AM_Qzejj9AE-00000-00000096-00000784 i've discussed this before in past videos but i wanted to talk about it again because it is AM_Qzejj9AE-00001-00000784-00001096 so important for anybody that's suffering from a chronic illness AM_Qzejj9AE-00002-00001200-00001968 and needs a miracle in their life needs something to give them hope still to keep going that belief AM_Qzejj9AE-00003-00001968-00002768 and faith that it can actually occur and it can actually be healed by god through a miracle i want AM_Qzejj9AE-00004-00002768-00003400 to make this video to let you know you absolutely can be against whatever odds god is bigger than AM_Qzejj9AE-00005-00003472-00004288 anything anything it's miraculous it's amazing i i have the new nickname miracle man because AM_Qzejj9AE-00006-00004288-00004560 what happened to me and i want to share this story again with people AM_Qzejj9AE-00007-00004664-00005184 just so they're to increase faith hopefully to build you up and to let you know that AM_Qzejj9AE-00008-00005296-00005784 it can happen don't give up okay so let me let me kind of run down my story real quick AM_Qzejj9AE-00009-00005872-00006536 it was about 15 16 years ago i took an antibiotic called levaquin it's similar to cipro AM_Qzejj9AE-00010-00006640-00007536 and i was severely injured by it it destroys well it caused a lot of problems let me kind of leave AM_Qzejj9AE-00011-00007536-00008168 it that i don't know a whole lot of what happened to me but basically after this medication had did AM_Qzejj9AE-00012-00008168-00008896 what it did to me i was bedridden the first two years completely bedridden aside from crawling to AM_Qzejj9AE-00013-00008896-00009808 the bathroom and not wanting to be taken care of i was in horrible shape in excruciating pain 24 7 AM_Qzejj9AE-00014-00009808-00010216 it wasn't the kind of pain where if you move it hurts like after you've worked out this was just AM_Qzejj9AE-00015-00010216-00010768 a constant excruciating pain through my whole body with nerve like peripheral neuropathy so AM_Qzejj9AE-00016-00010848-00011384 it was bad news i had joint pain i could hardly walk i could hardly stand i had horrible anxiety AM_Qzejj9AE-00017-00011520-00012184 i had blinding headaches light sensitivity racing heart felt like i was in fight or AM_Qzejj9AE-00018-00012184-00012784 flight constantly i was like bad shape bad shape that kind of bad shape and AM_Qzejj9AE-00019-00013032-00013600 you know for like i said the first two years i was in bed and then from there i was slowly AM_Qzejj9AE-00020-00013663-00014119 coming out of it i mean i it was so it was such a bad situation i wasn't able to work i was a writer AM_Qzejj9AE-00021-00014119-00014663 at the time lost everything completely lost my job which was writing from home freelance writer AM_Qzejj9AE-00022-00014728-00015400 and all the businesses that i had built around that eventually i lost my wife she left because AM_Qzejj9AE-00023-00015400-00016128 of the illness i wasn't unable to work and it just kind of tore us apart i lost you know the car the AM_Qzejj9AE-00024-00016128-00017168 house everything very sick and this lasted for like 15 years to where i was sick but i think that AM_Qzejj9AE-00025-00017168-00017632 everybody that is in that kind of situation has one of two choices when it comes to god AM_Qzejj9AE-00026-00017720-00018504 and that is to either continue on and continue using that pain to draw closer to god or some AM_Qzejj9AE-00027-00018504-00019000 of us fall away some of us get hopeless some of us feel like god's not listening or will never listen AM_Qzejj9AE-00028-00019152-00019688 and i can understand that because i felt like that a lot of the time when i would pray and i would AM_Qzejj9AE-00029-00019752-00020000 i would ask others to pray for my healing and AM_Qzejj9AE-00030-00020280-00020760 you know it's very easy to start giving up hope so these 15 years went by AM_Qzejj9AE-00031-00020760-00021376 and through it all i was drawing closer to god slowly i wish it didn't take me so long i wish it AM_Qzejj9AE-00032-00021376-00021912 didn't take me so long to listen to what the pain was telling me i was so wrapped up in the pain AM_Qzejj9AE-00033-00021912-00022400 and this anxiety and the way i was feeling and watching my world crumble around me that AM_Qzejj9AE-00034-00022400-00023048 i wasn't clinging to god like i should be it's very easy it's very easy to start to doubt but AM_Qzejj9AE-00035-00023256-00023936 as you read scripture you know god is a god of big miracles he can do some really amazing things AM_Qzejj9AE-00036-00023936-00024504 so why would you know why would my healing be out of that realm and when you look at AM_Qzejj9AE-00037-00024504-00025024 jesus and his ministry and what he did telling others to heal he was healing people he was AM_Qzejj9AE-00038-00025176-00025608 that was a big part of his ministry you know where he would heal people so AM_Qzejj9AE-00039-00025720-00026232 i never lost sight of that but i do believe at points i was feeling a lot of doubt because of AM_Qzejj9AE-00040-00026232-00027032 that so i did start to draw closer about two years ago and as i was drawing closer AM_Qzejj9AE-00041-00027032-00027408 i was running into a lot of people that would pray over me i had people annoying me with oil AM_Qzejj9AE-00042-00027408-00027992 i had people pray over me and every time i went in thinking this is gonna be it this is gonna be it AM_Qzejj9AE-00043-00027992-00028480 and i would walk out feeling exactly the same way i had as i walked in and it was very disappointing AM_Qzejj9AE-00044-00028600-00029032 talk about getting your heart broken over and over again with these high expectations and just AM_Qzejj9AE-00045-00029168-00029504 nothing so there was a lot of points where i felt like god wasn't there for me AM_Qzejj9AE-00046-00029504-00030264 i felt that i was he wasn't listening and i had actually resigned myself to the idea that AM_Qzejj9AE-00047-00030264-00030664 god was keeping me that way for a reason that he was keeping me like that because AM_Qzejj9AE-00048-00030744-00031352 i need to learn something or be more effective for him or whatever it may be so AM_Qzejj9AE-00049-00031432-00031839 as these two years progress where i was drawing closer to god these people pray over me and AM_Qzejj9AE-00050-00031960-00032592 it didn't mean much not not to say though that i stopped praying because every day every day and AM_Qzejj9AE-00051-00032592-00033048 and several times a day when you're dealing with something like chronic illness every day AM_Qzejj9AE-00052-00033048-00033448 there's a constant reminder about it and you're constantly asking for god to help you because AM_Qzejj9AE-00053-00033576-00034072 that's all you can do you're powerless doctors couldn't figure out i was getting diagnosed as AM_Qzejj9AE-00054-00034072-00034424 fibromyalgia i was getting diagnosed with possible lupus i was getting diet you know AM_Qzejj9AE-00055-00034488-00035056 all kinds of things they thought that i might have lyme's disease all kinds of different things they AM_Qzejj9AE-00056-00035056-00035584 were just saying it might be this it might be this because none of the doctors actually believed that AM_Qzejj9AE-00057-00035584-00036200 levaquin could cause this problem an antibiotic so it's now come out that it can it's actually but AM_Qzejj9AE-00058-00036200-00036816 still doctors don't know about it so i was labeled crazy or why don't you just get up and get going AM_Qzejj9AE-00059-00036816-00037368 like get back to work do what you need to do uh i'm in crippling pain i'm sorry i can't it was AM_Qzejj9AE-00060-00037584-00038184 you know it was so hard to sit there and be sick and hear people telling you that it's in your AM_Qzejj9AE-00061-00038184-00038912 head or blah blah blah because i looked healthy and there was no there was no doctors backing up AM_Qzejj9AE-00062-00038912-00039400 you know they called the fibromyalgia and i said i don't think it's fibromyalgia i don't exactly AM_Qzejj9AE-00063-00039400-00039960 know what fibromyalgia is completely but i have a lot of the symptoms as far as chronic pain i had AM_Qzejj9AE-00064-00040016-00040864 i had you know chronic fatigue chronic pain so it was it was a mess but i didn't give up hope and as AM_Qzejj9AE-00065-00040864-00041224 i was going through this what i did was i kept drawing closer to god through it AM_Qzejj9AE-00066-00041224-00041704 it kept drawing me in so as i'm drawing closer to god i'm starting to go like god can do this like AM_Qzejj9AE-00067-00041840-00042192 i was having a conversation with my son and i had brought you know we were talking about AM_Qzejj9AE-00068-00042192-00042560 healing and mind over matter and and the power of positive thinking blah blah blah AM_Qzejj9AE-00069-00042632-00043144 which i don't agree with i believe it is through god that we are we we are given all things but AM_Qzejj9AE-00070-00043312-00043728 i started to you know i was telling him i'm like maybe it's maybe i'm not being healed because it's AM_Qzejj9AE-00071-00043728-00044400 like peter when he was walking on the water and he was going to jesus and as he doubted was when he AM_Qzejj9AE-00072-00044400-00044976 started to sink so it's like maybe i'm doubting maybe i don't have this 100 faith in me that AM_Qzejj9AE-00073-00044976-00045760 god can and will heal me so that's what i started working on i started working on the mind of having AM_Qzejj9AE-00074-00045760-00046184 full belief in the heart just saying i believe god i believe you will do this when the time is AM_Qzejj9AE-00075-00046184-00046752 ready and i started to get very serious about believing he will heal me when it is his will AM_Qzejj9AE-00076-00046752-00047360 and his timing his perfect timing and i started to truly believe that that was going to happen so AM_Qzejj9AE-00077-00047520-00047864 i was going along in life still not healed but still having faith AM_Qzejj9AE-00078-00047928-00048416 and just thinking it was going to be something or one day i would see maybe a miracle AM_Qzejj9AE-00079-00048416-00049120 you know light in the sky or you know jesus in my room but um i thought it would be something really AM_Qzejj9AE-00080-00049120-00049760 special when i would be healed because this was such a devastating illness but it didn't happen AM_Qzejj9AE-00081-00049760-00050312 like that the miracle didn't come like that it came really unexpected like uh like they say AM_Qzejj9AE-00082-00050312-00050720 with jesus coming you know return that he'll come like a thief in the night like we don't AM_Qzejj9AE-00083-00050800-00051479 i didn't see this coming and your healing your healing miracle you might not see it AM_Qzejj9AE-00084-00051479-00051855 coming but that doesn't mean it's not coming that doesn't mean god's not listening people AM_Qzejj9AE-00085-00051855-00052336 would petition god for a long time sometimes before he would actually respond to prayer so AM_Qzejj9AE-00086-00052512-00052984 what happened was i was sick i went to church i was going to church regularly had some great AM_Qzejj9AE-00087-00052984-00053552 brothers that i hang out with they'd go to church with often and a woman who i'd seen there a few AM_Qzejj9AE-00088-00053552-00054048 times an older woman walked up to me and just said i god came to me and says he has big plans for you AM_Qzejj9AE-00089-00054160-00054791 i said wow he just told me the same and she asked if i would go to this thing called men's encounter AM_Qzejj9AE-00090-00054791-00055384 which is going to be camping kind of in the woods in a cabin glamping and it was going to be AM_Qzejj9AE-00091-00055496-00055967 strenuous which was hard for me even at that point even 15 years out it was a heart i had a hard time AM_Qzejj9AE-00092-00055967-00056400 i was constantly having to think how am i going to manage my pain and how am i going to have the AM_Qzejj9AE-00093-00056400-00056864 energy to get through a day so she asked if i would go to this for two days and i'm thinking AM_Qzejj9AE-00094-00056864-00057376 i don't know that i can do this i don't know that i have it in me i don't want to be wrapped up in AM_Qzejj9AE-00095-00057376-00057720 bed out there which would happen to me i would i would exert myself one day and be able to do AM_Qzejj9AE-00096-00057720-00058136 a little something and i would be crippled in bed for two or three days four days five days so AM_Qzejj9AE-00097-00058240-00058776 i was very hesitant as she asked me to go i felt convicted by the holy spirit to go but AM_Qzejj9AE-00098-00058904-00059608 at the same time i told her look i have an illness i said i can't i don't i don't know AM_Qzejj9AE-00099-00059608-00060024 let me give it some thought even though the holy spirit's gone you better go you need to go AM_Qzejj9AE-00100-00060152-00060496 so once i told her that what she did was she placed her hand on my head AM_Qzejj9AE-00101-00060496-00060984 and she started praying and she started specifically praying for the things that were AM_Qzejj9AE-00102-00061120-00061600 wrong with me i hadn't told her that i had nerve damage and you know joins in muscle AM_Qzejj9AE-00103-00061600-00062016 pain and blah blah blah i didn't go through the rundown but she was praying for that in specific AM_Qzejj9AE-00104-00062128-00062967 and i believe that god used her as a tool to deliver his healing i don't believe she was AM_Qzejj9AE-00105-00062967-00063360 the special person or anything like you need to seek out some special person i believe it was her AM_Qzejj9AE-00106-00063360-00063912 god using her as a tool and then again i also believe it was my strong belief AM_Qzejj9AE-00107-00063912-00064352 that god would heal me in his perfect timing but i wasn't expecting it that's the crazy part so AM_Qzejj9AE-00108-00064408-00064855 she prayed over me i thanked her we hugged you know new friend and i was going to let her know AM_Qzejj9AE-00109-00064855-00065432 about the encounter well after church i'm usually pretty sore like that was that would do me and AM_Qzejj9AE-00110-00065432-00065864 just sitting i would stand through the worship which was hard for me the three songs which is AM_Qzejj9AE-00111-00065864-00066304 what 10 minutes um then sitting in the chair would be hard because of my pain and then we'd walk down AM_Qzejj9AE-00112-00066304-00066872 the hill to get to the car it was a big church so when i left the church i remember thinking hmm AM_Qzejj9AE-00113-00066992-00067464 i don't have any pain i didn't connect the dots yet i just thought i don't have any pain yet so AM_Qzejj9AE-00114-00067560-00067960 usually what we would do is we would go to lunch and so we went to lunch AM_Qzejj9AE-00115-00067960-00068512 and that's usually where my condition would worsen i would i would feel more pain i would be drained AM_Qzejj9AE-00116-00068512-00069080 i would just not be clear at all wrapped up in in pain as anybody with chronic pain can understand AM_Qzejj9AE-00117-00069216-00069616 but i noticed that during and after lunch i'm like i'm still not in pain AM_Qzejj9AE-00118-00069696-00070088 and i still didn't connect the dots it was still unexpected i just said AM_Qzejj9AE-00119-00070088-00070680 i am having an amazing day today as far as my illness this this thing going on so AM_Qzejj9AE-00120-00070784-00071448 went home continued on my day felt really good did not have an ounce of pain just felt amazing AM_Qzejj9AE-00121-00071528-00071880 and there was a book that was sitting on my nightstand and had been sitting there for AM_Qzejj9AE-00122-00071880-00072320 close to about a year and i'd only been able to read like a quarter of that book because i don't AM_Qzejj9AE-00123-00072320-00072824 know if it was my mind was messed up from this antibiotic or if it was just from the constant AM_Qzejj9AE-00124-00072896-00073320 nudging of the pain that i wasn't able to focus but i had a hard time reading understanding what AM_Qzejj9AE-00125-00073320-00073856 i was reading and comprehending i used to be an ace of that not to not to brag but i used to AM_Qzejj9AE-00126-00073856-00074336 i used to have really good reading comprehension i was a writer as well so i you know i had a joy AM_Qzejj9AE-00127-00074336-00075000 for writing and reading but i couldn't read i had a hard time reading and understanding and that AM_Qzejj9AE-00128-00075000-00075512 night i picked up a book that book that i've been sitting on my nightstand i started to read it and AM_Qzejj9AE-00129-00075576-00075976 all of a sudden i realized wow i just blew through this thing i finished that book i just AM_Qzejj9AE-00130-00075976-00076640 knocked it out like i used to and i was i remember sitting there going what how and it AM_Qzejj9AE-00131-00076640-00077232 just hit me boom like god has healed you god has taken everything away all of that away from you AM_Qzejj9AE-00132-00077464-00077808 as you can imagine if you're somebody that suffers from chronic pain that was AM_Qzejj9AE-00133-00078088-00078856 that was just i i don't know i don't even know how to express it just realizing that life is just in AM_Qzejj9AE-00134-00078856-00079512 that blink of an eye has changed all of that stuff was gone and i knew i knew 100 it wasn't like well AM_Qzejj9AE-00135-00079512-00080048 let's see if i no i knew i knew i had been healed it was i think the holy spirit told me you've been AM_Qzejj9AE-00136-00080048-00080736 healed you have been healed by jesus so i uh i of course started telling people that's why i'm AM_Qzejj9AE-00137-00080736-00081424 making this video but it happened so fast and it happened i believe because god had decided to him AM_Qzejj9AE-00138-00081424-00081952 because i did retain and remain in the faith that god would heal me and that is the most important AM_Qzejj9AE-00139-00081952-00082376 thing i'm trying to impart right now is you have to remain in the faith that god will heal you AM_Qzejj9AE-00140-00082440-00082928 even if you've been praying for years like i had you still have to remain in that faith that god AM_Qzejj9AE-00141-00082928-00083504 is more powerful he has perfect timing for it and he will do it when it's ready but his will AM_Qzejj9AE-00142-00083720-00084152 a lot of people would have given up you might have given up at points you might have said this AM_Qzejj9AE-00143-00084152-00084848 isn't going to happen or god won't but he does he really does and i just want to tell people he AM_Qzejj9AE-00144-00084848-00085728 does it like i'm proof of that it has been about two months now since this miraculous healing all AM_Qzejj9AE-00145-00085728-00086392 of it's gone all of it is gone for me i have none of it anymore i went to that encounter encountered AM_Qzejj9AE-00146-00086392-00087064 that i was supposed to go to and i was fine i was fine i didn't i took a hike i went hiking AM_Qzejj9AE-00147-00087064-00087632 up in the mountains i would have never been able to do that but i took a hike i i can't express AM_Qzejj9AE-00148-00087816-00088480 i just want to tell anybody that's suffering that wow like don't don't think it can't happen AM_Qzejj9AE-00149-00088480-00088984 it can happen you've heard of people having cancer disappear and different things it does happen AM_Qzejj9AE-00150-00089096-00089600 and what i just want to tell everybody is that i believe it's due to faith i know in the beginning AM_Qzejj9AE-00151-00089600-00090088 you may have prayed and said i have 100 faith god healing me but it wasn't his timing he will AM_Qzejj9AE-00152-00090088-00090624 heal you just you have to be maybe i was tested i don't know maybe this was a test to see if i AM_Qzejj9AE-00153-00090624-00091288 you know job had to re retain his faith and even though i wasn't getting the response i wanted and AM_Qzejj9AE-00154-00091288-00091800 being healed i was still maintaining that faith it wavered of course it did who wouldn't but AM_Qzejj9AE-00155-00091912-00092248 in the end at the point when i was healed i had faith 100 that AM_Qzejj9AE-00156-00092248-00092672 jesus could deliver me from that that i could i could be healed and i was AM_Qzejj9AE-00157-00092792-00093488 so that's what i'm telling you keep believing keep reading scripture keep staying in the word keep AM_Qzejj9AE-00158-00093488-00094064 praying have others pray for you i would love to pray for you if you want let write a comment below AM_Qzejj9AE-00159-00094064-00094568 or contact me through my instagram i will pray for you i have a list and i will pray for you daily AM_Qzejj9AE-00160-00094712-00095168 you can get through this please do not give up hope please do not think god isn't the powerful AM_Qzejj9AE-00161-00095168-00095624 god that's still in the healing business because he is he can heal you in the blink of an eye when AM_Qzejj9AE-00162-00095624-00096512 you least expect it so don't ever ever give up keep going keep fighting it's so important to AM_Qzejj9AE-00163-00096512-00097144 keep fighting i know it's hard i know you feel like he's not listening but he is and he will AM_Qzejj9AE-00164-00097200-00098176 he did for me and it's amazing amazing praise god we have an amazing god and he can save you from AM_Qzejj9AE-00165-00098176-00098832 this so i want to tell you about that i wanted to let people know keep in the word keep praying AM_Qzejj9AE-00166-00098832-00099480 keep trying to do things that please god work on pleasing god and he will once you focus on him AM_Qzejj9AE-00167-00099576-00100160 he will take care of the rest and he did i could do things like never dreamed about it a year ago AM_Qzejj9AE-00168-00100160-00100696 or even three months ago and it'll happen for you too i believe i firmly believe that he can AM_Qzejj9AE-00169-00100696-00101376 heal you it's just stay faithful stay faithful to him and don't lose sight and don't lose faith AM_Qzejj9AE-00170-00101536-00102008 anyways that's that's my thing i hope it helps somebody i hope my story encourages you if AM_Qzejj9AE-00171-00102008-00102624 you're if you're dealing with chronic pain um if you'd like to contact me again you can below AM_Qzejj9AE-00172-00102624-00102983 if you would like to help donate i'm trying to rebuild my life because after this illness i was AM_Qzejj9AE-00173-00102983-00103696 out of work for 15 years i was gonna get back to work and my computer died so i do have a gofundme AM_Qzejj9AE-00174-00103696-00104120 account down below if you could contribute i would really appreciate it trying to get a laptop AM_Qzejj9AE-00175-00104176-00104616 and also i have a patreon account i do these ministry videos now through my youtube channel AM_Qzejj9AE-00176-00104711-00105240 i had the nudging and felt god telling me to do ministry videos and it totally changed what AM_Qzejj9AE-00177-00105240-00105600 direction i was taking my channel in but that's good like he healed me i'll listen AM_Qzejj9AE-00178-00105680-00106328 um so if you could please help me by contributing to my patreon account that's below that would set AM_Qzejj9AE-00179-00106328-00106720 up like if you said two dollars it would give me two dollars a month to continue doing this work AM_Qzejj9AE-00180-00106720-00107120 and i'm also hoping to get a computer so i can get back to writing and rebuild my life AM_Qzejj9AE-00181-00107120-00107688 living with my mom right now because of all that's happened to me but i'm healed hallelujah there's AM_Qzejj9AE-00182-00107768-00108368 there's nothing stopping me except for money right now so um please if this message encouraged AM_Qzejj9AE-00183-00108368-00108904 you or helped you in any way please please help me out by looking at the links below AM_Qzejj9AE-00184-00109016-00109711 that is all again if you need me to pray for you if you'd like i will i will throw down prayers and AM_Qzejj9AE-00185-00109952-00110248 stay faithful stay hopeful remain AM_Qzejj9AE-00186-00110456-00111016 remain in the mindset that god can and will take care of this for you just follow him and AM_Qzejj9AE-00187-00111016-00111559 he'll take care of the rest that's it for this time guys thank you for listening god bless AMepVHb9OUg-00000-00001672-00001956 This is Joe from HEMImania here with Billy Geller AMepVHb9OUg-00001-00001956-00002238 Winner of the 1st ever Reaction Time Challenge AMepVHb9OUg-00002-00002238-00002883 What would you like to say bout your setup here and what it was like to cut that aggresive of a light? AMepVHb9OUg-00003-00002883-00003360 The pro tree is really hard, Midnight Mayhem is not prepped. AMepVHb9OUg-00004-00003360-00004000 So, it's hard to get a good reaction time and just a good time slip. AMepVHb9OUg-00005-00004000-00004719 I like the sportsman tree better. I felt like it gives me a little edge. AMepVHb9OUg-00006-00004719-00005423 I'm looking forward to MATS coming into town. Modern MOPAR, Foot Brake... AMepVHb9OUg-00007-00005423-00006333 Fun Field, Road Course, Swap Meet, Car Show... Come out and play with us! AMepVHb9OUg-00008-00006333-00006788 Absolutely. And if it's anything like last year, you made it to the finals. So... AMepVHb9OUg-00009-00006788-00007111 With a reaction time like that I think you're about dialed in for this year's event. AMepVHb9OUg-00010-00007111-00007413 Yeah, well I know somebody else that made it to the finals. AMepVHb9OUg-00011-00007413-00007648 We'll see if I can hang again this year! AMepVHb9OUg-00012-00007648-00008136 I'd like to present you with a $50 gift card for winning the Reaction Time Challenge AMepVHb9OUg-00013-00008136-00008558 and we'll have more of the same–more fun to come. Not only for the Challengers group, AMepVHb9OUg-00014-00008558-00008894 but open up to all HEMIs and MOPARs. Yes, yes. AMepVHb9OUg-00015-00008894-00009204 So congratulations, nice job there! Thank you, Joe, I appreciate it. AMepVHb9OUg-00016-00009204-00009440 All right. What else you like to tell us about the build? AMepVHb9OUg-00017-00009440-00009932 Well, I got a 2019 1320. It's a 6.4. AMepVHb9OUg-00018-00009932-00010842 It's got like 500 horsepower to the back wheels. Um, it'll go... it'll go in drag mode. AMepVHb9OUg-00019-00010842-00011050 Y'know... Yeah! AMepVHb9OUg-00020-00011050-00011583 So I'm waiting for a new tune from HHP to arrive any day now. AMepVHb9OUg-00021-00011583-00011958 Just in time for MATS, huh? Yeah, there's a coulple cars at MATS AMepVHb9OUg-00022-00011958-00012482 I just need a little more to get around. That ought to do it. AMepVHb9OUg-00023-00012482-00012763 I hope so. We'll see. Cool, well good luck to ya! AMepVHb9OUg-00024-00012763-00012905 Thanks, Joe. Right on. AMepVHb9OUg-00025-00012905-00013033 I appreciate it. Cool. ANb8qd0M7uk-00000-00000296-00000373 >>> ON APRIL 6TH, THE SMALL TOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00001-00000373-00000380 >>> ON APRIL 6TH, THE SMALL TOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00002-00000380-00000507 >>> ON APRIL 6TH, THE SMALL TOWN OF HUMBOLDT SASKATCHEWAN WAS ANb8qd0M7uk-00003-00000507-00000513 >>> ON APRIL 6TH, THE SMALL TOWN OF HUMBOLDT SASKATCHEWAN WAS ANb8qd0M7uk-00004-00000513-00000673 >>> ON APRIL 6TH, THE SMALL TOWN OF HUMBOLDT SASKATCHEWAN WAS CHANGED FOREVER WHEN A BUS ANb8qd0M7uk-00005-00000673-00000680 OF HUMBOLDT SASKATCHEWAN WAS CHANGED FOREVER WHEN A BUS ANb8qd0M7uk-00006-00000680-00000860 OF HUMBOLDT SASKATCHEWAN WAS CHANGED FOREVER WHEN A BUS CARRYING THE HUMBOLDT BRONCOS ANb8qd0M7uk-00007-00000860-00000867 CHANGED FOREVER WHEN A BUS CARRYING THE HUMBOLDT BRONCOS ANb8qd0M7uk-00008-00000867-00001010 CHANGED FOREVER WHEN A BUS CARRYING THE HUMBOLDT BRONCOS JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM WAS STRUCK BY ANb8qd0M7uk-00009-00001010-00001017 CARRYING THE HUMBOLDT BRONCOS JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM WAS STRUCK BY ANb8qd0M7uk-00010-00001017-00001197 CARRYING THE HUMBOLDT BRONCOS JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM WAS STRUCK BY A SEMI TRUCK, KILLING 16 PEOPLE ANb8qd0M7uk-00011-00001197-00001204 JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM WAS STRUCK BY A SEMI TRUCK, KILLING 16 PEOPLE ANb8qd0M7uk-00012-00001204-00001361 JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM WAS STRUCK BY A SEMI TRUCK, KILLING 16 PEOPLE AND INJURING 13 OTHERS. ANb8qd0M7uk-00013-00001361-00001368 A SEMI TRUCK, KILLING 16 PEOPLE AND INJURING 13 OTHERS. ANb8qd0M7uk-00014-00001368-00001504 A SEMI TRUCK, KILLING 16 PEOPLE AND INJURING 13 OTHERS. DONATIONS, TRIBUTES, AND SUPPORT ANb8qd0M7uk-00015-00001504-00001511 AND INJURING 13 OTHERS. DONATIONS, TRIBUTES, AND SUPPORT ANb8qd0M7uk-00016-00001511-00001654 AND INJURING 13 OTHERS. DONATIONS, TRIBUTES, AND SUPPORT POURED IN FROM THE HOCKEY ANb8qd0M7uk-00017-00001654-00001661 DONATIONS, TRIBUTES, AND SUPPORT POURED IN FROM THE HOCKEY ANb8qd0M7uk-00018-00001661-00001801 DONATIONS, TRIBUTES, AND SUPPORT POURED IN FROM THE HOCKEY COMMUNITY INCLUDING RIGHT HERE ANb8qd0M7uk-00019-00001801-00001808 POURED IN FROM THE HOCKEY COMMUNITY INCLUDING RIGHT HERE ANb8qd0M7uk-00020-00001808-00001975 POURED IN FROM THE HOCKEY COMMUNITY INCLUDING RIGHT HERE IN BEMIDJI. ANb8qd0M7uk-00021-00001975-00001981 COMMUNITY INCLUDING RIGHT HERE IN BEMIDJI. ANb8qd0M7uk-00022-00001981-00002142 COMMUNITY INCLUDING RIGHT HERE IN BEMIDJI. THAT IS CREATING A MEMORABLE ANb8qd0M7uk-00023-00002142-00002148 IN BEMIDJI. THAT IS CREATING A MEMORABLE ANb8qd0M7uk-00024-00002148-00002322 IN BEMIDJI. THAT IS CREATING A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE TOWN'S PEE ANb8qd0M7uk-00025-00002322-00002328 THAT IS CREATING A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE TOWN'S PEE ANb8qd0M7uk-00026-00002328-00002602 THAT IS CREATING A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE TOWN'S PEE WEE HOCKEY TEAM THIS WEEKEND. ANb8qd0M7uk-00027-00002602-00002609 EXPERIENCE FOR THE TOWN'S PEE WEE HOCKEY TEAM THIS WEEKEND. ANb8qd0M7uk-00028-00002609-00002762 EXPERIENCE FOR THE TOWN'S PEE WEE HOCKEY TEAM THIS WEEKEND. >> EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD ANb8qd0M7uk-00029-00002762-00002769 WEE HOCKEY TEAM THIS WEEKEND. >> EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD ANb8qd0M7uk-00030-00002769-00002936 WEE HOCKEY TEAM THIS WEEKEND. >> EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING CHRISTMAS COME AND GO ANb8qd0M7uk-00031-00002936-00002942 >> EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING CHRISTMAS COME AND GO ANb8qd0M7uk-00032-00002942-00003073 >> EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING CHRISTMAS COME AND GO AND GET READY TO GET ON THE BUS ANb8qd0M7uk-00033-00003073-00003079 TO HAVING CHRISTMAS COME AND GO AND GET READY TO GET ON THE BUS ANb8qd0M7uk-00034-00003079-00003303 TO HAVING CHRISTMAS COME AND GO AND GET READY TO GET ON THE BUS AND COME DOWN HERE AND PLAY ANb8qd0M7uk-00035-00003303-00003309 AND GET READY TO GET ON THE BUS AND COME DOWN HERE AND PLAY ANb8qd0M7uk-00036-00003309-00003336 AND GET READY TO GET ON THE BUS AND COME DOWN HERE AND PLAY HOCKEY. ANb8qd0M7uk-00037-00003336-00003343 AND COME DOWN HERE AND PLAY HOCKEY. ANb8qd0M7uk-00038-00003343-00003456 AND COME DOWN HERE AND PLAY HOCKEY. >> THE TEAM IS IN BEMIDJI, ANb8qd0M7uk-00039-00003456-00003463 HOCKEY. >> THE TEAM IS IN BEMIDJI, ANb8qd0M7uk-00040-00003463-00003636 HOCKEY. >> THE TEAM IS IN BEMIDJI, PLAYING IN THE PAUL BUNYAN ANb8qd0M7uk-00041-00003636-00003643 >> THE TEAM IS IN BEMIDJI, PLAYING IN THE PAUL BUNYAN ANb8qd0M7uk-00042-00003643-00003783 >> THE TEAM IS IN BEMIDJI, PLAYING IN THE PAUL BUNYAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT ANb8qd0M7uk-00043-00003783-00003790 PLAYING IN THE PAUL BUNYAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT ANb8qd0M7uk-00044-00003790-00004114 PLAYING IN THE PAUL BUNYAN INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT THANKS TO THE POST 14 AMERICAN ANb8qd0M7uk-00045-00004114-00004120 INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT THANKS TO THE POST 14 AMERICAN ANb8qd0M7uk-00046-00004120-00004250 INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT THANKS TO THE POST 14 AMERICAN LEGION AND ANOTHER GROUP WHO ANb8qd0M7uk-00047-00004250-00004257 THANKS TO THE POST 14 AMERICAN LEGION AND ANOTHER GROUP WHO ANb8qd0M7uk-00048-00004257-00004381 THANKS TO THE POST 14 AMERICAN LEGION AND ANOTHER GROUP WHO RAISED OVER 18,000 TO BRING THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00049-00004381-00004387 LEGION AND ANOTHER GROUP WHO RAISED OVER 18,000 TO BRING THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00050-00004387-00004481 LEGION AND ANOTHER GROUP WHO RAISED OVER 18,000 TO BRING THE TEAM HERE. ANb8qd0M7uk-00051-00004481-00004487 RAISED OVER 18,000 TO BRING THE TEAM HERE. ANb8qd0M7uk-00052-00004487-00004611 RAISED OVER 18,000 TO BRING THE TEAM HERE. >> THE IDEA JUST CAME TO ME, ANb8qd0M7uk-00053-00004611-00004617 TEAM HERE. >> THE IDEA JUST CAME TO ME, ANb8qd0M7uk-00054-00004617-00004734 TEAM HERE. >> THE IDEA JUST CAME TO ME, WHAT COULD WE DO. ANb8qd0M7uk-00055-00004734-00004741 >> THE IDEA JUST CAME TO ME, WHAT COULD WE DO. ANb8qd0M7uk-00056-00004741-00004928 >> THE IDEA JUST CAME TO ME, WHAT COULD WE DO. AND I THOUGHT THE BEST THING IS ANb8qd0M7uk-00057-00004928-00004934 WHAT COULD WE DO. AND I THOUGHT THE BEST THING IS ANb8qd0M7uk-00058-00004934-00005098 WHAT COULD WE DO. AND I THOUGHT THE BEST THING IS OUR PEE WEE TOURNAMENT, BECAUSE ANb8qd0M7uk-00059-00005098-00005105 AND I THOUGHT THE BEST THING IS OUR PEE WEE TOURNAMENT, BECAUSE ANb8qd0M7uk-00060-00005105-00005295 AND I THOUGHT THE BEST THING IS OUR PEE WEE TOURNAMENT, BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST TOURNAMENT PUT ON ANb8qd0M7uk-00061-00005295-00005301 OUR PEE WEE TOURNAMENT, BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST TOURNAMENT PUT ON ANb8qd0M7uk-00062-00005301-00005422 OUR PEE WEE TOURNAMENT, BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST TOURNAMENT PUT ON IN BEMIDJI. ANb8qd0M7uk-00063-00005422-00005428 IT'S THE BEST TOURNAMENT PUT ON IN BEMIDJI. ANb8qd0M7uk-00064-00005428-00005625 IT'S THE BEST TOURNAMENT PUT ON IN BEMIDJI. >> WE ARE SO EXCITED, SO ANb8qd0M7uk-00065-00005625-00005632 IN BEMIDJI. >> WE ARE SO EXCITED, SO ANb8qd0M7uk-00066-00005632-00005952 IN BEMIDJI. >> WE ARE SO EXCITED, SO THANKFUL TO JIM HASKELL AND THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00067-00005952-00005959 >> WE ARE SO EXCITED, SO THANKFUL TO JIM HASKELL AND THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00068-00005959-00006212 >> WE ARE SO EXCITED, SO THANKFUL TO JIM HASKELL AND THE HELP HUMBOLDT HEAL COMMITTEE ANb8qd0M7uk-00069-00006212-00006219 THANKFUL TO JIM HASKELL AND THE HELP HUMBOLDT HEAL COMMITTEE ANb8qd0M7uk-00070-00006219-00006489 THANKFUL TO JIM HASKELL AND THE HELP HUMBOLDT HEAL COMMITTEE THAT HE RAISED. ANb8qd0M7uk-00071-00006489-00006496 HELP HUMBOLDT HEAL COMMITTEE THAT HE RAISED. ANb8qd0M7uk-00072-00006496-00006606 HELP HUMBOLDT HEAL COMMITTEE THAT HE RAISED. >> THE COACH IS IMREATFUL FOR ANb8qd0M7uk-00073-00006606-00006613 THAT HE RAISED. >> THE COACH IS IMREATFUL FOR ANb8qd0M7uk-00074-00006613-00006736 THAT HE RAISED. >> THE COACH IS IMREATFUL FOR THE SUPPORT BEMIDJI HAS SHOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00075-00006736-00006743 >> THE COACH IS IMREATFUL FOR THE SUPPORT BEMIDJI HAS SHOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00076-00006743-00007050 >> THE COACH IS IMREATFUL FOR THE SUPPORT BEMIDJI HAS SHOWN AND SAYS THIS WEEK WILL BE AN ANb8qd0M7uk-00077-00007050-00007056 THE SUPPORT BEMIDJI HAS SHOWN AND SAYS THIS WEEK WILL BE AN ANb8qd0M7uk-00078-00007056-00007253 THE SUPPORT BEMIDJI HAS SHOWN AND SAYS THIS WEEK WILL BE AN EXPERIENCE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET. ANb8qd0M7uk-00079-00007253-00007260 AND SAYS THIS WEEK WILL BE AN EXPERIENCE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET. ANb8qd0M7uk-00080-00007260-00007417 AND SAYS THIS WEEK WILL BE AN EXPERIENCE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET. >> WE CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW ANb8qd0M7uk-00081-00007417-00007423 EXPERIENCE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET. >> WE CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW ANb8qd0M7uk-00082-00007423-00007711 EXPERIENCE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET. >> WE CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW THANKFUL WE ARE TO THE BEMIDJI ANb8qd0M7uk-00083-00007711-00007717 >> WE CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW THANKFUL WE ARE TO THE BEMIDJI ANb8qd0M7uk-00084-00007717-00007971 >> WE CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW THANKFUL WE ARE TO THE BEMIDJI LEGION AND ALL OF THE CITIZENS ANb8qd0M7uk-00085-00007971-00007977 THANKFUL WE ARE TO THE BEMIDJI LEGION AND ALL OF THE CITIZENS ANb8qd0M7uk-00086-00007977-00008134 THANKFUL WE ARE TO THE BEMIDJI LEGION AND ALL OF THE CITIZENS OF BEMIDJI WHO GOT BEHIND THIS ANb8qd0M7uk-00087-00008134-00008141 LEGION AND ALL OF THE CITIZENS OF BEMIDJI WHO GOT BEHIND THIS ANb8qd0M7uk-00088-00008141-00008301 LEGION AND ALL OF THE CITIZENS OF BEMIDJI WHO GOT BEHIND THIS CAUSE AND SUPPORTED US COMING ANb8qd0M7uk-00089-00008301-00008308 OF BEMIDJI WHO GOT BEHIND THIS CAUSE AND SUPPORTED US COMING ANb8qd0M7uk-00090-00008308-00008461 OF BEMIDJI WHO GOT BEHIND THIS CAUSE AND SUPPORTED US COMING DOWN HERE. ANb8qd0M7uk-00091-00008461-00008468 CAUSE AND SUPPORTED US COMING DOWN HERE. ANb8qd0M7uk-00092-00008468-00008575 CAUSE AND SUPPORTED US COMING DOWN HERE. >> Reporter: THE WEEK'S ANb8qd0M7uk-00093-00008575-00008581 DOWN HERE. >> Reporter: THE WEEK'S ANb8qd0M7uk-00094-00008581-00008691 DOWN HERE. >> Reporter: THE WEEK'S FESTIVITIES STARTED TODAY WITH A ANb8qd0M7uk-00095-00008691-00008698 >> Reporter: THE WEEK'S FESTIVITIES STARTED TODAY WITH A ANb8qd0M7uk-00096-00008698-00008942 >> Reporter: THE WEEK'S FESTIVITIES STARTED TODAY WITH A MEET AND GREET BETWEEN THE TEAMS ANb8qd0M7uk-00097-00008942-00008948 FESTIVITIES STARTED TODAY WITH A MEET AND GREET BETWEEN THE TEAMS ANb8qd0M7uk-00098-00008948-00009092 FESTIVITIES STARTED TODAY WITH A MEET AND GREET BETWEEN THE TEAMS TO WELCOME THEM TO THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00099-00009092-00009099 MEET AND GREET BETWEEN THE TEAMS TO WELCOME THEM TO THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00100-00009099-00009222 MEET AND GREET BETWEEN THE TEAMS TO WELCOME THEM TO THE TOURNAMENT AND LEARN ABOUT EACH ANb8qd0M7uk-00101-00009222-00009229 TO WELCOME THEM TO THE TOURNAMENT AND LEARN ABOUT EACH ANb8qd0M7uk-00102-00009229-00009315 TO WELCOME THEM TO THE TOURNAMENT AND LEARN ABOUT EACH OTHER'S HOMES. ANb8qd0M7uk-00103-00009315-00009322 TOURNAMENT AND LEARN ABOUT EACH OTHER'S HOMES. ANb8qd0M7uk-00104-00009322-00009406 TOURNAMENT AND LEARN ABOUT EACH OTHER'S HOMES. >> SOMETIMES THE KIDS HAVE TO ANb8qd0M7uk-00105-00009406-00009412 OTHER'S HOMES. >> SOMETIMES THE KIDS HAVE TO ANb8qd0M7uk-00106-00009412-00009526 OTHER'S HOMES. >> SOMETIMES THE KIDS HAVE TO GET THE IDEA THAT THE OTHER ANb8qd0M7uk-00107-00009526-00009532 >> SOMETIMES THE KIDS HAVE TO GET THE IDEA THAT THE OTHER ANb8qd0M7uk-00108-00009532-00009769 >> SOMETIMES THE KIDS HAVE TO GET THE IDEA THAT THE OTHER TEAMS ARE NOT THE UNMY. ANb8qd0M7uk-00109-00009769-00009776 GET THE IDEA THAT THE OTHER TEAMS ARE NOT THE UNMY. ANb8qd0M7uk-00110-00009776-00009929 GET THE IDEA THAT THE OTHER TEAMS ARE NOT THE UNMY. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU ANb8qd0M7uk-00111-00009929-00009936 TEAMS ARE NOT THE UNMY. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU ANb8qd0M7uk-00112-00009936-00010136 TEAMS ARE NOT THE UNMY. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU BETTER PLAYERS, AND YOU REALIZE ANb8qd0M7uk-00113-00010136-00010143 THEY'RE THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU BETTER PLAYERS, AND YOU REALIZE ANb8qd0M7uk-00114-00010143-00010290 THEY'RE THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU BETTER PLAYERS, AND YOU REALIZE ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS THEY'RE ANb8qd0M7uk-00115-00010290-00010296 BETTER PLAYERS, AND YOU REALIZE ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS THEY'RE ANb8qd0M7uk-00116-00010296-00010430 BETTER PLAYERS, AND YOU REALIZE ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS THEY'RE JUST KIDS JUST LIKE YOU. ANb8qd0M7uk-00117-00010430-00010437 ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS THEY'RE JUST KIDS JUST LIKE YOU. ANb8qd0M7uk-00118-00010437-00010607 ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS THEY'RE JUST KIDS JUST LIKE YOU. >> Reporter: HUM BOAT WILL BE ANb8qd0M7uk-00119-00010607-00010613 JUST KIDS JUST LIKE YOU. >> Reporter: HUM BOAT WILL BE ANb8qd0M7uk-00120-00010613-00010800 JUST KIDS JUST LIKE YOU. >> Reporter: HUM BOAT WILL BE PLAYING FOR MORE THAN THE TROPHY ANb8qd0M7uk-00121-00010800-00010807 >> Reporter: HUM BOAT WILL BE PLAYING FOR MORE THAN THE TROPHY ANb8qd0M7uk-00122-00010807-00010970 >> Reporter: HUM BOAT WILL BE PLAYING FOR MORE THAN THE TROPHY AND HOPE TO MAKE THEIR HOME TOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00123-00010970-00010977 PLAYING FOR MORE THAN THE TROPHY AND HOPE TO MAKE THEIR HOME TOWN ANb8qd0M7uk-00124-00010977-00011077 PLAYING FOR MORE THAN THE TROPHY AND HOPE TO MAKE THEIR HOME TOWN PROUD THIS WEEKEND. ANb8qd0M7uk-00125-00011077-00011084 AND HOPE TO MAKE THEIR HOME TOWN PROUD THIS WEEKEND. ANb8qd0M7uk-00126-00011084-00011204 AND HOPE TO MAKE THEIR HOME TOWN PROUD THIS WEEKEND. >> THIS HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING ANb8qd0M7uk-00127-00011204-00011211 PROUD THIS WEEKEND. >> THIS HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING ANb8qd0M7uk-00128-00011211-00011388 PROUD THIS WEEKEND. >> THIS HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING YEAR AND ONE THAT I KNOW IS HARD ANb8qd0M7uk-00129-00011388-00011394 >> THIS HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING YEAR AND ONE THAT I KNOW IS HARD ANb8qd0M7uk-00130-00011394-00011618 >> THIS HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING YEAR AND ONE THAT I KNOW IS HARD FOR SO MANY THAT WERE DIRECTLY ANb8qd0M7uk-00131-00011618-00011624 YEAR AND ONE THAT I KNOW IS HARD FOR SO MANY THAT WERE DIRECTLY ANb8qd0M7uk-00132-00011624-00011745 YEAR AND ONE THAT I KNOW IS HARD FOR SO MANY THAT WERE DIRECTLY IMPACTED, AND IF WE CAN COME ANb8qd0M7uk-00133-00011745-00011751 FOR SO MANY THAT WERE DIRECTLY IMPACTED, AND IF WE CAN COME ANb8qd0M7uk-00134-00011751-00011868 FOR SO MANY THAT WERE DIRECTLY IMPACTED, AND IF WE CAN COME DOWN HERE AND REPRESENT OUR ANb8qd0M7uk-00135-00011868-00011875 IMPACTED, AND IF WE CAN COME DOWN HERE AND REPRESENT OUR ANb8qd0M7uk-00136-00011875-00012118 IMPACTED, AND IF WE CAN COME DOWN HERE AND REPRESENT OUR COMMUNITY IN A POSITIVE WAY IN ANb8qd0M7uk-00137-00012118-00012125 DOWN HERE AND REPRESENT OUR COMMUNITY IN A POSITIVE WAY IN ANb8qd0M7uk-00138-00012125-00012315 DOWN HERE AND REPRESENT OUR COMMUNITY IN A POSITIVE WAY IN THE LEGACY THAT LAST YEAR'S TEAM ANb8qd0M7uk-00139-00012315-00012322 COMMUNITY IN A POSITIVE WAY IN THE LEGACY THAT LAST YEAR'S TEAM ANb8qd0M7uk-00140-00012322-00012475 COMMUNITY IN A POSITIVE WAY IN THE LEGACY THAT LAST YEAR'S TEAM HAD, WE WILL CERTAINLY TRY OUR ANb8qd0M7uk-00141-00012475-00012482 THE LEGACY THAT LAST YEAR'S TEAM HAD, WE WILL CERTAINLY TRY OUR ANb8qd0M7uk-00142-00012482-00012569 THE LEGACY THAT LAST YEAR'S TEAM HAD, WE WILL CERTAINLY TRY OUR BEST TO DO THAT. ANb8qd0M7uk-00143-00012569-00012575 HAD, WE WILL CERTAINLY TRY OUR BEST TO DO THAT. ANb8qd0M7uk-00144-00012575-00012669 HAD, WE WILL CERTAINLY TRY OUR BEST TO DO THAT. >> Reporter: THE TOURNAMENT ANb8qd0M7uk-00145-00012669-00012675 BEST TO DO THAT. >> Reporter: THE TOURNAMENT ANb8qd0M7uk-00146-00012675-00012809 BEST TO DO THAT. >> Reporter: THE TOURNAMENT KICKS OFF TOMORROW AT 10:00 WITH ANb8qd0M7uk-00147-00012809-00012816 >> Reporter: THE TOURNAMENT KICKS OFF TOMORROW AT 10:00 WITH ANb8qd0M7uk-00148-00012816-00012969 >> Reporter: THE TOURNAMENT KICKS OFF TOMORROW AT 10:00 WITH THE OPENING CEREMONY AT THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00149-00012969-00012976 KICKS OFF TOMORROW AT 10:00 WITH THE OPENING CEREMONY AT THE ANb8qd0M7uk-00150-00012976-00013016 KICKS OFF TOMORROW AT 10:00 WITH THE OPENING CEREMONY AT THE SANFORD CENTER, WITH THE AOKYDXjTp2Y-00000-00000332-00000690 I'm at the French restaurant where I work AOKYDXjTp2Y-00001-00000827-00001388 I think this is the best restaurant in Toronto AOKYDXjTp2Y-00002-00001388-00001752 The name of the restaurant is La Palette AOKYDXjTp2Y-00003-00001752-00002080 Here are three reasons why I recommend this place AOKYDXjTp2Y-00004-00002080-00002280 one AOKYDXjTp2Y-00005-00002280-00002562 the food is berry excellent AOKYDXjTp2Y-00006-00002568-00002856 I'm gonna show you the most delicious item on the menu. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00007-00002856-00003056 Two AOKYDXjTp2Y-00008-00003056-00003350 the people here are amazing AOKYDXjTp2Y-00009-00003350-00003524 Three AOKYDXjTp2Y-00010-00003524-00003956 it`s located close to graffiti alley, AOKYDXjTp2Y-00011-00003956-00004966 a popular destination in Toronto with the most graffiti artwork . AOKYDXjTp2Y-00012-00004966-00005502 After you experience the artwork, you can grab a bite at the restaurant. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00013-00005504-00006150 Let:s check it out. Oh, some people just went in! AOKYDXjTp2Y-00014-00006152-00006800 GOOD FOOD, GOOD PEOPLE, GOOD LOCATION AOKYDXjTp2Y-00015-00008408-00008608 EAT AOKYDXjTp2Y-00016-00008640-00008840 Looks super delicious AOKYDXjTp2Y-00017-00009208-00009552 Let`s dig in. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00018-00010320-00010552 Juicy, tasty AOKYDXjTp2Y-00019-00010552-00010752 This is a incredible! AOKYDXjTp2Y-00020-00011192-00011400 Dancing heart AOKYDXjTp2Y-00021-00011400-00011816 I can feel. The sauce just flavorful AOKYDXjTp2Y-00022-00014552-00014840 I can drink the sauce. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00023-00015928-00016228 Let`s have some pate. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00024-00016304-00016504 I'm so happy!!! AOKYDXjTp2Y-00025-00016560-00016828 This is top-class food. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00026-00016908-00017204 This is what rich people eat. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00027-00019088-00019528 The wine goes really well with the steak AOKYDXjTp2Y-00028-00019556-00019976 I'm having steak and wine for lunch. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00029-00020232-00020612 The texture is like the inside of a sausage . AOKYDXjTp2Y-00030-00020624-00021752 The salt on the pate matches the taste of the meat. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00031-00023600-00024664 The steak has just the right amount of seasoning, giving it a crunchy texture. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00032-00024668-00025324 The meat is soft. The sauce is incredible. Everything just goes perfectly together. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00033-00025324-00025983 You can eat this meat forever because you can have it with different sauces and original garlic butter. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00034-00029588-00030780 Frites is also so good AOKYDXjTp2Y-00035-00031760-00032408 This wine goes so well with the steak that I can drink it like water. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00036-00033064-00033240 Tastey! AOKYDXjTp2Y-00037-00033240-00033440 I feel like an adult now. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00038-00034164-00034488 I'm a little bit tipsy. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00039-00034500-00034800 My face is red. I'm not a drinker. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00040-00034948-00035448 The wine is so smooth, it just flows down your mouth. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00041-00035640-00035952 I honestly think this is the best restaurant in Toronto AOKYDXjTp2Y-00042-00035952-00036692 The staff is amazing. They're so nice and accommodating. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00043-00036692-00037252 They take care of me so well. They're a great team. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00044-00037252-00038192 I can definitely recommeond this restaurant because it has awesome staff and awesome food. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00045-00038192-00038616 If you have any other recommendations, comment below. AOKYDXjTp2Y-00046-00038616-00039112 Please like this video and subscribe to my channel. APP61UZo_w0-00000-00002790-00003229 All right, next one, and I think we'll finish with this one right here. APP61UZo_w0-00001-00003229-00003830 7x minus 3y equals 21. APP61UZo_w0-00002-00003830-00004237 Different approach than we had to the last one. A little bit different approach. APP61UZo_w0-00003-00004237-00004484 Or maybe similar approach to what we did with the first one, APP61UZo_w0-00004-00004484-00005036 but how are we going to graph that? Nina? APP61UZo_w0-00005-00005036-00005324 You can come up with points for x and y. APP61UZo_w0-00006-00005324-00005584 That are solutions to the equation, right? APP61UZo_w0-00007-00005584-00005720 All right, so give me points. APP61UZo_w0-00008-00005720-00005985 X equals 3. APP61UZo_w0-00009-00005985-00006048 3 APP61UZo_w0-00010-00006048-00006634 And y equals -7. Is that right? No. APP61UZo_w0-00011-00006634-00006731 Think about what you had. APP61UZo_w0-00012-00006731-00006824 14 APP61UZo_w0-00013-00006824-00007091 Think about what you had there. What is 3 times 7? APP61UZo_w0-00014-00007091-00007289 3 times 7 is 21. APP61UZo_w0-00015-00007289-00007951 Which is what we want, so what do we do with this here in order to make that work? APP61UZo_w0-00016-00007951-00008125 What do we need the y value to be? APP61UZo_w0-00017-00008125-00008635 Well, we could change 7x. We can change x to 6. APP61UZo_w0-00018-00008635-00008786 Okay, you want to change it to 6? APP61UZo_w0-00019-00008786-00008875 Yeah APP61UZo_w0-00020-00008875-00009006 Okay. APP61UZo_w0-00021-00009006-00009335 Because now we have what? When we have 7 times 6, we have? APP61UZo_w0-00022-00009335-00009488 We have 42. APP61UZo_w0-00023-00009488-00009631 42 APP61UZo_w0-00024-00009631-00010181 And then you can make -7 for y. And that would be able to—no. Just 7 for y. APP61UZo_w0-00025-00010181-00010483 Just 7, very good. You got there. APP61UZo_w0-00026-00010483-00010999 So now we have 42 minus 3 times 7, so that's 21. 42 minus 21 is 21. APP61UZo_w0-00027-00010999-00011135 Does that work? APP61UZo_w0-00028-00011135-00011444 I think she made it more complicated. Did she make it more complicated? APP61UZo_w0-00029-00011444-00012019 Melissa, what do you think? What would you have done? APP61UZo_w0-00030-00012019-00012336 I would have made x three and made y zero. APP61UZo_w0-00031-00012336-00012648 Right there, because we already had our 21. APP61UZo_w0-00032-00012648-00012974 Make this zero and we have 21 equals 21. That's the solution. APP61UZo_w0-00033-00012974-00013195 Okay, but if that works, there's also what else? APP61UZo_w0-00034-00013195-00013528 What else would work here with the same idea? APP61UZo_w0-00035-00013528-00013891 Because that's an intercept, right? Will? APP61UZo_w0-00036-00013891-00014582 x equaling zero and y equaling -7. APP61UZo_w0-00037-00014582-00014789 -7, there we go. Do we see that now? APP61UZo_w0-00038-00014789-00015043 So that method of using intercepts. APP61UZo_w0-00039-00015043-00015474 All right Nina, nice job with that, but I think you made it more complicated, APP61UZo_w0-00040-00015474-00015680 But it still works, doesn’t it? It's one of our points. APVmdHMsXkg-00000-00000130-00000556 To wrap up our course “Statistics and Data Science”, I want to give you a short conclusion APVmdHMsXkg-00001-00000556-00000842 and some next steps. APVmdHMsXkg-00002-00000842-00001191 Mostly I want to give a little piece of advice I learned from a professional saxophonist, APVmdHMsXkg-00003-00001191-00001324 Kirk Whalum. APVmdHMsXkg-00004-00001324-00001803 And he says there’s “There’s Always Something To Work On”, there’s always APVmdHMsXkg-00005-00001803-00002159 something you can do to try things differently to get better. APVmdHMsXkg-00006-00002159-00002630 It works when practicing music, it also works when you're dealing with data. APVmdHMsXkg-00007-00002630-00003138 Now, there are additional courses, here at that you might want to look at. APVmdHMsXkg-00008-00003138-00003776 They are conceptual courses, additional high-level overviews on things like machine learning, APVmdHMsXkg-00009-00003776-00003957 data visualization and other topics. APVmdHMsXkg-00010-00003957-00004457 And I encourage you to take a look at those as well, to round out your general understanding APVmdHMsXkg-00011-00004457-00004639 of the field. APVmdHMsXkg-00012-00004639-00004946 There are also however, many practical courses. APVmdHMsXkg-00013-00004946-00005423 These are hands on tutorials on these statistical procedures I’ve covered and you learn how APVmdHMsXkg-00014-00005423-00005962 to do them in R, Python and SPSS and other programs. APVmdHMsXkg-00015-00005962-00006520 But whatever your doing, keep this other little piece of advice from writers in mind, and APVmdHMsXkg-00016-00006520-00006664 that is “Write what you know”. APVmdHMsXkg-00017-00006664-00006856 And I’m going to say it this way. APVmdHMsXkg-00018-00006856-00007317 Explore and analyze and delve into what you know. APVmdHMsXkg-00019-00007317-00007647 Remember when we talked about data science and the Venn Diagram, we’ve talked about APVmdHMsXkg-00020-00007647-00007759 the coding and the stats. APVmdHMsXkg-00021-00007759-00008016 But don’t forget this part on the bottom. APVmdHMsXkg-00022-00008016-00008743 Domain expertise is just as important to good data science as the ability to work with computer APVmdHMsXkg-00023-00008743-00009177 coding and the ability to work with the numbers and quantitative skills. APVmdHMsXkg-00024-00009177-00009346 But also, remember this. APVmdHMsXkg-00025-00009346-00009702 You don’t have to know everything, your work doesn’t have to be perfect. APVmdHMsXkg-00026-00009702-00010049 The most important thing is just get started, you’ll be glad you did. APVmdHMsXkg-00027-00010049-00010257 Thanks for joining me and good luck! AQGa2bVOEg8-00000-00000000-00000200 Bekasi Culinary ASzGrY1FToM-00000-00000224-00000650 Hi, my name is Kelly Hermann and I am the director of disability services for SUNY Empire ASzGrY1FToM-00001-00000650-00001141 State College. And, yes, everything I ever needed to know about disability services I ASzGrY1FToM-00002-00001141-00001768 did indeed learn from candy. Don’t believe me? Well let me just show you! Our first candy ASzGrY1FToM-00003-00001768-00002242 is Hershey’s special dark. Many people love dark chocolate and the word special has a ASzGrY1FToM-00004-00002242-00002728 very significant meaning in the disability world. It is the word that is used to describe ASzGrY1FToM-00005-00002728-00003265 the services that are provided to students in the elementary, primary and secondary levels ASzGrY1FToM-00006-00003265-00003799 of education here in the United States – special education. ASzGrY1FToM-00007-00003799-00004639 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This law, also known as I.D.E.A., only ASzGrY1FToM-00008-00004640-00005404 applies to the K-12 system in the US. I.D.E.A. provides individuals with disabilities with ASzGrY1FToM-00009-00005404-00006008 a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment possible in the K-12 ASzGrY1FToM-00010-00006008-00006651 environment. Once students enter higher or postsecondary educational settings, the laws ASzGrY1FToM-00011-00006652-00007259 pertaining to the provision of accommodations are civil rights laws, not education laws. ASzGrY1FToM-00012-00007328-00007836 One of my favorites, the 100 Grand bar. What on earth does this candy bar have to do with ASzGrY1FToM-00013-00007836-00008467 disability services in higher education? Institutions of higher education are subject the provisions ASzGrY1FToM-00014-00008468-00009231 of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The law stipulates that any recipient ASzGrY1FToM-00015-00009232-00009865 of federal funds, also known as financial aid and grant monies, must not discriminate ASzGrY1FToM-00016-00009865-00010449 against individuals solely on the basis of their disabilities. A more well known law, ASzGrY1FToM-00017-00010464-00011048 the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, also applies to institutions of higher education ASzGrY1FToM-00018-00011048-00011526 either because they are public institutions covered under the provisions of Title 2, which ASzGrY1FToM-00019-00011526-00012072 apply to state and local govenments, or because they are places of public accommodation and ASzGrY1FToM-00020-00012072-00012744 are subject to the provisions of Title 3. Both laws work in concert together to ensure ASzGrY1FToM-00021-00012744-00013321 that individuals with disabilities are not subject to discrimination. I bet you all are ASzGrY1FToM-00022-00013321-00013805 singing the Kit Kat jingle in your head right now – Give me a break, give me a break – and ASzGrY1FToM-00023-00013805-00014311 that’s exactly what I want you to be thinking about! Many times people without disabilities ASzGrY1FToM-00024-00014311-00014835 think that the accommodations provided to students with disabilities are “breaks” ASzGrY1FToM-00025-00014847-00015318 – that those students are somehow getting an unfair advantage by using accommodations ASzGrY1FToM-00026-00015328-00015899 and their workload is easier. The opposite tends to be true. Using accommodations to ASzGrY1FToM-00027-00015904-00016513 study is much more time intensive and difficult than people think. And it is also important ASzGrY1FToM-00028-00016513-00017040 to remember that accommodations are provided to ensure that the student with a disability ASzGrY1FToM-00029-00017040-00017663 has access to the educational opportunities offered by the college or university. They ASzGrY1FToM-00030-00017664-00018273 are not provided to ensure that a student with a disability is successful.That's the ASzGrY1FToM-00031-00018273-00019028 student's job. 3 musketeers – my favorite! There are three musketeers of accommodations, ASzGrY1FToM-00032-00019028-00019573 if you will, and that is the three things that reasonable accommodations do not do. ASzGrY1FToM-00033-00019576-00020198 First, reasonable accommodations do not reduce course or program standards. This means that ASzGrY1FToM-00034-00020198-00020798 no one will expect a faculty member to change his or her grading criteria just because the ASzGrY1FToM-00035-00020800-00021376 student has a disability. Second, they also do not fundamentally alter the nature of the ASzGrY1FToM-00036-00021376-00021954 course or the program of study. We once had a student in our online programs at the college ASzGrY1FToM-00037-00021968-00022558 request to turn her online course into a print-based correspondence course like we used to offer ASzGrY1FToM-00038-00022560-00023043 before the switch to the online programs. That would have fundamentally altered the ASzGrY1FToM-00039-00023043-00023610 nature of her course and removed any peer to peer interaction and learning opportunities ASzGrY1FToM-00040-00023616-00024294 that were present in the course so her request was denied. And lastly, reasonable accommodations ASzGrY1FToM-00041-00024294-00025016 do not pose an undue burden on the institution or the individual faculty member. So, if you ASzGrY1FToM-00042-00025024-00025569 are teaching an online course, you should not expect that your disability services office ASzGrY1FToM-00043-00025569-00026354 will ask you to meet with the student in person, online or even over the phone on a daily basis ASzGrY1FToM-00044-00026368-00026987 even if the student has an approved accommodation of more frequent phone or email contact. This ASzGrY1FToM-00045-00026987-00027602 accommodation is meant to be a periodic check in, maybe once a week at most, to assist the ASzGrY1FToM-00046-00027602-00028163 student in processing the written information in the online course. Whoppers – also known ASzGrY1FToM-00047-00028163-00028760 as stretching the truth or even outright lying. Its difficult to trust that a student is being ASzGrY1FToM-00048-00028768-00029324 forthright and honest about his or her needs, particularly when that request comes right ASzGrY1FToM-00049-00029327-00029827 before a high-stakes part of the course, such as a written assignment or an exam. This is ASzGrY1FToM-00050-00029827-00030409 why it is important for faculty and the disability services office to work closely together. ASzGrY1FToM-00051-00030416-00030844 Students are required to provide some proof to the college, typically to the disability ASzGrY1FToM-00052-00030848-00031502 services office, of their diagnosis and need for accommodations. This is typically accomplished ASzGrY1FToM-00053-00031502-00031929 either through a conversation or a structured interview with the disability services’ ASzGrY1FToM-00054-00031936-00032443 staff at your institution. This is one of the many reasons why it is important for faculty ASzGrY1FToM-00055-00032448-00033014 to refer a student who has expressed some concerns or made requests related to a disabling ASzGrY1FToM-00056-00033014-00033601 condition to the disability services’ office. Disability services will vet the student’s ASzGrY1FToM-00057-00033601-00034034 information, determine what is reasonable and talk with the students about the realities ASzGrY1FToM-00058-00034034-00034591 of using accommodations. Disability services will also notify faculty on the student’s ASzGrY1FToM-00059-00034592-00035134 behalf so faculty can trust that information they are given and students don’t have to ASzGrY1FToM-00060-00035136-00035869 explain all of the nuances of their private information.And last but not least, Reese’s ASzGrY1FToM-00061-00035872-00036324 peanut butter cups! Who remembers the first commercials where one guy is walking along ASzGrY1FToM-00062-00036324-00036722 with a chocolate bar and another is walking with an open jar of peanut butter – they ASzGrY1FToM-00063-00036722-00037232 collide and realize that their treats were even better together than they were apart! ASzGrY1FToM-00064-00037232-00037765 That’s exactly like the relationship between disability services and faculty on a college ASzGrY1FToM-00065-00037765-00038319 campus. The role of faculty is to guide students in his or her learning; the role of disability ASzGrY1FToM-00066-00038320-00038841 services is to ensure that the student can access those learning opportunities. Together ASzGrY1FToM-00067-00038848-00039311 with the students, we are all partners in that accommodation process. ASzGrY1FToM-00068-00039311-00039762 Thanks for watching and learning more about disability services from candy, too. I bet ASzGrY1FToM-00069-00039762-00040150 you won’t be able to look at one of these candy bars in the future without thinking ASzGrY1FToM-00070-00040150-00040490 about disability services! ASFuf1OdHNE-00000-00001773-00001894 It's a remote island nation of ASFuf1OdHNE-00001-00001894-00002104 twenty thousand people ASFuf1OdHNE-00002-00002104-00002326 and hundreds of rock islands. ASFuf1OdHNE-00003-00002370-00002506 Palau is quite unique because of its ASFuf1OdHNE-00004-00002506-00002644 geographical isolation. ASFuf1OdHNE-00005-00002644-00002920 It sits on a ridge hundreds and hundreds ASFuf1OdHNE-00006-00002920-00003176 of miles from the closest large land mass, ASFuf1OdHNE-00007-00003176-00003404 whether it be Indonesia or the Philippines. ASFuf1OdHNE-00008-00003404-00003629 Diving here is world-class. ASFuf1OdHNE-00009-00003629-00003868 A lot of people rate it best in the world. ASFuf1OdHNE-00010-00003868-00004004 The water was super clear. ASFuf1OdHNE-00011-00004004-00004078 It was amazing. ASFuf1OdHNE-00012-00004078-00004198 It was like a spacewalk. ASFuf1OdHNE-00013-00004198-00004418 Coral here is some of the healthiest ASFuf1OdHNE-00014-00004418-00004488 in the world. ASFuf1OdHNE-00015-00004488-00004606 The amount of coral. ASFuf1OdHNE-00016-00004606-00004780 Hundreds and hundreds of sharks. ASFuf1OdHNE-00017-00004780-00004894 Different species of fish. ASFuf1OdHNE-00018-00004894-00005108 It's the highest anywhere in the world ASFuf1OdHNE-00019-00005108-00005200 that you can go. ASFuf1OdHNE-00020-00005394-00005602 Of all the places I've traveled to, ASFuf1OdHNE-00021-00005602-00005850 this is by far the most beautiful. ASFuf1OdHNE-00022-00005850-00006124 But, Palau is in trouble. ASFuf1OdHNE-00023-00006158-00006246 We are living on the ASFuf1OdHNE-00024-00006246-00006423 front line of climate change. ASFuf1OdHNE-00025-00006488-00006616 The President of Palau has been one of ASFuf1OdHNE-00026-00006616-00006812 the pioneers when it comes to fighting ASFuf1OdHNE-00027-00006812-00006984 climate change, so we sat down with him to ASFuf1OdHNE-00028-00006984-00007316 find out why it was so important to him to act. ASFuf1OdHNE-00029-00007316-00007572 Sea level rises are already destroying our ASFuf1OdHNE-00030-00007572-00007880 low-lying atolls, our crops, our homeland. ASFuf1OdHNE-00031-00007880-00008090 The chemistry of the ocean is changing. ASFuf1OdHNE-00032-00008090-00008324 Weather patterns here are getting pretty crazy. ASFuf1OdHNE-00033-00008325-00008562 Palau rarely even saw typhoons at all, ASFuf1OdHNE-00034-00008562-00008704 but in just two years, ASFuf1OdHNE-00035-00008704-00008884 two super typhoons have hit. ASFuf1OdHNE-00036-00008884-00009060 And it just decimated the reefs ASFuf1OdHNE-00037-00009060-00009210 on the east side. ASFuf1OdHNE-00038-00009210-00009376 What used to be some of the most pristine ASFuf1OdHNE-00039-00009376-00009608 and spectacular reefs have just gone. ASFuf1OdHNE-00040-00009694-00009918 People have this apathetic feeling that ASFuf1OdHNE-00041-00009918-00010146 we'll worry about it when they time comes. ASFuf1OdHNE-00042-00010146-00010432 But actually, it's already too late to ASFuf1OdHNE-00043-00010432-00010550 just talk about it. ASFuf1OdHNE-00044-00010760-00011004 Our children will not inherit the same ASFuf1OdHNE-00045-00011004-00011124 world that we grew up in. ASFuf1OdHNE-00046-00011124-00011230 It's changed. ASFuf1OdHNE-00047-00011230-00011432 But, I think the question now is ASFuf1OdHNE-00048-00011432-00011784 can we create a world for them ASFuf1OdHNE-00049-00011784-00011934 that is habitable? ASFuf1OdHNE-00050-00012270-00012426 It's not a matter of whether ASFuf1OdHNE-00051-00012426-00012520 we believe it or not. ASFuf1OdHNE-00052-00012520-00012608 It's happening. ASFuf1OdHNE-00053-00012608-00012786 And, of course, we don't want to leave. ASFuf1OdHNE-00054-00012786-00012910 This is our homeland. ASFuf1OdHNE-00055-00012910-00013090 Rising waters around the globe have already ASFuf1OdHNE-00056-00013090-00013272 swallowed up other Pacific Islands, ASFuf1OdHNE-00057-00013272-00013463 forcing residents there to flee. ASFuf1OdHNE-00058-00013463-00013691 When we think about that possibility ASFuf1OdHNE-00059-00013691-00013868 happening to us, it scares us. ASFuf1OdHNE-00060-00014416-00014654 This eco-minded community is single-handedly ASFuf1OdHNE-00061-00014654-00014808 doing more to fight global warming ASFuf1OdHNE-00062-00014808-00015040 than the U.S., a country seventeen thousand ASFuf1OdHNE-00063-00015040-00015216 times its size in population. ASFuf1OdHNE-00064-00015216-00015538 Palau has done a lot and it has a long-established ASFuf1OdHNE-00065-00015538-00015822 history of preserving their marine environments, ASFuf1OdHNE-00066-00015822-00016052 going back hundreds, even thousands of years. ASFuf1OdHNE-00067-00016052-00016306 So, they're really at the forefront of conservation, ASFuf1OdHNE-00068-00016306-00016446 if you will, for the oceans. ASFuf1OdHNE-00069-00016772-00017050 Palau has decided to take a step forward ASFuf1OdHNE-00070-00017050-00017276 and create a marine sanctuary with our ASFuf1OdHNE-00071-00017276-00017498 entire exclusive economic zone. ASFuf1OdHNE-00072-00017592-00017762 They've also established a no-fishing zone ASFuf1OdHNE-00073-00017762-00017978 in eighty percent of their water, protecting ASFuf1OdHNE-00074-00017978-00018230 an area larger than the state of California. ASFuf1OdHNE-00075-00018230-00018382 Climate change is gonna affect everyone, ASFuf1OdHNE-00076-00018382-00018522 not just the ocean. ASFuf1OdHNE-00077-00018522-00018720 We're gonna see different weather patterns. ASFuf1OdHNE-00078-00018720-00019056 We're gonna see longer warm periods, ASFuf1OdHNE-00079-00019056-00019210 a melting of the glaciers. ASFuf1OdHNE-00080-00019210-00019480 We're gonna see species disappear. ASFuf1OdHNE-00081-00019480-00019668 What we hope is that the world will take notice ASFuf1OdHNE-00082-00019668-00019850 and make similar commitments. ASFuf1OdHNE-00083-00019850-00020157 We have to be more proactive. ASFuf1OdHNE-00084-00020157-00020424 We have to deal with it as a global community, ASFuf1OdHNE-00085-00020424-00020608 'cuz only then can we address it. ASFuf1OdHNE-00086-00020988-00021118 Some say we've already gone over ASFuf1OdHNE-00087-00021118-00021264 the tipping point. ASFuf1OdHNE-00088-00021264-00021498 Some say that we can ASFuf1OdHNE-00089-00021498-00021664 slow the rate of change down. ASFuf1OdHNE-00090-00021664-00021860 And the Paris agreements and everything ASFuf1OdHNE-00091-00021860-00021998 that have recently happened. ASFuf1OdHNE-00092-00021998-00022082 We have to try. ASFuf1OdHNE-00093-00022082-00022292 If we don't try, it's my children, ASFuf1OdHNE-00094-00022292-00022428 it's your children, ASFuf1OdHNE-00095-00022428-00022574 it's the children of the future that are ASFuf1OdHNE-00096-00022574-00022810 going to feel all the impacts of it. ASFuf1OdHNE-00097-00022810-00022960 For more information on how you can get ASFuf1OdHNE-00098-00022960-00023132 involved in preserving our oceans, visit ASFuf1OdHNE-00099-00023132-00023496 Nat Geo's Pristine Seas project and AXLkiMg1sw8-00000-00000000-00000620 Create a facet on the State column AXLkiMg1sw8-00001-00000620-00001248 Select the value CA AXLkiMg1sw8-00002-00001248-00001802 Click the invert option in the facet header. AXLkiMg1sw8-00003-00001802-00002446 You can exclude multiple value in the same facet AXLkiMg1sw8-00004-00002446-00003054 Refine display all the rows that doesn't match CA and CO AZksCwhl-TU-00000-00001718-00002964 #Ikea various chair set & dining table AZksCwhl-TU-00001-00005806-00006664 All IKEA chairs are gathered! AZksCwhl-TU-00002-00006718-00007745 There were a lot of chairs with unique designs. AZksCwhl-TU-00003-00007762-00008434 Ikea is the place where you can meet various chairs at once! AZksCwhl-TU-00004-00008518-00009472 IKEA can get all of the products from good value to high-end functional chairs at once! AZksCwhl-TU-00005-00009518-00010136 Even the chairs and dining tables, whose purpose is to optimize space utilization~ AZksCwhl-TU-00006-00010136-00011286 Dining furniture perfect for single-family and multi-family furniture! AZksCwhl-TU-00007-00011286-00011836 I've been doing the snow river properly~^^ AZksCwhl-TU-00008-00011854-00012388 You can window shopping for IKEA dining products. AZksCwhl-TU-00009-00012388-00012888 Let's see the IKEA chair and dining table together! AZksCwhl-TU-00010-00013034-00013682 Subscribe to Judy TV and don't forget it~^^ Afrk-P1fQTM-00000-00000973-00001173 Hello everyone! My name's Rodion. Afrk-P1fQTM-00001-00001216-00001813 Today, I show how tocreate WPF application for .NET 6.0 framework. Afrk-P1fQTM-00002-00001832-00002163 Open your IDE. For example, Visual Studio. Afrk-P1fQTM-00003-00002212-00002409 Click Create a New project button, Afrk-P1fQTM-00004-00002466-00002886 Select the WPF Applicationitem and click Next button. Afrk-P1fQTM-00005-00002956-00003646 Change Project Name, Project Location andSolution Name if needed and click Next button. Afrk-P1fQTM-00006-00003652-00004049 