6FkQQRsTaE4-00000-00000000-00000460 [ The following fan made trailer by MacamTV is rated 'R' for realistic, created for entertainment purposes ] 6FkQQRsTaE4-00001-00000848-00001040 [Deadpool] you know people come up to me all the time and they say 6FkQQRsTaE4-00002-00001096-00001460 [Negasonic] one thing that's super cool and uniqueabout Deadpool is that he's meta 6FkQQRsTaE4-00003-00002039-00002553 you know he knows that he's a superhero and he's aware of of himself 6FkQQRsTaE4-00004-00003184-00003504 [Deadpool] most of the time I run away becausenon-celebrities frighten me 6FkQQRsTaE4-00005-00004204-00004620 [Wolverine] close your eyes it's a little demonstration to answer your question 6FkQQRsTaE4-00006-00005408-00005592 [Deadpool] you are the best part all along 6FkQQRsTaE4-00007-00005625-00005817 Ilove it when a medley comes together 6FkQQRsTaE4-00008-00006352-00006509 someone to kill you 6FkQQRsTaE4-00009-00006509-00006658 [Wolverine] get out of my way 6FkQQRsTaE4-00010-00007433-00007586 [Deadpool] Everybody gets a bullet 6FkQQRsTaE4-00011-00007586-00007697 stink pickle 6FkQQRsTaE4-00012-00007744-00007872 did anybody see that 6FkQQRsTaE4-00013-00008408-00008877 three five eight nine I mean seriously I'm workinglike 20 of you stunt guys 6FkQQRsTaE4-00014-00008940-00009140 MARVEL STUDIOS PRESENTS 6FkQQRsTaE4-00015-00010993-00011130 Who in the cameo 6FkQQRsTaE4-00016-00011130-00011250 are you supposed to be? 6FkQQRsTaE4-00017-00011250-00011377 I'm jubilee girl 6FkQQRsTaE4-00018-00011377-00011968 I mean which one are you after all you're played by a different Asian actress in every X-Men movie 6FkQQRsTaE4-00019-00012000-00012199 PREPARE 6FkQQRsTaE4-00020-00012232-00012784 don't think saving me is gonna win you any points with the X-Men you're not a superhero 6FkQQRsTaE4-00021-00012929-00013546 I didn't wanna join your stupid franchise anyway theycan't even keep their timelines straight 6FkQQRsTaE4-00022-00013546-00013746 FOR THE THIRD COMING 6FkQQRsTaE4-00023-00014519-00014616 [Wolverine] you were crying 6FkQQRsTaE4-00024-00014616-00014677 [Deadpool] damn it 6FkQQRsTaE4-00025-00014677-00014793 [Wolverine] why 6FkQQRsTaE4-00026-00016728-00016940 [Deadpool] thank you oh thank you very much 6FkQQRsTaE4-00027-00017632-00018053 hello there it's Deadpool don't forget to smash that subscribe button 6FDVSol7p3I-00000-00000000-00000258 (upbeat music) 6FDVSol7p3I-00001-00000396-00000688 - By the way, I don't know how many of you noticed, 6FDVSol7p3I-00002-00000688-00001114 there's been a slight upgrade to our sound system. 6FDVSol7p3I-00003-00001114-00001418 How many of you did notice that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00004-00001418-00001585 How many did not notice and you are surprised, 6FDVSol7p3I-00005-00001585-00001877 let's just show, okay, (laughs), well, you know. 6FDVSol7p3I-00006-00001877-00002235 You should know, the purpose of the upgrade 6FDVSol7p3I-00007-00002324-00002548 and sound is not to get louder. 6FDVSol7p3I-00008-00002548-00002827 The purpose and upgrade in sound is to get clearer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00009-00002827-00003198 And so this room presents, if you know such things 6FDVSol7p3I-00010-00003198-00003633 about acoustics, this room presents some unique challenges. 6FDVSol7p3I-00011-00003633-00003949 And we have some long-range plans for the equipment 6FDVSol7p3I-00012-00003949-00004072 that we were using. 6FDVSol7p3I-00013-00004072-00004320 And so this is all part of our long-range plan. 6FDVSol7p3I-00014-00004320-00004634 And we were actually able to complete that this year, 6FDVSol7p3I-00015-00004634-00004856 rather than waiting into next year, 6FDVSol7p3I-00016-00004856-00005121 or complete that last year, 6FDVSol7p3I-00017-00005121-00005351 rather than waiting (laughs) 'til this year. 6FDVSol7p3I-00018-00005351-00005460 So you are the first. 6FDVSol7p3I-00019-00005460-00005642 If it's not perfect, we're still working on it. 6FDVSol7p3I-00020-00005642-00006024 But our goal is to always make, when you gather here, 6FDVSol7p3I-00021-00006024-00006287 the clearest and the most compelling time 6FDVSol7p3I-00022-00006287-00006471 that we can possibly present for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00023-00006471-00006736 And so that's why we've made those upgrades. 6FDVSol7p3I-00024-00006736-00006978 We are in Genesis the first chapter. 6FDVSol7p3I-00025-00006978-00007080 If you're not familiar with the Bible, 6FDVSol7p3I-00026-00007080-00007380 it's like page one and easy to find. 6FDVSol7p3I-00027-00007541-00007699 And this morning, we're starting a series called 6FDVSol7p3I-00028-00007699-00007802 Honest to God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00029-00007802-00008017 We're gonna spend most of the month of January 6FDVSol7p3I-00030-00008017-00008414 doing a deep dive into the concept of prayer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00031-00008414-00008742 And I think a lot of us feel fairly inadequate, 6FDVSol7p3I-00032-00008742-00009047 or awkward, when it comes to praying. 6FDVSol7p3I-00033-00009047-00009352 And we're not sure that we're getting it right, 6FDVSol7p3I-00034-00009352-00009576 or if we're effective in it. 6FDVSol7p3I-00035-00009576-00009877 And so this morning, I'd like us to look at 6FDVSol7p3I-00036-00009877-00010144 a very surprising concept about prayer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00037-00010144-00010300 In fact, it might be the first time 6FDVSol7p3I-00038-00010300-00010537 you've ever thought about this, regarding prayer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00039-00010537-00010797 And we're going to start in Genesis, the third chapter, 6FDVSol7p3I-00040-00010797-00011063 so that's like three pages in. 6FDVSol7p3I-00041-00011063-00011294 And it says in the eighth verse, 6FDVSol7p3I-00042-00011294-00011458 "Then the man and his wife," 6FDVSol7p3I-00043-00011458-00011596 it's talking about Adam and Eve, 6FDVSol7p3I-00044-00011596-00011824 "heard the sound of the sound of the Lord God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00045-00011824-00012155 "as we walking in the garden in the cool of the day." 6FDVSol7p3I-00046-00012155-00012327 And what did they do? 6FDVSol7p3I-00047-00012327-00012743 They hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 6FDVSol7p3I-00048-00012858-00013132 But the Lord God called to the man, 6FDVSol7p3I-00049-00013132-00013406 would you please say the next words, 6FDVSol7p3I-00050-00013406-00013570 "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00051-00013570-00013725 The Lord God calls to him and asks 6FDVSol7p3I-00052-00013725-00013832 "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00053-00013832-00014086 He answered, "I heard you in the garden and I was afraid 6FDVSol7p3I-00054-00014086-00014384 "because I was naked, so I hid." 6FDVSol7p3I-00055-00014384-00014687 And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? 6FDVSol7p3I-00056-00014687-00014972 "Have you eaten of the tree that I commanded you 6FDVSol7p3I-00057-00014972-00015122 "not to eat from?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00058-00015122-00015387 And the man said, "The woman you put here with me, 6FDVSol7p3I-00059-00015387-00015638 "she gave me some fruit from the tree 6FDVSol7p3I-00060-00015638-00015839 "and I ate it." 6FDVSol7p3I-00061-00015839-00016096 And then the Lord God said to the woman, 6FDVSol7p3I-00062-00016096-00016338 "What is this you have done?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00063-00016482-00016899 The woman said, "The serpent deceived me and I ate." 6FDVSol7p3I-00064-00016999-00017181 So how do you think about prayer? 6FDVSol7p3I-00065-00017181-00017490 Some people just see it as an option, 6FDVSol7p3I-00066-00017490-00017759 something you do or you don't do. 6FDVSol7p3I-00067-00017759-00017940 You pray or you pass. 6FDVSol7p3I-00068-00017940-00018284 And it's not really significant one way or the other. 6FDVSol7p3I-00069-00018284-00018650 There are other people who see it as an obligation. 6FDVSol7p3I-00070-00018650-00018874 They actually think that something bad might happen 6FDVSol7p3I-00071-00018874-00018975 if you don't pray. 6FDVSol7p3I-00072-00018975-00019456 Or even worse, God might punish you if you don't pray. 6FDVSol7p3I-00073-00019456-00019623 If you could've seen a conversation, 6FDVSol7p3I-00074-00019623-00019764 let me ask you this question. 6FDVSol7p3I-00075-00019764-00019922 If you could have a conversation 6FDVSol7p3I-00076-00019922-00020128 with any living person in the world today, 6FDVSol7p3I-00077-00020128-00020418 who would you want to talk to? 6FDVSol7p3I-00078-00020418-00020652 A conversation with any person in the world today, 6FDVSol7p3I-00079-00020652-00020908 who would you wanna talk to? 6FDVSol7p3I-00080-00020908-00021047 And just think about that for a second. 6FDVSol7p3I-00081-00021047-00021260 And then I'd like you to actually write their name down 6FDVSol7p3I-00082-00021260-00021420 on your bulletin. 6FDVSol7p3I-00083-00021420-00021534 If you don't want the person next to you 6FDVSol7p3I-00084-00021534-00021682 to know who it is, you can write it in code, 6FDVSol7p3I-00085-00021682-00021800 or if you have handwriting like mine, 6FDVSol7p3I-00086-00021800-00021922 they'll never figure it out. 6FDVSol7p3I-00087-00021922-00022094 (audience laughs) 6FDVSol7p3I-00088-00022094-00022432 So who would you like to talk to? 6FDVSol7p3I-00089-00022432-00022580 And just think about it, 6FDVSol7p3I-00090-00022580-00022717 if you know who you wanna talk to, 6FDVSol7p3I-00091-00022717-00023126 just think about what would you want to talk to them about? 6FDVSol7p3I-00092-00023126-00023479 What would you want to know from them? 6FDVSol7p3I-00093-00023479-00023828 What would you want to learn from them? 6FDVSol7p3I-00094-00023828-00024205 I don't think any of us would use that single opportunity 6FDVSol7p3I-00095-00024205-00024517 to get a person just to give them a piece of our mind. 6FDVSol7p3I-00096-00024517-00024742 "I've been waiting for years to tell them what I think." 6FDVSol7p3I-00097-00024742-00025159 I think we'd probably exercise a different option. 6FDVSol7p3I-00098-00025253-00025545 If you went into that conversation, 6FDVSol7p3I-00099-00025635-00025959 obviously there would be some polite greetings. 6FDVSol7p3I-00100-00025959-00026184 And then inevitably you're going to do something. 6FDVSol7p3I-00101-00026184-00026468 You're going to ask a question. 6FDVSol7p3I-00102-00026468-00026751 The truth is this is how we learn. 6FDVSol7p3I-00103-00026895-00027036 We ask questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00104-00027232-00027442 And it's also how we receive. 6FDVSol7p3I-00105-00027442-00027610 We ask questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00106-00027610-00027840 The Bible tells us something surprising 6FDVSol7p3I-00107-00027840-00028005 in James the fourth chapter. 6FDVSol7p3I-00108-00028005-00028422 It says the reason we do not have is because we do not ask. 6FDVSol7p3I-00109-00028537-00028815 Some of us are not good askers. 6FDVSol7p3I-00110-00028815-00029194 So how can we learn if we don't ask questions? 6FDVSol7p3I-00111-00029194-00029454 How can we receive if we don't ask questions? 6FDVSol7p3I-00112-00029454-00029715 So you might start the conversation with a question, 6FDVSol7p3I-00113-00029715-00030046 but we might be surprised if they actually turned around 6FDVSol7p3I-00114-00030046-00030330 and asked some questions to us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00115-00030330-00030682 For example, they might want to know 6FDVSol7p3I-00116-00030682-00030975 what you wish to gain from their conversation. 6FDVSol7p3I-00117-00030975-00031226 They might ask questions that help you focus 6FDVSol7p3I-00118-00031226-00031408 on what's the most important thing, 6FDVSol7p3I-00119-00031408-00031747 with the time that you have for them for that few minutes. 6FDVSol7p3I-00120-00031747-00031952 They may ask some questions to help you gain some 6FDVSol7p3I-00121-00031952-00032401 new insight or some perspective on some challenge 6FDVSol7p3I-00122-00032401-00032576 that you are facing. 6FDVSol7p3I-00123-00032576-00032773 And that's when we realize that prayer 6FDVSol7p3I-00124-00032773-00032986 can actually be an opportunity. 6FDVSol7p3I-00125-00032986-00033201 There's a missing slide there, so it's an opportunity. 6FDVSol7p3I-00126-00033201-00033353 Prayer's an opportunity. 6FDVSol7p3I-00127-00033353-00033630 What if prayer is an opportunity for a conversation 6FDVSol7p3I-00128-00033630-00034016 with the most loving, most powerful and wisest being 6FDVSol7p3I-00129-00034016-00034187 in the entire universe? 6FDVSol7p3I-00130-00034187-00034287 What if prayer 6FDVSol7p3I-00131-00034287-00034686 is not about some kind of religious obligation at all? 6FDVSol7p3I-00132-00034686-00035084 What if prayer is all about some kind of relationship? 6FDVSol7p3I-00133-00035084-00035500 How would that change the way you think about prayer? 6FDVSol7p3I-00134-00035591-00035768 Have you ever had someone come up to you 6FDVSol7p3I-00135-00035768-00035966 and they just start telling you what you need to know 6FDVSol7p3I-00136-00035966-00036109 and what you need to do? 6FDVSol7p3I-00137-00036109-00036393 We take that a lot better when we're little. 6FDVSol7p3I-00138-00036393-00036563 But the bigger and the older we get, 6FDVSol7p3I-00139-00036563-00036773 we take that a lot less well. 6FDVSol7p3I-00140-00036773-00037011 And we start feeling like we're being treated 6FDVSol7p3I-00141-00037011-00037120 like a child. 6FDVSol7p3I-00142-00037293-00037616 And so this is what's true is that 6FDVSol7p3I-00143-00037616-00037874 we do not feel significant when somebody just gives us 6FDVSol7p3I-00144-00037874-00037966 statements. 6FDVSol7p3I-00145-00038082-00038282 There's something that happens 6FDVSol7p3I-00146-00038282-00038556 when somebody asks us questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00147-00038556-00038832 I was surprised to discover that Jesus, 6FDVSol7p3I-00148-00038832-00039249 in the four gospels, actually asked 183 questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00149-00039467-00039867 And, by the way, He only directly answered three 6FDVSol7p3I-00150-00039970-00040229 of the questions that He asked. 6FDVSol7p3I-00151-00040315-00040548 Why would He do that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00152-00040548-00040773 Because God asks questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00153-00040890-00041274 I just want you to think about this throughout the morning. 6FDVSol7p3I-00154-00041274-00041599 What's the last question God asked you? 6FDVSol7p3I-00155-00041871-00042170 And if you don't know the answer to that, 6FDVSol7p3I-00156-00042170-00042583 maybe we're leaving something out of our prayer time 6FDVSol7p3I-00157-00042583-00042991 that could be the most significant thing to us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00158-00042991-00043231 All through scripture God asked questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00159-00043231-00043479 Here's some example of questions that God asked. 6FDVSol7p3I-00160-00043479-00043824 We read the first one today, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00161-00043824-00043948 How about this one? 6FDVSol7p3I-00162-00043948-00044098 "Where is your brother?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00163-00044098-00044289 Remember, he asked Caine about that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00164-00044289-00044492 "What is in your hand?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00165-00044492-00044677 "What is your name?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00166-00044677-00044955 "What are you doing here?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00167-00044955-00045186 Those are questions God asked in the Old Testament. 6FDVSol7p3I-00168-00045186-00045329 Here's some examples of questions 6FDVSol7p3I-00169-00045329-00045538 that Jesus asked in the New Testament. 6FDVSol7p3I-00170-00045538-00045812 "What are you looking for?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00171-00045812-00046075 "Who do you say that I am?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00172-00046075-00046283 "Do you want to get well? 6FDVSol7p3I-00173-00046422-00046649 "Why are you crying?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00174-00046649-00047095 "Do you understand what I have done for you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00175-00047095-00047512 Surprisingly enough, God actually values what we think 6FDVSol7p3I-00176-00047736-00047976 and we what we feel. 6FDVSol7p3I-00177-00047976-00048188 There may not be a lot of other people who do that, 6FDVSol7p3I-00178-00048188-00048330 but God does. 6FDVSol7p3I-00179-00048330-00048555 And that's why this is such an important concept. 6FDVSol7p3I-00180-00048555-00048733 You are far more likely 6FDVSol7p3I-00181-00048733-00048968 to experience transformation and maturity 6FDVSol7p3I-00182-00048968-00049401 through questions that you are through statements. 6FDVSol7p3I-00183-00049401-00049608 It's not how our culture is built. 6FDVSol7p3I-00184-00049608-00049856 It's now what we're trained to believe. 6FDVSol7p3I-00185-00049856-00050089 But when you look at the example of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00186-00050089-00050357 when you look at the example of His son, Jesus. 6FDVSol7p3I-00187-00050357-00050609 You discover that they ask a lot of questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00188-00050609-00050877 In fact, in this story, after Adam and Eve fall, 6FDVSol7p3I-00189-00050877-00051294 God asks four questions before He makes a single statement. 6FDVSol7p3I-00190-00051532-00051968 He asks four questions before He makes a single statement. 6FDVSol7p3I-00191-00051968-00052377 So what questions has God been asking you lately? 6FDVSol7p3I-00192-00052615-00052957 And how were you able to respond to that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00193-00052957-00053181 See, our tendency, when we go into prayer time 6FDVSol7p3I-00194-00053181-00053507 is not to wait to see if God has questions of us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00195-00053507-00053711 We have questions for Him. 6FDVSol7p3I-00196-00053711-00053899 And there's things that we want Him to do. 6FDVSol7p3I-00197-00053899-00054245 Does anybody else, besides me, assign God a to-do list? 6FDVSol7p3I-00198-00054245-00054397 I do that. 6FDVSol7p3I-00199-00054397-00054598 It's my prayer request list. 6FDVSol7p3I-00200-00054598-00054765 And here's what I'd like you to do for this person. 6FDVSol7p3I-00201-00054765-00054945 And here's what I'd like you to do for this person. 6FDVSol7p3I-00202-00054945-00055116 And we want to be very efficient, 6FDVSol7p3I-00203-00055116-00055287 and we want to be very effective, 6FDVSol7p3I-00204-00055287-00055595 and so we blow in with all of our concerns 6FDVSol7p3I-00205-00055595-00055882 and all of our questions, and all of our to-dos, 6FDVSol7p3I-00206-00055882-00056020 and then we close it with, 6FDVSol7p3I-00207-00056020-00056171 "In Jesus name, amen." 6FDVSol7p3I-00208-00056171-00056296 And we're out the door. 6FDVSol7p3I-00209-00056296-00056585 And we might assume that because God knows everything, 6FDVSol7p3I-00210-00056585-00056912 He doesn't have to ask anything. 6FDVSol7p3I-00211-00056912-00057308 And this is the most amazing discovery. 6FDVSol7p3I-00212-00057308-00057453 God's questions are not for Him. 6FDVSol7p3I-00213-00057453-00057595 They are for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00214-00057708-00057914 When God asks a questions, 6FDVSol7p3I-00215-00057914-00058247 He's not trying to find out information. 6FDVSol7p3I-00216-00058341-00058716 He's trying to help you discover information. 6FDVSol7p3I-00217-00058805-00059111 I mean, when you think about it, it asks Adam and Eve, 6FDVSol7p3I-00218-00059111-00059252 "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00219-00059252-00059527 Do you really think God did not know where they were? 6FDVSol7p3I-00220-00059527-00059885 Do you think God is wandering through garden going, 6FDVSol7p3I-00221-00059885-00060055 "I know they were just here a minute ago. 6FDVSol7p3I-00222-00060055-00060289 "I just saw them yesterday, where are they?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00223-00060289-00060443 I think that God knew 6FDVSol7p3I-00224-00060443-00060696 exactly what tree they were hiding behind. 6FDVSol7p3I-00225-00060696-00060994 I think God knew exactly what they had done 6FDVSol7p3I-00226-00060994-00061194 to make themselves this afraid. 6FDVSol7p3I-00227-00061194-00061487 I think that God knew all about their new fashion line 6FDVSol7p3I-00228-00061487-00061702 of fig leaves they had sewn together. 6FDVSol7p3I-00229-00061702-00062021 I think God knew everything about it. 6FDVSol7p3I-00230-00062021-00062234 And, yet, God asked the question, 6FDVSol7p3I-00231-00062234-00062435 "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00232-00062435-00062643 He didn't sneak up behind them. 6FDVSol7p3I-00233-00062643-00063060 He could've told them, accused them, in vivid detail 6FDVSol7p3I-00234-00063060-00063378 about every action that they had committed, 6FDVSol7p3I-00235-00063378-00063645 and every word that they had spoken 6FDVSol7p3I-00236-00063645-00063782 in His absence. 6FDVSol7p3I-00237-00063782-00063907 And He didn't do it. 6FDVSol7p3I-00238-00063907-00064098 He asked questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00239-00064098-00064308 So why did He do that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00240-00064308-00064600 Here's two important truths to remember today. 6FDVSol7p3I-00241-00064600-00064797 When you hear God's questions, 6FDVSol7p3I-00242-00064797-00065112 you discover His love for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00243-00065112-00065306 When you hear God's questions, 6FDVSol7p3I-00244-00065306-00065556 you discover His love for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00245-00065834-00066059 Have you ever seen a movie, 6FDVSol7p3I-00246-00066197-00066397 I won't ask you if this has ever happened to you, 6FDVSol7p3I-00247-00066397-00066538 'cause I don't think it has. 6FDVSol7p3I-00248-00066538-00066845 But have you ever seen a movie where the police 6FDVSol7p3I-00249-00066845-00066996 are after some bad guy? 6FDVSol7p3I-00250-00066996-00067229 And they're doing a manhunt. 6FDVSol7p3I-00251-00067315-00067662 And sometimes they'll even use dogs. 6FDVSol7p3I-00252-00067662-00068079 And I think I've told you, I've got three fears in my life, 6FDVSol7p3I-00253-00068248-00068546 fear of heights, I don't like falling, fear of fire, 6FDVSol7p3I-00254-00068546-00068754 (audio cuts out) being burned, and fear of dogs. 6FDVSol7p3I-00255-00068754-00068853 I don't like being bit. 6FDVSol7p3I-00256-00068853-00069111 I've been bit many times, 6FDVSol7p3I-00257-00069111-00069263 I've been significantly burned once. 6FDVSol7p3I-00258-00069263-00069597 And I don't like getting, I actually had a dream one night 6FDVSol7p3I-00259-00069597-00069770 all three things occurred to me. 6FDVSol7p3I-00260-00069770-00069861 (audience laughs) 6FDVSol7p3I-00261-00069861-00069965 I know! 6FDVSol7p3I-00262-00069965-00070165 (audio cuts out) Pleasant, 6FDVSol7p3I-00263-00070165-00070410 and thankfully that has not happened again. 6FDVSol7p3I-00264-00070410-00070871 And can you imagine just dogs running you down? 6FDVSol7p3I-00265-00070871-00071263 God did not send dogs or creatures to hunt down 6FDVSol7p3I-00266-00071594-00071841 criminals who had committed some act 6FDVSol7p3I-00267-00071841-00072032 that violated His will. 6FDVSol7p3I-00268-00072343-00072693 They're not criminals that are on the lam. 6FDVSol7p3I-00269-00072777-00073193 They are lost children that don't know where they are. 6FDVSol7p3I-00270-00073415-00073682 And you can see the heart of God 6FDVSol7p3I-00271-00073786-00074115 by how He walks into the garden. 6FDVSol7p3I-00272-00074115-00074345 And he calls out to them, 6FDVSol7p3I-00273-00074345-00074781 because the heart of God is constantly searching 6FDVSol7p3I-00274-00074781-00075089 for every single person in our world. 6FDVSol7p3I-00275-00075372-00075474 Constantly searching. 6FDVSol7p3I-00276-00075474-00075817 There is no one God is not searching for. 6FDVSol7p3I-00277-00075817-00076234 There are some people you would like to avoid, but not God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00278-00076332-00076600 You probably had to get together with some of those people 6FDVSol7p3I-00279-00076600-00076861 over the holiday season. 6FDVSol7p3I-00280-00076861-00077154 Rumor has it that's why they invented eggnog, 6FDVSol7p3I-00281-00077154-00077378 (audience laughs) so you could tolerate 6FDVSol7p3I-00282-00077378-00077695 certain people in the room for a short period of time. 6FDVSol7p3I-00283-00077695-00077899 But this is what's true 6FDVSol7p3I-00284-00077899-00078221 is that God doesn't think about any of us that way. 6FDVSol7p3I-00285-00078221-00078503 God constantly seeks us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00286-00078503-00078769 He constantly searches for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00287-00078769-00079054 He's constantly looking for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00288-00079054-00079325 He's constantly calling to us, 6FDVSol7p3I-00289-00079325-00079518 "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00290-00079518-00079746 When you hear the questions of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00291-00079746-00079978 you discover the love of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00292-00079978-00080167 This is so important to Jesus 6FDVSol7p3I-00293-00080167-00080462 that He actually told three stories in a row 6FDVSol7p3I-00294-00080462-00080602 to drive this home. 6FDVSol7p3I-00295-00080602-00080847 It was the story of the lost sheep, 6FDVSol7p3I-00296-00080847-00081079 and the story of the lost coin, 6FDVSol7p3I-00297-00081079-00081341 and the story of the lost boy. 6FDVSol7p3I-00298-00081341-00081547 And He drives the point home. 6FDVSol7p3I-00299-00081547-00081924 God is always searching and looking for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00300-00081924-00082165 He's always calling out to you, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00301-00082165-00082403 And when does the search end? 6FDVSol7p3I-00302-00082403-00082560 When does the search end? 6FDVSol7p3I-00303-00082560-00082770 He doesn't end when it gets dark. 6FDVSol7p3I-00304-00082770-00083071 And He doesn't end when He gets tired. 6FDVSol7p3I-00305-00083071-00083415 He ends His search when He finds us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00306-00083415-00083762 Aren't you glad God keeps looking no matter what? 6FDVSol7p3I-00307-00083762-00083968 That's what we hear, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00308-00083968-00084101 That's what that is revealing. 6FDVSol7p3I-00309-00084101-00084541 The question of God reveals how much He loves us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00310-00084541-00084762 God desires a friendship with you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00311-00084762-00084950 So where are you? 6FDVSol7p3I-00312-00084950-00085205 Well, you might say, "Well, I'm in church." 6FDVSol7p3I-00313-00085205-00085622 Well, actually, not all of you are actually here right now. 6FDVSol7p3I-00314-00085784-00086044 Some of you who are in the room, 6FDVSol7p3I-00315-00086044-00086274 your mind has actually wandered someplace else. 6FDVSol7p3I-00316-00086274-00086650 You're remembering something about the holiday season, 6FDVSol7p3I-00317-00086650-00086914 something that you enjoyed and would like to relive, 6FDVSol7p3I-00318-00086914-00087134 or something that was good and you would like to extend, 6FDVSol7p3I-00319-00087134-00087505 or something you'd like to erase from the season altogether. 6FDVSol7p3I-00320-00087505-00087671 And then some of you might be thinking 6FDVSol7p3I-00321-00087671-00087783 about responsibilities 6FDVSol7p3I-00322-00087783-00087927 that you've gotta take care of after the 6FDVSol7p3I-00323-00087927-00088056 big holiday weekend. 6FDVSol7p3I-00324-00088056-00088347 What do you have to do this upcoming week? 6FDVSol7p3I-00325-00088347-00088509 Please understand this. 6FDVSol7p3I-00326-00088509-00088713 God will ask you where you are 6FDVSol7p3I-00327-00088713-00089040 not to scold you for not being attentive enough, 6FDVSol7p3I-00328-00089040-00089234 He asks you where you are 6FDVSol7p3I-00329-00089234-00089597 to identify what's weighing in on your heart and mind. 6FDVSol7p3I-00330-00089597-00089797 Where are you right now? 6FDVSol7p3I-00331-00089941-00090085 When you have a few minutes of silence, 6FDVSol7p3I-00332-00090085-00090318 where does your mind wander? 6FDVSol7p3I-00333-00090480-00090708 See, some of us are hiding in this room. 6FDVSol7p3I-00334-00090708-00090887 We're not just hiding from God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00335-00090887-00091322 We actually hide from ourselves, we hide from each other. 6FDVSol7p3I-00336-00091322-00091622 Some of you are in camouflage today. 6FDVSol7p3I-00337-00091738-00092206 You are here, but we're not seeing the real you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00338-00092206-00092614 You are afraid if someone sees the real you 6FDVSol7p3I-00339-00092614-00093005 you will not be accepted, you will be rejected. 6FDVSol7p3I-00340-00093100-00093408 Hiding is the antithesis of intimacy. 6FDVSol7p3I-00341-00093634-00093930 In real intimacy there is no hiding. 6FDVSol7p3I-00342-00093930-00094213 And we are good at hiding all kinds of things. 6FDVSol7p3I-00343-00094213-00094381 We hide our grief, 6FDVSol7p3I-00344-00094381-00094531 we hide our anger, 6FDVSol7p3I-00345-00094626-00094848 we hide our disinterest. 6FDVSol7p3I-00346-00094848-00095023 How many of you, don't raise your hand, 6FDVSol7p3I-00347-00095023-00095225 just consider this a rhetorical question. 6FDVSol7p3I-00348-00095225-00095452 How many of you have ever acted interested 6FDVSol7p3I-00349-00095452-00095602 when you were not? 6FDVSol7p3I-00350-00095717-00095879 We hide our fear. 6FDVSol7p3I-00351-00095879-00096287 You see, fig leaves come in all shapes and sizes. 6FDVSol7p3I-00352-00096444-00096861 The questions of God, they reveal the heart of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00353-00096994-00097432 the love of God to us, because we're hiding. 6FDVSol7p3I-00354-00097432-00097680 But, the second thing, the questions of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00355-00097680-00097865 when you answer God's questions, 6FDVSol7p3I-00356-00097865-00098139 you discover the grace of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00357-00098139-00098387 When you answer the questions of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00358-00098387-00098675 you discover the Grace of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00359-00098675-00098894 This is absolutely astonishing. 6FDVSol7p3I-00360-00098894-00099225 He comes to draw us out of hiding. 6FDVSol7p3I-00361-00099225-00099409 He comes to accept us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00362-00099518-00099665 This is astonishing, 'cause we're sure 6FDVSol7p3I-00363-00099665-00099791 that he's going to reject us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00364-00099791-00099981 We're not good enough, we don't measure up, 6FDVSol7p3I-00365-00099981-00100259 we're too flawed, we make too many mistakes, 6FDVSol7p3I-00366-00100259-00100506 we've got too many misdeeds assigned to our lives. 6FDVSol7p3I-00367-00100506-00100769 And so we're sure that we don't measure up 6FDVSol7p3I-00368-00100769-00100972 and God comes and He accepts us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00369-00100972-00101164 He cannot be a just God 6FDVSol7p3I-00370-00101342-00101676 and not have a price to pay for our mistakes and misdeeds. 6FDVSol7p3I-00371-00101676-00102158 And so He, this God of ours, sends His one and only son 6FDVSol7p3I-00372-00102158-00102324 to pay the price for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00373-00102324-00102710 And that would be good enough news all by itself. 6FDVSol7p3I-00374-00102710-00102978 But it doesn't stop there. 6FDVSol7p3I-00375-00102978-00103387 Not only does He pay the price for all of our sins, 6FDVSol7p3I-00376-00103387-00103679 but we also receive His perfection. 6FDVSol7p3I-00377-00103828-00104144 When God looks at us, He sees His son. 6FDVSol7p3I-00378-00104286-00104519 His son always got it right. 6FDVSol7p3I-00379-00104630-00104936 His son didn't hide anything. 6FDVSol7p3I-00380-00104936-00105257 His son always spoke the truth in love. 6FDVSol7p3I-00381-00105257-00105434 His son laid down His life. 6FDVSol7p3I-00382-00105434-00105671 His son always got it right. 6FDVSol7p3I-00383-00105671-00105935 And when Jesus did that for us, 6FDVSol7p3I-00384-00105935-00106185 ever since that day, when we accept Jesus, 6FDVSol7p3I-00385-00106185-00106518 God sees us through the lens of His son. 6FDVSol7p3I-00386-00106650-00106925 And that's the grace of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00387-00106925-00107105 That's what we discover when we begin to answer 6FDVSol7p3I-00388-00107105-00107240 the questions of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00389-00107240-00107451 He accepts us not because we are perfect, 6FDVSol7p3I-00390-00107451-00107725 but because His son was perfect. 6FDVSol7p3I-00391-00107725-00108049 He took our sin and we took His perfection. 6FDVSol7p3I-00392-00108049-00108204 It's a pretty good deal. 6FDVSol7p3I-00393-00108204-00108468 We don't just learn about the Grace of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00394-00108468-00108782 we also learn about the insight of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00395-00108782-00108926 When you answer His questions, 6FDVSol7p3I-00396-00108926-00109104 you learn about the insights of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00397-00109104-00109428 Now the truth is is that we all have some mental ruts. 6FDVSol7p3I-00398-00109428-00109681 There's some things that we tend to think about 6FDVSol7p3I-00399-00109681-00110009 and there's ways that we tend to think about those things. 6FDVSol7p3I-00400-00110009-00110233 And we all have opinions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00401-00110233-00110515 And we all have a history in our life 6FDVSol7p3I-00402-00110515-00110738 in which we have experienced certain things, 6FDVSol7p3I-00403-00110738-00110967 and we believe we have learned lessons 6FDVSol7p3I-00404-00110967-00111161 from that experience. 6FDVSol7p3I-00405-00111161-00111455 By the way, you do not learn from experience. 6FDVSol7p3I-00406-00111455-00111728 You learn from evaluated experience. 6FDVSol7p3I-00407-00111728-00111988 Some of us have just gone through life and had experiences, 6FDVSol7p3I-00408-00111988-00112185 but never really learned that much from them. 6FDVSol7p3I-00409-00112185-00112387 But we have these mental ruts. 6FDVSol7p3I-00410-00112387-00112709 And if somebody comes and challenges one of those thoughts, 6FDVSol7p3I-00411-00112709-00112989 if they make a statement, we don't go, 6FDVSol7p3I-00412-00112989-00113247 "Oh, you could be right." 6FDVSol7p3I-00413-00113247-00113394 We say things like, 6FDVSol7p3I-00414-00113394-00113835 "No, let me tell you what I think about that." 6FDVSol7p3I-00415-00113835-00114026 And we argue with them. 6FDVSol7p3I-00416-00114350-00114453 So someone might say, 6FDVSol7p3I-00417-00114453-00114796 "Oh, Rex Ryan was really a good coach, 6FDVSol7p3I-00418-00114796-00114980 "and the Bills shouldn't have let him go." 6FDVSol7p3I-00419-00114980-00115189 And I will argue with you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00420-00115189-00115547 (audience member speaks from a distance) 6FDVSol7p3I-00421-00115547-00115830 (audience laughs) 6FDVSol7p3I-00422-00115933-00116183 Someone who shares my opinion. 6FDVSol7p3I-00423-00116370-00116661 We gain insights through questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00424-00116787-00116887 It's not through statements. 6FDVSol7p3I-00425-00116887-00117064 You don't get many insights from something someone 6FDVSol7p3I-00426-00117064-00117277 makes as a statement to you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00427-00117277-00117477 But you begin to gain insights 6FDVSol7p3I-00428-00117477-00117615 when people ask you questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00429-00117615-00118047 This is why counselors always ask questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00430-00118047-00118260 How would you feel if you went in to see a counselor 6FDVSol7p3I-00431-00118260-00118451 and you sat down and they said, 6FDVSol7p3I-00432-00118451-00118588 "You don't need to tell me anything, 6FDVSol7p3I-00433-00118588-00118816 "I've already got you figured out. 6FDVSol7p3I-00434-00118816-00119168 "Your problem is you think too much about yourself 6FDVSol7p3I-00435-00119168-00119329 "and you're too easily offended. 6FDVSol7p3I-00436-00119329-00119533 "You're selfish, your stingy, you're ornery, 6FDVSol7p3I-00437-00119533-00119689 "and you're a bad communicator, 6FDVSol7p3I-00438-00119689-00119904 "so work on those things. 6FDVSol7p3I-00439-00119904-00120008 "Our time is up." 6FDVSol7p3I-00440-00120008-00120175 (audience laughs) 6FDVSol7p3I-00441-00120175-00120461 We'd all walk out and go, "No, that's not good." 6FDVSol7p3I-00442-00120461-00120573 What do they do? 6FDVSol7p3I-00443-00120573-00120882 They ask questions so we begin to see things 6FDVSol7p3I-00444-00120882-00121130 from a different perspective. 6FDVSol7p3I-00445-00121130-00121348 And that's what God does. 6FDVSol7p3I-00446-00121348-00121694 See, we assume all we need is more information. 6FDVSol7p3I-00447-00121694-00122102 We already have more information than we can use. 6FDVSol7p3I-00448-00122196-00122398 Our problem is not a lack of information. 6FDVSol7p3I-00449-00122398-00122705 Our problem is a lack of insight. 6FDVSol7p3I-00450-00122705-00123094 And insight comes trough the questions that God asks. 6FDVSol7p3I-00451-00123094-00123436 Now, when we answer the questions of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00452-00123546-00123863 we also access the wisdom of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00453-00123863-00124255 See, insight shows us what's actually going on 6FDVSol7p3I-00454-00124255-00124472 that was not obvious to us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00455-00124472-00124764 Wisdom is insight about what to do. 6FDVSol7p3I-00456-00124914-00125112 What actions should we take? 6FDVSol7p3I-00457-00125112-00125371 How are we supposed to respond? 6FDVSol7p3I-00458-00125582-00125773 And this is challenging for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00459-00125773-00125984 Until we have a new insight, 6FDVSol7p3I-00460-00125984-00126302 we're likely not to try a new approach. 6FDVSol7p3I-00461-00126302-00126522 I've done this thing counseling. 6FDVSol7p3I-00462-00126522-00126619 I've had people come in. 6FDVSol7p3I-00463-00126619-00126720 You might be surprised, 6FDVSol7p3I-00464-00126720-00126980 but not everybody's marriage is wonderful. 6FDVSol7p3I-00465-00126980-00127242 And I had a person come in and they said, 6FDVSol7p3I-00466-00127242-00127509 "My marriage is not going to survive, it's terrible." 6FDVSol7p3I-00467-00127509-00127950 And this is what they told me, "And I have tried everything. 6FDVSol7p3I-00468-00127950-00128207 "I've tried everything." 6FDVSol7p3I-00469-00128207-00128383 I said, "Wow, that's a lot." 6FDVSol7p3I-00470-00128383-00128620 (audience laughs) 6FDVSol7p3I-00471-00128620-00128792 "How long have you been trying everything?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00472-00128792-00129026 "The entire marriage I've been trying everything." 6FDVSol7p3I-00473-00129026-00129230 I said, "Great, why don't you tell me some of the things 6FDVSol7p3I-00474-00129230-00129416 "you have tried." 6FDVSol7p3I-00475-00129416-00129814 And what I discovered is that they didn't try everything. 6FDVSol7p3I-00476-00129814-00130039 They tried one thing 6FDVSol7p3I-00477-00130039-00130159 over, and over, 6FDVSol7p3I-00478-00130159-00130433 and over, and over, and over, and over, again. 6FDVSol7p3I-00479-00130433-00130578 And I told them, I said, 6FDVSol7p3I-00480-00130578-00130998 "I really give you high marks for your persistence. 6FDVSol7p3I-00481-00130998-00131178 "But, actually, there are other things 6FDVSol7p3I-00482-00131178-00131565 "you might be able to try that could be helpful." 6FDVSol7p3I-00483-00131565-00131895 You see, we think we know what to do, 6FDVSol7p3I-00484-00131895-00132143 but until we have a new insight, 6FDVSol7p3I-00485-00132143-00132623 we're not going to be willing to try a new approach. 6FDVSol7p3I-00486-00132623-00133039 I was praying for someone that is very close to me. 6FDVSol7p3I-00487-00133291-00133599 And I was just kinda telling God what 6FDVSol7p3I-00488-00133822-00134053 I thought should happen. 6FDVSol7p3I-00489-00134053-00134518 And God gave me a new insight and surprised me. 6FDVSol7p3I-00490-00134518-00134880 See, I was asking God to give this person a break. 6FDVSol7p3I-00491-00134880-00135137 They'd just been under so much pressure and so much stress, 6FDVSol7p3I-00492-00135137-00135478 and so little had gone right with them for so long. 6FDVSol7p3I-00493-00135478-00135833 Said, "Can't you just give 'em a break?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00494-00135833-00136066 And God asked me a question. 6FDVSol7p3I-00495-00136201-00136301 The question was, 6FDVSol7p3I-00496-00136301-00136582 "What if I can't get them where they need to be 6FDVSol7p3I-00497-00136582-00136914 "by making life easy for them? 6FDVSol7p3I-00498-00136914-00137155 "What would you prefer I do?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00499-00137292-00137537 And I felt a part of my heart break. 6FDVSol7p3I-00500-00137537-00137821 And it changed the way I prayed for that person, 6FDVSol7p3I-00501-00137821-00138217 because all I wanted was their life to be easier. 6FDVSol7p3I-00502-00138217-00138601 Please understand, Jesus came and gave His life, 6FDVSol7p3I-00503-00138601-00138981 not just so life would be easier for us, 6FDVSol7p3I-00504-00138981-00139238 but so that it would be better. 6FDVSol7p3I-00505-00139238-00139580 And those two things are not always the same thing. 6FDVSol7p3I-00506-00139580-00139765 He's come for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00507-00139765-00139979 So we gain His wisdom. 6FDVSol7p3I-00508-00139979-00140247 So here's some prayer experiments I'd like you to try 6FDVSol7p3I-00509-00140247-00140394 this week, okay? 6FDVSol7p3I-00510-00140394-00140603 Answer the question, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00511-00140603-00140796 by telling God what's going on in your life 6FDVSol7p3I-00512-00140796-00140906 right at this moment. 6FDVSol7p3I-00513-00140906-00141175 This is a good way to start some prayer time with God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00514-00141175-00141496 What's happening in your life right now? 6FDVSol7p3I-00515-00141496-00141887 What's going on in your world right now? 6FDVSol7p3I-00516-00141887-00142225 Just suspend, you'll have time to ask all the 6FDVSol7p3I-00517-00142225-00142339 requests that you have. 6FDVSol7p3I-00518-00142339-00142614 But what's going on in your life right now? 6FDVSol7p3I-00519-00142614-00142778 And what do you believe, 6FDVSol7p3I-00520-00142778-00143221 where do you believe you are in your spiritual journey? 6FDVSol7p3I-00521-00143221-00143456 By the way, be honest about this. 6FDVSol7p3I-00522-00143456-00143641 If you're struggling, say you're struggling. 6FDVSol7p3I-00523-00143641-00143791 If you're wrestling with some doubts, 6FDVSol7p3I-00524-00143791-00143940 say you're wrestling with some doubts. 6FDVSol7p3I-00525-00143940-00144104 You might as well be honest, 6FDVSol7p3I-00526-00144104-00144313 because God already knows the answer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00527-00144313-00144581 Remember, the reason God asks the questions 6FDVSol7p3I-00528-00144581-00144815 is not for Him, it's for us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00529-00144902-00145080 So answer the questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00530-00145080-00145364 What do you hope for and long for? 6FDVSol7p3I-00531-00145544-00145666 What do yo hope for and long for? 6FDVSol7p3I-00532-00145666-00145904 You know, that's a very challenging question, 6FDVSol7p3I-00533-00145904-00146121 because some of us are afraid to tell God 6FDVSol7p3I-00534-00146121-00146538 what we long for because it's a little bit out of bounds. 6FDVSol7p3I-00535-00146670-00146938 And God will ask you anyway. 6FDVSol7p3I-00536-00146938-00147094 And it's in answering the question 6FDVSol7p3I-00537-00147094-00147395 you start getting a new perspective on that. 6FDVSol7p3I-00538-00147395-00147671 What brings joy in your life? 6FDVSol7p3I-00539-00147671-00147913 What brings joy in your life? 6FDVSol7p3I-00540-00148047-00148202 Well, if I had a million dollars, 6FDVSol7p3I-00541-00148202-00148406 and I lived in the house I wanted, 6FDVSol7p3I-00542-00148406-00148861 and I had all the stuff I wanted, I would be happy. 6FDVSol7p3I-00543-00148861-00148970 Are you sure? 6FDVSol7p3I-00544-00149152-00149348 'Cause I've met some people who have all that stuff 6FDVSol7p3I-00545-00149348-00149571 and they are not happy. 6FDVSol7p3I-00546-00149571-00149838 What brings sorrow in your life? 6FDVSol7p3I-00547-00149958-00150199 The great question to answer. 6FDVSol7p3I-00548-00150284-00150508 What brings sorrow in your life? 6FDVSol7p3I-00549-00150508-00150832 What makes you feel guilt and shame? 6FDVSol7p3I-00550-00150832-00151132 What makes you feel guilt and shame? 6FDVSol7p3I-00551-00151481-00151664 What makes you afraid? 6FDVSol7p3I-00552-00151826-00152011 Well, you might be the kind of person, says, 6FDVSol7p3I-00553-00152011-00152157 "I'm not afraid of anything." 6FDVSol7p3I-00554-00152157-00152265 Yes, you are. 6FDVSol7p3I-00555-00152448-00152598 We all have fears. 6FDVSol7p3I-00556-00152686-00152876 And acknowledging them in the presence of God 6FDVSol7p3I-00557-00152876-00153175 is how we gain new insight and understanding. 6FDVSol7p3I-00558-00153175-00153518 Now, to do this, you don't have to do a deep dive. 6FDVSol7p3I-00559-00153518-00153833 This does not require deep counseling, 6FDVSol7p3I-00560-00153833-00154226 or psychotherapy, or a paid professional 6FDVSol7p3I-00561-00154226-00154343 to be in the room with you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00562-00154343-00154482 I'll actually you, this'll probably 6FDVSol7p3I-00563-00154482-00154736 be one of the easiest experiments you will ever do, 6FDVSol7p3I-00564-00154736-00154916 because all you actually have to do 6FDVSol7p3I-00565-00154916-00155272 is sit quietly, and just pay attention to the thoughts 6FDVSol7p3I-00566-00155272-00155489 that begin to come to you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00567-00155589-00156005 Our thoughts automatically gravitate to those issues. 6FDVSol7p3I-00568-00156136-00156303 And one of the reasons we are so busy, 6FDVSol7p3I-00569-00156303-00156523 and we keep ourselves so distracted 6FDVSol7p3I-00570-00156523-00156747 is because we are uncomfortable 6FDVSol7p3I-00571-00156747-00156993 with the thoughts that rise in silence. 6FDVSol7p3I-00572-00156993-00157465 And God is asking the question, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00573-00157465-00157582 Where are you? 6FDVSol7p3I-00574-00157753-00157990 This isn't gonna be hard for you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00575-00157990-00158228 The hard part is being silent enough 6FDVSol7p3I-00576-00158228-00158378 and letting these thoughts come up 6FDVSol7p3I-00577-00158378-00158570 and you're gonna get uncomfortable. 6FDVSol7p3I-00578-00158570-00158697 And when you get uncomfortable 6FDVSol7p3I-00579-00158697-00158815 you're gonna think thoughts like this: 6FDVSol7p3I-00580-00158815-00159110 This is just stupid, I don't know why I'm doing this. 6FDVSol7p3I-00581-00159110-00159488 This is not prayer, this is a waste of my time. 6FDVSol7p3I-00582-00159488-00159634 And do you know why you think that? 6FDVSol7p3I-00583-00159634-00159895 Not because nothing is happening, 6FDVSol7p3I-00584-00159895-00160066 but because is something is happening 6FDVSol7p3I-00585-00160066-00160340 you're not comfortable with. 6FDVSol7p3I-00586-00160340-00160670 God comes to us and he says, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00587-00160670-00161075 Now it's very likely that your most spiritually 6FDVSol7p3I-00588-00161075-00161425 significant, and emotionally significant, growth 6FDVSol7p3I-00589-00161425-00161629 can take place this year 6FDVSol7p3I-00590-00161629-00161855 and they will flow out of the conversation 6FDVSol7p3I-00591-00161855-00162090 that you have with God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00592-00162090-00162288 You can still ask God for His help, 6FDVSol7p3I-00593-00162288-00162465 you can still offer up your request, 6FDVSol7p3I-00594-00162465-00162774 but don't be surprised if He follows up 6FDVSol7p3I-00595-00162774-00163042 with His own questions of you. 6FDVSol7p3I-00596-00163042-00163468 And that can make all the difference this year in your life. 6FDVSol7p3I-00597-00163468-00163743 Let's bow our heads this morning. 6FDVSol7p3I-00598-00165039-00165168 I'm gonna ask that you actually 6FDVSol7p3I-00599-00165168-00165409 take those prayer experiments 6FDVSol7p3I-00600-00165551-00165727 and spend some time daily. 6FDVSol7p3I-00601-00165727-00165990 You don't have to do every one every day. 6FDVSol7p3I-00602-00165990-00166140 But take one a day 6FDVSol7p3I-00603-00166372-00166572 and just sit quietly in the presence of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00604-00166572-00166788 somewhere where you're not going to be distracted. 6FDVSol7p3I-00605-00166788-00167046 Turn your cell phone to silent. 6FDVSol7p3I-00606-00167132-00167307 Get away from the TV. 6FDVSol7p3I-00607-00167405-00167564 Find a quiet place, 6FDVSol7p3I-00608-00167688-00168013 and listen to God ask, "Where are you?" 6FDVSol7p3I-00609-00168115-00168521 And have the courage for an honest answer, 6FDVSol7p3I-00610-00168521-00168701 because it is in those honest answers 6FDVSol7p3I-00611-00168701-00168994 you find the grace of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00612-00168994-00169238 you find the insight of God, 6FDVSol7p3I-00613-00169238-00169497 and you find the wisdom of God. 6FDVSol7p3I-00614-00169720-00169907 He's not come to hunt us down, 6FDVSol7p3I-00615-00169907-00170082 He's not come to hurt us, 6FDVSol7p3I-00616-00170082-00170274 He's come to rescue us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00617-00170588-00170763 He's come to save us. 6FDVSol7p3I-00618-00170897-00171166 And He starts with a question. 6FDVSol7p3I-00619-00171166-00171464 So, Father, I would ask that every single one of us 6FDVSol7p3I-00620-00171464-00171611 in this room today 6FDVSol7p3I-00621-00171611-00171961 would find the courage to be able to listen 6FDVSol7p3I-00622-00171961-00172111 to your questions. 6FDVSol7p3I-00623-00172204-00172569 And rather than hide, or justify, or find excuses, 6FDVSol7p3I-00624-00172569-00172804 just to be able to answer those questions 6FDVSol7p3I-00625-00172804-00173175 honestly before You, and watch what You do, 6FDVSol7p3I-00626-00173175-00173595 in and through our lives, as a result of that conversation. 6FDVSol7p3I-00627-00173595-00173684 I thank you for that. 6FDVSol7p3I-00628-00173684-00173916 In Jesus name, amen. 6FDVSol7p3I-00629-00173916-00174084 Stand together this morning. 6Hw9rET5okM-00000-00000004-00000256 GRILLED SPICY CHICKEN RECIPE 6Hw9rET5okM-00001-00000284-00000466 This video has 2 subtitles: Indonesia and English 6Hw9rET5okM-00002-00000492-00000688 Complete recipe can be seen in the description. 6Hw9rET5okM-00003-00000688-00000888 Street food 6HRfQLbCST4-00000-00000138-00000907 We're going to take a look at some examples of how to actually use the six basic trigonometric 6HRfQLbCST4-00001-00000907-00001516 functions to solve a right triangle, which is the terminology often used, and we're also 6HRfQLbCST4-00002-00001516-00002225 going to take a look at some applications of how to use those particular functions to 6HRfQLbCST4-00003-00002225-00002651 solve real-world type scenarios. 6HRfQLbCST4-00004-00002651-00003246 So let's begin. The instructions would read – use Pythagorean theorem to find the length 6HRfQLbCST4-00005-00003246-00003889 of the missing side, then find the value of the six trigonometric functions – and the 6HRfQLbCST4-00006-00003889-00004529 intent of this particular top problem is really just to get you familiar with those six basic 6HRfQLbCST4-00007-00004529-00005209 trigonometric functions, but in order to do that we need to know the third side of our 6HRfQLbCST4-00008-00005209-00005818 triangle. Now we do have here – it may not be as obvious – but we do have a right triangle. 6HRfQLbCST4-00009-00005818-00006954 Here is our right angle, okay and opposite that right angle would be our hypotenuse, 6HRfQLbCST4-00010-00006954-00007724 which is the side that I do not know and so I have the side – the angle, which is my 6HRfQLbCST4-00011-00007724-00008517 point of reference – which is theta, is in this kind of this bottom corner, and that's 6HRfQLbCST4-00012-00008517-00008681 what you want to think about it. 6HRfQLbCST4-00013-00008681-00009431 So the side that has a length of 6 is opposite that angle and the side that has a length 6HRfQLbCST4-00014-00009431-00010167 of 8 is adjacent to that angle and so that may help me out a little bit later as I start 6HRfQLbCST4-00015-00010167-00010914 setting up those relationships, but those two legs together I need to first find the 6HRfQLbCST4-00016-00010914-00011532 length of the hypotenuse using Pythagorean theorem – A squared plus B squared equals 6HRfQLbCST4-00017-00011532-00011660 C squared. 6HRfQLbCST4-00018-00011660-00012909 So I have 6 squared plus 8 squared equals C squared – that's 36 Plus 64 equals C squared 6HRfQLbCST4-00019-00012909-00013953 – C squared equals 100. I’m then going to take the square root of both sides to find 6HRfQLbCST4-00020-00013953-00014762 just plain old C. So C equals positive 10. So the length of my hypotenuse in this particular 6HRfQLbCST4-00021-00014762-00015191 scenario is 10. 6HRfQLbCST4-00022-00015191-00015896 Once I have determined the hypotenuse, I then want to find my six trig functions. It doesn't 6HRfQLbCST4-00023-00015896-00016779 matter which one you begin with. We tend to start with sine, so sine of theta is opposite 6HRfQLbCST4-00024-00016779-00017732 over the hypotenuse. So we would have 6 over 10, which guys IS a fraction and you should 6HRfQLbCST4-00025-00017732-00018344 always simplify a fraction. So 6/10 simplifies to 3/5. 6HRfQLbCST4-00026-00018344-00019606 Then if we look at cosine – the cosine of theta equals the adjacent over the hypotenuse. 6HRfQLbCST4-00027-00019606-00020142 And notice how I write out kind of the formula each time. I've also labeled the triangle. 6HRfQLbCST4-00028-00020142-00021009 I just think that's helpful. So we would have 8 over 10, simplified is for 4/5. We always 6HRfQLbCST4-00029-00021009-00021227 simplify fractions. 6HRfQLbCST4-00030-00021227-00022393 Third, we would have tangent. Again the order that you do them in really doesn't matter. 6HRfQLbCST4-00031-00022393-00024088 Tangent of theta is opposite over adjacent, okay, and that equals 6 over 8 or 3/4. 6HRfQLbCST4-00032-00024088-00024900 And then I still have three to find, but remember they're reciprocals of each other. So cosecant, 6HRfQLbCST4-00033-00024900-00026000 which is the reciprocal of sine is hypotenuse over opposite. So I would have 10 over 6 or 6HRfQLbCST4-00034-00026000-00027458 5/3. For secant, which is the reciprocal of cosine, I have secant of theta is hypotenuse 6HRfQLbCST4-00035-00027458-00028306 over adjacent – so I have 10 over 8, simplified is 5/4. 6HRfQLbCST4-00036-00028306-00029907 And then finally, for cotangent, I have cotangent of theta is adjacent over the opposite, which 6HRfQLbCST4-00037-00029907-00031029 is 8 over 6 or 4/3. So I have found – as requested – the length of the third side, 6HRfQLbCST4-00038-00031029-00032018 which in this case was the hypotenuse, and I have found the values of all six trigonometric 6HRfQLbCST4-00039-00032018-00032672 functions for that particular triangle. 6HRfQLbCST4-00040-00032672-00033184 Okay, let's do another one. 6HRfQLbCST4-00041-00033184-00033724 Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the missing side, then the value of the 6HRfQLbCST4-00042-00033724-00034405 six trigonometric functions. Again be careful about the orientation. Here's my right angle, 6HRfQLbCST4-00043-00034405-00035459 okay, so the side opposite would be my hypotenuse. In this case my hypotenuse is 25; my angle, 6HRfQLbCST4-00044-00035459-00036330 which is my point of reference, is kind of in this top corner. So the side that measures 6HRfQLbCST4-00045-00036330-00037049 24 is opposite my angle, which is the point of reference, and I need to find the other 6HRfQLbCST4-00046-00037049-00037169 leg. 6HRfQLbCST4-00047-00037169-00037656 So again using Pythagorean Theorem, I'm going to do it over here, down at the bottom – I 6HRfQLbCST4-00048-00037656-00039019 would have A squared plus 24 squared equals 25 squared. So I have A squared equals – and 6HRfQLbCST4-00049-00039019-00039668 I'm going to pull up my calculator because I don't know 24 squared. Let's see – 24 6HRfQLbCST4-00050-00039668-00041560 squared is 576. So I have A squared plus 576 equals 25 squared is 625. I then need to subtract 6HRfQLbCST4-00051-00041560-00042894 576 from either side, so I have A squared equals – and let's see, I’ll pull my calculator 6HRfQLbCST4-00052-00042894-00044594 back up – 625 minus 576 equals 49. So A squared is 49. If I take the square root of 6HRfQLbCST4-00053-00044594-00045704 both sides – as I should – I find that A is 7. So the third side of my triangle measures 6HRfQLbCST4-00054-00045704-00046346 7 – and with respect to my angle, that is the adjacent side, and so then we'll begin 6HRfQLbCST4-00055-00046346-00046828 the process of finding our six trigonometric functions. 6HRfQLbCST4-00056-00046828-00048606 So I would have the sine of theta is the opposite over the hypotenuse, which is 24 over 25, 6HRfQLbCST4-00057-00048606-00049297 which is a fraction – however, that particular fraction does not simplify. So I just leave 6HRfQLbCST4-00058-00049297-00049444 it alone. 6HRfQLbCST4-00059-00049444-00050586 Then we have cosine. The cosine of theta is the adjacent over the hypotenuse, which is 6HRfQLbCST4-00060-00050586-00051276 7 over 25. Again that particular fraction does not simplify. 6HRfQLbCST4-00061-00051276-00053185 Then I have tangent. Tangent of theta is opposite over adjacent. So I have 24/7 – and again, 6HRfQLbCST4-00062-00053185-00053798 that particular fraction does not simplify so I'll leave it alone. And remember then 6HRfQLbCST4-00063-00053798-00054457 that – and it may help you to write these side by side – that the other three are 6HRfQLbCST4-00064-00054457-00054810 the reciprocals of the first. 6HRfQLbCST4-00065-00054810-00056149 So for sine, the reciprocal is cosecant. So the cosecant of theta is the hypotenuse over 6HRfQLbCST4-00066-00056149-00057745 the opposite or 25 over 24. The reciprocal of cosine is the secant and so secant of theta 6HRfQLbCST4-00067-00057745-00058833 is the hypotenuse over the adjacent, which is 25 over 7. Again it doesn't simplify. And 6HRfQLbCST4-00068-00058833-00059961 then finally you have the cotangent, which is the reciprocal of tangent. Cotangent of 6HRfQLbCST4-00069-00059961-00061192 theta is adjacent over the opposite, so I would have 7 over 24. And there's your answers. 6HRfQLbCST4-00070-00061192-00061950 Okay, now let's turn our attention to some applications of solving – for lack of a 6HRfQLbCST4-00071-00061950-00062702 better term – word problems related to the right triangle trigonometry trigonometric 6HRfQLbCST4-00072-00062702-00063191 relationships ok so let's look at this scenario. 6HRfQLbCST4-00073-00063191-00063939 The safety label on a 12-foot ladder says the ladder should not be placed at an angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00074-00063939-00064669 steeper than 65 degrees with the ground. What is the closest safe distance, to the nearest 6HRfQLbCST4-00075-00064669-00065125 foot, between the base of the ladder and the wall? 6HRfQLbCST4-00076-00065125-00065642 Okay, so the first thing I would tell you to do in terms of applications is to read 6HRfQLbCST4-00077-00065642-00066247 the problem. Okay, so we've read the problem, and then the second thing we want to do is 6HRfQLbCST4-00078-00066247-00067120 maybe kind of sketch us a picture of what's going on. So we have a wall and we're going 6HRfQLbCST4-00079-00067120-00068071 to lean the ladder up against the wall. So here's our wall, okay, and we're going to 6HRfQLbCST4-00080-00068071-00069377 lean the ladder against the wall. So here's our ladder. And then, of course, you have 6HRfQLbCST4-00081-00069377-00069492 the ground. 6HRfQLbCST4-00082-00069492-00070133 Now, once you've kind of got that basis, then you want to kind of think about what else 6HRfQLbCST4-00083-00070133-00071323 you know. It says in the problem that you have a 12-foot ladder. So I know the length 6HRfQLbCST4-00084-00071323-00072304 of the ladder is 12 feet. It also tells me that the ladder should not be at an angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00085-00072304-00073079 steeper than 65 degrees with the ground. So that means the angle created between the ground 6HRfQLbCST4-00086-00073079-00074036 and the ladder should be at most 65 degrees. We want to know what's the safest distance 6HRfQLbCST4-00087-00074036-00074842 – to the nearest foot – between the base of the wall and the ladder. So here's the 6HRfQLbCST4-00088-00074842-00075564 wall, base of the wall, and here's the end of the ladder – and we want to know how 6HRfQLbCST4-00089-00075564-00076272 far out we can lean the ladder. So this is our unknown; this is X. 6HRfQLbCST4-00090-00076272-00076745 So then I have to think about what I know. I know that one angle – and I hope it's 6HRfQLbCST4-00091-00076745-00077488 obvious, maybe it's not to you, but it's obvious that the wall should create a right angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00092-00077488-00078305 with the ground. Okay, so you have your right angle. So the ladder here represents my hypotenuse, 6HRfQLbCST4-00093-00078305-00079514 okay, and so the ladder is my hypotenuse. My angle is this 65 degree angle and then 6HRfQLbCST4-00094-00079514-00080614 in this case, the ground represents the side adjacent to the angle. So I know the hypotenuse. 6HRfQLbCST4-00095-00080614-00081193 I'm looking for the adjacent side. So I'm going to think about which trig function involves 6HRfQLbCST4-00096-00081193-00081544 adjacent and hypotenuse. 6HRfQLbCST4-00097-00081544-00082085 Now there really are two because we could look at secant or we could look at cosine. 6HRfQLbCST4-00098-00082085-00082908 If we have a choice, we tend to stick with either sine; cosine; or tangent. So I'm going 6HRfQLbCST4-00099-00082908-00083932 to stick with the cosine of an angle is adjacent over hypotenuse – and using that formula 6HRfQLbCST4-00100-00083932-00084875 or that trig relationship, I'm going to substitute in what I know. I know that my angle is 65 6HRfQLbCST4-00101-00084875-00086051 degrees, okay. So I have the cosine of 65 degrees, that's my angle. It's equal 6HRfQLbCST4-00102-00086051-00086676 to – I don't know the adjacent side, okay, so not knowing the adjacent side, that's my 6HRfQLbCST4-00103-00086676-00087383 unknown or my X over the hypotenuse, which is the 12. 6HRfQLbCST4-00104-00087383-00087951 So I have kind of a good old basic equation; I'm trying to solve for X. In this scenario, 6HRfQLbCST4-00105-00087951-00088866 to solve for X I need to undo the division and to undo the division I'm going to multiply 6HRfQLbCST4-00106-00088866-00090112 both sides by 12 so that I have 12 times the cosine of 65 degrees equals X. 6HRfQLbCST4-00107-00090112-00090570 Now to solve that, guys, you're going to have to get your calculator out. And a couple of 6HRfQLbCST4-00108-00090570-00091032 things as you begin thinking about using your calculator here. The first thing you want 6HRfQLbCST4-00109-00091032-00091685 to do is you want to make sure that your calculator is in degree mode. The measurement of the 6HRfQLbCST4-00110-00091685-00092238 angle is in degrees. So I'm going to press the button on the calculator near the blue 6HRfQLbCST4-00111-00092238-00093237 2nd button at the top that says ‘mode’ and on the third line down it says ‘radian 6HRfQLbCST4-00112-00093237-00094083 or degree’. Mine is currently set in radians, so I'm going to arrow down to the third line 6HRfQLbCST4-00113-00094083-00094537 and then arrow to the right and highlight the word ‘degree’ and press ‘enter’. 6HRfQLbCST4-00114-00094537-00095498 My calculator is now in degree mode, so I'm going to quit – so second mode and I quit. 6HRfQLbCST4-00115-00095498-00096074 And then I'm going to type this in. You have buttons on your calculator face about two 6HRfQLbCST4-00116-00096074-00097022 rows above the number keys that have sine, S-I-N; cosine, C-O-S; and tan, T-A-N. That's 6HRfQLbCST4-00117-00097022-00097502 why we tend to stick with sine and cosine of tangent, because we have buttons on the 6HRfQLbCST4-00118-00097502-00097836 calculator that will do it for us. 6HRfQLbCST4-00119-00097836-00098618 So I'm going to type pretty much what I have written here – 12 cosine and I'm going to 6HRfQLbCST4-00120-00098618-00099030 enter the angle – and again, you've got to have it in degree mode or you'll get the 6HRfQLbCST4-00121-00099030-00100342 wrong answer – and I'm going to press ‘enter’. And so it gives me a value of X, X equals 6HRfQLbCST4-00122-00100342-00101238 5.07 if we round to two places. Now in the question it asked us to round to 6HRfQLbCST4-00123-00101238-00102363 the nearest foot. So to the nearest foot I could have 5 feet between the wall and the 6HRfQLbCST4-00124-00102363-00103101 end of the ladder and still be safe in using the ladder because I wouldn't have an angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00125-00103101-00103806 more than 65 degrees, okay. 6HRfQLbCST4-00126-00103806-00104206 It's not necessarily a difficult process, it's just lengthy and you’ve got to take 6HRfQLbCST4-00127-00104206-00104336 your time. 6HRfQLbCST4-00128-00104336-00104492 Let's look at another one. 6HRfQLbCST4-00129-00104492-00105179 According to the American Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines, the maximum angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00130-00105179-00106176 of a wheelchair ramp in new construction may not exceed 4.764 four point degrees. If a 6HRfQLbCST4-00131-00106176-00106863 door to a building is 5 feet above the sidewalk level, how long must the ramp be in order 6HRfQLbCST4-00132-00106863-00107554 to extend the sidewalk – to extend from sidewalk to door? 6HRfQLbCST4-00133-00107554-00108008 Okay, so again we've read the question, now we want to think about drawing a picture. 6HRfQLbCST4-00134-00108008-00109614 So you have the sidewalk and it tells me that 5 feet above the sidewalk is a door, okay 6HRfQLbCST4-00135-00109614-00110629 – and there's 5 feet – and so I've got to figure out how long of ramp I would have 6HRfQLbCST4-00136-00110629-00111835 to install. Okay, here's my ramp. And my angle has to be no more than 4.764 degrees. 6HRfQLbCST4-00137-00111835-00113144 Okay, so I'm looking for the length of the ramp – and again, I hope you realize that 6HRfQLbCST4-00138-00113144-00113780 the sidewalk and this doorway would create a right angle. So across from the right angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00139-00113780-00114597 is my hypotenuse, which in this case would be the ramp. With respect to my angle, I know 6HRfQLbCST4-00140-00114597-00115659 the opposite side – the sidewalk would actually be the adjacent side. Okay, so I need to do 6HRfQLbCST4-00141-00115659-00116379 work with opposite hypotenuse and an angle. So if I think about the trig functions – and 6HRfQLbCST4-00142-00116379-00117309 again, I primarily focus on sin; cosine; and tangent – I can use the sine of the angle 6HRfQLbCST4-00143-00117309-00118764 is adjacent – excuse me, not adjacent – is opposite over hypotenuse, okay. So then I'm 6HRfQLbCST4-00144-00118764-00119384 going to fill in – using that relationship – I'm going to fill in the information that 6HRfQLbCST4-00145-00119384-00119909 I have from my description. 6HRfQLbCST4-00146-00119909-00121386 So I would have the sine of 4.764 degrees is the opposite, which is 5, over the hypotenuse, 6HRfQLbCST4-00147-00121386-00122534 which in our case is the X. And then I've got to solve that equation for X. Now it's 6HRfQLbCST4-00148-00122534-00122871 a little bit more involved, but it's good old basic algebra. 6HRfQLbCST4-00149-00122871-00123686 I want to eliminate the fraction first off, so I'm going to multiply both sides by X. 6HRfQLbCST4-00150-00123686-00124735 So I have X times the sine of 4.764 degrees equals 5. And again remember, I'm trying to 6HRfQLbCST4-00151-00124735-00125783 isolate the X. So to isolate the X I'm then going to turn around and divide by the sine 6HRfQLbCST4-00152-00125783-00127488 of 4.764 degrees – divided by the sine of 4.764 degrees. So X is 5 divided by the sine 6HRfQLbCST4-00153-00127488-00127814 of 4.764 degrees. 6HRfQLbCST4-00154-00127814-00128515 And again I'm going to go to out to my calculator and I've already confirmed that I'm in degree 6HRfQLbCST4-00155-00128515-00130095 mode – so I would have 5 divided by sine 4.764, close it, ‘enter’. And so I get 6HRfQLbCST4-00157-00133315-00134424 – just a little bit more than 60 feet – in order to be able to be long enough and at 6HRfQLbCST4-00158-00134424-00134980 an appropriate angle for the American Disabilities Act. 6HRfQLbCST4-00159-00134980-00135304 All right, one more. 6HRfQLbCST4-00160-00135304-00136096 The angle of elevation to the top of a building in New York is found to be 9 degrees from 6HRfQLbCST4-00161-00136096-00136655 the ground at a distance of 1 mile from the base of the building. Use this information 6HRfQLbCST4-00162-00136655-00136798 and find the height of the building. 6HRfQLbCST4-00163-00136798-00137536 Okay, so we have a building – oops, let me go back and get my pen here. We have a 6HRfQLbCST4-00164-00137536-00139702 building. Here's my building. And it says, if you go 1 mile from the building, okay, 6HRfQLbCST4-00165-00139702-00141176 the angle to the top of the building then is 9 degrees, okay, and we ultimately want 6HRfQLbCST4-00166-00141176-00141995 to know how tall is the building? Now typically buildings we don't think about in terms of 6HRfQLbCST4-00167-00141995-00142848 miles, so I'm going to convert miles to feet. There are 5,280 feet. We usually think about 6HRfQLbCST4-00168-00142848-00143797 buildings in terms of feet. So I know that 1 mile is 5,280 feet. Again, I have to assume 6HRfQLbCST4-00169-00143797-00144650 that the building creates a right angle with the ground, okay. So I have my point of reference 6HRfQLbCST4-00170-00144650-00145346 looking at my angle, which is my point of reference. The building height is going to 6HRfQLbCST4-00171-00145346-00146144 be the opposite side from the angle and the 1 mile is the adjacent side. So I know some 6HRfQLbCST4-00172-00146144-00146671 things about the opposite; I know some things about the adjacent; and I have an angle. And 6HRfQLbCST4-00173-00146671-00147130 again, when I think of those three things in my mind, I think – oh, I can use tangent. 6HRfQLbCST4-00174-00147130-00147528 That's one you need to become familiar with those relationships. 6HRfQLbCST4-00175-00147528-00148474 So the tangent of an angle is the opposite over the adjacent. And so then I can plug 6HRfQLbCST4-00176-00148474-00149553 in the information that I have. I have the tangent of 9 degrees is the opposite side, 6HRfQLbCST4-00177-00149553-00150237 which is the piece that I'm looking for over 5,280 feet. I'm going to do it in terms of 6HRfQLbCST4-00178-00150237-00150652 feet rather than miles. 6HRfQLbCST4-00179-00150652-00151290 And remember, my goal here is to solve for X. So I'm going to multiply both sides by 6HRfQLbCST4-00180-00151290-00153022 5,280. So I have 5,280 feet times the tangent of 9 degrees and that equals X. Okay, I shut 6HRfQLbCST4-00181-00153022-00153592 down my calculator, so let me go out real quick and get it so that I can show you how 6HRfQLbCST4-00182-00153592-00154867 to do it. Sorry about that. I closed it out a little bit too early. 6HRfQLbCST4-00183-00154867-00156675 Okay, so here we go. We want to do our calculations, so I'm going to type 5,280 – tangent of 6HRfQLbCST4-00184-00156675-00158472 9. I already have it in degree mode. And we get 836.27 – 836.27 feet. Okay, so roughly 6HRfQLbCST4-00185-00158472-00159103 the building is 836 feet tall. Again I put it in terms of feet because that's kind of 6HRfQLbCST4-00186-00159103-00159690 the standard unit for measuring the heights of buildings. 6HRfQLbCST4-00187-00159690-00160107 I hope you found these examples helpful and keep watching! 6JrYioyAmhc-00000-00000208-00000720 playlists can help you get very very organized with all of your videos but i have a secret to 6JrYioyAmhc-00001-00000720-00001392 share with you they can also help you be found on youtube you can use your playlist as a search 6JrYioyAmhc-00002-00001392-00001888 engine optimization tool that's the whole reason you're on youtube you want to be found you want 6JrYioyAmhc-00003-00001888-00002400 people to find your videos watch your videos gain more views so you can make more money 6JrYioyAmhc-00004-00002400-00002920 right so what i'm going to show you today is how to create a playlist and then i'm going 6JrYioyAmhc-00005-00002920-00003440 to show you five tips and how you can use your playlist for search engine optimization 6JrYioyAmhc-00006-00003440-00003856 so it really all depends on how you set it up so that's why we're going to go over that first 6JrYioyAmhc-00007-00003856-00004320 because the steps that i show you are going to have certain keywords placed in certain places 6JrYioyAmhc-00008-00004320-00004896 and then i'm going to show you how to promote that playlist to be found so stick around we 6JrYioyAmhc-00009-00004896-00005248 have a lot to cover but i promise you it's going to help your channel grow 6JrYioyAmhc-00010-00005344-00005752 my name is vanessa deberle and welcome to my channel this is where i teach people how to turn 6JrYioyAmhc-00011-00005752-00006248 their passions into profits thank you for watching today and don't forget to subscribe so you can see 6JrYioyAmhc-00012-00006248-00006823 my videos every week now let's jump in and find out how to create a playlist and then how to make 6JrYioyAmhc-00013-00006823-00007431 searchable to create a playlist you're going to go into your account and over here on the left you're 6JrYioyAmhc-00014-00007431-00007920 going to see the word playlist so go ahead and click that mine has playlists so obviously they're 6JrYioyAmhc-00015-00007920-00008352 already there if you've never created a playlist before just go up into the right hand corner 6JrYioyAmhc-00016-00008352-00008904 and it says new playlist now if you already have playlists and you're wondering how to edit them or 6JrYioyAmhc-00017-00008904-00009536 revise them or delete them i do have a video above where you can go ahead and kind of go through that 6JrYioyAmhc-00018-00009536-00009920 since you already know how to make the playlist but it doesn't hurt to go through this again 6JrYioyAmhc-00019-00009920-00010392 because what we're doing that might be different for you is we're going to be intentional about 6JrYioyAmhc-00020-00010392-00010840 the keywords that we use instead of just trying to organize i want you to change your mindset 6JrYioyAmhc-00021-00010840-00011480 playlists are not just about organizing your videos it's for you to create a way to be 6JrYioyAmhc-00022-00011480-00011896 searched so i want you to change that when you're thinking so let's go up here and hit new playlist 6JrYioyAmhc-00023-00012064-00012784 and right here you're gonna put the title in so i'm gonna call my title how to make money online 6JrYioyAmhc-00024-00013247-00013672 right here you have a choice if you want to make it public so everybody can see it just like your 6JrYioyAmhc-00025-00013672-00014184 video or if you want it to be private or just people that you select or unlist it which means 6JrYioyAmhc-00026-00014184-00014719 people can find it but youtube's not really going to promote it it's it's harder to find basically 6JrYioyAmhc-00027-00014719-00015136 you want it to be private most likely unless you don't want people to find it all right then we're 6JrYioyAmhc-00028-00015136-00015791 going to hit create this this is a good this is a good time right now to also point out that you 6JrYioyAmhc-00029-00015791-00016296 want to think of your playlist as a video i know you put a lot of work into your video when you're 6JrYioyAmhc-00030-00016296-00016792 creating it and you're always looking for um ways to get it for it to be found with search engine 6JrYioyAmhc-00031-00016792-00017296 optimization well i want you to start thinking of your playlist as a video i just went ahead 6JrYioyAmhc-00032-00017296-00017824 and hit that little pencil that's the edit and i'm gonna go in and edit my playlist now i don't 6JrYioyAmhc-00033-00017824-00018416 have anything in here typically when i create a playlist since i already have my playlist there 6JrYioyAmhc-00034-00018416-00018912 i do this when i upload you can create a new one when you're uploading a video but for those of you 6JrYioyAmhc-00035-00018912-00019480 that have maybe 50 or 60 videos and you've never created a playlist this is a good way to do it all 6JrYioyAmhc-00036-00019480-00020064 right so here i have my title i can always go back in and edit it maybe just right now i thought oh 6JrYioyAmhc-00037-00020064-00020536 i don't want that title i want something different little pencil is the edit button then you're going 6JrYioyAmhc-00038-00020536-00021096 to go here you've already got it placed as public now you're going to go into the description in 6JrYioyAmhc-00039-00021096-00021696 the description you want to think about keywords my keyword is make money online so obviously when 6JrYioyAmhc-00040-00021696-00022184 i'm putting the description i'm going to put that in the description i want to make sure 6JrYioyAmhc-00041-00022184-00022872 the description in the playlist can be picked up by the algorithms in youtube as well as the title 6JrYioyAmhc-00042-00022872-00023520 of the playlist so notice i mentioned make money online three times in my description and i didn't 6JrYioyAmhc-00043-00023520-00023936 go in there and stuff it that's when you just put keywords because you're trying to be found that 6JrYioyAmhc-00044-00023936-00024720 doesn't work anymore um basically that makes sense you can make money online by buy as a side hustle 6JrYioyAmhc-00045-00024720-00025184 or you can make money online and turn it into a profitable passion which is true and it speaks to 6JrYioyAmhc-00046-00025184-00025744 my audience now make sure you select save right here now i don't have any videos to put in here 6JrYioyAmhc-00047-00025839-00026304 now we're ready to add some videos to our channel i know that that's a topic or a keyword that's on 6JrYioyAmhc-00048-00026304-00026680 my channel so i know that i have videos under that keyword which you should have 6JrYioyAmhc-00049-00026680-00027127 as well you're going to hit these three little dots right here and this gives you some options 6JrYioyAmhc-00050-00027127-00027688 to add videos you can add a collaborate means that you're allowing other people to 6JrYioyAmhc-00051-00027776-00028400 add videos to your playlist if you would like them to you can select that um and then there's 6JrYioyAmhc-00052-00028400-00028808 other playlist settings here and here's where you can delete your playlist if you change your mind 6JrYioyAmhc-00053-00028808-00029368 but today what we're going to do is add videos and this is going to give me three options i can go in 6JrYioyAmhc-00054-00029448-00029944 and i can add video i can do a video search and that will take me publicly onto youtube 6JrYioyAmhc-00055-00029944-00030408 i can add a url of a video that i've already found that i would like to add we're going to talk about 6JrYioyAmhc-00056-00030408-00030927 that as a little bonus in a moment and then i can go here to my youtube videos and then i can 6JrYioyAmhc-00057-00030927-00031576 find the videos that are about making money online and i can go through and select them and add them 6JrYioyAmhc-00058-00031576-00032104 i'm just going to randomly pick something for the sake of okay make money online without money 6JrYioyAmhc-00059-00032104-00032520 we'll just put that one there as an example okay so then we're going to add that video 6JrYioyAmhc-00060-00032592-00033112 um let's see seven ways to make money online as a writer we'll add that one and fi there 6JrYioyAmhc-00061-00033112-00033640 you go i've got three right there all right so we're going to go ahead and add those three into 6JrYioyAmhc-00062-00033640-00034296 my playlist now you can do all kinds of things like if i don't want that one to be at the top i 6JrYioyAmhc-00063-00034296-00034800 can just simply go over here to the left see that little hand that shows you how you can move things 6JrYioyAmhc-00064-00034800-00035288 and you can just move them into a different order let's take you can also go over here to the side 6JrYioyAmhc-00065-00035288-00035888 and i can say i want to move this one to the top and then that will move that one up there you can 6JrYioyAmhc-00066-00035888-00036552 also go in and say that you want to set one as the thumbnail so your playlist will be set up if you 6JrYioyAmhc-00067-00036552-00037192 add them as you're uploading videos then you can tell it that i want you to put the newest video 6JrYioyAmhc-00068-00037192-00037808 at the top or the oldest video at the top but if i want one particular thumbnail to be my playlist 6JrYioyAmhc-00069-00037808-00038320 thumbnail then i needed to select it here so every time that one will always be the thumbnail now 6JrYioyAmhc-00070-00038320-00038808 personally i would pick something more general about making money online so it's it's gonna 6JrYioyAmhc-00071-00038808-00039256 attract a bigger audience not just people who want to write but for the sake of today's video 6JrYioyAmhc-00072-00039256-00039776 i just wanted to point that out to you now let me show you what a playlist looks like why is 6JrYioyAmhc-00073-00039776-00040360 it important to have the playlist right i want to show you what it looks like on other channels 6JrYioyAmhc-00074-00040416-00041120 i started out showing nick nimmin as an example and as you can see here he has a title for his 6JrYioyAmhc-00075-00041120-00041640 playlist and then a description and then he's very good at making videos that follow that description 6JrYioyAmhc-00076-00041640-00042032 now what do you do if you start getting bigger and bigger and bigger and you have tons of 6JrYioyAmhc-00077-00042032-00042544 videos and you want them to be in playlists not all playlists have to be shown you don't have 6JrYioyAmhc-00078-00042544-00043000 to put them as public or you don't have to put them on your channel page excuse me they can 6JrYioyAmhc-00079-00043000-00043520 all still be public and still be searchable but they don't have to be on your channel so setting 6JrYioyAmhc-00080-00043520-00044144 up and customizing your channel is different than making a playlist i used to think that oh my gosh 6JrYioyAmhc-00081-00044144-00044592 if i put everything in a playlist then it's all got to be on my channel page and it doesn't so 6JrYioyAmhc-00082-00044592-00045088 that should take a little relief off of you you want to be intentional about what you want to show 6JrYioyAmhc-00083-00045088-00045608 actually on the channel now here's another example of think media they do a good job of making 6JrYioyAmhc-00084-00045608-00046000 playlists as well these are two channels that are huge they've been around a while and i know you 6JrYioyAmhc-00085-00046000-00046416 like you're trying to grow your youtube channel so i highly recommend that you follow these two 6JrYioyAmhc-00086-00046416-00046848 channels because they've been around and they're they're they know what they're doing right they've 6JrYioyAmhc-00087-00046848-00047328 got a lot of information and one of the things that this channel think media does if you look in 6JrYioyAmhc-00088-00047328-00048064 here it says camera tutorials best tips and tricks but look here it's not a video it's a playlist 6JrYioyAmhc-00089-00048064-00048712 it's a playlist within a playlist so all of these different groups of videos or all these playlists 6JrYioyAmhc-00090-00048712-00049376 they all talk about different equipment this one is the canon m50 this one is talking about sony zv 6JrYioyAmhc-00091-00049432-00050000 sony so it's different cameras each one and each playlist only has six well this one has 18 but 6JrYioyAmhc-00092-00050000-00050608 anywhere from six to 18 different videos within the playlist but each of these will be picked up 6JrYioyAmhc-00093-00050608-00051144 as a playlist and then they can be picked up up here as a whole bunch of playlists so 6JrYioyAmhc-00094-00051144-00051791 you're giving yourself even another opportunity so what do i mean by it gets picked up i assume 6JrYioyAmhc-00095-00051791-00052416 you already have videos and you already know how to uh add the s search engine optimization but 6JrYioyAmhc-00096-00052416-00053040 let's say i want to show you one of my playlists and that i've made before and it's right here 6JrYioyAmhc-00097-00053120-00053848 seo oops let me move my thing seo youtube algorithms okay i went ahead and typed that in and 6JrYioyAmhc-00098-00053848-00054567 look i searched seo youtube algorithms playlist and look right here it came up on the first page 6JrYioyAmhc-00099-00054688-00055479 as number four so my playlist came up not my video so be intentional about your titles 6JrYioyAmhc-00100-00055479-00055984 and your keywords and make sure they're frequent within your descriptions and your titles now this 6JrYioyAmhc-00101-00055984-00056496 is a great way to jump into the next part of the video where we're going to talk about seo 6JrYioyAmhc-00102-00056560-00057000 five different tips and how you can be searchable using your playlist now obviously i just gave you 6JrYioyAmhc-00103-00057000-00057576 two of those the first one is the title the second one is description let me show you some other ways 6JrYioyAmhc-00104-00057576-00058224 that you can be searchable by using your playlist the third seo tip is right here go back to your 6JrYioyAmhc-00105-00058296-00058672 playlist and if you put your cursor right here where it says play all 6JrYioyAmhc-00106-00058672-00059272 i want you to pay attention to the bottom of the page that is the url for the playlist so if i were 6JrYioyAmhc-00107-00059272-00059816 to click one of my videos in the playlist which i'm going to do now when it pops up 6JrYioyAmhc-00108-00059879-00060344 all the videos that are in the playlist pop up here on the side now why is that important why 6JrYioyAmhc-00109-00060344-00060800 do you want people to watch the video from your playlist well think about it if they're watching 6JrYioyAmhc-00110-00060800-00061432 this one instead of going down here and looking for all these other videos that youtube suggests 6JrYioyAmhc-00111-00061432-00061800 because that's what people do if you're looking on a topic you get finished watching it and then you 6JrYioyAmhc-00112-00061800-00062376 go to the others that are on the right just for suggestions your playlist pops up here at the top 6JrYioyAmhc-00113-00062376-00062855 right where people can see it and then they will keep on binge watching the rest of your videos and 6JrYioyAmhc-00114-00062855-00063424 that's what the goal is to get them to watch your videos so the url is really important you can also 6JrYioyAmhc-00115-00063424-00064064 use that url on your blog if you're talking about this topic you can say hey go to my playlist not 6JrYioyAmhc-00116-00064064-00064552 just to a video you can also recommend it down in the description so when you have your video 6JrYioyAmhc-00117-00064552-00065224 and you have your description you can put your the link for the playlist and don't just suggest 6JrYioyAmhc-00118-00065224-00065824 other videos so those are two more ways that you can make your playlist searchable for seo i have 6JrYioyAmhc-00119-00065824-00066384 one more way for you you can take that url and put it into a card so what i want you to do is edit a 6JrYioyAmhc-00120-00066384-00066856 video so we're going to go into this one here and we're going to edit and what we're going to do 6JrYioyAmhc-00121-00066856-00067424 is make a card so you see how during this video i've said hey watch this video watch that video 6JrYioyAmhc-00122-00067496-00067912 well instead of saying watch a video i can and you've seen the links go up at the top instead 6JrYioyAmhc-00123-00067912-00068616 of putting the link to a video i can go here where it says cards and i can insert a playlist link i 6JrYioyAmhc-00124-00068616-00069216 don't have to just insert video links so that's another way that you can promote your playlist 6JrYioyAmhc-00125-00069216-00069976 and get more watch time and right here i had promoted one video in this video but i can also 6JrYioyAmhc-00126-00069976-00070400 promote a playlist let me what you do when you're in here is you just pick a time so i'm just 6JrYioyAmhc-00127-00070400-00070920 going to scoot that over to here where it says 56 seconds and at the top i'm going to say add a card 6JrYioyAmhc-00128-00071136-00071560 and instead of hitting video i'm going to say add a playlist and all you do is pop in 6JrYioyAmhc-00129-00071560-00072032 the url right there and it well all my playlists pop up i can just select one 6JrYioyAmhc-00130-00072032-00072448 how to make money online and then it puts that playlist in there now i'm not going to add it 6JrYioyAmhc-00131-00072448-00072984 to this one so i'm going to discard changes but there's your fifth way so five ways that you can 6JrYioyAmhc-00132-00073200-00073696 make your playlist searchable and they're all listed here as a checklist just so you can write 6JrYioyAmhc-00133-00073696-00074280 those down or take a snapshot real quick now i promised you a bonus here's your bonus for today 6JrYioyAmhc-00134-00074280-00074824 another thing that you can do in your playlist let's go ahead and say add videos 6JrYioyAmhc-00135-00075048-00075744 remember earlier i had you add your videos well you can add another channels 6JrYioyAmhc-00136-00075744-00076264 url right here so let's say that i go to think media and i'm just going to pick one randomly so 6JrYioyAmhc-00137-00076264-00076880 let's just pick this one for the sake of time um that say that i want this video to be part of my 6JrYioyAmhc-00138-00076880-00077920 playlist i just put that url in right there and somebody else's video will pop up in my playlist 6JrYioyAmhc-00139-00077920-00078464 i'm going to add it now you might say well is that legal yes it is when you're uploading 6JrYioyAmhc-00140-00078464-00078936 you have the opportunity just to hit a little button that says i don't want any other 6JrYioyAmhc-00141-00079144-00079672 i don't want any of my videos to be shared or you can select one that says it's okay i will 6JrYioyAmhc-00142-00079672-00080184 collaborate and let other people use them so why is that a good thing well there's two reasons that 6JrYioyAmhc-00143-00080184-00080872 you might want to do this one it links you to that other channel so if i link myself to 6JrYioyAmhc-00144-00080872-00081272 another channel that's been around for a while it gives me a little bit more credibility a little 6JrYioyAmhc-00145-00081272-00081856 bit more authority and youtube picks that up and says wow if people are watching vanessa's videos 6JrYioyAmhc-00146-00081856-00082392 and now they're watching think media i might start sending some of think media's audience to her and 6JrYioyAmhc-00147-00082392-00082928 some of her audience over to think media it works both ways it helps both youtuber youtube channels 6JrYioyAmhc-00148-00082928-00083592 but it gives you more credit credibility and it allows the algorithm from youtube to see you two 6JrYioyAmhc-00149-00083592-00084120 as connected so it's a good thing to do and it's actually helping each other out like i said it's 6JrYioyAmhc-00150-00084120-00084728 a win-win situation their video gets seen and after they're done watching the video your video 6JrYioyAmhc-00151-00084728-00085232 will come after it so what i would suggest doing is taking this video and actually moving it up 6JrYioyAmhc-00152-00085400-00085848 maybe not there at the bottom all right that is it that is all i have for today i hope that was 6JrYioyAmhc-00153-00085848-00086416 helpful that was a lot of information but all of it is really important the biggest thing is if you 6JrYioyAmhc-00154-00086416-00087072 take nothing else away from today's video remember your playlist is like a video it gives you another 6JrYioyAmhc-00155-00087072-00087584 opportunity to help yourself be searched and found so really pay attention to how you're 6JrYioyAmhc-00156-00087584-00088384 using those keywords and how you're connecting everything and you'll start to grow i promise 6JrYioyAmhc-00157-00088792-00090208 do you 6LPCz5J_o8I-00000-00000029-00000379 -Ah.. I want to go to a hot spring 6LPCz5J_o8I-00001-00000379-00000704 -Honey -What?? -I want to go to a hot spring 6LPCz5J_o8I-00002-00000704-00000975 -What are you talking about? Just take a shower at home 6LPCz5J_o8I-00003-00000975-00001447 -I want to go to the hot spring and play with you -It's annoying. Please check the taste of this soup 6LPCz5J_o8I-00004-00001447-00001785 -Please go together! -You're annoying 6LPCz5J_o8I-00005-00001785-00001855 -Ahh... 6LPCz5J_o8I-00006-00001976-00002081 ‐Eh? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00007-00002156-00002448 ‐Eh?…What?Is this really a hot spring? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00008-00002502-00002577 ‐Honey⁉ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00009-00002677-00002890 ‐Welcome to a hot spring in Kore‐ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00010-00004120-00004204 (Beep) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00011-00004204-00004604 ‐Wow‼Eh⁉Wha… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00012-00004604-00004821 Kuriko is very surprised. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00013-00004821-00005234 ‐This is hot spring of Korea. How is it? ‐It's very luxurious♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00014-00006393-00006706 Our 3+ hour drive... the excitement when we started 6LPCz5J_o8I-00015-00006927-00007219 ‐I'm embarrassed! ‐My neighbor is looking at us 6LPCz5J_o8I-00016-00007415-00007703 Uljin 6LPCz5J_o8I-00017-00007957-00008212 ‐What's this? ‐Wow! It's a fish!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00018-00008437-00008646 ‐It's a fish bridge. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00019-00008779-00009117 skyrail 6LPCz5J_o8I-00020-00009267-00009613 ‐That's cute! ‐We've ridden in Busan before 6LPCz5J_o8I-00021-00009613-00010001 ‐Oh, something that goes slowly? ‐That's right 6LPCz5J_o8I-00022-00010080-00010356 A year ago in Busan ♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00023-00010481-00010835 The sea is spreading right in front of me. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00024-00010960-00011453 ‐It's so pretty. ‐Wow, the water is so clear 6LPCz5J_o8I-00025-00011561-00011882 It is a transparent sea water that can be seen to the bottom of the sea. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00026-00012020-00012320 Mr. Skyrail has arrived. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00027-00012479-00012683 ‐This is a picture of us dating at the beginning‐ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00028-00012854-00013304 ‐I was handsome and Kuriko was pretty... Huh?Who are you? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00029-00013446-00013551 ‐Who are you‐ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00030-00013688-00014347 ‐Ah... Why is it so beautiful... ⁉ It's a nightmare... 6LPCz5J_o8I-00031-00014564-00015027 ‐Honey, this is what we saw earlier.Fish bridge. ‐It's here‐ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00032-00015027-00015540 ‐There are cable cars and hot springs ‐We're going to a hot spring today! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00033-00015540-00015686 (♡♡♡) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00034-00015690-00016024 ‐We're going to a hot spring hotel ⁉ Sounds fun‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00035-00016157-00016524 We finally got on ♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00036-00016700-00017254 ‐Honey! It's seaweed soup! ‐Really!?Where's the beef… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00037-00017254-00017388 (suddenly-shake) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00038-00017388-00017617 ‐Is it because we're on the same side? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00039-00017621-00017755 (shake) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00040-00017988-00018581 ‐Wow! The ocean is clear!!!! ‐It's so beautiful 6LPCz5J_o8I-00041-00018810-00019473 - Honey, there's a station over there. - That's Yeok (station), the sea is Miyeok (seaweed) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00042-00019953-00020220 We took a lot of pictures. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00043-00020299-00020553 ‐The ocean is so beautiful. ‐Wow.… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00044-00020553-00020816 ‐We'll be able to watch forever… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00045-00021075-00021508 ‐KyaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhOh my gosh! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00046-00021508-00022013 ‐What's wrong? ‐I thought the sea anemone kissed me!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00047-00022334-00022689 It feels so good that I want to sing here. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00048-00023369-00023561 Kyung-sik looks at the sea silently. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00049-00023561-00023990 ‐Honey, what's wrong? ‐I was thinking 6LPCz5J_o8I-00050-00023990-00025191 ‐Why? ‐When we rode this, we were in Busan, and we were still lovers… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00051-00025980-00026284 ‐What happened all of a sudden? ‐Somehow… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00052-00026284-00026655 ‐Wow ♡ You're such a cool guy♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00053-00027248-00027694 ‐It is 6 p.m.It began to rain 6LPCz5J_o8I-00054-00027811-00028357 ‐Why does it always rain on the day I wash my car? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00055-00028478-00028578 ‐But I don't care‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00056-00028674-00028970 hot spring hotel 6LPCz5J_o8I-00057-00029254-00029587 ‐It's so cool. ‐Yes, it's luxurious‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00058-00029587-00029942 ‐The rain ruined my hairstyle. ‐HAHAHAHAHA 6LPCz5J_o8I-00059-00030205-00030463 It's very gorgeous. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00060-00030463-00030830 ‐It feels like a hot spring. ‐Wow 6LPCz5J_o8I-00061-00030830-00031172 They have a great sense of interior decoration. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00062-00031218-00031552 The first hot spring hotel in Korea...Excited!!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00063-00032086-00032261 ‐Wow!!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00064-00032261-00032403 ‐Ehhh? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00065-00032403-00032661 This is a family room! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00066-00032882-00033249 ‐Honey! This desk is triangular! ‐Oh! It looks hard to use‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00067-00033249-00033529 ‐What? Oh! Look at this interior‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00068-00033608-00034096 ‐It's cool because it's here, but if it's outside… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00069-00034230-00034576 It is a very clean and stylish. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00070-00034822-00035093 It's so lovely that we want to start dancing right away. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00071-00035201-00035464 There seems to be a hot spring outside. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00072-00036044-00036202 (What…?) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00073-00036202-00036448 ‐Wow! ‐Really!? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00074-00036448-00036582 - Wow…… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00075-00036582-00036736 (♡♡♡) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00076-00036832-00037078 ‐What⁉ ‐Eh⁉⁉⁉ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00077-00037078-00037383 There are cool chairs too!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00078-00037495-00037733 ‐Awesome! ‐Welcome♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00079-00037733-00038300 ‐Hello. How is it? ‐It's very luxurious♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00080-00038300-00038584 ‐Kuriko found a remote control 6LPCz5J_o8I-00081-00038671-00039068 ‐Wow‼Eh⁉Wha… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00082-00039068-00039368 Kuriko is very surprised. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00083-00039368-00039681 We can open the roof like this. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00084-00039681-00039852 ‐I was very surprised! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00085-00040140-00040382 We can also go out‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00086-00040995-00041758 Honey! Doesn't the gate look like Seoul National University? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00087-00041758-00042146 ‐Is that a joke from a foreigner? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00088-00042350-00042684 ‐There's also an outdoor spa‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00089-00042684-00043222 ‐It's an outdoor spa, but we have it in our room 6LPCz5J_o8I-00090-00043222-00043430 ‐Wow... How is it? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00091-00043430-00043614 ‐It's the best 6LPCz5J_o8I-00092-00043743-00044123 Let's start preparing for the hot spring. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00093-00044356-00044640 Kuriko discovered the refrigerator. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00094-00044640-00045224 ‐The interior of this hotel is the nicest I have ever stayed in Korea!!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00095-00045282-00045449 ‐Now that you're ready, let's take a hot spring bath! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00096-00045633-00045920 Let's go to the hot spring. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00097-00046433-00046696 ‐I'm embarrassed. ‐Why? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00098-00046696-00047284 ‐You can see my body. ‐Honey‼Let's stand up and dance 6LPCz5J_o8I-00099-00047284-00047397 (What? Really?) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00100-00047776-00048531 ‐I feel like living here forever. ‐I didn't know there was a place like this in Korea…♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00101-00048531-00049641 ‐This is my first time going to a natural hot spring in Korea. ‐I've been to a natural hot spring, but I've never been to such a wonderful place before. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00102-00049641-00049874 ‐I don't have to go to hot springs in Japan.HAHA 6LPCz5J_o8I-00103-00050296-00050650 Then open the roof… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00104-00050884-00051276 ‐Wow... It's the best! ‐It's cool 6LPCz5J_o8I-00105-00051659-00052172 ‐My body... Seolleong... ‐Huh? Seolleongtang? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00106-00052172-00052681 ‐How should I express it in Korean? ‐Please try to create an expression 6LPCz5J_o8I-00107-00052681-00053470 ‐It feels like it's sticky, moist, and contains a lot of beauty ingredients 6LPCz5J_o8I-00108-00053470-00053670 (Is that so?) 6LPCz5J_o8I-00109-00053674-00053928 ‐Ah... ‐There's a shellfish… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00110-00054838-00055238 ‐My skin feels good after taking a hot spring bath♡ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00111-00055376-00055559 ‐I have a problem. ‐What is it? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00112-00055559-00056135 ‐We ate sashimi and crabs for lunch, so what should we eat for dinner? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00113-00056176-00056443 ‐Oh? ‐What are you doing? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00114-00056539-00056848 ‐Hum?…Oh? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00115-00056911-00057261 ‐How nice it would be if this were our house. There's a cute bed 6LPCz5J_o8I-00116-00057261-00057561 ‐Can I sleep in this bed for a moment? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00117-00057611-00058216 ‐The bed is going to break! ‐Look! My legs are short, so I can sleep 6LPCz5J_o8I-00118-00058216-00058612 ‐Honey doesn't seem to be able to do it here. ‐I can't sleep in the bed under Kuriko 6LPCz5J_o8I-00119-00058612-00058812 ‐Why...? ‐You're so fa… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00120-00059154-00059259 ‐Who is Kuriko? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00121-00059517-00059717 ‐Oh, he's Kuriko.Your nose is getting smaller ‐Hey 6LPCz5J_o8I-00122-00059797-00060076 We bought a chicken on B1F. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00123-00060076-00060326 ‐How delicious is it… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00124-00060756-00060969 Next to the convenience store on the first floor. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00125-00060969-00061307 ‐I love convenience stores in Korea. ‐Kuriko, what do you want to eat? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00126-00061307-00061690 ‐I... Ah!!! ‐Why? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00127-00061690-00061966 ‐Wait... This is… 6LPCz5J_o8I-00128-00061966-00062212 We found beer in a recent drama!!!!! 6LPCz5J_o8I-00129-00062274-00062645 We got Soju from this area. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00130-00062946-00063267 Today's dinner is chicken and ramen. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00131-00063642-00063976 And beer would be perfect. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00132-00064222-00064493 The beer after the hot spring, we are extremely happy at this moment. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00133-00064627-00065173 ‐"Chan" on a beautiful morning…Does this mean Wooljin people drink this alcohol in the morning? ‐No 6LPCz5J_o8I-00134-00065269-00065803 ‐"Chan" = Very. It means a very refreshing morning‐ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00135-00065803-00066003 ‐HAHA I thought "chan" = toast. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00136-00066570-00066837 How does it taste? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00137-00066966-00067075 ‐Um? 6LPCz5J_o8I-00138-00067196-00067417 ‐Ah! ‐It tastes soft 6LPCz5J_o8I-00139-00067417-00067746 ‐And after drinking, ‐Um、so good 6LPCz5J_o8I-00140-00067942-00068589 ‐This shochu has a nice aftertaste‼ 6LPCz5J_o8I-00141-00069039-00069331 So the first day of our trip to Uljin Hot Spring ended. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00142-00069377-00069519 next episode 6LPCz5J_o8I-00143-00069556-00069819 We went on a trip to Uljin. 6LPCz5J_o8I-00144-00069819-00070391 We tried scuba diving, Kyungsik's bucket list 6LPCz5J_o8I-00145-00070391-00070779 Kuriko, who's afraid of water, is in danger 6pQUWqUGVx8-00000-00001000-00001700 Veere Di Wedding shatters myth about adult films, smashes records overseas 6pQUWqUGVx8-00001-00001800-00003500 The much-awaited film of 2018, Veere Di Wedding made its way to the theatres on Friday. The film not only got an overwhelming response in the domestic market but also saw a solid start in key international markets.. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00002-00003600-00005100 Veere Di Wedding Veere Di Wedding shatters myth about adult films, smashes records overseas The much-awaited film of 2018, Veere Di Wedding made its way to the theatres on Friday. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00003-00005200-00006900 The film not only got an overwhelming response in the domestic market but also saw a solid start in key international markets.. The much-awaited film of 2018, Veere Di Wedding made its way to the theatres on Friday. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00004-00007000-00009100 The film not only got an overwhelming response in the domestic market but also saw a solid start in key international markets. Noted trade analyst Taran Adarsh said that the film has broken the myth that adult-themed Indian movies dont perform overseas. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00005-00009200-00011500 Veere Di Wedding, which released on June 1, is ranking on the top charts of Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. Sharing the worldwide collection of the film, Taran tweeted, #VeereDiWedding takes a SOLID START in key international markets on Fri. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00006-00011600-00013600 AUSTRALIA: A$ 108,246 [₹ 54.87 lakhs]. Debuts at No 7 UK: £ 65,423 [₹ 58.49 lakhs]. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00007-00013700-00015900 Debuts at No 8 NEW ZEALAND: NZ$ 35,975 [₹ 16.82 lakhs]. Debuts at No 5 @Rentrak. The general feeling is, cuss words and adult-themed Indian movies *DON’T* work Overseas. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00008-00016000-00017300 #VeereDiWedding has shattered the myth. The film breezes into the TOP 10 charts of Australia, UK and New Zealand and this is no small achievement. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00009-00017400-00019500 @Rentrak, he posted in another tweet. The movie opened to 2177 theatre screens in India this year, and about 470 screens overseas. Earlier in the day, co-producer Ekta Kapoor took to Twitter to share the collections. 6pQUWqUGVx8-00011-00023500-00024700 It has been produced by the czarina Ekta Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor and Nikhil Dwivedi. Permanent roommates actor Sumeet Vyas also plays a pivotal role in the film.. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00000-00001167-00001707 A long time ago, there was a traveler that was very hungry. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00001-00001748-00001919 He did not have any food. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00002-00001967-00002403 He did not have any plan to help himself get food. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00003-00002496-00002644 He arrived at a certain village. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00004-00002664-00003060 He went around knocking at peoples homes asking for hand-outs. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00005-00003083-00003167 What are hand-outs? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00006-00003224-00003343 Who knows what hand-outs are? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00007-00003684-00003779 May I please have this pencil? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00008-00003779-00003979 I said follow through with your finger, not with a pencil. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00009-00004067-00004356 - The title. - Title. What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00010-00004356-00004632 - A place. - A place. What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00011-00004632-00005020 - Characters. - Characters. What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00012-00005020-00005260 - A problem. - A problem. What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00013-00005260-00005460 A solution. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00014-00005460-00005607 Every time you write a story. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00015-00005607-00005884 Your start by saying "A long time ago..." 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00016-00005884-00006260 Even if it's a narrated story. It has a title. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00017-00006260-00006404 - What else does it have? - A place. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00018-00006404-00006671 - You have a place. What else? - Characters. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00019-00006671-00006928 - Characters, what else? - A problem. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00020-00006928-00007228 - A problem, what else? - A solution. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00021-00007228-00007587 Why am I telling you this, Liyakhikhaya? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00022-00007643-00007964 Why do you think I'm showing you what I'm showing you? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00023-00008176-00008335 What do we need to know? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00024-00008376-00008576 - We must know how to make stories. - Make stories. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00025-00008576-00008843 - We should write our own..? - stories. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00026-00008843-00009212 Stories. We will write our own stories. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00027-00009212-00009468 We must know that we work with the title. What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00028-00009468-00009607 - A place. - What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00029-00009607-00009779 - Characters. - What else? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00030-00009779-00010040 A problem, and a solution. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00031-00010040-00010212 A solution. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00032-00010364-00010579 It will have all these components put nicely together. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00033-00010579-00010887 - What should our story start with? - A title. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00034-00010887-00011148 - A title, followed by? - A place. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00035-00011148-00011431 A place, followed by? - Characters. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00036-00011431-00011684 - Characters, what else? - A problem. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00037-00011684-00011871 - Followed by? - A solution. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00038-00011871-00012148 A solution. We will do that tomorrow. Okay? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00039-00012148-00012548 Alright, let's stand up and go back to our desks my children. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00040-00013136-00013340 Listen my children, today... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00041-00013359-00013675 We are going to take out our story. All those topics we did... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00042-00013675-00013943 and discussed. We are going to make a story 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00043-00013943-00014268 with a title, an introduction, a middle. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00044-00014268-00014468 - And with what? - an ending. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00045-00014468-00014808 - Okay. - A troublesome rabbit. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00046-00015091-00015380 - They were angry and what? - Worried. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00047-00015380-00015536 How do you say 'worry' in isiXhosa? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00048-00015536-00015856 It's worry in English. What do we say if a person is 'worried', in isiXhosa? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00049-00015856-00016096 The person is sad. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00050-00016131-00016440 - They were...what are you saying? They were angry, yes. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00051-00016440-00016831 - and sad. - They were angry... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00052-00016831-00017031 And sad. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00053-00017103-00017847 And sad. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00054-00017847-00018231 What was the reason for their sadness? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00055-00018231-00018556 - They did not? - They did not know what was eating their crops. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00056-00018580-00019059 - Okay, what are you saying? -They did not know what was eating their crops. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00057-00019059-00019203 They did not know 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00058-00019540-00019875 what was eating their crops. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00059-00019875-00020108 ...eating their crops. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00060-00020108-00020496 their crops. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00061-00020675-00020791 What happened next? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00062-00021368-00021512 He took the rabbit. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00063-00021540-00021784 - He took it to the house? - Where did he take the rabbit? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00064-00021836-00021996 - To grandfather. - Home, and then what happened? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00065-00022412-00022628 Very good! He took it. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00066-00022891-00023071 He went to... What did you say? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00067-00023087-00023240 He took... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00068-00023271-00023612 He took the rabbit. What did he do? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00069-00023647-00024268 He took the rabbit to the grandfather. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00070-00024268-00024556 What did he do after that? Did he run? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00071-00024703-00024952 - What were we going to write here? - He got trapped. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00072-00024952-00025187 He was trapped, I'm the one who made a mistake. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00073-00025187-00025596 The rabbit got trapped... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00074-00025704-00025904 - on the trap. - on the trap. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00075-00025916-00026631 The Grandfather sent his son to go and have a look... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00076-00026631-00026951 at the trap. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00077-00026951-00027348 He then saw the rabbit trapped. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00078-00027368-00027692 He took the rabbit inside the house. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00079-00027719-00027943 They had the rabbit for supper. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00080-00027995-00028727 They were very happy because they were no longer going to have their crops eaten. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00081-00028727-00029116 It is written by us Grade 3's. Writers, I want to write that down. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00082-00029116-00029316 Writers. Who are the writers? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00083-00029316-00029600 - It's Grade 3, - Grade 3's. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00084-00029963-00030304 I'm going give you is the story frame. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00085-00030304-00030619 This story frame is similar to the one we did the first time. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00086-00030619-00031039 The day we were writing the title, place and characters. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00087-00031039-00031104 Do you remember? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00088-00031127-00031327 This is the same thing, but this one is on a small piece of paper. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00089-00031356-00031648 Now, you and your friend will discuss and try 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00090-00031648-00031856 - to create your own what? - Story. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00091-00031856-00032056 A story. Please hand these out. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00092-00032207-00032324 Send them down this row. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00093-00032707-00032763 There you go. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00094-00033216-00033392 Pass them down to those sitting down there too. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00095-00033631-00034219 There you go. Two people in a group are going to share one paper. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00096-00034260-00034407 Two people are going to share one paper. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00097-00034519-00034816 You are not going to write in your book, you're going to write on this piece of paper. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00098-00035231-00035375 Will you first write the title? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00099-00035456-00035707 - Did we just start with the title? - No teacher. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00100-00035775-00036204 Think about it and discuss what you want write about? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00101-00036204-00036531 Listen here, there is no reason for you to argue or fight over this. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00102-00036575-00037019 No need to fight, you must decide who will write which part. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00103-00037019-00037195 Do you get me? Okay. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00104-00037195-00037463 Start discussing. Have you talked about where you will start? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00105-00037636-00037836 Where will you start? Will you start with the title? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00106-00038068-00038448 Can someone write a title if they don't know what the story is about? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00107-00038539-00038619 Can they? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00108-00038707-00039004 Did we start with the title when we wrote our story? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00109-00039004-00039168 - No. - What did we start with? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00110-00039168-00039575 - We started with the problem. - We started with the problem. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00111-00039575-00039916 Think about it and decide on the problem that you want to write about. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00112-00040131-00040495 Think about it and talk to each other. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00113-00040495-00040716 Choose the problem you want to talk about. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00114-00040872-00041048 What were you saying? Where is what? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00115-00041268-00041316 What about it? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00116-00041707-00041931 You didn't finish this up, what will you say about the monkey? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00117-00041931-00042507 - A clever monkey. - A monkey that was very clever. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00118-00042507-00042824 What letters is 'nk' composed of? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00119-00043316-00043583 Yes, you didn't write 'nk'. There's 'n' here. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00120-00043583-00043916 '... that was clever.' You didn't write 'clever'. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00121-00044168-00044280 You were erasing with it. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00122-00044592-00044736 What is in the beginning of a story? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00123-00044968-00045516 How did we start it the story that we wrote? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00124-00045543-00045919 - A long time ago.. - 'A long time ago' where? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00125-00046051-00046251 At Diki’s farm. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00126-00046251-00046451 What is Diki's farm? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00127-00046748-00046912 What is that on your frame? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00128-00047168-00047368 - It's a place. - It's a place. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00129-00047368-00047680 It's a place. A long time ago at Diki's farm... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00130-00047680-00047963 there lived a family. What's that? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00131-00047963-00048239 What is a family in your story frame? What is that in your story frame? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00132-00048460-00048687 - They are characters. - Yes, they are characters. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00133-00048687-00048887 What does your introduction have? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00134-00049127-00049675 - A title. - No, leave the title for now. We are talking about your introduction. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00135-00049675-00049875 What does a beginning of a story have? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00136-00049975-00050319 A long time ago, there lived a family at Diki's farm. What's included there? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00137-00050572-00050739 A place. - A place. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00138-00050816-00050980 - and characters. - Characters. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00139-00051024-00051284 Get straight into it. I can see you already wrote your story frame. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00140-00051284-00051484 Now I want you to add the place and characters? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00141-00051515-00051855 Young man, I am not sure if you are helping him or thinking. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00142-00051891-00052248 - I am helping him. - You two must help each other until you finish your story. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00143-00052248-00052536 You haven't finished it yet? Sure. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00144-00052651-00052800 We're going to take turns. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00145-00052800-00053512 The community quickly called an ambulance and took granny to hospital. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00146-00053512-00053784 Let's give them a round of applause. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00147-00053912-00054067 Well done. Can I ask something? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00148-00054091-00054427 - Did she give us the title to their story? - No... Yes... 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00149-00054427-00054548 - Did she give us? - No. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00150-00054548-00054748 What is the title of your story Thando? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00151-00054963-00055163 You don't have the title for your story there? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00152-00055212-00055412 What is it tell me? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00153-00055412-00055575 - The sick granny. - What? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00154-00055575-00055884 - The sick. - The sick granny. Can I ask something? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00155-00055884-00056227 - Did they have a place where the story took place? - Yes. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00156-00056227-00056479 - Didn't they have a place? - They did. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00157-00056479-00056755 - What was the name of their place? - Port Elizabeth? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00158-00056755-00056936 - Where in PE? - In a small house. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00159-00056936-00057215 I a small house, good. Did they have characters? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00160-00057244-00057455 - Yes. - Who were their characters? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00161-00057455-00058063 The son, the granny and the community. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00162-00058063-00058291 - Did they have a problem? - No. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00163-00058291-00058508 What was the problem in their story Sahlu? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00164-00058803-00059215 We must listen to other peoples stories. What was the problem in that story Iviwe? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00165-00059272-00059600 - The was a sick granny. - The was a sick granny. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00166-00059600-00059963 What was the solution to their problem Oyintando? 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00167-00060008-00060763 - The community and the son called an ambulance and they took granny to hospital. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00168-00060763-00061136 Very good! The community called an ambulance. Let's give him a round of applause. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00169-00061136-00061855 What do we say? Well done and keep it up, and shine. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00170-00062587-00062824 The hungry jackal. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00171-00062879-00063355 A long time ago, there was a family that lived on a farm. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00172-00063355-00063887 There was a hungry jackal that had no food. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00173-00063887-00064648 It went around looking for food and he saw the children playing. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00174-00064648-00065360 The jackal chased the children to their homes. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00175-00065360-00066132 The children reported to their parents. They were very afraid of the jackal. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00176-00066132-00066520 The following morning, they woke up to go to town. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00177-00066544-00067039 As they walked out, they saw the jackal sitting under a large tree. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00178-00067324-00068203 The jackal saw the family and chased them, they ran very fast. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00179-00068236-00068851 The father called the police, the police called the man who deals animals. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00180-00068887-00069232 The jackal was taken and closed in with other animals. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00181-00069251-00069820 The children and all the people were very happy because the jackal was taken away. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00182-00069820-00070232 Oh yes! Their story is very interesting. 6Qp0UxpoQ_4-00183-00070232-00070920 What do we say? Well done and keep it up, and shine. 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00000-00000000-00000256 Adding Assignment activity in Moodle 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00001-00000256-00000368 Click on Mycourses and goto your course where you are a teacher 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00002-00000462-00000606 Click Turn editing on 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00003-00000660-00001044 Go to the topic /section where you want to add the Activity 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00004-00001044-00001252 Click on Add an activity or resource 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00005-00001252-00001504 In Activities, choose Assignment and click Add 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00007-00005720-00005908 If there is any file that you want to upload regarding Assignment, drag and drop that file in Additional file section 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00008-00005908-00006118 In Availability section set settings according to desired timelines. ( Depends on instructors call) 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00009-00006118-00006222 In Submission type section select type of submission ( file or online text) 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00010-00007050-00007434 If you enable online text then word limit option can be set 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00011-00007434-00007538 In Feedback type section select desired option. 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00012-00008528-00008728 In Grade section select grade 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00013-00009182-00009334 Click save and display 6Tvdxfh6Ts0-00014-00009334-00009854 Now, your assignment is ready in your course for your learners. When your learners submit you can grade and review the assignment. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00000-00000559-00000892 Greetings and welcome to the Introduction to Astronomy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00001-00000892-00001168 In this video, we are going to talk about the structure 6V7JDDe9IUE-00002-00001168-00001432 of our Milky Way Galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00003-00001432-00001948 So look at how it is composed and what it is made up of. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00004-00001948-00002131 And look at the general structure and some 6V7JDDe9IUE-00005-00002131-00002308 of the history of that. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00006-00002308-00002620 So let's go ahead and get started here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00007-00002620-00003093 And what we see is first of all, how do we determine 6V7JDDe9IUE-00008-00003093-00003309 the structure of our galaxy? 6V7JDDe9IUE-00009-00003309-00003678 It's not an easy thing to do primarily because we 6V7JDDe9IUE-00010-00003678-00003978 are stuck inside our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00011-00003978-00004167 So it's a little harder to determine 6V7JDDe9IUE-00012-00004167-00004611 that than it is if we could look at a different distant galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00013-00004611-00004869 So an example would be it would be very hard. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00014-00004869-00005109 How do you know the shape or extent of a building 6V7JDDe9IUE-00015-00005109-00005358 if you're stuck inside a single room. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00016-00005358-00005704 You might have windows to look out to give you some idea. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00017-00005704-00005883 But if you could not move from that room 6V7JDDe9IUE-00018-00005883-00006117 and had not seen the building before you 6V7JDDe9IUE-00019-00006117-00006498 would have a very difficult time determining how many floors 6V7JDDe9IUE-00020-00006498-00006623 the building has. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00021-00006623-00006753 How high up does it go. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00022-00006753-00006936 How far down does it go. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00023-00006936-00007209 We have a very similar issue with our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00024-00007209-00007530 We cannot easily see through our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00025-00007530-00008006 And in fact, one astronomer William Herschel in 1785 6V7JDDe9IUE-00026-00008006-00008247 counted stars in various directions 6V7JDDe9IUE-00027-00008247-00008622 to try to get the first rough map of the Milky Way. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00028-00008622-00008871 And here what he found was our sun 6V7JDDe9IUE-00029-00008871-00009374 relatively close to the center of the galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00030-00009374-00009569 But he did notice that the galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00031-00009569-00009854 was flattened that there were far more stars 6V7JDDe9IUE-00032-00009854-00010094 in this direction than there were 6V7JDDe9IUE-00033-00010094-00010292 in the up and down direction. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00034-00010292-00010586 So he saw that there were far more stars here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00035-00010586-00010769 Now one of the problems that he had 6V7JDDe9IUE-00036-00010769-00011150 is that he did not understand that there was a lot of dust 6V7JDDe9IUE-00037-00011150-00011390 we did not realize that there was dust 6V7JDDe9IUE-00038-00011390-00011597 and in fact looking off this way would 6V7JDDe9IUE-00039-00011597-00011837 be the center of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00040-00011837-00012299 And most of the stars there are completely blocked by the dust. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00041-00012299-00012524 So there are actually a lot more stars here 6V7JDDe9IUE-00042-00012524-00012925 and our galaxy extends a lot farther off here to the left 6V7JDDe9IUE-00043-00012925-00013130 than it does to the right. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00044-00013130-00013457 And while it was a first great map of the Milky Way 6V7JDDe9IUE-00045-00013457-00014211 it did not tell us the true extent of the Milky Way galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00046-00014211-00014577 So more modern measurements because as I've said Herschel 6V7JDDe9IUE-00047-00014577-00014840 as measurements were limited, meaning 6V7JDDe9IUE-00048-00014840-00015097 that he did not know about dust and that 6V7JDDe9IUE-00049-00015097-00015338 limited the part of the galaxy that he actually 6V7JDDe9IUE-00050-00015338-00015515 was able to view. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00051-00015515-00015844 So as we see in the image here Herschel's image 6V7JDDe9IUE-00052-00015844-00016100 is just this little black section here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00053-00016100-00016529 He was only looking at a very small part of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00054-00016529-00016844 However, looking at the globular clusters 6V7JDDe9IUE-00055-00016844-00017075 gives us a better idea. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00056-00017075-00017351 That's because they are distributed pretty much 6V7JDDe9IUE-00057-00017351-00017774 uniformly around the galaxy in a spherical halo. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00058-00017774-00018035 And this tells us a much better idea 6V7JDDe9IUE-00059-00018035-00018272 of what the galaxy is like. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00060-00018272-00018503 So we can see that the galaxy is now 6V7JDDe9IUE-00061-00018503-00018809 we have all of these dots in here each of these little dots 6V7JDDe9IUE-00062-00018809-00019121 represents a globular cluster. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00063-00019121-00019454 They can be seen over large distances. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00064-00019454-00019787 So we can see them even when they are very far away. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00065-00019787-00020123 And if we can assume that they are pretty much centered 6V7JDDe9IUE-00066-00020123-00020417 on the center of our galaxy then that means 6V7JDDe9IUE-00067-00020417-00020738 that the center of our galaxy is here roughly. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00068-00020738-00020966 Well outside even the little section 6V7JDDe9IUE-00069-00020966-00021443 that Herschel was able to observe back in the 1700s. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00070-00021443-00021686 So studying these globular clusters 6V7JDDe9IUE-00071-00021686-00022290 and Harlow Shapley here was one who was able to do that. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00072-00022290-00022479 And he was able to find that. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00073-00022479-00022727 No, we're not near the center of our galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00074-00022727-00022956 as Herschel had found from his measurements. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00075-00022956-00023298 But we are actually well away from it. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00076-00023298-00023541 So let's look at what our galaxy is made up 6V7JDDe9IUE-00077-00023541-00023793 and what our galaxy is composed of. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00078-00023793-00024082 So the different components of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00079-00024082-00024204 We have several different. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00080-00024467-00024673 We have several different ones here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00081-00024673-00024970 And what we have is we have the disk 6V7JDDe9IUE-00082-00024970-00025384 of the galaxy which is really most of the visible material 6V7JDDe9IUE-00083-00025384-00025827 when you look at a spiral galaxy which is what our Milky Way is. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00084-00025827-00026219 Most of that material is the disc material. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00085-00026219-00026445 It contains things like the spiral arms 6V7JDDe9IUE-00086-00026445-00026883 and the dust and the gas and is where stars would be forming. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00087-00026883-00027352 So it would be sites of star formation 6V7JDDe9IUE-00088-00027352-00027733 and that also makes it very visible 6V7JDDe9IUE-00089-00027733-00027997 because there are bright stars forming there. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00090-00027997-00028414 So our disk shown down here is the very flattened area 6V7JDDe9IUE-00091-00028414-00028816 that goes right through the central portions of our galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00092-00028816-00029119 and is where the galaxy is flattened. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00093-00029119-00029506 Now, there's also the halo which is a spherical distribution. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00094-00029506-00029698 That's where those globular clusters 6V7JDDe9IUE-00095-00029698-00029941 that Harlow Shapley saw were. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00096-00029941-00030156 And when he measured those heroes 6V7JDDe9IUE-00097-00030156-00030645 globular clusters are then centered on the Milky Way. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00098-00030645-00031027 So we happen to be located here actually towards the outskirts 6V7JDDe9IUE-00099-00031027-00031177 of the galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00100-00031177-00031479 But there is a halo a lot less material. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00101-00031479-00031637 It has the globular clusters. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00102-00031637-00031833 But has a lot less material a lot less 6V7JDDe9IUE-00103-00031833-00032101 and certainly not any gas and dust that 6V7JDDe9IUE-00104-00032101-00032389 would be forming new stars. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00105-00032389-00032680 Now there's a couple other components as well. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00106-00032680-00033272 And we have the bulge of the galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00107-00033272-00033544 So the central bulge is noted here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00108-00033544-00033961 That is an area that is kind of in-between the disc 6V7JDDe9IUE-00109-00033961-00034084 and the halo. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00110-00034084-00034472 The disk is very flat and the bulge is extended a little bit. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00111-00034472-00034768 And then the halo is a big spherical area around it. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00112-00034768-00034954 So this is an extended distribution 6V7JDDe9IUE-00113-00034954-00035296 of material around the center of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00114-00035296-00035566 The galactic center itself contains 6V7JDDe9IUE-00115-00035566-00036118 a supermassive black hole about four million solar masses. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00116-00036118-00036727 So four million times the mass of our sun 6V7JDDe9IUE-00117-00036727-00037036 and then out beyond that not shown in the image 6V7JDDe9IUE-00118-00037036-00037261 is a matter halo. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00119-00037261-00037628 Now we saw the halo itself that stuff we can see. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00120-00037628-00038014 But there is also much more unseen or dark matter 6V7JDDe9IUE-00121-00038014-00038212 around the halo. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00122-00038212-00038368 This is very important. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00123-00038368-00038737 We know that it exists because of gravitational effects. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00124-00038737-00038968 And we'll take a look at that later. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00125-00038968-00039277 But we know that it exists there that there must be far more 6V7JDDe9IUE-00126-00039277-00039634 mass than we can possibly see and dark matter is 6V7JDDe9IUE-00127-00039634-00039847 one of those things that astronomers 6V7JDDe9IUE-00128-00039847-00040168 are continuing to study today. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00129-00040168-00040453 So what does our galaxy look like? 6V7JDDe9IUE-00130-00040453-00041065 Well, what we'll see is that our galaxy when we look at it, 6V7JDDe9IUE-00131-00041065-00041397 we actually see an edge on view. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00132-00041397-00041835 So we do not see our galaxy as a great spiral galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00133-00041835-00042121 We see it edge on because we're sitting inside it 6V7JDDe9IUE-00134-00042121-00042564 and it gives us a very limited view of what we're able to see. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00135-00042564-00042897 We can use measurements and observations of other galaxies 6V7JDDe9IUE-00136-00042897-00043401 however to kind of predict what our galaxy might look like. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00137-00043401-00043725 So we can make some measurements figure out where different dust 6V7JDDe9IUE-00138-00043725-00043800 clouds are. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00139-00043800-00044043 Figure out the extent of our galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00140-00044043-00044373 where the denser portions are where the least dense portions 6V7JDDe9IUE-00141-00044373-00044778 are and use that to be able to try to determine what 6V7JDDe9IUE-00142-00044778-00045126 our galaxy might look like and an artist's conception 6V7JDDe9IUE-00143-00045126-00045590 might give us something like this that we will then 6V7JDDe9IUE-00144-00045590-00045848 be able to see our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00145-00045848-00046214 So here is the central bulge of the galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00146-00046214-00046385 in towards the center. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00147-00046385-00046577 The whole thing we're seeing is the disc 6V7JDDe9IUE-00148-00046577-00047033 we get the distinct spiral arms spiraling out from the center. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00149-00047033-00047538 And we also in our case, we see a central bar, 6V7JDDe9IUE-00150-00047538-00047723 that means there is a bar of material 6V7JDDe9IUE-00151-00047723-00048056 going through the middle of the galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00152-00048056-00048473 And that is important because we see a number of other galaxies 6V7JDDe9IUE-00153-00048473-00048644 that have this as well. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00154-00048644-00048824 And in fact, the spiral arms start 6V7JDDe9IUE-00155-00048824-00049139 from the edge of the bar not from the actual center 6V7JDDe9IUE-00156-00049139-00049388 of the galaxy itself. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00157-00049388-00049640 So this is an example of what we might 6V7JDDe9IUE-00158-00049640-00050177 be able to see if we could travel 100,000 light years away 6V7JDDe9IUE-00159-00050177-00050516 or 10,000 light years away straight up out of our galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00160-00050516-00051153 and look back down on it to get that full view of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00161-00051153-00051519 So what do we see when we see the spiral structure? 6V7JDDe9IUE-00162-00051519-00051774 We see some of it in the image here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00163-00051774-00051878 We can take a look. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00164-00051878-00052280 What do we know we now know what our galaxy looks 6V7JDDe9IUE-00165-00052280-00052440 like a little bit better. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00166-00052440-00052734 We see that there is very distinct spiral structure 6V7JDDe9IUE-00167-00052734-00053073 as I showed before we have various different arms. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00168-00053073-00053361 There's the Sagittarius arm into the Perseus arm 6V7JDDe9IUE-00169-00053361-00053642 out here and the Scutus-Centaurus 6V7JDDe9IUE-00170-00053642-00053823 arm as the main arms. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00171-00053823-00054092 But there's also some other ones going here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00172-00054092-00054436 So our galaxy doesn't have just one or two spiral arms. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00173-00054436-00054714 But has a number of them that have formed. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00174-00054714-00055119 We know it has those several distinct arms and the bar going 6V7JDDe9IUE-00175-00055119-00055326 through its center, which again, we've 6V7JDDe9IUE-00176-00055326-00055614 seen those in some galaxies. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00177-00055614-00055836 And a question can be - Why do we 6V7JDDe9IUE-00178-00055836-00056259 get spiral arms in some galaxies but not all of them? 6V7JDDe9IUE-00179-00056259-00056854 So why do certain galaxies show us a spiral arms? 6V7JDDe9IUE-00180-00056854-00057307 And what we think in terms of how spiral structure forms. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00181-00057307-00057627 We can actually look at that very briefly here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00182-00057627-00058089 And what we find is that how do spiral arms form. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00183-00058089-00058395 Well, one thought is that maybe they 6V7JDDe9IUE-00184-00058395-00058872 form because the galaxies undergo differential rotation. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00185-00058872-00059011 Now that's not unusual. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00186-00059011-00059238 It simply means that the inner part of the galaxy 6V7JDDe9IUE-00187-00059238-00059487 rotates faster than the outer part. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00188-00059487-00059862 So you can imagine that if you had blobs of material that 6V7JDDe9IUE-00189-00059862-00060540 stretched across the galaxy with the inner parts rotating faster 6V7JDDe9IUE-00190-00060540-00060894 and the outer parts rotating much slower. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00191-00060894-00061098 That they would spread out over time. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00192-00061098-00061316 So you'd start to get them spread out a little bit 6V7JDDe9IUE-00193-00061316-00061585 here and more here. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00194-00061585-00061892 And then finally, you would form a distinct spiral arms 6V7JDDe9IUE-00195-00061892-00062157 just like we saw in the estimation of what 6V7JDDe9IUE-00196-00062157-00062391 our galaxy might look like. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00197-00062391-00062982 The problem is these would not last a very long time. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00198-00062982-00063264 After just a few galactic rotations 6V7JDDe9IUE-00199-00063264-00063534 which might only be a billion years or so 6V7JDDe9IUE-00200-00063534-00063870 they would wind up and be completely gone. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00201-00063870-00064135 So while it conforms spiral arms. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00202-00064135-00064560 We need some method to be able to retain the spiral structure 6V7JDDe9IUE-00203-00064560-00064747 for the lifetime of a galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00204-00064747-00064967 And we are talking 10 billion years. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00205-00064967-00065289 In that case, since we see spiral galaxies 6V7JDDe9IUE-00206-00065289-00065616 at various ages and the way we believe 6V7JDDe9IUE-00207-00065616-00066002 this works is through what are called density waves. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00208-00066002-00066333 So a spiral density wave what they are 6V7JDDe9IUE-00209-00066333-00066606 is areas have increased density much 6V7JDDe9IUE-00210-00066606-00067035 like the way material bunches up - the way cars bunch up 6V7JDDe9IUE-00211-00067035-00067218 in a traffic jam. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00212-00067218-00067554 So the compressed material as the density wave 6V7JDDe9IUE-00213-00067554-00067836 travels through where that compressed material is 6V7JDDe9IUE-00214-00067836-00068499 here and here, then that forms that is where star formation is 6V7JDDe9IUE-00215-00068499-00068580 going to form. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00216-00068580-00068961 So stars are going to begin to form in these areas 6V7JDDe9IUE-00217-00068961-00069240 where the material is compressed. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00218-00069240-00069460 You push more material together. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00219-00069460-00069780 You're more likely to begin or to be able to form stars. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00220-00069780-00070098 So while the density waves themselves would be invisible. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00221-00070098-00070455 This highlighted star formation makes the density waves stand 6V7JDDe9IUE-00222-00070455-00070831 out and gives us the pattern. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00223-00070831-00071013 Now because the density wave would 6V7JDDe9IUE-00224-00071013-00071478 move much slower than the actual rotation of the galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00225-00071478-00071814 This would allow spiral pattern to maintain 6V7JDDe9IUE-00226-00071814-00072123 for astronomical timescales. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00227-00072123-00072507 So just as a traffic jam itself can move slower 6V7JDDe9IUE-00228-00072507-00072708 than the individual cars. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00229-00072708-00073023 If there are cars bunched up on the highway 6V7JDDe9IUE-00230-00073023-00073294 and you're moving through that you slow down 6V7JDDe9IUE-00231-00073294-00073411 as you're moving through it. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00232-00073411-00073632 And then you pick up your speed again. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00233-00073632-00073866 So overall, the cars will move through it. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00234-00073866-00074200 The stars would move through the density waves. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00235-00074200-00074391 But this is where they would be bunched up 6V7JDDe9IUE-00236-00074391-00074694 and where new stars would form and those very bright 6V7JDDe9IUE-00237-00074694-00075072 hot new stars that form would then highlight the density 6V7JDDe9IUE-00238-00075072-00075339 waves giving rise to the spiral structure 6V7JDDe9IUE-00239-00075339-00075650 that we see in galaxies. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00240-00075650-00076084 So let's go ahead and finish up here as we do with our summary 6V7JDDe9IUE-00241-00076084-00076306 and what we've looked at in this section 6V7JDDe9IUE-00242-00076306-00076732 is that our galaxy is an example of what we call a barred spiral 6V7JDDe9IUE-00243-00076732-00077044 galaxy meaning meaning that it has 6V7JDDe9IUE-00244-00077044-00077224 a bar going through its center. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00245-00077224-00077644 However, this is not simple to determine 6V7JDDe9IUE-00246-00077644-00077848 because we are stuck inside it. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00247-00077848-00078013 When we look at other galaxies we'll 6V7JDDe9IUE-00248-00078013-00078181 be able to easily see whether they 6V7JDDe9IUE-00249-00078181-00078412 are ordinary spirals or barred spirals 6V7JDDe9IUE-00250-00078412-00078673 or other types of galaxies. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00251-00078673-00079105 The composition of our galaxy contains the disk, halo, 6V7JDDe9IUE-00252-00079105-00079504 central bulge, the galactic center, and then a dark matter 6V7JDDe9IUE-00253-00079504-00079733 halo outside that. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00254-00079733-00079921 And we believe that spiral arms can 6V7JDDe9IUE-00255-00079921-00080203 be maintained by density waves, which 6V7JDDe9IUE-00256-00080203-00080719 bunch up the material much like cars within a traffic jam. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00257-00080719-00081178 So that concludes this lecture on the structure of our galaxy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00258-00081178-00081523 We'll be back again next time for another topic in astronomy. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00259-00081523-00081830 So until then, have a great day, everyone. 6V7JDDe9IUE-00260-00081830-00082131 And I will see you in class. 6aIK5faml0o-00000-00072372-00072930 So today from the text we invite healing. 6aIK5faml0o-00001-00073132-00074984 We invite the awareness that the Son of God and the Father are one in Spirit with a united Will that having and being are the same. 6aIK5faml0o-00002-00075104-00075712 That what I have is what I am, and what I am is what I have. 6aIK5faml0o-00003-00076076-00077212 That the Kingdom of Heaven is the perfect understanding of God and God's Will, and the knowledge that there is but one Will. 6aIK5faml0o-00004-00077598-00079190 Today we see that healing is our lesson in understanding, as we bring all projected problems of the world back to the mind; 6aIK5faml0o-00005-00079434-00080868 seeing that the only problem, realizing that the only problem is a belief in separation from God, 6aIK5faml0o-00006-00081030-00082466 is a belief that I can create myself and make my own identity apart from the identity that God created for me, as me, as Christ. 6aIK5faml0o-00007-00082698-00083216 There can be no meaning found in the world of images. 6aIK5faml0o-00008-00083700-00084974 It seemed, during sleep, that God's Will was forgotten. Today is a day of healing and remembering, 6aIK5faml0o-00009-00085270-00085908 of remembering wholeness, of remembering completion. 6aIK5faml0o-00010-00086248-00087358 And I cannot accept the solution for the error of separation, I cannot accept the correction for the error of separation 6aIK5faml0o-00011-00087358-00088856 unless I see the problem exactly as it is: in mind; belief. One faulty belief. 6aIK5faml0o-00012-00089108-00089406 Not a situation in the world. 6aIK5faml0o-00013-00089732-00090188 Not a circumstance in the world. 6aIK5faml0o-00014-00090468-00090872 Not an outcome in the world of images. 6aIK5faml0o-00015-00091160-00092074 Just a belief in the mind. A tiny mad idea that has already been corrected. 6aIK5faml0o-00016-00092334-00092666 The solution has already been given. 6aIK5faml0o-00017-00092850-00093810 But I cannot accept this solution if I perceive the problem as outside of my mind. 6aIK5faml0o-00018-00094298-00095312 Human beings, personalities seem to have many problems. They seem to have their own special problems. 6aIK5faml0o-00019-00095544-00096904 Jesus tells us, 'Yet they are all the same, and must be recognized as one if the one solution that solves them all is to be accepted.' 6aIK5faml0o-00020-00097222-00098448 He reminds us that even if you've been given the answer, you cannot see it's relevance if you think the problems are something else. 6aIK5faml0o-00021-00098654-00098990 The problems are not outside. 6aIK5faml0o-00022-00099210-00099982 You can see the problem in the mind and accept the answer in any instant. 6aIK5faml0o-00023-00100266-00101486 And until you see the problem as in the mind and accept the answer as in the mind, then Jesus tells us 'a long series of different problems will seem to confront you.' 6aIK5faml0o-00024-00101766-00102112 And as one is settled, the next one and the next arise. 6aIK5faml0o-00025-00102310-00102998 'All this is but the attempt to not recognize the problem where the problem is.' 6aIK5faml0o-00026-00103154-00104294 This game of the world is an attempt to see external problems, and the ego keeps generating more problems and more problems and more problems. 6aIK5faml0o-00027-00104616-00105459 And that is why the mind seems to be tired, and the sleeping Son of God seems to have fatigue and frustration. 6aIK5faml0o-00028-00105740-00106830 Because the ego is just presenting the mind with a vast number of problems, and each of these seemingly little problems seems to require a different answer. 6aIK5faml0o-00029-00107092-00108032 This is very complex. The ego is very complex and its smokescreens and distractions are very, very complex. 6aIK5faml0o-00030-00108404-00109268 That's why Jesus tells us, as he's speaking of faulty, fragmented perception, 6aIK5faml0o-00031-00109268-00110124 'This perception places you in a position in which your problem solving must be inadequate and failure is inevitable.' 6aIK5faml0o-00032-00110626-00111478 So we can't solve a complex problem because problems are not complex. It is one belief. 6aIK5faml0o-00033-00111583-00112048 It is one belief in the mind that separation from God is possible. 6aIK5faml0o-00034-00112366-00112682 The world is a distractor device. 6aIK5faml0o-00035-00112994-00114035 And all this seeming complexity is but a desperate attempt not to recognize the problem, and therefore not to let it be resolved. 6aIK5faml0o-00036-00114370-00114808 Today we go inward. 6aIK5faml0o-00037-00115182-00115526 We pray to be released. 6aIK5faml0o-00038-00115998-00116590 We ask what the problem is, and what the answer to it is. 6aIK5faml0o-00039-00116790-00117116 We will not assume that we already know. 6aIK5faml0o-00040-00117264-00117998 We will try to free our minds of all the many different kinds of problems we think we have. 6aIK5faml0o-00041-00118130-00118806 We will try to realize that we have only one problem, which we have failed to recognize. 6aIK5faml0o-00042-00119168-00120761 We open our mind, open our heart. We wait. We ask. We listen to receive. 6aIK5faml0o-00043-00121070-00122296 Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. Amen. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00000-00001235-00002017 Ah at this time you do 4 2 the environment in the bargaining cancer 6b2aWhsGXHI-00001-00002023-00003955 In other words, if it is an inner environment, what kind of thoughts are in our minds, what kind of feelings are open, what kind of feelings will come. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00002-00003955-00004475 It’s the environment. If it flows away from the inside, it’s ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00003-00004475-00005339 In simple terms, the state of my heart Yes, what meaning is in my heart 6b2aWhsGXHI-00004-00005339-00006451 So if there is a good meaning in my heart, then the inner environment 6b2aWhsGXHI-00005-00006492-00007518 If there's a bad meaning in my heart, I've been using it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00006-00007518-00008235 The inner environment has deteriorated. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00007-00008235-00008702 Oh, the reaction is like this 6b2aWhsGXHI-00008-00008702-00010018 Yes, how does my heart affect my 1,000 society? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00009-00010018-00010671 How is my environment like that, the external environment 6b2aWhsGXHI-00010-00010671-00011293 Will it affect genes? So in the newsletter 6b2aWhsGXHI-00011-00011293-00012614 Because the genetic field goes absolutely at night to the inner environment of the child, the new cd 2 ah 1 electron reacts to the diss of the time. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00012-00012614-00013279 They say la, ah. Genes mean 6b2aWhsGXHI-00013-00013279-00013500 Well 6b2aWhsGXHI-00014-00013502-00014397 How does that one thousand car react to the meaning in my heart? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00015-00014397-00015454 At that time, I did 3 class I wondered what the process would be. Oh, so I have to explain it a little. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00016-00015454-00017004 Oh, if it reacts to chart 3, it reacts to the environment in my circle. There is a good meaning and a bad meaning. So we 6b2aWhsGXHI-00017-00017004-00018318 What's the energy that brightens up your cell phone over a hundred inches that makes us live. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00018-00018318-00019304 Please give me electricity, uh, what is energy if our genes make each cell alive 6b2aWhsGXHI-00019-00019304-00020624 It’s so long that it’s lively electricity. Oh, so I can live as all mechanical drum electricity 6b2aWhsGXHI-00020-00020624-00021785 Uh, human beings, human beings, not only humans, but also animal hands and even insects 6b2aWhsGXHI-00021-00021785-00022956 I’m living. Yes, it’s like that. Then, how does that vitality make me work? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00022-00022956-00023912 How can you definitely explore it in your mind Um sure it is ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00023-00023912-00024976 So, the more you know it, the more strength you receive. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00024-00024976-00025632 Ah before going into detail 6b2aWhsGXHI-00025-00025939-00026860 What does a good mean when you say good mean bad mean? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00026-00026997-00028005 5 is important. Yes, it means bad and pure. If you know the good meaning, the other side is 6b2aWhsGXHI-00027-00028005-00028662 It must be a bad meaning, so what does a good mean for now? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00028-00028662-00029460 Oh, that we have to organize Chapter 1, so they already know everything 6b2aWhsGXHI-00029-00029460-00030048 What does a good mean mean a positive mean 6b2aWhsGXHI-00030-00030048-00030813 The true meaning, the good meaning, the beautiful one 6b2aWhsGXHI-00031-00030813-00031720 Yes, it says to turn on with our 1 electron just by listening to it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00032-00031958-00033025 The meaning of the 7 line is that our drivers are very welcome. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00033-00033025-00033965 It is full of life, so what will be fatal to all the world of Lee Jin-cho, it was love 6b2aWhsGXHI-00034-00033965-00035469 Uh, but love is not a child-oriented conditional vehicle that we humans often give and receive. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00035-00035469-00036273 It’s an unconditional person. Unconditionally, so unconditional love. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00036-00036273-00037063 Oh, what we are receiving can be touched can be touched 6b2aWhsGXHI-00037-00037063-00038413 The saying that we can be touched means that the power of true sun beauty in that unconditional love can move us. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00038-00038413-00039091 So even if our genes are turned off, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00039-00039091-00039581 Let's love again 6b2aWhsGXHI-00040-00039581-00041453 So the bad meaning means that it is the night that eventually prevents something 6b2aWhsGXHI-00041-00041453-00042298 It exists as what blocks genes and then 6b2aWhsGXHI-00042-00042766-00043050 Vigor 6b2aWhsGXHI-00043-00043235-00043951 Breaking your new term of office 6b2aWhsGXHI-00044-00044101-00044385 So our la 6b2aWhsGXHI-00045-00044440-00045476 When the window wall is used a lot, then what are we clogged up a lot? The height has changed a lot. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00046-00045476-00046390 So in the end, we ourselves keep making this Changdae billion thicker 6b2aWhsGXHI-00047-00046498-00048283 * I was making the wrong choice to make it big It's I'm so hateful, fear, worry, worry, anger 6b2aWhsGXHI-00048-00048283-00049405 5 Uh, what's the opposite side of Jin Seon-mi, that is, what's the other side of people and the other side of love? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00049-00049405-00049824 Yes it is a symptom ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00050-00049839-00050696 That's why we hate what do you say I hate that little boy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00051-00050706-00051522 Manor Rigami and Mother-in-law Miwa Chuket Tan 6b2aWhsGXHI-00052-00051522-00052107 If I hate you, what is it? Will you die? Why will you die? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00053-00052107-00052847 Roadside 4 blocking the way so it's amazing 6b2aWhsGXHI-00054-00052847-00054020 I'll keep going. Pretend to speak Korean. Yes, but our Korean language is very new 6b2aWhsGXHI-00055-00054020-00054607 Gun on 6b2aWhsGXHI-00056-00054652-00055660 5 We did a lot of lectures with water, so 6b2aWhsGXHI-00057-00055660-00056163 The beginner's c5 6b2aWhsGXHI-00058-00056176-00056971 In many ways, the key is difficult for the true member, and it is difficult to be blocked. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00059-00056971-00057640 Uh, this is just an accurate drug. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00060-00057640-00058205 Now so now so this 6b2aWhsGXHI-00061-00058205-00060014 Eventually, because of this barrier, there was no life. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00062-00060014-00060746 Now it's called'packing' and it's called uh uh uh uh, 2 times, what, what, what, what? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00063-00060746-00061457 Living Plan 4 Sitting Device Fluffy or 6b2aWhsGXHI-00064-00061457-00062362 It's a scam and it costs too much Scam No. 2 Mrs. Saha Park is the new year 6b2aWhsGXHI-00065-00062479-00063202 These days, I have too much to buy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00066-00063202-00064357 Ah, half of the people died, and I'm waiting for two of them 6b2aWhsGXHI-00067-00064357-00065050 So how to buy this scam with this life 6b2aWhsGXHI-00068-00065050-00066122 You have to push it out, it’s like, can you get rid of the darkness? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00069-00066122-00066734 I lighted up the dark and how did it come on? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00070-00066734-00068030 In the spring of the light, what happens to a place where there is no light in Montene, so it gets dark. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00071-00068030-00069395 Yes, so ah, this life is called the light in the foreground. That’s why God Jesus is the light of this world. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00072-00069395-00070163 Light 5 So in this world, so this relationship is dark 6b2aWhsGXHI-00073-00070188-00071098 Moto 2 So the light goes to the dark, so the dark doesn't know the light 6b2aWhsGXHI-00074-00071098-00072110 It's not like this, but now your heart is full of darkness, but now the light is shining 10 Right. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00075-00072110-00072857 Fortunately, the light is going to the darkness, so the darkness is going to the water. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00076-00072857-00073252 Assa Guard 12 6b2aWhsGXHI-00077-00073457-00073759 Write like that [Applause] 6b2aWhsGXHI-00078-00073759-00074781 My ah, then hey, so now it's been organized all the time right uh then 6b2aWhsGXHI-00079-00074811-00075238 Yes it is called animation 6b2aWhsGXHI-00080-00075327-00076110 Our good means, good heart, oh, the foliage is so beautiful 6b2aWhsGXHI-00081-00076126-00077364 All of the news is money Kaah, I don’t think the food is good, but where you are 6b2aWhsGXHI-00082-00077364-00078497 Uh, so today I saw a molecule eating two. Color ah um 6b2aWhsGXHI-00083-00078497-00078991 I don’t think I’m eating much rice 6b2aWhsGXHI-00084-00079085-00079609 Yeah uh um so um 6b2aWhsGXHI-00085-00079609-00080383 So haha ​​it tastes good? ah ah ah uh well, I'm doing exercise here again. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00086-00080383-00080982 Ah, after exercising and doing 14, it tastes good. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00087-00081042-00081752 Then, I suffered this annihilation 6b2aWhsGXHI-00088-00081802-00082209 Let me show you something amazing 6b2aWhsGXHI-00089-00082263-00083193 Now, here's how to care for this mother's acquaintance 6b2aWhsGXHI-00090-00083193-00083643 Oh, I'm putting my cub to the bottom 6b2aWhsGXHI-00091-00083643-00084544 Incubate and lick 2b mother Jin-eun again, but 6b2aWhsGXHI-00092-00084619-00085332 The margin that follows is dehydration sor that does not become pores by the medium of the low point. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00093-00085362-00086404 The greater the mother does not know that the love for the young 6b2aWhsGXHI-00094-00086404-00086898 But mom will love me 6b2aWhsGXHI-00095-00087400-00087933 Then it’s the same line 6b2aWhsGXHI-00096-00087956-00088711 Eating is also in front and the living environment is the same yeah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00097-00088734-00089833 It’s the same, but the health of the babies is different? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00098-00089833-00091150 Science cars, especially dogs, were dispatched, and in the past, when you weren't good at writing about genes, we used to eat the same health as well. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00099-00091150-00091933 I thought, um, mom licks, licks the branch, and what's the difference between health status 6b2aWhsGXHI-00100-00091933-00092704 Is there Lee? So, as it is. In this way of mind, I completely ignored it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00101-00092704-00093244 In modern times, it’s like paying people 6b2aWhsGXHI-00102-00093244-00093874 So, when I pay it, I just steam it with no feelings 6b2aWhsGXHI-00103-00093874-00094807 So, many scientists think that Yammer, who misunderstood this woe, is indeed the health of these babies. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00104-00094807-00095808 It’s the same, when you ask why you did this wrestling. By chance, a scientist went to Africa. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00105-00095808-00096260 While observing the monkeys like this, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00106-00096310-00096963 Exploration appeared, spread 4 6b2aWhsGXHI-00107-00097035-00098055 A tree leopard is on the ground What is a tree? How can shampoo an extended table A monkey that was a little low in the tree 6b2aWhsGXHI-00108-00098055-00098904 Oh how to bring a car, the streets are as scary as monkeys, and the neighborhood is 5 more 6b2aWhsGXHI-00109-00098904-00099890 I lost my separation 6b2aWhsGXHI-00110-00099890-00100976 After the leopard goes, this monkey, all of a sudden, all of the monkeys get on 6b2aWhsGXHI-00111-00100976-00101773 Tune the big one, hold the back and the cucumber 6b2aWhsGXHI-00112-00101916-00102632 So I've been doing that study in Greece for a while now to see why it flows 6b2aWhsGXHI-00113-00102632-00103726 So, the monkeys book a bunch of dong and 0 won together. Then, now, hit the circle gun and put the blood on it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00114-00103727-00104715 How the stress hormone increases and there is a gene that produces that stress hormone. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00115-00104715-00105456 Yes, 1st rumors increase because it activates something 6b2aWhsGXHI-00116-00105456-00106363 Oh, so, inje, they just put on and hold this together 6b2aWhsGXHI-00117-00106363-00107391 Later, I made a gusset and grabbed the monkey and pulled blood 6b2aWhsGXHI-00118-00107510-00108690 Among those monkeys, there are monkeys who have been bullied and experimented with each other. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00119-00108690-00109308 No matter who you take, no monkeys to give it to you 6b2aWhsGXHI-00120-00109308-00110268 Uh, he'll earn himself again. There's no monkey that filters out the other so-called "I hate it when I put it all in" 6b2aWhsGXHI-00121-00110268-00110960 Why is it always? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00122-00110960-00111290 Strong protozoa 6b2aWhsGXHI-00123-00111297-00111570 Their popular noodles [Music] 6b2aWhsGXHI-00124-00111570-00112263 But now, ah, when you get along with these friends and have a lot of warmth 6b2aWhsGXHI-00125-00112263-00113343 When I was stressed, I used rumored bricks of fur. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00126-00113343-00113696 Rumors do not fall 6b2aWhsGXHI-00127-00113764-00114383 So when the cells get sick more quickly 6b2aWhsGXHI-00128-00114449-00115433 After seeing all that experiment, there are houses like this in the practical room. So 6b2aWhsGXHI-00129-00115433-00116107 Kim Jungah the haebwatseupnida to draw blood if their cubs 6b2aWhsGXHI-00130-00116128-00116829 So how to take the t cell out and take the t cell gene is perfect 6b2aWhsGXHI-00131-00116870-00118343 Oh, the unknown is not just fortune-telling, but for the pursuit of assignment, and seeing the love that a mother gets a lot from her mother. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00132-00118343-00118967 I feel good, very good, yes ah good, this is a good ostrich 9 6b2aWhsGXHI-00133-00118967-00119419 Uh cub that jideuleun 6b2aWhsGXHI-00134-00119419-00120033 Maheon Station Cells are the ones who will become Herbal School Cha 6b2aWhsGXHI-00135-00120035-00121046 I'm not sure I'm loved 6b2aWhsGXHI-00136-00121080-00121965 All days ago, they are turned off and their spiritual power is weak every year. So no matter what virus penetrates, they die quickly. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00137-00121965-00122653 Oh, I'm trying to get a bottle too. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00138-00122653-00123805 Among the meanings that love means love of genes, the best means is the whole meaning. Love 7 6b2aWhsGXHI-00139-00123805-00125184 That's right, that love affects the health status of genes. So, I learned about Mitsu. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00140-00125184-00125880 I have a new curiosity 6b2aWhsGXHI-00141-00125968-00126699 What should I do to change mom weekly? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00142-00126846-00127590 So, to those who didn't see love, the love sent the mother's heart to bring everything 6b2aWhsGXHI-00143-00127590-00128769 You have to mediate your enemies, let them embrace them, and kill everything you do. What is G-Dragon, who has seen a lot of love over here? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00144-00128769-00129549 There is only one way to change the health partner by sending this love loosely unknown attention 6b2aWhsGXHI-00145-00129549-00130326 Change, and all of you of 3 society, so this invisible 6b2aWhsGXHI-00146-00130326-00131432 It means that it has power. Yes, that love has something in itself. It has energy. Yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00147-00131432-00131817 Oh yeah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00148-00131848-00132965 It's in your heart, this loving heart Yes, it's all collected in a vessel called your heart 6b2aWhsGXHI-00149-00132965-00134012 Oh, let your genes that were turned off 8 and the gypsy is small r Then how can that be? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00150-00134012-00135188 It's okay, yes, it's scientifically explained. Well, this experimentally is now concluded phenomenally 6b2aWhsGXHI-00151-00135188-00136194 Then this phenomenon can appear through some scientific route. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00152-00136194-00136914 That’s the explanation. Well, everyone 6b2aWhsGXHI-00153-00137159-00138122 How do you make a call when you make a phone call on this arrow? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00154-00138122-00138610 Your tile height and 6b2aWhsGXHI-00155-00138610-00139539 At least some of the difference between mobile phones and 1 bottle, 1 loss, while only the ones 6b2aWhsGXHI-00156-00139539-00140278 What about the 15cm schedule 6b2aWhsGXHI-00157-00140317-00140589 Why not 6b2aWhsGXHI-00158-00140620-00141501 It’s because of the overall grasping that occurs when you come out of the phone 6b2aWhsGXHI-00159-00141522-00142308 All electrical appliances are now in front of me, my sister's computer, maybe all electronic products 6b2aWhsGXHI-00160-00142308-00142728 I think electromagnetic Rafael 6b2aWhsGXHI-00161-00142728-00144057 I'm my eighth, but what's the wave-a-pa? What is energy gold? Yes, all energy exists as what 6b2aWhsGXHI-00162-00144057-00144761 I'm going to do it in August. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00163-00144761-00145678 So you can just deal with paragos or figure out what wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00164-00145763-00146645 Now everyone handles more nl. It’s not. It’s not the introduction. The sound is too loud. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00165-00146645-00147040 Fluently, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00166-00147108-00148167 If it sounds like that, what do you mean by digging? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00167-00148167-00148877 Yes yes all grasp there is no tom warship power energy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00168-00148904-00149737 Waves can't be strength. Yeah, then it's just that wave, wave, wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00169-00149737-00150292 4 so we love uh too 6b2aWhsGXHI-00170-00150292-00151034 Got love addicted love dug and loose can on 6b2aWhsGXHI-00171-00151034-00152012 I started to recognize that. That’s why our ancestors 6b2aWhsGXHI-00172-00152012-00153475 2 At that time, the word wave was a word that occurred after science was developed. Yes, but before science was developed, the existence of this energy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00173-00153475-00154181 Quite keenly, yes it will be the sea 2 uh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00174-00154245-00155091 So when it comes to life, it's called life force on our side 6b2aWhsGXHI-00175-00155091-00155685 Uh, nowadays, what kind of wave can it be? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00176-00155685-00157362 I think I'm selling life. So anything like this doesn't just exist in words, what is the actual flow of life that exists as a wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00177-00157362-00158066 Talking and the energy that actually exists we go dr 6b2aWhsGXHI-00178-00158066-00159533 With vitality, uh, well, this heavenly horn was necked, but uh, this animation is much more than this electric vehicle. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00179-00159533-00160719 Well, it’s high energy. So if you do what I taught this morning, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00180-00160784-00162013 Such banner acquaintances are our minds, the main thing we have as if we are floating in the 6b2aWhsGXHI-00181-00162013-00163283 The reason that the will in our minds that create the environment affects genes is because the will itself has something 6b2aWhsGXHI-00182-00163283-00164312 It’s because we have a banner jig. That’s why 6b2aWhsGXHI-00183-00164312-00165472 What is the meaning, what is the breakdown, what is the power, rises the spirit, new look, that mental & stops 6b2aWhsGXHI-00184-00165536-00166267 Yes, so oh and this morning is strongly very important 6b2aWhsGXHI-00185-00166277-00166699 Wireless suitability 6b2aWhsGXHI-00186-00166757-00167360 New store selected by the government 6b2aWhsGXHI-00187-00167360-00168129 Eh 5 Oh, I have to pretend to be God. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00188-00168129-00168927 Now this god's spirit is, there is a burden, there is a black god without g 6b2aWhsGXHI-00189-00168927-00170054 That is why this god is a little religious, and how does it become? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00190-00170294-00170744 Heal it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00191-00170744-00171782 It’s like the four colors of a masterpiece of mental energy, so what is the spirit of the horse scout lc? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00192-00171782-00172450 Gentle, no sincerity, so bad 6b2aWhsGXHI-00193-00172450-00173241 Going out to the gun is great What's the best god 6b2aWhsGXHI-00194-00173279-00174452 Then there are the best gods, and no gods have tooth acupuncture. I don't know what to do with those hot body gods. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00195-00174452-00174820 Why dish mirang yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00196-00174863-00175631 Even the best spirit is called the Holy Spirit in scary English. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00197-00175631-00176340 4 Yes ah, I'm going to transfer Lee, I call it an evil spirit 6b2aWhsGXHI-00198-00176340-00177620 Then what is the core of this Spirit and Spirit? Unconditional love 6b2aWhsGXHI-00199-00177620-00178318 That it has a stand or a book Yes so 6b2aWhsGXHI-00200-00178318-00178787 Now ah now then 0 ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00201-00178787-00179299 Oh so ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00202-00179359-00180222 Then our thoughts now affect the Black Sea genes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00203-00180222-00181224 It is necessary to understand scientifically how it will change the genetic onomatopoeia. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00204-00181224-00182040 Now everyone, the electricity of our body and wife is flowing as long as the electricity flows. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00205-00182040-00182915 Electricity doesn't flow, what's going to happen to us And electricity is our Sammy's 4 6b2aWhsGXHI-00206-00183054-00183621 It looks like something like that 6b2aWhsGXHI-00207-00183676-00184486 Then, what kind of energy is generated, the language giving of the dogs plays a role in our body 6b2aWhsGXHI-00208-00184486-00185874 Well, uh, energy exists as a shape. It exists as a wave. But when it exists as a wave, the 6b2aWhsGXHI-00209-00185874-00186747 The nature of the wave is also determined according to the shape of the wave, especially the shape of the other rayo waves. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00210-00186747-00187291 Well, the wave drawn like this right now 6b2aWhsGXHI-00211-00187313-00188465 Very soft, good-looking, soft Lee spirit ml wave, you know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00212-00188465-00188990 Oh, but the bad wave is also the moss industry 6b2aWhsGXHI-00213-00188990-00189388 Oh, for example 6b2aWhsGXHI-00214-00189388-00190188 The waves are also the father of the lake. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00215-00190188-00190788 Ah, according to the wind as well, mlg makes my law pass alright Yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00216-00190788-00191184 Uh, it just means October. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00217-00191184-00192316 But yes, so wind is also energy, but at first we call wind what kind of wind we call 6b2aWhsGXHI-00218-00192419-00193049 3 Because of the breeze, people and ah, the wind of life 6b2aWhsGXHI-00219-00193049-00193640 How good it is written, so those people wave in the wind 1 6b2aWhsGXHI-00220-00193640-00194690 Oh hold the home wave, the mountain breeze passes through the surface of the lake 4 Sochi 6b2aWhsGXHI-00221-00194690-00195602 In addition to the imaginary surface, a radio wave is formed, and the intestine is soft in the wave. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00222-00195602-00196913 Well, so you can’t see the room cancer, but how do you see the silver wave? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00223-00196913-00198193 Ah, we can see that there is a gentle wind blowing outside. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00224-00198204-00198729 2 High energy generated 6b2aWhsGXHI-00225-00198729-00199773 We have to run an invisible app, but we can say that our genes are like Lake Myeong. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00226-00199773-00200353 So which is good for our genes too ah now 6b2aWhsGXHI-00227-00200353-00201789 When the months come, a cold cup of wind is blowing outside Now, Storm Pong 1 It's a tragic wind 6b2aWhsGXHI-00228-00201878-00202757 Then, what kind of rejection is the wave, it is the Seongnam wave. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00229-00202757-00203711 Yes ah yes so everything is gear racks so we humans human body 6b2aWhsGXHI-00230-00203711-00204554 Electromagnetic wave current is flowing. While it is flowing, electromagnetic waves pass through our body every day. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00231-00204554-00205640 What kind of braille or very soft electromagnetic wave or something special? Yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00232-00205640-00207026 Mal Carok 5 Depending on whether there is such an electromagnetic wave, the state of your pitch is different. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00233-00207027-00207659 Is it the same, not change 1 6b2aWhsGXHI-00234-00207684-00208521 So now then, um everyone's ah ah ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00235-00208764-00209512 It’s really beautiful in autumn colors. I’m taking that beauty in tea. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00236-00209512-00210406 Yes, it’s a very good beauty mentally or ah, thank you so much 6b2aWhsGXHI-00237-00210406-00211039 Oh, this is what makes our politicians healthy. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00238-00211039-00212133 Getting a feeling on and selling our n 4 of our bodies have my wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00239-00212134-00212801 Implosion is flowing, you know, so you know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00240-00212801-00213800 I’m listening to a good song this morning and what’s my wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00241-00213800-00215096 A good bar is so beautiful, beautiful mom, beautiful size, m, beautiful radish, these things have power in the blanket 6b2aWhsGXHI-00242-00215096-00215867 Why are you listening to such a song for the first time when the genes covered in thunder are turned off 6b2aWhsGXHI-00243-00215867-00216860 Wow, the applause makes No-oh a flower garden. That is, how do you give it a covered gene? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00244-00216860-00217751 That’s why it’s important to be art? Yes, what’s the song Urban Mac 10 It’s important I only think of delicious rice 6b2aWhsGXHI-00245-00217751-00218377 What's more important than rice 2 6b2aWhsGXHI-00246-00218417-00218994 I'm going to end up becoming a monster 6b2aWhsGXHI-00247-00219117-00220535 What did Jesus say? People don't just take off their meals, they live with what. Words from God's mouth What are those words? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00248-00220535-00221196 I understand of unconditional love, those poems must come to the real Youngdo 6b2aWhsGXHI-00249-00221196-00221854 Living by eating just isn't a big life ah yeah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00250-00221854-00223117 Yes, so you learn the news start and you come to realize the Bible by yourself. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00251-00223117-00224077 So if I really listen, if I listen to the bell lecture, I get angry and boil it at 10:00 6b2aWhsGXHI-00252-00224161-00224875 Oh, you will be relaxed, but how do you deploy the equipment here? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00253-00224875-00225204 Start Book Hum Hall 6b2aWhsGXHI-00254-00225248-00226189 That is why it is the word of unconditional love that the word of the Bible is the word of our Bible. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00255-00226189-00227049 If you listen conditionally while listening to the words of the Bible, it doesn’t help at all. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00256-00227049-00227711 Jo Kwon is good, how does everyone go, why ah but i am scared 4 6b2aWhsGXHI-00257-00227726-00228503 Rather, how does the gene work? So these guys are studying the foreground 6b2aWhsGXHI-00258-00228503-00229660 It’s very wide to study that the genes are turned off and not do it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00259-00229660-00230457 Oh so I enjoy breaking down the barrier 9 6b2aWhsGXHI-00260-00230457-00231113 The more we can do, the closer we get 6b2aWhsGXHI-00261-00231523-00232533 There are things that need to be close and really close. Should they be close to the team ruler? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00262-00232756-00233369 It's a stupid thing to be really close. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00263-00233516-00234128 People in Gyeongsang-do are ah ringjangs. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00264-00234205-00234852 Go before the God of flow and solemnly ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00265-00235101-00235848 Solitary shark Yes, please turn off the gene like that 6b2aWhsGXHI-00266-00235848-00236375 Putting eggplant in your life of faith 6b2aWhsGXHI-00267-00236382-00237150 Maya foolishness 6b2aWhsGXHI-00268-00237150-00238083 2 How can God see me alive 6b2aWhsGXHI-00269-00238083-00239196 Yes, so now, when we become this part 2 seminar, we will study these things right away. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00270-00239196-00240166 Yes, he also gives us stupid things. So, uh, the electricity flowing through our body 6b2aWhsGXHI-00271-00240166-00240592 It's flowing ah but 6b2aWhsGXHI-00272-00240592-00240996 Why is the electricity flowing 6b2aWhsGXHI-00273-00241075-00241789 Well, you can plug it in whenever you have time while charging it with the power cord 6b2aWhsGXHI-00274-00241789-00242510 Nowadays, if you come out with an electric car and charge 2 electricity, it's big. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00275-00242510-00243281 So, if you don’t charge an electric car, you can’t go there. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00276-00243281-00244062 We also die without electricity, but when can you charge it? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00277-00244153-00244890 Well, I'm in ancient times, I don't have to leave, how do I charge it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00278-00244898-00245558 In the food we eat 6b2aWhsGXHI-00279-00245633-00246460 If you eat the electric brown rice in the food, earn it on brown rice, chew it and collect it, and the brown rice is digested. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00280-00246460-00247542 The electricity in the brown rice is mixed, so what happens if you don’t eat rice 6b2aWhsGXHI-00281-00247546-00247962 Oh, there is no electricity. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00282-00248033-00248801 Then, it was like electricity in the brown rice and potatoes. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00283-00248801-00249171 Where did the electricity come from 6b2aWhsGXHI-00284-00249280-00249684 Yes, I learned everything 6b2aWhsGXHI-00285-00249753-00250315 I learned but I don't know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00286-00250463-00251683 I taught him what to become a teacher. Why is this electricity introduced in such foods such as rice, potatoes, fruit, etc. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00287-00251683-00252889 Does the electricity come from? Where does the electricity come from? The sun is where the electricity comes from. The sunlight sells electrons. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00288-00252889-00253782 So, it’s not only electromagnetic waves that come out from long distances. Oh, the sun is a power plant 6b2aWhsGXHI-00289-00253782-00254769 Electromagnetic waves are trapped Ah, what is sunlight Babbits That's an electromagnetic wave You know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00290-00254769-00256279 So, the kind of electromagnetic waves coming from overseas circuits is very thin. So, the best electromagnetic waves for us have a different frequency. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00291-00256279-00257377 You know, the frequency that lets us detect the red, the second, the second, the south 6b2aWhsGXHI-00292-00257377-00257830 Oh so then 6b2aWhsGXHI-00293-00257830-00258778 So, from the sun, the microwave spins. On it, it is a kind of electromagnetic wave. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00294-00258778-00259160 In the sunlight 6b2aWhsGXHI-00295-00259196-00260267 That's why UV rays women get caught because they don't like UV the most 9 6b2aWhsGXHI-00296-00260267-00261140 This is the key Um yeah Well first gypsum Taeyoung So oh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00297-00261175-00262096 So now there was only a child who said it was inside this sunlight. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00298-00262096-00263098 That's not all electromagnetic waves that young people can encounter Why, why call it ultraviolet, why call it visible light, why infrared 6b2aWhsGXHI-00299-00263098-00264223 It’s all about that frequency? Because the frequency is different, that is, the name of the braille pack is different for each eighth 6b2aWhsGXHI-00300-00264223-00264909 I put it on the same ceiling 8 You know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00301-00264909-00265588 So, electromagnetic waves like Ax light star are too mng 6b2aWhsGXHI-00302-00265588-00266749 What's wrong with us, what we know, the visible light we know can't do it with the human body. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00303-00266749-00267442 Give me what would happen to people if only x Guangxi from the sun came down 6b2aWhsGXHI-00304-00267442-00268233 Is there a shadow? Cloud plate 5 Then Seoul can't buy you in a few days 6b2aWhsGXHI-00305-00268233-00269575 Wellbeer than the main one, because that electromagnetic wave, the villain Khan's electromagnetic wave, when that electromagnetic wave comes in, uh, how do we break down our genes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00306-00269575-00270817 That's why I use liquid cla for chemotherapy, why don't I get an applause of 111 x mineral spring and how young it is 6b2aWhsGXHI-00307-00270817-00271654 From trying to destroy the cancer cells that used to be, only the cancer cell genes are destroyed. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00308-00271654-00272471 It's not a problem because it means the explorer before normal cells, so we should go inside 112 6b2aWhsGXHI-00309-00272471-00273581 That’s right, so ah so now we’re going to change the health status of our human body 6b2aWhsGXHI-00310-00273581-00275256 To find out exactly, let's take some pictures of doctors at the hospital. Then, take an electrocardiogram and see what the electric wave that flows through the auxiliary heart looks like. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00311-00275256-00275927 It's very far, is it a soft shape or something 6b2aWhsGXHI-00312-00275927-00276692 What is this? Let’s find out what this is so don’t do anything bad. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00313-00276692-00278081 What's wrong with that bad electromagnetic wave That's the heart propagation The heart propagation doesn't flow through the torpedo dung, and eventually the genes in the heart cells know how 6b2aWhsGXHI-00314-00278081-00278867 It's hard, it's hard, and the cells' poop isn't smooth, so there's no other heart health partner. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00315-00278867-00279548 Yes Mac mom Let’s take some pictures Let’s take a picture of my arm 6b2aWhsGXHI-00316-00279548-00280228 So I’m going to show you my arm 6b2aWhsGXHI-00317-00280310-00280913 Good dig and envy my dig 6b2aWhsGXHI-00318-00281055-00281270 la 6b2aWhsGXHI-00319-00281674-00282664 This is now beta 8 beta alpha ah, most people usually sell my feet now beta 6b2aWhsGXHI-00320-00282664-00282867 Uh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00321-00282987-00283349 But which one of the body under the 6b2aWhsGXHI-00322-00283646-00284738 Alpha wave re apaak job When I compared alpha wave and beta wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00323-00284910-00286086 How is it different? How should the alpha wave be softer than the beta wave? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00324-00286086-00286735 It’s a little slow. Only the beta wave is very fast, so it’s different because you dig and pull it out 6b2aWhsGXHI-00325-00286735-00287491 Well, the enemy is soft, this is soft. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00326-00287491-00288942 Listen to the dark part here, put your genes, are the happiest when this alpha wave flows 6b2aWhsGXHI-00327-00288986-00290258 So, when you are fighting against this disease, what kind of wrapper is Nepa, which you must keep strong, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00328-00290258-00290524 Well 6b2aWhsGXHI-00329-00290571-00291609 So, how can you make a sound alpha wave? It becomes an alpha wave with your own power. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00330-00291609-00292552 Oh how do you become a village Baba Oh you need to learn Chin 7 days 6b2aWhsGXHI-00331-00292552-00293235 You have to cut your heart, beauty 6b2aWhsGXHI-00332-00293235-00293852 I spit by myself and Alpha was uncomfortable in the wave. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00333-00293938-00294922 It looks like a bow. So, in simple terms, the beta version is a very soft wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00334-00294922-00295741 So, if you put it to become a soft fur, who will come in your mind 6b2aWhsGXHI-00335-00295741-00296329 I'm just seeing a ram hit, so I love unconditionally 6b2aWhsGXHI-00336-00296329-00297067 Yes, but this beta farm came and took it like this and became a father 6b2aWhsGXHI-00337-00297067-00298086 The people caught in are coming in and putting the material property thoughts into your mind. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00338-00298086-00298443 Glutinous rice fake 6b2aWhsGXHI-00339-00298444-00299248 Oh, you have to sing loudly, because there can be an exclamation mark 6b2aWhsGXHI-00340-00299248-00300000 And even if I think about something else, it's also annoying. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00341-00300000-00300932 Where do people become when I'm annoyed? So, I sell the exclusive pop on the side of the whale 6b2aWhsGXHI-00342-00300932-00301802 I don't even look like a magpie, as a maca, okay yes yes well 6b2aWhsGXHI-00343-00301811-00302483 But I got a worse grasp than the lost peta wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00344-00302516-00303176 Min What kind of August sell gamma, yeah roll it up, sell gamma 6b2aWhsGXHI-00345-00303176-00304133 When a gamma wave occurs When a gamma wave occurs, a person 6b2aWhsGXHI-00346-00304133-00304450 I lose my temper 6b2aWhsGXHI-00347-00304458-00305363 The media is paralyzed here. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00348-00305409-00306510 So, it's like selling beta in the middle, but what's going on sometimes? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00349-00306510-00307440 It disappears, and when this happens, what we say is the lid 6b2aWhsGXHI-00350-00307440-00307943 Even if it was opened 6b2aWhsGXHI-00351-00307943-00308636 So whats braid 1 so just what 6b2aWhsGXHI-00352-00308636-00309513 I don’t have judgment, it’s my heart, what is it? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00353-00309583-00309882 TV again 6b2aWhsGXHI-00354-00309904-00310522 I kick it and crush it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00355-00310522-00311027 A night of only money 6b2aWhsGXHI-00356-00311027-00311344 Paralyzed 6b2aWhsGXHI-00357-00311436-00312777 So how do we take a mental interview with the energy of changing my pop that g20 less 6b2aWhsGXHI-00358-00312777-00313780 So, if the Holy Spirit comes in and really gives the word of life, we will have to know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00359-00313780-00315009 That is why we call it the word of the water, the word of the Bible that speaks of unconditional love 6b2aWhsGXHI-00360-00315009-00315260 Fit 6b2aWhsGXHI-00361-00315754-00317332 Oh, so, oh, so, not just bread and rice, but the forest of life and life 6b2aWhsGXHI-00362-00317332-00318167 Received alive I know unconditional love, among them the teaching is still 6b2aWhsGXHI-00363-00318167-00319381 That is how you can heal the disease itself, so-called natural healing power. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00364-00319381-00319780 That's right, it's power 6b2aWhsGXHI-00365-00319862-00320365 So what is the case with this cell? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00366-00320376-00321321 I'm a little embarrassed to do something like this, but I've smashed a little connection with a computer 6b2aWhsGXHI-00367-00321405-00322007 Who is it for? It's a secret. Oh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00368-00322114-00323013 Oh, because my family isn't enough. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00369-00323099-00323663 Yes ah ah it's a lid, listen ah yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00370-00323663-00324313 [Music] So, I had to break at least one computer like that. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00371-00324313-00325083 Well, let’s do this again if you’re burning plum 6b2aWhsGXHI-00372-00325083-00326176 So let’s get nailed. I don’t know how much I did after me. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00373-00326176-00327495 Gamma pop's breakup Aah 8 Okay, then here's a look like this 6b2aWhsGXHI-00374-00327594-00328228 This punishment is a sitter pharaoh. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00375-00328228-00328602 I'm not sane 6b2aWhsGXHI-00376-00328607-00329194 Hypnotic calligraphy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00377-00329235-00330117 So how do i sell alpha i work best 6b2aWhsGXHI-00378-00330117-00330756 What is that energy? It’s too weak. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00379-00330756-00331511 You know, then what did you see like this now 6b2aWhsGXHI-00380-00331828-00332423 Everyone, you can answer me, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00381-00332423-00333235 This wave of yours is spreading and flowing and you cannot wake up 6b2aWhsGXHI-00382-00333322-00333984 I'll hope for a long life, so because of the waves everyone 6b2aWhsGXHI-00383-00333984-00335001 Ah, everyone can’t control it at will. So, think about it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00384-00335001-00335949 I want to be an alpha wave, but I have to put my food up and stop smoking 6b2aWhsGXHI-00385-00335949-00337128 Jin Seon-mi The power in that love must be turned on and the spiritual energy comes in. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00386-00337128-00337640 What energy is the fear of selling each hawk 6b2aWhsGXHI-00387-00337728-00338523 Our body’s heat is the house’s electromagnetic waves 6b2aWhsGXHI-00388-00338523-00339669 Unfolding is not a mental energy, but what kind of energy do we call it? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00389-00339669-00340308 It’s one thing. Yes, nuclear power was all physical. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00390-00340308-00341523 Unfolding or the gravity that you know well 6b2aWhsGXHI-00391-00341523-00342714 Oh, really, this is a book. Machines that have less than 2 physical substances in the true beauty can feel the true beauty 6b2aWhsGXHI-00392-00342714-00343446 I don’t have anything to eat, but we hear the organisms that have genes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00393-00343446-00344432 You will feel the beauty of the truth Oh, I felt love So when I feel it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00394-00344432-00345407 In other words, what energy flows through our body with spiritual energy in other words 6b2aWhsGXHI-00395-00345407-00346596 You know if you need to unfold or you can affect the physical energy and change it. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00396-00346596-00347035 So what you must remember 6b2aWhsGXHI-00397-00347223-00347878 5 energy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00398-00347881-00348451 Wi-Fi at home 6b2aWhsGXHI-00399-00348459-00349031 What do you do with your energy? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00400-00349087-00349635 It's home, I need to know the rules 6b2aWhsGXHI-00401-00349801-00350538 Physical energy attracts spiritual sheep, kills physical digs 6b2aWhsGXHI-00402-00350538-00351272 So your thoughts are positive and comfortable 6b2aWhsGXHI-00403-00351288-00351854 Cultivate with a loving heart Ah Young Seo Get off 6b2aWhsGXHI-00404-00351919-00352788 What language I am, how do I get rid of the c-class? That ah ah ah 2 get off ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00405-00352820-00353563 How bad would you have flossed moisture like that? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00406-00353584-00354411 With the thoughts of understanding and speaking out, your Nepa 6b2aWhsGXHI-00407-00354472-00355212 How can you do this to me one by one? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00408-00355253-00356006 That’s why it’s difficult. There are many channels of suicide in Korea. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00409-00356006-00357009 That's right, how do you know a trillion most of suicides 6b2aWhsGXHI-00410-00357009-00357992 When my judgment is paralyzed, how do you keep saying that who is behind me? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00411-00357992-00358381 Remember to jump down 6b2aWhsGXHI-00412-00358450-00359055 That's the week things 2 3 3 30 minutes yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00413-00359179-00359544 It's a spurt and it ends 6b2aWhsGXHI-00414-00359614-00360193 It’s judged girly, but what’s that? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00415-00360193-00360509 Awake 6b2aWhsGXHI-00416-00360659-00361603 Run, and then the story is interesting. You know. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00417-00361678-00362101 4 alas 6b2aWhsGXHI-00418-00362160-00363027 So, if you don’t know what will happen the next moment, 6b2aWhsGXHI-00419-00363027-00363530 People who commit suicide are localized like this 6b2aWhsGXHI-00420-00363556-00364699 God’s giving me the feelings of the suicidal person. So, amazing things can happen. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00421-00364699-00365557 You know, I want to know Yes Yes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00422-00365557-00367126 In the end, the two colors of our body are flowing implosion heart radio waves 10 muscle radio waves are flowing to the muscles, and our disorders are also flowing. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00423-00367126-00367846 Uh, so it’s cheap if the intestines are just twisted? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00424-00367846-00368854 Uh, everyone suddenly goes through bad electricity. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00425-00368854-00369546 When I left the game, I got 0 and it got very bad 6b2aWhsGXHI-00426-00369579-00370646 Oh, what will happen to the flow of such an electromagnetic wave disorder? It’s a stomach cramp. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00427-00370790-00372194 That’s why you’ve got a lot of pain, oh yeah, such ah, too toolless, too angry, angry, so cold. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00428-00372194-00373622 When a lot of hateful hearts accumulate, then the electromagnetic waves of the life, if our bodies are broken, the electromagnetic waves are also known as the virgin wave of the living body, that is, the bad 6b2aWhsGXHI-00429-00373622-00374831 When we have to look at it, we have a lot of bad situations in our body, pain, headache, something, lungs, all hurt, something like this. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00430-00374831-00376034 Uh, so the mind may be tied together to loosen the Alpha right away, and the barrel may disappear as if there were no doors 6b2aWhsGXHI-00431-00376034-00376369 You know 6b2aWhsGXHI-00432-00376697-00377667 Oh, it’s because everyone’s watching a pair, what’s the most important thing. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00433-00377667-00378501 But what controls this mind is implosion, but what controls my arms eat me 6b2aWhsGXHI-00434-00378501-00379517 Put it on the risk side d If you do that, you are half born. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00435-00379810-00380969 Oh, you don't know Korean. If you don't know this, the o's mischievous things don't go wrong. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00436-00380969-00382169 Sediment Drinking until the morning and just yeah until yeah 9 don't eat the governor 6b2aWhsGXHI-00437-00382169-00383332 What's the distance from the vitality What's the interest in power Break down the barriers to restore one's state of mind 6b2aWhsGXHI-00438-00383332-00383822 What's all gone so I need to sprinkle it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00439-00383822-00384933 Personally, I can teach you so hard and how hard I can save 10 trillion won 6b2aWhsGXHI-00440-00385075-00386415 There are people who have learned like this and hit po Hak-su all the time and shout and do other things yet ah ah ah ah car yeah ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00441-00386433-00387494 Those cheetahs can't get rid of the people they were given, why why why why why not get better or worse 6b2aWhsGXHI-00442-00387494-00388469 Take care of this spiritual energy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00443-00388469-00389058 Try so what do uh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00444-00389058-00389654 Do you have anything close to you 6b2aWhsGXHI-00445-00389740-00390909 So, the core of this energy is the love of structure or money 6b2aWhsGXHI-00446-00390909-00392160 I have to write a big part on this. So now then, we talked about our cell phone, but let's use it now 6b2aWhsGXHI-00447-00392160-00392558 Oh, so close together 6b2aWhsGXHI-00448-00392558-00393516 Uh, when I use my cell phone a lot, the frequency of the cell phone answering handball was quite difficult. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00449-00393516-00394798 Well, yes, this goes into me. Bringing in 12 flowers, uh, destroying the genes in my arrest. So 6b2aWhsGXHI-00450-00394798-00395811 When it causes brain tumors, uh, so inje this is 4, listen to the phone a lot often 6b2aWhsGXHI-00451-00395811-00396878 Well, you have to be very careful uh So now that's why Heaven is healthy to send and receive with this text 6b2aWhsGXHI-00452-00396878-00397972 So that’s why, so eventually, ultimately, at the end, the genes and 6b2aWhsGXHI-00453-00397972-00398996 What’s the energy when it comes in contact? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00454-00398996-00400268 At the end, the thing that affects the gene sells electrons. Yes, but the thing that controls the electromagnetic waves is a dial to see where it's not spiritual 6b2aWhsGXHI-00455-00400268-00401087 Therefore, Joheon's spiritual delay is concluded with a spiritual conclusion of the truth and beauty of unconditional love. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00456-00401087-00402218 When you receive, your body will implode electromagnetic waves that flow through your body, and if you integrate all the positive wave benefits 6b2aWhsGXHI-00457-00402218-00403141 When it comes to radio puncture waves, such electromagnetic waves are called body language magnetic waves. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00458-00403174-00404018 Oh so I didn't have any second-rate startec 6b2aWhsGXHI-00459-00404018-00405096 Oh, it's our grace, and uh, what's going to sell me and me 6b2aWhsGXHI-00460-00405096-00405730 m Oh, then the kind of green onions is different for some reason 6b2aWhsGXHI-00461-00405730-00406549 What arm do we want alpha wave 2 so 2 6b2aWhsGXHI-00462-00406549-00407613 But when the alpha wave comes out, what does it mean? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00463-00407633-00408314 2 Unconditional love It was love, so the meaning had to fall 6b2aWhsGXHI-00464-00408407-00409595 If a bad meaning goes into what kind of wave, cover up, break wave 4 I know this here. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00465-00409660-00410171 And big the rock 6b2aWhsGXHI-00466-00410564-00411386 Pursuit of anger and put in a towel, my bar is sticky 6b2aWhsGXHI-00467-00411387-00412460 Listen from this side. Then here is the forgotten Sunmin. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00468-00412526-00412924 What is this side ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00469-00413075-00413658 The heart of the Holy Spirit is unconditional love 6b2aWhsGXHI-00470-00413743-00414225 The core of the evil spirit is not losing control 6b2aWhsGXHI-00471-00414302-00414808 So if it comes in 6b2aWhsGXHI-00472-00414808-00416164 Nepa was different Oh, when a good meaning comes back, it's a good implosion Walter So this spreads out to our body through the nerves left 6b2aWhsGXHI-00473-00416164-00417022 Oh, my feet are living in the living body 6b2aWhsGXHI-00474-00417022-00418027 The whole work of this ecological electromagnetic wave ultimately affects where this gene 6b2aWhsGXHI-00475-00418027-00418681 Yes this is the news dart on cracked like this 6b2aWhsGXHI-00476-00418756-00419670 So here uh, what does this heal genes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00477-00419670-00420603 In the end, what is left-handed statement 2 What the Holy Spirit does in the end is what God does 6b2aWhsGXHI-00478-00420603-00421350 What did the Word say in the Bible? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00479-00421350-00422229 It's always beginning to scientifically explain the streets that aren't in the Bible to fix. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00480-00422229-00422468 90p 6b2aWhsGXHI-00481-00422553-00422978 ou ah again 6b2aWhsGXHI-00482-00422978-00423778 God’s Word Then what’s God’s? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00483-00423778-00424696 If you have to win here, don’t feel bad for those who still don’t go out. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00484-00424696-00425530 You are asking to believe in Jesus What is that, but a new art 6b2aWhsGXHI-00485-00425530-00426332 If you believing in a stiff way, most of them all believe in a stiff way. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00486-00426332-00427114 Conditionally, what if I don’t even go out to the suburbs 6b2aWhsGXHI-00487-00427114-00428341 What is the filling tithing guide? You may get cancer. Ah, I hope you can sit down and fall asleep. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00488-00428341-00428571 Girl 6b2aWhsGXHI-00489-00428646-00430167 If I believed in this way, I know that it is a correct new type. Yes, it is because I was conditionally misunderstanding that it was not. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00490-00430167-00430906 All the time, the green onions are what you look like. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00491-00430906-00431735 I told you to make an alpha wave, but the words that I go to church are just blessed. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00492-00431776-00432260 The Bible Is Dark With Who Says What 5 6b2aWhsGXHI-00493-00432260-00433109 There is no Hwangseong sermon, and where is left l What is on my shoulder 7 From the far end 6b2aWhsGXHI-00494-00433109-00434288 When I went to church, I went lightly, but when I put it in, what came and what did I do? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00495-00434288-00435037 And in many cases the Bible clearly heals the sick with the Word. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00496-00435037-00436323 Healing the sick with the word means that it is the word. Yes, that means that God's will is man. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00497-00436323-00437249 What does the mind to heal do? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00498-00437249-00438605 Yes, so there is a saying that he heals the sick with the Word, but it is like saying that your genes are restored with the spiritual energy of unconditional love. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00499-00438605-00439096 5 different words to say that's the same word 6b2aWhsGXHI-00500-00439341-00440039 I think it’s harvesting 6b2aWhsGXHI-00501-00440039-00441138 Yes, should I go to church too? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00502-00441138-00441692 Is it low and easy, but what is it? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00503-00441803-00442680 Why do people like to do the wrong thing. This is to heal the sick man of the Word. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00504-00442680-00443398 If you don’t understand it because it is easy to explain in detail like me 6b2aWhsGXHI-00505-00443454-00444233 What people understand 6b2aWhsGXHI-00506-00444285-00445696 Even those who teach the Word couldn't have been able to get an explanation for it. Because they couldn't, the Word of God itself became that spiritual and paid you. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00507-00445696-00446205 How do you know that it restores one electron 6b2aWhsGXHI-00508-00446205-00447468 Because I don’t know, how do I keep getting healed once and how do I talk about it? Because I thought it had nothing to do with surpassing the illness 6b2aWhsGXHI-00509-00447468-00448400 Here, a gap of faith arises. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00510-00448400-00449209 Oh, just go through the horseshoe somewhere with the word 6b2aWhsGXHI-00511-00449426-00450622 So, if you do part 2 semi, come and really fix the sergeant without any conditions. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00512-00450633-00451443 Line drawing and uh, no matter how much you go out, is there a worse guy among you than Kim Byung-hun? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00513-00451443-00452272 Hyuna, who is such a class, does not need much 6b2aWhsGXHI-00514-00452397-00453128 In February, why why why is God like that, why God give me so unconditional love 6b2aWhsGXHI-00515-00453128-00453603 Only then is it comfortable 6b2aWhsGXHI-00516-00453765-00454409 It’s not comfortable to change by hitting a club 6b2aWhsGXHI-00517-00454463-00455345 If you love me like this, touched by love, I will blow 6b2aWhsGXHI-00518-00455345-00456172 It’s not because you live the way you’ve been until now. That’s why the guy who truly made peace 6b2aWhsGXHI-00519-00456172-00456817 Such power is the power to restore genes. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00520-00457084-00457673 [Applause] Oh, aren't you really tempted? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00521-00457673-00458730 Yes, let's go now, yes All I have to do is understand and accept what I need to do 6b2aWhsGXHI-00522-00458730-00459435 With that unconditional 4, you declare that it is so uh true 6b2aWhsGXHI-00523-00459435-00460308 It’s beautiful Hyo-geun So that’s why you need to have this one with a socket tang 6b2aWhsGXHI-00524-00460308-00460773 Well so sleep 6b2aWhsGXHI-00525-00460773-00461690 A little active joke and a little close-up I'll say if you finally come in our patience, my eight angles will change 6b2aWhsGXHI-00526-00461741-00462376 So Imagine everyone 6b2aWhsGXHI-00527-00462376-00463667 So, if I am not good at church like this, I lose it and become completely conditional. So I cannot easily say to go to church. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00528-00463667-00464726 Wouldn't it be nice to teach all churches in Korea with unconditional love? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00529-00464726-00465347 Yes, then, will the people who join the church be healthy? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00530-00465347-00466053 Oh equipped 5 so that uh 6b2aWhsGXHI-00531-00466179-00467048 Jeong Moleo 1 The words of the Bible are the words of life or the words of life are correct 6b2aWhsGXHI-00532-00467048-00467907 I realize that I can't do it right now. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00533-00467907-00468877 It’s in crisis at the end of the market. Oh in crisis. Oh, these three churches are in Dow crisis. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00534-00468877-00470356 In crisis, this church really hurts above, that is, the problem is the condition, that is, teaching love. Even if I lived unconditionally, here everything was different. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00535-00470356-00470877 You know, so wolf ping 6b2aWhsGXHI-00536-00470920-00471417 Now uh so 6b2aWhsGXHI-00537-00471526-00472185 Even if you watch TV in your room, the dirt looks a little black 6b2aWhsGXHI-00538-00472185-00473596 Yes, yes, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00539-00473596-00474634 You need to know the mirror. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00540-00474634-00475319 Don’t do anything about it once you hear it 6b2aWhsGXHI-00541-00475325-00476420 Yes, it's going to be beta, and it's all turned off in kindergarten, why is it a wasteful time to receive life? 6b2aWhsGXHI-00542-00476420-00477416 It’s big and it’s in the winter, so this struggle life thoroughly maintained Alpha wave 6b2aWhsGXHI-00543-00477416-00478057 Oh so good nature walk pro [music] 6b2aWhsGXHI-00544-00478057-00478957 It's politics, I know all the politicians live. Even if we feel bad, I'll come to Gwanghwamun. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00545-00478957-00480303 Can 4 First of all, what should I do after my illness? Yes, so don’t be upset with that reward 6b2aWhsGXHI-00546-00480303-00481422 Oh, whether I'm upset either. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00547-00481453-00482509 And I write why I can’t belong to me. 6b2aWhsGXHI-00548-00482509-00483253 It’s hard for me to work hard in January when you’re able to cad your genes 6b2aWhsGXHI-00549-00483258-00484220 er So, everyone must lick clear and wear this evening 6b2aWhsGXHI-00550-00484220-00484714 Energy is physical energy 6b2aWhsGXHI-00551-00484714-00485207 I do not go home ah 6b2aWhsGXHI-00552-00485207-00486009 Oh that's why we can be healed 6b2aWhsGXHI-00553-00486009-00486257 [Applause] [Music] 6b2aWhsGXHI-00554-00486257-00487208 Ugh [music] 6b2aWhsGXHI-00555-00487538-00487972 [music] 6bnPIOoTNeY-00000-00000113-00000326 THE NAVY'S NEWEST LITTORAL COMBAT HAS JOINED THE 6bnPIOoTNeY-00001-00000326-00000426 FLEET. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00002-00000426-00000627 USS MILWAUKEE WAS COMMISSIONED DURING A 6bnPIOoTNeY-00003-00000627-00000827 CEREMONY IN THE SHIP'S NAMESAKE CITY NOVEMBER 6bnPIOoTNeY-00004-00000827-00000940 21ST. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00005-00000940-00001127 MILWAUKEE IS THE THIRD OF THE FREEDOM VARIANT SHIPS 6bnPIOoTNeY-00006-00001127-00001244 TO SEE ACTIVE SERVICE. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00007-00001287-00001594 THE MULTINATIONAL EXERCISE CARAT CAMBODIA 2015 HAS 6bnPIOoTNeY-00008-00001594-00001705 CONCLUDED. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00009-00001705-00001921 THIS YEAR'S FINAL CARAT EXERCISE INCLUDED FORCES 6bnPIOoTNeY-00010-00001921-00002152 FROM THE U.S., CAMBODIA AND EIGHT OTHER SOUTH AND 6bnPIOoTNeY-00011-00002152-00002325 SOUTHEAST ASIA NATIONS. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00012-00002325-00002542 EACH CARAT EXERCISE AIMS TO INCREASE MARITIME 6bnPIOoTNeY-00013-00002542-00002742 SECURITY AND IMPROVE THE WAY THAT THE U.S. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00014-00002742-00002999 NAVY WORKS WITH OTHER NAVIES AROUND THE WORLD. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00015-00002999-00003246 THE FUTURE USS OMAHA WAS LAUNCHED MARKING ANOTHER 6bnPIOoTNeY-00016-00003246-00003493 IMPORTANT MILESTONE FOR THE LCS PROGRAM. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00017-00003493-00003723 THE SHIP WAS MOVED FROM ITS AUSTAL USA ASSEMBLY 6bnPIOoTNeY-00018-00003723-00004019 BAY IN PREPARATION FOR A SCHEDULED DECEMBER 19TH 6bnPIOoTNeY-00019-00004020-00004126 CHRISTENING. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00020-00004126-00004262 OMAHA IS THE NAVY'S SIXTH INDEPENDENCE VARIANT 6bnPIOoTNeY-00021-00004262-00004410 LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP. 6bnPIOoTNeY-00022-00004410-00004700 FOR THESE STORIES AND MORE VISIT NAVY.MIL. 6cgwzipQVly-00000-00000012-00000662 Well, as Secretary Kerry has said and Assistant Secretary Nuland, we are on the verge of a 6cgwzipQVly-00001-00000662-00001133 European renaissance in terms of our transatlantic relationship. 6cgwzipQVly-00002-00001133-00001672 It's an economic renaissance, particularly when you look at the enormous opportunities 6cgwzipQVly-00003-00001672-00002239 that both the United States and Europe could gain from successfully negotiating and implementing 6cgwzipQVly-00004-00002239-00002545 the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. 6cgwzipQVly-00005-00002545-00003052 And from grappling with the challenges of the Eurozone economies. 6cgwzipQVly-00006-00003052-00003967 When you look at Germany going global in terms of its effort to be more of a partner as we 6cgwzipQVly-00007-00003967-00004687 confront areas of challenge, as we look East and as we look South, thinking about situations 6cgwzipQVly-00008-00004687-00005416 like the challenges we face in Syria or Iran or Ukraine as very, very current examples. 6cgwzipQVly-00009-00005416-00006089 And then finally, this renaissance of Europe and the transatlantic relationship can be 6cgwzipQVly-00010-00006089-00006770 seen in the work we are going to do together in the developmental space and addressing 6cgwzipQVly-00011-00006770-00007240 humanitarian concerns around the world as well with our European partners. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00000-00001051-00001868 My children. Today we're going to talk about doubling and half. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00001-00001868-00001873 What are we going to talk about? My children. Today we're going to talk about doubling and half. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00002-00001873-00002039 What are we going to talk about? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00003-00002039-00002057 Doubling and half. What are we going to talk about? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00004-00002057-00002445 Doubling and half. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00005-00002445-00002462 Doubling and halving. Doubling and half. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00006-00002462-00002674 Doubling and halving. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00007-00002674-00002697 Am I clear. Yes. Doubling and halving. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00008-00002697-00002811 Am I clear. Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00009-00002811-00002822 Now I'm going to ask three of you. You, you and you. Come forward. Am I clear. Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00010-00002822-00003474 Now I'm going to ask three of you. You, you and you. Come forward. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00011-00003520-00004125 Hurry my children. Stand here. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00012-00004228-00004565 How many are they? Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00013-00004565-00004788 Raise your hands to answer, okay? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00014-00004788-00004971 They are three, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00015-00004971-00004988 They are three. So we want to double them? They are three, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00016-00004988-00005502 They are three. So we want to double them? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00017-00005502-00005508 How much will we need? Who can tell me? They are three. So we want to double them? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00018-00005508-00005914 How much will we need? Who can tell me? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00019-00005914-00006142 Two. Two? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00020-00006142-00006154 To double this people, how many do we need? Yes my boy. Two. Two? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00021-00006154-00006731 To double this people, how many do we need? Yes my boy. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00022-00006731-00006737 One. One? Yes. To double this people, how many do we need? Yes my boy. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00023-00006737-00006862 One. One? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00024-00006868-00007000 Seriously? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00025-00007000-00007017 Doubling them? Doubling means counting the same number twice. Seriously? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00026-00007017-00007354 Doubling them? Doubling means counting the same number twice. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00027-00007354-00007565 How many? Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00028-00007565-00007570 Good boy. We need three. How many? Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00029-00007570-00007731 Good boy. We need three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00030-00007731-00007742 Come the three of you. Good boy. We need three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00031-00007742-00008084 Come the three of you. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00032-00008382-00008634 Hurry up. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00033-00008634-00008651 We've doubled this people, isn't it? Hurry up. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00034-00008651-00008994 We've doubled this people, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00035-00008994-00009040 How many are they? Let's count them? We've doubled this people, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00036-00009040-00009211 How many are they? Let's count them? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00037-00009211-00009217 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. They are 6, isn't it? How many are they? Let's count them? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00038-00009217-00009902 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. They are 6, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00039-00009902-00009914 Yes. Our people are in threes, totaling 6. How many are they? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. They are 6, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00040-00009914-00010491 Yes. Our people are in threes, totaling 6. How many are they? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00041-00010491-00010497 Three, three. Yes. Our people are in threes, totaling 6. How many are they? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00042-00010497-00010674 Three, three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00043-00010674-00010931 Yes. How many are they in total? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00044-00010931-00010937 Six. How many? Yes. How many are they in total? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00045-00010937-00011097 Six. How many? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00046-00011097-00011114 Six. Six. How many? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00047-00011114-00011165 Six. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00048-00011165-00011182 It means 3 . . . shift a little my child. Six. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00049-00011182-00011531 It means 3 . . . shift a little my child. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00050-00011531-00011542 3 plus 3 is equals to? 6. It means 3 . . . shift a little my child. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00051-00011542-00012205 3 plus 3 is equals to? 6. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00052-00012211-00012542 Who can come and write for us 6 on the board? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00053-00013091-00013400 Good. It's equals to 6. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00054-00013405-00013662 What have we done? We doubled them. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00055-00013662-00013685 Now let's divide them. What have we done? We doubled them. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00056-00013685-00013947 Now let's divide them. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00057-00013947-00013960 We want 6 divide by 2. What? Now let's divide them. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00058-00013960-00014428 We want 6 divide by 2. What? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00059-00014428-00014440 Division of 6. We want 6 divide by 2. What? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00060-00014440-00014560 Division of 6. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00061-00014560-00014577 If we want half of 6, how many will have to sit down? Division of 6. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00062-00014577-00015062 If we want half of 6, how many will have to sit down? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00063-00015062-00015194 Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00064-00015194-00015234 Good boy. Let three go and sit down. Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00065-00015234-00015600 Good boy. Let three go and sit down. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00066-00015937-00016480 They sat down. How many are left? Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00067-00016480-00016491 Only three. It means what is the division of 6? They sat down. How many are left? Three. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00068-00016491-00016902 Only three. It means what is the division of 6? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00069-00016925-00017365 Three. It's three. Sit down my children. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00070-00017365-00018097 Now let's use the blocks. Watch how ma'am do it, okay? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00071-00018108-00018674 I have 10 blocks. How many? Ten. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00072-00018674-00018680 They are 10. I have 10 blocks. How many? Ten. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00073-00018680-00018880 They are 10. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00074-00019731-00020114 So when I have 10 blocks . . . 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00075-00020222-00020914 and I want to double 10, how much will I need? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00076-00020914-00020920 10. and I want to double 10, how much will I need? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00077-00020920-00021114 10. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00078-00021114-00021120 No. Doubling 10? 10. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00079-00021120-00021360 No. Doubling 10? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00080-00021360-00021371 I mean I want to double two numbers, to get what? No. Doubling 10? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00081-00021371-00021954 I mean I want to double two numbers, to get what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00082-00021954-00021971 Ten. I mean I want to double two numbers, to get what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00083-00021971-00022080 Ten. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00084-00022080-00022102 5 and 5. Ten. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00085-00022102-00022222 5 and 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00086-00022222-00022228 Good boy. What did he say? 5 and 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00087-00022228-00022394 Good boy. What did he say? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00088-00022394-00022640 5 and 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00089-00022640-00022645 5 and 5, isn't it? 5 and 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00090-00022645-00022868 5 and 5, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00091-00022885-00023297 I want to do it here, and see if it's correct, okay? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00092-00023297-00023485 Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00093-00023485-00023497 Here. Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00094-00023497-00023668 Here. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00095-00023668-00023697 Can you see. Yes. Here. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00096-00023697-00023805 Can you see. Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00097-00023805-00023811 What did I do? I took 5 and added what? Can you see. Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00098-00023811-00024142 What did I do? I took 5 and added what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00099-00024142-00024148 5. 5. What did I do? I took 5 and added what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00100-00024148-00024262 5. 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00101-00024262-00024268 I took what? 5 . . . 5. 5. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00102-00024268-00024468 I took what? 5 . . . 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00103-00024474-00024760 and added 5 . . . 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00104-00024760-00024771 and equaled what? Who can come and write an answer? and added 5 . . . 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00105-00024771-00025142 and equaled what? Who can come and write an answer? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00106-00025588-00025737 Good. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00107-00025748-00026102 We did it. It means we have doubled the number, isn't it? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00108-00026108-00026370 We said we want half. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00109-00026382-00026639 We now doubled numbers, and what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00110-00026639-00026657 Half, isn't it? Yes. We now doubled numbers, and what? 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00111-00026657-00026851 Half, isn't it? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00112-00026851-00026857 Now we're going to use blocks in our writing activity, okay? Yes. Half, isn't it? Yes. 6cLTTnFIeMQ-00113-00026857-00027964 Now we're going to use blocks in our writing activity, okay? Yes. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00000-00000521-00000936 This is the earth, we are in the year 2050 6eM6WIZyrR4-00001-00001028-00001261 after achieving the goals for peace, 6eM6WIZyrR4-00002-00001261-00001670 justice and strong institutions proposed for 2030, 6eM6WIZyrR4-00003-00001700-00002005 we have prospered as a civilisation for 20 years. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00004-00002098-00002410 There has not been a single war or conflict since then 6eM6WIZyrR4-00005-00002443-00003060 and the death rate has been reduced globally by 80% over the last 30 years. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00006-00003181-00003651 As a result, countries that were developing or underdeveloped , 6eM6WIZyrR4-00007-00003686-00003823 have managed to evolve 6eM6WIZyrR4-00008-00003852-00004145 and the average standard of living has become more balanced around the world. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00009-00004226-00004750 All children born are officially registered, unlike in 2020. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00010-00004755-00005061 Where 1 in 4 were unregistered 6eM6WIZyrR4-00011-00005150-00005518 and in addition, all of them now receive a minimum school education. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00012-00005648-00006194 All this has been achieved thanks to the creation at all levels of effective 6eM6WIZyrR4-00013-00006194-00006659 and transparent institutionsand equal access to justice for all. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00014-00006770-00007343 In addition to this, the reduction of activities such as bribery and corruption in all its forms 6eM6WIZyrR4-00015-00007348-00007876 and the participation of developing countries in global governance institutions 6eM6WIZyrR4-00016-00007893-00008205 all these have also been key to achieving the goals. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00017-00008293-00008711 Well, this is obviously not a real situation. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00018-00008711-00008848 But it can be possible. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00019-00008908-00009283 For that, each one of us is indispensable in the struggle for peace, 6eM6WIZyrR4-00020-00009284-00009618 justice and strong institutions. 6eM6WIZyrR4-00021-00009618-00009725 Join the change 6eM6WIZyrR4-00022-00009725-00009850 for a better future. 6fee7Po3XsU-00000-00000195-00000616 Nightmares 6fee7Po3XsU-00001-00000856-00001097 When my daughter Mariana was very small, 6fee7Po3XsU-00002-00001117-00001301 at bedtime she said: 6fee7Po3XsU-00003-00001321-00001787 "Mom, pray that I don't have a dream or a nightmare.” 6fee7Po3XsU-00004-00001807-00002245 And I told her: "My dear, a nightmare, it's ok, but a dream? 6fee7Po3XsU-00005-00002265-00002456 You don't want to have a dream either?” 6fee7Po3XsU-00006-00002476-00002749 And she replied: "No. I'd rather not remember anything.” 6fee7Po3XsU-00007-00002769-00003179 She was very small; she was three or four years old when she asked me that. 6fee7Po3XsU-00008-00003199-00003428 Only a little later I realized 6fee7Po3XsU-00009-00003448-00003768 that she, of course, had spiritual commitments 6fee7Po3XsU-00010-00003788-00004084 and that, at the time she slept, she often had nightmares 6fee7Po3XsU-00011-00004104-00004791 about suffering entities that appeared as nightmares to her, 6fee7Po3XsU-00012-00004811-00005313 in her emotions, to cause her fear. 6fee7Po3XsU-00013-00005333-00005845 Interestingly some nightmares follow us 6fee7Po3XsU-00014-00005865-00006163 while we are on vigil throughout the day. 6fee7Po3XsU-00015-00006183-00006694 They are usually about things we have not yet worked out and we need to. 6fee7Po3XsU-00016-00006714-00007347 Some life issues that we leave for the future, 6fee7Po3XsU-00017-00007367-00007730 without knowing whether that future will come about 6fee7Po3XsU-00018-00007750-00008314 while we are in a body of flesh or in the Spiritual Home. 6fee7Po3XsU-00019-00008334-00008650 We always say the same when we wake up: 6fee7Po3XsU-00020-00008670-00008945 "Ok, tomorrow I'll solve it". 6fee7Po3XsU-00021-00008965-00009420 I always remember Emmanuel, who through Chico Xavier, said: 6fee7Po3XsU-00022-00009440-00009919 "The most difficult phrase, the most dangerous phrase 6fee7Po3XsU-00023-00009939-00010603 that daily we can say is: Tomorrow I will be good.” 6fee7Po3XsU-00024-00010731-00011225 Because we don't know how tomorrow will present to us. 6fee7Po3XsU-00025-00011245-00011875 And if our good intentions will happen easily. 6fee7Po3XsU-00026-00011895-00012402 Thus, let us not simply worry about the fears 6fee7Po3XsU-00027-00012422-00012683 that sometimes make us, in our unconscious, 6fee7Po3XsU-00028-00012703-00013060 have nightmares that may or may not 6fee7Po3XsU-00029-00013080-00013602 be related to some harassment of negative spiritual forces 6fee7Po3XsU-00030-00013622-00013887 or suffering souls that perhaps 6fee7Po3XsU-00031-00013907-00014401 envy us and want not our good, but our disturbance. 6fee7Po3XsU-00032-00014421-00014751 Let us also be concerned with the nightmares 6fee7Po3XsU-00033-00014771-00015213 that follow us daily, which we need to resolve. 6fee7Po3XsU-00034-00015234-00015853 And, above all, let us not allow ourselves to be the cause of imbalance 6fee7Po3XsU-00035-00015873-00016330 and emotional nightmares to those 6fee7Po3XsU-00036-00016350-00016862 for whom we should be a blessing, but we often fail. 6fee7Po3XsU-00037-00016882-00017289 This is really sad. 6fee7Po3XsU-00038-00017309-00017890 To be a cause of fear, of real fear, of nightmares, 6fee7Po3XsU-00039-00017910-00018406 of disturbances for another person, when it is up to us, in life, 6fee7Po3XsU-00040-00018426-00018909 to always have the noble attitude of those who can collaborate 6fee7Po3XsU-00041-00018929-00019135 so that the other person will be happier. 6fee7Po3XsU-00042-00019155-00019490 This is the greatest of all nightmares. 6fee7Po3XsU-00043-00019510-00019806 Let us think about our daily life. 6fee7Po3XsU-00044-00019826-00020261 Whether we are the cause of happy dreams 6fee7Po3XsU-00045-00020281-00020934 or ulterior nightmares, as spiritual friends would say, 6fee7Po3XsU-00046-00020954-00021286 in the heart, in the emotional of the other. 6fee7Po3XsU-00047-00021306-00021621 Because all this will be credited to us. 6fee7Po3XsU-00048-00021641-00021923 Much more than we can imagine. 6fee7Po3XsU-00049-00021943-00022474 More than the harassment that an invisible soul may have on us, 6fee7Po3XsU-00050-00022494-00023157 we live on the harassment of the thoughts of the incarnate, 6fee7Po3XsU-00051-00023177-00023617 whoever they are, at a distance, or close, 6fee7Po3XsU-00052-00023637-00024003 that we love or that we claim to hate. 6fee7Po3XsU-00053-00024023-00024392 Of those that remember us and have us in their minds. 6fee7Po3XsU-00054-00024412-00025071 Let us be careful what we sow in the minds of others. 6fee7Po3XsU-00055-00025091-00025421 Sometimes people like to complain. 6fee7Po3XsU-00056-00025441-00026078 They take their cell phones and tell half a dozen or more details 6fee7Po3XsU-00057-00026098-00026326 if they are not well that day. 6fee7Po3XsU-00058-00026346-00026621 And, to each person, a different detail is given. 6fee7Po3XsU-00059-00026641-00027044 Throughout the day, although you look great, in five minutes 6fee7Po3XsU-00060-00027064-00027306 the people who heard your story 6fee7Po3XsU-00061-00027326-00027778 will remember you the way you spoke. 6fee7Po3XsU-00062-00027798-00028201 And they will tell others: "Wow, I talked to So-and-so today, he was awful!” 6fee7Po3XsU-00063-00028221-00028411 “Do you have any news about him?” 6fee7Po3XsU-00064-00028431-00028791 "Wow, you can't imagine, I talked to him today, he was below zero!" 6fee7Po3XsU-00065-00028811-00029425 Every time this goes on, wherever we are 6fee7Po3XsU-00066-00029445-00029885 –unless we're doing very well, and God forbid– 6fee7Po3XsU-00067-00029905-00030350 we'll indirectly receive less noble energy 6fee7Po3XsU-00068-00030370-00030751 from those who will remember us with our complaints. 6fee7Po3XsU-00069-00030771-00031031 Let's think about that. 6fee7Po3XsU-00070-00031208-00031700 Life is a book that we write daily, every minute, 6fee7Po3XsU-00071-00031720-00032081 consciously or unconsciously. 6fee7Po3XsU-00072-00032101-00032301 Let us be sure of that. 6fee7Po3XsU-00073-00032321-00032486 Let us not blame the other. 6fee7Po3XsU-00074-00032506-00033077 Let us hold ourselves responsible for everything that happens to us. 6fee7Po3XsU-00075-00033097-00033522 We will certainly be blaming the right person 6fee7Po3XsU-00076-00033542-00033948 because all things born and die within us. 6fee7Po3XsU-00077-00034092-00034298 Translated by Leonardo Vieira 6hZr_Rv89jU-00000-00002703-00003153 Ddoch cannot join due to personal reason, because of that, Micol will only be in the video for a while. Hope you guys understand it. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00001-00005140-00005520 Is there a human..? That’s not a ghost! Wait.. there’s no spirit for now. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00002-00005666-00005830 Hold on... something is changed, just a moment. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00003-00006106-00006216 (Humming) 6hZr_Rv89jU-00004-00008693-00008783 Who’s there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00005-00009180-00009300 Who’s there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00006-00009636-00009753 Who’s in there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00007-00013026-00013123 What the f*** is this sound? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00008-00013670-00013766 Who’s there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00009-00014046-00014143 Who are you there! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00010-00014903-00015003 Who’s that? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00011-00019420-00019623 Guys, i’m so sorry about.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00012-00019730-00019860 Guys, wait... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00013-00020030-00020423 I think i need to burn amulet my auntie gave me..! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00014-00021610-00021776 I can’t attached! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00015-00022666-00022776 It attach..! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00016-00023363-00023473 More! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00017-00025320-00025786 I think i saw one lady’s figure... it’s not quite clear, guys.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00018-00026586-00026686 What was that sound..? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00019-00028026-00028170 What the hell is that sound! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00020-00028186-00028550 Ding dong~ 2th floor! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00021-00033016-00033120 Where is that? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00022-00033506-00033626 Are you there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00023-00033846-00033983 Are you there~? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00024-00034476-00034610 Are you with somebody? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00025-00034846-00035000 Are you with somebody~? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00026-00035666-00035826 Hello? Are you with someone~?! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00027-00037036-00037380 Ding dong~ 1th floor! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00028-00037636-00037823 1th.. floor..? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00029-00037940-00038186 1.. th.. floor..?!! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00030-00046216-00046323 Where are you.? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00031-00046783-00046893 Where are you there? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00032-00047050-00047693 It’s not a breathe can see at september.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00033-00047773-00047900 Where are you? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00034-00048150-00048280 Okay, let’s be calm... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00035-00048683-00048806 Keep calm... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00036-00050123-00050230 Come on out. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00037-00050590-00050700 Who the hell are you? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00038-00051166-00051376 Omg... this is insane.. make me sick, f****** god.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00039-00051656-00051890 What the... i’m so nervous.. this is crazy.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00040-00054373-00055016 Singing from nowhere is getting louder when micol get behind.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00041-00055436-00055753 Man is ship!! And woman is port!!(crying) 6hZr_Rv89jU-00042-00057696-00057793 Okay, stop... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00043-00057976-00058110 Okay... stop this.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00044-00058290-00058410 Okay, stop singing.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00045-00058570-00058703 Okay... let’s have a talk.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00046-00060126-00060246 What a crazy.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00047-00060623-00060893 What the... what a crazy... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00048-00065090-00065193 Male? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00049-00066063-00066196 Man in this time? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00050-00068660-00069303 Amulet is almost getting useless... micol tried to scatter red beans 6hZr_Rv89jU-00051-00071100-00071276 They tried to kill... me? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00052-00071676-00071826 What you guys talking..? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00053-00072016-00072153 You guys tried to kill..? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00054-00072326-00072473 Tried to kill...?! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00055-00072706-00072823 Gonna try to kill.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00056-00073973-00074206 Ha... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00057-00074683-00074940 Omg.. that’s unfair.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00058-00076743-00076863 Until now.. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00059-00076920-00077080 That’s not unfair....? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00060-00080960-00081113 You just can do that, ha? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00061-00081206-00081493 Don’t even talk in front of me and hide in there! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00062-00081570-00081703 that’s you! You understand? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00063-00081773-00081870 Right? 6hZr_Rv89jU-00064-00081963-00082296 You don’t even come to me right? Cause i have strong spirit! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00065-00082586-00082753 Just F*** off. 6hZr_Rv89jU-00066-00083520-00083900 Ummumm~ umm~ 6hZr_Rv89jU-00067-00086040-00086470 Well, see that. I leave now but when i’m back next time... 6hZr_Rv89jU-00068-00086570-00087236 I will bring a bunch of red beans in remicon! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00069-00087266-00087913 Well see you then! I’ll gonna bring tons of red beans in the remicon, okay? Wait, then! 6hZr_Rv89jU-00070-00087983-00088140 I’ll gonna bring in that!! 6nglNTyicay-00000-00000562-00000980 Brainwaves can be measured, consciousness not so, 6nglNTyicay-00001-00000980-00001466 neither can be free will, there’s clearly more to know. 6nglNTyicay-00002-00001466-00001795 People get corrected, when they do something bad. 6nglNTyicay-00003-00001795-00002248 Punishment’s thought okay, if free choices, they had. 6nglNTyicay-00004-00002248-00002580 But what if they couldn’t, make any other choice. 6nglNTyicay-00005-00002580-00002966 Would this make punishment, immoral to rejoice? 6nglNTyicay-00006-00002966-00003376 Determinism won’t, mean justice goes away. 6nglNTyicay-00007-00003376-00003829 We respond to feedback, punishment is one way. 6nglNTyicay-00008-00003829-00004221 So if we were to find, that free will wasn’t real, 6nglNTyicay-00009-00004221-00004662 it wouldn’t change our lives, or how we think and feel. 6nglNTyicay-00010-00004662-00005037 If we zoom in real close, on anything we see, 6nglNTyicay-00011-00005037-00005600 we’ll find many atoms, neither alive nor free. 6nglNTyicay-00012-00005600-00005989 Matter we are made of, follows physical laws. 6nglNTyicay-00013-00005989-00006489 Random rules or causal, we can’t reshape or cause. 6nglNTyicay-00014-00006489-00006833 But even if we’re bound, to physics like the rest, 6nglNTyicay-00015-00006833-00007347 should we think consciousness, too obvious to test? 6nglNTyicay-00016-00007347-00007728 Science is double-edged, no conclusion’s immune, 6nglNTyicay-00017-00007728-00008145 from scrutinization, it keeps our thoughts in-tune. 6nglNTyicay-00018-00008145-00008514 If we don’t have free will, then we don’t have a way, 6nglNTyicay-00019-00008514-00009005 to shape reactions but, we’re conscious anyway. 6nglNTyicay-00020-00009005-00009427 It seems consciousness is, inseparably bound, 6nglNTyicay-00021-00009427-00009938 to senses, and without, it’s sleep, or there-around. 6nglNTyicay-00022-00009938-00010384 The question we should ask, shouldn’t be why but how, 6nglNTyicay-00023-00010384-00010872 we observe processes, we don’t freely allow. 6nglNTyicay-00024-00010872-00011232 If true, our behavior, is all predictable. 6nglNTyicay-00025-00011232-00011635 Running calculations, reveals our acts in full. 6nglNTyicay-00026-00011635-00012079 We need not change all laws, by holding this as fact. 6nglNTyicay-00027-00012079-00012634 Free will as a model, yields some good ways to act. 6nglNTyicay-00028-00012634-00012961 But if we can progress, with science thinking through, 6nglNTyicay-00029-00012961-00013438 the implications here, we’ll invent something new. 6nglNTyicay-00030-00013438-00013754 And if we consider, people who fall and bleed, 6nglNTyicay-00031-00013754-00014225 didn’t deal their own cards, but still they are in need, 6nglNTyicay-00032-00014225-00014588 they respond to feedback, so if we intervene, 6nglNTyicay-00033-00014588-00015015 neither’s thanks to free will, but changes it will mean. 76OqLHb40Wy-00000-00000168-00000687 Welcome to the Eskind Biomedical Libraries tutorial on 76OqLHb40Wy-00001-00000687-00001384 document delivery service also known as interlibrary loan. This service may be 76OqLHb40Wy-00002-00001384-00001832 used to request resources that you are unable to access 76OqLHb40Wy-00003-00001832-00002224 from our library website. 76OqLHb40Wy-00004-00002272-00002784 At the end of this tutorial participants should be able to use the 76OqLHb40Wy-00005-00002784-00003360 correct form to put in a request for a journal article, book loan, 76OqLHb40Wy-00006-00003360-00003896 book chapter, or thesis/dissertation. 76OqLHb40Wy-00007-00004120-00004792 To get started let's go to the home page of the Eskind library 76OqLHb40Wy-00008-00005223-00005607 scroll down to find the document delivery button 76OqLHb40Wy-00009-00005607-00005984 in the middle of the page. 76OqLHb40Wy-00010-00006328-00006728 Log on to the DDS portal 76OqLHb40Wy-00011-00006815-00007520 with your username and password for many of us this should be 76OqLHb40Wy-00012-00007520-00007984 our VU net id and e-password. 76OqLHb40Wy-00013-00008111-00008879 Once in, on the main menu you will see three sections. 76OqLHb40Wy-00014-00008879-00009624 The first section is electronically received articles. In most cases 76OqLHb40Wy-00015-00009624-00009975 your requested articles and chapters are sent to you 76OqLHb40Wy-00016-00009975-00010600 by DDS staff either via an article exchange link or directly to 76OqLHb40Wy-00017-00010600-00011128 your email address on record, as a pdf attachment. 76OqLHb40Wy-00018-00011128-00011807 However some external libraries may choose to send your requested pages 76OqLHb40Wy-00019-00011807-00012224 directly to your DD account. When that happens 76OqLHb40Wy-00020-00012224-00012704 you will receive a notification from the system. 76OqLHb40Wy-00021-00012704-00013136 Log in to your DDS account and look within this 76OqLHb40Wy-00022-00013136-00013552 first section for a link that allows you to download 76OqLHb40Wy-00023-00013552-00014384 the electronically delivered article. Next in the check out items section 76OqLHb40Wy-00024-00014384-00014759 you will find a list of the books that you had requested 76OqLHb40Wy-00025-00014759-00015440 that were checked out from dds. The outstanding request section will 76OqLHb40Wy-00026-00015440-00015800 display a list of items that you had requested 76OqLHb40Wy-00027-00015800-00016216 that have not yet been fulfilled. 76OqLHb40Wy-00028-00016456-00017087 Looking at the new request tab you will find the form for the four 76OqLHb40Wy-00029-00017087-00017431 types of resources mentioned at the start of 76OqLHb40Wy-00030-00017431-00017840 this tutorial. The first three forms are for journal 76OqLHb40Wy-00031-00017840-00018280 articles, book loans, and book chapters and 76OqLHb40Wy-00032-00018280-00018912 are the ones most often used. It is important to use the correct form 76OqLHb40Wy-00033-00018912-00019287 for the type of request needed since specific 76OqLHb40Wy-00034-00019287-00019976 information is required for each type of request. Let's look at the form 76OqLHb40Wy-00035-00019976-00020440 for a journal article in greater detail. 76OqLHb40Wy-00036-00020615-00021079 As you can see information that are marked 76OqLHb40Wy-00037-00021079-00021864 as required for this form includes journal title, article title, 76OqLHb40Wy-00038-00021864-00022295 issue year, and article pages. 76OqLHb40Wy-00039-00022448-00022815 However it is almost as important to fill 76OqLHb40Wy-00040-00022815-00023295 in the other few that are not marked as required. 76OqLHb40Wy-00041-00023295-00023656 The more information you provide about your request 76OqLHb40Wy-00042-00023656-00024384 the more likely we are able to fill your request quickly. 76OqLHb40Wy-00043-00024384-00025048 Comparing the journal article form with the other three forms, each form 76OqLHb40Wy-00044-00025048-00025695 asks for certain specific information and it is important that the appropriate 76OqLHb40Wy-00045-00025695-00026016 form is used for the type of resource you are 76OqLHb40Wy-00046-00026016-00026768 requesting so that needed information is not accidentally omitted. 76OqLHb40Wy-00047-00026768-00027408 It usually takes a few days sometimes just a few hours for DDS to fill an 76OqLHb40Wy-00048-00027408-00027752 article or chapter request since these are sent 76OqLHb40Wy-00049-00027752-00028280 electronically. Books or theses/dissertations however 76OqLHb40Wy-00050-00028280-00028895 may take up to two weeks or even longer before they are ready for pick-up. In 76OqLHb40Wy-00051-00028895-00029319 some cases disease dissertation requests may even 76OqLHb40Wy-00052-00029319-00029712 get cancelled by the lending library 76OqLHb40Wy-00053-00029712-00030208 since these items are usually impossible to replace if they should get lost 76OqLHb40Wy-00054-00030208-00030488 in transit. 76OqLHb40Wy-00055-00030560-00031152 If you have not done so recently make sure to check out your information 76OqLHb40Wy-00056-00031152-00031495 under the profile tab 76OqLHb40Wy-00057-00031624-00032583 and update all that is necessary, especially your email address. 76OqLHb40Wy-00058-00032647-00033103 I will leave you to look at the other tabs in the DDS portal 76OqLHb40Wy-00059-00033103-00033808 on your own if you have any questions regarding DDS or any of these forms 76OqLHb40Wy-00060-00033808-00034712 please do not hesitate to email us at document.delivery@vanderbilt.edu 76OqLHb40Wy-00061-00034712-00035384 Thank you for joining us on this tutorial. 76OHkLn5MDo-00001-00003253-00003303 hello..my friend.. 76OHkLn5MDo-00002-00003303-00003353 'how are you 76OHkLn5MDo-00003-00003529-00003673 welcome to my channel 76OHkLn5MDo-00080-00027856-00027998 do not forget to click subscribe and share 76OHkLn5MDo-00081-00028250-00028300 thanks 77ftADl9NVy-00000-00000026-00000456 [Intro Music] 77ftADl9NVy-00001-00000594-00000999 Hi I'm Ryan. Hey I'm Mark and we're gonna show you what happens when you apply too 77ftADl9NVy-00002-00000999-00001446 much voltage to a capacitor or when you put the cap backwards. First things first 77ftADl9NVy-00003-00001446-00002415 safety goggles, check. Fire extinguisher, double check. All right now this one is 77ftADl9NVy-00004-00002415-00002891 reverse polarity so we better stand back 77ftADl9NVy-00005-00003396-00003508 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00006-00003710-00003786 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00007-00004114-00004226 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00008-00004422-00004534 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00009-00004646-00004728 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00010-00004728-00004840 [Bleep] 77ftADl9NVy-00011-00004840-00005310 okay this is an over-voltage test on an axial capacitor 77ftADl9NVy-00012-00005418-00005530 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00013-00005884-00005996 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00014-00006346-00006458 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00015-00006681-00006881 [Slow-motion Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00016-00007350-00007495 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00017-00008398-00008510 [Capacitor Pop] 77ftADl9NVy-00018-00008602-00008890 [Capacitors Popping] 77ftADl9NVy-00019-00008910-00009024 [Bleep] 77ftADl9NVy-00020-00009256-00009596 there's the carnage 77ftADl9NVy-00021-00009798-00010156 so basically watch your voltage and don't put it in the wrong way pick a 77ftADl9NVy-00022-00010156-00010543 voltage that's at least double your circuit voltage so if your circuit is 77ftADl9NVy-00023-00010543-00010942 5 volts use a capacitor that's rated for 10 volts you can go higher on the 77ftADl9NVy-00024-00010942-00011371 voltage like 16 for example but you can't go lower always look for the 77ftADl9NVy-00025-00011371-00011834 polarity marking like the negative stripe or plus sign near one lead to be sure 77ftADl9NVy-00026-00011834-00012654 To learn more about capacitors go to www.jameco.com/capacitors 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00000-00000050-00001854 [ Music ] 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00001-00001904-00002285 Hello students this is non-flowering plants and today I want to make a comparison 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00002-00002291-00002756 of a homosporus lycopodium versus heterosporous selaginella. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00003-00002798-00003341 These are both lycophytes and they both have a lifecycle 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00004-00003341-00003815 in which the sporophyte grows off the gametophyte and attains dominance. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00005-00003858-00003992 So in other words they are teridophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00006-00004117-00004282 So let's start with lycopodium. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00007-00004289-00004559 Remember lycopdium is the homosperous one. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00008-00004734-00005314 We'll have sperm and egg and they get together at fertilization and make a zygote. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00009-00005437-00006025 That zygote's first division makes a suspensor cell of the embryo and then 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00010-00006025-00006532 in makes the embryonic cell, the embryonic cell goes on to make the rest of the embryo. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00011-00006653-00007103 So there we have an embryo with a foot and a shoot and a first leaf 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00012-00007146-00007332 and a suspensor cell is still there. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00013-00007565-00008046 Then we can see a young sporophyte growing off of an old gametophyte 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00014-00008046-00008325 and its going to use that gametophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00015-00008337-00008755 Gametophyte will wither and the sporophyte will live on for years and years. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00016-00009010-00009793 Here's a more developed sporophyte which has roots and its leaves and then strobilii. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00017-00009855-00010316 And if we take a section through one of those strobilli, we get a strobillus 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00018-00010368-00010892 that has sporophylls and those sporophylls are microphylls. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00019-00010995-00011376 They are a leaf that has a sporangium born on it. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00020-00011483-00012036 Sporangia in lycopodium they all make the same kinds of spores that are homosperous spores 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00021-00012076-00012741 so we have a sporocyte, undergoes meiosis, makes spores, spores are haploid, spores disperse. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00022-00012802-00013352 Now in lycopodium the spores live for a really long time potentially. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00023-00013369-00013859 They kind of land on the soil, filter into the soil little bit, they start to grow 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00024-00013859-00014388 and then they form, if they are really lucky, a relationship with a fungus. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00025-00014441-00014932 And this relationship with a fungus allows them to get their nutrients from the fungus. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00026-00014932-00015183 So they don't photosynthesize primarily. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00027-00015183-00015493 Most of their growth and energy comes from the fungus, 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00028-00015493-00015839 kind of tricking it into giving them energy. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00029-00015873-00016198 So we will call that a heterotrophic gametophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00030-00016227-00016547 Heterotrophic gametophyte and they are more or less underground. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00031-00016591-00017258 That heterotrophic gametophyte can then grow archegonia and anthroridia. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00032-00017322-00018123 So there we have an archegonium, and that archegonium has canal cells and neck cells. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00033-00018142-00018503 And we have an anthoridium and that anthoridium has jacket cells 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00034-00018538-00019005 and spermatogens tissue inside that then grow up to be sperms. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00035-00019038-00019396 Okay so that was the homosporus life cycle. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00036-00019396-00019879 Now let's contrast that to selaginella which has a heterosporous life cycle. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00037-00019937-00020472 Here's selaginella, and there's two rows up top there. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00038-00020490-00020994 The very top row are the microspores that will give rise to microgametophytes, 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00039-00021045-00021429 I'll try to call them male spores and male gametophytes 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00040-00021493-00022031 and in the middle we have megaspores that give rise to megagametophytes and I'll try 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00041-00022031-00022297 to call them female gametophytes. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00042-00022386-00022775 Let's start with sperm and egg. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00043-00022775-00023175 They get together fertilization and form a zygote. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00044-00023288-00023743 The zygote divides you get a suspension cell and an embryonic cell. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00045-00023743-00023960 The embryonic cell continues to divides 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00046-00023986-00024363 and it forms this [inaudible] meristem which allows it to grow a shoot. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00047-00024495-00025364 Here's the embryo with a foot rooted in the gametophyte, a root, and a shoot, 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00048-00025417-00025649 and then the suspensor is still there too. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00049-00025708-00026161 So then the next stage there we see a young sporophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00050-00026161-00026622 It's growing off of the megaspore. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00051-00026645-00026847 You can see the megaspore wall there. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00052-00026870-00027144 It would have contained the megagametophyte inside of it. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00053-00027163-00027381 And it's no bigger than it was when it was made. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00054-00027427-00028083 Here's a picture of the mature sporophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00055-00028155-00028410 It has roots on a rizophore. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00056-00028427-00028774 It has leaves and those leaves we'll call microphylls. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00057-00028781-00029320 A microphyll is something that has a single vein in it or evolved from something 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00058-00029320-00029628 that had a single vein in it, as opposed to in ferns 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00059-00029657-00029926 where the leaves are megaphylls that have branchy veins. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00060-00030093-00030420 And on this salagenella we have a strobillus. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00061-00030420-00030868 If we take a section through the strobillus we can see 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00062-00030897-00031421 that there are two different kinds of sporangia. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00063-00031480-00032082 There is a female sporangium there and it's on a female sporophyll. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00064-00032132-00032966 And then there's also male sporangia and the male sporangium is on a male sporophyll 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00065-00032994-00033194 which you'll sometimes call microsporophylls. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00066-00033359-00033956 Inside of a male sporangium you will get a lot of sporocytes 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00067-00033971-00034424 and those sporocytes undergo meiosis and then disperse. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00068-00034424-00034682 And they are kind of like spores of ferns. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00069-00034699-00034890 You know they're pretty small. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00070-00034952-00035768 So a cool thing that happen is that inside of that male spore you have a division 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00071-00035841-00036113 and that starts making a male gametophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00072-00036173-00036834 A male gametophyte the first division is into a little tiny cell call the prothalial cell. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00073-00036834-00037328 And that's thought to be remnants or the vestiges 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00074-00037375-00037825 of the ancient ancestral vegetative gametophyte 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00075-00037879-00038570 and then the other cell is the anthridial initial and that anthridial initial then goes 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00076-00038570-00038866 on to divide and form jacket cells. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00077-00038910-00039633 Inside of the jacket cells there's initially four primary spermotogenous cells 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00078-00039633-00040245 and those spermotogenous cells divide by and eventually make a bunch of sperm. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00079-00040355-00041070 Now if we focus on the middle line we get a megasporocyte or a female sporocyte 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00080-00041070-00041645 that gives rise to four female spores and there's four female spores that are all 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00081-00041672-00042125 in the same sporangium and selaginella only four. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00082-00042340-00043280 Each of these four spores could then develop into a female gametophyte. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00083-00043358-00043769 And that female gametophyte it undergoes a bunch of cell divisions. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00084-00043801-00044550 Some of the nuclei don't get separated by cell wall so it's said to be a pre nuclear cytoplasm 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00085-00044586-00045075 and then other portions of it eventually do get cell partitions between them 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00086-00045111-00045361 and so that's the cellular portion. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00087-00045361-00046179 It also has some rhizoids and it's completely the same size as the female spore. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00088-00046179-00046353 Like it doesn't do any photosynthesis. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00089-00046370-00046492 It just stays that size. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00090-00046561-00047364 It makes archegonia, those archegonia have neck cells and canal cells and of course an egg. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00091-00047522-00048256 So, that was my comparison of homosporous lycapodium to the heterosporous selaginella. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00092-00048275-00049109 They have two really different life cycles but you can see how they could have evolved 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00093-00049116-00049691 from one homosporous condition and you can also think of heteropsory 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00094-00049691-00050006 as a conversion evolution on something. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00095-00050037-00050367 That is seed plants are also heterosporous 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00096-00050441-00051360 and so selaginella independently invented catarospory very separate from seed plants. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00097-00051360-00051497 And that's all that I have to say about that. 7u3V_qMZ0hk-00098-00051551-00053183 [ Music ] 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00000-00000409-00000972 So, welcome to this session. Rule number three is a something that, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00001-00001056-00001794 something that you should never do, if you are doing technical writing or any writing for that matter. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00002-00001834-00002484 It's like, he who must not be mentioned, a thing that should never be mentioned in technical circles, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00003-00002494-00002750 this is known as Plagiarism. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00004-00002822-00003261 So, quoting verbatim without attribution is not acceptable. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00005-00003261-00003888 When you quote somebody, make sure that you quote verbatim, where you don't change what they said, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00006-00003888-00004189 and let the reader know that it is a quote. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00007-00004189-00004679 So this is very very important and it is worth repeating several times. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00008-00004694-00005232 So, this is what is the crux of rule number three is, never take sentences from elsewhere, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00009-00005232-00005720 with or without modification and pass it off as your own ever. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00010-00005748-00006360 So there are going to be separate sessions on this, on ethics associated with technical writing. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00011-00006394-00006834 You will have separate modules by others presented to you, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00012-00006848-00007728 but it's very important that when we talk about technical writing we also make it very clear that this is not acceptable. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00013-00007728-00008262 So this should be done even when you teach students, when even when they submit anything. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00014-00008272-00008782 It could be a small assignment, it could be a seminar report, it could be their thesis report, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00015-00008792-00008982 it could be a paper that they are writing. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00016-00008993-00009721 Starting from the simplest thing, which will be used only in the classroom, only for the consumption of that particular class, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00017-00009754-00010516 for that particular instructor and something that is sent out to the entire world to read. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00018-00010516-00011166 So from classroom to anywhere else, plagiarism is unacceptable. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00019-00011172-00011802 Committing plagiarism is equivalent of committing suicide in the academic community, 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00020-00011836-00012000 so it should never be done. 7vE2dY7MOpQ-00021-00012034-00012102 Thank you. 7w8lTnixe08-00000-00002331-00002716 We and try to help to make things that are unseen seen. 7w8lTnixe08-00001-00002716-00002886 We try to make things visible. 7w8lTnixe08-00002-00002886-00003293 And that’s really important in biology because a lot of times you just don’t know when 7w8lTnixe08-00003-00003293-00003839 you look in a microscope if molecularly what you think is going on is actually what’s 7w8lTnixe08-00004-00003839-00003939 going on. 7w8lTnixe08-00005-00003939-00004294 And I think what we do is very important because we try to get closer and closer to the idea 7w8lTnixe08-00006-00004294-00004574 of molecular level imaging. 7w8lTnixe08-00007-00004574-00004931 For everything that we publish we try many things that don’t work. 7w8lTnixe08-00008-00004931-00005107 And that’s what we should be doing. 7w8lTnixe08-00009-00005107-00005207 Always. 7w8lTnixe08-00010-00005207-00005340 So there’s a fair amount of failure. 7w8lTnixe08-00011-00005340-00005734 And a lot of times we learn the most when things don’t work. 7w8lTnixe08-00012-00005734-00006186 You sort of have to develop a thick skin because frankly, most of the stuff we try doesn’t 7w8lTnixe08-00013-00006186-00006286 work. 7w8lTnixe08-00014-00006286-00006864 I use physics to invent, design, and build new kinds of microscopes to see things no 7w8lTnixe08-00015-00006864-00006975 one has ever seen before. 7w8lTnixe08-00016-00006975-00007643 So my boss Hari was giving a talk at my university and I saw an abstract of his talk and I thought 7w8lTnixe08-00017-00007643-00008044 I knew some things about optics and I was pretty sure what he said in his abstract was 7w8lTnixe08-00018-00008044-00008189 impossible. 7w8lTnixe08-00019-00008189-00008424 So I went to his talk to tell him that he was wrong. 7w8lTnixe08-00020-00008424-00008596 He was not wrong, I was very wrong. 7w8lTnixe08-00021-00008596-00008844 So at the end of the talk I asked him for a job. 7w8lTnixe08-00022-00008844-00009054 And that’s how I ended up here. 7w8lTnixe08-00023-00009054-00009397 For about a hundred years there was a belief more or less that there was a hard limit for 7w8lTnixe08-00024-00009397-00009735 the sharpest image that an optical microscope could take. 7w8lTnixe08-00025-00009735-00010006 And then in the past decade or so there have been a number of breakthroughs that show, 7w8lTnixe08-00026-00010006-00010285 no, that’s not really true, they were assumptions. 7w8lTnixe08-00027-00010285-00010878 One thing that we have invented recently is a microscope that provides double the resolution 7w8lTnixe08-00028-00010878-00011409 of a conventional microscope you can buy and is also applicable in relatively thick samples 7w8lTnixe08-00029-00011409-00011557 like embryos. 7w8lTnixe08-00030-00011557-00011764 This is sort of a new thing. 7w8lTnixe08-00031-00011764-00012185 Resolution doubling microscopes have existed before but they only are good for single cells. 7w8lTnixe08-00032-00012185-00012692 We also think about microscopes that are better at imaging specimens less invasively. 7w8lTnixe08-00033-00012692-00012856 So without damaging them. 7w8lTnixe08-00034-00012856-00013330 Every time you shine light on something you perturb it a little bit and most microscopes 7w8lTnixe08-00035-00013330-00013869 out there today are sort of unsuitable for long term imaging of let’s say embryos or 7w8lTnixe08-00036-00013869-00014108 other sensitive, live biological specimens. 7w8lTnixe08-00037-00014108-00014481 So a good deal of what we think about is how to make microscopes better suited to that 7w8lTnixe08-00038-00014481-00014581 study. 7w8lTnixe08-00039-00014581-00015038 An example of a more biological problem we’re genuinely interested in is how the nervous 7w8lTnixe08-00040-00015038-00015316 system wires inside living organisms. 7w8lTnixe08-00041-00015316-00015495 Inside a very simple organism like a worm. 7w8lTnixe08-00042-00015495-00015929 So if you want to ask the question, “how do all the neurons come together to create 7w8lTnixe08-00043-00015929-00016545 a brain,” one method for answering that question is to actually visualize it. 7w8lTnixe08-00044-00016545-00016972 But the data set for that problem doesn’t exist yet because most microscopes that are 7w8lTnixe08-00045-00016972-00017464 available will fry the embryo in course of imaging all of these different cells in time 7w8lTnixe08-00046-00017464-00017625 and in three dimensions. 7w8lTnixe08-00047-00017625-00018004 So one thing that we’re doing in collaboration with groups at Yale and Sloan Kettering is 7w8lTnixe08-00048-00018004-00018512 we’re providing microscopes that actually let you image samples for many hours, about 7w8lTnixe08-00049-00018512-00019089 fourteen hours, and noninvasively to see this brain develop inside an intact organism. 7w8lTnixe08-00050-00019089-00019504 What we kind of hope is that by studying the way the nervous systems forms inside the worm 7w8lTnixe08-00051-00019504-00020073 we’ll discover general rules about how neurons seek out other neurons that would be applicable 7w8lTnixe08-00052-00020073-00020446 in higher order organisms like the fish, the fly, or the human. 7w8lTnixe08-00053-00020446-00020948 The future of our work, I think, will be—make a few general purpose tools, try to genuinely 7w8lTnixe08-00054-00020948-00021418 pick a few workhorses of the field that everyone uses and make them slightly better. 7w8lTnixe08-00055-00021418-00021818 And then, and we’ve already started to do this to some degree, go looking for specific 7w8lTnixe08-00056-00021818-00022264 problems in biology, important problems, that are resistant to existing techniques and design 7w8lTnixe08-00057-00022264-00022568 specific techniques to solve those exact problems. 7w8lTnixe08-00058-00022568-00023048 I hope that the kind of work that we do, the approaches we develop, enable other people 7w8lTnixe08-00059-00023048-00023417 to go further than we can. 7w8lTnixe08-00060-00023417-00023790 The idea is that whatever simple rules we might discover in the worm almost certainly 7w8lTnixe08-00061-00023790-00024210 are not going to be exactly the way things are in the human, but one can imagine scaling 7w8lTnixe08-00062-00024210-00024727 these things up. 7xB4l0FjsUc-00000-00000000-00000389 Are you a beef cattle producer looking for ways to up your game? 7xB4l0FjsUc-00001-00000389-00000938 Alabama Extension Systems 360 program may be just what you're looking for. 7xB4l0FjsUc-00002-00000958-00001310 This program targets producers with at least five years of industry experience to 7xB4l0FjsUc-00003-00001311-00001680 educate them in the latest sustainable land and animal management strategies 7xB4l0FjsUc-00004-00001680-00002091 as well as advanced marketing. But, the Systems 360 program offers a different 7xB4l0FjsUc-00005-00002091-00002448 approach than traditional workshops and short courses. Producers with common 7xB4l0FjsUc-00006-00002448-00002826 interests are grouped into working groups. Working groups meet 5 times over 7xB4l0FjsUc-00007-00002826-00003143 the course of a year, with a different beef management strategy discussed at 7xB4l0FjsUc-00008-00003143-00003539 every meeting. Groups will meet at producer farms, Auburn University 7xB4l0FjsUc-00009-00003539-00003900 research farms, and other industry agencies, giving members hands-on 7xB4l0FjsUc-00010-00003900-00004280 learning opportunities and time to see successful management practices in 7xB4l0FjsUc-00011-00004280-00004620 action. To learn more about Systems 360, 7xB4l0FjsUc-00012-00004626-00005262 contact Dr. Kim Mullenix. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00000-00000529-00000735 Welcome to Spotlight. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00001-00000735-00001005 I’m Liz Waid. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00002-00001005-00001304 And I’m Bruce Gulland. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00003-00001304-00001841 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00004-00001841-00003572 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00005-00003572-00004293 Michael Ogden remembers the last day he saw his grandfather. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00006-00004293-00004409 He writes, 7y7D4oNoEFc-00007-00004409-00005339 “My grandfather spent two hours sharing the important parts of his life, as he saw 7y7D4oNoEFc-00008-00005339-00005467 them. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00009-00005467-00005858 He was a man who worked a lot. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00010-00005858-00006722 But to our surprise he only spent about two minutes discussing his job. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00011-00006722-00007672 For most of that afternoon he spoke of people who had played an important part in his life. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00012-00007672-00008746 He also spoke of particular moments that had brought him some peace, a laugh, an understanding. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00013-00008746-00009646 Ogden’s grandfather told Ogden about both his successes and regrets. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00014-00009646-00010146 This made Ogden think about his own life. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00015-00010146-00010897 What experiences did he want to explore before he died? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00016-00010897-00011504 He made a list of all the things he wanted to do. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00017-00011504-00012758 Today’s Spotlight is on making life lists. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00018-00012758-00013562 Ogden discovered that there was more he dreamed of doing in his life. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00019-00013562-00014022 For example, he loved music. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00020-00014022-00014459 He had even written some songs. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00021-00014459-00015001 One of his dreams was to record the music. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00022-00015001-00015990 So he decided to achieve this life goal and record his own album! 7y7D4oNoEFc-00023-00015990-00016390 He had a wonderful time and said, 7y7D4oNoEFc-00024-00016390-00017440 “I knew that if I lived another five or 50 years, recording an album was an experience 7y7D4oNoEFc-00025-00017440-00018794 that I would remember for the rest of my life.” 7y7D4oNoEFc-00026-00018794-00019498 Many adults around the world ask the same questions Ogden did. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00027-00019498-00020270 What experiences do they want to have before the end of their life? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00028-00020270-00020662 What things will they regret not doing? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00029-00020662-00021118 What things are important to them? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00030-00021118-00021498 Some people want to travel. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00031-00021498-00022219 Some people want to write a book or learn a new language. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00032-00022219-00022845 Some people want to spend more time with family. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00033-00022845-00023721 One way to help achieve these goals is to write them down in a list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00034-00023721-00024501 Sometimes it takes something sad to make you think about life goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00035-00024501-00024795 This happened to Caroline Miller. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00036-00024795-00025735 Miller’s father loved studying the travels of Odysseus, a well-known character from ancient 7y7D4oNoEFc-00037-00025735-00025992 Greek stories. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00038-00025992-00026264 She writes on her blog, 7y7D4oNoEFc-00039-00026264-00027402 “My whole life I heard my intelligent father discuss his excitement for following Odysseus’ 7y7D4oNoEFc-00040-00027402-00027780 travels around the Greek islands... 7y7D4oNoEFc-00041-00027780-00028470 I thought this would be the first thing my father would do when his children went to 7y7D4oNoEFc-00042-00028470-00029339 college and started their adult lives.” 7y7D4oNoEFc-00043-00029339-00030056 But Miller’s father never travelled to the places Odysseus went. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00044-00030056-00030812 He died at the age of 69 from a terrible disease. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00045-00030812-00031623 On the night he died, Miller and her family sat in his hospital room. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00046-00031623-00032189 They wondered why he never went after his dream. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00047-00032189-00032337 She writes, 7y7D4oNoEFc-00048-00032337-00033381 “As I looked at my father’s body, all I could ask myself helplessly was why he did 7y7D4oNoEFc-00049-00033381-00033652 not do it. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00050-00033652-00034622 This thought made me sad.” 7y7D4oNoEFc-00051-00034622-00035468 This experience influenced Miller to become a performance and life coach. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00052-00035468-00036492 She wanted to help other people set goals - and then help them achieve these goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00053-00036492-00036964 She encourages people to create a life list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00054-00036964-00038002 A person creates a life list by writing down all the things they want to do. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00055-00038002-00038596 They keep it in a place where they can see it. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00056-00038596-00039113 This is so they do not forget about their goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00057-00039113-00040073 A life list can also help people establish what is important to them. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00058-00040073-00040727 It helps every-day goals lead to a larger goal. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00059-00040727-00040987 Miller tells NPR, 7y7D4oNoEFc-00060-00040987-00041848 “Making progress towards valued goals does several things. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00061-00041848-00042144 One is it makes you happier. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00062-00042144-00043202 It also spills into other parts of your life, so you are more excited to achieve other goals 7y7D4oNoEFc-00063-00043202-00043935 in your life.” 7y7D4oNoEFc-00064-00043935-00044560 Life list goals can be big, like finding a new job. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00065-00044560-00045187 One woman came to Miller because she wanted to go to medical school. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00066-00045187-00045809 Her job was to manage money and other resources. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00067-00045809-00046652 Her family thought her goal to go to medical school was not realistic. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00068-00046652-00047469 But Miller helped the woman make the steps to achieve her dream. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00069-00047469-00048313 With the help of Miller, and hard work, the woman went to medical school. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00070-00048313-00049080 She was able to complete this piece of her life list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00071-00049080-00049566 Life list goals can also be small. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00072-00049566-00050096 The Irish Times tells about Máire Godfrey. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00073-00050096-00050511 She was 99 years old. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00074-00050511-00051609 Godfrey decided to make a life list of things to do before her 100th birthday. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00075-00051609-00052265 She wanted to try things she had never done before. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00076-00052265-00053364 Her goals included visiting a courtroom, seeing a 3D film, and eating at McDonald’s. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00077-00053364-00054839 She even started a Facebook page where she shared her achievements. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00078-00054839-00055787 There are many books to help a person decide what should be on their own life list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00079-00055787-00056769 These books offer ideas like the best places to see or the best foods to try. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00080-00056769-00057549 And there are films about people trying to achieve their life goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00081-00057549-00058341 Many people are choosing to share their life lists on the internet too. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00082-00058341-00059145 Some people put their lists on their own website, like Caroline Miller does. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00083-00059145-00059948 And other people join internet communities to share their life lists. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00084-00059948-00060355 Anyone can join these communities. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00085-00060355-00060900 And usually they do not cost any money. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00086-00060900-00061326 One of these communities is bucketlist.org. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00087-00061326-00062072 “Bucket list” is another name for “life list”. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00088-00062072-00063002 On this website, people can create their life list and share it with other people. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00089-00063002-00063557 They can show pictures of the goals they achieve. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00090-00063557-00065107 They can encourage each other to reach particular goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00091-00065107-00065657 Creating a life list has become a popular idea. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00092-00065657-00065942 And it is easy to do. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00093-00065942-00066539 First, you need a place to write down your list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00094-00066539-00067245 You can use a piece of paper and a pen or a computer or phone. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00095-00067245-00067992 Second, write down as many things you want to achieve as possible. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00096-00067992-00068574 Third, choose the most important goals. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00097-00068574-00069379 When you finish your list, keep it in a place where you will see it often. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00098-00069379-00070433 You can also share your list with friends and family, or on the internet. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00099-00070433-00070891 Not everyone enjoys making a list. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00100-00070891-00071337 Some people like to live life as it comes. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00101-00071337-00071917 They enjoy experiences that happen by chance. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00102-00071917-00072742 But for many others, creating a life list can be fun and helpful. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00103-00072742-00073941 It can help you understand more about yourself and your dreams. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00104-00073941-00074681 What about you? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00105-00074681-00075341 Do you think creating a life list is a good idea? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00106-00075341-00075907 What kinds of things would be on your life list? 7y7D4oNoEFc-00107-00075907-00076211 Tell us what you think. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00108-00076211-00076955 Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00109-00076955-00078006 You can also find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/spotlightradio. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00110-00078006-00078635 The writers of today’s program were Courtney Schutt and Hannah Koning. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00111-00078635-00078864 The producer was Michio Ozaki. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00112-00078864-00079712 The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00113-00079712-00080449 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00114-00080449-00081718 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00115-00081718-00082513 This program is called “Why You Should Make a Life List”. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00116-00082513-00083466 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00117-00083466-00084062 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. 7y7D4oNoEFc-00118-00084062-00084193 Goodbye. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00000-00000072-00000846 21 day of a fast has come to an end. Now the most important question that many people have 7yH2s0XQSx4-00001-00000846-00001314 been asking and not only many people have been asking, but I think you should be prepared for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00002-00001392-00002346 is how do you end a prolonged fast? How do you come out so that you don't hurt yourself? Now big 7yH2s0XQSx4-00003-00002346-00003102 disclaimer first and foremost, I am not a doctor, I am not an nutritionist and therefore, some of 7yH2s0XQSx4-00004-00003102-00003696 the things that I want to share with you are just part of some common sense wisdom when it comes to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00005-00003696-00004272 specifically things that relate to your situation, I would really encourage you that you research 7yH2s0XQSx4-00006-00004272-00004956 and as well as you consult your doctor, but for right now I want to share with you just 10 very 7yH2s0XQSx4-00007-00004956-00005676 basic things that I would like to leave you with, as we're exiting or preparing to leave the fast 7yH2s0XQSx4-00008-00005730-00006659 okay number one is you have to keep in mind that the stomach has been slowly shrinking, that means 7yH2s0XQSx4-00009-00006659-00007692 that your stomach's capacity for food is not like it was in the beginning, which means the smallest 7yH2s0XQSx4-00010-00007692-00008406 amounts of food not only can make you feel full, but they can also irritate your stomach, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00011-00008406-00009102 so you have to understand that your stomach now is not the same size that it was when you started 7yH2s0XQSx4-00012-00009102-00009990 the fast, it shrunk, okay, so you don't want to overwhelm your stomach by beginning to eat, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00013-00009990-00010608 of course, normal meals. The second thing that I want you to remember about this as you're planning 7yH2s0XQSx4-00014-00010608-00011442 to come out of the fast is the organs in the body that are usually involved with assimilating the 7yH2s0XQSx4-00015-00011442-00012234 food have taken a rest, you could think of as this is that these organs, especially the digestive 7yH2s0XQSx4-00016-00012234-00013224 system has gone into a sleep and that has become deeper asleep as you went further into a fast, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00017-00013224-00013956 so not only your stomach has shrunk, but also these organs have went to sleep, a lot of them 7yH2s0XQSx4-00018-00014088-00015012 a lot of processes things that process the food really dialed down in your stomach and so the body 7yH2s0XQSx4-00019-00015012-00015888 now needs time to produce enzymes that are capable of breaking down food and ramp up bile production 7yH2s0XQSx4-00020-00015888-00016764 and have enough acid to break those foods down, so if you're gonna just go right away into a file 7yH2s0XQSx4-00021-00016764-00017472 into eating, okay, not only your stomach is not as the size because it really started to shrink, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00022-00017472-00018078 I mean you probably see it even in your belly, but also all these things in your stomach 7yH2s0XQSx4-00023-00018078-00018624 digestive system that have used to process food, okay, they a lot of them dial down, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00024-00018690-00019548 okay so they need to be slowly wakened up, they need to be slowly wakened up not instantly, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00025-00019548-00019944 they cannot wake up instantly, that's why there's going to be a lot of problems with that the third 7yH2s0XQSx4-00026-00019944-00020664 thing, I want you to keep in mind eating too much food right away will result in bloating, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00027-00020814-00021834 nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and could result in irreversible damage to your digestive system, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00028-00021942-00023040 if you go into overloading your digestive system by eating a lot of food or eating normal food, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00029-00023040-00023502 what's going to happen is that not only you can overwhelm your digestive system 7yH2s0XQSx4-00030-00023502-00024360 there has been cases of people who have went on a 40-day usually it's the 40-day fast who 7yH2s0XQSx4-00031-00024360-00025116 have went and right after the fast to a junk food place or like Ada you know a burger from 7yH2s0XQSx4-00032-00025116-00025608 like McDonald's or something and they not only end up in the emergency but they actually died 7yH2s0XQSx4-00033-00025608-00026112 so these are not made up stories these are real stories of people who died and some of 7yH2s0XQSx4-00034-00026112-00026598 them were pastors or I heard a person who went and ate a chicken afterwards and they died so 7yH2s0XQSx4-00035-00026783-00027342 um this this is not to be played around this is not something very light it's as important 7yH2s0XQSx4-00036-00027342-00028206 as Sirius and demands your full self-control and discipline and patience as fasting okay 7yH2s0XQSx4-00037-00028277-00028812 it's easy right now to be thinking about food and it's easy right now to be thinking about 7yH2s0XQSx4-00038-00028812-00029364 all the food I missed I'm gonna go and catch up and that will lend you in some really bad Waters 7yH2s0XQSx4-00039-00029418-00030683 now number four physical hunger right now is not as high as mental hunger what is higher is 7yH2s0XQSx4-00040-00030683-00031398 not your physical hunger about this time right now you probably don't feel physically hungry 7yH2s0XQSx4-00041-00031494-00032202 but you're mentally psychologically you are hungry meaning you're missing the food the Cravings 7yH2s0XQSx4-00042-00032202-00033144 probably are still there it's important to not eat because you missed eating but to eat because 7yH2s0XQSx4-00043-00033144-00034032 you're hungry and in this case by now you are not probably very hungry at all and so what you 7yH2s0XQSx4-00044-00034032-00034554 could be eating with is with your brain instead of with your stomach and so your brain will want more 7yH2s0XQSx4-00045-00034554-00035202 then your stomach will allow for and it's very important to understand that you're actually for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00046-00035202-00035832 most of us who are fasting and you're watching this on a 21 day of fasting you're probably not 7yH2s0XQSx4-00047-00035832-00036732 as hungry as you think you are because a lot of these appetites have died down stomach has 7yH2s0XQSx4-00048-00036732-00037536 kind of shrunk you are not um craving the food physically but mentally you begin to think all 7yH2s0XQSx4-00049-00037536-00038268 the foods you missed and so the Temptation will be to let your stomach run at the pace of your brain 7yH2s0XQSx4-00050-00038334-00039072 and there will be damage if you do that because your stomach is not as hungry as your brain is and 7yH2s0XQSx4-00051-00039072-00039624 so your brain wants to think that you're hungry you're not that hungry so just relax and slow down 7yH2s0XQSx4-00052-00039726-00040110 okay number five now we're going to get to something more practical 7yH2s0XQSx4-00053-00040110-00040650 the longer your fast was the longer it takes to come out of it 7yH2s0XQSx4-00054-00040764-00041466 I am dealing right now with people who did the fast without food now if you're fasting with food 7yH2s0XQSx4-00055-00041574-00042294 the next things will not necessarily apply to you because you can gradually come out of that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00056-00042294-00042786 if you were eating one meal you can add one more meal to your diet and you will be okay 7yH2s0XQSx4-00057-00042870-00043596 but people who have completely stopped eating for 21 days please listen very carefully this applies 7yH2s0XQSx4-00058-00043596-00044322 to you and it applies to me the longer your fast was the longer it should take to come out of it 7yH2s0XQSx4-00059-00044322-00045048 it's recommended that if you are 21 day without food that it should take you at least at least 7yH2s0XQSx4-00060-00045048-00045924 three days to come out of it if you were 40 days on without food, it should take you seven days to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00061-00045924-00046776 come out of it, now there are people who fast a lot and they recommend taking even longer 7yH2s0XQSx4-00062-00046776-00047286 like seven or two weeks, if you fasted for 21 days, personally, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00063-00047412-00047910 I've never taken two weeks, don't ever take my example for that, but just personally speaking, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00064-00047910-00048810 but it is recommended to take at least three to four days, so that the all the ends, uh, enzymes 7yH2s0XQSx4-00065-00048810-00049446 and then acids all of the stuff starts functioning starts waking up it's kind of like this imagine 7yH2s0XQSx4-00066-00049446-00050166 that you know you come to the house and your air conditioner or your heater has been off all the 7yH2s0XQSx4-00067-00050166-00050862 lights are off, the fireplace is off and then you're turning everything on, you can't expect 7yH2s0XQSx4-00068-00050964-00051498 the house to be warm right away, you turn on the heater, it starts warming things up, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00069-00051498-00051870 then you turn on the lights, then you turn on this, then you turn on that, things start to kind 7yH2s0XQSx4-00070-00051870-00052260 of warm up and that's exactly what's happening to your stomach, everything has been off, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00071-00052314-00052914 if you've been drinking water or tea or some other things, then your stomach is still pretty asleep, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00072-00052914-00053364 a lot of these processing things in your stomach are to sleep and so you want to be 7yH2s0XQSx4-00073-00053364-00054012 slowly turning them on, and then they will start warming things up, things starts warming up and 7yH2s0XQSx4-00074-00054012-00054504 then after about three days, you can start introducing some heavier Foods, now number 7yH2s0XQSx4-00075-00054504-00055362 six and this is the basic rule for coming out of a prolonged fast, a very simple and basic rule 7yH2s0XQSx4-00076-00055458-00055914 and it's not that we don't know, that it's that it's hard to do it all right, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00077-00056094-00057336 you should never break the fast a prolonged fast by eating a normal meal, very simple, very basic, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00078-00057336-00058152 very hard to do, you should never come out of a prolonged fast with a normal meal, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00079-00058224-00058932 bread, sugar, dairy, processed foods, eggs, nuts, meats, these are not easy to digest, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00080-00059046-00059958 it takes your stomach more acid and enzymes to break those foods, and the stomach is not awake 7yH2s0XQSx4-00081-00059958-00060594 yet, is sleeping, so throwing all of that in, will not only overwhelm your digestive system, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00082-00060594-00061308 but what it will create is it could create it could damage your digestive system, and you don't 7yH2s0XQSx4-00083-00061308-00061967 want to do that, so number seven you want to wake up your digestive system with something like bone 7yH2s0XQSx4-00084-00061967-00062916 broth or water cooked from Ice rice, so if you can coat your colon you know by drinking water 7yH2s0XQSx4-00085-00063012-00063840 that you cooked rice with and or bone broth and so that helps to kind of slowly begin to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00086-00063840-00064817 wake that up and the next few hours you know, you want to do some maybe steamed vegetables or 7yH2s0XQSx4-00087-00064817-00065424 bone broth again or cook tomato again, in smaller portions and then maybe you know, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00088-00065424-00066060 four hours later do something like that, you want to kind of do that for a few days, so my eighth 7yH2s0XQSx4-00089-00066210-00066978 practical advice is that for the next few hours after you drink bone broth, you know three, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00090-00066978-00067596 four hours later, you wanna just eat a little bit of cooked tomato, maybe steamed vegetables 7yH2s0XQSx4-00091-00067596-00068274 or bone broth, again you can add tofu to broths which help to add substance, but it's less than 7yH2s0XQSx4-00092-00068274-00068880 tomato and rice, now you don't want to eat all of that together, okay so this is not like bone 7yH2s0XQSx4-00093-00068880-00069426 broth steamed vegetables and you know you cook a tomato and all of this stuff together, it's 7yH2s0XQSx4-00094-00069426-00069882 just you want to space that out you know every few hours, every three, four hours or something, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00095-00069882-00070566 so you want to kind of slowly start introducing again very soft foods and preferably cooked, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00096-00070566-00071274 you know vegetables to your digestive system, give it enough time to produce those enzymes, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00097-00071274-00071928 enzymes you want to give it enough time to produce on those acids, you want to give it enough time to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00098-00071928-00072498 start breaking them down, waking stuff the stomach begins to wake up and so you don't want to drink 7yH2s0XQSx4-00099-00072498-00073086 soda, you don't want to eat sweets, you don't want to eat meats, and you don't want to eat 7yH2s0XQSx4-00100-00073140-00073854 anything that's dairy, like yogurt or milk or processed foods or eggs or nuts or meats or 7yH2s0XQSx4-00101-00073914-00074400 salmon or anything of that stuff, so you want to kind of avoid that for at least you know, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00102-00074400-00074934 three to four, for three days gonna give give your stomach a break, let it slowly begin to wake up, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00103-00074934-00075546 that's why as much as of a celebration it is that the fastest coming to an end, unfortunately, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00104-00075546-00076086 you really have to still add about three more days for you to begin to come out rightly, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00105-00076086-00076548 now you can come out right away and do what you want and go stuff yourself but 7yH2s0XQSx4-00106-00076620-00077148 the Lord will not be responsible for you sitting on a toilet and cry for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00107-00077148-00077910 His Mercy because He will say, I told you so, well, I told you and you did not listen so, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00108-00078120-00078972 number nine, you want to avoid sugars and carbs because it will make you hungry, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00109-00078972-00079392 so let's say that on a day two, you already like you know you feel like, hey, I feel really good, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00110-00079392-00080016 I am already you know I could start adding you know a little bit of bread and other stuff 7yH2s0XQSx4-00111-00080094-00080556 or even in the day three, the moment you start adding carbs and the moment you start adding 7yH2s0XQSx4-00112-00080556-00081294 sugar, you know sugar right away makes you more hungry, and you know carbs as well and so um that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00113-00081294-00081906 therefore you want to avoid that, honestly want to postpone that as far as you can for some of you, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00114-00081906-00082542 some of us this would be a big breakthrough, actually freedom from sugar this year, Freedom 7yH2s0XQSx4-00115-00082542-00083046 not that you don't have any sugar because a lot of foods have sugar but not adding extra stuff 7yH2s0XQSx4-00116-00083154-00083826 and honestly this is probably me, too, because I need to have more freedom from sugar in my life, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00117-00083826-00084492 so I claim that for myself and then number 10 is that after a few days, you can start adding 7yH2s0XQSx4-00118-00084492-00085356 more solid foods like boiled eggs and Etc. So let's repeat this number one your stomach has 7yH2s0XQSx4-00119-00085356-00086064 been shrinking so you must understand that you cannot overwhelm it by adding normal food in 7yH2s0XQSx4-00120-00086064-00086652 introducing it, number two is that organs in your body that usually are involved with breaking down 7yH2s0XQSx4-00121-00086652-00087594 foods like enzymes and bile, bile and acids you know they need to also you need to give them time 7yH2s0XQSx4-00122-00087594-00088176 to start kind of warming up and start working again, a lot of them have really dialed down, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00123-00088296-00088824 number three is that eating too much food or overwhelming your digestive system will 7yH2s0XQSx4-00124-00088824-00089658 result in pain and could result in you actually hurting yourself and even potentially dying. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00125-00089808-00090366 The fourth one we mentioned is that you have to understand you probably are not as hungry as your 7yH2s0XQSx4-00126-00090366-00090954 brain as you're hungry, so don't let your stomach take cues right now from your brain and so make 7yH2s0XQSx4-00127-00090954-00091368 those decisions for your stomach by not saying, oh, I missed all this food, so let me go right 7yH2s0XQSx4-00128-00091368-00092328 now try this and try that, try that. So you wanna not allow your emotions to dictate your physical 7yH2s0XQSx4-00129-00092328-00093102 decision. Number five is the longer you fast, the longer it takes to come out of it, so for 21 days, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00130-00093102-00093660 it takes at least three days, 40 days, and at least seven days. Number six, you should never 7yH2s0XQSx4-00131-00093660-00094362 break the fast with a normal meal. Number seven is slowly waking up your digestive system with bone 7yH2s0XQSx4-00132-00094362-00095004 broth or water cooked from rice. Number eight, for the next few days, you know, every three to four 7yH2s0XQSx4-00133-00095004-00095580 hours, you want to eat small portions of cooked tomatoes, steamed vegetables, or bone broth, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00134-00095658-00096288 and number nine, you want to avoid sugar and carbs, at least probably for these three to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00135-00096288-00096918 five or maybe even seven days, and so you want to give your system a break from that as well, as for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00136-00096918-00097554 some of us it would be a good thing to actually permanently create restrictions for sugar and 7yH2s0XQSx4-00137-00097554-00098130 carbs and number 10 after a few days, three days for some people, it's four days for some people, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00138-00098130-00098736 it'll be five days, some people it's going to be two days depending on your organs, your body, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00139-00098736-00099312 and your digestive system, you can start adding slowly solid foods like boiled eggs and other 7yH2s0XQSx4-00140-00099312-00100212 steamed vegetables, so these are just a few of practical recommendations concerning how to come 7yH2s0XQSx4-00141-00100212-00100740 out of a fast. I also see my wife is answering some questions in the chat, thank you, Lana 7yH2s0XQSx4-00142-00100740-00101568 for doing that, and finally I want to leave you with five decisions I want you to consider making 7yH2s0XQSx4-00143-00101706-00102396 this year, five healthy habits I'm gonna call Healthy Habits, are 7yH2s0XQSx4-00144-00102461-00102930 holy habits and so five of them that I want to leave you with 7yH2s0XQSx4-00145-00103020-00103830 number one habit that I want you to think about making this year is this: make a decision to fast 7yH2s0XQSx4-00146-00103908-00104880 three days monthly during this year, so make a decision to fast this year 7yH2s0XQSx4-00147-00104964-00105924 three days monthly so there are spiritual benefits of fasting, so there we discussed that but I just 7yH2s0XQSx4-00148-00105924-00106398 want to mention something about as small as three days of fasting, what it does is that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00149-00106572-00106854 you have in your body this thing called autophagy, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00150-00106932-00107609 autophagy is when your body has the ability to eat itself, now the first it sounds scary 7yH2s0XQSx4-00151-00107688-00108456 but autophagy is when the body uses itself as a fuel to clean up all the junk, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00152-00108540-00109494 what happens when you begin to go into a three-day fast is your body instead of consuming the food 7yH2s0XQSx4-00153-00109494-00110292 that you give it, begins to go and starts doing deep cleaning with cellular garbage, garbage, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00154-00110292-00111372 bacteria, viruses, food, particles, damaged proteins, and even developing cancer cells it 7yH2s0XQSx4-00155-00111372-00112122 begins to eat them up, it begins to destroy them and each cell in your body has a healing power, an 7yH2s0XQSx4-00156-00112122-00112770 autophagy activates those cells to start healing themselves, your body when God created our body, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00157-00112842-00113238 you have to understand in the earlier days, people didn't eat three meals a day, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00158-00113309-00113904 they had to go prepare food, kill something, prepare it and sometimes people went hungry 7yH2s0XQSx4-00159-00113904-00114618 for some time, a week maybe, a few days, and this starvation, that they would experience 7yH2s0XQSx4-00160-00114678-00115206 during this starvation. God implemented a system that while you are going without food, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00161-00115278-00115992 your body experiences autophagy, so it starts going and repairing itself and getting rid of 7yH2s0XQSx4-00162-00115992-00116670 all its toxins, so I want to encourage you not only for Spiritual reasons, but also for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00163-00116670-00117432 health reasons that you make a decision, if you are able this year to fast three days a month, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00164-00117485-00118092 not as a rule, but as a principle, not only you can put God first through that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00165-00118170-00118698 three days, is pretty manageable for most of us, so we will practice that on March 7yH2s0XQSx4-00166-00118782-00119172 and so we will announce that a little bit earlier, we will let you know that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00167-00119172-00119772 in the group on Facebook, we will let you know to those people who have signed up on pastavlad.org 7yH2s0XQSx4-00168-00119772-00120366 forward slash Challenge and so and this will really be a great blessing to your spiritual 7yH2s0XQSx4-00169-00120366-00121026 life to your physical life and I believe also to rekindle certain things in your walk with Christ, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00170-00121026-00121800 that's the first decision I want you to make right now, the second decision is this I want you to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00171-00121800-00122724 consider for those of you who came out of a fast or coming out of a fast and I want you to consider 7yH2s0XQSx4-00172-00122790-00123461 practicing intermittent fasting, I know I mentioned to some of you that to live a fasted 7yH2s0XQSx4-00173-00123461-00124146 life one of the ways to live a fasted life is to practice intermittent fasting and intermittent 7yH2s0XQSx4-00174-00124146-00124824 fasting, I am again neither not a dietitian or nor am I a doctor, but I've seen personally in 7yH2s0XQSx4-00175-00124824-00125580 my life where this started to happen, when I started to cut out breakfast from my diet, few 7yH2s0XQSx4-00176-00125580-00126059 reasons one of them is during my breakfast time that's when I usually spend my time with the Lord, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00177-00126138-00126744 secondly, I started to recognize the job I have now, this might not apply to every person's case 7yH2s0XQSx4-00178-00126804-00127404 the job that I have doesn't require a lot of physical activity, eating three times a week, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00179-00127404-00128058 three times a day is way too much and so when I cut off breakfast and I would have my first meal 7yH2s0XQSx4-00180-00128058-00128730 at 12 and just have a little coffee in the morning and eat two meals a day instead of three, not only 7yH2s0XQSx4-00181-00128730-00129420 it helped me to fast more every day, but it also helped me to focus more during those morning times 7yH2s0XQSx4-00182-00129420-00129959 instead of trying to find food, I spend more time in God's word and so there are people in 7yH2s0XQSx4-00183-00129959-00130440 the chat and you are watching or re-watching this and that's something you should consider 7yH2s0XQSx4-00184-00130524-00131046 as both spiritual practice and as a health practice it will help you to draw maybe more 7yH2s0XQSx4-00185-00131046-00131466 nearer to the Lord, you'll have more time to spend with him and it will help you also 7yH2s0XQSx4-00186-00131466-00132234 not to over stuff yourself and your body with fuel when you're not actually using most of it 7yH2s0XQSx4-00187-00132234-00132756 number three that's something that I would like to encourage you as well and that is to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00188-00132756-00133512 eliminate junk food, soda, alcohol, and limit sugar for those of you who have a practice 7yH2s0XQSx4-00189-00133512-00134172 of drinking alcohol, I want to challenge you this year to eliminate alcohol from your diet, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00190-00134256-00135102 your body organs will thank you later for that and if your view on Christians and drinking alcohol is 7yH2s0XQSx4-00191-00135102-00135798 you know kind of like it's okay to drink for the sake of your health, but also for the sake of you 7yH2s0XQSx4-00192-00135798-00136428 walking closer with the Holy Spirit, you should put alcohol on a back burner, I'm not saying 7yH2s0XQSx4-00193-00136428-00136866 you're gonna go to hell if you have a bottle of wine in your house or you drink wine, but 7yH2s0XQSx4-00194-00136866-00137658 I do believe that there are better health benefits and also focuses more us on being self-controlled 7yH2s0XQSx4-00195-00137658-00138414 when you don't and consume alcohol with alcohol, another bad thing and that is soda and junk food 7yH2s0XQSx4-00196-00138414-00139188 a person came to me a week ago and said I want God to Break Free, Break Me free from gluttony 7yH2s0XQSx4-00197-00139242-00139626 and I said okay, he said could you pray for me? I said I will be more than happy; 7yH2s0XQSx4-00198-00139626-00140238 I asked him a few questions, how often do you eat in fast food restaurants? He said, every day. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00199-00140298-00141000 I said, how often do you drink? You know, soda, a Coke or Pepsi or all of that, he's like every day; 7yH2s0XQSx4-00200-00141072-00141768 I said, are you willing to give that up? He said, oh, I'm not sure, and I said, I don't think I can 7yH2s0XQSx4-00201-00141768-00142506 pray for you; I said, how can I pray for you if you're gonna go back and do that? And so I 7yH2s0XQSx4-00202-00142506-00143496 don't believe you can break free from certain bad habits if you constantly feed your temple 7yH2s0XQSx4-00203-00143574-00144240 with junk. The Bible says, if we defile God's Temple, we destroy God's Temple, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00204-00144240-00145164 God is not pleased and so if you intentionally put into your body, you know like a large Coke, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00205-00145248-00145686 you know Big Max and you know French fries, and all of this stuff and I understand, they're cheap 7yH2s0XQSx4-00206-00145686-00146196 and they're convenient, but this year God doesn't want you to be cheap and convenient, He wants you 7yH2s0XQSx4-00207-00146196-00146736 to be holy, He wants you to be happy, He wants you to be healthy and He wants you to be honoring 7yH2s0XQSx4-00208-00146736-00147330 Him and He wants you to take care of your body, so make the decision, you know, restrict your sugar, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00209-00147390-00148146 limit your junk food or remove them completely or eliminate completely the alcohol from your diet so 7yH2s0XQSx4-00210-00148146-00148698 that you can focus more on Christ, and so you can honor Him with your body, for some of you could 7yH2s0XQSx4-00211-00148698-00149148 think why is he talking about our physical health, you know I'm here to just learn about fasting, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00212-00149226-00149988 please understand, if we fast but we don't live right after the fasting in the area of our health, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00213-00149988-00150612 it's not honoring to the Lord, your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, Jesus heals our body, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00214-00150612-00151344 He created our body, He will judge us based on what we do in our body. He will resurrect our 7yH2s0XQSx4-00215-00151344-00152280 body, and the Lord, His Spirit, lives there, so you must consider this year to be a year where 7yH2s0XQSx4-00216-00152280-00153012 you honor the Lord by taking care of your body better than you did last year. Why am I speaking 7yH2s0XQSx4-00217-00153012-00153438 about this at the end of the fast? Because this is the best time to make the decision 7yH2s0XQSx4-00218-00153558-00154308 fasting will not help you to lose weight but it could trigger healthy habits that could result in 7yH2s0XQSx4-00219-00154308-00154896 you feeling better, this year walking closer with the Lord experiencing more freedom and 7yH2s0XQSx4-00220-00154896-00155412 experiencing the fruit of self-control, because all of that really deals with self-control, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00221-00155484-00156468 you know what we eat is who we become a lot of us we eat ourselves into sicknesses, we could have 7yH2s0XQSx4-00222-00156468-00157278 avoided energy, we could have had strength, we could have had mental clarity, we could have had 7yH2s0XQSx4-00223-00157410-00158082 if we could only change what we put into our body and it grieves the Holy Spirit, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00224-00158082-00158640 it does not honor the Lord when we don't take care of our body and this is a good moment to do that, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00225-00158640-00159132 when you are coming out of the fast to write away mentally, say you know what I want to change how I 7yH2s0XQSx4-00226-00159132-00159750 live, I want to change how I eat, I want to change how much I eat, I want to change what I drink, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00227-00159750-00160224 I want to change what I don't drink so I want to make those decisions, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00228-00160308-00160800 may this be an encouragement and that confirmation you were looking for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00229-00160926-00161448 that you fast every month that you practice intermittent fasting at least five times during 7yH2s0XQSx4-00230-00161448-00162234 the week and then you cut off alcohol, junk food, soda, and restrict or limit sugar. Number four. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00231-00162468-00163158 Make your devotional life your breakfast, number four, make your devotional life your breakfast. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00232-00163248-00163962 May your breakfast be your time with Jesus, and may your devotional life, whether you're going 7yH2s0XQSx4-00233-00163962-00164460 to eat breakfast or not but may your devotional life, be the number one priority. This year may 7yH2s0XQSx4-00234-00164460-00165072 be a habit, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever that is, but consistent Monday through 7yH2s0XQSx4-00235-00165072-00165714 Friday or Monday through Saturday where you prioritize your time with God. We already 7yH2s0XQSx4-00236-00165714-00166398 alluded to number five, which fills your free time with listening. Number four, oh, there are 7yH2s0XQSx4-00237-00166398-00167076 two number fours. I apologize; number five is to commit to memorizing the scriptures, and as I have 7yH2s0XQSx4-00238-00167076-00167706 shown you already, I'm going to give you just one more thing: you can download this app to join our 7yH2s0XQSx4-00239-00167706-00168426 group. You can get two verses every single week as this year will be a year where you commit to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00240-00168426-00169086 memorizing the scriptures, and number five is number six; I apologize. I mixed those things 7yH2s0XQSx4-00241-00169086-00169710 up to fill your free time with listening to the Bible in a drive, cleaning, doing some 7yH2s0XQSx4-00242-00169710-00170484 other things take some time to listen to the Holy Scriptures, so that is about all that I wanted to 7yH2s0XQSx4-00243-00170484-00171072 share with you today on how to come out of the fast and as well as on what to do this year. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00244-00171192-00171834 My wife has also been answering many questions in the chat; thank you, Lana, for helping with this. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00245-00171834-00172494 And that's all that I wanted to share with you guys today. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00246-00172710-00173010 amen amen 7yH2s0XQSx4-00247-00173214-00174018 So we wanted to take a few moments, and maybe if there are any questions, if you have a testimony 7yH2s0XQSx4-00248-00174018-00174648 from this fast, don't forget to let us know. Go to hungrygen.com forward slash testimony. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00249-00174702-00175638 Also, if you want to give and bless the Lord and honor him by contributing to this ministry, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00250-00175638-00176268 you can go to Pastor vlad.org forward slash partner. So it will be much appreciated 7yH2s0XQSx4-00251-00176448-00177276 um I am proud of you guys. I honor you for, um, sticking with me. I keep you for being 7yH2s0XQSx4-00252-00177342-00178116 with us for these last 21 days. I know that this has not been easy for the fasting, and 7yH2s0XQSx4-00253-00178116-00178914 unfortunately, the sad news is to end the fastest way is harder than fast. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00254-00179136-00179682 Isn't that the truth? So to end the fast is way more complicated than too fast, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00255-00179682-00180612 so just making sure that you guys, um, and the fast, well okay, and the fast, well yeah, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00256-00180612-00181098 I think that that's why I always have a hard time with Daniel fasting because I cannot have the 7yH2s0XQSx4-00257-00181098-00181710 discipline of like eating just particular foods. So for me, I know this will be the hardest thing, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00258-00181710-00182184 not necessarily the fasting, because fasting is easy, so don't eat. So this is 7yH2s0XQSx4-00259-00182184-00182814 very difficult because right now, you have to control the number of things you eat, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00260-00182814-00183516 and you have to restrict yourself and practice self-control to control those Glutton desires. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00261-00183516-00184308 So it just holds the horses, you know, so that's what I would recommend to everyone. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00262-00184638-00185400 Then um, that's on that end, so my screen is not working, the other screen is not working, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00263-00185400-00185898 so I'm gonna try to see if I can pull up some things for questions. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00264-00186414-00187050 Do we do sacrificial giving for day three as well? No, we will not do a sacrificial giving 7yH2s0XQSx4-00265-00187050-00187536 for three days fast. We will try to do that once a year. I usually encourage people to do 7yH2s0XQSx4-00266-00187536-00188226 sacrificial giving once a year, not every single month. That's not necessarily very practical. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00267-00188502-00188706 I'm gonna miss the daily live streams. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00268-00188856-00189402 I am sorry to tell you, but I'm not gonna miss that right now this has been this has been great, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00269-00189402-00190248 uh, but it's also then very necessary, this is what I'm gonna say, I do not have any like any 7yH2s0XQSx4-00270-00190248-00190806 regrets, I really I'm glad we did this and I'm glad that our team stuck with me through this but 7yH2s0XQSx4-00271-00190860-00191580 I will live stream tomorrow and Hungry Gen so tomorrow we're gonna drop the Hungry Gen live 7yH2s0XQSx4-00272-00191580-00192222 stream and we're going to ask you to join us, this is where you can give your sacrifice tomorrow, but 7yH2s0XQSx4-00273-00192222-00192882 today this is going to be the last live stream, this month that I will do, I will not do one for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00274-00192882-00193338 this week, we're going to go to Colombia and so we will still upload, start uploading every day, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00275-00193338-00193992 kind of like how we used to do and so uh this has been a great experience for me, I feel like 7yH2s0XQSx4-00276-00193992-00194550 we've built a closer Community with you guys, I feel that you know through fasting there's this 7yH2s0XQSx4-00277-00194550-00195132 like healthy bond that was developed now through memorizing the scriptures and then having these 7yH2s0XQSx4-00278-00195132-00195588 monthly things, starting March it's going to be really awesome so I'm really excited for that I am 7yH2s0XQSx4-00279-00195588-00196200 really excited for that, yeah, so but doing this every day for 21 days, that's a challenge, yeah, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00280-00196260-00196908 so I had to cancel pretty much all of my trips as well and other things because I wanted to do this 7yH2s0XQSx4-00281-00196908-00197412 right and I wanted to give myself for this, instead of just like you know do it one day, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00282-00197412-00197856 not do it another day and so sometimes it's better to do one thing at a time instead of trying to do 7yH2s0XQSx4-00283-00197856-00198312 all the things at the same time and so I really was committed to that so can we eat fruit, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00284-00198312-00198714 so I saw that my wife she answered a lot of that question with fruits, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00285-00198714-00199368 some fruits would be okay, they're softer but some fruits not only have a lot of sugar, but 7yH2s0XQSx4-00286-00199680-00200094 they're going to be difficult on your stomach, so I would probably 7yH2s0XQSx4-00287-00200094-00200622 avoid it, personally I wouldn't eat fruits to come out of the fast, I would just stick with 7yH2s0XQSx4-00288-00200622-00201210 bone broth and you know steamed vegetables, and maybe chicken broth without the noodles 7yH2s0XQSx4-00289-00201294-00201810 or meats, so that that would be my thing and and with smoothies, it's kind of same thing as 7yH2s0XQSx4-00290-00201810-00202548 with juices, you know there's some that could be okay and some that could be very bad and sometimes 7yH2s0XQSx4-00291-00202548-00203166 some smoothies have a lot of sugar in them because fruits have sugar as well, and so I would honestly 7yH2s0XQSx4-00292-00203166-00203940 slowly come out and by not doing a lot of these juices and smoothies, but you decide that on your 7yH2s0XQSx4-00293-00203940-00204576 own see what's best for you, just do not overwhelm your digestive system and don't go overboard. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00294-00204678-00205086 What is the name of the Bible memory app? It's actually called Bible memory, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00295-00205296-00205758 and the Deliverance e-course is once a month at the end of the month. Do you guys do a Deliverance 7yH2s0XQSx4-00296-00205758-00206544 Prayer once you finish the course? Yes, yes, it's once a month. What time do we break it? So this 7yH2s0XQSx4-00297-00206544-00207240 is the big question, what time do we break the fast? So you can break the fast as you're led by 7yH2s0XQSx4-00298-00207240-00208062 the Lord recommendation is to do it after church on Sunday, so that is the recommendation that we 7yH2s0XQSx4-00299-00208062-00208686 encourage or evening of Sunday night, the reason being evening Sunday night is because you really 7yH2s0XQSx4-00300-00208686-00209184 technically supposed to start a fast on Sunday night before and so you want to finish on the 7yH2s0XQSx4-00301-00209184-00209688 Sunday night after, some people just choose to do it on Monday morning, that's also complete 7yH2s0XQSx4-00302-00209688-00210300 and normal and actually good and slowly or maybe in the evening on Sunday night you know you eat, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00303-00210450-00211019 bone broth and you know and then steamed vegetables on Monday morning and then at 7yH2s0XQSx4-00304-00211019-00211638 noon you eat something more, you know like bone broth or um or cooked tomato and so, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00305-00211638-00212046 but you definitely keep in mind when you're coming out, you're not coming out in an hour, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00306-00212046-00212406 you're going to be coming out in three days so you just kind of want to come out slowly, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00307-00212406-00212904 all right you want to be coming out slowly so pace yourself, give yourself some Grace 7yH2s0XQSx4-00308-00212904-00213528 and also give yourself some space, don't go kind of all out and you know come out as quickly as 7yH2s0XQSx4-00309-00213528-00214116 you can and so as much as you want to come out as quickly as you can, you can't do that and stuff. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00310-00214469-00214956 How many days can we have smoothies? Somebody really loves smoothies, fruits, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00311-00214956-00215219 and stuff like that. So I would do it maybe after like three days. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00312-00215496-00215921 Can you share the link to give? Yes, we're going to drop the link to give right now, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00313-00216162-00216654 but it's www.pastorvlad.org forward slash partner. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00314-00217482-00218052 I see somebody over here on Instagram needs to be restricted. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00315-00218304-00218688 Or blocked off social media. You can block people. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00316-00218934-00219858 Yes, our lentils and beans, okay, Lana, can you answer that? How much bone broth? 12 7yH2s0XQSx4-00317-00219858-00220236 ounces yeah you can do 12 ounces, you can do more, I think, in the beginning, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00318-00220236-00220776 probably not a lot, and then you can increase it just a little bit more; just kind of one 7yH2s0XQSx4-00319-00220776-00221412 thing about when you finish fasting that I love you have this like spiritual sensitivity to like 7yH2s0XQSx4-00320-00221490-00222048 not to eat certain things, sometimes you could look at look at that food and you say you know, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00321-00222119-00222744 you shouldn't be eating that like even though your brain maybe says you should, but you're like 7yH2s0XQSx4-00322-00222744-00223230 something it tells you just you just shouldn't, just wait no this is too much, and so just follow 7yH2s0XQSx4-00323-00223230-00223692 that and I believe, I do believe, it's the leading of the Lord, when I was coming out of the fast, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00324-00223758-00224346 you know out of a 40-day fast and it was like that you know, I was able to you know I was presented 7yH2s0XQSx4-00325-00224346-00224682 with some stuff people gave me some carrot juice and some other stuff, and I was like, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00326-00224682-00225312 um, I'm not sure and so I just really followed the your common sense, but also like this sensing it 7yH2s0XQSx4-00327-00225312-00226002 was weird, I've never had that the word food like that that clear and so and as long as I followed 7yH2s0XQSx4-00328-00226002-00226830 it I was fine and so, yeah, and I exited fairly quickly and definitely not recommended on how 7yH2s0XQSx4-00329-00226830-00227430 fast I exited and that and I mean it, I think it took me like three days or something for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00330-00227430-00228264 the 40-day fast and so, but but it's definitely not recommended and I was I was fine but again, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00331-00228264-00228816 I kind of knew my limits and I just ate a little bit of soup again, a little bit of soup again a 7yH2s0XQSx4-00332-00228816-00229140 little bit of soup again a little bit of soup and then just kind of felt fine so added a little more 7yH2s0XQSx4-00333-00229140-00229554 I think of egg or something and then just added steamed vegetables and one thing led to another 7yH2s0XQSx4-00334-00229554-00230171 and I think like on Seventh day, I already you know ate meat and stuff, but again that was me I'm 7yH2s0XQSx4-00335-00230171-00230771 not saying that everybody should do that should coming out of the Daniel Fast, also be slow, no 7yH2s0XQSx4-00336-00230771-00231210 I think that it shouldn't be as slow I think you can come out way faster 7yH2s0XQSx4-00337-00231210-00231528 out of a Daniel Fast because your stomach is engaged and it's active. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00338-00231973-00232428 Is soup okay? Yeah, I think soup is okay, but I would start with the bone broth and, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00339-00232428-00233052 um, cook rice and then drink water from the rice you cooked, so that's what I would start with. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00340-00233382-00233700 So I answered this already, but in San Antonio, will both services be the same, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00341-00233700-00234252 so both services will be I will speak at both services, but they will be slightly different. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00342-00234252-00235014 I think each service is going to be different. Yeah, all right, guys, uh, will you be posting 7yH2s0XQSx4-00343-00235014-00235434 in telegram? Yes, we're gonna continue to keep posting on telegram. We don't stop that 7yH2s0XQSx4-00344-00235548-00236208 everything is going to continue as it is. I wouldn't do salads for the first few days; 7yH2s0XQSx4-00345-00236340-00236802 I would do something like soups or a bone broth. I wouldn't do salads. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00346-00237014-00237714 The fasting experience was amazing, God is good, feel closer to God. That's good to hear. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00347-00237810-00238373 Um, three-day liquid fast monthly aim, yep, so that's gonna start in March excited for 7yH2s0XQSx4-00348-00238373-00238830 that and really looking forward to that. I think it will be a wonderful experience for all of us. 7yH2s0XQSx4-00349-00238830-00239586 This is going to be an amazing year for us. Will these recordings be available for people as a 7yH2s0XQSx4-00350-00239586-00240048 resource buying your books and having the support? Yes, Marcia, so I'm gonna leave; this is one of 7yH2s0XQSx4-00351-00240048-00240486 the reasons we created this playlist and actually one of the reasons I live-streamed every day 7yH2s0XQSx4-00352-00240546-00241140 while doing actually the fast so that we can leave this, I believe, 7yH2s0XQSx4-00353-00241140-00241692 for years down the road. People who are fasting can actually go each day; 7yH2s0XQSx4-00354-00241692-00242184 let's watch the video, watch the video, and just be encouraged by that. 7zs3gYKd5fk-00000-00000700-00001051 hello everyone how are you today this is 7zs3gYKd5fk-00001-00001051-00001328 Marc I'm doing just great thanks for 7zs3gYKd5fk-00002-00001328-00001411 asking 7zs3gYKd5fk-00003-00001411-00001739 she always stays up late at the weekend 7zs3gYKd5fk-00004-00001739-00002171 Ashley was sometimes late for class 7zs3gYKd5fk-00005-00002171-00002507 last month I don't usually watch reality 7zs3gYKd5fk-00006-00002507-00002921 shows on TV have my students ever got 7zs3gYKd5fk-00007-00002921-00003377 tired of my lessons ? rarely would he speak 7zs3gYKd5fk-00008-00003377-00003689 his own language in class in this lesson 7zs3gYKd5fk-00009-00003689-00004033 we're going to talk about adverbs of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00010-00004033-00004951 frequency so stay tuned let me start first 7zs3gYKd5fk-00011-00004951-00005335 with the meaning of adverbs what are they they 7zs3gYKd5fk-00012-00005335-00005644 are words or phrases that modify the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00013-00005644-00005956 meaning of verbs adjectives or even 7zs3gYKd5fk-00014-00005956-00006425 adverbs there can be time adverbs of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00015-00006425-00006854 time adverbs of place adverbs of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00016-00006854-00007253 degree and adverbs of manner in this 7zs3gYKd5fk-00017-00007253-00007427 lesson I said that we're going to talk 7zs3gYKd5fk-00018-00007427-00007798 about adverbs of time or adverbs of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00019-00007798-00008180 frequency they usually answer the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00020-00008180-00008576 question how often so for example how 7zs3gYKd5fk-00021-00008576-00009137 often do you go to school ? I always go to 7zs3gYKd5fk-00022-00009137-00009221 school 7zs3gYKd5fk-00023-00009221-00009593 and this always would be the adverb of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00024-00009593-00010004 frequency so they are pleased before the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00025-00010004-00010379 main verb but there are exceptions 7zs3gYKd5fk-00026-00010379-00010769 I'm going to get to that in a minute so 7zs3gYKd5fk-00027-00010769-00011315 I listed some of them with a degree or 7zs3gYKd5fk-00028-00011315-00011906 a percentage just to show you how to 7zs3gYKd5fk-00029-00011906-00012320 use them a hundred percent you would use 7zs3gYKd5fk-00030-00012320-00012725 always so every day for example 24-7 7zs3gYKd5fk-00031-00012725-00013213 which means always, ever in 7zs3gYKd5fk-00032-00013213-00013469 questions for example 7zs3gYKd5fk-00033-00013469-00013913 and constantly then we have ninety 7zs3gYKd5fk-00034-00013913-00014266 percent and this is usually usually but 7zs3gYKd5fk-00035-00014266-00014744 not always usually, regularly and so on 7zs3gYKd5fk-00036-00014744-00014972 there are many others but i'm just going 7zs3gYKd5fk-00037-00014972-00015230 to list the most important ones 7zs3gYKd5fk-00038-00015230-00015731 eighty percent generally, normally 7zs3gYKd5fk-00039-00015731-00016388 70-percent often or often there are two 7zs3gYKd5fk-00040-00016388-00016649 pronunciations you can say often or 7zs3gYKd5fk-00041-00016649-00017105 ofTen if your choice frequently then we 7zs3gYKd5fk-00042-00017105-00017417 have fifty percent here we skipped sixty 7zs3gYKd5fk-00043-00017417-00017636 percent and we got the 50-percent 7zs3gYKd5fk-00044-00017636-00018281 sometimes, periodically then we have 7zs3gYKd5fk-00045-00018281-00018608 thirty percent we skipped forty thirty 7zs3gYKd5fk-00046-00018608-00019235 percent occasionally, occasionally 7zs3gYKd5fk-00047-00019235-00019619 10 percent seldom and then we have 7zs3gYKd5fk-00048-00019619-00020243 5 percent which is rarely, hardly ever, almost never, and 7zs3gYKd5fk-00049-00020243-00020548 normally we have zero percent which is 7zs3gYKd5fk-00050-00020548-00020858 never. I'm going to erase this, and I'm going 7zs3gYKd5fk-00051-00020858-00021134 to show you the examples so we're back 7zs3gYKd5fk-00052-00021134-00021476 we the adverbs of frequency let me tell 7zs3gYKd5fk-00053-00021476-00021820 you that I have a lesson on adverbs and you 7zs3gYKd5fk-00054-00021820-00022025 can click here if you want to watch 7zs3gYKd5fk-00055-00022025-00022343 that lesson but going back to adverbs of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00056-00022343-00022576 frequency, we use adverbs of frequency 7zs3gYKd5fk-00057-00022576-00022943 usually but not always with the present 7zs3gYKd5fk-00058-00022943-00023255 simple and I gave you an example the first 7zs3gYKd5fk-00059-00023255-00023519 example is with the present simple she 7zs3gYKd5fk-00060-00023519-00023848 always stays up late at the weekend 7zs3gYKd5fk-00061-00023848-00024140 now I also underlined at the weekend 7zs3gYKd5fk-00062-00024140-00024308 because at the weekend is a time 7zs3gYKd5fk-00063-00024308-00024593 expression and we place the time 7zs3gYKd5fk-00064-00024593-00024947 expression at the weekend at the end of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00065-00024947-00025319 the sentence or at the beginning it's the same thing 7zs3gYKd5fk-00066-00025319-00025613 at the weekend she always stays up late 7zs3gYKd5fk-00067-00025613-00025997 is the same but most importantly where 7zs3gYKd5fk-00068-00025997-00026513 is the adverb of frequency placed? yes 7zs3gYKd5fk-00069-00026513-00026720 It's before the main verb 7zs3gYKd5fk-00070-00026720-00027080 to stay so she always stays a hundred 7zs3gYKd5fk-00071-00027080-00027433 percent always stays up late at the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00072-00027433-00027833 weekend and it's placed before the main 7zs3gYKd5fk-00073-00027833-00028193 verb there are exceptions 7zs3gYKd5fk-00074-00028193-00028408 now let's take a look at the first 7zs3gYKd5fk-00075-00028408-00028795 exception I have for you Ashley was 7zs3gYKd5fk-00076-00028795-00029111 sometimes late for class last month and 7zs3gYKd5fk-00077-00029111-00029360 in this case we have the verb to be 7zs3gYKd5fk-00078-00029360-00029669 the verb to be is almost always an 7zs3gYKd5fk-00079-00029669-00029993 exception and where is the adverb of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00080-00029993-00030170 frequency placed ? 7zs3gYKd5fk-00081-00030170-00030658 yes It's after right not before it's after 7zs3gYKd5fk-00082-00030658-00031019 the verb to be so Ashley was sometimes 7zs3gYKd5fk-00083-00031019-00031361 okay placed right after the verb to be 7zs3gYKd5fk-00084-00031361-00031724 late for class last month last month 7zs3gYKd5fk-00085-00031724-00032083 again here is an expression and he is 7zs3gYKd5fk-00086-00032083-00032423 placed at the end of the sentence or could 7zs3gYKd5fk-00087-00032423-00032669 be at the beginning I could've said last 7zs3gYKd5fk-00088-00032669-00032912 month Ashley was sometimes late for 7zs3gYKd5fk-00089-00032912-00032975 class 7zs3gYKd5fk-00090-00032975-00033263 it's the same thing now let's take a 7zs3gYKd5fk-00091-00033263-00033578 look at the third example with negative 7zs3gYKd5fk-00092-00033578-00033977 sentence I don't usually watch reality 7zs3gYKd5fk-00093-00033977-00034370 shows on TV here the adverb of 7zs3gYKd5fk-00094-00034370-00034775 frequency is always placed before the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00095-00034775-00035126 main verb watch even though I have a 7zs3gYKd5fk-00096-00035126-00035444 negative sentence right ? I don't 7zs3gYKd5fk-00097-00035444-00035666 that's negative in the present simple 7zs3gYKd5fk-00098-00035666-00036071 simple present tense so you can see 7zs3gYKd5fk-00099-00036071-00036443 usually is placed just before the main 7zs3gYKd5fk-00100-00036443-00036614 verb now let's take a look at the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00101-00036614-00036872 question with the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00102-00036872-00037238 perfect simple have my students ever 7zs3gYKd5fk-00103-00037238-00037586 got tired of my lessons ? in this case 7zs3gYKd5fk-00104-00037586-00037910 we have ever and I said before we use ever 7zs3gYKd5fk-00105-00037910-00038354 with questions and obviously where is it 7zs3gYKd5fk-00106-00038354-00038723 placed ? yes right before the main verb 7zs3gYKd5fk-00107-00038723-00039077 to get tired now if you want to watch a 7zs3gYKd5fk-00108-00039077-00039254 lesson on GET 7zs3gYKd5fk-00109-00039254-00039746 you may click here going back to adverbs 7zs3gYKd5fk-00110-00039746-00039935 of frequency we said 7zs3gYKd5fk-00111-00039935-00040253 that get tired is the main verb and we 7zs3gYKd5fk-00112-00040253-00040595 place the adverb of frequency before it 7zs3gYKd5fk-00113-00040595-00040868 now if we wanted to 7zs3gYKd5fk-00114-00040868-00041069 answer to that question and we wanted to 7zs3gYKd5fk-00115-00041069-00041612 say no so we say no and then we use they 7zs3gYKd5fk-00116-00041612-00042068 have we don't use again not because we 7zs3gYKd5fk-00117-00042068-00042449 need an adverb and the adverb that I 7zs3gYKd5fk-00118-00042449-00042794 want to use here is never so is 7zs3gYKd5fk-00119-00042794-00043127 zero-percent is the opposite of always 7zs3gYKd5fk-00120-00043127-00043457 they have never got tired and in 7zs3gYKd5fk-00121-00043457-00043802 this case like I said before get tired 7zs3gYKd5fk-00122-00043802-00044132 is the main verb now let's take a look 7zs3gYKd5fk-00123-00044132-00044432 at the last example and this may sound a 7zs3gYKd5fk-00124-00044432-00044594 little bit weird for you because it's a 7zs3gYKd5fk-00125-00044594-00044864 formal in formal contexts and in a formal sentence 7zs3gYKd5fk-00126-00044864-00045263 we use the adverb of frequency before 7zs3gYKd5fk-00127-00045263-00045596 anything else so we want to stress the 7zs3gYKd5fk-00128-00045596-00045836 fact that for example in this case 7zs3gYKd5fk-00129-00045836-00046337 rarely rarely adverb of frequency would he 7zs3gYKd5fk-00130-00046337-00046616 speak his own foreign language in class now 7zs3gYKd5fk-00131-00046616-00046952 would would be the auxiliary then we 7zs3gYKd5fk-00132-00046952-00047306 have the subject he and then the verb speak 7zs3gYKd5fk-00133-00047306-00047588 his own language in class you will see 7zs3gYKd5fk-00134-00047588-00047903 this in a very formal concept so pay 7zs3gYKd5fk-00135-00047903-00048110 close attention 7zs3gYKd5fk-00136-00048110-00048449 adverb of frequency before and then we 7zs3gYKd5fk-00137-00048449-00048848 use the auxiliary plus the subject plus 7zs3gYKd5fk-00138-00048848-00049532 the main verb now let's recap in this 7zs3gYKd5fk-00139-00049532-00049883 lesson we took a look at adverbs of frequency such as 7zs3gYKd5fk-00140-00049883-00050336 always often usually never ever etc they 7zs3gYKd5fk-00141-00050336-00050540 are usually placed before the main verb 7zs3gYKd5fk-00142-00050540-00050789 but after the verb to be they can be 7zs3gYKd5fk-00143-00050789-00051023 placed at the beginning of a sentence to 7zs3gYKd5fk-00144-00051023-00051221 make the meaning stronger 7zs3gYKd5fk-00145-00051221-00051529 these are used in formal contexts 7zs3gYKd5fk-00146-00051529-00051764 I hope you enjoyed the lesson if you have 7zs3gYKd5fk-00147-00051764-00052115 any requests or any comments or if you 7zs3gYKd5fk-00148-00052115-00052384 want to type your own example you may do 7zs3gYKd5fk-00149-00052384-00052736 so under this video enjoy your day 7zs3gYKd5fk-00150-00052736-00052954 don't forget to subscribe to my channel 7zs3gYKd5fk-00151-00052954-00053367 if you haven't and see you next week 7zs3gYKd5fk-00152-00053367-00054686 take care bye bye 7A-8HxIR3go-00000-00000000-00000050 Hướng dẫn cách đổi tên nhà mạng trên điện thoại android với phần mềm iNoty 7A-8HxIR3go-00001-00000050-00000353 Instructions on how to rename the network on your android phone with iNoty software 7Jx4n33fmGE-00000-00000000-00000200 2d black and white 7Jx4n33fmGE-00001-00000200-00000400 black and white 2d 7Jx4n33fmGE-00002-00000400-00000600 2d animation black and white 7Jx4n33fmGE-00003-00000600-00000800 black and white 2d animation 7Jx4n33fmGE-00004-00000800-00001000 black & white 2d 7Jx4n33fmGE-00005-00001000-00001200 2d black & white 7Jx4n33fmGE-00006-00001200-00001400 black & white 2d animation 7Jx4n33fmGE-00007-00001400-00001600 The animation studio ffeeCo creates 7Jx4n33fmGE-00008-00001600-00001800 animation clips and videos 7Jx4n33fmGE-00009-00001800-00002000 in the Adobe Animate program. 7Jx4n33fmGE-00010-00002000-00002200 This video is a mix of small clips 7Jx4n33fmGE-00011-00002200-00002400 from various animated videos created 7Jx4n33fmGE-00012-00002400-00002600 by the animation studio ffeeCo. 7Jx4n33fmGE-00013-00002600-00002800 You can order a similar animation 7Jx4n33fmGE-00014-00002800-00003000 for a music video, story, teaching, 7Jx4n33fmGE-00015-00003000-00003200 explanation, promotion or congratulation 7Jx4n33fmGE-00016-00003200-00003400 in our animation studio ffeeCo 7Jx4n33fmGE-00017-00003400-00003600 on an international platform 7Jx4n33fmGE-00018-00003600-00003800 Please take the information in the description for the video. Thanks. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00000-00000020-00000572 ... the game between Ponte Preta and Gremio, I've gone for Gremio +0.5... 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00001-00000590-00000766 BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00002-00000766-00001080 Hi, my name's ProTipster Dan, welcome to my tipster diaries. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00003-00001252-00001866 So, my last bet won - Gremio beat Ponte Preta 1-0 and it's time to place another bet. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00004-00002012-00002474 Now, you'll remember one of the things I've talked about is local knowledge. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00005-00002475-00002617 Always good to have local knowledge. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00006-00002617-00003125 So for those of you who didn't know, I live in the wonderful city of Katowice, and my 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00007-00003125-00003432 local team Rozwoj Katowice I go to watch sometimes. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00008-00003594-00004112 I've seen Rozwoj play a couple of times and whilst they lost the last time I saw them 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00009-00004126-00004716 they're not that bad - and they're playing, who are called Elblag, well they don't travel 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00010-00004716-00004912 very well. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00011-00005160-00005812 My bet for this weekend is Rozwoj Katowice to win at 2.50. 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00012-00005812-00006355 Check out my tipster diaries next episode to see what happens at the game and if my 7OfD1ubDvZ4-00013-00006355-00006422 bet wins. 7OVuWD0pSCk-00000-00000018-00000438 Welcome to The Honest Channel. I'm Clare Johnston a journalist with an interest 7OVuWD0pSCk-00001-00000438-00000953 in all things anti-aging and regular viewers of the channel will know I've been prattling 7OVuWD0pSCk-00002-00000953-00001560 on about turning 50 for months now and that day has finally arrived and I'm feeling pretty good 7OVuWD0pSCk-00003-00001560-00002190 about it because I think I'm in potentially better shape in terms of energy, outlook and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00004-00002190-00002754 how I feel about myself than I've ever been. Over the last five years I've tried devices 7OVuWD0pSCk-00005-00002754-00003420 lotions potions clinical treatments supplements and more in the name of aging well particularly 7OVuWD0pSCk-00006-00003420-00004014 when it comes to my skin and as I reach a major chronological milestone I thought I'd set out 7OVuWD0pSCk-00007-00004014-00004686 what I've learned so far from skincare to diet exercise and mindset. Each of those is a work 7OVuWD0pSCk-00008-00004686-00005286 in progress I am no expert just someone who's extremely curious about how to age well so I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00009-00005286-00005856 can look and feel good for as long as possible and help others to do the same and so I ask a 7OVuWD0pSCk-00010-00005856-00006366 lot of questions I do a lot of research and I'm going to link in the description to some of the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00011-00006366-00006852 books written by doctors and scientists that I've learned the most from along with all the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00012-00006852-00007566 products I'm talking about today so here it is for you now my anti-aging routine at 50. 7OVuWD0pSCk-00013-00007848-00008382 So I should say that every time I do a video on my anti-aging routine I almost get at least one wag 7OVuWD0pSCk-00014-00008382-00008970 who leaves a comment like this one and frankly some would say I have it coming but whereas at 7OVuWD0pSCk-00015-00008970-00009708 45 I was panicking over every line and sign of sagging with a goal of not looking my age in the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00016-00009708-00010230 last year or so I've reached the view that there is probably lots more I could do to look younger 7OVuWD0pSCk-00017-00010230-00010794 I could have fillers I could have an eye lift I could have CO2 laser resurfacing on my forehead 7OVuWD0pSCk-00018-00010794-00011442 I could have a fat transfer on my cheeks and you know maybe I will do one or all of these 7OVuWD0pSCk-00019-00011442-00012012 things one day but I don't feel the need right now because a little voice within tells me that 7OVuWD0pSCk-00020-00012012-00012654 agonizing over every line is not helpful and my focus should instead be on a skincare routine that 7OVuWD0pSCk-00021-00012654-00013247 supports my skin health and volume and a lifestyle that helps me age well from within and that will 7OVuWD0pSCk-00022-00013247-00013800 ultimately do more I think to preserve my skin and well-being in the long term because I've also 7OVuWD0pSCk-00023-00013800-00014400 come to real allies it is completely disingenuous to talk about anti-aging skin care without saying 7OVuWD0pSCk-00024-00014400-00014994 that you can try every treatment under the sun and you will not see natural looking healthy 7OVuWD0pSCk-00025-00014994-00015569 youthful skin if you aren't keeping active and eating well so what eating well looks like for 7OVuWD0pSCk-00026-00015569-00016140 me is following more of a Mediterranean diet that's rich in vegetables salads fruits nuts 7OVuWD0pSCk-00027-00016140-00016692 fish I eat a little meat too and healthy fats like virgin olive oil that said I have a really 7OVuWD0pSCk-00028-00016692-00017232 sweet tooth and so the biggest challenge for me has been to cut back on sugar still a work in 7OVuWD0pSCk-00029-00017232-00017766 progress because I've learned we need to focus on balancing our blood sugar levels for good 7OVuWD0pSCk-00030-00017766-00018324 health that's because it's the sudden spikes and glucose that come with carbohydrate overload and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00031-00018324-00018978 sugary snacks and drinks even fruit juice that can accelerate aging and the negative effects of aging 7OVuWD0pSCk-00032-00018978-00019578 and there is actually so much we can do about that without going to extremes and turning into cavemen 7OVuWD0pSCk-00033-00019644-00020316 last week I mentioned this book and I'm going to flag it often because it is life-changing 7OVuWD0pSCk-00034-00020316-00020970 and also offers really achievable diet advice that doesn't mean cutting lots out I've bought 7OVuWD0pSCk-00035-00020970-00021396 it for family members I've told friends to buy it and it's linked in the description 7OVuWD0pSCk-00036-00021396-00022092 it's called Glucose Revolution it's by biochemist Jesse Inchauspe and it's an easy to read guide to 7OVuWD0pSCk-00037-00022092-00022566 how food impacts your health and straightforward changes we can make to our diet to balance our 7OVuWD0pSCk-00038-00022566-00023172 blood sugar and reduce the risks from age-related disease doing that will also have a visible impact 7OVuWD0pSCk-00039-00023172-00023766 on our skin and our whole body and is the most positive change we can make head to toe take a 7OVuWD0pSCk-00040-00023766-00024330 look at any of your favorite anti-aging skin care influencers and what you will probably 7OVuWD0pSCk-00041-00024330-00025032 be looking at is lifestyle way beyond the serums and devices so that's the first point I wanted to 7OVuWD0pSCk-00042-00025032-00025614 make I don't have a perfect diet by any stretch of the imagination but I've taken on board a lot 7OVuWD0pSCk-00043-00025614-00026220 of the tips in this book I've lost four pounds since Christmas as a result I also drink a lot 7OVuWD0pSCk-00044-00026220-00026706 of water and I don't eat until mid-morning and I stop eating after dinner so I'm giving my body 7OVuWD0pSCk-00045-00026706-00027462 around 15 16 hours of rest and recovery every day Now for my skincare routine well for the past few 7OVuWD0pSCk-00046-00027462-00028098 years it's Loosely revolved around the same types of products with a few tweaks I've used the same 7OVuWD0pSCk-00047-00028098-00028758 basic cleanser for years which is this really simple non-stripping non-irritating inexpensive 7OVuWD0pSCk-00048-00028758-00029327 CeraVe foaming facial cleanser which I use every night with a face cloth to give my face a good 7OVuWD0pSCk-00049-00029327-00029856 clean and remove all traces of makeup which it does brilliantly in the mornings in the shower 7OVuWD0pSCk-00050-00029856-00030539 I use this inexpensive equally brilliant low PH good morning gel cleanser and that 7OVuWD0pSCk-00051-00030539-00031098 and it is foaming by the way and I use that to wash my face and it includes tea tree so it's 7OVuWD0pSCk-00052-00031098-00031644 enlivening but again totally non-irritating and does a great job of helping keep my skin 7OVuWD0pSCk-00053-00031644-00032286 clear without dehydrating it then most mornings though not every day probably about four days a 7OVuWD0pSCk-00054-00032286-00032856 week I use this vitamin C serum for one of my favorite skin care companies Geek and Gorgeous 7OVuWD0pSCk-00055-00032856-00033468 they go a long way to stabilizing the serum by making it in small batches and I interviewed their 7OVuWD0pSCk-00056-00033468-00034146 founder Judith Ratz on this channel who explains the process brilliantly here but basically your 7OVuWD0pSCk-00057-00034146-00034728 vitamin C serum should be clear if it's yellow or brownish it has oxidized and isn't going to do its 7OVuWD0pSCk-00058-00034728-00035298 job which is to offer environmental protection as an antioxidant and potentially help improve and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00059-00035298-00035796 guard against hyperpigmentation now not everyone is convinced of the benefits of topical vitamin 7OVuWD0pSCk-00060-00035796-00036384 C but I think personally it helps keep my skin healthy and glowing to preserve its freshness 7OVuWD0pSCk-00061-00036384-00036972 you keep this serum in the fridge and distill it into a smaller bottle and I just use a few drops 7OVuWD0pSCk-00062-00036972-00037620 on damp skin this sea glow formula also contains ferulic acid and I think it's the best around at 7OVuWD0pSCk-00063-00037620-00038178 the lower cost end of the market I'll link to everything I use in the video description below 7OVuWD0pSCk-00064-00038178-00038718 and I'll include prices too so you can see what's what and you just need to hit show more to see it 7OVuWD0pSCk-00065-00038718-00039204 and if I have discount codes for anything I will include them there as well after vitamin C in the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00066-00039204-00039714 mornings I just moisturize and then add sunscreen my moisturizing products can change because I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00067-00039714-00040248 test a lot of different ones out but I like to use something that contains growth factors or peptides 7OVuWD0pSCk-00068-00040248-00040836 which can act as messengers within our skin to boost our cell productivity so I've been using 7OVuWD0pSCk-00069-00040836-00041382 Calecim's multi-action cream twice daily for a couple of months now I talked about it in this 7OVuWD0pSCk-00070-00041382-00041940 video here if you want more information about how the growth factors are sourced and how the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00071-00041940-00042504 conditioned media they're contained in works on our hair and skin I felt the multi-action cream 7OVuWD0pSCk-00072-00042504-00043182 balanced out my skin improved my skin health and hydration it also helps reduce pigmentation but 7OVuWD0pSCk-00073-00043182-00043764 it's expensive so I will use it or something similar in cycles where I go through a few 7OVuWD0pSCk-00074-00043764-00044220 months of treating my skin with a more advanced moisturizer that contains growth factors like 7OVuWD0pSCk-00075-00044220-00044826 this and then take a break to save some money and also rest my skin so right now I'm still 7OVuWD0pSCk-00076-00044826-00045468 using the multi-action cream in the evening but in the morning I use this very inexpensive Olay 7OVuWD0pSCk-00077-00045468-00046182 Regenerist Collagen Peptide hydrating moisturizer which is fragrance-free lightweight but keeps my 7OVuWD0pSCk-00078-00046182-00046776 skin hydrated and has strong consumer ratings and for years before starting this channel I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00079-00046776-00047322 used simple unfragranced oily moisturizers and I think they're great for combination skin like 7OVuWD0pSCk-00080-00047322-00047904 mine and you can nearly always find an offer on them somewhere to source them really cheaply too 7OVuWD0pSCk-00081-00047904-00048564 in fact I got mine half price I'm testing out an eye cream at the moment with peptides and I've 7OVuWD0pSCk-00082-00048564-00049038 literally just started using it and it's not on the market yet so watch this space I will run a 7OVuWD0pSCk-00083-00049038-00049500 review on that once it's launched and I've been using it for a couple of months finally in the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00084-00049500-00050094 mornings I add sunscreen screen and I've used the same one this resist youth extending daily 7OVuWD0pSCk-00085-00050094-00050694 hydrating fluid from Paula's Choice for years now it affords a great level of protection as 7OVuWD0pSCk-00086-00050694-00051384 an SPF 50 it glides on it's non-sticky non-greasy and it doesn't clog your pores I'm going to talk 7OVuWD0pSCk-00087-00051384-00051804 to a dermatologist about sunscreen in a couple of weeks time on the channel because although 7OVuWD0pSCk-00088-00051804-00052379 we think of it as just a boring basic it it's really quite underestimated in terms of its 7OVuWD0pSCk-00089-00052379-00053040 visible anti-aging benefits for our skin that's my morning routine makeup wise I'll link to what I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00090-00053040-00053604 use in the description as well but it's nearly all supermarket grocery store brands like Max Factor 7OVuWD0pSCk-00091-00053604-00054174 as you can probably tell I'm not exactly gifted when it comes to applying makeup so for now I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00092-00054174-00054624 just keep it cheap and simple but I'm sure there are products out there that would do much more for 7OVuWD0pSCk-00093-00054624-00055182 my skin and so that's maybe something I'll find an expert to help me with my routine varies only 7OVuWD0pSCk-00094-00055182-00055788 slightly in the evenings when I start by washing with the CeraVe cleanser then instead of vitamin C 7OVuWD0pSCk-00095-00055788-00056364 I'll use a retinoid again just around four nights a week I like to give my skin a few nights off 7OVuWD0pSCk-00096-00056364-00056976 I step down from using tretinoin just after Christmas because after 10 months of using it 7OVuWD0pSCk-00097-00056976-00057629 daily my skin was still sensitive it was often dry and I felt the negatives were starting to outweigh 7OVuWD0pSCk-00098-00057629-00058188 the positives that I'd seen in the early months when I felt it had been great wait for clearing my 7OVuWD0pSCk-00099-00058188-00058794 skin tightening enlarged pores and reducing fine lines around my eyes so I've been off it for two 7OVuWD0pSCk-00100-00058794-00059328 months now and if we look at this before picture from last summer when I'd been using tretinoin for 7OVuWD0pSCk-00101-00059328-00060000 about six months and one taken just the other day so two months after switching to retinaldehyde and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00102-00060000-00060786 you can see my skin still looks as smooth but the redness and sensitivity in my cheeks is calming 7OVuWD0pSCk-00103-00060786-00061398 down and I don't have outbreaks of dryness around my eyes or under my mouth anymore so 7OVuWD0pSCk-00104-00061398-00061860 I followed the advice from Dr Qian she's been on this channel a few times now and believes 7OVuWD0pSCk-00105-00061860-00062370 prescription retinoids are best used for a fixed period and then you can step down to high quality 7OVuWD0pSCk-00106-00062370-00063132 over-the-counter retinal or retinaldehyde I use a game retinaldehyde serum in strength 10 from Geek 7OVuWD0pSCk-00107-00063132-00063929 and gorgeous and retinol is a direct precursor to retinoic acid and tretinoin is topical retinoic 7OVuWD0pSCk-00108-00063929-00064476 acid that means tretinoin gets to work faster on your skin but it's also really pushing your skin 7OVuWD0pSCk-00109-00064476-00065064 through its paces because it's acting directly on the skin and requires no conversion and some 7OVuWD0pSCk-00110-00065064-00065646 people just struggle to tolerate it it's not for everyone and I find the middle ground of using a 7OVuWD0pSCk-00111-00065646-00066246 good quality retinol like this gives me similar benefits without the downsides and that's just 7OVuWD0pSCk-00112-00066246-00066846 my personal experience others swear by tretinoin long term and you just have to go with what your 7OVuWD0pSCk-00113-00066846-00067572 own skin tells you I wouldn't rule out going back to a lower strength say 0.025 tretinoin 7OVuWD0pSCk-00114-00067572-00068160 for a limited period of time again just to give myself another boost but I don't feel personally 7OVuWD0pSCk-00115-00068160-00068706 that something I want to use every day for life or not at this point in time so I apply a pea-sized 7OVuWD0pSCk-00116-00068706-00069354 amount of retinol mainly over my T-Zone and then just taking it lightly around my crow's feet and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00117-00069354-00069984 cheeks and then I apply moisturizer currently the Calecim's multi-action cream in the evenings 7OVuWD0pSCk-00118-00069984-00070740 across my T-Zone and forehead jaw and neck but most lights I have also been applying under my 7OVuWD0pSCk-00119-00070740-00071418 eyes and over my cheeks the Adipeau active face cream designed to stimulate fat renewal now I've 7OVuWD0pSCk-00120-00071418-00071952 done a lot on this cream on this channel having interviewed its founder twice and I did this 7OVuWD0pSCk-00121-00071952-00072474 three month review video as well which recaps on how it works and includes a few before and after 7OVuWD0pSCk-00122-00072474-00073044 pictures personally I believe the Adipeau cream has after nearly six months of use improved the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00123-00073044-00073638 volume in my cheeks and visibly so I think I saw most benefits in the first three months of use and 7OVuWD0pSCk-00124-00073638-00074208 really the first two bottles I used and I don't think my results have moved much since then for 7OVuWD0pSCk-00125-00074208-00074676 other viewers they've said it takes a full six months to get the best results I've had viewers 7OVuWD0pSCk-00126-00074676-00075180 who saw results within weeks and I've had some that have said they've had no results at all now 7OVuWD0pSCk-00127-00075180-00075732 it's maker himself says you don't have to use the cream long term and that once you've stimulated 7OVuWD0pSCk-00128-00075732-00076260 fat renewal and see improved volume you should be able to stop using the cream and see those 7OVuWD0pSCk-00129-00076260-00076812 results continue for a period of time so I'm going to stop using Adipeau now and I'll probably return 7OVuWD0pSCk-00130-00076812-00077274 to it every now and then to give myself a bit of a volume boost unless a cheaper alternative 7OVuWD0pSCk-00131-00077274-00077970 comes along there is something called Volufiline which works similarly but isn't quite the same so 7OVuWD0pSCk-00132-00077970-00078420 I may well check that out at some point too So for those keen to see a before and after 7OVuWD0pSCk-00133-00078420-00079056 comparison at the six month stage let me show you a picture of myself taken last summer just before 7OVuWD0pSCk-00134-00079056-00079764 I started using Adipeau and then this one from last week I've lost four pounds in weight over 7OVuWD0pSCk-00135-00079764-00080394 that period but my facial volume has held up and my skin is in good health despite stopping 7OVuWD0pSCk-00136-00080394-00080958 tretinoin and I think I'm seeing the benefits of a scaled back simplified routine the only 7OVuWD0pSCk-00137-00080958-00081588 other thing I add in is a tiny amount of Aveeno daily moisturizing body lotion at night and I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00138-00081588-00082206 use around it around my eyes a little like you would use Vaseline or eye patches just to form 7OVuWD0pSCk-00139-00082206-00082716 a moisture trapping barrier and I use it on my lips as well and for me when the chips are 7OVuWD0pSCk-00140-00082716-00083328 down and I'm experiencing any kind of dry skin or irritation this is the skin savior it was first 7OVuWD0pSCk-00141-00083328-00083868 recommended by my kid's doctor when they were very little and had dermatitis and it's it was 7OVuWD0pSCk-00142-00083868-00084294 the only thing that got rid of that and I've always kept it in the house ever since with 7OVuWD0pSCk-00143-00084294-00084864 glycerin colloidal oatmeal and paraffin oil it's a great locker in of moisture and a skin soother 7OVuWD0pSCk-00144-00084864-00085386 When it comes to devices I haven't really used any in any meaningful way on my face 7OVuWD0pSCk-00145-00085386-00086004 since last summer because I wanted to see what skin care alone could do and surprisingly my 7OVuWD0pSCk-00146-00086004-00086508 skin has held up really quite well there are a few devices I keep around though and still 7OVuWD0pSCk-00147-00086508-00087018 used from time to time particularly I've started again more recently so I have a red light mask 7OVuWD0pSCk-00148-00087018-00087510 which I forget about and then we'll go through a little run of using two or three times a week 7OVuWD0pSCk-00149-00087510-00088026 for a few weeks to give myself a boost with any kind of device I would recommend you give your 7OVuWD0pSCk-00150-00088026-00088638 your skin rest periods because that can often be when you see the results unfold and you're also 7OVuWD0pSCk-00151-00088638-00089196 just giving your skin a chance to recover and and not be over stimulated or stressed I have 7OVuWD0pSCk-00152-00089196-00089736 two microcurrent devices in my bathroom right now there's this EvenSkyn solar-powered roller 7OVuWD0pSCk-00153-00089736-00090318 that I run up my neck and chin once or twice a week just to help with toning I just use that 7OVuWD0pSCk-00154-00090318-00090906 for like a minute or so really quickly and I also have the ZIIPGX model which uses both nanocurrent 7OVuWD0pSCk-00155-00090906-00091440 and microcurrent and it's very gentle on your skin which is why I prefer it to the new face 7OVuWD0pSCk-00156-00091440-00092028 which I used almost daily for nearly a year and I did feel it was quite helpful helpful for toning 7OVuWD0pSCk-00157-00092106-00092730 um under my chin in particular but I just got fed up of zapping myself with a strong current so I've 7OVuWD0pSCk-00158-00092730-00093318 recently started using the ZIIP over my whole face just once a week and just on damp skin rather than 7OVuWD0pSCk-00159-00093318-00093936 using hyaluronic acid serum that is less than the recommended frequency but a bit like the EvenSkyn 7OVuWD0pSCk-00160-00093936-00094470 roller I'm just really really giving my skin a bit of a pep up stimulating the muscles getting a bit 7OVuWD0pSCk-00161-00094470-00095004 more oxygen into the skin so it's a bit like a weekly facial I think these devices can be 7OVuWD0pSCk-00162-00095004-00095472 helpful for toning but I wouldn't use them daily again just so you're resting your skin and letting 7OVuWD0pSCk-00163-00095472-00095934 any benefits unfold you know I think we can get a little bit carried away with all these devices 7OVuWD0pSCk-00164-00095934-00096672 out there I know I certainly have and that's why I've cut back a bit on use to build in rest time. 7OVuWD0pSCk-00165-00096672-00097278 I've also talked about the risk of facial fat loss from radiofrequency devices and treatments 7OVuWD0pSCk-00166-00097278-00097782 on this channel but those treatments can also deliver some really impressive results so I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00167-00097782-00098376 think we just need to be aware of the risks and use caution I've used EvenSkyn's Lumo 7OVuWD0pSCk-00168-00098376-00098952 radiofrequency device successfully at home without problems in the past and I would do another course 7OVuWD0pSCk-00169-00098952-00099666 of treatment with it under my chin and around my jowls if I felt I had a buildup of fat layer or 7OVuWD0pSCk-00170-00099666-00100536 sagging but sticking to a lower set and strength of radio frequency the only other thing I use 7OVuWD0pSCk-00171-00100536-00101010 for periods of time is this little Venus eye pen which is red light paired with vibration, 7OVuWD0pSCk-00172-00101010-00101664 it's an anti-aging device for the skin around your eyes but I use it to relieve fluid buildup 7OVuWD0pSCk-00173-00101664-00102264 and puffiness around my eyes and also to help with dryness in my actual eyes because the mix of the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00174-00102264-00102918 warmth from the light and the vibration helps to unclog the oil glands around my eyes and keep my 7OVuWD0pSCk-00175-00102918-00103602 eyes better hydrated so I use this essentially instead of heat pads and I find it really helpful 7OVuWD0pSCk-00176-00103602-00104148 exercise is something I could do more of but because I have a dog I walk bristly for at 7OVuWD0pSCk-00177-00104148-00104856 least 30 minutes every day and I do five minutes on an elliptical climber several times a week I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00178-00104856-00105348 could and should definitely do more in terms of resistance training though to build up my muscles 7OVuWD0pSCk-00179-00105348-00106014 so that's another work in progress I've got a few resistance bands so it's just a case of you 7OVuWD0pSCk-00180-00106014-00106824 using them as far as supplement school last week in my video I talked about my experience of taking 7OVuWD0pSCk-00181-00106824-00107604 longevity supplement nmn for a month along with TMG and berberine so you can watch that here I'll 7OVuWD0pSCk-00182-00107604-00108324 continue with a relatively small amount of nmn for the foreseeable future and taking 250 milligrams 7OVuWD0pSCk-00183-00108324-00108930 a day and I also take a daily berberine capsule after my last meal of the day which helps balance 7OVuWD0pSCk-00184-00108930-00109494 blood sugar or theoretically it does anyway I take 4000 micrograms of vitamin D alongside 7OVuWD0pSCk-00185-00109494-00110298 vitamin K2 each day vitamin D is such an essential supplement for all of us 4000 micrograms is the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00186-00110298-00110868 maximum recommended dose in the UK and I ease off in the summer and spring and just take that 7OVuWD0pSCk-00187-00110868-00111432 a few days a week but it does help me massively with energy levels in the winter and I think 7OVuWD0pSCk-00188-00111432-00112002 staying well too because it supports immunity and is of course good for our bone health too. 7OVuWD0pSCk-00189-00112002-00112656 I also take this collagen powder daily I'm going to do a separate video on collagen supplements 7OVuWD0pSCk-00190-00112656-00113100 because there have been some encouraging recent studies that have convinced me to take it daily 7OVuWD0pSCk-00191-00113100-00113916 and I do feel it's supporting my skin and my hair as well both feel significantly better hydrated 7OVuWD0pSCk-00192-00113916-00114576 and healthier and I can feel it on my hands not just my face and after watching a very well-known 7OVuWD0pSCk-00193-00114576-00115104 doctor talk about his own brand of collagen powder I studied the ingredients and found 7OVuWD0pSCk-00194-00115104-00115842 almost an exact replica but for way less money and it's this Code Age multi-collagen protein 7OVuWD0pSCk-00195-00115842-00116520 powder peptides and it's an all-in-one bone broth and collagen supplement and I love it I just add 7OVuWD0pSCk-00196-00116520-00117096 half a scoop of it each day to either my coffee or my breakfast and I think it's making a big 7OVuWD0pSCk-00197-00117096-00117600 difference again I'll include average prices so you can see what's what in the video description 7OVuWD0pSCk-00198-00117600-00118188 I eat quite a lot of fish and flaxseed every day so I don't supplement with omega-3 at the 7OVuWD0pSCk-00199-00118188-00118890 moment but it's another really important one so so pretty much where I'm at when it comes to trying 7OVuWD0pSCk-00200-00118890-00119633 to stay energized and look and feel youthful and vibrant another big contributor to how we feel is 7OVuWD0pSCk-00201-00119633-00120252 of course mindset and again it's something I've really been focusing more on in the last year I 7OVuWD0pSCk-00202-00120252-00120833 definitely think we are what we believe ourselves to be and that we have to watch what we're telling 7OVuWD0pSCk-00203-00120833-00121409 ourselves so I'm slowly trying to chip away at the limitations I've put on myself and instead 7OVuWD0pSCk-00204-00121409-00122052 try to remind myself daily of how much I already have to be grateful for firstly which helps put 7OVuWD0pSCk-00205-00122052-00122646 you in a better frame of mind and secondly that my age is no barrier personally or professionally 7OVuWD0pSCk-00206-00122646-00123359 to achieving my goals and so I'm expanding my horizons of what I think is possible for 7OVuWD0pSCk-00207-00123359-00124020 me crucially I've also stopped criticizing myself because I really was my own worst critic and it's 7OVuWD0pSCk-00208-00124020-00124848 just so draining a positive mindset a mind that expects good outcomes it absolutely shows on our 7OVuWD0pSCk-00209-00124848-00125358 faces and in every aspect of our lives and so I find it's really worth taking a bit of time out 7OVuWD0pSCk-00210-00125358-00125982 each day just to be still remind myself I'm doing okay I have good intentions and a strong sense 7OVuWD0pSCk-00211-00125982-00126618 of purpose when it comes to learning and sharing helpful information so I hope you found this video 7OVuWD0pSCk-00212-00126618-00127170 helpful let me know in the comments and I'd also love to hear what areas you'd like me to expand on 7OVuWD0pSCk-00213-00127170-00127818 in future what you enjoy most from this channel as always thanks so much for watching and supporting 7OVuWD0pSCk-00214-00127818-00128364 the channel if you haven't already then by hitting like and subscribe you can help this video reach 7OVuWD0pSCk-00215-00128364-00128826 more people and help the channel to grow For now take care and I'll see you next time. 7RvyQNc3sVA-00000-00000246-00000744 [Stephen Wyber] So welcome everyone to the webinar I'm aware that you have a different 7RvyQNc3sVA-00001-00000744-00001312 accent today my name is Stephen Wyber I'm manager for policy and advocacy dipper I'm standing in for 7RvyQNc3sVA-00002-00001312-00001768 Don who will hopefully be joining us later but unfortunately well probably fortunately for him 7RvyQNc3sVA-00003-00001823-00002328 is just getting off a plane in France just then to kind of spend some time and spend some time there 7RvyQNc3sVA-00004-00002328-00003040 so today's session um we've got a very it's a really opposite a really a really good focus for 7RvyQNc3sVA-00005-00003040-00003696 us this week on equity access and inclusion at the library and we're very happy to be welcoming um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00006-00003696-00004328 Pat Losinski who's the Chief Executive Officer at Columbus Public Library Ohio and Catharina Isberg 7RvyQNc3sVA-00007-00004328-00004728 who is the Library Director in Helsingborg City Libraries and Helsingborg in Sweden 7RvyQNc3sVA-00008-00005000-00005536 so to give a little introduction I'm sure that many of you here have been to sessions before 7RvyQNc3sVA-00009-00005536-00006016 and this session has been organized kindly by the Gigabit Libraries Network 7RvyQNc3sVA-00010-00006016-00006648 and that's the organization run by Don, Don Means um it's hosted and recorded by us at the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00011-00006648-00007231 International Federation of Library Associations Institutions and we work together Don really puts 7RvyQNc3sVA-00012-00007231-00007680 together these sessions and then we make sure that they're made available to you afterwards 7RvyQNc3sVA-00013-00007680-00008280 on the Gigabit Libraries uh Pandemic Response page um as in previous sessions we're very happy 7RvyQNc3sVA-00014-00008280-00009024 that the session has been sponsored by Kelly Drey and Warren llp which is uh which work in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00015-00009024-00009520 Washington a lot around helping libraries make use of funding to support connectivity in the us 7RvyQNc3sVA-00016-00009792-00010240 that I said um we've got patterns from cartoonish theory and we're going to be focusing on subjects 7RvyQNc3sVA-00017-00010240-00010712 of equity access and inclusion in the library now it's going to be a slightly 7RvyQNc3sVA-00018-00010712-00011288 shorter introduction than usual I'm sure you're following the COVID used at the moment that looks 7RvyQNc3sVA-00019-00011288-00011856 hopeful um in terms of vaccinations continuing at least in many countries we've seen some 7RvyQNc3sVA-00020-00011856-00012528 very encouraging news from the g7 meeting taking place in the UK at the moment about commitments 7RvyQNc3sVA-00021-00012528-00013047 to give hundreds of millions of vaccines to the developing world and hopefully accelerate 7RvyQNc3sVA-00022-00013047-00013480 their roll out in order to make sure that the period of the pandemic is as short as possible 7RvyQNc3sVA-00023-00013616-00014024 nonetheless we're going to be left with some clear lessons from the pandemic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00024-00014024-00014568 and one of course is the importance of digital equity and inclusion because if nothing else 7RvyQNc3sVA-00025-00014568-00015104 we have seen how far those who've connected with large extent have been able to continue with their 7RvyQNc3sVA-00026-00015104-00015791 lives with their jobs with their education but not everyone has been so just before getting into 7RvyQNc3sVA-00027-00015791-00016224 before handing over I did nonetheless want to show a little bit of data that we have about 7RvyQNc3sVA-00028-00016224-00016736 connectivity and about connections between libraries and access to the internet because 7RvyQNc3sVA-00029-00016736-00017368 of course connectivity is one part at least of uh effective digital equity and inclusion and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00030-00017472-00018040 clearly why we bother talking about this in the first place is the importance of digital equity 7RvyQNc3sVA-00031-00018040-00018576 inclusion as an enabler of individual development it's what gives people access to it what allows 7RvyQNc3sVA-00032-00018576-00019040 people to take advantage of the opportunities that there are on the internet I said to work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00033-00019120-00019728 to learn to participate in cultural life clearly not everything on the internet is positive but it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00034-00019728-00020256 does enable so much and increasingly for example in the newspaper world we're seeing newspapers 7RvyQNc3sVA-00035-00020256-00020656 disappearing from print if you don't have the internet connection you don't have the newspaper 7RvyQNc3sVA-00036-00020736-00021184 we also argue that digital equity and inclusion is a precondition for policy success 7RvyQNc3sVA-00037-00021272-00021856 because so with governments so much now trying to move to e-government services to offer set 7RvyQNc3sVA-00038-00021856-00022664 to offer e-government services to officer to offer consultations to offer benefits to offers 7RvyQNc3sVA-00039-00022664-00023328 support and other services to digital means if you want people to access these services grants 7RvyQNc3sVA-00040-00023328-00023784 other forms of support it's vital that they're able to actually get online and make use of them 7RvyQNc3sVA-00041-00023872-00024336 there's no point having for example for all we might want to use telehealth there's a fantastic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00042-00024336-00024880 way of improving health outcomes telehealth doesn't work if you can't take the tele box 7RvyQNc3sVA-00043-00024880-00025096 if people actually can't get online in the first place 7RvyQNc3sVA-00044-00025192-00025760 increasingly we are seeing the idea that digital equity and inclusion the possibility to make use 7RvyQNc3sVA-00045-00025760-00026360 of the internet needs to be considered as a human right but it is increasingly indissociable from 7RvyQNc3sVA-00046-00026360-00026880 the right of access to information and the right to express yourself and the right to participate 7RvyQNc3sVA-00047-00026880-00027680 in education to benefit science to benefit from culture so we are seeing this I said already there 7RvyQNc3sVA-00048-00027680-00028232 was a recognition of the importance of digital inclusion and this has just been re-emphasized 7RvyQNc3sVA-00049-00028232-00028695 re-underlined in the pandemic where we've seen the costs of people not being able to get online 7RvyQNc3sVA-00050-00029024-00029456 I just wanted to show I apologize these are slightly blurry just to give some initial 7RvyQNc3sVA-00051-00029456-00030016 data that we've been able to connect to different this looks at the pure connectivity side of things 7RvyQNc3sVA-00052-00030016-00030600 we did a little bit of analysis looking at data available about gaps in internet usage this is on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00053-00030600-00031200 the y-axis the vertical axis compared to the number of public libraries offering internet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00054-00031200-00031856 access and we looked across a number of different areas so for example to what extent is there a gap 7RvyQNc3sVA-00055-00031856-00032424 how big is the gap between older people using the internet and younger people using the internet and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00056-00032424-00033032 at least looking in countries with up to around 20 public libraries per 100,000 people we found 7RvyQNc3sVA-00057-00033032-00033544 that there was this negative correlation meaning that where there were more public libraries the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00058-00033544-00034176 gap in access was smaller clearly you can't tell causality from this but this is a notable trend 7RvyQNc3sVA-00059-00034304-00034656 we looked at the gender digital divide again looking countries 7RvyQNc3sVA-00060-00034656-00035232 up to 20 public libraries 20 public libraries offering internet access to 100,000 people 7RvyQNc3sVA-00061-00035232-00035720 once again it's a slightly smaller it's a slightly more gentle curve but again we tend 7RvyQNc3sVA-00062-00035720-00036224 to see that whether more live is offering internet access there tends to be a smaller digital divide 7RvyQNc3sVA-00063-00036352-00036920 we looked at the education related digital divide so the gap between people with lower levels of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00064-00036920-00037464 education accessing the internet and those with higher levels of education accessing the internet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00065-00037464-00037944 and across all age groups once again we found that this gap was smaller 7RvyQNc3sVA-00066-00037944-00038440 when there were more public libraries offering internet access finally we looked the same at 7RvyQNc3sVA-00067-00038440-00038840 the difference between people in work and those who are unemployed who were retired 7RvyQNc3sVA-00068-00038840-00039384 once again you see that negative correlation more public libraries means a smaller 7RvyQNc3sVA-00069-00039384-00039968 smaller digital divide now these are of course I said you can't show causality these are two 7RvyQNc3sVA-00070-00039968-00040568 statistics two statistics they appear to line up which is of course positive and encouraging 7RvyQNc3sVA-00071-00040568-00041040 we can't prove causality here but we're going to hear in the course of this session 7RvyQNc3sVA-00072-00041112-00041680 there are so many things that great libraries are doing in order to show this quest in order to make 7RvyQNc3sVA-00073-00041680-00042296 this link to allow people to be better connected despite the fact of having not despite the fact of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00074-00042296-00042776 not enjoying necessarily all of the benefits or being on the more favored side of things 7RvyQNc3sVA-00075-00042984-00043616 however of course digitally inclusion is about connectivity but it's also about so much more 7RvyQNc3sVA-00076-00043616-00044280 and the definitions used in many statistics of connectivity are often actually pretty weak 7RvyQNc3sVA-00077-00044280-00044912 the speed of connectivity is often set very low it's often defined as someone who uses 7RvyQNc3sVA-00078-00044912-00045384 the internet once a month which really isn't quite the same thing as making the full use that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00079-00045384-00045944 you might need for a patient for work for other purposes so statistics point us in an interesting 7RvyQNc3sVA-00080-00045944-00046536 direction but they don't get us so far and in particular they don't tell us so much about the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00081-00046536-00047104 importance of education of confidence of being able to find content so that's why it's really 7RvyQNc3sVA-00082-00047104-00047696 exciting to be able to talk today two libraries in the form of Columbus Metropolitan live 7RvyQNc3sVA-00083-00047696-00048200 Columbus Public Library and Helsingborg City Libraries in order to talk about some practical 7RvyQNc3sVA-00084-00048200-00048832 examples some really excellent examples of libraries going beyond symphony connectivity 7RvyQNc3sVA-00085-00048832-00049288 and giving people the sort of access the possibilities to really make most of the internet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00086-00049400-00049952 so there we go we have two very quick photos on the left we have Columbus so we're going 7RvyQNc3sVA-00087-00049952-00050536 to start with Patterson Columbus on the right we have Helsingborg and I will then simply actually 7RvyQNc3sVA-00088-00050536-00051120 hand over to Pat in order to do Pat who is a former if the Dublin board member um organized 7RvyQNc3sVA-00089-00051120-00051864 a fantastic conference in 2016 in Columbus Ohio for us and I will let you introduce and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00090-00051864-00052391 kick off talking about your experiences what's happening in Columbus in order to promote this 7RvyQNc3sVA-00091-00052391-00053640 inclusion which includes digital access [Pat Losinski] Great thank you Stephen 7RvyQNc3sVA-00092-00053640-00054352 um for the warm uh introduction and the welcome to be with all of you today to my European colleagues 7RvyQNc3sVA-00093-00054352-00054976 and beyond I realize you have better options at seventeen hundred and eighteen hundred hours on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00094-00054976-00055824 a Friday so uh thank you for uh taking the time um to be with us today I wanna do a screen share here 7RvyQNc3sVA-00095-00055976-00056944 and let me do that and with about 15 minutes to speak to you today 7RvyQNc3sVA-00096-00056944-00057664 this really is at kind of an executive summary level so um please know that I have links and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00097-00057664-00058200 others in this slide deck and I told Stephen the slide deck is certainly uh available 7RvyQNc3sVA-00098-00058296-00059000 to all of you so uh keep that in mind we're happy to share the resources um just uh Stephen had one 7RvyQNc3sVA-00099-00059000-00059472 picture I have to give you a picture of our main library and those of you who are at IFLA in 2016 7RvyQNc3sVA-00100-00059552-00060040 uh just a promise that it generally does not rain every day so please come back 7RvyQNc3sVA-00101-00060040-00060816 and visit us uh in Columbus and a reminder uh we are serving 23 locations within 7RvyQNc3sVA-00102-00060816-00061279 Franklin County here's a map of our service area and the different colors that you see 7RvyQNc3sVA-00103-00061376-00062096 represent new library developments so we have 16 new libraries or library remodels 7RvyQNc3sVA-00104-00062160-00062791 since 2014 and are planning some additional so we're lucky to be in a community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00105-00062791-00063664 that is investing 220 million in new libraries and we're very grateful to operate in this community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00106-00063664-00064136 our library's vision statement is a thriving community where wisdom prevails and oftentimes 7RvyQNc3sVA-00107-00064200-00064776 I say to individuals well this this vision statement you know is not about our library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00108-00064776-00065576 it's about the impact we hope to have on our library and if we can help our community thrive 7RvyQNc3sVA-00109-00065656-00066152 uh and have wisdom prevail well you know what at the end of the day it is about our library because 7RvyQNc3sVA-00110-00066208-00066992 we need a thriving community in order for our library system to thrive and when it comes to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00111-00066992-00067696 broadband inequities i think we really understand that our full community is unable to thrive 7RvyQNc3sVA-00112-00067848-00068536 without broadband access so I think Don Means contacted me about doing this program based upon 7RvyQNc3sVA-00113-00068536-00069072 an article that he ran into in the Atlantic, How Libraries Are Leading the Way to Digital Equity 7RvyQNc3sVA-00114-00069072-00069848 this was done by Deborah Fallows Deborah and Jim have done a book recently I think called our towns 7RvyQNc3sVA-00115-00069848-00070480 where they visited a number of cities throughout the U.S. and made it a point to make library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00116-00070576-00071088 connections all along the way and within this article you'll see a number of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00117-00071184-00072104 maps that were created with the help of our digital analytics staff and our data analytics 7RvyQNc3sVA-00118-00072104-00072928 staff excuse me and some GIS mapping that Deb had available to really see and track some patterns 7RvyQNc3sVA-00119-00072928-00073944 around the economic demographics of library use as related to computer use within our libraries and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00120-00074040-00074584 prior to the pandemic in our 23 locations we were averaging somewhere between one 7RvyQNc3sVA-00121-00074640-00075456 1.6 and 1.7 million uh reservations to use um our computers so it was certainly a space 7RvyQNc3sVA-00122-00075456-00076064 that we were uh very familiar with but today I'm not here to just talk to you about the library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00123-00076064-00076640 I'm here to talk to you about what we call the Franklin County Digital Equity Coalition 7RvyQNc3sVA-00124-00076640-00077200 and I should tell you that our service area for the library is just over a million 7RvyQNc3sVA-00125-00077200-00078280 and our metro area is now approaching 2.3 million in central Ohio so the catalyst for this effort of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00126-00078280-00078920 the Franklin County Digital Equity Coalition was the response to the pandemic shutdown in march 7RvyQNc3sVA-00127-00078920-00079736 of 2020 it was March 14th I think by the end of that month I reached out to the executive 7RvyQNc3sVA-00128-00079736-00080304 director of the Columbus foundation our community foundation which happens to be I believe the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00129-00080304-00080952 sixth or seventh largest in terms of assets uh community foundation in the United States with 7RvyQNc3sVA-00130-00081104-00081736 assets over two billion dollars and really to express concern to say where were 7RvyQNc3sVA-00131-00081824-00082448 all of these individuals going to go who were using public library space and since all of our 7RvyQNc3sVA-00132-00082760-00083544 libraries had shut down as well uh how are we going to support uh the the schools that had 7RvyQNc3sVA-00133-00083544-00084016 shut down and the expectation that schools would move to an online environment so they 7RvyQNc3sVA-00134-00084016-00084680 commissioned a report by an international firm AECOM that is available for you to look at 7RvyQNc3sVA-00135-00084680-00085312 they turned it around in about four weeks time to really give us a blueprint or a map of where 7RvyQNc3sVA-00136-00085376-00085896 we thought we might need to head and these are some of the the basic um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00137-00086080-00086576 highlights that come out of the executive summary that within our area more than a hundred thousand 7RvyQNc3sVA-00138-00086576-00087400 households not individuals households who lacked a wired uh home broadband and um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00139-00087504-00088160 50,000 with cellular the other 48 with no home internet service at all and I I'm not telling 7RvyQNc3sVA-00140-00088160-00088872 you something you don't already know the digital divide disproportionately affecting individuals 7RvyQNc3sVA-00141-00088872-00089728 of color within our community and everywhere so this coalition now has been meeting since uh April 7RvyQNc3sVA-00142-00089728-00090584 of 2020 I can tell you it's incredibly grassroots uh there is there are no bylaws there are there is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00143-00090584-00091464 no board there are no funders there are no fees to join we just have every other week 35 public 7RvyQNc3sVA-00144-00091464-00092120 private and non-profit entities I know we had close to 45 people on the call this past Wednesday 7RvyQNc3sVA-00145-00092208-00092944 meeting uh every other week since May of 2020 with trying to create some long-term solutions 7RvyQNc3sVA-00146-00092944-00093576 for digital equity and you know just recognizing that you see that third bullet integral to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00147-00093576-00094344 achieving economic educational racial and social equity in our community so paraphrasing here the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00148-00094344-00094744 vision statement it's a little bit longer but we're trying to achieve digital equity 7RvyQNc3sVA-00149-00094744-00095472 through universal residential broadband adoption in bold in quotations because 7RvyQNc3sVA-00150-00095592-00096328 this is not really about availability because when you look at our metro area we actually have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00151-00096472-00097280 a municipal fiber that crisscrosses our entire county what's very interesting is that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00152-00097280-00097760 the internet service providers the private providers actually lay their own cable 7RvyQNc3sVA-00153-00097832-00098392 uh and and will will dig the streets and sidewalks up again to actually put 7RvyQNc3sVA-00154-00098464-00098944 their own infrastructure in place because they want to own it they want to control it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00155-00099008-00099504 and uh they're willing to wait for the permit process to make sure that once it's in the ground 7RvyQNc3sVA-00156-00099576-00100288 there are no other hurdles to go through so it really isn't about availability it really is about 7RvyQNc3sVA-00157-00100288-00101336 access it's about affordability and the access as we do modeled after Stanford's human-centered 7RvyQNc3sVA-00158-00101336-00102184 design as we actually engage our community to find out why they are not connected you know one thing 7RvyQNc3sVA-00159-00102184-00102880 I we should know this I should know this but the extent of the lack of trust around the internet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00160-00102880-00103456 as a resource that people want to be connected to their home is somewhat shocking to me so these are 7RvyQNc3sVA-00161-00103456-00104264 the current priorities of what we call our working group so broadband affordability and access 7RvyQNc3sVA-00162-00104408-00105096 once we actually have adoption we know it's more than just having it it's also whether or not we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00163-00105096-00105792 have device access and we have partnered with a national organization called PCs for People 7RvyQNc3sVA-00164-00105872-00106583 we've led numerous drives to repurpose slightly used or sometimes more than slightly used 7RvyQNc3sVA-00165-00106672-00107400 laptops and computers from our business community our corporate community higher education and even 7RvyQNc3sVA-00166-00107400-00107872 individuals we've had number of drives to make sure that people also have devices 7RvyQNc3sVA-00167-00107959-00108440 but then of course it's also about digital life skills and technical 7RvyQNc3sVA-00168-00108440-00109135 support and technology literacy so we have one of our groups that has over 60 members 7RvyQNc3sVA-00169-00109192-00109832 who prior to this coalition forming i'm not sure they spoke to each other the library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00170-00109832-00110304 community was doing their own thing but we have many non-profits who are doing excellent work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00171-00110359-00110783 and it's been a chance to look at our work collectively and to determine 7RvyQNc3sVA-00172-00110848-00111311 where the gaps are where the redundancies are work where we can approve and then lastly 7RvyQNc3sVA-00173-00111400-00112240 the fourth working group is around advocacy for broadband funding and policy and just this week in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00174-00112240-00113048 fact on Tuesday of this week one of the internet service providers introduced uh late night uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00175-00113048-00113992 language into our state budget process to forbid um municipal broadband options and uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00176-00114104-00114744 we don't think there's widespread support for this but suddenly there is a uh a lobbying and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00177-00114744-00115328 advocacy effort that we are leading as well to make sure that is stripped from the budget 7RvyQNc3sVA-00178-00115328-00115935 that will be approved at the end of June so our coalition structure I tried just to provide this 7RvyQNc3sVA-00179-00115935-00116504 so that you can see it so you see it up on the top that's all 40 members we have a steering committee 7RvyQNc3sVA-00180-00116568-00117335 the steering committee is made up of the chairs or co-chairs of each of the areas of emphasis that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00181-00117335-00118024 make up our working groups and then we have a few additional people added because they just need to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00182-00118024-00118568 be there so we have about 10 or 12 on the steering committee they meet on the alternate Wednesday 7RvyQNc3sVA-00183-00118568-00119240 Wednesdays that the coalition is not meeting and then we've also made it a point to meet monthly 7RvyQNc3sVA-00184-00119344-00119935 with all of the internet service providers in central Ohio I will tell you that to a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00185-00120024-00120735 to a group or to uh to a company they have all asked to be part of the coalition itself 7RvyQNc3sVA-00186-00120816-00121728 but we have shared with them that they have a constituency of shareholders and stakeholders 7RvyQNc3sVA-00187-00121728-00122480 and business interests that don't align 100 percent with our goals of trying to make sure that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00188-00122568-00123192 broadband is available to so many unserved groups so there's a reason some of the ISPs 7RvyQNc3sVA-00189-00123192-00123783 are not serving those groups right now either some by choice of people not choosing to join others 7RvyQNc3sVA-00190-00123880-00124600 the inability to afford the service that is provided by our ISPs so to talk to you 7RvyQNc3sVA-00191-00124600-00125216 about two quick projects we were able to convince the Columbus City Council which 7RvyQNc3sVA-00192-00125216-00125680 our library is an independent entity but working with the coalition we were able to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00193-00125759-00126416 get them to approve a 1.7 million dollar investment to purchase up to ten thousand 7RvyQNc3sVA-00194-00126416-00127400 hot spots to be delivered to uh K through K through 12 student uh households to help with the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00195-00127456-00128376 online education expectations and then another two initiatives that we have our neighborhood scale 7RvyQNc3sVA-00196-00128552-00129111 internet offerings offering CBRS or citizens ban radio service and I think I have a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00197-00129183-00129680 another slide that some of you may be very familiar with this but it's somewhat 7RvyQNc3sVA-00198-00129735-00130544 new about the wireless spectrum made available to the public in 2020 and uh you can see here the the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00199-00130544-00131304 coverage areas the investment that is expected um but the two pilots that we have in place 7RvyQNc3sVA-00200-00131304-00131968 uh one is on a community center on the south side of Columbus and another one is on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00201-00132080-00132728 in a low income area on the near east side of Columbus and each one of the towers that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00202-00132728-00133680 have been installed anticipate serving up to 300 households and so work is ongoing one is going a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00203-00133680-00134344 little bit faster than the other but I think we have about 120 households that are being served 7RvyQNc3sVA-00204-00134416-00135024 through this service and we're trying to just have a proof of concept on these pilots to look 7RvyQNc3sVA-00205-00135024-00135656 at potentially expanding that program and as we talk to other partners in the community we find 7RvyQNc3sVA-00206-00135656-00136424 that we may be able to use the uh emergency siren towers that are located 7RvyQNc3sVA-00207-00136488-00137184 uh roughly a half mile apart throughout the entire county uh so that will streamline and shorten the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00208-00137184-00137880 ability for us to actually install CBRS technology to try to reach some of those households 7RvyQNc3sVA-00209-00137880-00138472 so what we're doing right now in terms of other current activities we're just trying to be poised 7RvyQNc3sVA-00210-00138600-00139184 for some massive government funding opportunities that may be coming our way 7RvyQNc3sVA-00211-00139256-00140072 uh not specifically for broadband although some are but really competing with other priorities 7RvyQNc3sVA-00212-00140072-00140768 in our community for other maybe traditional infrastructure but will we believe that our 7RvyQNc3sVA-00213-00140768-00141584 coalition offers the best opportunity to have a broad swath of community leaders who are raising 7RvyQNc3sVA-00214-00141584-00142216 their hand and talking about the importance in central Ohio we don't see it necessarily or or 7RvyQNc3sVA-00215-00142216-00142784 more than not necessarily we don't see it as a public utility option we see it as leveraging 7RvyQNc3sVA-00216-00142960-00143472 the investments that our ISPs have made and i've told you about the meetings with them 7RvyQNc3sVA-00217-00143552-00144288 and um most recently what we're really talking to uh the ISPs about is uh their work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00218-00144384-00145088 for the EBB program which I think brings I want to say 1.7 billion of temporary relief 7RvyQNc3sVA-00219-00145088-00145696 for broadband access until the money is out and we're working with the ISPs to make sure we get 7RvyQNc3sVA-00220-00145696-00146336 the word out on that in terms of what's next for us we know this has to grow up from something 7RvyQNc3sVA-00221-00146408-00146960 that today is just very organic I'm the facilitator for this coalition 7RvyQNc3sVA-00222-00147064-00147472 but that is among the other responsibilities as the CEO of the library so 7RvyQNc3sVA-00223-00147544-00148344 we are looking to hire and perhaps fund through our foundation and other sources a Loaned Chief 7RvyQNc3sVA-00224-00148344-00149136 Administrative Officer for the next 90 to 180 days to really take us up to a next level of growth 7RvyQNc3sVA-00225-00149136-00149688 we don't want to create a new non-profit but to sort of bolt this on to something that's existing 7RvyQNc3sVA-00226-00149760-00150520 and we hope to have that done within the next 10 days or so we're very anxious to see the impact of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00227-00150520-00151192 a new internet service provider that has announced uh silently that they're coming to Columbus 7RvyQNc3sVA-00228-00151336-00151920 right now I believe they are in Denver, Los Angeles, Washington, Boston and New 7RvyQNc3sVA-00229-00151920-00152656 York largely focused on consolidated uh communities of poverty uh but there they have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00230-00152656-00153432 chosen Columbus for a community where they hope to actually provide CBRS technology in the home 7RvyQNc3sVA-00231-00153496-00154440 uh at a flat fee no taxes no installation 15 dollars a month uh 30 meg um symmetrical uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00232-00154440-00155024 service so we're very excited to see when starry actually makes that announcement in our community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00233-00155024-00155696 we're also looking at uh assessing the e-rate eligible investments that may be available 7RvyQNc3sVA-00234-00155696-00156296 that go beyond what we've traditionally taken advantage of from U.S. services through the FCC 7RvyQNc3sVA-00235-00156392-00157088 and then we're also trying to perfect and improve and model a digital navigator program 7RvyQNc3sVA-00236-00157208-00157696 that's really modeled after a really groundbreaking service by the Salt Lake 7RvyQNc3sVA-00237-00157824-00158224 Salt Lake City Library System where it's really about helping 7RvyQNc3sVA-00238-00158320-00158984 individuals in the community sign up for the best digital service to answer their questions 7RvyQNc3sVA-00239-00158984-00159640 and then to also provide the level of technology training that they need for that program so my 7RvyQNc3sVA-00240-00159640-00160344 last slide here i believe is if i'm offering any advice not only get involved look at where 7RvyQNc3sVA-00241-00160344-00160752 your library can actually lead in this space in your community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00242-00160928-00161712 collaboration for whatever reason seems to happen naturally and easy easily in Columbus and so we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00243-00161712-00162384 try to take advantage of that but I would also say broader adoption is going to impact your strategy 7RvyQNc3sVA-00244-00162504-00163336 I'm hopeful that we have other than wireless that we are served someday serving very few people with 7RvyQNc3sVA-00245-00163336-00164000 uh library provided laptops in our buildings so how is that program of service going 7RvyQNc3sVA-00246-00164000-00164584 to change uh if we're successful and I believe we will be successful but how do you start 7RvyQNc3sVA-00247-00164584-00165224 thinking now about repurposing your assets for more important services and as we've told our 7RvyQNc3sVA-00248-00165224-00165736 staff repeatedly we used to be in the library business now we are in the business of community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00249-00165736-00166600 recovery particularly as it relates to education uh sadly we not only have weeks or months we have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00250-00166600-00167192 years of remedial work ahead of us to help kids actually reach their potential and of course 7RvyQNc3sVA-00251-00167192-00167840 technology training and literacy will be there and you know our role continues to be to advocate 7RvyQNc3sVA-00252-00167904-00168568 for those who don't have a voice for students for seniors and those of low income so I'm sorry I ran 7RvyQNc3sVA-00253-00168568-00169200 through a lot in a short period of time but all of those materials are available and more 7RvyQNc3sVA-00254-00169200-00169704 Stephen has my contact information I'm happy to follow up with any of you thank you Stephen 7RvyQNc3sVA-00255-00169704-00170488 [Stephen Wyber] Thank you so much Pat that's really fantastic I 7RvyQNc3sVA-00256-00170576-00171184 it was a couple of weeks ago we had Patty Wong who's the the incoming president of ALA on and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00257-00171184-00171608 she was making a point of talking about how libraries can really be at the hub at the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00258-00171608-00172168 heart of networks of different stakeholders working in order to promote inclusion digital 7RvyQNc3sVA-00259-00172168-00172720 inclusion in particular so not only it's not only clear California it's also Columbus as well 7RvyQNc3sVA-00260-00172864-00173408 just to check I I encourage everyone else of course to put questions in the chats as well 7RvyQNc3sVA-00261-00173408-00173880 and I won't I'll only talk a little bit and hand on to Catharina so then we can have a more open 7RvyQNc3sVA-00262-00173880-00174360 question and assessment at the end it really was the pandemic that brought you all together 7RvyQNc3sVA-00263-00174360-00175216 [Pat Losinski] You know it did Stephen but I I think the the thing that we all have to reckon 7RvyQNc3sVA-00264-00175216-00175752 with in the public library community is this has been front and center you know you'd say hidden in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00265-00175752-00176552 plain sight we've known this for years and years we just didn't have the coalition of advocates and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00266-00176552-00177224 I didn't spend any time really talking about um one of the other reasons I think the coalition is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00267-00177224-00177752 successful is guess what there was an expectation that business would be conducted from home 7RvyQNc3sVA-00268-00177824-00178464 and not everyone who worked in companies had internet in the home so suddenly we had businesses 7RvyQNc3sVA-00269-00178520-00179120 who were willing to step up and be advocates in this space as well and you know the other story 7RvyQNc3sVA-00270-00179120-00179760 that I like to tell is we I grew up in central Wisconsin and we have a family farm that'd been 7RvyQNc3sVA-00271-00179760-00180432 in our family six generations well my father was actually born on that farm in 1925 and he said 7RvyQNc3sVA-00272-00180432-00181104 growing up in the 30s he remembered after the new deal program of Franklin Roosevelt after the Great 7RvyQNc3sVA-00273-00181104-00181704 Depression there was an electrification uh rural electrification initiative 7RvyQNc3sVA-00274-00181760-00182584 because in the 30s 90 percent of the farms did not have electricity and by the 1950s 90 percent did 7RvyQNc3sVA-00275-00182584-00183328 have electricity now I don't think we can take 14 or 15 years to do what we need to do here but the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00276-00183328-00183936 model exists in terms of understanding it and I I try to advocate at this level to say you know if 7RvyQNc3sVA-00277-00183936-00184496 you don't believe this is the fourth utility those of you who live in affluence I'm going to shut off 7RvyQNc3sVA-00278-00184496-00185440 your electricity see how well you do um with uh uh thriving or surviving in society so so we have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00279-00185440-00186384 electricity we have gas or heat um we have water and we have broadband so yeah I I think it the uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00280-00186488-00187208 the the pandemic laid it all bare for all of us [Stephen Syber] Exactly I think it's a point we've 7RvyQNc3sVA-00281-00187208-00187832 touched on a few times before but how you convince business to vote in favor of something support 7RvyQNc3sVA-00282-00187832-00188392 something that is a public service obviously this is probably a more thought debate in the U.S. 7RvyQNc3sVA-00283-00188632-00189198 but the the risk of the risk of um competition my phone's a little bit 7RvyQNc3sVA-00284-00189198-00190888 [Pat Losinski] Weird I don't know if we've lost him Catharina, Catharina 7RvyQNc3sVA-00285-00190976-00191600 yeah just keep going in the text okay it has [Catharina Isberg] Okay then I go ahead 7RvyQNc3sVA-00286-00191720-00191992 thanks for a great uh presentation pet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00287-00192312-00192776 it was really interesting and I would say that there are some differences 7RvyQNc3sVA-00288-00193056-00193384 in Sweden but there is a lot that is the same 7RvyQNc3sVA-00289-00193576-00194176 I would say now we'll see so now you should all be able to see my 7RvyQNc3sVA-00290-00194312-00195088 uh presentation Catharine Isberg is my name I am Library Director as Stephen said in Helsingborg 7RvyQNc3sVA-00291-00195088-00196208 Sweden and I'm also an a chair of IFLA division IV and if like having a board member until 7RvyQNc3sVA-00292-00196208-00196896 August this year but today I'm going to talk about one of the most important subjects as I see it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00293-00196960-00197928 equity access and inclusion the digital inclusion of the library but the 6th floor Helsingborg is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00294-00197928-00198600 in the southern part of Sweden and as you can see from this picture Sweden is quite 7RvyQNc3sVA-00295-00198752-00199496 a long country and Helsingborg is in the south close to Denmark and we are 7RvyQNc3sVA-00296-00199496-00200248 not as large as Columbus, Ohio we have 150,000 inhabitants and in Sweden the cities aren't that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00297-00200336-00201104 big or that large so this Helsingborg is the number eight city in Sweden so in Sweden it's a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00298-00201104-00201720 quite a large city we have a digital library, we have a main library, we have nine library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00299-00201720-00202528 branches and one bus and something that's interesting with our work is that we organize 7RvyQNc3sVA-00300-00202624-00203416 our work according to what we are doing not where we are working so we have five departments 7RvyQNc3sVA-00301-00203416-00203856 read search only work with the digital inclusion 7RvyQNc3sVA-00302-00203936-00204680 meet for the meeting place the digital library and media and the support department 7RvyQNc3sVA-00303-00204776-00205456 and we also have a collaboration between 11 towns and cities in the northwestern part of scania that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00304-00205456-00206376 is called Helsingborg family libraries and thus many cities Helsingborg is developing and evolving 7RvyQNc3sVA-00305-00206376-00207200 with growing population new cities districts and changed social structures and we as a library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00306-00207200-00208056 need to change and see the opportunities and challenge challenges in this and the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00307-00208128-00208904 divide is something that is closely tied to the work that we are doing at the library but we're 7RvyQNc3sVA-00308-00208904-00209688 also really really into innovation involvement and participation that's key in our work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00309-00209832-00210392 and our work in this area is constantly being developed and we are part of the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00310-00210392-00211296 city's ambition to be one of the most innovative cities in Europe and last year we were among the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00311-00211296-00212008 five runner-ups for the I capital award as we in the Europe innovative capital award 7RvyQNc3sVA-00312-00212104-00213016 and as part of this work we are also trying to collect all our innovations that we're doing 7RvyQNc3sVA-00313-00213016-00213871 in something that we call age 22 Helsingborg 22 and that's a welfare initiative for the future 7RvyQNc3sVA-00314-00214071-00214856 and next summer you're all all more than welcome to Sweden because then we will have a city expo 7RvyQNc3sVA-00315-00214856-00215696 which will be large huge I would say uh where we will show all of our innovative solutions for 7RvyQNc3sVA-00316-00215696-00216296 urban development and welfare and of course we will showcase some of the library works as well 7RvyQNc3sVA-00317-00216504-00216896 we are in this project working on improving the quality of life 7RvyQNc3sVA-00318-00216896-00217360 for our citizens and we all are reinventing city governance 7RvyQNc3sVA-00319-00217744-00218232 but if we move back to the library the library mission is to give everyone free 7RvyQNc3sVA-00320-00218232-00218808 access to information and knowledge create inspiring meeting places work to promote 7RvyQNc3sVA-00321-00218808-00219616 reading and work with digital inclusion and the why why we're doing this is of course to secure 7RvyQNc3sVA-00322-00219616-00220392 freedom of opinion and expression and also to secure participation in the democratic society 7RvyQNc3sVA-00323-00220536-00221432 and the picture that I choosed to this slide is actually saying something because this is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00324-00221432-00222440 the Swedish welfare web service where you can get all the health information that you need 7RvyQNc3sVA-00325-00222519-00223456 and early during the pandemic this service said don't call us use the web page and when 7RvyQNc3sVA-00326-00223456-00224208 we heard that we realized that there are so many people that can't use the web page and they have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00327-00224208-00224880 to find that help somewhere we need to keep our libraries open as long as we can 7RvyQNc3sVA-00328-00225184-00225623 and if we look at the pandemic and the Swedish Libraries I'm sure that you 7RvyQNc3sVA-00329-00225623-00226319 have heard especially in the beginning that we were not doing anything in Sweden well we were 7RvyQNc3sVA-00330-00226392-00226767 we were doing a lot but when it came to the libraries we have a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00331-00226767-00227656 quite strong library law which states that we have to keep the libraries open so we have mainly been 7RvyQNc3sVA-00332-00227656-00228376 able to keeping our libraries open we have had a lot of services closed we have not been able to be 7RvyQNc3sVA-00333-00228376-00229167 a meeting place for example we have removed all furnitures we have had plexiglas so a lot of it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00334-00229167-00229871 all over the place and we have really been trying to minimize what you can do in the library and in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00335-00229871-00230560 