00037600 so ready for vacation i don't know about you guys but i i'm loving this skirt i'm ready to wear it msQmf4cdAlU-00059-00037600-00038320 this is an extra small it's perfectly lightweight like i said and it's just look cute msQmf4cdAlU-00060-00038448-00038824 love the print yay so excited and i just have one more thing to show you msQmf4cdAlU-00061-00038968-00039728 okay so this outfit is my favorite okay besides the the printed dress i love this it's just msQmf4cdAlU-00062-00039728-00040360 really flattering this is a white tank um bodysuit extra small and the skirt is also extra small msQmf4cdAlU-00063-00040360-00040920 it's a tube skirt you can like play with the length if you want but i really like it long msQmf4cdAlU-00064-00040976-00041736 um i feel like it's just a nice color for spring summer um and it's gonna really you can go from msQmf4cdAlU-00065-00041736-00042376 casual to you know put your heels on and you're ready for a night out um so i love it i love it msQmf4cdAlU-00066-00042376-00043056 with the statement necklace it really makes the outfit pop and this again this is an extra small msQmf4cdAlU-00067-00043056-00043752 i think i could go with like a size up i think it might be just a little bit run small again i might msQmf4cdAlU-00068-00043752-00044424 have eaten a lot i don't know but um but if you can see you're not going to see any lines but you msQmf4cdAlU-00069-00044424-00045168 can also wear your spanx or whatever shape where you wear underneath to really slim everything out msQmf4cdAlU-00070-00045256-00045664 and again i'm wearing a strapless silicone bra which is really nice msQmf4cdAlU-00071-00045760-00046232 and i'll give you some other options as well for that but i love it i think it's just a great msQmf4cdAlU-00072-00046232-00046896 pretty put together outfit for a night out okay so this is the last item i wanted to show you this is msQmf4cdAlU-00073-00046896-00047416 the tank i think this is so cute i just paired it this actually um this skirt is from revolve msQmf4cdAlU-00074-00047416-00047824 i got it a little bit ago i think it's still available i will link this as well but it's just msQmf4cdAlU-00075-00047824-00048328 this is just like a cute casual outing that you can wear and just be super msQmf4cdAlU-00076-00048328-00048832 fun and casual and i like that it's different it like ties at the center has the line that goes msQmf4cdAlU-00077-00048832-00049424 down and in case you don't know any vertical lines makes you look thinner taller and so msQmf4cdAlU-00078-00049424-00050000 i'm all about that and yeah so i'm going to make this this is an extra small um if it's perfectly msQmf4cdAlU-00079-00050000-00050600 very lightweight great for summer um so i think i did really really well there were definitely msQmf4cdAlU-00080-00050600-00051128 items that i weren't happy with if they're if that's something that you would like to see like msQmf4cdAlU-00081-00051128-00051744 you want to see the items that i'm not liking i'm happy to do a video on that um so just let me know msQmf4cdAlU-00082-00051896-00052376 okay so that was my video on my revolve haul i hope you liked it it was super fun msQmf4cdAlU-00083-00052376-00052888 i love revolve i've been shopping there for years i'm gonna link everything below with msQmf4cdAlU-00084-00052888-00053544 the sizing and everything on the pricing sizing and all of that good stuff but i really want to msQmf4cdAlU-00085-00053544-00053960 hear your comments let me know which one was your favorite if you hated them all if you liked the msQmf4cdAlU-00086-00053960-00054464 love them all what you think about revolve i'm always interested to see what where everybody's msQmf4cdAlU-00087-00054464-00055079 shopping these days i do everything online so but anyway that was my video if you did like msQmf4cdAlU-00088-00055079-00055608 it please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and i will see you all next week mtfhDmSt4TA-00000-00000297-00000538 Kip Knight: The two most powerful words in the world are WHAT IF? mtfhDmSt4TA-00001-00000560-00000924 The most destructive words in the world are IF ONLY... mtfhDmSt4TA-00002-00000938-00001217 I would group bosses into two groups. mtfhDmSt4TA-00003-00001217-00001541 Those that managed by fear, and there are others that manage mtfhDmSt4TA-00004-00001543-00001796 by love or positive energy. mtfhDmSt4TA-00005-00001842-00002050 I'm really big on Churchill quotes. mtfhDmSt4TA-00006-00002050-00002335 One of his quotes is if you're going through hell, keep going. mtfhDmSt4TA-00007-00002385-00002682 The toughest part about resiliency is you don't know when it's going to end. mtfhDmSt4TA-00008-00002690-00003107 Looking back on it later on, you can be very objective and reflective. mtfhDmSt4TA-00009-00003107-00003403 But man, when you're in the middle of it, it's wow, I don't know if mtfhDmSt4TA-00010-00003403-00003760 this is the worst, or if this is the good part and the really bad mtfhDmSt4TA-00011-00003760-00003934 stuff's going to happen, next week. mtfhDmSt4TA-00012-00003939-00004230 it's absolutely true misfortune or challenges. mtfhDmSt4TA-00013-00004230-00004482 Don't build character, they reflect character. mtfhDmSt4TA-00014-00004532-00004832 So you really need to discover what you're really made out of when mtfhDmSt4TA-00015-00004832-00004979 you're in the toughest of times. mtfhDmSt4TA-00016-00004979-00005276 And the corollary to that is you get to find out who your real friends are. mtfhDmSt4TA-00017-00005285-00005667 Your core group is the one that sticks with you, and those people are the mtfhDmSt4TA-00018-00005667-00006030 most sacred people you have when you're going through the tough times. mtfhDmSt4TA-00019-00006040-00006387 The biggest regrets would be what you didn't do as opposed to what you did. mtfhDmSt4TA-00020-00006402-00006865 I'm not advocating jumping off cliffs and taking, stupid chances mtfhDmSt4TA-00021-00006865-00007434 but I would encourage people to be more courageous and imaginative in mtfhDmSt4TA-00022-00007434-00007590 terms of what their future might be. mtfhDmSt4TA-00023-00007636-00007987 If I had a philosophy of life, it would be, Jimmy Stewart in A mtfhDmSt4TA-00024-00007987-00008359 Wonderful Life -- had two realities and one you were in the world, mtfhDmSt4TA-00025-00008359-00008644 and one you weren't, hopefully the one in which you were in the world was a little mtfhDmSt4TA-00026-00008644-00008818 bit better off than if you hadn't been. mtYZJNw2XEY-00000-00000112-00000512 Okay, so today we are putting on our shoes. mtYZJNw2XEY-00001-00000808-00001664 So we are here Zoee gets to go shooting today. So um I wanted to make sure that I mtYZJNw2XEY-00002-00001664-00002336 am doing what Dante would do for Zoee and teach her how to protect herself. mtYZJNw2XEY-00003-00002456-00003176 So um if you knew Dante um he was always prepared. Like oh my gosh, mtYZJNw2XEY-00004-00003176-00003952 like it's a tornado watch. Why do we have helmets on the sirens haven't even gone off yet, mtYZJNw2XEY-00005-00003952-00004528 hadn't even gone off. Then we were always prepared for the zombie apocalypse. I mean like literally. mtYZJNw2XEY-00006-00005216-00005848 So he was always wanting to make sure that we were prepared for anything. So um he mtYZJNw2XEY-00007-00005848-00006536 he did take me at one time to uh get my license to carry, but guess who didn't send in the paperwork? mtYZJNw2XEY-00008-00006808-00007320 So I still don't have it, but you know what Texas you don't need it anymore. mtYZJNw2XEY-00009-00007552-00007640 That's what we do. mtYZJNw2XEY-00010-00007872-00008584 Okay, but that's what we're here for. We're learning how to handle and take care of mtYZJNw2XEY-00011-00008664-00009712 handguns. Be safe as possible using a handgun. Learning the techniques, the proper way to hold mtYZJNw2XEY-00012-00009712-00010432 it, the proper way to shoot it, the proper way to take care of it, and our friend our family friend mtYZJNw2XEY-00013-00010432-00011040 Uncle Joe, Joe Fuller is um going to be leading the class. He has a mtYZJNw2XEY-00014-00011248-00011576 company called Warrior Mindset and mtYZJNw2XEY-00015-00011576-00012112 he has beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses. I'm advanced. mtYZJNw2XEY-00016-00012504-00012784 I played a lot of games of Call of Duty in my life. mtYZJNw2XEY-00017-00013512-00013896 Yeah get out the car. So um we have some other mtYZJNw2XEY-00018-00013896-00014288 friends and family joining us from the Two Tears in a Bucket List and mtYZJNw2XEY-00019-00014736-00014786 all of our mtYZJNw2XEY-00020-00015512-00016984 family, fans. Yeah! Okay, here we go! So we will see you soon. Peace out! mtYZJNw2XEY-00021-00017784-00018384 I don't want anybody else anybody else mtYZJNw2XEY-00022-00022488-00022952 How important it is to know the rules about carrying a weapon, when and when not to shoot mtYZJNw2XEY-00023-00022952-00023512 or shoot don't shoot classes. Also, um I want you guys to be I want you guys to feel good mtYZJNw2XEY-00024-00023512-00023920 about going to a gun range, because that is the the biggest thing is if you don't go practice mtYZJNw2XEY-00025-00023984-00024416 you're not gonna you're not gonna do any good. So whenever we leave this class we go to the gun mtYZJNw2XEY-00026-00024416-00024856 range you'll see how going into the gun range what you do so it should not be intimidating um mtYZJNw2XEY-00027-00024920-00025440 the next time you go. Meaning the next time you go. You know you understand what we're saying. mtYZJNw2XEY-00028-00025664-00026127 Like you girls make it fun go with each other and say hey let's go shoot today. Let's go knock mtYZJNw2XEY-00029-00026127-00026544 off 50 rounds and uh then you'll walk in the gun range like you own that sucker and you'll mtYZJNw2XEY-00030-00026544-00026927 be like I know what I'm doing. You know so you won't be intimidated. That's the biggest thing mtYZJNw2XEY-00031-00026927-00027312 with a lot of people whenever they go to the gun range they're intimidated going in. Even mtYZJNw2XEY-00032-00027312-00027727 myself whenever I go into a new gun range you know all the testosterone in there you're like mtYZJNw2XEY-00033-00027727-00028104 you know I walk in like this and then when i'm as soon as I walk in the door i'm like this guy. mtYZJNw2XEY-00034-00029304-00029783 All right so we'll start the class. This is a warrior mindset beginner handgun license also mtYZJNw2XEY-00035-00029783-00030536 referred to as urban combat. Urban meaning we're in the city we're in the town combat and that's mtYZJNw2XEY-00036-00030536-00031008 what you guys are going to be dealing with most of the time and as a female there's different ways mtYZJNw2XEY-00037-00031008-00031480 to carry a weapon. I would highly suggest if you don't have a weapon after this class hopefully you mtYZJNw2XEY-00038-00031480-00032088 guys will feel more comfortable and will want to actually purchase your weapon and then also I do mtYZJNw2XEY-00039-00032088-00032512 offer the license to carry. Once you get that however the law does say that you do not have mtYZJNw2XEY-00040-00032512-00033120 to have a license to carry two carry anymore you have to be 21 and older to carry a weapon mtYZJNw2XEY-00041-00033216-00033712 but with that being said there are a lot of perks about having license to carry. Like one of the mtYZJNw2XEY-00042-00033712-00034216 biggest perks is knowing the rules and not going to prison, because you're just like oh look I'm mtYZJNw2XEY-00043-00034216-00034656 21. I'm gonna carry the gun around. You know and not really knowing what you're doing and mtYZJNw2XEY-00044-00034656-00035184 uh we're also going to really get in depth with the shoot don't shoot concept. When can I shoot, mtYZJNw2XEY-00045-00035240-00035696 when do I not shoot, what are the consequences if I shoot somebody. Maybe if I shoot somebody mtYZJNw2XEY-00046-00035768-00036248 and it was a good shot a good shoot, I mean heaven forbid would ever have to shoot anybody. mtYZJNw2XEY-00047-00036248-00036648 Trust me I do not want to shoot anybody ever. So that's the whole deal, we're gonna talk really mtYZJNw2XEY-00048-00036648-00036952 in depth about you don't shoot, when do you shoot, when do you not shoot, and that's not mtYZJNw2XEY-00049-00036952-00037336 gonna be me teaching you this. It's gonna be me helping you open up your mind and think about it, mtYZJNw2XEY-00050-00037336-00037752 because it's up to you when you shoot and don't shoot. It's not up to me so whenever you feel mtYZJNw2XEY-00051-00037752-00038312 your life's in dange,r but we'll go over that. All right so treat every firearm as if it was loaded. mtYZJNw2XEY-00052-00038312-00038744 So even though I have these firearms sitting on this table right now and these firearms mtYZJNw2XEY-00053-00038744-00039416 are clear. He and I both looked at these firearms. These are both my firearms they are clear. If I mtYZJNw2XEY-00054-00039416-00039904 was to point this at you guys I would feel really weird, even though I know for a fact for a fact mtYZJNw2XEY-00055-00039904-00040408 110% sure there is no bullet in here. I will never point this at anybody unless you're willing mtYZJNw2XEY-00056-00040408-00041024 to destroy that target. Right so so no matter what always even though you know it is clear mtYZJNw2XEY-00057-00041264-00041824 dozens of people are shot and or killed by guns they thought were unloaded. Every year thousands mtYZJNw2XEY-00058-00041824-00042336 and dozens that is. Correct we're also going to talk about that as well about about gun safety mtYZJNw2XEY-00059-00042336-00042864 in the homes, and for your family, for your, for your husbands, for your for the kiddos or for any mtYZJNw2XEY-00060-00042864-00043496 grandkids. Anybody never ever ever pointed out in anything you're not willing to destroy and that's mtYZJNw2XEY-00061-00043496-00043872 what we just discussed. We never point a gun at something we're not willing to destroy. Number mtYZJNw2XEY-00062-00043872-00044440 three keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. That means at any point in time mtYZJNw2XEY-00063-00044512-00045024 again clear make sure everybody's understanding at any point in time you see my finger is always mtYZJNw2XEY-00064-00045024-00045472 here. This is what you guys will do. It all times when we're at the firing range you're shooting mtYZJNw2XEY-00065-00045552-00045944 I'm gonna have I'm gonna have you pull the the firearm's gonna be down in front of you on the mtYZJNw2XEY-00066-00045944-00046296 table, and I'm gonna say shoot, ready, stand. By the way we'll go over all this for a little while mtYZJNw2XEY-00067-00046296-00046872 and I say oh you're gonna grab your gun pick it up finger off the trigger. When you point out mtYZJNw2XEY-00068-00046872-00047272 I'm gonna we're gonna go through stance and how to hold the gun and everything when you point it out mtYZJNw2XEY-00069-00047272-00047608 your fingers will be off the trigger until you're ready to fire that weapon. mtYZJNw2XEY-00070-00047672-00048056 Got it? No matter what do not put your finger on this trigger. This is one of mtYZJNw2XEY-00071-00048056-00048440 the most common mistakes that people make they grab the gun and they're like do I mtYZJNw2XEY-00072-00048440-00049184 fire this weapon now or i'm like get your fingers off the trigger like yesterday. mtYZJNw2XEY-00073-00049264-00050072 All right know your target and what's behind the backstop of your target. That goes not only for mtYZJNw2XEY-00074-00050072-00050616 the gun right now that goes for we're on the street you are responsible. Y'all didn't hear mtYZJNw2XEY-00075-00050616-00050944 my little speech at the very beginning, but you guys are responsible for your actions period. mtYZJNw2XEY-00076-00050944-00051448 We all are if you shoot bad guy comes up he's like give me your purse and you're like oh I'll mtYZJNw2XEY-00077-00051448-00052096 give him my purse boom, and you shoot him bad guy. You're in the right to shoot this guy. You mtYZJNw2XEY-00078-00052096-00052679 shoot him the bullet goes through him hits grandma back here pumping gas. Guess where you get to go? mtYZJNw2XEY-00079-00052816-00053144 You're going to prison, because you just killed grandma back here. Oh that bullet and everything mtYZJNw2XEY-00080-00053144-00053591 it hits. That's right until that bullet stops you're responsible for it all the way through. mtYZJNw2XEY-00081-00053672-00054184 So know your backstop. Know what's beyond your target at all times. This is going to mtYZJNw2XEY-00082-00054184-00054536 be a mindset thing we're going to talk about a little bit about mindset as well uh mindset mtYZJNw2XEY-00083-00054536-00055040 for you guys to think about from here on out. Now that you're going to be responsible gun carriers mtYZJNw2XEY-00084-00055040-00055279 from here on out and we'll go over that more in depth here a little bit. mtYZJNw2XEY-00085-00055767-00056008 Just as a class, what do you think the major causes of accidents? mtYZJNw2XEY-00086-00057416-00057855 Sometimes sometimes I get a little overly because that i usually teach police officers. mtYZJNw2XEY-00087-00058032-00058984 I actually had to take some pictures out of here. I was like this is a good one. mtYZJNw2XEY-00088-00060040-00060384 She's like they won't want to shoot. mtYZJNw2XEY-00089-00060800-00061176 What are some major causes of accidents? Just throw some stuff out what do you think? mtYZJNw2XEY-00090-00061176-00061416 Not knowing, negligence yeah. mtYZJNw2XEY-00091-00061632-00061848 Not knowing your weapon. Yes, not knowing your weapon. mtYZJNw2XEY-00092-00062032-00062472 Inexperience. Yeah, not training. That's for sure. That those are still gonna go with that one, mtYZJNw2XEY-00093-00062600-00063032 not treated as if its loaded. It's yeah curious, loaded yeah. Yes, all right mtYZJNw2XEY-00094-00063088-00063488 that's what she's doing. How about think a little bit further into this how about mtYZJNw2XEY-00095-00063608-00064216 kiddos playing around with them being curious? So those are some major causes of accidents. mtYZJNw2XEY-00096-00064312-00064776 So so it all depends on who comes in your house and you ultimately you are responsible. If mtYZJNw2XEY-00097-00064776-00065288 somebody comes in your house I don't care if it's your house or not they get your gun that you have mtYZJNw2XEY-00098-00065344-00065984 all James Bonded up underneath the gangster style up underneath the the desk and they're like mtYZJNw2XEY-00099-00066056-00066480 hey look at this boom. They shoot somebody else you're responsible. So just keep that mtYZJNw2XEY-00100-00066480-00066992 in the back of your head so the safest place for a gun is in a locked safe or locked something. mtYZJNw2XEY-00101-00066992-00067384 Where nobody else has access to unless they are meant to have access to that place. mtYZJNw2XEY-00102-00069328-00070184 so mtYZJNw2XEY-00103-00070792-00071584 so mtYZJNw2XEY-00104-00074120-00074384 it's mtYZJNw2XEY-00105-00074624-00075784 Oh mtYZJNw2XEY-00106-00077152-00077656 ultimately responsible for your actions. Training for life is a must and we've discussed that time mtYZJNw2XEY-00107-00077656-00078112 and time again and you guys all see how important it is to train. Your firearms for the buttons, mtYZJNw2XEY-00108-00078112-00078600 how to reload, the skill set that it takes. It looks easy because I've done it a thousand mtYZJNw2XEY-00109-00078600-00079152 plus times. It looks really easy but whenever you're just beginning and you're trying it you're mtYZJNw2XEY-00110-00079152-00079656 gonna be missing it and it's gonna get ridiculous. So just remember practice, practice, practice mtYZJNw2XEY-00111-00079720-00080112 and uh and my train for life. Write down here this has two meetings by the way. Just in case mtYZJNw2XEY-00112-00080112-00080536 y'all see this train for life. Train for my life, in your life, and train for life. mtYZJNw2XEY-00113-00080536-00080944 Keep training do not stop training continuous training. That's the only way you're gonna get mtYZJNw2XEY-00114-00080944-00081504 better and keep up with your skills. Tada this is where we're gonna go so mtYZJNw2XEY-00115-00081624-00081992 uh just in case you guys uh don't have the address that's on the website. If you want mtYZJNw2XEY-00116-00081992-00082416 to write it down this is where we're if you have not signed this little cool little thing mtYZJNw2XEY-00117-00082416-00082944 um you can write whatever you want on there and I eventually will frame this and have it mtYZJNw2XEY-00118-00083120-00083536 and um and that's that. So we're going to head down there as soon as everybody leaves mtYZJNw2XEY-00119-00083624-00084320 all right. Val what'd you learn? I learned to breathe deep, while the tip of the finger mtYZJNw2XEY-00120-00084320-00084576 touches your sweet spot. What do you mean by that? mtYZJNw2XEY-00121-00084832-00085584 Yes and live laugh lock and load. mtYZJNw2XEY-00122-00086792-00086984 I'm so ready mtYZJNw2XEY-00123-00090544-00091184 elbow mtYZJNw2XEY-00124-00098864-00099584 and you'll you'll come up here like it's nothing again mtYZJNw2XEY-00125-00101696-00102320 do mvUfBkYbnrA-00000-00002703-00003153 DDoch cannot be join due to personal reason, because of that, Micol only will be in the video for a while. mvUfBkYbnrA-00001-00005036-00005680 Today’s place is crouch closed-motel. mvUfBkYbnrA-00002-00007103-00007233 What the…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00003-00008933-00009576 Micol came up to the second floor cause I can’t feel something weird in 1th floor. mvUfBkYbnrA-00004-00014213-00014323 Hello…? mvUfBkYbnrA-00005-00014433-00014530 Anybody in here? mvUfBkYbnrA-00006-00014726-00014833 Nobody? mvUfBkYbnrA-00007-00015413-00015533 Excuse me? mvUfBkYbnrA-00008-00016866-00016993 Do you hear me? mvUfBkYbnrA-00009-00017563-00017670 Hear me? mvUfBkYbnrA-00010-00017816-00017926 Excuse me? Where are you? mvUfBkYbnrA-00011-00017990-00018126 Creak! mvUfBkYbnrA-00012-00023180-00023823 Something makes creepy sound from there. mvUfBkYbnrA-00013-00024936-00025030 3th floor? mvUfBkYbnrA-00014-00025093-00025206 Ok, let’s get 3th floor. mvUfBkYbnrA-00015-00025260-00025396 Hold on, gotta get 3th floor first. mvUfBkYbnrA-00016-00025470-00025676 There will be somebody in there, so… mvUfBkYbnrA-00017-00025943-00026070 Why i’m getting all out of breath… mvUfBkYbnrA-00018-00026146-00026380 Ha.. Let me get 3th floor… i’m so short of breath now. mvUfBkYbnrA-00019-00028703-00028790 What the..? mvUfBkYbnrA-00020-00034693-00034786 Come on out. mvUfBkYbnrA-00021-00036616-00036713 Hey! Come on. mvUfBkYbnrA-00022-00036730-00036846 Baam! mvUfBkYbnrA-00023-00036976-00038176 A door had fallen onto right next to micol. mvUfBkYbnrA-00024-00038340-00038470 You motherf**ker! mvUfBkYbnrA-00025-00041316-00041410 Who’s that! mvUfBkYbnrA-00026-00043773-00044030 C’mon on out, I can handle no matter who you are. mvUfBkYbnrA-00027-00044223-00044380 Do not look down on me! mvUfBkYbnrA-00028-00044513-00044660 Come on out, I can deal with no matter who you are. mvUfBkYbnrA-00029-00044773-00044863 Come on out! mvUfBkYbnrA-00030-00053520-00053640 Wa… wait. Hold on. mvUfBkYbnrA-00031-00053810-00053940 Hold on.! mvUfBkYbnrA-00032-00055666-00055780 Focus on the sound! mvUfBkYbnrA-00033-00058656-00058836 haaa.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00034-00060326-00060429 So scared me.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00035-00062160-00062280 Is anybody in there? mvUfBkYbnrA-00036-00062390-00062500 Anybody in there? mvUfBkYbnrA-00037-00062733-00062886 Please say anything if you’re there. mvUfBkYbnrA-00038-00064129-00064340 First one! In the left side of 2th floor…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00039-00067706-00067793 What the?! mvUfBkYbnrA-00040-00068526-00068643 Guys, probabaly.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00041-00069640-00069730 What the...? mvUfBkYbnrA-00042-00069900-00070013 How come.... mvUfBkYbnrA-00043-00070060-00070413 How come… here’s 2th floor.. But how come this is…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00044-00070506-00070606 Can’t be possible….. mvUfBkYbnrA-00045-00071430-00071566 What… how come this is…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00046-00071613-00071763 Possible....? Can’t believe… mvUfBkYbnrA-00047-00072450-00072596 Guys, I’ll not gonna meddle it. mvUfBkYbnrA-00048-00072683-00072836 Guys, I won’t do that. mvUfBkYbnrA-00049-00072896-00073083 Shouldn’t take by human’s hands. mvUfBkYbnrA-00050-00073216-00073356 It will gonna worse if I… mvUfBkYbnrA-00051-00073520-00073683 Meddle it. mvUfBkYbnrA-00052-00073846-00074143 Cause I won’t gonna take and raise it, so I shouldn’t do anything about it. mvUfBkYbnrA-00053-00074260-00074513 I know I’m feeling hurt and so sad, there’s no choice to me… mvUfBkYbnrA-00054-00074543-00074660 I know very well.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00055-00074846-00074983 I should open this door first. mvUfBkYbnrA-00056-00075253-00075396 I know that’s so adorable and cute…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00057-00075476-00075736 Their mother will gonna throw that away if I trying to meddle it. mvUfBkYbnrA-00058-00075983-00076113 Ok, let me just open it for them… mvUfBkYbnrA-00059-00076966-00077166 No.. I don’t have any refreshment and… mvUfBkYbnrA-00060-00077273-00077400 I can’t… no…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00061-00078240-00078373 thump!!! mvUfBkYbnrA-00062-00078993-00079076 Guys. mvUfBkYbnrA-00063-00079150-00079550 That sound just before like HAA~ was cat’s crying? mvUfBkYbnrA-00064-00079736-00079880 Was that mommy cat’s crying? mvUfBkYbnrA-00065-00079990-00080090 For sure..? mvUfBkYbnrA-00066-00080240-00080370 Was it cmommy cat’s wailing? mvUfBkYbnrA-00067-00080536-00080680 Did you guys heard like that? mvUfBkYbnrA-00068-00080906-00081143 Honestly, I didn’t hear like that way.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00069-00081236-00081630 Honestly, not a cat’s wailing.. Sound likes. mvUfBkYbnrA-00070-00082080-00082523 Ha.. This is crazy.. I just wanna go home. Let me get outside. mvUfBkYbnrA-00071-00082573-00082996 Don’t stop me..i will gonna get house. Something in this house?! mvUfBkYbnrA-00072-00084376-00084493 Ok, sorry.. Sorry guys.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00073-00084533-00084710 Wait, I think something is in here. mvUfBkYbnrA-00074-00084800-00085003 I can feel something in here…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00075-00085083-00085213 Sorry… ha……… mvUfBkYbnrA-00076-00085300-00085943 Can feeling strong evil spirit and hearing cat’s crying at the same time… mvUfBkYbnrA-00077-00086876-00086990 It’s me~ mvUfBkYbnrA-00078-00087150-00087296 thump!! mvUfBkYbnrA-00079-00087876-00087996 Are you a hater of mine? mvUfBkYbnrA-00080-00088260-00088373 right?! You hater! mvUfBkYbnrA-00081-00088540-00088673 I said stop doing this right now. mvUfBkYbnrA-00082-00088746-00088833 hey! mvUfBkYbnrA-00083-00088976-00089193 Are you a hater? I said stop this. mvUfBkYbnrA-00084-00089786-00089906 Stop doing this. mvUfBkYbnrA-00085-00090446-00090580 baaam! mvUfBkYbnrA-00086-00090740-00090926 Huh…. What the f**k!! Hey! mvUfBkYbnrA-00087-00091316-00091413 What the..? mvUfBkYbnrA-00088-00093210-00093373 I said stop doing like this now! mvUfBkYbnrA-00089-00093566-00093746 It’s not time to messing with me! mvUfBkYbnrA-00090-00094093-00094230 Guys.. Actually… mvUfBkYbnrA-00091-00094456-00094633 I just wanna believe that is a human not a ghost…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00092-00094713-00094970 Cause I don’t wanna see and feel evil spirit as you guys know... mvUfBkYbnrA-00093-00095050-00095476 To make myself soothe…. Cause i’m so…. mvUfBkYbnrA-00094-00095530-00095850 Feeling scary…... mvUfBkYbnrA-00095-00095920-00096056 That was why I did like this.... mvUfBkYbnrA-00096-00096590-00096833 Stop doing this!! You bastard!!! mvUfBkYbnrA-00097-00096843-00096986 Oh, sorry guys….. mvUfBkYbnrA-00098-00097050-00097146 I’m very sorry about this... mvUfBkYbnrA-00099-00097703-00097896 I can’t do this anymore.. mvUfBkYbnrA-00100-00097963-00098230 Guys, today and tomorrow… mvUfBkYbnrA-00101-00098400-00098536 For the my big plan... mvUfBkYbnrA-00102-00098593-00098986 What if I can handle this, maybe there will happen some situation, I guess. mvUfBkYbnrA-00103-00098990-00099260 But, I’ll gonna out of in this place, whatever will happen. mvUfBkYbnrA-00104-00099296-00099453 I don’t care what you guys saying about. mvUfBkYbnrA-00105-00099486-00099816 I can lose my condition again what if I face with tough things as you guys know. mFvKEF8Jewy-00000-00000814-00000892 Hello! mFvKEF8Jewy-00001-00000918-00001244 This is the day some of you may have waited for mFvKEF8Jewy-00002-00001356-00001684 It's time to begin a new stadium project, finally mFvKEF8Jewy-00003-00001762-00002114 This stadium is not very famous in footballing world mFvKEF8Jewy-00004-00002162-00002570 but in my opinion it is the most beautiful stadium in the world mFvKEF8Jewy-00005-00002634-00002870 The beijing national stadium mFvKEF8Jewy-00006-00003690-00003954 In this episode we will create the field mFvKEF8Jewy-00007-00004004-00004230 build stuctural parts mFvKEF8Jewy-00008-00004262-00004590 and start installing the LED-lightning mFvKEF8Jewy-00009-00005430-00005742 Again we are starting with this SketchUp model mFvKEF8Jewy-00010-00005762-00006058 and here you can see what we are going to build mFvKEF8Jewy-00011-00006096-00006330 pretty complicated building mFvKEF8Jewy-00012-00006431-00006992 After this episode one this project should look something like this mFvKEF8Jewy-00013-00007022-00007372 Just some structural parts and field installed mFvKEF8Jewy-00014-00007436-00007630 Then after episode two mFvKEF8Jewy-00015-00007654-00008072 we should have the seating and roof installed mFvKEF8Jewy-00016-00008138-00008474 And after episode three it'll be then fully completed mFvKEF8Jewy-00017-00008598-00008812 Materials are same as always: mFvKEF8Jewy-00018-00008840-00009100 Foamboard, paperboard, balsa wood mFvKEF8Jewy-00019-00009138-00009526 Actually quite a lot of balsa wood in this model mFvKEF8Jewy-00020-00009556-00010206 This whole framework thing will be made fully from balsa wood mFvKEF8Jewy-00021-00010320-00010730 and then some plastic sheet and other materials mFvKEF8Jewy-00022-00014794-00015166 Now we have a nice basis here with athletics field on it mFvKEF8Jewy-00023-00015250-00015790 A couple words about how this beautiful grass surface is created mFvKEF8Jewy-00024-00015862-00016366 First of all we made the ground for the grass with this modelling compound mFvKEF8Jewy-00025-00016442-00016808 so that's this white stuff over here mFvKEF8Jewy-00026-00016842-00017118 Then we painted it to brown mFvKEF8Jewy-00027-00017134-00017414 and glued the modelling grass to its place mFvKEF8Jewy-00028-00017532-00017922 Okay, next we can move on to the stadium itself mFvKEF8Jewy-00029-00023348-00023644 This is a good time to end this first episode mFvKEF8Jewy-00030-00023690-00024238 At this point the stadium looks pretty grey and ugly mFvKEF8Jewy-00031-00024324-00024714 but hopefully it will turn into something better mFvKEF8Jewy-00032-00024736-00025298 when we'll create the red seating and green trees and everything mFvKEF8Jewy-00033-00025328-00025736 Thank you for watching and see you again in the second episode mIPpkd1Bap8-00000-00002687-00003186 This is the energy vibration reading for the Gemini sun/moon rising sign. I want to say mIPpkd1Bap8-00001-00003186-00003531 thank you for being here thank you for being back if this is your first time mIPpkd1Bap8-00002-00003531-00004205 please like, share, subscribe and press the bell for notifications. Please cross mIPpkd1Bap8-00003-00004205-00004644 watch to see who is going to be affected in this reading and it's going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00004-00004644-00005316 wonderful so let's go in and see as we notice it's about the family it's about mIPpkd1Bap8-00005-00005316-00005771 stability happiness and joy comes back in your family life. Wonderful mIPpkd1Bap8-00006-00005771-00006255 experiences are going to be coming at you just it's going to be good and I want to mIPpkd1Bap8-00007-00006255-00006669 on this I want you to understand is that whenever there is going to be a mIPpkd1Bap8-00008-00006669-00007116 celebration of the family you will love so if you were going to an hardship in mIPpkd1Bap8-00009-00007116-00007523 a relationship this is going to be balanced and out okay so this is going mIPpkd1Bap8-00010-00007523-00007922 to be good okay whatever the conflicts was it is mIPpkd1Bap8-00011-00007922-00008424 now coming to an end whatever the the conflicts are or were its now coming to an mIPpkd1Bap8-00012-00008424-00009039 end so it's a week of the tower week begins from the 14th until the 20th and mIPpkd1Bap8-00013-00009039-00009725 whatever the conflict was it is now coming to and okay so justice cards mIPpkd1Bap8-00014-00009725-00010236 basically effect and most of the people in this week what is so beautiful about mIPpkd1Bap8-00015-00010236-00010647 your week is that you have a strong foundation you have the four of one mIPpkd1Bap8-00016-00010647-00011311 celebration in the weekend whatever that was happening in your relationship it is mIPpkd1Bap8-00017-00011311-00011714 looking up and it's going to be good and that is going to be good mIPpkd1Bap8-00018-00011714-00012225 it's all about family it's all about reconnecting with someone who you really mIPpkd1Bap8-00019-00012225-00012823 love and who you really care about it's people coming back in your life and mIPpkd1Bap8-00020-00012823-00013329 there is going to be a lot of transformation especially when it comes mIPpkd1Bap8-00021-00013329-00013763 on to your family life so some of you are going to be reconnecting with past mIPpkd1Bap8-00022-00013763-00014208 love or some of you are going to decide to get married some of you are mIPpkd1Bap8-00023-00014208-00014594 regaining balance with your relationship okay mIPpkd1Bap8-00024-00014594-00015258 and the knight of wands is that you have let yourself open up too much, you let mIPpkd1Bap8-00025-00015258-00015766 let yourself open up too much whatever the situation is you need to mIPpkd1Bap8-00026-00015766-00016311 you know really really stop opening up yourself so much because mIPpkd1Bap8-00027-00016311-00016842 you need to deposit it some of you are having a situation with the queen of mIPpkd1Bap8-00028-00016842-00017360 wands whoever this queen of wands is she's an Aries Leo or a Sagittarius and mIPpkd1Bap8-00029-00017360-00018030 whatever the situation is this could be someone father or it's not someone like mIPpkd1Bap8-00030-00018030-00018435 that and it's a grandmother or something like that and some of you were having mIPpkd1Bap8-00031-00018435-00018951 some conflicts with her whatever the situation is um you are going to be seen mIPpkd1Bap8-00032-00018951-00019557 that this situation it's going to keep itself okay so on Monday you are having mIPpkd1Bap8-00033-00019557-00020095 some hardship whatever our chip that you're going through it has to do with mIPpkd1Bap8-00034-00020095-00020640 this queen of once whether the screen of one says it's not really a nice person mIPpkd1Bap8-00035-00020640-00021327 some of you are dealing with its queen of ones and her son and be careful and mIPpkd1Bap8-00036-00021327-00022002 your to open up you're not shutting off yourself we have the energy of the two mIPpkd1Bap8-00037-00022002-00022473 of cups the energy of the two of cups is very positive because some of you are mIPpkd1Bap8-00038-00022473-00023034 going to be regaining balance in a family situation okay family is going to mIPpkd1Bap8-00039-00023034-00023420 be coming in then you're going to be regaining balance in a family situation mIPpkd1Bap8-00040-00023420-00023889 whatever the situation is there Esther inspire whoever the screen of cups is mIPpkd1Bap8-00041-00023889-00024366 she is gonna have a hurt date okay because whatever the deception that is mIPpkd1Bap8-00042-00024366-00024756 going on this queen of clubs is going to have birthday some of you you need to mIPpkd1Bap8-00043-00024756-00025131 let go if it's your mom or if it's your mother enrolled whoever mIPpkd1Bap8-00044-00025131-00025523 this person if she's gonna have birthday because she and her son not very nice mIPpkd1Bap8-00045-00025523-00025944 they have puts you into some difficulties but they are going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00046-00025944-00026457 feeling whatever they have done his way to be returning to them okay you need to mIPpkd1Bap8-00047-00026457-00026741 protect yourself wonderful wonderful with relationship mIPpkd1Bap8-00048-00026741-00027164 some of you in the weekend could be realizing that you're at stance in mIPpkd1Bap8-00049-00027164-00027693 marriage so let's go ahead and see what is coming out with them the five of mIPpkd1Bap8-00050-00027693-00028137 Pentacles going in Gemini what it's coming out of the five of Pentacles for mIPpkd1Bap8-00051-00028137-00028677 you Gemini energy I don't know something is coming up will you mIPpkd1Bap8-00052-00028677-00029268 air sign people second time that energy that's coming out the screen of ones who mIPpkd1Bap8-00053-00029268-00029802 is she why she and the spices cancer or Scorpio mIPpkd1Bap8-00054-00029802-00030144 because obviously that Desert Sun so some of you could be in a relationship mIPpkd1Bap8-00055-00030144-00030642 with Pisces caps or a scorpion and the mother that is a horrible person be mIPpkd1Bap8-00056-00030642-00031401 careful okay they'll get married to this person okay so the five of Pentacles is mIPpkd1Bap8-00057-00031401-00032064 here twice so transition with the financial stability and because of this mIPpkd1Bap8-00058-00032064-00032610 maid is somehow your financial situation it's been affected and again it's coming mIPpkd1Bap8-00059-00032610-00033236 up as a mother as a mother endure or someone in the family that you have mIPpkd1Bap8-00060-00033236-00033897 letting some money this woman is just really nasty she's a nasty person nine mIPpkd1Bap8-00061-00033897-00034461 of one's what is the energy no not if one's in Reverse you have the energy of mIPpkd1Bap8-00062-00034461-00035100 the king of the knight of cups okay you need to protect yourself from this mIPpkd1Bap8-00063-00035100-00035409 knight of cups okay so whether you are out there who is mIPpkd1Bap8-00064-00035409-00035976 in a relationship with a Taurus Virgo or a Capricorn person you need to really mIPpkd1Bap8-00065-00035976-00036438 really really bring balance to the situation because one of this night of mIPpkd1Bap8-00066-00036438-00037029 course is that this person is disturbed okay this person is very disturbed this mIPpkd1Bap8-00067-00037029-00037488 is a family member or you could be in relationship with us first because look mIPpkd1Bap8-00068-00037488-00037917 at this person this is the knight of cups in a relationship so some of you mIPpkd1Bap8-00069-00037917-00038316 could be in her relationship with a knight of cups and it's going to be very mIPpkd1Bap8-00070-00038316-00038907 positive it could be a child that is returning it could be a relationship mIPpkd1Bap8-00071-00038907-00039336 that it's returning to you this Knight of cups whether this person is really mIPpkd1Bap8-00072-00039336-00039753 care about you and it's coming in but for some of you who are dealing with a mIPpkd1Bap8-00073-00039753-00040272 Pisces cancer or a scorpion between the ages of 18 and 45 he and his mom if his mIPpkd1Bap8-00074-00040272-00040686 mom is a narrative or such guitars get out of that relationship these people mIPpkd1Bap8-00075-00040686-00041114 are really c12 cops why's this happening to other cops mIPpkd1Bap8-00076-00041114-00041445 what is happening the energy of the two of cops mIPpkd1Bap8-00077-00041445-00042114 oh god you guys are dealing planta and some of you it could be a father coming mIPpkd1Bap8-00078-00042114-00042663 in and whatever conflicts there was he's going to bring an end to this okay it mIPpkd1Bap8-00079-00042663-00042963 could be a coming in and whatever conflicts it was mIPpkd1Bap8-00080-00042963-00043533 he's gonna be bringing to an end and um you know whoever this person has really mIPpkd1Bap8-00081-00043533-00044127 lost you he is a man 45 years and older and he really loves you he's coming in mIPpkd1Bap8-00082-00044127-00044595 as a father and a protector and a guidance he really love you mIPpkd1Bap8-00083-00044595-00045153 there is no need to worry about that okay whoever this knight of cups is and mIPpkd1Bap8-00084-00045153-00045681 they could have some connection okay the six of cups what is happening for the mIPpkd1Bap8-00085-00045681-00046119 six of cups the energy of the Sun so there's a healing that is coming up for mIPpkd1Bap8-00086-00046119-00046533 some of you out there your family there's definitely a healing that is mIPpkd1Bap8-00087-00046533-00046962 going to be coming up for some of you out there with that family a wonderful mIPpkd1Bap8-00088-00046962-00047643 deal if it's going to become an apple and for you guys out there really really mIPpkd1Bap8-00089-00047643-00048255 positive so um a lot of stuff is going to be happening in this weight but um mIPpkd1Bap8-00090-00048255-00048666 the basis of your week the weekend is wonderful because there's going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00091-00048666-00049070 celebration something could be going to a Leonard some of you are going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00092-00049070-00049479 reigniting love in your relationship new life is going to be coming in and all of mIPpkd1Bap8-00093-00049479-00049977 these things is going to be happening let's look at the center where is the mIPpkd1Bap8-00094-00049977-00050565 conflict is over the conflict is over and you are finally seeing the truth of mIPpkd1Bap8-00095-00050565-00051153 what was happening the conflict is over and yours finally seen the truth of what mIPpkd1Bap8-00096-00051153-00051603 was happening here again you have the energy of the six of cups so obviously mIPpkd1Bap8-00097-00051603-00052355 it's a family situation it's you reveal in an eel in a family situation that was mIPpkd1Bap8-00098-00052355-00052932 taken that a state could play so um it's a wonderful week I really don't really mIPpkd1Bap8-00099-00052932-00053514 have to a question but yet still and looking giving you guys the bonus cuz mIPpkd1Bap8-00100-00053514-00054063 I've changed up the reading let's see five of Pentacles four of cups cuz you mIPpkd1Bap8-00101-00054063-00054657 guys are having five tentacles for Copsey there is a block there is a block mIPpkd1Bap8-00102-00054657-00055016 that some of you are dealing with because you have the energy of the five mIPpkd1Bap8-00103-00055016-00055509 of Pentacles and four of cups Buddhists are gym there is a block and this block mIPpkd1Bap8-00104-00055509-00056070 has to do with the night of this block has to do with the mIPpkd1Bap8-00105-00056070-00056529 of cops okay whoever this knight of cups has put a block but it's going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00106-00056529-00056901 released who is this queen of once and this nigel mIPpkd1Bap8-00107-00056901-00057300 capsule because i'm yesterday who is being of one with this knight of cops mIPpkd1Bap8-00108-00057300-00057846 who are these people who are these people it has to do with money okay mIPpkd1Bap8-00109-00057846-00058299 they're greedy these two people are very greedy and it has to do with money mIPpkd1Bap8-00110-00058299-00058710 whatever the situation is it has to do it when if these are greedy greedy mIPpkd1Bap8-00111-00058710-00059187 people that has to do with money so you have to realize what is transparent and mIPpkd1Bap8-00112-00059187-00059741 what is happening okay the knight of cups is here and you're mIPpkd1Bap8-00113-00059741-00060254 going to be some of you definitely going to be leaving someone with a Pisces mIPpkd1Bap8-00114-00060254-00060588 cancer or a scorpion you're going to make a decision to leave this person mIPpkd1Bap8-00115-00060588-00061134 behind cut them totally out of your life and it's going to be best for you okay mIPpkd1Bap8-00116-00061134-00061647 and the wonderful images or here some that won't you acts any more question mIPpkd1Bap8-00117-00061647-00061991 because some of you were to be reconnected with older man he's for five mIPpkd1Bap8-00118-00061991-00062547 years at altar this person has your face at heart this person really loves you mIPpkd1Bap8-00119-00062547-00062874 whatever the conflicts once you're seen the truth of this come flicks and mIPpkd1Bap8-00120-00062874-00063402 stability it's great to be coming in I'm seeing some of you could be a receiving mIPpkd1Bap8-00121-00063402-00063807 message about a new house you're gonna be happy if you were trying to get mIPpkd1Bap8-00122-00063807-00064203 yourself your house sell it's going to be good and hold things are going to be mIPpkd1Bap8-00123-00064203-00064821 good and depositing so you're looking at very very positive weeks and again if mIPpkd1Bap8-00124-00064821-00065291 you want a Monday read it I do do monthly readers all you have to do is mIPpkd1Bap8-00125-00065291-00066194 ask for a monthly read on which you guys can find out just mail me and ask me mIPpkd1Bap8-00126-00066194-00066600 some of you are going to be meeting someone who's a Pisces cancer or it mIPpkd1Bap8-00127-00066600-00067212 scorpion whether this person is you are going to be understanding this curse is mIPpkd1Bap8-00128-00067212-00067854 not only a friend but this person really cares about you okay this person feel as mIPpkd1Bap8-00129-00067854-00068862 if you both are family it's a week about family you have the energy of oh the mIPpkd1Bap8-00130-00068862-00069632 five changes for five and the it's all about family for you guys in mIPpkd1Bap8-00131-00069632-00070223 this week okay your message that comes up is the universe performing the mIPpkd1Bap8-00132-00070223-00070826 universe of your back is true healing occurs when you give yourself permission mIPpkd1Bap8-00133-00070826-00071391 to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers mIPpkd1Bap8-00134-00071391-00071903 okay so justice this is this is very good this is very good it's true Elin mIPpkd1Bap8-00135-00071903-00072683 occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings living below the mIPpkd1Bap8-00136-00072683-00073217 trigger okay because sometimes in the knife there is so much that is going on mIPpkd1Bap8-00137-00073217-00073625 and you are about to just blow your tuffet this is why I always say to mIPpkd1Bap8-00138-00073625-00074003 people talk about things because then sometimes you will and all of these mIPpkd1Bap8-00139-00074003-00074402 things and it's as if you're blowing your top and when you blow your top you mIPpkd1Bap8-00140-00074402-00074963 can just basically blow your top okay so congratulations for all the people in mIPpkd1Bap8-00141-00074963-00075329 relationships it's going to be very positive a lot of love it's coming in it mIPpkd1Bap8-00142-00075329-00075749 doesn't have to do with only the king of cups it has to do with a lot of mIPpkd1Bap8-00143-00075749-00076208 wonderful situation that is going on so this is really really positive I want to mIPpkd1Bap8-00144-00076208-00077419 say to each and in person namaste until next time mJI92Wap3NM-00000-00000440-00000802 I grew up with the knowledge that my mom's side of the family was really involved in mJI92Wap3NM-00001-00000802-00001317 the development of my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. mJI92Wap3NM-00002-00001317-00002039 From banking, to civic life, to education, there are traces of the Coad, Caldwell, and mJI92Wap3NM-00003-00002039-00002278 Creighton families everywhere. mJI92Wap3NM-00004-00002278-00002644 But how did we come to settle in the middle of America? mJI92Wap3NM-00005-00002644-00003318 Using my grandfather's genealogy work, I narrowed my search to my great-great-great-grandfather, mJI92Wap3NM-00006-00003318-00003786 John Francis Coad Sr, as a good place to begin my research. mJI92Wap3NM-00007-00003786-00004429 His 1910 obituary in the Omaha World-Herald offered plenty of valuable information, including mJI92Wap3NM-00008-00004429-00005039 the fact that he had arrived from Ireland in 1850 with his parents, Patrick and Anna mJI92Wap3NM-00009-00005039-00005476 Kelly Coad, and settled in Albany, New York. mJI92Wap3NM-00010-00005476-00005971 However, there was no mention of their port of arrival. mJI92Wap3NM-00011-00005971-00006567 One article about John's time in the cattle industry, found in the 1938 volume of "Nebraska mJI92Wap3NM-00012-00006567-00007134 History," suggested that Boston was a likely port of entry, so that is where I began. mJI92Wap3NM-00013-00007134-00007852 I unsuccessfully searched through about 200 pages of passenger records for the year 1850 mJI92Wap3NM-00014-00007852-00008239 before I realized there had to be a better way to search for him. mJI92Wap3NM-00015-00008239-00008903 Databases such as RootsWeb and FamilySearch.org had proven to be helpful in the past for researching mJI92Wap3NM-00016-00008903-00009504 other branches of my family tree, but rarely, if ever, had I gotten hits for the last name mJI92Wap3NM-00017-00009504-00009625 Coad. mJI92Wap3NM-00018-00009625-00010171 My grandfather's research suggested that the family name may have been changed upon arrival, mJI92Wap3NM-00019-00010171-00010713 especially since Patrick was illiterate, so I began to look for variants, particularly mJI92Wap3NM-00020-00010713-00010881 Codd. mJI92Wap3NM-00021-00010881-00011382 I looked up the origin of the surname Codd in Ireland, and it is very common in County mJI92Wap3NM-00022-00011382-00012036 Wexford, where we're from, and rare outside of it, so this seemed to be a likely answer! mJI92Wap3NM-00023-00012036-00012522 Once I began to search for "Patrick Codd," I really started to make headway. mJI92Wap3NM-00024-00012522-00013129 Eventually, I stumbled across a passenger record in Baltimore, Maryland for "P. Codd" mJI92Wap3NM-00025-00013129-00013879 that matched country of origin, age, occupation, and year of arrival. mJI92Wap3NM-00026-00013879-00014334 But when I looked at the rest of the passenger list, I could not find any other members of mJI92Wap3NM-00027-00014334-00014929 his family, and from John's obituary and articles about him, I had been led to believe that mJI92Wap3NM-00028-00014929-00015322 the whole family emigrated together. mJI92Wap3NM-00029-00015322-00016210 Then I found that John F. Coad had listed his year of emigration as 1856 in the 1900 mJI92Wap3NM-00030-00016210-00016331 Census. mJI92Wap3NM-00031-00016331-00016790 With this information, I can infer that it is possible that Patrick may have immigrated mJI92Wap3NM-00032-00016790-00017284 to the U.S. first, with his family following six years later. mJI92Wap3NM-00033-00017284-00017751 I still have a lot of work to do to verify these documents and dig deeper into their mJI92Wap3NM-00034-00017751-00018284 immigration experience, but I'm very happy with the progress I've made. mJI92Wap3NM-00035-00018284-00018854 From these humble beginnings, my ancestors started the cattle industry in western Nebraska, mJI92Wap3NM-00036-00018854-00019443 helped found a major Jesuit university, and served their state as legislators and attorney mJI92Wap3NM-00037-00019443-00019554 generals. mJI92Wap3NM-00038-00019554-00020481 More importantly, it led to these incredible people in my life. mJI92Wap3NM-00039-00020481-00020907 This legacy is one that I am proud to document for the generations to come. mN8HquAebrg-00000-00001224-00001551 Listen grade 1's. Everybody look at me. mN8HquAebrg-00001-00001583-00001755 Let's look at the board. Do you see that? mN8HquAebrg-00002-00001896-00002219 That is an addition pattern. mN8HquAebrg-00003-00002267-00002592 - Do you see the many white pages? - Yes. mN8HquAebrg-00004-00002592-00002716 It's an addition pattern. mN8HquAebrg-00005-00002823-00003311 I want someone to come to me. Likuwe. mN8HquAebrg-00006-00003396-00003588 Likuwe will and check... mN8HquAebrg-00007-00003715-00004024 which numbers give you seven when you add them. mN8HquAebrg-00008-00004100-00004303 Look at them, are we looking at this? mN8HquAebrg-00009-00004339-00004420 Come, Likuwe. mN8HquAebrg-00010-00005043-00005352 What numbers equal to seven? mN8HquAebrg-00011-00005460-00005584 Yho! Well done. mN8HquAebrg-00012-00005615-00005739 Let's applaud him, good boy. mN8HquAebrg-00013-00005835-00005888 Good. mN8HquAebrg-00014-00006107-00006604 Yho! They took all the numbers that equal to...? mN8HquAebrg-00015-00006664-00006815 Six. mN8HquAebrg-00016-00006815-00007031 - Seven. - That makes seven. mN8HquAebrg-00017-00007068-00007268 Let's look here. What do we notice here? mN8HquAebrg-00018-00007428-00007712 - What do all the numbers equal to? - Seven. mN8HquAebrg-00019-00007712-00007840 Very good. They equal to seven. mN8HquAebrg-00020-00007871-00008179 What else do you notice there? Look at the numbers carefully. mN8HquAebrg-00021-00008215-00008392 What do you notice, Phawokuhle? mN8HquAebrg-00022-00008728-00009651 - Five, four, three, two, one. - What's happening there? mN8HquAebrg-00023-00009720-00009904 What number do these numbers start with? mN8HquAebrg-00024-00009904-00010131 - They start with a big number. - Indeed, very good. mN8HquAebrg-00025-00010131-00010407 Right down to a small number. mN8HquAebrg-00026-00010407-00010640 Let's look at this side, what else do you notice? mN8HquAebrg-00027-00010968-00011204 - What do you notice this side? - One. mN8HquAebrg-00028-00011204-00011915 One, two, three, four, five. From what number do these numbers start with? mN8HquAebrg-00029-00011915-00012123 - From a small number. - From a small number to a? mN8HquAebrg-00030-00012148-00012412 - Up to a big number. - Well done. Let's look at... mN8HquAebrg-00031-00012495-00012912 our spaces. We took those numbers from these spaces. mN8HquAebrg-00032-00012931-00013380 Who is going to come and show me how these spaces go? mN8HquAebrg-00033-00013463-00013552 Come, my boy. mN8HquAebrg-00034-00013615-00013736 Hurry, Kungoyolo. mN8HquAebrg-00035-00013863-00014019 Show me with your arm. Yho! mN8HquAebrg-00036-00014084-00014291 Well done. Did you see what he just did? Do it again, Kungoyolo. mN8HquAebrg-00037-00014515-00014647 Continue, there you go. mN8HquAebrg-00038-00014675-00014847 Well done! Good boy. mN8HquAebrg-00039-00014863-00015043 Do you see this? Okay. mN8HquAebrg-00040-00015084-00015456 We will now return our numbers and look for another pattern. mNmJVjOcEHU-00000-00000591-00001200 Daniel Evans: Now that we have the ideal Gas Law, which I don't have written down here. PV equals n R T mNmJVjOcEHU-00001-00001515-00001848 Daniel Evans: We can use this to help us with stroke therapy problems. mNmJVjOcEHU-00002-00002334-00002733 Daniel Evans: So we're kind of problems are the heartbeats talking to the same. So we're gonna have all mNmJVjOcEHU-00003-00002862-00003386 Daniel Evans: Four multiply by the ratio, the coefficients to get moles of another compound in a balanced equation. mNmJVjOcEHU-00004-00003546-00005082 Daniel Evans: But now with the Agile got some we use the Agile guys, come on either end of the equation. If we're starting off with it and we're going to be solving for malls, if we're finishing up with it will be solving or something else special avoid mNmJVjOcEHU-00005-00005220-00005616 Daniel Evans: So let's do to these problems here. So we have mNmJVjOcEHU-00006-00005763-00006132 Daniel Evans: Carbon monoxide reacting to actually prove carbon dioxide. mNmJVjOcEHU-00007-00006312-00007431 Daniel Evans: We start off with 7.57 grams of carbon monoxide. The carbon dioxide is being collected at that point nine seven next year's at 33 Celsius, what is the volume that do mNmJVjOcEHU-00008-00007595-00008514 Daniel Evans: So we're going to start off using our struggle County, turn the mass of carbon dioxide into moles of carbon monoxide mNmJVjOcEHU-00009-00008805-00010086 Daniel Evans: So we serve the equation we divide the mass Bay. It's more mass more striking magic ratio we have more carbon dioxide. Now we're going to use the ideal gas law or the law. mNmJVjOcEHU-00010-00010269-00010305 Daniel Evans: We mNmJVjOcEHU-00011-00010479-00011949 Daniel Evans: Smudge cheer you of course have to convert our Celsius into coven so we had 273 323 Calvin, some of the equation for the volume that in our malls, the gas constant mNmJVjOcEHU-00012-00012066-00012252 Daniel Evans: And the temperature divided by the mNmJVjOcEHU-00013-00012360-00012981 Daniel Evans: Pressure and atmospheres and we end up with a seven point or leaders. mNmJVjOcEHU-00014-00013107-00013322 Daniel Evans: Of our gas. mNmJVjOcEHU-00015-00013425-00014355 Daniel Evans: So we do our stroke empty the same way. But in this case, we're finishing up using the ideal Gasol from our moles into volume or pressure mNmJVjOcEHU-00016-00014583-00014883 Daniel Evans: We can start off with the gas law muscle. mNmJVjOcEHU-00017-00015159-00015204 Daniel Evans: So, mNmJVjOcEHU-00018-00015315-00016617 Daniel Evans: This the reaction that is used for airbags on cars sitting inside decomposes very fast to form our sodium metal and nation gas which fills up our air back mNmJVjOcEHU-00019-00016698-00017964 Daniel Evans: So what a 70 leader airbag at 200 Kelvin. That's 25 Celsius at point nine three tours mass of sodium as I do need to charge that with mNmJVjOcEHU-00020-00018048-00019611 Daniel Evans: So in this case we have all the information for nation gas when we have three of the properties. So that one put malls and then after the head or gas or we will do our stroking metric calculations. mNmJVjOcEHU-00021-00020055-00020097 Daniel Evans: So, mNmJVjOcEHU-00022-00020337-00021402 Daniel Evans: You saw my idol basketball for malls putting our pressure atmosphere is by leaders temperature and Calvin and we end up with 3.135 miles of nitrogen. mNmJVjOcEHU-00023-00021546-00022716 Daniel Evans: Now we do our striking met ratio train our nation injured sitting inside. So I'm original to Sony inside over three nation, two, three. Can we need to point to remain was sitting inside mNmJVjOcEHU-00024-00022827-00023547 Daniel Evans: We multiply that by the more master sitting beside me. See that we need 136 grams of certain age. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00000-00001122-00001518 Beef is used for preparing several varieties of Kashmiri Cuisine, Wazwan, and other dishes. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00001-00001532-00001936 Muslims love to relish beef mostly and it is Halal (permissible to consume)for us. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00002-00002266-00002732 It is a source of survival for poor people mostly and for us too as we earn our livelihood out of this, how could mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00003-00002746-00002946 we let its sale get banned. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00004-00003822-00004344 Before putting a ban on sale of beef, the government must take into account the outcome of such a ban on mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00005-00004356-00004976 these butchers as it is a source of income for them. These butchers will be rendered jobless this way. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00006-00005256-00005874 They are supposed to earn by this for their families, many of them are under debt. mNMNvIh2ZJ4-00007-00006124-00006638 How could they survive if the government snatches their means of earning. mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00000-00000107-00000281 So the Efficiency Through Technology mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00001-00000281-00000446 Programs has got a number of streams of mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00002-00000446-00000665 funding. We support small business mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00003-00000665-00000941 research initiative projects and we also mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00004-00000941-00001237 support development, adoption, mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00005-00001237-00001657 rapid evaluation projects across a mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00006-00001657-00001892 number of clinical areas and we don't mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00007-00001892-00002132 restrict our funding to certain mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00008-00002132-00002498 types of technology or processes. mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00009-00002498-00002663 We've had some really innovative mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00010-00002663-00002884 projects we've got around 70 projects mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00011-00002884-00003034 now going through the programme and mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00012-00003034-00003224 there's been some exciting mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00013-00003224-00003500 developments, so the use of handheld mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00014-00003500-00003712 monitors to detect atrial fibrillation mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00015-00003712-00003959 is one. We've funded the development of mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00016-00003959-00004118 the community pharmacy platform which mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00017-00004118-00004343 will be available across at least half mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00018-00004343-00004532 of the community pharmacies by the end mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00019-00004532-00004748 of next financial year and we've also mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00020-00004748-00005012 done the evaluation of a rapid response mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00021-00005012-00005192 vehicle to take some of the pressure mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00022-00005192-00005510 away from emergency units and the mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00023-00005510-00005789 ambulance service across Wales and all mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00024-00005789-00006023 of these things will help to inform mSJ1hcOm7tQ-00025-00006023-00006684 the planning of services going forward. mUHlvsIcuOg-00000-00000006-00000106 {\rtf1\adeflang1025\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\adeff1\deff0\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033\themelang1033\themelangfe0\themelangcs0{\fonttbl{\f0\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times mUHlvsIcuOg-00001-00000106-00000206 New Roman;}{\f1\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00002-00000206-00000306 {\f34\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040503050406030204}Cambria Math;}{\f42\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00003-00000306-00000405 \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Segoe UI Emoji;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00004-00000405-00000530 {\flomajor\f31500\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\fdbmajor\f31501\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00005-00000530-00000635 \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00006-00000635-00000739 {\fhimajor\f31502\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0302020204030204}Calibri Light;}{\fbimajor\f31503\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00007-00000739-00000844 \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00008-00000844-00000976 {\flominor\f31504\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\fdbminor\f31505\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00009-00000976-00001081 \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00010-00001081-00001181 {\fhiminor\f31506\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020f0502020204030204}Calibri;}{\fbiminor\f31507\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00011-00001181-00001291 \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f43\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00012-00001291-00001475 Times New Roman CE;} {\f44\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times mUHlvsIcuOg-00013-00001475-00001710 New Roman Cyr;}{\f46\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f47\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00014-00001710-00001947 Times New Roman Tur;}{\f48\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);} mUHlvsIcuOg-00015-00001947-00002130 {\f49\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\f50\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00016-00002130-00002367 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\f51\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);}{\f53\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00017-00002367-00002524 \fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE;} {\f54\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial mUHlvsIcuOg-00018-00002524-00002655 Cyr;}{\f56\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek;}{\f57\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00019-00002655-00002785 Arial Tur;}{\f58\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Arial (Hebrew);} mUHlvsIcuOg-00020-00002785-00002916 {\f59\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Arial (Arabic);}{\f60\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00021-00002916-00003049 Arial Baltic;}{\f61\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Arial (Vietnamese);}{\flomajor\f31508\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00022-00003049-00003180 \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00023-00003180-00003336 {\flomajor\f31509\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr;}{\flomajor\f31511\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00024-00003336-00003495 \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\flomajor\f31512\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00025-00003495-00003652 Times New Roman Tur;} {\flomajor\f31513\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00026-00003652-00003861 Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\flomajor\f31514\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00027-00003861-00004019 (Arabic);}{\flomajor\f31515\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00028-00004019-00004177 {\flomajor\f31516\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);}{\fdbmajor\f31518\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00029-00004177-00004334 \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\fdbmajor\f31519\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00030-00004334-00004492 Times New Roman Cyr;} {\fdbmajor\f31521\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00031-00004492-00004701 Times New Roman Greek;}{\fdbmajor\f31522\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00032-00004701-00004859 Tur;}{\fdbmajor\f31523\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);} mUHlvsIcuOg-00033-00004859-00005016 {\fdbmajor\f31524\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\fdbmajor\f31525\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00034-00005016-00005174 \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\fdbmajor\f31526\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00035-00005174-00005331 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);} {\fhimajor\f31528\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00036-00005331-00005515 Calibri Light CE;}{\fhimajor\f31529\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Calibri Light Cyr;}{\fhimajor\f31531\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00037-00005515-00005672 \fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Calibri Light Greek;} {\fhimajor\f31532\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00038-00005672-00005856 Calibri Light Tur;}{\fhimajor\f31533\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Calibri Light (Hebrew);}{\fhimajor\f31534\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00039-00005856-00006013 \fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Calibri Light (Arabic);} {\fhimajor\f31535\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00040-00006013-00006197 Calibri Light Baltic;}{\fhimajor\f31536\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Calibri Light (Vietnamese);}{\fbimajor\f31538\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00041-00006197-00006328 \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00042-00006328-00006484 {\fbimajor\f31539\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr;}{\fbimajor\f31541\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00043-00006484-00006643 \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\fbimajor\f31542\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00044-00006643-00006800 Times New Roman Tur;} {\fbimajor\f31543\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00045-00006800-00007009 Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\fbimajor\f31544\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00046-00007009-00007167 (Arabic);}{\fbimajor\f31545\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00047-00007167-00007325 {\fbimajor\f31546\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);}{\flominor\f31548\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00048-00007325-00007481 \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\flominor\f31549\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00049-00007481-00007639 Times New Roman Cyr;} {\flominor\f31551\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00050-00007639-00007849 Times New Roman Greek;}{\flominor\f31552\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00051-00007849-00008006 Tur;}{\flominor\f31553\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);} mUHlvsIcuOg-00052-00008006-00008164 {\flominor\f31554\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\flominor\f31555\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00053-00008164-00008322 \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\flominor\f31556\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00054-00008322-00008479 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);} {\fdbminor\f31558\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00055-00008479-00008689 Times New Roman CE;}{\fdbminor\f31559\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00056-00008689-00008846 Cyr;}{\fdbminor\f31561\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00057-00008846-00009004 {\fdbminor\f31562\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur;}{\fdbminor\f31563\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00058-00009004-00009161 \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\fdbminor\f31564\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00059-00009161-00009318 Times New Roman (Arabic);} {\fdbminor\f31565\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00060-00009318-00009528 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\fdbminor\f31566\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00061-00009528-00009632 (Vietnamese);}{\fhiminor\f31568\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Calibri CE;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00062-00009632-00009764 {\fhiminor\f31569\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Calibri Cyr;}{\fhiminor\f31571\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00063-00009764-00009896 Calibri Greek;}{\fhiminor\f31572\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Calibri Tur;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00064-00009896-00010000 {\fhiminor\f31573\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset177\fprq2 Calibri (Hebrew);}{\fhiminor\f31574\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00065-00010000-00010157 \fswiss\fcharset178\fprq2 Calibri (Arabic);}{\fhiminor\f31575\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Calibri Baltic;} mUHlvsIcuOg-00066-00010157-00010263 {\fhiminor\f31576\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset163\fprq2 Calibri (Vietnamese);}{\fbiminor\f31578\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00067-00010263-00010420 \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\fbiminor\f31579\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00068-00010420-00010578 Times New Roman Cyr;} {\fbiminor\f31581\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00069-00010578-00010788 Times New Roman Greek;}{\fbiminor\f31582\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman mUHlvsIcuOg-00070-00010788-00010945 Tur;}{\fbiminor\f31583\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);} mUHlvsIcuOg-00071-00010945-00011103 {\fbiminor\f31584\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\fbiminor\f31585\fbidi mUHlvsIcuOg-00072-00011103-00011260 \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\fbiminor\f31586\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 mUHlvsIcuOg-00073-00011260-00011390 Times New Roman (Vietnamese);}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0; mUHlvsIcuOg-00074-00011390-00011490 \red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;\red67\green67\blue67;\red102\green102\blue102;\red166\green77\blue121;\red103\green78\blue167; \red34\green34\blue34;\red224\green102\blue102;\red106\green168\blue79;\red204\green0\blue0;\red82\green82\blue82;\red74\green134\blue232;\red147\green196\blue125;}{\*\defchp mUHlvsIcuOg-00075-00011490-00011590 \fs22 }{\*\defpap \ql \li0\ri0\sa160\sl259\slmult1 \widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00076-00011590-00011732 }\noqfpromote {\stylesheet{\ql \li0\ri0\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs22\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00077-00011732-00011863 \f1\fs22\cf1\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \snext0 \sqformat \spriority0 Normal;}{\s1\ql mUHlvsIcuOg-00078-00011863-00011963 \li0\ri0\sb400\sa120\sl276\slmult1\keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel0\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00079-00011963-00012125 \af1\afs40\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 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mUHlvsIcuOg-00085-00012859-00012964 \keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel3\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00086-00012964-00013122 \f1\fs24\cf20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext0 \slink18 \sqformat \spriority9 mUHlvsIcuOg-00087-00013122-00013279 heading 4;}{\s5\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa80\sl276\slmult1\keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel4\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs22\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00088-00013279-00013437 \f1\fs22\cf20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext0 \slink19 \sqformat \spriority9 mUHlvsIcuOg-00089-00013437-00013541 heading 5;}{\s6\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa80\sl276\slmult1 \keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel5\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00090-00013541-00013647 \rtlch\fcs1 \ai\af1\afs22\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \i\f1\fs22\cf20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 mUHlvsIcuOg-00091-00013647-00013883 \sbasedon0 \snext0 \slink20 \sqformat \spriority9 heading 6;}{\*\cs10 \additive \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00092-00013883-00014015 \spriority1 Default Paragraph Font;}{\* \ts11\tsrowd\trftsWidthB3\trpaddl108\trpaddr108\trpaddfl3\trpaddft3\trpaddfb3\trpaddfr3\trcbpat1\trcfpat1\tblind0\tblindtype3\tsvertalt\tsbrdrt\tsbrdrl\tsbrdrb\tsbrdrr\tsbrdrdgl\tsbrdrdgr\tsbrdrh\tsbrdrv mUHlvsIcuOg-00093-00014015-00014115 \ql \li0\ri0\sa160\sl259\slmult1 \widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00094-00014115-00014215 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs22\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs22\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 mUHlvsIcuOg-00095-00014215-00014381 \snext11 \ssemihidden \sunhideused Normal Table;}{\*\cs15 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00096-00014381-00014591 \ab\af31503\afs32 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\fs32\cf1\kerning32\loch\f31502\hich\af31502\dbch\af31501 \sbasedon10 \slink1 \slocked \spriority9 Heading mUHlvsIcuOg-00097-00014591-00014748 1 Char;}{\*\cs16 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\ai\af31503\afs28 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00098-00014748-00014879 \b\i\fs28\cf1\loch\f31502\hich\af31502\dbch\af31501 \sbasedon10 \slink2 \slocked \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00099-00014879-00015090 \spriority9 Heading 2 Char;}{\*\cs17 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\af31503\afs26 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00100-00015090-00015220 \b\fs26\cf1\loch\f31502\hich\af31502\dbch\af31501 \sbasedon10 \slink3 \slocked \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00101-00015220-00015431 \spriority9 Heading 3 Char;}{\*\cs18 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\af31507\afs28 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00102-00015431-00015562 \b\fs28\cf1\loch\f31506\hich\af31506\dbch\af31505 \sbasedon10 \slink4 \slocked \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00103-00015562-00015772 \spriority9 Heading 4 Char;}{\* \cs19 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\ai\af31507\afs26 mUHlvsIcuOg-00104-00015772-00015930 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\i\fs26\cf1\loch\f31506\hich\af31506\dbch\af31505 \sbasedon10 \slink5 \slocked \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00105-00015930-00016140 \spriority9 Heading 5 Char;}{\*\cs20 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\af31507 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00106-00016140-00016270 \b\cf1\loch\f31506\hich\af31506\dbch\af31505 \sbasedon10 \slink6 \slocked \ssemihidden mUHlvsIcuOg-00107-00016270-00016428 \spriority9 Heading 6 Char;}{\s21\ql \li0\ri0\sa60\sl276\slmult1\keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00108-00016428-00016637 \af1\afs52\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs52\cf1\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext21 \slink22 \sqformat \spriority10 mUHlvsIcuOg-00109-00016637-00016768 Title;}{\*\cs22 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \ab\af31503\afs32 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00110-00016768-00016900 \b\fs32\cf1\kerning28\loch\f31502\hich\af31502\dbch\af31501 \sbasedon10 \slink21 \slocked \spriority10 mUHlvsIcuOg-00111-00016900-00017004 Title Char;}{\s23\ql \li0\ri0\sa320\sl276\slmult1\keep\keepn\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00112-00017004-00017215 \af1\afs30\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs30\cf20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext23 \slink24 \sqformat \spriority11 mUHlvsIcuOg-00113-00017215-00017345 Subtitle;}{\*\cs24 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \af31503\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00114-00017345-00017478 \fs24\cf1\loch\f31502\hich\af31502\dbch\af31501 \sbasedon10 \slink23 \slocked \spriority11 mUHlvsIcuOg-00115-00017478-00017609 Subtitle Char;}}{\*\rsidtbl \rsid551991\rsid10976062}{\mmathPr\mmathFont34\mbrkBin0\mbrkBinSub0\msmallFrac0\mdispDef1\mlMargin0\mrMargin0\mdefJc1\mwrapRight3360 \mintLim0\mnaryLim1}{\info{\author Caitlin mUHlvsIcuOg-00116-00017609-00017765 Burns}{\operator Caitlin 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\nouicompat \fet0{\*\wgrffmtfilter 013f}\nofeaturethrottle1\ilfomacatclnup0\ltrpar mUHlvsIcuOg-00119-00017965-00018065 \sectd \ltrsect\linex0\headery708\footery708\colsx708\sectlinegrid360\sectdefaultcl\sftnbj {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang mUHlvsIcuOg-00120-00018065-00018165 {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2 \pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta mUHlvsIcuOg-00121-00018165-00018265 .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang mUHlvsIcuOg-00122-00018265-00018365 {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6 mUHlvsIcuOg-00123-00018365-00018465 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang mUHlvsIcuOg-00124-00018465-00018579 {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang mUHlvsIcuOg-00125-00018579-00018711 {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa240\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00126-00018711-00018816 \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs22\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs22\cf1\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 mUHlvsIcuOg-00127-00018816-00018998 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf21\insrsid13595070 Michelle:}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00128-00018998-00019209 \fs20\insrsid13595070 We also had this }{\rtlch\fcs1 \ai\af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00129-00019209-00019340 \i\fs20\insrsid13595070 amazing}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00130-00019340-00019576 Filipina rap song at the end}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00131-00019576-00019786 \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa240\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\tx180\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00132-00019786-00019944 [}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af42\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \f42\fs20\insrsid13595070 \u-10180\'3f\u-8267\'3f}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 mUHlvsIcuOg-00133-00019944-00020206 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Music plays: \'93Us,\'94 by Ruby Ibarra, featuring Rocky mUHlvsIcuOg-00134-00020206-00020415 Rivera, Klassy, and Faith Santilla]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00135-00020415-00020626 \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa240\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf22\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00136-00020626-00020731 Maggie}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00137-00020731-00020848 : I mean we listened to Ruby Ibarra, }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00138-00020848-00020948 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf21\insrsid13595070 Michelle:}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00139-00020948-00021048 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Yes! Yes. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00140-00021048-00021148 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00141-00021148-00021248 \fs20\cf22\insrsid13595070 Maggie}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00142-00021248-00021348 : and I think we had a really interesting conversation about how what she was doing mUHlvsIcuOg-00143-00021348-00021448 with rap was k ind of different from some of the things that mUHlvsIcuOg-00144-00021448-00021548 Awkwafina does.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00145-00021548-00021648 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf21\insrsid13595070 Michelle:}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00146-00021648-00021748 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Mmhmm. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00147-00021748-00021848 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\tx180\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00148-00021848-00021948 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 [}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af42\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \f42\fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00149-00021948-00022048 \u-10180\'3f \u-8267\'3f}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00150-00022048-00022148 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Music continues: \tab \'93Island woman rise, walang makakatigil mUHlvsIcuOg-00151-00022148-00022248 }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \fi720\li1440\ri0\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin1440\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00152-00022248-00022348 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf23\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 Brown, brown woman, rise, alamin ang yung mUHlvsIcuOg-00153-00022348-00022448 ugat}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf23\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00154-00022448-00022548 \fs20\cf23\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 They got nothin\rquote on us\'85\'94]}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00155-00022548-00022648 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sb240\sa240\sl276\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00156-00022648-00022748 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf22\insrsid13595070 Maggie}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00157-00022748-00022848 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : Most of the time you listen to a song it\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00158-00022848-00022948 s like oh, this is a nice song and it\rquote s not like necessarily that different from mUHlvsIcuOg-00159-00022948-00023048 anything else you\rquote ve heard but when you hear that song it\rquote s like I\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00160-00023048-00023148 ve never heard anything else like this before, and it kind of felt like that for me.}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00161-00023148-00023248 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00162-00023248-00023348 \fs20\cf24\insrsid13595070 [murmurs in agreement]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf24\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00163-00023348-00023448 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf25\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00164-00023448-00023548 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : I think that song really sort of encapsulates mUHlvsIcuOg-00165-00023548-00023648 the success of the event if you could label it as such. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 mUHlvsIcuOg-00166-00023648-00023748 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf26\insrsid13595070 [0:57] }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00167-00023748-00023848 Because that was a song in a moment where unprompted}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00168-00023848-00023948 \fs20\cf27\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 \emdash }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00169-00023948-00024048 \fs20\insrsid13595070 though we prompted for a song}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00170-00024048-00024148 \fs20\cf27\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 \emdash }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00171-00024148-00024248 \fs20\insrsid13595070 but unprompted to us, the student brought forth a song that wasn\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00172-00024248-00024348 t just a song but sort of a message for the room rhetorically about everything that they mUHlvsIcuOg-00173-00024348-00024448 were feeling in that moment. They could have, of course, chosen any song, and I\rquote m mUHlvsIcuOg-00174-00024448-00024548 sure there were all of your standard love songs, pop songs, so mUHlvsIcuOg-00175-00024548-00024648 ngs about being at a party and how cool it was. But instead, we got this very poignant, mUHlvsIcuOg-00176-00024648-00024918 very purposeful song sort of put forth and offered for the rest of the room to listen mUHlvsIcuOg-00177-00024918-00025018 to. It was a really cool moment. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00178-00025018-00025118 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00179-00025118-00025218 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00180-00025218-00025440 : That\rquote s just so funny to me because it also reminds of one of the other songs mUHlvsIcuOg-00181-00025440-00025551 on there}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf27\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00182-00025551-00025726 \emdash }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 \'94My Vag\'94 }{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00183-00025726-00025837 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf24\insrsid13595070 [laughs]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 mUHlvsIcuOg-00184-00025837-00026072 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 by Awkwafina. Which I also love that someone put that there, mUHlvsIcuOg-00185-00026072-00026191 especially that it was a professor. It was, I think very}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00186-00026191-00026291 \fs20\cf27\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 \emdash mUHlvsIcuOg-00187-00026291-00026391 i}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 t would have been a really different experience mUHlvsIcuOg-00188-00026391-00026663 if we had chosen \'93My Vag\'94 over \'93Us\'94 to listen to together.