Select Framework version andset it as .NET 6.0. Afrk-P1fQTM-00007-00004075-00004206 Click Create Button. Afrk-P1fQTM-00008-00004742-00005146 Call context menu of your project and select Manage NuGet Package... command. Afrk-P1fQTM-00009-00005465-00005938 Choose Browse tab and findthe Stimulsoft.Report.Wpf package. Afrk-P1fQTM-00010-00006168-00006455 Select version and click Install button. Afrk-P1fQTM-00011-00006834-00007158 Now Stimulsoft Controls are added in your project. Afrk-P1fQTM-00012-00007631-00008078 For example, add a new forlder in the projectand add a report to it. Afrk-P1fQTM-00013-00008555-00008821 Add the button to the formand double click on it. Afrk-P1fQTM-00014-00008888-00009208 Create a first run of viewerin the event handler button. Afrk-P1fQTM-00015-00009251-00009721 To do that, you should create a newreport object and load a report to it. Afrk-P1fQTM-00016-00009734-00010401 Use the ShowWithWpf method of reportobject to call report viewer with this report. Afrk-P1fQTM-00017-00010438-00010714 Run your application and click button on the form. Afrk-P1fQTM-00018-00010751-00011117 As you can see, the report vieweris called with this report. Afrk-P1fQTM-00019-00011534-00012377 Use DesignV2WithWpf method of report objectto call WPF v2 report designer with this report Afrk-P1fQTM-00020-00012424-00012737 Run your application and click button on the form. Afrk-P1fQTM-00021-00012760-00013137 Now, you can use Stimulsoft Controlsin your .NET 6.0 application. Afrk-P1fQTM-00022-00013207-00013327 Thanks for watching! Afrk-P1fQTM-00023-00013350-00013740 Follow news on our social networks and subscribe to the video channel. Afrk-P1fQTM-00024-00013754-00014377 If you still have any questions, leave your comments below or send us a request to Afrk-P1fQTM-00025-00014417-00014500 Have a good one! AiwOZQyiQUU-00000-00000021-00000404 COWEN: In the middle of all of these dialogues, we have a section called “Underrated, Overrated.” AiwOZQyiQUU-00001-00000404-00000800 I’m going to name some things, some people, and ask you if you think they’re overrated AiwOZQyiQUU-00002-00000800-00001348 or underrated. Feel free to pass on any one of them. Let’s start with rap music. AiwOZQyiQUU-00003-00001348-00001561 PINKER: Oh. [laughter] AiwOZQyiQUU-00004-00001561-00002313 PINKER: I never got rap music. I don’t want to say it’s overrated. It may be that I’m AiwOZQyiQUU-00005-00002313-00002971 overrated, or at least I overrate myself. I was probably born too soon.COWEN: There’s AiwOZQyiQUU-00006-00002971-00003472 a much younger Steven Pinker on YouTube debating with William F. Buckley. Steven Pinker of AiwOZQyiQUU-00007-00003472-00003976 that time is defending black English and telling William F. Buckley he basically doesn’t AiwOZQyiQUU-00008-00003976-00004519 understand what’s special about it. Indeed, Buckley doesn’t. Is rap music in a sense AiwOZQyiQUU-00009-00004519-00005037 not just a musical extension of the black English you once defended on Firing Line? AiwOZQyiQUU-00010-00005037-00005623 PINKER: It is in the sense that I would not make the argument. The fact that I don’t AiwOZQyiQUU-00011-00005623-00006319 have any rap music on my iPod is not an argument for the objective merit of rap music compared AiwOZQyiQUU-00012-00006319-00006759 to any other kind of music. There I’m a relativist. AiwOZQyiQUU-00013-00006759-00007284 Likewise, the grammatical structure of African American English vernacular, as linguists AiwOZQyiQUU-00014-00007284-00008145 call it, black English, Ebonics, there’s really nothing inherently to choose between AiwOZQyiQUU-00015-00008145-00008711 the rules in black English vernacular and any other English vernacular. There I’m AiwOZQyiQUU-00016-00008711-00009215 also a relativist. On the other hand when it comes to what dialect AiwOZQyiQUU-00017-00009215-00010050 we should use in formal essays, in the academic literature, and in the New York Times, it’s AiwOZQyiQUU-00018-00010050-00010457 good to have a standard. The standard could have been black English if history had run AiwOZQyiQUU-00019-00010457-00011027 differently. It doesn’t happen to be. It’s good that we all settle on a standard to maximize AiwOZQyiQUU-00020-00011027-00011652 communication and efficiency and certain aesthetic judgments. AiwOZQyiQUU-00021-00011652-00012139 The standardization is a good thing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that one standard AiwOZQyiQUU-00022-00012139-00012855 is objectively better than another. COWEN: Aerobic exercise: underrated or overrated? AiwOZQyiQUU-00023-00012855-00013312 PINKER: [laughs] Underrated. I like it. COWEN: You like it? AiwOZQyiQUU-00024-00013312-00013479 PINKER: Yeah. I do it. COWEN: You think it’s good for you? AiwOZQyiQUU-00025-00013479-00014161 PINKER: I hope so. I like to think that I’m also accomplishing something when I go jogging AiwOZQyiQUU-00026-00014161-00014485 or cycling. COWEN: Behavioral economics. Economists playing AiwOZQyiQUU-00027-00014485-00015053 at psychology. Obviously you have a stronger background in psychology than the economists. AiwOZQyiQUU-00028-00015053-00015433 What do you think of behavioral econ? PINKER: I’m for it. AiwOZQyiQUU-00029-00015433-00015793 COWEN: What’s it missing? AiwOZQyiQUU-00030-00015793-00016538 PINKER: I’m completely out of my depth here, but I do think it is too quick to dismiss AiwOZQyiQUU-00031-00016538-00017435 classical economics. Is this maybe another false dichotomy? AiwOZQyiQUU-00032-00017435-00018236 The idea that the rational actor and models derived from it are obsolete because humans AiwOZQyiQUU-00033-00018236-00018806 make certain irrational choices, have certain rules of thumb that can’t be normatively AiwOZQyiQUU-00034-00018806-00019347 defended — those aren’t necessarily incompatible, because even though every individual AiwOZQyiQUU-00035-00019347-00019996 human brain might have its quirks and be irrational, it is possible for a collective enterprise AiwOZQyiQUU-00036-00019996-00020566 that works by certain rules to have a kind of rationality that none of the individual AiwOZQyiQUU-00037-00020566-00020969 minds has. Also it’s possible because we’re corrigible, AiwOZQyiQUU-00038-00020969-00021735 because the mind is many parts. We can override some of our biases and instincts either though AiwOZQyiQUU-00039-00021735-00022155 confrontations with reality, through education, through debate. AiwOZQyiQUU-00040-00022155-00023102 We do know even that people who are experienced in market transactions, for example, don’t AiwOZQyiQUU-00041-00023102-00023681 fall for the kinds of fallacies that behavioral economists are so fond of pointing out. You AiwOZQyiQUU-00042-00023681-00024105 really can’t turn a person into a money pump, even though in the lab I can set up AiwOZQyiQUU-00043-00024105-00024477 a demo that shows people can be intransitive in their preferences. AiwOZQyiQUU-00044-00024477-00024840 You actually put a person in a situation where there’s real money at stake, and all of AiwOZQyiQUU-00045-00024840-00025108 a sudden they’re not so irrational. COWEN: They walk away. AiwOZQyiQUU-00046-00025108-00025381 The passive voice in writing. PINKER: Underrated. AiwOZQyiQUU-00047-00025381-00025797 COWEN: Underrated? PINKER: Yeah, underrated. In the following AiwOZQyiQUU-00048-00025797-00026333 sense. You open up any style manual and one of the first bits of advice is don’t use AiwOZQyiQUU-00049-00026333-00026844 the passive. That’s too crude. Academics overuse the passive, or maybe I should say AiwOZQyiQUU-00050-00026844-00027331 the passive voice is overused by academics. COWEN: That’s better. AiwOZQyiQUU-00051-00027331-00027700 [laughter] COWEN: It is thought as such by many people. AiwOZQyiQUU-00052-00027700-00028695 PINKER: So it is thought. The case is overdrawn because no construction could have survived AiwOZQyiQUU-00053-00028695-00029174 in the language for more than 1,500 years if it didn’t serve some purpose. There are AiwOZQyiQUU-00054-00029174-00029775 circumstances in which the passive is the better choice. In particular when the topic AiwOZQyiQUU-00055-00029775-00030686 of a conversation, the entity that’s already in the spotlight, is the done-to or acted-upon. AiwOZQyiQUU-00056-00030686-00031236 Another rule of style, aside from avoiding the passive, is start the sentence with the AiwOZQyiQUU-00057-00031236-00031952 given information, the topic. End the sentence with the new information, the focus. If you’re AiwOZQyiQUU-00058-00031952-00032522 already talking about something that is done to, then that’s the logical way to begin AiwOZQyiQUU-00059-00032522-00032806 the next sentence, and the passive voice makes that possible. AiwOZQyiQUU-00060-00032806-00033619 If I’m saying, “Look at that mime in the park. He’s being pelted with zucchini,” AiwOZQyiQUU-00061-00033619-00034109 then since I’ve already called your attention to the mime, now I want to add information AiwOZQyiQUU-00062-00034109-00034562 about him. If he happens to be the brunt of an action then the passive voice is the way AiwOZQyiQUU-00063-00034562-00035112 to begin the next sentence with him, as opposed to saying “some people are throwing zucchini AiwOZQyiQUU-00064-00035112-00035734 at him,” where he gets put at the focus of the sentence, which is the best place to AiwOZQyiQUU-00065-00035734-00036196 introduce new information. In fact, as I point out in The Sense of Style, AiwOZQyiQUU-00066-00036196-00036696 the two most famous style guides in the English language, namely Orwell’s “Politics and AiwOZQyiQUU-00067-00036696-00037227 the English Language” and Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style, both accidentally use AiwOZQyiQUU-00068-00037227-00037687 the passive in the very sentence in which they say “don’t use the passive.” AiwOZQyiQUU-00069-00037687-00037921 [laughter] COWEN: William Shatner. AiwOZQyiQUU-00070-00037921-00038421 [laughter] COWEN: You’re connected to him in several AiwOZQyiQUU-00071-00038421-00038655 ways. PINKER: Oh, fellow Montreal Jew. AiwOZQyiQUU-00072-00038655-00039066 [laughter] PINKER: I have to say underrated. Although AiwOZQyiQUU-00073-00039066-00039262 maybe not his singing. AiwOZQyiQUU-00074-00039262-00039633 COWEN: You’re well known for your photography. AiwOZQyiQUU-00075-00039633-00040181 Here’s Susan Sontag writing on photography. I quote: “Photographing is essentially an AiwOZQyiQUU-00076-00040181-00040796 act of non-intervention.” She also wrote, “It is mainly a social rite, a defense against AiwOZQyiQUU-00077-00040796-00041215 anxiety, and a tool of power.” Yes or no? PINKER: Overrated. AiwOZQyiQUU-00078-00041215-00041387 COWEN: Overrated? PINKER: Yeah. AiwOZQyiQUU-00079-00041387-00042118 COWEN: Photography is, or Susan Sontag? PINKER: [laughs] Maybe just that passage. AiwOZQyiQUU-00080-00042118-00043100 Like any art form, photography is many things. First and foremost, it’s a simulacrum of AiwOZQyiQUU-00081-00043100-00044012 perceptual experience. It’s possible because visual perception doesn’t consist of knowing AiwOZQyiQUU-00082-00044012-00044612 the external world directly, but rather making hypotheses about it via a two‑dimensional AiwOZQyiQUU-00083-00044612-00045030 array of light that’s reflected from it. You duplicate that two‑dimensional array AiwOZQyiQUU-00084-00045030-00045584 of light with pigment or LEDs and you can fool the perceiver into thinking that he’s AiwOZQyiQUU-00085-00045584-00046056 seeing the actual thing. That is then in tension with the fact that AiwOZQyiQUU-00086-00046056-00047105 the photograph itself is a splash of geometric and colored patches. The challenge of photography AiwOZQyiQUU-00087-00047105-00047806 is to both convey a sense of something out there, but also for that two‑dimensional AiwOZQyiQUU-00088-00047806-00048421 patch to itself be an aesthetically pleasing object. As a photographer, I’m always cognizant AiwOZQyiQUU-00089-00048421-00049061 of what will that two‑dimensional patchwork of color look like and what is it a photograph AiwOZQyiQUU-00090-00049061-00049349 of. COWEN: If you think of all the different things AiwOZQyiQUU-00091-00049349-00049797 you’ve written in various areas, what do you think has been your biggest mistake? AiwOZQyiQUU-00092-00049797-00050459 PINKER: Oh, where do I begin? [laughter] AiwOZQyiQUU-00093-00050459-00051770 PINKER: Where to begin? Biggest mistake. I’m going to punt on that. AiwOZQyiQUU-00094-00051770-00052058 COWEN: OK. That’s fine. PINKER: Why don’t I just say that, so as AiwOZQyiQUU-00095-00052058-00052411 not to convey the impression that I’ve never made mistakes, there’s so many where do AiwOZQyiQUU-00096-00052411-00052460 I begin? AjJ8OiBReFE-00000-00000000-00000800 [Dr. Kinshuk] OK so, welcome to the first Discovery Lecture Series talk. AjJ8OiBReFE-00001-00000810-00001560 It is my pleasure to welcome here my mentor, Dr. Rory McGreal. AjJ8OiBReFE-00002-00001560-00001970 [clapping] AjJ8OiBReFE-00003-00001980-00002786 He is an UNESCO Commonwealth of Learning ICD Chair for Open Education Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00004-00002810-00002990 Did I miss anything? AjJ8OiBReFE-00005-00003000-00003200 [Dr. McGreal] No, that's good enough. AjJ8OiBReFE-00006-00003200-00003400 [laughter] AjJ8OiBReFE-00007-00003600-00003800 [Dr. Kinshuk] Before I joined Athabasca University, AjJ8OiBReFE-00008-00003810-00004250 he was Associate Vice President of Research at Athabasca University. AjJ8OiBReFE-00009-00004260-00004960 And he's the one who brought me there and he is the one why I stayed there so long. AjJ8OiBReFE-00010-00005300-00005700 The kind of vision he had, the ideas and now his fashion AjJ8OiBReFE-00011-00005710-00006200 about the Open Education Resources is just amazing for me. AjJ8OiBReFE-00012-00006220-00006820 So without any further ado, I would like you to maybe tell us more about yourself AjJ8OiBReFE-00013-00006830-00007050 and then tell us where we should go. AjJ8OiBReFE-00014-00007059-00007342 [Dr. McGreal] Okay, thank you, Kinshuk. AjJ8OiBReFE-00015-00007342-00008240 Yes, as part of my duties as a chair, you will find that my presentation is very biased AjJ8OiBReFE-00016-00008250-00008600 in favor of Open Educational Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00017-00008610-00009200 So with that caution, I think I can start by saying that AjJ8OiBReFE-00018-00009210-00009690 the slides are all Open Educational Resources; you can use them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00019-00009700-00010390 However, some of the images are under fair dealing or fair use laws in the United States. AjJ8OiBReFE-00020-00010400-00011290 And I want to start off with our support for the Paris Declaration on Open Educational Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00021-00011300-00012200 And this declaration states that in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations AjJ8OiBReFE-00022-00012210-00013169 we need to consider using Open Educational Resources, that they will help us to achieve these goals. AjJ8OiBReFE-00023-00013180-00013519 And the goal is education for all. AjJ8OiBReFE-00024-00013530-00014369 And it's the belief that Open Educational Resources will form part of what any solution or solutions we come to AjJ8OiBReFE-00025-00014380-00014830 to ensure education for everybody. AjJ8OiBReFE-00026-00014844-00015269 Those of you who don't know about Open Educational Resources, AjJ8OiBReFE-00027-00015280-00015550 I would direct you to the Commonwealth of Learning. AjJ8OiBReFE-00028-00015560-00016100 They have many publications and this one in particular is a primer AjJ8OiBReFE-00029-00016110-00016537 Creating, Using and Sharing Open Educational Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00030-00016537-00016687 And that'll give you a good background. AjJ8OiBReFE-00031-00016687-00017590 There are many other online free ebooks available explaining OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00032-00017600-00018510 As an educator, it is my belief that the challenge for the 21st century is this: AjJ8OiBReFE-00033-00018520-00019610 that by 2025 will be about 100 million students capable of university and college education around the world AjJ8OiBReFE-00034-00019620-00019851 that will not be able to access it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00035-00019851-00020570 Either because it is just not available there or they can't afford it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00036-00020580-00021190 And it is my belief that this is the challenge for educators of the 21st century is: AjJ8OiBReFE-00037-00021200-00021640 how do we educate all these learners? AjJ8OiBReFE-00038-00021650-00022120 John Daniel tells us, he's the former President of the Commonwealth of Learning, AjJ8OiBReFE-00039-00022130-00022650 that in order to meet this challenge the traditional way AjJ8OiBReFE-00040-00022660-00023340 we would have to build four new universities every week between now and 2025. AjJ8OiBReFE-00041-00023350-00023613 And of course we know this just is not possible. AjJ8OiBReFE-00042-00023650-00023700 So we have to find new scalable ways that we can educate these masses of students. AjJ8OiBReFE-00043-00024751-00025018 We can use the internet. AjJ8OiBReFE-00044-00025018-00025248 The Internet is the biggest commons: it's the intellectual commons, the intellectual shared knowledge of all of us, AjJ8OiBReFE-00045-00025501-00025908 and the public domain is a priceless shared heritage. AjJ8OiBReFE-00046-00026275-00026577 And what that means is that everyone has a right to access information and knowledge on the internet. AjJ8OiBReFE-00047-00027307-00027577 And there are many companies who are trying to close off parts of it and create closed gardens, we call them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00048-00028282-00028569 And we need to ensure that people everywhere have access to the world's knowledge. AjJ8OiBReFE-00049-00029010-00029410 Now, Copyright, what does it mean, what doesn't it mean. AjJ8OiBReFE-00050-00029410-00030007 It was not instituted, as many people believe, to protect the authors rights. AjJ8OiBReFE-00051-00030313-00030769 It was instituted for this reason: AjJ8OiBReFE-00052-00030769-00031095 to encourage learning and promote the progress of science and the useful arts. AjJ8OiBReFE-00053-00031411-00031780 In fact the first copyright law was brought in to limit the rights of the authors and printers. AjJ8OiBReFE-00054-00032086-00032368 Not to give them rights but to limit their rights in order to promote learning. AjJ8OiBReFE-00055-00033303-00033502 Jaszi calls this view of protecting the rights of the author as being para copyright or pseudo-copyright, AjJ8OiBReFE-00056-00033841-00034162 which the publishers want us to believe in. AjJ8OiBReFE-00057-00034162-00034488 But let's look back historically about this. AjJ8OiBReFE-00058-00034849-00035149 Tom Harper reminds that the concept of copyright was utterly foreign to the ancient mind. AjJ8OiBReFE-00059-00035472-00035830 In fact copyist where the most respected people in society. AjJ8OiBReFE-00060-00036322-00036745 The early scribes were considered saints in many cases. AjJ8OiBReFE-00061-00036745-00037090 And so the idea that copying was somehow evil or sinful never entered the mind of people, not until very recently. AjJ8OiBReFE-00062-00038122-00038518 The first copyright law came about actually in Ireland, in the sixth century, AjJ8OiBReFE-00063-00038518-00038956 when Columcille, St. Columba, he copied Saint Finian's psalm book. AjJ8OiBReFE-00064-00039424-00039916 And the king ruled, King Dermot, that "to every cow it's calf, to every book it's copy". AjJ8OiBReFE-00065-00040288-00040630 A very strict version of copyright law. AjJ8OiBReFE-00066-00040630-00041035 And St. Columba did not agree with this and there was a huge battle. AjJ8OiBReFE-00067-00041326-00041722 3,000 men died in Sligo in the West of Ireland. AjJ8OiBReFE-00068-00041722-00042262 And as a result, St. Columba won but then the church exiled him to Iona in Scotland. AjJ8OiBReFE-00069-00043063-00043252 And where he built a monastery and in fact that's where they brought enlightenment to Europe. AjJ8OiBReFE-00070-00043486-00043750 They sent monks all over Europe in the dark ages to bring enlightenment to Europe. AjJ8OiBReFE-00071-00044384-00044837 The people supporting this idea of copyright as being a right of authors, they stand by the idea of property. AjJ8OiBReFE-00072-00045983-00046669 Here's an example, Caught in the Act, AjJ8OiBReFE-00073-00046669-00047018 and it reminds you of people who go around feeling furtive for copying an article or a few pages of a book. AjJ8OiBReFE-00074-00047663-00047885 And many people feel "oh, I'm doing something sinful here by doing this," AjJ8OiBReFE-00075-00048299-00048613 and it's a good illustration of that of that idea. AjJ8OiBReFE-00076-00048613-00048986 But the first modern copyright law, The Statute of Queen Anne 1710, look at the title: AjJ8OiBReFE-00077-00049484-00049925 "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning." AjJ8OiBReFE-00078-00049925-00050246 It is not an act to protect the rights of authors. AjJ8OiBReFE-00079-00050765-00050987 Usually the title of an act gives you a good idea of the purpose of the act AjJ8OiBReFE-00080-00050987-00051187 and here it's an act for the encouragement of learning. AjJ8OiBReFE-00081-00051701-00051934 And the Copyright Act in the United States is based on Queen Anne's law. It's based on the law. AjJ8OiBReFE-00082-00052291-00052477 There were four states at the time that had copyright laws--- AjJ8OiBReFE-00083-00052724-00053123 Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and I forget which other state-- AjJ8OiBReFE-00084-00053395-00053672 four states actually had copyright laws. AjJ8OiBReFE-00085-00053672-00053897 All of them were based on the Statute of Queen Anne, so there's a direct line to American copyright. AjJ8OiBReFE-00086-00054280-00054677 And look at the title of the Copyright Act in the United States: AjJ8OiBReFE-00087-00054952-00055310 "An Act to Promote the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts." AjJ8OiBReFE-00088-00055310-00055715 Again, it wasn't an act to protect the rights of authors. AjJ8OiBReFE-00089-00056219-00056588 President Jefferson put it this way: AjJ8OiBReFE-00090-00056588-00056864 "Its peculiar character is that no one possesses the less because every other possesses the whole of it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00091-00057338-00057602 He who receives an idea from me receives an instruction himself without lessening mine; AjJ8OiBReFE-00092-00057602-00057941 as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me." AjJ8OiBReFE-00093-00058277-00058604 So when you allow other people to use your work you're not giving anything away. AjJ8OiBReFE-00094-00059018-00059414 You're giving it but you still have it, and I think that's an important concept AjJ8OiBReFE-00095-00059618-00059813 and in fact that the concept it's the difference between theft and infringement. AjJ8OiBReFE-00096-00060011-00060329 And we need to understand that AjJ8OiBReFE-00097-00060329-00060599 because publishers keep talking about kid's as thieves stealing music and things like that AjJ8OiBReFE-00098-00061179-00061647 and it's totally disingenuous of them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00099-00061647-00061929 I won't call them liars but they're maintaining a discreet distance from the truth. AjJ8OiBReFE-00100-00062091-00062474 He also said, "I set out on this ground which I supposed to be self-evident AjJ8OiBReFE-00101-00062766-00063029 that the earth belongs in you suffer to the living; that the dead have neither power nor rights over it." AjJ8OiBReFE-00102-00063512-00063866 This is a pretty basic concept but now AjJ8OiBReFE-00103-00063866-00064124 copyright in the United States is seven years after the death of the author, 50 years in Canada, AjJ8OiBReFE-00104-00064991-00065274 and it's a way of exerting control beyond the grave. AjJ8OiBReFE-00105-00065274-00065466 I could tell you a story about this: my sister wants to be buried in a cardboard box. AjJ8OiBReFE-00106-00065979-00066386 Why? It's because she wants to make her husband and her brother looked cheap. AjJ8OiBReFE-00107-00066723-00067113 It's what you call control beyond the grave and there's something wrong about that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00108-00067758-00067995 There's something about it that just does not feel right to most people AjJ8OiBReFE-00109-00067995-00068211 as it did not feel right to President Jefferson. AjJ8OiBReFE-00110-00068211-00068676 He said, "inventions cannot be a subject of property." AjJ8OiBReFE-00111-00068922-00069417 This is very important. AjJ8OiBReFE-00112-00069417-00069702 The genesis of copyright law in the United States never intended copyright to be a property right. AjJ8OiBReFE-00113-00070257-00070515 In fact they were very clear saying, this is not a property right, it is a copyright. AjJ8OiBReFE-00114-00070863-00071382 President James Madison, he's put it this way, AjJ8OiBReFE-00115-00071382-00071718 "incentive NOT property or natural law is the foundational justification for American copyright - AjJ8OiBReFE-00116-00071997-00072267 It is a privileged monopoly." AjJ8OiBReFE-00117-00072642-00072861 And this is what we need to be calling it because that is in fact what copyright is. AjJ8OiBReFE-00118-00072861-00073152 It's 'we give a monopoly to the author for a limited time in order to promote progress science and useful arts.' AjJ8OiBReFE-00119-00074376-00074622 And what it is, is a privilege monopoly, we give them that monopoly for that time, AjJ8OiBReFE-00120-00075036-00075267 but the publishers don't like using the term monopoly because we don't like it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00121-00075570-00075816 We prefer the term property; property we feel good, AjJ8OiBReFE-00122-00075816-00075924 monopoly we don't like the term, so they don't use it but it is a lie. AjJ8OiBReFE-00123-00076392-00076668 When they use the term intellectual property, they are lying to us. AjJ8OiBReFE-00124-00076668-00076941 When we use the term monopoly, this is the correct term. AjJ8OiBReFE-00125-00077250-00077448 It's the correct term historically, it's the correct term today. AjJ8OiBReFE-00126-00077742-00077964 John Perry Barlow put it this way, AjJ8OiBReFE-00127-00077964-00078162 "the greatest constraint on your future liberties may come not from government AjJ8OiBReFE-00128-00078393-00078642 but from corporate legal departments laboring to protect by force what can no longer be protected AjJ8OiBReFE-00129-00079137-00079518 by practical efficiency or general social consent." AjJ8OiBReFE-00130-00079518-00079911 So they're trying to morph copyright into something that it was never intended to be in the first place. AjJ8OiBReFE-00131-00080934-00081219 So what does copyright mean? No one owns ideas, they belong to everybody. AjJ8OiBReFE-00132-00081219-00081537 In fact, there is not an original idea coming from anybody anywhere. All ideas are based on previous ideas. AjJ8OiBReFE-00133-00081780-00082083 They belong to everyone. They are our common heritage as humans. AjJ8OiBReFE-00134-00082401-00082764 The copyright holders possess a "copy" right. AjJ8OiBReFE-00135-00082998-00083277 Copyright protects the expression of ideas, not the ideas, AjJ8OiBReFE-00136-00083277-00083700 and holders have a limited right to control their expression of their ideas for a limited time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00137-00084165-00084603 We give them a monopoly in order to promote progress and science education in the arts. AjJ8OiBReFE-00138-00084807-00085476 What it doesn't mean: AjJ8OiBReFE-00139-00085476-00085713 clearly in our tradition, in the British Common Law tradition, is the Droit D'Auteur, the right of the author. AjJ8OiBReFE-00140-00086070-00086427 In European law, this is a concept is based on the Napoleonic code AjJ8OiBReFE-00141-00086697-00086904 but this is not part of our tradition at all. AjJ8OiBReFE-00142-00087337-00087811 So, OER, how did they come into this? AjJ8OiBReFE-00143-00087811-00088312 Lawrence Lessig told us a few years ago that it's great to have copyright for Britney Spears, AjJ8OiBReFE-00144-00088663-00089005 protecting her songs, this is wonderful. AjJ8OiBReFE-00145-00089314-00089488 But in education it just doesn't fit that way. We need to share everything. AjJ8OiBReFE-00146-00089597-00089830 Education is about sharing and it doesn't fit. AjJ8OiBReFE-00147-00089830-00090199 So leave Britney Spears to her strict copyright, AjJ8OiBReFE-00148-00090422-00090790 and we should move over to open our resources and share them among ourselves. AjJ8OiBReFE-00149-00091015-00091495 UNESCO had this definition: AjJ8OiBReFE-00150-00091495-00091813 "technology-enabled open provision of educational resources for consultation, AjJ8OiBReFE-00151-00092083-00092350 use, and adaptation community of users for non-commercial purposes." AjJ8OiBReFE-00152-00092599-00092812 Actually they've dropped the non-commercial purposes. AjJ8OiBReFE-00153-00092812-00093013 Even if you want to make money on it that that's fine. Nobody has a problem with that anymore. AjJ8OiBReFE-00154-00093634-00094069 So they can be text books, OER, they can be movies, they can be a curriculum material, AjJ8OiBReFE-00155-00094354-00094819 they can be audio files, they can be games, any of these things could be OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00156-00095137-00095629 The key is that they're openly licensed. AjJ8OiBReFE-00157-00095629-00095872 It comes from the idea of learning objects, AjJ8OiBReFE-00158-00095872-00096151 where you have a component, let's say a picture or a physical object that you use for teaching, AjJ8OiBReFE-00159-00097105-00097342 and you put a number of components together and you create a lesson. AjJ8OiBReFE-00160-00097342-00097720 And you put a number of lessons together, you get a module. AjJ8OiBReFE-00161-00098044-00098320 And you put a number of modules together, and you get a full course. AjJ8OiBReFE-00162-00098548-00098824 And you can even put courses together and create a full program. AjJ8OiBReFE-00163-00098824-00099229 All of these at each level could be an OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00164-00099589-00099850 The OER could be just that simple photo AjJ8OiBReFE-00165-00099850-00100012 or it could be the entire program of a computer science program at a university. AjJ8OiBReFE-00166-00100231-00100600 And this is the concept of granularity: where at all different levels we can use OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00167-00101245-00101566 And it's depending on the teacher. AjJ8OiBReFE-00168-00101566-00101806 Many teachers want to create and develop their own materials, AjJ8OiBReFE-00169-00101806-00102102 and so they would pick this OER and put this one together with that one and add it and that's fine. AjJ8OiBReFE-00170-00102577-00102861 Another teacher wants the whole package, "just give me the whole package, I'll teach the course." AjJ8OiBReFE-00171-00103279-00103536 It's like you get a textbook with all the materials with it to test everything. AjJ8OiBReFE-00172-00103536-00103785 And both are possible using OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00173-00103785-00104457 The characteristics of Open Educational Resources: AjJ8OiBReFE-00174-00104704-00105007 we can mix them, we can create a new resource. We can adapt them to multiple contexts, AjJ8OiBReFE-00175-00105360-00105649 extract things from them, take stuff out, localize it, AjJ8OiBReFE-00176-00105649-00106033 change it to suit your university, your particular institution, translate to another language AjJ8OiBReFE-00177-00106453-00106720 or you can reuse or repurpose it for use in in different scenarios. AjJ8OiBReFE-00178-00107455-00107905 They're open: AjJ8OiBReFE-00179-00107905-00108136 you can augment them, edit them, customize them, aggregate them, reformat them, mash them up, AjJ8OiBReFE-00180-00108613-00108910 and it brings up a new concept for us in education: is that we should start thinking in these terms. AjJ8OiBReFE-00181-00109073-00109600 That we assemble courses, rather than think of terms of developing ourselves from scratch, AjJ8OiBReFE-00182-00110053-00110294 but start thinking in terms of assembling courses from different OER components that are there. AjJ8OiBReFE-00183-00110536-00111383 Sort of like an Ikea set which is supposedly easy to do. AjJ8OiBReFE-00184-00111688-00111910 Well, it's not so easy to put these Ikea sets together AjJ8OiBReFE-00185-00112141-00112397 and I want to warn people it's not so easy putting OER together either. AjJ8OiBReFE-00186-00112690-00112871 There's some skill involved and you generally would need learning designers to help you to do that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00187-00113377-00113710 We brought in the concept of deboning. AjJ8OiBReFE-00188-00113710-00113924 That is we take our courses now that have a commercial textbook, we take out the commercial textbook, AjJ8OiBReFE-00189-00114364-00114661 and we put in an Open Education Resource textbook. AjJ8OiBReFE-00190-00114661-00115007 I can say now our university has saved about 2 million dollars by doing this. This is just for this year. AjJ8OiBReFE-00191-00115699-00115942 Next year will be another two million dollars and going on forever it will be a saving. AjJ8OiBReFE-00192-00116198-00116549 In one course I can describe to you, accounting 101, AjJ8OiBReFE-00193-00116549-00116941 we've changed from a 250 dollar-a-year textbook to an OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00194-00117521-00117817 2,000 students x 250 dollars, that's our saving in one course. AjJ8OiBReFE-00195-00118258-00118588 So there's huge savings possible, as well as you gain the flexibility when you use Open Education Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00196-00119464-00119839 It's related to but not the same as the Open Access movement. Open Access is for scholarly articles. AjJ8OiBReFE-00197-00120458-00120655 And so instead of signing off ownership and giving your copyright to a publisher, Elsevier, AjJ8OiBReFE-00198-00121094-00121394 and let them make money off of you, AjJ8OiBReFE-00199-00121394-00121591 you keep the ownership and you publish in an open-access journal. AjJ8OiBReFE-00200-00122089-00122329 And I don't know why this hasn't taken off even more than it has. AjJ8OiBReFE-00201-00122329-00122633 It is growing very rapidly but our traditional model has been: AjJ8OiBReFE-00202-00122962-00123292 professor writes the article, he assigns the copyright to Elsevier or the publishing company, AjJ8OiBReFE-00203-00124066-00124424 other professors review it for free, and then they sell it at an exorbitant cost to our university libraries. AjJ8OiBReFE-00204-00124772-00125123 Well there's something wrong with this. AjJ8OiBReFE-00205-00125123-00125527 So the publishers are now saying, "oh, we support open access." AjJ8OiBReFE-00206-00126160-00126367 Now to publish, you can publish in Elsevier, in these journals and keep it open. AjJ8OiBReFE-00207-00126671-00126925 All you do now is instead of giving them the copyright, AjJ8OiBReFE-00208-00126925-00127232 you pay them to take the copyright, $3,000 and more in some cases, AjJ8OiBReFE-00209-00127832-00128120 and other professors still do the review for free, AjJ8OiBReFE-00210-00128452-00128680 and now that it's open they charge our libraries even more because they're supporting open access. AjJ8OiBReFE-00211-00129133-00129374 Martin Weller in his book, The Battle for Open, he calls it open washing: AjJ8OiBReFE-00212-00129826-00130102 that they pretend to be open in order to defeat it and to defeat the purpose of it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00213-00130329-00130992 Now, are OER free? AjJ8OiBReFE-00214-00130992-00131458 I get this if there's a publisher in the talk I give you know. AjJ8OiBReFE-00215-00131724-00131979 'Oh, but they're not free, you know, somebody has to pay for them." AjJ8OiBReFE-00216-00131979-00132370 Well duh, yes, they're not free, somebody has to pay for them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00217-00132579-00132813 They are free for the students, they are free for the teachers who use them, AjJ8OiBReFE-00218-00132813-00133023 but of course somebody has to pay for them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00219-00133203-00133563 There's nobody saying that this is done freely. AjJ8OiBReFE-00220-00133563-00133921 A professor can do it and they can donate it but it's taking his time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00221-00134248-00134422 The university has paid for his or her time so somebody's paid for. AjJ8OiBReFE-00222-00134751-00135082 We can and we are doing it; AjJ8OiBReFE-00223-00135082-00135441 we put out an RFP and a publisher sells us the copyright to a book and we use that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00224-00135705-00136045 Somebody's paid for but it is free to the students. AjJ8OiBReFE-00225-00136380-00136524 So they're free for the students, they're free for the institution that uses them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00226-00137091-00137577 There's no unnecessary duplication so if you use somebody else's psychology one course in OER, AjJ8OiBReFE-00227-00137865-00137979 you don't have to develop it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00228-00137979-00138179 You don't have to duplicate it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00229-00138319-00138603 Sharing reduces the cost of development so if you're sharing and using OER AjJ8OiBReFE-00230-00138784-00138963 instead of you developing everything yourself in your unit, you only have to develop part of it AjJ8OiBReFE-00231-00139350-00139692 and use what other people have developed. AjJ8OiBReFE-00232-00139692-00139921 It removes the cost of copyright clearance which is a real pain in universities. AjJ8OiBReFE-00233-00140403-00140683 Usually there's one or two people assigned, and all they do with call up and ask for copyright clearance. AjJ8OiBReFE-00234-00141240-00141501 Well, I can tell you that in Canada, the Supreme Court ruled a few years ago AjJ8OiBReFE-00235-00142011-00142563 that fair dealing must, MUST, be interpreted in a large and liberal manner. AjJ8OiBReFE-00236-00142953-00143451 And there is no other court case in any english-speaking country that contradicts this. AjJ8OiBReFE-00237-00143952-00144255 And I would suggest that in the United States, you have fair use laws. AjJ8OiBReFE-00238-00144255-00144634 Start interpreting them in a large and liberal manner. AjJ8OiBReFE-00239-00144990-00145155 I don't think they'll sue you because they lost very badly in Canada when the publisher sued us. AjJ8OiBReFE-00240-00145396-00145689 The supreme court was very very hard basically saying, and going back to Queen Anne's law, AjJ8OiBReFE-00241-00146304-00146604 that educational use is integral to copyright law and fair dealing has always been part of it AjJ8OiBReFE-00242-00146823-00147123 and you must interpret it in a large and liberal manner. AjJ8OiBReFE-00243-00147532-00147774 So you can use a chapter from a book, you can create class copies, put them together, AjJ8OiBReFE-00244-00147774-00147958 you don't have to worry about that anymore. AjJ8OiBReFE-00245-00148485-00148698 Now cost considerations of using commercial content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00246-00149032-00149217 Developing and improving curriculum: you can't do that AjJ8OiBReFE-00247-00149217-00149478 because you're not allowed to change it, you're not allowed to do anything with it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00248-00149770-00150009 With ongoing program in course design you have to take what they give you. AjJ8OiBReFE-00249-00150474-00150699 You can't change it, you can add your own stuff, but you can't change that stuff. AjJ8OiBReFE-00250-00150994-00151254 Planning of contact sessions with students, development of learning materials, AjJ8OiBReFE-00251-00151254-00151548 design of effective assessment: you're crippled when you're stuck with the commercial content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00252-00152052-00152221 You have to do with the way they want you to do it, the way they have decided it should be done. AjJ8OiBReFE-00253-00152775-00153075 But OER are free and adaptable: you can do whatever you want with them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00254-00153658-00153891 Here's an example of a commercial learning service or rentable. Do you have them in your university, these? AjJ8OiBReFE-00255-00154242-00154539 The student owns nothing, the student can share nothing, they can save nothing, they can sell nothing. AjJ8OiBReFE-00256-00155130-00155451 When the subscription ends everything ends. AjJ8OiBReFE-00257-00155451-00155809 The publishers own the students data, not the student. AjJ8OiBReFE-00258-00155809-00156121 The notes, the highlights, all that the student put in, and the students can't transfer the data AjJ8OiBReFE-00259-00156562-00156930 because the data they've created in the e-book is not theirs. It belongs to the publisher. AjJ8OiBReFE-00260-00157720-00158062 And David Wiley put this out, I think it's gone up a dollar now, this was a couple years ago. AjJ8OiBReFE-00261-00158275-00158770 Netflix- 20,000 movies: $8. AjJ8OiBReFE-00262-00158770-00159129 Hulu Plus- 45,000. TV shows: $8 AjJ8OiBReFE-00263-00159129-00159598 Spotify- 50 million songs: $10 AjJ8OiBReFE-00264-00159598-00160300 Total: $26. AjJ8OiBReFE-00265-00160300-00160621 Coursesmart- one, ONE, biology text: $20.25 a month. AjJ8OiBReFE-00266-00160953-00161647 There's a huge discrepancy there in using commercial ebooks. AjJ8OiBReFE-00267-00161647-00162216 Now, how open is an open license? There are a number of open licenses AjJ8OiBReFE-00268-00162441-00162649 and the only one I'm going into today is the copyright license and the creative commons. AjJ8OiBReFE-00269-00163123-00163432 And creative commons license is not equal to public domain. AjJ8OiBReFE-00270-00163825-00164497 The public domain is for older OLDER articles and they keep trying to keep older content, AjJ8OiBReFE-00271-00164863-00165094 they keep trying to keep older content out of the public domain, the publishers, AjJ8OiBReFE-00272-00165094-00165277 as much as possible, trying to extend it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00273-00165700-00166242 Extend backwards the time frames but the public domain is, okay you've got Mark Twain, 19th century; AjJ8OiBReFE-00274-00166789-00167176 anything in the United States before 1923 is public domain, in Canada it's before 1945. AjJ8OiBReFE-00275-00167553-00167896 So you have now Hemingway's books are becoming, AjJ8OiBReFE-00276-00167896-00168199 they are public domain in Canada but not yet in the United States. AjJ8OiBReFE-00277-00168406-00168661 That's the public domain. AjJ8OiBReFE-00278-00168661-00169114 Now what happened was in 1963, we agreed to the World Intellectual Property Organization view AjJ8OiBReFE-00279-00169276-00169609 that everything was Copy Writed. AjJ8OiBReFE-00280-00169609-00170197 Before 1963, you had to put a 'C' with a circle on to make it copyright, otherwise it was in the public domain. AjJ8OiBReFE-00281-00170701-00170923 That was the default but we agreed now that everything is copyrighted AjJ8OiBReFE-00282-00171214-00171862 so if you want to share your work with other people you need to put a share license on, AjJ8OiBReFE-00283-00172231-00172438 Creative Commons license, otherwise other people cannot use it without your permission. AjJ8OiBReFE-00284-00172786-00173014 And so if you get an email from your friend and you forwarded it to another friend AjJ8OiBReFE-00285-00173191-00173425 without requesting permission you're breaking copyright. You must ask permission. AjJ8OiBReFE-00286-00174019-00174382 And if you haven't asked permission... We all do it, right? AjJ8OiBReFE-00287-00174466-00174706 We're all breaking copyright although it's sort of like in Nazi Germany, AjJ8OiBReFE-00288-00174985-00175381 the gestapo would go and they'd say, "oh they've got to be dealing, they've gotta be doing, AjJ8OiBReFE-00289-00175381-00175579 breaking the law somehow. We just picked them up and we'll find out what it is." AjJ8OiBReFE-00290-00175966-00176236 And we're all stuck in that situation. But the way to get around it is to put a Creative Commons license on AjJ8OiBReFE-00291-00176794-00176998 and that is permission for people to use your work. AjJ8OiBReFE-00292-00177799-00177967 This license, it avoids your automatic copyright restrictions which I've just described AjJ8OiBReFE-00293-00178186-00178372 so you don't have to worry about them if you put a CC license on it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00294-00178372-00178702 It's for different countries, different languages, AjJ8OiBReFE-00295-00178918-00179077 in fact now there's an international license that's available for and good in all countries. AjJ8OiBReFE-00296-00179404-00179665 And there's a license generator that you can go to online and it puts it in human, legal, and machine language. AjJ8OiBReFE-00297-00180379-00180590 So: language that you can read and understand, AjJ8OiBReFE-00298-00180590-00180800 one that lawyers can read and understand, AjJ8OiBReFE-00299-00180800-00181079 and one that machines read and understand. AjJ8OiBReFE-00300-00181439-00181691 And what you're agreeing to is that others can copy or change without permission your work. AjJ8OiBReFE-00301-00182108-00182300 You keep your authors rights, you still own the copyright. AjJ8OiBReFE-00302-00182300-00182594 The copyright belongs to you but you restrict some freedoms. AjJ8OiBReFE-00303-00182870-00183437 For example, attribution or reuse or whether it can be used commercially or whether people can change it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00304-00184028-00184289 And here's a picture of this site you can go to to get the your content into a Creative Commons license. AjJ8OiBReFE-00305-00184850-00185090 You go there, you just click click click through it, AjJ8OiBReFE-00306-00185348-00186173 and it generates human, legal, and machine languages. AjJ8OiBReFE-00307-00186173-00186485 So the four restrictions are here: the two on the left are the ones we recommend. AjJ8OiBReFE-00308-00186848-00187187 They are open, that is fully open resource and that is attribution. AjJ8OiBReFE-00309-00187187-00187616 Well, you have to put the author's name on anyway because if you don't know it's called plagiarism. AjJ8OiBReFE-00310-00187949-00188222 We're not allowed to do that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00311-00188222-00188561 We can get fired for doing that so that's pretty obvious you have to put that restriction on there. AjJ8OiBReFE-00312-00189086-00189398 And share alike means that anyone can use it and change it but if they change it AjJ8OiBReFE-00313-00189398-00189638 they must use the same license; they cannot change the license. AjJ8OiBReFE-00314-00189875-00190427 if you choose no derivatives that means anyone can use it but they can't change it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00315-00190637-00190910 We don't recommend that, we don't think this is a good idea for classroom teaching or teaching online AjJ8OiBReFE-00316-00191123-00191501 but it does have its uses. AjJ8OiBReFE-00317-00191744-00191966 For example, you may have a scholarly article that you don't want changed, you want people to use it as is. AjJ8OiBReFE-00318-00192251-00192611 So there are uses for it, its not totally negative, AjJ8OiBReFE-00319-00192611-00192854 we don't recommend it if you can get away without it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00320-00193109-00193745 For example, I'm the co-editor of EURODL, an open journal, and we just have a cc by: license. AjJ8OiBReFE-00321-00194270-00194534 We've never had a problem of anyone changing the articles or anything but some people worry about it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00322-00194918-00195311 The last one is non-commercial AjJ8OiBReFE-00323-00195521-00195686 and this means if you still have the vain hope that you're going to make money out of it AjJ8OiBReFE-00324-00195686-00195938 and you don't want somebody else to make money, you put a non-commercial onto it AjJ8OiBReFE-00325-00196511-00196694 and that way anyone makes money on it or wants to make money, they have to come to you AjJ8OiBReFE-00326-00196694-00196970 for permission and you share the money. AjJ8OiBReFE-00327-00197462-00197624 But I haven't seen too many making money by putting a non-commercial license on it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00328-00197624-00198026 Interesting- "The act of reading, by itself, is an exercise that will almost always constitute fair dealing AjJ8OiBReFE-00329-00198026-00198365 even when it is carried out solely for personal enlightenment or entertainment." AjJ8OiBReFE-00330-00199613-00199886 So really reading is fair dealing no matter which way you look at it and fair use in the United States. AjJ8OiBReFE-00331-00200444-00200696 Some people get very worried that they're reading something. AjJ8OiBReFE-00332-00200790-00200964 "Oh, do I have the right to do this?" Yes you have every right to do it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00333-00201384-00201633 And here you can see intellectual property and the judge there is saying AjJ8OiBReFE-00334-00201633-00201885 "Ooty Wooty Sweet patootie" -it's neither intellectual nor property. AjJ8OiBReFE-00335-00202527-00202977 And again we need to return to the correct term for it, which is a privileged monopoly that we give to people. AjJ8OiBReFE-00336-00203814-00204069 Again why do they use property? AjJ8OiBReFE-00337-00204069-00204441 Well, William Blackstone, back in the 18th century, put it this way. AjJ8OiBReFE-00338-00204441-00204630 "There's nothing which so generally strikes the imagination, and engages the affections of mankind, AjJ8OiBReFE-00339-00204864-00205152 as the right of property;" -people love the idea of property- AjJ8OiBReFE-00340-00205626-00205851 "or that sole and despotic dominion which one man claims and exercises AjJ8OiBReFE-00341-00206334-00206567 over the external things of the world, in total exclusion of the right of any other individual in the universe." AjJ8OiBReFE-00342-00207126-00207402 And certainly this idea of property has become a very sacred to us AjJ8OiBReFE-00343-00207402-00207639 and that's why the publishers use that term instead of monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00344-00208176-00208490 We don't like monopolies, I think that, AjJ8OiBReFE-00345-00208490-00208748 since Theodore Roosevelt broke them in the early part of the last century. AjJ8OiBReFE-00346-00209079-00209346 So intellectual property, is that what it is, AjJ8OiBReFE-00347-00209346-00209615 or is it a manifestation of government intervention in social relations? AjJ8OiBReFE-00348-00209856-00210098 It's similar to imposing duties, restricting freedom, and inflicting a burden on users. AjJ8OiBReFE-00349-00210963-00211338 This monopoly we give is the same as imposing duties, restricting freedom, inflicting burden on users, AjJ8OiBReFE-00350-00211833-00212267 but we believe it's worthwhile in order to promote learning and the useful arts. AjJ8OiBReFE-00351-00212655-00213090 So we know it's not a good thing but for a limited time we allow it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00352-00213090-00213390 And originally with 17 years, which you could apply for another 17 years, AjJ8OiBReFE-00353-00213667-00214155 now it's seven years past the death of the author. AjJ8OiBReFE-00354-00214546-00214854 So it's gotten a bit ridiculous, the length of time, but nevertheless it is a monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00355-00215227-00215389 And we're not against it, we're not against copyright, AjJ8OiBReFE-00356-00215578-00215844 but as I said earlier Britney Spears needs this type of thing. This is wonderful. AjJ8OiBReFE-00357-00215844-00216091 And if I were to write a book, 50 shades of McGreal or something like that, I'd want to copyright it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00358-00216679-00217098 But my learning object book was a best seller: 326 copies. AjJ8OiBReFE-00359-00217581-00217767 I didn't make any money on it but that was a best-seller according to the publisher. AjJ8OiBReFE-00360-00218271-00218508 In education we're just not gonna make that amount. AjJ8OiBReFE-00361-00218508-00218779 Now some people do with textbooks, there're some selling 100,000 textbooks and making lots of money. AjJ8OiBReFE-00362-00219166-00219517 Well, those professors I don't even blame them, supporting the publishers. AjJ8OiBReFE-00363-00219855-00220029 You know that there's so few of him AjJ8OiBReFE-00364-00220029-00220229 compared to the 99% of us who write books and don't get anything from it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00365-00220471-00221077 I mean, why are we going down that road? AjJ8OiBReFE-00366-00221077-00221554 Now digital locks, or it's known as Digital Rights Management in the United States. AjJ8OiBReFE-00367-00221769-00222091 In Canada, we call it a Technological Protection Measures, AjJ8OiBReFE-00368-00222427-00222933 but it's a digital lock that they put on your devices to make them defective, so that they don't work properly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00369-00223584-00223836 And one of the earliest examples was with Animal Farm, do you remember that, it was about 7 or 8 years ago? AjJ8OiBReFE-00370-00224290-00224617 Where amazon sold Animal Farm and somebody protested about it AjJ8OiBReFE-00371-00224617-00224998 and they went into people's computers and took it back. AjJ8OiBReFE-00372-00225306-00225526 They just went in and just took it off their computers, people who bought it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00373-00225906-00225998 And with Digital Rights Management, they can do that and it's been, it's a pain. AjJ8OiBReFE-00374-00226535-00226808 I'm going into that a bit more why and how dangerous this is. AjJ8OiBReFE-00375-00226942-00227117 There's three common types of Digital Rights Management: from Amazon, Apple, and Adobe. AjJ8OiBReFE-00376-00227480-00227794 They have different systems and they completely control the systems. AjJ8OiBReFE-00377-00228211-00228575 They can go into your, with the Digital Rights Management, they can go in AjJ8OiBReFE-00378-00228575-00228764 and pretty well do whatever they want with your device. AjJ8OiBReFE-00379-00228971-00229694 So, who's really losing? AjJ8OiBReFE-00380-00229694-00229928 The Sony rootkit, does anyone remember the Sony rootkit scandal AjJ8OiBReFE-00381-00230264-00230494 where they put in Digital Rights Management and it destroyed your operating system on your computer? AjJ8OiBReFE-00382-00230756-00231188 Any obstacle that makes a record harder to listen to is bad news for the artist that made it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00383-00231742-00231919 And this is what happened, they put in all kinds of Digital Rights Management on songs AjJ8OiBReFE-00384-00231919-00232163 and the pirated version was better. AjJ8OiBReFE-00385-00232460-00232798 And I can remember I started my computer journey with a Commodore 64, AjJ8OiBReFE-00386-00232798-00233173 told you how old I am, but never mind that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00387-00233860-00234085 They had a, the word processing software was called Paper Clip, and you got what you call the dongle, AjJ8OiBReFE-00388-00234434-00234742 and you had to put the dongle into the port in the back in order for your Paper Clip to work. AjJ8OiBReFE-00389-00235457-00235751 And all the time, "Where's that F-ing dongle, where did I put that damn thing, AjJ8OiBReFE-00390-00235934-00236119 oh I left it at home and I wanted to work at the University." AjJ8OiBReFE-00391-00236423-00236708 And it was a nightmare with this dongle so I joined this computer club that, AjJ8OiBReFE-00392-00236708-00236954 I was at McGill University at the time, AjJ8OiBReFE-00393-00237173-00237586 and these guys hacked through it and we all shared it AjJ8OiBReFE-00394-00237586-00237769 and we all got pirated copies of it where we didn't need the dongle. AjJ8OiBReFE-00395-00238319-00238810 The pirated version was more useful than the official version AjJ8OiBReFE-00396-00238952-00239381 and that's what's happening with all of this Digital Rights Management. AjJ8OiBReFE-00397-00239381-00239585 Now, with Digital Rights Management, what they do is maybe not all of these things, AjJ8OiBReFE-00398-00239915-00240113 maybe it's some of these things, but I found all of these things in different e textbooks. AjJ8OiBReFE-00400-00240971-00241336 You can't copy/paste/annotate/highlight, AjJ8OiBReFE-00401-00241336-00241730 or if you can, they own what you copy/paste/annotate/highlight, not you. AjJ8OiBReFE-00402-00242146-00242410 Text to speech for important for visually disabled people, you can't use their applications. AjJ8OiBReFE-00403-00243019-00243251 Format change, you can't move it from a mac to a pc. AjJ8OiBReFE-00404-00243251-00243560 Move material, you can't even move it from one pc to another pc. AjJ8OiBReFE-00405-00243961-00244271 I can't print it out, it stops that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00406-00244271-00244553 You can't move it geographically! AjJ8OiBReFE-00407-00244553-00244703 I had a book, I was going to read it on the plane. AjJ8OiBReFE-00408-00244703-00245153 I just bought it and it said you have no access to the internet, you can't, AjJ8OiBReFE-00409-00245153-00245423 they can't verify that you own it, so I couldn't read it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00410-00245773-00246104 So I got to Paris. I was in the hotel. I'll read it. I went and AjJ8OiBReFE-00411-00246104-00246496 "It is not available for use in this country". AjJ8OiBReFE-00413-00246785-00247117 So you bought your book and you can't read it! AjJ8OiBReFE-00414-00247117-00247298 I mean people are going all over the world now, everywhere, AjJ8OiBReFE-00415-00247559-00247841 and they have decided on their own to divide the world up in the way they want to be divided up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00416-00248231-00248483 So big problem moving geographically. AjJ8OiBReFE-00417-00248550-00248859 A really big one: after, they put in a dead date so as after the exam the student loses the material. AjJ8OiBReFE-00418-00249615-00249849 And can you imagine, a student just finished calculus 1 AjJ8OiBReFE-00419-00250131-00250419 and he's going to take calculus 2 and his textbook disappears. AjJ8OiBReFE-00420-00250821-00251130 I mean, very bad for us in education, and unlike a print book you cannot resell your ebook. AjJ8OiBReFE-00421-00251682-00251934 And Digital Rights Management needs deep permissions into the operating system. AjJ8OiBReFE-00422-00251934-00252273 It can stop normal operating system functions. AjJ8OiBReFE-00423-00252588-00253065 They control your device. They can go in and control your device however they want. AjJ8OiBReFE-00424-00253323-00253710 How many of, do you have these here, access codes? AjJ8OiBReFE-00425-00253794-00254085 Where now you get the commercial text and now they have to get an access code, AjJ8OiBReFE-00426-00254250-00254448 you have to pay for that and charge for that. Another huge problem with commercial content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00427-00255024-00255486 We have to get away from that. And there's, I should've waited to tell my story to that one AjJ8OiBReFE-00428-00255486-00255693 but I got excited earlier on and kept on about it. But yeah that's what it looked like. AjJ8OiBReFE-00429-00256079-00256739 This is the problem: your device is your property and DRM, it restricts our freedom. AjJ8OiBReFE-00430-00257948-00258200 That is your device, your cell phone, that's your property, your Iphone, that's yours. AjJ8OiBReFE-00431-00258494-00258902 That is property. That is real property. AjJ8OiBReFE-00432-00258902-00259277 You own it and what they're doing is restricting your freedom to use your property. AjJ8OiBReFE-00433-00259655-00259826 And we're letting them get away with it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00434-00259826-00260105 Here's a simple question: can we not own and control our own property? AjJ8OiBReFE-00435-00260771-00261155 They're putting handcuffs on to our devices but we're innocent, we've done nothing wrong. AjJ8OiBReFE-00436-00261290-00261494 But they handcuff us, deliberately. AjJ8OiBReFE-00437-00261494-00261821 How many have seen this? AjJ8OiBReFE-00438-00261821-00262067 "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." AjJ8OiBReFE-00439-00262292-00262469 Maybe you don't see it as much in the States, we see it all the time in Canada. AjJ8OiBReFE-00440-00262946-00263633 And this seems farfetched, I believe it was Senator Hatch in Utah introduced it to the Congress AjJ8OiBReFE-00441-00263846-00264211 about 10 years ago, that destroy your system if you are using illegal pirated content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00442-00264950-00265157 Luckily it didn't go anywhere with the people laughed it off, they said it's just ridiculous, AjJ8OiBReFE-00443-00265157-00265343 but that's what the publishers wanted. AjJ8OiBReFE-00444-00265580-00265961 Error 53, who's heard of error 53? I hope nobody here has heard of it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00445-00266207-00266366 One of the worst things that can happen to you, your iphone. AjJ8OiBReFE-00447-00266825-00267188 If you take your iphone to an unauthorized iphone dealer for repair, AjJ8OiBReFE-00448-00267188-00267626 the next time you upgrade the operating system you will get error 53 and it disables your iphone. AjJ8OiBReFE-00449-00267947-00268286 It cannot be used again ever. It cannot be fixed. You have to buy a new iphone. AjJ8OiBReFE-00450-00268760-00269144 And this was discovered last May by a reporter AjJ8OiBReFE-00451-00269513-00269819 and of course these are absolutely necessary devices for reporting now. AjJ8OiBReFE-00452-00270035-00270254 It was a foreign correspondent in Kosovo and in Kosovo they don't have an Apple dealer. AjJ8OiBReFE-00453-00270467-00270728 And he had a problem with his device AjJ8OiBReFE-00454-00270728-00270956 so he went to a computer shop and they fixed it for him and it worked fine. AjJ8OiBReFE-00455-00271277-00271571 He got back to England and a month later he upgraded to the next operating system AjJ8OiBReFE-00456-00271571-00271811 and he got this error, error 53. AjJ8OiBReFE-00457-00272114-00272609 So it is a very real threat, of them controlling your devices and basically making them useless, AjJ8OiBReFE-00458-00272990-00273263 and you can't do anything about it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00459-00273722-00274070 I have this picture because Cory Doctoraw brought this up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00460-00274433-00274670 I've been on about this Digital Rights Management for years AjJ8OiBReFE-00461-00274670-00274871 but it never occurred to me just how serious this issue is. AjJ8OiBReFE-00462-00274871-00275153 It's far more serious than just textbooks. AjJ8OiBReFE-00463-00275153-00275675 A farmer in Australia, with his John Deere tractor, AjJ8OiBReFE-00464-00276008-00276320 had a problem with John Deere and they disabled his tractor. They all work with software now. AjJ8OiBReFE-00465-00276713-00276971 A modern tractor can't work without software, AjJ8OiBReFE-00466-00276971-00277235 but he doesn't own the software, John Deere owns the software on his tractor. AjJ8OiBReFE-00467-00277510-00277772 And if they have a dispute with you, they can just shut it down and you cannot use it. You cannot work with it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00468-00278353-00278744 Cars today. You don't own your car. AjJ8OiBReFE-00469-00278744-00279100 You have a right to use the software on your car AjJ8OiBReFE-00470-00279368-00279665 and with Digital Rights Management, you can't go in and find out how it works or what's happening or fix it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00471-00279938-00280421 You're not allowed. You can't do that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00472-00280421-00280750 And hackers can, hackers can go into your car and do all kinds of crazy things with it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00473-00281048-00281369 But this is very serious stuff. AjJ8OiBReFE-00474-00281369-00281744 Even more serious: what about heart pumps? AjJ8OiBReFE-00475-00281744-00282136 They're protected by Digital Rights Management, you don't know what it is. AjJ8OiBReFE-00476-00282373-00282706 Or how about voting machines. Your voting machines, you don't know what's in there, AjJ8OiBReFE-00477-00282706-00282874 you don't know how it works, what's happening, nor can you get in there because it's got a digital lock on it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00478-00283483-00283951 You can't find out what's happening. AjJ8OiBReFE-00479-00283951-00284179 So this is a very serious issue and I'm hoping, I think there's people now in California AjJ8OiBReFE-00480-00284342-00284548 wanting to take this to the courts to protect us from this because it's far more serious than just text books. AjJ8OiBReFE-00481-00285055-00285499 Now on top of the digital locks, they also have digital licenses. AjJ8OiBReFE-00482-00285989-00286241 How many here read their digital licenses before you click on "I agree"? AjJ8OiBReFE-00483-00286241-00287460 There's one nerd in the back, I'm a nerd --I've read a lot of them--, two nerds, nobody reads them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00484-00287460-00287649 Some of them are 68 pages long, and even if you read them, AjJ8OiBReFE-00485-00287883-00288045 you're scratching your head and wondering what it means because it's written in legalese, not in English. AjJ8OiBReFE-00486-00288654-00288843 But when you click on "I agree" what are you agreeing to? AjJ8OiBReFE-00487-00288954-00289290 Well you're agreeing to their right to put the digital lock on AjJ8OiBReFE-00488-00289290-00289548 and block you from doing all these things that I just mentioned. You've agreed to that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00489-00289791-00290070 You've also agreed that the owners have no liability even if the product doesn't work. AjJ8OiBReFE-00490-00290574-00291174 Well, in British common law which is in America as well, it goes back AjJ8OiBReFE-00491-00291474-00291717 this goes back centuries, is if you sell somebody something, there's an implicit guarantee that it works, AjJ8OiBReFE-00492-00292248-00292911 unless you put As Is on the on the receipt, it works. AjJ8OiBReFE-00493-00292911-00293076 Well you've agreed that it doesn't matter if it doesn't work. AjJ8OiBReFE-00494-00293076-00293439 You've agreed to that, you've agreed that they can invade your computer without further permission, AjJ8OiBReFE-00495-00293625-00293961 and collect and use your personal data. AjJ8OiBReFE-00496-00294270-00294486 You haven't agreed that they can use your data related to their software, AjJ8OiBReFE-00497-00294699-00294882 you've agreed that they can use any of your personal data, anything that's on your computer. AjJ8OiBReFE-00499-00295605-00296055 You've agreed that you have a privilege to use the product not to own it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00500-00296055-00296331 So you don't even own it anymore, it's theirs. AjJ8OiBReFE-00501-00296331-00296652 And you are prohibited to show your content to anyone else. AjJ8OiBReFE-00502-00296871-00297120 By the way, this is a criminal offense. AjJ8OiBReFE-00503-00297120-00297405 Can you imagine being in jail for showing your content to somebody else? AjJ8OiBReFE-00504-00297606-00297908 You'd be pretty low on the prison hierarchy, wouldn't you. AjJ8OiBReFE-00505-00297908-00298596 It's a pretty scary thought but you've agreed to this. You're prohibited to show your content to others. AjJ8OiBReFE-00506-00299013-00299169 How can we work in an educational environment with this? AjJ8OiBReFE-00507-00299538-00299841 That you say, "oh this is an interesting a formula, look at this." AjJ8OiBReFE-00508-00300168-00300465 But nope, too late, you know what the licenses say? Is if you do this, you must immediately delete the application AjJ8OiBReFE-00509-00300773-00301590 from your computer and contact, inform the owner of the application. AjJ8OiBReFE-00510-00301600-00301883 And you must accept that you have no rights, you've agreed that you no longer have fair use rights. AjJ8OiBReFE-00511-00302478-00303070 So all of those things you've agreed to with your digital license. AjJ8OiBReFE-00512-00303080-00303230 And Brian Rakowski put it this way, AjJ8OiBReFE-00513-00303230-00304090 "We're going to own all of your shit whether you like it or not. Deal with it." AjJ8OiBReFE-00514-00304100-00304406 but if you go to open e-textbooks you can copy-paste, text-to-speech, move material, move geographically, AjJ8OiBReFE-00515-00305046-00305411 reuse, remix, rematch, and retain your privacy and digital rights. AjJ8OiBReFE-00516-00305640-00306015 It's a way, let them put in all the restrictions, if we move to OER it doesn't matter. AjJ8OiBReFE-00517-00306314-00306765 That's why i believe that OER are essential for e-learning implementations. AjJ8OiBReFE-00518-00307031-00307293 Not that they're nice things to do and we should be thinking about it, but that they're essential. AjJ8OiBReFE-00519-00307823-00308075 That we cannot work as educators with the restrictions that are put on us by the publishers. AjJ8OiBReFE-00520-00308643-00308933 Here's an example of one lesson. They have the right to reasonably inspect, announced or unannounced, AjJ8OiBReFE-00521-00309622-00309898 and to audit your records and inventory and use of the software, AjJ8OiBReFE-00522-00310429-00310717 whether located on the licensees premises or elsewhere at any time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00523-00310717-00311095 You've agreed they can come into your house and, without announcing anything, and check your records AjJ8OiBReFE-00524-00311398-00312016 and do what they want with them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00525-00312016-00312396 So, it brings up this question: do you own what you pay for? AjJ8OiBReFE-00526-00312396-00313249 Very interesting question. That they brought it, it's a new concept in the world. AjJ8OiBReFE-00527-00313432-00313948 They control you look they can control how, when, where, AjJ8OiBReFE-00528-00313948-00314218 and with what specific brand of technological assistance audiences are able to access content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00529-00314566-00314770 And there's the map of the world, that's their map of the world. AjJ8OiBReFE-00530-00314770-00314934 They've divided it up the way they want to, to make sure that they can keep their profits. AjJ8OiBReFE-00531-00315241-00315817 They brought this new concept into the world: you buy but you don't get. AjJ8OiBReFE-00532-00316161-00316513 You remember the world the way it used to be? If you bought something you got it? AjJ8OiBReFE-00533-00317113-00317488 If you bought a hammer, you could hit any kind of nail with it you wanted. AjJ8OiBReFE-00534-00317488-00317685 You could choose the nail that you wanted to hit it with. AjJ8OiBReFE-00535-00317989-00318258 But with these applications, they decide what you can do with what you bought. They decide that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00536-00318976-00319390 It's a totally new concept. You buy but you don't get. AjJ8OiBReFE-00537-00319390-00319882 They control how you use your device, your