order to be able to do this we have had to think in new ways we have had to develop our services 7RvyQNc3sVA-00336-00230560-00231392 and we have had to be really innovative both in the digital arena and also in the physical arena 7RvyQNc3sVA-00337-00231808-00232448 and as a library you know all of you that we give access to information literature knowledge we get 7RvyQNc3sVA-00338-00232448-00233032 give access to technology and here you can see some of our robots that we are using in our work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00339-00233152-00233752 but most importantly as I said we do give access to the expertise of the library staff 7RvyQNc3sVA-00340-00233912-00234880 and in Sweden one million Swedes that's 10 percent of the population are outside the digital society 7RvyQNc3sVA-00341-00234976-00235567 but at the same time 98 percent of Swedes have access to internet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00342-00235696-00236456 but having access that's not enough having access to and mastering the technology those 7RvyQNc3sVA-00343-00236456-00237208 are two different things and we see that every day at the library and we see the social economic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00344-00237208-00237976 aspects as pat also talk about we see that it's older people but we also meet younger people 7RvyQNc3sVA-00345-00238080-00238688 young people young adults and adults in general and we also seen you in Sweden 7RvyQNc3sVA-00346-00238904-00239544 and our solution on this was our digital competence center our digital 7RvyQNc3sVA-00347-00239544-00240223 which we opened three years ago we opened it as a project together with the city's digital 7RvyQNc3sVA-00348-00240280-00241096 department now it's not a project any longer it's in our ordinary business and if I took 7RvyQNc3sVA-00349-00241096-00241688 this picture today it would look totally different because this was before the pandemic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00350-00241752-00242384 now it's more space between the computers and there are no desks or 7RvyQNc3sVA-00351-00242480-00243112 shares where you can sit and study unfortunately I hope we will be able to go back to that but the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00352-00243112-00243712 Digidel I would give a competence and they want to increase digital inclusion among the inhabitants 7RvyQNc3sVA-00353-00243784-00244384 and give everyone the opportunity to get access to information get involved in the development 7RvyQNc3sVA-00354-00244384-00245216 of the city services and promote the use of digital services and we also want to be an 7RvyQNc3sVA-00355-00245216-00246088 arena where the city can collaborate and meet the inhabitants so that the different city departments 7RvyQNc3sVA-00356-00246088-00246928 meet and can test their new digital services for example together with the inhabitants 7RvyQNc3sVA-00357-00247319-00248104 and this actually the details of the Digidel competence center gave us a spin-off we became 7RvyQNc3sVA-00358-00248104-00248952 part of the European Union Urban Agenda Digital Transition project and this is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00359-00249064-00249744 multi-level partnerships between cities and in this work among other things we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00360-00249744-00250352 provided this model and toolbox to establish a Digidel competence center and this is actually 7RvyQNc3sVA-00361-00250352-00251440 a booklet where you can find some tips on how to build your own uh competence center and uh in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00362-00251440-00252240 the booklet Helsingborg is one of the examples and Sophia in Bulgari yeah is another example 7RvyQNc3sVA-00363-00252328-00252976 and three important areas here are the space access to internet and the devices 7RvyQNc3sVA-00364-00253071-00253760 and I would actually say that I would pick out the staff and have them as the fourth 7RvyQNc3sVA-00365-00253760-00254384 area if I would do this booklet because the stock is so important as I said 7RvyQNc3sVA-00366-00254760-00255400 during the pandemic we have seen that the digital divide is really 7RvyQNc3sVA-00367-00255496-00256248 a challenge we early saw that we have to be able to continue to give this service 7RvyQNc3sVA-00368-00256304-00256952 people need to find the healthy information they need now they need to be able to book their time 7RvyQNc3sVA-00369-00256952-00258112 to get the vaccination which is not easy we need to help them and one thing that we tried to do was 7RvyQNc3sVA-00370-00258112-00258808 to be um do different things to be able to continue our services as safely as possible 7RvyQNc3sVA-00371-00258896-00259608 and we could offer some virtual services of course and we did some new of those but at the same time 7RvyQNc3sVA-00372-00259712-00260352 in order to use the virtual service you have to have a certain level of digital skills and we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00373-00260352-00260880 need so many people that don't have that they need to come to the library and sit down and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00374-00260880-00262032 get the expertise from the staff so we made this support station and here we have two different 7RvyQNc3sVA-00375-00262032-00262736 computers they are sharing the screen so that the librarian can see what the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00376-00262736-00263512 a library user is doing on the screen and the librarian can safely behind the plexiglas that's 7RvyQNc3sVA-00377-00263512-00264632 in between and on on the sides they can sit there and supervise and help the user 7RvyQNc3sVA-00378-00264776-00265184 and the impact on this was that we could continue to work on the bigger 7RvyQNc3sVA-00379-00265184-00265944 inclusion improve our services and also find things that we can use after the pandemic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00380-00266040-00266536 both the staff and our library users they love this service so we will continue with 7RvyQNc3sVA-00381-00266536-00267152 the support station also after and it's an easy thing but it made a difference 7RvyQNc3sVA-00382-00267416-00268176 one of our largest problem was that everyone started to do so many digital services and offer 7RvyQNc3sVA-00383-00268176-00268776 the new digital services when the pandemic started and of course that's good for us that knows how 7RvyQNc3sVA-00384-00268776-00269888 to use them but for those who don't we saw in the library that we had many digital excluded visitors 7RvyQNc3sVA-00385-00269952-00270840 we met new unfamiliar visitors that needed much more help than the users we had before 7RvyQNc3sVA-00386-00270936-00271488 and we needed to adjust our services and our solution on this was collaboration 7RvyQNc3sVA-00387-00271712-00272360 so we are working together with different departments within the city to try to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00388-00272424-00273368 make a new future Digidel 2.0 so a new digital competence center and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00389-00273424-00274216 what we want to do in this is to reach new library users to improve our services as well as 7RvyQNc3sVA-00390-00274216-00275096 other department services make better use of the competences and the resources within the city 7RvyQNc3sVA-00391-00275232-00276016 and also what we see is that people start to understand what the library is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00392-00276016-00276968 what a modern library is we are not reaching the goal all the way but at least it becomes better 7RvyQNc3sVA-00393-00276968-00277432 they start to understand why we are working on the with the digital inclusion for example 7RvyQNc3sVA-00394-00277840-00278176 and I really think it's important to share what you are doing and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00395-00278176-00278480 learn from others and therefore we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00396-00278720-00279344 sent in one of the project that we are working on to the IFLA Library Map of the World and I would 7RvyQNc3sVA-00397-00279344-00280216 really like to ask you all that if you have any projects that you are working on then you should 7RvyQNc3sVA-00398-00280216-00280928 add them to the library map of the world and in here you can read about how we have been working 7RvyQNc3sVA-00399-00280928-00281880 on closing the digital gap for elderly citizens I also think that we need to connect what we're 7RvyQNc3sVA-00400-00281880-00282808 doing with international national regional and local regulations manifestos strategies and so on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00401-00282920-00283584 and for example when we talk about the digital divide I usually show this picture because I think 7RvyQNc3sVA-00402-00283584-00284288 that it's important to connect it to the IFLA global vision the highlight number four which says 7RvyQNc3sVA-00403-00284288-00285112 we embrace digital innovation and the opportunity here is we must keep up with ongoing technological 7RvyQNc3sVA-00404-00285112-00285784 changes and for example our robot that's shown on the side here when we bought it three and a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00405-00285784-00286720 half year ago it was quite new now it's probably quite old things moves very fast in this area 7RvyQNc3sVA-00406-00287080-00287496 but we don't stop our work with this we are building for the future 7RvyQNc3sVA-00407-00287568-00288368 so we are looking into how we can ensure that we are really in all of the city 7RvyQNc3sVA-00408-00288464-00289752 not only in the city center but also in the countryside we are moving beyond the library walls 7RvyQNc3sVA-00409-00289752-00290320 as many other libraries are doing we try to be as much as possible in other 7RvyQNc3sVA-00410-00290520-00291296 buildings than the library and we are also starting a large investigation on how 7RvyQNc3sVA-00411-00291360-00292032 the library structure should look like in the future and at the same time we are happy enough 7RvyQNc3sVA-00412-00292112-00292952 that we are in the planning process of building a new city library a new main library and in this we 7RvyQNc3sVA-00413-00292952-00293936 want to create a place for relaxation and learning where the inhabitants meet are inspired develop 7RvyQNc3sVA-00414-00293936-00294784 and create together for the future and we are in this really using involvement and participation 7RvyQNc3sVA-00415-00294784-00295728 and asking the inhabitants a lot on what they need in the future and we have a brand new 7RvyQNc3sVA-00416-00295728-00296800 dialogue tool that the city has provided where we can meet with the inhabitants in the digital 7RvyQNc3sVA-00417-00296800-00297568 arena but of course we also do a lot of workshops and things where we meet them in the physical 7RvyQNc3sVA-00418-00297568-00298384 space as well and we hope to be able to do that much more when the pandemic is getting better 7RvyQNc3sVA-00419-00298616-00299280 I have provided some links for some further reading if someone is interested 7RvyQNc3sVA-00420-00299560-00300288 and what I would like to send to all of you is to continue to create libraries where people meet 7RvyQNc3sVA-00421-00300288-00301184 get inspired develop and create together for the future and the libraries are for all 7RvyQNc3sVA-00422-00301184-00301896 [Stephen Wyber] Thank you so much Catharina I hope this is now working again I apologize 7RvyQNc3sVA-00423-00301896-00302392 for dropping out earlier that's a fantastic presentation it's great all that's going on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00424-00302392-00302800 and that you've got these you've been sharing it as well which is the most important thing 7RvyQNc3sVA-00425-00302872-00303496 I guess as before I really encourage everyone to use the chat function to to ask questions 7RvyQNc3sVA-00426-00303496-00304104 and then of course I'll be more than happy to call on you to to raise your hands to to speak out um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00427-00304192-00304944 out loud i guess what one question I had listening to that is an issue we often hear about is that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00428-00304944-00305560 um obviously for library staff to be able to offer support especially to people who may be 7RvyQNc3sVA-00429-00305560-00306144 scared of the internet as pat mentioned earlier or who really feel uncomfortable while using it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00430-00306200-00306920 and do um how have you gone about ensuring that staff themselves have skills the confidence 7RvyQNc3sVA-00431-00306920-00307584 the confidence to do that effectively? [Catharina Isberg] We are really been 7RvyQNc3sVA-00432-00307584-00308520 working a lot with the training of the staff and we are happy because the unlucky because the royal 7RvyQNc3sVA-00433-00308520-00309432 library of Sweden has made a Digidel that where all the Swedish library staff can go and they 7RvyQNc3sVA-00434-00309432-00310296 can do some training within the digital arena but also before that was available we had different um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00435-00310528-00311240 presenters and different workshops and so in the library and also the ones that are really 7RvyQNc3sVA-00436-00311240-00311896 good at something they train their colleagues so if they they for example they have been working 7RvyQNc3sVA-00437-00311896-00312760 with literacy and one of the robots then they can invite interest interested colleagues to um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00438-00312816-00313384 take part of the workshop where they can learn how to use the same robot so they learn from each 7RvyQNc3sVA-00439-00313384-00314000 other [Stephen Wyber] In fact the same question would be interesting to to pass it because I know 7RvyQNc3sVA-00440-00314000-00314736 that again the light of new if we're going beyond the simple idea of a library being a place where 7RvyQNc3sVA-00441-00314736-00315192 you can access a computer that is connected to the internet and rather you're thinking about 7RvyQNc3sVA-00442-00315192-00315800 how do you actually empower is a loaded word so we should use it but how do you make sure 7RvyQNc3sVA-00443-00315800-00316576 that users do have skills the confidence to do things you need staff to help I'm not sure ah? 7RvyQNc3sVA-00444-00316576-00316976 [Patrick Losinski] 7RvyQNc3sVA-00445-00316976-00317760 Yeah Stephen I I think it just um it's a difference about whether or not we're going to be 7RvyQNc3sVA-00446-00317856-00318904 um passive or active and I think the you know the difference is maybe a library that I grew 7RvyQNc3sVA-00447-00318904-00319840 up with or started working in many years ago was one where we responded if asked now I think it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00448-00319840-00320832 just has to be a very different approach where um we are outselling that expertise and you know 7RvyQNc3sVA-00449-00320832-00321328 we also have to make sure that we're developing enough of that expertise within our own people 7RvyQNc3sVA-00450-00321392-00322216 so that they're able to deliver and I think one thing that we perhaps don't talk enough about 7RvyQNc3sVA-00451-00322216-00323008 that I think is one of our critical assets is we have the ability to facilitate the work of other 7RvyQNc3sVA-00452-00323008-00323880 organizations within the lot by leveraging the libraries physical and digital assets we can 7RvyQNc3sVA-00453-00323880-00324664 help other organizations who do similar work they can do it better if we have partnership with them 7RvyQNc3sVA-00454-00324664-00325488 so sometimes we say well how can we possibly do this work our staff are so busy already maybe it's 7RvyQNc3sVA-00455-00325488-00326064 about bringing others in to actually do that work in our locations so it's just about thinking about 7RvyQNc3sVA-00456-00326064-00326696 it differently than we have and and creatively. [Stephen Wyber] I think that that you're 7RvyQNc3sVA-00457-00326696-00327168 completely right I think it's definitely something we hear in Europe us elsewhere the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00458-00327168-00327728 idea of libraries not trying to be the provider of everything I know there's a again it's an 7RvyQNc3sVA-00459-00327728-00328184 issue that gets plenty of debate going that life is trying to do everything and try to be 7RvyQNc3sVA-00460-00328184-00328584 active all trade but of course if you're a jack of all trades you're also a master of none 7RvyQNc3sVA-00461-00328656-00329064 so working out how you can compliment how you can add in is so important 7RvyQNc3sVA-00462-00329064-00329800 we had a couple of questions which was sort of I unless I've misunderstood them a semi-linked in 7RvyQNc3sVA-00463-00329800-00330384 terms of this thinking about how you reach out and how you understand the needs of users so Stephen 7RvyQNc3sVA-00464-00330384-00330896 Abraham has mentioned beyond digital skills do you do cross-cultural training and social service 7RvyQNc3sVA-00465-00330896-00331464 and anti-poverty acculturation and then Amy l has asked Catharina in particular about the new 7RvyQNc3sVA-00466-00331464-00332040 dialogue tool provided by the city to connect with community members and how these how this works so 7RvyQNc3sVA-00467-00332248-00332808 Catharina do you want to go first on that? [Catharina] Yeah I just posted a link on 7RvyQNc3sVA-00468-00332808-00333456 the dialogue tool it's unfortunately in Swedish but hopefully Google translate will uh help us 7RvyQNc3sVA-00469-00333640-00334232 it's brand new and when it started the city decided that five different 7RvyQNc3sVA-00470-00334400-00334992 projects were going to be part of it and the news main library was one of those and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00471-00335064-00335632 it's a tool that when you log into it you can make different you can make workshops and you can have 7RvyQNc3sVA-00472-00335696-00336408 different questionnaires and things like that but it's also a place where you can post what you find 7RvyQNc3sVA-00473-00336408-00336912 in the different uh interventions that you do with them with the inhabitants and the users 7RvyQNc3sVA-00474-00336992-00337976 so it's a way to both showcase what you have seen in the different involvement 7RvyQNc3sVA-00475-00338248-00339328 activities and I must say that we did actually hire a skilled person an expert within this field 7RvyQNc3sVA-00476-00339400-00340384 a year ago in order to really be able to work with um design thinking of libraries in a very uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00477-00340464-00340936 professional way much more professional than we have been doing it earlier 7RvyQNc3sVA-00478-00340936-00341520 [Stephen Wyber] and I guess then to passive ticked on the the topic of 7RvyQNc3sVA-00479-00341600-00342120 these that you already talked about doing carrying out research and understanding why people weren't 7RvyQNc3sVA-00480-00342120-00342656 connecting what were the underlying factors to what extent was their training was their work 7RvyQNc3sVA-00481-00342656-00343136 within the library as well I'm sure it's there latently but to actually understand 7RvyQNc3sVA-00482-00343136-00343672 these conflicts cross-cultural training? [Patrick Losinski] Yeah I I would a couple 7RvyQNc3sVA-00483-00343672-00344480 of things I would add here i uh the first is that uh we we find ourselves partnering often with the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00484-00344480-00345336 community foundation because I think they see the aspect of community that flows through the public 7RvyQNc3sVA-00485-00345336-00345912 library system so when they think about community issues you know we can call ourselves libraries 7RvyQNc3sVA-00486-00345912-00346672 but we all know that we're community centers these days as well and they had a they had sponsored 7RvyQNc3sVA-00487-00346800-00347632 during the pandemic an opportunity for non-profits to apply to be in extensive training with 7RvyQNc3sVA-00488-00347632-00348192 Stanford University on this human-centered design and we're really big on it because 7RvyQNc3sVA-00489-00348288-00349160 I think as we we look back what we find is that we have well-intentioned people working in our 7RvyQNc3sVA-00490-00349160-00349960 libraries who really don't understand the needs and challenges of some of the users that we're 7RvyQNc3sVA-00491-00349960-00350584 trying to help and some of those individuals feel overwhelmed by the number of people who are trying 7RvyQNc3sVA-00492-00350584-00351368 to help them and frankly get it wrong so it's really shifting our focus to say we need to start 7RvyQNc3sVA-00493-00351424-00351888 and and I know Stephen asked about cultural literacy and cultural sensitivity 7RvyQNc3sVA-00494-00351960-00352576 uh of course in the U.S. right now so much work being done around racial equity um 7RvyQNc3sVA-00495-00352656-00353280 you know the the challenges and expectations of a of a well-prepared library staff member I don't 7RvyQNc3sVA-00496-00353280-00354016 think have ever been greater in my entire time of working in library and yet someone put in the the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00497-00354016-00354824 chat the notion of of what was the word that was used here or phrase something about um creating oh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00498-00354824-00355664 uh to practice radical trust well to to practice radical trust we need to be radically prepared 7RvyQNc3sVA-00499-00355752-00356328 and you know so you say well how how do you how do you find this balance between the work that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00500-00356328-00356912 needs to be done and the education and the preparation to be able to meet our community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00501-00356912-00357504 where they are not where we think they are and and that's just a big shift for us and 7RvyQNc3sVA-00502-00357576-00358376 you know we we talk we put this under the umbrella of digital equity um that's not equality equity is 7RvyQNc3sVA-00503-00358376-00359040 something else and that takes a different level of sensitivity and I think libraries have the 7RvyQNc3sVA-00504-00359040-00359432 ability to lead in this space because of the amount of trust that we have already 7RvyQNc3sVA-00505-00359512-00360096 but I can tell you every day I'm challenged to think are we doing enough in this space 7RvyQNc3sVA-00506-00360096-00360512 to really meet the needs of our um very diverse community 7RvyQNc3sVA-00507-00360664-00361048 sorry I rambled on a bit there. [Catharina Isberg] I would just like to add to 7RvyQNc3sVA-00508-00361048-00361792 that that I really think that we should be careful on assuming that we know that what the library 7RvyQNc3sVA-00509-00361864-00362440 users need before we have the customer the Digidel customer 7RvyQNc3sVA-00510-00362608-00363296 competence center we had a lot of computers all around the library as most libraries do 7RvyQNc3sVA-00511-00363416-00364104 and when the city was going to have make a new service policy a couple of years ago we were one 7RvyQNc3sVA-00512-00364104-00364976 of the projects where we were involved in making a customer journey mapping and we made that customer 7RvyQNc3sVA-00513-00364976-00365896 journey mapping on the library computers and the public library computers and how those were used 7RvyQNc3sVA-00514-00365896-00366648 and one of the main findings that we saw was that when you come to the library you are already 7RvyQNc3sVA-00515-00366824-00367448 feeling outside because you have to go somewhere to get the help that many people can 7RvyQNc3sVA-00516-00367584-00368432 get at home and then when you came to the library all the the computers they were placed so that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00517-00368432-00369088 the staff could pass behind your back to see that you were not doing any pornographic 7RvyQNc3sVA-00518-00369088-00369800 surfing or anything like that and because of that you were doubled uh 7RvyQNc3sVA-00519-00369800-00370616 actually the feeling that someone were watching you and you were outside the community so that 7RvyQNc3sVA-00520-00370616-00371368 was the first thing that we changed how we placed the library uh computers and that we were trusting 7RvyQNc3sVA-00521-00371368-00372032 our library users that because most people they're not using them for pornographic surfing 7RvyQNc3sVA-00522-00372208-00372872 and then we actually built our the entire digital competence center around the findings 7RvyQNc3sVA-00523-00372872-00373544 from that survey and then we have done that several times to develop it further 7RvyQNc3sVA-00524-00373544-00374256 [Stephen Wyber] Thank you it feels like there's probably actually a fantastic bit of work to be 7RvyQNc3sVA-00525-00374256-00374792 done just gathering together all of the lessons from libraries of trying to think about how you 7RvyQNc3sVA-00526-00374792-00375648 can move from digital equality to digital equity I I try to avoid using the the graphic that everyone 7RvyQNc3sVA-00527-00375648-00376416 uses on equity inequality involving fences and boxes um because it gets overused anyway but how 7RvyQNc3sVA-00528-00376416-00376984 do you actually this is really valuable experience and there's not so many organizations that can 7RvyQNc3sVA-00529-00376984-00377688 bring it together at such a scale as libraries so I I'm conscious we're over time um what Don tends 7RvyQNc3sVA-00530-00377688-00378176 to do and given that I don't think he's been able to join me up although the dog is getting excited 7RvyQNc3sVA-00531-00378176-00378952 next to me here um yep um what Don tends to do at the end which I think is just a nice idea anyway 7RvyQNc3sVA-00532-00378952-00379480 is given that if we were in person uh at the end of the session we would be applauding our speakers 7RvyQNc3sVA-00533-00379480-00379872 suggestion is that we should do the same here so I'm going to ask everyone to unmute 7RvyQNc3sVA-00534-00379968-00380576 um I I can't sort of promise to do any sort of Texas whooping in the way that Don would do it 7RvyQNc3sVA-00535-00380576-00381256 I don't I'm British I don't whoop um but I would just encourage everyone to give our speakers a 7RvyQNc3sVA-00536-00381256-00381336 round of applause. [applause] 7RvyQNc3sVA-00537-00381960-00382480 so thank you both we will stay on the line for a little bit I'll stop recording though in a minute 7RvyQNc3sVA-00538-00382480-00383048 and for our regulars uh we're going to take a couple of weeks break at least on the webinars so 7RvyQNc3sVA-00539-00383104-00383448 look in your inboxes for information about the next call 7RvyQNc3sVA-00540-00383448-00383928 and in the meanwhile thanks again Catharina thanks again Pat and I wish you all a very 7RvyQNc3sVA-00541-00383928-00384440 good next couple hopefully next couple weeks summer wherever you are thank you 7TANqljDB_8-00000-00000752-00001476 Just two hours ago, Allied air forces began an attack on military targets in Iraq and Kuwait. 7TANqljDB_8-00001-00001476-00001984 Just after midnight on January 17, 1991, President George H. W. Bush 7TANqljDB_8-00002-00001984-00002319 gave the orders for US forces to lead an attack on Saddam Hussein's army, 7TANqljDB_8-00003-00002320-00002816 making the transition from Operation Desert Shield to Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf War. 7TANqljDB_8-00004-00002834-00003392 Operation Desert Shield began August 2, 1990, and concluded January 16, 1991. 7TANqljDB_8-00005-00003392-00003810 The purpose of the operation was for the U.S. to build up forces in the Persian Gulf 7TANqljDB_8-00006-00003810-00004104 and to provide time to build up the Saudi Arabian defenses. 7TANqljDB_8-00007-00004104-00004472 Operation Desert Storm, led by U.S. Army General Norman Schwarzkopf, 7TANqljDB_8-00008-00004480-00004824 kicked off with an extensive aerial bombing campaign on Hussein's armies 7TANqljDB_8-00009-00004824-00005160 in Iraq and Kuwait around 3 a.m. the same day it began. 7TANqljDB_8-00010-00005166-00005610 The following day, President Bush authorized the order to call up to a million National Guardsmen 7TANqljDB_8-00011-00005610-00005866 and reservists to active duty for up to two years. 7TANqljDB_8-00012-00005890-00006494 February 24, 1991, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force and coalition forces began a ground assault 7TANqljDB_8-00013-00006494-00006838 on Iraqi defenses in the final chapter of Operation Desert Storm. 7TANqljDB_8-00014-00006845-00007318 Along the Persian Gulf the 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions, with their four main task forces, 7TANqljDB_8-00015-00007318-00007688 stormed Iraqi defenses and convinced the defenders that it was the main effort of attack. 7TANqljDB_8-00016-00007688-00008159 Meanwhile heavily armoured Allied forces attacked the Iraqi defenses in Iraq from behind. 7TANqljDB_8-00017-00008159-00008526 At the same time, Marine units of the 4th and 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigades 7TANqljDB_8-00018-00008526-00008944 in the Persian Gulf stopped the Iraqi troops who were anticipating the aquatic attack. 7TANqljDB_8-00019-00008944-00009392 Within a hundred hours U.S. and allied forces defeated the Iraqi army with few U.S. casualties. 7TANqljDB_8-00020-00009412-00009868 President Bush declared a ceasefire February 28th, which ended Operation Desert Storm. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00000-00000078-00000449 Welcome to introduction to angles the goal of this video are to know the 7WgC5lBfWRA-00001-00000468-00000637 basic angle vocabulary 7WgC5lBfWRA-00002-00000664-00000942 and also determine how angles are measured. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00003-00001194-00001464 A portion of a line that starts at A point 7WgC5lBfWRA-00004-00001476-00001776 and continues through B is called Ray. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00005-00001848-00002128 Ray AB can be written using this notation 7WgC5lBfWRA-00006-00002260-00002566 and angle consists of two rays with a common endpoint 7WgC5lBfWRA-00007-00002648-00002910 the two rays called the sides at the angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00008-00002938-00003180 and the common in point is called the vertex. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00009-00003214-00003576 So, here we have the vertex. Here we have one side, here we have another side. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00010-00003642-00003834 There are a couple ways to identify angles. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00011-00003834-00004036 If it call this point A 7WgC5lBfWRA-00012-00004138-00004192 B 7WgC5lBfWRA-00013-00004220-00004318 and C. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00014-00004366-00004830 There's only one angle at vertex. But we can simply just call this angle B. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00015-00004912-00005246 However, we can also call this angle ABC. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00016-00005380-00005590 The important part is at the vertex 7WgC5lBfWRA-00017-00005591-00005749 is that variable in the middle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00018-00005906-00006106 Now, it is true that angle can be formed by two 7WgC5lBfWRA-00019-00006120-00006300 segments with the common endpoint. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00020-00006486-00006890 Each angle has a measure generated by the rotation about the vertex. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00021-00006938-00007352 The measure is determined by the rotation of the terminal side about the initial side. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00022-00007420-00007545 So, here's our initial side 7WgC5lBfWRA-00023-00007618-00007731 and the second ray 7WgC5lBfWRA-00024-00007768-00008038 or the terminal side has been rotated this position 7WgC5lBfWRA-00025-00008095-00008410 and when the rotation is counterclockwise, Its a positive angle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00026-00008472-00008762 The rotation is clockwise, it's a negative angle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00027-00008838-00009175 The units used to measure are either degrees or radians. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00028-00009202-00009458 We will start by discussing degrees. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00029-00009526-00009750 For degree measure we assign 360 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00030-00009774-00009984 to complete rotation of the Ray 7WgC5lBfWRA-00031-00010040-00010328 you could think of this, that the second ray going all the way around 7WgC5lBfWRA-00032-00010352-00010428 the circle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00033-00010464-00010840 Therefore. 1/360th of a complete rotation gives 7WgC5lBfWRA-00034-00010872-00011012 an angle one degree. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00035-00011138-00011360 Angles can be classified based upon their measure 7WgC5lBfWRA-00036-00011428-00011740 Greek letter theta is often used to name each angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00037-00011820-00012114 So just take a look at the different types of angles 7WgC5lBfWRA-00038-00012190-00012644 if an angle measures between zero in ninety degrees as we see here 7WgC5lBfWRA-00039-00012696-00012841 it's called an Acute Angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00040-00012928-00013128 An angle that equals exactly ninety degrees. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00041-00013174-00013274 is a Right Angle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00042-00013378-00013636 and then any angle between ninety and 180. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00043-00013696-00013863 it's called the Obtuse Angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00044-00013978-00014263 until we reach angle of exactly 180 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00045-00014263-00014387 which is a straight angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00046-00014460-00014762 then any angle between 180 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00047-00014776-00014952 and 360 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00048-00014986-00015151 its called a reflex angle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00049-00015213-00015416 and then once you reached 360 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00050-00015460-00015660 it's called a Full angle. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00051-00015802-00016094 Let's take a moment to see how we measure angles 7WgC5lBfWRA-00052-00016184-00016482 In trigonometry, we do not spend much time measuring angles. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00053-00016512-00016638 but in geometry you do 7WgC5lBfWRA-00054-00016714-00016972 and the way you measure angles as with a tool called 7WgC5lBfWRA-00055-00016972-00017078 a Protractor 7WgC5lBfWRA-00056-00017078-00017246 which we see here 7WgC5lBfWRA-00057-00017348-00017548 For example, if we had an angle here 7WgC5lBfWRA-00058-00017575-00017841 between these two red rays we continue to measures 7WgC5lBfWRA-00059-00017892-00018048 seventy-three degrees by landing at the 7WgC5lBfWRA-00060-00018065-00018214 initial ray here 7WgC5lBfWRA-00061-00018274-00018498 and measuring from the terminal side. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00062-00018624-00018766 Some protractors 7WgC5lBfWRA-00063-00018804-00019144 have 360 degrees but most only have 180. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00064-00019188-00019534 So, for had anger that was more than 180 degrees we would have to 7WgC5lBfWRA-00065-00019582-00019776 rotate this protractor to find 7WgC5lBfWRA-00066-00019846-00020046 the full measure of that angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00067-00020104-00020250 Let's go and take a look at 7WgC5lBfWRA-00068-00020300-00020520 Complementary and Supplementary angles. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00069-00020570-00020965 If the sum of the measures of two positive angles is ninety degrees, 7WgC5lBfWRA-00070-00020986-00021190 the angles are called Complimentary. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00071-00021242-00021420 So, in this case we have the measure 7WgC5lBfWRA-00072-00021466-00021752 angle A plus the measure of angle B 7WgC5lBfWRA-00073-00021826-00021968 equals ninety degrees. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00074-00022076-00022260 Now, the sum two angles. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00075-00022388-00022788 Now, the sum of the measures of two positive angles is 180 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00076-00022890-00023064 the angle are called Supplementary. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00077-00023098-00023332 So, in this case we'll have to measure of angle A 7WgC5lBfWRA-00078-00023390-00023560 plus the measure of angle B 7WgC5lBfWRA-00079-00023616-00023816 equals 180 degrees. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00080-00023852-00024074 Let's go and take a look at a couple examples 7WgC5lBfWRA-00081-00024140-00024300 Two angles are complementary, 7WgC5lBfWRA-00082-00024392-00024638 One angle measures five x degrees while the other 7WgC5lBfWRA-00083-00024654-00024800 measures four x degrees, 7WgC5lBfWRA-00084-00024842-00025030 what is the measure a each angle? 7WgC5lBfWRA-00085-00025156-00025328 so we start with the right angle 7WgC5lBfWRA-00086-00025484-00025712 We'll divided into two different angles 7WgC5lBfWRA-00087-00025770-00025970 where one angle is equal to 7WgC5lBfWRA-00088-00026001-00026125 five x degrees, 7WgC5lBfWRA-00089-00026188-00026388 and the others equal to four x degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00090-00026468-00026802 for these examples I'll leave the units off until the end 7WgC5lBfWRA-00091-00026845-00027202 So, they are complementary we have four x plus five x 7WgC5lBfWRA-00092-00027283-00027426 equals ninety 7WgC5lBfWRA-00093-00027477-00027677 So, we solve this equation we have nine 7WgC5lBfWRA-00094-00027683-00028024 x equals ninety dividing both sides by nine 7WgC5lBfWRA-00095-00028116-00028300 we can see x is equal to ten 7WgC5lBfWRA-00096-00028370-00028527 So, if this angle is four x 7WgC5lBfWRA-00097-00028533-00028824 or four times ten. Here we have forty degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00098-00028888-00029164 and here we would have five time ten or fifty degrees. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00099-00029318-00029512 let's take a look at one more example. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00100-00029512-00029733 Now, we have two angles that are supplementary 7WgC5lBfWRA-00101-00029772-00029872 so they would form 7WgC5lBfWRA-00102-00029912-00030074 180 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00103-00030206-00030506 and its says here that one measures seven x 7WgC5lBfWRA-00104-00030697-00030927 degrees and the other one is five x 7WgC5lBfWRA-00105-00030956-00031094 was thirty-six degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00106-00031200-00031536 so again the sum of these two angles were now equal 7WgC5lBfWRA-00107-00031536-00031689 180 degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00108-00031783-00032014 so we have five x plus thirty-six 7WgC5lBfWRA-00109-00032114-00032322 plus seven x equals 180 7WgC5lBfWRA-00110-00032460-00032626 so we solve this equation 7WgC5lBfWRA-00111-00033240-00033510 subtract thirty-six on both sides 7WgC5lBfWRA-00112-00033621-00033741 divide by twelve 7WgC5lBfWRA-00113-00033884-00034026 here we have x equals twelve 7WgC5lBfWRA-00114-00034206-00034476 So, if x is twelve, seven times twelve 7WgC5lBfWRA-00115-00034578-00034794 give us eighty-four degrees here 7WgC5lBfWRA-00116-00034878-00035322 and now when I place X with twelve here, five times twelve plus thirty-six 7WgC5lBfWRA-00117-00035372-00035518 be ninety-six degrees 7WgC5lBfWRA-00118-00035616-00035752 I hope you found this video helpful. 7WgC5lBfWRA-00119-00035792-00035864 Thank you for watching. 7WpnCLv_5Bk-00000-00000000-00000200 R9-7950X3D vs R9-7950X Cyberpunk 2077 RTX 4090 7YQejAZ10sg-00000-00000019-00000514 Three young siblings from Emmett, Idaho went missing on three separate occasions. 7YQejAZ10sg-00001-00000514-00001071 In September of 2020, 17-year-old Tristan Sexton went missing. 7YQejAZ10sg-00002-00001071-00001443 In October, 14-year-old Taylor Summers went missing. 7YQejAZ10sg-00003-00001443-00002013 Now, in April of 2021, 8-year-old Taryn Summers has gone missing. 7YQejAZ10sg-00004-00002013-00003175 Police have now arrested the Grandma of the three children for homicide. 7YQejAZ10sg-00005-00003175-00003736 Triston Conner Sexton, Taylor Summers and Taryn Summers are three siblings from Emmett, 7YQejAZ10sg-00006-00003736-00003836 Idaho. 7YQejAZ10sg-00007-00003836-00004250 Emmett is known for being one of the largest cities in the area and this isn’t the city's 7YQejAZ10sg-00008-00004250-00004657 first go-around in terms of terrible crimes that have been committed there. 7YQejAZ10sg-00009-00004657-00005319 On the evening of September 10, 2020, 17-year-old Tristan was last seen a short distance away 7YQejAZ10sg-00010-00005319-00005561 from Airport Road, near highway 52. 7YQejAZ10sg-00011-00005561-00006077 It wouldn’t be 30 days later before his younger sister, Taylor, would go missing from 7YQejAZ10sg-00012-00006077-00006319 this exact location as well. 7YQejAZ10sg-00013-00006319-00006609 After they vanished, no one heard from the teens again. 7YQejAZ10sg-00014-00006609-00007003 There were theories that began to circulate, claiming that the teens may have run away 7YQejAZ10sg-00015-00007003-00007528 - possibly together - but the evidence surrounding this was trivial at best. 7YQejAZ10sg-00016-00007528-00007978 Sadly, around the time that this news broke, the case didn’t receive much attention from 7YQejAZ10sg-00017-00007978-00008189 the media. 7YQejAZ10sg-00018-00008189-00008674 It seemed like it had been swept under the rug in favor of news coverage about the pandemic 7YQejAZ10sg-00019-00008674-00008990 that I’m sure we were all sick of hearing back that point. 7YQejAZ10sg-00020-00008990-00009589 It has now been more than seven months since the two teens disappeared and it seemed like 7YQejAZ10sg-00021-00009589-00010468 the case was going to run cold, until a major bit of news broke in mid-April of 2021. 7YQejAZ10sg-00022-00010468-00010924 On April 12th, Taryn Summers went missing, also in the city of Emmett. 7YQejAZ10sg-00023-00010924-00011024 Where did she go missing? 7YQejAZ10sg-00024-00011024-00011549 Well, you guessed it, near the intersection of Airport Road and highway 52 - just like 7YQejAZ10sg-00025-00011549-00011686 her two siblings. 7YQejAZ10sg-00026-00011686-00012163 What makes Taryn’s case even more shocking is that she was only 8-years-old when she 7YQejAZ10sg-00027-00012163-00012263 went missing. 7YQejAZ10sg-00028-00012263-00012665 While police initially believed they were just about to hit a dead end in the cases 7YQejAZ10sg-00029-00012665-00013284 of these two young girls, Taryn’s disappearance blew the case wide open and all eyes began 7YQejAZ10sg-00030-00013284-00013495 to turn toward members of the family. 7YQejAZ10sg-00031-00013495-00013928 The theory about the teens being runaways was now dead in the water, as there is virtually 7YQejAZ10sg-00032-00013928-00014462 no chance an 8-year-old would disappear of her own free will. 7YQejAZ10sg-00033-00014462-00014910 It’s also more than just a little bit convenient that all of the children disappeared from 7YQejAZ10sg-00034-00014910-00015197 the exact same location. 7YQejAZ10sg-00035-00015197-00015803 Sadly, the worst possible scenario would play out just a few days ago when police announced 7YQejAZ10sg-00036-00015803-00016287 that they had found a body at a home located at 1666 Airport Road. 7YQejAZ10sg-00037-00016287-00016701 I’m going to do my best to keep some of the awful details of this case out of this 7YQejAZ10sg-00038-00016701-00017207 video, because I like to keep these videos as family-friendly as possible. 7YQejAZ10sg-00039-00017207-00017624 Police say that they visited the home of the grandmother of the children, Connie Ann Smith. 7YQejAZ10sg-00040-00017624-00018046 Tha grandmother was the first to report that Taryn Summers had gone missing, but the grandmother 7YQejAZ10sg-00041-00018046-00018362 was insistent that the young girl had run away. 7YQejAZ10sg-00042-00018362-00018787 This obviously didn’t sit well with police, but they entertained this idea until they 7YQejAZ10sg-00043-00018787-00018976 found further evidence. 7YQejAZ10sg-00044-00018976-00019431 Police had visited Connie's home on multiple occasions and it seems like Connie was more 7YQejAZ10sg-00045-00019431-00019685 than willing to cooperate with their investigation. 7YQejAZ10sg-00046-00019685-00020140 What makes the case a bit strange is that, when officers entered her home, they noticed 7YQejAZ10sg-00047-00020140-00020576 that a small patch of carpet in Taryn’s bedroom had been removed. 7YQejAZ10sg-00048-00020576-00020970 It was cut out and the remnants of it were apparently found nearby after Connie had burned 7YQejAZ10sg-00049-00020970-00021070 them. 7YQejAZ10sg-00050-00021070-00021393 It doesn’t seem like police were initially too concerned about this, because Connie’s 7YQejAZ10sg-00051-00021393-00021779 explanation made a lot of sense. 7YQejAZ10sg-00052-00021779-00022318 According to the grandma, Taryn had soiled herself on the carpet, but then proceeded 7YQejAZ10sg-00053-00022318-00022865 to spread the contents around until it would have been nearly impossible to clean the carpet. 7YQejAZ10sg-00054-00022865-00023470 I’ve got to admit, this seems a bit strange for an 8-year-old, but as an 8-year-old, I 7YQejAZ10sg-00055-00023470-00023572 was a bit of a freak. 7YQejAZ10sg-00056-00023572-00023985 So it’s not completely unbelievable that this would have happened. 7YQejAZ10sg-00057-00023985-00024339 When officers continued to search the young girls room, however, they began to notice 7YQejAZ10sg-00058-00024339-00024629 that things just didn’t add up. 7YQejAZ10sg-00059-00024629-00025128 One of the most telling and gruesome details they found was a tiny spot of blood on one 7YQejAZ10sg-00060-00025128-00025288 of the walls in the bedroom. 7YQejAZ10sg-00061-00025288-00025795 This tiny detail blew the case wide open, and immediately the focus began to shift to 7YQejAZ10sg-00062-00025795-00026068 the grandma of these two young girls and young boy. 7YQejAZ10sg-00063-00026068-00026531 At first, it seemed like the grandma couldn’t come up with an adequate explanation for the 7YQejAZ10sg-00064-00026531-00026631 blood. 7YQejAZ10sg-00065-00026631-00026998 This led officers to search every square inch of the rest of her home, and they eventually 7YQejAZ10sg-00066-00026998-00027257 made their way to her car in the front yard. 7YQejAZ10sg-00067-00027257-00027867 They asked her to unlock the doors of her Lexus, and inside they found a black trash 7YQejAZ10sg-00068-00027867-00027967 bag. 7YQejAZ10sg-00069-00027967-00028073 This is where I’m going to stop. 7YQejAZ10sg-00070-00028073-00028579 If you want to learn any more details about the case, you can definitely search it online. 7YQejAZ10sg-00071-00028579-00029082 Everything you could possibly want to know is there, but I can’t say I recommend digging 7YQejAZ10sg-00072-00029082-00029448 any deeper. 7YQejAZ10sg-00073-00029448-00029970 The grandma was immediately charged with first-degree murder, but it seems like these charges were 7YQejAZ10sg-00074-00029970-00030875 altered later on, and she is now facing a plethora of other charges. 7YQejAZ10sg-00075-00030875-00031325 Considering this case is so recent, we don’t know what this may mean for the fate of the 7YQejAZ10sg-00076-00031325-00031454 other children. 7YQejAZ10sg-00077-00031454-00031933 Police have not yet revealed any further information about the case, and obviously, the grandma 7YQejAZ10sg-00078-00031933-00032276 isn’t going to be speaking to anyone else until she makes her way to trial. 7YQejAZ10sg-00079-00032276-00032635 Strangely, we also don’t know where the parents have been throughout this process. 7YQejAZ10sg-00080-00032635-00033166 As it stands, none of the articles I’ve been able to find have mentioned the parents 7YQejAZ10sg-00081-00033166-00033266 even once. 7YQejAZ10sg-00082-00033266-00033619 This story does have a silver lining, though. 7YQejAZ10sg-00083-00033619-00033756 If you could call it that. 7YQejAZ10sg-00084-00033756-00034283 According to East Idaho News, the two other children have been reached and seem to be 7YQejAZ10sg-00085-00034283-00034383 just fine. 7YQejAZ10sg-00086-00034383-00034802 I know I literally *just* said that we don’t know anything else about the other children, 7YQejAZ10sg-00087-00034802-00035346 but I say that because it seems like reporters are repeatedly backtracing their steps and 7YQejAZ10sg-00088-00035346-00035745 updating details on the case. 7YQejAZ10sg-00089-00035745-00036334 Until we see video footage of the other two children, I’m personally hesitant to say 7YQejAZ10sg-00090-00036334-00036806 that they are alive and well - and I certainly wouldn’t want to report that in this video 7YQejAZ10sg-00091-00036806-00037022 when the details are still so fresh. 7YQejAZ10sg-00092-00037022-00037541 With this possibility in mind, it definitely seems like the other two children could have 7YQejAZ10sg-00093-00037541-00038121 genuinely just run away, but I still find it super odd that they all disappeared from 7YQejAZ10sg-00094-00038121-00038499 the exact same location within seven months of each other. 7YQejAZ10sg-00095-00038499-00038769 Why did the other two children flee? 7YQejAZ10sg-00096-00038769-00039421 If they felt like their grandma’s home wasn’t safe, why would they have left their younger 7YQejAZ10sg-00097-00039421-00039971 sister behind, and why would they have evaded contact with police for such a long period 7YQejAZ10sg-00098-00039971-00040257 of time? 7YQejAZ10sg-00099-00040257-00040672 I don’t want to go too much further on this case since the details are continuing to unfold 7YQejAZ10sg-00100-00040672-00041188 in record time, but it seems like Connie Smith has not yet entered a plea in her case, and 7YQejAZ10sg-00101-00041188-00041621 some articles seem to suggest that police may have dropped the initial homicide charge 7YQejAZ10sg-00102-00041621-00041721 against her. 7YQejAZ10sg-00103-00041721-00042162 I don’t typically cover stories that are this recent because there is always such a 7YQejAZ10sg-00104-00042162-00042772 major lack of details, but we will just have to wait and see how this case unfolds. 7YQejAZ10sg-00105-00042772-00043291 There are so many unanswered questions, and I can’t seem to figure out why the other 7YQejAZ10sg-00106-00043291-00043770 two children would have both runaway at such similar times, especially when their younger 7YQejAZ10sg-00107-00043770-00044368 sister met her fate just a few months later. 7YQejAZ10sg-00108-00044368-00044845 Something isn’t adding up here, but I imagine we will get our answers soon enough, even 7YQejAZ10sg-00109-00044845-00046028 if it isn’t anything that we particularly want to hear. 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00000-00000400-00001500 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00001-00001900-00002300 Rejoice! [to more than one person] (Also used to greet and say farewell) 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00002-00002600-00003000 in, by means of 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00003-00003500-00004100 the Lord 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00004-00004500-00005500 Rejoice in the Lord 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00005-00005900-00006600 always. 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00006-00006800-00009000 Rejoice in the Lord always. 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00007-00009400-00009900 again 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00008-00010300-00010600 I will say 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00009-00010800-00011200 Rejoice! [to more than one person] (Also used to greet and say farewell) 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00010-00011500-00012500 I will say it again: Rejoice! 7ZUVnKx1LWk-00011-00012800-00014200 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00000-00000021-00000285 - No, I said that I was the best Cloud 7c6DMN2YMc8-00001-00000285-00000372 in the Smash Four. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00002-00000372-00000508 - [Cameraman] Oh. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00003-00000508-00000664 - Because I was the best. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00004-00000798-00000885 - Do you think it was you or Tweek? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00005-00000885-00001002 - I think it was me. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00006-00001002-00001085 - But-- - You? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00007-00001085-00001168 Yeah, I think it was you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00008-00001168-00001397 And then Tweek and then Komo. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00009-00001397-00001494 - Komorikiri, yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00010-00001494-00001612 - He was third. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00011-00001612-00001695 - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00012-00001695-00001855 - I think I was fourth. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00013-00001855-00001986 And I think Ned was fifth. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00014-00002168-00002299 What do you think? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00015-00002411-00002494 What? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00016-00002494-00002577 You don't know? - No, no. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00017-00002577-00002724 I didn't say anything. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00018-00002724-00002922 (thudding) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00019-00002922-00003052 - [Announcer] Cloud! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00020-00003052-00003344 (triumphant music) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00021-00003743-00003833 - How's it going, everyone? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00022-00003833-00004004 We're going to be talking about Cloud 7c6DMN2YMc8-00023-00004004-00004267 in this new episode of Echo Fox Character Guide 7c6DMN2YMc8-00024-00004267-00004388 with Mew2King and MKLeo. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00025-00004388-00004624 We're going to be talking about Cloud Strife. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00026-00004624-00004892 Even if I never played Final Fantasy VII, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00027-00004892-00005137 I was one of the best Clouds in the Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00028-00005137-00005235 Probably the best one. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00029-00005235-00005488 Jason was a pretty decent Cloud, actually. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00030-00005488-00005743 Like pretty decent, because-- - I beat ZeRo twice. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00031-00005906-00006012 - Think I never did? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00032-00006229-00006365 - But have you ever beat him with Cloud? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00033-00006365-00006472 - No. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00034-00006472-00006653 (all laughing) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00035-00006653-00006950 Okay, I was one of the best Smash 4 Clouds, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00036-00006950-00007181 and even if the character wasn't that good, in my opinion, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00037-00007181-00007334 like everyone used to think, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00038-00007334-00007528 I think he was only the top five. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00039-00007528-00007777 We're going to be talking about Cloud in this episode. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00040-00007777-00007930 That he's even worse in this game, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00041-00007930-00008055 like mid-tier or something. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00042-00008055-00008342 He's completely trash, so just don't play Cloud. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00043-00008342-00008425 You're just going to be-- - Cloud is-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00044-00008425-00008550 Cloud is depression. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00045-00008550-00008853 - So we are just making this video because I wanted you guys 7c6DMN2YMc8-00046-00008853-00009084 to play a better character and have better results. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00047-00009084-00009250 - So let's talk about Cloud's moves. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00048-00009250-00009407 - Let's talk about Cloud's-- - Look at this garbage move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00049-00009407-00009493 Look, it does nothing. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00050-00009493-00009699 - No, I mean, no, we, we-- - This one sucks. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00051-00009699-00009855 Look at this move, this sucks! - I mean, this vide-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00052-00009855-00009960 This video's for you guys-- - What is this? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00053-00009960-00010112 What is this move? - So you don't play a-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00054-00010112-00010300 So you don't play a bad character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00055-00010300-00010401 - Look at this! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00056-00010487-00010644 - He's really bad use of-- - Dude. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00057-00010644-00010846 - It makes me want to kill myself. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00058-00010846-00011018 - Can you look at this? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00059-00011018-00011101 - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00060-00011343-00011540 - Do you see this? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00061-00011540-00011765 - Do you see this? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00062-00011765-00011916 - I can't even nair to shield! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00063-00011916-00012086 Look at him, he sucks! - So you need to make sure 7c6DMN2YMc8-00064-00012086-00012284 that you don't play these trash characters. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00065-00012284-00012404 So sorry. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00066-00012404-00012634 - To be honest, I always wanted to be a Cloud main. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00067-00012634-00012780 This game is just... 7c6DMN2YMc8-00068-00012780-00012954 The game was like, Oh! Everyone is here! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00069-00012954-00013097 And Cloud Strife is-- - Oh my god, just hit! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00070-00013097-00013263 - And Cloud Strife is back! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00071-00013263-00013411 Okay, just stay there-- - This sucks! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00072-00013411-00013494 - Stay there. - So bad! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00073-00013494-00013728 - It actually works, you're just bad at it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00074-00013728-00013822 - It still sucks. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00075-00013822-00013929 - No, you just got to-- - All right, do it again. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00076-00013929-00014012 Do it again. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00077-00014109-00014215 It sucks. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00078-00014215-00014332 - No, it doesn't suck. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00079-00014509-00014614 No, it doesn't. - It sucks. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00080-00014614-00014698 It sucks! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00081-00014698-00014781 - No! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00082-00014781-00014864 - Yes! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00083-00014864-00015081 - Okay, he's a-- - Cloud is a bad character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00084-00015081-00015299 - Okay, besides being bad-- - What kind of 7c6DMN2YMc8-00085-00015299-00015382 character is Cloud? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00086-00015382-00015466 Cloud is a bad character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00087-00015466-00015593 - He's a bad character, but 7c6DMN2YMc8-00088-00015593-00015768 he also is a swordsman character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00089-00015768-00016013 He needs to be playing, like 7c6DMN2YMc8-00090-00016013-00016231 if he was any other, like, Fire Emblem character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00091-00016231-00016492 He needs to be spacing with his sword. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00092-00016492-00016603 - Yeah, let's space with the sword. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00093-00016603-00016691 Wait, wait-- - But he-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00094-00016691-00016869 - When I space with my sword... 7c6DMN2YMc8-00095-00016869-00016974 Oh, wait. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00096-00016974-00017067 - Oh wait. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00097-00017067-00017241 - Have to be touching you to maybe hit you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00098-00017241-00017508 - I mean, he's not always going to be using his sword, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00099-00017508-00017667 He's just going to be using back air and fair. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00100-00017667-00017981 That is the mainly moves he's going to be using. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00101-00017981-00018064 - Yeah, forward and back air 7c6DMN2YMc8-00102-00018064-00018193 is what he pretty much does now. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00103-00018193-00018276 Wanna down air? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00104-00018276-00018359 Guess what? - And obviously-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00105-00018359-00018443 - It disappears before 7c6DMN2YMc8-00106-00018443-00018526 it hits you. - Cloud is 7c6DMN2YMc8-00107-00018526-00018858 the only character that has a Limit mechanic. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00108-00018858-00019088 The Limit is basically like if you press down B, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00109-00019088-00019198 you're going to be charging your Limit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00110-00019198-00019328 In case you play Final Fantasy, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00111-00019328-00019462 you're going to know about this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00112-00019462-00019605 I never played the game, so I don't know. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00113-00019605-00019883 I just know it's a super broken move in the Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00114-00019883-00020001 And this is decent. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00115-00020001-00020093 He's not that bad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00116-00020093-00020350 But in the Smash 4, he used to last forever. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00117-00020350-00020610 Like, if you didn't want to use the whole stock, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00118-00020610-00020867 you're still going to have it at the end of stock. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00119-00020867-00021133 But in this game, if you don't use it before-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00120-00021133-00021303 - Fifteen seconds. - Fifteen seconds, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00121-00021303-00021426 you're just going to lose it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00122-00021426-00021608 - And all the Limit moves are weaker. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00123-00021608-00021747 They're all weaker. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00124-00021747-00021861 - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00125-00021861-00022040 The only good move is side B. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00126-00022040-00022450 Instead of doing like 27, it does 33%. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00127-00022450-00022559 It's actually, like-- - What? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00128-00022559-00022701 I don't think so. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00129-00022701-00022784 - Yeah, it does. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00130-00023006-00023141 See? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00131-00023141-00023231 - Oh, okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00132-00023231-00023399 - It's does like 32, something like that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00133-00023399-00023506 - Okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00134-00023506-00023589 - And it much more used to be, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00135-00023589-00023752 it used to be, like 27-- - I've seen people 7c6DMN2YMc8-00136-00023752-00023965 get hit at the edge at 100 and just live. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00137-00023965-00024073 And the Limit's close to this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00138-00024073-00024210 - It's actually-- - So it does more damage, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00139-00024210-00024347 but it has less knockback. - Does more damage 7c6DMN2YMc8-00140-00024347-00024467 but it has less knockback. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00141-00024467-00024601 It's actually a really strong move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00142-00024601-00024857 - One thing I like to do in Smash 4, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00143-00024857-00025138 I like to do the full hop down air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00144-00025138-00025253 but-- - There's not even exist in 7c6DMN2YMc8-00145-00025253-00025336 this game anymore (laughs). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00146-00025336-00025419 - What? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00147-00025419-00025522 - Doesn't even exist in this game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00148-00025522-00025714 - I know, so, if you try to full hop down air 7c6DMN2YMc8-00149-00025714-00026020 right away, what happens is the game's auto short-hop 7c6DMN2YMc8-00150-00026020-00026223 mechanic makes you short-hop down air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00151-00026223-00026356 and then you get bodied. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00152-00026356-00026562 So, what you have to do is do your down air 7c6DMN2YMc8-00153-00026562-00026760 extra slow, which makes it miss. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00154-00026760-00026936 So if I try full hop down air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00155-00026936-00027120 I have to do it just like I did. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00156-00027120-00027272 If I do it right away, this happens. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00157-00027272-00027475 And if I do it too late, that happens. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00158-00027475-00027558 I have to do it at a certain 7c6DMN2YMc8-00159-00027558-00027679 timing to hit the tall character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00160-00027679-00027793 Otherwise, you can do stuff like this, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00161-00027793-00027876 in a dump move, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00162-00028123-00028283 and then you can do like this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00163-00028283-00028468 That's good at low percentages. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00164-00028608-00028757 The down air and the up air is above force 7c6DMN2YMc8-00165-00028757-00029020 than the last game, but that's something you could do. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00166-00029020-00029362 But the problem is something I used to do here. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00167-00029362-00029677 I used to do double jump down air like this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00168-00029677-00029775 Hey, stop! 7c6DMN2YMc8-00169-00029775-00029906 I used to do stuff like this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00170-00029906-00029989 Don't move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00171-00030125-00030367 Oh, but see how normally that 7c6DMN2YMc8-00172-00030367-00030545 would've alternate canceled in the last game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00173-00030545-00030724 The muscle memory I did, the down air would've 7c6DMN2YMc8-00174-00030724-00030864 alternate canceled and I would've been able to get 7c6DMN2YMc8-00175-00030864-00031105 the Limit, but there you saw I had landing like. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00176-00031105-00031345 They made very, very slight changes, but, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00177-00031345-00031567 as somebody who plays Cloud a lot of the time, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00178-00031567-00031693 I can just do the same muscle memory 7c6DMN2YMc8-00179-00031693-00031943 and feel that, oh, this doesn't work anymore, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00180-00031943-00032106 or the window for something working 7c6DMN2YMc8-00181-00032106-00032357 is much, much smaller than it used to be 7c6DMN2YMc8-00182-00032357-00032536 because I've played him for so much in the last game 7c6DMN2YMc8-00183-00032536-00032716 that I'm able to tell all these differences. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00184-00032716-00032954 It might not seem, oh, one frame here, one frame here. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00185-00032954-00033109 That actually adds up in the combo tree, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00186-00033109-00033291 but, yeah, you can do the down air still, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00187-00033291-00033394 but it's not as good. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00188-00033394-00033654 Generally, you wanna do the back air spacing. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00189-00033654-00033737 You wanna do the back airs and 7c6DMN2YMc8-00190-00033737-00033851 you wanna do the forward airs. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00191-00033851-00034033 I think the forward air is really good. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00192-00034033-00034180 Leo can explain more on that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00193-00034180-00034304 - I mean, normally, the-- - Oh. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00194-00034304-00034487 - The fair is basically the same one, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00195-00034487-00034784 but Smash 4 just has less ending lag. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00196-00034784-00034904 It makes the move super strong, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00197-00034904-00035165 and since the game has a super weird mechanic 7c6DMN2YMc8-00198-00035165-00035526 where you get a weak move at low percentage, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00199-00035526-00035741 you can just get a grab or 7c6DMN2YMc8-00200-00035741-00035917 a side B in case you're playing Cloud. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00201-00035917-00036114 So you can literally be spacing with a fair 7c6DMN2YMc8-00202-00036114-00036242 that is basically the same move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00203-00036242-00036390 I don't know if he actually has less 7c6DMN2YMc8-00204-00036390-00036541 range than he did in Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00205-00036541-00036782 He might, I just don't see it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00206-00036782-00037049 Or he actually lags way less ending lag, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00207-00037049-00037213 so you can just do fair. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00208-00037213-00037347 It do everything you want. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00209-00037347-00037647 - Yeah, at zero percent-- - Only at zero percent. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00210-00037647-00037821 - Yeah. - Same as back air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00211-00037821-00038011 Back air exactly the same move as Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00212-00038011-00038103 Exactly the same move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00213-00038103-00038305 - ZeRo used to do forward air to side B 7c6DMN2YMc8-00214-00038305-00038420 to get a quick zero to 40, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00215-00038420-00038600 or he'll do back air to side B. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00216-00038600-00038829 ZeRo's usually fishing for that with his Cloud. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00217-00038829-00038983 He's always trying to land an aerial at zero 7c6DMN2YMc8-00218-00038983-00039073 and then come with to the side B 7c6DMN2YMc8-00219-00039073-00039281 and just get a quick zero-40. - But that makes you bad, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00220-00039281-00039423 'cause you start getting parry a lot 7c6DMN2YMc8-00221-00039423-00039713 and even if you tried landing grab, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00222-00039713-00040012 he has one of these low-- - He has a frame nine grab 7c6DMN2YMc8-00223-00040012-00040179 that doesn't lead to anything. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00224-00040179-00040336 So you basically can just shield 7c6DMN2YMc8-00225-00040336-00040488 and even if you get grabbed, it's like, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00226-00040488-00040571 who cares? - Look. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00227-00040571-00040667 How's (mumbles)-- - Watch. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00228-00040667-00040807 This is a tomahawk grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00229-00040807-00040890 Watch. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00230-00040890-00041028 This is the fastest you can land grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00231-00041183-00041266 - And you can just react to it 7c6DMN2YMc8-00232-00041266-00041387 'cause he's super slow. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00233-00041387-00041533 He has a frame nine grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00234-00041533-00041640 - It's a frame nine, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00235-00041640-00041883 which also means that if you touch the shield, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00236-00041883-00042135 he has to either up B the shield 7c6DMN2YMc8-00237-00042135-00042259 or he has to roll it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00238-00042259-00042479 He can't just short grab you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00239-00042479-00042614 Just to give an example, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00240-00042614-00042828 most top-tiers have a frame six grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00241-00042828-00043143 Six is the fastest, but half the good characters have six, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00242-00043143-00043451 like Mario, Pikachu, Inkling, Lucina. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00243-00043451-00043680 Many, many other characters, they have a frame six grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00244-00043680-00043998 Frame nine is a huge, significant difference. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00245-00043998-00044238 So it's a frame nine grab that you don't get 7c6DMN2YMc8-00246-00044238-00044333 anything really off of. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00247-00044333-00044496 So basically, the best thing to do when you touch 7c6DMN2YMc8-00248-00044496-00044655 the shield, you just roll away. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00249-00044655-00044813 So you either wanna up B the shield, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00250-00044813-00045018 usually wanna roll away, or you wanna parry. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00251-00045018-00045230 If you're not get, or you wanna hit 'em with anti-air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00252-00045230-00045515 The side B's really good 'cause it does 20 damage. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00253-00045515-00045679 His neutral is pretty much the back airs, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00254-00045679-00045925 the forward airs, the side B, the dashing round 7c6DMN2YMc8-00255-00045925-00046091 side B, and this move. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00256-00046091-00046202 This is pretty much the new way to play Cloud. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00257-00046202-00046437 - Yeah, but always, I mean, he used to be 7c6DMN2YMc8-00258-00046437-00046901 really strong in Smash 4, but the more you, with Cloud, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00259-00046901-00047027 to him to approach, the more he's 7c6DMN2YMc8-00260-00047027-00047110 gonna be charging the Limit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00261-00047110-00047315 - Yeah. - In this game, Limit-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00262-00047315-00047476 - It takes longer to charge. - It takes longer to charge-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00263-00047476-00047668 - You lose it in 15 seconds and it's weaker. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00264-00047668-00047804 - And, like-- - So it's like who cares? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00265-00047804-00047940 - Yeah, it doesn't matter-- - It doesn't matter as much. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00266-00047940-00048055 - 'cause even if he gets Limit, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00267-00048055-00048287 you can just run away 15 seconds-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00268-00048287-00048370 - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00269-00048370-00048606 - But even if you died, you can just stay in the platform 7c6DMN2YMc8-00270-00048606-00048893 and have basically you have a lot of time 7c6DMN2YMc8-00271-00048893-00049202 to just let the Limit run off. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00272-00049202-00049401 That's a really bad thing. - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00273-00049401-00049654 - That's basically, oh, his neutral game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00274-00049654-00050047 You always looking for back air into-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00275-00050047-00050130 - And you wanna run-- - Side B. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00276-00050130-00050255 - I think running around doing this is good too. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00277-00050255-00050377 - Yeah, it's really good on back air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00278-00050377-00050493 - 'Cause he has a pretty good dash, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00279-00050493-00050727 but you know that he's pretty much just looking for this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00280-00050727-00050902 - And he doesn't have one of the best options 7c6DMN2YMc8-00281-00050902-00051086 that was auto-up shield nair 7c6DMN2YMc8-00282-00051086-00051203 and auto-up shield down air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00283-00051203-00051336 - Also before the down tilt, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00284-00051336-00051594 if you hit with this down tilt and combo to up air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00285-00051594-00051879 but look, normally this down tilt, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00286-00051879-00052091 this combos to up air every time for free 7c6DMN2YMc8-00287-00052091-00052236 and you can usually get a few of them. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00288-00052236-00052430 Now, even if you do it completely perfect, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00289-00052430-00052621 I think you can usually jump away. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00290-00052621-00052773 Not to mention the close down air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00291-00052773-00052944 you super jump away from that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00292-00052944-00053069 You don't get anything. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00293-00053069-00053286 Before you got-- - Yeah, he basically 7c6DMN2YMc8-00294-00053286-00053476 doesn't have any of the best things 7c6DMN2YMc8-00295-00053476-00053610 he used to have in Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00296-00053610-00053813 He can't just approach and A. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00297-00053813-00053972 He can't auto-up shield nair. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00298-00053972-00054104 He can't auto-up shield down air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00299-00054104-00054260 He can't even approach with down air anymore. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00300-00054260-00054379 - Might as well just, you honestly might 7c6DMN2YMc8-00301-00054379-00054476 as well just roll away. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00302-00054476-00054607 - Yeah, he only-- - Or parry. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00303-00054607-00054789 - He always has ending lag, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00304-00054789-00055154 and he can't even do falling up air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00305-00055154-00055311 That was one of the best things in Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00306-00055311-00055450 - One of the good things about him 7c6DMN2YMc8-00307-00055450-00055601 is that he can actually air dodge to ledges 7c6DMN2YMc8-00308-00055601-00055714 and recover-- - I mean, I don't 7c6DMN2YMc8-00309-00055714-00055878 care about the up air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00310-00055878-00055961 If you-- - The up air is so bad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00311-00055961-00056145 - If you did falling up air in Smash 4, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00312-00056145-00056383 it was like, okay, it keeps you with the up air 7c6DMN2YMc8-00313-00056383-00056620 12%, then the second one's gonna be 10, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00314-00056620-00056779 then another three are gonna be eight, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00315-00056779-00057077 so you just get, I'm bad at maths, but it's 7c6DMN2YMc8-00316-00057077-00057336 gonna be like 50%, so it was really good. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00317-00057336-00057517 But you can't even do that in this game, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00318-00057517-00057689 so it makes Cloud way... 7c6DMN2YMc8-00319-00057836-00058015 Options out of shield are way worse 7c6DMN2YMc8-00320-00058015-00058167 and approaching that are way worse. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00321-00058167-00058586 So basically you just have back air to space 7c6DMN2YMc8-00322-00058586-00058752 and forward air in case you want space 7c6DMN2YMc8-00323-00058752-00058872 and the same thing on approach. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00324-00058872-00058996 - And if you wanna anti-air them or just 7c6DMN2YMc8-00325-00058996-00059112 any random time, you just side B-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00326-00059112-00059259 - If you see someone jumping over you, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00327-00059259-00059451 you just do side B one and, if it connects, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00328-00059451-00059651 you just do the full side B. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00329-00059651-00059829 Weaknesses are the same on Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00330-00059829-00060038 He doesn't have a pretty good recovery. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00331-00060038-00060209 He has one of the worst recovery in the game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00332-00060209-00060329 He's really good in this game 7c6DMN2YMc8-00333-00060329-00060497 'cause you can just air dodge to a ledge. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00334-00060497-00060670 If they know you're gonna do it-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00335-00060670-00060770 - They literally just spike you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00336-00060770-00060853 So it's like a (mumbles). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00337-00060853-00061007 - They are just gonna spike you and-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00338-00061007-00061166 - Or down tilt you. - You're gonna lose your jump 7c6DMN2YMc8-00339-00061166-00061249 and you die. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00340-00061249-00061460 In Smash 4, you used to have your Limit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00341-00061460-00061549 The Limit helps you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00342-00061549-00061767 Gives you one of the best recovery in the game, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00343-00061767-00062029 but in this game it only lasts 15 seconds. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00344-00062029-00062272 So you don't, it might if you just get off station 7c6DMN2YMc8-00345-00062272-00062625 like this second number 13, so you 7c6DMN2YMc8-00346-00062625-00062776 just have two seconds to recover. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00347-00062776-00063037 You can't even position well, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00348-00063260-00063590 have a good position to just recover with the up B. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00349-00063590-00063891 The Limit was the thing that made Cloud 7c6DMN2YMc8-00350-00063891-00064029 super broken in Smash 4. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00351-00064029-00064194 In this game, it's just like, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00352-00064194-00064470 okay, you're only 15 seconds faster. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00353-00064589-00064866 I mean, you have a super good move, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00354-00064866-00065092 it doesn't kill you at super high percents, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00355-00065092-00065290 and you have a good recovery, so you need to choose 7c6DMN2YMc8-00356-00065290-00065707 about a movement, a good move, or a recovery. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00357-00065707-00065938 Most of the players just choose recovery, right? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00358-00065938-00066043 - Yeah. - So... 7c6DMN2YMc8-00359-00066176-00066267 - But he's not killing you really. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00360-00066267-00066357 - No, it's not gonna kill you, so-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00361-00066357-00066480 - The back air's still strong, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00362-00066480-00066743 but you kinda know that he has to do that now. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00363-00066743-00067054 Before he could throw you off, grabs were better, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00364-00067054-00067137 playing at the ledge was better, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00365-00067137-00067220 - And he was-- - but now he just 7c6DMN2YMc8-00366-00067220-00067303 has to back air. - He was really good 7c6DMN2YMc8-00367-00067303-00067387 at okay, you're gonna-- - So you just parry him. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00368-00067387-00067494 - Try to punch me, I'm just gonna grab you 7c6DMN2YMc8-00369-00067494-00067648 and throw you off stage. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00370-00067648-00067793 But if he tries to-- - Now you just parry him. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00371-00067793-00068114 - He has a frame nine grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00372-00068114-00068281 - That leads to not-- - So you can just react to it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00373-00068281-00068640 - At least if the grab was, he had good throws, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00374-00068640-00068763 it wouldn't be so bad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00375-00068763-00068918 But it's the slow grab that doesn't get it, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00376-00068918-00069038 so that means that if you're fighting him, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00377-00069038-00069247 you don't have to respect his grab much 7c6DMN2YMc8-00378-00069247-00069607 because if he just keeps respecting the sword moves, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00379-00069607-00069868 like if he jumps at you, just parry the aerial, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00380-00069868-00070043 you can just get literally free hits 7c6DMN2YMc8-00381-00070043-00070220 that he can't do anything about. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00382-00070220-00070420 And since his tomahawk empty-laying grab 7c6DMN2YMc8-00383-00070420-00070707 isn't that deadly, you don't have to respect it much, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00384-00070707-00070790 'cause if you lose an action-- - Yeah, and also, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00385-00070790-00070884 he doesn't give anything out-- - it's like, oh, I don't 7c6DMN2YMc8-00386-00070884-00071062 lose that much. - of the grab. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00387-00071062-00071253 If he grabs you, he's not gonna do something-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00388-00071253-00071401 - He can kill you like 200. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00389-00071401-00071609 - He's just gonna grab you, hit you at 200, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00390-00071609-00071692 or grab you-- - Or just throw you 7c6DMN2YMc8-00391-00071692-00071865 to the ledge. - And give like eight percent 7c6DMN2YMc8-00392-00071865-00072044 and put you in a bad situation. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00393-00072044-00072292 Cloud can't do much 'cause he doesn't have the nair, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00394-00072292-00072431 he doesn't have down air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00395-00072431-00072616 and he doesn't have falling up air, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00396-00072616-00072872 so that makes Cloud's edge guard a little worse. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00397-00072872-00073372 And, obviously, it's strange that he can juggle you a lot, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00398-00073524-00073867 but it doesn't matter 'cause you don't have falling up air. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00399-00073867-00073967 That was one of the best things. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00400-00073967-00074201 - And the up air also doesn't kill as early. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00401-00074201-00074284 - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00402-00074284-00074479 And it's actually way too slow 7c6DMN2YMc8-00403-00074479-00074745 and it actually makes way less damage. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00404-00074745-00075129 He used to do 12, and I think it does seven in this game, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00405-00075129-00075376 so like a super nerf. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00406-00075376-00075672 I don't understand exactly, why did you do that? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00407-00075672-00075764 Do you hate (mumbles)? - I don't think it's 7c6DMN2YMc8-00408-00075764-00076029 that big a difference, but it definitely kills a lot, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00409-00076121-00076220 the number that it kills, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00410-00076220-00076399 I do see it kill at like 150 or something. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00411-00076399-00076522 It's higher than before. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00412-00076522-00076618 How sad are you? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00413-00076618-00076807 - I'm missing the player, so I'm okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00414-00076807-00076998 - (laughs) He's not that sad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00415-00076998-00077116 I'm sad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00416-00077116-00077227 - So, yeah, that's super sad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00417-00077227-00077310 Tricks. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00418-00077310-00077494 He doesn't have any tricks (laughs). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00419-00077494-00077616 Basically (laughs)-- - Yeah. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00420-00077616-00077765 - How many tricks? - All the creativity's 7c6DMN2YMc8-00421-00077765-00077848 gone, dude. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00422-00077848-00078099 They just made him boring and bad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00423-00078099-00078232 Last time I used this character, dude, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00424-00078232-00078450 I got so depressed with this character, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00425-00078450-00078668 I don't even remember using him since like December 7c6DMN2YMc8-00426-00078668-00078814 'cause he just depressed me. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00427-00078814-00079183 (Cameraman mumbling) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00428-00079183-00079622 You popped out of my side B 'cause I did it slow? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00429-00079622-00079808 I was just trying to hit confirm. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00430-00079808-00079924 I didn't know you could even do that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00431-00079924-00080056 This is such garbage. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00432-00080056-00080177 I didn't even know that. - It's such garbage (laughs). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00433-00080177-00080344 - Dude, I just did the side B slow. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00434-00080344-00080512 Normally that always works. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00435-00080512-00080738 But I guess if I don't mash the button, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00436-00080738-00081068 well I guess I just have to mash the button every time. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00437-00081068-00081151 (mechanical pinging) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00438-00081151-00081235 Oh, well, guess what? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00439-00081235-00081318 My down air ran out. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00440-00081318-00081436 Look, the down air ran out before it hit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00441-00081436-00081677 That could've hit on the last frame in the other game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00442-00081677-00081834 It disappeared way before it hit him there. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00443-00081834-00082043 Well, you know I'm depressed, so just kill me. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00444-00082043-00082195 - Yeah, we don't need to do that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00445-00082195-00082279 We are just-- - I don't need to do this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00446-00082279-00082362 I don't wanna play anymore. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00447-00082362-00082563 If I play, I'll have depression. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00448-00082563-00082878 I'm just gonna drink this beautiful Celsius Live Fit, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00449-00082878-00083132 and this actually gives me happiness. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00450-00083132-00083238 - Yeah, right? - Except when it hurts 7c6DMN2YMc8-00451-00083238-00083360 finger now to open this. - Let's drink it together. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00452-00083360-00083472 - Open this. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00453-00083472-00083694 - No, I'm gonna open it for you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00454-00083694-00083840 - It's not gonna open itself. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00455-00083840-00083923 - It's gonna open. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00456-00083923-00084101 I'm gonna open it for you. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00457-00084101-00084219 Careful with that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00458-00084219-00084302 (can hisses) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00459-00084302-00084480 So we can just drink it at the same time, okay? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00460-00084480-00084622 - Okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00461-00084622-00084758 - One. - This Celsius gives me 7c6DMN2YMc8-00462-00084758-00084846 more happiness than Cloud ever will. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00463-00084846-00084951 - Like that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00464-00084951-00085330 (upbeat horn music) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00465-00085330-00085590 You need to be showing the mark to the camera. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00466-00085590-00085673 - Oh, yes. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00467-00085956-00086162 - One, two, three. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00468-00086591-00086711 - I spilled it (laughs). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00469-00086903-00087066 Where's my phone? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00470-00087066-00087200 - In my ass. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00471-00087200-00087283 - Wait, where's my phone? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00472-00087283-00087366 My phone was here. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00473-00087366-00087449 Where is it? - In my ass. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00474-00087449-00087551 - Where is it? - Inside your (mumbles). 7c6DMN2YMc8-00475-00087551-00087634 - [Mew2King] Oh. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00476-00087634-00087815 - Okay, so like in any other video, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00477-00087815-00088063 we're gonna be ranking Cloud's attributes. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00478-00088063-00088417 - Okay. - This trash player, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00479-00088417-00088502 I mean character. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00480-00088646-00088729 - Okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00481-00088729-00088851 Combos. - Don't let-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00482-00088851-00088980 - So we're doing combos first. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00483-00088980-00089063 - Yep. - Yep. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00484-00089063-00089146 - Okay. - Okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00485-00089146-00089229 - I give it a S-- - Should be like 7c6DMN2YMc8-00486-00089229-00089448 a one, two, three. - For shit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00487-00089448-00089816 (Cameraman laughing) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00488-00089816-00090156 - Can I give it a C, says that chit. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00489-00090287-00090551 So basically the same thing, just with a C instead of an S. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00490-00090696-00091028 Okay, so we're gonna go to the edge guarding, okay? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00491-00091118-00091258 - Okay. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00492-00091258-00091451 All right, for edge guarding-- - One, two, three. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00493-00091451-00091621 - I give it an A for ass. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00494-00091621-00091906 - I give it an F for Superbad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00495-00091906-00092164 Press F in the chat, please. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00496-00092164-00092285 Press F for Cloud. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00497-00092285-00092483 So we're gonna go to neutral game. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00498-00092573-00092667 - [Mew2King] I give it a B. It's like average. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00499-00092667-00092876 - [MKLeo] I do D, for decent. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00500-00092876-00092972 Kill power. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00501-00093199-00093345 Does he even have kill power? 7c6DMN2YMc8-00502-00093618-00093733 - [Mew2King] I think it's kind of average. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00503-00093733-00093845 - [MKLeo] I think it's an A. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00504-00093845-00093958 He gonna still kill you with a 7c6DMN2YMc8-00505-00093958-00094078 Limit cross slash super early. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00506-00094078-00094251 - Yeah, but I've seen Limit cross slash 7c6DMN2YMc8-00507-00094251-00094603 not kill at the edge at 100, and them being in the hundreds 7c6DMN2YMc8-00508-00094603-00094755 from the edge, from the Limit cross slash, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00509-00094755-00094934 and people being alive, so that made me-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00510-00094934-00095209 - He's so mad. - depressed when I saw that. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00511-00095209-00095384 - And then movement. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00512-00095384-00095575 - I think it's one of the good things he has is movement. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00513-00095575-00095659 - Yeah, he has a very good movement. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00514-00095793-00095939 - That's one of the few things I would say 7c6DMN2YMc8-00515-00095939-00096044 that's good with him. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00516-00096396-00096520 B for bad. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00517-00096520-00096689 - He's just there. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00518-00096689-00096838 (Cameraman laughs) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00519-00096838-00097040 - I had to debate between B or D. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00520-00097165-00097340 D for depression. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00521-00097340-00097688 - Okay, in case you enjoyed this video-- 7c6DMN2YMc8-00522-00097688-00097911 - I'm too depressed. - Think that we did it. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00523-00097911-00098128 I will ask you guys to subscribe. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00524-00098128-00098300 Here is the button right here, 7c6DMN2YMc8-00525-00098300-00098745 so in case you like it and you want to keep watching 7c6DMN2YMc8-00526-00098745-00099217 these kind of videos, we're gonna work hard. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00527-00099217-00099545 We're just gonna be playing the game a little bit 7c6DMN2YMc8-00528-00099545-00099725 so we're not sad anymore. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00529-00099815-00100315 And so please, guys, take care. 7c6DMN2YMc8-00530-00100350-00100533 (downtrodden piano music) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00531-00100533-00100752 (rapid metallic pings) 7c6DMN2YMc8-00532-00100752-00100931 - [Narrator] I won't sleep well tonight. 