vZEg7DR3gOA-00000-00000206-00000834 00:00:05:19 00:00:09:01 If you look up at the sky on a dark night, you can see thousands vZEg7DR3gOA-00001-00000834-00001079 of stars 00:00:09:09 00:00:13:05 and a band of light vZEg7DR3gOA-00002-00001079-00001355 arcing over, from horizon to horizon. vZEg7DR3gOA-00003-00001355-00001687 00:00:13:21 00:00:17:13 That band, the Milky Way, and all the stars are part of the galaxy vZEg7DR3gOA-00004-00001687-00001798 in which we live in. vZEg7DR3gOA-00005-00001798-00002340 00:00:17:15 00:00:20:18 Galaxies are like islands in the vastness of the Universe. vZEg7DR3gOA-00006-00002340-00002440 00:00:21:01 00:00:21:19 They are huge! vZEg7DR3gOA-00007-00002440-00002817 00:00:22:00 00:00:27:10 Ours contains about 300 billion stars, of which our Sun is just vZEg7DR3gOA-00008-00002817-00002966 one … 00:00:27:11 00:00:30:02 as anonymous as a vZEg7DR3gOA-00009-00002966-00003123 grain of sand on an immense sandy beach. vZEg7DR3gOA-00010-00003123-00003421 00:00:30:04 00:00:35:01 They harmoniously orbit the centre, united by the powerful force vZEg7DR3gOA-00011-00003421-00003521 of gravity. vZEg7DR3gOA-00012-00003521-00003994 00:00:35:10 00:00:39:21 In its centre, a monstrous black hole feeds on the stars that dare come vZEg7DR3gOA-00013-00003994-00004094 near it! vZEg7DR3gOA-00014-00004094-00004194 00:00:39:24 00:00:40:21 But don’t worry! vZEg7DR3gOA-00015-00004194-00004560 00:00:41:05 00:00:45:17 The Sun orbits comfortably at 25 000 light years away from this monster vZEg7DR3gOA-00016-00004560-00004660 … 00:00:45:18 00:00:49:03 half way between the vZEg7DR3gOA-00017-00004660-00005032 centre and the outer limits of the galaxy. 00:00:49:07 00:00:51:09 This “ocean” has vZEg7DR3gOA-00018-00005032-00005132 many other islands. vZEg7DR3gOA-00019-00005132-00005557 00:00:51:10 00:00:55:13 Ours is just one among the more than 500 billion galaxies vZEg7DR3gOA-00020-00005557-00005687 00:00:55:14 00:00:57:04 that populate the Universe. vd9R0ZVrWLE-00000-00000000-00000752 hello and welcome back again to the channel I wish you all a happy new year and I wish this year vd9R0ZVrWLE-00001-00000752-00001472 it will be better than the previous one today my subject is the nature of the Quran is it truly the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00002-00001472-00002304 word of god or it's just a human being but after time people give it more than it deserves when vd9R0ZVrWLE-00003-00002304-00003008 you grow up as a Muslim surrounded with all Muslim people you're never taught to question the nature vd9R0ZVrWLE-00004-00003008-00003792 of this text you just accept what everybody around you say but when you have a doubt in your heart vd9R0ZVrWLE-00005-00003792-00004576 and start making research you start seeing the holes and the cracks my first example is surah 7 vd9R0ZVrWLE-00006-00004632-00005584 verse176 he said if we had willed we have have elevated him with our signs but he clung to his vd9R0ZVrWLE-00007-00005584-00006536 life following his evil desire his example is that of a dog if you chase it away it pants and if you vd9R0ZVrWLE-00008-00006536-00007464 leave it. it's still pants this is the example of people who deny our signs so narrate to them the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00009-00007464-00008296 stories of the past so perhaps they will reflect if we examine this example that Allah give in the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00010-00008296-00009192 Quran we will see that Allah is too ignorant to be a god and the Quran only can be the words of vd9R0ZVrWLE-00011-00009192-00009960 a human being the cause of the dog panting is because either he's sick or is overheated and vd9R0ZVrWLE-00012-00009960-00010688 because dogs does not sweat like human being does so he have to breathe heavily to start vd9R0ZVrWLE-00013-00010688-00011432 cooling his body Muhammad was lived in the desert of Saudi Arabia and in the desert and hot weather vd9R0ZVrWLE-00014-00011432-00012160 the dogs is too difficult for them to keep them body all time cool but Muhammad that time think vd9R0ZVrWLE-00015-00012160-00013008 that the dog always pants either way and this idea that Muhammad had on the dog panting you can see vd9R0ZVrWLE-00016-00013008-00013824 it very clearly in the interpretation books in tafsir Al-Tabari he said Abu Ja'afar said the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00017-00013824-00014544 first interpretation is correct the interpretation of the one who said it is an example of his vd9R0ZVrWLE-00018-00014544-00015176 abandoning the work of the revelation of god that he gave him and that is meaning whether vd9R0ZVrWLE-00019-00015176-00015919 he preached or not he does not leave what he is in disagreeing with the command of his lord just vd9R0ZVrWLE-00020-00015919-00016760 as a dog if you carry thing on him and you chase it or abandon it and expelled him he panting in vd9R0ZVrWLE-00021-00016760-00017568 either case the second example we're going to see here is an insult from Allah to a human being vd9R0ZVrWLE-00022-00017568-00018688 surah 68 13 he said brute and on the top of all of that he is an illegitimate child in the tafsir vd9R0ZVrWLE-00023-00018688-00019464 as Companions said this man is called Balaam and he was in the time of Moses and he was an vd9R0ZVrWLE-00024-00019464-00020240 evil man in a Tabari interpretation he said the messenger of god was asked about the cruel man vd9R0ZVrWLE-00025-00020240-00021160 he said the mean and obscene one and he is saying illegitimate child and paternity fraud in the word vd9R0ZVrWLE-00026-00021160-00022080 of the Arab that is fixated to people who are not among them another said zaneem does not know who vd9R0ZVrWLE-00027-00022080-00022824 is his father and that is one of the many reason that Islam forbid adoption because Muhammad think vd9R0ZVrWLE-00028-00022824-00023600 any child does not born from a married man and a woman he is a legitimate child and he is a fraud vd9R0ZVrWLE-00029-00023600-00024224 so in the Islam they don't have the right for the inheritance and they don't have a right either way vd9R0ZVrWLE-00030-00024224-00025016 to be care of and even he make it impossible for somebody to care about him the third example is in vd9R0ZVrWLE-00031-00025016-00025904 the surah 62 verse 5 he said the example of those who were entrusted with the Torah but failed to vd9R0ZVrWLE-00032-00025904-00026760 do so is that of a donkey carry books how evil is the example of those who reject Allah signs vd9R0ZVrWLE-00033-00026760-00027504 for Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people in this verse the writer of the Quran describing the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00034-00027504-00028264 Jew as a donkeys carrying books in them backs but they don't know what is in their books that they vd9R0ZVrWLE-00035-00028264-00028992 carrying on their backs this hateful behaviour it's only can came from a human being in the vd9R0ZVrWLE-00036-00028992-00029704 interpretation of Tabari he said the almighty say like those who gave the Torah from the Jews vd9R0ZVrWLE-00037-00029704-00030439 and the Christians so they carried it he said they did not act according to what is contained vd9R0ZVrWLE-00038-00030439-00031112 and they deny Muhammad and they have in their books commands to believe in him and follow him. vd9R0ZVrWLE-00039-00031112-00031744 like a donkey carry on its back books from the books of the knowledge it does not benefit vd9R0ZVrWLE-00040-00031744-00032320 from them and do not understand what they contain likewise those who gave the Torah vd9R0ZVrWLE-00041-00032320-00033032 in which the statements of Muhammad command like them if they did not benefit from what is in it vd9R0ZVrWLE-00042-00033032-00033608 same as a donkey that carry works with the knowledge he does not understand it and does not vd9R0ZVrWLE-00043-00033608-00034344 benefit from it and about which we said the people of interpretation said. and the last example which vd9R0ZVrWLE-00044-00034344-00035224 I'm going to examine here is surah 5 verse 60. he said say o prophet shall I inform you of those who vd9R0ZVrWLE-00045-00035224-00035968 deserve a worse punishment from Allah it is those who earn Allah condemnation and displeasure some vd9R0ZVrWLE-00046-00035968-00036752 be reduced to apes and pigs and worshippers of false god these are far worse in rank and rather vd9R0ZVrWLE-00047-00036752-00037560 astray from the right way in tafsir Tabari he said it was said that the deformation of the children vd9R0ZVrWLE-00048-00037560-00038208 of Israel was that a woman from the children of Israel was in a village of the children vd9R0ZVrWLE-00049-00038208-00038952 of Israel and there was a king of the children of Israel and they had gathered for the destruction vd9R0ZVrWLE-00050-00038952-00039784 as for the meaning of his saying he who is cursed by god it means he who was removed and cursed by vd9R0ZVrWLE-00051-00039784-00040592 god from his mercy he was angry with him and made them monkeys and pigs shame and trouble in this vd9R0ZVrWLE-00052-00040592-00041328 world so the story said in the Quran that some of the children of Israel was cursed by Allah and vd9R0ZVrWLE-00053-00041328-00042104 made to apes and pigs because of the sin that they do and they are the worst creature of this world vd9R0ZVrWLE-00054-00042104-00042896 so when Muslims said stop insult our religion and our prophet and said this is islamophobia vd9R0ZVrWLE-00055-00042896-00043624 how all this verse cannot be Jewishphobia and Christianophobia and Kafirophobia they've been vd9R0ZVrWLE-00056-00043624-00044208 allowed to teach this stuff to the children and make them grow up hate other people and vd9R0ZVrWLE-00057-00044208-00044896 other religion thank you guys for watching and I hope this year will be better than the last one veeBQGwNazg-00000-00000054-00000534 The Banana language is a space on campus that students can grab a banana, grab a drink, veeBQGwNazg-00001-00000534-00001026 they can study, they can rest. It's basically a space that is meant to bring people together, veeBQGwNazg-00002-00001026-00001464 people in the MIT community [Music] I'm Megan Lim and I am veeBQGwNazg-00003-00001464-00002016 currently logistics lead of Banana Lounge. My team works on a lot of the operational side of things, veeBQGwNazg-00004-00002016-00002610 so there's ordering the bananas, there's ordering of the drinks and all the other consumables. veeBQGwNazg-00005-00002670-00003294 Just yesterday we went through 53 banana boxes and each banana box has about 100 banana fingers. veeBQGwNazg-00006-00003294-00003708 Right now it's being funded by UA and alumni donors, which we really appreciate. veeBQGwNazg-00007-00003708-00004116 The volunteers care about the space a lot and also care about helping others. veeBQGwNazg-00008-00004272-00004836 Why bananas? There's quite a lot of good reasons, it's very, something light hearted veeBQGwNazg-00009-00004836-00005226 that we appreciate and that hopefully the MIT Community appreciates as well veeBQGwNazg-00010-00005466-00005916 I heard about the Banana Lounge before I even stepped foot on campus. Every time I step in veeBQGwNazg-00011-00005916-00006252 the space like there's usually at least one person, especially during the busy hours, veeBQGwNazg-00012-00006252-00006708 there's like people, someone you know like hey, haven't seen you in a while, or what are you doing veeBQGwNazg-00013-00006708-00007295 here again at 2 am in the morning? I think it's really important that it's student run, like no veeBQGwNazg-00014-00007295-00007709 one knows students better than students and that's what makes the place really unique to me because veeBQGwNazg-00015-00007709-00008316 like people that benefit it is people like myself, people who struggle with psets, people who are veeBQGwNazg-00016-00008316-00009018 just looking for a community. Students are active all times of day, and if students need a space to veeBQGwNazg-00017-00009018-00009474 grab a banana, grab a drink or like a pick-me-up, then that's what we want to be for them. It will veeBQGwNazg-00018-00009474-00009972 be open 24/7. Sometimes at 2 A.M you need food and Banana Lounge will be there for you. There's veeBQGwNazg-00019-00009972-00010482 a wide variety of people at MIT and Banana Lounge wants to support those people. They want to study veeBQGwNazg-00020-00010482-00010962 late at night, let them study late at night, they want to play with Legos late at night, let them. veeBQGwNazg-00021-00011106-00011442 I see someone walking around with a banana I know that that person veeBQGwNazg-00022-00011442-00011634 just visited Banana Lounge, and it makes me smile veF52FV5OQ4-00000-00000053-00000350 foreign veF52FV5OQ4-00001-00000722-00001296 concerts sporting events and thrilling veF52FV5OQ4-00002-00001044-00001494 shows that keep you telling stories for veF52FV5OQ4-00003-00001296-00001734 years to come when it comes to making veF52FV5OQ4-00004-00001494-00001919 great memories oftentimes it's the veF52FV5OQ4-00005-00001734-00002135 lighting at these venues that's the veF52FV5OQ4-00006-00001919-00002400 unsung hero of every show veF52FV5OQ4-00007-00002135-00002724 so my first concert I ever went to was veF52FV5OQ4-00008-00002400-00002916 here was actually The Temptations as a veF52FV5OQ4-00009-00002724-00003209 kid I came here a lot for the Baltimore veF52FV5OQ4-00010-00002916-00003360 Blast Soccer Games I took my kids to the veF52FV5OQ4-00011-00003209-00003539 circus there and I can just remember veF52FV5OQ4-00012-00003360-00003792 that night when the concert with the veF52FV5OQ4-00013-00003539-00003971 Jay-Z and DMX like it was just packed veF52FV5OQ4-00014-00003792-00004128 you saw everybody from Baltimore share veF52FV5OQ4-00015-00003971-00004386 their space to be able to listen to good veF52FV5OQ4-00016-00004128-00004580 music just about everybody here has a veF52FV5OQ4-00017-00004386-00004889 story to tell about the old arena veF52FV5OQ4-00018-00004580-00005153 memories that make them smile now with veF52FV5OQ4-00019-00004889-00005430 the major renovation of the new CFG Bank veF52FV5OQ4-00020-00005153-00005723 Arena underway the Nika IBEW powering veF52FV5OQ4-00021-00005430-00006036 America team is making it possible to veF52FV5OQ4-00022-00005723-00006168 bring headliner musicians Sports and big veF52FV5OQ4-00023-00006036-00006404 entertainment events to downtown veF52FV5OQ4-00024-00006168-00006797 Baltimore veF52FV5OQ4-00025-00006404-00007031 the CFG Bank Baltimore Arena is a 60 veF52FV5OQ4-00026-00006797-00007247 year old building and it's a Concrete veF52FV5OQ4-00027-00007031-00007422 building and it's a renovation it's been veF52FV5OQ4-00028-00007247-00007656 in need of some repair for a long time veF52FV5OQ4-00029-00007422-00007818 and we finally have a new owner that is veF52FV5OQ4-00030-00007656-00007956 willing to put the time and money into veF52FV5OQ4-00031-00007818-00008154 it and hopefully it's going to bring veF52FV5OQ4-00032-00007956-00008322 added business revenue and it's going to veF52FV5OQ4-00033-00008154-00008568 bring some revitalization to downtown veF52FV5OQ4-00034-00008322-00008868 Baltimore we have a tremendous amount of veF52FV5OQ4-00035-00008568-00009108 Contour coming switch kick we had cable veF52FV5OQ4-00036-00008868-00009354 trade coming in of course all the veF52FV5OQ4-00037-00009108-00009564 associated Hardware plenty of wire veF52FV5OQ4-00038-00009354-00009756 coming in high levels low voltage wire veF52FV5OQ4-00039-00009564-00009996 with the main arena in the hearts and veF52FV5OQ4-00040-00009756-00010229 minds of the people and tickets already veF52FV5OQ4-00041-00009996-00010488 sold for next year's lineup it's time veF52FV5OQ4-00042-00010229-00010661 for us to deliver and the Nika IBEW veF52FV5OQ4-00043-00010488-00010872 powering America team has his work cut veF52FV5OQ4-00044-00010661-00011082 out for it that's what we're made for veF52FV5OQ4-00045-00010872-00011297 we're customer minded and results veF52FV5OQ4-00046-00011082-00011525 oriented we train the most efficient veF52FV5OQ4-00047-00011297-00011765 electricians and technicians highly veF52FV5OQ4-00048-00011525-00011910 skilled Tradesmen and women it starts veF52FV5OQ4-00049-00011765-00012102 day one of the apprenticeship and veF52FV5OQ4-00050-00011910-00012420 continues through every turn of every veF52FV5OQ4-00051-00012102-00012665 screw every Bend of every pipe and every veF52FV5OQ4-00052-00012420-00013022 pull of every wire together we're moving veF52FV5OQ4-00053-00012665-00013022 the electrical industry forward veF52FV5OQ4-00054-00013080-00013463 so I did my first two years doing a veF52FV5OQ4-00055-00013290-00013590 non-union apprenticeship friends of mine veF52FV5OQ4-00056-00013463-00013776 that were in the local union they were veF52FV5OQ4-00057-00013590-00013986 like Hannah you should check this out it veF52FV5OQ4-00058-00013776-00014141 could really benefit you more than who veF52FV5OQ4-00059-00013986-00014423 you've been working for veF52FV5OQ4-00060-00014141-00014681 I finished out my last three years in veF52FV5OQ4-00061-00014423-00015012 the JATC wrapping up my apprenticeship veF52FV5OQ4-00062-00014681-00015137 there and it was it was a blast veF52FV5OQ4-00063-00015012-00015323 look at all the help you need if you're veF52FV5OQ4-00064-00015137-00015444 struggling in any areas and all the veF52FV5OQ4-00065-00015323-00015581 learning that you get on the job site veF52FV5OQ4-00066-00015444-00015816 really prepares you to become a veF52FV5OQ4-00067-00015581-00016187 journeyman we don't fund just as people veF52FV5OQ4-00068-00015816-00016416 who work together we care about each veF52FV5OQ4-00069-00016187-00016776 other we care about each other families veF52FV5OQ4-00070-00016416-00017076 if we running too hard at times we try veF52FV5OQ4-00071-00016776-00017244 to do what we can to assist and that veF52FV5OQ4-00072-00017076-00017387 kind of Brotherhood that kind of veF52FV5OQ4-00073-00017244-00017645 Fellowship veF52FV5OQ4-00074-00017387-00017904 is a tremendous feeling like other major veF52FV5OQ4-00075-00017645-00018168 cities across the country Baltimore has veF52FV5OQ4-00076-00017904-00018378 endured economic Ebbs and flows and veF52FV5OQ4-00077-00018168-00018618 construction activity Union construction veF52FV5OQ4-00078-00018378-00018870 activity is something many many veF52FV5OQ4-00079-00018618-00018995 residents count on not just those in the veF52FV5OQ4-00080-00018870-00019278 trades veF52FV5OQ4-00081-00018995-00019548 our projects are catalysts for economic veF52FV5OQ4-00082-00019278-00019872 developments all across the country and veF52FV5OQ4-00083-00019548-00020076 are a big part of revitalizing Baltimore veF52FV5OQ4-00084-00019872-00020286 I am really excited about the veF52FV5OQ4-00085-00020076-00020568 opportunity that Marilyn Nika and ibw veF52FV5OQ4-00086-00020286-00020765 local 24 have we have been working hand veF52FV5OQ4-00087-00020568-00020987 in hand over the past few years trying veF52FV5OQ4-00088-00020765-00021150 to better this industry and to grow it veF52FV5OQ4-00089-00020987-00021348 and we want to make sure that we provide veF52FV5OQ4-00090-00021150-00021551 an opportunity for all people of all veF52FV5OQ4-00091-00021348-00021720 Races and all genders of all veF52FV5OQ4-00092-00021551-00021942 orientations and we want to make them veF52FV5OQ4-00093-00021720-00022170 know that this is a very inclusive group veF52FV5OQ4-00094-00021942-00022350 Maryland Nika is dedicated not only on veF52FV5OQ4-00095-00022170-00022584 providing the best skilled trained veF52FV5OQ4-00096-00022350-00022794 Workforce but ibw local 24 is dedicated veF52FV5OQ4-00097-00022584-00022937 towards bringing prosperity to all the veF52FV5OQ4-00098-00022794-00023136 men and women that are looking for Hope veF52FV5OQ4-00099-00022937-00023334 and I cannot wait to be a part of that veF52FV5OQ4-00100-00023136-00023687 for the future the partnership between veF52FV5OQ4-00101-00023334-00024023 ibw and the local Nico Maryland chapter veF52FV5OQ4-00102-00023687-00024168 is Paramount to the success of the veF52FV5OQ4-00103-00024023-00024437 industry if you want to be taught a veF52FV5OQ4-00104-00024168-00024737 career not a job a career and you want veF52FV5OQ4-00105-00024437-00024912 to go as far as you your own work ethic veF52FV5OQ4-00106-00024737-00025079 will take you this was the career for veF52FV5OQ4-00107-00024912-00025242 you you don't have to be related to veF52FV5OQ4-00108-00025079-00025415 anybody you don't have to be anybody's veF52FV5OQ4-00109-00025242-00025668 son or daughter you don't have to be veF52FV5OQ4-00110-00025415-00025956 special all you have to do is show up veF52FV5OQ4-00111-00025668-00026160 with a good attitude put in a Time this veF52FV5OQ4-00112-00025956-00026286 is a very rewarding career and you can veF52FV5OQ4-00113-00026160-00026502 really be part of a Brotherhood or a veF52FV5OQ4-00114-00026286-00026741 Sisterhood if you belong to the ibw and veF52FV5OQ4-00115-00026502-00026994 the nicotine for electric TV from veF52FV5OQ4-00116-00026741-00027197 Baltimore I'm Dominic giratano be sure veF52FV5OQ4-00117-00026994-00027366 to follow us on social media for behind veF52FV5OQ4-00118-00027197-00027524 the scenes extras and Industry veF52FV5OQ4-00119-00027366-00027941 information veF52FV5OQ4-00120-00027524-00027941 [Music] veNQEbdveiM-00000-00000540-00000930 the last last thing I have was we had a little chat about veNQEbdveiM-00001-00000930-00001476 this earlier is identity theft data cyber and privacy veNQEbdveiM-00002-00001476-00002042 so you can get you can get coverage now for personal cyber and privacy veNQEbdveiM-00003-00002042-00002796 so if your home gets hacked if the smart devices get in your way then they can you can go veNQEbdveiM-00004-00002796-00003108 to the insurance company to help you with that vihpiRC2Sh4-00000-00001054-00001841 The game is the possibility for children to appropriate life and the world. vihpiRC2Sh4-00001-00002167-00002973 We play since childhood because we need to appropriate life vihpiRC2Sh4-00002-00002983-00003701 and by appropriating life you need to acquire capacities, abilities, competences vihpiRC2Sh4-00003-00003802-00004106 that the game gives you in a natural way. vihpiRC2Sh4-00004-00004244-00004692 We play because we need it to develop physically, vihpiRC2Sh4-00005-00004810-00005034 socially and emotionally. vihpiRC2Sh4-00006-00005104-00005393 We play because vihpiRC2Sh4-00007-00005632-00006184 the need for children to meet other children, vihpiRC2Sh4-00008-00006511-00006658 to explore and imagine, vihpiRC2Sh4-00009-00006848-00006952 makes them play vihpiRC2Sh4-00010-00007022-00007247 because the game is imagination. vihpiRC2Sh4-00011-00007381-00008070 In childhood, once it is a period of immaturity in which is necessary to acquire these abilities or skills, vihpiRC2Sh4-00012-00008265-00008509 it is the privileged moment of the game. vihpiRC2Sh4-00013-00008600-00008802 The game has an end in itself vihpiRC2Sh4-00014-00008864-00008976 and as time passes, vihpiRC2Sh4-00015-00009018-00009465 what happens is that the game loses that end, vihpiRC2Sh4-00016-00009441-00009594 we play for other things, vihpiRC2Sh4-00017-00009653-00009923 we play perhaps as a social act, vihpiRC2Sh4-00018-00009972-00010143 we play from another perspective. vihpiRC2Sh4-00019-00010169-00010632 But that game, has purpose in itself and runs out in the same game, vihpiRC2Sh4-00020-00010670-00010931 that's the privilege of childhood vihpiRC2Sh4-00021-00010941-00011142 and so when childhood is over, vihpiRC2Sh4-00022-00011170-00011452 we play in another way, with another purpose. vihpiRC2Sh4-00023-00011485-00011980 Any game that serves to the development of the child, educates vihpiRC2Sh4-00024-00012040-00012750 because through playing we can learn competences, abilities... vihpiRC2Sh4-00025-00012761-00013289 Between those competences I would say, the basic emotional and social skills, vihpiRC2Sh4-00026-00013254-00013537 for example, learning to overcome frustration. vihpiRC2Sh4-00027-00013657-00014099 In the game you learn in a natural way because you not always play what you want vihpiRC2Sh4-00028-00014132-00014301 and you also have to wait for your turn. vihpiRC2Sh4-00029-00014345-00014578 That teaches you to delay gratification, vihpiRC2Sh4-00030-00014670-00015106 because you have to really wait to get the achievement, vihpiRC2Sh4-00031-00015090-00015254 to have that gratification. vihpiRC2Sh4-00032-00015320-00015572 All these are basic emotional skills vihpiRC2Sh4-00033-00015596-00015833 that make develop, for example, self-control vihpiRC2Sh4-00034-00015901-00016138 which is something fundamental for life in society, vihpiRC2Sh4-00035-00016184-00016523 but it is something that also teaches you to respect the norm. vihpiRC2Sh4-00036-00016558-00016893 Children are always given rules to be respected, vihpiRC2Sh4-00037-00016959-00017195 because they know that otherwise are letting them out of the game vihpiRC2Sh4-00038-00017246-00017706 and that's crucial because it is the learning of democratic rule. vihpiRC2Sh4-00039-00017781-00018301 Any game that serves for all this development, educates. vihpiRC2Sh4-00040-00018394-00018508 Play is to imagine... vihpiRC2Sh4-00041-00018628-00018747 Play is to imagine vihpiRC2Sh4-00042-00018873-00019256 why develops a picture, vihpiRC2Sh4-00043-00019365-00019816 which is formed in a program to get the achievement vihpiRC2Sh4-00044-00019835-00020155 and everything is subject to that image and that achievement. vihpiRC2Sh4-00045-00020220-00020704 And there is no limit to the limits put by those who are playing, vihpiRC2Sh4-00046-00020819-00021021 but in this development of imagination vihpiRC2Sh4-00047-00021082-00021598 arise a bunch of imaginative possibilities vihpiRC2Sh4-00048-00021653-00021930 and of personal development, vihpiRC2Sh4-00049-00022055-00022287 which are critical for childhood. vihpiRC2Sh4-00050-00022286-00022477 In childhood we must imagine, vihpiRC2Sh4-00051-00022565-00022975 no we cannot imagine in childhood, vihpiRC2Sh4-00052-00023030-00023454 but the image must be nurtured with games vihpiRC2Sh4-00053-00023517-00024440 and with, let's say, chances that this imagination develops. vihpiRC2Sh4-00054-00024684-00025063 The imaginative capacity that starts to develop in the game, vihpiRC2Sh4-00055-00025217-00025487 is so essential, so fundamental vihpiRC2Sh4-00056-00025566-00026122 that serves to appropriate social and physical reality vihpiRC2Sh4-00057-00026292-00026456 that a child should live, vihpiRC2Sh4-00058-00026449-00026987 for example, through the imagination and the appropriation of reality, vihpiRC2Sh4-00059-00027022-00027300 you can guess what will happen when climbing a tree, vihpiRC2Sh4-00060-00027418-00028021 you can guess what feelings have those who are playing with him, his playmates. vihpiRC2Sh4-00061-00028070-00028353 You can guess they're going to be angry if you he is cheating, vihpiRC2Sh4-00062-00028406-00028772 you can guess how life is vihpiRC2Sh4-00063-00028806-00028963 and this is fundamental. vihpiRC2Sh4-00064-00029023-00029243 So I would say that vihpiRC2Sh4-00065-00029355-00029475 playing is imagine vihpiRC2Sh4-00066-00029555-00030018 and that is fundamental to the children's vihpiRC2Sh4-00067-00030023-00030312 physical, social and emotional development. vihpiRC2Sh4-00068-00030364-00030740 The playing time is critical, vihpiRC2Sh4-00069-00030837-00031074 but now with the advancement of urban culture vihpiRC2Sh4-00070-00031269-00031562 children have little time, few spaces vihpiRC2Sh4-00071-00031609-00031781 and few children to play with. vihpiRC2Sh4-00072-00031898-00032101 Don't have time vihpiRC2Sh4-00073-00032121-00032419 because they are overloaded with extracurricular tasks vihpiRC2Sh4-00074-00032468-00032622 when they finish school, vihpiRC2Sh4-00075-00032677-00033186 many of them live far from school then also lose time travelling... vihpiRC2Sh4-00076-00033290-00033802 With the extracurricular activities and tasks they already drain their time vihpiRC2Sh4-00077-00034037-00034387 and of course, the need to play is vital vihpiRC2Sh4-00078-00034357-00034645 and that need for children to play, is daily vihpiRC2Sh4-00079-00034712-00034990 but there's not many kids which can play daily. vihpiRC2Sh4-00080-00034991-00035384 The street has expelled children due to the danger that lurks vihpiRC2Sh4-00081-00035518-00036403 and we find that a free game that was made earlier in unchecked spaces, vihpiRC2Sh4-00082-00036503-00036751 now those spaces have disappeared. vihpiRC2Sh4-00083-00036825-00037132 When they go to the park, they go with adults that somehow vihpiRC2Sh4-00084-00037167-00037636 intervene in the different phases of the game of their children, vihpiRC2Sh4-00085-00037656-00037962 even when they're playing with friends, adults intervene vihpiRC2Sh4-00086-00038026-00038268 and children don't need interventions, vihpiRC2Sh4-00087-00038268-00038653 precisely when they learn is when an adult that protects doesn't intervene. vihpiRC2Sh4-00088-00038723-00039015 The houses neither have spaces, vihpiRC2Sh4-00089-00039279-00039573 many parents say it has space for children to play vihpiRC2Sh4-00090-00039639-00040021 but then they usually haven't other children to play with vihpiRC2Sh4-00091-00040082-00040211 because they have few brothers, vihpiRC2Sh4-00092-00040313-00040723 when there is space in the houses there is usually no children. vihpiRC2Sh4-00093-00040733-00041165 With the advancement of culture and urban society, vihpiRC2Sh4-00094-00041219-00041627 we also have some schemes, we are thinking about their future vihpiRC2Sh4-00095-00041678-00042063 and that's why we stuffed them with extracurricular activities, vihpiRC2Sh4-00096-00042091-00042290 when the learning they do in the game vihpiRC2Sh4-00097-00042311-00042934 is one of the great learning to develop teamwork in a company. vihpiRC2Sh4-00098-00042987-00043677 We also find that there are no spaces vihpiRC2Sh4-00099-00043941-00044103 of free play at school, vihpiRC2Sh4-00100-00044134-00044576 because among all we have determined that there is a large sports fields, vihpiRC2Sh4-00101-00044701-00044958 but we haven't free play vihpiRC2Sh4-00102-00044931-00045072 and in the sports courts, vihpiRC2Sh4-00103-00045089-00045347 whether they're of football, basketball, "futbito", vihpiRC2Sh4-00104-00045392-00045606 play those who are more skilled vihpiRC2Sh4-00105-00045669-00045833 because they quickly choose vihpiRC2Sh4-00106-00045865-00046196 and do not choose the fattest or who put fewer goals. vihpiRC2Sh4-00107-00046316-00046682 This is also an exclusion factor for many children vihpiRC2Sh4-00108-00046686-00047295 while in free play all children find ways to play in open spaces. vihpiRC2Sh4-00109-00047376-00047930 We have families with children who have few brothers, vihpiRC2Sh4-00110-00047952-00048349 who do not know the neighbors due to the individualism in which we live vihpiRC2Sh4-00111-00048447-00048551 and therefore, vihpiRC2Sh4-00112-00048705-00048926 only four percent according to data I have, vihpiRC2Sh4-00113-00048985-00049273 4.1% play with their neighbors. vihpiRC2Sh4-00114-00049313-00049497 This is a shame vihpiRC2Sh4-00115-00049557-00049755 because you got the neighbor close, vihpiRC2Sh4-00116-00049823-00050032 often the classmates live far away, vihpiRC2Sh4-00117-00050119-00050267 but you have your neighbor close vihpiRC2Sh4-00118-00050375-00050612 and is a shame that parents don't do something vihpiRC2Sh4-00119-00050641-00050944 so that their children can play with other children. vihpiRC2Sh4-00120-00051021-00051438 Because obviously, with this development of urban culture as children need to play… vihpiRC2Sh4-00121-00051491-00051690 Who plays with them? Parents. vihpiRC2Sh4-00122-00051718-00051879 More mothers than fathers vihpiRC2Sh4-00123-00051937-00052344 but in the end the game for the father has no purpose in itself, vihpiRC2Sh4-00124-00052358-00052683 is only based on his relationship with his son. vihpiRC2Sh4-00125-00052738-00052842 What is happening? vihpiRC2Sh4-00126-00053032-00053511 Children see you always play at what they want, vihpiRC2Sh4-00127-00053524-00053749 plus many times you let them cheat, vihpiRC2Sh4-00128-00053808-00054116 you make things easier for them to win, vihpiRC2Sh4-00129-00054169-00054320 so they're happy kids... vihpiRC2Sh4-00130-00054509-00055147 Like this, they won't really learn these emotional and social skills they need, vihpiRC2Sh4-00131-00055203-00055409 because they have no limits. vihpiRC2Sh4-00132-00055483-00055702 A child always puts limits to another child vihpiRC2Sh4-00133-00055747-00055835 and therefore, vihpiRC2Sh4-00134-00055984-00056267 the limits that the game puts to children, vihpiRC2Sh4-00135-00056290-00056663 teaches them to learn that life has limits, vihpiRC2Sh4-00136-00056715-00056869 that life has rules vihpiRC2Sh4-00137-00056970-00057319 and that you have to put yourself in the place of the other to get the achievement. vihpiRC2Sh4-00138-00057386-00057491 We must have empathy vihpiRC2Sh4-00139-00057492-00058039 and have to really meet the other and have a meeting vihpiRC2Sh4-00140-00058099-00058309 to get an achievement, a common goal vihpiRC2Sh4-00141-00058389-00058607 and that is to do pro-sociality. vihpiRC2Sh4-00142-00058790-00059413 When toys are really suited to the skills the kid needs to develop at each moment, vihpiRC2Sh4-00143-00059608-00060166 it really is the privileged instrument of the game that serves for the development of imagination, vihpiRC2Sh4-00144-00060168-00060721 because imagination is recreated many times in the object. vihpiRC2Sh4-00145-00060854-00061308 That's why when children don't have toys often create their own toys. vihpiRC2Sh4-00146-00061342-00061669 When I was little, I created toys with my friends. vihpiRC2Sh4-00147-00061728-00062041 Any child can develop a toy vihpiRC2Sh4-00148-00062154-00062440 and today we live in a society where vihpiRC2Sh4-00149-00062406-00062785 children see that there are great designs vihpiRC2Sh4-00150-00062857-00063236 for any function at home, for example. vihpiRC2Sh4-00151-00063357-00063989 So today toys are also designed and beautifully recreated vihpiRC2Sh4-00152-00064032-00064531 to serve the capabilities and functions that the child has to develop. vihpiRC2Sh4-00153-00064551-00065329 The toy when adapted to their developmental age, vihpiRC2Sh4-00154-00065324-00065572 when serves the child to tell their own story, vihpiRC2Sh4-00155-00065682-00066419 is a toy that serves the imagination because imagination often needs to be reflected in the object. vihpiRC2Sh4-00156-00066608-00067485 This toy has every chance that the child play with it vihpiRC2Sh4-00157-00067484-00067861 and that is really well spent money. vihpiRC2Sh4-00158-00068076-00068250 If play is to imagine, vihpiRC2Sh4-00159-00068311-00068445 play is also creating. vihpiRC2Sh4-00160-00068547-00068767 They are creating stories, vihpiRC2Sh4-00161-00068817-00069259 are creating ways of relating, vihpiRC2Sh4-00162-00069281-00069491 they are creating a lot of things. vihpiRC2Sh4-00163-00069531-00069620 Of course, vihpiRC2Sh4-00164-00069820-00070443 the toy must serve to imagine and also to create, vihpiRC2Sh4-00165-00070476-00070973 but is that children often use toys vihpiRC2Sh4-00166-00071093-00071406 in another way from what say the instructions. vihpiRC2Sh4-00167-00071409-00072282 I've seen it done with the castle guns, guns that fired, that one of the little pieces came out. vihpiRC2Sh4-00168-00072363-00072702 Often children do not even read the instructions vihpiRC2Sh4-00169-00072674-00072898 because it is too boring for them vihpiRC2Sh4-00170-00072986-00073202 and they get to play with the toy, vihpiRC2Sh4-00171-00073259-00073506 in a totally different way. vihpiRC2Sh4-00172-00073598-00073783 Therefore develop their creativity, vihpiRC2Sh4-00173-00073825-00074421 although the toy is not thought exactly for what they use it. vihpiRC2Sh4-00174-00074629-00074748 Because it is very difficult, vihpiRC2Sh4-00175-00075050-00075417 close a child's creativity and imagination, vihpiRC2Sh4-00176-00075510-00075877 it is very difficult that can be closed with an object. vihpiRC2Sh4-00177-00075879-00076104 We can leave the toy vihpiRC2Sh4-00178-00076178-00076577 because doesn't serve to assemble their creative and imaginative story at the time. vihpiRC2Sh4-00179-00076745-00077763 But if the use of the toy doesn't serves to develop criativity, vihpiRC2Sh4-00180-00077900-00078068 I think that we are going to abandon it before. vihpiRC2Sh4-00181-00078151-00078340 I think we are going to use it for another thing. vihpiRC2Sh4-00182-00078437-00078745 But think that to a child, something doesn't motivated him vihpiRC2Sh4-00183-00078799-00079041 and does not serve to create or imagine, vihpiRC2Sh4-00184-00079044-00079464 is going to be pending on that toy and therefore severed his imagination... vihpiRC2Sh4-00185-00079545-00079660 I don't see it as possible. vihpiRC2Sh4-00186-00079769-00080248 The school narrows the creativity of children, vihpiRC2Sh4-00187-00080269-00080740 I have investigated because I made the dissertation on creativity in many years. vihpiRC2Sh4-00188-00080867-00081586 We teachers are accustomed, that children have a convergent thinking vihpiRC2Sh4-00189-00081644-00081967 and adapt to what we want them to learn. vihpiRC2Sh4-00190-00082063-00082411 When they see things otherwise the value is not equal, vihpiRC2Sh4-00191-00082457-00082690 when they ask questions that are not in the script, vihpiRC2Sh4-00192-00082770-00082911 we are sometimes uncomfortable vihpiRC2Sh4-00193-00083005-00083452 and this is to cut off the creativity and imagination of the child. vihpiRC2Sh4-00194-00083523-00084070 Creative teachers develop creative children, vihpiRC2Sh4-00195-00084259-00084530 they don't say "that question does not touch" vihpiRC2Sh4-00196-00084580-00085063 because when the child goes one way, the teacher is ahead, vihpiRC2Sh4-00197-00085089-00085234 opening new directions. vihpiRC2Sh4-00198-00085337-00085489 In practice, creativity vihpiRC2Sh4-00199-00085637-00085859 is like water, always finds a way out. vihpiRC2Sh4-00200-00085932-00086228 I really think that the game in childhood vihpiRC2Sh4-00201-00086296-00086566 is essential, what you are going to do. vihpiRC2Sh4-00202-00086617-00087132 It is crucial because we are not aware of the needs that children have to play, vihpiRC2Sh4-00203-00087178-00087424 and at the end we play with them for a while... vihpiRC2Sh4-00204-00087563-00087907 It's still very involved the idea of vihpiRC2Sh4-00205-00088031-00088314 playing is not getting ready for tomorrow vihpiRC2Sh4-00206-00088391-00089263 or that playing at a time when we really need to train, is a bit wasting time. vihpiRC2Sh4-00207-00089349-00089994 The convention of children's rights is fundamental because, vihpiRC2Sh4-00208-00090003-00090471 for the first time, it is considered that children have rights vihpiRC2Sh4-00209-00090509-00090660 and that they are not miniature adults vihpiRC2Sh4-00210-00090736-00091345 and therefore, have to worry about childhood as a period of life with its own entity. vihpiRC2Sh4-00211-00091552-00092268 The rights expressed through this convention, vihpiRC2Sh4-00212-00092385-00093100 do many people consider that children really do have some basic rights vihpiRC2Sh4-00213-00093123-00093819 to develop physically, morally, espiritually, emotionally... vihpiRC2Sh4-00214-00093791-00094428 and this is really important because children are the future. vihpiRC2Sh4-00215-00094659-00095040 The future of people and humanity will be better, vihpiRC2Sh4-00216-00095073-00095600 if really the rights of children are cared vihpiRC2Sh4-00217-00095625-00095780 and this development is enhanced. vihpiRC2Sh4-00218-00095880-00096854 But today we find that in societies like ours, sometimes the right to play is not really assured. vihpiRC2Sh4-00219-00096995-00097108 Why? vihpiRC2Sh4-00220-00097125-00097437 For lack of space, lack of time, other children to play vihpiRC2Sh4-00221-00097538-00097892 and possibilities of imagine through play. vihpiRC2Sh4-00222-00098176-00098761 Another fundamental right, that I think we need to influence it, vihpiRC2Sh4-00223-00098761-00098883 is the right to protection. vihpiRC2Sh4-00224-00099082-00099294 The right to protection seems like vihpiRC2Sh4-00225-00099289-00099691 we are at home and protection is already assured. vihpiRC2Sh4-00226-00099820-00100028 Today protection is not assured, vihpiRC2Sh4-00227-00100066-00100506 because when there were was no media, vihpiRC2Sh4-00228-00100707-00101154 what was taught to children was very controlled by adults. vihpiRC2Sh4-00229-00101259-00101473 We were reading them the stories we wanted, vihpiRC2Sh4-00230-00101475-00101614 you leave with them the stories you wanted, vihpiRC2Sh4-00231-00101656-00102056 children's literature was adapted for children and had a message. vihpiRC2Sh4-00232-00102356-00102834 School controlled the content that children learned... vihpiRC2Sh4-00233-00103035-00103768 But we are now at a time when new technologies entered a new stage vihpiRC2Sh4-00234-00103814-00104052 and the right to protection is not assured, vihpiRC2Sh4-00235-00104138-00104571 because the content delivered to children and shape their minds, vihpiRC2Sh4-00236-00104709-00104917 are not controlled by adults vihpiRC2Sh4-00237-00104993-00105645 but they access adult content that understand their way vihpiRC2Sh4-00238-00105742-00106270 and information can no longer be controlled. vihpiRC2Sh4-00239-00106370-00107006 This introduces a new paradigm in which is also the training of children vihpiRC2Sh4-00240-00107081-00107492 and that's why we are living what I call the reduction of childhood. vihpiRC2Sh4-00241-00107648-00108213 The children appropriate adult models long before what touches, vihpiRC2Sh4-00242-00108287-00108968 leave the game, when they will have many years with life expectancy that we have to be adults, vihpiRC2Sh4-00243-00109028-00109151 but they will not return to childhood. vihpiRC2Sh4-00244-00109268-00109469 You are about to make a beautiful thing because look, vihpiRC2Sh4-00245-00109556-00109678 this Jose Itxu said to you. vihpiRC2Sh4-00246-00109823-00109895 Of course. vihpiRC2Sh4-00247-00109906-00110473 The need to play is common to humanity, vihpiRC2Sh4-00248-00110543-00110827 is an anthropological necessity. vihpiRC2Sh4-00249-00110870-00111296 Even those species closet to us also need to play, vihpiRC2Sh4-00250-00111392-00111736 the higher vertebrates need to play in the period of immaturity, vihpiRC2Sh4-00251-00111729-00112055 so it is an anthropological necessity. vihpiRC2Sh4-00252-00112064-00112595 This need is common to all humans in all cultures, vihpiRC2Sh4-00253-00112836-00113198 also the function of the game itself, vihpiRC2Sh4-00254-00113239-00113585 it is also common as it is a cultural universal. vihpiRC2Sh4-00255-00113669-00114083 Sure, what changes are the forms of playing, vihpiRC2Sh4-00256-00114158-00114256 it's what you'll find, vihpiRC2Sh4-00257-00114357-00114760 that the forms of the game change in all cultures vihpiRC2Sh4-00258-00114812-00115129 because they adapt to cultural forms. vihpiRC2Sh4-00259-00115157-00115659 That is why some games are abandoned and new games are generated, vihpiRC2Sh4-00260-00115788-00116440 so in a time like this as "technologized" of digital culture, children like to play with digital games. vihpiRC2Sh4-00261-00116603-00117391 Therefore, in each place children use the game differently, vihpiRC2Sh4-00262-00117444-00117615 it is adapted to their culture. vihpiRC2Sh4-00263-00117659-00118056 When I was doing fieldwork in Valle del Pas here in Cantabria, vihpiRC2Sh4-00264-00118075-00118419 the children played with sheepfold and cows vihpiRC2Sh4-00265-00118545-00119098 because in Valle del Pas you live from livestock. vihpiRC2Sh4-00266-00119148-00119422 When you are in another town, vihpiRC2Sh4-00267-00119445-00119883 you see children play reproducing adult models, vihpiRC2Sh4-00268-00119896-00120200 because it is a way of appropriating the world and life. vihpiRC2Sh4-00269-00120257-00120446 Then, therefore, need to vihpiRC2Sh4-00270-00120809-00121214 reproduce the behavior they see in their parents in the game. vihpiRC2Sh4-00271-00121468-00121866 The cultural forms change because lifestyles changes vihpiRC2Sh4-00272-00122015-00122388 and changing lifestyles, once that culture adapts vihpiRC2Sh4-00273-00122371-00122633 because looks to solve the problem of life, vihpiRC2Sh4-00274-00122676-00122855 the game which is a cultural form, vihpiRC2Sh4-00275-00122905-00123435 adapts to try to solve the problem of the game, vihpiRC2Sh4-00276-00123563-00124077 adapted to the culture of these children, their needs and interests. vihpiRC2Sh4-00277-00124194-00124517 So you're going to find a great wealth, vihpiRC2Sh4-00278-00124604-00125201 but once there is needs, for example equal physycal needs in every child, vihpiRC2Sh4-00279-00125253-00125684 you'll find that the ball is pratically in every cultures. vihpiRC2Sh4-00280-00125816-00126485 Once there is a need for symbolic play and reproduce adult behavior, vihpiRC2Sh4-00281-00126516-00126770 you'll find dolls in every cultures. vihpiRC2Sh4-00282-00126883-00127424 You will find elements that are repeated in one culture or another vihpiRC2Sh4-00283-00127458-00127643 because they are vihpiRC2Sh4-00284-00127939-00128739 obeying to cultural forms that carry with that solution of the problem of life, vihpiRC2Sh4-00285-00128788-00129089 biological needs and of physical development. vihpiRC2Sh4-00286-00129468-00129561 About creativity. vihpiRC2Sh4-00287-00130098-00130633 Nowadays imagination is developing very little. vihpiRC2Sh4-00288-00130764-00130889 Think that in the digital culture, vihpiRC2Sh4-00289-00131180-00131613 the image recreates itself, don't need evocative sources. vihpiRC2Sh4-00290-00131740-00132311 By contrast, look that when you read stories that maybe they had no illustrations, vihpiRC2Sh4-00291-00132329-00132520 because today all the stories are super illustrated, vihpiRC2Sh4-00292-00132635-00133304 when you were reading stories without illustrations, vihpiRC2Sh4-00293-00133357-00133456 your imagination fled vihpiRC2Sh4-00294-00133597-00133697 and developed. vihpiRC2Sh4-00295-00133817-00134116 This is essential for childhood, vihpiRC2Sh4-00296-00134156-00134911 to anticipate consequences, to raise situations that never existed. vihpiRC2Sh4-00297-00135045-00135176 And that is creativity. vihpiRC2Sh4-00298-00135279-00135865 And now with digital culture, children are accustomed to click a button and it is done. vihpiRC2Sh4-00299-00136010-00136202 Before, when you learned to read... vihpiRC2Sh4-00300-00136267-00136861 it appears that when you're reading you have to go from the signifier to the significance, vihpiRC2Sh4-00301-00136901-00137564 this is a mediation, is delaying gratification, is a mediation that allows you to imagine vihpiRC2Sh4-00302-00137750-00138171 and really today in our society we imagine little vihpiRC2Sh4-00303-00138276-00138532 because we have everything very easy, very given vihpiRC2Sh4-00304-00138588-00138832 and we are not so capable of imagining vihpiRC2Sh4-00305-00139065-00139159 to see again, vihpiRC2Sh4-00306-00139216-00139911 to change our perception patterns and imagine other action patterns. vihpiRC2Sh4-00307-00140029-00140516 I played a lot to "rescued" because I was very good, ran a lot vihpiRC2Sh4-00308-00140619-00140749 and they always chose me. vihpiRC2Sh4-00309-00141005-00141518 But then had those games with my neighbors playing with dolls vihpiRC2Sh4-00310-00141687-00142339 that really introduced me in very different worlds vihpiRC2Sh4-00311-00142341-00142815 and I used to build a tremendous affection with dolls. vihpiRC2Sh4-00312-00142846-00143310 I remember my Mariquita Pérez that when it was cold in winter, vihpiRC2Sh4-00313-00143375-00143734 my sister and I put Mariquita in bed for example, vihpiRC2Sh4-00314-00143858-00143974 to keep it warm. vihpiRC2Sh4-00315-00144075-00144453 I have many memories because I played a lot. vihpiRC2Sh4-00316-00144563-00144670 I played a lot vihpiRC2Sh4-00317-00144835-00145411 and I played all sorts of things, because for example the "rescued" played boys and girls. vihpiRC2Sh4-00318-00145481-00146023 I loved to compete but then had this facet of symbolic play, vihpiRC2Sh4-00319-00146053-00146295 of game of meeting with a doll vihpiRC2Sh4-00320-00146397-00147080 and really develop feelings and emotions regarding the object that is there. vihpiRC2Sh4-00321-00147091-00147725 In fact, now that I've researched a lot children and children playing, vihpiRC2Sh4-00322-00147760-00148133 I see that children are much projected in the game vihpiRC2Sh4-00323-00148224-00148850 and if you have really received a scolding at home or in school, vihpiRC2Sh4-00324-00148864-00149161 then you scold the doll because has misbehaved. vihpiRC2Sh4-00325-00149177-00149768 You project yourself much and establish with toys a dialogue that I call an inner dialogue vihpiRC2Sh4-00326-00149783-00150340 in which children, their feelings and emotions, frustrations... vihpiRC2Sh4-00327-00150427-00150919 take much of what they have experienced and that helps them live. vjXGWg3awG4-00000-00000000-00001038 SCP-1592 paradise television | object class euclid vjXGWg3awG4-00001-00001125-00001491 Item #: SCP-1592 vjXGWg3awG4-00002-00001491-00001688 Object Class: Euclid vjXGWg3awG4-00003-00001688-00002425 Special Containment Procedures: All possible broadcasts of SCP-1592 are to be intercepted vjXGWg3awG4-00004-00002425-00002675 and blocked from public viewing. vjXGWg3awG4-00005-00002675-00003198 Intercepted broadcasts are to be stored in Site ██'s video archive. vjXGWg3awG4-00006-00003198-00003703 Any civilians physically altered by SCP-1592's effects are to be brought into containment vjXGWg3awG4-00007-00003703-00004346 immediately and any witnesses to these alterations dosed with Class-A amnestics. vjXGWg3awG4-00008-00004346-00004873 Viewing of SCP-1592 must be authorized by at least three (3) personnel with Level 3 vjXGWg3awG4-00009-00004873-00005064 access clearance. vjXGWg3awG4-00010-00005064-00005517 SCP-1592 may only be shown to D-Class personnel. vjXGWg3awG4-00011-00005517-00006314 Description: SCP-1592 is a television program entitled 'Paradise Television' which has demonstrated vjXGWg3awG4-00012-00006314-00006759 the capability to cause mental and physical abnormalities. vjXGWg3awG4-00013-00006759-00007302 It has the general format of a televangelist program, but discusses values and concepts vjXGWg3awG4-00014-00007302-00007566 unusual for such a program. vjXGWg3awG4-00015-00007566-00008403 The host of SCP-1592 is a middle-aged Caucasian male who refers to himself as 'Pastor Harris'. vjXGWg3awG4-00016-00008403-00008914 SCP-1592 consists of an as-of-yet unknown number of fifteen (15) minute broadcasts, vjXGWg3awG4-00017-00008914-00009364 all of which show 'Pastor Harris' sitting on an armchair, looking directly at the camera vjXGWg3awG4-00018-00009364-00009556 while delivering a sermon. vjXGWg3awG4-00019-00009556-00010199 When an individual watches a broadcast of SCP-1592, they will become interested in the vjXGWg3awG4-00020-00010199-00010838 values and concepts it discusses, regardless of previous religious or moral orientations. vjXGWg3awG4-00021-00010838-00011378 Further viewing of SCP-1592 will result in the individual gradually becoming obsessed vjXGWg3awG4-00022-00011378-00012120 with SCP-1592, and neglecting other social obligations in order to continue viewing it. vjXGWg3awG4-00023-00012120-00012758 Affected individuals will often record broadcasts of SCP-1592 and watch them multiple times. vjXGWg3awG4-00024-00012758-00013277 After the affected individual has viewed a number of broadcasts ranging from twenty (20) vjXGWg3awG4-00025-00013277-00013670 to thirty (30), physical alteration will begin. vjXGWg3awG4-00026-00013670-00013984 This takes place over a period of one (1) to two (2) weeks. vjXGWg3awG4-00027-00013984-00014526 If the victim is stopped from watching SCP-1592 during this period, these alterations will vjXGWg3awG4-00028-00014526-00015091 cease but any alterations already caused by SCP-1592 will remain. vjXGWg3awG4-00029-00015091-00015463 Initial physical alterations include: vjXGWg3awG4-00030-00015463-00016179 The growth of additional sensory organs (eyes, noses, etc.) on various parts of the body. vjXGWg3awG4-00031-00016179-00016581 Pigment of the skin radically changing in color. vjXGWg3awG4-00032-00016581-00017050 Alteration of the vocal cords, preventing normal human speech. vjXGWg3awG4-00033-00017050-00017262 Elongation or shortening of the limbs. vjXGWg3awG4-00034-00017262-00017446 Fusion of body parts. vjXGWg3awG4-00035-00017446-00017724 (fingers, toes, etc.) vjXGWg3awG4-00036-00017724-00017964 Growth of non-human extremities. vjXGWg3awG4-00037-00017964-00018237 (mandibles, pincers, etc.) vjXGWg3awG4-00038-00018237-00018823 Later physical alterations often involve morphing of the body into non-humanoid forms, usually vjXGWg3awG4-00039-00018823-00018959 resulting in immobility. vjXGWg3awG4-00040-00018959-00019477 It is unknown if the victim is aware at this point, as none have responded to attempts vjXGWg3awG4-00041-00019477-00019716 at communication. vjXGWg3awG4-00042-00019716-00019932 Interview Log 1592-1 vjXGWg3awG4-00043-00019932-00020609 Interviewer: Dr. █████ Interviewed: D-20122 vjXGWg3awG4-00044-00020609-00021363 Forenote: D-20122 had watched twenty-two (22) videos of SCP-1592 broadcasts at the time vjXGWg3awG4-00045-00021363-00021543 of the interview. vjXGWg3awG4-00046-00021543-00022012 Severe elongation of the left arm and left leg were present. vjXGWg3awG4-00047-00022012-00022526 Alterations to the structure of D-20122's mouth resulted in some difficulty speaking. vjXGWg3awG4-00048-00022526-00022626 <Begin Interview> vjXGWg3awG4-00049-00022626-00022726 Dr. █████: Hello, D-20122. vjXGWg3awG4-00050-00022726-00022832 D-20122: Hello, doctor. vjXGWg3awG4-00051-00022832-00023335 What t…(unintelligible)…what time is it? vjXGWg3awG4-00052-00023335-00023597 Dr. █████: It's five minutes past six. vjXGWg3awG4-00053-00023597-00023697 Why? vjXGWg3awG4-00054-00023697-00023797 D-20122: Nothing. vjXGWg3awG4-00055-00023797-00023956 It's just th…that, uh, that's u…usually when we have the tests. vjXGWg3awG4-00056-00023956-00024756 You know, where I watch the videos and write them (unintelligible). vjXGWg3awG4-00057-00024756-00025241 Write down what they say. vjXGWg3awG4-00058-00025241-00025733 Dr. █████: I'm sure that can wait a while longer, D-20122. vjXGWg3awG4-00059-00025733-00025916 The tapes aren't going anywhere. vjXGWg3awG4-00060-00025916-00026244 D-20122: No, no, (unintelligible)! vjXGWg3awG4-00061-00026244-00026508 I need to see them now so I know what he has to say! vjXGWg3awG4-00062-00026508-00026856 Dr. █████: If you just calm down, we can finish this interview and proceed with vjXGWg3awG4-00063-00026856-00026964 the tests. vjXGWg3awG4-00064-00026964-00027211 How do you feel about your physical alterations? vjXGWg3awG4-00065-00027211-00028094 D-20122: Well, I was…I was worried at first, but it's like what Pastor Harris says on the vjXGWg3awG4-00066-00028094-00028566 video, it's so we share His pain, isn't it? vjXGWg3awG4-00067-00028566-00028951 It still hurts though, when my bones change. vjXGWg3awG4-00068-00028951-00029436 Dr. █████: And why are you so interested in what Pastor Harris is saying? vjXGWg3awG4-00069-00029436-00030220 D-20122: (unintelligible) I don't really know what it is about it. vjXGWg3awG4-00070-00030220-00030470 It's just right, you know? vjXGWg3awG4-00071-00030470-00030650 Like, it all feels right. vjXGWg3awG4-00072-00030650-00031276 Dr. █████: So you are happy with SCP-1592's effects upon you? vjXGWg3awG4-00073-00031276-00031376 D-20122: Very. vjXGWg3awG4-00074-00031376-00031476 <End Interview> vjXGWg3awG4-00075-00031476-00031902 Closing Statement: D-20122 began final physical alterations one (1) week after this interview. vjXGWg3awG4-00076-00031902-00032027 Sermon Excerpts: vjXGWg3awG4-00077-00032027-00032675 The following are transcribed records of SCP-1592 broadcasts by D-Class personnel who were assigned vjXGWg3awG4-00078-00032675-00032801 to view them. vjXGWg3awG4-00079-00032801-00033070 What is wrong with the generation of today? vjXGWg3awG4-00080-00033070-00033659 They don't understand sacrifice, haven't felt His gaze on their skin. vjXGWg3awG4-00081-00033659-00034239 I hope that my viewers understand sacrifice, I pray to Him for that every night. vjXGWg3awG4-00082-00034239-00034519 For you, for your souls. vjXGWg3awG4-00083-00034519-00034799 If you have a pet, it will play its part. vjXGWg3awG4-00084-00034799-00035252 You will share His hunger in the coming days, and the pet will sacrifice for you. vjXGWg3awG4-00085-00035252-00035754 If you don't have one to sacrifice and suffer for you, worry not, my children. vjXGWg3awG4-00086-00035754-00036250 Worry not, for He will provide! vjXGWg3awG4-00087-00036250-00036688 I have a message from a faithful child here, from Jenny in Colorado. vjXGWg3awG4-00088-00036688-00037085 She watches His word every night, and the carapace is growing. vjXGWg3awG4-00089-00037085-00037546 Jenny writes, 'Pastor Harris, sometimes I scream from the pain He gives me. vjXGWg3awG4-00090-00037546-00037712 I cannot feel my legs.' vjXGWg3awG4-00091-00037712-00038268 Jenny, if I may address you for a moment, what you are feeling is the pain that He too vjXGWg3awG4-00092-00038268-00038425 has suffered for us in the black. vjXGWg3awG4-00093-00038425-00038978 You are one of the faithful, Jenny, and so you are worthy to take his image. vjXGWg3awG4-00094-00038978-00039416 This pain is simply sacrifice, as He has sacrificed for you. vjXGWg3awG4-00095-00039416-00039651 Stay strong, Jenny! vjXGWg3awG4-00096-00039651-00040069 I have stood in the ashes of society and walked through the bones of dead planets. vjXGWg3awG4-00097-00040069-00040322 Have you seen these things? vjXGWg3awG4-00098-00040322-00040633 Has He seen fit to grant you these pleasures? vjXGWg3awG4-00099-00040633-00040943 Not yet, but the form is changing. vjXGWg3awG4-00100-00040943-00041541 Perhaps you slide along the floor like a slug or drag yourself along the floor as a (indecipherable) vjXGWg3awG4-00101-00041541-00041822 Soon His eyes will wrinkle in benevolence at you. vjXGWg3awG4-00102-00041822-00042132 In faithfulness, you will find reward. vjXGWg3awG4-00103-00042132-00042423 In sanctity, you will find His image. vjXGWg3awG4-00104-00042423-00043037 He has many faces and many maws, and they look down on you, judging, waiting, loving. vjXGWg3awG4-00105-00043037-00043109 Goodnight. wo9PlRmUqqu-00000-00000012-00000951 This video will demonstrate how to submit a learning portfolio item to the Dropbox. wo9PlRmUqqu-00001-00000951-00001248 I have enrollment in this one course, Workshop 500. wo9PlRmUqqu-00002-00001248-00001714 I'm going to click on it, and go into the course. wo9PlRmUqqu-00003-00001714-00002439 I'm going to go under Assessments, and Dropbox. wo9PlRmUqqu-00004-00002439-00003064 I see that I have one Dropbox folder that I can go into, that's Learning Portfolio Submission, wo9PlRmUqqu-00005-00003064-00003510 so I'm going to click on that. wo9PlRmUqqu-00006-00003510-00003657 And here's where I can add a file. wo9PlRmUqqu-00007-00003657-00004123 I've got some instructions here, 'please submit an artifact from your Learning Portfolio that wo9PlRmUqqu-00008-00004123-00004348 demonstrates your learning growth in this subject'. wo9PlRmUqqu-00009-00004348-00004448 Alright. wo9PlRmUqqu-00010-00004448-00005011 So I'm going to click Add a File, and down here you'll see Learning Portfolio. wo9PlRmUqqu-00011-00005011-00005535 I'm going to click that. wo9PlRmUqqu-00012-00005535-00005847 And I can choose any of the things I have added to my learning portfolio. wo9PlRmUqqu-00013-00005847-00006412 I'm going to click this First Thoughts and Select Item. wo9PlRmUqqu-00014-00006412-00008334 It will take a minute for it to actually load. wo9PlRmUqqu-00016-00012218-00013733 You can add any comments that you would like to add, and click Submit. wo9PlRmUqqu-00017-00013733-00014306 You should, in your e-mail, receive a submission receipt. wo9PlRmUqqu-00018-00014306-00014944 You can click Done. wo9PlRmUqqu-00019-00014944-00015265 You'll see that the submission is there, and it is yet to be scored. w018s_ShLxo-00000-00000764-00001041 When we talk about the United States of America w018s_ShLxo-00001-00001041-00001553 immigration is an important topic. But what does immigration actually mean w018s_ShLxo-00002-00001554-00001995 and why is it so significant for the U.S.? What reasons w018s_ShLxo-00003-00001998-00002347 could people have to immigrate into the United States? w018s_ShLxo-00004-00002522-00003056 First of all, immigration is the movement of non-native people into a country w018s_ShLxo-00005-00003056-00003557 in order to settle there. There are many different reasons w018s_ShLxo-00006-00003559-00003904 why people choose to change their lives this drastically w018s_ShLxo-00007-00003904-00004293 by leaving their home and starting a new life w018s_ShLxo-00008-00004293-00004430 in the United States. w018s_ShLxo-00009-00005220-00005432 These reasons can be separated w018s_ShLxo-00010-00005432-00005801 into push- and pull-factors w018s_ShLxo-00011-00005801-00006248 As the names suggest, push-factors push people out of their country, w018s_ShLxo-00012-00006248-00006725 they might need to leave in order to survive or want to leave certain aspects of w018s_ShLxo-00013-00006725-00006889 their home country behind, w018s_ShLxo-00014-00006889-00007314 whereas pull-factors pull people into the new country w018s_ShLxo-00015-00007322-00007737 by offering new opportunities and a better perspective on life. w018s_ShLxo-00016-00007930-00008192 Looking at an early period of immigration, w018s_ShLxo-00017-00008192-00008626 1607 to 1830, some push-factors were the lack of w018s_ShLxo-00018-00008626-00009143 political freedom or religious tolerance in some countries. w018s_ShLxo-00019-00009310-00009634 Oher people were following their families to the U.S. w018s_ShLxo-00020-00009635-00009978 or looking for better economic opportunities, w018s_ShLxo-00021-00009978-00010302 to name some pull-factors. w018s_ShLxo-00022-00010348-00011016 Of course, forced immigration in the form of slavery also played a major role in this period. w018s_ShLxo-00023-00011114-00011310 In the following 60 years w018s_ShLxo-00024-00011310-00011633 cheap land and job opportunities w018s_ShLxo-00025-00011633-00012078 led to another wave of immigration. w018s_ShLxo-00026-00012078-00012390 Furthermore, reports from earlier immigrants w018s_ShLxo-00027-00012390-00012739 reached the people that stayed behind and motivated some w018s_ShLxo-00028-00012740-00013080 to follow their countrymen to the U.S. w018s_ShLxo-00029-00013080-00013694 Slowly the United States of America has become known as "the Land of Opportunity" w018s_ShLxo-00030-00013694-00014054 that offers a better way of life, thus attracting w018s_ShLxo-00031-00014054-00014328 even more immigrants. w018s_ShLxo-00032-00014328-00014900 Nowadays people still migrate to the United States in search for medical treatment, w018s_ShLxo-00033-00014900-00015219 educational opportunities w018s_ShLxo-00034-00015222-00015532 or freedom of expression. w018s_ShLxo-00035-00015608-00016286 Some reasons from the past like economic opportunities still convince people to start a new life w018s_ShLxo-00036-00016286-00016607 in the USA in the present. w018s_ShLxo-00037-00016607-00017137 For some the diversity of cultures that is the result of previous immigration w018s_ShLxo-00038-00017137-00017637 is another reason to be a part of this culture themselves. w018s_ShLxo-00039-00017637-00018129 Due to all these different motivations, immigration is a never-ending story in w018s_ShLxo-00040-00018129-00018259 the United States w018s_ShLxo-00041-00018259-00018693 which makes it an essential part of their culture and identity. w3eHSs8vyPy-00000-00002032-00002426 So that's GNOME new multi-tasking panel merged for version 41. w3eHSs8vyPy-00001-00002496-00003044 And the very first option is to disable the hot corner, which is kinda a very common request. w3eHSs8vyPy-00002-00003112-00003562 And this dear humans, is a candidate for the largest GNOME's button of all times! w3eHSs8vyPy-00003-00003696-00003992 Second option is to disable the screen edges tiling. w3eHSs8vyPy-00004-00004128-00004468 So with this off, nothing will happen when we hit the edge. w3eHSs8vyPy-00005-00004594-00004978 The next option is to select between dynamic and fixed workspaces, w3eHSs8vyPy-00006-00004978-00005330 with the additional option to set a number, for example 8. w3eHSs8vyPy-00007-00005461-00005765 So we now have 8 virtual desktops as expected, w3eHSs8vyPy-00008-00005765-00006035 but why we can't adjust the number directly from Shell?? w3eHSs8vyPy-00009-00006086-00006566 Either a bad design or lack of developers, the outcome is just a useless feature. w3eHSs8vyPy-00010-00006635-00007054 The fourth option is to display the virtual desktops in all monitors or not. w3eHSs8vyPy-00011-00007090-00007570 And without trying it, I believe the top panel will remain visible only on the primary, w3eHSs8vyPy-00012-00007570-00007725 as it shows on the image! w3eHSs8vyPy-00013-00007823-00008115 The fifth and last option and also my very favorite, w3eHSs8vyPy-00014-00008115-00008444 it finally solves one of the most stupid issues of GNOME. w3eHSs8vyPy-00015-00008512-00009000 And I mean the default Alt-Tab behavior that shows the windows from all desktops with grouping. w3eHSs8vyPy-00016-00009075-00009419 So we can now select apps only from the current worskpace, w3eHSs8vyPy-00017-00009419-00009840 and since we only have those two windows, Alt-Tab will only list those. w3eHSs8vyPy-00018-00009920-00010272 We could do that in GNOME 40 from shortcuts panel, but it was like w3eHSs8vyPy-00019-00010272-00010684 an easter egg that it was impossible to know, unless you somehow knew already! w4WbsexDzkM-00000-00000270-00000461 >> Moderator: Thank you so much, Darrell. w4WbsexDzkM-00001-00000461-00000629 Good afternoon, everybody, happy Wednesday. w4WbsexDzkM-00002-00000629-00000906 We are halfway through our week. w4WbsexDzkM-00003-00000906-00001402 Sorry if there's any Saturday librarians out there, library staff. w4WbsexDzkM-00004-00001402-00001861 I'm so glad that you all could join us this afternoon for this brainstorming session. w4WbsexDzkM-00005-00001861-00002216 I do want to encourage you, if you have a webcam, please feel free to turn it on. w4WbsexDzkM-00006-00002216-00002819 I love for this to feel more like a conversation and less like me putting information out. w4WbsexDzkM-00007-00002819-00003113 For those who've never attended one of these brainstorming sessions, w4WbsexDzkM-00008-00003113-00003579 I really like for you all to do most of the talking w4WbsexDzkM-00009-00003579-00003979 and I'm just really here to kind of help guide conversation. w4WbsexDzkM-00010-00003979-00004357 So if you have a webcam, please pop on and say hello. w4WbsexDzkM-00011-00004357-00004946 Before we really just start deep diving in, I did want to share with you all w4WbsexDzkM-00012-00004946-00005579 that I did create a Google DOC similarly to what I did last year for those who were here. w4WbsexDzkM-00013-00005579-00005893 I'm going to put that link in and then I'm also going to share my screen w4WbsexDzkM-00014-00005893-00006672 for just a very brief moment so that you can sort of see what I'm talking about. w4WbsexDzkM-00015-00006672-00007130 But last year one thing that folks had really requested was a way to... w4WbsexDzkM-00016-00007130-00007698 Hey Kate, oh, you ran away. w4WbsexDzkM-00017-00007698-00007955 I love it when I'm not the only one on screen because w4WbsexDzkM-00018-00007955-00008219 I mean I don't want to stare at myself for an hour. w4WbsexDzkM-00019-00008219-00008573 So it's always much more pleasant when there's other folks around. w4WbsexDzkM-00020-00008573-00008982 So on the screen, you should be seeing the Google DOC. w4WbsexDzkM-00021-00008982-00009342 This is open for you all to add information to. w4WbsexDzkM-00022-00009342-00009712 It's a great resource to share information in a written spot. w4WbsexDzkM-00023-00009712-00010061 We can continue to add to this as we're moving along w4WbsexDzkM-00024-00010061-00010381 and getting closer to summer and you can add to it. w4WbsexDzkM-00025-00010381-00010593 You can share it with colleagues. w4WbsexDzkM-00026-00010593-00010994 So I just wanted to do a brief sort of drive by so you could see what this looks like. w4WbsexDzkM-00027-00010994-00011246 We have several tabs. w4WbsexDzkM-00028-00011246-00011512 The first one is just general programming ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00029-00011512-00012048 So if you have a really, you know, exciting program that you would love to share out, w4WbsexDzkM-00030-00012048-00012325 you can put the information in there. w4WbsexDzkM-00031-00012325-00012720 If it's in the CSLP activity, if we know that it's there, w4WbsexDzkM-00032-00012720-00013117 if it's one you pulled from that manual, then we know that we can go look there. w4WbsexDzkM-00033-00013117-00013432 And if you're comfortable, put in your information, so that way, w4WbsexDzkM-00034-00013432-00013819 if people have more questions about the steps you took or the resources you used, w4WbsexDzkM-00035-00013819-00013998 that's really helpful. w4WbsexDzkM-00036-00013998-00014408 We also have at tab for Make and Take or Grab and Go's, w4WbsexDzkM-00037-00014408-00014774 whatever your personal verbiage is at your library, w4WbsexDzkM-00038-00014774-00015238 for those libraries who've really taken on this version of programming w4WbsexDzkM-00039-00015238-00015746 where you create bags and you send them off with your patrons to go activities at home. w4WbsexDzkM-00040-00015746-00016002 But I know that too, especially after two years of doing this, w4WbsexDzkM-00041-00016002-00016397 sometimes our creativity can run a little dry. w4WbsexDzkM-00042-00016397-00016808 So it's always wonderful to get new, fresh ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00043-00016808-00017107 So again, feel free to share those. w4WbsexDzkM-00044-00017107-00017698 External presenter ideas, especially if they're thematic, if they have theme related programs. w4WbsexDzkM-00045-00017698-00018225 I'm also going to plug the FLYP performer directory that we did open. w4WbsexDzkM-00046-00018225-00019016 We have the three whole performers sitting on there, but that is sort of an ongoing, w4WbsexDzkM-00047-00019016-00019506 not just summer performers but just performers in general. w4WbsexDzkM-00048-00019506-00019979 And then prize or incentive ideas, I know some libraries don't do incentives, w4WbsexDzkM-00049-00019979-00020550 but some do and sometimes, you know, again, trying to come up with new and fresh ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00050-00020550-00020944 So that is there so feel free, you know, you don't have to run w4WbsexDzkM-00051-00020944-00021489 and try to fill this up as we are on the conversation today, but just know that it's there. w4WbsexDzkM-00052-00021489-00022141 I will also send it out in my follow-up email so that way, again, you can continue to add to it, w4WbsexDzkM-00053-00022141-00022693 continue to come back to it and see what other people have added as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00054-00022693-00023176 I received a lot of really positive feedback last year with this. w4WbsexDzkM-00055-00023176-00023370 People really enjoyed having it. w4WbsexDzkM-00056-00023370-00023814 So it's something that I want to keep moving forward. w4WbsexDzkM-00057-00023814-00024384 So with that said, I really want to kick-off and as Darrell said, right now, w4WbsexDzkM-00058-00024384-00024704 I think everybody is muted by us, but in a minute, he's going to hit that w4WbsexDzkM-00059-00024704-00025176 unmute button so that way it's just easier for us to have a conversation. w4WbsexDzkM-00060-00025176-00025648 But again, be mindful of background noise and just make sure that you are self-muted. w4WbsexDzkM-00061-00025648-00025910 But I want to hear from you all. w4WbsexDzkM-00062-00025910-00026347 So does anybody want to kick us off and share, you know, a particular program w4WbsexDzkM-00063-00026347-00027315 or activity idea for Oceans of Possibilities that you are just really jazzed about? w4WbsexDzkM-00064-00028318-00028538 >> I really want to do something with SpongeBob. w4WbsexDzkM-00065-00028538-00029218 I haven't thought it out yet, but very excited for that possibility. w4WbsexDzkM-00066-00029218-00029515 >> Yeah, yeah, it's very fitting, isn't it? w4WbsexDzkM-00067-00029515-00029806 Bring in that pop culture. w4WbsexDzkM-00068-00029806-00029963 Monica: Hi. w4WbsexDzkM-00069-00029963-00030098 >> Go ahead. w4WbsexDzkM-00070-00030098-00030285 Monica: Hi, this is Monica from Miami Public Library. w4WbsexDzkM-00071-00030285-00030748 So we've been working with, like a turtle program. w4WbsexDzkM-00072-00030748-00031216 So we're probably going to be, you know, doing, w4WbsexDzkM-00073-00031216-00031479 well I'm not sure where we're heading with COVID, w4WbsexDzkM-00074-00031479-00031975 but, whether it's Zoom or in-person programs, you know, with turtles and turtle conservation. w4WbsexDzkM-00075-00031975-00032592 And then yesterday we actually spoke to an artist who had great ideas w4WbsexDzkM-00076-00032592-00033731 for like coasters or some kind of craft program with sea shells that, w4WbsexDzkM-00077-00033731-00034032 you know, she's going to be thinking about. w4WbsexDzkM-00078-00034032-00034994 So those are just two of the things that, you know, we've been talking about. w4WbsexDzkM-00079-00034994-00035402 >> I love it, I love how primed Florida is for this theme. w4WbsexDzkM-00080-00035402-00036088 Even if you're not oceanfront, you know, we are covered with water of some sort, w4WbsexDzkM-00081-00036088-00037109 so it really is amazing that we have a lot of these very local resources to pull from. w4WbsexDzkM-00082-00037219-00037941 >> We got this idea from another library, but they're doing a Pokemon like partnership w4WbsexDzkM-00083-00037941-00038165 with the park where they put water Pokemon out w4WbsexDzkM-00084-00038165-00038500 and you check it on your [inaudible] as you walk. w4WbsexDzkM-00085-00038500-00038764 And so we are thinking about doing the same thing, like partner with a local park w4WbsexDzkM-00086-00038764-00039465 and making some kind of Pokemon [inaudible] but with water Pokemon specifically. w4WbsexDzkM-00087-00039465-00040261 >> My kids would be on that in a hot minute. w4WbsexDzkM-00088-00040261-00040700 >> We actually are super excited. w4WbsexDzkM-00089-00040700-00041223 People in the Panhandle area, so like, like Leon County, people from Bay County are on here. w4WbsexDzkM-00090-00041223-00041551 We are east of the Panhandle still made up for it. w4WbsexDzkM-00091-00041551-00041674 We're in North Florida. w4WbsexDzkM-00092-00041674-00042257 If anyone's familiar with a Gulf Specimen Marine Lab, they have something called the Sea Mobile, w4WbsexDzkM-00093-00042257-00042665 which is literally a portable aquarium with a touch tank. w4WbsexDzkM-00094-00042665-00043332 They are super pricey, but our Friends group had recently gotten a good donation, w4WbsexDzkM-00095-00043332-00043826 like a nice donation for, like library programming, and they were able to cover that for us. w4WbsexDzkM-00096-00043826-00044533 So if you're interested in that, maybe find some local businesses that will help you sponsor it, w4WbsexDzkM-00097-00044533-00044893 or if you also have an awesome Friends group, like they were all about it. w4WbsexDzkM-00098-00044893-00045065 I was very happy and very surprised. w4WbsexDzkM-00099-00045065-00045793 So maybe look into that. I'm super pumped. w4WbsexDzkM-00100-00045793-00046236 >> And I didn't say this earlier, but if you all would, too, whether you're on camera or not, w4WbsexDzkM-00101-00046236-00046641 if you will also tell us which library and sort of which are in Florida you are from. w4WbsexDzkM-00102-00046641-00047063 I think that would be really helpful too, because it's an opportunity w4WbsexDzkM-00103-00047063-00047399 for us to get to know people we don't normally see. w4WbsexDzkM-00104-00047399-00047844 And even if you're not on camera, feel free to throw it in the chat where you're from. w4WbsexDzkM-00105-00047844-00048146 But I think that's really helpful too, and we do have some folks w4WbsexDzkM-00106-00048146-00048370 throwing some information in the chat. w4WbsexDzkM-00107-00048370-00048861 I know not everybody's able to use a microphone, but we did have someone else w4WbsexDzkM-00108-00048861-00049402 say that they're also working with their local Sea Turtle Conservation group. w4WbsexDzkM-00109-00049402-00050242 Michele said that they've planned a teen adult Zentangle art program and it's a six-week program. w4WbsexDzkM-00110-00050242-00050517 Michele, I would love to know sort of what your plans are. w4WbsexDzkM-00111-00050517-00051001 I don't know if you have make available, you know, sort of what your plan is approaching this. w4WbsexDzkM-00112-00051001-00051281 It's not just a, you know, one and done kind of a program, w4WbsexDzkM-00113-00051281-00051711 but kind of building it for six weeks. w4WbsexDzkM-00114-00051711-00051857 Michelle: Yes ma'am. Can you hear me? w4WbsexDzkM-00115-00051857-00052055 >> I can. Hi. w4WbsexDzkM-00116-00052055-00052191 Michelle: It worked out. w4WbsexDzkM-00117-00052191-00052572 Nobody showed up for my program in Bryceville yet so I joined the group. w4WbsexDzkM-00118-00052572-00052813 I always loved hearing the ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00119-00052813-00053463 Basically, what happened... Are any of you familiar with Zentangle art? w4WbsexDzkM-00120-00053463-00053734 Yes, I see some of you shaking your heads, okay. w4WbsexDzkM-00121-00053734-00054303 It's for anybody who you think you can't draw or you can't, you're not artistic. w4WbsexDzkM-00122-00054303-00055041 It's like a beginner's program where they give you, its special paper you use. w4WbsexDzkM-00123-00055041-00055509 Like you can use a 3x5 size, a 3x3, and it's a special type of paper w4WbsexDzkM-00124-00055509-00056132 where you create designs and the designs ends up becoming art. w4WbsexDzkM-00125-00056132-00056679 So it's one of those art programs where you can't mess up. w4WbsexDzkM-00126-00056679-00056898 So I loved that. w4WbsexDzkM-00127-00056898-00057409 I was introduced to it for Christmas as a gift for the staff. w4WbsexDzkM-00128-00057409-00057943 We had a holiday staff meeting and our director had begun taking Zentangle classes w4WbsexDzkM-00129-00057943-00058436 from this artist that specializes in Zentangle. w4WbsexDzkM-00130-00058436-00058932 And so she gave us that as a gift and is very therapeutic. w4WbsexDzkM-00131-00058932-00059196 If you don't think you can mess up, you can't, you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00132-00059196-00059442 so you're able to really be creative. w4WbsexDzkM-00133-00059442-00059687 It brings out a lot of creativity. w4WbsexDzkM-00134-00059687-00060095 But it was actually created to help people relax. w4WbsexDzkM-00135-00060095-00060567 And it's really beautiful so you could do different designs like they have butterflies, w4WbsexDzkM-00136-00060567-00060845 they have, we're actually going to do a turtle. w4WbsexDzkM-00137-00060845-00061060 So we're going to focus on turtles and then what do w4WbsexDzkM-00138-00061060-00061532 you do is you create, Zentangle around the turtle picture. w4WbsexDzkM-00139-00061532-00061909 So it's art within art, if that makes any sense at all. w4WbsexDzkM-00140-00061909-00062757 So what we've decided to do, we're going to, this particular teacher instructor in Nassau County, w4WbsexDzkM-00141-00062757-00063513 she's in Fernandina and it's, to me, it's amazing that you take, I'll just give an example; w4WbsexDzkM-00142-00063513-00064010 like in a corner of the paper you would do one design like, w4WbsexDzkM-00143-00064010-00064557 you know the at sign in, like your email, the at sign. w4WbsexDzkM-00144-00064557-00064876 So what we did in one little corner, just like you draw a certain, w4WbsexDzkM-00145-00064876-00065234 you know, you do borders and then you drew like a little one w4WbsexDzkM-00146-00065234-00065801 and then you kept doing bigger and bigger and then you did four corners of the paper. w4WbsexDzkM-00147-00065801-00066108 And by the time you would finish doing that little at sign w4WbsexDzkM-00148-00066108-00066586 and then going around it with a different design, it made a beautiful, you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00149-00066586-00067026 it made a beautiful picture after you were finished doing that. w4WbsexDzkM-00150-00067026-00067369 But you do multiple, Zentangle is you do multiple signs, w4WbsexDzkM-00151-00067369-00067773 like that was one and then another was a curly Q and then, w4WbsexDzkM-00152-00067773-00068250 but it's just beautiful and anybody, you can't go wrong with this art. w4WbsexDzkM-00153-00068250-00068548 So we only took the one little class that was 30 minutes w4WbsexDzkM-00154-00068548-00068821 and so we asked her would she be willing to come. w4WbsexDzkM-00155-00068821-00069082 We have a lot of teenagers that love to draw. w4WbsexDzkM-00156-00069082-00069386 And a lot of the schools aren't offering art anymore. w4WbsexDzkM-00157-00069386-00069693 So we thought, why not bring Zentangle? w4WbsexDzkM-00158-00069693-00069943 I didn't know what it was until I was introduced and I was really, w4WbsexDzkM-00159-00069943-00070189 I really loved the concept. w4WbsexDzkM-00160-00070189-00070559 So we have her coming now to, it's really inexpensive. w4WbsexDzkM-00161-00070559-00071097 It'll be like $10 per student and we'll do the classes like 20 per class w4WbsexDzkM-00162-00071097-00071348 and we're breaking it up. w4WbsexDzkM-00163-00071348-00071484 It's like two hours. w4WbsexDzkM-00164-00071484-00071754 They said you need two hours to really form, make something. w4WbsexDzkM-00165-00071754-00072289 So by the time they've finished, they will be very proficient in Zentangle. w4WbsexDzkM-00166-00072289-00072613 So we've, what we've done, we're going to do some in February, w4WbsexDzkM-00167-00072613-00072938 but we're going to use our summer reading theme and you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00168-00072938-00073668 use a turtle is one of our first ones, and we decided to combine our teens with our adults w4WbsexDzkM-00169-00073668-00074201 because it's a program that both groups can get together and have a good time, w4WbsexDzkM-00170-00074201-00074436 you know, enjoying art. w4WbsexDzkM-00171-00074436-00074833 So it is, we did six weeks because it's basically like six classes w4WbsexDzkM-00172-00074833-00075114 to really do well in it. w4WbsexDzkM-00173-00075114-00075306 So we broke it up. w4WbsexDzkM-00174-00075306-00075460 Like, we're doing two in February, two in March and w4WbsexDzkM-00175-00075460-00075821 then two in April, and then we're going to do some in the summer. w4WbsexDzkM-00176-00075821-00076343 I'm going to take Fridays and do an elementary class with that, w4WbsexDzkM-00177-00076343-00076790 but we do because the materials, she will provide the materials for us, w4WbsexDzkM-00178-00076790-00077058 but we typically don't charge. w4WbsexDzkM-00179-00077058-00077258 I don't know if any of you've ever done this. w4WbsexDzkM-00180-00077258-00077551 But do you charge the kids to come to a program like for the art supplies? w4WbsexDzkM-00181-00077551-00077869 Basically is what they're buying is their art supplies. w4WbsexDzkM-00182-00077869-00078351 But they get to keep all of the art supplies and the paper that's provided in the program. w4WbsexDzkM-00183-00078351-00078802 But I'm excited about that because it's something, I love to plan programs. w4WbsexDzkM-00184-00078802-00078994 Don't you all love planning programs where you learn a lot w4WbsexDzkM-00185-00078994-00079882 and you get proficient at something through that program? w4WbsexDzkM-00186-00079882-00080696 >> I love that you are combining the teens and the adults, w4WbsexDzkM-00187-00080696-00080931 because those are probably two generations w4WbsexDzkM-00188-00080931-00081267 that could really benefit spending some time together. w4WbsexDzkM-00189-00081267-00081390 Michelle: Yes. w4WbsexDzkM-00190-00081390-00081803 >> So I love that it's kind of bridging this opportunity for, you know, connection. w4WbsexDzkM-00191-00081803-00082020 Michelle: Right. w4WbsexDzkM-00192-00082020-00082536 >> In a very sort of organic way and something that's kind of fun and non-stress. w4WbsexDzkM-00193-00082536-00082923 And so I think that's a wonderful multigenerational opportunity there. w4WbsexDzkM-00194-00082923-00083172 Michelle: Thank you. w4WbsexDzkM-00195-00083172-00083473 >> That will hopefully, you know, stick with them as they move forward, w4WbsexDzkM-00196-00083473-00083918 an opportunity to really talk with each other and learn from one another. w4WbsexDzkM-00197-00083918-00084580 I love it, and Olivia had also said in the chat that she's looking forward w4WbsexDzkM-00198-00084580-00085408 to partnering to do a waterway cleanup and then also do some sort of recycled craft. w4WbsexDzkM-00199-00085408-00085828 So, Olivia, you're I want to make sure I understand. w4WbsexDzkM-00200-00085828-00086161 So you're thinking do the waterway clean up and then use what you pick up w4WbsexDzkM-00201-00086161-00086473 from that clean up to then turn around and do a craft. w4WbsexDzkM-00202-00086473-00086672 Is that what you're thinking? w4WbsexDzkM-00203-00086672-00086977 Olivia: No, I think that would be too involved. w4WbsexDzkM-00204-00086977-00087492 What I was really thinking is contacting our reclamation person in the city. w4WbsexDzkM-00205-00087492-00087822 Have her come out and maybe do a PowerPoint and a talk w4WbsexDzkM-00206-00087822-00088179 and then we would have some kind of reclaimed project to do. w4WbsexDzkM-00207-00088179-00088305 >> Got you. w4WbsexDzkM-00208-00088305-00088464 Olivia: We've done a lot of cute stuff with reclaimed w4WbsexDzkM-00209-00088464-00088974 soda bottles, so we would do something like that, maybe. w4WbsexDzkM-00210-00088974-00089438 But I was also, I was intrigued by the Zentangles because I've done something w4WbsexDzkM-00211-00089438-00089966 with our kids sort of like that it's called a graph, graphite transfer. w4WbsexDzkM-00212-00089966-00090451 Has anybody ever done a graphite transfer? w4WbsexDzkM-00213-00090451-00090924 You have, where you take a cute coloring page and the back of the page, w4WbsexDzkM-00214-00090924-00091470 the kid just covers the whole back of the page with pencil all over, w4WbsexDzkM-00215-00091470-00091849 cover heavy-duty pencil and then when they put it on a white sheet of paper w4WbsexDzkM-00216-00091849-00092252 and trace over the picture on the front, it will transfer onto the paper w4WbsexDzkM-00217-00092252-00092859 and then they can go ahead and decorate something that they have drawn. w4WbsexDzkM-00218-00092859-00093284 But that's something too, that they'll use later on in their lives. w4WbsexDzkM-00219-00093284-00093585 I mean you could do that to transfer pictures onto furniture w4WbsexDzkM-00220-00093585-00093875 to paint or all other kind of applications. w4WbsexDzkM-00221-00093875-00094526 So that's a neat project. w4WbsexDzkM-00222-00094526-00094915 >> I just want to add, we've done something similar to that, but with plastic bags. w4WbsexDzkM-00223-00094915-00095425 We did pet portraits last year with our teens and we printed out, w4WbsexDzkM-00224-00095425-00095660 just like black and white Xerox copies of their pets w4WbsexDzkM-00225-00095660-00096110 and they traced it with marker and then they flipped it on to a paper, w4WbsexDzkM-00226-00096110-00096332 rubbed it down and then they were able to like take water colors w4WbsexDzkM-00227-00096332-00096580 and stuff and like fill-in and like add details. w4WbsexDzkM-00228-00096580-00096897 But you could do that with any animal watercolor Ocean animal prints w4WbsexDzkM-00229-00096897-00097100 would be super neat, I think. w4WbsexDzkM-00230-00097100-00097353 Olivia: Beautiful. Yeah! w4WbsexDzkM-00231-00097353-00097516 And I might have talked about this before at one of w4WbsexDzkM-00232-00097516-00098174 these brainstorming, but also, one time, I did a fish rubbing. w4WbsexDzkM-00233-00098174-00098913 But instead of getting the rubber fish, I just downloaded a coloring page of a fish w4WbsexDzkM-00234-00098913-00099468 and outlined in a glue gun so it was raised. w4WbsexDzkM-00235-00099468-00100000 So then, when you took a printer, print, and you rubbed the print on it w4WbsexDzkM-00236-00100000-00100915 and then pressed it on the paper, it looked like a fish rubbing. That's fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00237-00100915-00101233 >> We did the fish program you're talking about one year with an artist w4WbsexDzkM-00238-00101233-00101830 and she used real fish. It was a smelly idea. w4WbsexDzkM-00239-00101830-00102027 Olivia: She's braver than me. w4WbsexDzkM-00240-00102027-00102803 >> Yes, the kids loved it. w4WbsexDzkM-00241-00102803-00103515 >> It's very organic. I love it. w4WbsexDzkM-00242-00103515-00104396 Anybody else have a program they want to share information about? w4WbsexDzkM-00243-00104396-00105105 I know you all have them. w4WbsexDzkM-00244-00105483-00106243 >> We're kind of at the idea stage at this point, rather than implementing, w4WbsexDzkM-00245-00106243-00106592 we're trying to scale things kind of small. w4WbsexDzkM-00246-00106592-00106950 Can you hear me with the mask on? w4WbsexDzkM-00247-00106950-00107441 Our main library is closed down and we've basically taken over every community room w4WbsexDzkM-00248-00107441-00107948 of all the branches, so we're trying to do small-scale, w4WbsexDzkM-00249-00107948-00108411 sort of like not active, but things you hand out to people w4WbsexDzkM-00250-00108411-00108720 or having them do like scavenger hunts. w4WbsexDzkM-00251-00108720-00109016 We're thinking of using that Pokemon in the Park, w4WbsexDzkM-00252-00109016-00109420 but doing it in the library and having them around the library, w4WbsexDzkM-00253-00109420-00109998 and they have a sheet where they have to go find the information for the animal. w4WbsexDzkM-00254-00109998-00110275 So that's one of the things we're thinking about doing. w4WbsexDzkM-00255-00110275-00110579 We're also thinking of trying to figure out a way to either do bulletin boards w4WbsexDzkM-00256-00110579-00111711 or tracker where they can move, there are fish or ocean animal around. w4WbsexDzkM-00257-00111711-00111977 >> I love hearing that several of you are looking at w4WbsexDzkM-00258-00111977-00112249 taking that Pokemon at the Pond program and adapting it. w4WbsexDzkM-00259-00112249-00112750 Ironically, Alex Phillips is in the room, so you know, I imagine too that w4WbsexDzkM-00260-00112750-00113252 that's probably nice for her to hear that people have really, really enjoyed w4WbsexDzkM-00261-00113252-00113611 hearing about that program that she and her colleagues did. w4WbsexDzkM-00262-00113611-00113876 It really is very adaptable. w4WbsexDzkM-00263-00113876-00114873 >> We thought so. w4WbsexDzkM-00264-00114873-00115632 >> She said yay, so happy to hear that. w4WbsexDzkM-00265-00115632-00115945 So somebody mentioned that they wanted to do something with SpongeBob, w4WbsexDzkM-00266-00115945-00116366 which they thought was a really cute idea, but do you ever worry about liability w4WbsexDzkM-00267-00116366-00116894 as far as using the word SpongeBob, or would you just use... w4WbsexDzkM-00268-00116894-00117188 because whenever we market something, you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00269-00117188-00117571 because we're a big system, Miami Dade, if we ever market something that, w4WbsexDzkM-00270-00117571-00118044 like someone suggested that we do a Pokemon scavenger hunt, w4WbsexDzkM-00271-00118044-00118902 but we decided not to because using the Pokemon logo or name could be a problem. w4WbsexDzkM-00272-00118902-00119952 Does anyone else have concerns about that when they use names of big cartoons or... w4WbsexDzkM-00273-00119952-00120281 >> We called it the Pokemon in the park, but what we're actually thinking of doing w4WbsexDzkM-00274-00120281-00120848 is Florida animals, like different types of wildlife animals. w4WbsexDzkM-00275-00120848-00121022 >> Okay. w4WbsexDzkM-00276-00121022-00121409 >> A picture of the animal on one side and the information on the back, w4WbsexDzkM-00277-00121409-00121888 but using the idea behind Pokemon in the park, w4WbsexDzkM-00278-00121888-00122286 >> Okay, that's a cute idea and maybe not use... [Inaudible] w4WbsexDzkM-00279-00122286-00122761 >> Pictures, but we weren't planning on using the actual Pokemon characters. w4WbsexDzkM-00280-00122761-00122889 >> Got it, got it. w4WbsexDzkM-00281-00122889-00123073 >> Are you charging money for your programming? w4WbsexDzkM-00282-00123073-00123307 Do you charge money for your programming? w4WbsexDzkM-00283-00123307-00123457 >> No. w4WbsexDzkM-00284-00123457-00123555 >> Well there shouldn't be a problem if you're not benefitting w4WbsexDzkM-00285-00123555-00124019 monetarily, it's really just marketing for them. w4WbsexDzkM-00286-00124019-00124297 That's the way I think of it. w4WbsexDzkM-00287-00124297-00124710 >> That's not what I've read. w4WbsexDzkM-00288-00124710-00125057 >> I know for our library, like we do a lot of [inaudible]. w4WbsexDzkM-00289-00125057-00125379 We're a smaller one, so I don't know if it varies, but usually in our marketing, w4WbsexDzkM-00290-00125379-00125623 we keep it a little more general and then during the program w4WbsexDzkM-00291-00125623-00125948 we kind of use the characters more. I think it depends. w4WbsexDzkM-00292-00125948-00126112 >> Okay. w4WbsexDzkM-00293-00126112-00126905 >> I think it depends on what your, like system's policies are too. w4WbsexDzkM-00294-00126905-00127188 >> One time, years ago, I did a Barney story time and w4WbsexDzkM-00295-00127188-00127627 people called to say, is the real Barney going to be there? w4WbsexDzkM-00296-00127627-00128035 So it may put people's hopes up to think, oh, they're going to have the real people there. w4WbsexDzkM-00297-00128035-00128294 You know? w4WbsexDzkM-00298-00128294-00128740 >> We haven't named it or anything yet, so we may end up calling it something else. w4WbsexDzkM-00299-00128740-00129614 We just like the idea behind having pictures posted around with the information on the back. w4WbsexDzkM-00300-00129614-00130123 We're still away early in our planning stages. w4WbsexDzkM-00301-00130123-00130384 Like I said, we're trying to work around the fact that w4WbsexDzkM-00302-00130384-00130903 we've got no meeting rooms available to use for programmings. w4WbsexDzkM-00303-00130903-00131633 Our main library is closed, so if you have good ideas that we work on a small-scale sort of, w4WbsexDzkM-00304-00131633-00132112 we're doing the Take and Make crafts, but things like that that would work w4WbsexDzkM-00305-00132112-00132775 under space restrictions that we're working with right now. w4WbsexDzkM-00306-00132775-00133139 >> We've been doing some outdoor programming; w4WbsexDzkM-00307-00133139-00133787 plazas in front of libraries, in the grass, you know, things like that, so. w4WbsexDzkM-00308-00133787-00133932 >> Yeah. w4WbsexDzkM-00309-00133932-00134302 >> But we're warm here in the winter so, but in the summer, it gets really hot, w4WbsexDzkM-00310-00134302-00134764 and we did do some like under trees in the morning and things like that; w4WbsexDzkM-00311-00134764-00135172 story times under a tree in the morning. w4WbsexDzkM-00312-00135172-00135656 >> I know we're going to try and do some park things. w4WbsexDzkM-00313-00135656-00136184 Oh, somebody, looks like Alexandra wanted to say something. w4WbsexDzkM-00314-00136184-00136424 Alexandra: I had a suggestion. w4WbsexDzkM-00315-00136424-00136734 If you don't have any room space, our system actually this last year w4WbsexDzkM-00316-00136734-00137358 and we're thinking of doing it again, we partnered with our county amphitheater w4WbsexDzkM-00317-00137358-00137988 and we did a system program there so that we didn't have to do w4WbsexDzkM-00318-00137988-00138441 a large scale program in any of our branches. w4WbsexDzkM-00319-00138441-00138841 At that point, we really hadn't started in person programming just yet, w4WbsexDzkM-00320-00138841-00139222 but this was at a large [inaudible] outside. w4WbsexDzkM-00321-00139222-00139441 It went really well, and we were able to get our local w4WbsexDzkM-00322-00139441-00139932 magician to come and do two of his shows backed back there. w4WbsexDzkM-00323-00139932-00140176 So there may be some other venues that maybe you could partner with. w4WbsexDzkM-00324-00140176-00140473 We chose a weekday morning, we didn't ever have shows w4WbsexDzkM-00325-00140473-00141064 so they were more than happy to let us use the space for free. w4WbsexDzkM-00326-00141064-00141744 We just had to staff it and clean it and it worked out really well. w4WbsexDzkM-00327-00141744-00142091 >> I'd like to add on to what Alexandra was saying. w4WbsexDzkM-00328-00142091-00142497 I've got in touch with my, like city parks and rec because we have an amphitheater w4WbsexDzkM-00329-00142497-00143024 really close by the library from where we're at and we did outdoor story times there. w4WbsexDzkM-00330-00143024-00143211 It was like a nice covered area. w4WbsexDzkM-00331-00143211-00143584 But we also have partnered with local, with local community w4WbsexDzkM-00332-00143584-00144091 centers and they're really big and have giant gyms. w4WbsexDzkM-00333-00144091-00144315 So we were able to put people and have them all spread out w4WbsexDzkM-00334-00144315-00144776 and it also attracted an audience kind of outside of our normal, you know, library families. w4WbsexDzkM-00335-00144776-00145836 So that was really nice, to bring some new people into library programming as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00336-00145870-00147068 >> Good ideas. Thank you. w4WbsexDzkM-00337-00147068-00147592 Does anybody else have a program that they would like to share or maybe a challenge w4WbsexDzkM-00338-00147592-00147829 you've run into that you want to throw to the group w4WbsexDzkM-00339-00147829-00149302 and see if somebody has a magical answer for you? w4WbsexDzkM-00340-00149302-00149583 Kimberly shared that the Florida Oceanographic Society w4WbsexDzkM-00341-00149583-00150084 has a live fish camp on their website too. w4WbsexDzkM-00342-00150084-00150558 They have live feeding shows at 11 and 2, and I know the Florida aquarium w4WbsexDzkM-00343-00150558-00151871 also has a lot of educational resources on their website as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00344-00151871-00153166 Diana asked, is anyone using a pirate themed program? w4WbsexDzkM-00345-00153166-00153491 >> We are definitely thinking about it, and that's always a fun theme. w4WbsexDzkM-00346-00153491-00153884 We did a pirate, or we did out annual pirate day at our library. w4WbsexDzkM-00347-00153884-00154179 So when kids come in, we're like dressed as pirates and we might make them w4WbsexDzkM-00348-00154179-00154551 walk the plank for candy or it's not like a program, program, w4WbsexDzkM-00349-00154551-00155084 but they're just, as they come through, we'll like heckle them and it's always very fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00350-00155084-00155818 So I think he's also opportunities to just dress up one day and act like pirates. w4WbsexDzkM-00351-00155818-00156164 >> We, a few years ago, because I'm in Saint Augustine. w4WbsexDzkM-00352-00156164-00156444 So it's like pirate capital. w4WbsexDzkM-00353-00156444-00156747 We have had a lot, there's a lot of local pirates, w4WbsexDzkM-00354-00156747-00157551 so we had one of the most popular ones come in and do a program for us, which did really well. w4WbsexDzkM-00355-00157551-00158180 It was adorable and a couple of years ago, we hired one of the, w4WbsexDzkM-00356-00158180-00158572 one of the character party businesses. w4WbsexDzkM-00357-00158572-00158807 I'm sure you will have them in your local area too, right, w4WbsexDzkM-00358-00158807-00159231 like the young women who dressed up as princesses and go to birthday parties, that sort of thing. w4WbsexDzkM-00359-00159231-00160002 We had Ariel or they just called her the whatever, non-copyright version of, you know, that name. w4WbsexDzkM-00360-00160002-00160585 We had her come and she sang a song and read a story w4WbsexDzkM-00361-00160585-00161090 and then we set up a bunch of like little mermaid themed crafts to go along with it. w4WbsexDzkM-00362-00161090-00161355 So that was a while ago now. w4WbsexDzkM-00363-00161355-00162346 So I don't know, I'm trying to bring it back for the summer. w4WbsexDzkM-00364-00162346-00163086 >> And in the chat, Maria did talk about, they did Percy Jackson program, w4WbsexDzkM-00365-00163086-00163678 which could also apply to this upcoming summer because he's the son of Poseidon. w4WbsexDzkM-00366-00163678-00164225 So if you want to take a little fictional mythology there. w4WbsexDzkM-00367-00164225-00164604 So they gave out bags with supplies for lightning in a bottle w4WbsexDzkM-00368-00164604-00165052 and creating a fortune teller for prophesies. w4WbsexDzkM-00369-00165052-00165465 And then they did virtually, they used Kahoot and played w4WbsexDzkM-00370-00165465-00165887 virtual werewolf but re-themed it for Camp half-Blood. w4WbsexDzkM-00371-00165887-00166443 Maria, that would be some great craft ideas to throw in that Google DOC spreadsheet, w4WbsexDzkM-00372-00166443-00167302 either links to where you, you know, had the lightning in a bottle, or things like that. w4WbsexDzkM-00373-00167302-00167519 Maria: I'll throw them out there. w4WbsexDzkM-00374-00167519-00167809 >> That would be great, purely professional; w4WbsexDzkM-00375-00167809-00168942 not at all, because my child has just started reading the Lightning Thief. w4WbsexDzkM-00376-00168942-00169380 Jessica did ask, is everyone planning on bringing back movie nights w4WbsexDzkM-00377-00169380-00169673 for those who've done them? w4WbsexDzkM-00378-00169673-00169974 She said, I feel like a lot of folks took the plunge over the last couple of years w4WbsexDzkM-00379-00169974-00170244 and subscribed to streaming platforms. w4WbsexDzkM-00380-00170244-00172087 I'm wondering if movie programs will have the same draw that it used to a few years ago. w4WbsexDzkM-00381-00172087-00172542 So we do have some people responding in the chat about starting them back