property. AjJ8OiBReFE-00538-00319882-00320338 Commercial Learning Service or Rent-a-book? Students own nothing. AjJ8OiBReFE-00539-00320707-00320757 Oh, I think we've seen that one before. AjJ8OiBReFE-00540-00321059-00321308 David Wiley put it this way: "When you subscribe to content through a digital service, AjJ8OiBReFE-00541-00321308-00321645 the publisher achieves complete and perfect control over you and your use of their content." AjJ8OiBReFE-00542-00321911-00322467 Cory Doctorow put it this way: "There's no theory of capitalism that says AjJ8OiBReFE-00543-00322467-00322701 that my private property should be regulated by the state because there's a copyrighted work Inside of it." AjJ8OiBReFE-00544-00323481-00323742 And this is very important concept and this needs to go to the courts now, AjJ8OiBReFE-00545-00323994-00324318 because everything you buy has software in it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00546-00324318-00324699 Even your fridge with intelligence now; AjJ8OiBReFE-00547-00324699-00324879 you'll go down at the night and they'll say, "What are you coming here at this time of night for, Fatty." AjJ8OiBReFE-00548-00325401-00325773 You know, there's all kinds of different applications AjJ8OiBReFE-00549-00325773-00326007 but everything has software in it, everything has digital rights management in it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00550-00326007-00326772 And as Cory Doctorow says, you know, AjJ8OiBReFE-00551-00326772-00326964 where is the theory of capitalism that says that they can do that to your property? AjJ8OiBReFE-00552-00327432-00327624 Audrey Watters put it this way, she calls it the Post-Ownership Society. AjJ8OiBReFE-00553-00327855-00328323 We all just share and rent on the powerful platforms of Silicon Valley billionaires. AjJ8OiBReFE-00554-00328373-00328890 This is far from a satisfactory alternative. AjJ8OiBReFE-00555-00329439-00329751 And David Wiley tells us again that, AjJ8OiBReFE-00556-00329751-00329994 "Openness is the skeleton key that unlocks every attempt to vendor control and lockin." AjJ8OiBReFE-00557-00330276-00330540 So let them go that way, with their strict regulations and everything. AjJ8OiBReFE-00558-00330768-00331131 We go Open Education Resources, Open Access, and stay away from all of their shenanigan. AjJ8OiBReFE-00559-00331431-00331641 I mean the reason they're pushing so hard in education AjJ8OiBReFE-00560-00332007-00332289 is that educational publishing is the most profitable part of the entire publishing industry, by far. AjJ8OiBReFE-00561-00332679-00332898 Forget about Harry Potter, Fifty Shades of Grey, they make money once in awhile, it's great, AjJ8OiBReFE-00562-00333156-00333453 but they get... it's a constant cash cow, educational publishing. AjJ8OiBReFE-00563-00333453-00333761 Every year they make a fortune, all the time. They pull in the money. It's the gravy train for them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00564-00334484-00334928 And the way we get away from that is by opening up. So how can we participate? AjJ8OiBReFE-00565-00334978-00335612 Well we have the OER Chairs Network and all these beautiful people around the world, AjJ8OiBReFE-00566-00335612-00335855 some of us not so beautiful. AjJ8OiBReFE-00567-00336302-00336572 In Canada, New Zealand, Brazil, Holland, Mexico, Slovenia, the UK. AjJ8OiBReFE-00568-00337097-00337373 These are chair holders in Open Educational Resources and we work together to promote OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00569-00337688-00337916 We have started the global OER graduate network. AjJ8OiBReFE-00570-00337916-00338180 Where people are studying for a PhD, in some aspect of Open Educational Resources, join this network of others AjJ8OiBReFE-00571-00338834-00339107 and now there's about 25 graduate students, doctoral students, half-a-dozen post docs, AjJ8OiBReFE-00572-00339686-00339980 and about a dozen professors who work together on this global OER graduate network. AjJ8OiBReFE-00573-00340199-00340658 If you have any students who are studying OER, contact me and I can put you in touch with them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00574-00341015-00341252 The OER knowledge cloud: this is what we put together. AjJ8OiBReFE-00575-00341576-00341921 It now has 1300 scholarly articles and reports about OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00576-00341921-00342341 So these, they're openly licensed but they're not OER, AjJ8OiBReFE-00577-00342341-00342533 they're reports about OER for people studying issues related to open education resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00578-00342788-00343319 That's an example of some of the documents available there. AjJ8OiBReFE-00579-00343820-00344192 The OERu: we are involved with it, with about 30 other institutions on five continents. AjJ8OiBReFE-00580-00344492-00344801 And it's to address this problem: AjJ8OiBReFE-00581-00344801-00345149 Learners who access OER and acquire knowledge and skills can't have their learning assessed and accredited. AjJ8OiBReFE-00582-00345791-00345989 And this is a big problem in Canada, and I suspect in the United States too, AjJ8OiBReFE-00583-00346292-00346502 Is where we have the most well-educated taxi drivers in the world. AjJ8OiBReFE-00584-00346502-00346949 They come to Canada and they have great skills and education but they can't get it recognized. AjJ8OiBReFE-00585-00347190-00347472 And so we need to find ways of getting it recognized AjJ8OiBReFE-00586-00347472-00347774 and this is one way that we're addressing this and other problems. AjJ8OiBReFE-00587-00348390-00348789 The traditional model of the university is on the left. AjJ8OiBReFE-00588-00348789-00349361 Our students using our faculty take our courses and we give them our credential. AjJ8OiBReFE-00589-00349361-00350084 The OERu model is any learners anywhere--they don't even have to be students-- AjJ8OiBReFE-00590-00350429-00350721 using any faculty or any mentors--anyone who can help them-- AjJ8OiBReFE-00591-00350721-00351123 using any materials--OER particularly but any materials-- AjJ8OiBReFE-00592-00351468-00351611 but if they want an Athabasca University credential, they take our assessment. AjJ8OiBReFE-00593-00351990-00352154 If they want a University of Southern Queensland in Australia credential, they take their assessment. AjJ8OiBReFE-00594-00352764-00353013 And that's the model we're looking at in order to give free, and we're coming out in April, AjJ8OiBReFE-00595-00353013-00353295 free first-year university online. AjJ8OiBReFE-00596-00353295-00353715 It's going to be available, you just pay for the exam. AjJ8OiBReFE-00597-00353973-00354425 And that's a model that we're going to be testing out in the spring. AjJ8OiBReFE-00598-00355060-00355360 However, with all that's going on, if you're not confused by all this you don't understand. AjJ8OiBReFE-00599-00355751-00356045 The reason you're confused is because the world has become very confusing. AjJ8OiBReFE-00600-00356132-00356498 Be very careful of people who know exactly what's going on; they're either charlatans or fools. AjJ8OiBReFE-00601-00356683-00357200 Everything you know is wrong. AjJ8OiBReFE-00602-00357602-00358030 Everyday computers are making people easier to use. AjJ8OiBReFE-00603-00358030-00358343 Innovation always produces hostility among those who prosper in the old paradigms. AjJ8OiBReFE-00604-00358343-00358885 I'll finish off with this: AjJ8OiBReFE-00605-00358885-00359303 The Royal Society in the UK is the oldest scientific society in the world. AjJ8OiBReFE-00606-00359552-00359849 And they say that, "The restriction of the commons by patents, copyrights, and databases AjJ8OiBReFE-00607-00360071-00360344 is not in the interest of society and unduly hampers scientific endeavor." AjJ8OiBReFE-00608-00360722-00361486 And Reverend Frame says "that to penalize consumers in order to give special benefit to an industry AjJ8OiBReFE-00609-00361772-00362039 might well come under the biblical definition of theft." AjJ8OiBReFE-00610-00362431-00362888 So I was saying earlier that it's not theft, its infringement when you download a song or whatever. AjJ8OiBReFE-00611-00363398-00363730 But he's saying that by closing off parts of the internet and stopping people AjJ8OiBReFE-00612-00363971-00364250 from being able to access all kinds of content, that that could be considered theft. AjJ8OiBReFE-00613-00364300-00364843 That's a very real problem we have with publishers when they take things away from us, that is theft. AjJ8OiBReFE-00614-00365041-00365470 And the previous pope put it this way. "On the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for AjJ8OiBReFE-00615-00366055-00366304 protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property..." AjJ8OiBReFE-00616-00366805-00367189 What does that tell us? That both science and God are on our side. We are on the side of the angels. AjJ8OiBReFE-00617-00368031-00368488 I'm going to finish off now with this story about the frog. AjJ8OiBReFE-00618-00368488-00368815 If you put a frog in water, and you slowly heat it up to til it boils, by the time it boils AjJ8OiBReFE-00619-00368815-00369241 he can't jump cause his legs are cooked. AjJ8OiBReFE-00620-00369241-00369568 And I tell the story because the technology is bubbling all around us AjJ8OiBReFE-00621-00370236-00370444 and at sometime we've got to jump and if we don't jump we're going to be cooked. AjJ8OiBReFE-00622-00370444-00370785 Well I put this story out on the internet and I got an email back from another country and it said, AjJ8OiBReFE-00623-00371290-00371556 "Very sorry, Dr. McGreal, but at 45 degrees Celsius, a knee-jerk reaction in the right anterior AjJ8OiBReFE-00624-00372004-00372322 of something something muscle of the frog's legs causes it to automatically eject itself from the water." AjJ8OiBReFE-00625-00372606-00372871 And I'm thinking, "oh my god, there's people all over the world putting frogs in water and boiling them AjJ8OiBReFE-00626-00372871-00373138 because of my story." AjJ8OiBReFE-00627-00373383-00373771 So I had to put out a disclaimer. AjJ8OiBReFE-00628-00373771-00374044 I said, "There seems to be a cultural misunderstanding." AjJ8OiBReFE-00629-00374044-00374590 I said "I come from the maritime region of Canada and there, we do not let the facts interfere with a good story." AjJ8OiBReFE-00630-00374886-00375183 So I'll finish with that and open for questions, thank you very much. AjJ8OiBReFE-00631-00375885-00376620 [Moderator] I do have a question from the stream. There's a question of whether or not we AjJ8OiBReFE-00632-00376878-00377163 have the ability to save up these slides and present them along with the video for them to peruse later. AjJ8OiBReFE-00633-00377691-00377741 What kind of permissions do you have on this presentation? AjJ8OiBReFE-00634-00377741-00377838 [Dr. McGreal] This is a disappointment to me. AjJ8OiBReFE-00635-00378141-00378366 This is a disappointment to me because my whole talk has been about Open Education Resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00636-00378600-00378924 I put up a big black slide right at the front of, "these are open." AjJ8OiBReFE-00637-00379176-00379374 I mean anyone can use them and they're on your computer here, anyone can use them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00638-00379593-00379854 My one caution is that some of the images are under fair dealing or fair use in the United States. AjJ8OiBReFE-00639-00380358-00380550 But that means you can use them for an educational purposes. AjJ8OiBReFE-00640-00380550-00380928 So yeah, it's a big disappointment to me, people aren't listening. AjJ8OiBReFE-00641-00381393-00381443 Yeah yes. AjJ8OiBReFE-00642-00381443-00382160 [] We've been worried for a while about the property of the publishers that you mentioned. AjJ8OiBReFE-00643-00382439-00382937 Whenever you use their resources AjJ8OiBReFE-00644-00382937-00382987 and especially the dangers of big data where these kinds of things are in the case of minors. AjJ8OiBReFE-00645-00382987-00383744 The discussion in the US recently has been even though the parents actually never gave permission. AjJ8OiBReFE-00646-00384247-00384432 And so should the schools be held responsible for students being given a textbook? AjJ8OiBReFE-00647-00385023-00385535 And in Texas they certify the textbooks for the whole state. so, you can take it up to whatever level you want. AjJ8OiBReFE-00648-00386091-00386643 long I But I wondered if you could give an opinion. I think I know the answer AjJ8OiBReFE-00649-00387183-00387510 but in our particular case here in Texas, it seems like there are several layers of problems AjJ8OiBReFE-00650-00387510-00387831 even beyond the idea that education or knowledge is meant to be shared. AjJ8OiBReFE-00651-00387831-00387881 That our dangers that the kinds of systems that publishers have put in place, that are imposing on us. AjJ8OiBReFE-00652-00387881-00389214 [Dr. McGreal] Yeah I've only touch the surface. There's gonna be all kinds of other issues like that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00653-00389448-00389739 I mean privacy of students, I mean they own the data that they collect, AjJ8OiBReFE-00654-00389739-00390048 the parents don't have any control over that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00655-00390240-00390558 But to me I think I guess it depends on the laws in the different states. AjJ8OiBReFE-00656-00390753-00390927 But if a parent were to sue the school board to say, "you can't use my child's without permission" AjJ8OiBReFE-00657-00390927-00391320 it's going to go through some process. AjJ8OiBReFE-00658-00391454-00391875 And again, I think that the publishers will win because they can buy off the politicians. AjJ8OiBReFE-00659-00392046-00392400 So the answer is, what you guessed, is OER; AjJ8OiBReFE-00660-00392400-00392841 go to Open Education Resources, you don't have that problem with people, with the publisher. AjJ8OiBReFE-00661-00392891-00393447 But they want that data, that data is as important to them is selling the books to you. AjJ8OiBReFE-00662-00393678-00394254 This is, they sell that data and make a lot make a lot of money out of it so it is a major concern. AjJ8OiBReFE-00663-00394830-00395110 [] You might still have that problem even with educational resources. AjJ8OiBReFE-00664-00395110-00395374 So Barnes and Noble and many others are packaging the openly licensed materials in their own systems AjJ8OiBReFE-00665-00395608-00395785 that make it easy to use, where they've gathered some additional material from various places AjJ8OiBReFE-00666-00396031-00396167 and allow you to customize it and things. AjJ8OiBReFE-00667-00396413-00396754 And then for you to use that it's still a closed system so you're still, the student still has to buy an access key AjJ8OiBReFE-00668-00396971-00397261 and they're probably agreeing to terms of use and such things like this. AjJ8OiBReFE-00669-00397261-00397678 So are you concerned about a re-enclosure of the material? AjJ8OiBReFE-00670-00397728-00398257 [Dr McGreal] Yes, well, I touched on it but thanks for bringing this up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00671-00398257-00398677 Martin Weller published a book, it's available open access, AjJ8OiBReFE-00672-00398677-00398911 The Battle for Open, and he calls this Open Washing. AjJ8OiBReFE-00673-00399221-00399586 So the publishers are saying now, "Well oh, we support Open! You know what, we support it." AjJ8OiBReFE-00674-00399976-00400159 And they're building these things so they have their controlled space where you pay them AjJ8OiBReFE-00675-00400496-00400810 so much a month forever and then you use their application in order to access the OER. AjJ8OiBReFE-00676-00401594-00401870 And not only that, then they're collecting the data and doing it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00677-00402215-00402409 So they're using OER in order to promote their own profit interests. AjJ8OiBReFE-00678-00402409-00402713 So it is a problem, and I think we should avoid that and stick to open source applications but it's a battle. AjJ8OiBReFE-00679-00403660-00403964 As Martin Weller puts it in his book, it's a battle for open, is they're going to try to close it any way they can AjJ8OiBReFE-00680-00404455-00404806 because it's so profitable. I don't blame them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00681-00404806-00405253 The president of Elsevier made four and a half million pounds last year for publishing our stuff. AjJ8OiBReFE-00682-00405896-00406231 We give it to them for free. So I mean, we give it to them for free, we review it for free, AjJ8OiBReFE-00683-00406541-00406823 and they sell it to us, back to us at an enormous profit and they make the money. AjJ8OiBReFE-00684-00407029-00407210 I think there's about eight vice presidents who are making over a million pounds a year. AjJ8OiBReFE-00685-00407459-00407780 I mean we're giving it away to them really. We're just shoveling money towards them all the time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00686-00408035-00408218 They're not going to go without a fight, they're gonna keep it up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00687-00408425-00409677 Yes? AjJ8OiBReFE-00688-00409677-00410014 [] Apparently AjJ8OiBReFE-00689-00410014-00410535 so AjJ8OiBReFE-00690-00410535-00411597 vendors also AjJ8OiBReFE-00691-00411597-00412497 services so actually always considered AjJ8OiBReFE-00692-00412497-00412854 you are AjJ8OiBReFE-00693-00412854-00413435 I collaboration AjJ8OiBReFE-00694-00413435-00413485 also our awesome AjJ8OiBReFE-00695-00413485-00415242 [Dr. McGreal] Yes, yes, they do! They do a lot of good things AjJ8OiBReFE-00696-00415242-00415588 and they charge us for it, they charge us heavily for it, and we can do that ourselves. AjJ8OiBReFE-00697-00416115-00416463 We can have service, we could actually contract with them at a reasonable cost AjJ8OiBReFE-00698-00416715-00417067 rather than at the ridiculously high cost that they give to us. AjJ8OiBReFE-00699-00417309-00417651 And we contract with others and do it ourselves or do it with other publishers and let them make a profit on it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00700-00418071-00418332 I'm not against profit, I think they should but it is exorbitant profit they're making off of us. AjJ8OiBReFE-00701-00418575-00418824 It is ridiculous the amount of money we're paying them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00702-00419034-00419328 And how about we can keep our copyright rather than give our copyright to them. AjJ8OiBReFE-00703-00419571-00419982 And these vendors are making all this money. AjJ8OiBReFE-00704-00419982-00420232 I'm a reviewer, why won't they pay me to review it? AjJ8OiBReFE-00705-00420232-00420486 I won't review for a commercial publication anymore unless they pay me. AjJ8OiBReFE-00706-00420753-00420803 When they asked me to review AjJ8OiBReFE-00707-00420803-00421255 I say, "You know, give me a hundred dollars and I'll donate it to the Open Education Movement." AjJ8OiBReFE-00708-00421494-00422107 They won't give me 100 dollars. But why why would anyone review for them for free! AjJ8OiBReFE-00709-00422214-00422478 They're making a fortune! If it was a charitable organization I do it for free; I do it for free to all. AjJ8OiBReFE-00710-00423021-00423294 Any Open Access publication I do it for free. AjJ8OiBReFE-00711-00423294-00423465 But I'm not going to do it for free for them to make this huge amount of money. AjJ8OiBReFE-00712-00423744-00423993 But to say they don't do it, yes they do do good. AjJ8OiBReFE-00713-00423993-00424314 Yes and we need to have that done, but we don't need to pay that kind of money for it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00714-00424494-00424782 And what we can do is instead of paying 10 million dollars a year to to them, AjJ8OiBReFE-00715-00425134-00425310 is take 1 million of that and start supporting Open Education and Open Access. AjJ8OiBReFE-00716-00425514-00425832 And in a few years it will be less than a million AjJ8OiBReFE-00717-00425832-00426048 and it'll only be a reasonable amount and everything will be open and available. AjJ8OiBReFE-00718-00426310-00426664 And to say they're opening up and making it accessible, no they're not! They're closing it down. AjJ8OiBReFE-00719-00427084-00427339 If you're not a member of the university, you cannot access the Eelsevier's content, AjJ8OiBReFE-00720-00427339-00427714 Thomson, Reuters, you can't access that content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00721-00427879-00428214 Only the people who've paid can access, AjJ8OiBReFE-00722-00428214-00428407 or the students in those universities that have paid can access the content. AjJ8OiBReFE-00723-00428656-00428887 So they're not making it available. AjJ8OiBReFE-00724-00428887-00429313 This was true in the past before the internet. And I had no problem with it before the internet AjJ8OiBReFE-00725-00429499-00429709 because in fact back then they didn't, they weren't as exorbitant. AjJ8OiBReFE-00726-00429709-00429939 They weren't charging us the huge amounts of money they charge us now. AjJ8OiBReFE-00727-00430150-00430420 And there was no other way of doing it or we couldn't figure out another way of doing it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00728-00430864-00431257 But now it's obvious, you know, open it up and they're taking advantage of it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00729-00431376-00431426 Yes? AjJ8OiBReFE-00730-00431426-00431887 [] So earlier you showed a quote from Cory Doctorow, AjJ8OiBReFE-00731-00431887-00432126 which he was talking about terms of use, I believe, like for websites or for software, AjJ8OiBReFE-00732-00432409-00432693 and said something about the State intervening in this relationship right. AjJ8OiBReFE-00733-00433051-00433311 And so, I'm a little puzzled by the quote. AjJ8OiBReFE-00734-00433311-00433453 I was thinking about, well maybe he means the states intervening and that there is a relationship AjJ8OiBReFE-00735-00433713-00433906 between the customer and the producer/manufacture that the state is involved in AjJ8OiBReFE-00736-00434734-00434946 because they're arbitrating that contract AjJ8OiBReFE-00737-00435154-00435396 except the laws of contract. AjJ8OiBReFE-00738-00435396-00435564 But they're otherwise not in that relationship, right, the contract... the state isn't the party here, AjJ8OiBReFE-00739-00435864-00436138 it's just a contract between a customer and a producer/manufacturer. AjJ8OiBReFE-00740-00436552-00436945 And so there's a sort of certain libertarian perspective here that says, AjJ8OiBReFE-00741-00437104-00437347 well you know, this is consenting adult that has entered into this relationship. AjJ8OiBReFE-00742-00437500-00437739 They could choose to go somewhere else and not agree to those terms. What thoughts do you have on that? AjJ8OiBReFE-00743-00437931-00438442 [Dr. McGreal] Well my understanding of that statement is that the state is directly intervening AjJ8OiBReFE-00744-00438895-00439132 In saying you have a monopoly, we're giving you a monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00745-00439132-00439417 So leave that out of the equation, get the state out of it, AjJ8OiBReFE-00746-00439417-00439591 nobody has a monopoly and then come make your agreement. AjJ8OiBReFE-00747-00439837-00440101 No, the state's given them a monopoly and so they have that to ride on AjJ8OiBReFE-00748-00440101-00440416 and the state will enforce that monopoly for you. AjJ8OiBReFE-00749-00440770-00441297 [] The 'you' there has been given the monopoly to is the manufacturer/producer, right? Not the customer. AjJ8OiBReFE-00750-00441406-00441751 [Dr. McGreal] Yeah, yeah, they've given the author and the publisher, the state has given you a monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00751-00442060-00442288 That's what you have is a monopoly, it's not property, this is nonsense. AjJ8OiBReFE-00752-00442489-00442750 You can see there's court cases in quite a few states AjJ8OiBReFE-00753-00442750-00443008 showing quite clearly that it's not property, it is a monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00754-00443275-00443650 And yes, I fully agree we should be able to make our agreement AjJ8OiBReFE-00755-00443650-00443854 but without that monopoly, without the state monopoly. AjJ8OiBReFE-00756-00444199-00446154 Yes? AjJ8OiBReFE-00757-00446154-00446655 [] pay them see them play them more money AjJ8OiBReFE-00758-00446655-00446778 than we're getting out from the AjJ8OiBReFE-00759-00446778-00447051 publishers such as they take the AjJ8OiBReFE-00760-00447051-00447306 copyright they give instead they get the AjJ8OiBReFE-00761-00447306-00447764 copyright to work to the publishers give AjJ8OiBReFE-00762-00447764-00447987 the prop copyright to a university that AjJ8OiBReFE-00763-00447987-00448326 all and give the copyright to a funding AjJ8OiBReFE-00764-00448326-00448551 agency that gives them the money i think AjJ8OiBReFE-00765-00448551-00448671 we should pace AjJ8OiBReFE-00766-00448671-00449220 [Dr. Greal] Yeah it'll be cheaper and yeah, you take some of the money that we saved AjJ8OiBReFE-00767-00449433-00449739 and then I said, our university has just got into it, we saved two million dollars already. AjJ8OiBReFE-00768-00449972-00450270 Take some of that money and use it to pay authors and update the material or create new material or whatever AjJ8OiBReFE-00769-00450678-00450987 or use it to search and find other material that's out there. AjJ8OiBReFE-00770-00451572-00451785 And the other thing is to start using what other people have created is AjJ8OiBReFE-00771-00452072-00452301 And creative commons is working on this now of a federated search through repository AjJ8OiBReFE-00772-00452730-00453009 so you can easily find Open Education Resources, which is a bit of a problem. AjJ8OiBReFE-00773-00453197-00453456 Not as big of a problem as a lot of people think that it is. It is a problem and we're working on the solution to that. AjJ8OiBReFE-00774-00454097-00454332 But I want offers to be paid, no problem. I want publishers to be paid. AjJ8OiBReFE-00775-00454397-00454560 We're looking at, instead of us supporting the Clalen Stewart and the big publishers, international publishers, AjJ8OiBReFE-00776-00454560-00454847 let's support a local Alberto publisher. AjJ8OiBReFE-00777-00455318-00455714 And so here's a text book created by one of our professors. AjJ8OiBReFE-00778-00455714-00456042 You publish it. You put in all the fancy stuff and you do it and make a really good job of it, AjJ8OiBReFE-00779-00456357-00456585 but you do it locally or have it print on demand, and you can charge for that when it's printed AjJ8OiBReFE-00780-00457131-00457275 and if it's online, it's online and they can get it for free. AjJ8OiBReFE-00781-00457739-00459085 And many people still want print. AjJ8OiBReFE-00782-00459085-00459568 [] taking that AjJ8OiBReFE-00783-00459568-00461602 but also the option by educating more AjJ8OiBReFE-00784-00461602-00461899 and more people are getting more and AjJ8OiBReFE-00785-00461899-00462103 more educated people there and AjJ8OiBReFE-00786-00462103-00463954 developing things I let me be ya and AjJ8OiBReFE-00787-00463954-00464575 student accesses i'm doing that again AjJ8OiBReFE-00788-00464575-00464814 [Dr. McGreal] I'm not against copywrite or patents, that's fine for a limited time. I think we've gone overboard. AjJ8OiBReFE-00789-00465067-00465328 70 years after the death... AjJ8OiBReFE-00790-00465328-00465493 after somebody dies they're not going to innovate anymore, that doesn't make any sense. AjJ8OiBReFE-00791-00465634-00466405 Patents for 17 years is fine. I wish we had copyright for 17 years. AjJ8OiBReFE-00792-00466654-00466933 But while the patent is in, that doesn't promote innovation, that stops innovation. AjJ8OiBReFE-00793-00467176-00467413 If you look at what happened with the Wright brothers who put patents on all of their machinery AjJ8OiBReFE-00794-00468130-00468364 for their airplanes, very little innovation took place in the United States until the patent expired in the 1920's. AjJ8OiBReFE-00795-00468814-00468864 All the innovation from about 1904 to the 1920's was in France where they didn't accept American copyright. AjJ8OiBReFE-00796-00469537-00470005 So patents stop innovation, they don't encourage innovation, they stop it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00797-00470455-00470689 They say only this person can innovate in this area. AjJ8OiBReFE-00798-00470689-00470989 So it's a two-edged sword but I'm definitely not against it. I support copyright. AjJ8OiBReFE-00799-00471520-00471751 I support a limited monopoly, even though it is an intervention by the state so it's not it's not libertarian, AjJ8OiBReFE-00800-00472051-00472255 but I think sometimes the state should intervene and I do believe in that, that they should. AjJ8OiBReFE-00801-00472526-00473378 Yes? AjJ8OiBReFE-00802-00473378-00473996 [] Well, there are all kinds of lessons out there and components and things, AjJ8OiBReFE-00803-00473996-00474275 and you have to, as a designer, you're looking at your course. AjJ8OiBReFE-00804-00474523-00474728 Instead of developing yourself from scratch, you say, "oh that's a good piece; how would that fit in here?" AjJ8OiBReFE-00805-00475267-00475453 And "oh, I'll have to alter that a bit to get it to fit in here. AjJ8OiBReFE-00806-00475453-00475703 And this piece fits in there but it doesn't quite fit; I have to move it around here." AjJ8OiBReFE-00807-00475882-00476182 And it's a lot more complex than we originally thought AjJ8OiBReFE-00808-00476464-00476761 but first we use the analogy of Lego blocks and no, it's more complex than Lego blocks. AjJ8OiBReFE-00809-00477118-00477418 It's putting courses together and assembling them and putting them together but it is possible. AjJ8OiBReFE-00810-00478052-00478238 But you need people who understand Learning Design in order to do that or just get the whole package. AjJ8OiBReFE-00811-00478840-00479023 One of our computer teachers, he wanted to do a Green Computing Course, Dr. Kinshuk knows about it, AjJ8OiBReFE-00812-00479234-00479525 and he came to me and I was chatting to him about it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00813-00479671-00479825 He said, "Oh it's going to take me about a year to develop it." AjJ8OiBReFE-00814-00479825-00480040 And I said, "Well, why don't you look online to see if there's an OER?" AjJ8OiBReFE-00815-00480190-00480446 And he said, "How do you do that ?" AjJ8OiBReFE-00816-00480446-00480782 I said, "Well, Google 'green computer course'." AjJ8OiBReFE-00817-00480782-00480932 He was a bit embarrassed because he's a very proficient computer person and so we did. AjJ8OiBReFE-00818-00481282-00481538 We Googled 'green computer course'; AjJ8OiBReFE-00819-00481538-00481894 halfway down on the front page 'green computer course Australian National University OER Moodle', AjJ8OiBReFE-00821-00482632-00482905 which is the learning management system we use. AjJ8OiBReFE-00822-00482905-00483113 He took it home and, well he didn't take it home, he went home and looked at it online, AjJ8OiBReFE-00823-00483251-00483488 and he came back a week later he said "It's got everything I need!" AjJ8OiBReFE-00824-00483680-00483868 He said, "All I have to do is add some Canadian examples," because they were all Australian examples. AjJ8OiBReFE-00825-00484292-00484555 And he sent the Canadian examples to the professor in Australia who's using them in his Australian course. AjJ8OiBReFE-00826-00484742-00485105 So you could do the whole course is possible sometimes. AjJ8OiBReFE-00827-00485351-00485579 But what a lot of people, what we find is it they say, AjJ8OiBReFE-00828-00485579-00485839 "Well I didn't really invent it here in that," and they don't sort of like it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00829-00486383-00486566 But it's the two types of personalities: AjJ8OiBReFE-00830-00486566-00486776 some professors, and I believe it's the majority but I don't know that, want the whole package. AjJ8OiBReFE-00831-00487022-00487352 And they don't want to deal with creating this and putting this together and taking that out and taking that up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00832-00487897-00488138 Me, I'm a different type: I like the whole package but then I'll take this out of the package and I put this in. AjJ8OiBReFE-00833-00488539-00488801 Oh I'll do all kinds of things anyway with it AjJ8OiBReFE-00834-00488801-00488999 But there's different types, then there's different possibilities for the different ventures. AjJ8OiBReFE-00835-00489953-00490353 [] required AjJ8OiBReFE-00836-00490353-00490661 [Dr. McGreal] No, if it's the full package you don't need it and if you don't worry about, too much about a specific... AjJ8OiBReFE-00837-00491111-00491372 I mean some people are nitpickers, some people just accepted the way it is, and that's fine. AjJ8OiBReFE-00838-00491555-00491853 And if you're a nitpicker, you're gonna go and take this, AjJ8OiBReFE-00839-00491853-00492032 "Ooo, that's not quite right. I'm going to take this one and that one." AjJ8OiBReFE-00840-00492192-00492480 And these are good teachers, I mean, it's a good way of approaching it AjJ8OiBReFE-00841-00492842-00493026 but another good way is take the whole package, somebody else's thought it through, AjJ8OiBReFE-00842-00493278-00493493 and you know you have a lot of research to do so, 'I don't want to spend time developing a course.' AjJ8OiBReFE-00843-00493835-00494063 I think it should be open to everyone. AjJ8OiBReFE-00844-00494144-00494390 I mean there's two streams in the Open Movement that I found. AjJ8OiBReFE-00845-00494390-00494660 One stream is, they're in Open because they want to change the way we teach. AjJ8OiBReFE-00846-00494864-00495143 They want to bring in connectivism, constructivism, other different ways, more personalized learning, AjJ8OiBReFE-00847-00495761-00495984 and they're in it for that reason and they support OER as long as it brings those in. AjJ8OiBReFE-00848-00496223-00496425 Then there's the others who just want free content. They don't want to change anything. AjJ8OiBReFE-00849-00496664-00496997 And for me, I believe both can co-exist. We can have both, that's fine. AjJ8OiBReFE-00850-00497427-00497723 Let the professor decide, you know, if he wants to just take the whole thing that's great, AjJ8OiBReFE-00851-00497907-00498153 and if you want to do working all different things, do so. AjJ8OiBReFE-00852-00498410-00498584 I would hope that we could get Learning Designers to work with those that want to put things together. AjJ8OiBReFE-00853-00498828-00499034 Or maybe they'll learn Learning Design on their own by doing it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00854-00499242-00499646 Sorry I'm overdoing the time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00855-00499646-00499946 [Dr. Kinsuk] Yeah, we are kind of pushing the time. AjJ8OiBReFE-00856-00499946-00500398 So, thank you very much for the wonderful talk and thank you for the questions. AjJ8OiBReFE-00857-00500398-00500923 We also had presence online and this will also go, as I mentioned already mentioned that this must be CC By. AjJ8OiBReFE-00858-00501235-00501697 So they can use it as they want. And we will also put slides up. AjJ8OiBReFE-00859-00502558-00503146 [Dr. McGreal] yeah and and CC By means the publishers can use it. AjJ8OiBReFE-00860-00503446-00503713 Thank you very much for your attention and for your very insightful questions. I really appreciate it. AmOwS0j-YxQ-00000-00000008-00000262 for me the latino theater commons adn this AmOwS0j-YxQ-00001-00005200-00005500 Subtitles by the community B3tuGfr_XUu-00000-00000070-00000200 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. B3tuGfr_XUu-00001-00000200-00000403 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. B3tuGfr_XUu-00002-00000403-00000603 WHEN STUDYING FOR ADVANCEMENT EXAMS, WE B3tuGfr_XUu-00003-00000603-00000804 DON'T ALWAYS FIND OURSELVES IN FRONT OF A B3tuGfr_XUu-00004-00000804-00000910 COMPUTER. B3tuGfr_XUu-00005-00000910-00001101 THE NAVY COOL MOBILE APP RECIEVED A SIGNIFICANT B3tuGfr_XUu-00006-00001101-00001301 UPDATE, ADDING ADVANCEMENT EXAM BIBS, TO HELP YOU B3tuGfr_XUu-00007-00001301-00001401 STUDY ON THE GO. B3tuGfr_XUu-00008-00001478-00001701 THE MISUSE AND ABUSE OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS IS A B3tuGfr_XUu-00009-00001701-00001905 SERIOUS HEALTH THREAT, AND A THREAT TO FLEET B3tuGfr_XUu-00010-00001905-00002015 READINESS. B3tuGfr_XUu-00011-00002015-00002282 THE NAVY IS PARTICIPATING IN THE DEA'S NATIONAL B3tuGfr_XUu-00012-00002282-00002519 PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY, APRIL 30TH. B3tuGfr_XUu-00013-00002582-00002789 THE EVENT WILL PROVIDE A SAFE VENUE TO TURN IN B3tuGfr_XUu-00014-00002789-00002992 UNNEEDED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS TO SUPPORT THE B3tuGfr_XUu-00015-00002992-00003149 PROPER USE OF MEDICATION. B3tuGfr_XUu-00016-00003229-00003429 THE NAVY JOINS THE NATION IN CELEBRATING THE B3tuGfr_XUu-00017-00003429-00003633 CONTRIBUTIONS OF ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC B3tuGfr_XUu-00018-00003633-00003870 ISLANDERS DURING ASIAN AMERICAN AND PACIFIC B3tuGfr_XUu-00019-00003870-00004077 ISLANDER HERITAGE MONTH THROUGHOUT MAY. B3tuGfr_XUu-00020-00004127-00004334 THE NAVY ENCOURAGES COMMANDS TO EMBRACE THIS B3tuGfr_XUu-00021-00004334-00004601 YEAR'S NATIONAL THEME "WALK TOGETHER, EMBRACE B3tuGfr_XUu-00022-00004601-00004771 DIFFERENCES, BUILD LEGACIES." B3tuGfr_XUu-00023-00004771-00004988 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND B3tuGfr_XUu-00024-00004988-00005468 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. B4TtnAlNYhy-00000-00000000-00000452 We have our completely own architecture, it's server environment that is built B4TtnAlNYhy-00001-00000452-00000857 from the ground up specifically for WordPress, and WordPress performance, B4TtnAlNYhy-00002-00000857-00001288 knowing specifically how WordPress behaves and how the most common plugins B4TtnAlNYhy-00003-00001288-00001947 behave and because of our strong Linux background it really means that we are B4TtnAlNYhy-00004-00001947-00002313 not doing the optimizations by just installing some plugins it means that B4TtnAlNYhy-00005-00002313-00002940 the server environment really is optimized on the level that's beyond and B4TtnAlNYhy-00006-00002940-00003265 below WordPress B7075qpyejg-00000-00000032-00000400 hello guys and welcome to another gameplay video, this game had some B7075qpyejg-00001-00000400-00000800 hard fights especially in the end where i had to go against a full squad B7075qpyejg-00002-00000800-00001280 in a small circle so for this game i'll be using the two builds i shared in my last videos B7075qpyejg-00003-00001280-00001784 the fennec for close range and the m4 for mid to long range and we'll see if i'll be able to kill B7075qpyejg-00004-00001784-00002248 the final squad or not but before we start let's finish watching the highlights of this B7075qpyejg-00005-00002248-00002984 game where i had some fun fights against seven real players in the final circle B7075qpyejg-00006-00019848-00020272 i know i shouldn't be doing this but i unfollowed my team and went to construction site and they B7075qpyejg-00007-00020272-00020680 went to rivertown because i don't want to waste the first minutes of the game looting i wanted B7075qpyejg-00008-00020680-00021216 to land in a place that has more chances of giving me a fun early fight. i ended up avoiding the fight B7075qpyejg-00009-00021216-00021664 here because there were three players rushing together and i noticed that this became a tactic B7075qpyejg-00010-00021664-00022136 in my server where you find full teams on construction sites sticking together and just B7075qpyejg-00011-00022136-00022488 rushing everyone on the roof as soon as they land they just grab a gun B7075qpyejg-00012-00022488-00022848 and start killing everyone and i must admit it's a pretty good tactic and it B7075qpyejg-00013-00022848-00023232 got me killed many times because there isn't really much you can do especially B7075qpyejg-00014-00023232-00023984 when i'm alone away from my team so i waited for a better chance to kill them B7075qpyejg-00015-00026839-00027288 after that i went to upgrade then i got lucky with the first air drop as it landed right B7075qpyejg-00016-00027288-00028183 next to me so i got that then i headed towards the loadout airdrop to get my m4 B7075qpyejg-00017-00029600-00030104 okay so here i had a stupid moment because i thought i had pumped class with me and i was trying to get B7075qpyejg-00018-00030104-00030983 to the roof but don't blame me i've been playing with that class non-stop since it was released B7075qpyejg-00019-00031624-00032080 the enemy had some crazy aim and his teammate was pushing me too so i had to bail right away B7075qpyejg-00020-00032080-00032527 there is no question about that and i'm glad i made it out alive so i healed up and went back B7075qpyejg-00021-00032527-00032912 to find out that my team was engaging with them so it was my chance to go in B7075qpyejg-00022-00035608-00035952 moving on to the next fight i think this squad went to get an airdrop so B7075qpyejg-00023-00035952-00036584 i destroyed their helicopter right away to prevent them from pushing me with it B7075qpyejg-00024-00038776-00039200 but it didn't really matter because they had an airborne and the issue is that i couldn't really B7075qpyejg-00025-00039200-00039712 see them in the sky and my team was far from me so i used my snowboard to switch my position and even B7075qpyejg-00026-00039712-00040184 if they decided to rush me it would be hard for them to hit me plus the fact that i have trickster B7075qpyejg-00027-00040184-00040664 ready just in case. this theme was interesting because even though i knocked one of them in the B7075qpyejg-00028-00040664-00041120 start and almost knocked the second one they're still being too aggressive and overconfident B7075qpyejg-00029-00041148-00041384 but that's exactly what i needed B7075qpyejg-00030-00044168-00044584 so remember when i reloaded my gun here well i thought it was reloaded but it didn't B7075qpyejg-00031-00044720-00045104 and now i have 15 bullets to kill this enemy B7075qpyejg-00032-00045712-00046152 luckily for me the enemy missed many shots he just needed one more bullet to kill me but i B7075qpyejg-00033-00046152-00046528 would have been so mad if i died there after all the trouble i went through B7075qpyejg-00034-00046528-00046904 sadly during this fight my entire team got killed by another squad B7075qpyejg-00035-00046904-00047304 and i had to finish the game on my own the good thing is that i found this car right B7075qpyejg-00036-00047304-00047784 here so i used it to drive around and collect some info to see how many players are remaining B7075qpyejg-00037-00048608-00048920 and now i know there's a full squad with an airborne which i believe is B7075qpyejg-00038-00048920-00049264 the same squad that killed my team so i waited for a chance to engage and i B7075qpyejg-00039-00049264-00049884 found it when i saw this player running around on his own away from his team B7075qpyejg-00040-00055008-00055272 maybe i should have finished him off but his teammate was there and B7075qpyejg-00041-00055272-00055648 he had pretty good aim so it was a risk that i'm not willing to take B7075qpyejg-00042-00055648-00056055 at this point both me and the enemies knew what we're dealing with so all of us were playing B7075qpyejg-00043-00056055-00056536 carefully just waiting for the other one to make a mistake but none of us did and as the circles B7075qpyejg-00044-00056536-00057000 started to shrink i had to go inside before they do because if i don't then i'm dead for sure B7075qpyejg-00045-00057000-00057584 trust me you don't want to be outside the zone when you're facing a full squad B7075qpyejg-00046-00063112-00063576 it may seem like a simple fight but there was a lot of thought process put into it and it was a B7075qpyejg-00047-00063576-00063991 hard fight for me especially that it was in a small area but i got extremely lucky with the B7075qpyejg-00048-00063991-00064440 battleground first of all i had both high ground and low ground to move around and use it to try B7075qpyejg-00049-00064440-00064912 and split the enemy team apart i also got lucky with the airdrop right here as it provided me with B7075qpyejg-00050-00064912-00065416 good cover and allowed me to focus on one enemy at a time then the trickster timing was perfect B7075qpyejg-00051-00065416-00065832 the clones went backwards and remained on the low ground while i headed towards the high ground and B7075qpyejg-00052-00065832-00066232 i tried to knock the first enemy here but he got away then two of them were distracted by B7075qpyejg-00053-00066232-00066696 the clones and i was going to knock at least one of them but i got interrupted by their teammate B7075qpyejg-00054-00066872-00067344 slide and jump to dodge some bullets then attack but again he got away with no health next i had B7075qpyejg-00055-00067344-00067752 to deal with the poltergeist enemy and since he already wasted the first two seconds of his B7075qpyejg-00056-00067752-00068200 ability i could clearly see him here tricked him by thinking that i'm going to the right then i B7075qpyejg-00057-00068200-00068696 made an instant quick sharp switch all the way to the left dodging all of his bullets while using B7075qpyejg-00058-00068696-00069168 the airdrop to block the vision of his teammates sadly i still got heavily damaged but it blocked B7075qpyejg-00059-00069168-00069584 their vision long enough for me to knock him down another one comes in and again the airdrop B7075qpyejg-00060-00069584-00070016 literally saved my life as i used it as a cover to regenerate some of my health and at the same B7075qpyejg-00061-00070016-00070480 time i waited for the enemy to waste some of his bullets in hopes that he runs out during the fight B7075qpyejg-00062-00070480-00070992 but he totally messed up as soon as i came out he started reloading and basically became a free kill B7075qpyejg-00063-00070992-00071480 but again he got lucky and he survived with one bullet only so i went down to finish him off and B7075qpyejg-00064-00071480-00071912 at the same time i avoided getting pushed by his other teammates. here the enemy made a huge mistake B7075qpyejg-00065-00071912-00072312 when he opened his wingsuit he should have just went down normally because with the new season B7075qpyejg-00066-00072312-00072728 there is a short delay when you land and at the same time it takes a bit of time to shoot which B7075qpyejg-00067-00072728-00073184 gave me a head start over him and by the time he started shooting i already melted half his health B7075qpyejg-00068-00073184-00073624 now slide to the right to use the wall as a cover while locating the last enemy and i feel like this B7075qpyejg-00069-00073624-00074064 enemy gave up before even fighting watching his entire team getting knocked in front of his eye B7075qpyejg-00070-00074064-00074496 must have made him panic. i really hope you guys enjoyed the gameplay and if you did as always B7075qpyejg-00071-00074496-00075784 a like would be highly appreciated thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video .. peace B7JEq6Aecug-00000-00000012-00001002 Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or a single administrator B7JEq6Aecug-00001-00001062-00001770 that can be sent from user to user on the pier to peer Bitcoin Network without the need for B7JEq6Aecug-00002-00001770-00002562 intermediaries transactions are verified by Network nodes through cryptography and B7JEq6Aecug-00003-00002562-00003006 recorded in a public distributed Ledger called a blockchain B8j9XyMtr9k-00000-00000272-00000672 Temporal vision is studied with stimuli B8j9XyMtr9k-00001-00000800-00001248 of which luminance varies over time. And the study of temporal vision B8j9XyMtr9k-00002-00001384-00002072 concerns how we perceive changes in luminanceover time. So if the pattern of luminance B8j9XyMtr9k-00003-00002264-00002872 follows the sine wave function then it is calleda temporal sinusoid. However, B8j9XyMtr9k-00004-00002968-00003504 be careful not to imagine a previous sine wave gratings you have seen in the spatial vision. B8j9XyMtr9k-00005-00003615-00004224 Even though these stimuli are the temporal equivalent of spatial sine wave gratings but B8j9XyMtr9k-00006-00004224-00004960 they don't necessarily look like a sine wavegrating. While a spatial grating manifests B8j9XyMtr9k-00007-00004960-00005712 a sinusoidal change in luminance across space, a temporal sinusoid manifests a sinusoidal change B8j9XyMtr9k-00008-00005712-00006640 in luminance over time which appears to be a flickeringlight. So they're defined by temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00009-00006640-00007320 contrast or depth of modulation and that's what they call sometimes and temporal frequency. B8j9XyMtr9k-00010-00007568-00008352 So the visibility of a temporally modulated stimulus is related to its depth of modulation and B8j9XyMtr9k-00011-00008352-00008928 this graph shows luminance profile of a stimulus of which luminance is temporally modulated B8j9XyMtr9k-00012-00009080-00010272 and sinusoidally over time. So here A refersto the amplitude of modulation. B8j9XyMtr9k-00013-00010480-00011128 And this graph shows another luminance profile of a temporal sinusoid with a larger B8j9XyMtr9k-00014-00011128-00011936 modulation depth but the waveform is undulatingover the same average luminance. So this dotted B8j9XyMtr9k-00015-00011936-00012944 line is representing the average luminance. So this has the same average luminance as the previous one. B8j9XyMtr9k-00016-00013552-00014496 Now just as it is possible to vary the frequency of a spatial grating, it is also possible to vary B8j9XyMtr9k-00017-00014496-00015240 the frequency of a temporal sinusoid. So a low temporal frequency stimulus is seen as flickering B8j9XyMtr9k-00018-00015240-00015847 at a low rate whereas a higher temporal frequency stimulus flickers at a higher rate. B8j9XyMtr9k-00019-00015944-00016632 So here is an example of temporal sinusoid modulated at a relatively low temporal frequency B8j9XyMtr9k-00020-00016808-00017608 and this is an example of temporal sinusoid modulated at a relatively higher temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00021-00017608-00018336 frequency. Now you can see that there are more cycles in unit time with high temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00022-00018336-00019336 frequency and the unit of temporal frequency is Hertz, named after German physicist Heinrich Hertz B8j9XyMtr9k-00023-00019336-00020096 and it expresses howmany flicker cycles are contained in a second. B8j9XyMtr9k-00024-00020352-00020752 What I'm going to showyou right now is a couple of B8j9XyMtr9k-00025-00020872-00021696 examples and stimulus of temporal sinusoids. So I wrote a program to actually run this temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00026-00021696-00022808 sinusoid. So I'm going to start with a very slow undulating temporal sinusoid with high contrast. B8j9XyMtr9k-00027-00023736-00024312 Did you see the temporalsinusoid? So you can see that B8j9XyMtr9k-00028-00024552-00025200 the stimulus is actually the two-dimensional Gaussian and the contrast, the luminance profile B8j9XyMtr9k-00029-00025200-00026120 of that two-dimensional Gaussian changesfollowing the sine wave function in time. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00030-00026120-00026864 it doesn't look like a sine wave grating as wehave seen in the spatial vision. It is only B8j9XyMtr9k-00031-00027000-00027632 the luminance profile of that three-dimensional Gaussian that follows B8j9XyMtr9k-00032-00027688-00028712 the sine wave function, not the stimulus itself. Now I'm gonna show you a little bit faster B8j9XyMtr9k-00033-00028712-00029583 temple sinusoid with 5 Hertz and then half of the contrast compared to the previous one. B8j9XyMtr9k-00034-00030568-00032383 And finally another temporal sinusoid with 10 Hertz with 10% contrast. B8j9XyMtr9k-00035-00032840-00033648 So I hope you now understand what temporal sinusoids look like and in fact the last one B8j9XyMtr9k-00036-00033648-00034288 with the 10 Hertz and 10% contrast. I think there was some sort of artefact so B8j9XyMtr9k-00037-00034400-00035512 it was not really accurately presented but now I think you get the idea about the temporal sinusoid. B8j9XyMtr9k-00038-00035864-00036752 So just as the visual system sums the light acrossthe spatial area, the visual system also sums B8j9XyMtr9k-00039-00036816-00037520 light collected over time. So when the light level is limited long integration time is preferred B8j9XyMtr9k-00040-00037608-00038328 for detection whereas a short integration time is preferred for the fine temporal discrimination B8j9XyMtr9k-00041-00038328-00038992 when there is enough light. So temporal summation is the ability to sum the light over time B8j9XyMtr9k-00042-00039072-00039840 whereas temporal resolution is the ability to resolve two events of light occurring in B8j9XyMtr9k-00043-00039912-00040680 temporal succession and the critical duration or period is the time period B8j9XyMtr9k-00044-00040680-00041192 over which light is summed and we have two different critical durations depending upon B8j9XyMtr9k-00045-00041344-00042216 which visual system kicks in to perform the temporal summation B8j9XyMtr9k-00046-00042216-00042640 so the photopic system has very short critical duration window B8j9XyMtr9k-00047-00042776-00043568 between like 10 to 50 milliseconds whereasscotopic system has a wider window, wider B8j9XyMtr9k-00048-00043568-00044504 time window to summate the light. So it'sbetween 100 to 200 milliseconds. So no B8j9XyMtr9k-00049-00044504-00045144 matter how many flashes fall within the criticalduration, they will be seen as one so as long as B8j9XyMtr9k-00050-00045240-00045944 these flashes fall within the critical duration period then they will get all summated as one. B8j9XyMtr9k-00051-00046248-00046728 So in order for two flashes to be temporarily resolved as two, B8j9XyMtr9k-00052-00046816-00048008 then they must be separated in time by at least a critical duration. So here is an illustration of B8j9XyMtr9k-00053-00048008-00048752 scotopic temporal summation and this will show you how our visual system reaches the threshold in time. B8j9XyMtr9k-00054-00048848-00049560 So let's say for example critical duration for the scotopic vision is 150 milliseconds as B8j9XyMtr9k-00055-00049728-00050224 presented here. So let's just assume that this is the temporal summation window B8j9XyMtr9k-00056-00050296-00050976 for the scotopic system. And the number of quanta to reach threshold B8j9XyMtr9k-00057-00050976-00051664 is constant which is represented by this dottedline. So what I'm going to do is to show you B8j9XyMtr9k-00058-00051728-00052616 a flash of light represented by avertical, thin line so like this B8j9XyMtr9k-00059-00052848-00053544 or that. So this is a sub-threshold light, sub-threshold flash B8j9XyMtr9k-00060-00053544-00054248 whereas this one is suprathreshold right because the energy actually goes over B8j9XyMtr9k-00061-00054320-00054984 the threshold light intensity and I'm going to show you flashes in succession B8j9XyMtr9k-00062-00054984-00056184 and it's going to be very fast so just focus and see if you can follow those flashes. B8j9XyMtr9k-00063-00056655-00056967 So you're ready? So here B8j9XyMtr9k-00064-00057288-00057991 okay so I'm going to do thisagain. flash to flash. B8j9XyMtr9k-00065-00058079-00058896 So this time the two lights, the light intensity is about like two-thirds of the threshold intensity B8j9XyMtr9k-00066-00058960-00059791 and then they were flashed in time separated by more than 100 milliseconds then these two flashes B8j9XyMtr9k-00067-00059791-00060544 won't be summated and as a consequence, no flash will be seen by the system. B8j9XyMtr9k-00068-00060679-00061784 So there's anotherillustration. So I'll just do this again. B8j9XyMtr9k-00069-00061855-00062567 This time, now two flashes with the same light intensity, two-thirds of the threshold intensity B8j9XyMtr9k-00070-00062624-00063112 have flashed one after the other within the critical duration of 100 milliseconds, B8j9XyMtr9k-00071-00063167-00064096 then a flash, one flash will be detected because their sub-threshold intensities are added up B8j9XyMtr9k-00072-00064096-00064736 and now the summed intensity becomes greater than the threshold light intensity. B8j9XyMtr9k-00073-00064855-00065536 Now let's look at what happens if two lights with suprathreshold intensity B8j9XyMtr9k-00074-00065824-00066360 one after the other within thecritical period. So now watch out B8j9XyMtr9k-00075-00066664-00066744 do this again. B8j9XyMtr9k-00076-00067088-00067888 So even though these two flashes are suprathreshold flashes B8j9XyMtr9k-00077-00067888-00068296 because they fall within this critical summation period, B8j9XyMtr9k-00078-00068456-00069064 the visual system will only be able to see one flash instead of two flashes. B8j9XyMtr9k-00079-00069288-00070184 That is still one flash and so I'll show you this again. B8j9XyMtr9k-00080-00070456-00071464 So how about now? so now one light with a suprathreshold flash and the other light with the B8j9XyMtr9k-00081-00071464-00072496 same intensity after 200 milliseconds and so I think it was actually flashing at 250 ms yes so B8j9XyMtr9k-00082-00072552-00073480 after 200 milliseconds then how many flashes willbe seen? Now it is two because the second flash is B8j9XyMtr9k-00083-00073480-00074456 subject to the next summation period. Sonow this system can see two flashes of light. B8j9XyMtr9k-00084-00074688-00075688 Now this is for the photopic temporal summation as you can see and the summation window is B8j9XyMtr9k-00085-00075752-00076464 much narrower. So this is basically the same demonstration but and B8j9XyMtr9k-00086-00076592-00077528 so okay hope you saw that but I'll dothis again. So how many flashes this time? B8j9XyMtr9k-00087-00077928-00078880 No flash right? Because one flash was sub-threshold, fall within the critical period and the other one B8j9XyMtr9k-00088-00078880-00079344 with the same intensity which is two-thirds of the threshold B8j9XyMtr9k-00089-00079512-00080488 flashed outside of this time window so they won'tget summated over. So it never reaches the threshold B8j9XyMtr9k-00090-00080488-00082056 light intensity. So no flash will be seen. Onemore time. So now one flash will be seen B8j9XyMtr9k-00091-00082056-00082784 because they fall within the critical period, the summation period. B8j9XyMtr9k-00092-00082856-00083632 So the two-thirds of threshold light intensity falls within the critical period. B8j9XyMtr9k-00093-00083632-00084416 So they will be summated to signalone light flash event. And the next one. B8j9XyMtr9k-00094-00084960-00085720 And again. Again the system will only see one flash because B8j9XyMtr9k-00095-00085848-00086480 they will be just summated because they fall within the summation period. B8j9XyMtr9k-00096-00086616-00087328 Finally, two flashes will be seen, two flashes will be seen because B8j9XyMtr9k-00097-00087488-00088232 they're all both suprathreshold light flashes. One fall within, one falls within the B8j9XyMtr9k-00098-00088232-00089136 summation period and the other falls outsidethe critical period. So there will be two B8j9XyMtr9k-00099-00089216-00090216 flashes signalled for this visual system. So this is another way to compare the temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00100-00090216-00091184 summation and resolution between the photopicand the scotopic system. So as you can see, B8j9XyMtr9k-00101-00091336-00091944 the time window for summation is quite different between the photopic vision and scotopic vision. B8j9XyMtr9k-00102-00092016-00092712 So photopic vison has a very narrowtime window for summation whereas B8j9XyMtr9k-00103-00092800-00093600 scotopic system has a much wider window forsummation. So let's say there were two flashes B8j9XyMtr9k-00104-00093784-00094680 over time. So let's just assume that the size, theintensity of each flash is sub-threshold (sorry I meant to say suprathreshold). So... B8j9XyMtr9k-00105-00094808-00095520 for the photopic vision, so one flash actually falls within the critical duration B8j9XyMtr9k-00106-00095520-00096256 and the other is outside of the criticalduration. So the net result is two flash,... B8j9XyMtr9k-00107-00096384-00097224 that is two flashes that are detected. On the other hand when the same two consecutive flashes fall B8j9XyMtr9k-00108-00097440-00098512 in the scotopic system then these two flashes will be summated because the window of summation B8j9XyMtr9k-00109-00098616-00099584 for scotopic vision is much wider. So thenet result will be a single flash detected. B8j9XyMtr9k-00110-00099688-00100424 So the time-intensity reciprocity and this Bloch's law. So this is a relationship between the time B8j9XyMtr9k-00111-00100424-00101336 and light intensity and we actually talked about this Bloch's law before when we talked about the B8j9XyMtr9k-00112-00101560-00101944 Hecht experiment to measure the absolute threshold of B8j9XyMtr9k-00113-00102096-00102896 light and so the Bloch's law states that within the critical duration, the total number of B8j9XyMtr9k-00114-00102896-00103568 quanta needed to reach threshold remains the same, which basically expressed in this B8j9XyMtr9k-00115-00103944-00104688 simple equation. So k is constant and i represents intensity of light and t is the duration B8j9XyMtr9k-00116-00104688-00105256 of light. So basically within this critical duration, which is a scotopic critical duration, B8j9XyMtr9k-00117-00105328-00106159 it is the basically the area of this square. So this is a threshold light intensity and then B8j9XyMtr9k-00118-00106448-00107192 so within the critical duration and the intensity and duration are inversely B8j9XyMtr9k-00119-00107192-00107880 proportional. So in other words, they are reciprocal. they have a reciprocal relationship. So for example, B8j9XyMtr9k-00120-00107880-00108432 when the luminance is halved, a doubling in stimulus duration is required to reach threshold B8j9XyMtr9k-00121-00108496-00109072 On the other hand, when luminance is doubled then the threshold can be reached in half the duration. B8j9XyMtr9k-00122-00109144-00109800 And beyond the critical duration, threshold is only dependent upon luminance rather than the B8j9XyMtr9k-00123-00109800-00110656 product of luminance and duration. So this relationship is shown on the graph here in case B8j9XyMtr9k-00124-00110656-00111656 of scotopic vision. So basically it is the same but photopic critical duration is much shorter. B8j9XyMtr9k-00125-00112048-00112783 So in the spatial domain, spatial vision was characterised by the contrast sensitivity function. B8j9XyMtr9k-00126-00112888-00113311 So to study how the visual system perceives changes in luminance over time, B8j9XyMtr9k-00127-00113383-00114016 we need to test the eye with temporal sinusoids with various contrast and temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00128-00114016-00114600 frequencies. So this leads to the concept of a temporal contrast sensitivity function, B8j9XyMtr9k-00129-00114704-00115456 which plots the limits of our ability to perceive flicker as the stimulus varies in terms of B8j9XyMtr9k-00130-00115456-00116272 temporal contrast and frequency. In many respects, spatial contrast sensitivity function and B8j9XyMtr9k-00131-00116272-00117064 the temporal contrast sensitivity function are verysimilar. So in the left panel contrast thresholds B8j9XyMtr9k-00132-00117064-00117783 are plotted against the temporal frequency and on the y-axis high values represent high modulation B8j9XyMtr9k-00133-00117856-00118696 whereas low values represent low modulation. So modulation here means the temporal contrast and B8j9XyMtr9k-00134-00118696-00119440 in spatial vision, high contrast is always easier to see than low contrast and it is the same B8j9XyMtr9k-00135-00119511-00120392 for the temporal vision and all the modulation values above the threshold curve, so here B8j9XyMtr9k-00136-00120616-00121424 represents the modulation that can be seen and the curve represents the lowest modulation that B8j9XyMtr9k-00137-00121424-00122472 can be seen. So this is a (collection of) boundary values, the lowerboundary. So stimulus with modulation values B8j9XyMtr9k-00138-00122472-00123192 below the curve cannot be detected, cannot be resolved and flicker is not seen and the screen B8j9XyMtr9k-00139-00123192-00123983 will appear steady and on the right, we have a typical temporal contrast sensitivity function. B8j9XyMtr9k-00140-00124080-00124808 Now the y-axis is the inverse of the contrastthreshold. So we talked about this and the B8j9XyMtr9k-00141-00124808-00125472 spatial contrast sensitivity function so threshold, contrast threshold and sensitivity is just a B8j9XyMtr9k-00142-00125576-00126040 straight reciprocal relationship. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00143-00126392-00127280 the high values on the right representa low temporal contrast and B8j9XyMtr9k-00144-00127424-00128192 and the low values, low sensitivity represents high contrast and high sensitivity means low B8j9XyMtr9k-00145-00128192-00128928 contrast and sensitivity values corresponding to the area under the curve represent the B8j9XyMtr9k-00146-00128928-00129624 range of flicker and contrast values that a person can see and sensitivity values B8j9XyMtr9k-00147-00129624-00130511 above the curve representstimuli (contrast) for which flicker is not visible. So in B8j9XyMtr9k-00148-00130511-00131360 this region, the flicker will appear steady and like in spatial contrast sensitivity function, B8j9XyMtr9k-00149-00131480-00132248 peak sensitivity occurs at mid-range temporal frequencies but is worse at lower and higher B8j9XyMtr9k-00150-00132312-00132848 temporal frequencies. So our eyes appear to be most B8j9XyMtr9k-00151-00132848-00133648 sensitive to temporal frequencies range from like 10 to 20 Hertz in photopic condition and the B8j9XyMtr9k-00152-00133648-00134144 highest temporal frequency that a person can resolve is indicated by the extreme right value B8j9XyMtr9k-00153-00134208-00134952 on the temporal contrast sensitivity functioncurve. This is referred to as the critical flicker B8j9XyMtr9k-00154-00134952-00135840 fusion frequency and denoted with arrows. So this is a temporal counterpart to the B8j9XyMtr9k-00155-00135960-00136952 high spatial cutoff frequency inspatial contrast sensitivity function. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00156-00137352-00137776 the psychophysical determination of the temporal contrast sensitivity function is B8j9XyMtr9k-00157-00137864-00138872 basically the same as how you determine the spatial contrast sensitivity function in... B8j9XyMtr9k-00158-00139304-00140184 psychophysically. So I'm not going to bore you with go(ing) over the steps again. B8j9XyMtr9k-00159-00140240-00141104 So this is just basically the simplified temporal contrast sensitivity function of a normal B8j9XyMtr9k-00160-00141104-00142056 observer which looks similar to the contrastsensitivity function in the spatial domain. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00161-00142184-00143000 Now this x-axis represents Hertz, temporal frequency so that's Hertz B8j9XyMtr9k-00162-00143248-00143800 cycles per second right and here we have B8j9XyMtr9k-00163-00144016-00145120 100 again and that's just contrastsensitivity. And this is resolved B8j9XyMtr9k-00164-00145424-00145928 vision on so B8j9XyMtr9k-00165-00146272-00148088 and the peak is about 10 to 20 Hertz and this is a critical flicker fusion, which is about 60 Hertz. B8j9XyMtr9k-00166-00148432-00150016 This actually corresponds to the monitor's, What is that thing called? B8j9XyMtr9k-00167-00150016-00150784 Refresh rate, refresh rate. So the monitors, the typical commercial monitors actually flickers B8j9XyMtr9k-00168-00150784-00151856 at 60 Hertz. So that is basically the limitsof the human temporal vision basically. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00169-00151952-00152984 if something flickers over 60 Hertz then wecannot really see that is moving. I B8j9XyMtr9k-00170-00152984-00153824 mean for some sensitive people they can still seethe flicker at 60 Hertz. So now B8j9XyMtr9k-00171-00153824-00154656 gaming monitors these days, it goes up to 75 or 144 Hertz. So basically it's just a doubled up B8j9XyMtr9k-00172-00154656-00155584 the critical flicker fusion to provide a more smooth visual experience basically. B8j9XyMtr9k-00173-00155984-00156592 So the critical flicker fusion frequency is analogous to high spatial frequency cutoff B8j9XyMtr9k-00174-00156592-00157416 in spatial contrast sensitivity function. So as the frequency of a spatial grating is B8j9XyMtr9k-00175-00157416-00158120 increased it appears to... consist ofincreasingly thin bars. Likewise as B8j9XyMtr9k-00176-00158120-00158776 the frequency of a temporally modulated stimulus is increased, the flicker appears more rapid B8j9XyMtr9k-00177-00158864-00159688 as we have seen before from those temporal sinusoids and in the case of spatial contrast B8j9XyMtr9k-00178-00159688-00160408 sensitivity function the bars are not resolvable at the high spatial frequency cut off B8j9XyMtr9k-00179-00160464-00161184 and the stimulus appears as a uniform grey surface and the frequencies eventually B8j9XyMtr9k-00180-00161400-00162120 reach to the point where they cannot be resolved and the stimulus appears steady. B8j9XyMtr9k-00181-00162344-00163136 So this temporal frequency and the critical flicker fusion represents the high temporal resolution limit of B8j9XyMtr9k-00182-00163136-00163824 the visual system for a given contrast. So it can be thought of as a temporal acuity. B8j9XyMtr9k-00183-00163944-00164664 So when we refer to the critical flicker fusion we usually mean the high contrast critical flicker B8j9XyMtr9k-00184-00164664-00165448 fusion like in high spatial frequency cutoffin spatial contrast sensitivity function. However, B8j9XyMtr9k-00185-00165448-00166048 if you are using a lower contrast flicker then the critical flicker fusion could refer to B8j9XyMtr9k-00186-00166120-00166408 either the lowest or the highest flicker B8j9XyMtr9k-00187-00166472-00166784 detectable. B8j9XyMtr9k-00188-00167008-00167584 So there are a number of factors affecting the value of critical flicker fusion such as B8j9XyMtr9k-00189-00167688-00168184 modulation depth, in other words temporal contrast, background illumination, or B8j9XyMtr9k-00190-00168248-00169224 eccentricity because of the differentdistribution of rods and cones. So for example, B8j9XyMtr9k-00191-00169224-00169936 temporal contrast sensitivity function changes with increasing retinal illumination and B8j9XyMtr9k-00192-00170008-00170704 in general, sensitivity increases with greater retinal elimination across a range of temporal B8j9XyMtr9k-00193-00170704-00171472 frequencies. So here we have three temporal contrast sensitivity functions for three different B8j9XyMtr9k-00194-00171472-00172504 background retinal illuminations, ranging from 10 to 1000 so arranging two orders of magnitude so here... B8j9XyMtr9k-00195-00172896-00173584 there's three orders. Sorry three orders ofmagnitude and here the troland is a conventional B8j9XyMtr9k-00196-00173584-00174824 unit to denote the retinal illuminance and the bigger the number, the bigger number represents B8j9XyMtr9k-00197-00174824-00175488 brighter retinal illuminance and note that increasing illumination has a smaller effect on B8j9XyMtr9k-00198-00175488-00176344 the sensitivity at lower temporal frequencies. And it enhances high temporal frequency sensitivity. B8j9XyMtr9k-00199-00176424-00177152 So if we plot the critical flicker fusions, the points where the red circle is enclosing B8j9XyMtr9k-00200-00177248-00178136 as a function of retinal illuminance, then we obtain the following graph. So B8j9XyMtr9k-00201-00178248-00178696 if we plot the critical flicker fusion as a function of log retinal illumination, B8j9XyMtr9k-00202-00178784-00179536 then the critical flicker fusion increases linearly as log retinal illumination increases over B8j9XyMtr9k-00203-00179536-00180144 4 log units with thefoveal observation. So from -2... B8j9XyMtr9k-00204-00180384-00181128 -2 to +2. So this region, so this is where the Ferry-Porter law B8j9XyMtr9k-00205-00181296-00182248 is applied. So it is expressed, the law, is expressed as the equation shown here where k B8j9XyMtr9k-00206-00182312-00182944 is the slope of line and the L, big L represents the luminance B8j9XyMtr9k-00207-00183000-00184064 and b is a constant. Because the critical flicker fusion is different for B8j9XyMtr9k-00208-00184064-00184720 rods and cones, the critical flicker fusion will change depending on the proportion B8j9XyMtr9k-00209-00184720-00185368 of rods and cones being stimulated. Because the proportion of rods and cones change with... B8j9XyMtr9k-00210-00185448-00186032 changes with eccentricity, a foveal teststimulus will follow the Ferry-Porter law B8j9XyMtr9k-00211-00186088-00187152 and show no kink. So there will be just onebranch. So that is this purple curve is actually B8j9XyMtr9k-00212-00187152-00188040 showing. So this is a kind of a foveal area where the Ferry-Porter law applies. B8j9XyMtr9k-00213-00188336-00189000 Because in foveal area, in fovea, only cones are present so and the curve at B8j9XyMtr9k-00214-00189000-00189520 zero eccentricity is the same as the one that was shown in the previous slide. B8j9XyMtr9k-00215-00189632-00190392 But extrafoveal test stimuli will nowshow a kink. So two branches in the critical B8j9XyMtr9k-00216-00190392-00190968 flicker fusion because the rods now determine the critical flicker fusion at B8j9XyMtr9k-00217-00190968-00191696 low retinal illuminances and the cones determining the critical flicker fusion B8j9XyMtr9k-00218-00191696-00192528 at higher retinal illuminance. So note that the Ferry-Porter law applies over decreasing range as B8j9XyMtr9k-00219-00192528-00193408 the eccentricity increases and the temporal resolutionbecomes poorer for eccentric locations. For example, B8j9XyMtr9k-00220-00193408-00194264 the linear part of the curve at the 15 degrees of eccentricity can only be found from zero to say B8j9XyMtr9k-00221-00194368-00195432 1.5 log units? So and as the eccentricity increases, the Ferry-Porter law now breaks down B8j9XyMtr9k-00222-00195848-00196336 again because of the different population of rods and cones in the retina and different B8j9XyMtr9k-00223-00196336-00196912 spatial summation properties the critical flicker fusion will be dependent upon the B8j9XyMtr9k-00224-00196912-00197584 area of the retina being stimulated. So instead of varying retinal eccentricity as before, B8j9XyMtr9k-00225-00197640-00198256 now the size of the centrally fixated testfield is varied here. So as the test field B8j9XyMtr9k-00226-00198256-00198984 increases, two branches begin to appear, with the lower left branch representing the rod function. B8j9XyMtr9k-00227-00199056-00200144 So here the Granit-Harper law is this relationship between the critical flicker fusion and the area B8j9XyMtr9k-00228-00200144-00201256 of the stimulus. So if you just cut these lines at a certain retinal illuminance and then plot B8j9XyMtr9k-00229-00201408-00202400 these critical flicker fusion frequencies as a function of the size of the stimulus then you will B8j9XyMtr9k-00230-00202400-00203024 get this linear relationship again, which isthe Granit-Harper law. So the critical flicker fusion B8j9XyMtr9k-00231-00203024-00203952 is a function of the slope of the line and the log of the area and b is again the constant. B8j9XyMtr9k-00232-00204392-00205040 So far we have seen the phenomena related to high temporal frequencies but B8j9XyMtr9k-00233-00205223-00205896 like in a spatial contrast sensitivity function and we also have decreased sensitivity at low B8j9XyMtr9k-00234-00205896-00206480 temporal frequency region and in fact there are quite a few interesting phenomena related B8j9XyMtr9k-00235-00206480-00207000 to the decreased sensitivity at low temporal frequencies in human. B8j9XyMtr9k-00236-00207088-00207704 So it seems that we are very insensitive to slow-moving objects or static images. B8j9XyMtr9k-00237-00207776-00208167 For example, our day and nightcycle can be considered as B8j9XyMtr9k-00238-00208232-00209176 a very slow flicker of light whichcompletes a cycle in 24 hours. In this case, we B8j9XyMtr9k-00239-00209176-00210040 really don't sense the change in luminance in time. There are other related phenomena such as B8j9XyMtr9k-00240-00210040-00210816 stabilised retinal images such as Purkinje tree and fading of a static image called Troxler's effect. B8j9XyMtr9k-00241-00211167-00211856 So this picture shows the inside of our eyes covered with blood vessels and the pattern of B8j9XyMtr9k-00242-00211856-00212592 blood vessels as shown in this picture is called the Purkinje tree after the bohemian physiologist B8j9XyMtr9k-00243-00212592-00213471 who first described it. Obviously some of the blood vessels will be in the way of fovea, blocking the B8j9XyMtr9k-00244-00213471-00214192 light and casting shadow on the surface of theretina. Nonetheless we do not see these blood B8j9XyMtr9k-00245-00214192-00214919 vessels in normal everyday visual activities and the reason why we do not see these blood vessels B8j9XyMtr9k-00246-00214919-00215567 has to do with the way our visual system ignores the objects without any motion contrast. B8j9XyMtr9k-00247-00215648-00216416 So these blood vessels are fixed forever withrespect to the retina. So in other words as B8j9XyMtr9k-00248-00216416-00217152 you move your eye around and they move aroundtogether, forming a fixed relationship. So the B8j9XyMtr9k-00249-00217152-00218000 pattern of retinal blood vessels does not changeeven if you move your eye. So a pattern like this, B8j9XyMtr9k-00250-00218064-00219088 one that is fixed with respect to your retina even as the position of your eye changes is called a B8j9XyMtr9k-00251-00219088-00220360 stabilised image and our eyes arevery insensitive to these stabilised images. B8j9XyMtr9k-00252-00220600-00221248 So here is another phenomenon called Troxler's effect and showing how quickly our sensitivity B8j9XyMtr9k-00253-00221248-00222136 wanes when an object ceases to move within ourvisual field. So Troxler's effect is the kind of B8j9XyMtr9k-00254-00222136-00222912 temporary and irregular fading or disappearance of a small object in the visual field during a state B8j9XyMtr9k-00255-00222912-00223528 of fixation of another object. So as an example, if you stare at the black dot in the middle B8j9XyMtr9k-00256-00223528-00224400 for a while then the edges of the grey region will quickly fade away from the view, which is a classic B8j9XyMtr9k-00257-00224400-00225616 Troxler's effect. However if a dotted line is placed like this and then the dotted line B8j9XyMtr9k-00258-00225616-00226648 won't disappear. The reason is because when we are fixating on something static we have a constant B8j9XyMtr9k-00259-00226648-00227392 involuntary and tiny eye movements called themicrosaccades. So this microsaccade in effect B8j9XyMtr9k-00260-00227392-00228040 creates a tremble in our retinal image like a flicker. However the changes in the contrast of the B8j9XyMtr9k-00261-00228040-00228816 background are so gradual that it does not produce noticeable contrast difference with microsaccades. B8j9XyMtr9k-00262-00228896-00229352 However the sharp boundary against the fading background creates a big enough B8j9XyMtr9k-00263-00229352-00230071 contrast difference that can be picked up by the microsaccades and work like a temporal flicker. B8j9XyMtr9k-00264-00230344-00231016 So I have shown you this before from the beginning of the lecture. This B8j9XyMtr9k-00265-00231016-00231671 is a combination of Troxler's effect and opponent theory of colour called a Lilac Chaser. B8j9XyMtr9k-00266-00231760-00232312 So in this example, the blue static spots will fade away after several seconds B8j9XyMtr9k-00267-00232376-00233056 when you fixate on the black cross for a while. And this leaves only a grey background and the B8j9XyMtr9k-00268-00233056-00233896 fixation cross, which is a classic Troxler's effect and they will reappear when you move your fixation B8j9XyMtr9k-00269-00233952-00234536 or blink. So on top of the Troxler's effect, you might be able to experience an appearance of B8j9XyMtr9k-00270-00234592-00235248 a moving yellow spot. This is because your photoreceptor sensitive to blue B8j9XyMtr9k-00271-00235248-00235832 becomes tired after watching them for a while and the photoreceptors sensitive to B8j9XyMtr9k-00272-00235919-00236600 opponent colour, which is yellow becomes relatively more sensitive so you see this B8j9XyMtr9k-00273-00236600-00238184 yellow spot moving around places where it is actually neutral grey. B8To_Z9vHaI-00000-00000496-00000850 [Music] B8To_Z9vHaI-00001-00000990-00001484 welcome to the video hydraulic cylinder B8To_Z9vHaI-00002-00001251-00001484 speed B8To_Z9vHaI-00003-00001488-00001926 the speed at which the piston rod of a B8To_Z9vHaI-00004-00001703-00002228 hydraulic cylinder moves is based on two B8To_Z9vHaI-00005-00001926-00002466 factors first the size of the cylinder B8To_Z9vHaI-00006-00002228-00002681 bore which is the area inside the B8To_Z9vHaI-00007-00002466-00002966 cylinder in which the piston moves and B8To_Z9vHaI-00008-00002681-00003222 second the rate at which the hydraulic B8To_Z9vHaI-00009-00002966-00003408 fluid flows into the cylinder the B8To_Z9vHaI-00010-00003222-00003584 following are the customary units of B8To_Z9vHaI-00011-00003408-00003768 measurement in the United States B8To_Z9vHaI-00012-00003584-00003939 abbreviations will be used in the B8To_Z9vHaI-00013-00003768-00004236 calculations to determine the cylinder B8To_Z9vHaI-00014-00003939-00004505 speed the area of the cylinder bore is B8To_Z9vHaI-00015-00004236-00004832 given in inches squared the abbreviation B8To_Z9vHaI-00016-00004505-00005132 for area is a the flow of the fluid is B8To_Z9vHaI-00017-00004832-00005434 listed in gallons per minute or GPM the B8To_Z9vHaI-00018-00005132-00005671 abbreviation for flow is Q B8To_Z9vHaI-00019-00005434-00005869 the velocity of the piston rod is B8To_Z9vHaI-00020-00005671-00006150 measured in inches per minute the B8To_Z9vHaI-00021-00005869-00006405 abbreviation for velocity is V a B8To_Z9vHaI-00022-00006150-00006631 conversion factor is used for equations B8To_Z9vHaI-00023-00006405-00007063 that calculate the speed at which the B8To_Z9vHaI-00024-00006631-00007312 piston rod moves the constant number 231 B8To_Z9vHaI-00025-00007063-00007555 which represents the number of cubic B8To_Z9vHaI-00026-00007312-00007852 inches in 1 gallon is placed in the B8To_Z9vHaI-00027-00007555-00008034 formula two calculations are required to B8To_Z9vHaI-00028-00007852-00008365 determine the extension rate of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00029-00008034-00008626 cylinder calculation one find the bore B8To_Z9vHaI-00030-00008365-00008859 size of the cylinder which is also the B8To_Z9vHaI-00031-00008626-00009181 piston area using the following equation B8To_Z9vHaI-00032-00008859-00009582 piston area equals pi times the diameter B8To_Z9vHaI-00033-00009181-00009867 of the piston squared divided by four B8To_Z9vHaI-00034-00009582-00010158 calculation to find the speed at which B8To_Z9vHaI-00035-00009867-00010389 the piston rod extends velocity or B8To_Z9vHaI-00036-00010158-00010725 extension rate of the piston rod equals B8To_Z9vHaI-00037-00010389-00010931 231 times the flow rate divided by the B8To_Z9vHaI-00038-00010725-00011184 area of the piston B8To_Z9vHaI-00039-00010931-00011361 what is the extension speed of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00040-00011184-00011625 piston rod of a cylinder with a bore B8To_Z9vHaI-00041-00011361-00011979 diameter of 3 inches when the hydraulic B8To_Z9vHaI-00042-00011625-00012267 pump produces 10 gallons per minute B8To_Z9vHaI-00043-00011979-00012531 step 1 calculate the piston area as B8To_Z9vHaI-00044-00012267-00012531 shown here B8To_Z9vHaI-00045-00012739-00013324 the piston area is 7.06 five inches B8To_Z9vHaI-00046-00013081-00013597 squared B8To_Z9vHaI-00047-00013324-00013878 step to calculate the extension speed as B8To_Z9vHaI-00048-00013597-00013878 shown here B8To_Z9vHaI-00049-00014111-00014672 the extension speed is 327 inches per B8To_Z9vHaI-00050-00014474-00014928 minute B8To_Z9vHaI-00051-00014672-00015200 the rate at which the piston retracts is B8To_Z9vHaI-00052-00014928-00015388 faster than its extension rate B8To_Z9vHaI-00053-00015200-00015635 the reason for the difference is that B8To_Z9vHaI-00054-00015388-00015841 there is less volume inside the cylinder B8To_Z9vHaI-00055-00015635-00016163 on the side of the piston that has the B8To_Z9vHaI-00056-00015841-00016328 rod 3 calculations are required to B8To_Z9vHaI-00057-00016163-00016661 determine the retraction rate of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00058-00016328-00016910 piston piston area equals pi times the B8To_Z9vHaI-00059-00016661-00017318 diameter of the piston squared divided B8To_Z9vHaI-00060-00016910-00017692 by 4 area of the rod equals pi times the B8To_Z9vHaI-00061-00017318-00017942 diameter of the rod squared divided by 4 B8To_Z9vHaI-00062-00017692-00018272 velocity or retraction rate of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00063-00017942-00018491 piston rod equals 231 times the flow B8To_Z9vHaI-00064-00018272-00018763 rate divided by the difference of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00065-00018491-00019009 piston and rod areas B8To_Z9vHaI-00066-00018763-00019180 what is the retraction speed of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00067-00019009-00019408 piston rod of a cylinder with a bore B8To_Z9vHaI-00068-00019180-00019651 diameter of three inches and a rod B8To_Z9vHaI-00069-00019408-00020008 diameter of one inch when the hydraulic B8To_Z9vHaI-00070-00019651-00020424 pump produces 10 gallons per minute step B8To_Z9vHaI-00071-00020008-00020424 1 calculate the piston area as shown B8To_Z9vHaI-00072-00020859-00021359 step to calculate the rod area as shown B8To_Z9vHaI-00073-00021809-00022350 step 3 calculate the retraction speed as B8To_Z9vHaI-00074-00022142-00022710 shown B8To_Z9vHaI-00075-00022350-00023004 the retraction speed is 367 inches per B8To_Z9vHaI-00076-00022710-00023235 minute now check your knowledge by B8To_Z9vHaI-00077-00023004-00023394 answering these three questions pause B8To_Z9vHaI-00078-00023235-00023685 the video if you need more time to B8To_Z9vHaI-00079-00023394-00023898 answer given that the flow rate of the B8To_Z9vHaI-00080-00023685-00024122 hydraulic fluid from the pump is the B8To_Z9vHaI-00081-00023898-00024392 same B8To_Z9vHaI-00082-00024122-00024640 the piston rod will extend slower than B8To_Z9vHaI-00083-00024392-00024640 it retracts B8To_Z9vHaI-00084-00024706-00025202 the piston rod retracts B8To_Z9vHaI-00085-00024862-00025493 faster than it extends because B8To_Z9vHaI-00086-00025202-00025873 there is less volume of fluid to fill on B8To_Z9vHaI-00087-00025493-00026098 the rod side than on the other side B8To_Z9vHaI-00088-00025873-00026418 the number of cubic inches of hydraulic B8To_Z9vHaI-00089-00026098-00026418 fluid in a one gallon container B8To_Z9vHaI-00090-00026481-00026831 is 231 B8To_Z9vHaI-00091-00026861-00027384 you have completed this video hydraulic B8To_Z9vHaI-00092-00027115-00027384 cylinder speed B8To_Z9vHaI-00093-00027875-00028081 you B979ACa31YU-00000-00000632-00000876 DAMIAN The impact of the recruitment process on employability, B979ACa31YU-00001-00000876-00001394 we know there are problems, always problems with recruitment processes. But really to B979ACa31YU-00002-00001394-00002005 me, an employer has a fairly good idea of what they're looking for. So it's important B979ACa31YU-00003-00002005-00002481 to understand that they have some expectations of graduates. They know they're not going B979ACa31YU-00004-00002481-00002967 to get everything in their graduate. But they have some certain expectations. What we're B979ACa31YU-00005-00002967-00003683 really seeing is that the more that employers are involved in experiential learning programs B979ACa31YU-00006-00003683-00004271 with universities -- and particularly when they opt in to those programs -- they actually B979ACa31YU-00007-00004271-00004754 get a much better feel for the students who then become the graduates. B979ACa31YU-00008-00004754-00005336 And it actually changes their expectations. So they don't expect too much.They expectation B979ACa31YU-00009-00005336-00005931 gap is a real problem, and we know that employers are almost always unhappy with graduates that B979ACa31YU-00010-00005931-00006421 they employ. But the more that they're involved in programs with universities, the more they're B979ACa31YU-00011-00006421-00006785 going to understand the limitations of the graduates and the more they're going to take B979ACa31YU-00012-00006785-00007415 on the process of helping, training, developing those individuals and help them within the B979ACa31YU-00013-00007415-00007545 organisation as well. B979ACa31YU-00014-00007545-00008093 I think the flaws in the process can be dealt with in a lot of different ways. I think the B979ACa31YU-00015-00008093-00008646 diversity of experience, so that point about a well-rounded person, is always going to B979ACa31YU-00016-00008646-00009253 be quite strong. We know that the results they get in university help, but we really B979ACa31YU-00017-00009253-00010092 are looking at the opportunities that an individual has taken up in their short life to date. B979ACa31YU-00018-00010092-00010553 Those types of things - because that actually links in with what we see as entrepreneurial B979ACa31YU-00019-00010553-00011328 leadership. Proactivity, taking risks, seeing opportunities and seizing opportunities, these B979ACa31YU-00020-00011328-00011857 kinds of things. They don't have to be big things, you don't have to run your own IT B979ACa31YU-00021-00011857-00012545 company from the age of 15, but it's how you look at opportunities and you do something B979ACa31YU-00022-00012545-00012746 about them when they arrive. B979ACa31YU-00023-00012746-00013069 CHARLOTTE I think the recruitment process itself can B979ACa31YU-00024-00013069-00013636 be a barrier to a students' employability because you are faced— you are throwing B979ACa31YU-00025-00013636-00014294 students into the unknown, and that's very frightening. Things like going to an interview B979ACa31YU-00026-00014294-00014781 for the first time, some students will never have been in an interview. They won't ever B979ACa31YU-00027-00014781-00015159 had a formal interview, filling in an application form. B979ACa31YU-00028-00015159-00015791 I think the challenge of the recruitment process starts right at the beginning. What do I have B979ACa31YU-00029-00015791-00016432 in my armor of experience that is of relevance, and how do I articulate that to an employer? B979ACa31YU-00030-00016432-00017044 How do I show them that I know what they need, that I got what they need, and I can demonstrate B979ACa31YU-00031-00017044-00017647 where that competence is coming from? Then I think they have to go to an interview, or B979ACa31YU-00032-00017647-00018058 they have to go to an assessment centre. Some of them have never been to an assessment centre B979ACa31YU-00033-00018058-00018614 before, and they're faced with a number of seemingly random and sometimes quite scary B979ACa31YU-00034-00018614-00018862 activities that send them outside their comfort zone. Bq-zK9dwWB0-00000-00000000-00000200 [Forced] BuupLIt33vY-00000-00000000-00000731 CRISPR is a technology for changing the sequence of DNA in cells in a precise BuupLIt33vY-00001-00000731-00001411 fashion to correct mutations that might otherwise cause disease. It's going to BuupLIt33vY-00002-00001411-00002014 enable a lot of science to be done that was impossible to do in the past. BuupLIt33vY-00003-00002014-00002596 So the way the CRISPR technology works is by the action of a protein called cas 9 that BuupLIt33vY-00004-00002596-00003248 functions like a molecular scale for DNA. The CRISPR cas 9 system has an amazing BuupLIt33vY-00005-00003248-00003665 ability to recognize a particular DNA sequence in the cell but maybe not BuupLIt33vY-00006-00003665-00004098 functioning and then disable it by cutting the DNA we call this gene BuupLIt33vY-00007-00004098-00004552 editing and we can use it to disable or repair a mutated part of the gene which BuupLIt33vY-00008-00004552-00005151 may be causing disease. For cas 9 to find a malfunctioning DNA attach it to BuupLIt33vY-00009-00005151-00005627 an RNA sequences that matches the DNA sequence we want to edit, then we put BuupLIt33vY-00010-00005627-00006145 this RNA cas 9 combination into the cell that finds the new DNA and use the chemical BuupLIt33vY-00011-00006146-00006775 reaction to cut the DNA strand right of the spot where it's malfunctioning, after BuupLIt33vY-00012-00006775-00007179 that we can sometimes insert the correct version of the gene for the cell to work BuupLIt33vY-00013-00007179-00007229 properly again BwB2VPIqjGI-00000-00000000-00000200 Now I want to talk about the divisions of BwB2VPIqjGI-00001-00000271-00000848 philosophy. Let's begin with the term philosophy, which is a compound of BwB2VPIqjGI-00002-00000973-00001173 two Greek words BwB2VPIqjGI-00003-00001198-00001398 Filo and Sophia BwB2VPIqjGI-00004-00001521-00001814 Filos means something like BwB2VPIqjGI-00005-00002019-00002219 being a friend BwB2VPIqjGI-00006-00002224-00002823 Or a lover of something and Sophia just means wisdom. BwB2VPIqjGI-00007-00002823-00003143 What philosophy is, BwB2VPIqjGI-00008-00003304-00003545 who philosophers are, are people who are BwB2VPIqjGI-00009-00003586-00004211 friends of the wise or they're people who love wisdom and they try to cultivate wisdom. BwB2VPIqjGI-00010-00004252-00004529 Notice that they are not just BwB2VPIqjGI-00011-00004603-00004995 Sophists, that is they are not people that claim to be wise. BwB2VPIqjGI-00012-00005035-00005664 There's a whole other group of people who say: we are the wise people like the seven sages, BwB2VPIqjGI-00013-00005677-00006347 or the Sophists who say: we've actually got wisdom. Philosophers say: we don't actually have BwB2VPIqjGI-00014-00006451-00006803 Wisdom, we just really like wisdom. In fact, we love wisdom. BwB2VPIqjGI-00015-00006859-00007395 We have a desire for wisdom - even an erotic desire for wisdom. BwB2VPIqjGI-00016-00007438-00007950 It's the most important thing to us. We care about it more than we care about BwB2VPIqjGI-00017-00008065-00008630 riches or power or things like that. We want wisdom instead of those other things. BwB2VPIqjGI-00018-00008697-00009041 We think that wisdom is the key to getting those other things that people BwB2VPIqjGI-00019-00009132-00009332 think to be good. BwB2VPIqjGI-00020-00010102-00010302 We create various divisions of BwB2VPIqjGI-00021-00010375-00011004 philosophy, and essentially what we do is divide them into different kinds of Sciences. Over here I've given you BwB2VPIqjGI-00022-00011074-00011179 Aristotle's BwB2VPIqjGI-00023-00011179-00011552 classical division of philosophy. His major BwB2VPIqjGI-00024-00011614-00012252 division is between, on the one hand, theoretical philosophy and on the other hand practical philosophy. Aristotle BwB2VPIqjGI-00025-00012316-00012602 invented the distinction between theory and practice. BwB2VPIqjGI-00026-00012643-00013280 That distinction had not been made prior to him and he made this distinction and made it a distinction BwB2VPIqjGI-00027-00013309-00013827 within the field of philosophy. Some things are theoretical, other things are practical. BwB2VPIqjGI-00028-00014019-00014352 Theoretical sciences include theology (the study of the Gods), BwB2VPIqjGI-00029-00014397-00014856 mathematics (the study of mathematical entities), natural science (the study of BwB2VPIqjGI-00030-00014922-00015272 natural things). Practical science includes things like ethics, BwB2VPIqjGI-00031-00015379-00015559 economics, and BwB2VPIqjGI-00032-00015559-00015715 politics. BwB2VPIqjGI-00033-00015715-00016389 The definition of these has to do with the ends for the sake of which those sciences are BwB2VPIqjGI-00034-00016459-00016659 pursued. BwB2VPIqjGI-00035-00016687-00017388 Theoretical science needs to be pursued for no other reason than BwB2VPIqjGI-00036-00017461-00017717 that it produces knowledge itself. BwB2VPIqjGI-00037-00017788-00018170 I can want to learn about a God or want to learn about BwB2VPIqjGI-00038-00018187-00018825 natural things and I don't need to be able to do anything practical with that knowledge. That knowledge just is valuable BwB2VPIqjGI-00039-00018865-00019509 to have in and of itself according to Aristotle. Whereas practical sciences are BwB2VPIqjGI-00040-00019558-00020244 undertaken for the sake of doing or BwB2VPIqjGI-00041-00020298-00020498 producing something. BwB2VPIqjGI-00042-00020626-00020919 In the in the case of ethics, BwB2VPIqjGI-00043-00020919-00021425 let's say that the purpose of ethics is learning how to live well or to be happy or to be BwB2VPIqjGI-00044-00021433-00022007 virtuous or to get pleasure or something like that. Well, we don't want to just know about what pleasure is, BwB2VPIqjGI-00045-00022007-00022588 we want to enjoy pleasure. We don't just want to know what happiness is, we actually want to live well. BwB2VPIqjGI-00046-00022695-00023150 And economics again, we don't just want to have a general theory about BwB2VPIqjGI-00047-00023253-00023566 wealth and poverty, we want to have much BwB2VPIqjGI-00048-00023661-00023908 substance, BwB2VPIqjGI-00049-00023973-00024451 have a growing economy, have riches and so forth. And politics, BwB2VPIqjGI-00050-00024451-00025102 we don't want to just have a theory of law and order we actually want to have a well ordered society and so forth. BwB2VPIqjGI-00051-00025176-00025459 Theoretical and practical sciences are undertaken for BwB2VPIqjGI-00052-00025542-00025828 different reasons and so they are different BwB2VPIqjGI-00053-00025913-00026560 kinds of science in his view. Technically, he recognizes another classification of science. BwB2VPIqjGI-00054-00026561-00027352 You might even think of it as a subdivision of practical science or on its own called productive science, and that includes all BwB2VPIqjGI-00055-00027464-00028216 sciences which are undertaken not just for the sake of knowledge itself and not just for the sake of doing something BwB2VPIqjGI-00056-00028216-00028447 but for the sake of producing something. For example, BwB2VPIqjGI-00057-00028512-00028867 Architecture, we learn as a science for the sake of producing BwB2VPIqjGI-00058-00028941-00029078 shelters BwB2VPIqjGI-00059-00029078-00029314 from weather and intruders. BwB2VPIqjGI-00060-00029418-00029918 Medicine is a productive science that we pursue in order to learn how to BwB2VPIqjGI-00061-00030000-00030301 improve health and reduce disease. BwB2VPIqjGI-00062-00030633-00031001 We can have a technical distinction between practical and productive BwB2VPIqjGI-00063-00031026-00031387 Sciences because practical sciences don't necessarily try to produce anything. BwB2VPIqjGI-00064-00031397-00032173 They try to change the way what we do and how we act. Whereas we, in theory, BwB2VPIqjGI-00065-00032174-00032624 have a different classification of things that we make or produce. BwB2VPIqjGI-00066-00032702-00033064 Student Question: "Did Aristotle - did he like theoretical science and practical sciences, BwB2VPIqjGI-00067-00033113-00033658 two different things or is it that practical science is an applied version of theoretical science"? BwB2VPIqjGI-00068-00033711-00033884 They BwB2VPIqjGI-00069-00033884-00034285 interrelate so there are ethics needs for example to BwB2VPIqjGI-00070-00034328-00034687 borrow principles from natural science because for example, BwB2VPIqjGI-00071-00034782-00035357 if we're going to make an argument that what we should be doing as humans is trying to promote virtue or something, BwB2VPIqjGI-00072-00035368-00035716 we need to have a theory about human nature and if we're gonna have a theory about human nature, BwB2VPIqjGI-00073-00035716-00035988 we need to study what humans are as natural BwB2VPIqjGI-00074-00036074-00036388 beings and things like that. They BwB2VPIqjGI-00075-00036440-00036859 Interrelate, but they are different. BwB2VPIqjGI-00076-00036860-00037326 They are totally different. First of all on the basis of their ends.They are not just applied ethics - is not just BwB2VPIqjGI-00077-00037808-00038533 applied theology or something like that. These are actually different domains with different objects and BwB2VPIqjGI-00078-00038653-00039147 so on so they are different on every level. Every BwB2VPIqjGI-00079-00039272-00039924 causal aspect of them is different, but the the most important differences the ends for the sake of which BwB2VPIqjGI-00080-00039980-00040294 the knowledge is valuable is considered valuable. BwB2VPIqjGI-00081-00040891-00041307 Yeah, we would include those in productive science, that would be sort of like architecture. BwB2VPIqjGI-00082-00042244-00042444 Well, for example if we learn BwB2VPIqjGI-00083-00042515-00042729 by studying ethics that BwB2VPIqjGI-00084-00042844-00043308 justice requires repaying our debts then we repay our BwB2VPIqjGI-00085-00043388-00043698 our debt, and if it requires not stealing, then we don't actually take money BwB2VPIqjGI-00086-00043736-00044428 from our roommates purse while they are not looking - things like that. Those are very trivial BwB2VPIqjGI-00087-00044515-00044715 examples, of course, but BwB2VPIqjGI-00088-00044882-00045180 we do try to learn things about BwB2VPIqjGI-00089-00045334-00045711 personal conduct and behavior and how BwB2VPIqjGI-00090-00045803-00046219 managing households and resources and organizing society BwB2VPIqjGI-00091-00046307-00046560 so that we can do things differently and BwB2VPIqjGI-00092-00046628-00046828 ultimately so we can live better. BwB2VPIqjGI-00093-00047320-00047753 Student question: The bridge we do science and medical science is... BwB2VPIqjGI-00094-00048211-00048933 There are different kinds of judgments made according to Aristotle in theoretical science and practical BwB2VPIqjGI-00095-00048964-00049580 science and there are different standards of accuracy and precision that are required. In mathematics you have BwB2VPIqjGI-00096-00049642-00049842 extremely precise BwB2VPIqjGI-00097-00049849-00050369 requirements. And we would expect a precise demonstration of a mathematical proof. BwB2VPIqjGI-00098-00050392-00050790 Whereas in ethics when we're talking about how a human should behave in a given situation, BwB2VPIqjGI-00099-00050836-00051174 we cannot give something like a strict mathematical proof. BwB2VPIqjGI-00100-00051184-00051776 We still make judgments such as a good thing or a bad thing should be pursued or should be BwB2VPIqjGI-00101-00051820-00052458 fled, but we have different standards for how that's proven. What kind of evidence is brought to bear on it and so on. BwB2VPIqjGI-00102-00052591-00052866 We can get into details about that later. BwB2VPIqjGI-00103-00053191-00053711 But that Division I'II give you as a kind of classical division of philosophy BwB2VPIqjGI-00104-00053712-00054266 but it's not the standard one that Hellenistic philosophers received. They have a kind of simplified scheme BwB2VPIqjGI-00105-00054340-00054540 where BwB2VPIqjGI-00106-00054591-00054791 Philosophy is divided into three parts: BwB2VPIqjGI-00107-00055104-00055701 logic, physics and ethics. In Greek, the relevant terms are logos, physics and BwB2VPIqjGI-00108-00055810-00055936 ethos. BwB2VPIqjGI-00109-00055936-00056220 Let's start with logic. BwB2VPIqjGI-00110-00056296-00057041 The Greek word logos literally means reason, but it also means things like word, argument, BwB2VPIqjGI-00111-00057157-00057316 ratio, BwB2VPIqjGI-00112-00057316-00057457 formula, BwB2VPIqjGI-00113-00057457-00058193 speech. It means a lot of different things and the field of logic in a way relates to all of these. The easiest way BwB2VPIqjGI-00114-00058194-00058545 to summarize it is that logic has to do with how we reason, BwB2VPIqjGI-00115-00058669-00059391 including how we use language and how all of our different uses of language relate to BwB2VPIqjGI-00116-00059458-00059843 reasoning. How we get definitions and so forth, how we make inferences. BwB2VPIqjGI-00117-00060039-00060239 What we would call philosophy of language, BwB2VPIqjGI-00118-00060304-00060475 linguistics, semantics, syntax. BwB2VPIqjGI-00119-00060475-00061256 All of this is included within the ancient concept of logic. How we make proofs, what standards we have in different BwB2VPIqjGI-00120-00061279-00061856 sciences. As I just said, we have different standards in theoretical sciences than we do in practical sciences. BwB2VPIqjGI-00121-00061856-00062111 That's a logical matter according to the ancient BwB2VPIqjGI-00122-00062220-00062474 classification. What the relationship is between BwB2VPIqjGI-00123-00062587-00062966 sensation, perception, experience, BwB2VPIqjGI-00124-00063166-00063857 arts, crafts, techniques, sciences, wisdom, insights intuition BwB2VPIqjGI-00125-00064038-00064556 Wisdom, and so forth. Also dialectical methods, BwB2VPIqjGI-00126-00064758-00064920 rhetorical methods, BwB2VPIqjGI-00127-00064920-00065058 criticism, BwB2VPIqjGI-00128-00065058-00065390 poetics. All of this can be encompassed under BwB2VPIqjGI-00129-00065500-00065637 ancient BwB2VPIqjGI-00130-00065637-00065808 logic. BwB2VPIqjGI-00131-00065968-00066383 The second division - physics in Greek the word is business. BwB2VPIqjGI-00132-00066493-00066719 Do we have any physics majors here? BwB2VPIqjGI-00133-00066967-00067380 Good, we don't have to worry about any of those kind of people BwB2VPIqjGI-00134-00067675-00067863 because I always trick BwB2VPIqjGI-00135-00067863-00068519 Physicists. Find somebody, you know who's a physicist and ask them. What does the word physics mean? BwB2VPIqjGI-00136-00068605-00068945 I have never found a physics major, at this great BwB2VPIqjGI-00137-00069016-00069446 University, that can answer that question. The answer is that it means nature. BwB2VPIqjGI-00138-00069511-00069711 What physics is about is BwB2VPIqjGI-00139-00069754-00069870 nature. BwB2VPIqjGI-00140-00069870-00070070 First of all, what is BwB2VPIqjGI-00141-00070158-00070361 nature in general? But BwB2VPIqjGI-00142-00070474-00071037 before trying to give a definition of that it includes an examination of for example matter, BwB2VPIqjGI-00143-00071175-00071618 space, time, elements or atoms, motion. BwB2VPIqjGI-00144-00072022-00072680 The nature of the cosmos. Is an infinite or finite? If it's finite then what shape does it have? BwB2VPIqjGI-00145-00072736-00072977 What shape does the earth have? BwB2VPIqjGI-00146-00073071-00073411 The nature of the stars, the Sun, and the moon. Meteorological BwB2VPIqjGI-00147-00073584-00073784 things like BwB2VPIqjGI-00148-00073851-00074224 rainfall, clouds, winds, earthquakes, volcanoes, BwB2VPIqjGI-00149-00074460-00074660 plants and animals BwB2VPIqjGI-00150-00074787-00075395 And, of course, humans in a way are natural things since, humans are animals. BwB2VPIqjGI-00151-00075429-00075923 Humans are even kinds of plants. So humans are natural things in a way. BwB2VPIqjGI-00152-00075984-00076225 For most of the hellenistic schools the Gods are also treated under physics BwB2VPIqjGI-00153-00076392-00077084 because the Gods are considered to be natural entities, not some kind of supernatural BwB2VPIqjGI-00154-00077220-00077412 entity. BwB2VPIqjGI-00155-00077412-00077846 Physics deals with all of those kinds. BwB2VPIqjGI-00156-00078054-00078254 All of those kinds of topics. BwB2VPIqjGI-00157-00078279-00078479 The last topic - BwB2VPIqjGI-00158-00078495-00078914 ethics. Greek word is ethos, which means something like BwB2VPIqjGI-00159-00079005-00079146 character BwB2VPIqjGI-00160-00079146-00079946 And it's related to a term that means habit. And ethics really has to do with your personal character and your personal BwB2VPIqjGI-00161-00079980-00080366 habits, but it's in general a theory of personal conduct, BwB2VPIqjGI-00162-00080475-00080684 virtues and excellences like BwB2VPIqjGI-00163-00080859-00081589 temperance, self-control, courage, wisdom, piety. I think I'm missing a couple. BwB2VPIqjGI-00164-00081915-00082618 But also things like how you relate to your family, how you manage a household, how you manage BwB2VPIqjGI-00165-00082650-00082901 resources in general like BwB2VPIqjGI-00166-00082953-00083085 economics, BwB2VPIqjGI-00167-00083085-00083241 leadership, BwB2VPIqjGI-00168-00083241-00083418 politics, BwB2VPIqjGI-00169-00083418-00083860 constitutional constitution building and framing, legislation, BwB2VPIqjGI-00170-00084021-00084221 Judicial, BwB2VPIqjGI-00171-00084345-00084545 Judicial judgment, BwB2VPIqjGI-00172-00084564-00084809 and in general - happiness, prosperity and success. Trying BwB2VPIqjGI-00173-00084960-00085661 to come up with the theory about what those things are and how we can attain them. BwB2VPIqjGI-00174-00085683-00086001 What the purpose of human life is. What the meaning of BwB2VPIqjGI-00175-00086030-00086658 living is. Why we should go, first of all whether we should, go on trying to live and then if so, why? BwB2VPIqjGI-00176-00086843-00087169 Those kind of questions. All of the BwB2VPIqjGI-00177-00087260-00087777 schools of holistic philosophy have views in each of these domains and a Hellenistic BwB2VPIqjGI-00178-00087850-00088050 philosophical school is an BwB2VPIqjGI-00179-00088150-00088602 institution that has got well developed theories in each one of these BwB2VPIqjGI-00180-00088667-00088864 domains. BwB2VPIqjGI-00181-00088864-00089550 Any questions about that generally before I start giving an overview of what their positions are in each of these domains? BwB2VPIqjGI-00182-00090163-00090276 Student Question: Ethics basically BwB2VPIqjGI-00183-00090276-00090963 but again as in the case of the interpenetration of theoretical and practical science for Aristotle, BwB2VPIqjGI-00184-00090968-00091338 there is a logical aspect of ethics in BwB2VPIqjGI-00185-00091448-00091831 emotion and there's also, by the way, a physical BwB2VPIqjGI-00186-00091913-00092373 aspect of emotion. Suppose I was to define anger as BwB2VPIqjGI-00187-00092462-00092788 boiling of blood in the region of the heart as BwB2VPIqjGI-00188-00092816-00093543 Aristotle does or as firing of c4 or fibers in some hemisphere of the brain as we might do now. BwB2VPIqjGI-00189-00093581-00093888 That would be like a physical definition of BwB2VPIqjGI-00190-00093943-00094500 anger - a very reductionist or a limited one, but there is a physical component to BwB2VPIqjGI-00191-00094552-00094655 to BwB2VPIqjGI-00192-00094655-00095265 anger.And this is clear because it affects our bodies and you might turn red and it might make your heart race and things BwB2VPIqjGI-00193-00095266-00095773 like that, so there's a physical aspect to it. But there's also a kind of cognitive aspect to it. BwB2VPIqjGI-00194-00095773-00096057 Suppose we define anger as a BwB2VPIqjGI-00195-00096133-00096333 burning desire to BwB2VPIqjGI-00196-00096388-00096660 repay pain for a perceived slight BwB2VPIqjGI-00197-00096718-00097260 or something like that. That also happens to be Aristotle's other definition of anger. BwB2VPIqjGI-00198-00097261-00097956 Well, that's a kind of cognitive logical definition of anger of a sort of thought process that BwB2VPIqjGI-00199-00098008-00098208 corresponds to being BwB2VPIqjGI-00200-00098249-00098713 angry and it's a definition. What is a definition and what BwB2VPIqjGI-00201-00098731-00099214 is the standards of definition and how do we come up with those? And why isn't the physical definition BwB2VPIqjGI-00202-00099272-00099523 enough. Why do we also need this cognitive BwB2VPIqjGI-00203-00099596-00099891 definition? Can we get rid of the cognitive definition and just BwB2VPIqjGI-00204-00099929-00100300 focus on the physical part and maybe we can get rid of the physical part and that's really irrelevant, BwB2VPIqjGI-00205-00100300-00100975 we focus on the cognitive part. This is not meant to say that these are isolated BwB2VPIqjGI-00206-00101083-00101340 fears. In fact, they all constantly BwB2VPIqjGI-00207-00101408-00101658 interpenetrate into one thing and the BwB2VPIqjGI-00208-00101741-00101873 Stoics BwB2VPIqjGI-00209-00101873-00102280 have a bunch of metaphors to describe how this works. They say things like: BwB2VPIqjGI-00210-00102907-00103461 logic is the stone walls around a garden and physics are the BwB2VPIqjGI-00211-00103538-00104281 plants and the trees that are growing within it and ethics or the fruits on those trees or again. They say that BwB2VPIqjGI-00212-00104393-00105099 logic are the bones and sinews of the animal while physics is the overall BwB2VPIqjGI-00213-00105248-00105606 operation of these parts and ethics is the soul of it. BwB2VPIqjGI-00214-00105656-00106156 And another one that I can't quite figure out why they say this. They compare it to an egg BwB2VPIqjGI-00215-00106156-00106731 where logic is the outer shell of the egg and physics is the white part of it and BwB2VPIqjGI-00216-00106810-00107232 ethics is the yolk. You could do that for a research paper trying to figure out what the hell BwB2VPIqjGI-00217-00107492-00107790 the point of these is that they all BwB2VPIqjGI-00218-00107894-00108636 interrelate. But there is a question as to what order they should be studied in and there's a big debate as it were a meta BwB2VPIqjGI-00219-00108683-00108863 philosophical debate about BwB2VPIqjGI-00220-00108863-00109560 which one should we study first? Some people think we should study logic first because if the people can't BwB2VPIqjGI-00221-00109613-00110121 reason and understand what definitions are and so forth, they're not going to be able to learn anything else about philosophy. BwB2VPIqjGI-00222-00110311-00110361 Physics oriented people will say we need to study physics first because if we don't know what reality is then we wouldn't be BwB2VPIqjGI-00223-00110878-00111078 able to figure out how we can reason about it. BwB2VPIqjGI-00224-00111125-00111459 And then other people say: no, you're going to need to have ethics first because if these people don't have ethics BwB2VPIqjGI-00225-00111469-00112000 you shouldn't even let them out of the classroom onto the street.How do you know BwB2VPIqjGI-00226-00112000-00112200 they're not going to be bad people. BwB2VPIqjGI-00227-00112202-00112887 There's different positions on how those should be studied. And in what order and what is necessary BwB2VPIqjGI-00228-00112925-00113493 to understand the other things and there were developed pedagogy's that attempted to present BwB2VPIqjGI-00229-00113579-00114033 the schools in various ways. The Stoics had defenders of all BwB2VPIqjGI-00230-00114104-00114259 three, BwB2VPIqjGI-00231-00114259-00114499 all permutations of what order they should be BwB2VPIqjGI-00232-00114575-00114775 studied in. Student question. BwB2VPIqjGI-00233-00115009-00115273 Well, it technically means character or BwB2VPIqjGI-00234-00115333-00115707 habit really. It's a sort of habit that you BwB2VPIqjGI-00235-00115730-00116383 have and really what we're concerned with in ethics is: do you have habits like you're a self control person or you're BwB2VPIqjGI-00236-00116383-00116892 a courageous person or are you an indulgent person or a cowardly BwB2VPIqjGI-00237-00116972-00117128 person? BwB2VPIqjGI-00238-00117128-00117339 Those kind of things. Student question. BwB2VPIqjGI-00239-00117722-00118074 All the schools have proponents of all three. I mean BwB2VPIqjGI-00240-00118075-00118543 these are just - you need to have some position on each of those to be a school BwB2VPIqjGI-00241-00118543-00119274 really. You need some concept of reality, some idea about how we reason about it and then some views about BwB2VPIqjGI-00242-00119318-00119550 the end for BwB2VPIqjGI-00243-00119672-00119813 humans. BwB2VPIqjGI-00244-00119813-00120352 It's just that with the Epicureans - the view laid out by the founder of the school BwB2VPIqjGI-00245-00120365-00120955 Epicurus - was not really modified. They thought yes, that's the order that it should be studied in essentially. BwB2VPIqjGI-00246-00121007-00121207 Logic, physics and ethics BwB2VPIqjGI-00247-00121403-00121833 but they have a totally different pedagogical theory about how people learn and how BwB2VPIqjGI-00248-00121907-00122463 instruction works and what kinds of text should be written to support that. Really they have a totally different BwB2VPIqjGI-00249-00122519-00122833 view about education and that's why BwB2VPIqjGI-00250-00122915-00123426 theres still a lot of developments within the school, but they don't - BwB2VPIqjGI-00251-00123479-00123777 there aren't - internal disputes about the order. BwB2VPIqjGI-00252-00123778-00124405 Card-carrying Stoics will have honest-to-goodness disputes about which of these should be studied and in what BwB2VPIqjGI-00253-00124509-00124828 order. The difference between logic and physics BwB2VPIqjGI-00254-00124828-00125433 I know this is much later, but it's kind of like the difference between the rationalists and the empiricists. BwB2VPIqjGI-00255-00125471-00126084 No, the difference is that one studies reason and the other studies nature and those are totally different things. BwB2VPIqjGI-00256-00126257-00126457 They're just different objects. BwB2VPIqjGI-00257-00126752-00126947 Student - Cuz I thought that was BwB2VPIqjGI-00258-00126947-00126997 kind of similar to that. BwB2VPIqjGI-00259-00126997-00127070 No, I mean first of all, these are BwB2VPIqjGI-00260-00127070-00127728 anachronistic terms rationalists and puritists. These are terms of early modern BwB2VPIqjGI-00261-00127783-00128235 Philosophy, which we can relate to these ancient philosophical schools, but they're much later developments. BwB2VPIqjGI-00262-00128235-00128760 But both rationalism empiricism in the ancient sense would be theories of logics.There are theories about how we come to BwB2VPIqjGI-00263-00128760-00129550 know things. Empiricism, we come to know things only through our sensations and perceptions of them. BwB2VPIqjGI-00264-00129623-00129823 Rationalism we come to know them through BwB2VPIqjGI-00265-00129916-00130284 modules and processes in our own minds. BwB2VPIqjGI-00266-00130284-00131046 Those are logical theories in the ancient sense. Therefore there are alternative and competing theories of logic. Student talking. BwB2VPIqjGI-00267-00131440-00132084 Different philosophers have different definitions of wisdom. Aristotle's definition is that it's a combination of BwB2VPIqjGI-00268-00132142-00132342 scientific knowledge and BwB2VPIqjGI-00269-00132355-00132555 intellect or insight. BwB2VPIqjGI-00270-00132677-00132921 But we're going to be looking at a lot of different BwB2VPIqjGI-00271-00133049-00133249 definitions of it. Student question. BwB2VPIqjGI-00272-00134075-00134338 Does who agree? Hellenistic philosophers? BwB2VPIqjGI-00273-00134483-00135255 The way the question is put is a bit awkward because I mean everybody thinks it's useful. BwB2VPIqjGI-00274-00135446-00135792 In fact they all basically think it's an end. BwB2VPIqjGI-00275-00135797-00136336 It's the reason you should do all other things BwB2VPIqjGI-00276-00136448-00136809 so in most of these views, in the stoic view, for example BwB2VPIqjGI-00277-00136862-00136973 it's BwB2VPIqjGI-00278-00136973-00137111 coextensive with BwB2VPIqjGI-00279-00137111-00137391 happiness itself. What it means to be BwB2VPIqjGI-00280-00137447-00137770 prosperous, happy or success is to be wise - BwB2VPIqjGI-00281-00137828-00138106 period and the only people that are happy, BwB2VPIqjGI-00282-00138209-00138817 successful and prosperous are the wise and everybody else is miserable and BwB2VPIqjGI-00283-00138845-00139125 horrible and stupid and so forth. BwB2VPIqjGI-00284-00139193-00139851 Now there's other less stringent views and not like ones where it's actually possible to be BwB2VPIqjGI-00285-00139892-00140478 relatively wise and or to be wise in some respects and not in others, but BwB2VPIqjGI-00286-00140681-00141031 maybe the one thing that philosophers tend to agree on is that: BwB2VPIqjGI-00287-00141113-00141870 yes wisdom is a good thing and it's an end. They have total disagreements on what wisdom is, However. BwB2VPIqjGI-00288-00141923-00142537 That's relief in a way. That's something we're going to be exploring in all the texts throughout the class BwB2VPIqjGI-00289-00142537-00142737 so it would not be easy to give a BwB2VPIqjGI-00290-00142781-00143016 brief answer to that. Student talking. BwB2VPIqjGI-00291-00143705-00143970 For the Stoics there cannot possibly be any BwB2VPIqjGI-00292-00144026-00144718 contradictions, they have a systemic philosophy. It's all interlocking - every part of it has to be true. BwB2VPIqjGI-00293-00144812-00145458 If any one part turns out not to work then the whole system falls apart. BwB2VPIqjGI-00294-00145541-00145785 And in general any given school BwB2VPIqjGI-00295-00145850-00146058 needs a consistent theory BwB2VPIqjGI-00296-00146144-00146344 with all three since they BwB2VPIqjGI-00297-00146423-00146830 interpenetrate and interoperate as I said. If BwB2VPIqjGI-00298-00146894-00147621 somebody modifies a view for example in logic or physics then that would probably BwB2VPIqjGI-00299-00147665-00147882 necessitate modifications in any other areas. BwB2VPIqjGI-00300-00147959-00148159 Like BwB2VPIqjGI-00301-00148178-00148473 a development within stoicism that say - s BwB2VPIqjGI-00302-00148511-00149167 early Stoics say there aren't parts of the souls within the parts of souls. The soul is a unity. And BwB2VPIqjGI-00303-00149345-00149515 some later Stoic said: no BwB2VPIqjGI-00304-00149515-00149898 there's actually an irrational and rational part of the soul and these parts are BwB2VPIqjGI-00305-00149939-00150324 different. That requires developing different theories about BwB2VPIqjGI-00306-00150398-00151102 logic and ethics and adult theory of emotions actually, but within any school it has to be BwB2VPIqjGI-00307-00151172-00151831 consistent. If your logic wasn't consistent with your physics then you don't have a school, you don't have a coherent BwB2VPIqjGI-00308-00151886-00152119 philosophy. Coherence is the first BwB2VPIqjGI-00309-00152201-00152401 most important thing. Bxb9D517wck-00000-00000270-00000382 Curious about me? Bxb9D517wck-00001-00000382-00000754 Is it your first time speaking to a lady with lovely voice? Bxb9D517wck-00002-00000910-00001266 Sis, what you do think about a person who forces others to eat something they can't eat? Bxb9D517wck-00003-00001266-00001954 My ex boyfriend really liked eating sushi Bxb9D517wck-00004-00001954-00002242 but I did not sushi with him because eating sushi makes me really sick Bxb9D517wck-00005-00002244-00002598 He told me that everything is going to be fine if I start eating sushi and others... Is he talking nonsense? Bxb9D517wck-00006-00002598-00002778 Absoutely! Bxb9D517wck-00007-00003122-00003547 Think! Why is he asking me out to eat sushi when i can't have a single bite? Bxb9D517wck-00008-00003547-00003814 Isn't he some kind of a weirdo? Bxb9D517wck-00009-00003814-00004250 He is surely inconsiderate about your condition... He's insisting that he should eat something he likes Bxb9D517wck-00010-00004434-00004788 People like this dude do not go out for a meal if he can't have the meal Bxb9D517wck-00011-00004788-00005056 saying "I can't eat this..." Bxb9D517wck-00012-00005182-00005520 These people are a bit egocentric in some sense Bxb9D517wck-00013-00005850-00006126 They don't care about others enough Bxb9D517wck-00014-00006126-00006396 How can they act like that... when this is about eating experience... Bxb9D517wck-00015-00006470-00006728 They go out to eat something which the opponent can't enjoy Bxb9D517wck-00016-00006728-00007078 and that person fully enjoys the meal... Isn't this an inconsiderate thing? Bxb9D517wck-00017-00007078-00007420 What? Is he suggesting his partner to just stare at the meal? Bxb9D517wck-00018-00007481-00007950 He even told me that it's not fun to go out for a meal with me Bxb9D517wck-00019-00008030-00008130 You should have said Bxb9D517wck-00020-00008130-00008334 You are inconsiderate of me! Bxb9D517wck-00021-00008416-00008744 You don't care for food at all! Bxb9D517wck-00022-00008936-00009220 You should go out to eat sushi with a person who likes sushi Bxb9D517wck-00023-00009220-00009618 and you should go out to meat meat with a person who likes meat BzsvKKrnc3u-00000-00000000-00000200 Lotus biscuits. BzXNIp5yQNk-00000-00000013-00000573 This is a LibriVox recording it has been edited compiled and distributed by Audible Anarchist BzXNIp5yQNk-00001-00000907-00001302 Anarchists demand strike to end war from the New York Times BzXNIp5yQNk-00002-00001380-00001580 dated May 19 BzXNIp5yQNk-00003-00001620-00001750 1917 BzXNIp5yQNk-00004-00001750-00001936 recorded for BzXNIp5yQNk-00005-00001936-00002136 by Liane Howlett BzXNIp5yQNk-00006-00002308-00003050 Anarchists demands strike to end war! Great gathering of IWW and other agitators rails against selective draft BzXNIp5yQNk-00007-00003154-00003346 Germans in the audience. BzXNIp5yQNk-00008-00003346-00003929 Emma Goldman urges workers to follow Russia's lead, police take notes, but make no arrests BzXNIp5yQNk-00009-00004057-00004454 The Harlem River casino at one 26th Street and 2nd Avenue BzXNIp5yQNk-00010-00004498-00004829 Was the scene last night of a wild anti conscription BzXNIp5yQNk-00011-00004855-00005525 demonstration in the course of which the government of the United States was denounced and referred to as a tool of the capitalist classes. BzXNIp5yQNk-00012-00005614-00006116 Young men liable to military service under the Selective draft Act were urged to defy the BzXNIp5yQNk-00013-00006123-00006404 government and refuse to serve if called to the colors a BzXNIp5yQNk-00014-00006454-00006716 general strike on the part of all working people as a BzXNIp5yQNk-00015-00006727-00007223 protest against the entry of the country into the European war and a nationwide campaign to BzXNIp5yQNk-00016-00007236-00007628 frustrate the efforts of the government to raise armies for the defense of the country's rights BzXNIp5yQNk-00017-00007650-00008226 would be among the things the future has in store for the country if those who packed the casino had their way.A BzXNIp5yQNk-00018-00008278-00008886 appeal to the working men to follow the example of the Russians and form a working men's committee to run the country was also urged BzXNIp5yQNk-00019-00008886-00009007 the BzXNIp5yQNk-00020-00009007-00009698 Meeting was addressed by anarchists, IWW agitators, and persons who styled themselves socialists, Emma BzXNIp5yQNk-00021-00009699-00009895 Goldman was one of them. BzXNIp5yQNk-00022-00009895-00010461 Alexander Berkman who served a term in the penitentiary for attempting to assassinate Henry C Frick was another BzXNIp5yQNk-00023-00010539-00010970 Leonard D. Abbott, well-known as an IWW sympathizer was another BzXNIp5yQNk-00024-00011032-00011450 Harry Weissberger who says no power on earth can make him fight was another BzXNIp5yQNk-00025-00011524-00012324 Also present and among the talkers was Leonor O'Reilly while among those listed but who did not speak was Carlo Tresca the Italian BzXNIp5yQNk-00026-00012364-00012575 IWW leader and Jacob Pankan. BzXNIp5yQNk-00027-00012724-00013224 Outside the building and inside were about 100 policemen who had been instructed to preserve order BzXNIp5yQNk-00028-00013261-00013701 They made no arrests, although rumors flew about the hall that an arrest was impending BzXNIp5yQNk-00029-00013753-00013953 Especially while Emma Goldman was talking BzXNIp5yQNk-00030-00013993-00014124 She was the one who predicted BzXNIp5yQNk-00031-00014124-00014784 a nationwide strike to embarrass the government and denounced the authorities in Washington as being on a par with the old powers in Russia BzXNIp5yQNk-00032-00014847-00015494 She begged the audience to make no hostile demonstration. Should anybody try to create disorder by "waving the American flag" BzXNIp5yQNk-00033-00015613-00016107 To police stenographers sitting in the gallery took down every word set by the speakers BzXNIp5yQNk-00034-00016138-00016332 These notes will be gone over today BzXNIp5yQNk-00035-00016332-00016607 And if a digest of the speeches seems to warrant it BzXNIp5yQNk-00036-00016639-00017133 action against the speakers may be taken either by the police or by the federal authorities. As BzXNIp5yQNk-00037-00017191-00017802 each person entered the hall he or she was presented with two circulars in one captioned BzXNIp5yQNk-00038-00017802-00018302 "No conscription" the "No Conscription League" of twenty East 125th Street BzXNIp5yQNk-00039-00018343-00018635 Exhorted young men to resist the enforcement of the Selective draft BzXNIp5yQNk-00040-00018730-00019173 the other was an appeal to the workers of the country to follow the example of Russia and BzXNIp5yQNk-00041-00019183-00019730 Form a Council of workers to act with the Council of workmen's and soldiers delegates of Russia against the war BzXNIp5yQNk-00042-00019798-00020426 According to the public announcement of Emma Goldman. The meeting was not financed by German money. "The Kaiser" BzXNIp5yQNk-00043-00020427-00020685 She shouted "has not put up a cent for the cause" BzXNIp5yQNk-00044-00020779-00021359 However, there were many Germans in the audience an interested onlooker was former coroner Gustav Scholer BzXNIp5yQNk-00045-00021418-00022065 Dr. Scholer had a seat in the wings of the stage out of the view of the audience when Elihu Root's name as head of BzXNIp5yQNk-00046-00022065-00022317 The American Commission to Russia was mentioned by Emma Goldman BzXNIp5yQNk-00047-00022369-00022569 Hisses came from every part of the hall BzXNIp5yQNk-00048-00022615-00023283 Weissberger who talked first spoke until he became so hoarse. He had to quit after him came Louis Frana, BzXNIp5yQNk-00049-00023335-00023601 introduced as a socialist of nationwide prominence BzXNIp5yQNk-00050-00023626-00024158 He said the motto of all the people should from this on be "They shall not conscript." BzXNIp5yQNk-00051-00024220-00024986 He referred to the Wilson administration as the government of the classes which is introducing into this country a system of government which among other things BzXNIp5yQNk-00052-00025051-00025382 seeks to destroy individual liberty and expression of thought. BzXNIp5yQNk-00053-00025480-00025698 Frana said the war was not a war for democracy BzXNIp5yQNk-00054-00025738-00026171 But a war to protect the war profits of the ruling classes; as he spoke BzXNIp5yQNk-00055-00026172-00026757 Somebody shouted that "it was a dastardly lie" to say that the United States went to war to save democracy BzXNIp5yQNk-00056-00026818-00027135 Whereupon everybody. It seemed shouted his or her approval BzXNIp5yQNk-00057-00027262-00027812 The document circulated among those in the audience calling for a workman's council in America in part read BzXNIp5yQNk-00058-00027963-00028546 "Fellow workers of the United States, why don't you do the same thing here that your brother workers are doing in Russia? BzXNIp5yQNk-00059-00028605-00029210 Why shouldn't the same wonderful and heartening things that have been happening in Russia began to happen right here? BzXNIp5yQNk-00060-00029210-00029860 Are we workers of America going to let the workers and soldiers of Russia do the only wonderful and heartening things that are being done BzXNIp5yQNk-00061-00029961-00030299 President Wilson has said that America stands supremely for peace and BzXNIp5yQNk-00062-00030333-00030847 Yet today the only place in Christendom where a single step is being taken toward peace is Russia BzXNIp5yQNk-00063-00030918-00031447 War has come to a standstill in Russia. The Russian workers are seeking for peace in this world BzXNIp5yQNk-00064-00031599-00031829 Workers of America, what are you going to do? BzXNIp5yQNk-00065-00031829-00032389 It isn't enough for you to refuse to fight to resist conscription to denounce the government BzXNIp5yQNk-00066-00032424-00032785 It is the business of American workers to do what their Russian brothers have done BzXNIp5yQNk-00067-00032820-00033325 The only enemy's American workers have are in America are the men who have taken the land BzXNIp5yQNk-00068-00033344-00033901 Who are taking enormous profits from their toil and who have them imprisoned or shot when they rebel as BzXNIp5yQNk-00069-00033921-00034228 has been done in West Virginia in Colorado in BzXNIp5yQNk-00070-00034284-00034416 California in BzXNIp5yQNk-00071-00034416-00034864 Massachusetts and a thousand places where the workers have rebelled against slavery and injustice BzXNIp5yQNk-00072-00034983-00035728 Let the workers of the united states at once follow the heartening example of their russian brothers and former nationwide council of workers BzXNIp5yQNk-00073-00035766-00036133 Which shall work hand in hand with the Council of workmen and soldiers in Russia BzXNIp5yQNk-00074-00036183-00036503 against a war that cripples or kills millions of working people and BzXNIp5yQNk-00075-00036537-00037138 Enriches a few capitalists and inaugurate here as in Russia the reign of freedom justice and peace." BzXNIp5yQNk-00076-00037215-00037717 The purposes of the no conscription league were set forth in its circular in part as follows BzXNIp5yQNk-00077-00037797-00038101 "We oppose conscription because we are internationalists BzXNIp5yQNk-00078-00038163-00038557 anti-militarists-- and opposed to all wars waged by capitalistic governments! BzXNIp5yQNk-00079-00038577-00039097 We will fight for what we choose to fight for we will never fight simply because we were ordered to fight BzXNIp5yQNk-00080-00039177-00039934 we believe that the militarization of America is an evil that far outweighs in its antisocial and anti libertarian effects any BzXNIp5yQNk-00081-00039959-00040249 Good that may come from America's participation in the war BzXNIp5yQNk-00082-00040314-00040996 We will resist conscription by every means in our power and we will sustain those who for similar reason refused to be conscripted. BzXNIp5yQNk-00083-00041127-00041599 Resist conscription! organize meetings join our league send us money. BzXNIp5yQNk-00084-00041631-00041942 Help us to give assistance to those who come in conflict with the government BzXNIp5yQNk-00085-00042000-00042383 Help us to publish literature against militarism and against conscription." BzXNIp5yQNk-00086-00042543-00043045 Other meetings similar to that of last night will be held in other parts of the city shortly. It was announced BzXNIp5yQNk-00087-00043317-00043655 End of article. This recording is in the public domain BzXNIp5yQNk-00088-00044370-00044962 This has been a LibriVox recording it was edited compiled and distributed by Audible Anarchist B_KDsOlPgl4-00000-00000000-00000487 Male Speaker: Pass the gavel to Howard to lead the panel B_KDsOlPgl4-00001-00000487-00000878 discussion as the moderator. B_KDsOlPgl4-00002-00000878-00001090 Howard McLeod: Thank you, Dan. B_KDsOlPgl4-00003-00001090-00001534 Brandy, did you receive the slide? B_KDsOlPgl4-00004-00001534-00001905 Female Speaker: I do, and I'm loading them right now. B_KDsOlPgl4-00005-00001905-00002005 Howard McLeod: Thank you very much. B_KDsOlPgl4-00006-00002005-00002473 So I was asked to be the summarizer, but really it's not so much summarizer as it is stimulating B_KDsOlPgl4-00007-00002473-00002586 some discussion. B_KDsOlPgl4-00008-00002586-00002847 And I was given one slide. B_KDsOlPgl4-00009-00002847-00003596 And so I think that the quote from the famed American philosopher Mary Violet Relling is B_KDsOlPgl4-00010-00003596-00004098 really important, that you can't manipulate them if you don't know how it works. B_KDsOlPgl4-00011-00004098-00004667 And part of this is that I'm not sure we're discovering the right context. B_KDsOlPgl4-00012-00004667-00005192 And by looking at pharmacogenomic implementation from the way it's been done traditionally, B_KDsOlPgl4-00013-00005192-00005907 we're really looking at endpoints that offer the exact ones needed for implementation, B_KDsOlPgl4-00014-00005907-00006232 and we're not necessarily involving the right people in that effort. B_KDsOlPgl4-00015-00006232-00006745 And so I think there's an opportunity in eMERGE to really overcome some of this because the B_KDsOlPgl4-00016-00006745-00007575 discovery will be happening in the context of routine practice, not within the unusual B_KDsOlPgl4-00017-00007575-00007850 situation of a clinical trial. B_KDsOlPgl4-00018-00007850-00008422 And especially in the oncology area, we know that the patients who are able to go on trials B_KDsOlPgl4-00019-00008422-00008925 are the rare, unusual patients, not the normal patients. B_KDsOlPgl4-00020-00008925-00009679 I think that the randomized trial versus the organically randomized data from the clinic B_KDsOlPgl4-00021-00009679-00010242 is certainly an important element, eMERGE has opportunity there, but I really worry B_KDsOlPgl4-00022-00010242-00010916 that -- and we can get the necessary sample sizes as Dan alluded, Dan Roden alluded, but B_KDsOlPgl4-00023-00010916-00011472 I'm not sure that we have the right methods for really optimizing data from the electronic B_KDsOlPgl4-00024-00011472-00012145 health record, and I don't mean the methods for extracting the data or deriving phenotypes, B_KDsOlPgl4-00025-00012145-00012555 but from a study design standpoint, yeah, this is a pretty nascent area and it needs B_KDsOlPgl4-00026-00012555-00012664 some focus. B_KDsOlPgl4-00027-00012664-00013383 Last thing, there's not a lot of evidence, so we can do interactive interventions into B_KDsOlPgl4-00028-00013383-00013531 the electronic health record. B_KDsOlPgl4-00029-00013531-00014037 Now, Vanderbilt's done a little bit of that, but there's still a lot to be learned about B_KDsOlPgl4-00030-00014037-00014827 how do we take the eMERGE-like setting and turn it into an implementation science setting B_KDsOlPgl4-00031-00014827-00015040 in its fullness. B_KDsOlPgl4-00032-00015040-00015750 And then lastly something from Dan Masys is guidance for best evidence-based therapy selection B_KDsOlPgl4-00033-00015750-00016076 is the sweet spot for pharmacogenomics. B_KDsOlPgl4-00034-00016076-00016795 It's something that can be done with these infrastructures, such as [unintelligible] B_KDsOlPgl4-00035-00016795-00017390 or eMERGE, but there's still a lot of work to be done to not only discover but to really B_KDsOlPgl4-00036-00017390-00017661 push it forward into practice. B_KDsOlPgl4-00037-00017661-00018244 So I'll stop at that -- at this point, and see if we can get some discussion started. B_KDsOlPgl4-00038-00018244-00018800 Male Speaker: Okay, the floor is open for questions or comment B_KDsOlPgl4-00039-00018800-00019400 here, and I'll lead with, I guess, a proactive question because it seems to me the dichotomy B_KDsOlPgl4-00040-00019400-00019984 between discovery and implementation makes it sound like implementation is just a done B_KDsOlPgl4-00041-00019984-00020348 deal, but operational health care is something you don't change. B_KDsOlPgl4-00042-00020348-00021070 But, in fact, the other major theme afoot in the national agenda is learning health B_KDsOlPgl4-00043-00021070-00021612 care systems, and they continuously change and they continuously learn. B_KDsOlPgl4-00044-00021612-00022337 So how do -- so I'll ask Mary first, what's the intersection of her set-up assertions B_KDsOlPgl4-00045-00022337-00022586 and the idea of learning healthcare system? B_KDsOlPgl4-00046-00022586-00023109 Mary Relling: Well, I mean a learning healthcare system, B_KDsOlPgl4-00047-00023109-00023798 I guess you could say that there's aspects of -- that drive that learning that are based B_KDsOlPgl4-00048-00023798-00024504 on implementation projects, but I still think that those are largely coming from research, B_KDsOlPgl4-00049-00024504-00024604 right? B_KDsOlPgl4-00050-00024604-00025258 So we just had some example of that with the system-based quote, "randomization," but that B_KDsOlPgl4-00051-00025258-00025848 really is a research project to see whether outcomes are indeed better if genomic medicine B_KDsOlPgl4-00052-00025848-00026073 is used versus not. B_KDsOlPgl4-00053-00026073-00026729 If you know that outcomes are better, if you know that a patient has a completely inactivating B_KDsOlPgl4-00054-00026729-00027410 variant in their TPMT status, you -- it would 100 percent unethical to give them the normal B_KDsOlPgl4-00055-00027410-00028064 dose of that drug, and to test yet again 30 years after we know the answer, whether there's B_KDsOlPgl4-00056-00028064-00028637 more or less toxicity, or better or worse outcomes in patients who have their thiopurine B_KDsOlPgl4-00057-00028637-00028895 dose based on TPMT or not. B_KDsOlPgl4-00058-00028895-00029394 So, that could be a part of a learning healthcare system, if the healthcare system is practicing B_KDsOlPgl4-00059-00029394-00029497 really bad medicine. B_KDsOlPgl4-00060-00029497-00030191 And I acknowledge that there are many aspects of the healthcare system that are practicing B_KDsOlPgl4-00061-00030191-00030647 horrible medicine, but that doesn't make it right for us to try to capitalize on that B_KDsOlPgl4-00062-00030647-00031218 lousy health care in a kind of vulturistic way just to generate more data. B_KDsOlPgl4-00063-00031218-00031572 It's something that's not ethical to study. B_KDsOlPgl4-00064-00031572-00032055 Chris Chute: Chris Chute, Mayo Clinic. B_KDsOlPgl4-00065-00032055-00032616 I don't disagree with you, Mary, but I think the question of where's this boundary between B_KDsOlPgl4-00066-00032616-00032739 research and implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00067-00032739-00033263 The whole elegance of a learning healthcare system is that, you know, you really merge B_KDsOlPgl4-00068-00033263-00033787 quality improvement and research, because they're the same methodology even though they're B_KDsOlPgl4-00069-00033787-00034441 done by different people, and apply the results not only to the literature but to the practice. B_KDsOlPgl4-00070-00034441-00035007 So, you know, we haven't discovered everything; I think we can safely agree upon that. B_KDsOlPgl4-00071-00035007-00035638 And in the context of, I guess, expanding the boundaries of our discovery, it's a more B_KDsOlPgl4-00072-00035638-00036494 systematic integration of research in a sense into practice so that we can harvest the experience B_KDsOlPgl4-00073-00036494-00037293 of routine clinical practice, which, for the most part, goes fallow in today's biomedical B_KDsOlPgl4-00074-00037293-00037393 world. B_KDsOlPgl4-00075-00037393-00037540 So I actually see it more positively. B_KDsOlPgl4-00076-00037540-00038019 Mary Relling: I see it positively, I just see it as clinical B_KDsOlPgl4-00077-00038019-00038138 research not implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00078-00038138-00038257 This is very -- B_KDsOlPgl4-00079-00038257-00038658 Howard McLeod: Part of my reason for including the "Are the