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00000-00000007-00000513 hey guys this is Rochey with expat audio here. It's been a quiet couple of months 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00001-00000513-00000867 here we've just had a renovation finished on the house and the garage 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00002-00000867-00001212 where I normally do all my work was where we kept all the equipment from all 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00003-00001212-00001613 the guys working and so on and so I've got components all over the place 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00004-00001613-00001973 everything's being a mess it still is a bit of a mess to be honest with you but 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00005-00001973-00002391 I want to share in this video a little setup I've done for my inventory system 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00006-00002391-00002868 so some of you may remember from before that I have an inventory system that I 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00007-00002868-00003468 have a product ID for most things but now I've got seven of these boxes these 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00008-00003468-00003870 bin boxes and so on set up now seven on the different components and so on I've 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00009-00003870-00004251 got no way of tracking it right now so in this video we're gonna basically set 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00010-00004251-00004611 up a system so that each of these gets numbered and I can scan the barcode for 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00011-00004611-00005091 the box and the container and then each of the individual boxes and then look it 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00012-00005091-00005550 up in a database so that if I ever need a one kiloohm resistor that I can pull 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00013-00005550-00005868 up quickly it'll tell you which box to go looking in and then the extension of 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00014-00005868-00006159 that in the future is to have LEDs behind and all that kind of thing but 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00015-00006159-00006745 now let's get started 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00016-00007133-00007551 so I'm based in Dallas Texas and we have a garage here where we keep a lot of 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00017-00007551-00007980 inventory in the lab and everything else and then I also have a site that does 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00018-00007980-00008412 all the shipping from the towns just outside of Dallas for the inventory 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00019-00008412-00008784 system we keep everything on a server over in the air over in Europe and it 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00020-00008784-00009252 runs a database that runs my sequel my seed ball has the database it's holding 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00021-00009252-00009771 all the data and it serves that data out I can go to a website and you know 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00022-00009771-00010260 internally on the server it pulls the my sequel database formats to the page is 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00023-00010260-00010698 it with me but if I want to update anything or do anything kind of behind 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00024-00010698-00011240 the scenes then I needed a more secure method to get in and so what I have is a 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00025-00011240-00011790 secure tunnel if you will using SSH and that creates a local link between the 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00026-00011790-00012261 computer I'm using here in Dallas and the server so that I can create programs 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00027-00012261-00012669 in Python for instance that do different things with that server and the Python 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00028-00012669-00013091 programs think they just talking to the local computer searching through the 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00029-00013091-00013443 inventory is handled by the server that she creates a website that I can go to 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00030-00013443-00013919 that's handled by my sequel of the database and then also PHP that runs on 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00031-00013919-00014475 top of it any writings of the databases then handled by local applications 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00032-00014475-00014904 running on local pcs for instance this one here has been designed so I can scan 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00033-00014904-00015323 lots of bins of parts and put them in storage and tag them with a piece of 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00034-00015323-00015606 storage this little Python program actually 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00035-00015606-00016097 prints out labels for me so I put in a PID number which is an expert or do 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00036-00016097-00016587 number and it connects to the database pulls in the name of the product pulls 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00037-00016587-00016887 in what the barcode should look like and so on and prints labels onto these 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00038-00016887-00017313 little one of the half-inch tables that I have now I may seem like I'm really 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00039-00017313-00017775 smart with software and so on but really this is 42 lines of code for instance to 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00040-00017775-00018360 do that bulk right so I scan the major storage unit and then I scan the boxes 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00041-00018360-00018681 inside it one after another that was 42 lines of code 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00042-00018681-00019151 his first bit connects to the database and everything else is simply you know 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00043-00019151-00019575 scan this and do something with that data all right guys so to check out some 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00044-00019575-00020000 of the code that I've made and some of the setup I've put stuff on my github 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00045-00020000-00020493 even though I'm not sure I need 40 github for forty two lines of code but 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00046-00020493-00020954 it's there come check it out I'm on my name on github is audio roachie there's 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00047-00020954-00021326 a link below and if you like what you've seen or if you have any questions please 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00048-00021326-00021879 comment in the down below in the YouTube comments and yeah like the video 7jgMQHc8Ugc-00049-00021879-00022448 subscribe and we'll see where else we take this take care folks bye 7jO-BifnY24-00000-00000013-00000550 hello how are you good today let's do an exquisite tortilla stuffed with cheese 7jO-BifnY24-00001-00000550-00001089 tartu fatá arzúa and onion caramelized 7jO-BifnY24-00002-00001578-00002022 with some eggs that are incredible from chickens raised on the floor of 7jO-BifnY24-00003-00002022-00002493 nature you have to try them in addition these are going to hallucinate with the little secret 7jO-BifnY24-00004-00002493-00003021 what they have inside, let's start we need some potatoes these are 7jO-BifnY24-00005-00003021-00003548 small but around four or five potatoes the arzúa cheese that you will see 7jO-BifnY24-00006-00003548-00003993 the tartuffe ties we are going to use five onion eggs 7jO-BifnY24-00007-00003993-00004580 caramelised and oil and a little salt let's cut the fries 7jO-BifnY24-00008-00004580-00005671 as for an omelette this thick more or less we fry the potatoes 7jO-BifnY24-00009-00005671-00006181 very carefully that the oil does not spill out 7jO-BifnY24-00010-00006520-00007025 when the potatoes are golden, let's go to drain the 7jO-BifnY24-00011-00007025-00007384 and let's go with the eggs 7jO-BifnY24-00012-00007648-00008125 wallace and there is the secret 7jO-BifnY24-00013-00008125-00008886 amazing eggs with two yolks and 7jO-BifnY24-00014-00008886-00009380 they are and you avoid small but it spreads a lot so let's take 7jO-BifnY24-00015-00009380-00009827 only four eggs 7jO-BifnY24-00016-00010411-00011081 to beat the eggs add the potatoes to the egg 7jO-BifnY24-00017-00011439-00012024 and the caramelized onion and this we are going to wait a little bit 7jO-BifnY24-00018-00012024-00012609 stir it well so that everything is integrated and that we do not forget the spoon of 7jO-BifnY24-00019-00012609-00012926 give your fault 7jO-BifnY24-00020-00013428-00013944 how does this smell brutal 7jO-BifnY24-00021-00014469-00014931 we put a little oil in the frying pan and we are going to add half of the 7jO-BifnY24-00022-00014931-00015183 tortilla 7jO-BifnY24-00023-00015481-00015903 we cut the arzúa cheese 7jO-BifnY24-00024-00016174-00016491 look what we believe milestone 7jO-BifnY24-00025-00016691-00017236 and we are going to put it in our tortilla 7jO-BifnY24-00026-00017236-00017934 and now we are going to cover with the rest of the tortilla 7jO-BifnY24-00027-00017947-00018357 It is the critical moment to turn the tortilla 7jO-BifnY24-00028-00018467-00019217 p wow wow wow you paint vintage 7jO-BifnY24-00029-00020100-00020375 perfect 7jO-BifnY24-00030-00020381-00020793 and here you have it practically ready to plate 7jO-BifnY24-00031-00020793-00021434 well here we have our omelette finished let's see inside how 7jO-BifnY24-00032-00021434-00021673 remains 7jO-BifnY24-00033-00022397-00022697 nothing 7kZSP46wmCM-00000-00000003-00000519 (bobby and nathan burns) and is basically saying that I am could because he's an ex drug addict he knows 7kZSP46wmCM-00001-00000519-00000930 what drug addicts look like and obviously I'm a drug addict so first 7kZSP46wmCM-00002-00000930-00001355 Bobby burns goes out there I was hating on Shane Dawson and that was coming 7kZSP46wmCM-00003-00001355-00001652 after me but don't worry everybody in this video 7kZSP46wmCM-00004-00001652-00002030 I'm gonna teach you some very important lessons and always being mindful about 7kZSP46wmCM-00005-00002030-00003090 what you say and how to cover your own ass 7kZSP46wmCM-00006-00003125-00003582 what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired saw when we talked about the 7kZSP46wmCM-00007-00003582-00003962 problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is 7kZSP46wmCM-00008-00003962-00004254 all about mental health and what I like to do is pull different topics from the 7kZSP46wmCM-00009-00004254-00004593 YouTube community try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional 7kZSP46wmCM-00010-00004593-00004923 well-being so if the Internet make sure you subscribe and bring that 7kZSP46wmCM-00011-00004923-00005346 notification bell but throughout this video I want you to remember that intro 7kZSP46wmCM-00012-00005346-00005823 what I like to do is pull different topics from the YouTube community to 7kZSP46wmCM-00013-00005823-00006264 teach you how to improve your mental and emotional well-being so it's been a 7kZSP46wmCM-00014-00006264-00006593 couple months since Bobby balloons has released a video I follow him on 7kZSP46wmCM-00015-00006593-00006939 Instagram I thought he was making a buddy video with his brother Nate I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00016-00006939-00007379 like oh snap that's pretty cool and then I got tweeted out and I got some 7kZSP46wmCM-00017-00007379-00007697 comments on my videos and they said hey Bobby Burns is talking about you in his 7kZSP46wmCM-00018-00007697-00008043 new video I'm like what and then somebody else tweeted out and said that 7kZSP46wmCM-00019-00008043-00008418 they're not happy with Bobby burns for calling me out I'm like wait what's 7kZSP46wmCM-00020-00008418-00008868 going on here cuz I'm a pretty cool dude right and I watched the video and I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00021-00008868-00009435 like oh no no no no no no but there's some very important lessons to be 7kZSP46wmCM-00022-00009435-00009906 learned here so I'm gonna show you a quick clip from the video that Bobby 7kZSP46wmCM-00023-00009906-00010296 balloons and Nathan burns just released called clearing things up there's a 7kZSP46wmCM-00024-00010296-00011018 youtuber the rewired saw guy and he has made basically his channel by making 7kZSP46wmCM-00025-00011018-00011339 videos on me he made a video called please stop enabling Bobby burns which 7kZSP46wmCM-00026-00011339-00012060 has 163 thousand views and in this video he basically says no not basically he 7kZSP46wmCM-00027-00012060-00012596 actually says you'd have to be an idiot to believe that I wasn't under the 7kZSP46wmCM-00028-00012596-00013219 influence of drugs when I wrecked my car and is basically saying that I am kid 7kZSP46wmCM-00029-00013219-00013681 because he's an ex drug addict he knows what drug addicts look like and 7kZSP46wmCM-00030-00013681-00014116 obviously I'm a drug addict so yeah Bobby burns and Nathan are kind 7kZSP46wmCM-00031-00014116-00014440 of upset because I called him a drug addict and you're not supposed to 7kZSP46wmCM-00032-00014440-00014908 diagnose people and they ref was Kati Morton and what happened with Shane 7kZSP46wmCM-00033-00014908-00015394 Dawson there's a difference in someone who maybe is a professional in something 7kZSP46wmCM-00034-00015394-00015838 talking with someone interviewing them getting information based off of that 7kZSP46wmCM-00035-00015838-00016486 and someone watching an entertainers content making a diagnosis of their 7kZSP46wmCM-00036-00016486-00016963 mental state based off of and like the real reason he's all this it's like and 7kZSP46wmCM-00037-00016963-00017332 there was already backlash from Shane's thing of where they brought the lady it 7kZSP46wmCM-00038-00017332-00018022 was like watching Jake I was curious sound like me I made this video a couple 7kZSP46wmCM-00039-00018022-00018364 months ago but that doesn't sound like something I would do so I went back and 7kZSP46wmCM-00040-00018364-00019059 i rewatch that video and here's what I actually said so before I get started 7kZSP46wmCM-00041-00021567-00022006 ladies and gentlemen is why you always put disclaimers in your videos even 7kZSP46wmCM-00042-00022006-00022612 though you know nobody's gonna pay attention to them either all right you 7kZSP46wmCM-00043-00022612-00023203 guys I am very careful with what I say all right very very careful and I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00044-00023203-00023515 gonna talk a little bit more about my channel and what it's you know what it's 7kZSP46wmCM-00045-00023515-00023884 all about and everything because I'm knowing that Bobby saw this I do want to 7kZSP46wmCM-00046-00023884-00024184 clear some stuff up Bobby if you watch this hopefully it clears some stuff up 7kZSP46wmCM-00047-00024184-00024715 because no bad blood between us brother I love you baby but anyways so this I 7kZSP46wmCM-00048-00024715-00025114 knew for a fact I knew for a fact that I didn't say Bobby burns was a drug addict 7kZSP46wmCM-00049-00025114-00025438 because I never do that all right like I never do that unless somebody is 7kZSP46wmCM-00050-00025438-00025927 a self-admitted drug addict or alcoholic here's why when I got sober like the 7kZSP46wmCM-00051-00025927-00026258 first thing you do a lot of people not everybody what a lot of people 7kZSP46wmCM-00052-00026258-00026641 when they first get sober they wanted one around diagnosing everybody is drug 7kZSP46wmCM-00053-00026641-00026981 addicts now dollars they want to go tell their mom Oh mom you're an alcoholic you 7kZSP46wmCM-00054-00026981-00027253 want to go tell their brother oh you're a drug addict you want to go tell their 7kZSP46wmCM-00055-00027253-00027502 friends and their aunts and stuff and that is the worst thing that you could 7kZSP46wmCM-00056-00027502-00028043 do in fact when working in addiction treatment I always tell people do not do 7kZSP46wmCM-00057-00028043-00028586 this do not do this because I've seen so many people get out of rehab run back 7kZSP46wmCM-00058-00028586-00028912 home and sit that they could just diagnose the world as drug addicts and 7kZSP46wmCM-00059-00028912-00029324 alcoholics and most the time it makes people pretty pissed off I will say what 7kZSP46wmCM-00060-00029324-00029894 bums me out is Bobby burns being a fellow creator he knows the the plight 7kZSP46wmCM-00061-00029894-00030419 that is you know what we go through when people hear one thing even though we say 7kZSP46wmCM-00062-00030419-00030916 another and that kind of bums me out but anyways I always make sure to tell 7kZSP46wmCM-00063-00030916-00031327 people I don't run around diagnosing anybody like my videos are for you 7kZSP46wmCM-00064-00031327-00031675 they're about you I'm not trying to teach you about other people I'm trying 7kZSP46wmCM-00065-00031675-00032014 to teach you how to deal with other people that's why I always tell you that 7kZSP46wmCM-00066-00032014-00032353 it's a lot easier for you to fix you than it is to fix the rest of the world 7kZSP46wmCM-00067-00032353-00032722 right so my mom and I we actually just made a video because she's a 7kZSP46wmCM-00068-00032722-00033052 professional psychologist we made a video over on a channel that I hope you 7kZSP46wmCM-00069-00033052-00033325 all check out it's about dysfunctional family roles 7kZSP46wmCM-00070-00033325-00033740 and I actually say the same thing in whole video now guys this isn't a 7kZSP46wmCM-00071-00033740-00034177 hundred percent this is just statistically most of the time yeah so 7kZSP46wmCM-00072-00034177-00034586 yeah and as we're going through this I try to see like what role you might be 7kZSP46wmCM-00073-00034586-00034937 playing or what roles other people in your family might be playing real quick 7kZSP46wmCM-00074-00034937-00035269 real quick cuz something I learned like when I got like sober and like when I 7kZSP46wmCM-00075-00035269-00035641 was like working on my mental health like for me it's important to not point 7kZSP46wmCM-00076-00035641-00036125 your finger and say oh oh you're the hero you're the scapegoat is that a bad 7kZSP46wmCM-00077-00036125-00036383 idea I tell them guys guys what is your 7kZSP46wmCM-00078-00036383-00036983 intent on doing that is it to hurt them yeah so yeah the more you learn about 7kZSP46wmCM-00079-00036983-00037409 mental health or even addiction don't run around just making it rain diagnoses 7kZSP46wmCM-00080-00037409-00037784 on people that's not what you do alright something I always tell you is if you 7kZSP46wmCM-00081-00037784-00038197 can relate to any of these symptoms go see a professional go see somebody who 7kZSP46wmCM-00082-00038197-00038633 can diagnose you like I always tell you the worst thing that you can do is try 7kZSP46wmCM-00083-00038633-00038987 to diagnose yourself online like that makes you anxious it makes you crazy and 7kZSP46wmCM-00084-00038987-00039296 all of that so what I was actually talking about in 7kZSP46wmCM-00085-00039296-00039725 video is that and what another thing that Bobby kind of liked twisted my 7kZSP46wmCM-00086-00039725-00040322 words on was we'd have to be fools even though he said effing idiots but we'd 7kZSP46wmCM-00087-00040322-00040727 have to be fools to not think that he was under the influence and I actually 7kZSP46wmCM-00088-00040727-00041096 talked about this after we did his interview on that other channel but 7kZSP46wmCM-00089-00041096-00041500 there were there were Instagram stories of him out partying hours before it 7kZSP46wmCM-00090-00041500-00041846 happened he was wearing the same thing when he got in his right and then in the 7kZSP46wmCM-00091-00041846-00042181 interview he said you just accidentally popped it out of gear and I mentioned 7kZSP46wmCM-00092-00042181-00042512 that that's not something that normal people do now here's the thing that I've 7kZSP46wmCM-00093-00042512-00042994 also talked about - I also said like I don't care if people smoke weed I have 7kZSP46wmCM-00094-00042994-00043525 voted to legalize marijuana here in Nevada everywhere I go it smells like 7kZSP46wmCM-00095-00043525-00043778 weed if you could smoke weed and not become addicted 7kZSP46wmCM-00096-00043778-00044174 do you alright same thing with alcohol if you go drink alcohol and not become 7kZSP46wmCM-00097-00044174-00044432 addicted do your thing boo just be smart and 7kZSP46wmCM-00098-00044432-00044780 don't screw up and don't become dependent on it now what is my channel 7kZSP46wmCM-00099-00044780-00045194 about and what is it like I haven't mentioned this in a video before but the 7kZSP46wmCM-00100-00045194-00045659 idea kind of got for the pivot of my channel that I made earlier this year 7kZSP46wmCM-00101-00045659-00046202 was channels that I absolutely love likewise crack okay wise crack is a 7kZSP46wmCM-00102-00046202-00046534 channel for those of you who haven't watch so what they do is they take TV 7kZSP46wmCM-00103-00046534-00047047 shows they take movies and other things from pop culture and they use those as a 7kZSP46wmCM-00104-00047047-00047552 reference to teach you about philosophy and it's absolutely genius like I'm a 7kZSP46wmCM-00105-00047552-00047941 big philosophy nerd and I absolutely love what they're doing over there right 7kZSP46wmCM-00106-00047941-00048305 like they're taking like Marvel movies so they're taking like Rick and Morty or 7kZSP46wmCM-00107-00048305-00048622 they've done my Bojack horseman it's an awesome channel if you're into 7kZSP46wmCM-00108-00048622-00049009 philosophy go over to wospac and nerd out on their videos but they're using 7kZSP46wmCM-00109-00049009-00049424 that to give you some context to teach you about philosophy right and then 7kZSP46wmCM-00110-00049424-00049658 there's another channel called charisma on command 7kZSP46wmCM-00111-00049658-00049949 ok charisma on command is a channel that's trying to teach you to be a 7kZSP46wmCM-00112-00049949-00050408 little bit more outgoing more sociable if you have social anxiety by the way go 7kZSP46wmCM-00113-00050408-00050753 watch charisma on command but charisma on command actually started 7kZSP46wmCM-00114-00050753-00051328 to blow up when they started taking other people and using that as a point 7kZSP46wmCM-00115-00051328-00051742 of reference to teach people how to be more charismatic so I was like huh 7kZSP46wmCM-00116-00051742-00052337 that's a really good idea I wonder if I could do that for mental health now some 7kZSP46wmCM-00117-00052337-00052749 people think that you know me talking about youtubers is a little you 7kZSP46wmCM-00118-00052749-00053106 know a little off but like everybody else's they're talking about like when 7kZSP46wmCM-00119-00053106-00053514 they talk about people like Jordan Peterson they talk about on charisma on 7kZSP46wmCM-00120-00053514-00053787 command they're talking about Jimmy Fallon 7kZSP46wmCM-00121-00053787-00054136 they talk about other celebrities what's the difference youtubers are the new 7kZSP46wmCM-00122-00054136-00054570 celebrities so that's what I'm trying to do with my my mental health channel is 7kZSP46wmCM-00123-00054570-00055083 use things as a point of reference but I always say this video isn't necessarily 7kZSP46wmCM-00124-00055083-00055747 about the youtuber it is a it is for you okay now when I do have opinions or even 7kZSP46wmCM-00125-00055747-00056166 suggestions about youtubers it's when there's a series of evidence all right I 7kZSP46wmCM-00126-00056166-00056520 think Nathan brought up a really good point 7kZSP46wmCM-00127-00056520-00057117 um but I also kind of disagree he talked about how if you make a video that 7kZSP46wmCM-00128-00057117-00057448 you're depressed and then you don't upload for two weeks people think that 7kZSP46wmCM-00129-00057448-00057768 you're still depressed in those two weeks I talked about this in my drew 7kZSP46wmCM-00130-00057768-00058216 Monson video for some reason we think that people shouldn't worry about us but 7kZSP46wmCM-00131-00058216-00058881 like people are going to worry about us especially when we are you know possibly 7kZSP46wmCM-00132-00058881-00059325 spiraling out of control right and like Bobbie like if you're watching this or 7kZSP46wmCM-00133-00059325-00059706 anybody who is followed Bobbie Bobbie has given people plenty of reasons to 7kZSP46wmCM-00134-00059706-00060087 worry about him yes he talked about his mental health then he started doing this 7kZSP46wmCM-00135-00060087-00060438 stuff on Instagram did he get in gets into a car way then he breaks up with 7kZSP46wmCM-00136-00060438-00060876 his girlfriend like people are seeing this and I guess I'll just say it real 7kZSP46wmCM-00137-00060876-00061239 quick I've talked about it a million times before and I know Bobbie and 7kZSP46wmCM-00138-00061239-00061755 Nathan they're much younger but this is for every aspiring youtuber out there 7kZSP46wmCM-00139-00061755-00062163 like what do you thinks gonna happen when you get big like do you think that 7kZSP46wmCM-00140-00062163-00062520 there's gonna be less pressure I'm reading this new book right now 7kZSP46wmCM-00141-00062520-00063033 and they the great line in there one of the great lines was increased levels 7kZSP46wmCM-00142-00063033-00063444 bring new devils right and it's true it's true 7kZSP46wmCM-00143-00063444-00063918 the higher we blaze up in that good old social hierarchy the more pressures they 7kZSP46wmCM-00144-00063918-00064233 are that's why I try to teach you guys that money or subscribers or whatever it 7kZSP46wmCM-00145-00064233-00064648 is will not guarantee your happiness you will just have new stresses that you 7kZSP46wmCM-00146-00064648-00065067 have to deal with the other thing that kind of upsets me is when Bobbie listed 7kZSP46wmCM-00147-00065067-00065363 the different titles that I have for my videos it's 7kZSP46wmCM-00148-00065363-00065945 seems like he judged my videos based on titles which is kind of silly to me 7kZSP46wmCM-00149-00065945-00066440 because one of Bobby's most popular videos is about youtuber manipulation in 7kZSP46wmCM-00150-00066440-00066908 which he made a follow-up video when he was explaining how they do things to 7kZSP46wmCM-00151-00066908-00067322 invoke some kind of emotion to get you to feel something right and it's 7kZSP46wmCM-00152-00067322-00067679 happened enough times where I realized people have pulled some stuff from my 7kZSP46wmCM-00153-00067679-00068090 video and inferred some things that I was not meaning to say first off I'd 7kZSP46wmCM-00154-00068090-00068570 like to say that just because someone is manipulating something that does not 7kZSP46wmCM-00155-00068570-00068975 mean that that manipulation is inherently negative I'm manipulating 7kZSP46wmCM-00156-00068975-00069464 this chair look at that I'm manipulating and as a film creator Bobby clearly 7kZSP46wmCM-00157-00069464-00069884 understands that I actually talked about that in my Jarvis Johnson video I talked 7kZSP46wmCM-00158-00069884-00070259 about that in it david dobrik and video as well that's what we're doing here as 7kZSP46wmCM-00159-00070259-00070865 creators is to try to invoke some kind of emotion typically a clip our heads so 7kZSP46wmCM-00160-00070865-00071180 it kind of bums me out that Bobby doesn't see those connections but he 7kZSP46wmCM-00161-00071180-00071537 said he's totally willing to talk to anybody and my Bobby if you see this I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00162-00071537-00071942 down to chat some time like I said like no actually here's what I'm gonna do I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00163-00071942-00072419 in the video by saying this like I'm super proud of Bobby I'm so proud of 7kZSP46wmCM-00164-00072419-00072803 Bobby I talked about this in my video about like Bobby's like quote unquote 7kZSP46wmCM-00165-00072803-00073322 identity crisis explained like I'm really proud of Bobby for finding his 7kZSP46wmCM-00166-00073322-00073742 own way and finding what makes him happy like I keep trying to teach you guys to 7kZSP46wmCM-00167-00073742-00074102 quit caring so much what people think and the first part of this video when 7kZSP46wmCM-00168-00074102-00074414 they weren't talking about me like I was loving it I was loving how they were 7kZSP46wmCM-00169-00074414-00074705 looking at the comments because I can relate to that like you're just laughing 7kZSP46wmCM-00170-00074705-00075017 at it because a lot of you who are commenting and you think you know about 7kZSP46wmCM-00171-00075017-00075329 our lives of stuff you don't commentators don't know about these 7kZSP46wmCM-00172-00075329-00075668 people's lives and stuff except for what's put out there you know but like 7kZSP46wmCM-00173-00075668-00076160 the fact that Bobby has made this shift from you know talking about movies to 7kZSP46wmCM-00174-00076160-00076625 commenting on youtubers to trying to do whatever it was with his new show in Los 7kZSP46wmCM-00175-00076625-00077264 Angeles to going towards music like good for you dude good for you alright like I 7kZSP46wmCM-00176-00077264-00077651 hope everybody can take that lesson from Bobby burns because I keep talking to 7kZSP46wmCM-00177-00077651-00078071 you guys about like how many people like they get stuck in this place where 7kZSP46wmCM-00178-00078071-00078425 they're trying to like make their family happy or your friends happy or oh I'm 7kZSP46wmCM-00179-00078425-00078821 gonna do this because the more people this about me right we're doing so many 7kZSP46wmCM-00180-00078821-00079217 things to try to get a feeling from other people but Bobby is found but he's 7kZSP46wmCM-00181-00079217-00079520 truly passionate about and making him happy and maybe it will make him happy 7kZSP46wmCM-00182-00079520-00080027 forever that's cool too the dude is young right but anyways like I just 7kZSP46wmCM-00183-00080027-00080510 wanted to to talk about this a little bit but again you guys I'm very very 7kZSP46wmCM-00184-00080510-00080888 careful with the way I choose my words when I go through the editing process I 7kZSP46wmCM-00185-00080888-00081412 make double sure that I'm careful with my words so I will never ever ever 7kZSP46wmCM-00186-00081412-00081890 diagnose somebody especially as a drug addict alright 7kZSP46wmCM-00187-00081890-00082280 and if you like this video you know what Bobby if you're watching this I'm trying 7kZSP46wmCM-00188-00082280-00082715 to hit 10,000 followers on Instagram and I know you like the Instagram dude so 7kZSP46wmCM-00189-00082715-00083207 help me figure out a way to get 10,000 followers on Instagram all I want to do 7kZSP46wmCM-00190-00083207-00083683 is let people swipe up is that too much to ask Bobby I don't think it is alright 7kZSP46wmCM-00191-00083683-00084047 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you 7kZSP46wmCM-00192-00084047-00084374 subscribe and ring that notification bell because I make a ton of videos and 7kZSP46wmCM-00193-00084374-00084680 a huge huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon 7kZSP46wmCM-00194-00084680-00085007 you are all amazing and I have some really cool exciting stuff coming up in 7kZSP46wmCM-00195-00085007-00085448 2019 so if you'd like to become a patron click the top right there alright thanks 7kZSP46wmCM-00196-00085448-00085810 so much for watching I'll see you next time 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00000-00000015-00000318 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00001-00000318-00000368 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00002-00000368-00000418 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00003-00000788-00000988 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00004-00000988-00001038 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00005-00001081-00001281 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00006-00001281-00001331 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00007-00001379-00001579 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00008-00001579-00001629 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00009-00001674-00001874 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00010-00001874-00001924 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00011-00001924-00001974 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00012-00001998-00002198 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00013-00002198-00002248 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00014-00002248-00002298 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00015-00002312-00002362 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00016-00002362-00002412 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00017-00002412-00002462 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00018-00002619-00002819 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00019-00002819-00002869 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00020-00002914-00003114 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00021-00003114-00003164 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00022-00003164-00003214 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00023-00003227-00003277 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00024-00003277-00003327 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00025-00003370-00003570 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00026-00003570-00003620 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00027-00003620-00003670 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00028-00003674-00003874 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00029-00003874-00003924 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00030-00003924-00003974 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00031-00003979-00004179 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00032-00004179-00004229 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00033-00004229-00004279 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00034-00004336-00004536 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00035-00004536-00004586 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00036-00004586-00004636 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00037-00004640-00004840 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00038-00004840-00004890 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00039-00004890-00004940 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00040-00004941-00004991 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00041-00004991-00005041 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00042-00005041-00005091 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00043-00005091-00005141 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00044-00005216-00005416 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00045-00005416-00005466 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00046-00005466-00005516 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00047-00005518-00005568 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7mEUXM3ZP3k-00048-00005610-00005810 Lok Sabha Election 2019: Actor Sunny Deol joins BJP | Contest Election from Gurdaspur Seat 7nwyBRrOgg0-00000-00001237-00001536 Oh, come on! You've gotta admit this is cool! 7nwyBRrOgg0-00001-00001549-00001696 Jack Hill's PIT STOP. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00002-00001722-00002232 Coincidentally I watched Tarantino's Death Proof the following night, only to realize that both movies fall 7nwyBRrOgg0-00003-00002232-00002453 squarely in the Grindhouse genre. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00004-00002453-00002760 Okay I'm a little late to the party here... 7nwyBRrOgg0-00005-00002760-00002961 If you like Tarantino's Grindhouse, 7nwyBRrOgg0-00006-00002961-00003430 you just HAVE to check out Pit Stop, as it's part of the inspiration for Tarantino's Cinema. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00007-00003469-00003730 Pit Stop is a tight, fast, and stylish experience, 7nwyBRrOgg0-00008-00003730-00004167 while Tarantino's revenge porn is cinematically satisfying 7nwyBRrOgg0-00009-00004167-00004578 but somewhat bloated as it doesn't really have the plot to back up the visuals. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00010-00005613-00006108 Death Proof's ending is also somewhat predictable in my view, where Pit Stop keeps 7nwyBRrOgg0-00011-00006108-00006588 the story turning towards a sudden ending that is at the same time surprising and emotionallygripping. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00012-00006588-00006834 -The hell are you talking about? -Grindhouse. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00013-00006834-00007220 If you like cool music, cool cars, and cool cats, AND you want to know 7nwyBRrOgg0-00014-00007220-00007392 what eight figure racing is all about... 7nwyBRrOgg0-00015-00007392-00007573 "Gotta have to be crazy to drive on a race like that." 7nwyBRrOgg0-00016-00007573-00007685 ... this is a movie for you. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00017-00007715-00008044 It's also a reminder to occasionally go back to the originals 7nwyBRrOgg0-00018-00008044-00008379 so you understand where today's directors get their genius from. 7nwyBRrOgg0-00019-00008634-00008880 -Ladies... That was fun! 7nwyBRrOgg0-00020-00009324-00009419 Well... 7nwyBRrOgg0-00021-00009462-00009534 Adios! 81EQQoh7CVI-00000-00000021-00001044 PRICELESS! Trump Dropped Crushing Anvil On ‘Total Phony’ Sen. Blumenthal For Faking 81EQQoh7CVI-00001-00001044-00001153 Vietnam Service 81EQQoh7CVI-00002-00001153-00001600 Isn’t it great to finally have a president who calls it like it is? 81EQQoh7CVI-00003-00001600-00002066 Yesterday 100Percent FedUp reported that President Donald Trump did just that when he called 81EQQoh7CVI-00004-00002066-00002419 out Senator Richard Blumenthal over his lifetime of lies. 81EQQoh7CVI-00005-00002419-00002915 “Senator Richard Blumenthal must talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam,” Trump 81EQQoh7CVI-00006-00002915-00003362 tweeted, “where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, 81EQQoh7CVI-00007-00003362-00003587 that he was a great Marine War Hero. 81EQQoh7CVI-00008-00003587-00003975 Talked about his many battles of near death, but was never in Vietnam. 81EQQoh7CVI-00009-00003975-00004114 Total Phony!” 81EQQoh7CVI-00010-00004114-00004585 The senator had it coming, and President Trump is the perfect person to deliver it. 81EQQoh7CVI-00011-00004585-00004897 Here is more on Blumenthal and his lies via Heavy: 81EQQoh7CVI-00012-00004897-00005003 “1. 81EQQoh7CVI-00013-00005003-00005532 The New York Times Reported in 2010 That Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam Service in a Speech 81EQQoh7CVI-00014-00005532-00006037 With his tweets, President Trump is referring to a situation that unfolded during the 2010 81EQQoh7CVI-00015-00006037-00006473 U.S. Senate elections, when Richard Blumenthal was running against Linda McMahon. 81EQQoh7CVI-00016-00006473-00007036 In May 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal said in a 2008 speech, “We have 81EQQoh7CVI-00017-00007036-00007431 learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00018-00007431-00007881 But as the Times reported, Blumenthal did not actually serve in Vietnam as he suggests 81EQQoh7CVI-00019-00007881-00008309 there; he received five military deferments from 1965 to 1970. 81EQQoh7CVI-00020-00008309-00008878 The Times also noted that Blumenthal took repeated steps to avoid going to Vietnam. 81EQQoh7CVI-00021-00008878-00009407 Blumenthal actually served in the Marine Reserve beginning in 1970, joining a unit in Washington 81EQQoh7CVI-00022-00009407-00009845 and working on projects like fixing campgrounds and organizing toy drives. 81EQQoh7CVI-00023-00009845-00010270 So technically he was serving while the Vietnam War was happening, but he himself did not 81EQQoh7CVI-00024-00010270-00010456 serve in Vietnam. 81EQQoh7CVI-00025-00010456-00010975 “…[W]hat is striking about Mr. Blumenthal’s record is the contrast between the many steps 81EQQoh7CVI-00026-00010975-00011413 he took that allowed him to avoid Vietnam, and the misleading way he often speaks about 81EQQoh7CVI-00027-00011413-00011846 that period of his life now, especially when he is speaking at veterans’ ceremonies or 81EQQoh7CVI-00028-00011846-00012220 other patriotic events,” The New York Times reported. 81EQQoh7CVI-00029-00012220-00012320 2. 81EQQoh7CVI-00030-00012320-00012841 He Also Reportedly Talked in a 2003 Speech About ‘Returning Home’ From Vietnam 81EQQoh7CVI-00031-00012841-00013286 After The New York Times ran its story, journalists and political opponents immediately began 81EQQoh7CVI-00032-00013286-00013757 searching for other examples of Blumenthal lying about his military service. 81EQQoh7CVI-00033-00013757-00014244 One that came up was from 2003, when Blumenthal suggested in a speech that he was among those 81EQQoh7CVI-00034-00014244-00014550 who “returned home” from Vietnam, according to The Day. 81EQQoh7CVI-00035-00014550-00015047 Later, a post on the campaign website of Linda McMahon suggested that her opposition researchers 81EQQoh7CVI-00036-00015047-00015583 had passed along tape of Blumenthal’s 2008 speech to The New York Times, according to 81EQQoh7CVI-00037-00015583-00015683 Politico. 81EQQoh7CVI-00038-00015683-00016138 However, The New York Times said that they did not receive the video from McMahon. 81EQQoh7CVI-00039-00016138-00016570 The New York Times’ original report also refers to a speech Blumenthal gave to a crowd 81EQQoh7CVI-00040-00016570-00016917 of military families gathered to support troops overseas. 81EQQoh7CVI-00041-00016917-00017323 Blumenthal said, “When we returned, we saw nothing like this. 81EQQoh7CVI-00042-00017323-00017623 Let us do better by this generation of men and women.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00043-00017623-00018020 That clearly suggests that he includes himself among the group of troops “returning” 81EQQoh7CVI-00044-00018020-00018388 from Vietnam, but in reality, he was never there. 81EQQoh7CVI-00045-00018388-00018488 3. 81EQQoh7CVI-00046-00018488-00018898 Critics Argued the 2008 Quote Was Taken Out of Context 81EQQoh7CVI-00047-00018898-00019348 After The New York Times reported on the 2008 speech, Politico reported that the article 81EQQoh7CVI-00048-00019348-00019809 was missing some vital context: that Blumenthal had said towards the beginning of that same 81EQQoh7CVI-00049-00019809-00020206 speech that he “served in the military during the Vietnam era in the Marine Corps,” which 81EQQoh7CVI-00050-00020206-00020443 is an accurate characterization. 81EQQoh7CVI-00051-00020443-00020885 In addition, The Day reported that after viewing years of Blumenthal speeches and political 81EQQoh7CVI-00052-00020885-00021370 debates, they found that he typically specified that his service was in the Marine Corps Reserve, 81EQQoh7CVI-00053-00021370-00021800 and in some instances he explicitly said he did not serve in Vietnam. 81EQQoh7CVI-00054-00021800-00022243 On one such occasion reported by The Day, Blumenthal said during a Democratic primary 81EQQoh7CVI-00055-00022243-00022723 debate, “Although I did not serve in Vietnam, I have seen first-hand the effects of military 81EQQoh7CVI-00056-00022723-00022850 action.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00057-00022850-00023224 The statements reported on by outlets like The New York Times and The Day were certainly 81EQQoh7CVI-00058-00023224-00023775 not truthful, then, but it’s not as if Blumenthal was trying spin an elaborate lie, as the fact 81EQQoh7CVI-00059-00023775-00024139 that he served in the Marine Corps and not in Vietnam was something he typically mentioned 81EQQoh7CVI-00060-00024139-00024312 in his speeches. 81EQQoh7CVI-00061-00024312-00024412 4. 81EQQoh7CVI-00062-00024412-00024722 Blumenthal Said That He Misspoke on a Few Occasions 81EQQoh7CVI-00063-00024722-00025133 Blumenthal responded to the controversy by saying that he did indeed misspeak on a few 81EQQoh7CVI-00064-00025133-00025543 occasions, but he denied that he intentionally lied about Vietnam service. 81EQQoh7CVI-00065-00025543-00025994 “I may have misspoken, I did misspeak on a few occasions out of hundreds that I have 81EQQoh7CVI-00066-00025994-00026474 attended (in honor of the military)…I regret that I misspoke,” Blumenthal said during 81EQQoh7CVI-00067-00026474-00026785 a press conference, according to Politico. 81EQQoh7CVI-00068-00026785-00027240 He went on to say that he was “unaware of those misplaced words when they were spoken.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00069-00027240-00027641 During the press conference, Blumenthal was also asked why he didn’t correct the record 81EQQoh7CVI-00070-00027641-00027959 when news articles referred to him as serving in Vietnam. 81EQQoh7CVI-00071-00027959-00028272 He responded, “There were a few articles, not many. 81EQQoh7CVI-00072-00028272-00028757 I am responsible for my own statements….I can’t be responsible for all the articles, 81EQQoh7CVI-00073-00028757-00028955 I may not even have seen them. 81EQQoh7CVI-00074-00028955-00029231 ….sometimes journalists do make mistakes.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00075-00029231-00029331 5. 81EQQoh7CVI-00076-00029331-00029712 He Took a Hit in the Polls After the Story But Still Won the Election Easily 81EQQoh7CVI-00077-00029712-00030089 Richard Blumenthal had been ahead of Linda McMahon in the polls throughout much of the 81EQQoh7CVI-00078-00030089-00030541 2010 election cycle, but immediately after the Vietnam story broke, his lead over her 81EQQoh7CVI-00079-00030541-00030719 began to shrink. 81EQQoh7CVI-00080-00030719-00031138 As reported by Talking Points Memo at the time, a poll conducted before The New York 81EQQoh7CVI-00081-00031138-00031718 Times published its report showed Blumenthal ahead of McMahon 52 percent to 39 percent. 81EQQoh7CVI-00082-00031718-00032152 But in a poll conducted immediately after the scandal, Blumenthal was ahead of McMahon 81EQQoh7CVI-00083-00032152-00032589 by just three points, 48 percent to 45 percent. 81EQQoh7CVI-00084-00032589-00033060 Still, Blumenthal was able to bounce back from the controversy and easily win the election; 81EQQoh7CVI-00085-00033060-00033578 he was elected with 55 percent of the vote compared to Linda McMahon’s 43 percent.” 81EQQoh7CVI-00086-00033578-00034016 Yes, and this man easily getting reelected shows you either the American voter is awfully 81EQQoh7CVI-00087-00034016-00034241 misinformed or they just don’t care. 81EQQoh7CVI-00088-00034241-00034497 Both of which are frightening prospects. 81EQQoh7CVI-00089-00034497-00034968 Blumenthal loves to take Republicans apart while he himself is a bonafide liar. 81EQQoh7CVI-00090-00034968-00035316 Just like Maxine Water’s corruption and instigation of violence against the right 81EQQoh7CVI-00091-00035316-00035677 it goes unmentioned and unpunished because the left owns the media. 81EQQoh7CVI-00092-00035677-00036103 And when the right fights back they brand us as racists, bigots and Nazis just because 81EQQoh7CVI-00093-00036103-00036403 we offer a point of view which differs from their own. 81EQQoh7CVI-00094-00036403-00036837 Blumenthal should not be reelected, in fact, he should have been recalled and kicked out 81EQQoh7CVI-00095-00036837-00036959 of office. 81EQQoh7CVI-00096-00036959-00037293 But because he is a leftist and they have the support of their media they know perfectly 81EQQoh7CVI-00097-00037293-00037694 well that there will be no price to pay for any left winger who gets caught doing anything 81EQQoh7CVI-00098-00037694-00037931 they aren’t supposed to be doing. 81EQQoh7CVI-00099-00037931-00038303 And if you don’t believe me just consider the fact that Ted Kennedy was responsible 81EQQoh7CVI-00100-00038303-00038661 for the death of a young woman and he had a lifetime senate seat and was considered 81EQQoh7CVI-00101-00038661-00039718 “The Lion of the Senate” by the left, their media, and even his good friend, the 81EQQoh7CVI-00102-00039718-00040185 late Senator John McCain! 82luNn1C8mc-00000-00000000-00000200 dekha tujhe to ho gayi diwanee ...koyla 82PiEHXjIiE-00000-00000104-00000546 My name is Rob Cygan. I am the Executive Vice President of Truck Center Companies. 82PiEHXjIiE-00001-00000546-00001053 We have four values as an organization. First one being integrity. We believe in 82PiEHXjIiE-00002-00001053-00001494 being open, honest, communication and respectful to not only our employees, but 82PiEHXjIiE-00003-00001494-00001980 to our customers. Second is teamwork. We all work together to succeed, our 82PiEHXjIiE-00004-00001980-00002400 customers succeed. Our third is excellence. Take great passion and one 82PiEHXjIiE-00005-00002400-00002871 and deliver top box customer service and we take great pride in making sure that 82PiEHXjIiE-00006-00002871-00003270 we get the job right the first time. Fourth is community. We support the 82PiEHXjIiE-00007-00003270-00003572 communities that we do business in, as well as the communities that we live 82PiEHXjIiE-00008-00003572-00004026 work and play in. If you're an individual that shares the same values as we do, we 82PiEHXjIiE-00009-00004026-00004289 look forward to talking to you about career opportunities here at Truck 82PiEHXjIiE-00010-00004289-00004680 Center Companies. If you're a customer, we ask to partner with you to achieve 82PiEHXjIiE-00011-00004680-00005592 greater results in the future. 87ZmlZwseFu-00000-00000060-00000185 Hello, everyone. 87ZmlZwseFu-00001-00000194-00000326 This is OnlyOneOf's Nine. 87ZmlZwseFu-00002-00000371-00000861 I've gotten the great opportunity to work with RDR. 87ZmlZwseFu-00003-00000970-00001654 My song "Daisy" that I've only teased about thus far is now ready for all of you listen to. 87ZmlZwseFu-00004-00001704-00002052 "Daisy" was written and arranged by me. 87ZmlZwseFu-00005-00002071-00002389 I was doing a search on daisies 87ZmlZwseFu-00006-00002389-00002583 and found that they have a story attached to them. 87ZmlZwseFu-00007-00002583-00003074 A person who was betrothed to someone fell in love with another person 87ZmlZwseFu-00008-00003074-00003492 and while the person was confused between the two, one of them turned into a daisy flower. 87ZmlZwseFu-00009-00003495-00003780 In the song, I'm the person that the person was betrothed to. 87ZmlZwseFu-00010-00003780-00003971 It's very heartbreaking. 87ZmlZwseFu-00011-00003971-00004458 I wanted to write about a very sad love story where you can't do anything but to watch from afar. 87ZmlZwseFu-00012-00004472-00004682 The melody was fixed many times over 87ZmlZwseFu-00013-00004682-00005077 but I think the final version turned out beautifully. 87ZmlZwseFu-00014-00005077-00005660 So I'm very pleased. And it's another baby of mine now. 87ZmlZwseFu-00015-00005800-00005898 So I'm happy. 87ZmlZwseFu-00016-00005921-00006231 And I hope you like it, too. 87ZmlZwseFu-00017-00006331-00006994 I haven't watched the clip yet, either, so I can't wait to see how it all turned out. 87ZmlZwseFu-00018-00007016-00007470 I'm sure you've been looking forward to it as much as I have. 87ZmlZwseFu-00019-00007470-00008032 I'll do my best to fulfill all your expectations. 87ZmlZwseFu-00020-00008039-00008164 Please stay tuned. 87ZmlZwseFu-00021-00008164-00008271 Thank you! 87ZmlZwseFu-00022-00008425-00008544 Buh-bye! 8ssq-nx0hrU-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone 8ssq-nx0hrU-00001-00000200-00000400 Crude oil 1 Minute chart 8ssq-nx0hrU-00002-00000400-00001656 buy call so green color 8ssq-nx0hrU-00003-00001656-00003254 Daily u will receive call automatically 8ssq-nx0hrU-00005-00006694-00008366 Within 5 Mins Target reached 8ssq-nx0hrU-00006-00008483-00010077 2nd target break 7250 break but down side 8ssq-nx0hrU-00007-00010077-00012823 Sell call so red color momentum 8ssq-nx0hrU-00008-00012823-00014407 In 2 Mins target reached 8ssq-nx0hrU-00009-00014407-00016346 whatsapp - 9488462166 8tpWFFz7hCI-00000-00000010-00000093 YOU CAN FIND THE LIST ON OUR 8tpWFFz7hCI-00001-00000093-00000100 YOU CAN FIND THE LIST ON OUR 8tpWFFz7hCI-00002-00000100-00000340 YOU CAN FIND THE LIST ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00003-00000340-00000347 YOU CAN FIND THE LIST ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00004-00000347-00000410 YOU CAN FIND THE LIST ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG. TWO LOCAL LEGENDARY WRESTLING 8tpWFFz7hCI-00005-00000410-00000417 WEBSITE LPTV.ORG. TWO LOCAL LEGENDARY WRESTLING 8tpWFFz7hCI-00006-00000417-00001221 WEBSITE LPTV.ORG. TWO LOCAL LEGENDARY WRESTLING ICONS HAVE BEEN INDUCTED INTO 8tpWFFz7hCI-00007-00001221-00001227 TWO LOCAL LEGENDARY WRESTLING ICONS HAVE BEEN INDUCTED INTO 8tpWFFz7hCI-00008-00001227-00001327 TWO LOCAL LEGENDARY WRESTLING ICONS HAVE BEEN INDUCTED INTO THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00009-00001327-00001334 ICONS HAVE BEEN INDUCTED INTO THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00010-00001334-00001458 ICONS HAVE BEEN INDUCTED INTO THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00011-00001458-00001464 THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00012-00001464-00001708 THE MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. STEVE BECHTOLD AND JERRY 8tpWFFz7hCI-00013-00001708-00001714 NATIONAL WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. STEVE BECHTOLD AND JERRY 8tpWFFz7hCI-00014-00001714-00001795 NATIONAL WRESTLING HALL OF FAME. STEVE BECHTOLD AND JERRY CLEVELAND WERE INDUCTED AS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00015-00001795-00001801 STEVE BECHTOLD AND JERRY CLEVELAND WERE INDUCTED AS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00016-00001801-00001951 STEVE BECHTOLD AND JERRY CLEVELAND WERE INDUCTED AS LIFETIME SERVICE HONOREES. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00017-00001951-00001958 CLEVELAND WERE INDUCTED AS LIFETIME SERVICE HONOREES. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00018-00001958-00002021 CLEVELAND WERE INDUCTED AS LIFETIME SERVICE HONOREES. BECHTOLD GAVE BACK 37 YEARS TO 8tpWFFz7hCI-00019-00002021-00002028 LIFETIME SERVICE HONOREES. BECHTOLD GAVE BACK 37 YEARS TO 8tpWFFz7hCI-00020-00002028-00002085 LIFETIME SERVICE HONOREES. BECHTOLD GAVE BACK 37 YEARS TO THE SPORT OF WRESTLING AMD 8tpWFFz7hCI-00021-00002085-00002092 BECHTOLD GAVE BACK 37 YEARS TO THE SPORT OF WRESTLING AMD 8tpWFFz7hCI-00022-00002092-00002155 BECHTOLD GAVE BACK 37 YEARS TO THE SPORT OF WRESTLING AMD SERVED AS HEAD WRESTLING COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00023-00002155-00002162 THE SPORT OF WRESTLING AMD SERVED AS HEAD WRESTLING COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00024-00002162-00002228 THE SPORT OF WRESTLING AMD SERVED AS HEAD WRESTLING COACH AT BLACKDUCK HIGH SCHOOL AND WAS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00025-00002228-00002235 SERVED AS HEAD WRESTLING COACH AT BLACKDUCK HIGH SCHOOL AND WAS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00026-00002235-00002285 SERVED AS HEAD WRESTLING COACH AT BLACKDUCK HIGH SCHOOL AND WAS CO-HEAD COACH AT CASS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00027-00002285-00002292 AT BLACKDUCK HIGH SCHOOL AND WAS CO-HEAD COACH AT CASS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00028-00002292-00002345 AT BLACKDUCK HIGH SCHOOL AND WAS CO-HEAD COACH AT CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/BENA HIGH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00029-00002345-00002352 CO-HEAD COACH AT CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/BENA HIGH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00030-00002352-00002379 CO-HEAD COACH AT CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/BENA HIGH SCHOOLS. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00031-00002379-00002385 LAKE/BLACKDUCK/BENA HIGH SCHOOLS. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00032-00002385-00002675 LAKE/BLACKDUCK/BENA HIGH SCHOOLS. HIS CAREER COACHING RECORD WAS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00033-00002675-00002682 SCHOOLS. HIS CAREER COACHING RECORD WAS 8tpWFFz7hCI-00034-00002682-00002852 SCHOOLS. HIS CAREER COACHING RECORD WAS 327-263-5. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00035-00002852-00002859 HIS CAREER COACHING RECORD WAS 327-263-5. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00036-00002859-00003056 HIS CAREER COACHING RECORD WAS 327-263-5. HE COACHED FOUR STATE TOURNAMENT 8tpWFFz7hCI-00037-00003056-00003063 327-263-5. HE COACHED FOUR STATE TOURNAMENT 8tpWFFz7hCI-00038-00003063-00003129 327-263-5. HE COACHED FOUR STATE TOURNAMENT DUAL MEET TEAMS, INCLUDING A 8tpWFFz7hCI-00039-00003129-00003136 HE COACHED FOUR STATE TOURNAMENT DUAL MEET TEAMS, INCLUDING A 8tpWFFz7hCI-00040-00003136-00004220 HE COACHED FOUR STATE TOURNAMENT DUAL MEET TEAMS, INCLUDING A THIRD-PLACE TEAM FINISH. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00041-00004220-00004227 DUAL MEET TEAMS, INCLUDING A THIRD-PLACE TEAM FINISH. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00042-00004227-00004294 DUAL MEET TEAMS, INCLUDING A THIRD-PLACE TEAM FINISH. CLEVELAND HAS GIVEN BACK TO THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00043-00004294-00004300 THIRD-PLACE TEAM FINISH. CLEVELAND HAS GIVEN BACK TO THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00044-00004300-00004367 THIRD-PLACE TEAM FINISH. CLEVELAND HAS GIVEN BACK TO THE SPORT FOR 42 YEARS AS A COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00045-00004367-00004374 CLEVELAND HAS GIVEN BACK TO THE SPORT FOR 42 YEARS AS A COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00046-00004374-00004411 CLEVELAND HAS GIVEN BACK TO THE SPORT FOR 42 YEARS AS A COACH AND OFFICIAL. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00047-00004411-00004417 SPORT FOR 42 YEARS AS A COACH AND OFFICIAL. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00048-00004417-00004481 SPORT FOR 42 YEARS AS A COACH AND OFFICIAL. HE WAS A TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN 8tpWFFz7hCI-00049-00004481-00004487 AND OFFICIAL. HE WAS A TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN 8tpWFFz7hCI-00050-00004487-00004547 AND OFFICIAL. HE WAS A TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN AT ITASCA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00051-00004547-00004554 HE WAS A TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN AT ITASCA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00052-00004554-00004617 HE WAS A TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN AT ITASCA COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00053-00004617-00004624 AT ITASCA COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00054-00004624-00004687 AT ITASCA COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. IN HIGH SCHOOL HE WAS A STATE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00055-00004687-00004694 AND BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. IN HIGH SCHOOL HE WAS A STATE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00056-00004694-00004754 AND BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. IN HIGH SCHOOL HE WAS A STATE RUNNER-UP FOR LEGENDARY HALL 8tpWFFz7hCI-00057-00004754-00004761 IN HIGH SCHOOL HE WAS A STATE RUNNER-UP FOR LEGENDARY HALL 8tpWFFz7hCI-00058-00004761-00004821 IN HIGH SCHOOL HE WAS A STATE RUNNER-UP FOR LEGENDARY HALL OF FAME COACH DON DRAVIS AT 8tpWFFz7hCI-00059-00004821-00004828 RUNNER-UP FOR LEGENDARY HALL OF FAME COACH DON DRAVIS AT 8tpWFFz7hCI-00060-00004828-00005081 RUNNER-UP FOR LEGENDARY HALL OF FAME COACH DON DRAVIS AT STAPLES. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00061-00005081-00005088 OF FAME COACH DON DRAVIS AT STAPLES. 8tpWFFz7hCI-00062-00005088-00005288 OF FAME COACH DON DRAVIS AT STAPLES. JERRY'S 26 YEARS AS A HEAD COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00063-00005288-00005295 STAPLES. JERRY'S 26 YEARS AS A HEAD COACH 8tpWFFz7hCI-00064-00005295-00005361 STAPLES. JERRY'S 26 YEARS AS A HEAD COACH INCLUDED BEING NAMED THE 1998 8tpWFFz7hCI-00065-00005361-00005368 JERRY'S 26 YEARS AS A HEAD COACH INCLUDED BEING NAMED THE 1998 8tpWFFz7hCI-00066-00005368-00005478 JERRY'S 26 YEARS AS A HEAD COACH INCLUDED BEING NAMED THE 1998 MINNESOTA CLASS AA COACH OF THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00067-00005478-00005485 INCLUDED BEING NAMED THE 1998 MINNESOTA CLASS AA COACH OF THE 8tpWFFz7hCI-00068-00005485-00005552 INCLUDED BEING NAMED THE 1998 MINNESOTA CLASS AA COACH OF THE YEAR WITH CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/ 8tpWFFz7hCI-00069-00005552-00005558 MINNESOTA CLASS AA COACH OF THE YEAR WITH CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/ 8tpWFFz7hCI-00070-00005558-00005705 MINNESOTA CLASS AA COACH OF THE YEAR WITH CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/ BENA HIGH SCHOOL 8tpWFFz7hCI-00071-00005705-00005712 YEAR WITH CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/ BENA HIGH SCHOOL 8tpWFFz7hCI-00072-00005712-00006316 YEAR WITH CASS LAKE/BLACKDUCK/ BENA HIGH SCHOOL BECHTOLD AND CLEVELAND WERE 8ucepwf7vM0-00000-00001070-00001361 How Trump Averted World War III. 8ucepwf7vM0-00001-00001361-00001607 By the Anonymous Patriots. 8ucepwf7vM0-00002-00001607-00002157 Now That WWIII Was Averted Global Factions Are Colliding 8ucepwf7vM0-00003-00002157-00002713 We have just avoided WWIII, not because of the Astana Syrian Peace talks, but because 8ucepwf7vM0-00004-00002713-00003146 Trump has broken the back of the New World Order�s attempt to enthrone the Bush Oil 8ucepwf7vM0-00005-00003146-00003620 Cartel in its Global CIA headquarters in Astana, Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00006-00003620-00004123 Now, We the People need to do one more thing to make sure our elected officials know that 8ucepwf7vM0-00007-00004123-00004462 we are not going to live in the swamp they created. 8ucepwf7vM0-00008-00004462-00004932 But first let�s check out a swamp that is beginning to stink in Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00009-00004932-00005386 If you have never heard of Astana, then it is time to learn what the legacy media is 8ucepwf7vM0-00010-00005386-00005556 keeping from you. 8ucepwf7vM0-00011-00005556-00006026 For those of you who follow the Anonymous Patriots� Citizens� Intelligence Reports, 8ucepwf7vM0-00012-00006026-00006517 you will be familiar with the high level intelligence we provide fellow patriots so that you are 8ucepwf7vM0-00013-00006517-00007018 armed with the truth that the legacy media can�t tell you because they ARE the opposition. 8ucepwf7vM0-00014-00007018-00007628 Whether CNN, NBC, or Fox, they operate as weapons of deceit to keep We the People from 8ucepwf7vM0-00015-00007628-00007967 knowing the deep truth about our world and its rulers. 8ucepwf7vM0-00016-00007967-00008461 If we are to support the new administration in wiping out the world�s common enemy, 8ucepwf7vM0-00017-00008461-00008945 we need to know WHO the enemy is and what their battle plan looks like. 8ucepwf7vM0-00018-00008945-00009410 We also need to know the deep crimes they have committed against humanity. 8ucepwf7vM0-00019-00009410-00010087 Astana (appropriately, its anagram is A Satan) is a legacy of George HW Bush Sr. and Dick 8ucepwf7vM0-00020-00010087-00010588 Cheney�s illegal manipulation of the oil reserves in the former countries of the USSR 8ucepwf7vM0-00021-00010588-00011146 that now are ruled by despots and kleptocrats funded through oil cartels. 8ucepwf7vM0-00022-00011146-00011650 Also in Astana is a battle being waged between Pope Francis and Kazakhstan�s president, 8ucepwf7vM0-00023-00011650-00012171 Nursultan Nazarbayev for a One World Religion � or Global Theocracy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00024-00012171-00012661 Nazarbayev wants to use the Congress of World and Traditional Religions to establish his 8ucepwf7vM0-00025-00012661-00012952 global control of religion in Astana. 8ucepwf7vM0-00026-00012952-00013288 The Pope, however, has a different idea. 8ucepwf7vM0-00027-00013288-00013980 In a remote place in Kazakhstan, all the nefarious global factions are colliding�the CIA, Bush, 8ucepwf7vM0-00028-00013980-00014619 Cheney, the oil cartels, the Vatican and Pope, the United Nations, the banksters, and the 8ucepwf7vM0-00029-00014619-00014904 dirty secrets of 911. 8ucepwf7vM0-00030-00014904-00015359 To understand what is unfolding there today and how actions of the Trump administration 8ucepwf7vM0-00031-00015359-00015912 have averted WWIII, you need to learn the HISTORY that the legacy media has not told 8ucepwf7vM0-00032-00015912-00016012 you. 8ucepwf7vM0-00033-00016012-00016531 Unfortunately, the average U.S. citizen is clueless because for decades our corrupt government 8ucepwf7vM0-00034-00016531-00017040 has failed to prosecute the domestic terrorists that still walk freely among us and our media 8ucepwf7vM0-00035-00017040-00017350 has kept the citizenry in ignorance. 8ucepwf7vM0-00036-00017350-00017945 In this lengthy, but highly valuable, citizens� intelligence report, you will learn: 8ucepwf7vM0-00037-00017945-00018429 Why Trump�s victory dashed the hopes of both the new Rogue CIA headquarters in Astana 8ucepwf7vM0-00038-00018429-00018923 and the plans of the new Gray Pope Francis to take over the world�s religions. 8ucepwf7vM0-00039-00018923-00019553 The Bush Oil Cartel�s role in the fleecing of oil and gold from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00040-00019553-00020065 How Kazakhstan�s President Nazarbayev became one of the richest men in the world and why 8ucepwf7vM0-00041-00020065-00020623 he has been chosen to develop the global anti-terrorism plan of the United Nations. 8ucepwf7vM0-00042-00020623-00021164 How George Bush Sr. developed a rogue CIA that morphed into private intelligence agencies 8ucepwf7vM0-00043-00021164-00021551 that control oil and gold interests throughout the world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00044-00021551-00022062 How Kazakhstan�s International Financial Center is the CIA�s newest crooked banking 8ucepwf7vM0-00045-00022062-00022490 complex for hiding its fraudulent activities in Eurasia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00046-00022490-00022909 Why Kazakhstan has been chosen as the new home of the United Nations� efforts for 8ucepwf7vM0-00047-00022909-00023104 a One World Religion. 8ucepwf7vM0-00048-00023104-00023584 The battle between Pope Francis and President Nazarbayev over who will rule the new One 8ucepwf7vM0-00049-00023584-00024104 World Religion, a theocracy which is a cross between the Socialistic Liberation Theology 8ucepwf7vM0-00050-00024104-00024384 of Pope Francis and the dictatorship of President Nazarbayev. 8ucepwf7vM0-00051-00024384-00024812 Nazarbayev the Kleptocrat 8ucepwf7vM0-00052-00024812-00025526 On September 29, 2006, President Bush hosted the President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan 8ucepwf7vM0-00053-00025526-00025685 at the White House. 8ucepwf7vM0-00054-00025685-00026304 The State Department firmly opposed the visit, as did staffers at the National Security Council. 8ucepwf7vM0-00055-00026304-00026851 But Nazarbayev had a closely guarded relationship with the power behind the throne in Washington�Vice 8ucepwf7vM0-00056-00026851-00027101 President Dick Cheney. 8ucepwf7vM0-00057-00027101-00027658 During the Clinton years, Cheney served as CEO of Halliburton, a leading oil and gas 8ucepwf7vM0-00058-00027658-00028120 industry service provider with an enormous position in Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00059-00028120-00028670 Cheney also served Nazarbayev as a member of Kazakhstan�s Oil Advisory Board. 8ucepwf7vM0-00060-00028670-00029189 The relationship continued when Cheney came to the White House with Bush Jr., and Nazarbayev 8ucepwf7vM0-00061-00029189-00029664 sought Cheney�s advice and intervention in connection with a Justice Department corruption 8ucepwf7vM0-00062-00029664-00029818 investigation. 8ucepwf7vM0-00063-00029818-00030283 There was lingering suspicion in Congress that Cheney intervened to slow down the Justice 8ucepwf7vM0-00064-00030283-00030804 Department�s management of the Kazakh corruption investigation which eventually slowed to a 8ucepwf7vM0-00065-00030804-00030904 stop. 8ucepwf7vM0-00066-00030904-00031467 KEY POINT: Nazarbayev and members of his immediate family have accumulated some of the largest 8ucepwf7vM0-00067-00031467-00032126 private fortunes in the world in oil, gas, telecommunications, hospitality, construction 8ucepwf7vM0-00068-00032126-00032422 materials, banking and finance. 8ucepwf7vM0-00069-00032422-00032804 Nazarbayev is one of the wealthiest men in the world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00070-00032804-00033400 Kazakhstan, for all its economic accomplishment, is anything but a burgeoning democracy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00071-00033400-00033899 Nazarbayev secured passage of a bill allowing him to run for as many presidential terms 8ucepwf7vM0-00072-00033899-00034050 as he likes. 8ucepwf7vM0-00073-00034050-00034573 His intelligence service frequently finds cause to harass and intimidate the opposition. 8ucepwf7vM0-00074-00034573-00035089 In recent elections, opposition parties have won one seat in Parliament. 8ucepwf7vM0-00075-00035089-00035677 Western observers like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 8ucepwf7vM0-00076-00035677-00036012 have accused Nazarbayev of rigging elections. 8ucepwf7vM0-00077-00036012-00036462 The Kazakhgate trial in the U.S. demonstrated that the Justice Department believed there 8ucepwf7vM0-00078-00036462-00036908 was a pervasive culture of corruption within Nazarbayev�s regime. 8ucepwf7vM0-00079-00036908-00037427 James Giffen, an American businessman with ties to Western oil companies, was accused 8ucepwf7vM0-00080-00037427-00037854 of funneling millions of dollars in bribes to Kazakh officials. 8ucepwf7vM0-00081-00037854-00038323 Giffen ran Mercator Corporation, a small New York merchant bank. 8ucepwf7vM0-00082-00038323-00038791 Mercator�s business consisted of representing and advising the government of Kazakhstan 8ucepwf7vM0-00083-00038791-00039333 in negotiating oil and natural gas concessions with Western energy companies. 8ucepwf7vM0-00084-00039333-00039983 In the beginning of 1995, at the same time as Mercator won the Kazakhstan contract, Giffen 8ucepwf7vM0-00085-00039983-00040447 was made a �Counselor to the President of Kazakhstan,� a title which gave him special 8ucepwf7vM0-00086-00040447-00041046 privileges in dealing on behalf of the Kazakh government as well as foreign energy companies. 8ucepwf7vM0-00087-00041046-00041556 The idea was that for each successful transaction completed, Kazakhstan would pay Mercator a 8ucepwf7vM0-00088-00041556-00041683 certain fee. 8ucepwf7vM0-00089-00041683-00042282 In fact, this fee was paid by the energy company as a part of the deal it struck with the Kazakh 8ucepwf7vM0-00090-00042282-00042382 government. 8ucepwf7vM0-00091-00042382-00042794 This money went into escrow accounts at several Swiss banks. 8ucepwf7vM0-00092-00042794-00043253 According to the indictment, Giffen illegally diverted some of the escrow money into secret 8ucepwf7vM0-00093-00043253-00043882 Swiss bank accounts; moreover, he used more than $78 million of these funds to make payments 8ucepwf7vM0-00094-00043882-00044586 to high-ranking Kazakh officials, including Prime Minister Balgimbaev and President Nazarbayev. 8ucepwf7vM0-00095-00044586-00045238 Kazakhstan paid Mercator more than $60 million between 1995 and 1999. 8ucepwf7vM0-00096-00045238-00045758 Giffen had some links to the CIA that ordered or sponsored his dealings to strengthen U.S. 8ucepwf7vM0-00097-00045758-00045982 relations with oil-rich Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00098-00045982-00046477 Giffen was part of a White House effort to cozy up to an oil-rich nation�s kleptocratic 8ucepwf7vM0-00099-00046477-00046785 leaders via highly illegal means. 8ucepwf7vM0-00100-00046785-00047070 Bush Oil Cartel and Central Asia 8ucepwf7vM0-00101-00047070-00047554 Prior to the attack on the World Trade Center, there were a number of seemingly independent, 8ucepwf7vM0-00102-00047554-00048239 U.S. covert operations occurring in many Central Asian countries, but primarily: Afghanistan, 8ucepwf7vM0-00103-00048239-00048624 Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00104-00048624-00049183 The central figures in these theatres of operations were Richard Cheney, Richard Secord, Richard 8ucepwf7vM0-00105-00049183-00049892 Armitage, George Bush Sr., David Kimche (Mossad Intelligence), Adnan Khashoggi (Saudi Intelligence), 8ucepwf7vM0-00106-00049892-00050113 and Farhad Azima. 8ucepwf7vM0-00107-00050113-00050754 The central institutions in these operations were Halliburton, Unocal, Delta Oil, Enron, 8ucepwf7vM0-00108-00050754-00051464 Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Credit Suisse, the Bank of New York, and the Deutschebank. 8ucepwf7vM0-00109-00051464-00052046 For our intelligence report on 9-11 that explains these players and events in more detail, see: 8ucepwf7vM0-00110-00052046-00052434 Who Did 911 and Why Did They Do It? 8ucepwf7vM0-00111-00052434-00053024 The first Bush administration, under the guidance of Zbniew Brezinski and Henry Kissinger, formulated 8ucepwf7vM0-00112-00053024-00053430 and initiated a strategy to control Central Asian Oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00113-00053430-00053875 U.S. covert activities in the region were guided by that strategy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00114-00053875-00054320 Prior to his departure from office of the Presidency, Bush put into motion a number 8ucepwf7vM0-00115-00054320-00054802 of covert activities that would ensure the continuation of his strategy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00116-00054802-00055385 Those activities would include sending his former Iran-Contra operatives (Richard Secord, 8ucepwf7vM0-00117-00055385-00056066 Richard Armitage and Farhad Azima) into Azerbaijan, and James Giffen into Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00118-00056066-00056629 The Taliban government in Afghanistan had reneged on a deal with Unocal (US) and Delta 8ucepwf7vM0-00119-00056629-00057304 Oil (Saudi) in August of 2001, to allow Unocal and Delta to build and control a pipeline 8ucepwf7vM0-00120-00057304-00057619 from the Caspian Basin through Afghanistan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00121-00057619-00058180 The Bush administration was heavily populated by former energy sector professionals (Bush- 8ucepwf7vM0-00122-00058180-00058904 Harken Energy, etc; Cheney- Halliburton; Condoleezza Rice-Chevron; Tom White- Enron, to list a 8ucepwf7vM0-00123-00058904-00059004 few). 8ucepwf7vM0-00124-00059004-00059575 Along with the energy lobby representing the single greatest source of Bush campaign contributions, 8ucepwf7vM0-00125-00059575-00060178 these bad actors planned, executed and covered-up the attack on the WTC to justify a war with 8ucepwf7vM0-00126-00060178-00060617 the Taliban government, and a subsequent invasion of Iraq. 8ucepwf7vM0-00127-00060617-00061202 The North Tower of the WTC housed the offices of the FBI where investigations into two seemingly 8ucepwf7vM0-00128-00061202-00061779 independent crimes were ongoing: illegal gold trades and Kazakhstangate, specifically the 8ucepwf7vM0-00129-00061779-00062434 illegal payment of bribes to Kazakhstan officials by Mobil Oil representatives Giffen and Williams. 8ucepwf7vM0-00130-00062434-00062884 The money laundering involved in both cases crossed paths through the Deutsche Bank and 8ucepwf7vM0-00131-00062884-00063049 Credit Suisse. 8ucepwf7vM0-00132-00063049-00063573 Because the secret services of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan were working together, in unison 8ucepwf7vM0-00133-00063573-00064194 with Richard Secord and David Kimche (Mossad), any investigation into Kazakhstan bank accounts 8ucepwf7vM0-00134-00064194-00064647 probably would have carried over into Azerbaijani bank activity. 8ucepwf7vM0-00135-00064647-00065166 Together, these seemingly unrelated events demonstrated a larger pattern of investigation 8ucepwf7vM0-00136-00065166-00065589 into the German banking cartel by U.S. investigators. 8ucepwf7vM0-00137-00065589-00066395 Five incidents, listed below, were being investigated in the offices in the WTC at the time of 911. 8ucepwf7vM0-00138-00066395-00066808 Collectively they suggest that consecutive U.S. administrations had sought to further 8ucepwf7vM0-00139-00066808-00067376 the interests of the U.S. and Saudi Oil companies in Central Asia and Russia, and had undertaken 8ucepwf7vM0-00140-00067376-00067630 covert operations to do so. 8ucepwf7vM0-00141-00067630-00068312 1) The James Giffen/Bryon and the Credit Suisse scandal involving Mobil Oil, Phillips Oil, 8ucepwf7vM0-00142-00068312-00068874 Chevron and Halliburton in Kazakhstan, which while reported as isolated to the Union Bank 8ucepwf7vM0-00143-00068874-00069650 of Switzerland (UBS), seems to avoid reporting involvement of Marc Rich (Russian Mafia/Israeli) 8ucepwf7vM0-00144-00069650-00070181 and his use of the Bank of New York/Cayman Islands/Deutsche Bank chain for his money 8ucepwf7vM0-00145-00070181-00070420 laundering and oil swap operations; 8ucepwf7vM0-00146-00070420-00071042 2) The Mega Oil operations in Azerbaijan, involving the former Iran-Contra guns for 8ucepwf7vM0-00147-00071042-00071379 drugs operatives and their UBS accounts; 8ucepwf7vM0-00148-00071379-00071998 3) Enron and Unocal operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, using Deutsche Bank channels 8ucepwf7vM0-00149-00071998-00072367 to funnel money through the Pakistanis to the Afghanis; 8ucepwf7vM0-00150-00072367-00072932 4) The Kevin Ingram scandal in which this Deutsche Bank executive was convicted of laundering 8ucepwf7vM0-00151-00072932-00073435 money for weapons purchases for Muslim terrorists through Pakistani agents; and 8ucepwf7vM0-00152-00073435-00074070 5) The Bank of New York Russian money laundering scandal, in which Russian funds were being 8ucepwf7vM0-00153-00074070-00074522 sent back to Russia via the Cayman Islands, where they were being picked up by the Deutsche 8ucepwf7vM0-00154-00074522-00074748 Bank and Banker�s Trust. 8ucepwf7vM0-00155-00074748-00074936 Caspian Oil 8ucepwf7vM0-00156-00074936-00075462 Before the Central Asian money-laundering activities can be explained, the Afghan pipeline, 8ucepwf7vM0-00157-00075462-00076175 and the lesser discussed BTC (Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan) pipeline from Azerbaijan through Turkey, need 8ucepwf7vM0-00158-00076175-00076522 to be understood with some geographical context. 8ucepwf7vM0-00159-00076522-00077104 At one time, the Caspian Sea Basin was considered to be the fourth largest oil reserve in the 8ucepwf7vM0-00160-00077104-00077204 world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00161-00077204-00077764 Three of the four largest oil fields in the Caspian basin are located in Kazakhstan, the 8ucepwf7vM0-00162-00077764-00078067 fourth field is located in Azerbaijan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00163-00078067-00078648 The region also includes the world�s fourth largest natural gas reserves in Turkmenistan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00164-00078648-00079335 Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan are landlocked, thus requiring pipelines to export 8ucepwf7vM0-00165-00079335-00079549 the reserves to market. 8ucepwf7vM0-00166-00079549-00080024 The current pipelines out of the Caspian move oil north, through Russia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00167-00080024-00080461 An alternative pipeline was planned to the south, through Iran. 8ucepwf7vM0-00168-00080461-00081008 Having Caspian oil and gas flow through either Russia or Iran was not a situation that the 8ucepwf7vM0-00169-00081008-00081325 U.S. and Saudi oil companies wished to have happen. 8ucepwf7vM0-00170-00081325-00081777 Nor was Russia willing to allow U.S. owned oil to flow through its pipeline. 8ucepwf7vM0-00171-00081777-00082297 The only options available to the U.S. and Saudi oil firms were controlling the Afghanistan 8ucepwf7vM0-00172-00082297-00082641 and/or the BTC pipeline through Turkey. 8ucepwf7vM0-00173-00082641-00083102 The Russians were investing in surrogate military forces which they hoped would control the 8ucepwf7vM0-00174-00083102-00083681 political situations in Azerbaijan and Afghanistan to a point that U.S. and Saudi interests and 8ucepwf7vM0-00175-00083681-00084051 partners were prevented from controlling the oil and gas. 8ucepwf7vM0-00176-00084051-00084636 In the meantime, the U.S. and Saudis were investing in surrogate forces in Dagestan, 8ucepwf7vM0-00177-00084636-00085002 Chechnya and Azerbaijan to help counter Russian forces. 8ucepwf7vM0-00178-00085002-00085471 The Chechnyan conflict was always about controlling the pipeline. 8ucepwf7vM0-00179-00085471-00085943 Generally ignored in the economic overview of Caspian Oil, is a discussion of the vast 8ucepwf7vM0-00180-00085943-00086448 gold wealth, as well as opium and heroin, found in this region. 8ucepwf7vM0-00181-00086448-00086943 Long before oil became a global battleground, gold and heroin trafficking had attracted 8ucepwf7vM0-00182-00086943-00087274 the Russian/Israeli Mafia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00183-00087274-00087664 Kazakhstan is reported to hold 20% of the world�s gold reserves. 8ucepwf7vM0-00184-00087664-00088206 The Caspian basin was Russian Mafia turf before the oil companies appeared on the scene, and 8ucepwf7vM0-00185-00088206-00088710 payoffs to the Russian/Israeli Mafia were absolutely critical. 8ucepwf7vM0-00186-00088710-00089296 While U.S. and Saudi oil companies were �buying� access to Caspian oil, many other western 8ucepwf7vM0-00187-00089296-00089578 companies were being forced out of the region. 8ucepwf7vM0-00188-00089578-00090026 Two companies managed to establish a rapprochement with the Mafia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00189-00090026-00090469 One of them was Barrick Gold where George Bush Sr. was a board member. 8ucepwf7vM0-00190-00090469-00090894 Barrick leveraged for itself a significant position in Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00191-00090894-00091442 Barrick was a major CIA gold laundering operation used to launder thousands of tons of gold 8ucepwf7vM0-00192-00091442-00091977 stolen from various treasuries, including those of the former Soviet Union. 8ucepwf7vM0-00193-00091977-00092541 Barrick and its partner in Kazakhstan, Nelson Gold, were run by Nazarbayev�s son-in-law. 8ucepwf7vM0-00194-00092541-00093235 Nazarbayev was extensively involved in money laundering and illegal oil deals. 8ucepwf7vM0-00195-00093235-00093600 Azerbaijan Dealings Reveal the Domestic Enemies of the U.S. 8ucepwf7vM0-00196-00093600-00094210 In Azerbaijan, one finds a large cast of participants all linked through supporting roles in the 8ucepwf7vM0-00197-00094210-00094750 Iran-Contra Scandal, the October Surprise, and Bush and Cheney�s private intelligence 8ucepwf7vM0-00198-00094750-00095164 agencies Farwest, Diligence, and Halliburton. 8ucepwf7vM0-00199-00095164-00095663 In Azerbaijan, these �Bush Rogue CIA� individuals are: 8ucepwf7vM0-00200-00095663-00096276 � Dick Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, lobbyist for the Azerbaijan International Operating 8ucepwf7vM0-00201-00096276-00096662 Company, on US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; 8ucepwf7vM0-00202-00096662-00097157 � Adnan Khashoggi, whose Azerbaijan banks �played a big part in the formation of terrorist 8ucepwf7vM0-00203-00097157-00097705 camps and in the opening of laboratories for developing chemical and bacteriological weapons 8ucepwf7vM0-00204-00097705-00097839 in Nagornyy Karabakh.� 8ucepwf7vM0-00205-00097839-00098451 � Richard Secord, a former U.S. Air Force major general who had been helping to recruit 8ucepwf7vM0-00206-00098451-00098985 and train the Azerbaijani army as well as regional secret services; 8ucepwf7vM0-00207-00098985-00099488 � Richard Armitage, acting as a consultant to Halliburton and Unocal at the time, and 8ucepwf7vM0-00208-00099488-00099839 President of the US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce; 8ucepwf7vM0-00209-00099839-00100472 � Farhad Azima, arms merchant with Iranian background, member of US-Azerbaijani Chamber 8ucepwf7vM0-00210-00100472-00101038 of Commerce, assisted Richard Secord in recruiting and training mujahideen mercenaries, owns 8ucepwf7vM0-00211-00101038-00101639 the Azerbaijan Airlines, and has a twenty-year-old relationship with the Bush family enterprise; 8ucepwf7vM0-00212-00101639-00102214 � Khalid bin Mahfouz, owner, with the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal 8ucepwf7vM0-00213-00102214-00102642 family of the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00214-00102642-00103013 Both are partners with Unocal in Azerbaijan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00215-00103013-00103508 � David Kimche, Israeli Mossad agent who brought Israeli agents into Azerbaijan at 8ucepwf7vM0-00216-00103508-00104141 the request of Secord, and worked with Secord and the regional secret service organizations. 8ucepwf7vM0-00217-00104141-00104684 The essence of the Azerbaijan operation was an effort by former Iran-Contra conspirators 8ucepwf7vM0-00218-00104684-00105251 to illegally support the despotic government of Azerbaijan in its war against Russian backed 8ucepwf7vM0-00219-00105251-00105354 Armenia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00220-00105354-00105885 In doing so, they supposedly sought to protect for U.S. and Saudi Oil interests a western 8ucepwf7vM0-00221-00105885-00106496 access to the Caspian Oil basin, and one of the four largest oil fields in the region. 8ucepwf7vM0-00222-00106496-00107036 They did so by illegally recruiting Afghan mujahideen mercenaries to fight for Azerbaijan 8ucepwf7vM0-00223-00107036-00107621 (against Russian backed Armenians), using Mega Oil as the financial cover. 8ucepwf7vM0-00224-00107621-00108105 Richard Secord also brought the Mossad into Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00225-00108105-00108766 It is clear that Azerbaijan is merely a base operation for the broader Central Asian operation 8ucepwf7vM0-00226-00108766-00109153 initiated by Bush Sr. in 1991. 8ucepwf7vM0-00227-00109153-00109740 The key player in the operation to control Azerbaijan politics was Secord and Mega Oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00228-00109740-00110227 Secord has a long history which intertwines with the Bush Family Trust, Harken Energy 8ucepwf7vM0-00229-00110227-00110858 (George Bush Jr.�s insider trading scandal and �pump and dump� scheme), UBS and the 8ucepwf7vM0-00230-00110858-00111169 BCCI group of Saudi investors. 8ucepwf7vM0-00231-00111169-00111746 The Azerbaijani Mega Oil operation had the same cast of illegal money launderers associated 8ucepwf7vM0-00232-00111746-00112373 with the Barrick Gold laundering: the BCCI Saudis and Adnan Khashoggi, the Bush enterprise, 8ucepwf7vM0-00233-00112373-00112595 and illegal weapons merchants. 8ucepwf7vM0-00234-00112595-00113221 As with the Giffen/Williams scandal in Kazakhstan, this operation began under George Bush Sr.�s 8ucepwf7vM0-00235-00113221-00113409 White House sponsorship. 8ucepwf7vM0-00236-00113409-00113973 The connection is fairly explicit, with Giffen being responsible for a meeting between Nazarbayev 8ucepwf7vM0-00237-00113973-00114329 and George Bush Sr. in May of 1992. 8ucepwf7vM0-00238-00114329-00114851 In addition to covert White House sponsorship, significant lobbying assistance was provided 8ucepwf7vM0-00239-00114851-00115349 by The United States Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC). 8ucepwf7vM0-00240-00115349-00115921 It was this body that has, and remains, the source of negotiations, planning and structure 8ucepwf7vM0-00241-00115921-00116059 in the region. 8ucepwf7vM0-00242-00116059-00116370 Prior to many of its board members entering the Bush Jr. 8ucepwf7vM0-00243-00116370-00116790 White, they were the force behind the U.S. Congressional effort called the Silk Road 8ucepwf7vM0-00244-00116790-00117521 Strategy of 1996-1998, the Caspian initiative, Black Sea pipeline routes and the division 8ucepwf7vM0-00245-00117521-00117710 of the Caspian Sea. 8ucepwf7vM0-00246-00117710-00118364 The USACC Advisory Board consisted of these men: Dr. Henry Kissinger, James A Baker III, 8ucepwf7vM0-00247-00118364-00119041 Lloyd Bentsen, Zibigniew Brzezinski, Dick Cheney, Brent Scowcroft, John Sununu, James 8ucepwf7vM0-00248-00119041-00119570 A Baker IV, Don Stacy (Amoco), and Richard Armitage. 8ucepwf7vM0-00249-00119570-00120022 From the point of view of this group, the grander �Silk Road� strategy was one of 8ucepwf7vM0-00250-00120022-00120242 capturing the Caspian Oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00251-00120242-00120765 Bush tried to outflank Iran and not allow oil and gas pipelines to run through Iran 8ucepwf7vM0-00252-00120765-00121427 from the Northern Caspian region, Russia, Caspian Sea, and Turkmenistan/ Kazakhstan, 8ucepwf7vM0-00253-00121427-00121692 South to the Persian Gulf and into Pakistan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00254-00121692-00122336 Bush, inextricably tied to western oil interests, wanted to run pipelines through Afghanistan 8ucepwf7vM0-00255-00122336-00122708 into Pakistan as the counter weight on the Eastern front. 8ucepwf7vM0-00256-00122708-00123305 The pipelines through Iraq, an Iraq controlled by the U.S., is the counterweight on the Western 8ucepwf7vM0-00257-00123305-00123405 front. 8ucepwf7vM0-00258-00123405-00123922 Russia wanted the Black Sea routes; China the Silk Road routes; Bush wanted everything 8ucepwf7vM0-00259-00123922-00124523 to flow South from the entire region into his deep pockets via the Persian Gulf routes. 8ucepwf7vM0-00260-00124523-00124780 Dick Cheney�s Kazakhstan-Gate 8ucepwf7vM0-00261-00124780-00125321 The Tengiz oil field on Kazakhstan�s Caspian coast is one of the ten largest oil deposits 8ucepwf7vM0-00262-00125321-00125911 in the world, and was first developed in 1993 in a joint venture headed by Chevron, which 8ucepwf7vM0-00263-00125911-00126173 owns 50% of the consortium. 8ucepwf7vM0-00264-00126173-00126833 The resulting enterprise, Tengizchevroil, was later joined by Mobil as a 25% owner. 8ucepwf7vM0-00265-00126833-00127433 The government of Kazakhstan owns another 20%, and Russian-American joint venture Lukoil 8ucepwf7vM0-00266-00127433-00127630 holds a 5% share. 8ucepwf7vM0-00267-00127630-00128326 U.S. oil company control of the Tengiz oil field (75%) is largely attributable to James 8ucepwf7vM0-00268-00128326-00128788 Giffen and Bryan Williams of Mobil Oil, and Dick Cheney of Halliburton. 8ucepwf7vM0-00269-00128788-00129484 Condoleezza Rice was on the board of directors of Chevron and was its main expert on Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00270-00129484-00129967 During the course of acquiring rights to this oil field, it appears that Giffen and Williams 8ucepwf7vM0-00271-00129967-00130352 acted illegally in the manner in which they won these contracts. 8ucepwf7vM0-00272-00130352-00130950 It appears that Dick Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, may have also been involved in illegal activity 8ucepwf7vM0-00273-00130950-00131162 in Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00274-00131162-00131664 Government prosecutors attempted to gloss over the involvement of George Bush Sr. in 8ucepwf7vM0-00275-00131664-00132186 the Giffen/Williams investigation by limiting the period of activity in the indictment. 8ucepwf7vM0-00276-00132186-00132714 The relationship to the Bush Sr. White House should not be viewed as coincidental. 8ucepwf7vM0-00277-00132714-00133284 MEGA Oil, with its ties to the Bush family and Saudis, also initiated its covert activities 8ucepwf7vM0-00278-00133284-00133941 on the opposite side of the Caspian � in Azerbaijan � in 1992 under George Bush Sr. 8ucepwf7vM0-00279-00133941-00134462 James Giffen and Bryan Williams of Mobil Oil made illegal payments to Kazakhstan officials 8ucepwf7vM0-00280-00134462-00135008 � President Nazarbayev in particular � on behalf of Mobil oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00281-00135008-00135448 Millions were impounded at Banque Pictet and other Swiss money-centers representing illegal 8ucepwf7vM0-00282-00135448-00136169 payoffs to Kazakh officials by three major U.S. oil companies: Mobil, BP Amoco, and Phillips 8ucepwf7vM0-00283-00136169-00136269 Petroleum. 8ucepwf7vM0-00284-00136269-00136735 Giffen�s alleged role was that of the go-between who secretly transferred these huge bribes 8ucepwf7vM0-00285-00136735-00137359 from the U.S. oil corporations along circuitous international money-laundering routes to Kazakhstan�s 8ucepwf7vM0-00286-00137359-00137560 president and his top aides. 8ucepwf7vM0-00287-00137560-00138046 Giffen and Williams were found guilty in 2003 of money laundering. 8ucepwf7vM0-00288-00138046-00138586 Dick Cheney was extensively involved in at least two of the four areas of the Kazakhstan 8ucepwf7vM0-00289-00138586-00139117 investigation: the Caspian Pipeline Consortium and the Tengiz oil field contracts. 8ucepwf7vM0-00290-00139117-00139638 As the CEO of Halliburton, his company was a direct beneficiary of the construction of 8ucepwf7vM0-00291-00139638-00139783 the pipeline. 8ucepwf7vM0-00292-00139783-00140330 As a member of Kazakhstan�s Oil Advisory Board, with Giffen, he helped broker the Chevron 8ucepwf7vM0-00293-00140330-00140662 Oil deal for the Tengiz oil fields. 8ucepwf7vM0-00294-00140662-00141176 Just as Giffen and Williams cheated their partner (Farhat Tabbah), so did Cheney �cheat� 8ucepwf7vM0-00295-00141176-00141685 his original partner Scott Van Dyke of Anglo Dutch Tenge � an oil company. 8ucepwf7vM0-00296-00141685-00142241 As part of his efforts to get Chevron into Kazakhstan, Cheney breached his confidentiality 8ucepwf7vM0-00297-00142241-00142762 agreement, for which Halliburton was later found guilty and paid a $70 million fine. 8ucepwf7vM0-00298-00142762-00143390 At a superficial level, the FBI was able to prosecute two American business executives 8ucepwf7vM0-00299-00143390-00143872 for violating the law with an oil swap between Iran and Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00300-00143872-00144411 Dick Cheney�s role in this particular set of crimes, and his efforts to have Nazarbayev 8ucepwf7vM0-00301-00144411-00144775 exempted from prosecution remained unreported in the legacy media. 8ucepwf7vM0-00302-00144775-00145372 There is, however, at least one other set of activities that Cheney was most probably 8ucepwf7vM0-00303-00145372-00145972 involved in which were unreported oil swaps between Kazakhstan and Angola, with a significant 8ucepwf7vM0-00304-00145972-00146217 shipment of Russian weapons. 8ucepwf7vM0-00305-00146217-00146627 Halliburton was involved in illegal oil swaps with Angola. 8ucepwf7vM0-00306-00146627-00147282 First, Halliburton (again, under Cheney) apparently was involved in bribery in that region of 8ucepwf7vM0-00307-00147282-00147765 Africa, with enough evidence for the Department of Justice to open an investigation involving 8ucepwf7vM0-00308-00147765-00148403 the payment of $180 million in possible kickbacks to obtain contracts to build a natural gas 8ucepwf7vM0-00309-00148403-00148934 plant in Nigeria during a period in the late 1990�s when Vice President Dick Cheney was 8ucepwf7vM0-00310-00148934-00149111 chairman of the company. 8ucepwf7vM0-00311-00149111-00149585 Halliburton and the oil companies in Kazakhstan are the same companies that benefited from 8ucepwf7vM0-00312-00149585-00150148 major contracts from questionable activities in Angola, using the same financial conduits 8ucepwf7vM0-00313-00150148-00150599 used by Giffen and Williams and the U.S. oil companies in Kazakhstan. 8ucepwf7vM0-00314-00150599-00151074 Nazarbayev, the Russian/Israeli Mafia and Angola-gate 8ucepwf7vM0-00315-00151074-00151709 U.S. oil companies in Kazakhstan were in need of moving oil out of Kazakhstan because its 8ucepwf7vM0-00316-00151709-00151971 oil pipeline was not finished. 8ucepwf7vM0-00317-00151971-00152517 Yet, the Russians were not allowing oil to be moved through Russia, and U.S. law prohibited 8ucepwf7vM0-00318-00152517-00152723 moving it through Iran. 8ucepwf7vM0-00319-00152723-00153292 The individuals arranging swaps to move oil out of the country ran a large number of swaps, 8ucepwf7vM0-00320-00153292-00153739 but the swap with Iran drew the most attention because of the illegality of trading with 8ucepwf7vM0-00321-00153739-00153839 Iran. 8ucepwf7vM0-00322-00153839-00154297 These same businessmen were running oil deals between Angola and Russia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00323-00154297-00154945 Like Iran, Angola had its own maritime access, so a swap between Kazakhstan and Angola would 8ucepwf7vM0-00324-00154945-00155484 serve the same purpose as a swap between Iran and Kazakhstan � except the Angola swap 8ucepwf7vM0-00325-00155484-00155719 would not violate the law. 8ucepwf7vM0-00326-00155719-00156285 The Marc Rich (Glencore) connection is insightful because it identifies the probable link between 8ucepwf7vM0-00327-00156285-00156855 the Russian/Israeli Mafia and the oil swap industry and the structure of its money laundering 8ucepwf7vM0-00328-00156855-00156974 methods. 8ucepwf7vM0-00329-00156974-00157335 These methods demonstrate involvement by the Deutsche Bank. 8ucepwf7vM0-00330-00157335-00158010 During the U.S. Justice Department 1998-1999 investigation of the Bank of New York�s 8ucepwf7vM0-00331-00158010-00158559 money-laundering on behalf of the Russian Mafia, Marc Rich was implicated. 8ucepwf7vM0-00332-00158559-00158983 Marc Rich�s Glencore was involved in laundering Russian Mafia money through the Bank of New 8ucepwf7vM0-00333-00158983-00159120 York. 8ucepwf7vM0-00334-00159120-00159528 According to Australian sources, the money was moved from the Bank of New York to the 8ucepwf7vM0-00335-00159528-00159812 Pacific island country of Nauru. 8ucepwf7vM0-00336-00159812-00160208 What is interesting is the revelation that at the same time the Bank of New York was 8ucepwf7vM0-00337-00160208-00160713 required to shut down relations with Nauru as a result of the investigation so were the 8ucepwf7vM0-00338-00160713-00161109 relationships of Naura with Deutsche Bank and Banker�s Trust. 8ucepwf7vM0-00339-00161109-00161573 The simultaneous cessation of relations of these banks with Naura suggests these banks 8ucepwf7vM0-00340-00161573-00162157 were part of the same money-laundering investigation, and conduits used by Marc Rich, on behalf 8ucepwf7vM0-00341-00162157-00162504 of the Angolagate gang and the Russian Mafia. 8ucepwf7vM0-00342-00162504-00163032 The U.S. Export-Import Bank funding was used to buy weapons and towards the end of its 8ucepwf7vM0-00343-00163032-00163549 journey, was put in the Bank Rossiisky (third largest bank in Russia), where Gaydamak was 8ucepwf7vM0-00344-00163549-00163691 a director. 8ucepwf7vM0-00345-00163691-00164209 Bank Rossiisky was later documented to be a part of the Riggs-Valmet banking network, 8ucepwf7vM0-00346-00164209-00164547 run by Jonathan Bush, brother of George Bush Sr. 8ucepwf7vM0-00347-00164547-00165084 The money was then loaned to Russian and Angolan officials using securities as collateral. 8ucepwf7vM0-00348-00165084-00165587 The collateral turned out to be worthless, and the Bank nearly went bankrupt. 8ucepwf7vM0-00349-00165587-00166027 Lending credibility to the claim that there was most likely a link between Angola-gate 8ucepwf7vM0-00350-00166027-00166546 and Kazakhstan-gate, reports indicate that the bribes to Kazakhstan officials involved 8ucepwf7vM0-00351-00166546-00167095 three of the same banks as the Angola-gate money laundering operation: Bank of New York, 8ucepwf7vM0-00352-00167095-00167602 Banker�s Trust (Deutschebank) and Credit Agricole Indosuez. 8ucepwf7vM0-00353-00167602-00168124 Credit Agricole Indosuez was a correspondent bank with Bankers Trust in New York City� 8ucepwf7vM0-00354-00168124-00168602 and was operated using the assets of the closed BCCI bank. 8ucepwf7vM0-00355-00168602-00168810 Russia got the oil. 8ucepwf7vM0-00356-00168810-00168979 Angola got the weapons. 8ucepwf7vM0-00357-00168979-00169707 The whereabouts of about a half million dollars is known � and the rest (About $1.4 billion) 8ucepwf7vM0-00358-00169707-00169813 disappeared. 8ucepwf7vM0-00359-00169813-00170377 In a bizarre twist of fate, the Angolan debt to Russia was transferred to the U.S. taxpayers 8ucepwf7vM0-00360-00170377-00170809 under the guise of loans, compliments of Halliburton and Cheney. 8ucepwf7vM0-00361-00170809-00171355 Somewhere in between, brutal dictators and corrupt businessmen got bonuses. 8ucepwf7vM0-00362-00171355-00171694 Astana � Home of the Rogue Bush CIA 8ucepwf7vM0-00363-00171694-00172192 Now that you have the back story on Kazakhstan, perhaps you can understand the reason for 8ucepwf7vM0-00364-00172192-00172736 the UN�s involvement with the Astana, a fully-built, but people-empty, town awaiting 8ucepwf7vM0-00365-00172736-00173223 the promised arrival of the United Nation�s Congress of World and Traditional Religions, 8ucepwf7vM0-00366-00173223-00173837 the Astana International Financial Center, and Future Energy Expo 2017. 8ucepwf7vM0-00367-00173837-00174250 It stands ready to house the United Nations and all of its agencies. 8ucepwf7vM0-00368-00174250-00174809 KEY POINT: Trump has ended President Nazarbayev�s dreams to become the home of the New World 8ucepwf7vM0-00369-00174809-00175262 Order that George Bush Sr. preached and planned for so fervently. 8ucepwf7vM0-00370-00175262-00175888 Astana is the Bush Oil Cartel�s (rogue Bush CIA) beautiful new home, equipped with a Palace 8ucepwf7vM0-00371-00175888-00176433 of Peace that is focused on creating a new global theocracy with Kazakhstan�s corrupt 8ucepwf7vM0-00372-00176433-00176890 president, Nursultan Nazarbayev leading the UN sponsored movement. 8ucepwf7vM0-00373-00176890-00177350 All of these bad actors were just waiting for their gal Hillary Clinton to become president 8ucepwf7vM0-00374-00177350-00177803 so they could collapse it all and roll up the world in a New World Order, headquarters 8ucepwf7vM0-00375-00177803-00178011 located in Astana. 8ucepwf7vM0-00376-00178011-00178532 As you have now learned, Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney fleeced the oil and gold from Kazakhstan 8ucepwf7vM0-00377-00178532-00179172 and Azerbaijan, all the while making these countries home to the rogue CIA�s activities. 8ucepwf7vM0-00378-00179172-00179649 The presidents of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan stole billions from their countries and built 8ucepwf7vM0-00379-00179649-00180147 spectacular capital cities that have both become home to the New World Order, a goal 8ucepwf7vM0-00380-00180147-00180624 of the United Nations to have geographical and cultural places of its own. 8ucepwf7vM0-00381-00180624-00181348 (For more detail on the factions of the CIA, see our article on CIA Swamp Monsters.) 8ucepwf7vM0-00382-00181348-00181751 Astana spared no expense in its bid for global domination. 8ucepwf7vM0-00383-00181751-00182224 It has lured UN operations by constructing spectacular buildings that are waiting to 8ucepwf7vM0-00384-00182224-00182324 be filled. 8ucepwf7vM0-00385-00182324-00182803 It has created a �new Switzerland� which is projected to become the largest tax-haven 8ucepwf7vM0-00386-00182803-00182940 in the world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00387-00182940-00183286 New laws have been written to draw investors to Astana. 8ucepwf7vM0-00388-00183286-00183864 Additionally, a new stock market for Asia is in the works which will be located in Astana. 8ucepwf7vM0-00389-00183864-00184349 There is also the rumor that when Pope Francis comes to the Congress of Religions this year 8ucepwf7vM0-00390-00184349-00184911 in 2017 that he will take leadership of the One World Religion movement. 8ucepwf7vM0-00391-00184911-00185444 President Nazarbayev and the rogue Bush CIA seek to unite Geneva, Rome, and the City of 8ucepwf7vM0-00392-00185444-00185850 London into the new global home of the United Nations in Astana. 8ucepwf7vM0-00393-00185850-00186366 Nazarbayev has already been given the mandate by the UN to create, through the Congress 8ucepwf7vM0-00394-00186366-00186902 of World and Traditional Religions, to create a global policy on anti-terrorism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00395-00186902-00187342 He is now in direct competition with Pope Francis for the position of world leader of 8ucepwf7vM0-00396-00187342-00187536 a One World Religion. 8ucepwf7vM0-00397-00187536-00188087 At one time, it was the plan that Francis would go to Astana to lead this Congress, 8ucepwf7vM0-00398-00188087-00188520 but his plans have now changed and he wants to keep control in Rome. 8ucepwf7vM0-00399-00188520-00189090 KEY POINT: Trump�s victory, and his suggestions of defunding and/or exiting the U.N., has 8ucepwf7vM0-00400-00189090-00189609 destroyed the globalist plans of uniting the three ruling cities of Geneva, Rome and the 8ucepwf7vM0-00401-00189609-00190027 City of London into a ruling capital for the New World Order. 8ucepwf7vM0-00402-00190027-00190264 How is Pope Francis Involved? 8ucepwf7vM0-00403-00190264-00190799 Let�s not forget the Pope in this globalist agenda and take-over of the world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00404-00190799-00191350 Keep in mind that Francis is a Socialist Liberation Theologist, essentially a socialist who believes 8ucepwf7vM0-00405-00191350-00191674 in open borders and political activism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00406-00191674-00192232 He is also a Jesuit Apocalyptic Theologian who believes the end times are upon us. 8ucepwf7vM0-00407-00192232-00192737 Francis recently completed his take-over of the Roman Catholic Church by placing an exact 8ucepwf7vM0-00408-00192737-00193396 copy of himself from South America (his lieutenant) as the head of the Jesuits, a position called, 8ucepwf7vM0-00409-00193396-00193552 the Black Pope. 8ucepwf7vM0-00410-00193552-00194186 The Anonymous Patriots warned of this move in an intelligence report in April 2016 entitled 8ucepwf7vM0-00411-00194186-00194608 Countdown to Armageddon where we outlined how Pope Francis would make a play to take 8ucepwf7vM0-00412-00194608-00195082 over the Jesuits once the Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas retired. 8ucepwf7vM0-00413-00195082-00195560 Perhaps rebel factions in the Vatican hadn�t considered what Francis was planning to do, 8ucepwf7vM0-00414-00195560-00195976 or had the capability of doing, until they read this article. 8ucepwf7vM0-00415-00195976-00196594 Once exposed, Francis had to figure out another way to usurp the position of the Black Pope. 8ucepwf7vM0-00416-00196594-00197113 So instead of directly absorbing the Jesuits under his control, he put one of his minions 8ucepwf7vM0-00417-00197113-00197346 in the position of the Black Pope. 8ucepwf7vM0-00418-00197346-00197848 For all intents and purposes, Francis now controls the Jesuit Order and the Knights 8ucepwf7vM0-00419-00197848-00197995 of Malta. 8ucepwf7vM0-00420-00197995-00198469 To make the overthrow complete, Francis recently forced the resignation of the head of the 8ucepwf7vM0-00421-00198469-00198994 Knights of Malta, the economic insider-trading club that controls the richest group of elites 8ucepwf7vM0-00422-00198994-00199123 in the world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00423-00199123-00199667 Pope Francis is now the Gray Pope, having merged the two Vatican factions (black and 8ucepwf7vM0-00424-00199667-00199923 white) under his total control. 8ucepwf7vM0-00425-00199923-00200496 As we reported in Countdown to Armageddon, Francis was hoping for WWIII which would create 8ucepwf7vM0-00426-00200496-00201095 a crisis providing an opportunity to install the King of Jerusalem, Juan Carlos of Spain, 8ucepwf7vM0-00427-00201095-00201548 in the Holy City of Jerusalem and declare the coming of the End Times, the Battle of 8ucepwf7vM0-00428-00201548-00201835 Armageddon being acted out in Syria. 8ucepwf7vM0-00429-00201835-00202374 Their Jesuit Messiah, none other than Juan Carlos of Spain or his heir Felipe VI, would 8ucepwf7vM0-00430-00202374-00202855 �return� and Pope Francis would usher in a New Age of world-wide socialism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00431-00202855-00203369 Essentially, this would create the opportunity for the Jesuit Apocalyptic return of the Messiah 8ucepwf7vM0-00432-00203369-00203659 who would become a temporal King of the World. 8ucepwf7vM0-00433-00203659-00203901 This would create a global theocracy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00434-00203901-00204432 Nazarbayev also wants a global theocracy, but he believes he is the new world leader 8ucepwf7vM0-00435-00204432-00204865 that will make this One World Religion happen in Astana through the Congress of World and 8ucepwf7vM0-00436-00204865-00205055 Traditional Religions. 8ucepwf7vM0-00437-00205055-00205719 He has even built a Palace of Peace to house this new One World Religion � Global Theocracy. 8ucepwf7vM0-00438-00205719-00206291 Kazakhstan is offered as a �model of religious and cultural harmony� for the world to emulate. 8ucepwf7vM0-00439-00206291-00206800 Delegates to the Congress repeatedly condemned violence in the name of religion, with Nazarbayev 8ucepwf7vM0-00440-00206800-00207337 saying that attempts to use Islam to justify extremism and terrorism are �blasphemous,� 8ucepwf7vM0-00441-00207337-00207731 and said any religion is �great� if it supports peace and unity. 8ucepwf7vM0-00442-00207731-00208269 Nazarbayev offered Kazakhstan as an �example of perfect cooperation and harmony between 8ucepwf7vM0-00443-00208269-00208473 religions� to the delegations of the congress. 8ucepwf7vM0-00444-00208473-00208946 �We have shown the world that the fatal inevitability of conflict of religions and 8ucepwf7vM0-00445-00208946-00209530 cultures does not exist in our society, and they can be avoided at any level of international 8ucepwf7vM0-00446-00209530-00209630 politics. 8ucepwf7vM0-00447-00209630-00210117 We have demonstrated that tolerant attitudes within society are the question of conscious 8ucepwf7vM0-00448-00210117-00210702 responsibility of the state, religious organizations, and ordinary citizens. 8ucepwf7vM0-00449-00210702-00211203 The Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, we view through the prism of global 8ucepwf7vM0-00450-00211203-00211623 recognition of the success of our experience in Kazakhstan.� 8ucepwf7vM0-00451-00211623-00211798 Astana to be the New Switzerland 8ucepwf7vM0-00452-00211798-00212555 Folks, one of the richest men in the world and certainly a very-well connected man, Nazarbayev, 8ucepwf7vM0-00453-00212555-00213051 has stated that he wished to join with Iran in creating a single currency for all Central 8ucepwf7vM0-00454-00213051-00213179 Asian states. 8ucepwf7vM0-00455-00213179-00213798 In 1994, Nazarbayev suggested the idea of creating a �Eurasian Union� during a speech 8ucepwf7vM0-00456-00213798-00214194 at Moscow State University. 8ucepwf7vM0-00457-00214194-00214794 In 2014, Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan signed a treaty to create a Eurasian Economic Union 8ucepwf7vM0-00458-00214794-00215414 which created a single economic space of 170 million people. 8ucepwf7vM0-00459-00215414-00215948 In 2015, Nazarbayev signed the constitutional law �On the Astana International Financial 8ucepwf7vM0-00460-00215948-00216529 Centre (AIFC).� The law supports the establishment of the new financial center, which aims to 8ucepwf7vM0-00461-00216529-00217075 turn Astana into a regional financial hub by creating favorable and attractive conditions 8ucepwf7vM0-00462-00217075-00217380 for investment and finance. 8ucepwf7vM0-00463-00217380-00217916 Members of the AIFC will be exempt from corporate income tax, property and land taxes until 8ucepwf7vM0-00464-00217916-00218116 2066. 8ucepwf7vM0-00465-00218116-00218617 The AIFC will follow English law and principles and the standards of the world�s leading 8ucepwf7vM0-00466-00218617-00218758 financial centers. 8ucepwf7vM0-00467-00218758-00219250 The Center will have its own legal system in certain areas governing inter alia, civil 8ucepwf7vM0-00468-00219250-00219750 law relations with and between participants of the Center, the formation, governance and 8ucepwf7vM0-00469-00219750-00220385 registration of companies, financial services, employment relations, to name a few, provide 8ucepwf7vM0-00470-00220385-00220648 a system separate from national law. 8ucepwf7vM0-00471-00220648-00221127 The operating language in the courts, and in the administration of the Center itself, 8ucepwf7vM0-00472-00221127-00221304 will be English. 8ucepwf7vM0-00473-00221304-00221929 Regarding capital market developments, large national companies such as oil and gas, railway, 8ucepwf7vM0-00474-00221929-00222508 electricity and postal companies will be privatized � all based on the new stock exchange. 8ucepwf7vM0-00475-00222508-00222989 There are clear plans to create a private investment climate and more private banking 8ucepwf7vM0-00476-00222989-00223140 opportunities. 8ucepwf7vM0-00477-00223140-00223655 Among the main goals are for the AIFC to become the center of Islamic finance and green financial 8ucepwf7vM0-00478-00223655-00223794 industries. 8ucepwf7vM0-00479-00223794-00224073 Sound like the new Switzerland to you? 8ucepwf7vM0-00480-00224073-00224326 Not So Idyllic Kazakhstan 8ucepwf7vM0-00481-00224326-00224913 But the reality of Kazakhstan is evidenced in this World Justice Project�s estimation: 8ucepwf7vM0-00482-00224913-00225589 Kazakhstan�s global rank in the World Justice Project�s 2015 Rule of Law Index was 65 8ucepwf7vM0-00483-00225589-00226298 out of 102; the country scored well on �Order and Security� (global rank 32/102), and 8ucepwf7vM0-00484-00226298-00227030 poorly on �Constraints on Government Powers� (global rank 93/102), �Open Government� 8ucepwf7vM0-00485-00227030-00227728 (85/102) and �Fundamental Rights� (84/102), with a downward trend marking a deterioration 8ucepwf7vM0-00486-00227728-00227885 in conditions. 8ucepwf7vM0-00487-00227885-00228415 Kazakhstan�s human rights situation under Nazarbayev is uniformly described as poor 8ucepwf7vM0-00488-00228415-00228664 by independent observers. 8ucepwf7vM0-00489-00228664-00229190 Human Rights Watch says that �Kazakhstan heavily restricts freedom of assembly, speech, 8ucepwf7vM0-00490-00229190-00229846 and religion.� In 2014, authorities closed newspapers, jailed or fined dozens of people 8ucepwf7vM0-00491-00229846-00230361 after peaceful but unsanctioned protests, and fined or detained worshippers for practicing 8ucepwf7vM0-00492-00230361-00230694 religion outside state controls. 8ucepwf7vM0-00493-00230694-00231185 Government critics, including opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov, remained in detention after 8ucepwf7vM0-00494-00231185-00231381 unfair trials. 8ucepwf7vM0-00495-00231381-00232073 In 2014, Kazakhstan adopted new criminal, criminal executive, criminal procedural, and 8ucepwf7vM0-00496-00232073-00232605 administrative codes, and a new law on trade unions, which contain articles restricting 8ucepwf7vM0-00497-00232605-00233044 fundamental freedoms and are incompatible with international standards. 8ucepwf7vM0-00498-00233044-00233452 Torture remains common in places of detention. 8ucepwf7vM0-00499-00233452-00234091 Kazakhstan is ranked 161 out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index, compiled 8ucepwf7vM0-00500-00234091-00234333 by Reporters Without Borders. 8ucepwf7vM0-00501-00234333-00234934 As of 2015, Kazakhstan has never held an election meeting international standards. 8ucepwf7vM0-00502-00234934-00235465 Nazarbayev espoused anti-religious views during the Soviet era of his reign. 8ucepwf7vM0-00503-00235465-00235954 He has now made an effort to highlight his Muslim heritage by performing the Hajj pilgrimage 8ucepwf7vM0-00504-00235954-00236177 and supporting mosque renovations. 8ucepwf7vM0-00505-00236177-00236882 However, in 2012 Nazarbayev proposed reforms, which were later enacted by the parliament, 8ucepwf7vM0-00506-00236882-00237278 imposing stringent restrictions on religious practices. 8ucepwf7vM0-00507-00237278-00237669 Religious groups were required to re-register, or face closure. 8ucepwf7vM0-00508-00237669-00238053 The initiative was explained as an attempt to combat extremism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00509-00238053-00238575 However, under the new law many minority religious groups are deemed illegal. 8ucepwf7vM0-00510-00238575-00238788 Outright Corruption 8ucepwf7vM0-00511-00238788-00239317 Over the course of Nazarbayev�s presidency, there have been an increasing number of accusations 8ucepwf7vM0-00512-00239317-00239819 of corruption and favoritism directed against Nazarbayev and his circle. 8ucepwf7vM0-00513-00239819-00240308 Critics say that the country�s government has come to resemble a clan system. 8ucepwf7vM0-00514-00240308-00240914 According to The New Yorker, in 1999 Swiss banking officials discovered $85 million in 8ucepwf7vM0-00515-00240914-00241509 an account apparently belonging to Nazarbayev; the money, intended for the Kazakh treasury, 8ucepwf7vM0-00516-00241509-00241948 had in part been transferred through accounts linked to James Giffen. 8ucepwf7vM0-00517-00241948-00242481 Subsequently, Nazarbayev successfully pushed for a parliamentary bill granting him legal 8ucepwf7vM0-00518-00242481-00242919 immunity, as well as another designed to legalize money laundering. 8ucepwf7vM0-00519-00242919-00243465 When Kazakh opposition newspaper Respublika reported in 2002 that Nazarbayev had in the 8ucepwf7vM0-00520-00243465-00244108 mid-1990s secretly stashed away $1 billion of state oil revenue in Swiss bank accounts, 8ucepwf7vM0-00521-00244108-00244558 the decapitated carcass of a dog was left outside the newspaper�s offices, with a 8ucepwf7vM0-00522-00244558-00244948 warning reading �There won�t be a next time�; the dog�s head later turned up 8ucepwf7vM0-00523-00244948-00245423 outside editor Irina Petrushova�s apartment, with a warning reading �There will be no 8ucepwf7vM0-00524-00245423-00245881 last time.