up, w4WbsexDzkM-00382-00172542-00172803 or they've done a few. w4WbsexDzkM-00383-00172803-00172982 Kate, I'd love to hear, you said that you all have done w4WbsexDzkM-00384-00172982-00173297 some interactive movie showings and they've been fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00385-00173297-00173634 Can you expand on that a little bit? w4WbsexDzkM-00386-00173634-00173772 Kate: Yeah, sure. w4WbsexDzkM-00387-00173772-00174289 Interactive movies are awesome, because you can do whatever size group of people you want w4WbsexDzkM-00388-00174289-00174670 and they are relatively inexpensive outside the licensing cost. w4WbsexDzkM-00389-00174670-00175025 A lot of libraries have also adopted them into take home kits. w4WbsexDzkM-00390-00175025-00175281 So if you are a library that is not open to the public yet, w4WbsexDzkM-00391-00175281-00175764 or you're nervous about large group gatherings, you can make take home kits with them as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00392-00175764-00176231 But if any you're familiar with like Rocky Horror Picture Show, w4WbsexDzkM-00393-00176231-00176430 like viewings and like you do certain actions, w4WbsexDzkM-00394-00176430-00176652 like certain times during the movies, it's like that, but for kids. w4WbsexDzkM-00395-00176652-00176858 It's like a family friendly version of that. w4WbsexDzkM-00396-00176858-00177092 There are lots of free scripts available. w4WbsexDzkM-00397-00177092-00177371 I threw a link of one up in the chat. w4WbsexDzkM-00398-00177371-00177598 We do them normally around holidays. w4WbsexDzkM-00399-00177598-00178108 So a few years ago, we did Hocus Pocus at Halloween. w4WbsexDzkM-00400-00178108-00178567 This Halloween, we did A Nightmare Before Christmas, that was super well attended. w4WbsexDzkM-00401-00178567-00178855 One of the dads even had like a head to toe Oogie Boogie costume. w4WbsexDzkM-00402-00178855-00179068 It was amazing. It was so cool. w4WbsexDzkM-00403-00179068-00179612 And then at Christmas time, we did Polar Express and I hired a really awesome local Santa w4WbsexDzkM-00404-00179612-00179902 so families could watch Polar Express, w4WbsexDzkM-00405-00179902-00180135 and then I pulled them out in small groups, w4WbsexDzkM-00406-00180135-00180322 a little bit at a time and they got to go visit with Santa. w4WbsexDzkM-00407-00180322-00180575 So they're really awesome. w4WbsexDzkM-00408-00180575-00180802 Last year in the manual, I think they had Finding Nemo and I remember thinking, w4WbsexDzkM-00409-00180802-00181050 that'd be really cool one to do this year. w4WbsexDzkM-00410-00181050-00181205 So like Finding Nemo or Finding Dori, w4WbsexDzkM-00411-00181205-00181603 something that everyone has seen a lot and knows really well. w4WbsexDzkM-00412-00181603-00181718 Those are the best interactive movies. w4WbsexDzkM-00413-00181718-00182482 >> I know, I was just thinking, man, if only there was like a really well known movie franchise w4WbsexDzkM-00414-00182482-00183739 that took place in the ocean, in the great Blue. w4WbsexDzkM-00415-00183806-00184555 I'm just trying to skim through the chat and make sure we're not missing, missing anything. w4WbsexDzkM-00416-00184555-00184779 But of course feel free to pop in. w4WbsexDzkM-00417-00184779-00186302 You all don't have just stare at me looking at you all. w4WbsexDzkM-00418-00186302-00186917 Diana did ask if there's any way or any exceptions to offer moving showings without a license. w4WbsexDzkM-00419-00186917-00187190 They have a park. w4WbsexDzkM-00420-00187190-00187437 I will say I am not the legal expert, but I think that w4WbsexDzkM-00421-00187437-00188126 typically, you need to have a license to show to a group of people. w4WbsexDzkM-00422-00188126-00189094 However, if anybody on the line has found a legal way to do that, w4WbsexDzkM-00423-00189094-00189771 that might be a really good question for your library, city or county attorney. w4WbsexDzkM-00424-00189771-00190091 Just to make sure. w4WbsexDzkM-00425-00190091-00190384 Although Katherine did say Open Source movies, w4WbsexDzkM-00426-00190384-00190773 I'm not sure what's going to be out there that you think might be Open Source and relevant w4WbsexDzkM-00427-00190773-00191570 and you know, interesting to this sort of family, kids, age-group but there could be something. w4WbsexDzkM-00428-00191570-00192817 But yeah, usually that licensing is giving you permission to show it to a group of people. w4WbsexDzkM-00429-00192817-00193437 Kimberly said maybe Moby Dick, I don't, I don't know enough to know enough. w4WbsexDzkM-00430-00193437-00193635 Katherine said make your own. w4WbsexDzkM-00431-00193635-00193882 There you go, there's a program, make your own movies w4WbsexDzkM-00432-00193882-00194272 that are related to the Ocean theme and then have a movie showing. w4WbsexDzkM-00433-00194272-00195050 That would be fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00434-00195050-00195493 Jenifer said the Miami Dade Parks and Rec Department works with Freshwater Education, w4WbsexDzkM-00435-00195493-00196766 Ocean Conservation and something called Echo Adventures. w4WbsexDzkM-00436-00196766-00197022 Michelle said we went to our local state park, Fort Clinch, w4WbsexDzkM-00437-00197022-00197549 and showed Jaws to teens and adults on a movie screen right on the ocean. w4WbsexDzkM-00438-00197549-00198051 They don't want to get in the ocean and watch it? w4WbsexDzkM-00439-00198051-00198413 Isn't that a thing where the movie was filmed like, don't they collectively get together annually w4WbsexDzkM-00440-00198413-00199115 or something and they all sit out in the water on floats and watch it or something? w4WbsexDzkM-00441-00199115-00200224 I feel like I've seen something like that. w4WbsexDzkM-00442-00200224-00200659 So is anybody else, I know this is probably a topic w4WbsexDzkM-00443-00200659-00201379 everybody is just exhausted by after two years, going on three. w4WbsexDzkM-00444-00201379-00202267 Is there anybody who, any libraries who are still just strictly looking at virtual programming? w4WbsexDzkM-00445-00202267-00202642 Or is everybody who's at least on the line, are you kind of at a point w4WbsexDzkM-00446-00202642-00203157 where you're maybe dipping a pinky toe back into in person, w4WbsexDzkM-00447-00203157-00203478 even if it's maybe outdoors or distanced? w4WbsexDzkM-00448-00203478-00204142 Or... Katherine said in person 100 percent. w4WbsexDzkM-00449-00204142-00204398 Michelle said we're offering both. w4WbsexDzkM-00450-00204398-00204824 Does anybody have any virtual, because I think most of what we've talked about, w4WbsexDzkM-00451-00204824-00205129 while some of it could easily be adaptable, does anybody have, w4WbsexDzkM-00452-00205129-00205525 you know, kind of a new and exciting take on a virtual program w4WbsexDzkM-00453-00205525-00206309 that they want to share for those who are looking at virtual? w4WbsexDzkM-00454-00206309-00206843 Deana said she just did her first story time last week in 22 months. w4WbsexDzkM-00455-00206843-00207091 Was that emotional? w4WbsexDzkM-00456-00207091-00207560 Maybe because I'm warm and fuzzy, but I feel like that would just be... w4WbsexDzkM-00457-00207560-00209411 to have your babies back. w4WbsexDzkM-00458-00209411-00210677 So I see a lot of people who are either doing in person or in person and virtual. w4WbsexDzkM-00459-00210677-00211646 Does anybody have a really fun, cool craft they want to share that they're looking at doing? w4WbsexDzkM-00460-00211646-00211853 Since we're sort of focusing in this conversation on the, w4WbsexDzkM-00461-00211853-00212480 you know, sort of zero up to 11, do you have either a story time book w4WbsexDzkM-00462-00212480-00212864 that's related to the theme that you particularly love that w4WbsexDzkM-00463-00212864-00214296 you think everybody else should know about? w4WbsexDzkM-00464-00214296-00214617 >> I think I'm going to bring back one of my art lab classes w4WbsexDzkM-00465-00214617-00215214 that I did a number of years ago on Hokusai's Great Wave and talk about the series, w4WbsexDzkM-00466-00215214-00215942 so the Great Wave off Kanagawa, because it's an easy art project for multiple ages. w4WbsexDzkM-00467-00215942-00216306 So bring that one back. w4WbsexDzkM-00468-00216306-00218430 In the past, I've done it with either oil pastels or chalk, depending on the age-group. w4WbsexDzkM-00469-00218430-00218594 >> I love it. w4WbsexDzkM-00470-00218594-00218771 Lots of book recommendations coming in the chat. w4WbsexDzkM-00471-00218771-00218929 I'll also make sure to pull the chat out. w4WbsexDzkM-00472-00218929-00219144 I think I usually do that for these brainstorming sessions w4WbsexDzkM-00473-00219144-00219475 because sometimes there's just as much valuable information sitting in that chat w4WbsexDzkM-00474-00219475-00219850 as what we talk and vocalize about. w4WbsexDzkM-00475-00219850-00220475 So I'll also send that along too. w4WbsexDzkM-00476-00220475-00221410 Shark in the park, Not Quite Narwhal, good stuff. w4WbsexDzkM-00477-00221410-00221974 How are you all looking at sort of marketing your program this year? w4WbsexDzkM-00478-00221974-00222232 Are you doing it differently in the last couple of years? w4WbsexDzkM-00479-00222232-00223697 Because you are sort of a little bit more open for business going into the schools? w4WbsexDzkM-00480-00223697-00223990 Some of you, we've been together for four years now. w4WbsexDzkM-00481-00223990-00224169 I'm going to start calling some names out here w4WbsexDzkM-00482-00224169-00225023 because I know some of you all have some great ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00483-00225023-00225652 I will, oh, I don't think we have Cindy on the line, Cindy from Lake Worth, w4WbsexDzkM-00484-00225652-00226143 I think, I need to get in touch with, I need to get in touch with her. w4WbsexDzkM-00485-00226143-00226460 But Emily Heart, my colleague, said that what they are looking at doing w4WbsexDzkM-00486-00226460-00227006 there is partnering with their local lifeguards to like catch people w4WbsexDzkM-00487-00227006-00227447 reading on the beach and if they catch them, they're like going to give them w4WbsexDzkM-00488-00227447-00227825 this ticket that's got like Summer Reading information; w4WbsexDzkM-00489-00227825-00228415 that's like a congratulations, you've been caught reading kind of a thing. w4WbsexDzkM-00490-00228415-00228855 I need to get more information because I've heard this through, you know, third party information. w4WbsexDzkM-00491-00228855-00229501 But if you are somewhere where there are lifeguards, be it a beach, a lake, a pool, w4WbsexDzkM-00492-00229501-00229993 that might be another sort of fun, get caught reading. w4WbsexDzkM-00493-00229993-00230548 Especially, I mean May is Get Caught Reading month, but yeah, w4WbsexDzkM-00494-00230548-00230956 I thought that was very clever. w4WbsexDzkM-00495-00230956-00231124 >> That's adorable. w4WbsexDzkM-00496-00231124-00231415 We also partnered with our local lifeguard the last couple of years. w4WbsexDzkM-00497-00231415-00231903 They come and talk about swimming safety since it's during the summer, w4WbsexDzkM-00498-00231903-00232300 and they also bring their... what is it? w4WbsexDzkM-00499-00232300-00232852 They're Jet Ski that they use and they let the kids get on the Jet Ski and take pictures. w4WbsexDzkM-00500-00232852-00233058 It's so cute. w4WbsexDzkM-00501-00233058-00233382 I have a photo of myself from a few years ago. w4WbsexDzkM-00502-00233382-00233514 >> [Inaudible] a good program. w4WbsexDzkM-00503-00233514-00233703 >> Sorry. w4WbsexDzkM-00504-00233703-00234314 >> Yeah, like Jet Ski, having the kids on jet skis. Yeah. w4WbsexDzkM-00505-00234314-00234514 >> They got to, it's like, you know, it's like checking w4WbsexDzkM-00506-00234514-00234922 out the fire truck or something, but it's the Jet Ski. w4WbsexDzkM-00507-00234922-00235506 >> I'm just saying, if anybody needs, if anybody wants to do a Jet Ski program on the water w4WbsexDzkM-00508-00235506-00236263 and you need an adult as tribute, I will take one for the team. w4WbsexDzkM-00509-00236263-00236671 No problems. w4WbsexDzkM-00510-00236671-00237223 [Inaudible] That's really fun and I love the water safety because I think water Safety month is, w4WbsexDzkM-00511-00237223-00237956 you know, I made that whole calendar of water related things, but at this point [inaudible]. w4WbsexDzkM-00512-00237956-00238334 >> Like our congregation, oh God, a decade or more ago. w4WbsexDzkM-00513-00238334-00239334 But you know, everyone has to sign waivers and that's a sleepaway camp, not... w4WbsexDzkM-00514-00239334-00239630 >> I'm not sure if, okay. w4WbsexDzkM-00515-00239630-00239956 I say Citrix wasn't telling me who was on the phone, w4WbsexDzkM-00516-00239956-00240609 but I wasn't sure if I was interrupting somebody or not. w4WbsexDzkM-00517-00240609-00241366 Michele said FWC, Florida Wildlife offers a fishing camp w4WbsexDzkM-00518-00241366-00241910 and brings the fishing poles and trains families how to fish. w4WbsexDzkM-00519-00241910-00242173 And Michele correct, if I'm wrong, I don't know if you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00520-00242173-00242804 but don't they also, sometimes don't they also give out free fishing poles? w4WbsexDzkM-00521-00242804-00243630 Because I think some libraries partnered with them to circulate fishing poles. w4WbsexDzkM-00522-00243630-00244217 And again, this is me trying to remember something from years ago through the grapevine. w4WbsexDzkM-00523-00244217-00244540 So that might be another option if your library has been sort of w4WbsexDzkM-00524-00244540-00245102 toying with this idea of circulating those non-traditional items, w4WbsexDzkM-00525-00245102-00245495 or maybe your library already does it and you're just looking for something else to add, w4WbsexDzkM-00526-00245495-00245761 is maybe checking out that fishing pool program, w4WbsexDzkM-00527-00245761-00246814 because that would be, you know, you could build a whole program around it as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00528-00247092-00247609 So we have about 17 minutes left. w4WbsexDzkM-00529-00247609-00247922 We've talked about some program ideas. w4WbsexDzkM-00530-00247922-00248433 Again, if you have anything more to add, if you have, you know, a program or a craft idea. w4WbsexDzkM-00531-00248433-00248885 Any challenges, any roadblocks you're having, w4WbsexDzkM-00532-00248885-00249700 that you want to see if the hive mind can help you solve? w4WbsexDzkM-00533-00249700-00251999 Theme related incentive ideas, for those who do incentives; w4WbsexDzkM-00534-00251999-00252721 read a book, get beta, get a live fish, maybe not. w4WbsexDzkM-00535-00252721-00253396 Jessica said passes to a local aquarium. w4WbsexDzkM-00536-00253396-00253684 That could be fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00537-00253684-00253914 Oh Deana, you just walked back with the box. w4WbsexDzkM-00538-00253914-00254922 Are you about to show us funny things? w4WbsexDzkM-00539-00254922-00255172 Are those brag tags? w4WbsexDzkM-00540-00255172-00255321 I'm trying to see. w4WbsexDzkM-00541-00255321-00256057 I'm getting closer to the screen because that's going to help me, right. w4WbsexDzkM-00542-00256057-00257319 The medals, Jerome said brag tags have worked fairly well, as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00543-00257319-00257438 Those are so cute. w4WbsexDzkM-00544-00257438-00257980 I love the Narwhals. w4WbsexDzkM-00545-00257980-00258447 I'm having a hard time telling what those are. w4WbsexDzkM-00546-00258447-00258868 Are they magnet? w4WbsexDzkM-00547-00258868-00259217 This feels like a whole new game of charades. w4WbsexDzkM-00548-00259217-00259471 Maybe that will be the next brainstorm session. w4WbsexDzkM-00549-00259471-00261047 >> Were those buttons? w4WbsexDzkM-00550-00261047-00261439 >> I think she might be typing. w4WbsexDzkM-00551-00261439-00261801 Yeah, that's it, my next brainstorming session, it's all going to be acted out. w4WbsexDzkM-00552-00261801-00262442 So act out your programs. w4WbsexDzkM-00553-00262442-00262815 >> One thing we do is all the kids who complete their summer reading logs, w4WbsexDzkM-00554-00262815-00263029 now we're smaller system. w4WbsexDzkM-00555-00263029-00263242 We only have three branches. w4WbsexDzkM-00556-00263242-00263623 I always do like a grand prize drawing at the end. w4WbsexDzkM-00557-00263623-00263956 So I was going to go to either Target or Five Below and get something like w4WbsexDzkM-00558-00263956-00264327 the really ridiculously big awesome pool floats, w4WbsexDzkM-00559-00264327-00264676 look like sloths or like unicorns, flamingoes and I was going to get two or three of those w4WbsexDzkM-00560-00264676-00265055 and those are going to be our grand prizes this year. w4WbsexDzkM-00561-00265055-00265298 So that's a really easy and inexpensive and fun one w4WbsexDzkM-00562-00265298-00265799 and I'll probably even blow one up and suspend it from our ceiling so people can see it. w4WbsexDzkM-00563-00265799-00266370 And then we'll have a giant pool float on our ceiling all summer, which will be cool. w4WbsexDzkM-00564-00266370-00266666 >> Easy decorations. w4WbsexDzkM-00565-00266666-00267681 Decorations; how are you, how are people decorating? w4WbsexDzkM-00566-00267681-00267906 Anybody doing like a photo booth? w4WbsexDzkM-00567-00267906-00268329 I've seen a lot of, on the CSLP Facebook group, I've seen a lot of people talking about doing, w4WbsexDzkM-00568-00268329-00268591 like creating these shark photo booths where they take cardboard w4WbsexDzkM-00569-00268591-00268809 and they cut out the shark and they've got the mouth. w4WbsexDzkM-00570-00268809-00269838 And then people photo opp. w4WbsexDzkM-00571-00269838-00270546 The jellyfish, oh Dee, you got the squid hat. w4WbsexDzkM-00572-00270546-00270823 I love the squid hat. w4WbsexDzkM-00573-00270823-00271062 >> Love the hat. w4WbsexDzkM-00574-00271062-00271636 >> That was, I think, when I first got to look through all the items, I think I, w4WbsexDzkM-00575-00271636-00272062 thank goodness I was teleworking at home with only my dog to hear me w4WbsexDzkM-00576-00272062-00272999 because I was literally sitting on my couch going, they have squid hats, I love the squid. w4WbsexDzkM-00577-00272999-00273594 And you know who's showing a picture of the bowl jellyfish. w4WbsexDzkM-00578-00273594-00274111 I love it, super simple and very colorful and I love it. w4WbsexDzkM-00579-00274111-00274417 It can be either a program or a decoration; w4WbsexDzkM-00580-00274417-00275287 dual purpose. w4WbsexDzkM-00581-00275287-00275922 There is some talk in the chat about, you know, if there's safety concerns from staff w4WbsexDzkM-00582-00275922-00276398 doing in person, how everybody's sort of handling those concerns w4WbsexDzkM-00583-00276398-00276817 and there's some chatter going on in the chat. w4WbsexDzkM-00584-00276817-00277942 But if anybody wanted to share the floor is open. w4WbsexDzkM-00585-00277942-00278186 Jarod said one of the things they did last year was w4WbsexDzkM-00586-00278186-00278718 to make their programs drop in and extend them to six hours. w4WbsexDzkM-00587-00278718-00279270 So it worked extremely well and they saw up to 130 people in one day. w4WbsexDzkM-00588-00279270-00280493 Aw, I love the background. That's fun. w4WbsexDzkM-00589-00280493-00281291 Sharia said they have a mermaid tail photo opp. w4WbsexDzkM-00590-00281291-00281545 Kimberly said she was thinking of inviting a local underwater w4WbsexDzkM-00591-00281545-00282118 photographer to display some photos in the library. w4WbsexDzkM-00592-00282118-00282330 Kimberly, it's funny you say that because I am working w4WbsexDzkM-00593-00282330-00282909 on some underwater photography resources for teens. w4WbsexDzkM-00594-00282909-00283163 There's also some great stuff on Florida Memory. w4WbsexDzkM-00595-00283163-00283499 So if you all are interested in doing some underwater things and you're looking for, w4WbsexDzkM-00596-00283499-00284507 you know, free and clear photography, Florida Memory has the Mozart collection that belongs, w4WbsexDzkM-00597-00284507-00285203 that the Florida Archives was able to acquire several years back w4WbsexDzkM-00598-00285203-00285606 and he was a pioneer in underwater photography. w4WbsexDzkM-00599-00285606-00285821 So there's a lot of really just great photos from like w4WbsexDzkM-00600-00285821-00286746 the 50's and the 60's underwater, it's very vintage. w4WbsexDzkM-00601-00286746-00286971 Katie said they're thinking of having bulletin boards where kids w4WbsexDzkM-00602-00286971-00288118 can come in and decorate fish and then they can hang it on the board. w4WbsexDzkM-00603-00288118-00288705 And then Crystal asked if anyone had any squid book titles for preschoolers. w4WbsexDzkM-00604-00288705-00289379 She had a family request squid books. w4WbsexDzkM-00605-00289379-00290430 >> I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean. w4WbsexDzkM-00606-00290430-00290953 >> So I'm just sort of scrolling through chat, trying to pull out maybe something new. w4WbsexDzkM-00607-00290953-00291435 Jarod said we have an octopus and clamshell photo op from a previous program. w4WbsexDzkM-00608-00291435-00292317 Don't you love it when you find something you get to recycle and reuse? w4WbsexDzkM-00609-00292317-00292625 Katie said I love a book where something or someone gets eaten. w4WbsexDzkM-00610-00292625-00292893 Swallow the Leader would be a great one. w4WbsexDzkM-00611-00292893-00293640 Kids could feed fish to a shark. w4WbsexDzkM-00612-00293640-00293977 Yeah, it kind of makes me think too of, There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea, w4WbsexDzkM-00613-00293977-00294342 which I mean, my kids just own that one so like, w4WbsexDzkM-00614-00294342-00294819 we also have the CD with the music that goes and it kind of goes into that. w4WbsexDzkM-00615-00294819-00295347 You know, kind of one thing eating the other, eating the other, eating the other. w4WbsexDzkM-00616-00295347-00296713 Joanne said, if you have a glass lobby you could make it like an aquarium, w4WbsexDzkM-00617-00296713-00297739 have the kids color and bring in their fish to add. w4WbsexDzkM-00618-00297739-00298038 Deanna said we always have the readers put their name on a tag w4WbsexDzkM-00619-00298038-00298437 to hang on the wall of vinyl poster. w4WbsexDzkM-00620-00298437-00299382 Last year, it was critters, it's been shoes and stars. w4WbsexDzkM-00621-00299382-00299776 So we are down to about nine minutes. w4WbsexDzkM-00622-00299776-00300064 I love these brainstorming sessions because I feel like I learn so much w4WbsexDzkM-00623-00300064-00300342 about what you all are doing. w4WbsexDzkM-00624-00300342-00300814 It's kind of a chance to showcase your creativity. w4WbsexDzkM-00625-00300814-00301242 Squid-Napped is a fantastic pun title and I love it. w4WbsexDzkM-00626-00301242-00301496 For anybody who's been around me longer than five minutes, you know that w4WbsexDzkM-00627-00301496-00302784 I tend to clutch on to any pun I can get my hands onto, which I should probably apologize for. w4WbsexDzkM-00628-00302784-00303253 So I know that this year and I don't know how many people we have on the line here. w4WbsexDzkM-00629-00303253-00303576 I did ask this in the webinar that I had last week, w4WbsexDzkM-00630-00303576-00304057 of how many people were planning their very first summer program either, w4WbsexDzkM-00631-00304057-00304421 because maybe you've been involved with it in the past, w4WbsexDzkM-00632-00304421-00304928 but this is your first year sort of taking the helm or taking the lead. w4WbsexDzkM-00633-00304928-00305194 We've had a lot of people who, you know, have moved w4WbsexDzkM-00634-00305194-00305457 on to other positions and new people have been hired. w4WbsexDzkM-00635-00305457-00306214 And so what my love to do is for those of you who've done this for several years, w4WbsexDzkM-00636-00306214-00307000 will you share just a tip or a tidbit or something that you've learned? w4WbsexDzkM-00637-00307000-00307544 That kind of makes this process easier for you to pass along to our folks w4WbsexDzkM-00638-00307544-00307995 who are doing this for the very first time? w4WbsexDzkM-00639-00307995-00308398 Because I know that you'll have them, I know that it's such a learning experience every year w4WbsexDzkM-00640-00308398-00309186 and especially, you know, coming into this and having to plan it w4WbsexDzkM-00641-00309186-00309819 when things are still very tumultuous and still very uncertain to boot. w4WbsexDzkM-00642-00309819-00310987 So yeah, so our veteran planners, share some tips. w4WbsexDzkM-00643-00310987-00311787 And if you have a mic, please feel free to use it. w4WbsexDzkM-00644-00311787-00312254 Olivia said keep it simple. w4WbsexDzkM-00645-00312254-00312473 Jessica said my biggest note; w4WbsexDzkM-00646-00312473-00312894 at the end of the summer, make a-list of what worked and what didn't. w4WbsexDzkM-00647-00312894-00313144 Every year before planning, I refer back to my final w4WbsexDzkM-00648-00313144-00313829 notes from the previous summer to build from there. w4WbsexDzkM-00649-00313829-00314241 Deanna said, have fun, keep it simple. w4WbsexDzkM-00650-00314241-00314577 I think the have fun is really important. w4WbsexDzkM-00651-00314577-00315032 Deanna, clearly that is something that you are very good at. w4WbsexDzkM-00652-00315032-00315304 I love it, I love the shark hat. w4WbsexDzkM-00653-00315304-00315635 That's amazing. w4WbsexDzkM-00654-00315635-00315949 Diana said get started now. w4WbsexDzkM-00655-00315949-00316218 Yes, and I will say for those who are planning this year, w4WbsexDzkM-00656-00316218-00316744 if you are planning on hiring external presenters, my best advice, w4WbsexDzkM-00657-00316744-00317213 which granted, we're in January now, is really to start looking at those in w4WbsexDzkM-00658-00317213-00317618 September, October, November, the year before, w4WbsexDzkM-00659-00317618-00318192 especially if you're hiring an external presenter that is not specifically local to you. w4WbsexDzkM-00660-00318192-00318667 So if you're going with like Animal Tales, which is a very large animal brand, and they have, w4WbsexDzkM-00661-00318667-00319154 you know, animal folks that cover the whole southeast region of the United States, w4WbsexDzkM-00662-00319154-00319624 they book up very quickly and very early on. w4WbsexDzkM-00663-00319624-00320024 And so if you're having this sort of prioritize your planning, my recommendation w4WbsexDzkM-00664-00320024-00320564 is to always get those external presenters done first, w4WbsexDzkM-00665-00320564-00320759 because you always have time to go in w4WbsexDzkM-00666-00320759-00321191 and plan your crafts and your story times and your programs. w4WbsexDzkM-00667-00321191-00322404 But some of these folks, they fill up fast. w4WbsexDzkM-00668-00322404-00322941 Jennifer said, I made a display cube of Jewels Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. w4WbsexDzkM-00669-00322941-00323116 The kids love it. w4WbsexDzkM-00670-00323116-00323357 Jennifer, I'd love to see a picture of that. w4WbsexDzkM-00671-00323357-00324037 If you could email it to me, that I could then maybe share out in a newsletter. w4WbsexDzkM-00672-00324037-00324503 Deanna said I get started as the previous summer reading program ends. w4WbsexDzkM-00673-00324503-00324644 It really is. You know, it's so funny. w4WbsexDzkM-00674-00324644-00324789 I was having a conversation yesterday that I forget w4WbsexDzkM-00675-00324789-00325444 not everybody lives in perpetual summer because we really do. w4WbsexDzkM-00676-00325444-00325764 We're either working on the one right now or we're finishing that one up, w4WbsexDzkM-00677-00325764-00326588 and then we're having to think ahead and so forget that not everybody lives in summer. w4WbsexDzkM-00678-00326588-00327112 Michele did ask if there's a presenter showcase list that is available. w4WbsexDzkM-00679-00327112-00327489 Michele, I think, FLA had one at some time. w4WbsexDzkM-00680-00327489-00327857 I don't know if it's up-to-date. w4WbsexDzkM-00681-00327857-00328423 That was sort of what I have been trying to do with the FLYP performer's directory w4WbsexDzkM-00682-00328423-00328890 because that was something that, you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00683-00328890-00329365 It wasn't like a live showcase where you get to actually go and see them perform. w4WbsexDzkM-00684-00329365-00329678 But my hope is that because recommendations were coming from other w4WbsexDzkM-00685-00329678-00329907 Florida Youth Services folks w4WbsexDzkM-00686-00329907-00330160 that hopefully we're recommending people that, you know, w4WbsexDzkM-00687-00330160-00330605 you all have had good experiences with and do a really good job. w4WbsexDzkM-00688-00330605-00331253 I can send that information out, right now there's three performers sitting on it. w4WbsexDzkM-00689-00331253-00331680 So I would love for people to add to that. w4WbsexDzkM-00690-00331680-00332215 But that way, because one of the, one of the pieces of information I ask for is, w4WbsexDzkM-00691-00332215-00332535 you know, what parts of the state do these performers serve. w4WbsexDzkM-00692-00332535-00332859 And so that way too, you know, you can also make sure that you're not spending w4WbsexDzkM-00693-00332859-00333437 a whole lot of time trying to reach out to people who maybe don't serve your area. w4WbsexDzkM-00694-00333437-00334123 And Crystal said, doing learning activity packets has helped us w4WbsexDzkM-00695-00334123-00334509 get more interactive with our early literacy families. w4WbsexDzkM-00696-00334509-00334832 She said I highly recommend that everyone do a few take home activities w4WbsexDzkM-00697-00334832-00335258 because all families enjoy having things to do at home together. w4WbsexDzkM-00698-00335258-00335789 And we have had lots of families that we've never seen start using our library due to the packets. w4WbsexDzkM-00699-00335789-00336208 I love that. w4WbsexDzkM-00700-00336208-00336482 Something that's not tech related, because I think families w4WbsexDzkM-00701-00336482-00336963 were still burnt out from tech from the last couple of years. w4WbsexDzkM-00702-00336963-00337208 And tech is great and tech has helped us connect in w4WbsexDzkM-00703-00337208-00338118 ways that, you know, we wouldn't have been able to connect. w4WbsexDzkM-00704-00338118-00338301 Deanna said, I don't always use the theme for summer w4WbsexDzkM-00705-00338301-00338685 with a presenter, like I want Tampa Bay Bats again this year. w4WbsexDzkM-00706-00338685-00339074 Bats, water, just cool, bat the animal, right, bat the... w4WbsexDzkM-00707-00339074-00339939 bats are really cool, highly misunderstood creatures, just like possums. w4WbsexDzkM-00708-00339939-00340565 So I'm just scrolling through. w4WbsexDzkM-00709-00340565-00341034 But again, if somebody has a mic, we've got about two minutes. w4WbsexDzkM-00710-00341034-00341664 And Tony said, I'll second Crystal's take homes. w4WbsexDzkM-00711-00341664-00342189 I did some fun ones while I was with HCPLC, Hillsborough County, right? w4WbsexDzkM-00712-00342189-00342471 Am I getting my acronyms correct? w4WbsexDzkM-00713-00342471-00342778 Last summer that our families enjoyed. w4WbsexDzkM-00714-00342778-00343101 I mean even just as a parent, I picked some up for my kids. w4WbsexDzkM-00715-00343101-00343482 You know, they abandoned me when it came to dissecting w4WbsexDzkM-00716-00343482-00344035 owl pellets and I felt a little, a little left high and dry. w4WbsexDzkM-00717-00344035-00344339 They were very excited until we opened it up and they were like w4WbsexDzkM-00718-00344339-00344941 I'm not touching that and I was like, well, what did you think an owl pellet was my child? w4WbsexDzkM-00719-00344941-00345349 They were like, I think it was poop. w4WbsexDzkM-00720-00345349-00346606 Yeah, a lot of people have been doing Take and Makes or Grab and Goes, which is fantastic. w4WbsexDzkM-00721-00346606-00347096 Thank you Jennifer, Jennifer says she sent me the picture. w4WbsexDzkM-00722-00347096-00347478 So yay. w4WbsexDzkM-00723-00347478-00347701 So we have one minute left so I am going to wrap up. w4WbsexDzkM-00724-00347701-00347883 Thank you all so much. w4WbsexDzkM-00725-00347883-00348178 I hope for those of you who also plan your teem programming that w4WbsexDzkM-00726-00348178-00348670 I'll see you online for the teen brainstorming session as well. w4WbsexDzkM-00727-00348670-00348971 We're also having one for adult programming. w4WbsexDzkM-00728-00348971-00349210 So if your summer, if your library does an adult summer program, w4WbsexDzkM-00729-00349210-00349590 whether that's you that is in charge of it, or if you have an w4WbsexDzkM-00730-00349590-00350117 Adult Services staff member who does, please feel free to share that information. w4WbsexDzkM-00731-00350117-00350431 If you subscribe to my FLYP Forward newsletter, you should have seen w4WbsexDzkM-00732-00350431-00350744 the announcements come through, but I'll also include those, w4WbsexDzkM-00733-00350744-00350974 that information in follow-up. w4WbsexDzkM-00734-00350974-00351309 But I am here if you all need me. w4WbsexDzkM-00735-00351309-00351819 If this is your first, fifth or tenth year, if you just need a shoulder, w4WbsexDzkM-00736-00351819-00352333 you need to troubleshoot, you have a question, please feel free to reach out to me. w4WbsexDzkM-00737-00352333-00352533 And thank you all so much. w4WbsexDzkM-00738-00352533-00352848 It's going to be an amazing summer and I am excited. w4WbsexDzkM-00739-00352848-00353288 You all have a wonderful rest your week, bye. w4WbsexDzkM-00740-00353288-00353589 I love that hat. w8sMfld1RIg-00000-00000623-00000933 DNA is a molecule made up of two strands w8sMfld1RIg-00001-00000933-00001201 twisted around each other in a double helix shape. w8sMfld1RIg-00002-00001359-00001703 Each strand is made up a sequence of four chemical bases w8sMfld1RIg-00003-00001703-00002277 represented by the letters A, C, G and T. w8sMfld1RIg-00004-00002277-00002500 The two strands are complimentary. w8sMfld1RIg-00005-00002510-00002780 This means that wherever there's a T in one strand w8sMfld1RIg-00006-00002780-00003030 there will be in an A in the opposite strand, w8sMfld1RIg-00007-00003070-00003233 and wherever there's a C w8sMfld1RIg-00008-00003233-00003544 there will be a G in the other strand. w8sMfld1RIg-00009-00003544-00003890 Each strand has a 5' end and a 3' end. w8sMfld1RIg-00010-00003929-00004326 The two strands run in opposite directions. w8sMfld1RIg-00011-00004326-00004756 This determines how each strand of DNA is replicated. w8sMfld1RIg-00012-00004756-00005269 The first step in DNA replication is to separate the two strands. w8sMfld1RIg-00013-00005269-00005598 This unzipping is done by an enzyme called helicase w8sMfld1RIg-00014-00005598-00006100 and results in the formation of a replication fork. w8sMfld1RIg-00015-00006100-00006847 The separated strands each provide a template for creating a new strand of DNA. w8sMfld1RIg-00016-00006847-00007300 An enzyme called primase starts the process. w8sMfld1RIg-00017-00007608-00007820 This enzyme makes a small piece of RNA w8sMfld1RIg-00018-00007830-00008031 called a primer. w8sMfld1RIg-00019-00008031-00008521 This marks the starting point for the construction of the new strand of DNA. w8sMfld1RIg-00020-00008521-00008912 An enzyme called DNA polymerase binds to the primer w8sMfld1RIg-00021-00008912-00009210 and will make the new strand of DNA. w8sMfld1RIg-00022-00009210-00009660 DNA polymerase can only add DNA bases in one direction, w8sMfld1RIg-00023-00009660-00010050 from the 5' end to the 3' end. w8sMfld1RIg-00024-00010050-00010400 One of the new strands of DNA, the leading strand, w8sMfld1RIg-00025-00010400-00010640 is made continuously, w8sMfld1RIg-00026-00010640-00011260 the DNA polymerase adding bases one by one in the 5' to 3' direction. w8sMfld1RIg-00027-00011286-00011752 The other strand, the lagging strand, cannot be made in this continuous way w8sMfld1RIg-00028-00011752-00012064 because it runs in the opposite direction w8sMfld1RIg-00029-00012064-00012530 the DNA polymerase can therefore only make this strand in a series of small chunks w8sMfld1RIg-00030-00012538-00012800 called Okazaki fragments. w8sMfld1RIg-00031-00013301-00013800 Each fragment is started with an RNA primer. w8sMfld1RIg-00032-00014038-00014378 DNA polymerase then adds a short row of DNA bases w8sMfld1RIg-00033-00014378-00014700 in the 5' to 3' direction. w8sMfld1RIg-00034-00015408-00015700 The next primer is then added further down the lagging strand. w8sMfld1RIg-00035-00015850-00016416 Another Okazaki fragment is then made and the process is repeated again. w8sMfld1RIg-00036-00016480-00016726 Once the new DNA has been made w8sMfld1RIg-00037-00016726-00017300 the enzyme exonuclease removes all the RNA primers from both strands of DNA. w8sMfld1RIg-00038-00017370-00017780 Another DNA polymerase enzyme then fills in the gaps that are left behind w8sMfld1RIg-00039-00017790-00018080 with DNA. w8sMfld1RIg-00040-00018386-00018859 Finally the enzyme DNA ligase seals up the fragments of DNA w8sMfld1RIg-00041-00018859-00019300 in both strands to form a continuous double strand. w8sMfld1RIg-00042-00019372-00019726 DNA replication is described as semi- conservative w8sMfld1RIg-00043-00019726-00020280 because each DNA molecule is made up of one old, conserved strand of DNA w8sMfld1RIg-00044-00020290-00020391 and one new one. wqSQxLmKZp0-00000-00000021-00000395 The skull is here because he's Yorick and everyone knows my friend Yorick and wqSQxLmKZp0-00001-00000395-00000764 he is a constant companion in my Shakespeare studies and in my wqSQxLmKZp0-00002-00000764-00001173 Shakespeare teachings. He's an old friend of mine. Uh, he shows up in class, he's been wqSQxLmKZp0-00003-00001173-00001652 with me in Shakespeare birthday parties. He's been loaned out to students for wqSQxLmKZp0-00004-00001652-00002186 their Halloween costumes, so he and I go way back. You have to laugh at it, I think wqSQxLmKZp0-00005-00002186-00002568 you have to have fun with it or it becomes a dead letter and it's not fun wqSQxLmKZp0-00006-00002568-00002784 anymore. We're trying to make it new, trying to adapt wqSQxLmKZp0-00007-00002784-00003221 it, trying to get people interested and I think eventually Shakespeare will speak wqSQxLmKZp0-00008-00003221-00003651 for himself, he doesn't need me to defend him or anything like that, I think he wqSQxLmKZp0-00009-00003651-00004046 might need me to just make a few strategic introductions to people who wqSQxLmKZp0-00010-00004046-00004532 are afraid of Hamlet. But if you're afraid of Hamlet maybe you should start wqSQxLmKZp0-00011-00004532-00005076 off with Julius Caesar, or Romeo and Juliet. If I could have my wqSQxLmKZp0-00012-00005076-00005412 Shakespeare students or any of my students learn anything out of that wqSQxLmKZp0-00013-00005412-00005814 Shakespeare class is that Shakespeare's for everybody. That it's not a snobby thing wqSQxLmKZp0-00014-00005814-00006126 an exclusivist thing but he had something to say to everybody because he wqSQxLmKZp0-00015-00006126-00006640 talked about the human condition. So in the Globe Theatre you had nobles and wqSQxLmKZp0-00016-00006640-00007172 high mucky-mucks and kind of elites Londoners but you also had Groundlings, wqSQxLmKZp0-00017-00007172-00007493 working-class people who stood because they couldn't afford a seat. They're all wqSQxLmKZp0-00018-00007493-00007829 watching the same play. And so I think we need to remember that Shakespeare has wqSQxLmKZp0-00019-00007829-00008271 something for everybody and it's okay to laugh at him it's okay wqSQxLmKZp0-00020-00008271-00008875 to riff on him. In fact I think he would very much get a kick out of that. wtvaCgVzV8U-00000-00000087-00000622 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND IS THE UNOFFICIAL BEGINNING OF SUMMER AND SAFETY IS A MAIN CONCERN. wtvaCgVzV8U-00001-00000622-00001146 ACCORDING TO THE NAVAL SAFETY CENTER WEBSITE, LAST SUMMER ALONE 22 SAILORS AND MARINES LOST wtvaCgVzV8U-00002-00001146-00001401 THEIR LIVES PARTICIPATING IN RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. wtvaCgVzV8U-00003-00001401-00001989 TO KEEP YOUR SUMMER MISHAP FREE, THE NAVAL SAFETY CENTER OFFERS SOME TIPS, INCLUDING wtvaCgVzV8U-00004-00001989-00002429 SAFE GRILLING, SWIMMING SAFETY AND INFORMATION ABOUT MAKING LONG ROAD TRIPS. wtvaCgVzV8U-00005-00002429-00002880 WHEN YOU'RE OUTSIDE BARBECUING, ENSURE THERE ARE NO CHILDREN OR PETS NEAR OPEN FLAMES TO wtvaCgVzV8U-00006-00002880-00003111 AVOID ANY ACCIDENTAL BURNS. wtvaCgVzV8U-00007-00003111-00003596 AVOID ALCOHOL WHILE OUT ON THE WATER AND REMEMBER CHILDREN SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE A SWIMMING BUDDY wtvaCgVzV8U-00008-00003596-00003871 AND BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A LIFEGUARD. wtvaCgVzV8U-00009-00003871-00004383 IF YOU ARE TRAVELING A LONG DISTANCE BY CAR MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAKE FREQUENT BREAKS, ALWAYS wtvaCgVzV8U-00010-00004383-00004653 WEAR A SEAT BELT AND NEVER TEXT AND DRIVE. wtvaCgVzV8U-00011-00004653-00005085 FOR MORE SUMMER SAFETY TIPS VISIT THE NAVAL SAFETY CENTER WEBSITE, AND AS ALWAYS PLEASE wtvaCgVzV8U-00012-00005085-00005305 DRINK RESPONSIBLY. wu5aAwclpNM-00000-00002482-00002774 Yo! In that game that happened at adrena paintball base 1 wu5aAwclpNM-00001-00002816-00003098 our yellow team starts here wu5aAwclpNM-00002-00003098-00003361 And the red team starts here wu5aAwclpNM-00003-00003397-00003638 every team has his own objective wu5aAwclpNM-00004-00003638-00004252 For the reds, the objective is to capture the briefcase in that van and tke it back to their base wu5aAwclpNM-00005-00004298-00004826 Our objective, is to capture the briefcase and take it back to our base wu5aAwclpNM-00006-00004866-00005170 Jorge and I are gonna stay in defense wu5aAwclpNM-00007-00005170-00005566 We'll get up that tower that give a pretty beautifull vew over the camp wu5aAwclpNM-00008-00005628-00005960 We'll try to eliminate every thing that gets close to the van wu5aAwclpNM-00009-00006016-00006328 Also! I gotta say. We have a special objective. wu5aAwclpNM-00010-00006330-00006540 A birthday! wu5aAwclpNM-00011-00006540-00006886 It's the Tureta's birthday! wu5aAwclpNM-00012-00006952-00007394 Eliminating him will give a little more points. Let's see that! wu5aAwclpNM-00013-00011306-00011504 I've got a contact going right side wu5aAwclpNM-00014-00011518-00011664 On the yellow bridge wu5aAwclpNM-00015-00013940-00014208 f%8*¨&@ G-+!@@ ass wu5aAwclpNM-00016-00016352-00016702 Got him , got him. The one from the house, I got him! wu5aAwclpNM-00017-00017866-00018008 The one from the yellow bridge is out. wu5aAwclpNM-00018-00018056-00018238 There's an other one on the right side wu5aAwclpNM-00019-00018504-00018802 The house near the yellow bridge, on the back wu5aAwclpNM-00020-00020818-00020998 got him. Headshot! wu5aAwclpNM-00021-00021536-00021642 where is he? wu5aAwclpNM-00022-00021752-00021874 No. I am talking to those guys wu5aAwclpNM-00023-00022368-00022508 down the stairs it's me! wu5aAwclpNM-00024-00022860-00022998 One more in the bridge wu5aAwclpNM-00025-00024548-00024682 Down the bridge wu5aAwclpNM-00026-00024822-00024942 he's out wu5aAwclpNM-00027-00025020-00025166 hey TURETAAA!! wu5aAwclpNM-00028-00026850-00026982 Jorge. You wanna push up? wu5aAwclpNM-00029-00027114-00027270 He got me on target wu5aAwclpNM-00030-00027544-00027868 Ok, I took a look and received shots. I haven't seen from where wu5aAwclpNM-00031-00029062-00029326 He ran. He ran to the left wu5aAwclpNM-00032-00029356-00029524 He has been to the middle wu5aAwclpNM-00033-00029524-00029662 Another one!! wu5aAwclpNM-00034-00030152-00030433 Two of them have left the right side wu5aAwclpNM-00035-00030677-00030868 Positive. There is still one guy there wu5aAwclpNM-00036-00031088-00031245 Is he near or far? wu5aAwclpNM-00037-00031498-00031698 radio : "channel mode" wu5aAwclpNM-00038-00032076-00032386 Jorge!. By mistake I changed my radio frequency wu5aAwclpNM-00039-00032710-00033032 On the first house right side wu5aAwclpNM-00040-00033032-00033204 Exactly that one! wu5aAwclpNM-00041-00034836-00034946 Damn I missed! wu5aAwclpNM-00042-00036124-00036242 left house, first floor wu5aAwclpNM-00043-00037818-00037946 Sh#t ! out of ammo! wu5aAwclpNM-00044-00038074-00038242 Watchout! it's coming at you man!! wu5aAwclpNM-00045-00039084-00039214 Still one upstairs wu5aAwclpNM-00046-00039514-00039702 Sh$t! I was about to take him down! wu5aAwclpNM-00047-00039734-00040008 So do I....I missed him because of this wu5aAwclpNM-00048-00040162-00040352 He got down! wu5aAwclpNM-00049-00040370-00040566 He's passing through! He's coming! wu5aAwclpNM-00050-00041740-00041914 got him! Jerome wu5aAwclpNM-00051-00041914-00042064 That is still shooting a lot! wu5aAwclpNM-00052-00042064-00042196 Left side house is out wu5aAwclpNM-00053-00043420-00043520 Got him! wu5aAwclpNM-00054-00043960-00044094 He's out! wu5aAwclpNM-00055-00044596-00044804 I'm gonna let the snipa here and let's attack? wu5aAwclpNM-00056-00044804-00044964 -I am out of air wu5aAwclpNM-00057-00044968-00045128 -you wan't the pistol? wu5aAwclpNM-00058-00045212-00045350 -Nope, you go wu5aAwclpNM-00059-00045360-00045562 Ok so come and get the snipa here. wu5aAwclpNM-00060-00045890-00046038 Come upstairs wu5aAwclpNM-00061-00047072-00047300 You've got 6 bullets, and 20 here. wu5aAwclpNM-00062-00047800-00047988 Are you able to tell me what we have? wu5aAwclpNM-00063-00048588-00048772 We'v got contact left side? wu5aAwclpNM-00064-00048772-00048902 -We've have right side wu5aAwclpNM-00065-00048906-00049228 Jorge, I saw something . I don't know if it's friendly wu5aAwclpNM-00066-00049844-00049944 I got ya? wu5aAwclpNM-00067-00050138-00050260 I am out wu5aAwclpNM-00068-00050642-00050742 OUT! wu5aAwclpNM-00069-00051088-00051234 But I got you? wu5aAwclpNM-00070-00051290-00051526 -You got me in the belly wu5aAwclpNM-00071-00056629-00056820 Damn! It's over! OUT! wu5aAwclpNM-00072-00056974-00057108 OUT wu5aAwclpNM-00073-00057214-00057370 OUT wu5aAwclpNM-00074-00057724-00058084 AAAAnd this is it for that game wu5aAwclpNM-00075-00058084-00058512 I love that camp. Specialy for sniping wu5aAwclpNM-00076-00058567-00059217 I'll leave the Bruno's link here that made a video of the same game wu5aAwclpNM-00077-00059229-00059584 He went left side, straight to the objective wu5aAwclpNM-00078-00059634-00059812 And....got f*cked wu5aAwclpNM-00079-00060108-00060578 In our team, jorge and I were the luckiest. Even if we have lost the game wu5aAwclpNM-00080-00060741-00060841 That's it wu5aAwclpNM-00081-00060920-00061020 ciao! wu5aAwclpNM-00082-00061136-00061382 ( jorge, shamely shouting OUT because he's out of ammo ) wzUpEZpBFcA-00000-00000276-00000616 - HVAC units can be costly to repair or replace, wzUpEZpBFcA-00001-00000616-00000973 so you wanna make sure yours is in good working condition. wzUpEZpBFcA-00002-00000973-00001094 Now it'd be the perfect time wzUpEZpBFcA-00003-00001094-00001369 to give it a little DIY HVAC inspection wzUpEZpBFcA-00004-00001369-00001605 to make sure it's ready for warmer weather. wzUpEZpBFcA-00005-00001605-00001798 Now, this may seem daunting wzUpEZpBFcA-00006-00001798-00002027 but I'm here to show you how it's done. wzUpEZpBFcA-00007-00002027-00002352 (playful bright music) wzUpEZpBFcA-00008-00003094-00003369 Make sure that your thermostat is working properly wzUpEZpBFcA-00009-00003369-00003615 by checking that the heating and cooling mechanisms wzUpEZpBFcA-00010-00003615-00003732 turn on and off. wzUpEZpBFcA-00011-00003732-00003993 You can also open it up and carefully clean it wzUpEZpBFcA-00012-00003993-00004109 with a cotton swab. wzUpEZpBFcA-00013-00004369-00004625 Find the corresponding switch on your breaker box wzUpEZpBFcA-00014-00004625-00004871 and turn off power to the inside unit. wzUpEZpBFcA-00015-00004871-00004985 On your outside unit, wzUpEZpBFcA-00016-00004985-00005206 you'll wanna turn off the on-off switch wzUpEZpBFcA-00017-00005206-00005478 because you're going to be removing parts of that unit. wzUpEZpBFcA-00018-00005734-00005999 Grab a screwdriver and a wrench wzUpEZpBFcA-00019-00005999-00006261 to detach the top of your fan cage. wzUpEZpBFcA-00020-00006261-00006456 Then, you'll take your wet/dry vac wzUpEZpBFcA-00021-00006456-00006714 and you'll clean any debris that's in the interior. wzUpEZpBFcA-00022-00007431-00007616 Take a hose and spray the fins wzUpEZpBFcA-00023-00007616-00007797 on the inside of your unit, wzUpEZpBFcA-00024-00007797-00007941 washing it away off debris. wzUpEZpBFcA-00025-00007941-00008152 You can also use a thin cleaning spray wzUpEZpBFcA-00026-00008152-00008371 that you can purchase at a local hardware store wzUpEZpBFcA-00027-00008371-00008678 but don't use anything too powerful like a pressure washer. wzUpEZpBFcA-00028-00008678-00008829 It can damage the fins. wzUpEZpBFcA-00029-00008829-00009060 After that, you can reattach your fan cage. wzUpEZpBFcA-00030-00009279-00009571 It's important to keep at least two feet of distance wzUpEZpBFcA-00031-00009571-00009864 between your unit and any vegetation or plants. wzUpEZpBFcA-00032-00009864-00010045 Also, don't cover your unit wzUpEZpBFcA-00033-00010045-00010225 unless you want critters to move in. wzUpEZpBFcA-00034-00010434-00010577 Like your foundation, wzUpEZpBFcA-00035-00010577-00010860 an HVAC unit can shift over time. wzUpEZpBFcA-00036-00010860-00011036 A condenser that isn't level wzUpEZpBFcA-00037-00011036-00011258 can shorten the life of your compressor. wzUpEZpBFcA-00038-00011258-00011494 So if your unit isn't level, wzUpEZpBFcA-00039-00011494-00011800 use rock resistant shims to fix it. wzUpEZpBFcA-00040-00012091-00012266 - After you're done with the external unit, wzUpEZpBFcA-00041-00012266-00012461 it's time to clean the evaporator coil. wzUpEZpBFcA-00042-00012975-00013113 On your internal unit, wzUpEZpBFcA-00043-00013113-00013312 open the evaporator coil door wzUpEZpBFcA-00044-00013401-00013552 and give it a good dusting. wzUpEZpBFcA-00045-00014093-00014290 Spray it with commercially available, wzUpEZpBFcA-00046-00014290-00014475 no-rinse coil cleaner. wzUpEZpBFcA-00047-00014475-00014663 This will then turn into foam wzUpEZpBFcA-00048-00014663-00014881 which will drip into your drain pan wzUpEZpBFcA-00049-00014881-00015057 which you should then plan on cleaning wzUpEZpBFcA-00050-00015057-00015408 with hot water, soap and a tiny drop of bleach. wzUpEZpBFcA-00051-00015876-00016077 If you notice the interior units wzUpEZpBFcA-00052-00016077-00016241 evaporator drain is clogged, wzUpEZpBFcA-00053-00016241-00016550 suck out any debris using a wet/dry vac. wzUpEZpBFcA-00054-00016550-00016757 Anything blocking the flow of runoff water wzUpEZpBFcA-00055-00016757-00016989 can cause flooding and tons of other issues. wzUpEZpBFcA-00056-00017628-00018063 The filter is the most common cause of HVAC malfunctions. wzUpEZpBFcA-00057-00018063-00018261 If you don't change your filter regularly, wzUpEZpBFcA-00058-00018261-00018427 it can cause major problems wzUpEZpBFcA-00059-00018427-00018735 because it's what traps debris from your unit. wzUpEZpBFcA-00060-00018735-00018953 You can get away with changing it every three months. wzUpEZpBFcA-00061-00018953-00019218 But to be on the safe side, change it once per month. wzUpEZpBFcA-00062-00019445-00019693 If visible duct work has any leaks, wzUpEZpBFcA-00063-00019693-00019883 you can repair them with duct tape. wzUpEZpBFcA-00064-00019883-00020175 You should also be prepared to unscrew and examine wzUpEZpBFcA-00065-00020175-00020323 all of the air vents in your house wzUpEZpBFcA-00066-00020323-00020522 to make sure that there is no debris. wzUpEZpBFcA-00067-00020616-00020862 If you notice a major issue with your unit, wzUpEZpBFcA-00068-00020862-00021111 do not be afraid to call the pros. wzUpEZpBFcA-00069-00021111-00021353 All repairs and replacements should always be done wzUpEZpBFcA-00070-00021353-00021511 by a licensed professional. wzUpEZpBFcA-00071-00021511-00021721 However, if things are working well, wzUpEZpBFcA-00072-00021721-00021839 you've changed your filter, wzUpEZpBFcA-00073-00021839-00021983 you've cleaned all debris, wzUpEZpBFcA-00074-00021983-00022127 then should be ready to roll wzUpEZpBFcA-00075-00022127-00022467 with whatever weather comes your way. wzUpEZpBFcA-00076-00022467-00022659 If you found this video helpful, wzUpEZpBFcA-00077-00022659-00022808 be sure to leave us a comment below wzUpEZpBFcA-00078-00022808-00023134 and let us know what tips you wanna see from us next. wzUpEZpBFcA-00079-00023134-00023459 (playful bright music) wEt8R255u2Q-00000-00000000-00000050 Hi my all friends supporting wEt8R255u2Q-00001-00000050-00000250 Please one like Subscribe now please wEcXR5mLpoo-00000-00000608-00001016 It is important, obviously, a discussion on audsim must happen. wEcXR5mLpoo-00001-00001099-00001762 Audism is the main focal point of this series wEcXR5mLpoo-00002-00001821-00002125 Back then in 1975, he was experiencing things during his life, and tryingto figure out wEcXR5mLpoo-00003-00002147-00002735 He feels it is important give naming. How it is called. wEcXR5mLpoo-00004-00002746-00003749 So the name has its root in latinbecause the word audire means to hear. wEcXR5mLpoo-00005-00003749-00004138 So the combination of audirewith -ism signifying oppression wEcXR5mLpoo-00006-00004138-00004663 in parallel with other -ism. Hence the word audism was created. wEcXR5mLpoo-00007-00004688-00005178 The definition of dysconsciousaudism (DA) is a form of audism. wEcXR5mLpoo-00008-00005218-00005553 The we acquire unconsciously. wEcXR5mLpoo-00009-00005553-00005894 It seems simple. wEcXR5mLpoo-00010-00005898-00006187 But often it is not. wEcXR5mLpoo-00011-00006200-00007044 Often no action can happen withoutdialogue. wEcXR5mLpoo-00012-00007048-00007440 You have to engageeach other in dialogue wEcXR5mLpoo-00013-00007440-00007752 even when it'spainful and uncomfortable wEcXR5mLpoo-00014-00007758-00008222 The dialogue must happen to have a mutual understanding. wEcXR5mLpoo-00015-00008222-00008563 Develop empathy and we can join together. wFEYPsTxcF0-00000-00000006-00000798 What's up guys my name is Dante and a huge advocate of the mentorship that I'm wFEYPsTxcF0-00001-00000798-00001259 a part of with Crypto Rootz I would highly suggest that if you're in the crypto wFEYPsTxcF0-00002-00001259-00001994 space you want to learn anything about crypto trading, bots anything that's in wFEYPsTxcF0-00003-00001994-00002283 the market that's up and coming that you should definitely sign up with the wFEYPsTxcF0-00004-00002283-00002559 mentorship of Crypto Rootz I'm a part of it wFEYPsTxcF0-00005-00002559-00003035 I'm also cross branding it with my own business Total Body Balance where I'll wFEYPsTxcF0-00006-00003035-00003642 sell CBD and hemp and I do consultations for farmers so let's say guys check the wFEYPsTxcF0-00007-00003642-00003826 guy up he's great wFEYPsTxcF0-00009-00003876-00004509 Aloha, YouTube this ya boy Crypto Rootz and it's crazy man it's looking real bad right now wFEYPsTxcF0-00010-00004509-00004944 people can't even go to work the dollar is being deflated even if they were to wFEYPsTxcF0-00011-00004944-00005432 go to work and now people have to stay home and be on lockdown different places wFEYPsTxcF0-00012-00005432-00005987 around the world so it's now more important than ever to really build your wFEYPsTxcF0-00013-00005987-00006389 skills you should have been building your skills but most people I didn't wFEYPsTxcF0-00014-00006389-00006686 have time didn't have time because they always had to go to work and all of wFEYPsTxcF0-00015-00006686-00006965 a sudden they can't go to work so now they have to kind of suffer for not wFEYPsTxcF0-00016-00006965-00007454 having the skills thing they could rely on you know so but it's not over yet wFEYPsTxcF0-00017-00007454-00007920 like you have this time now build your skills you know and you can always rely wFEYPsTxcF0-00018-00007920-00008274 on that you can barter for your skills that's the same so this may be worse wFEYPsTxcF0-00019-00008274-00008846 than the Great Depression we have no idea but what I've been stressing is wFEYPsTxcF0-00020-00008846-00009390 cryptocurrency, decentralized applications being uncorrelated assets wFEYPsTxcF0-00021-00009390-00009786 digital assets like you most people thought it was a joke most people wFEYPsTxcF0-00022-00009786-00010110 thought it was play money internet money well now more than ever that's probably wFEYPsTxcF0-00023-00010110-00010689 the only real money there is right now so I've been going hard and I'm sure wFEYPsTxcF0-00024-00010689-00011036 always thinking of new ways where I can share my education with you guys and how wFEYPsTxcF0-00025-00011036-00011424 we can share value so crypto boot camp is coming starting round three is wFEYPsTxcF0-00026-00011424-00011727 starting up April 1st and that's like crypto fundamentals wFEYPsTxcF0-00027-00011727-00012111 after the crypto fundamentals that's about like two to three months depending wFEYPsTxcF0-00028-00012111-00012576 on you know how hard you study after that it's gonna be programming 101 wFEYPsTxcF0-00029-00012576-00012969 that's two to three months after that it's going to be blockchain development wFEYPsTxcF0-00030-00012969-00013479 I'm a few months away from becoming a professional blockchain developer I went wFEYPsTxcF0-00031-00013479-00013866 from not knowing anything about cryptocurrency computers to really being wFEYPsTxcF0-00032-00013866-00014231 a professional blockchain developer I have different trade bots that are wFEYPsTxcF0-00033-00014231-00014625 working 24/7 at different mining I have different lending there's different wFEYPsTxcF0-00034-00014625-00015015 strategies can always generate money in real time with descentralized finance wFEYPsTxcF0-00035-00015015-00015551 and that's what it is so hit me up like I'll do the best I can to take my three wFEYPsTxcF0-00036-00015551-00015866 years of experience and kind of crunch it down for you to like six to eight wFEYPsTxcF0-00037-00015866-00016373 months but like you got to put in the energy nothing comes easy if or else it wFEYPsTxcF0-00038-00016373-00016755 wouldn't be valuable, you feel me? so I'm sorry for the people who are going wFEYPsTxcF0-00039-00016755-00017205 through a real hard time right now but you really should have been taking the wFEYPsTxcF0-00040-00017205-00017573 time to actually study but if you didn't take the time then, wFEYPsTxcF0-00041-00017573-00018030 take the time now to study and level up your skills because once this wFEYPsTxcF0-00042-00018030-00018456 is all over and obtain digital assets because once this is all over this is wFEYPsTxcF0-00043-00018456-00018903 where the generational wealth is gained it's times like these wFEYPsTxcF0-00044-00018903-00019404 so I see nothing but opportunity I see nothing but opportunity you should join wFEYPsTxcF0-00045-00019404-00019782 Crypto Rootz in my channel and what I do so you can I can present and show you wFEYPsTxcF0-00046-00019782-00020198 all the opportunities that are available to you you know I'm saying it's all just wFEYPsTxcF0-00047-00020198-00020636 about education and I'm so passionate about it and I'm ready to level up and wFEYPsTxcF0-00048-00020636-00021162 I'm ready to help you as much as possible so email me at CryptoRootz@ProtonMail.com wFEYPsTxcF0-00049-00021162-00021473 check out my courses, hit me up for the mentorship I'm even coming wFEYPsTxcF0-00050-00021473-00021822 out with crypto roots University and trying to have a curriculum where I can wFEYPsTxcF0-00051-00021822-00022229 just like fast-track you on your way to having valuable six-figure skills wFEYPsTxcF0-00052-00022229-00022719 six-figure skills like straight up or just decentralized finance will always wFEYPsTxcF0-00053-00022719-00023045 be moving your money or your dollar may not be moving or be wFEYPsTxcF0-00054-00023045-00023398 I'm saying but decentralize finance markets are always moving and you can wFEYPsTxcF0-00055-00023398-00023737 automate that with trade bots and liquidation bots you can automate wFEYPsTxcF0-00056-00023737-00024312 automated money, programmable money much love fam, take it easy wHQEC-md-BY-00001-00000166-00000390 Hello, my name is John. wHQEC-md-BY-00002-00000390-00000590 Today is the last day of 21-day mini cut. wHQEC-md-BY-00004-00000640-00000876 I made it through perseverance. wHQEC-md-BY-00005-00000876-00001402 It was tough because there were Thanksgiving and Finals during my mini cut. wHQEC-md-BY-00006-00001404-00001889 In this period, my body weight decreased from 68.94 to 66.45 (kg); wHQEC-md-BY-00007-00001889-00002326 body fat decreased from 12.7% to 11.6%. wHQEC-md-BY-00008-00002326-00002844 Although this is not an extraordinary result, I am satisfied with that. wHQEC-md-BY-00009-00002870-00003486 Next, I will share my diet and training with you. wHQEC-md-BY-00010-00032946-00033374 This is the result of my 21-day mini cut. wHQEC-md-BY-00011-00033388-00033726 As you can see, all of the meals are not as plain as your imagination. wHQEC-md-BY-00012-00033726-00034001 Sometimes, I have to go for dinner with my friends. wHQEC-md-BY-00013-00034010-00034306 However, if you can manage your diet and exercise regularly, wHQEC-md-BY-00014-00034318-00034606 you will achieve your goal to some extent. wHQEC-md-BY-00015-00034612-00035009 I encourage you to run a 21-day mini cut wHQEC-md-BY-00016-00035010-00035290 if you want to meet a brand new yourself. wHQEC-md-BY-00017-00035290-00035476 This is John, see you next time! wp-W9PLkn3y-00000-00000238-00000834 Fall is the time when we do a lot of pruning to our trees and shrubs in our wp-W9PLkn3y-00001-00000834-00001329 landscape and you want to make sure before you start pruning that you have wp-W9PLkn3y-00002-00001329-00001898 the right tools for the job. I basically use four tools to do all of the pruning wp-W9PLkn3y-00003-00001898-00002718 in my yard. My hedge trimmers are used to shape plants, we can give them a nice wp-W9PLkn3y-00004-00002718-00003407 flat top, we can round them. Hand pruners are going to be used for doing more wp-W9PLkn3y-00005-00003407-00004098 detailed work, removing small limbs and unwanted branches. These pruners will wp-W9PLkn3y-00006-00004098-00004785 remove branches up to say about a half an inch in diameter. These loppers will wp-W9PLkn3y-00007-00004785-00005621 cut through limbs that are 1 to 2 inches or so in diameter. You also want wp-W9PLkn3y-00008-00005621-00006057 to make sure that your pruners are sharp before you start pruning to make a nice wp-W9PLkn3y-00009-00006057-00006717 clean cut. For branches that I can't cut with my hand pruners or my loppers, a wp-W9PLkn3y-00010-00006717-00007404 nice hand saw will do the job. So this will cut through anything that's say 2 wp-W9PLkn3y-00011-00007404-00008070 inches or greater up to about 6 or 8 inches in diameter. So before you get out wp-W9PLkn3y-00012-00008070-00008493 there and start pruning your trees and shrubs this fall make sure you have the wp-W9PLkn3y-00013-00008493-00008957 right tools to do the job. This is Chris Hilgert with the University of Wyoming wp-W9PLkn3y-00014-00008957-00009404 extension and you're watching from the ground up. wS6GOJ95u9c-00000-00000816-00001344 Is it better to be a talking head and stay still, or to walk and talk with your videos. Hi Taylor wS6GOJ95u9c-00001-00001344-00001680 here with Financial Potion where video is your financial potion, and to never miss wS6GOJ95u9c-00002-00001680-00002048 out on a video, please make sure you subscribe to our channel and then click on that bell so wS6GOJ95u9c-00003-00002048-00002560 you're notified every Friday at 5 pm Arizona time that a new video has been posted. For one-to-one wS6GOJ95u9c-00004-00002560-00003000 training or just support our content, please click above and connect with us on our Patreon wS6GOJ95u9c-00005-00003000-00003592 page. A lot of people ask me should I be walking and talking during my videos or should I just stay wS6GOJ95u9c-00006-00003592-00004136 still and do a talking head? Although talking heads can get boring if you have a long-winded wS6GOJ95u9c-00007-00004136-00004744 conversation or a long-winded topic, it also can be very distracting to be walking and talking if wS6GOJ95u9c-00008-00004744-00005360 it's not enhancing the video. So when should you be walking and talking? When you're giving a tour, wS6GOJ95u9c-00009-00005360-00005752 when you're doing a real estate listing, when there's a purpose to leave and go wS6GOJ95u9c-00010-00005752-00006344 into different areas and different scenes, then yes, you should be walking and talking. However, wS6GOJ95u9c-00011-00006344-00006792 if you just want to give a quick tip or testimonial and you want to keep them short, wS6GOJ95u9c-00012-00006792-00007328 like we'd like to try to keep our tips short, then it's just good to set up a nice studio space wS6GOJ95u9c-00013-00007328-00007880 and do a quick talking head. You're going to be able to get a lot more videos done a lot faster wS6GOJ95u9c-00014-00007880-00008256 and they're not going to be distracting. People are just going to be focused on you. wS6GOJ95u9c-00015-00008312-00008880 So what videos do you prefer talking head videos or ones that are walking and talking? wS6GOJ95u9c-00016-00008880-00009984 Leave your comments below and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. wT5ZefFG0VE-00000-00000003-00000413 anybody else notice how it orange is the new black season six like nobody even wT5ZefFG0VE-00001-00000413-00001668 wore orange what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired salt well we wT5ZefFG0VE-00002-00001668-00002064 talked about the problem but focus on the solution if you are new to my wT5ZefFG0VE-00003-00002064-00002327 channel I have a mental health channel so if you're into that stuff and wT5ZefFG0VE-00004-00002327-00002601 improving your mental health make sure that you subscribe ring that wT5ZefFG0VE-00005-00002601-00002993 notification bell if you like - - but anyways what I try to do is I try to wT5ZefFG0VE-00006-00002993-00003386 pull things from pop culture whether it's movies or TV or YouTube and see wT5ZefFG0VE-00007-00003386-00003753 what we can take from it to improve our mental health in this video I'm gonna be wT5ZefFG0VE-00008-00003753-00004221 talking about barb & Carol from Orange is the new black season six this is wT5ZefFG0VE-00009-00004221-00004605 something that was highly requested by a lot of people so I want to take a look wT5ZefFG0VE-00010-00004605-00004977 at their storylines and kind of learn from and see like what can we do to wT5ZefFG0VE-00011-00004977-00005268 improve our mental health when it comes to this stuff so there will be some wT5ZefFG0VE-00012-00005268-00005826 spoilers not huge spoilers but quick recap Bob and Carol are two of the main wT5ZefFG0VE-00013-00005826-00006437 new characters on oh i tmb season six alright so in this season we're at the wT5ZefFG0VE-00014-00006437-00006825 max facility prison everybody's divided by blocks so Bob and wT5ZefFG0VE-00015-00006825-00007125 Carol are in two different blocks they're sisters at both in there for wT5ZefFG0VE-00016-00007125-00007490 murdering their little sister back in the day alright and they're in this like wT5ZefFG0VE-00017-00007490-00007908 insane feud and they both hate another character named Frida who has been in wT5ZefFG0VE-00018-00007908-00008372 previous seasons and as a season goes on we start to learn more and more and more wT5ZefFG0VE-00019-00008372-00009057 about this feud okay so at the very end of this season like we start to learn wT5ZefFG0VE-00020-00009057-00009474 towards towards the end not in the final episode but towards the end that this wT5ZefFG0VE-00021-00009474-00009881 whole beef that they've had for 30 years they used to be in the same block and wT5ZefFG0VE-00022-00009881-00010302 carol was telling a story about this restaurant they used to work out and wT5ZefFG0VE-00023-00010302-00010677 work at in this funny story that happened and Bob's like no that happened wT5ZefFG0VE-00024-00010677-00011090 to me and they give me this huge fight and they can't stop going at each wT5ZefFG0VE-00025-00011090-00011445 other's throats so they end up getting separated into different blocks and this wT5ZefFG0VE-00026-00011445-00011765 is how it starts so they have these blocks and they're always fighting wT5ZefFG0VE-00027-00011765-00012042 against each other and they have their own crews and everything like that but wT5ZefFG0VE-00028-00012042-00012531 then we find out in the finale is when it goes back and shows the story neither wT5ZefFG0VE-00029-00012531-00013031 of them had this story both of them were there as another waitress told them this wT5ZefFG0VE-00030-00013031-00013383 story about a glass of ice but they thought it was wT5ZefFG0VE-00031-00013383-00013905 the classifieds anyway so we learned that how stupid it was because they both wT5ZefFG0VE-00032-00013905-00014211 of them forgot and they didn't even realize that neither of them own this wT5ZefFG0VE-00033-00014211-00014570 story so I want to talk about resentments and holding on to stuff and wT5ZefFG0VE-00034-00014570-00014943 things like that and then I'll talk about some other stuff towards the end wT5ZefFG0VE-00035-00014943-00015306 of this video but anyways like so what I have to do something I've been working wT5ZefFG0VE-00036-00015306-00015585 on with my mental health there's something that's been an ongoing but six wT5ZefFG0VE-00037-00015585-00016001 years is why I started doing this when working with you know a mentor and some wT5ZefFG0VE-00038-00016001-00016275 of you are gonna know what I'm talking about I had to write down all of my wT5ZefFG0VE-00039-00016275-00016751 resentments from a very young age I had to write down people places institutions wT5ZefFG0VE-00040-00016751-00017081 everything from as young as I could remember everybody who had wronged me wT5ZefFG0VE-00041-00017081-00017541 who had hurt me anybody that I still had harsh feelings towards and this list was wT5ZefFG0VE-00042-00017541-00017823 huge some of you have been around my channel for a while you know I I've wT5ZefFG0VE-00043-00017823-00018033 mentioned I used to be a very angry person wT5ZefFG0VE-00044-00018033-00018501 I hated everybody and everybody was the reason why my life sucked so my list had wT5ZefFG0VE-00045-00018501-00018837 a hundred and thirty three people on that most people who write down this wT5ZefFG0VE-00046-00018837-00019370 list maybe 20 to 40 people on average and this isn't a boast myself up like I wT5ZefFG0VE-00047-00019370-00019875 was a terribly terribly terribly awful person for holding on to so many grudges wT5ZefFG0VE-00048-00019875-00020285 and resentments so as I'm writing this list the guy I'm working with he says on wT5ZefFG0VE-00049-00020285-00020598 the very last person the very last person I want you to write on this list wT5ZefFG0VE-00050-00020598-00021012 is yourself so I'm writing this list so imagine writing your resentments towards wT5ZefFG0VE-00051-00021012-00021528 a hundred thirty three different people places and institutions 133 and various wT5ZefFG0VE-00052-00021528-00022001 resentments against each of those people places or institutions so this list this wT5ZefFG0VE-00053-00022001-00022581 took up almost an entire notebook okay and finally I get to myself and my very wT5ZefFG0VE-00054-00022581-00023187 last resentment to myself was I have a lot of really stupid resentments like wT5ZefFG0VE-00055-00023187-00023601 when going back through when you write this stuff on paper and I suggest some wT5ZefFG0VE-00056-00023601-00023940 of you do this if you struggle with anger issues or letting go of the past wT5ZefFG0VE-00057-00023940-00024420 and stuff like write this stuff down like when I did that I saw how much how wT5ZefFG0VE-00058-00024420-00024851 many pages this was taking up how many things I had grudges against things that wT5ZefFG0VE-00059-00024851-00025085 happened when I was a kid things that happened when I was a teenager wT5ZefFG0VE-00060-00025085-00025484 things don't even happen to you here a month ago like former employers or wT5ZefFG0VE-00061-00025484-00025968 coworkers or ex-girlfriends from like high school and middle school and you wT5ZefFG0VE-00062-00025968-00026372 know like different situations like I'm sitting there and I'm like oh my god wT5ZefFG0VE-00063-00026372-00026626 like is wrong with me like why am i holding wT5ZefFG0VE-00064-00026626-00027136 on to all this stuff this is not useful in any single way and I need to dedicate wT5ZefFG0VE-00065-00027136-00027720 an entire week to anger management but like we hold on to so many things from wT5ZefFG0VE-00066-00027720-00028314 the past that are just wasting our time like I I remember getting to a point I wT5ZefFG0VE-00067-00028314-00028770 had this epiphany this moment of clarity right where i sat there and i was wT5ZefFG0VE-00068-00028770-00029248 quantifying like how many hours do I think I've spent being angry at other wT5ZefFG0VE-00069-00029248-00029722 people right and I was like this this probably took up years of my life and wT5ZefFG0VE-00070-00029722-00030016 like you know those nights when you're laying in bed thinking about that person wT5ZefFG0VE-00071-00030016-00030394 who screwed you over all night long like I had to imagine like they're sleeping wT5ZefFG0VE-00072-00030394-00030844 like a baby right now like this is not useful to me it's not hurting them like wT5ZefFG0VE-00073-00030844-00031366 why am I doing this why can't I just let go so something I constantly do now is wT5ZefFG0VE-00074-00031366-00031792 like when I do get those feelings right I look at it I assess the situation I wT5ZefFG0VE-00075-00031792-00032152 see what's going on within me and I let go as soon as possible because it's just wT5ZefFG0VE-00076-00032152-00032506 not useful this isn't necessarily letting the person off the hook or wT5ZefFG0VE-00077-00032506-00032965 saying what they did was okay but this is about me this is about you this is wT5ZefFG0VE-00078-00032965-00033433 about strengthening your mental health let go of the past okay wT5ZefFG0VE-00079-00033433-00033898 learn from it use it to be a better judge of character in the future know wT5ZefFG0VE-00080-00033898-00034375 how to react in certain situations know that the next time you get angry when wT5ZefFG0VE-00081-00034375-00034753 you're wasting hours or days or weeks or months or years on it that it is only wT5ZefFG0VE-00082-00034753-00035020 hurting you we've gotta let go of this stuff and wT5ZefFG0VE-00083-00035020-00035308 barb and Carol really could have benefited from letting go of this stuff wT5ZefFG0VE-00084-00035308-00035772 so the second topic I want to talk about is the feud between the two blocks over wT5ZefFG0VE-00085-00035772-00036379 Carol how much taller Carl over Carol and Barb's beef right like this is crazy wT5ZefFG0VE-00086-00036379-00036661 and this is like kind of prison mentality but I want to like how can wT5ZefFG0VE-00087-00036661-00037198 this relate to you like sometimes we're loyal to a fault okay and what this wT5ZefFG0VE-00088-00037198-00037615 means is we get this like grandiose idea in our head where to be a good friend to wT5ZefFG0VE-00089-00037615-00037969 be a good family member you know whatever it is that we have to stick by wT5ZefFG0VE-00090-00037969-00038287 this person's side no matter what no matter how wrong they are wT5ZefFG0VE-00091-00038287-00038731 and like especially what we see like going on with YouTube drama like panic wT5ZefFG0VE-00092-00038731-00039196 on or fouseytube and things like that might think about the enablers think wT5ZefFG0VE-00093-00039196-00039519 about people standing by their side think about like Tana's wT5ZefFG0VE-00094-00039519-00039855 vengeance against VidCon of people gassing her up and saying yeah girl yeah wT5ZefFG0VE-00095-00039855-00040203 yeah right like there's a point where we got to look at people and say listen wT5ZefFG0VE-00096-00040203-00040671 like this is your thing it's not mine I am NOT diving into that with you like wT5ZefFG0VE-00097-00040671-00041217 I'll be there for you but I'm not gonna help you fuel this hatred because in wT5ZefFG0VE-00098-00041217-00041613 season six of oranges a new black like they were literally trying to get this wT5ZefFG0VE-00099-00041613-00042006 to sell blocks to kill each other and when we find out at the end is that barb wT5ZefFG0VE-00100-00042006-00042405 and Carol actually scheme this they completely used all of the women wT5ZefFG0VE-00101-00042405-00042846 following them to kill each other as a distraction so they can go take out wT5ZefFG0VE-00102-00042846-00043278 Frieda like think about that for a second are you being loyal to a fault wT5ZefFG0VE-00103-00043278-00043674 are you following people blindly in your life because you have this false wT5ZefFG0VE-00104-00043674-00044100 misconception in your brain of what it means to be a good friend a good family wT5ZefFG0VE-00105-00044100-00044529 member right like think about that is this really hurting you or is it helping wT5ZefFG0VE-00106-00044529-00044916 you in most cases we'll find that it's hurting us so assess these situations wT5ZefFG0VE-00107-00044916-00045366 like I'm a huge huge huge advocate of just auditing your life on a daily basis wT5ZefFG0VE-00108-00045366-00045735 like see what situations you're in see what's stressing you out see what's you wT5ZefFG0VE-00109-00045735-00046026 know causing you negative emotions negative thoughts and things like that wT5ZefFG0VE-00110-00046026-00046380 and see what you need to get rid of you know what I'm saying like sometimes you wT5ZefFG0VE-00111-00046380-00046776 just gotta say okay your feud is your feud like I'll help you like as you're wT5ZefFG0VE-00112-00046776-00047094 struggling with the difficult feelings and emotions and things like that wT5ZefFG0VE-00113-00047094-00047601 but I'm not gonna help you perpetuate this anger and animosity that you have wT5ZefFG0VE-00114-00047601-00047919 and what I was talking about in the first half of this video maybe you can wT5ZefFG0VE-00115-00047919-00048225 teach that person to let go of some stuff too you know what I'm saying wT5ZefFG0VE-00116-00048225-00048522 anyways I would love to know your thoughts what were your thoughts about wT5ZefFG0VE-00117-00048522-00048879 season six of oranges is the new black what did you think about barb and Carol wT5ZefFG0VE-00118-00048879-00049269 leave your comments down below but if you like this video please give it a wT5ZefFG0VE-00119-00049269-00049557 thumbs up and if you are new here again I'm always making videos to help you out wT5ZefFG0VE-00120-00049557-00049836 with your mental health go ahead and click that little brown subscribe button wT5ZefFG0VE-00121-00049836-00050226 and I want to take a second and send out a huge thank you to everybody supporting wT5ZefFG0VE-00122-00050226-00050574 the channel over on patreon alright and if you want to check out some more wT5ZefFG0VE-00123-00050574-00050949 content on this channel you can click or tap on one of those thumbnails thanks so wT5ZefFG0VE-00124-00050949-00051539 much for watching let go of your resentments and I'll see you next time wW1Umu9TfUA-00000-00000172-00000432 Hello and welcome everyone to the first Skymen video. wW1Umu9TfUA-00001-00000432-00000610 I'm today joined by Natterex. wW1Umu9TfUA-00002-00000620-00000670 Hello wW1Umu9TfUA-00003-00000916-00001010 Alright I'll take you to victory wW1Umu9TfUA-00004-00001290-00001378 Oh my god wW1Umu9TfUA-00005-00001446-00001628 We literally can't get anywhere like this man wW1Umu9TfUA-00006-00001946-00002104 There's a guy there, there's a guy near us, wW1Umu9TfUA-00007-00002104-00002406 there's a guy - oh my gawd wW1Umu9TfUA-00008-00002492-00002542 What? wW1Umu9TfUA-00009-00002548-00002598 Did you see that? wW1Umu9TfUA-00010-00002608-00002806 Did you also fuckin turn around and fuckin wW1Umu9TfUA-00011-00002840-00002890 Yep wW1Umu9TfUA-00012-00002916-00002966 I did wW1Umu9TfUA-00013-00003034-00003101 Okay, let's go wW1Umu9TfUA-00014-00003168-00003218 Yeet wW1Umu9TfUA-00015-00003414-00003607 Oh they see us, they saw us, they saw me wW1Umu9TfUA-00016-00003784-00003865 So fight or not? wW1Umu9TfUA-00017-00003890-00003940 Naah wW1Umu9TfUA-00018-00003965-00004044 I've got a - oh crap! wW1Umu9TfUA-00019-00004064-00004277 There's a guy there, there's a guy in the fucking broken house wW1Umu9TfUA-00020-00004277-00004398 Right in the corner of your screen! wW1Umu9TfUA-00021-00004654-00004704 Nice wW1Umu9TfUA-00022-00004716-00004860 That's your damage! wW1Umu9TfUA-00023-00004948-00005084 No you didn't even do any damage! wW1Umu9TfUA-00024-00005236-00005335 Just fucking go! wW1Umu9TfUA-00025-00005410-00005488 Wassup man? wW1Umu9TfUA-00026-00005598-00005710 What's fucking going on? wW1Umu9TfUA-00027-00005710-00005872 What's fucking going on cunt? wW1Umu9TfUA-00028-00005932-00006010 Oh shit! wW1Umu9TfUA-00029-00006010-00006072 Oh man! wW1Umu9TfUA-00030-00006130-00006226 Oh jeez wW1Umu9TfUA-00031-00006338-00006566 Alright viewers, if he actually uploads this wW1Umu9TfUA-00032-00006581-00006845 then just keep this in mind; I have 300 ping wW1Umu9TfUA-00033-00006845-00007002 You're lagging even in the air! wW1Umu9TfUA-00034-00007066-00007150 Shut up alright? wW1Umu9TfUA-00035-00007570-00007620 Yoink! wW1Umu9TfUA-00036-00007631-00007731 Hey that's mine! wW1Umu9TfUA-00037-00007828-00007962 Oh no, no, no, no! wW1Umu9TfUA-00038-00008148-00008260 Hold on, let me see where it is wW1Umu9TfUA-00039-00008632-00008800 What the hell did you do? wW1Umu9TfUA-00040-00009096-00009308 I'm gonna need to take this and I'm gonna need to take my baller wW1Umu9TfUA-00041-00009308-00009408 Where is my balls? wW1Umu9TfUA-00042-00009442-00009672 We're the most retarded players in this game probably wW1Umu9TfUA-00043-00009842-00010029 I really wanna destroy this thing wW1Umu9TfUA-00044-00010082-00010150 There we go! wW1Umu9TfUA-00045-00010150-00010200 Oh my god... wW1Umu9TfUA-00046-00010258-00010334 Your baller! wW1Umu9TfUA-00047-00010336-00010430 You baller is gone! wW1Umu9TfUA-00048-00010498-00010584 Your fucking baller is gone! wW1Umu9TfUA-00049-00010584-00010658 Oh for God's sake! wW1Umu9TfUA-00050-00010658-00010708 Yea wW1Umu9TfUA-00051-00010756-00010932 Good idea, I'm always filled with good ideas wW1Umu9TfUA-00052-00010932-00011100 My name is Phil Goodidea wW1Umu9TfUA-00053-00011266-00011336 No, your name is Thomas. wW1Umu9TfUA-00054-00011362-00011602 Oh there's a guy on a fucking hoverboard wW1Umu9TfUA-00055-00011602-00011814 Okay let's just, ok stealth wW1Umu9TfUA-00056-00011816-00012024 He doesn't see us, he doesn't see us! wW1Umu9TfUA-00057-00012024-00012146 Fuck! fuck! fuck! wW1Umu9TfUA-00058-00012146-00012264 He doesn't see us! wW1Umu9TfUA-00059-00012264-00012348 Aye we got high-ground wW1Umu9TfUA-00060-00012348-00012414 Ayy wW1Umu9TfUA-00061-00012414-00012486 Now what? wW1Umu9TfUA-00062-00012646-00012812 I fucked our position wW1Umu9TfUA-00063-00012812-00012869 I can tell wW1Umu9TfUA-00064-00012878-00012980 The man knows wW1Umu9TfUA-00065-00013084-00013332 The man knows... he knows! wW1Umu9TfUA-00066-00013626-00013794 Let's break the base of his 1x1 wW1Umu9TfUA-00067-00013841-00013936 Aaaaaah wW1Umu9TfUA-00068-00013936-00014212 Okay I got out of my baller and now I don't have it anymore! wW1Umu9TfUA-00069-00014247-00014297 Fuck! wW1Umu9TfUA-00070-00014888-00015116 Oh shit, oh fuck I'm getting shot, we're getting shot wW1Umu9TfUA-00071-00015147-00015222 Same same! wW1Umu9TfUA-00072-00015222-00015308 Okay you know what? wW1Umu9TfUA-00073-00015308-00015444 I'm gonna fuckin' - no, no, no! wW1Umu9TfUA-00074-00015444-00015688 They broke the baller Oh that guy just got sniped wW1Umu9TfUA-00075-00015800-00015954 And I just knocked myself out what the hell? wW1Umu9TfUA-00076-00015972-00016378 Okay, I, I, I don't know how RPG works anymore but... wW1Umu9TfUA-00077-00016378-00016504 Sniping opportunity! wW1Umu9TfUA-00078-00016612-00016756 Great, great, fucking great! wW1Umu9TfUA-00079-00016894-00016974 Clean, clean, clean wW1Umu9TfUA-00080-00017302-00017400 Wow that was delayed! wW1Umu9TfUA-00081-00017584-00017687 Nice wW1Umu9TfUA-00082-00017687-00017790 Nice! wW1Umu9TfUA-00083-00017790-00018118 Holy crap you're actually getting better at this game- oh nope, nevermind wW1Umu9TfUA-00084-00018238-00018288 No! wW1Umu9TfUA-00085-00018324-00018374 Don't choke wW1Umu9TfUA-00086-00018464-00018514 *choking noises* wW1Umu9TfUA-00087-00018682-00018762 Don't choke wW1Umu9TfUA-00088-00018822-00018872 He's trash wW1Umu9TfUA-00089-00018872-00018922 Wait wW1Umu9TfUA-00090-00018922-00019226 Yep, yep, he's dead, he's dead! wW1Umu9TfUA-00091-00019226-00019326 Oooh we fucking won boys! wW1Umu9TfUA-00092-00019326-00019376 He's dead wW1Umu9TfUA-00093-00019376-00019426 We fucking won! wW1Umu9TfUA-00094-00019448-00019498 Let's go! wW1Umu9TfUA-00095-00019510-00019742 Wait hold on there's one more guy left tho wW1Umu9TfUA-00096-00019742-00019948 He's down, he's down he fucking down wW1Umu9TfUA-00097-00020156-00020278 1-kill win motherfucker! wW1Umu9TfUA-00098-00020278-00020480 My fucking God! wW1Umu9TfUA-00099-00020566-00020702 What the hell man? wW1Umu9TfUA-00100-00020702-00020752 Yay! wW1Umu9TfUA-00101-00021174-00021376 Ah, fuck, that was... easy. wWQF-iXv2lg-00000-00000953-00001330 To run a saved search during a future visit, navigate to the Workbench, wWQF-iXv2lg-00001-00001330-00001966 and then click on the blue “i” icon next to the search item to re-run the exact same query again. wWQF-iXv2lg-00002-00001966-00002866 If there are new data released in the database that match your search criteria, the new data will also be included in the search result. waplurC5KHy-00000-00000020-00000526 Welcome everyone to the 4th episode of Fun with Langs! waplurC5KHy-00001-00000596-00000969 In this episode we'll talk about language vs dialect. waplurC5KHy-00002-00001046-00001394 A language has many local variants, also known as dialects. waplurC5KHy-00003-00001466-00002074 Over the course of years, when a local variant of a language diverges significantly... waplurC5KHy-00004-00002120-00002392 from the main language, it becomes a separate language. waplurC5KHy-00005-00002526-00002700 But does it happen all the time? waplurC5KHy-00006-00002748-00002932 For instance, there are many... waplurC5KHy-00007-00002978-00003194 local variants of Arabic in the... waplurC5KHy-00008-00003228-00003458 Middle East, which are so different from one another that... waplurC5KHy-00009-00003494-00003978 speakers of one region cannot understand the Arabic from another region. waplurC5KHy-00010-00004054-00004360 The issue piqued my interest not because of Arabic from faraway... waplurC5KHy-00011-00004402-00004656 Near East--it was from Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00012-00004744-00005090 I myself have heard and read many local variants of Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00013-00005276-00005784 For example, some believe that the variant of Bangla in the Sylhet region isn't even Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00014-00005852-00005990 That it's a separate language. waplurC5KHy-00015-00006126-00006566 Another example is the language of Sicily, an island in the south of Italy. waplurC5KHy-00016-00006640-00007009 When I read books on the Mafia... waplurC5KHy-00017-00007064-00007518 I realised Sicilians can understand the standard Italian of Rome... waplurC5KHy-00018-00007556-00007881 while most Italian speakers can also understand Sicilian. waplurC5KHy-00019-00007940-00008374 Then when does a local variant stop being a dialect and become language? waplurC5KHy-00020-00008490-00009102 Curiously, there's no hard and fast rule to separate languages from dialects. waplurC5KHy-00021-00009160-00009550 Sometimes even social and political circumstances determine... waplurC5KHy-00022-00009576-00009788 whether to call... waplurC5KHy-00023-00009834-00009952 something language or dialect. waplurC5KHy-00024-00010094-00010438 One of the biggest determiners is mutual intelligibility. waplurC5KHy-00025-00010506-00011562 If two people from two regions speaking two styles can understand each other, it's safe to say they speak two dialects of the same language. waplurC5KHy-00026-00011616-00012154 But like I already mentioned Arabic, sometimes two dialects... waplurC5KHy-00027-00012200-00012454 can be too different for its respective speakers to understand... waplurC5KHy-00028-00012508-00012788 each other, even then, without categorizing their tongues as separate languages, they're... waplurC5KHy-00029-00012822-00013241 labeled as the same language. waplurC5KHy-00030-00013380-00013850 As I said, I became interested in the whole thing from the Sylheti variant of Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00031-00013962-00014397 Philologists of Bangla usually consider it a dialect of Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00032-00014458-00014816 Then why is Sylheti so different from the standard spoken Bangla? waplurC5KHy-00033-00014922-00015052 One reason is, waplurC5KHy-00034-00015096-00015662 the accepted standard for spoken Bangla is a variety which is geographically far from Sylhet. waplurC5KHy-00035-00015734-00016269 Dr Muhammad Shahidullah accepted the Nadia-Shantiniketani variety of Bangla as the standard. waplurC5KHy-00036-00016398-00016946 The distance between the far east and far western regions has contributed to the dialects diverging significantly. waplurC5KHy-00037-00017048-00017450 The second reason is my conjecture and I can't prove it, per se. waplurC5KHy-00038-00017522-00018138 I think the Sylheti variety of Bangla's development has been... waplurC5KHy-00039-00018170-00018582 quite isolated and independent from the rest of the dialects. waplurC5KHy-00040-00018670-00019160 That's why some older Bangla forms are preserved in it which are... waplurC5KHy-00041-00019212-00019642 lost in other dialects of Bangla. waplurC5KHy-00042-00019780-00020730 Conversely, some of the changes introduced to Sylheti are unique to it. waplurC5KHy-00043-00020860-00021386 Be that as it may, I personally feel Sylheti is one of the major branches... waplurC5KHy-00044-00021430-00021848 Not a separate language. waplurC5KHy-00045-00021950-00022396 The same logic possibly applies to Sicilian as well. waplurC5KHy-00046-00022496-00022764 So which vernacular shall we use? waplurC5KHy-00047-00022802-00023082 In official and formal settings, waplurC5KHy-00048-00023132-00023396 use of the accepted standard is expected. waplurC5KHy-00049-00023452-00023916 But we must also take care that the local variants don't go extinct. waplurC5KHy-00050-00023998-00024326 One of the most prominent beauties of language is its group of dialects. waplurC5KHy-00051-00024386-00024672 Hence, whether considered a separate language or not, languages and their... waplurC5KHy-00052-00024732-00025064 dialects can coexist. waplurC5KHy-00053-00025194-00025500 But for that, we must have... waplurC5KHy-00054-00025602-00025798 you know it, love for language! waplurC5KHy-00055-00025956-00026264 That's all for today. See you in the next episode. waplurC5KHy-00056-00026302-00026626 If you liked the episode, please like, subscribe and share. waplurC5KHy-00057-00026683-00026774 Thank you for watching! waZY74It8TQ-00000-00000836-00000988 No..No.. Can't go left... Sensor detects wide obstructions waZY74It8TQ-00002-00003511-00003672 Slippery Surface... :) waZY74It8TQ-00003-00004314-00004706 Scanning around and calculating distance from obstacles wej7yvM176g-00000-00000345-00000773 Hi everyone! Zuzanna Rochowiak, Business Unit Director at AVSystem here. wej7yvM176g-00001-00000807-00001074 Are you a device vendor or a system integrator? wej7yvM176g-00002-00001151-00001491 Would you like to offer value-added services to your customers? wej7yvM176g-00003-00001620-00002152 If so, bundle your TR-069 or USP-compatible devices wej7yvM176g-00004-00002160-00002492 with the best device management platform on the market. wej7yvM176g-00005-00002575-00002867 Join the network of successful Cloud ACS partners. wej7yvM176g-00006-00002917-00003296 Check now if there is a call for partners in your region and join us soon! wemCONJ8VF0-00000-00000000-00000200 I am a Snake wg-vJwVApbA-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video wg-vJwVApbA-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view wg-vJwVApbA-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. wg-vJwVApbA-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much wh5jYDsgkYy-00000-00000247-00000666 Dragging and dropping files into Moodle wh5jYDsgkYy-00001-00000666-00000809 There are two ways to add wh5jYDsgkYy-00002-00000809-00001401 documents such as presentations or word-processed files to your Moodle course. wh5jYDsgkYy-00003-00001401-00001860 One way is by simply dragging them and dropping them straight onto your course wh5jYDsgkYy-00004-00001860-00002229 page. We look at here. The second way wh5jYDsgkYy-00005-00002229-00002561 is by using Moodle's activity chooser and file picker wh5jYDsgkYy-00006-00002561-00002892 and we look at that in the next video. wh5jYDsgkYy-00007-00002892-00003183 Both ways need the editing to be turned on wh5jYDsgkYy-00008-00003183-00003601 either by clicking the Turn editing on button or by scrolling down in the wh5jYDsgkYy-00009-00003601-00003729 administration block wh5jYDsgkYy-00010-00003729-00004033 and clicking the Turn editing on link. wh5jYDsgkYy-00011-00004033-00004514 Then, if your browser shows you a message saying that you can drag and drop files wh5jYDsgkYy-00012-00004514-00004915 this means you're able to use the drag and drop method. wh5jYDsgkYy-00013-00004915-00005327 If you don't see that, ask your administrator about your browser wh5jYDsgkYy-00014-00005327-00005923 or the Moodle admin settings to see if it's possible for you or not. wh5jYDsgkYy-00015-00005923-00006258 Over on the right I have a presentation "Lecture notes" wh5jYDsgkYy-00016-00006258-00006755 and in order to add it to Moodle, I simply need to choose a section where I wh5jYDsgkYy-00017-00006755-00006836 want it.. wh5jYDsgkYy-00018-00006836-00007155 ..so for example I'd like the lecture notes in the wh5jYDsgkYy-00019-00007155-00007339 Listening section.. wh5jYDsgkYy-00020-00007339-00007686 so I place the cursor on the presentation wh5jYDsgkYy-00021-00007686-00008275 click onto it, hold it, and simply drag it to where I want. wh5jYDsgkYy-00022-00008275-00008597 The dotted box will appear and then when I let go wh5jYDsgkYy-00023-00008597-00008950 it will automatically be uploaded. wh5jYDsgkYy-00024-00008950-00009295 And if you make a mistake, remember that we can move it wh5jYDsgkYy-00025-00009295-00009738 either by drag and drop or if we have a very long course wh5jYDsgkYy-00026-00009738-00010270 page, by clicking on to the move icon and choosing where he want it to go wh5jYDsgkYy-00027-00010270-00010589 for example here, from the Listening section wh5jYDsgkYy-00028-00010589-00011184 into the Reading section. wh5jYDsgkYy-00029-00011184-00011554 It's also possible to drag and drop several files at the wh5jYDsgkYy-00030-00011554-00011855 same time if you click and select wh5jYDsgkYy-00031-00011855-00012555 all of them - you can drop them all into your course page together. wh5jYDsgkYy-00032-00012556-00012903 Also, if you put your files into a folder wh5jYDsgkYy-00033-00012903-00013359 you can drag the whole folder in, but first it's important that you wh5jYDsgkYy-00034-00013359-00013836 compress or zip the folder as you can see here. wh5jYDsgkYy-00035-00013836-00014196 Then when you drop it in, you are prompted to unzip it wh5jYDsgkYy-00036-00014196-00014549 and this will then display the folder with your files inside. wir-xS7wgpA-00000-00000297-00000609 Hello, I'm Colin, and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. wir-xS7wgpA-00001-00000609-00000877 A New Zealand man has been accused of defrauding money from health care wir-xS7wgpA-00002-00000877-00001152 charities using his position at Queensland Health. wir-xS7wgpA-00003-00001152-00001468 Hohepa Morehu-Barlow told everyone he was a Tahitian prince, wir-xS7wgpA-00004-00001468-00001760 to explain his overtly wealthy lifestyle. wir-xS7wgpA-00005-00001760-00002139 A 2009 Christian candidate for governor of Alabama has spent the last year in wir-xS7wgpA-00006-00002139-00002527 New Zealand offering lesbian couples his services as a sperm donor. wir-xS7wgpA-00007-00002527-00002838 Bill Johnson went to Christchurch to help with the earthquake relief efforts. wir-xS7wgpA-00008-00002838-00003257 A court has heard a Sri Lankan man, being helped for gender identity issues wir-xS7wgpA-00009-00003257-00003584 pushed his councellor under a tube train in London last October. wir-xS7wgpA-00010-00003584-00003879 Sonia Burgess was a transgender human rights lawyer, who had wir-xS7wgpA-00011-00003879-00004162 been helping him with his mental health problems for some time. wir-xS7wgpA-00012-00004162-00004598 HIV positive people responding well to meds, with no prior medical problems have wir-xS7wgpA-00013-00004598-00004992 similar mortality risks as HIV negative people, a new Danish study has found, wir-xS7wgpA-00014-00004992-00005290 But drug and alcohol abuse can impact negatively on lifespans. wir-xS7wgpA-00015-00005290-00005736 And finally, penguins, Buddy and Pedro may have gone their separate ways. wir-xS7wgpA-00016-00005736-00005976 Buddy, who had a female partner for 10 years has wir-xS7wgpA-00017-00005976-00006115 paired up with another female. wir-xS7wgpA-00018-00006115-00006517 Pedro however, has never produced offspring and is still alone. wir-xS7wgpA-00019-00006517-00006629 Thats all from us today. wir-xS7wgpA-00020-00006629-00006709 Join us again tomorrow. wjbQ77qPGMU-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video wjbQ77qPGMU-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view wjbQ77qPGMU-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. wjbQ77qPGMU-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much wlWCYFZ8M40-00000-00000016-00000310 >>My name is TSgt. Jonathan Jiloca. I am the current wlWCYFZ8M40-00001-00000316-00000560 flight chief of the laboratory here at Yokota. wlWCYFZ8M40-00002-00000567-00001057 We are a 24/7 operation here. We cater pretty much wlWCYFZ8M40-00003-00001064-00001524 to anything that's medical. Without the laboratory wlWCYFZ8M40-00004-00001531-00001871 we would not have a hospital because from the blood wlWCYFZ8M40-00005-00001878-00002138 that we give the doctors as required, they wlWCYFZ8M40-00006-00002145-00002325 can not perform operations. wlWCYFZ8M40-00007-00002332-00002642 We are instrumental for them to be able to identify what's wlWCYFZ8M40-00008-00002649-00002939 going wrong or what's causing the sickness of the patient, wlWCYFZ8M40-00009-00002946-00003259 and so without us, we pretty much don't have a hospital. x14P3NR6KNc-00000-00000031-00000768 So we are tenth – ‘C.’ Actually many times the headmaster of that time thought x14P3NR6KNc-00001-00000768-00001110 of hacking this entire section. x14P3NR6KNc-00002-00001110-00001646 Teachers like me, they want me to visit the headmaster’s room pretty often (Laughter). x14P3NR6KNc-00003-00001646-00002217 We wanted to do something to disrupt her life and of course she did not notice and some x14P3NR6KNc-00004-00002217-00002866 of them were giggling, that one thing made me in such a way that I never forget… forgot x14P3NR6KNc-00005-00002866-00003772 that one teacher (Laughs) Speaker (Professor Y.Srikanth): There is one x14P3NR6KNc-00006-00003772-00004313 teacher among many that Sri Sadhguru fondly remembers. x14P3NR6KNc-00007-00004313-00004597 That is Miss Sarasa. x14P3NR6KNc-00008-00004597-00005193 Speaker (Miss Sarasa): Namaskar Sadhguru (Applause). x14P3NR6KNc-00009-00005193-00005700 You are back in the campus after almost fifty years. x14P3NR6KNc-00010-00005700-00005800 Sadhguru: Forty-five. x14P3NR6KNc-00011-00005800-00005980 Speaker (Miss Sarasa): Forty-five years (Cheers). x14P3NR6KNc-00012-00005980-00006451 What does it feel to be back? x14P3NR6KNc-00013-00006451-00006989 Sadhguru: Well, no school kept me for more than one year. x14P3NR6KNc-00014-00006989-00008053 This is one school which kept me for two years (Laughter), so I'm grateful (Laughs) for that. x14P3NR6KNc-00015-00008053-00008592 I have to admit I was not much of a student. x14P3NR6KNc-00016-00008592-00009272 I did come to school whenever it was must. x14P3NR6KNc-00017-00009272-00009767 Of all the schools that I went to, one-one year, one-one year I was in different schools. x14P3NR6KNc-00018-00009767-00010597 So, the very fact that I spent two years in this school, I enjoyed this school most. x14P3NR6KNc-00019-00010597-00011025 I must, I must share how I remember Saraswati. x14P3NR6KNc-00020-00011025-00011253 Speaker: (Miss Sarasa): Sarasa… x14P3NR6KNc-00021-00011253-00011353 Sarasa. x14P3NR6KNc-00022-00011353-00011453 Sadhguru: Sarasa? x14P3NR6KNc-00023-00011453-00011835 I won't take that liberty (Laughs). x14P3NR6KNc-00024-00011835-00012295 The first day she is walking from Regional College of Education. x14P3NR6KNc-00025-00012295-00012586 It is called RCE at that time. x14P3NR6KNc-00026-00012586-00012739 It's changed now? x14P3NR6KNc-00027-00012739-00012995 Speaker: (Miss Sarasa): Now RIE. x14P3NR6KNc-00028-00012995-00013097 Sadhguru: Okay. x14P3NR6KNc-00029-00013097-00013671 So, Regional College of Education, we knew we are getting a new English teacher. x14P3NR6KNc-00030-00013671-00013897 She did not come at the beginning of the term. x14P3NR6KNc-00031-00013897-00014309 She came after a month or two after the… started. x14P3NR6KNc-00032-00014309-00015034 So we are tenth – ‘C.’ Actually many times the headmaster of that time thought x14P3NR6KNc-00033-00015034-00015740 of hacking this entire section and throwing us into a lake or something. x14P3NR6KNc-00034-00015740-00016312 It did not happen but many times he got the thought (Laughs). x14P3NR6KNc-00035-00016312-00016701 So, she is walking in, can I describe? x14P3NR6KNc-00036-00016701-00017020 Speaker (Miss Sarasa): Yeah. x14P3NR6KNc-00037-00017020-00017458 Sadhguru: I’m, I was outside with a couple of the boys. x14P3NR6KNc-00038-00017458-00018020 We are just seeing, "Okay, who is this new teacher?" because nobody really wants to come x14P3NR6KNc-00039-00018020-00018345 into our class. x14P3NR6KNc-00040-00018345-00018540 So I remember Sarsu… x14P3NR6KNc-00041-00018540-00019412 I’m sorry, Saraswati, sorry (Laughs), walking this way and in a white heavily starched cotton x14P3NR6KNc-00042-00019412-00020492 sari with some butta, you know, like a peacock she walked (Cheers & Applause). x14P3NR6KNc-00043-00020492-00021003 Well we carefully examined her (Laughter) and we thought, "Oh!" x14P3NR6KNc-00044-00021003-00021297 We, we discussed and, "Where is she coming from? x14P3NR6KNc-00045-00021297-00021443 Where is she taught before?" x14P3NR6KNc-00046-00021443-00021735 "No she just passed and she is coming." x14P3NR6KNc-00047-00021735-00021835 "Oh! x14P3NR6KNc-00048-00021835-00021935 This is it (Laughter). x14P3NR6KNc-00049-00021935-00022334 Can she handle us?" x14P3NR6KNc-00050-00022334-00022773 Because she is just out of the college. x14P3NR6KNc-00051-00022773-00023790 And then she came into the class and we were the first class that she handled (Laughs). x14P3NR6KNc-00052-00023790-00024304 And just to probably as a new teacher, I am sure she was nervous (Laughs). x14P3NR6KNc-00053-00024304-00025295 As a new teacher wanting to reach out, she walked across the room and she remembers that x14P3NR6KNc-00054-00025295-00025498 I was in the last table. x14P3NR6KNc-00055-00025498-00025803 At that time, it was table and chairs, still so? x14P3NR6KNc-00056-00025803-00025903 Speaker (Professor Y. x14P3NR6KNc-00057-00025903-00026003 Srikanth): Now it's benches. x14P3NR6KNc-00058-00026003-00026103 Sadhguru: Oh! x14P3NR6KNc-00059-00026103-00026203 Benches. x14P3NR6KNc-00060-00026203-00026303 At that time, it was table and chair. x14P3NR6KNc-00061-00026303-00027108 We had our own little thing that we could do and so we, we wanted to do something to x14P3NR6KNc-00062-00027108-00027452 disrupt her life (Laughter). x14P3NR6KNc-00063-00027452-00028202 So, talking to the class she came and probably she wanted to reach out to the last bench x14P3NR6KNc-00064-00028202-00028749 and show that she is a concerned teacher. x14P3NR6KNc-00065-00028749-00029881 When she came and she was facing the other side and leaning on my table, so I felt inspired. x14P3NR6KNc-00066-00029881-00030639 And I opened my pen and let out my pen on her white starch sari which very readily absorbed x14P3NR6KNc-00067-00030639-00031133 all of it (Laughter/Applause). x14P3NR6KNc-00068-00031133-00031680 And of course she did not notice and some of them were giggling who are here and still x14P3NR6KNc-00069-00031680-00032050 giggling (Laughter). x14P3NR6KNc-00070-00032050-00032333 Then she went. x14P3NR6KNc-00071-00032333-00032618 Probably somebody in the staff room would have told her that there is a big patch of x14P3NR6KNc-00072-00032618-00032731 ink. x14P3NR6KNc-00073-00032731-00033406 Then after, in the lunch hour or after lunch hour, post lunch hour, I was in the classroom, x14P3NR6KNc-00074-00033406-00033693 I was called to come to the staff room. x14P3NR6KNc-00075-00033693-00033950 I thought one more suspension (Laughter). x14P3NR6KNc-00076-00033950-00034741 Because I was, I don't know in those two years I think I was suspended at least six times. x14P3NR6KNc-00077-00034741-00035611 So, I went there, she asked me for my pen. x14P3NR6KNc-00078-00035611-00035711 I gave it to her. x14P3NR6KNc-00079-00035711-00036256 I thought she is going to confiscate my pen as proof of empty pen. x14P3NR6KNc-00080-00036256-00036805 Then she took out a ink bottle, filled it and gave it back to me (Applause). x14P3NR6KNc-00081-00036805-00037262 I said, "Thank you ma'am" and went back to the class. x14P3NR6KNc-00082-00037262-00037811 That one thing made me in such a way that I never forget… forgot that one teacher x14P3NR6KNc-00083-00037811-00038587 (Laughs). x14P3NR6KNc-00084-00038587-00039481 So there are many kinds of moments in a school, children should learn to relish and enjoy x14P3NR6KNc-00085-00039481-00039930 all that because they don’t come back later. x14P3NR6KNc-00086-00039930-00040828 Nobody treats you this fondly once you grow a proper mustache, when the real one comes. x14P3NR6KNc-00087-00040828-00041346 Other kinds of things will come to life, but they won’t treat you like this (Laughs), x14P3NR6KNc-00088-00041346-00041534 hmm. x14P3NR6KNc-00089-00041534-00042128 Once the ink goes off and the real thing comes, then they treat you differently. x14P3NR6KNc-00090-00042128-00042349 You will miss it. x14P3NR6KNc-00091-00042349-00043219 So right now when still the moustaches are handwritten, you must enjoy the space, you x14P3NR6KNc-00092-00043219-00043927 must enjoy the fondness, you must enjoy the scolding. x14P3NR6KNc-00093-00043927-00044395 Sometimes they pat you on the back; when it is necessary they’ll do it little harder, x14P3NR6KNc-00094-00044395-00045500 little lower (Laughter), it’s okay. x6nl89F2WJQ-00000-00000032-00000315 Hello and Welcome to Help for Eating Disorders. x6nl89F2WJQ-00001-00000315-00000816 I'm Julia. I created this website after I found something that finally cured my emotional x6nl89F2WJQ-00002-00000816-00001271 eating. Now I want to teach you how to heal your eating disorder. x6nl89F2WJQ-00003-00001271-00002140 In late 2009, I had lost weight but I worried that I may regain it. I knew I was an emotional x6nl89F2WJQ-00004-00002140-00002608 eater. I knew that under really stressful situations only eating seemed to really calm x6nl89F2WJQ-00005-00002608-00003359 me down. I had a truce with my eating disorder at that time, but it was an uneasy truce. x6nl89F2WJQ-00006-00003359-00003888 I felt trapped by reality. I felt trapped by who I was. I felt trapped by what I believed x6nl89F2WJQ-00007-00003888-00004360 to be true. I wanted to get more out of life, but I didn't know how. All I could see was x6nl89F2WJQ-00008-00004360-00004524 the prison around me. x6nl89F2WJQ-00009-00004524-00005100 Then I found Robert G. Smith and Faster EFT on YouTube. My life has never been better. x6nl89F2WJQ-00010-00005100-00005495 I am finally free. I am in control. I no longer worry about falling back into my old habits. x6nl89F2WJQ-00011-00005495-00006160 I am free from food. It no longer controls me. x6nl89F2WJQ-00012-00006160-00006679 The message of Faster EFT is simple. It offers a unique way of understanding yourself. With x6nl89F2WJQ-00013-00006679-00007015 that understanding it is possible to cure your eating disorder. x6nl89F2WJQ-00014-00007015-00007443 In fact, I like FasterEFT so much, that I decided to become a practitioner. I use FasterEFT x6nl89F2WJQ-00015-00007443-00007562 to change problems into opportunities. x6nl89F2WJQ-00016-00007562-00007747 You too, can learn to heal your eating disorder. x6nl89F2WJQ-00017-00007747-00008552 I hope this website contains what you need to heal yourself, but if you ever need more x6nl89F2WJQ-00018-00008552-00008845 information, just contact me. x85zqbNYdnu-00000-00000577-00001289 I think the most important question is, “What is all of this about?” x85zqbNYdnu-00001-00001289-00001521 And x85zqbNYdnu-00002-00001746-00001888 I think the phrase x85zqbNYdnu-00003-00001888-00002222 for me that has always summed that up most succinctly is that this is x85zqbNYdnu-00004-00002223-00002602 an education in the nature of mind, or an education x85zqbNYdnu-00005-00002602-00002892 in the nature of intelligence. x85zqbNYdnu-00006-00003072-00003408 But it is an education that is completely experiential. x85zqbNYdnu-00007-00003408-00004058 So it’s about your direct experience of living an everyday human existence, and x85zqbNYdnu-00008-00004058-00004402 what does that actually mean? And x85zqbNYdnu-00009-00004402-00004701 who are we, really? Who am I? You know x85zqbNYdnu-00010-00004701-00005153 how am I supposed to know how to act and behave in the world? x85zqbNYdnu-00011-00005153-00005342 You know, so it’s a very practical x85zqbNYdnu-00012-00005342-00005749 training. It’s not an abstract philosophy or something that you need to x85zqbNYdnu-00013-00005749-00006035 try and grasp intellectually. x85zqbNYdnu-00014-00006035-00006313 And so x85zqbNYdnu-00015-00006313-00006761 the very simple instruction of introducing yourself to open intelligence x85zqbNYdnu-00016-00006761-00007192 will give you the direct experience of what we’re talking about here. x85zqbNYdnu-00017-00007192-00007530 And to just stop thinking for a moment x85zqbNYdnu-00018-00007530-00007890 allow yourself to be exactly as you are x85zqbNYdnu-00019-00007890-00008209 and notice what remains. x85zqbNYdnu-00020-00008209-00008488 There is this capacity to know. x85zqbNYdnu-00021-00008488-00008791 There is an alertness, there is a cognizance. x85zqbNYdnu-00022-00008791-00009186 And the next thought almost immediately just pops into your mind stream. x85zqbNYdnu-00023-00009186-00009342 And x85zqbNYdnu-00024-00009342-00009915 so it’s simply a question of noticing the intelligence by which everything is known x85zqbNYdnu-00025-00009915-00010309 and then repeating that recognition whenever you naturally remember. x85zqbNYdnu-00026-00010309-00010694 So it’s short moments of the recognition or the acknowledgement x85zqbNYdnu-00027-00010694-00011233 of open intelligence until it becomes obvious at all times. x85zqbNYdnu-00028-00011233-00011631 So this is a very simple instruction that you can easily x85zqbNYdnu-00029-00011631-00012077 integrate into your everyday experience of life. x85zqbNYdnu-00030-00012077-00012539 And, for me what is the important next question is, “Yeah, well x85zqbNYdnu-00031-00012539-00012973 great, but so what? You know, why is that important?” x85zqbNYdnu-00032-00012973-00013519 And it’s important because the way that x85zqbNYdnu-00033-00013519-00013953 certainly I had been behaving, and as I became clearer and clearer x85zqbNYdnu-00034-00013953-00014136 on this basic mechanism x85zqbNYdnu-00035-00014136-00014513 in myself and it became obvious to me that this is actually the way x85zqbNYdnu-00036-00014513-00014713 that everyone is behaving x85zqbNYdnu-00037-00014713-00015140 is that I had been behaving and relating x85zqbNYdnu-00038-00015140-00015769 with the belief that all of my thoughts, emotions and sensations x85zqbNYdnu-00039-00015769-00016472 had a nature separate or apart from this open intelligence by which everything is known. x85zqbNYdnu-00040-00016472-00016884 And when I understand my experience in that way x85zqbNYdnu-00041-00016884-00017196 then it leads to all kinds of x85zqbNYdnu-00042-00017196-00017392 really x85zqbNYdnu-00043-00017502-00017960 bizarre and harmful behavior and actions. x85zqbNYdnu-00044-00017960-00018327 And I look at my own life and I see x85zqbNYdnu-00045-00018327-00018832 so clearly now about the way that I went about my life and the way that x85zqbNYdnu-00046-00018832-00019413 influenced the way that I acted and the decisions that I made in my life. x85zqbNYdnu-00047-00019414-00019959 So for example, the whole idea about seeking approval. x85zqbNYdnu-00048-00019959-00020268 And, it’s a very x85zqbNYdnu-00049-00020268-00020552 powerful and underlying belief x85zqbNYdnu-00050-00020552-00020952 and I see and I can look back and I look back to sort of my teenage years x85zqbNYdnu-00051-00020955-00021208 what they call the formative years. x85zqbNYdnu-00052-00021210-00021678 And I can see how many of the decisions I made x85zqbNYdnu-00053-00021678-00022199 while I was trying to work out my identity, trying to work out, “Well, who am I? You know x85zqbNYdnu-00054-00022199-00022433 What kind of identity should I x85zqbNYdnu-00055-00022433-00022625 be trying to develop here? What x85zqbNYdnu-00056-00022625-00023111 kinds of music do I like? What kinds of clothes should I be wearing?” x85zqbNYdnu-00057-00023111-00023514 You know, “What kinds of things should I be liking? How should I be using x85zqbNYdnu-00058-00023514-00023983 my speech? What kinds of things should I be saying or not saying?” x85zqbNYdnu-00059-00023983-00024305 And I can look back now and I can see that x85zqbNYdnu-00060-00024305-00024515 because this idea x85zqbNYdnu-00061-00024515-00024821 that I needed approval from other people x85zqbNYdnu-00062-00024821-00025328 had so much weight, or it seemed to have so much importance x85zqbNYdnu-00063-00025329-00025750 it actually informed almost everything that I did. x85zqbNYdnu-00064-00025990-00026488 And so it is this basic mechanism of not recognizing, all data x85zqbNYdnu-00065-00026491-00026815 all thoughts, emotions and sensations x85zqbNYdnu-00066-00026815-00027132 as the dynamic energy of open intelligence. x85zqbNYdnu-00067-00027132-00027434 Inseparable from open intelligence. x85zqbNYdnu-00068-00027434-00027713 Like the breeze is inseparable from the air. x85zqbNYdnu-00069-00027713-00027985 And giving them this independent nature x85zqbNYdnu-00070-00027985-00028303 that means we become a victim to them. x85zqbNYdnu-00071-00028303-00028614 So practically, what does that mean and how does that look? Well x85zqbNYdnu-00072-00028614-00029059 for me I can see, I looked back and x85zqbNYdnu-00073-00029166-00029576 “Why did I start smoking?” for example. x85zqbNYdnu-00074-00029576-00030126 Why did I start smoking? I started smoking when I was fifteen, first of all. x85zqbNYdnu-00075-00030126-00030333 And x85zqbNYdnu-00076-00030333-00030654 I can look back now and there was different things going on, but x85zqbNYdnu-00077-00030654-00030835 it was a curiosity. x85zqbNYdnu-00078-00030835-00031172 But it was also very much a sense of x85zqbNYdnu-00079-00031172-00031600 wanting the approval of my friends and peers. x85zqbNYdnu-00080-00031702-00032096 And I looked at the media and I could see that there was this portrayal x85zqbNYdnu-00081-00032096-00032442 of smoking as being something that was somehow cool. x85zqbNYdnu-00082-00032442-00032853 You know, the classic pictures of the film stars with the cigarette sort of x85zqbNYdnu-00083-00032853-00033152 hanging from their mouth, looking really cool, and x85zqbNYdnu-00084-00033152-00033436 so there was all of this going on. There was this x85zqbNYdnu-00085-00033436-00033789 sense of wanting to belong, of wanting approval from x85zqbNYdnu-00086-00033789-00034143 the people that I looked up to and thought were cool. x85zqbNYdnu-00087-00034143-00034605 And, so beginning smoking x85zqbNYdnu-00088-00034605-00034826 and I look back and x85zqbNYdnu-00089-00034826-00035152 I look and I see that the way that I behaved and related x85zqbNYdnu-00090-00035152-00035585 was all about trying to fit in and trying to craft this identity x85zqbNYdnu-00091-00035585-00035842 working out which of the people around me x85zqbNYdnu-00092-00035842-00036207 were the cool people to hang out with and which were the ones that weren’t so cool. x85zqbNYdnu-00093-00036207-00036432 And I look back at this x85zqbNYdnu-00094-00036432-00036910 really contrived, painful way of relating and x85zqbNYdnu-00095-00036911-00037275 I look back now and it’s just complete insanity x85zqbNYdnu-00096-00037275-00037410 because I see that there x85zqbNYdnu-00097-00037410-00037692 were close friends that suddenly I decided, no, they x85zqbNYdnu-00098-00037692-00037972 weren’t actually cool enough and I would kind of x85zqbNYdnu-00099-00037972-00038159 just cut them out from my life. x85zqbNYdnu-00100-00038159-00038604 And then I’d hang around with people that I look back on now and it’s just like x85zqbNYdnu-00101-00038604-00038910 they were complete idiots, but somehow x85zqbNYdnu-00102-00038910-00039404 I decided that they were the cool people and these were the people that I needed to emulate. x85zqbNYdnu-00103-00039404-00039683 I wanted their approval. x85zqbNYdnu-00104-00039683-00040031 I wanted the people that weren’t cool to look up to me x85zqbNYdnu-00105-00040031-00040546 as if I was cool and I wanted the people that were cool to sort of include me in their x85zqbNYdnu-00106-00040546-00040746 activities. x85zqbNYdnu-00107-00040746-00040971 And it was just this x85zqbNYdnu-00108-00040971-00041411 total insanity, because I never felt secure in that. x85zqbNYdnu-00109-00041411-00041638 There was always people that were more cool than me and x85zqbNYdnu-00110-00041639-00041879 there were always cool people that didn’t think I was cool x85zqbNYdnu-00111-00041879-00042111 and that would just shatter this whole x85zqbNYdnu-00112-00042111-00042663 difficult game that I was playing, this whole just-trying-to-catch-up with some x85zqbNYdnu-00113-00042663-00042974 idea about how I should be. x85zqbNYdnu-00114-00042974-00043356 And trying to work that out again and again and again, trying to x85zqbNYdnu-00115-00043356-00043616 somehow get this identity together. x85zqbNYdnu-00116-00043616-00043900 You know, wearing certain clothes, you know, certain x85zqbNYdnu-00117-00043900-00044258 clothes that distinguished me from other groups of people, and x85zqbNYdnu-00118-00044258-00044574 trying to craft this identity in that way. x85zqbNYdnu-00119-00044574-00044742 And x85zqbNYdnu-00120-00044845-00045106 this just didn’t stop when I x85zqbNYdnu-00121-00045108-00045515 ended being a teenager, this continued on into my adult life. x85zqbNYdnu-00122-00045515-00045808 You know, trying to craft this identity, trying to x85zqbNYdnu-00123-00045808-00046062 seek approval from society. x85zqbNYdnu-00124-00046062-00046439 You know, “Okay, well maybe what I need to do is try to find a good job and x85zqbNYdnu-00125-00046439-00047094 okay, so, well I need a good relationship and a girlfriend, you know, that’s x85zqbNYdnu-00126-00047095-00047576 what all of my family keep asking me about, then surely that’s what I should be doing.” x85zqbNYdnu-00127-00047576-00047850 “Have you met anybody nice yet?” x85zqbNYdnu-00128-00047850-00048058 Just this whole x85zqbNYdnu-00129-00048058-00048651 pressure, all the while, to conform and to fit into this x85zqbNYdnu-00130-00048651-00049121 well, what you could call them would be “a cult of conventional living.” x85zqbNYdnu-00131-00049121-00049380 And after a while I just could see that x85zqbNYdnu-00132-00049380-00049662 there wasn’t anything in this for me. x85zqbNYdnu-00133-00049662-00050026 You know, I had this conventional job and I had x85zqbNYdnu-00134-00050026-00050561 relationships, but that was just even more confusion, more and more data about x85zqbNYdnu-00135-00050561-00050841 trying to work out how to be in an intimate relationship x85zqbNYdnu-00136-00050841-00051060 and that was just a minefield. x85zqbNYdnu-00137-00051060-00051260 You know, just this whole x85zqbNYdnu-00138-00051260-00051584 tense game of never really feeling secure x85zqbNYdnu-00139-00051584-00051802 or having moments of feeling secure but x85zqbNYdnu-00140-00051802-00052157 never being able to make them last. x85zqbNYdnu-00141-00052312-00052601 So then I tried a really unconventional x85zqbNYdnu-00142-00052601-00052801 approach to life as well. x85zqbNYdnu-00143-00052801-00053149 In a way, you could say I adopted all of these unconventional x85zqbNYdnu-00144-00053149-00053551 data and tried to live from there, and sort of rejected the x85zqbNYdnu-00145-00053551-00053939 you know, the nine-five job and, you know, getting the mortgage and x85zqbNYdnu-00146-00053939-00054273 settling down and having a family, and I went off and x85zqbNYdnu-00147-00054273-00054536 did really unconventional things. But x85zqbNYdnu-00148-00054536-00054881 at the same time all of this subtle data about x85zqbNYdnu-00149-00054881-00055157 who I needed to be and this identity x85zqbNYdnu-00150-00055157-00055328 it just changed x85zqbNYdnu-00151-00055328-00055663 but it was just a different set of ideas that I was now trying to x85zqbNYdnu-00152-00055663-00055806 conform to. x85zqbNYdnu-00153-00055806-00056317 And again there was no real sense of stability or ease or x85zqbNYdnu-00154-00056317-00056573 feeling comfortable with myself. x85zqbNYdnu-00155-00056573-00056736 And x85zqbNYdnu-00156-00056736-00057307 it sort of came, it became a bit desperate really. It’s like, “What x85zqbNYdnu-00157-00057310-00057516 am I meant to be doing here? x85zqbNYdnu-00158-00057516-00057998 How am I meant to be living? It just feels that I can’t find x85zqbNYdnu-00159-00057998-00058294 this real sense of satisfaction anywhere. x85zqbNYdnu-00160-00058294-00058692 You know, I’ve tried these conventional approaches, I’ve tried unconventional x85zqbNYdnu-00161-00058692-00059022 approaches and I just don’t x85zqbNYdnu-00162-00059022-00059383 I was still just as confused as I ever was. I don't x85zqbNYdnu-00163-00059383-00059907 I’ve tried to study things and learn things and have experiences and x85zqbNYdnu-00164-00059907-00060130 this has just given me more and more x85zqbNYdnu-00165-00060130-00060313 data to think about and x85zqbNYdnu-00166-00060313-00060726 more and more memories to look back on and feel confusion and x85zqbNYdnu-00167-00060726-00061066 pain about and x85zqbNYdnu-00168-00061068-00061241 I thought now I’m an adult I’d x85zqbNYdnu-00169-00061241-00061667 be getting somewhere, or suddenly it was all gonna make sense, and x85zqbNYdnu-00170-00061667-00062296 I’m just more confused. I still don’t know what’s going on, really. x85zqbNYdnu-00171-00062296-00062707 You know, I can fool myself, but not really.” x85zqbNYdnu-00172-00062707-00062894 And x85zqbNYdnu-00173-00062894-00063229 so then I was introduced to open intelligence. x85zqbNYdnu-00174-00063229-00063691 There was that introduction, that invitation just to stop thinking for a moment. x85zqbNYdnu-00175-00063691-00064108 Just to relax and allow myself to be exactly as I am. x85zqbNYdnu-00176-00064108-00064459 And there was an immediate sense of relief. x85zqbNYdnu-00177-00064459-00064849 There was this sense of just being able to relax and to be x85zqbNYdnu-00178-00064849-00065079 just exactly who I am x85zqbNYdnu-00179-00065079-00065359 without needing to contrive anything x85zqbNYdnu-00180-00065359-00065720 just for an instant, just for a short moment. x85zqbNYdnu-00181-00065720-00066158 And that sense of relief was so profound. x85zqbNYdnu-00182-00066158-00066677 It was such a, it was like letting this big heavy load of all of these x85zqbNYdnu-00183-00066677-00067176 ideas and experiences and thoughts and emotions and memories and x85zqbNYdnu-00184-00067176-00067617 just allowing it to drop to the ground for an instant. x85zqbNYdnu-00185-00067617-00068023 And then I was back, sort of thinking about everything and x85zqbNYdnu-00186-00068023-00068302 trying to work everything out as I had been doing for x85zqbNYdnu-00187-00068302-00068626 thirty-five years, thinking and thinking and thinking. x85zqbNYdnu-00188-00068626-00069047 And then there was the invitation to repeat that short moment. x85zqbNYdnu-00189-00069047-00069377 “Just relax and allow everything to be exactly as it is. x85zqbNYdnu-00190-00069377-00070026 Identify this wide-open intelligence that is looking through your eyes.” x85zqbNYdnu-00191-00070031-00070430 And it was actually really easy to identify. x85zqbNYdnu-00192-00070430-00070724 It wasn’t difficult because it was always being there. x85zqbNYdnu-00193-00070724-00071106 It was always this same intelligence that was looking through my eyes. x85zqbNYdnu-00194-00071106-00071401 I just had to notice it. x85zqbNYdnu-00195-00071582-00071819 However, the habit of x85zqbNYdnu-00196-00071819-00072357 emphasizing all of my thoughts, emotions and sensations, what we can just call “data,” x85zqbNYdnu-00197-00072357-00072704 rather than recognizing open intelligence, was so strong x85zqbNYdnu-00198-00072704-00073054 it had been something that I’d trained in for so many years x85zqbNYdnu-00199-00073054-00073357 that even with the power and profundity of that x85zqbNYdnu-00200-00073357-00073721 moment of instinctive recognition x85zqbNYdnu-00201-00073721-00074156 I needed the support of a really comprehensive x85zqbNYdnu-00202-00074157-00074318 instruction set x85zqbNYdnu-00203-00074318-00074810 to allow me to settle into this recognition in all aspects of my life. x85zqbNYdnu-00204-00074810-00075235 To recognize the indivisibility of really everything x85zqbNYdnu-00205-00075235-00075658 all of my data, from this vast expanse of open intelligence. x85zqbNYdnu-00206-00075658-00075955 All data. x85zqbNYdnu-00207-00075955-00076349 And, so this is what I found in the Balanced View Training. x85zqbNYdnu-00208-00076349-00076590 There was this powerful introduction x85zqbNYdnu-00209-00076590-00076921 but then there was this comprehensive support x85zqbNYdnu-00210-00076921-00077225 that allowed me to integrate this into my everyday life x85zqbNYdnu-00211-00077225-00077699 rather than trying to make something special out of it. x85zqbNYdnu-00212-00077701-00078046 And I’d had this instinctive recognition before in my life. x85zqbNYdnu-00213-00078046-00078398 And I’d made something special out of it and it seemed something x85zqbNYdnu-00214-00078398-00078933 so separate or distanced from my everyday experience of life. x85zqbNYdnu-00215-00078933-00079331 From my mundane experience of life. x85zqbNYdnu-00216-00079331-00079839 The whole data stream of being normal x85zqbNYdnu-00217-00079839-00080352 and the mundane existence of life, that terrified me! x85zqbNYdnu-00218-00080352-00080605 That for me was a sign of failure. x85zqbNYdnu-00219-00080605-00080949 I needed my life to be exciting, adventurous x85zqbNYdnu-00220-00080949-00081149 and blissful, incredible! x85zqbNYdnu-00221-00081149-00081413 It needed to be like that and when it wasn’t like that x85zqbNYdnu-00222-00081413-00081852 which was actually the vast majority of the time, it was miserable. x85zqbNYdnu-00223-00081853-00082156 It wasn’t the way that I thought it should be. x85zqbNYdnu-00224-00082156-00082415 But this was just another data set x85zqbNYdnu-00225-00082415-00082636 another idea that I’d adopted x85zqbNYdnu-00226-00082636-00083030 “Okay, so, well, this is how my life needs to look, this is my identity. x85zqbNYdnu-00227-00083030-00083328 The exciting, adventurous person. x85zqbNYdnu-00228-00083328-00083519 This is how it should look.” x85zqbNYdnu-00229-00083519-00083890 And to recognize that it’s the same open intelligence that experiences x85zqbNYdnu-00230-00083890-00084177 the most incredible adventure you’ve ever been on x85zqbNYdnu-00231-00084177-00084369 also experiences you x85zqbNYdnu-00232-00084369-00084747 going down to the shop and buying your pint of milk in the morning. x85zqbNYdnu-00233-00084747-00084971 It’s the same incredible x85zqbNYdnu-00234-00084971-00085283 wide-open space of knowing that is the basis x85zqbNYdnu-00235-00085283-00085686 of all of these experiences, without exception. x85zqbNYdnu-00236-00085686-00085999 And the practice of short moments allows you to see x85zqbNYdnu-00237-00085999-00086147 whether that’s true or not. x85zqbNYdnu-00238-00086147-00086639 So I could test out that fundamental truth about the nature of reality. x85zqbNYdnu-00239-00086639-00086984 “Is open intelligence naturally present? x85zqbNYdnu-00240-00086984-00087520 Is it always on? Can I rely on it? And what happens when I do?” x85zqbNYdnu-00241-00087520-00087748 So I could test out short moments x85zqbNYdnu-00242-00087748-00088148 of just recognizing open intelligence, whenever I naturally remembered. x85zqbNYdnu-00243-00088148-00088430 And if you’re new here, that’s something that you can x85zqbNYdnu-00244-00088430-00088720 test for yourself, even if it’s just for today. x85zqbNYdnu-00245-00088720-00089130 Because it’s vital that it’s based on your experience. x85zqbNYdnu-00246-00089130-00089403 Not talking about reading about it in a book or x85zqbNYdnu-00247-00089403-00089689 somebody else’s experience, it’s all about your experience. x86KKUjZW8Q-00000-00000048-00000160 Hello, pragmaticists! x86KKUjZW8Q-00001-00000160-00000248 Chris Potts here. x86KKUjZW8Q-00002-00000248-00000664 Welcome to part 3 in our series of screencasts on Gricean pragmatics. x86KKUjZW8Q-00003-00000664-00001112 The first screencast provided general background, and the second screencast x86KKUjZW8Q-00004-00001112-00001496 gave an overview of the cooperative principle and the maxims of conversation. x86KKUjZW8Q-00005-00001576-00001888 For this screencast, we're going to move through the maxims one by one. x86KKUjZW8Q-00006-00001888-00002384 And we'll use this clash/opt-out/flout categorization that I established last time x86KKUjZW8Q-00007-00002384-00002552 to help structure our discussion. x86KKUjZW8Q-00008-00002608-00003080 And my hope is that, by the end of all this, it'll be clear to you how the maxims work and x86KKUjZW8Q-00009-00003080-00003608 how they interact, and how those interactions might be a source for pragmatic enrichment. x86KKUjZW8Q-00010-00003608-00003840 And that will set us up nicely to address x86KKUjZW8Q-00011-00003840-00004136 the notion of conversational implicature that Grice defines. x86KKUjZW8Q-00012-00004288-00004632 In section 3.1 here, we begin with the maxim of quality. x86KKUjZW8Q-00013-00004632-00005120 To help you remember it and distinguish it from the other Q maxim, quantity, I've glossed x86KKUjZW8Q-00014-00005120-00005592 it here as "Be truthful!", but do remember that evidence is really important as well. x86KKUjZW8Q-00015-00005704-00005976 Now, quality is a fundamental pressure. x86KKUjZW8Q-00016-00005976-00006352 Cooperative speakers obey this at all costs, and for obvious reasons. x86KKUjZW8Q-00017-00006352-00006584 If we get too lax on quality, x86KKUjZW8Q-00018-00006584-00006959 then what we say can't be trusted, and communication quickly breaks down. x86KKUjZW8Q-00019-00007016-00007216 Without guarantees on truthfulness, x86KKUjZW8Q-00020-00007216-00007512 there's no point in listening to what other people have to say. x86KKUjZW8Q-00021-00007631-00008208 We are, though, allowed to be a little lax on quality, especially in specific kinds of contexts, x86KKUjZW8Q-00022-00008208-00008552 but by and large we have to obey quality and we have to assume x86KKUjZW8Q-00023-00008552-00008768 that others are obeying quality as well. x86KKUjZW8Q-00024-00008920-00009176 My second major point is one I've already emphasized. x86KKUjZW8Q-00025-00009176-00009448 It's the evidential aspect of this maxim. x86KKUjZW8Q-00026-00009448-00009896 If you accidentally say something true but you don't have access to supporting evidence, x86KKUjZW8Q-00027-00009896-00010144 you don't really satisfy the quality maxim. x86KKUjZW8Q-00028-00010144-00010416 And we generally regard this kind of thing as x86KKUjZW8Q-00029-00010416-00010840 mere luck with regard ot the truth, and so not something that can be trusted. x86KKUjZW8Q-00030-00010840-00010936 Evidence is key. x86KKUjZW8Q-00031-00011080-00011384 Let's think now about our clash/opt-out/flout framework. x86KKUjZW8Q-00032-00011440-00011936 For clashes – we'll study clashes with quality in depth as we introduce more maxims. x86KKUjZW8Q-00033-00011936-00012304 And, as you can imagine, quality tends to win if there is a clash. x86KKUjZW8Q-00034-00012440-00012919 For opting out, this too is not easy, because quality is so fundamental. x86KKUjZW8Q-00035-00012919-00013256 If you just announce that you're not going to be truthful, then no one will listen to you, x86KKUjZW8Q-00036-00013256-00013496 and if you opt out without telling anyone, x86KKUjZW8Q-00037-00013496-00013791 then you'll get yourself into some trouble eventually, I suspect. x86KKUjZW8Q-00038-00013880-00014391 I suppose we could consider acting and other forms of performance as opting-out, x86KKUjZW8Q-00039-00014391-00014656 but I think this really doesn't explain much. x86KKUjZW8Q-00040-00014656-00015119 So perhaps the best examples of opting out in a pragmatic way x86KKUjZW8Q-00041-00015119-00015544 are when we have brainstorming sessions, where we collectively agree x86KKUjZW8Q-00042-00015544-00015960 to partially opt out of quality for the sake of generating new ideas. x86KKUjZW8Q-00043-00015960-00016319 And then you can be lax in terms of evidence and commitment without x86KKUjZW8Q-00044-00016319-00016688 being regarded as fundamentally uncooperative in the Gricean sense. x86KKUjZW8Q-00045-00016840-00016920 Finally, flouting. x86KKUjZW8Q-00046-00016920-00017184 Here again, it's hard to see how to flout quality, x86KKUjZW8Q-00047-00017184-00017512 but perhaps these examples in (1) through (6) are relevant. x86KKUjZW8Q-00048-00017584-00017936 You have fixed phrases like, "Yeah, and I'm a monkey's uncle!" x86KKUjZW8Q-00049-00017936-00018240 This is meant to signal disbelief in what the other person said. x86KKUjZW8Q-00050-00018240-00018720 And I suppose that arises via a juxtaposition of the other person's claim x86KKUjZW8Q-00051-00018720-00018912 with your obviously absurd claim. x86KKUjZW8Q-00052-00019048-00019464 Irony and sarcasm – that's another area where we see apparent violations, x86KKUjZW8Q-00053-00019464-00019880 and Grice does invoke the maxim of quality in this context. x86KKUjZW8Q-00054-00019880-00020272 Now, I think quality alone doesn't provide an explanatory account of x86KKUjZW8Q-00055-00020272-00020536 irony and sarcasm, but it might be an ingredient. x86KKUjZW8Q-00056-00020640-00020856 Here's a similar case – the exclamation "In your x86KKUjZW8Q-00057-00020856-00021152 dreams!" as in "You'll win the Nobel prize – in your dreams!". x86KKUjZW8Q-00058-00021152-00021304 Right, this conveys disbelief. x86KKUjZW8Q-00059-00021360-00021760 It's a quality violation at least insofar as I have no access to your dreams, x86KKUjZW8Q-00060-00021760-00022040 and so I can't possibly have the needed evidence for saying that. x86KKUjZW8Q-00061-00022136-00022360 And in that way I guess disbelief is signaled. x86KKUjZW8Q-00062-00022448-00022880 And metaphor and hyperbole – these are additional cases of non-literal language use. x86KKUjZW8Q-00063-00022880-00023144 These are cases where what is literally said x86KKUjZW8Q-00064-00023144-00023696 is a quality violation and so some other meaning emerges as the one that gets communicated. x86KKUjZW8Q-00065-00023896-00024312 Let's move now to quantity, which I've loosely glossed here as "Be informative!" x86KKUjZW8Q-00066-00024312-00024808 I find the statement of quantity to be a little unusual in the context of the full set of maxims. x86KKUjZW8Q-00067-00024872-00025240 Quantity asks speakers to strike a balance between providing new x86KKUjZW8Q-00068-00025240-00025504 information and providing too much new information. x86KKUjZW8Q-00069-00025568-00026104 In my view, the second clause overlaps with the maxim of relevance, and so I'm kind of inclined x86KKUjZW8Q-00070-00026104-00026368 to focus on the first clause, be informative, x86KKUjZW8Q-00071-00026432-00026792 but this isn't so crucial in the grand scheme of things. x86KKUjZW8Q-00072-00026792-00027176 As I said before, quantity regulates the amount of information conveyed. x86KKUjZW8Q-00073-00027232-00027624 Importantly, long utterances are not necessarily contentful, x86KKUjZW8Q-00074-00027624-00027920 and short utterances can be highly contentful. x86KKUjZW8Q-00075-00027920-00028400 So it's really the maxim of manner that regulates, say, the length of an utterance. x86KKUjZW8Q-00076-00028552-00029008 One of the best studied kinds of clash concerns quality and quantity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00077-00029008-00029295 This is a source of a lot of pragmatic meaning. x86KKUjZW8Q-00078-00029295-00029736 Consider the utterance "Sue's work was good" as an evaluation of her work in general. x86KKUjZW8Q-00079-00029824-00030264 Quantity is a pressure to go as high as you can on this scale of adjectives, x86KKUjZW8Q-00080-00030264-00030495 since they get progressively more informative. x86KKUjZW8Q-00081-00030583-00030952 So why not go higher than "good" and do better on quantity, so to speak? x86KKUjZW8Q-00082-00030952-00031280 Well, this is a clash with quality, presumably. x86KKUjZW8Q-00083-00031280-00031656 To go higher on the scale might be to say something false. x86KKUjZW8Q-00084-00031768-00032239 And your audience will know this, and so they'll conclude from your choice of "good" that you x86KKUjZW8Q-00085-00032239-00032680 couldn't go higher on the scale, and a good guess about why you couldn't go higher on the scale x86KKUjZW8Q-00086-00032680-00033240 is that quality got in your way – that is, you believe Sue's work isn't excellent or outstanding. x86KKUjZW8Q-00087-00033320-00033824 Now, this might seem very automatic in context, but it's definitely pragmatic. x86KKUjZW8Q-00088-00033824-00034272 Imagine that the context is not one of fully reporting on Sue's work, x86KKUjZW8Q-00089-00034272-00034712 but rather, say, you just need to fill out a simple form that asks the question, x86KKUjZW8Q-00090-00034712-00035072 "Was the student's work satisfactory?", and there are only two options, "Yes" or "No". x86KKUjZW8Q-00091-00035128-00035608 Here you won't hesitate to pick "Yes" even if you believe her work was outstanding, x86KKUjZW8Q-00092-00035608-00035880 because the context is this simple binary one. x86KKUjZW8Q-00093-00036096-00036328 Let's look at another clash that involves quantity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00094-00036328-00036536 This is from the radio show Car Talk. x86KKUjZW8Q-00095-00036536-00036872 One of the hosts read the following joke, purportedly taken x86KKUjZW8Q-00096-00036872-00037248 from an evaluation sheet filled in by students at the end of a college course. x86KKUjZW8Q-00097-00037380-00037480 Ahem. x86KKUjZW8Q-00098-00037480-00037872 The sheet says, "How would you describe the quality of the textbook?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00099-00037872-00038304 And the response was, "Very high. It is printed on the very best paper and beautifully bound." x86KKUjZW8Q-00100-00038392-00038680 Now, I'm not totally sure I understand this joke. x86KKUjZW8Q-00101-00038680-00039208 If the joke is that the student never bothered to open the book, then this is a quantity/quality x86KKUjZW8Q-00102-00039208-00039664 clash – right, the student doesn't have the evidence needed to provide the sort of information x86KKUjZW8Q-00103-00039664-00040152 that the form is asking for, and so they provide this pretty meager information instead. x86KKUjZW8Q-00104-00040280-00040712 Another option is that the student thinks the book is really bad, and they have the evidence for it. x86KKUjZW8Q-00105-00040712-00041008 So this would be, maybe, a quantity/politeness clash. x86KKUjZW8Q-00106-00041008-00041552 And that's sometimes called "damning with faint praise" – in doing poorly on quality, x86KKUjZW8Q-00107-00041552-00041928 one indicates that stronger things that should be said x86KKUjZW8Q-00108-00041928-00042296 might be rude or shocking or unwelcome somehow to actually say. x86KKUjZW8Q-00109-00042456-00042536 One more clash. x86KKUjZW8Q-00110-00042536-00042840 This one is definitely a quantity/politeness clash. x86KKUjZW8Q-00111-00042840-00043352 In recommendation letters, it's almost transgressive to say negative things x86KKUjZW8Q-00112-00043352-00043808 very directly, and so the negative things have to emerge pragmatically. x86KKUjZW8Q-00113-00043808-00044040 And here's my little masterpiece of this. x86KKUjZW8Q-00114-00044040-00044288 And I confess that this is also exploiting x86KKUjZW8Q-00115-00044288-00044736 a lot of fun ambiguities, and so the maxim of manner is involved as well, but. x86KKUjZW8Q-00116-00044736-00044824 So here it is: x86KKUjZW8Q-00117-00044824-00045136 "We are pleased to say that Landry is a former colleague of ours. x86KKUjZW8Q-00118-00045192-00045480 All in all, we cannot say enough good things about him. x86KKUjZW8Q-00119-00045536-00045920 He has excellent penmanship, and he always arrives to meetings on time. x86KKUjZW8Q-00120-00045920-00046216 You will be fortunate indeed if you can get him to work for you." x86KKUjZW8Q-00121-00046336-00046776 Now, I confess that it's really the penmanship and punctuality that damn with faint praise here. x86KKUjZW8Q-00122-00046776-00047000 So those show the interesting clash. x86KKUjZW8Q-00123-00047056-00047360 The other things are amusing ambiguities, I hope. x86KKUjZW8Q-00124-00047472-00047664 What about opting out of quantity? x86KKUjZW8Q-00125-00047664-00048080 This would be where one deliberately refuses to provide relevant information. x86KKUjZW8Q-00126-00048080-00048280 You see this a lot in political life. x86KKUjZW8Q-00127-00048280-00048528 For example, "No comment" and "I plead the fifth" x86KKUjZW8Q-00128-00048528-00048976 are conventionalized devices for signaling that one won't be providing information. x86KKUjZW8Q-00129-00049040-00049328 "The fifth" here is the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, x86KKUjZW8Q-00130-00049328-00049648 which includes the right to avoid incriminating oneself. x86KKUjZW8Q-00131-00049648-00049968 So, via a very predictable pragmatic process, x86KKUjZW8Q-00132-00050024-00050512 invoking this right sends a signal that one has done something incriminating, but the x86KKUjZW8Q-00133-00050512-00051088 pragmatic inference there is likely better than directly providing the incriminating information. x86KKUjZW8Q-00134-00051216-00051416 "Mistakes were made" is a bit subtler. x86KKUjZW8Q-00135-00051416-00051712 This hides the agent – the person who made the mistakes. x86KKUjZW8Q-00136-00051784-00052232 And this is almost always relevant where there are mistakes worth discussing, so this x86KKUjZW8Q-00137-00052232-00052720 passivized form without an agent is a pretty direct way of trying to opt out of quantity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00138-00052912-00053120 Finally, flouting of quantity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00139-00053120-00053584 Any utterance that's always true – any tautology – will do poorly on quantity, x86KKUjZW8Q-00140-00053584-00053904 because we already knew it was true even before the utterance began. x86KKUjZW8Q-00141-00053904-00054279 So if you say, "War is war" or "Boys will be boys", x86KKUjZW8Q-00142-00054279-00054688 your listeners will look for alternative construals of what you said, x86KKUjZW8Q-00143-00054688-00055136 since they'll assume that your apparent blatant quantity violation is motivated somehow. x86KKUjZW8Q-00144-00055232-00055688 I think examples like "A phone is a phone" are especially interesting examples of this. x86KKUjZW8Q-00145-00055688-00056032 They convey something like indifference about which phone one uses. x86KKUjZW8Q-00146-00056104-00056591 And this construal might be instigated somehow by the apparent quantity violation, x86KKUjZW8Q-00147-00056591-00056952 but I want to emphasize that quantity alone won't explain where it comes x86KKUjZW8Q-00148-00056952-00057320 from or what it's nature is, so there's definitely something more happening here. x86KKUjZW8Q-00149-00057479-00057848 Finally, many indirect speech acts can be understood in part via quantity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00150-00057848-00058072 Consider a case like "Can you pass the salt?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00151-00058144-00058616 If the salt is within reach of the addressee, then the answer is "Yes" and we all know it, x86KKUjZW8Q-00152-00058616-00059040 and so this is a sort of quantity violation that comes from asking a question. x86KKUjZW8Q-00153-00059160-00059567 So, we end up with an alternative construal where it's a request for the salt. x86KKUjZW8Q-00154-00059624-00059888 It will take a very particular context for the x86KKUjZW8Q-00155-00059888-00060160 literal interpretation of this question to reemerge. x86KKUjZW8Q-00156-00060160-00060544 Right, but just imagine that the addressee has broken two arms x86KKUjZW8Q-00157-00060544-00060704 and is having trouble doing things. x86KKUjZW8Q-00158-00060704-00061167 Then asking them "Can you pass the salt?" might be a real question about their abilities. x86KKUjZW8Q-00159-00061312-00061624 In other words, the literal construal does arise where x86KKUjZW8Q-00160-00061624-00061848 the answer has the potential to be informative. x86KKUjZW8Q-00161-00061944-00062376 The case "Could you open the window (please)?" is similar, and the possibility of using "please" x86KKUjZW8Q-00162-00062376-00062976 here suggests that the apparent question has maybe been partly conventionalized as a request. x86KKUjZW8Q-00163-00063096-00063424 The example of "Do you know what time it is?" is perhaps subtly different. x86KKUjZW8Q-00164-00063424-00063855 The literal construal is one where it's asking about the speaker's knowledge of the time. x86KKUjZW8Q-00165-00063920-00064455 But that is unlikely to be informative or relevant, and you can see that by noting x86KKUjZW8Q-00166-00064455-00064936 that saying "Yes" in response and not giving the time is a sort of rude joke. x86KKUjZW8Q-00167-00064936-00065079 Try it with your friends and you'll see! x86KKUjZW8Q-00168-00065079-00065191 They'll be quite ticked off. x86KKUjZW8Q-00169-00065264-00065544 So we naturally adjust our construal of this question x86KKUjZW8Q-00170-00065544-00065720 to be something more like "What time is it?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00171-00065792-00066280 And, as often the case, being a little indirect is generally more polite. x86KKUjZW8Q-00172-00066496-00066776 Okay, on to relevance, the maxim that says "Be relevant!" x86KKUjZW8Q-00173-00066832-00067080 So the core question is, "Well, relevant to what?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00174-00067152-00067488 And my proposal is that we assume that speakers x86KKUjZW8Q-00175-00067488-00067856 are working to address some questions under discussion. x86KKUjZW8Q-00176-00067944-00068392 These might be highly abstract questions that they can't really articulate, but they're nonetheless x86KKUjZW8Q-00177-00068392-00068928 present, and to be relevant is to offer information that helps to resolve those questions. x86KKUjZW8Q-00178-00069056-00069416 In addition, I would say that relevance is a very fundamental pressure. x86KKUjZW8Q-00179-00069416-00069800 It's in fact so strong that, if you try to break free off it, x86KKUjZW8Q-00180-00069800-00070160 people are still likely to assume that you're abiding by it, and so they'll x86KKUjZW8Q-00181-00070160-00070632 work overtime to make what you said actually relevant to the topic or question at hand. x86KKUjZW8Q-00182-00070696-00071016 So, for example, if you ask me, "Do we have a quiz this week?" and I reply x86KKUjZW8Q-00183-00071096-00071432 "It's supposed to rain", then you will work hard to find x86KKUjZW8Q-00184-00071432-00071744 some kind of inferential connection between the rain and the quiz. x86KKUjZW8Q-00185-00071856-00072200 And of course this is something that deceptive speakers can exploit. x86KKUjZW8Q-00186-00072200-00072512 Right, you might conclude that rain relates to quizzes, x86KKUjZW8Q-00187-00072576-00073040 but I could say that I was just distracted or musing out loud about the weather report, x86KKUjZW8Q-00188-00073040-00073648 and therefore deny the connection that you made, even if I kind of knew that you would make it. x86KKUjZW8Q-00189-00073784-00074176 A third high-level note: as I noted earlier, quantity mentions what's "required". x86KKUjZW8Q-00190-00074248-00074520 In practice, this means that it overlaps with relevance. x86KKUjZW8Q-00191-00074584-00075008 So one approach is to simplify quantity so that it simply says "Be informative", x86KKUjZW8Q-00192-00075008-00075280 with excesses handled by relevance. x86KKUjZW8Q-00193-00075480-00075824 Alright, let's look at some clashes between relevance and other maxims. x86KKUjZW8Q-00194-00075824-00076064 The first case is from the TV show Monk. x86KKUjZW8Q-00195-00076064-00076408 In this context, the characters are reviewing Mr. Monk x86KKUjZW8Q-00196-00076408-00076648 He earlier had a nervous breakdown, x86KKUjZW8Q-00197-00076648-00077048 and they need to determine whether he's ready to be put back on the police force. x86KKUjZW8Q-00198-00077048-00077448 And, importantly, Stottlemeyer is Monk's friend and former captain. x86KKUjZW8Q-00199-00077512-00077992 So the commission member says: "Is Mr. Monk ready to be put back on the force?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00200-00077992-00078400 And Stottlemeyer replies: "Mr. Monk has *excellent* instincts." x86KKUjZW8Q-00201-00078484-00078776 "Yes, but is he ready to be reinstated?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00202-00078840-00079152 Stottlemeyer: "He is an *excellent* investigator." x86KKUjZW8Q-00203-00079152-00079552 And here the commission member gets impatient: "Captain, please ..." x86KKUjZW8Q-00204-00079552-00080032 What we see here is that Stottlemeyer is struggling with relevance and quality. x86KKUjZW8Q-00205-00080032-00080424 He would like to avoid providing information that will keep his friend off the force, x86KKUjZW8Q-00206-00080424-00080776 but he can't lie and say that Monk's ready, and so he seeks x86KKUjZW8Q-00207-00080776-00081120 instead to provide information that is only partially relevant. x86KKUjZW8Q-00208-00081176-00081384 And here it doesn't work as a strategy. x86KKUjZW8Q-00209-00081384-00081664 The commission member pushes for a direct answer. x86KKUjZW8Q-00210-00081776-00081888 I like (17) as well. x86KKUjZW8Q-00211-00081888-00082056 This was a student submission. x86KKUjZW8Q-00212-00082056-00082424 I would describe it as a clash between relevance and quality as well. x86KKUjZW8Q-00213-00082424-00082824 A says, "Yeah, let's not bother. It's not like we're broke or something." x86KKUjZW8Q-00214-00082824-00083128 And B relies, perhaps jokingly, "Yeah, we're rich, aren't we?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00215-00083192-00083744 Now, to avoid having to give a direct "No" answer, A instead replies, "We're rich in heart." x86KKUjZW8Q-00216-00083816-00084032 So that's strictly speaking not on topic, x86KKUjZW8Q-00217-00084032-00084424 as it were, given what B said, but it avoids a perhaps painful truth. x86KKUjZW8Q-00218-00084584-00084688 What about opting out? x86KKUjZW8Q-00219-00084688-00085144 So opting out of relevance can be hard given that it's such a fundamental pressure. x86KKUjZW8Q-00220-00085144-00085468 Here's an attempt that emerges as sort of a joke. x86KKUjZW8Q-00221-00085468-00085680 Question: "How do I put this table together?" x86KKUjZW8Q-00222-00085680-00085816 Answer: "Very carefully." x86KKUjZW8Q-00223-00085872-00086264 This reply obviously doesn't resolve the question that we know was raised, x86KKUjZW8Q-00224-00086264-00086840 and so it's blunt about that fact that B just isn't genuinely trying to be relevant. x86KKUjZW8Q-00225-00086840-00086984 They've opted out of relevance. x86KKUjZW8Q-00226-00087120-00087432 For flouting of relevance, Grice gives an amusing example. x86KKUjZW8Q-00227-00087432-00087848 "Suppose that A and B are talking about a mutual friend, C, who is now working in a bank. x86KKUjZW8Q-00228-00087928-00088368 A asks B how C is getting on in his job, and B replies, 'Oh quite well, I think; x86KKUjZW8Q-00229-00088368-00088624 he likes his colleagues, and he hasn't been to prison yet.'" x86KKUjZW8Q-00230-00088720-00089280 Now, absent a lot of common ground between A and B about C, this is going to lead to x86KKUjZW8Q-00231-00089280-00089704 a lot of follow-up questions given that "he hasn't been to prison yet" x86KKUjZW8Q-00232-00089704-00090096 seems on the face of it to be totally irrelevant to the issue that A raised. x86KKUjZW8Q-00233-00090312-00090752 Let's turn now to our final official Gricean maxim, the maxim of manner. x86KKUjZW8Q-00234-00090752-00091032 As I said earlier, it has four sub-clauses: x86KKUjZW8Q-00235-00091032-00091136 Avoid obscurity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00236-00091136-00091264 Avoid ambiguity. x86KKUjZW8Q-00237-00091264-00091320 Be brief. x86KKUjZW8Q-00238-00091320-00091408 And be orderly. x86KKUjZW8Q-00239-00091472-00091688 All of these regulate the forms that we use. x86KKUjZW8Q-00240-00091688-00092048 The specific word choices and phrasings and so forth. x86KKUjZW8Q-00241-00092048-00092584 And we can separate this from the information that we manage to convey with those words and phrases. x86KKUjZW8Q-00242-00092672-00093120 The statement of manner makes it apparent that we can't satisfy all of its sub-clauses x86KKUjZW8Q-00243-00093120-00093552 all of the time, because there are actually tensions internal to the sub-clauses of manner. x86KKUjZW8Q-00244-00093552-00093960 For instance, short utterances tend to be ambiguous, and avoiding x86KKUjZW8Q-00245-00093960-00094208 ambiguities often requires long sentences. x86KKUjZW8Q-00246-00094352-00094768 I also, in this context, want to mention a related heuristic that doesn't quite x86KKUjZW8Q-00247-00094768-00095104 follow from the maxim of manner but draws on similar intuitions. x86KKUjZW8Q-00248-00095160-00095672 This is the kind of associative generalization that says normal events are reported with x86KKUjZW8Q-00249-00095672-00096160 normal language, and unusual events are reported with unusual language. x86KKUjZW8Q-00250-00096160-00096576 We'll return to that when we talk about conversational implicature in particular. x86KKUjZW8Q-00251-00096688-00097008 To start, let's consider a manner-internal clash of sorts. x86KKUjZW8Q-00252-00097008-00097272 I've called this "Being orderly with 'and'." x86KKUjZW8Q-00253-00097272-00097704 Example (20a) is a funny story: "I got into bed and brushed my teeth." x86KKUjZW8Q-00254-00097776-00098040 It seems like this person brushed their teeth in bed. x86KKUjZW8Q-00255-00098128-00098392 Example (20b) is the more normal variant. x86KKUjZW8Q-00256-00098392-00098568 "I brushed my teeth and got into bed." x86KKUjZW8Q-00257-00098656-00099208 Now, is this a semantic fact about "and", that it conveys the order in which things happened? x86KKUjZW8Q-00258-00099208-00099328 I'd say, certainly not. x86KKUjZW8Q-00259-00099384-00099736 First, one can consistently deny this ordering, as in (20c): x86KKUjZW8Q-00260-00099736-00100000 "I got into bed and brushed my teeth – but not in that order!" x86KKUjZW8Q-00261-00100096-00100312 And sentences that aren't eventive in this x86KKUjZW8Q-00262-00100312-00100632 narrative way are unlikely to convey ordering effects at all. x86KKUjZW8Q-00263-00100632-00101088 Right, "I took pragmatics and I took syntax" doesn't entail that the courses were taken x86KKUjZW8Q-00264-00101088-00101520 in that order, and "Germany is in Europe and Canada is in North America" doesn't x86KKUjZW8Q-00265-00101520-00101896 say anything about the order in which the countries were founded or whatever. x86KKUjZW8Q-00266-00102008-00102408 And we can account for the ordering effects that we do see, in cases like (20a) and (20b), x86KKUjZW8Q-00267-00102472-00102728 via the direct pressure of "manner: be orderly." x86KKUjZW8Q-00268-00102792-00103280 Now, it creates ambiguities that could be avoided with "and then" or just "then", x86KKUjZW8Q-00269-00103344-00103776 but "and" is more natural and colloquial, and it's maybe shorter, and so it's easy x86KKUjZW8Q-00270-00103776-00104320 to see why (20a) and (20b) might emerge as the default way to report events like this, x86KKUjZW8Q-00271-00104320-00104568 evem though they depend on this pragmatic inference. x86KKUjZW8Q-00272-00104752-00105096 Let's look at a case that might be ambiguous between flouting x86KKUjZW8Q-00273-00105096-00105352 and opting out of "manner: avoid obscurity". x86KKUjZW8Q-00274-00105408-00105672 The example is, "To show that she is pleased, x86KKUjZW8Q-00275-00105672-00106152 Sue contracts her zygomatic major muscle and her orbicularis oculi muscle." x86KKUjZW8Q-00276-00106232-00106583 I think this is a true description of what it means to smile anatomically. x86KKUjZW8Q-00277-00106664-00107080 Now, this could convey that Sue's smiles are robotic or something. x86KKUjZW8Q-00278-00107080-00107352 That would be flouting of "avoid obscurity". x86KKUjZW8Q-00279-00107432-00107911 However, the speaker might be opting out of "avoid obscurity", say, to convey something about their x86KKUjZW8Q-00280-00107911-00108504 own expertise, or maybe to teach people about these specialized anatomical terms or something. x86KKUjZW8Q-00281-00108504-00109032 So I suppose the context and knowledge of the speaker of (21a) will help us figure this out. x86KKUjZW8Q-00282-00109152-00109744 A final case: in (22), I think we have a clear flouting of "be brief" to convey negative affect. x86KKUjZW8Q-00283-00109840-00110120 "Soap opera star Rachel Singer produced a series x86KKUjZW8Q-00284-00110120-00110504 of sounds corresponding closely to the score of an aria from Rigoletto." x86KKUjZW8Q-00285-00110616-00110896 Why didn't the writer just choose the shorter form "sing"? x86KKUjZW8Q-00286-00111008-00111288 Here, we could invoke our related heuristic from earlier: x86KKUjZW8Q-00287-00111288-00111632 "sing" is the usual language and would convey a normal singing event. x86KKUjZW8Q-00288-00111696-00112183 The above is uses unusual language instead, to convey an unusual singing event. x86KKUjZW8Q-00289-00112272-00112535 Now, I'm not sure where the negative affect comes from, x86KKUjZW8Q-00290-00112535-00112888 but perhaps there's also an interaction here with politeness and quality. x86KKUjZW8Q-00291-00113128-00113632 To wrap this up, I feel I should mention politeness, perhaps the main missing maxim. x86KKUjZW8Q-00292-00113632-00114135 The pressure to be polite can be powerful – in some situations and in some cultures, x86KKUjZW8Q-00293-00114135-00114528 it can overwhelm all the other pragmatic pressures, resulting in utterances that are, x86KKUjZW8Q-00294-00114528-00115048 for example, overly long (violating manner) and under-informative (which would violate quantity). x86KKUjZW8Q-00295-00115183-00115416 Here are some examples that come to mind from my own life: x86KKUjZW8Q-00296-00115416-00115735 So suppose I have a distinguished guest on campus and we're trying to x86KKUjZW8Q-00297-00115735-00116232 walk to my department, but my guest seems to be going in slightly the wrong direction. x86KKUjZW8Q-00298-00116288-00116528 So I say "I think this is the right way". x86KKUjZW8Q-00299-00116616-00116808 Now, I *know* it's the right way. x86KKUjZW8Q-00300-00116808-00116968 Why was I hedging with "I think"? x86KKUjZW8Q-00301-00117056-00117711 It's because I can help my addressee save face by minimizing the apparent difference x86KKUjZW8Q-00302-00117711-00118008 between my knowledge and expertise and theirs. x86KKUjZW8Q-00303-00118128-00118511 Or consider utterances like "Sorry to bother you, but might you have the time" x86KKUjZW8Q-00304-00118600-00118808 when you want to make a simple request. x86KKUjZW8Q-00305-00118808-00119248 So here you might be trying, or acting as if you're trying, to provide your x86KKUjZW8Q-00306-00119248-00119824 addressee with a graceful way of declining your request, by acting like it's a large burden. x86KKUjZW8Q-00307-00119920-00120424 This pays a big cost in term of manner, since the utterance is so much longer than it needs to be, x86KKUjZW8Q-00308-00120424-00120824 and maybe there's even a quality violation coming from the false pretense that the x86KKUjZW8Q-00309-00120824-00121440 request is a real burden, but these social fictions help achieve politeness effects, x86KKUjZW8Q-00310-00121440-00121896 even if we all recognize them as social fictions for the sake of politeness. x86KKUjZW8Q-00311-00121896-00122272 And, indeed, oddly, recognizing that they are politeness efforts, x86KKUjZW8Q-00312-00122272-00122728 and so not genuine in other senses, can actually enhance the politeness effect, x86KKUjZW8Q-00313-00122816-00123335 So, clearly, politeness is deep and mysterious, and I can't do it justice here, x86KKUjZW8Q-00314-00123335-00124040 but I do encourage you to consider politeness as an ingredient in your own pragmatic explanations. x9HA_LdaWvE-00000-00000136-00000736 In the last section we learned how to differentiate some elementary x9HA_LdaWvE-00001-00000736-00001592 functions, we learned the power rule for example for differentiating powers. x9HA_LdaWvE-00002-00001648-00002648 In this section we answer the following question: if we know how to differentiate f(x) and we know x9HA_LdaWvE-00003-00002648-00004032 how to differentiate g(x), can we differentiate f(x) times g(x)? What about f(x) divided by g(x)? x9Y6e-Lsa54-00000-00000009-00000512 I said "Okay," I said, "If I come up"," I said, "in the morning," (cuz we worked in the laundry there) x9Y6e-Lsa54-00001-00000513-00000697 I said "If I come up x9Y6e-Lsa54-00002-00000697-00001287 about 11:30," I said, "Could you make us a loaf or get us a loaf of bread?" "Yeah, I can do that," x9Y6e-Lsa54-00003-00001287-00001857 she said. So we used to come up every Wednesday, and we get a loaf of either rye or pumpernickel. x9Y6e-Lsa54-00004-00001880-00002318 And then we'd go to Cappy's over there and we'd buy a half a dozen of maybe x9Y6e-Lsa54-00005-00002427-00002858 bologna or something like that there, and then we used to eat our lunch that way. xqQpHYRlAh8-00000-00000000-00000072 Mcbull Ltd xqQpHYRlAh8-00001-00000072-00000231 Residential buildings xqQpHYRlAh8-00002-00000231-00000352 Turnkey projects xqQpHYRlAh8-00003-00000352-00000640 Heavy civil infrastructure construction xqQpHYRlAh8-00004-00000640-00000792 Industrial structure xqQpHYRlAh8-00005-00000792-00000936 Marine construction xqQpHYRlAh8-00006-00000936-00001168 Ready mix concrete and equipments xqQpHYRlAh8-00007-00001168-00001296 Fabrication works xsZDRQY2SG4-00000-00000156-00000475 - All right, here we are, our study of the Book of Genesis, xsZDRQY2SG4-00001-00000475-00000803 The Foundation Book of the Bible. xsZDRQY2SG4-00002-00000803-00001165 This is lesson number four and the title of this lesson xsZDRQY2SG4-00003-00001166-00001586 is Old Earth vs. Young Earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00004-00001662-00001939 All right, in our last lesson we talked about Genesis xsZDRQY2SG4-00005-00001939-00002274 Chapter one, verse one and we reviewed the idea xsZDRQY2SG4-00006-00002274-00002794 that the Bible describes, in the first verse, xsZDRQY2SG4-00007-00002804-00003140 the creation of the time-space-matter xsZDRQY2SG4-00008-00003140-00003442 continuum that is our universe. xsZDRQY2SG4-00009-00003461-00003777 And I made two, you know, general points about this xsZDRQY2SG4-00010-00003777-00004083 last week, just want to review with you for some xsZDRQY2SG4-00011-00004083-00004430 who are just kind of taking this class. xsZDRQY2SG4-00012-00004430-00004847 Scientists and philosophers have described our universe xsZDRQY2SG4-00013-00004941-00005243 as a thing which is comprised xsZDRQY2SG4-00014-00005243-00005576 in its essence of three elements. xsZDRQY2SG4-00015-00005576-00005836 Not preachers who say this, scientists xsZDRQY2SG4-00016-00005836-00006210 and philosophers say the universe is comprised of time, xsZDRQY2SG4-00017-00006210-00006712 space and matter, which also includes energy. xsZDRQY2SG4-00018-00006809-00007198 And no one actually disputes this, xsZDRQY2SG4-00019-00007200-00007642 no one says this is wrong and neither does the Bible. xsZDRQY2SG4-00020-00007642-00007881 As a matter of fact, the Book of Genesis xsZDRQY2SG4-00021-00007881-00008422 establishes this idea by describing these very elements xsZDRQY2SG4-00022-00008422-00009014 as the first materials that God created, xsZDRQY2SG4-00023-00009018-00009440 which He formed the universe with as we now know it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00024-00009440-00009845 So the Bible, you know, doesn't state it scientifically xsZDRQY2SG4-00025-00009846-00010368 it just explains the time element, "in the beginning," xsZDRQY2SG4-00026-00010490-00010947 the space element, "God created the heavens," xsZDRQY2SG4-00027-00010947-00011134 and the matter element, He created xsZDRQY2SG4-00028-00011134-00011468 the heavens "and the earth." xsZDRQY2SG4-00029-00011546-00011896 Now, the amazing thing is that Genesis xsZDRQY2SG4-00030-00011896-00012174 was written long before these concepts xsZDRQY2SG4-00031-00012174-00012566 were described or analyzed by man. xsZDRQY2SG4-00032-00012572-00012838 That's the interesting thing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00033-00012838-00013089 You know, scientists have only come up with xsZDRQY2SG4-00034-00013089-00013316 that description of the universe in the last xsZDRQY2SG4-00035-00013316-00013610 couple of hundred years, you know, after observation xsZDRQY2SG4-00036-00013610-00013788 and study and so on and so forth, xsZDRQY2SG4-00037-00013788-00014029 time, space, matter. xsZDRQY2SG4-00038-00014119-00014371 But the Bible described it as time, space, matter xsZDRQY2SG4-00039-00014372-00014926 1,500 years before Christ, at the hand of Moses. xsZDRQY2SG4-00040-00015044-00015303 And yet what he says is in perfect harmony xsZDRQY2SG4-00041-00015303-00015496 with what humans have discovered xsZDRQY2SG4-00042-00015496-00015869 about the universe thousands of years later. xsZDRQY2SG4-00043-00015869-00016165 So these people that say, science and the Bible, xsZDRQY2SG4-00044-00016165-00016385 it's one or the other, xsZDRQY2SG4-00045-00016385-00016757 it's not one or the other, they do complement each other. xsZDRQY2SG4-00046-00016757-00017049 The Bible isn't a science book, we don't go to the Bible xsZDRQY2SG4-00047-00017049-00017286 to learn about science, but it doesn't xsZDRQY2SG4-00048-00017286-00017553 contradict good science anyways. xsZDRQY2SG4-00049-00017725-00017988 Another thing that we talked about last week xsZDRQY2SG4-00050-00017988-00018279 is that in the first verse of the Bible xsZDRQY2SG4-00051-00018279-00018554 God provides the information to refute xsZDRQY2SG4-00052-00018554-00018915 major ideological errors that crept up xsZDRQY2SG4-00053-00018915-00019205 thousands of years after the events xsZDRQY2SG4-00054-00019205-00019453 and after the writing of Genesis. xsZDRQY2SG4-00055-00019453-00019693 I said to you last week, it's as if God knew xsZDRQY2SG4-00056-00019693-00020122 all of the crazy things that men were going to think up xsZDRQY2SG4-00057-00020122-00020364 and in the first verse of Genesis, you know, xsZDRQY2SG4-00058-00020364-00020651 the first book, the first verse of Genesis, He kind of xsZDRQY2SG4-00059-00020651-00021067 gives us the way to refute these ideas. xsZDRQY2SG4-00060-00021189-00021513 So Genesis 1:1 is not only xsZDRQY2SG4-00061-00021513-00021754 the foundation of the Book of Genesis xsZDRQY2SG4-00062-00021754-00022095 and the Bible, it's the foundation for our thinking xsZDRQY2SG4-00063-00022095-00022546 and our perception of God, our perception of the universe, xsZDRQY2SG4-00064-00022546-00022911 as well as our perception of mankind. xsZDRQY2SG4-00065-00022911-00023068 OK, so that was just a little review there, xsZDRQY2SG4-00066-00023068-00023261 a little going back over the things xsZDRQY2SG4-00067-00023261-00023531 that we talked about last time. xsZDRQY2SG4-00068-00023531-00023784 In today's lesson we're going to review some ideas xsZDRQY2SG4-00069-00023784-00024110 as to the time of Creation and the beginning xsZDRQY2SG4-00070-00024110-00024543 of the formation of the universe as we know it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00071-00024543-00024834 So we're going to talk about the age of the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00072-00024834-00025252 Now, there are two positions you can take xsZDRQY2SG4-00073-00025252-00025700 when trying to determine the age of the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00074-00025700-00026050 You can take the Old Earth theory, xsZDRQY2SG4-00075-00026050-00026495 the earth is millions to billions of years old. xsZDRQY2SG4-00076-00026592-00027014 Or you can, you know, take the Young Earth theory, xsZDRQY2SG4-00077-00027014-00027281 where the idea is that the earth is somewhere xsZDRQY2SG4-00078-00027281-00027564 between five and 10,000 years old. xsZDRQY2SG4-00079-00027812-00027976 Now the very old view, that's what we're going xsZDRQY2SG4-00080-00027976-00028275 to talk about first, the very old view of the earth xsZDRQY2SG4-00081-00028275-00028603 is held mainly by evolutionists because xsZDRQY2SG4-00082-00028604-00028994 they believe that matter is eternal. xsZDRQY2SG4-00083-00029214-00029415 When you ask an atheist or an evolutionist xsZDRQY2SG4-00084-00029415-00029521 where does all this come, where did xsZDRQY2SG4-00085-00029521-00029648 all this matter come from? xsZDRQY2SG4-00086-00029648-00029864 Their answer is well, it was always there. xsZDRQY2SG4-00087-00030095-00030254 And then they say, well, it was always there xsZDRQY2SG4-00088-00030254-00030637 and then this matter was affected in some way. xsZDRQY2SG4-00089-00030771-00030869 And usually the way that they're xsZDRQY2SG4-00090-00030869-00031245 talking about is the Big Bang theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00091-00031245-00031483 Some scientists say there was more than one xsZDRQY2SG4-00092-00031483-00031629 Big Bang, there was the Big Bang xsZDRQY2SG4-00093-00031629-00032111 and then there were other bangs that took place. xsZDRQY2SG4-00094-00032111-00032502 So matter is eternal, there was a Big Bang xsZDRQY2SG4-00095-00032502-00033038 that affected matter and then through time, lots of time, xsZDRQY2SG4-00096-00033042-00033458 millions and hundreds of millions of years and chance, xsZDRQY2SG4-00097-00033614-00034130 the earth eventually evolved to become what it is today. xsZDRQY2SG4-00098-00034266-00034493 So you take matter which is eternal, xsZDRQY2SG4-00099-00034493-00034776 it was always there, somehow there was an explosion xsZDRQY2SG4-00100-00034776-00035034 of cosmic proportions and then over xsZDRQY2SG4-00101-00035034-00035451 hundreds of millions of years, through time and chance, xsZDRQY2SG4-00102-00035624-00035980 OK, we are where we are today. xsZDRQY2SG4-00103-00036106-00036581 Now, it's important to note that they begin with this theory xsZDRQY2SG4-00104-00036581-00036921 and then they line up the evidence behind it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00105-00036921-00037237 And that's exactly the opposite of how science, xsZDRQY2SG4-00106-00037237-00037549 I'm no scientist, but I think the way science works xsZDRQY2SG4-00107-00037549-00037967 is first you make the observations of how things are xsZDRQY2SG4-00108-00037967-00038289 and then you posit your conclusion, your theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00109-00038289-00038493 You don't begin with a theory and then try to fit xsZDRQY2SG4-00110-00038493-00038804 the facts to the theory, you begin with the facts xsZDRQY2SG4-00111-00038804-00039127 and try to develop a theory xsZDRQY2SG4-00112-00039127-00039394 that will explain all the facts. xsZDRQY2SG4-00113-00039484-00039766 Now the basis of their proof, and we're still talking xsZDRQY2SG4-00114-00039766-00040054 about the Old Earth theory, is expressed in xsZDRQY2SG4-00115-00040054-00040380 the geological chart created to represent xsZDRQY2SG4-00116-00040380-00040789 the development of the earth throughout the ages. xsZDRQY2SG4-00117-00040976-00041556 Now this is an artist's rendition of the evolutionary model, xsZDRQY2SG4-00118-00041596-00042058 it's not really how the earth like really is, OK? xsZDRQY2SG4-00119-00042058-00042292 And I mean there are any number of these charts, xsZDRQY2SG4-00120-00042292-00042444 right, there are hundreds of them. xsZDRQY2SG4-00121-00042444-00042722 I chose this one here because it was fairly easy xsZDRQY2SG4-00122-00042722-00043026 to reproduce and it's quite colorful, xsZDRQY2SG4-00123-00043026-00043250 but there are all kinds of charts, xsZDRQY2SG4-00124-00043250-00043537 you know, geological charts like this. xsZDRQY2SG4-00125-00043537-00043856 But I, they all follow the same premise however. xsZDRQY2SG4-00126-00043856-00044219 And so, based on this chart, evolutionists say xsZDRQY2SG4-00127-00044219-00044619 that life begins, or began with simple creatures xsZDRQY2SG4-00128-00044775-00045092 who died and left fossil records, xsZDRQY2SG4-00129-00045092-00045483 fossil records are bone or imprints into rocks. xsZDRQY2SG4-00130-00045655-00046026 And as life grew more complex, well then, xsZDRQY2SG4-00131-00046026-00046364 scientists would find more complex fossils xsZDRQY2SG4-00132-00046364-00046730 that were formed in succeeding layers of rock xsZDRQY2SG4-00133-00046730-00046983 and mud and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00134-00046983-00047276 So for example, in the bottom layer of rock, xsZDRQY2SG4-00135-00047276-00047511 if they were doing an archeological dig, xsZDRQY2SG4-00136-00047511-00047709 and they were looking at the various, xsZDRQY2SG4-00137-00047709-00048005 stratas, they would say when you get to xsZDRQY2SG4-00138-00048005-00048393 the very bottom, you know, 900 billion to, xsZDRQY2SG4-00139-00048393-00048749 900 million years to several billion years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00140-00048749-00048959 when you get to the very bottom, xsZDRQY2SG4-00141-00048959-00049229 well what you find down there are the fossils xsZDRQY2SG4-00142-00049229-00049604 of very simple creatures, one cell creatures. xsZDRQY2SG4-00143-00049706-00050147 And as you go up, the creatures become more complex. xsZDRQY2SG4-00144-00050147-00050581 So when you get to the 10 million, xsZDRQY2SG4-00145-00050581-00050862 the 10 million year zone, then you have xsZDRQY2SG4-00146-00050862-00051290 more complex creatures that you find there. xsZDRQY2SG4-00147-00051448-00051771 The diagram that is shown here is not really based on xsZDRQY2SG4-00148-00051771-00052163 what actually has been found anywhere on earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00149-00052263-00052543 There's no clear record that reflects this picture xsZDRQY2SG4-00150-00052543-00052815 has been found by geologists. xsZDRQY2SG4-00151-00052815-00052993 Geologists will say, well, xsZDRQY2SG4-00152-00052993-00053384 this is kind of how it is, but it's not exactly how it is. xsZDRQY2SG4-00153-00053384-00053798 The problem is that this picture and this type of picture xsZDRQY2SG4-00154-00053798-00054184 used in schools, is the image used to describe xsZDRQY2SG4-00155-00054184-00054624 the evolutionary model, but, and here's the big but, xsZDRQY2SG4-00156-00054624-00055041 it has not been proven by actual evidence in the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00157-00055151-00055489 And so the picture is a nice image xsZDRQY2SG4-00158-00055489-00055912 to try to explain how evolution works, xsZDRQY2SG4-00159-00055912-00056130 the simple creatures we found evidence of them xsZDRQY2SG4-00160-00056130-00056389 at a very early age in the bottom, xsZDRQY2SG4-00161-00056389-00056691 and the more complex creatures at the top, xsZDRQY2SG4-00162-00056691-00056941 OK, but this is just a theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00163-00057156-00057455 What happens is that when fossils are found xsZDRQY2SG4-00164-00057455-00057719 they're dated according to this theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00165-00057719-00057858 Remember I said you start with a theory xsZDRQY2SG4-00166-00057858-00057976 and you add the facts? xsZDRQY2SG4-00167-00057976-00058121 So they start with this theory xsZDRQY2SG4-00168-00058121-00058437 and they add the facts to this theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00169-00058569-00058953 Now, there's no clock here, there's no record. xsZDRQY2SG4-00170-00059097-00059353 There's no way to accurately date a fossil xsZDRQY2SG4-00171-00059353-00059588 beyond 60,000 years, you can't, you know xsZDRQY2SG4-00172-00059588-00059963 carbon dating is the main way that they do it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00173-00059963-00060123 Carbon dating can only go back xsZDRQY2SG4-00174-00060123-00060441 60,000 years, no more than that. xsZDRQY2SG4-00175-00060441-00060733 Actually between 58 and 62,000. xsZDRQY2SG4-00176-00060733-00061021 So if scientists find a bone or a fragment xsZDRQY2SG4-00177-00061021-00061406 or a fossil record, they can, through carbon dating, xsZDRQY2SG4-00178-00061406-00061786 they can tell if it's a hundred or 500 or a thousand, xsZDRQY2SG4-00179-00061786-00061964 all the way to 60,000, but beyond that xsZDRQY2SG4-00180-00061964-00062300 they can't tell accurately, so what do they do? xsZDRQY2SG4-00181-00062300-00062637 What they do is anything beyond 60,000 years old xsZDRQY2SG4-00182-00062637-00062991 they put it into the category artificially xsZDRQY2SG4-00183-00062991-00063283 created by this evolutionary model, xsZDRQY2SG4-00184-00063401-00063701 and arbitrarily give it an old date. xsZDRQY2SG4-00185-00063818-00064135 So with this system, something that is found xsZDRQY2SG4-00186-00064135-00064461 could just as well be 7,000 years old, xsZDRQY2SG4-00187-00064461-00064848 or seven million years old, I mean there's no accurate way xsZDRQY2SG4-00188-00064848-00065286 to tell beyond a certain number of years, in theory. xsZDRQY2SG4-00189-00065286-00065420 And the things that I was reading, xsZDRQY2SG4-00190-00065420-00065672 in preparation for this class, xsZDRQY2SG4-00191-00065672-00065989 carbon dating is not an exact science. xsZDRQY2SG4-00192-00066141-00066418 So the problem with the Old Age theory of the earth xsZDRQY2SG4-00193-00066418-00066742 is that there are several inconsistencies, xsZDRQY2SG4-00194-00066742-00067159 both theoretically and observationally, with this system. xsZDRQY2SG4-00195-00067328-00067561 Let's take the theory first. xsZDRQY2SG4-00196-00067887-00068333 For the earth to be one billion plus years old xsZDRQY2SG4-00197-00068333-00068592 and for evolution to be the system by which xsZDRQY2SG4-00198-00068592-00068946 everything came to be what is today, xsZDRQY2SG4-00199-00068946-00069304 we have to accept as true several theories. xsZDRQY2SG4-00200-00069415-00069831 The first theory is that something comes from nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00201-00069988-00070209 You have to believe that something can actually xsZDRQY2SG4-00202-00070209-00070512 come from nothing, because when you ask an atheist, xsZDRQY2SG4-00203-00070512-00070752 an evolutionary person, well, where did this, xsZDRQY2SG4-00204-00070752-00070995 all of this come from, this matter? xsZDRQY2SG4-00205-00070995-00071295 They say well, it came from nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00206-00071439-00071730 Really? This is a problem because, xsZDRQY2SG4-00207-00071730-00072107 as I've said before, nothing comes from nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00208-00072107-00072456 I mean scientists universally agree on this idea xsZDRQY2SG4-00209-00072456-00072713 and so do philosophers and every human being xsZDRQY2SG4-00210-00072713-00073001 that has a lick of sense. xsZDRQY2SG4-00211-00073001-00073102 You can't have nothing and then xsZDRQY2SG4-00212-00073102-00073494 something concrete come out of nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00213-00073494-00073862 So if this is so, why would we accept this idea xsZDRQY2SG4-00214-00073862-00074237 as the basis for the origin of our existence? xsZDRQY2SG4-00215-00074427-00074526 Some people say well, it takes a lot of faith xsZDRQY2SG4-00216-00074526-00074800 to believe that God, you know, created the earth, really? xsZDRQY2SG4-00217-00074800-00074922 Well it takes a whole lot of faith to believe xsZDRQY2SG4-00218-00074922-00075150 that something could come out of nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00219-00075150-00075484 That really takes a lot of belief. xsZDRQY2SG4-00220-00075484-00075758 Another theory you have to accept if you're going to xsZDRQY2SG4-00221-00075758-00076344 accept the Old Age theory, is that matter is eternal. xsZDRQY2SG4-00222-00076506-00076794 In other words, if it didn't create itself, xsZDRQY2SG4-00223-00076794-00077058 some say, well, no, it didn't create itself, xsZDRQY2SG4-00224-00077058-00077233 nothing could come from nothing. xsZDRQY2SG4-00225-00077233-00077365 So then you press a little bit and say, xsZDRQY2SG4-00226-00077365-00077467 well, where did it come from? xsZDRQY2SG4-00227-00077467-00077698 Well, it was always there. xsZDRQY2SG4-00228-00077698-00077907 Really? Yep, it was always there. xsZDRQY2SG4-00229-00077907-00078231 And there's no way, you know I've heard scientists, xsZDRQY2SG4-00230-00078231-00078367 some scientists say, you know what? xsZDRQY2SG4-00231-00078367-00078570 This problem is so deep that we xsZDRQY2SG4-00232-00078570-00078887 shouldn't even try to examine it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00233-00078887-00079154 Let's just accept it as reality. xsZDRQY2SG4-00234-00079438-00079521 Can you imagine that? xsZDRQY2SG4-00235-00079521-00079639 And they say we're crazy. xsZDRQY2SG4-00236-00079639-00079723 They say we're the ones that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00237-00079723-00079989 you know, have this crazy faith. xsZDRQY2SG4-00238-00080104-00080315 Simple observation of course demonstrates xsZDRQY2SG4-00239-00080315-00080540 that matter is not eternal. xsZDRQY2SG4-00240-00080677-00080910 I mean, fire uses up energy. xsZDRQY2SG4-00241-00081117-00081499 And we all know that we're becoming less than we were. xsZDRQY2SG4-00242-00081499-00081648 I tell my kids all the time, I'm not the man xsZDRQY2SG4-00243-00081648-00081940 I used to be, I'm getting worn out. xsZDRQY2SG4-00244-00082056-00082273 Stars burn up, don't they? xsZDRQY2SG4-00245-00082369-00082723 So if things have an end, logically xsZDRQY2SG4-00246-00082723-00083058 they must also have a beginning. xsZDRQY2SG4-00247-00083058-00083180 You can't say matter is eternal xsZDRQY2SG4-00248-00083180-00083472 and then watch matter be destroyed. xsZDRQY2SG4-00249-00083612-00083832 So matter, if it has an end somehow, xsZDRQY2SG4-00250-00083832-00084202 has a beginning, it comes from somewhere. xsZDRQY2SG4-00251-00084202-00084443 All right, another theoretical problem xsZDRQY2SG4-00252-00084443-00084714 if you buy into the Old Earth, xsZDRQY2SG4-00253-00084714-00085160 and that is unlimited time and random selection xsZDRQY2SG4-00254-00085160-00085457 is actually the method by which simple things, xsZDRQY2SG4-00255-00085457-00085628 you know, one celled creatures, xsZDRQY2SG4-00256-00085628-00085970 became complex things, like human beings. xsZDRQY2SG4-00257-00086061-00086238 You know if you press and say, well how does that happen? xsZDRQY2SG4-00258-00086238-00086444 How do you start with a little creature like this xsZDRQY2SG4-00259-00086444-00086886 and then it becomes a human being, how does that happen? xsZDRQY2SG4-00260-00086886-00087149 Their answer is well, through a process xsZDRQY2SG4-00261-00087150-00087722 of selection, the strong survive, xsZDRQY2SG4-00262-00087818-00088173 adaptation to climate, adaptation to surrounding, xsZDRQY2SG4-00263-00088173-00088563 through randomness, over millions and billions of years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00264-00088563-00088905 eventually we get to the way that we are. xsZDRQY2SG4-00265-00089069-00089221 Well there are also other scientists xsZDRQY2SG4-00266-00089221-00089483 who are mathematicians and they tell us xsZDRQY2SG4-00267-00089483-00089891 that there is a point in mathematical probability xsZDRQY2SG4-00268-00089891-00090075 meaning, if you have one, xsZDRQY2SG4-00269-00090075-00090351 if you like horse racing and you're a gambler xsZDRQY2SG4-00270-00090351-00090608 and you know there are seven horses in the race, xsZDRQY2SG4-00271-00090608-00090871 your odds are not [bad] one out of seven. xsZDRQY2SG4-00272-00090871-00091136 They're not great odds, xsZDRQY2SG4-00273-00091136-00091424 but one out of seven, right? xsZDRQY2SG4-00274-00091424-00091787 Presidential election, one out of two, you know? xsZDRQY2SG4-00275-00091787-00092190 But when you start getting to one out of 10 million, xsZDRQY2SG4-00276-00092190-00092540 or one out of 500 million, mathematically, xsZDRQY2SG4-00277-00092630-00093190 mathematicians tell us when you get to those odds, xsZDRQY2SG4-00278-00093299-00093695 well, what you're saying is, it's impossible. xsZDRQY2SG4-00279-00093695-00093882 Because there's a point where something xsZDRQY2SG4-00280-00093882-00094198 becomes mathematically impossible, OK? xsZDRQY2SG4-00281-00094458-00094834 So this business of, over billions of years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00282-00094834-00095299 one chance out of billions that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00283-00095299-00095788 this creature here evolved into this other creature, xsZDRQY2SG4-00284-00095788-00096155 mathematically it becomes impossible. xsZDRQY2SG4-00285-00096155-00096496 So the odds that this universe was created xsZDRQY2SG4-00286-00096496-00096754 by time and chance are so great xsZDRQY2SG4-00287-00096872-00097214 that they cannot be expressed in numbers. xsZDRQY2SG4-00288-00097382-00097711 That's not an opinion, that's a stated fact. xsZDRQY2SG4-00289-00097711-00098127 The odds that all of this came about through chance xsZDRQY2SG4-00290-00098127-00098520 over millions of years, the odds against that xsZDRQY2SG4-00291-00098520-00098937 are so great they don't even, mathematicians don't even xsZDRQY2SG4-00292-00098937-00099220 have a way to express the numbers, xsZDRQY2SG4-00293-00099345-00099514 that's how impossible it is. xsZDRQY2SG4-00294-00099514-00099743 And I've heard some guys, they make the joke, xsZDRQY2SG4-00295-00099743-00100037 that this universe, xsZDRQY2SG4-00296-00100037-00100345 was created by time and chance xsZDRQY2SG4-00297-00100345-00100796 is about as possible as you take an electromagnet, xsZDRQY2SG4-00298-00100796-00101046 and you drag it through a junkyard xsZDRQY2SG4-00299-00101046-00101303 and you come out with a 747. xsZDRQY2SG4-00300-00101303-00101503 [laughter] xsZDRQY2SG4-00301-00101503-00101829 You know we're laughing, right, we say pfft-huh! xsZDRQY2SG4-00302-00101829-00101934 Do you know how much more complex xsZDRQY2SG4-00303-00101934-00102184 the human body is, than a 747? xsZDRQY2SG4-00304-00102442-00102781 Now, for the earth to be a billion years old xsZDRQY2SG4-00305-00102781-00103160 and for the evolutionary system to be the way xsZDRQY2SG4-00306-00103160-00103606 that it happened also presents some observational problems. xsZDRQY2SG4-00307-00103606-00103928 I was talking about philosophical problems, xsZDRQY2SG4-00308-00103928-00104071 nothing comes from nothing and all that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00309-00104071-00104438 but there's also some observational problems. xsZDRQY2SG4-00310-00104438-00104932 The genealogical record doesn't match the facts, xsZDRQY2SG4-00311-00104996-00105237 that's one of the observational problems. xsZDRQY2SG4-00312-00105237-00105634 Geologists are continually finding complex creatures xsZDRQY2SG4-00313-00105634-00105912 at the rock levels where only simple creatures xsZDRQY2SG4-00314-00105912-00106279 should be located, according to their chart. xsZDRQY2SG4-00315-00106505-00106939 As a matter of fact, every form of complex creature xsZDRQY2SG4-00316-00106939-00107222 has been found in the lower layers xsZDRQY2SG4-00317-00107358-00107775 when they are examining layers of sediment. xsZDRQY2SG4-00318-00107905-00108196 The best example is with dinosaurs, xsZDRQY2SG4-00319-00108298-00108596 who were supposed to have lived 300 million years xsZDRQY2SG4-00320-00108596-00108905 before man, according to the diagram. xsZDRQY2SG4-00321-00109163-00109537 But the most famous contradiction of this xsZDRQY2SG4-00322-00109537-00109996 were the tracks found in the Paluxy River in Texas xsZDRQY2SG4-00323-00109996-00110330 where in 1908 dinosaur tracks were found xsZDRQY2SG4-00324-00110423-00110903 right next to human footprints, they were side by side. xsZDRQY2SG4-00325-00110904-00111416 And these were authenticated in 1938 by a Dr. Roland Bird xsZDRQY2SG4-00326-00111435-00111785 of the American Museum of Natural History. xsZDRQY2SG4-00327-00111876-00112076 You see what I'm saying here? xsZDRQY2SG4-00328-00112076-00112397 In addition to these, there have been human footprints xsZDRQY2SG4-00329-00112397-00112797 and carvings and tools and pottery found in rock layers xsZDRQY2SG4-00330-00112798-00113320 supposedly 200 to 500 million years old. xsZDRQY2SG4-00331-00113322-00113533 And that's, according to evolutionists, xsZDRQY2SG4-00332-00113533-00113842 that's before man evolved. xsZDRQY2SG4-00333-00113933-00114165 So the idea is that if we're going to believe xsZDRQY2SG4-00334-00114165-00114550 this stratified model where the simple creatures xsZDRQY2SG4-00335-00114550-00114821 are at the bottom and they evolve to the top xsZDRQY2SG4-00336-00114821-00115184 to complex creatures, well, how do you explain xsZDRQY2SG4-00337-00115184-00115470 complex creatures being at the bottom xsZDRQY2SG4-00338-00115470-00115790 with the simple ones and simple ones xsZDRQY2SG4-00339-00115790-00116136 being at the top with the complex ones? xsZDRQY2SG4-00340-00116136-00116600 If the evolutionary model is true, xsZDRQY2SG4-00341-00116600-00116930 then there should be a fossil record showing xsZDRQY2SG4-00342-00116930-00117170 how simple creatures transformed from xsZDRQY2SG4-00343-00117170-00117582 one species into a more complex species. xsZDRQY2SG4-00344-00117582-00117865 These links have never been found. xsZDRQY2SG4-00345-00117971-00118106 You ever hear people talk about xsZDRQY2SG4-00346-00118106-00118497 the missing link, the missing link? xsZDRQY2SG4-00347-00118497-00118734 Never mind about the missing link, xsZDRQY2SG4-00348-00118734-00119116 there are millions of links that need to be there xsZDRQY2SG4-00349-00119116-00119542 in order for the chain from one species to the other, xsZDRQY2SG4-00350-00119542-00119856 for that to be complete, as a fact, xsZDRQY2SG4-00351-00119856-00120072 in order to have evidence about that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00352-00120072-00120503 and they have not found any of these links. xsZDRQY2SG4-00353-00120503-00120750 I was talking to Kim Wall, we know Kim teaches xsZDRQY2SG4-00354-00120750-00121017 a lot of classes on Creationism, xsZDRQY2SG4-00355-00121164-00121429 and he was telling me this story. xsZDRQY2SG4-00356-00121429-00121733 He says, imagine, if you wish, xsZDRQY2SG4-00357-00121733-00121973 there's a pond, a big pond, OK, xsZDRQY2SG4-00358-00121973-00122137 and you're examining this pond, xsZDRQY2SG4-00359-00122137-00122369 you're interested in nature and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00360-00122369-00122611 And you go to the bottom of the pond in the mud, xsZDRQY2SG4-00361-00122611-00122759 at the bottom, what are you going to find? xsZDRQY2SG4-00362-00122759-00122952 Well, you'll find slugs and those kind xsZDRQY2SG4-00363-00122952-00123283 of little creatures down there at the bottom of the pond. xsZDRQY2SG4-00364-00123283-00123516 And then in the water there'll be fish xsZDRQY2SG4-00365-00123516-00123681 and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00366-00123681-00123842 And then when you get to the top of the pond, xsZDRQY2SG4-00367-00123842-00124068 there may be lily pads and there may be xsZDRQY2SG4-00368-00124068-00124385 dragonflies flying around there at the top. xsZDRQY2SG4-00369-00124385-00124509 And if you go to the edge of the pond xsZDRQY2SG4-00370-00124509-00124769 you'll see some frogs and so on. xsZDRQY2SG4-00371-00124769-00124948 And if you go a little further away from the pond xsZDRQY2SG4-00372-00124948-00125218 smaller creatures, rodents and so on and so forth, xsZDRQY2SG4-00373-00125218-00125380 that's what you'll find. xsZDRQY2SG4-00374-00125380-00125632 Now imagine if all of a sudden, wham! xsZDRQY2SG4-00375-00125632-00126048 A million tons of mud just pa-ka-sh falls on that pond. xsZDRQY2SG4-00376-00126157-00126592 Like if there was a worldwide flood, OK? xsZDRQY2SG4-00377-00126592-00127019 And that pond was frozen in time in sediment. xsZDRQY2SG4-00378-00127019-00127127 And then a thousand years later xsZDRQY2SG4-00379-00127127-00127436 scientists come along and they kind of carve, xsZDRQY2SG4-00380-00127436-00127671 they excavate it, they carve it like a cake, xsZDRQY2SG4-00381-00127671-00127892 to kind of examine all the layers xsZDRQY2SG4-00382-00127892-00128056 and they're looking at it and they say, well, look at that! xsZDRQY2SG4-00383-00128056-00128280 Well simple creatures right there at the bottom xsZDRQY2SG4-00384-00128280-00128568 and look at that, there are fish, a little more complicated. xsZDRQY2SG4-00385-00128568-00128760 Well look at that, these, look there are flying xsZDRQY2SG4-00386-00128760-00129035 type of creatures at this level over here xsZDRQY2SG4-00387-00129035-00129297 and now we have mammals over here xsZDRQY2SG4-00388-00129297-00129457 and we have more complex creatures. xsZDRQY2SG4-00389-00129457-00129812 Wow, so the simple creatures evolved into these xsZDRQY2SG4-00390-00129812-00130284 and these evolved into these and, you could say that. xsZDRQY2SG4-00391-00130284-00130603 But you could also say that all of these creatures, right, xsZDRQY2SG4-00392-00130603-00131003 existed simultaneously in different environments xsZDRQY2SG4-00393-00131165-00131391 and they were frozen in time because of xsZDRQY2SG4-00394-00131391-00131807 a catastrophic event that took place, hmm. xsZDRQY2SG4-00395-00131807-00132093 I wonder what catastrophic event took place xsZDRQY2SG4-00396-00132093-00132393 that solidified creatures xsZDRQY2SG4-00397-00132500-00132872 as they moved, as they lived. xsZDRQY2SG4-00398-00132986-00133282 And so evolution and the Old Earth theory xsZDRQY2SG4-00399-00133283-00133739 is good on paper, but the evidence in the earth itself, xsZDRQY2SG4-00400-00133739-00133955 that is the geological findings xsZDRQY2SG4-00401-00133955-00134351 and the logical thinking don't really support it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00402-00134351-00134725 It is the alternative answer for the origin of the universe xsZDRQY2SG4-00403-00134725-00135136 for many people who actually just refuse to believe in God. xsZDRQY2SG4-00404-00135136-00135358 Some people say ah, yeah, yeah, preacher, xsZDRQY2SG4-00405-00135358-00135705 you're a preacher, you're just saying that, but I'm not. xsZDRQY2SG4-00406-00135705-00136075 A lot of people who buy into evolution do so xsZDRQY2SG4-00407-00136075-00136281 because they just don't want to believe xsZDRQY2SG4-00408-00136282-00136646 in a Supreme Being, in a God. xsZDRQY2SG4-00409-00136708-00136996 And usually they don't want to believe in God xsZDRQY2SG4-00410-00136996-00137532 because they don't want anybody to tell them what to do. xsZDRQY2SG4-00411-00137644-00137951 They don't want anybody to tell them xsZDRQY2SG4-00412-00137951-00138193 how to live and what to do. xsZDRQY2SG4-00413-00138193-00138490 So it's easier for them to hang on to this faulty model xsZDRQY2SG4-00414-00138490-00138916 of how things came to be, than to step into the Light xsZDRQY2SG4-00415-00138916-00139184 and accept the fact that there is a God. xsZDRQY2SG4-00416-00139184-00139408 All right, what about the Young Earth, need to move here, xsZDRQY2SG4-00417-00139408-00139653 what about the Young Earth theory? xsZDRQY2SG4-00418-00139653-00139934 Well the Young Earth theory has many less obstacles xsZDRQY2SG4-00419-00139934-00140244 and more proofs to support it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00420-00140244-00140517 First of all, there are no philosophical problems xsZDRQY2SG4-00421-00140517-00140697 with the young created earth, xsZDRQY2SG4-00422-00140697-00140923 there's no contradictions here. xsZDRQY2SG4-00423-00140923-00141185 There's no something comes from nothing, xsZDRQY2SG4-00424-00141185-00141524 matter is, you don't have that problem. xsZDRQY2SG4-00425-00141524-00142011 That an all powerful and wise Being created the universe xsZDRQY2SG4-00426-00142011-00142482 which reflects His complexity and wisdom, that's logical. xsZDRQY2SG4-00427-00142482-00142636 That makes, you don't have to believe that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00428-00142636-00142889 but you can't say that that's illogical, xsZDRQY2SG4-00429-00142889-00143173 that a more complex and powerful Being xsZDRQY2SG4-00430-00143173-00143393 created something less complex xsZDRQY2SG4-00431-00143394-00143762 and less powerful than Himself. xsZDRQY2SG4-00432-00143826-00144107 As a matter of fact, the existence of an eternal God xsZDRQY2SG4-00433-00144107-00144364 creating the earth can logically xsZDRQY2SG4-00434-00144364-00144592 be demonstrated in a variety of ways. xsZDRQY2SG4-00435-00144592-00144815 We talked about this at the very beginning xsZDRQY2SG4-00436-00144815-00144926 when we talked about, xsZDRQY2SG4-00437-00144926-00145058 why do people believe in God? xsZDRQY2SG4-00438-00145058-00145180 You've got all kinds of arguments, xsZDRQY2SG4-00439-00145180-00145468 the moral argument, the first cause argument. xsZDRQY2SG4-00440-00145468-00145747 So philosophically you don't even need the Bible, xsZDRQY2SG4-00441-00145747-00146000 philosophically you can make up, xsZDRQY2SG4-00442-00146000-00146197 you have access to xsZDRQY2SG4-00443-00146197-00146560 many philosophical arguments that bring you xsZDRQY2SG4-00444-00146560-00146768 to the conclusion that there must be, xsZDRQY2SG4-00445-00146768-00146926 where does all this come from? xsZDRQY2SG4-00446-00146926-00147235 Well there must be a God, it's first cause. xsZDRQY2SG4-00447-00147235-00147486 Now, the earth itself presents xsZDRQY2SG4-00448-00147486-00147903 no observational contradiction to this model as well. xsZDRQY2SG4-00449-00148038-00148454 For example, complex forms of life appear simultaneously xsZDRQY2SG4-00450-00148557-00148890 at the earliest parts of all and all throughout xsZDRQY2SG4-00451-00148890-00149215 the geological evidence in the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00452-00149215-00149525 And if the earth was created xsZDRQY2SG4-00453-00149525-00149784 then you're going to find complex models xsZDRQY2SG4-00454-00149784-00150203 and simple cell creatures together everywhere on earth xsZDRQY2SG4-00455-00150203-00150573 and that's exactly what you find everywhere on earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00456-00150574-00151242 There are no links from one form of life to another. xsZDRQY2SG4-00457-00151252-00151409 You don't need to find a missing link xsZDRQY2SG4-00458-00151409-00151628 because there are no links. xsZDRQY2SG4-00459-00151628-00152045 Just like Creation describes, only the same type of man, xsZDRQY2SG4-00460-00152145-00152491 from the beginning, exists today. xsZDRQY2SG4-00461-00152491-00152831 If we were able to see Adam, xsZDRQY2SG4-00462-00152831-00153328 we would recognize him as a human, as a human being. xsZDRQY2SG4-00463-00153328-00153539 So man, in the Creation model, xsZDRQY2SG4-00464-00153539-00153822 man is the same from beginning until now. xsZDRQY2SG4-00465-00153822-00154268 Monkeys are the same from the beginning until now. xsZDRQY2SG4-00466-00154268-00154647 There are no links to go from one to the other. xsZDRQY2SG4-00467-00154647-00155045 Now, I need to make a little parenthetical statement here. xsZDRQY2SG4-00468-00155045-00155431 There is a sort of evolution, micro evolution, xsZDRQY2SG4-00469-00155431-00155706 that takes place within a species xsZDRQY2SG4-00470-00155857-00156059 of animal or insect or bird. xsZDRQY2SG4-00471-00156059-00156326 Within a species there is some xsZDRQY2SG4-00472-00156326-00156612 evolutionary movement, I believe they call it xsZDRQY2SG4-00473-00156612-00156937 micro evolution, within a species, yes. xsZDRQY2SG4-00474-00157098-00157602 But there's no evidence that one species of creature xsZDRQY2SG4-00475-00157602-00158038 evolves into a completely different species of creature. xsZDRQY2SG4-00476-00158156-00158394 A bird does not become a dog, xsZDRQY2SG4-00477-00158394-00158760 that's the simplest way as I can do it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00478-00158760-00159100 So, with the Young Earth, with the Creation model, xsZDRQY2SG4-00479-00159100-00159352 you're not looking for missing links, why? xsZDRQY2SG4-00480-00159352-00159627 Well there are no missing links. xsZDRQY2SG4-00481-00159627-00159864 The earth is as God had created it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00482-00159864-00160140 And what's interesting about this is xsZDRQY2SG4-00483-00160140-00160490 they keep finding new species, don't they? xsZDRQY2SG4-00484-00160605-00160921 They, you know, scientists they go to the Amazon xsZDRQY2SG4-00485-00160921-00161126 and find a type of monkey, the last one I heard xsZDRQY2SG4-00486-00161126-00161353 was a little tiny monkey that they had xsZDRQY2SG4-00487-00161353-00161803 no record of, a brand new species, imagine that. xsZDRQY2SG4-00488-00161803-00161953 And they find new species of birds xsZDRQY2SG4-00489-00161953-00162246 and insects and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00490-00162246-00162563 So all of this does not contradict in any way xsZDRQY2SG4-00491-00162563-00162979 the model, the Creation model that we see in Genesis. xsZDRQY2SG4-00492-00163110-00163506 Also, there are over 70 ways to date the earth xsZDRQY2SG4-00493-00163506-00163883 using various disciplines, there's not just carbon dating. xsZDRQY2SG4-00494-00163883-00164185 There's chemical dating, anthropological dating, xsZDRQY2SG4-00495-00164185-00164451 archeological dating, and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00496-00164451-00164656 And all of these methods suggest xsZDRQY2SG4-00497-00164656-00164914 a young versus an old earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00498-00165052-00165280 Even carbon dating, used by evolutionists, xsZDRQY2SG4-00499-00165280-00165597 as I say, can only date as far back as so many years xsZDRQY2SG4-00500-00165597-00165966 and beyond that they have to guess. xsZDRQY2SG4-00501-00165966-00166174 And also, of course, we need to mention xsZDRQY2SG4-00502-00166174-00166704 the Bible itself contains genealogical records xsZDRQY2SG4-00503-00166704-00167130 that lists patriarchs from the first man until Moses, xsZDRQY2SG4-00504-00167130-00167388 and then from Moses until Christ, xsZDRQY2SG4-00505-00167388-00167860 that contain no more than about 8,000 years of history, xsZDRQY2SG4-00506-00167860-00168097 taking into account different gaps xsZDRQY2SG4-00507-00168097-00168439 and calendar discrepancies and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00508-00168439-00168723 We can't date it to the day, xsZDRQY2SG4-00509-00168723-00168910 but we're not talking millions of years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00510-00168910-00169121 we're not even talking hundreds of thousands of years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00511-00169121-00169357 we're talking about thousands of years. xsZDRQY2SG4-00512-00169357-00169649 So a Young Earth model of about 10,000 years xsZDRQY2SG4-00513-00169650-00170108 in that context there is supported by logic. xsZDRQY2SG4-00514-00170122-00170352 It's a logical thing, that a complex, xsZDRQY2SG4-00515-00170352-00170652 powerful God created the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00516-00170808-00171106 It's supported by observation, we look at the Bible xsZDRQY2SG4-00517-00171106-00171269 and it tells us how it happened. xsZDRQY2SG4-00518-00171269-00171548 Then we look at the earth and we observe xsZDRQY2SG4-00519-00171548-00171830 and we see, yeah, that's exactly how it, xsZDRQY2SG4-00520-00171830-00172216 exactly, you know, one seed bearing after its own kind, xsZDRQY2SG4-00521-00172216-00172495 one animal multiplying after its own kind. xsZDRQY2SG4-00522-00172495-00172916 And also we have the, we have the added opportunity