B_KDsOlPgl4-00080-00038658-00039225 right people involved in the effort" question was around what Chris just raised in that B_KDsOlPgl4-00081-00039225-00039888 a lot of the folks involved in quality improvement aren't involved in eMERGE or aren't involved B_KDsOlPgl4-00082-00039888-00040386 in a lot of these efforts, and certainly at my previous institution and my current institution, B_KDsOlPgl4-00083-00040386-00040984 I've been able to cause change to happen much faster by working with that group than by B_KDsOlPgl4-00084-00040984-00041563 sticking with the group that's more comfortable with a endless number of clinical trials. B_KDsOlPgl4-00085-00041563-00042137 Marc Williams: Yeah, this is Marc Williams, and I would also B_KDsOlPgl4-00086-00042137-00042646 add to the discussion, having worked in integrated healthcare delivery systems, and again, using B_KDsOlPgl4-00087-00042646-00043115 the methods of quality improvement coupled with research, I think there is a real sweet B_KDsOlPgl4-00088-00043115-00043215 spot there. B_KDsOlPgl4-00089-00043215-00044133 But I think perhaps the takeaway for the questions that Howard has teed up is if we think about B_KDsOlPgl4-00090-00044133-00044863 the next phase of eMERGE, would a component of that be, what are the appropriate trial B_KDsOlPgl4-00091-00044863-00045766 methodologies, or would a proposal for an RFA have to include something that says, you B_KDsOlPgl4-00092-00045766-00046408 know, what is your pragmatic trial methodology to be able to study this, because that's where B_KDsOlPgl4-00093-00046408-00046716 the implementation research is really going. B_KDsOlPgl4-00094-00046716-00047313 And as an example, I mean, PCORI is highly emphasizing pragmatic clinical trials, which B_KDsOlPgl4-00095-00047313-00047671 I think eMERGE is very well-positioned to be able to leverage. B_KDsOlPgl4-00096-00047671-00048275 So is that the question that we're really asking about inclusion here, which is different B_KDsOlPgl4-00097-00048275-00048583 trial methodologies. B_KDsOlPgl4-00098-00048583-00048807 Julie Johnson: So, this is Julie Johnson. B_KDsOlPgl4-00099-00048807-00049494 I mean, as I listen to this conversation, I think that the question was put forward B_KDsOlPgl4-00100-00049494-00049928 as a dichotomy really, discovery versus implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00101-00049928-00050205 And in reality, there are three steps. B_KDsOlPgl4-00102-00050205-00050640 There's, you know, the original discovery of the genetic association, and unfortunately, B_KDsOlPgl4-00103-00050640-00051301 most cases in pharmacogenetics and otherwise aren't at the stage that TPMT is, where I B_KDsOlPgl4-00104-00051301-00052439 think we still do need evidence for whether the genetic association has clinical meaning. B_KDsOlPgl4-00105-00052439-00052892 And so that's not discovery and that's not implementation; I agree. B_KDsOlPgl4-00106-00052892-00053325 It's some sort of clinical research, and so I think the question is how do you do that B_KDsOlPgl4-00107-00053325-00053425 best. B_KDsOlPgl4-00108-00053425-00053573 And then there's the clinical implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00109-00053573-00054335 And so, you know, I think part of the problem is that the latter two things have been lumped B_KDsOlPgl4-00110-00054335-00054799 in some ways in, quote, "implementation," you know, so is implementation the stuff that B_KDsOlPgl4-00111-00054799-00055416 is truly ready and then you're testing uptake and, you know, attitudes about uptake and B_KDsOlPgl4-00112-00055416-00056051 that kind of thing, and then we need to come up with some term for that middle -- that B_KDsOlPgl4-00113-00056051-00056830 middle phase, so testing the relevance of implementation, testing, you know, or testing B_KDsOlPgl4-00114-00056830-00057373 the value, the clinical value of utilizing genetic information to guide care decisions. B_KDsOlPgl4-00115-00057373-00058154 And so, you know, it does seem like eMERGE is really obviously positioned for the -- you B_KDsOlPgl4-00116-00058154-00058822 say there's three things, the first and the latter; for the middle, depending on the trial B_KDsOlPgl4-00117-00058822-00059339 design, and I think like Marc said, if there's pragmatic design, then perhaps eMERGE is really B_KDsOlPgl4-00118-00059339-00060014 perfectly situated, and, I mean, I would tend to agree that that might be the better approach. B_KDsOlPgl4-00119-00060014-00060517 But if it's a more tradition clinical trial design, then I don't know that that makes B_KDsOlPgl4-00120-00060517-00060617 sense. B_KDsOlPgl4-00121-00060617-00060925 So I would argue that the question isn't maybe posed quite right because I think there's B_KDsOlPgl4-00122-00060925-00061419 really three phases, and we're talking about the first and the last when we say implementation B_KDsOlPgl4-00123-00061419-00062010 and discovery, and that middle piece, which is maybe where we need the most help, is kind B_KDsOlPgl4-00124-00062010-00062110 of missing. B_KDsOlPgl4-00125-00062110-00062383 Erwin Bottinger: This is Erwin from Mount Sinai. B_KDsOlPgl4-00126-00062383-00063025 I think I agree entirely with what Julie said, and certainly reflecting on the conversation, B_KDsOlPgl4-00127-00063025-00063685 I think a number of points were raised that clearly need to be considered very seriously. B_KDsOlPgl4-00128-00063685-00064249 And one of the major points from Howard on his slide is that do we have the right people B_KDsOlPgl4-00129-00064249-00064349 for implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00130-00064349-00064999 And I would say within the constructure of eMERGE, probably we're not -- we don't have B_KDsOlPgl4-00131-00064999-00065712 the right level of expertise for implementation because you know what missing in eMERGE, the B_KDsOlPgl4-00132-00065712-00066353 great evil is that of the constituency of providers and experts in clinical care and B_KDsOlPgl4-00133-00066353-00066453 workflow. B_KDsOlPgl4-00134-00066453-00067213 So if implementation is something going forward, then I think there needs to be a clear expression B_KDsOlPgl4-00135-00067213-00067912 that this stakeholder or these stakeholders will need to be a broad inch of the fold that B_KDsOlPgl4-00136-00067912-00068293 is capable of understanding clinical workflows that are essential in clinicians. B_KDsOlPgl4-00137-00068293-00068633 And currently, we don't have those at the table for true implementation. B_KDsOlPgl4-00138-00068633-00069370 I also think that, in agreement with Mary, that -- and truly -- that we are in well-positioned B_KDsOlPgl4-00139-00069370-00070157 in this sweet spot, and in between, and with some, you know, intelligent approaches, what B_KDsOlPgl4-00140-00070157-00070739 Marc pointed out, pragmatic trial design and others, we have some unique opportunities. B_KDsOlPgl4-00141-00070739-00071217 One was raised and was mentioned recently in the conversations that we've had with our B_KDsOlPgl4-00142-00071217-00071656 external advisors, so this opportunity that we have is to recall by genotype, and we should B_KDsOlPgl4-00143-00071656-00072414 think about this, what kind of fantastic opportunity this is for us where we have phenotypes across B_KDsOlPgl4-00144-00072414-00073026 the electronic heath record, we have genotypes for tens of thousands of individuals, and B_KDsOlPgl4-00145-00073026-00073756 if there are burning questions or scenarios for which evidence needs to be generated in B_KDsOlPgl4-00146-00073756-00074413 a specific case to move something over the border from research to generate the evidence B_KDsOlPgl4-00147-00074413-00074913 that would allow us to formulate an implementation strategy, I think that's what we can do, is B_KDsOlPgl4-00148-00074913-00075018 this kind of approach. B_KDsOlPgl4-00149-00075018-00075559 And so perhaps that's one way of thinking about that sweet spot. B_KDsOlPgl4-00150-00075559-00075708 Male Speaker: So this is Justin [spelled phonetically], B_KDsOlPgl4-00151-00075708-00076201 and I want to reemphasize what was said. B_KDsOlPgl4-00152-00076201-00076725 One of my favorite quotes is from Paul Clayton, who said that, "You implement every system B_KDsOlPgl4-00153-00076725-00076879 three times. B_KDsOlPgl4-00154-00076879-00077363 You implement it once to find out if it can be built at all, you implement it the second B_KDsOlPgl4-00155-00077363-00078037 time to figure out how you should build it, and then you actually build the one you use." B_KDsOlPgl4-00156-00078037-00078638 When we talk about implementation science, a lot of that focuses on the uptake of the B_KDsOlPgl4-00157-00078638-00078893 intervention by the target party. B_KDsOlPgl4-00158-00078893-00079592 But, in fact, in eMERGE-II, we're already at the first step of implementation, you know, B_KDsOlPgl4-00159-00079592-00080170 can you even build a genomic decision support system that will bolt onto an EHR. B_KDsOlPgl4-00160-00080170-00080827 So most of the questions of implementation science are the ones we will address when B_KDsOlPgl4-00161-00080827-00081313 we build the systems the second time, which is to figure out how we should build them B_KDsOlPgl4-00162-00081313-00081613 and integrate them into the workflow. B_KDsOlPgl4-00163-00081613-00082424 So I think we need to think about, as they were saying, implementation as multiple things, B_KDsOlPgl4-00164-00082424-00082923 and a lot of what we're doing right now is just can we make the technology jump through B_KDsOlPgl4-00165-00082923-00083132 this hoop at all. B_KDsOlPgl4-00166-00083132-00083776 And I think an appropriate target for eMERGE-III is, okay, if we can make the technology jump, B_KDsOlPgl4-00167-00083776-00084193 how should we make it jump to optimize the clinical practice? B_KDsOlPgl4-00168-00084193-00084445 Male Speaker: This is Zach [spelled phonetically]. B_KDsOlPgl4-00169-00084445-00084557 Can you hear me? B_KDsOlPgl4-00170-00084557-00084694 Male Speaker: Yes, we can. B_KDsOlPgl4-00171-00084694-00084874 Male Speaker: Okay, great. B_KDsOlPgl4-00172-00084874-00085486 It's very unusual for me not to be able to jump right in, so I'll do my best now. B_KDsOlPgl4-00173-00085486-00086233 So, Dan Roden made some comments which triggered in my mind some, I think, important scientific B_KDsOlPgl4-00174-00086233-00086595 questions for eMERGE-III. B_KDsOlPgl4-00175-00086595-00087697 So Dan mentioned that some rare variants were at a higher frequency in the African population. B_KDsOlPgl4-00176-00087697-00088380 And then on the chat part of this meeting software, he also responded to everybody that B_KDsOlPgl4-00177-00088380-00088867 there seems to be about 50,000, perhaps, African Americans in the cohort. B_KDsOlPgl4-00178-00088867-00089629 And I think that's important because, to say it in a three-part question, a) does Dan think B_KDsOlPgl4-00179-00089629-00090470 those rare variants that are more common in the Africans are actually the causal variants, B_KDsOlPgl4-00180-00090470-00091282 and therefore actually cause a pharmacological change in those individuals, if they're subjected B_KDsOlPgl4-00181-00091282-00091431 to the same drugs? B_KDsOlPgl4-00182-00091431-00092236 In the context of, b), recent very nice papers showing for a number of heart diseases, such B_KDsOlPgl4-00183-00092236-00092983 as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, rare variants that were supposedly causal and first ascertained B_KDsOlPgl4-00184-00092983-00093657 in European populations have prevalences of 30 percent in Africans, where it's clearly B_KDsOlPgl4-00185-00093657-00094161 not the case there's 30 percent HCM in that population. B_KDsOlPgl4-00186-00094161-00094657 Which leads me to the scientific agenda for eMERGE-III, is I really think we can start B_KDsOlPgl4-00187-00094657-00095349 addressing, and we should address because very few others have and we're in a unique B_KDsOlPgl4-00188-00095349-00095857 position to be able to do so, because of the electronic health records system and health B_KDsOlPgl4-00189-00095857-00096494 center derived population to be able to start understanding the degree to which some of B_KDsOlPgl4-00190-00096494-00097613 these variants are genuinely causal variants or are incidental findings that actually could B_KDsOlPgl4-00191-00097613-00098404 result in over treatment or mistreatment of individuals in underrepresented minorities. B_KDsOlPgl4-00192-00098404-00098863 And to that, I'll leave to Dan Roden and others to respond. B_KDsOlPgl4-00193-00098863-00099249 Dan Roden: So I'll take the opportunity to answer Zach B_KDsOlPgl4-00194-00099249-00099374 because he asked me specifically. B_KDsOlPgl4-00195-00099374-00100041 So the answer to whether 2C9*6 is causal or not, I suspect it is because we know something B_KDsOlPgl4-00196-00100041-00100576 about its function, and that it's a reduced function allele, and therefore it makes biological B_KDsOlPgl4-00197-00100576-00101092 sense as well as -- as well as statistical sense. B_KDsOlPgl4-00198-00101092-00101747 But I think that the more generic question of variant of uncertain significance, especially B_KDsOlPgl4-00199-00101747-00102292 in the rare variant spaces, is one that anyone who takes care of patients with hypertrophic B_KDsOlPgl4-00200-00102292-00102764 cardiomyopathy, or in my case, you know, cardiac channelopathies, struggles with every time B_KDsOlPgl4-00201-00102764-00102944 you see a patient. B_KDsOlPgl4-00202-00102944-00103416 And I think that we're going to have to come to an understanding that there are diseases B_KDsOlPgl4-00203-00103416-00103770 that are caused by rare variants, that are diseases -- that are phenotypes that are likely B_KDsOlPgl4-00204-00103770-00104373 to be modulated by rare variants, and then there are rare variants whose role in pathophysiology B_KDsOlPgl4-00205-00104373-00104738 has been dramatically overstated by initial studies. B_KDsOlPgl4-00206-00104738-00104984 And I agree with Zach. B_KDsOlPgl4-00207-00104984-00105690 If we're ever going to make headway on a variant that is 1 in 1,000, how are you going to figure B_KDsOlPgl4-00208-00105690-00105903 out what it does to a phenotype? B_KDsOlPgl4-00209-00105903-00106436 You can either do an in-vitro evaluation of function, and sometimes even those are misleading, B_KDsOlPgl4-00210-00106436-00106865 or you can ask the question, does it associated with some kind of phenotype. B_KDsOlPgl4-00211-00106865-00107133 And to do that, you have to have very large numbers. B_KDsOlPgl4-00212-00107133-00107539 And we're one of the places -- eMERGE is one of the places that can do this. B_KDsOlPgl4-00213-00107539-00108277 I see that people are talking about Biobank U.K., about Kaiser, about the VA, and I think B_KDsOlPgl4-00214-00108277-00108886 that those are large resources with which eMERGE ought to consider collaborating. B_KDsOlPgl4-00215-00108886-00109236 It's easy to say that, and it's actually, operationally, hard to do. B_KDsOlPgl4-00216-00109236-00109488 Each one of them has their own access models. B_KDsOlPgl4-00217-00109488-00110270 Each one of them has their own datasets that are -- that are bigger in some ways and smaller B_KDsOlPgl4-00218-00110270-00110413 in other ways compared to eMERGE. B_KDsOlPgl4-00219-00110413-00111020 I know a little bit about Biobank U.K., and they are having trouble getting the kind of B_KDsOlPgl4-00220-00111020-00111579 detailed electronic health records that we are used to within eMERGE, so they may have B_KDsOlPgl4-00221-00111579-00111861 500,000 samples, but they have that drawback. B_KDsOlPgl4-00222-00111861-00112498 They have the great advantage that they have very detailed phenotypes for some particular B_KDsOlPgl4-00223-00112498-00112598 diseases. B_KDsOlPgl4-00224-00112598-00113103 So I think each of them bring something to the table, and eMERGE, as large as it is, B_KDsOlPgl4-00225-00113103-00113203 ought to be a player in this space. B_KDsOlPgl4-00226-00113203-00113382 And I think I've said enough. B_KDsOlPgl4-00227-00113382-00113738 Dick Weinshilboum: Dan, this is Dick Weinshilboum, and I couldn't B_KDsOlPgl4-00228-00113738-00114216 agree with you more, which will shock you that I'm saying that, but, as a matter of B_KDsOlPgl4-00229-00114216-00114744 fact, what you said, and I think what eMERGE has shown, has profound implications for clinical B_KDsOlPgl4-00230-00114744-00114890 trial design. B_KDsOlPgl4-00231-00114890-00115358 I think the eMERGE program is beginning to tell us that the way we've been doing the B_KDsOlPgl4-00232-00115358-00115902 studies with 2,000 patients in one arm, standard therapy and 2,000 in the other arm, standard B_KDsOlPgl4-00233-00115902-00116249 therapy plus another drug, may not be the way to go forward. B_KDsOlPgl4-00234-00116249-00116804 Do you have any comments with regard to the implications of your own comments for clinical B_KDsOlPgl4-00235-00116804-00116904 trial design? B_KDsOlPgl4-00236-00116904-00117306 Dan Roden: No. [laughs] I think I'll let other people B_KDsOlPgl4-00237-00117306-00117640 talk; I don't want to monopolize the air time. B_KDsOlPgl4-00238-00117640-00118280 But I think that -- I will just say a generic comment -- that implementation and trial design B_KDsOlPgl4-00239-00118280-00118994 has to happen after we do discovery. B_KDsOlPgl4-00240-00118994-00119410 Or coincident with -- and I made the point that, you know, Dan Masys made the point about B_KDsOlPgl4-00241-00119410-00119826 a learning healthcare system, and that was sort of what I was trying to do on the last B_KDsOlPgl4-00242-00119826-00119926 slide. B_KDsOlPgl4-00243-00119926-00120272 I think that the implementation side and the discovery side go hand in hand: as one dataset B_KDsOlPgl4-00244-00120272-00120632 grows, the other dataset, by its nature, gets richer. B_KDsOlPgl4-00245-00120632-00121110 Michael Gaziano: So this is Mike, just two quick comments about B_KDsOlPgl4-00246-00121110-00121894 the VA's Million Veteran Program, we do have approaching about 50,000 African Americans, B_KDsOlPgl4-00247-00121894-00122576 so I do agree, Dan, that there is plenty of reason to figure out how best to collaborate, B_KDsOlPgl4-00248-00122576-00123183 and we are working behind the scenes on figuring out how to create datasets that can be accessed B_KDsOlPgl4-00249-00123183-00123865 from outside, and also be identified, to overcome some of our collaborative barriers. B_KDsOlPgl4-00250-00123865-00124471 And the second is that we've got a big initiative on implementing trials within the system, B_KDsOlPgl4-00251-00124471-00125054 and I really think that we do need to focus some attention on the implementation of trials B_KDsOlPgl4-00252-00125054-00125733 that are more broad in terms of their enrollment, but that use the EHR backbone, rather than B_KDsOlPgl4-00253-00125733-00126371 every time we do a trial, creating a whole new electronic backbone to support the trial B_KDsOlPgl4-00254-00126371-00126471 activity. B_KDsOlPgl4-00255-00126471-00127372 And we've got a trial in that point-of-care mode that's under review next month that will B_KDsOlPgl4-00256-00127372-00127678 be randomizing people at the time they pick up their drugs. B_KDsOlPgl4-00257-00127678-00128052 It happens to be a hypertension trial of Corzalidone [spelled phonetically] compared to hydrochlorothiazide, B_KDsOlPgl4-00258-00128052-00128349 and we've got some regulatory issues to get around. B_KDsOlPgl4-00259-00128349-00129032 But I think that, you know, eMERGE with its expertise in implementation could help play B_KDsOlPgl4-00260-00129032-00129623 a big role in figuring out how to do very large trials at a very low cost utilizing B_KDsOlPgl4-00261-00129623-00130331 the electronic health record and making trials go from $100 million to trials to, you know, B_KDsOlPgl4-00262-00130331-00130511 $5 million or $10 million trials. B_KDsOlPgl4-00263-00130511-00130883 John Harley: This is John Harley in Cincinnati. B_KDsOlPgl4-00264-00130883-00131582 Maybe one of the themes of eMERGE-III would be to assess benefits. B_KDsOlPgl4-00265-00131582-00132278 We have the electronic medical record to go to and we would have this enormous database, B_KDsOlPgl4-00266-00132278-00132928 and so if the issue in clinical application is cancer, then we would be in a really powerful B_KDsOlPgl4-00267-00132928-00133661 position to actually reach some kind of resolution or make progress about what judgments to make B_KDsOlPgl4-00268-00133661-00133761 about [inaudible]. B_KDsOlPgl4-00269-00133761-00134059 Female Speaker: Yes, I think because, I mean, we've been excited B_KDsOlPgl4-00270-00134059-00134468 about hemochromatosis project [inaudible] to a variety of things, and that's a really B_KDsOlPgl4-00271-00134468-00135049 interesting question, and I would lengthen that to penetrance and which variants are B_KDsOlPgl4-00272-00135049-00135149 and are not pathogenic. B_KDsOlPgl4-00273-00135149-00135795 And I think a huge amount of the work in genomic medicine now is understanding which variants B_KDsOlPgl4-00274-00135795-00136061 are pathogenic and which are not. B_KDsOlPgl4-00275-00136061-00136759 And we have a lot of data that we could put to that question and really understand that B_KDsOlPgl4-00276-00136759-00136957 in eMERGE should be really exciting. B_KDsOlPgl4-00277-00136957-00137487 Male Speaker: Howard, I want to really echo that point because B_KDsOlPgl4-00278-00137487-00138108 both penetrance and heritability can be derived from this dataset with current technologies, B_KDsOlPgl4-00279-00138108-00138622 and can really add some rich context to almost every phenotype that is just totally missing B_KDsOlPgl4-00280-00138622-00138722 right now. B_KDsOlPgl4-00281-00138722-00139359 I mean, we are chasing things that really we shouldn't and vice versa, and that would B_KDsOlPgl4-00282-00139359-00139964 be a huge service to the community, in addition to all the cool methods and findings that B_KDsOlPgl4-00283-00139964-00140089 come from it. B_KDsOlPgl4-00284-00140089-00140528 Male Speaker: I agree, and I think this is the sweet spot. B_KDsOlPgl4-00285-00140528-00140927 Male Speaker: There was just a comment earlier that if there's B_KDsOlPgl4-00286-00140927-00141615 a rare gene frequency of 10 percent or less, we really need to enroll 1,000 people with B_KDsOlPgl4-00287-00141615-00141732 that genotype in there. B_KDsOlPgl4-00288-00141732-00142183 We are not going to be able to do that for the number of potential genetic variants. B_KDsOlPgl4-00289-00142183-00142583 We have to at some point go ahead with implementation and then use different study designs to study B_KDsOlPgl4-00290-00142583-00142811 the rare variant genotypes. B_KDsOlPgl4-00291-00142811-00143302 We cannot randomize every one of them and think that we can get prospective studies B_KDsOlPgl4-00292-00143302-00143402 of everyone. B_KDsOlPgl4-00293-00143402-00143937 Certainly some we'll need to, but by and large, we can't hold back on patients until we have B_KDsOlPgl4-00294-00143937-00144064 every SNP sorted out. B_KDsOlPgl4-00295-00144064-00144533 Female Speaker: Yeah, so, I mean, the idea is not to do a B_KDsOlPgl4-00296-00144533-00144745 giant trial of every variant. B_KDsOlPgl4-00297-00144745-00145442 The idea is that we need very few people with the same variant to say that if they all have B_KDsOlPgl4-00298-00145442-00145992 breast cancer by, you know, 89, then it's probably a pathogenic variant, and if none B_KDsOlPgl4-00299-00145992-00146539 of them do, if three people don't have breast cancer by 89, then it's probably, you know, B_KDsOlPgl4-00300-00146539-00146932 not one of the pathogenic genes because we're talking about genes that we know what the B_KDsOlPgl4-00301-00146932-00147392 gene does, we want to know what certain variants in that gene do. B_KDsOlPgl4-00302-00147392-00147758 The most important genotypes are the ones that we know cause disease. B_KDsOlPgl4-00303-00147758-00148259 We want to know for each variant in that gene does it cause disease or not, and actually B_KDsOlPgl4-00304-00148259-00148805 you don't have to throw a lot of people at each single variant to get that information. B_KDsOlPgl4-00305-00148805-00149139 Male Speaker: I think there can be a lot of different phenotypes B_KDsOlPgl4-00306-00149139-00149239 associated with different variants -- B_KDsOlPgl4-00307-00149239-00149511 Female Speaker: Sure, sure, and I think that's an interesting B_KDsOlPgl4-00308-00149511-00150032 question, but I think that the idea for individual rare-ish variants, that you don't need a ton B_KDsOlPgl4-00309-00150032-00150132 of data. B_KDsOlPgl4-00310-00150132-00150245 Male Speaker: Right. B_KDsOlPgl4-00311-00150245-00150580 Male Speaker: Okay, so we're just a little bit behind schedule, B_KDsOlPgl4-00312-00150580-00151221 but it's been a very rich discussion, and I think that it's exactly squarely in the B_KDsOlPgl4-00313-00151221-00151758 sights of what eMERGE should be doing and taking advantage of opportunities that only B_KDsOlPgl4-00314-00151758-00151912 this network has. B_KDsOlPgl4-00315-00151912-00152012 So we'll -- B_KDsOlPgl4-00316-00152012-00152259 Female Speaker: Can we just ask if there are burning things B_KDsOlPgl4-00317-00152259-00152359 that people-- B_KDsOlPgl4-00318-00152359-00152637 Male Speaker: Okay, is anything burning out there? B_KDsOlPgl4-00319-00152637-00152789 [laughs] Okay, well -- B_KDsOlPgl4-00320-00152789-00153280 Male Speaker: So let me get started -- Neil Risch either B_KDsOlPgl4-00321-00153280-00153910 is not on the phone, or hasn't had the chance to say anything, but has been active in the B_KDsOlPgl4-00322-00153910-00154401 chat part of the box, and for those of you haven't looked at it, you should, but he makes B_KDsOlPgl4-00323-00154401-00155030 the point that there will be, between Kaiser, VA, MVP, and UK Biobank, let alone eMERGE, B_KDsOlPgl4-00324-00155030-00155968 there will be, you know, 800,000 or a million GWAS subjects soon, and so, is there a role B_KDsOlPgl4-00325-00155968-00156273 for further GWAS in this space. B_KDsOlPgl4-00326-00156273-00156407 I will say that I don't think U.K. B_KDsOlPgl4-00327-00156407-00156507 Biobank has GWAS data yet. B_KDsOlPgl4-00328-00156507-00157149 They're going to have the Biobank ChIP, and that's going to be late 2015, but be that B_KDsOlPgl4-00329-00157149-00157504 as it may, these resources are getting very, very large. B_KDsOlPgl4-00330-00157504-00157733 And so is Neal on the phone? B_KDsOlPgl4-00331-00157733-00157891 Neil Risch: Yeah, can you hear me? B_KDsOlPgl4-00332-00157891-00157997 I was muted before. B_KDsOlPgl4-00333-00157997-00158248 Male Speaker: Yes, we can hear you. B_KDsOlPgl4-00334-00158248-00158635 Neil Risch: Yeah, so, as some of you know, at Kaiser we B_KDsOlPgl4-00335-00158635-00159216 had a grand opportunity where we did GWAS on -- we have about 104,000 individuals, GWAS, B_KDsOlPgl4-00336-00159216-00159414 a multi-ethnical cohort. B_KDsOlPgl4-00337-00159414-00160038 It's an adult cohort, and of course we have very extensive electronic health records connected B_KDsOlPgl4-00338-00160038-00160149 to all these peoples. B_KDsOlPgl4-00339-00160149-00160411 It's longitudinal over 20-plus years. B_KDsOlPgl4-00340-00160411-00160930 Mike Gaziano is on the phone; he can talk about what the VA Million Veterans Program B_KDsOlPgl4-00341-00160930-00161400 is doing, but of course they have extensive electronic health record data also. B_KDsOlPgl4-00342-00161400-00161500 And the U.K. B_KDsOlPgl4-00343-00161500-00161814 Biobank, I think they've already genotypes over 100,000 individuals. B_KDsOlPgl4-00344-00161814-00162400 They are going to be genotyping 500,000 total over the next, I think, about two years. B_KDsOlPgl4-00345-00162400-00162851 Currently, they don't link -- they cannot link to electronic health data in the British B_KDsOlPgl4-00346-00162851-00163140 healthcare system, but there are certain things they link to. B_KDsOlPgl4-00347-00163140-00163411 They're also doing a lot of their own phenotyping. B_KDsOlPgl4-00348-00163411-00164242 They are doing imaging on 100,000 individuals, they are doing lab tasks on everybody, and B_KDsOlPgl4-00349-00164242-00164609 I think they have extensive plans for doing more phenotyping. B_KDsOlPgl4-00350-00164609-00165155 So I guess my point just being that in terms of the balance between -- which was the topic B_KDsOlPgl4-00351-00165155-00165599 here -- the balance between discovery versus implementation, it seems to be, going forward, B_KDsOlPgl4-00352-00165599-00166101 if I had to characterize what I would see as a big strength in terms of eMERGE is that B_KDsOlPgl4-00353-00166101-00166640 you have a lot of different health delivery systems linked to EHRs, you know, in this B_KDsOlPgl4-00354-00166640-00167139 network, and the question is how -- you know, you can address which others cannot how this B_KDsOlPgl4-00355-00167139-00167548 is going to be rolled out in different settings, how genomic medicine is going to be rolled B_KDsOlPgl4-00356-00167548-00168095 out in these different settings, because then the size of the system really doesn't matter. B_KDsOlPgl4-00357-00168095-00168450 It's really the variation across the systems that matters. B_KDsOlPgl4-00358-00168450-00168924 So, actually, this is the way discussion has been going anyway. B_KDsOlPgl4-00359-00168924-00169355 A lot of the latter discussion has been about implementation, which seemed -- to me, seemed B_KDsOlPgl4-00360-00169355-00169455 to be appropriate. B_KDsOlPgl4-00361-00169455-00169663 Male Speaker: Okay, good, excellent. B_KDsOlPgl4-00362-00169663-00170073 So what -- so we are a little bit behind, but, again, an excellent discussion. B_KDsOlPgl4-00363-00170073-00170834 And what we'll do is attempt to do a 10-minute break, even though that's never been reported B_KDsOlPgl4-00364-00170834-00170946 in the history of science. B_KDsOlPgl4-00365-00170946-00171046 [laughter] B_KDsOlPgl4-00366-00171046-00171605 And so please leave your desktops open and your phones muted. B_KDsOlPgl4-00367-00171605-00171932 Don't go offline so that you have to log back in. B_KDsOlPgl4-00368-00171932-00172780 And we will plan to begin again -- the presentations right -- well, we'll do it right at 30 minutes B_KDsOlPgl4-00369-00172780-00173114 past the hour, whatever the hour might be in your time zone. B_KDsOlPgl4-00370-00173114-00173214 [laughter] B_KDsOlPgl4-00371-00173214-00173414 So we'll talk to you then. BA9CeXBXWMY-00000-00000774-00000893 Holy shit BA9CeXBXWMY-00001-00000914-00000978 Holy fucking shit BA9CeXBXWMY-00002-00000978-00001329 "Life is pain" BA9CeXBXWMY-00003-00002247-00002440 I don't care, answer me BA9CeXBXWMY-00004-00002440-00002551 what the fuck are you screaming for BA9CeXBXWMY-00005-00002551-00002604 SHUT UP BA9CeXBXWMY-00006-00002604-00002709 LET ME SPEAK BA9CeXBXWMY-00007-00002709-00002854 fucking hell BA9CeXBXWMY-00008-00002854-00003070 man, you are the most fucking useless BA9CeXBXWMY-00009-00003070-00003270 shithead who has ever lived in this world....... BA9CeXBXWMY-00010-00003302-00003958 "so funny." BA9CeXBXWMY-00011-00004984-00005071 bro i fucking can't BA9CeXBXWMY-00012-00005071-00005227 he'll eat the plate too i think BA9CeXBXWMY-00013-00005227-00005396 won't he? ok.. BA9CeXBXWMY-00014-00005491-00005620 He should eat it tho BA9CeXBXWMY-00015-00005620-00005773 No way noone's never done that before BA9CeXBXWMY-00016-00005947-00006227 "later..." BA9CeXBXWMY-00017-00006444-00006695 Why's the quality so shit BA9CeXBXWMY-00018-00006909-00007148 It's not even synchronized BA9CeXBXWMY-00019-00007369-00007430 nooo BA9CeXBXWMY-00020-00008679-00009361 "what is the point of living." BA9CeXBXWMY-00021-00009361-00009667 watching a video* BA9CeXBXWMY-00022-00009770-00009856 omg BA9CeXBXWMY-00023-00009880-00009965 omg BA9CeXBXWMY-00024-00009965-00010035 stop BA9CeXBXWMY-00025-00010035-00010133 absolutely fucked BA9CeXBXWMY-00026-00010133-00010289 goofy noises* BA9CeXBXWMY-00027-00010289-00010489 what? BA9CeXBXWMY-00028-00010489-00010614 fucking hell BA9CeXBXWMY-00029-00010768-00010860 goofy noises again* BA9CeXBXWMY-00030-00010959-00011053 omg BA9CeXBXWMY-00031-00011053-00011439 it sounds like you're playing with yourself BA9CeXBXWMY-00032-00011439-00011723 huh? (what?) BA9CeXBXWMY-00033-00011723-00011859 WHAT? BA9CeXBXWMY-00034-00011859-00012059 what did you say? BA9CeXBXWMY-00035-00012342-00012452 afke what the fuck did you just say BA9CeXBXWMY-00036-00012452-00012652 afke what'd you- BA9CeXBXWMY-00037-00013000-00013119 please repeat yourself BA9CeXBXWMY-00038-00013374-00013628 god fucking damn BA9CeXBXWMY-00039-00013805-00013929 what did you say BA9CeXBXWMY-00040-00013929-00014055 actually go fuck youself BA9CeXBXWMY-00041-00014055-00014709 "this is so me frfr" BA9CeXBXWMY-00042-00014709-00014919 Welcome to the show BA9CeXBXWMY-00043-00014919-00015262 "Morning With Jaanus" BA9CeXBXWMY-00044-00015262-00015351 uhhhhh BA9CeXBXWMY-00045-00015351-00015464 w- welc- uhhhh BA9CeXBXWMY-00046-00015464-00015540 come- BA9CeXBXWMY-00047-00015674-00016171 "Morning With Ja anus" BA9CeXBXWMY-00048-00016171-00016299 Today we have with us BA9CeXBXWMY-00049-00016299-00016499 Mihkel Jaakson and Karin Eegreid (estonian name jokes) BA9CeXBXWMY-00050-00016499-00016667 and today they're going to show us how BA9CeXBXWMY-00051-00016667-00016867 they are putting uhh BA9CeXBXWMY-00052-00016867-00016961 sprin- BA9CeXBXWMY-00053-00016961-00017161 *my estonian was so bad here its actually untranslatable* BA9CeXBXWMY-00054-00017161-00017339 *something about growing carrots in autumn* BA9CeXBXWMY-00055-00017339-00017489 First of all BA9CeXBXWMY-00056-00017489-00017689 I'll make a big, big hole BA9CeXBXWMY-00057-00017689-00017885 woah, but Karin BA9CeXBXWMY-00058-00017919-00018007 Karin Eegreid BA9CeXBXWMY-00059-00018007-00018094 *sounds like "Group of black people"* BA9CeXBXWMY-00060-00018094-00018186 please listen to me BA9CeXBXWMY-00061-00018186-00018278 yeah? BA9CeXBXWMY-00062-00018278-00018328 uhh BA9CeXBXWMY-00063-00018328-00018540 Can you please explain to me BA9CeXBXWMY-00064-00018540-00018948 Why are you planting potatoes in autumn BA9CeXBXWMY-00065-00019301-00019615 Please lock up your dog with asthma BA9CeXBXWMY-00066-00019779-00020097 "i am dead" BA9CeXBXWMY-00067-00020097-00020263 It's so funny when it happens BA9CeXBXWMY-00068-00020467-00020548 funny game BA9CeXBXWMY-00069-00020608-00020709 hahah funny game BA9CeXBXWMY-00070-00020709-00020850 *I can't pick the ladder up* BA9CeXBXWMY-00071-00021120-00021203 I'm killing myself BA9CeXBXWMY-00072-00021203-00021886 "i'm already waiting for that day" BA9CeXBXWMY-00073-00021886-00022042 Guys theres a car here BA9CeXBXWMY-00074-00022042-00022151 Lets hop on the car BA9CeXBXWMY-00075-00022151-00022230 afke come BA9CeXBXWMY-00076-00022230-00022339 Let's jump in the car BA9CeXBXWMY-00077-00022339-00022444 WOAH A CAR BA9CeXBXWMY-00078-00022444-00022557 Let's go in the car BA9CeXBXWMY-00079-00022557-00022646 HOP ON BA9CeXBXWMY-00080-00022646-00022743 go on the passenger seat BA9CeXBXWMY-00081-00022743-00022821 I'll drive BA9CeXBXWMY-00082-00023619-00024229 "i too don't understand this anymore" BA9CeXBXWMY-00083-00025506-00026100 *COOL ASS OUTRO***** BAC9-YzYktU-00000-00000208-00000425 I'm curious if I'm... Does it look okay like this? BAC9-YzYktU-00001-00000543-00000820 If I'm recording it like this? - Yes, very good. BAC9-YzYktU-00002-00000820-00000963 Than it's quite okay without a... BAC9-YzYktU-00004-00001446-00001626 a little screen. BAC9-YzYktU-00005-00001646-00001872 Hello followers! Great that you're watching! BAC9-YzYktU-00008-00002980-00003154 - We're now in... BAC9-YzYktU-00009-00003465-00003802 Roggebotstaete, I had to think about it. BAC9-YzYktU-00010-00003824-00004094 Roggebotstaete, near Dronten. BAC9-YzYktU-00011-00004188-00004412 At the Flevo lake if I'm correct. BAC9-YzYktU-00012-00004462-00004812 It's a 16 km route... - Watch out, a mountainbiker. BAC9-YzYktU-00013-00004824-00005016 We have to watch out for moutainbikers. BAC9-YzYktU-00015-00005330-00005596 So it's a 16 km route. BAC9-YzYktU-00016-00005616-00005916 And we are walking with the help of GPS for the first time. BAC9-YzYktU-00018-00006132-00006302 And it's working pretty good. BAC9-YzYktU-00019-00006398-00006598 We found a route on BAC9-YzYktU-00020-00006598-00006730 What do you say? BAC9-YzYktU-00021-00006759-00006859 - Look how cool! BAC9-YzYktU-00022-00007068-00007252 So, before I got interrupted. BAC9-YzYktU-00023-00007300-00007534 Alette is getting the wide angle lense, because... BAC9-YzYktU-00024-00007554-00007620 what we're having here... BAC9-YzYktU-00025-00007754-00007892 is a beautiful stretch of forest. BAC9-YzYktU-00026-00007945-00008120 Spooky forest! BAC9-YzYktU-00027-00008144-00008414 Somekind of tunnel of trees. BAC9-YzYktU-00028-00008606-00008824 Pretty cool... and we just saw a deer. BAC9-YzYktU-00029-00008838-00009174 Or a roe deer, it had a white butt. BAC9-YzYktU-00030-00013197-00013297 Don't be afraid. BAC9-YzYktU-00031-00013390-00013490 Don't be afraid. BAC9-YzYktU-00032-00016194-00016408 We're walking on GPS. BAC9-YzYktU-00033-00016459-00016611 You can precisely see... BAC9-YzYktU-00034-00016698-00016964 how we're walking right now. BAC9-YzYktU-00035-00017234-00017374 Only straight ahead. BAC9-YzYktU-00036-00017492-00018198 This is the Gaia app and you can download a GPS file from a website. BAC9-YzYktU-00037-00018278-00019006 You can put that file on your mobile, use it on airplane mode and walk the whole route. BAC9-YzYktU-00038-00019078-00019180 Ideal. BAC9-YzYktU-00039-00020520-00020746 What we like the most today... BAC9-YzYktU-00040-00020860-00021000 maybe you can hear it. BAC9-YzYktU-00041-00021738-00021990 An airplane is ruining it. BAC9-YzYktU-00042-00022092-00022349 Alette is saying that I'm talking staccato. BAC9-YzYktU-00043-00022350-00022650 Staccato. - Staccato, like a robot. BAC9-YzYktU-00045-00022830-00023086 I'm saying I don't by the way. BAC9-YzYktU-00046-00023086-00023408 You have to listen it back then you will know. - Yes, I will listen it back. BAC9-YzYktU-00047-00026602-00026986 We found out that we were walking quite slow. BAC9-YzYktU-00048-00027266-00027600 How much on average? - 2,2 km/h. BAC9-YzYktU-00049-00027830-00028116 That's because we were distracted by everything. BAC9-YzYktU-00050-00028127-00028204 Deer... BAC9-YzYktU-00051-00028252-00028302 Goats... BAC9-YzYktU-00052-00028302-00028362 - Herons BAC9-YzYktU-00053-00028450-00028732 Yes, Herons. - Coots. BAC9-YzYktU-00054-00028783-00029077 We try to take some nice photos and pretty shots. BAC9-YzYktU-00055-00029104-00029382 We're currently on a long stretch... BAC9-YzYktU-00056-00029382-00029914 maybe you can see it a little bit, it stays like this. So we're going to make up for lost time. BAC9-YzYktU-00057-00032218-00032406 We just saw a deer. BAC9-YzYktU-00058-00032508-00032644 A beautiful deer. BAC9-YzYktU-00059-00032788-00033092 Let's see if we can show you again from up close. BAC9-YzYktU-00060-00033300-00033490 Let's hope we can find it again. BAC9-YzYktU-00061-00033764-00034092 And I have a little twig on my back. BAC9-YzYktU-00062-00034776-00035218 We found another deer, all the way in the back. BAC9-YzYktU-00063-00035754-00035918 I don't think you can see it. BAC9-YzYktU-00064-00035994-00036306 If we keep very quiet, another deer has to pass by. BAC9-YzYktU-00065-00036514-00036894 We just saw two of them in five minutes. BAC9-YzYktU-00066-00037024-00037232 Big chance, fingers crossed. BAC9-YzYktU-00067-00038792-00039006 How cool! What did we just see? BAC9-YzYktU-00068-00039056-00039308 An elephant! - No! BAC9-YzYktU-00069-00039350-00039698 We just saw a fox. - For the first time. BAC9-YzYktU-00070-00039848-00040212 Really beautiful, it was on my wildlife bucketlist. BAC9-YzYktU-00071-00040238-00040480 He was hunting mice along these edges... BAC9-YzYktU-00072-00040544-00040692 jumping up like... BAC9-YzYktU-00073-00040788-00041020 I think for field mice. So cool BAC9-YzYktU-00074-00041112-00041298 You can hardly see it anymore. BAC9-YzYktU-00075-00041402-00041600 It's the end of our route. BAC9-YzYktU-00076-00041628-00041996 It was such a beautiful route, we saw a lot of animals. BAC9-YzYktU-00077-00042016-00042298 Foxes, Deer... - We heard rabbits... BAC9-YzYktU-00078-00042316-00042688 Yes we heard rabbits, frogs... - ...Buzzards, Storks... BAC9-YzYktU-00079-00042688-00042892 ...Herons. - ...White herons. BAC9-YzYktU-00081-00043036-00043440 Gorgeous, but as you can see, the sun is gone. BAC9-YzYktU-00082-00043556-00043916 So, we have to stop. BAC9-YzYktU-00083-00044040-00044342 Bye! - Thanks for watching, thumbs up! BBuTG4DzNqo-00000-00000245-00001688 Mathieu Hofman: Welcome to the Assess meeting today on the agenda. We will be talking about immutable objects, and in particular array buffer, and also plus potentially after that, a super freeze, which is a trans BBuTG4DzNqo-00001-00001732-00002211 Mathieu Hofman: a non-transitive version of freeze. But that has BBuTG4DzNqo-00002-00002223-00002446 Mathieu Hofman: different freezing properties. BBuTG4DzNqo-00003-00002617-00003295 Mathieu Hofman: So on the immutable oray buffer this is something that came up recently on our side. BBuTG4DzNqo-00004-00003297-00003636 Mathieu Hofman: We have a need to be able to BBuTG4DzNqo-00005-00003647-00003847 Mathieu Hofman: share BBuTG4DzNqo-00006-00003929-00004318 Mathieu Hofman: what we call copy bytes across the wire. BBuTG4DzNqo-00007-00004327-00005423 Mathieu Hofman: However, all the representation of bytes currently in Javascript. I mean the representation of byitarian array buffer, which are all usable, and actually cannot be frozen. BBuTG4DzNqo-00008-00005449-00007723 Mathieu Hofman: So we need a way to have an object, whether it is array, Buffer related or not. that represents frozen immutable bytes, and that can be the representation of of those. So when you receive those copy bytes, we can create that that object. BBuTG4DzNqo-00009-00007723-00008523 Mathieu Hofman: or we can also recognize those objects and know that if we pass it around, it will not mutate under the the hood anymore. BBuTG4DzNqo-00010-00008672-00009555 Mathieu Hofman: There is a proposal from a Jack works unlimited array buffer, which I believe is about being able. BBuTG4DzNqo-00011-00009598-00010336 Mathieu Hofman: I actually don't want to misrepresent. I I i'm not. I I haven't gone back to the proposal recently. BBuTG4DzNqo-00012-00010491-00010886 Mathieu Hofman: but it I believe it's around BBuTG4DzNqo-00013-00010939-00011605 Mathieu Hofman: create like transferring and right buffer into a a frozen states. Is that right, deck? BBuTG4DzNqo-00014-00012050-00012371 Jack Works: Yes, there is also another BBuTG4DzNqo-00015-00012539-00013041 Jack Works: another target for this proposal, which is. if the BBuTG4DzNqo-00016-00013063-00013297 Jack Works: give the slice of a BBuTG4DzNqo-00017-00013369-00013616 Jack Works: currents are a buffer to others BBuTG4DzNqo-00018-00013782-00014304 Jack Works: it must be mutable or immutable. This this is also useful. BBuTG4DzNqo-00019-00014360-00014419 Mathieu Hofman: Yeah. BBuTG4DzNqo-00020-00014610-00014726 Mathieu Hofman: So BBuTG4DzNqo-00021-00014779-00015460 Mathieu Hofman: as residents for things that exist currently in the ecosystem. BBuTG4DzNqo-00022-00015465-00016127 Mathieu Hofman: There is the web blob api, which basically BBuTG4DzNqo-00023-00016146-00016561 Mathieu Hofman: is a representation of of bites BBuTG4DzNqo-00024-00016565-00017726 Mathieu Hofman: that you cannot mutate because you can. You have to access. You have to request a an array buffer which ends up giving you a copy, a mutable copy of of device. BBuTG4DzNqo-00025-00017755-00018128 Mathieu Hofman: so that that it would be an approach BBuTG4DzNqo-00026-00018217-00018729 Mathieu Hofman: that that that's a precedence in the in the in the platform, or in the ecosystem. BBuTG4DzNqo-00027-00018740-00019748 Mathieu Hofman: This topic, also somewhat initially relates to something that I've been advocating for in plenary and outside of it, which is for BBuTG4DzNqo-00028-00019820-00020061 Mathieu Hofman: currently the already buffer Api BBuTG4DzNqo-00029-00020067-00020688 Mathieu Hofman: Doesn't preclude, copy on right organization, but no engines actually do them. BBuTG4DzNqo-00030-00020698-00021324 Mathieu Hofman: And if you think about it. how being able to BBuTG4DzNqo-00031-00021348-00021904 Mathieu Hofman: create a limited array, but for a view that cannot be mutated, is BBuTG4DzNqo-00032-00021921-00023039 Mathieu Hofman: it's similar to copyright minimization where you create another potentially array, Buffer. That you are guaranteed to not, cannot go, and you take the backing buffer. BBuTG4DzNqo-00033-00023437-00023567 Mathieu Hofman: So BBuTG4DzNqo-00034-00023788-00024262 Mathieu Hofman: in general, i'm wondering what would be the best approach to BBuTG4DzNqo-00035-00024300-00024589 Mathieu Hofman: have a representation of BBuTG4DzNqo-00036-00024646-00024888 Mathieu Hofman: immutable bytes in the platform. BBuTG4DzNqo-00037-00024974-00025031 Hmm. BBuTG4DzNqo-00038-00025128-00026999 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So I want to express an opinion that that the copy on right technique is is, you know well, very valuable. I would like to, you know, be nice to to see it Happen it doesn't subsume the need for an immutable, because the copy and right technique still doesn't give you BBuTG4DzNqo-00039-00027000-00027685 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): a pointer that I mean an object reference that can be shared. that BBuTG4DzNqo-00040-00027700-00028158 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that only gives access to BBuTG4DzNqo-00041-00028170-00028349 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): a fixed set of bytes BBuTG4DzNqo-00042-00028406-00029077 Mathieu Hofman: correct. But in my opinion it is red events when you consider an approach like Blob. BBuTG4DzNqo-00043-00029255-00029370 Mathieu Hofman: Where? BBuTG4DzNqo-00044-00029383-00030425 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, but blob. But Blob only creates a fresh copy when you ask it for a buffer because of the absence of the possibility of a frozen buffer BBuTG4DzNqo-00045-00030547-00030767 Mathieu Hofman: right? But the BBuTG4DzNqo-00046-00030775-00031089 Mathieu Hofman: point is, if you have copy on the right blog can. BBuTG4DzNqo-00047-00031101-00031564 Mathieu Hofman: When you create a blog from an array buffer, you create a copy from the area. Buffer BBuTG4DzNqo-00048-00031602-00032027 Mathieu Hofman: Log will never mutated so internally. If it was a platform thing like BBuTG4DzNqo-00049-00032042-00033084 Mathieu Hofman: there could be optimization there and then. Whenever someone wants to copy of the the bytes again, see copy on the right of the internal buffer that was captured by the blob. BBuTG4DzNqo-00050-00033086-00033761 Mathieu Hofman: if nothing is modified, could end up being backed by the same backing buffer. BBuTG4DzNqo-00051-00033818-00035749 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So the so that does make sense. That means the blob itself is the thing that you share. If you want to share a mutable access to a set of buttons. The thing that I find disturbing about it from an Api point of view is just the multiplication of similar abstractions that you've got. You know we we would. BBuTG4DzNqo-00052-00035749-00037044 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): We already have array, Buffer and you into it arrays and data views. I've never actually found myself wanting to use a data view. I'm not sure why we need it in addition to the others. BBuTG4DzNqo-00053-00037049-00037795 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): And then, on top of of those 3 we would additionally have blobs in order to just get the mutable one. BBuTG4DzNqo-00054-00037815-00038959 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): I'd like to hear from Peter in particular about what model was already done with regard to the round form BBuTG4DzNqo-00055-00038986-00039394 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): of of these various abstractions, what what they're. BBuTG4DzNqo-00056-00039440-00040453 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): whether it's it confirmed, whether it's beyond the current, spec or not, what what the actual semantics are that's provided by excess when things are in wrong BBuTG4DzNqo-00057-00040511-00042532 Mathieu Hofman: before it. Just quickly. A quick answer. I I would say, like there are 3 different 3 distinct things. The views are that are used on on the the array buffer. It carries the ability to go and mutate a a that back in data. And then the blog BBuTG4DzNqo-00058-00042544-00043699 Mathieu Hofman: is basically a way to pass around an immutable version of the device. So the blob of contents, the line type of the BBuTG4DzNqo-00059-00043761-00045062 Mathieu Hofman: Yes, correct it blog. The wet blog has also other things like the man type which may not be relevant. In in our case it was more of a concept of BBuTG4DzNqo-00060-00045068-00045350 Mathieu Hofman: being able to carry BBuTG4DzNqo-00061-00045439-00045965 Mathieu Hofman: a a container to to pass around that that represents a mutable bytes. BBuTG4DzNqo-00062-00046005-00046552 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay, let me just check when you said things like BBuTG4DzNqo-00063-00046570-00046857 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): additional information like the Mime type. BBuTG4DzNqo-00064-00046878-00047289 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Is there anything else besides the bytes in the mind type? BBuTG4DzNqo-00065-00047306-00049444 Mathieu Hofman: Sorry for the phrase, it has additional things. One is that additional information like my so the mine type. The other thing it has a that's not relevant is an ability to create web streams to read the the backing data which obviously we wouldn't be able to bring in the well. I mean BBuTG4DzNqo-00066-00049525-00049752 Mathieu Hofman: what teams are have BBuTG4DzNqo-00067-00049777-00050200 Mathieu Hofman: too much deep ties into the web platform to be able to be brought in the language. BBuTG4DzNqo-00068-00050225-00050298 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. BBuTG4DzNqo-00069-00050509-00050597 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): okay. BBuTG4DzNqo-00070-00050666-00051173 Mathieu Hofman: It was more of a concept of a an object to pass around or a buffers. BBuTG4DzNqo-00071-00051176-00051253 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. BBuTG4DzNqo-00072-00051311-00051951 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): yeah. So so that that means that a blob without a blobby thing BBuTG4DzNqo-00073-00051953-00052125 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): without the mind type BBuTG4DzNqo-00074-00052159-00052951 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): would on the web platform not subsume the blob. So the blob, the web blog, would continue to exist. BBuTG4DzNqo-00075-00052970-00053699 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): And so now you've got similar but different things for people on the web platform BBuTG4DzNqo-00076-00053704-00054419 Mathieu Hofman: a platform blog could be a base class potentially for a web level. BBuTG4DzNqo-00077-00054428-00054852 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Well, that's base. Base class versus some class is still BBuTG4DzNqo-00078-00054907-00055057 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): 2 different things. BBuTG4DzNqo-00079-00055062-00055120 Mathieu Hofman: Yeah. BBuTG4DzNqo-00080-00055337-00055435 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So, Peter. BBuTG4DzNqo-00081-00055852-00056151 peter hoddie: Hey, Mark. you guys hear me? BBuTG4DzNqo-00082-00056171-00056242 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah. BBuTG4DzNqo-00083-00056299-00056825 peter hoddie: I mean, so what we've done in excess BBuTG4DzNqo-00084-00056855-00058370 peter hoddie: is, I mean, I think, pretty light compared to a lot of the things that approaches. We've been discussing. Our goal with. The mutability has has always been not to introduce new things BBuTG4DzNqo-00085-00058374-00058523 peter hoddie: as much as possible. BBuTG4DzNqo-00086-00058540-00059378 peter hoddie: And so you know, we they sort of 2 questions. This one is what's the runtime behavior of a mutual or a buffers. And what's the how do you create them? BBuTG4DzNqo-00087-00059401-00060266 peter hoddie: I'll start with the time because it's basically invisible. You just have a ray buffers, and they act exactly BBuTG4DzNqo-00088-00060291-00061352 peter hoddie: an immutable array. Buffer, You acts exactly like a regular array buffer until you try to write to it, at which point. It, of course, throws an exception. BBuTG4DzNqo-00089-00061452-00061521 peter hoddie: That's it. BBuTG4DzNqo-00090-00061660-00061730 Jack Works: Yeah. BBuTG4DzNqo-00091-00061766-00062320 peter hoddie: it's nothing. You a developer to learn when they're you. BBuTG4DzNqo-00092-00062416-00063319 peter hoddie: And and and how does one create an immutable array. Buffer, that's the that's the part that is slightly magical. BBuTG4DzNqo-00093-00063339-00064063 peter hoddie: Usual way in our environment that people create in mutable ray buffer is they create a mutable, a regular array buffer BBuTG4DzNqo-00094-00064140-00065070 peter hoddie: prior to what in javascript is called lockdown. and when that BBuTG4DzNqo-00095-00065102-00065321 peter hoddie: that that when the build BBuTG4DzNqo-00096-00065338-00066317 peter hoddie: it's the lockdown phase that any array buffers were created up to that point, become a mutable array buffers because they are moved to wrong for storage. BBuTG4DzNqo-00097-00066356-00066856 peter hoddie: And so that is, that's magic at the engine level BBuTG4DzNqo-00098-00066858-00067920 peter hoddie: that makes them immutable. There is some time facility to make an array buffer inutable, and that is the petrify BBuTG4DzNqo-00099-00067939-00068114 peter hoddie: function. BBuTG4DzNqo-00100-00068168-00069035 peter hoddie: It's a general purpose way to make things. And so we just apply that to a BBuTG4DzNqo-00101-00069061-00069265 peter hoddie: Okay. What is that? BBuTG4DzNqo-00102-00069270-00069803 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): The the there is a. So I I know you use the term, petrify. BBuTG4DzNqo-00103-00069814-00070714 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Daniel Einberg has a proposed, has a written down proposal on petrified, and Matthew use the term petrify. I don't know if we're all talking about the same thing BBuTG4DzNqo-00104-00070721-00071187 peter hoddie: my usage of the term, because I was BBuTG4DzNqo-00105-00071257-00072031 Daniel Ehrenberg: trying to correspond to what Peter was doing, and he conceived as taking away his ability to use the term BBuTG4DzNqo-00106-00072034-00072297 Daniel Ehrenberg: just ignored my thing. It was just one document. BBuTG4DzNqo-00107-00072317-00072401 peter hoddie: Okay. BBuTG4DzNqo-00108-00072513-00073282 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. So so, Peter, let's talk. Tell us about what you have in mind in general for the semantics of petrify. BBuTG4DzNqo-00109-00073318-00073573 peter hoddie: What petrified does you BBuTG4DzNqo-00110-00073580-00073877 peter hoddie: it? As if BBuTG4DzNqo-00111-00073881-00074821 peter hoddie: you had the entire object to wrong. So that means everything about about the the instance, the the public fields, the BBuTG4DzNqo-00112-00074822-00075004 peter hoddie: private fields, private methods. BBuTG4DzNqo-00113-00075012-00075484 peter hoddie: and he buffers internal slots, all of them BBuTG4DzNqo-00114-00075508-00075844 peter hoddie: kind of mutable. You understand this. BBuTG4DzNqo-00115-00076021-00076401 peter hoddie: so on a behavior which is desirable in general it is. BBuTG4DzNqo-00116-00076446-00077214 peter hoddie: That's fine. So you know we see our petrify as a tool that could then be used to help build BBuTG4DzNqo-00117-00077223-00077515 peter hoddie: other Apis, such as BBuTG4DzNqo-00118-00077583-00078152 peter hoddie: the the, you know, make it a mutable slice, for example, that Jack Works was talking about. BBuTG4DzNqo-00119-00078255-00078409 peter hoddie: I think we're BBuTG4DzNqo-00120-00078427-00078829 peter hoddie: we we we really, I think, for us. The important thing is that BBuTG4DzNqo-00121-00078873-00079384 peter hoddie: mutable buffers are just regular buffers that BBuTG4DzNqo-00122-00079495-00080312 peter hoddie: fail when you try to write, and nothing more. The semantics of how they're created. We're. I think we're flexible on. BBuTG4DzNqo-00123-00080313-00081206 peter hoddie: We've done something that works really nicely for our environments, but we understand that it it may be too powerful to have, as a feature in the line BBuTG4DzNqo-00124-00081259-00081623 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is petrify one level, or BBuTG4DzNqo-00125-00081644-00081719 peter hoddie: I do. BBuTG4DzNqo-00126-00081879-00081955 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): I'm sorry BBuTG4DzNqo-00127-00082173-00082305 peter hoddie: it really goes for it. BBuTG4DzNqo-00128-00082422-00082600 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): It's it's it's transitive. BBuTG4DzNqo-00129-00083008-00083682 peter hoddie: because otherwise I mean it. It could like if you called it on a typed array. For example, it wouldn't get to the array buffer. BBuTG4DzNqo-00130-00083849-00084158 peter hoddie: Okay. I mean, again, Semantics, are BBuTG4DzNqo-00131-00084168-00084918 peter hoddie: we. We're happy to happy, to explore different ways of doing that. But it solves problems for our environment. BBuTG4DzNqo-00132-00084974-00085404 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. So the BBuTG4DzNqo-00133-00085603-00086151 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): so, Matthew, when you talk about super freeze would super freeze, be the BBuTG4DzNqo-00134-00086165-00086999 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the shallow step. You know the the one-level step that petrify then repeats transitively. BBuTG4DzNqo-00135-00087058-00087551 Mathieu Hofman: I. So when I talked about super freeze before BBuTG4DzNqo-00136-00087661-00088254 Mathieu Hofman: I think it was more in in in my mind it was more of a BBuTG4DzNqo-00137-00088281-00089435 Mathieu Hofman: the cache free. So if if we were, you wouldn't keep asking the question about whether the target object is is frozen or not. BBuTG4DzNqo-00138-00089634-00090260 Mathieu Hofman: and it didn't have different cement on what can be frozen or BBuTG4DzNqo-00139-00090432-00090903 Mathieu Hofman: yeah, it it didn't have a difference in any of what can be frozen on how far it's in our closing. BBuTG4DzNqo-00140-00091036-00091556 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. So so one of the things that we have talked about in these meetings that that BBuTG4DzNqo-00141-00091800-00091896 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is BBuTG4DzNqo-00142-00091904-00092319 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): having something like freeze. You know BBuTG4DzNqo-00143-00092358-00092573 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that also. BBuTG4DzNqo-00144-00092590-00093465 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): as it froze the properties froze them in such, you know, basically if a an object that was super frozen, let's say. BBuTG4DzNqo-00145-00093486-00093714 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): or if if this BBuTG4DzNqo-00146-00093723-00095232 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): would be one in which you can objects that inherit from a super frozen object. You can override the properties with assignment without running into the override mistake. That would be one of the nice things to bundle. There is the main thing that Peter was talking about. BBuTG4DzNqo-00147-00095244-00095350 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): which is BBuTG4DzNqo-00148-00095354-00095850 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): having internal properties, and and BBuTG4DzNqo-00149-00095863-00096114 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): you other non BBuTG4DzNqo-00150-00096120-00096720 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): non-named property State get for us and have some questions about that. But for BBuTG4DzNqo-00151-00096840-00097888 Mathieu Hofman: I feel like new freezing internal states and internal slots is a difference question than than what I BBuTG4DzNqo-00152-00097892-00098079 Mathieu Hofman: was thinking about for super freeze. BBuTG4DzNqo-00153-00098093-00099499 Mathieu Hofman: And, as I've expressed before. I believe that should be based on a protocol instead of instead of the current of of what's freeze does, which is basically very in intrusive and and mutation objects BBuTG4DzNqo-00154-00099504-00099695 Mathieu Hofman: without the objects. BBuTG4DzNqo-00155-00099822-00101143 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. So I certainly agree that it needs the objects consent in the sense that that one should be able to create a class of instances that BBuTG4DzNqo-00156-00101383-00101632 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): where the private fields cannot be. BBuTG4DzNqo-00157-00101653-00102517 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): you know, cannot be locked down by a client, because I can threaten the integrity of the the of the instances can be an attack. BBuTG4DzNqo-00158-00102703-00103149 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the other the other one is all of the cases. You. BBuTG4DzNqo-00159-00103163-00103567 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Peter. Maybe if you could explain the BBuTG4DzNqo-00160-00103769-00103956 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the impurities. BBuTG4DzNqo-00161-00103992-00104596 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Query on excess, because I think that is strongly. BBuTG4DzNqo-00162-00104621-00105178 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): very informative with regard to the rest of this conversation. I'm thinking in particular, about BBuTG4DzNqo-00163-00105192-00105421 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the inability to BBuTG4DzNqo-00164-00105442-00106036 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): petrify your super freeze, or whatever a closure that captures BBuTG4DzNqo-00165-00106038-00106214 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): assignable variables. BBuTG4DzNqo-00166-00106383-00106968 peter hoddie: Sure, I mean. So I think that call is currently called the abilities BBuTG4DzNqo-00167-00106988-00108470 peter hoddie: or immutability. Sorry. That's that's the name that it's actually currently available under. And it's sort of like, I mean, it. It walks the same path through the object transitively as petrify BBuTG4DzNqo-00168-00108491-00108997 peter hoddie: It's basically looking for all the things that petrified would BBuTG4DzNqo-00169-00109088-00109227 peter hoddie: to make it. BBuTG4DzNqo-00170-00109241-00109553 peter hoddie: So it returns a a a list of BBuTG4DzNqo-00171-00109564-00110045 peter hoddie: all of the things that are not in that in that path. BBuTG4DzNqo-00172-00110077-00110288 peter hoddie: And so it's a BBuTG4DzNqo-00173-00110317-00111463 peter hoddie: It's really just a diagnostic tool. Doesn't do anything it just tells you whether this object is has any, it will stay in it or not. And so, if it doesn't, it conforms to BBuTG4DzNqo-00174-00111488-00112123 peter hoddie: the definition of pure that the mark that you've described before. BBuTG4DzNqo-00175-00112138-00112876 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay. And and so so when you so with regard to petrify, if you pre petrify an object that that BBuTG4DzNqo-00176-00112893-00114230 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that inherently contains state that can't be wronged like a closure that captures assignable variables. What does petrified? What does petrified do in that case BBuTG4DzNqo-00177-00114252-00114552 peter hoddie: we could, actually makes that BBuTG4DzNqo-00178-00114616-00115142 peter hoddie: there's 2 options actually again depends on on how everything is set up BBuTG4DzNqo-00179-00115146-00115561 peter hoddie: the default behave like if you were to do it at runtime. BBuTG4DzNqo-00180-00115642-00115961 peter hoddie: It's called by that BBuTG4DzNqo-00181-00116013-00116322 peter hoddie: that closure would actually become muted BBuTG4DzNqo-00182-00116356-00116528 peter hoddie: would not be assigned to the variables. BBuTG4DzNqo-00183-00116568-00116830 peter hoddie: you know. BBuTG4DzNqo-00184-00116873-00117118 peter hoddie: However okay. BBuTG4DzNqo-00185-00117230-00117630 peter hoddie: the petrified was applied by the Linker as part of moving something to wrong. BBuTG4DzNqo-00186-00117638-00117822 peter hoddie: You could notice the BBuTG4DzNqo-00187-00118013-00118127 are writable, and BBuTG4DzNqo-00188-00118323-00118695 peter hoddie: that would allow access to BBuTG4DzNqo-00189-00118869-00119065 peter hoddie: necessary. BBuTG4DzNqo-00190-00119330-00119723 peter hoddie: Yeah. that was good. But but BBuTG4DzNqo-00191-00119784-00120931 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): okay, so that that is certainly a petrified. That's too powerful to be a generally available language. Primitive. I think, with regard to this issue about. you know, classes BBuTG4DzNqo-00192-00120953-00122394 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): could be attacked, I think. to change in the semantics of the Cl and closure is part of the sort of most important thing about a closure, is it's encapsulation semantics. BBuTG4DzNqo-00193-00122399-00123440 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and from the outside of a closure to cause the it's internal variables To become unassignable is is pretty violent. So I would, I would just BBuTG4DzNqo-00194-00123450-00124808 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): consider closures to have implicitly, always opted out, have no option to opt in, and that classes probably would need to opt in, to be petrified and otherwise are implicitly opted out. BBuTG4DzNqo-00195-00125219-00125370 Mathieu Hofman: That that makes sense. BBuTG4DzNqo-00196-00125643-00125746 Mathieu Hofman: So BBuTG4DzNqo-00197-00126117-00126634 Mathieu Hofman: so, for my to here like itrifies rather than here for Ray Buffer, because BBuTG4DzNqo-00198-00126647-00127021 Mathieu Hofman: is one case where you need to move BBuTG4DzNqo-00199-00127246-00127704 Mathieu Hofman: free for petrify the internal States. BBuTG4DzNqo-00200-00127991-00128345 Mathieu Hofman: However. I, as I mentioned, like BBuTG4DzNqo-00201-00128452-00129135 Mathieu Hofman: I i'm wondering if there is the better approach. Here is a is a protocol based. BBuTG4DzNqo-00202-00129386-00130288 Mathieu Hofman: It's a portable is the approach for certification, or or whatever in the name would be. We're. Instances BBuTG4DzNqo-00203-00130344-00131547 Mathieu Hofman: of objects that are willing to be put in. The immutable States have this symbol on it that can be BBuTG4DzNqo-00204-00131559-00131681 Mathieu Hofman: in votes. BBuTG4DzNqo-00205-00131700-00132136 Mathieu Hofman: and once it is in votes, the BBuTG4DzNqo-00206-00132278-00132796 Mathieu Hofman: we'll, we'll perform the step to mute, to freeze its own states. BBuTG4DzNqo-00207-00132799-00133893 Mathieu Hofman: Now the the question is, how do you verify that? Indeed, the the the object is is, in fact, mutable. Give me annual. BBuTG4DzNqo-00208-00133961-00134802 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, that's. That's why i'm thinking about the the protocol being an opt-in, or opt out rather than a method that actually does something. BBuTG4DzNqo-00209-00134813-00135247 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Because then, if you're up, if you've opted in. BBuTG4DzNqo-00210-00135258-00135573 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): or have not, have not opted out whichever way we go. BBuTG4DzNqo-00211-00135578-00136708 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and you get petrified, then it's still the machine that does the petrification. It's just the object that that that enabled it to proceed. BBuTG4DzNqo-00212-00136818-00137496 Michael FIG: What if, what if the state of the object is kept in the side table, and not just a private field, or a member of the class. BBuTG4DzNqo-00213-00137553-00137705 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Oh, great question. BBuTG4DzNqo-00214-00137881-00138343 Mathieu Hofman: which, by the way, is. And it's also a central question with regard to BBuTG4DzNqo-00215-00138344-00139720 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the semantics of Where is the mutability in a class. the a derived class where the base might be doing a return override. BBuTG4DzNqo-00216-00139852-00140530 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): If the drive class has private fields, as we know, it's not a consistent theory BBuTG4DzNqo-00217-00140532-00141628 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): to ascribe the immutability to the instances. because the instances that are return overwritten might already be BBuTG4DzNqo-00218-00141643-00141879 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): be immutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00219-00142138-00142803 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): And and Peter I'm. Wondering about also about excess. What it stance there is with regard to the BBuTG4DzNqo-00220-00142825-00143258 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): impurities queries. If you've got a class with BBuTG4DzNqo-00221-00143310-00143650 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): a derived class, with private fields. BBuTG4DzNqo-00222-00143681-00144095 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and you petrify the class. BBuTG4DzNqo-00223-00144421-00144610 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): What happens? BBuTG4DzNqo-00224-00144858-00145713 peter hoddie: This is private fields in the in the prototype class, like in a classes drive from is that what you're asking? Where? BBuTG4DzNqo-00225-00145815-00146369 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): What i'm saying, the the if the I suppose this is more relevant for the one level BBuTG4DzNqo-00226-00146398-00146520 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): one case. BBuTG4DzNqo-00227-00146769-00146897 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): if you BBuTG4DzNqo-00228-00147016-00147805 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): no it's it's all no sorry that's not true. It's relevant even for the transitive case. If you petrify a drive class. BBuTG4DzNqo-00229-00147819-00148738 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): it's still the case that the base class, even if petrified. might be a might have a constructor that returns BBuTG4DzNqo-00230-00148762-00149301 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): just the object constructor, the the object prototype object, or something that BBuTG4DzNqo-00231-00149303-00149622 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is, you know, really really needs to be immutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00232-00149658-00150200 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and therefore, when the drive class seems to be adding BBuTG4DzNqo-00233-00150204-00150476 