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 mUHlvsIcuOg-00189-00026663-00026835 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00190-00026835-00026979 \fs20\cf25\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00191-00026979-00027208 : }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf26\insrsid13595070 [2:01] }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00192-00027208-00027308 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Right. I was thinking \'93Like a G6\'94 was also one that was thrown mUHlvsIcuOg-00193-00027308-00027408 out, }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00194-00027408-00027508 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00195-00027508-00027608 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : Oh, really? }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00196-00027608-00027708 \fs20\cf24\insrsid13595070 [laughs]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00197-00027708-00027808 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00198-00027808-00027908 \fs20\cf25\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00199-00027908-00028008 : which while a wonderful, amazing song is not}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00200-00028008-00028108 \fs20\cf27\chshdng10000\chcfpat8\chcbpat8\insrsid13595070 \emdash }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00201-00028108-00028208 \fs20\insrsid13595070 it doesn\rquote t have the depth.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00202-00028208-00028308 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00203-00028308-00028408 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00204-00028408-00028508 : It\rquote s a party song.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00205-00028508-00028608 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf25\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00206-00028608-00028708 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : Right, it\rquote s a party song! It is. mUHlvsIcuOg-00207-00028708-00028808 It\rquote s about having a good time, whereas Ruby Ibarra\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00208-00028808-00028908 s song is very purposeful, it\rquote s very impactful, especially in that moment.}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00209-00028908-00029008 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00210-00029008-00029108 \fs20\cf22\insrsid13595070 Maggie}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00211-00029108-00029208 : And the fact that it was like this feminist, anti-imperialist song about Pinay women not mUHlvsIcuOg-00212-00029208-00029308 taking any shit}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf24\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00213-00029308-00029408 [laughs]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00214-00029408-00029508 , I think listening to it, especially where we are, where we were at a military university, mUHlvsIcuOg-00215-00029508-00029608 it was such a weird convergence of things that made it really powerful.}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00216-00029608-00029708 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00217-00029708-00029808 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00218-00029808-00029908 : I also remember that after listening to that song we had a really interesti mUHlvsIcuOg-00219-00029908-00030008 ng discussion extending the earlier conversation about appropriation and use of African American mUHlvsIcuOg-00220-00030008-00030108 Vernacular English in relation to the song. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf26\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00221-00030108-00030208 [3:06] }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 I thought that was really mUHlvsIcuOg-00222-00030208-00030308 interesting because it brought up really difficult questions about when do we call mUHlvsIcuOg-00223-00030308-00030408 something appropriation? What does it mean? How can we even say, as people who are either mUHlvsIcuOg-00224-00030408-00030508 Asian American or white but not necessarily ourselves African American? So I thought that mUHlvsIcuOg-00225-00030508-00030608 led to a really interesting question in that moment.}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00226-00030608-00030708 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00227-00030708-00030808 \fs20\cf25\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00228-00030808-00030908 : I think that\rquote s a neat thing about group listening in general too is that group mUHlvsIcuOg-00229-00030908-00031008 listening demands those reverberations we \rquote ve talked about. You can\rquote t mUHlvsIcuOg-00230-00031008-00031108 listen to a song that\rquote s that impactful and then just let the whole room fall silently mUHlvsIcuOg-00231-00031108-00031208 completely and then go up and stand up and leave for the day. It invites commentary, mUHlvsIcuOg-00232-00031208-00031308 it invites growth when you listen to a song as a group. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00233-00031308-00031408 \fs20\cf26\insrsid13595070 [3:58] }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00234-00031408-00031508 Even if it was something like \'93Like a G6,\'94 it would have had some sort of commentary mUHlvsIcuOg-00235-00031508-00031608 afterward, and I think that\rquote s one of the cool things about this sort of event is mUHlvsIcuOg-00236-00031608-00031708 that it doesn\rquote t just provide a space for listening, but mUHlvsIcuOg-00237-00031708-00031808 it provides a space for a response to that listening, as well.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 mUHlvsIcuOg-00238-00031808-00031908 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00239-00031908-00032008 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00240-00032008-00032108 : Yeah, that makes me think of after the song, I feel there was a moment of quiet that was mUHlvsIcuOg-00241-00032108-00032208 like, \'93dang, what did we just watch, like that was amazing,\'94 mUHlvsIcuOg-00242-00032208-00032308 and I think people started saying that, and then we had that conversation. I think you\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00243-00032308-00032408 re right that I can\rquote t even imagine going through that experience together and mUHlvsIcuOg-00244-00032408-00032508 then just leaving. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00245-00032508-00032608 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf29\insrsid13595070 Jon}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00246-00032608-00032708 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 :}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf24\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00247-00032708-00032809 [Laughs]}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Saying goodbye, right, mUHlvsIcuOg-00248-00032809-00032909 that was it! }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00249-00032909-00033009 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf22\insrsid13595070 Maggie}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00250-00033009-00033109 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : I guess maybe one of the nice things about mUHlvsIcuOg-00251-00033109-00033209 listening in community is it\rquote s so different from listening to these people mUHlvsIcuOg-00252-00033209-00033309 just in your headphones from Spotify, by yourself, completely decontextualized. Or like, maybe mUHlvsIcuOg-00253-00033309-00033409 it is like you can listen to Asian American women in indie, like there\rquote mUHlvsIcuOg-00254-00033409-00033509 s a Spotify playlist for that, but then when you take a moment to listen to that with people, mUHlvsIcuOg-00255-00033509-00033609 it\rquote s just different. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid10976062 mUHlvsIcuOg-00256-00033609-00033709 \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf28\insrsid13595070 Jen}{\rtlch\fcs1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00257-00033709-00033809 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 : }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\cf26\insrsid13595070 mUHlvsIcuOg-00258-00033809-00033909 [5:02] }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\insrsid13595070 Mmhmm. And I think also mUHlvsIcuOg-00259-00033909-00034009 too because that was such an empowering song, and they presented Filipina women in such mUHlvsIcuOg-00260-00034009-00034109 a strong way. And I think that\rquote s part of what made it different too. And mUHlvsIcuOg-00261-00034109-00034209 then to have it be almost like a collective empowerment moment. Like you\rquote re saying, mUHlvsIcuOg-00262-00034209-00034309 it\rquote s kinda different from if you were to just hear it by you mUHlvsIcuOg-00263-00034309-00034409 rself and be like yeah this is great or something like that.}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs20 \ltrch\fcs0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00264-00034409-00034509 \fs20\insrsid10976062 \par }{\*\themedata 504b030414000600080000002100e9de0fbfff0000001c020000130000005b436f6e74656e745f54797065735d2e786d6cac91cb4ec3301045f748fc83e52d4a mUHlvsIcuOg-00265-00034509-00034609 9cb2400825e982c78ec7a27cc0c8992416c9d8b2a755fbf74cd25442a820166c2cd933f79e3be372bd1f07b5c3989ca74aaff2422b24eb1b475da5df374fd9ad 5689811a183c61a50f98f4babebc2837878049899a52a57be670674cb23d8e90721f90a4d2fa3802cb35762680fd800ecd7551dc18eb899138e3c943d7e503b6 mUHlvsIcuOg-00266-00034609-00034709 b01d583deee5f99824e290b4ba3f364eac4a430883b3c092d4eca8f946c916422ecab927f52ea42b89a1cd59c254f919b0e85e6535d135a8de20f20b8c12c3b0 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mUHlvsIcuOg-00310-00039009-00039109 1;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 1; \lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 1;\lsdpriority72 mUHlvsIcuOg-00311-00039109-00039209 Colorful List Accent 1;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 1;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading mUHlvsIcuOg-00312-00039209-00039309 Accent 2;\lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 2;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 2; mUHlvsIcuOg-00313-00039309-00039409 \lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 2;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading 2 Accent 2;\lsdpriority65 Medium mUHlvsIcuOg-00314-00039409-00039509 List 1 Accent 2;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 2;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00315-00039509-00039609 2;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 2; \lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 2;\lsdpriority70 mUHlvsIcuOg-00316-00039609-00039709 Dark List Accent 2;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 2;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List mUHlvsIcuOg-00317-00039709-00039809 Accent 2;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 2;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 3; mUHlvsIcuOg-00318-00039809-00039909 \lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 3;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 3;\lsdpriority63 Medium mUHlvsIcuOg-00319-00039909-00040009 Shading 1 Accent 3;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading 2 Accent 3;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00320-00040009-00040109 3;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 3; \lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 3;\lsdpriority68 mUHlvsIcuOg-00321-00040109-00040209 Medium Grid 2 Accent 3;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 3;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00322-00040209-00040309 3;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 3;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 3; mUHlvsIcuOg-00323-00040309-00040409 \lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 3;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 4;\lsdpriority61 Light mUHlvsIcuOg-00324-00040409-00040509 List Accent 4;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 4;\lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 4;\lsdpriority64 mUHlvsIcuOg-00325-00040509-00040609 Medium Shading 2 Accent 4; \lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 4;\lsdpriority66 mUHlvsIcuOg-00326-00040609-00040709 Medium List 2 Accent 4;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 4;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid mUHlvsIcuOg-00327-00040709-00040809 2 Accent 4;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 4;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 4; mUHlvsIcuOg-00328-00040809-00040909 \lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 4;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 4;\lsdpriority73 Colorful mUHlvsIcuOg-00329-00040909-00041009 Grid Accent 4;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 5;\lsdpriority61 Light List Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00330-00041009-00041109 5;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 5; \lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority64 mUHlvsIcuOg-00331-00041109-00041209 Medium Shading 2 Accent 5;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority66 Medium List mUHlvsIcuOg-00332-00041209-00041309 2 Accent 5;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 5; mUHlvsIcuOg-00333-00041309-00041409 \lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 5;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 5;\lsdpriority71 Colorful mUHlvsIcuOg-00334-00041409-00041509 Shading Accent 5;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 5;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00335-00041509-00041609 5;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 6; \lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 6;\lsdpriority62 mUHlvsIcuOg-00336-00041609-00041709 Light Grid Accent 6;\lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading mUHlvsIcuOg-00337-00041709-00041809 2 Accent 6;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 6; mUHlvsIcuOg-00338-00041809-00041909 \lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 6;\lsdpriority69 Medium mUHlvsIcuOg-00339-00041909-00042009 Grid 3 Accent 6;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 6;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 6;\lsdpriority72 mUHlvsIcuOg-00340-00042009-00042109 Colorful List Accent 6; \lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 6;\lsdqformat1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00341-00042109-00042209 \lsdpriority19 Subtle Emphasis;\lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority21 Intense Emphasis;\lsdqformat1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00342-00042209-00042309 \lsdpriority31 Subtle Reference;\lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority32 Intense Reference; mUHlvsIcuOg-00343-00042309-00042409 \lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority33 Book Title;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdpriority37 Bibliography;\lsdsemihidden1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00344-00042409-00042509 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority39 TOC Heading;\lsdpriority41 \lsdlocked0 Plain mUHlvsIcuOg-00345-00042509-00042609 Table 1;\lsdpriority42 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 2; mUHlvsIcuOg-00346-00042609-00042709 \lsdpriority43 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 3;\lsdpriority44 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 4;\lsdpriority45 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00347-00042709-00042809 Plain Table 5;\lsdpriority40 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table Light;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid mUHlvsIcuOg-00348-00042809-00042909 Table 1 Light;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2; mUHlvsIcuOg-00349-00042909-00043009 \lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 3;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 4;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00350-00043009-00043109 Grid Table 5 Dark;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00351-00043109-00043209 Grid Table 7 Colorful; \lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light mUHlvsIcuOg-00352-00043209-00043309 Accent 1;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent 1;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid mUHlvsIcuOg-00353-00043309-00043409 Table 3 Accent 1;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 4 Accent 1; mUHlvsIcuOg-00354-00043409-00043509 \lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00355-00043509-00043609 6 Colorful Accent 1;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1;\lsdpriority46 mUHlvsIcuOg-00356-00043609-00043709 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2; \lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00357-00043709-00043809 2;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 3 Accent 2;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00358-00043809-00043909 4 Accent 2;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2; mUHlvsIcuOg-00359-00043909-00044009 \lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00360-00044009-00044109 7 Colorful Accent 2;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3;\lsdpriority47 mUHlvsIcuOg-00361-00044109-00044209 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent 3; \lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 3 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00362-00044209-00044309 3;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 4 Accent 3;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00363-00044309-00044409 5 Dark Accent 3;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3; mUHlvsIcuOg-00364-00044409-00044509 \lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00365-00044509-00044609 1 Light Accent 4;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent 4;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00366-00044609-00044709 Grid Table 3 Accent 4; \lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 4 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00367-00044709-00044809 4;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid mUHlvsIcuOg-00368-00044809-00044909 Table 6 Colorful Accent 4;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4; mUHlvsIcuOg-00369-00044909-00045009 \lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00370-00045009-00045109 2 Accent 5;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 3 Accent 5;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00371-00045109-00045209 Grid Table 4 Accent 5; \lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 5 Dark mUHlvsIcuOg-00372-00045209-00045309 Accent 5;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00373-00045309-00045409 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6; mUHlvsIcuOg-00374-00045409-00045509 \lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent 6;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 3 mUHlvsIcuOg-00375-00045509-00045609 Accent 6;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 4 Accent 6;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 Grid mUHlvsIcuOg-00376-00045609-00045709 Table 5 Dark Accent 6; \lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful mUHlvsIcuOg-00377-00045709-00045809 Accent 6;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00378-00045809-00045909 List Table 1 Light;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List mUHlvsIcuOg-00379-00045909-00046009 Table 3; \lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4;\lsdpriority50 mUHlvsIcuOg-00380-00046009-00046109 \lsdlocked0 List Table 5 Dark;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table 6 Colorful;\lsdpriority52 mUHlvsIcuOg-00381-00046109-00046209 \lsdlocked0 List Table 7 Colorful;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 List Table 1 Light Accent 1; mUHlvsIcuOg-00382-00046209-00046309 \lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2 Accent 1;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List Table 3 mUHlvsIcuOg-00383-00046309-00046409 Accent 1;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4 Accent 1;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List mUHlvsIcuOg-00384-00046409-00046509 Table 5 Dark Accent 1; \lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table 6 Colorful mUHlvsIcuOg-00385-00046509-00046609 Accent 1;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00386-00046609-00046709 List Table 1 Light Accent 2;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2 Accent 2; mUHlvsIcuOg-00387-00046709-00046809 \lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List Table 3 Accent 2;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4 mUHlvsIcuOg-00388-00046809-00046909 Accent 2;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List Table 5 Dark Accent 2;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00389-00046909-00047009 List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2; \lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 List Table 7 Colorful mUHlvsIcuOg-00390-00047009-00047109 Accent 2;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 List Table 1 Light Accent 3;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00391-00047109-00047209 List Table 2 Accent 3;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List Table 3 Accent 3; mUHlvsIcuOg-00392-00047209-00047309 \lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4 Accent 3;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List Table 5 mUHlvsIcuOg-00393-00047309-00047409 Dark Accent 3;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00394-00047409-00047509 List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3; \lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 List Table 1 Light mUHlvsIcuOg-00395-00047509-00047609 Accent 4;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2 Accent 4;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List mUHlvsIcuOg-00396-00047609-00047709 Table 3 Accent 4;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4 Accent 4; mUHlvsIcuOg-00397-00047709-00047809 \lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List Table 5 Dark Accent 4;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00398-00047809-00047909 6 Colorful Accent 4;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4;\lsdpriority46 mUHlvsIcuOg-00399-00047909-00048009 \lsdlocked0 List Table 1 Light Accent 5; \lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00400-00048009-00048109 5;\lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List Table 3 Accent 5;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00401-00048109-00048209 4 Accent 5;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List Table 5 Dark Accent 5; mUHlvsIcuOg-00402-00048209-00048309 \lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 List Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00403-00048309-00048409 7 Colorful Accent 5;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 List Table 1 Light Accent 6;\lsdpriority47 mUHlvsIcuOg-00404-00048409-00048509 \lsdlocked0 List Table 2 Accent 6; \lsdpriority48 \lsdlocked0 List Table 3 Accent mUHlvsIcuOg-00405-00048509-00048609 6;\lsdpriority49 \lsdlocked0 List Table 4 Accent 6;\lsdpriority50 \lsdlocked0 List Table mUHlvsIcuOg-00406-00048609-00048709 5 Dark Accent 6;\lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6; mUHlvsIcuOg-00407-00048709-00048809 \lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdpriority99 mUHlvsIcuOg-00408-00048809-00048909 \lsdlocked0 Mention;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdpriority99 \lsdlocked0 Smart Hyperlink; mUHlvsIcuOg-00409-00048909-00049009 \lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdpriority99 \lsdlocked0 Hashtag;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 mUHlvsIcuOg-00410-00049009-00049109 \lsdpriority99 \lsdlocked0 Unresolved Mention;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdpriority99 \lsdlocked0 mUHlvsIcuOg-00411-00049109-00049209 Smart Link;}}{\*\datastore 010500000200000018000000 4d73786d6c322e534158584d4c5265616465722e362e3000000000000000000000060000 mUHlvsIcuOg-00412-00049209-00049309 d0cf11e0a1b11ae1000000000000000000000000000000003e000300feff090006000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000100000feffffff00000000feffffff0000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff mUHlvsIcuOg-00413-00049309-00049409 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff mUHlvsIcuOg-00414-00049409-00049509 fffffffffffffffffdfffffffeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff mUHlvsIcuOg-00415-00049509-00049609 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff mUHlvsIcuOg-00416-00049609-00049709 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff52006f006f007400200045006e00740072007900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016000500ffffffffffffffffffffffff0c6ad98892f1d411a65f0040963251e5000000000000000000000000f081 f1bed137d701feffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mUHlvsIcuOg-00417-00049709-00049809 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mUHlvsIcuOg-00418-00049809-00049809 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000105000000000000}} mYYUmh_HNDE-00000-00000000-00000479 Hello, welcome to Emerson Educational Consulting. For almost 20 years, mYYUmh_HNDE-00001-00000479-00000810 Maryland Emerson has help students get the answers they need about college, mYYUmh_HNDE-00002-00000810-00001203 to find the right schools and submit standout applications. mYYUmh_HNDE-00003-00001250-00001722 At a time where there are so many choices, and the cost of college and graduate schools mYYUmh_HNDE-00004-00001722-00002146 so high, having a knowledgeable guide who continually visits colleges mYYUmh_HNDE-00005-00002146-00002484 is a big help. It can make the process a lot easier mYYUmh_HNDE-00006-00002484-00002798 and can also help you gain admission to a school where you can mYYUmh_HNDE-00007-00002798-00003339 truly flourish and graduate on time. We're always available to answer a few quick mYYUmh_HNDE-00008-00003339-00003401 questions mYYUmh_HNDE-00009-00003401-00003740 and if you need more help than that, we can provide it in person, mYYUmh_HNDE-00010-00003740-00004062 or over Skype. We can help you research schools, mYYUmh_HNDE-00011-00004062-00004489 develop personal statements, prepare for interviews, and much, much more. mYYUmh_HNDE-00012-00004534-00004930 At EEC, our ultimate goal is academically successful, mYYUmh_HNDE-00013-00004930-00005248 happy students. As our founders says, mYYUmh_HNDE-00014-00005248-00005591 unlike what you heard, the admissions process need not be mYYUmh_HNDE-00015-00005591-00005935 overly stressful. In fact, it could and should mYYUmh_HNDE-00016-00005935-00006273 be a rewarding experience for students and families. mYYUmh_HNDE-00017-00006273-00006537 To learn more, contact us today. mZJzGPYMN2I-00000-00000000-00000200 I want the > symbol on my title. ma_0W4Br4Ay-00000-00000050-00001050 ❤😘Please like and subcribe to support me! I love you all ❤ ma_0W4Br4Ay-00009-00022070-00023070 Thanks for watching! Love you all ❤😘 mdq_33l-IBM-00000-00000722-00001646 I'm Jullian I'm partner of Jeremy and Vincent mdq_33l-IBM-00001-00001646-00001934 when westarted the brand with three main value mdq_33l-IBM-00002-00001934-00002161 Ride, Protect & Share mdq_33l-IBM-00003-00002161-00002612 Ride as it's we are from Protect because wherever you go you need to protect the mdq_33l-IBM-00004-00002612-00003146 place you you practice just to make sure it's sustainable and Share just because mdq_33l-IBM-00005-00003146-00003456 everything is boring without your friends mdq_33l-IBM-00006-00004151-00004894 so what was the hardest thing it was to make customers trust that eco-friendly products were a direction to take as a brand mdq_33l-IBM-00007-00004894-00005332 ten years ago there was not many brands are going that direction mdq_33l-IBM-00008-00005710-00006160 so when we were younger every summer we were spending two weeks snowboarding in the L2A mdq_33l-IBM-00009-00006160-00006542 and we did a survery and on thats always there was only five mdq_33l-IBM-00010-00006542-00007184 question so we asked those five question to 500 consumers on the on the gondola mdq_33l-IBM-00011-00007184-00007844 and the first question was do you think eco-friendly and sustainable products in mdq_33l-IBM-00012-00007844-00008342 textile are interesting for you and important business most of the mdq_33l-IBM-00013-00008342-00008753 people say yes would you be able to pay 10% more for the eco friendly mdq_33l-IBM-00014-00008753-00009353 products 99% of the people say no are you ready to pay 5% more mdq_33l-IBM-00015-00009353-00009989 they all said no at the same price they all say yes and for them it just means mdq_33l-IBM-00016-00009989-00010586 that it was cool and it was something different to have an impact but when you mdq_33l-IBM-00017-00010586-00011066 talk about organic food it really affect your health so you're ready to pay more to mdq_33l-IBM-00018-00011066-00011588 have a better health but when it's about textile for most of the consumer it's mdq_33l-IBM-00019-00011588-00012002 more kind of trendy thing so this is this is why we started to sell the mdq_33l-IBM-00020-00012002-00012463 product at the same price of non-organic product mdq_33l-IBM-00021-00012894-00013558 so the eco part in our project has been something we truly has changed the face mdq_33l-IBM-00022-00013558-00013990 of the brand because when we started we started with a new design thanks to mdq_33l-IBM-00023-00013990-00014509 Jeremys background designing the product as an architect making the product mdq_33l-IBM-00024-00014509-00015019 totally differently different than all the competitors we started with a new mdq_33l-IBM-00025-00015019-00015547 approach of sports behind the product we did not want to create a snowboard brand mdq_33l-IBM-00026-00015547-00016101 or skate brand we want you to create an action outdoor brand dedicated for snow sports mdq_33l-IBM-00027-00016101-00016573 and we really didn't mind what you have under your foot mdq_33l-IBM-00028-00016573-00017159 we mind more what you think and how you practice kind of like a community mdq_33l-IBM-00029-00017439-00017871 Ellis Brigham in the brand history is a very important actor because mdq_33l-IBM-00030-00017871-00018483 Ellis Brigham was the first UK customer for Picture it was in 2011 and we were just mdq_33l-IBM-00031-00018483-00019128 2 years old to have a real baby and a friend of ours from Eider who knew mdq_33l-IBM-00032-00019128-00019746 Dave the buyer of the of the group just introduced us during the London Ski Show mdq_33l-IBM-00033-00019746-00020337 and he told him you should just pay attention to this guys just have mdq_33l-IBM-00034-00020337-00020802 a small chat and you will see and they've really offered us the mdq_33l-IBM-00035-00020802-00021432 opportunity to talk together for half an hour on a coffee and he got seduced by mdq_33l-IBM-00036-00021432-00021948 the project and he said okay I am ready to try a little bit of you of your brand mdq_33l-IBM-00037-00021948-00022416 let's try it in the Covent Garden store and if it works there I will open more mdq_33l-IBM-00038-00022416-00023070 doors for you and so we started with Dave here and the connection with mdq_33l-IBM-00039-00023070-00024036 Ellis Brigham went very good very quickly just because all the philosophies let says mdq_33l-IBM-00040-00024036-00024582 the vision of the two company we are very common and we have always fitted mdq_33l-IBM-00041-00024582-00024886 and grown together and since the beginning Ellis Brigham mdq_33l-IBM-00042-00025044-00025622 has been here for us and yeah and we also would like to thank them for that mdq_33l-IBM-00043-00026108-00026709 for us thinking making a big company to manage and lead big changes mdq_33l-IBM-00044-00026709-00027193 of course it's a challenge and this is where we want to go but every single mdq_33l-IBM-00045-00027193-00027772 step by step we don't want to burn the step and to go too fast and especially mdq_33l-IBM-00046-00027772-00028164 when it goes too fast you can't really control what you do and you're always mdq_33l-IBM-00047-00028164-00028683 missing something on the road so it's important just to continue what we do to mdq_33l-IBM-00048-00028683-00029263 do it properly and in step by step we don't know where we will go but we will mdq_33l-IBM-00049-00029263-00029881 go somewhere we just want to continue to have fun to go in the mountain to enjoy mdq_33l-IBM-00050-00029881-00030603 life and and also this is a big reason of where Picture is leading us and mdq_33l-IBM-00051-00030603-00031047 why we are still very happy with Picture because we still enjoy it mdq_33l-IBM-00052-00031047-00031752 and as a as a friends from childhood I think what we are most proud of is still mdq_33l-IBM-00053-00031752-00032287 being friends evolved into a business and leading a company where we keep the same mdq_33l-IBM-00054-00032287-00032727 vision for 10 years and for the next 10 years mhJevnd24oY-00000-00000544-00000906 It’s time for you to look at yourself mhJevnd24oY-00001-00000906-00001423 to see if you’re doing what is required of you to open your Spirit, mhJevnd24oY-00002-00001423-00001861 to receive of the greater Spirit, to shed more of your light and love. mhJevnd24oY-00003-00001896-00002076 This is all of us. mhJevnd24oY-00004-00002099-00002649 And it’s not just on occasions of bombing of objects of the material world, mhJevnd24oY-00005-00002649-00002973 because eventually they are all going to go away anyway mhJevnd24oY-00006-00002973-00003279 and our bodies are going to go away also. mhJevnd24oY-00007-00003401-00003753 And you people, thank you for just showing up. mhJevnd24oY-00008-00003820-00004153 There’s a big something happens in the Spirit world mhJevnd24oY-00009-00004153-00004626 when we bring our material body, and our spiritual body together, mhJevnd24oY-00010-00004626-00005289 and we focus it towards that object that is the unification of the world mhJevnd24oY-00011-00005289-00005608 into the Spirit, and the Spirit into the world, mhJevnd24oY-00012-00005693-00006040 knowing full well they can never be the same. mhJevnd24oY-00013-00006134-00006606 The only thing that’s the same in both of them is who we are as a spiritual being, mhJevnd24oY-00014-00006606-00006904 and it is through that that we pray. mhJevnd24oY-00015-00006904-00007239 Not through our ego or through our body, mhJevnd24oY-00016-00007239-00007679 but through that that is the telephone between both worlds, mhJevnd24oY-00017-00007751-00007984 who we are as a being. mhJevnd24oY-00018-00007984-00008302 Lord God, Father of Lights, mhJevnd24oY-00019-00008640-00008906 you’ve seen it, you know it, mhJevnd24oY-00020-00008985-00009350 attempt to give us the wisdom and understanding mhJevnd24oY-00021-00009409-00009756 that we may withdraw from the pain of suffering, mhJevnd24oY-00022-00009802-00010120 and enter into the wisdom of your glory, mhJevnd24oY-00023-00010120-00010530 and why we are here, and why all this took place. mhJevnd24oY-00024-00010572-00010985 Illuminate our ignorance, so we may not judge erroneously mhJevnd24oY-00025-00010985-00011239 from that ego that knows little. mhJevnd24oY-00026-00011542-00011815 Lord, help us not to discriminate mhJevnd24oY-00027-00011815-00012170 against the living, because of those who are the dead. mhJevnd24oY-00028-00012279-00012665 For the dead were told to bury themselves, mhJevnd24oY-00029-00012665-00013281 and for the living to live and follow the anointing of the oneness of the Spirit. mhJevnd24oY-00030-00013493-00013680 We ask that this, mhJevnd24oY-00031-00013712-00014026 through each one individually as they step forward, mhJevnd24oY-00032-00014026-00014185 as they choose mhJevnd24oY-00033-00014213-00014638 to bring forward greater love and Light into this world. mhJevnd24oY-00034-00014712-00015043 Father, help us step aside any revenge. mhJevnd24oY-00035-00015116-00015450 Let the revenge be the Lord’s, as he said. mhJevnd24oY-00036-00015474-00015856 Let us be the share takers, and share givers, mhJevnd24oY-00037-00015856-00016253 and the lovers of life, and the lovers of those who died mhJevnd24oY-00038-00016253-00016453 and those who took life, mhJevnd24oY-00039-00016453-00016696 for they didn’t know what they did, mhJevnd24oY-00040-00016696-00016899 or they wouldn’t have done it. mhJevnd24oY-00041-00016968-00017284 And, Father, help us not judge them in their ignorance, mhJevnd24oY-00042-00017284-00017533 nor us in our ego, mhJevnd24oY-00043-00017632-00017966 but let us come into harmony with the living mhJevnd24oY-00044-00018019-00018326 and those who are no longer materially alive. mhJevnd24oY-00045-00018401-00018796 Let them come into the fullness of their own creation mhJevnd24oY-00046-00018905-00019299 and, Father, let us stand in the face of our fear. mhJevnd24oY-00047-00019340-00019676 Let us stand in the face of those who would do good, mhJevnd24oY-00048-00019676-00020040 and the face of those who would do bad equally to us, mhJevnd24oY-00049-00020040-00020288 and let us just love them. mhJevnd24oY-00050-00020288-00020617 Let us ring forward the sound of your love, mhJevnd24oY-00051-00020680-00020891 and the Light of your light, mhJevnd24oY-00052-00020997-00021221 and the glory of your being. mhJevnd24oY-00053-00021285-00021586 Bless those who are here at this time, mhJevnd24oY-00054-00021618-00021788 because once again, mhJevnd24oY-00055-00021788-00022128 they chose themself to put their body on the line mhJevnd24oY-00056-00022128-00022469 and to bring their holy wholly, mhJevnd24oY-00057-00022469-00022666 which is the Soul forward, mhJevnd24oY-00058-00022701-00022962 and to present it to us. mhJevnd24oY-00059-00022999-00023566 Lord we know we’ll be hit at by negativity because of what we say and do here. mhJevnd24oY-00060-00023647-00023889 Lord, that’s fine with us. mhJevnd24oY-00061-00023971-00024424 We will still live to present ourselves before God mhJevnd24oY-00062-00024424-00024757 as those who have learned and those who have shared, mhJevnd24oY-00063-00024757-00025056 and those who have loved and those who have cared, mhJevnd24oY-00064-00025056-00025502 and those who will continue to place themself forward in light. mhJevnd24oY-00065-00025525-00025847 We will not end this prayer Father. mhJevnd24oY-00066-00025847-00026119 We will not say “Amen.” mhJevnd24oY-00067-00026166-00026506 We will do nothing except to continue on, mhJevnd24oY-00068-00026536-00026714 but in this mhJevnd24oY-00069-00026774-00027269 I, and I ask others just to, in their heart of hearts, mhJevnd24oY-00070-00027269-00027423 say, “Thanks.” mhJevnd24oY-00071-00027470-00027669 And we continue on mhJevnd24oY-00072-00027693-00028036 with this service in memorial, mhJevnd24oY-00073-00028036-00028183 not to the dead, mhJevnd24oY-00074-00028272-00028600 they are memorized already in the hearts, mhJevnd24oY-00075-00028627-00029152 they are memorialized in the materiality that has gone before them, mhJevnd24oY-00076-00029188-00029508 but for those of us who are left to suffer, mhJevnd24oY-00077-00029561-00029673 to see, mhJevnd24oY-00078-00029673-00029829 to hear the pains, mhJevnd24oY-00079-00029858-00030382 to know that our suffering is our missing of that that is a beloved. mhJevnd24oY-00080-00030402-00030950 So seek more to place your belovedness inside of us, mhJevnd24oY-00081-00030950-00031566 to let us share and cross the barrier of the physical, and spiritual into the heavens, mhJevnd24oY-00082-00031566-00031993 where we may all, once again, be united. mhJevnd24oY-00083-00031993-00032445 Where we may know the promise has been fulfilled. mhJevnd24oY-00084-00032469-00032756 Thank you God. Thank you Father. miiK6IrLXSU-00000-00000208-00000434 Murray Kopelow: Thank you very much. It's an honor to be here. miiK6IrLXSU-00001-00000434-00000818 I promise I'll finish on time; my wife says I'm like a gas, I can expand and contract miiK6IrLXSU-00002-00000818-00001371 to fill any available space, and we'll try to do that. It's an honor to follow Dr. Nasca, miiK6IrLXSU-00003-00001371-00001818 and I -- especially for him, I, too, have a renal model. miiK6IrLXSU-00004-00001818-00002324 This is the countercurrent mechanism, that the important message from us in continuing miiK6IrLXSU-00005-00002324-00003038 education is that practice informs the continuum of medical education. And as we progress along miiK6IrLXSU-00006-00003038-00003612 the continuum of training and enter practice, then down the other way comes the information miiK6IrLXSU-00007-00003612-00004240 about practice informing continuum. I think Eugene was right to have us here, the continuing miiK6IrLXSU-00008-00004240-00004657 education here. We change -- we start the planning process for changing the medical miiK6IrLXSU-00009-00004657-00005201 school curriculum; practice will change in 2025. If we change the residency, practice miiK6IrLXSU-00010-00005201-00005840 will change in 2018. If you change what happens in continuing education, practice might change miiK6IrLXSU-00011-00005840-00006108 next week, it might change next year. miiK6IrLXSU-00012-00006108-00006793 So the people around this room, I try to bring you to the position of educators. Think of miiK6IrLXSU-00013-00006793-00007553 yourselves as the continuing education enterprise in the United States. The model has changed. miiK6IrLXSU-00014-00007553-00008103 An article by Danny Klass in academic medicine from June 2000, we used to train and practice miiK6IrLXSU-00015-00008103-00008599 in this ballistic model, where we got launched into practice and sort of have this decay miiK6IrLXSU-00016-00008599-00009355 curve which, hopefully, what we got to incompetence just after retirement. miiK6IrLXSU-00017-00009355-00009518 [laughter] miiK6IrLXSU-00018-00009518-00010095 That's really moved to this trajectory model that Tom drew the picture of. Not only did miiK6IrLXSU-00019-00010095-00010800 we move from novice to master, but things change in our lives that -- in the period miiK6IrLXSU-00020-00010800-00011414 that we are practicing, and this becomes the material that you become competitive with miiK6IrLXSU-00021-00011414-00011963 that you need to think about that is going on in the life of the practitioners. We need miiK6IrLXSU-00022-00011963-00012809 to acquire what we never knew when we entered practice. I don't know about you, but I didn't miiK6IrLXSU-00023-00012809-00013408 know it all when I entered practice; I could only learn so much. I had to make that up miiK6IrLXSU-00024-00013408-00014022 in practice. What was not known at the time, so that which you have invented and discovered miiK6IrLXSU-00025-00014022-00014722 has added to the mix. And what should now be forgotten needs to be -- we need to spend miiK6IrLXSU-00026-00014722-00015266 time -- The American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation has a project about choosing wisely, miiK6IrLXSU-00027-00015266-00015456 but that which must be removed. miiK6IrLXSU-00028-00015456-00016072 So our life as professionals, we do have a baseline, a minimally acceptable practice; miiK6IrLXSU-00029-00016072-00016559 we have our own personal standard of what's acceptable. But there is a wide range in which miiK6IrLXSU-00030-00016559-00017402 you can alter and impact what is it that people do, using the continuing professional education miiK6IrLXSU-00031-00017402-00017829 systems that exist in the country. miiK6IrLXSU-00032-00017829-00018659 Others have found this out. The other agencies of the federal government are using continuum miiK6IrLXSU-00033-00018659-00019291 professional education to address public health imperatives. The Food and Drug Administration, miiK6IrLXSU-00034-00019291-00019820 Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Institutes of Drug Addiction are all using miiK6IrLXSU-00035-00019820-00020228 continuing professional education, much of it put on by organizations that are represented miiK6IrLXSU-00036-00020228-00020948 in this room to address the opioid addition, and the overuse and misuse of opioids. Second miiK6IrLXSU-00037-00020948-00021568 most common cause of accidental death in the United States today is due to prescription miiK6IrLXSU-00038-00021568-00022334 drugs. One in 10 of us are abusing a prescription medication in some manner. Agency for Health miiK6IrLXSU-00039-00022334-00023045 Research and Quality has used continuing education to deal with a comparative effectiveness research, miiK6IrLXSU-00040-00023045-00023394 and get that word out. miiK6IrLXSU-00041-00023394-00024034 So there's -- there is -- one of the only agencies -- Dr. Green, I draw this to your miiK6IrLXSU-00042-00024034-00024637 attention -- the only federal agency to give up its ACCME accreditation in the last decade miiK6IrLXSU-00043-00024637-00025315 is the NIH. So it's -- the others have come on board and started. So there is an opportunity miiK6IrLXSU-00044-00025315-00025772 for this organization to deal with it. There are others in the private sector that are miiK6IrLXSU-00045-00025772-00026239 also using continuing professional education. Some of them, you probably have something miiK6IrLXSU-00046-00026239-00026722 to do with: the world of inter-professional collaborative practice, patient safety, the miiK6IrLXSU-00047-00026722-00027277 opioid prescription. All of these people have started to use continuing professional education miiK6IrLXSU-00048-00027277-00027625 as a strategic asset in the fulfillment of their mission. miiK6IrLXSU-00049-00027625-00028064 And what we need to recognize, if we are, from the social science literature, if we're miiK6IrLXSU-00050-00028064-00028644 actually going to change what people do, we need to make these behaviors, both their intention miiK6IrLXSU-00051-00028644-00029255 and their habit, to do them. When people see people in practice it needs to be their intention miiK6IrLXSU-00052-00029255-00029831 to address the issues of genetics, it needs to be their habit. And that comes about through miiK6IrLXSU-00053-00029831-00030455 motivation; we talked about payment, and we talked about morbidity and mortality, but miiK6IrLXSU-00054-00030455-00031055 we need to create the facilitating conditions for this to occur. And education and continued miiK6IrLXSU-00055-00031055-00031459 professional education is one of those opportunities. miiK6IrLXSU-00056-00031459-00032119 If you think of your touch points in your professional life, of organizations that do miiK6IrLXSU-00057-00032119-00032903 accredited continuing medical education that you could impact, how many physicians in practice miiK6IrLXSU-00058-00032903-00033586 could the American Medical Association, the University of Chicago, Baylor, Harvard, Hopkins, miiK6IrLXSU-00059-00033586-00034424 how many places could you impact? Well, there are 20 million professional individuals who miiK6IrLXSU-00060-00034424-00034946 participate in the Accredited Continued Medical Education Enterprise in a year. Those are miiK6IrLXSU-00061-00034946-00035608 a lot of touch points. There are 130,000 activities that occur in the academic medical centers miiK6IrLXSU-00062-00035608-00036262 but they occur in the community hospitals and in the clinics where people teach. miiK6IrLXSU-00063-00036262-00036663 University of Chicago, they had an interesting program for their fellows and residents called miiK6IrLXSU-00064-00036663-00037237 "Beyond the Walls," where the residents and fellows in critical care and anesthesia go miiK6IrLXSU-00065-00037237-00037780 out of the university into the community to talk to organizations that impact their professional miiK6IrLXSU-00066-00037780-00038347 life. Somebody mentioned about getting "Beyond the Walls," Eugene, of the centers. But 20 miiK6IrLXSU-00067-00038347-00039169 million participants. Two million people participate in the continuing education programs of the miiK6IrLXSU-00068-00039169-00039724 people that are around the inside of this table. I didn't know about all of you being miiK6IrLXSU-00069-00039724-00040344 here. That number probably goes up three or four times. So you, as individuals, can impact miiK6IrLXSU-00070-00040344-00040933 the continuing professional education systems of the organizations that you operate in, miiK6IrLXSU-00071-00040933-00041774 and you can change what your learners know and how they interact with people. miiK6IrLXSU-00072-00041774-00042327 Accredited Continued Medical Education, the system that I am the CEO of, changed and created miiK6IrLXSU-00073-00042327-00043030 the facilitating conditions in 2006 for you to do this. We focused our rules and regulations miiK6IrLXSU-00074-00043030-00043624 on supporting change in knowledge, strategies, and performance-in-practice necessary to provide miiK6IrLXSU-00075-00043624-00044086 optimal patient care. Accredited education doesn't need to be convinced of anything; miiK6IrLXSU-00076-00044086-00044778 it is not the barrier to this. The barrier is getting the material into the point-of-care miiK6IrLXSU-00077-00044778-00045436 education and then delivering. You have CME providers who are -- would be delighted for miiK6IrLXSU-00078-00045436-00045633 you to phone. miiK6IrLXSU-00079-00045633-00046266 One of the things that happened -- I spent six months as a special adviser to the Office miiK6IrLXSU-00080-00046266-00046800 of National Drug Control Policy and the executive office of the president early in President miiK6IrLXSU-00081-00046800-00047644 Obama's first term. And it was a real honor to have this opportunity to show to people miiK6IrLXSU-00082-00047644-00048269 where the opportunities were for credited continuing education to be picked up and to miiK6IrLXSU-00083-00048269-00048881 be used by others in the system. And one of the things that they said was, "When we come miiK6IrLXSU-00084-00048881-00049565 to undergraduate and graduate education, we get told there's no room in the curriculum, miiK6IrLXSU-00085-00049565-00050205 there's no time for it." But accredited continuing education, every year, almost wipes the slate miiK6IrLXSU-00086-00050205-00050861 clean. The delivery system continues but the content gets renewed every year. So your opportunity miiK6IrLXSU-00087-00050861-00051108 to participate to engage in change. miiK6IrLXSU-00088-00051108-00051654 You need to know some of the lingo. If you'd go to the accredited education systems with miiK6IrLXSU-00089-00051654-00052241 additional practice gap, and not much of that has been clearly articulate yet here, but miiK6IrLXSU-00090-00052241-00052857 if you can address what it is that the practitioners are not doing, and if you can articulate what miiK6IrLXSU-00091-00052857-00053385 it is that you want to change in the people of there, you're going to have a very welcome miiK6IrLXSU-00092-00053385-00053927 audience. You're going to be very well-received and embraced. An example, a concrete example miiK6IrLXSU-00093-00053927-00054437 about what you can do is if you go to someone and say, "The professional practice gap is miiK6IrLXSU-00094-00054437-00054879 that the family docs, the pediatrician, someone is failing to check the genetic history." miiK6IrLXSU-00095-00054879-00055363 Or, failing to explain properly why genetic testing is -- that's the professional practice miiK6IrLXSU-00096-00055363-00055992 gap. They need to know, "Well, why is that?" Well, because they do not know what is known miiK6IrLXSU-00097-00055992-00056555 about genetics or genetic screening. That's what we want to effect their knowledge; the miiK6IrLXSU-00098-00056555-00057188 competency to effect medical knowledge or communication perhaps. miiK6IrLXSU-00099-00057188-00057587 The educational format that you want to use, Mira talked about point-of-care learning. miiK6IrLXSU-00100-00057587-00057936 But there's other formats. You might want to use something didactic followed by the miiK6IrLXSU-00101-00057936-00058449 use of standardized patients. And measurement of their success in the context of standardized miiK6IrLXSU-00102-00058449-00059091 patients or practice profile. You can change the facilitating condition, change how they miiK6IrLXSU-00103-00059091-00059746 practice. There is unequivocal educational literature evidence for the impact of using miiK6IrLXSU-00104-00059746-00060386 this process to change what it is that you want to change which may be what people do, miiK6IrLXSU-00105-00060386-00060765 may be what their strategies are, or may be simply what they know. Thank you. miiK6IrLXSU-00106-00060765-00060904 Marc Williams: Thank you very much. miiK6IrLXSU-00107-00060904-00061063 Murray Kopelow: Was that on time? miiK6IrLXSU-00108-00061063-00061622 Marc Williams:
Yeah. Absolutely. Great. And a couple comments and one question, and miiK6IrLXSU-00109-00061622-00062136 then we'll open it up. I'm assuming, at least taking leads from Dr. Nasca, that you must miiK6IrLXSU-00110-00062136-00062441 be a pulmonologist since we heard a bit about Boyle's Law right at the beginning there, miiK6IrLXSU-00111-00062441-00062541 so -- miiK6IrLXSU-00112-00062541-00062641 Murray Kopelow: No, I'm -- miiK6IrLXSU-00113-00062641-00062741 Marc Williams: -- that's great. miiK6IrLXSU-00114-00062741-00062841 Murray Kopelow: -- married to an anesthesiologist, a pediatrician. miiK6IrLXSU-00115-00062841-00063179 Marc Williams: Even better, all right. So this -- I also miiK6IrLXSU-00116-00063179-00063864 heard a takeaway there which is I think we need to go back to NIH related to the accreditation miiK6IrLXSU-00117-00063864-00064273 and CME issue. I noticed Teri furiously typing on that one already, so -- miiK6IrLXSU-00118-00064273-00064373 [laughter] miiK6IrLXSU-00119-00064373-00065052 -- I think that may have been a bit of a game changer. I'm -- was curious in the sense, miiK6IrLXSU-00120-00065052-00065628 I really hadn't appreciated the impact of having information flow back, the bidirectionality miiK6IrLXSU-00121-00065628-00066164 of the information. And I guess I'd like you to expand, if you would, just a bit about, miiK6IrLXSU-00122-00066164-00067158 given our content area, how you think we who have generally not been embedded within practice miiK6IrLXSU-00123-00067158-00067994 could more effectively communicate a practice level need back to our CME. Any suggestions miiK6IrLXSU-00124-00067994-00068094 that you might have for that. miiK6IrLXSU-00125-00068094-00068273 Murray Kopelow: Well, when I asked that question I was given miiK6IrLXSU-00126-00068273-00068896 Bloomberg article from September 2006. The, you know, the business about the misdiagnosis. miiK6IrLXSU-00127-00068896-00069464 I was also given your article from the last year or two years ago about what we could miiK6IrLXSU-00128-00069464-00070281 do about impacting and changing practice. Embedded in the Bloomberg article is the failure miiK6IrLXSU-00129-00070281-00070899 to have proper management systems or to know how to interpret results; that was the professional miiK6IrLXSU-00130-00070899-00071507 practice guide. Those are concretes. And I think it would be immensely valuable if you miiK6IrLXSU-00131-00071507-00072161 spent some time pulling out of your literature or out of -- from what you already know, the miiK6IrLXSU-00132-00072161-00072617 clear articulation of that so that you can go to the accredited provider. Because in miiK6IrLXSU-00133-00072617-00073155 each of your shops, there is an accredited provider, and if you can put on the table, miiK6IrLXSU-00134-00073155-00073672 this is a professional practice guide that we want to change, they will be the strategic miiK6IrLXSU-00135-00073672-00074120 asset of how to do it, what educational format and et cetera. miiK6IrLXSU-00136-00074120-00074429 Marc Williams: Great, thank you. I'll, again, just to highlight miiK6IrLXSU-00137-00074429-00075018 something that I took away from that is that that's a potential role in terms of synthesizing miiK6IrLXSU-00138-00075018-00075381 all of the gaps that we know exist in literature, that type of literature review, and putting miiK6IrLXSU-00139-00075381-00075913 it in one place could be a potential utility. There was a question up front. miiK6IrLXSU-00140-00075913-00076418 Katherine Johansen-Taber: Hi, so -- hi, Katie Johansen-Taber from American miiK6IrLXSU-00141-00076418-00077216 Medical Association. Since you brought up the example of the tying the -- being able miiK6IrLXSU-00142-00077216-00078088 to prescribe opioids to some sort of a educational certification, I wondered if there was a lesson miiK6IrLXSU-00143-00078088-00078612 that we can learn from that because there was a bit of backlash, and the AMA was one miiK6IrLXSU-00144-00078612-00079300 of the groups that opposed making education mandatory in order to have a DEA license or miiK6IrLXSU-00145-00079300-00080087 to be able to prescribe certain types of medication. And the reason for that position was a bit miiK6IrLXSU-00146-00080087-00081069 of a worry that it would -- it would create access problems for patients who did legitimately miiK6IrLXSU-00147-00081069-00081547 need this type of medication. And, you know, for some reason their physician had decided miiK6IrLXSU-00148-00081547-00081972 not to undergo the education, just didn't want to deal with it, didn't want to have miiK6IrLXSU-00149-00081972-00082163 to jump through all of the hoops. miiK6IrLXSU-00150-00082163-00082729 So is there some sort of lesson that we can learn from that type of situation, where if miiK6IrLXSU-00151-00082729-00083729 there was a way to tie education to the ability to order a genetic test or some other way miiK6IrLXSU-00152-00083729-00084321 to participate in practicing genetic services, is there a way to keep it from seeming like miiK6IrLXSU-00153-00084321-00084561 we're being exclusionary or possibly -- miiK6IrLXSU-00154-00084561-00084661 Murray Kopelow:
It is -- miiK6IrLXSU-00155-00084661-00084768 Katherine Johansen Taber: -- creating an access problem? miiK6IrLXSU-00156-00084768-00085234 Murray Kopelow: It's important to learn a lesson. And in my miiK6IrLXSU-00157-00085234-00085901 perception, the lesson with respect to the opioids is, why didn't we listen a decade miiK6IrLXSU-00158-00085901-00086657 ago? This conversation is occurring about something which is 10 years away from the miiK6IrLXSU-00159-00086657-00087247 Food and Drug Administration or someone saying, here is how genetic testing must be used because miiK6IrLXSU-00160-00087247-00087981 the patient's the public health is being jeopardized by the way we are practicing. So here we are, miiK6IrLXSU-00161-00087981-00088723 10 years away from that, and we have the opportunity to say yes. We have -- we have the -- I, as miiK6IrLXSU-00162-00088723-00089358 the CEO of the accrediting body for continuing education, separate from any advocacy positions miiK6IrLXSU-00163-00089358-00089972 of any of your organizations, is saying, we're living in -- let's learn from the past and miiK6IrLXSU-00164-00089972-00090673 from the experience of something where the profession didn't respond to this rising number miiK6IrLXSU-00165-00090673-00091404 of deaths, or the -- and do something. And that's the opportunity, so we're way early miiK6IrLXSU-00166-00091404-00091504 from anything else. miiK6IrLXSU-00167-00091504-00091823 Marc Williams: So, Bruce, while you're moving up to the podium, miiK6IrLXSU-00168-00091823-00091928 one quick question. miiK6IrLXSU-00169-00091928-00092320 Donna Arnett: Thank you, Marc. I really appreciate the organizers miiK6IrLXSU-00170-00092320-00092911 putting both the graduate medical education and the CME both front and center at the beginning miiK6IrLXSU-00171-00092911-00093381 of the meeting. From the American Heart Association's perspective, we deal with both these rare miiK6IrLXSU-00172-00093381-00094035 conditions that would require very specialized care, as well as common diseases that affects miiK6IrLXSU-00173-00094035-00094560 large segments of our population. And so when you think about how we're going to actually miiK6IrLXSU-00174-00094560-00095051 care for these common diseases where, you know, 70 million Americans have hypertension, miiK6IrLXSU-00175-00095051-00095529 or two-thirds of our population is obese, we're really going to have to expand through miiK6IrLXSU-00176-00095529-00096172 CME the educational level of multiple levels of practitioners from physicians to nurses miiK6IrLXSU-00177-00096172-00096383 to be able to deal with these common conditions. miiK6IrLXSU-00178-00096383-00096520 Marc Williams: Thank you. mjKl_HPHarI-00000-00000016-00000648 hey guys A'm chef Wong of fiery Pot kitchen and today i will show you how to prepare mjKl_HPHarI-00001-00000768-00001136 some chinese sticky wings mjKl_HPHarI-00002-00001344-00001736 in this case i would be baking them or you can deep fry them of your choice mjKl_HPHarI-00003-00001968-00002704 so if this is your first time watching my video i would appreciate if you would subscribe mjKl_HPHarI-00004-00002872-00003168 to my channel if you find it interesting mjKl_HPHarI-00005-00003360-00003872 also you can click on the bell that you can be notified of any new content mjKl_HPHarI-00006-00004192-00004528 so thanks for watching and i hope you watch this to the end mjKl_HPHarI-00007-00004704-00005384 let's get started in making this sticky chinese wings with sesame seed toppings mjKl_HPHarI-00008-00005592-00007184 okay these are all the ingredients that we would be using today mjKl_HPHarI-00009-00007336-00008008 so we would start by adding into this bowl all the mixture that we need mjKl_HPHarI-00010-00008159-00008584 like we're gonna add two tablespoons of ketchup mjKl_HPHarI-00011-00009832-00010064 we are two tablespoons of soy sauce mjKl_HPHarI-00012-00010528-00011384 tablespoon of sesame seed oil mjKl_HPHarI-00013-00011680-00011848 tablespoon of sesame oil mjKl_HPHarI-00014-00012480-00012960 a tablespoon one and a half tablespoon of crushed garlic mjKl_HPHarI-00015-00013344-00013632 two tablespoons of brown sugar mjKl_HPHarI-00016-00014080-00014400 a half tables teaspoon of white pepper mjKl_HPHarI-00017-00014904-00015584 two tablespoons of hoisin sauce mjKl_HPHarI-00018-00016184-00016984 two tablespoons of lemon juice or one whole sorry lime juice or one whole lime mjKl_HPHarI-00019-00017320-00017384 we have some mjKl_HPHarI-00020-00017768-00017818 some mjKl_HPHarI-00021-00018296-00018384 a rice wine mjKl_HPHarI-00022-00018848-00018976 you can add some onions mjKl_HPHarI-00023-00019424-00020040 and that so this ginger powder tablespoon of ginger mjKl_HPHarI-00024-00020160-00020480 powder this can either be ginger powder or fresh mjKl_HPHarI-00025-00020744-00021184 chopped diced ginger we mix this mjKl_HPHarI-00026-00022040-00022128 then we have base mjKl_HPHarI-00027-00022536-00023984 uh chicken wings mjKl_HPHarI-00028-00026864-00027312 and the amount of chicken i'm using the whole wings are five whole wings mjKl_HPHarI-00029-00027560-00028183 cut in half mjKl_HPHarI-00030-00032016-00032383 do mjKl_HPHarI-00031-00033792-00035184 maybe put these in the baker and bake these until they are golden brown mjKl_HPHarI-00032-00036192-00036242 you n1fz4cTityc-00000-00000101-00000443 Are you looking for the best transportation provider in Hawaii? n1fz4cTityc-00001-00000443-00000628 Choose Pono Express… n1fz4cTityc-00002-00000628-00000841 Your transportation made easier! n1fz4cTityc-00003-00000841-00001386 With a range of shuttles and private cars available we can meet your every need! n1fz4cTityc-00004-00001386-00001945 We offer tours and airport transfers for visitors to our beautiful islands, as well as transport n1fz4cTityc-00005-00001945-00002117 for flight crews. n1fz4cTityc-00006-00002117-00002527 And we work directly with insurers to offer reliable medical transfers. n1fz4cTityc-00007-00002527-00003027 We’re recognized for the premium-quality service we offer... that’s why many of the n1fz4cTityc-00008-00003027-00003454 top hotels link directly to our website for streamlined booking! n1fz4cTityc-00009-00003454-00003686 Call us now on 800-258-6880. n1fz4cTityc-00010-00003686-00004063 In a hurry? n1fz4cTityc-00011-00004063-00004405 Visit PonoExpress.com to save time and book online! n3IWSqV6WGu-00000-00000003-00000552 Okay so hey guys today I'm gonna make a review about assorted teas from Cameron Highlands. n3IWSqV6WGu-00001-00000552-00001278 Here we got strawberry flavoured, blackcurrant flavoured and also orange n3IWSqV6WGu-00002-00001278-00001910 flavored tea. So we gotta boil the water first and after the water is boiled I'll n3IWSqV6WGu-00003-00001910-00002860 start making the tea. For first try I'm gonna try strawberry flavoured tea. n3IWSqV6WGu-00004-00002860-00003401 Mostly for people who came to Cameron Highlands and buy these assorted teas they n3IWSqV6WGu-00005-00003401-00003853 got to choose this one because I don't know why maybe because it's classic and n3IWSqV6WGu-00006-00003853-00004607 it's the most popular among all of those assorted teas. For the second one I'm n3IWSqV6WGu-00007-00004607-00005323 going to try blackcurrant flavoured tea. And as you can see here it got the darkest color of n3IWSqV6WGu-00008-00005323-00005882 the tea among of those three. If you prefer to search both stronger aroma and n3IWSqV6WGu-00009-00005882-00006467 strong color of tea I prefer you to try this one. For the last one I'm n3IWSqV6WGu-00010-00006467-00007019 gonna try orange flavoured tea. For this one from the start I start making n3IWSqV6WGu-00011-00007019-00007625 the tea I can smell the strong aroma of the citrus itself. For the people who n3IWSqV6WGu-00012-00007625-00008200 mostly like to drink lemon tea for example I suggest you to try this too. n3IWSqV6WGu-00013-00008200-00008807 And that's the third cup of my tea for this morning so I guess that's all from me. n3IWSqV6WGu-00014-00008807-00009468 Thanks for watching! n5Quaz888CU-00000-00000010-00000083 PERMANENT COUNTY ATTORNEY BY MID n5Quaz888CU-00001-00000083-00000090 PERMANENT COUNTY ATTORNEY BY MID n5Quaz888CU-00002-00000090-00000280 PERMANENT COUNTY ATTORNEY BY MID NOVEMBER. n5Quaz888CU-00003-00000280-00000286 PERMANENT COUNTY ATTORNEY BY MID NOVEMBER. n5Quaz888CU-00004-00000286-00000453 PERMANENT COUNTY ATTORNEY BY MID NOVEMBER. >>> FOR ITS THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, n5Quaz888CU-00005-00000453-00000460 NOVEMBER. >>> FOR ITS THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, n5Quaz888CU-00006-00000460-00000577 NOVEMBER. >>> FOR ITS THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY HAS n5Quaz888CU-00007-00000577-00000583 >>> FOR ITS THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY HAS n5Quaz888CU-00008-00000583-00000730 >>> FOR ITS THIRD YEAR IN A ROW, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY HAS SEEN GROWTH IN ENROLLMENT AND n5Quaz888CU-00009-00000730-00000737 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY HAS SEEN GROWTH IN ENROLLMENT AND n5Quaz888CU-00010-00000737-00000897 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY HAS SEEN GROWTH IN ENROLLMENT AND HAS ITS HIGHEST NUMBER OF n5Quaz888CU-00011-00000897-00000904 SEEN GROWTH IN ENROLLMENT AND HAS ITS HIGHEST NUMBER OF n5Quaz888CU-00012-00000904-00001051 SEEN GROWTH IN ENROLLMENT AND HAS ITS HIGHEST NUMBER OF ENROLLED STUDENTS SINCE 2011. n5Quaz888CU-00013-00001051-00001057 HAS ITS HIGHEST NUMBER OF ENROLLED STUDENTS SINCE 2011. n5Quaz888CU-00014-00001057-00001244 HAS ITS HIGHEST NUMBER OF ENROLLED STUDENTS SINCE 2011. ACCORDING TO A RELEASE FROM n5Quaz888CU-00015-00001244-00001251 ENROLLED STUDENTS SINCE 2011. ACCORDING TO A RELEASE FROM n5Quaz888CU-00016-00001251-00001494 ENROLLED STUDENTS SINCE 2011. ACCORDING TO A RELEASE FROM BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY, n5Quaz888CU-00017-00001494-00001501 ACCORDING TO A RELEASE FROM BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY, n5Quaz888CU-00018-00001501-00001721 ACCORDING TO A RELEASE FROM BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY, 5,198 STUDENTS ARE CURRENTLY n5Quaz888CU-00019-00001721-00001728 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY, 5,198 STUDENTS ARE CURRENTLY n5Quaz888CU-00020-00001728-00001911 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY, 5,198 STUDENTS ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN CLASSES, WHICH IS AN n5Quaz888CU-00021-00001911-00001918 5,198 STUDENTS ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN CLASSES, WHICH IS AN n5Quaz888CU-00022-00001918-00002292 5,198 STUDENTS ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN CLASSES, WHICH IS AN INCREASE OF 78 STUDENTS. n5Quaz888CU-00023-00002292-00002298 ENROLLED IN CLASSES, WHICH IS AN INCREASE OF 78 STUDENTS. n5Quaz888CU-00024-00002298-00002489 ENROLLED IN CLASSES, WHICH IS AN INCREASE OF 78 STUDENTS. BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE n5Quaz888CU-00025-00002489-00002495 INCREASE OF 78 STUDENTS. BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE n5Quaz888CU-00026-00002495-00002639 INCREASE OF 78 STUDENTS. BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE ENROLLMENT HAVE INCREASED OVER n5Quaz888CU-00027-00002639-00002645 BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE ENROLLMENT HAVE INCREASED OVER n5Quaz888CU-00028-00002645-00002836 BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE ENROLLMENT HAVE INCREASED OVER 2016 TOTALS. n5Quaz888CU-00029-00002836-00002842 ENROLLMENT HAVE INCREASED OVER 2016 TOTALS. n5Quaz888CU-00030-00002842-00002972 ENROLLMENT HAVE INCREASED OVER 2016 TOTALS. BSU'S TOTAL HEAD COUNT n5Quaz888CU-00031-00002972-00002979 2016 TOTALS. BSU'S TOTAL HEAD COUNT n5Quaz888CU-00032-00002979-00003166 2016 TOTALS. BSU'S TOTAL HEAD COUNT ENROLLMENT INCLUDES 4,833 n5Quaz888CU-00033-00003166-00003173 BSU'S TOTAL HEAD COUNT ENROLLMENT INCLUDES 4,833 n5Quaz888CU-00034-00003173-00003296 BSU'S TOTAL HEAD COUNT ENROLLMENT INCLUDES 4,833 UNDERGRADUATES, AN INCREASE OF n5Quaz888CU-00035-00003296-00003303 ENROLLMENT INCLUDES 4,833 UNDERGRADUATES, AN INCREASE OF n5Quaz888CU-00036-00003303-00003446 ENROLLMENT INCLUDES 4,833 UNDERGRADUATES, AN INCREASE OF 38 STUDENTS FROM A YEAR AGO AND n5Quaz888CU-00037-00003446-00003453 UNDERGRADUATES, AN INCREASE OF 38 STUDENTS FROM A YEAR AGO AND n5Quaz888CU-00038-00003453-00003616 UNDERGRADUATES, AN INCREASE OF 38 STUDENTS FROM A YEAR AGO AND THE SEVENTH HIGHEST FALL TOTAL n5Quaz888CU-00039-00003616-00003623 38 STUDENTS FROM A YEAR AGO AND THE SEVENTH HIGHEST FALL TOTAL n5Quaz888CU-00040-00003623-00003760 38 STUDENTS FROM A YEAR AGO AND THE SEVENTH HIGHEST FALL TOTAL EVER RECORDED AT BSU. n5Quaz888CU-00041-00003760-00003767 THE SEVENTH HIGHEST FALL TOTAL EVER RECORDED AT BSU. n5Quaz888CU-00042-00003767-00003927 THE SEVENTH HIGHEST FALL TOTAL EVER RECORDED AT BSU. THE TOTAL ENROLLMENT ALSO n5Quaz888CU-00043-00003927-00003933 EVER RECORDED AT BSU. THE TOTAL ENROLLMENT ALSO n5Quaz888CU-00044-00003933-00004107 EVER RECORDED AT BSU. THE TOTAL ENROLLMENT ALSO INCLUDES 365 GRADUATE STUDENTS, n65nR6Eb04U-00000-00000024-00000516 Competency frameworks in Moodle 3.2 n65nR6Eb04U-00001-00000622-00000861 Competency frameworks can be imported n65nR6Eb04U-00002-00000861-00001183 into your site and existing frameworks n65nR6Eb04U-00003-00001183-00001423 can be exported for use in other sites. n65nR6Eb04U-00004-00001423-00001705 Competency frameworks may be shared with n65nR6Eb04U-00005-00001705-00001841 the community. n65nR6Eb04U-00006-00001914-00002197 The competency framework is in CSV n65nR6Eb04U-00007-00002197-00002475 format and has certain required fields n65nR6Eb04U-00008-00002478-00002696 and other optional fields. n65nR6Eb04U-00009-00002700-00003009 You can check the correct format by using one of the n65nR6Eb04U-00010-00003009-00003286 contributed competency frameworks in the n65nR6Eb04U-00011-00003286-00003494 repository on moodle.net, n65nR6Eb04U-00012-00003494-00003792 or by exporting a framework you already have n65nR6Eb04U-00013-00003793-00004029 from the export competency framework n65nR6Eb04U-00014-00004029-00004326 link in site administration. n65nR6Eb04U-00015-00004487-00004793 To import a file, once it's been created, n65nR6Eb04U-00016-00004793-00005126 a site administrator or manager, accesses n65nR6Eb04U-00017-00005126-00005530 import competency framework in the site administration. n65nR6Eb04U-00018-00005600-00005858 Usually, the default settings are the n65nR6Eb04U-00019-00005858-00006148 ones you need and so, once the file is n65nR6Eb04U-00020-00006148-00006392 uploaded you can confirm the column n65nR6Eb04U-00021-00006392-00006700 mappings and confirm. n65nR6Eb04U-00022-00007127-00007465 If we now go to competency frameworks n65nR6Eb04U-00023-00007465-00007696 we see the imported framework is available n65nR6Eb04U-00024-00007696-00007962 for use in courses. n65nR6Eb04U-00025-00007962-00008307 To summarise, competency frameworks may n65nR6Eb04U-00026-00008307-00008724 be imported, exported and shared in n65nR6Eb04U-00027-00008724-00008954 Moodle 3.2 n7rg2dCvKVY-00000-00000037-00000337 Ever since CGI permeated mainstream media, n7rg2dCvKVY-00001-00000337-00000637 there seems to be a cinematic tendency towards n7rg2dCvKVY-00002-00000637-00000883 spectacular visuals in film, that, n7rg2dCvKVY-00003-00000883-00001408 at least to me, kind of eclipses other aspects of filmmaking altogether n7rg2dCvKVY-00004-00001441-00001587 Now I haven't seen this film yet, n7rg2dCvKVY-00005-00001587-00001962 but I've read and heard plenty about Tenet's god-awful sound mixing n7rg2dCvKVY-00006-00001962-00002170 to know where to aim. n7rg2dCvKVY-00007-00002170-00002483 The last few years have been flooded with VFX-heavy battle sequences n7rg2dCvKVY-00008-00002483-00002729 and CGI-intensive visuals, n7rg2dCvKVY-00009-00002729-00003116 and don't get me wrong, I don't mind them, it's just, um... n7rg2dCvKVY-00010-00003116-00003483 it seems that, with all this excess, we've somehow forgotten n7rg2dCvKVY-00011-00003483-00003725 about how to tell a good story along the way. n7rg2dCvKVY-00012-00003787-00004087 As if mainstream franchise filmmaking n7rg2dCvKVY-00013-00004087-00004387 has become insincere and disingenuous. n7rg2dCvKVY-00014-00004450-00004850 So, yes, this may seem pedantic, but I want to go back to the basics. n7rg2dCvKVY-00015-00004850-00005233 I want to take a look at a classic anti-blockbuster and see how it's narrated n7rg2dCvKVY-00016-00005233-00005483 through filmmaking fundamentals. n7rg2dCvKVY-00017-00005483-00005675 So in this video I want to talk about n7rg2dCvKVY-00018-00005675-00006029 Robert Bresson's 1956 picture "A Man Escaped". n7rg2dCvKVY-00019-00006908-00007237 A visually austere film, A Man Escaped takes place n7rg2dCvKVY-00020-00007237-00007537 almost exclusively inside of a prison. n7rg2dCvKVY-00021-00007537-00007908 SPOILER ALERT: the main storyline follows Fontaine's efforts n7rg2dCvKVY-00022-00007908-00008258 to escape the compound without alerting anyone. n7rg2dCvKVY-00023-00008320-00008483 He has to plan everything out, n7rg2dCvKVY-00024-00008483-00008812 from sharpening spoons to dismantling doors, n7rg2dCvKVY-00025-00008812-00009004 mostly inside of his cell; n7rg2dCvKVY-00026-00009004-00009416 and so the question arises: how does Bresson achieve tension n7rg2dCvKVY-00027-00009416-00009816 when most of the action is confined to such a small space? n7rg2dCvKVY-00028-00009966-00010316 For me, even though the camerawork is fantastic, n7rg2dCvKVY-00029-00010316-00010791 I think what surprised me most about this film was its creative use of sound. n7rg2dCvKVY-00030-00010791-00011416 You see, throughout A Man Escaped, sound plays an integral part in telling Fonatine's story. n7rg2dCvKVY-00031-00011416-00011875 He spends long amounts of time either trying not to make a sound, n7rg2dCvKVY-00032-00011875-00012154 or listening for sounds other people make, n7rg2dCvKVY-00033-00012154-00012404 whether they be allies or enemies. n7rg2dCvKVY-00034-00012512-00012883 Take a look, and a listen, at this shot, for example. n7rg2dCvKVY-00035-00013654-00013920 This scene happens really early on, and, n7rg2dCvKVY-00036-00013920-00014037 to be honest, n7rg2dCvKVY-00037-00014037-00014316 if it weren't for the obvious close-up of the key n7rg2dCvKVY-00038-00014316-00014566 you might just quickly forget it. n7rg2dCvKVY-00039-00014566-00014841 But this same sound comes into play later on, n7rg2dCvKVY-00040-00014841-00015079 while Fontaine is working on his escape. n7rg2dCvKVY-00041-00015291-00015591 He hears the key rattle against the stairwell and, n7rg2dCvKVY-00042-00015591-00015866 without showing us this explicitly, n7rg2dCvKVY-00043-00015866-00016408 we know the prison guard is on his way, so Fontaine stays silent. n7rg2dCvKVY-00044-00016408-00016687 It's a clever way of using Chekhov's gun n7rg2dCvKVY-00045-00016687-00017245 in such a way that isn't either visual or story-driven. n7rg2dCvKVY-00046-00017308-00017566 Another great example of constrained storytelling n7rg2dCvKVY-00047-00017566-00017854 happens right near the end, so again, n7rg2dCvKVY-00048-00017854-00018258 MEGA SPOILER ALERT in three seconds. Ready? n7rg2dCvKVY-00049-00018258-00018533 Fontaine and his now new companion Jost n7rg2dCvKVY-00050-00018533-00018895 have escaped their cell and now need to traverse a gap n7rg2dCvKVY-00051-00018895-00019341 between two huge walls by crawling across a rope. n7rg2dCvKVY-00052-00019470-00019791 After all their hard work to get to this point, n7rg2dCvKVY-00053-00019791-00020091 it seems a relatively easy task, but n7rg2dCvKVY-00054-00020091-00020370 the only thing impeding their escape n7rg2dCvKVY-00055-00020370-00020758 is a German soldier patrolling the grounds on his bicycle. n7rg2dCvKVY-00056-00021979-00022508 Fontaine and Jost have to listen for the fascist on his bike to time their escape, n7rg2dCvKVY-00057-00022508-00023087 and while we can't physically see him, we can kind of estimate his whereabouts. n7rg2dCvKVY-00058-00023191-00023520 Now, this happens a few times throughout the film. n7rg2dCvKVY-00059-00023520-00024066 We are placed on the same playing field as Fontaine, able to hear but not to see, n7rg2dCvKVY-00060-00024066-00024450 the night forcing us into this kind of silence n7rg2dCvKVY-00061-00024450-00024750 in order to make sense of the whole situation. n7rg2dCvKVY-00062-00026025-00026545 In an earlier example, we know Fontaine has to incapacitate a prison guard, n7rg2dCvKVY-00063-00026545-00026991 so he and Jost can advance, but the only way to do this is to get close to him; n7rg2dCvKVY-00064-00026991-00027404 and so he hides behind a wall, waiting for him to come closer. n7rg2dCvKVY-00065-00031616-00032125 Because of where the camera is positioned, we can’t know for sure where the guard actually is; n7rg2dCvKVY-00066-00032125-00033000 In fact, the killing takes place off-screen, making us tense up even further until we finally see the outcome. n7rg2dCvKVY-00067-00033000-00033762 It’s in these moments of near-silence that a good amount of storytelling and tension is made. n7rg2dCvKVY-00068-00033762-00034108 Silence is not a relief, but a threat. n7rg2dCvKVY-00069-00034108-00034654 And in prison, silence is all too common. n7rg2dCvKVY-00070-00034891-00035412 Now, it must of been right about now in the editing process where I kind of realised n7rg2dCvKVY-00071-00035412-00035675 the connection between this scene n7rg2dCvKVY-00072-00035675-00036075 and the train covering up the murder in The Godfather n7rg2dCvKVY-00073-00036075-00036537 you know, that scene. Spoilers. n7rg2dCvKVY-00074-00037004-00037320 To wrap things up, I'm going to speak of silence. n7rg2dCvKVY-00075-00037320-00037945 You see, in this film, the fascists who imprison Fontaine try to monopolise speech. n7rg2dCvKVY-00076-00037945-00038545 They try to silence every single prisoner, whether by ordering them to shut their mouths, verbally, n7rg2dCvKVY-00077-00038654-00039233 or by physically “silencing” them, with a bullet, for like, forever. n7rg2dCvKVY-00078-00039233-00039808 I believe that by placing the story in jail, Bresson brilliantly creates a parallel n7rg2dCvKVY-00079-00039808-00040450 between the microcosmos of a prison and the oppression of a totalitarian occupation. n7rg2dCvKVY-00080-00040450-00040891 As George Orwell says in his article Fascism and Democracy, n7rg2dCvKVY-00081-00042241-00042683 And so Bresson places all these different characters from various walks of life n7rg2dCvKVY-00082-00042683-00043250 together in a prison controlled by fascists to symbolize this. n7rg2dCvKVY-00083-00043250-00043612 They ask the prisoners for silence day after day, n7rg2dCvKVY-00084-00043612-00043937 and through it they believe they control them - n7rg2dCvKVY-00085-00043937-00044312 although unbeknownst to them, it’s in this very silence n7rg2dCvKVY-00086-00044312-00044629 that Fontaine plans his escape. n7rg2dCvKVY-00087-00044629-00044912 It’s through sound, or rather, n7rg2dCvKVY-00088-00044912-00045212 the absence of its excess, n7rg2dCvKVY-00089-00045212-00045558 that the story is told. nyIZ-Id5P6U-00000-00000000-00000200 FREE DOWNLOAD IN DESCRIPTION nBUnauWLthu-00000-00000000-00001122 Alright folks this is gopro's last chance just purchased the GoPro Hero 11 black and I tell you nBUnauWLthu-00001-00001122-00001602 what I've had a bit of a love-hate relationship with GoPros I had the hero4 silver back in the day nBUnauWLthu-00002-00001680-00002286 and I used to switch itself on in my rucksack it was a bit glitchy so that got sold on then nBUnauWLthu-00003-00002286-00002892 I had the GoPro Hero 7 black which actually wasn't too bad occasionally it was freeze have nBUnauWLthu-00004-00002892-00003329 to whip out the battery to get working again but on the whole it was a good little camera nBUnauWLthu-00005-00003426-00004068 then I bought a DJI osmo action which replaced the GoPro Hero 7 and that worked absolutely fine nBUnauWLthu-00006-00004068-00004548 great little camera switched on and off never glitched just worked all the time nBUnauWLthu-00007-00004704-00005154 alright folks I'm doing a comparison here I've got a DJI osmo action on one nBUnauWLthu-00008-00005154-00005598 hand the GoPro Hero 11 in the other can you tell which one is which? nBUnauWLthu-00009-00005808-00006306 so this is the audio from the GoPro testing testing one two three this nBUnauWLthu-00010-00006306-00006930 is the audio from the DJI testing testing one two three now we've got forward facing nBUnauWLthu-00011-00006930-00007523 footage I can' confirm the DJI is on the left the GoPro is on the right nBUnauWLthu-00012-00008052-00008736 audio from the GoPro testing testing one two three audio from the DJI testing testing one nBUnauWLthu-00013-00008736-00009522 two three how's that sounding folks and I've had to the osmo action since September 2020 so yeah nBUnauWLthu-00014-00009522-00009972 it's about two years old now and still works fine but it's just getting a little bit dated nBUnauWLthu-00015-00010062-00010722 so I bought a GoPro Hero 10 earlier this year and it was just an absolute glitch nightmare it was nBUnauWLthu-00016-00010722-00011436 switching off it was um overheating just wouldn't work so I returned it with the GoPro 30 day no nBUnauWLthu-00017-00011436-00012168 quibble guarantee and I kept using the DJI Osmo action after that then the GoPro Hero 11 came out nBUnauWLthu-00018-00012168-00012810 which is what I'm filming on now I just thought I'll take a plunge I'll buy it so the footage nBUnauWLthu-00019-00012810-00013332 you're seeing now is on the GoPro Hero 11 and so far so good I've been testing it all weekend it's nBUnauWLthu-00020-00013332-00013841 switched on it's switched off it's been working touchwood not had any glitches so far with a nBUnauWLthu-00021-00013841-00014424 weekend of using it so really this is a quick video to give you a real-term sort of review of nBUnauWLthu-00022-00014424-00015119 how I'm getting on and reading comments on a lot of the reviews on YouTube the 11 does seem to be nBUnauWLthu-00023-00015119-00015786 more stable but I still think there are glitchy units out there if you're unlucky so there is a nBUnauWLthu-00024-00015786-00016313 seems to be an element of pot luck on this sort of unit you get and will it work or will it not nBUnauWLthu-00025-00016740-00017358 so I was just doing a time lapse there I'm sorry I should say hyperlapse or TimeWarp as GoPro call it nBUnauWLthu-00026-00017358-00017802 and the great thing about it is you can come out of the timewarp nBUnauWLthu-00027-00017862-00018450 and then do a little video and then you can go back into the timewarp so yeah the timewarp nBUnauWLthu-00028-00018450-00018924 feature there but it's got a little speed ramp you can come out slow back down your normal speed nBUnauWLthu-00029-00018924-00019764 or even half speed and you ramp it back up so it's a really cool feature I'm currently just nBUnauWLthu-00030-00019764-00020400 using the built in audio I don't have the wind reduction set on I'm not using any wind Slayer so nBUnauWLthu-00031-00020400-00020952 what you're hearing is straight out the camera with nothing to prevent the wind interfering nBUnauWLthu-00032-00020952-00021792 shoot straight into the sun oh does that look is that good content that'll give you an idea nBUnauWLthu-00033-00021966-00022524 looks like also got 10 bit color switched on as well and I don't nBUnauWLthu-00034-00022524-00023040 do any color grading so what you're seeing just now is straight the box nBUnauWLthu-00035-00023040-00024144 I'll tell you what I like as well as the Horizon look hopefully I'm tilting that about 45 degrees nBUnauWLthu-00036-00024144-00024996 I'll tilt it another 45 degrees hopefully I'll have it moved and apparently you can do a 360 nBUnauWLthu-00037-00025230-00025512 see what that looks like when I edit the video tonight nBUnauWLthu-00038-00026682-00027389 so I've got the Enduro battery in this I charged up on Friday today is Sunday I've been doing lots nBUnauWLthu-00039-00027389-00028062 of little Random clips and I have 25 percent battery left so it seems to be quite good it's nBUnauWLthu-00040-00028062-00028716 quite chilly today as well so uh the batteries do seem to last a bit longer deliberately shooting nBUnauWLthu-00041-00028716-00029327 with the sun behind me see how the lens copes with that it's really bright late autumn day today nBUnauWLthu-00042-00029633-00030042 what we'll do now is I'll show you the stabilization I'll go for a quick jog nBUnauWLthu-00043-00030420-00031206 I've got a little bit of Shake in my tripod here so hopefully it'll iron that out for me nBUnauWLthu-00044-00031260-00031962 swap hands how;s that looking? do a little bit of tilt nBUnauWLthu-00045-00031962-00032082 see if the Horizon lock is working nBUnauWLthu-00046-00032460-00033102 now I'll turn and face it this way come on Luna let's go let's go how's the footage looking nBUnauWLthu-00047-00033468-00033696 I'll bob up my hand a bit more nBUnauWLthu-00048-00034302-00034548 yeah so I mentioned earlier I'm shooting on 4K nBUnauWLthu-00049-00034662-00035256 30 frames per second and I'm in linear with the Horizon look so what we'll do nBUnauWLthu-00050-00035256-00035616 is I'll change up a bit just to show you some more footage before I finish off this video nBUnauWLthu-00051-00035820-00036360 right so I'm on 4K 60 frames per second and this is the activity super View nBUnauWLthu-00052-00036420-00036816 I'll put my arm a bit more what's the footage like we'll spin around nBUnauWLthu-00053-00037056-00037398 I've only got a short selfie stick here I'll extend it nBUnauWLthu-00054-00037578-00037794 how's that looking that's my arm fully stretched nBUnauWLthu-00055-00038238-00038502 how's the footage looking guys can you hear me nBUnauWLthu-00056-00038502-00038808 alright at this distance arm full outstretched with the selfie stick nBUnauWLthu-00057-00039048-00039456 this is still the super View the 4K 60 frames per second nBUnauWLthu-00058-00039696-00039954 I will edit this video in 30 frames per second nBUnauWLthu-00059-00040836-00041562 okay folks I'm back on 4K 30 frames per second in linear mode I was just on a slow-mo the slow-mo nBUnauWLthu-00060-00041562-00042186 drops it down to 2K but it's 240 frames per second so you can really slow that down so I've nBUnauWLthu-00061-00042186-00042564 done a little bit of footage of the dog just jumping up for a treat I'll show you that now nBUnauWLthu-00062-00044330-00044430 [Music] nBUnauWLthu-00063-00044430-00044544 Luna catch nBUnauWLthu-00064-00044856-00044880 foreign nBUnauWLthu-00065-00046026-00046596 there's also some other really cool features you've got the light painting you can do the nBUnauWLthu-00066-00046596-00047136 uh the light Trails for cars and you've got the star Trail mode as well so I'm really looking nBUnauWLthu-00067-00047136-00047730 forward to trying them out and particularly the star one on wild camps you do the night lapses as nBUnauWLthu-00068-00047730-00048318 well and just a regular time lapse and I showed you the timewarp as well that's me down to 14% nBUnauWLthu-00069-00048318-00048876 battery and true GoPro fashion it did drop down to seven percent battery then it jumped back up nBUnauWLthu-00070-00048876-00049428 to 17% and now I'm at 14%. so I'm going to wrap this video up hope you find it useful it's not nBUnauWLthu-00071-00049428-00049992 intended to be an in-depth review I just wanted to share some footage what to expect for the GoPro nBUnauWLthu-00072-00049992-00050586 how I'm getting on with it so far and uh other than that I'll catch you next one cheers guys nHzV0E7ygTI-00000-00000894-00001414 Horukara–So Daechang jeongol nHzV0E7ygTI-00001-00001414-00002106 Materials:small intestines,buttons,soft tofu nHzV0E7ygTI-00002-00002106-00002914 Stir-fry daechang in a pan for about 3 minutes. nHzV0E7ygTI-00005-00003314-00004326 This dish is the 'Hidden Card' dish that Sunyoung's parents put out after much consideration. nHzV0E7ygTI-00025-00011904-00012480 Cover and boil (middle heat) nHzV0E7ygTI-00026-00012480-00012976 Heat the earthen pot from another fire. nHzV0E7ygTI-00029-00013376-00014097 I often see it without overflowing. nHzV0E7ygTI-00037-00015497-00015846 Soft tofu plop~ nHzV0E7ygTI-00038-00015846-00016748 Soft tofu is irrelevant to the seasoning. nHzV0E7ygTI-00044-00017486-00017760 Subscribe, like nHzV0E7ygTI-00046-00017930-00018694 Transfer to a heated earthen pot. nHzV0E7ygTI-00051-00019458-00020132 Add chives and sesame seeds and it's done. nHzV0E7ygTI-00055-00020732-00021266 It's my first taste of daechang-jjigae nHzV0E7ygTI-00056-00021266-00022166 Oh, my God, I've never tasted anything like this before! nHzV0E7ygTI-00058-00022216-00023072 The only taste in the world~ Horukara nLFyRxIRQBo-00000-00000592-00001166 The concept of personality is something which has always fascinated the psychology community. nLFyRxIRQBo-00001-00001166-00001325 What makes us who we are? nLFyRxIRQBo-00002-00001325-00001626 Why do some people behave and act in certain ways? nLFyRxIRQBo-00003-00001626-00002032 How is our personality different from the people around us? nLFyRxIRQBo-00004-00002032-00002451 In a previous video, we talked about the Myers-Briggs test. nLFyRxIRQBo-00005-00002451-00002896 If you haven’t already watched this video, you can check it out after watching this one. nLFyRxIRQBo-00006-00002896-00003403 But in this video, we’ll take a closer look at the Myers-Briggs test - a method of sorting nLFyRxIRQBo-00007-00003403-00003683 and categorizing different personalities. nLFyRxIRQBo-00008-00003683-00004089 Curious about what personality type you identify with? nLFyRxIRQBo-00009-00004089-00004635 Let's take a closer look at each possible results on this famous test. nLFyRxIRQBo-00010-00004635-00004996 ISTJ - The Inspector. nLFyRxIRQBo-00011-00004996-00005305 The first result is known as "the inspector". nLFyRxIRQBo-00012-00005305-00005867 The letters in this results stand for Introverted Sensing Thinking and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00013-00005867-00006162 These people are serious and highly logical. nLFyRxIRQBo-00014-00006162-00006715 They might even be intimidating to some people because they tend to be very serious and formal. nLFyRxIRQBo-00015-00006715-00007220 But overall, ISTJ individuals are proper, calm and traditional. nLFyRxIRQBo-00016-00007220-00007838 Funnily enough, these people are often misunderstood, perhaps because they often seem very serious. nLFyRxIRQBo-00017-00007838-00008596 In reality, they value social responsibility and are very ethical. nLFyRxIRQBo-00018-00008596-00009129 INFJ - The Counselor. nLFyRxIRQBo-00019-00009129-00009627 Next we have "the counselors", who often have a unique outlook on life because they always nLFyRxIRQBo-00020-00009627-00009937 look deeper than what's happening on the surface. nLFyRxIRQBo-00021-00009937-00010547 The letters in this result stand for Introverted Feeling and Judging with the N representing nLFyRxIRQBo-00022-00010547-00010747 Intuition. nLFyRxIRQBo-00023-00010747-00011285 Also known as the advocate, these people are generally seen as diplomats. nLFyRxIRQBo-00024-00011285-00011765 These people are usually very creative with the ability to view concepts in a much deeper nLFyRxIRQBo-00025-00011765-00012261 way than others, and they never accept things at face value. nLFyRxIRQBo-00026-00012261-00012792 Sometimes other people see INFJ types as a little eccentric. nLFyRxIRQBo-00027-00012792-00013266 INTJ - The Mastermind. nLFyRxIRQBo-00028-00013266-00013635 INTJ types are seriously deep thinkers. nLFyRxIRQBo-00029-00013635-00014256 A more traditional introvert type, these individuals tend to work better alone and can comfortably nLFyRxIRQBo-00030-00014256-00014657 handle long periods of time without any human contact. nLFyRxIRQBo-00031-00014657-00015263 The letters in this result stand for Introverted Thinking Judging and Intuition. nLFyRxIRQBo-00032-00015263-00015756 These individuals love to develop elaborate strategies and they hate it when things don't nLFyRxIRQBo-00033-00015756-00016178 go according to their carefully laid out plans. nLFyRxIRQBo-00034-00016178-00016555 ENFJ - The Giver. nLFyRxIRQBo-00035-00016555-00016894 Our next personality type is famous for helping others. nLFyRxIRQBo-00036-00016894-00017336 These people are often extremely ethical and highly idealistic. nLFyRxIRQBo-00037-00017336-00017776 They love to connect with others and flex their charismatic muscles. nLFyRxIRQBo-00038-00017776-00018456 The letters in this result stand for Extraverted Intuition Feeling and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00039-00018456-00018979 These people trust their gut instinct and intuition more than most, and sometimes get nLFyRxIRQBo-00040-00018979-00019403 a little disconnected from the real world around them because of it. nLFyRxIRQBo-00041-00019403-00020070 ENFJ types constantly have one eye on the future for better or for worse. nLFyRxIRQBo-00042-00020070-00020418 ISTP - The Craftsman. nLFyRxIRQBo-00043-00020418-00020790 This is probably one of the hardest personality types to spot. nLFyRxIRQBo-00044-00020790-00021006 They're also famous for being very hands-on. nLFyRxIRQBo-00045-00021006-00021615 They keep their cards held very close to their chests and don't give away too much about nLFyRxIRQBo-00046-00021615-00021912 their inner feelings and motives. nLFyRxIRQBo-00047-00021912-00022311 People have a hard time figuring out ISTP types. nLFyRxIRQBo-00048-00022311-00023078 The letters in this result represent Introverted Sensing Thinking and Perceiving. nLFyRxIRQBo-00049-00023078-00023570 Sometimes these individuals suddenly act with great spontaneity thoroughly surprising those nLFyRxIRQBo-00050-00023570-00023705 around them. nLFyRxIRQBo-00051-00023705-00024412 Often, ISTP types secretly want to be a lot more wild than they allow themselves to be. nLFyRxIRQBo-00052-00024412-00024619 ESFJ - The Provider. nLFyRxIRQBo-00053-00024619-00025216 Hen most people think about what the word extrovert means, ESFJ individuals are the nLFyRxIRQBo-00054-00025216-00025393 ones that come to mind. nLFyRxIRQBo-00055-00025393-00025858 They don't just excel when it comes to social interaction, they crave it. nLFyRxIRQBo-00056-00025858-00026376 They love being in the spotlight, but they're also committed to helping those in need. nLFyRxIRQBo-00057-00026376-00027013 The letters in this result stem for Extroverted Sensing Feeling and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00058-00027013-00027573 If you're at a party, ESFJ types are the ones getting all the attention, they probably helped nLFyRxIRQBo-00059-00027573-00027811 organize the event too. nLFyRxIRQBo-00060-00027811-00028344 Out of all the personality types, these individuals are the easiest to spot and they're quite nLFyRxIRQBo-00061-00028344-00028856 common as well, making up roughly 12% of the population. nLFyRxIRQBo-00062-00028856-00029227 INFP - The Idealist. nLFyRxIRQBo-00063-00029227-00029760 These introverts are usually pretty superstitious, seeing signs and symbols everywhere in daily nLFyRxIRQBo-00064-00029760-00029860 life. nLFyRxIRQBo-00065-00029860-00030237 They prefer to be alone where they can contemplate the deeper meaning of life. nLFyRxIRQBo-00066-00030237-00030873 They are extremely imaginative, often diving deep into their own fantasies and dreams. nLFyRxIRQBo-00067-00030873-00031575 The letters of this results represent Introversion Intuition Feeling and Perception. nLFyRxIRQBo-00068-00031575-00032106 These people are seriously reluctant to talk about themselves especially with strangers. nLFyRxIRQBo-00069-00032106-00032606 On the other hand, they're more willing to spend time with those who have similar values. nLFyRxIRQBo-00070-00032606-00032807 ESPF - The Performer. nLFyRxIRQBo-00071-00032807-00033286 Tons of actors are ESPF types. nLFyRxIRQBo-00072-00033286-00033909 These individuals don't just enjoy being in the spotlight, they thrive in these situations. nLFyRxIRQBo-00073-00033909-00034333 They're usually very good at capturing our attention and can hold down an interesting nLFyRxIRQBo-00074-00034333-00034591 conversation for hours on end. nLFyRxIRQBo-00075-00034591-00035228 The letters of this result stand for Extroverted Sensing Perceiving and Feeling. nLFyRxIRQBo-00076-00035228-00035876 Apart from being great performers, ESPF types genuinely care about the well-being of others nLFyRxIRQBo-00077-00035876-00036210 and are extremely friendly. nLFyRxIRQBo-00078-00036210-00036491 ENFP - The Champion. nLFyRxIRQBo-00079-00036491-00036772 This personality type is a born winner. nLFyRxIRQBo-00080-00036772-00037171 They dance to the beat of their own drum and carve their own path in life. nLFyRxIRQBo-00081-00037171-00037709 If these people don't have the chance to fully express their individualism and unique goals, nLFyRxIRQBo-00082-00037709-00037900 they won't be very happy. nLFyRxIRQBo-00083-00037900-00038509 They're also very sociable and they love spending time with others and forging real connections. nLFyRxIRQBo-00084-00038509-00039197 The letters in this result stand for Extraverted Intuition Feeling and Perception. nLFyRxIRQBo-00085-00039197-00039780 These people are guided by their feelings but are extremely thoughtful and insightful. nLFyRxIRQBo-00086-00039780-00040147 ESTP- The Doer. nLFyRxIRQBo-00087-00040147-00040663 These folks are all about getting their hands dirty and enjoying personal freedom in everyday nLFyRxIRQBo-00088-00040663-00040776 life. nLFyRxIRQBo-00089-00040776-00041251 They don't like rules and they won't let little obstacles hold them back from experiencing nLFyRxIRQBo-00090-00041251-00041483 all that life has to offer. nLFyRxIRQBo-00091-00041483-00042098 These individuals don't worry about abstract ideas and will instead focus on the here and nLFyRxIRQBo-00092-00042098-00042202 now. nLFyRxIRQBo-00093-00042202-00042859 ESTP stands for Extroverted Sensing Thinking and Perception. nLFyRxIRQBo-00094-00042859-00043388 These types tend to make decisions without hesitating which may or may not land them nLFyRxIRQBo-00095-00043388-00043600 in trouble. nLFyRxIRQBo-00096-00043600-00043894 ESTJ - The Supervisor. nLFyRxIRQBo-00097-00043894-00044270 These are some of the most organized people you'll ever meet. nLFyRxIRQBo-00098-00044270-00044977 ESTJ types are often strong believers in traditional values and they always try to do what's right. nLFyRxIRQBo-00099-00044977-00045549 As natural-born leaders, these individuals try to look out for everyone else around them. nLFyRxIRQBo-00100-00045549-00046118 Out of all the personality types, these people often give the best advice and guidance. nLFyRxIRQBo-00101-00046118-00046755 ESTJ stands for Extraversion Sensing Thinking and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00102-00046755-00047059 These individuals love a challenge. nLFyRxIRQBo-00103-00047059-00047386 ENTJ - The Commander. nLFyRxIRQBo-00104-00047386-00047915 These people also thrive in leadership positions, and that's partly because they're both logical nLFyRxIRQBo-00105-00047915-00048106 and intuitive. nLFyRxIRQBo-00106-00048106-00048641 In many ways, this personality type enjoys the best of both worlds; thinking deeply about nLFyRxIRQBo-00107-00048641-00048980 their problems while still being extroverted. nLFyRxIRQBo-00108-00048980-00049650 ENTJ stands for Extroverted Intuitive Thinking and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00109-00049650-00050107 These individuals are capable of making quick decisions and they're often correct in their nLFyRxIRQBo-00110-00050107-00050291 judgment. nLFyRxIRQBo-00111-00050291-00050635 INTP - The Thinker. nLFyRxIRQBo-00112-00050635-00051264 These individuals are often responsible for brilliant, innovative new theories. nLFyRxIRQBo-00113-00051264-00051827 Understanding logic is second nature to INTP types, and they can spot things that others nLFyRxIRQBo-00114-00051827-00051978 miss. nLFyRxIRQBo-00115-00051978-00052530 Never attempt to lie to an INTP type, they'll see right through it! nLFyRxIRQBo-00116-00052530-00052954 Give them an outlet for their high energy and creative intelligence and there's no telling nLFyRxIRQBo-00117-00052954-00053135 what they'll accomplish. nLFyRxIRQBo-00118-00053135-00053795 INTP stands for Introverted Intuitive Thinking and Perceptive. nLFyRxIRQBo-00119-00053795-00054088 The little mundane details tend to bore INTP types. nLFyRxIRQBo-00120-00054088-00054850 ISFJ - the nurturer. nLFyRxIRQBo-00121-00054850-00055176 These are some of the most helpful people you'll ever meet. nLFyRxIRQBo-00122-00055176-00055732 ISFJ have hearts of gold and they're always willing to help those in need. nLFyRxIRQBo-00123-00055732-00056079 These people usually radiate positivity and warmth. nLFyRxIRQBo-00124-00056079-00056710 ISFJ stands for Introverted Sensing Feeling and Judging. nLFyRxIRQBo-00125-00056710-00057170 People love being around these personality types, not just because they're helpful, but nLFyRxIRQBo-00126-00057170-00057600 because they bring out the very best in those around them. nLFyRxIRQBo-00127-00057600-00057916 ENTP - The Visionary. nLFyRxIRQBo-00128-00057916-00058525 Honestly, you'll probably never even meet someone who has an ENTP type. nLFyRxIRQBo-00129-00058525-00059008 These people are completely rare and they often show up to completely revolutionize nLFyRxIRQBo-00130-00059008-00059139 the world. nLFyRxIRQBo-00131-00059139-00059729 The personality is something of a contradiction; while they're extroverted, they also hate nLFyRxIRQBo-00132-00059729-00060239 meaningless conversations and like to get straight to the point. nLFyRxIRQBo-00133-00060239-00060763 They also love to play the devil's advocate and they never shy away from a debate. nLFyRxIRQBo-00134-00060763-00061425 ENTP stands for Extroverted Intuitive Thinking and Perceptive. nLFyRxIRQBo-00135-00061425-00061974 Of all the personality types, these individuals often have the deepest understanding of even nLFyRxIRQBo-00136-00061974-00062391 the most complex concepts and theories. nLFyRxIRQBo-00137-00062391-00062758 ISFP - The Composer. nLFyRxIRQBo-00138-00062758-00063141 Here's another personality type that might seem like a contradiction. nLFyRxIRQBo-00139-00063141-00063517 At first glance, these people don't seem introverted at all. nLFyRxIRQBo-00140-00063517-00064042 Although these individuals are warm and friendly, they also like doing their own thing and exploring nLFyRxIRQBo-00141-00064042-00064277 their own personal goals in life. nLFyRxIRQBo-00142-00064277-00064737 These introverts understand that meeting new people can teach them new things, so they're nLFyRxIRQBo-00143-00064737-00065049 much more charismatic than other introverts. nLFyRxIRQBo-00144-00065049-00065667 ISFP stands for Introverted Sensing Feeling and Perceiving. nLFyRxIRQBo-00145-00065667-00065986 These people love experiencing new things. nLFyRxIRQBo-00146-00065986-00066304 They're also known for being talented artists. nLFyRxIRQBo-00147-00066304-00066681 Sometimes they struggle with self-esteem issues. nLFyRxIRQBo-00148-00066681-00067114 So there you have it, all 16 personality types fully explained. nLFyRxIRQBo-00149-00067114-00067606 Who knows, maybe you'll be able to classify people you meet based on what you've learned nLFyRxIRQBo-00150-00067606-00067743 in this video. nLFyRxIRQBo-00151-00067743-00068289 But remember, some personality types are harder to spot than others and is never a good idea nLFyRxIRQBo-00152-00068289-00068500 to jump to conclusions. nLFyRxIRQBo-00153-00068500-00068943 If you enjoyed this video, be sure to LIKE and Subscribe and please let us know your nLFyRxIRQBo-00154-00068943-00069157 personality type in the comments below. nMjtRxoie8I-00000-00000006-00000071 Good morning. nMjtRxoie8I-00001-00000087-00000198 My name is Raymond. nMjtRxoie8I-00002-00000248-00000929 I live in Milford and yes, I am still a Republican, but nMjtRxoie8I-00003-00000960-00001224 supporting Donald Trump, never. nMjtRxoie8I-00004-00001362-00001995 I've been saying this for the past five years while Donald Trump was nMjtRxoie8I-00005-00002010-00002319 campaigning for the presidency. nMjtRxoie8I-00006-00002338-00003046 He's just a complete disgrace, disgusting person taking the script of nMjtRxoie8I-00007-00003063-00003754 Adolf Hitler and ran with it in 2015 and whatever, I will tell someone. nMjtRxoie8I-00008-00004056-00004157 Trump is like Hitler. nMjtRxoie8I-00009-00004171-00004211 Oh. nMjtRxoie8I-00010-00004213-00004530 They will start disparaging me now. nMjtRxoie8I-00011-00004533-00004725 Now, no, you don't understand. nMjtRxoie8I-00012-00004725-00004881 No one wanted to hear. nMjtRxoie8I-00013-00004926-00005283 Now Republicans are coming out of the woodworks. nMjtRxoie8I-00014-00005325-00005958 Other Republicans, senators, representatives, people, and they're nMjtRxoie8I-00015-00005958-00006141 all starting to say the same thing. nMjtRxoie8I-00016-00006251-00006359 Trump is a mess. nMjtRxoie8I-00017-00006416-00006623 He's a disgusting person. nMjtRxoie8I-00018-00006623-00006875 He's a failure as a president. nMjtRxoie8I-00019-00006933-00007329 Well, I I've been saying that since 2015. nMjtRxoie8I-00020-00007329-00007671 I've been saying that for five years. nMjtRxoie8I-00021-00007680-00007890 Now, they're coming out of the woodwork. nMjtRxoie8I-00022-00007905-00008127 It's about bloody time I say. nMjtRxoie8I-00023-00008175-00008484 All right, Raymond, signing off. nQ08JrGS_x4-00000-00000456-00000900 Hi there, my name is Martin Keary and I'm delighted to announce the release of MuseScore 4, nQ08JrGS_x4-00001-00000900-00001400 a gigantic overhaul that touches on... well, everything! Let me show you. nQ08JrGS_x4-00002-00001400-00001800 First, it has a completely new look. The light and dark themes have both nQ08JrGS_x4-00003-00001800-00002100 been revamped and they have customisable accent colours too. nQ08JrGS_x4-00004-00002100-00002500 And for thosewith visual impairment, you can turn on a customisable high-contrast mode. nQ08JrGS_x4-00005-00002500-00002900 Along with the visual changes, we've spent a lot of time improving the experience to help nQ08JrGS_x4-00006-00002900-00003400 you find things more easily and notate faster. For example, the top bar now contains tuplets nQ08JrGS_x4-00007-00003400-00003800 and articulations and has many more options that you can show or hide by clicking here. nQ08JrGS_x4-00008-00003900-00004300 We've completely redesigned the Inspector, which we've renamed 'Properties' and have nQ08JrGS_x4-00009-00004300-00004600 added all kinds of little features and improvements so that it's much more nQ08JrGS_x4-00010-00004600-00005100 useful than before. It's also much smarter. Nomatter how many things you select on you score, nQ08JrGS_x4-00011-00005100-00005500 it will always be able to display relevant options so you can change them quickly. nQ08JrGS_x4-00012-00005500-00006000 We've also simplified the system for opening and customising part scores. Select 'Parts' up here, nQ08JrGS_x4-00013-00006000-00006500 choose the part you want and - using this new instruments panel - you can show any nQ08JrGS_x4-00014-00006500-00006600 accompanying instruments you'd like to see, nQ08JrGS_x4-00015-00006600-00007100 rearrange them and alter their settings too. And by the way you can also use this instruments nQ08JrGS_x4-00016-00007100-00007700 panel to add staves or create linked staves, which is really useful for guitar tablature. nQ08JrGS_x4-00017-00007700-00008200 Now, here's a hallelujah moment for you: MuseScorefinally support the playback of tempo lines, nQ08JrGS_x4-00018-00008200-00008400 like accelerando and ritardando. nQ08JrGS_x4-00019-00008500-00008800 We've also improved the link with MuseScore.com, nQ08JrGS_x4-00020-00008800-00009100 which makes it easier for you to save your work to the cloud privately. nQ08JrGS_x4-00021-00009100-00009500 Youcan then choose to publish your work on MuseScore.com once your score is complete nQ08JrGS_x4-00022-00009500-00009600 But we're only getting started. nQ08JrGS_x4-00023-00009600-00010100 Next is the gigantic overhaul we've made to our engraving. Sheet music in MuseScore has nQ08JrGS_x4-00024-00010100-00010600 been transformed so that it's now highly professional by default. One aspect of this is our new system nQ08JrGS_x4-00025-00010600-00011000 for horizontal spacing. To give just one example of how much this improves things: nQ08JrGS_x4-00026-00011000-00011500 consider this notation from MuseScore 3 which now looks like this. We've also nQ08JrGS_x4-00027-00011500-00012000 rewritten our systems for beaming, slurs, ties and cross-staff notation. Apart from that... nQ08JrGS_x4-00028-00012000-00012500 ...the positioning of hundreds of different symbols are much better than before. Dynamics are nQ08JrGS_x4-00029-00012500-00012900 positioned more accurately by default. You can customise notation to have straight or nQ08JrGS_x4-00030-00012900-00013300 traditional flags. We've added new notation fonts, like Maestro and Broadway - and nQ08JrGS_x4-00031-00013300-00013700 we've significantly improved and expanded our own flagship notation font, Leland. nQ08JrGS_x4-00032-00013700-00014100 But we're still not done because I've not yet mentioned the biggest change of all, nQ08JrGS_x4-00033-00014100-00014600 which is that MuseScore has an entirely new audio engine and playback system. This has enabled us nQ08JrGS_x4-00034-00014600-00015200 to support VST instruments and effects, which can be assigned via our new mixer, like this. An even nQ08JrGS_x4-00035-00015200-00015700 more exciting consequence of our audio engine can be found by opening our new Muse Hub application, nQ08JrGS_x4-00036-00015700-00016100 where you'll see something called Muse Sounds, which is an orchestral plugin we've spent two nQ08JrGS_x4-00037-00016100-00016600 years developing. Once Muse Sounds is installed, playback will no longer sound like this: nQ08JrGS_x4-00038-00017800-00018000 It'll sound like this: nQ08JrGS_x4-00039-00019000-00020100 It requires no customisation or complex mapping to set up and it's free. nQ08JrGS_x4-00040-00020100-00020600 MuseScore 4 is the result of a dedicated collaboration between my team and the open nQ08JrGS_x4-00041-00020600-00021000 source community, who provided us with endless help on design and nQ08JrGS_x4-00042-00021000-00021400 implementation as well as translations, documentation and support for users. nQ08JrGS_x4-00043-00021400-00021800 For those who want to get up and running as fast as possible, we've released multiple tutorials, nQ08JrGS_x4-00044-00021800-00022200 which can be accessed from within MuseScore 4 itself or by searching this channel. nQ08JrGS_x4-00045-00022200-00022600 In MuseScore 4, we've now got the sophisticated technical foundation we nQ08JrGS_x4-00046-00022600-00023100 need to build new features with much greater speed in future. There are a lot of big things coming nQ08JrGS_x4-00047-00023100-00023500 soon and if you're interested in finding out about them, please subscribe to this channel. nQ08JrGS_x4-00048-00023500-00023800 Thanks a lot and take care! nQu_MSY497I-00000-00000162-00000618 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00001-00000624-00001046 The Accessible City Video is a compilation of innovative practices and nQu_MSY497I-00002-00001046-00001284 policies from around the world, nQu_MSY497I-00003-00001284-00001636 we are proud to exhibit some of their successes in this video. nQu_MSY497I-00004-00001650-00001900 Accessibility Directorate of Ontario nQu_MSY497I-00005-00001952-00002480 The integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation includes five standards: nQu_MSY497I-00006-00002496-00002926 Design of public spaces, employment, information and communication, nQu_MSY497I-00007-00002938-00003297 transportation and customer service, that aim to remove barriers nQu_MSY497I-00008-00003297-00003818 and help Ontario reach its goal of an accessible province by 2015. nQu_MSY497I-00009-00003818-00004052 Measures that have been taken range from: nQu_MSY497I-00010-00004052-00004262 Courtesy seating in public buses, nQu_MSY497I-00011-00004272-00004718 to adjusted stop button so that are accessible for people using mobility devices nQu_MSY497I-00012-00004718-00004918 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00013-00005034-00005386 to providing customer service for people with disabilities, nQu_MSY497I-00014-00005386-00005586 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00015-00005710-00005996 to beach accessibility by using mats. nQu_MSY497I-00016-00005996-00006196 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00017-00006226-00006423 City of Rio de Janeiro nQu_MSY497I-00018-00006486-00006812 The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro has nQu_MSY497I-00019-00006816-00007228 produced an accessibility guide and is using it as a tool to increase public nQu_MSY497I-00020-00007228-00007412 social participation. nQu_MSY497I-00021-00007458-00007673 Measures that have been taken range from: nQu_MSY497I-00022-00007684-00008278 accessible volleyball courts, we're in the height of the net and the size of the court are adjustable, nQu_MSY497I-00023-00008304-00008628 to carpets placed on the beach for mobility device users. nQu_MSY497I-00024-00008628-00008812 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00025-00008812-00009264 In a museum, maps and art are made accessible for the visually impaired nQu_MSY497I-00026-00009268-00009594 using tactile maps, as well as tactile art. nQu_MSY497I-00027-00009594-00009968 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00028-00010056-00010362 A ramp has been built into a botanical, nQu_MSY497I-00029-00010362-00010700 garden making it accessible for mobility device users. nQu_MSY497I-00030-00010732-00011174 Sinks have been lowered to be accessible for mobility device users nQu_MSY497I-00031-00011354-00011595 and train station platforms are built nQu_MSY497I-00032-00011596-00011746 to be leveled to trains nQu_MSY497I-00033-00011746-00011996 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00034-00011996-00012322 The South Africa Public Transport Network Development nQu_MSY497I-00035-00012356-00012754 The South Africa Department of Transport has developed a national strategy, nQu_MSY497I-00036-00012754-00012988 which includes universal design, nQu_MSY497I-00037-00012997-00013388 to guide cities in providing accessible public transport systems. nQu_MSY497I-00038-00013412-00013806 Pavements have been raised in order to be level with the bus and it's ramps. nQu_MSY497I-00039-00013806-00014038 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00040-00014082-00014519 All accessible buses have designated seating that have safety belts. nQu_MSY497I-00041-00014684-00014884 The buses have step free access to nQu_MSY497I-00042-00014884-00015072 the stop buttons and exits. nQu_MSY497I-00043-00015072-00015438 Buses also include an automatic fare collection system nQu_MSY497I-00044-00015454-00015816 that is translated into Braille and has enlarged text. nQu_MSY497I-00045-00015841-00016362 Minibuses are equipped with platform lifts to provide safe curbside boarding. nQu_MSY497I-00046-00016450-00016550 Grenoble nQu_MSY497I-00047-00016682-00017230 The French City of Grenoble began to address accessibility as early as the 1970s. nQu_MSY497I-00048-00017412-00017762 Eighty percent of public spaces in the city centre are accessible nQu_MSY497I-00049-00017768-00018090 as well as 100 percent of all tram stations. nQu_MSY497I-00050-00018262-00018462 Accessible housing has been developed, nQu_MSY497I-00051-00018462-00018632 including a range of features: nQu_MSY497I-00052-00018632-00018832 from accessible bathrooms nQu_MSY497I-00053-00018836-00018994 to button controlled locks. nQu_MSY497I-00054-00018994-00019178 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00055-00019240-00019368 Brookfield Zoo nQu_MSY497I-00056-00019428-00019656 Based on the principles of Universal Design, nQu_MSY497I-00057-00019672-00020108 the Brookfield Zooin Chicago has made its facility easily accessible, nQu_MSY497I-00058-00020118-00020536 as well as providing accessible transport and tactile exhibits. nQu_MSY497I-00059-00020548-00020812 Paths have been constructed to be widened flat nQu_MSY497I-00060-00020812-00021062 and tactile animal statues have been built nQu_MSY497I-00061-00021068-00021206 for the visually impaired. nQu_MSY497I-00062-00021206-00021406 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00063-00021476-00021678 The buildings have been made accessible nQu_MSY497I-00064-00021682-00021868 for mobility device users, nQu_MSY497I-00065-00021868-00022206 through wide ramps and wide automatic doors. nQu_MSY497I-00066-00022246-00022580 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00067-00022628-00023078 The Zoo offers safari tours using mini buses that are accessible through its ramps nQu_MSY497I-00068-00023082-00023276 and include companion seating. nQu_MSY497I-00069-00023276-00023928 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00070-00023928-00024128 Musholm nQu_MSY497I-00071-00024134-00024514 Musholm based on the principles of Universal Design, nQu_MSY497I-00072-00024516-00024896 is a recreation center with room and space for differences. nQu_MSY497I-00073-00024918-00025252 Their hallways are wide and have a continuous hand railing. nQu_MSY497I-00074-00025252-00025582 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00075-00025670-00026092 Entering the building is made easier due to the flat and hard surfaces nQu_MSY497I-00076-00026098-00026356 that lead to the wide automatic doors. nQu_MSY497I-00077-00026356-00026556 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00078-00026738-00027126 Their indoor facilities, such as their bathrooms, are accessible. nQu_MSY497I-00079-00027166-00027452 The handles are within easy reach of the user, nQu_MSY497I-00080-00027452-00027777 and the height of the toilet can be easily altered. nQu_MSY497I-00081-00027836-00028136 One can independently travel through the building nQu_MSY497I-00082-00028139-00028648 with the use of door opening buttons located at a height that is reachable for everyone. nQu_MSY497I-00083-00028648-00028848 Telemark nQu_MSY497I-00084-00028874-00029252 The county of Telemark made their outdoor spaces more accessible nQu_MSY497I-00085-00029258-00029444 through Universal Design nQu_MSY497I-00086-00029444-00029702 with its main focus on walking trails their trails. nQu_MSY497I-00087-00029754-00030095 Their trails are wide, flat and have a hard surface, nQu_MSY497I-00088-00030095-00030333 so that mobility device users can easily nQu_MSY497I-00089-00030333-00030522 travel independently. nQu_MSY497I-00090-00030522-00030722 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00091-00030764-00031042 The hard surfaces are helpful for better grip nQu_MSY497I-00092-00031044-00031224 when on wheels or shoes. nQu_MSY497I-00093-00031224-00031602 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00094-00031670-00032027 Other trails have a wooden surface, also beneficial for grip. nQu_MSY497I-00095-00032027-00032318 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00096-00032364-00032818 Rails are located at the side of the path to ensure maximum safety for travelers. nQu_MSY497I-00097-00032818-00033018 Scandic Hotels nQu_MSY497I-00098-00033224-00033530 More than 13 years ago, Scandic began its journey to nQu_MSY497I-00099-00033530-00033894 make its hotels more accessible for people with disabilities. nQu_MSY497I-00100-00033942-00034364 Throughout the hotels, there are tactile floors for the visually impaired nQu_MSY497I-00101-00034364-00034678 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00102-00034714-00035122 and adapted furnishings and spaces to fit everyone's needs. nQu_MSY497I-00103-00035122-00035548 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00104-00035604-00035912 One can even find cane holders throughout the hotel. nQu_MSY497I-00105-00035912-00036226 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00106-00036296-00036776 Rooms and bathrooms are also accessible, including many features, nQu_MSY497I-00107-00036780-00037274 such as adjustable beds, hooks and peepholes, extra spacious bathrooms nQu_MSY497I-00108-00037280-00037500 with it's necessary features within reach. nQu_MSY497I-00109-00037500-00037854 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00110-00037918-00038118 The Central Bank of Ireland nQu_MSY497I-00111-00038186-00038468 Based on the principles of Universal Design, nQu_MSY497I-00112-00038468-00038982 the Central Bank of Ireland has made a new office facility fully accessible. nQu_MSY497I-00113-00038982-00039372 The grey strips on the stairs based on the „Buildings for Everyone Standard“ nQu_MSY497I-00114-00039372-00039744 are visible when going up as well as when going down. nQu_MSY497I-00115-00039754-00040348 There is a continuous handrail on the stairs that is lit, as well as in a contrasting color. nQu_MSY497I-00116-00040378-00040830 The floor finishes of the bank can help define a walkway and encourage safe nQu_MSY497I-00117-00040830-00041036 access for everyone. nQu_MSY497I-00118-00041036-00041434 The walkways are also broad to ensure easy circulation. nQu_MSY497I-00119-00041492-00041880 The signage in the facility is large and contrasting, nQu_MSY497I-00120-00041880-00042080 making it easier to read. nQu_MSY497I-00121-00042116-00042518 The countertops in the restaurant are built so that people in mobility devices nQu_MSY497I-00122-00042524-00042830 can come up to the counter as close as possible. nQu_MSY497I-00123-00042912-00043062 The Central Bank of Ireland nQu_MSY497I-00124-00043066-00043594 offers a variety of workspaces and different furniture to meet all kinds of needs. nQu_MSY497I-00125-00043624-00043976 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00126-00044064-00044558 The location of all equipment in the bathroom are within easy reach of the users, nQu_MSY497I-00127-00044570-00044832 as well as color contrasting to the wall. nQu_MSY497I-00128-00044832-00045178 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00129-00045266-00045466 Mary Free Bed YMCA nQu_MSY497I-00130-00045596-00045712 Progressive ae nQu_MSY497I-00131-00045764-00046086 Using the principles of Universal Design, nQu_MSY497I-00132-00046086-00046498 the Mary Free Bed YMCA was designed with everyone in mind. nQu_MSY497I-00133-00046512-00047142 The facility serves as a model for all future YMCA buildings, both locally and around the country. nQu_MSY497I-00134-00047166-00047514 There are zero thresholds throughout the entire facility. nQu_MSY497I-00135-00047712-00048032 The pool is accessible for mobility device users nQu_MSY497I-00136-00048032-00048300 through a step and a continuous railing. nQu_MSY497I-00137-00048306-00048678 The individual can therefore enter the pool independently. nQu_MSY497I-00138-00048698-00048956 The fitness equipment is also accessible. nQu_MSY497I-00139-00048956-00049436 For example, a wheelchair can simply pull up directly to a weight machine. nQu_MSY497I-00140-00049452-00049762 Everything in this facility has been thought through. nQu_MSY497I-00141-00049782-00050052 From kitchen counters to the indoor track. nQu_MSY497I-00142-00050052-00050252 [music] nQu_MSY497I-00143-00050346-00050878 The track is white and his lanes are in different colors, helping people to stay in their lane. nQu_MSY497I-00144-00050918-00051320 There is also a continuous yellow railing throughout the entire track. nQu_MSY497I-00145-00051412-00051567 Thank you for your attention nQu_MSY497I-00146-00051567-00051864 and we hope that you were inspired by this video. nQu_MSY497I-00147-00051884-00052072 We would especially like to thank: nQu_MSY497I-00148-00052072-00052272 The Central Bank of Ireland nQu_MSY497I-00149-00052328-00052655 The South Africa Public Transport Network Development nQu_MSY497I-00150-00052655-00052855 Progressive ae nQu_MSY497I-00151-00052872-00053105 Mary Free Bed YMCA nQu_MSY497I-00152-00053174-00053416 The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario Scandic Hotels telemark nQu_MSY497I-00153-00053416-00053624 Scandic Hotels nQu_MSY497I-00154-00053678-00053790 Telemark County nQu_MSY497I-00155-00053870-00053990 Musholm nQu_MSY497I-00156-00054074-00054226 ACT Services Inc. nQu_MSY497I-00157-00054226-00054344 and the Brookfield Zoo nQu_MSY497I-00158-00054420-00054702 The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro nQu_MSY497I-00159-00054720-00055014 and The City of Grenoble nQu_MSY497I-00160-00055054-00055812 [music] nSOXneMb4Ec-00000-00000241-00001032 Aaron Ross Powell: Welcome to Free Thoughts from Libertarianism.org and the Cato Institute. nSOXneMb4Ec-00001-00001032-00001537 I’m Aaron Ross Powell, Editor of Libertarianism.org and a research fellow here at the Cato Institute. nSOXneMb4Ec-00002-00001537-00001886 Trevor Burrus: And I’m Trevor Burrus, a research fellow at the Cato Institute Center nSOXneMb4Ec-00003-00001886-00002022 for Constitutional Studies. nSOXneMb4Ec-00004-00002022-00002511 Aaron Ross Powell: Our guest today David Kopel, Research Director at the Independence Institute, nSOXneMb4Ec-00005-00002511-00002922 Adjunct Professor of Advanced Constitutional Law at the University of Denver Sturm College nSOXneMb4Ec-00006-00002922-00003215 of Law, an Associate Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute. nSOXneMb4Ec-00007-00003215-00003713 He’s the author of 14 books and a recognized expert on firearms policy. nSOXneMb4Ec-00008-00003713-00004171 So we’re talking about guns today and I guess I will start by saying – by asking nSOXneMb4Ec-00009-00004171-00004433 why allow people to have guns at all. nSOXneMb4Ec-00010-00004433-00004930 I mean it seems like we think of times of large gun ownership as like the Wild West, nSOXneMb4Ec-00011-00004930-00005383 this uncivilized age when everyone was violent towards each other and had to take their lives nSOXneMb4Ec-00012-00005383-00005493 into their own hands. nSOXneMb4Ec-00013-00005493-00005888 But aren’t we past that as a civilization, beyond the point of needing guns? nSOXneMb4Ec-00014-00005888-00006310 David Kopel: Well, actually we are now in the Golden Age. nSOXneMb4Ec-00015-00006310-00006770 The golden in Golden Age is in terms of gun density in this country. nSOXneMb4Ec-00016-00006770-00007678 Since 1948, the United States had about one gun per three people and now that has increased nSOXneMb4Ec-00017-00007678-00007952 until we have slightly more guns than people. nSOXneMb4Ec-00018-00007952-00008165 Aaron Ross Powell: Where are all these guns? nSOXneMb4Ec-00019-00008165-00008343 I don’t own a gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00020-00008343-00008531 Most people I know I don’t think own guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00021-00008531-00008726 Are they just stockpiled somewhere or … nSOXneMb4Ec-00022-00008726-00009257 David Kopel: Well, part of it is people are not always out of the closet about their gun nSOXneMb4Ec-00023-00009257-00009404 ownership. nSOXneMb4Ec-00024-00009404-00009904 Somebody in New York City might say that same thing and that’s sort of like somebody in nSOXneMb4Ec-00025-00009904-00010293 say Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1952 saying, “Well, I don’t know any homosexuals.” nSOXneMb4Ec-00026-00010293-00011014 No, you probably do but you don’t know any people who are – who told you that they nSOXneMb4Ec-00027-00011014-00011115 are. nSOXneMb4Ec-00028-00011115-00011964 So certainly in the Northeast Corridor, one of the more regressive zones in terms of protecting nSOXneMb4Ec-00029-00011964-00012679 Second Amendment rights, people may be shyer about admitting their gun ownership casually. nSOXneMb4Ec-00030-00012679-00013272 Trevor Burrus: Is that – because it seems like the gun owners have been demonized a nSOXneMb4Ec-00031-00013272-00013372 lot in that way. nSOXneMb4Ec-00032-00013372-00014275 David Kopel: Well, they certainly are by some in the press and the anti-gun groups, the nSOXneMb4Ec-00033-00014275-00014787 Michael Bloomberg groups, the groups like – that was originally called Handgun Controls, nSOXneMb4Ec-00034-00014787-00015347 now called the Brady Campaign, sometimes say that they respect gun owners or that they nSOXneMb4Ec-00035-00015347-00015695 – they like the Second Amendment just as much as everybody else. nSOXneMb4Ec-00036-00015695-00016375 But they also do a lot of demonization and fear and you’re told that gun owners are nSOXneMb4Ec-00037-00016375-00016608 an inherently dangerous group you should be afraid of. nSOXneMb4Ec-00038-00016608-00016801 Trevor Burrus: So let’s go back to Aaron’s first question. nSOXneMb4Ec-00039-00016801-00017214 Why do we even allow – first of all, why do we allow it and then secondly, should we nSOXneMb4Ec-00040-00017214-00017314 allow it? nSOXneMb4Ec-00041-00017314-00017829 David Kopel: Well, the premise of the Second Amendment and of most of the Bill of Rights nSOXneMb4Ec-00042-00017829-00018276 is that’s not something that any legitimate government has the power to forbid. nSOXneMb4Ec-00043-00018276-00018687 So there would be that – like asking, why do we allow the free exercise of religion? nSOXneMb4Ec-00044-00018687-00019251 And we certainly see cases where the free exercise of religion is abused, where somebody nSOXneMb4Ec-00045-00019251-00020081 who has sort of a deceptive, false charisma lures people in and gets them into a bad situation nSOXneMb4Ec-00046-00020081-00020451 in an abusive church for example. nSOXneMb4Ec-00047-00020451-00020987 But the declaration of independence says that the reason we have governments in the first nSOXneMb4Ec-00048-00020987-00021845 place is to protect preexisting fundamental, inalienable human rights which come from the nSOXneMb4Ec-00049-00021845-00022045 creator and not from the government. nSOXneMb4Ec-00050-00022045-00022857 So the government may grant you the right to have a – let’s say a driver’s license. nSOXneMb4Ec-00051-00022857-00023267 But the government doesn’t grant you the right of freedom of religion or the right nSOXneMb4Ec-00052-00023267-00023859 of self-defense or the Second Amendment right to arms or lots of other rights which are nSOXneMb4Ec-00053-00023859-00024452 recognized and protected by the constitution but not created by it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00054-00024452-00025462 It is wise that the United States follows this policy of protecting human rights rather nSOXneMb4Ec-00055-00025462-00026157 than trying to suppress them because the evidence I think shows when carefully examined that nSOXneMb4Ec-00056-00026157-00026664 guns in the right hands enhance public safety and certainly guns in the wrong hands harm nSOXneMb4Ec-00057-00026664-00026764 public safety. nSOXneMb4Ec-00058-00026764-00027357 So the sensible policies are the ones that say for that vast majority of the law-abiding nSOXneMb4Ec-00059-00027357-00027820 public, they should be able to choose to have a firearm if they want for self-protection nSOXneMb4Ec-00060-00027820-00028431 and we can also have fair and reasonable laws which say that people who have proven that nSOXneMb4Ec-00061-00028431-00029113 they are not responsible enough to don firearms – for example they’ve been convicted of nSOXneMb4Ec-00062-00029113-00029573 a violent crime, cannot have firearms. nSOXneMb4Ec-00063-00029573-00029931 Aaron Ross Powell: How do we draw that line between right and wrong? nSOXneMb4Ec-00064-00029931-00030364 Because a lot of the people arguing for stricter gun control are not arguing for banning guns nSOXneMb4Ec-00065-00030364-00030464 entirely. nSOXneMb4Ec-00066-00030464-00030683 They just want more control over who gets them. nSOXneMb4Ec-00067-00030683-00031182 They want a more clearly defined or shrink the category of the people who are considered nSOXneMb4Ec-00068-00031182-00031677 the right people to have guns, so things like mental health and whatever else. nSOXneMb4Ec-00069-00031677-00031963 How do we choose as a society who gets to have guns and who doesn’t? nSOXneMb4Ec-00070-00031963-00032310 David Kopel: Well, the gun probation law has been trying to shrink the category of people nSOXneMb4Ec-00071-00032310-00032971 who can and they do as much shrinkage on the margins as they can accomplish at any given nSOXneMb4Ec-00072-00032971-00033118 time. nSOXneMb4Ec-00073-00033118-00033530 Sometimes they make legitimate arguments and sometimes those arguments have already been nSOXneMb4Ec-00074-00033530-00034033 made and accepted and then properly implemented but not enforced. nSOXneMb4Ec-00075-00034033-00034675 So for example, you may have situations where somebody has been adjudicated mentally ill nSOXneMb4Ec-00076-00034675-00035259 and put in an institution to help them for say half a year. nSOXneMb4Ec-00077-00035259-00035793 That person by federal law since 1968 hasn’t been allowed to own a gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00078-00035793-00036419 But often the records don’t get transmitted to the state and national systems that conduct nSOXneMb4Ec-00079-00036419-00036915 background checks and also along with that, that’s an example of something where if nSOXneMb4Ec-00080-00036915-00037624 a person was institutionalized when they were 25, maybe by the time they’re 45, their nSOXneMb4Ec-00081-00037624-00038287 mental health problems have gone and they ought to be allowed to don a firearm again. nSOXneMb4Ec-00082-00038287-00038978 Unfortunately at the federal level, there’s no procedure to restore the person’s rights. nSOXneMb4Ec-00083-00038978-00039434 California is actually on the more progressive, positive side of this because they do have nSOXneMb4Ec-00084-00039434-00039939 a procedure where after about five years, the person who had a mental health adjudication nSOXneMb4Ec-00085-00039939-00040263 can at least start a process to have his case reviewed. nSOXneMb4Ec-00086-00040263-00040691 Trevor Burrus: It seems like then the presumption should be that you can own a weapon that’s nSOXneMb4Ec-00087-00040691-00041140 defeasible from the government side as opposed to some people who would like you to have nSOXneMb4Ec-00088-00041140-00041421 to prove to the government you’re allowed to open a weapon. nSOXneMb4Ec-00089-00041421-00041697 The other side is better because it’s a natural right, correct? nSOXneMb4Ec-00090-00041697-00041797 David Kopel: Exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00091-00041797-00042121 It’s not a privilege that’s granted by the government subject to conditions. nSOXneMb4Ec-00092-00042121-00042831 But it is a right and which is not to say that in the modern United States, it’s impossible nSOXneMb4Ec-00093-00042831-00043374 for there to be any kind of a process to go through it on the way to exercising that right, nSOXneMb4Ec-00094-00043374-00043969 as long as that process is fair and accurate and expeditious. nSOXneMb4Ec-00095-00043969-00044451 So I think the vast majority of people would say, well, when you go into a store to buy nSOXneMb4Ec-00096-00044451-00045069 a gun and under the national criminal instant background check system that we’ve had set nSOXneMb4Ec-00097-00045069-00045994 up in this country since 1998, the gun dealer contacts the state point of contact – you nSOXneMb4Ec-00098-00045994-00046656 know, the state police or the FBI and you can do a computerized records check on that nSOXneMb4Ec-00099-00046656-00047283 individual quite quickly within a matter of seconds when the system is working properly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00100-00047283-00047816 That additional time which might be no longer than the time it takes to process the credit nSOXneMb4Ec-00101-00047816-00048312 card, people would I think accurately say that doesn’t violate the Second Amendment nSOXneMb4Ec-00102-00048312-00048744 right even though you come in having the presumption of the exercise of the right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00103-00048744-00048997 This step along the way is not an infringement of that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00104-00048997-00049446 Aaron Ross Powell: Let me ask about this gun ownership as a right question because earlier nSOXneMb4Ec-00105-00049446-00049937 you compared it to – First Amendment to religious practice, right to religious practice, nSOXneMb4Ec-00106-00049937-00050489 right to religious expression and it seems like there’s – we can distinguish those nSOXneMb4Ec-00107-00050489-00050611 in some way. nSOXneMb4Ec-00108-00050611-00051014 Like, they’re not quite the same because we don’t – we tend to think of freedom nSOXneMb4Ec-00109-00051014-00051520 of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion as these really important parts nSOXneMb4Ec-00110-00051520-00052068 of expressing who we are, of being the kind of people we want to be, of personal autonomy nSOXneMb4Ec-00111-00052068-00052537 that seems to go much deeper than gun ownership. nSOXneMb4Ec-00112-00052537-00052916 We don’t tend to think of gun ownership as something as central to our sense of selves nSOXneMb4Ec-00113-00052916-00053250 as our religious faith or our beliefs. nSOXneMb4Ec-00114-00053250-00053652 Trevor Burrus: Or perhaps even to add on to that, some people might grant that there’s nSOXneMb4Ec-00115-00053652-00054124 a right to self-defense in the sense of – you know, someone jumps on top of you and starts nSOXneMb4Ec-00116-00054124-00054224 pummeling you. nSOXneMb4Ec-00117-00054224-00054324 You can fight back. nSOXneMb4Ec-00118-00054324-00054789 But how do you get from a right to self-defense to the right to own an assault weapon? nSOXneMb4Ec-00119-00054789-00054992 There’s a bridge there, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00120-00054992-00055219 Maybe an assault weapon is not as important as religion. nSOXneMb4Ec-00121-00055219-00055869 David Kopel: Well, the right of self-defense was in the view of the classical philosopher. nSOXneMb4Ec-00122-00055869-00056674 The most – John Locke, Grotius, Pufendorf and many, many others. nSOXneMb4Ec-00123-00056674-00057242 The most fundamental of all rights, it’s the right to the integrity of your body. nSOXneMb4Ec-00124-00057242-00057942 Being able to go to the church of your choice is a very important part of one’s self or nSOXneMb4Ec-00125-00057942-00058222 to choose not to go to any church. nSOXneMb4Ec-00126-00058222-00058893 But you can’t make that choice if on Sunday morning – if on Saturday afternoon a gang nSOXneMb4Ec-00127-00058893-00059499 of people came and beat you up and killed you and likewise the right not to be raped nSOXneMb4Ec-00128-00059499-00060402 is a core right of individual autonomy, integrity and choice. nSOXneMb4Ec-00129-00060402-00061127 So self-defense almost necessarily has to be the most fundamental right of all because nSOXneMb4Ec-00130-00061127-00061608 if you don’t have that, then it’s impossible to exercise any of the other rights. nSOXneMb4Ec-00131-00061608-00061920 Aaron Ross Powell: Isn’t this though what we have police for? nSOXneMb4Ec-00132-00061920-00062208 I mean this is the social contracts theory we tell, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00133-00062208-00062657 We lived in the state of nature where everyone had to defend themselves from roving bands nSOXneMb4Ec-00134-00062657-00062772 of marauders. nSOXneMb4Ec-00135-00062772-00063187 But then we bandied together and created this government so that we could then have the nSOXneMb4Ec-00136-00063187-00063567 government protect our rights instead of us each having to do it for ourselves. nSOXneMb4Ec-00137-00063567-00063912 So we got cops to protect us from the mobs and the rapists. nSOXneMb4Ec-00138-00063912-00064292 David Kopel: Well, and sometimes they do and it’s great. nSOXneMb4Ec-00139-00064292-00064874 I think police officers, sheriffs, deputies and our law enforcement system in the country nSOXneMb4Ec-00140-00064874-00065461 has a huge number of really hardworking, good citizens who do their best to protect people. nSOXneMb4Ec-00141-00065461-00065737 But they’re not around all the time. nSOXneMb4Ec-00142-00065737-00066563 When somebody is burglarizing your house and coming in not just to take your iPad but to nSOXneMb4Ec-00143-00066563-00066782 assault you, that’s fine. nSOXneMb4Ec-00144-00066782-00067256 You can call the police on the phone and they may come as fast as they possibly can. nSOXneMb4Ec-00145-00067256-00067788 But the data we have from 911 call centers and cities all over the country, for what nSOXneMb4Ec-00146-00067788-00068505 they call their priority one calls, life is in danger, that level, their highest level, nSOXneMb4Ec-00147-00068505-00069210 response times on the average are in the best and most ideal cities, 5 or 6 minutes; up nSOXneMb4Ec-00148-00069210-00069558 to 12 or 15 minutes in some other cities. nSOXneMb4Ec-00149-00069558-00069817 So you have that time when you’re the first responder. nSOXneMb4Ec-00150-00069817-00070213 That’s just a fundamental fact of responsibility. nSOXneMb4Ec-00151-00070213-00070531 The reason we – I didn’t go to medical school. nSOXneMb4Ec-00152-00070531-00071092 We have doctors as we have police officers, people in society who are specialized and nSOXneMb4Ec-00153-00071092-00071192 help us. nSOXneMb4Ec-00154-00071192-00071743 I wouldn’t – I would much rather pay a doctor to diagnose me and tell me what medicine nSOXneMb4Ec-00155-00071743-00072119 to take in some situations than I would myself. nSOXneMb4Ec-00156-00072119-00072701 But likewise with your healthcare, you’re also your own first responder. nSOXneMb4Ec-00157-00072701-00073225 If you get stuck in the middle of the night, you may have to take care of yourself immediately nSOXneMb4Ec-00158-00073225-00073701 to stay alive long enough to get to the hospital in some kind of emergency. nSOXneMb4Ec-00159-00073701-00074282 Whatever the situation is, the responsible adult has to be the first responder for himself nSOXneMb4Ec-00160-00074282-00074829 or herself and the people in her care like children and family just by necessity. nSOXneMb4Ec-00161-00074829-00075164 We don’t have one police officer per person. nSOXneMb4Ec-00162-00075164-00075487 Trevor Burrus: That’s an interesting analogy. nSOXneMb4Ec-00163-00075487-00075883 You should be able to tie a tourniquet on your own leg in those situations, even if nSOXneMb4Ec-00164-00075883-00076410 you’re not a professional, and you have the ability to obtain reasonable tools of nSOXneMb4Ec-00165-00076410-00076730 self-preservation in even a medical context, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00166-00076730-00076855 David Kopel: Exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00167-00076855-00077216 It’s all back to that fundamental right of it’s your body. nSOXneMb4Ec-00168-00077216-00077632 You have the right and the duty to control and protect it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00169-00077632-00078002 Trevor Burrus: Let’s go back to something you mentioned previous which I’m sure many nSOXneMb4Ec-00170-00078002-00078543 of our listeners have heard before which is a core part of this. nSOXneMb4Ec-00171-00078543-00078942 More guns equal less crime, which is something that is said a lot. nSOXneMb4Ec-00172-00078942-00079124 You’ve mentioned it previous. nSOXneMb4Ec-00173-00079124-00079595 A lot of people would say that just seems obviously wrong and the only people who have nSOXneMb4Ec-00174-00079595-00079695 said … nSOXneMb4Ec-00175-00079695-00079795 Aaron Ross Powell: That’s counterintuitive to say the least. nSOXneMb4Ec-00176-00079795-00080155 Trevor Burrus: Yeah, the people out there commit crimes because they have access to nSOXneMb4Ec-00177-00080155-00080387 a violent weapon or at least more violent crimes. nSOXneMb4Ec-00178-00080387-00080725 So how could it possibly be the case that more guns can cause less crime? nSOXneMb4Ec-00179-00080725-00081400 David Kopel: Well, it may not be that more guns up or down directly causes changes in nSOXneMb4Ec-00180-00081400-00081517 crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00181-00081517-00082312 So we have over 300 million people in this country and we have over 300 million guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00182-00082312-00082616 Now suppose you change that drastically. nSOXneMb4Ec-00183-00082616-00083076 Suppose we went from 300 million guns to 400 million guns overnight. nSOXneMb4Ec-00184-00083076-00084027 You know, just to have all the guns multiplied like – a multi-celled organism. nSOXneMb4Ec-00185-00084027-00084214 You know, some of them like clone themselves. nSOXneMb4Ec-00186-00084214-00084373 Trevor Burrus: The Tribbles in Star Trek. nSOXneMb4Ec-00187-00084373-00084493 Is that what they’re called? nSOXneMb4Ec-00188-00084493-00084593 Aaron Ross Powell: Exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00189-00084593-00084902 Or imagine otherwise that they did a reverse thing. nSOXneMb4Ec-00190-00084902-00085305 So some of the guns merged with each other and now you had – instead of one guy who nSOXneMb4Ec-00191-00085305-00085489 had three guns, now he has two. nSOXneMb4Ec-00192-00085489-00085949 So we suddenly went down to having 200 million guns instead of 300 million. nSOXneMb4Ec-00193-00085949-00086700 My guess is that that drastic change plus or minus 100 million in the gun supply would nSOXneMb4Ec-00194-00086700-00087489 have very little discernible effect on the crime rates up or down. nSOXneMb4Ec-00195-00087489-00088374 What we can say we know for sure is that major increases in firearms supply and density are nSOXneMb4Ec-00196-00088374-00088760 not associated with increases in crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00197-00088760-00089641 The gun supply in this country has increased massively by over 100 million over the last nSOXneMb4Ec-00198-00089641-00089855 20 or 25 years. nSOXneMb4Ec-00199-00089855-00090450 In that time, we have seen crime go down drastically including violent crime and including gun nSOXneMb4Ec-00200-00090450-00090550 crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00201-00090550-00090997 In fact gun crime declining more so than violent crime in general. nSOXneMb4Ec-00202-00090997-00091461 Now that doesn’t prove that having more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens nSOXneMb4Ec-00203-00091461-00091645 led to a decline in gun crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00204-00091645-00092243 But it certainly shows that having increases in guns is not associated necessarily with nSOXneMb4Ec-00205-00092243-00092366 increases in gun crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00206-00092366-00092577 It depends on whose hands they’re in. nSOXneMb4Ec-00207-00092577-00092981 If you put more guns in the hands of more law-abiding people, it’s not going to turn nSOXneMb4Ec-00208-00092981-00093119 those people into criminals. nSOXneMb4Ec-00209-00093119-00093360 That’s one of the big debates in the issue. nSOXneMb4Ec-00210-00093360-00093591 Some people think that guns make people crazy. nSOXneMb4Ec-00211-00093591-00093788 Guns cause people to become criminals. nSOXneMb4Ec-00212-00093788-00094104 Aaron Ross Powell: Can I quickly ask? nSOXneMb4Ec-00213-00094104-00094273 You say gun crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00214-00094273-00094569 Is that different from gun fatalities? nSOXneMb4Ec-00215-00094569-00094757 Because those people, you give lots of people guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00216-00094757-00095285 They may not – the law-abiding people may not start committing crimes but there could nSOXneMb4Ec-00217-00095285-00095645 be more accidents, accidental shootings, things like that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00218-00095645-00095805 David Kopel: Sure. nSOXneMb4Ec-00219-00095805-00096151 Let’s split those into two categories. nSOXneMb4Ec-00220-00096151-00096466 On accidents. nSOXneMb4Ec-00221-00096466-00097301 Our peak year, since we – we have data on gun accidents going back to the late 1940s. nSOXneMb4Ec-00222-00097301-00098145 Our peak year per capita for gun accidents was – per capita was in – about 1973 or nSOXneMb4Ec-00223-00098145-00098245 so. nSOXneMb4Ec-00224-00098245-00099025 Since then, the gun accident rate has fallen by approximately 90 percent and during a time nSOXneMb4Ec-00225-00099025-00099607 when we’ve roughly tripled the national gun supply. nSOXneMb4Ec-00226-00099607-00100401 So it’s indisputable that more guns does not cause more gun accidents per se. nSOXneMb4Ec-00227-00100401-00101204 We’ve made a lot of progress and improved safety training over the last 30 or 40 years. nSOXneMb4Ec-00228-00101204-00101705 One of many examples is the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle Program. nSOXneMb4Ec-00229-00101705-00102247 Eddie Eagle is a character like Smokey the Bear who teaches kids safety and that Eddie nSOXneMb4Ec-00230-00102247-00102772 Eagle has been taught to literally tens of millions of schoolchildren and they have the nSOXneMb4Ec-00231-00102772-00103093 characters dress up in the Eddie Eagle costume and they have coloring books and all these nSOXneMb4Ec-00232-00103093-00103193 things. nSOXneMb4Ec-00233-00103193-00103379 It’s very straightforward message. nSOXneMb4Ec-00234-00103379-00103594 If you see a gun, stop. nSOXneMb4Ec-00235-00103594-00103738 Don’t touch. nSOXneMb4Ec-00236-00103738-00103886 Leave the area. nSOXneMb4Ec-00237-00103886-00104038 Tell an adult. nSOXneMb4Ec-00238-00104038-00104574 Of course we have other things that have also made people more safety-conscious about guns nSOXneMb4Ec-00239-00104574-00104996 and partly I guess is a fact of greater economic prosperity. nSOXneMb4Ec-00240-00104996-00105946 There are now more gun owners who can afford gun safes which reduce the chance of an accident. nSOXneMb4Ec-00241-00105946-00106451 Hunter safety training was – and actually hunting accidents are approximately half of nSOXneMb4Ec-00242-00106451-00106727 all fatal gun accidents. nSOXneMb4Ec-00243-00106727-00107202 Hunting accidents have also declined drastically because starting with New York in the late nSOXneMb4Ec-00244-00107202-00107913 1940s, new hunters at least have had to get hunter safety training. nSOXneMb4Ec-00245-00107913-00108146 I went through it in Colorado. nSOXneMb4Ec-00246-00108146-00108608 They have – it’s a great program and teaches you all kinds of things about accident avoidance. nSOXneMb4Ec-00247-00108608-00109163 Not just about gun accidents but how to avoid boating accidents, how to get in and out of nSOXneMb4Ec-00248-00109163-00109778 the canoe without falling in the water and then drowning perhaps. nSOXneMb4Ec-00249-00109778-00110429 So there are all kinds of constructive, positive things that have happened and that’s why nSOXneMb4Ec-00250-00110429-00111108 the gun accident rate is down by I believe 88 percent in general and 92 percent among nSOXneMb4Ec-00251-00111108-00111583 adults – among children over the last 40 years. nSOXneMb4Ec-00252-00111583-00112058 You would be hard-pressed to find any other social problem in this country, which has nSOXneMb4Ec-00253-00112058-00112385 declined so drastically as gun accidents. nSOXneMb4Ec-00254-00112385-00113180 I was speaking at a continuing legal education program a few years ago to some – a group nSOXneMb4Ec-00255-00113180-00113858 that is basically elite corporate lawyers of the Northeast and we were having a gun nSOXneMb4Ec-00256-00113858-00113958 debate. nSOXneMb4Ec-00257-00113958-00114058 I said, “OK, raise your hand. nSOXneMb4Ec-00258-00114058-00114220 How many gun – I’m going to give you a number. nSOXneMb4Ec-00259-00114220-00114756 Tell me if you think this is about – how many gun accidents there are involving children, nSOXneMb4Ec-00260-00114756-00115015 ages 0 to 14 per year.” nSOXneMb4Ec-00261-00115015-00115615 You know, a million and 100,000. nSOXneMb4Ec-00262-00115615-00116252 The answer meant – the large majority thought the number was at least in the tens of thousands nSOXneMb4Ec-00263-00116252-00116715 or more of fatal gun accidents involving children annually. nSOXneMb4Ec-00264-00116715-00117289 The number actually is a few dozen and keeps declining even at that level. nSOXneMb4Ec-00265-00117289-00117523 Trevor Burrus: Let’s go back to crime then. nSOXneMb4Ec-00266-00117523-00117757 That’s very interesting. nSOXneMb4Ec-00267-00117757-00117857 I think that is true. nSOXneMb4Ec-00268-00117857-00118383 There is definitely a sense that a gun in the home is like having a snake on the ground nSOXneMb4Ec-00269-00118383-00118538 that you just keep in your house. nSOXneMb4Ec-00270-00118538-00118728 So if we would – decline the accidents. nSOXneMb4Ec-00271-00118728-00118843 But how about crime? nSOXneMb4Ec-00272-00118843-00119353 Because we were talking about how guns can possibly decrease crime and they said they nSOXneMb4Ec-00273-00119353-00119684 don’t make normal people criminals. nSOXneMb4Ec-00274-00119684-00119933 They don’t turn a marginal person into a criminal. nSOXneMb4Ec-00275-00119933-00120279 But do criminals really react to guns? nSOXneMb4Ec-00276-00120279-00120705 Are criminals crazed enough to not actually care whether or not someone has a gun? nSOXneMb4Ec-00277-00120705-00121248 David Kopel: Let’s talk first on the gun in the criminal’s hand. nSOXneMb4Ec-00278-00121248-00121743 All the things that make a gun useful for self-defense, it’s portability. nSOXneMb4Ec-00279-00121743-00122227 It’s the fact that you can use it as a distance. nSOXneMb4Ec-00280-00122227-00122623 That’s that really makes any – I know you can use bows and arrows at a distance nSOXneMb4Ec-00281-00122623-00122723 too. nSOXneMb4Ec-00282-00122723-00123418 But guns are a lot easier for most people to use effectively and well than is archery nSOXneMb4Ec-00283-00123418-00123733 equipment. nSOXneMb4Ec-00284-00123733-00124230 A gun in the hand can be harmfully-empowering to a criminal. nSOXneMb4Ec-00285-00124230-00125313 Let’s take a scrawny 16-year-old who wants to get some money by robbery. nSOXneMb4Ec-00286-00125313-00125800 Maybe he can find an old lady walking down the street alone and he can physically threaten nSOXneMb4Ec-00287-00125800-00126102 her and then successfully rob her. nSOXneMb4Ec-00288-00126102-00126753 But against a tougher target, let’s say a liquor store, if he just goes in … nSOXneMb4Ec-00289-00126753-00126853 [Crosstalk] nSOXneMb4Ec-00290-00126853-00127360 David Kopel: Yeah, and demands money, he could – with his bare hands, he could demand money nSOXneMb4Ec-00291-00127360-00127502 from the old lady. nSOXneMb4Ec-00292-00127502-00127855 He probably wouldn’t succeed with that at the liquor store. nSOXneMb4Ec-00293-00127855-00128331 But if he comes in with a gun, then that changes the equation. nSOXneMb4Ec-00294-00128331-00128468 So he might be a more … nSOXneMb4Ec-00295-00128468-00128668 Trevor Burrus: Likely criminal. nSOXneMb4Ec-00296-00128668-00128817 David Kopel: Exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00297-00128817-00129151 And you can imagine all kinds of situations that are like that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00298-00129151-00129805 So that’s why it’s important that there be policies to not only arm or allow the choice nSOXneMb4Ec-00299-00129805-00130783 of armament for the law-abiding but also to disarm the dangerously non-law-abiding. nSOXneMb4Ec-00300-00130783-00131487 In terms of whether guns are a deterrent to criminals, one way we can find this out is nSOXneMb4Ec-00301-00131487-00131936 – and it has been extensively – is by asking criminals. nSOXneMb4Ec-00302-00131936-00133144 The National Institute of Justice funded studies of incarcerated adult felons in 11 different nSOXneMb4Ec-00303-00133144-00133976 state prison systems in the 1980s and among the many things that were studied in the survey nSOXneMb4Ec-00304-00133976-00134253 was attitude toward guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00305-00134253-00134594 Where did you get your last gun, things like that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00306-00134594-00135084 Have you ever personally decided not to commit a crime because you were afraid the victim nSOXneMb4Ec-00307-00135084-00135229 was armed? nSOXneMb4Ec-00308-00135229-00135757 There was a very significant percentage of criminals who said yes and then they asked nSOXneMb4Ec-00309-00135757-00135857 in general. nSOXneMb4Ec-00310-00135857-00135957 Do you think … nSOXneMb4Ec-00311-00135957-00136057 Trevor Burrus: I think it was 42 percent actually. nSOXneMb4Ec-00312-00136057-00136157 It’s a very large percentage. nSOXneMb4Ec-00313-00136157-00136292 David Kopel: Yeah, personally. nSOXneMb4Ec-00314-00136292-00136667 And then do you think criminals in general are reluctant to attack people they think nSOXneMb4Ec-00315-00136667-00136767 might be armed? nSOXneMb4Ec-00316-00136767-00137375 And a huge majority said that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00317-00137375-00137916 Another study was done in St. Louis of active burglars, not the ones who were in jail who nSOXneMb4Ec-00318-00137916-00138334 had gotten caught like the first National Institute of Justice say, but people who were nSOXneMb4Ec-00319-00138334-00138967 – I suppose the cream of the crop of St. Louis burglars because they were career burglars nSOXneMb4Ec-00320-00138967-00139170 who were outdoing it and … nSOXneMb4Ec-00321-00139170-00139270 [Crosstalk] nSOXneMb4Ec-00322-00139270-00139620 Trevor Burrus: You guaranteed them anonymity I guess. nSOXneMb4Ec-00323-00139620-00139843 Aaron Ross Powell: But you’ve got to find them first, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00324-00139843-00139943 David Kopel: Well, that’s what … nSOXneMb4Ec-00325-00139943-00140175 Trevor Burrus: That’s why we call Batman to find Catwoman. nSOXneMb4Ec-00326-00140175-00140370 It’s the same type of thing, yeah. nSOXneMb4Ec-00327-00140370-00141057 David Kopel: Well, some high end sociologist really have the skills like good journalists, nSOXneMb4Ec-00328-00141057-00141587 street reporters do, is they know how to network and talk and meet some people and then you nSOXneMb4Ec-00329-00141587-00141924 talk to one guy and then meet some others and you network. nSOXneMb4Ec-00330-00141924-00142874 So they did the study of over 100 currently active St. Louis burglars and this was also nSOXneMb4Ec-00331-00142874-00143308 – what they found is very consistent with prior studies that have been done of incarcerated nSOXneMb4Ec-00332-00143308-00143698 burglars or easier to find. nSOXneMb4Ec-00333-00143698-00144664 The American burglars’ biggest part of the working day is casing the joint, is observing nSOXneMb4Ec-00334-00144664-00145078 the potential target and making sure no one is home. nSOXneMb4Ec-00335-00145078-00145637 That actually takes way more time than getting in and out and taking the stuff. nSOXneMb4Ec-00336-00145637-00146111 American burglars work very hard at this because according to the burglars, they’re very nSOXneMb4Ec-00337-00146111-00146463 afraid of getting shot if they enter an occupied residence. nSOXneMb4Ec-00338-00146463-00147378 It is by far their largest occupational hazard and the risks of it are at least as high as nSOXneMb4Ec-00339-00147378-00147849 the risk of getting caught and end up going to jail, which you figure if that’s a deterrent, nSOXneMb4Ec-00340-00147849-00147996 I might go to jail. nSOXneMb4Ec-00341-00147996-00148779 Well, I might get shot is even more the immediate deterrent and that’s one of the reasons nSOXneMb4Ec-00342-00148779-00149579 why in the United States, the – our rate of – when you have a burglary of a home, nSOXneMb4Ec-00343-00149579-00150007 what fraction of those burglaries take place when the victims are home? nSOXneMb4Ec-00344-00150007-00150415 Well, in England, the majority take place when the victims are home … nSOXneMb4Ec-00345-00150415-00150705 Trevor Burrus: Because that time, I’m thinking, right, of course, they’re sleeping … nSOXneMb4Ec-00346-00150705-00151190 David Kopel: Well, they’re most likely – if you want a victim at home, you have a better nSOXneMb4Ec-00347-00151190-00151659 chance of getting them once everybody is at least home for dinner. nSOXneMb4Ec-00348-00151659-00152397 The English burglars prefer this because they get – wallets and purses will be home and nSOXneMb4Ec-00349-00152397-00153112 therefore you can get cash and unlike stolen goods, which you have to sell at a discount nSOXneMb4Ec-00350-00153112-00153744 and are – have some difficulty in carrying away, cash is great. nSOXneMb4Ec-00351-00153744-00154126 You get 100 percent of the value of the cash immediately. nSOXneMb4Ec-00352-00154126-00155064 An enormously high burglary rate not only for the home invasion percentage but the total nSOXneMb4Ec-00353-00155064-00155442 burglary rate in England is extremely high where the government more or less forbids nSOXneMb4Ec-00354-00155442-00156048 people to own guns for self-defense and makes gun ownership in general extremely difficult. nSOXneMb4Ec-00355-00156048-00157003 In the United States, the studies show that only a quarter or less of home burglaries nSOXneMb4Ec-00356-00157003-00157719 are against occupied residences because the – most burglars try to stay away from them nSOXneMb4Ec-00357-00157719-00158144 because of the occupational hazard of encountering an armed homeowner. nSOXneMb4Ec-00358-00158144-00158528 Trevor Burrus: Well, I think someone then would say, OK, shotguns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00359-00158528-00159009 We often hear this—Joe Biden’s favorite weapon is a shotgun—maybe even handguns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00360-00159009-00159109 But that’s OK. nSOXneMb4Ec-00361-00159109-00159512 It’s easier to own shotguns in Australia and other places to Europe. nSOXneMb4Ec-00362-00159512-00159818 But why – if we’re going to have – protecting people in their homes, do we need to give nSOXneMb4Ec-00363-00159818-00160283 them these weapons of war, these assault weapons, these things that are only good for military nSOXneMb4Ec-00364-00160283-00160383 purposes? nSOXneMb4Ec-00365-00160383-00160701 How does that add to the home defense or self-defense equation? nSOXneMb4Ec-00366-00160701-00161229 David Kopel: Oh, well, genuine weapons of war wouldn’t, which is why for example you nSOXneMb4Ec-00367-00161229-00161653 wouldn’t have a good Second Amendment argument to say, “Well, I would like to own a bazooka nSOXneMb4Ec-00368-00161653-00162481 or a nuclear weapon or a tank, a large quantity of poison gas. nSOXneMb4Ec-00369-00162481-00163170 I need some anthrax for home defense,” or for that matter, according to the Supreme nSOXneMb4Ec-00370-00163170-00163432 Court—machine guns, or sawed off shotguns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00371-00163432-00163734 Trevor Burrus: Machine guns meaning when you hold on the trigger, it releases a stream nSOXneMb4Ec-00372-00163734-00163834 of bullets. nSOXneMb4Ec-00373-00163834-00163934 David Kopel: Yeah, exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00374-00163934-00164278 You press the trigger once and just keep your finger squeezed and bullets will come out nSOXneMb4Ec-00375-00164278-00164378 continuously. nSOXneMb4Ec-00376-00164378-00164537 Trevor Burrus: Wasn’t that what an assault weapon is though? nSOXneMb4Ec-00377-00164537-00165174 David Kopel: Now, that is a deliberate lie invented by the gun prohibition lobby. nSOXneMb4Ec-00378-00165174-00165982 You can trace it back to a memo by a guy named Josh Sugarmann who now runs the Violence Policy nSOXneMb4Ec-00379-00165982-00166880 Center and in 1988, he was working for a different anti-gun group and he put out a memo saying nSOXneMb4Ec-00380-00166880-00167143 – this is not a secret memo. nSOXneMb4Ec-00381-00167143-00167422 You can find it on the internet. nSOXneMb4Ec-00382-00167422-00168001 Sugarmann explains that the media has gotten bored with our handgun ban stuff. nSOXneMb4Ec-00383-00168001-00168121 We gave it a good try. nSOXneMb4Ec-00384-00168121-00168229 We got as far as we did but … nSOXneMb4Ec-00385-00168229-00168510 Trevor Burrus: We got HCI which was Handgun Control Incorporated. nSOXneMb4Ec-00386-00168510-00168932 David Kopel: Look, we’re just not getting traction on this anymore. nSOXneMb4Ec-00387-00168932-00169087 So we need something new. nSOXneMb4Ec-00388-00169087-00169796 Let’s do assault weapons and as he said, the public and the press will think if it nSOXneMb4Ec-00389-00169796-00170318 looks like a machine gun, it is a machine gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00390-00170318-00171278 That was the whole – the strategy of Abraham – testing Abraham Lincoln’s theory and nSOXneMb4Ec-00391-00171278-00171806 Sugarmann certainly proved you can fool all of the people some of the time and for a while, nSOXneMb4Ec-00392-00171806-00172365 he fooled the majority of the people on this issue. nSOXneMb4Ec-00393-00172365-00173141 But the fact that a gun looks like a machine gun doesn’t mean it is a machine gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00394-00173141-00173810 You cannot as an observer look at a picture of a gun on the newspaper, see the internal nSOXneMb4Ec-00395-00173810-00174272 mechanics, which tell you whether it is a machine gun or not. nSOXneMb4Ec-00396-00174272-00174879 A machine gun – so the most popular rifle in the history of the United States is the nSOXneMb4Ec-00397-00174879-00174999 AR-15 rifle. nSOXneMb4Ec-00398-00174999-00175275 Trevor Burrus: Which is produced by a variety of companies, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00399-00175275-00175771 David Kopel: Right, originally – yes, came out in – introduced in 1964. nSOXneMb4Ec-00400-00175771-00176509 So it has been around for quite a long time, extremely popular, very, very mainstream American nSOXneMb4Ec-00401-00176509-00176609 gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00402-00176609-00176709 It is a semiautomatic. nSOXneMb4Ec-00403-00176709-00176945 It fires one bullet each time you press the trigger. nSOXneMb4Ec-00404-00176945-00177187 Trevor Burrus: And you don’t have to cock it in between the bullets. nSOXneMb4Ec-00405-00177187-00177355 David Kopel: Well, that’s right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00406-00177355-00178159 The concept of a semiautomatic which ejects the empty shell casing using some of the bullet nSOXneMb4Ec-00407-00178159-00178691 energy from the gun powder explosion and then loads a fresh round into the chamber. nSOXneMb4Ec-00408-00178691-00178911 That has been around since the 1890s. nSOXneMb4Ec-00409-00178911-00179581 Semiautomatics are today 82 percent of all handguns that are produced in the United States nSOXneMb4Ec-00410-00179581-00180272 and are a large fraction of rifles, one of several popular rifle types. nSOXneMb4Ec-00411-00180272-00180724 So the fact that a gun is a semiautomatic means it’s using a technology that is now nSOXneMb4Ec-00412-00180724-00181866 roughly about 120 years old, not some kind of new fancy high-tech idea. nSOXneMb4Ec-00413-00181866-00182406 Just with continuation of something that has been with us a – before anyone listening nSOXneMb4Ec-00414-00182406-00182870 to this podcast was born and probably before their grandparents were born. nSOXneMb4Ec-00415-00182870-00183197 That’s how old semiautomatic technology is. nSOXneMb4Ec-00416-00183197-00183677 But yes, some semiautomatics look like automatics. nSOXneMb4Ec-00417-00183677-00184237 All the difference in the world, I mean – between an automatic and a semiautomatic is – once nSOXneMb4Ec-00418-00184237-00184856 said in an oral argument to a court on this issue which the judge I think found amusing, nSOXneMb4Ec-00419-00184856-00185231 you know, there’s a difference between, Your Honor, if I called you a wit versus if nSOXneMb4Ec-00420-00185231-00185350 I called you a half-wit. nSOXneMb4Ec-00421-00185350-00186153 So the difference between automatic and semiautomatic is enormous and American law has always consistently nSOXneMb4Ec-00422-00186153-00186385 at the federal level – almost always. nSOXneMb4Ec-00423-00186385-00187006 So yeah, machine guns are one thing and other guns are a whole other thing. nSOXneMb4Ec-00424-00187006-00187402 The guns that fire one bullet every time you press the trigger, we’re going to put them nSOXneMb4Ec-00425-00187402-00187977 in one category and the guns that fire an infinite number of bullets, as long as you nSOXneMb4Ec-00426-00187977-00188385 keep the trigger pressed, we’re going to have a separate category for them. nSOXneMb4Ec-00427-00188385-00189099 Trevor Burrus: So the assault weapons ban of 1994, we hear a lot about that and it gets nSOXneMb4Ec-00428-00189099-00189545 discussed every time because it seemed like these AR-15s get used by school shooters and nSOXneMb4Ec-00429-00189545-00190030 other mass shooters which maybe is just a reason to take them away anyway. nSOXneMb4Ec-00430-00190030-00190247 But we did that with the assault weapons ban. nSOXneMb4Ec-00431-00190247-00190463 What did that ban and what did it do? nSOXneMb4Ec-00432-00190463-00190973 Aaron Ross Powell: I guess what is an assault weapon? nSOXneMb4Ec-00433-00190973-00191361 Is there a difference between semiautomatic rifles and assault weapons? nSOXneMb4Ec-00434-00191361-00191540 David Kopel: No. nSOXneMb4Ec-00435-00191540-00192173 The objective of the gun probation lobbies, which exist not only in the United States nSOXneMb4Ec-00436-00192173-00192759 but other countries, is to ban as many guns as possible under the currently achievable nSOXneMb4Ec-00437-00192759-00192957 conditions. nSOXneMb4Ec-00438-00192957-00193545 So you have some countries which have outlawed all semiautomatic rifles. nSOXneMb4Ec-00439-00193545-00193971 In the United States, that is not currently politically feasible. nSOXneMb4Ec-00440-00193971-00194459 So there’s an effort to pretend that oh, some semiautomatic rifles are OK, but others nSOXneMb4Ec-00441-00194459-00194651 are really bad. nSOXneMb4Ec-00442-00194651-00194831 So what’s the difference between them? nSOXneMb4Ec-00443-00194831-00195177 Because in the internal mechanics, how fast can you fire? nSOXneMb4Ec-00444-00195177-00195753 One semiautomatic is going to be just about the same as any other semiautomatic. nSOXneMb4Ec-00445-00195753-00196486 So you end up with things based on cosmetic features or things that have nothing to do nSOXneMb4Ec-00446-00196486-00196684 with the gun’s rate of fire. nSOXneMb4Ec-00447-00196684-00197520 So for example, the – Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapon ban that was enacted in 1994. nSOXneMb4Ec-00448-00197520-00197884 One of the things that makes something an assault weapon is whether it has a bayonet nSOXneMb4Ec-00449-00197884-00198221 lug on it because that means, oh, this gun is military. nSOXneMb4Ec-00450-00198221-00199002 Well, the number of drive-by bayoneting, drive-by crimes in this country has been very low for nSOXneMb4Ec-00451-00199002-00199505 a long, long time, at least since the Civil War, maybe before that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00452-00199505-00199665 Trevor Burrus: That’s horse-by bayoneting. nSOXneMb4Ec-00453-00199665-00199858 David Kopel: Yeah, yeah, that’s right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00454-00199858-00199958 Yeah. nSOXneMb4Ec-00455-00199958-00200435 So why is a gun that has a bayonet lug on it some kind of awful thing that no reasonable nSOXneMb4Ec-00456-00200435-00200607 person would ever want to own? nSOXneMb4Ec-00457-00200607-00200977 And then you take that same gun and take the bayonet lug off and oh, well, that’s a nice nSOXneMb4Ec-00458-00200977-00201127 happy sporting weapon. nSOXneMb4Ec-00459-00201127-00201893 According to the definition in the Feinstein-Clinton assault weapon ban which congress I think nSOXneMb4Ec-00460-00201893-00202317 rightly led sunset in 1994 and then when we had this … nSOXneMb4Ec-00461-00202317-00202417 Trevor Burrus: Or 2000 … nSOXneMb4Ec-00462-00202417-00202971 David Kopel: 2004, right, an act in 1994, sunset by its own terms in 2004. nSOXneMb4Ec-00463-00202971-00203659 New York, Connecticut where the governors and Michael Bloomberg exploited the Newtown nSOXneMb4Ec-00464-00203659-00204381 murders to try to ram through successfully gun ban legislation. nSOXneMb4Ec-00465-00204381-00204811 What gets banned is – oh, does the gun have a folding stock on it? nSOXneMb4Ec-00466-00204811-00205296 So that you can – if you’re taking it out for hunting, you can carry it more easily nSOXneMb4Ec-00467-00205296-00205973 on your back or an adjustable stock. nSOXneMb4Ec-00468-00205973-00206219 Lots of guns these days now have an adjustable stock. nSOXneMb4Ec-00469-00206219-00206862 A stock on the long gun is the part that you hold up against your shoulder to secure the nSOXneMb4Ec-00470-00206862-00207332 gun and have a solid point of contact for stead aim. nSOXneMb4Ec-00471-00207332-00207902 Well, not everybody in this country is the same height or has the same arm length. nSOXneMb4Ec-00472-00207902-00208483 So, manufacturers have been making stocks adjustable these days more and more. nSOXneMb4Ec-00473-00208483-00209046 So that if you’re 6’6” tall, you would have the stock be longer because your arms nSOXneMb4Ec-00474-00209046-00209208 are longer for the proper fit. nSOXneMb4Ec-00475-00209208-00209681 On the other hand, if you’re 5’3”, you would have the stock be shorter. nSOXneMb4Ec-00476-00209681-00210271 That according to Connecticut and New York is some terrible thing that transforms a nice nSOXneMb4Ec-00477-00210271-00210616 semiautomatic gun into an evil assault weapon. nSOXneMb4Ec-00478-00210616-00211253 So the definitions are utterly irrational and they make sense only from the point of nSOXneMb4Ec-00479-00211253-00211789 view of lobbyists that say, “We want to ban as many guns as we can. nSOXneMb4Ec-00480-00211789-00212144 How inclusively can we write this definition?” nSOXneMb4Ec-00481-00212144-00212519 Even in New York today, we still can’t be on all semi-auto rifles. nSOXneMb4Ec-00482-00212519-00213156 So we will just define what we call an assault weapon as broadly as we possibly can and all nSOXneMb4Ec-00483-00213156-00213755 the better if, as in New York, the governor forces the spineless legislature to vote on nSOXneMb4Ec-00484-00213755-00213911 the bill before they’ve even read it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00485-00213911-00214215 Trevor Burrus: It seems like you hear this a lot because one of the things that I’ve nSOXneMb4Ec-00486-00214215-00214885 heard them say – say why are we banning guns that are used responsibly 99.9 percent nSOXneMb4Ec-00487-00214885-00215038 of the time? nSOXneMb4Ec-00488-00215038-00215307 And they often say it’s a start almost as if … nSOXneMb4Ec-00489-00215307-00215407 David Kopel: Yeah. nSOXneMb4Ec-00490-00215407-00215751 Trevor Burrus: … you know, showing their hand that they want to get rid of all of these nSOXneMb4Ec-00491-00215751-00215851 guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00492-00215851-00215951 Do you think that that’s true? nSOXneMb4Ec-00493-00215951-00216338 Do you think that despite them maybe saying sometimes that we don’t want to ban all nSOXneMb4Ec-00494-00216338-00216750 guns, do you think that many of the prohibitionists actually do want to ban all guns? nSOXneMb4Ec-00495-00216750-00217125 David Kopel: Their logic has no stopping point. nSOXneMb4Ec-00496-00217125-00217634 But I would also say that if you – I’ve met a lot of the folks and the gun prohibition nSOXneMb4Ec-00497-00217634-00217967 lobbyists over the