xsZDRQY2SG4-00523-00172916-00173330 of seeing this explained to us in the Book of Revelation. xsZDRQY2SG4-00524-00173330-00173888 Remember, Jesus confirms the writing of Moses. xsZDRQY2SG4-00525-00173892-00174282 And Moses is the one who wrote the Book of Genesis. xsZDRQY2SG4-00526-00174282-00174609 So, through that connection we see that Jesus xsZDRQY2SG4-00527-00174609-00175026 confirms the things that Moses wrote in Genesis, all right? xsZDRQY2SG4-00528-00175236-00175503 Interesting that the people of Jesus' time, xsZDRQY2SG4-00529-00175503-00175709 there's never any question, they ask Him about xsZDRQY2SG4-00530-00175709-00175858 all kinds of things, don't they? xsZDRQY2SG4-00531-00175858-00176198 But they never ask Him about who made the earth or, xsZDRQY2SG4-00532-00176198-00176686 you know there's, it's assumed by the people of that time. xsZDRQY2SG4-00533-00176686-00177031 All right, so the problem with accepting xsZDRQY2SG4-00534-00177031-00177450 the Young Earth model, that's less than 10,000 years, xsZDRQY2SG4-00535-00177450-00177712 which was the model supported by both science xsZDRQY2SG4-00536-00177712-00178028 and religion until the 20th century. xsZDRQY2SG4-00537-00178028-00178269 Until the 20th century that was the model accepted. xsZDRQY2SG4-00538-00178269-00178427 And some people say, oh, well, they were ignorant xsZDRQY2SG4-00539-00178427-00178593 and so on and so forth, really? xsZDRQY2SG4-00540-00178593-00178998 Well, you know, Sir Isaac Newton, gravity, xsZDRQY2SG4-00541-00178998-00179216 and all the scientists of his era, xsZDRQY2SG4-00542-00179216-00179339 they accepted the idea that xsZDRQY2SG4-00543-00179339-00179622 a Supreme Being created the earth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00544-00179737-00180027 It's just in the last hundred years or so xsZDRQY2SG4-00545-00180027-00180356 that the theory of evolution has begun xsZDRQY2SG4-00546-00180356-00180631 to seriously influence the world. xsZDRQY2SG4-00547-00180796-00181077 This theory has found its way into schools xsZDRQY2SG4-00548-00181077-00181494 and government and has undermined the belief in the Bible. xsZDRQY2SG4-00549-00181609-00181935 In the last 10 years or so it has begun to crumble xsZDRQY2SG4-00550-00181935-00182183 as evidence has built up to contradict xsZDRQY2SG4-00551-00182183-00182497 and to destroy it, but the damage to faith xsZDRQY2SG4-00552-00182497-00182679 has already been done, it's been great xsZDRQY2SG4-00553-00182679-00182935 and it'll take time to undo. xsZDRQY2SG4-00554-00182935-00183084 I mean the libraries are full of books, xsZDRQY2SG4-00555-00183084-00183343 showing that chart. xsZDRQY2SG4-00556-00183343-00183577 And I love the one, where you have the monkey xsZDRQY2SG4-00557-00183577-00183814 and then the ape and then the man, you know what I mean? xsZDRQY2SG4-00558-00183814-00183981 That's a nice graphic, xsZDRQY2SG4-00559-00183981-00184172 but they've never proven, xsZDRQY2SG4-00560-00184172-00184396 they've never shown any links between that, xsZDRQY2SG4-00561-00184396-00184653 it just, you know, they show the graphics xsZDRQY2SG4-00562-00184653-00184823 and people who don't know any better, xsZDRQY2SG4-00563-00184823-00185203 buy it wholesale. xsZDRQY2SG4-00564-00185203-00185433 All right, now we're not going to take a lot of time xsZDRQY2SG4-00565-00185433-00185842 on again the Creationism idea, just this class here xsZDRQY2SG4-00566-00185842-00185976 because it comes up, people want to know, xsZDRQY2SG4-00567-00185976-00186179 what does it mean in Genesis 1:1? xsZDRQY2SG4-00568-00186179-00186387 And of course we have people in this congregation xsZDRQY2SG4-00569-00186387-00186750 so well more, versed and certainly xsZDRQY2SG4-00570-00186750-00187067 more well trained in talking about Creationism, xsZDRQY2SG4-00571-00187067-00187287 they could fill up 13 weeks xsZDRQY2SG4-00572-00187287-00187438 talking just about that. xsZDRQY2SG4-00573-00187438-00187727 But this course is about the Book of Genesis, xsZDRQY2SG4-00574-00187727-00188011 the entire Book of Genesis, so starting next week xsZDRQY2SG4-00575-00188011-00188260 we're going to start moving into xsZDRQY2SG4-00576-00188260-00188588 the text itself and looking at the story. xsZDRQY2SG4-00577-00188588-00188922 I will spend one more period of time xsZDRQY2SG4-00578-00188922-00189167 talking about those who try to reconcile xsZDRQY2SG4-00579-00189167-00189423 Genesis 1 with evolution, xsZDRQY2SG4-00580-00189423-00189618 theistic evolution, stuff like that. xsZDRQY2SG4-00581-00189618-00189815 We'll look at that a little bit, xsZDRQY2SG4-00582-00189815-00190088 but then we're going to move into the text itself xsZDRQY2SG4-00583-00190088-00190350 because this particular study is really going to be xsZDRQY2SG4-00584-00190350-00190643 a textual study of the Book of Genesis xsZDRQY2SG4-00585-00190643-00190895 and looking at its themes and so on and so forth. xsZDRQY2SG4-00586-00190895-00191048 Fascinating study, I hope you'll stay, xsZDRQY2SG4-00587-00191048-00191228 I hope you'll stay with it. xsZDRQY2SG4-00588-00191228-00191360 All right, that's it for tonight, xsZDRQY2SG4-00589-00191360-00191545 thank you very much for your attention. xB1Ig7GNTLc-00000-00000229-00001133 In this tutorial we'll build another machine type of part using SolidWorks xB1Ig7GNTLc-00001-00001133-00001697 We'll use Photoview360 for rendering and drawing those little ink contour line xB1Ig7GNTLc-00002-00001697-00002416 I'll introduce also decal where you can take a PNG apply it xB1Ig7GNTLc-00003-00002416-00003293 Let's get started, new part, here I'll stick to Inches so this is correct xB1Ig7GNTLc-00004-00003293-00004187 Start by drawing the base so top view ,you sketch, do this is by drawing a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00005-00004187-00004925 Centerline so we can actually dimension from those axes and we might as well xB1Ig7GNTLc-00006-00004925-00005594 draw another one going the other way voila so I have something to grab if I xB1Ig7GNTLc-00007-00005594-00006389 want a dimension then Center Rectangle and I'll put it here and what xB1Ig7GNTLc-00008-00006389-00006892 I was trying to tell you is that now I can go Smart Dimension and I can go from xB1Ig7GNTLc-00009-00006892-00007522 the center to this one and we can easily dimension this maybe 1" and then I xB1Ig7GNTLc-00010-00007522-00008493 can do a dimension from this to this for the width we want around this sketch xB1Ig7GNTLc-00011-00008493-00009472 fillet it and click on the floor that would do a group a set with those four xB1Ig7GNTLc-00012-00009472-00010156 and we could go three quarter-inch (0.75) and now say cancel here because he xB1Ig7GNTLc-00013-00010156-00010690 thinks you're going to need another set xB1Ig7GNTLc-00014-00010690-00011290 Convert this to a solid so extrusion and I think here I was using xB1Ig7GNTLc-00015-00011290-00012235 0.5" perfect so now we want a draw that circle the first pipe so we'll use xB1Ig7GNTLc-00016-00012235-00012947 the front plane ctrl+8 to be facing it xB1Ig7GNTLc-00017-00012947-00013194 and we'll draw it from the bottom xB1Ig7GNTLc-00018-00013281-00013938 dimension it, diameter I think 3 or 4 should be fine xB1Ig7GNTLc-00019-00013938-00015088 let's go for that seems a bit big so first we'll trim it so I'll draw a line xB1Ig7GNTLc-00020-00015088-00015883 here it's kind of a cutting line then I'll go trim and wherever you drag it xB1Ig7GNTLc-00021-00015883-00016792 will delete as long as you're in Power Trim so we're at the center because we xB1Ig7GNTLc-00022-00016792-00017331 do it on the front plane this is what I wanted because we want to do a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00023-00017331-00018037 symmetrical extrusion so solid extrude and we'll go mid plane and we'll use xB1Ig7GNTLc-00024-00018037-00018720 4" so now it goes through the entire part and inside it melt perfect xB1Ig7GNTLc-00025-00018720-00019087 we'll go back to our front plane drawing your sketch xB1Ig7GNTLc-00026-00019087-00019891 ctrl+8 to be normal to and here we'll start here and we'll go a 3" xB1Ig7GNTLc-00027-00019891-00021031 this time we want to cut so extrude cut using mid plane and here we xB1Ig7GNTLc-00028-00021031-00021588 want to use we could actually go through all both and it will always go through xB1Ig7GNTLc-00029-00021588-00022279 both well then what I did I drew a plane that starts somewhere here so I could xB1Ig7GNTLc-00030-00022279-00022906 just go like this and we could put a point here but I will just eyeball it xB1Ig7GNTLc-00031-00022906-00023607 for this time planes are here on the feature plane I was using 1" and I xB1Ig7GNTLc-00032-00023607-00024126 think one is good here so you type one inch remember our plane xB1Ig7GNTLc-00033-00024126-00025007 is infinite then we'll draw on this plane we'll sketch ctrl + 8 a second xB1Ig7GNTLc-00034-00025122-00026088 dimension it will use that sounds too small it's good to double click two inch xB1Ig7GNTLc-00035-00026088-00027094 extra and here we want maybe one inch on the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00036-00027094-00027580 top control 8 we select the face if you select a face then you don't need a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00037-00027580-00028969 planar circle over here to see the center and here we'll use 1 or 1 5 then xB1Ig7GNTLc-00038-00028969-00029632 we'll go cut and we can go cut to the next one up to next means you'll cut up xB1Ig7GNTLc-00039-00029632-00030454 to here so now we cannot receive next we'll draw on this face so selected xB1Ig7GNTLc-00040-00030454-00031336 control 8 we'll start with a line good start here the line will go up and then xB1Ig7GNTLc-00041-00031336-00031847 down to here the midpoint of the quadrant xB1Ig7GNTLc-00042-00031847-00032751 feel free to dimension them if you want I'll go to point 5 and here we'll go xB1Ig7GNTLc-00043-00032751-00033841 maybe 3 would have been nice version so here I could do a feel it like this xB1Ig7GNTLc-00044-00033841-00034747 point 75 exceed this for exit I need to connect those two it doesn't really xB1Ig7GNTLc-00045-00034747-00035325 matter what you do they just need to be close so we could draw here to here and xB1Ig7GNTLc-00046-00035325-00036220 maybe use an arc so I use three-point arc the last one one start and and then xB1Ig7GNTLc-00047-00036220-00036826 find the tangent and actually this point should be there so remove this we might xB1Ig7GNTLc-00048-00036826-00037930 have to kill the dimension and drag it here well so extrude and we'll go the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00049-00037930-00038707 other way so you click on the arrow and I think I use the sample 5 wallah and xB1Ig7GNTLc-00050-00038707-00039337 you see it melt here then we need to mirror this so there's a 3d mirror here xB1Ig7GNTLc-00051-00039337-00039947 your feature you click here you want to find the mirror plane so it xB1Ig7GNTLc-00052-00039947-00040709 would be the front and what do you want a mirror it's the bus so this is very xB1Ig7GNTLc-00053-00040709-00041261 neat because if you change this one you will update here then we need to have a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00054-00041261-00041894 circle to match this so we select the front plane again at the center and we xB1Ig7GNTLc-00055-00041894-00043006 go circle we hover over here wait a bit and we make sure that we match it here xB1Ig7GNTLc-00056-00043048-00044372 extrude mid plane and here we'll go for I think perfect then we need to make the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00057-00044372-00045211 Shafter holes so front plane circle xB1Ig7GNTLc-00058-00045328-00046327 smart dimension and then extrude cut xB1Ig7GNTLc-00059-00046355-00047330 through all both we almost done now we need to make those whole so select this xB1Ig7GNTLc-00060-00047330-00048401 face sketch control 8 circle over here to get a center point do another one xB1Ig7GNTLc-00061-00048401-00049769 here dimension 1 so 1/2 inch and then click shift click all of them and make xB1Ig7GNTLc-00062-00049769-00050825 them equal release the shift ego feature extrude cut same thing through all and xB1Ig7GNTLc-00063-00050825-00051266 you're basically done for rendering to make things more interesting xB1Ig7GNTLc-00064-00051266-00051825 you could add some filete so go here make this really small let's try point 1 xB1Ig7GNTLc-00065-00051825-00052469 and select this face 101 sorry and so here we could use a fear that for xB1Ig7GNTLc-00066-00052469-00052973 sure here too there are too xB1Ig7GNTLc-00067-00053148-00053709 he'll help a lot and on the rest we could use a chamfer this is like a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00068-00053709-00054342 45-degree cut on metal it looks good same size over hair smaller maybe I'll xB1Ig7GNTLc-00069-00054342-00054583 make it a hair smaller to make it more interesting xB1Ig7GNTLc-00070-00054583-00055804 100 15 and you could select here this this so something like this and to do a xB1Ig7GNTLc-00071-00055804-00056377 really if I want a nice render I would go to Moodle but to do a quick render we xB1Ig7GNTLc-00072-00056377-00056890 could use a photo view 360 the light version of Moodle that ships with us xB1Ig7GNTLc-00073-00056890-00057687 well it works very quick and dirty bring some light basic scene double click here xB1Ig7GNTLc-00074-00057687-00058513 will tweak this afterward we can go in plastic and make it soft plastic soft xB1Ig7GNTLc-00075-00058513-00059074 touch and I'll make it black drag and drop apply this to the entire part and xB1Ig7GNTLc-00076-00059074-00059758 then we can go metal aluminum brush aluminium and we can put this on the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00077-00059758-00060439 filete so drag it in between and then say fill it so all of the fill that xB1Ig7GNTLc-00078-00060439-00061491 we'll have it do the same thing with the chamfer Jim that should be good so now xB1Ig7GNTLc-00079-00061491-00062083 we can do a test bien perspective to you will look nicer and let's do a test xB1Ig7GNTLc-00080-00062083-00062950 render tool window so it's not touching the floor and mr. moderate to high xB1Ig7GNTLc-00081-00062950-00063445 that's okay we can switch this now you see those white highlight will be nice xB1Ig7GNTLc-00082-00063445-00064048 if we turned the environment a bit so we can go edit scene to make the float xB1Ig7GNTLc-00083-00064048-00064504 touch you go offset to geometry so now this is on the floor and if you go xB1Ig7GNTLc-00084-00064504-00064980 advanced you can rotate the environment and you see now it's shooting light from xB1Ig7GNTLc-00085-00064980-00065956 the side I think it looks a little bit better if we want to add decal we can go xB1Ig7GNTLc-00086-00065956-00066460 here decal there's a list here and there you can xB1Ig7GNTLc-00087-00066460-00067150 then load your own but I'll go with this one this is a PNG and you drag and drop xB1Ig7GNTLc-00088-00067150-00067660 it to the face that you want this pops up this is where you can change the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00089-00067660-00068173 image use this one is actually a BMP with a mask BMP but either way you can xB1Ig7GNTLc-00090-00068173-00069598 do the mask separately or use a PNG and then we can move it scale it and rotate xB1Ig7GNTLc-00091-00069598-00071293 it okay and if you go preview now it will a little bit closer now to make xB1Ig7GNTLc-00092-00071293-00072412 things pop we can also go option and we can put some contour some little ink and xB1Ig7GNTLc-00093-00072412-00072955 instead of using black here I would use a gray so it's not too strong now the xB1Ig7GNTLc-00094-00072955-00073288 ink will only show when you render so you go fine xB1Ig7GNTLc-00095-00073288-00074593 render there but then you can switch it to one-to-one and save it here as a JPEG xB1Ig7GNTLc-00096-00074593-00074835 or PNG xGHlL7i1g8c-00001-00000508-00000662 Hi, today I want to show you my project, xGHlL7i1g8c-00002-00000662-00000990 which integrates android notifications with Linux desktop environment. xGHlL7i1g8c-00003-00001042-00001684 On the left side you can see simple panel to fake some data. xGHlL7i1g8c-00004-00001684-00001957 Part of the data you will see will be faked from this API for the sake of this demo, xGHlL7i1g8c-00005-00001957-00002262 and part of data may be shown from mobile device, xGHlL7i1g8c-00006-00002262-00002486 since it's constantly connected with this solution. xGHlL7i1g8c-00007-00002504-00002870 Let's start this app, and system tray icon should appear in the moment, xGHlL7i1g8c-00008-00002870-00003354 and we should see in terminal that we are online. xGHlL7i1g8c-00010-00003676-00003970 And now we will see, how the application works, xGHlL7i1g8c-00011-00003970-00004218 when it receives notification directly from smartphone. xGHlL7i1g8c-00012-00004280-00004446 We can see the notification, xGHlL7i1g8c-00013-00004460-00004658 and the action that we can take. xGHlL7i1g8c-00014-00004676-00005054 This notification lands in notification center, in this case it is in cinnamon desktop. xGHlL7i1g8c-00015-00005060-00005278 In this case we can call two actions: xGHlL7i1g8c-00016-00005278-00005608 we can dismiss this notification from our desktop, from this computer, xGHlL7i1g8c-00017-00005614-00005988 or we can clear this notification from both: our phone and desktop. xGHlL7i1g8c-00018-00006174-00006459 From the application and API level, xGHlL7i1g8c-00019-00006459-00006747 we can make a three actions, more of them is in backlog. xGHlL7i1g8c-00020-00006748-00007034 We can play a ringtone on our device. xGHlL7i1g8c-00021-00007034-00007194 You can't hear it right now xGHlL7i1g8c-00022-00007200-00007438 We can also send an SMS, xGHlL7i1g8c-00023-00007458-00007852 or we can send free form notification directly to our device xGHlL7i1g8c-00024-00007852-00008354 Of course, for this action I have prepared simple GUI, xGHlL7i1g8c-00025-00008368-00008602 which we can call by clicking in the system tray icon, xGHlL7i1g8c-00026-00008612-00008892 and selecting our action in the menu. xGHlL7i1g8c-00027-00009868-00010166 This app can also have a different behavior, xGHlL7i1g8c-00028-00010166-00010468 depending on source of notification xGHlL7i1g8c-00029-00010468-00010812 and so if we will fake that we have xGHlL7i1g8c-00030-00010812-00010978 received notification from messenger , xGHlL7i1g8c-00031-00010978-00011284 we can open facebook window, with just one click. xGHlL7i1g8c-00032-00012154-00012296 So for today that's it. xGHlL7i1g8c-00033-00012300-00012778 Thanks for watching, and I hope that I will be able to show you more next time xH_eOZNCh5U-00000-00002077-00002530 today I explain functions if you're learning to code you're going to xH_eOZNCh5U-00001-00002530-00003141 encounter functions it doesn't matter what language you're using SQL Python xH_eOZNCh5U-00002-00003141-00003886 R SAS whatever other language you're going to be using lots of functions what xH_eOZNCh5U-00003-00003886-00004468 is a function how do you call a function what are arguments and parameters what xH_eOZNCh5U-00004-00004468-00005076 are default values how do you pass a nested function you learn all this and xH_eOZNCh5U-00005-00005076-00005480 more in this video xH_eOZNCh5U-00006-00005571-00006157 functions do useful things in data science some of these things may include xH_eOZNCh5U-00007-00006157-00006790 computing the average value sorting a set of numbers changing the scale of xH_eOZNCh5U-00008-00006790-00007618 a set of numbers combining data sets and so on for the most common things xH_eOZNCh5U-00009-00007618-00008207 somebody else has already written a function for your convenience we call xH_eOZNCh5U-00010-00008207-00008906 these built-in functions many coding languages have sets of functions that xH_eOZNCh5U-00011-00008906-00009428 have been written by others for convenience we call them packages in xH_eOZNCh5U-00012-00009428-00010049 Python for example there is a package called statistics that contain a set of xH_eOZNCh5U-00013-00010049-00010709 functions used for statistical analysis you can also write your own functions if xH_eOZNCh5U-00014-00010709-00011375 you're just learning to code you are using mostly built-in functions that are xH_eOZNCh5U-00015-00011375-00011932 written by professional coders let's say there's a diving competition with ten xH_eOZNCh5U-00016-00011932-00012731 judges submitting scores to compute the average score we use a function in R xH_eOZNCh5U-00017-00012731-00013741 this is what you write in Python you write the following now in Excel you do xH_eOZNCh5U-00018-00013741-00014363 this you may have noticed a pattern here each of these functions takes an input xH_eOZNCh5U-00019-00014363-00014990 object transforms it and returns an output object usually the code has this xH_eOZNCh5U-00020-00014990-00016006 general form output equals function name open paren input close paren to compute xH_eOZNCh5U-00021-00016006-00016810 the average score we call the mean function shat equals mean open paren s xH_eOZNCh5U-00022-00016810-00017454 close paren so s is the input object that contains the raw scores xH_eOZNCh5U-00023-00017454-00018000 and shat is the output object that contains the average value the mean xH_eOZNCh5U-00024-00018000-00018932 function takes s as the input and returns shat as the output functions xH_eOZNCh5U-00025-00018932-00019548 are picky for given function it only accepts certain types of inputs and it xH_eOZNCh5U-00026-00019548-00020087 returns one type of output think about your car if it runs on gasoline you can't xH_eOZNCh5U-00027-00020087-00020667 feed it diesel and if the top speed is 200 miles per hour it won't go any xH_eOZNCh5U-00028-00020667-00021234 faster it is really important to know what are the restrictions on the inputs xH_eOZNCh5U-00029-00021234-00021678 and the outputs when working with functions for a mean function R xH_eOZNCh5U-00030-00021678-00022326 requires a vector of numbers in Python you need a list of numbers and in Excel xH_eOZNCh5U-00031-00022326-00023100 of range of cells in R if you supplied a vector of characters it's going to give you xH_eOZNCh5U-00032-00023100-00023709 an error the output of the mean function is a single number which is the average xH_eOZNCh5U-00033-00023709-00024566 value of the numbers given as input if you're not sure about the input-output xH_eOZNCh5U-00034-00024566-00025118 restrictions you must look up the help xH_eOZNCh5U-00035-00025118-00025782 most functions have parameters or arguments these arguments modify the xH_eOZNCh5U-00036-00025782-00026502 behavior of the function for example the R function for mean has the following xH_eOZNCh5U-00037-00026502-00027661 spec mean of x comma trim equals zero comma n a dot R M equals false comma xH_eOZNCh5U-00038-00027661-00028522 close paren here trim and n a dot R M are arguments trim xH_eOZNCh5U-00039-00028522-00029103 tells our how many observations to drop from the calculation so in our diving xH_eOZNCh5U-00040-00029103-00029713 competition the rule may state to drop the highest and lowest scores before xH_eOZNCh5U-00041-00029713-00030516 computing the average this is known as the trimmed mean with two out of ten or xH_eOZNCh5U-00042-00030516-00031249 twenty percent trimming if there are ten judges then 20 percent trimming means xH_eOZNCh5U-00043-00031249-00031845 taking the average of the middle eight scores instead of running mean open xH_eOZNCh5U-00044-00031845-00032796 paren x you would run mean open paren x comma trim equals .2 close paren xH_eOZNCh5U-00045-00032796-00033672 .2 here is to tell R to drop 20 percent of the data the value of trim is xH_eOZNCh5U-00046-00033672-00034071 any number between 0 and 1 xH_eOZNCh5U-00047-00034209-00034668 let's see this spec for the mean function again xH_eOZNCh5U-00048-00034813-00035620 you see that in this spec it says trim equals zero the equal zero is the xH_eOZNCh5U-00049-00035620-00036310 default value if you do not supply a value for trim R assumes that trimming xH_eOZNCh5U-00050-00036310-00036982 is zero meaning that you're not dropping any observations sometimes the spec does xH_eOZNCh5U-00051-00036982-00037675 not contain a default value which means that the user must supply a value if you xH_eOZNCh5U-00052-00037675-00038307 don't supply a value for that parameter R will return an error xH_eOZNCh5U-00053-00038307-00039322 the other argument here is n a dot r m rm means remove and na means missing so na xH_eOZNCh5U-00054-00039322-00040141 dot RM controls whether you remove if missing so by default any default na.rm xH_eOZNCh5U-00055-00040141-00040825 equals false which means that if there were to be a missing value in the input xH_eOZNCh5U-00056-00040825-00041473 R will not drop it the default value of false may not be a great thing xH_eOZNCh5U-00057-00041473-00042313 that's because R will always return a mean of missing if one or more of these xH_eOZNCh5U-00058-00042313-00043165 scores are missing function definitions can be nested which means that you can xH_eOZNCh5U-00059-00043165-00043696 define a new function by using existing functions for example the following xH_eOZNCh5U-00060-00043696-00044197 custom Python function computes the average value of a set of numbers stored xH_eOZNCh5U-00061-00044197-00045160 in a list called x sum and len are both built in Python functions sum xH_eOZNCh5U-00062-00045160-00045727 adds the numbers in the list while length counts the number of things in xH_eOZNCh5U-00063-00045727-00046468 the list my_mean function then returns the value of dividing the sum of x by xH_eOZNCh5U-00064-00046468-00047203 the length of x that gives you the average value the above defines the xH_eOZNCh5U-00065-00047203-00047614 function in order to call the function you write xH_eOZNCh5U-00066-00047614-00048277 my_mean open paren s close paren which gives you the output xH_eOZNCh5U-00067-00048277-00048874 value which is the single number the average value of the scores stored in xH_eOZNCh5U-00068-00048874-00049609 the object s now if you want to store the average value you write shat equals xH_eOZNCh5U-00069-00049609-00050308 my underscore mean open paren s close paren which creates a new output object xH_eOZNCh5U-00070-00050308-00051076 called shat you can also nest functions when using them here is an example from xH_eOZNCh5U-00071-00051076-00052078 R round open paren mean open paren x comma trim equals .2 close paren comma xH_eOZNCh5U-00072-00052078-00052687 2 close paren to understand or parse these functions you need to take this apart xH_eOZNCh5U-00073-00052687-00053428 into the following steps we start with an input object called x we feed this x xH_eOZNCh5U-00074-00053428-00054214 into the function mean with the parameter trim equal to the mean xH_eOZNCh5U-00075-00054214-00054889 function creates an output objects called y this output object y is then fed xH_eOZNCh5U-00076-00054889-00055702 into the function called round with the parameter 2 this function creates xH_eOZNCh5U-00077-00055702-00056452 another output object called z and z is the final output from this nested xH_eOZNCh5U-00078-00056452-00057157 function the round function is used to round decimal numbers when given the xH_eOZNCh5U-00079-00057157-00057787 argument of two it rounds to two decimal places in this way you can clean up a xH_eOZNCh5U-00080-00057787-00058501 whole series of functions by feeding the output of one function as the input to xH_eOZNCh5U-00081-00058501-00059158 the next function this is very powerful but it can also become very messy when xH_eOZNCh5U-00082-00059158-00059754 you have a lot of functions and you have a lot of parentheses to take care of xH_eOZNCh5U-00083-00059829-00060480 some functions are so commonly used that we have short hands to read help reduce xH_eOZNCh5U-00084-00060480-00061123 clutter and the number of keystrokes for example you could write the following xH_eOZNCh5U-00085-00061123-00061927 function to get the power of a number power open thread X comma 2 close paren xH_eOZNCh5U-00086-00061927-00062770 should give you the square of its power open paren X comma 3 should give you the xH_eOZNCh5U-00087-00062770-00063628 cube of X however there's a shorthand for this we typically write X Charat 2 xH_eOZNCh5U-00088-00063628-00064573 and its character e the caret character is a shorthand for the function how at xH_eOZNCh5U-00089-00064573-00065224 the start of the video before I called the mean function in Python I ran the xH_eOZNCh5U-00090-00065224-00066211 following long from statistics import me let me explain this line now someone xH_eOZNCh5U-00091-00066211-00066735 else has already written a function for computing the mean which I like to use xH_eOZNCh5U-00092-00066735-00067351 this mean function exists in a set of functions that have been written to xH_eOZNCh5U-00093-00067351-00068050 perform statistical analysis such a set of functions in Python is known as a xH_eOZNCh5U-00094-00068050-00068700 package the particular package I need is called statistics so the line of elf xH_eOZNCh5U-00095-00068700-00069376 basically asked Python to import the mean function that is found in that xH_eOZNCh5U-00096-00069376-00070141 package called statistics every programming language has a base set of xH_eOZNCh5U-00097-00070141-00070801 functions that is preloaded every time you run it in R the mean function is xH_eOZNCh5U-00098-00070801-00071314 part of the base set of functions so I did not have to import a package xH_eOZNCh5U-00099-00071314-00071833 however it I thought that mean function is not part of the base set of functions xH_eOZNCh5U-00100-00071833-00072388 which is why we need to run that line xH_eOZNCh5U-00101-00072408-00073130 now in our if you have to import functions from a package you use the xH_eOZNCh5U-00102-00073130-00073963 library function for example library open paren math close paren this would xH_eOZNCh5U-00103-00073963-00074573 load a set of functions to do all kinds of statistical analysis that were xH_eOZNCh5U-00104-00074573-00075185 written by the authors of a book called modern applied statistics using s or mas xH_eOZNCh5U-00105-00075185-00075830 were short these functions extend the base functionality of the r programming xH_eOZNCh5U-00106-00075830-00076337 language there's a lot to learn about functions I hope this video helps build xH_eOZNCh5U-00107-00076337-00076725 your confidence while working with functions if you liked the video please xH_eOZNCh5U-00108-00076725-00077366 share with your friends and subscribe to our channel comment below to suggest xH_eOZNCh5U-00109-00077366-00078551 future topics principle analytics prep prepping you for the data revolution xLSWxvFCJN0-00000-00017003-00017200 tsurreal,prod. tsurreal,drake type beat,drake type beat 2022,drake type beat free for profit,drake type beats,2022 drake type beat,free drake type beat 2022,free drake type beat,drake type beat free,partynextdoor type beat,drake type beat her loss,free for profit,tsurreal drake type beat,drake type beat tsurreal,che ecru type beat,rnb drake type beat,free drake rnb type beat,rnb drake type beat 2022 xLcy7uCCpK8-00000-00000032-00000447 - Proud parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, xLcy7uCCpK8-00001-00000447-00000838 children, and other family and friends of our graduates, xLcy7uCCpK8-00002-00000838-00001206 welcome to the University of California at Berkeley. xLcy7uCCpK8-00003-00001206-00001474 Welcome to the many dedicated faculty, xLcy7uCCpK8-00004-00001474-00001739 staff, alumni, and honored guests xLcy7uCCpK8-00005-00001739-00002071 who are with us today, including our keynote speaker, xLcy7uCCpK8-00006-00002071-00002563 Robert D. Hoss from the Class of 1964. xLcy7uCCpK8-00007-00002563-00002951 And welcome especially to those we have gathered here xLcy7uCCpK8-00008-00002951-00003110 to celebrate, the members xLcy7uCCpK8-00009-00003110-00003610 of U.C. Berkeley's extraordinary graduating class of 2019! xLcy7uCCpK8-00010-00003667-00003967 (audience cheering) xLcy7uCCpK8-00011-00004395-00004686 Sitting here, you all are no doubt experiencing a mix xLcy7uCCpK8-00012-00004686-00005186 of relief, elation, wonder, and apprehension. xLcy7uCCpK8-00013-00005192-00005547 But in addition to all that, I hope you hold a keen sense xLcy7uCCpK8-00014-00005547-00005907 of accomplishment, for you have completed a demanding course xLcy7uCCpK8-00015-00005907-00006380 of study at the nation's best public university. xLcy7uCCpK8-00016-00006380-00006736 Today you join and renew the long line xLcy7uCCpK8-00017-00006736-00007105 of alumni reaching back 151 years, xLcy7uCCpK8-00018-00007105-00007561 whose lives are forever intertwined with this institution. xLcy7uCCpK8-00019-00007561-00007923 Today you become one of nearly 500 thousand xLcy7uCCpK8-00020-00007923-00008159 living alumni worldwide xLcy7uCCpK8-00021-00008159-00008622 who can proudly call themselves U.C. Berkeley graduates. xLcy7uCCpK8-00022-00008622-00009032 The entire Cal community is proud of your achievements, xLcy7uCCpK8-00023-00009032-00009493 but today, no one is prouder than the family and friends xLcy7uCCpK8-00024-00009493-00009724 who have stood by you with their love, xLcy7uCCpK8-00025-00009724-00010020 understanding, and support. xLcy7uCCpK8-00026-00010020-00010260 Let's have a round of applause for them. xLcy7uCCpK8-00027-00010260-00010560 (audience cheering) xLcy7uCCpK8-00028-00011136-00011491 Members of the Class of 2019, you have come xLcy7uCCpK8-00029-00011491-00011721 through Berkeley at a historic time xLcy7uCCpK8-00030-00011721-00012085 in our nation and our world. xLcy7uCCpK8-00031-00012085-00012413 Your class saw the strongest woman presidential candidate xLcy7uCCpK8-00032-00012413-00012913 in US history, ultimately delivered a stunning defeat xLcy7uCCpK8-00033-00012932-00013386 in an election that upended American politics. xLcy7uCCpK8-00034-00013386-00013713 You've since witnessed the most pitched political battles xLcy7uCCpK8-00035-00013713-00014033 we've seen in decades over taxes, xLcy7uCCpK8-00036-00014033-00014319 Supreme Court nominees, election meddling, xLcy7uCCpK8-00037-00014319-00014819 trade deals, a border wall, and even impeachment. xLcy7uCCpK8-00038-00014819-00015116 In your time here, the national conversation has been framed xLcy7uCCpK8-00039-00015116-00015534 by urgent and probing issues xLcy7uCCpK8-00040-00015534-00016022 of race, class, justice, and equality xLcy7uCCpK8-00041-00016022-00016274 as the Black Lives Matter movement xLcy7uCCpK8-00042-00016274-00016665 challenged institutional racism in law enforcement, xLcy7uCCpK8-00043-00016665-00017019 as the Me Too movement toppled abusive men xLcy7uCCpK8-00044-00017019-00017209 in positions of power, xLcy7uCCpK8-00045-00017209-00017390 and as a new and more diverse slate xLcy7uCCpK8-00046-00017390-00017658 of elected officials took office. xLcy7uCCpK8-00047-00017658-00017878 While you've been on campus, xLcy7uCCpK8-00048-00017878-00018127 concerns about cyber security, xLcy7uCCpK8-00049-00018127-00018374 changes in the media we consume, xLcy7uCCpK8-00050-00018374-00018686 and questions about privacy rights have asked us xLcy7uCCpK8-00051-00018686-00018874 to reconsider our relationships xLcy7uCCpK8-00052-00018874-00019374 to now ubiquitous new technology and modes of communication. xLcy7uCCpK8-00053-00019430-00019787 While at Berkeley, you saw people and nations spring xLcy7uCCpK8-00054-00019787-00020196 into action to respond to humanitarian crisis xLcy7uCCpK8-00055-00020196-00020491 in Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. xLcy7uCCpK8-00056-00020491-00020867 Yet also saw disdain for immigrants and refugees xLcy7uCCpK8-00057-00020867-00021225 take hold here and around the world. xLcy7uCCpK8-00058-00021225-00021474 You saw acts of violence xLcy7uCCpK8-00059-00021474-00021763 that renewed disputes about gun rights. xLcy7uCCpK8-00060-00021763-00022131 You saw natural disasters in South Asia, xLcy7uCCpK8-00061-00022131-00022476 Puerto Rico, California, and the Amazon, xLcy7uCCpK8-00062-00022476-00022785 and the discussions about wealth, power, xLcy7uCCpK8-00063-00022785-00023056 and responsibility that accompanied them. xLcy7uCCpK8-00064-00023056-00023412 You saw regime change in the UK over Brexit. xLcy7uCCpK8-00065-00023412-00023755 You saw protests in the streets of Hong Kong. xLcy7uCCpK8-00066-00023755-00024127 You saw both setbacks, and step forward xLcy7uCCpK8-00067-00024127-00024478 in our global response to the existential threat xLcy7uCCpK8-00068-00024478-00024678 of climate change. xLcy7uCCpK8-00069-00024678-00024991 U.C. Berkeley has always been part xLcy7uCCpK8-00070-00024991-00025224 of the public sphere, and many xLcy7uCCpK8-00071-00025224-00025710 of these events touched our campus or had analogs here. xLcy7uCCpK8-00072-00025710-00025947 It's a defining quality of our students xLcy7uCCpK8-00073-00025947-00026293 that you do not sit idly by xLcy7uCCpK8-00074-00026293-00026510 when you see struggle or injustice, xLcy7uCCpK8-00075-00026510-00026833 whether in the larger world or locally. xLcy7uCCpK8-00076-00026833-00027043 You reflect on the issues at hand, xLcy7uCCpK8-00077-00027043-00027323 consider solutions, and confront problems xLcy7uCCpK8-00078-00027323-00027656 in all their complexity, with all their deep xLcy7uCCpK8-00079-00027656-00027898 and enduring difficulty. xLcy7uCCpK8-00080-00027898-00028280 As surely as this institution has left its mark xLcy7uCCpK8-00081-00028280-00028780 on you, then you have left your mark on Berkeley. xLcy7uCCpK8-00082-00028800-00028998 For when you saw the need for change here, xLcy7uCCpK8-00083-00028998-00029306 you seized it, and our university is richer xLcy7uCCpK8-00084-00029306-00029595 and better for your efforts. xLcy7uCCpK8-00085-00029595-00029729 It was your classmates xLcy7uCCpK8-00086-00029729-00030005 in the Black Student Union who are behind the creation xLcy7uCCpK8-00087-00030005-00030289 of the Fanny Lou Hamer Resource Center, xLcy7uCCpK8-00088-00030289-00030432 and the ones who helped craft xLcy7uCCpK8-00089-00030432-00030635 the African American Initiative xLcy7uCCpK8-00090-00030635-00030882 which is now working to improve xLcy7uCCpK8-00091-00030882-00031200 our campus climate for black students. xLcy7uCCpK8-00092-00031200-00031489 It was the work of survivors and student advocates xLcy7uCCpK8-00093-00031489-00031758 among you who helped this university look xLcy7uCCpK8-00094-00031758-00031996 at how it handles cases of sexual assault xLcy7uCCpK8-00095-00031996-00032435 and harassment and make improvements. xLcy7uCCpK8-00096-00032435-00032622 You modeled strength and resolve xLcy7uCCpK8-00097-00032622-00032942 in support of our undocumented student population, xLcy7uCCpK8-00098-00032942-00033366 as they were villainized by national leaders. xLcy7uCCpK8-00099-00033366-00033725 You pushed our institution to put sustainability xLcy7uCCpK8-00100-00033725-00034128 at the fore, making us the largest university xLcy7uCCpK8-00101-00034128-00034628 to commit to 100% clean energy. xLcy7uCCpK8-00102-00034632-00034811 Your advocacy in Sacramento xLcy7uCCpK8-00103-00034811-00035249 helped legislators better value our institution. xLcy7uCCpK8-00104-00035249-00035557 Your work through Bridges Recruitment and Retention Centers xLcy7uCCpK8-00105-00035557-00035912 helped bring in and bring up those xLcy7uCCpK8-00106-00035912-00036180 from backgrounds historically underrepresented xLcy7uCCpK8-00107-00036180-00036629 on college campuses, and your organizing helped create xLcy7uCCpK8-00108-00036629-00036912 the Berkeley Basic Needs Center. xLcy7uCCpK8-00109-00036912-00037121 You helped us learn how we might reconcile xLcy7uCCpK8-00110-00037121-00037560 a commitment to community, alongside a belief xLcy7uCCpK8-00111-00037560-00037885 in the university's role as a public forum, xLcy7uCCpK8-00112-00037885-00038297 open even to viewpoints we might find abhorrent. xLcy7uCCpK8-00113-00038297-00038686 And you joined us in efforts to use dialogue, not violence, xLcy7uCCpK8-00114-00038686-00039053 to bridge the partisan divide. xLcy7uCCpK8-00115-00039053-00039283 I do not believe that Berkeley is a bubble, xLcy7uCCpK8-00116-00039283-00039556 as it is often called, but I do feel xLcy7uCCpK8-00117-00039556-00040056 that in this campus we share a small and bounded world xLcy7uCCpK8-00118-00040068-00040568 that each of us can influence, shape, and make different xLcy7uCCpK8-00119-00040581-00041081 by what we do and say, and you have not been shy to do so. xLcy7uCCpK8-00120-00041254-00041559 Now, on the cusp of life after college, xLcy7uCCpK8-00121-00041559-00041834 a phrase I always imagine in all caps, xLcy7uCCpK8-00122-00041834-00042121 you enter a world that it is both full xLcy7uCCpK8-00123-00042121-00042439 of incredible possibility, as well as rife xLcy7uCCpK8-00124-00042439-00042636 with intractable problems. xLcy7uCCpK8-00125-00042824-00043002 Problems that are pervasive, xLcy7uCCpK8-00126-00043002-00043436 that have many dimensions, that span national borders, xLcy7uCCpK8-00127-00043436-00043803 that don't care about partisan lines, xLcy7uCCpK8-00128-00043803-00044185 but I know you will not retreat from those challenges. xLcy7uCCpK8-00129-00044185-00044349 You'll face them head on, xLcy7uCCpK8-00130-00044349-00044637 just as you've been doing here at Cal. xLcy7uCCpK8-00131-00044637-00044996 Graduates, congratulations on your achievements, xLcy7uCCpK8-00132-00044996-00045190 thank you for working in partnership xLcy7uCCpK8-00133-00045190-00045570 to help Berkeley become the place we wish it to be, xLcy7uCCpK8-00134-00045570-00045951 and welcome to the next chapter of your lives. xLcy7uCCpK8-00135-00045951-00046306 May the education you've received here serve, xLcy7uCCpK8-00136-00046306-00046729 not just yourselves, but your society well. xLcy7uCCpK8-00137-00046729-00047179 May your years ahead be richly rewarding and fulfilling, xLcy7uCCpK8-00138-00047179-00047498 and may you enjoy much happiness. xLcy7uCCpK8-00139-00047498-00047776 The world is now yours to shape, xLcy7uCCpK8-00140-00047776-00048276 make it a place of grace, justice, and beauty. xLcy7uCCpK8-00141-00048421-00048677 Good luck, and go Bears! xLcy7uCCpK8-00142-00048820-00049120 (audience cheering) xNaZfkh3n54-00000-00000045-00000535 subscribe my chanal pleas xpubci27IOM-00000-00009300-00010100 National Park Byeonsan Peninsula Buan Naesosa Temple Fir Forest Road Trip xO1x-1W1ULI-00000-00000570-00001022 USS RENTZ WORKED WITH THE COAST GUARD TO STOP A BOAT SMUGGLING MORE THAN 300 KILOGRAMS OF xO1x-1W1ULI-00001-00001022-00001311 COCAINE WORTH MORE THAN 10 MILLION DOLLARS. xO1x-1W1ULI-00002-00001311-00001718 THIS IS THE FOURTH SUCCESSFUL BUST BY RENTZ ON THIS DEPLOYMENT AS A PART OF OPERATION xO1x-1W1ULI-00003-00001718-00002205 MARTILLO, A JOINT EFFORT OF 14 COUNTRIES TO TARGET DRUG TRAFFICKING. xO1x-1W1ULI-00004-00002205-00002680 THE NAVY EXCHANGE SERVICE COMMAND LOWERED PRICES ON MORE THAN 240 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS SUCH xO1x-1W1ULI-00005-00002680-00003211 AS LAUNDRY DETERGENT, PAPER TOWELS, AND BATH TISSUE WITH MORE SAVINGS EXPECTED IN THE FUTURE. xO1x-1W1ULI-00006-00003211-00003646 THE NEX WILL CONTINUE TO PRICE MATCH AND RETAIL PRICE DIFFERENCES OF 10 DOLLARS OR LESS WILL xO1x-1W1ULI-00007-00003646-00003802 BE MATCHED ON THE SPOT. xO1x-1W1ULI-00008-00003802-00004229 HEAD TO YOUR CLOSEST EXCHANGE OR VISIT MY NAVY EXCHANGE.COM TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE xO1x-1W1ULI-00009-00004229-00004341 SAVINGS. xO1x-1W1ULI-00010-00004341-00004572 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. xO1x-1W1ULI-00011-00004572-00004778 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. xTsdYbHrzXo-00000-00000144-00000472 When Vladimir Verbitsky arrived in Perth more than 20 years ago, it was love at first xTsdYbHrzXo-00001-00000474-00000547 sight. xTsdYbHrzXo-00004-00000586-00001035 The Russian-born composer was touring Australasia with the USSR Symphony Orchestra at xTsdYbHrzXo-00005-00001037-00001119 the time. xTsdYbHrzXo-00008-00001174-00001771 We arrived, the first city to Australia, 1986, to Perth. xTsdYbHrzXo-00009-00001791-00002344 It was absolutely incredible, everything different! xTsdYbHrzXo-00011-00002384-00002883 Before long, Mr Verbitsky had developed a special relationship with the West Australian xTsdYbHrzXo-00012-00002885-00003343 Symphony Orchestra, which he guest-conducted for many years, before being honoured with xTsdYbHrzXo-00013-00003345-00003650 the title of conductor laureate in 1997. xTsdYbHrzXo-00016-00003720-00004239 I love this orchestra, it is part of my life, part of my heart. xTsdYbHrzXo-00017-00004241-00004378 My heart is here. xTsdYbHrzXo-00019-00004407-00004933 The orchestra showed its appreciation in return, with Mr Verbitsky conferred Australian xTsdYbHrzXo-00020-00004935-00005391 citizenship at the conclusion of a special evening of Russian music at the Perth Concert xTsdYbHrzXo-00021-00005393-00005472 Hall. xTsdYbHrzXo-00024-00005545-00006143 The audience and orchestra joined together in a stirring rendition of the national xTsdYbHrzXo-00025-00006270-00006867 anthem, while Mr Verbitsky temporarily swapped his baton for a cricket bat in honour of xTsdYbHrzXo-00026-00007006-00007240 the occasion. xTsdYbHrzXo-00028-00007270-00007664 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, says this is by far the xTsdYbHrzXo-00029-00007666-00007838 best part of his job. xTsdYbHrzXo-00031-00007870-00008093 It’s a demonstration of how the country comes together. xTsdYbHrzXo-00032-00008095-00008509 We are a diverse people, we come from all over the world and it’s important to have a xTsdYbHrzXo-00033-00008511-00008851 focus on how Australians come together. xTsdYbHrzXo-00034-00008853-00009325 What it means to be Australian, and how we can building communities and societies. xTsdYbHrzXo-00036-00009356-00009837 Orchestra members also enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate this very special event with xTsdYbHrzXo-00037-00009839-00010009 one of their favourite conductors. xTsdYbHrzXo-00040-00010085-00010478 Principal bass clarinettist Alex Millier has worked with Vladimir Verbitsky for 20 xTsdYbHrzXo-00041-00010480-00010578 years. xTsdYbHrzXo-00044-00010652-00011249 He is the most passionate, humorous, friendly, effusive man. xTsdYbHrzXo-00045-00011344-00011733 He’s a joy to work with. xTsdYbHrzXo-00046-00011735-00012128 Every concert is just imbued with the passion. xTsdYbHrzXo-00048-00012169-00012654 The citizenship ceremony a fitting way to recognise Mr Verbitsky’s services to the xTsdYbHrzXo-00049-00012656-00013062 orchestra, as well as his contributions to music in Western Australia. xTsdYbHrzXo-00051-00013112-00013709 It’s a very warm relationship that our orchestra shares with him, and that’s why we’ve xTsdYbHrzXo-00052-00013784-00014219 shared this relationship for such a long time, and to honour that tonight, with a xTsdYbHrzXo-00053-00014222-00014790 ceremony when he’s pronounced an Australian citizen, is a reflection of the commitment xTsdYbHrzXo-00054-00014791-00015253 that he had to us and that we’ve had to him. xTsdYbHrzXo-00056-00015293-00015772 And there seems little doubt that that special relationship will continue for many years xTsdYbHrzXo-00057-00015774-00016609 to come. xUA6as3aYl0-00000-00000041-00000215 (upbeat music) xUA6as3aYl0-00001-00000215-00000484 - I grew up in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, xUA6as3aYl0-00002-00000484-00000801 which was a wonderful upbringing, xUA6as3aYl0-00003-00000801-00001022 but I always dreamt of the big time, xUA6as3aYl0-00004-00001111-00001397 and my parents had both gone to the University of Alabama. xUA6as3aYl0-00005-00001397-00001802 So I was an Alabama fan, roll tide, at a young age, xUA6as3aYl0-00006-00001802-00002023 and when it was time for me to go to school, xUA6as3aYl0-00007-00002023-00002270 I wanted to leave Mississippi, not go to far, xUA6as3aYl0-00008-00002270-00002403 and I went to Alabama. xUA6as3aYl0-00009-00002403-00002734 Well, my original plan was just to have a really good time. xUA6as3aYl0-00010-00002734-00003110 And so in my first semester, I majored in political science xUA6as3aYl0-00011-00003110-00003302 and I did not do well. xUA6as3aYl0-00012-00003302-00003529 And so I had to rethink, xUA6as3aYl0-00013-00003529-00003777 and so I got in elementary education, xUA6as3aYl0-00014-00003777-00003960 'cause I thought it would be easy, xUA6as3aYl0-00015-00003960-00004153 and they gave us a test to see xUA6as3aYl0-00016-00004153-00004372 if we had similar likes and dislikes xUA6as3aYl0-00017-00004372-00004729 to elementary school teachers, and I did very poorly. xUA6as3aYl0-00018-00004729-00004995 So they called me in and used me as a project xUA6as3aYl0-00019-00004995-00005198 for a graduate student to help me find xUA6as3aYl0-00020-00005198-00005370 what I would really like, xUA6as3aYl0-00021-00005370-00005711 and it turned out I loved business, and I loved fashion, xUA6as3aYl0-00022-00005711-00005866 and I changed my major, xUA6as3aYl0-00023-00005866-00006204 and it's been the right road ever since. xUA6as3aYl0-00024-00006204-00006349 A lot of people meet me xUA6as3aYl0-00025-00006349-00006801 and think I have an MBA from maybe an Ivy League school, xUA6as3aYl0-00026-00006801-00007188 and I very proudly say, I went to the University of Alabama, xUA6as3aYl0-00027-00007188-00007427 and I think it all shaped me. xUA6as3aYl0-00028-00007427-00007583 I just had right teachers, xUA6as3aYl0-00029-00007583-00007994 and I had the right experience as a student leader. xUA6as3aYl0-00030-00007994-00008434 When I was a junior, I ran for president of my school. xUA6as3aYl0-00031-00008434-00008696 It was called Home Economics, which is so ironic, xUA6as3aYl0-00032-00008696-00008826 'cause I can't cook or sew, xUA6as3aYl0-00033-00008826-00009148 but really it was fashion, xUA6as3aYl0-00034-00009148-00009339 and I won, and it was a great experience. xUA6as3aYl0-00035-00009339-00009501 And then again, they had something xUA6as3aYl0-00036-00009501-00009650 that I'm sure doesn't exist, xUA6as3aYl0-00037-00009650-00009909 called the Associated Women Students, AWS, xUA6as3aYl0-00038-00010007-00010209 and that was sort of a game change. xUA6as3aYl0-00039-00010209-00010422 And it's through that group xUA6as3aYl0-00040-00010422-00010757 that I really learned how to negotiate. xUA6as3aYl0-00041-00010757-00011032 We went and negotiated with Bear Bryant actually, xUA6as3aYl0-00042-00011032-00011233 'cause he was, not just the coach, xUA6as3aYl0-00043-00011233-00011619 but he was the athletic director to up the amount of money xUA6as3aYl0-00044-00011619-00011989 that was allocated for female athletic scholarships. xUA6as3aYl0-00045-00011989-00012241 But I also had an amazing professor xUA6as3aYl0-00046-00012241-00012463 who has impacted my entire career, xUA6as3aYl0-00047-00012463-00012635 and that is Wilma Green. xUA6as3aYl0-00048-00012635-00012819 She took us a to a Bill Blass fashion show. xUA6as3aYl0-00049-00012819-00013101 She took us to the Metropolitan Museum, xUA6as3aYl0-00050-00013101-00013306 and I just thought, I want a bigger life. xUA6as3aYl0-00051-00013306-00013480 I want to be part of this, xUA6as3aYl0-00052-00013480-00013762 and she helped me from my resume xUA6as3aYl0-00053-00013762-00014038 to identifying where I should interview. xUA6as3aYl0-00054-00014038-00014335 And so I applied to Foley's department store, xUA6as3aYl0-00055-00014335-00014497 which is now owned by Macy's, xUA6as3aYl0-00056-00014497-00014674 and they wrote me a letter, xUA6as3aYl0-00057-00014674-00015044 which I have framed in my office to this day, xUA6as3aYl0-00058-00015044-00015194 and it's on a typewriter. xUA6as3aYl0-00059-00015194-00015391 And it says, "Dear Ms. Gurwitch, xUA6as3aYl0-00060-00015391-00015810 "we at Foley's interview on eight select college campuses xUA6as3aYl0-00061-00015810-00016099 "and The University of Alabama is not among them. xUA6as3aYl0-00062-00016099-00016376 "We wish you best of luck in your future career. xUA6as3aYl0-00063-00016376-00016824 "Sincerely Jake Lewis, May 8, 1974." xUA6as3aYl0-00064-00016824-00017084 And my father said toss the letter, xUA6as3aYl0-00065-00017084-00017394 fly to Houston and try to get that job in person, xUA6as3aYl0-00066-00017394-00017528 and I did just that. xUA6as3aYl0-00067-00017528-00017873 I got the job and became one of two women xUA6as3aYl0-00068-00017873-00018071 on Foley's executive board, xUA6as3aYl0-00069-00018071-00018379 and one of the youngest senior vice presidents. xUA6as3aYl0-00070-00018379-00018591 My career has had multifacets. xUA6as3aYl0-00071-00018591-00019033 I started in retail and stayed at Foley's for 15 years, xUA6as3aYl0-00072-00019033-00019316 and then I got a wonderful offer xUA6as3aYl0-00073-00019316-00019600 to be the executive vice president of Neiman Marcus. xUA6as3aYl0-00074-00019600-00019846 So I went from being in a regional department store xUA6as3aYl0-00075-00019846-00020204 to a store that's all over the United States. xUA6as3aYl0-00076-00020204-00020553 I saw there was an opportunity in the beauty industry xUA6as3aYl0-00077-00020553-00020796 for some young new brands. xUA6as3aYl0-00078-00020796-00020893 My husband, at the time, xUA6as3aYl0-00079-00020893-00021179 asked me do you think there's a shortage of mascara? xUA6as3aYl0-00080-00021179-00021346 So there's no shortage of mascara, xUA6as3aYl0-00081-00021346-00021442 so you had to ask, xUA6as3aYl0-00082-00021442-00021697 what was going to be our point of difference? xUA6as3aYl0-00083-00021697-00021851 And our focus was to build it xUA6as3aYl0-00084-00021851-00022013 around the living makeup artist, xUA6as3aYl0-00085-00022013-00022365 who had a real concept, and it was so authentic. xUA6as3aYl0-00086-00022365-00022584 So that's what we built our products around. xUA6as3aYl0-00087-00022584-00022781 That's what we built our branding around, xUA6as3aYl0-00088-00022781-00022992 and around Laura Mercier herself. xUA6as3aYl0-00089-00022992-00023282 We built a company from zero to 100 million xUA6as3aYl0-00090-00023282-00023571 and we were in 27 countries, xUA6as3aYl0-00091-00023571-00023793 and I had 400 employees, xUA6as3aYl0-00092-00023793-00023988 and presently Laura Mercier is owned by Shiseido, xUA6as3aYl0-00093-00024076-00024283 a Japanese beauty giant. xUA6as3aYl0-00094-00024283-00024541 (upbeat music) xYTPzdAYeiY-00000-00000443-00000990 okay thank you all for coming I just want to start by saying that I will only xYTPzdAYeiY-00001-00000990-00001376 be fielding questions relating to microphones today so please let's just xYTPzdAYeiY-00002-00001376-00001760 keep it on target and let's get started Daniel Daniel do you have a xYTPzdAYeiY-00003-00001760-00002247 favorite microphone and if yes why you know I can't say I have a favorite xYTPzdAYeiY-00004-00002247-00002643 microphone I'm fortunate enough to have several microphones you know for their xYTPzdAYeiY-00005-00002643-00003215 particular purpose however there are a few good microphones very affordable xYTPzdAYeiY-00006-00003215-00003564 microphones out there for someone who you know may only be able to afford one xYTPzdAYeiY-00007-00003564-00004079 or is looking to get started in this you know YouTube world so there's some xYTPzdAYeiY-00008-00004079-00004425 microphones are better for certain purposes but there is no one perfect xYTPzdAYeiY-00009-00004425-00005144 microphone Dan which which microphone would you recommend for a youtuber xYTPzdAYeiY-00010-00005144-00005826 starting out if I had to recommend a microphone out for a youtuber I would xYTPzdAYeiY-00011-00005826-00006203 say you know there's a lot of things to consider however you got to look at what xYTPzdAYeiY-00012-00006203-00006629 you're doing on YouTube what your goal is if you're looking at a specific xYTPzdAYeiY-00013-00006629-00007097 microphone your cost your budget stuff like that so again there's no one xYTPzdAYeiY-00014-00007097-00007527 perfect solution but I think a little bit later on we'll go through what xYTPzdAYeiY-00015-00007527-00007854 microphones you can purchase for what purposes and how much that's going to xYTPzdAYeiY-00016-00007854-00008246 run you. Daniel is it true that there are xYTPzdAYeiY-00017-00008246-00008815 several dozen supermodels contacting you regularly for dates? okay we're done here xYTPzdAYeiY-00018-00008815-00009382 he ruined it for everyone so thank you guys thank you for coming out xYTPzdAYeiY-00019-00009921-00010357 all right today we're talking microphones but before we get into that xYTPzdAYeiY-00020-00010357-00010839 I've actually hidden three Amazon gift cards throughout the video it's like a xYTPzdAYeiY-00021-00010839-00011214 code you gotta look for it they're not gonna be easy to find but it's also on a xYTPzdAYeiY-00022-00011214-00011631 first-come first-served basis so what I would do if I were you is as soon as you xYTPzdAYeiY-00023-00011631-00012175 find that code pause the video head over to Amazon type it in boom gift card is xYTPzdAYeiY-00024-00012175-00012570 yours now there's three of them you could find all three but once they go xYTPzdAYeiY-00025-00012570-00012942 they're gone for good its one-time use only so make sure you keep an eye out xYTPzdAYeiY-00026-00012942-00013359 for those now let's talk microphones I could approach this one of two ways I xYTPzdAYeiY-00027-00013359-00013843 could get into all the technical this decibels and wah-wah-wah law but xYTPzdAYeiY-00028-00013843-00014287 I'm not gonna do that for two reasons one I don't know any of that stuff I xYTPzdAYeiY-00029-00014287-00014859 don't know all the numbers and I mean it does it sound good yes or no boom good xYTPzdAYeiY-00030-00014859-00015381 choice and two it's probably just easier if I use the microphones as an example xYTPzdAYeiY-00031-00015381-00015744 so what we're gonna do throughout the video is what I'm talking about each xYTPzdAYeiY-00032-00015744-00016182 microphone I'm gonna record it on that microphone so you can hear the quality xYTPzdAYeiY-00033-00016182-00016810 difference between the Sennheiser the Rode the Neewer podcast mic and the Fifine xYTPzdAYeiY-00034-00016810-00017238 lapel mic those are the four microphones we're gonna be reviewing today so let's xYTPzdAYeiY-00035-00017238-00017715 get into it starting with the sennheiser shotgun mic xYTPzdAYeiY-00036-00017715-00018187 this microphone is a little bit more on the expensive side at about 400 bucks xYTPzdAYeiY-00037-00018187-00018651 but it is pretty good for multiple uses it's a shotgun mic it's very xYTPzdAYeiY-00038-00018651-00019000 professional sounding you can mount it to the top of your camera sort of like a xYTPzdAYeiY-00039-00019000-00019623 vlogging mic but it's about like 10 inches long for that reason it's kind of xYTPzdAYeiY-00040-00019623-00020056 cumbersome as a vlogging mic so it's not ideal for that sound quality is xYTPzdAYeiY-00041-00020056-00020416 unbelievable the price point is probably where this microphone will lose a lot of xYTPzdAYeiY-00042-00020416-00020904 people it's about $400 for the setup I'll link all of the microphones that we xYTPzdAYeiY-00043-00020904-00021295 talked about down below the sennheiser mic though really great audio quality xYTPzdAYeiY-00044-00021295-00021738 cuts background noise it's a good choice if you have the budget for it I xYTPzdAYeiY-00045-00021738-00022125 definitely recommend picking this one up xYTPzdAYeiY-00046-00022148-00022827 next up is the rode videomic pro Plus overall I think this one is probably xYTPzdAYeiY-00047-00022827-00023199 your best bet if you want to get into vlogging or you need an all-around xYTPzdAYeiY-00048-00023199-00023736 solution its small its lightweight super easy to use it has the automatic battery xYTPzdAYeiY-00049-00023736-00024087 so when you start recording it automatically realizes you're recording xYTPzdAYeiY-00050-00024087-00024396 and turns the microphone on and then when you're not recording anymore it xYTPzdAYeiY-00051-00024396-00024738 turns the microphone off which is money because you don't waste any battery xYTPzdAYeiY-00052-00024738-00025068 stuff like that general-purpose probably your best bet if you're xYTPzdAYeiY-00053-00025068-00025431 starting out price point is around the 300 dollar mark give or take depending xYTPzdAYeiY-00054-00025431-00025773 on where you're from some of the downfalls of this microphone though I xYTPzdAYeiY-00055-00025773-00026304 find that if you have to record from a distance or even sometimes up close it xYTPzdAYeiY-00056-00026304-00026835 does pick up a lot of ambient noise it is directional but it's not as focused xYTPzdAYeiY-00057-00026835-00027314 as the shotgun if you do pick up some background noise you will need a wind xYTPzdAYeiY-00058-00027314-00027756 cover if you're you're filming outside but the portability of it is the biggest xYTPzdAYeiY-00059-00027756-00028158 factor it's a good all-purpose mic to have considering the cost and the xYTPzdAYeiY-00060-00028158-00028783 functionality moving on all right up next we've got the Neewer xYTPzdAYeiY-00061-00028783-00029345 podcast mic honestly this thing is unbelievable in terms of sound quality xYTPzdAYeiY-00062-00029345-00029888 to price this thing is $60 and as you guys can probably hear the sound is xYTPzdAYeiY-00063-00029888-00030245 unreal it comes with a lot of things which is great it has its own power xYTPzdAYeiY-00064-00030245-00030797 supply plugs directly into an auxilary port so it's very easy to use but it's a xYTPzdAYeiY-00065-00030797-00031141 specific use case you can't take this thing out vlogging could you imagine xYTPzdAYeiY-00066-00031141-00031493 this thing like mounted to the top of your camera and then you've got like the xYTPzdAYeiY-00067-00031493-00031988 big arm like hanging over if you need to do it in no that's not gonna work it is xYTPzdAYeiY-00068-00031988-00032306 really good quality but this is something like let's say you want to xYTPzdAYeiY-00069-00032306-00032699 start a YouTube channel for gaming or somewhere you'd be stationary at a desk xYTPzdAYeiY-00070-00032699-00033131 most of the time this is an unbelievable buy for 60 bucks like why wouldn't you xYTPzdAYeiY-00071-00033131-00033551 buy this right but again you lose that mobility comes with a lot of features xYTPzdAYeiY-00072-00033551-00034157 which is really cool I actually really like it but it's specific to one kind of xYTPzdAYeiY-00073-00034157-00034604 use it's not very multi-purpose like the other two were so for that reason it xYTPzdAYeiY-00074-00034604-00034934 wouldn't be my first choice if you find yourself recording in a studio a lot xYTPzdAYeiY-00075-00034934-00035225 definitely consider it although here's my issue with it too xYTPzdAYeiY-00076-00035225-00035555 it's like when you're this good-looking and you've got this microphone in your xYTPzdAYeiY-00077-00035555-00035866 face you want to have it further away right here's the difference between xYTPzdAYeiY-00078-00035866-00036172 where it should be which is only a couple inches from your mouth and where xYTPzdAYeiY-00079-00036172-00036512 I'd like to have it so I can show my beautiful face of the camera so once you xYTPzdAYeiY-00080-00036512-00036902 put the microphone out there I feel like you get a significant loss of quality xYTPzdAYeiY-00081-00036902-00037538 and it's still in frame right now so it's distracting from this right here xYTPzdAYeiY-00082-00037538-00037903 once you put it here look at this half of my face its covered you can't even I'm xYTPzdAYeiY-00083-00037903-00038261 sure that's why all you guys subscribe you're like wow his tips or mediocre but xYTPzdAYeiY-00084-00038261-00038609 he's so attractive so I can't not subscribe which reminds me xYTPzdAYeiY-00085-00038609-00038919 you're this far in the video and you haven't subscribed xYTPzdAYeiY-00086-00038919-00039474 if that hit that subscribe button hit that subscribe button alright on to the xYTPzdAYeiY-00087-00039474-00039897 next mic which might be my favorite right now even though I said I don't xYTPzdAYeiY-00088-00039897-00040759 have a favorite now last but definitely not least we have the Fifine lapel xYTPzdAYeiY-00089-00040759-00041469 microphone let me just start by saying this thing is $30 do I even need to go xYTPzdAYeiY-00090-00041469-00041827 on with this review the quality is fantastic xYTPzdAYeiY-00091-00041827-00042418 it's only 30 bucks and it combines a lot of the best features from the other xYTPzdAYeiY-00092-00042418-00042874 microphones now before we get into the good things about it let me give you the xYTPzdAYeiY-00093-00042874-00043252 one bad thing about it let's just get that out of the way quickly the receiver xYTPzdAYeiY-00094-00043252-00043665 that you attach to your camera or computer or whatever audio system you're xYTPzdAYeiY-00095-00043665-00044281 using runs on double-a batteries now this Wireless pack that you attach xYTPzdAYeiY-00096-00044281-00044844 to your belt runs on triple-a batteries so not only do you have to buy batteries xYTPzdAYeiY-00097-00044844-00045303 but you have to buy two different sets if I could change one thing about this xYTPzdAYeiY-00098-00045303-00045759 whole setup it's that but that really is the only downfall and now for the good xYTPzdAYeiY-00099-00045759-00046233 one it's a wireless pack this sits on your belt or in your on your pants xYTPzdAYeiY-00100-00046233-00046596 whatever wherever you're doing you run the little wire up your shirt and flip xYTPzdAYeiY-00101-00046596-00046887 it on top if you play your cards right you might even get to run the wire up xYTPzdAYeiY-00102-00046887-00047283 someone else's shirt who knows I don't know what you're into and then there's a xYTPzdAYeiY-00103-00047283-00047643 wireless receiver that hangs off the side of your camera it's small it's xYTPzdAYeiY-00104-00047643-00048043 lightweight and the best part about it is that if you're vlogging or filming an xYTPzdAYeiY-00105-00048043-00048481 interview or whatever you're using your camera for it opens up the hot shoe on xYTPzdAYeiY-00106-00048481-00048880 top the other microphones in the Sennheiser and rode mic screw in to the xYTPzdAYeiY-00107-00048880-00049194 top and mount to that hot shoe so it kind of limits you you'll need another xYTPzdAYeiY-00108-00049194-00049731 adapter if you want to add a screen or a light this way you're wide open you can xYTPzdAYeiY-00109-00049731-00050077 add that extra light for your interview you can add that screen so you can see xYTPzdAYeiY-00110-00050077-00050424 where you're recording and it's great for that reason alone now obviously when xYTPzdAYeiY-00111-00050424-00050749 you buy a microphone you're listening to audio quality that's the big deal audio xYTPzdAYeiY-00112-00050749-00051087 quality on this one is fantastic I wouldn't say it's as good as the xYTPzdAYeiY-00113-00051087-00051681 Sennheiser but for literally less than 10% of the cost the difference in sound xYTPzdAYeiY-00114-00051681-00052017 is negligible like this is more than enough for what xYTPzdAYeiY-00115-00052017-00052423 you're doing and it's a lot more versatile than the Sennheiser because xYTPzdAYeiY-00116-00052423-00052795 it's a lapel mic it's picking up your voice might get a little bit of ambient xYTPzdAYeiY-00117-00052795-00053227 noise but because it's on your person it's gonna pick up your voice first and xYTPzdAYeiY-00118-00053227-00053655 foremost it's super portable unlike the podcast mic so there's that xYTPzdAYeiY-00119-00053655-00054088 working to its advantage again I feel like I keep repeating this but for 30 xYTPzdAYeiY-00120-00054088-00054694 bucks am I am I crazy maybe you're crazy if you don't see the appeal for $30 to xYTPzdAYeiY-00121-00054694-00055051 get this kind of sound quality on all your videos as I said before all these xYTPzdAYeiY-00122-00055051-00055341 microphones are gonna be listed in the description I'll give you the Amazon xYTPzdAYeiY-00123-00055341-00055684 link and speaking of Amazon I hope you guys have been keeping an eye out for xYTPzdAYeiY-00124-00055684-00056050 those codes they're in here somewhere maybe they've all played already maybe xYTPzdAYeiY-00125-00056050-00056299 they haven't played yet but make sure you guys are keeping an eye out for xYTPzdAYeiY-00126-00056299-00056665 those and if you like this video make sure you like hit the like button that's xYTPzdAYeiY-00127-00056665-00057028 reserved for I like it I like the like button boom and if you aren't already xYTPzdAYeiY-00128-00057028-00057441 hit that subscribe button fun fact every time you hit that xYTPzdAYeiY-00129-00057441-00057934 subscribe button an angel gets his wings so I will see you guys in the next video xYTPzdAYeiY-00130-00057934-00058251 love ya xYTPzdAYeiY-00131-00058514-00059067 Daniel is it true that you are half-man half-machine no comment next question a xYTPzdAYeiY-00132-00059067-00059347 lot of people have been questioning whether or not you can lick your own xYTPzdAYeiY-00133-00059347-00060599 elbow can you do this no I cannot xYTPzdAYeiY-00134-00060602-00061454 Daniel exactly how many pushups in a row can you do 3614 mm-hmm xYTPzdAYeiY-00135-00061733-00062094 there are a lot of rumors flying around that you've been arrested several times xYTPzdAYeiY-00136-00062094-00062631 is this true several times actually I'm risking a lot by doing this public press xYTPzdAYeiY-00137-00062631-00063045 conference so let's keep things moving along and wrap this up before the police xYTPzdAYeiY-00138-00063045-00063997 show up Thank You Daniel you have an on-again off-again relationship and past xYTPzdAYeiY-00139-00063997-00064518 with Scarlett Johansson can you shed any light on that you know Scarlett and I we xYTPzdAYeiY-00140-00064518-00065016 do have a past but not everything always works out so she's a great girl really xYTPzdAYeiY-00141-00065016-00065600 happy for her she's doing great things and I wish her all the best yeah xZ1Mp6HcicY-00000-00000855-00001401 The Charms Bar provides access to five critical processes in Windows 8. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00001-00001401-00002007 We can access it by pointing to the top right and the Charms Bar will come in from the right xZ1Mp6HcicY-00002-00002007-00002108 hand side. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00003-00002108-00002630 You can also just touch that right hand area. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00004-00002630-00003286 The five processes are to search, share information particularly with social media outlets or xZ1Mp6HcicY-00005-00003286-00003971 email, return to the Start Screen, access your devices such as cameras, printers and xZ1Mp6HcicY-00006-00003971-00004217 so forth, and then change your device settings. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00007-00004217-00005137 If I click on PC Settings, I can change my wifi connection, adjust the volume, brightness, xZ1Mp6HcicY-00008-00005137-00005912 keyboard, notification and I can power down here as well. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00009-00005912-00006292 If I come up to search, the search is context sensitive, so if I am in the Start Screen xZ1Mp6HcicY-00010-00006292-00006940 it is going to take me to the "All Apps" and I can search for "Camtasia". xZ1Mp6HcicY-00011-00006940-00007629 And I see that I have several apps or applications that have the name "Camtasia" in them. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00012-00007629-00007770 The search is context sensitive. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00013-00007770-00008386 If I am in my Kindle Reader app, I can go to "Search" and search my library of Kindle xZ1Mp6HcicY-00014-00008386-00008486 books. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00015-00008486-00008904 I'm going to search for the word "Programming" and I see that I have one book in my Kindle xZ1Mp6HcicY-00016-00008904-00009379 library on programming VB 2012 Strings. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00017-00009379-00009967 But then I also see other books within the Kindle Store that also deal with programming xZ1Mp6HcicY-00018-00009967-00010124 and I can purchase any of those books. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00019-00010124-00010251 So the search is context sensitive. xZ1Mp6HcicY-00020-00010251-00010806 If I want to get back to the Start Screen, I can simply click the Start button (in the xZ1Mp6HcicY-00021-00010806-00010906 lower left). xZ1Mp6HcicY-00022-00010906-00011172 The Charms Bar can also be accessed from the keyboard, holding down the Windows key and xZ1Mp6HcicY-00023-00011172-00011334 pressing the letter C. You can then use the keyboard arrows to move up or down in the xZ1Mp6HcicY-00024-00011334-00011335 list and then press the Enter key (to select). xa74UCTsamo-00000-00000026-00000225 hey, guys it's keith here, xa74UCTsamo-00001-00000225-00000322 it's me, remember me? xa74UCTsamo-00003-00000372-00000520 I'm the guy, from that one thing xa74UCTsamo-00004-00000520-00000608 [price is right] xa74UCTsamo-00005-00000696-00000818 O.K. so school has started xa74UCTsamo-00006-00000844-00001044 so get your pencils and your pens, and your napkins xa74UCTsamo-00007-00001044-00001238 and get studying people xa74UCTsamo-00008-00001252-00001520 but school is not just all about studying xa74UCTsamo-00009-00001539-00001747 it's about being social. not only being social xa74UCTsamo-00010-00001792-00001938 but being cool, xa74UCTsamo-00011-00001938-00002032 cool xa74UCTsamo-00012-00002060-00002398 don't worry though because I am here to give you some tips. xa74UCTsamo-00013-00002410-00002670 on how to be cool, in school xa74UCTsamo-00014-00002710-00002910 how to be cool in school xa74UCTsamo-00015-00002910-00003058 if you guys want to be cool xa74UCTsamo-00016-00003058-00003220 you gotta look cool xa74UCTsamo-00017-00003220-00003320 [cool hair] xa74UCTsamo-00018-00003346-00003668 go on the internet, and type in cool hairstyles 2014 xa74UCTsamo-00019-00003668-00003778 and pick out your favorite. xa74UCTsamo-00020-00003778-00003841 get your hair cut xa74UCTsamo-00021-00003841-00003951 and then, style it xa74UCTsamo-00022-00003951-00004098 hey am I cool yet? xa74UCTsamo-00023-00004116-00004404 "haha, ah yeah no" xa74UCTsamo-00024-00004420-00004620 and Keith have you taken a look at your shirt xa74UCTsamo-00025-00004646-00004881 whats, whats wrong with my shirt? xa74UCTsamo-00026-00004884-00005044 just look at it xa74UCTsamo-00027-00005055-00005255 [cool style] xa74UCTsamo-00028-00005272-00005530 ok,so your hair may look nice xa74UCTsamo-00029-00005539-00005739 but we have to match that hair cut with some style xa74UCTsamo-00030-00005739-00005862 remove clothing xa74UCTsamo-00031-00005931-00006131 pants, belt, shirt, shoes, watch xa74UCTsamo-00032-00006131-00006369 and don't forget about that notebook xa74UCTsamo-00033-00006469-00006669 Ok so I'm totally cool now right? xa74UCTsamo-00034-00006669-00006858 looks mean nothing if you don't smell cool xa74UCTsamo-00035-00006917-00007117 you stink keith xa74UCTsamo-00036-00007117-00007311 [smell cool] xa74UCTsamo-00037-00007323-00007567 "O.K, so here we have body spray" xa74UCTsamo-00038-00007567-00007730 no a little more xa74UCTsamo-00039-00007730-00007992 the more you spray, the cooler you are. xa74UCTsamo-00040-00008014-00008234 there you go, you're smelling cooler already xa74UCTsamo-00041-00008260-00008664 side effects include, nausea, headaches and being cool xa74UCTsamo-00042-00008760-00009040 I don't know if I like being cool xa74UCTsamo-00043-00009054-00009296 No one does at first Keith, but you'll get used to it xa74UCTsamo-00044-00009296-00009443 [riding cool] xa74UCTsamo-00045-00009443-00009636 Keith what do you think you are doing? xa74UCTsamo-00046-00009641-00009875 I'm riding my bike to school xa74UCTsamo-00047-00009884-00010138 didn't you mean you're riding you're BIKE to school? xa74UCTsamo-00048-00010162-00010418 pretty cool ha xa74UCTsamo-00049-00010418-00010487 am I done yet? xa74UCTsamo-00050-00010487-00010615 what do you think Keith? xa74UCTsamo-00051-00010615-00010729 no... xa74UCTsamo-00052-00010750-00010950 [walking cool] xa74UCTsamo-00053-00010950-00011138 you might have the look Keith, but can you walk? xa74UCTsamo-00054-00011138-00011266 yeah I can walk xa74UCTsamo-00055-00011266-00011370 whatever xa74UCTsamo-00056-00011424-00011678 ha, ah no xa74UCTsamo-00057-00011690-00011844 ah come on that was good xa74UCTsamo-00058-00011844-00011974 please try again xa74UCTsamo-00059-00011980-00012245 but this time, listen to the music xa74UCTsamo-00060-00012245-00012367 listen xa74UCTsamo-00061-00012367-00012458 ok xa74UCTsamo-00062-00012482-00013122 [intense dance music] xa74UCTsamo-00063-00013272-00013369 ok, that's enough xa74UCTsamo-00064-00013396-00013596 I'm done! xa74UCTsamo-00065-00013596-00013690 I'm cool enough xa74UCTsamo-00066-00013690-00013756 ok xa74UCTsamo-00067-00013760-00013956 ok, but only if you pass the test xa74UCTsamo-00068-00013956-00014053 test? xa74UCTsamo-00069-00014078-00014278 [cool test] xa74UCTsamo-00070-00014297-00014497 now it's time to find some cool people xa74UCTsamo-00071-00014530-00014791 cool car, check, cool clothes, check. xa74UCTsamo-00072-00014800-00014960 These guys must be cool xa74UCTsamo-00073-00014960-00015135 hey xa74UCTsamo-00074-00015224-00015702 i'm cool, so, and you're cool xa74UCTsamo-00075-00015783-00015983 kay bye xa74UCTsamo-00076-00016008-00016318 perfect, now they know exactly how cool you are xa74UCTsamo-00077-00016391-00016513 oh my gosh, thank you so much! xa74UCTsamo-00078-00016513-00016624 I'm so cool now xa74UCTsamo-00079-00016626-00016680 yeah xa74UCTsamo-00080-00016708-00017101 and that there folks is how to be cool, in school xa74UCTsamo-00081-00017101-00017218 [fin] xa74UCTsamo-00082-00017242-00017482 alright thank you so much for watching this weeks video xa74UCTsamo-00083-00017482-00017611 hope you enjoyed it xa74UCTsamo-00084-00017611-00017775 ok guys let's be honest though xa74UCTsamo-00085-00017778-00018012 if being cool require you to change who you are xa74UCTsamo-00086-00018012-00018148 then it's not worth it xa74UCTsamo-00087-00018148-00018345 if you are pretending to be someone you're not xa74UCTsamo-00088-00018346-00018566 then your friends are going to be people you don't actually want to hang out with. xa74UCTsamo-00089-00018576-00018854 sure it's great to dress up nice, and even get a nice haircut xa74UCTsamo-00090-00018878-00019040 but just be yourself xa74UCTsamo-00091-00019048-00019263 just look at me in middle school, or highschool xa74UCTsamo-00092-00019263-00019442 I didn't care about the clothes, I didn't care about the hair xa74UCTsamo-00093-00019442-00019562 but I was happy xa74UCTsamo-00094-00019576-00019752 I actually did have some really good friends in school xa74UCTsamo-00095-00019766-00019949 some people that I really enjoyed hanging out with xa74UCTsamo-00096-00019949-00020123 and who had similar interests as me xa74UCTsamo-00097-00020123-00020311 and to be honest just be yourself xa74UCTsamo-00098-00020332-00020677 you might not be "cool" in school, but you might be cool to someone. xa74UCTsamo-00099-00020677-00020846 so keep that in mind xa74UCTsamo-00100-00020854-00021054 k, so that's all I have for the day xa74UCTsamo-00101-00021054-00021168 so you guys have a good day xa74UCTsamo-00102-00021168-00021269 make good choices xa74UCTsamo-00103-00021284-00021529 and peace be with you xa74UCTsamo-00104-00021529-00021647 byeeeeeeeeeee xa74UCTsamo-00105-00021782-00021832 shut up xa74UCTsamo-00106-00021944-00022144 [previous video] xa74UCTsamo-00107-00022237-00022437 [subscribe] xaycANniTBI-00273-00103058-00103183 Website anak Indonesia: www.bobo.grid.id xeXmcIiHhBu-00001-00004961-00005591 oh yeah i xeXmcIiHhBu-00002-00005591-00007134 got lobster fishing baby i've just finished work early my foot is absolutely canaan i xeXmcIiHhBu-00003-00007134-00008676 injured it at work so my foot's wrecking but we're going lobster fishing probably ain't xeXmcIiHhBu-00004-00008676-00009734 gonna get a lot of people in the live we've got no one that is fantastic no one in the xeXmcIiHhBu-00005-00009734-00011583 life oh one person one lord fat oh you're ashley price anyway we're going lobster fishing xeXmcIiHhBu-00006-00011583-00013944 i've finished work early i'm gonna go do the lobster pots we haven't done them for ages xeXmcIiHhBu-00007-00013944-00016186 so we're gonna quickly go and do the lobster pots let's smash how was i thought you were xeXmcIiHhBu-00008-00016186-00018152 live smash i thought smash was live i was just watching smash that's why i didn't want xeXmcIiHhBu-00009-00018152-00019634 to go live but i had to because otherwise i'll miss the gate we're under a lot of pressure xeXmcIiHhBu-00010-00019634-00020892 here to get it done because uh if i can't get all the traps done all right sound xeXmcIiHhBu-00011-00020892-00022234 i reckon smash has grow some balls and come fishing with me and we'll come back in at xeXmcIiHhBu-00012-00022234-00024405 eight o'clock this evening go low water fishing lure fishing xeXmcIiHhBu-00013-00024405-00026133 nah i'm sound i like it no i'm sound mate no worries smash xeXmcIiHhBu-00014-00026133-00028525 cheers arby nice one right we're here right we can't mock a belt i haven't got no tripod xeXmcIiHhBu-00018-00062252-00063219 up my leg hurts so i'm gonna waddle oh chill up xeXmcIiHhBu-00019-00063219-00063504 hey stevie stevie winterflood xeXmcIiHhBu-00020-00063504-00064794 all right i'm getting my wellies on i've got to watch my ankle today you guys my foot is xeXmcIiHhBu-00021-00064794-00065188 black and when i'm say black it's black xeXmcIiHhBu-00022-00065188-00065678 all right okay we're in xeXmcIiHhBu-00026-00096725-00097716 walking with a limp down to my boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00027-00097716-00099384 yeah quit going to lobster pots oh oh my foot i shouldn't really be doing my lobster pots xeXmcIiHhBu-00028-00099384-00100948 oh i'm up yeah i shouldn't be doing my lobster pots really uh my foot is black when i say xeXmcIiHhBu-00029-00100948-00101338 black like it's seriously black xeXmcIiHhBu-00030-00101338-00102665 i will smash boat up for sale 3750 that one there yeah all right mate i wonder how much xeXmcIiHhBu-00031-00102665-00103605 i'd sell mine before then no chance sell mine for eight grand if you're something that's xeXmcIiHhBu-00032-00103605-00103705 that xeXmcIiHhBu-00033-00103705-00104905 oh sorry guys you're gonna have to just bear with me a second like i say this one's raw xeXmcIiHhBu-00037-00139415-00140672 that reeks good lobster bait hell yeah xeXmcIiHhBu-00039-00143813-00144309 easier xeXmcIiHhBu-00040-00144309-00145948 oh i'm jumping around on my back foot xeXmcIiHhBu-00041-00145948-00147294 i haven't got a lot of water underneath am i even gonna be able to get onto it gonna xeXmcIiHhBu-00042-00147294-00147515 be shallow man xeXmcIiHhBu-00044-00150898-00151816 i always say don't rush to do your lobster pot unfortunately i'm rushing all right i'm xeXmcIiHhBu-00057-00314512-00316884 look how low it is already xeXmcIiHhBu-00060-00326265-00328707 channel we do live feeds quite often xeXmcIiHhBu-00063-00337964-00340148 that'll be the creole xeXmcIiHhBu-00066-00353694-00356551 i'm even trimming up my motor 18 17 feet what the hell whoa who's lying that there's a floating xeXmcIiHhBu-00067-00356551-00357488 rope guys and i just nearly went over it xeXmcIiHhBu-00068-00357488-00358255 it better not be haven't mine floating very far xeXmcIiHhBu-00069-00358255-00358937 whose is that big bit of floating rope xeXmcIiHhBu-00070-00358937-00359448 i just nearly ran over that xeXmcIiHhBu-00071-00359448-00359618 who's that xeXmcIiHhBu-00072-00359618-00360805 that's a big bit of rope then i'll go around my prop it's going underneath my boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00073-00360805-00360905 whoa xeXmcIiHhBu-00074-00360905-00361274 i'm gonna keep that trimmed up xeXmcIiHhBu-00075-00361274-00361377 i've got rope here xeXmcIiHhBu-00076-00361377-00361477 little lobster xeXmcIiHhBu-00077-00361477-00361909 that's gone man that's good i can see rock below me xeXmcIiHhBu-00078-00361909-00363379 lobster tiny little thing so let's get out of harm's way don't want to be in here for xeXmcIiHhBu-00079-00363379-00363870 no reason let's check that rope xeXmcIiHhBu-00080-00363870-00365121 i think it snagged in my pots and then it went down just here just out of arm's way xeXmcIiHhBu-00081-00365121-00365286 so first part xeXmcIiHhBu-00082-00365286-00366235 tiny little prawn i'll be going back velvet swimming crab lots of weed in here on that xeXmcIiHhBu-00083-00366235-00366335 camo crab that's it xeXmcIiHhBu-00084-00366335-00366435 get this old bait out xeXmcIiHhBu-00085-00366435-00366535 velvet swim club xeXmcIiHhBu-00086-00366535-00366635 just a handful of scad xeXmcIiHhBu-00087-00366635-00366735 first spot second part another lobster xeXmcIiHhBu-00088-00366735-00366835 too small that's gonna be for sure far too small that xeXmcIiHhBu-00089-00366835-00368455 brown edible crap xeXmcIiHhBu-00090-00368455-00369730 that's it oh and a available get rid of that xeXmcIiHhBu-00091-00369730-00369902 that's right xeXmcIiHhBu-00092-00369902-00370002 oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00093-00370002-00370341 all right don't deploy these xeXmcIiHhBu-00094-00370341-00370441 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00095-00370441-00370541 first streak xeXmcIiHhBu-00096-00370541-00370647 get this up next xeXmcIiHhBu-00097-00370647-00370747 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00099-00374500-00374653 that's it found edible crab xeXmcIiHhBu-00100-00374653-00375229 just clean the trap oh bastard made me jump xeXmcIiHhBu-00101-00375229-00375929 i've got big bullets in here guys xeXmcIiHhBu-00102-00375929-00376630 he's not best up he neither though xeXmcIiHhBu-00103-00376630-00376853 yeah he's not happy and he's full of power he's not happy at all chuck the size of it xeXmcIiHhBu-00104-00376853-00377680 nice big boss don't you dare nice big boss beautiful oh look he's not up he's not happy xeXmcIiHhBu-00105-00377680-00378347 guys we're gonna chuck him back though all nice to see though the old big bullocks full xeXmcIiHhBu-00106-00378347-00378653 of power look xeXmcIiHhBu-00107-00378653-00379163 there it is beard sick xeXmcIiHhBu-00108-00379163-00379775 straight back down ego no problem xeXmcIiHhBu-00109-00379775-00380123 all right let's get the second string xeXmcIiHhBu-00110-00380123-00380223 out xeXmcIiHhBu-00111-00380223-00380323 this one's really quiet xeXmcIiHhBu-00112-00380323-00380423 i can see the tailpipe xeXmcIiHhBu-00113-00380423-00380523 i xeXmcIiHhBu-00114-00380523-00380623 away for you xeXmcIiHhBu-00115-00380623-00380723 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00116-00380723-00380823 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00117-00380823-00380923 rock xeXmcIiHhBu-00118-00380923-00381023 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00119-00381023-00381123 okay smash fishing pop one two three xeXmcIiHhBu-00120-00381123-00381223 four xeXmcIiHhBu-00121-00381223-00381323 that's it second part i'm gonna let him go as well one two xeXmcIiHhBu-00122-00381323-00382136 one two three four three so three velvet velvet swimming crabs and four ground crabs rocky xeXmcIiHhBu-00123-00382136-00383080 he'll be going back that rust lovely balm ras straight back down he goes he'll catch xeXmcIiHhBu-00125-00394267-00396128 may be a keeper come on be at least one keeper it looks in it's him baby that's a keeper xeXmcIiHhBu-00126-00396128-00397350 she's in by about two three mil and it's female beautiful xeXmcIiHhBu-00127-00397350-00397461 beautiful xeXmcIiHhBu-00128-00397461-00398320 all right i'm gonna bake these up play them out we'll get on to the next step xeXmcIiHhBu-00129-00398320-00398420 oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00130-00398420-00398520 ah xeXmcIiHhBu-00131-00398520-00398620 oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00132-00398620-00398720 all right let's play these um xeXmcIiHhBu-00133-00398720-00398820 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00134-00398820-00398920 next xeXmcIiHhBu-00135-00398920-00399020 this is the g street xeXmcIiHhBu-00136-00399020-00399120 where you going lobster xeXmcIiHhBu-00137-00399120-00399220 come on peter j xeXmcIiHhBu-00138-00399220-00399320 great xeXmcIiHhBu-00139-00399320-00399420 they say wherever there's a conga there's a lobster look at the lobster hopefully delivered xeXmcIiHhBu-00140-00399420-00399867 next door to him in this one xeXmcIiHhBu-00141-00399867-00400366 well in this case another conga xeXmcIiHhBu-00142-00400366-00401115 all right two pongers i think this one's dead xeXmcIiHhBu-00143-00401115-00401902 they eat brown bread i don't use them for bait so there's plenty of crabs around here xeXmcIiHhBu-00144-00401902-00402002 they're eating xeXmcIiHhBu-00145-00402002-00403556 ground out of the ball ground head wall top of the ground at a ball another brown air xeXmcIiHhBu-00146-00403556-00404787 i'll ball it here as well i really like dealing with congas xeXmcIiHhBu-00147-00404787-00405197 i just do that xeXmcIiHhBu-00148-00405197-00406428 wow there he goes spider crab spider crab spider crab brown edible xeXmcIiHhBu-00149-00406428-00406528 that's it xeXmcIiHhBu-00150-00406528-00407144 not that great at all i was expecting more xeXmcIiHhBu-00151-00407144-00407585 oh we still got one hob stuff xeXmcIiHhBu-00152-00407585-00408857 just using all the bait up now xeXmcIiHhBu-00153-00408857-00409209 hmm xeXmcIiHhBu-00154-00409209-00409309 all right let's get these out there xeXmcIiHhBu-00155-00409309-00409409 i stink xeXmcIiHhBu-00156-00409409-00409509 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00157-00409509-00409609 stop making our way xeXmcIiHhBu-00158-00409609-00409709 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00159-00409709-00410900 smash you should come fishing with me for the evening we go no more mission for battle xeXmcIiHhBu-00160-00410900-00411035 palace xeXmcIiHhBu-00161-00411035-00411135 the xeXmcIiHhBu-00162-00411135-00411235 my bike stinks xeXmcIiHhBu-00163-00411235-00411335 on xeXmcIiHhBu-00165-00416360-00416460 won't but xeXmcIiHhBu-00166-00416460-00416621 don't like me no more guys xeXmcIiHhBu-00167-00416621-00416785 relocations aren't in the house xeXmcIiHhBu-00168-00416785-00417139 go spin it like you like do it xeXmcIiHhBu-00169-00417139-00417314 hey don't like me xeXmcIiHhBu-00170-00417314-00417733 i'm gonna go all the fish smell off and we could have gone out xeXmcIiHhBu-00171-00417733-00417835 we've got 20 minutes no i'm not going fishing i need smash xeXmcIiHhBu-00172-00417835-00417935 guns xeXmcIiHhBu-00173-00417935-00418035 uh xeXmcIiHhBu-00174-00418035-00418135 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00175-00418135-00418235 thanks xeXmcIiHhBu-00176-00418235-00418335 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00177-00418335-00418435 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00178-00418435-00418535 me xeXmcIiHhBu-00179-00418535-00418635 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00180-00418635-00418735 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00181-00418735-00418835 foreign xeXmcIiHhBu-00182-00418835-00418935 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00183-00418935-00419035 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00184-00419035-00419135 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00185-00419135-00419235 oh [ __ ] xeXmcIiHhBu-00186-00419235-00419335 we're getting there guys the fish rank is now starting to go xeXmcIiHhBu-00187-00419335-00419435 rotten fish xeXmcIiHhBu-00188-00419435-00419535 you know me guys i like my boat clean xeXmcIiHhBu-00189-00419535-00419635 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00190-00419635-00419735 foreign xeXmcIiHhBu-00191-00419735-00419835 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00192-00419835-00419935 do xeXmcIiHhBu-00193-00419935-00420035 glorious cleaners xeXmcIiHhBu-00194-00420035-00420135 this is my cleaning product it's called a brush xeXmcIiHhBu-00195-00420135-00420455 it works to get crummy stains on xeXmcIiHhBu-00196-00420455-00420617 thank you xeXmcIiHhBu-00197-00420617-00420717 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00198-00420717-00420817 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00199-00420817-00420917 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00200-00420917-00421017 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00201-00421017-00421185 foreign final ring xeXmcIiHhBu-00202-00421185-00421530 must be something blocking it xeXmcIiHhBu-00203-00421530-00421630 come on xeXmcIiHhBu-00204-00421630-00421730 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00205-00421730-00421830 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00206-00421830-00422249 put some water in that there we go xeXmcIiHhBu-00207-00422249-00422349 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00208-00422349-00422449 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00209-00422449-00422549 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00210-00422549-00422649 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00211-00422649-00422749 finally finished i reckon oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00212-00422749-00422849 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00213-00422849-00423071 never smiles daniel always smiles xeXmcIiHhBu-00214-00423071-00423380 hello smiles and he's got a lot more xeXmcIiHhBu-00215-00423380-00423493 wobbles donald's busy donald's not answering enough yeah doing his lobster hello sweet xeXmcIiHhBu-00216-00423493-00423593 up xeXmcIiHhBu-00217-00423593-00423693 i haven't got a nice smile that's why i don't smile xeXmcIiHhBu-00218-00423693-00424800 i've never really been a smiley person guys i've always been a bit miserable xeXmcIiHhBu-00219-00424800-00425796 that's why the missus calls me a grumpy old man xeXmcIiHhBu-00220-00425796-00425931 um xeXmcIiHhBu-00221-00425931-00426780 i'd like to keep my boat clean oh my [ __ ] xeXmcIiHhBu-00222-00426780-00426885 ah that hurt xeXmcIiHhBu-00223-00426885-00427197 when i get back up as well in it xeXmcIiHhBu-00224-00427197-00427297 ah xeXmcIiHhBu-00225-00427297-00427397 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00226-00427397-00427497 i like my boat clean you know xeXmcIiHhBu-00227-00427497-00427597 can't stop loving you yet xeXmcIiHhBu-00228-00427597-00427697 we're giving it some other xeXmcIiHhBu-00229-00427697-00428112 don't you know you're turning me on i know that it's wrong but i can't stop the pain xeXmcIiHhBu-00230-00428112-00429347 inside me baby i love any hurts without you my shorts are falling down ah ah that's it xeXmcIiHhBu-00231-00429347-00430091 again guys oh we got a message there and austin yo up for sure fishing later i've only got xeXmcIiHhBu-00232-00430091-00431781 sand deals but i could dig some bait at the long store and see what i get maybe i'm maybe xeXmcIiHhBu-00233-00431781-00432278 ant when do you think i'm still in the life xeXmcIiHhBu-00234-00432278-00432654 yeah i'm not a very good singer guys i don't claim to be i just like singing xeXmcIiHhBu-00235-00432654-00432835 baby love really hurts without you yeah afternoon xeXmcIiHhBu-00236-00432835-00432935 i need a drink xeXmcIiHhBu-00237-00432935-00434730 oh i'm sitting on the [ __ ] sponge when you think about that show you my foot all right xeXmcIiHhBu-00238-00434730-00434993 you missed xeXmcIiHhBu-00239-00434993-00435125 that xeXmcIiHhBu-00240-00435125-00435266 here we go xeXmcIiHhBu-00241-00435266-00437017 i'll leave it on the mount and then i'll pull them out off xeXmcIiHhBu-00242-00437017-00437581 [ __ ] off seagulls xeXmcIiHhBu-00244-00441689-00441793 oh god xeXmcIiHhBu-00245-00441793-00441971 jesus christ xeXmcIiHhBu-00246-00441971-00442237 dan's a girl xeXmcIiHhBu-00247-00442237-00442946 i don't know if you can see that xeXmcIiHhBu-00250-00455535-00456846 elephant ah so xeXmcIiHhBu-00251-00456846-00456946 yeah squishy foot that's what it feels like it feels like there's water in my foot xeXmcIiHhBu-00252-00456946-00459025 oh [ __ ] sorry about the language guys but it [ __ ] hurts oh i know it'd be bad for xeXmcIiHhBu-00253-00459025-00459842 weeks what that's the hose the hose is still on yeah i twisted i fell off the curb at work xeXmcIiHhBu-00254-00459842-00460135 and then as i landed i landed awkward xeXmcIiHhBu-00255-00460135-00460591 and that was the result that was the result guys i thought i broke my foot felt like i xeXmcIiHhBu-00256-00460591-00460926 broke my foot it happened yesterday master fisherman bit late for ice now i'm just gonna xeXmcIiHhBu-00257-00460926-00461271 go and turn the water tap off guys xeXmcIiHhBu-00258-00461271-00461371 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00259-00461371-00461570 oh i'm in pain now a little bit and regarding to the fishing mate i don't think you're going xeXmcIiHhBu-00260-00461570-00461818 to be able to get any worms i don't really want to go fishing without any worms xeXmcIiHhBu-00261-00461818-00462010 that hurt that taking my sock off xeXmcIiHhBu-00262-00462010-00462110 ready yet xeXmcIiHhBu-00263-00462110-00462482 ah i didn't quite get that uh thank you andy scott hi buds i'm in agony all right we're xeXmcIiHhBu-00264-00462482-00463342 gonna have to start making a move i suppose have a few jd's done help with the pain ah xeXmcIiHhBu-00265-00463342-00463442 yeah nah i don't drink very rarely xeXmcIiHhBu-00266-00463442-00463542 oh don't take ibrutin xeXmcIiHhBu-00267-00463542-00463779 i drink now and then but very rarely only if i'm out and then when i do go out i go xeXmcIiHhBu-00268-00463779-00463910 out to get pissed xeXmcIiHhBu-00269-00463910-00464063 i'll put the hot shower in it yesterday it was lovely xeXmcIiHhBu-00270-00464063-00464163 when you go out you go all out and pitch up well there's no point in doing things in half xeXmcIiHhBu-00271-00464163-00464263 you're gonna do it go and do it i'm gonna get banjaxed xeXmcIiHhBu-00272-00464263-00464363 let me on right liam xeXmcIiHhBu-00273-00464363-00464463 nice boat behind you get lost more boats better that's it no point half assing it all right xeXmcIiHhBu-00274-00464463-00464563 there's leon he's all right sounds i've seen you for a while leon and i had a chat with xeXmcIiHhBu-00275-00464563-00464663 you rages right there you sound leon xeXmcIiHhBu-00276-00464663-00464763 all right let's get that told you in my bag xeXmcIiHhBu-00277-00464763-00464863 oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00278-00464863-00464963 you're not the flocky king i'm the flatty king xeXmcIiHhBu-00279-00464963-00465063 i feel like cutting the anchor off to be honest even now when i'm walking it's like there's xeXmcIiHhBu-00280-00465063-00465163 a water balloon in my foot xeXmcIiHhBu-00281-00465163-00465263 one lobo a few crabs a rasp a bull offs there's a bit of also congas a little bit of all sorts xeXmcIiHhBu-00282-00465263-00465363 in the pots today not many lobsters though xeXmcIiHhBu-00283-00465363-00465463 that's a nice boat i like that xeXmcIiHhBu-00284-00465463-00465563 that's a nice boat pilot house 675. xeXmcIiHhBu-00285-00465563-00465663 i quite like that it's quite a wide wide boat that look at the cabin in it that's lovely xeXmcIiHhBu-00286-00465663-00466850 look at that xeXmcIiHhBu-00287-00466850-00467447 what's it got on the back 150 merc that's a lovely boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00288-00467447-00467547 come on something like that one day xeXmcIiHhBu-00289-00467547-00467814 is that tim's old boat is it that's a lovely boat that that leon that's a lovely boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00290-00467814-00467914 donkey diver's boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00291-00467914-00468082 i don't mind about the deck space as i'm getting older xeXmcIiHhBu-00292-00468082-00468443 it's like a walk around deck so lovely boat i'd love to have that take the kids out go xeXmcIiHhBu-00293-00468443-00468785 into the enough desk space for turbo and lobster pots you know that i'd still get the pots xeXmcIiHhBu-00294-00468785-00468977 on have that but i'd have a winch on it xeXmcIiHhBu-00295-00468977-00469110 so i could still do my pots xeXmcIiHhBu-00296-00469110-00469210 oh my god xeXmcIiHhBu-00297-00469210-00469310 oh i'm feeling old xeXmcIiHhBu-00298-00469310-00469410 yeah decent wheelhouse to rest that leg xeXmcIiHhBu-00299-00469410-00469510 boys xeXmcIiHhBu-00300-00469510-00469610 all right let's drive home xeXmcIiHhBu-00301-00469610-00469710 bugger it i'll keep you alive with the drop yeah i'll leave my car keys in here in the xeXmcIiHhBu-00302-00469710-00469810 van yet xeXmcIiHhBu-00303-00469810-00469910 i leave my car keys in the van i'll leave my boat keys on the boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00304-00469910-00470010 yeah not here the portsmouth anger the gate's shot now xeXmcIiHhBu-00305-00470010-00470110 i'm gonna have a shave when i get home as well why not xeXmcIiHhBu-00306-00470110-00470210 okay xeXmcIiHhBu-00307-00470210-00470310 oh yeah well this is the place xeXmcIiHhBu-00308-00470310-00470410 that's what i like about guernsey guys if a car does get stolen over here they normally xeXmcIiHhBu-00309-00470410-00470510 chuck it off the edge of the xeXmcIiHhBu-00310-00470510-00470610 cliff xeXmcIiHhBu-00311-00470610-00470710 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00312-00470710-00470810 i'm going home xeXmcIiHhBu-00313-00470810-00470910 no i'm not off work xeXmcIiHhBu-00314-00470910-00471010 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00315-00471010-00471110 thank y'all i'm tired xeXmcIiHhBu-00316-00471110-00471210 that's how far i live away from my boat xeXmcIiHhBu-00317-00471210-00471310 i'm tired xeXmcIiHhBu-00318-00471310-00471410 oh my god xeXmcIiHhBu-00319-00471410-00471510 ah i've got some dead ragworm in my van as well i'm a foot man xeXmcIiHhBu-00320-00471510-00471610 no worries oh xeXmcIiHhBu-00321-00471610-00471710 i wonder what the old girl's going to make me for tea xeXmcIiHhBu-00322-00471710-00471810 let's go and find out xeXmcIiHhBu-00323-00471810-00471910 where's my bag look left it on my car there's my car my lovely feather xeXmcIiHhBu-00324-00471910-00472010 so xeXmcIiHhBu-00325-00472010-00472110 foreign xeXmcIiHhBu-00326-00472110-00472210 chips we all love a bit of chips okay we all love a bit of chips now i'll make some beans xeXmcIiHhBu-00327-00472210-00472718 on toast i like beans on toast there's my bad luck xeXmcIiHhBu-00328-00472718-00474413 love the fishing see this lobster i went to amsterdam and i xeXmcIiHhBu-00329-00474413-00475452 stole it from a hotel it was in the hallway i had to have it i thought that's coming home xeXmcIiHhBu-00330-00475452-00475603 with daddy xeXmcIiHhBu-00331-00475603-00476107 oh anyway guys that's it we'll see you on the next one glorious fishing thanks all for xeXmcIiHhBu-00332-00476107-00476488 watching we're out there i'm tired xnsXC-TKMfk-00000-00000000-00000136 Favor Ventures, LLC xnsXC-TKMfk-00002-00003829-00003926 Favor Tax Prep xnsXC-TKMfk-00003-00003926-00004074 Humble Servant Customer Service xnsXC-TKMfk-00004-00004176-00004448 Immaculate Concepts: Printing & Design xnsXC-TKMfk-00005-00004696-00004872 Fervent Press Publishing xnsXC-TKMfk-00006-00005566-00005806 Man Up: Men's Grooming Supply & More xnsXC-TKMfk-00007-00010594-00010666 Truth Gear xnsXC-TKMfk-00008-00024752-00024888 Can You Do Me A Favor? xnsXC-TKMfk-00009-00024920-00025000 Discount!! y0LEKKd-l_o-00000-00000925-00001039 Happy Thursday Saints! y0LEKKd-l_o-00001-00001039-00001234 Welcome back to The Halo Morning Show! y0LEKKd-l_o-00002-00001234-00001754 We're coming to you live from the Halo news room with your news and your stories. y0LEKKd-l_o-00003-00001754-00001993 Auditions for the Winter play, "Clue" are today. y0LEKKd-l_o-00004-00001993-00002527 The audition process is very simple and quick and all aspiring actors and actresses are y0LEKKd-l_o-00005-00002527-00002694 encouraged to try out. y0LEKKd-l_o-00006-00002694-00003243 Miss Scarlet, Professor Plumb, Colonel Mustard and all your favorite Clue characters await y0LEKKd-l_o-00007-00003243-00003658 your awesome acting skills in this fun and mysterious play. y0LEKKd-l_o-00008-00003658-00004118 Go to stasaints dot net slash theater for audition information. y0LEKKd-l_o-00009-00004118-00004648 If you were in the Christmas show this year, your costume is due back, CLEAN, by Friday y0LEKKd-l_o-00010-00004648-00004825 if it belongs to STA. y0LEKKd-l_o-00011-00004825-00005328 Please do not lose your waiver this semester because you failed to return a clean costume. y0LEKKd-l_o-00012-00005328-00005832 Your girls basketball team will play against #2 in the City, Liberty, at home this Saturday y0LEKKd-l_o-00013-00005832-00005982 at 7p.m. y0LEKKd-l_o-00014-00005982-00006342 WE NEED ALL OUR GREAT FANS TO COME AND SUPPORT OUR LADIES y0LEKKd-l_o-00015-00006342-00006814 Please return library books - several classes are coming in next week for checkout. y0LEKKd-l_o-00016-00006814-00007289 There will be a freshman peer mentoring session Monday in the gym. y0LEKKd-l_o-00017-00007289-00007617 All freshman report to the gym at 9:55. y0LEKKd-l_o-00018-00007617-00008039 Do you have questions about something you're writing - either for a class or college admissions y0LEKKd-l_o-00019-00008039-00008204 or maybe even a contest? y0LEKKd-l_o-00020-00008204-00008359 Well, help is here! y0LEKKd-l_o-00021-00008359-00008870 Just sign up for time with Mrs. Sabata in the Writing Center - open during every STA y0LEKKd-l_o-00022-00008870-00008970 period. y0LEKKd-l_o-00023-00008970-00009361 Check the poster in your English classroom or in the hallways for instructions --- it's y0LEKKd-l_o-00024-00009361-00009477 so very easy! y0LEKKd-l_o-00025-00009477-00010154 The saint of the day is Saint Adrian Of Canterbury Saint Adrian was assigned by the Pope as Archbishop y0LEKKd-l_o-00026-00010154-00010306 of Canterbury. y0LEKKd-l_o-00027-00010306-00010931 Feeling unworthy, he declined the position, but the Pope sent him to Canterbury anyway y0LEKKd-l_o-00028-00010931-00011170 where he became an abbot and teacher. y0LEKKd-l_o-00029-00011170-00011479 On today's menu in the saints cafe: Chinese Buffet! y0LEKKd-l_o-00030-00011479-00011806 Or Lasagna Rolls Now it's time for the fun fact of the day! y0LEKKd-l_o-00031-00011806-00012139 Did you know that some cats are allergic to humans? y0LEKKd-l_o-00032-00012139-00012775 Thanks for watching today's show! y0LEKKd-l_o-00033-00012775-00013056 Remember - Stay classy, Saints and Make This Day Count! y1Gh-cPANdI-00000-00000126-00001118 $$$$****$$$$ Koito iska online-uroci,moje da privede prevod po bankovata smetka po-dolu s dadenite ukazaniq i da si izberete vie - 15lv.na 4as ili 150lv.