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): fields to the BBuTG4DzNqo-00234-00150487-00151398 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): return override object. You cannot count for that mutability. There's no as mutability that's on the instance. BBuTG4DzNqo-00235-00151412-00152426 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So you so the only thing left is to account for the mutability as the hidden week map inside the class, which is how the semantics is described, anyway. BBuTG4DzNqo-00236-00152446-00153315 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): But that means that a class they're a drive class with private fields cannot be considered pure BBuTG4DzNqo-00237-00153451-00154079 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): unless you verify that unless unless less, something somehow verifies that the entire chain BBuTG4DzNqo-00238-00154080-00154637 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): inheritance training above it never engages in return. Override, which would be a little bit magical BBuTG4DzNqo-00239-00154665-00154941 peter hoddie: is that I mean or sorry I'm. BBuTG4DzNqo-00240-00154945-00155493 peter hoddie: It may be just me getting confused, but we're we're sort of mixing the BBuTG4DzNqo-00241-00155589-00155787 peter hoddie: back to the class BBuTG4DzNqo-00242-00155819-00156078 peter hoddie: petrified with BBuTG4DzNqo-00243-00156110-00156194 peter hoddie: you. Bye. BBuTG4DzNqo-00244-00156210-00156482 peter hoddie: i'm not sure I can use that apart. Sorry BBuTG4DzNqo-00245-00156500-00157821 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): so so if it wasn't for a turn, override a consistent theory of where the mutability is of private fields, would be that the mutability is on the instances. BBuTG4DzNqo-00246-00157870-00159044 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and that means that a petrified class. which is, which which would, which the the the impurities query could verify, was transitively mutable, could still have BBuTG4DzNqo-00247-00159073-00159314 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): mutable instances BBuTG4DzNqo-00248-00159323-00159599 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): whose private fields could be mutated. BBuTG4DzNqo-00249-00159660-00160107 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): The the the problem with that theory BBuTG4DzNqo-00250-00160153-00160282 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is that BBuTG4DzNqo-00251-00160325-00160847 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): if the class that declares those fields is a derived class BBuTG4DzNqo-00252-00160881-00161207 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and the base class that it inherits from BBuTG4DzNqo-00253-00161222-00161695 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): might be returning an object that's already immutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00254-00161759-00162991 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): The semantics demands that the the so to speak, addition of private fields to the returned object. BBuTG4DzNqo-00255-00162997-00163140 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Still work. BBuTG4DzNqo-00256-00163208-00164144 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): but the only. But the way the Semantics describes that, and I, I would say that the only consistent way the semantics can describe. It BBuTG4DzNqo-00257-00164187-00164899 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is to a scribes a mutable state to a hidden week map in the class. BBuTG4DzNqo-00258-00164911-00166065 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): rather than to mutable state in the instance, because in this case there's mutability. That's for instance. But the instances themselves have been verified not to be mutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00259-00166143-00166850 Mathieu Hofman: I I I I I disagree here like. If if you have a constructor that returns an immutable BBuTG4DzNqo-00260-00166865-00167370 Mathieu Hofman: instance, you just simply cannot create a class of BBuTG4DzNqo-00261-00167392-00167482 Mathieu Hofman: of that. BBuTG4DzNqo-00262-00167674-00167847 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): I mean, the language BBuTG4DzNqo-00263-00167901-00168636 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): does create drive classes of that right now. BBuTG4DzNqo-00264-00168851-00169100 Mathieu Hofman: But if you can create a class, it just won't be functional. BBuTG4DzNqo-00265-00169153-00170011 Mathieu Hofman: it's it's the same. It's. It's the same kind of a issue. If you, if you have a construction that returns a frozen object today, and then BBuTG4DzNqo-00266-00170029-00170403 Mathieu Hofman: and then the direct class tries to to our properties. BBuTG4DzNqo-00267-00170442-00170685 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): No, no; the drive class tries to add BBuTG4DzNqo-00268-00170689-00171050 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): private fields to a frozen BBuTG4DzNqo-00269-00171081-00171929 Mathieu Hofman: object returned by the super class. It works right now. BBuTG4DzNqo-00270-00171950-00172994 Mathieu Hofman: Properties to a frozen super. It won't work. BBuTG4DzNqo-00271-00173023-00174024 Mathieu Hofman: But but what i'm. What I'm saying is that private field is the equivalent of like privacy, field and petrified in the equivalent of frozen and adding public. BBuTG4DzNqo-00272-00174222-00174988 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Okay, okay. So okay, Good. Good. So so what? So what we're saying is that BBuTG4DzNqo-00273-00175123-00175569 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): in a hypothetical. BBuTG4DzNqo-00274-00175894-00177042 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): you know, in an in a, in a. you know Javascript with petrify. The way we would define hardened javascript is, we'd be very specific. BBuTG4DzNqo-00275-00177054-00177146 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that BBuTG4DzNqo-00276-00177180-00178202 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that all of the primordials are not just transitively frozen and immutable by by virtue of the absence BBuTG4DzNqo-00277-00178210-00178779 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): of private fields which they let me both of of internal slots which they have right. Now. BBuTG4DzNqo-00278-00178800-00179877 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): we've been very careful about that with regard to the to all of the safe primordials that is not just the but that in addition we would we would be specifying BBuTG4DzNqo-00279-00179883-00180281 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that all of the shared, all of the shared safe primordials BBuTG4DzNqo-00280-00180286-00180653 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): are petrified. and therefore BBuTG4DzNqo-00281-00180669-00180940 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): cannot be BBuTG4DzNqo-00282-00180962-00181614 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): enhanced by our return. Override and subclassing. Is that correct? BBuTG4DzNqo-00283-00181641-00182131 Mathieu Hofman: No, I Don't understand like, how is, and that that goes back to Here's question. BBuTG4DzNqo-00284-00182140-00182729 Mathieu Hofman: How is itifying a class which, by the class doesn't create petrified instances? BBuTG4DzNqo-00285-00182790-00182998 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): No, no, I understand that that's the point. BBuTG4DzNqo-00286-00183004-00183476 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): We the If we. BBuTG4DzNqo-00287-00183577-00184846 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): if if you have a super class that returns the object constructor and the object constructor is BBuTG4DzNqo-00288-00184962-00186363 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): simply transitively frozen or just frozen, is simply frozen and known to not have any internal slots. Then the existing language Semantics BBuTG4DzNqo-00289-00186416-00186830 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): still demands that the BBuTG4DzNqo-00290-00186832-00187090 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that the sub class. BBuTG4DzNqo-00291-00187162-00187942 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): so to speak, add pro, be able to successfully add private fields to it, and that's the thing that you want to prohibit BBuTG4DzNqo-00292-00188008-00188158 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): for BBuTG4DzNqo-00293-00188180-00188681 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the primordials in a future hardened javascript. BBuTG4DzNqo-00294-00188776-00188924 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): because BBuTG4DzNqo-00295-00188933-00189631 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): in a future hardened Javascript, what what I think you're saying is, we would like to BBuTG4DzNqo-00296-00189637-00190980 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): ascribe the mutability of the private fields to the instance and a consistent theory for doing that BBuTG4DzNqo-00297-00191015-00191510 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): would be that if we consider BBuTG4DzNqo-00298-00191527-00192355 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): all of the the objects that that we really want to be immutable, even if they have BBuTG4DzNqo-00299-00192382-00192997 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): no internal slots. If we really wanted them to be considered immutable, we've got to petrify them BBuTG4DzNqo-00300-00193014-00194386 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): or super freeze them or something. The freezing. freezing them, which is what we're doing now, combined with knowledge of no internal slots, is not adequate to consider them to not be mutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00301-00194420-00194932 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): And then, if you super, freeze them such that they really are immutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00302-00194980-00195684 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and then a sub-class tries to extend BBuTG4DzNqo-00303-00195696-00196489 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): their instance, their, their, so to speak, instant state with with new private fields, enhance them with private fields that that would fail. BBuTG4DzNqo-00304-00196540-00197586 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and it's only if that fails that you have a theory that can ascribe what would have been the mutability to the instance rather than the class? BBuTG4DzNqo-00305-00198067-00198349 Mathieu Hofman: I'm not sure. I follow, because I still don't believe BBuTG4DzNqo-00306-00198372-00198830 Mathieu Hofman: that any of the intrinsic instructors should create. BBuTG4DzNqo-00307-00199398-00199544 Mathieu Hofman: I don't see why it should. BBuTG4DzNqo-00308-00199614-00200129 peter hoddie: I'm not talking about the object constructor itself. BBuTG4DzNqo-00309-00200174-00200642 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): just as an example of an object that hardened javascript needs to be immutable. BBuTG4DzNqo-00310-00200735-00200883 Daniel Ehrenberg: Yeah. So BBuTG4DzNqo-00311-00200903-00201542 Daniel Ehrenberg: about about this topic in general, about disallowing private fields on certain objects. BBuTG4DzNqo-00312-00201544-00202314 Daniel Ehrenberg: i'm personally fine with this direction I do want to remind this group that it's was requests from from here BBuTG4DzNqo-00313-00202322-00203543 Daniel Ehrenberg: that made it so that we did say that, frozen out all these things could allow would allow private fields. It was that we got the requirement that to have the weekmap analogy. BBuTG4DzNqo-00314-00203567-00203752 Daniel Ehrenberg: So BBuTG4DzNqo-00315-00203870-00204197 Daniel Ehrenberg: maybe we should also think about how. BBuTG4DzNqo-00316-00204241-00204783 Daniel Ehrenberg: when analyzing proposals, we could figure out these issues BBuTG4DzNqo-00317-00204804-00205417 Daniel Ehrenberg: ahead of time because you were already thinking a lot about hardened primordials and such. BBuTG4DzNqo-00318-00205485-00205888 Daniel Ehrenberg: and maybe that maybe that would have flown into the design of of private fields. BBuTG4DzNqo-00319-00206004-00206130 Mathieu Hofman: I I think BBuTG4DzNqo-00320-00206138-00207844 Mathieu Hofman: I I think we just missed it at that point. We didn't we didn't think about that problem. I mean I wasn't around so I you didn't think of it. So I I I was around, and it's probably my fault, and I I think I saw it Justin still here. BBuTG4DzNqo-00321-00207892-00208011 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Justin Ridgewell. BBuTG4DzNqo-00322-00208136-00208438 Daniel Ehrenberg: I think he was here earlier. I don't see him now. BBuTG4DzNqo-00323-00208569-00209300 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): I think Justin actually argued for something much like what i'm arguing for now. BBuTG4DzNqo-00324-00209301-00209958 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and I didn't see the implications at the time encounter argued for the BBuTG4DzNqo-00325-00210073-00210405 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the pure week map. Now the tree BBuTG4DzNqo-00326-00210432-00210531 Mathieu Hofman: so BBuTG4DzNqo-00327-00210546-00211490 Daniel Ehrenberg: well, Justin just an argued a lot of things. But yeah, the the surprise at the week map analogy extending in these sorts of directions BBuTG4DzNqo-00328-00211496-00211788 Daniel Ehrenberg: was sort of widely held among the committee. BBuTG4DzNqo-00329-00211814-00212741 Daniel Ehrenberg: and I was defending the weekmap analogy because it it it. It made sense that it was what Mark was advocating for, and that's what we went with. BBuTG4DzNqo-00330-00212780-00212941 Daniel Ehrenberg: But BBuTG4DzNqo-00331-00213056-00213471 Daniel Ehrenberg: i'm not. I'm not sure. There was. There was definitely some skepticism. BBuTG4DzNqo-00332-00213486-00213848 Michael FIG: I I guess the question that I was trying to ask is. BBuTG4DzNqo-00333-00213890-00214673 Michael FIG: if we don't take the week map analogy as analogy. If we say Yes, we have some side week map in which we're putting objects in properties. BBuTG4DzNqo-00334-00214710-00215223 Michael FIG: How do we ensure that petrify, actually make sure that that those properties frozen. BBuTG4DzNqo-00335-00215377-00215556 Mathieu Hofman: I I don't think it's too. BBuTG4DzNqo-00336-00215687-00216328 Michael FIG: So in in the case, which is which is that's why that's what he's. Protocol proposal was about that BBuTG4DzNqo-00337-00216348-00216748 Michael FIG: a given object to kind of keep trying to it's book keeping everywhere. BBuTG4DzNqo-00338-00216789-00217186 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So there, there's so the I mean BBuTG4DzNqo-00339-00217314-00218096 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): for a a genuine external week Map that the object doesn't know about the protocol Proposal doesn't enable the object BBuTG4DzNqo-00340-00218117-00218956 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): to do anything about week maps that it's a key end that it doesn't know about. And I think that's a feature, not a but with regard to classes BBuTG4DzNqo-00341-00218988-00220356 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): in the hidden Week map theory of class private fields. because the week map is reachable from the class. the a transit of petrify. BBuTG4DzNqo-00342-00220407-00220621 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): if allowed to succeed BBuTG4DzNqo-00343-00220638-00221133 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): by whatever you know, whatever opt in or opt out with the. If BBuTG4DzNqo-00344-00221138-00222080 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): If you had transitively petrify a class. then the by the weak math theory that would necessarily walk down BBuTG4DzNqo-00345-00222113-00222871 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the week map, which, by the way, has a has an even worse problem, which is, if you walk. If you really lock down the week map. BBuTG4DzNqo-00346-00222916-00223159 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): then you can't BBuTG4DzNqo-00347-00223259-00224415 Mathieu Hofman: even create new instances of the class, and that you can't create the whole week Map and I I, or pitrify the whole week Map at this. What you can do BBuTG4DzNqo-00348-00224416-00224900 Mathieu Hofman: is freeze the value associated to your entry BBuTG4DzNqo-00349-00224913-00226494 Mathieu Hofman: in in the week map and make sure that you're not allowed to replace the value at any time, so it can only be used, but not for sense, basically. and and that that's just weird semantics for a for a week. Not like that. BBuTG4DzNqo-00350-00226648-00227234 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, I I think we all agree that this is weird. The question is, how do we get out of the dilemma? BBuTG4DzNqo-00351-00227427-00227853 Mathieu Hofman: I'm saying that the array buffer allergy is an interesting one, too. BBuTG4DzNqo-00352-00227869-00228630 Michael FIG: because who's saying that the individual bytes are actually properties of the array buffer that are reachable by, anyway? BBuTG4DzNqo-00353-00228650-00228919 Michael FIG: Are they actually built into the week map BBuTG4DzNqo-00354-00228952-00229088 Michael FIG: that we're talking about. BBuTG4DzNqo-00355-00229121-00229506 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): so they so they have to be reachable by BBuTG4DzNqo-00356-00229538-00229717 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): the array buffer. BBuTG4DzNqo-00357-00229762-00229962 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): If the array buffer BBuTG4DzNqo-00358-00229988-00230336 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): has intrinsic behavior BBuTG4DzNqo-00359-00230357-00231189 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that is dependent on them right? I mean the thing about an object that happens to be a key in a week Map that it that it doesn't know about BBuTG4DzNqo-00360-00231244-00232519 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): it. That object can't have any methods that depend on the contents of that week map. because then it would that because it could only do that if it knew about the link map. It's a week map was somehow a relatively reachable from it. BBuTG4DzNqo-00361-00232577-00233156 Michael FIG: Yeah. And this is where Matthews. pointing out of of the semantics of that internal week map BBuTG4DzNqo-00362-00233178-00233292 Michael FIG: are weird. BBuTG4DzNqo-00363-00233314-00233686 Michael FIG: And to get Peter's behavior of how do you actually BBuTG4DzNqo-00364-00233733-00233917 Michael FIG: petrify and ray buffer? BBuTG4DzNqo-00365-00233967-00234796 Michael FIG: You have to do something similar with its properties. You can't just say, okay. These bytes are not frozen, because if you from free spikes, it doesn't really matter. But you do BBuTG4DzNqo-00366-00234810-00235235 Michael FIG: actually changing the property of the the way that contains the bytes. Right? BBuTG4DzNqo-00367-00235371-00235640 Mathieu Hofman: Yeah. Which one, in BBuTG4DzNqo-00368-00235681-00235902 Mathieu Hofman: in my opinion, you can only BBuTG4DzNqo-00369-00236016-00236262 Mathieu Hofman: ask, for the instance BBuTG4DzNqo-00370-00236269-00236515 Mathieu Hofman: to petrify itself. BBuTG4DzNqo-00371-00236532-00237098 Mathieu Hofman: and then you need a predicates to verify if that instance is actually verified. BBuTG4DzNqo-00372-00237459-00237635 Mathieu Hofman: and and then it BBuTG4DzNqo-00373-00237648-00238111 Mathieu Hofman: and then you're back at the problem of what happens to petrified instance. BBuTG4DzNqo-00374-00238152-00238594 Mathieu Hofman: I guess you cannot use them anymore as a new with map keys. BBuTG4DzNqo-00375-00238933-00239246 Mathieu Hofman: because that wouldn't affect as state today BBuTG4DzNqo-00376-00240489-00240664 Michael FIG: like new private field to me. BBuTG4DzNqo-00377-00240707-00241310 Mathieu Hofman: I guess that's not a problem if all of the good path from the instance itself. BBuTG4DzNqo-00378-00241409-00241875 Mathieu Hofman: So I guess that is the difference. Yeah, maybe not. I, I take that back BBuTG4DzNqo-00379-00241883-00243751 Mathieu Hofman: petrification. You can always associate States to to an object as long as the objects itself, and in the so. Now now it becomes a question of, like the the the functions that are are that are reachable from the objects. BBuTG4DzNqo-00380-00243937-00244321 Mathieu Hofman: whatever they can access in their scope, whether BBuTG4DzNqo-00381-00244421-00245619 Mathieu Hofman: those things are petrified or like not allows seating anything with the instance that that's just. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around like what it means to be BBuTG4DzNqo-00382-00245769-00246048 Mathieu Hofman: for for an object to be pitching Friday. BBuTG4DzNqo-00383-00246130-00246546 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): So I mean that's that's the beautiful thing about the the transitive notion BBuTG4DzNqo-00384-00246556-00246867 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): of of petrified or or purity BBuTG4DzNqo-00385-00246887-00246986 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): is that BBuTG4DzNqo-00386-00247134-00247717 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and I a a a. Let's say no argument, method of the object, or BBuTG4DzNqo-00387-00247728-00249110 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that to pay that depends on state means that the state has to be reachable from the object. and that means that if the object is transitively pure. that the methods of the object only have access. BBuTG4DzNqo-00388-00249125-00249682 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Only. Have you know a direct how only have I have only captured access BBuTG4DzNqo-00389-00249694-00249792 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): to BBuTG4DzNqo-00390-00249801-00250086 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): to pure state, and therefore can't BBuTG4DzNqo-00391-00250087-00250292 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): bring about mutable behavior. BBuTG4DzNqo-00392-00250303-00250871 Mathieu Hofman: But but they also it says that, like any BBuTG4DzNqo-00393-00250929-00251448 Mathieu Hofman: other functions that are closed over by those methods, cannot BBuTG4DzNqo-00394-00251519-00251717 Mathieu Hofman: in any way have a path BBuTG4DzNqo-00395-00251734-00252665 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): to look up. State associated to that object. The BBuTG4DzNqo-00396-00252666-00253271 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): you know, the purity probably stops. I mean that well necessarily stops BBuTG4DzNqo-00397-00253290-00253771 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): at where, if it reaches closures that capture, assignable variables BBuTG4DzNqo-00398-00254076-00254365 Mathieu Hofman: or closures that BBuTG4DzNqo-00399-00254423-00254721 Mathieu Hofman: contain a week map where the BBuTG4DzNqo-00400-00254926-00255144 Mathieu Hofman: where the week map itself. BBuTG4DzNqo-00401-00255154-00255548 Mathieu Hofman: where where it be by itself, is, is not frozen. Or yeah. BBuTG4DzNqo-00402-00255551-00256442 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, yeah, I mean, if they, if if they closure the captures. a a constant variable where the value of the variable is not petrified. BBuTG4DzNqo-00403-00256448-00256642 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): then the closure is not BBuTG4DzNqo-00404-00257131-00258092 Mathieu Hofman: okay. So it's not a so so that that also we're actually getting at time. But that also means that BBuTG4DzNqo-00405-00258173-00259232 Mathieu Hofman: with 2 different implementations of this have the same notion of whether an object certified or not like? Are are they guaranteed to be able to make the same kind of BBuTG4DzNqo-00406-00259435-00259585 Mathieu Hofman: transitive checks BBuTG4DzNqo-00407-00260008-00260080 Mathieu Hofman: right BBuTG4DzNqo-00408-00260088-00260713 Mathieu Hofman: like some implementations. For example, when you have a closure. I'll capture the whole. BBuTG4DzNqo-00409-00260714-00260816 Mathieu Hofman: All of it BBuTG4DzNqo-00410-00260828-00262655 Mathieu Hofman: all of the context only capture a subset of the context that it that is reachable. What if that subset is is petrified, but the bigger subset isn't, and then some, some, some, some engines, wouldn't be able to consider it as aified or another would. BBuTG4DzNqo-00411-00262989-00263157 Michael FIG: And what is direct to value. BBuTG4DzNqo-00412-00263399-00263517 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, I I BBuTG4DzNqo-00413-00263951-00264469 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): Yeah, I think there's I mean, there's 2. There's 2 problems there. One is a closure BBuTG4DzNqo-00414-00264498-00264803 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): whose implementation after BBuTG4DzNqo-00415-00264823-00265489 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): more State. then the semantic model of closures would have a capture. BBuTG4DzNqo-00416-00265503-00266285 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): and the other one is a closure that captures less state than the semantic model that imply the first case, I think, is easy, which is BBuTG4DzNqo-00417-00266289-00267145 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): you, can. It's, you know you can just consider the subset of what the implementation is retaining BBuTG4DzNqo-00418-00267150-00268023 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): That corresponds to the name, to the, to to be variables named freely in the closure. You don't have to cap you, Don't, have to look at the entire record. BBuTG4DzNqo-00419-00268054-00268581 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): The other problem, though, which is a compiler, decides that a variable is dead. BBuTG4DzNqo-00420-00268597-00269666 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): or whatever, and drops it. even though it's a variable that's used freely in the closure, and therefore applied to be captured. I I do agree that that's BBuTG4DzNqo-00421-00269691-00269830 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): a BBuTG4DzNqo-00422-00269840-00270494 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): that's that's going to be a possibly show stopping problems. Certainly a hard problem BBuTG4DzNqo-00423-00270502-00270989 Mark S. Miller (MM, Agoric): at trying to get engines to agree on a common deterministic semantics. There. BBuTG4DzNqo-00424-00271328-00271518 Mathieu Hofman: All right, we're BBuTG4DzNqo-00425-00271566-00271891 Mathieu Hofman: we at time thanks. Everyone for BBuTG4DzNqo-00426-00271979-00272160 Mathieu Hofman: discussion. Bye. BFYREr_Aask-00000-00000040-00002039 There are no lost Tribes. If there are lost Tribes, they are, in this case, those who, instead of going to Jerusalem to worship the true God of Israel, prefered worship Baal and the Golden calves that Jeroboam had erected in the high places. Those who are lost are those who took seriously the false prophets who were eating from the table of Jezabel. BGA8ixYX9mu-00001-00000960-00001232 This is my mother's room in my father's forest. BGA8ixYX9mu-00002-00001352-00001884 This room is sunny, so when I come to my father's forest, BGA8ixYX9mu-00003-00001904-00002406 I like to rest in this space. BGA8ixYX9mu-00004-00002508-00002786 My father isn't here now. BGA8ixYX9mu-00005-00002810-00003184 My mother lives in this house. BGA8ixYX9mu-00006-00003414-00003844 This bed spread made for my second exhibition. BGA8ixYX9mu-00007-00003882-00004578 100% manual patching, hand quilted, BGA8ixYX9mu-00008-00004604-00005056 I gave this to my parents after the exhibition. BGA8ixYX9mu-00009-00008348-00008448 "The sound of the wind" BGA8ixYX9mu-00010-00009166-00009554 This forest I came to is my father's forest. BGA8ixYX9mu-00011-00009582-00010254 Across that stream, that blue terrace is my father's house. BGA8ixYX9mu-00012-00010290-00010702 This is where my aunt and my uncle live. BGA8ixYX9mu-00013-00010746-00011086 And what I particularly like about this site is... BGA8ixYX9mu-00014-00011118-00011686 In the old swimming pool that is left here BGA8ixYX9mu-00015-00011716-00012006 The natural trees are so beautiful. BGA8ixYX9mu-00016-00012022-00012440 So I I usually shooting my works here. BGA8ixYX9mu-00017-00013010-00013191 Where are you going now? BGA8ixYX9mu-00018-00013202-00013518 I'm going to hang this piece in the woods for a moment, BGA8ixYX9mu-00019-00013540-00013856 and I'm thinking about what to do with the background. BGA8ixYX9mu-00020-00016230-00016534 Where did you get the inspiration for this work? BGA8ixYX9mu-00021-00016654-00017288 It is come from spring and summer fall. BGA8ixYX9mu-00022-00017310-00017794 I patched the fabric with a feeling in the woods. BGA8ixYX9mu-00023-00017810-00018392 I'm thinking about putting some wood on this. BGA8ixYX9mu-00024-00018410-00018962 I'm here in this forest, and I'm thinking about how to work here. BGA8ixYX9mu-00025-00018980-00019248 The brown color of the tree BGA8ixYX9mu-00026-00019248-00019524 and the reddish yellow color of the ground are BGA8ixYX9mu-00027-00019524-00019654 on this cloth now. BGA8ixYX9mu-00028-00019682-00020076 And the green of the leaves BGA8ixYX9mu-00029-00020076-00020366 and the red, orange of the flower & fruit. BGA8ixYX9mu-00030-00020366-00020660 All the colors I can see in this forest. BGA8ixYX9mu-00031-00020660-00020988 I worked on this background. BGA8ixYX9mu-00032-00020996-00021570 After that, I'm going to work on a piece of wood on it. BGA8ixYX9mu-00033-00024748-00025092 The main characters of the forest are sprouting now. BGA8ixYX9mu-00034-00025604-00026422 The fallen seeds were reborn with new life on their own. BGA8ixYX9mu-00035-00027210-00027516 This tree is willow. BGA8ixYX9mu-00036-00027550-00027894 This was originally a swimming pool. BGA8ixYX9mu-00037-00027970-00028476 About 20 years ago, this is where we swam and played. BGA8ixYX9mu-00038-00028492-00028780 And then the pool was closed. BGA8ixYX9mu-00039-00028780-00029330 This willow tree is growing naturally here. BGA8ixYX9mu-00040-00029364-00029552 The willow pup is all blooming. BGA8ixYX9mu-00041-00033826-00034164 I grew up with these trees. BGA8ixYX9mu-00042-00034194-00034730 We've been together since trees were young seedlings. BGA8ixYX9mu-00043-00034760-00034972 Now, as I'm older, BGA8ixYX9mu-00044-00034980-00035670 these trees are older and they're It forms this forest. BGA8ixYX9mu-00045-00036544-00036696 My second brother BGA8ixYX9mu-00046-00036766-00036890 What? BGA8ixYX9mu-00047-00038962-00039744 These two trees like my mom and dad so I like BGA8ixYX9mu-00048-00039758-00040362 Trees bloom white in mid-April. BGA8ixYX9mu-00049-00040386-00040992 So sometimes I lie down under this tree. BGA8ixYX9mu-00050-00041026-00041208 Look up at the sky BGA8ixYX9mu-00051-00041246-00041632 look at the flowers, look at the leaves... BGA8ixYX9mu-00052-00042038-00042326 When I came to my father's forest today BGA8ixYX9mu-00053-00042340-00042586 I could feel the whole forest of spring BGA8ixYX9mu-00054-00042592-00042750 and I could think of it. BGA8ixYX9mu-00055-00042804-00043462 Ah..this beautiful forest that my father left for my family. BGA8ixYX9mu-00056-00043474-00043822 I'm going to take good care of it, preserve it BGA8ixYX9mu-00057-00043832-00044290 and I'm going to get inspired by this forest. BGA8ixYX9mu-00058-00044310-00044924 I will continue to be an artist who made art works of forest and wood. BGA8ixYX9mu-00059-00044956-00045488 I hung this piece on the clothesline. BGA8ixYX9mu-00060-00045502-00045860 The point color of this work was orange. BGA8ixYX9mu-00061-00045902-00046586 Perhaps unconsciously, the color of the roof of my father's house was always on my mind. BGA8ixYX9mu-00062-00046590-00046910 So when I brought this piece BGA8ixYX9mu-00063-00046910-00047496 I found that it goes so well with my father's forest. BGavMeQT0so-00000-00000019-00000546 When I saw that the Election Commissioner has told the City Council and the County Board BGavMeQT0so-00001-00000546-00001273 to go fly a kite on sending notices to voters, really disappointed is an understatement. BGavMeQT0so-00002-00001273-00001938 I have been a complete supporter of the Election Commissioner and I think he has done a terrific BGavMeQT0so-00003-00001938-00002038 job. BGavMeQT0so-00004-00002038-00002194 This one I think he has made a mistake. BGavMeQT0so-00005-00002194-00002717 We still have a pandemic in operation, and we need to get those voter ID cards out to BGavMeQT0so-00006-00002717-00003200 people to tell them, not ID cards, but tell them how they can get a ballot. BGavMeQT0so-00007-00003200-00003564 I did ask our legal council wether or not he is administrative or executive. BGavMeQT0so-00008-00003564-00003842 I don't think he has the authority to do this. BGavMeQT0so-00009-00003842-00004539 Not that we're his boss so to speak, but a reasonable request by the two political bodies BGavMeQT0so-00010-00004539-00005165 unanimously asking for voters to be able to vote by mail is not something I don't believe BGavMeQT0so-00011-00005165-00005342 that he has the authority to turn down. BGavMeQT0so-00012-00005342-00006121 So I'm going to pursue it further, hopefully its going to be timely, but I think he's overstepped BGavMeQT0so-00013-00006121-00006355 his authority. BGavMeQT0so-00014-00006355-00006687 We'll find out when we talk to attorney in executive session. BGavMeQT0so-00015-00006687-00006764 Thank you. BJtbZgSZjCY-00000-00000319-00000650 Wyoming is famous for many things, including its outlaws. BJtbZgSZjCY-00001-00000650-00001173 Wyoming’s outlaws have a rich history in the state and the Sundance Kid is no exception. BJtbZgSZjCY-00002-00001173-00001663 Harry Longabaugh was born in 1867 near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BJtbZgSZjCY-00003-00001663-00002164 He got his start in the west as a cowboy working at different ranching operations. BJtbZgSZjCY-00004-00002164-00002715 During hard times in the Black Hills, Harry stole a horse, pistol, and supplies near Sundance, BJtbZgSZjCY-00005-00002715-00002815 WY. BJtbZgSZjCY-00006-00002815-00003055 He was sentenced to 18 months in jail. BJtbZgSZjCY-00007-00003055-00003522 While in jail at Sundance he received the alias The Sundance Kid. BJtbZgSZjCY-00008-00003522-00004052 Once released the Sundance Kid continued to work as a cowboy and never far from trouble. BJtbZgSZjCY-00009-00004052-00004456 He eventually met up with Butch Cassidy and joined a group of outlaws known at the Wild BJtbZgSZjCY-00010-00004456-00004556 Bunch. BJtbZgSZjCY-00011-00004556-00004999 The Wild Bunch was famous for committing train and bank robberies throughout the western BJtbZgSZjCY-00012-00004999-00005380 U.S. Feeling pressure from law enforcement after BJtbZgSZjCY-00013-00005380-00005964 many years of crime, Cassidy and the Sundance kid eventually relocated to Argentina. BJtbZgSZjCY-00014-00005964-00006332 While living in South America, the two ran into trouble from Bolivian authorities. BJtbZgSZjCY-00015-00006332-00006889 The men were trapped in a small house where a gun fight broke out, eventually took the BJtbZgSZjCY-00016-00006889-00007345 lives of Cassidy and the Sundance kid in 1901. BJtbZgSZjCY-00017-00007345-00007765 There are many theories and debates surrounding what actually happened to the Sundance Kid. BJtbZgSZjCY-00018-00007765-00008200 While we may never know the exact truth it is easy to imagine early day outlaws riding BJtbZgSZjCY-00019-00008200-00008452 across the open spaces of Wyoming. BJtbZgSZjCY-00020-00008452-00008881 From the University of Wyoming Extension I’m Brian Sebade Exploring the Nature of Wyoming. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00000-00000128-00000328 You keep going up ! You think I'm a moron ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00001-00000328-00000428 Fuck it's so shit.. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00002-00001636-00001834 Today we're in Saint-Malo BLVuZqOJ6cI-00003-00001834-00002186 and Choukaye has the goal to do the corkgap at Manpower BLVuZqOJ6cI-00004-00002224-00002596 And we found a similar spot, he can do a few tests in the sand ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00005-00002632-00002969 He'll do a few tests to see if the jump is doable ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00006-00003026-00003447 We've measured the distance of the manpower and he's getting ready BLVuZqOJ6cI-00007-00003510-00003767 It's a bit slippy but that'll do it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00008-00004693-00004948 It's a madness ! He'll send it for sure ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00009-00004976-00005104 It was good ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00010-00005104-00005336 I didn't force and I was almost on it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00011-00005401-00005788 But I'm convinced that'll do it, at a thousand percent ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00012-00006366-00006631 There you landed after the line BLVuZqOJ6cI-00013-00006703-00006759 It's good ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00014-00006759-00007203 We made a line in the sand to simulate the landing of the jump BLVuZqOJ6cI-00015-00007244-00007392 And he cleared it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00016-00007476-00007676 It means that'll be good for what's next ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00017-00007696-00008025 Last try ! I'll try to push more BLVuZqOJ6cI-00018-00008025-00008458 Because there's Manpower's distance but not its height BLVuZqOJ6cI-00019-00008477-00008840 So if I clear the distance, I'm all safe ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00020-00009811-00009936 I was easily on it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00021-00009984-00010309 When I landed I knew I was on it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00022-00010389-00010546 What do you think about all this ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00023-00010559-00010905 He's mad ! Only him can do this BLVuZqOJ6cI-00024-00011020-00011332 What's disgusting is the run-up BLVuZqOJ6cI-00025-00011418-00011948 He has to send himself on one foot while spinning BLVuZqOJ6cI-00026-00012013-00012380 he doesn't know where he is and he opens up when on it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00027-00012380-00012709 Moreover on the Manpower, it's a mythic jump ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00028-00012781-00013216 But he looks confident and he has trained a lot for it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00029-00013246-00013698 It's important to show that he doesn't do it on an impulse BLVuZqOJ6cI-00030-00013698-00014113 He trained a lot and if he doesn't feel it he'll not do it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00031-00014201-00014362 I've killed it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00032-00014449-00014731 I'm easily on it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00033-00014944-00015269 Next step is the manpower, we'll go there on Saturday BLVuZqOJ6cI-00034-00015346-00015783 It's Thursday, he'll rest tomorrow and he'll send it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00035-00015783-00015983 His tries were more than convincing BLVuZqOJ6cI-00036-00015983-00016428 I believe in it ! When he says something he usually does it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00037-00016537-00016787 He shouldn't say too many things I'm scared ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00038-00016797-00017088 Today we're in Evry ! With our friend Choukaye BLVuZqOJ6cI-00039-00017088-00017358 We've come with the van, we put pallets on it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00040-00017358-00017567 To prepare a good setup, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00041-00017567-00017891 because there's a step on the takeoff BLVuZqOJ6cI-00042-00017909-00018152 We'll create something really flat BLVuZqOJ6cI-00043-00018152-00018383 In order to make a perfect takeoff BLVuZqOJ6cI-00044-00018401-00018719 So that he throws himself and clears the manpower in cork BLVuZqOJ6cI-00045-00018776-00018976 We're on Evry's mythic spot BLVuZqOJ6cI-00046-00019000-00019200 It's hard to warm up because it's really cold BLVuZqOJ6cI-00047-00019220-00019382 Just like in our Native land project BLVuZqOJ6cI-00048-00019405-00019736 It was hard in the beginning but we'll throw a few stuffs BLVuZqOJ6cI-00049-00024743-00024931 It's crazy ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00050-00024931-00025131 For real though ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00051-00025256-00025456 It's not a joke BLVuZqOJ6cI-00052-00025489-00025766 Choukaye is getting up on the landing roof BLVuZqOJ6cI-00053-00025766-00026000 To check if the landing is soft enough BLVuZqOJ6cI-00054-00026045-00026226 I'll join him BLVuZqOJ6cI-00055-00026769-00026911 It's sure ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00056-00027047-00027170 You feel it ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00057-00027197-00027344 It's sure at a hundred thousand percents ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00058-00027418-00027666 Over there ... to here BLVuZqOJ6cI-00059-00027711-00027940 We're checking the landing BLVuZqOJ6cI-00060-00027976-00028341 We need to carry the pallets upstairs and he'll send it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00061-00028390-00028548 It'll be mad ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00062-00029202-00029465 I give you my strength, come on ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00063-00029795-00030070 The others have crafted this beautiful pallet BLVuZqOJ6cI-00064-00030154-00030335 Made up of wood and it's very heavy BLVuZqOJ6cI-00065-00030335-00030662 We'll have to carry it upstairs, it'll be complicated BLVuZqOJ6cI-00066-00030720-00030965 But it's for a good reason BLVuZqOJ6cI-00067-00031436-00031636 What's happening is awful ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00068-00031636-00032000 We were heading to the roof so that he can send it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00069-00032069-00032384 We've taken the pallets upstairs BLVuZqOJ6cI-00070-00032384-00032611 and the problem are the people over there BLVuZqOJ6cI-00071-00032630-00032985 the boss of the PMU and the others were threatening us, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00072-00032985-00033247 saying they would beat the shit out of us BLVuZqOJ6cI-00073-00033247-00033504 calling his friends from the ghetto BLVuZqOJ6cI-00074-00033535-00033838 Stop doing your things here, it's not the place BLVuZqOJ6cI-00075-00033838-00034061 It's not because Yamakasi was created here BLVuZqOJ6cI-00076-00034061-00034203 that you should be doing your things here. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00077-00034203-00034365 If you have an accident here, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00078-00034365-00034526 it'll ruin our day here BLVuZqOJ6cI-00079-00034526-00034796 We should see together how our turnover is going down ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00080-00034796-00034960 You're ready to pay 60000 euros ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00081-00034960-00035105 Nothing will happen sir. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00082-00035105-00035458 You know how you will jump, fall and fail on the ground ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00083-00035458-00035666 We've trained for it ! - You are trained ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00084-00035666-00035962 Even well know footballers get hurt everyday BLVuZqOJ6cI-00085-00035962-00036042 You will not get hurt ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00086-00036042-00036242 You keep going up ! You think I'm a moron ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00087-00036242-00036442 I'll call my friends and you'll get off. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00088-00036516-00036985 We're only here to make the jump and this guy is threatening us BLVuZqOJ6cI-00089-00037062-00037356 We're waiting for the minds to cool down BLVuZqOJ6cI-00090-00037379-00037706 We will carry the pallets up and Choukaye will send it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00091-00037723-00037888 He feels it so much, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00092-00037888-00038203 he's been thinking about it for a week BLVuZqOJ6cI-00093-00038288-00038534 We can climb on the other side of the building BLVuZqOJ6cI-00094-00038534-00038799 It's a bit far from here and a few obstacles to climb BLVuZqOJ6cI-00095-00038825-00039332 We take the small pallet and let the big one on the first floor BLVuZqOJ6cI-00096-00039332-00039523 Go the other way around, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00097-00039523-00039752 come down the stairs and take the pallet quietly BLVuZqOJ6cI-00098-00039752-00040000 And do the jump as ninjas BLVuZqOJ6cI-00099-00040000-00040147 And we'll go home ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00100-00041139-00041339 Yes, the thing is that BLVuZqOJ6cI-00101-00041339-00041460 we went upstairs with Choukaye BLVuZqOJ6cI-00102-00041460-00041650 We passed in front of the two others from earlier BLVuZqOJ6cI-00103-00041650-00041786 They didn't say anything BLVuZqOJ6cI-00104-00041786-00041974 They looked at us badly but we went up BLVuZqOJ6cI-00105-00041974-00042244 And the kid told the others we went up BLVuZqOJ6cI-00106-00042244-00042425 And when the others went up BLVuZqOJ6cI-00107-00042425-00042848 They heard footsteps and someone saying "they're here !" BLVuZqOJ6cI-00108-00043104-00043359 For real we can come back tomorrow, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00109-00043359-00043570 the PMU will be closed BLVuZqOJ6cI-00110-00043723-00043923 Choukaye really wants to do it now ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00111-00043961-00044039 We'll go ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00112-00044141-00044264 We go for it ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00113-00044264-00044359 Come on we go up BLVuZqOJ6cI-00114-00044372-00044646 Basically, the pallet is down there BLVuZqOJ6cI-00115-00044646-00044846 They will come and carry it upstairs BLVuZqOJ6cI-00116-00044957-00045068 Why are they not coming ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00117-00045068-00045175 Call them, call Jerem ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00118-00045355-00045570 There's Mathieu and Romain BLVuZqOJ6cI-00119-00045580-00045780 They'll come straight here BLVuZqOJ6cI-00120-00045887-00046087 What we can do for a jump ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00121-00046468-00046668 It's a shitty situation ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00122-00046668-00046813 They're a fucking pain ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00123-00046844-00047091 We have to trade with someone to do the jump BLVuZqOJ6cI-00124-00047161-00047337 You think they'll make it ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00125-00047500-00047616 Inshallah they succeed ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00126-00047798-00048053 They are bargaining with this kid ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00127-00048118-00048531 A trade to carry the pallet here, it's unbelievable BLVuZqOJ6cI-00128-00049500-00049896 The pallet doesn't fit through here so we have to take it down BLVuZqOJ6cI-00129-00049896-00050186 Carry it up and assemble it again BLVuZqOJ6cI-00130-00050186-00050260 It's a struggle ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00131-00051012-00051130 How do you feel it Choukaye ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00132-00051162-00051324 I feel ready BLVuZqOJ6cI-00133-00051396-00051500 I just need.. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00134-00051510-00051813 I have a bit of adrenaline because there are people down there BLVuZqOJ6cI-00135-00051813-00051951 And they are yelling at us BLVuZqOJ6cI-00136-00052338-00052514 Nabil is the man ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00137-00053017-00053133 We've succeeded ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00138-00053133-00053377 I hope that downstairs they'll not bother us ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00139-00053393-00053593 But it's good, we carried the floorboard and the two pallets BLVuZqOJ6cI-00140-00053641-00053841 It's all on Choukaye shoulders now ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00141-00054140-00054459 We put pallets because the takeoff is dreadful BLVuZqOJ6cI-00142-00054459-00054676 It's tall and thin step BLVuZqOJ6cI-00143-00054722-00055000 To do the cork, it's not impossible BLVuZqOJ6cI-00144-00055000-00055164 But it's too much risks BLVuZqOJ6cI-00145-00056018-00056381 We have to put the plank on the same level for the edge BLVuZqOJ6cI-00146-00056463-00056740 It's a bit wobbly now BLVuZqOJ6cI-00147-00056789-00056989 I'll show you BLVuZqOJ6cI-00148-00057084-00057363 And when you do a cork manpower BLVuZqOJ6cI-00149-00057378-00057544 You don't want it to be wobbly BLVuZqOJ6cI-00150-00057554-00057713 We'll fix it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00151-00058908-00059155 A lot of pressure BLVuZqOJ6cI-00152-00059289-00059489 I don't realise but .. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00153-00059511-00059776 I'll do cork manpower ! It's crazy ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00154-00059932-00060333 I'll send it today ! It's now or never ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00155-00060400-00060820 Everybody's ready to film it on camera, Iphone or drone BLVuZqOJ6cI-00156-00060820-00061000 I feel it so well ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00157-00061000-00061149 I know I'll do it BLVuZqOJ6cI-00158-00061149-00061301 That's so good BLVuZqOJ6cI-00159-00062152-00062246 Come on Choukaye ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00160-00062471-00062671 He's doing it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00161-00066024-00066311 Cork manpower guys ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00162-00066979-00067080 What a beast ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00163-00067392-00067592 I'm literally shaking ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00164-00067592-00067836 Even though I didn't do the jump ! Amazing ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00165-00068084-00068255 He smashed it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00166-00068508-00068931 It's a world first ! This guy is a legend ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00167-00068931-00069083 Go follow @choukaye BLVuZqOJ6cI-00168-00069095-00069295 He had it so easily BLVuZqOJ6cI-00169-00069326-00069526 He corked it as if he was casually walking BLVuZqOJ6cI-00170-00069777-00070056 Man ! I don't even realise ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00171-00070170-00070342 How was it in the air ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00172-00070342-00070466 It was unbelievable ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00173-00071259-00071500 You're a fucking madman ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00174-00071557-00071757 What's the next step ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00175-00071782-00072100 I don't have the words ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00176-00072736-00072967 Guys ! It felt so good ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00177-00073165-00073324 You realize what you just did ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00178-00073324-00073449 Not at all ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00179-00073734-00073953 It was amazing for real ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00180-00073953-00074287 You're a legend ! I love you ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00181-00074319-00074464 You're a monster ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00182-00074873-00074963 I don't have the words but.. BLVuZqOJ6cI-00183-00075000-00075130 Thank you to the Wizzy, BLVuZqOJ6cI-00184-00075130-00075317 I couldn't have done it without them BLVuZqOJ6cI-00185-00075317-00075433 We love you ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00186-00076190-00076263 Bro ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00187-00076386-00076612 You're insane ! Totally crazy ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00188-00076612-00076745 You realize what you did ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00189-00077874-00078074 I almost shed a tear Choukaye BLVuZqOJ6cI-00190-00078151-00078289 It's crazy BLVuZqOJ6cI-00191-00078378-00078609 It's strange, it feels normal ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00192-00078660-00078755 It wasn't easy ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00193-00078755-00079016 We had many troubles with the pallets BLVuZqOJ6cI-00194-00079029-00079198 But he finally did it ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00195-00079220-00079420 We don't even realize BLVuZqOJ6cI-00196-00079459-00079702 He is a complete beast ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00197-00079702-00080147 When he told us about cork manpower we were hesitant BLVuZqOJ6cI-00198-00080147-00080327 But he had it easy in the end ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00199-00080365-00080632 And to honor him, I'll do it too in a simple jump BLVuZqOJ6cI-00200-00082245-00082395 You had it easy ! BLVuZqOJ6cI-00201-00082452-00082565 The drop is fine ? BLVuZqOJ6cI-00202-00082565-00082712 Yes, it's fairly easy ! BMTFGFkBsCY-00000-00000000-00000501 come on so when traders today got a stock for UPW as a ticker symbol and this stock is a different BMTFGFkBsCY-00001-00000501-00000894 way of thinking about getting into the marijuana industry kind of reminds me of the McDonald's BMTFGFkBsCY-00002-00000894-00001383 movie a little bit stock has a very low flow PW does have a dividend then run it up for about BMTFGFkBsCY-00003-00001383-00001776 a week and I just had a nice little pullback today so none of those mumbo-jumbo stuff let's BMTFGFkBsCY-00004-00001776-00002430 get right into this PW stock so PW has already started acquiring cannabis properties and it has BMTFGFkBsCY-00005-00002430-00002982 1.8 million shares outstanding right now in this article right here says it floats 1.2 million but BMTFGFkBsCY-00006-00002982-00003402 I'm gonna double check that so what PW basically does is they own real estate they also own real BMTFGFkBsCY-00007-00003402-00003797 estate for railroads and solar properties and they just recently announced they're gonna BMTFGFkBsCY-00008-00003797-00004251 focus on cannabis properties as well so this is what's going on right now you're still watching BMTFGFkBsCY-00009-00004251-00004752 have you hit the like button in this video yet cannabis companies need capital for properties BMTFGFkBsCY-00010-00004752-00005172 and facilities but the thing is traditional banks won't work with them why because of the BMTFGFkBsCY-00011-00005172-00005667 cannabis so this is another real estate company right here IIP are they actually buy properties BMTFGFkBsCY-00012-00005667-00006057 and then the releases of the cannabis companies and this doctors have been doing very good and BMTFGFkBsCY-00013-00006057-00006509 a lot of people think that PW is gonna end up being like III PR since we're talking about I BMTFGFkBsCY-00014-00006509-00006855 I PR let's go take a look at the chart and see what it looks like so there's not really much to BMTFGFkBsCY-00015-00006855-00007344 explain about this chart as you can see they have just been killing it down here to slow's at about BMTFGFkBsCY-00016-00007344-00007776 $18.00 and now it's about a hundred and eight dollars and this is also having a nice little BMTFGFkBsCY-00017-00007776-00008151 pullback as well all right let's shoot back over to the article real quick so PW in the BMTFGFkBsCY-00018-00008151-00008553 future could be the next III PR so another thing that I really like but you never know if they're BMTFGFkBsCY-00019-00008553-00008979 telling the truth and I can't really trust any of these people PW stated that it will limit as BMTFGFkBsCY-00020-00008979-00009372 near-term dilution so this is good so you don't have to have that dilution in the back here mine BMTFGFkBsCY-00021-00009372-00009759 but I still have in the back of my mind cuz I don't really trust anybody and the reason why BMTFGFkBsCY-00022-00009759-00010272 I'm talking about dilution just because of the share float value of it it's very low as of right BMTFGFkBsCY-00023-00010272-00010722 now they said that they can use debt and not the stock price to expand the high yielding cannabis BMTFGFkBsCY-00024-00010722-00011361 deals so we'll see what happens shared float 1.33 million very low which is particularly why this BMTFGFkBsCY-00025-00011361-00011901 stock has been killing it lately target price is $12 an 80 cents all right not for this crap BMTFGFkBsCY-00026-00011901-00012165 let's get right over to the chart and see what it's looking like right here we're looking at BMTFGFkBsCY-00027-00012165-00012588 the ten-year two day charge it's a good a huge picture about what's going on here go ahead a BMTFGFkBsCY-00028-00012588-00013197 higher on $15 this is back in 2011 it looks like we're gonna have resistance right around $10 soon BMTFGFkBsCY-00029-00013197-00013590 there we go you can see the past we this thing has just been running right up here and then it BMTFGFkBsCY-00030-00013590-00014028 consolidated a little bit zoom in here a little bit more so I had heard nice a little pullback BMTFGFkBsCY-00031-00014028-00014490 for us and stocks are running this hot I always like to wait for the pullback to get in you see BMTFGFkBsCY-00032-00014490-00014910 the RSI is looking pretty good right now it's down at the lower side and there's not gonna BMTFGFkBsCY-00033-00014910-00015429 be any dilution going on anytime soon so they say we can see it does have support here right BMTFGFkBsCY-00034-00015429-00015869 around $8 we'll say and that's what it bounced off today so we'll see what tomorrow brings with BMTFGFkBsCY-00035-00015869-00016299 it thank you again guys for watching I really appreciate it and I'm actually pretty excited BMTFGFkBsCY-00036-00016299-00016731 about this swing trade here so if you guys are new to that channel make sure to subscribe and BMTFGFkBsCY-00037-00016731-00017130 come on guys don't forget to like this video really helps me out next make some money BpizuKcnihM-00000-00000024-00000677 What's up JT Squad, welcome back to our Youtube channel BpizuKcnihM-00001-00000677-00001472 We will be doing a challenge that we don't have a name for yet...This is what we will do BpizuKcnihM-00002-00001472-00002104 He is going to say something and whatever comes to our mind, we have to say it immediately BpizuKcnihM-00003-00002104-00002310 This video has no blooper BpizuKcnihM-00004-00002310-00002880 We will be uploading the video just like that...Nobody should be offended, we are not thinking straight BpizuKcnihM-00005-00002880-00003315 They are drunk now BpizuKcnihM-00006-00003315-00003633 Let's get into the video, I am sure you guys will have a lot of fun BpizuKcnihM-00007-00003633-00003911 before we get into the video, make sure you like the subscribe button, like the video BpizuKcnihM-00008-00003911-00004384 comment something nice, share the video...Follow us on Instagram and let's go BpizuKcnihM-00009-00004384-00004697 Before that please press the join button BpizuKcnihM-00010-00005000-00005355 If there is any blooper in this video, we will upload it in the membership platform BpizuKcnihM-00011-00005552-00005784 let's get into the video BpizuKcnihM-00012-00006730-00006877 North Korea BpizuKcnihM-00013-00006947-00007147 Peacefulness BpizuKcnihM-00014-00007500-00007700 What the hell is peacefulness BpizuKcnihM-00015-00008212-00008516 this is not opposite challenge BpizuKcnihM-00016-00009213-00009413 Let's go BpizuKcnihM-00017-00009800-00009984 united states of america...stupid BpizuKcnihM-00018-00010392-00010456 South Korea BpizuKcnihM-00019-00011032-00011384 Bangladesh...i don't know BpizuKcnihM-00020-00011653-00011853 They play cricket BpizuKcnihM-00021-00011853-00012059 That's true BpizuKcnihM-00022-00012059-00012355 I don't have a thinking brain BpizuKcnihM-00023-00012355-00012448 South Africa BpizuKcnihM-00024-00012543-00012784 Xenophobia BpizuKcnihM-00025-00013173-00013287 Egypt BpizuKcnihM-00026-00013287-00013350 Salah BpizuKcnihM-00027-00013743-00014294 Nigeria..... SARS BpizuKcnihM-00028-00014631-00014928 Sudan.......Sun BpizuKcnihM-00029-00015128-00015429 so there's no sun anywhere else BpizuKcnihM-00030-00015616-00015866 Kenya...... Marathon BpizuKcnihM-00031-00016162-00016475 KFC.... Chicken BpizuKcnihM-00032-00016550-00016750 That's easy BpizuKcnihM-00033-00017113-00017264 Turkish airline.....Best in the world BpizuKcnihM-00034-00017264-00017440 the best in the world BpizuKcnihM-00035-00017585-00017785 Turkish Army..... Best in the world BpizuKcnihM-00036-00018267-00018467 Menemen.....Muah gorgeous BpizuKcnihM-00037-00018969-00019169 Emenike.... Stupid BpizuKcnihM-00038-00020100-00020521 San.... Stupid, stupid, stupid BpizuKcnihM-00039-00021667-00021867 Buhari(President of Nigeria)..... Thin BpizuKcnihM-00040-00022525-00022709 Your girlfriend...... ah beautiful BpizuKcnihM-00041-00022913-00023497 Quincy... Useless and pervert BpizuKcnihM-00042-00023592-00023792 Kim Jung-un..... Wicked BpizuKcnihM-00043-00024267-00024500 Russia.... Suka blyat BpizuKcnihM-00044-00024846-00025198 Kazakhstan my ex my friends BpizuKcnihM-00045-00025944-00026264 India BpizuKcnihM-00046-00026778-00026978 I didn't know what to say BpizuKcnihM-00047-00027827-00028136 Saudi Arabia...... Conservative BpizuKcnihM-00048-00028304-00028528 UAE...... Dubai BpizuKcnihM-00049-00028775-00029015 my turn it's my turn... BpizuKcnihM-00050-00029036-00029236 Messi......Trash BpizuKcnihM-00051-00029623-00029823 Bakayoko.... stupid BpizuKcnihM-00052-00030161-00030520 Ankara....Turkey BpizuKcnihM-00053-00030520-00030625 Izmir..... best BpizuKcnihM-00054-00030913-00031065 CSU(A University)..... trash BpizuKcnihM-00055-00031582-00031758 I did not laugh at this BpizuKcnihM-00056-00032304-00032558 Halloween.... The best party in the world BpizuKcnihM-00057-00032766-00033454 Masterchef...... boring... huh yeah it's already getting boring BpizuKcnihM-00058-00033649-00033825 well i didn't i didn't expect the answer okay BpizuKcnihM-00059-00034172-00034660 Turkish TV legends......Funny BpizuKcnihM-00060-00034934-00035134 Turkey..... Antalya BpizuKcnihM-00061-00035274-00035474 Turkish guys.... Mehmet BpizuKcnihM-00062-00035821-00036021 Turkish girls.... Esra BpizuKcnihM-00063-00036714-00036834 Ezhel... best BpizuKcnihM-00064-00036929-00037305 Ben fero..... Slow BpizuKcnihM-00065-00038119-00038499 Favorite ex.....I'd rather not speak BpizuKcnihM-00066-00039000-00039565 Glory....stupid bastard.... ah calm down, what did I do? BpizuKcnihM-00067-00039969-00040290 Favorite sport.....Football, that was too easy BpizuKcnihM-00068-00040419-00040619 Kepa(Chelsea goalkeeper).... very bad BpizuKcnihM-00069-00040927-00041013 Ghana..... Turkey BpizuKcnihM-00070-00041722-00041924 How?! BpizuKcnihM-00071-00042021-00042221 Zimbabwe.... Big ass BpizuKcnihM-00072-00042907-00043204 uh England...... Charlotte BpizuKcnihM-00073-00043614-00043874 uh Queen Elizabeth..... England BpizuKcnihM-00074-00044189-00044718 Mongolia.....Glory BpizuKcnihM-00075-00044902-00045102 I am not from Mongolia BpizuKcnihM-00076-00045236-00045539 Cyprus....North Cyprus BpizuKcnihM-00077-00045799-00046250 What did i say? You're asking me what you said... BpizuKcnihM-00078-00046700-00047657 um pillow.... comfortable.... Camera.... for snapping pictures BpizuKcnihM-00079-00047717-00047968 Award.... Me BpizuKcnihM-00080-00048168-00049018 Okay, do we have to show them? no.. um kitchen, food....... toilet, paper BpizuKcnihM-00081-00049439-00049789 tripod...record BpizuKcnihM-00082-00049800-00050386 very easy. If you guys enjoyed this video and you want more, we can always do more BpizuKcnihM-00083-00050386-00051209 We lied about the blooper part though yeah we'll have to cut some parts because we're said a lot of big shit BpizuKcnihM-00084-00051209-00051984 If you are a member, you will see the bloopers BpizuKcnihM-00085-00051984-00052513 If you are a member, you will see it...So Join the membership platform BpizuKcnihM-00086-00052880-00053080 we said a lot of things without thinking BpizuKcnihM-00087-00053080-00053615 If you guys are curious, you don't need to be curious...Just join BpizuKcnihM-00088-00053615-00054201 Thank you very much, without wasting much of your time BpizuKcnihM-00089-00054554-00055242 Please smash the subscribe button BpizuKcnihM-00090-00055242-00055857 Share the video, like the video join the membership platform BpizuKcnihM-00091-00056088-00056288 Till we see next time...Peace BOFbj4ugOL0-00000-00000000-00000211 Liposomes, they're interesting structures for BOFbj4ugOL0-00001-00000212-00000508 many reasons. They are used as medication BOFbj4ugOL0-00002-00000508-00000696 delivery vehicles or at least the idea is that BOFbj4ugOL0-00003-00000696-00000955 we'd like to use them that way. Create the right kind of BOFbj4ugOL0-00004-00000956-00001230 liposome, put the right kind of medicine in to the BOFbj4ugOL0-00005-00001230-00001468 liposome, inject them into the circulation... BOFbj4ugOL0-00006-00001468-00001786 And the liposome, if it's made of phospholipids that BOFbj4ugOL0-00007-00001786-00002070 are typical say, of a target cell membrane, it is likely BOFbj4ugOL0-00008-00002070-00002402 that the liposomes membrane, the phospholipid bilayer BOFbj4ugOL0-00009-00002402-00002790 will fuse with the cell membrane, thereby allowing BOFbj4ugOL0-00010-00002790-00003078 the entry of its contents into the cell, the substances BOFbj4ugOL0-00011-00003078-00003315 which would otherwise not pass across a membrane. BOFbj4ugOL0-00012-00003315-00003561 You may recall that when we discussed cristal BOFbj4ugOL0-00013-00003561-00003771 membrane function in the mitochondrion, one of the BOFbj4ugOL0-00014-00003771-00003998 functions that was investigated was, which of the BOFbj4ugOL0-00015-00003998-00004210 complexes that you could isolate from a cristal BOFbj4ugOL0-00016-00004210-00004462 membrane actually function as a proton pump? BOFbj4ugOL0-00017-00004462-00004704 We isolated cristal membrane, broke it down into BOFbj4ugOL0-00018-00004704-00005012 phospholipids, threw away the proteins, and in a BOFbj4ugOL0-00019-00005012-00005360 separate exercise, isolated one or the other of BOFbj4ugOL0-00020-00005360-00005692 the 3 major complexes that transfer electrons. BOFbj4ugOL0-00021-00005692-00005952 And we took each of those complexes in turn and mixed BOFbj4ugOL0-00022-00005952-00006226 them with those phospholipids..., and created a BOFbj4ugOL0-00023-00006226-00006620 phospholipid vesicle, but containing only one of the BOFbj4ugOL0-00024-00006620-00006895 cristal membrane electron transport complexes, BOFbj4ugOL0-00025-00006895-00007136 and used that structure to demonstrate that BOFbj4ugOL0-00026-00007136-00007492 such complexes can pump protons. BQR85TKVcnI-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello BQR85TKVcnI-00001-00000361-00000561 Shaggy? BQR85TKVcnI-00002-00000679-00000879 Blast 4 Controls? BQR85TKVcnI-00003-00000950-00001150 Super Siyan BQR85TKVcnI-00004-00001255-00001455 God Eater BQR85TKVcnI-00005-00001564-00001764 4Controls? BQR85TKVcnI-00006-00001858-00002058 ... BQR85TKVcnI-00007-00002058-00002258 Shaggy Remaster? BQR85TKVcnI-00008-00002445-00002645 Whats New No Song :( BR__lerq3Y0-00000-00000001-00000404 ♪ MUSIC ♪ BR__lerq3Y0-00001-00001214-00001617 UBALDO GONZALEZ: In this video, I will show you how to change the color of your objects BR__lerq3Y0-00002-00001619-00002022 that we created on the previous video BR__lerq3Y0-00003-00002023-00002426 As you can see, I've added a lot of icons, shortcut icons BR__lerq3Y0-00004-00002428-00002827 here. Click on the screen, go in to "object." You get color BR__lerq3Y0-00005-00002829-00003232 choices and letter BR__lerq3Y0-00006-00003234-00003632 or font-size, text-size changing capabilities BR__lerq3Y0-00007-00003634-00004036 So, what I want to do, on my push buttons, I like to double click BR__lerq3Y0-00008-00004038-00004440 and it opens up this window BR__lerq3Y0-00009-00004442-00004845 So, go to "states" and BR__lerq3Y0-00010-00004847-00005246 right now, the state, is actually "ST1" BR__lerq3Y0-00011-00005248-00005646 That's because I have this one BR__lerq3Y0-00012-00005648-00006049 Alright, I go back here BR__lerq3Y0-00013-00006051-00006452 when it's zero, or open, BR__lerq3Y0-00014-00006454-00006855 I want the button to read "start." BR__lerq3Y0-00015-00006856-00007258 When it is actually a one or closed, I want it to read BR__lerq3Y0-00016-00007259-00007664 "stop." Click "ok." BR__lerq3Y0-00017-00007666-00008070 As you see, how the text changed. So, now I want to BR__lerq3Y0-00018-00008072-00008473 double-click, get back in to the window. BR__lerq3Y0-00019-00008475-00008875 Go back to "states." Now, I want to change my color. BR__lerq3Y0-00020-00008877-00009276 And I like to add a fill BR__lerq3Y0-00021-00009278-00009680 and use that BR__lerq3Y0-00022-00009682-00010084 It just gives it a little contrast. When it's BR__lerq3Y0-00023-00010086-00010488 off or open, I want to button to be green BR__lerq3Y0-00024-00010490-00010891 but when the button's closed BR__lerq3Y0-00025-00010893-00011295 I want it to be red. Click "ok" BR__lerq3Y0-00026-00011297-00011700 There are our two colors. Right now, it's showing me BR__lerq3Y0-00027-00011702-00012105 on the one state, it's going to look like this BR__lerq3Y0-00028-00012107-00012510 and if I change it to the zero state, that's what it looks like now. BR__lerq3Y0-00029-00012512-00012913 Next, I'm going to do my fonts, or my text BR__lerq3Y0-00030-00012916-00013316 color. Double-click, go back to states BR__lerq3Y0-00031-00013319-00013716 So, now I'm going to scroll this bar right here BR__lerq3Y0-00032-00013719-00014118 and if you look at your text BR__lerq3Y0-00033-00014119-00014518 background, it's blue. BR__lerq3Y0-00034-00014519-00014919 You can see it's blue right here, so I want to make that to BR__lerq3Y0-00035-00014921-00015319 be green, but not exactly the same BR__lerq3Y0-00036-00015322-00015722 green as before BR__lerq3Y0-00037-00015725-00016126 as the object background. And I want it to BR__lerq3Y0-00038-00016128-00016531 one is going to be red, so I want to change this one to red. Click "ok." BR__lerq3Y0-00039-00016533-00016936 Now you can go back and see that it changed