years. nSOXneMb4Ec-00498-00217967-00218467 Some do want to ban everything eventually, although they recognize they might not get nSOXneMb4Ec-00499-00218467-00219041 there within their own careers and others sincerely would not. nSOXneMb4Ec-00500-00219041-00219498 They would think that oh, there is some category – they might not have an exact definition nSOXneMb4Ec-00501-00219498-00220144 but I think there’s at least some category of nice gun – you know, rifles or shotguns nSOXneMb4Ec-00502-00220144-00220744 for hunting that people ought to be allowed to use to have under at least some circumstances. nSOXneMb4Ec-00503-00220744-00221517 But what we see in other countries is there’s never any – the – an individual anti-gun nSOXneMb4Ec-00504-00221517-00221801 lobbyist might be satiated. nSOXneMb4Ec-00505-00221801-00222734 But the movement itself can never be because as long – you have some famous atrocity nSOXneMb4Ec-00506-00222734-00223363 and so you crack down on gun owners, on law-abiding gun owners and then ban a larger category nSOXneMb4Ec-00507-00223363-00223473 of guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00508-00223473-00223573 OK. nSOXneMb4Ec-00509-00223573-00223825 Well, that keeps things satisfied for a few years. nSOXneMb4Ec-00510-00223825-00224353 But then there’s some other crime and – or an accident or whatever. nSOXneMb4Ec-00511-00224353-00224503 So then there’s this new thing. nSOXneMb4Ec-00512-00224503-00224625 Well, we have to do something. nSOXneMb4Ec-00513-00224625-00224725 OK. nSOXneMb4Ec-00514-00224725-00225192 Well, we’ve already banned A, B and C. So now it’s time to ban D, E and F. You just nSOXneMb4Ec-00515-00225192-00225569 keep on going. nSOXneMb4Ec-00516-00225569-00226125 So that’s why I think the pro-gun groups are right to say we are not going to accept nSOXneMb4Ec-00517-00226125-00226538 the banning of anything else, period. nSOXneMb4Ec-00518-00226538-00226729 They draw a line on the sand on that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00519-00226729-00227403 There’s this media myth that the NRA, which is by far the most influential of the pro nSOXneMb4Ec-00520-00227403-00227651 Second Amendment lobbies, they never compromise. nSOXneMb4Ec-00521-00227651-00227808 They’re totally hardcore and all that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00522-00227808-00227969 Trevor Burrus: And that they opposed everything before, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00523-00227969-00228069 David Kopel: Right, which is … nSOXneMb4Ec-00524-00228069-00228330 Trevor Burrus: It’s just wrong. nSOXneMb4Ec-00525-00228330-00229323 David Kopel: It is historically wrong and the NRA may have its idealistic rhetoric. nSOXneMb4Ec-00526-00229323-00230191 But then like any organization that actually is effect in a legislature, you have to compromise nSOXneMb4Ec-00527-00230191-00230900 and do things and sometimes you accept more of a restriction than you would want in exchange nSOXneMb4Ec-00528-00230900-00231066 for improving on other things. nSOXneMb4Ec-00529-00231066-00231857 That’s for example how we got license to carry in most of this country now is the laws nSOXneMb4Ec-00530-00231857-00232567 that we have on how to get a permit to carry a gun for lawful protection, which are typically nSOXneMb4Ec-00531-00232567-00233264 fingerprinting, safety – a fingerprint-based background check, biometric check. nSOXneMb4Ec-00532-00233264-00233882 Mandatory safety training and even on top of that, some discretion by local law enforcement nSOXneMb4Ec-00533-00233882-00234482 to deny a person who maybe has a clean record but there may be something identifiably wrong nSOXneMb4Ec-00534-00234482-00234582 with it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00535-00234582-00234684 Trevor Burrus: The town drunkards or like that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00536-00234684-00234784 David Kopel: Exactly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00537-00234784-00235117 The town drunkard, the town nut who’s – you know, the naked guy who sits in his lounge nSOXneMb4Ec-00538-00235117-00235444 chair screaming about the Martian invasion all day but has never been committed to a nSOXneMb4Ec-00539-00235444-00235744 mental institution. nSOXneMb4Ec-00540-00235744-00236359 The NRA wouldn’t necessarily favor all of that in a platonic ideal world but they’ve nSOXneMb4Ec-00541-00236359-00236769 accepted that as to get an effective licensing system up and running. nSOXneMb4Ec-00542-00236769-00237110 I think that’s good. nSOXneMb4Ec-00543-00237110-00237692 But what they do draw the line on, in an absolute sense, is no gun bans. nSOXneMb4Ec-00544-00237692-00237994 We’re not going to accept anything that bans more stuff. nSOXneMb4Ec-00545-00237994-00238244 Aaron Ross Powell: You mentioned other countries. nSOXneMb4Ec-00546-00238244-00238736 But isn’t it the case that there are a lot of other countries say in Europe that have nSOXneMb4Ec-00547-00238736-00239436 much stricter gun control laws than we have in the US and also have much lower rates of nSOXneMb4Ec-00548-00239436-00239536 gun violence? nSOXneMb4Ec-00549-00239536-00239919 The United States seems to be – we’ve got a lot of guns and a lot of gun violence. nSOXneMb4Ec-00550-00239919-00240600 David Kopel: Well, yeah, and of course that’s the frame that the gun prohibition groups nSOXneMb4Ec-00551-00240600-00241117 want you to say that in. nSOXneMb4Ec-00552-00241117-00242319 If you’re attacked by a rapist who has a gun, is that – what’s the difference from nSOXneMb4Ec-00553-00242319-00242786 being attacked by a rapist who has a knife or three rapists who have their hands and nSOXneMb4Ec-00554-00242786-00243156 feet and beat you up and severely injure you? nSOXneMb4Ec-00555-00243156-00243876 England, and especially Scotland, is a much more violent country than the United States. nSOXneMb4Ec-00556-00243876-00244877 These days when you look at total major violent crime, the four classic categories of homicide, nSOXneMb4Ec-00557-00244877-00245561 rape, aggravated assault, and robbery, robbery being an in-person confrontation for the taking nSOXneMb4Ec-00558-00245561-00245753 of money. nSOXneMb4Ec-00559-00245753-00246348 Now in 1925, you could say England had a much lower crime rate than the United States and nSOXneMb4Ec-00560-00246348-00246600 had much more repressive gun laws. nSOXneMb4Ec-00561-00246600-00247221 Today, England’s gun laws have gotten vastly more repressive than they were in 1925 and nSOXneMb4Ec-00562-00247221-00247608 its violent crime rate has skyrocketed. nSOXneMb4Ec-00563-00247608-00248348 So it is a – for total violent crime, it is a much worse place than the United States. nSOXneMb4Ec-00564-00248348-00249179 Its gun homicide rate is lower but it is not a more – it is not a more – it is certainly nSOXneMb4Ec-00565-00249179-00249376 not a safer society at all. nSOXneMb4Ec-00566-00249376-00249936 Then you add on top their burglary problem, which doesn’t – is not – well, counted nSOXneMb4Ec-00567-00249936-00250575 as major violent crimes although often burglaries do lead to violent crimes against people in nSOXneMb4Ec-00568-00250575-00250675 the home. nSOXneMb4Ec-00569-00250675-00250882 Trevor Burrus: But the lethality rate, that might be important too. nSOXneMb4Ec-00570-00250882-00251480 We might want to say, OK, people would rather have assaults with knives than guns, right? nSOXneMb4Ec-00571-00251480-00251580 David Kopel: Yeah. nSOXneMb4Ec-00572-00251580-00251694 Trevor Burrus: In terms of lethality. nSOXneMb4Ec-00573-00251694-00252219 So maybe they’ve solved one problem of having more people robbed but few people dying from nSOXneMb4Ec-00574-00252219-00252319 it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00575-00252319-00252756 David Kopel: Yeah, and then that’s essentially the argument of Franklin Zimring, one of the nSOXneMb4Ec-00576-00252756-00253473 most eminent American criminologists and really the – going back to the late 1960s, sort nSOXneMb4Ec-00577-00253473-00254198 of the intellectual founding father of pro-gun control social science research and Zimring nSOXneMb4Ec-00578-00254198-00254546 is certainly not a junk scientist or anything like that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00579-00254546-00255244 He has got a book on that called Crime Is Not the Problem, which is – he says don’t nSOXneMb4Ec-00580-00255244-00255371 think so much about the crime rate. nSOXneMb4Ec-00581-00255371-00256017 Think about the lethality rate and if we can just have more bar fights that end in knife nSOXneMb4Ec-00582-00256017-00256571 brawls, instead of shootings, that would reduce our homicide rate. nSOXneMb4Ec-00583-00256571-00256964 He has a point on that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00584-00256964-00257703 If you want to avoid getting shot, one of the top things on your list should be don’t nSOXneMb4Ec-00585-00257703-00258261 go to sketchy bars on weekend nights. nSOXneMb4Ec-00586-00258261-00258627 Get really drunk and then get into confrontations with similar people. nSOXneMb4Ec-00587-00258627-00259317 There are a lot of homicides and knifings and shootings and other things that come out nSOXneMb4Ec-00588-00259317-00259859 of those kinds of situations and he’s absolutely right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00589-00259859-00260483 If we had more knives and fewer guns in those situations, it would reduce homicides. nSOXneMb4Ec-00590-00260483-00261077 The question is, how are you going to go about doing that without – if you had a magic nSOXneMb4Ec-00591-00261077-00261338 magnet that took all guns away, that would do it. nSOXneMb4Ec-00592-00261338-00261669 We haven’t invented the magic magnet yet. nSOXneMb4Ec-00593-00261669-00262411 But failing that, the problem is the kind of folks I mentioned who get into these confrontations nSOXneMb4Ec-00594-00262411-00263025 with each other, are the one who are least likely to be affected by the laws. nSOXneMb4Ec-00595-00263025-00263554 Every state in the country, it’s illegal to be in actual physical possession of a gun nSOXneMb4Ec-00596-00263554-00263928 like wearing it on your body while you’re intoxicated. nSOXneMb4Ec-00597-00263928-00264573 Well, they were already breaking that rule and they’re the people who have the easiest nSOXneMb4Ec-00598-00264573-00264873 access to the black market. nSOXneMb4Ec-00599-00264873-00265423 The fact is the gun supply that exists in this country and with the ease of homemade nSOXneMb4Ec-00600-00265423-00266314 manufacture of guns, a black market is very likely to supply at least all of the – exactly nSOXneMb4Ec-00601-00266314-00266922 the kind of people you would prefer to disarm first in the Zimring scenario. nSOXneMb4Ec-00602-00266922-00267314 There’s a lot of talk these days about 3D printed guns and we will see what happens nSOXneMb4Ec-00603-00267314-00267417 with that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00604-00267417-00267705 But the fact is you can manufacture. nSOXneMb4Ec-00605-00267705-00268241 If you know how to run a home – machine tools at home, it is possible to build function nSOXneMb4Ec-00606-00268241-00268536 in guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00607-00268536-00269339 Around the world, West Africa, Ghana, Philippines, Micronesia, there are people who are building nSOXneMb4Ec-00608-00269339-00270311 large numbers of guns under conditions a lot more difficult than the guy – they are so nSOXneMb4Ec-00609-00270311-00270891 far below what the average guy who – you know, has some machine tools in his garage nSOXneMb4Ec-00610-00270891-00270991 can accomplish. nSOXneMb4Ec-00611-00270991-00271665 I mean they’re using literal wood fires to heat the metal things like that and building nSOXneMb4Ec-00612-00271665-00271877 effective firearms. nSOXneMb4Ec-00613-00271877-00272163 In those countries as well, it all depends on who has the guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00614-00272163-00272840 In some of these countries, the government bans guns because they’re authoritarian nSOXneMb4Ec-00615-00272840-00273216 and then don’t want any tribes other than the – whatever tribe is running the country nSOXneMb4Ec-00616-00273216-00273377 to have any power. nSOXneMb4Ec-00617-00273377-00273622 In some of these places, you see people build guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00618-00273622-00273879 They’re using them for hunting to feed their families. nSOXneMb4Ec-00619-00273879-00274316 In other places, people use guns for negative purposes. nSOXneMb4Ec-00620-00274316-00274721 Trevor Burrus: Well, it seems like most of the people who would start building guns would nSOXneMb4Ec-00621-00274721-00275022 probably be on the criminal side than on the law-abiding side. nSOXneMb4Ec-00622-00275022-00275286 David Kopel: Well, let’s say – yeah, in the United States, sure … nSOXneMb4Ec-00623-00275286-00275416 Trevor Burrus: In Ghana I would say. nSOXneMb4Ec-00624-00275416-00275516 I mean … nSOXneMb4Ec-00625-00275516-00276105 David Kopel: Well, most of the people who were going to Christian churches in Iran and nSOXneMb4Ec-00626-00276105-00276533 China are – maybe criminals too with the sense that the government has outlawed something nSOXneMb4Ec-00627-00276533-00276890 that’s a fundamental human right and people are evading that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00628-00276890-00277092 But I don’t think that’s a true crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00629-00277092-00277527 Trevor Burrus: Let’s go back to mass shootings which usually are the things that catapult nSOXneMb4Ec-00630-00277527-00278147 the gun issue into the media, into the public eye, and you hear a lot of discussions of nSOXneMb4Ec-00631-00278147-00278599 gun-free zones and making sure that we have gun-free campuses and making sure that we nSOXneMb4Ec-00632-00278599-00279023 don’t allow guns in these areas or try to get rid of certain weapons. nSOXneMb4Ec-00633-00279023-00279365 In terms of mass shootings, how does that affect the debate – how should that affect nSOXneMb4Ec-00634-00279365-00279647 the debate and how can we best deal with mass shootings? nSOXneMb4Ec-00635-00279647-00280267 David Kopel: Well, mass shootings like political assassinations, President Kennedy and then nSOXneMb4Ec-00636-00280267-00281074 Martin Luther King ad Robert Kennedy in the 1960s, these are the core drivers of the political nSOXneMb4Ec-00637-00281074-00281405 success of the Gun Prohibition Movement. nSOXneMb4Ec-00638-00281405-00281932 They most of the time don’t get very far on their issue. nSOXneMb4Ec-00639-00281932-00282547 But what gives them that spike and that window of opportunity is an atrocious, nationally nSOXneMb4Ec-00640-00282547-00282886 – internationally famous crime. nSOXneMb4Ec-00641-00282886-00283641 So that’s why they used Newtown which took place in mid-December and by January, the nSOXneMb4Ec-00642-00283641-00284179 New York state legislature had passed a bill without even reading it because it was such nSOXneMb4Ec-00643-00284179-00284318 an emergency. nSOXneMb4Ec-00644-00284318-00284982 A terrible bill, a bill that – for example harmed law enforcement – it made it illegal nSOXneMb4Ec-00645-00284982-00285394 for law enforcement officers to have arms at school. nSOXneMb4Ec-00646-00285394-00285833 Well, a lot of schools have school resource officers and safety officers and that would nSOXneMb4Ec-00647-00285833-00286411 be – it’s not like the legislature actually thought we want to ban law enforcement officers nSOXneMb4Ec-00648-00286411-00286531 from having guns at school. nSOXneMb4Ec-00649-00286531-00287081 They just wrote the bill so fast and actually Fredric Dicker of the New York Post reported nSOXneMb4Ec-00650-00287081-00287629 this, is basically nobody had a clue what was going on and they were just – the governor’s nSOXneMb4Ec-00651-00287629-00288116 office was taking its drafting information from the Bloomberg Group and from the Brady nSOXneMb4Ec-00652-00288116-00288434 Organization. nSOXneMb4Ec-00653-00288434-00288622 Those people know that they don’t like guns. nSOXneMb4Ec-00654-00288622-00289116 But in terms of that detailed, careful, legislative drafting, of how are you going to fit this nSOXneMb4Ec-00655-00289116-00290070 in to New York’s enormous body of statutes, they didn’t take the time or have the ability nSOXneMb4Ec-00656-00290070-00290486 to craft that properly. nSOXneMb4Ec-00657-00290486-00290927 Gun-free zones I think are fine as long as they really exist. nSOXneMb4Ec-00658-00290927-00291272 So let me give you an example of what I think is a proper gun-free zone. nSOXneMb4Ec-00659-00291272-00291856 In Colorado, we like most of the country have a fair process for law-abiding adults to get nSOXneMb4Ec-00660-00291856-00292132 a permit to carry a handgun for protection. nSOXneMb4Ec-00661-00292132-00292292 The state’s statute says, “OK. nSOXneMb4Ec-00662-00292292-00292576 Well, what about government buildings?” nSOXneMb4Ec-00663-00292576-00293154 and the answer is if a government building wants to ban license to carry in there, they nSOXneMb4Ec-00664-00293154-00293254 can. nSOXneMb4Ec-00665-00293254-00293411 They can have a gun-free zone. nSOXneMb4Ec-00666-00293411-00294063 They just have to make it real, which means you – at every public entrance, you have nSOXneMb4Ec-00667-00294063-00294978 metal detectors and you have armed guards there and therefore that will work to say, nSOXneMb4Ec-00668-00294978-00295346 OK, now – now, once you’re inside the Department of Motor Vehicles, nobody is going nSOXneMb4Ec-00669-00295346-00295739 to be carrying a gun because we’ve checked to make sure about that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00670-00295739-00296444 What is harmful, drastically harmful, is the pretend gun-free zone, where you put up a nSOXneMb4Ec-00671-00296444-00296693 sign that says “No guns allowed”. nSOXneMb4Ec-00672-00296693-00297338 Well, the only people who obey that are the law-abiding people and it means for the criminal, nSOXneMb4Ec-00673-00297338-00297958 you’ve got a great opportunity of guaranteed unarmed victims or at least the vast majority nSOXneMb4Ec-00674-00297958-00298313 of victims will be unarmed because they’re law-abiding. nSOXneMb4Ec-00675-00298313-00298798 They followed the gun-free sign. nSOXneMb4Ec-00676-00298798-00299671 Mass murders seem to happen a lot more often in gun-free zones than in other places. nSOXneMb4Ec-00677-00299671-00300273 One of the reasons you don’t hear about the mass murder that happened in the non-gun-free nSOXneMb4Ec-00678-00300273-00300781 zone was because often the criminal got shot at the beginning. nSOXneMb4Ec-00679-00300781-00300946 Trevor Burrus: Has that ever actually happened? nSOXneMb4Ec-00680-00300946-00301699 David Kopel: It happened two days before Newtown at a mall in Oregon where a guy with a rifle nSOXneMb4Ec-00681-00301699-00302545 – crowded mall, Christmas season, all that, guy with – apparently visibly mentally disturbed nSOXneMb4Ec-00682-00302545-00302813 goes and starts shooting at a mall in Oregon. nSOXneMb4Ec-00683-00302813-00303355 A citizen with a gun shoots him and … nSOXneMb4Ec-00684-00303355-00303714 Trevor Burrus: No story. nSOXneMb4Ec-00685-00303714-00303902 David Kopel: No national story. nSOXneMb4Ec-00686-00303902-00304715 Wrote an article in Los Angeles Times in January of 2013 which cataloged about a dozen of these nSOXneMb4Ec-00687-00304715-00305294 incidents, all the famous mass murders you never heard about that because they never nSOXneMb4Ec-00688-00305294-00305783 became mass murders because they got stopped earlier by law-abiding people, sometimes law nSOXneMb4Ec-00689-00305783-00306201 enforcement officers than often not carrying firearms. nSOXneMb4Ec-00690-00306201-00306910 More recently, there was an incident in Philadelphia where a psychiatric patient started shooting nSOXneMb4Ec-00691-00306910-00307010 people. nSOXneMb4Ec-00692-00307010-00307360 He was absolutely – everybody says in retrospect clearly on a rampage. nSOXneMb4Ec-00693-00307360-00307743 He would have killed dozens or more if he could have. nSOXneMb4Ec-00694-00307743-00308254 Well, it turned out that a psychiatrist in the hospital illegally had a gun. nSOXneMb4Ec-00695-00308254-00308613 He was violating that hospital’s gun-free zone policy. nSOXneMb4Ec-00696-00308613-00309231 He had a gun and he shot the criminal and saved dozens of lives. nSOXneMb4Ec-00697-00309231-00309574 The hospital fortunately did the right thing and said, “Well, actually yeah, you did nSOXneMb4Ec-00698-00309574-00309674 violate our policy. nSOXneMb4Ec-00699-00309674-00309997 On the other hand, you saved probably 50 of our employees from being killed. nSOXneMb4Ec-00700-00309997-00310097 So …” nSOXneMb4Ec-00701-00310097-00310197 Trevor Burrus: We will let that one slide. nSOXneMb4Ec-00702-00310197-00310297 David Kopel: We’re not going to fire you for this one. nSOXneMb4Ec-00703-00310297-00310397 Aaron Ross Powell: We’re almost out of time. nSOXneMb4Ec-00704-00310397-00310866 So I was hoping – maybe you could close by giving us a sense of where Second Amendment nSOXneMb4Ec-00705-00310866-00311031 jurisprudence is right now. nSOXneMb4Ec-00706-00311031-00311986 David Kopel: The lower courts are working on adjusting to the new world of the Heller nSOXneMb4Ec-00707-00311986-00312452 and McDonald decisions from the Supreme Court where the Supreme Court said, hey, you know, nSOXneMb4Ec-00708-00312452-00312955 that thing that comes after the First Amendment, that’s really part of the law too and you’ve nSOXneMb4Ec-00709-00312955-00313280 got to follow that and as Justice Alito wrote in McDonald, the Second Amendment is not a nSOXneMb4Ec-00710-00313280-00313430 second class right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00711-00313430-00314147 It is as fundamental as the other rights in the Bill of Right including the First Amendment nSOXneMb4Ec-00712-00314147-00314523 and the courts should treat it with equivalent respect. nSOXneMb4Ec-00713-00314523-00314781 That doesn’t mean every First Amendment rule applies to the Second Amendment. nSOXneMb4Ec-00714-00314781-00315307 But it means you – that’s the judicial attitude is when you hear a freedom of religion nSOXneMb4Ec-00715-00315307-00315630 case, you start off by thinking, oh, religion is really important. nSOXneMb4Ec-00716-00315630-00315989 That’s an important American value for people to have freedom of that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00717-00315989-00316726 I, as a judge, I’m going to look carefully at the law rather than just lazily accepting nSOXneMb4Ec-00718-00316726-00317379 a government’s justification for it, which might not necessarily have much factual or nSOXneMb4Ec-00719-00317379-00317642 logical support. nSOXneMb4Ec-00720-00317642-00318251 Some courts have followed what the Supreme Court has said and that means they’ve taken nSOXneMb4Ec-00721-00318251-00318765 a rigorous and serious look when gun laws have been challenged and sometimes they uphold nSOXneMb4Ec-00722-00318765-00319354 those gun laws because the law has properly passed the tough but not impossible tests nSOXneMb4Ec-00723-00319354-00319845 that exist in our jurisprudence for having regulations or restrictions on constitutional nSOXneMb4Ec-00724-00319845-00320342 rights and other laws the courts have said fail. nSOXneMb4Ec-00725-00320342-00320447 Those are the good courts. nSOXneMb4Ec-00726-00320447-00321154 There have also been some bad and lazy courts which are just recalcitrant as some judges nSOXneMb4Ec-00727-00321154-00321479 knew that Brown versus the Board of Education was the law of the land but they were not nSOXneMb4Ec-00728-00321479-00322029 exactly enthusiastic about making it apply within their jurisdiction. nSOXneMb4Ec-00729-00322029-00322529 We have a wide – so we have a variety of judicial responses. nSOXneMb4Ec-00730-00322529-00322817 Trevor Burrus: Are you hopeful though? nSOXneMb4Ec-00731-00322817-00323119 David Kopel: It’s a generational thing in part. nSOXneMb4Ec-00732-00323119-00323384 Federal judges are not on the cutting edge. nSOXneMb4Ec-00733-00323384-00323553 They’re not designed to be. nSOXneMb4Ec-00734-00323553-00324123 They’re not on the cutting edge of social change and new attitudes. nSOXneMb4Ec-00735-00324123-00324746 The fact that a bare majority of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Second Amendment nSOXneMb4Ec-00736-00324746-00325061 being a real, existing, actual right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00737-00325061-00325769 In 2008, came long after – well, the American public had always thought the Second Amendment nSOXneMb4Ec-00738-00325769-00326630 was a real individual right and even in the elite academic world, that that idea which nSOXneMb4Ec-00739-00326630-00327136 was sort of widely accepted in – for much of our country’s history but then became nSOXneMb4Ec-00740-00327136-00327555 anathema as of say 1975. nSOXneMb4Ec-00741-00327555-00328009 The academic world had long since returned to recognize that the Second Amendment guarantees nSOXneMb4Ec-00742-00328009-00328674 some kind of meaningful individual right and the Supreme Court came along last. nSOXneMb4Ec-00743-00328674-00329207 I don’t think the courts want to be the vanguard of social change these days. nSOXneMb4Ec-00744-00329207-00329697 But they rather reflect the consensus that has already emerged. nSOXneMb4Ec-00745-00329697-00330696 So you have some federal judges who came of age in law school in like 1973, when if you’re nSOXneMb4Ec-00746-00330696-00331141 in constitutional law class and somebody raises their hand and say, “Well, professor, what nSOXneMb4Ec-00747-00331141-00331456 about the Second Amendment?” and the professor would mock. nSOXneMb4Ec-00748-00331456-00331781 Oh, everybody knows that’s just a collective right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00749-00331781-00331881 Oh, really? nSOXneMb4Ec-00750-00331881-00331981 What case says that? nSOXneMb4Ec-00751-00331981-00332081 I don’t know! nSOXneMb4Ec-00752-00332081-00332181 But what are you? nSOXneMb4Ec-00753-00332181-00332298 Some kind of right-wing crazy nut? nSOXneMb4Ec-00754-00332298-00332553 Maybe we will kick you out of school except we don’t have policies to kick mentally nSOXneMb4Ec-00755-00332553-00332683 ill people out of school. nSOXneMb4Ec-00756-00332683-00332933 We’re going to change that. nSOXneMb4Ec-00757-00332933-00333595 You couldn’t even discuss it legitimately and now of course you can in law schools. nSOXneMb4Ec-00758-00333595-00333890 So we have courses on the Second Amendment. nSOXneMb4Ec-00759-00333890-00334296 I’m co-author of the first law school textbook on the Second Amendment. nSOXneMb4Ec-00760-00334296-00334726 So look at women’s right. nSOXneMb4Ec-00761-00334726-00335470 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first textbook on women’s rights, as a topic worthy of being nSOXneMb4Ec-00762-00335470-00335896 examined in law school, came out in 1971. nSOXneMb4Ec-00763-00335896-00336642 You couldn’t have said – you couldn’t have made women’s right arguments which nSOXneMb4Ec-00764-00336642-00337256 are now very mainstream in constitutional law in a law school in 1933 or you would have nSOXneMb4Ec-00765-00337256-00337722 gotten mocked just like making Second Amendment arguments in 1973. nSOXneMb4Ec-00766-00337722-00338480 But over time, the judiciary will change and we will have a new, more progressive pro-rights, nSOXneMb4Ec-00767-00338480-00338807 hopefully, judiciary that comes along. nSOXneMb4Ec-00768-00338807-00339422 But in the meantime, there are plenty of good judges who are conscientiously trying to follow nSOXneMb4Ec-00769-00339422-00340267 Heller and McDonald and that sometimes leads to the more inappropriate anti-gun laws being nSOXneMb4Ec-00770-00340267-00340430 recognized as unconstitutional. nSOXneMb4Ec-00771-00340430-00340729 Aaron Ross Powell: Thank you for listening to Free Thoughts. nSOXneMb4Ec-00772-00340729-00342029 If you have any questions or comments about today’s show, you can find us on Twitter, nSOXneMb4Ec-00773-00342029-00342788 @FreeThoughtsPod. nSaKu02IC20-00000-00000368-00000824 Magenta was just another bear but this time she had a youtube channel nSaKu02IC20-00001-00001048-00001719 and also she had 100 million subscribers although suddenly one day this happened. nSaKu02IC20-00002-00002088-00002425 Um, aren't you supposed to be in thetv? Wait what? nSaKu02IC20-00003-00002445-00002626 You're the tv Magenta! nSaKu02IC20-00004-00002792-00003052 Show me the news. Okay, I'll show you the news. nSaKu02IC20-00005-00003117-00003536 Thetop hit Youtuber Magenta Pie has been hacked. nSaKu02IC20-00006-00003824-00004316 We need to talk about this serious Conversation. Yeah. nSaKu02IC20-00007-00004339-00004820 Connect the mystery and then we find out why I got hacked. nSaKu02IC20-00008-00004872-00005328 Until suddenly they have to join the Poison Berries? Huh? nSaKu02IC20-00009-00005532-00005907 Magenta and Teddy you guys have been confirmed as Poison Berries agents. nSaKu02IC20-00010-00006654-00006845 That's cool you could join a band. nSaKu02IC20-00011-00006936-00007122 [Exlopsion] nSaKu02IC20-00012-00007130-00007391 Barry, it's not a band! nWoSmp8NtdA-00000-00000006-00000413 What's up everyone? Welcome back to The Durbin Compound. If you haven't met me already, my name is nWoSmp8NtdA-00001-00000413-00000972 Devin Durbin. So today on the channel we're doing a short video on how to cut crown molding like nWoSmp8NtdA-00002-00000972-00001497 a pro. I've had multiple friends in the finish carpentry trade and they've taught me some tips nWoSmp8NtdA-00003-00001497-00002046 and tricks. So today I'm going to share them with you as I do a bathroom project...redoing a little nWoSmp8NtdA-00004-00002046-00002568 bit of crown molding and kind of updating it. So I'm going to share them with you today, so stay tuned. nWoSmp8NtdA-00005-00003803-00004158 All right guys, first things first with doing crown molding and doing it correctly, you need to have nWoSmp8NtdA-00006-00004158-00004680 good solid measurements. So I'm going to take you inside to the bathroom...real world. We're going to go nWoSmp8NtdA-00007-00004680-00005367 in and measure exactly how I do it, so we can have nice precise fitting when we're done. So let's headon inside. nWoSmp8NtdA-00008-00005367-00006001 All right guys, now we're in the bathroom here. Now what I want to do is measure from inside corner to inside corner. nWoSmp8NtdA-00009-00006001-00006365 Basically this gives us a crown molding that comes together with an nWoSmp8NtdA-00010-00006366-00006909 inside corner. So what we want to do is have a very accurate measurement here, so that our crown fits nWoSmp8NtdA-00011-00006909-00007584 very tight up in the corner. So a good way to do this so that you're not trying to push the tape nWoSmp8NtdA-00012-00007584-00008214 measure into the corner and figure out exactly, you know, what it is, you're kind of nWoSmp8NtdA-00013-00008214-00008757 guesstimating. What you want to do is, you want to pick a spot in the wall where you nWoSmp8NtdA-00014-00008757-00009267 can count an even number. And then you'll measure from the other side to that mark. So I'll show you nWoSmp8NtdA-00015-00009267-00010122 exactly how I do that here. So I'm putting my tape up here. I want a mark at, let's see, I'm right close nWoSmp8NtdA-00016-00010122-00010656 to 50 inches. So what I'm going to do is turn my pen around and I'm going to make a little mark at nWoSmp8NtdA-00017-00010656-00011658 50 inches. So I always usually use a fine tip pen or a mechanical pencil. Some people use the nWoSmp8NtdA-00018-00011658-00012198 carpenter's pencils, or whatever, but I think they make too big of a mark. So now that I've made my nWoSmp8NtdA-00019-00012198-00012681 mark at 50 inches, now we're going to come across from the other side of the wall and we're going nWoSmp8NtdA-00020-00012681-00013440 to measure out to our 50 inches. So the measurement is 21 & 5/8. So you add 50 plus nWoSmp8NtdA-00021-00013440-00014094 21 & 5/8. Makes it 71 & 5/8. So now I'm goingto go back out to the miter saw. We're going to show nWoSmp8NtdA-00022-00014094-00014616 you exactly how to cut that 71 & 5/8. All right guys, I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily nWoSmp8NtdA-00023-00014616-00015266 make an inside cut. So I'm not going to measure out my 71 & 5/8 right now, but I will teach nWoSmp8NtdA-00024-00015266-00015846 you how to make an inside cut here. So I've put tape on both sides of my fence. I went ahead nWoSmp8NtdA-00025-00015846-00016419 and marked my crown. What you want to do is you always want to put the top here on the bottom ofplatform. nWoSmp8NtdA-00026-00016522-00017257 Okay, so the table is top. TT=TableTop. Okay, you want to always nWoSmp8NtdA-00027-00017257-00017725 have the top of your crown molding, if you're putting it up against the wall like this, you nWoSmp8NtdA-00028-00017725-00018292 want to always have the top upside down. So turn your crown upside down. Even that rhymes. Man I'm nWoSmp8NtdA-00029-00018292-00018820 batting a thousand today. Okay, make sure that's tight with your fence. And you go ahead nWoSmp8NtdA-00030-00018820-00019360 and put that line there for reference, so you can hold it there--every time. So if you're doing an nWoSmp8NtdA-00031-00019360-00020068 inside cut, an inside corner, you always want to make sure the bottom of your crown is longest. nWoSmp8NtdA-00032-00020068-00020491 So that will go to the corner and it will come out. So what we're going to do is we're going to nWoSmp8NtdA-00033-00020491-00021043 take this piece and cut it for an inside corner. So what we want to do is, we want to make this, nWoSmp8NtdA-00034-00021043-00021670 now, our longest side. So we're going to slide down here. And we are going to turn my saw nWoSmp8NtdA-00035-00021670-00022445 to 45 degrees. We are going to hold our crown up against the fence, correctly, upsidedown. nWoSmp8NtdA-00036-00022445-00023417 Now you want to goes nice and slow with the sharp blade. It will leave less nicks. It will make a very, very crisp cut. Here we go. nWoSmp8NtdA-00037-00023417-00024659 Okay,now we've cut one side. Now what we want to do is, we want to come back the other direction. nWoSmp8NtdA-00038-00024659-00025636 So here,this is getting a little too small, but we're going to make it work. I'm going to hold my crown here and we'll make another cut. All right! nWoSmp8NtdA-00039-00025855-00027382 Now we're going to take this in half and I'll show you exactly how it fits together. Okay, so now we nWoSmp8NtdA-00040-00027382-00028018 have an inside corner. So basically what this is, is when it goes up in your ceiling you have an inside nWoSmp8NtdA-00041-00028018-00028672 corner that fits together. So, always remember the top of the crown goes down. You cut it at a 45 degree nWoSmp8NtdA-00042-00028672-00029341 angle. And literally, you're just working with either the long side is the bottom, or the nWoSmp8NtdA-00043-00029341-00029860 long side is the top, depending on if you have an outside corner or an inside corner. But just always nWoSmp8NtdA-00044-00029860-00030633 remember, table top right there. And then make sure your crown is upside down, same thing. And then nWoSmp8NtdA-00045-00030633-00031285 you're cutting for inside or outside corner. And just go nice and slow with it. If you're worried nWoSmp8NtdA-00046-00031285-00031995 about it, I always try to be real precise with my markings. Use a fine tip pen or a mechanical nWoSmp8NtdA-00047-00031995-00032686 pencil and you'll be just fine. Make accurate cuts. Measure once, or measure twice, cut once and it's nWoSmp8NtdA-00048-00032686-00032812 as simple as that. nWoSmp8NtdA-00049-00032812-00033530 All right guys, I hope you got a little bit out of that video. Easy way to cut crown. Just make sure you're placing it right on the miter saw, nWoSmp8NtdA-00050-00033530-00034354 you're making real fine cuts. Always be careful! Always, you know, operate the saw as if it was your first time. Don't get complacent nWoSmp8NtdA-00051-00034354-00035185 and get hurt. It is a saw blade spinning close to your hand. So, just beware! Just be careful out nWoSmp8NtdA-00052-00035185-00035791 there guys. So I hope you guys liked the video. I hope to see you click subscribe. As always, give nWoSmp8NtdA-00053-00035791-00036370 me a thumbs up, or a thumbs down. Whatever you're into. And yeah, I think that's all I usually say. nWoSmp8NtdA-00054-00036370-00036916 So I'll see you guys in the next video. If you guys have any questions about my band-aid here...it's nWoSmp8NtdA-00055-00036916-00037480 from a different project. It's not from the miter saw, so just hold up on that. All right! nXXyAGhBzVg-00000-00000293-00000550 What if you could do more than just survive as a parent? nXXyAGhBzVg-00002-00000602-00000886 What if you could thrive? nXXyAGhBzVg-00003-00000886-00001150 Here at babystep, we believe that parenting can be a joyful experience. nXXyAGhBzVg-00004-00001150-00001434 But enjoying the process can feel nXXyAGhBzVg-00005-00001434-00001578 impossible today. nXXyAGhBzVg-00006-00001644-00001978 It seems like everyone has an opinion when it comes to raising your child. nXXyAGhBzVg-00007-00002082-00002392 We've all spent hours on the internet searching for solutions, nXXyAGhBzVg-00008-00002408-00002700 only to find a bunch of contradicting answers, nXXyAGhBzVg-00009-00002700-00002842 and none that feel right to us. nXXyAGhBzVg-00010-00002911-00003239 How can we get from problem to solution faster? nXXyAGhBzVg-00011-00003241-00003566 And how can we bring the joy back to our parenting? nXXyAGhBzVg-00012-00003593-00003854 That's where babystep comes in. nXXyAGhBzVg-00013-00003854-00004142 Our team is here to support your through all the ups and downs of parenthood. nXXyAGhBzVg-00014-00004176-00004460 Connect with us through video chats, phone calls, nXXyAGhBzVg-00015-00004460-00004761 and private messaging. Our experts are nXXyAGhBzVg-00016-00004761-00005069 each at the top of their fields. And they're ready to give you nXXyAGhBzVg-00017-00005069-00005215 the personalized support you need. nXXyAGhBzVg-00018-00005270-00005568 It's easy to get started. nXXyAGhBzVg-00019-00005568-00005837 We narrow down the professionals that best suit your needs, nXXyAGhBzVg-00020-00005838-00005938 schedule, and budget. nXXyAGhBzVg-00021-00005998-00006296 You can even read reviews of their work before deciding nXXyAGhBzVg-00022-00006296-00006396 who to book an appointment with. nXXyAGhBzVg-00023-00006446-00006754 Once you've chosen your experts, just pick an appointment time nXXyAGhBzVg-00024-00006754-00007049 that works for you and breathe a sigh of relief. nXXyAGhBzVg-00025-00007130-00007375 We guide parents in challenges and victories nXXyAGhBzVg-00026-00007375-00007505 when it comes to nXXyAGhBzVg-00036-00010071-00010379 Our experts help you to create a personalized plan with nXXyAGhBzVg-00037-00010379-00010524 step by step guidance. nXXyAGhBzVg-00038-00010559-00010870 They give you the answers to best parent your child. nXXyAGhBzVg-00039-00010911-00011195 And you'll learn the best tips and most effective strategies to becoming nXXyAGhBzVg-00040-00011195-00011457 your most impactful self, nXXyAGhBzVg-00041-00011457-00011603 because at babystep nXXyAGhBzVg-00042-00011648-00011993 we know there's no one size fits all approach to good parenting. nXXyAGhBzVg-00043-00012090-00012385 It's time to go from surviving to thriving. nXXyAGhBzVg-00044-00012386-00012656 Join us in the joyful parenting movement. nXXyAGhBzVg-00045-00012688-00012988 babystep - making parenting easier nXXyAGhBzVg-00046-00012988-00013136 one babystep at a time. nYZwzupbU50-00000-00000256-00000658 When we instructors, as humans, think about an assignment, nYZwzupbU50-00001-00000658-00000896 we think of it as something -- nYZwzupbU50-00002-00000896-00001196 anything -- that we want students to do. nYZwzupbU50-00003-00001196-00001521 We might want them to write a paper, nYZwzupbU50-00004-00001521-00001757 evaluate an article, nYZwzupbU50-00005-00001757-00001957 read part of the book, nYZwzupbU50-00006-00001957-00002158 watch a video, nYZwzupbU50-00007-00002158-00002358 or read something on a web site. nYZwzupbU50-00008-00002358-00002617 Canvas has a much more strict nYZwzupbU50-00009-00002617-00002817 definition of what an Assignment is. nYZwzupbU50-00010-00002817-00003121 It’s something for students to turn in nYZwzupbU50-00011-00003121-00003321 for the instructor to grade. nYZwzupbU50-00012-00003354-00003633 That applies to writing a paper nYZwzupbU50-00013-00003633-00003861 or evaluating an article, nYZwzupbU50-00014-00003864-00004138 both of which we want to grade, nYZwzupbU50-00015-00004138-00004405 but not to reading the book, nYZwzupbU50-00016-00004405-00004605 watching a video, nYZwzupbU50-00017-00004605-00004805 or reading a web site. nYZwzupbU50-00018-00004805-00005092 For those, Canvas uses nYZwzupbU50-00019-00005092-00005326 the term Page to mean something nYZwzupbU50-00020-00005326-00005489 for the students’ information nYZwzupbU50-00021-00005489-00005689 that isn’t going to be graded. nYZwzupbU50-00022-00005806-00006072 Time for a quick knowledge check. nYZwzupbU50-00023-00006072-00006412 If you wanted to put this content into a course, nYZwzupbU50-00024-00006412-00006612 would it be an Assignment nYZwzupbU50-00025-00006612-00006741 or a Page? nYZwzupbU50-00026-00006741-00007148 Pause the video and give it some thought. nYZwzupbU50-00027-00007348-00007468 It’s a Page. nYZwzupbU50-00028-00007468-00007654 There’s nothing in here that suggests nYZwzupbU50-00029-00007654-00007854 that the student has to send you anything; nYZwzupbU50-00030-00007854-00008136 all of this is for their information only. nYZwzupbU50-00031-00008336-00008509 Now this one. nYZwzupbU50-00032-00008509-00008814 Is it an Assignment or a Page? nYZwzupbU50-00033-00008814-00009142 Pause the video again and give it some thought. nYZwzupbU50-00034-00009342-00009689 This one is an Assignment. nYZwzupbU50-00035-00009690-00009930 The student is being asked to do something nYZwzupbU50-00036-00009930-00010260 and turn it in, presumably to be graded. nYZwzupbU50-00037-00010260-00010460 “OK,” you might be thinking, nYZwzupbU50-00038-00010460-00010660 “but is it really that big of a difference? nYZwzupbU50-00039-00010660-00010904 Why not make everything an Assignment?” nYZwzupbU50-00040-00010989-00011286 First, when you create a Canvas Assignment, nYZwzupbU50-00041-00011286-00011486 you have to set a number of points. nYZwzupbU50-00042-00011486-00011732 Students will get confused nYZwzupbU50-00043-00011732-00012022 if they see assignments that are worth zero points, nYZwzupbU50-00044-00012022-00012297 and they might even skip over them. nYZwzupbU50-00045-00012390-00012608 When you go to the grade book, nYZwzupbU50-00046-00012608-00012808 you’ll have some assignments that nYZwzupbU50-00047-00012808-00013008 really do need to be graded, nYZwzupbU50-00048-00013008-00013380 but they’re hidden among all the things that don’t need it. nYZwzupbU50-00049-00013430-00013732 Making everything an Assignment nYZwzupbU50-00050-00013732-00013932 is bad for your students, nYZwzupbU50-00051-00013932-00014177 and it’s bad for you. nYZwzupbU50-00052-00014177-00014454 The moral of the story: nYZwzupbU50-00053-00014454-00014682 When you add content to a course, nYZwzupbU50-00054-00014682-00014949 put it in the correct category. nYZwzupbU50-00055-00014949-00015301 Use Pages for things that inform; nYZwzupbU50-00056-00015301-00015889 use Assignments for things that need grading. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00000-00003449-00003699 Hi, everyone! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00001-00003699-00004020 I bought a lot again for this week :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00002-00004379-00005113 This is oyster for soft tofu ramen which is popular these days. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00003-00005226-00005638 For that, of course, I got soft tofu, too. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00004-00005880-00006139 This is sirloin for steak, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00005-00006139-00006564 I'll make a chopped steak with it. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00006-00006690-00007298 I bought a red pepper for that, too. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00007-00007444-00007799 I got this big 1.8L low-fat milk nYb-Tk2xgkM-00008-00007799-00008408 because I drink 2 cups of latte every day lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00009-00008696-00009034 Onions that I always buy nYb-Tk2xgkM-00010-00009234-00009459 spicy pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00011-00009459-00009788 peeled garlic for one portion nYb-Tk2xgkM-00012-00009893-00010389 peeled potato for spam jjageuli. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00013-00010523-00011019 Frozen pork cutlet for Kimchi pork cutlet stew nYb-Tk2xgkM-00014-00011315-00011661 This is grilled tripe rice from School Food, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00015-00011661-00011945 I bought this because I love it nYb-Tk2xgkM-00016-00011945-00012303 so I want to make it at home nYb-Tk2xgkM-00017-00012303-00012612 It costs 40000 won for all. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00018-00012612-00012916 Today's dinner - spicy soft tofu&oyster ramen! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00019-00012916-00013254 Since it was literally popular on youtube, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00020-00013254-00013571 I really want to make it, too! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00021-00013838-00014114 I'll put some oyster to add a kick nYb-Tk2xgkM-00022-00014114-00014460 Put some salt and rub it nYb-Tk2xgkM-00023-00014831-00015119 There are a lot of dirt in it nYb-Tk2xgkM-00024-00015119-00015357 Rinse it through clean water for many times nYb-Tk2xgkM-00025-00015607-00015974 I'll put half the soft tofu. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00026-00016149-00016516 It's frozen because I put it at the top of the fridge.. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00027-00016733-00017021 Never mind... lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00028-00017204-00017588 300ml of water nYb-Tk2xgkM-00029-00017588-00017884 Prepare a ramen spicy one! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00030-00017884-00018068 solid ingredients nYb-Tk2xgkM-00031-00018068-00018376 ramen powder nYb-Tk2xgkM-00032-00018626-00018935 Until it boils, let's prepare a Gimbap nYb-Tk2xgkM-00033-00019031-00019269 I love cheese Gimbap the most, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00034-00019361-00019540 I'll eat the edge one nYb-Tk2xgkM-00035-00019652-00019936 I just BUY a Gimbap usually nYb-Tk2xgkM-00036-00019936-00020241 Because it's cheaper way for living alone nYb-Tk2xgkM-00037-00020241-00020503 You can get this at 3,000won nYb-Tk2xgkM-00038-00020587-00020849 I'll put the edge on the top nYb-Tk2xgkM-00039-00021025-00021287 Cheese gimbap three-story tower lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00040-00021379-00021738 Put half the noodles when it boils. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00041-00021738-00022047 I was wondering why they say "half the noodle" nYb-Tk2xgkM-00042-00022047-00022405 But because I add oyster, and had gimbap, I was full nYb-Tk2xgkM-00043-00022722-00023081 Cover the oysters with noodle nYb-Tk2xgkM-00044-00023406-00023765 I want to eat it while I'm editing it lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00045-00023765-00024174 When it's almost done, put some green onion. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00046-00024286-00024537 I didn't notice that the sleeves touched the gimbap. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00047-00024845-00025020 Bon appetite! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00048-00025020-00025358 Let's try some noodle first nYb-Tk2xgkM-00049-00025717-00025909 Yes, this is it! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00050-00026230-00026626 Since the oyster is in season, it's so delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00051-00026626-00026997 Because of it, it's like a premium ramen! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00052-00027260-00027569 This is so good, so nice! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00053-00028057-00028365 Let's have some tofu and stew nYb-Tk2xgkM-00054-00028703-00028962 I didn't realize that I'm making this sound lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00055-00029149-00029487 Ramen and gimbap are always right! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00056-00029625-00029942 I'll make this after I drink a lot next time lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00057-00030246-00030622 I'm a genius... I came up with putting oysters in it! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00058-00030772-00031281 If you don't like spicy ramen, this should be a sort of them! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00059-00031281-00031860 I recommend Shin ramen, Yeol ramen like that. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00060-00031860-00032336 The tofu was so soft and delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00061-00032711-00032974 Thanks for the meal :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00062-00032974-00033212 I got a special present today! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00063-00033212-00033412 which is Silver Button !! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00064-00033475-00033721 Thank you, everyone, soooo much! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00065-00033775-00034075 I didn't expect that I could do 'silver button unboxing' nYb-Tk2xgkM-00066-00034075-00034376 and still I can't belive 100k people are subscribing to me nYb-Tk2xgkM-00067-00034626-00034905 I surely keep this until I become 80years old grandma! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00068-00034905-00035164 Keep watching me until then lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00069-00035356-00035693 Thanks for watching and cheering me up :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00070-00035831-00036127 (A loud clap of applause) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00071-00036169-00036453 I got a letter from Youtube! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00072-00036803-00037087 I took so many pictures, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00073-00037087-00037337 and put it on my fav shelf! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00074-00037337-00037595 I had a great night, thanks to all of you :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00075-00037595-00038046 Since it's getting colder, I want something warm nYb-Tk2xgkM-00076-00038046-00038400 But I actually drink iced americano and latte lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00077-00038505-00038734 Cut some leak diagonally nYb-Tk2xgkM-00078-00038734-00038988 and some spicy pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00079-00039364-00039681 It's really good to fry pork cutlet in this egg roll pan nYb-Tk2xgkM-00080-00039681-00039889 Saving oil! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00081-00040031-00040277 First, check the temperature of oil with tiny thing. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00082-00040348-00040640 Let's fry them! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00083-00040849-00041203 Delicious color and perfect sound! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00084-00041508-00041787 (ASMR) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00085-00041904-00042067 Put the crispy pork cutlet on the cutting board nYb-Tk2xgkM-00086-00042067-00042279 Cut it carefully nYb-Tk2xgkM-00087-00042396-00042609 I can feel how crispy it is by the sound nYb-Tk2xgkM-00088-00042663-00042888 Grease the pot with oil nYb-Tk2xgkM-00089-00043034-00043259 Put some kimchi nYb-Tk2xgkM-00090-00043351-00043576 Fry them like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00091-00043718-00043910 It's better with over-fermented kimchi, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00092-00043910-00044081 but I don't have it, so just put normal kimchi nYb-Tk2xgkM-00093-00044202-00044440 Pour some water until they are submerged. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00094-00044440-00044586 1tbsp of red pepper powder nYb-Tk2xgkM-00095-00044586-00044794 1tbsp of sugar nYb-Tk2xgkM-00096-00044794-00044990 1tbsp of soy sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00097-00045207-00045457 When the soup is thick, put the pork cutlet on it. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00098-00045674-00045858 leak nYb-Tk2xgkM-00099-00045858-00046062 spicy pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00100-00046108-00046312 I'll add an egg to make it softer nYb-Tk2xgkM-00101-00046483-00046717 You don't have to mix it perfect nYb-Tk2xgkM-00102-00047113-00047363 It seems we could sell it in a restaurant! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00103-00047363-00047680 Wow that looks so delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00104-00047810-00048060 I'll try some then. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00105-00048189-00048440 Pick some kimchi and pork cutlet. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00106-00048802-00048965 Yum yum! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00107-00048965-00049220 So warm and so delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00108-00049328-00049549 It goes so well with rice nYb-Tk2xgkM-00109-00049678-00049891 I couldn't understand people who make it soggy nYb-Tk2xgkM-00110-00049891-00050112 But after I try this, I regretted that saying lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00111-00050304-00050525 I love crispy pork cutlet, of course, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00112-00050592-00050813 The soggy pork cutlet is really, really good, too! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00113-00050813-00051067 I don't order a pork cutlet outside, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00114-00051067-00051355 but I order curry or cheese one there. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00115-00051543-00051830 It's delicious to mix eggs and kimchi with rice. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00116-00052127-00052414 But be careful when you eat this! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00117-00052414-00052702 Every time I eat this, I always burn my mouth lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00118-00052752-00053190 When I was at work, my team members liked pork cutlet a lot. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00119-00053190-00053670 I ate pork cutlet for 3 days out of 5 days lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00120-00053670-00054087 Since then, I've had enough, so I haven't ordered normal Tonkatsu. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00121-00054162-00054475 I don't know why I'm saying this lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00122-00054475-00054813 Anyway, it's so delicious, please make this at home :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00123-00054813-00055117 I was really looking forward this, Rice with Grilled Tripe nYb-Tk2xgkM-00124-00055346-00055588 It's out of focus today, so let's skip it quickly! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00125-00055588-00055818 I'll make a seasoned chive first. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00126-00056101-00056364 Cut them into a bite sized piece nYb-Tk2xgkM-00127-00056364-00056627 It goes so well with grilled tripe nYb-Tk2xgkM-00128-00056806-00057069 I eat chive a lot when I eat grilled tripe at the restaurant nYb-Tk2xgkM-00129-00057332-00057753 3tbsp of soy sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00130-00057753-00058070 2tbsp of red pepper powder nYb-Tk2xgkM-00131-00058070-00058349 2tbsp of vinegar nYb-Tk2xgkM-00132-00058349-00058591 1tbsp of sugar syrup nYb-Tk2xgkM-00133-00058591-00058771 1tbsp of minced garlic nYb-Tk2xgkM-00134-00058771-00059113 little bit of sesame oil nYb-Tk2xgkM-00135-00059113-00059401 add some sesame, too. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00136-00059463-00059659 Wear a plastic glove, and mix them nYb-Tk2xgkM-00137-00059847-00060114 Then it's done! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00138-00060114-00060381 It's time to grill the tripe then nYb-Tk2xgkM-00139-00060681-00060948 Yay I love it soooo much nYb-Tk2xgkM-00140-00060948-00061169 Add a pack nYb-Tk2xgkM-00141-00061327-00061624 Wow that looks... so greasy.... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00142-00061624-00061882 But while I grill it, it's gone.... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00143-00061882-00062116 It actually have a taste of oil spilling ... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00144-00062116-00062324 That's no no, School food...! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00145-00062408-00062616 Let's put some rice in a bowl nYb-Tk2xgkM-00146-00062666-00062912 A lot of chives to refresh my mouth nYb-Tk2xgkM-00147-00063321-00063550 A lot of grilled tripe nYb-Tk2xgkM-00148-00063550-00063780 There's nothing in it, anyway.... so sad nYb-Tk2xgkM-00149-00063926-00064155 A lot of sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00150-00064468-00064697 Don't forget to put an egg yolk! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00151-00064785-00064981 Wasabi nYb-Tk2xgkM-00152-00065206-00065461 Rice with Grilled Tripe is done! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00153-00065461-00065715 We can't forget beer of course nYb-Tk2xgkM-00154-00065882-00066120 I love this fresh sound so much! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00155-00066232-00066362 Cheers! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00156-00066362-00066599 Let's drink it nYb-Tk2xgkM-00157-00066883-00067083 Pop the egg yolk nYb-Tk2xgkM-00158-00067154-00067375 With a big spoonful of rice. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00159-00067375-00067567 Top the grilled tripe on it nYb-Tk2xgkM-00160-00067751-00067942 I can't wait! YUM nYb-Tk2xgkM-00161-00068076-00068293 It doesn't taste like the oil in the tripes, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00162-00068293-00068505 But the sauce was sweet and salty, so that was pretty good! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00163-00068572-00068785 At first, I thought I grilled it wrong, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00164-00068785-00069081 but all the review says they're eating only the outer side....! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00165-00069081-00069285 I should have read all the review... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00166-00069390-00069632 I won't buy it again! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00167-00069811-00070053 I prefer the one that I made last time, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00168-00070249-00070491 but I ate it all this time, too. lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00169-00070649-00070958 Today, I'll make my fav. dish, Chopped Steak! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00170-00070958-00071267 greasy meat + crunchy veggies + sweet and salty sauce = ♥ nYb-Tk2xgkM-00171-00071321-00071629 Cut half an onion like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00172-00072113-00072422 Cut the up and bottom of pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00173-00072701-00073010 and remove all the seed inside nYb-Tk2xgkM-00174-00073047-00073314 It's good to cut it into same sizes nYb-Tk2xgkM-00175-00073314-00073586 By doing so, they all are well-cooked at the same time nYb-Tk2xgkM-00176-00073656-00073890 Cut the lid part removing the stalk. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00177-00074144-00074374 My love, button mushroom! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00178-00074374-00074603 Cut it into this size nYb-Tk2xgkM-00179-00074703-00075004 It was 2,000won for 3 mushrooms on Market Kurly. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00180-00075004-00075304 So I bought it at the market near by my house nYb-Tk2xgkM-00181-00075667-00075967 Slice some garlic nYb-Tk2xgkM-00182-00076113-00076380 Yes, a lot of veggies.. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00183-00076380-00076601 But we can eat them all :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00184-00076705-00076876 Sirloin 200g nYb-Tk2xgkM-00185-00076876-00077118 Remove the fat part which looks so chewy nYb-Tk2xgkM-00186-00077168-00077427 and cut them into cube shaped pieces. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00187-00078057-00078253 Let's make sweet and salty sauce then! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00188-00078253-00078540 2tbsp of oyster sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00189-00078540-00078866 2tbsp of ketchup nYb-Tk2xgkM-00190-00078866-00079070 1tbsp of sugar syrup nYb-Tk2xgkM-00191-00079070-00079387 Mix it well nYb-Tk2xgkM-00192-00079608-00079925 Melt some butter on the pan nYb-Tk2xgkM-00193-00080188-00080430 Let's grill the beef! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00194-00080572-00080780 You know how delicious the beef with butter is nYb-Tk2xgkM-00195-00080780-00080980 It's so happy day... <3 nYb-Tk2xgkM-00196-00080980-00081239 Grill the outer part of beef in a short time nYb-Tk2xgkM-00197-00081393-00081685 a little bit of pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00198-00081685-00081977 and some salt nYb-Tk2xgkM-00199-00081977-00082269 Put the beef on the edge nYb-Tk2xgkM-00200-00082357-00082649 Put a lot of vegetables then nYb-Tk2xgkM-00201-00082799-00083091 If I have yellow bell pepper, it would be more colorful..... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00202-00083133-00083425 Stir-fry them crunchy nYb-Tk2xgkM-00203-00083450-00083691 and put some sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00204-00083775-00084017 and stir-fry them once again, it's done! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00205-00084296-00084538 My mouth is watering because of this smell..! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00206-00084659-00084901 Place it on the plate nYb-Tk2xgkM-00207-00085143-00085397 Wanna eat it right now !! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00208-00085397-00085652 We can't miss parsely even if we're in a hurry. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00209-00086002-00086244 Let's go eat it! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00210-00086244-00086478 With mountain dew for today! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00211-00086799-00087032 I think it's brighter green than before nYb-Tk2xgkM-00212-00087128-00087345 The previous one was soft, but this one is like full of pigments... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00213-00087437-00087654 I'll have beef first nYb-Tk2xgkM-00214-00087850-00088100 It's just ..... so juicy! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00215-00088100-00088292 The best part of chopped steak is nYb-Tk2xgkM-00216-00088292-00088571 you can eat veggies and beef in a bite! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00217-00088930-00089209 This is the best way to eat this dish :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00218-00089276-00089518 I really want to make it twice a week, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00219-00089518-00089798 but sadly I can't because the beef is expensive... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00220-00089981-00090240 It was really happy dinner nYb-Tk2xgkM-00221-00090240-00090498 Refresh with mountain dew nYb-Tk2xgkM-00222-00090623-00090882 I'll make lime syrup after the final exam nYb-Tk2xgkM-00223-00091007-00091516 I highly recommend this for Home-party dish, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00224-00091516-00092050 and for a dish with beer at night. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00225-00092050-00092554 TRUST ME. It'll be good :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00226-00092855-00093176 Thanks for the meal. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00227-00093176-00093543 For a dessert, I'll have cafe latte. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00228-00093668-00094035 I really like when they're mixing like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00229-00094060-00094427 Mix it well. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00230-00094677-00095044 With green tea langue de chat from Osulloc nYb-Tk2xgkM-00231-00095090-00095416 I'll have just two of them nYb-Tk2xgkM-00232-00095791-00096162 You'll like it if you like green tea nYb-Tk2xgkM-00233-00096162-00096533 a bit bitter but sweet, so delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00234-00096588-00096996 I'm binge-watching Walking dead 10 on Netflix. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00235-00096996-00097405 I watched them all in 2 days....! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00236-00097701-00098102 So when is Walking dead 11 coming? nYb-Tk2xgkM-00237-00098102-00098406 Before I go yoga, I'll have something simple. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00238-00098406-00098848 I really am into chicken salad these days. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00239-00098848-00099286 With chicken tenders at home nYb-Tk2xgkM-00240-00099407-00099824 Rinse the vegetables through clean water nYb-Tk2xgkM-00241-00099920-00100204 Remove the water nYb-Tk2xgkM-00242-00100283-00100713 The easiest way is using the air-fryer nYb-Tk2xgkM-00243-00100859-00101146 I'll have 3 of them nYb-Tk2xgkM-00244-00101317-00101701 10mins at 20'C nYb-Tk2xgkM-00245-00101785-00102168 Put some salad on the plate nYb-Tk2xgkM-00246-00102168-00102552 and top the chopped chicken tenders nYb-Tk2xgkM-00247-00102627-00102869 My sis said that it's not a chicken salad, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00248-00102869-00103178 it's a chicken with a little bit of veggies. lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00249-00103382-00103686 The reason I ate this chicken salad is nYb-Tk2xgkM-00250-00103686-00104020 not for losing weight, but for living healthy! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00251-00104283-00104642 I'll have some cherries, too. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00252-00105004-00105276 Again, emergency message... nYb-Tk2xgkM-00253-00106047-00106360 I'll make a drip coffee today. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00254-00106360-00106731 It takes long compared to coffee machine, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00255-00106731-00107102 but this is more..... amusing! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00256-00107444-00107770 I used the one from Paul Bassett! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00257-00107770-00108162 A lot of ice as always. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00258-00108416-00108812 Let's have some salad first. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00259-00108812-00109209 It's super crispy and delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00260-00109571-00109818 Cherries, too, are delicious and sweet nYb-Tk2xgkM-00261-00109893-00110281 (Noise from my clothes, sorry :) ) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00262-00110739-00111127 Sweet cherry and bitter americano! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00263-00111315-00111619 For today's dinner, spam&potato jjageuli! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00264-00111619-00112007 This is Korean spicy kimchi stew, and so delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00265-00112057-00112383 Cut an onion like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00266-00112695-00113154 and potato into small cube shaped pieces nYb-Tk2xgkM-00267-00113438-00113872 I'm a bit nervous because it's been a while since I made this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00268-00114485-00114918 Cut the leak nYb-Tk2xgkM-00269-00115682-00116116 Now I'm good at cutting lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00270-00116241-00116674 Cut some spicy pepper, too. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00271-00116966-00117400 I cut a pepper into 30 pieces! WOW! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00272-00117575-00117826 Put some onion and potato at the bottom nYb-Tk2xgkM-00273-00118301-00118551 Today's main ingredient - spam nYb-Tk2xgkM-00274-00118868-00119119 Scoop it out like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00275-00119348-00119623 It's easier with plastic bag by smashing it, nYb-Tk2xgkM-00276-00119623-00119898 but I don't want to use unnecessary plastic bag. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00277-00120078-00120370 This is way more... amusing! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00278-00120370-00120662 Separte the big piece into small pieces nYb-Tk2xgkM-00279-00120858-00121146 1tbsp of red pepper powder nYb-Tk2xgkM-00280-00121146-00121392 1tbsp of red pepper paste nYb-Tk2xgkM-00281-00121392-00121496 1tbsp of sugar nYb-Tk2xgkM-00282-00121496-00121863 3tbsp of soy sauce nYb-Tk2xgkM-00283-00121863-00122051 1tbsp of minced garlic nYb-Tk2xgkM-00284-00122051-00122313 Pour water until they submerged nYb-Tk2xgkM-00285-00122572-00122835 Boil them mixing the sauce like this nYb-Tk2xgkM-00286-00123143-00123406 Cover the lid and boil them at medium-high heat nYb-Tk2xgkM-00287-00123710-00123882 The stew gets thick now! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00288-00123932-00124219 Put some leak nYb-Tk2xgkM-00289-00124219-00124428 and spicy pepper nYb-Tk2xgkM-00290-00124428-00124716 Mix them, then it's done! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00291-00124895-00125154 Move a way nYb-Tk2xgkM-00292-00125154-00125429 A thing that we can't miss nYb-Tk2xgkM-00293-00125429-00125704 That is..... a sunny side up! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00294-00125863-00126138 Because it looks so pretty, I'm so happy! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00295-00126246-00126522 Make sure the fried eggs are half-cooked. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00296-00126522-00126797 It's delicious because it's moist when you mix rice with it. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00297-00127068-00127343 It goes well with dried seaweed and green onion kimchi! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00298-00127477-00127752 Pour some water. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00299-00127869-00128102 I'm going to split it up in two days. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00300-00128102-00128378 You know that Jjageuri tastes better as it boils, right? nYb-Tk2xgkM-00301-00128820-00129095 Pop the egg yolk and mix it! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00302-00129224-00129500 With green onion, yum! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00303-00130004-00130280 It's a pefect Korean dish for living alone :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00304-00130346-00130622 Soft potato and salty, delicious dish :) nYb-Tk2xgkM-00305-00130718-00130993 Let's wrap it in dried seaweed this time. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00306-00131431-00131706 It's way more salty but delicious! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00307-00131827-00132086 I recommend eating with dried seaweed! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00308-00132086-00132361 Or you can cut the seaweed and mix it with rice! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00309-00132686-00132907 It's so simple nYb-Tk2xgkM-00310-00132907-00133183 The best side dish you can eat for two days. nYb-Tk2xgkM-00311-00133437-00133854 I should have had one more fried egg....! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00312-00133854-00134350 I hope you guys make two. lol nYb-Tk2xgkM-00313-00134350-00134872 So..... today's video is over :) ! nYb-Tk2xgkM-00314-00134872-00135335 Thanks for watching as alway, bye ! nZ1Rqz26nbU-00000-00000020-00000278 (upbeat music) nZ1Rqz26nbU-00001-00000939-00001133 - I'm the manager of the infrastructure team with nZ1Rqz26nbU-00002-00001133-00001356 SafeWork New South Wales. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00003-00001356-00001677 We have an overall silica strategy nZ1Rqz26nbU-00004-00001677-00001969 but I guess it's important today for you to recognize that nZ1Rqz26nbU-00005-00001969-00002141 most of what I'm going to be covering, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00006-00002141-00002347 while I will cover the overarching strategy, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00007-00002347-00002481 is about what we, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00008-00002481-00002732 in the Construction and Asbestos Services Team, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00009-00002732-00002995 are doing with particularly the infrastructure nZ1Rqz26nbU-00010-00002995-00003240 and construction industry sectors. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00011-00003240-00003495 Our Work Health and Safety Roadmap was developed nZ1Rqz26nbU-00012-00003495-00003724 after we became SafeWork New South Wales. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00013-00003724-00003972 We split from the old WorkCover New South Wales nZ1Rqz26nbU-00014-00003972-00004410 into three sectors, which was the Worker's Compensation, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00015-00004410-00004610 the Worker's Compensation Regulator, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00016-00004610-00004715 and obviously SafeWork, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00017-00004715-00004945 which is the work health and safety regulator. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00018-00005038-00005447 Focus on really declining fatalities and serious injuries, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00019-00005447-00005606 and particularly, I think, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00020-00005606-00005795 we're ever increasing focus on illness, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00021-00005795-00006017 which I think is a really important focus nZ1Rqz26nbU-00022-00006017-00006340 that we probably haven't had as much to do with nZ1Rqz26nbU-00023-00006340-00006570 over a good 10 year history. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00024-00006570-00006784 So it's really good to see that nZ1Rqz26nbU-00025-00006784-00007020 we are having a better focus in that space. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00026-00007020-00007254 We've got some clear action areas, and I guess the one nZ1Rqz26nbU-00027-00007254-00007561 that really falls into this is about those high risk harm nZ1Rqz26nbU-00028-00007561-00007771 in terms of those injuries and illnesses. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00029-00007886-00008128 And it's also about us being an exemplar regulator. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00030-00008128-00008415 So for us, you know, part of the work nZ1Rqz26nbU-00031-00008415-00008657 that we've been doing with the industry sector nZ1Rqz26nbU-00032-00008657-00008911 is really about getting buy-in nZ1Rqz26nbU-00033-00008911-00009097 from everyone across the industry, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00034-00009097-00009230 and making sure that what we're doing nZ1Rqz26nbU-00035-00009230-00009475 is actually providing some benefit, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00036-00009475-00009775 but also so that we're able to bring industry along with us. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00037-00009923-00010113 So why are we focusing on silica? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00038-00010311-00010544 As part of the coming together of SafeWork nZ1Rqz26nbU-00039-00010544-00010856 there was a lot of analysis done on the data, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00040-00010856-00011113 and international and national research. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00041-00011113-00011469 From that SafeWork came up with two nZ1Rqz26nbU-00042-00011469-00011851 specific chemicals that they were going to focus on, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00043-00011851-00012082 and one of them happened to be silica. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00044-00012252-00012615 So, we've put that in our health and safety nZ1Rqz26nbU-00045-00012615-00012801 in terms of controlling that exposure, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00046-00012801-00012930 and that's across the board, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00047-00012930-00013182 not only in the construction sector, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00048-00013182-00013390 but across the board, but I'm going to be talking about nZ1Rqz26nbU-00049-00013390-00013650 what we're going to do in the construction sector. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00050-00013650-00013879 And obviously some of the biggest reasons why nZ1Rqz26nbU-00051-00013879-00014031 we're doing that is the amount of tunnelling nZ1Rqz26nbU-00052-00014031-00014247 that is going on across the state, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00053-00014247-00014624 but also, the amount of work in, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00054-00014624-00014947 sandstone and rock that's happening, not only in tunnelling nZ1Rqz26nbU-00055-00014947-00015244 but also in residential and excavation work nZ1Rqz26nbU-00056-00015244-00015413 that's happening across the state. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00057-00015607-00015893 So this is a bit of a, just an understanding nZ1Rqz26nbU-00058-00015893-00016241 of our hazardous chemicals and material, and, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00059-00016241-00016477 materials exposure strategy. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00060-00016644-00017038 It focuses around a number of different types of activities nZ1Rqz26nbU-00061-00017038-00017269 that we will do, which is both doing nZ1Rqz26nbU-00062-00017269-00017550 that site type activity inspections, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00063-00017550-00017773 getting out there workplace visits, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00064-00017773-00018056 awareness, creating that awareness around illnesses, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00065-00018056-00018221 and particularly in relation to silica, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00066-00018221-00018667 which I still think people don't have a great awareness of, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00067-00018667-00019009 the effects and what those long-term health effects are. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00068-00019107-00019263 And we're also doing a lot of research. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00069-00019263-00019553 So we've also had our work health and safety nZ1Rqz26nbU-00070-00019553-00019816 Centre of Excellence initiated. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00071-00019816-00019971 We've got a number of data researchers nZ1Rqz26nbU-00072-00019971-00020210 who are working at both the international and national level nZ1Rqz26nbU-00073-00020210-00020511 in terms of improving our data in that space. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00074-00020624-00020860 So what is it that we really want to achieve nZ1Rqz26nbU-00075-00020860-00021022 through this program? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00076-00021135-00021449 Firstly I think awareness is one of the big, big factors. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00077-00021449-00021758 And still that lack of awareness is a real issue nZ1Rqz26nbU-00078-00021758-00022006 we have the biggest construction boom nZ1Rqz26nbU-00079-00022006-00022266 that's ever happened in this state. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00080-00022266-00022582 We have workers working in these types of environments nZ1Rqz26nbU-00081-00022582-00022889 who have never been in that type of environment before nZ1Rqz26nbU-00082-00022889-00023176 and while we have some experienced people who have been nZ1Rqz26nbU-00083-00023176-00023524 we've also got this whole range, a new group of people, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00084-00023524-00023833 who are coming in, who just don't have that awareness. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00085-00023833-00024155 So that's a big part of what we're trying to do. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00086-00024155-00024400 It's also to, for us to understand it, and I think nZ1Rqz26nbU-00087-00024400-00024835 as an organisation for us, we were never, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00088-00024835-00025011 you know, we never had a full understanding nZ1Rqz26nbU-00089-00025011-00025251 of what was actually happening underground. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00090-00025251-00025548 And probably as an organisation, historically, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00091-00025548-00025720 we haven't really had a lot to do with it, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00092-00025720-00025952 apart from some of the major tunnel collapses nZ1Rqz26nbU-00093-00025952-00026149 and things that have happened in the past. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00094-00026149-00026325 We haven't on an ongoing nature actually nZ1Rqz26nbU-00095-00026325-00026499 been down in the tunnels. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00096-00026499-00026707 So for us that was a big part of it, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00097-00026707-00026937 developing our own people, in terms of nZ1Rqz26nbU-00098-00026937-00027142 understanding what's going on. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00099-00027142-00027379 To work collaboratively with industry nZ1Rqz26nbU-00100-00027379-00027604 and that's obviously a big part, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00101-00027604-00027762 if we don't get industries buying in nZ1Rqz26nbU-00102-00027762-00028079 to the things that we're doing we've already lost the caper. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00103-00028202-00028580 You know, we have a lot of, lot of specialised nZ1Rqz26nbU-00104-00028580-00028854 and highly skillful people across the industry sectors nZ1Rqz26nbU-00105-00028854-00029088 who we need to work with and we need to get onboard nZ1Rqz26nbU-00106-00029088-00029414 in terms of making this change, that will be long term. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00107-00029525-00030025 And hopefully will be of benefit to the future generations. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00108-00030035-00030527 We've conducted a number of site visits within the tunnels nZ1Rqz26nbU-00109-00030527-00030895 and that's every major tunnelling project nZ1Rqz26nbU-00110-00030895-00031089 in the metropolitan region. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00111-00031089-00031402 And been doing assessments, hygienists assessments nZ1Rqz26nbU-00112-00031402-00031608 we've been actually looking at the data nZ1Rqz26nbU-00113-00031608-00031816 and we've been looking at the work practices nZ1Rqz26nbU-00114-00031816-00031980 that are happening across those, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00115-00031980-00032188 those tunnelling contractors. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00116-00032308-00032541 And really been gathering that information nZ1Rqz26nbU-00117-00032541-00032873 on what is good practice, what do we expect nZ1Rqz26nbU-00118-00032873-00033075 that we should see down there, and you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00119-00033075-00033230 what are some of the challenges or what are nZ1Rqz26nbU-00120-00033230-00033586 some of the areas where we think we can actually improve, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00121-00033586-00033786 and make a difference in terms of nZ1Rqz26nbU-00122-00033786-00033971 reducing that silica exposure. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00123-00034152-00034421 Again, continuing in collaborative discussions, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00124-00034421-00034640 and I think, you know, we've initiated nZ1Rqz26nbU-00125-00034640-00034870 an air quality monitoring group, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00126-00034870-00035066 which I'll talk about a little bit later, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00127-00035066-00035384 but I think that's been a really successful way nZ1Rqz26nbU-00128-00035384-00035598 to get all the major players together nZ1Rqz26nbU-00129-00035598-00035853 and actually just start these discussions nZ1Rqz26nbU-00130-00035853-00036157 about where we're at and where as an industry nZ1Rqz26nbU-00131-00036157-00036271 do we want to get to. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00132-00036378-00036824 And I, I think, certainly from my point of view, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00133-00036824-00037223 it's been a really successful group to get together nZ1Rqz26nbU-00134-00037223-00037382 and actually shows what people can do nZ1Rqz26nbU-00135-00037382-00037585 when they have the will to actually get together nZ1Rqz26nbU-00136-00037585-00037810 and start talking about some of these things. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00137-00037896-00038060 I guess it's always important to, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00138-00038060-00038222 when we are going about these things, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00139-00038222-00038524 it's important to look at the good things that are happening nZ1Rqz26nbU-00140-00038524-00038844 and certainly in this industry sector, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00141-00038844-00039080 as opposed to a number of other different sectors, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00142-00039080-00039325 there are a lot of positive things nZ1Rqz26nbU-00143-00039325-00039571 happening in the silica space. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00144-00039571-00039812 And I think as an industry sector nZ1Rqz26nbU-00145-00039812-00040221 it's an opportunity for them to actually influence nZ1Rqz26nbU-00146-00040221-00040618 and provide positive, I guess, futures nZ1Rqz26nbU-00147-00040618-00040803 for other industry sectors, where we can nZ1Rqz26nbU-00148-00040803-00041047 start making changes after the ones nZ1Rqz26nbU-00149-00041047-00041228 we've made in this industry. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00150-00041228-00041473 So, without going through all of them that you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00151-00041473-00041649 some of the ventilation that we've seen is, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00152-00041649-00041915 it is really good when it's put in place properly, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00153-00041915-00042030 and is really effective nZ1Rqz26nbU-00154-00042030-00042240 in terms of what you're trying to achieve. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00155-00042365-00042506 You know, we have had use, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00156-00042506-00042747 and it's consistent and inconsistent at times, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00157-00042747-00043108 of misting systems, the use of brattice and curtains, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00158-00043108-00043303 blocking off areas of the work space nZ1Rqz26nbU-00159-00043303-00043501 and setting up the proper ventilation nZ1Rqz26nbU-00160-00043501-00043749 to get rid of these, these dusts. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00161-00043937-00044270 Issues that prevent people having to get out of cabins. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00162-00044407-00044566 There was a lot of problems, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00163-00044566-00044820 you have positive pressure cabins which is fantastic, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00164-00044820-00045169 but if you're opening a door, it takes away nZ1Rqz26nbU-00165-00045169-00045450 from the engineering control that you've put in place. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00166-00045450-00045641 So, in terms of that it's been really good, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00167-00045641-00045874 and there's certainly been some good compliance rates nZ1Rqz26nbU-00168-00045874-00046115 in certain areas, down in the tunnels. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00169-00046115-00046308 So there has been some really positive things nZ1Rqz26nbU-00170-00046308-00046551 that have occurred, but along with that nZ1Rqz26nbU-00171-00046551-00046785 there's obviously also some challenges. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00172-00046785-00047022 And some of the challenges that we're trying nZ1Rqz26nbU-00173-00047022-00047167 to work through at the moment nZ1Rqz26nbU-00174-00047266-00047573 with the different joint ventures is nZ1Rqz26nbU-00175-00047573-00047863 really what does that good practice looks like? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00176-00047863-00048108 For us as a regulator we've been going down nZ1Rqz26nbU-00177-00048108-00048322 and doing visits to all these tunnels nZ1Rqz26nbU-00178-00048322-00048535 and the practices across the tunnels nZ1Rqz26nbU-00179-00048535-00048777 are sometimes quite different. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00180-00048777-00048999 So the challenge for us, and I think for the nZ1Rqz26nbU-00181-00048999-00049183 for all the contractors themselves nZ1Rqz26nbU-00182-00049183-00049481 is to say firstly, why are they different? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00183-00049481-00049781 And if they are different, are they providing nZ1Rqz26nbU-00184-00049781-00050062 the same level of safety that we would expect? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00185-00050165-00050253 So they're some of the things nZ1Rqz26nbU-00186-00050253-00050456 that we're really going to be working on nZ1Rqz26nbU-00187-00050456-00050595 over the next couple of months nZ1Rqz26nbU-00188-00050595-00050888 in terms of trying to achieve a better consistency. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00189-00051051-00051252 And in particular that reducing nZ1Rqz26nbU-00190-00051252-00051452 the concentrations of silica dust. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00191-00051452-00051658 It is a challenge, and there are areas nZ1Rqz26nbU-00192-00051658-00052012 where it's just, sometimes, very difficult to achieve. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00193-00052012-00052162 But then there are other controls nZ1Rqz26nbU-00194-00052162-00052412 that you have to put in place if that is the case. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00195-00052541-00052821 The level of awareness we sort of talked about, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00196-00052821-00053005 and I think, you know, across the board nZ1Rqz26nbU-00197-00053005-00053255 in this sort of environment, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00198-00053255-00053616 there's always been a really heavy reliance on PPE, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00199-00053616-00053835 and I think, wherever we can look at nZ1Rqz26nbU-00200-00053928-00054203 options in terms of those engineering controls nZ1Rqz26nbU-00201-00054203-00054487 and how we can actually control these things at the source, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00202-00054487-00054945 that's always going to be a much more positive benefit nZ1Rqz26nbU-00203-00054945-00055080 if we get to that space nZ1Rqz26nbU-00204-00055080-00055273 rather than the lower order controls. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00205-00055396-00055601 So one of the things we're really proud of nZ1Rqz26nbU-00206-00055601-00055814 is the Air Quality Working Group. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00207-00055814-00056127 I think that's been a really significant achievement nZ1Rqz26nbU-00208-00056127-00056464 in terms of getting a group of people who are nZ1Rqz26nbU-00209-00056597-00056951 often opposed in terms of the types of contracts nZ1Rqz26nbU-00210-00056951-00057087 that they have together to actually nZ1Rqz26nbU-00211-00057087-00057220 come together and start talking. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00212-00057220-00057489 Which I think is actually been a major achievement. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00213-00057489-00057774 And that committee is really about trying to say nZ1Rqz26nbU-00214-00057774-00058048 you know, what are we about? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00215-00058048-00058282 This is not about getting anyone's nZ1Rqz26nbU-00216-00058486-00058846 technological advances or having a, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00217-00058846-00059129 an improvement in, in contractor relationships, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00218-00059129-00059410 this is all about sharing information nZ1Rqz26nbU-00219-00059410-00059629 on the health and safety, and how we reduce nZ1Rqz26nbU-00220-00059629-00059970 the exposure to this type of dust. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00221-00059970-00060126 And I think you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00222-00060259-00060453 it was a hard to start with, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00223-00060453-00060574 but now we're actually there, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00224-00060574-00060844 I think it's really showing some good results. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00225-00060844-00061004 It's also about sharing the results nZ1Rqz26nbU-00226-00061004-00061262 of de-identified silica monitoring. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00227-00061262-00061572 The mines do it really well, they have a really mature nZ1Rqz26nbU-00228-00061572-00061953 dust committee, that are very mature in the way nZ1Rqz26nbU-00229-00061953-00062154 that they share information and I think nZ1Rqz26nbU-00230-00062154-00062505 if we could get to that space it would be a really positive nZ1Rqz26nbU-00231-00062505-00062722 environment and place to be. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00232-00062722-00062969 It's about sharing what good practices are, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00233-00062969-00063245 and in terms of those inconsistencies, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00234-00063364-00063532 is this one better than this one? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00235-00063532-00063671 Or is this one better than this one? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00236-00063671-00063854 And why is that, you know? nZ1Rqz26nbU-00237-00063854-00064166 Is it going to create extra costs or resource issues, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00238-00064166-00064300 or actually is that just the one nZ1Rqz26nbU-00239-00064300-00064466 that we all should be using. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00240-00064466-00064834 So I think those conversations can all be beneficial. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00241-00064834-00065089 And also obviously getting feedback nZ1Rqz26nbU-00242-00065089-00065282 on the challenges that are faced by everyone. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00243-00065282-00065643 And one of the things that we see constantly nZ1Rqz26nbU-00244-00065643-00065920 is that the challenges remain the same across the, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00245-00065920-00066122 across the tunnels. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00246-00066231-00066438 And you're all facing the same challenges, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00247-00066438-00066649 so if you can come together and deal with it nZ1Rqz26nbU-00248-00066649-00066973 on a conglomerate basis it's always going to be beneficial. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00249-00067123-00067396 And also as a consultation mechanism nZ1Rqz26nbU-00250-00067396-00067649 for that guidance material and trying to develop some nZ1Rqz26nbU-00251-00067649-00067986 what does actually best practice look like in this field. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00252-00067986-00068213 So, we've currently had three meetings. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00253-00068213-00068520 We've got two subcommittees that have been initiated. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00254-00068520-00068753 One is looking at health monitoring, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00255-00068753-00069045 and I think, you know, for all of us in the room nZ1Rqz26nbU-00256-00069045-00069281 it's pretty clear that there's some real gaps nZ1Rqz26nbU-00257-00069281-00069485 in terms of the way different people nZ1Rqz26nbU-00258-00069485-00069688 are doing health monitoring, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00259-00069688-00069857 and in particular in terms of the way nZ1Rqz26nbU-00260-00069857-00070190 that people move across different work sites. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00261-00070190-00070584 How that health monitoring is affected is a real issue nZ1Rqz26nbU-00262-00070584-00070801 that we're actually trying to tackle nZ1Rqz26nbU-00263-00070801-00071149 and again come up with a consistent kind of approach nZ1Rqz26nbU-00264-00071149-00071312 to what that should look like. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00265-00071453-00071716 There's also some work being done on this training package, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00266-00071716-00072216 which is really around what does a good induction look like, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00267-00072303-00072726 where should our people be in terms of that education space nZ1Rqz26nbU-00268-00072726-00073088 before they get into a tunnel or one of these work places. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00269-00073203-00073484 We've done some joint visits with hygienists nZ1Rqz26nbU-00270-00073484-00073838 as I mentioned before, and that's across all the tunnels, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00271-00073838-00074047 to have a look at the results and to just see nZ1Rqz26nbU-00272-00074047-00074185 what's going on down there. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00273-00074281-00074451 And we've also done a couple of visits nZ1Rqz26nbU-00274-00074451-00074801 to the mine rescue facility and it's interesting nZ1Rqz26nbU-00275-00074801-00075026 to see the different approaches nZ1Rqz26nbU-00276-00075026-00075365 from the mine sector to the tunelling sector. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00277-00075365-00075706 And obviously there're differences in terms of, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00278-00075706-00075882 the types of environment that are down there, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00279-00075882-00076059 but there's a lot of similarities as well. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00280-00076059-00076432 So, I think that's been a good thing for us. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00281-00076432-00076717 Just to finish off, I'd like to say nZ1Rqz26nbU-00282-00076717-00076863 that it's been a, you know, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00283-00076863-00077091 it's been really great working with the industry. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00284-00077091-00077453 We've now got a number of meetings nZ1Rqz26nbU-00285-00077453-00077692 with all the joint venture partners. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00286-00077692-00077885 Where we're actually gonna discuss nZ1Rqz26nbU-00287-00077979-00078380 what we can do now, in terms of some changes, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00288-00078380-00078683 and how we can reduce that silica exposure nZ1Rqz26nbU-00289-00078683-00079036 with really basic things that can happen right now, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00290-00079036-00079350 and then what are we gonna do in terms of being able to work nZ1Rqz26nbU-00291-00079350-00079470 with you in terms of some of these more nZ1Rqz26nbU-00292-00079470-00079923 complex areas of exposures, where we haven't quite got nZ1Rqz26nbU-00293-00079923-00080196 to what best practice, or even what compliance, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00294-00080196-00080316 might look like for instance. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00295-00080316-00080484 So particularly some of the backend works nZ1Rqz26nbU-00296-00080484-00080721 that are starting to happen, benching, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00297-00080721-00080880 even some of the above ground works, nZ1Rqz26nbU-00298-00080880-00081075 where I don't think we're quite there yet. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00299-00081075-00081414 So, looking forward to the next couple of months nZ1Rqz26nbU-00300-00081414-00081567 and being able to get to a place nZ1Rqz26nbU-00301-00081567-00081904 where we're being able to deliver a bit more nZ1Rqz26nbU-00302-00081904-00082103 in terms of what compliance looks like. nZ1Rqz26nbU-00303-00082229-00082312 Thank you. ncKmJdj_WPA-00000-00000088-00000552 Hello and welcome to Section 5.2. ncKmJdj_WPA-00001-00000720-00001368 The eigenvalues of a matrix turn out to be ncKmJdj_WPA-00002-00001368-00001855 related to roots of polynomials, ncKmJdj_WPA-00003-00001855-00002312 called "characteristic polynomials." ncKmJdj_WPA-00004-00002384-00002984 In this section we discuss this relationship ndiOC6coCI0-00000-00000104-00000450 - Now when a bug report comes, ndiOC6coCI0-00001-00000537-00000864 there are some things that changes a bit ndiOC6coCI0-00002-00000864-00001125 with in the introduction of BPF ndiOC6coCI0-00003-00001125-00001560 because BPF allows users to modify the behavior ndiOC6coCI0-00004-00001560-00001643 of the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00005-00001643-00001761 That's the whole point of BPF, ndiOC6coCI0-00006-00001761-00001996 to modify the behavior of the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00007-00001996-00002285 So, now, when a bug report comes, ndiOC6coCI0-00008-00002285-00002716 the system is behave behaving in an unexpected way, ndiOC6coCI0-00009-00002716-00003215 it might as well be because there's some stupid BPF program ndiOC6coCI0-00010-00003246-00003610 loaded or attached that does something that it should not ndiOC6coCI0-00011-00003610-00003693 be doing. ndiOC6coCI0-00012-00003911-00004022 It's probably nothing new ndiOC6coCI0-00013-00004022-00004269 because for example for in case of XDP, ndiOC6coCI0-00014-00004269-00004666 there might be program, XD program that is dropping packets. ndiOC6coCI0-00015-00004666-00004974 That's it's nothing new. ndiOC6coCI0-00016-00004974-00005274 There were such interfaces before. ndiOC6coCI0-00017-00005274-00005709 Netfilter, TC, yeah, so this is just one ndiOC6coCI0-00018-00005709-00006033 another place to look at but ndiOC6coCI0-00019-00006033-00006232 developers or engineers working on bug reports ndiOC6coCI0-00020-00006232-00006347 should be available at. ndiOC6coCI0-00021-00006734-00007070 Similarly two users, this is yet another way ndiOC6coCI0-00022-00007070-00007439 to screw up the system and now this is probably ndiOC6coCI0-00023-00007439-00007628 the responsibility of distributions ndiOC6coCI0-00024-00007628-00008126 to make easier for the users to out what's wrong. ndiOC6coCI0-00025-00008226-00008537 So, we are thinking about creating some cheat sheets. ndiOC6coCI0-00026-00008537-00008984 What to do if packets have suddenly disappearing ndiOC6coCI0-00027-00008984-00009435 or when developing your own BPF programs, ndiOC6coCI0-00028-00009435-00009676 and it's misbehaving, what to look for. ndiOC6coCI0-00029-00009912-00010167 Now, I said the bpftool provides ndiOC6coCI0-00030-00010167-00010595 only the view in the current moment. ndiOC6coCI0-00031-00010595-00010727 Now, that might be a problem ndiOC6coCI0-00032-00010727-00010970 because if we have some automation ndiOC6coCI0-00033-00010970-00011342 or some systems, some daemons who load and unload, ndiOC6coCI0-00034-00011473-00011924 loads and unloads, for example, XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-00035-00011924-00012204 now the system might be misbehaving, ndiOC6coCI0-00036-00012204-00012620 but at the moment, we look at the snapshot of the system. ndiOC6coCI0-00037-00012729-00013019 It might be no, XDP programs loaded. ndiOC6coCI0-00038-00013119-00013453 So this might be pretty hard to debug. ndiOC6coCI0-00039-00013453-00013953 And also some custom users might prefer to have some ndiOC6coCI0-00040-00014158-00014546 history log of what happened on their systems, ndiOC6coCI0-00041-00014546-00014736 what programs were loaded and so on, ndiOC6coCI0-00042-00014736-00015041 because they right now, record what program ndiOC6coCI0-00043-00015041-00015201 get executed it by the users. ndiOC6coCI0-00044-00015201-00015431 So, this might be a bit similar thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00045-00015540-00015857 One pretty obvious point where to add this ndiOC6coCI0-00046-00015857-00016032 is the audit subsystem. ndiOC6coCI0-00047-00016140-00016397 Actually, Oshar is not in this room. ndiOC6coCI0-00048-00016397-00016763 He tried to send patches, adding that, but it got stuck ndiOC6coCI0-00049-00016763-00017059 on disagreement between the audit system ndiOC6coCI0-00050-00017059-00017333 audit subsystem maintainers and BPF subsystem maintainers. ndiOC6coCI0-00051-00017333-00017794 So, that's something that we would like them ndiOC6coCI0-00052-00017794-00018221 to talk with each other maybe use this opportunity to do so. ndiOC6coCI0-00053-00018221-00018520 And do something. ndiOC6coCI0-00054-00018520-00018695 Open with purpose and have a solution. ndiOC6coCI0-00055-00018695-00019042 The audit is not necessarily the only thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00056-00019042-00019162 - [Audience Member] No one's allowed to leave the room ndiOC6coCI0-00057-00019162-00019308 until we fixed this disagreement. ndiOC6coCI0-00058-00019308-00019533 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00059-00019692-00020192 - Now, of course, distributions want to be secured. ndiOC6coCI0-00060-00020402-00020902 So, what does that mean for eBPF as well? ndiOC6coCI0-00061-00021089-00021480 There are two things that we need to pay attention to ndiOC6coCI0-00062-00021611-00021979 and that's first, is Spectre, as always. ndiOC6coCI0-00063-00021979-00022172 That's a problem for everyone. ndiOC6coCI0-00064-00022301-00022541 And second is the Verifier. ndiOC6coCI0-00065-00022541-00022794 I'm not saying that Verifier is buggy or something. ndiOC6coCI0-00066-00022794-00023021 But the thing is that the Verifier ndiOC6coCI0-00067-00023021-00023519 is the only difference between malicious BPF programs ndiOC6coCI0-00068-00023519-00023621 and a kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00069-00023621-00023771 So, any bug in the Verifier is ndiOC6coCI0-00070-00023885-00024155 it might be, in fact, serious. ndiOC6coCI0-00071-00024155-00024319 So, how to get around this? ndiOC6coCI0-00072-00024438-00024703 First thing, I strongly advise ndiOC6coCI0-00073-00024703-00025040 to switch BPF_JIT_ALWAYS_ON on config option ndiOC6coCI0-00074-00025040-00025342 to turn it on to protect the system ndiOC6coCI0-00075-00025342-00025770 from malicious (mumbles) on machines because of Spectre. ndiOC6coCI0-00076-00025770-00026270 And the second thing is currently, unprivileged users ndiOC6coCI0-00077-00026426-00026807 are allowed to load and under some conditions, ndiOC6coCI0-00078-00026807-00027131 also attach BPF programs to a kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00079-00027131-00027407 So, is that a problem or not? ndiOC6coCI0-00080-00027407-00027670 - I would say that the memory management code ndiOC6coCI0-00081-00027670-00027877 of the kernel is the only defense ndiOC6coCI0-00082-00027877-00028272 between user space and where things in the kernel ndiOC6coCI0-00083-00028386-00028476 - Yes. - I, ndiOC6coCI0-00084-00028476-00028669 why do we pick out the verifier because ndiOC6coCI0-00085-00028669-00028889 it's just scary and we're just new ndiOC6coCI0-00086-00028889-00029055 and we don't understand it completely. ndiOC6coCI0-00087-00029055-00029233 I think that's the only reason we singled it out. ndiOC6coCI0-00088-00029233-00029366 - Yes, you're right. ndiOC6coCI0-00089-00029366-00029469 You're right, we're not singling it out. ndiOC6coCI0-00090-00029469-00029604 This is the only reason. ndiOC6coCI0-00091-00029604-00029941 It's fresh, it's new, it's developing quickly. ndiOC6coCI0-00092-00029941-00030287 So, the likelihood of bugs, it might be higher. ndiOC6coCI0-00093-00030287-00030420 I'm not saying there are bugs. ndiOC6coCI0-00094-00030420-00030720 I'm saying that bugs in Verifier are dangerous. ndiOC6coCI0-00095-00030720-00030937 - The fear of the unknown. ndiOC6coCI0-00096-00030937-00031245 - I would say the the (chuckling) ndiOC6coCI0-00097-00031245-00031473 - Anyways, they just - Carefulness of new. ndiOC6coCI0-00098-00031473-00031722 - I just think some of the attention on the Verifier ndiOC6coCI0-00099-00031722-00031883 is overdone and lets just be clear ndiOC6coCI0-00100-00031883-00032064 why we're concerned about it, that's all. ndiOC6coCI0-00101-00032064-00032172 - Yep, as, I agree. - because any part ndiOC6coCI0-00102-00032172-00032400 of the kernel can be buggy and can cause (mumbles) problems ndiOC6coCI0-00103-00032400-00032528 that the Verifier can cause. ndiOC6coCI0-00104-00032528-00032611 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00105-00032611-00032918 And the last thing is when a bug in Verifier is found, ndiOC6coCI0-00106-00032918-00033072 it is fixed quickly. - That's true. ndiOC6coCI0-00107-00033072-00033189 - So, that's important. ndiOC6coCI0-00108-00033466-00033759 So, for, at least for now, ndiOC6coCI0-00109-00033759-00033972 I mean the things that we were considering ndiOC6coCI0-00110-00033972-00034204 is that Verifier bugs, if there are some, ndiOC6coCI0-00111-00034204-00034346 might be dangerous. ndiOC6coCI0-00112-00034469-00034916 BPF has been used in the past to ease exploits ndiOC6coCI0-00113-00034916-00035059 of the Spectre class. ndiOC6coCI0-00114-00035059-00035206 Again, it doesn't mean that it, ndiOC6coCI0-00115-00035206-00035438 they would not be exploitable without BPF. ndiOC6coCI0-00116-00035438-00035793 Just that BPF makes that easier to exploit them. ndiOC6coCI0-00117-00035793-00036070 And also from some, from threads ndiOC6coCI0-00118-00036070-00036418 on the NetDev mailing list, it's apparent that, ndiOC6coCI0-00119-00036418-00036566 at least Alex says he's considering ndiOC6coCI0-00120-00036566-00036848 switching off unprivileged BPF by default. ndiOC6coCI0-00121-00036962-00037462 So, what can be dome to switch off unprivileged BPF ndiOC6coCI0-00122-00037497-00037780 to mitigate these three problems? ndiOC6coCI0-00123-00037780-00037902 I mean, the three bugs. ndiOC6coCI0-00124-00038038-00038329 There's SSCTL that can be set only once ndiOC6coCI0-00125-00038329-00038625 that turns off unprivileged PBF ndiOC6coCI0-00126-00038729-00039106 but there's no way for the distributions to set ndiOC6coCI0-00127-00039106-00039289 that by default. ndiOC6coCI0-00128-00039289-00039438 We tried to get patch up stream, ndiOC6coCI0-00129-00039438-00039831 but we did not succeed, so, currently, ndiOC6coCI0-00130-00039831-00040162 in Rail, we have this Rail specific patch ndiOC6coCI0-00131-00040162-00040570 that does this and allows this to be actually ndiOC6coCI0-00132-00040570-00040920 over re done by boot kernel boot option. ndiOC6coCI0-00133-00041016-00041337 And (mumbles) we'd be sitting it in a boot loader. ndiOC6coCI0-00134-00041337-00041700 Maybe everybody would like to see this ndiOC6coCI0-00135-00041700-00041923 in upstream, the ability of the distro ndiOC6coCI0-00136-00041923-00042195 to turn off unprivileged BPF. ndiOC6coCI0-00137-00042195-00042526 - I think about Spectre, it's a very interesting topic ndiOC6coCI0-00138-00042526-00042939 because the irony of the situation ndiOC6coCI0-00139-00042939-00043130 is that we have the Verifier to look ndiOC6coCI0-00140-00043130-00043269 for Spectre like patterns ndiOC6coCI0-00141-00043269-00043456 and eliminate them or prevent programs ndiOC6coCI0-00142-00043456-00043730 to load that have these Spectre patterns. ndiOC6coCI0-00143-00043730-00044021 But the fact of the matter is is that we add ndiOC6coCI0-00144-00044021-00044227 the verifier checks after we've learned ndiOC6coCI0-00145-00044227-00044426 about the fact that these Spectre things exist, ndiOC6coCI0-00146-00044426-00044584 therefore, it is possible that people ndiOC6coCI0-00147-00044584-00044809 have deployed the eBPF programs previously ndiOC6coCI0-00148-00044809-00045013 that are using these patterns and so ndiOC6coCI0-00149-00045013-00045159 you install a kernel with the Verifier ndiOC6coCI0-00150-00045159-00045404 that can look for the patterns. ndiOC6coCI0-00151-00045404-00045620 It's kind of like, you lock the door ndiOC6coCI0-00152-00045620-00045915 after the thief if in your house already, okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00153-00045915-00046114 So, it is a serious concern. ndiOC6coCI0-00154-00046344-00046427 - Yep. ndiOC6coCI0-00155-00046594-00047037 So, now okay, we have unprivileged BPF switched off, ndiOC6coCI0-00156-00047037-00047274 but that means other problems. ndiOC6coCI0-00157-00047381-00047688 The first thing is that daemons ndiOC6coCI0-00158-00047688-00047944 that are manipulating maps, BPF maps, ndiOC6coCI0-00159-00047944-00048164 they need to be privileged. ndiOC6coCI0-00160-00048164-00048575 Which means that in a distribution, ndiOC6coCI0-00161-00048575-00048871 when in the future we have several packages ndiOC6coCI0-00162-00048871-00049108 that use BPF for different purposes, ndiOC6coCI0-00163-00049108-00049314 running daemons, accessing maps, ndiOC6coCI0-00164-00049314-00049601 they all need to basically run a route, ndiOC6coCI0-00165-00049601-00049936 which is not really enhancing distro security. ndiOC6coCI0-00166-00050135-00050560 Worse, only this applies even when they are ndiOC6coCI0-00167-00050560-00050866 only reading from maps, not just, not also writings. ndiOC6coCI0-00168-00051014-00051514 And I mean, enabling BPF map reads or something like that ndiOC6coCI0-00169-00051608-00051929 for non route is not, obviously, a solution ndiOC6coCI0-00170-00051929-00052326 because BPF maps can actually contain ndiOC6coCI0-00171-00052326-00052527 some secretive sensitive stuff too. ndiOC6coCI0-00172-00052698-00052963 Because that can influence the behavior of ndiOC6coCI0-00173-00052963-00053290 loading BPF program and it's, when it's something ndiOC6coCI0-00174-00053290-00053444 that responsible, I don't know, ndiOC6coCI0-00175-00053444-00053708 for DDOS protection on a host or something, ndiOC6coCI0-00176-00053708-00053909 that might be a problem. ndiOC6coCI0-00177-00053909-00054171 So, we would like to see a solution ndiOC6coCI0-00178-00054171-00054486 that allows some access rights, ndiOC6coCI0-00179-00054486-00054800 access control for maps for various daemons, ndiOC6coCI0-00180-00054800-00055208 such as Andillo Lutomirski proposed or something similar. ndiOC6coCI0-00181-00055208-00055426 - Yeah, I was just gonna say, ndiOC6coCI0-00182-00055426-00055698 if a privileged user puts secrets on a map ndiOC6coCI0-00183-00055698-00055938 and then exposes it to unprivileged users, ndiOC6coCI0-00184-00055938-00056438 I mean, this is like, what if they load a module or export, ndiOC6coCI0-00185-00056476-00056653 I don't know if you can protect against privileged users ndiOC6coCI0-00186-00056653-00056992 being exporting secrets, right. ndiOC6coCI0-00187-00056992-00057103 I mean. ndiOC6coCI0-00188-00057103-00057209 - [Audience Member 2] But we can't even let ndiOC6coCI0-00189-00057209-00057433 them export secrets now. ndiOC6coCI0-00190-00057433-00057580 - They can export all sorts of secrets, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00191-00057580-00057790 I mean, just look at IBSEC, ndiOC6coCI0-00192-00057790-00058048 like IBSEC dump, oh, there's all my keys. ndiOC6coCI0-00193-00058048-00058230 We're doing access SSH key, I mean we, ndiOC6coCI0-00194-00058230-00058398 there's tons of ways to exploit secrets now. ndiOC6coCI0-00195-00058398-00058661 Right like, saying that BPF was somehow ndiOC6coCI0-00196-00058661-00058853 as a privileged user is exploiting more secrets ndiOC6coCI0-00197-00058853-00059112 than every other system tool we have today ndiOC6coCI0-00198-00059112-00059477 that's has great privileges is, I think, a little bit much. ndiOC6coCI0-00199-00059813-00060024 But I get it, a solution that can respond. ndiOC6coCI0-00200-00060024-00060288 So, I think that this discussion is on point, right, ndiOC6coCI0-00201-00060288-00060462 (mumbling) maps more secure. ndiOC6coCI0-00202-00060462-00060645 So, I think the, ndiOC6coCI0-00203-00060645-00060839 my only kind of, I think the problem ndiOC6coCI0-00204-00060839-00061156 is maybe overstated and the solution's still good, so. ndiOC6coCI0-00205-00061156-00061549 - So, right now we have this discussion on capBPF. ndiOC6coCI0-00206-00061549-00061830 Introducing capBPF so that you don't need caps as admin ndiOC6coCI0-00207-00061830-00061990 but you have this. ndiOC6coCI0-00208-00061990-00062138 - But this still means that you have to ndiOC6coCI0-00209-00062138-00062412 grab to all daemons that need access to maps, ndiOC6coCI0-00210-00062412-00062653 so we would like to see more fine grained solution ndiOC6coCI0-00211-00062653-00062840 to protect daemons against each other. ndiOC6coCI0-00212-00062840-00062945 - Right. ndiOC6coCI0-00213-00062945-00063045 - I was just. - I would actually ndiOC6coCI0-00214-00063045-00063354 love to have some sort of a combination ndiOC6coCI0-00215-00063354-00063676 of cap, like some customizable, ndiOC6coCI0-00216-00063676-00064094 maybe cap thing where we could attach ndiOC6coCI0-00217-00064094-00064253 some policy to it, like (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-00218-00064253-00064595 and then it could only partially expose all ndiOC6coCI0-00219-00064595-00064771 the sub commands that BPF has. ndiOC6coCI0-00220-00064771-00065076 This would be great but, doesn't exist yet. ndiOC6coCI0-00221-00065076-00065415 Maybe we get there but (faint speaking) ndiOC6coCI0-00222-00065415-00065555 - [Audience Member 3] I was just thinking along ndiOC6coCI0-00223-00065555-00065729 the same lines as you guys that part of the problem ndiOC6coCI0-00224-00065729-00066027 is that BPF is not an information domain ndiOC6coCI0-00225-00066027-00066233 and all our security enforcement engines ndiOC6coCI0-00226-00066233-00066444 are not really aware of it. ndiOC6coCI0-00227-00066444-00066933 So, SE Linux, seConf, you know, appArmor, all those guys, ndiOC6coCI0-00228-00066933-00067292 don't know what this is and it's coming for the kernel ndiOC6coCI0-00229-00067292-00067499 and you'd like to say, yeah, you can do this ndiOC6coCI0-00230-00067499-00067599 but you can't do that. ndiOC6coCI0-00231-00067599-00067862 And so if you don't, I mean, kind of like ndiOC6coCI0-00232-00067862-00068091 we need to work together with those folks ndiOC6coCI0-00233-00068091-00068591 to get a general set up policies and mechanisms in place ndiOC6coCI0-00234-00068593-00068831 that work, otherwise, people are just gonna say ndiOC6coCI0-00235-00068831-00069273 either, I want it or I have to turn it off. ndiOC6coCI0-00236-00069273-00069445 - Yes, 100% agreed. ndiOC6coCI0-00237-00069445-00069681 - [Audience Member 4] A lot of these discussions in my mind ndiOC6coCI0-00238-00069681-00069867 always bring it back to wait, ndiOC6coCI0-00239-00069867-00070009 don't we have a file descriptor? ndiOC6coCI0-00240-00070009-00070270 Don't we have file system privileges? ndiOC6coCI0-00241-00070270-00070497 Can't we somehow integrate this traditional means ndiOC6coCI0-00242-00070497-00070736 by which we grant access to objects with this thing, ndiOC6coCI0-00243-00070736-00071113 so, BPF map, file descriptor, traditionally mixed ndiOC6coCI0-00244-00071113-00071363 permissions, give it to this daemon in this group. ndiOC6coCI0-00245-00071456-00071828 - Yeah, sounds that it could - I hope so, I hope so. ndiOC6coCI0-00246-00072120-00072620 - Okay, let's look at some other pain points of XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00247-00072931-00073022 Three parts, ndiOC6coCI0-00248-00073113-00073456 pain points for users, for developers and for distros. ndiOC6coCI0-00249-00073549-00074049 So, for users, the pain point number one for users ndiOC6coCI0-00250-00074120-00074620 is that they heard about the nice new XDP thing, ndiOC6coCI0-00251-00074675-00074993 they want to try it out, so they want some package ndiOC6coCI0-00252-00074993-00075191 in the distribution to install it. ndiOC6coCI0-00253-00075191-00075352 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00254-00075352-00075552 But they are none. ndiOC6coCI0-00255-00075552-00075773 So, that's one of the things ndiOC6coCI0-00256-00075773-00075979 but this will solve over time itself. ndiOC6coCI0-00257-00075979-00076222 Just nothing, this is something to expect. ndiOC6coCI0-00258-00076405-00076719 Another problem for users, a bit surprise for them, ndiOC6coCI0-00259-00076719-00077047 tcpdump does not see all packets. ndiOC6coCI0-00260-00077047-00077360 Now, if there is XDP_DROP, INIUS or something, ndiOC6coCI0-00261-00077360-00077625 this was discussed yesterday, so let me just skip it. ndiOC6coCI0-00262-00077795-00078073 Similar thing, the interface statistics, ndiOC6coCI0-00263-00078073-00078573 IP, IP or address show doesn't restore packets ndiOC6coCI0-00264-00078864-00079047 in the statistics. ndiOC6coCI0-00265-00079047-00079345 So this is really the similar thing to that. ndiOC6coCI0-00266-00079345-00079602 I think there have been some talks ndiOC6coCI0-00267-00079602-00079756 on - Yeah, we discussed it. ndiOC6coCI0-00268-00079756-00079986 The issue, the issue that gets raised ndiOC6coCI0-00269-00079986-00080486 is that should the counter bumps in XDP path ndiOC6coCI0-00270-00080527-00080899 be on by default because people want maximum performance ndiOC6coCI0-00271-00080899-00081082 any cache miss would be concerning? ndiOC6coCI0-00272-00081082-00081274 And we go back and forth about the (mumbles). ndiOC6coCI0-00273-00081274-00081677 Having them off by default would be insanely inconsistent ndiOC6coCI0-00274-00081677-00081852 with how the rest of the system works ndiOC6coCI0-00275-00081852-00082162 and for visibility by default is desirable. ndiOC6coCI0-00276-00082162-00082380 And people who wants good performance ndiOC6coCI0-00277-00082380-00082766 can turn off the statistics if that's appropriate for them. ndiOC6coCI0-00278-00082766-00082866 - Yeah. - Yeah, ndiOC6coCI0-00279-00082866-00083013 that might be a good solution. ndiOC6coCI0-00280-00083013-00083186 The real problem right now is that ndiOC6coCI0-00281-00083186-00083479 the different windows have different behaviors. ndiOC6coCI0-00282-00083479-00083696 So, some actually show up in the ndiOC6coCI0-00283-00083696-00083911 - U tool custom statistics? ndiOC6coCI0-00284-00083911-00084061 Yes. - Yeah, so some show up ndiOC6coCI0-00285-00084061-00084406 at the IF config or IP link stats, ndiOC6coCI0-00286-00084406-00084790 and some drivers don't and some, you actually have, ndiOC6coCI0-00287-00084790-00085068 it's still, actually, all of them still count ndiOC6coCI0-00288-00085068-00085358 the counters in some way or another. ndiOC6coCI0-00289-00085358-00085689 And often exported by HH tool stats, ndiOC6coCI0-00290-00085689-00085957 which is even more confusing. ndiOC6coCI0-00291-00085957-00086107 - So, yeah we need standardization ndiOC6coCI0-00292-00086107-00086209 before this gets more out of control. ndiOC6coCI0-00293-00086209-00086576 - So, so the go ahead issue of counting the packets ndiOC6coCI0-00294-00086576-00086783 but everybody does - Everyone's coming in arrays. ndiOC6coCI0-00295-00086783-00086871 There's no argument. ndiOC6coCI0-00296-00086871-00086954 - Yeah, so. ndiOC6coCI0-00297-00086954-00087037 - It's happening already. ndiOC6coCI0-00298-00087037-00087196 - But it's just carried in different places, ndiOC6coCI0-00299-00087196-00087288 which is a mess. ndiOC6coCI0-00300-00087288-00087396 - Yes, I agree. ndiOC6coCI0-00301-00087661-00087812 - Okay, thanks. ndiOC6coCI0-00302-00087812-00088312 And then , what we saw in practice ndiOC6coCI0-00303-00088346-00088696 is people, what I think XD program ndiOC6coCI0-00304-00088696-00088941 attention to your interface and then wondering, oh ndiOC6coCI0-00305-00088941-00089113 and then doing a benchmark and running, ndiOC6coCI0-00306-00089113-00089423 okay, it's not that fast as it was. ndiOC6coCI0-00307-00089423-00089861 And that's because for some reason, XDP generic ndiOC6coCI0-00308-00089861-00090179 was used instead of the driver XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00309-00090179-00090367 So, this is something, ndiOC6coCI0-00310-00090367-00090656 it's probably a matter of education of the users. ndiOC6coCI0-00311-00090656-00090976 - Yeah, so, so the fallback that we thought was really smart ndiOC6coCI0-00312-00090976-00091245 that you just fall back to generic XDP, ndiOC6coCI0-00313-00091245-00091545 actually users are (mumbles) because people don't realize it ndiOC6coCI0-00314-00091545-00091748 and they don't realize it and ndiOC6coCI0-00315-00091748-00091959 - But and - it's just to see for people. ndiOC6coCI0-00316-00091959-00092209 - And there's also some small (mumbles) case sematic ndiOC6coCI0-00317-00092209-00092488 differences that we need to address at some point as well. ndiOC6coCI0-00318-00092488-00092847 So, but still, the fact that you can test ndiOC6coCI0-00319-00092847-00093196 and write XDP programs no matter what your system is ndiOC6coCI0-00320-00093196-00093483 is, I think a more important win ndiOC6coCI0-00321-00093483-00093823 than the confusion that, which is education issue, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00322-00093823-00093906 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00323-00093906-00094050 - I would actually recommend people not to use ndiOC6coCI0-00324-00094050-00094474 generic XDP and instead use the VETH support. ndiOC6coCI0-00325-00094474-00094675 - And that's what we do with our test cases, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00326-00094675-00094758 - Yeah. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00327-00094758-00095022 That's the test cases, that also my XDP tutorial. ndiOC6coCI0-00328-00095119-00095449 - But we have precedence that XDP always will show up, so, ndiOC6coCI0-00329-00095449-00095593 too late to take it off by default. ndiOC6coCI0-00330-00095593-00095722 - We cannot remove generic XDP ndiOC6coCI0-00331-00095722-00096060 but later slides, I have also issues with generic XDP ndiOC6coCI0-00332-00096060-00096157 that, excuse me, ndiOC6coCI0-00333-00096157-00096354 - Yeah, maybe having a flag that would cause ndiOC6coCI0-00334-00096354-00096590 not to fall back to XD generic. ndiOC6coCI0-00335-00096590-00096673 - You know what? ndiOC6coCI0-00336-00096673-00096882 There is a flag added for the metronome driver, ndiOC6coCI0-00337-00096882-00097225 which allowed you to have both hardware off loaded ndiOC6coCI0-00338-00097225-00097725 and non hardware off loaded XDP program at the same time. ndiOC6coCI0-00339-00097736-00098068 Right, so, the hardware one would execute ndiOC6coCI0-00340-00098068-00098209 and then it would pop it to the CPU ndiOC6coCI0-00341-00098209-00098386 and you'd do the CPU one and the driver ndiOC6coCI0-00342-00098386-00098587 and we could have one that could say, please, ndiOC6coCI0-00343-00098587-00098778 if XD, generic XP is the only option, ndiOC6coCI0-00344-00098778-00098950 please fail this operation. ndiOC6coCI0-00345-00098950-00099194 This XDP program - I think we support it. ndiOC6coCI0-00346-00099194-00099387 - I think we do too. - With the tutorial, ndiOC6coCI0-00347-00099387-00099731 I'm forcing native XDP and failing it ndiOC6coCI0-00348-00099731-00099935 when people are trying to - There's so many features, ndiOC6coCI0-00349-00099935-00100167 we don't know if we support it ndiOC6coCI0-00350-00100167-00100485 - Like a warning that this is not what you are expecting. ndiOC6coCI0-00351-00100485-00100576 - Do we support? ndiOC6coCI0-00352-00100576-00100816 I think we - I think we do support it. ndiOC6coCI0-00353-00100816-00101130 (chatter) - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00354-00101130-00101347 (chatter) ndiOC6coCI0-00355-00101676-00101923 - Okay. - Generic if it didn't work. ndiOC6coCI0-00356-00101923-00102008 - We can force it. ndiOC6coCI0-00357-00102008-00102435 If we load it as XDP - Okay, I'll work on this. ndiOC6coCI0-00358-00102435-00102566 Let's continue. ndiOC6coCI0-00359-00102566-00102706 - Please move on. ndiOC6coCI0-00360-00102706-00102869 - Yep. ndiOC6coCI0-00361-00102869-00103369 Now for developers, there are also some laptop battery low. ndiOC6coCI0-00362-00103450-00103542 - Oh my God. ndiOC6coCI0-00363-00103635-00103719 - Six minutes. ndiOC6coCI0-00364-00103719-00103985 That's not enough for our presentation. (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00365-00103985-00104089 - [Facilitator] You guys thought I gave you ndiOC6coCI0-00366-00104089-00104225 a big sign on this (mumbles)? ndiOC6coCI0-00367-00104225-00104502 - Yeah, someone's sabotaging. (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00368-00104502-00104621 - [Jasper] Yeah, this is a common ndiOC6coCI0-00369-00104621-00104741 developer experience problem. ndiOC6coCI0-00370-00104741-00105023 Low battery. (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00371-00105023-00105343 - Let's just the switch. ndiOC6coCI0-00372-00105343-00105542 (laughing) - That's an IBM problem. ndiOC6coCI0-00373-00105542-00106035 - So, one of the problems that the developer experience, ndiOC6coCI0-00374-00106035-00106517 developers experience is the XD programs ndiOC6coCI0-00375-00106517-00107017 that's are not really correct, not in a way ndiOC6coCI0-00376-00107092-00107233 that correctness, but in the way ndiOC6coCI0-00377-00107233-00107472 that they cannot really work ndiOC6coCI0-00378-00107472-00107769 on a particular interface with a particular features ndiOC6coCI0-00379-00107769-00107964 that's supported by the driver. ndiOC6coCI0-00380-00107964-00108293 They are accepted by the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00381-00108293-00108592 They are attached and during execution packets ndiOC6coCI0-00382-00108592-00108746 are signed to the DROP. ndiOC6coCI0-00383-00108834-00109067 So, this is something that Jasper will cover ndiOC6coCI0-00384-00109067-00109179 a bit more later. ndiOC6coCI0-00385-00109343-00109516 Another pain point for developers ndiOC6coCI0-00386-00109516-00109954 is that there's a perception that XDP is the holy grail ndiOC6coCI0-00387-00109954-00110136 to solve all problems. ndiOC6coCI0-00388-00110136-00110477 It might be in a few years but currently, ndiOC6coCI0-00389-00110477-00110735 it's still missing some fundamental features ndiOC6coCI0-00390-00110735-00111014 such as ability to duplicate packets ndiOC6coCI0-00391-00111014-00111442 or just redirect them to arbitrary interface, ndiOC6coCI0-00392-00111550-00111731 clone them and so on. ndiOC6coCI0-00393-00111731-00112206 So, we have actually already saw several attempts ndiOC6coCI0-00394-00112206-00112551 to implement a custom solution ndiOC6coCI0-00395-00112551-00112969 or usually some data plane using XDP into kernel, ndiOC6coCI0-00396-00112969-00113469 then the developers realize that they cannot really ndiOC6coCI0-00397-00113483-00113789 broadcast packets to multiple interfaces. ndiOC6coCI0-00398-00113789-00114289 So, they turned to AFXDP only to find out ndiOC6coCI0-00399-00114296-00114675 that the performance using XDP is not what they wanted ndiOC6coCI0-00400-00114675-00114952 because of various other problems ndiOC6coCI0-00401-00114952-00115301 that we will not have time to cover in this talk. ndiOC6coCI0-00402-00115552-00116052 Another pain point, Verifier is quite good at rejecting ndiOC6coCI0-00403-00116166-00116428 programs that are really valid ndiOC6coCI0-00404-00116428-00116745 because it cannot verify them as correct. ndiOC6coCI0-00405-00116745-00117131 And this is of course, the correct behavior of the Verifier. ndiOC6coCI0-00406-00117131-00117507 If it cannot decide, it needs to re check the programs. ndiOC6coCI0-00407-00117507-00117855 But quite often, development of XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-00408-00117855-00118099 means re writing the program again and again ndiOC6coCI0-00409-00118099-00118417 until the Verifier likes the program, ndiOC6coCI0-00410-00118417-00118542 which is painful. ndiOC6coCI0-00411-00118728-00119025 Now, for - Do you have some examples? ndiOC6coCI0-00412-00119025-00119214 Or like, I think what would help ndiOC6coCI0-00413-00119214-00119650 would be to somehow make, or someone was starting ndiOC6coCI0-00414-00119650-00119867 this discussion on some of those features, ndiOC6coCI0-00415-00119867-00120217 like if the verifier could potentially be extended ndiOC6coCI0-00416-00120217-00120526 to support them if it's verifiable. ndiOC6coCI0-00417-00120526-00120874 - So, what's the best way to send that to you? ndiOC6coCI0-00418-00120874-00120957 Just on ndiOC6coCI0-00419-00120957-00121056 - I mean, like BPS mailing list or something. ndiOC6coCI0-00420-00121056-00121214 - Yeah, okay, yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00421-00121404-00121634 - I think for the developer experiences, ndiOC6coCI0-00422-00121634-00121981 also that the Verifier is actually correct ndiOC6coCI0-00423-00121981-00122098 and reject the program. ndiOC6coCI0-00424-00122098-00122351 But it works on your particular figure ndiOC6coCI0-00425-00122351-00122527 what bad code it is so, for developer, ndiOC6coCI0-00426-00122527-00122749 you have to do this iterative process ndiOC6coCI0-00427-00122749-00122932 of having to test it all the time ndiOC6coCI0-00428-00122932-00123096 because you will screw up and you don't ndiOC6coCI0-00429-00123096-00123183 do your bandwidth checks ndiOC6coCI0-00430-00123183-00123402 so that's the Verifier is straight. ndiOC6coCI0-00431-00123402-00123623 For all my bandwidth checks, I send it to you ndiOC6coCI0-00432-00123623-00123882 and you said, no, Jasper, you're actually, ndiOC6coCI0-00433-00123882-00124063 your code sucks because the Verifier saw ndiOC6coCI0-00434-00124063-00124417 that your bandwidth (mumbles) last year, yes. ndiOC6coCI0-00435-00124417-00124500 - Yeah, it's true. ndiOC6coCI0-00436-00124500-00124646 I think it's gotten better over time with the ndiOC6coCI0-00437-00124646-00124833 C imitation maybe but ndiOC6coCI0-00438-00124833-00124955 - Ya, the CM's taking care of a lot ndiOC6coCI0-00439-00124955-00125119 because people had very hard time ndiOC6coCI0-00440-00125119-00125347 finding back when bike loads is wrong ndiOC6coCI0-00441-00125347-00125496 and then you have to bike load them as well. ndiOC6coCI0-00442-00125496-00125663 I don't know what this bike load means. ndiOC6coCI0-00443-00125663-00125886 I go to C program. ndiOC6coCI0-00444-00125886-00126188 - We're used to when it compiles, it's done, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00445-00126188-00126271 - Exactly. ndiOC6coCI0-00446-00126474-00126694 - So, and for distribution, there, ndiOC6coCI0-00447-00126694-00126860 we have three slides for that actually. ndiOC6coCI0-00448-00126860-00127155 So, we probably won't have that much time ndiOC6coCI0-00449-00127155-00127474 to go through all of that but let's see. ndiOC6coCI0-00450-00127638-00127950 Problem number one that we're facing at this moment is ndiOC6coCI0-00451-00128193-00128574 category example, we have in the future, not now, ndiOC6coCI0-00452-00128574-00128822 let's say, let's assume we have several packages ndiOC6coCI0-00453-00128822-00129057 that all make use of XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00454-00129057-00129265 And now the customer wants them all. ndiOC6coCI0-00455-00129404-00129904 And the problem is that XDP allows only one program ndiOC6coCI0-00456-00129911-00130189 to be loaded to a particular interface. ndiOC6coCI0-00457-00130189-00130500 So, now, the packages are fighting with each other. ndiOC6coCI0-00458-00130500-00130936 Or similar problem, user writes his own XDP program to do, ndiOC6coCI0-00459-00130936-00131211 for example, some filtering or such ndiOC6coCI0-00460-00131211-00131581 and then installs a package that makes use of XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00461-00131581-00131935 Maybe even without the user knowing that. ndiOC6coCI0-00462-00132024-00132314 Because the expectation is that in the future, ndiOC6coCI0-00463-00132427-00132790 more packages will take, make use of XDP functionality, ndiOC6coCI0-00464-00132790-00133006 system D already does, for example. ndiOC6coCI0-00465-00133170-00133402 So, this is a big problem. ndiOC6coCI0-00466-00133402-00133524 And this needs to be solved. ndiOC6coCI0-00467-00133524-00133942 This is what Tokay will talk about in a few minutes. ndiOC6coCI0-00468-00134140-00134617 Another thing that we encountered was the ndiOC6coCI0-00469-00134617-00135054 was the problems on other architectures than just X8684. ndiOC6coCI0-00470-00135054-00135397 It seems that very few people, if someone at all ndiOC6coCI0-00471-00135397-00135885 will test these features on our architectures. ndiOC6coCI0-00472-00136131-00136603 Another problem we see is a risk of fragmentation. ndiOC6coCI0-00473-00136603-00137065 Right now, iproute is using its own BPF loader library. ndiOC6coCI0-00474-00137065-00137237 We have libpbf. ndiOC6coCI0-00475-00137237-00137439 I think, I'm not sure if it is Cilium. ndiOC6coCI0-00476-00137439-00137785 I think Cilium is using its own solution as well. ndiOC6coCI0-00477-00137785-00137998 So, (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00478-00137998-00138181 - [Tokay] So in Cilium right now, ndiOC6coCI0-00479-00138181-00138426 we're using the iproute tool ndiOC6coCI0-00480-00138426-00138591 program loader. - Okay, okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00481-00138861-00139083 - In future, it might change. ndiOC6coCI0-00482-00139083-00139263 I mean, so, right now, there's some effort ndiOC6coCI0-00483-00139263-00139562 to actually bring the BPF into iproute too, ndiOC6coCI0-00484-00139562-00139885 and that would, I mean, the goal long term ndiOC6coCI0-00485-00139885-00140385 is to have ideally libbpf as a common thing ndiOC6coCI0-00486-00140518-00140781 that everyone would rely on. ndiOC6coCI0-00487-00140914-00141243 And then also the behavior of loading the program ndiOC6coCI0-00488-00141243-00141412 would be the same. ndiOC6coCI0-00489-00141412-00141537 So that would be ideal. ndiOC6coCI0-00490-00141537-00141752 - Yeah, and that's what we like to see too. ndiOC6coCI0-00491-00142092-00142335 So, let's pick the BPF has the solution. ndiOC6coCI0-00492-00142436-00142707 It has problems of its own. ndiOC6coCI0-00493-00142707-00143196 So, the API is not really that much stable, ndiOC6coCI0-00494-00143196-00143348 at least to our experience. ndiOC6coCI0-00495-00143348-00143642 I think this is just a matter of time ndiOC6coCI0-00496-00143642-00143820 until it's stabilized completely. ndiOC6coCI0-00497-00143820-00144133 But right now, it's a bit challenging ndiOC6coCI0-00498-00144133-00144386 to really include it in distribution ndiOC6coCI0-00499-00144386-00144762 and support users on distribution upgrades. ndiOC6coCI0-00500-00145011-00145297 Another problem that we hate is that libbpf ndiOC6coCI0-00501-00145297-00145797 being part of the kernel means that ndiOC6coCI0-00502-00145822-00146040 when building, when packaging it, ndiOC6coCI0-00503-00146040-00146373 it's packaged out of the kernel source code, ndiOC6coCI0-00504-00146373-00146655 which means the library version or the package version ndiOC6coCI0-00505-00146655-00147155 is the kernel version, which in case we update the kernel, ndiOC6coCI0-00506-00147195-00147571 for example, the, for the stable tree, ndiOC6coCI0-00507-00147571-00148071 and the the libbpf did not change its version, ndiOC6coCI0-00508-00148153-00148336 the package version changes. ndiOC6coCI0-00509-00148336-00148613 And it needs to be updated unnecessarily. ndiOC6coCI0-00510-00148767-00149043 There is a libbpf repo on Github. ndiOC6coCI0-00511-00149168-00149668 That is basically a sync of the in kernel library, ndiOC6coCI0-00512-00149687-00149980 to a standalone project. ndiOC6coCI0-00513-00149980-00150260 So, we're currently thinking and we're fusing that. ndiOC6coCI0-00514-00150260-00150668 The question is, of course, how much we can rely ndiOC6coCI0-00515-00150668-00150934 on this being available long term. ndiOC6coCI0-00516-00150934-00151150 - [Audience Member 2] One thing that would be really useful ndiOC6coCI0-00517-00151150-00151316 for that. - He has a microphone. ndiOC6coCI0-00518-00151316-00151399 - I have one. ndiOC6coCI0-00519-00151399-00151484 I'm wearing one. ndiOC6coCI0-00520-00151484-00151595 (laughing) but I can do, yeah ndiOC6coCI0-00521-00151726-00152226 is, if there's a way to sync, I guess, ndiOC6coCI0-00522-00152350-00152571 I don't think there's any versions on the Github versions. ndiOC6coCI0-00523-00152571-00152788 So, there's no version tax. ndiOC6coCI0-00524-00152788-00153182 So we sort of have to look at the (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-00525-00153182-00153347 which does this actually correspond to, ndiOC6coCI0-00526-00153347-00153597 so having releases of that, ndiOC6coCI0-00527-00153597-00153858 maybe just corresponding to the kernel versions. ndiOC6coCI0-00528-00153858-00154038 - So, I don't know how you do it in Rail. ndiOC6coCI0-00529-00154038-00154427 Like the libbpf has a version. ndiOC6coCI0-00530-00154427-00154750 I think right now, it's 005 or something ndiOC6coCI0-00531-00154750-00155070 and we bump it with every new development cycle. ndiOC6coCI0-00532-00155070-00155406 - Yes, just tag that in Git as well so we can find them. ndiOC6coCI0-00533-00155406-00155544 - Yeah, that's a good point. ndiOC6coCI0-00534-00155544-00155872 Because but also, I think the way you do it is you bump ndiOC6coCI0-00535-00155872-00156290 in the definition file, you bump the data SO version ndiOC6coCI0-00536-00156290-00156609 and then for the whole cycle, that is being modified. ndiOC6coCI0-00537-00156609-00156886 So, its actually the second to newest version ndiOC6coCI0-00538-00156886-00156996 that's the shippable one. ndiOC6coCI0-00539-00156996-00157391 So just by having this explicit in the repository. ndiOC6coCI0-00540-00157391-00157475 This is, the 005 is fine. ndiOC6coCI0-00541-00157650-00157870 It's not like just having something there. ndiOC6coCI0-00542-00158123-00158383 - You can imagine that these problems are the reason ndiOC6coCI0-00543-00158383-00158632 why people are like, oh, I'm just gonna (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-00544-00158632-00158814 a copy of libbpf into my tree. ndiOC6coCI0-00545-00158814-00159048 - And this what we hate actually. ndiOC6coCI0-00546-00159048-00159507 - Yes, so, please get past all of these problems. ndiOC6coCI0-00547-00159507-00159689 And don't do that. ndiOC6coCI0-00548-00159689-00159926 - I think the biggest problem with the copy ndiOC6coCI0-00549-00159926-00160314 in your own tree, I mean, I don't really think personally, ndiOC6coCI0-00550-00160314-00160497 it's too much of a big problem ndiOC6coCI0-00551-00160497-00160926 but it's rather like distros. ndiOC6coCI0-00552-00161021-00161223 I mean, for example, like Ubuntu, ndiOC6coCI0-00553-00161223-00161528 they just shipped bpftool right now, ndiOC6coCI0-00554-00161528-00161869 and it already exists for you for a couple of years, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00555-00161869-00162136 So, it's just super super slow. ndiOC6coCI0-00556-00162136-00162488 That's and if you like the pahole, ndiOC6coCI0-00557-00162488-00162764 and I think it's also BCC tools. ndiOC6coCI0-00558-00162862-00163253 They pull in a copy because they can use the features ndiOC6coCI0-00559-00163253-00163628 right now with this kernel if they do so, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00560-00163628-00163925 So, it's like a pro and con, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00561-00163925-00164296 - The problem it's against most distros policy ndiOC6coCI0-00562-00164296-00164444 for obvious reasons. ndiOC6coCI0-00563-00164444-00164807 You don't want to have one library in system multiple times ndiOC6coCI0-00564-00164807-00165025 because if there is security work, ndiOC6coCI0-00565-00165025-00165216 you have to fix it in multiple places. ndiOC6coCI0-00566-00165216-00165372 - I was gonna say the same thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00567-00165372-00165574 Like, do we do this with crypto libraries? ndiOC6coCI0-00568-00165574-00165724 No. ndiOC6coCI0-00569-00165724-00166063 Because if you gotta fix a bug, you want it fixed. ndiOC6coCI0-00570-00166063-00166162 - Yeah, just like regular bugs as well. ndiOC6coCI0-00571-00166162-00166427 There was just one, I send a patch yesterday, ndiOC6coCI0-00572-00166427-00166582 if it doesn't work with the old kernels ndiOC6coCI0-00573-00166582-00166791 and then you have to go around and ndiOC6coCI0-00574-00166791-00166908 - Hit all the cases. ndiOC6coCI0-00575-00167067-00167360 - Yeah, I wish distributions would be faster ndiOC6coCI0-00576-00167360-00167575 in adapting the stuff, so. ndiOC6coCI0-00577-00167575-00167681 I think that's a big. - It can get difficult. ndiOC6coCI0-00578-00167681-00167876 That's what this discussion is about. ndiOC6coCI0-00579-00167876-00168061 - Yeah, one of the problem bytes not faster ndiOC6coCI0-00580-00168061-00168516 is that the development is really fast and changes ndiOC6coCI0-00581-00168516-00169016 quite a lot, so distros probably tend ndiOC6coCI0-00582-00169048-00169307 to take a bit conservative approach and to ndiOC6coCI0-00583-00169568-00170068 stabilize a particular version and not try update too fast. ndiOC6coCI0-00584-00170082-00170251 - And if you think about it, there is a matrix ndiOC6coCI0-00585-00170251-00170467 getting created if you're suggesting ndiOC6coCI0-00586-00170467-00170658 that you would use the libbpf repo ndiOC6coCI0-00587-00170658-00170853 because then you need a stable branch. ndiOC6coCI0-00588-00170853-00171043 - Yes that was my, going to be my (chuckles) ndiOC6coCI0-00589-00171043-00171158 - [David] And it would be great to have. ndiOC6coCI0-00590-00171158-00171364 - Right, but then there's this, ndiOC6coCI0-00591-00171364-00171661 now all of us developers have to manage two copies ndiOC6coCI0-00592-00171661-00171944 two copies in the kernel stable branch and ndiOC6coCI0-00593-00171944-00172319 our bug fixes to libbpf, they're generally being sent ndiOC6coCI0-00594-00172319-00172515 to the the stable. - Stable. ndiOC6coCI0-00595-00172515-00172621 - They're a big part of this. ndiOC6coCI0-00596-00172621-00172775 - Yeah, I think so. ndiOC6coCI0-00597-00172775-00172886 - All right. ndiOC6coCI0-00598-00172886-00173104 So, we're gonna package it from the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00599-00173104-00173254 (chuckles) ndiOC6coCI0-00600-00173254-00173411 - Cool. ndiOC6coCI0-00601-00173411-00173911 So, and also there's the pahole, ndiOC6coCI0-00602-00173931-00174431 which, it's a bit weird to have this functionality ndiOC6coCI0-00603-00174480-00174575 in this tool. ndiOC6coCI0-00604-00174575-00174895 So, maybe for, this is mostly for developers ndiOC6coCI0-00605-00174895-00175024 and user's perception. ndiOC6coCI0-00606-00175024-00175254 Maybe splitting that out to a different tool, ndiOC6coCI0-00607-00175254-00175604 maybe in the same package might be more useful. ndiOC6coCI0-00608-00175604-00175790 On the other hand, it might not be issue in the future ndiOC6coCI0-00609-00175790-00176154 when they have proper BPF support and GCC and CON ndiOC6coCI0-00610-00176154-00176515 and then we will not need pahole anymore. ndiOC6coCI0-00611-00176515-00176753 So, yeah. - and I think right now, ndiOC6coCI0-00612-00176753-00176870 probably Yung Huang knows better ndiOC6coCI0-00613-00176870-00177115 but the kernel actually relies on pahole ndiOC6coCI0-00614-00177252-00177657 to have this PTF conversion like 12 two BTF. ndiOC6coCI0-00615-00177657-00177932 Because if you would compile the kernel with BTF, ndiOC6coCI0-00616-00177932-00178273 debugging enabled, then it would convert it. ndiOC6coCI0-00617-00178273-00178773 So, ripping it out might be an issue in that sense. ndiOC6coCI0-00618-00178886-00179153 (faint speaking) ndiOC6coCI0-00619-00179153-00179529 - The functionality already in the latest BPF NICs, ndiOC6coCI0-00620-00179529-00179715 single NICs as well. ndiOC6coCI0-00621-00179715-00180053 And so, basically as well, you have latest pahole ndiOC6coCI0-00622-00180053-00180369 and like, one pole and 70 series, ndiOC6coCI0-00623-00180369-00180648 something like that, 173 version. ndiOC6coCI0-00624-00180648-00181095 And also if you enable the BTF with debugging for ndiOC6coCI0-00625-00181095-00181546 and it will automatically place the binary blob of a BTF ndiOC6coCI0-00626-00181546-00181968 in this kernel or BTF directory ndiOC6coCI0-00627-00181968-00182167 and so you don't need to do anything. ndiOC6coCI0-00628-00182167-00182362 It's just seeing that fix the location. ndiOC6coCI0-00629-00182639-00182723 - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00630-00182849-00182963 - Just a teaser. ndiOC6coCI0-00631-00183171-00183277 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-00632-00183277-00183474 There's another talk in the other track ndiOC6coCI0-00633-00183474-00183916 on the GCC support for the CFT because ndiOC6coCI0-00634-00183916-00184159 it looks like the tool chain people ndiOC6coCI0-00635-00184159-00184451 feel there is a greater adoption of the originals ndiOC6coCI0-00636-00184451-00184849 on CDF within the user running software. ndiOC6coCI0-00637-00184849-00185107 So, it looks like they are not yet looking at GCC, ndiOC6coCI0-00638-00185107-00185441 generic BTF but rather CDF. ndiOC6coCI0-00639-00185441-00185602 To me, that means that we will probably need ndiOC6coCI0-00640-00185602-00185805 to talk more with the tool chain folks ndiOC6coCI0-00641-00185805-00186036 about why we are using BTF and not CDF ndiOC6coCI0-00642-00186036-00186286 and how to merge together in order to ger GCC ndiOC6coCI0-00643-00186286-00186396 generated directly. ndiOC6coCI0-00644-00186572-00186929 Thanks. - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00645-00186929-00187012 - [Audience Member 5] Just one thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00646-00187012-00187263 Considering that we are doing a builds with clients, ndiOC6coCI0-00647-00187263-00187763 and that GCC, we don't want to build the BTF experience ndiOC6coCI0-00648-00187772-00188121 into a single compositor and replicate it across ndiOC6coCI0-00649-00188121-00188237 multiple tools chains. ndiOC6coCI0-00650-00188849-00188932 - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-00651-00189166-00189576 Yeah, and the third slide about distros experience problems, ndiOC6coCI0-00652-00189576-00189897 it's more about future thoughts. ndiOC6coCI0-00653-00189897-00190268 We were talking about the, we were talking with the ndiOC6coCI0-00654-00190268-00190481 virtualization developers. ndiOC6coCI0-00655-00190566-00191018 And one thing that would be nice to have ndiOC6coCI0-00656-00191018-00191518 and would improve the overall experience ndiOC6coCI0-00657-00191582-00192082 for, I would say, tools and solutions built ndiOC6coCI0-00658-00192095-00192469 on top of distribution and packaging distribution. ndiOC6coCI0-00659-00192469-00192648 It is of course, virtualization's better ndiOC6coCI0-00660-00192648-00192848 because virtualization supports for XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00661-00192941-00193246 So, (mumbles) does support XDP currently. ndiOC6coCI0-00662-00193246-00193436 The support is there but the performance ndiOC6coCI0-00663-00193436-00193695 is not as good as it could be. ndiOC6coCI0-00664-00193695-00194176 So, things like having XDP passthrough would be nice, ndiOC6coCI0-00665-00194176-00194513 which means executing the (mumbles) not in the guest ndiOC6coCI0-00666-00194513-00194864 but in the host on behalf of the guest. ndiOC6coCI0-00667-00194864-00195280 Or even off loading XDP right to the hardware ndiOC6coCI0-00668-00195280-00195687 would be nice but then we are facing some problems with ndiOC6coCI0-00669-00195687-00196058 VM retribution migrations when we need to ensure ndiOC6coCI0-00670-00196058-00196382 that the features on the new machine ndiOC6coCI0-00671-00196382-00196700 really match the features on the old machine. ndiOC6coCI0-00672-00196700-00196888 So, we are back in the feature problem, ndiOC6coCI0-00673-00196888-00197012 which - We've been talking ndiOC6coCI0-00674-00197012-00197249 about passthrough for the past two or three years. ndiOC6coCI0-00675-00197249-00197510 It's an old idea but it's nit easy to implement. ndiOC6coCI0-00676-00197860-00198181 - Now, there are some problems, which are already problems ndiOC6coCI0-00677-00198181-00198560 of the user expectation and user perception, ndiOC6coCI0-00678-00198560-00198750 so this is is fixable and this is mostly ndiOC6coCI0-00679-00198750-00198972 for the distributions to do, I'd say. ndiOC6coCI0-00680-00199064-00199305 One thing, XDP has really strong marketing. ndiOC6coCI0-00681-00199305-00199773 Everyone wants XDP, which is nice. ndiOC6coCI0-00682-00199773-00200110 But then the disappointment comes as I talk about ndiOC6coCI0-00683-00200110-00200386 there are no ready to solutions at this moment. ndiOC6coCI0-00684-00200544-00201039 And when someone talks, someone thinks okay, let's do. ndiOC6coCI0-00685-00201136-00201449 I will take this opportunity and develop my own solution, ndiOC6coCI0-00686-00201449-00201637 which everyone will use. ndiOC6coCI0-00687-00201637-00202137 Then they usually are stopped by lack of features ndiOC6coCI0-00688-00202140-00202243 at this point. ndiOC6coCI0-00689-00202353-00202755 Then they turn to AF_XDP and I already covered the rest. ndiOC6coCI0-00690-00202755-00203255 So, right now, what makes most sense ndiOC6coCI0-00691-00203290-00203671 to me or to us, is to, for distributions ndiOC6coCI0-00692-00203671-00204171 to focus, not on end users of XDP, but on developers. ndiOC6coCI0-00693-00204189-00204689 Enable them to write best or good useful XDP ndiOC6coCI0-00694-00204738-00204979 or BPF based solutions. ndiOC6coCI0-00695-00205089-00205430 For that, we need more examples for developers. ndiOC6coCI0-00696-00205430-00205771 We need some best practices covered ndiOC6coCI0-00697-00205771-00206060 in developing BPF programs on XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00698-00206060-00206330 We need better education about limitations ndiOC6coCI0-00699-00206330-00206738 how to work around them or how to work with upstream ndiOC6coCI0-00700-00206738-00206992 to lift those limitations. ndiOC6coCI0-00701-00207290-00207657 Those guys, (mumbles) already started that. ndiOC6coCI0-00702-00207657-00207876 So, there is a Github XD project. ndiOC6coCI0-00703-00207876-00208319 It contends to sub projects, XDP tutorial, ndiOC6coCI0-00704-00208319-00208792 which is a good starting point for developing ndiOC6coCI0-00705-00208792-00209050 your own XD programs. ndiOC6coCI0-00706-00209050-00209369 Might be good idea to actually package this ndiOC6coCI0-00707-00209369-00209794 in distributions, to be easy consumable by people, ndiOC6coCI0-00708-00209794-00209948 by developers. ndiOC6coCI0-00709-00209948-00210442 And there's also XDP tools currently a work in progress, ndiOC6coCI0-00710-00210603-00210973 which is supposed to contain tools ndiOC6coCI0-00711-00210973-00211344 that are directly usable initially for simple use cases. ndiOC6coCI0-00712-00211344-00211576 Later, maybe for even difficult ones. ndiOC6coCI0-00713-00211703-00211884 So, thanks. ndiOC6coCI0-00714-00212021-00212151 With that. - All right. ndiOC6coCI0-00715-00212281-00212385 - Okay. - Thank you. ndiOC6coCI0-00716-00212549-00212741 You guys didn't really think we were just gonna ndiOC6coCI0-00717-00212741-00212858 be an hour, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00718-00212858-00213053 So, so long we're asking the speaker change, ndiOC6coCI0-00719-00213053-00213242 I'll ask the heresy question. ndiOC6coCI0-00720-00213242-00213563 Why not rip the libbpf out of the kernel tree ndiOC6coCI0-00721-00213563-00213780 and make it an external library? ndiOC6coCI0-00722-00213780-00213986 Forcing kernel developers to think about ndiOC6coCI0-00723-00213986-00214229 user experience perspectives? ndiOC6coCI0-00724-00214505-00214721 (chatter) ndiOC6coCI0-00725-00214871-00215028 It really comes down to things like, ndiOC6coCI0-00726-00215028-00215217 API is disappearing and stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-00727-00215732-00215844 - It's a good question. ndiOC6coCI0-00728-00215844-00215935 It could be done. ndiOC6coCI0-00729-00215935-00216088 On the other hand, it's already there ndiOC6coCI0-00730-00216088-00216415 and now, like from the story good point of view ndiOC6coCI0-00731-00216569-00216933 that's the basis where people contribute to. ndiOC6coCI0-00732-00217287-00217381 If you would rip it out, ndiOC6coCI0-00733-00217381-00217479 then again, we would have problems. ndiOC6coCI0-00734-00217479-00217730 So, I guess with bpftool and others ndiOC6coCI0-00735-00217730-00218028 that how to build it and it's, ndiOC6coCI0-00736-00218028-00218305 would maybe slow things down. ndiOC6coCI0-00737-00218305-00218761 And, I mean, in terms of debugging and, you know. ndiOC6coCI0-00738-00218761-00219001 - So, what we've done is we've made it ndiOC6coCI0-00739-00219001-00219337 the dependency situation's simpler inside the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00740-00219337-00219626 And as a result, it's more difficult outside the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-00741-00219626-00219742 - [Audience Member 2] Are we at a point that ndiOC6coCI0-00742-00219742-00219929 outside the kernel becomes more important? ndiOC6coCI0-00743-00219929-00220089 - So, I think what happened was like ndiOC6coCI0-00744-00220089-00220254 perf set the precedence. ndiOC6coCI0-00745-00220254-00220409 - [Audience Member 2] And that was a bad process. ndiOC6coCI0-00746-00220566-00220800 There is not kernel dependency between perf ndiOC6coCI0-00747-00220800-00221004 like distribution to make an appearance ndiOC6coCI0-00748-00221004-00221271 of because it's (mumbles) - I agree. ndiOC6coCI0-00749-00221271-00221535 Just, it just means that deploying a new kernel feature ndiOC6coCI0-00750-00221535-00221810 is so much more barbaric and time consuming. ndiOC6coCI0-00751-00221810-00222040 If you've got this external thing, you've gotta ndiOC6coCI0-00752-00222040-00222196 - [Audience Member 2] That's where it's a kernel perspective ndiOC6coCI0-00753-00222196-00222376 versus a user perspective. ndiOC6coCI0-00754-00222376-00222596 And at some point, - I mean, ndiOC6coCI0-00755-00222596-00222819 I mean, that's sort of the trade off ndiOC6coCI0-00756-00222819-00223194 that out of tree repository is solving, right. ndiOC6coCI0-00757-00223194-00223542 So, people can use that for building it ndiOC6coCI0-00758-00223542-00223898 and but like the main development and everything happens ndiOC6coCI0-00759-00223898-00224234 upstream and also all the features that people implement ndiOC6coCI0-00760-00224234-00224565 can be up streamed along with their brush sets. ndiOC6coCI0-00761-00224565-00224685 So everything is there, right. ndiOC6coCI0-00762-00224685-00225185 So it's also convenient for progress in that sense, so. ndiOC6coCI0-00763-00225201-00225284 - And that's why I say it's convenient ndiOC6coCI0-00764-00225284-00225534 for kernel developers and convenient for users. ndiOC6coCI0-00765-00225534-00225684 - [Facilitator] But the correct question is ndiOC6coCI0-00766-00225684-00225946 does this replication into a Github repositories ndiOC6coCI0-00767-00225946-00226031 make you happy? ndiOC6coCI0-00768-00226144-00226316 - I ended up copying it into my tree ndiOC6coCI0-00769-00226316-00226533 because it was the easiest thing to do. ndiOC6coCI0-00770-00226533-00226660 It is a bit of a pain in the butt. ndiOC6coCI0-00771-00226660-00226798 - [Facilitator] Can you answer my question. ndiOC6coCI0-00772-00226798-00226989 Is the replication to a Github repository ndiOC6coCI0-00773-00226989-00227187 solving the problem? ndiOC6coCI0-00774-00227187-00227332 - That's for, I guess, the distribution. ndiOC6coCI0-00775-00227332-00227673 - But then, yeah, again, - It's part (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-00776-00227673-00227819 it's like channel of the staple thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00777-00227819-00228010 But a lot of that is automated, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00778-00228010-00228258 So, we should automate it to also ndiOC6coCI0-00779-00228258-00228521 branch off stable trees or they, as, ndiOC6coCI0-00780-00228521-00228692 I think there's potential to solve it that way. ndiOC6coCI0-00781-00228692-00228886 - [Tokay] I think so too. ndiOC6coCI0-00782-00228886-00229036 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00783-00229036-00229361 Yeah, I mean the problem is you want to start using it. ndiOC6coCI0-00784-00229361-00229573 Distro doesn't have it, so you have right now, ndiOC6coCI0-00785-00229573-00229738 to pull this thing in, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00786-00229738-00230189 Until the distros catch up and actually release libbpf ndiOC6coCI0-00787-00230189-00230341 along with the kernel version, ndiOC6coCI0-00788-00230341-00230648 so that's always in sync, like epiro 2 for example. ndiOC6coCI0-00789-00230754-00230985 - But that's, you have that problem with the kernel as well, ndiOC6coCI0-00790-00230985-00231068 right? ndiOC6coCI0-00791-00231068-00231285 You need a new kernel to be able to get ndiOC6coCI0-00792-00231285-00231598 into a lot of the features. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-00793-00231598-00231791 But it should also work backwards, right? ndiOC6coCI0-00794-00231791-00232030 So, just because you've updated the kernel, ndiOC6coCI0-00795-00232030-00232214 doesn't mean libbpf stopped. ndiOC6coCI0-00796-00232214-00232297 Or if you update libbpf, ndiOC6coCI0-00797-00232297-00232544 but you still work in your old kernels, ndiOC6coCI0-00798-00232544-00232763 and with the way it's being done now, ndiOC6coCI0-00799-00232763-00233096 I think there's some gaping holes that are not ndiOC6coCI0-00800-00233096-00233311 that's not being consistently done exactly. ndiOC6coCI0-00801-00233696-00233780 All right. ndiOC6coCI0-00802-00233780-00233863 Moving on? ndiOC6coCI0-00803-00233863-00233946 - Yes. - Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-00804-00233946-00234298 So, as Gary said, now we come to the solutions. ndiOC6coCI0-00805-00234298-00234519 (chuckling) ndiOC6coCI0-00806-00234519-00234769 and one of the things that we wanted to talk about ndiOC6coCI0-00807-00234769-00235144 is this Multiple XDP programs on a single interface. ndiOC6coCI0-00808-00235144-00235344 And as I (mumbles) there's already people doing this. ndiOC6coCI0-00809-00235344-00235653 So this is more trying to convert general solution ndiOC6coCI0-00810-00235653-00235825 that can solve everybody's problems. ndiOC6coCI0-00811-00235825-00236288 We can get, agree to do it the same way. ndiOC6coCI0-00812-00236288-00236741 So, as we already heard, we can only run one program ndiOC6coCI0-00813-00236741-00236894 on each interface. ndiOC6coCI0-00814-00236894-00237173 So, if we want to have multiple functions in sequence, ndiOC6coCI0-00815-00237173-00237302 this can just be debugging. ndiOC6coCI0-00816-00237302-00237629 We want to catch to dump the packets before all our ndiOC6coCI0-00817-00237629-00237934 weird XDP programs starts strings to them. ndiOC6coCI0-00818-00237934-00238186 Or if we have different, like we have DDOS filter ndiOC6coCI0-00819-00238186-00238483 and then we have a IDS and then we have a routing thing ndiOC6coCI0-00820-00238483-00238766 and they're all XDP accelerated. ndiOC6coCI0-00821-00238766-00238993 We probably want to be able to compost them. ndiOC6coCI0-00822-00239246-00239515 And we can do that today if we control all the XDP programs. ndiOC6coCI0-00823-00239515-00239848 I'll show some examples of how this is already being done. ndiOC6coCI0-00824-00240087-00240261 But that's not necessarily enough. ndiOC6coCI0-00825-00240261-00240359 I come back to that. ndiOC6coCI0-00826-00240359-00240755 So, I've found two pieces of prior art. ndiOC6coCI0-00827-00240755-00241028 One is a Facebook Katran Longbantze ndiOC6coCI0-00828-00241125-00241421 has this mechanism for multi-program loading. ndiOC6coCI0-00829-00241421-00241773 So, these are the two XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-00830-00241773-00241994 that would run in sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-00831-00241994-00242131 Usually, they would also do something. ndiOC6coCI0-00832-00242131-00242398 But this is to so, the first one, ndiOC6coCI0-00833-00242398-00242727 we can see loops from Suro in this array. ndiOC6coCI0-00834-00242727-00242987 The route array, which is an array of, ndiOC6coCI0-00835-00242987-00243191 it's a territory map and then array of programs. ndiOC6coCI0-00836-00243191-00243587 So, a loop form Suro and if the tail call proceeds, ndiOC6coCI0-00837-00243587-00243754 it's not going to return. ndiOC6coCI0-00838-00243754-00243992 So what this does is it goes with the array ndiOC6coCI0-00839-00243992-00244180 until it finds an index that contains a program ndiOC6coCI0-00840-00244180-00244331 that it can tail according to. ndiOC6coCI0-00841-00244331-00244677 And if it doesn't find anything, it just does XDP paths. ndiOC6coCI0-00842-00244677-00244957 So, then the second program will be in this array ndiOC6coCI0-00843-00244957-00245098 at index zero. ndiOC6coCI0-00844-00245098-00245282 So, the tail call in the first one, ndiOC6coCI0-00845-00245282-00245575 is going to end up tail calling into the second one. ndiOC6coCI0-00846-00245575-00245890 And as you can see, that starts as I equals one. ndiOC6coCI0-00847-00245890-00246091 So, that's not going to tail call into itself. ndiOC6coCI0-00848-00246091-00246378 Because it sits at index zero. ndiOC6coCI0-00849-00246378-00246552 But it's going to continue in the same array. ndiOC6coCI0-00850-00246552-00246825 So, the array becomes your execution sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-00851-00246971-00247196 The good thing about this is you can have multiple programs ndiOC6coCI0-00852-00247196-00247296 in just one map. ndiOC6coCI0-00853-00247296-00247662 You just put them into the map in the sequence you want. ndiOC6coCI0-00854-00247662-00247921 But the problem is that the programs ndiOC6coCI0-00855-00247921-00248194 need to know their position in the array. ndiOC6coCI0-00856-00248194-00248382 So, you need to recompile the programs. ndiOC6coCI0-00857-00248382-00248602 And obviously, you need to have this loop in there ndiOC6coCI0-00858-00248602-00248734 in the first place. ndiOC6coCI0-00859-00248734-00248950 And also, it doesn't matter. ndiOC6coCI0-00860-00248950-00249248 You can't really do with this set up ndiOC6coCI0-00861-00249248-00249703 different actions depending on the return code ndiOC6coCI0-00862-00249703-00249988 of the first program. ndiOC6coCI0-00863-00249988-00250283 So, another one is CloudFlair released ndiOC6coCI0-00864-00250283-00250500 this XDP dump utility, ndiOC6coCI0-00865-00250500-00250973 which is sort of, it's a utility that's created ndiOC6coCI0-00866-00250973-00251473 as a way to inspect packets after your XDP program runs. ndiOC6coCI0-00867-00251554-00251753 So that contains these, most of these, ndiOC6coCI0-00868-00251753-00252219 like the first two ones are in a library.h ndiOC6coCI0-00869-00252219-00252446 you can include in your own XDP program. ndiOC6coCI0-00870-00252446-00252612 And then you use it like you see in main. ndiOC6coCI0-00871-00252612-00252984 So, instead of calling return, you call return XDP cab exit. ndiOC6coCI0-00872-00252984-00253317 And XDP cab exit up here will go in ndiOC6coCI0-00873-00253317-00253686 and look into a hook map that you already defined. ndiOC6coCI0-00874-00253866-00254061 There's also macros to do all this. ndiOC6coCI0-00875-00254061-00254287 And it, and the lookup P is the action. ndiOC6coCI0-00876-00254287-00254573 And if it finds one, it will tail call it, ndiOC6coCI0-00877-00254573-00254809 then, the tail call is not going to return, ndiOC6coCI0-00878-00254809-00255004 and if there's nothing in the map for that action, ndiOC6coCI0-00879-00255004-00255173 we just pass the actions through. ndiOC6coCI0-00880-00255173-00255476 So, this allows you to define your XDP dump utility. ndiOC6coCI0-00881-00255476-00255861 I want to see all packets that are being redirected by this ndiOC6coCI0-00882-00256126-00256371 by this program or I just want to see all the paths, ndiOC6coCI0-00883-00256371-00256542 I want to see everything that's being dropped. ndiOC6coCI0-00884-00256542-00256942 And then the tail call program will then end up replicating ndiOC6coCI0-00885-00256942-00257179 the same tone again. ndiOC6coCI0-00886-00257179-00257327 So, the nice thing about this, ndiOC6coCI0-00887-00257327-00257532 is we have a different hooks per program action codes. ndiOC6coCI0-00888-00257532-00257942 So, we can inspect what is the program actually doing. ndiOC6coCI0-00889-00257942-00258262 But again, the programs need to include the helper. ndiOC6coCI0-00890-00258262-00258512 And you have to have one map per chain to also, ndiOC6coCI0-00891-00258512-00258821 if you do, if you have lots of maps that you want to, ndiOC6coCI0-00892-00258821-00258990 lots of programs that you want to compost, ndiOC6coCI0-00893-00258990-00259248 you need to replicate this for every program. ndiOC6coCI0-00894-00259348-00259564 And also this doesn't allow you to insert a program ndiOC6coCI0-00895-00259564-00259661 before what yore doing. ndiOC6coCI0-00896-00259661-00259857 Then that program you insert before ndiOC6coCI0-00897-00259857-00259963 needs to do this again. ndiOC6coCI0-00898-00259963-00260463 So, yes, to summarize the limitations that we just saw, ndiOC6coCI0-00899-00260588-00260935 the first one is we need to include tail call code ndiOC6coCI0-00900-00260935-00261103 into every program. ndiOC6coCI0-00901-00261103-00261432 So, for first thing, if we are not the program author, ndiOC6coCI0-00902-00261432-00261680 our vendor just gave us some BPF bit byte code ndiOC6coCI0-00903-00261680-00261861 and says, please run this on your machine. ndiOC6coCI0-00904-00261861-00262113 And for some reason, we trust them to let us ndiOC6coCI0-00905-00262113-00262216 to let them do this. ndiOC6coCI0-00906-00262509-00262753 Also, if one of your vendors then comes, ndiOC6coCI0-00907-00262753-00262941 oh we're doing the Katran thing. ndiOC6coCI0-00908-00262941-00263184 Here's the, just give us the array and the position ndiOC6coCI0-00909-00263184-00263271 and the other one that comes. ndiOC6coCI0-00910-00263271-00263576 Oh, please include this helper function from the cloud flags ndiOC6coCI0-00911-00263576-00263939 to P dump the thing, then you're going to have to ndiOC6coCI0-00912-00263939-00264206 coordinate different ways of doing this. ndiOC6coCI0-00913-00264206-00264558 And if someone inserts a new return statement somewhere ndiOC6coCI0-00914-00264558-00264878 that doesn't do the let's look up in the map logic, ndiOC6coCI0-00915-00264878-00265068 then you're going to have weird failure modes, ndiOC6coCI0-00916-00265068-00265308 where you're not going to be able to chain call. ndiOC6coCI0-00917-00265404-00265674 And also, even if you do control the software, ndiOC6coCI0-00918-00265674-00265961 you don't necessarily want to recompile your programs ndiOC6coCI0-00919-00265961-00266213 just to change the tail call order. ndiOC6coCI0-00920-00266363-00266537 Or maybe you can't, because you loaded it ndiOC6coCI0-00921-00266537-00266833 and then the daemon that had the source code went away ndiOC6coCI0-00922-00266833-00266916 or something. ndiOC6coCI0-00923-00267015-00267170 And also, if you're the Sys admin ndiOC6coCI0-00924-00267170-00267271 and not the program author, ndiOC6coCI0-00925-00267271-00267582 you cannot enforce policies, so you cannot say, ndiOC6coCI0-00926-00267582-00267914 the programs included in this tail call order ndiOC6coCI0-00927-00267914-00268075 but now I want to run them in the opposite order ndiOC6coCI0-00928-00268075-00268198 for some reason. ndiOC6coCI0-00929-00268198-00268509 Such as, I want to insert diagnostics into the chain call ndiOC6coCI0-00930-00268509-00268914 at arbitrary places or I just want to run my IDS ndiOC6coCI0-00931-00268914-00269089 before my DDOS filter or something. ndiOC6coCI0-00932-00269324-00269662 So, what we wanted to do is try to come up with a new way ndiOC6coCI0-00933-00269662-00270027 to do this that builds on what we have already. ndiOC6coCI0-00934-00270027-00270266 So we want to be able to run multiple programs ndiOC6coCI0-00935-00270266-00270515 in the hook with arbitrary execution order ndiOC6coCI0-00936-00270515-00270786 that we can change dynamically as a Sys admin. ndiOC6coCI0-00937-00270962-00271340 And that has this feature where we can ndiOC6coCI0-00938-00271340-00271491 have different chain call orders ndiOC6coCI0-00939-00271491-00271727 depending on the XDP return code. ndiOC6coCI0-00940-00271727-00272042 So, I think the most common thing ndiOC6coCI0-00941-00272042-00272345 will probably be to just say if it's an XDP pass, ndiOC6coCI0-00942-00272345-00272450 we will call the next one. ndiOC6coCI0-00943-00272450-00272651 So, the drops sort of go away ndiOC6coCI0-00944-00272651-00272769 if you, like the DDOS filter, ndiOC6coCI0-00945-00272769-00273018 if I drop something, we don't wanna then send that package ndiOC6coCI0-00946-00273018-00273142 into the IDS. ndiOC6coCI0-00947-00273142-00273290 But there can also be cases like, ndiOC6coCI0-00948-00273290-00273557 we wanna debug all the drops from this program ndiOC6coCI0-00949-00273557-00273787 or something and we want this to work ndiOC6coCI0-00950-00273787-00273933 without modifying the programs ndiOC6coCI0-00951-00273933-00274161 at the sales level themselves. ndiOC6coCI0-00952-00274161-00274323 So, how can we do this? ndiOC6coCI0-00953-00274710-00274937 We have two ingredients in this solution. ndiOC6coCI0-00954-00274937-00275275 One is, we have, we define a (mumbles) data structure ndiOC6coCI0-00955-00275275-00275491 to define the program sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-00956-00275491-00275653 So, it's basically a map. ndiOC6coCI0-00957-00275653-00275847 I'll show some examples of how we can implement this. ndiOC6coCI0-00958-00275847-00276101 But the basic idea is we take the current program ID ndiOC6coCI0-00959-00276101-00276255 when the program exits. ndiOC6coCI0-00960-00276255-00276472 We have the ID if the program had just ran ndiOC6coCI0-00961-00276472-00276721 and the return code that it returned to us. ndiOC6coCI0-00962-00276721-00276879 Then we look at the that into a map ndiOC6coCI0-00963-00276879-00277102 or some data structure and then we get back ndiOC6coCI0-00964-00277102-00277275 is there another program that we want to run. ndiOC6coCI0-00965-00277275-00277518 Similar to, you saw, the chain codes before? ndiOC6coCI0-00966-00277518-00277707 Like if it works, we're just gonna chain call ndiOC6coCI0-00967-00277707-00277807 otherwise we return. ndiOC6coCI0-00968-00277905-00278121 So, this is similar to CloudFlair's XDP dump. ndiOC6coCI0-00969-00278121-00278293 Like, as a map, you look up the return code ndiOC6coCI0-00970-00278293-00278406 and you get back. ndiOC6coCI0-00971-00278406-00278679 It's just that instead of having one map per program, ndiOC6coCI0-00972-00278679-00278951 we just have a map where we can also use the program ID ndiOC6coCI0-00973-00278951-00279099 as a P. ndiOC6coCI0-00974-00279099-00279356 And the second thing to make this work ndiOC6coCI0-00975-00279356-00279589 is that we hook the program return. ndiOC6coCI0-00976-00279589-00279961 We saw