� The newspaper was firebombed as well. 8ucepwf7vM0-00525-00245881-00246260 Tenets of the Congress of World and Traditional Religions 8ucepwf7vM0-00526-00246260-00246711 President Nazarbayev created and hosts the Congress of World and Traditional Religions 8ucepwf7vM0-00527-00246711-00246967 in Kazakhstan every few years. 8ucepwf7vM0-00528-00246967-00247398 The next congress is planned for spring of 2017. 8ucepwf7vM0-00529-00247398-00247886 The tenets below clearly show that the United Nations is thoroughly backing Nazarbayev in 8ucepwf7vM0-00530-00247886-00248067 every way possible. 8ucepwf7vM0-00531-00248067-00248525 The U.N. trusts Nazarbayev�s leadership so much that they have exclusively assigned 8ucepwf7vM0-00532-00248525-00249025 him the task of creating a counter-terrorism plan for the entire world. 8ucepwf7vM0-00533-00249025-00249460 This is quite odd seeing the huge discrepancies in Nazarbayev�s �fine words� and the 8ucepwf7vM0-00534-00249460-00250015 �not so fine deeds� he has done in Kazakhstan to become its apparent �dictator.� 8ucepwf7vM0-00535-00250015-00250542 This is what the Congress of World and Traditional Religions has to say about Nazarbayev, from 8ucepwf7vM0-00536-00250542-00250754 their own written tenets: 8ucepwf7vM0-00537-00250754-00251248 We welcome the outcome of the United Nations �Religions for Peace� High Level Dialogue, 8ucepwf7vM0-00538-00251248-00251855 initiated by Kazakhstan and held on May 6, 2016, in New York under the auspices of the 8ucepwf7vM0-00539-00251855-00252344 President of the 70th UN General Assembly, which was aimed at the implementation of the 8ucepwf7vM0-00540-00252344-00252729 Plan of Action on Preventing Violent Extremism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00541-00252729-00253331 We welcome the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, 8ucepwf7vM0-00542-00253331-00253873 to establish a Global Anti-terrorist coalition (network) under the auspices of the United 8ucepwf7vM0-00543-00253873-00254416 Nations and to adopt a UN comprehensive document on countering terrorism, in accordance with 8ucepwf7vM0-00544-00254416-00255056 the provisions of the Global Counter-Terrorist Strategy and the UN Security Council resolutions. 8ucepwf7vM0-00545-00255056-00255638 We urge the international community to support President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev�s 8ucepwf7vM0-00546-00255638-00255801 Manifesto �The World. 8ucepwf7vM0-00547-00255801-00256376 The 21st Century�, which proposes a global strategy of concerted and responsible actions 8ucepwf7vM0-00548-00256376-00256833 by countries to eliminate the virus of wars and conflicts. 8ucepwf7vM0-00549-00256833-00257294 We express particular concern regarding the threat of nuclear terrorism. 8ucepwf7vM0-00550-00257294-00257814 We call on the international community to follow the example of Kazakhstan, which renounced 8ucepwf7vM0-00551-00257814-00258411 the fourth largest nuclear arsenal and closed the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site 25 years 8ucepwf7vM0-00552-00258411-00258926 ago, which set an example in building a secure future for the whole planet. 8ucepwf7vM0-00553-00258926-00259413 We note the special role of the Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, 8ucepwf7vM0-00554-00259413-00259853 which has become an effective platform for global inter-religious dialogue. 8ucepwf7vM0-00555-00259853-00260417 KEY POINT: As you have now learned, Kazakhstan is certainly not a �model� country and 8ucepwf7vM0-00556-00260417-00260965 Nazarbayev is certainly not a saint�.so it makes you wonder why the UN favors Astana 8ucepwf7vM0-00557-00260965-00261475 as a home and capital of a new One World Religion and him as a perfect leader of the New World 8ucepwf7vM0-00558-00261475-00261581 Order? 8ucepwf7vM0-00559-00261581-00261990 Nazarbayev and Francis Didn�t Expect the Trump Card 8ucepwf7vM0-00560-00261990-00262513 The battle wages on between Nazabayev and Francis, but the stakes are now paltry. 8ucepwf7vM0-00561-00262513-00263036 All that President Trump needed to do was talk about defunding or terminating U.N. funding 8ucepwf7vM0-00562-00263036-00263575 or suggest that U.S. membership in the U.N. might not be a good deal for us. 8ucepwf7vM0-00563-00263575-00264043 Trump has taken the golden ring from the two evil emperors and the war for a One World 8ucepwf7vM0-00564-00264043-00264495 Religion is dissipating as the New World Order stumbles and falls. 8ucepwf7vM0-00565-00264495-00264944 The true nature of the United Nations is clear for all to see and President Donald Trump 8ucepwf7vM0-00566-00264944-00265085 has called their bluff. 8ucepwf7vM0-00567-00265085-00265660 U.S. support of CIA-indoctrinated tyrants and dictators is over and the United States 8ucepwf7vM0-00568-00265660-00266147 of America will now prosecute criminals, no matter how high a political position they 8ucepwf7vM0-00569-00266147-00266325 hold or held. 8ucepwf7vM0-00570-00266325-00266803 The tracks of Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney�s Rogue CIA are all over Eurasia and the time 8ucepwf7vM0-00571-00266803-00267392 has come for all domestic terrorists and traitors to be prosecuted for their criminal activities. 8ucepwf7vM0-00572-00267392-00267972 The larger connections to 911 become clear when the truth of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan 8ucepwf7vM0-00573-00267972-00268130 is unveiled. 8ucepwf7vM0-00574-00268130-00268719 We the People now demand that the perpetrators of 911 be exposed, ALL OF THEM. 8ucepwf7vM0-00575-00268719-00269284 We have laid out the case in our citizen intelligence report The CIA and the Deep State, a report 8ucepwf7vM0-00576-00269284-00269741 that should have come from our elected officials to We the People many years ago. 8ucepwf7vM0-00577-00269741-00270999 All you need to do, fellow Americans, is look over this thoroughly researched report and 8ucepwf7vM0-00578-00270999-00271652 acquaint yourself with the material. 8ucepwf7vM0-00579-00271652-00271980 Then forward a copy to your elected representatives and demand answers to EVERYTHING. 8xCtHImhRSy-00000-00000011-00000428 I am not a big fan of windows tuning tools who are very intrusive and does not offer 8xCtHImhRSy-00001-00000428-00000677 a real advantage like the C cleaner. 8xCtHImhRSy-00002-00000677-00001157 But what do you do if your hard drive is at its limit and you have to free up some storage? 8xCtHImhRSy-00003-00001158-00001566 In this video I will show you an alternative approach to this problem. 8xCtHImhRSy-00004-00002588-00002980 My first tip is to open up the list with all installed programs. 8xCtHImhRSy-00005-00002980-00003397 You can now see the occupied storage space of each application and if you do not need 8xCtHImhRSy-00006-00003397-00003636 it anymore you can just uninstall it. 8xCtHImhRSy-00007-00004892-00005276 The second tip is to open up the windows cleaner by pressing the win an “r” key at the 8xCtHImhRSy-00008-00005276-00005607 same time and enter the shortcut for this application. 8xCtHImhRSy-00009-00005607-00005929 You will also find it in the video description. 8xCtHImhRSy-00010-00005929-00006339 As soon as it opens up you should press the button “clean up system files”. 8xCtHImhRSy-00011-00006339-00006631 This makes sure that all files are considered. 8xCtHImhRSy-00012-00006631-00006944 It now rescans all files, this may take a while. 8xCtHImhRSy-00013-00007240-00007642 By selecting “more options” you can clean up the windows restore points. 8xCtHImhRSy-00014-00007642-00007995 It will delete all restore points except the newest one. 8xCtHImhRSy-00015-00008736-00008932 Now back to the first tab. 8xCtHImhRSy-00016-00008934-00009195 In this menu I always select everything. 8xCtHImhRSy-00017-00009195-00009713 Nevertheless, there is a critical point: the downloads folder is part of this list. 8xCtHImhRSy-00018-00009713-00010002 Be sure to not have any important files there. 8xCtHImhRSy-00019-00010002-00010149 They will be deleted. 8xCtHImhRSy-00020-00010149-00010422 You can see that 3 gigabyte will be freed. 8xCtHImhRSy-00021-00010422-00010764 The largest part are old windows update files. 8xCtHImhRSy-00022-00010954-00011148 But what if this still does not help? 8xCtHImhRSy-00023-00011149-00011591 Well you should now analyse which folder consumes the most space. 8xCtHImhRSy-00024-00011591-00011997 Unfortunately, windows does not offer an easy option to do this. 8xCtHImhRSy-00025-00011997-00012440 Therefore, I recommend using the program TreeSize Free Portable. 8xCtHImhRSy-00026-00012440-00012836 There is no need to install it and as soon as it has helped you be finding large files 8xCtHImhRSy-00027-00012836-00013022 you can just remove it. 8xCtHImhRSy-00028-00013022-00013291 Check the link in the video description. 8xCtHImhRSy-00029-00013291-00013562 Open it up and run it again as administrator. 8xCtHImhRSy-00030-00013562-00013896 This makes sure that TreeSize can access all files. 8xCtHImhRSy-00031-00014768-00015034 You can now scan your entire hard drive. 8xCtHImhRSy-00032-00015034-00015363 You will see a list which is sorted according to the folder size. 8xCtHImhRSy-00033-00016020-00016260 Do not touch the windows folder! 8xCtHImhRSy-00034-00016260-00016492 Let the windows cleaner do its job! 8xCtHImhRSy-00035-00017177-00017540 The users folder is populated with files you may have placed there. 8xCtHImhRSy-00036-00017541-00017723 So lets take a look. 8xCtHImhRSy-00037-00017723-00018148 By following the biggest folder, I can now find out that there are some large files in 8xCtHImhRSy-00038-00018148-00018291 the music folder. 8xCtHImhRSy-00039-00018291-00018705 As you may have already noticed, this is of course made up for this video. 8xCtHImhRSy-00040-00018705-00019162 With a right click you can now open an explorer window in this folder and check if the files 8xCtHImhRSy-00041-00019164-00019452 are still necessary or if they can be deleted. 8xCtHImhRSy-00042-00020016-00020347 I will delete them and trigger a new scan in TreeSize. 8xCtHImhRSy-00043-00020347-00020709 You should only delete files if you placed them there and you should always think of 8xCtHImhRSy-00044-00020709-00021034 the consequences of deleting necessary system files. 8xCtHImhRSy-00045-00021034-00021442 If you are unsure, a quick google search may help out. 8xCtHImhRSy-00046-00021442-00021873 If you have other tips on how to free up disk space in windows, please let us know in the 8xCtHImhRSy-00047-00021873-00022014 comments. 8xCtHImhRSy-00048-00022014-00022281 You can also find some interesting videos in the outro. 8DL9Wpiatto-00000-00000195-00000680 Hey everyone, it's Dr. Howard we're beginning our discussion now on behavior deceleration techniques 8DL9Wpiatto-00001-00000750-00001349 specifically positive punishment now if you've gotten to this point you have not yet watched the two earlier videos about 8DL9Wpiatto-00002-00001383-00001583 misconceptions and behavior analysis 8DL9Wpiatto-00003-00001673-00002269 misunderstandings about what the terms positive and negative mean and the video on form versus function you should really check those out before 8DL9Wpiatto-00004-00002276-00002503 starting these three videos on positive punishment. 8DL9Wpiatto-00005-00002583-00003187 This first video is just going to focus on the history of mental health treatment and what I'm 8DL9Wpiatto-00006-00003213-00003494 focusing on here are some of the historical and 8DL9Wpiatto-00007-00003567-00003970 unfortunately kind of inhumane ways in which we have in the past tried to 8DL9Wpiatto-00008-00004026-00004378 decelerate or stop behavior that our culture considers 8DL9Wpiatto-00009-00004443-00004927 dangerous, disruptive, or disgusting so those are the three D's that we really talk about when we 8DL9Wpiatto-00010-00004983-00005183 consider what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable. 8DL9Wpiatto-00011-00005214-00005810 If it's dangerous to the client or people around the client if it's disruptive to the environment around the client 8DL9Wpiatto-00012-00005826-00006625 for instance an agency where the client may live or the culture the neighborhood in which they live, their everyday life and 8DL9Wpiatto-00013-00006692-00006892 disgusting things that we would consider 8DL9Wpiatto-00014-00006917-00007669 completely inappropriate in terms of hygienic standards or even interpersonal standards, those are the places that we tend to focus and 8DL9Wpiatto-00015-00007724-00008173 unfortunately in our history, we've used some procedures 8DL9Wpiatto-00016-00008173-00008701 that would be considered probably inhumane by today's standards. I want to take you through briefly 8DL9Wpiatto-00017-00008784-00009547 what those standards have been and this long-term view of where we are now when we talk about how we choose programs 8DL9Wpiatto-00018-00009578-00010114 how we intervene and change behavior, so let me switch here, so I can give you some information on screen 8DL9Wpiatto-00019-00010326-00010931 So when we talk about the history of mental health treatment it really helps to go all the way back to our earliest 8DL9Wpiatto-00020-00010938-00011549 Kind of pre-recorded history and we know from looking at archeological findings that 8DL9Wpiatto-00021-00011631-00012146 Some early tribes some prehistorical groups tended to view 8DL9Wpiatto-00022-00012279-00013076 abnormal behavior behavior, that's dangerous, or unusual as caused by supernatural influences. These could range from everything like 8DL9Wpiatto-00023-00013134-00013703 demonic possession, to intervening by a deity or God, and in 8DL9Wpiatto-00024-00013791-00014092 favourable ways this could be viewed as an actual 8DL9Wpiatto-00025-00014141-00014605 intervention by by your by your God. For instance we we have early shamans 8DL9Wpiatto-00026-00014658-00014891 but in some ways if the behavior is 8DL9Wpiatto-00027-00015030-00015694 disruptive, dangerous, disgusting, if it doesn't fit within what's accepted and it's not helpful to the group then it would probably be 8DL9Wpiatto-00028-00015711-00015911 seen as the intervention of 8DL9Wpiatto-00029-00015936-00016723 an agent bent on destruction and so in in early early early treatment the focus there would be on somehow 8DL9Wpiatto-00030-00016770-00017519 exercising that spirit out through whatever methods possible, maybe this is what we traditionally think of as exorcism, maybe there's a 8DL9Wpiatto-00031-00017643-00018383 rite or some sort of religious proceeding that takes place where you try to remove that supernatural influence from the organism or 8DL9Wpiatto-00032-00018495-00019189 sometimes there were more physical or direct interventions in this case one that we know of that was used common 8DL9Wpiatto-00033-00019287-00020075 commonly in these groups was called trepanning and this would be when a hole was either cut or drilled into the skull to allow 8DL9Wpiatto-00034-00020109-00020639 spirits out of the body with the belief that that would release the spirit and the behavior would go away 8DL9Wpiatto-00035-00020712-00021242 Now of course you know Stone Age brains we aren't always the best at reasoning and decision-making 8DL9Wpiatto-00036-00021309-00021623 It would make sense that you put the hole in, 8DL9Wpiatto-00037-00021687-00022154 people act a little bit better after the the holes gone into the organism, 8DL9Wpiatto-00038-00022154-00022654 but was that due to a spirit being let out, or is there another confounding variables such as 8DL9Wpiatto-00039-00022716-00023326 well now you have an organism who's experienced significant pain and trauma, is this the side effect of shock? 8DL9Wpiatto-00040-00023413-00023829 And there's no evidence to suggest that trepanning actually 8DL9Wpiatto-00041-00023915-00024091 manages or treats behaviors. 8DL9Wpiatto-00042-00024091-00024693 So this is a very very early example of one of the ways in which we tried to intervene to change or to ameliorate 8DL9Wpiatto-00043-00024722-00024922 some of the symptoms associated with 8DL9Wpiatto-00044-00025010-00025187 mental illness or 8DL9Wpiatto-00045-00025187-00025930 that we really try to change a client's behavior. Now moving forward a little bit you see that in recorded history and in 8DL9Wpiatto-00046-00025964-00026083 antiquity 8DL9Wpiatto-00047-00026083-00026317 some would argue that 8DL9Wpiatto-00048-00026408-00027000 mental illness and personality come from these balancing of different chemicals or different 8DL9Wpiatto-00049-00027010-00027336 what were called humors in the body. Now 8DL9Wpiatto-00050-00027337-00028054 this is the foundation of most early medicine, this idea that the body of course tries to maintain homeostasis 8DL9Wpiatto-00051-00028120-00028545 we're familiar with this from general psychology, from biology 8DL9Wpiatto-00052-00028545-00029182 and this is widely accepted that the body should function a particular way, and when there's an imbalance in some way 8DL9Wpiatto-00053-00029216-00029935 then that can really mess up the system. So in ancient treatment what we're talking about are methods that are 8DL9Wpiatto-00054-00029957-00030529 meant to bring these four humors back into alignment. So the easiest 8DL9Wpiatto-00055-00030593-00030873 explanation would be for instance, if you have a sanguine temperament 8DL9Wpiatto-00056-00030952-00031702 you have a personality that's very gregarious, very outgoing, very fun-loving, and if it's too much, right, for instance if you're experiencing symptoms 8DL9Wpiatto-00057-00031754-00031949 that we might call 8DL9Wpiatto-00058-00031949-00032335 mania, where you're not thinking clearly, you're not rationalizing 8DL9Wpiatto-00059-00032411-00032824 you're a little bit out of control, then a person may recommend 8DL9Wpiatto-00060-00032873-00033520 that you bring yourself back into homeostasis or back into alignment. You balance your humors by getting rid of 8DL9Wpiatto-00061-00033566-00033780 some of that excess blood that you have. 8DL9Wpiatto-00062-00033836-00034342 These would be things like bloodletting, or using leeches. So this is ancient times, 8DL9Wpiatto-00063-00034358-00034965 but you see that this form of homeostasis or balancing treatment actually continues well into 8DL9Wpiatto-00064-00035090-00035587 17, 1800s and we see echoes of that when we talk about the ways in which 8DL9Wpiatto-00065-00035768-00035968 psychoactive medications are used to 8DL9Wpiatto-00066-00035999-00036107 balance 8DL9Wpiatto-00067-00036107-00036733 neurotransmitters, we have the same philosophy there where one of the neurotransmitters may be out of alignment so what we're going to do is 8DL9Wpiatto-00068-00036811-00036971 supplement 8DL9Wpiatto-00069-00036971-00037656 those neurotransmitters either by adding more or by adding an agonist that's going to mimic the effects of the actual neurotransmitter 8DL9Wpiatto-00070-00037656-00038226 or we're going to use an antagonist to block the neurotransmitter, to make sure it doesn't come through 8DL9Wpiatto-00071-00038275-00038682 in modern treatment that has some pretty good effectiveness. 8DL9Wpiatto-00072-00038755-00039156 There's not as much support here again to suggest that 8DL9Wpiatto-00073-00039202-00039903 balancing these biles, the blood the phlegm, black bile, yellow bile, that that's going to be effective at changing 8DL9Wpiatto-00074-00039949-00040224 behavior and managing any kind of mental illness 8DL9Wpiatto-00075-00040327-00040695 When we come forward a little bit into 8DL9Wpiatto-00076-00040762-00040962 periods of time that we might call 8DL9Wpiatto-00077-00041125-00041433 Medieval times, that we might call the Dark Ages, it's kind of an 8DL9Wpiatto-00078-00041512-00041823 uncharitable moniker that we give those times you see that 8DL9Wpiatto-00079-00041908-00042108 between the 12 and and 8DL9Wpiatto-00080-00042124-00042894 1500s what we're doing to try to manage behaviors a lot of aggressive physical corporal control and body modification. 8DL9Wpiatto-00081-00042976-00043545 So when we move into this period you see that behavior is met it doesn't matter what the behavior is 8DL9Wpiatto-00082-00043576-00044109 So long as you are not a disruption, to the group, to the culture, to your neighborhood, to your society 8DL9Wpiatto-00083-00044170-00044457 That's what we're working on we see things like 8DL9Wpiatto-00084-00044536-00045102 beatings and burnings where you would try to, for instance, get the spirit out of you through 8DL9Wpiatto-00085-00045196-00045786 actual branding. You see that there would be similar to how we might work in animal husbandry 8DL9Wpiatto-00086-00045905-00046647 some castration or removing parts of the body. For instance if you geld an individual if you remove 8DL9Wpiatto-00087-00046730-00047514 part of their reproductive organs just like we do with dogs and cats or domestic animals then that may calm the individual. 8DL9Wpiatto-00088-00047533-00048162 There was also a belief in animism, this idea that that different creatures had 8DL9Wpiatto-00089-00048193-00048606 different properties, so for instance, if you if you want to have a greater 8DL9Wpiatto-00090-00048637-00048897 constitution, if you want to be healthier, then it might help to 8DL9Wpiatto-00091-00048940-00049470 get a transfusion of ox blood because ox are known as it's being very hardy animals 8DL9Wpiatto-00092-00049471-00049731 and they can stand up to a lot of a 8DL9Wpiatto-00093-00049787-00050022 lot of experiences in that way. So getting that 8DL9Wpiatto-00094-00050093-00050382 transfusion is going to give you the spirit or the essence of the animal 8DL9Wpiatto-00095-00050395-00050793 and it's gonna help change the way that you behave, so if you want to improve your health 8DL9Wpiatto-00096-00050793-00050913 or if you want to be calmer 8DL9Wpiatto-00097-00050913-00051591 maybe you need to get a an injection of owl blood to increase your wisdom and your calmness. So 8DL9Wpiatto-00098-00051682-00052182 these were widely used and of course one that we are much more familiar with, 8DL9Wpiatto-00099-00052246-00052363 lobotomy, 8DL9Wpiatto-00100-00052363-00052523 was used 8DL9Wpiatto-00101-00052523-00052839 intermittently and it became really really very popular in 8DL9Wpiatto-00102-00052904-00053350 the 1900s right so 19, I believe in the 50's, it became a 8DL9Wpiatto-00103-00053404-00053883 phenomenally popular as a form of treatment so much so that the people were actually 8DL9Wpiatto-00104-00054019-00054609 given correspondence courses on how to learn how to lobotomize people and then could just sort of drive from town to town 8DL9Wpiatto-00105-00054713-00055110 offering this as a medical service, and you see that this started actually in 8DL9Wpiatto-00106-00055207-00055407 the Middle Ages, or what we might call 8DL9Wpiatto-00107-00055513-00055716 Medieval times prior to the Renaissance. 8DL9Wpiatto-00108-00055787-00055987 Moving into the Renaissance, 8DL9Wpiatto-00109-00056020-00056523 again the focus really was on how do we make sure that folks who experience 8DL9Wpiatto-00110-00056585-00057225 this kind of disruptive behavior, how do we make sure that we're protecting the populace from the client? 8DL9Wpiatto-00111-00057225-00057425 How do we we keep society safe? 8DL9Wpiatto-00112-00057485-00057981 But often at the expense of the person who's experiencing those symptoms, and what you would find 8DL9Wpiatto-00113-00058063-00058818 especially in European countries like France is that people who experienced madness, right, or people who were considered 8DL9Wpiatto-00114-00058847-00059163 lunatics again, this was back when we believe that it was tied to, 8DL9Wpiatto-00115-00059225-00059425 tied to the moon and the phases of the Moon. 8DL9Wpiatto-00116-00059518-00060192 People who experienced madness would be put into prison the idea there being we just need to protect society from 8DL9Wpiatto-00117-00060224-00060531 the person who experiences the mental illness. So 8DL9Wpiatto-00118-00060619-00061260 unfortunately what that means is you have a person who who may not be in their right mind you have a person who maybe 8DL9Wpiatto-00119-00061391-00061881 needs that support, needs additional care, and now they're actually in 8DL9Wpiatto-00120-00061969-00062169 general population with 8DL9Wpiatto-00121-00062186-00062512 hardened criminals, they're in with people who have their full faculties 8DL9Wpiatto-00122-00062512-00063006 but who have engaged in violent behavior, violent crime, and so many people saw that 8DL9Wpiatto-00123-00063067-00063560 during this period of time when folks were simply being incarcerated for their mental illness that 8DL9Wpiatto-00124-00063604-00064208 the the people who would be victimized in this arrangement were actually the persons experiencing a mental illness. 8DL9Wpiatto-00125-00064275-00064901 So because of this we see that there was a huge movement towards the use of 8DL9Wpiatto-00126-00065125-00065357 of asylums. We have a 8DL9Wpiatto-00127-00065422-00065667 modern perspective of what an asylum means, 8DL9Wpiatto-00128-00065667-00066294 but at the time consider that that these asylums were something very very different. 8DL9Wpiatto-00129-00066300-00066896 Right, we had people coming in and taking people out of prison or taking people out of 8DL9Wpiatto-00130-00067000-00067355 living in barns when their families couldn't manage them, or couldn't have them in the house 8DL9Wpiatto-00131-00067429-00068106 taking people off the streets, and we we now begin to recognize that a mental illness may be a 8DL9Wpiatto-00132-00068173-00068720 medical issue. Now this was around the time that we started noticing the relationship between 8DL9Wpiatto-00133-00068875-00069101 syphilis, the sexually transmitted disease, and 8DL9Wpiatto-00134-00069175-00069888 neurosyphilis, one of the long-term side effects or one of the long-term effects of having syphilis okay neurosyphilis is 8DL9Wpiatto-00135-00069967-00070077 where 8DL9Wpiatto-00136-00070077-00070691 your brain matter actually starts to break down a little bit and you, a person who might otherwise be normal, 8DL9Wpiatto-00137-00070692-00070913 then develops these symptoms of madness 8DL9Wpiatto-00138-00070972-00071276 because of the way that their brain reacts to their to their illness. 8DL9Wpiatto-00139-00071319-00071969 So now that we see that this is affecting otherwise normal members of society, now we start to believe that well 8DL9Wpiatto-00140-00071969-00072182 maybe something else is going on here, maybe it's not 8DL9Wpiatto-00141-00072306-00072518 that they're mad. Philippe Pinel 8DL9Wpiatto-00142-00072631-00073253 really helped advocate this idea that madness or mental illness is a medical condition this requires treatment. 8DL9Wpiatto-00143-00073254-00073739 It's not simply enough to throw people in jail or keep them in the attic, where no one knows that 8DL9Wpiatto-00144-00073833-00074054 cousin Steve is really messed up. 8DL9Wpiatto-00145-00074062-00074676 We want to take people, we want to separate them out from a prison population, separate them out from from 8DL9Wpiatto-00146-00074737-00075275 any kind of victimization they might receive and we want to focus on finding 8DL9Wpiatto-00147-00075275-00075677 what's actually causing the disorder. Now even within the asylum system 8DL9Wpiatto-00148-00075677-00076427 we're still going back to forms of treatment that would focus on things like homeostasis. You might have ice baths to 8DL9Wpiatto-00149-00076501-00076998 reduce the the heat or the temperature of the mind if the brain is overheating due to 8DL9Wpiatto-00150-00077053-00077757 the madness then we're going to balance that through the use of ice baths or we might we might still use some 8DL9Wpiatto-00151-00077818-00077959 forms of 8DL9Wpiatto-00152-00077959-00078257 physical pain in order to manage 8DL9Wpiatto-00153-00078343-00078870 that that condition, but in this case what's happening is folks are taking 8DL9Wpiatto-00154-00078931-00079713 clients and moving them into these special facilities, these special hospitals, and these hospitals really were at the start these very therapeutic environments 8DL9Wpiatto-00155-00079713-00080192 So what you see on the right are all of the staff were working at this hospital 8DL9Wpiatto-00156-00080287-00080777 especially when you see them in France and England and Germany these asylums are 8DL9Wpiatto-00157-00080887-00081602 created or opened in these kinds of idyllic settings these are much more like what we might think of as spas 8DL9Wpiatto-00158-00081703-00081832 or 8DL9Wpiatto-00159-00081832-00082101 a kind of country based 8DL9Wpiatto-00160-00082231-00082396 hospital setting, 8DL9Wpiatto-00161-00082396-00083157 than they are for what we in our modern society think of as asylum, so these kind of scary places where people go 8DL9Wpiatto-00162-00083419-00083617 Contemporary writers at the time 8DL9Wpiatto-00163-00083617-00084038 speak to the value of these asylums because we're really talking about 8DL9Wpiatto-00164-00084088-00084651 a complete and dramatic change in your lifestyle where in your everyday life you may be 8DL9Wpiatto-00165-00084772-00085254 running around and stressed, and you're in the city and everything's dirty, and there's pollution everywhere. 8DL9Wpiatto-00166-00085342-00085545 Asylum offers special protection 8DL9Wpiatto-00167-00085603-00085983 It's a very simple life. You can go there. You can get better. 8DL9Wpiatto-00168-00085983-00086552 You're protected. If you really are just completely messed up if you are mad 8DL9Wpiatto-00169-00086599-00087140 then you can be the mad as mad as you prefer right because now you're in this place 8DL9Wpiatto-00170-00087181-00087545 you're protected you're cared for, it's structured and 8DL9Wpiatto-00171-00087610-00087739 you 8DL9Wpiatto-00172-00087739-00088257 can do that in a way that's not going to harm society. Some believe even that by 8DL9Wpiatto-00173-00088333-00088812 being in these settings by just going through the process of being mad 8DL9Wpiatto-00174-00088852-00089499 that some people would emerge from the depths of madness. They could work through it and and through that process become saner 8DL9Wpiatto-00175-00089560-00089716 more stable 8DL9Wpiatto-00176-00089716-00089916 functioning members of society. 8DL9Wpiatto-00177-00089950-00090122 Now of course 8DL9Wpiatto-00178-00090122-00090766 this is some but not all asylums, and we discovered that Dorothea Dix is a famous researcher 8DL9Wpiatto-00179-00090842-00091420 She was a journalist who worked to get herself admitted to an asylum and 8DL9Wpiatto-00180-00091541-00092001 ran one of the earliest exposes on these asylum based treatment centers and 8DL9Wpiatto-00181-00092075-00092275 discovered that 8DL9Wpiatto-00182-00092279-00092859 what would happen in the treatment center was not always idyllic. It was not always safe. In this case Dorothea was 8DL9Wpiatto-00183-00092936-00093433 physically abused, physically harmed by staff members working there, and we discovered through this that 8DL9Wpiatto-00184-00093494-00093999 well this was sort of the spirit of the asylum that in practice 8DL9Wpiatto-00185-00094037-00094765 many asylums were were still places where people would experience significant abuse and there were calls there were 8DL9Wpiatto-00186-00094808-00095337 you know pulls for reformation at that time really focused on how can we make sure 8DL9Wpiatto-00187-00095387-00095962 that these are treatment facilities where people are being cared for but they're getting that care that they need and they deserve. 8DL9Wpiatto-00188-00096107-00096307 We had 8DL9Wpiatto-00189-00096329-00096921 made some changes through time and we were seeing that there was improvement and 8DL9Wpiatto-00190-00096992-00097722 in America we had a number of state schools where folks who experienced a variety of illnesses could go 8DL9Wpiatto-00191-00097748-00097948 You have places like 8DL9Wpiatto-00192-00098021-00098469 state hospitals for the mentally ill, state schools for a condition at the time 8DL9Wpiatto-00193-00098477-00098937 that would have been called mental retardation. We would refer to that now as an intellectual or developmental 8DL9Wpiatto-00194-00099002-00099194 disability and 8DL9Wpiatto-00195-00099194-00099772 again these were being sold in very much the same way, even though it's about 80 years later 8DL9Wpiatto-00196-00099772-00100342 these were being sold as very similar kinds of institutions. These were places where people can go and be safe 8DL9Wpiatto-00197-00100342-00100563 and they get structured care and support and 8DL9Wpiatto-00198-00100781-00101215 we didn't always do our due diligence as a society making sure that 8DL9Wpiatto-00199-00101288-00101791 people were being cared for in the way that we thought that they were. So for instance, 8DL9Wpiatto-00200-00101846-00102628 in the 70's Geraldo got his big break by exposing this New York State Hospital called Willowbrook and 8DL9Wpiatto-00201-00102728-00103243 he broke this news of patient abuses at Willowbrook and by abuses, we're really talking about 8DL9Wpiatto-00202-00103353-00103553 the type of behavior that's caused by just 8DL9Wpiatto-00203-00103594-00104300 significant systemic neglect and a complete client overpopulation with respect to the number of staff that were available, 8DL9Wpiatto-00204-00104428-00104628 but it was part of a larger 8DL9Wpiatto-00205-00104794-00104994 culture at the time where 8DL9Wpiatto-00206-00105127-00105662 doctors were recommending that that families actually place their children, place their loved ones in 8DL9Wpiatto-00207-00105684-00105957 these hospitals to make sure that they could get the best care possible, 8DL9Wpiatto-00208-00106072-00106484 but it wasn't always provided. Now that material is 8DL9Wpiatto-00209-00106579-00107225 incredibly graphic, but I would encourage you to follow the link in the description below, watch that video 8DL9Wpiatto-00210-00107283-00107492 because I think it really helps highlight 8DL9Wpiatto-00211-00107533-00107733 what can happen when we have these 8DL9Wpiatto-00212-00107755-00107908 aspirational goals and 8DL9Wpiatto-00213-00107908-00108269 the dangers of what happens when we don't have the resources to provide 8DL9Wpiatto-00214-00108280-00108563 and make sure that the quality of care is as it should be. So 8DL9Wpiatto-00215-00108688-00109368 as a result of exposing what's happening at Willowbrook, as a result of the things that 8DL9Wpiatto-00216-00109434-00109920 Geraldo Rivera is reporting at the time, there was a national backlash and 8DL9Wpiatto-00217-00109986-00110580 people were shocked people were just completely amazed at the quality of treatment that 8DL9Wpiatto-00218-00110641-00111227 children were receiving. These are children who are supposed to be in special schools where they can learn and become better people and 8DL9Wpiatto-00219-00111250-00111734 they weren't getting it. So there was a national movement toward de institutionalization 8DL9Wpiatto-00220-00111822-00111940 and 8DL9Wpiatto-00221-00111940-00112421 you can drive around the country even today and see that there are these huge 8DL9Wpiatto-00222-00112492-00112833 empty buildings where people used to live and 8DL9Wpiatto-00223-00112884-00113565 don't anymore because in some states for instance, like Alaska, as a result of places like Willowbrook or places like 8DL9Wpiatto-00224-00113671-00114230 institutions where foster children would be housed for large periods of time, some states have completely outlawed 8DL9Wpiatto-00225-00114274-00114639 large state schools and large state treatment facilities, but many others 8DL9Wpiatto-00226-00114739-00115446 adopted or moved toward treatment models within their mental health departments that would idealize 8DL9Wpiatto-00227-00115558-00116198 something that we call community-based treatment. So community-based treatment is where the person either stays within their own home 8DL9Wpiatto-00228-00116199-00116399 or they stay in a home-like environment 8DL9Wpiatto-00229-00116486-00116686 so that they can experience 8DL9Wpiatto-00230-00116713-00117383 treatment in a naturalistic setting. This could be for instance, a child who experiences an intellectual or developmental 8DL9Wpiatto-00231-00117439-00117980 disability staying at home with mom and dad, but that a caregiver comes in to help coach and support mom and dad 8DL9Wpiatto-00232-00118035-00118638 This could be a person who experiences profound intellectual disability, maybe they can't stay with mom and dad anymore 8DL9Wpiatto-00233-00118638-00119054 so they live in a group home with other folks who experience intellectual disability 8DL9Wpiatto-00234-00119054-00119729 and then as a group they stay in the community, they learn skills and they learn those in the natural environment 8DL9Wpiatto-00235-00119784-00120152 so they can be supported by the natural environment. That's really the key there. 8DL9Wpiatto-00236-00120180-00120842 There's a higher visibility of people who are different, and when you're in your own natural environment you can harness 8DL9Wpiatto-00237-00120895-00121214 not only the folks who are paid to be there with you, your staff, 8DL9Wpiatto-00238-00121273-00121856 but you can take your client out into the community and they can make friends they can meet people they can meet people in their 8DL9Wpiatto-00239-00121864-00122285 environment they find what they love, they are 8DL9Wpiatto-00240-00122383-00122915 people. So the services that are really meant, the spirit of services in community-based treatment, are 8DL9Wpiatto-00241-00123009-00123677 empowered services, ways of keeping the individual who experiences the mental illness, the intellectual disability, 8DL9Wpiatto-00242-00123729-00124115 what-have-you, a connected member, a connected part of their community and 8DL9Wpiatto-00243-00124195-00124470 you often see this very high overlap 8DL9Wpiatto-00244-00124546-00124851 between community-based treatment and person-centered planning. 8DL9Wpiatto-00245-00124888-00125540 The beauty of person-centered planning is that we're talking about a treatment modality where the client themselves are an 8DL9Wpiatto-00246-00125559-00126099 active part of their own treatment. So it isn't necessarily that look at this behavior change program, 8DL9Wpiatto-00247-00126124-00126576 it works for kids with autism so I'm going to give it to every child with autism. No, 8DL9Wpiatto-00248-00126633-00126884 what it does is it recognizes that 8DL9Wpiatto-00249-00126942-00127059 everyone is 8DL9Wpiatto-00250-00127059-00127713 different, right, that what works for you may not work for me and vice versa and in person-centered planning what we're talking about is 8DL9Wpiatto-00251-00127764-00128321 considering the whole person, right, not just a problem behavior, but what is it about that person? 8DL9Wpiatto-00252-00128323-00128690 What are their wants, their needs, their desires, their drives, their hopes their dreams? 8DL9Wpiatto-00253-00128770-00129479 What is it that we can do to help support them to recognize their desires and their interests, to capitalize on those and 8DL9Wpiatto-00254-00129504-00129809 help make sure that they're reaching their longer-term goals. 8DL9Wpiatto-00255-00129809-00130464 So we really want to be thinking about the future of the person. We want to make sure that for instance Rebecca here 8DL9Wpiatto-00256-00130513-00131040 isn't just learning the skills necessary to make her calm and docile in her group home 8DL9Wpiatto-00257-00131040-00131517 but rather that her group home is supporting her so that she can learn the skills necessary to 8DL9Wpiatto-00258-00131563-00132039 grow up, to get her own apartment, to live independently, to have a job, to meet someone 8DL9Wpiatto-00259-00132039-00132470 she cares about, to have a family, to have whatever it is that Rebecca wants in life, right. 8DL9Wpiatto-00260-00132471-00133086 That's the beauty of person-centered planning and when we talk about behavior analysis what I want you to realize is that at its 8DL9Wpiatto-00261-00133141-00133448 spirit, at its core, behavior analysis is 8DL9Wpiatto-00262-00133576-00134174 person-centered planning. So when you consider form versus function, we're not just interested in figuring out 8DL9Wpiatto-00263-00134175-00134817 how do we reduce your problem behavior, we want to figure out how do we teach you the skills necessary to live your whole life 8DL9Wpiatto-00264-00134836-00135036 in the best way possible. 8DL9Wpiatto-00265-00135051-00135683 All the principles that we've described are universal so reinforcement, shaping, punishment, 8DL9Wpiatto-00266-00135684-00135862 these are universal principles, 8DL9Wpiatto-00267-00135862-00136559 but that doesn't mean that the way that I use reinforcement is gonna be the same for you as it is for me, right, your 8DL9Wpiatto-00268-00136579-00137181 reinforcer is not my reinforcer. A punisher for you, if I even want to use one, which usually I don't. A 8DL9Wpiatto-00269-00137218-00137474 punisher for you may not be a punisher for me and vice-versa. 8DL9Wpiatto-00270-00137554-00137975 So it's not enough that we're just adopting the same treatment modality for everyone 8DL9Wpiatto-00271-00138007-00138638 we really want to carefully consider the person, the function of their behavior, and to develop a treatment program 8DL9Wpiatto-00272-00138658-00139055 around that individual, it's going to help them support and live their best life. Now 8DL9Wpiatto-00273-00139159-00139869 remember, all of our clients are unique, so this is not a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. What we're talking about is 8DL9Wpiatto-00274-00139975-00140568 we're gonna find something that works for each individual. We're gonna carefully analyze is this working is this not? 8DL9Wpiatto-00275-00140632-00140960 We know that what works for one client won't work for another client 8DL9Wpiatto-00276-00141007-00141497 except that we may use those same universal principles, we may capitalize on the fact that 8DL9Wpiatto-00277-00141556-00141800 organisms will do things that pay off again and again, 8DL9Wpiatto-00278-00141820-00142097 we may use the principle of reinforcement, 8DL9Wpiatto-00279-00142098-00142587 but the actual procedure that we develop, that we refine is going to be different for each of our clients 8DL9Wpiatto-00280-00142663-00143327 Because each client needs that unique plan to meet their own individual needs and own individual goals 8DL9Wpiatto-00281-00143413-00143807 So I hope that this better helps explain why 8DL9Wpiatto-00282-00143926-00144076 when we talk about 8DL9Wpiatto-00283-00144076-00144395 moving forward why you want to start in one place and not 8DL9Wpiatto-00284-00144424-00144869 immediately jump right to punishment, that this makes sense. So if you have any questions about the content 8DL9Wpiatto-00285-00144870-00145359 please feel free to leave a comment in the description below. I know that this is a 8DL9Wpiatto-00286-00145428-00145602 gross oversimplification 8DL9Wpiatto-00287-00145602-00146291 of the history of mental health treatment, but I really want you to have that context for why we want to focus on 8DL9Wpiatto-00288-00146386-00146613 person centered planning, why we want to focus on 8DL9Wpiatto-00289-00146695-00147401 reinforcement first as a behavior change procedure and do be sure to check out the next video where we actually talk about punishment as an 8DL9Wpiatto-00290-00147448-00147971 intervention and talk about some of the strengths and limitations of that intervention. I'll see you guys next time 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00000-00000640-00000784 Winter traction devices are 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00001-00000784-00001061 a great way to stay safe in slippery conditions. 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00002-00001207-00001488 They add more surface area to the bottom of your shoes 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00003-00001488-00001905 so they can grip slick surfaces better. 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00004-00002362-00002409 They come in 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00005-00002409-00002792 all kinds of styles like chains, spikes, studs and more. 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00006-00002796-00003253 So you can find the ones that fit your needs best. 8J9ZLn6ig0g-00007-00003436-00003553 Stay safe out there. 8N2LtXre8Ny-00000-00000066-00000582 I was expecting better asking to attention with my video, especially with the title, 8N2LtXre8Ny-00001-00000582-00001410 which was where the game crashed to the very end. I made two views now, but the next few 8N2LtXre8Ny-00002-00001464-00002334 made five seconds. this is not working very good, I really wish people would watch my video to the end, 8N2LtXre8Ny-00003-00002394-00002886 and well, maybe there's no audio. unless maybe that could be why. 8N2LtXre8Ny-00004-00003000-00003726 I'm also make a better video, maybe with the audio on it, but I don't want to. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00000-00000010-00000063 "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365", SUE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00001-00000063-00000070 "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365", SUE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00002-00000070-00000336 "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365", SUE IS MAKING A GOOD DESSERT. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00003-00000336-00000343 "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365", SUE IS MAKING A GOOD DESSERT. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00004-00000343-00000497 "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365", SUE IS MAKING A GOOD DESSERT. >> Sue: IT'S MANGO SEASON, ONE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00005-00000497-00000503 IS MAKING A GOOD DESSERT. >> Sue: IT'S MANGO SEASON, ONE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00006-00000503-00000623 IS MAKING A GOOD DESSERT. >> Sue: IT'S MANGO SEASON, ONE OF THE FAVORITE SEASONS OF THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00007-00000623-00000630 >> Sue: IT'S MANGO SEASON, ONE OF THE FAVORITE SEASONS OF THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00008-00000630-00000653 >> Sue: IT'S MANGO SEASON, ONE OF THE FAVORITE SEASONS OF THE YEAR. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00009-00000653-00000660 OF THE FAVORITE SEASONS OF THE YEAR. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00010-00000660-00000970 OF THE FAVORITE SEASONS OF THE YEAR. THE MANGOS ARE IN STORE RIGHT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00011-00000970-00000977 YEAR. THE MANGOS ARE IN STORE RIGHT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00012-00000977-00001171 YEAR. THE MANGOS ARE IN STORE RIGHT NOW, AND THEY ARE KIDNEY SHAPED, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00013-00001171-00001177 THE MANGOS ARE IN STORE RIGHT NOW, AND THEY ARE KIDNEY SHAPED, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00014-00001177-00001394 THE MANGOS ARE IN STORE RIGHT NOW, AND THEY ARE KIDNEY SHAPED, AND THEY ARE SMALL AND SOMETIMES 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00015-00001394-00001401 NOW, AND THEY ARE KIDNEY SHAPED, AND THEY ARE SMALL AND SOMETIMES 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00016-00001401-00001601 NOW, AND THEY ARE KIDNEY SHAPED, AND THEY ARE SMALL AND SOMETIMES CALLED CHAMPAGNE MANGOS, AND THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00017-00001601-00001608 AND THEY ARE SMALL AND SOMETIMES CALLED CHAMPAGNE MANGOS, AND THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00018-00001608-00001798 AND THEY ARE SMALL AND SOMETIMES CALLED CHAMPAGNE MANGOS, AND THE REASON I LOVE THEM IS BECAUSE ON 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00019-00001798-00001805 CALLED CHAMPAGNE MANGOS, AND THE REASON I LOVE THEM IS BECAUSE ON 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00020-00001805-00001985 CALLED CHAMPAGNE MANGOS, AND THE REASON I LOVE THEM IS BECAUSE ON THE INSIDE THEY ARE SWEET AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00021-00001985-00001991 REASON I LOVE THEM IS BECAUSE ON THE INSIDE THEY ARE SWEET AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00022-00001991-00002192 REASON I LOVE THEM IS BECAUSE ON THE INSIDE THEY ARE SWEET AND JUICY, AND THE FLESH IS SMOOTH 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00023-00002192-00002198 THE INSIDE THEY ARE SWEET AND JUICY, AND THE FLESH IS SMOOTH 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00024-00002198-00002492 THE INSIDE THEY ARE SWEET AND JUICY, AND THE FLESH IS SMOOTH AND CREAMY, AND NOT FIBROUS AT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00025-00002492-00002499 JUICY, AND THE FLESH IS SMOOTH AND CREAMY, AND NOT FIBROUS AT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00026-00002499-00002519 JUICY, AND THE FLESH IS SMOOTH AND CREAMY, AND NOT FIBROUS AT ALL. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00027-00002519-00002525 AND CREAMY, AND NOT FIBROUS AT ALL. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00028-00002525-00002629 AND CREAMY, AND NOT FIBROUS AT ALL. THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00029-00002629-00002635 ALL. THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00030-00002635-00002782 ALL. THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. TODAY I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00031-00002782-00002789 THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. TODAY I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00032-00002789-00003073 THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. TODAY I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN USE SOME OF THE LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00033-00003073-00003079 TODAY I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN USE SOME OF THE LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00034-00003079-00003256 TODAY I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN USE SOME OF THE LITTLE MANGOS TO MAKE A PUDDING WITH 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00035-00003256-00003263 YOU CAN USE SOME OF THE LITTLE MANGOS TO MAKE A PUDDING WITH 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00036-00003263-00003443 YOU CAN USE SOME OF THE LITTLE MANGOS TO MAKE A PUDDING WITH ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00037-00003443-00003450 MANGOS TO MAKE A PUDDING WITH ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00038-00003450-00003653 MANGOS TO MAKE A PUDDING WITH ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS, AND PERFECT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00039-00003653-00003660 ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS, AND PERFECT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00040-00003660-00003803 ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS, AND PERFECT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO MAKE FOR A DESSERT FOR MOTHER'S 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00041-00003803-00003810 PERFECT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO MAKE FOR A DESSERT FOR MOTHER'S 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00042-00003810-00003830 PERFECT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO MAKE FOR A DESSERT FOR MOTHER'S DAY. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00043-00003830-00003837 MAKE FOR A DESSERT FOR MOTHER'S DAY. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00044-00003837-00003943 MAKE FOR A DESSERT FOR MOTHER'S DAY. FIRST OF ALL, WHEN YOU ARE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00045-00003943-00003950 DAY. FIRST OF ALL, WHEN YOU ARE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00046-00003950-00004134 DAY. FIRST OF ALL, WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THESE LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00047-00004134-00004140 FIRST OF ALL, WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THESE LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00048-00004140-00004337 FIRST OF ALL, WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THESE LITTLE CHAMPAGNE MANGOS IN THE GROCERY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00049-00004337-00004344 LOOKING FOR THESE LITTLE CHAMPAGNE MANGOS IN THE GROCERY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00050-00004344-00004487 LOOKING FOR THESE LITTLE CHAMPAGNE MANGOS IN THE GROCERY STORE, AND YOU WANT THEM TO BE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00051-00004487-00004494 CHAMPAGNE MANGOS IN THE GROCERY STORE, AND YOU WANT THEM TO BE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00052-00004494-00004641 CHAMPAGNE MANGOS IN THE GROCERY STORE, AND YOU WANT THEM TO BE NICE AND SWEET, LOOK FOR THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00053-00004641-00004647 STORE, AND YOU WANT THEM TO BE NICE AND SWEET, LOOK FOR THE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00054-00004647-00004831 STORE, AND YOU WANT THEM TO BE NICE AND SWEET, LOOK FOR THE ONES THAT ARE ALL WRINKLED ON 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00055-00004831-00004838 NICE AND SWEET, LOOK FOR THE ONES THAT ARE ALL WRINKLED ON 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00056-00004838-00004898 NICE AND SWEET, LOOK FOR THE ONES THAT ARE ALL WRINKLED ON THE SKIN. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00057-00004898-00004904 ONES THAT ARE ALL WRINKLED ON THE SKIN. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00058-00004904-00005125 ONES THAT ARE ALL WRINKLED ON THE SKIN. YOU CAN SEE THIS ONE IS PRETTY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00059-00005125-00005131 THE SKIN. YOU CAN SEE THIS ONE IS PRETTY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00060-00005131-00005311 THE SKIN. YOU CAN SEE THIS ONE IS PRETTY WRINKLY, AND THAT'S A GOOD SIGN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00061-00005311-00005318 YOU CAN SEE THIS ONE IS PRETTY WRINKLY, AND THAT'S A GOOD SIGN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00062-00005318-00005568 YOU CAN SEE THIS ONE IS PRETTY WRINKLY, AND THAT'S A GOOD SIGN IT'S REALLY NICE AND SWEET. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00063-00005568-00005575 WRINKLY, AND THAT'S A GOOD SIGN IT'S REALLY NICE AND SWEET. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00064-00005575-00005869 WRINKLY, AND THAT'S A GOOD SIGN IT'S REALLY NICE AND SWEET. NOW, TO CUT THIS OPEN,.añ?ñ?ñ TS 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00065-00005869-00005875 IT'S REALLY NICE AND SWEET. NOW, TO CUT THIS OPEN,.añ?ñ?ñ TS 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00066-00005875-00006309 IT'S REALLY NICE AND SWEET. NOW, TO CUT THIS OPEN,.añ?ñ?ñ TS INSIDE OF THE@pñ?ñ?ñ CHAMPAGNE E 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00067-00006309-00006316 NOW, TO CUT THIS OPEN,.añ?ñ?ñ TS INSIDE OF THE@pñ?ñ?ñ CHAMPAGNE E 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00068-00006316-00006459 NOW, TO CUT THIS OPEN,.añ?ñ?ñ TS INSIDE OF THE@pñ?ñ?ñ CHAMPAGNE E REALLY, REALLY THIN, WHICH MEANS 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00069-00006459-00006466 INSIDE OF THE@pñ?ñ?ñ CHAMPAGNE E REALLY, REALLY THIN, WHICH MEANS 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00070-00006466-00006659 INSIDE OF THE@pñ?ñ?ñ CHAMPAGNE E REALLY, REALLY THIN, WHICH MEANS YOU GET MORE FLESH INSIDE TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00071-00006659-00006666 REALLY, REALLY THIN, WHICH MEANS YOU GET MORE FLESH INSIDE TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00072-00006666-00006686 REALLY, REALLY THIN, WHICH MEANS YOU GET MORE FLESH INSIDE TO EAT. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00073-00006686-00006693 YOU GET MORE FLESH INSIDE TO EAT. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00074-00006693-00007006 YOU GET MORE FLESH INSIDE TO EAT. SO I LIKE TO JUST CUT THE STEM 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00075-00007006-00007013 EAT. SO I LIKE TO JUST CUT THE STEM 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00076-00007013-00007277 EAT. SO I LIKE TO JUST CUT THE STEM END OFF, SO THAT I HAVE A NICE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00077-00007277-00007283 SO I LIKE TO JUST CUT THE STEM END OFF, SO THAT I HAVE A NICE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00078-00007283-00007547 SO I LIKE TO JUST CUT THE STEM END OFF, SO THAT I HAVE A NICE FLAT SURFACE, SET IT ON MY BOARD 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00079-00007547-00007554 END OFF, SO THAT I HAVE A NICE FLAT SURFACE, SET IT ON MY BOARD 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00080-00007554-00007904 END OFF, SO THAT I HAVE A NICE FLAT SURFACE, SET IT ON MY BOARD AND THEN SLICEa?ñ?ñ? DOWN REALLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00081-00007904-00007911 FLAT SURFACE, SET IT ON MY BOARD AND THEN SLICEa?ñ?ñ? DOWN REALLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00082-00007911-00008094 FLAT SURFACE, SET IT ON MY BOARD AND THEN SLICEa?ñ?ñ? DOWN REALLE TO THE CENTER, SO THAT I'M JUST 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00083-00008094-00008101 AND THEN SLICEa?ñ?ñ? DOWN REALLE TO THE CENTER, SO THAT I'M JUST 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00084-00008101-00008525 AND THEN SLICEa?ñ?ñ? DOWN REALLE TO THE CENTER, SO THAT I'M JUST KIND OFCñ?ñ? SCRAPING RIGHT BY T 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00085-00008525-00008531 TO THE CENTER, SO THAT I'M JUST KIND OFCñ?ñ? SCRAPING RIGHT BY T 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00086-00008531-00008772 TO THE CENTER, SO THAT I'M JUST KIND OFCñ?ñ? SCRAPING RIGHT BY T THIN PIT THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00087-00008772-00008778 KIND OFCñ?ñ? SCRAPING RIGHT BY T THIN PIT THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00088-00008778-00008802 KIND OFCñ?ñ? SCRAPING RIGHT BY T THIN PIT THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE. LOOK. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00089-00008802-00008808 THIN PIT THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE. LOOK. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00090-00008808-00009038 THIN PIT THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE. LOOK. YOU CAN HEAR THAT RIGHT THERE, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00091-00009038-00009045 LOOK. YOU CAN HEAR THAT RIGHT THERE, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00092-00009045-00009282 LOOK. YOU CAN HEAR THAT RIGHT THERE, AND THEN I WIND UP WITH THESE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00093-00009282-00009289 YOU CAN HEAR THAT RIGHT THERE, AND THEN I WIND UP WITH THESE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00094-00009289-00009442 YOU CAN HEAR THAT RIGHT THERE, AND THEN I WIND UP WITH THESE NICE BEAUTIFUL HALVES, AND THEN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00095-00009442-00009449 AND THEN I WIND UP WITH THESE NICE BEAUTIFUL HALVES, AND THEN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00096-00009449-00009716 AND THEN I WIND UP WITH THESE NICE BEAUTIFUL HALVES, AND THEN I'M JUST GOING TO SLICE THEM ONE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00097-00009716-00009723 NICE BEAUTIFUL HALVES, AND THEN I'M JUST GOING TO SLICE THEM ONE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00098-00009723-00009936 NICE BEAUTIFUL HALVES, AND THEN I'M JUST GOING TO SLICE THEM ONE WAY, THEN THE OTHER WAY, SO I 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00099-00009936-00009943 I'M JUST GOING TO SLICE THEM ONE WAY, THEN THE OTHER WAY, SO I 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00100-00009943-00010210 I'M JUST GOING TO SLICE THEM ONE WAY, THEN THE OTHER WAY, SO I GET LITTLE NICE CUBES, TURN IT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00101-00010210-00010216 WAY, THEN THE OTHER WAY, SO I GET LITTLE NICE CUBES, TURN IT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00102-00010216-00010553 WAY, THEN THE OTHER WAY, SO I GET LITTLE NICE CUBES, TURN IT INSIDE OUT, AND I WILL USE MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00103-00010553-00010560 GET LITTLE NICE CUBES, TURN IT INSIDE OUT, AND I WILL USE MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00104-00010560-00010774 GET LITTLE NICE CUBES, TURN IT INSIDE OUT, AND I WILL USE MY PAIRING KNIFE TO SLICE THESE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00105-00010774-00010780 INSIDE OUT, AND I WILL USE MY PAIRING KNIFE TO SLICE THESE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00106-00010780-00010934 INSIDE OUT, AND I WILL USE MY PAIRING KNIFE TO SLICE THESE LITTLE CUBES RIGHT INTO MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00107-00010934-00010940 PAIRING KNIFE TO SLICE THESE LITTLE CUBES RIGHT INTO MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00108-00010940-00011030 PAIRING KNIFE TO SLICE THESE LITTLE CUBES RIGHT INTO MY MEASURING CUP. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00109-00011030-00011037 LITTLE CUBES RIGHT INTO MY MEASURING CUP. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00110-00011037-00011191 LITTLE CUBES RIGHT INTO MY MEASURING CUP. I'M GOING TO CUT IT RIGHT INTO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00111-00011191-00011197 MEASURING CUP. I'M GOING TO CUT IT RIGHT INTO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00112-00011197-00011264 MEASURING CUP. I'M GOING TO CUT IT RIGHT INTO MY BLENDER. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00113-00011264-00011271 I'M GOING TO CUT IT RIGHT INTO MY BLENDER. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00114-00011271-00011511 I'M GOING TO CUT IT RIGHT INTO MY BLENDER. YOU CAN USE A FOOD PROCESSOR. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00115-00011511-00011518 MY BLENDER. YOU CAN USE A FOOD PROCESSOR. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00116-00011518-00011664 MY BLENDER. YOU CAN USE A FOOD PROCESSOR. BOTH WILL WORK. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00117-00011664-00011671 YOU CAN USE A FOOD PROCESSOR. BOTH WILL WORK. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00118-00011671-00011951 YOU CAN USE A FOOD PROCESSOR. BOTH WILL WORK. THE ONE OTHER INGREDIENT IS SOME 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00119-00011951-00011958 BOTH WILL WORK. THE ONE OTHER INGREDIENT IS SOME 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00120-00011958-00012058 BOTH WILL WORK. THE ONE OTHER INGREDIENT IS SOME COCONUT CREAM. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00121-00012058-00012065 THE ONE OTHER INGREDIENT IS SOME COCONUT CREAM. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00122-00012065-00012305 THE ONE OTHER INGREDIENT IS SOME COCONUT CREAM. THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY NICE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00123-00012305-00012312 COCONUT CREAM. THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY NICE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00124-00012312-00012519 COCONUT CREAM. THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY NICE THICK COCONUT CREAM IN A LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00125-00012519-00012525 THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY NICE THICK COCONUT CREAM IN A LITTLE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00126-00012525-00012759 THESE DAYS YOU CAN BUY NICE THICK COCONUT CREAM IN A LITTLE CAN IN THE GROCERY STORE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00127-00012759-00012766 THICK COCONUT CREAM IN A LITTLE CAN IN THE GROCERY STORE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00128-00012766-00013029 THICK COCONUT CREAM IN A LITTLE CAN IN THE GROCERY STORE. IT'S USUALLY BY THE ASIAN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00129-00013029-00013036 CAN IN THE GROCERY STORE. IT'S USUALLY BY THE ASIAN 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00130-00013036-00013113 CAN IN THE GROCERY STORE. IT'S USUALLY BY THE ASIAN INGREDIENTS IN THE STORE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00131-00013113-00013119 IT'S USUALLY BY THE ASIAN INGREDIENTS IN THE STORE. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00132-00013119-00013276 IT'S USUALLY BY THE ASIAN INGREDIENTS IN THE STORE. YOU WILL SEE HOW THICK THIS IS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00133-00013276-00013283 INGREDIENTS IN THE STORE. YOU WILL SEE HOW THICK THIS IS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00134-00013283-00013533 INGREDIENTS IN THE STORE. YOU WILL SEE HOW THICK THIS IS. I'M GOING TO SCOOP IT RIGHT IN. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00135-00013533-00013540 YOU WILL SEE HOW THICK THIS IS. I'M GOING TO SCOOP IT RIGHT IN. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00136-00013540-00013630 YOU WILL SEE HOW THICK THIS IS. I'M GOING TO SCOOP IT RIGHT IN. HERE IT GOES. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00137-00013630-00013636 I'M GOING TO SCOOP IT RIGHT IN. HERE IT GOES. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00138-00013636-00013953 I'M GOING TO SCOOP IT RIGHT IN. HERE IT GOES. NOW I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00139-00013953-00013960 HERE IT GOES. NOW I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN MY 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00140-00013960-00014247 HERE IT GOES. NOW I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN MY LITTLE SERVING DISHES. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00141-00014247-00014254 NOW I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN MY LITTLE SERVING DISHES. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00142-00014254-00014434 NOW I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN MY LITTLE SERVING DISHES. I'M USING LITTLE GLASSES, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00143-00014434-00014441 LITTLE SERVING DISHES. I'M USING LITTLE GLASSES, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00144-00014441-00014791 LITTLE SERVING DISHES. I'M USING LITTLE GLASSES, AND YOU CAN USE CUSTOM STARRED CUPS, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00145-00014791-00014798 I'M USING LITTLE GLASSES, AND YOU CAN USE CUSTOM STARRED CUPS, 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00146-00014798-00014934 I'M USING LITTLE GLASSES, AND YOU CAN USE CUSTOM STARRED CUPS, LITTLE BOILS, AND I'M GOING TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00147-00014934-00014941 YOU CAN USE CUSTOM STARRED CUPS, LITTLE BOILS, AND I'M GOING TO 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00148-00014941-00015221 YOU CAN USE CUSTOM STARRED CUPS, LITTLE BOILS, AND I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00149-00015221-00015228 LITTLE BOILS, AND I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00150-00015228-00015358 LITTLE BOILS, AND I'M GOING TO PUT IT IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND LET IT CHILL FOR A WHILE, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00151-00015358-00015365 PUT IT IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND LET IT CHILL FOR A WHILE, AND 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00152-00015365-00015572 PUT IT IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND LET IT CHILL FOR A WHILE, AND WHEN YOU SERVE IT, IT WILL BE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00153-00015572-00015578 LET IT CHILL FOR A WHILE, AND WHEN YOU SERVE IT, IT WILL BE 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00154-00015578-00015688 LET IT CHILL FOR A WHILE, AND WHEN YOU SERVE IT, IT WILL BE DELICIOUS, CREAMY A LITTLE BIT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00155-00015688-00015695 WHEN YOU SERVE IT, IT WILL BE DELICIOUS, CREAMY A LITTLE BIT 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00156-00015695-00015972 WHEN YOU SERVE IT, IT WILL BE DELICIOUS, CREAMY A LITTLE BIT OF COCONUT, AND A LOT OF SWEET 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00157-00015972-00015979 DELICIOUS, CREAMY A LITTLE BIT OF COCONUT, AND A LOT OF SWEET 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00158-00015979-00016079 DELICIOUS, CREAMY A LITTLE BIT OF COCONUT, AND A LOT OF SWEET MANGO, IT'S DELICIOUS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00159-00016079-00016086 OF COCONUT, AND A LOT OF SWEET MANGO, IT'S DELICIOUS. 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00160-00016086-00016286 OF COCONUT, AND A LOT OF SWEET MANGO, IT'S DELICIOUS. I'M SUE DOEDEN SHARING "GOOD 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00161-00016286-00016292 MANGO, IT'S DELICIOUS. I'M SUE DOEDEN SHARING "GOOD 8p1Fqjrw_vQ-00162-00016292-00016463 MANGO, IT'S DELICIOUS. I'M SUE DOEDEN SHARING "GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 365". 8psvNBfJioM-00000-00000768-00001016 How do you stop getting distracted at home? 8psvNBfJioM-00001-00001016-00001346 I do get distracted a little bit sometimes, I will admit. 8psvNBfJioM-00002-00001346-00001626 I think the biggest distraction at home for me is the fridge. 8psvNBfJioM-00003-00001626-00001764 Close the windows, close the door 8psvNBfJioM-00004-00001764-00002023 make sure that my room is soundproof. 8psvNBfJioM-00005-00002023-00002376 Take a breather every now and then, it's important to keep studying but 8psvNBfJioM-00006-00002376-00002764 at the same time make sure that you're getting that fresh air. 8psvNBfJioM-00007-00002764-00003130 Eat at regular times, don't snack throughout the day. 8psvNBfJioM-00008-00003130-00003588 Put your phone on airplane mode while you study for one or two hours. 8psvNBfJioM-00009-00003588-00003879 That's a great tip, airplane mode, I'm going to use that! 8psvNBfJioM-00010-00003879-00004184 I've got two roommates and at times they can 8psvNBfJioM-00011-00004184-00004690 definitely be a distraction and especially when they're both addicted to Tik Tok. 8psvNBfJioM-00012-00004690-00004976 Just try to keep their mindset like I'm 8psvNBfJioM-00013-00004976-00005312 pretending like I'm actually in the lecture room at that moment. 8pyS2J9pFQu-00000-00000363-00000657 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00001-00000916-00001182 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00002-00001501-00001767 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00003-00002074-00002321 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00004-00002615-00002922 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00005-00003192-00003470 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00006-00003693-00003975 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00007-00004244-00004523 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00008-00004806-00005074 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00009-00005394-00005659 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00010-00005919-00006185 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00011-00006443-00006718 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00012-00006977-00007266 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00013-00007526-00007820 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00014-00008139-00008405 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00015-00008711-00009008 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00016-00009316-00009562 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00017-00009809-00010093 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00018-00010399-00010696 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00019-00010955-00011221 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00020-00011491-00011749 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00021-00012043-00012350 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00022-00012619-00012898 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00023-00013144-00013428 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00024-00013748-00014013 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00025-00014283-00014575 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00026-00014857-00015121 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00027-00015354-00015622 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00028-00015916-00016223 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00029-00016543-00016808 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00030-00017032-00017313 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00031-00017607-00017914 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00032-00018147-00018415 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00033-00018697-00018961 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00034-00019231-00019509 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00035-00019803-00020110 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00036-00020380-00020659 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00037-00020905-00021184 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00038-00021454-00021727 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00039-00022021-00022328 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00040-00022587-00022853 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00041-00023147-00023454 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00042-00023773-00024039 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00043-00024333-00024640 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00044-00024959-00025225 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00045-00025507-00025779 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00046-00026025-00026333 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00047-00026603-00026860 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00048-00027143-00027414 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00049-00027721-00027968 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00050-00028239-00028511 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00051-00028745-00029018 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00052-00029325-00029572 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00053-00029818-00030097 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00054-00030356-00030646 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00055-00030940-00031247 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00056-00031470-00031750 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00057-00032020-00032299 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00058-00032593-00032900 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00059-00033147-00033430 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00060-00033677-00033955 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00061-00034239-00034507 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00062-00034753-00035037 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00063-00035319-00035590 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00064-00035861-00036152 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00065-00036399-00036682 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00066-00036943-00037236 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00067-00037495-00037769 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00068-00038062-00038331 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00069-00038614-00038882 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00070-00039128-00039407 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00071-00039666-00039940 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00072-00040234-00040541 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00073-00040860-00041126 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00074-00041372-00041680 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00075-00041986-00042283 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00076-00042577-00042884 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00077-00043130-00043438 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00078-00043732-00044038 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00079-00044262-00044543 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00080-00044812-00045091 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00081-00045374-00045645 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00082-00045892-00046199 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00083-00046458-00046748 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00084-00046994-00047272 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00085-00047533-00047845 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00086-00048164-00048430 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00087-00048676-00048955 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00088-00049214-00049480 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00089-00049739-00050029 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00090-00050321-00050590 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00091-00050909-00051175 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00092-00051457-00051729 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00093-00052023-00052330 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00094-00052622-00052891 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00095-00053161-00053453 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00096-00053699-00053978 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00097-00054237-00054503 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00098-00054726-00055007 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00099-00055277-00055535 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00100-00055818-00056086 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00101-00056380-00056687 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00102-00057006-00057272 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00103-00057555-00057823 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00104-00058082-00058356 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00105-00058626-00058905 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00106-00059187-00059451 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00107-00059710-00059976 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00108-00060246-00060537 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00109-00060797-00061063 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00110-00061332-00061590 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00111-00061850-00062162 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00112-00062456-00062763 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00113-00063034-00063306 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00114-00063567-00063879 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00115-00064162-00064429 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00116-00064689-00064962 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00117-00065256-00065563 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00118-00065824-00066136 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00119-00066382-00066666 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00120-00066960-00067266 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00121-00067500-00067768 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00122-00068028-00068340 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00123-00068610-00068902 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00124-00069208-00069505 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00125-00069775-00070033 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00126-00070280-00070563 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00127-00070834-00071106 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00128-00071330-00071611 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00129-00071844-00072118 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00130-00072377-00072689 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00131-00072996-00073293 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00132-00073552-00073818 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00133-00074100-00074372 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00134-00074678-00074975 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00135-00075222-00075529 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00136-00075789-00076101 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00137-00076334-00076603 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00138-00076922-00077188 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00139-00077458-00077750 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00140-00078020-00078293 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00141-00078553-00078865 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00142-00079171-00079469 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00143-00079702-00079975 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00144-00080234-00080508 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00145-00080755-00081062 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00146-00081344-00081616 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00147-00081875-00082164 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00148-00082435-00082708 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00149-00082966-00083241 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00150-00083500-00083789 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00151-00084059-00084317 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00152-00084586-00084878 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00153-00085171-00085440 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00154-00085700-00085994 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00155-00086277-00086545 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00156-00086792-00087075 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00157-00087345-00087624 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00158-00087943-00088209 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00159-00088479-00088737 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00160-00088970-00089244 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00161-00089477-00089745 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00162-00089968-00090249 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00163-00090508-00090798 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00164-00091117-00091383 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00165-00091690-00091937 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00166-00092207-00092498 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00167-00092745-00093052 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00168-00093311-00093577 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00169-00093861-00094128 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00170-00094388-00094682 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00171-00094990-00095236 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00172-00095528-00095797 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00173-00096057-00096330 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00174-00096613-00096877 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00175-00097171-00097477 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00176-00097784-00098081 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00177-00098351-00098624 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00178-00098884-00099196 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00179-00099479-00099747 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00180-00100053-00100351 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00181-00100621-00100894 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00182-00101177-00101445 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00183-00101691-00102000 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00184-00102269-00102561 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00185-00102843-00103106 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00186-00103340-00103608 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00187-00103854-00104162 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00188-00104409-00104692 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00189-00104939-00105246 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00190-00105516-00105795 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00191-00106089-00106396 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00192-00106702-00106999 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00193-00107232-00107500 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00194-00107794-00108101 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00195-00108408-00108655 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00196-00108926-00109198 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00197-00109506-00109752 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00198-00110011-00110285 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00199-00110579-00110886 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00200-00111169-00111437 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00201-00111707-00111999 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00202-00112222-00112503 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00203-00112749-00113028 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00204-00113322-00113629 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00205-00113911-00114175 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00206-00114421-00114700 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00207-00114959-00115225 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00208-00115471-00115750 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00209-00116009-00116275 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00210-00116581-00116878 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00211-00117148-00117427 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00212-00117686-00117952 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00213-00118185-00118459 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00214-00118718-00118984 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00215-00119291-00119537 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00216-00119784-00120063 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00217-00120357-00120664 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00218-00120956-00121225 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00219-00121508-00121776 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00220-00122035-00122309 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00221-00122617-00122863 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00222-00123122-00123396 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00223-00123703-00123950 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00224-00124244-00124551 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00225-00124774-00125055 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00226-00125337-00125601 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00227-00125895-00126202 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00228-00126448-00126755 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00229-00127038-00127309 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00230-00127628-00127894 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00231-00128177-00128445 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00232-00128692-00128976 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00233-00129268-00129537 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00234-00129807-00130099 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00235-00130391-00130660 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00236-00130954-00131261 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00237-00131569-00131815 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00238-00132074-00132348 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00239-00132630-00132894 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00240-00133164-00133456 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00241-00133703-00133986 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00242-00134280-00134587 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00243-00134893-00135190 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00244-00135436-00135744 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00245-00136026-00136290 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00246-00136560-00136818 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00247-00137087-00137366 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00248-00137613-00137891 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00249-00138185-00138492 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00250-00138775-00139043 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00251-00139336-00139605 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00252-00139888-00140156 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00253-00140416-00140728 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00254-00140951-00141232 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00255-00141540-00141786 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00256-00142079-00142348 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00257-00142607-00142881 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00258-00143114-00143382 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00259-00143616-00143889 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00260-00144172-00144440 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00261-00144700-00144994 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00262-00145288-00145595 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00263-00145865-00146156 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00264-00146403-00146687 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00265-00146969-00147233 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00266-00147516-00147784 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00267-00148044-00148356 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00268-00148626-00148904 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00269-00149165-00149477 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00270-00149710-00149983 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00271-00150243-00150532 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00272-00150755-00151036 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00273-00151282-00151561 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00274-00151855-00152162 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00275-00152421-00152711 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00276-00153005-00153311 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00277-00153619-00153865 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00278-00154135-00154427 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00279-00154746-00155012 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00280-00155282-00155539 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00281-00155833-00156140 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00282-00156387-00156666 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00283-00156947-00157211 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00284-00157472-00157765 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00285-00158047-00158319 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00286-00158589-00158881 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00287-00159104-00159385 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00288-00159644-00159910 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00289-00160180-00160459 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00290-00160692-00160960 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00291-00161220-00161514 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00292-00161760-00162044 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00293-00162278-00162551 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00294-00162797-00163076 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00295-00163336-00163630 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00296-00163900-00164173 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00297-00164467-00164774 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00298-00165056-00165328 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00299-00165561-00165835 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00300-00166081-00166388 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00301-00166658-00166950 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00302-00167209-00167483 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00303-00167729-00168008 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00304-00168268-00168562 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00305-00168821-00169087 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00306-00169369-00169640 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00307-00169934-00170241 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00308-00170524-00170795 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00309-00171065-00171323 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00310-00171605-00171876 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00311-00172160-00172428 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00312-00172674-00172953 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00313-00173247-00173553 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00314-00173814-00174107 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00315-00174354-00174638 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00316-00174897-00175186 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00317-00175469-00175740 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00318-00176048-00176294 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00319-00176564-00176843 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00320-00177102-00177391 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00321-00177697-00177994 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00322-00178228-00178501 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00323-00178772-00179044 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00324-00179352-00179598 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00325-00179859-00180152 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00326-00180422-00180701 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00327-00180995-00181301 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00328-00181562-00181874 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00329-00182166-00182435 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00330-00182729-00183036 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00331-00183319-00183587 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00332-00183820-00184089 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00333-00184335-00184643 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00334-00184950-00185197 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00335-00185467-00185740 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00336-00186010-00186268 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00337-00186514-00186821 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00338-00187115-00187422 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00339-00187669-00187947 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00340-00188241-00188548 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00341-00188855-00189102 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00342-00189396-00189702 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00343-00189973-00190251 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00344-00190511-00190776 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00345-00191036-00191330 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00346-00191649-00191915 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00347-00192148-00192422 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00348-00192716-00193023 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00349-00193329-00193626 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00350-00193896-00194175 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00351-00194421-00194728 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00352-00194989-00195301 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00353-00195524-00195805 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00354-00196087-00196351 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00355-00196657-00196954 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00356-00197248-00197555 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00357-00197826-00198098 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00358-00198382-00198650 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00359-00198944-00199250 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00360-00199510-00199822 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00361-00200128-00200426 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00362-00200708-00200980 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00363-00201274-00201581 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00364-00201900-00202166 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00365-00202472-00202769 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00366-00203063-00203370 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00367-00203640-00203932 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00368-00204215-00204482 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00369-00204742-00205015 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00370-00205276-00205588 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00371-00205894-00206191 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00372-00206461-00206753 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00373-00207036-00207304 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00374-00207598-00207905 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00375-00208138-00208411 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00376-00208694-00208965 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00377-00209247-00209511 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00378-00209794-00210062 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00379-00210369-00210616 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00380-00210887-00211159 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00381-00211430-00211708 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00382-00211968-00212262 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00383-00212521-00212810 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00384-00213057-00213336 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00385-00213630-00213936 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00386-00214229-00214498 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00387-00214768-00215060 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00388-00215318-00215593 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00389-00215826-00216099 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00390-00216369-00216661 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00391-00216894-00217167 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00392-00217487-00217753 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00393-00218047-00218353 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00394-00218636-00218907 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00395-00219168-00219461 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00396-00219767-00220065 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00397-00220347-00220619 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00398-00220913-00221219 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00399-00221489-00221768 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00400-00222075-00222322 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00401-00222568-00222876 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00402-00223122-00223400 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00403-00223633-00223902 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00404-00224149-00224432 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00405-00224679-00224986 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00406-00225280-00225587 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00407-00225906-00226172 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00408-00226454-00226718 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00409-00227012-00227319 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00410-00227578-00227852 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00411-00228158-00228455 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00412-00228725-00229017 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00413-00229299-00229563 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00414-00229833-00230124 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00415-00230385-00230697 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00416-00230956-00231221 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00417-00231528-00231825 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00418-00232084-00232350 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00419-00232644-00232951 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00420-00233221-00233494 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00421-00233776-00234040 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00422-00234299-00234589 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00423-00234812-00235093 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00424-00235376-00235644 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00425-00235938-00236245 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00426-00236515-00236806 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00427-00237040-00237313 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00428-00237573-00237839 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00429-00238108-00238387 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00430-00238669-00238933 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00431-00239215-00239487 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00432-00239757-00240035 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00433-00240295-00240607 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00434-00240867-00241132 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00435-00241402-00241681 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00436-00241963-00242235 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00437-00242458-00242739 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00438-00243033-00243340 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00439-00243610-00243867 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00440-00244127-00244392 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00441-00244616-00244897 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00442-00245156-00245421 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00443-00245728-00246025 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00444-00246307-00246571 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00445-00246877-00247175 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00446-00247434-00247746 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00447-00248053-00248350 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00448-00248620-00248894 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00449-00249140-00249423 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00450-00249683-00249949 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00451-00250232-00250500 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00452-00250793-00251062 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00453-00251321-00251633 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00454-00251893-00252159 R 8pyS2J9pFQu-00455-00252453-00252760 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00456-00253042-00253313 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00457-00253560-00253838 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00458-00254097-00254387 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00459-00254657-00254949 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00460-00255208-00255521 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00461-00255815-00256121 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00462-00256404-00256675 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00463-00256946-00257218 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00464-00257512-00257819 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00465-00258103-00258371 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00466-00258630-00258942 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00467-00259189-00259496 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00468-00259779-00260043 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00469-00260302-00260596 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00470-00260915-00261182 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00471-00261451-00261730 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00472-00262013-00262281 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00473-00262515-00262788 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00474-00263094-00263392 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00475-00263638-00263945 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00476-00264215-00264473 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00477-00264743-00265022 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00478-00265255-00265523 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00479-00265842-00266108 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00480-00266378-00266657 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00481-00266951-00267258 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00482-00267517-00267806 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00483-00268076-00268350 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00484-00268609-00268898 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00485-00269192-00269499 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00486-00269781-00270053 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00487-00270322-00270601 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00488-00270920-00271186 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00489-00271456-00271748 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00490-00272042-00272349 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00491-00272572-00272853 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00492-00273112-00273386 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00493-00273680-00273987 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00494-00274220-00274488 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00495-00274782-00275089 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00496-00275395-00275692 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00497-00275985-00276254 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00498-00276524-00276798 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00499-00277031-00277304 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00500-00277527-00277808 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00501-00278128-00278393 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00502-00278652-00278926 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00503-00279246-00279511 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00504-00279782-00280039 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00505-00280346-00280593 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00506-00280863-00281155 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00507-00281474-00281740 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00508-00282023-00282291 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00509-00282537-00282845 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00510-00283152-00283398 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00511-00283692-00283999 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00512-00284319-00284584 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00513-00284891-00285188 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00514-00285448-00285742 H 8pyS2J9pFQu-00515-00286049-00286296 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00516-00286542-00286849 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00517-00287143-00287450 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00518-00287683-00287957 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00519-00288251-00288558 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00520-00288841-00289109 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00521-00289403-00289710 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00522-00289943-00290211 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00523-00290458-00290736 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00524-00291029-00291298 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00525-00291580-00291852 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00526-00292111-00292400 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00527-00292623-00292905 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00528-00293163-00293438 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00529-00293697-00294009 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00530-00294302-00294571 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00531-00294841-00295099 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00532-00295393-00295700 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00533-00295970-00296243 L 8pyS2J9pFQu-00534-00296489-00296768 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00535-00297062-00297369 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00536-00297676-00297922 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00537-00298156-00298429 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00538-00298699-00298991 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00539-00299250-00299540 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00540-00299834-00300141 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00541-00300374-00300647 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00542-00300907-00301219 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00543-00301526-00301773 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00544-00302055-00302327 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00545-00302621-00302928 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00546-00303161-00303434 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00547-00303717-00303988 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00548-00304211-00304493 E 8pyS2J9pFQu-00549-00304739-00305046 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00550-00305329-00305597 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00551-00305891-00306198 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00552-00306458-00306770 M 8pyS2J9pFQu-00553-00307040-00307298 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00554-00307592-00307899 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00555-00308158-00308447 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00556-00308717-00308996 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00557-00309229-00309503 I 8pyS2J9pFQu-00558-00309749-00310028 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00559-00310298-00310576 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00560-00310859-00311122 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00561-00311430-00311676 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00562-00311923-00312230 N 8pyS2J9pFQu-00563-00312537-00312784 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00564-00313030-00313314 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00565-00313584-00313862 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00566-00314109-00314388 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00567-00314621-00314889 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00568-00315208-00315474 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00569-00315782-00316028 2 8pyS2J9pFQu-00570-00316311-00316582 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00571-00316852-00317110 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00572-00317404-00317711 Y 8pyS2J9pFQu-00573-00317980-00318272 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00574-00318518-00318797 S 8pyS2J9pFQu-00575-00319116-00319382 1 8pyS2J9pFQu-00576-00319652-00319910 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00577-00320193-00320461 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00578-00320720-00320994 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00579-00321253-00321542 D 8pyS2J9pFQu-00580-00321813-00322070 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00581-00322352-00322624 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00582-00322907-00323175 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00583-00323445-00323703 5 8pyS2J9pFQu-00584-00323936-00324205 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00585-00324451-00324735 A 8pyS2J9pFQu-00586-00325005-00325296 W 8pyS2J9pFQu-00587-00325579-00325850 C 8pyS2J9pFQu-00588-00326109-00326383 U 8pyS2J9pFQu-00589-00326653-00326932 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00590-00327224-00327493 3 8pyS2J9pFQu-00591-00327777-00328045 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00592-00328326-00328590 O 8pyS2J9pFQu-00593-00328874-00329142 6 8pyS2J9pFQu-00594-00329448-00329745 ? 