it. BR__lerq3Y0-00040-00016938-00017341 Go back to one, there you see both shades of red BR__lerq3Y0-00041-00017343-00017746 Back to zero. So, that's how you do, start/stop BR__lerq3Y0-00042-00017748-00018149 Also, you have other options BR__lerq3Y0-00043-00018151-00018552 that you can play with for different colors and font sizes. BR__lerq3Y0-00044-00018554-00018952 Now, I'm going to go to my indicator BR__lerq3Y0-00045-00018954-00019356 Go to "states" and do BR__lerq3Y0-00046-00019358-00019756 the same thing. This time, the background BR__lerq3Y0-00047-00019758-00020160 I want it to be black when it BR__lerq3Y0-00048-00020162-00020563 is zero or off. When it's a one BR__lerq3Y0-00049-00020565-00020966 it will show on and I want to make this one BR__lerq3Y0-00050-00020968-00021369 a bright, light BR__lerq3Y0-00051-00021371-00021772 yellow and when it's zero BR__lerq3Y0-00052-00021774-00022176 or off, I'm going to put "pump" BR__lerq3Y0-00053-00022178-00022581 off and it's going to say when it BR__lerq3Y0-00054-00022583-00022983 is on "pump on" BR__lerq3Y0-00055-00022985-00023390 Click "ok." BR__lerq3Y0-00056-00023392-00023794 Now, the blue doesn't look good. BR__lerq3Y0-00057-00023796-00024198 with the background, so I'm going to change that. BR__lerq3Y0-00058-00024200-00024602 And that is my text background BR__lerq3Y0-00059-00024604-00025007 it's going to be black when it is off but it's going to be BR__lerq3Y0-00060-00025009-00025410 a light green when it is on. BR__lerq3Y0-00061-00025412-00025814 Right now, you want a BR__lerq3Y0-00062-00025816-00026220 contrast in your background color and your text color BR__lerq3Y0-00063-00026222-00026625 So, if you click right here and select this BR__lerq3Y0-00064-00026627-00027030 "enter text" icon right here. BR__lerq3Y0-00065-00027032-00027433 Just click it one time, you'll see this is what you're going to be changing BR__lerq3Y0-00066-00027436-00027839 right now. So I can click here. Now go BR__lerq3Y0-00067-00027841-00028244 and change...go to "format" and change BR__lerq3Y0-00068-00028245-00028649 Now go to "foreground BR__lerq3Y0-00069-00028651-00029056 color," if you notice is saying "white" BR__lerq3Y0-00070-00029058-00029460 That is the color of the text. So, click right here once again. BR__lerq3Y0-00071-00029462-00029860 Hit "enter text" now hit "format" BR__lerq3Y0-00072-00029862-00030264 Go to "foreground color" and I'm going to make this one BR__lerq3Y0-00073-00030266-00030669 a... BR__lerq3Y0-00074-00030670-00031069 the color black. So, now, you have a good contrast BR__lerq3Y0-00075-00031070-00031475 between the background and the foreground of the text BR__lerq3Y0-00076-00031477-00031879 So, what I want to do now is see what it's going to look like BR__lerq3Y0-00077-00031881-00032283 when it's in the off BR__lerq3Y0-00078-00032285-00032688 It shows pretty good. Now when it's on...So, when I download BR__lerq3Y0-00079-00032689-00033092 this to the Panelview and run it, this is exactly what my BR__lerq3Y0-00080-00033094-00033493 objects are going to look like. BR__lerq3Y0-00081-00033495-00033898 On the next video, I will show you how to do BR__lerq3Y0-00082-00033900-00034302 multi-screen displays BR__lerq3Y0-00083-00034304-00034706 or how to do the screen 1/screen 2 setup BR__lerq3Y0-00084-00034708-00035111 and also your valve and water displays BR__lerq3Y0-00085-00035113-00035513 and graphs. Thank you. BR__lerq3Y0-00086-00035515-00035922 ♪ MUSIC ♪ BSk7_yjKak4-00000-00000306-00000844 ESKINDER NEGA: Hello, hello. Thank you so much. BSk7_yjKak4-00002-00002362-00003094 Eskinder in the studio we also have journalist Martin Schibbye. Martin do you want to say something? BSk7_yjKak4-00003-00003211-00003624 Martin Schibbye: It´s wonderful to hear your voice, Eskinder! BSk7_yjKak4-00004-00003715-00004268 I have, as many others, been reading your letters from prison and your journalism. BSk7_yjKak4-00005-00004416-00004848 It is truly wonderful, wonderful to hear your voice as a free man. BSk7_yjKak4-00006-00004940-00005580 And reading your writings from prison, I have understood that in a way you have always been free. BSk7_yjKak4-00007-00005622-00006230 Even in prison you have been using your pen, and your words. BSk7_yjKak4-00008-00006278-00006966 I am just so delightful, and so happy to see you walk out of that prison. BSk7_yjKak4-00009-00007004-00007220 Eskinder Nega: Thank you, thank you, very much. BSk7_yjKak4-00010-00007384-00007608 Its wonderful to hear your voice. BSk7_yjKak4-00011-00007640-00008181 The support of the international community has been tremendous. BSk7_yjKak4-00012-00008218-00009212 And I am thankful. And all I can say is that I am grateful and thank you. Thank you a thousand times. BSk7_yjKak4-00013-00009262-00010100 In a text that you wrote, that was published when you left prison, you talked about the challenges ahead. BSk7_yjKak4-00014-00010150-00010772 That you are happy to bee free from chains. BSk7_yjKak4-00015-00010772-00011512 But that the road ahead was full of forced exile, pain and suffering and even imprisonment. BSk7_yjKak4-00016-00011568-00012118 What comes next for you and for Ethiopia? BSk7_yjKak4-00017-00012150-00013010 What comes next is the peaceful struggle, we continue to press for democracy. BSk7_yjKak4-00018-00013056-00013656 Through peaceful means, and that will not be easy, but we persist. BSk7_yjKak4-00019-00013656-00014156 And we shall see what happens in the future… BThKtJalaEE-00000-00000000-00000509 MURAI BATU 450 Juta JUARA! Murai Batu Medan Ekor Panjang GACOR BV-YOYgO-_k-00000-00000632-00001060 [Music] BV-YOYgO-_k-00001-00006260-00006364 [Water Splash] BV-YOYgO-_k-00002-00007422-00007770 [Robot Walks] BV-YOYgO-_k-00003-00007886-00008164 [Robot Walks] BV-YOYgO-_k-00004-00008204-00008316 [Coffee Steals] BV-YOYgO-_k-00005-00008780-00009228 [Robot Runs] BV-YOYgO-_k-00006-00010448-00010512 [Typing] BV-YOYgO-_k-00007-00012356-00012420 [Clicks] BV-YOYgO-_k-00008-00013436-00013524 That's right BV-YOYgO-_k-00009-00013568-00013656 That's right BV-YOYgO-_k-00010-00013664-00013752 That's right BV-YOYgO-_k-00011-00014346-00014664 [System Crashes] BV-YOYgO-_k-00012-00015200-00015700 Bye Bye- ByE ByE- byE BYe- bYe ByE- BYe ByE- BYE BYE BV-YOYgO-_k-00013-00016132-00016602 That's right- ThAt"s RiGhT- tHAT's rIGHT- thAT's RIght- tHaT"S RighT- THAT'S RIGHT BV-YOYgO-_k-00014-00017052-00017204 Alright i'm order some BV-YOYgO-_k-00015-00017358-00017526 Ok let's place some order BV-YOYgO-_k-00016-00018034-00018204 Hi welcome to McDonald's what can I help you BV-YOYgO-_k-00017-00018216-00018268 Yeah BV-YOYgO-_k-00018-00018356-00018598 Let me get... 2 number 9's, BV-YOYgO-_k-00019-00018690-00018864 A number 9 large BV-YOYgO-_k-00020-00018910-00019158 A number 6 with extra dip BV-YOYgO-_k-00021-00019224-00019370 A number 7, BV-YOYgO-_k-00022-00019430-00019616 2 number 45's, BV-YOYgO-_k-00023-00019752-00019902 1 with cheese BV-YOYgO-_k-00024-00019928-00020070 And a large soda BV-YOYgO-_k-00025-00020520-00021042 [Music] BV-YOYgO-_k-00026-00022728-00023028 gedfiuiuaygvyedhjydehuejvugheju BV-YOYgO-_k-00027-00023188-00023674 [Music] BV-YOYgO-_k-00028-00023716-00024188 [Music] BV-YOYgO-_k-00029-00025820-00027472 (C) 2020 BVGWCTdLSLk-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video BVGWCTdLSLk-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view BVGWCTdLSLk-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. BVGWCTdLSLk-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much BVHhmuDE3XU-00000-00000330-00000986 Welcome to the George Mason University Libraries tutorial on Getting Help with Library Services BVHhmuDE3XU-00001-00000988-00001436 In this tutorial, you will learn to ask for help at the service desks BVHhmuDE3XU-00002-00001450-00001634 inside the Mason Libraries BVHhmuDE3XU-00003-00001660-00002242 You will also learn to ask for help using the virtual reference librarian Instant Messaging tool BVHhmuDE3XU-00004-00002300-00002490 By emailing a reference librarian BVHhmuDE3XU-00005-00002526-00002860 Or by getting in contact with your subject area librarian BVHhmuDE3XU-00007-00002932-00003752 Finally, you will learn to find infoguides or tutorials that will help you find the information you need for your classes or independent research BVHhmuDE3XU-00008-00003774-00004454 The Mason University Libraries have many resources which will help you succeed with your coursework BVHhmuDE3XU-00009-00004454-00004954 develop professionally, or independently explore topics covered in coursework more deeply BVHhmuDE3XU-00010-00005040-00005696 Making daily use of the library resources will dramatically enrich your educational experience BVHhmuDE3XU-00011-00005748-00006374 As a George Mason University student, you have access to the print books and physical media items BVHhmuDE3XU-00012-00006418-00006916 like DVDs, LPs, CDs, and VHS tapes that are in the growing library collections BVHhmuDE3XU-00013-00007063-00007523 Additionally, you have access to books and articles from other University libraries BVHhmuDE3XU-00014-00007570-00008098 You have access online to databases of periodicals, data, and other materials BVHhmuDE3XU-00015-00008168-00008412 As well as eBooks and streaming video BVHhmuDE3XU-00016-00008424-00008784 And finally, you have access to the topic of this video BVHhmuDE3XU-00017-00008824-00009524 That is: help with your research using library tutorials, infoguides, and services designed to help you succeed with your research and studies BVHhmuDE3XU-00018-00009701-00010109 One of the best ways to ask for help is at a library service desk BVHhmuDE3XU-00019-00010144-00010844 There are service desks located in each of our libraries with librarians and library staff who are eager to help you with your specific research questions BVHhmuDE3XU-00020-00011002-00011330 Sometimes, however, you may not be at the library BVHhmuDE3XU-00021-00011330-00011483 and you might still need help BVHhmuDE3XU-00022-00011509-00012085 Fortunately, there are a number of good ways to get help with library research tasks online BVHhmuDE3XU-00023-00012085-00012712 The first thing you will want to do is navigate the George Mason University Libraries homepage BVHhmuDE3XU-00024-00012712-00013129 It is a great idea to add this page to your web browser's bookmarks BVHhmuDE3XU-00025-00013194-00013608 The address is BVHhmuDE3XU-00026-00013644-00014130 Before you begin exploring the library's resources, you should learn to ask for help. BVHhmuDE3XU-00027-00014130-00014796 There are librarians available online ready to help you with any question you might have about accessing library resources BVHhmuDE3XU-00028-00014826-00015188 such as eBooks, articles, search tools, or raw data. BVHhmuDE3XU-00029-00015212-00015746 As you navigate the library website, you will see that there is an Ask a Librarian tool on many of the pages. BVHhmuDE3XU-00030-00015872-00016358 When a librarian is available for instant messaging, it will look like this. BVHhmuDE3XU-00031-00016358-00017058 When there are no librarians available for instant messaging, there will be an icon which indicates that no librarian is available. BVHhmuDE3XU-00032-00017192-00017922 When you navigate to the library website, you can always access this tool by clicking the "Ask a Librarian" link at the top right of the screen. BVHhmuDE3XU-00033-00018098-00018714 As you can see, the "Ask a Librarian" Instant Messaging tool appears at the right of this page BVHhmuDE3XU-00034-00018734-00019166 Also on this page, you can find a link to the email reference form. BVHhmuDE3XU-00035-00019292-00019732 This form allows you to ask questions of the reference librarians BVHhmuDE3XU-00036-00019732-00020218 even when there is no one available to answer your question on the "Ask a Librarian" tool BVHhmuDE3XU-00037-00020280-00020536 Simply click the link, fill out the form BVHhmuDE3XU-00038-00020628-00020748 then click submit BVHhmuDE3XU-00039-00020796-00021496 Sometimes you will encounter a question which requires the help of a specialist who knows about your subject area BVHhmuDE3XU-00040-00021499-00022051 In these cases, you will want to get in contact with a subject specialist librarian BVHhmuDE3XU-00041-00022146-00022642 To find out who your subject area librarian is, select the "Contact Us" tab BVHhmuDE3XU-00042-00022800-00022992 Then, select "Staff Directory" BVHhmuDE3XU-00043-00023096-00023624 On the staff directory page, select the "Subject Specialist Librarians" link BVHhmuDE3XU-00044-00023823-00024175 This will open a list of the Subject Area Librarians. BVHhmuDE3XU-00045-00024280-00024648 In addition to all of these people who would be glad to help you, BVHhmuDE3XU-00046-00024652-00025164 the library offers a large number of tutorials, informational webpages, and help files BVHhmuDE3XU-00047-00025190-00025564 designed to help you with common research and information retrieval tasks BVHhmuDE3XU-00048-00025760-00026039 You may locate these tutorials by going to BVHhmuDE3XU-00049-00026077-00026460 BVHhmuDE3XU-00050-00026539-00026902 Or you can find the tutorials by navigating on the library website BVHhmuDE3XU-00051-00026920-00027088 Click on the "Learn" tab. BVHhmuDE3XU-00052-00027112-00027322 Then select the "View a tutorial" link BVHhmuDE3XU-00053-00027492-00028236 In addition to these tutorials, our librarians have created both skill and subject-focused informational guides BVHhmuDE3XU-00054-00028248-00028662 That will help you with common research and information retrieval tasks BVHhmuDE3XU-00055-00028895-00029224 To find the infoguides, click on the "Search" tab BVHhmuDE3XU-00056-00029233-00029457 And then select "Subject Guides" BVHhmuDE3XU-00057-00029624-00029852 Next, select "InfoGuides" BVHhmuDE3XU-00058-00030116-00030652 This brings up a list of the available subject areas for which InfoGuides have been created BVHhmuDE3XU-00059-00030670-00031350 Search the InfoGuides to see if there are any materials related to your discipline, class, or research task. BVHhmuDE3XU-00060-00031412-00031739 Usually, when you are starting a class or research process BVHhmuDE3XU-00061-00031776-00032382 The infoguide for your subject will be a great place to begin familiarizing yourself with the resources available BVHhmuDE3XU-00062-00032420-00032818 In this tutorial, you have learned how to ask for help with library resources. BVHhmuDE3XU-00063-00032882-00033518 If you encounter any problems, remember that the librarians and library staff are eager to help you. BVHhmuDE3XU-00064-00033548-00033700 All you have to do is ask BWktpNa7_DY-00000-00000982-00001344 Hey, I'm Jessie Gray. I'm going to explain the daemon system to you. I know BWktpNa7_DY-00001-00001344-00001594 when you got up this morning you thought, I couldn't care less about different BWktpNa7_DY-00002-00001594-00001884 systems of braces, that's what we're going to do it really quickly. I'm going BWktpNa7_DY-00003-00001884-00002122 to explain to you the parts of the Damon system that will actually make BWktpNa7_DY-00004-00002122-00002511 your life and your experience in braces better. Metal braces, this is what they BWktpNa7_DY-00005-00002511-00002808 look like, we've all seen them, these are Damon braces they look pretty much like BWktpNa7_DY-00006-00002808-00003130 every other kind of bracket you've ever seen. Well, what's the difference? The BWktpNa7_DY-00007-00003130-00003469 difference is with traditional braces, there's a little rubber band tie that BWktpNa7_DY-00008-00003469-00003772 holds the archwire into the bracket. We have to push really hard for the teeth BWktpNa7_DY-00009-00003772-00004165 to be able to slide along that wire and get straight. Well the Damen braces don't BWktpNa7_DY-00010-00004165-00004519 use that little rubber band tie, they have little door that opens and closes, that's BWktpNa7_DY-00011-00004519-00004780 what holds the wire in there. So the teeth are able to slide really easily BWktpNa7_DY-00012-00004780-00005128 along the archwire. Why do you care about that? Well, I'll tell you why you should BWktpNa7_DY-00013-00005128-00005521 care. First of all it hurts a lot less. If we don't have to push as hard, your teeth BWktpNa7_DY-00014-00005521-00005896 don't get a sore. Second, you don't have to come see us as often. Most of your BWktpNa7_DY-00015-00005896-00006373 visits will be between every six to ten weeks. Third, extractions. A long time ago BWktpNa7_DY-00016-00006373-00006781 you got your braces on you had to get your permanent teeth pulled. Rarely with BWktpNa7_DY-00017-00006781-00007195 the Damen system does that ever have to happen anymore. Last, with the Damen BWktpNa7_DY-00018-00007195-00007498 system we get you in and out of braces faster. Lots of our patients get their BWktpNa7_DY-00019-00007498-00007809 braces off in well under a year, that's it. BWcI1lAU_8A-00000-00000880-00001157 > Alright, well I'm Jared Foster and here to welcome you to BWcI1lAU_8A-00001-00001157-00001478 another episode of PD TV. BWcI1lAU_8A-00002-00001478-00001838 > And we are lucky enough to have the wonderful Katie Blunt BWcI1lAU_8A-00003-00001838-00002055 here with us. BWcI1lAU_8A-00004-00002055-00002636 > Katie is one of our EdTech extraordinaire specialists. BWcI1lAU_8A-00005-00002636-00002986 > And this week, and the reason that we've got Katie here with BWcI1lAU_8A-00006-00002986-00003386 this is to talk about engaging assignments and activities. BWcI1lAU_8A-00007-00003386-00003793 > And I hear this term thrown out a lot right now in BWcI1lAU_8A-00008-00003793-00004074 education, engagement and engaging activities and BWcI1lAU_8A-00009-00004074-00004437 assignments and everything's gotta have engagement in it. BWcI1lAU_8A-00010-00004437-00004798 > And I'm not sure we're all using the same definition. BWcI1lAU_8A-00011-00004798-00005218 > So Katie, I wanna start out by asking you, what do you think it BWcI1lAU_8A-00012-00005218-00005625 means to make an assignment engaging? BWcI1lAU_8A-00013-00005625-00006116 > Well, Jared, before we even dive into that question, I think BWcI1lAU_8A-00014-00006116-00006446 we have to back up a little bit to understand it because BWcI1lAU_8A-00015-00006446-00006913 engaging assignments start engaging instruction. I like I BWcI1lAU_8A-00016-00006913-00007163 don't think it's an Yeah, I don't think it's enough to just BWcI1lAU_8A-00017-00007163-00007607 say the assignment was engaging. So let me talk a little BWcI1lAU_8A-00018-00007607-00007937 bit about that. I think that engaging instruction starts BWcI1lAU_8A-00019-00007937-00008485 first with clear learning intentions and success criteria. BWcI1lAU_8A-00020-00008485-00008818 If the students don't know what they're even supposed to be BWcI1lAU_8A-00021-00008818-00009209 learning and what is expected in the lesson, it's hard for them BWcI1lAU_8A-00022-00009209-00009689 to engage at all. And going right along with that, having BWcI1lAU_8A-00023-00009689-00010086 rubrics and exemplars so that students know when they get to BWcI1lAU_8A-00024-00010086-00010637 that activity or assignment exactly what's expected. I think BWcI1lAU_8A-00025-00010637-00011301 that really helps them to engage. Also a variety. So you BWcI1lAU_8A-00026-00011301-00011698 want to always keep a balance between introducing so many new BWcI1lAU_8A-00027-00011698-00012078 things that your students are overwhelmed and never BWcI1lAU_8A-00028-00012078-00012572 introducing anything new and they're totally bored. So using BWcI1lAU_8A-00029-00012572-00013116 a variety in your instruction can really help students engage BWcI1lAU_8A-00030-00013116-00013249 as well. BWcI1lAU_8A-00031-00013249-00013680 > Multimedia can help in your instruction, whether it's using BWcI1lAU_8A-00032-00013680-00014150 video to teach, especially if you're teaching remotely or in BWcI1lAU_8A-00033-00014150-00014554 blended learning environments. But it could also be using video BWcI1lAU_8A-00034-00014554-00015005 or audio for a hook in your lesson or an infographic that BWcI1lAU_8A-00035-00015005-00015418 really clarifies your instruction and the key concepts BWcI1lAU_8A-00036-00015418-00015802 that you want students to understand. And then finally, BWcI1lAU_8A-00037-00015802-00016166 I'd say that good instruction comes with collaboration with BWcI1lAU_8A-00038-00016166-00016633 colleagues. What are they doing that's working. That's really BWcI1lAU_8A-00039-00016633-00017177 the point of a PLN or an impact team. Not just to say, my data BWcI1lAU_8A-00040-00017177-00017557 stinks and what do we do about it, but to say, oh, your data is BWcI1lAU_8A-00041-00017557-00017988 awesome, what are you doing that I could do to engage my students BWcI1lAU_8A-00042-00017988-00018204 more fully? BWcI1lAU_8A-00043-00018204-00018528 > And I want to go back to the point that you made right at the BWcI1lAU_8A-00044-00018528-00018979 start with learning intentions and having purpose and meaning. BWcI1lAU_8A-00045-00018979-00019285 Because I don't think it matters what subject we're talking BWcI1lAU_8A-00046-00019285-00019673 about. We could be talking about math, geography, science, BWcI1lAU_8A-00047-00019673-00020033 English. When students have purpose and meaning to what BWcI1lAU_8A-00048-00020033-00020390 they're doing, that helps make them engaged. Whether they have BWcI1lAU_8A-00049-00020390-00020767 any passion for the topic itself, like the purpose and BWcI1lAU_8A-00050-00020767-00020960 meaning that the teacher provides. BWcI1lAU_8A-00051-00020960-00021257 > That really gets them engaged in the beginning. BWcI1lAU_8A-00052-00021257-00021371 > Yeah, definitely. BWcI1lAU_8A-00053-00021371-00021868 > One of the other things you mentioned was variety. And I'm BWcI1lAU_8A-00054-00021868-00022155 going to have you talk about that because I think a lot of BWcI1lAU_8A-00055-00022155-00022582 times a teacher will come across like this cool app or maybe this BWcI1lAU_8A-00056-00022582-00023006 great website. And they're like, they're like trying to jam that BWcI1lAU_8A-00057-00023006-00023573 in there. But I think there's more to it than that. So what do BWcI1lAU_8A-00058-00023573-00023800 you mean by variety? BWcI1lAU_8A-00059-00023800-00024270 > Yeah, we'll variety can be created a lot of different ways. BWcI1lAU_8A-00060-00024270-00024738 For example, you can have variety in your groupings in a BWcI1lAU_8A-00061-00024738-00025225 lesson. Maybe this time students are working individually. Maybe BWcI1lAU_8A-00062-00025225-00025545 the next time they're working in small groups or having partner BWcI1lAU_8A-00063-00025545-00026166 talks, maybe it's a whole group or a whole class. And so that BWcI1lAU_8A-00064-00026166-00026516 can provide variety in the way that things are presented and BWcI1lAU_8A-00065-00026516-00026997 make things feel fresh and new to students. Employing a variety BWcI1lAU_8A-00066-00026997-00027574 of instructional strategies can help with the lesson. Giving BWcI1lAU_8A-00067-00027574-00027971 students choice can also give them a lot of variety and BWcI1lAU_8A-00068-00027971-00028411 engagement. Choice and path, pace and place for their BWcI1lAU_8A-00069-00028411-00028838 learning. I can give you an example. My next door BWcI1lAU_8A-00070-00028838-00029369 neighbor is a kid who's in about fifth or sixth grade. BWcI1lAU_8A-00071-00029369-00029799 > He's been learning completely online for awhile now. And I BWcI1lAU_8A-00072-00029799-00030190 said, well, how's that going? Do your teachers use cool tools BWcI1lAU_8A-00073-00030190-00030797 like near pod and he goes "ugh near pod" and then it was like, wait a BWcI1lAU_8A-00074-00030797-00031164 second, I think theropods awesome and so engaging. Why is BWcI1lAU_8A-00075-00031164-00031571 that his reaction? So I said, well what don't you like about BWcI1lAU_8A-00076-00031571-00032085 near pod? And he said, we do the same thing every lesson. Okay, BWcI1lAU_8A-00077-00032085-00032492 class, go to the near pod. Here's a bunch of slides while I BWcI1lAU_8A-00078-00032492-00033003 talk at you, and here's a quiz. A bunch of slides and a quiz. BWcI1lAU_8A-00079-00033003-00033590 And I thought, oh, okay, so he is lacking and missing that BWcI1lAU_8A-00080-00033590-00033853 variety even with a really cool tool. BWcI1lAU_8A-00081-00033853-00034294 > So I think that's a good example of you have to mix BWcI1lAU_8A-00082-00034294-00034724 things up, keeps students interested. And I think we'll BWcI1lAU_8A-00083-00034724-00035028 say this a lot, but finding the right tools for the right BWcI1lAU_8A-00084-00035028-00035435 lesson, for the right student, for the right activity, and the BWcI1lAU_8A-00085-00035435-00035739 right strategies for each of those as well. BWcI1lAU_8A-00086-00035739-00036156 > Yeah, I like that you shared a lot of different things about BWcI1lAU_8A-00087-00036156-00036586 variety. It's not just the way that we present material. It can BWcI1lAU_8A-00088-00036586-00037023 be the tool itself. I mean, you can have a really engaging tool BWcI1lAU_8A-00089-00037023-00037390 like near pod, but if you're only, I'm showing it as a BWcI1lAU_8A-00090-00037390-00037681 slideshow, then you might as well just use PowerPoint for BWcI1lAU_8A-00091-00037681-00038198 that. But I really like the end there where you said we've gotta BWcI1lAU_8A-00092-00038198-00038471 pick the right tool for the right activity. BWcI1lAU_8A-00093-00038471-00038852 > And I always think about golf. > I'm, I'm pulling out a prop BWcI1lAU_8A-00094-00038852-00039219 right here, you >Well, that's impressive> This is my BWcI1lAU_8A-00095-00039219-00039472 trusty putter. BWcI1lAU_8A-00096-00039472-00039766 > So the reason I like to talk about golf. I mean, I BWcI1lAU_8A-00097-00039766-00040116 just like to talk about sports and golf anyhow, but BWcI1lAU_8A-00098-00040116-00040680 > With golf, it's so important that you have the right club for BWcI1lAU_8A-00099-00040680-00041121 the distance that you are from the hole. And I'm not going to BWcI1lAU_8A-00100-00041121-00041514 pull the putter out. And when I'm when I'm teeing off my shot that's BWcI1lAU_8A-00101-00041514-00041851 350 yards from the hole, like that's not the right time to use BWcI1lAU_8A-00102-00041851-00042265 the putter. Even though I liked my putter. And I'm pretty good BWcI1lAU_8A-00103-00042265-00042655 with my butter, that's not the right place for it. And I think BWcI1lAU_8A-00104-00042655-00043043 sometimes with digital tools like we can fall in love with BWcI1lAU_8A-00105-00043043-00043420 certain tools and we want to use them all the time. But if BWcI1lAU_8A-00106-00043420-00043747 they're not matching our meaning, our purpose, our BWcI1lAU_8A-00107-00043747-00044194 learning objective, then we're not, we're just it's an ill fit, BWcI1lAU_8A-00108-00044194-00044260 right? BWcI1lAU_8A-00109-00044260-00044861 It's not the right time or place to be using it. > Yes, absolutely. And you BWcI1lAU_8A-00110-00044861-00045215 know, thinking back to what I said about strategies, I think BWcI1lAU_8A-00111-00045215-00045648 the same analogy works. If every time you're giving students an BWcI1lAU_8A-00112-00045648-00046019 opportunity to respond, it's always pair share, pair share, BWcI1lAU_8A-00113-00046019-00046383 pair share, pair share. Every single time you're using the putter BWcI1lAU_8A-00114-00046383-00046816 every single time, you know. But maybe it, again, it needs to be BWcI1lAU_8A-00115-00046816-00047127 a group thing or it needs to be a structured classroom BWcI1lAU_8A-00116-00047127-00047397 discussion. Or maybe this time they're just writing in a BWcI1lAU_8A-00117-00047397-00047964 journal or typing into a near pod. Same idea, right? Variety. BWcI1lAU_8A-00118-00047964-00048311 Choose the right thing for the right time and the right lesson BWcI1lAU_8A-00119-00048311-00048471 and the right place in the lesson. BWcI1lAU_8A-00120-00048471-00048975 > You know, we've talked about learning objectives and building BWcI1lAU_8A-00121-00048975-00049379 culture. Katie, what would you say is the next step in creating BWcI1lAU_8A-00122-00049379-00049602 an engaging lesson? BWcI1lAU_8A-00123-00049602-00049969 > Well, I think that to using an instructional framework is a BWcI1lAU_8A-00124-00049969-00050577 great next step. Frameworks can help you ensure that your lesson BWcI1lAU_8A-00125-00050577-00051057 has the components that the best instructional practices that are BWcI1lAU_8A-00126-00051057-00051391 most important. I know a lot of districts have their own BWcI1lAU_8A-00127-00051391-00051878 instructional frameworks, so use those, dive in, Am I doing the BWcI1lAU_8A-00128-00051878-00052318 things that are listed here as being most effective? But one BWcI1lAU_8A-00129-00052318-00052719 example that I've probably seen throughout these district BWcI1lAU_8A-00130-00052719-00053143 frameworks and that has become well-known in the education BWcI1lAU_8A-00131-00053143-00053750 world is the four Cs. And so the force sees our communication, BWcI1lAU_8A-00132-00053750-00054444 collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. So BWcI1lAU_8A-00133-00054444-00054784 when I've created a lesson or maybe it's even a series of BWcI1lAU_8A-00134-00054784-00055168 lessons. I can look through those before teaching and ask BWcI1lAU_8A-00135-00055168-00055638 myself, am I giving students the opportunity to communicate? Are BWcI1lAU_8A-00136-00055638-00056126 they sharing thoughts, questions, ideas? Then I can BWcI1lAU_8A-00137-00056126-00056499 say, do they have opportunities for collaboration in this BWcI1lAU_8A-00138-00056499-00056883 lesson, are they working together to reach a goal? Are BWcI1lAU_8A-00139-00056883-00057247 they putting all of their individual talents and expertise BWcI1lAU_8A-00140-00057247-00057617 and smarts to work together? BWcI1lAU_8A-00141-00057617-00057907 > Do they have opportunity for critical thinking to look at BWcI1lAU_8A-00142-00057907-00058365 problems in new ways, to link across different subjects and BWcI1lAU_8A-00143-00058365-00058818 disciplines. And then creativity. Am I giving them an BWcI1lAU_8A-00144-00058818-00059155 opportunity for creative expression? And, you know, I BWcI1lAU_8A-00145-00059155-00059426 think creativity and I think a will then they've gotten to BWcI1lAU_8A-00146-00059426-00059799 paint a picture or take a photo or make a video. And all of BWcI1lAU_8A-00147-00059799-00060036 those are awesome. I love photos, videos, all of that. But BWcI1lAU_8A-00148-00060036-00060537 really at the heart of it, it's about trying new approaches, new BWcI1lAU_8A-00149-00060824-00061124 approaches to express. BWcI1lAU_8A-00150-00061124-00061494 > Thoughts and ideas to demonstrate mastery or to solve BWcI1lAU_8A-00151-00061494-00062058 problems. It's about innovation and invention. So using some of BWcI1lAU_8A-00152-00062058-00062385 those frameworks as a checklist for the lesson that you've BWcI1lAU_8A-00153-00062385-00062669 created can really bump up that engagement level. BWcI1lAU_8A-00154-00062669-00063123 > Yeah, and I think the four Cs is great and what a great BWcI1lAU_8A-00155-00063123-00063463 checklist to have, you know, our, my students critically BWcI1lAU_8A-00156-00063463-00063817 thinking during this lesson, Is there an opportunity to be BWcI1lAU_8A-00157-00063817-00064114 creative? And like you mentioned, creative doesn't mean BWcI1lAU_8A-00158-00064114-00064474 destroying a picture. There's lots of options with creativity. BWcI1lAU_8A-00159-00064474-00064771 And then are they collaborating and communicating with one BWcI1lAU_8A-00160-00064771-00065281 another? Fantastic. Another framework that I like is BWcI1lAU_8A-00161-00065281-00065692 TPACK and this is one of those loaded acronyms. It's actually BWcI1lAU_8A-00162-00065692-00065989 way better as TPACK then what it really is because it's BWcI1lAU_8A-00163-00065989-00066583 technological, pedagogical content knowledge. That's a lot BWcI1lAU_8A-00164-00066583-00066943 to say and remember. But, but the thing that I really like BWcI1lAU_8A-00165-00066943-00067374 about it is it's all about the intersection between technology, BWcI1lAU_8A-00166-00067374-00067847 good teaching and pedagogy and the content itself. And how do BWcI1lAU_8A-00167-00067847-00068301 we mesh that together appropriately and the best way BWcI1lAU_8A-00168-00068301-00068488 for our students to learn? BWcI1lAU_8A-00169-00068488-00068968 > Yeah, I completely agree. And TPACK really helps teachers BWcI1lAU_8A-00170-00068968-00069416 evaluate and make thoughtful decisions about where to allow BWcI1lAU_8A-00171-00069416-00069779 the student choice. We've talked about what mastery will look BWcI1lAU_8A-00172-00069779-00070120 like, how to assess that mastery. And as you said, BWcI1lAU_8A-00173-00070120-00070620 ensuring that the pedagogy and the content is there before you BWcI1lAU_8A-00174-00070620-00071134 try to decide what tool best serves the lessons. BWcI1lAU_8A-00175-00071134-00071584 > So speaking of tools, and we weren't held off until the very BWcI1lAU_8A-00176-00071584-00071768 end to talk about today. BWcI1lAU_8A-00177-00071768-00071911 > We're going to find me, talk about them. BWcI1lAU_8A-00178-00071911-00072372 > We've done that intentionally. > So Katie, what tools have you BWcI1lAU_8A-00179-00072372-00072782 found that allow for really good student engagement? BWcI1lAU_8A-00180-00072782-00073153 > Yeah, well, my first set of go-to tools comes from the BWcI1lAU_8A-00181-00073153-00073540 Google tools for education, especially when they're BWcI1lAU_8A-00182-00073540-00074110 integrated into Canvas using LTI assignments and they're embedded BWcI1lAU_8A-00183-00074110-00074564 into that LMS. So Google Docs is the first one that comes to BWcI1lAU_8A-00184-00074564-00074928 mind. And when I think about Google Docs for an engaging BWcI1lAU_8A-00185-00074928-00075402 assignment, they instantly think of essays, writing assignments. BWcI1lAU_8A-00186-00075402-00075832 And of course, this is a great use of the tool, especially if BWcI1lAU_8A-00187-00075832-00076349 you're utilizing things like comments and editing mode to BWcI1lAU_8A-00188-00076349-00076860 give feedback and peer reviews and collaborate. That there are BWcI1lAU_8A-00189-00076860-00077270 also some tools in docs that sometimes we forget about. Some BWcI1lAU_8A-00190-00077270-00077711 of the research tools that are embedded. And I'm going to show BWcI1lAU_8A-00191-00077711-00078204 an example where we actually used the table tool to create a BWcI1lAU_8A-00192-00078204-00078738 graphic organizer within Google Docs. In this example of a BWcI1lAU_8A-00193-00078738-00079192 Google doc, you can see that I have added a table to provide BWcI1lAU_8A-00194-00079192-00079512 students with a graphic organizer that they can interact BWcI1lAU_8A-00195-00079512-00080083 with. So not only is the graphic organizer itself very visual, BWcI1lAU_8A-00196-00080083-00080540 but it provides spaces for students to respond and engage BWcI1lAU_8A-00197-00080540-00081010 with the assignment. And if you consider that, you could give BWcI1lAU_8A-00198-00081010-00081381 this graphic organizer to the students before they read the BWcI1lAU_8A-00199-00081381-00081728 article, or perhaps in preparation for a second read BWcI1lAU_8A-00200-00081728-00081835 through. BWcI1lAU_8A-00201-00081835-00082208 > And they will engage even more with the article itself because BWcI1lAU_8A-00202-00082208-00082642 they know what they're looking for as they read. So Forms is BWcI1lAU_8A-00203-00082642-00083143 another great Google tool that can be used in a variety of ways BWcI1lAU_8A-00204-00083390-00084000 in the classroom. Quizzes, surveys. But I love to use forms BWcI1lAU_8A-00205-00084000-00084401 for exit tickets so I can gauge student learning where we add BWcI1lAU_8A-00206-00084401-00084884 before we move on. Slides is another great tool. I think it's BWcI1lAU_8A-00207-00084884-00085545 maybe the best known for engaging activities, but because BWcI1lAU_8A-00208-00085545-00086126 it's so easy to create presentations, reports, group or BWcI1lAU_8A-00209-00086126-00086726 class projects, so much can be done with slides. But perhaps BWcI1lAU_8A-00210-00086726-00087313 one of the lesser known or lesser utilized Google Tools is BWcI1lAU_8A-00211-00087313-00087874 Google Draw. Google Draw is great for engaging activities BWcI1lAU_8A-00212-00087874-00088328 and assignments. I actually found a list of ideas and BWcI1lAU_8A-00213-00088328-00088795 templates for using Google drawn the classroom on Matt Miller's BWcI1lAU_8A-00214-00088795-00089379 ditch that textbook blog. His ideas include using draw for BWcI1lAU_8A-00215-00089379-00089879 creating posters, comic strips, digital manipulatives. BWcI1lAU_8A-00216-00089879-00090230 > That's actually one of my very favorite ways to use draw is BWcI1lAU_8A-00217-00090230-00090657 students actually move images and use them as manipulatives. BWcI1lAU_8A-00218-00090657-00091101 And I found some really great templates and I'm gonna show you BWcI1lAU_8A-00219-00091101-00091601 one of them now. This one is the graphic organizer for practicing BWcI1lAU_8A-00220-00091828-00092285 vocabulary. Here's an example of a graphic organizer that was BWcI1lAU_8A-00221-00092285-00092655 created in Google Drive. I really liked this paint chip BWcI1lAU_8A-00222-00092655-00093029 vocabulary idea in addition to how they utilized Google draw BWcI1lAU_8A-00223-00093029-00093516 for the assignment. So as the instruction say, The purpose is BWcI1lAU_8A-00224-00093516-00094013 to an input vocabulary words and to each of the boxes below. And BWcI1lAU_8A-00225-00094013-00094381 students or the teacher ahead of time can click in there and type BWcI1lAU_8A-00226-00094381-00094844 those words. And then they are assigned to find five synonyms BWcI1lAU_8A-00227-00094844-00095382 for each word and add them in order of richness. So the more BWcI1lAU_8A-00228-00095382-00095762 rich the color on the paint chip that they've created, the richer BWcI1lAU_8A-00229-00095762-00096162 the synonym for the word should be. And they provide an example. BWcI1lAU_8A-00230-00096162-00096553 > And they've provided the example off to the side in BWcI1lAU_8A-00231-00096553-00096910 Google Drive, which is a great way to provide extra things that BWcI1lAU_8A-00232-00096910-00097350 aren't really part of the assignment. For example, you can BWcI1lAU_8A-00233-00097350-00097897 see I've also added an image off to the side here. You could have BWcI1lAU_8A-00234-00097897-00098278 a whole series of images off to the side than students click and BWcI1lAU_8A-00235-00098278-00098748 drag to match something on the main assignment. And students BWcI1lAU_8A-00236-00098748-00099195 could also add their own images by going up to the Insert Image BWcI1lAU_8A-00237-00099195-00099502 and searching the web, which brings up this nice little BWcI1lAU_8A-00238-00099502-00099903 search on the right-hand side and type in whatever they BWcI1lAU_8A-00239-00099903-00100303 searched for. So you could have them determine an image that BWcI1lAU_8A-00240-00100303-00100690 really represents the vocabulary word very well. I like to BWcI1lAU_8A-00241-00100690-00101174 include PNG or transparent in my image searches for Google draw BWcI1lAU_8A-00242-00101174-00101651 so that when I add the image, it can go right on top of whatever BWcI1lAU_8A-00243-00101651-00101971 their background is and have that nice transparent BWcI1lAU_8A-00244-00101971-00102776 background. Another example is to use Google Draw for math BWcI1lAU_8A-00245-00102776-00102916 manipulatives. BWcI1lAU_8A-00246-00102916-00103279 > Just like I was moving that light bulb around when you BWcI1lAU_8A-00247-00103279-00103753 create a Google Draw that has, for example, algebra tiles, this BWcI1lAU_8A-00248-00103753-00104110 one by Alice Keeler. And students can move those all BWcI1lAU_8A-00249-00104110-00104547 around, either following along with a live lesson, maybe on a BWcI1lAU_8A-00250-00104547-00105034 video chat, or following along on their own to a pre-recorded BWcI1lAU_8A-00251-00105034-00105552 lesson that you have put into Canvas, for example. So those BWcI1lAU_8A-00252-00105552-00105862 are a couple of examples of using Google draw for some BWcI1lAU_8A-00253-00105862-00106062 engaging activities. BWcI1lAU_8A-00254-00106272-00106613 > Alright, well that was a fantastic example. I like that a BWcI1lAU_8A-00255-00106613-00107263 lot. And speaking about Google and documents, one of the things BWcI1lAU_8A-00256-00107263-00107507 you can do is create a hyper doc. BWcI1lAU_8A-00257-00107507-00107834 And that's kind of a fun word to say. BWcI1lAU_8A-00258-00107834-00108171 > Yeah > And just hearing like, hey, we're gonna, BWcI1lAU_8A-00259-00108171-00108441 we're gonna look at this hyper doc today like that's exciting for BWcI1lAU_8A-00260-00108441-00108818 students, like that's engaging right there. BWcI1lAU_8A-00261-00108818-00109325 But basically what we're doing with that is we're allowing a BWcI1lAU_8A-00262-00109325-00109793 lot of student choice. We're allowing for creativity within BWcI1lAU_8A-00263-00109793-00110333 these hyper docs so that it's not just this worksheet that BWcI1lAU_8A-00264-00110333-00110720 students are getting. There's a lot more to it. And let's take a BWcI1lAU_8A-00265-00110720-00111064 look at an example of a hyper doc. BWcI1lAU_8A-00266-00111064-00111604 > Here's a quick look at a hyper doc. In this case, we're seeing BWcI1lAU_8A-00267-00111604-00112155 one on utils online library. And you can see that as I click into BWcI1lAU_8A-00268-00112155-00112605 this, each one of these, in this case, activities is going to BWcI1lAU_8A-00269-00112605-00113146 take me to another page that will allow me to do something. I BWcI1lAU_8A-00270-00113146-00113596 can also click here and then add my submission. In this case, BWcI1lAU_8A-00271-00113596-00114114 this is going to a padlet. And so each one of these activities BWcI1lAU_8A-00272-00114114-00114280 has a different link to it. BWcI1lAU_8A-00273-00114280-00114964 > But you can see just a really nice, clean look on this hyper doc. BWcI1lAU_8A-00274-00114964-00115288 > And then it allows the, in this case, a student to make BWcI1lAU_8A-00275-00115288-00115518 choices. The teacher could also make choices on how they want to BWcI1lAU_8A-00276-00115518-00115915 do things. And just a lot of options here. You can also link BWcI1lAU_8A-00277-00115915-00116219 websites and really the possibilities are endless with BWcI1lAU_8A-00278-00116219-00116589 hyper docs, they're fantastic tool that you can use. We're BWcI1lAU_8A-00279-00116589-00117030 going to talk about near pod, which I think is a fantastic BWcI1lAU_8A-00280-00117030-00117470 tool, really one of my favorites because it has so many options BWcI1lAU_8A-00281-00117470-00118151 within it. It does not have to be just a slideshow. In fact, I BWcI1lAU_8A-00282-00118151-00118588 like to describe near pod as this is what students wish that BWcI1lAU_8A-00283-00118588-00119169 PowerPoint or Google Slides was, or is, is, is near pod because you BWcI1lAU_8A-00284-00119169-00119699 have tools like collaborate boards. Being able to draw on BWcI1lAU_8A-00285-00119699-00119769 slides. BWcI1lAU_8A-00286-00119769-00120150 > You can put out an informal poll really quick in check the BWcI1lAU_8A-00287-00120150-00120550 understanding of your students. > You can quiz them, you can BWcI1lAU_8A-00288-00120550-00120680 have short answer questions. BWcI1lAU_8A-00289-00120680-00120857 > You can have a slideshow in there. BWcI1lAU_8A-00290-00120857-00121214 > You can put in videos, you can add a sway. You can have PHET BWcI1lAU_8A-00291-00121214-00121614 simulations and virtual field trips like and the great thing BWcI1lAU_8A-00292-00121614-00122015 about it is all of this is easily integrated into Canvas. BWcI1lAU_8A-00293-00122015-00122702 So let's take a look at an example of a near pod that I got BWcI1lAU_8A-00294-00122702-00123239 from the near pod Library. Near pod that I added to my library BWcI1lAU_8A-00295-00123239-00123353 from BWcI1lAU_8A-00296-00123353-00123726 The near pod library. So it wasn't one that I had to create, BWcI1lAU_8A-00297-00123726-00124090 but I did add a few things to it. So you can see here that BWcI1lAU_8A-00298-00124090-00124387 there's different slides and this one is web content that's BWcI1lAU_8A-00299-00124387-00124531 for near pod. BWcI1lAU_8A-00300-00124531-00124931 > There's a slideshow here which has a different slides on it. BWcI1lAU_8A-00301-00124931-00125371 > I added this poll and another poll and then you can add things BWcI1lAU_8A-00302-00125371-00125899 like a draw it. There's a virtual field trip where these have been BWcI1lAU_8A-00303-00125899-00126216 made, in this case in Zion National Park, that'll take you BWcI1lAU_8A-00304-00126216-00126656 to different parts of the park. Then I added another draw it and BWcI1lAU_8A-00305-00126656-00127003 here you can put in different website. BWcI1lAU_8A-00306-00127003-00127350 > You can add a quiz, open-ended question. BWcI1lAU_8A-00307-00127350-00127710 > Have a collaborate board like there's so many options with BWcI1lAU_8A-00308-00127710-00127981 what you can do in near pod to make things engaging for your BWcI1lAU_8A-00309-00127981-00128244 students. Give it a try if you haven't already. BWcI1lAU_8A-00310-00128468-00128832 > I love it. There so many options there, Jared. There are BWcI1lAU_8A-00311-00128832-00129335 also a lot of other tools that can create engaging student BWcI1lAU_8A-00312-00129335-00129809 activities. Some of these do have Canvas LTI eyes and can be BWcI1lAU_8A-00313-00129809-00130326 embedded right into Canvas. But some don't. And even if they BWcI1lAU_8A-00314-00130326-00130840 can't be used with an LTI, They can usually be embedded or at BWcI1lAU_8A-00315-00130840-00131184 the very least linked in a Canvas page. So you're still BWcI1lAU_8A-00316-00131184-00131498 having students at least start in that LMS they're familiar BWcI1lAU_8A-00317-00131498-00131858 with. But let me give you some examples. There are tools BWcI1lAU_8A-00318-00131858-00132352 including flip grid, Padlet, Quizlet, Google Maps, Google BWcI1lAU_8A-00319-00132352-00132882 Earth, all kinds of video and animation tools, interactives on BWcI1lAU_8A-00320-00132882-00133426 Utah's online library. Breakout EDU, LUCID > Whoa, whoa, whoa, BWcI1lAU_8A-00321-00133426-00133927 Katie, you just mentioned so many tools, my head is going to explode. BWcI1lAU_8A-00322-00134277-00134704 > Like I think we hit that overload moment. > I think you're right, I BWcI1lAU_8A-00323-00134704-00135091 just got so excited, excited. BWcI1lAU_8A-00324-00135091-00135628 > But, but I think we do need to consider like are students, ready for BWcI1lAU_8A-00325-00135628-00136202 another tool are parents ready for that? Before we throw BWcI1lAU_8A-00326-00136202-00136649 one out there. You know me, and like you mentioned, is something BWcI1lAU_8A-00327-00136649-00137217 that they can add into Canvas already, like a near pod. And BWcI1lAU_8A-00328-00137217-00137647 another thought is, are you maximizing the tools that you're BWcI1lAU_8A-00329-00137647-00137804 already using? BWcI1lAU_8A-00330-00137804-00137911 > Mmm. BWcI1lAU_8A-00331-00137911-00138491 > Yeah. Well, okay. Okay, Jared, I'll back off a little I'll slow BWcI1lAU_8A-00332-00138491-00138898 down. I know I overwhelmed you, but in addition to BWcI1lAU_8A-00333-00138898-00139349 everything that you just said, I think it's important for BWcI1lAU_8A-00334-00139349-00139609 teachers to remember that they're not alone. They don't BWcI1lAU_8A-00335-00139609-00140210 have to create all of these different experiences and BWcI1lAU_8A-00336-00140210-00140523 different tools all by themselves either. So when they BWcI1lAU_8A-00337-00140523-00141004 do decide, I think we can add one tool. I'm going to teach my BWcI1lAU_8A-00338-00141004-00141404 kids how to use it and get them super comfortable with it. You BWcI1lAU_8A-00339-00141404-00141851 don't have to build everything yourself. So, for example, we BWcI1lAU_8A-00340-00141851-00142112 mentioned already collaborating with colleagues and with BWcI1lAU_8A-00341-00142112-00142522 teammates and using things they've already built. Remixing BWcI1lAU_8A-00342-00142522-00142599 things. BWcI1lAU_8A-00343-00142599-00143036 If they're not exactly what you want. Exploring libraries, BWcI1lAU_8A-00344-00143036-00143483 most districts have a school or a district near pod Library, for BWcI1lAU_8A-00345-00143483-00143593 example. BWcI1lAU_8A-00346-00143593-00144067 And e-media is great for that. So here's another BWcI1lAU_8A-00347-00144067-00144557 shameless plug for E media, right? That's the whole point of BWcI1lAU_8A-00348-00144557-00145041 emedia is to find things that other people have created that BWcI1lAU_8A-00349-00145041-00145498 you can use. Save yourself the time and the effort. You can BWcI1lAU_8A-00350-00145498-00145882 remix things. And then once you're comfortable, you can BWcI1lAU_8A-00351-00145882-00146239 actually then contribute back to the community and submit your BWcI1lAU_8A-00352-00146239-00146766 own lessons and your own creations and templates as well. BWcI1lAU_8A-00353-00146766-00147434 So let me give you just a real brief tour of emedia to help BWcI1lAU_8A-00354-00147434-00147660 you find some of these resources that already exist for engaging BWcI1lAU_8A-00355-00147660-00148334 assignments. E media really is a great resource to join the Utah BWcI1lAU_8A-00356-00148334-00148845 education community in sharing resources so that we don't have BWcI1lAU_8A-00357-00148845-00149139 to feel alone and feel like we have to recreate everything BWcI1lAU_8A-00358-00149139-00149716 ourselves when we're teaching. When you get to BWcI1lAU_8A-00359-00149716-00150083 you can click on the search tool and go ahead and BWcI1lAU_8A-00360-00150083-00150416 search a topic that you've been studying in your classroom or BWcI1lAU_8A-00361-00150416-00150870 that you have upcoming. And when you click search, you'll see a BWcI1lAU_8A-00362-00150870-00151364 list of resources that are related to that topic. BWcI1lAU_8A-00363-00151364-00151771 These resources can be just about anything. A lesson plan BWcI1lAU_8A-00364-00151771-00152322 like this one here, or a video, or near pod lesson, a BWcI1lAU_8A-00365-00152322-00152916 professional development training, whatever. And then you BWcI1lAU_8A-00366-00152916-00153233 can click on it and learn all the details about that resource BWcI1lAU_8A-00367-00153233-00153573 and decide if it's something that you would like to use. You BWcI1lAU_8A-00368-00153573-00153953 can rate the resources so that others who participate in the BWcI1lAU_8A-00369-00153953-00154427 media? No. What do you have considered the best of the best. BWcI1lAU_8A-00370-00154427-00154734 And if you find something that's almost what you want, but not BWcI1lAU_8A-00371-00154734-00155221 quite, you can even re-mix that resource to make it your own. BWcI1lAU_8A-00372-00155221-00155682 And then you can give back to this community as well. When you BWcI1lAU_8A-00373-00155682-00156062 create those dynamic and engaging activities, assignments BWcI1lAU_8A-00374-00156062-00156466 and lessons and videos, you can come to eMedia, click, BWcI1lAU_8A-00375-00156466-00156913 Create, and author a lesson plan or submit a resource from the BWcI1lAU_8A-00376-00156913-00157400 web so that others can benefit from the community and from your BWcI1lAU_8A-00377-00157400-00157901 work as well. One more tip is you can actually click the BWcI1lAU_8A-00378-00157901-00158271 Search and type in lesson plan template. BWcI1lAU_8A-00379-00158271-00158761 And when you search that, you'll find the UEN lesson BWcI1lAU_8A-00380-00158761-00159092 template that you can remix. And it's already got instructions BWcI1lAU_8A-00381-00159092-00159466 for including all of the most important things that make a BWcI1lAU_8A-00382-00159466-00159903 lesson plan complete and rich and engaging. BWcI1lAU_8A-00383-00159903-00160266 > That was fantastic. You brought up so many great points BWcI1lAU_8A-00384-00160266-00160627 there and it's nice to take a emedia. Some of you may not BWcI1lAU_8A-00385-00160627-00160830 have been in there for a while or maybe you've never been in BWcI1lAU_8A-00386-00160830-00161321 there and it looks quite different than it did before. BWcI1lAU_8A-00387-00161321-00161688 And the idea there being like You don't have to recreate BWcI1lAU_8A-00388-00161688-00162031 anything. You can go find something and then creating that BWcI1lAU_8A-00389-00162031-00162532 community by adding things when you're comfortable doing that. BWcI1lAU_8A-00390-00162532-00163119 So, yeah, let's recap what we've talked about today. We have BWcI1lAU_8A-00391-00163119-00163473 talked about quite a few things with engagement. And I think BWcI1lAU_8A-00392-00163473-00163890 it's key to remember what you said at the very start. And that BWcI1lAU_8A-00393-00163890-00164427 is that engaging assignments start with engaging instruction. BWcI1lAU_8A-00394-00164427-00164834 And that means that they have to have meaning and purpose to BWcI1lAU_8A-00395-00164834-00165125 them. BWcI1lAU_8A-00396-00165125-00165431 > Then we've gotta build that classroom culture that's going BWcI1lAU_8A-00397-00165431-00165738 to allow the connections and the collaboration that we want our BWcI1lAU_8A-00398-00165738-00166082 students to have. Using a blended framework like TPACK or BWcI1lAU_8A-00399-00166082-00166349 the four Cs can really be a great checklist for you to make BWcI1lAU_8A-00400-00166349-00166833 sure you're covering all your bases. And then finally, pick BWcI1lAU_8A-00401-00166833-00167096 the right tool for the job. BWcI1lAU_8A-00402-00167096-00167357 Don't do that first. BWcI1lAU_8A-00403-00167357-00167510 > Do that after you've done all this other stuff and then it'll BWcI1lAU_8A-00404-00167510-00167911 be easy to know which tool you should use. And you won't be BWcI1lAU_8A-00405-00167911-00168154 overwhelmed because there's so many tools out there, you'll BWcI1lAU_8A-00406-00168154-00168505 know, okay, this is, this is where I need to use. BWcI1lAU_8A-00407-00168505-00169129 Near pod or google docs, or hyper docs, or one of the other tools we mentioned. BWcI1lAU_8A-00408-00169129-00169379 Well, thank you so much for being here BWcI1lAU_8A-00409-00169379-00169549 with us today, Katie. BWcI1lAU_8A-00410-00169549-00169642 > My pleasure. BWcI1lAU_8A-00411-00169642-00169993 > We appreciate your expertise on this subject and hope that BWcI1lAU_8A-00412-00169993-00170436 all of you out there will take the time to make your BWcI1lAU_8A-00413-00170436-00170767 assignments a little bit more or maybe a lot more engaging for BWcI1lAU_8A-00414-00170767-00170967 your students. BYwwjWawEK4-00000-00000344-00000664 Our parents form a big part of our personality BYwwjWawEK4-00001-00000664-00000984 during the time when we completely depend on their care. BYwwjWawEK4-00002-00001048-00001752 This happens because as young children we perceive them as almighty, endlessly wise, and flawless. BYwwjWawEK4-00003-00002000-00002440 We also believe that whatever they do, literally - whatever - they - do, BYwwjWawEK4-00004-00002504-00002984 they do out of unconditional love And because we think they are infallible, BYwwjWawEK4-00005-00003160-00003600 we consequently think that we are at fault whenever a conflict arises. BYwwjWawEK4-00006-00003840-00004440 In order to reduce any kind of conflict, we develop patterns of behavior, feelings, BYwwjWawEK4-00007-00004440-00004896 and thinking designed to please our parents and minimise any friction. BYwwjWawEK4-00008-00004976-00005584 Unfortunately, these patterns can lead to a personality that is misaligned with its BYwwjWawEK4-00009-00005584-00006256 true spiritual self. And so, we grow into adults that behave in ways that make us sad. BYwwjWawEK4-00010-00006480-00006808 The Hoffman Process was designed to help us detect BYwwjWawEK4-00011-00006808-00007344 negative patterns of behavior, break them and to become the person we really are. BYwwjWawEK4-00012-00007568-00008256 To condense a lifetime of analysis into seven days, the process is highly structured, very BYwwjWawEK4-00013-00008256-00008944 intense, and applies a multitude of techniques. Afterward, participants often understand why BYwwjWawEK4-00014-00008944-00009496 they are the way they are and learn to let go of the negative sides of their personality. BYwwjWawEK4-00015-00009712-00010320 To understand how the process works, let us look at three types of people who on the outside, BYwwjWawEK4-00016-00010320-00010704 look just fine, but on the inside, deeply struggle. BYwwjWawEK4-00017-00010944-00011568 Eva is 27, a university graduate, and she has just started her first job. BYwwjWawEK4-00018-00011624-00012216 She’s unable to trust men and is at a loss when it comes to forming healthy relationships. BYwwjWawEK4-00019-00012320-00013216 Jay is 51, an overachiever, and a respected CEO. However, his marriage is broken and his two adult BYwwjWawEK4-00020-00013216-00013816 children hardly ever call. He asks himself if that’s really all that life has to offer? BYwwjWawEK4-00021-00013919-00014784 Tom is 45, married with one child, but he’s got no friends. He lives with his family far outside town BYwwjWawEK4-00022-00014784-00015584 and signs up for the process when he realizes that his daughter also has problems making friends. BYwwjWawEK4-00023-00015647-00016263 Through the process Eva will realise that, when her dad left when she was 4, and her mother then BYwwjWawEK4-00024-00016263-00016952 struggled as a single mom and a lonely woman, it had a big impact on her. Over the years her BYwwjWawEK4-00025-00016952-00017528 own relationship with her father became broken and she learned that men couldn’t be trusted. BYwwjWawEK4-00026-00017768-00018400 Jay will learn that his life was going great up until his little brother was born — a funny, BYwwjWawEK4-00027-00018400-00019168 extraverted, and bright boy. Afterwards, Jay was hardly ever noticed. Jay soon realizes that his BYwwjWawEK4-00028-00019168-00019784 parents would only pay attention to him if he excelled in school or sports, causing him to BYwwjWawEK4-00029-00019784-00020376 grow into an adult who tries to be the best in everything, in order to get the love he seeks. BYwwjWawEK4-00030-00020624-00021264 Tom will realize that he was an accident — born to a young couple who had just begun dating. BYwwjWawEK4-00031-00021328-00021856 As a young boy he was often neglected, because their life was difficult. BYwwjWawEK4-00032-00021856-00022472 His parents who were overwhelmed by the situation would often snap at him over the smallest thing. BYwwjWawEK4-00033-00022552-00023160 Little Tom began to think that he was the cause of all misery — he should never have been born. BYwwjWawEK4-00034-00023416-00024008 The process begins with a phone call from a designated therapist. This is followed by a BYwwjWawEK4-00035-00024008-00024608 50-page questionnaire that helps their client to reflect on their lives. Going through the BYwwjWawEK4-00036-00024608-00025184 questions, the participants identify particular patterns in behavior and link them to their BYwwjWawEK4-00037-00025184-00025880 parents. Once returned, the therapist uses the questionnaire to understand the underlying issues. BYwwjWawEK4-00038-00026120-00026880 On day 1, all three arrive at the retreat, a place isolated from the outside world. They hand over BYwwjWawEK4-00039-00026880-00027576 their phones and any books to ensure there are no distractions. Tom then meets his therapist for an BYwwjWawEK4-00040-00027576-00028336 in-depth conversation. Afterwards, he gets to know the other 17 participants and learns that everyone BYwwjWawEK4-00041-00028336-00028952 carries within them an inner child that manages their expectations, thoughts, and feelings. BYwwjWawEK4-00042-00029192-00029616 On day 2 Jay and the others learn more about their parents BYwwjWawEK4-00043-00029616-00030120 and how their behavioral patterns have formed out of love for their father and mother. BYwwjWawEK4-00044-00030200-00030608 Jay, who only got real attention when he impressed his parents, BYwwjWawEK4-00045-00030608-00031024 could never be good enough to get all the love he needed. BYwwjWawEK4-00046-00031024-00031439 Such conditional love is negative because subconsciously BYwwjWawEK4-00047-00031439-00031816 Jay takes on the blame for this disjunction and develops BYwwjWawEK4-00048-00031816-00032383 a ‘core shame belief’ — he begins to think something is inherently wrong with himself. BYwwjWawEK4-00049-00032472-00032968 And so, even after 50 years of trying so hard to be the best, BYwwjWawEK4-00050-00032968-00033488 his inner child is still looking for the unconditional love he got so little of. BYwwjWawEK4-00051-00033720-00034360 On day 3, Eva realizes how the patterns she established as a young girl subconsciously BYwwjWawEK4-00052-00034360-00035072 project into her adult relationships — anyone who reminds Eva of her father, can’t be trusted. BYwwjWawEK4-00053-00035168-00035728 Through a group game later that day, she experiences that there are men she can rely on. BYwwjWawEK4-00054-00035984-00036648 Eva then accuses her parents of making her the victim of their broken relationship - this is BYwwjWawEK4-00055-00036648-00037184 important because this way she can retrace her negative pattern back to her parents. BYwwjWawEK4-00056-00037272-00037600 Afterwards, she learns to understand their story, BYwwjWawEK4-00057-00037600-00038080 because they too were once children, with parents who had their own issues. BYwwjWawEK4-00058-00038160-00038584 This is important because then she can understand their situation and BYwwjWawEK4-00059-00038584-00039056 realizes that the way she was brought up was all her parents were able to provide. BYwwjWawEK4-00060-00039120-00039664 Now she can make peace with her past, and her mistrust of men begins to wither. BYwwjWawEK4-00061-00039896-00040552 On day 4, participants say goodbye to their parents and their childhood and ask themselves: BYwwjWawEK4-00062-00040552-00040832 Where am I from? What injuries do BYwwjWawEK4-00063-00040832-00041424 I bring along from my mother and father? How have these injuries impacted my life? BYwwjWawEK4-00064-00041520-00042216 What strategies have I developed to compensate for these injuries so far? BYwwjWawEK4-00065-00042216-00042712 Jay, who didn’t want to be reminded of the painful thought that he’s not worthy of his BYwwjWawEK4-00066-00042712-00043376 parents unconditional love, compensated by only contacting them when he had outstanding news, BYwwjWawEK4-00067-00043376-00043824 such as another promotion. Knowing that they would then surely listen BYwwjWawEK4-00068-00043824-00044248 and act predictably, he reduces the risk of feeling hurt. BYwwjWawEK4-00069-00044336-00044512 After this realization, BYwwjWawEK4-00070-00044512-00045032 Jay creates a development plan to follow his vision for life after the process. BYwwjWawEK4-00071-00045304-00045984 Day 5 is about our vindictiveness. Tom, who didn’t want to be reminded that he is the root of BYwwjWawEK4-00072-00045984-00046728 all problems, compensated for the pain he experienced by hiding himself. At a young age, BYwwjWawEK4-00073-00046728-00047040 children keep their honor by thinking of how to, BYwwjWawEK4-00074-00047040-00047432 one day, pay their parents back for the misery they caused them. BYwwjWawEK4-00075-00047528-00048000 As we mature, such vindictive thoughts move into the subconscious BYwwjWawEK4-00076-00048000-00048632 and by the time he is a teenager, Tom begins to pay back. First by breaking the law, BYwwjWawEK4-00077-00048632-00049232 then by breaking all contacts with his friends and family. BYwwjWawEK4-00078-00049232-00049568 On this day, Tom stops feeling vindictive BYwwjWawEK4-00079-00049568-00050224 and makes peace with his parents. His inner child regains his honor and grows in strength. BYwwjWawEK4-00080-00050288-00050864 Grown-up Tom can now leave his hiding place and finally enjoy meeting other people. BYwwjWawEK4-00081-00051104-00051704 On day 6 the participants get to know the saboteur, the inner voice that warns us of BYwwjWawEK4-00082-00051704-00052432 any change in order to keep us in the safe old world we know so well. Eva hears the voice, BYwwjWawEK4-00083-00052432-00053048 whenever she opens up to the opposite sex — it whispers “remember, you can’t trust BYwwjWawEK4-00084-00053048-00053808 men”. Tom hears it when he enters a group of people — “you are not welcome here”. Whenever Jay BYwwjWawEK4-00085-00053808-00054472 tries to relax and be himself, the saboteur says “Don’t just do nothing! You are better than this!” BYwwjWawEK4-00086-00054752-00055367 After getting to know this evil agent, they learn how to deal with this enemy of our progress. BYwwjWawEK4-00087-00055440-00056184 Then the group recaps the entire process and celebrates their new found selves. BYwwjWawEK4-00088-00056272-00056816 On day 7 they learn practical tools on how to cope with the change they will face BYwwjWawEK4-00089-00056816-00057336 when they go back into their lives. Finally, they go home to their parents, BYwwjWawEK4-00090-00057336-00057840 to complete what they have started, end their old lives and begin afresh. BYwwjWawEK4-00091-00058069-00058621 To learn more about the Hoffman process, or to read the research on it by the Harvard Center for BYwwjWawEK4-00092-00058621-00059213 Public Leadership, check out the descriptions below. Prior to creating this channel, BYwwjWawEK4-00093-00059213-00059741 our founder went through the Hoffman Process and it had a profound effect on his life. BaYO5hpxrgc-00000-00000924-00001163 Okay. Hello. My name is George Crump. BaYO5hpxrgc-00001-00001163-00001347 I'm the Electrical Technology instructor here at BaYO5hpxrgc-00002-00001347-00001551 Kansas City Kansas Community College. BaYO5hpxrgc-00003-00001551-00001998 Today, I'm going to talk about the wiring up of a doorbell BaYO5hpxrgc-00004-00001998-00002426 in which you'll have a momentary push button at the front door BaYO5hpxrgc-00005-00002426-00002922 and a momentary push button at the back door. What you're looking at in my hand BaYO5hpxrgc-00006-00002922-00003051 to my right here BaYO5hpxrgc-00007-00003051-00003550 is the actual wiring of the doorbell. One of the things I want to point out BaYO5hpxrgc-00008-00003550-00003882 when you're wiring up the doorbell are the major components there in BaYO5hpxrgc-00009-00003882-00004414 the doorbell circuit. For example, at the very top BaYO5hpxrgc-00010-00004414-00004855 of this little display, I have a transformer. BaYO5hpxrgc-00011-00004855-00005285 This transformer is designed specifically for doorbells. BaYO5hpxrgc-00012-00005285-00005605 And I say that because some transformers BaYO5hpxrgc-00013-00005605-00005939 are designated for your heating and cooling system. BaYO5hpxrgc-00014-00005939-00006348 The heating and cooling system operates off 24 volts. BaYO5hpxrgc-00015-00006348-00006703 In the residential home, the doorbell operates of BaYO5hpxrgc-00016-00006703-00007163 16 volts. If you look to the side over here it says this transformer BaYO5hpxrgc-00017-00007163-00007517 take the 120 volts that's coming into it at this point BaYO5hpxrgc-00018-00007517-00007928 and reducing that 120 volts down to sixteen BaYO5hpxrgc-00019-00007928-00008339 volts, which you see right below the transformer here. And you see these BaYO5hpxrgc-00020-00008339-00008509 various fine wires? BaYO5hpxrgc-00021-00008509-00008975 Because it's such a low voltage type system you don't need a heavy-gauge BaYO5hpxrgc-00022-00008975-00009344 conductors to service this particular type of circuit. BaYO5hpxrgc-00023-00009344-00009836 So the 120 volts is coming into the transformer. BaYO5hpxrgc-00024-00009836-00010136 It is being reduced down to 16 volts BaYO5hpxrgc-00025-00010136-00010459 at this point. It travels down from here BaYO5hpxrgc-00026-00010459-00010917 to the doorbell at the front. You can see this doorbell that says front door. BaYO5hpxrgc-00027-00010917-00011292 And when I press this button for the front door bell, there will be BaYO5hpxrgc-00028-00011292-00011728 two chimes, which I'm not gonna do at this point. Because I want to go through the entire circuit BaYO5hpxrgc-00029-00011728-00011830 before I press BaYO5hpxrgc-00030-00011831-00012314 the buttons to show you how they operate. And then if you look over here on this side, BaYO5hpxrgc-00031-00012314-00012653 it has a rear doorbell button which is also BaYO5hpxrgc-00032-00012653-00013002 lit up. Both of these are lit up to indicate that they are BaYO5hpxrgc-00033-00013002-00013309 energized - meaning they have power running through them. BaYO5hpxrgc-00034-00013309-00013676 Now remember, the power that's coming to the push buttons BaYO5hpxrgc-00035-00013676-00014178 is 16 volts. So it's very low voltage. And it leaves the doorbell BaYO5hpxrgc-00036-00014178-00014486 and goes down to the chime. This is a chime that's BaYO5hpxrgc-00037-00014486-00014900 in your hallway or somewhere centrally located in the home BaYO5hpxrgc-00038-00014900-00015266 so that the homeowner can hear the doorbell BaYO5hpxrgc-00039-00015266-00015575 when it rings. And in this chime, the BaYO5hpxrgc-00040-00015575-00016033 the low voltage wiring comes in. One is hooked from the other side BaYO5hpxrgc-00041-00016033-00016548 of the front doorbell to the chime here. The other is hooked to the other side BaYO5hpxrgc-00042-00016548-00016891 which is the rear door bell. And then you have this BaYO5hpxrgc-00043-00016891-00017290 this connection here in the center which is not currently being used. BaYO5hpxrgc-00044-00017290-00017601 Let's go through the process of showing how this doorbell BaYO5hpxrgc-00045-00017601-00017970 will operate. So if you come to the front door BaYO5hpxrgc-00046-00017970-00018431 of this home and you press this button right here, you will hear two chimes. BaYO5hpxrgc-00047-00018431-00018593 And here's what it would do. BaYO5hpxrgc-00048-00018822-00019022 That's an indication that the BaYO5hpxrgc-00049-00019022-00019459 individual's at the front door of the home. If by chance BaYO5hpxrgc-00050-00019459-00019931 they ring the front door bell and no one comes to the front door and say you're at the rear of BaYO5hpxrgc-00051-00019931-00019998 the house, BaYO5hpxrgc-00052-00019998-00020417 then if you go around to the rear of the home, and you press this button BaYO5hpxrgc-00053-00020417-00020726 you'll hear one chime. BaYO5hpxrgc-00054-00020726-00021220 Okay, and the reason for one chime is to designate which door BaYO5hpxrgc-00055-00021220-00021729 that that individual has come to in your home. I do want to point out one other BaYO5hpxrgc-00056-00021729-00022084 major aspect of putting this circuit into service. BaYO5hpxrgc-00057-00022084-00022493 Where you locate this transformer, BaYO5hpxrgc-00058-00022493-00022812 you want to be sure that you have enough of the BaYO5hpxrgc-00059-00022812-00023198 low voltage wiring to travel from the transformer BaYO5hpxrgc-00060-00023198-00023523 up through the home and to the chime BaYO5hpxrgc-00061-00023523-00023831 location you'll have to centrally locate BaYO5hpxrgc-00062-00023831-00024228 in the home, and that's your choice. But that's one of the major BaYO5hpxrgc-00063-00024228-00024531 factors in putting this particular circuit BaYO5hpxrgc-00064-00024531-00024843 into service is how you lay would it out BaYO5hpxrgc-00065-00024843-00025219 so that you can wire it up in a relatively short BaYO5hpxrgc-00066-00025219-00025635 and simple form to making it work properly. BaYO5hpxrgc-00067-00025635-00026075 And that completes my demonstration on this doorbell BaYO5hpxrgc-00068-00026075-00026412 and hopefully that gave you some idea about BaYO5hpxrgc-00069-00026412-00026739 the wiring of a doorbell, BaYO5hpxrgc-00070-00026739-00027103 where you have a front door momentary push