an example yesterday for the bulking ndiOC6coCI0-00977-00279961-00280175 that we can rewrite programs to do something ndiOC6coCI0-00978-00280175-00280310 when they return. ndiOC6coCI0-00979-00280310-00280518 So, it's basically that we want to do. ndiOC6coCI0-00980-00280518-00280755 Either we rewrite the return instructions ndiOC6coCI0-00981-00280755-00280979 and instead of returning, we do basically ndiOC6coCI0-00982-00280979-00281255 what we saw on the prior art example before. ndiOC6coCI0-00983-00281255-00281450 Or we just hook into the place in the kernel ndiOC6coCI0-00984-00281450-00281727 where we do the call out to XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-00985-00281727-00281867 So, I show some examples of that. ndiOC6coCI0-00986-00281867-00282316 But first, this is my attempt to diagram ndiOC6coCI0-00987-00282316-00282524 how would this work when we set it up. ndiOC6coCI0-00988-00282524-00282670 So, we startup with the XDP hook, ndiOC6coCI0-00989-00282670-00282927 we have the first program with ID one. ndiOC6coCI0-00990-00282927-00283171 That runs then it returns, comes down here ndiOC6coCI0-00991-00283171-00283348 and we have the program sequence map, ndiOC6coCI0-00992-00283348-00283624 so, if the program returns paths, ndiOC6coCI0-00993-00283624-00283783 we will get the leg up in the first one. ndiOC6coCI0-00994-00283783-00283934 Program ID one, return pass. ndiOC6coCI0-00995-00283934-00284131 Okay, next ID is two. ndiOC6coCI0-00996-00284131-00284267 So, we wrote down, find an ID. ndiOC6coCI0-00997-00284267-00284564 Yes, okay, we tail call that to ID two. ndiOC6coCI0-00998-00284564-00284660 That returns. ndiOC6coCI0-00999-00284660-00284780 Did that return pass? ndiOC6coCI0-01000-00284780-00285019 Yes. Okay, next ID three. ndiOC6coCI0-01001-00285019-00285276 We'll go down there and we'll end up here again. ndiOC6coCI0-01002-00285276-00285514 ID three return DROP, wait, that's not in there. ndiOC6coCI0-01003-00285514-00285597 So it wasn't found. ndiOC6coCI0-01004-00285597-00285822 Okay, we'll just pass return code through. ndiOC6coCI0-01005-00285822-00285986 So, this gives you sort of a ndiOC6coCI0-01006-00286101-00286286 if you do, if the first one returns pass, ndiOC6coCI0-01007-00286286-00286503 you'll get ID one to three. ndiOC6coCI0-01008-00286503-00286586 And if the first one returns TX, ndiOC6coCI0-01009-00286586-00286802 should go up straight to three. ndiOC6coCI0-01010-00286802-00286993 So, for example, I program three ndiOC6coCI0-01011-00286993-00287314 could just be something that turns return codes into drops ndiOC6coCI0-01012-00287314-00287469 in this example. ndiOC6coCI0-01013-00287469-00287799 So that's sort of the flow of how this would work. ndiOC6coCI0-01014-00287799-00287955 And then you can modify the structure ndiOC6coCI0-01015-00287955-00288053 to change the order. ndiOC6coCI0-01016-00288053-00288253 I'll show some examples of that as well. ndiOC6coCI0-01017-00288381-00288627 So, this could be a way to implement it. ndiOC6coCI0-01018-00288627-00288918 We do a chain call look up struct ndiOC6coCI0-01019-00288918-00289110 with a pro data in the return code ndiOC6coCI0-01020-00289110-00289382 and we just use that as the key ndiOC6coCI0-01021-00289382-00289625 in a tail call lookup map. ndiOC6coCI0-01022-00289751-00289932 So that becomes a composite thing. ndiOC6coCI0-01023-00289932-00290267 Others suggested, oh, we can do LPM matching in this. ndiOC6coCI0-01024-00290267-00290558 So, if the return code is not set, ndiOC6coCI0-01025-00290558-00290986 then that means wildcard return codes. ndiOC6coCI0-01026-00290986-00291091 That might be useful. ndiOC6coCI0-01027-00291266-00291685 And that's, so that becomes the chain call function. ndiOC6coCI0-01028-00291685-00291955 I'll come back to how we get to code that. ndiOC6coCI0-01029-00291955-00292230 The alternative is we do a two level map. ndiOC6coCI0-01030-00292230-00292564 So we look up the, we get the chain call map ndiOC6coCI0-01031-00292564-00292693 that's a path index. ndiOC6coCI0-01032-00292693-00292798 I forgot to mention that. ndiOC6coCI0-01033-00292798-00292980 We have a per if_index structure ndiOC6coCI0-01034-00292980-00293207 that defines the program sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-01035-00293207-00293366 So we could also do find the map ndiOC6coCI0-01036-00293366-00293602 then do an inner map lookup on the program ID ndiOC6coCI0-01037-00293602-00294060 and then each, in a map is then a per return code lookup. ndiOC6coCI0-01038-00294060-00294170 It's basically the same thing ndiOC6coCI0-01039-00294170-00294499 but it's two look ups instead of one with a composite key. ndiOC6coCI0-01040-00294682-00295173 So that's a matter of taste, which one do you like better? ndiOC6coCI0-01041-00295173-00295324 How many maps do you wanna, ndiOC6coCI0-01042-00295324-00295525 do you wanna build the struct to the look up? ndiOC6coCI0-01043-00295525-00295884 Or do you wanna manage more maps? ndiOC6coCI0-01044-00296094-00296293 I think I'm leaning towards the composite one. ndiOC6coCI0-01045-00296293-00296522 We're trying to stress that. ndiOC6coCI0-01046-00296522-00296753 So, how do we get all this to work? ndiOC6coCI0-01047-00296753-00296874 There's, we come out, ndiOC6coCI0-01048-00296874-00297121 came up with basically three ways we might do this. ndiOC6coCI0-01049-00297121-00297413 One is the user space only implementation, ndiOC6coCI0-01050-00297413-00297563 which is okay, let's get, ndiOC6coCI0-01051-00297563-00297982 we have libbpf and if we assume that everything ndiOC6coCI0-01052-00297982-00298174 is going to use libbpf as a loader, ndiOC6coCI0-01053-00298174-00298466 we can just define the BPF chain call ndiOC6coCI0-01054-00298466-00298955 as a BPF function, which libbpf will then create and pin ndiOC6coCI0-01055-00298955-00299337 for each if_index and then ask the programs that load it, ndiOC6coCI0-01056-00299430-00299731 this map will be populated by the loader. ndiOC6coCI0-01057-00299731-00300025 And then the loader will also before it loads the programs, ndiOC6coCI0-01058-00300025-00300429 it will rewrite the eBPF byte code ndiOC6coCI0-01059-00300429-00300872 to call into this other function. ndiOC6coCI0-01060-00300872-00301071 And then, and with the right maps. ndiOC6coCI0-01061-00301071-00301194 - [Audience Person] So, I think your assumption ndiOC6coCI0-01062-00301194-00301615 that everything will use libbpf presupposes that BPF libbpf ndiOC6coCI0-01063-00301615-00301889 is public domain instead of GPL code. ndiOC6coCI0-01064-00301889-00301972 - Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01065-00301972-00302203 I don't actually think this is the right way to do it. ndiOC6coCI0-01066-00302203-00302317 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01067-00302317-00302556 So, but as a distro, for example, ndiOC6coCI0-01068-00302556-00302825 we could enforce, we will only support your XDP program ndiOC6coCI0-01069-00302825-00303069 if you use this loader that we are shipping to you. ndiOC6coCI0-01070-00303069-00303290 Like, you could do the same, it doesn't have to be libbpf ndiOC6coCI0-01071-00303290-00303591 but if we have one place in the system ndiOC6coCI0-01072-00303591-00303871 that all programs go through, we can do this re running. ndiOC6coCI0-01073-00303960-00304245 So, the pros, we don't have to change the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-01074-00304245-00304328 Yay! ndiOC6coCI0-01075-00304328-00304604 But as you pointed out, it only works ndiOC6coCI0-01076-00304604-00304834 if all the loaders do this and libbpf ndiOC6coCI0-01077-00304834-00305132 is probably not necessarily going to be there ndiOC6coCI0-01078-00305132-00305548 but and also user space has to do all the bookkeeping ndiOC6coCI0-01079-00305548-00305707 because we again, we're baking, ndiOC6coCI0-01080-00305707-00305941 when we load the programs, the map is going to be baked ndiOC6coCI0-01081-00305941-00306292 into the program just as it is now. ndiOC6coCI0-01082-00306292-00306512 So, if we want to swap the map, ndiOC6coCI0-01083-00306512-00306755 then we need to get all the programs off code, ndiOC6coCI0-01084-00306755-00306887 rewrite it again with new maps ndiOC6coCI0-01085-00306887-00307106 and reload it and that's not necessarily feasible. ndiOC6coCI0-01086-00307106-00307310 So, I put this up here just to say, yes, ndiOC6coCI0-01087-00307310-00307584 I think technically, it might be possible ndiOC6coCI0-01088-00307584-00307786 to get this to work and use this space, ndiOC6coCI0-01089-00307786-00308018 but I don't think it's going to be very robust. ndiOC6coCI0-01090-00308018-00308215 Which of course means that we need kernel support. ndiOC6coCI0-01091-00308215-00308509 Yay! (chuckling) ndiOC6coCI0-01092-00308509-00308658 That is actually the real reason I'm up here. ndiOC6coCI0-01093-00308658-00308796 I'm trying to get you guys on board ndiOC6coCI0-01094-00308796-00308912 that we need kernel support for this. ndiOC6coCI0-01095-00308912-00309238 So, in the kernel, there's two ways which we do this. ndiOC6coCI0-01096-00309238-00309422 We have this nice verifier ndiOC6coCI0-01097-00309422-00309812 that sees all the XDP programs as they're loaded. ndiOC6coCI0-01098-00309812-00310023 It already rewrites stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-01099-00310023-00310272 So, we could define the BPF chain call function ndiOC6coCI0-01100-00310272-00310557 in whichever version like we saw before. ndiOC6coCI0-01101-00310557-00310829 As BPF kernel BPF helper function. ndiOC6coCI0-01102-00310829-00311029 And then the verifier wants a program is loaded, ndiOC6coCI0-01103-00311029-00311262 that can be a CCTL that says ndiOC6coCI0-01104-00311262-00311548 chain calls are enabled and if this is there, ndiOC6coCI0-01105-00311548-00311743 the verifier will go on and hook the returns ndiOC6coCI0-01106-00311743-00312151 from the program and turn those into BPF helper call ndiOC6coCI0-01107-00312151-00312348 or call for whatever. ndiOC6coCI0-01108-00312348-00312710 And then user space still has the responsibility ndiOC6coCI0-01109-00312710-00312933 of populating the map and helper works in a way ndiOC6coCI0-01110-00312933-00313088 that if the map is not there, ndiOC6coCI0-01111-00313088-00313311 if it's not, if there's nothing in it and so on, ndiOC6coCI0-01112-00313311-00313570 it just, it will just become one map look up that fails. ndiOC6coCI0-01113-00313570-00313783 And then you just return kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-01114-00313783-00313917 This is so this is nice. ndiOC6coCI0-01115-00313917-00314036 It's enforceable system. ndiOC6coCI0-01116-00314036-00314296 Why it uses the existing tail call infrastructure, ndiOC6coCI0-01117-00314296-00314533 which meas we won't get another indirect call ndiOC6coCI0-01118-00314533-00314664 for everything in the sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-01119-00314664-00314889 It just jumps the whole BPF thing. ndiOC6coCI0-01120-00314889-00315037 And the occurrences, we have to go ndiOC6coCI0-01121-00315037-00315265 and get our hands dirty with the verifier, ndiOC6coCI0-01122-00315350-00315721 more complexities to already complex piece of code. ndiOC6coCI0-01123-00315721-00315899 The other thing we could do ndiOC6coCI0-01124-00315899-00316125 is for HPD, is we have a single kernel function ndiOC6coCI0-01125-00316125-00316403 that always is used to run all their XDP programs, ndiOC6coCI0-01126-00316403-00316799 the distros return BPF run prog. ndiOC6coCI0-01127-00316799-00317130 So that could just do BPF run prog, ndiOC6coCI0-01128-00317130-00317630 get the return code, do the BPF chain call logic ndiOC6coCI0-01129-00317719-00317864 as a regular kernel function. ndiOC6coCI0-01130-00317971-00318367 And then call that before returning your code ndiOC6coCI0-01131-00318367-00318749 to the driver and then just do another run BPF prog call. ndiOC6coCI0-01132-00318749-00318948 And then again, use this space for populate map ndiOC6coCI0-01133-00318948-00319099 and everything is good. ndiOC6coCI0-01134-00319099-00319367 So, this is again, enforceable system wide, ndiOC6coCI0-01135-00319367-00319503 we're in the kernel, everything is good. ndiOC6coCI0-01136-00319503-00319689 We don't need to do anything in the verifier, ndiOC6coCI0-01137-00319689-00319890 we just hook into the HDP structure. ndiOC6coCI0-01138-00319978-00320270 But as we saw yesterday, that means that each sequence ndiOC6coCI0-01139-00320270-00320568 in the call chain, we get a new indirect call. ndiOC6coCI0-01140-00320738-00321083 And also we need the check and the fast path. ndiOC6coCI0-01141-00321083-00321221 We can't turn it off completely. ndiOC6coCI0-01142-00321221-00321468 There will be at least one branch in that function ndiOC6coCI0-01143-00321468-00321661 to see if this function is enabled. ndiOC6coCI0-01144-00321661-00321876 I'm not sure that's actually going to be measurable ndiOC6coCI0-01145-00321876-00321959 overhead. ndiOC6coCI0-01146-00321959-00322141 It's more the indirect call things ndiOC6coCI0-01147-00322141-00322224 I'm worried about from this. ndiOC6coCI0-01148-00322224-00322384 But it's definitely simpler to implement. ndiOC6coCI0-01149-00322384-00322592 So, I guess maybe we can try it and see. ndiOC6coCI0-01150-00322745-00322848 - [Facilitator] It even suggests ndiOC6coCI0-01151-00322848-00323065 that since it the three requires ndiOC6coCI0-01152-00323065-00323348 no verifier changes, we could go for that. ndiOC6coCI0-01153-00323348-00323451 - Yes. - And if if doesn't work, ndiOC6coCI0-01154-00323451-00323688 like or I guess, we do have to touch the verifier. ndiOC6coCI0-01155-00323688-00323809 - Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01156-00323809-00323925 - [Audience Member 6] There's. ndiOC6coCI0-01157-00323925-00324042 - That's side. ndiOC6coCI0-01158-00324419-00324502 - Thank you. ndiOC6coCI0-01159-00324502-00324677 You mentioned that one of your goals ndiOC6coCI0-01160-00324677-00324943 is to have this usable by XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-01161-00324943-00325089 that have not been modified. ndiOC6coCI0-01162-00325089-00325355 But you're saying you wanna introduce a new chain call ndiOC6coCI0-01163-00325355-00325810 helper, which implies you need to have all programs ndiOC6coCI0-01164-00325810-00325955 have that in there. ndiOC6coCI0-01165-00325955-00326212 - No because the, the verifier ndiOC6coCI0-01166-00326212-00326430 turns return codes into calls to that helper. ndiOC6coCI0-01167-00326430-00326513 On this case, it will not be helper, ndiOC6coCI0-01168-00326513-00326698 it will just be functionality in the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-01169-00326698-00326791 - [Audience Member 6] Okay, cool. ndiOC6coCI0-01170-00326791-00327074 - And there's a precedence for doing that already, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01171-00327074-00327225 We do it in the C group site. ndiOC6coCI0-01172-00327338-00327604 They call, they make a chain of programs and ndiOC6coCI0-01173-00327604-00328048 there's a precedence for having chains and programs run ndiOC6coCI0-01174-00328048-00328228 and then you return and there's some ndiOC6coCI0-01175-00328425-00328642 precedence of return codes that you get the right one, ndiOC6coCI0-01176-00328642-00328736 you know, so. ndiOC6coCI0-01177-00328736-00328819 - So, how do you load those? ndiOC6coCI0-01178-00328819-00329082 Do you just do add one to the chain? ndiOC6coCI0-01179-00329082-00329327 Can you modify the sequence? ndiOC6coCI0-01180-00329327-00329594 - So, the order of the C groups, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01181-00329594-00329775 So, I actually each C group can have ndiOC6coCI0-01182-00329775-00330012 a multiple and it's in order of insertion. ndiOC6coCI0-01183-00330012-00330140 Although, I think with XDP, ndiOC6coCI0-01184-00330140-00330379 you'd wanna have a priority where you wanna insert things ndiOC6coCI0-01185-00330379-00330466 in different orders. ndiOC6coCI0-01186-00330466-00330675 - Yeah, so that's C groups. ndiOC6coCI0-01187-00330675-00330787 - We also thought about, okay, ndiOC6coCI0-01188-00330787-00331212 let's just have XDP attach, just be additive. ndiOC6coCI0-01189-00331212-00331376 So just attach one to the end of the sequence. ndiOC6coCI0-01190-00331376-00331580 And then the kernel just keeps a link list. ndiOC6coCI0-01191-00331580-00331831 But the problem with that is it becomes really difficult ndiOC6coCI0-01192-00331831-00331922 to modify, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01193-00331922-00332040 So that's why we went with the ledge ndiOC6coCI0-01194-00332040-00332241 look up in the map and use that to the ndiOC6coCI0-01195-00332241-00332374 - Right, 'cause you definitely wanna have ndiOC6coCI0-01196-00332374-00332501 that priority aspect of it. ndiOC6coCI0-01197-00332501-00332702 So, for example, the XDP dump where you can say, no, ndiOC6coCI0-01198-00332702-00332829 mine takes highest priority. ndiOC6coCI0-01199-00332829-00333030 But I don't know about modifying things. ndiOC6coCI0-01200-00333030-00333310 Maybe the program writers don't want someone else ndiOC6coCI0-01201-00333310-00333584 coming in and modifying their program, right. ndiOC6coCI0-01202-00333584-00333721 So, it's - Well, they already do that ndiOC6coCI0-01203-00333721-00333858 for constant blinding and all this other stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-01204-00333858-00334158 - Yeah, that's, verify execute in the BPF code. ndiOC6coCI0-01205-00334158-00334339 You load into the kernel ever. ndiOC6coCI0-01206-00334339-00334422 - Yeah. - Yeah, ndiOC6coCI0-01207-00334422-00334723 but it doesn't need to be necessarily re writing ndiOC6coCI0-01208-00334723-00334806 the eBPF code. ndiOC6coCI0-01209-00334806-00335222 It can also just be insert a hook ndiOC6coCI0-01210-00335222-00335722 on JIT, like, do this thing but inject it as JIT code ndiOC6coCI0-01211-00335890-00336269 into the function itself without modifying the BPF software. ndiOC6coCI0-01212-00336269-00336420 - [Audience Member 7] So just from a user's perspective, ndiOC6coCI0-01213-00336420-00336604 to have some consistency with the way C groups ndiOC6coCI0-01214-00336604-00336924 is done, I think there would be a huge plus. ndiOC6coCI0-01215-00336924-00337154 - Yeah, I'll look into exactly how that works. ndiOC6coCI0-01216-00337258-00337358 One more down there. ndiOC6coCI0-01217-00337447-00337672 (mumbling) ndiOC6coCI0-01218-00337810-00337970 - Thanks. ndiOC6coCI0-01219-00337970-00338169 So I'm wondering if this is not similar ndiOC6coCI0-01220-00338169-00338337 a little bit to package filtering, ndiOC6coCI0-01221-00338337-00338632 where we started with chains and at some point, ndiOC6coCI0-01222-00338632-00338961 we got to a tree, where you wanna have a hash function ndiOC6coCI0-01223-00338961-00339044 and distribute. ndiOC6coCI0-01224-00339044-00339202 Here, you're talking about a chain, ndiOC6coCI0-01225-00339202-00339501 which can be long, multiple applications running, ndiOC6coCI0-01226-00339501-00339890 latency will recur and if you have a tree ndiOC6coCI0-01227-00339890-00340071 at some point, where you're doing a hash ndiOC6coCI0-01228-00340071-00340404 and split into different programs, ndiOC6coCI0-01229-00340404-00340657 might be the next evolution of this, I'm not sure. ndiOC6coCI0-01230-00340657-00340800 - Possibly. ndiOC6coCI0-01231-00340800-00341114 And, I think you can actually express a tree with this. ndiOC6coCI0-01232-00341215-00341351 - [Audience Member 7] With multiple applications, ndiOC6coCI0-01233-00341351-00341661 like having a generic hash depending on the (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-01234-00341661-00341869 you go to program A or program B. ndiOC6coCI0-01235-00341869-00341990 - Yeah. - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-01236-00341990-00342270 - You're sort of striking a balance between usability ndiOC6coCI0-01237-00342270-00342401 and I really care about performance ndiOC6coCI0-01238-00342401-00342641 because if I really really care about performance, ndiOC6coCI0-01239-00342641-00342855 I'm gonna optimize one program and do loader myself, ndiOC6coCI0-01240-00342855-00342938 I think. - Yes yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01241-00342938-00343216 - Like, if you care about every cycle ndiOC6coCI0-01242-00343216-00343426 and every indirect call and every branch, ndiOC6coCI0-01243-00343426-00343653 you're gonna knock the list of programs. ndiOC6coCI0-01244-00343653-00343839 I just, I don't think that's true. ndiOC6coCI0-01245-00343839-00344040 - [Tokay] Yeah, so it really needs to be optional. ndiOC6coCI0-01246-00344040-00344194 - I think it's you know, like as soon as ndiOC6coCI0-01247-00344194-00344375 you start talking about trees and hash maps ndiOC6coCI0-01248-00344375-00344726 it's like how complex do we want this infrastructure to be ndiOC6coCI0-01249-00344726-00344865 when we can already do that already ndiOC6coCI0-01250-00344865-00345055 by writing a BPF program? ndiOC6coCI0-01251-00345055-00345296 The sooner the power of the BPF itself ndiOC6coCI0-01252-00345296-00345504 is that you can write the exact program you need, ndiOC6coCI0-01253-00345504-00345642 right and you're not calling lists of things ndiOC6coCI0-01254-00345642-00346030 or even trees, right, so, I think it's just a trade off. ndiOC6coCI0-01255-00346199-00346564 - And I think the other thing to consider if you are reusing ndiOC6coCI0-01256-00346564-00346906 tail call infrastructure that you cannot use other ndiOC6coCI0-01257-00346906-00347061 features in the verifier, ndiOC6coCI0-01258-00347156-00347535 in the BFP, like a BPF to BPF calls ndiOC6coCI0-01259-00347535-00347757 and those things that we disable. ndiOC6coCI0-01260-00347757-00347910 - [David] Oh would you disable those for tail calls? ndiOC6coCI0-01261-00347910-00348046 - Yeah. - Oh cool. ndiOC6coCI0-01262-00348046-00348248 I didn't know. ndiOC6coCI0-01263-00348248-00348411 Good to know, I mean. ndiOC6coCI0-01264-00348411-00348656 - But I think it's solvable to overcome that limitation. ndiOC6coCI0-01265-00348656-00348860 But yeah - Because once you have ndiOC6coCI0-01266-00348860-00349103 tail calls, you can't do a holistic analysis ndiOC6coCI0-01267-00349103-00349297 of what features set is used by the entirety ndiOC6coCI0-01268-00349297-00349467 - Yeah, we'll come back to that. ndiOC6coCI0-01269-00349467-00349610 Jasper has. - Okay. ndiOC6coCI0-01270-00349734-00350064 - Yeah, but like, so, one thing I didn't mention ndiOC6coCI0-01271-00350064-00350215 is that the nice thing about using it ndiOC6coCI0-01272-00350215-00350454 doing it as tail calls is we already enforced ndiOC6coCI0-01273-00350454-00350684 a maximum program limit whereas this thing ndiOC6coCI0-01274-00350684-00350958 if we don't prevent it from, it could loop forever. ndiOC6coCI0-01275-00351121-00351299 - Two observations. ndiOC6coCI0-01276-00351299-00351662 Anytime that system engineers try to centralize ndiOC6coCI0-01277-00351662-00351878 something in the user space, they punt to the kernel. ndiOC6coCI0-01278-00351878-00352097 That's what we're doing here. ndiOC6coCI0-01279-00352097-00352357 Second observation is that this makes me think ndiOC6coCI0-01280-00352357-00352857 about the XDP program per queue ideas ndiOC6coCI0-01281-00352862-00353082 and you would need three keys at that point. ndiOC6coCI0-01282-00353181-00353347 - No, you would just need - Or you would have ndiOC6coCI0-01283-00353347-00353597 a separate map for each set of thing, okay. ndiOC6coCI0-01284-00353597-00353748 So, please keep that in mind. ndiOC6coCI0-01285-00353748-00353876 - [Second Speaker] Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01286-00353876-00354012 - Okay, cool. ndiOC6coCI0-01287-00354012-00354322 So, actually, the idea was very much lets see ndiOC6coCI0-01288-00354322-00354490 can we do this in user space? ndiOC6coCI0-01289-00354490-00354654 And can we make it work? ndiOC6coCI0-01290-00354654-00354809 But I don't actually believe this is going ndiOC6coCI0-01291-00354809-00355180 to work in practice from user space because yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01292-00355180-00355416 - One problem with that is this is, ndiOC6coCI0-01293-00355416-00355499 we talked about it before. ndiOC6coCI0-01294-00355499-00355765 This is actually stealing tail calls from the programs. ndiOC6coCI0-01295-00355765-00356205 So if you're using tail calls for this, you're limiting ndiOC6coCI0-01296-00356205-00356669 the programs, so the number of tail calls they can do. ndiOC6coCI0-01297-00356669-00356847 - Well just something - You could reset the counter ndiOC6coCI0-01298-00356847-00356997 every time you do this. ndiOC6coCI0-01299-00356997-00357084 - See? - You could reset ndiOC6coCI0-01300-00357084-00357228 the counter every time but then you would need ndiOC6coCI0-01301-00357228-00357474 a separate counter - Yes, something like that. ndiOC6coCI0-01302-00357474-00357695 - So, is there, just to follow up. ndiOC6coCI0-01303-00357695-00357851 I think that's true but on the other hand, ndiOC6coCI0-01304-00357851-00358199 we can also potentially bump the limit. ndiOC6coCI0-01305-00358199-00358501 We have one million instructions, so. ndiOC6coCI0-01306-00358501-00358584 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01307-00358675-00358771 - I'm just curious. ndiOC6coCI0-01308-00358771-00359191 Is there a concrete user of this? ndiOC6coCI0-01309-00359191-00359385 Or is this like a build it and we might have ndiOC6coCI0-01310-00359385-00359547 some users that want to use it? ndiOC6coCI0-01311-00359547-00359833 I'm just like, seems like a lot of complexity. ndiOC6coCI0-01312-00359833-00359916 And I'm not sure. ndiOC6coCI0-01313-00359916-00360098 (chatter) ndiOC6coCI0-01314-00360098-00360288 - [Man] Yeah, we'd like to use it. ndiOC6coCI0-01315-00360288-00360375 - But why? ndiOC6coCI0-01316-00360375-00360531 I mean, you control your entire program. ndiOC6coCI0-01317-00360531-00360616 Why don't you just write the program that you need? ndiOC6coCI0-01318-00360616-00360863 - But there's, in theory, there is different teams ndiOC6coCI0-01319-00360863-00361056 responsible for different parts of the program. ndiOC6coCI0-01320-00361056-00361139 So we have. ndiOC6coCI0-01321-00361229-00361502 So there's a - I've had distribution ndiOC6coCI0-01322-00361502-00361685 like this was the first thing that came up ndiOC6coCI0-01323-00361685-00361873 and Tony was like, let's turn on XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-01324-00361873-00361999 And then we have two different teams like, ndiOC6coCI0-01325-00361999-00362082 we wanna use it. ndiOC6coCI0-01326-00362082-00362165 We wanna use it. ndiOC6coCI0-01327-00362165-00362263 What are we gonna do? ndiOC6coCI0-01328-00362263-00362385 - Okay. - So, ndiOC6coCI0-01329-00362385-00362555 and the debugging thing is the other thing, ndiOC6coCI0-01330-00362555-00362790 which might be solvable by hooking in but. ndiOC6coCI0-01331-00362790-00363136 (mumbling in background) - Don't worry, we'll make ndiOC6coCI0-01332-00363136-00363229 it optional. ndiOC6coCI0-01333-00363332-00363473 (faint speaking) Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01334-00363473-00363578 We want to - I just think ndiOC6coCI0-01335-00363578-00363867 that as a baseline, we will sacrifice some performance ndiOC6coCI0-01336-00363867-00363950 - Yes. - by doing ndiOC6coCI0-01337-00363950-00364043 - It's going to be optional. - Optimization ndiOC6coCI0-01338-00364043-00364270 and I worry a bit about, like I said, ndiOC6coCI0-01339-00364270-00364406 there's a trade off between complexity, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01340-00364406-00364533 There's, I think there's a tendency ndiOC6coCI0-01341-00364533-00364695 to try to over engineer this to the point ndiOC6coCI0-01342-00364695-00364918 like, we want to work for all every use ndiOC6coCI0-01343-00364918-00365173 possible use case and I think at some point, ndiOC6coCI0-01344-00365173-00365382 we can say, hey, system owner of the system, ndiOC6coCI0-01345-00365382-00365667 who manages the and provisions the system. ndiOC6coCI0-01346-00365667-00365926 Your responsibility is also to manage the programs ndiOC6coCI0-01347-00365926-00366040 that are running chains. ndiOC6coCI0-01348-00366040-00366346 'Cause somebody still has to load these in the right order. ndiOC6coCI0-01349-00366346-00366463 Right, like - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01350-00366636-00366726 - I mean, - But that ndiOC6coCI0-01351-00366726-00366832 we can solve in user space. ndiOC6coCI0-01352-00366832-00367003 - Just like kind of like, ndiOC6coCI0-01353-00367003-00367113 - Yeah. - I hope ndiOC6coCI0-01354-00367113-00367253 it doesn't get too complex, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01355-00367253-00367443 - We're trying to make it as simple as possible. ndiOC6coCI0-01356-00367443-00367601 But no simpler. ndiOC6coCI0-01357-00367601-00368097 - So, the use space is really (background chatter) ndiOC6coCI0-01358-00368097-00368207 - Can I? One quick thing. ndiOC6coCI0-01359-00368207-00368354 We've talked about doing this internally ndiOC6coCI0-01360-00368354-00368553 but all in user space as well? ndiOC6coCI0-01361-00368553-00368731 I think you could imagine there would be one daemon ndiOC6coCI0-01362-00368731-00368959 responsible for actually attaching XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-01363-00368959-00369251 and every other daemon would send the program IDs ndiOC6coCI0-01364-00369251-00369452 to that daemon over (mumbles) or something. ndiOC6coCI0-01365-00369452-00369668 And that user space daemon would then rewrite ndiOC6coCI0-01366-00369668-00369833 all the programs to use the right tail calls ndiOC6coCI0-01367-00369833-00369943 to build up the chain. ndiOC6coCI0-01368-00370030-00370238 - Yeah, but then that daemon would need to cache ndiOC6coCI0-01369-00370238-00370322 all the programs and rewrite them again. ndiOC6coCI0-01370-00370322-00370422 - [Man] Yes, you're gonna have to ndiOC6coCI0-01371-00370422-00370564 keep all the programs and rewrite them. ndiOC6coCI0-01372-00370564-00370754 - [Facilitator] Again, this is why we punted a kernel ndiOC6coCI0-01373-00370754-00370944 for essentialized operations. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01374-00371519-00371789 - The use case really is the user installs ndiOC6coCI0-01375-00371789-00372254 two packages using XDP and it just works. ndiOC6coCI0-01376-00372254-00372529 So, I cannot imagine administrator ndiOC6coCI0-01377-00372529-00372935 of the machine to ordering those packages or something. ndiOC6coCI0-01378-00372935-00373156 That's not good user experience. ndiOC6coCI0-01379-00373241-00373401 - [Facilitator] And like we said, ndiOC6coCI0-01380-00373401-00373600 if you do want the best performance, ndiOC6coCI0-01381-00373600-00373762 and you want this completely integrated solution, ndiOC6coCI0-01382-00373762-00373945 you would implement it. ndiOC6coCI0-01383-00373945-00374241 - Yeah, so it's like the simplest thing that can just work ndiOC6coCI0-01384-00374241-00374399 and then if you want to be more fancy, ndiOC6coCI0-01385-00374399-00374514 you can do something yourself. ndiOC6coCI0-01386-00374514-00374787 So, the last - You also sort of ndiOC6coCI0-01387-00374787-00375221 have similar issue in TC, for example, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01388-00375221-00375504 There are also, a user can install multiple programs, ndiOC6coCI0-01389-00375504-00375876 they still have to interact with each other ndiOC6coCI0-01390-00375876-00376227 because if one breaks the sequence, ndiOC6coCI0-01391-00376227-00376470 then yeah, so some form or cooperation ndiOC6coCI0-01392-00376470-00376803 is still needed after all this, even in XDP as well. ndiOC6coCI0-01393-00376986-00377217 - Very hallway talk. - Yes, we also need ndiOC6coCI0-01394-00377217-00377388 to have time for Jasper. ndiOC6coCI0-01395-00377388-00377613 - We had a bet whether or not he would get time ndiOC6coCI0-01396-00377613-00377699 to say anything. ndiOC6coCI0-01397-00377699-00377916 (laughing) - Might not. ndiOC6coCI0-01398-00377916-00378183 - Yeah, so I'll just skip over this pretty quick. ndiOC6coCI0-01399-00378183-00378451 This is just some samples of if you just wanna update ndiOC6coCI0-01400-00378451-00378684 the sequence, you could do link list operations ndiOC6coCI0-01401-00378684-00378878 in this map, but if you want to do something ndiOC6coCI0-01402-00378878-00379207 more complex by change the order completely ndiOC6coCI0-01403-00379207-00379454 in one atomic operation, you just create a new map ndiOC6coCI0-01404-00379454-00379671 and then that's a function to replace it. ndiOC6coCI0-01405-00379671-00379830 And then there's that to remedy update. ndiOC6coCI0-01406-00379830-00379915 How do we handle that? ndiOC6coCI0-01407-00379915-00380114 That's details, we'll figure it out. ndiOC6coCI0-01408-00380114-00380236 - Jasper. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01409-00380364-00380837 - It's, see the next problem of like feature ndiOC6coCI0-01410-00380837-00380990 detection we've been fighting over this ndiOC6coCI0-01411-00380990-00381145 for a couple of years, I think. ndiOC6coCI0-01412-00381434-00381656 So how do we ensure a program will actually work ndiOC6coCI0-01413-00381656-00381832 when we load it successfully ndiOC6coCI0-01414-00381832-00382007 because that's not this case today? ndiOC6coCI0-01415-00382253-00382634 So, XDP features depend on the driver support. ndiOC6coCI0-01416-00382723-00382965 And it sort of breaks the BPF feature systems. ndiOC6coCI0-01417-00382965-00383229 The BPF have a feature system by that way ndiOC6coCI0-01418-00383229-00383455 that if you use a functionality ndiOC6coCI0-01419-00383455-00383708 that is not available in the BFP call, ndiOC6coCI0-01420-00383708-00383975 you will not be allowed to load this BPF program. ndiOC6coCI0-01421-00383975-00384213 It will simply get rejected at load time. ndiOC6coCI0-01422-00384363-00384584 Because the BPF calls always come by then, ndiOC6coCI0-01423-00384584-00384671 so that's great. ndiOC6coCI0-01424-00384671-00384806 We can always know this. ndiOC6coCI0-01425-00384895-00385241 But XDP challenged this because it's modules. ndiOC6coCI0-01426-00385241-00385501 It is actually driver modules that get loaded ndiOC6coCI0-01427-00385501-00385692 that's not part of the calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01428-00385692-00385926 We don't know what features they have. ndiOC6coCI0-01429-00385926-00386180 So, they have different features. ndiOC6coCI0-01430-00386516-00386599 So, ndiOC6coCI0-01431-00386800-00387222 this is the most, the question I get the most often ndiOC6coCI0-01432-00387222-00387433 is does this NIC work with XDP? ndiOC6coCI0-01433-00387433-00387766 And we really cannot answer that question. ndiOC6coCI0-01434-00387766-00388240 Our answer is like, go read the kernel source. ndiOC6coCI0-01435-00388240-00388349 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01436-00388349-00388444 That's what I do. ndiOC6coCI0-01437-00388444-00388555 That's not a problem for me. ndiOC6coCI0-01438-00388555-00388818 I don't know why it's such a problem for everybody else. ndiOC6coCI0-01439-00388903-00389183 So, that's really not a good answer so. ndiOC6coCI0-01440-00389183-00389414 So, we have to get up with a better answer ndiOC6coCI0-01441-00389414-00389646 and then people with the don't ask me, ndiOC6coCI0-01442-00389646-00389897 like she just loaded and I'll use generic XDP ndiOC6coCI0-01443-00389897-00390321 without noticing and that's, you'll complain ndiOC6coCI0-01444-00390321-00390500 about performance and, as David said, ndiOC6coCI0-01445-00390500-00390773 there actually some (mumbles) cases that we don't handle, ndiOC6coCI0-01446-00390773-00390978 which will also drop packets silently, ndiOC6coCI0-01447-00390978-00391152 which is a nice feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01448-00391273-00391674 So, we that's a support issue for (mumbles). ndiOC6coCI0-01449-00391897-00392182 - And others. - Yeah, and as John ndiOC6coCI0-01450-00392182-00392378 always says, is there any re uses? ndiOC6coCI0-01451-00392489-00392732 So we actually have (mumbles) that won't require it ndiOC6coCI0-01452-00392732-00392962 if it has XDP support. ndiOC6coCI0-01453-00392962-00393334 Or else they want to fall back to using the TC hooks instead ndiOC6coCI0-01454-00393334-00393549 but they cannot do that today. ndiOC6coCI0-01455-00393549-00394027 If so, as a user configures this to use XDP, ndiOC6coCI0-01456-00394027-00394245 then it will just drop his packets ndiOC6coCI0-01457-00394245-00394414 because it wasn't there. ndiOC6coCI0-01458-00394414-00394774 So, can I actually have, we have implemented ndiOC6coCI0-01459-00394774-00395239 (mumbles) to do funny stuff in there. ndiOC6coCI0-01460-00395239-00395418 And they really can't use it ndiOC6coCI0-01461-00395418-00395715 because if, then NIC has to support the feature ndiOC6coCI0-01462-00395715-00395955 and if it doesn't, it will just drop the packets ndiOC6coCI0-01463-00395955-00396174 and that's really not good user experience. ndiOC6coCI0-01464-00396174-00396389 And they can implement the same NTC ndiOC6coCI0-01465-00396389-00396535 but lower performance. ndiOC6coCI0-01466-00396535-00396687 So if they really want to know this ndiOC6coCI0-01467-00396687-00397187 and then the BM or the virtual team in (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-01468-00397195-00397483 always complains that they want to do VM migration ndiOC6coCI0-01469-00397483-00397571 and they cannot. ndiOC6coCI0-01470-00397571-00397736 I think (mumbles) recovered that. ndiOC6coCI0-01471-00397846-00398062 So, the original argument was, well, ndiOC6coCI0-01472-00398062-00398266 all drivers must support all our features. ndiOC6coCI0-01473-00398266-00398451 That was never really true, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01474-00398645-00398837 Even today, there only a few drivers to support ndiOC6coCI0-01475-00398837-00398962 the redirect feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01476-00399377-00399877 So, the real issue is actually that it's too easy ndiOC6coCI0-01477-00399887-00400117 to shoot yourself in the foot. ndiOC6coCI0-01478-00400117-00400556 So, the kernel allows you to attach XDP programs ndiOC6coCI0-01479-00400556-00400882 where the features in the driver isn't implemented and then ndiOC6coCI0-01480-00401183-00401266 thank you. ndiOC6coCI0-01481-00401377-00401533 And then we have the silent drops again, ndiOC6coCI0-01482-00401533-00401699 which is a real pain in the ass. ndiOC6coCI0-01483-00402240-00402626 So, but we really need something that can reject earlier. ndiOC6coCI0-01484-00402626-00402895 Because I actually don't believe that you can just, ndiOC6coCI0-01485-00402895-00403144 if you just export feature space to user space, ndiOC6coCI0-01486-00403144-00403257 people are not going to look at it. ndiOC6coCI0-01487-00403257-00403551 They are not going to spend the time ndiOC6coCI0-01488-00403551-00404025 checking these feature bits and then actually ndiOC6coCI0-01489-00404025-00404412 not load their program, so I really like an old solution ndiOC6coCI0-01490-00404412-00404627 where the kernel enforces this ndiOC6coCI0-01491-00404627-00404990 and rejects if you load a program or attach a program ndiOC6coCI0-01492-00405136-00405331 that isn't compatible with your system. ndiOC6coCI0-01493-00405478-00405736 So that's what the BPF verifier already does. ndiOC6coCI0-01494-00405736-00405915 It retakes load times. ndiOC6coCI0-01495-00405915-00406010 It's really nice. ndiOC6coCI0-01496-00406124-00406336 So, we don't allow them to run something ndiOC6coCI0-01497-00406336-00406441 that is not possible. ndiOC6coCI0-01498-00406883-00407213 So, I'll get back to why I don't like tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01499-00407213-00407363 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01500-00407363-00407669 So, (mumbles) places do all this stuff on tails calls ndiOC6coCI0-01501-00407669-00408013 and tail calls are really really ndiOC6coCI0-01502-00408013-00408313 blocking my initial solution. ndiOC6coCI0-01503-00408442-00408858 So, obvious solutions to me would to do this feature check ndiOC6coCI0-01504-00408858-00409254 or match at, when you load it at attach time. ndiOC6coCI0-01505-00409254-00409416 So you have to be prepare program, load it, ndiOC6coCI0-01506-00409416-00409714 and then we attach it, we check if these feature bits ndiOC6coCI0-01507-00409714-00409910 matches up, what the program uses. ndiOC6coCI0-01508-00410003-00410267 But that is not possible for tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01509-00410267-00410550 I tried to explain a number of times ndiOC6coCI0-01510-00410550-00410825 why this is problematic and people don't get it. ndiOC6coCI0-01511-00410825-00411167 So, it's much easier with an example. ndiOC6coCI0-01512-00411167-00411537 If you have .1, you have the driver tail call ndiOC6coCI0-01513-00411537-00411722 in the tail call map. ndiOC6coCI0-01514-00411868-00412248 And the tail call calls in, so a second level ndiOC6coCI0-01515-00412248-00412692 tail call map and later, it is updated. ndiOC6coCI0-01516-00412817-00412987 This is second level tail call map ndiOC6coCI0-01517-00413072-00413435 with a program that uses unsupported feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01518-00413435-00413592 How can the driver see this? ndiOC6coCI0-01519-00413592-00413851 That is sort of what happened ndiOC6coCI0-01520-00413851-00414318 is that the tail calls actually added a hook ndiOC6coCI0-01521-00414318-00414527 outside the drivers' control. ndiOC6coCI0-01522-00414527-00414825 So the initial program that gets attached ndiOC6coCI0-01523-00414825-00415027 actually calls a function down in the driver ndiOC6coCI0-01524-00415027-00415466 in the, to attach but all the way down ndiOC6coCI0-01525-00415466-00415789 all of a sudden, you can change the program run time ndiOC6coCI0-01526-00415789-00416097 by changing the tail call map. ndiOC6coCI0-01527-00416097-00416205 - [Facilitator] You could declare ndiOC6coCI0-01528-00416205-00416367 what features a program needs ndiOC6coCI0-01529-00416367-00416695 and what features a map needs and not allow a program ndiOC6coCI0-01530-00416695-00416912 to call into a program which requires more features ndiOC6coCI0-01531-00416912-00417058 or into a map, which works ndiOC6coCI0-01532-00417058-00417313 - [Audience Member 2] The main space in universe of the maps ndiOC6coCI0-01533-00417313-00417546 in the programs are completely different. ndiOC6coCI0-01534-00417546-00417714 They don't know about each other. ndiOC6coCI0-01535-00417714-00418032 You could load the map independently of the programs ndiOC6coCI0-01536-00418032-00418205 and then populate the map with pointers ndiOC6coCI0-01537-00418205-00418412 to programs that use the unsupported features. ndiOC6coCI0-01538-00418412-00418522 - I have to - Sure, but that's not ndiOC6coCI0-01539-00418522-00418776 a problem if the map says using this map ndiOC6coCI0-01540-00418776-00418905 requires feature (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-01541-00418905-00419092 - [Audience Member 2] Okay that would be a new facility, ndiOC6coCI0-01542-00419092-00419200 obviously. - Yeah, so you have ndiOC6coCI0-01543-00419200-00419469 to restrict, you have to restrict the maps. ndiOC6coCI0-01544-00419575-00419796 - So, for example, like in the XDP case, right, ndiOC6coCI0-01545-00419796-00420084 couldn't we, on program load, ndiOC6coCI0-01546-00420084-00420287 also specify the if_index? ndiOC6coCI0-01547-00420287-00420554 I think we do this today in terms of off load, ndiOC6coCI0-01548-00420554-00420689 - Wait for the next slide. ndiOC6coCI0-01549-00420689-00420842 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01550-00420842-00421018 - That's actually the next slide. ndiOC6coCI0-01551-00421018-00421402 Virtual solution proposal number two but ndiOC6coCI0-01552-00421402-00421702 that is if you already proposed that that's good. ndiOC6coCI0-01553-00421702-00421785 So, (laughing). ndiOC6coCI0-01554-00421960-00422216 So solution two is to do this load time. ndiOC6coCI0-01555-00422216-00422370 To prepare for load time because that would actually ndiOC6coCI0-01556-00422370-00422729 fit how BPF also does the rejection. ndiOC6coCI0-01557-00422729-00423012 BPF does rejection on load time and not attach time. ndiOC6coCI0-01558-00423132-00423450 So if, as Daniel says, if you supply the if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01559-00423450-00423789 at load time, like the hardware off load already does, ndiOC6coCI0-01560-00423789-00423980 we could do this. ndiOC6coCI0-01561-00423980-00424193 So, how does this solve the problem ndiOC6coCI0-01562-00424193-00424669 with the if_index or tail calls? ndiOC6coCI0-01563-00424847-00425230 So, like Meyers proposed, we have to check the features ndiOC6coCI0-01564-00425230-00425385 when we insert into a tail call ndiOC6coCI0-01565-00425515-00425934 that these, that they will match up ndiOC6coCI0-01566-00425934-00426226 and to do that, I think we have to bind also ndiOC6coCI0-01567-00426226-00426424 the tail call map to our if_index. ndiOC6coCI0-01568-00426687-00426889 - I mean, I don't think you really have to bind it, ndiOC6coCI0-01569-00426889-00427274 but I think like, in tracing case, ndiOC6coCI0-01570-00427274-00427627 we do have a flag, I think in the BPF prog structure. ndiOC6coCI0-01571-00427722-00428112 And then when we attach a program to the tail call map, ndiOC6coCI0-01572-00428112-00428302 we check the feature there as well ndiOC6coCI0-01573-00428302-00428497 and we could do it for the F index. ndiOC6coCI0-01574-00428497-00428871 If you are, if you know that this program was loading ndiOC6coCI0-01575-00428871-00429070 or was supported in the if_index, ndiOC6coCI0-01576-00429070-00429563 you can attach the, or keep the if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01577-00429563-00429810 in the BPF prog structure and then ndiOC6coCI0-01578-00429810-00430068 for all the other programs to there later loaded ndiOC6coCI0-01579-00430068-00430152 into the tail call maps, ndiOC6coCI0-01580-00430152-00430528 you can compare whether it's feature compatible, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01581-00430528-00430688 So, _ Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01582-00430688-00431057 Yeah, that's basically, you want to store the if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01583-00431057-00431312 to make this match against, you have to ndiOC6coCI0-01584-00431485-00431764 - You could keep track of basically incompatible features ndiOC6coCI0-01585-00431764-00431984 so at the beginning, all the features are compatible. ndiOC6coCI0-01586-00431984-00432429 But then as you start mapping these things to interfaces, ndiOC6coCI0-01587-00432429-00432674 the features that are unsupported by those drivers ndiOC6coCI0-01588-00432674-00432946 get marked as incompatible, and then you can't add stuff ndiOC6coCI0-01589-00432946-00433197 that uses incompatible features in the future. ndiOC6coCI0-01590-00433197-00433407 - Sounds like a more complex solution. ndiOC6coCI0-01591-00433407-00433548 What I would do is you ask back ndiOC6coCI0-01592-00433548-00433889 every time you load a BPF program, ndiOC6coCI0-01593-00433889-00434125 you have to have the if_index in it, ndiOC6coCI0-01594-00434125-00434612 asks, asks the driver does this match up with this? ndiOC6coCI0-01595-00434612-00434741 I want to use this if_index. ndiOC6coCI0-01596-00434741-00434824 I'm using these features. ndiOC6coCI0-01597-00434824-00435027 Then you get approval. ndiOC6coCI0-01598-00435027-00435162 And then once your program is loaded, ndiOC6coCI0-01599-00435162-00435304 and have a if_index attached, you know ndiOC6coCI0-01600-00435304-00435524 that this is supported for this device. ndiOC6coCI0-01601-00435524-00435897 And then when you attach it and want to put it into a map, ndiOC6coCI0-01602-00435897-00436253 then this map have to have a matching if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01603-00436347-00436617 then we don't need anything else in a single index. ndiOC6coCI0-01604-00436617-00436885 - I think your solution would be possible as well. ndiOC6coCI0-01605-00436885-00437244 And it would be more generic because you could attach ndiOC6coCI0-01606-00437244-00437445 a program also to another index in the end. ndiOC6coCI0-01607-00437445-00437713 - So, but it depends on how you represent the features. ndiOC6coCI0-01608-00437713-00437822 - Right, yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01609-00437822-00438168 - But, below all the - Which we'll get into ndiOC6coCI0-01610-00438168-00438325 a long discussion with also. ndiOC6coCI0-01611-00438325-00438557 - But the good thing in that is you don't have ndiOC6coCI0-01612-00438557-00438826 to expose the features or how you represent them ndiOC6coCI0-01613-00438826-00438941 anywhere to user space. ndiOC6coCI0-01614-00438941-00439112 So it's like only kernel internal. ndiOC6coCI0-01615-00439112-00439216 And it can change, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01616-00439216-00439353 So, - Well could you do it ndiOC6coCI0-01617-00439353-00439751 with maybe BTF so that you annotate the maps ndiOC6coCI0-01618-00439751-00439989 with the list of restrictions in the program? ndiOC6coCI0-01619-00439989-00440104 So that when you load the programs, ndiOC6coCI0-01620-00440104-00440313 you have, you know, a list of restrictions ndiOC6coCI0-01621-00440313-00440597 and then the if_index is like one of the possible ndiOC6coCI0-01622-00440597-00440777 restrictions, so you have this general case ndiOC6coCI0-01623-00440777-00440955 where you can say, I only allow these helpers ndiOC6coCI0-01624-00440955-00441058 or something? ndiOC6coCI0-01625-00441058-00441259 (faint talking) Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01626-00441259-00441443 I wonder if this would also help the off load folks ndiOC6coCI0-01627-00441443-00441655 because right now, they have no hope of supporting ndiOC6coCI0-01628-00441655-00441843 this kind of maps program, I think , right? ndiOC6coCI0-01629-00441843-00442051 But if you had an offload chip, you could say, ndiOC6coCI0-01630-00442051-00442291 I only support these helpers on this map type ndiOC6coCI0-01631-00442291-00442452 and then they can load the programs as well. ndiOC6coCI0-01632-00442452-00442670 - Yeah, I think the solution will also, ndiOC6coCI0-01633-00442670-00442847 also massively help the offload people ndiOC6coCI0-01634-00442847-00443187 that their if_index will be logged, ndiOC6coCI0-01635-00443296-00443493 they will log it down to what they support ndiOC6coCI0-01636-00443493-00443609 and then - and it's, ndiOC6coCI0-01637-00443609-00443781 I mean, I think BTF is the way forward ndiOC6coCI0-01638-00443781-00444029 because BTF we already defined, we already have maps ndiOC6coCI0-01639-00444029-00444157 definitions for BTF. ndiOC6coCI0-01640-00444157-00444378 So, yeah, you just need a new type ndiOC6coCI0-01641-00444378-00444721 to program restrictions or something. ndiOC6coCI0-01642-00444721-00445005 - You would basically have a set of all possible features. ndiOC6coCI0-01643-00445005-00445106 And then every time you restrict it, ndiOC6coCI0-01644-00445106-00445339 you would just do set intersection, ndiOC6coCI0-01645-00445339-00445535 like these are the features and I do now. ndiOC6coCI0-01646-00445535-00445749 And then you would get a smaller and smaller set. ndiOC6coCI0-01647-00445749-00445855 You can never increase it. ndiOC6coCI0-01648-00445855-00445984 You can only restrict it. ndiOC6coCI0-01649-00445984-00446145 - [Tobi] Like implement it all at once, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01650-00446145-00446389 You could just implement if index is a start ndiOC6coCI0-01651-00446389-00446675 as long as you could, in the future, add things. ndiOC6coCI0-01652-00446675-00446938 - It's pretty common to have multiple interfaces, though. ndiOC6coCI0-01653-00446938-00447173 And it's very common for them to have the exact same driver ndiOC6coCI0-01654-00447173-00447330 and the exact same feature sets. ndiOC6coCI0-01655-00447330-00447684 So binding it seems kind of restrictive. ndiOC6coCI0-01656-00447684-00447980 Well, binding to feature sets is much less likely ndiOC6coCI0-01657-00447980-00448096 to cause problems. ndiOC6coCI0-01658-00448229-00448512 - So, I actually tried to implement this feature set ndiOC6coCI0-01659-00448512-00448846 stuff but I ran into that you can have maps ndiOC6coCI0-01660-00448846-00448955 that code into other tail call maps ndiOC6coCI0-01661-00448955-00449189 that call into another tail call map, so, ndiOC6coCI0-01662-00449189-00449464 what I had to do, I had to do a full tree traversal ndiOC6coCI0-01663-00449464-00449612 of all the maps to figure out ndiOC6coCI0-01664-00449612-00449785 when I want to change something, ndiOC6coCI0-01665-00449785-00449910 if I want to restrict it more, ndiOC6coCI0-01666-00449910-00450257 I have to go ask all the maps and then restrict features ndiOC6coCI0-01667-00450257-00450471 for all the maps and take call into, ndiOC6coCI0-01668-00450471-00450678 it was, I actually did implementation ndiOC6coCI0-01669-00450678-00450909 but I was not happy about the complexity. ndiOC6coCI0-01670-00450909-00451010 - What would be really great ndiOC6coCI0-01671-00451010-00451241 is that if we actually reached a holy grail ndiOC6coCI0-01672-00451241-00451589 of all the drivers to support all the XDP features, ndiOC6coCI0-01673-00451589-00451816 then this would all cancel out very simply. ndiOC6coCI0-01674-00451816-00451989 - [Jasper] That would solve it in the first place. ndiOC6coCI0-01675-00451989-00452072 (chuckles) ndiOC6coCI0-01676-00452072-00452253 - Maybe much less work. ndiOC6coCI0-01677-00452253-00452491 - But that's like a pipe dream. ndiOC6coCI0-01678-00452491-00452799 - [Tobi] So, maybe a question then, why do the drivers ndiOC6coCI0-01679-00452799-00452957 support different feature sets? ndiOC6coCI0-01680-00452957-00453092 - Why don't - It is insanely ndiOC6coCI0-01681-00453092-00453416 a lot of complex work to support the full feature set. ndiOC6coCI0-01682-00453416-00453647 It's not trivial to do it. ndiOC6coCI0-01683-00453647-00453813 You can't just go into an arbitrary drive, like, ndiOC6coCI0-01684-00453813-00454004 let's add XDP redirect support, ndiOC6coCI0-01685-00454004-00454357 no it's really complicated, it's buffer sharing, locking, ndiOC6coCI0-01686-00454357-00454558 reference counting, it's not easy. ndiOC6coCI0-01687-00454934-00455077 - I just mentioned in the offload case, ndiOC6coCI0-01688-00455077-00455368 it may not actually be possible to support all the features, ndiOC6coCI0-01689-00455368-00455634 except some other concepts don't necessarily map ndiOC6coCI0-01690-00455634-00455876 to the how do I like (mumbles) maps? ndiOC6coCI0-01691-00455876-00456147 - Yeah, that's some, hardware offloading. ndiOC6coCI0-01692-00456147-00456479 You cannot simply possible to have all the features. ndiOC6coCI0-01693-00456710-00456852 - Tobi, can you get the password? ndiOC6coCI0-01694-00457292-00457375 Thanks. ndiOC6coCI0-01695-00457375-00457537 I was just gonna say, we don't always know ndiOC6coCI0-01696-00457537-00457643 if the if_index were attaching to ndiOC6coCI0-01697-00457643-00457834 so like if in cases of XDP cap where we're just ndiOC6coCI0-01698-00457834-00458118 writing programs to pin tail call maps, ndiOC6coCI0-01699-00458118-00458205 we don't actually know what if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01700-00458205-00458346 we're attaching the program to, ndiOC6coCI0-01701-00458346-00458616 so we can't load it with the if_index. ndiOC6coCI0-01702-00458616-00458771 I don't know how that would work. ndiOC6coCI0-01703-00458771-00459035 - Yeah, that's sort of a good point. ndiOC6coCI0-01704-00459035-00459206 Because you have to tail, that's also ndiOC6coCI0-01705-00459206-00459338 because you use the tail calls, ndiOC6coCI0-01706-00459338-00459432 right? - Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01707-00459432-00459772 - [Jasper] And sometimes you also use the same tail call map ndiOC6coCI0-01708-00459772-00459984 on different interface, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01709-00459984-00460106 - You could, yeah, I guess. ndiOC6coCI0-01710-00460106-00460260 So, one thing that we've been thinking about ndiOC6coCI0-01711-00460260-00460402 and I think Facebook's Katran does this. ndiOC6coCI0-01712-00460402-00460580 It's like bonding support. ndiOC6coCI0-01713-00460580-00460935 The idea that you can attach some XDP program to a bonnet ndiOC6coCI0-01714-00460935-00461156 interface and the way, it doesn't work right now, obviously ndiOC6coCI0-01715-00461156-00461342 but the way you fake it is you just ndiOC6coCI0-01716-00461342-00461689 attach the same XDP program to both interfaces. ndiOC6coCI0-01717-00461689-00461830 And then you end up in the same path ndiOC6coCI0-01718-00461830-00462039 and you end up sharing tail call maps, ndiOC6coCI0-01719-00462039-00462239 all the sort of good stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-01720-00462239-00462417 Maybe you should just get rid of tail calls, huh? ndiOC6coCI0-01721-00462417-00462650 (chuckling) ndiOC6coCI0-01722-00462753-00463178 - Yeah, tail calls have been a pain for a long time. ndiOC6coCI0-01723-00463178-00463406 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01724-00463406-00463547 - But it's awesome. - And then ndiOC6coCI0-01725-00463547-00463864 then with this solution too, I realized that ndiOC6coCI0-01726-00463864-00464363 oh, shit, generic XDP actually when we move ndiOC6coCI0-01727-00464363-00464609 this, when we move from attach time to load time, ndiOC6coCI0-01728-00464724-00465055 at load time, I don't know if this is going to be used ndiOC6coCI0-01729-00465055-00465277 at the native hook or the generic hook. ndiOC6coCI0-01730-00465416-00465635 So, I was like, uh oh, how do we solve that? ndiOC6coCI0-01731-00465878-00466245 So we could say generic is supposed to support everything ndiOC6coCI0-01732-00466245-00466380 but as David mentioned before, ndiOC6coCI0-01733-00466380-00466734 we actually have unsupported features. ndiOC6coCI0-01734-00466734-00467018 - [Tobi] Okay, this is something we have 100% control over. ndiOC6coCI0-01735-00467018-00467106 - Yeah yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01736-00467106-00467335 And someone just needs to kick me ndiOC6coCI0-01737-00467335-00467517 to actually, to fulfill just ndiOC6coCI0-01738-00467608-00467691 - [Facilitator] You should kick the guy ndiOC6coCI0-01739-00467691-00467804 who wrote generic XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-01740-00467804-00467968 I think he should have to fix all these problems. ndiOC6coCI0-01741-00467968-00468093 - Yeah, he has to fix it. ndiOC6coCI0-01742-00468366-00468449 Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01743-00468535-00468839 So, one possible solution is the now okay, ndiOC6coCI0-01744-00468839-00469162 then we have to supply more information than just if_index ndiOC6coCI0-01745-00469280-00469772 and say if this is native or generic also. ndiOC6coCI0-01746-00469772-00470028 But that's sort of annoying from a API perspective ndiOC6coCI0-01747-00470028-00470288 that we have to supply more information ndiOC6coCI0-01748-00470288-00470400 to get a bit if_index. ndiOC6coCI0-01749-00470400-00470509 It could just be the if_index. ndiOC6coCI0-01750-00470509-00470781 That would be so simple and already supported ndiOC6coCI0-01751-00470781-00471042 for hardware offloads. ndiOC6coCI0-01752-00471178-00471435 The second option is that we simply ndiOC6coCI0-01753-00471529-00471845 need the if_index imply that this is native XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-01754-00471959-00472172 And then force the inventor of generic XDP ndiOC6coCI0-01755-00472299-00472517 to implement all the features. ndiOC6coCI0-01756-00472517-00472692 - So, we have three layers of features. ndiOC6coCI0-01757-00472692-00472850 We have the hardware off loader case. ndiOC6coCI0-01758-00472850-00473104 We have the CPU native in the driver case ndiOC6coCI0-01759-00473104-00473359 and we have generic XDP and they're all different. ndiOC6coCI0-01760-00473359-00473489 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01761-00473489-00473618 That's really nice, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01762-00473816-00473925 - [Man] Too many features. ndiOC6coCI0-01763-00473925-00474095 - Yes. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01764-00474095-00474210 That's the next discussion. ndiOC6coCI0-01765-00474210-00474418 How do we then express these features and agree ndiOC6coCI0-01766-00474418-00474587 on what is the feature? ndiOC6coCI0-01767-00474587-00474793 - So, I just wondered, maybe, I think somebody ndiOC6coCI0-01768-00474793-00474938 was maybe half joking when they said ndiOC6coCI0-01769-00474938-00475074 maybe we just don't allow tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01770-00475074-00475421 But now that we have calls, like proper calls, ndiOC6coCI0-01771-00475421-00475606 maybe it's not so bad just to say ndiOC6coCI0-01772-00475606-00475720 we don't support tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01773-00475720-00475832 I mean, from, ndiOC6coCI0-01774-00475945-00476096 for offloaded XDP. ndiOC6coCI0-01775-00476096-00476302 - [Person] But it's API now. ndiOC6coCI0-01776-00476302-00476483 - Yeah but that doesn't mean we have to say, ndiOC6coCI0-01777-00476483-00476660 going forward, that doesn't mean that it has ndiOC6coCI0-01778-00476660-00476744 to always work, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01779-00476744-00476941 It doesn't work now, so. ndiOC6coCI0-01780-00476941-00477155 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01781-00477155-00477315 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01782-00477315-00477468 Yeah, we always had issues with this and ndiOC6coCI0-01783-00477468-00477788 - If we say, if we just document it really well ndiOC6coCI0-01784-00477788-00478054 and throw some warning in the logs, ndiOC6coCI0-01785-00478054-00478270 and say, like if you're trying to offload stuff ndiOC6coCI0-01786-00478270-00478500 with XDP and you have tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01787-00478500-00478649 - [Audience Member 1] We could also just turn tail calls ndiOC6coCI0-01788-00478649-00478750 into a feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01789-00478874-00479043 That's represented with this and if you use that, ndiOC6coCI0-01790-00479043-00479234 it's going to be really restrictive ndiOC6coCI0-01791-00479234-00479358 what you can do with your program ndiOC6coCI0-01792-00479358-00479646 because lots of places, it wouldn't just be supported. ndiOC6coCI0-01793-00479646-00479793 - But I think they already have so many problems ndiOC6coCI0-01794-00479793-00480032 with offloading anyways, like CPU maps ndiOC6coCI0-01795-00480032-00480287 and helpers and all these other things. ndiOC6coCI0-01796-00480287-00480413 - Then again, if you do that, ndiOC6coCI0-01797-00480413-00480582 then you're messing with the people ndiOC6coCI0-01798-00480582-00480841 who are using tail calls as a solution to ndiOC6coCI0-01799-00480841-00481118 this multi program problem in their infrastructure ndiOC6coCI0-01800-00481118-00481375 and suddenly it's off - We're giving them ndiOC6coCI0-01801-00481375-00481458 a new solution. ndiOC6coCI0-01802-00481613-00481843 - Yeah, it is also what Toby is proposing, ndiOC6coCI0-01803-00481843-00482047 then we'll really tie ourselves into tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01804-00482047-00482227 This is like the solution to all, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01805-00482227-00482395 - [Toby] No, we can answer that without tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-01806-00482395-00482547 - [Facilitator] Yeah, you're saying to remove the feature ndiOC6coCI0-01807-00482547-00482696 you want to use? ndiOC6coCI0-01808-00482696-00482813 I don't understand. - No but you just convinced me ndiOC6coCI0-01809-00482813-00483006 I shouldn't use it. (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01810-00483006-00483089 - [Facilitator] Okay, okay. ndiOC6coCI0-01811-00483225-00483464 - So, but that's that also goes into something David ndiOC6coCI0-01812-00483464-00483816 has been talking about that we could actually have ndiOC6coCI0-01813-00483816-00484179 a more library kind of thing that you can actually call ndiOC6coCI0-01814-00484179-00484300 BFP functions. ndiOC6coCI0-01815-00484300-00484558 - Yeah, because if you go to real BPF calls ndiOC6coCI0-01816-00484558-00484835 all this logic about what should we do if there's XDP DROP ndiOC6coCI0-01817-00484835-00485155 versus XDP Pass, it's cooked into the application. ndiOC6coCI0-01818-00485155-00485431 It just falls out from the implementation. ndiOC6coCI0-01819-00485431-00485581 - So we had real function calls ndiOC6coCI0-01820-00485581-00485716 and - But then each function ndiOC6coCI0-01821-00485716-00486010 would need to declare which features this function is using. ndiOC6coCI0-01822-00486010-00486297 And then at link time, you would need to resolve that, so. ndiOC6coCI0-01823-00486297-00486560 - No, I'm just saying, the thing that you would consider ndiOC6coCI0-01824-00486560-00486962 multiple programs would be a whole program. ndiOC6coCI0-01825-00486962-00487188 - [Speaker 1] Yeah, you cannot update it at runtime later. ndiOC6coCI0-01826-00487188-00487271 - Right. ndiOC6coCI0-01827-00487271-00487466 - [Speaker 1] But you still need to resolve it across ndiOC6coCI0-01828-00487466-00487549 - There needs to be some glue thing ndiOC6coCI0-01829-00487549-00487737 that puts it together in those ndiOC6coCI0-01830-00487737-00487995 the feature sets of the individual components, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01831-00487995-00488143 - Yeah. - So ndiOC6coCI0-01832-00488143-00488441 functions in a BPF in kernel library that's available ndiOC6coCI0-01833-00488441-00488657 to XDP programs would have tags or something like that. ndiOC6coCI0-01834-00488657-00488754 - [Speaker 1] Yeah, but then we already ndiOC6coCI0-01835-00488754-00488997 have the functionality to tag features. ndiOC6coCI0-01836-00488997-00489260 And then we already have a different way of solving this. ndiOC6coCI0-01837-00489260-00489343 - Right. ndiOC6coCI0-01838-00489546-00489826 I don't know how practical it is to turn tail calls off. ndiOC6coCI0-01839-00489920-00490058 - I only have a couple of slide left. ndiOC6coCI0-01840-00490058-00490399 And so, people can get out of here. ndiOC6coCI0-01841-00490508-00490591 So, ndiOC6coCI0-01842-00490892-00491338 so we really want these features ndiOC6coCI0-01843-00491338-00491554 to be detectable by the verifier ndiOC6coCI0-01844-00491554-00491789 because or else we need to supply, ndiOC6coCI0-01845-00491789-00492101 we need to trust user space to supply us ndiOC6coCI0-01846-00492101-00492374 with what kind of features that this program actually do ndiOC6coCI0-01847-00492374-00492779 and I'm not sure we want to trust the input ndiOC6coCI0-01848-00492779-00492922 we get from there. ndiOC6coCI0-01849-00492922-00493292 So, we really want the verifier to be able to ndiOC6coCI0-01850-00493292-00493472 detect the features. ndiOC6coCI0-01851-00493472-00493812 And one way detection strategy is to reduce ndiOC6coCI0-01852-00493812-00493942 the features (mumbles) use ndiOC6coCI0-01853-00494114-00494307 by looking at the return codes. ndiOC6coCI0-01854-00494307-00494466 We have a huge problem if the return code ndiOC6coCI0-01855-00494466-00494791 come from a register, we just have to assume everything. ndiOC6coCI0-01856-00494791-00495162 And we can take out the XDP redirect if the helper is used. ndiOC6coCI0-01857-00495162-00495364 So, that's the return codes, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01858-00495364-00495597 - [Facilitator] Also return codes can come from a map. ndiOC6coCI0-01859-00495597-00495756 - Exactly, that's the problem. ndiOC6coCI0-01860-00495756-00495956 That's quite difficult to detect, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01861-00496258-00496437 This is a bit more interesting. ndiOC6coCI0-01862-00496437-00496571 Return codes are sort of obvious. ndiOC6coCI0-01863-00496571-00496822 We have to detect those. ndiOC6coCI0-01864-00496822-00497020 But there's also other things that can depend ndiOC6coCI0-01865-00497020-00497118 on our driver feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01866-00497118-00497372 For example, XDP adjust meter, which is ndiOC6coCI0-01867-00497372-00497559 depend on the driver feature, ndiOC6coCI0-01868-00497670-00498021 is actually expressed on a, today, it fails runtime. ndiOC6coCI0-01869-00498021-00498293 I think we can do better if it was a feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01870-00498293-00498450 We also have the adjust tail, ndiOC6coCI0-01871-00498450-00498784 which also have influence on some of the features ndiOC6coCI0-01872-00498784-00499135 we want to implement to have multiple support for XDP ndiOC6coCI0-01873-00499135-00499227 in the drivers. ndiOC6coCI0-01874-00499313-00499553 And the verifier, that's really easy to detect ndiOC6coCI0-01875-00499553-00499689 that will help us in use, ndiOC6coCI0-01876-00499689-00500062 so that would be also extending the feature bits. ndiOC6coCI0-01877-00500220-00500470 But we really don't want to expose these feature bits ndiOC6coCI0-01878-00500470-00500706 as UIP IT users. ndiOC6coCI0-01879-00500706-00501032 So, if we can get verifier to detect it, ndiOC6coCI0-01880-00501130-00501630 (mumbles) expiring, exporting this at the user space. ndiOC6coCI0-01881-00501753-00502164 But then in the end, how do users then ask ndiOC6coCI0-01882-00502164-00502360 figure out the first question that I always get, ndiOC6coCI0-01883-00502360-00502541 does my NICs support XDP? ndiOC6coCI0-01884-00502541-00502943 So, we have to give it express these feature bits ndiOC6coCI0-01885-00502943-00503306 somehow to user space so that users can see it. ndiOC6coCI0-01886-00503306-00503407 There's two options. ndiOC6coCI0-01887-00503407-00503781 It's just to expose these feature bits an ETH tool ndiOC6coCI0-01888-00503781-00504028 as the, as we already have. ndiOC6coCI0-01889-00504125-00504320 And every driver, we knew how to do it. ndiOC6coCI0-01890-00504465-00504642 The other thing is to do probing, ndiOC6coCI0-01891-00504642-00504922 like bpftool that we load a program ndiOC6coCI0-01892-00504922-00505192 with these features and see if it fails or not, ndiOC6coCI0-01893-00505192-00505441 which is a little bit, so. ndiOC6coCI0-01894-00505557-00505943 - This is not even just a support program loading properly. ndiOC6coCI0-01895-00505943-00506104 This is a introspection thing. ndiOC6coCI0-01896-00506104-00506403 Like please give me attributes of my system. ndiOC6coCI0-01897-00506501-00506727 Like, same like asking what kind of hardware ndiOC6coCI0-01898-00506727-00506875 is in my machine? ndiOC6coCI0-01899-00506875-00506967 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-01900-00506967-00507162 Yeah, so it's - loading a BPF program ndiOC6coCI0-01901-00507162-00507505 to detect features kind of seems outside that scope. ndiOC6coCI0-01902-00507505-00507747 And a feature bit export sounds a lot better. ndiOC6coCI0-01903-00507747-00508016 - Yeah, we already do that a lot or all the drivers. ndiOC6coCI0-01904-00508016-00508137 But and kind of hardware features. ndiOC6coCI0-01905-00508137-00508552 - Also if we do it at attach time, that's has side effects. ndiOC6coCI0-01906-00508552-00508755 So, do I support DROP? ndiOC6coCI0-01907-00508755-00508960 Oops, I dropped all my packets while I was probing ndiOC6coCI0-01908-00508960-00509080 for this feature. ndiOC6coCI0-01909-00509080-00509305 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01910-00509437-00509539 - Yeah, so you have, yeah, ndiOC6coCI0-01911-00509539-00509737 you cannot do it at attach time. ndiOC6coCI0-01912-00509737-00509991 - [Facilitator] Who's running bpftool over and over ndiOC6coCI0-01913-00509991-00510160 and over again on my machine? ndiOC6coCI0-01914-00510160-00510380 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01915-00510380-00510616 - Yeah, so, unfortunately, you know. ndiOC6coCI0-01916-00510616-00510878 - [Facilitator] We have minus seven minutes. ndiOC6coCI0-01917-00510878-00511024 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01918-00511024-00511233 - There's a gap before the break intentionally. ndiOC6coCI0-01919-00511233-00511370 - Yeah. - There was. ndiOC6coCI0-01920-00511527-00511738 (chatter) - There were actually ndiOC6coCI0-01921-00511738-00511941 so, I think we had all (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-01922-00511941-00512083 comments and questions but more. ndiOC6coCI0-01923-00512083-00512220 - [Facilitator] We can ask questions ndiOC6coCI0-01924-00512220-00512371 if people wanna talk about stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-01925-00512371-00512677 - People are allowed to leave now. (chuckles) ndiOC6coCI0-01926-00512677-00512810 so, you will not be scolded ndiOC6coCI0-01927-00512810-00512907 if you wanna talk about stuff. ndiOC6coCI0-01928-00512907-00513060 - [Jasper] The doors are now unlocked. ndiOC6coCI0-01929-00513060-00513143 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01930-00513143-00513532 - Wait, we didn't solve the adit subsystem controversy. ndiOC6coCI0-01931-00513532-00513687 We can't leave. ndiOC6coCI0-01932-00513687-00513882 - Yeah, that's true but it was with a lecture ndiOC6coCI0-01933-00513882-00513985 and, is he here? ndiOC6coCI0-01934-00513985-00514260 - So, Jasper, so one last question ndiOC6coCI0-01935-00514260-00514474 on the feature deduction. ndiOC6coCI0-01936-00514564-00514685 It would be actually be really nice ndiOC6coCI0-01937-00514685-00514881 if the user wouldn't have to do anything at all ndiOC6coCI0-01938-00514881-00515049 in terms of specifying something. ndiOC6coCI0-01939-00515049-00515132 - [Jasper] Yes. ndiOC6coCI0-01940-00515235-00515318 Do we think it's possible? ndiOC6coCI0-01941-00515318-00515553 - So I'm wondering how feasible it is, ndiOC6coCI0-01942-00515553-00515962 like, how many XDP native NICs would be present ndiOC6coCI0-01943-00515962-00516137 in one machine.? ndiOC6coCI0-01944-00516137-00516291 I'm wondering if you, I mean, like the ndiOC6coCI0-01945-00516291-00516607 - [Facilitator] We would like that number to decrease. ndiOC6coCI0-01946-00516607-00516722 - Yes. - Hundreds. ndiOC6coCI0-01947-00516722-00516963 But I mean, I'm just wondering, ndiOC6coCI0-01948-00516963-00517172 - I would like to get to - crawling does, ndiOC6coCI0-01949-00517310-00517658 crawling those features is not like ndiOC6coCI0-01950-00517658-00517759 doesn't take much, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01951-00517759-00518012 So, what if you could white list ndiOC6coCI0-01952-00518147-00518597 all the NICs in the program that would support ndiOC6coCI0-01953-00518597-00518881 this specific BPF program, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01954-00518881-00519064 - Oh, you create a subset of if_indexes ndiOC6coCI0-01955-00519064-00519262 that match what the program is ndiOC6coCI0-01956-00519262-00519634 - So, so you would keep track like if index is in your name ndiOC6coCI0-01957-00519634-00519972 space, where this program can be attached to ndiOC6coCI0-01958-00519972-00520222 because the features are there ndiOC6coCI0-01959-00520222-00520383 that you, that the verifier crawled ndiOC6coCI0-01960-00520383-00520635 and found it to be okay. ndiOC6coCI0-01961-00520635-00520903 And then when you actually attach it, ndiOC6coCI0-01962-00520903-00521018 it would work just fine. ndiOC6coCI0-01963-00521018-00521381 But if you want to attach it to some other NIC ndiOC6coCI0-01964-00521381-00521635 where either it wasn't verified for ndiOC6coCI0-01965-00521635-00521887 or it's not supported because it's not simply white listed ndiOC6coCI0-01966-00521887-00521970 for that program. ndiOC6coCI0-01967-00521970-00522164 You will just reject it there, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01968-00522164-00522247 I don't know. ndiOC6coCI0-01969-00522247-00522341 I just... ndiOC6coCI0-01970-00522341-00522446 - That's more of an internal API thing, right? ndiOC6coCI0-01971-00522446-00522622 If the driver has an NDO. ndiOC6coCI0-01972-00522622-00522764 (talking over each other) ndiOC6coCI0-01973-00522764-00523013 - everything just internal without exposing anything ndiOC6coCI0-01974-00523013-00523206 (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-01975-00523206-00523326 - That might be an interesting option ndiOC6coCI0-01976-00523326-00523650 that you can actually see all these if_index are the same. ndiOC6coCI0-01977-00523650-00523901 They're all supporting features so ndiOC6coCI0-01978-00523901-00524156 - If you just, I don't know, ndiOC6coCI0-01979-00524156-00524441 like, maximum 100 NICs, I don't know how much it would. ndiOC6coCI0-01980-00524920-00525203 - I'm wondering if someone could provide some background ndiOC6coCI0-01981-00525203-00525299 on how difficult it is ndiOC6coCI0-01982-00525299-00525604 to add XDP Redirect direct to a driver. ndiOC6coCI0-01983-00525604-00525740 - [Facilitator] It's a lot of work. ndiOC6coCI0-01984-00525740-00525906 - [Tobi] You can pass it over that way, ndiOC6coCI0-01985-00525906-00526080 you'll get some answers. ndiOC6coCI0-01986-00526080-00526229 - Or just (mumbles) once. ndiOC6coCI0-01987-00526229-00526315 It does turn around. (talking over each other) ndiOC6coCI0-01988-00526315-00526580 - Here we go. - It's not ndiOC6coCI0-01989-00526580-00526663 It's not. ndiOC6coCI0-01990-00527032-00527238 (chatter) ndiOC6coCI0-01991-00527238-00527321 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-01992-00527321-00527405 - I've done it a few times. ndiOC6coCI0-01993-00527405-00527777 It really just depends on how the driver is built. ndiOC6coCI0-01994-00527777-00527960 The biggest problem is it's so dependent ndiOC6coCI0-01995-00527960-00528221 on the memory management of the driver ndiOC6coCI0-01996-00528221-00528428 and page recycling and everything. ndiOC6coCI0-01997-00528428-00528582 - [Man] We have another talk this afternoon ndiOC6coCI0-01998-00528582-00528665 about some of that. ndiOC6coCI0-01999-00528665-00528950 Actually, the major problem is the transmit cubes ndiOC6coCI0-02000-00528950-00529096 so you have these hidden transmit cubes. ndiOC6coCI0-02001-00529096-00529473 You have to have allocate one transmit cube per CPU. ndiOC6coCI0-02002-00529473-00529753 Right now, that's John's fantastic model. ndiOC6coCI0-02003-00529897-00530062 - [Man] Please come to the next talk this afternoon. ndiOC6coCI0-02004-00530062-00530208 - We have a whole talk about ndiOC6coCI0-02005-00530208-00530422 all these problems that John created. ndiOC6coCI0-02006-00530422-00530718 (laughing) ndiOC6coCI0-02007-00530718-00530902 They'd actually have to have ndiOC6coCI0-02008-00530902-00531310 a real understanding of allocating transmit cubes ndiOC6coCI0-02009-00531310-00531523 and have different types of transmit cubes rate. ndiOC6coCI0-02010-00531523-00531671 Take a log or you don't take a log. ndiOC6coCI0-02011-00531671-00532023 So that's actually what the major pitfall ndiOC6coCI0-02012-00532023-00532215 when you implement XDP and redirect ndiOC6coCI0-02013-00532215-00532424 that you have to support these transmit cubes ndiOC6coCI0-02014-00532424-00532551 and how you do that correctly. ndiOC6coCI0-02015-00532551-00532760 There's also the memory model on top of it, ndiOC6coCI0-02016-00532760-00532939 which is also fun. ndiOC6coCI0-02017-00532939-00533083 - [Guy] It's just a bit tricky ndiOC6coCI0-02018-00533083-00533211 because the drivers are different ndiOC6coCI0-02019-00533211-00533294 is the biggest problem, right? ndiOC6coCI0-02020-00533294-00533416 - Right. - I can't go in, ndiOC6coCI0-02021-00533416-00533634 I mean, I could go into a (mumbles) driver and change it ndiOC6coCI0-02022-00533634-00533837 and make it support, redirect, although, ndiOC6coCI0-02023-00533837-00533920 I think it already does (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-02024-00533920-00534101 - It does. - It does. ndiOC6coCI0-02025-00534101-00534211 - Like some other driver, right? ndiOC6coCI0-02026-00534211-00534355 But then their queue allocation scheme ndiOC6coCI0-02027-00534355-00534480 is completely different. ndiOC6coCI0-02028-00534480-00534656 They do memory buffering completely different ndiOC6coCI0-02029-00534656-00534983 and maybe we can argue about if that's a good or bad ndiOC6coCI0-02030-00534983-00535066 in itself. ndiOC6coCI0-02031-00535066-00535258 - But the thing is it has to work between different drivers. ndiOC6coCI0-02032-00535258-00535492 That's how redirect has to work for all. ndiOC6coCI0-02033-00535737-00535846 - Yes, one of the problems is ndiOC6coCI0-02034-00535846-00536278 there's actually three drivers in particular. ndiOC6coCI0-02035-00536278-00536481 They all support different allocation schemes. ndiOC6coCI0-02036-00536481-00536688 They allocate a different number of transmit cubes. ndiOC6coCI0-02037-00536688-00537114 Some for redirect, some for only for XDPTX, some not. ndiOC6coCI0-02038-00537114-00537461 So how easy it is depends on how well you know your driver. ndiOC6coCI0-02039-00537461-00537774 - And then adding support for EFXDP complicates ndiOC6coCI0-02040-00537774-00537873 this to another level. ndiOC6coCI0-02041-00537873-00538011 - Yeah, hat is - It is ndiOC6coCI0-02042-00538011-00538161 all about queue allocation. ndiOC6coCI0-02043-00538161-00538364 Please come to the afternoon presentation. ndiOC6coCI0-02044-00538364-00538496 It's a really serious issue. ndiOC6coCI0-02045-00538496-00538726 - [Male] And it's also like, you can implement redirect ndiOC6coCI0-02046-00538726-00538948 but it's if you do ti wrong, it's just going ndiOC6coCI0-02047-00538948-00539245 to drop your packet silently on the floor, right? ndiOC6coCI0-02048-00539245-00539384 And even if you do it right, it may still ndiOC6coCI0-02049-00539384-00539556 drop your packet silently on the floor, ndiOC6coCI0-02050-00539556-00539657 which is why - It sounds like ndiOC6coCI0-02051-00539657-00539866 a really awesome feature to (mumbles) ndiOC6coCI0-02052-00539866-00539981 - [Guy] And there are issues redirecting ndiOC6coCI0-02053-00539981-00540410 from a driver from one driver to another driver. ndiOC6coCI0-02054-00540410-00540594 There are most of those are solved ndiOC6coCI0-02055-00540594-00540835 but those are really bad to start with. ndiOC6coCI0-02056-00540835-00541204 So, there's all sorts of fun things to encounter, ndiOC6coCI0-02057-00541204-00541436 so, I mean, I think this is one of the nice things ndiOC6coCI0-02058-00541436-00541556 about the whole thing, I'll say, ndiOC6coCI0-02059-00541556-00541727 is that you all have really presented ndiOC6coCI0-02060-00541727-00542088 a lot of the problems that are needed ndiOC6coCI0-02061-00542088-00542338 when you're thinking of how to distribute this ndiOC6coCI0-02062-00542338-00542484 and how to support it. ndiOC6coCI0-02063-00542484-00542757 Up to this point, I feel like it's been ndiOC6coCI0-02064-00542757-00542970 supported by the hardware vendors ndiOC6coCI0-02065-00542970-00543301 or supported by the people who are doing a ton of work. ndiOC6coCI0-02066-00543301-00543504 - [Person] Implemented by hackers for hackers. ndiOC6coCI0-02067-00543504-00543587 - That's right. ndiOC6coCI0-02068-00543587-00543739 That's right and I mean, I don't know ndiOC6coCI0-02069-00543739-00544000 how many times I've had to walk people through ndiOC6coCI0-02070-00544000-00544142 how do I get it going? ndiOC6coCI0-02071-00544142-00544303 And, - Yeah, ndiOC6coCI0-02072-00544303-00544564 this has been about like reducing ndiOC6coCI0-02073-00544564-00544795 the amount of black magic you need to use this. ndiOC6coCI0-02074-00544795-00544882 - Right. - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-02075-00545194-00545431 - Still (faint talking) nice hardware. ndiOC6coCI0-02076-00545431-00545528 - Yeah. ndiOC6coCI0-02077-00545528-00545855 One a bit different point. ndiOC6coCI0-02078-00545855-00546218 For the features or limiting the tail call maps ndiOC6coCI0-02079-00546218-00546718 for particle features, I talk with Arnold yesterday ndiOC6coCI0-02080-00546842-00547285 about slightly different thing that is attaching programs ndiOC6coCI0-02081-00547285-00547678 to Trace or to F probes to functions ndiOC6coCI0-02082-00547678-00548059 and basically, there is really similar thing here ndiOC6coCI0-02083-00548059-00548506 than we, so the idea was to tracing sk_buff ndiOC6coCI0-02084-00548506-00548815 throughout the kernel attaching the same program ndiOC6coCI0-02085-00548815-00549207 to all functions in the kernel that have sk_buff ndiOC6coCI0-02086-00549207-00549413 as parameter as any parameter. ndiOC6coCI0-02087-00549413-00549857 So the thing is how to detect better calling ndiOC6coCI0-02088-00549949-00550449 BPF helper that expects sk_buff as a parameter? ndiOC6coCI0-02089-00550452-00550757 How can verifier find out that this helper ndiOC6coCI0-02090-00550757-00550892 is called correctly? ndiOC6coCI0-02091-00550892-00551015 - [Facilitator] BTF. ndiOC6coCI0-02092-00551015-00551217 - Yes, you, of course, it's a BTF. ndiOC6coCI0-02093-00551217-00551349 So, one thing is that, ndiOC6coCI0-02094-00551349-00551582 so you can of course, take that at runtime ndiOC6coCI0-02095-00551582-00551871 so the BTF program can enumerate the parameters, ndiOC6coCI0-02096-00551871-00552165 find out which are sk_buff based in BTF ndiOC6coCI0-02097-00552165-00552480 and then call helper but that is runtime overhead. ndiOC6coCI0-02098-00552480-00552677 That's unnecessary. ndiOC6coCI0-02099-00552677-00552870 So one of the, Tony, I did ndiOC6coCI0-02100-00552870-00553083 - [Facilitator] The overhead would be at attach point. ndiOC6coCI0-02101-00553083-00553211 - It will not ndiOC6coCI0-02102-00553211-00553391 because - those are tail calls, ndiOC6coCI0-02103-00553391-00553573 'cause they're tail calls, okay, I understand. ndiOC6coCI0-02104-00553573-00554005 - So, but it could be if you specify ndiOC6coCI0-02105-00554005-00554184 while loading the program. ndiOC6coCI0-02106-00554184-00554402 Okay, this program expects ndiOC6coCI0-02107-00554402-00554665 or can be attached only to functions ndiOC6coCI0-02108-00554665-00554936 that have sk_buff as a first ndiOC6coCI0-02109-00554936-00555111 or the second parameter. ndiOC6coCI0-02110-00555111-00555590 And then just, but and then we're at the same problem. ndiOC6coCI0-02111-00555590-00556009 We're limiting the, where the program can be attached to, ndiOC6coCI0-02112-00556009-00556214 at load time and this is really the same. ndiOC6coCI0-02113-00556395-00556861 - It seems like it's because we created a separation, ndiOC6coCI0-02114-00556861-00557168 there are program types where the context is fixed. ndiOC6coCI0-02115-00557168-00557293 And then we have these F probes ndiOC6coCI0-02116-00557293-00557498 where it's a variable context, basically. ndiOC6coCI0-02117-00557772-00558190 - So, I think in tracing, we do have this return code ndiOC6coCI0-02118-00558190-00558278 overwrite. ndiOC6coCI0-02119-00558278-00558477 I think that Yung Huang can confirm. ndiOC6coCI0-02120-00558477-00558911 And I think in tail calls, we do have a bit for that. ndiOC6coCI0-02121-00559071-00559336 And that would be checked in the call map, right. ndiOC6coCI0-02122-00559336-00559610 It's not that pretty but it seems to work, so. ndiOC6coCI0-02123-00559735-00559889 - Yeah. - Nice. ndiOC6coCI0-02124-00559889-00559972 - Yeah, should we take, ndiOC6coCI0-02125-00559972-00560055 should we take a (mumbles) time? ndiOC6coCI0-02126-00560055-00560208 - The question is how to make it generic. ndiOC6coCI0-02127-00560208-00560471 The code to make it more generic, right? ndiOC6coCI0-02128-00560471-00560726 - I think that, I think the rest is hallway talk, right? ndiOC6coCI0-02129-00560726-00560858 - Yeah. - I think so. ndiOC6coCI0-02130-00560858-00560941 - Good. ndiOC6coCI0-02131-00560941-00561074 Okay one last, one last comment. ndiOC6coCI0-02132-00561175-00561675 - [Speaker 1] Okay and one thing, Tokay said that you're, ndiOC6coCI0-02133-00561855-00562205 I mean that tail calls they, there's to be agreement ndiOC6coCI0-02134-00562205-00562341 that tail calls are problem. ndiOC6coCI0-02135-00562341-00562566 You said that it invalidates your solution ndiOC6coCI0-02136-00562566-00562684 by seven tail calls. ndiOC6coCI0-02137-00562684-00562948 I would argue those are not really tail calls ndiOC6coCI0-02138-00562948-00563448 or at least the problems do not affect your thing ndiOC6coCI0-02139-00563450-00563802 because we are bound to a particular index