-na mesec 10 4asa. $$$$****$$$$ Юробанк България АД IBAN:BG22BPBI79241060119101 BGN BIC:BPBIBGSF OSNOVANIE:IME I FAMILIQ DOPYLNENIE:KOLKO 4ASOVE y1Gh-cPANdI-00080-00021989-00022039 $$$$****$$$$ Koito iska online-uroci,moje da privede prevod po bankovata smetka po-dolu s dadenite ukazaniq i da si izberete vie - 15lv.na 4as ili 150lv.-na mesec 10 4asa. $$$$****$$$$ Юробанк България АД IBAN:BG22BPBI79241060119101 BGN BIC:BPBIBGSF OSNOVANIE:IME I FAMILIQ DOPYLNENIE:KOLKO 4ASOVE y1Gh-cPANdI-00085-00023324-00023424 $$$$****$$$$ Koito iska online-uroci,moje da privede prevod po bankovata smetka po-dolu s dadenite ukazaniq i da si izberete vie - 15lv.na 4as ili 150lv.-na mesec 10 4asa. $$$$****$$$$ Юробанк България АД IBAN:BG22BPBI79241060119101 BGN BIC:BPBIBGSF OSNOVANIE:IME I FAMILIQ DOPYLNENIE:KOLKO 4ASOVE y35Hxwl6TWy-00000-00000003-00000483 It was in the 1970s that the Department of Defense first started funding brain y35Hxwl6TWy-00001-00000483-00000666 computer interface research. y35Hxwl6TWy-00002-00000666-00000914 Department of defense first started funding... y35Hxwl6TWy-00003-00000914-00001146 Department of defense first started funding... y35Hxwl6TWy-00004-00001218-00001628 We have made so many advancements in technology as the human y35Hxwl6TWy-00005-00001628-00002235 race but just like the 0.1% of bacteria still left by surface cleaners, it's y35Hxwl6TWy-00006-00002235-00002758 still not good enough that we're still having to press buttons on our devices. y35Hxwl6TWy-00007-00002810-00003274 Asalamu Alaikum guys and welcome to another episode of smile2jannah y35Hxwl6TWy-00008-00003614-00004204 Alright, mind-reading, controlling things with your brain, downloading and uploading y35Hxwl6TWy-00009-00004206-00004794 things into your brain. This was all science fiction and conspiracy, y35Hxwl6TWy-00010-00004818-00005638 until two days ago that is when Elon Musk unveiled what they're now able to do at Neuralink y35Hxwl6TWy-00011-00005656-00005988 I bet you wish you listen to the conspiracies now huh? y35Hxwl6TWy-00012-00005988-00006911 All right Elon Musk, the guy who brought us SpaceX, Tesla car, smoking marijuana with Joe y35Hxwl6TWy-00013-00006911-00007640 Rogan- has now unveiled phase one of the Neuralink. So testing has been successful y35Hxwl6TWy-00014-00007640-00008118 on animals and will be ready for human testing next year. y35Hxwl6TWy-00015-00008118-00008764 This is a type of tech called the Brain computer interface or BCI y35Hxwl6TWy-00016-00008820-00009288 which is where the computer can take information directly from the brain y35Hxwl6TWy-00017-00009288-00009826 and turn that into action without you having to do anything. y35Hxwl6TWy-00018-00009826-00010218 This is next-level laziness. I can only imagine what's gonna y35Hxwl6TWy-00019-00010218-00010616 happen to obesity- we're probably gonna be crushed under its weight y35Hxwl6TWy-00020-00010616-00011212 Of course this tech is not new, it's been around for quite some time y35Hxwl6TWy-00021-00011212-00011877 but Neuralink is just doing it better. I mean it's 10,000 times more y35Hxwl6TWy-00022-00011877-00012389 powerful than what's out there at the moment. It's been presented to us one way y35Hxwl6TWy-00023-00012389-00012906 or another for years, so we're more receptive to the idea. y35Hxwl6TWy-00024-00012906-00013116 How I hear you ask? y35Hxwl6TWy-00025-00013116-00013654 Through entertainment: Ironman, Robocop and Justice League. y35Hxwl6TWy-00026-00013684-00014224 Through people that we unfortunately take as idols y35Hxwl6TWy-00027-00014224-00014684 bribery yeah...the benefits are sold to us. y35Hxwl6TWy-00028-00014684-00015336 Heeey you don't have to type emails you think it and it's done y35Hxwl6TWy-00029-00015336-00015880 you don't have to open the door you just think it and it's done y35Hxwl6TWy-00030-00015896-00016426 you don't have to kill someone, you just think it and it... y35Hxwl6TWy-00031-00016426-00016568 wait a minute... y35Hxwl6TWy-00032-00016568-00017042 And if that doesn't work then we're emotionally guilted into it y35Hxwl6TWy-00033-00017042-00017336 by showing how it can help the disabled y35Hxwl6TWy-00034-00017336-00017598 Don't you want a disabled person to walk again? y35Hxwl6TWy-00035-00017816-00018260 At this early stage its technology that helps you control things y35Hxwl6TWy-00036-00018261-00018792 like your keyboard- so for example you think of words yeah, and the computer y35Hxwl6TWy-00037-00018792-00019326 just types it. So it controls things like your keyboard, your mouse or even y35Hxwl6TWy-00038-00019326-00019800 later your prosthetic limbs, all with your thoughts. y35Hxwl6TWy-00039-00019800-00020541 Imagine calling tech support- "Yeah Ranjeef yeah I just killed everybody on my y35Hxwl6TWy-00040-00020541-00021195 street accidentally of course how do I undo that I can't seem to find that y35Hxwl6TWy-00041-00021195-00021428 option in my chip" y35Hxwl6TWy-00042-00021428-00021876 "Yeah Ranjeef I can't seem to find my chip mate I think it y35Hxwl6TWy-00043-00021876-00022280 fell in the toilet. Is it waterproof? Do I get a refund? y35Hxwl6TWy-00044-00022596-00023190 Quite simply: Our brain is made up of cells called neurons, these neurons fire y35Hxwl6TWy-00045-00023190-00023795 when they receive an electrical signal. As they do this a small electromagnetic y35Hxwl6TWy-00046-00023795-00024378 field is present, so the nutters at Neuralink are able to stick a y35Hxwl6TWy-00047-00024378-00024984 electrode and read these fields and translate them into computer code. y35Hxwl6TWy-00048-00024998-00025248 I can't believe I'm saying it like it's normal. y35Hxwl6TWy-00049-00025370-00025916 So they stick hundreds of tiny hairs into your brain using technology which is very y35Hxwl6TWy-00050-00025916-00026632 quick, avoids brain vessels and doesn't require you to have major surgery or stitches. y35Hxwl6TWy-00051-00026632-00027144 I'm hairy enough as a yeah, I don't want hairs being lodged in y35Hxwl6TWy-00052-00027144-00027855 my brain as well now mate. What is wrong with it? Well number one: Control. y35Hxwl6TWy-00053-00027855-00028327 Humans haven't been easy to control because we all have different ways of thinking. y35Hxwl6TWy-00054-00028327-00028883 Computers on the other hand are much easier you just add the code and boom it y35Hxwl6TWy-00055-00028883-00029493 does exactly what it's told. So to allow the possibility of anyone to get into y35Hxwl6TWy-00056-00029493-00030051 your brain doesn't seem like the wisest of ideas considering that's pretty much y35Hxwl6TWy-00057-00030051-00030551 the only kind of privacy we've got left. And eventually according to Ray Kurzweil y35Hxwl6TWy-00058-00030551-00031137 everyone's gonna be hooked up to what's known as the Cloud, and the question is y35Hxwl6TWy-00059-00031137-00031916 who'll control the cloud? It's naturally going to be the people in power or AI. y35Hxwl6TWy-00060-00031933-00032802 Number 2- Less human: In the quest of making us superhuman we're becoming less human y35Hxwl6TWy-00061-00032802-00033396 In fact it's our humanity which has restricted the threat that we pose y35Hxwl6TWy-00062-00033396-00034194 to each other. With superhumans led by super overlords and AI the consequence y35Hxwl6TWy-00063-00034194-00034652 of things going wrong will be much greater. y35Hxwl6TWy-00064-00034652-00034864 Number three- Trust: y35Hxwl6TWy-00065-00034864-00035332 The government lies, AI can't be controlled, y35Hxwl6TWy-00066-00035332-00035603 so to give such control to something y35Hxwl6TWy-00067-00035603-00036327 unreliable like AI or to give control to pathological liars like the government y35Hxwl6TWy-00068-00036327-00036694 is stupidity in its purest form mate. y35Hxwl6TWy-00069-00036694-00037094 It's more stupid than giving a hammer to a guy that's trying to mug you. y35Hxwl6TWy-00070-00037094-00037419 All right guys so- I mean what is right with this? y35Hxwl6TWy-00071-00037419-00037893 of course there is one major advantage. Elon Musk y35Hxwl6TWy-00072-00037893-00038385 has been saying for a long time that AI and the development of AI should be y35Hxwl6TWy-00073-00038385-00038970 controlled especially the singularity, which is where machine intelligence will y35Hxwl6TWy-00074-00038970-00039441 surpass human intelligence and just take a form of its own. So Elon has now y35Hxwl6TWy-00075-00039441-00039996 understood that he can't stop this no matter what, this is his attempt to kind y35Hxwl6TWy-00076-00039996-00040286 of curtail and control that. y35Hxwl6TWy-00077-00040308-00040582 We will not be able to beat AI y35Hxwl6TWy-00078-00040620-00041008 so then if, you know, as the saying goes "If you can't beat em join em" kind of thing. y35Hxwl6TWy-00079-00041030-00041298 But anyways guys, what do you guys think? y35Hxwl6TWy-00080-00041298-00041546 Is it a yay or a nay? y35Hxwl6TWy-00081-00041546-00042009 Is there stuff that I've missed out? Let me know and until next time guys y35Hxwl6TWy-00082-00042009-00042410 "yeah Ranjeef do I get a refund?" y35Hxwl6TWy-00083-00042410-00042600 Asalaamu Alaikum y37drahBP8I-00000-00000008-00000328 Because there was three I killed two and one got two shots on me y37drahBP8I-00001-00000400-00000860 Third one took me down to 15. So i'm guessing mosin because it was range. y37drahBP8I-00002-00000860-00001072 Oh! y37drahBP8I-00003-00001152-00001392 How the fuck?! Where was he? y37drahBP8I-00004-00001560-00001694 I tried to hit the tree! y37drahBP8I-00005-00001694-00001894 I'm actually really wanting to play DnD y37drahBP8I-00006-00002256-00002456 Play it with me y37drahBP8I-00007-00003080-00003404 For some reason I can't hit the tree anymore... y37drahBP8I-00008-00003410-00003540 I'll hit the tree for you. y37drahBP8I-00009-00003544-00003728 No... Ah fff.... y37drahBP8I-00010-00003944-00004079 Oh my god y37drahBP8I-00011-00004142-00004332 He deserved that y37drahBP8I-00012-00004368-00004568 I'm clipping that for ehmm.. y37drahBP8I-00013-00004696-00004896 Informational purposes y77AS1MOFD8-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3080 12GB Red Dead Redemption 2 Ryzen 7 5800X3D y7fGf-i_VNy-00000-00000010-00000206 RECOVERED. y7fGf-i_VNy-00001-00000206-00000213 RECOVERED. y7fGf-i_VNy-00002-00000213-00000363 RECOVERED. >>> WITH EARLY VOTING NOW y7fGf-i_VNy-00003-00000363-00000370 RECOVERED. >>> WITH EARLY VOTING NOW y7fGf-i_VNy-00004-00000370-00000520 RECOVERED. >>> WITH EARLY VOTING NOW UNDERWAY, CANDIDATES RUNNING IN y7fGf-i_VNy-00005-00000520-00000527 >>> WITH EARLY VOTING NOW UNDERWAY, CANDIDATES RUNNING IN y7fGf-i_VNy-00006-00000527-00000593 >>> WITH EARLY VOTING NOW UNDERWAY, CANDIDATES RUNNING IN THIS NOVEMBER'S ELECTION ARE OUT y7fGf-i_VNy-00007-00000593-00000600 UNDERWAY, CANDIDATES RUNNING IN THIS NOVEMBER'S ELECTION ARE OUT y7fGf-i_VNy-00008-00000600-00000787 UNDERWAY, CANDIDATES RUNNING IN THIS NOVEMBER'S ELECTION ARE OUT IN FORCE. y7fGf-i_VNy-00009-00000787-00000794 THIS NOVEMBER'S ELECTION ARE OUT IN FORCE. y7fGf-i_VNy-00010-00000794-00000947 THIS NOVEMBER'S ELECTION ARE OUT IN FORCE. DEMOCRATIC 8th CONGRESSIONAL y7fGf-i_VNy-00011-00000947-00000954 IN FORCE. DEMOCRATIC 8th CONGRESSIONAL y7fGf-i_VNy-00012-00000954-00001054 IN FORCE. DEMOCRATIC 8th CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE JOE RADINOVICH MADE A y7fGf-i_VNy-00013-00001054-00001061 DEMOCRATIC 8th CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE JOE RADINOVICH MADE A y7fGf-i_VNy-00014-00001061-00001161 DEMOCRATIC 8th CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE JOE RADINOVICH MADE A CAMPAIGN STOP IN BEMIDJI EARLIER y7fGf-i_VNy-00015-00001161-00001167 CANDIDATE JOE RADINOVICH MADE A CAMPAIGN STOP IN BEMIDJI EARLIER y7fGf-i_VNy-00016-00001167-00001317 CANDIDATE JOE RADINOVICH MADE A CAMPAIGN STOP IN BEMIDJI EARLIER TODAY. y7fGf-i_VNy-00017-00001317-00001324 CAMPAIGN STOP IN BEMIDJI EARLIER TODAY. y7fGf-i_VNy-00018-00001324-00001478 CAMPAIGN STOP IN BEMIDJI EARLIER TODAY. RADINOVICH FACES OFF AGAINST y7fGf-i_VNy-00019-00001478-00001484 TODAY. RADINOVICH FACES OFF AGAINST y7fGf-i_VNy-00020-00001484-00001688 TODAY. RADINOVICH FACES OFF AGAINST REPUBLICAN PETE STAUBER. y7fGf-i_VNy-00021-00001688-00001695 RADINOVICH FACES OFF AGAINST REPUBLICAN PETE STAUBER. y7fGf-i_VNy-00022-00001695-00001791 RADINOVICH FACES OFF AGAINST REPUBLICAN PETE STAUBER. CAMPAIGN ADS RECENTLY RELEASED y7fGf-i_VNy-00023-00001791-00001798 REPUBLICAN PETE STAUBER. CAMPAIGN ADS RECENTLY RELEASED y7fGf-i_VNy-00024-00001798-00002055 REPUBLICAN PETE STAUBER. CAMPAIGN ADS RECENTLY RELEASED HAVE TARGETED THE DEMOCRATIC y7fGf-i_VNy-00025-00002055-00002062 CAMPAIGN ADS RECENTLY RELEASED HAVE TARGETED THE DEMOCRATIC y7fGf-i_VNy-00026-00002062-00002215 CAMPAIGN ADS RECENTLY RELEASED HAVE TARGETED THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE'S PAST. y7fGf-i_VNy-00027-00002215-00002222 HAVE TARGETED THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE'S PAST. y7fGf-i_VNy-00028-00002222-00002288 HAVE TARGETED THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE'S PAST. RADINOVICH SAYS THAT THESE ADS y7fGf-i_VNy-00029-00002288-00002295 CANDIDATE'S PAST. RADINOVICH SAYS THAT THESE ADS y7fGf-i_VNy-00030-00002295-00002372 CANDIDATE'S PAST. RADINOVICH SAYS THAT THESE ADS ARE THE RESULT OF OUTSIDE MONEY y7fGf-i_VNy-00031-00002372-00002379 RADINOVICH SAYS THAT THESE ADS ARE THE RESULT OF OUTSIDE MONEY y7fGf-i_VNy-00032-00002379-00002645 RADINOVICH SAYS THAT THESE ADS ARE THE RESULT OF OUTSIDE MONEY FLOODING INTO THE CAMPAIGNS. y7fGf-i_VNy-00033-00002645-00002652 ARE THE RESULT OF OUTSIDE MONEY FLOODING INTO THE CAMPAIGNS. y7fGf-i_VNy-00034-00002652-00002822 ARE THE RESULT OF OUTSIDE MONEY FLOODING INTO THE CAMPAIGNS. >> Radinovich: I THINK WHAT y7fGf-i_VNy-00035-00002822-00002829 FLOODING INTO THE CAMPAIGNS. >> Radinovich: I THINK WHAT y7fGf-i_VNy-00036-00002829-00003083 FLOODING INTO THE CAMPAIGNS. >> Radinovich: I THINK WHAT WE'RE SEEING AT IMPACT, y7fGf-i_VNy-00037-00003083-00003089 >> Radinovich: I THINK WHAT WE'RE SEEING AT IMPACT, y7fGf-i_VNy-00038-00003089-00003219 >> Radinovich: I THINK WHAT WE'RE SEEING AT IMPACT, OBVIOUSLY, OF A POLITICAL SYSTEM y7fGf-i_VNy-00039-00003219-00003226 WE'RE SEEING AT IMPACT, OBVIOUSLY, OF A POLITICAL SYSTEM y7fGf-i_VNy-00040-00003226-00003349 WE'RE SEEING AT IMPACT, OBVIOUSLY, OF A POLITICAL SYSTEM OUT OF CONTROL. y7fGf-i_VNy-00041-00003349-00003356 OBVIOUSLY, OF A POLITICAL SYSTEM OUT OF CONTROL. y7fGf-i_VNy-00042-00003356-00003520 OBVIOUSLY, OF A POLITICAL SYSTEM OUT OF CONTROL. THERE'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS y7fGf-i_VNy-00043-00003520-00003526 OUT OF CONTROL. THERE'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS y7fGf-i_VNy-00044-00003526-00003626 OUT OF CONTROL. THERE'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FLOODING INTO THERE DISTRICT y7fGf-i_VNy-00045-00003626-00003633 THERE'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FLOODING INTO THERE DISTRICT y7fGf-i_VNy-00046-00003633-00003763 THERE'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FLOODING INTO THERE DISTRICT FROM OUTSIDE GROUPS THAT ARE y7fGf-i_VNy-00047-00003763-00003770 FLOODING INTO THERE DISTRICT FROM OUTSIDE GROUPS THAT ARE y7fGf-i_VNy-00048-00003770-00003860 FLOODING INTO THERE DISTRICT FROM OUTSIDE GROUPS THAT ARE UNCOUNTED VOTERS HERE AND y7fGf-i_VNy-00049-00003860-00003867 FROM OUTSIDE GROUPS THAT ARE UNCOUNTED VOTERS HERE AND y7fGf-i_VNy-00050-00003867-00004164 FROM OUTSIDE GROUPS THAT ARE UNCOUNTED VOTERS HERE AND THEY'RE RUNNING ADS THAT WERE y7fGf-i_VNy-00051-00004164-00004170 UNCOUNTED VOTERS HERE AND THEY'RE RUNNING ADS THAT WERE y7fGf-i_VNy-00052-00004170-00004317 UNCOUNTED VOTERS HERE AND THEY'RE RUNNING ADS THAT WERE MOSTLY CHARACTERIZED AS FALSE BY y7fGf-i_VNy-00053-00004317-00004324 THEY'RE RUNNING ADS THAT WERE MOSTLY CHARACTERIZED AS FALSE BY y7fGf-i_VNy-00054-00004324-00004524 THEY'RE RUNNING ADS THAT WERE MOSTLY CHARACTERIZED AS FALSE BY FACT CHECKERS, BUT THERE IS SOME y7fGf-i_VNy-00055-00004524-00004531 MOSTLY CHARACTERIZED AS FALSE BY FACT CHECKERS, BUT THERE IS SOME y7fGf-i_VNy-00056-00004531-00004657 MOSTLY CHARACTERIZED AS FALSE BY FACT CHECKERS, BUT THERE IS SOME TRUTH IN IT. y7fGf-i_VNy-00057-00004657-00004664 FACT CHECKERS, BUT THERE IS SOME TRUTH IN IT. y7fGf-i_VNy-00058-00004664-00004811 FACT CHECKERS, BUT THERE IS SOME TRUTH IN IT. I WENT THROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES y7fGf-i_VNy-00059-00004811-00004818 TRUTH IN IT. I WENT THROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES y7fGf-i_VNy-00060-00004818-00004954 TRUTH IN IT. I WENT THROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES IN MY LIFE. y7fGf-i_VNy-00061-00004954-00004961 I WENT THROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES IN MY LIFE. y7fGf-i_VNy-00062-00004961-00005095 I WENT THROUGH SOME TOUGH TIMES IN MY LIFE. MY LIFE HAS BEEN MARK BY HIGHS y7fGf-i_VNy-00063-00005095-00005101 IN MY LIFE. MY LIFE HAS BEEN MARK BY HIGHS y7fGf-i_VNy-00064-00005101-00005485 IN MY LIFE. MY LIFE HAS BEEN MARK BY HIGHS AND LOWS AND ALONG THE WAY I'VE y7fGf-i_VNy-00065-00005485-00005492 MY LIFE HAS BEEN MARK BY HIGHS AND LOWS AND ALONG THE WAY I'VE y7fGf-i_VNy-00066-00005492-00005749 MY LIFE HAS BEEN MARK BY HIGHS AND LOWS AND ALONG THE WAY I'VE MADE SUCCESSES AND SOME y7fGf-i_VNy-00067-00005749-00005755 AND LOWS AND ALONG THE WAY I'VE MADE SUCCESSES AND SOME y7fGf-i_VNy-00068-00005755-00005785 AND LOWS AND ALONG THE WAY I'VE MADE SUCCESSES AND SOME MISTAKES. y7fGf-i_VNy-00069-00005785-00005792 MADE SUCCESSES AND SOME MISTAKES. y7fGf-i_VNy-00070-00005792-00005839 MADE SUCCESSES AND SOME MISTAKES. >> Dennis: THE CAMPAIGN ADS y8v-_JJXTco-00000-00001697-00001797 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00002-00004963-00005063 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00003-00005063-00006590 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00004-00006590-00008140 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00005-00008140-00010042 [Music] foreign [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00006-00010042-00010277 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00007-00010277-00010377 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00008-00010377-00010968 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00009-00010968-00011639 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00010-00011639-00012310 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00011-00012310-00012983 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00012-00012983-00013654 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00013-00013654-00014325 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00014-00014325-00014665 foreign [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00015-00014665-00014947 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00016-00014947-00015230 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00017-00015230-00015586 [Music] foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00018-00015586-00016591 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00019-00016591-00017647 [Music] foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00020-00017647-00019824 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00021-00019824-00022001 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00022-00022001-00024176 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00023-00024176-00025046 thank you y8v-_JJXTco-00024-00025046-00025146 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00025-00025146-00025747 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00028-00034619-00037062 foreign [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00029-00037062-00039469 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00030-00039469-00039569 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00031-00039569-00041081 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00032-00041081-00042641 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00033-00042641-00042741 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00035-00046868-00047224 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00036-00047224-00047580 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00037-00047580-00047936 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00038-00047936-00048293 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00039-00048293-00048393 thank you y8v-_JJXTco-00040-00048393-00049956 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00041-00049956-00051562 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00042-00051562-00053167 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00043-00053167-00053267 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00044-00053267-00054649 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00045-00054649-00056097 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00046-00056097-00057544 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00047-00057544-00058992 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00051-00068288-00068624 foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00052-00068624-00068724 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00053-00068724-00068841 [Music] foreign y8v-_JJXTco-00054-00068841-00069417 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00055-00069417-00069994 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00056-00069994-00070571 [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00057-00070571-00070926 foreign [Music] y8v-_JJXTco-00058-00070926-00071247 [Music] yuYEPNzrE6u-00000-00000165-00000339 I took that little questionnaire. yuYEPNzrE6u-00001-00000339-00000716 And here's my self assessment. I'm sorta yuYEPNzrE6u-00002-00000716-00001059 eclectic in that all three are important to me. yuYEPNzrE6u-00003-00001059-00001461 Although I did come out about 10 percent higher on visual. yuYEPNzrE6u-00004-00001461-00001832 So I'm definitely a show-me person. yuYEPNzrE6u-00005-00001832-00002218 But I also like audio support and using my hands to explore. yuYEPNzrE6u-00006-00002218-00002923 Now it's your turn to reflect. Did the results confirm what you already kind yuYEPNzrE6u-00007-00002923-00003051 of knew about yourself? yuYEPNzrE6u-00008-00003051-00003421 Or did you find out something maybe that you weren't quite expecting? yuYEPNzrE6u-00009-00003421-00003804 Think about how you have been teaching and yuYEPNzrE6u-00010-00003804-00004180 whether your preferences are dictating your teaching style. yuYEPNzrE6u-00011-00004180-00004573 How we receive information and yuYEPNzrE6u-00012-00004573-00005045 whether we receive it in our preferred ways contributes to our learning yuYEPNzrE6u-00013-00005045-00005132 motivation. yuYEPNzrE6u-00014-00005132-00005443 But there's more to it than that. In fact, yuYEPNzrE6u-00015-00005443-00006037 there are some fairly universal needs which drive human motivation yuYEPNzrE6u-00016-00006037-00006455 including the motivation to learn. And meeting those needs yuYEPNzrE6u-00017-00006455-00006761 in an online learning environment is challenging yuYEPNzrE6u-00018-00006761-00007140 but doable. And that's what the remainder of this section yuYEPNzrE6u-00019-00007140-00007201 will address. yx3IdsX1gBu-00000-00000486-00000930 this is FYI on YourTV brought to you by Hometown News I'm Kathy Botham. I have yx3IdsX1gBu-00001-00000930-00001422 got Aaron Lee with me and Emma Kinsman both with the Lanark County Interval House. Aaron, yx3IdsX1gBu-00002-00001422-00001968 you're the executive director; Emma, what is your title there? I'm the communications and volunteer yx3IdsX1gBu-00003-00001968-00002520 coordinator. All right, and we've got a special guest with us today too, she's got a fundraiser in yx3IdsX1gBu-00004-00002520-00003054 support of the Lanark County Interval House and it's her birthday. We've got Kenzie Petroniak, yx3IdsX1gBu-00005-00003054-00003570 she's going to talk about her fundraiser, and her mom's joining us as well, too. Stephanie, so happy yx3IdsX1gBu-00006-00003570-00004254 birthday, Kenzie! Thank you for joining us today. Thank you for joining us, happy birthday. Thank yx3IdsX1gBu-00007-00004254-00004800 you so we're going to start off, let's talk about, uh, the Leonard County Interval House you have an yx3IdsX1gBu-00008-00004800-00005436 Angel Tree Christmas is coming and it's such an important time of year for so many people and your yx3IdsX1gBu-00009-00005436-00005952 angel tree helps people that are being supported with the Leonard County Interval House. So, maybe yx3IdsX1gBu-00010-00005952-00006545 Aaron, would you like to talk about that foreign? Sure, I think that, um, this is a big time of yx3IdsX1gBu-00011-00006545-00007086 year for us. This is the one year when everybody thinks about their community and their neighbours yx3IdsX1gBu-00012-00007086-00007668 and the women and kids and we have Angel Tree opportunities we have drop-off locations in the yx3IdsX1gBu-00013-00007668-00008316 community; we have our annual winter and seasonal mail out for the holidays. There are many, yx3IdsX1gBu-00014-00008316-00008952 many ways to support the agency, and it's all on our social media whether that be Facebook or yx3IdsX1gBu-00015-00008952-00009534 Instagram, it's on our website and we are lucky today to have our Communications and volunteer yx3IdsX1gBu-00016-00009534-00009972 coordinator Emma, who can talk a little bit more specifically about the details of the Angel Tree. yx3IdsX1gBu-00017-00010044-00010488 Yeah, so we have the Angel Tree, we have some that are in person this year there's one at yx3IdsX1gBu-00018-00010488-00010998 cheerful Giver in Carleton Place and there's a gift card tree, um, at the Carleton Place yx3IdsX1gBu-00019-00010998-00011562 Library but we also have our virtual Angel Tree running again this year so that can be found yx3IdsX1gBu-00020-00011562-00012240 at lcih virtualangeltree.com so we have lots of different ways available on that site that you can yx3IdsX1gBu-00021-00012240-00012822 support us this Christmas and we have drop-off locations for gifts at IDA in Carleton Place yx3IdsX1gBu-00022-00012822-00013404 Independent and Smith Falls Independent in Perth and Independent in Elmont so lots of different yx3IdsX1gBu-00023-00013404-00013997 places where you can drop off gifts, we're super excited to support families this year. Last year, yx3IdsX1gBu-00024-00013997-00014441 I think our Angel Tree supported over 300 families in Lanark County so we're thrilled to be able to yx3IdsX1gBu-00025-00014441-00014982 do that again. And yeah, we always accept gift cards, lots of different gift options, there's yx3IdsX1gBu-00026-00014982-00015480 tons of information and gift ideas, excuse me, on the website and we also have a different way yx3IdsX1gBu-00027-00015480-00016038 to support us this year on our virtual Angel Tree which is with an lcih sweat shop so you can get yx3IdsX1gBu-00028-00016038-00016632 get a sweater or a yoga mat or a blanket or tons of fun stuff and all the proceeds will support yx3IdsX1gBu-00029-00016632-00017124 our shelter and programming it's so nice to have the bins set up at stores too because while you're yx3IdsX1gBu-00030-00017124-00017610 going in shopping you just pick up a little extra something and put it there. Yes, that's a great yx3IdsX1gBu-00031-00017610-00018162 idea, that's a great idea, and you said more than 300 last year you supported? Yeah, more than 300 yx3IdsX1gBu-00032-00018162-00018594 families. Wow, wow, well, maybe Aaron, can you talk a little bit about, you know logistically yx3IdsX1gBu-00033-00018594-00019338 what area does the Lanark County Interval House cover? Sure, Leonard County Interval House covers yx3IdsX1gBu-00034-00019338-00019920 the whole of Lanark County as well as the town of Smiths Falls so anybody who lives in Montague... yx3IdsX1gBu-00035-00020376-00020844 Oh, we just lost, uh, oh, oh, we just lost Aaron, maybe Emma you can pick up yx3IdsX1gBu-00036-00020844-00021816 in between is, our is our area so anybody can access our crisis line at 257-5960. yx3IdsX1gBu-00037-00021990-00022548 And, and get the support that they may need this holiday season or any time when they're fearing yx3IdsX1gBu-00038-00022548-00023172 violence, and I mean Christmas is, is generally a happy time you think for everybody but people yx3IdsX1gBu-00039-00023172-00023634 struggle through this time of year, this time of year is really really stressful, I mean you yx3IdsX1gBu-00040-00023634-00024108 know yourself if you're living in a family and in a home where there is no threat of violence, yx3IdsX1gBu-00041-00024222-00024882 um, it's a stressful time finances, uh, stressors related to the cost of groceries these days as yx3IdsX1gBu-00042-00024882-00025458 we look at the recovery from COVID all of those realities and then illnesses that are are beyond yx3IdsX1gBu-00043-00025458-00026033 our control including the pandemic lingering and there are lots of stressors that can create yx3IdsX1gBu-00044-00026033-00026627 triggers and, and make the holiday season difficult. I would also say that, you know, yx3IdsX1gBu-00045-00026627-00027095 November 25th is the International Day for the elimination of violence against women yx3IdsX1gBu-00046-00027095-00027798 and we embark on the 16 days of activism that follow that and really it's about honoring, yx3IdsX1gBu-00047-00027798-00028314 it's about validating, and it's about saying to women, it's okay, uh, we, we are not alone, yx3IdsX1gBu-00048-00028314-00029052 we understand that times are very very difficult, and we want to empower our community to do things yx3IdsX1gBu-00049-00029052-00029627 to make things different in our community. So we have a whole calendar of things that people can yx3IdsX1gBu-00050-00029627-00030342 participate in exciting things that give you an opportunity to do something to contribute yx3IdsX1gBu-00051-00030342-00031008 much like we're going to hear from Kenzie and how she's contributing you can go to a workshop called yx3IdsX1gBu-00052-00031008-00031722 Writing Our Stories on November the 30th at the Carleton Place Library from 1 to 3:30 and really yx3IdsX1gBu-00053-00031722-00032189 hear from two local authors who have written books and are published but are writing about yx3IdsX1gBu-00054-00032189-00032820 some of the things that women survive and they're putting those words to paper to inspire other yx3IdsX1gBu-00055-00032820-00033378 women and survivors of violence to write their own stories so that's just one example of an event yx3IdsX1gBu-00056-00033378-00033924 that's coming up. I wonder, Emma, if you want to talk about any other events coming up Of course, yx3IdsX1gBu-00057-00033924-00034440 so yes, as Aaron said we have our 16 days of activism calendar you can find this on our yx3IdsX1gBu-00058-00034440-00034932 website, it's also in our newsletter and on our social media so we have different events that will yx3IdsX1gBu-00059-00034932-00035328 be coming up we have three in-person events and we have different things that will be available yx3IdsX1gBu-00060-00035328-00035934 online so definitely stay tuned to our social media but we also have two other events we have yx3IdsX1gBu-00061-00035934-00036486 the National Day for Remembrance and action on violence against women that's on December 6th so yx3IdsX1gBu-00062-00036486-00037146 we'll be having a vigil at 6:00 pm in the park beside Crystal Palace in Perth so please join yx3IdsX1gBu-00063-00037146-00037746 us there and then we also have a really exciting event coming up with the what now Leonard County yx3IdsX1gBu-00064-00037746-00038454 group that's on December 9th at the Almont Old Town Hall at 6:30 pm so it's going to be a panel yx3IdsX1gBu-00065-00038454-00039066 of participants who testified at the renfruit county inquest this past summer so it's going to yx3IdsX1gBu-00066-00039066-00039588 be a really interesting opportunity to discuss the recommendations and Aaron was one of those yx3IdsX1gBu-00067-00039588-00040152 that testified so she'll be joining at the panel as well so it's going to be a great event and I yx3IdsX1gBu-00068-00040152-00040644 really encourage everyone to participate excellent excellent so I'm going to bring Kenzie in here yx3IdsX1gBu-00069-00040644-00041124 right now too because we were talking about fundraisers and Kenzie your birthday's today, yx3IdsX1gBu-00070-00041202-00041814 how old are you today? Nine. You're nine years old today, and this is your second yx3IdsX1gBu-00071-00041814-00042294 annual event that you've put on for the Lander County interval house too, isn't it? yx3IdsX1gBu-00072-00042348-00042768 Yes. So, you did one when you were eight years old and you did one when you were nine years old? yx3IdsX1gBu-00073-00042906-00043344 Yes. Okay can you talk about your event, what's the date, what's the date of your event? yx3IdsX1gBu-00074-00043488-00044490 The day is December 10th. December 10th, and where is it going to be? At the RCAAF Hall. Okay, yx3IdsX1gBu-00075-00044490-00045030 and what's going to happen that day, what's going on? We're going to have our barbecue with hot dogs yx3IdsX1gBu-00076-00045030-00045834 and hamburgers and drinks. Good, excellent, and what else? There's gonna be baked goods, yx3IdsX1gBu-00077-00045834-00046686 a big good table, and a craft table, and then on line seven auction starting November 30th yx3IdsX1gBu-00078-00046764-00047250 on Facebook. Okay, okay, so are you looking for donations for your, your silent auction? yx3IdsX1gBu-00079-00047316-00048042 Yeah, yeah, have you got some items already? Yeah, we've had some great donors so far, absolutely. yx3IdsX1gBu-00080-00048042-00048732 All right, I can maybe give you a list of a few things. Yeah. So we have, uh, Blue Door Spa, uh, yx3IdsX1gBu-00081-00048732-00049458 in Smiths Falls, Ground Waves in Perth, we have Jabrizi's Donuts, Stone Cellar, Kelly's Flowers, yx3IdsX1gBu-00082-00049542-00050550 AJ's Photography, uh, say two control cheese great uh Gwen's Reiki Mexico and Perth we have Yuk Yuks, yx3IdsX1gBu-00083-00050550-00051305 Ottawa, Escape Manor in Ottawa, uh, Islands Treasures and we have many friends and family yx3IdsX1gBu-00084-00051305-00051678 that have helped donate items too. That's wonderful, that's wonderful, yx3IdsX1gBu-00085-00051678-00052404 can I ask how come you chose the land or County Interval House to do a fundraiser for? Be-because yx3IdsX1gBu-00086-00052596-00053394 so last year, um, how it all started was Saint Francis Kenzie school they chose Lanark County yx3IdsX1gBu-00087-00053394-00054036 Interval House to support last year, uh, with pajamas was their first week of Advent yx3IdsX1gBu-00088-00054126-00054876 and on the drive home Kenzie asks what Lander County Interval House was, and we had a pretty yx3IdsX1gBu-00089-00054876-00055722 in-depth conversation about it and you could tell in her mind things were were spinning like she was yx3IdsX1gBu-00090-00055722-00056520 trying to grasp, um, the idea and and certainly you could tell that it was hitting her heart yx3IdsX1gBu-00091-00056598-00057276 and when we came home, she came went and got her piggy bank and then started asking us for yx3IdsX1gBu-00092-00057276-00057936 money to then donate as well and that's when I explained to her that anyone can do a fundraiser, yx3IdsX1gBu-00093-00058032-00058422 um, it's not something that we have to wait for someone else to do and then it yx3IdsX1gBu-00094-00058422-00058854 snowballed she created little flyers last year she hand delivered them, yx3IdsX1gBu-00095-00058854-00059567 I'd say close to 16 are in our neighborhood and then from there, she collected goods last year so, yx3IdsX1gBu-00096-00059700-00060204 um, like presents and like gifts and shampoos, conditioners and everything yx3IdsX1gBu-00097-00060204-00061067 but it was something that it was very neat to watch how it, um, it really hit her, yeah, yx3IdsX1gBu-00098-00061067-00061541 you know right at Christmas time too you know this is such an important time for people to yx3IdsX1gBu-00099-00061541-00062117 to give back and everything and Kenzie, you are doing amazing, amazing Aaron what's it feel like yx3IdsX1gBu-00100-00062117-00062855 to hear you know a nine-year-old wants to support Lanark County interval house oh it feels inspiring yx3IdsX1gBu-00101-00062855-00063612 uh it feels very very hopeful uh it makes me feel very very proud to be part of the Atlanta County yx3IdsX1gBu-00102-00063612-00064362 community and I actually remember Kenzie being at your school uh with the residential manager Gene yx3IdsX1gBu-00103-00064362-00064914 and we got to talk to the students at the school and pick up all those great pajamas and there yx3IdsX1gBu-00104-00064914-00065628 were so many kids who I think were impacted but to know that kids are impacted like Kenzie and talk yx3IdsX1gBu-00105-00065628-00066390 to their parents about it and get more information and then take action uh that's ins inspiration for yx3IdsX1gBu-00106-00066390-00066924 me because that's what we want people to be doing we want people to be having these conversations yx3IdsX1gBu-00107-00066924-00067734 and not necessarily do we expect somebody to do as much as Kenzie in terms of organizing and doing a yx3IdsX1gBu-00108-00067734-00068328 fundraiser but we want people to be talking about it and we want it to touch their heart because we yx3IdsX1gBu-00109-00068328-00068964 want to end violence in our community so somebody who's 9 years old who who's taking it in and who's yx3IdsX1gBu-00110-00068964-00069408 saying you know what I can make a difference in my community and I can do something I think yx3IdsX1gBu-00111-00069408-00069996 that that's an inspiration and should be for all people in our community and Kenzie there are many yx3IdsX1gBu-00112-00069996-00070572 many kids who will be living in our shelter this holiday season and many kids who will be living at yx3IdsX1gBu-00113-00070572-00071154 home where there's been some difficult times and they will 100 percent appreciate all that you have yx3IdsX1gBu-00114-00071154-00071766 done for them and we appreciate you and we would love to have an opportunity to meet you in person yx3IdsX1gBu-00115-00071886-00072546 um and and take a picture and promote everything you're doing um Emma can do that Emma I wonder if yx3IdsX1gBu-00116-00072546-00073188 we could also make available a little bit of a gift package to donate to Kenzie's auction yx3IdsX1gBu-00117-00073260-00073992 we have uh see it name it change it campaign Kenzie maybe you can promote it it means that when yx3IdsX1gBu-00118-00073992-00074676 you see violence if you name violence then we can change violence and stop it and we have hoodies yx3IdsX1gBu-00119-00074676-00075252 and we have various things with the seat name and change it logo and if it's okay with you we would yx3IdsX1gBu-00120-00075252-00075870 like to donate something to your silent auction to contribute to everything that you're doing for us yx3IdsX1gBu-00121-00075930-00076674 that'd be okay Kenzie right on that's awesome I actually remember last year opening the door when yx3IdsX1gBu-00122-00076674-00077160 Kenzie dropped off her donations and I couldn't believe how much stuff she had and then when it yx3IdsX1gBu-00123-00077160-00077760 was just little tiny Kenzie walking in to donate it it was so special and so moving so we're really yx3IdsX1gBu-00124-00077760-00078252 thrilled that Kenzie's doing this again this year and it's really awesome to see just how you know yx3IdsX1gBu-00125-00078252-00078768 one little person can make a difference in our community so thank you Kenzie absolutely where yx3IdsX1gBu-00126-00078768-00079194 do people drop off some donations if if they have some Kenzie how do they get them to you yx3IdsX1gBu-00127-00079320-00080022 so you're collecting again at the hall so we were offering donations at the uh to drop off yx3IdsX1gBu-00128-00080022-00080712 on Saturday December 10th oh okay and that'll be at the RCF Hall correct yeah awesome that's yx3IdsX1gBu-00129-00080712-00081138 great that's great well is there anything you'd like to to add Aaron or Emma before we wrap up yx3IdsX1gBu-00130-00081294-00081912 I certainly would just want to say that we really appreciate our community and the fact yx3IdsX1gBu-00131-00081912-00082446 that our community is always embracing the agency whether it's the holiday season or any time that yx3IdsX1gBu-00132-00082446-00083052 we need to lean on our community the community is always there for us and I would like to uh yx3IdsX1gBu-00133-00083052-00083622 mention really that it's quite important that we have experienced our own loss and our own yx3IdsX1gBu-00134-00083622-00084204 femicide in our community and in Swiss Falls and Saint Francis school was directly impacted yx3IdsX1gBu-00135-00084204-00084918 and you know we have now 86 recommendations that have come from the Renfrew inquest around how we yx3IdsX1gBu-00136-00084918-00085428 can change our systems and how we can educate and how we can make a difference so that these yx3IdsX1gBu-00137-00085428-00086106 realities in this environment doesn't exist ever again where we lost three women Carol culliton yx3IdsX1gBu-00138-00086106-00086628 Anastasia kuzek and Natalie warmerdam and and we want to honor them this holiday season as well yx3IdsX1gBu-00139-00086628-00087072 as all the other women in Leonard County who are living with violence and being brave and the kids yx3IdsX1gBu-00140-00087072-00087588 who are navigating it as well have for all the women that we've lost in the hands of femicide yx3IdsX1gBu-00141-00087588-00088092 we want to continue to honor all of them whether it's the holidays or any time during the year yx3IdsX1gBu-00142-00088092-00088554 say their names and put an end to violence in our community and we can only do that with an yx3IdsX1gBu-00143-00088554-00089346 amazing Community like we have so thank you uh to your TV to folks like Stephanie and Kenzie and to yx3IdsX1gBu-00144-00089346-00089880 our community at large for making a difference and trying to end violence in our community absolutely yx3IdsX1gBu-00145-00089880-00090294 and you know what you don't have to be an adult to do that do you Kenzie you're nine years old you're yx3IdsX1gBu-00146-00090294-00090768 making a big difference you're an inspiration to everybody thank you for joining us today yCnd5uqIQQU-00000-00000048-00000311 “Recession may be over: Reserve Bank”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00001-00000311-00000771 “Recession likely over, says RBA, but recovery looks rocky”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00002-00000771-00001417 “The recession is over: RBA – Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle has declared yCnd5uqIQQU-00003-00001417-00001695 Australia is technically out of recession”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00004-00001695-00001808 That’s right kids! yCnd5uqIQQU-00005-00001808-00001968 Debelle has sounded. yCnd5uqIQQU-00006-00001968-00002151 Recess is over. yCnd5uqIQQU-00007-00002151-00002303 Get back to class! yCnd5uqIQQU-00008-00002303-00002886 Yes, it’s time to break out your party poppers, grab yourself a slice of mud cake, the recession yCnd5uqIQQU-00009-00002886-00002986 is over! yCnd5uqIQQU-00010-00002986-00003287 Well, at least according to some news outlets. yCnd5uqIQQU-00011-00003287-00003521 It’s easy to define a recession. yCnd5uqIQQU-00012-00003521-00004123 Recession, noun: A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial yCnd5uqIQQU-00013-00004123-00004819 activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters. yCnd5uqIQQU-00014-00004819-00005465 Looking at Australian GDP figures, in the March quarter, the economy shrank by 0.3%. yCnd5uqIQQU-00015-00005465-00005829 In the June quarter, it shrank by a massive 7%! yCnd5uqIQQU-00016-00005829-00006147 Australia is definitely in a heavy recession. yCnd5uqIQQU-00017-00006147-00006604 Although this definition is great for helping us decide when a recession has started, it yCnd5uqIQQU-00018-00006604-00006966 doesn’t really help us decide when a recession has ended. yCnd5uqIQQU-00019-00006966-00007227 So what’s all this talk about the recession being over? yCnd5uqIQQU-00020-00007227-00007793 Well, Deputy Governor Debelle told a Senate estimates hearing this week that Australia's yCnd5uqIQQU-00021-00007793-00008164 economy may have grown a little bit in the September quarter. yCnd5uqIQQU-00022-00008164-00008626 So let’s just say the economy grew by 0.2% for the sake of argument. yCnd5uqIQQU-00023-00008626-00009028 Some media outlets have pounced on this and decided that that’s good enough to declare yCnd5uqIQQU-00024-00009028-00009172 the recession as over. yCnd5uqIQQU-00025-00009172-00009417 They’ve essentially made up their own definition. yCnd5uqIQQU-00026-00009417-00009963 Recession over, noun: A small increase in economic activity which usually follows a yCnd5uqIQQU-00027-00009963-00010283 massive GDP drop in the previous quarter. yCnd5uqIQQU-00028-00010283-00010846 “The recession in Australia is over because there was a small insignificant rise in GDP yCnd5uqIQQU-00029-00010846-00010988 last quarter”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00030-00010988-00011872 Similar: rebound, upturn, happy days, let's get this party started. yCnd5uqIQQU-00031-00011872-00012164 While you’re celebrating, here’s a few facts for you. yCnd5uqIQQU-00032-00012164-00012693 The official unemployment rate is 6.9%, and it's expected to keep rising. yCnd5uqIQQU-00033-00012693-00013153 (Remembering that you only have to work one hour or more per week to be classified as yCnd5uqIQQU-00034-00013153-00013286 “employed”). yCnd5uqIQQU-00035-00013286-00013656 The official under-employment rate is 11.4%. yCnd5uqIQQU-00036-00013656-00014136 In reality, the number of people who aren't working, or who are working but would like yCnd5uqIQQU-00037-00014136-00014419 to work more hours, are in the millions. yCnd5uqIQQU-00038-00014419-00014991 RBA Governor Philip Lowe has already stated that interest rates probably won't rise for yCnd5uqIQQU-00039-00014991-00015186 at least three or four years. yCnd5uqIQQU-00040-00015186-00015529 He was also heard saying, “The economy is f**ked, mate!”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00041-00015529-00015909 I’m still getting that fact-checked, but I’ve heard that some sources say that he may yCnd5uqIQQU-00042-00015909-00016127 not have said the word “mate”. yCnd5uqIQQU-00043-00016127-00016434 Anyway, does any of this sound like the recession is over to you? yCnd5uqIQQU-00044-00016434-00016800 Does a little bit of growth mean that we’re no longer in a recession? yCnd5uqIQQU-00045-00016800-00017281 But I suppose, most importantly, is the Australian economy f**ked, mate? yEEv-khwX5U-00000-00000000-00000608 [music] yEEv-khwX5U-00001-00000688-00001306 How do you activate links, buttons, and other interactive elements without using the mouse? yEEv-khwX5U-00002-00001310-00001807 The following keyboard shortcuts are the same on both Mac and Windows. yEEv-khwX5U-00003-00001807-00002348 Use the tab key on the keyboard to move the focus to the next link, button yEEv-khwX5U-00004-00002348-00002976 or interactive element. Once the focus is on what you need, use the space key on the yEEv-khwX5U-00005-00002976-00003352 keyboard to activate the link, button or interactive element. yEEv-khwX5U-00006-00003447-00003600 I will demonstrate. yEEv-khwX5U-00007-00003672-00003911 I have a website open in my browser. yEEv-khwX5U-00008-00003911-00004464 I am using the tab key to shift the focus from link to link and to navigate to each of the options yEEv-khwX5U-00009-00004464-00004640 in the navigation menu. yEEv-khwX5U-00010-00004712-00005104 To activate a link or button I will press the space key. yEEv-khwX5U-00011-00005104-00005598 If there is a video or some media on the website, I should also be able to shift the focus yEEv-khwX5U-00012-00005598-00006216 using the tab key to the buttons on the player. If I am unable to navigate to and activate links yEEv-khwX5U-00013-00006216-00006673 and buttons then this resource is not accessible to students with disabilities. yF0pQQyMVDk-00000-00000240-00001008 [Music] foreign yF0pQQyMVDk-00001-00001008-00001112 [Music] yF0pQQyMVDk-00002-00001112-00001320 [Music] stop yF0pQQyMVDk-00003-00001320-00001425 [Music] yF0pQQyMVDk-00004-00001425-00001529 [Music] yF0pQQyMVDk-00005-00001529-00001670 [Music] foreign yF0pQQyMVDk-00006-00001670-00001671 [Music] yFfHq3lZ_iU-00000-00000016-00000500 A top stock trader show me the 20 years old MACD formulas yFfHq3lZ_iU-00001-00000506-00000650 remember these method yFfHq3lZ_iU-00002-00000656-00001086 stock trading is able to be support a whole family yFfHq3lZ_iU-00003-00001096-00001200 MACD is the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00004-00001200-00001486 king of the indicator if you didn't utilised it yFfHq3lZ_iU-00005-00001490-00001650 this is the big mistake yFfHq3lZ_iU-00006-00001656-00001753 let me share you yFfHq3lZ_iU-00007-00001756-00002020 how is the top trader using the MACD yFfHq3lZ_iU-00008-00002053-00002393 recommended you to like this video and then to yFfHq3lZ_iU-00009-00002426-00002780 subscribe for the these channels for the repeating studies yFfHq3lZ_iU-00010-00002836-00003160 So today we would like to share you about the three yFfHq3lZ_iU-00011-00003180-00003320 of the main topic yFfHq3lZ_iU-00012-00003340-00003383 for the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00013-00003393-00003463 MACD yFfHq3lZ_iU-00014-00003463-00003653 so MACD later on i will teach you guys yFfHq3lZ_iU-00015-00003656-00003850 about it 8 skill you have yFfHq3lZ_iU-00016-00003850-00004200 which you have to know for the bottom cash for the top as yFfHq3lZ_iU-00017-00004206-00004606 so MACD also can help you find the bull counter yFfHq3lZ_iU-00018-00004616-00004843 everybody's over here is always like to yFfHq3lZ_iU-00019-00004850-00004916 find out yFfHq3lZ_iU-00020-00004916-00005246 the right timing to enter and the right i mean to be edit yFfHq3lZ_iU-00021-00005256-00005520 so this is the basic structures for the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00022-00005536-00005953 macd so macd actually comes together with the four elements yFfHq3lZ_iU-00023-00005970-00006260 which is the first one is the body 0-Axis yFfHq3lZ_iU-00024-00006290-00006600 okay the 0-axis is center the line over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00025-00006620-00006826 okay so this is a central line to identify yFfHq3lZ_iU-00026-00006853-00006959 the bull zone yFfHq3lZ_iU-00027-00006959-00007086 and also the bearish zone yFfHq3lZ_iU-00028-00007086-00007350 if there is above the zero axis as this line yes yFfHq3lZ_iU-00029-00007350-00007466 currently they are inside it yFfHq3lZ_iU-00030-00007476-00007680 bullish zone so over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00031-00007680-00007926 this is come together with the two type of the bar yFfHq3lZ_iU-00032-00007930-00008159 uh so this is above the 0-axis yFfHq3lZ_iU-00033-00008159-00008370 which is for the up trending momentums yFfHq3lZ_iU-00034-00008370-00008570 and then this is the below for the 0-axis yFfHq3lZ_iU-00035-00008570-00008646 and then this is for the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00036-00008660-00009013 down trendings momentum so once this is much more longer yFfHq3lZ_iU-00037-00009030-00009093 which may actually yFfHq3lZ_iU-00038-00009093-00009336 down trending of the momentum will be much more stronger yFfHq3lZ_iU-00039-00009366-00009636 okay so of course from here this comes together with a two line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00040-00009666-00009770 which is a fast line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00041-00009770-00009896 and also the slow line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00042-00009896-00009966 so over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00043-00009966-00010173 we are using for the white color line as the fast line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00044-00010173-00010360 and then the slow line we are using for the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00045-00010410-00010696 yellow color so of course when the line is above here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00046-00010696-00011060 which mean currently are inside a strong market yFfHq3lZ_iU-00047-00011136-00011476 okay so MACD is can help you guys who finding yFfHq3lZ_iU-00048-00011506-00011796 ah where is the right buying point so of course yFfHq3lZ_iU-00049-00011796-00011946 if there is over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00050-00011956-00012190 ah where the fast line is below for the slow line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00051-00012206-00012396 here we call it as the bearish zone yFfHq3lZ_iU-00052-00012420-00012540 okay so of course when the this one yFfHq3lZ_iU-00053-00012540-00012819 the fast line is above the slow line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00054-00012819-00013100 currently inside the strong zone okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00055-00013100-00013273 so over here you can see the momentums yFfHq3lZ_iU-00056-00013273-00013493 if there is much more longer something like that yFfHq3lZ_iU-00057-00013513-00013656 which mean actually for this round yFfHq3lZ_iU-00058-00013676-00013903 there is the stronger of the momentum to push it out yFfHq3lZ_iU-00059-00013906-00014180 so this one is the first theory we want to share to you yFfHq3lZ_iU-00060-00014186-00014436 our which is to buy small sell small yFfHq3lZ_iU-00061-00014473-00014756 Shrink the head and shink the foot yFfHq3lZ_iU-00062-00014773-00014946 okay when the stock price is raising yFfHq3lZ_iU-00063-00014950-00015140 yes the green bar is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00064-00015166-00015430 okay so over here this is we call it as the divergence yFfHq3lZ_iU-00065-00015473-00015606 now when the top divergence yFfHq3lZ_iU-00066-00015606-00015869 the wish is the timings to be exit on the tops yFfHq3lZ_iU-00067-00015873-00016093 so when the stock price is falling yFfHq3lZ_iU-00068-00016093-00016336 but then the red bar is increasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00069-00016350-00016390 okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00070-00016390-00016753 so which is the red bar is below for the zero exits now so it's yFfHq3lZ_iU-00071-00016786-00016970 if this moment they are increasing when the stock yFfHq3lZ_iU-00072-00016970-00017076 price is falling down yFfHq3lZ_iU-00073-00017076-00017440 so this is recorded as the divergence to is a bottom divergence yFfHq3lZ_iU-00074-00017440-00017506 so this is yFfHq3lZ_iU-00075-00017516-00017550 timing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00076-00017566-00017920 making bottom catch when the red bar is decreasing yes yFfHq3lZ_iU-00077-00017920-00018080 this is so the stock price yFfHq3lZ_iU-00078-00018080-00018420 is going to the corrections when the green bar is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00079-00018420-00018776 so this is the stock price is going to be raised okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00080-00018776-00019113 so overview here uh this one is the things i want to show you yFfHq3lZ_iU-00081-00019146-00019326 okay so this is actually the green bar yFfHq3lZ_iU-00082-00019326-00019553 you can see the green bar here is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00083-00019600-00019876 okay so over here is above the zero at this night yes yFfHq3lZ_iU-00084-00019876-00020146 this is all the green bar is making for the decrease yFfHq3lZ_iU-00085-00020166-00020350 so which mean actually currently yFfHq3lZ_iU-00086-00020350-00020613 the stock price is necessary turn into the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00087-00020613-00020696 correction spirit yFfHq3lZ_iU-00088-00020696-00020910 so very easy uh so every time yFfHq3lZ_iU-00089-00020910-00021156 when the this one the stop price is moving down too yFfHq3lZ_iU-00090-00021170-00021356 uh when the disc the stop price is moving down yFfHq3lZ_iU-00091-00021356-00021720 but then you can see the red bar is increasing the below of the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00092-00021756-00022106 bottom here you can see two of the mountains here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00093-00022130-00022416 turn flight smaller and smaller which mean this is currently yFfHq3lZ_iU-00094-00022420-00022690 there is one do heading for the up trendings okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00095-00022690-00022930 so this is actually the one of the methods to help you guys yFfHq3lZ_iU-00096-00022933-00023110 to making the bottom catch yFfHq3lZ_iU-00097-00023126-00023276 so this is the m a C d yFfHq3lZ_iU-00098-00023276-00023616 how to using the MACD to find the bull counters okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00099-00023616-00023920 so during for the this uptrending the dead cross correction yFfHq3lZ_iU-00100-00023936-00023953 okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00101-00023953-00024233 so we come together with the gold cross and also the dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00102-00024250-00024430 uh so just now as i mentioned right uh yFfHq3lZ_iU-00103-00024430-00024740 this is the cross over uh when the bearish crossover yFfHq3lZ_iU-00104-00024740-00024873 which is the fast line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00105-00024913-00025103 corssing crossing down with a slow line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00106-00025103-00025340 fast line is crossing out with a slow line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00107-00025340-00025470 so this we can call it as the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00108-00025476-00025620 Bullish crossover yFfHq3lZ_iU-00109-00025620-00025800 so this is all the crossover you call it as the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00110-00025810-00026000 by point and also the selling point okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00111-00026000-00026150 so during for the upstrendings yFfHq3lZ_iU-00112-00026153-00026556 that is the red cross corrections after one of the two days yFfHq3lZ_iU-00113-00026573-00026766 ah go cross again okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00114-00026766-00026950 so this is to have a yFfHq3lZ_iU-00115-00026973-00027320 good chance to be entered ah wishes will help you guys yFfHq3lZ_iU-00116-00027346-00027636 ah going another of the raising okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00117-00027636-00027896 so when the red bar is increasing ah yFfHq3lZ_iU-00118-00027896-00028120 so this is also another of the bull counter yFfHq3lZ_iU-00119-00028126-00028293 during for the price is falling down or yFfHq3lZ_iU-00120-00028293-00028573 the sideway and then the red bar is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00121-00028573-00028746 and there is must be the big raising yFfHq3lZ_iU-00122-00028760-00028970 OK so let alone will show you some of the examples yFfHq3lZ_iU-00123-00028970-00029093 so hopefully you guys uh yFfHq3lZ_iU-00124-00029093-00029266 you have to understand the theory first yFfHq3lZ_iU-00125-00029289-00029593 okay so this is MACD gold cross line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00126-00029606-00029926 uh so when the gold cross and also the dead cross appeared yFfHq3lZ_iU-00127-00029936-00030043 at a few time yFfHq3lZ_iU-00128-00030046-00030210 above the 0-axis yFfHq3lZ_iU-00129-00030216-00030423 so this is always as a bull counters yFfHq3lZ_iU-00130-00030423-00030753 so the next one is about the low position gold cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00131-00030770-00031066 okay so this one normally is a ah exist yFfHq3lZ_iU-00132-00031073-00031286 at the below of the 0-axis and as yFfHq3lZ_iU-00133-00031289-00031453 far away to the 0-axis yFfHq3lZ_iU-00134-00031480-00031836 okay so that will be the big rebound after the gold cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00135-00031873-00032170 okay so again we are mentioned about the golden cave yFfHq3lZ_iU-00136-00032213-00032346 so when the gold price yFfHq3lZ_iU-00137-00032350-00032539 when the stock price is raising and then yFfHq3lZ_iU-00138-00032539-00032726 pull back after the dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00139-00032726-00032856 so we think for the 7 yFfHq3lZ_iU-00140-00032856-00033073 days is making for the red bar decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00141-00033073-00033213 and then this gold cross again yFfHq3lZ_iU-00142-00033213-00033476 so this is another of the bull counters yFfHq3lZ_iU-00143-00033510-00033756 okay so we look into the some of the examples ah yFfHq3lZ_iU-00144-00033756-00033933 so this one is first of the example yFfHq3lZ_iU-00145-00033950-00034176 okay so when the MACD rise from the days yFfHq3lZ_iU-00146-00034200-00034386 ah which ismaking for that yFfHq3lZ_iU-00147-00034413-00034700 and go cross above with the 0-axis line here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00148-00034700-00034713 uh yFfHq3lZ_iU-00149-00034713-00035066 so this one you call it as the healthy corrections yFfHq3lZ_iU-00150-00035066-00035300 so during for the this healthy correction yFfHq3lZ_iU-00151-00035340-00035783 yes the stop price will be welcome for another of the raising yFfHq3lZ_iU-00152-00035786-00036116 so another one this one is the red area yFfHq3lZ_iU-00153-00036133-00036480 turn much more throughwards for example something like that okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00154-00036480-00036740 so this one is the red cave uh okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00155-00036740-00037050 so this is the red color of the bar is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00156-00037050-00037193 so during for the this zone yFfHq3lZ_iU-00157-00037193-00037273 which mean yFfHq3lZ_iU-00158-00037273-00037613 and the down trending's energy is keep on weakening so yFfHq3lZ_iU-00159-00037613-00037880 which mean this is the counter is going to turn bull yFfHq3lZ_iU-00160-00037880-00037980 risk to over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00161-00037990-00038173 so every night day is a gold cross from here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00162-00038173-00038420 uh it's a very nice of the bottom catch yFfHq3lZ_iU-00163-00038420-00038653 which is the uh it already appears yFfHq3lZ_iU-00164-00038653-00038940 uh the red color bar and the red color bar is yFfHq3lZ_iU-00165-00038956-00039060 the size and also yFfHq3lZ_iU-00166-00039060-00039310 the area is decreasing okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00167-00039310-00039400 so over here yFfHq3lZ_iU-00168-00039420-00039740 uh this is the another of the theory when the this one yFfHq3lZ_iU-00169-00039740-00040096 the go cross is appeared above the zero as this yFfHq3lZ_iU-00170-00040106-00040256 for the few times yes yFfHq3lZ_iU-00171-00040256-00040490 this is the strong counters do okay yFfHq3lZ_iU-00172-00040490-00040530 some more yFfHq3lZ_iU-00173-00040530-00040706 every time there is a dead cross there is a dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00174-00040706-00040873 some more and then this is a dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00175-00040880-00041263 didn't turn for the line into for the bottom zero axis so this yFfHq3lZ_iU-00176-00041280-00041456 the bull and strong counters yFfHq3lZ_iU-00177-00041480-00041656 all the way around they turn into the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00178-00041693-00041840 healthy correction period only yFfHq3lZ_iU-00179-00041840-00042066 so remembers guys sometime they is turning down yFfHq3lZ_iU-00180-00042066-00042360 but then this is still yet to come on into the dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00181-00042376-00042716 and so with me they have an energy to going down some more yFfHq3lZ_iU-00182-00042753-00043020 okay so this one is for the another examples yFfHq3lZ_iU-00183-00043046-00043346 which is design mentions this is for the bottom catch methods yFfHq3lZ_iU-00184-00043346-00043780 which is the bottom catch at the below the 0-axis line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00185-00043886-00044120 okay so when this is the below of the 0-axis line yFfHq3lZ_iU-00186-00044126-00044470 which mean uh this is have a chance to making for the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00187-00044546-00044820 turning up okay so when the price is moving down yFfHq3lZ_iU-00188-00044876-00045113 okay and then this is the divergence yFfHq3lZ_iU-00189-00045120-00045226 so you can see actually yFfHq3lZ_iU-00190-00045226-00045296 just almost the same yFfHq3lZ_iU-00191-00045296-00045493 with the just now the red color is decreasing yFfHq3lZ_iU-00192-00045513-00045800 and red color zone is decreasing so this is the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00193-00045840-00046160 very strong of the buying point and then welcome for another yFfHq3lZ_iU-00194-00046180-00046373 bottom rebounding yFfHq3lZ_iU-00195-00046413-00046840 okay so this is the golden cave with is the dead cross yFfHq3lZ_iU-00196-00046866-00047106 okay so this is the deck cross and the recovers yFfHq3lZ_iU-00197-00047130-00047453 okay back to the gold cross within for the seven days yFfHq3lZ_iU-00198-00047486-00047616 okay so this is all around yFfHq3lZ_iU-00199-00047616-00047826 we call it as the healthy correction period yFfHq3lZ_iU-00200-00047826-00048120 so well usually after the healthy of the correction spirit yFfHq3lZ_iU-00201-00048120-00048333 they have a chance that will move on again yFfHq3lZ_iU-00202-00048336-00048523 okay much more higher and higher yFfHq3lZ_iU-00203-00048546-00048780 okay guys so this is about the sharing for yFfHq3lZ_iU-00204-00048800-00049026 uh for today so of course if you like this video yFfHq3lZ_iU-00205-00049033-00049213 click for this video for the like yFfHq3lZ_iU-00206-00049230-00049370 and then to share this video yFfHq3lZ_iU-00207-00049400-00049540 to your friends and also the families yFfHq3lZ_iU-00208-00049540-00049800 and then do not forget to subscribe for this channel so yFfHq3lZ_iU-00209-00049800-00049976 next time i will share you more about the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00210-00049976-00050170 tips on how to using the yFfHq3lZ_iU-00211-00050170-00050296 right indicators to help you yFfHq3lZ_iU-00212-00050296-00050470 the hunting the profit in the stockmarkets yFfHq3lZ_iU-00213-00050470-00050730 so see you again in the next class bye yGIJKUWsK9u-00000-00000000-00000444 As we adapt a social distancing video conferencing allows us to meet yGIJKUWsK9u-00001-00000444-00000984 synchronously. 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Have the backup phone number to call in yGIJKUWsK9u-00010-00005277-00005850 in case you are disconnected. 3. Try to make your environment quiet. 2. Turn off yGIJKUWsK9u-00011-00005850-00006431 background noise such as music and if possible make sure others are not yGIJKUWsK9u-00012-00006431-00007077 streaming media in your house such as music or Netflix .1.Make sure you have yGIJKUWsK9u-00013-00007077-00007743 reliable internet connect via a wired Ethernet jack or position yourself next yGIJKUWsK9u-00014-00007743-00008214 to your wireless router. You can also reach out to ed tech for practice or any yGIJKUWsK9u-00015-00008214-00008720 questions that you have. Thank you and have a great week! yJ4YPK3JroA-00004-00000671-00001001 market demand yJ4YPK3JroA-00005-00001010-00001326 market supply yJ4YPK3JroA-00019-00004860-00005534 the point where market demand is equal to market supply is known as market equilibrium yJ4YPK3JroA-00110-00031068-00031118 when income of consumer increses yJ4YPK3JroA-00111-00031118-00031168 market demand also increases yJ4YPK3JroA-00112-00031168-00031218 increase in demand lead to rightward shift in demand curve yJ4YPK3JroA-00113-00031218-00031268 that finally lead to increase in equilibrium price yJ4YPK3JroA-00114-00031268-00031318 and equilibrium quantity yJ4YPK3JroA-00204-00055362-00055412 in next video yJ4YPK3JroA-00205-00055412-00055462 we will discuss about yJ4YPK3JroA-00206-00055462-00055512 effect of increase in market supply on equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity yJ4YPK3JroA-00207-00055512-00055562 for full video must watch next video yJ4YPK3JroA-00210-00055662-00055712 thank you yJ4YPK3JroA-00211-00055712-00055762 subscribe economics with sk yJ4YPK3JroA-00212-00055762-00055812 economics by kumawat sir yJyAOY7gY7g-00000-00000679-00000779 Hey everyone. yJyAOY7gY7g-00001-00000779-00000994 I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far. yJyAOY7gY7g-00002-00000994-00001747 So, for this week’s video, I wanted to talk a little bit about routines, or you know they yJyAOY7gY7g-00003-00001747-00002013 say, “rituals and routines.” yJyAOY7gY7g-00004-00002013-00002941 Often, medical professionals and companies will pathologize the autistic “attachment yJyAOY7gY7g-00005-00002941-00003143 to routine.” yJyAOY7gY7g-00006-00003143-00004052 And that can be eating the same foods every day for every meal, or that can be doing your yJyAOY7gY7g-00007-00004052-00004824 morning routine in the same order every day or just, you know whenever, just having a yJyAOY7gY7g-00008-00004824-00005025 very specific way of doing things. yJyAOY7gY7g-00009-00005025-00005555 When I would go to the office, I used to have a very specific way I would have to set everything yJyAOY7gY7g-00010-00005555-00006128 on my desk before I started work because it just didn’t feel right until it was set yJyAOY7gY7g-00011-00006128-00006228 up. yJyAOY7gY7g-00012-00006228-00006822 So, I just wanted to share a little bit about my perspective on this because it hurts a yJyAOY7gY7g-00013-00006822-00007137 little bit that I hear this pathologized so much. yJyAOY7gY7g-00014-00007137-00008111 Because for me, I have sometimes, well no, not sometimes, I have issues with my working yJyAOY7gY7g-00015-00008111-00008419 memory (sometimes called executive functioning). yJyAOY7gY7g-00016-00008419-00009486 It’s like, for example, when I’m shampooing and conditioning my hair in the shower, I yJyAOY7gY7g-00017-00009486-00009983 do little visual things to help me know what step I’m on because I don’t remember. yJyAOY7gY7g-00018-00009983-00010131 Did I shampoo already twice? yJyAOY7gY7g-00019-00010131-00010260 Did I condition? yJyAOY7gY7g-00020-00010260-00010908 So, I’ll move the bottle around in the shower as I do each step, so that I know what step yJyAOY7gY7g-00021-00010908-00011008 that I’m on. yJyAOY7gY7g-00022-00011008-00011318 But then, I always do that; it’s like a routine. yJyAOY7gY7g-00023-00011318-00012124 My routine in the morning that helps me stay organized is that I tend to kind of get ready yJyAOY7gY7g-00024-00012124-00012446 and do everything in the same order, so I don’t forget a step. yJyAOY7gY7g-00025-00012446-00012987 I have all my stuff out visually, and I put it away as I finish with it. yJyAOY7gY7g-00026-00012987-00013290 It helps me know what step I’m on. yJyAOY7gY7g-00027-00013290-00014059 But really, just doing the things in the same order everyday helps me just to be more organized. yJyAOY7gY7g-00028-00014059-00014522 I always try to find the most efficient way to do something and then that becomes my routine, yJyAOY7gY7g-00029-00014522-00014966 because I’m like “Oh, this is the best way, so I’ll just do it this way every time.” yJyAOY7gY7g-00030-00014966-00015507 It’s the same thing with going to work. yJyAOY7gY7g-00031-00015507-00016009 Every now and then I’ll try to make myself mix it up and go a different route, but really yJyAOY7gY7g-00032-00016009-00016331 (ooh, I’m just like, feeling uncomfortable here just thinking about it). yJyAOY7gY7g-00033-00016331-00016739 I do it every day, every now and then, because I know it’s good for me, but I like to just yJyAOY7gY7g-00034-00016739-00017173 drive the same route to work every day because I know how to get there. yJyAOY7gY7g-00035-00017173-00018020 It’s just so familiar to me; I can just be relaxed and drive, and it’s not stressful. yJyAOY7gY7g-00036-00018020-00018793 It’s just helping to minimize chaos in my life by sticking to a routine. yJyAOY7gY7g-00037-00018793-00019504 Other tendencies, like sometimes when I get really into one food and I will eat that food yJyAOY7gY7g-00038-00019504-00019868 every meal, every day, for a long time; that’s not so good. yJyAOY7gY7g-00039-00019868-00020681 I understand nutrition, but sometimes just having that one meal that you can count on yJyAOY7gY7g-00040-00020681-00021121 and is comforting, and you know is going to taste good when you have sensory issues. yJyAOY7gY7g-00041-00021121-00021627 Sometimes things that taste good one day might be wrong in your mouth the next day; if there yJyAOY7gY7g-00042-00021627-00022106 is something you know is a good go-to food that you can always count on even when your yJyAOY7gY7g-00043-00022106-00022690 sensory issues are aggravating you and your taste buds and your … it’s just so nice yJyAOY7gY7g-00044-00022690-00023290 to have the food that you know will never let you down. yJyAOY7gY7g-00045-00023290-00024029 So anyway, those are just a few thoughts and just personal perspectives on “ritual” yJyAOY7gY7g-00046-00024029-00024741 they say, “rituals and routines” and how I use that to stay organized, and like I said yJyAOY7gY7g-00047-00024741-00025018 earlier, to just really minimize chaos in my day. yJyAOY7gY7g-00048-00025018-00025240 It just helps me have a calmer day. yJyAOY7gY7g-00049-00025240-00025410 So anyway, let me know. yJyAOY7gY7g-00050-00025410-00026112 Do you have certain routines that you use to help keep yourself organized, or do you yJyAOY7gY7g-00051-00026112-00026212 use routines? yJyAOY7gY7g-00052-00026212-00026367 Let me know in the comments. yJyAOY7gY7g-00053-00026367-00026576 I’m always interested in hearing your feedback. yJyAOY7gY7g-00054-00026576-00027117 I put out new videos every Wednesday, so be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications yJyAOY7gY7g-00055-00027117-00027266 so you don’t miss it. yJyAOY7gY7g-00056-00027266-00027455 I will talk to you all next week. yJyAOY7gY7g-00057-00027455-00027486 Bye! yp98GAbRKVM-00000-00000064-00000304 Do not heed the words of various men yp98GAbRKVM-00001-00000304-00000504 who said we fell into conflict. yp98GAbRKVM-00002-00000562-00000832 Because they are not aware that yp98GAbRKVM-00003-00000832-00001016 the book of Allah is right. yp98GAbRKVM-00004-00001034-00001156 Remember, yp98GAbRKVM-00005-00001164-00001408 those who know the right do not dispute, yp98GAbRKVM-00006-00001418-00001546 they chat. yp98GAbRKVM-00007-00001578-00001764 They are not like dogs with their tongues yp98GAbRKVM-00008-00001764-00001894 hanging left or right. yp98GAbRKVM-00009-00001894-00002160 They were troubled by the trouble of the ummah. yp98GAbRKVM-00010-00002230-00002440 The dispute of a man who is troubled yp98GAbRKVM-00011-00002440-00002610 by a pen is only true as the pen. yp98GAbRKVM-00012-00002684-00003152 The love of the truly nuisance man works like ink. yp98GAbRKVM-00013-00003222-00003464 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. yp98GAbRKVM-00014-00003476-00003746 (Their doom is) because Allah sent down the Book yp98GAbRKVM-00015-00003752-00003992 in truth but those who seek causes yp98GAbRKVM-00016-00003992-00004272 of dispute in the Book are in a schism(176) yp98GAbRKVM-00017-00004296-00004596 Far (from the purpose) yp98GAbRKVM-00018-00005836-00006060 It is great evidence that the wisdom yp98GAbRKVM-00019-00006060-00006347 in the righteousness of something yp98GAbRKVM-00020-00006348-00006676 commemorated with it is declared by an officer. yp98GAbRKVM-00021-00006734-00006948 If there is a right, there is law. yp98GAbRKVM-00022-00006981-00007259 If there is law, there is someone who declares it. yp98GAbRKVM-00023-00007295-00007556 The declaration of truth is possible with truth. yp98GAbRKVM-00024-00007584-00007873 Who can talk about justice without yp98GAbRKVM-00025-00007873-00008131 the police, the prosecutor, the judge. yp98GAbRKVM-00026-00008170-00008468 Here is the verse of Quran points to exactly this. yp98GAbRKVM-00027-00008514-00008606 For example; yp98GAbRKVM-00028-00008606-00008890 We do not know the wisdom of the food. We eat, enjoy. yp98GAbRKVM-00029-00008910-00009112 The mother tells the ingredient. yp98GAbRKVM-00030-00009112-00009492 She adds spices as much as the needs of the children. yp98GAbRKVM-00031-00009560-00009856 We eat. The mother is the eater. yp98GAbRKVM-00032-00009936-00010264 He the Prophet who is more compassionate yp98GAbRKVM-00033-00010264-00010496 and merciful to the Ummeti Muhammad than a mother. yp98GAbRKVM-00034-00010496-00010706 If you are looking for evidence; yp98GAbRKVM-00035-00010720-00010960 The Messenger of Allah, who tells us that the book is yp98GAbRKVM-00036-00010994-00011276 right and declares our right to live, is yp98GAbRKVM-00037-00011288-00011548 Resulu Kibriya Aleyhisselatü Vesselam. yp98GAbRKVM-00038-00011622-00011936 Did he not say that Allah is one, he is alive, yp98GAbRKVM-00039-00011948-00012358 that the Word Tawhid is essential for existence? yp98GAbRKVM-00040-00012424-00012726 Many said to the Prophet Muhammad that yp98GAbRKVM-00041-00012726-00012950 they have books of theirs and they have believed yp98GAbRKVM-00042-00012950-00013258 in these books yp98GAbRKVM-00043-00013258-00013597 such as Christians and Jews. yp98GAbRKVM-00044-00013734-00013988 They said that they have a Prophet too yp98GAbRKVM-00045-00013988-00014174 to our Prophet Muhammed. yp98GAbRKVM-00046-00014238-00014554 The polytheists were subject to a religion left by yp98GAbRKVM-00047-00014554-00014862 their ancestors, even if they did not have a book. yp98GAbRKVM-00048-00014882-00015232 Embracing the religion of their ancestors, they declared yp98GAbRKVM-00049-00015252-00015660 a war to Islam and to our Prophet. yp98GAbRKVM-00050-00015712-00015934 However, none of them was true. yp98GAbRKVM-00051-00015958-00016276 Nonetheless the Quran declared them superstitious. yp98GAbRKVM-00052-00016334-00016698 Your path is wrong, you are not on the path of Tawhid. yp98GAbRKVM-00053-00016788-00017178 Said the right way and the only religion is Islam. yp98GAbRKVM-00054-00017256-00017536 For, they changed the words of their prophets yp98GAbRKVM-00055-00017568-00017904 with their worldly desires and wishes. yp98GAbRKVM-00056-00017950-00018204 The right, which is declared in Quran, is yp98GAbRKVM-00057-00018240-00018422 the Sunnah Muhammad. yp98GAbRKVM-00058-00018454-00018806 Here, those who fell into conflict naturally moved away yp98GAbRKVM-00059-00018832-00019040 from the right, both separated yp98GAbRKVM-00060-00019040-00019206 and appeared as separatists. yp98GAbRKVM-00061-00019224-00019464 Today, you see those people who says this is not yp98GAbRKVM-00062-00019464-00019660 good, this is beautiful, this is ugly, this is wrong yp98GAbRKVM-00063-00019660-00019806 according to the book, it is true for us, yp98GAbRKVM-00064-00019806-00020004 ain’t the the existence yp98GAbRKVM-00065-00020074-00020303 and controversy of each of them is yp98GAbRKVM-00066-00020336-00020596 quite clear and distinctive? yp98GAbRKVM-00067-00020600-00020928 Isn’t the existence of the dispute comes from yp98GAbRKVM-00068-00020928-00021214 the Sunnah Muhammad Because they reject the Truth. yp98GAbRKVM-00069-00021222-00021422 They make all their refusals against yp98GAbRKVM-00070-00021424-00021632 Sunnah Muhammad and Ehli Beyt. yp98GAbRKVM-00071-00021658-00021970 The rejection of Allah Almighty begins with the rejection yp98GAbRKVM-00072-00021970-00022190 of the presence of Allah's Messenger yp98GAbRKVM-00073-00022190-00022342 Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem. yp98GAbRKVM-00074-00022384-00022828 In his words, his existence is permanent with the Ehli Beyt. yp98GAbRKVM-00075-00022926-00023136 Being in an incomplete way of life on the road that is yp98GAbRKVM-00076-00023136-00023324 permanent and not being aware of yp98GAbRKVM-00077-00023350-00023706 that deficiency causes dispute. yp98GAbRKVM-00078-00023710-00023846 The Truth; yp98GAbRKVM-00079-00023938-00024152 If you have heard the controversial yp98GAbRKVM-00080-00024152-00024400 words of various men in one place, ask them yp98GAbRKVM-00081-00024436-00024726 about the Messenger of Allah, Sallahu Aleyhi Vesellam. yp98GAbRKVM-00082-00024790-00025081 Know that they have never known the Messenger of Allah. yp98GAbRKVM-00083-00025182-00025500 They saw him as a perfectly normal, simple person, yp98GAbRKVM-00084-00025580-00025772 they fueled the dispute, yp98GAbRKVM-00085-00025772-00025932 they served separation. yp98GAbRKVM-00086-00025944-00026108 They said we took the Quran to the Center yp98GAbRKVM-00087-00026108-00026266 and they rejected the hadiths. yp98GAbRKVM-00088-00026324-00026524 We are the Tevhid Ocağı yp98GAbRKVM-00089-00026532-00026733 At the beginning of the centre of Tawhid, yp98GAbRKVM-00090-00026733-00026888 we are one and together yp98GAbRKVM-00091-00026888-00027188 for the sake of the love of Sharia of Quraniyye, yp98GAbRKVM-00092-00027222-00027372 Sunnah Muhammad and Ehli Beyt. yp98GAbRKVM-00093-00027372-00027572 Take care of yourself. ypSCtVcB7A0-00000-00000580-00000720 Hi, JachuPL here ypSCtVcB7A0-00001-00000720-00000952 And today we will compile TorrentPatch ypSCtVcB7A0-00002-00001017-00001217 What is a TorrentPatch we obviously know ypSCtVcB7A0-00003-00001284-00001760 First, we have to unpack mainline_released and novaline branches ypSCtVcB7A0-00004-00001828-00002100 If you haven't already done so, please do it. ypSCtVcB7A0-00005-00002190-00002266 Let's go to the next stage ypSCtVcB7A0-00006-00002266-00002582 Enter the mainline_released/Srcs/Tools ypSCtVcB7A0-00007-00002698-00002962 and open your TorrentPatch project with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 ypSCtVcB7A0-00008-00003456-00004034 Remove all source control bindings and go to Tools -> Options ypSCtVcB7A0-00009-00004136-00004572 From the tree choose "VC++ Directories" and from dropdown list select "Include Files" ypSCtVcB7A0-00010-00004650-00005316 Click the folder icon, then click several dots and navigate to your novaline branch ypSCtVcB7A0-00011-00005590-00005978 Enter Srcs/Extern and click "Select Folder" without selecting any of visible in dialog window ypSCtVcB7A0-00012-00006078-00006192 And repeat so again ypSCtVcB7A0-00013-00006270-00006531 Go to novaline folder ypSCtVcB7A0-00014-00007358-00007558 Srcs/Extern ypSCtVcB7A0-00015-00007612-00007976 this time select "include" folder and click "Select Folder" ypSCtVcB7A0-00016-00008122-00008322 Now from the dropdown list select "Library Files" ypSCtVcB7A0-00017-00008416-00008868 And we repeat again, navigate to novaline folder ypSCtVcB7A0-00018-00009618-00009818 select "lib" folder and click "Select Folder" ypSCtVcB7A0-00019-00009986-00010072 click "OK" ypSCtVcB7A0-00020-00010182-00010382 Now we have to do one more thing ypSCtVcB7A0-00021-00010382-00010688 Right Mouse Button on 'TorrentPatch' in VS and click "Properties" ypSCtVcB7A0-00022-00010688-00011122 Go to "Build Events" ypSCtVcB7A0-00023-00011258-00011530 Remove all the text in "Command Line" ypSCtVcB7A0-00024-00011684-00011818 Click "Apply" and "OK" ypSCtVcB7A0-00025-00012062-00012674 In your TorrentPatch folder find "Version.py" and open it ypSCtVcB7A0-00026-00012768-00013150 Copy last three lines into a new file ypSCtVcB7A0-00027-00013407-00013607 Edit as you see ypSCtVcB7A0-00028-00014802-00015269 And now replace all '%d's with your number (NO TEXT). I've put the date of recording. ypSCtVcB7A0-00029-00015808-00016564 Save in the same folder you have "Version.py" file. Remember that the name must begin with capital letter and the extension must be .h as it is Header File. ypSCtVcB7A0-00030-00017262-00017670 And it's done. Right Mouse Button on entire solution and select "Rebuild Solution" ypSCtVcB7A0-00031-00017770-00018076 Now we have to wait until it's compiled. ypSCtVcB7A0-00032-00019436-00020462 Just for making it clear - I haven't modified anything in this TorrentPatch, it's brand new, just unpacked from 1st source code leak. ypSCtVcB7A0-00033-00020558-00021034 I don't know if there was another leak, some say it happen, the others say it didn't happen, I Don't Care. ypSCtVcB7A0-00034-00021438-00021962 Anyway, it's a bare project and it compiles without a problem ypSCtVcB7A0-00035-00022042-00022484 Now go to TorrentPatch/TorrentPatchSfxBuilder and we've got compiled project TorrentPatch_blabla.exe ypSCtVcB7A0-00036-00022542-00022742 Let's try to run it ypSCtVcB7A0-00037-00023166-00023754 As you can see it works, we received an error due to missing config but that's not a problem, you can make config file on your own. yRyK_gnSVCc-00000-00000000-00000229 PACS 164A - Lecture 15 yRyK_gnSVCc-00001-00000229-00000459 Michael: Thoughts I’d like to share with you, as you know. yRyK_gnSVCc-00002-00000459-00001110 We have to start off every week by relieving my frustrations for never being interviewed by CNN. yRyK_gnSVCc-00003-00001110-00002060 And then I’m going to go over with you a system for doing well on IDs yRyK_gnSVCc-00004-00002060-00002400 and that’s what Amy’s putting on the board. yRyK_gnSVCc-00005-00002400-00002750 And then we’ll open it up for general review questions. yRyK_gnSVCc-00006-00002750-00002990 So here’s the philosophical stuff. yRyK_gnSVCc-00007-00002990-00003910 We have recently been presented with very clear cases in things that have happened in the U.S. yRyK_gnSVCc-00008-00003910-00004680 of the nonviolent response and the violent response to similar events. yRyK_gnSVCc-00009-00004680-00004900 In fact, it was the same event. yRyK_gnSVCc-00010-00004900-00005580 What I’m thinking of is the very arresting response that the Amish community yRyK_gnSVCc-00011-00005580-00006330 has made in Pennsylvania to the attacks – the terrible attack on their school. yRyK_gnSVCc-00012-00006330-00006700 And I’ve sent you by CourseWeb an article about that yRyK_gnSVCc-00013-00006700-00007350 because next week we’re going to be talking about the three major religious traditions of the West – yRyK_gnSVCc-00014-00007350-00008210 Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – and how each of those has dealt with the issue of violence yRyK_gnSVCc-00015-00008210-00008500 and nonviolence, which would be very similar. yRyK_gnSVCc-00016-00008500-00008860 So it’s partly topical from that point of view, but partly – yRyK_gnSVCc-00017-00008860-00009330 I’m impressed very much by the response of this community yRyK_gnSVCc-00018-00009330-00009750 that their kneejerk reaction was, “Don’t hate this person.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00019-00009750-00010560 They have actually started a trust fund for his children – got some chairs over there. yRyK_gnSVCc-00020-00010560-00011270 And they are practicing forgiveness and prayer. yRyK_gnSVCc-00021-00011270-00011610 And that’s a part of it – is their reaction. yRyK_gnSVCc-00022-00011610-00012180 And part of it is the world’s response to their reaction – or reaction to their response. yRyK_gnSVCc-00023-00012180-00012550 And it’s always very striking to me yRyK_gnSVCc-00024-00012550-00013260 that when something nonviolent and counter-cultural in that sense comes along yRyK_gnSVCc-00025-00013260-00014180 something that we’re not supposed to believe in or approve of, people are woken up by it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00026-00014180-00014730 So you have people all over the world writing about their response to the event. yRyK_gnSVCc-00027-00014730-00015930 And it reminded me of like when Pope John Paul was shot in an assassination attempt by a Turk yRyK_gnSVCc-00028-00015930-00016400 he went into the prison where that guy was imprisoned yRyK_gnSVCc-00029-00016400-00016660 and he actually sat in the cell with him, shook hands with him. yRyK_gnSVCc-00030-00016660-00017030 That was photographed and that became the cover of “Time Magazine.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00031-00017030-00017350 So here are people going around telling you yRyK_gnSVCc-00032-00017350-00017690 that violence alone prevails and it’s the only way to go yRyK_gnSVCc-00033-00017690-00017970 and that’s the way it’s always been and it’s going to be. yRyK_gnSVCc-00034-00017970-00018600 But you present them with counter-instance to that and they’re awakened in a way. yRyK_gnSVCc-00035-00018600-00018920 They’re always overwhelmed by it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00036-00018920-00019310 Now in contrast to the response of the Amish community yRyK_gnSVCc-00037-00019310-00019690 you may also have read that there’s a person in Texas yRyK_gnSVCc-00038-00019690-00020290 who’s going around to classrooms teaching children how to react with violence yRyK_gnSVCc-00039-00020290-00020540 when an attacker comes into the classroom. yRyK_gnSVCc-00040-00020540-00020980 Jump on him, swarm him, hit him with pencils, you know yRyK_gnSVCc-00041-00020980-00021280 bounce erasers off his head, things like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00042-00021280-00021520 The tragedy of it, you know yRyK_gnSVCc-00043-00021520-00022060 this is going to increase the level of terror and anxiety permanently for all those children. yRyK_gnSVCc-00044-00022060-00022380 So this is actually helping terrorists to do their work yRyK_gnSVCc-00045-00022380-00023110 because he’s coming into these classrooms and getting them to expect being terrorized yRyK_gnSVCc-00046-00023110-00023620 by somebody who loses it because of the pressures of our civilization. yRyK_gnSVCc-00047-00023620-00024050 So think about those two examples that kind of demarcates yRyK_gnSVCc-00048-00024050-00024480 the two ways that we can go towards security – yRyK_gnSVCc-00049-00024480-00024740 the way of nonviolence and the way of violence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00050-00024740-00025340 And you might think of that almost as maybe something you might want to use for a paper yRyK_gnSVCc-00051-00025340-00025760 or get yourself started – something that you could use, have in the back of your mind yRyK_gnSVCc-00052-00025760-00025989 for an essay question on Thursday. yRyK_gnSVCc-00053-00025989-00026170 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00054-00026170-00027030 The other thing I wanted to mention is that, yes, a couple of – yRyK_gnSVCc-00055-00027030-00027760 three years ago I had a debate with the Eugene Anarchists and I had more or less forgotten about that yRyK_gnSVCc-00056-00027760-00028250 but it came up again in a special class I had to do last week. yRyK_gnSVCc-00057-00028250-00028850 The Eugene Anarchists are like other anarchists except they live in Eugene. yRyK_gnSVCc-00058-00028850-00029280 And they have created a lot of trouble. yRyK_gnSVCc-00059-00029280-00029910 They created a lot of trouble for the Seattle Protests in 1999 because they believe in violence yRyK_gnSVCc-00060-00029910-00030500 because they feel that you should not have any restrictions on your behavior or anything. yRyK_gnSVCc-00061-00030500-00031589 So their argument was that this nonviolence business, Nagler, it’s not radical enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-00062-00031589-00031789 It’s not going to get anything done. yRyK_gnSVCc-00063-00031789-00032020 You need violence to get things done. yRyK_gnSVCc-00064-00032020-00032360 My argument to them was yRyK_gnSVCc-00065-00032360-00033250 “You guys claim that you’re really, really radical, but I think I’m much more radical than you. So there.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00066-00033250-00033360 “No, I’m more radical.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00067-00033360-00033710 “No, I’m more radical,” slug, bang. yRyK_gnSVCc-00068-00033710-00034610 So here’s my point, if you really get down to what is the final recourse that our civilization maintains yRyK_gnSVCc-00069-00034610-00035270 for maintaining order, for operating the economy, for everything yRyK_gnSVCc-00070-00035270-00035710 you will see that it would be not too much of an exaggeration to say yRyK_gnSVCc-00071-00035710-00036080 “That our civilization really rests upon violence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00072-00036080-00036610 Our civilization as we know it now was built upon the power yRyK_gnSVCc-00073-00036610-00036930 built upon threat power, built upon the power of violence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00074-00036930-00037450 And if you don’t get rid of that, you guys,” I said, “are not going deep enough.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00075-00037450-00038040 They were very impressed because no one had ever told them that they weren’t radical enough before. yRyK_gnSVCc-00076-00038040-00038470 But here’s this little Berkeley professor saying, yRyK_gnSVCc-00077-00038470-00038990 “No. In fact, you have not gone deep enough in reconstructing our civilization. yRyK_gnSVCc-00078-00038990-00039410 If you want a new paradigm the first thing you have to do – not the last thing – yRyK_gnSVCc-00079-00039410-00039980 the first thing you have to do is say, “The new paradigm must be based on nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00080-00039980-00040410 And wherever the present paradigm is based on violence yRyK_gnSVCc-00081-00040410-00040840 we have to reorganize it and get it over on this other basis.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00082-00040840-00041150 And so I think I actually won that debate. yRyK_gnSVCc-00083-00041150-00041290 And that’s hard. yRyK_gnSVCc-00084-00041290-00041590 To win a debate with anarchists is not so easy. yRyK_gnSVCc-00085-00041590-00041840 I also told them that Emma Goldman – yRyK_gnSVCc-00086-00041840-00042440 famous anarchist from the early 20th century was slightly related to me by marriage. yRyK_gnSVCc-00087-00042440-00042670 That helped – softened them up a little bit. yRyK_gnSVCc-00088-00042670-00043060 But the real blow was telling them that they’re not radical enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-00089-00043060-00043590 Unfortunately, they were taping that debate and they have the tapes and won’t give it to us. yRyK_gnSVCc-00090-00043590-00044030 So the world will never know about my brilliant success with them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00091-00044030-00044360 But you know about it and that’s a start. yRyK_gnSVCc-00092-00044360-00045100 However, I just wanted to encourage you here, you’re about to go into this incredible study and grind yRyK_gnSVCc-00093-00045100-00045350 and you’ve already begun it and you have to have this midterm on Thursday. yRyK_gnSVCc-00094-00045350-00045710 So I wanted to give you some encouragement about the importance of what you’re studying. yRyK_gnSVCc-00095-00045710-00046280 I think there are many people trying to do a change of paradigm from many angles. yRyK_gnSVCc-00096-00046280-00046770 It’s sometimes called, “The great turning,” nowadays is our term for it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00097-00046770-00047160 It has to happen or you won’t have a world to grow up in. yRyK_gnSVCc-00098-00047160-00047570 But I honestly believe – and that’s why I spend so much time on this – yRyK_gnSVCc-00099-00047570-00048140 that unless the change process incorporates nonviolence at a very early level yRyK_gnSVCc-00100-00048140-00048560 and builds it into the new paradigm, it will not go deeply enough yRyK_gnSVCc-00101-00048560-00048910 and we’ll just be offered the same-old same-old. yRyK_gnSVCc-00102-00048910-00049200 Okay, thank you for listening. yRyK_gnSVCc-00103-00049200-00049370 I feel much better. yRyK_gnSVCc-00104-00049370-00049730 And now we can get started on your immediate issues which is the midterm. yRyK_gnSVCc-00105-00049730-00050670 What I want to present you with here today is called in commercial language, “The DACE System.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00106-00050670-00051560 The DACE System for getting through a PACS164 ID. yRyK_gnSVCc-00107-00051560-00051840 When you’re going into the exam yRyK_gnSVCc-00108-00051840-00052420 and you haven’t slept much and you’re a little nervous, just remember, “Ace it with DACE.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00109-00052420-00053079 I think that’s stupid enough and corny enough that it could even fly in the commercial world. yRyK_gnSVCc-00110-00053079-00053379 But this is the DACE System. yRyK_gnSVCc-00111-00053379-00053640 It’s partly in order. yRyK_gnSVCc-00112-00053640-00054220 Here they are, the four – big acronym. yRyK_gnSVCc-00113-00054220-00054510 “D” stands for Define. yRyK_gnSVCc-00114-00054510-00055020 And what I mean by that is very often people get started with an ID yRyK_gnSVCc-00115-00055020-00055840 and they tell things about the term that they’re responding to, but they don’t actually define it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00116-00055840-00056150 So they say, “Oh, this thing is tremendously important. yRyK_gnSVCc-00117-00056150-00056560 I’m glad I learned about it and you can read about it in such and such a book. yRyK_gnSVCc-00118-00056560-00056950 Nonviolence would be nowhere without it and yadata, yadata.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00119-00056950-00057520 And then either I, or Laura, or Eli, be screaming and tearing our hair out – yRyK_gnSVCc-00120-00057520-00058250 which is more dangerous in my case – and saying in the margin, “What is it?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00121-00058250-00058440 Tell us what you’re defining. yRyK_gnSVCc-00122-00058440-00058590 Define the darn thing. yRyK_gnSVCc-00123-00058590-00059250 So here’s – okay, let me give you the other three and then we’ll go to the example. yRyK_gnSVCc-00124-00059250-00059610 “A” is attribute. yRyK_gnSVCc-00125-00059610-00060420 That means if your term was invented by someone, tell us who that someone is – even if it’s me. yRyK_gnSVCc-00126-00060420-00061040 The point being that we’re still at a very early stage. yRyK_gnSVCc-00127-00061040-00061270 I just came from a PACS faculty meeting yRyK_gnSVCc-00128-00061270-00061640 and we were talking about the same thing there, that we have to – yRyK_gnSVCc-00129-00061640-00061929 it’s difficult to work out a vocabulary for this field yRyK_gnSVCc-00130-00061929-00062300 because it’s so new that people are using the same terms in different ways yRyK_gnSVCc-00131-00062300-00062720 different terms in the same way, so there’s not using any terms at all. yRyK_gnSVCc-00132-00062720-00063070 So if you wanted to talk about a particular – yRyK_gnSVCc-00133-00063070-00063560 a concept that was the property or the invention, the discovery of a particular person yRyK_gnSVCc-00134-00063560-00063790 very helpful if you tell us who that person is. yRyK_gnSVCc-00135-00063790-00064329 So for example, if you talk about – well, here’s a kind of obvious example, okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00136-00064329-00065090 If you talk about “Nagler’s Law,” don’t say, this was developed by Johan Galtung. yRyK_gnSVCc-00137-00065090-00065400 That’s why it’s called, “Nagler’s Law.