8pyS2J9pFQu-00595-00329978-00330246 T 8pyS2J9pFQu-00596-00330530-00330798 4 8pyS2J9pFQu-00597-00331067-00331346 F 8pyS2J9pFQu-00598-00331629-00331897 6 8PX81OWe2YI-00000-00000542-00000959 hello Pythonistas, welcome to Pythonista Empire. today we 8PX81OWe2YI-00001-00000959-00001323 gonna learn how to extract source code of any web page using Python or live 8PX81OWe2YI-00002-00001323-00002530 library 8PX81OWe2YI-00003-00006740-00006950 ▶️ Subscribe 8S-O_mkSGlU-00000-00000000-00000401 Marhaban (hello!) مرحباً Today we will be writing the letter 8S-O_mkSGlU-00001-00000401-00001152 Tuaa ط. Tuaa ط starts with an oval like the letter Saad and instead of the tooth we have a long 8S-O_mkSGlU-00002-00001152-00001692 line like the Alif from the base of the oval. To write Tuaw in its beginning form you write 8S-O_mkSGlU-00003-00001692-00002358 the oval and the line, and then you write its connector. Tuaa ط is a friendly letter so it has 8S-O_mkSGlU-00004-00002358-00003120 connectors to the previous and preceding letters. You write the connectors, the oval, and the line 8S-O_mkSGlU-00005-00003120-00003438 and that's how you make a middle Tuaa ط. To write Tuaw at the end, 8S-O_mkSGlU-00006-00003492-00003876 you have the connector oval and the line, 8S-O_mkSGlU-00007-00003996-00004349 and that is how you write the letter Tuaa ط! Ilal Liqaa'! (See you later) إلى اللقاء 8X0ffJImFZM-00000-00000416-00000892 Tôi lấy gì đó để uống trong khi anh chờ đợi nha? 8X0ffJImFZM-00001-00000946-00001452 Tôi sẽ quay lại ngay để lấy đơn món ăn của bạn. 8X0ffJImFZM-00002-00001600-00002204 Bạn đã sẵn sàng để gọi món chưa? 8X0ffJImFZM-00003-00002234-00002704 Bít tết của bạn thế nào? 8X0ffJImFZM-00004-00002726-00003288 Bạn có thể cho tôi biết nhà thay đồ ở đâu? 8X0ffJImFZM-00005-00003288-00003758 Với tôi là được rồi. Tôi sẽ lấy cái đó. 8X0ffJImFZM-00006-00003772-00004266 Bánh mì có đi kèm với salad không? 8X0ffJImFZM-00007-00004270-00004918 Tôi có thể lấy gì nữa cho bạn không? 8X0ffJImFZM-00008-00005164-00005550 Bạn đã sẵn sàng để gọi món chưa? 8X0ffJImFZM-00009-00005564-00006256 Món đó ăn với khoai tây nướng hoặc cơm. 8X0ffJImFZM-00010-00006280-00006900 Tôi sẽ ăn khoai tây nướng và salad. 8X0ffJImFZM-00011-00007181-00007673 Tôi có thể lấy gì nữa cho bạn không? 8X0ffJImFZM-00012-00007812-00008234 Bạn muốn dùng gì nữa không? 8X0ffJImFZM-00013-00008246-00008702 Xin hỏi. Tiền lẻ này là tiền gỉ? 8cdn8vkJDD0-00000-00000003-00000858 good eye miles were to get him the national president patty Australia and number two Senate 8cdn8vkJDD0-00001-00000858-00001626 candidate for Queensland so I'm going live today to give a quick message to members volunteers and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00002-00001626-00002682 supporters to say thank you for everything that we've done a lit up the election so I'm going 8cdn8vkJDD0-00003-00002682-00003264 to go through a few points if you catch up in the elections and retrospective some thoughts 8cdn8vkJDD0-00004-00003264-00003951 and some ideas I'm probably not going to keep going too long but I'd like to get semester's 8cdn8vkJDD0-00005-00003951-00004512 out there get some thoughts out there and get us ready on the front foot for the next year as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00006-00004512-00005118 there's a lot going on it has been a lot going on and we absolutely need to be on the forefront for 8cdn8vkJDD0-00007-00005118-00006033 it so first off I'd like to do a quick update on devoted results so I'll just go straight 8cdn8vkJDD0-00008-00006033-00006564 in for numbers first before we have a look at this so the Queensland with 43.2% counted for 8cdn8vkJDD0-00009-00006564-00007050 the Senate election the parapets Raley received six thousand nine hundred forty two votes which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00010-00007050-00007848 is primary votes which is 0.5% and for us that's a swing of 0.14 percent in each other Wales with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00011-00007848-00008448 52.6% counted for the Senate vote there as primary of nine thousand four hundred and sixty three to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00012-00008448-00009129 the Pirates which is 0.4 percent and that's a swing of 0.12 percent to us in Victoria with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00013-00009129-00009597 forty two point nine percent of the vote counted as a primary vote of seven thousand three hundred 8cdn8vkJDD0-00014-00009597-00010395 and sixty two which is 0.4 percent vote and a swing of 0.06 in West Australia with 53.9% 8cdn8vkJDD0-00015-00010395-00010953 counted we have a primary vote of five thousand one hundred and twenty four which is 0.6 percent 8cdn8vkJDD0-00016-00010953-00011649 of the vote and that is our swing of 0.6 percent congratulations to Australia so I'll go through 8cdn8vkJDD0-00017-00011649-00012246 that again in a moment but with the raw numbers we're seeing a fantastic result with roughly half 8cdn8vkJDD0-00018-00012246-00012771 of the vote counted and we'll see the rest of that result of the coming few days with preference flow 8cdn8vkJDD0-00019-00012771-00013182 it will probably be delayed and there's been some interesting things happening with minor 8cdn8vkJDD0-00020-00013182-00013971 party preferences this election but I think we can see the trend holding of a significant swing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00021-00013971-00014700 to the Pirates above all previous votes previous elections that we've been in and this is a really 8cdn8vkJDD0-00022-00014700-00015360 really encouraging result a really positive result so this is due to campaigning that we've done and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00023-00015360-00015897 messaging we've done and the energy put in by all of our candidates in the lead-up to the election 8cdn8vkJDD0-00024-00015897-00016797 we've always been seen as a fringe pony as a minor party as in many many times as a joke party and so 8cdn8vkJDD0-00025-00016797-00017322 a huge part of our messaging our challenge over the years has been to overcome that have been 8cdn8vkJDD0-00026-00017322-00017979 to overcome that image of a throwaway vote that we have preferential voting in Australia for a reason 8cdn8vkJDD0-00027-00017979-00018498 and one of the main messages which I want to take away from this and all give to all governors and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00028-00018498-00019287 supporters in the Pirates is that we our issues are not being addressed that there is no political 8cdn8vkJDD0-00029-00019287-00019875 party and no candidates who address the issues which we care about privacy surveillance copyright 8cdn8vkJDD0-00030-00019875-00020451 reform technology and common-sense economic reform like very various other positions and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00031-00020451-00021219 so it's absolutely essential that we fit the role that we fill in Australian politics which is even 8cdn8vkJDD0-00032-00021219-00021690 if we don't get elected we can still advocate through our positions we can still put pressure 8cdn8vkJDD0-00033-00021690-00022299 on other parties major and minor to reform their positions and be kind of presents to say we exist 8cdn8vkJDD0-00034-00022299-00023172 and what we're doing is absolutely important so I'm going to just go over those numbers again 8cdn8vkJDD0-00035-00023172-00023955 forever I'm still tuning in thank you so much everyone coming on we are this is this is live 8cdn8vkJDD0-00036-00023955-00024594 obviously so please feel free to add comments or questions in chat and I'll be posting the link 8cdn8vkJDD0-00037-00024594-00025554 around as well or on a couple of our social media pages what I'm encouraging or what we're getting 8cdn8vkJDD0-00038-00025554-00026127 all candidates to do over the coming week will be to go do video retrospectives and video check-ins 8cdn8vkJDD0-00039-00026127-00026852 and thank yous so last night we heard from Sarah Joyce who is new top Wales candidate for Senate 8cdn8vkJDD0-00040-00026852-00027474 and watching election results and upcoming days we'll hopefully hear from Victoria and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00041-00027474-00028254 West Australia and all of our other candidates as well so please feel free do put questions in chat 8cdn8vkJDD0-00042-00028254-00029183 and let's let's have a conversation because this conversation is important and needs to be had now 8cdn8vkJDD0-00043-00029183-00029997 let me quickly go through this these results again so Queensland so in all states roughly half of the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00044-00029997-00030705 Senate vote has been counted in Queensland we have 0.5% primary vote of just under 7,000 which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00045-00030705-00031275 is a swing of 0.14 percent towards the Pirates in Queensland New South Wales there is nearly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00046-00031275-00032001 10,000 primary votes which is 0.4% and a swing of 0.12 percent towards the Pirates in Victoria 8cdn8vkJDD0-00047-00032001-00032645 it's just over 7,000 primary votes which is 0.4% and swing of point 0 6 towards the Pirates and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00048-00032645-00033297 in watch Australia just over 5,000 primary votes which is 0.6 percent and that is a swing of 0.6 8cdn8vkJDD0-00049-00033297-00033975 percent towards the Pirates in West Australia this is a really exciting result and we're all really 8cdn8vkJDD0-00050-00033975-00034467 really and really really encouraged and cheered on by it to all candidates that I've spoken to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00051-00034467-00034866 and all volunteers and I've spoken to have all had really positive messages both immediately 8cdn8vkJDD0-00052-00034866-00035409 before the election video and after the election we knew we didn't have a realistically high chance 8cdn8vkJDD0-00053-00035409-00036084 of getting elected but we did know that we had to do it anyway and so I think these these swings to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00054-00036084-00036639 the pirates which are significant we're talking we're talking close to a 10 or 20 percent increase 8cdn8vkJDD0-00055-00036639-00037323 in our overall vote from previous elections that represents the hard work which we've all been 8cdn8vkJDD0-00056-00037323-00037893 putting in so please don't check my math there as you can hear I've had quite a few drinks last 8cdn8vkJDD0-00057-00037893-00038520 night there was some wild election alpha parties it was a lot of fun unfortunately what wasn't so 8cdn8vkJDD0-00058-00038520-00039312 fun was the overall election result so with the coalition get back in it's obviously not that the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00059-00039312-00039795 vote hasn't finalized yet but the chance for a Labour minority government is increasingly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00060-00039795-00040722 low so this has a lot of repercussions for us and sending a strong message to politics in Australia 8cdn8vkJDD0-00061-00040722-00041442 and various political parties now with the LMP with their various positions whereas policies 8cdn8vkJDD0-00062-00041442-00042201 are a problem it is a big problem as they have led the way on increasing copyright protectionism 8cdn8vkJDD0-00063-00042201-00043011 and increasing surveillance and increasing oppression of Australian people cutting out 8cdn8vkJDD0-00064-00043011-00043698 price if attacking encryption and attacking civil society civic society bodies and nonprofits and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00065-00043698-00044127 volunteering making it increasingly hard and not to mention their corruption the democratic 8cdn8vkJDD0-00066-00044127-00044835 process through their corporatist positions tax cuts support for big business and the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00067-00044835-00045549 sheer vast amount of lovely money they take from the business so there's a lot of changes we will 8cdn8vkJDD0-00068-00045549-00046233 need to take away from this election if we're going to keep attacking the lmps positions and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00069-00046233-00046704 keep holding pushing them and pushing a lot more once more pushing the labour and the Greens to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00070-00046704-00047160 hold them to account because as I said before there is no political party or candidate in 8cdn8vkJDD0-00071-00047160-00047682 Australia that actually represents the issues which we pirates care about the Greens don't 8cdn8vkJDD0-00072-00047682-00048186 fully encapsulate them the Labour Party is at times openly antagonistic and hostile towards 8cdn8vkJDD0-00073-00048186-00048543 opposition's and particularly the assistance and access bill at the end of last year it's out of 8cdn8vkJDD0-00074-00048543-00049212 this year with warrantless surveillance there was no fight I'm not at all from Labour no fun at all 8cdn8vkJDD0-00075-00049212-00050133 and the liberals and conservatives were obviously cheering it on enthusiastically so there's some 8cdn8vkJDD0-00076-00050133-00050760 strategies and some changes we need to make going forward the I have four key ideas which I want 8cdn8vkJDD0-00077-00050760-00051336 to bring forward the first thing I think that we as the Pirates need to be doing most importantly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00078-00051336-00052304 most strongly is working on our overall marketing promotion so this boils down to a few points the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00079-00052304-00053019 the first point is that our promote our political messaging needs to be more cohesive and more time 8cdn8vkJDD0-00080-00053019-00053729 so when talking to volunteers and lead-up I and all accounts been talking volunteers as well we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00081-00053729-00054120 have a lot of new volunteers and members this election congratulations welcome and thank you 8cdn8vkJDD0-00082-00054120-00054678 so much for joining the pirate party when talking to those volunteers to my selves and the other 8cdn8vkJDD0-00083-00054678-00055158 candidates and veteran party members have have explained our policies and we've talked about 8cdn8vkJDD0-00084-00055158-00055829 our policies and we've given intros to various things as obviously our policy is very niche 8cdn8vkJDD0-00085-00055829-00056277 then you got policies very niche they're hard to understand even for many people who support the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00086-00056277-00056891 Pirates we have some really obscure positions but ones which are supported strongly by evidence and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00087-00056891-00057651 supported strongly by by people who are experts in their subject feel of whether that's technology 8cdn8vkJDD0-00088-00057651-00058425 economics human rights so on and so forth so moment I'm vulnerable my number one point is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00089-00058425-00058986 that our political messaging needs to be more cohesive so we need to look at our policy and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00090-00058986-00059748 say okay what does it actually mean how can we communicate this so number two which is basically 8cdn8vkJDD0-00091-00059748-00060585 a tie in to number one that is more video and image content we need more graphical content 8cdn8vkJDD0-00092-00060585-00061430 we mean the audiovisual content to help to help encourage our ideas if we can have adhesive and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00093-00061430-00062022 type and clear messaging on our policies then this audio-visual content will be very very easy it is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00094-00062022-00062630 as simple as putting up a colored background post on Facebook that annoying as whatever thing with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00095-00062630-00063273 some sweet cool slogans across it that actually tie into our policy and the key point here which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00096-00063273-00063765 on it I want to bring this back to the election briefly there's a key point here which is that all 8cdn8vkJDD0-00097-00063765-00064134 the volunteers that I spoke to and the birds that I went to and the booths that are the cabinet's 8cdn8vkJDD0-00098-00064134-00064662 involved years went to the messaging from the Liberal Party and the Labour Party was negative 8cdn8vkJDD0-00099-00064662-00065238 it was attacking each other was attacking other candidates and other policies and something like 8cdn8vkJDD0-00100-00065238-00065856 three-quarters of the liberal national propaganda was the was just attacking bill short and it was 8cdn8vkJDD0-00101-00065856-00066585 purely a character assassination and we absolutely cannot have this approach in our own marketing we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00102-00066585-00067026 absolutely have to have a positive message and it's tractive message for what the changes we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00103-00067026-00067395 want to make to Australia so but so those who went out there you remember some of the slogans 8cdn8vkJDD0-00104-00067395-00068070 from the LMP which were things like it'll be the build that Australia can't afford that was 8cdn8vkJDD0-00105-00068070-00068556 that was the mainland eyesore and there was just huge long ten-minute banners and huge 8cdn8vkJDD0-00106-00068556-00069015 posters with built ones face on them making a you know caught in a grimace or something and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00107-00069015-00069669 and you can just imagine strong clowns and grim music playing in the background it was it was it 8cdn8vkJDD0-00108-00069669-00070209 was it was very very poorly thought out it was lowest-common-denominator marketing and it was 8cdn8vkJDD0-00109-00070209-00070992 very very it's the dumbing down of political dialogue in this country and that's honestly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00110-00070992-00071310 that's one thing we're finding it's more than anything we believe and bring honesty back to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00111-00071310-00072006 politics and evidence-based informed opinion and decision making back to politics and dancing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00112-00072006-00072516 opposition everything that the LMP has stood for in this election and in previous elections 8cdn8vkJDD0-00113-00072516-00073119 and over the next few years so I don't want to say it's too much better with the Labour Party either 8cdn8vkJDD0-00114-00073119-00074199 as the slogan which I heard from labour volunteers was no more cuts and chaos which is again a purely 8cdn8vkJDD0-00115-00074199-00075291 a an attack on the LMP with no substance and no no backing apology messaging nothing reconstructed or 8cdn8vkJDD0-00116-00075291-00075981 constructive nothing informed or informative about politics in this country and so there was a it was 8cdn8vkJDD0-00117-00075981-00076329 a little bit better for the ILP for some their messaging but again there's so many things which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00118-00076329-00076839 the LMP is doing wrong and and you have to dumb down your messaging to that point where you're 8cdn8vkJDD0-00119-00076839-00077316 degrading the political dialogue wouldn't know I don't want to do that at all and we as parents 8cdn8vkJDD0-00120-00077316-00077703 are actually not doing that also going back to my recommendation for the party going forward 8cdn8vkJDD0-00121-00077703-00078390 more piece of time messaging one number two more audio-visual content so audio-visual content I'm 8cdn8vkJDD0-00122-00078390-00078987 talking about means when he need meme warriors we need meme creators on our side out there creating 8cdn8vkJDD0-00123-00078987-00079617 memes doing memes doing cool stuff and putting up an out there for people to look out and follow so 8cdn8vkJDD0-00124-00079617-00080471 just responding to a couple of points in chat you passion is room thank you we we work very hard on 8cdn8vkJDD0-00125-00080471-00081008 our policy over the years we have many very very excellent writers who've contributed to our policy 8cdn8vkJDD0-00126-00081008-00081758 over the years and build that up and so yes I totally agree we all agree we're really proud 8cdn8vkJDD0-00127-00081758-00082235 of our policy that's why we're pious that's why we're in the parent part in Australia that that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00128-00082235-00082853 we have sound evidence and science-based policy which you can explain to people and they will go 8cdn8vkJDD0-00129-00082853-00083447 oh that sounds really good and nine times out of ten new members will look at our policies and say 8cdn8vkJDD0-00130-00083447-00083801 oh I thought you had a silly name but I check your policies and they're actually quite reasonable and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00131-00083801-00084380 quite good so now I'll support you so why are we getting only 0.5% of the vote in all the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00132-00084380-00084836 elections we run in partly because the name partly also because of our messaging we need to work on 8cdn8vkJDD0-00133-00084836-00085505 the slick cohesive messaging and slick cohesive audio-visual content to help get that out there 8cdn8vkJDD0-00134-00085505-00086759 so thank you Kate Razak for your kind words and money McGraw B so the ALP ALP love to call each 8cdn8vkJDD0-00135-00086759-00087305 other liars and talk about each other as Liars we need to put aside that kind of rhetoric and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00136-00087305-00087929 we need to have a positive mission and a positive vision and here in Queensland I am endlessly in 8cdn8vkJDD0-00137-00087929-00088358 or of the Greens what the Greens are doing with their messaging and their marketing and their 8cdn8vkJDD0-00138-00088358-00088976 campaigning I think they do it very very well but obviously they're not doing it around issues which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00139-00088976-00089468 we care about they're not doing it around our issues and they're not doing it in a way that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00140-00089468-00090170 captures our issues so we absolutely can offer a a third party alternative to the greens from 8cdn8vkJDD0-00141-00090170-00090620 the sensible centre or from the center-left which addresses the issues we care about is privacy and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00142-00090620-00091397 and technology so one of the things I'm I want moving forward is calling on all members and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00143-00091397-00092081 supporters in the party to come forward and help out with this new messaging to help out with with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00144-00092081-00092690 ways we can express our content through images through memes the graphics through videos through 8cdn8vkJDD0-00145-00092690-00093245 trailer promos through music if you have any kind of artistic or creative skill we want you and we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00146-00093245-00094068 need you and more importantly creative production is a is a key part of our founding issue of 8cdn8vkJDD0-00147-00094068-00094704 copyright reform as we've always said we want culture and content to be open and free and so if 8cdn8vkJDD0-00148-00094704-00095190 we can create that culture and create that content we can be that change and put it out there in the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00149-00095190-00095841 world for Australians and and other supporters and people around the world to experience that content 8cdn8vkJDD0-00150-00095841-00096456 so that's the call and putting out to all members and supporters on the party and we've done that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00151-00096456-00097218 before to huge success if you're a musician or an artist please be come forward so point number 8cdn8vkJDD0-00152-00097218-00097821 three my third recommendation for the party moving toward my third call-to-action is that I think we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00153-00097821-00098544 need clearer ideological and and political linking between our positions so I think we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00154-00098544-00099066 need to explore more ways we can link our policies together peaceably with our values and principles 8cdn8vkJDD0-00155-00099066-00099582 this will be this is more of a long-term project this is something which people who are familiar 8cdn8vkJDD0-00156-00099582-00100065 with bitter legal political theory and who are familiar with the political history of 8cdn8vkJDD0-00157-00100065-00100653 our policies and how they've performed we'll need to analyze that and and come up with ways 8cdn8vkJDD0-00158-00100653-00101409 of altering modifying our platform and altering modifying our messaging so that we can tie our 8cdn8vkJDD0-00159-00101409-00101907 platform more tightly together more cohesively together politically with an ideological backing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00160-00101907-00102635 and then we can go out and say yes I am this I am I honest I believe in pirate politics and that can 8cdn8vkJDD0-00161-00102635-00103128 be utterly independent of the party that can be independent of any pirate party you can go out and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00162-00103128-00103658 get other parties to support our politics and the approach we take on them which is broadly speaking 8cdn8vkJDD0-00163-00103658-00104298 left libertarian Tek progressive so some writing around that and some theorizing around that to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00164-00104298-00105066 help explore the political traditions which tie into our politics my final strategy or call to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00165-00105066-00106034 action going forward is that we as a party need to engage with young people more and this goes into 8cdn8vkJDD0-00166-00106034-00106722 point one and two in creating more audio-visual content creating more memes but also engaging 8cdn8vkJDD0-00167-00106722-00107751 with gamers engaging with schools engaging with young people and youth spaces and being able to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00168-00107751-00108627 bring them to the fore and explore very choose and let them know how they can get involved in 8cdn8vkJDD0-00169-00108627-00109356 Party politics and support pirate politics so what we need to do is start up groups at universities 8cdn8vkJDD0-00170-00109356-00110060 young pirate clubs will need to start having content creation going out and memes and in 8cdn8vkJDD0-00171-00110060-00110664 games and gaming events or we can attract young people and we'll need to integrate this into our 8cdn8vkJDD0-00172-00110664-00111378 platform and integrate this into our policies so those are my four main strategic targets 8cdn8vkJDD0-00173-00111378-00112017 moving forward for the Pirates and there's some call-to-action in there so we need to see content 8cdn8vkJDD0-00174-00112017-00112728 creators for image and video stepping forward to work on our policies and get them into a way that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00175-00112728-00113328 is easily understandable and easily communicated so that although I hate sloganeering for the alp 8cdn8vkJDD0-00176-00113328-00113823 and LP and I will find it down find it as dumbing down the political discourse we do need to have 8cdn8vkJDD0-00177-00113823-00114390 a cohesive messaging we didn't have easy ways to communicate that and easy ways for people 8cdn8vkJDD0-00178-00114390-00115047 to understand that so that our volunteers can express our policies and interests of people can 8cdn8vkJDD0-00179-00115047-00115716 understand our policies now another call to action is more organizers we need people stepping forward 8cdn8vkJDD0-00180-00115716-00116289 who are willing to organize events organized crews and organize the meetups and this is something we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00181-00116289-00116885 tried very hard to do in the lead-up to the election where we had organizers stepping up 8cdn8vkJDD0-00182-00116885-00117485 to organize volunteers in their area to go out to polling booths to talk to voters do go to events 8cdn8vkJDD0-00183-00117485-00118077 to talk to the media to do all kinds of cool things and we need to keep that energy going we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00184-00118077-00118608 need to keep that momentum going and keep growing the pirate movement so the way to do that will be 8cdn8vkJDD0-00185-00118608-00119202 by organizing these crew meetups by having local volunteers step up and say what's happening in my 8cdn8vkJDD0-00186-00119202-00119883 area there's nothing happening okay that means I need to organize something it's on me so that the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00187-00119883-00120409 principles of direct democracy the principles of swarmers organized and that principles are 8cdn8vkJDD0-00188-00120409-00121088 holistic organizing all called for when something needs to be done and someone identifies that there 8cdn8vkJDD0-00189-00121088-00121708 than volunteering to do that and so if you see something you think needs to be done for the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00190-00121708-00122642 Pirates we are direct Democratic you can go out and do that and it is your responsibility on you 8cdn8vkJDD0-00191-00122642-00123158 as an individual to make sure that what you're doing helps the Pirates and helps our cause that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00192-00123158-00123758 it doesn't damage our image that it fits and is coherent with our politics and our imaging 8cdn8vkJDD0-00193-00123758-00124358 and our message that is our responsibility as individuals as pirates and organizers for the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00194-00124358-00125086 Pirates and we've taken big strat strides over the past few years in streamlining and removing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00195-00125086-00125480 bureaucracy particularly with the formation of the pirate Bureau about two and a half years ago 8cdn8vkJDD0-00196-00125480-00126026 with the bureau we streamlined our authorization processes and made easier for people to create 8cdn8vkJDD0-00197-00126026-00126569 content is now very easy you can simply message the National Council or post into the Bureau on 8cdn8vkJDD0-00198-00126569-00127172 the Disqus forum with all people all members have access to and from there your content 8cdn8vkJDD0-00199-00127172-00127664 gets authorized and it can be distributed in one of the format's we've got a question here from 8cdn8vkJDD0-00200-00127664-00128222 your passionate RAM and do state party or plans for just federal government absolutely we would 8cdn8vkJDD0-00201-00128222-00128843 like to be state registered unfortunately don't have the members so the requirements vary from 8cdn8vkJDD0-00202-00128843-00129395 state to state in Queensland the requirement is 500 registered members we have roughly a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00203-00129395-00129932 slightly over 300 members in Queensland so we are short of that target unit of Wales I 8cdn8vkJDD0-00204-00129932-00130655 believe there's a target of 1000 members and we are we only have about I believe around 6 or 700 8cdn8vkJDD0-00205-00130655-00131174 so again we're short of that number so what we need is more members more members in the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00206-00131174-00131753 party more supporters coming forward to create content so that we can attract more members or 8cdn8vkJDD0-00207-00131753-00132188 organize to creating events so that supporters and volunteers can come along and become members 8cdn8vkJDD0-00208-00132188-00133013 so this is an ongoing effort we absolutely do have a target to be state registered and I'll 8cdn8vkJDD0-00209-00133013-00133439 put in a quick call here about candidate fees and Canada registration and party registration that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00210-00133439-00134018 requires money larger money for the election the federal election account registration fees 8cdn8vkJDD0-00211-00134018-00134642 were $2,000 per person that means we had to drain our bank account and go through massive 8cdn8vkJDD0-00212-00134642-00135143 fundraising campaign just to get our candidates onto the ballot without even putting money into 8cdn8vkJDD0-00213-00135143-00135659 merchandise or flyers or t-shirts or Russians or ads or anything the vast majority of our spending 8cdn8vkJDD0-00214-00135659-00136700 has just been on fees to register our candidates so running at state elections will take a lot more 8cdn8vkJDD0-00215-00136700-00137168 donations a lot more fundraising the currently have but I'm confident that if we can increase 8cdn8vkJDD0-00216-00137168-00137840 our member size and increase our volunteers then that funding and those donations will follow that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00217-00137840-00138449 energy will follow and we will have the means thank you so much for all of your support there 8cdn8vkJDD0-00218-00138449-00139004 during the crowdfunding campaign in the leader and everyone who volunteered as well so everyone has 8cdn8vkJDD0-00219-00139004-00139673 different ways of contributing whether monetarily volunteering organizing or otherwise and I highly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00220-00139673-00140252 encourage everyone to consider how you can help change the face of Australian politics because 8cdn8vkJDD0-00221-00140252-00140867 with this election being called for the Coalition at approximately 9:00 o'clock last night it was 8cdn8vkJDD0-00222-00140867-00141341 clear that despite all the wins and all against the pirate party has made in this election that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00223-00141341-00141767 we are not doing enough anywhere near enough to have a meaningful effect on straigh liyan 8cdn8vkJDD0-00224-00141767-00142277 politics and we need to be working harder and smarter in getting our messages out there and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00225-00142277-00142952 growing the pirate movement so I'll quickly recap those four strategic calls that I put 8cdn8vkJDD0-00226-00142952-00143522 out earlier I think that number one we need to have our policies be more cohesive and have a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00227-00143522-00144308 tighter messaging around running so if we can with those policies if we can get them to be 8cdn8vkJDD0-00228-00144308-00145304 easier more easily communicated and more easily understood then that is a win for us and that's a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00229-00145304-00146297 way we can we can help counter the notion that we aren't a joke party we aren't a single-issue party 8cdn8vkJDD0-00230-00146297-00146870 that what we're doing is in fact important and what we're doing is in fact serious 8cdn8vkJDD0-00231-00146967-00148062 so point number two is that we need to have more video in image content and have more audio-visual 8cdn8vkJDD0-00232-00148062-00148785 content we need creators for this we need artists we need creative people who can who can contribute 8cdn8vkJDD0-00233-00148785-00149304 in this way who can make images you can make videos and trailers and if people can make the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00234-00149304-00149904 music clothes music we've always had supporters artists artists supporting the party we've had 8cdn8vkJDD0-00235-00149904-00150315 many musicians supporting the party creating music in the past for us and create various art 8cdn8vkJDD0-00236-00150315-00151002 we need to keep that trend going so we can keep getting our message out there point number three 8cdn8vkJDD0-00237-00151002-00151647 is to link our policies together with tighter ideological and political theory backing and that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00238-00151647-00152262 will take assistance and input from people who understand the history of our policies and the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00239-00152262-00152742 history of political theory who can integrate these with our policies more tightly together 8cdn8vkJDD0-00240-00152742-00153345 so that we can be more clearly understood as a unique political tradition in Australia today and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00241-00153345-00153855 already the European pirates are being described as having a political alignment of pirate politics 8cdn8vkJDD0-00242-00153855-00154530 which doesn't fully align a left-right axis and it can be best described left libertarian and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00243-00154530-00155187 tech progressive which is something which many pirates do identify but that's someone we need 8cdn8vkJDD0-00244-00155187-00155634 to explore and explain more clearly so my calls to action offer more organizers to organize events 8cdn8vkJDD0-00245-00155634-00156573 more content creators and writers to contribute to things and to start the young pirates of 2019 8cdn8vkJDD0-00246-00156573-00157161 where we start attracting younger people to the movement through gaming or games through 8cdn8vkJDD0-00247-00157161-00157644 memes and through other audio-visual content so we've got a question in chat from Roger Watling 8cdn8vkJDD0-00248-00157644-00158079 pipe ridings works on policies that other parties are cover primarily digital rights 8cdn8vkJDD0-00249-00158079-00158433 the freedoms will pirates expand their official policy travel to major political issues such as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00250-00158433-00158907 climate change domestic violence environmental protection and jobs some of these areas are 8cdn8vkJDD0-00251-00158907-00159450 already covered by pirate policy in particular climate change we supported a 50% reduction of 8cdn8vkJDD0-00252-00159450-00160447 emissions by 2030 this recommendation has this policy has not met with recent recommendations 8cdn8vkJDD0-00253-00160447-00160876 from environmental groups which they bought a hundred percent reduction by 2030 hundred 8cdn8vkJDD0-00254-00160876-00161503 percent is obviously very ambitious but at the same time the crisis were facing with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00255-00161503-00162166 the climate change is also equally alarming and imminent so that is potentially stands when they 8cdn8vkJDD0-00256-00162166-00162925 take on and various environmental updates will need to update on that and our policy we had a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00257-00162925-00163426 question in in the last week in the lead-up to the election when the Queensland candidates had 8cdn8vkJDD0-00258-00163426-00163996 a Facebook live Q&A we also had a question about domestic violence and my running mate Brendan's 8cdn8vkJDD0-00259-00163996-00164584 cell it had a lot to say about that is community legal aid lawyer for ten years and I'd highly 8cdn8vkJDD0-00260-00164584-00165106 recommend you to go back and and watch that video and hear his response there and how we can update 8cdn8vkJDD0-00261-00165106-00165754 our platform to meet that the summary of it is there is a huge backlog in our courts primarily 8cdn8vkJDD0-00262-00165754-00166765 family courts where the domestic violence cases are held and so a any any any policy changes to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00263-00166765-00167332 address domestic violence would need to first and foremost address this huge issue or at least 8cdn8vkJDD0-00264-00167332-00168049 address it as a matter of priority to help reduce that backlog so that cases in family courts can go 8cdn8vkJDD0-00265-00168049-00168610 ahead environmental protection we have a strong policy but we've received recommendations will 8cdn8vkJDD0-00266-00168610-00169159 prove it which we will be looking at jobs policy we have to support a federal jobs guarantee and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00267-00169159-00169966 this is one of our more unusual policies you can find out about it in in our policy on the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00268-00169966-00170980 wiki which is available to anyone to read and from there you'll be able to explore it but 8cdn8vkJDD0-00269-00170980-00171463 again we need people we need people producing content and messaging to to better express that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00270-00171901-00171907 you 8cdn8vkJDD0-00271-00172321-00173380 now before I go there is one last major announcement to make which is that the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00272-00173380-00174196 work doesn't stop here for the Pirates we cannot rest here this election has been a huge drain a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00273-00174196-00174685 huge emotional and physical drain with our candidates our pre polling and letterboxing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00274-00174685-00175087 for weeks in advance to the election and all of our volunteers the huge contribution that they 8cdn8vkJDD0-00275-00175087-00175489 made during the election itself and also the amount of donations which have gone into this 8cdn8vkJDD0-00276-00175489-00176110 campaign and the emotional investment people put into these campaigns but this isn't over this is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00277-00176110-00176632 the start of another three years before the next federal election and before that we have state 8cdn8vkJDD0-00278-00176632-00177190 elections and council elections without with our goal of getting state registered in all states 8cdn8vkJDD0-00279-00177190-00177751 hopefully at some point then we can't simply ignore those we need to have positions on those 8cdn8vkJDD0-00280-00177751-00178762 and be active in the debate around those elections now the most immediate upcoming event which we as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00281-00178762-00179251 pirates and as a part movement need to be aware of is National Congress is imminent it will be 8cdn8vkJDD0-00282-00179251-00180031 at the end of July that is approximately one and a half months away a bit over one month now our 8cdn8vkJDD0-00283-00180031-00180697 deadlines for policy change will be coming up very very shortly as well so for those of you 8cdn8vkJDD0-00284-00180697-00181240 who are considering contributing to the party through writing or political theory or policy 8cdn8vkJDD0-00285-00181240-00181840 development now is the time to immediately get in and start working as we'll be announcing the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00286-00181840-00182413 deadline for for submissions and for the day for Congress over the coming weeks and it will 8cdn8vkJDD0-00287-00182413-00182926 be very very close it's unfortunate the election fell when it did as a put us on a tight timeline 8cdn8vkJDD0-00288-00182926-00183727 for Congress however the party exists outside of the election and we will continue despite this 8cdn8vkJDD0-00289-00183727-00184390 disappointing election result overall now the there are separate deadlines for constitutional 8cdn8vkJDD0-00290-00184390-00184867 amendments and policy amendments all I can suggest is going forward we'll be looking at 8cdn8vkJDD0-00291-00184867-00185491 all policy pledges that we were asked to make in the lead-up to the election by advocacy and NGO 8cdn8vkJDD0-00292-00185491-00186061 groups will be analyzing those and we publicly I'd like to publicly post all of those for our 8cdn8vkJDD0-00293-00186061-00186598 members to consider and to review and for those we believe that fit with our platform will be 8cdn8vkJDD0-00294-00186598-00187225 amending those integrating those into policy proposals in our platform to be submitted before 8cdn8vkJDD0-00295-00187225-00187888 National Congress in July and we will mean people in there analyzing these pledges and and writing 8cdn8vkJDD0-00296-00187888-00188590 potentially writing policy amendments or policy proposals based off these pledges and there we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00297-00188590-00189088 received many many requests for pledges we were on multiple policies scorecards where 8cdn8vkJDD0-00298-00189088-00189799 we did better or worse and it's it's very much clearer than me that from our simply from our 8cdn8vkJDD0-00299-00189799-00190249 policy responses to these scorecards and these pledges that we have significant changes which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00300-00190249-00190693 do need to be made to our platform to bring them into line to the recommendations from 8cdn8vkJDD0-00301-00190693-00191539 subject matter experts and advocacy groups and and so we can continue our push to saying that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00302-00191539-00192136 our policy is backed by evidence and that we have called evidence-based policy most foremost and so 8cdn8vkJDD0-00303-00192136-00192526 among these there a number of key issues most one of the most pressing on blade which is environment 8cdn8vkJDD0-00304-00192526-00193042 and climate but additionally when you talk about social issues such as Centrelink in particular 8cdn8vkJDD0-00305-00193042-00193444 when is talk about transition area periods from settling towards universal basic income 8cdn8vkJDD0-00306-00193444-00194122 so there's a large campaign to raise new start which has been ongoing for several years so from 8cdn8vkJDD0-00307-00194122-00194821 there we I believe we should we would support a Racine you start additionally in supporting 8cdn8vkJDD0-00308-00194821-00195445 a policy amendment to increase the amount for a UVI obviously our environmental our environment 8cdn8vkJDD0-00309-00195445-00195847 when protections could be improved based on the recommendations from the places you love 8cdn8vkJDD0-00310-00195847-00196498 alliance and climate change policy we receive recommendations from Paula and Disraeli and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00311-00196498-00197026 Conservation Foundation other groups to strengthen our climate change policy the settling campaign is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00312-00197026-00197722 coming from a costs Australian Council to social services we there are also many many other policy 8cdn8vkJDD0-00313-00197722-00198148 areas as well which I'm forgetting which will need to analyze and improve and work on and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00314-00198148-00198889 so I'll be calling on all parties supporters and members to Oh in the coming weeks to analyze these 8cdn8vkJDD0-00315-00198889-00199711 pledges and to repair new policy proposals to be to be reviewed at National Congress and and to be 8cdn8vkJDD0-00316-00199711-00200365 voted on by the party now a few final words about Congress it'll be in Adelaide this year Adelaide 8cdn8vkJDD0-00317-00200365-00200911 South Australia now this is a little bit out of the way we haven't kind of Congress here before 8cdn8vkJDD0-00318-00200911-00201682 which is why we chose we wanted to give the the western states a bit of love and we wanted to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00319-00201682-00202588 spread out a little bit and try something new or different because we we have we do have pirates 8cdn8vkJDD0-00320-00202588-00202882 in Adelaide we do have a quiet presence there we have supporters and members all throughout 8cdn8vkJDD0-00321-00202882-00203680 the state and so as we are the technology party it is fully fully feasible and viable for us to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00322-00203680-00204244 hold Congress wherever we like as of course it is fully online enabled and there are a number 8cdn8vkJDD0-00323-00204244-00204745 of innovations around that technology which we have and will continue to make so in particular 8cdn8vkJDD0-00324-00204745-00205221 we've been experimenting with new methods of organizing digital organizing and outreach and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00325-00205221-00205684 so one of my suggestions for National Congress this year is that we for our remote participants 8cdn8vkJDD0-00326-00205684-00206479 we add an audio-visual option so the remote participants in the past have participated via 8cdn8vkJDD0-00327-00206479-00207028 IRC Internet Relay Chat and what they've done is when they want a larger comment on the floor they 8cdn8vkJDD0-00328-00207028-00207454 will formally make that comment than the remote share in person will read that comment cut on the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00329-00207454-00207976 floor I think this is no longer sufficient we have had the technology for some time and we have the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00330-00207976-00208588 means to do this and so I think for this National Congress what I will be attempting to bring into 8cdn8vkJDD0-00331-00208588-00209335 operations is for murder attendees if they wish to to have to have that to use that method where they 8cdn8vkJDD0-00332-00209335-00209796 write their comment or question text and they'd have that read out on the floor however I want to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00333-00209796-00210538 add another option where instead what they'll be able to do is fire up their webcam and all 8cdn8vkJDD0-00334-00210538-00211534 their mic and then address the floor in person with image and and with audio I believe this is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00335-00211534-00212128 an important next step we have in enabling direct democracy through technology and in our processes 8cdn8vkJDD0-00336-00212128-00212844 just addressing quickly quest shut that we accept cryptocurrencies for contribution unfortunately 8cdn8vkJDD0-00337-00212844-00213564 it's against a easy donation regulations all donations must be declared and public so I know 8cdn8vkJDD0-00338-00213564-00214185 flux accepts cryptocurrency donations and they require you to declare your donation publicly or 8cdn8vkJDD0-00339-00214185-00214830 alter them so we could implement a similar process and we would have to have a similar requirement 8cdn8vkJDD0-00340-00214830-00215667 that if you make a quick o currency donation you would have to declare it and if there's and with 8cdn8vkJDD0-00341-00215667-00216042 it if there's a failure to properly declare like your cryptocurrency donation we would 8cdn8vkJDD0-00342-00216042-00216696 have to refuse it or or pass it on to another advocacy group most most likely donate it to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00343-00216696-00217419 a group such as electronic frontiers Australia or digital rights watch one of our supporting non pod 8cdn8vkJDD0-00344-00217419-00218019 put one of our nonpartisan groups which support our platform so that's also recommendation which 8cdn8vkJDD0-00345-00218019-00218640 I want to take on board and implement in the party to accept cryptocurrency donations now 8cdn8vkJDD0-00346-00218640-00219237 I have a final message today please feel free to put your questions or comments in the chat 8cdn8vkJDD0-00347-00219237-00219852 about the election or the pirate party moving forward my final comment is that it has now 8cdn8vkJDD0-00348-00219852-00220506 been one year for me as the National present of pirate party Australia I've been with the party 8cdn8vkJDD0-00349-00220506-00221219 since its founding in 2008 don't worry this isn't a resignation announcement I'm just sending a bit 8cdn8vkJDD0-00350-00221219-00222003 of context here so as as we're coming to the end of my first year as president and also my first 8cdn8vkJDD0-00351-00222003-00222660 year as a candidate in an election there's a lot of messages and a lot of things I've learned and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00352-00222660-00223242 there's a lot of things I've done wrong mistakes I've made and and things which I have done right 8cdn8vkJDD0-00353-00223242-00223923 as well there's many things I'll try to innovate in and change the way we've done things at times 8cdn8vkJDD0-00354-00223923-00224519 this has ruffled feathers or at times has turned out badly but that's the that's always the case 8cdn8vkJDD0-00355-00224519-00225023 with change particularly progressive change or technology-related change is disruptive 8cdn8vkJDD0-00356-00225023-00225717 inherently disruptive and that means there is risks along the way and I believe firmly that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00357-00225717-00226271 we asked the pirate understand those risks related technology understand those risks 8cdn8vkJDD0-00358-00226271-00227021 related to digital organizing and we are willing to take those risks now and moving forward so my 8cdn8vkJDD0-00359-00227021-00227742 message there is that we must innovate or die we must change our processes and evolve we will aid 8cdn8vkJDD0-00360-00227742-00228219 in to irrelevance and will cease to be relevant as a political movement in Australia or elsewhere and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00361-00228219-00228831 so with those changing methods some of the change that I brought in include discord we now have a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00362-00228831-00229233 discord server and and we've been pushing it hard throughout the election and we will continue to 8cdn8vkJDD0-00363-00229233-00229721 do so and I want to increasingly switch our organize over to discord or similar platforms 8cdn8vkJDD0-00364-00229721-00230348 which are easier to use have a better interface have better text and audio integration and as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00365-00230348-00230948 easier for organizing and people want as well I've also pushed Facebook using Facebook more 8cdn8vkJDD0-00366-00230948-00231363 for organizing we have organizing groups on Facebook which Evert received which have been 8cdn8vkJDD0-00367-00231363-00232005 very very active we've pushed more content on Facebook and over the coming year with my new 8cdn8vkJDD0-00368-00232005-00232611 strategic focus for your visual content we will have more content going out on Facebook and we'll 8cdn8vkJDD0-00369-00232611-00233117 also wish we need to create an Instagram account so we need content creators to assist with that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00370-00233117-00233637 and if you can assist with social media content as well just text or sharing links then we also 8cdn8vkJDD0-00371-00233637-00234396 need your help and please do step forward and volunteer particularly Instagram as I already 8cdn8vkJDD0-00372-00234396-00234762 have too many accounts there so I don't hit me more thank you I'm happy with Twitter for the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00373-00234762-00235758 moment now these changes have been ongoing and the changes in our organizing methods have also been 8cdn8vkJDD0-00374-00235758-00236319 ongoing I think the key and the most strongest point moving forward in changes we need to make 8cdn8vkJDD0-00375-00236319-00236955 is more local organizing supported and enabled by technological and digital methods through 8cdn8vkJDD0-00376-00236955-00237387 using Facebook various Facebook features such as Facebook live which we started using through 8cdn8vkJDD0-00377-00237387-00237882 this campaign but also through zhing discord and Facebook chance and putting up more social media 8cdn8vkJDD0-00378-00237882-00238569 audio-visual content on social media that is a way we can change our methods we can reach larger and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00379-00238569-00239109 new audiences we can get our message out there we can communicate our politics and our policies and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00380-00239173-00239892 we can keep pushing the pirate movement to change the face of Australian politics sky we would love 8cdn8vkJDD0-00381-00239892-00240589 your help please do if you are a member jump on our forums and post up some of your ideas on a 8cdn8vkJDD0-00382-00240589-00241303 thread there post some contents and test content you'd like to make and please do recognize that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00383-00241303-00241971 we operate on direct democratic principles which means everyone can have a say and everyone can 8cdn8vkJDD0-00384-00241971-00242779 contribute and that is one of the key ideas behind pirate politics where we are fair we are even we 8cdn8vkJDD0-00385-00242779-00243367 are non hierarchical and that anyone who wants to contribute can and should be able to if you 8cdn8vkJDD0-00386-00243367-00244108 have ideas for content don't ask for permission only be aware that it is your responsibility that 8cdn8vkJDD0-00387-00244108-00244603 that content you make fits with pirate politics that it helps the pirate movement in Australia 8cdn8vkJDD0-00388-00244603-00245386 that does not damage the image of the pirate movie in Australia that we place that emphasis on you as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00389-00245386-00246004 individual that you have but we also believe that you have the ability each one of you out there as 8cdn8vkJDD0-00390-00246004-00246457 supporters and volunteers and members you all have the ability to contribute and you all have ways 8cdn8vkJDD0-00391-00246457-00246948 you can contribute your have valuable unique skills and experience through which you can 8cdn8vkJDD0-00392-00246948-00247669 contribute and we need all those contributions now more than ever so thank you very much everyone who 8cdn8vkJDD0-00393-00247669-00248179 has tuned in today I'll be ending the livestream shortly there's any final questions or comments 8cdn8vkJDD0-00394-00248179-00249238 please put them in chat and I'll I'll try and get to them now we have had thoughts from various 8cdn8vkJDD0-00395-00249238-00249703 other candidates speaking forward and over the coming week I will be getting more retrospectives 8cdn8vkJDD0-00396-00249703-00250194 while getting the candidates to speak out and talk about their campaigns and talk about the things 8cdn8vkJDD0-00397-00250194-00250576 which they've done right and things which they've done wrong and things they think they can improve 8cdn8vkJDD0-00398-00250576-00251494 we have had fabulous incredible efforts from all of our candidates I'd like to particularly I'd 8cdn8vkJDD0-00399-00251494-00252117 like to highlight in South Wales campaign of Sarah Joyce and the West rally campaign of Clive Myers 8cdn8vkJDD0-00400-00252117-00252592 as my personal favourites with you my method that they too have put in but all of our candidates 8cdn8vkJDD0-00401-00252592-00253294 have done some amazing work so we'll be seeing retrospectives from them over the coming week 8cdn8vkJDD0-00402-00253294-00253900 additionally I'd like to see crew meetups in all states where volunteers can meet to discuss and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00403-00253900-00254401 organize what they're doing in coming weeks and coming months and finally with National Congress 8cdn8vkJDD0-00404-00254401-00254953 in July I want to encourage everyone to consider going to Adelaide or if you're in a delayed coming 8cdn8vkJDD0-00405-00254953-00255621 along to two National Congress in person if that's not feasible simply tune in online and participate 8cdn8vkJDD0-00406-00255621-00255982 online and hopefully we'll have increased audio-visual options this year where you can 8cdn8vkJDD0-00407-00255982-00256617 address the floor in person using voice chat or video chat if you want I want to fully enable and 8cdn8vkJDD0-00408-00256617-00257215 support that we have policy amendments and review and analysis needs to be done by Congress we're 8cdn8vkJDD0-00409-00257215-00257683 on a very short timeline for that so please stay tuned and and keep an eye out for those policy 8cdn8vkJDD0-00410-00257683-00258444 pledges we've been given and finally the National Council will be up for election come this Congress 8cdn8vkJDD0-00411-00258444-00258808 we will have some members stepping down most likely and we'll have new member stepping forward 8cdn8vkJDD0-00412-00258808-00259291 I highly encourage everyone who is interested in the pirate movement and who is interested 8cdn8vkJDD0-00413-00259291-00259717 in developing your organizing skills for your administration skills or you want to take the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00414-00259717-00260383 next step in contributing to the party then place your nomination for the National Council we have 8cdn8vkJDD0-00415-00260383-00260892 several positions there as president obviously secretary treasurer at the three corner positions 8cdn8vkJDD0-00416-00260892-00261277 and they will have deputies as well which makes a total of six positions additionally we have 8cdn8vkJDD0-00417-00261277-00262044 two national councillors who who are there to provide additional input and guidance towards 8cdn8vkJDD0-00418-00262044-00262609 the council so please all of you consider running for national council if you are at all interested 8cdn8vkJDD0-00419-00262609-00263149 highly encouraged ever introduced are the more candidates we have for national council positions 8cdn8vkJDD0-00420-00263149-00264064 then the more diversity we have in that contest and the more competition we have so our elected 8cdn8vkJDD0-00421-00264064-00264760 officers and candidates or will will push to do more for the party and work harder for the 8cdn8vkJDD0-00422-00264760-00265360 party at this stage I intend to renominate the president and I have had expressions of interest 8cdn8vkJDD0-00423-00265360-00265861 from several other party members as well who were also interested in in nominating or rino relating 8cdn8vkJDD0-00424-00265861-00266661 to the first or for a repeat time and I am very encouraged by that and I encourage everyone else 8cdn8vkJDD0-00425-00266661-00267675 to consider running for the council as well okay thanks a lot to everyone who tuned in how this 8cdn8vkJDD0-00426-00267675-00268176 video will stay up it can be watched later and please feel free to share it around or view it 8cdn8vkJDD0-00427-00268176-00269022 and as always join the conversation on discord or in our Facebook group we have a public chat group 8cdn8vkJDD0-00428-00269022-00269688 and as always we are on Twitter as well we have a discus forum where you can come in and do more 8cdn8vkJDD0-00429-00269688-00270600 long-form talk and discussion and and you can also always email in to the National Council which is 8cdn8vkJDD0-00430-00270600-00271269 provided on our website thank you so much everyone in contributed in this election and here's to 2019 8dsHi006mgE-00000-00000000-00000204 Why should we have to teach according to 8dsHi006mgE-00001-00000204-00000537 the curriculum? G'day, I am Dr Peter Price. 8dsHi006mgE-00002-00000537-00000744 Welcome to the vlog, episode number 8dsHi006mgE-00003-00000744-00001044 8. Want to talk about curriculum 8dsHi006mgE-00004-00001044-00001278 documents and standards and all those 8dsHi006mgE-00005-00001278-00001508 rules for teachers on what they should 8dsHi006mgE-00006-00001508-00001701 teach and when they should teach it. 8dsHi006mgE-00007-00001701-00001998 I remember when I started teaching, all the 8dsHi006mgE-00008-00001998-00002184 teachers told me of a time when the 8dsHi006mgE-00009-00002184-00002382 Department of Education in Queensland 8dsHi006mgE-00010-00002382-00002700 where I teach used to specify which 8dsHi006mgE-00011-00002700-00003053 lessons to teach at which times in the 8dsHi006mgE-00012-00003053-00003393 day on each day of the week. So as was 8dsHi006mgE-00013-00003393-00003618 explained to me that the director of 8dsHi006mgE-00014-00003618-00003870 education could look at his clock in his 8dsHi006mgE-00015-00003870-00004055 office in Brisbane and now that in every 8dsHi006mgE-00016-00004055-00004298 school in the whole state of Queensland 8dsHi006mgE-00017-00004298-00004562 everybody was teaching the same lesson 8dsHi006mgE-00018-00004562-00004773 at the same grade level all the same 8dsHi006mgE-00019-00004773-00005078 time. We moved on from those days, but we 8dsHi006mgE-00020-00005078-00005414 still have people with checklists and 8dsHi006mgE-00021-00005414-00005760 pens and sets of rules telling us what 8dsHi006mgE-00022-00005760-00005957 to teach and went to teach it. Now I 8dsHi006mgE-00023-00005957-00006146 should say of course that curriculum 8dsHi006mgE-00024-00006146-00006369 documents are very important and they 8dsHi006mgE-00025-00006369-00006609 tell us what should we should be aiming 8dsHi006mgE-00026-00006609-00006876 for. Teachers shouldn't be made to feel 8dsHi006mgE-00027-00006876-00007134 that the curriculum is this gold 8dsHi006mgE-00028-00007134-00007343 standard that everybody has to achieve 8dsHi006mgE-00029-00007343-00007545 and that everybody has to meet the same 8dsHi006mgE-00030-00007545-00007839 standards and you know, that it's going 8dsHi006mgE-00031-00007839-00008136 to be regimented and that people above 8dsHi006mgE-00032-00008136-00008403 the teacher can direct the teacher to 8dsHi006mgE-00033-00008403-00008607 teach specific things in specific ways. 8dsHi006mgE-00034-00008607-00008993 And my students when I was a university 8dsHi006mgE-00035-00008993-00009288 lecture the pre-service teachers going 8dsHi006mgE-00036-00009288-00009575 out on practicums at one particular 8dsHi006mgE-00037-00009575-00009921 school, they were told very very clearly 8dsHi006mgE-00038-00009921-00010092 what they had to teach and when they 8dsHi006mgE-00039-00010092-00010250 had to teach and the language they had to 8dsHi006mgE-00040-00010250-00010470 use and the resources that we used in 8dsHi006mgE-00041-00010470-00010599 the school and got the whole thing all 8dsHi006mgE-00042-00010599-00010884 packaged up so individual lessons were 8dsHi006mgE-00043-00010884-00011163 pre-planned by the school and would hand it 8dsHi006mgE-00044-00011163-00011421 to the student teacher. And I was 8dsHi006mgE-00045-00011421-00011688 horrified and so were the students, they 8dsHi006mgE-00046-00011688-00011967 although they were novices they wanted 8dsHi006mgE-00047-00011967-00012290 to spread their wings and try things and 8dsHi006mgE-00048-00012290-00012614 you know, not in an outlandish sort of 8dsHi006mgE-00049-00012614-00012797 way but students should be encouraged to 8dsHi006mgE-00050-00012797-00013061 try new ideas and try new approaches and 8dsHi006mgE-00051-00013061-00013259 come up with their own resources and 8dsHi006mgE-00052-00013259-00013297 there 8dsHi006mgE-00053-00013297-00013601 ways of structuring a lesson and learn how 8dsHi006mgE-00054-00013601-00013850 to do the job. But in this school they 8dsHi006mgE-00055-00013850-00014038 weren't allowed too and I they were told they 8dsHi006mgE-00056-00014038-00014276 had to teach... and I remember a teacher 8dsHi006mgE-00057-00014276-00014447 being told she had to teach a particular 8dsHi006mgE-00058-00014447-00014756 lesson and she had to specifically 8dsHi006mgE-00059-00014756-00015041 mention one particular word, I forgot 8dsHi006mgE-00060-00015041-00015256 what the word was. I actually thought 8dsHi006mgE-00061-00015256-00015401 that the word wasn't actually very 8dsHi006mgE-00062-00015401-00015653 relevant to the lesson myself, as a 8dsHi006mgE-00063-00015653-00015818 lecturer in the same subject but anyway 8dsHi006mgE-00064-00015818-00016076 the school had decided this was the word 8dsHi006mgE-00065-00016076-00016253 the gold standard word that every child 8dsHi006mgE-00066-00016253-00016439 had to know and of course it was in a 8dsHi006mgE-00067-00016439-00016670 piece of assessment. And so the student 8dsHi006mgE-00068-00016670-00017062 teacher had to teach using that word in 8dsHi006mgE-00069-00017062-00017312 her lesson so that they gave the 8dsHi006mgE-00070-00017312-00017648 students the maximum chance of success 8dsHi006mgE-00071-00017648-00017959 on the test. What a ridiculous idea, I was 8dsHi006mgE-00072-00017959-00018398 so disappointed that the student was put 8dsHi006mgE-00073-00018398-00018559 under this pressure and the school 8dsHi006mgE-00074-00018559-00018728 thought that this was the right way to 8dsHi006mgE-00075-00018728-00018953 go, that everybody follow the rules that 8dsHi006mgE-00076-00018953-00019187 everybody teach according to a rule-book, 8dsHi006mgE-00077-00019187-00019676 frustrates me no end. As an individual 8dsHi006mgE-00078-00019676-00020045 teacher, you I believe are a professional. 8dsHi006mgE-00079-00020045-00020329 You have professional autonomy up to a 8dsHi006mgE-00080-00020329-00020557 certain level of course, you're bound by 8dsHi006mgE-00081-00020557-00020816 standards and expectations and 8dsHi006mgE-00082-00020816-00021062 responsibilities and duties 8dsHi006mgE-00083-00021062-00021359 and so on. But in your classroom 8dsHi006mgE-00084-00021359-00021725 you should have the right to decide when 8dsHi006mgE-00085-00021725-00021929 to teach, how to teach, how to structure it, 8dsHi006mgE-00086-00021929-00022097 of course you're accountable for the 8dsHi006mgE-00087-00022097-00022328 results of the students get but nobody 8dsHi006mgE-00088-00022328-00022459 should be saying, you going to do this 8dsHi006mgE-00089-00022459-00022745 way, you've got to do that. And you know, 8dsHi006mgE-00090-00022745-00023134 treating you like just an employee or 8dsHi006mgE-00091-00023134-00023416 a servant or you know someone who 8dsHi006mgE-00092-00023416-00023701 doesn't really have enough gumption to 8dsHi006mgE-00093-00023701-00023900 know what to teach and how teach it, but has 8dsHi006mgE-00094-00023900-00024143 to be told how to teach and you know 8dsHi006mgE-00095-00024143-00024487 what standards to achieve. And the reason 8dsHi006mgE-00096-00024487-00025028 for my passion about this issue is that 8dsHi006mgE-00097-00025028-00025268 every child as we know as we were taught 8dsHi006mgE-00098-00025268-00025451 at University and as everybody keeps 8dsHi006mgE-00099-00025451-00025672 reminding us, every child is an 8dsHi006mgE-00100-00025672-00025994 individual. Every child is unique 8dsHi006mgE-00101-00025994-00026100 even if you had a 8dsHi006mgE-00102-00026100-00026250 pair of twins in your class they're not 8dsHi006mgE-00103-00026250-00026583 the same a uniquely different from every 8dsHi006mgE-00104-00026583-00026889 other child and I have unique needs. And 8dsHi006mgE-00105-00026889-00027141 therefore we can't just say here's the 8dsHi006mgE-00106-00027141-00027285 set of rules and here's the standard 8dsHi006mgE-00107-00027285-00027498 everybody will learn this the same way. 8dsHi006mgE-00108-00027498-00027780 It just doesn't work that way and in 8dsHi006mgE-00109-00027780-00028110 particular students who are behind the 8dsHi006mgE-00110-00028110-00028287 standard, behind the grade-level 8dsHi006mgE-00111-00028287-00028698 expectation should be given different 8dsHi006mgE-00112-00028698-00029031 material and different teaching and, 8dsHi006mgE-00113-00029031-00029252 differentiation is a buzzword for a good 8dsHi006mgE-00114-00029252-00029331 reason. 8dsHi006mgE-00115-00029331-00029649 Children are not all of the same level 8dsHi006mgE-00116-00029649-00029850 we can't possibly teach them as if 8dsHi006mgE-00117-00029850-00030093 they're all uniformly at the same level 8dsHi006mgE-00118-00030093-00030339 of achievement because they're not and 8dsHi006mgE-00119-00030339-00030620 so we need to vary our teaching and be 8dsHi006mgE-00120-00030620-00030786 creative and come up with different ways 8dsHi006mgE-00121-00030786-00031080 to meet the needs of each individual 8dsHi006mgE-00122-00031080-00031350 student. And if that means that a child 8dsHi006mgE-00123-00031350-00031641 in year 4 is doing work that 8dsHi006mgE-00124-00031641-00031839 according to the curriculum is for year 2 8dsHi006mgE-00125-00031839-00032025 then so be it. 8dsHi006mgE-00126-00032025-00032223 And if they can't do the year 2 work, then 8dsHi006mgE-00127-00032223-00032451 let's give them year 1 work and if 8dsHi006mgE-00128-00032451-00032616 that doesn't work then let's go back to 8dsHi006mgE-00129-00032616-00033024 prep level, foundation level, kindergarten 8dsHi006mgE-00130-00033024-00033165 level, whatever it's called where you are 8dsHi006mgE-00131-00033165-00033360 and let's start there. 8dsHi006mgE-00132-00033360-00033615 If the child can't count or can't 8dsHi006mgE-00133-00033615-00033864 recognize symbols why we try to teach 8dsHi006mgE-00134-00033864-00034152 them long division or something, you know 8dsHi006mgE-00135-00034152-00034410 it's pointless it really is. Just like 8dsHi006mgE-00136-00034410-00034599 students who don't know their times 8dsHi006mgE-00137-00034599-00034776 tables and their number facts, they 8dsHi006mgE-00138-00034776-00034997 shouldn't be doing algorithms there's no 8dsHi006mgE-00139-00034997-00035088 point 8dsHi006mgE-00140-00035088-00035244 how can they do an algorithm if they go 8dsHi006mgE-00141-00035244-00035403 to use a calculator on the site to find 8dsHi006mgE-00142-00035403-00035688 out what 6 times 4 is. They might as well use the 8dsHi006mgE-00143-00035688-00035868 calculator for the whole thing and 8dsHi006mgE-00144-00035868-00036243 abandon algorithms. So I firmly believe 8dsHi006mgE-00145-00036243-00036531 that teachers should exercise their 8dsHi006mgE-00146-00036531-00036813 professional autonomy not in and in a 8dsHi006mgE-00147-00036813-00037107 irresponsible way, not as an 8dsHi006mgE-00148-00037107-00037329 excuse to be lazy, not as a way to get 8dsHi006mgE-00149-00037329-00037575 out of teaching what should be taught 8dsHi006mgE-00150-00037575-00037983 at a year level. But to take the reins and take 8dsHi006mgE-00151-00037983-00038445 over the management of how the education 8dsHi006mgE-00152-00038445-00038670 is conducted for those students in the 8dsHi006mgE-00153-00038670-00038865 class, and of course the students will be 8dsHi006mgE-00154-00038865-00039107 tested and of course they'll be assessed 8dsHi006mgE-00155-00039107-00039311 and you know the results will be light 8dsHi006mgE-00156-00039311-00039536 out on the table for everybody to see. 8dsHi006mgE-00157-00039536-00039764 So as I said it's not an excuse to be 8dsHi006mgE-00158-00039764-00040082 lazy but it's also not away shirking 8dsHi006mgE-00159-00040082-00040301 responsibility, but it's a way of taking 8dsHi006mgE-00160-00040301-00040628 responsibility for what the students 8dsHi006mgE-00161-00040628-00040871 learn and their achievement. And to my 8dsHi006mgE-00162-00040871-00041084 mind that's the best way of helping your 8dsHi006mgE-00163-00041084-00041606 students to achieve success. So I'm just 8dsHi006mgE-00164-00041606-00041921 a little bit frustrated about this I see 8dsHi006mgE-00165-00041921-00042137 more and more people imposing rules on 8dsHi006mgE-00166-00042137-00042389 teachers and setting standards and 8dsHi006mgE-00167-00042389-00042605 saying everybody's got to do it this way 8dsHi006mgE-00168-00042605-00042863 and worst of all the 8dsHi006mgE-00169-00042863-00043058 politicians saying, every teacher will 8dsHi006mgE-00170-00043058-00043232 teach this and we will set the standards 8dsHi006mgE-00171-00043232-00043448 and we will test everybody and we will 8dsHi006mgE-00172-00043448-00043628 put pressure on the teachers to make 8dsHi006mgE-00173-00043628-00043934 sure they you know, do a better job. 8dsHi006mgE-00174-00043934-00044153 Yeah like that's going to work, when you 8dsHi006mgE-00175-00044153-00044300 treat them like idiots. 8dsHi006mgE-00176-00044300-00044753 So I think education needs an overhaul, 8dsHi006mgE-00177-00044753-00045251 it needs new input it needs you energy, 8dsHi006mgE-00178-00045251-00045473 and enthusiasm, and new minds and new 8dsHi006mgE-00179-00045473-00045656 ways of doing things. And it needs 8dsHi006mgE-00180-00045656-00045779 teachers who are treated like 8dsHi006mgE-00181-00045779-00046070 professionals and teachers who are given 8dsHi006mgE-00182-00046070-00046406 the responsibility to manage the 8dsHi006mgE-00183-00046406-00046619 classroom manage their behavior manage 8dsHi006mgE-00184-00046619-00046883 their learning manage the resources and 8dsHi006mgE-00185-00046883-00047273 do the very very very very best they can 8dsHi006mgE-00186-00047273-00047516 for that particular class as is their 8dsHi006mgE-00187-00047516-00047834 job and what they should be doing. So be 8dsHi006mgE-00188-00047834-00047960 encouraged! 8dsHi006mgE-00189-00047960-00048194 I really do encourage I think teachers 8dsHi006mgE-00190-00048194-00048440 are the most wonderful people in the 8dsHi006mgE-00191-00048440-00048602 world they are doing 8dsHi006mgE-00192-00048602-00048812 possibly the most difficult job in the 8dsHi006mgE-00193-00048812-00048977 world apart from sending men to the moon 8dsHi006mgE-00194-00048977-00049532 or women to the moon. And they deserve 8dsHi006mgE-00195-00049532-00049757 the respect of people in society, they 8dsHi006mgE-00196-00049757-00049937 deserve respect from parents and 8dsHi006mgE-00197-00049937-00050321 politicians and principles and everybody 8dsHi006mgE-00198-00050321-00050561 else for the work that they do and they 8dsHi006mgE-00199-00050561-00050726 should be paid a whole lot more as well, 8dsHi006mgE-00200-00050726-00050987 I'm sure you'll agree. 8dsHi006mgE-00201-00050987-00051164 So if you've enjoyed this video I 8dsHi006mgE-00202-00051164-00051365 encourage you to let other people know 8dsHi006mgE-00203-00051365-00051644 give me a thumbs up if you feel inclined. 8dsHi006mgE-00204-00051644-00051839 Do subscribe if you haven't been here 8dsHi006mgE-00205-00051839-00052037 before. If this is the first of my videos 8dsHi006mgE-00206-00052037-00052232 you've watched, if you subscribe then 8dsHi006mgE-00207-00052232-00052403 you'll receive emails from YouTube that 8dsHi006mgE-00208-00052403-00052642 will simply say Dr Peter Price from 8dsHi006mgE-00209-00052642-00052847 Professor Pete's Classroom has released a 8dsHi006mgE-00210-00052847-00053104 new video you might like to see it. It's 8dsHi006mgE-00211-00053104-00053270 just as simple as that. 8dsHi006mgE-00212-00053270-00053522 So that's it for me for this week and I 8dsHi006mgE-00213-00053522-00053639 look forward to talking to you again 8dsHi006mgE-00214-00053639-00054226 very soon. 8g2ztsP6tKY-00000-00000127-00000193 What is your full name? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00001-00000218-00000418 Gabidulin Ruslan Azirovich 8g2ztsP6tKY-00002-00000418-00000475 Gabidolin? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00003-00000487-00000614 Ga-bi-du-lin 8g2ztsP6tKY-00004-00000711-00000865 What is your birth date? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00005-00000884-00001041 11/24/1986 8g2ztsP6tKY-00006-00001055-00001360 Oh, нou are younger than me for 5 years 8g2ztsP6tKY-00007-00001400-00001600 Where do you come from? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00008-00001621-00001821 Republic of Barshkortostan, Yanaul district 8g2ztsP6tKY-00009-00001877-00002082 You are Bashkir, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00010-00002137-00002257 Yes, I am 8g2ztsP6tKY-00011-00002279-00002413 Do you have a family? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00012-00002433-00002569 I have a wife and a daughter 8g2ztsP6tKY-00013-00002619-00002751 How old is your daughter? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00014-00002761-00002877 6 years 8g2ztsP6tKY-00015-00002922-00003122 When did you enter Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00016-00003150-00003264 August 13 8g2ztsP6tKY-00017-00003292-00003492 Where did you come from? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00018-00003584-00003702 From Valuyki 8g2ztsP6tKY-00019-00003723-00003923 You entered the Kharkiv region from Valuyki, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00020-00003986-00004187 What is your position? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00021-00004214-00004414 I'm a tank commander here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00022-00004453-00004836 So you are a tank commander. And what is your rank? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00023-00004908-00005010 I''m an ensign 8g2ztsP6tKY-00024-00005156-00005356 What were your goals? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00025-00005440-00005708 I just had to come and be on the defensive 8g2ztsP6tKY-00026-00005740-00006011 Before that, I was working on a car, repairing a tank 8g2ztsP6tKY-00027-00006029-00006229 Just stand on the defensive in general 8g2ztsP6tKY-00028-00006303-00006537 Where were you stationed in Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00029-00006600-00006800 I was staying in the forest. Sherwood Forest 8g2ztsP6tKY-00030-00006853-00006930 What kind of forest? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00031-00006946-00007146 This forest is called Sherwood for some reason 8g2ztsP6tKY-00032-00007249-00007533 Where is it located? What settlement is nearby? Kupyansk, Izyum? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00033-00007619-00007809 It's further behind Izyum 8g2ztsP6tKY-00034-00007912-00008308 So, you stood behind Izyum. In this direction and further. You passed Izyum, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00035-00008358-00008558 A little further in the forest. We drove through Izyum 8g2ztsP6tKY-00036-00008606-00008806 When were you captured? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00037-00008851-00008990 September 9 8g2ztsP6tKY-00038-00009021-00009294 So you spent half a month in the war, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00039-00009308-00009419 Right 8g2ztsP6tKY-00040-00009434-00009579 How did you get captured? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00041-00009617-00010175 We were going to the settlement of Vesele. We had 2 tanks hit there 8g2ztsP6tKY-00042-00010332-00010705 My tank was hit, it burned. I was contused 8g2ztsP6tKY-00043-00010746-00011082 I don't remember anything after that. I woke up already in captivity 8g2ztsP6tKY-00044-00011092-00011200 Were you retreating? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00045-00011237-00011437 No. We were just going to the Vesele settlement 8g2ztsP6tKY-00046-00011646-00012000 My task was to go to the village of Vesele 8g2ztsP6tKY-00047-00012231-00012365 What was your goal? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00048-00012389-00012814 I was told that I would receive a new task there. I had a commander, he gave orders 8g2ztsP6tKY-00049-00013044-00013458 So you were moving from one point to another and you didn't know the end goal, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00050-00013493-00013800 In the morning I was told to go to Vesele. There should have been another commander 8g2ztsP6tKY-00051-00013866-00014151 In the evening, around 9 pm, we left to Vesele 8g2ztsP6tKY-00052-00014191-00014512 And then we were hit. I didn't even know the task 8g2ztsP6tKY-00053-00014545-00014693 Have you been hit with a javelin? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00054-00014718-00014918 I do not even know 8g2ztsP6tKY-00055-00014977-00015154 What happened to the tank crew? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00056-00015181-00015447 The mechanic was killed, I was injured, and so was the gunner 8g2ztsP6tKY-00057-00015523-00015639 What happened to the gunner? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00058-00015652-00015754 He was contused also 8g2ztsP6tKY-00059-00015771-00015891 Was he also captured? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00060-00015891-00015968 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00061-00016018-00016218 You are on contract, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00062-00016283-00016415 Certainly 8g2ztsP6tKY-00063-00016432-00016584 How much did you earn? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00064-00016656-00016767 In Russia? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00065-00016785-00016855 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00066-00016915-00017006 42 8g2ztsP6tKY-00067-00017020-00017094 Forty-two thousand rubles, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00068-00017104-00017174 Correct 8g2ztsP6tKY-00069-00017302-00017502 Were you promised something when you entered Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00070-00017561-00017891 I've been here less than a month so I haven't received anything 8g2ztsP6tKY-00071-00017978-00018178 How much money were you promised? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00072-00018217-00018417 I didn't even ask or discuss anything 8g2ztsP6tKY-00073-00018500-00018641 You weren't interested in the money, were you? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00074-00018764-00019164 The boys said that the salary would double. And there will be some surcharges 8g2ztsP6tKY-00075-00019274-00019474 So, you went to Ukraine for money? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00076-00019507-00019652 No, why? I'm a contractor 8g2ztsP6tKY-00077-00019680-00019880 I am a military serviceman. I go where they tell me 8g2ztsP6tKY-00078-00019986-00020113 I serve under a contract 8g2ztsP6tKY-00079-00020150-00020350 I understand. But the money was the incentive, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00080-00020526-00020792 The incentive was the contract. I have to do it 8g2ztsP6tKY-00081-00020894-00021283 OK. It was already August. Was it a special operation or a war for you? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00082-00021401-00021601 Everything looks like a war here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00083-00021720-00022200 You are from Bashkiria. It is an republic in Russia. What goals... 8g2ztsP6tKY-00084-00022326-00022526 What goals did the Bashkir pursue while in Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00085-00022631-00022831 I have a question... 8g2ztsP6tKY-00086-00023003-00023351 Not just following orders. You are a Bashkir - what were you doing here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00087-00023598-00023932 I have no answer to this question. I don't even know what to answer you 8g2ztsP6tKY-00088-00024206-00024721 I have no idea what to answer. I am a military serviceman. Yes, I come from Bashkiria. Now I serve in the Kostroma region 8g2ztsP6tKY-00089-00024852-00025052 I have a military contract to obey 8g2ztsP6tKY-00090-00025200-00025400 If ordered to go - I go 8g2ztsP6tKY-00091-00025528-00025746 So the Russian military doesn't think, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00092-00025800-00025904 No, they do 8g2ztsP6tKY-00093-00025946-00026082 Were they forbidden to think? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00094-00026175-00026375 That's not the point 8g2ztsP6tKY-00095-00026552-00026706 How can I explain it to you? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00096-00026725-00027226 If you don't go to war, it means breach of contract. You will be fired and everything will be taken away. Apartment, everything 8g2ztsP6tKY-00097-00027914-00028296 So, the stimulus was material goods. Money, apartment, etc., right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00098-00028366-00028880 The incentive for all this, the reason for being in the armed forces... 8g2ztsP6tKY-00099-00028973-00029173 This is my service, my work, my social security 8g2ztsP6tKY-00100-00029338-00029538 It doesn't have to be money 8g2ztsP6tKY-00101-00029693-00030402 I say that I serve according to the contract, where everything is spelled out. If the commander has given you a task, you must fulfill it 8g2ztsP6tKY-00102-00030527-00030793 I am a military serviceman, not an employee 8g2ztsP6tKY-00103-00031014-00031514 OK. Did you, as a serviceman, do the right thing in Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00104-00031593-00031793 Here I did nothing at all, only repaired tanks 8g2ztsP6tKY-00105-00031869-00032069 I do not agree with this situation 8g2ztsP6tKY-00106-00032138-00032338 Here I saw everything with my own eyes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00107-00032380-00032558 And what is happening here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00108-00032576-00032776 Total chaos in my opinion 8g2ztsP6tKY-00109-00032803-00033003 Who caused it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00110-00033135-00033335 Probably Russia 8g2ztsP6tKY-00111-00033696-00034071 You say you were repairing the equipment. But you are a tank commander 8g2ztsP6tKY-00112-00034132-00034457 What does a tank do? What is the task of tankers? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00113-00034538-00034738 They have to move and what? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00114-00034866-00035066 Shoot. It makes sense 8g2ztsP6tKY-00115-00035114-00035400 You are the tank commander. So what kind of repairs are we talking about 8g2ztsP6tKY-00116-00035534-00035882 I am telling you that I was here for repairs. I'm not even a full-time tanker 8g2ztsP6tKY-00117-00035962-00036162 I was retraining 8g2ztsP6tKY-00118-00036297-00036522 My position in the military unit was a technician 8g2ztsP6tKY-00119-00036688-00036888 How did you become a tank commander? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00120-00036917-00037117 I was sent for retraining 8g2ztsP6tKY-00121-00037277-00037427 And so you became a tank driver 8g2ztsP6tKY-00122-00037438-00037602 Did you shoot? Did your tank fire? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00123-00037621-00037917 We shot at the exercises. But not here, because we were under repair 8g2ztsP6tKY-00124-00038204-00038404 But you were moving. On Ukrainian territory 8g2ztsP6tKY-00125-00038591-00038900 Let me explain to you from the beginning to make it clear 8g2ztsP6tKY-00126-00039012-00039315 We arrived on August 13 and started digging trenches 8g2ztsP6tKY-00127-00039484-00039775 We didn't have tanks yet. I was given a tank after August 20 8g2ztsP6tKY-00128-00039825-00040004 Then I started to repair it 8g2ztsP6tKY-00129-00040018-00040218 It was not very fit 8g2ztsP6tKY-00130-00040286-00040531 Until September 9, we stood in the forest engaged in repairs 8g2ztsP6tKY-00131-00040545-00040745 September 9 was the first departure 8g2ztsP6tKY-00132-00040783-00040954 You know what happened next 8g2ztsP6tKY-00133-00040974-00041174 The tech was rubbish, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00134-00041204-00041456 Not exactly rubbish. But the tank had flaws 8g2ztsP6tKY-00135-00041744-00041981 My tank was out of order 8g2ztsP6tKY-00136-00042055-00042453 OK. What were your tasks as a tank commander? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00137-00042537-00042682 Repair the tank 8g2ztsP6tKY-00138-00042700-00042779 And? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00139-00042803-00043140 And then arrive in the village of Vesele. There I had to receive the next order 8g2ztsP6tKY-00140-00043280-00043480 Most likely, I should have taken up the defense 8g2ztsP6tKY-00141-00043586-00043786 Was your tank completely destroyed? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00142-00043820-00044020 Yes, it burned completely 8g2ztsP6tKY-00143-00044075-00044193 I got it 8g2ztsP6tKY-00144-00044384-00044620 You've heard of an exchange, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00145-00044734-00044832 Last week 8g2ztsP6tKY-00146-00044876-00044990 Yes, I've heard of that 8g2ztsP6tKY-00147-00045027-00045293 Have you heard how many Ukrainians were exchanged? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00148-00045329-00045440 200 soldiers? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00149-00045466-00045666 Even more. 250, it seems 8g2ztsP6tKY-00150-00045759-00045959 Do you know who they traded 200 people for? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00151-00046001-00046128 For one person? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00152-00046141-00046200 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00153-00046200-00046302 Yes, I've heard of that 8g2ztsP6tKY-00154-00046348-00046461 Do you know who he is? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00155-00046471-00046550 No 8g2ztsP6tKY-00156-00046724-00046956 Viktor Medvedchuk. Do you know this name? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00157-00046974-00047085 No 8g2ztsP6tKY-00158-00047130-00047228 He is Putin's godfather 8g2ztsP6tKY-00159-00047367-00047567 You know what a godfather is, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00160-00047693-00047893 Putin is the godfather of his daughter 8g2ztsP6tKY-00161-00048061-00048261 What do you think about it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00162-00048375-00048575 200 Ukrainian soldiers were exchanged. Мany from "Azov" among them 8g2ztsP6tKY-00163-00048922-00049122 This is somewhat unfair 8g2ztsP6tKY-00164-00049511-00049686 Does Ukraine care about its soldiers? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00165-00049700-00049906 Well, yes. It obviously cares 8g2ztsP6tKY-00166-00050138-00050317 Does Russia care about its soldiers? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00167-00050346-00050546 From this situation, it looks like it doesn't really care 8g2ztsP6tKY-00168-00051299-00051586 Do you consider yourself a valuable soldier after this exchange? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00169-00051619-00051764 What do you think? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00170-00051764-00051873 I don't know 8g2ztsP6tKY-00171-00051886-00052033 Do you have a doubt? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00172-00052069-00052269 I don't even know how to answer 8g2ztsP6tKY-00173-00052459-00052659 How do you like the conditions here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00174-00052736-00052886 They are good 8g2ztsP6tKY-00175-00052904-00052971 Are you fed? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00176-00052981-00053074 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00177-00053099-00053545 Ukrainian guys who were freed lost 40-60 kilograms of weight 8g2ztsP6tKY-00178-00053876-00054154 We all lose weight in captivity. I'm losing weight too 8g2ztsP6tKY-00179-00054476-00054776 Do you think you will lose 60 kilograms? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00180-00054792-00054912 Lose 60 kilograms? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00181-00054935-00055224 That's right. Minus 40 or 60 kilograms 8g2ztsP6tKY-00182-00055508-00055754 I can't tell you anything. I'm not there, I don't know 8g2ztsP6tKY-00183-00055782-00056092 I am not the government. I cannot be responsible for all of Russia 8g2ztsP6tKY-00184-00056130-00056330 I am only one person 8g2ztsP6tKY-00185-00056354-00056554 Are many Bashkirs fighting here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00186-00056570-00056699 I don't know 8g2ztsP6tKY-00187-00056937-00057548 I did not come from Bashkiria. I was only born there. And I serve in a completely different city 8g2ztsP6tKY-00188-00057567-00057689 In the Kostroma region 8g2ztsP6tKY-00189-00057725-00057925 Do you feel like a Bashkir or more Russian? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00190-00057961-00058161 Bashkiria is Russian anyway 8g2ztsP6tKY-00191-00058226-00058426 A Russian and a Bashkir are the same 8g2ztsP6tKY-00192-00058696-00058839 I am Bashkir 8g2ztsP6tKY-00193-00058857-00058961 You feel more like a Bashkir 8g2ztsP6tKY-00194-00058981-00059165 Yes of course 8g2ztsP6tKY-00195-00059206-00059342 But Russia is at war 8g2ztsP6tKY-00196-00059468-00059723 Buryats are fighting here, Bashkirs are fighting 8g2ztsP6tKY-00197-00059775-00059975 Russia is a multinational country 8g2ztsP6tKY-00198-00059990-00060190 I agree. Chechens are fighting, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00199-00060227-00060427 Whole of Russia, I suppose 8g2ztsP6tKY-00200-00060679-00061046 Most of the soldiers come from the national republics. Siberia and so on 8g2ztsP6tKY-00201-00061082-00061409 Do you know how many soldiers are from Moscow or St. Petersburg? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00202-00061499-00061651 I can't imagine 8g2ztsP6tKY-00203-00061682-00061850 Very few of them 8g2ztsP6tKY-00204-00062244-00062571 Did your wife know that you were invading Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00205-00062656-00062856 She didn't know that 8g2ztsP6tKY-00206-00062867-00062971 Didn't she? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00207-00062987-00063146 She knew I was retraining 8g2ztsP6tKY-00208-00063176-00063472 The retraining was for the invasion of Ukraine, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00209-00063549-00063804 No, it was advanced training. So I was told 8g2ztsP6tKY-00210-00063851-00064051 Is the invasion of Ukraine an upgrade? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00211-00064065-00064200 No, it was retraining 8g2ztsP6tKY-00212-00064219-00064419 OK. And what was the invasion of Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00213-00064514-00064686 I do not know. What is it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00214-00064708-00064931 They put me down and took me away. And that's all 8g2ztsP6tKY-00215-00064950-00065088 Do you have a higher education? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00216-00065102-00065220 No, I graduated from technical school 8g2ztsP6tKY-00217-00065255-00065419 But you can reason, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00218-00065435-00065511 Yes of course 8g2ztsP6tKY-00219-00065618-00065905 I just don't know how to answer you. What can I tell you? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00220-00066044-00066166 Tell me what you think 8g2ztsP6tKY-00221-00066230-00066469 But I have nothing in mind. I don't know what to answer 8g2ztsP6tKY-00222-00066566-00066766 I can't even imagine what to say 8g2ztsP6tKY-00223-00067379-00067579 There are simply not enough words 8g2ztsP6tKY-00224-00068684-00068864 Did you listen to Putin's address? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00225-00068878-00069000 No 8g2ztsP6tKY-00226-00069062-00069212 February 24 8g2ztsP6tKY-00227-00069346-00069466 No 8g2ztsP6tKY-00228-00069540-00069854 You haven't heard of denazification, demilitarization, have you? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00229-00069877-00070052 No, I didn't hear it on February 24 8g2ztsP6tKY-00230-00070117-00070358 Did you believe there are Nazis in Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00231-00070480-00070614 What are Nazis here for? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00232-00070647-00070975 The goal was to fight the Nazis in Ukraine, wasn't it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00233-00071049-00071224 Well, I didn't see any Nazis here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00234-00071258-00071458 What were you thinking when you invaded? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00235-00071468-00071634 What is all this for? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00236-00071702-00072036 I understand this: I work for a living, I have an employer 8g2ztsP6tKY-00237-00072404-00072853 We can discuss with the employer. He sees it this way, I see it differently 8g2ztsP6tKY-00238-00073055-00073492 I will never obey my employer unless I agree 8g2ztsP6tKY-00239-00073528-00073696 I followed orders 8g2ztsP6tKY-00240-00073715-00073789 I understand, but... 8g2ztsP6tKY-00241-00073821-00074021 What else can I say? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00242-00074133-00074333 I followed the commander's order 8g2ztsP6tKY-00243-00074538-00074738 Is Ukraine an independent state? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00244-00074891-00075000 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00245-00075018-00075154 So you invaded as an occupier 8g2ztsP6tKY-00246-00075245-00075378 It turns out like this 8g2ztsP6tKY-00247-00075434-00075634 Did Russia attack Ukraine? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00248-00075675-00075777 It turns out like this 8g2ztsP6tKY-00249-00075802-00076002 Are Russian soldiers killing civilians here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00250-00076132-00076332 Do they rape? Are they Looting? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00251-00076454-00076654 I didn't see that. I can't say 8g2ztsP6tKY-00252-00076671-00076748 How come you didn't see it 8g2ztsP6tKY-00253-00076766-00076966 And how could I see it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00254-00077004-00077348 Ruslan, the news is now reporting about mass graves in Izyum 8g2ztsP6tKY-00255-00077426-00077544 Where can I see news here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00256-00077633-00077833 I'm just saying... 8g2ztsP6tKY-00257-00078037-00078237 It looks like you weren't interested in anything, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00258-00078381-00078745 We are talking about serious things. How can I judge what I have not seen 8g2ztsP6tKY-00259-00078772-00079068 Before that - did you understand what Russia is doing here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00260-00079136-00079279 It is fighting 8g2ztsP6tKY-00261-00079322-00079455 I mean, did you understand? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00262-00079474-00079576 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00263-00079872-00080221 It cannot be said that you did not understand what you would have to do when you came here? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00264-00080311-00080748 A little bit wrong. I say that at first I did not understand why I was going 8g2ztsP6tKY-00265-00080799-00081099 At first I was told about one goal, and then another one came out 8g2ztsP6tKY-00266-00081158-00081310 What was the goal in the first place? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00267-00081321-00081439 Repair the tank 8g2ztsP6tKY-00268-00081514-00081663 But on a foreign land! 8g2ztsP6tKY-00269-00081663-00081827 It's true. On a foreign land 8g2ztsP6tKY-00270-00081891-00082164 Again. Here the commanders set me a task 8g2ztsP6tKY-00271-00082728-00082928 I was just following orders 8g2ztsP6tKY-00272-00083124-00083324 I am subordinate 8g2ztsP6tKY-00273-00083424-00083624 How far can you go as a subordinate? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00274-00084076-00084276 What are the frameworks? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00275-00084408-00084608 Commanders have no framework 8g2ztsP6tKY-00276-00084704-00084904 Regarding the killing of civilians - no, of course 8g2ztsP6tKY-00277-00084990-00085133 But you are subordinate 8g2ztsP6tKY-00278-00085164-00085280 So what? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00279-00085325-00085617 There is a difference between repairing a tank and killing civilians 8g2ztsP6tKY-00280-00085664-00086060 There is a difference between being a soldier on your own land and invading another country 8g2ztsP6tKY-00281-00086127-00086327 Listen, I was following orders 8g2ztsP6tKY-00282-00086351-00086499 What if the commander orders to kill? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00283-00086517-00086735 Of course I will not kill civilians. Of course I will refuse 8g2ztsP6tKY-00284-00086814-00086977 Then you will be in trouble 8g2ztsP6tKY-00285-00087000-00087138 So, let it be 8g2ztsP6tKY-00286-00087202-00087349 What if the commander requires this? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00287-00087453-00087653 So let there be trouble 8g2ztsP6tKY-00288-00087832-00088032 What about killing soldiers on foreign soil? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00289-00088229-00088707 I do not know. I don't have an answer to that question because I haven't been in that situation 8g2ztsP6tKY-00290-00088931-00089222 What the head will think, how the brain will work, I do not know 8g2ztsP6tKY-00291-00089418-00089618 Is Putin doing all this right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00292-00089648-00089848 I think not 8g2ztsP6tKY-00293-00089874-00090074 It is wrong. Nobody needs war 8g2ztsP6tKY-00294-00090123-00090578 Okay, you're here now. Do you want to speak to the Russians? To the Bashkirs? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00295-00090615-00090899 No. It is better to say personally there is nothing to do here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00296-00091150-00091350 So you state there is nothing to do here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00297-00091414-00091487 Indeed 8g2ztsP6tKY-00298-00091498-00091625 Russia is not right, is it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00299-00091642-00091781 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00300-00091800-00092054 Mobilization is taking place in Russia you know? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00301-00092084-00092172 I do 8g2ztsP6tKY-00302-00092488-00092688 Do you want to say something to these people? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00303-00092859-00093059 They understand everything anyway 8g2ztsP6tKY-00304-00093095-00093573 So the Russian people do know what they are doing in Ukraine, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00305-00093736-00093936 I cannot speak for everyone 8g2ztsP6tKY-00306-00094024-00094429 In the majority. Roughly speaking, they understand they are coming here to kill Ukrainians, right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00307-00094711-00094911 Do they understand this in Russia? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00308-00095160-00095360 Perhaps. I will not speak for everyone 8g2ztsP6tKY-00309-00095383-00095583 What is your opinion? Do people there understand it? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00310-00095623-00095823 I do not know. Most likely they understand 8g2ztsP6tKY-00311-00095848-00096231 So it's not Putin's fault, right? People there understand what the Russians are doing here 8g2ztsP6tKY-00312-00096256-00096516 I don't know if they understand it or not 8g2ztsP6tKY-00313-00096600-00097009 It looks as if Putin is somewhere there, and here are the Russians, who are not to blame because they know nothing 8g2ztsP6tKY-00314-00097080-00097485 They are poor. Bashkirs are poor. Buryats are poor 8g2ztsP6tKY-00315-00097656-00097856 Chechens are poor 8g2ztsP6tKY-00316-00097874-00098126 And somewhere there is Putin who wants something 8g2ztsP6tKY-00317-00098203-00098519 Do you understand that you are now in politics? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00318-00098614-00098737 Am I in politics? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00319-00098763-00099184 You are now in politics, yes. You are in the politics of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 8g2ztsP6tKY-00320-00099368-00099736 Even if you are not interested in politics. You are part of politics 8g2ztsP6tKY-00321-00100384-00100548 Am I right or not? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00322-00100585-00100785 Yes, most likely 8g2ztsP6tKY-00323-00100873-00101146 If we are here and obeyed the order 8g2ztsP6tKY-00324-00101313-00101659 You can even put a sign of equality between Putin and Bashkir Ruslan 8g2ztsP6tKY-00325-00101736-00101936 Russian policy unites them 8g2ztsP6tKY-00326-00102525-00102643 Right? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00327-00102681-00102792 I agree 8g2ztsP6tKY-00328-00103096-00103235 The question 8g2ztsP6tKY-00329-00103371-00103528 I have no questions 8g2ztsP6tKY-00330-00103557-00103757 No, I want to ask a question 8g2ztsP6tKY-00331-00103844-00104671 When we talk about attacks, attacks. Is it so cool to live in Russia? To go fight in another country? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00332-00104866-00105066 No, there are flaws everywhere 8g2ztsP6tKY-00333-00105468-00105839 I don't know what happened to make this happen 8g2ztsP6tKY-00334-00106406-00107162 You see. Russian prisoners without legs, without eyes. They sit in wheelchairs here and cry 8g2ztsP6tKY-00335-00107988-00108432 Is it possible somehow differently? Are Russians slaves? Are Bashkirs slaves? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00336-00108688-00109200 You cannot refuse. Can it be done so that there are no such orders? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00337-00109232-00109387 So that normal people come to power 8g2ztsP6tKY-00338-00109434-00109634 First of all, I should leave the army 8g2ztsP6tKY-00339-00110070-00110270 Are you hoping to be traded? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00340-00110436-00110549 Do you want this? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00341-00110569-00110769 Of course 8g2ztsP6tKY-00342-00110807-00110938 Are you going back to the army? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00343-00110970-00111083 No way 8g2ztsP6tKY-00344-00111165-00111481 But you may have problems, your apartment may be taken? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00345-00111702-00111902 Everything will change. I will work a lot 8g2ztsP6tKY-00346-00112168-00112703 I mean, there are republics that fight here a lot. There are many Buryats here, I spoke with a Buryat 8g2ztsP6tKY-00347-00112758-00113426 Why do Russians need Bashkirs? Even if you have Russian citizenship, what will make you valuable to them? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00348-00113524-00114080 If they exchange 200 Ukrainian soldiers for one godfather 8g2ztsP6tKY-00349-00114142-00114342 Do you believe that you will be valuable to them? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00350-00114600-00115016 From this point of view, it may seem that the Russian soldier has no value 8g2ztsP6tKY-00351-00115125-00115325 If you look this way 8g2ztsP6tKY-00352-00115501-00115701 Just a consumable item? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00353-00115800-00115883 Yes 8g2ztsP6tKY-00354-00116321-00116646 Do you want to say something to the mobilized or those who are hesitating? 8g2ztsP6tKY-00355-00116759-00117454 No, they understand everything anyway. They themselves tell how they avoid mobilization 8g2ztsP6tKY-00356-00117674-00117874 Everyone understands that no one needs this war 8g2ztsP6tKY-00357-00118069-00118269 Everyone understands, but obeys 8g2ztsP6tKY-00358-00118333-00118533 I think they are unlikely to obey