only. ndiOC6coCI0-02140-00563986-00564185 - Thank you everyone for being so patient. ne9RoQAf0_8-00000-00000000-00000200 lil baby type beat,free lil baby type beat,lil baby type beat free,lil baby type beat 2023,lil baby type beats,lil baby type beat 2022,free lil baby type beat 2022,lil baby type beat hard,lil baby free type beat,lil baby beat,type beat lil baby,lil baby piano type beat,lil baby type beat 2021,free lil baby type beat 2021,lil baby piano beat,free lil baby type beat 2023,type beat 2023,hard lil baby type beat,lil baby type beat 2023 free,lil baby beat type nfP5-9uBZJk-00000-00000023-00000297 (cheerful music) nfP5-9uBZJk-00001-00000684-00000877 - My 10 year old niece was recently nfP5-9uBZJk-00002-00000877-00001141 given a class assignment to create a poster. nfP5-9uBZJk-00003-00001227-00001641 The topic was to raise awareness for endangered species. nfP5-9uBZJk-00004-00001641-00001865 She and her friends formed a group. nfP5-9uBZJk-00005-00001865-00002252 Quickly adjusting to our collective virtual reality, nfP5-9uBZJk-00006-00002252-00002499 they co-created this poster, edited, nfP5-9uBZJk-00007-00002499-00002762 commented, shared links with each other. nfP5-9uBZJk-00008-00002762-00002973 They used online web based design tools nfP5-9uBZJk-00009-00002973-00003219 to do this on their Chromebooks. nfP5-9uBZJk-00010-00003219-00003703 And they created a piece of art as a nod to the dodo. nfP5-9uBZJk-00011-00003703-00003974 Sadly, you can't bring the dodo back, nfP5-9uBZJk-00012-00003974-00004267 but I was really excited and surprised to see how, nfP5-9uBZJk-00013-00004267-00004678 in today's world, that just kind of worked. nfP5-9uBZJk-00014-00004678-00004841 I promised myself that I will not nfP5-9uBZJk-00015-00004841-00005005 use the phrase "new novel". nfP5-9uBZJk-00016-00005005-00005155 So without using it, nfP5-9uBZJk-00017-00005155-00005555 I'll make the point that the web superpowers on desktop nfP5-9uBZJk-00018-00005555-00005769 are even more relevant today. nfP5-9uBZJk-00019-00005769-00006092 The reach, freedom, easy link sharing, nfP5-9uBZJk-00020-00006092-00006336 safety that users have always loved, nfP5-9uBZJk-00021-00006336-00006593 amplified by new capabilities like windowing, nfP5-9uBZJk-00022-00006593-00006873 system access, and web assembly, nfP5-9uBZJk-00023-00006873-00007067 are making it easier to bring creative nfP5-9uBZJk-00024-00007067-00007354 and productive experiences to the desktop, nfP5-9uBZJk-00025-00007354-00007527 to large screen devices. nfP5-9uBZJk-00026-00007527-00007707 Whether you're an aspiring student nfP5-9uBZJk-00027-00007707-00007854 or a professional designer. nfP5-9uBZJk-00028-00007954-00008108 And what's even more exciting is nfP5-9uBZJk-00029-00008108-00008461 that these desktop experiences are coming to ChromeOS. nfP5-9uBZJk-00030-00008461-00008765 ChromeOS has had a particularly exciting growth year. nfP5-9uBZJk-00031-00008765-00009195 Unit sales have grown from 127% year over year, nfP5-9uBZJk-00032-00009195-00009396 while the rest of the US notebook category nfP5-9uBZJk-00033-00009396-00009659 has increased 40% year on year. nfP5-9uBZJk-00034-00009659-00009926 It's quickly becoming the laptop OS of choice. nfP5-9uBZJk-00035-00009926-00010140 It's affordable, it's capable, nfP5-9uBZJk-00036-00010140-00010370 and it works, just like the web. nfP5-9uBZJk-00037-00010457-00010737 PWAs on Chromebooks, like Clipchamp, nfP5-9uBZJk-00038-00010737-00011017 the video editing software that allows you to compress, nfP5-9uBZJk-00039-00011017-00011298 record, edit your videos, has seen that nfP5-9uBZJk-00040-00011298-00011604 since they shipped the PWA, quite recently, nfP5-9uBZJk-00041-00011604-00011835 they're already seeing that those users nfP5-9uBZJk-00042-00011835-00012135 are retaining three times more than the average. nfP5-9uBZJk-00043-00012135-00012392 Another web design app, Gravit Designer, nfP5-9uBZJk-00044-00012392-00012689 has taken advantage of advanced web capabilities nfP5-9uBZJk-00045-00012689-00012932 like file system access, and they're experimenting nfP5-9uBZJk-00046-00012932-00013273 with local font access within their PWA, nfP5-9uBZJk-00047-00013273-00013533 making the web app almost indistinguishable nfP5-9uBZJk-00048-00013533-00013687 from their native app. nfP5-9uBZJk-00049-00013687-00014044 In fact, they plan to make the PWA the primary experience nfP5-9uBZJk-00050-00014044-00014314 across all desktop OS's in the future. nfP5-9uBZJk-00051-00014401-00014741 And it's not just the design and creativity space, nfP5-9uBZJk-00052-00014741-00015075 but whether it's media, social, you name it, nfP5-9uBZJk-00053-00015075-00015352 and those categories of web apps are available nfP5-9uBZJk-00054-00015352-00015575 on Chromebooks for anyone to use. nfP5-9uBZJk-00055-00015672-00015822 But there's one app in particular nfP5-9uBZJk-00056-00015822-00016116 that I want to shine a bright spotlight on today. nfP5-9uBZJk-00057-00016116-00016262 And that's Adobe Spark. nfP5-9uBZJk-00058-00016349-00016783 Spark makes it easy and fun for anyone to turn their ideas nfP5-9uBZJk-00059-00016783-00017127 into beautiful visual stories and social content nfP5-9uBZJk-00060-00017127-00017250 that make an impact. nfP5-9uBZJk-00061-00017250-00017527 And it's been pushing the boundaries on Chromebooks. nfP5-9uBZJk-00062-00017527-00017794 I'm really excited that we have Bem Jones-Bey, nfP5-9uBZJk-00063-00017794-00018181 Lead Software Developer at Adobe Spark, to talk about it. nfP5-9uBZJk-00064-00018181-00018431 The motivations, the learnings, nfP5-9uBZJk-00065-00018431-00018752 and what future projects are in store for Spark. nfP5-9uBZJk-00066-00018752-00019035 So without further ado, welcome Bem. nfP5-9uBZJk-00067-00019035-00019326 - Thank you, Aanchal, I'm really happy to be here. nfP5-9uBZJk-00068-00019326-00019499 - Bem, I know the story really well, nfP5-9uBZJk-00069-00019499-00019716 but I want us to start at the beginning. nfP5-9uBZJk-00070-00019716-00019949 Tell us about spark, how did it come about? nfP5-9uBZJk-00071-00020090-00020190 - Happily! nfP5-9uBZJk-00072-00020190-00020523 So we started working on Spark about six years ago, nfP5-9uBZJk-00073-00020523-00020717 as a startup inside of Adobe. nfP5-9uBZJk-00074-00020717-00021101 While we decided on native apps as the mobile solution, nfP5-9uBZJk-00075-00021101-00021488 we saw the web as an ideal fit for the desktop experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00076-00021488-00021748 It took time to get product market fit, nfP5-9uBZJk-00077-00021748-00022035 but we succeeded, got more resources, nfP5-9uBZJk-00078-00022035-00022248 launched experiences on Android, nfP5-9uBZJk-00079-00022248-00022582 and greatly increased the capabilities of the web app. nfP5-9uBZJk-00080-00022582-00022899 We recently optimized the web app to be a PWA, nfP5-9uBZJk-00081-00022899-00023086 installable on Chromebooks nfP5-9uBZJk-00082-00023086-00023293 and in any modern desktop browser. nfP5-9uBZJk-00083-00023393-00023516 - [Aanchal] We're all really excited nfP5-9uBZJk-00084-00023516-00023743 about that recent PWA launch. nfP5-9uBZJk-00085-00023743-00023933 I know you and I have talked about the importance nfP5-9uBZJk-00086-00023933-00024214 of ChromeOS to Spark, especially in the classroom. nfP5-9uBZJk-00087-00024214-00024454 So can you tell us a little bit more about that? nfP5-9uBZJk-00088-00024574-00024688 - Yeah, sure. nfP5-9uBZJk-00089-00024688-00024964 One of our foundational goals is to empower nfP5-9uBZJk-00090-00024964-00025205 the next generation of digital creativity. nfP5-9uBZJk-00091-00025205-00025522 So education is an important market for us. nfP5-9uBZJk-00092-00025522-00025752 We have 30 million teachers and students nfP5-9uBZJk-00093-00025752-00025909 using Spark around the world, nfP5-9uBZJk-00094-00025909-00026209 and Chromebooks are used widely in education. nfP5-9uBZJk-00095-00026209-00026526 The best part about the web app, and now the PWA, nfP5-9uBZJk-00096-00026526-00026750 is that it works everywhere on desktop. nfP5-9uBZJk-00097-00026750-00026993 From teachers sharing URLs with students, nfP5-9uBZJk-00098-00026993-00027197 to the student easily accessing the link nfP5-9uBZJk-00099-00027197-00027383 when they're at home, the frictionless nfP5-9uBZJk-00100-00027383-00027634 and seamless experience is a big draw for us, nfP5-9uBZJk-00101-00027634-00027844 especially in these times. nfP5-9uBZJk-00102-00027844-00028171 We were also excited about increased distribution nfP5-9uBZJk-00103-00028171-00028428 via the Play Store, and the ability to have nfP5-9uBZJk-00104-00028428-00028738 OEMs pre-install Spark on their Chromebooks. nfP5-9uBZJk-00105-00028738-00029012 All of this gave us a strong business case nfP5-9uBZJk-00106-00029012-00029162 to do the work needed nfP5-9uBZJk-00107-00029162-00029439 to have a good Chromebook PWA experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00108-00029509-00029612 - That's great. nfP5-9uBZJk-00109-00029612-00029846 we've seen that sometimes finding the right use case nfP5-9uBZJk-00110-00029846-00030060 and audience market fit for PWAs nfP5-9uBZJk-00111-00030060-00030246 can lead to business impact. nfP5-9uBZJk-00112-00030246-00030447 It makes it so much easier to track nfP5-9uBZJk-00113-00030447-00030610 how much your users love your service nfP5-9uBZJk-00114-00030610-00030907 when you can track things like installs and engagement. nfP5-9uBZJk-00115-00030907-00031054 But it isn't easy. nfP5-9uBZJk-00116-00031054-00031261 So what was some of the challenges Spark faced nfP5-9uBZJk-00117-00031261-00031414 while building this PWA? nfP5-9uBZJk-00118-00031581-00031985 - Yeah, you're right, it really wasn't entirely easy. nfP5-9uBZJk-00119-00031985-00032225 So as far as challenges, I think it’s best nfP5-9uBZJk-00120-00032225-00032358 if we start at the beginning. nfP5-9uBZJk-00121-00032358-00032782 So we use the core PWA checklist as a reference. nfP5-9uBZJk-00122-00032782-00032989 - You bring up a great point, nfP5-9uBZJk-00123-00032989-00033163 because the core PWA checklist nfP5-9uBZJk-00124-00033163-00033343 is one that folks just shouldn't miss. nfP5-9uBZJk-00125-00033343-00033590 There's a short link up there, do go check it out. nfP5-9uBZJk-00126-00033590-00033860 If you're just looking to build a PWA and want to use one nfP5-9uBZJk-00127-00033860-00034147 as a reference to optimize your current experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00128-00034147-00034307 But thanks for bringing that up, Bem. nfP5-9uBZJk-00129-00034307-00034551 I think not a lot of people know we've updated it, nfP5-9uBZJk-00130-00034551-00034931 and it's important to use that as a starting point. nfP5-9uBZJk-00131-00035031-00035175 - Thanks, thanks for bringing that up. nfP5-9uBZJk-00132-00035175-00035348 You know, like, I definitely forget nfP5-9uBZJk-00133-00035348-00035528 that sometimes not everyone is on the same page nfP5-9uBZJk-00134-00035528-00035762 when we're talking about these things. nfP5-9uBZJk-00135-00035762-00035965 So yeah, most of the requirements listed there nfP5-9uBZJk-00136-00035965-00036256 are really seemed fairly straightforward to us. nfP5-9uBZJk-00137-00036256-00036526 But a couple of them stood out as challenges. nfP5-9uBZJk-00138-00036526-00036800 Offline support and performance. nfP5-9uBZJk-00139-00036800-00037033 So for offline support, we thought nfP5-9uBZJk-00140-00037033-00037260 that we had to make our entire app usable nfP5-9uBZJk-00141-00037260-00037567 when the user is offline, which would be a major effort nfP5-9uBZJk-00142-00037567-00037834 given that it was never designed with that in mind. nfP5-9uBZJk-00143-00037834-00038134 After some research, we got more clarity. nfP5-9uBZJk-00144-00038134-00038284 The goal of that requirement nfP5-9uBZJk-00145-00038284-00038568 is to make it seem more like a native application. nfP5-9uBZJk-00146-00038568-00038705 There are native applications nfP5-9uBZJk-00147-00038705-00038942 that only work with an internet connection, nfP5-9uBZJk-00148-00038942-00039139 but when you launch them offline nfP5-9uBZJk-00149-00039139-00039422 they will still launch and tell you what the problem is. nfP5-9uBZJk-00150-00039422-00039612 while it's ideal to give users nfP5-9uBZJk-00151-00039612-00039893 as much functionality as possible when offline, nfP5-9uBZJk-00152-00039893-00040220 the minimum requirement is that the user doesn't see a dino. nfP5-9uBZJk-00153-00040403-00040503 - Yeah, I know. nfP5-9uBZJk-00154-00040503-00040834 As much as we love the dino and other extinct species, nfP5-9uBZJk-00155-00040834-00040937 you don't want to see that nfP5-9uBZJk-00156-00040937-00041154 when you're trying to get work done. nfP5-9uBZJk-00157-00041154-00041544 - For sure, it really takes you out of the app experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00158-00041544-00041838 So we ended up designing a very nice message nfP5-9uBZJk-00159-00041838-00041958 that's displayed to users nfP5-9uBZJk-00160-00041958-00042188 when they launch Spark and are offline. nfP5-9uBZJk-00161-00042188-00042462 It still probably won't make you completely happy, nfP5-9uBZJk-00162-00042462-00042682 but you'll know that the app hasn't crashed, nfP5-9uBZJk-00163-00042682-00042919 and it gives you an idea of what you might do nfP5-9uBZJk-00164-00042919-00043043 to fix the problem. nfP5-9uBZJk-00165-00043043-00043296 In addition, it keeps you in our app experience nfP5-9uBZJk-00166-00043296-00043506 by speaking with our voice. nfP5-9uBZJk-00167-00043506-00043780 So to be clear, this is only the beginning. nfP5-9uBZJk-00168-00043780-00044030 We definitely will be working to build nfP5-9uBZJk-00169-00044030-00044247 an even better offline experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00170-00044351-00044514 - And I really love this message nfP5-9uBZJk-00171-00044514-00044711 because it tells your users that you care, nfP5-9uBZJk-00172-00044711-00045001 it's in your own voice, and you make an important point nfP5-9uBZJk-00173-00045001-00045141 that it doesn't have to be nfP5-9uBZJk-00174-00045141-00045362 the full offline functionality to start with. nfP5-9uBZJk-00175-00045362-00045578 You can take small steps to get there. nfP5-9uBZJk-00176-00045578-00045835 I’m glad that you have that plan in mind. nfP5-9uBZJk-00177-00045835-00045965 What about performance? nfP5-9uBZJk-00178-00045965-00046089 I know that's a big one. nfP5-9uBZJk-00179-00046259-00046383 - Yeah, yeah. Performance. nfP5-9uBZJk-00180-00046383-00046593 Yeah, that's a lot of work. nfP5-9uBZJk-00181-00046593-00046780 So I mean, if we go back to the beginning, nfP5-9uBZJk-00182-00046780-00047070 our Lighthouse performance score was pretty bad. nfP5-9uBZJk-00183-00047070-00047404 And we knew we had to improve that to get a native feel. nfP5-9uBZJk-00184-00047404-00047694 So we set a goal of getting a performance score nfP5-9uBZJk-00185-00047694-00047998 of 80 on desktop, which was pretty ambitious. nfP5-9uBZJk-00186-00047998-00048284 Once that goal was set though, the biggest challenge was nfP5-9uBZJk-00187-00048284-00048682 figuring out where to start and how to keep it sustainable. nfP5-9uBZJk-00188-00048682-00048972 So the first step we took was to make sure nfP5-9uBZJk-00189-00048972-00049235 we had good automated metrics. nfP5-9uBZJk-00190-00049235-00049703 So when doing that, we looked at both field and lab metrics. nfP5-9uBZJk-00191-00049703-00050020 So field metrics directly reflect the performance, nfP5-9uBZJk-00192-00050020-00050223 as experienced by real users. nfP5-9uBZJk-00193-00050223-00050503 This allows you to know if the improvements you're making nfP5-9uBZJk-00194-00050503-00050814 are actually leading to a better user experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00195-00050814-00051134 So our field measurement system uses a combination nfP5-9uBZJk-00196-00051134-00051504 of New Relic and a custom performance monitoring system. nfP5-9uBZJk-00197-00051504-00051855 Our custom system is built using PerformanceObserver nfP5-9uBZJk-00198-00051855-00052272 and the user timing API, and records data to Splunk. nfP5-9uBZJk-00199-00052272-00052475 We then created dashboards in Splunk, nfP5-9uBZJk-00200-00052475-00052782 like the one you see here, to monitor these metrics. nfP5-9uBZJk-00201-00052909-00053173 - So field metrics really giving you a flavor nfP5-9uBZJk-00202-00053173-00053329 of the real user experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00203-00053329-00053603 And you're able to see whether work you're doing nfP5-9uBZJk-00204-00053603-00053757 is actually making a difference. nfP5-9uBZJk-00205-00053757-00054057 What about lab metrics, how do you track those? nfP5-9uBZJk-00206-00054057-00054270 - So yeah, lab metrics are the best way nfP5-9uBZJk-00207-00054270-00054554 to test the performance of features during development. nfP5-9uBZJk-00208-00054554-00054731 And they are invaluable for catching nfP5-9uBZJk-00209-00054731-00054981 performance regressions before they happen. nfP5-9uBZJk-00210-00054981-00055248 We primarily use Lighthouse for lab measurement. nfP5-9uBZJk-00211-00055248-00055535 It does an excellent job at presenting performance metrics nfP5-9uBZJk-00212-00055535-00055835 in easy to understand and actionable format. nfP5-9uBZJk-00213-00055835-00056089 We then have automated runs of Lighthouse nfP5-9uBZJk-00214-00056089-00056266 that enforce a performance budget nfP5-9uBZJk-00215-00056266-00056546 on our PR's and our CI environments. nfP5-9uBZJk-00216-00056546-00056786 This makes it much harder for performance regressions nfP5-9uBZJk-00217-00056786-00056913 to make it to production. nfP5-9uBZJk-00218-00056996-00057220 With all of these metrics in our tool belt, nfP5-9uBZJk-00219-00057220-00057477 we were able to make a lot of meaningful nfP5-9uBZJk-00220-00057477-00057764 performance improvements, and reach our performance goal. nfP5-9uBZJk-00221-00057764-00058024 While, you know, this is of course a lab metric, nfP5-9uBZJk-00222-00058024-00058375 we also saw some improvement in our field metrics as well. nfP5-9uBZJk-00223-00058375-00058531 - We love that score, nfP5-9uBZJk-00224-00058531-00058758 not just in line with what you had in mind, nfP5-9uBZJk-00225-00058758-00059092 but you surpassed the goal of 80 you had set out for Spark. nfP5-9uBZJk-00226-00059092-00059239 So you have a robust performance nfP5-9uBZJk-00227-00059239-00059456 measurement and tracking system in place. nfP5-9uBZJk-00228-00059456-00059662 How are you going to keep up this momentum? nfP5-9uBZJk-00229-00059662-00059766 That's the hard part. nfP5-9uBZJk-00230-00059889-00060026 - Yeah, definitely. nfP5-9uBZJk-00231-00060026-00060233 You know, I think the next step for us nfP5-9uBZJk-00232-00060233-00060450 is to integrate core web vitals nfP5-9uBZJk-00233-00060450-00060673 into our field measurement suite. nfP5-9uBZJk-00234-00060673-00060887 If they had been around when we started our project nfP5-9uBZJk-00235-00060887-00061114 we definitely would have used them. nfP5-9uBZJk-00236-00061114-00061351 We liked the fact that, like Lighthouse, nfP5-9uBZJk-00237-00061351-00061721 core web vitals give you a simple set of actionable metrics. nfP5-9uBZJk-00238-00061721-00061921 And they're integrated everywhere now. nfP5-9uBZJk-00239-00061921-00062175 The search console, page speed insights, nfP5-9uBZJk-00240-00062175-00062449 and New Relic all measure them out of the box. nfP5-9uBZJk-00241-00062449-00062755 And we can always use the web vitals library nfP5-9uBZJk-00242-00062755-00063066 to integrate into custom systems like our custom monitoring. nfP5-9uBZJk-00243-00063156-00063353 - The rest of the day is actually focused nfP5-9uBZJk-00244-00063353-00063653 on performance sessions and core web vitals in particular. nfP5-9uBZJk-00245-00063653-00063910 So folks should definitely check them out. nfP5-9uBZJk-00246-00063910-00064127 I can't emphasize enough how important it is nfP5-9uBZJk-00247-00064127-00064320 to keep performance front and center nfP5-9uBZJk-00248-00064320-00064654 as you're looking to optimize any web experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00249-00064654-00064934 And I'm glad that Adobe is doing just that. nfP5-9uBZJk-00250-00064934-00065151 There are many new advanced web capabilities nfP5-9uBZJk-00251-00065151-00065455 that allow you to build native-like web experiences. nfP5-9uBZJk-00252-00065455-00065759 What are some of those that you're looking at you? nfP5-9uBZJk-00253-00065759-00066032 - So, yeah, we're definitely interested in those. nfP5-9uBZJk-00254-00066032-00066329 I'd say probably the primary first one I thought of nfP5-9uBZJk-00255-00066329-00066573 is linked capturing, because right now, nfP5-9uBZJk-00256-00066573-00066870 if you install the Spark PWA on your Chromebook, nfP5-9uBZJk-00257-00066870-00067053 you launch the application from your desktop, nfP5-9uBZJk-00258-00067053-00067257 and that's great, I mean, it works wonderfully. nfP5-9uBZJk-00259-00067257-00067510 However, if you're browsing the web nfP5-9uBZJk-00260-00067510-00067707 and you come across a link to Spark, nfP5-9uBZJk-00261-00067707-00067971 that link won’t launch the installed PWA. nfP5-9uBZJk-00262-00067971-00068211 It will just open a browser tab. nfP5-9uBZJk-00263-00068211-00068358 When we have link capturing, nfP5-9uBZJk-00264-00068358-00068685 that'll make it so the link will open in the installed PWA. nfP5-9uBZJk-00265-00068685-00069008 I believe this is a game changer for the user experience. nfP5-9uBZJk-00266-00069008-00069406 So, going on, another one that comes to mind nfP5-9uBZJk-00267-00069406-00069656 is the File System Access API. nfP5-9uBZJk-00268-00069656-00069989 This will fix a big gap for content creation apps nfP5-9uBZJk-00269-00069989-00070233 like Spark, allowing seamless access nfP5-9uBZJk-00270-00070233-00070420 to a user's local content. nfP5-9uBZJk-00271-00070420-00070660 I know that Spark isn't the only Adobe team nfP5-9uBZJk-00272-00070660-00070930 that's excited about this API. nfP5-9uBZJk-00273-00070930-00071151 Speaking of things that many teams at Adobe nfP5-9uBZJk-00274-00071151-00071371 are excited about, a big one is WebAssembly. nfP5-9uBZJk-00275-00071504-00071674 We have a lot of technology implemented nfP5-9uBZJk-00276-00071674-00071951 in native languages like C++. nfP5-9uBZJk-00277-00071951-00072195 WebAssembly will allow us to bring this technology nfP5-9uBZJk-00278-00072195-00072569 to the web, to enable even better creative possibilities. nfP5-9uBZJk-00279-00072662-00072839 - And I mentioned this at the beginning, nfP5-9uBZJk-00280-00072839-00073009 some of this work is actually nfP5-9uBZJk-00281-00073009-00073363 just amplifying the existing benefits nfP5-9uBZJk-00282-00073363-00073536 and advantages of being on the web. nfP5-9uBZJk-00283-00073536-00073793 If you want to learn more about the new capabilities nfP5-9uBZJk-00284-00073793-00074050 and how that fits in this world of next level nfP5-9uBZJk-00285-00074050-00074451 web applications, do catch PJ McLaughlin's talk tomorrow. nfP5-9uBZJk-00286-00074451-00074721 You heard in the keynote that PWAs nfP5-9uBZJk-00287-00074721-00074981 are now listable in the Play Store. nfP5-9uBZJk-00288-00074981-00075215 Bem, when can we expect to see Spark there? nfP5-9uBZJk-00289-00075362-00075542 - So from our conversations, nfP5-9uBZJk-00290-00075542-00075819 it's pretty clear that Chromebook users look for apps nfP5-9uBZJk-00291-00075819-00076076 either in the browser or in the Play Store. nfP5-9uBZJk-00292-00076076-00076366 And we want to be where users are looking for us. nfP5-9uBZJk-00293-00076366-00076553 Our experience with the Play Store on Android nfP5-9uBZJk-00294-00076553-00076703 has been positive. nfP5-9uBZJk-00295-00076703-00076986 So while I can't give any specific timelines, nfP5-9uBZJk-00296-00076986-00077250 we are excited to see how being in the Play Store nfP5-9uBZJk-00297-00077250-00077557 for ChromeOS impacts user acquisition and engagement nfP5-9uBZJk-00298-00077557-00077754 for our web application. nfP5-9uBZJk-00299-00077754-00078011 - And I'm glad that you're taking your time to do this, nfP5-9uBZJk-00300-00078011-00078304 because it's important that the web app is high quality, nfP5-9uBZJk-00301-00078304-00078531 it meets the performance benchmarks nfP5-9uBZJk-00302-00078531-00078691 for doing trusted web activity nfP5-9uBZJk-00303-00078691-00078845 and listing in the Play Store. nfP5-9uBZJk-00304-00078845-00079259 So we can't wait to see the Spark PWA in the Play Store. nfP5-9uBZJk-00305-00079259-00079509 If I could summarize this journey, really, nfP5-9uBZJk-00306-00079509-00079836 it was from a great desktop web app nfP5-9uBZJk-00307-00079836-00080300 you added basic installs, and then offline. nfP5-9uBZJk-00308-00080300-00080610 You have a focus in performance, which is really great. nfP5-9uBZJk-00309-00080610-00080900 And then now you're looking at advanced web capabilities nfP5-9uBZJk-00310-00080900-00081094 and then of course discoverability, nfP5-9uBZJk-00311-00081094-00081381 making sure wherever users might be looking for Spark, nfP5-9uBZJk-00312-00081381-00081538 they find it. nfP5-9uBZJk-00313-00081538-00081768 So thank you very much Bem, for sharing this, nfP5-9uBZJk-00314-00081768-00081938 this journey and the story with us. nfP5-9uBZJk-00315-00081938-00082225 I've learned a lot and I hope our audience as well. nfP5-9uBZJk-00316-00082225-00082382 Thank you very much and take care. nfP5-9uBZJk-00317-00082382-00082592 - It's been great talking to you, too. nfP5-9uBZJk-00318-00082592-00082692 Thank you for having me, nfP5-9uBZJk-00319-00082692-00082959 and I'm looking forward to our next conversation. nfP5-9uBZJk-00320-00082959-00083233 (cheerful music) nje2_u7Wpgc-00000-00000822-00001262 Weightlifting with Alexey Semiletov nje2_u7Wpgc-00001-00001294-00001930 "Drop Under Maneuver" nje2_u7Wpgc-00002-00001952-00002364 Hello friends, today we will look at Snatch "Drop Under Maneuver" nje2_u7Wpgc-00003-00002372-00002988 First, feet - shoulder width apart or like in a snatch, barbell on top of the shoulders, and a snatch grip. nje2_u7Wpgc-00004-00003000-00003246 Second, while relaxing the arms - let the body drop. nje2_u7Wpgc-00005-00003246-00003522 DO NOT PRESS THE BAR UP. Its the body that moves, not the bar. nje2_u7Wpgc-00006-00003536-00003818 And then lock the arms to secure the bar overhead in a full squat position. nje2_u7Wpgc-00007-00003826-00004674 The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to "Let go" and free yourself from the bar while pushing yourself away from it without pressing the bar up. nje2_u7Wpgc-00008-00004678-00005088 In other words, the bar must stay where it is in the first place - the shoulder level without moving up. nje2_u7Wpgc-00009-00005120-00005422 Common mistakes nje2_u7Wpgc-00010-00005444-00006066 The most common mistake is the premature push of the bar upwards before the drop. nje2_u7Wpgc-00011-00006078-00006588 The second most common mistake is the pressing after move. nje2_u7Wpgc-00012-00006608-00007038 It happens when the bar is met with bent elbows and then being pressed to lock the elbows in place. nje2_u7Wpgc-00013-00007054-00007534 The basic point of the exercise is the development of a good "Drop Under Maneuver", nje2_u7Wpgc-00014-00007548-00007820 the development of an ability to quickly "Lock" the arms, shoulders and upper back into a "Support Chain", nje2_u7Wpgc-00015-00007822-00008064 and the development of an autonomous execution of the "Drop Under Maneuver". nje2_u7Wpgc-00016-00008070-00008320 Thank you for watching my video Like, share and subscribe nje2_u7Wpgc-00017-00008330-00008760 I hope it was helpful for those who train individually nje2_u7Wpgc-00018-00008768-00009264 However, if you have any questions - leave them in the comments below nje2_u7Wpgc-00019-00009276-00009476 In good health, Alexey Semiletov nkLe_y54Wek-00000-00000670-00001146 Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper chairs the National Governors Association with Utah nkLe_y54Wek-00001-00001146-00001367 Governor Gary Herbert serving as vice-chair. nkLe_y54Wek-00002-00002182-00002986 Absolutely. The economic story has many parts, but the three big ones are for our retailers nkLe_y54Wek-00003-00002998-00003440 and hospitality businesses, main street businesses, restaurants, it's been a really grim month nkLe_y54Wek-00004-00003440-00004097 of February. Many of those businesses, they're not quite hand them out, but all of them are nkLe_y54Wek-00005-00004097-00004626 the kinds of places where if people don't come in and buy, nobody gets paid. I think nkLe_y54Wek-00006-00004626-00005326 the consequences of 8 and a half feet of snow in 3 weeks and the number of days lost for nkLe_y54Wek-00007-00005326-00005652 those kinds of operations has been profound. nkLe_y54Wek-00008-00006834-00007364 Now the working group we put together is a collection of experts. We're not expecting nkLe_y54Wek-00009-00007364-00007954 them to spend a year and a half, because they don't need to, developing a set of strategies and nkLe_y54Wek-00010-00007954-00008550 policies. Our goal here is every 30 to 60 days to have them recommend another set of nkLe_y54Wek-00011-00008550-00009097 things we could be doing within the current statutory frameworks we have. If at some point nkLe_y54Wek-00012-00009097-00009389 toward the end of the spring or the early part of the summer they said, you know what, nkLe_y54Wek-00013-00009389-00009852 there's a couple things we'd really like to do statutorily, we'll be more than happy to nkLe_y54Wek-00014-00009852-00010408 file statutes and legislation based on their interests and their objectives. nkLe_y54Wek-00015-00011549-00011986 We're going to be an open door administration. Even when we don't agree we're going to try nkLe_y54Wek-00016-00011986-00012653 not to be disagreeable. Most importantly, whether it's energy or health care or innovation nkLe_y54Wek-00017-00012653-00013395 or education or transportation or snow removal, we want to work with you to be successful here. nkLe_y54Wek-00018-00013431-00013754 You thought you were done with the snow jokes. - Oh my god! nkLe_y54Wek-00019-00013754-00014440 But this is actually going to be a way for you to remember. So just to commemorate your nkLe_y54Wek-00020-00014440-00014993 start of your one or two terms, whatever it happens to be, there you are in the State nkLe_y54Wek-00021-00014993-00015287 House with all the snow flying around. We appreciate it! nkLe_y54Wek-00022-00015287-00015579 - That's a winner. Thank you very much, nkLe_y54Wek-00023-00015579-00016093 We need to educate our kids and our young adults in a way so they can take those jobs nkLe_y54Wek-00024-00016093-00016679 and be qualified to perform them. We need to have training programs that meet the skills nkLe_y54Wek-00025-00016679-00017026 that our employers are seeking for the 21st century. nkLe_y54Wek-00026-00017026-00017609 We will examine, as this cabinet, an alignment between our education and workforce and economic nkLe_y54Wek-00027-00017609-00018256 systems against job growth and higher demand in each region in each state across the state nkLe_y54Wek-00028-00018256-00018430 and throughout sectors. nkLe_y54Wek-00029-00019440-00019898 So one of the things we announced yesterday was the creation of a workforce skills gap nkLe_y54Wek-00030-00019898-00020340 cabinet which is made up of not surprisingly our Secretary of Education and our Secretary nkLe_y54Wek-00031-00020340-00020840 of Economic Affairs and our Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development. They are going nkLe_y54Wek-00032-00020840-00021459 to work quickly to put together a set of goals and metrics and tasks, and then dive in to nkLe_y54Wek-00033-00021459-00022037 building a far more aggressive and focused and precise effort to make sure that what nkLe_y54Wek-00034-00022037-00022495 we're doing with all of our workforce development and training activities and what we're doing nkLe_y54Wek-00035-00022495-00022942 with our career technical schools and what we're doing with our K-12 institutions and nkLe_y54Wek-00036-00022942-00023393 our community colleges, is actually going to translate into employment for people when nkLe_y54Wek-00037-00023393-00023921 they come out the other end of this. One of the things that Secretary Peyser, who's the nkLe_y54Wek-00038-00023921-00024284 Secretary of Education, said yesterday, he said this one really at this point it is a nkLe_y54Wek-00039-00024284-00024668 lot less about policy and a lot more about follow through, execution, collaboration, nkLe_y54Wek-00040-00024668-00025210 and coordination. I agree with him on that one. I can tell you that we are going to focus nkLe_y54Wek-00041-00025210-00025706 aggressively on this because it kills me to be out there talking to people in one part nkLe_y54Wek-00042-00025706-00026176 of a community who are having trouble finding work, paying their bills, feeding their family, nkLe_y54Wek-00043-00026176-00026525 and then be in some other part of that community and running in to employers who are saying nkLe_y54Wek-00044-00026525-00026986 to me, I'm not looking to hire rocket scientists I just need people with a certain level of nkLe_y54Wek-00045-00026986-00027433 skill and we can take it from there and they're having such a hard time filling those jobs. nkLe_y54Wek-00046-00027433-00027860 We've got to make Massachusetts a place where those kinds of conversations simply don't nkLe_y54Wek-00047-00027860-00027904 happen. nmv5_p404zQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Afri tube nm_3QkNWgx8-00000-00001344-00001702 it's a lazy but cute morning nm_3QkNWgx8-00001-00002200-00002526 his name is Winter nm_3QkNWgx8-00002-00002553-00002933 and whippet, nm_3QkNWgx8-00003-00003000-00003447 4-month-old puppy nm_3QkNWgx8-00004-00003812-00004218 our baby learns how to wait nm_3QkNWgx8-00005-00004287-00004676 before his breakfast nm_3QkNWgx8-00006-00004724-00005114 good boy nm_3QkNWgx8-00007-00006000-00006395 after breakfast nm_3QkNWgx8-00008-00006464-00006865 playing with mommy's toe nm_3QkNWgx8-00009-00010908-00011155 thanks to this tale nm_3QkNWgx8-00010-00011177-00011641 his name could have been Latte, not Winter nm_3QkNWgx8-00011-00016225-00016657 a puppy just had a bath nm_3QkNWgx8-00012-00017237-00017454 oops nm_3QkNWgx8-00013-00018076-00018545 time to have a nap again nn2oat8Xs7c-00000-00000017-00000515 We are headed to Ben Palmers place 406 garage nn2oat8Xs7c-00001-00000593-00000965 The International Harvester guru nn2oat8Xs7c-00002-00002930-00003086 can open around the world. nn2oat8Xs7c-00003-00003086-00003276 So this old boy bought this truck brand new. nn2oat8Xs7c-00004-00003276-00003509 I had a big ranch out there. nn2oat8Xs7c-00005-00003509-00003812 And this is original paint, original interior. nn2oat8Xs7c-00006-00003812-00004058 And the first week he had it, nn2oat8Xs7c-00007-00004058-00004294 he gave it to the ranch hands because they were going out to use it nn2oat8Xs7c-00008-00004294-00004589 and they're doing fencing and they're moving cows and all stuff like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00009-00004592-00004763 Jesus. nn2oat8Xs7c-00010-00004763-00005021 First week they had the Fed, the ranch hands nn2oat8Xs7c-00011-00005021-00005408 backed into a frickin fence post with it and smash the door right there. nn2oat8Xs7c-00012-00005507-00005834 Now they, the owner was out of town nn2oat8Xs7c-00013-00005840-00006017 for a couple of weeks while they were working, nn2oat8Xs7c-00014-00006017-00006383 so they took off the stock bumper, built this behemoth steel rear bumper nn2oat8Xs7c-00015-00006383-00006764 that just I mean, think probably £4 and put a hitch on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00016-00006764-00006875 And it also like that nn2oat8Xs7c-00017-00006875-00007160 they murdered all this up, went down the dealership, got some paint, nn2oat8Xs7c-00018-00007160-00007307 sprayed it and whatnot. nn2oat8Xs7c-00019-00007307-00007697 And the owner never knew like years, never even knew about it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00020-00007844-00008063 Fast forward like 25 or 30 years. nn2oat8Xs7c-00021-00008063-00008357 My buddy Scott bought this truck nn2oat8Xs7c-00022-00008372-00008756 from that farmer and so it was his daily driver, his driving to work every day. nn2oat8Xs7c-00023-00008756-00009128 Well, he had it parked out in front of the repair shop. nn2oat8Xs7c-00024-00009152-00009623 And this is 1991, 1992, you know, so this is 30 years nn2oat8Xs7c-00025-00009623-00009833 after this truck was built. nn2oat8Xs7c-00026-00009836-00010085 This old boy comes walking in his shop. nn2oat8Xs7c-00027-00010085-00010608 Now, mind you, this truck lived 350 miles to the east of where this shop is. nn2oat8Xs7c-00028-00010608-00010673 A small boy nn2oat8Xs7c-00029-00010673-00011015 comes walking in and overalls and stuff and he's clearly like Farm a rancher. nn2oat8Xs7c-00030-00011015-00011288 And my buddy Scott, who owns the shop, he's up at the front desk. nn2oat8Xs7c-00031-00011345-00011573 Guy comes up and he's like nn2oat8Xs7c-00032-00011594-00011687 that yellow travel. nn2oat8Xs7c-00033-00011687-00011942 All the others that belong to somebody here is our customers. nn2oat8Xs7c-00034-00011975-00012125 He's like, What's mine? Why? nn2oat8Xs7c-00035-00012125-00012329 He goes, Well, I know where that came from. nn2oat8Xs7c-00036-00012425-00012646 He's like, How do you know where that dang came from? nn2oat8Xs7c-00037-00012647-00012854 He's like, I used to drive that truck on the ranch. nn2oat8Xs7c-00038-00012908-00012998 I hated it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00039-00012998-00013109 He's like, You are kidding. nn2oat8Xs7c-00040-00013109-00013272 And so he proceeded to tell him the whole story nn2oat8Xs7c-00041-00013272-00013430 of how the ranch had backed into the post, nn2oat8Xs7c-00042-00013430-00013646 and they also he's like, That's why it has the bumper. nn2oat8Xs7c-00043-00013646-00014027 Well, so we tore the bumper off eventually and I put the regular bumper on and and nn2oat8Xs7c-00044-00014057-00014376 rigged is one of my affiliate sponsors and the good bodies nn2oat8Xs7c-00045-00014376-00014630 and minds they built me the altar swing for the back of this nn2oat8Xs7c-00046-00014705-00015022 and yeah it's just kind of evolved and I grew up in a travel. nn2oat8Xs7c-00047-00015026-00015191 That's how this whole thing started. nn2oat8Xs7c-00048-00015191-00015398 Kind of like with us with the with the NBA stuff. nn2oat8Xs7c-00049-00015399-00015500 Yep, yep. nn2oat8Xs7c-00050-00015500-00015854 So we grew up with a travel, a car type boat and a 21 foot nn2oat8Xs7c-00051-00015854-00016167 Panamax chassis, and they're coming over, going camping and fishing. nn2oat8Xs7c-00052-00016194-00016550 And so this has a lot of memory for me because I have ridden one of these nn2oat8Xs7c-00053-00016550-00016646 my entire childhood. nn2oat8Xs7c-00054-00016646-00016895 And the fact that you that you have one that's now nn2oat8Xs7c-00055-00016898-00017054 got rusted fender wells and all that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00056-00017054-00017345 So because this man, you know, but these things rust so bad nn2oat8Xs7c-00057-00017369-00017576 you walk around here, you'll see very few that have in your eyes. nn2oat8Xs7c-00058-00017666-00017933 That's a man this I want to nn2oat8Xs7c-00059-00017939-00018251 I want to find a three quarter ton travel all so bad nn2oat8Xs7c-00060-00018394-00018683 guys every single factory option except pocket seats nn2oat8Xs7c-00061-00018683-00019055 but I actually have the boxes for it in the back is how to move down a barn door. nn2oat8Xs7c-00062-00019088-00019439 Three quarter time factory, PTO, winch Big block power steering nn2oat8Xs7c-00063-00019460-00019994 power brakes AC Tamper Overloads Trailer tow package power steering cooler. nn2oat8Xs7c-00064-00019994-00020162 Trans cooler. nn2oat8Xs7c-00065-00020162-00020327 I mean, it was like deluxe interior. nn2oat8Xs7c-00066-00020327-00020555 It had everything you possibly put on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00067-00020555-00020897 Like, I know this one's not for sale, but something like this, what would it so nn2oat8Xs7c-00068-00020897-00021278 45, 30, 35. nn2oat8Xs7c-00069-00021278-00021572 The green one went for 55 is why? nn2oat8Xs7c-00070-00021623-00021896 Because there wasn't a floor and there wasn't a floor and interior. nn2oat8Xs7c-00071-00021896-00022256 And you could jump in and drive from New York City there, get into that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00072-00022256-00022577 The really nice ones like I've had the funny people offer me 35 for this one. nn2oat8Xs7c-00073-00022577-00022781 I'm just like, no, I can't. I can't find another one. nn2oat8Xs7c-00074-00022784-00022850 You're right. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00075-00022850-00022949 You have to replace it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00076-00022949-00023270 One of 1500 or 50 trucks, basically. nn2oat8Xs7c-00077-00023270-00023636 But if you like it in Marty, report, report it down like that type of deal. nn2oat8Xs7c-00078-00023765-00024083 And this got 282, 184,000 real miles nn2oat8Xs7c-00079-00024083-00024626 and it's like the guy built it, haul equipment and old tractors. nn2oat8Xs7c-00080-00024626-00024974 He was a repair guy and then he was also a gasser hotrod racer. nn2oat8Xs7c-00081-00025028-00025244 Wow. California made. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00082-00025265-00025358 And we use it all the time. nn2oat8Xs7c-00083-00025358-00025680 I what we use the rescue trucks all the time especially perforated nn2oat8Xs7c-00084-00025750-00026039 and any faster there ain't nothing at all cause there's no hill, nn2oat8Xs7c-00085-00026060-00026201 you know you got to take it out of high gear. nn2oat8Xs7c-00086-00026201-00026561 About the time on the hill we absolutely worship and love this truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00087-00026627-00026927 And so, yeah, he can tell how how well he took care of it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00088-00026927-00027023 It's just a beautiful truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00089-00027023-00027230 How did you buy it from him or I? nn2oat8Xs7c-00090-00027230-00027563 So his widow, he passed away ten years ago. nn2oat8Xs7c-00091-00027587-00028032 His widow sold it to his best friend, who will continue to haul gasoline. nn2oat8Xs7c-00092-00028034-00028130 Hot dogs, people like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00093-00028130-00028370 We never found the title that my ex-husband. nn2oat8Xs7c-00094-00028604-00028700 I bought it from him. nn2oat8Xs7c-00095-00028700-00028919 And Turkey made a lot of purchasing that day. nn2oat8Xs7c-00096-00028920-00029249 We bought it and she wanted to know where it was going and who it was going to. nn2oat8Xs7c-00097-00029273-00029544 Wasn't as much for them about the money as about where it was going nn2oat8Xs7c-00098-00029544-00029771 and what how it's going to use right place. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00099-00029816-00030047 She knew you weren't going to make a profit at it, right? nn2oat8Xs7c-00100-00030047-00030221 No, I don't want to. I don't ever want to sell it, my boy. nn2oat8Xs7c-00101-00030221-00030443 I told my boys when we bought on this and you guys got to figure out nn2oat8Xs7c-00102-00030443-00030731 what to do with this one. Going to stable. You have your own fire truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00103-00030732-00031016 I bought it. I literally bought it because it adds to my collection. nn2oat8Xs7c-00104-00031016-00031217 I wanted to have an international fire truck, nn2oat8Xs7c-00105-00031217-00031376 but I bought it for fire protection. nn2oat8Xs7c-00106-00031376-00031580 Actually saves me money and my interest almost. nn2oat8Xs7c-00107-00031697-00032054 Yeah, because I have a fire truck on site, nn2oat8Xs7c-00108-00032054-00032395 so they don't want the homeowners requiring thing of you. nn2oat8Xs7c-00109-00032471-00032669 Oh, they required pictures and everything else. nn2oat8Xs7c-00110-00032669-00032972 And I could show that I had taken a volunteer nn2oat8Xs7c-00111-00032972-00033236 firefighter training or use it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00112-00033308-00033531 So yeah it knocked 250 or to nn2oat8Xs7c-00113-00033650-00033785 railroad you some too. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00114-00033785-00034097 Because because they were crew because you put six guys in diesel nn2oat8Xs7c-00115-00034411-00034634 like oh yeah nn2oat8Xs7c-00116-00034739-00034823 I'm sorry nn2oat8Xs7c-00117-00034901-00035128 some stories about this, I had a bunch of firefighters nn2oat8Xs7c-00118-00035132-00035324 reach out to me and a couple of the guys. nn2oat8Xs7c-00119-00035324-00035417 One of them was a captain. nn2oat8Xs7c-00120-00035417-00035654 He said, I know those trucks. nn2oat8Xs7c-00121-00035654-00035810 He said, I know the options on that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00122-00035810-00036031 He said, that was probably one of less than 100 nn2oat8Xs7c-00123-00036031-00036086 they ever made nn2oat8Xs7c-00124-00036086-00036320 because it was one of the most expensive ones with the winch nn2oat8Xs7c-00125-00036320-00036491 and the four wheel drive and her like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00126-00036491-00036749 So they bought the truck and then they went to the fire company. nn2oat8Xs7c-00127-00036749-00037090 That how they outfitted the outfitter or whatever, when it's all said and done, nn2oat8Xs7c-00128-00037092-00037418 was $136,000 in 1975. nn2oat8Xs7c-00129-00037475-00037730 Now, that's why you don't find most of these in the South. nn2oat8Xs7c-00130-00037730-00037979 They have the they have the funds for it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00131-00037979-00038150 And now the funny thing is, nn2oat8Xs7c-00132-00038150-00038510 if you do the math to today's money, that's like five, 50, 600. nn2oat8Xs7c-00133-00038543-00038645 That's what these trucks cost. nn2oat8Xs7c-00134-00038645-00039137 Now, that was absolutely what they cost it back then, which is just mind blowing. nn2oat8Xs7c-00135-00039137-00039410 This thing is probably my favorite thing you've got in your entire collection. nn2oat8Xs7c-00136-00039428-00039599 I've always wanted to buy one of these things. nn2oat8Xs7c-00137-00039599-00039851 I wanted to buy it for like ten years. I could just never find the right one nn2oat8Xs7c-00138-00039950-00039965 there. nn2oat8Xs7c-00139-00039965-00040136 Is this a U.S. Forest Service truck? nn2oat8Xs7c-00140-00040136-00040328 No story on this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00141-00040328-00040373 Oh, it's okay. nn2oat8Xs7c-00142-00040373-00040418 It was Mt. nn2oat8Xs7c-00143-00040418-00040808 Shasta City, California originally was a there was a brush fire truck for Mt. nn2oat8Xs7c-00144-00040808-00041015 Shasta, was built for Cal Fire. nn2oat8Xs7c-00145-00041051-00041480 And then it transferred to Corvallis, Oregon, in 1984. nn2oat8Xs7c-00146-00041528-00041813 And they ran it all the way till 2016. Wow. nn2oat8Xs7c-00147-00041906-00042131 So it's only got 10,000 miles on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00148-00042143-00042299 It's got a top on the back. nn2oat8Xs7c-00149-00042299-00042581 So you don't use the truck engine, the part that's super cool nn2oat8Xs7c-00150-00042725-00042897 and everything's fully functional. nn2oat8Xs7c-00151-00042897-00043100 100%. 100%. Everything works. nn2oat8Xs7c-00152-00043112-00043376 How did you find this new Facebook marketplace? nn2oat8Xs7c-00153-00043397-00043772 It's a big block, International Gas with Alison Automatic nn2oat8Xs7c-00154-00043772-00044105 and it weighs £18,000 with no water. nn2oat8Xs7c-00155-00044105-00044267 So we're coming up the hill. nn2oat8Xs7c-00156-00044267-00044468 It did. 17 mile an hour. That's it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00157-00044486-00044602 Oh, I could go. nn2oat8Xs7c-00158-00044602-00044861 It's 17 miles an hour. nn2oat8Xs7c-00159-00044861-00045102 But and it was slower and start rolling down for us. nn2oat8Xs7c-00160-00045102-00045446 The window, huh? nn2oat8Xs7c-00161-00045470-00045596 Well, you know, I've always been looking for nn2oat8Xs7c-00162-00045596-00045815 an excuse to buy a fire truck, so you don't. nn2oat8Xs7c-00163-00045845-00045980 You don't use excuses. nn2oat8Xs7c-00164-00045980-00046142 You just go and do it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00165-00046142-00046358 We did that to rail tracks just because. nn2oat8Xs7c-00166-00046358-00046394 Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00167-00046394-00046631 And we don't even have a railroad yet. nn2oat8Xs7c-00168-00046721-00046877 Find this truck. They called me nn2oat8Xs7c-00169-00046997-00047027 lady. nn2oat8Xs7c-00170-00047027-00047165 Her husband passed away. nn2oat8Xs7c-00171-00047165-00047276 Go watch the I did a video. nn2oat8Xs7c-00172-00047276-00047516 I told the whole story of this truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00173-00047525-00047717 We got it. It hadn't run in about ten years. nn2oat8Xs7c-00174-00047717-00048110 So we did plugs, wires, copper rotor, all the fluids, all the filters, death nn2oat8Xs7c-00175-00048110-00048590 covers, t case sandblast, the powder coated the wheels, new tires, nn2oat8Xs7c-00176-00048599-00049079 polish hubcaps, new brakes, new suspension bushings got bilstein 5150s all the way nn2oat8Xs7c-00177-00049079-00049556 around, redid the power steering, put the sliding rear window back in. nn2oat8Xs7c-00178-00049564-00049817 She had it, but it wasn't in. Put the antenna back on. nn2oat8Xs7c-00179-00049817-00050297 But these are actually factory on the build sheet crab bars a were wow now nn2oat8Xs7c-00180-00050399-00050639 and this made in driver I've got an Alaskan camper in there nn2oat8Xs7c-00181-00050639-00050915 I was going to put on at some point but I never did nn2oat8Xs7c-00182-00050915-00051107 anything that I've ever had a duplicate of. nn2oat8Xs7c-00183-00051107-00051338 I'm like, I have this truck and then I have the step nn2oat8Xs7c-00184-00051338-00051440 side, the cowboy truck, nn2oat8Xs7c-00185-00051440-00051716 and they're not the same truck, but they're kind of the same truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00186-00051767-00051977 And it's like, this is a flip side. nn2oat8Xs7c-00187-00051977-00052178 That's a step. So I wanted to have one of everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00188-00052180-00052382 I'm I'm just a hoarder like everybody else is. nn2oat8Xs7c-00189-00052403-00052631 Have you seen the pictures of our shop? Yeah. Oh, yeah, no. nn2oat8Xs7c-00190-00052679-00052829 Yeah, we're all the same, you know. nn2oat8Xs7c-00191-00052829-00053087 Have you all have the same meetings? nn2oat8Xs7c-00192-00053087-00053416 Yeah, but I'm seeing your jeans aren't working anymore. nn2oat8Xs7c-00193-00053417-00053519 Yeah, I. nn2oat8Xs7c-00194-00053675-00053967 I will regret selling it because I know how hard it is to find another one. nn2oat8Xs7c-00195-00053967-00054020 It really is. nn2oat8Xs7c-00196-00054020-00054389 Especially this is my favorite year with the 6970 girls. nn2oat8Xs7c-00197-00054389-00054488 My favorite. nn2oat8Xs7c-00198-00054488-00054683 This is a two year only color. nn2oat8Xs7c-00199-00054683-00054893 The green metallic. nn2oat8Xs7c-00200-00054893-00055058 I had a 69 nn2oat8Xs7c-00201-00055058-00055421 and I sold and it was the nicest one I've ever had of these in the manual. nn2oat8Xs7c-00202-00055457-00055682 I sold it to the gentleman that built my Peterbilt nn2oat8Xs7c-00203-00055685-00055820 and I thought I'd never find one. nn2oat8Xs7c-00204-00055820-00056048 And two weeks later, this lady calls me on this trip. nn2oat8Xs7c-00205-00056063-00056579 Well, I know this one, but I will say this one actually isn't nn2oat8Xs7c-00206-00056579-00056899 as nice as the one I sold the other guy and it was original paint. nn2oat8Xs7c-00207-00056899-00057143 It was a 69. It's a one year only. nn2oat8Xs7c-00208-00057179-00057455 It's called Metallic or a copperhead copperhead. nn2oat8Xs7c-00209-00057455-00057680 Metallic. It's a copper metallic color. nn2oat8Xs7c-00210-00057680-00057884 A one year old in color of that's really nice. nn2oat8Xs7c-00211-00057911-00058052 So and it was a big block nn2oat8Xs7c-00212-00058052-00058304 with a four speed, but it had manual steering, manual brakes. nn2oat8Xs7c-00213-00058304-00058484 This is an automatic power steering power nn2oat8Xs7c-00214-00058484-00058949 brake camper, special overloads, power steering cooler, tranny cooler. nn2oat8Xs7c-00215-00058949-00059138 This thing I had everything. Oh, yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00216-00059138-00059504 Slide out, bumper, you know, slide outside out bumper. nn2oat8Xs7c-00217-00059504-00059714 Yeah. You pull the pins and you can pull the bumper out. nn2oat8Xs7c-00218-00059714-00060020 So if you have an overhang on your camper like ten and a half, you can't, through nn2oat8Xs7c-00219-00060032-00060203 your bumper, can support your camper. nn2oat8Xs7c-00220-00060203-00060425 I think this would look good for our next My Green 71 nn2oat8Xs7c-00221-00060609-00060669 is a set. nn2oat8Xs7c-00222-00060669-00060785 What would Jade say? nn2oat8Xs7c-00223-00060785-00060995 She just tell me. Sure. One, two. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00224-00060995-00061128 At this point, yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00225-00061128-00061334 Workbench and I picked up the antenna and came out. nn2oat8Xs7c-00226-00061334-00061598 Sure enough, the screws. Right on she goes. nn2oat8Xs7c-00227-00061619-00061835 Let me tell you a little story about that antenna. nn2oat8Xs7c-00228-00061835-00062087 Yes, please do. nn2oat8Xs7c-00229-00062087-00062414 She said, my husband loved this truck so much and he drove it every day. nn2oat8Xs7c-00230-00062414-00062555 And it was his pride and joy. nn2oat8Xs7c-00231-00062555-00062717 And we go down the highway. nn2oat8Xs7c-00232-00062717-00062906 He'd take that antenna and tie it to the camper. nn2oat8Xs7c-00233-00062906-00063077 But when the camper was off and he would park it nn2oat8Xs7c-00234-00063077-00063386 in the garage of the house every night when he came home from work, nn2oat8Xs7c-00235-00063386-00063632 she is always knew when he came home because he pulled up in the driveway nn2oat8Xs7c-00236-00063662-00063878 and he go to go to the drive in the garage, nn2oat8Xs7c-00237-00063878-00064133 bam and smack decided on the side of my house nn2oat8Xs7c-00238-00064133-00064400 and she goes, there's a mark where has just taking the paint off. nn2oat8Xs7c-00239-00064472-00064802 She goes, So God, God rest his soul. nn2oat8Xs7c-00240-00064802-00065183 When he died, I took that son of a bitch off and shove that truck in the garage. nn2oat8Xs7c-00241-00065201-00065485 I was like, okay. Yes. nn2oat8Xs7c-00242-00065498-00065760 And she said, and then I had the Saudi redone and had it repainted. nn2oat8Xs7c-00243-00065760-00065963 And you never even know he did it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00244-00065963-00066334 She goes, but that's my that's my little hitch with that antenna. nn2oat8Xs7c-00245-00066334-00066524 I was like, Oh, the truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00246-00066524-00066683 That bed was built in 77 nn2oat8Xs7c-00247-00066812-00067016 and I figured you probably already knew. nn2oat8Xs7c-00248-00067016-00067187 But when I started looking at it, I was like, nn2oat8Xs7c-00249-00067187-00067373 But I've never heard the story about the helicopter. nn2oat8Xs7c-00250-00067373-00067511 Yeah, I've heard about the planes. nn2oat8Xs7c-00251-00067511-00067769 I've heard about building roads over the marsh, anything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00252-00067769-00068102 I got a couple of guys that were Seabees that told me about building roads over nn2oat8Xs7c-00253-00068102-00068432 sand and soft areas where they had to drive the troop nn2oat8Xs7c-00254-00068432-00068657 carrier trucks and the deuce and a half and stuff like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00255-00068678-00069043 They put that down because the skids would slide on that, right? nn2oat8Xs7c-00256-00069062-00069309 They could get forward momentum, sure. nn2oat8Xs7c-00257-00069317-00069452 But they couldn't get fly. nn2oat8Xs7c-00258-00069452-00069878 So the jet engine was pushing them down there nn2oat8Xs7c-00259-00069908-00070145 and they could with the extra force of the gas push nn2oat8Xs7c-00260-00070145-00070551 and they could catch airspeed and eventually catch lift off. nn2oat8Xs7c-00261-00070551-00070745 And by the time I flew to where they were going nn2oat8Xs7c-00262-00070745-00071054 and flew back, they were light enough that if they landed in, nn2oat8Xs7c-00263-00071106-00071345 you know, a rice paddy or whatever, they could take off their nn2oat8Xs7c-00264-00071612-00071750 just like me. nn2oat8Xs7c-00265-00071756-00072116 Just like they just like they don't tell me if I I mean, that's that's nn2oat8Xs7c-00266-00072116-00072422 how you lose answer some of that you go he went in there I think I think it was nn2oat8Xs7c-00267-00072422-00072713 I think he paid like 150 or $200, like 200 sheets of it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00268-00072767-00072932 He goes, he built that flat bed. nn2oat8Xs7c-00269-00072932-00073064 He built a trailer. nn2oat8Xs7c-00270-00073064-00073295 He used it for horse panels. nn2oat8Xs7c-00271-00073295-00073454 He's like, he used that stuff for everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00272-00073454-00073610 He was just crafty. nn2oat8Xs7c-00273-00073610-00073724 Well, it's freaking thick. nn2oat8Xs7c-00274-00073724-00073955 Well, it all it all interlocked together. nn2oat8Xs7c-00275-00073955-00074048 And then he welded it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00276-00074048-00074423 It doesn't hold any dirt or mud, correct. nn2oat8Xs7c-00277-00074423-00074564 Because the devil died. nn2oat8Xs7c-00278-00074564-00074750 Let the mud slide off of it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00279-00074750-00075044 That's why they used it in Vietnam is it wouldn't stick to the mud. nn2oat8Xs7c-00280-00075044-00075080 Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00281-00075080-00075443 Even if you landed a Huey on it, it wouldn't push it far enough nn2oat8Xs7c-00282-00075443-00075656 down in the mud that they couldn't get it back. nn2oat8Xs7c-00283-00075656-00075911 So what was also interesting about this guy nn2oat8Xs7c-00284-00075911-00076211 and what ties me to him a little bit even more, is he nn2oat8Xs7c-00285-00076238-00076535 he built a equipment business, a vintage equipment business. nn2oat8Xs7c-00286-00076535-00076916 So his business was he would go out and restore and repair nn2oat8Xs7c-00287-00076958-00077327 vintage tractors, crawlers, backhoes for farmers nn2oat8Xs7c-00288-00077327-00077627 that had equipment, stuff from the forties and fifties and sixties. nn2oat8Xs7c-00289-00077681-00077801 He would come out to your farm. nn2oat8Xs7c-00290-00077801-00077945 He loaded on his truck, nn2oat8Xs7c-00291-00077945-00078215 take it back to his shop, do whatever you wanted him to do to it, nn2oat8Xs7c-00292-00078215-00078489 and then he bring it back to you on the truck and unloaded at your farm. nn2oat8Xs7c-00293-00078489-00078626 And that was his to build a business. nn2oat8Xs7c-00294-00078626-00078833 I was kind of right up your alley. nn2oat8Xs7c-00295-00078833-00078983 So I've been following this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00296-00078983-00079249 But that's well, super duty. You get that? nn2oat8Xs7c-00297-00079262-00079331 That's awesome. nn2oat8Xs7c-00298-00079331-00079739 So this has got I've gone through three different iterations of engines for this, nn2oat8Xs7c-00299-00079739-00079859 and I've yet to put a motor in. nn2oat8Xs7c-00300-00079859-00080129 I've owned the structure ten years. It's never driven. nn2oat8Xs7c-00301-00080129-00080366 We used it all this expensive, but the year after years ago, nn2oat8Xs7c-00302-00080366-00080612 I got that all done, but I bought this truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00303-00080657-00080816 It's a big donor for this truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00304-00080816-00081221 That's a six liter with a6l 80 with a manual safety case. nn2oat8Xs7c-00305-00081221-00081644 So then I got a 360 international 590 yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00306-00081686-00081762 Analysis. nn2oat8Xs7c-00307-00081789-00082136 I was going to put that in and then I got online and found like nn2oat8Xs7c-00308-00082151-00082472 ten or 12 or 15 guys that have taken a square by the international nn2oat8Xs7c-00309-00082472-00082746 and put a 360 in it with an atlas and yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00310-00082781-00082865 All right. nn2oat8Xs7c-00311-00082901-00083375 And then I watched this video from Rich, the boss the boss garage, nn2oat8Xs7c-00312-00083522-00083585 and he stuck nn2oat8Xs7c-00313-00083585-00083888 a 3126 caterpillar in a nobody asked for it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00314-00083894-00084119 Yeah, we sponsored that. TRUMP Did you? nn2oat8Xs7c-00315-00084119-00084245 Yeah. Oh, cool. nn2oat8Xs7c-00316-00084368-00084710 I don't have an opinion one way or the other about the guy I just like, but sure. nn2oat8Xs7c-00317-00084710-00084848 Yeah, absolutely. nn2oat8Xs7c-00318-00084896-00085115 And I know where there's a 3126 cat nn2oat8Xs7c-00319-00085130-00085400 with a six plus one Spicer manual transmission nn2oat8Xs7c-00320-00085499-00085856 and it weighs less than the 8360 this and it's nn2oat8Xs7c-00321-00085859-00086159 you got such a big engine compartment and trucks you can put whatever you want. nn2oat8Xs7c-00322-00086159-00086549 So I think that's I think this winter we're going to put a 31.6 caterpillar nn2oat8Xs7c-00323-00086598-00086813 know this is actually the Ford frame release nn2oat8Xs7c-00324-00086813-00087137 we cut the front of the international off and the Ford actually line right up. nn2oat8Xs7c-00325-00087137-00087530 We just finished plated it and sleeved it and then we cut the front of the Ford off nn2oat8Xs7c-00326-00087530-00087785 and we built all this from scratch so I could hang all the factory nn2oat8Xs7c-00327-00087785-00088040 sheet metal core support and everything else back on. nn2oat8Xs7c-00328-00088040-00088292 You really wouldn't be able to tell from the outside nn2oat8Xs7c-00329-00088298-00088442 and you put some paint on the frame around. nn2oat8Xs7c-00330-00088442-00088694 You probably wouldn't tell either that you have a motor. nn2oat8Xs7c-00331-00088694-00089024 If you have an engine in here, you're not going to be able to. nn2oat8Xs7c-00332-00089024-00089174 Now, what's funny about this truck nn2oat8Xs7c-00333-00089174-00089510 and as you know, from fall on me, every one of my trucks has a sorry. nn2oat8Xs7c-00334-00089510-00089588 Sure. nn2oat8Xs7c-00335-00089588-00089837 So I bought this truck ten years ago out of a barn nn2oat8Xs7c-00336-00089897-00090167 about 12 miles away from here. nn2oat8Xs7c-00337-00090167-00090479 And this truck was originally two wheel drive, three quarter ton long, but nn2oat8Xs7c-00338-00090575-00090629 it came out of nn2oat8Xs7c-00339-00090629-00091022 Arizona originally when I went to rest free and straight. nn2oat8Xs7c-00340-00091055-00091425 Well, it's been here since it's been in Bend, Oregon, since 82. nn2oat8Xs7c-00341-00091436-00091679 Oh. Oh, jeez. Yeah, he bought it in 82. nn2oat8Xs7c-00342-00091679-00092057 So he had a 74 travel all and he was going up to Alaska nn2oat8Xs7c-00343-00092057-00092204 and he blew the motor up in it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00344-00092204-00092585 So he came back from Alaska, had it towed back as old boy, and nn2oat8Xs7c-00345-00092585-00092921 they went down to Arizona for the winter like they always do to go snowbirds. nn2oat8Xs7c-00346-00092922-00093332 I saw this on a car lot, drove it home, gutted it, fixed the travel, nn2oat8Xs7c-00347-00093386-00093632 pushed this in the barn. nn2oat8Xs7c-00348-00093659-00093938 So in 82 he pushed this in the barn with no drive train. nn2oat8Xs7c-00349-00093992-00094331 And over the years, his kids who wanted to go nn2oat8Xs7c-00350-00094331-00094709 buy beer started pulling pieces off of it and took pieces to the scrap yard. nn2oat8Xs7c-00351-00094715-00094796 Oh, my gosh. nn2oat8Xs7c-00352-00094796-00095195 So it had no rear axle, had no front axle, had no driveline, nn2oat8Xs7c-00353-00095213-00095528 had no tranny, had no no brake booster. nn2oat8Xs7c-00354-00095576-00096029 And later on, when I got it, no hood, no the hood to nn2oat8Xs7c-00355-00096140-00096244 how healed you find a hood. nn2oat8Xs7c-00356-00096244-00096363 The kids were getting to that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00357-00096363-00096845 Okay, so I go over driving down this road and I see this travel nn2oat8Xs7c-00358-00096845-00097139 all part of this farm and I stop, knock on the door, ask about the travel, nn2oat8Xs7c-00359-00097148-00097358 not knowing this truck even existed. nn2oat8Xs7c-00360-00097358-00097648 He was like, Hey, I said, Hey, if you ever want to sell a travel nn2oat8Xs7c-00361-00097700-00097901 and the guy that met me, the door is about our age. nn2oat8Xs7c-00362-00097901-00098225 And he said, Yeah, Dad's getting older and he's having some trouble. nn2oat8Xs7c-00363-00098225-00098504 We're kind of cleaning up the property and we are going to be selling some stuff. nn2oat8Xs7c-00364-00098504-00098708 I'll take your number and when the time is right, nn2oat8Xs7c-00365-00098708-00098951 I'll give you a call and you can buy, we'll say the travel. nn2oat8Xs7c-00366-00098951-00099215 I got a bunch of parts for it, stuff like that. I'm like, okay, no problem. nn2oat8Xs7c-00367-00099215-00099351 And just left my name and number. nn2oat8Xs7c-00368-00099351-00099677 And about 18 months later he called me. nn2oat8Xs7c-00369-00099677-00099875 He said, Hey, Dad passed away nn2oat8Xs7c-00370-00099875-00100064 about six months ago and we're kind of starting nn2oat8Xs7c-00371-00100064-00100259 to get rid of everything now and clean everything up. nn2oat8Xs7c-00372-00100259-00100424 And if you're still interested in the travel, nn2oat8Xs7c-00373-00100424-00100718 you know, come on out and I'll make you make a deal on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00374-00100718-00100982 And I was like, okay. So I went over to look at it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00375-00100982-00101378 Great truck ran and drove this afternoon for all that travel, all that nice piece nn2oat8Xs7c-00376-00101477-00101627 and I said, Cool. nn2oat8Xs7c-00377-00101627-00101687 I said, I'll take it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00378-00101687-00101948 We've agreed on price everything and I just get ready to load it up. nn2oat8Xs7c-00379-00101948-00102122 He's like out there's there's one hitch. nn2oat8Xs7c-00380-00102122-00102179 And I was like, what's? nn2oat8Xs7c-00381-00102179-00102422 And she's like, I got a bunch of spare parts for it nn2oat8Xs7c-00382-00102422-00102608 that go with it and you got to take everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00383-00102608-00102800 And I was like, Okay, no problem. nn2oat8Xs7c-00384-00102800-00103079 So you walk in the same amount of money for the same money. nn2oat8Xs7c-00385-00103193-00103244 Okay? nn2oat8Xs7c-00386-00103244-00103640 So, so we walk in the barn and this is sitting in the barn nn2oat8Xs7c-00387-00103640-00104054 with no hood, no drive train, no axles on for around firewood stumps. nn2oat8Xs7c-00388-00104168-00104537 He goes, you're you're part of your deal is you got to get that out of here. nn2oat8Xs7c-00389-00104537-00104735 This is your car nn2oat8Xs7c-00390-00104787-00105176 and the bed had had a few miscellaneous things, but this was the spare parts nn2oat8Xs7c-00391-00105305-00105380 and, and it had nn2oat8Xs7c-00392-00105380-00105683 a title and you're like, wait, don't show too much. nn2oat8Xs7c-00393-00105716-00105926 And yeah, you know, show the emotion. nn2oat8Xs7c-00394-00105950-00106139 I just paid the man a load of the travel. nn2oat8Xs7c-00395-00106139-00106484 So anyway, it was we had to get creative. nn2oat8Xs7c-00396-00106484-00106740 I had to put an accident in the back, put some U-boats on at the front. nn2oat8Xs7c-00397-00106760-00106877 It was leaf sprung. nn2oat8Xs7c-00398-00106877-00107255 So we just skidded onto the trailer like skis and a little dish plates and stuff. nn2oat8Xs7c-00399-00107255-00107483 So we got it on the trailer. But, but yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00400-00107483-00107780 So this was, this was the spare parts that I had to take. nn2oat8Xs7c-00401-00107780-00107960 Well, darn right. nn2oat8Xs7c-00402-00107960-00108113 Fast forward nn2oat8Xs7c-00403-00108113-00108395 eight years because two years ago we did a suspension is when I started working. nn2oat8Xs7c-00404-00108408-00108902 Eight years later, we are down in southern Oregon for my son's soccer tournament nn2oat8Xs7c-00405-00108968-00109253 and anytime we go out of town, I always take my pickup up nn2oat8Xs7c-00406-00109253-00109519 and I take a trailer because we're going to run, we're going to spend the night. nn2oat8Xs7c-00407-00109521-00109649 I'm going to be on Craigslist. So nn2oat8Xs7c-00408-00109748-00109940 you and nn2oat8Xs7c-00409-00109940-00110345 so I get on Craigslist and there's two travels for sale. nn2oat8Xs7c-00410-00110348-00110471 One's a heartbreak. nn2oat8Xs7c-00411-00110471-00110571 One's a nn2oat8Xs7c-00412-00110642-00110795 almost a runner. nn2oat8Xs7c-00413-00110795-00111000 So I go, let's go look at those. nn2oat8Xs7c-00414-00111002-00111128 So we go look at them. nn2oat8Xs7c-00415-00111128-00111512 It was the same year this truck was the same color hood, I thought. nn2oat8Xs7c-00416-00111629-00111956 And it was almost a runner in the parts truck was not really worth taking, nn2oat8Xs7c-00417-00111998-00112070 but he had a cab. nn2oat8Xs7c-00418-00112070-00112367 So I bought the cab and I bought the travel, nn2oat8Xs7c-00419-00112367-00112592 got it home, unbolted the hood off the travel, nn2oat8Xs7c-00420-00112628-00112850 bolted it on here, shut the hood, washed it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00421-00112850-00113231 And I was like, You could match that patina in anywhere in your life ever nn2oat8Xs7c-00422-00113231-00113417 if you thought you could. And nobody will believe this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00423-00113417-00113714 I didn't come on this truck and it did not come on this truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00424-00113714-00114095 It came on a travel all from a vehicle that lived five states away from where nn2oat8Xs7c-00425-00114095-00114257 this truck originates. nn2oat8Xs7c-00426-00114257-00114486 So I put the hood on, I put another hood on the other travel. nn2oat8Xs7c-00427-00114486-00114542 All that didn't nn2oat8Xs7c-00428-00114542-00114869 match made it run and drive, sold that travel on the hood, went on this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00429-00114869-00115022 And then sooner I put the hat on, nn2oat8Xs7c-00430-00115022-00115298 I started blowing the truck apart and start working because I, I couldn't nn2oat8Xs7c-00431-00115319-00115436 bring myself to put a hood on it nn2oat8Xs7c-00432-00115436-00115649 and just flat black the hood because that was the other option. nn2oat8Xs7c-00433-00115685-00115856 I wanted to have this thing as a 15 a truck nn2oat8Xs7c-00434-00115982-00116138 look for the 15 is nn2oat8Xs7c-00435-00116138-00116510 a little rough spots on the college is the fade yeah perfect nn2oat8Xs7c-00436-00116549-00116863 you can't tell no nobody believes you might even be released. nn2oat8Xs7c-00437-00116864-00117152 A little bit of scratches here like match the cuts nobody believes me nn2oat8Xs7c-00438-00117170-00117515 so good family friends of mine own the international owned nn2oat8Xs7c-00439-00117548-00117797 the International Harvester dealership in Missoula, Montana. nn2oat8Xs7c-00440-00117866-00118082 But anyway, they have a dealership forever and ever. nn2oat8Xs7c-00441-00118082-00118559 When my when my buddy was a young kid, when we were little kids in the seventies, nn2oat8Xs7c-00442-00118601-00118913 this old boy came in and ordered this travel all for his wife. nn2oat8Xs7c-00443-00118976-00119156 And this travel all has everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00444-00119156-00119510 It's got wood paneling, it's got deluxe moldings, barn door, it's big block nn2oat8Xs7c-00445-00119516-00119792 automatics, got a C, it's got everything, but it's half term, nn2oat8Xs7c-00446-00119813-00119924 not three quarter time. nn2oat8Xs7c-00447-00119924-00120368 And he came in in October, November of the end of the year, nn2oat8Xs7c-00448-00120404-00120704 got paid out for his hay season, had his big stack of money was coming in. nn2oat8Xs7c-00449-00120722-00120935 They told him this truck was there was coming in to pay for at all nn2oat8Xs7c-00450-00120935-00121159 the they had ordered it so the line set ticket nn2oat8Xs7c-00451-00121159-00121490 and all the paperwork had his name on it because it was built for him basically. nn2oat8Xs7c-00452-00121565-00121880 And he came in to pick it up and the day he came to pick it up nn2oat8Xs7c-00453-00121880-00122179 was the day that they were unloading off the car hauler trailer. nn2oat8Xs7c-00454-00122180-00122401 Now this and a couple scouts and some pickups nn2oat8Xs7c-00455-00122402-00122555 they were unloading everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00456-00122555-00122836 Well, this is on the trailer and one of those was on the trailer, nn2oat8Xs7c-00457-00122900-00123230 he said, and he came in, he saw this and he saw that and he saw this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00458-00123230-00123428 And he looked at my buddy's dad and he goes, nn2oat8Xs7c-00459-00123428-00123842 Whatever you need to do to make that work, he's like, We don't we don't need that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00460-00123842-00123983 We need that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00461-00123983-00124160 He's like, Well, we ordered this for you. nn2oat8Xs7c-00462-00124160-00124331 You own it like it's already titled. nn2oat8Xs7c-00463-00124331-00124526 It's plated like it's in your name. nn2oat8Xs7c-00464-00124526-00124730 They had the plates and everything for him and stuff like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00465-00124772-00124874 He's like, I don't care. nn2oat8Xs7c-00466-00124874-00125030 He's like, Take it on trade, nn2oat8Xs7c-00467-00125030-00125384 take it as a demo, unwind the deal, whatever you need to do. nn2oat8Xs7c-00468-00125414-00125657 He's doing this. I'm leaving with that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00469-00125699-00125885 And you guys can own this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00470-00125885-00125924 Thank you. nn2oat8Xs7c-00471-00125924-00126182 Well, then it's November. It's now ready to start snowing. nn2oat8Xs7c-00472-00126182-00126401 And my dad, this is a half ton truck. nn2oat8Xs7c-00473-00126401-00126683 It's not as sellable for them because it's not a three quarter ton. nn2oat8Xs7c-00474-00126734-00126866 It's green and whatever. nn2oat8Xs7c-00475-00126866-00127043 So my buddies, guys like, what are we gonna do with this? nn2oat8Xs7c-00476-00127043-00127402 And like, my friend Todd is like, we'll just put on the lot as a demo. nn2oat8Xs7c-00477-00127403-00127625 It's got 24 miles on it and whatever you nn2oat8Xs7c-00478-00127764-00127784 like. nn2oat8Xs7c-00479-00127784-00127934 Yeah, but I don't want to take that big a hit nn2oat8Xs7c-00480-00127934-00128258 because it's been titled now it's technically used truck with 24 nn2oat8Xs7c-00481-00128258-00128588 miles on it, you know, and he's like, All right, well, nn2oat8Xs7c-00482-00128639-00128807 let's take it out on the plow dealership nn2oat8Xs7c-00483-00128807-00129026 to go through a plow and we'll plow snow with that this winter. nn2oat8Xs7c-00484-00129074-00129248 And we'll take the plow off in the spring nn2oat8Xs7c-00485-00129248-00129518 and then we'll sell it as a demo with 2000 miles on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00486-00129518-00129626 Then we can write it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00487-00129626-00129830 We can write it down. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00488-00129914-00130250 The original plates that expired in 1974 are still on the truck, nn2oat8Xs7c-00489-00130343-00130757 and the dealer plate was covering those that they took off in 2010, nn2oat8Xs7c-00490-00130808-00131330 and they ran it for 45 years and put 42,000 miles on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00491-00131351-00131537 Wow. And left the plow on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00492-00131537-00131795 But basically I bought a plow and they gave me the travel all with it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00493-00131864-00132410 And now it plows snow here, just like it did for the last 45 years at my shop. nn2oat8Xs7c-00494-00132410-00132617 That's it for the last 12 years. nn2oat8Xs7c-00495-00132617-00132824 Maybe it wasn't back then, but it's a cool color now. nn2oat8Xs7c-00496-00132839-00132980 It was a hard sell for that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00497-00132980-00133088 Yeah, it was a house. nn2oat8Xs7c-00498-00133088-00133277 It was a full load. But it's something. Okay. nn2oat8Xs7c-00499-00133409-00133589 And there's the original plate nn2oat8Xs7c-00500-00133589-00133835 telling me, yeah, it was burned. nn2oat8Xs7c-00501-00133928-00134147 Montana, 74. nn2oat8Xs7c-00502-00134147-00134375 And it's been in for low or dry. nn2oat8Xs7c-00503-00134447-00134672 It's never had it in its whole life. nn2oat8Xs7c-00504-00134825-00134904 They had bought it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00505-00134904-00135215 It only gets 20, 30, 50 miles a year ago. nn2oat8Xs7c-00506-00135251-00135533 Right. So they got a little bit lost. nn2oat8Xs7c-00507-00135581-00135860 One day, one of the tailpipes of my buddy Todd, who glass. nn2oat8Xs7c-00508-00135860-00136049 Come and turn the pipes off nn2oat8Xs7c-00509-00136049-00136338 in front of the tires in the back and it's got straight glass back up. nn2oat8Xs7c-00510-00136358-00136667 So it's loud and tell, but it's funny. So nn2oat8Xs7c-00511-00136793-00137024 and now Plow is 1973. nn2oat8Xs7c-00512-00137102-00137276 It's cool. It's pretty cool. nn2oat8Xs7c-00513-00137276-00137654 It's crazy because a lot of it looks like you see the tag on the license nn2oat8Xs7c-00514-00137654-00137711 plate on the back. nn2oat8Xs7c-00515-00137711-00137816 I borrowed 74. nn2oat8Xs7c-00516-00137816-00138023 I did. I got a real good close up shot of that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00517-00138059-00138344 And then this, the number on Montana plates, nn2oat8Xs7c-00518-00138344-00138590 that's the county number four is Missoula County. nn2oat8Xs7c-00519-00138659-00138818 So that's how you know that it is legit. nn2oat8Xs7c-00520-00138818-00139130 The plate from there, from that county, from that area. nn2oat8Xs7c-00521-00139220-00139481 But I can I can buy one just like it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00522-00139481-00139754 That's the and make it the same. I could make the truck again. nn2oat8Xs7c-00523-00139754-00140014 I know exactly what everything is and it's not hard. I just. nn2oat8Xs7c-00524-00140015-00140090 What was it? nn2oat8Xs7c-00525-00140090-00140210 It was a 71. nn2oat8Xs7c-00526-00140210-00140544 So one year old, the Waffle Stamp Grill travel nn2oat8Xs7c-00527-00140680-00140985 half, half ton, two wheel drive with the factory wood paneling. nn2oat8Xs7c-00528-00140987-00141335 It was harvest gold with green interior and ad bucket seats and everything. nn2oat8Xs7c-00529-00141401-00141701 The big block automatic AC had the trailer package nn2oat8Xs7c-00530-00141701-00141878 because we had the overloads and stuff like that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00531-00141878-00141974 But I was too old, right? nn2oat8Xs7c-00532-00141974-00142238 We went to Yellowstone, went to Glacier and everywhere in that thing. nn2oat8Xs7c-00533-00142328-00142697 So there is no way. nn2oat8Xs7c-00534-00142697-00142943 Please, chef. Awesome, man. nn2oat8Xs7c-00535-00142958-00143235 You really good? Good. Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00536-00143243-00143408 How about you? Good. nn2oat8Xs7c-00537-00143408-00143615 I thought you were in a gate. Keep hippies out. nn2oat8Xs7c-00538-00143615-00143984 Yeah, it's not really enforcing those. nn2oat8Xs7c-00539-00143984-00144251 Oh, yeah, I'm not doing nothing. nn2oat8Xs7c-00540-00144251-00144419 You ready for the weekend yet? Now? nn2oat8Xs7c-00541-00144419-00144668 Yeah, maybe not at all. I got it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00542-00144695-00145034 I have not done back in nine the whole camping part. nn2oat8Xs7c-00543-00145034-00145250 I got a lot of food, stuff to prep and nn2oat8Xs7c-00544-00145403-00145703 yeah it's scary shit show but whatever nn2oat8Xs7c-00545-00145739-00146099 and I roll in this little towns called twin bridges and just nn2oat8Xs7c-00546-00146126-00146339 I can usually do I'm out picking just driving around nn2oat8Xs7c-00547-00146339-00146579 looking for old junk to buy and on a Saturday afternoon nn2oat8Xs7c-00548-00146642-00147040 roll into the convenience store and they're in town and and here's this travel nn2oat8Xs7c-00549-00147053-00147449 and it's got the old Q 78 buckshot shots with wagon white steel wheels. nn2oat8Xs7c-00550-00147449-00147605 You know, it's got a little lift on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00551-00147605-00147872 So they're like 36 inch buckshot shots or whatever they were back then. nn2oat8Xs7c-00552-00147872-00148328 The Q 78, it's got a red door, it's got a blue door and a brown fender. nn2oat8Xs7c-00553-00148328-00148679 It's got dents and scratches and it's got mud up and down both sides. nn2oat8Xs7c-00554-00148679-00148817 I mean, there is straight panel on it. nn2oat8Xs7c-00555-00148817-00148964 It's runnin heaters on. nn2oat8Xs7c-00556-00148964-00149219 There's two Blue Heelers and it barking at me going crazy nn2oat8Xs7c-00557-00149255-00149543 and there's about a 300 point or 300 score bullet nn2oat8Xs7c-00558-00149561-00149855 elk dead on the roof, strapped down with white rope. nn2oat8Xs7c-00559-00149855-00150128 Yeah, there's camping gear. There's a chainsaw. nn2oat8Xs7c-00560-00150128-00150263 His guns are in the gun rack. nn2oat8Xs7c-00561-00150263-00150504 And I'm just like, but the truck has got to going on. nn2oat8Xs7c-00562-00150509-00150653 Yeah, the thing is bad ass. nn2oat8Xs7c-00563-00150653-00150944 Like, I just look at, I get on it and instantly triggered a memory. nn2oat8Xs7c-00564-00150944-00151214 Like, I hadn't thought about internationals for 30 years or 20 years. nn2oat8Xs7c-00565-00151223-00151259 Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00566-00151259-00151376 And triggered this memory back nn2oat8Xs7c-00567-00151376-00151661 to when I'm a kid and this little boy comes walking out nn2oat8Xs7c-00568-00151751-00152036 and I was a little intimidated because he was about six, six, nn2oat8Xs7c-00569-00152036-00152243 six, seven, about 330. nn2oat8Xs7c-00570-00152243-00152564 He's wearing bib overalls with a flannel shirt nn2oat8Xs7c-00571-00152564-00152870 and he's got blood all up and down him from cutting the elk up and stuff nn2oat8Xs7c-00572-00152870-00153053 like that and haul in and onto his truck. And nn2oat8Xs7c-00573-00153167-00153386 he comes out and I just kind of like, Hey, is that your travel? nn2oat8Xs7c-00574-00153386-00153455 Yeah, yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00575-00153455-00153644 And he starts talking and starts telling me stories. nn2oat8Xs7c-00576-00153644-00153761 And I said, Oh, my name's Ben. nn2oat8Xs7c-00577-00153761-00153824 Nice to me, you know, nn2oat8Xs7c-00578-00153824-00154157 put my hand out and he grabs my hand and he's got just big old mitts. nn2oat8Xs7c-00579-00154157-00154259 And he grabbed nn2oat8Xs7c-00580-00154346-00154535 like a handshake, like a farmer does right here. nn2oat8Xs7c-00581-00154535-00154685 It's a real firm handshake. nn2oat8Xs7c-00582-00154685-00155009 But what was different about him is he's from that old school nn2oat8Xs7c-00583-00155009-00155228 where he grabbed my hand and he pulled me in. nn2oat8Xs7c-00584-00155267-00155387 He goes, Nice to meet you. nn2oat8Xs7c-00585-00155387-00155597 And I'm like, This fucking nn2oat8Xs7c-00586-00155654-00155957 tall and I'm staring and nn2oat8Xs7c-00587-00155957-00156170 blood everywhere in my dirt. nn2oat8Xs7c-00588-00156170-00156401 You can tell he slept in the truck for the last five days. nn2oat8Xs7c-00589-00156401-00156503 Always continents, elk. nn2oat8Xs7c-00590-00156503-00157109 And anyway, so it was it was a very vivid memory that will never go away. nn2oat8Xs7c-00591-00157109-00157334 And that was 15, 18 years ago. nn2oat8Xs7c-00592-00157417-00157742 And so the next day I'm on Craigslist, nn2oat8Xs7c-00593-00157742-00158012 like about travel, all you know, and I was like, start looking around and nn2oat8Xs7c-00594-00158078-00158336 and it just kind of jarred for it kind of trickled into that. nn2oat8Xs7c-00595-00158336-00158564 Then I moved here and then it just blossomed. nn2oat8Xs7c-00596-00158564-00158606 Yeah. nn2oat8Xs7c-00597-00158606-00158792 And I what I like is I love Ford. nn2oat8Xs7c-00598-00158792-00159026 Chevy, and I just I love seeing all the beautiful sea tans nn2oat8Xs7c-00599-00159026-00159290 and the old Budweiser, though. Nobody does this, nobody does this. nn2oat8Xs7c-00600-00159290-00159518 And every time I go to cars and coffee, I got the only one. nn2oat8Xs7c-00601-00159560-00162251 And I like them. So. ooMqZ2MhTFu-00000-00000072-00000172 OK, guys, this way... ooMqZ2MhTFu-00001-00000357-00000614 I'm surprised by the amount of times that I've seen the name San Martín. ooMqZ2MhTFu-00002-00000910-00000990 ¡Yeah, baby! ooMqZ2MhTFu-00003-00001040-00001200 Er, what are you doing here? ooMqZ2MhTFu-00004-00001220-00001380 You mustn't touch the computer. ooMqZ2MhTFu-00005-00001543-00001643 ¡We've got Zamba! ooMqZ2MhTFu-00006-00001720-00001810 Z A M B A ooMqZ2MhTFu-00007-00001820-00002030 jojo's bizarre adventure ooMqZ2MhTFu-00008-00002050-00002130 heck I dunno ooMqZ2MhTFu-00009-00002240-00002347 El Vargas... ooMqZ2MhTFu-00010-00002438-00002580 This is gonna go on for hours. ooMqZ2MhTFu-00011-00002580-00002740 cool videos, shitposting and other stupid stuff o1VdOWPmQHy-00000-00000533-00000991 THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT HAS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING RELATED CRIMES. o1VdOWPmQHy-00001-00000991-00001374 THE DOD'S COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS WEBSITE HAS ONLINE COURSES DESIGNED TO HELP o1VdOWPmQHy-00002-00001374-00001643 YOU INDENTIFY VICTIMS HELD AGAINST THEIR WILL. o1VdOWPmQHy-00003-00001643-00002177 "A LOT OF OUR TRAINING IS DESIGNED TO SENSITIZE OUR FOLKS AND REALIZE THAT THAT'S NOT JUST o1VdOWPmQHy-00004-00002177-00002724 SOMEONE THAT'S SERVING FOOD, OR CLEANING THE BARRACKS, OR PICKING UP REFUSE AROUND THE o1VdOWPmQHy-00005-00002724-00003297 BASE. IT COULD ACTUALLY BE SOMEONE WHO'S HERE AGAINST THEIR WILL AND BEING HELD IN CIRCUMSTANCES o1VdOWPmQHy-00006-00003297-00003714 THAT FIT THE CRITERIA FOR HUMAN SLAVERY." o1VdOWPmQHy-00007-00003714-00004187 HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS THE USE OF FORCE, FRAUD OR COERCION TO RECRUIT, HARBOR, TRANSPORT o1VdOWPmQHy-00008-00004187-00004562 OR OBTAIN A PERSON FOR COMMERCIAL SEX OR LABOR SERVICES. o1VdOWPmQHy-00009-00004562-00004836 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER TONY ROSA. o21V4lLw2j8-00000-00000061-00000447 Hello my name is Tomas Diez, I run the Fab Lab Barcelona o21V4lLw2j8-00001-00000448-00000851 with collegues back in Spain and o21V4lLw2j8-00002-00000851-00001379 as I said before it is a pleasure to be here with the community of librarians o21V4lLw2j8-00003-00001379-00001864 and people from the museums and it is great to know that they are opening, o21V4lLw2j8-00004-00001913-00002328 been opening up their spaces for the inclusion of five Labs or Maker Spaces o21V4lLw2j8-00005-00002382-00002956 inside them. We think that its fundamental for society and o21V4lLw2j8-00006-00002956-00003375 for cities that the museums and libraries start to play a different role. o21V4lLw2j8-00007-00003375-00003785 and start to be an active element in o21V4lLw2j8-00008-00003785-00004193 in the production of the city, by the citizens, by the people. Its great. o2VbGDv-WfY-00000-00005380-00005620 There is war in this forest. o2VbGDv-WfY-00001-00005680-00006052 Not a war that's been fought, or one that will be, o2VbGDv-WfY-00002-00006132-00006352 but any war. o2VbGDv-WfY-00003-00006368-00006695 And the enemies who struggle here do not exist, o2VbGDv-WfY-00004-00006740-00006948 unless we call them into being. o2VbGDv-WfY-00005-00007080-00007248 This forest, then, o2VbGDv-WfY-00006-00007280-00007700 and all that happens now, is outside History. o2VbGDv-WfY-00007-00007800-00008100 Only the unchanging shapes of fear o2VbGDv-WfY-00008-00008112-00008348 and doubt and death o2VbGDv-WfY-00009-00008400-00008600 are from our world. o2VbGDv-WfY-00010-00008720-00008970 These soldiers that you see o2VbGDv-WfY-00011-00008973-00009220 keep our language and our time, o2VbGDv-WfY-00012-00009260-00009688 but have no other country than the mind. o2VbGDv-WfY-00013-00010979-00011195 Do you think they're looking for us? o2VbGDv-WfY-00014-00011231-00011447 It's one of ours alright. o2VbGDv-WfY-00015-00011487-00011611 He can't see us. o2VbGDv-WfY-00016-00011799-00011947 But maybe they saw a plane back there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00017-00012227-00012599 There isn't much left of it to see, less it's still burning. o2VbGDv-WfY-00018-00012627-00013047 Even if they could spot us, there isn't anything they could do to help us here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00019-00013139-00013551 Yeah. Six miles behind the enemy lines. o2VbGDv-WfY-00020-00013599-00013951 - Well, that's not too far. - Not too far? o2VbGDv-WfY-00021-00014027-00014307 In those six miles there's probably thousand of guys o2VbGDv-WfY-00022-00014315-00014651 and every one of them was taught to shoot at uniforms like this. o2VbGDv-WfY-00023-00014655-00014799 If you're so worried about that, o2VbGDv-WfY-00024-00014859-00015019 why don't you keep your voice down? o2VbGDv-WfY-00025-00015067-00015239 I'm not worried. o2VbGDv-WfY-00026-00015671-00015871 What's going to happen, Lieutenant? o2VbGDv-WfY-00027-00015915-00016115 Somebody around who saw our plane go down. o2VbGDv-WfY-00028-00016167-00016367 They might be looking for us in the woods already! o2VbGDv-WfY-00029-00016467-00016767 It'd be a lot easier if ours knew where to start. o2VbGDv-WfY-00030-00016947-00017119 It isn't very much. o2VbGDv-WfY-00031-00017267-00017519 Too bad you fellows didn't get your rifles out of the plane. o2VbGDv-WfY-00032-00017791-00017927 Let's see what can be done. o2VbGDv-WfY-00033-00018367-00018571 Once you understand how a mousetrap works, o2VbGDv-WfY-00034-00018599-00018919 if you're clever enough, you can use it as a springboard. o2VbGDv-WfY-00035-00019271-00019435 Here are the front lines. o2VbGDv-WfY-00036-00019519-00019751 From our position just before we crashed, o2VbGDv-WfY-00037-00019819-00020099 we should be in this general area. o2VbGDv-WfY-00038-00020315-00020436 Our own lines are here o2VbGDv-WfY-00039-00020439-00020599 and we should be about here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00040-00020651-00020967 There's a river that runs East of where we are now, I think. o2VbGDv-WfY-00041-00021019-00021387 That river cuts through the front lines and winds up on our side. o2VbGDv-WfY-00042-00021467-00021659 Now, as I see it, o2VbGDv-WfY-00043-00021679-00022119 we could use our reconditioned mouse trap on the river. o2VbGDv-WfY-00044-00022123-00022419 Is that your idea? To go down the river? o2VbGDv-WfY-00045-00022423-00022519 Yes. o2VbGDv-WfY-00046-00022559-00023007 But how? How can we get down it? I can't swim very well. o2VbGDv-WfY-00047-00023071-00023191 And Fletcher. o2VbGDv-WfY-00048-00023379-00023551 We could do it on a raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00049-00023651-00023759 At night. o2VbGDv-WfY-00050-00023887-00024079 Well, we'll never make it any other way. o2VbGDv-WfY-00051-00024251-00024439 It's suicide to try to walk out. o2VbGDv-WfY-00052-00024451-00024779 I wouldn't have the vaguest idea of how and where to start. o2VbGDv-WfY-00053-00024887-00025295 This way we'd cruise through together in a few hours and arrive in one piece. o2VbGDv-WfY-00054-00025367-00025815 - Well, by my computations... - Your computations... o2VbGDv-WfY-00055-00025927-00026243 With your brilliant figuring that got us here in the first place. o2VbGDv-WfY-00056-00028559-00028787 They must be somebody's pet. It has a collar. o2VbGDv-WfY-00057-00028791-00028987 Ney, make a better watch dog. o2VbGDv-WfY-00058-00029087-00029247 Seems friendly enough. o2VbGDv-WfY-00059-00029619-00029859 We can't use a mascot in this trip. o2VbGDv-WfY-00060-00030319-00030491 Hurry up! We don't have all day. o2VbGDv-WfY-00061-00031659-00031987 If no one has a better suggestion, let's head for the river. o2VbGDv-WfY-00062-00032187-00032471 Some more animals might show up. o2VbGDv-WfY-00063-00035247-00035396 It's hard. One foot fights the other. o2VbGDv-WfY-00064-00035399-00035839 - Get there, before it burns in the bushes! - I could do it alone. o2VbGDv-WfY-00065-00036007-00036187 - Nobody's safe here. - Are they watching me? o2VbGDv-WfY-00066-00036319-00036639 - Getting hungry. - What's up? o2VbGDv-WfY-00067-00036671-00036967 - They're all scared. - How hungry... o2VbGDv-WfY-00068-00037015-00037315 - Who'll they look out to later? - Oh, the cracking in my head. o2VbGDv-WfY-00069-00037367-00037719 - I bet he was wounded. - I don't run for no reason. o2VbGDv-WfY-00070-00037879-00038059 What's gonna hang from the trees tonight? o2VbGDv-WfY-00071-00038067-00038367 - Hurry! - We'll die in the woods! o2VbGDv-WfY-00072-00038419-00038719 - Don't die here! - They're scared. o2VbGDv-WfY-00073-00038767-00039067 Alright, alright. Lead them on! o2VbGDv-WfY-00074-00044159-00044519 After we get past this road, the river isn't much further. o2VbGDv-WfY-00075-00045019-00045351 Mac! Get down on the road and take a look. o2VbGDv-WfY-00076-00053127-00053316 You know? There's nothing so refreshing o2VbGDv-WfY-00077-00053319-00053587 as an afternoon out of doors in enemy territory. o2VbGDv-WfY-00078-00054107-00054467 It's really too bad that the sun doesn't burn us green instead of brown. o2VbGDv-WfY-00079-00054531-00054635 Camouflage! o2VbGDv-WfY-00080-00054639-00055047 Well, if you see some strange faces across the way, wave to them casually o2VbGDv-WfY-00081-00055059-00055319 and try to look as native as possible. o2VbGDv-WfY-00082-00055791-00055907 Lieutenant! o2VbGDv-WfY-00083-00055955-00056471 Lieutenant! Come here. Bring your binoculars. o2VbGDv-WfY-00084-00056771-00056979 - What do you want? - I'd like you to see something. o2VbGDv-WfY-00085-00057007-00057135 Around the river bend. o2VbGDv-WfY-00086-00057155-00057363 - What? - I can't make out exactly what it is, o2VbGDv-WfY-00087-00057371-00057551 but I think you'll be interested. o2VbGDv-WfY-00088-00057615-00057731 Come on! o2VbGDv-WfY-00089-00058359-00058579 Over there. See? o2VbGDv-WfY-00090-00058731-00058931 Looks like some kind of small air strip. o2VbGDv-WfY-00091-00059199-00059375 Yes, you're right. o2VbGDv-WfY-00092-00059847-00060231 Lots of rank around. It looks like a General! o2VbGDv-WfY-00093-00061059-00061159 Sure. o2VbGDv-WfY-00094-00061719-00062039 A General! He is a General! o2VbGDv-WfY-00095-00062215-00062419 Let's get back and help with the raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00096-00062839-00062979 Mac, let's go! o2VbGDv-WfY-00097-00064499-00064747 All we need now is Huckleberry Finn. o2VbGDv-WfY-00098-00064939-00065471 - This oughtta see us through. - Yeah, it doesn't look bad at all. o2VbGDv-WfY-00099-00065979-00066159 Should we make sure it floats? o2VbGDv-WfY-00100-00066167-00066339 Rafts always float. o2VbGDv-WfY-00101-00066567-00066911 It's unfortunate that we don't have a fine bottle to christen it with. o2VbGDv-WfY-00102-00066939-00067139 We could give it a name... o2VbGDv-WfY-00103-00068027-00068139 He must have seen us! o2VbGDv-WfY-00104-00068199-00068379 If we stay here, we'll get killed! o2VbGDv-WfY-00105-00068467-00068647 It's starting to get dark. o2VbGDv-WfY-00106-00068919-00069091 Perhaps they didn't see us. o2VbGDv-WfY-00107-00069259-00069519 But it's too dangerous to wait here until we find out. o2VbGDv-WfY-00108-00069587-00069807 What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get back? o2VbGDv-WfY-00109-00069827-00070007 Hurry up, let's go! o2VbGDv-WfY-00110-00070331-00070619 That plane must have landed down that house we saw before. o2VbGDv-WfY-00111-00070659-00070787 What's the difference? o2VbGDv-WfY-00112-00070807-00071079 There must be something big going on down there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00113-00071119-00071367 Maybe the General is having a convention tonight. o2VbGDv-WfY-00114-00073951-00074171 We didn't see this on the way to the river. o2VbGDv-WfY-00115-00074259-00074451 We've been running in a new direction. o2VbGDv-WfY-00116-00074667-00074859 Whatever they're jumping, sure smells good. o2VbGDv-WfY-00117-00074862-00075027 Like mother's own. o2VbGDv-WfY-00118-00075031-00075319 Those guns look even more jumpy than the food does. o2VbGDv-WfY-00119-00075395-00075587 I've got an idea... o2VbGDv-WfY-00120-00075859-00076219 No matter what we do from here on, we're much better off with some guns. o2VbGDv-WfY-00121-00082807-00083179 - You better hurry. Others maybe around. - I'm gonna have some stew first. o2VbGDv-WfY-00122-00083387-00083679 Sidney, better grab something to eat. o2VbGDv-WfY-00123-00083739-00084047 It may be a long time 'till our... next feast. o2VbGDv-WfY-00124-00084179-00084291 We better eat something. o2VbGDv-WfY-00125-00085647-00085819 How's the stew, Mac? o2VbGDv-WfY-00126-00086571-00086807 Kinda cold, but cold stews are alright. o2VbGDv-WfY-00127-00086815-00087039 Cold stew on a blazing island. o2VbGDv-WfY-00128-00087067-00087315 We've just made a perfect definition of war, Mac. o2VbGDv-WfY-00129-00087318-00087435 That's cocky! o2VbGDv-WfY-00130-00087439-00087831 A blazing island with a tempest of gunfire around it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00131-00088279-00088411 Perhaps if we could... o2VbGDv-WfY-00132-00089779-00090007 - Somebody must have heard us. - Grab those guns and let's get going. o2VbGDv-WfY-00133-00090010-00090251 - Why did you have to shoot? - Forget it. Let's move! o2VbGDv-WfY-00134-00091079-00091355 We spend our lives running our fingers o2VbGDv-WfY-00135-00091358-00091631 down the lists and directories, o2VbGDv-WfY-00136-00091659-00092119 looking for our real names, our permanent addresses. o2VbGDv-WfY-00137-00092359-00092559 No man is an island? o2VbGDv-WfY-00138-00092811-00093067 Perhaps that was true a long time ago, o2VbGDv-WfY-00139-00093070-00093327 before the Ice Age. o2VbGDv-WfY-00140-00093499-00093955 The glaciers have melted away and now we're all islands, o2VbGDv-WfY-00141-00094019-00094359 parts of a world made of islands only. o2VbGDv-WfY-00142-00094387-00094571 How long are you gonna hang around here? o2VbGDv-WfY-00143-00098187-00098406 We're in a fine mess now! o2VbGDv-WfY-00144-00098630-00098868 I'd give anything to trade places o2VbGDv-WfY-00145-00098872-00099106 with that dog we chased yesterday. o2VbGDv-WfY-00146-00099338-00099630 Seems like whenever people get in a hole o2VbGDv-WfY-00147-00099634-00099878 they get to get jealous of dogs. o2VbGDv-WfY-00148-00100146-00100446 I admit that our prospects aren't very cheerful. o2VbGDv-WfY-00149-00100998-00101278 But how about going back to see if our raft is still there? o2VbGDv-WfY-00150-00101370-00101734 Look, if we were spotted, they'll have a trap waiting for us when we show up. o2VbGDv-WfY-00151-00101738-00102186 It's a chance. Trying to walk out is as risky today as it was yesterday. o2VbGDv-WfY-00152-00102250-00102466 We'll scout around the river and make certain. o2VbGDv-WfY-00153-00102530-00102795 Then, what? Even if we find the raft there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00154-00102798-00103062 Even if none of them is waiting for us. Then, what? o2VbGDv-WfY-00155-00103066-00103466 We have to sit tight until it gets dark, and hope that we don't have a full moon. o2VbGDv-WfY-00156-00103494-00103794 We can sing old songs if we get restless waiting. o2VbGDv-WfY-00157-00103846-00104346 What's the matter, snowcoombs? I heard that they're cannibals. o2VbGDv-WfY-00158-00104350-00104637 So even if we get caught you're pretty safe. o2VbGDv-WfY-00159-00104640-00104769 Leave me alone! o2VbGDv-WfY-00160-00104910-00105278 We may be in the woods, McClellan, but let's try to remain civilized. o2VbGDv-WfY-00161-00105906-00106118 Yeah, I suppose you're right, Lieutenant. o2VbGDv-WfY-00162-00106298-00106586 Anyway, there won't be many days left to be civilized in. o2VbGDv-WfY-00163-00106650-00106866 If we stick around these woods much longer. o2VbGDv-WfY-00164-00113578-00113746 - She'll see us! - Shut up! o2VbGDv-WfY-00165-00119398-00119706 Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00166-00119886-00120194 She's quite nice. Don't you think so, boys? o2VbGDv-WfY-00167-00120286-00120646 What are we supposed to do with her now? I've got a wife at home. o2VbGDv-WfY-00168-00120678-00120938 I'm afraid she's become our uninvited guest. o2VbGDv-WfY-00169-00120942-00121274 I must say I've had worse guests at better parties. o2VbGDv-WfY-00170-00121538-00121946 All right, Corby, all right. Let's not forget where we are. o2VbGDv-WfY-00171-00121998-00122426 "Even if we're lost in the woods let's try to remain civilized." o2VbGDv-WfY-00172-00122598-00122734 Well, we can't stay here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00173-00123322-00123666 - Shall we leave her fish here? - There'll be plenty. o2VbGDv-WfY-00174-00124118-00124294 What are you gonna do with her, Lieutenant? o2VbGDv-WfY-00175-00124418-00124634 Give me your belt. You too, Fletcher. o2VbGDv-WfY-00176-00124878-00125110 Please, don't beat her! She's scared like we are. o2VbGDv-WfY-00177-00125146-00125307 She doesn't even talk. o2VbGDv-WfY-00178-00125310-00125698 Get a grip on yourself, no one's gonna punish her. I simply wanna tie her up. o2VbGDv-WfY-00179-00125746-00125854 Now give me your belt. o2VbGDv-WfY-00180-00125890-00126130 Let's hurry it up. My arm's getting tired. o2VbGDv-WfY-00181-00126642-00126798 Be careful not to hurt her. o2VbGDv-WfY-00182-00128302-00128494 I hope she doesn't start screaming. o2VbGDv-WfY-00183-00129058-00129218 She's a pretty little thing. o2VbGDv-WfY-00184-00129266-00129502 Why don't we just leave her here and get going? o2VbGDv-WfY-00185-00129506-00129622 Don't rush me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00186-00129638-00129798 If we can make her understand us, o2VbGDv-WfY-00187-00129802-00130054 perhaps she can tell us whether they found the raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00188-00130254-00130398 You speak Spanish? o2VbGDv-WfY-00189-00130430-00130898 I'll handle this, Sidney. I'm quite sure she wasn't educated abroad. o2VbGDv-WfY-00190-00131178-00131538 You - see - boat? o2VbGDv-WfY-00191-00131698-00131966 Our - boat? o2VbGDv-WfY-00192-00132058-00132358 - Boat? - Yes, that's it, boat. o2VbGDv-WfY-00193-00132450-00132694 You - see - boat? o2VbGDv-WfY-00194-00132978-00133166 Don't tell me she doesn't understand you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00195-00134518-00134763 If she can't tell us anything, let's let her go. o2VbGDv-WfY-00196-00134766-00135126 Sure, so she can run down stream to that command post and tip our hand. o2VbGDv-WfY-00197-00135226-00135498 You kids and your ideas! o2VbGDv-WfY-00198-00135654-00135865 Maybe she was going there in the first place. o2VbGDv-WfY-00199-00135868-00136001 With the fish, you mean? o2VbGDv-WfY-00200-00136014-00136502 Sure. A general gets what he wants for dinner, no matter what. o2VbGDv-WfY-00201-00136550-00136886 If it's fish cod or fresh strawberrys or gold plates... o2VbGDv-WfY-00202-00136890-00137158 This is hardly the time to become a revolutionary. o2VbGDv-WfY-00203-00137418-00137838 We oughtta continue to see about the raft, but we can't let her go yet. o2VbGDv-WfY-00204-00137910-00138302 Why? What she'd do to us? If she could understand she would have told you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00205-00138306-00138454 Mac already told you why. o2VbGDv-WfY-00206-00138790-00139106 Sidney, you'll stay here with the young lady until we come back. o2VbGDv-WfY-00207-00139278-00139398 Here, take this. o2VbGDv-WfY-00208-00139626-00139786 You're gonna leave me here? o2VbGDv-WfY-00209-00139886-00140150 Yes, I told you, to watch the girl. o2VbGDv-WfY-00210-00140298-00140558 You're gonna make me stay and then not come back. o2VbGDv-WfY-00211-00140630-00140786 I know because of yesterday. o2VbGDv-WfY-00212-00140806-00141083 Keep calm, kid! If we're not back by night o2VbGDv-WfY-00213-00141086-00141318 just get in touch with her old man about a wedding. o2VbGDv-WfY-00214-00141378-00141710 Maybe you can settle down in a treehouse and raise some monkeys. o2VbGDv-WfY-00215-00141758-00141900 Leave him alone, Mac. o2VbGDv-WfY-00216-00141903-00142249 Remember you promised to come back, Fletcher. o2VbGDv-WfY-00217-00142310-00142582 I want you to stay here and keep an eye on her, because o2VbGDv-WfY-00218-00142585-00142854 she may prove very useful if the raft has been discovered. o2VbGDv-WfY-00219-00143018-00143190 We'll be back in a couple of hours. o2VbGDv-WfY-00220-00143334-00143670 Just relax. Don't get panicky. o2VbGDv-WfY-00221-00143886-00144026 See you later, Sidney. o2VbGDv-WfY-00222-00147482-00147878 I'm really glad they let me stay. I'm not fooling! o2VbGDv-WfY-00223-00148158-00148350 Please, don't be afraid to like me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00224-00148686-00149086 That's why they let me stay. They thought you'd like me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00225-00149618-00149910 The troops are gone and I can't go home! o2VbGDv-WfY-00226-00150786-00151078 Don't do that! Don't move away, it's not my fault! o2VbGDv-WfY-00227-00151398-00151850 I stopped them from beating you. Don't scowl. o2VbGDv-WfY-00228-00151970-00152418 Watch, I'll make you laugh. Look, I'm the General. o2VbGDv-WfY-00229-00154626-00154898 Hey, watch me! o2VbGDv-WfY-00230-00155054-00155306 Attention, the General is here! Attention! o2VbGDv-WfY-00231-00155354-00155506 Glad to have you with us, Sir. o2VbGDv-WfY-00232-00155566-00155818 Quite frankly, the situation is desperate. o2VbGDv-WfY-00233-00155862-00156050 I don't think I can cope with it alone. o2VbGDv-WfY-00234-00156226-00156426 Isn't funny? Isn't it? o2VbGDv-WfY-00235-00156550-00156878 Orderly, more fat fish that the girl caught for me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00236-00157390-00157626 The General, I'm the General. o2VbGDv-WfY-00237-00158390-00158578 You don't even smile. o2VbGDv-WfY-00238-00158706-00158838 What do you want? o2VbGDv-WfY-00239-00159066-00159218 Listen. o2VbGDv-WfY-00240-00159418-00159546 I'm lost... o2VbGDv-WfY-00241-00159766-00160110 Lost... on this terrible island. o2VbGDv-WfY-00242-00160838-00160998 If you have to hate me, o2VbGDv-WfY-00243-00161126-00161370 please, try to like me also. o2VbGDv-WfY-00244-00162558-00162798 They must have been reading a magazine in that plane. o2VbGDv-WfY-00245-00163158-00163326 I wouldn't have believed. o2VbGDv-WfY-00246-00163778-00164158 Mac, better take a look around the river bend. o2VbGDv-WfY-00247-00164206-00164334 Be careful. o2VbGDv-WfY-00248-00164434-00164658 We'll get to work camouflaging the raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00249-00165586-00165842 I'm a little worried about Sidney back there with the girl. o2VbGDv-WfY-00250-00165845-00166018 I don't like the way he's been acting. o2VbGDv-WfY-00251-00166038-00166386 You're not going softheaded and thinking about taking her along with us tonight? o2VbGDv-WfY-00252-00166389-00166566 You're beginning to sound like Sidney. o2VbGDv-WfY-00253-00166618-00167038 No. If she can bring three friends, perhaps. o2VbGDv-WfY-00254-00167074-00167366 But as it is, she'll remain lodged in the forest, like we were. o2VbGDv-WfY-00255-00168418-00168658 That must be the one that almost nailed us. o2VbGDv-WfY-00256-00169138-00169434 There he is again. It's him! o2VbGDv-WfY-00257-00169542-00169730 A cocky little king. o2VbGDv-WfY-00258-00169806-00170146 And me holding binoculars like a lady watching an opera. o2VbGDv-WfY-00259-00170186-00170562 Binoculars! Soon he'll go into his palace o2VbGDv-WfY-00260-00170565-00170778 with all his iron lap dogs. o2VbGDv-WfY-00261-00170846-00171106 If only this was a rifle sight o2VbGDv-WfY-00262-00171110-00171414 and I could make the red eye between his ears. o2VbGDv-WfY-00263-00171434-00171654 Then he'd see McClellan! o2VbGDv-WfY-00264-00172418-00172606 Girls always love stories, o2VbGDv-WfY-00265-00172670-00172958 but it's so hard to finish and wait for words... o2VbGDv-WfY-00266-00173270-00173538 You wanna hear more? Do you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00267-00173706-00173830 Alright. o2VbGDv-WfY-00268-00173978-00174258 Then the spirit in magician's power goes back to the island o2VbGDv-WfY-00269-00174266-00174478 and tells Miranda that her father's dead. o2VbGDv-WfY-00270-00174486-00174738 The spirit sings how he's dead at the bottom of the ocean. o2VbGDv-WfY-00271-00174758-00175052 His bones are coral, his eyes are pearls, o2VbGDv-WfY-00272-00175055-00175346 and Miranda, her father's dead. Dead! o2VbGDv-WfY-00273-00175426-00175618 Can't you understand anything? o2VbGDv-WfY-00274-00175698-00175818 Dead! o2VbGDv-WfY-00275-00175890-00176006 Dead! o2VbGDv-WfY-00276-00176118-00176290 Dead! o2VbGDv-WfY-00277-00176558-00176770 Now d'you understand? o2VbGDv-WfY-00278-00179226-00179346 All clear? o2VbGDv-WfY-00279-00179538-00179674 Everything's alright. o2VbGDv-WfY-00280-00179998-00180298 - I'd like to talk to you about the house. - What house? o2VbGDv-WfY-00281-00180326-00180466 That house down there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00282-00180642-00180818 The one where we saw that General yesterday. o2VbGDv-WfY-00283-00180834-00181178 Wait around, Mac. Right now I'd like you to go back to Sidney. o2VbGDv-WfY-00284-00181198-00181398 I didn't like the way he was acting when we left. o2VbGDv-WfY-00285-00181401-00181538 I'm a little concerned. o2VbGDv-WfY-00286-00181638-00181844 - But don't you think... - Do as I say, will you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00287-00181847-00182050 As soon as we're through here we'll join you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00288-00182078-00182298 I don't want anything to go wrong back there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00289-00183774-00184018 Here, I brought you some water. o2VbGDv-WfY-00290-00186777-00187065 Now you like me, don't you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00291-00192937-00193189 I'll get you loose. Just a minute. o2VbGDv-WfY-00292-00193297-00193677 You'll put your arms around me. I know. Wait. o2VbGDv-WfY-00293-00193869-00194165 I knew you'd like me. Just a minute. o2VbGDv-WfY-00294-00196949-00197257 Don't run away! Don't make me stay! o2VbGDv-WfY-00295-00197397-00197557 You're going to tell the General! o2VbGDv-WfY-00296-00197725-00197925 You're gonna tell him I made fun of him! o2VbGDv-WfY-00297-00198057-00198437 Come back, don't tell the General! o2VbGDv-WfY-00298-00198613-00198765 I won't let you! o2VbGDv-WfY-00299-00200977-00201289 Blood... Blood... o2VbGDv-WfY-00300-00201369-00201897 No word. It's just broken with blood. o2VbGDv-WfY-00301-00204029-00204157 What's the matter? o2VbGDv-WfY-00302-00204357-00204489 Where's the girl? o2VbGDv-WfY-00303-00204689-00204797 Answer me! o2VbGDv-WfY-00304-00204937-00205245 What have you done? Tell me or I'll pulp you to a jelly! o2VbGDv-WfY-00305-00205353-00205677 She was tired. She went to lie down. o2VbGDv-WfY-00306-00205857-00205977 Over there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00307-00206757-00206897 Don't annoy her, Mac. o2VbGDv-WfY-00308-00207049-00207165 Come here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00309-00209177-00209757 It wasn't my fault! The magician did it. Honest! o2VbGDv-WfY-00310-00209869-00210025 Prospero the Magician! o2VbGDv-WfY-00311-00210133-00210485 First we're a bird, and then we're an island. o2VbGDv-WfY-00312-00210697-00211097 Before I was a general, and now I'm a fish! o2VbGDv-WfY-00313-00211137-00211349 Hoorah for the magicians! o2VbGDv-WfY-00314-00212037-00212165 The river... o2VbGDv-WfY-00315-00212545-00212689 It's blood, Mac! o2VbGDv-WfY-00316-00212925-00213237 Cold... Cold... o2VbGDv-WfY-00317-00213389-00213705 I'm going for a swim. Come on in, Mac! o2VbGDv-WfY-00318-00213845-00214225 Listen to them... It's blood! o2VbGDv-WfY-00319-00216293-00216497 What happened? Where's Sidney and the girl? o2VbGDv-WfY-00320-00217045-00217245 The kid must have gone out of his head. o2VbGDv-WfY-00321-00217377-00217745 When I got back, he was just laying there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00322-00217977-00218097 The girls is dead. o2VbGDv-WfY-00323-00218277-00218633 - Over there. He shot her. - Where is he? o2VbGDv-WfY-00324-00218637-00218757 He's gone. o2VbGDv-WfY-00325-00218925-00219349 He yelled something about how the magician does it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00326-00219449-00219985 Before he was something and now he's a fish. o2VbGDv-WfY-00327-00220117-00220429 Before I could stop him he ran away towards the river. o2VbGDv-WfY-00328-00220677-00221165 - He kept laughing and screaming. - We can't do anything abut it now. o2VbGDv-WfY-00329-00221237-00221377 Let's move again. o2VbGDv-WfY-00330-00221489-00221797 I'm expecting the raft to be the best way to wait 'til night. o2VbGDv-WfY-00331-00222197-00222585 I guess there's gonna be more elbow room than I thought. o2VbGDv-WfY-00332-00222797-00222917 Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00333-00223057-00223505 And I wanna talk to you about that house down the river and the General. o2VbGDv-WfY-00334-00224629-00224829 - Kill him. - Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00335-00224857-00225037 No, I won't hear anymore about it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00336-00225117-00225345 I don't know what's gotten into you, Mac. o2VbGDv-WfY-00337-00225425-00225757 So you saw a General. So what? o2VbGDv-WfY-00338-00225853-00226117 Raft is all set. In a couple of hours we'll be on it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00339-00226197-00226597 Raft! Raft, raft, raft! o2VbGDv-WfY-00340-00226857-00227173 Can't you see any further? A General... Why, he...? o2VbGDv-WfY-00341-00227177-00227549 How many times do I have to go over this? Must I tell you again? o2VbGDv-WfY-00342-00227649-00227813 What's one of their Generals to me? o2VbGDv-WfY-00343-00227913-00228185 He's cheap in my rate of exchange, but our lives aren't. o2VbGDv-WfY-00344-00228189-00228409 Your rate of exchange... o2VbGDv-WfY-00345-00228637-00228845 You make me laugh! o2VbGDv-WfY-00346-00228965-00229325 - If you had any guts... - Look, I don't wanna talk about it anymore. o2VbGDv-WfY-00347-00229397-00229845 Forget about the General for a minute. What about the plane you saw? o2VbGDv-WfY-00348-00229909-00230297 That's right! What about that plane? o2VbGDv-WfY-00349-00230317-00230497 We've already been over this. o2VbGDv-WfY-00350-00230525-00230897 It looks like a two seater with that small field built in the clear. o2VbGDv-WfY-00351-00230977-00231317 One of us can take the raft down stream to the field when it gets dark o2VbGDv-WfY-00352-00231369-00231605 and start shooting to draw the sentries from the house. o2VbGDv-WfY-00353-00231665-00231957 The other two can plug that guy and get away in the plane, o2VbGDv-WfY-00354-00232013-00232217 while I keep 'em busy from the raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00355-00232285-00232565 - You? - Sure, me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00356-00232677-00232937 They'd get you. You'd never make it back alive. o2VbGDv-WfY-00357-00233117-00233509 Who else could do it the way I could? You couldn't. o2VbGDv-WfY-00358-00233589-00233889 You'd be riding home sitting down nice and comfortable up in a cockpit o2VbGDv-WfY-00359-00233892-00234189 looking down on what's going on. Sure. o2VbGDv-WfY-00360-00234237-00234617 You'll recite a few tags you picked up and everything will be alright. o2VbGDv-WfY-00361-00234745-00235205 I'll just as soon make the trip back myself, on a raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00362-00235225-00235537 Do you think you have any chance at all to get away with it alive? o2VbGDv-WfY-00363-00235617-00235737 I don't know. o2VbGDv-WfY-00364-00235857-00235965 Here I am. o2VbGDv-WfY-00365-00236049-00236249 I'm 34 years old. o2VbGDv-WfY-00366-00236329-00236645 I've never done anything important. Nothing! o2VbGDv-WfY-00367-00236777-00237087 When this is over I'll fix radios and washing machines. o2VbGDv-WfY-00368-00237093-00237445 - They'll see. - Good boy, Mac. That's all. o2VbGDv-WfY-00369-00237765-00238009 I don't care if they got a million Generals. o2VbGDv-WfY-00370-00238065-00238265 There's one two miles from here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00371-00238317-00238689 If his heist is gonna keep me from going nuts like Sidney. o2VbGDv-WfY-00372-00238769-00239185 Only in a different way, I'm gonna pull up my own heist. o2VbGDv-WfY-00373-00239188-00239521 But why should we? The raft's still there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00374-00239525-00239897 As soon as it gets dark, it can take us all back tonight. o2VbGDv-WfY-00375-00240165-00240429 If I draw 'em down to the river, you and Fletcher can do the job o2VbGDv-WfY-00376-00240432-00240585 and get away in a plane. o2VbGDv-WfY-00377-00240785-00240937 What do you say, Fletch? o2VbGDv-WfY-00378-00240977-00241293 Well, not that I wanna seem important. o2VbGDv-WfY-00379-00241437-00241725 Half the trouble in the world happens because of what some people do, o2VbGDv-WfY-00380-00241817-00242109 but I think half the good things happen that way too. o2VbGDv-WfY-00381-00242225-00242497 If we're gonna get away with it it would sure be better. o2VbGDv-WfY-00382-00242553-00242837 I don't know the words to say what I mean, but... o2VbGDv-WfY-00383-00243037-00243237 This is something for me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00384-00243633-00244113 Sure, I guess we could all probably make it back on that thing, but... o2VbGDv-WfY-00385-00244185-00244449 When you walk and walk through the woods and o2VbGDv-WfY-00386-00244477-00244849 then suddenly they dangle a General in front of you like magic, o2VbGDv-WfY-00387-00244865-00245109 and you know it's only for this once, o2VbGDv-WfY-00388-00245145-00245509 you can't turn your back on 'em. None of us asked to be here, o2VbGDv-WfY-00389-00245512-00245873 but we all have to gamble. It's not as if we could refuse. o2VbGDv-WfY-00390-00245889-00246089 We had to gamble once we crashed, o2VbGDv-WfY-00391-00246109-00246363 a General raised the stakes and we've been so lucky. o2VbGDv-WfY-00392-00246366-00246617 Why shouldn't we put up a little more than we have to? o2VbGDv-WfY-00393-00246877-00247073 What are you living for anyway? o2VbGDv-WfY-00394-00247113-00247405 To make talk? Why? o2VbGDv-WfY-00395-00247469-00247677 Why is your life so precious? o2VbGDv-WfY-00396-00247797-00248225 Why? The only reason is to hunt for the reason. o2VbGDv-WfY-00397-00248349-00248765 If I knew a decent answer to it, I'd shout it. Probably should write... o2VbGDv-WfY-00398-00248768-00249049 ...on walls with chalk. - Do it for me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00399-00250245-00250557 Well, we have nothing to lose but our futures. o2VbGDv-WfY-00400-00252269-00252557 OK, I guess we leave you now. o2VbGDv-WfY-00401-00252585-00252813 Remember, don't start for a half an hour. o2VbGDv-WfY-00402-00252849-00253149 If the plane isn't still there, we'll have time to get back to you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00403-00253185-00253357 Don't worry, it'll be there. o2VbGDv-WfY-00404-00253785-00254009 Good luck, Mac. See you soon. o2VbGDv-WfY-00405-00254125-00254273 Try not to get your feet wet. o2VbGDv-WfY-00406-00254457-00254745 - You look out for your head. - OK, fellow. o2VbGDv-WfY-00407-00254925-00255045 So long. o2VbGDv-WfY-00408-00255105-00255369 - Mac, I hope that sometime... - You talk too much. o2VbGDv-WfY-00409-00255397-00255569 I guess we both do a little. o2VbGDv-WfY-00410-00255617-00255905 Sometimes, talk is an indispensable medicine. o2VbGDv-WfY-00411-00255949-00256133 Yeah, but you get sicker later. o2VbGDv-WfY-00412-00256369-00256497 Good luck. o2VbGDv-WfY-00413-00256685-00256977 I didn't really mean what I said before about guts. o2VbGDv-WfY-00414-00257077-00257385 Yes, you did, but only to bother you. o2VbGDv-WfY-00415-00257977-00258209 - Take it easy, fellow. - Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00416-00260025-00260417 The plane's still there so I guess there is no really good excuse to go back. o2VbGDv-WfY-00417-00260420-00260537 I guess not. o2VbGDv-WfY-00418-00260957-00261185 - Can you see? - Hold it, hold it! o2VbGDv-WfY-00419-00261337-00261465 Yes, there he is. o2VbGDv-WfY-00420-00261765-00261885 What time is it? o2VbGDv-WfY-00421-00262285-00262645 We have about 10 minutes before Mac begins. Let's hurry! o2VbGDv-WfY-00422-00263537-00263645 It's better... o2VbGDv-WfY-00423-00263769-00264217 It's better to roll up your life into one night and one man and one gun. o2VbGDv-WfY-00424-00264317-00264749 It hurts too much to keep hurting everyone else in every direction o2VbGDv-WfY-00425-00264817-00265113 and to be hurt with all the separate hates o2VbGDv-WfY-00426-00265116-00265365 exploding day after day. o2VbGDv-WfY-00427-00265429-00265585 You can't help it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00428-00265637-00265945 A curse buzzes out of your mouth with every word you say o2VbGDv-WfY-00429-00266029-00266465 and nobody alive can tell which is which or what you mean. o2VbGDv-WfY-00430-00266597-00266709 Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00431-00266789-00267217 You try door after door when you hear voices you like behind them, o2VbGDv-WfY-00432-00267317-00267597 but the nobs come off in your hand... o2VbGDv-WfY-00433-00270429-00270545 Go in! o2VbGDv-WfY-00434-00271317-00271421 Where did you find him? o2VbGDv-WfY-00435-00271425-00271625 One of the men did down by the river. o2VbGDv-WfY-00436-00271657-00271869 He was very busy baying at the moon. o2VbGDv-WfY-00437-00271997-00272369 Dear Proteus, aren't you ashamed of yourself? o2VbGDv-WfY-00438-00272377-00272705 Staying away without leave for two whole days. o2VbGDv-WfY-00439-00273069-00273405 - Have a drink, Captain. - Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. o2VbGDv-WfY-00440-00273513-00273885 You must never, never do that again, Proteus. o2VbGDv-WfY-00441-00274049-00274457 Don't you know that there are evil spirits without bodies... o2VbGDv-WfY-00442-00274460-00274865 roam the forest looking for unsuspecting dogs like you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00443-00274937-00275296 And that when you open your jaws to disturb the moon o2VbGDv-WfY-00444-00275356-00275596 they leap into your mouth and possess you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00445-00275708-00275936 Then you could become a spy, o2VbGDv-WfY-00446-00275996-00276124 a murderer, o2VbGDv-WfY-00447-00276252-00276404 or even a traitor. o2VbGDv-WfY-00448-00276436-00276804 Not your dog, sir. He knows his allegiance. o2VbGDv-WfY-00449-00276956-00277176 Have you been alert, Proteus? o2VbGDv-WfY-00450-00277216-00277516 Have you detected all the distant marchings? o2VbGDv-WfY-00451-00277548-00277996 Has your wet nose become aware of all the blood on the grass? o2VbGDv-WfY-00452-00278056-00278492 What else can you tell us beside your puppy dog sadness? o2VbGDv-WfY-00453-00278816-00279208 Wish he could tell us where those enemy soldiers from that wrecked plane are. o2VbGDv-WfY-00454-00279308-00279564 They've been bothersome for the last two days. o2VbGDv-WfY-00455-00279624-00279924 They'll soon grow tired of starving and being hunted. o2VbGDv-WfY-00456-00280076-00280468 Even Proteus grows tired of it after two days. o2VbGDv-WfY-00457-00280596-00280884 See that Lieutenant Proteus gets something to eat. o2VbGDv-WfY-00458-00280888-00281004 Yes, sir. o2VbGDv-WfY-00459-00281304-00281712 Nobody's gonna cry for me later or cheer for me now. o2VbGDv-WfY-00460-00281812-00282012 Nobody else is me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00461-00282064-00282176 I know that. o2VbGDv-WfY-00462-00282284-00282708 Who else but me is buried under the chain of everything I ever did? o2VbGDv-WfY-00463-00282764-00283144 I didn't mean any of it. It was all wrong. o2VbGDv-WfY-00464-00283316-00283464 Good riddance! o2VbGDv-WfY-00465-00283708-00284152 Oh, what a trade, him for me! o2VbGDv-WfY-00466-00284216-00284444 What a thing to come to at the end, o2VbGDv-WfY-00467-00284496-00284904 like building a bridge or stealing the crown jewels. o2VbGDv-WfY-00468-00284968-00285132 Thanks, General! o2VbGDv-WfY-00469-00285232-00285704 Thanks! I'll take the tombstone if it's really mine. o2VbGDv-WfY-00470-00286976-00287108 Waiting... o2VbGDv-WfY-00471-00287336-00287544 Waiting to kill... o2VbGDv-WfY-00472-00287672-00287844 Waiting to heal... o2VbGDv-WfY-00473-00288044-00288236 Waiting to die... o2VbGDv-WfY-00474-00288668-00288968 Awaiting in the North with four divisions. o2VbGDv-WfY-00475-00289056-00289404 One by one the men turned black o2VbGDv-WfY-00476-00289424-00289796 through waiting for the last snowflake to dissolve. o2VbGDv-WfY-00477-00290012-00290396 Across the valley, our enemies blew on their cold hands o2VbGDv-WfY-00478-00290536-00290736 until no more breath came. o2VbGDv-WfY-00479-00290984-00291364 Then they were dead. And they knew it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00480-00291764-00292036 We were so well prepared for death o2VbGDv-WfY-00481-00292056-00292408 that the armistice was a mutual disappointment. o2VbGDv-WfY-00482-00293632-00293952 Now he's in his cotton house, taking up the cartridges on his maps, o2VbGDv-WfY-00483-00293956-00294124 full of his supper. o2VbGDv-WfY-00484-00294264-00294448 They'll get him soon. o2VbGDv-WfY-00485-00294496-00294748 A duck at a shooting gallery, o2VbGDv-WfY-00486-00294776-00295108 and I'll be the wheeler rolling the ducks in all the bull's eyes. o2VbGDv-WfY-00487-00295276-00295744 I should talk. A clay pigeon on a slow raft. o2VbGDv-WfY-00488-00296456-00296780 Frankly, I still become uneasy o2VbGDv-WfY-00489-00296784-00297104 when I find myself trapped o2VbGDv-WfY-00490-00297168-00297476 directing the courses of frightened men. o2VbGDv-WfY-00491-00297604-00297773 I cannot quite admit that it is I o2VbGDv-WfY-00492-00297776-00298104 who am creating a slaughter in this abyss, o2VbGDv-WfY-00493-00298336-00298528 or that I left the road, o2VbGDv-WfY-00494-00298728-00299028 that I ordered this and that. o2VbGDv-WfY-00495-00299328-00299796 I'm trapped. What is a prison for me? o2VbGDv-WfY-00496-00299884-00300108 I make a grave for others. o2VbGDv-WfY-00497-00300156-00300316 To your health, sir. o2VbGDv-WfY-00498-00301536-00301748 It's the only way to finish up. o2VbGDv-WfY-00499-00301784-00302168 Alone, like the North Pole in the middle of the night. o2VbGDv-WfY-00500-00302232-00302536 The river is helping me out of my life. o2VbGDv-WfY-00501-00302596-00302856 Sometimes, these maps... o2VbGDv-WfY-00502-00303184-00303481 Sometimes, as I look at these maps, o2VbGDv-WfY-00503-00303484-00303884 I wonder if my own grave isn't being planned. o2VbGDv-WfY-00504-00304164-00304296 Here... o2VbGDv-WfY-00505-00304472-00304608 Or here... o2VbGDv-WfY-00506-00304856-00304996 Or here. o2VbGDv-WfY-00507-00306216-00306684 No more Sundays. No more a thousand things. o2VbGDv-WfY-00508-00306756-00307028 I'm a little scared though. Just a little... o2VbGDv-WfY-00509-00307076-00307356 like kissing my great grandma when she was dying. o2VbGDv-WfY-00510-00310548-00310848 Come on out here, bunch of half-witted cannibals! o2VbGDv-WfY-00511-00321264-00321516 I missed him, I think he's only wounded! o2VbGDv-WfY-00512-00321768-00321920 We have to finish him off. o2VbGDv-WfY-00513-00321924-00322236 But they stopped shooting at the river. They'll be here any minute. o2VbGDv-WfY-00514-00324256-00324392 I surrender! o2VbGDv-WfY-00515-00325524-00325676 Come on, let's go! o2VbGDv-WfY-00516-00325764-00326068 Please, please, we don't have any time. o2VbGDv-WfY-00517-00334616-00335048 You going back? Can I come? o2VbGDv-WfY-00518-00335124-00335332 I won't be any bother. o2VbGDv-WfY-00519-00335396-00335568 Sure, kid. o2VbGDv-WfY-00520-00335656-00336056 Hop on, there plenty of room. o2VbGDv-WfY-00521-00336304-00336456 You look tired. o2VbGDv-WfY-00522-00336576-00336712 Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00523-00336716-00337164 Thanks a lot for stopping. There was so much noise in there... o2VbGDv-WfY-00524-00337436-00337896 All right, Mac. You rest. I'll be quiet. o2VbGDv-WfY-00525-00338136-00338536 You know? I lost my watch! o2VbGDv-WfY-00526-00338576-00338844 Mac, don't close your eyes! o2VbGDv-WfY-00527-00338904-00339448 The trees! They're naked! They're naked, Mac! o2VbGDv-WfY-00528-00342916-00343076 And what happened to the Sergeant? o2VbGDv-WfY-00529-00343344-00343468 I don't know, sir. o2VbGDv-WfY-00530-00343648-00343768 He might make it. o2VbGDv-WfY-00531-00344296-00344512 Sir, with your permission, I'd like to go down to the river o2VbGDv-WfY-00532-00344515-00344728 and watch for him for a while. o2VbGDv-WfY-00533-00344796-00344992 Yes, sir, the same goes for me. o2VbGDv-WfY-00534-00345084-00345316 You most certainly have the right to it if you wish. o2VbGDv-WfY-00535-00349156-00349316 Do you think he'll come back? o2VbGDv-WfY-00536-00349628-00349756 I don't know. o2VbGDv-WfY-00537-00349996-00350224 I'm not sure yet whether even we've come back. o2VbGDv-WfY-00538-00350372-00350744 I think we've all travelled too far from our own private boundaries o2VbGDv-WfY-00539-00350747-00350988 to be certain about these other things anymore... o2VbGDv-WfY-00540-00351044-00351224 Or come back to ourselves. o2VbGDv-WfY-00541-00351504-00351648 Part of me is glad, but... o2VbGDv-WfY-00542-00351924-00352032 Yeah. o2VbGDv-WfY-00543-00352296-00352504 I'm glad in a way too. o2VbGDv-WfY-00544-00352676-00352864 And I feel free all of a sudden. o2VbGDv-WfY-00545-00353084-00353384 But somehow I don't want what I wanted before. o2VbGDv-WfY-00546-00353628-00354056 I know it's good. There's nothing else I can want. o2VbGDv-WfY-00547-00354444-00354608 I'm all mixed up... o2VbGDv-WfY-00548-00355024-00355288 I wish I could want what I wanted before. o2VbGDv-WfY-00549-00355452-00355616 Is your head bugging you? o2VbGDv-WfY-00550-00355768-00355948 No, it's something else... o2VbGDv-WfY-00551-00356076-00356196 What's that? o2VbGDv-WfY-00552-00357544-00357844 I guess I'm not... built for this. o2VbGDv-WfY-00553-00357936-00358424 Nobody ever was. It's all a trick we perform o2VbGDv-WfY-00554-00358496-00358844 when we'd rather not die... immediately. o2VbGDv-WfY-00555-00358996-00359124 Come on! o7WoRP1narA-00000-00001063-00001367 Hi i'm David Cantor with the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor. o7WoRP1narA-00001-00001367-00001705 Today I want to talk about the Manistee Justice Court. o7WoRP1narA-00002-00001705-00002084 Now that particular Justice Court if you received a ticket for DUI or a o7WoRP1narA-00003-00002084-00002297 Misdemeanor Criminal Offense and were told to go there, o7WoRP1narA-00004-00002297-00002663 that means you were arrested by DPS or the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. o7WoRP1narA-00005-00002663-00002990 If a city cop arrested you, you should've been set to the city court. o7WoRP1narA-00006-00002990-00003297 Now the jurisdictional boundaries of this justice court o7WoRP1narA-00007-00003297-00003619 are cactus road to the north Camelback Road to the south o7WoRP1narA-00008-00003619-00003969 I seventy the East and West 91st Avenue o7WoRP1narA-00009-00003969-00004403 to the west now the actual diagram but the boundaries looks like this o7WoRP1narA-00010-00004403-00004809 it is hardly a perfect rectangle so if you were o7WoRP1narA-00011-00004809-00005173 stopped and cited told to go to the menaced a Justice Court o7WoRP1narA-00012-00005173-00005498 come and see us will make sure that you actually arrested in that jurisdiction o7WoRP1narA-00013-00005498-00005780 because if you weren't that gives the defense a getting her o7WoRP1narA-00014-00005780-00006162 tire case thrown out now this particular court o7WoRP1narA-00015-00006162-00006491 is located at 14 264 West o7WoRP1narA-00016-00006491-00006853 era buena lane thats West atler dearborn Elaine o7WoRP1narA-00017-00006853-00007170 are it's called the North rests West regional o7WoRP1narA-00018-00007170-00007495 court center now holds about six courts but the one you're looking for o7WoRP1narA-00019-00007495-00007829 is Amanda stay Justice Court now there's parking out front o7WoRP1narA-00020-00007829-00008195 it's free make sure you dress appropriately no hats or sunglasses o7WoRP1narA-00021-00008195-00008579 no shorts a tank tops are the judge in that court is Gary o7WoRP1narA-00022-00008579-00008883 Hanley now gary's been a judge there since 2006 o7WoRP1narA-00023-00008883-00009327 his former air force it is pretty nice guy but what you need to know about most o7WoRP1narA-00024-00009327-00009568 these GPC the justices of the peace o7WoRP1narA-00025-00009568-00009949 is that they didn't go to law school and they have no legal background they o7WoRP1narA-00026-00009949-00010215 simply want a popularity contest an election o7WoRP1narA-00027-00010215-00010538 then they receive six weeks a training were sent to judge people o7WoRP1narA-00028-00010538-00010928 could imagine electing a person to be your surgeon giving them six weeks a o7WoRP1narA-00029-00010928-00011122 training and then handing them a scalpel o7WoRP1narA-00030-00011122-00011511 I would feel that comfortable are so fewer stop to the misdemeanor o7WoRP1narA-00031-00011511-00011928 or D wind told to go to the maddest a Justice Court call us to set a free o7WoRP1narA-00032-00011928-00012056 initial consultation o7WoRP1narA-00033-00012056-00012343 will go the case with the from top to bottom nope we find a way out at the o7WoRP1narA-00034-00012343-00012410 same for you o7WoRP1narA-00035-00012410-00012986 so I look forward to hearing from you soon take care do otv2l0ICuuA-00000-00002759-00003111 Welcome to this Sunday's worship time I'm Lloyd Walker one of the Lay otv2l0ICuuA-00001-00003111-00003352 Preachers here at St Luke's Highton otv2l0ICuuA-00002-00003352-00003704 and I'll be leading our time together today and next week otv2l0ICuuA-00003-00003704-00004200 Paul, our ordained minister here at St Luke's, is around but he's having a break otv2l0ICuuA-00004-00004200-00004720 because we all need one. I'm here again in our worship space but i suspect like otv2l0ICuuA-00005-00004720-00005023 many of you in Victoria I'm a bit dismayed that we otv2l0ICuuA-00006-00005023-00005384 haven't yet been able to return here as we hoped we would. otv2l0ICuuA-00007-00005384-00005912 Indeed 2020 continues to be a challenge and to test us. otv2l0ICuuA-00008-00005912-00006415 Today i want to look at a very well-known passage but differently. otv2l0ICuuA-00009-00006415-00007120 Our theme today is "trust in the midst of a storm" otv2l0ICuuA-00010-00007120-00007623 Let's pray. Give thanks to the Lord and pray to God otv2l0ICuuA-00011-00007623-00007968 tell the nations what God has done sing to God otv2l0ICuuA-00012-00007968-00008520 yes sing praises to God tell about all the wonderful things God has done otv2l0ICuuA-00013-00008520-00008904 Be glad that you are God's. Let those who ask otv2l0ICuuA-00014-00008904-00009296 the Lord for help be happy! otv2l0ICuuA-00015-00009543-00010192 Depend on God, rely on God's strength and always go to God for help. otv2l0ICuuA-00016-00010192-00010592 Help us, O God in this time of worship, and beyond; otv2l0ICuuA-00017-00010592-00011079 we are tired and anxious, with minds and lives full of uncertainties. otv2l0ICuuA-00018-00011079-00011479 Here in Victoria we are back to our homes trying to care otv2l0ICuuA-00019-00011479-00011936 and support each other but not spread this dangerous virus. otv2l0ICuuA-00020-00011936-00012271 We become angry when we hear of some who don't seem to be helping and we are otv2l0ICuuA-00021-00012271-00012632 quick to judge, even condemn! otv2l0ICuuA-00022-00012664-00013119 At times we cry out, "Can't we just go back to the way we were?" otv2l0ICuuA-00023-00013119-00013423 forgetting how much our communities and world was dividing, otv2l0ICuuA-00024-00013423-00013831 fragmenting, and burning up. The storm was brewing but otv2l0ICuuA-00025-00013831-00014440 we pretended it wouldn't be that bad - maybe it might just blow over. otv2l0ICuuA-00026-00014440-00014808 God we are sorry for going our own way, otv2l0ICuuA-00027-00014808-00015231 and focusing on what seemed right to us not what you called us to - otv2l0ICuuA-00028-00015231-00015736 to justice, kindness and humility before you. otv2l0ICuuA-00029-00015736-00016072 Now our world is in the midst of a terrible storm. otv2l0ICuuA-00030-00016072-00016504 Help us hear your voice in the noise, the howling, the tumult and the worries of otv2l0ICuuA-00031-00016504-00016959 our minds. Help us to turn again to you as you say otv2l0ICuuA-00032-00016959-00017608 "I am here do not be afraid." Reassure us with your gift of grace, your otv2l0ICuuA-00033-00017608-00017959 assurance, that when we turn away from our sin toward you otv2l0ICuuA-00034-00017959-00018464 your hand is outstretched to release us from the bonds of sin. otv2l0ICuuA-00035-00018464-00019064 Hear our prayer and gather us into your safety. Amen. otv2l0ICuuA-00036-00019231-00019759 Today's gospel reading is from Matthew chapter 14 verses 22 to 33 but otv2l0ICuuA-00037-00019759-00020136 it's so well known i wanted to do something different. otv2l0ICuuA-00038-00020136-00020448 So i want you to listen to this differently otv2l0ICuuA-00039-00020448-00020815 Let's imagine it's the morning after a big storm swept across Lake otv2l0ICuuA-00040-00020815-00021568 Gennesareth early in the first century - during the time of Jesus. Perhaps otv2l0ICuuA-00041-00021568-00021976 these were some of the stories being told that morning. otv2l0ICuuA-00042-00021976-00022656 It's just as they say. They went out from the shore over near Bethsaida in the boat and otv2l0ICuuA-00043-00022656-00022976 pretty soon got themselves into rough water - otv2l0ICuuA-00044-00022976-00023695 sea breeze you know, except this time it was fierce. We weren't far from the otv2l0ICuuA-00045-00023695-00024168 shore - so came in, didn't want to be caught out otv2l0ICuuA-00046-00024168-00024551 on the abyss! But Phillip's boat was in the midst of it otv2l0ICuuA-00047-00024551-00025256 all, when it was already dark. Then they saw him - like a ghost, otv2l0ICuuA-00048-00025256-00025735 he came closer and closer, and then got into the boat otv2l0ICuuA-00049-00025735-00026112 they said it just went calm and there they were otv2l0ICuuA-00050-00026112-00026783 just metres from the shore here. Our boat also had it rough. It's hard to otv2l0ICuuA-00051-00026783-00027256 talk about. Monstrous it was! I've never seen such otv2l0ICuuA-00052-00027256-00027608 ferocity, you could hardly see yourself and as otv2l0ICuuA-00053-00027608-00028088 night drew in we thought we were gone. Vomit everywhere - otv2l0ICuuA-00054-00028088-00028583 never happened to me before. Then we saw him like a ghost. otv2l0ICuuA-00055-00028583-00029263 At first just a faint glow. Then closer closer and up he got into the boat. otv2l0ICuuA-00056-00029263-00029760 There wasn't time to explain.He got the slop bucket, and started trying to wash otv2l0ICuuA-00057-00029760-00030119 up the muck. He washed our feet he even threw a otv2l0ICuuA-00058-00030119-00030703 bucket full right in my face. I must have looked a slobbering mess. otv2l0ICuuA-00059-00030703-00031368 Then it happened - a big one it was. A real big one crashed right over us it did! otv2l0ICuuA-00060-00031368-00031856 i thought we were going to roll. I grabbed the side and hung on for all my otv2l0ICuuA-00061-00031856-00032327 might. Baptized we were under the water, otv2l0ICuuA-00062-00032327-00032695 but it was just the immensity of the wave. otv2l0ICuuA-00063-00032695-00033375 Thank god we were still right way up. I looked around he gone he'd gone. I otv2l0ICuuA-00064-00033375-00033784 thought, "He's gone!" I never did see him again. otv2l0ICuuA-00065-00033784-00034296 When we got to shore we were distraught. The others rushed over to us, otv2l0ICuuA-00066-00034296-00034744 they were shouting. Peter and his crew were celebrating. otv2l0ICuuA-00067-00034744-00035375 We didn't know what to think. Was it a dream? otv2l0ICuuA-00068-00035375-00035872 I think I'm still shaking. Last night I thought we were destined for the abyss otv2l0ICuuA-00069-00035872-00036312 the watery depths. It just started crashing around us. otv2l0ICuuA-00070-00036312-00036663 You could see the fear in everyone's eyes - men and women; otv2l0ICuuA-00071-00036663-00037128 fishermen and townsfolk. And in the midst of this someone screamed otv2l0ICuuA-00072-00037128-00037503 "a ghost!" He just walked calmly through the storm otv2l0ICuuA-00073-00037503-00037856 toward the boat, and called out "Take courage - otv2l0ICuuA-00074-00037856-00038416 it's me! Don't be afraid." Well Peter and a couple of the others otv2l0ICuuA-00075-00038416-00038960 went towards the edge of the boat and held him and Jesus called Peter to otv2l0ICuuA-00076-00038960-00039400 come, and so he did he climbed out of the boat otv2l0ICuuA-00077-00039400-00039880 and went towards Jesus. It was like he was able to walk on water - otv2l0ICuuA-00078-00039880-00040424 it was amazing. But then the rain and the noise roared otv2l0ICuuA-00079-00040424-00041112 and Peter hesitated and started to sink he yelled to Jesus who just reached out - otv2l0ICuuA-00080-00041112-00041552 the storm didn't seem to bother him - and took Peter's hand. otv2l0ICuuA-00081-00041552-00041872 Within moments they were both climbing into the boat otv2l0ICuuA-00082-00041872-00042328 and the storm was gone. The lapping of the water otv2l0ICuuA-00083-00042328-00042800 and gentle flap of the sail was such a contrast. otv2l0ICuuA-00084-00042800-00043240 And we all fell out on our face and worshipped the one who we'd been otv2l0ICuuA-00085-00043240-00043896 following all this time, because now we knew this was God among otv2l0ICuuA-00086-00044884-00045184 us. otv2l0ICuuA-00087-00054839-00055167 As our readers shared a different way of telling the iconic story otv2l0ICuuA-00088-00055167-00055751 on Lake Galilee from 2000 years ago did you hear it afresh? otv2l0ICuuA-00089-00055767-00056167 In these challenging times we should remember that god's spirit is as close otv2l0ICuuA-00090-00056167-00056408 as our breath and we should never stop reading the otv2l0ICuuA-00091-00056408-00056872 bible praying or singing songs of praise. Because just otv2l0ICuuA-00092-00056872-00057320 like the disciples huddled in that boat so long ago otv2l0ICuuA-00093-00057320-00057936 Jesus is waiting to call to us and say "Do not be afraid, otv2l0ICuuA-00094-00057936-00058439 I am here!" Now Paul said last week he wasn't going to explain otv2l0ICuuA-00095-00058439-00058872 the details of a feeding of 5 000 men otv2l0ICuuA-00096-00058872-00059120 I'm not going to try and explain today how otv2l0ICuuA-00097-00059120-00059624 the messiah walked on the water, otv2l0ICuuA-00098-00059648-00059967 but i will just point out as Paul did that otv2l0ICuuA-00099-00059967-00060432 Matthew's gospel here continues the tendency to look back at the Old otv2l0ICuuA-00100-00060432-00060951 Testament draw passages out of Genesis and Exodus to use images otv2l0ICuuA-00101-00060951-00061344 everybody would have understood. Jesus up on a mountain like Moses was on otv2l0ICuuA-00102-00061344-00061816 a mountain talking to God. Jesus walking across the water or otv2l0ICuuA-00103-00061816-00062176 having an experience of water just like moses otv2l0ICuuA-00104-00062176-00062832 parted the red sea and joshua the jordan with god's divine power otv2l0ICuuA-00105-00062832-00063248 so this is jesus in power out on the lake otv2l0ICuuA-00106-00063248-00063576 the other thing to remember of course is the sea was something feared otv2l0ICuuA-00107-00063576-00064032 by a lot of the people in that time so they didn't really want to be out there otv2l0ICuuA-00108-00064032-00064512 and once it got choppy and dangerous they feared for their lives that's where otv2l0ICuuA-00109-00064512-00065088 the term abyss comes from they were frightened this would be their end otv2l0ICuuA-00110-00065088-00065448 but if you look in the bible from genesis all the way through otv2l0ICuuA-00111-00065448-00065848 you'll see that god was always in charge of the seas otv2l0ICuuA-00112-00065848-00066280 always calming their ferocity and transforming them otv2l0ICuuA-00113-00066280-00067151 to places of tranquility here jesus is doing the same otv2l0ICuuA-00114-00067200-00067583 in the midst of this storm on this very deep sea of galilee otv2l0ICuuA-00115-00067583-00068248 jesus followers are frightened and struggling to keep their boat afloat otv2l0ICuuA-00116-00068248-00068839 now there are other stories in matthew and luke and mark matthews is in chapter otv2l0ICuuA-00117-00068839-00069295 8 before this one where jesus in a boat calms a storm otv2l0ICuuA-00118-00069295-00069800 but in this case the boat has got the disciples but jesus has come otv2l0ICuuA-00119-00069800-00070280 to them across the stormy seas many believe that in the period that otv2l0ICuuA-00120-00070280-00070712 this was written around 70 ce in the first century otv2l0ICuuA-00121-00070712-00071216 the church represented by the boat was struggling in the midst of a lot of otv2l0ICuuA-00122-00071216-00071695 ferment and trouble going on in their community they were otv2l0ICuuA-00123-00071695-00072024 under threat just like sailors under threat of a bad otv2l0ICuuA-00124-00072024-00072256 storm otv2l0ICuuA-00125-00072407-00073048 so as i said jesus was outside the boat on the stormy seas although it was otv2l0ICuuA-00126-00073048-00073504 challenging in the boat and they weren't sinking it seemed otv2l0ICuuA-00127-00073504-00074063 a small enclave of assurance in what was otherwise a chaotic world otv2l0ICuuA-00128-00074063-00074568 i'm sure in these challenging times we feel a bit that way too otv2l0ICuuA-00129-00074568-00074920 but god in the form of jesus is not confined otv2l0ICuuA-00130-00074920-00075568 in the boat god is out there so we should be reminded that god is otv2l0ICuuA-00131-00075568-00076151 never confined to our churches our small groups or our thinking otv2l0ICuuA-00132-00076151-00076463 of this is what god will do god is out dealing otv2l0ICuuA-00133-00076463-00076800 and being part of the world otv2l0ICuuA-00134-00076872-00077344 and we will find that god is out there dealing and supporting the frightened otv2l0ICuuA-00135-00077344-00077783 victims of covert 19 the exhausted help work otv2l0ICuuA-00136-00077783-00078448 health workers and the stressed leaders even though we can't be there otv2l0ICuuA-00137-00078512-00078920 peter speaks for those of us who can be skeptical of god at times otv2l0ICuuA-00138-00078920-00079239 perhaps if i put it this way if his words were god otv2l0ICuuA-00139-00079239-00079663 if it's you out there command me to come to you otv2l0ICuuA-00140-00079663-00080224 in this chaos now i don't know what peter was thinking exactly at that time otv2l0ICuuA-00141-00080224-00080760 but when i've thought those words and asked god i'm actually hoping that otv2l0ICuuA-00142-00080760-00081112 god will either not answer in which case he clearly wasn't calling otv2l0ICuuA-00143-00081112-00081639 me out from that chaotic world or i'm hoping that the otv2l0ICuuA-00144-00081639-00081992 answer that comes back from god will be something along the lines of otv2l0ICuuA-00145-00081992-00082560 oh no that's okay you just stay there i've got it under control otv2l0ICuuA-00146-00082560-00082968 throw out some lice preservers or just do something helpful like that otv2l0ICuuA-00147-00082968-00083448 but you stay there in some tragic parts of the world that's otv2l0ICuuA-00148-00083448-00083856 meant maybe just send some money and forget about it otv2l0ICuuA-00149-00083856-00084280 that's not what happens here for peter peter hears the words of jesus otv2l0ICuuA-00150-00084280-00084680 out in the world say come otv2l0ICuuA-00151-00084744-00085063 do we trust jesus enough that when we hear that otv2l0ICuuA-00152-00085063-00085480 come we will get out of the boat and go otv2l0ICuuA-00153-00085488-00085872 in the current circumstances of covert 19 restrictions in victoria otv2l0ICuuA-00154-00085872-00086176 perhaps it is to call that person we know is alone otv2l0ICuuA-00155-00086176-00086663 who is a bit rude the last time we met give them a phone call otv2l0ICuuA-00156-00086663-00087024 or maybe put on our mask and go out and check with our neighbor across the back otv2l0ICuuA-00157-00087024-00087344 fence the one that was really grumpy when we otv2l0ICuuA-00158-00087344-00087680 were cutting down the tree and we really haven't talked to them since otv2l0ICuuA-00159-00087680-00088056 and just check in on them and say would you like me to pick up some milk or some otv2l0ICuuA-00160-00088056-00088456 bread and i'm down at the shops otv2l0ICuuA-00161-00088456-00088783 and if we're finding that a real stressful thing to do or a bit otv2l0ICuuA-00162-00088783-00089112 frightened feel like maybe we're out of our depth otv2l0ICuuA-00163-00089112-00089519 that's when we can turn to god and call out just as peter did lord save me lord otv2l0ICuuA-00164-00089519-00090063 help me and jesus will be there to scoop us up otv2l0ICuuA-00165-00090063-00090519 by the way as the one who's calmed the waves otv2l0ICuuA-00166-00090519-00090872 there is a key difference though in this story compared to the others about otv2l0ICuuA-00167-00090872-00091456 jesus and the water when he's back in the boat jesus says to otv2l0ICuuA-00168-00091456-00092127 peter you of little faith why did you doubt otv2l0ICuuA-00169-00092176-00092607 peter was affirmed for his faith it was small but growing otv2l0ICuuA-00170-00092607-00093000 but peter and we are challenged to stop doubting otv2l0ICuuA-00171-00093000-00093568 and trust this week look for god out there in the midst of otv2l0ICuuA-00172-00093568-00093904 troubling times human tragedy world chaos otv2l0ICuuA-00173-00093904-00094368 it's true the media and powerful people won't see it otv2l0ICuuA-00174-00094368-00094783 but if you're looking you'll see god at work otv2l0ICuuA-00175-00094783-00095624 and then ask god if that is you at work command me what i should do in these otv2l0ICuuA-00176-00095624-00096327 storms and then respond amen otv2l0ICuuA-00177-00096688-00097072 gracious god trusting in your providence and presence we bring our otv2l0ICuuA-00178-00097072-00097527 prayer for an end to this pandemic we pray for your strengthening in all those otv2l0ICuuA-00179-00097527-00097863 committed to offering costly leadership during the crisis otv2l0ICuuA-00180-00097863-00098312 we pray for all who are ill we pray for those anxious about getting ill and we otv2l0ICuuA-00181-00098312-00098736 pray for those full of grief as we remember those who have died and otv2l0ICuuA-00182-00098736-00099032 god we promise that we will work together to share the otv2l0ICuuA-00183-00099032-00099400 burdens of our community now faces to end the spread otv2l0ICuuA-00184-00099400-00099792 supporting those worried how they will pay their bills or even buy food without otv2l0ICuuA-00185-00099792-00100104 work reassuring one another by sharing the otv2l0ICuuA-00186-00100104-00100424 spark of your love through random acts of kindness otv2l0ICuuA-00187-00100424-00100775 and loving as you did jesus unconditionally otv2l0ICuuA-00188-00100775-00101104 aware of our fragility we pray for your grace to sustain us otv2l0ICuuA-00189-00101104-00101536 as we do what we can to end this pandemic your compassionate peaceful and otv2l0ICuuA-00190-00101536-00102007 creative response to our many crisis is our model as we read your good news otv2l0ICuuA-00191-00102007-00102448 and seek to live in holy spirit in the name of jesus our savior for all otv2l0ICuuA-00192-00102448-00102783 times fear our prayers otv2l0ICuuA-00193-00103683-00103983 says otv2l0ICuuA-00194-00106483-00106783 amen otv2l0ICuuA-00195-00106944-00107464 this day and week as you venture into turbulent and uncertain waters otv2l0ICuuA-00196-00107464-00108096 know that jesus is not very far away may you be reminded in the midst of sad otv2l0ICuuA-00197-00108096-00108432 and disturbing news that we live in a time of hope otv2l0ICuuA-00198-00108432-00109016 established by jesus gift those many years ago and when you're otv2l0ICuuA-00199-00109016-00109320 tempted to pull up the blankets close the door and hide away from the otv2l0ICuuA-00200-00109320-00110000 challenge of living in this world here jesus calling to you saying come otv2l0ICuuA-00201-00110000-00110311 put on your face mask or pick up the phone otv2l0ICuuA-00202-00110311-00110696 and join him being a loving friend to our neighbors otv2l0ICuuA-00203-00110696-00111272 and fellow travelers be reassured through these words of god from isaiah otv2l0ICuuA-00204-00111272-00111759 chapter 43 don't be afraid i've redeemed you called otv2l0ICuuA-00205-00111759-00112144 your name your mind when you're in over your head otv2l0ICuuA-00206-00112144-00112455 i'll be there with you when you're in rough waters you otv2l0ICuuA-00207-00112455-00112832 will not go down when you're between a rock and a hard otv2l0ICuuA-00208-00112832-00113376 place it won't be a dead end because i'm god your personal god the otv2l0ICuuA-00209-00113376-00113783 one who saves otv2l0ICuuA-00210-00113864-00114183 and now may the untiring grace of christ jesus otv2l0ICuuA-00211-00114183-00114776 embracing love of god and the inspiring companionship of the spirit otv2l0ICuuA-00212-00114776-00116776 be with you now and always you ow6jYz9BpEQ-00000-00000052-00001036 On Wednesday, I allowed the 2015-16 budget as presented to me to go forward, without my signature. ow6jYz9BpEQ-00001-00001036-00001823 And I did that because I am still concerned about the math. It doesn't ow6jYz9BpEQ-00002-00001823-00002376 add up. And if it doesn't add up in 2015-16 we're really in bad shape because the real ow6jYz9BpEQ-00003-00002376-00003215 train wreck is coming down the road for 2016-17, starting July 1. We're looking at a 2 billion ow6jYz9BpEQ-00004-00003215-00003767 dollar deficit and that's a real problem. This is not a he said, she said thing. This ow6jYz9BpEQ-00005-00003767-00004319 has to do with real math and the outside ratings agencies are saying the same thing. We've ow6jYz9BpEQ-00006-00004319-00005210 just been given a warning from Standard & Poor's and Moody's already with the 2015-16 budget ow6jYz9BpEQ-00007-00005210-00005839 warning us that we've to get it right for 2016-17. We have got to make the budget balance. ow6jYz9BpEQ-00008-00005839-00006267 Revenues and expenditures have to be actually in line with each other. And if we don't do ow6jYz9BpEQ-00009-00006267-00006631 that they're going to downgrade us some more and that means our interest rates are going ow6jYz9BpEQ-00010-00006631-00007323 to be higher and the costs to everybody in Pennsylvania are going to go up and we're ow6jYz9BpEQ-00011-00007323-00008214 going to be a poorer state. I'm willing to move beyond 2015-16 and get back to the focus on ow6jYz9BpEQ-00012-00008214-00008982 the math of the budget and 2016-17 fiscal year, the year that starts July 1, just a little ow6jYz9BpEQ-00013-00008982-00009257 over 3 months, we have to get that right. owpPYPXaEzy-00000-00000228-00000430 Section 16. owpPYPXaEzy-00001-00000430-00000911 It is a pious measure to be stringent to walk with a large Kipa that covers the entire head owpPYPXaEzy-00002-00000911-00001011 or most of it. owpPYPXaEzy-00003-00001011-00001495 In any case, it is permissible to walk with a small Kipa on one's head, even if it doesn't owpPYPXaEzy-00004-00001495-00001905 cover the majority of the head, provided it is well visible on all sides of the head both owpPYPXaEzy-00005-00001905-00002106 in front and behind. owpPYPXaEzy-00006-00002106-00002624 However, during the Kriyat Shema and the Prayer and Birkat HaMazon, it is worthy to be stringent owpPYPXaEzy-00007-00002624-00003068 [when possible] to wear a hat or at least a Kipa that covers the majority of the head. owpPYPXaEzy-00008-00003068-00003617 [Shaarit Yosef part 1 page 23, Yalkut Yosef on the Halachot of Rising Up in the Morning owpPYPXaEzy-00009-00003617-00003853 page 236]. owpPYPXaEzy-00010-00003853-00003999 End of section 16. ozfdt7Zr504-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Friends welcome to my YouTube channel Technical Zubair shah ozfdt7Zr504-00001-00000219-00000269 In this video we will discuss when and how much Money YouTube pays in Pakistan oA1J9SdNYHI-00000-00000258-00000508 You can help a child learn about rhyming oA1J9SdNYHI-00001-00000508-00001058 by asking them to find an object nearby that rhymes with a word you say. oA1J9SdNYHI-00002-00001154-00001552 For example, if you choose a door, you might say, oA1J9SdNYHI-00003-00001552-00001898 “I see something that rhymes with ‘more.’ oA1J9SdNYHI-00004-00001898-00002088 Can you find it?” oA1J9SdNYHI-00005-00002124-00002492 When the child says, “Door!” you can say, oA1J9SdNYHI-00006-00002492-00002952 “That’s right, door rhymes with more.” oA1J9SdNYHI-00007-00003064-00003304 Or, you could say, oA1J9SdNYHI-00008-00003304-00003622 “Can you find something that rhymes with ‘log?’” oA1J9SdNYHI-00009-00003664-00004020 When the child says, “Dog!” you can say, oA1J9SdNYHI-00010-00004020-00004428 “Yes, dog rhymes with log.” oA1J9SdNYHI-00011-00004528-00005056 This is a fun way to practice rhyming words. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00000-00000042-00000214 Stop that. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00001-00000214-00000386 Please! Stop! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00002-00000438-00000682 [<unknown art pics 0.1> unboxing day!] It's here, it's here! It's finally here! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00003-00000682-00000882 [<unknown art pics 0.1> unboxing day!] I can't find out to look inside this one. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00004-00000882-00000932 [<unknown art pics 0.1> unboxing day!] That's right! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00005-00000932-00000982 [<unknown art pics 0.1> unboxing day!] This is... oAjD9Vl3ku0-00006-00000982-00001230 We shot this before we even debuted. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00007-00001230-00001394 And there wasn't a monitor, either. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00008-00001394-00001710 So we didn't know how the photos were turning out. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00009-00001710-00001880 - So it's our first time seeing... - It's fearful. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00010-00001880-00002104 We had teasers released back then, right? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00011-00002104-00002282 - The one where we had long hair. - Yeah. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00012-00002282-00002452 - Those were the only photos we've seen. - That's right. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00013-00002452-00002584 [KB official] Because long hair is in right now. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00014-00002666-00002778 I can't wait to see them! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00015-00002778-00003378 The name of the photo book is <unknown art pics 0.1>. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00016-00003378-00003588 What am I doing? Why am I like this? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00017-00003588-00003690 Please! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00018-00003722-00003820 Stop that! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00019-00003878-00004042 Please stop! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00020-00004108-00004298 Rie was skinny here! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00021-00004298-00004444 We were clueless about angles still. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00022-00004568-00004700 Look at the hand reaching into thin air. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00023-00004700-00004890 Our poses are so awkward. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00024-00004890-00005090 - Why are there so many pictures? - Whoa! Adidas mosquito! oAjD9Vl3ku0-00025-00005204-00005404 [Adidas mosquito=Striped mosquito=Tiger mosquito] oAjD9Vl3ku0-00026-00005404-00005578 The photo book is perfect for killing mosquitoes. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00027-00005578-00005818 - The outfits are really cool. - Why are there so many pictures? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00028-00005818-00005982 I wanna have long hair again. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00029-00005982-00006124 I really wanted to see these. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00030-00006124-00006412 Oh, guys... You could misunderstand but... oAjD9Vl3ku0-00031-00006412-00006738 The ring that I have on my right ring finger... oAjD9Vl3ku0-00032-00006738-00007028 (Before debut) Some people misunderstand the ring. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00033-00007028-00007404 (Before debut) It's a friendship ring that I've shared with friends oAjD9Vl3ku0-00034-00007404-00007704 (Before debut) that I've been friends with since middle school. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00035-00007704-00007778 (Before debut) Do you have it now? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00036-00007778-00007872 (Before debut) I don't have it on right now. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00037-00007872-00007976 (Before debut) Are you not friends with them anymore? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00038-00007976-00008286 Because so many fans misunderstand the ring... oAjD9Vl3ku0-00039-00008286-00008578 So I took it off under the agreement from the friends. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00040-00008578-00008954 But lately, I've been wearing a 'hope ring' here. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00041-00008980-00009030 [The best unknown art pic by the members?] oAjD9Vl3ku0-00042-00009030-00009470 [The best unknown art pic by the members?] Should we each pick the best picture? oAjD9Vl3ku0-00043-00009470-00009674 [The best unknown art pic by the members?] I picked mine. oAjD9Vl3ku0-00044-00009674-00009816 [The best unknown art pic by the members?] Regardless of which member... oG_zdQGzHug-00000-00000012-00000254 What temperatures should you keep it in your home during the summer? oG_zdQGzHug-00001-00000254-00000564 That’s what we are going to be talking about on this episode of Fox Family Heating Air oG_zdQGzHug-00002-00000564-00001490 and Solar. oG_zdQGzHug-00003-00001490-00001819 If this is your first time watching our channel, please click subscribe down below on the bottom oG_zdQGzHug-00004-00001819-00002198 right, and if you click that little bell next to it, you’ll be notified of all our videos oG_zdQGzHug-00005-00002198-00002364 as soon as they come out. oG_zdQGzHug-00006-00002364-00002750 And don’t forget to get your official Fox Family gear on Teespring.com down below this oG_zdQGzHug-00007-00002750-00002850 video. oG_zdQGzHug-00008-00002850-00003192 If you’ve ever wanted Fox Family swag, here’s your chance to wear the same stuff we wear oG_zdQGzHug-00009-00003192-00003361 out in the field. oG_zdQGzHug-00010-00003361-00003730 Some people who might be moving into a new home, or are just using their central AC for oG_zdQGzHug-00011-00003730-00004143 the first time want to know the temperature they should keep it at in their home during oG_zdQGzHug-00012-00004143-00004243 the summer. oG_zdQGzHug-00013-00004243-00004512 There are a few answers depending on who you ask. oG_zdQGzHug-00014-00004512-00004768 So lets talk about those differences now. oG_zdQGzHug-00015-00004768-00005315 Energy Star is voluntary program led by the EPA and Dept of Energy that helps business oG_zdQGzHug-00016-00005315-00005764 and people figure out ways to save money on their electric bills. oG_zdQGzHug-00017-00005764-00006257 Energy Star says you should keep it at 78 in your house. oG_zdQGzHug-00018-00006257-00006803 They also say you should keep the temps at 84 degrees when you’re not at home. oG_zdQGzHug-00019-00006803-00007291 Energy Star rated thermostats already have these predetermined temperatures set in them. oG_zdQGzHug-00020-00007291-00007856 You’re able to adjust those temps whenever and however you choose as the owner of the oG_zdQGzHug-00021-00007856-00007956 thermostat. oG_zdQGzHug-00022-00007956-00008477 SMUD and PG&E are our local utility providers. oG_zdQGzHug-00023-00008477-00008967 SMUD follows the US Department of Energy when they suggest setting your thermostats at 78 oG_zdQGzHug-00024-00008967-00009489 degrees when you are home and setting it up to 10 degrees higher for those times when oG_zdQGzHug-00025-00009489-00009604 you are not at home. oG_zdQGzHug-00026-00009604-00010260 What I wouldn’t do, is set the temperature all the way down to the lowest setting when oG_zdQGzHug-00027-00010260-00010511 you want the air conditioning on. oG_zdQGzHug-00028-00010511-00010976 Several things can go wrong here, and it doesn’t get cooler any faster in the house when you oG_zdQGzHug-00029-00010976-00011104 do this. oG_zdQGzHug-00030-00011104-00011521 What can happen is you forget to turn the thermostat back off when your done needing oG_zdQGzHug-00031-00011521-00011674 cool air. oG_zdQGzHug-00032-00011674-00012193 This leads to sky high electric bills, and a home that sees extreme temperature changes oG_zdQGzHug-00033-00012193-00012373 throughout the day. oG_zdQGzHug-00034-00012373-00012678 So what temperature should I keep it at. oG_zdQGzHug-00035-00012678-00012950 It’s simple, whatever temperature you want it to be at. oG_zdQGzHug-00036-00012950-00013291 Let’s say the temperature on your thermostat says it’s 78 degrees in your home. oG_zdQGzHug-00037-00013291-00013445 Are you comfortable? oG_zdQGzHug-00038-00013445-00013944 If not try lowering the temperature one to two degrees and see if that makes a difference. oG_zdQGzHug-00039-00013944-00014094 Still not satisfied? oG_zdQGzHug-00040-00014094-00014306 Set the temperature down even more. oG_zdQGzHug-00041-00014306-00014737 If you find yourself the most comfortable at 74 degrees, then so be it. oG_zdQGzHug-00042-00014737-00015201 You’re the king of your castle and you can set to wherever you feel the most comfortable. oG_zdQGzHug-00043-00015201-00015509 For example, I work in the HVAC industry. oG_zdQGzHug-00044-00015509-00015954 In the summer, I spend long hot days fixing other people’s AC systems. oG_zdQGzHug-00045-00015954-00016439 By the time I get home, all I want is a nice cool place to sit and relax. oG_zdQGzHug-00046-00016439-00017265 I usually want it about 72 degrees in the home. oG_zdQGzHug-00047-00017265-00017757 My co-workers sometimes want it down to 68 degrees! oG_zdQGzHug-00048-00017757-00018198 Other folks who may work inside, in normal environments where temperatures aren’t soaring oG_zdQGzHug-00049-00018198-00018644 around 120 degrees are just fine with their home temps at or above 78 degrees. oG_zdQGzHug-00050-00018644-00018873 How the different temps affect your electric bill oG_zdQGzHug-00051-00018873-00019376 A person who keeps their AC at 78 degrees in their home will have their AC come on less oG_zdQGzHug-00052-00019376-00019887 than a person who desires it to be 68 degrees in their house. oG_zdQGzHug-00053-00019887-00020324 Your AC is the most expensive thing to run in your house, and that’s a pretty big spread oG_zdQGzHug-00054-00020324-00020435 too between 68 and 78 inside the home. oG_zdQGzHug-00055-00020435-00020564 Typically, a person who keeps their system at 74 degrees and then starts setting it at oG_zdQGzHug-00056-00020564-00020664 78 degrees can expect to save about 25 to 35 dollars a month on their bill. oG_zdQGzHug-00057-00020664-00020826 Over the length of the entire summer, that money adds up! oG_zdQGzHug-00058-00020826-00021242 Consider buying a thermostat that sets back at predetermined times. oG_zdQGzHug-00059-00021242-00021870 Energy Star says it can save you 180 dollars a year by switching to a setback type thermostat. oG_zdQGzHug-00060-00021870-00022342 This allows you to set your thermostat for times of the day when you are coming and going. oG_zdQGzHug-00061-00022342-00022873 For instance, the Honeywell thermostats we use want to know what time you wake up, what oG_zdQGzHug-00062-00022873-00023359 time you go to work, what time you come home, and what time you go to bed. oG_zdQGzHug-00063-00023359-00023729 These four major events in your family’s daily lives can determine what temperature oG_zdQGzHug-00064-00023729-00023925 it will be in the house. oG_zdQGzHug-00065-00023925-00024351 At Fox Family, we can easily set a program for it for the weekdays and then set it for oG_zdQGzHug-00066-00024351-00024495 the weekends. oG_zdQGzHug-00067-00024495-00024852 Folks who are in their homes for the majority of the day, or don’t have a schedule where oG_zdQGzHug-00068-00024852-00025307 they work during the week can set it up for just what time you wake up and what time you oG_zdQGzHug-00069-00025307-00025434 go to bed. oG_zdQGzHug-00070-00025434-00025872 Really any combination is available as Honeywell lets you decide on your terms. oG_zdQGzHug-00071-00025872-00026252 And if you have one of these programmable thermostats, and you don’t feel comfortable oG_zdQGzHug-00072-00026252-00026694 setting a program on the thermostat, call or text us and we’ll come out and show you oG_zdQGzHug-00073-00026694-00026797 how to do it. oG_zdQGzHug-00074-00026797-00027088 It really doesn’t matter which brand of thermostat it is either. oG_zdQGzHug-00075-00027088-00027514 We’re familiar with all different types of them, and we just want to make sure you’re oG_zdQGzHug-00076-00027514-00027722 comfy in your home. oG_zdQGzHug-00077-00027722-00028119 Well I hope this answers your question as to what temperature to set your thermostat oG_zdQGzHug-00078-00028119-00028324 in the summer. oG_zdQGzHug-00079-00028324-00028730 These sunny and hot Sacramento summers can really drive you bonkers with the fact that oG_zdQGzHug-00080-00028730-00029050 we need to cool ourselves and our homes down. oG_zdQGzHug-00081-00029050-00029432 Set it to whatever you are comfortable at, and that’s the right temperature. oG_zdQGzHug-00082-00029432-00029820 Just remember that as long as your AC is on, your electric usage goes up. oG_zdQGzHug-00083-00029820-00030102 And somebody’s gotta pay for that. oG_zdQGzHug-00084-00030102-00030441 If this is your first time watching our channel, please click subscribe down below on the bottom oG_zdQGzHug-00085-00030441-00030834 right, and if you click that little bell next to it, you’ll be notified of all our videos oG_zdQGzHug-00086-00030834-00033803 as soon as they come out. oGA3fK85u4M-00000-00000040-00000456 i am in another house right now, and there are lots of people talking here. but they have to oGA3fK85u4M-00001-00000456-00001000 include their voice right now because they don't have a choice. i couldn't tell them to stop talking oGA3fK85u4M-00002-00001000-00001760 before i record my video, so if they hear the video, i'm very very apologetic for this, but i oGA3fK85u4M-00003-00001839-00002256 have to. there is no other way. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00000-00000071-00000635 In this update we reduce upgrade times and tweak stats for many robots and weapons oGXgoj7zIoQ-00001-00000635-00001105 In short: everything gets a buff! ...except Hellburner oGXgoj7zIoQ-00002-00001105-00001500 Lunar New Year and new items oGXgoj7zIoQ-00003-00001500-00001889 Lunar New Year is our next event oGXgoj7zIoQ-00004-00001894-00002240 This time — with rewards you never seen before! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00005-00002240-00002408 Details coming very soon oGXgoj7zIoQ-00006-00002408-00003059 Also, with Lunar New Year come new robots — flying Dragons. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00007-00003059-00003314 More on them in another video. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00008-00003314-00003453 Link in the description! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00009-00003453-00003700 Balance changes and faster upgrades oGXgoj7zIoQ-00010-00003700-00003900 Some items and robots got stronger oGXgoj7zIoQ-00011-00003919-00004498 Natasha, Butch and Raven received extra durability and movement speed oGXgoj7zIoQ-00012-00004498-00005160 Lancelot became slightly faster and its side shields can take more damage before falling off oGXgoj7zIoQ-00013-00005167-00005655 Suppression robots got buffed as well Rayker received an extra ability charge oGXgoj7zIoQ-00014-00005655-00006098 Invader takes 30% less damage while in the air oGXgoj7zIoQ-00015-00006098-00006777 Some weapons deal more damage — Sting, Ion, Wasp, Redeemer and Thunder oGXgoj7zIoQ-00016-00006777-00007295 Finally, there's a Hellburner nerf to curb its self-destructive behaviour oGXgoj7zIoQ-00017-00007295-00007684 It explodes faster and deals less damage upon dying. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00018-00007684-00008310 This should give pilots facing full groups of Hellburners more opportunities to fight back oGXgoj7zIoQ-00019-00008318-00008832 There are also minor buffs to Bulwark, Gepard and changes for module slots on older robots oGXgoj7zIoQ-00020-00008832-00009024 such as Griffin. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00021-00009024-00009318 To top this off, we reduced upgrade times. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00022-00009318-00009756 The change becomes very noticeable on most items starting from level 7. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00023-00009756-00010200 You can get more information from extrended patchotes on the website oGXgoj7zIoQ-00024-00010200-00010400 Link in the description! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00025-00010400-00010700 Community items! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00026-00010700-00011306 Community-made paint jobs for Mender, Weyland and Inquisitor have arrived oGXgoj7zIoQ-00027-00011306-00011828 Created by War Robots pilots Red Rooster and Battledrone82. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00028-00011828-00011928 Thank you guys! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00029-00011928-00012463 Keep sending us your ideas — the best ones might get into the game! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00030-00012463-00012604 And lastly, Bolt! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00031-00012604-00013202 Community robot is now available for Gold starting from level 5. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00032-00013202-00013500 This was the update 4.7 overview. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00033-00013500-00013826 For the full list of changes visit the official War Robots website. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00034-00013827-00014161 Don't forget to subscribe and get ready for the Lunar New Year craze! oGXgoj7zIoQ-00035-00014161-00014728 First TEN comments under each new official video receive ONE THOUSAND Gold oGXgoj7zIoQ-00036-00014728-00014838 There's more. oGXgoj7zIoQ-00037-00014838-00015504 The 7 most liked comments under this video will get Ao Qin, Ao Guang and Ao Jun in 7 days from now oGXgoj7zIoQ-00038-00015504-00015980 You win only if your Pilot ID is posted correctly and platform mentioned oGXgoj7zIoQ-00039-00015980-00016290 Happy updating oGXgoj7zIoQ-00040-00016310-00016502 Commander