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00138-00065400-00065840 It’s important for you to know, especially if it’s something that I’ve come up with yRyK_gnSVCc-00139-00065840-00066440 because you might get the impression that it’s universally known in the field and used – and it isn’t. yRyK_gnSVCc-00140-00066440-00067290 So then you get to have a semester abroad at Meiji Gakuin or something outside of Tokyo yRyK_gnSVCc-00141-00067290-00067980 and you say, “Well, you know, as Nagler’s Law states,” and they say, “Nagler’s Law?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00142-00067980-00068180 They’ll say, “Kore wa nande ka? yRyK_gnSVCc-00143-00068180-00068410 What the hell is that?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00144-00068410-00068720 So attribute when appropriate. yRyK_gnSVCc-00145-00068720-00069090 So this always appropriate and should always be the first thing you do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00146-00069090-00069440 The attribution may or may not be necessary. yRyK_gnSVCc-00147-00069440-00069770 “C” stands for contextualize. yRyK_gnSVCc-00148-00069770-00070030 And again, that may or may not be necessary. yRyK_gnSVCc-00149-00070030-00070660 But to give you an example, I might give you a term yRyK_gnSVCc-00150-00070660-00071260 which is part of a set of terms and it’s very helpful for you to give the rest of the set. yRyK_gnSVCc-00151-00071260-00071660 So if I were to say, “Person power.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00152-00071660-00071870 You would define what it is. yRyK_gnSVCc-00153-00071870-00072400 You could, in fact, attribute it to me because no one else uses the term. yRyK_gnSVCc-00154-00072400-00072710 It might be handy for you to know that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00155-00072710-00073180 I hope by the end of the 21st century it’ll be common parlance yRyK_gnSVCc-00156-00073180-00073780 and, you know, whatever we have for the way of newspapers in those days, that they’ll be yRyK_gnSVCc-00157-00073780-00074150 “The last person power event was in Milwaukee.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00158-00074150-00074290 But that hasn’t happened yet. yRyK_gnSVCc-00159-00074290-00074450 So attribute it to me. yRyK_gnSVCc-00160-00074450-00074660 And then you contextualize it by saying yRyK_gnSVCc-00161-00074660-00075370 “Person power is part of a set of three domains in which nonviolent power can operate – yRyK_gnSVCc-00162-00075370-00075520 or violent power for that matter.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00163-00075520-00076080 There is the classical distribution of the state versus people power yRyK_gnSVCc-00164-00076080-00076680 which is commonly understood – well, relatively speaking, it’s commonly understood. yRyK_gnSVCc-00165-00076680-00076850 But there’s also person power yRyK_gnSVCc-00166-00076850-00077370 and that’s very important from the point of view of principled nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00167-00077370-00077720 which actually starts from within the human being. yRyK_gnSVCc-00168-00077720-00078110 Okay, so that’s contextualization. yRyK_gnSVCc-00169-00078110-00078680 If your thing, if your item is part of a set, tell us at one point what the rest of the set is yRyK_gnSVCc-00170-00078680-00078970 and define the rest of the set too if you have a chance. yRyK_gnSVCc-00171-00078970-00079320 And then finally, evaluate. yRyK_gnSVCc-00172-00079320-00079830 That’s because some of the things that you might be given to identify yRyK_gnSVCc-00173-00079830-00080290 will not come from the world of nonviolence and they will not be obvious. yRyK_gnSVCc-00174-00080290-00080570 So if you’re defining principled nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00175-00080570-00080960 you don’t have to evaluate its importance from the point of view of nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00176-00080960-00081800 But suppose you were defining something from – let’s take a really far out example. yRyK_gnSVCc-00177-00081800-00082170 Suppose I were to give an ID – I won’t – yRyK_gnSVCc-00178-00082170-00083260 but suppose I’m really feeling unkind and were to give you an ID which was, let’s say, “Quantum inseparability.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00179-00083260-00083910 You would define it and you wouldn’t have to contextualize it yRyK_gnSVCc-00180-00083910-00084360 because it doesn’t matter for our purposes whether it was Richard Feynman or whoever it was. yRyK_gnSVCc-00181-00084360-00084560 But in the end you’d want to say yRyK_gnSVCc-00182-00084560-00085340 “This is important to nonviolence because it breaks up the paradigm of classical science yRyK_gnSVCc-00183-00085340-00085880 within which it was very difficult to understand how nonviolence could operate.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00184-00085880-00086100 You might go onto to say yRyK_gnSVCc-00185-00086100-00086770 “There is a suggestive parallel between quantum inseparability yRyK_gnSVCc-00186-00086770-00087540 and the mysterious unity on the spiritual level among human beings which nonviolence proposes.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00187-00087540-00087800 But no one knows how to bridge that gap. yRyK_gnSVCc-00188-00087800-00088110 It’s just at this point it’s just intriguing. yRyK_gnSVCc-00189-00088110-00088530 Okay, so I’m not saying you need to know that about quantum inseparability yRyK_gnSVCc-00190-00088530-00089020 but I’m saying, “If the thing that I ask you is not immediately obvious yRyK_gnSVCc-00191-00089020-00089500 how it relates to nonviolence, then it’s very important for you to say how.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00192-00089500-00089840 So that’s the DACE system, folks. yRyK_gnSVCc-00193-00089840-00090130 It’s on sale this week. yRyK_gnSVCc-00194-00090130-00090590 And if you remember that, it will really help you to get through an ID successfully. yRyK_gnSVCc-00195-00090590-00090680 John? yRyK_gnSVCc-00196-00090680-00091540 Student: Should we use an example [unintelligible] principled nonviolence? yRyK_gnSVCc-00197-00091540-00091980 Michael: Always – that’s going to be part of the instructions that you’ll see on your exam paper yRyK_gnSVCc-00198-00091980-00092260 but that is very, very useful. yRyK_gnSVCc-00199-00092260-00092710 Always give a concrete example for something that isn’t concrete. yRyK_gnSVCc-00200-00092710-00093110 And that, in fact, is true on the ID and on the midterms. yRyK_gnSVCc-00201-00093110-00093720 Yeah, the more you can back up what you’re saying by concrete examples, the better off you are. yRyK_gnSVCc-00202-00093720-00094180 For one simple reason, you may be defining something a little bit wrong yRyK_gnSVCc-00203-00094180-00094690 or a little bit differently from how we define it and we may not know what you’re talking about yRyK_gnSVCc-00204-00094690-00094970 but if you give us an example, then we say, “Oh, okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00205-00094970-00095340 All they did was they’re using the term differently at this point.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00206-00095340-00095430 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00207-00095430-00096520 So what I’ve done here is – and thank you Amy for getting it on the board. yRyK_gnSVCc-00208-00096520-00096820 I sent it out to you on CourseWeb – yRyK_gnSVCc-00209-00096820-00097630 is I wrote an answer to a punitive question on, let’s say if you got an ID called, “Integrative power.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00210-00097630-00097950 I wrote this answer, walked into the next room yRyK_gnSVCc-00211-00097950-00098420 put on my other hat, came back and gave myself an A for this answer. yRyK_gnSVCc-00212-00098420-00099400 So this an excellent example, if I must say so myself, of how to do an ID. yRyK_gnSVCc-00213-00099400-00100080 It follows the DACE system very accurately and it’s quite succinct. yRyK_gnSVCc-00214-00100080-00100560 You just, you know, you think – think before you write, write something like this. yRyK_gnSVCc-00215-00100560-00100710 It could be this short. yRyK_gnSVCc-00216-00100710-00100850 Your ID could be this short. yRyK_gnSVCc-00217-00100850-00101020 You wouldn’t want it to be much shorter. yRyK_gnSVCc-00218-00101020-00101280 You definitely wouldn’t want it to be much longer yRyK_gnSVCc-00219-00101280-00101970 because then you wouldn’t have time left over for the essay questions and taking a break, things like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00220-00101970-00102730 Okay, first thing that we want to identify with approval yRyK_gnSVCc-00221-00102730-00103280 is that you have give the number and the item that you’re identifying. yRyK_gnSVCc-00222-00103280-00103820 Okay, that’s very, very helpful for us because you can get very enthusiastic, tear into it yRyK_gnSVCc-00223-00103820-00104170 and we don’t really know what it is you are defining. yRyK_gnSVCc-00224-00104170-00104400 So that’s very helpful for us. yRyK_gnSVCc-00225-00104400-00104620 The list – you’re going to have, let’s say, probably – yRyK_gnSVCc-00226-00104620-00105070 oh, probably 12 out of which you’ll be asked to choose 10. yRyK_gnSVCc-00227-00105070-00105370 So you give us these numbers and the thing right away. yRyK_gnSVCc-00228-00105370-00105600 Okay, that’s just [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00229-00105600-00106340 Then notice that Amy and I started right off with the definition. yRyK_gnSVCc-00230-00106340-00107280 So let’s say this part, “The power that arises from an act of authenticity or clinging to truth.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00231-00107280-00107970 That part of it is the core definition of this concept. yRyK_gnSVCc-00232-00107970-00108200 Okay, so that’s our “D.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00233-00108200-00108800 Everybody can read this well, by the way? yRyK_gnSVCc-00234-00108800-00109009 Okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00235-00109009-00109700 “Coined by peace researcher,” actually I think I said peace – yRyK_gnSVCc-00236-00109700-00109990 Amy: Yeah, [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00237-00109990-00110140 Michael: Oh, okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00238-00110140-00110650 I actually said, “Peace research giant Kenneth Boulding,” just for a little extra credit. yRyK_gnSVCc-00239-00110650-00111009 I gave myself a little extra credit in that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00240-00111009-00111240 But this will certainly do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00241-00111240-00111500 “Peace researcher coined by Kenneth Boulding.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00242-00111500-00111809 This is our attribution. yRyK_gnSVCc-00243-00111809-00111959 Right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00244-00111959-00112590 And, of course, it goes on to say where he coined it in his book “Three Faces of Power,” yRyK_gnSVCc-00245-00112590-00113159 the last book that he wrote. yRyK_gnSVCc-00246-00113159-00113950 And then what’s this all about? yRyK_gnSVCc-00247-00113950-00114300 The other two are etc, etc. yRyK_gnSVCc-00248-00114300-00114470 What are we talking about there? yRyK_gnSVCc-00249-00114470-00114559 Student: Contextualization. yRyK_gnSVCc-00250-00114559-00114709 Michael: That’s right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00251-00114709-00114920 That’s the contextualization. yRyK_gnSVCc-00252-00114920-00115130 Wait, Yeah. That’s right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00253-00115130-00115520 So D-A-C. yRyK_gnSVCc-00254-00115520-00115980 “Integrative power, by far the least studied in our culture,” yRyK_gnSVCc-00255-00115980-00116559 that’s just a little bit of irony which adds to the enjoyment of the whole thing. yRyK_gnSVCc-00256-00116559-00116990 But the important part is that it is essentially Satyagraha. yRyK_gnSVCc-00257-00116990-00117390 Now you could say a little bit more about that if you wanted to. yRyK_gnSVCc-00258-00117390-00117790 But that’s probably enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-00259-00117790-00118280 Integrative power is a way of looking at how Satyagraha works. yRyK_gnSVCc-00260-00118280-00119120 It draws upon the fact, which is part of the belief system of the principled violence person yRyK_gnSVCc-00261-00119120-00119970 that as it was stated by Saint Augustine, “All human beings desire integration as far as in them lies.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00262-00119970-00120630 In other words, there’s no limit to how close we want to be to one another. yRyK_gnSVCc-00263-00120630-00121109 And that constitutes an ongoing desire in the consciousness of every person. yRyK_gnSVCc-00264-00121109-00121650 And when you use integrative power with the result that you come out of an interaction yRyK_gnSVCc-00265-00121650-00122300 closer to the person or persons that you are opposed to when you went in, at least. yRyK_gnSVCc-00266-00122300-00122540 In your mind they’re a lot closer yRyK_gnSVCc-00267-00122540-00122959 and probably in their mind, also because of mirror neurons. yRyK_gnSVCc-00268-00122959-00123430 And that satisfies this desire for integration yRyK_gnSVCc-00269-00123430-00123930 which human beings are usually unaware of in our present culture. yRyK_gnSVCc-00270-00123930-00124300 But that they are unaware of it does not mean they don’t possess it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00271-00124300-00124750 And so that really explains how integrative power works. yRyK_gnSVCc-00272-00124750-00125350 So you’re now in a good position to explain to your roommate or your parents yRyK_gnSVCc-00273-00125350-00125780 who are challenging you about why it’s costing so much money to send you to Berkeley. yRyK_gnSVCc-00274-00125780-00125920 What are you getting out of this? yRyK_gnSVCc-00275-00125920-00126540 It’s an opportunity to explain rationally how nonviolence can actually operate. yRyK_gnSVCc-00276-00126540-00126780 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00277-00126780-00127200 So are those four things now pretty clear? yRyK_gnSVCc-00278-00127200-00127709 We’ve got our little advertising slogan so it should be easy to remember it when you go into the midterm. yRyK_gnSVCc-00279-00127709-00127970 Good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00280-00127970-00128230 Okay, let me make one brief announcement yRyK_gnSVCc-00281-00128230-00128640 and then we can start reviewing from wherever you feel like you would like to do that yRyK_gnSVCc-00282-00128640-00128830 whatever you feel is most useful. yRyK_gnSVCc-00283-00128830-00129370 We have an important guest speaker coming to the campus on Thursday. yRyK_gnSVCc-00284-00129370-00129580 His name is M.P. Mathai. yRyK_gnSVCc-00285-00129580-00130830 And he’s speaking at 7:00 – I think it’s actually two T’s but that’s how I saw it in writing recently. yRyK_gnSVCc-00286-00130830-00131140 7:00 PM in 166 Barrows. yRyK_gnSVCc-00287-00131140-00131710 Now the point is that Mathai is a Gandhian scholar. yRyK_gnSVCc-00288-00131710-00132110 He teaches at the Gandhi University in India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00289-00132110-00132460 Can you imagine a country that has a Gandhi University in it? yRyK_gnSVCc-00290-00132460-00133310 And he’s an expert on current Gandhian practices and events in India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00291-00133310-00133680 So he’s absolutely perfect for PACS164B. yRyK_gnSVCc-00292-00133680-00134340 I’m going to try to interview him, depending on whether Jordan knows how to use a video camera or not – yRyK_gnSVCc-00293-00134340-00135030 and get what he has to say because we have to have our midterm while he’s here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00294-00135030-00135590 But at 7:00 PM he’ll be talking about Gandhi and Gandhian studies in India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00295-00135590-00136260 And also, in general, there’s a lot of lectures and events that are on the IAS Web site. yRyK_gnSVCc-00296-00136260-00136890 In fact, the IASTP – International and Area Studies Teaching Programs Web site yRyK_gnSVCc-00297-00136890-00137230 and underneath the university’s Web site. yRyK_gnSVCc-00298-00137230-00137540 The last item on the left hand column is events. yRyK_gnSVCc-00299-00137540-00137830 So if I forget to send you something by CourseWeb yRyK_gnSVCc-00300-00137830-00138690 and you’re really bored and you want to go to another lecture, always be checking that IASTP. yRyK_gnSVCc-00301-00138690-00139080 But for right now I’d strongly recommend that you go to hear Mathai. yRyK_gnSVCc-00302-00139080-00139460 Normally, he would have actually been here in the classroom with us. yRyK_gnSVCc-00303-00139460-00140050 Okay, people, so where do you want to begin? yRyK_gnSVCc-00304-00140050-00140910 I think we’ve sort of said enough about the mechanics of the exam, how to study for it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00305-00140910-00141160 Yeah, Joy? yRyK_gnSVCc-00306-00141160-00143100 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00307-00143100-00143250 Michael: Well, it’s okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00308-00143250-00143740 The India phase of Gandhi’s career which is, of course, the actual kernel of the whole thing yRyK_gnSVCc-00309-00143740-00144330 we did go over it and we took about two weeks on it, I think. yRyK_gnSVCc-00310-00144330-00144800 And I pulled out the events and what I thought each event was important for – yRyK_gnSVCc-00311-00144800-00145370 it would be kind of hard for me standing up here to do that whole thing right now. yRyK_gnSVCc-00312-00145370-00145930 Your other sources, of course, you have a chronology in the reader. yRyK_gnSVCc-00313-00145930-00146310 And you have either Nanda or Fisher. yRyK_gnSVCc-00314-00146310-00146930 And it should not amount to more than 40 or 50 pages in each of those books. yRyK_gnSVCc-00315-00146930-00147620 Particularly, if you have the abridged B.R. Nanda biography which, as I said yRyK_gnSVCc-00316-00147620-00148060 should be available down in Bazaar of India on University Avenue. yRyK_gnSVCc-00317-00148060-00149800 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00318-00149800-00150180 Michael: Well, there was overlapping information on a couple of run-throughs yRyK_gnSVCc-00319-00150180-00150610 because there’s a particular point I wanted to make with one or with the other. yRyK_gnSVCc-00320-00150610-00150970 So I’m leaving it up to you to fold them back in. yRyK_gnSVCc-00321-00150970-00151640 And I mean you know best how you learn historical material. yRyK_gnSVCc-00322-00151640-00152000 Some people, you know, do it by writing it out, very chronologically. yRyK_gnSVCc-00323-00152000-00152180 Others have other systems. yRyK_gnSVCc-00324-00152180-00152980 But, you know, get together and sketch out – when you get the question, the question is going to say yRyK_gnSVCc-00325-00152980-00153410 “Take either the South Africa phase or the India phase. yRyK_gnSVCc-00326-00153410-00153950 Give us a quick sketch of what the highlights were from the historical point of view yRyK_gnSVCc-00327-00153950-00154460 and tell us what we can learn from each one or what Gandhi learned from each one. yRyK_gnSVCc-00328-00154460-00154920 What was significant about each one from the point of view of nonviolence? yRyK_gnSVCc-00329-00154920-00155860 Now what that means is, except for the ID part, we’re not going to ask you for particular events. yRyK_gnSVCc-00330-00155860-00156400 So it’s up to you to make your own syncretism yRyK_gnSVCc-00331-00156400-00157250 your own synopsis of what you think the important events were in Gandhi’s career. yRyK_gnSVCc-00332-00157250-00158260 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00333-00158260-00158570 Michael: Five would be a little sketchy. yRyK_gnSVCc-00334-00158570-00158950 I mean five would be very convenient for that particular essay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00335-00158950-00159880 But I bet having six or seven in your mind would – I mean we all have to know about the Epic Fast. yRyK_gnSVCc-00336-00159880-00160140 We have to know about the Salt Satyagraha. yRyK_gnSVCc-00337-00160140-00160710 We have to know about Quit India – the really, really major events. yRyK_gnSVCc-00338-00160710-00161020 The fast that I didn’t talk about, you know, the Calcutta Fast yRyK_gnSVCc-00339-00161020-00161540 and Gandhi’s response to the partition and the rioting and so forth. yRyK_gnSVCc-00340-00161540-00162060 I suppose every – it would be – yRyK_gnSVCc-00341-00162060-00162750 it would look weird to do a sketch of the Indian phase without mentioning those events yRyK_gnSVCc-00342-00162750-00163250 but others that you want to mention, just as long as you know why you’re mentioning them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00343-00163250-00163880 You know, it could be something that maybe – like the Patna Surrender in historical terms is not a big deal. yRyK_gnSVCc-00344-00163880-00164320 But it did illustrate what? yRyK_gnSVCc-00345-00164320-00165200 What does it illustrate? yRyK_gnSVCc-00346-00165200-00165310 Alex? yRyK_gnSVCc-00347-00165310-00165530 Student: His family’s willingness to make concessions. yRyK_gnSVCc-00348-00165530-00165910 Sometimes it’s necessary to keep the [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00349-00165910-00166130 Michael: I would go a little bit further than that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00350-00166130-00166600 Not only that he was willing to make concessions, but the darn thing worked. yRyK_gnSVCc-00351-00166600-00166950 And that’s counterintuitive for us. yRyK_gnSVCc-00352-00166950-00167430 You know, we tend to approach a conflict with the idea of, “The harder you fight, the more you win.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00353-00167430-00168270 And as I’ve mentioned, when he was really stuck and he really needed more power, his first reaction – yRyK_gnSVCc-00354-00168270-00169040 well, maybe not his first reaction, but darn close to it – his nearly first reaction was, “What can I give up?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00355-00169040-00169460 And in this case we’re talking about him making a political concession yRyK_gnSVCc-00356-00169460-00169830 but there were also personal renunciations that he made to get more power. yRyK_gnSVCc-00357-00169830-00170580 You know, right after – while you’re thinking of your next question I’ll just share this image with you. yRyK_gnSVCc-00358-00170580-00171330 Right after WWII when the allies wanted to experiment with breaking the sound barrier yRyK_gnSVCc-00359-00171330-00171940 the only way they could get an airplane moving that fast was to take a jet fighter yRyK_gnSVCc-00360-00171940-00172320 which was the fastest thing that they had, and put it into a power dive. yRyK_gnSVCc-00361-00172320-00172700 In other words, you know, point it at the earth and keep the engine running yRyK_gnSVCc-00362-00172700-00173000 and soon it would break the sound barrier. yRyK_gnSVCc-00363-00173000-00173270 But there was one slight problem. yRyK_gnSVCc-00364-00173270-00173490 They all crashed. yRyK_gnSVCc-00365-00173490-00174430 And hitting the earth at, you know, 900 miles an hour made it very hard to collect insurance for those pilots. yRyK_gnSVCc-00366-00174430-00175150 You know, I don’t mean to be sarcastic about it, but it was terribly costly. yRyK_gnSVCc-00367-00175150-00175610 And they would have these pilots reporting constantly on what they’re experiencing in the plane yRyK_gnSVCc-00368-00175610-00175710 while they’re doing this. yRyK_gnSVCc-00369-00175710-00175880 You know, buffeting, very tail heavy. yRyK_gnSVCc-00370-00175880-00176520 One pilot figured out that the way to get it out of the dive was actually to reverse the controls yRyK_gnSVCc-00371-00176520-00176880 and push the stick forward instead of pulling it backward. yRyK_gnSVCc-00372-00176880-00177050 And it worked. yRyK_gnSVCc-00373-00177050-00177540 And you can imagine, here you are, hurtling toward the earth at 900 miles an hour. yRyK_gnSVCc-00374-00177540-00178210 You’ve got like eight seconds left to save your life and you’ve got to push this stick instead of pulling it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00375-00178210-00178540 Everything in you is screaming, “Pull up! Pull up!” yRyK_gnSVCc-00376-00178540-00178800 But when you pull up, the plane dives faster. yRyK_gnSVCc-00377-00178800-00179080 For some weird reason – I don't know if it’s still true yRyK_gnSVCc-00378-00179080-00179550 but in those aircraft, when you broke the sound barrier, the direction of the controls reversed. yRyK_gnSVCc-00379-00179550-00180000 Now the reason I’m mentioning this – as you be wondering yRyK_gnSVCc-00380-00180000-00180260 “Why is he talking about that?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00381-00180260-00180790 The reason I’m mentioning it is there are frequently areas in nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00382-00180790-00181550 where you have to be so counterintuitive, you have to go so in the face of your training yRyK_gnSVCc-00383-00181550-00182140 that it’s not unlike what those poor pilots had to do to save those planes. yRyK_gnSVCc-00384-00182140-00182620 So here’s Gandhi, he’s faced with a rebellion. yRyK_gnSVCc-00385-00182620-00182920 And you might think, “I’m going to collect as much force as I can yRyK_gnSVCc-00386-00182920-00183300 and isolate these people and get them over on my side.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00387-00183300-00183550 And his response is, “I know. yRyK_gnSVCc-00388-00183550-00183690 I’ll give up.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00389-00183690-00184060 And sure enough, two years later he’s fine. yRyK_gnSVCc-00390-00184060-00184280 He comes out on top of it anyway. yRyK_gnSVCc-00391-00184280-00184600 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00392-00184600-00184930 Student: Could you just briefly list again the rules of fasting? yRyK_gnSVCc-00393-00184930-00185000 Michael: Right, okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00394-00185000-00185110 That’s a good idea. yRyK_gnSVCc-00395-00185110-00185390 I’m not sure that came up here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00396-00185390-00185670 But yeah, let’s list then. yRyK_gnSVCc-00397-00185670-00186420 Let’s see, there’s room over here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00398-00186420-00187130 And by this time I think it would be nice for us to explain why these are the rules. yRyK_gnSVCc-00399-00187130-00188140 First of all, just to contextualize this a little bit yRyK_gnSVCc-00400-00188140-00188930 lots of people who are trying to discipline themselves spiritually, work with themselves, they go on fasts. yRyK_gnSVCc-00401-00188930-00189280 And that’s not the kind that we’re talking about. yRyK_gnSVCc-00402-00189280-00189730 What we’re talking about is the interface between the person fasting yRyK_gnSVCc-00403-00189730-00190170 the Satyagrahi who has felt that the time has come to use that method yRyK_gnSVCc-00404-00190170-00190870 and the people at whom who he is directing this gesture. yRyK_gnSVCc-00405-00190870-00191450 Okay, so we’re talking about fasting as a political gesture, just to clarify that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00406-00191450-00191930 Okay, and there are five rules, no particular order. yRyK_gnSVCc-00407-00191930-00192010 John? yRyK_gnSVCc-00408-00192010-00192190 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00409-00192190-00192480 Michael: You want to say all of them? yRyK_gnSVCc-00410-00192480-00192610 Okay, sure. yRyK_gnSVCc-00411-00192610-00192750 And we’re listening very carefully. yRyK_gnSVCc-00412-00192750-00192900 Go ahead. yRyK_gnSVCc-00413-00192900-00193010 Student: Be the right person. yRyK_gnSVCc-00414-00193010-00193150 Michael: You have to be the right person. yRyK_gnSVCc-00415-00193150-00193310 Now you’re not reading this off a sheet? yRyK_gnSVCc-00416-00193310-00193470 Student: No, I just wrote them down. yRyK_gnSVCc-00417-00193470-00193590 I remember them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00418-00193590-00193810 Michael: Okay, good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00419-00193810-00194280 Okay, let’s get them down first and then talk about the – yRyK_gnSVCc-00420-00194280-00194380 Student: The right audience. yRyK_gnSVCc-00421-00194380-00194750 Michael: Okay. Right audience. yRyK_gnSVCc-00422-00194750-00194980 This is starting to sound Buddhist at this point. yRyK_gnSVCc-00423-00194980-00195310 Right occupation. Right audience. yRyK_gnSVCc-00424-00195310-00195420 Student: Doable demand. yRyK_gnSVCc-00425-00195420-00195620 Michael: Okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00426-00195620-00195870 Doable demand. yRyK_gnSVCc-00427-00195870-00196080 Student: Consistent with the rest of your campaign. yRyK_gnSVCc-00428-00196080-00196530 Michael: Yeah. Hang on here. Just a second. yRyK_gnSVCc-00429-00196530-00197130 I’ll just put, “Consistent.” And finally – yRyK_gnSVCc-00430-00197130-00197270 Student: Your last resort. yRyK_gnSVCc-00431-00197270-00197960 Michael: Last resort. Okay. That is the list. yRyK_gnSVCc-00432-00197960-00198190 And that’s really good work. yRyK_gnSVCc-00433-00198190-00198720 It took me years to actually come up with all five, every time I announced that I was about to do this. yRyK_gnSVCc-00434-00198720-00199060 Let’s talk about them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00435-00199060-00199490 What it is actually – what does each one actually mean and why is it important? yRyK_gnSVCc-00436-00199490-00199790 What does it tell us about the mechanism that’s involved here? yRyK_gnSVCc-00437-00199790-00200060 Maybe we should let other people talk about it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00438-00200060-00200380 What does it mean to be the right person? yRyK_gnSVCc-00439-00200380-00200820 I mean here you have Gandhi, he goes on a fast in 1942. yRyK_gnSVCc-00440-00200820-00201270 He gets a telegram from Nehru saying, “I’m going to join you.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00441-00201270-00201580 And Nehru gets an immediate telegram back saying yRyK_gnSVCc-00442-00201580-00202180 “Don’t. Continue to be the Jewel of India,” Gandhi said. “This is my job.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00443-00202180-00202350 Julia? yRyK_gnSVCc-00444-00202350-00202810 Student: Well, in regards to be the right person [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00445-00202810-00203000 Michael: Take one at a time. yRyK_gnSVCc-00446-00203000-00203460 Student: Oh, I was just going to – I thought it go from – yRyK_gnSVCc-00447-00203460-00203780 it’s just what Gandhi said, that he fasted to form the ones who love him. yRyK_gnSVCc-00448-00203780-00204180 So [unintelligible] to be the right person yRyK_gnSVCc-00449-00204180-00204530 that implies that you’re somebody that lots of people know about, who they respect. yRyK_gnSVCc-00450-00204530-00205030 You’re not just somebody that nobody knows about, that [unintellible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00451-00205030-00205130 Michael: Okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00452-00205130-00205490 I would put that under two, “The right audience.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00453-00205490-00206069 And what Julia is saying is that this is not going to have any meaning yRyK_gnSVCc-00454-00206069-00206469 if the people whom you’re trying to persuade do not care about you. yRyK_gnSVCc-00455-00206469-00206750 Because you go to somebody and say, “Ha ha. yRyK_gnSVCc-00456-00206750-00206900 I won’t play with you.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00457-00206900-00207290 And you’ve never played with them before and they don’t like you in the first place yRyK_gnSVCc-00458-00207290-00207700 you know, it’s just not – your gesture will be sort of wasted. yRyK_gnSVCc-00459-00207700-00207850 Yes, Camilla? yRyK_gnSVCc-00460-00207850-00208330 Student: Well, I don’t know if this is [unintelligible] story that you told us about like the prisoners. yRyK_gnSVCc-00461-00208330-00209240 Yeah, and so they fasted, you know, to try to [unintelligible] being imprisoned and they died. yRyK_gnSVCc-00462-00209240-00209840 Michael: They died, Yeah. This is a frequent outcome of doing nonviolence wrongly. yRyK_gnSVCc-00463-00209840-00210390 Actually, I quoted those prisoners because they got all five rules wrong. yRyK_gnSVCc-00464-00210390-00210540 Totally wrong. yRyK_gnSVCc-00465-00210540-00210710 They could not have been worse off. yRyK_gnSVCc-00466-00210710-00211019 But what do I mean by right person? yRyK_gnSVCc-00467-00211019-00211130 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00468-00211130-00212700 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00469-00212700-00212790 Michael: Very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00470-00212790-00213240 Gena was saying, “You have to know why you’re doing this and know that you can do it.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00471-00213240-00213710 Actually, what we’re talking about here is a serious fast yRyK_gnSVCc-00472-00213710-00214250 like an open-ended fast unto death is our classic case here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00473-00214250-00214480 There are others where you say, “I’m just going to not yRyK_gnSVCc-00474-00214480-00214930 – I’m not going to partake in food for five days just to show you that something is wrong here.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00475-00214930-00215750 But this is a fast in which the other party actually has to respond or else you’re going to die. yRyK_gnSVCc-00476-00215750-00216290 And that’s the difference between an open-ended fast unto death and immolation. yRyK_gnSVCc-00477-00216290-00216580 We didn’t mention that before. yRyK_gnSVCc-00478-00216580-00216960 This is just in the context of it, this is an interesting thing to note. yRyK_gnSVCc-00479-00216960-00217350 If you go and set yourself on fire, the other person has nothing to do with it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00480-00217350-00217490 They cannot interfere. yRyK_gnSVCc-00481-00217490-00217719 They didn’t even know you were doing it until it’s over. yRyK_gnSVCc-00482-00217719-00217900 So you are actually taking your life. yRyK_gnSVCc-00483-00217900-00218210 Here, you’re not taking your life, you are offering it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00484-00218210-00218519 You are putting your life in the hands of another person. yRyK_gnSVCc-00485-00218519-00219060 Now part of being the right person means – yRyK_gnSVCc-00486-00219060-00219580 and incidentally – it may not be necessary for me to say this yRyK_gnSVCc-00487-00219580-00220060 but I sincerely hope that this never comes up for any of us, right? yRyK_gnSVCc-00488-00220060-00220750 I hope we have long, healthy, active nonviolent career and never have to do anything so drastic. yRyK_gnSVCc-00489-00220750-00221380 But if we don’t get involved in the deteriorating spirals of violence soon enough yRyK_gnSVCc-00490-00221380-00221810 it’s just good to know that this has a dynamic that works. yRyK_gnSVCc-00491-00221810-00222380 So be the right person means that you actually have your – yRyK_gnSVCc-00492-00222380-00222900 you have control over your life force in some way and you are actually – yRyK_gnSVCc-00493-00222900-00223230 you know what you’re doing and you’re willing to lay down your life. yRyK_gnSVCc-00494-00223230-00223640 Now people can get swept up by enthusiasm. yRyK_gnSVCc-00495-00223640-00224060 Next semester we’re going to call this, “The effervescence of the crowd.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00496-00224060-00224430 You can get swept up by enthusiasm and do drastic things yRyK_gnSVCc-00497-00224430-00224869 which really are not in your willpower. yRyK_gnSVCc-00498-00224869-00225260 It’s the crowd volatility that makes you do that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00499-00225260-00225530 In the ancient world – I’m giving you – yRyK_gnSVCc-00500-00225530-00225860 actually, this is going to be a pretty drastic example yRyK_gnSVCc-00501-00225860-00226290 if you’re of a sensitive nature or a vegetarian, hold onto your seats here – yRyK_gnSVCc-00502-00226290-00226640 but I remember when I was the Chairman of Religious Studies yRyK_gnSVCc-00503-00226640-00227300 attending a lecture by someone who talked about the Cult of Cybele in ancient Roman Empire. yRyK_gnSVCc-00504-00227300-00227840 And priests of Cybele used to get themselves intoxicated and work themselves up into a frenzy yRyK_gnSVCc-00505-00227840-00228269 and castrate themselves and give the thing over to the goddess. yRyK_gnSVCc-00506-00228269-00228719 And his final comment was, “Now that’s commitment.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00507-00228719-00229410 And my comment, which I didn’t actually utter because I was the Chairman – yRyK_gnSVCc-00508-00229410-00229780 I was supposed to be polite to our guests was, “No, it’s not. yRyK_gnSVCc-00509-00229780-00229969 That’s not commitment. yRyK_gnSVCc-00510-00229969-00230180 That’s hysteria.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00511-00230180-00230810 So people can get tricked into by external forces, get tricked into risking their life. yRyK_gnSVCc-00512-00230810-00231440 And at the very last second as it’s being pulled away from them they say, “Oh my God, what have I done? yRyK_gnSVCc-00513-00231440-00231600 You know, plug me back in. yRyK_gnSVCc-00514-00231600-00232000 I didn’t – I really didn’t want to die,” at a very, very deep level. yRyK_gnSVCc-00515-00232000-00232519 So you really have to have deep control of yourself to do this in a way that will make it work. yRyK_gnSVCc-00516-00232519-00232680 That’s the – yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00517-00232680-00233450 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00518-00233450-00233619 Michael: That’s a very interesting proposal. yRyK_gnSVCc-00519-00233619-00233860 How would this be related to svadharma? yRyK_gnSVCc-00520-00233860-00234419 That’s a very interesting proposal. yRyK_gnSVCc-00521-00234419-00234710 I guess I just said that, didn’t I? yRyK_gnSVCc-00522-00234710-00235019 I’m obviously stalling for time here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00523-00235019-00235510 Yeah, I think it would – yRyK_gnSVCc-00524-00235510-00236200 your svadharma would have to be in the area of service. yRyK_gnSVCc-00525-00236200-00236540 You’d have to be like really pretty advanced in that area yRyK_gnSVCc-00526-00236540-00237400 to where you feel that the purpose of your life is defined by your value to others yRyK_gnSVCc-00527-00237400-00238169 or else it would not make sense for you to offer your life in the service of others. yRyK_gnSVCc-00528-00238169-00238850 Now the reason I’m hesitating a little bit is that in one sense this is human dharma. yRyK_gnSVCc-00529-00238850-00239400 I like to think of Martin Luther King saying yRyK_gnSVCc-00530-00239400-00239910 “Unless you have found a cause for which you are willing to die, you have not found a reason to live.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00531-00239910-00240230 So in a sense, this pertains to everybody yRyK_gnSVCc-00532-00240230-00240830 but very few people actually work themselves around to a position of being in that kind of control. yRyK_gnSVCc-00533-00240830-00241169 That’s a really good proposition. yRyK_gnSVCc-00534-00241169-00241360 Okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00535-00241360-00241619 Doable demand – comment on that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00536-00241619-00241760 First of all, what is it? yRyK_gnSVCc-00537-00241760-00242050 Second of all, why is it important? yRyK_gnSVCc-00538-00242050-00243060 What does it mean that what you’re demanding that the person respond to yRyK_gnSVCc-00539-00243060-00243630 in order to get you to go back into the food chain is doable? yRyK_gnSVCc-00540-00243630-00243869 What do we mean by that? yRyK_gnSVCc-00541-00243869-00244619 Give us a counterexample? yRyK_gnSVCc-00542-00244619-00244869 I thought this was going to be the easiest one of all. yRyK_gnSVCc-00543-00244869-00244940 Yes, Camilla? yRyK_gnSVCc-00544-00244940-00247519 Student: Well, I mean, obviously, an exaggeration if you’re asking somebody to like go sit on the sun [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00545-00247519-00248380 Michael: Yeah, the people in the Irish Republican Army prisoners in Long Kesh Prison – I don't know. yRyK_gnSVCc-00546-00248380-00248769 This may be one of the rules that they came close to being okay with yRyK_gnSVCc-00547-00248769-00249230 because after all was said and done, they were aiming this at Margaret Thatcher. yRyK_gnSVCc-00548-00249230-00249519 She definitely was the wrong audience for them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00549-00249519-00249710 She didn’t care whether they lived or died. yRyK_gnSVCc-00550-00249710-00250210 But she could have commuted their sentence in some other way. yRyK_gnSVCc-00551-00250210-00250830 Let me give you a better example that happened and that was during the Cold War. yRyK_gnSVCc-00552-00250830-00251380 I think it was five Americans decided that they were going to go on a hunger strike yRyK_gnSVCc-00553-00251380-00251980 to get President Eisenhower and Premier Khrushchev to end the Cold War. yRyK_gnSVCc-00554-00251980-00252280 And it was just hopelessly unrealistic. yRyK_gnSVCc-00555-00252280-00252769 You know, there’s billions of dollars, decades of propaganda yRyK_gnSVCc-00556-00252769-00253250 and enormous machinery geared up to do nothing but have a Cold War. yRyK_gnSVCc-00557-00253250-00253890 And you can’t say, “You know, stop or I’m not going to have my three squares a day for however long.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00558-00253890-00254080 So that was unrealistic. yRyK_gnSVCc-00559-00254080-00254630 However, what is unrealistic and what isn’t depends on who you are yRyK_gnSVCc-00560-00254630-00254880 how much power you have and what the audience is. yRyK_gnSVCc-00561-00254880-00255460 Remember, in the – during the partition, Gandhi goes to Calcutta yRyK_gnSVCc-00562-00255460-00255969 people are slaughtering each other in very large numbers every day. yRyK_gnSVCc-00563-00255969-00256090 It’s horrible. yRyK_gnSVCc-00564-00256090-00256310 It’s utterly gruesome. yRyK_gnSVCc-00565-00256310-00256740 And he goes in there and he just announces that he’s staying with Mr. Suhrawardy yRyK_gnSVCc-00566-00256740-00257190 who was one of the people who actually started the rioting and now regretted it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00567-00257190-00257460 And he said, “You guys keep writing, I die.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00568-00257460-00257769 And I forget how long that took. yRyK_gnSVCc-00569-00257769-00257969 I think it was six days. yRyK_gnSVCc-00570-00257969-00258260 And the whole city came to a standstill. yRyK_gnSVCc-00571-00258260-00258400 It was incredible. yRyK_gnSVCc-00572-00258400-00258919 So his doable demands were much higher than the doable demands of some other people. yRyK_gnSVCc-00573-00258919-00259460 Incidentally, a little anecdote that I did not share with you and it’s not very well known yRyK_gnSVCc-00574-00259460-00259619 it’s not publicly known, really. yRyK_gnSVCc-00575-00259619-00259740 I happen to know about it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00576-00259740-00260290 During that period, even Gandhi was stretched very thin. yRyK_gnSVCc-00577-00260290-00260700 You know, the Viceroy Mountbatten said yRyK_gnSVCc-00578-00260700-00261130 “Whenever our city breaks out into a riot, erupts in rioting, I have two options. yRyK_gnSVCc-00579-00261130-00261600 I can send a brigade of 50,000 highly trained troops yRyK_gnSVCc-00580-00261600-00262060 or I can send one little man who weighs about 102 pounds and doesn’t even have any teeth. yRyK_gnSVCc-00581-00262060-00262330 And they both have the same effect.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00582-00262330-00262760 But that just goes to show you, how much more costly it is to do – yRyK_gnSVCc-00583-00262760-00263110 to use threat power than to use integrative power. yRyK_gnSVCc-00584-00263110-00263300 It’s a very, very good example. yRyK_gnSVCc-00585-00263300-00263930 But at one point even Gandhi couldn’t be everywhere and so he called – he’s sitting at this meeting. yRyK_gnSVCc-00586-00263930-00264470 Things were very tense and he called over – I think it was an 18 year-old girl. yRyK_gnSVCc-00587-00264470-00264800 And he said, “I can’t go to the such and such a village. yRyK_gnSVCc-00588-00264800-00264930 I need you to go there.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00589-00264930-00265250 Madeleine Slade was there, you know, Mirabehn. yRyK_gnSVCc-00590-00265250-00265530 And she said, “No. yRyK_gnSVCc-00591-00265530-00265640 No, you can’t send her. yRyK_gnSVCc-00592-00265640-00265740 You’re crazy. yRyK_gnSVCc-00593-00265740-00265850 They’re killing people. yRyK_gnSVCc-00594-00265850-00265940 They’re raping people. yRyK_gnSVCc-00595-00265940-00266160 You can send a young girl into that town.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00596-00266160-00266400 And so he called her over and he said – yRyK_gnSVCc-00597-00266400-00266740 he looked her right in the face and said, “I don’t believe in death. yRyK_gnSVCc-00598-00266740-00266870 Do you?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00599-00266870-00266970 She said, “No, Bapu.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00600-00266970-00267050 He said, “Very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00601-00267050-00267270 Then you go.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00602-00267270-00268020 So that just shows you how intense and how reaching deep into the psyche these things were at that time. yRyK_gnSVCc-00603-00268020-00268730 Okay, so the doable demand has to be, you know, within reason. yRyK_gnSVCc-00604-00268730-00268960 Something that you – yRyK_gnSVCc-00605-00268960-00269100 what you’re calling upon a person to do, they can do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00606-00269100-00269240 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00607-00269240-00269510 Student: Does that have anything to do with non-embarrassment? yRyK_gnSVCc-00608-00269510-00269870 Like with the prisoners and Margaret Thatcher yRyK_gnSVCc-00609-00269870-00270180 like it was kind of like what they were doing was putting pressure on her to release them yRyK_gnSVCc-00610-00270180-00270330 which I guess you could say is selfish. yRyK_gnSVCc-00611-00270330-00270870 Or like if she did that, like maybe publicly she would have lost face or something like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00612-00270870-00270950 Michael: Good point. yRyK_gnSVCc-00613-00270950-00271280 Yeah. I had never brought these two things together onto the same page yRyK_gnSVCc-00614-00271280-00271530 but I don’t see why that would not be an example. yRyK_gnSVCc-00615-00271530-00272310 Usually, when we talk about non-embarrassment in the Gandhian context it usually means yRyK_gnSVCc-00616-00272310-00272930 the party that you’re trying to have a conversation with, a nonviolent interaction with, is preoccupied. yRyK_gnSVCc-00617-00272930-00273310 And it’s embarrassment in the sense of encumbrance. yRyK_gnSVCc-00618-00273310-00274040 But I don’t see why we couldn’t extend it and say, “You know, he’s actually shaming her.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00619-00274040-00274560 They were trying to put her in a position where she would be shamed one way or the other. yRyK_gnSVCc-00620-00274560-00274930 That’s an interesting juncture there. yRyK_gnSVCc-00621-00274930-00275280 Yeah. And, you know yRyK_gnSVCc-00622-00275280-00275840 embarrassing your opponent is something that, in the best of all cases, you never want to do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00623-00275840-00276240 There are times when you have to use that device yRyK_gnSVCc-00624-00276240-00276820 but it’s never ideal and you want to avoid it under all circumstances in principled nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00625-00276820-00277330 Classically, in strategic nonviolence it doesn’t seem to bother them as much. yRyK_gnSVCc-00626-00277330-00277840 They talk about, “Here’s how you can get people to do this by shame and things like that.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00627-00277840-00277960 We don’t want to do that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00628-00277960-00278390 Above all, never do anything that degrades human dignity. yRyK_gnSVCc-00629-00278390-00279360 This is like if in medicine the first rule, the first Hippocratic regulation is, “Primum non nocere.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00630-00279360-00279610 First of all, don’t make things worse, okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00631-00279610-00279750 Don’t hurt anybody. yRyK_gnSVCc-00632-00279750-00279990 Then we can talk about maybe curing them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00633-00279990-00280500 So I would say for nonviolence, similarly, it would be – yRyK_gnSVCc-00634-00280500-00281100 the first rule would be, “Don’t do anything that’s going to reduce human dignity.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00635-00281100-00281290 Everybody loses in that regard. yRyK_gnSVCc-00636-00281290-00281490 So we would never do that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00637-00281490-00281700 That’s why non-embarrassment comes in. yRyK_gnSVCc-00638-00281700-00281920 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00639-00281920-00282180 Consistent with the rest of the campaign. yRyK_gnSVCc-00640-00282180-00282630 That should be pretty easy to identify and we can talk about that also. yRyK_gnSVCc-00641-00282630-00283840 We can take somebody who’s not fasting today, I think we’ve exhausted Camilla already. yRyK_gnSVCc-00642-00283840-00284550 So this may be self-evident, but what does it mean to say that the fast should be consistent? yRyK_gnSVCc-00643-00284550-00284770 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00644-00284770-00285580 Student: Well, I heard those prisoners, they had always been using violence to accomplish their goals. yRyK_gnSVCc-00645-00285580-00286140 So when they were in prison they just kind of lost the option to use violence so they tried nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00646-00286140-00286370 Michael: Excellent. yRyK_gnSVCc-00647-00286370-00286690 Yeah, the Long Kesh prisoners had been out there kneecapping people yRyK_gnSVCc-00648-00286690-00286870 and blowing them up and things like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00649-00286870-00287090 And now they’re nonviolent. yRyK_gnSVCc-00650-00287090-00287310 So you’re bringing up two things here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00651-00287310-00287780 One is – and you may not even realized that you’re bringing up two things at once. yRyK_gnSVCc-00652-00287780-00288150 One of them is, this would only be strategic nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00653-00288150-00288490 because it’s clear that they would use nonviolence if they could. yRyK_gnSVCc-00654-00288490-00288660 So this is the nonviolence of the weak yRyK_gnSVCc-00655-00288660-00289240 and we’re not thrilled by that kind of nonviolence, though it’s better than the violence of the weak. yRyK_gnSVCc-00656-00289240-00289810 The other thing you’re bringing up is the person audience kind of thing. yRyK_gnSVCc-00657-00289810-00290310 They wouldn’t believe you if you’ve been killing them and killing them and killing them yRyK_gnSVCc-00658-00290310-00290680 and now you say, “Well, I’m not going to play with you anymore.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00659-00290680-00291040 It just simply would not have the desired meaning for them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00660-00291040-00291130 Good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00661-00291130-00291320 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00662-00291320-00291450 Student: I just have a quick question. yRyK_gnSVCc-00663-00291450-00292530 In the example of [unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00664-00292530-00292650 Michael: The Pathans? yRyK_gnSVCc-00665-00292650-00292850 Student: Yeah, the Pathans became peaceful quite suddenly. yRyK_gnSVCc-00666-00292850-00293300 And he said that courage is courage. yRyK_gnSVCc-00667-00293300-00293610 Like the people who practice violence have courage yRyK_gnSVCc-00668-00293610-00294010 and they can move that type of courage to [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00669-00294010-00294180 How would that be different from the – yRyK_gnSVCc-00670-00294180-00294190 Michael: Okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00671-00294190-00294370 This is a very good question. yRyK_gnSVCc-00672-00294370-00294830 Why is the courage, the nonviolent courage of the Pathans yRyK_gnSVCc-00673-00294830-00295260 which is something that we like and we say, “This fits the mold perfectly.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00674-00295260-00295660 You have people who are capable of violence and then they renounced it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00675-00295660-00296160 How does that differ from the consistency issue where you have these IRA people? yRyK_gnSVCc-00676-00296160-00296480 They were basically terrorists, if that term has any meaning. yRyK_gnSVCc-00677-00296480-00296820 And then they renounced violence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00678-00296820-00297050 Why is that inconsistent? yRyK_gnSVCc-00679-00297050-00297800 Another way of looking at it is, “What’s the consistency on the part of the Pathans being nonviolent?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00680-00297800-00298020 Good questions. yRyK_gnSVCc-00681-00298020-00298130 Hold on just a second Joy. yRyK_gnSVCc-00682-00298130-00298250 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00683-00298250-00300750 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00684-00300750-00301340 Michael: Yeah, in fact his attitude was that there was a certain level of inconsistency yRyK_gnSVCc-00685-00301340-00302040 and that the Pakhtuns had now kind of launched themselves into a nonviolent posture yRyK_gnSVCc-00686-00302040-00302310 because of their leader and him. yRyK_gnSVCc-00687-00302310-00302750 And as he was always saying to them, this is not enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-00688-00302750-00303060 This is a great first step, but it’s not enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-00689-00303060-00303410 As opposed to the episode I think I shared with you yRyK_gnSVCc-00690-00303410-00303770 where someone wrote to him and said, “The police came into our village. yRyK_gnSVCc-00691-00303770-00304230 They were offering indignities to our women and I didn’t even try to defend them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00692-00304230-00304370 Aren’t you proud of us?” yRyK_gnSVCc-00693-00304370-00304650 And he said, “I hung my head in shame.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00694-00304650-00304820 That was not even the first step. yRyK_gnSVCc-00695-00304820-00305090 This was a step – that was a step backwards. yRyK_gnSVCc-00696-00305090-00305510 Whereas what the Pathans were doing was a step forward, but only one step. yRyK_gnSVCc-00697-00305510-00306120 You now have to go and live it out as a lifestyle, incorporate it, and so forth. yRyK_gnSVCc-00698-00306120-00306750 So okay, we’re getting a better definition of this, I think. yRyK_gnSVCc-00699-00306750-00307140 Okay, let me go back to my last question. yRyK_gnSVCc-00700-00307140-00307680 What is the consistency of the Pathan, the Khudai Kitmatgars being nonviolent? yRyK_gnSVCc-00701-00307680-00308000 How is that consistent with their previous career? yRyK_gnSVCc-00702-00308000-00308370 On the surface, it’s totally inconsistent, right? yRyK_gnSVCc-00703-00308370-00308720 They used to hide behind a rock and shoot you at the slightest provocation. yRyK_gnSVCc-00704-00308720-00309260 You probably are too young to have heard the expression, “Three on a match.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00705-00309260-00309540 You’re too young and you don’t smoke anyway. yRyK_gnSVCc-00706-00309540-00309910 So I’m very proud to say this would not mean anything to you. yRyK_gnSVCc-00707-00309910-00310510 But there used to be this military – in military parlance they said, “Never three on a match.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00708-00310510-00310730 It was because if you were in the Northwest Frontier yRyK_gnSVCc-00709-00310730-00311160 and you’re standing up doing guard duty and you decide to smoke. yRyK_gnSVCc-00710-00311160-00311540 So first soldier lights a match and lights his cigarette. yRyK_gnSVCc-00711-00311540-00311990 The Pathan who’s been watching from the hills sees you. yRyK_gnSVCc-00712-00311990-00312240 Then you hand the match to the second soldier. yRyK_gnSVCc-00713-00312240-00312380 He takes aim. yRyK_gnSVCc-00714-00312380-00312660 And the third soldier, he shoots. yRyK_gnSVCc-00715-00312660-00313010 That was what those people were like. yRyK_gnSVCc-00716-00313010-00313740 But now why is that consistent with their putting up with incredible beatings and humiliation and – yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00717-00313740-00314370 Student: [unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00718-00314370-00314500 Michael: Okay, that’s part of it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00719-00314500-00314640 That their goals were consistent. yRyK_gnSVCc-00720-00314640-00315030 They were fighting to get rid of the British, but through violence yRyK_gnSVCc-00721-00315030-00315310 and now they’re fighting to get rid of them through nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00722-00315310-00315610 But even from the point of view of nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00723-00315610-00315920 I think you already said it, John, that they – yRyK_gnSVCc-00724-00315920-00316180 where they were courageous then and they were courageous now. yRyK_gnSVCc-00725-00316180-00316440 And that’s very important. yRyK_gnSVCc-00726-00316440-00316950 Remember the tomas, rajas, satva progression. yRyK_gnSVCc-00727-00316950-00317110 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00728-00317110-00317850 Student: Another thing is that the Khudai Kitmatgars didn’t try fasting. yRyK_gnSVCc-00729-00317850-00318350 They did other things first and this is a rule for fasting. yRyK_gnSVCc-00730-00318350-00318650 Michael: That’s Item 5. yRyK_gnSVCc-00731-00318650-00318750 Very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00732-00318750-00318950 We’ll get to that in one second. yRyK_gnSVCc-00733-00318950-00319050 Yeah, very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00734-00319050-00319260 That they didn’t try fasting first. yRyK_gnSVCc-00735-00319260-00319660 In fact, they may never have actually gotten to it in their case. yRyK_gnSVCc-00736-00319660-00319830 I don’t know of any example of them doing that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00737-00319830-00319940 Joy? yRyK_gnSVCc-00738-00319940-00322590 Student: I just wanted to ask about [unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00739-00322590-00322830 Michael: Okay, here’s what’s happening here. yRyK_gnSVCc-00740-00322830-00323200 The rule – let’s continue to use that vocabulary. yRyK_gnSVCc-00741-00323200-00323830 The rule in nonviolence about non-embarrassment is not the same thing as don’t ever embarrass anyone. yRyK_gnSVCc-00742-00323830-00324170 It has a very specific application. yRyK_gnSVCc-00743-00324170-00324970 It means that if you have been carrying on a nonviolent interaction with a party yRyK_gnSVCc-00744-00324970-00325570 and their attention is distracted by something else, the last thing you want to do yRyK_gnSVCc-00745-00325570-00325730 is take advantage of them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00746-00325730-00326430 In fact, you probably want to stop your demands until they’re finished with their other conversation yRyK_gnSVCc-00747-00326430-00326560 and then you come back. yRyK_gnSVCc-00748-00326560-00326850 And that worked with brilliant success in South Africa yRyK_gnSVCc-00749-00326850-00327650 when the British rail workers went on strike that really – that was the end of the Satyagraha. yRyK_gnSVCc-00750-00327650-00328000 That made it – launched it into its final success. yRyK_gnSVCc-00751-00328000-00328450 In India, the non-embarrassment about WWII didn’t work so dramatically yRyK_gnSVCc-00752-00328450-00328620 but the principle was still the same. yRyK_gnSVCc-00753-00328620-00329200 So non-embarrassment does not mean don’t ever embarrass anyone – which may not be a good idea. yRyK_gnSVCc-00754-00329200-00329730 Certainly, be a bad idea to embarrass me before you get your final grade. yRyK_gnSVCc-00755-00329730-00330140 But it doesn’t just mean that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00756-00330140-00330420 It has that very specific application. yRyK_gnSVCc-00757-00330420-00330530 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00758-00330530-00330800 So were we finished with the consistency piece? yRyK_gnSVCc-00759-00330800-00331040 Student: I have one more question [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00760-00331040-00331640 So non-embarrassment has to do with not taking advantage of the person in the situation. yRyK_gnSVCc-00761-00331640-00331820 It doesn’t – because obviously yRyK_gnSVCc-00762-00331820-00332110 if you’re standing still and a person comes and attacks you yRyK_gnSVCc-00763-00332110-00332590 and then comes to the realization that it’s wrong, there’s obviously an awkward moment. yRyK_gnSVCc-00764-00332590-00333020 So they feel embarrassed by the fact that they attacked you. yRyK_gnSVCc-00765-00333020-00333800 Michael: In a way, in nonviolence, what you’re always trying to do is some good creative embarrassment. yRyK_gnSVCc-00766-00333800-00334080 You’re taking people who are morally obtuse. yRyK_gnSVCc-00767-00334080-00334390 They do not understand that they’re hurting you yRyK_gnSVCc-00768-00334390-00334880 or rather, they understand that they’re hurting you, but they don’t understand that it matters. yRyK_gnSVCc-00769-00334880-00335360 And it’s true, in order to get them to have that realization yRyK_gnSVCc-00770-00335360-00335850 you have to pass through a brief phase of embarrassment – yRyK_gnSVCc-00771-00335850-00335990 embarrassing them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00772-00335990-00336580 But what makes it okay is that you’re always giving them something to do about it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00773-00336580-00337180 You’re not leading them from embarrassment into a guilt trip and then walking out on them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00774-00337180-00337480 I really like this example. yRyK_gnSVCc-00775-00337480-00338100 I was in Atlanta, Georgia a number of years ago and I think four white people – yRyK_gnSVCc-00776-00338100-00338640 some number of white people had burned down a black church and they were on trial. yRyK_gnSVCc-00777-00338640-00339010 And the judge ordered them to rebuild the church. yRyK_gnSVCc-00778-00339010-00339670 And we haven’t talked about it, but there’s this whole institution of truth and reconciliation. yRyK_gnSVCc-00779-00339670-00340040 There’s probably eight or nine countries in the world where this is going on yRyK_gnSVCc-00780-00340040-00340750 in an intense post-conflict situation ranging from Rwanda to some others that are not that serious. yRyK_gnSVCc-00781-00340750-00341020 And the people who have committed these crimes yRyK_gnSVCc-00782-00341020-00341700 they have to pass through a phase of awareness that what they did was wrong. yRyK_gnSVCc-00783-00341700-00342070 And all criminal justice works on this also. yRyK_gnSVCc-00784-00342070-00342550 In fact, we won’t probably get a chance to talk about it very much yRyK_gnSVCc-00785-00342550-00343010 but we have this system based on what’s called retributive justice. yRyK_gnSVCc-00786-00343010-00343190 Somebody commits a crime. yRyK_gnSVCc-00787-00343190-00343410 They’ve hurt a party within the culture yRyK_gnSVCc-00788-00343410-00343810 in the society, you hurt them back, you get retribution, and that’s justice. yRyK_gnSVCc-00789-00343810-00344040 We don’t like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00790-00344040-00344260 PNV (Principled Nonviolence) people don’t like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00791-00344260-00344590 We want to move it over to what’s called restorative justice yRyK_gnSVCc-00792-00344590-00345040 where when they’ve hurt somebody, they have to be restored. yRyK_gnSVCc-00793-00345040-00345180 They have to be brought back into the community. yRyK_gnSVCc-00794-00345180-00345360 They have to heal. yRyK_gnSVCc-00795-00345360-00345730 Even in restorative justice though, they have to own what they did. yRyK_gnSVCc-00796-00345730-00346210 And in fact, the remarkable thing is that most prisoners feel good about that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00797-00346210-00346690 They don’t like being told, “Oh, you didn’t know what you were doing. yRyK_gnSVCc-00798-00346690-00346830 You were on a drug trip.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00799-00346830-00347160 Because what you’re telling them is, “You’re not human. yRyK_gnSVCc-00800-00347160-00347410 You’re not a responsible human being.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00801-00347410-00347950 So there is a phase, but it should be transitional where they have to take responsibility. yRyK_gnSVCc-00802-00347950-00348030 They have to own it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00803-00348030-00348430 They have to feel bad about what they did or they’ll never get out of it. yRyK_gnSVCc-00804-00348430-00349180 So again, that’s a good reason not to push the concept of non-embarrassment into wider and wider circles. yRyK_gnSVCc-00805-00349180-00349300 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00806-00349300-00349780 Non-humiliation is probably a rule that we would want to follow. yRyK_gnSVCc-00807-00349780-00349940 You never want to humiliate. yRyK_gnSVCc-00808-00349940-00350300 You never want to decrease human dignity. yRyK_gnSVCc-00809-00350300-00351070 But there is a situation, a critical point in which you want people to wake up and realize what they did was wrong. yRyK_gnSVCc-00810-00351070-00351650 The way to do that safely is to give them some way of getting out of it, some restoration. yRyK_gnSVCc-00811-00351650-00352020 So that was a great discussion. yRyK_gnSVCc-00812-00352020-00352270 Where are we now with fasting? yRyK_gnSVCc-00813-00352270-00353040 I think we’ve pretty much covered consistent, that there’s a larger principle, I guess yRyK_gnSVCc-00814-00353040-00353730 that I didn’t mention which is that this particular rule applies throughout to nonviolence. yRyK_gnSVCc-00815-00353730-00354470 You cannot use nonviolence provisionally and expect it to be very effective, okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00816-00354470-00355000 That’s why one of the definitions of principled nonviolence, it’s not usually the one that I use – yRyK_gnSVCc-00817-00355000-00355430 or at least not first – but one of the definitions you’ll often encounter yRyK_gnSVCc-00818-00355430-00355860 if you would encounter anything often in the world of nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00819-00355860-00356230 is that it’s a lifestyle, it’s not just a technique. yRyK_gnSVCc-00820-00356230-00356400 Okay? yRyK_gnSVCc-00821-00356400-00356610 So now let’s move onto the last resort. yRyK_gnSVCc-00822-00356610-00357380 And I guess it’s obvious what that means, that let’s say you have a mild conflict with somebody yRyK_gnSVCc-00823-00357380-00357740 you don’t send them an email saying, “Oh, and by the way yRyK_gnSVCc-00824-00357740-00358270 I’m not going to eat until you keep your dog quiet,” or something like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00825-00358270-00358740 So we know what it means to say that – yeah, why should it be the last resort? yRyK_gnSVCc-00826-00358740-00359150 Student: Well, I wanted to ask you a different question. yRyK_gnSVCc-00827-00359150-00359230 Michael: Oh, okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00828-00359230-00359490 Hold onto the different question and let’s see if we can get this answered first. yRyK_gnSVCc-00829-00359490-00359830 Why should fasting be the last resort? yRyK_gnSVCc-00830-00359830-00360210 Yeah, Julia? yRyK_gnSVCc-00831-00360210-00360880 Student: [Unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00832-00360880-00361150 Michael: It’s definitely going to be the last resort if you die. yRyK_gnSVCc-00833-00361150-00361350 That’s pretty – that’s for sure. yRyK_gnSVCc-00834-00361350-00361660 But what else? yRyK_gnSVCc-00835-00361660-00362170 Student: Well, just that – and it’s just a grave responsibility, fasting yRyK_gnSVCc-00836-00362170-00362970 and if you’ve exhausted all other options, then, you know, [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00837-00362970-00363060 Michael: Right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00838-00363060-00363450 Yeah. And again, this applicable to every mechanism in nonviolence yRyK_gnSVCc-00839-00363450-00364200 that it has a time and a place within the conversation that you’re carrying on with your opponent. yRyK_gnSVCc-00840-00364200-00364350 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00841-00364350-00365570 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00842-00365570-00365750 Michael: Yeah. It’s a very good point. yRyK_gnSVCc-00843-00365750-00366060 It’s very clear that the reason for all of these rules yRyK_gnSVCc-00844-00366060-00366580 is to keep us out of the coercive arena and have it be persuasive. yRyK_gnSVCc-00845-00366580-00367020 You want to awaken the person, not force them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00846-00367020-00367660 And about 2 – 3 times out of 12 Gandhi felt that his fast had not worked yRyK_gnSVCc-00847-00367660-00367990 even though the people did exactly what he wanted them to do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00848-00367990-00368550 And the reason he felt they were failures was that they were coercive, not persuasive. yRyK_gnSVCc-00849-00368550-00368980 Yeah, obviously this is a drastic move. yRyK_gnSVCc-00850-00368980-00369350 You’re saying to somebody on this very deep symbolic level yRyK_gnSVCc-00851-00369350-00369900 I’m not going to live on the same planet with you unless you wake up and realize what you’ve done. yRyK_gnSVCc-00852-00369900-00370120 This is so serious. yRyK_gnSVCc-00853-00370120-00370980 If my Harijans are not going to be able to be part of the same political community as the rest of us yRyK_gnSVCc-00854-00370980-00371210 I don’t want to live in that India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00855-00371210-00371800 I was struck by the number of people – now here’s the person that I hope you never heard of. yRyK_gnSVCc-00856-00371800-00371930 His name was Garrett Harden. yRyK_gnSVCc-00857-00371930-00372180 He was a biologist down at San Diego. yRyK_gnSVCc-00858-00372180-00372670 And he was he who came up with the “Lifeboat Ethics” idea. yRyK_gnSVCc-00859-00372670-00373070 At the time when it looked like lots of people were going to starve yRyK_gnSVCc-00860-00373070-00373270 because there wasn’t enough food to go around. yRyK_gnSVCc-00861-00373270-00373470 Now we know that lots of people starve yRyK_gnSVCc-00862-00373470-00373930 because other people won’t let them have any of their food or their resources. yRyK_gnSVCc-00863-00373930-00374380 But this is early 80s and it was thought there’s only so much food on the planet. yRyK_gnSVCc-00864-00374380-00374690 He was still going off this Malthusian Doctrine. yRyK_gnSVCc-00865-00374690-00374860 And he said, “We need a triage. yRyK_gnSVCc-00866-00374860-00375180 We need to say, okay, there’s some societies which are okay. yRyK_gnSVCc-00867-00375180-00375260 They have enough food. yRyK_gnSVCc-00868-00375260-00375410 Let them live. yRyK_gnSVCc-00869-00375410-00375660 There are some societies which are marginal. yRyK_gnSVCc-00870-00375660-00375740 We have to help them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00871-00375740-00376150 We have to get more food to them and there are some societies which are beyond help. yRyK_gnSVCc-00872-00376150-00376350 There isn’t enough food to save them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00873-00376350-00376770 So I’m sorry folks, they’re going to have to be chucked out of the lifeboat yRyK_gnSVCc-00874-00376770-00377060 and we’re going to have to watch them starve.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00875-00377060-00377230 So that was “Lifeboat Ethics.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00876-00377230-00377830 And I was very impressed by the number of people who wrote to Garrett Harden or wrote op-eds yRyK_gnSVCc-00877-00377830-00378260 and said, “By the way, please put me in the third category. yRyK_gnSVCc-00878-00378260-00378720 I don’t want to live in a planet where we say this to our fellow human beings.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00879-00378720-00379690 Trying desperately to remember why I mentioned that right now. yRyK_gnSVCc-00880-00379690-00380200 Oh yeah, it was the last resort because fasting yRyK_gnSVCc-00881-00380200-00380810 especially, an unlimited fast which might take your life, is extremely drastic. yRyK_gnSVCc-00882-00380810-00381060 You’re saying, “I’m breaking community with you yRyK_gnSVCc-00883-00381060-00381400 because the community you’ve created is unacceptable to me. yRyK_gnSVCc-00884-00381400-00381550 I don’t even want to live in it.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00885-00381550-00382180 So one of the most common mistakes in peace movements today – yRyK_gnSVCc-00886-00382180-00382660 I would say there are two very, very common mistakes. yRyK_gnSVCc-00887-00382660-00382920 One of them is to do things that are symbolic instead of real. yRyK_gnSVCc-00888-00382920-00383590 And the second is to go – to get the timing wrong and go to something drastic yRyK_gnSVCc-00889-00383590-00383910 before they’ve even given the opponent a chance to respond. yRyK_gnSVCc-00890-00383910-00384940 So the point is that you always want to evoke, to illicit a response willingly from your opponent yRyK_gnSVCc-00891-00384940-00385400 not to corral them and give them a situation where they have no choice. yRyK_gnSVCc-00892-00385400-00385640 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00893-00385640-00385900 Student: I was wondering if we could go onto another ID. yRyK_gnSVCc-00894-00385900-00385980 Michael: Sure. yRyK_gnSVCc-00895-00385980-00386060 I think we’re ready for another ID. yRyK_gnSVCc-00896-00386060-00386180 We’ll take yours next. yRyK_gnSVCc-00897-00386180-00386350 Student: Fruits of action. yRyK_gnSVCc-00898-00386350-00386580 Michael: Sorry, which one? yRyK_gnSVCc-00899-00386580-00386700 Student: Fruits of action. yRyK_gnSVCc-00900-00386700-00387120 It’s on the second column. yRyK_gnSVCc-00901-00387120-00387690 [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00902-00387690-00387780 Michael: Fruits of action. yRyK_gnSVCc-00903-00387780-00387980 I’m sorry, I didn’t quite – Yeah. Right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00904-00387980-00388150 Okay, good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00905-00388150-00388630 What was I talking about there and what’s it doing here? yRyK_gnSVCc-00906-00388630-00389060 Student: Would that be phalam? yRyK_gnSVCc-00907-00389060-00389170 Is that how you say it? yRyK_gnSVCc-00908-00389170-00389260 Michael: Phalam. yRyK_gnSVCc-00909-00389260-00389370 Phalam. yRyK_gnSVCc-00910-00389370-00389460 Yeah. yRyK_gnSVCc-00911-00389460-00390200 Student: Which comes from the idea about not acting [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00912-00390200-00390290 Michael: Okay, very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-00913-00390290-00391060 Now if you were actually answering this on an ID, which may not be so theoretical after all. yRyK_gnSVCc-00914-00391060-00391580 And you remember our DACE system, define what’s meant by that term, “Phalam.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00915-00391580-00392110 What’s the fruit of action in the sense that this is what you should avoid being motivated by? yRyK_gnSVCc-00916-00392110-00392460 Remember, I’m not saying you should avoid getting rewards. yRyK_gnSVCc-00917-00392460-00392660 You should avoid being motivated by them. yRyK_gnSVCc-00918-00392660-00392950 How would you define fruits in this sense? yRyK_gnSVCc-00919-00392950-00393110 You want to try? yRyK_gnSVCc-00920-00393110-00394040 Student: I guess personal or material objects that you do not need. yRyK_gnSVCc-00921-00394040-00394570 Michael: Well, let’s not bring in the whole need thing, the whole Gandhian economics – yRyK_gnSVCc-00922-00394570-00394890 or you could bring it in, it is interesting, but let’s keep it a little bit focused. yRyK_gnSVCc-00923-00394890-00395000 Sid? yRyK_gnSVCc-00924-00395000-00395460 Student: Isn’t it about doing action that is right and you’re doing it yRyK_gnSVCc-00925-00395460-00395890 because it’s the right thing to do in that situation and so you’re not thinking about – yRyK_gnSVCc-00926-00395890-00396280 Michael: Again, that’s also true. yRyK_gnSVCc-00927-00396280-00396880 That’s also true that the definition of principled nonviolence, this is much more general yRyK_gnSVCc-00928-00396880-00397340 the definition of principled nonviolence is you’re doing it because you think it’s the right thing to do yRyK_gnSVCc-00929-00397340-00397620 not because you think it’s going to succeed. yRyK_gnSVCc-00930-00397620-00397970 Though you believe that it will have a good effect. yRyK_gnSVCc-00931-00397970-00398250 So that links those two things together very nicely. yRyK_gnSVCc-00932-00398250-00398400 All right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00933-00398400-00398750 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00934-00398750-00398880 Michael: Right. yRyK_gnSVCc-00935-00398880-00399080 And I would want to go a tiny little step further. yRyK_gnSVCc-00936-00399080-00399630 It’s not just personal gain, but it’s restricted to you personally. yRyK_gnSVCc-00937-00399630-00399910 That’s where you go off the rails. yRyK_gnSVCc-00938-00399910-00400480 For example, Gandhi strives for the liberation for India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00939-00400480-00400830 Now does he benefit from living in a free India? yRyK_gnSVCc-00940-00400830-00400970 Of course. yRyK_gnSVCc-00941-00400970-00401230 I mean in his case, not for very long yRyK_gnSVCc-00942-00401230-00401650 but you know, he has children and grandchildren who grow up in a free India. yRyK_gnSVCc-00943-00401650-00401880 So that’s a personal benefit. yRyK_gnSVCc-00944-00401880-00402260 And there’s nothing wrong with that because it’s not only a personal benefit. yRyK_gnSVCc-00945-00402260-00402490 It benefits everyone. yRyK_gnSVCc-00946-00402490-00403030 So it’s not like the old idea of altruism which states that no pain, no gain. yRyK_gnSVCc-00947-00403030-00403370 If you’re not suffering, somebody else isn’t benefitting. yRyK_gnSVCc-00948-00403370-00403490 It’s not like that. yRyK_gnSVCc-00949-00403490-00404420 But it’s that you are not driven by a reward which will accrue only to yourself. yRyK_gnSVCc-00950-00404420-00404960 That’s the real poison in the phalam concept. yRyK_gnSVCc-00951-00404960-00405140 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00952-00405140-00406000 Student: So in Gandhi’s [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00953-00406000-00406260 Michael: Yeah, as all human beings normally do. yRyK_gnSVCc-00954-00406260-00406450 Now, of course, it’s a little bit broader than that yRyK_gnSVCc-00955-00406450-00406850 because in an Indian family you’re doing it for your whole family. yRyK_gnSVCc-00956-00406850-00407030 You’re not doing it for yourself. yRyK_gnSVCc-00957-00407030-00407250 The decision probably wasn’t even his. yRyK_gnSVCc-00958-00407250-00407670 They told him to go and do that, to rescue the family. yRyK_gnSVCc-00959-00407670-00407970 So it’s a little bit broader than the individual. yRyK_gnSVCc-00960-00407970-00408470 But yeah, like most human beings he wanted a career, family, you know yRyK_gnSVCc-00961-00408470-00408730 things that pertain pretty much only to himself. yRyK_gnSVCc-00962-00408730-00409080 This can get subtle – hold on, I’ll get to you in a second. yRyK_gnSVCc-00963-00409080-00409739 This can get subtle because even if you are doing something that benefits everyone – yRyK_gnSVCc-00964-00409739-00410300 liberating India is good for Britain, it’s good for India, it’s good for the whole world. yRyK_gnSVCc-00965-00410300-00410560 But you come out with this little smirk. yRyK_gnSVCc-00966-00410560-00411030 You’re saying to yourself, “I should get the Nobel Prize for this. yRyK_gnSVCc-00967-00411030-00411239 This was a biggie.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00968-00411239-00411710 To that extent, you’re putting on to it a little personal gain. yRyK_gnSVCc-00969-00411710-00412380 And to the extent that you let that drive you, you are adulterating the act. yRyK_gnSVCc-00970-00412380-00412570 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00971-00412570-00413060 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00972-00413060-00413450 Michael: Yeah. That’s, in fact, the reason I used the word “fruit” is that’s what phalam means. yRyK_gnSVCc-00973-00413450-00413720 It means – the accent is on the first syllable. yRyK_gnSVCc-00974-00413720-00413830 Phalam. yRyK_gnSVCc-00975-00413830-00413939 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-00976-00413939-00414060 Student: What about actions? yRyK_gnSVCc-00977-00414060-00415280 Like in the present, they are of [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-00978-00415280-00415510 Michael: I think it’s pretty big to take a nonviolence course. yRyK_gnSVCc-00979-00415510-00415650 It impresses me. yRyK_gnSVCc-00980-00415650-00416430 Student: And so is that like – well, would that be counted as? [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-00981-00416430-00417110 Michael: Well, Yeah. I mean – remember that the whole problem is one of intention, not of results. yRyK_gnSVCc-00982-00417110-00417510 So the issue would be why are you getting this education? yRyK_gnSVCc-00983-00417510-00418230 Because you want to earn six figure salaries some day? yRyK_gnSVCc-00984-00418230-00418620 In which case you’re in the wrong course. yRyK_gnSVCc-00985-00418620-00419200 Or because you want to develop your gifts for the benefit of the world? yRyK_gnSVCc-00986-00419200-00419650 Or you might be a normal human being – yRyK_gnSVCc-00987-00419650-00420080 in which case, there would be a slight mixture of the two. yRyK_gnSVCc-00988-00420080-00420770 But I would imagine than in the case of most of you, it’s much more the later than the former. yRyK_gnSVCc-00989-00420770-00421189 So it’s perfectly okay to be a student. yRyK_gnSVCc-00990-00421189-00421850 In fact, on more than one occasion students came to Gandhi and said, “We’re not going to go to school. yRyK_gnSVCc-00991-00421850-00422000 We’re going to join you.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00992-00422000-00422110 And he said, “Nope. yRyK_gnSVCc-00993-00422110-00422250 You’re not going to join me. yRyK_gnSVCc-00994-00422250-00422510 You’re going to go back to school.” yRyK_gnSVCc-00995-00422510-00422830 When times really got critical, he enlisted students. yRyK_gnSVCc-00996-00422830-00423460 But don’t forget you are training yourself to make a tremendous contribution to the world. yRyK_gnSVCc-00997-00423460-00423770 And I think you should feel really good about it yRyK_gnSVCc-00998-00423770-00424030 and don’t worry about the fact that you’re not doing anything yet. yRyK_gnSVCc-00999-00424030-00424650 In a way, I’m happy in the spring – usually it’s in the spring. yRyK_gnSVCc-01000-00424650-00425200 In a way, I’m kind of happy when some of the students from this class go out and get arrested. yRyK_gnSVCc-01001-00425200-00425530 But in a way, I don’t mind if they don’t. yRyK_gnSVCc-01002-00425530-00425830 We’re training ourselves for even bigger things. yRyK_gnSVCc-01003-00425830-00425939 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-01004-00425939-00426680 Student: Can you go over quickly what it means to be a Mahatma and when [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-01005-00426680-00426739 Michael: Right. yRyK_gnSVCc-01006-00426739-00427220 The etymology of the word is easy enough. yRyK_gnSVCc-01007-00427220-00427939 It comes from Maha – which you probably already know means, “Big.” yRyK_gnSVCc-01008-00427939-00428670 And Atman which means, “self,” in various senses. yRyK_gnSVCc-01009-00428670-00429160 Or sometimes in this connection we translate it as soul. yRyK_gnSVCc-01010-00429160-00429639 So it just means a huge person spiritually. yRyK_gnSVCc-01011-00429639-00430110 I think you remember some journalist came to Mrs. Gandhi yRyK_gnSVCc-01012-00430110-00430410 otherwise known as Kasturba on your list. yRyK_gnSVCc-01013-00430410-00430620 And said, “How many children do you have?” yRyK_gnSVCc-01014-00430620-00430810 And she said, “Depends who you ask. yRyK_gnSVCc-01015-00430810-00430939 I have four. yRyK_gnSVCc-01016-00430939-00431280 My husband has 400 million.” yRyK_gnSVCc-01017-00431280-00431800 He cared for the wellbeing of everybody living in India yRyK_gnSVCc-01018-00431800-00432380 as deeply and as passionately as she cared for her four natural children. yRyK_gnSVCc-01019-00432380-00433010 Actually, she was much bigger than that also by that stage, but she was just being modest. yRyK_gnSVCc-01020-00433010-00433350 But it’s that kind of bigness, that’s the Maha part yRyK_gnSVCc-01021-00433350-00433970 that you are just a tremendous person in your ability to identify with your fellow human beings. yRyK_gnSVCc-01022-00433970-00434080 Julia? yRyK_gnSVCc-01023-00434080-00434689 Student: I was wondering if you were going to review [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-01024-00434689-00434889 Michael: Yeah, those are very important. yRyK_gnSVCc-01025-00434889-00435380 I guess we didn’t quite answer the second part of your question. yRyK_gnSVCc-01026-00435380-00435770 He started to be called Mahatma shortly after he landed in India. yRyK_gnSVCc-01027-00435770-00436350 Yeah. And he claimed he did not like the word, but he couldn’t help it. yRyK_gnSVCc-01028-00436350-00436950 Okay, so the Law of Suffering and the Law of Progression – yRyK_gnSVCc-01029-00436950-00437450 let’s do A first of our DACE formula. yRyK_gnSVCc-01030-00437450-00437680 Where do these laws come from? yRyK_gnSVCc-01031-00437680-00437830 Who coined these terms? yRyK_gnSVCc-01032-00437830-00438450 Thank you, thank you, but no. yRyK_gnSVCc-01033-00438450-00438689 I can’t bite the phalam on that one. yRyK_gnSVCc-01034-00438689-00438960 No, in this case, no. yRyK_gnSVCc-01035-00438960-00439310 I’m flattered, but no. yRyK_gnSVCc-01036-00439310-00439460 Who invented these terms? yRyK_gnSVCc-01037-00439460-00439989 We may only have mentioned it once, so good that I’m discussing it here. yRyK_gnSVCc-01038-00439989-00440589 If it wasn’t me, who was it likely to have been? yRyK_gnSVCc-01039-00440589-00440710 I’ll give you hint. yRyK_gnSVCc-01040-00440710-00441080 He was often called Mahatma, although he didn’t really like the term. yRyK_gnSVCc-01041-00441080-00441800 Yeah. And actually these two terms were coined in the course of Satyagraha in South Africa. yRyK_gnSVCc-01042-00441800-00442200 Although you’ve only read a little snippet from that book yRyK_gnSVCc-01043-00442200-00442830 it’d be good for you to know that it was in the course of the South African Struggle yRyK_gnSVCc-01044-00442830-00443139 that he made these observations. yRyK_gnSVCc-01045-00443139-00443360 And what were those two observations? yRyK_gnSVCc-01046-00443360-00443830 Let’s take progression first, but let’s make sure we get to suffering. yRyK_gnSVCc-01047-00443830-00444539 Let’s state the Law of Progression. yRyK_gnSVCc-01048-00444539-00444939 If a body acted upon by a constant force in a frictionless field. yRyK_gnSVCc-01049-00444939-00445200 What’s the law? yRyK_gnSVCc-01050-00445200-00445400 Sid, did you have a notion what that means? yRyK_gnSVCc-01051-00445400-00445530 Student: No. yRyK_gnSVCc-01052-00445530-00445710 [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-01053-00445710-00445880 Michael: Okay, we’ll help you out. yRyK_gnSVCc-01054-00445880-00446039 You want to try? yRyK_gnSVCc-01055-00446039-00446339 Yes? yRyK_gnSVCc-01056-00446339-00446439 Zoe? yRyK_gnSVCc-01057-00446439-00446989 Student: Does it have anything to do with the natural acceleration of something? yRyK_gnSVCc-01058-00446989-00447470 If you remain – you stick to your principles and naturally things will accelerate? yRyK_gnSVCc-01059-00447470-00447730 Michael: Very well put. yRyK_gnSVCc-01060-00447730-00448280 If you stick to your principles things will accelerate or get bigger – however you want to put it. yRyK_gnSVCc-01061-00448280-00448739 My colleague, Professor Spiegel who was here a couple of times, you know yRyK_gnSVCc-01062-00448739-00448870 he was visiting us from Germany. yRyK_gnSVCc-01063-00448870-00449480 He was part of an event that took place in Schlossberg where several people – yRyK_gnSVCc-01064-00449480-00449650 there were only five or six people. yRyK_gnSVCc-01065-00449650-00450070 He was in prison at the time and these five or six colleagues of his yRyK_gnSVCc-01066-00450070-00450330 they stood outside the prison and said nothing. yRyK_gnSVCc-01067-00450330-00450610 If you came up to them and said, “What are you doing here?” yRyK_gnSVCc-01068-00450610-00450989 They would explain, but there’s no sign, they weren’t holding placards. yRyK_gnSVCc-01069-00450989-00451189 They just stood there in front of the prison. yRyK_gnSVCc-01070-00451189-00451750 At the same time that they were doing that, there was a huge demonstration in Stuttgart yRyK_gnSVCc-01071-00451750-00452360 which was a bigger city – something like 20,000 people were marching in the streets waving flags and stuff. yRyK_gnSVCc-01072-00452360-00452980 The press swarmed over those six people who weren’t saying anything in Schlossberg yRyK_gnSVCc-01073-00452980-00453360 and almost ignored the Stuttgart demonstration. yRyK_gnSVCc-01074-00453360-00453880 Because there was something about it which was more right – it was more right on. yRyK_gnSVCc-01075-00453880-00454280 So because of the law of progression you don’t worry about numbers. yRyK_gnSVCc-01076-00454280-00454620 And that’s critical for Person Power, right? yRyK_gnSVCc-01077-00454620-00455480 Law of Progression states, “No matter how few you are – even one – if you stick to your principles yRyK_gnSVCc-01078-00455480-00455720 when you need numbers, they will be there.” yRyK_gnSVCc-01079-00455720-00456489 Like the Salt March that Gandhi undertakes, you know, he starts out with 70 people – yRyK_gnSVCc-01080-00456489-00456860 12 days later he has something like 70,000. yRyK_gnSVCc-01081-00456860-00457420 Okay, onto everybody’s favorite now, the Law of Suffering. yRyK_gnSVCc-01082-00457420-00457910 I attribute it to Gandhi in Satyagraha in South Africa. yRyK_gnSVCc-01083-00457910-00458130 What does it state? yRyK_gnSVCc-01084-00458130-00458720 What else of interest can we say about it? yRyK_gnSVCc-01085-00458720-00458950 Zoe? yRyK_gnSVCc-01086-00458950-00459460 Student: There comes a time when dehumanization becomes so large yRyK_gnSVCc-01087-00459460-00460100 it can improve your willingness to suffer and [unintelligible]. yRyK_gnSVCc-01088-00460100-00460660 Naturally you restore or you re-humanize that in your opponent. yRyK_gnSVCc-01089-00460660-00460730 Michael: Very good. yRyK_gnSVCc-01090-00460730-00461120 It comes in when dehumanization is so serious yRyK_gnSVCc-01091-00461120-00461520 so severe that ordinary communication is not working anymore. yRyK_gnSVCc-01092-00461520-00462200 And do you remember Gandhi had a pretty easy formula for describing what this is about. yRyK_gnSVCc-01093-00462200-00462700 There come times when you can no longer appeal to the head and you have to appeal to the heart. yRyK_gnSVCc-01094-00462700-00463400 And to waken up the heart, dialog and language are not appropriate. yRyK_gnSVCc-01095-00463400-00463580 They’re not even relevant. yRyK_gnSVCc-01096-00463580-00463770 You have to act. yRyK_gnSVCc-01097-00463770-00464600 And the most effective action often is to take on some of the suffering that’s inherent in the situation. yRyK_gnSVCc-01098-00464600-00464980 When you do that you awaken the opponent. yRyK_gnSVCc-01099-00464980-00465720 We’re not standing here and saying it will always work right in that timeframe, but it will have an effect. yRyK_gnSVCc-01100-00465720-00465950 Of that we’re absolutely certain. yRyK_gnSVCc-01101-00465950-00466230 Yeah? yRyK_gnSVCc-01102-00466230-00466689 Student: I had a question about the vows that Gandhi talked about in the book. yRyK_gnSVCc-01103-00466689-00467210 And I was wondering if they appear only to India, like the situation in India or – yRyK_gnSVCc-01104-00467210-00467400 yeah, I asked you that in an email. yRyK_gnSVCc-01105-00467400-00467520 Michael: Oh Yes. Thanks for that email. yRyK_gnSVCc-01106-00467520-00467630 It was great. yRyK_gnSVCc-01107-00467630-00468110 Yeah, especially like the vows of poverty and some other things. yRyK_gnSVCc-01108-00468110-00468350 Do they apply only to India? yRyK_gnSVCc-01109-00468350-00468520 I would say partly. yRyK_gnSVCc-01110-00468520-00468880 They apply – the poverty part of it applied to India in a special way yRyK_gnSVCc-01111-00468880-00469489 because there was so much poverty in India that in order to identify with the poor yRyK_gnSVCc-01112-00469489-00469720 he had to live like them. yRyK_gnSVCc-01113-00469720-00470320 But there’s a level on which it would apply anywhere. yRyK_gnSVCc-01114-00470320-00470610 And that is what I was saying before yRyK_gnSVCc-01115-00470610-00470910 when you really needed power, you give up something. yRyK_gnSVCc-01116-00470910-00471770 If you renounce something in the right spirit it will give you more capacity. yRyK_gnSVCc-01117-00471770-00472030 And that’s true everywhere. yRyK_gnSVCc-01118-00472030-00472389 But where we would do that in this country yRyK_gnSVCc-01119-00472389-00472750 where you have all of this abundance floating around yRyK_gnSVCc-01120-00472750-00473089 and clogging up the garbage dumps and polluting the rivers yRyK_gnSVCc-01121-00473089-00473550 poverty here is rather differently structured than it was in India. yRyK_gnSVCc-01122-00473550-00473989 We might go about it differently in terms of the social act. yRyK_gnSVCc-01123-00473989-00474480 But in terms of the personal renunciation, it would always have the same effect. yRyK_gnSVCc-01124-00474480-00474600 Yeah, good question. yRyK_gnSVCc-01125-00474600-00475030 Student: [Unintelligible] yRyK_gnSVCc-01126-00475030-00475170 Michael: Yeah, I would say the Law of Suffering yRyK_gnSVCc-01127-00475170-00475539 doesn’t necessarily mean you expose yourself to physical pain. yRyK_gnSVCc-01128-00475539-00475739 It could be just a risk. yRyK_gnSVCc-01129-00475739-00475970 It could be just an inconvenience. yRyK_gnSVCc-01130-00475970-00476480 Okay, so if anyone wants to have a copy of this deathless prose here yRyK_gnSVCc-01131-00476480-00477030 I have copies of it and I think I have one or two copies left of the ID sheets. yRyK_gnSVCc-01132-00477030-00477630 There you go. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00000-00000000-00000162 DAN GARCIA: All right, welcome back. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00001-00000162-00000316 We're still talking about creativity. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00002-00000316-00000620 And now, we're going to talk about computational artifacts. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00003-00000620-00000888 So first of all, mention what computing enables people to do. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00004-00000888-00001523 And this is a beautiful rendering of a poster for a graphical series. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00005-00001523-00001748 So computing enables people-- I'll read this from it-- ySi2c5eyF8Y-00006-00001748-00002292 to use creative development processes, which we just talked about before. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00007-00002292-00002649 For, to create artifacts-- and I almost want to have, now, a shorthand. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00008-00002649-00002967 Because I'm going to say the phrase "computational artifacts" ySi2c5eyF8Y-00009-00002967-00003236 about 25 times in the next video. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00010-00003236-00003340 So I'm going to say CA. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00011-00003340-00003438 It's my new shorthand. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00012-00003438-00003522 No one else uses it. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00013-00003522-00003654 But it's for me. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00014-00003654-00004063 --to create CA, Compositional Artifacts, for creative expression ySi2c5eyF8Y-00015-00004063-00004166 or to solve a problem. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00016-00004166-00004358 And it's really important that I mention this. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00017-00004358-00004509 Those two are both valid. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00018-00004509-00004835 It means, as you're making a CA-- a Computational Artifact-- I'll tell you ySi2c5eyF8Y-00019-00004835-00004965 what that is in the next thing. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00020-00004965-00005262 As you're making something with the computer, that's what it is. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00021-00005262-00005617 That CA can either be for creative expression-- people always think, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00022-00005617-00005784 oh, it's always for creative expression. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00023-00005784-00006004 You know, whenever you make a compositional artifact, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00024-00006004-00006136 it's because you care about it. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00025-00006136-00006324 Like people write a novel. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00026-00006324-00006509 They write a novel using a word processor. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00027-00006509-00006880 That is using a computer to make your own creative expression ySi2c5eyF8Y-00028-00006880-00007063 of your own story. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00029-00007063-00007278 But it could also be solving a problem. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00030-00007278-00007581 Someone says, boy, we got to design a bridge. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00031-00007581-00007717 That bridge is a problem. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00032-00007717-00007980 I need a bridge to span these two coasts. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00033-00007980-00008091 What do we do? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00034-00008091-00008580 You can be using creativity in that total solve-a-problem model. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00035-00008580-00008630 Right? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00036-00008630-00008817 The problem was given to you as needed-to-do. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00037-00008817-00009080 And you're using creativity in your engineering, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00038-00009080-00009438 in your software development, in all the processes you do. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00039-00009438-00009688 So there's lots of ways that creativity can come in. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00040-00009688-00010071 And when you're making a CA, that CA could either be used to solve a problem ySi2c5eyF8Y-00041-00010071-00010253 or for purely creative expression. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00042-00010253-00010490 And that's wonderful too and celebrated too and valid. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00043-00010490-00010582 It's really important. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00044-00010582-00010743 It's valid also. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00045-00010743-00011200 So when you-- the community online and the community here locally-- ySi2c5eyF8Y-00046-00011200-00011466 are choosing your projects for the create task, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00047-00011466-00011758 you can either choose it on the is it a solve-a-problem type? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00048-00011758-00011858 And that's 100% valid. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00049-00011858-00012079 Or do you just want to make something that you always ySi2c5eyF8Y-00050-00012079-00012216 wanted to make just for yourself? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00051-00012216-00012330 And that's also valid. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00052-00012330-00012537 That's the first one. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00053-00012537-00012763 So a computational artifact, a CA, is something ySi2c5eyF8Y-00054-00012763-00013050 that a human uses a computer to build. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00055-00013050-00013118 That's it. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00056-00013118-00013477 And one of the great examples we talk about is, maybe, software. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00057-00013477-00013793 You can use-- and this class, obviously, programming is emphasized. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00058-00013793-00014022 So maybe software is an artifact. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00059-00014022-00014226 It turns out-- this is cool to say, watch. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00060-00014226-00014417 Let's say you make a drawing program, an auto ySi2c5eyF8Y-00061-00014417-00014672 drawer that will, like, make a random thing, and draw around, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00062-00014672-00014808 and random pics. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00063-00014808-00014991 Here's what's cool about this. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00064-00014991-00015283 The program you wrote, that's a CA. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00065-00015283-00015416 That's a computational artifact. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00066-00015416-00015849 Watch this-- the picture that your program drew ySi2c5eyF8Y-00067-00015849-00016002 is also a computational artifact. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00068-00016002-00016177 Even if you didn't do it-- you kind of had ySi2c5eyF8Y-00069-00016177-00016546 your hand in what made it-- but the picture itself is also a CA. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00070-00016546-00016656 Isn't that kind of neat? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00071-00016656-00016902 So it's not just the program but the output of the program. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00072-00016902-00017002 Isn't that kind of neat? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00073-00017002-00017154 That here's the program and its output. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00074-00017154-00017262 And both of those are CAs. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00075-00017563-00017792 And obviously, if it's something that uses a computer, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00076-00017792-00018024 then you have to use software tools and services to do that. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00077-00018024-00018159 That's what that piece is about. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00078-00018159-00018747 So these computational tools and techniques for this ySi2c5eyF8Y-00079-00018747-00018877 are used to make the artifacts. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00080-00018877-00018983 We've seen that before. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00081-00018983-00019343 And they include but aren't limited to-- now, let's think of the things ySi2c5eyF8Y-00082-00019343-00019670 that you use a computers to do, to make CAs. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00083-00019670-00019935 Well, how about a programming interface. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00084-00019935-00020227 So here's a picture of Snap! right there, a beautiful picture of Snap! ySi2c5eyF8Y-00085-00020227-00020477 And Snap! is a beautiful, hopefully graphical, hopefully ySi2c5eyF8Y-00086-00020477-00020975 fun and friendly interface for using a computer to make a CA, in this case, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00087-00020975-00021048 making programs. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00088-00021048-00021350 OK, that's easy. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00089-00021350-00021955 So it also says, a creatively developed CA has non-traditional techniques. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00090-00021955-00022085 We've said that already before. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00091-00022085-00022242 That's a repeat here. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00092-00022242-00022381 It reflects personal interests. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00093-00022381-00022593 So you're bringing your interests into the process. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00094-00022593-00022746 All that was said before. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00095-00022746-00022969 And here's the interesting thing. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00096-00022969-00023377 These techniques can enhance the process of finding a solution. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00097-00023377-00023656 So remember, you want to sometimes solve a problem. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00098-00023656-00023876 Computation can help you get to that solution. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00099-00023876-00024130 So, oh, I need to figure out exactly what ySi2c5eyF8Y-00100-00024130-00024373 the load is I can put on this bridge. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00101-00024373-00024656 Well, you can use non-computer techniques or computing ySi2c5eyF8Y-00102-00024656-00025009 techniques to find out the maximum load that a bridge could handle. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00103-00025009-00025300 And obviously-- you should probably know this, again, a lot of this ySi2c5eyF8Y-00104-00025300-00025509 is very common sense-- computing can help ySi2c5eyF8Y-00105-00025509-00025691 with the process of finding the solution. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00106-00025691-00025926 So a computer can help with your creativity, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00107-00025926-00026067 if you choose a creative problem. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00108-00026067-00026295 Or it can help with the actual solve-a-problem part. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00109-00026295-00026543 Because computing can be used to verify and test, and run ySi2c5eyF8Y-00110-00026543-00026731 1,000 numbers through it, and do simulations, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00111-00026731-00027037 and all those wonderful things. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00112-00027037-00027199 Last slide before we cut. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00113-00027638-00027980 A creative development process for creating CAs ySi2c5eyF8Y-00114-00027980-00028475 can be used, as I said, to solve problems when-- here's when-- ySi2c5eyF8Y-00115-00028475-00028664 traditional techniques don't work. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00116-00028664-00029136 So traditional technique might mean we tried something the same way ySi2c5eyF8Y-00117-00029136-00029370 and, just, we're not getting any closer to the solution. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00118-00029370-00029726 Well, let's have a creative response to that to think ySi2c5eyF8Y-00119-00029726-00029880 about how to get out of the box. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00120-00029880-00030383 Out-of-the-box thinking is what that's saying to get to that solution. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00121-00030383-00030513 And here's an interesting idea. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00122-00030513-00030869 You can create artifacts-- new, people often think, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00123-00030869-00031000 well, you have to start new. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00124-00031000-00031105 I'm starting from ground. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00125-00031105-00031239 And here's my novel. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00126-00031239-00031304 No. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00127-00031304-00031548 You can create these artifacts by remixing. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00128-00031548-00031777 The idea of remixing is now very popular. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00129-00031777-00031900 But it wasn't 10 years ago. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00130-00031900-00032070 People thought, you have to start from the beginning. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00131-00032070-00032320 You didn't think you could take code from here, take code from here, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00132-00032320-00032545 and put the code together and make that as like this remix of code ySi2c5eyF8Y-00133-00032545-00032764 from here, code from here, that does some powerful stuff. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00134-00032764-00033044 Or take a picture from here, picture from here, picture from here ySi2c5eyF8Y-00135-00033044-00033319 and, using digital technique-- people have done collages ySi2c5eyF8Y-00136-00033319-00033501 and cut things out of newspapers for years. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00137-00033501-00033875 But only recently-- I mean, maybe 20 years-- ySi2c5eyF8Y-00138-00033875-00034143 has photo-editing software made it easy enough ySi2c5eyF8Y-00139-00034143-00034539 that-- and the web is now online-- I can grab pictures and cut them ySi2c5eyF8Y-00140-00034539-00034803 together and paste them together to make a whole new thing that ySi2c5eyF8Y-00141-00034803-00034925 reflects my creative style. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00142-00034925-00035349 And here is a beautiful picture of a remix, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00143-00035349-00035549 of digitally manipulated photos of the artist ySi2c5eyF8Y-00144-00035549-00036144 and the Mona Lisa together, like, overlaid. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00145-00036144-00036441 Like, oh, isn't that cool? --that his face is kind of seen in her face ySi2c5eyF8Y-00146-00036441-00036542 if you compare them? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00147-00036542-00036610 Beautiful. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00148-00036610-00036822 And it sends a message of, like, wow! ySi2c5eyF8Y-00149-00036822-00037022 See, when you're a painter, you're actually ySi2c5eyF8Y-00150-00037022-00037329 reflecting your own sensibilities and maybe your own personality or maybe ySi2c5eyF8Y-00151-00037329-00037573 your own face into your art. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00152-00037573-00037915 It's just beautiful how they connect with that. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00153-00037915-00038218 So another piece of it is, computation helps you ySi2c5eyF8Y-00154-00038218-00038458 with enhanced precision and detail. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00155-00038458-00038836 My great example-- I had some folks on our BJCX team ySi2c5eyF8Y-00156-00038836-00039337 help me with the examples-- is think about the photo-editing process. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00157-00039337-00039655 And in the early days before computation, you were in a darkroom. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00158-00039655-00039843 And you were trying to dodge and burn and try ySi2c5eyF8Y-00159-00039843-00040209 to lighten or darken an area of your print you're trying to make. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00160-00040209-00040509 And your darkroom is all lights and you're doing this. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00161-00040509-00040805 In Photoshop and in other photo-editing software, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00162-00040805-00040995 you get incredible more detail. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00163-00040995-00041318 I can zoom, zoom, zoom, all the way in and do ySi2c5eyF8Y-00164-00041318-00041508 things at a level of detail and precision ySi2c5eyF8Y-00165-00041508-00041791 I never could have in a darkroom process. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00166-00041791-00042075 So it's a really great example of how computational is helping you ySi2c5eyF8Y-00167-00042075-00042412 in the process of making your creative artifact with more ySi2c5eyF8Y-00168-00042412-00042589 detail and precision. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00169-00042589-00042923 And finally, as I talked about before, the key thing to all of this is, ySi2c5eyF8Y-00170-00042923-00043177 creativity-- at the core of the whole thing-- ySi2c5eyF8Y-00171-00043177-00043453 is about your personal interest. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00172-00043453-00043670 It's your personal interest that has to be reflected ySi2c5eyF8Y-00173-00043670-00043795 in the artifact you're making. ySi2c5eyF8Y-00174-00043795-00043875 OK? ySi2c5eyF8Y-00175-00043875-00044142 We'll learn more about artifacts and their power and limitations ySi2c5eyF8Y-00176-00044142-00044459 and even how you make them in the next video. ySiWHakcBx4-00000-00000000-00000365 The thing that happened with Angel was when I went to get checked out ySiWHakcBx4-00001-00000370-00000759 They had done some blood, and what they normally do, and they called me back in a week ySiWHakcBx4-00002-00000837-00001429 And they just flat told me, the blood shows that your child is severely deformed ySiWHakcBx4-00003-00001429-00001899 You know, and retarded, and we need to talk to you we need to do an ultrasound ySiWHakcBx4-00004-00001998-00002204 And in the back of my mind I had such peace about it ySiWHakcBx4-00005-00002204-00002622 Because I was already, kind of, expecting God to give me another child ySiWHakcBx4-00006-00002702-00003371 And, um, when I had had a God-mom, that I trusted in all the time, I told her, I said, hey pray for me I really don't want another baby ySiWHakcBx4-00007-00003502-00003894 And she called me back, in five minutes later, and she said, You're gonna have another baby ySiWHakcBx4-00008-00003957-00004099 It's a girl, and she's a life-giver ySiWHakcBx4-00009-00004175-00004499 And so I kinda had that in my heart And I knew she wasn't wrong ySiWHakcBx4-00010-00004554-00004732 Cause she was always right about everything concerning me ySiWHakcBx4-00011-00004822-00005229 So I went on in my life, and when I got the call that they wanted to do an extensive ultrasound ySiWHakcBx4-00012-00005315-00005971 I just went in, and I was about five and a half months pregnant, and they were just prodding and going over, and going over ySiWHakcBx4-00013-00006088-00006544 It just seemed like forever, you know, for them to even talk to me or communicate with me ySiWHakcBx4-00014-00006544-00007069 But the lady came in and she said, your child really has a lot of issues and we need you to have an abortion ySiWHakcBx4-00015-00007147-00007449 You know, she didn't ask me if I wanted to she said, we need you to have an abortion ySiWHakcBx4-00016-00007544-00007803 And I said, I'm sorry I'm not gonna do that ySiWHakcBx4-00017-00007803-00008220 And she said, well why wouldn't you do that? she said, this child is gonna be severely retarded ySiWHakcBx4-00018-00008315-00008650 And if you don't do it, you're gonna watch her die a horrible death once she's born ySiWHakcBx4-00019-00008758-00009084 And I said, what do you mean a horrible death? she said, well she might last two weeks, you know ySiWHakcBx4-00020-00009271-00009867 And I said, I'm sorry but what's going on with my body is God's business, and, I said, and if she's born deformed we'll deal with it then ySiWHakcBx4-00021-00009926-00010306 And so she said, o.k. and they just kept on with the ultrasound ySiWHakcBx4-00022-00010412-00010703 And a few minutes later she hit me again and she said, you know, you need to do this ySiWHakcBx4-00023-00010774-00011009 She said, we will roll you down right now and you won't feel a thing ySiWHakcBx4-00024-00011126-00011408 And I said, uh! I won't feel a thing? I said, what about that life inside of me? ySiWHakcBx4-00025-00011587-00011800 That baby will feel something ySiWHakcBx4-00026-00011800-00012402 And she said, well we can get it done and taken care of, because if you don't do it you will see a horrible thing happen, you know ySiWHakcBx4-00027-00012518-00012808 And I said, like I said, I've made up my mind. I am not taking the life of this child ySiWHakcBx4-00028-00013022-00013304 And so, she went out of the room and then a doctor came in, who I didn't know who he was ySiWHakcBx4-00029-00013402-00014107 And he said, well Mrs. Eason we have, uh, you know, her, What you've decided, and I respect your decision ySiWHakcBx4-00030-00014244-00014505 Uh, I wouldn't advise it, but o.k. ySiWHakcBx4-00031-00014550-00015100 And so ,after I got out of there, I got a new doctor. He gave me nothing but positive feedback ySiWHakcBx4-00032-00015183-00015609 I never, ever heard anything bad said about my baby she was born healthy and whole ySiWHakcBx4-00033-00015692-00016007 You know, she was a little girl, and I went home the very next day with her ySiWHakcBx4-00034-00016163-00016403 And she's an Honor Roll student today, she's 14 ySiWHakcBx4-00035-00016521-00016903 So, you know, just because they say something's wrong with you, your baby inside You don't have to believe it yTS_aI2Po_M-00000-00000000-00000200 Videoya Like Atmayı Unutmayın yTS_aI2Po_M-00001-00000200-00000400 İyi Seyirler RS Ailesi yTS_aI2Po_M-00002-00000400-00000600 Go Brrrr yZoVE86Vycu-00000-00000016-00000880 Namaskar, it is a great day today in America as we welcome April 16, 2021, the tax deliverance day, yZoVE86Vycu-00001-00000880-00001472 but not this year. The last day for submission of taxes is May 15th this year. Your hosts yZoVE86Vycu-00002-00001472-00002064 Sree and Sri with the 143rd episode of Daily Global Insights. Here are the main points: yZoVE86Vycu-00003-00002064-00002768 Under Modi – India likely to respond militarily to Pakistan provocation says a US Intelligence Report yZoVE86Vycu-00004-00002768-00003392 The study shows Murders Skyrocketing in Anti-Police Democrat Run cities yZoVE86Vycu-00005-00003392-00003744 Biden Intelligence community Agrees with Marco Rubio: yZoVE86Vycu-00006-00003744-00004160 Chinese Virus “Plausibly” Originated at a Wuhan Lab yZoVE86Vycu-00007-00004232-00004880 Retail Sales jumped 9.8% in March as additional Stimulus sent consumer spending soaring yZoVE86Vycu-00008-00005040-00005480 Israeli Army says Rockets from Gaza Hit South Israel yZoVE86Vycu-00009-00005480-00006959 In US news, Democrat representative Mondaire Jones: Supreme Court Expansion is Infrastructure. yZoVE86Vycu-00010-00006959-00007544 Pelosi says no plans to bring Supreme Court expansion to the floor. Democrats introduced Bill yZoVE86Vycu-00011-00007544-00008216 to expand Supreme Court response is stepping and it's a bad idea Supreme Court Justices condemned yZoVE86Vycu-00012-00008216-00008792 Expansion efforts. Mitch McConnell says the Democrats using court-packing to threaten yZoVE86Vycu-00013-00008792-00009640 justices into supporting liberal agenda. And Biden is not backing the Democrats court-packing plan yZoVE86Vycu-00014-00009640-00010136 for now says spokesperson Psaki. These are all the different things about yZoVE86Vycu-00015-00010136-00010672 increasing the Supreme Court count or bench. Sir, your thoughts on why this is being done? yZoVE86Vycu-00016-00010960-00011872 There is been a distinct and definite impression amongst Democrats that they are adversely yZoVE86Vycu-00017-00011872-00012928 impacted by the composition of the nomination in Supreme Court, if by chance they miss the term yZoVE86Vycu-00018-00013032-00014040 and during a republican presidency and Republican Senate, it is conceivable that the courts can yZoVE86Vycu-00019-00014040-00014791 have nominations adversely impact the Democratic liberal agenda with the Republicans having more yZoVE86Vycu-00020-00014791-00015552 conservative judges sitting in the bench. That is the basis of this whole dispute, they either yZoVE86Vycu-00021-00015552-00016448 want rotation or they want your limited-term or they want the packing whenever they get a chance. yZoVE86Vycu-00022-00016448-00016960 So if Democrats back the Supreme Court well, next Republicans can pack the same Supreme yZoVE86Vycu-00023-00016960-00017576 Court to edge to increase. It's almost like you want to run an agenda based on principles yZoVE86Vycu-00024-00017632-00018352 not the principles of justice, but principles of Justice aligned with the political agenda of their yZoVE86Vycu-00025-00018352-00019128 respective party. That seems to be the underlying issue. We have had a most revealing statement from yZoVE86Vycu-00026-00019128-00019752 a democratic representative Mr Mondaire Jones from New York, he says the Supreme Court Justice yZoVE86Vycu-00027-00019752-00020400 nomination is infrastructure. It can’t have a more outlandish statement than that. yZoVE86Vycu-00028-00020584-00021088 California Congressman Darrell Issa says the teachers in California should be replaced yZoVE86Vycu-00029-00021088-00021656 if they will not go back to work and President Joe Biden is spending 1.6 billion yZoVE86Vycu-00030-00021656-00022200 to settle migrant youth children in the United States. Biden Scorns Republicans yZoVE86Vycu-00031-00022200-00022848 Stacks Administration with partisans and activist no surprise. According to a Quinnipiac poll, yZoVE86Vycu-00032-00022848-00023456 48% approve of Biden’s job performance and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says, yZoVE86Vycu-00033-00023576-00024216 he asks Republicans to call Biden a liar all this around this core management and yZoVE86Vycu-00034-00024216-00024784 what Biden has been trying to do? What do you say about the Quinnipiac poll, sir? Is there yZoVE86Vycu-00035-00024784-00025168 a left-leaning for a right-leaning poll? Is it a real poll? what your thoughts are? yZoVE86Vycu-00036-00025304-00026239 All these polls as we have observed right through last year and year before last during the midterms yZoVE86Vycu-00037-00026376-00027176 and prior seems to be sugar-coated and coated with a biased set of data. It doesn't matter yZoVE86Vycu-00038-00027280-00028192 you can take any poll and make your observation. And what can I say about Biden’s performance? yZoVE86Vycu-00039-00028192-00029008 Well, Biden is completing hundred days and he had a set of policy objectives that he used yZoVE86Vycu-00040-00029095-00029808 in his plank as part of the election campaign. So if you are a Democrat you say tick, tick, yZoVE86Vycu-00041-00029872-00030752 tick, tick, all boxes from borders to fracking to energy contracts to Keystone Pipeline to climate yZoVE86Vycu-00042-00030856-00031504 to the austerity measures to stimulus to everything that you can name yZoVE86Vycu-00043-00031504-00032439 that he used in his campaign. He says I'm delivering most of it through executive orders and yZoVE86Vycu-00044-00032544-00033176 so on. To that extent, if you're a Democrat and mind you 80 million people voted for Biden, yZoVE86Vycu-00045-00033176-00034176 74 million voted for Trump. Now so therefore it reflects some extent or to a large extent, yZoVE86Vycu-00046-00034176-00034752 the views but the metrics are there in terms of this policy versus what he is executing. yZoVE86Vycu-00047-00034840-00035440 The study shows that murders are skyrocketing in Democrat-run cities. There are 12 cities according yZoVE86Vycu-00048-00035440-00036136 to a study by law enforcement legal defence fund. All these have seen a huge rise in murders and yZoVE86Vycu-00049-00036136-00036664 Tucker Carlson says that two systems of Justice are in place one for the allies of the people in yZoVE86Vycu-00050-00036664-00037336 charge and a very different one for their enemies and this is the way DOJ is also handling various yZoVE86Vycu-00051-00037336-00037848 criminal matters across the country. Viewers, you might remember what we talked about yesterday yZoVE86Vycu-00052-00037848-00038704 in terms of how two different police officers are doing the same but, facing very different outcomes yZoVE86Vycu-00053-00038704-00039400 for what they did. And Inspector General says that Capitol police response to Jan 6th riots was yZoVE86Vycu-00054-00039400-00040192 replete with errors. Now, the more you dig about this Jan 6th, the more you're seeing some sort of yZoVE86Vycu-00055-00040192-00040672 sloppiness was it because they were not expecting it. Was it because you have never done it before? yZoVE86Vycu-00056-00040672-00041208 What are your thoughts are overall about the crime rate in some of the Democrat-run cities? yZoVE86Vycu-00057-00041272-00041680 It is visible. It is obvious. It is to be seen, yZoVE86Vycu-00058-00041784-00042616 many of these cities run by democrats have already got the defunding programs limited resources. yZoVE86Vycu-00059-00042616-00043544 The morale is low and hence the rates are high. Three specific cities stand out one in Portland, yZoVE86Vycu-00060-00043544-00044272 it is like a 365 days 24 hours agitation. Minnesota, which has had two flashpoints, yZoVE86Vycu-00061-00044368-00045128 all they require is an excuse, the next thing that happens is riots arson and looting of shops yZoVE86Vycu-00062-00045128-00045936 you can see it. Three, you can also see some we have seen this in Chicago, we are seeing it yZoVE86Vycu-00063-00045936-00046560 not in that magnitude but General Law and Order issue in New York, Manhattan yZoVE86Vycu-00064-00046664-00047232 and Washington DC. In Washington DC also, you can observe some of these issues yZoVE86Vycu-00065-00047312-00048048 why it is not happening in the rest of the cities is an interesting analysis that this particular yZoVE86Vycu-00066-00048104-00048592 group have done research on and published their observations. yZoVE86Vycu-00067-00048800-00049328 Black lives matter activists from Seattle has been charged with Anti-Asian hate crime. yZoVE86Vycu-00068-00049328-00049992 Patrisse Cullors says that BLM Marxist co-founder rating about 20 thousand dollars per month as yZoVE86Vycu-00069-00049992-00051360 chairwoman of jail group. And Chris Wray current FBI director, says that the FBI is investigating yZoVE86Vycu-00070-00051360-00052000 Antifa for a violent attack and a tip from a Portland police informant leads to police charges yZoVE86Vycu-00071-00052000-00052784 against Antifa rioter. Now, remember viewers that Donald Trump had identified Antifa as a terrorist yZoVE86Vycu-00072-00052784-00053279 organization sometimes I think in September October time frame of last year, sir, you take yZoVE86Vycu-00073-00053279-00053688 it away sir. What is going on now? Finally, I think some of the truth is beginning to emerge. yZoVE86Vycu-00074-00053791-00054464 It will take some more time. But the fact that FBI has taken interest in the fact that Chris yZoVE86Vycu-00075-00054464-00055184 Wray is conducting an investigation into the affairs. Also, one of their leaders in fact, yZoVE86Vycu-00076-00055184-00056167 actually two of them one is caught in a scandal and the second one seem responsible for these yZoVE86Vycu-00077-00056167-00056816 Anti-Asian rights. So we are now beginning to see these isolated cases of incidents emerge and an yZoVE86Vycu-00078-00056816-00057584 FBI investigation the hope is the truth will come out and there is some element of law enforcement yZoVE86Vycu-00079-00057704-00058679 against those people who are breaking the law. Whether it is BLM, Antifa any of these groups, yZoVE86Vycu-00080-00058840-00059424 you know, they want to do a silent protest, of course, protest has become a norm. I've never yZoVE86Vycu-00081-00059424-00060040 seen this in the last 30-40 years in Manhattan. I can see now people every other day in front of a yZoVE86Vycu-00082-00060040-00060664 building or on the street walking along and you know, or just like India, you know making loud yZoVE86Vycu-00083-00060664-00061344 noises and anti down and this types of comments. So protests are good but violence is bad. yZoVE86Vycu-00084-00061455-00062152 A group of ten Republicans led by Mitt Romney are coming up with an alternative infrastructure plan yZoVE86Vycu-00085-00062152-00062767 somewhere between 600 billion to 800 billion with just a focus on infrastructure. This is a counter yZoVE86Vycu-00086-00062767-00063544 to Biden’s 2.1 trillion packages. And as we speak of even that the Biden Administration yZoVE86Vycu-00087-00063544-00064024 is releasing 39 billion from that to go towards childcare. So, we are not even yZoVE86Vycu-00088-00064024-00064520 debated this, we have not even passed it into law. But some apportioning is already happening, yZoVE86Vycu-00089-00064520-00065384 some releases already happening. So this Biden infra bill, where do you think the needle is going yZoVE86Vycu-00090-00065384-00066016 to go and stop sir, 600 billion or 2.1 trillion. The numbers are very very well wide apart. yZoVE86Vycu-00091-00066336-00066680 The Democrats have had a meeting with President Biden yZoVE86Vycu-00092-00066840-00067448 and they said with or without Republicans they will pass the 2.1 trillion bill. yZoVE86Vycu-00093-00067616-00068336 We have already given the numbers we have outlined in detail the numbers 2.1 trillion dollars yZoVE86Vycu-00094-00068336-00069064 has a number of elements that has nothing to do with covid-19. It has got specific set of programs yZoVE86Vycu-00095-00069064-00069728 supporting various illegal or legally illegal migrants who are being allowed to come into yZoVE86Vycu-00096-00069728-00070520 the country and supporting various programs to integrate them across the country. We have given yZoVE86Vycu-00097-00070520-00071312 numbers on it. Now, what is also worrying is some of these numbers are being allocated to support yZoVE86Vycu-00098-00071376-00071992 overseas programs, you know going across the various countries in terms of sponsorship and yZoVE86Vycu-00099-00071992-00072632 support of the program's 125 million dollars has been released to Palestine groups. Some amount of yZoVE86Vycu-00100-00072632-00073344 money has been released to other countries African countries and so on. It's already done through ear yZoVE86Vycu-00101-00073344-00073992 markings. They are already releasing the money. This is where the objection to the 2.1 trillion yZoVE86Vycu-00102-00073992-00074648 number is, but, we're not stopping with is 2.1. We have another 2 trillion coming on the climate yZoVE86Vycu-00103-00074648-00075384 and green energy coming through. So this is as someone said this is not about infrastructure. yZoVE86Vycu-00104-00075384-00076128 This is about funding various foreign policy and domestic liberal programs of the Democratic Party. yZoVE86Vycu-00105-00076288-00076728 And students are willing to change their liberal views when presented with facts. yZoVE86Vycu-00106-00076728-00077280 This is something that we have known all along. In fact, one of the objectives of PGurus is to try yZoVE86Vycu-00107-00077280-00077896 and help open the view of many of the students who are just getting into either yZoVE86Vycu-00108-00077896-00078432 middle school or high school or in college, believe it or not, a lot of the fake narrative yZoVE86Vycu-00109-00078432-00079016 start at as early as in middle school. So I'm glad to see that there is a survey that says that yZoVE86Vycu-00110-00079016-00079496 when presented with facts the students are willing to change their liberal views. Your thoughts, sir? yZoVE86Vycu-00111-00079648-00080320 There are three important sets of activities that are going on and it's going to be interesting to yZoVE86Vycu-00112-00080320-00080984 see how this battle is won. George Soros has allocated a hundred million dollars to go yZoVE86Vycu-00113-00080984-00082048 deep into the society and advocate what he calls the New Normal or the new methods. yZoVE86Vycu-00114-00082160-00082560 20 million is released out of the hundred million, so you have one battle. yZoVE86Vycu-00115-00082648-00083256 You have the battle of the teachers many of the parents are complaining that in schools yZoVE86Vycu-00116-00083328-00083968 that there is this liberal activism being advocated. So, you have that yZoVE86Vycu-00117-00084064-00084712 and you saw in California, especially San Diego that the people in the mainstream are not being yZoVE86Vycu-00118-00084712-00085232 admitted people from these illegal immigrants are being integrated and taken to some of the yZoVE86Vycu-00119-00085232-00085808 school's not across everybody for the public system. So you have this battle going on. Then, yZoVE86Vycu-00120-00085808-00086232 you have the advocacy that we are doing which is to say what is right or wrong etc., yZoVE86Vycu-00121-00086328-00086856 and we saw that in the Georgetown case where people were all kind of fighting yZoVE86Vycu-00122-00086856-00087488 the Georgia situation. Georgetown Washington DC and then they found subsequently as a this is what yZoVE86Vycu-00123-00087488-00087936 you're fighting is what is actually the reality and they're all willing to pay back. yZoVE86Vycu-00124-00087936-00088592 So there is the rationale presentation of data and so who is going to win this yZoVE86Vycu-00125-00088592-00089280 three-tier battle is going to be interesting. This will shape the destiny of the United States yZoVE86Vycu-00126-00089280-00089748 because everything is grounded in school and college education as they come out and get in yZoVE86Vycu-00127-00089748-00090464 to professional. Now, we have one more challenge just corporations taking sides and moving in one yZoVE86Vycu-00128-00090464-00091072 segment of the agenda. We talked about that too. And now the Republicans are now coming and saying yZoVE86Vycu-00129-00091072-00091680 they're going to counter it so you can see that this one sentence has connotations right across yZoVE86Vycu-00130-00091680-00092096 as to how this battle is going to be fought and how we're going to come out of it. yZoVE86Vycu-00131-00092192-00092848 In Global News, Representative Waltz says that pulling troops from Afghanistan with 9/11 as the yZoVE86Vycu-00132-00092848-00093448 deadline is an insult. I am shocked at the person who chose this date. They could have done 9/10, yZoVE86Vycu-00133-00093448-00094200 9/1, 8/1 whatever why to choose 9/11 this is the most anyway, let it go. Taliban wants that yZoVE86Vycu-00134-00094200-00094832 it will continue its Jihad if Biden breaks the Trump Afghanistan deadline. Biden Administration yZoVE86Vycu-00135-00094832-00095512 backs away from a report of Russian bounties to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan. And Biden yZoVE86Vycu-00136-00095512-00096144 expels diplomats, hits Russians with sanctions on cyber-attacks and election interference. So now I yZoVE86Vycu-00137-00096144-00096768 want to stop here and get your input on what is happening suddenly with Russia versus the United yZoVE86Vycu-00138-00096768-00097400 States, sir. How come now we are seeing election interference is this 2016 or 2020 or which year? yZoVE86Vycu-00139-00097560-00098056 With regard to this Russian interference and the escalation of Russian issues. If you yZoVE86Vycu-00140-00098056-00098752 recall in the election campaign that Trump was blamed that he has not done anything in Russia, yZoVE86Vycu-00141-00098808-00099712 especially around the bounties being issued by the Russians to the Taliban to kill the US soldiers. yZoVE86Vycu-00142-00099768-00100536 This was one of the items that were debated between the two and lo and behold they find that yZoVE86Vycu-00143-00100536-00101144 this thing has been debunked by his own internal intelligence as an old absolute has no relevance. yZoVE86Vycu-00144-00101600-00102384 There is a definite mindset and thinking in the Democratic party policy framework. yZoVE86Vycu-00145-00102440-00103272 The threat is more from Russia still fighting the old cold war than the Chinese threat yZoVE86Vycu-00146-00103344-00104080 as someone said while Biden goes back to 2016 unfinished agenda as to why yZoVE86Vycu-00147-00104216-00105176 the Democrats lost the presidential elections, and they have been on this investigation even since, yZoVE86Vycu-00148-00105176-00105783 right through the four years of Trump, they were investigating. So it seems like an unfinished yZoVE86Vycu-00149-00105783-00106304 agenda soon. It's going to hit hard on their face until such time they realize yZoVE86Vycu-00150-00106304-00106688 this Russia is no longer there. You can see when we talk about the other three yZoVE86Vycu-00151-00106688-00107183 points when you complete, the flip-flop that is going on in Russia is just astonishing. yZoVE86Vycu-00152-00107288-00107664 Yes, indeed and with your permission, sir. I'm going to put up the first graphic for today yZoVE86Vycu-00153-00107664-00108335 because that is coming up straight on what you're talking about as Biden deescalate Putin closes yZoVE86Vycu-00154-00108335-00108832 access to the Black Sea is closing off the Kerch Strait to foreign warships yZoVE86Vycu-00155-00108832-00109304 until fall. So this is basically that one small place that you're seeing yZoVE86Vycu-00156-00109576-00110152 a bridge that has been built there and in response to this Biden stops to warships yZoVE86Vycu-00157-00110152-00110664 headed to the area to deescalate tensions says this is not the time. So basically what yZoVE86Vycu-00158-00110664-00111144 they have done is they have given a free run for Russia to close off of the Sea of Azov. yZoVE86Vycu-00159-00111248-00111959 Yes, if you see the map which you are seeing on the screen. Yes, you can see the Crimea on one yZoVE86Vycu-00160-00111959-00112768 side Ukraine or the other side Russia effectively blocking this completely mitigates any navel yZoVE86Vycu-00161-00112952-00113848 advances in the area to defend Ukraine. So, he has very cleverly said you would escalate the tension. yZoVE86Vycu-00162-00113848-00114344 I have shut off. No foreign ship can enter either for trade or any other purpose. yZoVE86Vycu-00163-00114344-00115311 Shut off into Kerch Strait. So you have escalated the tension you have hurt yourself. yZoVE86Vycu-00164-00115392-00116128 You have hurt the Europeans. You probably have a hurt Ukraine and these flip-flops that Mr Biden yZoVE86Vycu-00165-00116128-00116632 is doing is not very helpful as he escalates and deescalates escalates and deescalate. yZoVE86Vycu-00166-00116632-00117224 I don't know Russia is like a sleeping giant they woken it up and now they're suddenly taken centre yZoVE86Vycu-00167-00117224-00117744 stage. They are all over the place, they in India. They are in China. They are in Turkey. yZoVE86Vycu-00168-00117744-00118128 They are Iran, they are everywhere and then the Ukraine issue has which has played up again. yZoVE86Vycu-00169-00118272-00118800 Yes, indeed and Viewers, you have to zoom out this map. I can't do it right now, but you have to zoom yZoVE86Vycu-00170-00118800-00119504 out this map to see where the rest of Ukraine is. But this passage is critical if any other yZoVE86Vycu-00171-00119504-00119976 countries such as the United States have to come to the help of Ukraine because it is sandwiched yZoVE86Vycu-00172-00119976-00120456 between two parts of Russia. I'm putting Crimea as part of Russia. Say, if there is going to be a yZoVE86Vycu-00173-00120456-00121056 pencil-like attack they have essentially done just that they have completely cut off access to get in yZoVE86Vycu-00174-00121056-00121592 and be the position to defend or help defend Ukraine. So we'll see how this thing plays out. yZoVE86Vycu-00175-00121592-00121983 And Biden is going to be hosting South Korean President Moon next month yZoVE86Vycu-00176-00122040-00122800 and Biden and Suga are sending a strong signal to the aggressive Chinese Communist party at yZoVE86Vycu-00177-00122800-00123359 the summit that is going to be happening very soon and the US press Japan to issue a joint statement yZoVE86Vycu-00178-00123359-00123904 in support of Taiwan. Now you are having Taiwan is the front and centre of the topic that's going to yZoVE86Vycu-00179-00123904-00124608 be discussed between the United States and Japan. Taiwan tells Biden emissaries that it will deter yZoVE86Vycu-00180-00124608-00125311 China's threats with the help of the US. The US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen is set to call yZoVE86Vycu-00181-00125311-00125920 Taiwan a currency manipulator even as all these ties are warming. So here you have three or four yZoVE86Vycu-00182-00125920-00126576 theatres going on here. Suga is coming to meet Biden and then there is also the Taiwan problem yZoVE86Vycu-00183-00126576-00126959 and the US is using Taiwan, they say they are going to help you yZoVE86Vycu-00184-00126959-00127328 also saying that by the way, you are a currency manipulator. I'm trying to yZoVE86Vycu-00185-00127328-00127816 wrap my head around this. Please unravel it for us. What is the bigger strategy here? yZoVE86Vycu-00186-00127992-00128183 The biggest strategy here is yZoVE86Vycu-00187-00128440-00129352 Biden Administration firmly believes the Taiwan strategy and the Chinese deterrence yZoVE86Vycu-00188-00129535-00130656 is an amalgam of a partnership between Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. They want Koreans to be yZoVE86Vycu-00189-00130656-00131424 part and parcel of this strategy. The Korean has not bought into it as yet. They don't want a bar yZoVE86Vycu-00190-00131424-00132216 of this because they have a Chinese under volatile North Korean border. So they have weaned away what yZoVE86Vycu-00191-00132216-00133016 used to be Taiwan used to be an integral part of the South-China, Indo-pacific and quadrilateral yZoVE86Vycu-00192-00133016-00133720 strategy. They're trying to press this trilateral that is why we have these three news items yZoVE86Vycu-00193-00133720-00134208 which is what they want to accomplish with Moon, what they want to accomplish with Suga. yZoVE86Vycu-00194-00134272-00134840 Mind you Suga has taken a leadership position on Taiwan and he says Taiwan is a red flag yZoVE86Vycu-00195-00134840-00135304 right from day one because it just sticks right into the boundary plus you have senkaku Islands. yZoVE86Vycu-00196-00135432-00136728 And now comes the trick of the trade which is if for some reasons when you meet the criteria, yZoVE86Vycu-00197-00136728-00137384 we have again discussed what constitutes a currency manipulator, the trade imbalance between yZoVE86Vycu-00198-00137544-00138480 exports and imports, the currency rates differential between the dollar and Taiwanese. yZoVE86Vycu-00199-00138648-00139360 You find that you immediately qualify to become nominated as a currency manipulator. If the yZoVE86Vycu-00200-00139360-00139864 treasury falters tomorrow, India will raise the issue, 'Hey, you broke the rule there. yZoVE86Vycu-00201-00139936-00140632 How am I the currency manipulator?' China will say that how come you violate and you yZoVE86Vycu-00202-00140632-00141144 call me a currency manipulator. So, you have that swag of issues coming. On one side, yZoVE86Vycu-00203-00141288-00141768 Biden is holding a meeting for them to start the electronic vehicle, chip manufacturing, yZoVE86Vycu-00204-00141872-00142496 investment flows into the country and on the other hand, you have the treasury saying if yZoVE86Vycu-00205-00142496-00142984 you do all of these things you are immediately creating an imbalance which creates a problem. yZoVE86Vycu-00206-00143184-00143864 So, to conclude you have a political and security issue conflicting with yZoVE86Vycu-00207-00143928-00144296 the economic parameters by which the United States deals with all other countries yZoVE86Vycu-00208-00144448-00145072 While these threads are going on, the US envoy John Kerry visited China to seek common yZoVE86Vycu-00209-00145072-00145592 ground on climate. Now, this is another person running on his own. He was in India recently, yZoVE86Vycu-00210-00145592-00146080 now, he's gone to China. What is his mission? Is he doing back-channel negotiations also? yZoVE86Vycu-00211-00146288-00146808 He's probably doing some type of testing Waters with various people. That's all I can say. yZoVE86Vycu-00212-00147080-00148064 For releasing the next $2.2 -$2.5trillion of money, he needs some set of data and influence. yZoVE86Vycu-00213-00148064-00148744 So I think he is preparing the ground and supporting all these clean water, clean air, clean yZoVE86Vycu-00214-00148744-00149408 energy, and many other such environmental efforts. So this is John Kerry. When somebody confronted yZoVE86Vycu-00215-00149408-00150072 him on the fracking site he explained that a car runs on four wheels even if you have a different yZoVE86Vycu-00216-00150072-00151176 fuel, so the jobs are not lost as a result of that. He has to justify his rationale. That's yZoVE86Vycu-00217-00151176-00151824 his mission. That's his job. That's his brief. So he is doing what is expected but many pundits yZoVE86Vycu-00218-00151824-00152456 in the United States believe that negotiating with China on climate completely weakens the United yZoVE86Vycu-00219-00152456-00152952 States position on all strategic issues. How are they going to play this? We don't know. yZoVE86Vycu-00220-00153032-00153440 He also visited India, had discussions with India and from India he has moved to China. yZoVE86Vycu-00221-00153624-00154320 This is regarding Japan, sir. I'm putting the second graphic.IAEA urges transparency over yZoVE86Vycu-00222-00154320-00154960 Japan's move to release Fukushima wastewaters into the Pacific. This follows Taiwan, China, yZoVE86Vycu-00223-00154960-00155504 India, and the United States plea to Japan to try and make this information public. yZoVE86Vycu-00224-00155504-00155992 You've got a map of Japan, East Asia, the East China Sea here, yZoVE86Vycu-00225-00155992-00156640 sir. So people can get an idea of where the water from the Fukushima plant might be going down. yZoVE86Vycu-00226-00156640-00157200 Are there currentsthat lead it towards Taiwan and China? Is that the concern there? yZoVE86Vycu-00227-00157200-00158056 Their prime concern is how much of this radioactive content has been deactivated of any yZoVE86Vycu-00228-00158056-00158904 radioactive materials? And if you recall we had mentioned when we discussed the Strategic triangle yZoVE86Vycu-00229-00158976-00159648 in the Taiwan Strait, which you can see on the map, there are two principal areas of concern - yZoVE86Vycu-00230-00159648-00160440 resources and fisheries. So marine life could have a significant impact and second, yZoVE86Vycu-00231-00160440-00161184 some of these waters could eventually make it to the shores of either Korea, Taiwan and so on. yZoVE86Vycu-00232-00161248-00162240 So from IAEA to countries like Taiwan, China, Korea, etc, even India has stepped up and asked yZoVE86Vycu-00233-00162240-00162680 for more transparency in terms of what is being pumped into the water. yZoVE86Vycu-00234-00162872-00163352 China and the EU are in a tussle for clout in a Montenegro project. yZoVE86Vycu-00235-00163352-00163816 China summons Japan's envoy to protest on the Fukushima water release. yZoVE86Vycu-00236-00163816-00164536 Beijing Skies turn yellow as sand dust engulfs the capital. Romania approves built to Bar China's yZoVE86Vycu-00237-00164536-00164960 Huawei from 5G Network. All these are around China, sir, I am just finishing up in a yZoVE86Vycu-00238-00164960-00165888 minute. An alarming downward spiral risks Myanmar into a Syria type crisis. So Myanmar, China and yZoVE86Vycu-00239-00165888-00166344 everything around this China. China is now again becoming the front and centre of news cycles. yZoVE86Vycu-00240-00166464-00167216 Well, if you can put up the Adriatic Sea Montenegro map, then we can just touch on that. yZoVE86Vycu-00241-00167592-00168480 So there are about 27-28 miles of coastal area that Montenegro shares they have Montenegro, yZoVE86Vycu-00242-00168480-00169104 Croatia, Slovenia, many of these countries in the Adriatic. If you look at the map, yZoVE86Vycu-00243-00169104-00169768 the Adriatic map is at the cusp and it is the passage into the Mediterranean Sea which goes into yZoVE86Vycu-00244-00169768-00170376 Italy and so on. What is the significance? Montenegro has a population of 1 million. yZoVE86Vycu-00245-00170472-00171056 What has China done? On a road infrastructure project, they have lent them $1 billion. The yZoVE86Vycu-00246-00171056-00171936 project is incomplete. Again, if you look at the map, Montenegro, that particular area Adriatic Sea yZoVE86Vycu-00247-00172000-00172672 is a gateway into a number of adjacent countries in the mainline Eastern European region. yZoVE86Vycu-00248-00172856-00173560 So Montenegro reached out to the EU and said, please take over the loan, $1 billion yZoVE86Vycu-00249-00173672-00174056 and we need more money to continue the infrastructure, otherwise, yZoVE86Vycu-00250-00174056-00174984 we have a China issue and we want us to get out of being dependant on China. Historically, Napoleon yZoVE86Vycu-00251-00175072-00175840 conquered this Adriatic Sea and in the process, he controlled the Mediterranean and the broader yZoVE86Vycu-00252-00175840-00176504 Europe in that part of the world. So it's not that China is doing this blindly, China yZoVE86Vycu-00253-00176504-00177496 is doing it with a strategic intent to use the Montenegrin connectivity by sea as well as by road yZoVE86Vycu-00254-00177584-00178336 into that segment of Europe. So this is another Belt and Road effort, hence it is significant. yZoVE86Vycu-00255-00178504-00179032 Israeli Army says that Rockets from Gaza have hit South Israel. I have the Israel map yZoVE86Vycu-00256-00179032-00179704 up in front of me. Viewers, you can see Gaza at the very end of the Israeli map on yZoVE86Vycu-00257-00179856-00180432 the southwest side and then the country just becomes like a small v-shaped yZoVE86Vycu-00258-00180520-00181032 figure as the thing becomes smaller and narrower. Sir, please go ahead. yZoVE86Vycu-00259-00181120-00182184 So the map is the Gaza map and the broader map is a reflection of the resumption of the rocket. yZoVE86Vycu-00260-00182368-00182880 The resumption of the aid and support coming from the United States to the territories. The yZoVE86Vycu-00261-00182880-00183712 money has reached. Then when you look at Iran the issues around the nuclear program and the threat. yZoVE86Vycu-00262-00183896-00184320 Then when you look at some of the other things that we have already reported yZoVE86Vycu-00263-00184320-00185328 around the Iraq-Syrian and the Turkish-Syrian border. It raises concerns as to whether this yZoVE86Vycu-00264-00185328-00186384 is becoming another fulcrum point or a volatile point after four years of relative quietness. yZoVE86Vycu-00265-00186528-00187440 A drone attack targets Kurdistan Airport. Viewers, you should keep in mind that this is yZoVE86Vycu-00266-00187440-00188144 an area that straddles multiple countries. A part of Kurdistan is believed to be in Iraq, a part of yZoVE86Vycu-00267-00188144-00188752 it in Syria and part of it in Turkey and with all these things there is Iranian involvement, yZoVE86Vycu-00268-00188752-00189256 there is Turkish involvement and backhand Russian involvement and so on and so forth. So yZoVE86Vycu-00269-00189256-00189808 what we are seeing here is a lot of things moving parts and play on top of that please yZoVE86Vycu-00270-00189808-00190600 remember that Iran has enhanced combat power now via the Beidou navigation system that will yZoVE86Vycu-00271-00190600-00191216 even threaten the United States. Iran and China have done a comprehensive strategic cooperation yZoVE86Vycu-00272-00191216-00191840 agreement that entails three pieces. The whole settlement is on Yuan, again China is trying yZoVE86Vycu-00273-00191840-00192512 to get the legitimacy of its currency of $400 billion energy and infrastructure initiative for yZoVE86Vycu-00274-00192568-00193512 Iran and construction and installation of the BASN - Beidou Advanced Satellite Navigation system. So yZoVE86Vycu-00275-00193512-00194152 all these things put together China is now in the front and centre of this area also, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00276-00194240-00194736 Indeed, I think that the objective of those three maps that we have yZoVE86Vycu-00277-00194736-00195616 shared including the map of Kurdistan is a reflection of, we had already talked about yZoVE86Vycu-00278-00195616-00196320 Northern Syria and some of the challenges in Northern Syria stepping into the Iraqi border. yZoVE86Vycu-00279-00196392-00197168 This Kurdistan map and the most recent drone attack is a reflection of the battle that is yZoVE86Vycu-00280-00197168-00197760 spreading. What used to be again a relatively quiet battle is now beginning to emerge. yZoVE86Vycu-00281-00197816-00198488 We saw in that area the US green zone being targeted, we saw in Iraq, yZoVE86Vycu-00282-00198488-00199080 in Baghdad itself being targeted. If you look at the map, Mosul is not too far yZoVE86Vycu-00283-00199080-00199736 from that Kurdistan area which was the flashpoint, which was effectively headquarters for the yZoVE86Vycu-00284-00199904-00200560 Al-Baghdadi movement and a lot of things happen when they control that specific yZoVE86Vycu-00285-00200560-00201400 region from there all the way to Raqqa and then going all the way into Syria. And then you have yZoVE86Vycu-00286-00201504-00202216 Iran with its Beidou Advanced Satellite Navigation system which is capable of yZoVE86Vycu-00287-00202296-00202872 mitigating missiles and other kinds of things and advancing its nuclear program yZoVE86Vycu-00288-00202992-00203952 it begs the question, how the world is going to deal with a challenge even in this area. yZoVE86Vycu-00289-00204072-00204664 In Indian news, under Modi, India is likely to respond militarily to Pakistan provocation, yZoVE86Vycu-00290-00204664-00204928 a US intelligence report says. Your thoughts, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00291-00205112-00205544 My thoughts are, I think they have already demonstrated that if they are under attack, yZoVE86Vycu-00292-00205623-00206144 Balakotwas an example that India is not going to take any nonsense from Pakistan. It doesn't yZoVE86Vycu-00293-00206144-00206576 matter what Russians say. It doesn't matter what the UAE says, it doesn't yZoVE86Vycu-00294-00206576-00207112 matter what the United States says, India will defend its territory and will make sure that yZoVE86Vycu-00295-00207112-00207744 any kind of provocation, any kind of action is responded in its own clock. yZoVE86Vycu-00296-00207848-00208544 Amazon announces a 250 million Venture fund focusing on SMEs with an aim to bring 1 yZoVE86Vycu-00297-00208544-00209304 million offline retailers online. So Amazon is now plunging with both feet into India, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00298-00209367-00209871 Well, market expansion is a very critical component of any organization. The retail yZoVE86Vycu-00299-00209871-00210567 footprint, the integration of whole foods and other grocery chains has clearly demonstrated yZoVE86Vycu-00300-00210567-00211104 that these groceries and food is a very big business for Amazon. India is still yZoVE86Vycu-00301-00211104-00211784 relatively unorganized in the agricultural sector. The fact that they're investing money yZoVE86Vycu-00302-00211848-00212512 very much into this SME segment of the business and trying to bring them online offers them both yZoVE86Vycu-00303-00212512-00213048 as a B2B economic model, maybe potentially they'll start even acquiring some of these yZoVE86Vycu-00304-00213048-00213480 companies as they evolve themselves. I am told that quite a bit of these investment yZoVE86Vycu-00305-00213480-00214264 are going into northeastern India, which has never seen, in my view, of course, yZoVE86Vycu-00306-00214264-00214800 the Indian experts can find a significant amount of venture capital investment into that region. yZoVE86Vycu-00307-00214904-00215456 Foreign produced covid-19 vaccines are going to be decided or an emergency yZoVE86Vycu-00308-00215456-00215784 uses the application in the next three days by India. yZoVE86Vycu-00309-00215904-00216352 Continuing to Global covid update, Biden's intelligence community now yZoVE86Vycu-00310-00216352-00216936 agrees with Senator, Marco Rubio that the Chinese virus plausibly originated yZoVE86Vycu-00311-00216936-00217408 at a Wuhan lab. So, sir, finally the cat is beginning to get out of the bag. yZoVE86Vycu-00312-00217464-00218104 Indeed, not only Biden Intelligence Community, doctors, others and so on are now beginning to yZoVE86Vycu-00313-00218104-00218919 accept the fact that this is a Wuhan issue. All the reports of the WHO does not stand up. yZoVE86Vycu-00314-00219048-00219480 Now, Fauci admits that border surge breaks covid-19 rules. yZoVE86Vycu-00315-00219480-00220080 So this is this part is unbelievable, they have shot themselves in the foot with this problem yZoVE86Vycu-00316-00220136-00220648 and now they are scrambling, they are in fact rebuilding some of the unfinished wall business. yZoVE86Vycu-00317-00220648-00221160 I mean I can go on and on. I don't understand why Biden's government did this thing? Anyway, yZoVE86Vycu-00318-00221160-00221423 let's move on, sir because we are talking about covid here. yZoVE86Vycu-00319-00221423-00221976 A CDC study says that keeping the middle seat free could reduce the covid spread yZoVE86Vycu-00320-00221976-00222752 and the CDC continues that 5800 fully vaccinated Americans have now contracted covid and yZoVE86Vycu-00321-00223112-00223728 1974 have died. So the fact that you are vaccinated doesn't automatically mean yZoVE86Vycu-00322-00223728-00224216 that you will not have complications. It depends upon what other challenges you have. yZoVE86Vycu-00323-00224440-00225160 Lastly, a third covid-19 booster vaccine might be needed possibly within six to 12 months according yZoVE86Vycu-00324-00225160-00225712 to the Pfizer CEO. So essentially the life of this vaccine looks like between 6 to 12 months, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00325-00225808-00226864 Indeed. One small amendment, 5800 fully vaccinated have contracted covid-19. Only 74 have died. yZoVE86Vycu-00326-00227864-00228128 I think what they're saying is that they're preparing themselves. yZoVE86Vycu-00327-00228128-00228600 We saw that Moderna yesterday announced that they want to do an integrated covid and yZoVE86Vycu-00328-00228600-00229304 flu virus vaccine. Now, what we are beginning to see is that Pfizer has enough data to point out yZoVE86Vycu-00329-00229384-00230071 that the effectiveness could be 6 to 12 months in terms of the two vaccines completed. So you would yZoVE86Vycu-00330-00230071-00230664 definitely need a booster dose to augment the antibodies, so possibly a third vaccine is needed. yZoVE86Vycu-00331-00230719-00231336 Soon, the research will point out that this has not gone away. There are 20 different variants yZoVE86Vycu-00332-00231336-00232016 hence, you probably need covid-19 vaccines as an annual ritual at least in the United States, yZoVE86Vycu-00333-00232016-00232623 I don't know about the rest of the world, in conjunction with the flu vaccine that we take. yZoVE86Vycu-00334-00232623-00233264 Japan is going to co-host the covid-19 vaccine fundraising summit in June and India will be yZoVE86Vycu-00335-00233264-00233784 starting to receive Sputnik-5 shots from this quarter, production in India is going to start yZoVE86Vycu-00336-00233784-00234312 from July. So there's a lot of activity in the covid-19 space. I just want to add one little yZoVE86Vycu-00337-00234312-00234944 thing that some of you may have caught in one of our previous day Hangouts, which was that yZoVE86Vycu-00338-00234944-00235744 Johnson & Johnson has had six issues among six million shots - one in a million. Of those six, yZoVE86Vycu-00339-00236032-00236648 all of them are young women and one of them has unfortunately died, the other five are in the yZoVE86Vycu-00340-00236648-00237167 process of recovery. We also need to remember that there were some production problems yZoVE86Vycu-00341-00237167-00237680 in a million plan that was trying to produce his vaccine. So the fact that there were problems yZoVE86Vycu-00342-00237680-00238360 would have been only realized after this thing had gone into the field. So we have to try and keep yZoVE86Vycu-00343-00238360-00238944 all this in perspective when we try to say whether J&J should be paused or resumed and I let you give yZoVE86Vycu-00344-00238944-00239471 you to censor. We also should remember that a couple of Republican Governors have directed yZoVE86Vycu-00345-00239471-00239864 to this because Johnson & Johnson is a single-shot vaccine. Your thoughts, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00346-00240071-00240856 Well, I think my view is not of a doctor but based on the data. I think the J&J vaccine should be yZoVE86Vycu-00347-00240856-00241471 continued at least in states which are willing to accept and embrace which have seen very positive yZoVE86Vycu-00348-00241471-00242080 results and more data should be collected. It is not adversarial from a sample size yZoVE86Vycu-00349-00242080-00242992 66 million of 67 million that's based on, I have to come back to Dr Fauci here. He says it is the yZoVE86Vycu-00350-00242992-00243632 science that is behind the decision. Maybe I see a science that he sees. Maybe I don't yZoVE86Vycu-00351-00243632-00244344 see the science that he sees therefore unless we see the science on the same level footing yZoVE86Vycu-00352-00244344-00245008 we have two different data points, and that doesn't augur well in terms of stopping a vaccine. yZoVE86Vycu-00353-00245096-00245471 In markets, the United States jobless claims plunges to yZoVE86Vycu-00354-00245471-00246128 576,000 the lowest since the pandemic, sir. So now we are seeing job activity pick up again. yZoVE86Vycu-00355-00246208-00246496 Job activity has started to pick up with more restaurants, yZoVE86Vycu-00356-00246592-00247519 more bars, and more activity taking place and that has always been the driver of the spurt. yZoVE86Vycu-00357-00247519-00248167 SME is the driver of the spurt of employment. That's the reason why we also had the PPP program. yZoVE86Vycu-00358-00248167-00248856 So it's good to see these numbers ramping up. We have to also be very careful that anybody who yZoVE86Vycu-00359-00248856-00249823 is receiving the PPP aid or the direct payments their requirement to go back and work is not yZoVE86Vycu-00360-00249823-00250408 immediate. So they have the money coming into the system, technically, they don't qualify. So that yZoVE86Vycu-00361-00250408-00251167 is also helping the system and that's reflected in this 9.8% astronomical growth in retail sales. yZoVE86Vycu-00362-00251280-00251840 Jamie Dimon has reported that consumers are holding close with $2 trillion in Chase bank yZoVE86Vycu-00363-00251840-00252344 accounts and this will again unleash spending. Any inflation concern, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00364-00252640-00254000 Inflation concerns right now looks not imminent. It is probably advanced. We may begin to see yZoVE86Vycu-00365-00254000-00254696 inflation, I won't use the word we will, because we don't know this unknown factor called covid-19 yZoVE86Vycu-00366-00254752-00255904 and its fluctuations. But clearly, the rate hike in 2022 looks, in my view, very eminent and 2023 yZoVE86Vycu-00367-00255904-00256600 is possibly the original date may get advanced as a result of money and economic activity. yZoVE86Vycu-00368-00256736-00257360 The 10-year treasury bills, the rate has slipped below 1.6% yZoVE86Vycu-00369-00257432-00258167 and the 30-year mortgage is now down to 2.265%, never seen this so low in my lifetime, sir. yZoVE86Vycu-00370-00258296-00258767 Well again, two things. If you are not investing in stock markets it's time yZoVE86Vycu-00371-00258767-00259184 to invest in the stock market to maximize what you can get in the next eight months. yZoVE86Vycu-00372-00259271-00259671 You have never taken a loan it's time to take a mortgage loan or a home equity loan. You yZoVE86Vycu-00373-00259671-00260448 ain't going to get this type of rate. 30-year is at 2.265% yZoVE86Vycu-00374-00260512-00261304 and 10-year is at 1.574%. Remember 10-year went past 1.7% but to the credit of Dr Jerome Powell, yZoVE86Vycu-00375-00261360-00261912 he has insisted and insisted and insisted and he somehow kept this bond vigilantes out yZoVE86Vycu-00376-00261912-00262448 and kept the rate below that 1.6%. Basically, the bond guys believe there's basically money going to yZoVE86Vycu-00377-00262448-00263112 be slashed into the system. Before I lose anything from my bonds because allocation is moving yZoVE86Vycu-00378-00263112-00263656 out of the bonds into the equities the only way I can do it is to keep the rates low. yZoVE86Vycu-00379-00263760-00264584 They're going to be reporting the Coinbase or Coin is the NASDAQ symbol and it's a 322.75 yZoVE86Vycu-00380-00264744-00265480 which is typically the way the markets, you set a price, it has maybe shown for few hours an uptick yZoVE86Vycu-00381-00265480-00266168 then it begins to slide. In 12 months, this could be a $500 number. So one should not be surprised yZoVE86Vycu-00382-00266168-00266960 if that happens in the case of coinbase. It follows the same pattern that happened in Facebook yZoVE86Vycu-00383-00266960-00267648 and other types of similar digital assets or digital entities. So you are seeing the downward yZoVE86Vycu-00384-00267648-00268208 slide. Those who have the appetite buy it and then 12 months down the track you will find that yZoVE86Vycu-00385-00268312-00269008 maybe you are you're still smiling. Regulation is the only threat to successful evolution. yZoVE86Vycu-00386-00269088-00269664 But the way China is going I don't know whether the rest of the world can stand aloof. yZoVE86Vycu-00387-00269816-00270312 Today is Friday, which means that we do not have our daily Hangouts tomorrow and the day after yZoVE86Vycu-00388-00270312-00270904 but we may have a weekend look depending upon how much data we have in place. But stay tuned. We yZoVE86Vycu-00389-00270904-00271352 will be telling you over social media channels. If you're going to have a special hangout with yZoVE86Vycu-00390-00271352-00272016 Sridhar Chityalaji and with that this week comes to a close. You've been very very supportive of yZoVE86Vycu-00391-00272016-00272568 our cause. May I request every one of you with folded hands to try and subscribe to our Channel yZoVE86Vycu-00392-00272568-00273072 if you have not already done so? Also, please donate to our cause, you can become a member yZoVE86Vycu-00393-00273072-00273696 of our club. This helps us immensely because we can forecast our spending and budget accordingly. yZoVE86Vycu-00394-00273696-00274272 Sridhrji, I hope you go from strength to strength every day, your voice sounds stronger. yZoVE86Vycu-00395-00274272-00275016 You've just survived a covid scare, and hopefully, we are going to have the same renewed Energy back yZoVE86Vycu-00396-00275016-00275440 and thank you very much, sir, and we'll be back again Monday morning. Namaskar. yZoVE86Vycu-00397-00275440-00276016 Namaskar and thank you. Have a wonderful weekend. Do not be fearful of covid. You can fight it and yZoVE86Vycu-00398-00276016-00276600 do not be fearful of all these numbers that they are flashing in India. And as long as you take yZoVE86Vycu-00399-00276600-00277200 precautions and you know your body and you fight it and with the right treatment, you can prevail. yZOjop05aVk-00000-00000105-00000311 Energy is the lifeblood of the economy. yZOjop05aVk-00001-00000312-00000755 Everything moves and everything is transmitted thanks to energy. yZOjop05aVk-00002-00000756-00001116 We remember the importance of energy when we have a scarcity of it. yZOjop05aVk-00003-00001317-00001703 An energy crisis is an opportunity to do a step change. yZOjop05aVk-00004-00001704-00001823 There is no time to lose. yZOjop05aVk-00005-00001823-00002129 The energy transition does need to be accelerated. yZOjop05aVk-00006-00002130-00002573 And so we should really use this opportunity to go ahead and decarbonize the yZOjop05aVk-00007-00002574-00003026 energy system and also make the energy system more resilient, secure and affordable for yZOjop05aVk-00008-00003027-00003127 everyone. yZOjop05aVk-00009-00003254-00003701 The energy system that we have built over decades is unfortunately very heavy yZOjop05aVk-00010-00003702-00003773 in emission. yZOjop05aVk-00011-00003774-00004223 So we have now to transform it while we run it. yZOjop05aVk-00012-00004224-00004664 So it is like fixing a plane while you are on it and you're flying. yZOjop05aVk-00013-00004665-00005111 So that's one part of it is a very big system that needs to be transformed. yZOjop05aVk-00014-00005112-00005570 And of course, we also live in a world that is no more a world of abundance yZOjop05aVk-00015-00005571-00005912 as it was in the past, but is a world a bit more of scarcity. yZOjop05aVk-00016-00006103-00006354 We need a lot of investment. yZOjop05aVk-00017-00006355-00006609 We need a lot of technology innovation. yZOjop05aVk-00018-00006609-00006903 And we need to apply the innovations that are here. yZOjop05aVk-00019-00006904-00007332 But above all, we need to understand that energy is not only about supply. yZOjop05aVk-00020-00007333-00007734 Many people talk about fossil fuel versus renewables, that is an important part of the yZOjop05aVk-00021-00007734-00007797 debate. yZOjop05aVk-00022-00007798-00008217 But we have to talk also a lot about, or to work a lot, on the demand side. yZOjop05aVk-00023-00008218-00008529 Because if we lower the demand, we'll need less energy supply. yZOjop05aVk-00024-00008530-00008976 How we address efficiency and the demand side is really critical to this yZOjop05aVk-00025-00008977-00009077 energy transition. yZOjop05aVk-00026-00009302-00009754 What we are trying to achieve is really look at bringing together experts in the field yZOjop05aVk-00027-00009755-00010204 of the energy transition and bring different perspectives, multi-stakeholder perspectives yZOjop05aVk-00028-00010205-00010687 to how we address the energy transition from the multiple opportunities that are included yZOjop05aVk-00029-00010688-00010759 in it. yZOjop05aVk-00030-00010760-00010897 We have to team up. yZOjop05aVk-00031-00010898-00011077 We have to do it together. yZOjop05aVk-00032-00011078-00011419 Let's not try to prevail on one side or the other side. yZOjop05aVk-00033-00011420-00011590 Let's not be ideological. yZOjop05aVk-00034-00011591-00012052 Let's try to find solutions that really give humanity an energy system yZOjop05aVk-00035-00012053-00012499 that is helpful for the development and also is sustainable with the environment. yZOjop05aVk-00036-00012500-00012946 I think the good news at the moment is that we understand what is the problem and we yZOjop05aVk-00037-00012947-00013402 have great minds and a lot of capital that is available to solve this problem. yZOjop05aVk-00038-00013403-00013558 But we shouldn't be complacent. yZOjop05aVk-00039-00013559-00013946 Everyone needs to have safe and reliable energy access. yZTlwZc2KZI-00000-00000003-00000310 >>I'm really excited about this, about this talk. Uh, I have a little bit of background, and yZTlwZc2KZI-00001-00000310-00000957 uh, in GSM and so, uhm, I hope you guys, uh, really enjoy this. Uh, we have Cambell Murray, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00002-00000957-00001458 Eoin Buckley and, uhm, what? James, uh, uh, Kulikowski. Here to to talk about, uh, GSM - we yZTlwZc2KZI-00003-00001721-00002222 can hear everyone now. Please give them a warm welcome. [applause] >>Uh, good afternoon yZTlwZc2KZI-00004-00002692-00003039 everyone. Uhm, thanks for having us, first and foremost. And thanks for the Scotch - that was yZTlwZc2KZI-00005-00003039-00003563 really really good. Great way to start a talk off. Uh, so, I'm just gonna take up the first yZTlwZc2KZI-00006-00003563-00004070 kind of 5 to 10 minutes of the talk today. I'm gonna give you a, a bit of a background into yZTlwZc2KZI-00007-00004070-00004638 how we lead up to, sort of finding, uh, some of the issues that we'll be presenting today. yZTlwZc2KZI-00008-00004638-00005068 Sorry, that was really strong Scotch. [laughter] Uh, and... [laughter] And a, uhm, a little yZTlwZc2KZI-00009-00005068-00005555 bit of an overview, uh, kind of about how, uh, our methodology and how we actually, uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00010-00005555-00005976 arrived, uh, at this point in time. Uhm, there are quite a few people - my name is Campbell yZTlwZc2KZI-00011-00005976-00006389 Murray. I'm a, uh, I'm kind of a team lead, globally, for BlackBerry. Uh, but there are a yZTlwZc2KZI-00012-00006389-00006853 lot of people involved in the team and I'm a real believer in the right person for the right yZTlwZc2KZI-00013-00006853-00007283 job always making sure you've got the, the expertise there. Uh, the concept behind what yZTlwZc2KZI-00014-00007283-00007674 we're presenting today were actually, originally, thought up by Eoin, uh, Eoin is our crypto yZTlwZc2KZI-00015-00007674-00008151 guy. Uh, this guy has forgotten more about crypto than I will ever remember. Uhm, we got with yZTlwZc2KZI-00016-00008151-00008662 us today also James Kulikowski, who's our hardware dude. Uh, not with us today, sadly, but also yZTlwZc2KZI-00017-00008662-00009049 very important to the team effort in, uh, making this presentation happen was Bartek yZTlwZc2KZI-00018-00009049-00009542 Piekarski, uh, who's our software, uh, expert and there's a few other people who need to yZTlwZc2KZI-00019-00009542-00010123 be mentioned as well. Uh, in our UK team is Anthony Goodyear, uh, senior technical consultants as yZTlwZc2KZI-00020-00010123-00010543 well. And, uh, another one, uh, a colleague of Eoin's particularly, called Tom Martin yZTlwZc2KZI-00021-00010543-00010964 - uh, who sadly couldn't make it today either. Uh, so, there’s quite a few people, quite a bit yZTlwZc2KZI-00022-00010964-00011514 of background. Uh, a lot of expertise, uh, went into several months of making this happen. yZTlwZc2KZI-00023-00011514-00011945 Not just from concept, from a concept point of view, from purely looking at the crypto yZTlwZc2KZI-00024-00011945-00012335 flaws; looking at the actual algorithms and developing the concept, but to actually putting yZTlwZc2KZI-00025-00012335-00012859 it all together and there's some serious hardware behind it which we'll get to see later. Uh, so, yZTlwZc2KZI-00026-00012859-00013249 say, I'm only gonna take up a few minutes of your time. Uh, I'm gonna give you a brief intro yZTlwZc2KZI-00027-00013249-00013820 to GSM. So, uh, just so that everybody's kind of on a level footing, so that everybody, not yZTlwZc2KZI-00028-00013820-00014150 everyone's a GSM expert, although, of course this is DefCon, so I appreciate that yZTlwZc2KZI-00029-00014150-00014638 some really, really, scarily good technical brains in the audience here. But, just so that yZTlwZc2KZI-00030-00014638-00014971 everyone's, you know, starting out in a fair place. So, I'll give you a very brief, high yZTlwZc2KZI-00031-00014971-00015518 level overview of how GSM comms work. Uh, Eoin's then gonna pick with concept overview from a far yZTlwZc2KZI-00032-00015518-00016046 more, uh, deeply technical point of view. Uh, James is gonna explain the test lab and all of yZTlwZc2KZI-00033-00016046-00016513 the really really fun hardware, uh, and the amount of money that we spend making this happen. yZTlwZc2KZI-00034-00016513-00016900 Which is just the best part of security research... [laughter] Is seeing those dollars going yZTlwZc2KZI-00035-00016900-00017414 out the door. And then we'll have a general, sort of, uhm, wrap it up with a, a yZTlwZc2KZI-00036-00017414-00017914 conversation about cellular, uh, security. So, I'm going to give you a real rough, high-level yZTlwZc2KZI-00037-00018134-00018822 introduction to GSM. And concepts for, uh, for GSM's been around since. uh, late 80s - a yZTlwZc2KZI-00038-00018822-00019332 major improvement over the analogue mobile, uh, phone system - of course. Uhm, GSM yZTlwZc2KZI-00039-00019332-00019833 started to be implemented in 19, between 1991 and 1995. And, uh, out of all of the mobile phones yZTlwZc2KZI-00040-00020036-00020360 standards of which there are several, uh, it's the first one to have really considered yZTlwZc2KZI-00041-00020360-00020860 security in its uh, in its actual design. Uh, key features, key functions of GSM, which you yZTlwZc2KZI-00042-00021074-00021745 need to be aware of, are of course TDMA, uh, Time Division, uh, Multiple Access. Uhm, in the yZTlwZc2KZI-00043-00021745-00022262 way that GSM assigns timeslots, instant communications, uh, GSM also introduced the concept of yZTlwZc2KZI-00044-00022262-00022782 the SIM, uh, Subscriber Identity Module - which was completely different to CDMA, uh, which is yZTlwZc2KZI-00045-00022782-00023153 still in use. Now, I did some Googling earlier and of course, Google's like 100 percent yZTlwZc2KZI-00046-00023153-00023680 accurate - all the time, every time. And this claims that CDMA is still in use in 47 percent of yZTlwZc2KZI-00047-00023680-00024077 communications in, uh, North America, on mobile phones. Which I find kind of hard to believe. yZTlwZc2KZI-00048-00024077-00024597 But, you know, Google, right? It's never wrong. Uhm, so, GSM's were introduced for us time yZTlwZc2KZI-00049-00024597-00025201 slots. It's introduced to us, uh, individual subscriber identity modules as well. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00050-00025201-00025625 but it does have several design issues in that there are multiple ciphers that could be yZTlwZc2KZI-00051-00025625-00026072 used in GSM, uh, but the prevalent ones that are in use today only support key sizes yZTlwZc2KZI-00052-00026072-00026743 that are less than 64 bits. And, uh, the encrypted data contains redundancy for signal cleaning - yZTlwZc2KZI-00053-00026743-00027243 which Eoin will go into far more detail later. So, looking at timeslot concept round, uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00054-00027460-00027971 GSM, I'll speak a little bit about how the actual cipher is generated in the next slide. yZTlwZc2KZI-00055-00027971-00028425 But, uh, GSM introduction on timeslots uh - there are 8 timeslots available, uh, in the yZTlwZc2KZI-00056-00028425-00028999 frame, uh, when your mobile phone connects to a base station it's negotiating timeslots being yZTlwZc2KZI-00057-00028999-00029539 one of the factors used in generating the cipher key. Uh, which of course produce the yZTlwZc2KZI-00058-00029539-00030210 cipher text. In the GSM ecosystem, uh, frames ah- across the, across the base station are yZTlwZc2KZI-00059-00030210-00030830 put into multiframes and super frames. Uh, and overriding long into a hyper frame which has a yZTlwZc2KZI-00060-00030830-00031411 total time life span of just under 3 and a half hours. So, all the time slots after 3 and a yZTlwZc2KZI-00061-00031411-00032005 half hours are reset and re, and begin again. Time Slots within that hyper frame can not exist yZTlwZc2KZI-00062-00032005-00032505 beyond that, uh, beyond that period of time. The actual cipher itself is based on yZTlwZc2KZI-00063-00032712-00033126 symmetric encryption which of course means there is a shared key, uh, between handset and yZTlwZc2KZI-00064-00033126-00033717 base station. Uh, the actual cipher stream itself is made up, uh, cipher itself, the A5 cipher yZTlwZc2KZI-00065-00033717-00034217 itself is made up of, uh, 3 key components - uh, the KC value is produced by KI and Rand value in yZTlwZc2KZI-00066-00034481-00034971 the SIM card itself, hence why we mentioned, yes i'm introducing SIMs, earlier on - yZTlwZc2KZI-00067-00034971-00035475 uh it's one of the values. Uh, the cipher stream element is built up of four bursts of 114 yZTlwZc2KZI-00068-00035475-00036066 bits each and contains a total of 228 bits for the up and down stream. Uh, the frame number, yZTlwZc2KZI-00069-00036066-00036583 again, as we looked at timeslots just a few minutes ago, again, all of this being relevant from yZTlwZc2KZI-00070-00036583-00037147 a very very high level, top down view of actually how GSM, uh, works as a mechanism. Also yZTlwZc2KZI-00071-00037147-00037684 provides, uh, an element of entropy into producing the cipher. Uh, currently there are yZTlwZc2KZI-00072-00037684-00038184 2 main ciphers in use, A5-1 and A5-3, uh, there is A5-4 which does allow 128 bits but its only yZTlwZc2KZI-00073-00038518-00039132 in use in very very specific locations and via some uh very particular, actual mobile phones yZTlwZc2KZI-00074-00039132-00039756 cellular operators. So, that, whilst obviously a, a much more daunting proposition for yZTlwZc2KZI-00075-00039756-00040140 examining the crypto in A5-4 - it's not something we're actually going to give too much yZTlwZc2KZI-00076-00040140-00040757 prevalence to today because it is, it is quite an issue still. Uh, worth noting the A5-2 was yZTlwZc2KZI-00077-00040757-00041451 disallowed, uh, sometime 2000s was a paper by, uh, dadada, uh Barkham, thank you, Viam and yZTlwZc2KZI-00078-00041451-00042132 Keller along the GSMA who released the paper in 2006 - which discounted the use of, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00079-00042132-00042736 A5-2 encryption. Uh, of course in this guidance for encryption, uh, currently and a guidance yZTlwZc2KZI-00080-00042736-00043229 often being guidance and not always practically implemented is calling for 112-bit security yZTlwZc2KZI-00081-00043229-00043803 strength, uh, based on the standards today. So, from a very, very basic introduction to yZTlwZc2KZI-00082-00043803-00044287 GSM what I'm going to do is hand you over to Eoin Buckley who's gonna, uh, start looking at the yZTlwZc2KZI-00083-00044287-00044981 concept from the design flaws that, uh, been identified in GSM implementation standards. So, yZTlwZc2KZI-00084-00044981-00045482 please, Eoin. >>Thanks a lot Campbell. So, in this section we'll, uh, go over from uh- a yZTlwZc2KZI-00085-00045949-00046566 high level the concept of, of the attack and, uh, what we're going to be focusing in on. So, yZTlwZc2KZI-00086-00046566-00047067 as Campbell mentioned, earlier, one of the features that GSM came in, comes in with for A5-1 yZTlwZc2KZI-00087-00047267-00047931 and A5-3 is a small key size - up to 64 bits in length. And, uh, yeah with the yZTlwZc2KZI-00088-00047931-00048491 recommendations from this with a 112-bit key length you can see there's a large gap there. So, yZTlwZc2KZI-00089-00048491-00048992 uhm, there, that should, that should already be of concern. Uhm, a second. Uhm, feature in yZTlwZc2KZI-00090-00049255-00049756 GSM is, uh, the, their use of "error control coding", so, uhm, error-control coding it adds yZTlwZc2KZI-00091-00050063-00050620 redundancy to a packet that's transmitted. It actually has a very good use in wireless yZTlwZc2KZI-00092-00050620-00051197 communication. When you're transmitting a packet across a channel, there's fading, there's yZTlwZc2KZI-00093-00051197-00051698 interference from other cells, there's thermal noise in the, in the RF receive chain. So, it's a yZTlwZc2KZI-00094-00051981-00052662 very noisy single, signal that's received in the base band. So, uhm, we've gone through, we add yZTlwZc2KZI-00095-00052662-00053256 error control coding in order to clean up the signal - to figure out what is the correct message? yZTlwZc2KZI-00096-00053256-00053777 Now what, what has happened in GSM is they actually per, uh, performed the error control yZTlwZc2KZI-00097-00053777-00054284 coding before the encryption, so as we shou- should see on the slide here - first you get your, yZTlwZc2KZI-00098-00054284-00054884 your message, the second you put it through the error control coding which adds in redundancy. yZTlwZc2KZI-00099-00054884-00055278 And then you carry out the encryption. And that's what we're gonna make use of. yZTlwZc2KZI-00100-00055278-00055719 Because, once you have redundancy in a message, uhm, if, if you're in the crypto yZTlwZc2KZI-00101-00055719-00056159 world, you know, that's bad. That can be used to figure out what the key is. And that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00102-00056159-00056766 exactly what we're gonna show today. Uhm, we'll mention, uh, again later but in later yZTlwZc2KZI-00103-00056766-00057427 standards - like in 3G, 4G, 5G, uh and in most wireless standards, uh what they do is yZTlwZc2KZI-00104-00057427-00057877 actually carry out the encryption of the message before error control coding. So, that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00105-00057877-00058378 the issue that we're gonna be making use of today. Uhm, yea, so, as, as we see on the slide yZTlwZc2KZI-00106-00058618-00059042 here, the error control coding is usually used to get rid of the noise on the channel. We're yZTlwZc2KZI-00107-00059042-00059679 gonna be using that to identify the cipherstream and therefore the key that's been used to, to yZTlwZc2KZI-00108-00059679-00060180 carry out the encryption. Getting in, into a little bit more depth, uhm, in GSM, just yZTlwZc2KZI-00109-00060563-00061154 because of the time that GSM was created, or, in the late 80s or standardized in the late 80s, yZTlwZc2KZI-00110-00061154-00061801 uhm, the, the error control code that was used then, was a convolutional code. So, that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00111-00061801-00062302 what we're gonna be using today. Uhm, the, in general, uhm, an attack isn't really uh, focussed yZTlwZc2KZI-00112-00062545-00063196 on the convolutional code, uhm, if there was any other, uh, error-control code and there, in yZTlwZc2KZI-00113-00063196-00063823 principal, should be an approach to use that infor, redundancy that's in the message. Uhm, what yZTlwZc2KZI-00114-00063823-00064401 we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be, uh, capturing the encrypted error control codework yZTlwZc2KZI-00115-00064401-00064928 that's transmitted across the air. We're gonna capture it in a, a, we're gonna capture it yZTlwZc2KZI-00116-00064928-00065428 using an SDR. We're gonna do a little bit of, uh, mathematical computation using the yZTlwZc2KZI-00117-00065712-00066189 characteristics of the error-control code which happens to be a convolutional code. And, yZTlwZc2KZI-00118-00066189-00066606 we're gonna figure out an indicator. So, we're gonna use the term "indicator" a lot. What yZTlwZc2KZI-00119-00066606-00067140 that is, is, I, I was speaking to pentester which used a very good phrase - "It's a yZTlwZc2KZI-00120-00067140-00067640 fingerprint for the key." So, our indicator will be, uh, the fingerprint for the key that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00121-00067864-00068365 used for, for the encryption. Uhm, and, uh, we'll, uh, in principal, our overview of the yZTlwZc2KZI-00122-00068581-00069059 attack is we'll use that fingerprint to look up a rainbow table to identify what, which, yZTlwZc2KZI-00123-00069059-00069616 uh, key is being used for the encryption. So, specifically in the- in our, in our yZTlwZc2KZI-00124-00069616-00070116 demonstration which we'll show in a little bit, we're gonna go after this SACCH channel because yZTlwZc2KZI-00125-00070116-00070794 it's well-known and, uhm, it's, it's quite regular and it's something we, we, uh, can easily yZTlwZc2KZI-00126-00070794-00071401 find, uh, just makes the demonstration very very easy. Uhm, the nice thing about SACCH yZTlwZc2KZI-00127-00071401-00071938 is once you compromise a SACCH channel, it's a control channel. Uh- You'll also get the key for yZTlwZc2KZI-00128-00071938-00072425 voice. The same keys used for both cases. And SACCH stands for "Slow Associated Control yZTlwZc2KZI-00129-00072425-00073046 Channel" and when you go into a cell, it's used for, it's got several uses - one of them is uh yZTlwZc2KZI-00130-00073046-00073500 to give you information about neighbour cells. Uhm, so you can go and take measurements on yZTlwZc2KZI-00131-00073500-00074000 them. Uh, one key feature of, uhm, using this redundancy in the message is our, our, this yZTlwZc2KZI-00132-00074297-00074798 attack will work for any message on this SACCH channel. We don't care what the message is. Uh, we yZTlwZc2KZI-00133-00075021-00075612 will just be using the redundancy that's added in there to compute the indicator. So, yZTlwZc2KZI-00134-00075612-00076259 it's not a plaintext attack at all. [cough] Uhm, we'll be just using the parody bits that come yZTlwZc2KZI-00135-00076259-00076743 from the error control code to help us figure out what that indicator is. That's a great yZTlwZc2KZI-00136-00076743-00077243 freedom. Uh, so, in the past, uhm I think SACCH has, uh... [coughing] There's only a few yZTlwZc2KZI-00137-00077654-00078161 messages which are transmitted on the SACCH channel, even if they- they were randomized we yZTlwZc2KZI-00138-00078161-00078782 wouldn't care. We're using the error control code properties and that's all we need. So, uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00139-00078782-00079332 this slide, it's getting a bit more down into the details, uhm, I'll start off by saying what I yZTlwZc2KZI-00140-00079332-00079959 want out of this slide is just to give you, you an idea of the complexity of, uh, computing the yZTlwZc2KZI-00141-00079959-00080440 indicator. We don't have to understand every detail of this slide. Uhm, so, error control yZTlwZc2KZI-00142-00080440-00080974 coding and convolutional codes for the SACCH channel we use what's called a "raid 1 half yZTlwZc2KZI-00143-00080974-00081474 code". So, the "raid 1 half" mean - what "raid 1 half" means is we take one, uhm, stream of yZTlwZc2KZI-00144-00081781-00082348 message input into the error control code and we get two streams out - we get the upper yZTlwZc2KZI-00145-00082348-00082766 stream which is called the "parody one" stream and a lower stream which is called the yZTlwZc2KZI-00146-00082766-00083266 "parody two" stream. Those streams are then, uhm, encrypted using the A5-1 or A5-3 or A5-4 yZTlwZc2KZI-00147-00083730-00084224 cipher. Uhm, so what that's transmitted over the air is the encrypted parody 1 or parody 2 yZTlwZc2KZI-00148-00084457-00084958 stream which is shown as by those red arrows. That's is what we capture. So, uhm, just to yZTlwZc2KZI-00149-00085248-00085632 talk, talk a little bit about the mechanics about what goes on with the error control coding yZTlwZc2KZI-00150-00085632-00086286 itself. The upper stream, uh, that’s formed by what's called uh, by using what’s called a yZTlwZc2KZI-00151-00086286-00086986 generator polynomial and I put that down here as G1. And the lower stream is, is uhm, is yZTlwZc2KZI-00152-00086986-00087520 formed by what's called a gen, a second generator polynomial which we call G2. These yZTlwZc2KZI-00153-00087520-00088178 generator poly, polynomials - they're defined by 5 bits, okay? Uh, we don't have to go into too yZTlwZc2KZI-00154-00088178-00088595 many details about the generator polynomials but really all you're doing is you're putting yZTlwZc2KZI-00155-00088595-00089189 your message through, uh, a 5 element register. And then you're tapping off these yZTlwZc2KZI-00156-00089189-00089689 registers and XORing them together. So, for the lower, the G2, uhm, since it's got 1 1 0 1 yZTlwZc2KZI-00157-00089893-00090437 1, it means that you're taking the first, second, fourth and fifth register; seeing what yZTlwZc2KZI-00158-00090437-00090944 values of the message are in there and XORing them together and that'll produce your lower, yZTlwZc2KZI-00159-00090944-00091444 uhm, parody 2 stream. Uhm, I'm sure it's described there on Wikipedia, just know that it's a yZTlwZc2KZI-00160-00091791-00092292 register that, that you're just convolving with the, uh- input message string. And again, as, yZTlwZc2KZI-00161-00092565-00093166 as we mentioned earlier, then that's put through, uhm, A5, uhm, A5 encryption algorithm. yZTlwZc2KZI-00162-00093166-00093797 What we are gonna do to, to use our, uh, to, to compute our indicator is we're gonna carry yZTlwZc2KZI-00163-00093797-00094381 out something called "deconvolution". So, what we're gonna decon, deconvolve the yZTlwZc2KZI-00164-00094381-00095075 stream with is the exact same generator polynomials. So, we're, uh, for example, for the yZTlwZc2KZI-00165-00095075-00095575 upper stream its gonna, it's of 228 bits long. We're gonna carry out, we're gonna get our 5, uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00166-00095979-00096629 generator polynomial bits and just deconvolve it in, as, like, as, as a window. All the way yZTlwZc2KZI-00167-00096629-00097130 along the stream to get a 224-bit output and that 224-bit output will be called "cube 1" yZTlwZc2KZI-00168-00097474-00098061 and we do, uh, we perform a similar operation, uh, on parody 2 stream and we XOR them yZTlwZc2KZI-00169-00098061-00098601 together. Uhm, the mathematics behind this is given in the appendix. Uh, but from our, for yZTlwZc2KZI-00170-00098601-00099145 our purposes all we need to know here is we're carrying out a deconvolutional operation on the yZTlwZc2KZI-00171-00099145-00099789 top stream, deconvolutional operation on the bottom and then we're gonna XOR the two streams yZTlwZc2KZI-00172-00099789-00100290 together. As far as how complex that is, uhm, in the simulations we've run, on our accelerated yZTlwZc2KZI-00173-00100533-00101034 GPUs, uhm, it takes about half the complexity of running, uh, a cipher to carry out these two yZTlwZc2KZI-00174-00101367-00101868 deconvolutions and computing our indicator. So, it's not a very, very, uhm, com, complex action. yZTlwZc2KZI-00175-00102298-00102826 It can be something, done, it's a, it's half the complexity of actually running the ciphers yZTlwZc2KZI-00176-00102826-00103520 themselves, so it's, it's something very feasible. Uh, getting into the indicator yZTlwZc2KZI-00177-00103520-00104020 itself, Uh, the indicator we produce is, uh, 224 bits long - quite a long indicator and to yZTlwZc2KZI-00178-00104587-00105215 compute it we need to capture the full four bursts of a SACCH message. Uh, we have to go yZTlwZc2KZI-00179-00105215-00105785 through the full process of deinterleaving that, demodulating that. Uhm, and then yZTlwZc2KZI-00180-00105785-00106473 forming an actual - getting it back into a state of a convolutional codework. Uh, the yZTlwZc2KZI-00181-00106473-00106973 indicator we compute is fully determined by the convolutional code and the cipher stream yZTlwZc2KZI-00182-00107377-00107877 that's encrypting, uh, the, the, the SACCH message. The indicator that we, we get is 224 bits long yZTlwZc2KZI-00183-00108615-00108975 and you can imagine if we're getting an indicator that's 224 bits long, and we're trying to yZTlwZc2KZI-00184-00108975-00109586 use that to indicate our 64-bit key - we've got a lot of redundancy there that's left. We yZTlwZc2KZI-00185-00109586-00109973 only need 60, a 64-bit indicator, so what we're actually gonna do in the yZTlwZc2KZI-00186-00109973-00110587 demonstration is just take the first 64 bits and use that in our, uh, mini rainbow table that yZTlwZc2KZI-00187-00110587-00111087 we've got set up. Okay? So, the next section is James. >>Gonna fit this... Alright, so, uh, in yZTlwZc2KZI-00188-00113046-00113440 this section we're just gonna go through what our current lab setup is. Uh, so we actually yZTlwZc2KZI-00189-00113440-00113820 went through a couple of different evolutions of lab setups. Uh, so this first slide yZTlwZc2KZI-00190-00113820-00114234 just goes over the hardware we're using, uh, and this just represents, uh, what is yZTlwZc2KZI-00191-00114234-00114717 currently in the lab. Uh, so right now uh we're using multiple different, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00192-00114717-00115245 telephone devices, or cellular devices. And the only reason we say "various unlocked cellular yZTlwZc2KZI-00193-00115245-00115618 devices" here is that we don't want to target a specific manufacturer because obviously yZTlwZc2KZI-00194-00115618-00116189 this is a problem with the GSM, uh standard as whole and not as an individual manufacturer of yZTlwZc2KZI-00195-00116189-00116689 devices. Uh, additionally for this to work, uh, since we were using open BTS, uh, we were, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00196-00116906-00117437 in need of 2G compliant, uh, programmable SIM cards. Uh, so we ended up picking up a couple yZTlwZc2KZI-00197-00117437-00117937 of those, uh, that support the comp 128 V1 and comp 21, uh comp 128 V2, uh, algorithms for yZTlwZc2KZI-00198-00118181-00118808 generating the uh, the KC stream, uh, which is required for encryption at A5-1 and A5-3. yZTlwZc2KZI-00199-00118808-00119309 Uh, additionally, uh, to program this, obviously we needed, uh, some hardware to do the, the yZTlwZc2KZI-00200-00119612-00120300 actual write. Uh, additionally, uh, there we, we ended up using a, an SDR - uh, multiple SDRs in yZTlwZc2KZI-00201-00120300-00120987 this case. Uh, so for our actual BTS base station, uh, we used Ettus Research N210, uh, so, yZTlwZc2KZI-00202-00120987-00121531 pretty hefty piece of machinery there. Uh, and that's running with a WBX daughter board on yZTlwZc2KZI-00203-00121531-00122078 that as well. Uh, to stabilize the actual clock frequency, uh, we actually ended up using an yZTlwZc2KZI-00204-00122078-00122722 external mini GPS reference clock. Uh, just to give us a nice 10 megahertz reference. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00205-00122722-00123293 for our actual captures we ended up just using a, uh, standard AirSpy SDR mini. Uh, we did have yZTlwZc2KZI-00206-00123293-00123870 some other, uh, tools available to us, such as, uh, hack RF, you know blade RF, X 40, and some yZTlwZc2KZI-00207-00123870-00124250 additional things. But they were a bit overkill for what we actually needed, you could do yZTlwZc2KZI-00208-00124250-00124871 this with a 15 dollar, uh, RTL SDR dongle if you needed to. And then, just uh various tuned yZTlwZc2KZI-00209-00124871-00125371 antennas for the 900 megahertz frequency needed in GSM. Uh, moving on to our software side. yZTlwZc2KZI-00210-00125718-00126092 Uh, so, from the software, uh, we actually started out with, with the range that works yZTlwZc2KZI-00211-00126092-00126593 OpenBTS 5 dot 0, uh, which is open source. Uh, on, the uh RangeNetwork’s GitHub, uh but we yZTlwZc2KZI-00212-00126843-00127120 ended up upgrading to their actual commercial version because it was a bit more yZTlwZc2KZI-00213-00127120-00127517 stable, uh, so we ended up getting their software to find mobile networking suites - 7 dot yZTlwZc2KZI-00214-00127517-00127987 0 dot 4. Which is the, the current evolution that's available from them. Uh, for the yZTlwZc2KZI-00215-00127987-00128488 actual programming of the SIM cards, uh, we just use the standard, uh, PySIM tool, uh, to yZTlwZc2KZI-00216-00128488-00129108 do the, uh, setup of our, our MCUs and use an injection of our KI values, uh, into the actual yZTlwZc2KZI-00217-00129108-00129609 cards themselves. Uh, for the actual captures, uh, from our second device, uh, we had a Kali yZTlwZc2KZI-00218-00129819-00130400 machine setup using GNU radio, uh, and the GR-GSM, uh, tool suite that's available through yZTlwZc2KZI-00219-00130400-00130900 the, uh, osmo-com, uh, toolsets. And then, uh, from a 3rd laptop, that, uh, Eoin was running, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00220-00131214-00131778 we had, uh, Octave running. Uh, it's like a modified version of MATLAB that allows us to go yZTlwZc2KZI-00221-00131778-00132272 through and do the calculations of the indicator. And then for the actual lab configuration yZTlwZc2KZI-00222-00132512-00132972 itself, so, all our testing was actually done under RF-isolation. So, this is yZTlwZc2KZI-00223-00132972-00133383 actually a picture of one of our isolation chambers in our Waterloo office in Canada. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00224-00133383-00133927 so what we ended up going into a nice RF-shield room and doing all, all of our stuff there. So, yZTlwZc2KZI-00225-00133927-00134410 that way we weren't actually affecting any actual cell phone devices in the, uh, local area. yZTlwZc2KZI-00226-00134410-00135074 Uh, another note here, uh, as Eoin mentioned earlier, uh, we ended up using the A5-3 cipher yZTlwZc2KZI-00227-00135074-00135575 itself as the, uh, the cipher that we were testing against. And we enabled the support for yZTlwZc2KZI-00228-00135845-00136392 the SACCH random neighbour, uh, protections as well as random padding. So, that way we can yZTlwZc2KZI-00229-00136392-00136896 prove out and, you know, show this really is not a plaintext attack. We're actually looking yZTlwZc2KZI-00230-00136896-00137303 at, uh, just the message itself and we don't care what the bits are that are actually being yZTlwZc2KZI-00231-00137303-00137804 transmitted. And, actually, before we talk about this one, I'll actually jump over to, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00232-00138148-00138648 a video demo of... Let me actually see if it'll let me jump over. [chuckle] We've got a yZTlwZc2KZI-00233-00138985-00139486 quick video here that goes through the actual capture process. [silence] So, the first yZTlwZc2KZI-00234-00140276-00140787 thing that you'll see come up on the screen is actually a, uh, visual dashboard that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00235-00140787-00141264 available within the software-defined mobile networking suite. Uh, so where yZTlwZc2KZI-00236-00141264-00141744 all this is showing, is just the, the signal levels available. RSSI values and yZTlwZc2KZI-00237-00141744-00142105 things of that, that nat- nature, uh, from the devices that are available on the yZTlwZc2KZI-00238-00142105-00142542 network. Uh, so what you're seeing here right now is the first, uh, device starting to yZTlwZc2KZI-00239-00142542-00143243 communicate in. And then, uh, we'll see another, uh, an actual MZ connect to the, uh, the yZTlwZc2KZI-00240-00143243-00143763 system here in a second. And this will actually be the start of our, our first phone call yZTlwZc2KZI-00241-00143763-00144354 that we'll, we'll be capturing. Uh, and as, as we continue to capture here you'll see a second yZTlwZc2KZI-00242-00144354-00144854 MZ pop-up that second telephone, uh, that's on that same network. Uh, and in a moment here you'll yZTlwZc2KZI-00243-00145281-00145962 see a, an overlay, uh, pop up, and in this overlay this is, uh, our second machine actually yZTlwZc2KZI-00244-00145962-00146496 going through on Kali using GR-GSM, uh, with the capture tool - just to capture, uh, the, yZTlwZc2KZI-00245-00146496-00146996 uh, the packets, uh, and record them out to a offline file for, uh, additional processing. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00246-00147477-00147884 and this is just in verbose mode so you can see all the bits running through the screen. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00247-00147884-00148565 it- you don't necessarily need to do this in real, in real life. It, uh, just a lot of yZTlwZc2KZI-00248-00148565-00149115 garbage across the screen, right? [chuckle] And this will go on for about another 30 yZTlwZc2KZI-00249-00149115-00149702 seconds here as the, uh, the call, uh, continues. And then we'll see the, the hang up yZTlwZc2KZI-00250-00149702-00150196 action occur as the, uh, the signal tails off there on the other side of the screen. Little yZTlwZc2KZI-00251-00151187-00151688 bit longer than I remember. [chuckle] Yea, so our call should be hanging up there, we yZTlwZc2KZI-00252-00152846-00153346 just saw that a signal drop and uh, should tail off and that's the end of our transmission on yZTlwZc2KZI-00253-00153720-00154220 those, uh, traffic jammers. [deep breath] So, now what's happening here is we've actually yZTlwZc2KZI-00254-00154567-00155061 taken that file and sent it over to, uh, Bartek, uh, so Bartek's actually gonna do and run yZTlwZc2KZI-00255-00155061-00155645 through the signal processing. So, this is using a custom flow graph, uh, with the GRG-SM, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00256-00155645-00156296 blocks within, uh, GNU-radio. So he added his own FFT in here and also a burst printer so what yZTlwZc2KZI-00257-00156296-00156766 we're doing is we're looking only for SACCH messages, uh, explicitly and then printing yZTlwZc2KZI-00258-00156766-00157454 those SACCH messages out, uh, to both uh, WireShark for output over the local host. And then to yZTlwZc2KZI-00259-00157454-00157954 a, uh, text file which we can then parse and pull out the extracted verse that we need. yZTlwZc2KZI-00260-00157954-00158455 So, here, uh, he's highlighting the time slots that are actually used for the call so you can see yZTlwZc2KZI-00261-00158661-00159162 the two separate calls here, uh, running on timeslot 6 and timeslot 7. And then we're just yZTlwZc2KZI-00262-00159456-00159869 gonna open up that file here, so this is the actual burst messages in that text file yZTlwZc2KZI-00263-00159869-00160293 that's generated through the, uh, the custom flow graph you generated. And we're gonna yZTlwZc2KZI-00264-00160293-00160794 select a, uh, full set of four bursts for timeslot 7 and then copy that into a separate file yZTlwZc2KZI-00265-00161040-00161674 here. And then we're gonna do the same thing for the, uh, timeslot 6. So, we're gonna yZTlwZc2KZI-00266-00161674-00162168 scroll down through the, this section here and grab that last four, uh, complete messages for, yZTlwZc2KZI-00267-00162425-00162926 uh, the timeslot 6. [indistinct talking] And again, we're just dropping that into the, uh, a yZTlwZc2KZI-00268-00164287-00164761 seperate text file. And now this text file has been sent over to, uh, Eoin that he's gonna run yZTlwZc2KZI-00269-00164761-00165341 through his, uh, tool with this command SACCH, uh, SACCH crack. And, right here what's happening yZTlwZc2KZI-00270-00165341-00166025 is it's, it's now analyzing that indicator. Uh, so we see the, the, uh, full indicator that's yZTlwZc2KZI-00271-00166025-00166719 generated and we determine our key, uh, from that indicator and then go back and validate that yZTlwZc2KZI-00272-00166719-00167350 the key that we, we actually get here is what we expect but then calculating another message yZTlwZc2KZI-00273-00167350-00167851 using that key and validating that the signatures are both identical. [coughing] [chuckle] yZTlwZc2KZI-00274-00168084-00168585 [applause] Thank you. [applause] Yea, so that's the real magic part, right there. [chuckle] Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00275-00169375-00169716 then we jump into actually extracting audio - so, this is probably stuff that you've seen yZTlwZc2KZI-00276-00169716-00170200 before, uh, using the same tools with GR-GSM. Uh, but what we're really doing here is now just yZTlwZc2KZI-00277-00170200-00170700 going back, uh, through GR-GSM looking a the packets, uh, finding the, uh, point where the yZTlwZc2KZI-00278-00170927-00171548 calls are initiated. [sneeze] Uh, and then identifying what, uh, cipher was actually being yZTlwZc2KZI-00279-00171548-00172048 used. So, in this case we'll see, uh, in that first message here, that we're using the A5-3 yZTlwZc2KZI-00280-00172368-00172869 cipher. So this is where it's set the cipher uh mode connection command here. Uhm, so yZTlwZc2KZI-00281-00173223-00173740 in this second command now what we're doing is we're telling it, uh, we know that, uh, we're yZTlwZc2KZI-00282-00173740-00174234 using the, uh, cipher, uh, mode A, uh, A5-3. Uh, we're gonna select our uh calculated key, yZTlwZc2KZI-00283-00174814-00175271 uh, pass that to the tool and this is going to allow us to decrypt the SACCH messages, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00284-00175271-00175772 that we, uh were unable to see previously. And so now we're looking back through that same yZTlwZc2KZI-00285-00176166-00176666 set of commands, and verifying that we can actually see the decrypted SACCH messages. Uh, so yZTlwZc2KZI-00286-00176936-00177437 we're seeing that, you know, we're using, uh, TC, uh, TCH full, full rate for the audio. yZTlwZc2KZI-00287-00177654-00178164 Uh, and what the time slot was for that specific call. Uh, in the last command here that we yZTlwZc2KZI-00288-00178164-00178665 run is now, uh, changing the mode for the, uh, decoder to TCH full-rate and then decoding that yZTlwZc2KZI-00289-00179042-00179542 actual speech out to a output file. And then we watch this through, uh, wireshark, cause yZTlwZc2KZI-00290-00179966-00180650 there is, uhm, uh, problems with the GR-GSM tool now where it does tend to hang when doing a yZTlwZc2KZI-00291-00180650-00181204 decryption of the, uh, audio and outputting it to a speech file. Uh so, what we end up doing is yZTlwZc2KZI-00292-00181204-00181711 just, uh, following the traffic until we see the actual hangup, uh, in release command. And then yZTlwZc2KZI-00293-00181711-00182212 killing our, uh, our session in Kali. And then, uh, shortly after this what you'll hear, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00294-00182792-00183379 is the audio clip that was, uh, decoded from this, uh, this capture. Uh, and that's just yZTlwZc2KZI-00295-00183379-00183880 cleaned up with audacity and uh, thrown into an MP3 file. Fr... >>Hello, hello.. >>Hey, hey this yZTlwZc2KZI-00296-00184647-00185288 is Micheal, how you doing? >>I am doing awesome, except for these zombies! You see all these yZTlwZc2KZI-00297-00185288-00185788 zombies around? >>Yea, good gosh, they're everywhere! >>Yea, so many even have blonde hair! yZTlwZc2KZI-00298-00186039-00186409 [laughter] >>Wait. Zombies have blonde hair? >>At least the, the, the scary ones. [laughter] yZTlwZc2KZI-00299-00186409-00186943 >>Those are the real scary ones. They even go laughing, laughing. Blonde haired zombies, who could yZTlwZc2KZI-00300-00186943-00187497 imagine? >>So, so what are we gonna do about them though? That's the question. >>I, I yZTlwZc2KZI-00301-00187497-00187977 dunno, Maybe we'll have to, to change their hair colour. I hear some of them might be coming up yZTlwZc2KZI-00302-00187977-00188521 to DefCon, so hopefully we can change, change their hair to blue, by then. >>Yea, that's a yZTlwZc2KZI-00303-00188521-00189135 good idea. >>How it works - whoever sees a blue uh- haired zombie up on stage at DefCon yZTlwZc2KZI-00304-00189135-00189636 gets a, gets a prize after the talk. >>Sounds lovely. >>Alright, see you later! yZTlwZc2KZI-00305-00189859-00190477 >>Alright, see you! >>Yea, so obviously that was them talking about me. [laughter] [applause] yZTlwZc2KZI-00306-00190477-00190977 Thanks! [applause] Yea, so that, that call was actually two weeks ago in our Illinois office, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00307-00191504-00191998 with a gentleman of the name Tom Martin, and Eoin uh that we captured just for this demo. And yZTlwZc2KZI-00308-00192278-00192829 then we'll jump back over to our slide right here. Uh so this is that, that flow graph I yZTlwZc2KZI-00309-00192829-00193359 mentioned earlier that we saw uh in the demo. So, this is just the, the modified flow, uh, that yZTlwZc2KZI-00310-00193359-00193980 we ended up using, uh, which is just uh a combination of the GR-GSM blocks and, uh, and yZTlwZc2KZI-00311-00193980-00194604 output verse printer that allows us to take all, uh, 7 timeslots, sorry, 8 timeslots and then yZTlwZc2KZI-00312-00194604-00195141 output them into our text file in, uh, raw format. And from here, i'm gonna pass it back to, yZTlwZc2KZI-00313-00195141-00195642 uh, Eoin. Thank you. [applause] >>Uh, so I just want to actually speak a little bit more about yZTlwZc2KZI-00314-00196142-00196699 the demo we just did. Uhm so, uhm, we did produce two indicators there - the first one yZTlwZc2KZI-00315-00196699-00197203 was of the encrypted SACCH message and then the second one, the way uh, the way we generated yZTlwZc2KZI-00316-00197203-00197874 the sec- or we got the second indicator we took a, a, the encryption stream itself without yZTlwZc2KZI-00317-00197874-00198331 any message and then we performed the same deconvolutional operations and yZTlwZc2KZI-00318-00198331-00198912 of course we got the same indicator showing that the message does not matter - we yZTlwZc2KZI-00319-00198912-00199412 still end up with the same indicator, just to clarify that. So, uhm, regarding this attack yZTlwZc2KZI-00320-00199722-00200296 itself, the only reason why, why it, it's, or one of the issues why it's possible is due to the yZTlwZc2KZI-00321-00200296-00200947 small key size, uhm, it's- it’s actually a bit unfair on, on GSM. I understand they were, you yZTlwZc2KZI-00322-00200947-00201447 know, during their standardisation process, uhm, they were acquired due to export yZTlwZc2KZI-00323-00201447-00201948 control regulations to have key sizes of maximum 64 bits but it ended up in the standard. Uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00324-00202195-00202705 the organisation was caught between a rock and a hard place. Uh, regarding the rainbow table yZTlwZc2KZI-00325-00202705-00203206 compu, computation, uhm,. uh, we’ve, we've actually implemented, uhm, the bones- or yZTlwZc2KZI-00326-00203520-00204207 a proof of concept for computing the rainbow table. Uhm, and it would require a sig, a yZTlwZc2KZI-00327-00204207-00204667 significant amount of effort, so this isn't something that 1 person could do. Uh, it would yZTlwZc2KZI-00328-00204667-00205221 require at least a mid-level organisation, if not a large level of organisation. So, we do yZTlwZc2KZI-00329-00205221-00205829 want to emphasize that, uhm, what we did in the demo it was a, a real, enough, produced a yZTlwZc2KZI-00330-00205829-00206366 rainbow table enough to, uh, at least uhm show the concept. Uhm, regarding cellular security yZTlwZc2KZI-00331-00206366-00206866 itself, uhm, yea one of the reasons why this is all possible again, is the small key size, yZTlwZc2KZI-00332-00207163-00207664 uhm, in GSM, uhm, today full on support A5-1, A5-3 and A5-4, uhm, I understand, we yZTlwZc2KZI-00333-00207947-00208648 understand, uh, A5-4 is, uhm, deployed in some areas of the world. Uhm, but many other areas yZTlwZc2KZI-00334-00208648-00209148 continue to use 64-bit key size. Uhm, which, which can, is much less than what mis- misguidance yZTlwZc2KZI-00335-00209375-00209876 on what would be uh, used, what should be used 112-bit security for today. Uhm, and then the yZTlwZc2KZI-00336-00210149-00210713 second issue which we've shown here is ciphering is performed after control coding. Without yZTlwZc2KZI-00337-00210713-00211181 that, again, don't get our redundancy where we can go and, and crunch those bits together yZTlwZc2KZI-00338-00211181-00211681 uhm, which will provide us the indicator to choose the key. Uhm, and for it, just like for yZTlwZc2KZI-00339-00212005-00212525 the demo, any tests that we've done has, has been in a lab environment. We haven't, uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00340-00212525-00213062 gone out there and tested on a real network, for one thing. Uhm, I like my freedom. yZTlwZc2KZI-00341-00213062-00213673 [laughter] Uhm, I want to have a few beers after this and not spend the time in jail, so. yZTlwZc2KZI-00342-00213673-00214330 There you go. Uhm, what we're showing today is actually just one of the several, uh, attacks yZTlwZc2KZI-00343-00214330-00214531 that have been shown on GSM. Uhm, almost 10 years ago, uh, Carson Knowell, uhm, showed, uh, yZTlwZc2KZI-00344-00214531-00215094 how to attack phone privacy using plaintext. Uhmm there's a paper that Campbell referred to yZTlwZc2KZI-00345-00215094-00215595 earlier, uh, by Barken et al in 2006 which also used, uh, error controlled code redundancy. Uhm, yZTlwZc2KZI-00346-00216516-00217136 uh, to figure, to figure out what the key was and then mo- uh-, what received a lot of yZTlwZc2KZI-00347-00217136-00217620 press is the false space station attacks. So, we've all heard about stingrays and stuff like yZTlwZc2KZI-00348-00217620-00218121 that. Uhm, so, this is just like a, another issue that- that's there, there against uhm GSM, yZTlwZc2KZI-00349-00218461-00219092 uh, and I don't want to knock GSM. GSM is a great standard, right? It really brought mobile yZTlwZc2KZI-00350-00219092-00219592 telephoning, uh, digital telephoning uh to the world, but you live and learn. It's a 30 yZTlwZc2KZI-00351-00219859-00220546 year old standard, I mean, uh, uh, it's, it's easy to uh complain in hindsight, right? yZTlwZc2KZI-00352-00220546-00221080 But the fact is they're choosing a small key size and the ciphering is performed after yZTlwZc2KZI-00353-00221080-00221581 error-control coding is added. Uhm, so, beyond GSM into 3G and 4G and 5G, uhm, in- in those yZTlwZc2KZI-00354-00221941-00222455 later standards, error-control coding was applied after encryption - like it should be, yZTlwZc2KZI-00355-00222455-00222956 right? So, the message should be, I mean, ideally, be totally random. So there shouldn't, yZTlwZc2KZI-00356-00223156-00223610 there shouldn't be any redundancy in there which, which you can use. Uhm, and also the- yZTlwZc2KZI-00357-00223610-00224110 the key sizes that they support, uhm, when performing encryption, uhm, or at least a 128 bits yZTlwZc2KZI-00358-00224380-00224988 long, so those two factors together, uhm, prevent any, any concern that we're showing yZTlwZc2KZI-00359-00224988-00225598 today. Additionally the industry is, is very proactive. They are, uhm, constantly trying to yZTlwZc2KZI-00360-00225598-00226202 secure, uh, the cellular industry. Uhm, they have a study item ongoing in SA-3, uhm one of yZTlwZc2KZI-00361-00226202-00226836 the three GPP working groups, uhm, are looking at security enhancements of, uh, false base yZTlwZc2KZI-00362-00226836-00227370 stations. So they are actively working in trying to protect us all. Uhm, so I, I don't want to yZTlwZc2KZI-00363-00227370-00227871 knock their efforts, and, uh, we've, we're talking about the, the GSMA organisation and, hum, yZTlwZc2KZI-00364-00228091-00228571 they've been very proactive on mitigations against what we're showing here as, as well today yZTlwZc2KZI-00365-00228571-00229072 so. Uhm, you know, we, we do think there's uh good work going on there. And I think that is yZTlwZc2KZI-00366-00229586-00230086 it. So, thank you all for your attention. [applause] We'll be outside. [applause] ybOvolMhfEQ-00000-00000096-00000718 Study Online How do I submit an assignment? ybOvolMhfEQ-00001-00000742-00001612 With Canvas on My Phone ybOvolMhfEQ-00002-00001616-00002086 One. Read your teacher's instructions. ybOvolMhfEQ-00003-00002816-00003368 Two. Tap submit assignment. ybOvolMhfEQ-00004-00004074-00004584 Three. Tap the screen ybOvolMhfEQ-00005-00005014-00005984 Four. Type your answer. ybOvolMhfEQ-00006-00006445-00007384 Five. Tap submit ybOvolMhfEQ-00007-00007550-00008668 Check to see if it is submitted. ybOvolMhfEQ-00008-00008668-00009312 How do I check my score? ybOvolMhfEQ-00009-00009326-00010184 Check your assignment to see the score. ybOvolMhfEQ-00010-00010202-00010688 How do I check my teacher's comments. ybOvolMhfEQ-00011-00010752-00011584 One. Tap submission and rubric. ybOvolMhfEQ-00012-00011784-00012256 Two. Tap comments ybOvolMhfEQ-00013-00012638-00013184 Three. Read your teacher's comments. ybOvolMhfEQ-00014-00013602-00014660 Now you can submit an assignment, check your score and check your teacher's comments on canvas. yct6YwnJNe0-00000-00000884-00000984 [applause] yct6YwnJNe0-00001-00000984-00001084 Jane Peterson: Thank you, Mark. yct6YwnJNe0-00002-00001084-00001495 [laughs] I don't know whether I should say that or not. yct6YwnJNe0-00003-00001495-00001697 All right. yct6YwnJNe0-00004-00001697-00002283 Well, I was going to start this with thanking Eric for the kind words he said this morning, yct6YwnJNe0-00005-00002283-00002994 and -- [laughs] -- and thanking Council and all the councils that I worked with for the yct6YwnJNe0-00006-00002994-00003704 great advice they've given NHGRI and all the precursors of NHGRI through all these years. yct6YwnJNe0-00007-00003704-00004187 It's been great not only working with my colleagues in the institute but with the council. yct6YwnJNe0-00008-00004187-00004948 It's always been a really -- a very wise source of advice, and now I get to work with the yct6YwnJNe0-00009-00004948-00005048 board. yct6YwnJNe0-00010-00005048-00005432 I have to take a whole course on how to work with the board. yct6YwnJNe0-00011-00005432-00006005 [laughs] But thank you, Mark, for the effort of trying to embarrass me. yct6YwnJNe0-00012-00006005-00006301 You did a good job. yct6YwnJNe0-00013-00006301-00007000 So part of my leaving is, of course, very bittersweet because I am very dedicated, as yct6YwnJNe0-00014-00007000-00007273 Mark said, to this project. yct6YwnJNe0-00015-00007273-00007772 It's -- I've been working on it, I think, for about three or three and a half years. yct6YwnJNe0-00016-00007772-00008234 It's a very exciting project and it's -- I've learned a lot. yct6YwnJNe0-00017-00008234-00008645 I've learned a lot about developing countries, I've learned a lot about science in developing yct6YwnJNe0-00018-00008645-00009111 countries, and I think the project's going very well. yct6YwnJNe0-00019-00009111-00010133 The next -- you'll see, the next year, probably, will be the proof of the pudding whether we yct6YwnJNe0-00020-00010133-00010255 start to actually get results. yct6YwnJNe0-00021-00010255-00010761 But it's very different working in developing countries, and I think that all of us working yct6YwnJNe0-00022-00010761-00011256 on this project are learning that, and it'll be important -- and some of you in council yct6YwnJNe0-00023-00011256-00011754 already know that -- but it'll be important for council to know that, too, as we come yct6YwnJNe0-00024-00011754-00011931 along. yct6YwnJNe0-00025-00011931-00012622 So I want to remind you just in a little background that this is a joint project between the Wellcome yct6YwnJNe0-00026-00012622-00013253 Trust, the NIH, and the Common Fund, and several ICs -- and you'll see who those are -- and yct6YwnJNe0-00027-00013253-00013431 the African Society of Human Genetics. yct6YwnJNe0-00028-00013431-00014012 I'm going to skip all the background about how it came to be, but I think it's important yct6YwnJNe0-00029-00014012-00014378 for you to remember the key aspects of H3Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00030-00014378-00014861 Importantly, the awards are made directly to African institutions and PIs. yct6YwnJNe0-00031-00014861-00015420 This is not totally unique at NIH but it is not very often done. yct6YwnJNe0-00032-00015420-00015984 Usually, Africans are funded through American grants which then subcontract to the Africans. yct6YwnJNe0-00033-00015984-00016631 In these cases, the PI -- the African PI is in control and the American collaborator is yct6YwnJNe0-00034-00016631-00016991 very often a subcontractor. yct6YwnJNe0-00035-00016991-00017567 The PIs of the projects must deposit their data in public databases, and they must deposit yct6YwnJNe0-00036-00017567-00018065 their biospecimens in an H3Africa biorepository. yct6YwnJNe0-00037-00018065-00018765 And these two bullets are really unique to Africa, and you'll see that the policies are yct6YwnJNe0-00038-00018765-00019393 now being approved, but it has been a long discussion with the PIs to get these policies yct6YwnJNe0-00039-00019393-00019609 in place. yct6YwnJNe0-00040-00019609-00020416 And the grants that came in could propose collaborations with the H3A Bioinformatics yct6YwnJNe0-00041-00020416-00020836 Network, and I'll tell you a little bit more about that, and they all had to include a yct6YwnJNe0-00042-00020836-00021078 training component. yct6YwnJNe0-00043-00021078-00021301 This is what the current map looks like. yct6YwnJNe0-00044-00021301-00022059 It is much -- many more sites than I ever dreamed of when we started this program. yct6YwnJNe0-00045-00022059-00022606 You can see there're a lot of stars -- that means they're primary awards -- in South Africa yct6YwnJNe0-00046-00022606-00023159 and a lot in Nigeria, those two aren't too surprising, but I think what's really surprising, yct6YwnJNe0-00047-00023159-00023662 and I said this last time I gave an update, is how much activity we have in West Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00048-00023662-00024289 The prediction was that we would have a struggle getting good grants out of West Africa, and yct6YwnJNe0-00049-00024289-00024759 in fact, some of our best grants came out of West Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00050-00024759-00025325 South Africa, of course, has a lot more infrastructure than many of the other countries, and we're yct6YwnJNe0-00051-00025325-00025907 now beginning to build our infrastructure and our presence in East Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00052-00025907-00026375 That has come more gradually than the other parts of Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00053-00026375-00026806 And then the dots, of course, are all the collaborations, and you can see they really yct6YwnJNe0-00054-00026806-00026935 do cover the continent. yct6YwnJNe0-00055-00026935-00027469 And this is not a Sub-Saharan African project, this is an African project, so it does include yct6YwnJNe0-00056-00027469-00028143 Northern Africa, which oftentimes is not included in African projects. yct6YwnJNe0-00057-00028143-00028433 Okay. yct6YwnJNe0-00058-00028433-00028777 I said a little bit about the bioinformatics network. yct6YwnJNe0-00059-00028777-00029231 It is called H3A BioNet and it is run out of South Africa, out of the University of yct6YwnJNe0-00060-00029231-00029395 Cape Town. yct6YwnJNe0-00061-00029395-00029988 It has 34 partner institutions, 32 of which are in 15 countries, and then two are in the yct6YwnJNe0-00062-00029988-00030148 United States. yct6YwnJNe0-00063-00030148-00030820 And what's really exciting about this in concept and now in reality is that it is beginning yct6YwnJNe0-00064-00030820-00031460 to form the glue that is holding the collaboration of H3Africa together, because, as you'll see yct6YwnJNe0-00065-00031460-00032164 in a minute, everyone in the consortium is working on different diseases, so, naturally, yct6YwnJNe0-00066-00032164-00032658 they wouldn't come together if it weren't for H3Africa and the common goals of building yct6YwnJNe0-00067-00032658-00033133 infrastructure and getting genomics going on the continent. yct6YwnJNe0-00068-00033133-00033590 So the role of H3Africa -- and I'm going to take a couple of slides and describe it because yct6YwnJNe0-00069-00033590-00034029 it really has started getting going and I think there's a lot of interest in this. yct6YwnJNe0-00070-00034029-00034731 They will be the tools for which the PIs will submit their data to EGA. yct6YwnJNe0-00071-00034731-00035069 They will provide data storage, backup, and transfer. yct6YwnJNe0-00072-00035069-00035922 They will provide data access and visualization, both to the public and to the investigators. yct6YwnJNe0-00073-00035922-00036186 They will provide training in bioinformatics. yct6YwnJNe0-00074-00036186-00036446 They will provide support for analysis. yct6YwnJNe0-00075-00036446-00037177 And -- I'm sorry -- and large-scale data analysis for these various ways of looking at genomes. yct6YwnJNe0-00076-00037177-00037757 Hmm, I wonder why that didn't go forward. yct6YwnJNe0-00077-00037757-00038311 Oh, I think I left out a slide. yct6YwnJNe0-00078-00038311-00039184 Well, I can't remember what else was on that slide, but -- oh, I see what happened. yct6YwnJNe0-00079-00039184-00039747 So, the support for analysis is particularly important, and I think one of the really novel yct6YwnJNe0-00080-00039747-00040200 things they're doing is providing eBiokits to all the sites. yct6YwnJNe0-00081-00040200-00041038 They've also had some challenges in working with the sites, especially the center sites, yct6YwnJNe0-00082-00041038-00041572 throughout Africa because we, unknowingly, unwittingly in our RFA, said that the centers yct6YwnJNe0-00083-00041572-00042184 didn't have to collaborate with H3A BioNet because we wanted them to also have their yct6YwnJNe0-00084-00042184-00042887 own abilities at analysis, and so now we have some centers that don't need H3A BioNet to yct6YwnJNe0-00085-00042887-00043443 help them, and so we're working with them to make sure that they use what's available yct6YwnJNe0-00086-00043443-00044043 that they don't have already on site or through a collaboration. yct6YwnJNe0-00087-00044043-00044816 So, the next infrastructure project that is part of H3Africa is the biorepositories. yct6YwnJNe0-00088-00044816-00045060 And this is a two-phase approach. yct6YwnJNe0-00089-00045060-00045694 We are using a mechanism that allows a two-year pilot biorepository and we have started four yct6YwnJNe0-00090-00045694-00045850 pilots. yct6YwnJNe0-00091-00045850-00046265 And then after two years, there's an administrative review, and we're coming up on that now in yct6YwnJNe0-00092-00046265-00046718 March, during which a scale-up decision will be made. yct6YwnJNe0-00093-00046718-00047291 And we can scale up between one and three biorepositories, depending on how many funds yct6YwnJNe0-00094-00047291-00047843 we give them, so this will be something that you'll be hearing more about in the coming yct6YwnJNe0-00095-00047843-00048593 summer as we get the decisions from this administrative review and try to actually scale up a biorepository yct6YwnJNe0-00096-00048593-00048786 on the African continent. yct6YwnJNe0-00097-00048786-00049260 The four pilot projects that I mentioned have been working well together, even though they yct6YwnJNe0-00098-00049260-00049974 are involved in the competition, so that has been quite rewarding to see them trying to yct6YwnJNe0-00099-00049974-00050511 work together, and they're scattered over the entire continent, so this is not an easy yct6YwnJNe0-00100-00050511-00050611 challenge. yct6YwnJNe0-00101-00050611-00050953 So, next, we'll turn to the collaborative centers. yct6YwnJNe0-00102-00050953-00051317 I'm not going to go through these but I just wanted to put them up so you would get a sense yct6YwnJNe0-00103-00051317-00051500 of the diversity of the projects. yct6YwnJNe0-00104-00051500-00051966 There really are no two projects working on the same thing. yct6YwnJNe0-00105-00051966-00052271 And these are the smaller research projects. yct6YwnJNe0-00106-00052271-00053072 You can see that they are also spread all over, and some of these are in very resource- yct6YwnJNe0-00107-00053072-00053683 and infrastructure-challenged countries, so it will be very interesting for us to see yct6YwnJNe0-00108-00053683-00054205 what kind of infrastructure we can build in those countries. yct6YwnJNe0-00109-00054205-00054964 So, progress report for the first year, which we finished in August, so we're halfway into yct6YwnJNe0-00110-00054964-00055216 the second year. yct6YwnJNe0-00111-00055216-00055722 Several of the sites have already -- especially the sites that were funded initially -- we yct6YwnJNe0-00112-00055722-00056540 funded a group of grants in August a year ago, and then we funded another group in this yct6YwnJNe0-00113-00056540-00056663 past August. yct6YwnJNe0-00114-00056663-00057147 The grants that were in the first group have almost all gotten their ethics approval. yct6YwnJNe0-00115-00057147-00057844 Now, this is a challenge in Africa because we're recommending that they get open ethics yct6YwnJNe0-00116-00057844-00057944 approval. yct6YwnJNe0-00117-00057944-00058404 That means that their data can be shared, their samples can be shared, and that there yct6YwnJNe0-00118-00058404-00058737 can be secondary use of the data. yct6YwnJNe0-00119-00058737-00059378 There is some discomfort with that, and I'll tell you a little bit about that in a minute. yct6YwnJNe0-00120-00059378-00059899 So they're now submitting their data, especially the newer projects are submitting their data yct6YwnJNe0-00121-00059899-00060241 to the ethics review boards for their approval. yct6YwnJNe0-00122-00060241-00060851 As of the end of December, we have eight sites that have gotten their ethics approval and yct6YwnJNe0-00123-00060851-00061341 they're actively recruiting samples and they're being stored on site, and that's because we yct6YwnJNe0-00124-00061341-00061512 don't have a biorepository. yct6YwnJNe0-00125-00061512-00062350 So that is out of the group of about six grants that we funded in the initial phase. yct6YwnJNe0-00126-00062350-00062854 We expect from what we read in the applications and what the groups have now told us is that yct6YwnJNe0-00127-00062854-00063483 there will be about 50,000 to 75,000 participants recruited in total, and these will, of course, yct6YwnJNe0-00128-00063483-00064135 all be genetically analyzed, either by genotyping or sequencing, and the samples will be available yct6YwnJNe0-00129-00064135-00064358 in the biorepository. yct6YwnJNe0-00130-00064358-00064833 Most of them will collect blood and send the DNA to the biorepositories, and freeze plasma, yct6YwnJNe0-00131-00064833-00065357 which they will hold in their centers until there is additional funding to send that to yct6YwnJNe0-00132-00065357-00065617 the biorepositories also. yct6YwnJNe0-00133-00065617-00066415 And some of the centers are willing to collaborate or partner with other groups to provide additional yct6YwnJNe0-00134-00066415-00066515 samples. yct6YwnJNe0-00135-00066515-00067036 And an example is NIDDK is considering an add-on program to collect urine samples from yct6YwnJNe0-00136-00067036-00067275 projects that are willing to participate. yct6YwnJNe0-00137-00067275-00067811 And the NIDDK and several other institutes are very excited about this because of the yct6YwnJNe0-00138-00067811-00068573 additional information this is going to add to the genetic information. yct6YwnJNe0-00139-00068573-00069006 Typical of an NHGRI project, we have formed many working groups. yct6YwnJNe0-00140-00069006-00069408 This takes a lot of time, and I think it was probably a bit of a shock to Africans that yct6YwnJNe0-00141-00069408-00069875 we could possibly spend this much time on conference calls, which has been an incredible yct6YwnJNe0-00142-00069875-00070376 challenge [laughs], not just because they're not used to it, but the telephone system and yct6YwnJNe0-00143-00070376-00070713 the Internet has been a real challenge. yct6YwnJNe0-00144-00070713-00071164 And these are the ones that we have formed, and they've been really very productive, and yct6YwnJNe0-00145-00071164-00071732 some of them, at least one, has already sunset, much to their delight. yct6YwnJNe0-00146-00071732-00072042 This is their achievements. yct6YwnJNe0-00147-00072042-00072566 The Biorepository Working Group has developed a set of SOPs, and they've developed the sample yct6YwnJNe0-00148-00072566-00072985 access policy that is going to be approved soon, we hope. yct6YwnJNe0-00149-00072985-00073493 The Ethics and Regulatory Issue Working Group developed a set of open informed consent guidelines yct6YwnJNe0-00150-00073493-00073787 which is published on our website. yct6YwnJNe0-00151-00073787-00074126 The white paper is published on the website, excuse me. yct6YwnJNe0-00152-00074126-00074688 And I'll tell you a little bit more about this, too, that for the next upcoming consortium yct6YwnJNe0-00153-00074688-00075402 meeting, they have organized a working group or a workshop of ethics chairs from around yct6YwnJNe0-00154-00075402-00075502 Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00155-00075502-00076013 We wanted to do this because we know there's concern about the consent, and we want to yct6YwnJNe0-00156-00076013-00076526 have a discussion with the people who will be approving the consents to make sure they yct6YwnJNe0-00157-00076526-00077194 understand that this is an international standard in the genomics community and that this is yct6YwnJNe0-00158-00077194-00077617 something that H3Africa is promoting. yct6YwnJNe0-00159-00077617-00078100 Then the Publications Working Group has developed a publications policy, and the marker paper yct6YwnJNe0-00160-00078100-00078589 has been written and submitted to Science. yct6YwnJNe0-00161-00078589-00079072 The Data Sharing, Access, and Release Group, there is a data access and sharing policy yct6YwnJNe0-00162-00079072-00079608 that is being reviewed by the steering committee, and that's the last step before it's accepted. yct6YwnJNe0-00163-00079608-00079992 The Phenotype Harmonization Working Group has made recommendations about standardizing yct6YwnJNe0-00164-00079992-00080313 phenotypes among all the groups. yct6YwnJNe0-00165-00080313-00080864 And then the Genome Analysis Working Group is working with other groups that are -- have yct6YwnJNe0-00166-00080864-00081364 been sequencing and have SNP data throughout the African continent to develop a genotyping yct6YwnJNe0-00167-00081364-00081464 chip. yct6YwnJNe0-00168-00081464-00081819 And that's going to be another side meeting at the next consortium meeting. yct6YwnJNe0-00169-00081819-00082460 And we had one at the previous consortium meeting which we didn't get to go to because yct6YwnJNe0-00170-00082460-00083102 of the government being shutdown, but this will be a follow-on to that. yct6YwnJNe0-00171-00083102-00083649 As Mark said, we have had three meetings, and then this is the fourth that we are about yct6YwnJNe0-00172-00083649-00084266 to have in Kampala, Uganda, and the associated meetings are mentioned there. yct6YwnJNe0-00173-00084266-00084818 The NIDDK and the NHLBI and H3Africa have been working to put together a cardiovascular yct6YwnJNe0-00174-00084818-00085393 research meeting in Kampala where Makerere University is, and there are quite a few researchers yct6YwnJNe0-00175-00085393-00085701 at Makerere that are interested in this field. yct6YwnJNe0-00176-00085701-00086227 And we, of course, are going to advertise it as broadly as possible to interest Africans yct6YwnJNe0-00177-00086227-00086854 and any investigators from the north who might be interested in this problem in Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00178-00086854-00087638 So there are -- even though all of our grants are working on different diseases, there is yct6YwnJNe0-00179-00087638-00088213 a group of them that is working -- are working on cardiovascular diseases, so they will be yct6YwnJNe0-00180-00088213-00088591 speakers in addition to some invited speakers. yct6YwnJNe0-00181-00088591-00089128 And the idea is to try to tie together some of the commonalities and to encourage collaboration yct6YwnJNe0-00182-00089128-00089517 between these groups in whatever way it might make sense. yct6YwnJNe0-00183-00089517-00090108 Then I mentioned the development of the African-specific genotype chip, that will be another workshop yct6YwnJNe0-00184-00090108-00090511 that will happen after the consortium meeting, and then the ethics committee chairs will yct6YwnJNe0-00185-00090511-00090690 be meeting also. yct6YwnJNe0-00186-00090690-00091300 So, what have been the challenges for us and for the Africans to date? yct6YwnJNe0-00187-00091300-00091936 A big challenge for us was the 40 percent failure rate of applications getting into yct6YwnJNe0-00188-00091936-00092222 the electronic application system. yct6YwnJNe0-00189-00092222-00092797 I think one of the other challenges that I mentioned here is the difficulty with setting yct6YwnJNe0-00190-00092797-00093479 up grants offices in institutions that don't have them or trying to find a person that yct6YwnJNe0-00191-00093479-00093878 can actually sign and submit your application. yct6YwnJNe0-00192-00093878-00094445 That's one barrier, but the barrier of getting the application into the system and then correcting yct6YwnJNe0-00193-00094445-00094948 all the errors is another huge barrier, especially if people don't realize at the last minute yct6YwnJNe0-00194-00094948-00095099 that they have errors. yct6YwnJNe0-00195-00095099-00095384 There is that challenge. yct6YwnJNe0-00196-00095384-00095484 [laughs] yct6YwnJNe0-00197-00095484-00095939 There is also a challenge in making awards at some of the under-infrastructured institutions, yct6YwnJNe0-00198-00095939-00096488 and our grants management people have been incredible in getting these awards made, even yct6YwnJNe0-00199-00096488-00096895 though sometimes they're made and it's totally -- all the funds are restricted because there yct6YwnJNe0-00200-00096895-00097051 are so many things left to be ironed out. yct6YwnJNe0-00201-00097051-00097611 But they have made awards at some institutions that have never had NIH awards before. yct6YwnJNe0-00202-00097611-00098042 And then we're finding now that in some of the more under-resourced countries that there's yct6YwnJNe0-00203-00098042-00098616 even a problem in getting the funds to the bank so that they can use them. yct6YwnJNe0-00204-00098616-00099108 That's taking -- our researchers who were funded in September, and they still don't yct6YwnJNe0-00205-00099108-00099481 have access to their money for that reason. yct6YwnJNe0-00206-00099481-00100055 I told you about the IRBs being concerned about some of the issues, and I mentioned yct6YwnJNe0-00207-00100055-00100392 teleconference/communications problems. yct6YwnJNe0-00208-00100392-00100746 It continues to be a problem. yct6YwnJNe0-00209-00100746-00101453 So our challenges for the future will be establishing the full-scale biorepositories, as I mentioned. yct6YwnJNe0-00210-00101453-00102101 One of the expected challenges is shipping samples across the countries within the continent yct6YwnJNe0-00211-00102101-00102309 and then also outside Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00212-00102309-00103176 We do have one pilot biorepository that is the most like a business, a biorepository yct6YwnJNe0-00213-00103176-00103744 business, that we have run into and that we are funding, and they have actually successfully yct6YwnJNe0-00214-00103744-00104211 shipped across country lines in many African countries. yct6YwnJNe0-00215-00104211-00104882 So we'll see if they continue to succeed to be able to do that. yct6YwnJNe0-00216-00104882-00105396 We need to be sure that we promote regular data release and from the research sites in yct6YwnJNe0-00217-00105396-00106067 accordance with the policies, and we need to effect sample release, and this is -- the yct6YwnJNe0-00218-00106067-00106616 sample release policy that we hope will be accepted is one where the samples will be yct6YwnJNe0-00219-00106616-00107271 placed in the biorepositories but not released to the public until the data is released, yct6YwnJNe0-00220-00107271-00107789 and then we will encourage anyone who gets the African samples to collaborate within yct6YwnJNe0-00221-00107789-00107889 Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00222-00107889-00108491 And that really is within -- that's very much like the mission of H3Africa, to encourage yct6YwnJNe0-00223-00108491-00108686 collaborations in Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00224-00108686-00109288 So, letting go of your samples in Africa is very new. yct6YwnJNe0-00225-00109288-00109842 The idea of data release doesn't seem to be as striking as the sample release. yct6YwnJNe0-00226-00109842-00110392 So, this will be a challenge, but I think everyone's on board with policy. yct6YwnJNe0-00227-00110392-00110976 Once they hear it, they seem more comfortable with it. yct6YwnJNe0-00228-00110976-00111330 And this is a Charles Rotimi saying. yct6YwnJNe0-00229-00111330-00111917 He likes to say we've been struggling with the brain drain of the Africans coming to yct6YwnJNe0-00230-00111917-00112461 the north, and we're hoping that H3Africa will help reverse that and we'll have a brain yct6YwnJNe0-00231-00112461-00112744 gain instead. yct6YwnJNe0-00232-00112744-00113562 And then in about a year or so, we will face an extension of -- an application for an extension yct6YwnJNe0-00233-00113562-00114066 of H3Africa for another five years so that the whole program will be 10 years. yct6YwnJNe0-00234-00114066-00114180 And this will be a challenge. yct6YwnJNe0-00235-00114180-00114761 I think there's a lot of support for the program now within the institutes as well as within yct6YwnJNe0-00236-00114761-00115580 OD, so we're hoping that this happens and the program can come to fruition in 10 years. yct6YwnJNe0-00237-00115580-00116137 And of course, a big concern, probably the major concern when we started proposing this yct6YwnJNe0-00238-00116137-00116688 program was long-term sustainability, and we certainly don't have any new ideas on how yct6YwnJNe0-00239-00116688-00117385 to do it other than what we said at the beginning, but the longer that we are able to keep H3Africa yct6YwnJNe0-00240-00117385-00117963 going and people collaborating, I think the more likely there will be sustainability. yct6YwnJNe0-00241-00117963-00118758 So, successes so far, we really are seeing that we've been empowering African scientists. yct6YwnJNe0-00242-00118758-00119312 They, as I said earlier, they are the PIs on these grants, they manage the science. yct6YwnJNe0-00243-00119312-00119935 I think that the Americans at first had a little more trouble understanding that they yct6YwnJNe0-00244-00119935-00120353 couldn't just call us up and say, you know, this is something that we need to do on this yct6YwnJNe0-00245-00120353-00120453 project. yct6YwnJNe0-00246-00120453-00120827 I'd have to say, you know, you need to put your PI on the phone. yct6YwnJNe0-00247-00120827-00121232 And they've gotten used to it now but it has been a learning experience for both of them, yct6YwnJNe0-00248-00121232-00121701 because neither of them were used to playing those roles. yct6YwnJNe0-00249-00121701-00122564 We've also started hearing the Africans play major roles and having significant ideas that yct6YwnJNe0-00250-00122564-00123064 are determining the course of the consortium and forming the consortium in a way that wasn't yct6YwnJNe0-00251-00123064-00123164 true at first. yct6YwnJNe0-00252-00123164-00123735 They really are speaking up on the conference calls, and it's really great to see. yct6YwnJNe0-00253-00123735-00124178 I have to say, this makes it harder to leave. yct6YwnJNe0-00254-00124178-00124676 And I think that they're starting to see that even though we have all these conference calls, yct6YwnJNe0-00255-00124676-00125172 that the consortium working together can do a lot and can effect changes in a way that yct6YwnJNe0-00256-00125172-00125596 a single PI can't at times. yct6YwnJNe0-00257-00125596-00125999 And the whole fact that they're meeting and collaborating with scientists outside the yct6YwnJNe0-00258-00125999-00126572 home institution is one of the novel things about this program. yct6YwnJNe0-00259-00126572-00127189 The very first meeting, several people came up to me and said, "I have never been in a yct6YwnJNe0-00260-00127189-00127503 room with other Africans that I'm going to collaborate with. yct6YwnJNe0-00261-00127503-00127994 I'm always in a room with northerners, you know, Europeans or Americans, but this is yct6YwnJNe0-00262-00127994-00128161 really empowering." yct6YwnJNe0-00263-00128161-00128788 And we continue to get that sentiment, although I think now it's not so novel and they're yct6YwnJNe0-00264-00128788-00129044 really enjoying it. yct6YwnJNe0-00265-00129044-00129371 So that's been really rewarding. yct6YwnJNe0-00266-00129371-00129874 We have been able to fund high-quality applications that meet the standards of NIH review, and yct6YwnJNe0-00267-00129874-00130348 that has been -- that has been, I think, the hallmark of this program. yct6YwnJNe0-00268-00130348-00130744 We really are doing exciting, high-quality research. yct6YwnJNe0-00269-00130744-00131245 When new people come to the consortium meeting, new people from America or Europe, they often yct6YwnJNe0-00270-00131245-00131809 say, "I was very impressed with the quality of the research." yct6YwnJNe0-00271-00131809-00132457 And then the whole difficulty of building infrastructure in under-infrastructured countries yct6YwnJNe0-00272-00132457-00132567 is hard. yct6YwnJNe0-00273-00132567-00132789 We have begun those steps. yct6YwnJNe0-00274-00132789-00133369 I think we are starting to make inroads, but it really is not easy to do, and you want yct6YwnJNe0-00275-00133369-00133892 to be sure that that sequencer you're sending to a remote country doesn't turn into a doorstop, yct6YwnJNe0-00276-00133892-00134287 and that's a major challenge. yct6YwnJNe0-00277-00134287-00134933 And I think one of the most recent developments has been people calling us up and saying, yct6YwnJNe0-00278-00134933-00135150 "You know, I work in Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00279-00135150-00135683 The Africans aren't funded directly like in H3Africa but I want to be -- they want to yct6YwnJNe0-00280-00135683-00135974 be part of the H3Africa movement. yct6YwnJNe0-00281-00135974-00136097 How can we do that?" yct6YwnJNe0-00282-00136097-00136769 Or, "I'm going to put in a application to NIH and the PI will be African; how do we yct6YwnJNe0-00283-00136769-00137108 become part of H3Africa before we put that application in?" yct6YwnJNe0-00284-00137108-00137649 So we're getting a lot of outside interest now, so one of the new working groups, Communication yct6YwnJNe0-00285-00137649-00138444 and Outreach, is working on a set of guidelines for groups to become collaborators but not yct6YwnJNe0-00286-00138444-00138628 actually be members of H3Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00287-00138628-00139108 So I don't know quite how -- what that'll look like, but I think it could really spread yct6YwnJNe0-00288-00139108-00139677 the H3Africa mission across Africa in a way that I hadn't really anticipated was going yct6YwnJNe0-00289-00139677-00140039 to happen as quickly. yct6YwnJNe0-00290-00140039-00140646 So I need to thank the H3Africa team, particularly here at NHGRI. yct6YwnJNe0-00291-00140646-00141130 We've worked together, some of us now, for three and a half years, and we've gotten through yct6YwnJNe0-00292-00141130-00141486 all the challenges that have been presented to us, and I'm sure there will be new ones yct6YwnJNe0-00293-00141486-00141929 after I leave and they'll have lots of fun [laughs] addressing those. yct6YwnJNe0-00294-00141929-00142328 Mark is now project coordinator, which is what I was before. yct6YwnJNe0-00295-00142328-00142983 Jennifer Troyer, in the back, who you met earlier, will take over many of my duties yct6YwnJNe0-00296-00142983-00143166 and my activities. yct6YwnJNe0-00297-00143166-00143705 Jeff Struewing has been a program director with us for the last year, and he is managing yct6YwnJNe0-00298-00143705-00143813 the centers. yct6YwnJNe0-00299-00143813-00144315 Ebony Madden is not here; I think she got snowed in, or sick, or something like that yct6YwnJNe0-00300-00144315-00144451 in North Carolina. yct6YwnJNe0-00301-00144451-00144733 She directs the ELSI part of the program. yct6YwnJNe0-00302-00144733-00145182 We have two of the best grants management people you could possibly have because they yct6YwnJNe0-00303-00145182-00145921 managed to get these grants made, and, you know, awarded, and up and running, and funded, yct6YwnJNe0-00304-00145921-00146139 and that's Chris Darby and Diane Patterson. yct6YwnJNe0-00305-00146139-00146886 And, of course, Quynh Nguyen who is our new program analyst, and I think you all remember yct6YwnJNe0-00306-00146886-00147173 Cheng Dei [spelled phonetically] from last year. yct6YwnJNe0-00307-00147173-00147733 She was -- our two analysts have been terrific, and they are sort of the glue that holds us yct6YwnJNe0-00308-00147733-00148224 together because they know everything when we need something. yct6YwnJNe0-00309-00148224-00148614 And then Sue Penno is a contractor we use and has helped us with the biorepositories. yct6YwnJNe0-00310-00148614-00149161 So, thank you to all of you for your support of me, and to Eric and the institute for their yct6YwnJNe0-00311-00149161-00149332 support of the program. yct6YwnJNe0-00312-00149332-00149499 Oh, my gosh. yct6YwnJNe0-00313-00149499-00149735 Can you see that? yct6YwnJNe0-00314-00149735-00150499 The institute names are in black, and the names of the people who are participating yct6YwnJNe0-00315-00150499-00150690 you can see there. yct6YwnJNe0-00316-00150690-00151542 NIAID, OAR, NINDS, NIMH, and NICHD have actively given money to the program. yct6YwnJNe0-00317-00151542-00151957 I didn't mention how much money there is in the program now. yct6YwnJNe0-00318-00151957-00152678 We started with about -- with exactly $5 million from the Common Fund, so that would be per yct6YwnJNe0-00319-00152678-00152936 year, for five years, $25 million. yct6YwnJNe0-00320-00152936-00153595 Through contributions from the institutes and including NHGRI, it's now up to $62 million. yct6YwnJNe0-00321-00153595-00154221 So these people have really helped us raise money and we've actively gone out and gotten yct6YwnJNe0-00322-00154221-00154745 contributions from institutes that find this program to be exciting. yct6YwnJNe0-00323-00154745-00155158 Louise Wideroff is in charge of biorepositories. yct6YwnJNe0-00324-00155158-00155774 The NIDDK group is the group working on the cardiovascular workshop, and then Kim and yct6YwnJNe0-00325-00155774-00156317 Damali are other institutes that are very interested in getting more involved. yct6YwnJNe0-00326-00156317-00156711 And our Common Fund liaison is Leslie Derr, and she's been really important in promoting yct6YwnJNe0-00327-00156711-00157238 this program to the Common Fund and helping us get more funds. yct6YwnJNe0-00328-00157238-00157467 And I think that's it. yct6YwnJNe0-00329-00157467-00158017 We have a Facebook account, a Facebook site, and you can follow us on Twitter. yct6YwnJNe0-00330-00158017-00158442 And we also have an H3Africa website. yct6YwnJNe0-00331-00158442-00158849 So I'm happy to take any questions that you might have. yct6YwnJNe0-00332-00158849-00158949 Yes. yct6YwnJNe0-00333-00158949-00159391 Howard McLeod: Jane, thank you very much for making this yct6YwnJNe0-00334-00159391-00159491 happen. yct6YwnJNe0-00335-00159491-00159769 It's amazing to see what's happened in such a quick period of time. yct6YwnJNe0-00336-00159769-00160215 You mentioned that you were getting the ethics committee chairs together from various countries, yct6YwnJNe0-00337-00160215-00160315 which is wonderful. yct6YwnJNe0-00338-00160315-00160513 I think that's a great start. yct6YwnJNe0-00339-00160513-00160953 Is there similar activities going on with ministries of science and ministries of health yct6YwnJNe0-00340-00160953-00161477 from a sustainability standpoint that -- some point in time, if they see value, there is yct6YwnJNe0-00341-00161477-00162037 some money, maybe not as much as we used to have, but there is some money in many of these yct6YwnJNe0-00342-00162037-00162345 countries, and if they see value, they will pay. yct6YwnJNe0-00343-00162345-00162494 Jane Peterson: Yes. yct6YwnJNe0-00344-00162494-00163239 The Outreach and Communications Working Group, its chair is a person who is very, very excited yct6YwnJNe0-00345-00163239-00163612 about getting the governments involved, which clearly is needed. yct6YwnJNe0-00346-00163612-00164300 NIH can't continue to be the only source of -- and the Wellcome Trust, I shouldn't say yct6YwnJNe0-00347-00164300-00164400 just NIH. yct6YwnJNe0-00348-00164400-00165154 And that committee has an idea of recruiting ambassadors from throughout the continent. yct6YwnJNe0-00349-00165154-00165416 They've already recruited two. yct6YwnJNe0-00350-00165416-00165784 One in South Africa and Botswana, and I can't remember where the other one is, it's further yct6YwnJNe0-00351-00165784-00165884 north. yct6YwnJNe0-00352-00165884-00166387 And the role of these people will be to advocate to the ministers of science on the behalf yct6YwnJNe0-00353-00166387-00166580 of H3Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00354-00166580-00167154 I think it's going to be a challenging program to keep going because it's going to need some yct6YwnJNe0-00355-00167154-00167649 money, and this isn't something the federal government can really invest in. yct6YwnJNe0-00356-00167649-00168245 So -- but we're also inviting -- every time we go to a different country, we're trying yct6YwnJNe0-00357-00168245-00168773 to invite the ministers of health, or, you know, a major person to come to the meeting, yct6YwnJNe0-00358-00168773-00169110 and that's happened at a couple of meetings, and I think it's going to happen at this next yct6YwnJNe0-00359-00169110-00169684 one, but they're kind of hard to get there. yct6YwnJNe0-00360-00169684-00170035 And I think what you really need is a sit-down discussion with them. yct6YwnJNe0-00361-00170035-00170135 Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00362-00170135-00170528 Howard McLeod: Often, peer -- if it's a peer event, they'll yct6YwnJNe0-00363-00170528-00170761 show up, in my limited experience. yct6YwnJNe0-00364-00170761-00170861 Jane Peterson: [affirmative] yct6YwnJNe0-00365-00170861-00170990 Howard McLeod: The other thing is the ambassadors to this yct6YwnJNe0-00366-00170990-00171621 country are not that far from the Smithsonian, for example, where there's an NHGRI collaborative yct6YwnJNe0-00367-00171621-00172051 event that's been going -- there might be some things like that that you might get the yct6YwnJNe0-00368-00172051-00172584 word in via -- just as long as the word starts getting in to the governments, a lot of them yct6YwnJNe0-00369-00172584-00172775 may not even know that this is all happening. yct6YwnJNe0-00370-00172775-00172898 Jane Peterson: Yeah, yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00371-00172898-00173077 If not the ambassadors, their staff. yct6YwnJNe0-00372-00173077-00173274 Howard McLeod: Right, right. yct6YwnJNe0-00373-00173274-00173422 Jane Peterson: Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00374-00173422-00173699 Male Speaker: Is there any significance to the places in yct6YwnJNe0-00375-00173699-00173969 Africa where you don't have any penetration? yct6YwnJNe0-00376-00173969-00174527 Do you hear about institutions or governments that kind of push back against these kinds yct6YwnJNe0-00377-00174527-00174627 of programs -- yct6YwnJNe0-00378-00174627-00174727 Jane Peterson: Let me see if we have -- yct6YwnJNe0-00379-00174727-00174857 Male Speaker: -- as intrusive or, you know, back -- yct6YwnJNe0-00380-00174857-00174957 Jane Peterson: Well, no. yct6YwnJNe0-00381-00174957-00175161 I just don't think there's much science there. yct6YwnJNe0-00382-00175161-00175310 Male Speaker: The Francophones. yct6YwnJNe0-00383-00175310-00175547 Jane Peterson: Well, but the Francophones are funded. yct6YwnJNe0-00384-00175547-00176353 I mean, this is the Francophone area and -- you know, Benin's French and it is difficult with yct6YwnJNe0-00385-00176353-00176567 the Francophone countries. yct6YwnJNe0-00386-00176567-00176896 This is Congo, I think. yct6YwnJNe0-00387-00176896-00177171 This is -- that's Malawi. yct6YwnJNe0-00388-00177171-00177423 Oh, this is Zimbabwe. yct6YwnJNe0-00389-00177423-00178033 I don't -- it seems like we had an application from Zimbabwe, and there was a site, an H3Africa yct6YwnJNe0-00390-00178033-00178545 site, in the Congo for a while, and I don't know what happened to that. yct6YwnJNe0-00391-00178545-00178798 [laughs] I don't know. yct6YwnJNe0-00392-00178798-00179674 I know there's, you know, there are universities, I think, in Kinshasa, and, of course, Egypt, yct6YwnJNe0-00393-00179674-00180045 it's a real -- it's very sad that we don't have anything from Egypt. yct6YwnJNe0-00394-00180045-00180669 We do have -- I think it's this person here has a new grant from the Egyptian government, yct6YwnJNe0-00395-00180669-00180821 so they are working. yct6YwnJNe0-00396-00180821-00181014 Male Speaker: Where are the PIs trained, by and large? yct6YwnJNe0-00397-00181014-00181451 Jane Peterson: A couple of them -- a lot of them have been yct6YwnJNe0-00398-00181451-00181669 trained in the United States and Europe. yct6YwnJNe0-00399-00181669-00182422 The PI in Ghana and the PI in Botswana have returned to the continent after they've retired yct6YwnJNe0-00400-00182422-00183334 from major roles in science in Europe, so that's two really great recruits. yct6YwnJNe0-00401-00183334-00183962 Many of the others, the bioinformatics person was trained at EGA, for example, the H3 BioNet yct6YwnJNe0-00402-00183962-00184235 person. yct6YwnJNe0-00403-00184235-00184948 Some of them certainly have their early education in Africa but their Ph.D.s may be done abroad. yct6YwnJNe0-00404-00184948-00185048 Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00405-00185048-00185410 Male Speaker: A scientific question is, given the tribal, yct6YwnJNe0-00406-00185410-00186070 ethnic, religious, and national boundaries, what was the justification for building and yct6YwnJNe0-00407-00186070-00186397 using a genotyping chip instead of pursuing sequencing? yct6YwnJNe0-00408-00186397-00186903 It's hard for me to believe that the chip is going to be applicable to all of these yct6YwnJNe0-00409-00186903-00187060 regions and with equal informativeness. yct6YwnJNe0-00410-00187060-00187290 Jane Peterson: Well, we will be collecting from a lot of yct6YwnJNe0-00411-00187290-00187435 regions. yct6YwnJNe0-00412-00187435-00187578 Money. yct6YwnJNe0-00413-00187578-00188197 If someone could give us money to sequence all these samples, we'd do it. yct6YwnJNe0-00414-00188197-00188297 Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00415-00188297-00188687 Male Speaker: It just seems like a little thing, but do yct6YwnJNe0-00416-00188687-00189337 all the PIs have satellite hookups and satellite modems to try to get around some of those yct6YwnJNe0-00417-00189337-00189448 communication issues? yct6YwnJNe0-00418-00189448-00189688 Jane Peterson: I don't know if they all do. yct6YwnJNe0-00419-00189688-00190007 I've been to a remote site that did. yct6YwnJNe0-00420-00190007-00190504 [laughs] The broadband is there. yct6YwnJNe0-00421-00190504-00190663 The problem is it comes and goes. yct6YwnJNe0-00422-00190663-00191207 The electricity comes and goes, and I don't know what happens with the satellite dish. yct6YwnJNe0-00423-00191207-00191602 One of the things that H3A BioNet is doing that I forgot to mention is that they are yct6YwnJNe0-00424-00191602-00192123 actually doing a survey of the broadband width in all these different places. yct6YwnJNe0-00425-00192123-00192840 And who was it that told me -- somebody is able, when they have a communication going yct6YwnJNe0-00426-00192840-00193442 on with a specific African country, to go to Verizon and say, okay, widen the bandwidth yct6YwnJNe0-00427-00193442-00193587 for this amount of time. yct6YwnJNe0-00428-00193587-00194025 And apparently a lot of what's going on is the governments are restricting it. yct6YwnJNe0-00429-00194025-00194478 I know one government is definitely restricting it, and I think it's the fear of everyone yct6YwnJNe0-00430-00194478-00194685 having Internet. yct6YwnJNe0-00431-00194685-00194996 So there are ways to get it improved at times. yct6YwnJNe0-00432-00194996-00195096 Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00433-00195096-00195460 Female Speaker: Kind of along the lines of what Howard was yct6YwnJNe0-00434-00195460-00195742 saying in terms of gaining other types of support, is USAID involved? yct6YwnJNe0-00435-00195742-00195883 Jane Peterson: No. yct6YwnJNe0-00436-00195883-00195983 We -- yct6YwnJNe0-00437-00195983-00196323 Female Speaker: Because that'd be another avenue, like QIC, yct6YwnJNe0-00438-00196323-00196778 USAID, and GE partner with a commercial bank to open health financing, for example. yct6YwnJNe0-00439-00196778-00196878 Jane Peterson: [affirmative] yct6YwnJNe0-00440-00196878-00197150 Female Speaker: And this -- in an engineering project that yct6YwnJNe0-00441-00197150-00197750 we did, USAID teamed with the Minister of Vietnam and Intel for significant funding yct6YwnJNe0-00442-00197750-00198150 for some projects that we were doing there, and I could see a similar kind of thing, partnership yct6YwnJNe0-00443-00198150-00198386 for this project in Africa. yct6YwnJNe0-00444-00198386-00198735 Jane Peterson: The Communications and Outreach Group is being yct6YwnJNe0-00445-00198735-00199232 challenged with trying to do something about this, I mean, taking, you know, really starting yct6YwnJNe0-00446-00199232-00199860 an advocacy group in Africa to go to the governments and say, "If you want scientific progress yct6YwnJNe0-00447-00199860-00200452 in this country, you've got to improve the bandwidth," and see how far we can get with yct6YwnJNe0-00448-00200452-00200552 that. yct6YwnJNe0-00449-00200552-00201087 But, yes, we're trying to collaborate with -- the World Bank, for example, just gave yct6YwnJNe0-00450-00201087-00201774 one of our PIs a huge grant, and that completely dovetails with something that we are funding yct6YwnJNe0-00451-00201774-00201907 with them. yct6YwnJNe0-00452-00201907-00202408 We are trying to get more influence with the African Union and NiPAD, which is a subgroup. yct6YwnJNe0-00453-00202408-00203151 So, yeah, any -- and actually we have had some contacts with UNESCO but they're not yct6YwnJNe0-00454-00203151-00203544 very responsive so -- but any information you have, we'd love to have. yct6YwnJNe0-00455-00203544-00203644 Male Speaker: Okay. yct6YwnJNe0-00456-00203644-00203908 Lucila and Tony, and then I'm going to have to curtail the discussion. yct6YwnJNe0-00457-00203908-00204229 Lucila Ohno-Machado: Yeah, I was just going to ask about other yct6YwnJNe0-00458-00204229-00205031 European countries because there are some Swiss, Spanish, and my colleague in Mozambique yct6YwnJNe0-00459-00205031-00205581 who was -- he had a Ph.D. from Sweden, so, somehow, other countries are also investing. yct6YwnJNe0-00460-00205581-00205798 So that's one question. yct6YwnJNe0-00461-00205798-00206378 The other one is about how connected to the MEPI program you plan to be. yct6YwnJNe0-00462-00206378-00206688 Jane Peterson: That always comes up when I talk. yct6YwnJNe0-00463-00206688-00207302 So the other countries, and certainly the French, are very involved in that Benin project, yct6YwnJNe0-00464-00207302-00208053 and there's another one with very close ties to a Francophone country. yct6YwnJNe0-00465-00208053-00208360 And we would like to know about those projects. yct6YwnJNe0-00466-00208360-00208871 We would like to let them know that H3Africa wants to be involved with anyone who's interested yct6YwnJNe0-00467-00208871-00209234 in genomics and working on the continent. yct6YwnJNe0-00468-00209234-00209852 And the funders are trying to get -- become more active in bringing northern funders to yct6YwnJNe0-00469-00209852-00210433 our meeting; so, for example, someone from Genome Canada is going to come this next time, yct6YwnJNe0-00470-00210433-00210667 and then there's another Canadian program. yct6YwnJNe0-00471-00210667-00211146 I'm not -- I don't really know the funders in Spain, and obviously I know them in England, yct6YwnJNe0-00472-00211146-00211689 but, you know, I don't know too many European funders, so any names you can give us, that yct6YwnJNe0-00473-00211689-00211840 would be great. yct6YwnJNe0-00474-00211840-00212151 And MEPI, yes, we're trying to coordinate our meetings. yct6YwnJNe0-00475-00212151-00212419 They seem to be -- you know, they're always one step ahead of us. yct6YwnJNe0-00476-00212419-00213040 They met in Uganda about six months ago, and it's just once they've got their calendar yct6YwnJNe0-00477-00213040-00213509 set, we're not able to dovetail the calendar, so we've got to do something about it. yct6YwnJNe0-00478-00213509-00213609 Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00479-00213609-00213929 Anthony Monaco: I just thought whether you could comment on yct6YwnJNe0-00480-00213929-00214405 what the Wellcome Trust's experience was with this program because as I understand it, you yct6YwnJNe0-00481-00214405-00214648 didn't co-fund projects, you chose -- yct6YwnJNe0-00482-00214648-00214748 Jane Peterson: Right. yct6YwnJNe0-00483-00214748-00214848 Anthony Monaco: -- separate projects -- yct6YwnJNe0-00484-00214848-00214948 Jane Peterson: Right. yct6YwnJNe0-00485-00214948-00215048 Anthony Monaco: -- to fund. yct6YwnJNe0-00486-00215048-00215148 Jane Peterson: Right. yct6YwnJNe0-00487-00215148-00215248 Anthony Monaco: And I don't know how those decisions were yct6YwnJNe0-00488-00215248-00215596 made, but given their long history in infectious disease and global health with infrastructure, yct6YwnJNe0-00489-00215596-00216021 you know, that they fund directly in those countries, I was curious to know what their yct6YwnJNe0-00490-00216021-00216121 experience is -- yct6YwnJNe0-00491-00216121-00216402 Jane Peterson: So theirs are listed here, those bottom three. yct6YwnJNe0-00492-00216402-00216621 You can see where they were, where they are. yct6YwnJNe0-00493-00216621-00217219 This South African one was further -- it was in another country initially. yct6YwnJNe0-00494-00217219-00217886 So what we did, and Wellcome Trust actually did this for the very first time, was allow yct6YwnJNe0-00495-00217886-00218571 PIs to submit identical proposals to both places, like we do for NIH and NSF. yct6YwnJNe0-00496-00218571-00219133 And we didn't end up wanting to fund the same proposals, so it didn't even really matter, yct6YwnJNe0-00497-00219133-00219378 but it made the PIs feel better. yct6YwnJNe0-00498-00219378-00219992 They had a peer review as well, and they made their decisions based on their criteria. yct6YwnJNe0-00499-00219992-00220498 They have all centers, they don't have the other infrastructure parts, the pieces that yct6YwnJNe0-00500-00220498-00220604 we have. yct6YwnJNe0-00501-00220604-00221526 They are now contributing to the H3A BioNet to the -- we have a center within H3A BioNet yct6YwnJNe0-00502-00221526-00222167 to support meetings, et cetera, and they are starting to co-fund some of our infrastructure yct6YwnJNe0-00503-00222167-00222296 projects that way now. yct6YwnJNe0-00504-00222296-00222726 So I don't know what else you want to know about their decisions. yct6YwnJNe0-00505-00222726-00222826 I'm not privy. yct6YwnJNe0-00506-00222826-00223046 Anthony Monaco: I'm not so curious about the decisions but yct6YwnJNe0-00507-00223046-00223257 how did they find managing the projects. yct6YwnJNe0-00508-00223257-00223804 You described a lot of challenges, and I just wonder whether they experienced the same challenges, yct6YwnJNe0-00509-00223804-00224529 or because they've done this before in Africa, in some ways they fund fellowships there and yct6YwnJNe0-00510-00224529-00224629 that -- yct6YwnJNe0-00511-00224629-00224855 Jane Peterson: I think they've had the same challenges. yct6YwnJNe0-00512-00224855-00225108 One of their challenges is working with us. yct6YwnJNe0-00513-00225108-00225651 We get along great but we have all these working groups and they're not used to that at all yct6YwnJNe0-00514-00225651-00225790 [laughs]. yct6YwnJNe0-00515-00225790-00226882 But they've adapted, so, you know, I think it's going pretty well, and Francis had a yct6YwnJNe0-00516-00226882-00227367 chance to talk with the new director, and I think he's very interested in it. yct6YwnJNe0-00517-00227367-00227966 Kay Davies is the co-chair of the advisory group, and she's very, very excited about yct6YwnJNe0-00518-00227966-00228066 the program. yct6YwnJNe0-00519-00228066-00228166 Mark, you had something to add? yct6YwnJNe0-00520-00228166-00228344 Mark Guyer: Yeah. yct6YwnJNe0-00521-00228344-00228946 Tony, once the awards were made, once the grants were funded, we've been pretty much yct6YwnJNe0-00522-00228946-00229356 co-managing the program with the Trust. yct6YwnJNe0-00523-00229356-00230281 We have biweekly calls with them, all of the meetings are co-funded, and we're trying to yct6YwnJNe0-00524-00230281-00230750 completely coordinate the management of the program with the trust. yct6YwnJNe0-00525-00230750-00230962 Jane Peterson: Okay. yct6YwnJNe0-00526-00230962-00231103 Thank you. yct6YwnJNe0-00527-00231103-00231455 Rudy Pozzatti: Thank you, Jane. yct6YwnJNe0-00528-00231455-00232023 NHGRI is at the very beginning of a process to plan what the next phase of the large-scale yct6YwnJNe0-00529-00232023-00232484 sequencing program is going to look like, so over the next six or seven months, we're yct6YwnJNe0-00530-00232484-00232936 going to be collecting a lot of information, a lot of data from a lot of different sources yct6YwnJNe0-00531-00232936-00233357 and stakeholders, and we'll be bringing that information to the council at this meeting yct6YwnJNe0-00532-00233357-00233653 and the subsequent to it in May and September. yct6YwnJNe0-00533-00233653-00234301 We thought a nice way to initiate that information flow would be to invite the three center directors, yct6YwnJNe0-00534-00234301-00234885 Richard Gibbs, Rick Wilson, and Eric Lander, to come and give a presentation to the council yct6YwnJNe0-00535-00234885-00235503 about the opportunities that they saw for biomedical research employing the large-scale yct6YwnJNe0-00536-00235503-00235940 sequencing program, so it's their peek at the future. yct6YwnJNe0-00537-00235940-00236157 And I think we're going to have a group presentation. yct6YwnJNe0-00538-00236157-00236257 Is that right? yct6YwnJNe0-00539-00236257-00236357 Eric Lander: We're doing a tag team. yct6YwnJNe0-00540-00236357-00236457 Rudy Pozzatti: All right, a tag team, and Eric's going to yct6YwnJNe0-00541-00236457-00236557 start us off. yct6YwnJNe0-00542-00236557-00236685 Eric Lander: I will. ydkXeHDIIIg-00000-00000096-00000344 This is Peter, a college student. ydkXeHDIIIg-00001-00000424-00001040 A few weeks ago he received a random job offer as an agent for cryptocurrency transactions. ydkXeHDIIIg-00002-00001264-00001855 It promised a commission of $500 to 1,000 a week. Peter jumped at the opportunity because ydkXeHDIIIg-00003-00001855-00002464 it seemed like easy money. After accepting the job, he was asked to transfer some money through ydkXeHDIIIg-00004-00002464-00003336 his bank account. No big deal, right? Shortly afterwards his accounts were frozen. Unwittingly, ydkXeHDIIIg-00005-00003336-00003711 he had become part of a money muling scheme, helping criminals ydkXeHDIIIg-00006-00003711-00004480 launder illicit proceeds from trafficking drugs, arms, or human beings. Criminals often target ydkXeHDIIIg-00007-00004480-00005144 vulnerable or unsuspecting people to become money mules. People see these opportunities as a way out ydkXeHDIIIg-00008-00005144-00005784 of their financial troubles, but in reality, money mules are entering a risky situation. ydkXeHDIIIg-00009-00005856-00006312 Be careful when transferring money for another person, especially if it's someone ydkXeHDIIIg-00010-00006312-00007184 you've never met. If you use your account, it could also become your crime. yfCuQN2bmuk-00000-00000016-00000530 Seasoned Bean Sprouts yfCuQN2bmuk-00001-00000546-00001062 Hello, Everyone. yfCuQN2bmuk-00005-00001935-00002167 1 kg of bean sprouts yfCuQN2bmuk-00015-00004847-00005162 Wash it. yfCuQN2bmuk-00026-00008392-00008873 Place in a pot and add 1 liter of water. yfCuQN2bmuk-00028-00009096-00009298 Boil it. yfCuQN2bmuk-00029-00009432-00009766 Green onion yfCuQN2bmuk-00032-00010831-00011069 five pieces of garlic yfCuQN2bmuk-00038-00013278-00013590 It's boiling, don't open the lid for 3 minutes. yfCuQN2bmuk-00039-00013590-00014140 If you open the lid before the bean sprouts are cooked, they taste fishy. yfCuQN2bmuk-00041-00014190-00014791 Open the lid after 3 minutes of boiling. yfCuQN2bmuk-00052-00017544-00018126 When it's hot, add some green onion slices. yfCuQN2bmuk-00057-00019204-00019646 Fish sauce yfCuQN2bmuk-00059-00019778-00019984 Salt yfCuQN2bmuk-00060-00020378-00020716 Sesame oil yfCuQN2bmuk-00067-00022106-00022427 Put some boiled bean sprouts in. yfCuQN2bmuk-00072-00023596-00024104 You can warm it or cool it and load it with cold soup. yfCuQN2bmuk-00077-00024838-00025780 Wash boiled bean sprouts in cold water twice. Then it's fresh. yfCuQN2bmuk-00093-00031133-00031530 garlic and green onion yfCuQN2bmuk-00095-00031986-00032308 Red pepper powder yfCuQN2bmuk-00096-00032342-00032630 There were so many bean sprouts that I put plenty of pepper. yfCuQN2bmuk-00098-00032680-00032912 Salt yfCuQN2bmuk-00099-00033254-00033598 fish sauce yfCuQN2bmuk-00113-00037034-00037372 Sesame oil yfCuQN2bmuk-00116-00038002-00038217 stir-fried sesame yfCuQN2bmuk-00120-00039014-00039550 Taste it and add more salt if it's too bland. yfCuQN2bmuk-00123-00039804-00040232 Add more salt. yhuCC1GbfiI-00000-00000017-00000199 Welcome to Byte-sized Canvas! yhuCC1GbfiI-00001-00000199-00000641 I’m Helen Graves and today I’m going to show you how to avoid two distressing blunders yhuCC1GbfiI-00002-00000641-00000874 when setting up content in Canvas. yhuCC1GbfiI-00003-00000874-00001298 The first recommendation has to do with adding content to a Canvas page. yhuCC1GbfiI-00004-00001298-00001648 It’s always best to use the Insert Content feature yhuCC1GbfiI-00005-00001648-00001894 located at the right side of the page editor. yhuCC1GbfiI-00006-00001894-00002316 Embedding that way creates a “relative” link to the item, whether it be an image, yhuCC1GbfiI-00007-00002316-00002816 a page or a file, which means when you import the course to next semester’s shell, yhuCC1GbfiI-00008-00002816-00003304 the link will automatically update to the same location in the newly created course shell. yhuCC1GbfiI-00009-00003304-00003908 If you use another method, for example, copying and pasting the URL of a discussion to create your link yhuCC1GbfiI-00010-00003908-00004414 or adding an image using the “embed image” icon in the RCE, yhuCC1GbfiI-00011-00004414-00004746 it tends to result in a broken link when you copy the course. yhuCC1GbfiI-00012-00004746-00005248 The reason that happens is, in that case, the URL is a “specific” link yhuCC1GbfiI-00013-00005248-00005536 that contains the original course’s ID number. yhuCC1GbfiI-00014-00005536-00005975 So when you import the page with that link on it into a new shell, yhuCC1GbfiI-00015-00005975-00006100 it links back to the previous course. yhuCC1GbfiI-00016-00006100-00006277 Here’s a handy little trick. yhuCC1GbfiI-00017-00006277-00006464 If you hover your mouse over a link, yhuCC1GbfiI-00018-00006464-00006828 Canvas will display the URL at the bottom left of the page. yhuCC1GbfiI-00019-00006828-00007273 By comparing the course ID numbers in the link and the page URL, yhuCC1GbfiI-00020-00007273-00007644 you can see if the link is going within the same course or to another course. yhuCC1GbfiI-00021-00007645-00008050 If it is linking to another course, you’ll be able to see the image or click the link yhuCC1GbfiI-00022-00008050-00008394 with no problem because you have access to both courses. yhuCC1GbfiI-00023-00008394-00008828 But your students won’t; they’ll get an “unauthorized” pop-up or some other error message. yhuCC1GbfiI-00024-00008836-00008908 Bummer! yhuCC1GbfiI-00025-00008924-00009318 This is one of the big reasons I recommend you always run the Validate Links tool yhuCC1GbfiI-00026-00009318-00009570 right before you publish a course each semester. yhuCC1GbfiI-00027-00009570-00009772 There’s a whole other Byte-sized episode on using yhuCC1GbfiI-00028-00009772-00010044 the Validate Links tool if you want more info on it. yhuCC1GbfiI-00029-00010080-00010604 The moral of the story: Always use the Insert Content feature when adding images yhuCC1GbfiI-00030-00010604-00010858 or linking to a file or another area of the course. yhuCC1GbfiI-00031-00010878-00011082 The second issue I want to share with you today yhuCC1GbfiI-00032-00011082-00011414 is really more of an alert than a booboo to avoid. yhuCC1GbfiI-00033-00011414-00011590 Maybe this has happened to you. yhuCC1GbfiI-00034-00011590-00011975 Sometimes I’ll go to a page in my course and the images aren’t working even though yhuCC1GbfiI-00035-00011975-00012243 they were working the last time I visited the page. yhuCC1GbfiI-00036-00012243-00012706 I would re-embed the image and then a day or a week later, the same thing would happen. yhuCC1GbfiI-00037-00012706-00012982 It’s kind of a hit-or-miss thing but very frustrating! yhuCC1GbfiI-00038-00012982-00013274 I finally decided to call the Canvas helpline to ask about it. yhuCC1GbfiI-00039-00013274-00013498 I love those guys and I call them all the time. yhuCC1GbfiI-00040-00013498-00013624 They’re very helpful! yhuCC1GbfiI-00041-00013624-00014062 Anyhow, the lovely rep I spoke with, Ryan, said it’s usually a browser issue. yhuCC1GbfiI-00042-00014062-00014562 I was using Chrome so he had me clear my browser cache, and voilà, the images were back! yhuCC1GbfiI-00043-00014562-00014921 He also said you could log in using a different browser for the same result. yhuCC1GbfiI-00044-00014922-00015480 So, I tried logging into the course via Firefox and, voilà, the images were there as well. yhuCC1GbfiI-00045-00015480-00015627 The moral of this story? yhuCC1GbfiI-00046-00015627-00016016 It’s possible the image isn’t displaying because it was embedded incorrectly, yhuCC1GbfiI-00047-00016016-00016356 but if you know you did the embed properly and it’s still not displaying, yhuCC1GbfiI-00048-00016356-00016558 try clearing your browser cache. yhuCC1GbfiI-00049-00016558-00016778 If that doesn’t work, I always recommend calling yhuCC1GbfiI-00050-00016778-00017072 the oh-so-polite-and-supportive Canvas helpline people. yhuCC1GbfiI-00051-00017088-00017536 Now you have it—two simple ways to ensure your content is properly aligning yhuCC1GbfiI-00052-00017536-00017826 with A7 of the OEI Course Design Rubric. yhuCC1GbfiI-00053-00017858-00018022 That’s it for now, my little friends! yhuCC1GbfiI-00054-00018038-00018430 Until next time, this is Helen wishing you a Canvalicious day! yha8Q1__BXI-00000-00000007-00000491 today we got some bad video folks hit that like button and you will be getting two extra yha8Q1__BXI-00001-00000491-00000989 inches to your PP subscribe and let's check this out a mysterious castle-like City that yha8Q1__BXI-00002-00000989-00001675 appeared in the sky too unknown and bizarre creatures today you're in for a ride yo I yha8Q1__BXI-00003-00001675-00002127 heard rumors of that let's check it out it's coming from right here where there's schools yha8Q1__BXI-00004-00002127-00002911 in oh [__] I don't see nobody I don't see nobody strange sound capture you're somebody yha8Q1__BXI-00005-00002911-00003784 screaming it'll be checking out mysterious things that will probably make your jaw drop yha8Q1__BXI-00006-00003784-00004332 I have never seen lightning in daytime yha8Q1__BXI-00007-00004332-00005112 for instance talk about glitches in The Matrix doctors three Jersey's number turns from 13 yha8Q1__BXI-00008-00005112-00005582 to 14 Mid game in Ontario Canada this guy turns purple yha8Q1__BXI-00009-00005582-00006802 for some serious reason in Nigeria rain pours red yha8Q1__BXI-00010-00006802-00007379 yo I think God decided to just wake up and chose uh colors like bro I don't know what's yha8Q1__BXI-00011-00007379-00008168 going on though what's that do you think you've seen it all think again there are places and yha8Q1__BXI-00012-00008168-00008472 things on this planet we couldn't even imagine in our dreams yha8Q1__BXI-00013-00008472-00009639 from mysterious places that spark curiosity from all over the world yha8Q1__BXI-00014-00009639-00010402 and unknown creatures that have been spotted on camera the UFO stuff like the especially yha8Q1__BXI-00015-00010402-00010832 the symbols we're gonna be exploring some of these videos in a bit more starting with yha8Q1__BXI-00016-00010832-00011518 Bernal Sir John Eric who caught a very strange noise next to Cunningham Middle School at yha8Q1__BXI-00017-00011518-00012222 night he says it was around 1am in the morning when he heard this strange sound right here yha8Q1__BXI-00018-00012222-00012699 where they're screws in nobody yha8Q1__BXI-00019-00012699-00013688 [Applause] yeah somebody the video starts out with Sir John Eric going around the school yha8Q1__BXI-00020-00013688-00014226 to check out what it could be when you miss serious sound one that I believe is not coming yha8Q1__BXI-00021-00014226-00014803 from a human being can be heard what's most intriguing is that there is a black figure yha8Q1__BXI-00022-00014803-00015372 in the background nah that cannot be though because the sound feels like that it's coming yha8Q1__BXI-00023-00015372-00015822 from somewhere very close like almost as though somebody's like to the right of me but it's yha8Q1__BXI-00024-00015822-00016420 like in front but one day he says he did not see only until after he edited the video right yha8Q1__BXI-00025-00016420-00016926 there somewhere right there where the lights on it was kind of moving at one point it's yha8Q1__BXI-00026-00016926-00017579 just next to a window and by its size it is not a normal person or whatever that is yeah yha8Q1__BXI-00027-00017579-00017951 it looks as if it could be some sort of creature shadow person yha8Q1__BXI-00028-00017951-00018711 [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00029-00018711-00019200 wasn't glitching out for a while John keeps walking to see if he finds out more about yha8Q1__BXI-00030-00019200-00019745 the strange noises without reaching any logical conclusion John uploads the video to Facebook yha8Q1__BXI-00031-00019745-00020906 and it goes vile almost instantly foreign yha8Q1__BXI-00032-00020906-00021611 is an application that has been getting more and more attention as we speak a yha8Q1__BXI-00033-00021611-00022634 what is that yo I actually downloaded that app not long ago but I never really had time yha8Q1__BXI-00034-00022634-00023138 to look into but the way she was saying that do not do not go around because that that yha8Q1__BXI-00035-00023138-00023687 sounds kind of okay oh [__] I mean that's not a way and by the way there's like a spider yha8Q1__BXI-00036-00023687-00024293 there so if you see me watching that way yeah I just want to let you know what the [__] yha8Q1__BXI-00037-00024293-00024898 are those goats a lot of people are trying out this app in which you think of something yha8Q1__BXI-00038-00024898-00025707 and it well supposedly happens in this next video oh my gosh water that water must be yha8Q1__BXI-00039-00025707-00026405 like freezing cold bro like damn bro YouTube channel goes random odding at night and this yha8Q1__BXI-00040-00026405-00027177 is what happens not seeing anything [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00041-00027177-00028057 TV a busy night and first he finds a suitcase in the middle of nowhere he decides then to yha8Q1__BXI-00042-00028057-00028793 go to another location that that's our rookie move if you see something at least don't put yha8Q1__BXI-00043-00028793-00029611 it in your car is Ren Nautica app a way that leads you to somewhere random where there's yha8Q1__BXI-00044-00029611-00030289 something spooky that's what I'm thinking we'll open it later open it later yeah imagine yha8Q1__BXI-00045-00030289-00030745 the cops were after you or something when he reaches this other location just behind yha8Q1__BXI-00046-00030745-00031365 the store he realizes that thing starts to get real creepy bro rookie moves man you do yha8Q1__BXI-00047-00031365-00032077 not take something and put it in your car I think it's fake Allah or the man is stupid yha8Q1__BXI-00048-00032077-00032553 um I gotta keep it a buck 50 like how many of you would see something how many of you yha8Q1__BXI-00049-00032553-00033022 would see something on the floor like a briefcase and put it in your car maybe some of you are yha8Q1__BXI-00050-00033022-00033363 curious enough to open it okay that's kind of understandable yeah I'll open it to see yha8Q1__BXI-00051-00033363-00033883 what it is but are you really gonna put it in your car without seeing what's inside like yha8Q1__BXI-00052-00033883-00034306 be honest like one if he has to if not maybe somebody like yes I will put it because you yha8Q1__BXI-00053-00034306-00034643 do not tell me what to do I'm not telling I mean damn bro I'm not telling you what to yha8Q1__BXI-00054-00034643-00035212 do like God damn bro but but like gotta be at least smart smarter than that more there's yha8Q1__BXI-00055-00035212-00035711 more hairy he decides to go home when things starts to get creepier and creepier I'm not yha8Q1__BXI-00056-00035711-00036411 too sure about this app I've never used it before what about you yeah what is this I'm yha8Q1__BXI-00057-00036411-00037236 on the way to home but it's very very unique yo if you play zombies of light in the sky yha8Q1__BXI-00058-00037236-00038133 surfacing all over here they are here yha8Q1__BXI-00059-00038133-00038709 for instance in 2018 posted by bass and the YouTube channel a mysterious strobing light yha8Q1__BXI-00060-00038709-00039687 was seen in the horizon because there's orange lines in Houston at 4 40. I have no idea what yha8Q1__BXI-00061-00039687-00040338 it is a couple of years later on March 2020 it was seen again and posted on Twitter yo yha8Q1__BXI-00062-00040338-00040838 you know what's most astonishing about this is that recently a video went viral of a mysterious yha8Q1__BXI-00063-00040838-00041378 light a similar light to the one I have experienced this not long ago I was with my friends in yha8Q1__BXI-00064-00041378-00041953 a car we were going to my homies uh place and we saw something like that I pointed out yha8Q1__BXI-00065-00041953-00042333 I was like bro like what's that that looks very strange we had similar sighting okay yha8Q1__BXI-00066-00042333-00042775 similar and they saw and they were kind of spooked out too they were like yo bro so what's yha8Q1__BXI-00067-00042775-00043313 that like we've never seen something like that we were on the highway as we beginning yha8Q1__BXI-00068-00043313-00043981 to get closer and closer and we saw that there was a massive Light Source on the ground that yha8Q1__BXI-00069-00043981-00044666 was hitting the clouds so it was not anything like suspicious but it looked very suspicious yha8Q1__BXI-00070-00044666-00045233 from a form I'm not saying this is the same thing but just saying it can can be it might yha8Q1__BXI-00071-00045233-00045759 not be anything this time in Peru this mysterious event was captured by a couple of friends yha8Q1__BXI-00072-00045759-00046223 that were left baffled by it yha8Q1__BXI-00073-00046223-00046728 but it wasn't on the camera right here it looks like that it's very bright what I witnessed yha8Q1__BXI-00074-00046728-00047093 wasn't that bright so this is different I mean what are what you think like you're playing yha8Q1__BXI-00075-00047093-00047787 the aliens what you think what's happening captured by sinjila shrice the YouTube channel yha8Q1__BXI-00076-00047787-00048194 this year a mysterious line can be seen in the sky yha8Q1__BXI-00077-00048194-00049100 new zombies not too sure if this is a light pillar or not the light pillar usually is yha8Q1__BXI-00078-00049100-00049868 caused by a source on the ground when there is enough ice crystals in the atmosphere yha8Q1__BXI-00079-00049868-00050556 Your Light Pillars are okay it's a real thing I didn't know about that this is the case yha8Q1__BXI-00080-00050556-00051075 after watching sanjela's video a couple of times it's as if there's a beam of light behind yha8Q1__BXI-00081-00051075-00051712 the clouds that is being pulled Towards the Sky I also noticed that the beam Verizon shape yha8Q1__BXI-00082-00051712-00052775 and size tell me what you think normal no that's not normal for tornadoes like that yha8Q1__BXI-00083-00052775-00053539 I don't understand how that's possible like I've seen bunch of videos like that's impossible yha8Q1__BXI-00084-00053539-00054051 for a chopper to uh to do something like that where it's moving but you do not see the the yha8Q1__BXI-00085-00054051-00054548 the thing kind of like yeah you know you do not see that moving that's kind of understandable yha8Q1__BXI-00086-00054548-00055016 because that is to do with the frame rate of the camera because it's I mean it's either yha8Q1__BXI-00087-00055016-00055610 it's faster or it's like slower I don't know how to make that but but that's probably is yha8Q1__BXI-00088-00055610-00055958 the reason why you don't see it but for a plane to be stuck in mid-air like that I don't yha8Q1__BXI-00089-00055958-00056602 know man there's something big going on man video that thing next I am I got it are you yha8Q1__BXI-00090-00056602-00057187 videoing it yeah hold on absolutely yha8Q1__BXI-00091-00057187-00057965 what another plane just sitting in the sky talk about strange things going on in the yha8Q1__BXI-00092-00057965-00058883 sky I've never seen it do that it looks like a Lego pieces it's just sitting in the water yha8Q1__BXI-00093-00058883-00059250 are you kidding me yha8Q1__BXI-00094-00059250-00059822 the plane standing still in midair is usually explainable because of wind current or the yha8Q1__BXI-00095-00059822-00060269 person driving in the opposite direction stop yha8Q1__BXI-00096-00060269-00061215 playing nah no way like I don't buy that explanation like especially with the videos the smaller yha8Q1__BXI-00097-00061215-00061779 plane where there was some behind on the trail uh like a flag of some kind right uh maybe yha8Q1__BXI-00098-00061779-00062277 an advertising board not a board but but you know what I mean right like like a advertising yha8Q1__BXI-00099-00062277-00062626 flag let's just say I'm not sure about the exact term or what's the correct term but yha8Q1__BXI-00100-00062626-00063192 you know what I mean right that wasn't even moving it wasn't like waving either it was yha8Q1__BXI-00101-00063192-00063857 just sitting still no way yha8Q1__BXI-00102-00063857-00064136 foreign yha8Q1__BXI-00103-00064136-00064601 form of superior Mirage that is seen in a narrow band right above the Horizon usually yha8Q1__BXI-00104-00064601-00065249 the Mirage that is seen in the sky is a reflection of the object in the Horizon although in a yha8Q1__BXI-00105-00065249-00065748 video gone viral this week in China we can see some sort of castle-like figure in the yha8Q1__BXI-00106-00065748-00066557 sky which is very different from the objects in the Horizon itself check this out oh she yha8Q1__BXI-00107-00066557-00067462 man yo that's hard Province and well I find it very difficult to explain what exactly yha8Q1__BXI-00108-00067462-00068355 is going on here [Music] okay it's just a fact just a question uh like like was that yha8Q1__BXI-00109-00068355-00069199 uh different it's a castle is what he's saying I'm confused does that castle exist or or yha8Q1__BXI-00110-00069199-00069829 it's just there's nothing out there on the horizon and somehow it was showing up I'm yha8Q1__BXI-00111-00069829-00070276 kind of confused about that or you know what I mean there are many mysterious places on yha8Q1__BXI-00112-00070276-00070964 Earth and many mysterious creatures that are yet to be discovered yha8Q1__BXI-00113-00070964-00071562 for instance in Sri Lanka in a place known as ravana's Palace in sajira there is a structure yha8Q1__BXI-00114-00071562-00071713 known as lion spas yha8Q1__BXI-00115-00071713-00072427 no this is a good video man this is a really good what's most intriguing about this Palace yha8Q1__BXI-00116-00072427-00072970 that was built in the 5th Century are the Lions balls itself observed by some researchers yha8Q1__BXI-00117-00072970-00073476 and YouTubers the paws actually look like as if they belong to a reptile other than yha8Q1__BXI-00118-00073476-00074064 a lion and if you actually look at some statues of reptilians all over the world it does have yha8Q1__BXI-00119-00074064-00074810 a similarity however if you compare it to a lion's bar it doesn't yeah so whatever deity yha8Q1__BXI-00120-00074810-00075423 it was that they were worshiping may not actually be a lion so this brings us a very interesting yha8Q1__BXI-00121-00075423-00075964 question What creatures existed in the past that we actually don't know about and are yha8Q1__BXI-00122-00075964-00076354 they still alive today yha8Q1__BXI-00123-00076354-00076896 for instance a mysterious creature was spotted in Brunei River in Asia it looks as if it yha8Q1__BXI-00124-00076896-00077426 could be a genetic modification between two different animals but to this day it has it yha8Q1__BXI-00125-00077426-00077907 looks like an alligator mixed in with a pig or a crocodile mixed in with a with a pig yha8Q1__BXI-00126-00077907-00078254 right because the nose is kind of like a pig never been explained what the creature could yha8Q1__BXI-00127-00078254-00078957 be leave a comment if you have any idea yha8Q1__BXI-00128-00078957-00079395 foreign yha8Q1__BXI-00129-00079395-00080236 what kind of creatures do actually exist out there that we have no knowledge of United yha8Q1__BXI-00130-00080236-00080688 utilities YouTube channel is a channel dedicated to water pipes and constructions related to yha8Q1__BXI-00131-00080688-00081237 water in other words it's not a channel dedicated to mysterious and bizarre sightings however yha8Q1__BXI-00132-00081237-00081619 during a regular checkup on a sewer this is what they captured yha8Q1__BXI-00133-00081619-00082607 it's too big to be a rad and too strange to be any known animal yeah it was too fast there's yha8Q1__BXI-00134-00082607-00083672 a [__] door yeah oh God what was that this is so sauce bro like yo it definitely yha8Q1__BXI-00135-00083672-00084338 is talking about the Unix bro this new terminology bruh I I do say that sometimes as well or yha8Q1__BXI-00136-00084338-00085087 more than sometimes let me let me keep it right keep it real but uh YouTube channel yha8Q1__BXI-00137-00085087-00085538 went to explore an abandoned school which I don't think is a really good idea not because yha8Q1__BXI-00138-00085538-00085951 a ghost or the Paranormal but because the structure itself wasn't very safe to walk yha8Q1__BXI-00139-00085951-00086488 on up these stairs is an attic look at the floor it it's not gonna We're not gonna be yha8Q1__BXI-00140-00086488-00086985 up there really damn any very dangerous move they climb towards the attic even after carefully yha8Q1__BXI-00141-00086985-00087512 analyzing that the floor may actually not hold their weight and this is what happened yha8Q1__BXI-00142-00087512-00088095 bro that's bad moves come on one of his friends approaches a strange door when it actually yha8Q1__BXI-00143-00088095-00088316 opens by itself no no yha8Q1__BXI-00144-00088316-00089316 no mine and observe the video his friend never actually touched the door so I can completely yha8Q1__BXI-00145-00089316-00089891 understand why Josh and his friends were scared and ran as fast as possible bro bro listen yha8Q1__BXI-00146-00089891-00090452 listen is some of the craziest thing ever the I know about this I know about this I'm yha8Q1__BXI-00147-00090452-00090918 actually Muslim so uh like it's this this thing is mentioned in the Quran where like yha8Q1__BXI-00148-00090918-00091572 there are two rivers it's like one but it's kind of separated like it's I don't know the yha8Q1__BXI-00149-00091572-00092266 exact thing but I read that there like uh throughout definition and it's it's the same yha8Q1__BXI-00150-00092266-00092849 river I think okay I don't know but they are a kind of diff different it's the same but yha8Q1__BXI-00151-00092849-00093297 different that's why the colors are like that this is some of the craziest thing ever that yha8Q1__BXI-00152-00093297-00093749 now I'm seeing it I don't know how to explain it because that was a long time ago but the yha8Q1__BXI-00153-00093749-00094338 second I saw it triggered that situation I've never seen anything like this amazing yha8Q1__BXI-00154-00094338-00095202 yeah hey we gotta get out of here when it's about paranormal events there is usually a yha8Q1__BXI-00155-00095202-00095697 good explanation sometimes it's just a wind or a strange noise that can't be explained yha8Q1__BXI-00156-00095697-00096795 however in some cases it's really difficult to grasp and understand what is really going yha8Q1__BXI-00157-00096795-00097391 on magician makes rope climb into the sky that's what the title says I know it's kind yha8Q1__BXI-00158-00097391-00098180 of cut off there but uh foreign yha8Q1__BXI-00159-00098180-00098420 [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00160-00098420-00099422 yeah I I don't understand these magicians I will yha8Q1__BXI-00161-00099422-00099861 do I will perform Magic on you oh yeah yha8Q1__BXI-00162-00099861-00100656 I'm sitting here filming my daughter's door because since we moved into this house and yha8Q1__BXI-00163-00100656-00101230 started the remodeling process we've noticed a lot of strange things especially with my yha8Q1__BXI-00164-00101230-00101330 daughter's toys yha8Q1__BXI-00165-00101330-00101510 [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00166-00101510-00102454 [Music] your chair was rocking yha8Q1__BXI-00167-00102454-00103483 this video for instance a security guard was caught yha8Q1__BXI-00168-00103483-00104484 talking to someone that wasn't there bro what just happened run that back run that back yha8Q1__BXI-00169-00104484-00105052 oh the wind just started to creep up like slowly it's not like walking back and forth yha8Q1__BXI-00170-00105052-00105746 like on a continuous Pace right it did that slowly as though somebody is on the chair yha8Q1__BXI-00171-00105746-00106365 and moving slowly just slightly and that's why it's going uh coming at us like slowly yha8Q1__BXI-00172-00106365-00106877 but then the the then this happened right yha8Q1__BXI-00173-00106877-00107520 this happened like that opens up bro like okay in this video for instance a security yha8Q1__BXI-00174-00107520-00108479 guard was Scott talking to someone that wasn't there on a CCTV camera is yha8Q1__BXI-00175-00108479-00109651 and this is the moment he realizes that he was talking to absolutely no one okay you'll yha8Q1__BXI-00176-00109651-00110103 predict what's gonna happen like once they tell him bro like who are you talking with yha8Q1__BXI-00177-00110103-00110676 he's like yo bro like I'm I'm talking to this person and then they tell him bro there's yha8Q1__BXI-00178-00110676-00111226 no one what you doing and then like I I'm assuming he's just gonna run away bro we're yha8Q1__BXI-00179-00111226-00112033 gonna probably see some of the the craziest run of his life it's coming up man get ready yha8Q1__BXI-00180-00112033-00112634 I think he's just he just got told I think he was just told despite all the evidence yha8Q1__BXI-00181-00112634-00113136 cases and stories that we're told there are still people who are skeptical about these yha8Q1__BXI-00182-00113136-00113614 events and in relation to abiud Hernandez it was something that I was skeptical too yha8Q1__BXI-00183-00113614-00114111 I don't know if you remember but in a couple of videos ago I posted about abute Hernandez yha8Q1__BXI-00184-00114111-00115554 house being haunted oh yeah [Music] this is going to be bad yeah yeah yeah yeah hey yha8Q1__BXI-00185-00115554-00115965 someone is knocking on the door the First videos he posted it started out as a knock yha8Q1__BXI-00186-00115965-00116257 on the door a knock on the window [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00187-00116257-00116861 I must start busting bro I'm gonna start busting bro yha8Q1__BXI-00188-00116861-00117661 in this video for instance I pointed out that the knocking on his window couldn't be easily yha8Q1__BXI-00189-00117661-00118126 faked due to the fact that it seems like he's on the fifth floor of a building or something yha8Q1__BXI-00190-00118126-00118242 like that yha8Q1__BXI-00191-00118242-00119083 foreign yha8Q1__BXI-00192-00119083-00119664 profile on Facebook started to quickly get a lot of views and attention after some of yha8Q1__BXI-00193-00119664-00119967 these episodes started to get creepier and creepier yha8Q1__BXI-00194-00119967-00121428 [Music] oh these are loud bro [Music] yha8Q1__BXI-00195-00121428-00122482 but still the knocking on the door the knocking on the window the objects moving inside of yha8Q1__BXI-00196-00122482-00122582 his house yha8Q1__BXI-00197-00122582-00124583 oh [__] [Music] at a certain point I started to think it was just too much to be all real yha8Q1__BXI-00198-00124583-00125346 until this happened oh yeah yha8Q1__BXI-00199-00125346-00126248 yeah what happens yha8Q1__BXI-00200-00126248-00127101 abute Hernandez started to tape Bird activity just next to his apartment and I have watched yha8Q1__BXI-00201-00127101-00127608 a couple of videos and I've heard stories that birds are actually sensitive to Paranormal yha8Q1__BXI-00202-00127608-00128215 Activity not too sure I'll do okay I never heard of that the things that I heard is that yha8Q1__BXI-00203-00128215-00128747 they know about if let's say a disaster about to happen they would just move away so it's yha8Q1__BXI-00204-00128747-00129276 like a like a sign right like if all the birds if you see the birds like leaving like a lot yha8Q1__BXI-00205-00129276-00129836 of birds all at once leaving and you have never seen anything like that then that's yha8Q1__BXI-00206-00129836-00130350 a sign of like Get out of from there get out from wherever you are because some bad but yha8Q1__BXI-00207-00130350-00130817 I happened that I heard of because they can sense what's about to come they already know yha8Q1__BXI-00208-00130817-00131322 right but this is something I'm learning and growing I think you are learning as well right yha8Q1__BXI-00209-00131322-00131832 how this can connect but one thing I'm certain this is something that abute Hernandez couldn't yha8Q1__BXI-00210-00131832-00132389 fake so whatever is actually going on in his apartment it could actually be the real thing yha8Q1__BXI-00211-00132389-00132621 what would you do if you were in his place yha8Q1__BXI-00212-00132621-00133402 for now but we do have more but ladies and gentlemen click on this video on the screen yha8Q1__BXI-00213-00133402-00133818 trust me y'all like if you love this video You're Gonna Love that it's a must watch click yha8Q1__BXI-00214-00133818-00134208 on it and I will see you right there binge it Benja check it out