button. BaYO5hpxrgc-00071-00027103-00027522 And momentary simply means when you press the button, it will go back to its normal BaYO5hpxrgc-00072-00027522-00027608 position. BaYO5hpxrgc-00073-00027608-00027924 Okay, and then the rear door bell. BaYO5hpxrgc-00074-00027924-00028397 Thank you for listening, and I hope that I was able to share enough information BaYO5hpxrgc-00075-00028397-00028433 to BaYO5hpxrgc-00076-00028433-00028709 interest you in the actual circuitry. BbWO9IfBNw4-00000-00000024-00000416 all right we are loading into skype BbWO9IfBNw4-00001-00000624-00000848 so peace of christ to all of you peace about your friends BbWO9IfBNw4-00002-00000927-00001440 and uh you know uh before we start i saw a muslim saying hey princess where are BbWO9IfBNw4-00003-00001440-00001839 you calling me princess my friend i am not the one who put eyeliner three times a day BbWO9IfBNw4-00004-00001839-00002400 like your prophet i am not the one who received quran wearing women clothes i am not the one who BbWO9IfBNw4-00005-00002400-00003160 pee like a woman and i am not the one who men kiss him down his belly and he say yes right there so BbWO9IfBNw4-00006-00003256-00003728 if you want to talk about princess well obviously we know which princess we are talking about BbWO9IfBNw4-00007-00004200-00004384 let us see BbWO9IfBNw4-00008-00004712-00004736 um BbWO9IfBNw4-00009-00005088-00005608 all right my my skype is open if there is any muslim wanna call us and tell us why he's a BbWO9IfBNw4-00010-00005608-00006344 muslim well then we will be happy to have you and we will be listening now from time to time BbWO9IfBNw4-00011-00006344-00006808 i receive emails or requests from people can you respond to this guy can you respond to BbWO9IfBNw4-00012-00006808-00007184 that guy then i ask myself what's wrong with those christians are you all of a christian BbWO9IfBNw4-00013-00007280-00007688 are you a potato maybe like muslims well you cannot answer them BbWO9IfBNw4-00014-00008023-00008288 okay we have mr rasheed how are you mr rasheed BbWO9IfBNw4-00015-00008464-00009984 hello christian prince how are you my friend wait a moment please wait i put my bluetooth all right BbWO9IfBNw4-00016-00010056-00010288 hello christian press yes i hear you go ahead what do BbWO9IfBNw4-00017-00010288-00010480 you like to say to us why you are a muslim rashid BbWO9IfBNw4-00018-00010696-00011424 good good evening because uh i'm in europe right now all right not the u.s for us it's BbWO9IfBNw4-00019-00011424-00012032 almost uh evening two yeah all right so down to other muslims just to the muslim okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00020-00012032-00012416 not to the christians all right wonderful so why you cannot say surrender to the christians BbWO9IfBNw4-00021-00012544-00013304 uh because if i do that then i am an hypocrite because the koran does not allow us to you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00022-00013304-00013944 yeah but you live in england right you're in europe where you live i i live in finland and BbWO9IfBNw4-00023-00013944-00014512 did you take an oath when you took your passport to be a finnish citizen that you will protect the BbWO9IfBNw4-00024-00014512-00015184 kingdom and you will obey the law ah no no no no i am not a asylum seeker i come here uh legally BbWO9IfBNw4-00025-00015184-00015960 like uh from work because i am originally from nigeria oh okay all right anyway my friend okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00026-00016088-00016520 we don't care if you say salaam alaikum or not because we do not need it from you anyway BbWO9IfBNw4-00027-00016520-00017096 it is you it's the muslims who seek salam with us not the opposite so anyway why are you a muslim BbWO9IfBNw4-00028-00017256-00017912 well i was born into islam and i think it's the right religion because BbWO9IfBNw4-00029-00018016-00018672 and i believe the prophet is the seal of prophets and because the christianity has been uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00030-00018784-00019408 corrupted so uh islam came with the truth okay and i believe in it BbWO9IfBNw4-00031-00019408-00019856 okay christianity is corrupted what is that what do you mean like the bible is corrupted BbWO9IfBNw4-00032-00019976-00020568 um necessarily i don't really think like the bible is very corrupted i think some things you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00033-00020568-00020856 actually is very simple you know we are an adult i don't like to BbWO9IfBNw4-00034-00020920-00021368 jump over yes yes i know you say corrupt there's nothing is called literally corrupted or BbWO9IfBNw4-00035-00021368-00021680 you know either it's corrupted or not because little corruption okay corrupted BbWO9IfBNw4-00036-00021792-00022344 i feel uh there's some part in the bible where it is the way it was before but there are some BbWO9IfBNw4-00037-00022344-00022856 things that also be corrupted and changed okay that is what i believe so why your prophet he BbWO9IfBNw4-00038-00022856-00023560 says that he agreeing with what we have uh that was uh the with the torah the old testament BbWO9IfBNw4-00039-00023560-00024144 not the new testament no no it's not true because simply it says uh are you speaking BbWO9IfBNw4-00040-00024144-00024544 about the christians and the jews believing in what they have with them the people of the book BbWO9IfBNw4-00041-00024992-00025448 yeah but that was to do it was when he sat down i know the passage you were talking about BbWO9IfBNw4-00042-00025448-00026239 was when the jews invited him no about no there he sat down on the uh little no what part are BbWO9IfBNw4-00043-00026239-00026920 you talking about no you see chapter two verse number 87 it's its mission moses and isa and isa BbWO9IfBNw4-00044-00026920-00027383 we supported him by the holy spirit and then right after that he says and when a book came BbWO9IfBNw4-00045-00027383-00027864 confirm what is with them which mean is mentioning the christian and the jews so the christian and BbWO9IfBNw4-00046-00027864-00028368 the jews are mentioned in the verse before it and the verse after it says and the you know and when BbWO9IfBNw4-00047-00028368-00029016 a book came confirm what is with them so where you are making things show me show me show me BbWO9IfBNw4-00048-00029072-00029695 the one i know chapter 2 verse number 87 open your quran from your side okay wait a moment BbWO9IfBNw4-00049-00029944-00030024 wait sorry BbWO9IfBNw4-00050-00030464-00030983 one moment please sorry BbWO9IfBNw4-00051-00031152-00031560 uh chapter what chapter 2 the couch chapter BbWO9IfBNw4-00052-00031895-00032583 yeah no not the hindu chapter what do you mean well this is the cult chapter yeah but BbWO9IfBNw4-00053-00032583-00033320 there's nothing uh with related to hindu you know it's just uh how allah he hears people from death BbWO9IfBNw4-00054-00033320-00033976 okay okay what is the the verse the verse chapter 2 verse number 87 you are not concentrating take BbWO9IfBNw4-00055-00033976-00034544 it easy unconscious church and your god allah he reserved people from death by hitting them BbWO9IfBNw4-00056-00034544-00035336 by beef this is hindu the power yeah the the cow the girl gave life how allah is BbWO9IfBNw4-00057-00035336-00035616 wrecked people why it's called the chapter of the cow are you kidding you do not know BbWO9IfBNw4-00058-00035872-00036496 are you telling me you do not know well let's focus on the yeah wait wait finish this one no BbWO9IfBNw4-00059-00037352-00037984 i never know anything about resurrecting people with a meat BbWO9IfBNw4-00060-00038112-00038496 yeah with not meat well you have to do it with beef cow specifically otherwise you are BbWO9IfBNw4-00061-00038496-00039408 not a hindu then because the cow the hindu cow is the one who give life not your god BbWO9IfBNw4-00062-00039408-00039936 okay i've seen it and uh okay yeah chapter 2 verse 27 speaking about the christian and the BbWO9IfBNw4-00063-00039936-00040472 jews and then the verse is a threat to verses wait i'm gonna read it indeed we gave moses the BbWO9IfBNw4-00064-00040472-00041072 book and sent it after him successive messengers and we gave jesus he's a son of a declared person BbWO9IfBNw4-00065-00041136-00041624 the holy spirit why is it that every time a messenger comes to you israelite with BbWO9IfBNw4-00066-00041624-00042200 something you do not like you become arrogant rejecting someone killing others yeah but BbWO9IfBNw4-00067-00042200-00042704 this is about the jews wait of course the prince is talking to this is about the jews BbWO9IfBNw4-00068-00042704-00043184 not the christians we have now because they have not changed now we know no it's mentioned that BbWO9IfBNw4-00069-00043184-00043808 we gave moses and we and jesus so and then a book came confirming what is with them BbWO9IfBNw4-00070-00043808-00044232 them them them which mean the jews and the christians doesn't say with the jews BbWO9IfBNw4-00071-00044232-00044696 it says with them then who the one who mission previously the one who fought the BbWO9IfBNw4-00072-00044696-00045296 moses and the one who they are believing in jesus so a book confirming what is with them BbWO9IfBNw4-00073-00045552-00045576 okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00074-00045808-00046576 we can show you wait no wait wait wait i read it again no the career and center of times successful BbWO9IfBNw4-00075-00046576-00047328 messengers and we gave jesus even more declared proof and supported him with the holy spirit BbWO9IfBNw4-00076-00047488-00048824 why is he holy spirit ah wait holy spirit i don't think uh allah i don't think allah is a spirit and BbWO9IfBNw4-00077-00048904-00049680 right and i don't think allah has a spirit and uh so this passage is talking about the holy spirit BbWO9IfBNw4-00078-00050472-00050736 okay i see a i see a point yes i say a point BbWO9IfBNw4-00079-00050832-00051472 i see a point okay he gave uh the book it confirmed the book that does not mean the bible BbWO9IfBNw4-00080-00051528-00052048 cannot be changed you understand christian prince because we know that the christians BbWO9IfBNw4-00081-00052048-00052776 have always involved the religion with politics i know uh muslims do that too but i know muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-00082-00053088-00053440 it says confirm what is with them so is the bible corrupted or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00083-00053616-00053960 i think it's corrupted jesus is talking about 1400 years ago BbWO9IfBNw4-00084-00053960-00054479 why your god lying but because this is the book in the time of the christians there we have it BbWO9IfBNw4-00085-00054479-00054928 in the 600 years no no no no no you don't have it so many things have been changed BbWO9IfBNw4-00086-00055248-00055624 in the time if you're a prophet he says the christian they say that the messiah is BbWO9IfBNw4-00087-00055624-00056528 allah the same book the messiah is allah so the same quran says that the christian BbWO9IfBNw4-00088-00056528-00056912 believe that the messiah is allah and the jews believe that hosair BbWO9IfBNw4-00089-00056912-00057440 is the son of allah the same book and you are the one who said that he was you know confirming BbWO9IfBNw4-00090-00057440-00057840 only the jewish jewish book but the jews they believe at that time according to your quran BbWO9IfBNw4-00091-00057904-00058496 that there is a guy his name is ozair and you know and the jews they believe he is the son of god BbWO9IfBNw4-00092-00058728-00059672 and this is a chapter 9 verse number 30. i i never know any jews that say that so i i i agree with BbWO9IfBNw4-00093-00059672-00060255 you i never know a jew saying and they i i know christians say that but i never heard anything BbWO9IfBNw4-00094-00061616-00062064 if you prove to me this is wrong it's okay but let's not go to insult because i respectful BbWO9IfBNw4-00095-00062191-00062591 okay i'm not insulting my friend all your books say is that muhammad is BbWO9IfBNw4-00096-00062591-00062984 mentally ill okay let me ask you when somebody have sex and he imagine he BbWO9IfBNw4-00097-00062984-00063352 have sex but in fact he did not have sex is that a mental illness or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00098-00063616-00064191 like a sex dream no he's a people no he's awake he's awake he's not having a sexy dream BbWO9IfBNw4-00099-00064191-00064744 he's awake and he go around and tell people that i had sex with my wife and then later we find BbWO9IfBNw4-00100-00064744-00065328 that he does not touch any of them so if this guy is so crazy he's hallucinated to the point BbWO9IfBNw4-00101-00065328-00065960 he do not know what is real and what is fake what he is awake not when he is asleep really BbWO9IfBNw4-00102-00066520-00067384 so he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done do you see it BbWO9IfBNw4-00103-00068712-00069376 wait once the prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done anything yeah BbWO9IfBNw4-00104-00069376-00069720 but this is just talking about the prophet was dude there was there's nothing that i BbWO9IfBNw4-00105-00069720-00070160 talk about sex here oh you know i was like i did not tell you there was a story i was BbWO9IfBNw4-00106-00070160-00070616 going to warm up to do shopping and then i saw aisha and she told me that my husband BbWO9IfBNw4-00107-00070616-00071080 his name is muhammad he imagined himself having sex in fact he did not do that BbWO9IfBNw4-00108-00071080-00071584 and here we go this is what she told me read with me carefully yes okay read BbWO9IfBNw4-00109-00071976-00072592 i read what read it's in front of you oh yeah yes no okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00110-00072768-00073488 ish wait wait wait i never seen the prophet continued for such and such period BbWO9IfBNw4-00111-00073568-00074072 imagining that he had slept had sexual relationships which is why BbWO9IfBNw4-00112-00074072-00074760 and he thought okay okay i see i see i say okay so is it this is sahih bukhari okay yeah this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00113-00074760-00075536 buhari yeah you can get it from mcdonald's now what we will do so you put the arabic version i BbWO9IfBNw4-00114-00075536-00075976 i i want to show it to my wife please just the arabic word is your wife she speaks BbWO9IfBNw4-00115-00075976-00076456 your wife she speak arabic oh yes she is egyptian okay let her read for us right BbWO9IfBNw4-00116-00076784-00077184 okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00117-00077584-00077688 you start what it says BbWO9IfBNw4-00118-00078008-00078712 all right uh i okay uh yes it's right it's right but uh wait uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00119-00078832-00079456 some you know we men sometimes we dream about uh you know having a sexual relationship with women BbWO9IfBNw4-00120-00079456-00080008 this is just normal you know what i'm just like no once i i had a dream that i have a you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00121-00080008-00080488 sexual relationship with my refrigerator what are you talking about this is a guy BbWO9IfBNw4-00122-00080488-00080936 he is imagining himself having sex with his wives when he's awake it's not in a dream BbWO9IfBNw4-00123-00080936-00081464 and he go around say to his wife how did you like it she said like what you did not even touch me BbWO9IfBNw4-00124-00081696-00082128 because if a person just see a dream this is a dream he wake up he knew that he was in a dream BbWO9IfBNw4-00125-00082128-00082448 this guy he go around he think he did something but BbWO9IfBNw4-00126-00082448-00082784 in fact he did not so obviously your prophet is mentally ill BbWO9IfBNw4-00127-00084080-00084824 well this is uh this is very surprising uh i knew he was sick sick uh poison but BbWO9IfBNw4-00128-00084824-00085328 i never knew he was uh be wished with a black magic do you think the poison do you think the BbWO9IfBNw4-00129-00085328-00085720 poison he went down to his ear and then to the throat and then come back to his brain BbWO9IfBNw4-00130-00085856-00086480 well it's uh i think it's uh scientifically proven that it's possible for a person to actually affect BbWO9IfBNw4-00131-00086536-00087120 your your memory your brain i think that is possible yes uh yes that is proof but BbWO9IfBNw4-00132-00087184-00087656 i am not going to try to say oh that maybe that's the reason because that is just uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00133-00087728-00088848 very very impressive okay okay imagine sex but i feel this is just a uh a little time in his life i BbWO9IfBNw4-00134-00088848-00089496 don't think this worked out for the time according to muslims it took allah 12 months to release 12 BbWO9IfBNw4-00135-00089496-00090072 knots that the jewish guy he did to him so he made it 12 knots and it took allah one month to BbWO9IfBNw4-00136-00090072-00090704 release every not from muhammad so for for almost a year muhammad was mentally ill according to this BbWO9IfBNw4-00137-00090952-00091360 if you go to a hospital for one year of mental illness BbWO9IfBNw4-00138-00091360-00091904 still you are you know a person obviously here you know you will not recover i mean they can give BbWO9IfBNw4-00139-00091904-00092520 you drugs too easy to but nobody can fix your brain so obviously muhammad you have a mental BbWO9IfBNw4-00140-00092744-00093416 okay this is right but uh i my wife the reason i started uh listening to you because uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00141-00093496-00094032 like a month ago uh sorry for like over talking but uh my wife told me she wanted to BbWO9IfBNw4-00142-00094032-00094696 uh leave the religion and it was a very big problem in uh my household because okay i have a BbWO9IfBNw4-00143-00094752-00095072 daughter and a son so she told me that BbWO9IfBNw4-00144-00095288-00096296 what yes they told me that the uh that the prophet might i shot six years old and slept with them at BbWO9IfBNw4-00145-00096296-00097104 night because i asked sheikh he said i shall was 18 and during that time that uh the way women were BbWO9IfBNw4-00146-00097104-00097736 perceived like it's not like now so uh i don't really speak arabic and uh i BbWO9IfBNw4-00147-00097736-00098496 tried looking for the verse in the quran that says i was like uh six nine but i never seen it BbWO9IfBNw4-00148-00098552-00099280 and my wife said that it's you have it so can you please see uh that's what it says my friend will BbWO9IfBNw4-00149-00099280-00099728 respect your wife i hope she will leave islam very soon and maybe she did already no no she won't BbWO9IfBNw4-00150-00099728-00100296 because uh it's not uh it's just brainwashing because i feel women are easily brainwashed ah BbWO9IfBNw4-00151-00100296-00100816 okay so what are you saying are you saying your wife is a stupid in front of her face no i'm BbWO9IfBNw4-00152-00100816-00101288 not saying stupid because they have emotions you know we have a daughter who is six years old so BbWO9IfBNw4-00153-00101288-00102208 that can easily like uh do men have emotion too or no we have emotion but we can i feel we we just BbWO9IfBNw4-00154-00102208-00102928 showed you that you're a prophet himself and he is a man he was imagining things never happened but BbWO9IfBNw4-00155-00102928-00103783 the wife she did not so women can be more healthy in the brain than men correct i know this this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00156-00104256-00104616 at the age of 18 muhammad was dead at that time my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00157-00104848-00105424 muhammad mariah when she was 18 mohammed is dead when she was 17 going in here 18 he died BbWO9IfBNw4-00158-00105488-00106016 so he married her and then he stayed with her nine nine years after she he died he died BbWO9IfBNw4-00159-00106183-00106600 wait i i i gonna read what you have in the screen BbWO9IfBNw4-00160-00106600-00107080 that the prophet peace be upon him married her when she was six years old BbWO9IfBNw4-00161-00107472-00107983 and he consummated his marriage when she was BbWO9IfBNw4-00162-00109272-00109592 can you please send me the link i uh open in my own BbWO9IfBNw4-00163-00109672-00109992 site here no if you don't mind sorry no problem BbWO9IfBNw4-00164-00110728-00110911 here we go the link is with you BbWO9IfBNw4-00165-00111152-00111280 i haven't sent it yet BbWO9IfBNw4-00166-00111576-00112183 okay uh so here BbWO9IfBNw4-00167-00113120-00113568 okay one moment i'm gonna search the meaning of consummated in the dictionary BbWO9IfBNw4-00168-00113568-00114248 sorry there's no way for what i want to check the meaning of consummated in the dictionary BbWO9IfBNw4-00169-00114248-00114816 so me consummated me he have intercourse he did boom boom yes okay so he married her at BbWO9IfBNw4-00170-00114816-00115496 the age of six he was more lost in her kissing her touching her play with her masturbating BbWO9IfBNw4-00171-00115496-00116383 until the age of nine and then he excused my language he did it BbWO9IfBNw4-00172-00116592-00116935 this is another clear sign that muhammad is mentally ill BbWO9IfBNw4-00173-00116935-00117296 because a person who is 54 years old what he saw in a child BbWO9IfBNw4-00174-00117520-00117920 okay but in the old times uh you know women BbWO9IfBNw4-00175-00118352-00118792 i will tell you about my grandmother my grandmother at the old time because they grow BbWO9IfBNw4-00176-00118792-00119320 so fast she said that she got married when she was two weeks old and she did get the bread net BbWO9IfBNw4-00177-00119320-00119808 and she delivered the child after three weeks and then when she became ten she had like ten children BbWO9IfBNw4-00178-00119888-00120440 and yeah that's normal at the old time what what are you talking about all time new time a human BbWO9IfBNw4-00179-00120440-00121072 is a human and now we have more global warming so if it's the weather will change now it's warmer BbWO9IfBNw4-00180-00121072-00121544 so she is six years old he is fair he's you know actually she is five because BbWO9IfBNw4-00181-00121544-00122216 six in the islamic render five in our calendar so what made a man at the age of 54 think BbWO9IfBNw4-00182-00122216-00122696 for a second in someone she is a child you said you have a child yourself right you BbWO9IfBNw4-00183-00122696-00123648 have a daughter uh yes my uh skype profile it's daughter i'm saying how old is she look like my BbWO9IfBNw4-00184-00123648-00124376 oh she's uh she'll be six by uh you know god god forbid imagine god forbid imagine BbWO9IfBNw4-00185-00124376-00124783 somebody coming to your house and asking you to sleep with your daughter what you would do BbWO9IfBNw4-00186-00124959-00125552 no please uh no not my daughter because i am very sensitive with my brother i'm asking BbWO9IfBNw4-00187-00125552-00126040 you about it because you are sensitive this is your daughter so you just rejected that so why BbWO9IfBNw4-00188-00126040-00126488 you accept to have muhammad to be a prophet when he do some something very disgusting BbWO9IfBNw4-00189-00126911-00126992 well if the BbWO9IfBNw4-00190-00127448-00128288 i'm never going to try to uh uh make it sound uh uh make give it a reason uh i don't think BbWO9IfBNw4-00191-00128288-00129120 it's good so i'm not going to try to justify that because i have a daughter myself and okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00192-00129224-00129568 but what if uh like the BbWO9IfBNw4-00193-00129792-00130232 i know the the girl is like six years old but uh if the father BbWO9IfBNw4-00194-00130288-00130856 agreed and trust trusted the prophet peace be upon that then i don't think there was a real problem BbWO9IfBNw4-00195-00131032-00131520 he wanted to have her he went to abu bakr and abu bakr he said to him but you are my brother BbWO9IfBNw4-00196-00131520-00132064 he said to him i am your brother in religion and she is mine so he forced the guy to take her BbWO9IfBNw4-00197-00132752-00133184 for a six-year-old girl BbWO9IfBNw4-00198-00133544-00134112 this is the part uh because in islam there are so many things that i am like not happy BbWO9IfBNw4-00199-00134112-00134632 with but this is the part of like try my best to like make sure it's wrong BbWO9IfBNw4-00200-00134720-00135216 because i'm very sensitive with young children and this is the part i always BbWO9IfBNw4-00201-00135216-00135984 pray every day that is wrong because it's a lie because i have a daughter myself and BbWO9IfBNw4-00202-00136400-00136912 can you show me the part where the prophet said that you're just my brother in religion no problem BbWO9IfBNw4-00203-00137016-00137384 no please okay let me find it BbWO9IfBNw4-00204-00137648-00138152 you're lucky that i'm a person everything i have is in my head i do not need to save them i can't BbWO9IfBNw4-00205-00138152-00138832 find them in a second here we go the prophet asked abu bakr for aishahand and in marriage BbWO9IfBNw4-00206-00138832-00139416 abu bakr said but i am your brother the prophet he said you are my brother in allah religion BbWO9IfBNw4-00207-00139512-00140216 and ayasha is mine translation he says she is lawful for me he says she is mine BbWO9IfBNw4-00208-00140216-00140504 she is lawful for me i will take her which means he forced the father or BbWO9IfBNw4-00209-00140504-00140960 the father is trying to find an excuse to get away from it and as you see this is sahih bukhari BbWO9IfBNw4-00210-00141504-00141984 wait i i read the prophet asked abu bakr for why BbWO9IfBNw4-00211-00142192-00142984 i said but i am the brother professor my brother and that's really giants book but she BbWO9IfBNw4-00212-00144136-00144688 this i don't think this is this is wrong you do not date a child BbWO9IfBNw4-00213-00144952-00145816 um BbWO9IfBNw4-00214-00145816-00146072 what's your wife what do you what she say about this ask her BbWO9IfBNw4-00215-00146264-00146888 she's really kids now i just because uh she is here and she is showing me like look at this BbWO9IfBNw4-00216-00146888-00147336 look at this and it's annoying so i told her to believe i didn't tell her to leave because BbWO9IfBNw4-00217-00147336-00147848 i am better now because i want to like learn the truth by myself i don't want somebody pressuring BbWO9IfBNw4-00218-00147848-00148584 me to say okay watch this look at this i told you i don't want that so i told her to leave BbWO9IfBNw4-00219-00148680-00149040 so why you don't drink her to sit next to you and she can read with you don't be selfish BbWO9IfBNw4-00220-00149136-00149744 no not selfish because she has been watching you behind my back and it was a big problem at home BbWO9IfBNw4-00221-00149744-00150624 because i married a a muslim lady and now just five years five seven years now after she's like BbWO9IfBNw4-00222-00150624-00151352 she wants to like leave i'm like no it doesn't work that way because we both agreed to be BbWO9IfBNw4-00223-00151352-00152112 we've had a muslim marriage also wait one more i have this list she gave me on the paper one she BbWO9IfBNw4-00224-00152112-00152784 said there is no uh marriage in uh islam is that true no there is no marriage where is the marriage BbWO9IfBNw4-00225-00153144-00153488 no go to a muslim chat room right now i would say i want a dunica they will bounce you they BbWO9IfBNw4-00226-00153488-00154128 will curse you they will say the effort to you because nika go to any channel go to any chat BbWO9IfBNw4-00227-00154128-00154576 room in arabic and pal talk as an example and type hey guys i want to do nikka if the word BbWO9IfBNw4-00228-00154576-00154976 nikah mean marriage nobody will be upset because you are saying i want to get married correct BbWO9IfBNw4-00229-00155072-00155448 so if you say the words if you say i want to do nikka and they start cursing you BbWO9IfBNw4-00230-00155448-00156096 and if in you and bouncing you and insulting you it's mean you said something bad very easy okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00231-00156096-00156440 go do it right now and you will see that that's what they would do to you because the word BbWO9IfBNw4-00232-00156440-00156784 does not mean marriage otherwise if i go to that chat room says hey guys i want to BbWO9IfBNw4-00233-00156784-00157112 get married nobody will be upset he did not do anything he did not say anything wrong BbWO9IfBNw4-00234-00157328-00157872 what does nika he said in the coming nix nika i mean to f no not to have sex i wish it said BbWO9IfBNw4-00235-00157872-00158360 to have sex it is to f let me give you the the clearer proof what is the difference between BbWO9IfBNw4-00236-00158360-00159096 uh sex and uh f like i don't understand is it not the same word no sec is the f street word BbWO9IfBNw4-00237-00159096-00159584 you know like when you say the f word literally uh intercourse is something different different BbWO9IfBNw4-00238-00159584-00160152 like you know like you you can say asha raha you know like it's an example in the hadith BbWO9IfBNw4-00239-00160152-00160840 where muhammad speak about uh three nights three days he said ishara BbWO9IfBNw4-00240-00160840-00161480 so israel is sleeping with somebody but it's an it's a nice word it's not like the f word so BbWO9IfBNw4-00241-00161536-00162584 let me give you an example and as long your wife she speaks arabic she can translate for you BbWO9IfBNw4-00242-00163992-00164248 uh i surrendered yesterday i see BbWO9IfBNw4-00243-00165032-00165384 i'm just trying to find a hate on the website BbWO9IfBNw4-00244-00166728-00167040 uh something wrong with that with the website let me try again BbWO9IfBNw4-00245-00167856-00168184 there's somebody doing his nails BbWO9IfBNw4-00246-00168296-00168696 huh there is somebody doing his nails next to you because i hear like something like a brush BbWO9IfBNw4-00247-00168696-00169760 or something uh wait one moment after my wife i mean my study but she's close to my study BbWO9IfBNw4-00248-00169760-00170560 which i tell her to like please okay here we go we found the hadith can you please go BbWO9IfBNw4-00249-00170824-00171248 take her and go thank you if i need your help i will ask BbWO9IfBNw4-00250-00171336-00171672 no let her stay next to you but she do not need to do her nails right now BbWO9IfBNw4-00251-00171776-00172384 so uh are you doing me carefully she's brushing the my daughter's hair it's not her nails BbWO9IfBNw4-00252-00172576-00173264 so allah messenger said can you see it if a man and a woman agree and between two brackets they BbWO9IfBNw4-00253-00173264-00173784 say mary temporarily there's nowhere in the arabic it says mary you can't show what your wife it says BbWO9IfBNw4-00254-00174296-00174816 so if a man and a woman they agree to do sex but this is the word israel BbWO9IfBNw4-00255-00174816-00175368 which means they sleep together under one roof three nights and three days BbWO9IfBNw4-00256-00175368-00175704 if they like to increase they can increase this is your prophet this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00257-00175704-00176248 this is marriage and look the funny muslim they say between two brackets this is mary temporarily BbWO9IfBNw4-00258-00176344-00176816 but this is a prostitution this is uh for shia no this is your prophet is it shia BbWO9IfBNw4-00259-00177040-00177568 no but uh the sunni we don't believe in this anymore it's just a shield to me you're a prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-00260-00177568-00178320 at that time he was a prostitute and now and later he repent from what i learned from the shaykh is BbWO9IfBNw4-00261-00178320-00178872 that during that time is what the time of war and they were like away from the awards what BbWO9IfBNw4-00262-00178872-00179424 what did they have to do with war everybody go to war moses went to war er or today we have war so BbWO9IfBNw4-00263-00179424-00179952 if the reason is war nothing changed always we have war so we can do i always then if the reason BbWO9IfBNw4-00264-00179952-00180576 is a war can you name for me one country don't have a war nigeria have war ethiopia have war BbWO9IfBNw4-00265-00180576-00181240 sudan have war iraq have war syria have war yes yes okay so that means okay i i get your point but BbWO9IfBNw4-00266-00181240-00181920 uh it was later abrogated how you can abrogate the quran because this is quran chapter 4 verse 24 and BbWO9IfBNw4-00267-00181920-00182576 what kind of god he allow you to go and do nikka to a woman for a few days what does that mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00268-00182576-00183088 you you are the one who said this is prostitution what kind of god he say prostitution is okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00269-00183208-00183672 and allah never obligated this version of the verse because you know what kind of religion BbWO9IfBNw4-00270-00183672-00184248 you abrogate what allah say but by by what a man say you muslim worship god or you worship a man BbWO9IfBNw4-00271-00184336-00184584 who's your father we worship allah okay allah he says BbWO9IfBNw4-00272-00184712-00185368 who is the one who said to you don't do no more perfect okay so which one you follow BbWO9IfBNw4-00273-00185536-00186160 yeah but the prophet is speaking uh from what god told him to say this is absolutely hypocrisy BbWO9IfBNw4-00274-00186160-00186768 without but i don't want to insult you because if allah he said to muhammad do this by quran then BbWO9IfBNw4-00275-00186768-00187216 he should tell him again not to do this by quran because allah communicate with muhammad by quran BbWO9IfBNw4-00276-00187576-00187696 so nikah does not mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00277-00188296-00189008 you know that if a muslim he divorced his wife three three times right oh yeah yeah she has to BbWO9IfBNw4-00278-00189008-00189544 sleep with uh okay somebody else sleep what is the water sleep there in that verse do you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00279-00189712-00189832 what does what is it BbWO9IfBNw4-00280-00190176-00191040 yeah so if the world think marriage then we don't say she have to do tanka a new husband is already BbWO9IfBNw4-00281-00191040-00191664 a husband so what tenka means yeah she have to f and your husband so here we go this is the BbWO9IfBNw4-00282-00191664-00192392 chapter 2 verse number 230 so the translation here says unless she married another husband BbWO9IfBNw4-00283-00192392-00192936 but this is false and arabica says unless she do nikah to other husband so he's a BbWO9IfBNw4-00284-00192936-00193400 husband she have to do what to him nika how we can understand this is more you will see BbWO9IfBNw4-00285-00193400-00193904 a story of a woman her husband was beating her because she refused to sleep with him BbWO9IfBNw4-00286-00194088-00194416 why she refused to sleep with him because her husband his name BbWO9IfBNw4-00287-00194728-00195392 he is her and she wanted to go back to him but muhammad he come with this rule BbWO9IfBNw4-00288-00195392-00196400 sorry this was the wife his name is rifa and then and then the abdul rahman is this woman this woman BbWO9IfBNw4-00289-00196400-00196816 she went to ayasha she said my husband did beat me look what happened to me he made my skin agree BbWO9IfBNw4-00290-00196816-00197488 and then i under my clothes then the prophet he said to her after the husband come you can read BbWO9IfBNw4-00291-00197488-00198072 the whole story and take your time that if your intention to go back to your previous husband BbWO9IfBNw4-00292-00198224-00198792 you should know that he is not lawful for you read really carefully allah messenger BbWO9IfBNw4-00293-00198792-00199280 said to her if you're if that is your intention which means to go back to your previous husband BbWO9IfBNw4-00294-00199368-00200240 he is not unlawful for you uh to marry rafa unless abdul rahman he had nika with you you BbWO9IfBNw4-00295-00200240-00200960 have what sexual intercourse in the translation in the arabic it says which means he test your orgasm BbWO9IfBNw4-00296-00201160-00202312 what yeah this wait i'm trying to make sense of the logic but uh it's flawed i don't think this BbWO9IfBNw4-00297-00202312-00203312 can solve anything it's just wait so if she wants to go back to your previous husband you cannot do BbWO9IfBNw4-00298-00203312-00203896 that unless the new husband he if you and he tastes your orgasm and you taste his orgasm BbWO9IfBNw4-00299-00204096-00204496 but i'm trying to understand the logic behind that but that does not BbWO9IfBNw4-00300-00204760-00205232 what is the logic behind this a guy he divorced his wife if muhammad don't want people to divorce BbWO9IfBNw4-00301-00205232-00205728 why you make it so easy so he made it so easy and people are divorced and married divorced remarried BbWO9IfBNw4-00302-00205728-00206223 evil mary so now muhammad he tried to fix it supposedly so he come with the rule if you divorce BbWO9IfBNw4-00303-00206223-00206928 your wife three times allah told me she cannot go back to you unless she f and you guy not to marry BbWO9IfBNw4-00304-00206928-00207432 because as you see he or she is married to a guy already still he is unlawful for her BbWO9IfBNw4-00305-00207432-00208040 for her to go back to the previous husband why because she did not if the new guy yet BbWO9IfBNw4-00306-00208392-00209160 that uh that logic is flawed uh it does not help anybody okay i see the proof nico means BbWO9IfBNw4-00307-00209160-00209832 uh f word not uh marriage okay yeah and what do you okay so what do you think about the prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-00308-00209832-00210640 of god he said to a woman unless he tastes your juice and you taste his juice no i don't uh don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00309-00210800-00211256 it's normal he's an adult i think it's okay to say something like that because we're there BbWO9IfBNw4-00310-00211256-00211767 all right okay for a prophet of god to be polite you mean this is polite to say to a woman unless BbWO9IfBNw4-00311-00211767-00212423 he tastes your orgasm this is i'm not saying like it's polite polite i'm just saying like uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00312-00212423-00212823 they are all adults and they are talking well why you don't smell like what do you sleep with him BbWO9IfBNw4-00313-00212928-00213392 do he have to say unless you taste his orgasm and you taste his orgasm BbWO9IfBNw4-00314-00213392-00213848 you know the old times do their weight their grammar their way of saying things were like BbWO9IfBNw4-00315-00213848-00214416 different from the women composed english now so they just say the way they understand BbWO9IfBNw4-00316-00214416-00214896 jesus was there before muhammad 600 years before that why he did not say such a thing BbWO9IfBNw4-00317-00215096-00215848 i feel jesus was like a very holy person and that kind of word is not like fit into his description BbWO9IfBNw4-00318-00215848-00216264 exactly it's not fitted it's faithful for for a little trashy person like muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00319-00216360-00216919 no i don't think so i think it's like counseling in a way i mean if you go to a pastor i think they BbWO9IfBNw4-00320-00217000-00217392 tell them about your sexual life i think they are going to talk explicit things this is a BbWO9IfBNw4-00321-00217392-00217936 normal thing no normal thing yeah so until now you think your prophet is a good guy after all of this BbWO9IfBNw4-00322-00218000-00218432 i am not saying wait uh first of all i was gonna just come BbWO9IfBNw4-00323-00218432-00218904 no but uh i sure then if you were wrong i would just laugh and leave but uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00324-00218992-00219592 i shall you prove it to me right and uh now i have to listen to what you have to say because uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00325-00219760-00220192 okay whenever i ask my sheikh this he never showed me proof it just said don't believe BbWO9IfBNw4-00326-00220192-00220896 these people and don't let your wife speak to this man this man he knows you that they talk about you BbWO9IfBNw4-00327-00220896-00221400 on that they advise people else not to listen to you or any other christians BbWO9IfBNw4-00328-00221600-00222336 so the next one it's uh about uh no wait before what about if you have a friend and this friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00329-00222336-00223056 is married to a widowed and then a prophet he says to your friend what you did mary did you BbWO9IfBNw4-00330-00223056-00223840 marry a widow or a a little child the guy he says it's a widow not a virgin the prophet he said BbWO9IfBNw4-00331-00223936-00224688 the prophet said to him why why you don't marry a little child to a little child so she can you can BbWO9IfBNw4-00332-00224688-00225240 play with her and she can play with you is that an advice of a prophet of god or a child molester BbWO9IfBNw4-00333-00225360-00225800 wait uh any i told you before i'm very sensitive with uh children and BbWO9IfBNw4-00334-00226008-00226376 wait who's which what kind of prophet said that uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00335-00226432-00226784 i think i don't think that's nice you're a prophet you're a prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-00336-00228312-00229128 let me here we go i said yes he said a virgin or matron i said a matron oh okay my turn is BbWO9IfBNw4-00337-00229128-00229736 like a yeah he said why didn't you marry a young girl so that you may play with her BbWO9IfBNw4-00338-00229736-00230504 and share with you i said oh messenger abdullah i died and left behind seven BbWO9IfBNw4-00339-00230592-00231248 daughters so i have brought someone who can look after them he says so it's supplicated for me BbWO9IfBNw4-00340-00231448-00232096 well i feel that it is quite hypocritical of him to supplicate for someone you just advised wrongly BbWO9IfBNw4-00341-00232152-00232944 that is like your heart is not in the right place and uh i i feel this is being a hypocrite you say BbWO9IfBNw4-00342-00232944-00233448 marry a young child then that means you don't support her ain't marrying her older woman and BbWO9IfBNw4-00343-00233448-00234416 now you supplicate i feel this is a hypocrite of him but how old was the child like was he like BbWO9IfBNw4-00344-00234416-00235312 underage friends it says my father died leaving seven or nine girls orphans between two rocket BbWO9IfBNw4-00345-00235312-00235784 and i did not like to bring a young girl like them so there are children they are orphans BbWO9IfBNw4-00346-00235784-00236392 you don't call an orphan somebody is 18 or she is 18 right we call orphan for children BbWO9IfBNw4-00347-00236392-00236960 who cannot you know handle themselves so he said i'm not going to bring someone like them BbWO9IfBNw4-00348-00236960-00237640 and this is a translation made by muslims remember so i don't want to bring a young girl like them BbWO9IfBNw4-00349-00237640-00238328 so what your prophet is asking the guy to do to bring a young girl like them them who the orphans BbWO9IfBNw4-00350-00238328-00238767 wait okay now this guy who's getting married to a older woman BbWO9IfBNw4-00351-00238832-00239584 lady yeah he said my father and left behind seven or nine doctors but if it's the father BbWO9IfBNw4-00352-00239871-00240584 muhammad asked him did you marry a widowed or a young virgin the guy he says i married a widowed BbWO9IfBNw4-00353-00240584-00241448 or previously married muhammad says why why you don't marry a young virgin a child so she can play BbWO9IfBNw4-00354-00241448-00242023 with you and make you laugh i mean look at this sickness he wants a wife to make him laugh this BbWO9IfBNw4-00355-00242023-00242480 man is obviously mentally ill he's a bit of fire and you said to me don't insult my prophet this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00356-00242480-00243152 a pedophile who enjoys seeing kids in his bed and they made him laugh so what is the purpose he's BbWO9IfBNw4-00357-00243152-00243728 making now the man think to divorce his wife he's asking the guy to think of in different direction BbWO9IfBNw4-00358-00243728-00244271 why you do that why why you marry a woman she is a grown woman why you don't go after a child BbWO9IfBNw4-00359-00244271-00245184 she will make you laugh is that a reason to to to have a child in your bed to make you laugh BbWO9IfBNw4-00360-00246392-00247136 he's a boy too this is a this is this is yeah this is not right uh i don't support anything BbWO9IfBNw4-00361-00247136-00247648 that involves uh children being molested or abused because they are young because i BbWO9IfBNw4-00362-00247648-00248271 don't like that but this is not a nice word to say from the prophet and i feel this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00363-00248271-00248704 just another one of his short comments and mistake remember he always prayed uh for BbWO9IfBNw4-00364-00248704-00249384 god to forgive his sins so i feel this was just the same no so are you saying to me that allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00365-00249464-00249960 he is going to forgive the sin of muhammad and muhammad this mislead all the muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-00366-00249960-00250440 and now allah will forgive the sin of the muslims because muhammad mislead them i thought he's BbWO9IfBNw4-00367-00250440-00250936 a messenger of god a messenger of god he do the opposite he lead people he did not mislead people BbWO9IfBNw4-00368-00251200-00251552 how many millions right now they are having sex with their children because of muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00369-00251744-00252104 i know this is a my wife told me it's a problem in the middle east BbWO9IfBNw4-00370-00252104-00252504 you know even in the quran you know in chapters is a chapter of divorce this chapter of the verse BbWO9IfBNw4-00371-00252504-00253000 verse number four it says you can divorce little ones who they are you know children's BbWO9IfBNw4-00372-00253112-00253704 go read it what yeah you can divorce can you please show me yeah here we go and i BbWO9IfBNw4-00373-00253704-00254088 will show you so you don't get confused i will show you even the interpretation BbWO9IfBNw4-00374-00254088-00254728 so you don't say we are making things up the chapter i don't know 65 where is number four BbWO9IfBNw4-00375-00254944-00255240 it says those who they have they don't have more BbWO9IfBNw4-00376-00255304-00255767 administration and those who never have one because they are too young BbWO9IfBNw4-00377-00256064-00256664 those who they are too young why okay they never have this administration BbWO9IfBNw4-00378-00256736-00257392 why because of their young age they are so young really careful with me and as for those women who BbWO9IfBNw4-00379-00257392-00258136 they uh uh you know like uh you decide to divorce them those who they have no menstruation well you BbWO9IfBNw4-00380-00258136-00258776 have to let them they have to wait for three months after the divorce okay now regarding BbWO9IfBNw4-00381-00258776-00259360 those or those who they have a doubt about their menstruation okay and then he says and regarding BbWO9IfBNw4-00382-00259360-00260167 those who they are too young they have not yet have administration because their young age BbWO9IfBNw4-00383-00260488-00260848 they never have administration and they are marrying them they are having sex with them BbWO9IfBNw4-00384-00260904-00261456 they are children so this is the verse of divorce remember so if the time of BbWO9IfBNw4-00385-00261456-00261984 the divorce still didn't have administration so in the time of marriage do what they have BbWO9IfBNw4-00386-00262152-00262448 i understand your point yeah and this quran remember BbWO9IfBNw4-00387-00262584-00263352 this is chapter 65 chapter 65 verse number four wait i write it i write it down link here BbWO9IfBNw4-00388-00263352-00263776 i will pause it for you and this is the secret thank you and this is the siraj no problem BbWO9IfBNw4-00389-00264192-00264704 so how in the world i want to follow i i'm going to say i will send the link to my check now my BbWO9IfBNw4-00390-00265224-00265880 around almost 1am here oh okay so if i call him that's like a disrespect i don't know the reason BbWO9IfBNw4-00391-00265880-00266480 why i called you is because you are like online so what what about uh you know do you have anyone BbWO9IfBNw4-00392-00266536-00266920 who live in nigeria i think in nigeria what the time in nigeria right now BbWO9IfBNw4-00393-00267080-00267736 well i think the time in george be around 11 years you know yeah it's a bit late BbWO9IfBNw4-00394-00267736-00268256 do you know any shake in canada and usa it's still early here you know i mean for me no BbWO9IfBNw4-00395-00268256-00268896 i live in finland yeah i only want to shake okay all right only shaking things my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00396-00269184-00269488 wait uh i think this is wrong because uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00397-00269488-00270408 you do not do this with children because they are just like uh innocent and everything BbWO9IfBNw4-00398-00270408-00271072 feel like because i am very a very sensitive person to children you are like uh pushing the BbWO9IfBNw4-00399-00271072-00271600 child molestation and trying to abuse them who mention it to me i did not open my mouth about it BbWO9IfBNw4-00400-00271600-00272176 it's you who said that this is you who said your wife should give you a list and this is the list BbWO9IfBNw4-00401-00272176-00273024 right okay next in the wait wait wait wait can you go back to the verse uh the way it says that BbWO9IfBNw4-00402-00273024-00273496 you should uh why didn't you get married to a younger child so you can play with them because BbWO9IfBNw4-00403-00273592-00274480 i that i just that is like that one gets to me so much i don't know why because here we go the BbWO9IfBNw4-00404-00274480-00275176 guy he said the reason i did marry a growing woman because i want a wife she can't take care of the BbWO9IfBNw4-00405-00275176-00275752 of the kids not someone like them and this is sahih bukhari so the muhammadan can't say to you BbWO9IfBNw4-00406-00275752-00276208 the game this is weak and this is no you know this garbage they can't say that this BbWO9IfBNw4-00407-00276208-00276752 is a very authentic and this is al bukhari so what is the executes there's no executes BbWO9IfBNw4-00408-00276880-00277368 why a man anyway it doesn't say you are married now as as you told me you are married and you have BbWO9IfBNw4-00409-00277368-00277960 a family why in the world i want to advise you to find a new wife even if she is not a child what BbWO9IfBNw4-00410-00277960-00278504 kind of a man he you know he go and he whisper in your ear says why why you marry this woman why BbWO9IfBNw4-00411-00278504-00279096 you don't marry a virgin come on man so now you go home you start thinking ah well you know what i'm BbWO9IfBNw4-00412-00279096-00279712 going to this is right you know so he this is this is what the devil do the devil he wants he want to BbWO9IfBNw4-00413-00279712-00280160 destroy your family you have you are happy with your wife you have a child from her and you are BbWO9IfBNw4-00414-00280160-00280488 not complaining and the guy is not complaining the hadith so what the business of muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00415-00280648-00281088 what is my business to tell you why you married this woman you are not complaining anyway like BbWO9IfBNw4-00416-00281088-00281592 if the guy came to him he says my wife she is bad to me i will say okay well he is giving BbWO9IfBNw4-00417-00281592-00282080 he asked for advice so he got what he asked for that guy is not actually the story if you read the BbWO9IfBNw4-00418-00282080-00282672 whole story the guy was a rush to go to his wife which means he he missed her he said to him jaber BbWO9IfBNw4-00419-00282672-00283216 what happened why you are in rush he said because i i miss my wife i'm a newly i mean newly married BbWO9IfBNw4-00420-00283216-00284216 he said did you marry a virgin or a matron what kind of a question why i want to ask BbWO9IfBNw4-00421-00284280-00284728 what is you know when i ask you is she version or not i'm asking you excuse my language BbWO9IfBNw4-00422-00284728-00285176 i'm asking you can't can you tell me about your wife vagina i mean what is the business BbWO9IfBNw4-00423-00285176-00285528 of a man to ask such a question if she is a virgin or not what's your business BbWO9IfBNw4-00424-00285760-00286584 what kind of a man he asked other man did is your wife a virgin or her vagina has been used BbWO9IfBNw4-00425-00286856-00287528 what's wrong with this prophet i i i think there is a very uh perverted way to think BbWO9IfBNw4-00426-00287528-00287848 especially when it involves a child so and BbWO9IfBNw4-00427-00287848-00288584 i'm not even gonna talk about this again because it's really getting to me so uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00428-00288728-00289056 aren't you a black person my friend from nigeria yes i BbWO9IfBNw4-00429-00289056-00289424 am back i am back okay don't you know what muhammad said about black people BbWO9IfBNw4-00430-00289664-00290352 i know there's a bit of a racism which the arabs and their religion but i feel that's like uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00431-00290352-00291184 the shia that said the ethiopians have been ahead like no i no this is not the shia you see this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00432-00291184-00291768 not the shia this is sunni the hadith we will show you because you said you are you are a sunni so BbWO9IfBNw4-00433-00291768-00292536 i'm going to show you only what sunni believe i'm not going to show you uh you're a prophet he says BbWO9IfBNw4-00434-00292536-00293256 that white people they are created oh i know that verse from the right shoulder okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00435-00293584-00293816 so you know so allah created you BbWO9IfBNw4-00436-00294040-00294392 as a black person from the left shoulder and he decided to send you to hell BbWO9IfBNw4-00437-00294528-00295088 and allah created the white people like ants white ants and he said to him you go to heaven i don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00438-00295088-00296336 care and it's still after all you are a muslim wait uh listen uh that's true i i know that's BbWO9IfBNw4-00439-00296336-00296736 that's it doesn't make sense because i know that and i'm still a muslim but uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00440-00296824-00297576 uh racism has never been an issue for me because i believe that there is racist everywhere my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00441-00297576-00298088 my friend so what matters is my celebration i said that question my friend you can be racist BbWO9IfBNw4-00442-00298088-00298624 i can be racist he can be racist she can be racist but this is the best supposedly ethic BbWO9IfBNw4-00443-00298688-00299104 as muslim they claim that muhammad i don't believe he has the best BbWO9IfBNw4-00444-00299104-00299688 ethics i believe he's just like us humans and he makes mistakes he does stupid things no but BbWO9IfBNw4-00445-00299896-00300416 this is what he is saying he is saying god he told him that so what he is saying to you that BbWO9IfBNw4-00446-00300416-00301112 when god created you he created you to be black and because he decided to send you to hell read BbWO9IfBNw4-00447-00301112-00301736 the haters in front of your eyes i know that i had it i know i i've read it before i've i have BbWO9IfBNw4-00448-00301736-00302432 always had a problem with that as this and okay what about muhammad saying that the most person BbWO9IfBNw4-00449-00302432-00303184 allah he hate is a black person i know that i know that too i know about those ones but i i i just BbWO9IfBNw4-00450-00303184-00303936 like it's quite stupid i know i'm still a muslim after knowing that but uh i like i said racism was BbWO9IfBNw4-00451-00303936-00304504 just something like uh i was just something like i didn't really experience it growing up even living BbWO9IfBNw4-00452-00304504-00305144 in finland so i just didn't put a lot talk to it okay fine you have proof okay one last question BbWO9IfBNw4-00453-00305480-00305984 i don't understand what do you mean so like is it okay for you to say that the most person allah he BbWO9IfBNw4-00454-00305984-00306488 hate is a black person is it okay i don't believe that i i don't believe that i think BbWO9IfBNw4-00455-00306568-00306912 that is just my friend what do you mean if this is your prophet if you believe in muhammad you BbWO9IfBNw4-00456-00306912-00307624 believe in what he's saying i'm not i'm i'm not going i'm not going to play the BbWO9IfBNw4-00457-00307624-00308208 uh weak again stronger this if it's what it says that is what it says BbWO9IfBNw4-00458-00308208-00308768 this is this is that i'm showing right now i know i know i know i don't know BbWO9IfBNw4-00459-00308992-00309968 so you know you want to play self not with me you know i feel arabs arabs are racist in a way BbWO9IfBNw4-00460-00309968-00310624 that's what i mean because i agree with you i i know my people they are racist but this is another BbWO9IfBNw4-00461-00310624-00311400 question now are we going to accept a person to teach us what best for us and he is the most ugly BbWO9IfBNw4-00462-00311400-00312152 racist filthy ever i know a great uh christians who they are black people right now they are BbWO9IfBNw4-00463-00312152-00312800 preaching the gospel to the white man in europe who lost his mind so black people they are way BbWO9IfBNw4-00464-00312800-00313456 better these days in many ways from anyone that is a white so what that could have to do with this so BbWO9IfBNw4-00465-00313456-00314088 in the time of jesus jesus did he say go and teach the white go and teach the european no the the BbWO9IfBNw4-00466-00314088-00314536 christian they wanted no direction they went to ethiopia they went to egypt the disciple of jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-00467-00314536-00315336 they wanted this to egypt even to ethiopia and even to all the way to india so the whole world so BbWO9IfBNw4-00468-00315336-00315744 you are a black i am white both of us we have a blood and my blood is not better than yours and BbWO9IfBNw4-00469-00315744-00316200 your blood is not but they're not mine if i have an accident we can exchange blood correct or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00470-00316320-00316816 yes we can why because we have one father so with the christ we are united with muhammad we BbWO9IfBNw4-00471-00316816-00317280 are divided so the fool people they say that muhammad he unite people and he don't make a BbWO9IfBNw4-00472-00317280-00317728 difference and he said look what the white man did to you but the white man did to you the BbWO9IfBNw4-00473-00317728-00318352 black man did to the white man too remember even the african egyptian they took the whole white BbWO9IfBNw4-00474-00318352-00319128 jews as the slaves correct yes yes i i know racism was it was like it's nowhere everybody BbWO9IfBNw4-00475-00319128-00319608 experienced every country experience and not only that even the african who was sold to the white BbWO9IfBNw4-00476-00319608-00320128 men in europe they were captured by african the north white arab african in north africa BbWO9IfBNw4-00477-00320256-00320568 yes i know specifically morocco libya and tunisia BbWO9IfBNw4-00478-00320760-00321144 they still do it now because the libya is still selling black people exactly BbWO9IfBNw4-00479-00321368-00321920 they have more than 20 000 slaves for sale in libya and nobody do anything about it right BbWO9IfBNw4-00480-00321920-00322440 now as well i know i know that is the problem with the media i don't understand because the everybody BbWO9IfBNw4-00481-00322440-00323056 wants to blame the white man for racism i'm like white people selling slavery and everything ended BbWO9IfBNw4-00482-00323056-00323584 years ago but the ones that are still going on we say nothing about it because we don't want to say BbWO9IfBNw4-00483-00323720-00324392 offend the muslims i don't buy into that i think the media is just biased so forget about all that BbWO9IfBNw4-00484-00324392-00324944 i don't care about the people in the libya i don't care about any of that right now because BbWO9IfBNw4-00485-00324944-00325352 i care about them but now we are talking about we are talking about relationships so do we accept BbWO9IfBNw4-00486-00325352-00326024 muhammad to be to be a prophet to teach us what to be in the same time he is teaching me to be faithy BbWO9IfBNw4-00487-00326120-00326720 is it a question actually from everything i am saying about children and uh believe i i think he BbWO9IfBNw4-00488-00326720-00327568 is a very uh inappropriate person and everything he's saying is just wrong and perverted because uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00489-00327568-00328376 you do not treat children like that children are too innocent for that so i don't believe uh he has BbWO9IfBNw4-00490-00328376-00329288 a right the right uh mindset again with children that is what i think my friend rasheed you just BbWO9IfBNw4-00491-00329288-00330000 said it perverted you we heard you you are already out of islam so you you know not only your wife BbWO9IfBNw4-00492-00330000-00330424 she is going out of islam you're already out of his time you just called your private perverted BbWO9IfBNw4-00493-00330560-00331000 wait i'm not out of his yeah you did you you caught your prophet perverted BbWO9IfBNw4-00494-00331088-00331472 yes i know i called him perverted because everybody in their right mind BbWO9IfBNw4-00495-00331536-00331880 would say that because i i told you i am very sensitive to my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00496-00332264-00332776 okay fine i've heard you made me you said many things uh uh things he said about you BbWO9IfBNw4-00497-00332776-00333288 that are wrong fine okay i i have some other questions one more question okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00498-00333288-00333880 if you keep pushing about the children oh it's just going to make me act on my feelings okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00499-00333992-00334848 all right go ahead what is the question can you just show me one proof no not one i need a BbWO9IfBNw4-00500-00334976-00335712 two proof one for me and just one for my parents yeah can you show me proof be BbWO9IfBNw4-00501-00335712-00336424 that allah cannot be god just one simple proof i don't want the long journey because now BbWO9IfBNw4-00502-00336480-00337024 i'm like emotionally destroyed like i don't like what is happening with the children and what the BbWO9IfBNw4-00503-00337024-00337632 prophet is saying so i just need one proof very simple very straightforward yeah that's BbWO9IfBNw4-00504-00337632-00338064 very easy my friend have you ever heard of a god you don't remember which one he created first BbWO9IfBNw4-00505-00338224-00338792 the mountains or the stars as an example so if we're going this is very easy if we go BbWO9IfBNw4-00506-00338792-00339512 to the quran let us do this here we go okay and you can open the verses from your side BbWO9IfBNw4-00507-00339688-00340152 if you can send it to me via the link here i can open yeah sure i can send you no problem BbWO9IfBNw4-00508-00340152-00340800 okay all right so if we go to chapter 79 and i will send you this link first BbWO9IfBNw4-00509-00341016-00341064 here we go BbWO9IfBNw4-00510-00341480-00342408 open it and i want you to read with me starting from verse number 27. okay because it's where BbWO9IfBNw4-00511-00342408-00342944 he starts speaking about the creation of the earth and the heaven before that is not really important BbWO9IfBNw4-00512-00343032-00343864 okay i'm gonna read it okay are you more difficult to create or is the heaven that he constructed BbWO9IfBNw4-00513-00343960-00344704 it raised its height and he has equally ordered it it's night it covers can you hear me BbWO9IfBNw4-00514-00344936-00345624 it's night it covers with the darkness and it's foreign it brings out with a light and BbWO9IfBNw4-00515-00345624-00346192 after that he spread the earth and brought forth there from its water and its pasture BbWO9IfBNw4-00516-00346280-00346840 and the mountains is fixed firmly to be a provision and benefit for you and your BbWO9IfBNw4-00517-00346840-00347424 cattle okay so what is the last thing allah says the last two things he did he would he put water BbWO9IfBNw4-00518-00347424-00348032 green water and mountains no mountain and first verse number 31 water and greenery right BbWO9IfBNw4-00519-00348144-00348928 yes after that he put the mountain now we got a different chapter in the quran okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00520-00349264-00349368 send me the chapter BbWO9IfBNw4-00521-00349896-00350312 and you will see how easy to convince your parents now that is that muhammad is a fraud BbWO9IfBNw4-00522-00350376-00350520 this is a chapter 41 BbWO9IfBNw4-00523-00350800-00350888 and let us go BbWO9IfBNw4-00524-00351240-00351584 and hold on BbWO9IfBNw4-00525-00352056-00352320 open this verse with me please here we go this is the link BbWO9IfBNw4-00526-00352824-00353432 and i want you to read starting from verse number nine okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00527-00353672-00354304 sir oh muhammad solomon do you believe very do you fairly disbelieve in him who BbWO9IfBNw4-00528-00354304-00355072 created the earth in two days and you what who created the earth in two days BbWO9IfBNw4-00529-00355376-00356192 and you set up rivals and worship with him that is the lord of allah men jeans and all that exists BbWO9IfBNw4-00530-00356192-00356856 he placed there in the earth first third mountain from above it and he blessed it and measured the BbWO9IfBNw4-00531-00356856-00357592 rain its sustenance for his 2004 days equal all these four days were equal in the length of time BbWO9IfBNw4-00532-00357592-00358320 for all those who asked about this creation then e star rose over towards the heaven when it was BbWO9IfBNw4-00533-00358320-00359224 smoke and said to it and to the earth come both of you winner oh really they both said become willing BbWO9IfBNw4-00534-00359432-00360080 then it completed and finished from their creation at seven evans in two days and they BbWO9IfBNw4-00535-00360080-00360648 made in each heavenly affair and we have done the nearest heaven with lamps to be an adonis BbWO9IfBNw4-00536-00360752-00361336 as well as to gods from the devils by using them as masons okay so what is the last thing allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00537-00361336-00362112 he did in this chapter i think it's the heaven the lamps the lamps the stars lamps yes sorry what the BbWO9IfBNw4-00538-00362112-00362608 last thing allah he finished in the other chapter the mountains so here in this chapter allah he BbWO9IfBNw4-00539-00362608-00363208 finished the earth first and then he went to the sky and the sky was small correct yeah okay so BbWO9IfBNw4-00540-00363208-00363568 the first thing he created the earth in two days and then he created everything in the top of the BbWO9IfBNw4-00541-00363568-00363936 earth in four days that is sex already and that is a contradiction because a different verse in the BbWO9IfBNw4-00542-00363936-00364408 quran says to create the earth and the heaven is six days now just the earth is six days BbWO9IfBNw4-00543-00364408-00364880 so the second thing after he created the earth he plays mountain okay but in the other chapter the BbWO9IfBNw4-00544-00364880-00365480 last thing he did is the mountains and then here the second thing he did after creating the earth BbWO9IfBNw4-00545-00365480-00365968 is the mountain and then he put all the sensors and the green and etc which means the water and BbWO9IfBNw4-00546-00365968-00366344 then he went to the sky and there was no sky it was a smoke the freedom nicotine you see the BbWO9IfBNw4-00547-00366344-00366776 smoke was coming from the earth which means there was nothing in the sky and then he made the sky BbWO9IfBNw4-00548-00366776-00367344 seven skies and then he did it in two days and the last thing he did he created the stars okay this BbWO9IfBNw4-00549-00367344-00368080 is chapter 41 we go chapter 79 we will find that the last thing allah he did it was the mountain BbWO9IfBNw4-00550-00368080-00368504 the one before it it was the water the one before it he made the earthy flat BbWO9IfBNw4-00551-00368504-00368912 the one before it he made the day and the night which mean the light and the stars the one before BbWO9IfBNw4-00552-00368912-00369536 it here is up the sky the one before it he created the sky so based in chapter 79 the sky was created BbWO9IfBNw4-00553-00369632-00370216 the second thing he did he created the light and then after that he made the day and then after BbWO9IfBNw4-00554-00370216-00370816 and the afternoon which is funny and then after that he made the earth flat and then after that BbWO9IfBNw4-00555-00370816-00371432 he brought the water and the green and then after that he made the mountain he plays the mountain so BbWO9IfBNw4-00556-00371432-00372184 he's totally messed up so what kind of god he does not know he don't remember what he created first BbWO9IfBNw4-00557-00372504-00373040 i mean how i can make it more easier for you to see the truth more than this open BbWO9IfBNw4-00558-00373040-00374000 the website next to each other separate them into browsers and put them next to each other and love BbWO9IfBNw4-00559-00374000-00374352 put them next to each other both of them and i will do that actually here from my side BbWO9IfBNw4-00560-00374416-00374968 here we go i'm going to extend the page all right there we go BbWO9IfBNw4-00561-00375336-00376088 this is the city muhammad this is a prophet of god which one he finished first BbWO9IfBNw4-00562-00376272-00376888 chapter 10 look with me in the screen i'm putting both in the screen i know i i see BbWO9IfBNw4-00563-00376888-00377416 yeah so it's so easy i mean you can you know you're not maybe genius and the quran says BbWO9IfBNw4-00564-00377416-00378080 if this is a book made by other than allah which means god you will find a lot of contradiction i BbWO9IfBNw4-00565-00378080-00378592 mean how more contradiction than this can be a god you don't remember everything is a contradiction BbWO9IfBNw4-00566-00379384-00380128 are you difficult or to create or the heaven or this is chapter and nazi add verse number 27 BbWO9IfBNw4-00567-00380216-00381096 in the other chapter of fusilla or fusilla verse number 10 verse number 9 uh uh allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00568-00381096-00381864 created the earth in two days okay so which one allah you start first in chapter 41 the heaven BbWO9IfBNw4-00569-00382128-00382792 sorry in chapter uh 79 it was the heaven in chapter BbWO9IfBNw4-00570-00382968-00383592 41 it was the earth then the second in chapter 41 he made the mountain what is the second BbWO9IfBNw4-00571-00383680-00384384 in in and as you add it is chapter verse number 28 he raised the height and he ordered it BbWO9IfBNw4-00572-00384384-00384760 and then he you know he made the darkness in the afternoon which means he put the light and BbWO9IfBNw4-00573-00384760-00385504 he created the lamps we go back to the chapter 41 we will find that after he finished the earth and BbWO9IfBNw4-00574-00385504-00386032 he put the mountains and he made the greenery then he went to the sky and the sky was still a smoke BbWO9IfBNw4-00575-00386224-00386584 we go here we see the opposite BbWO9IfBNw4-00576-00386856-00387368 so the last thing it is in nazihat is allah he plays the mountain he made them fix BbWO9IfBNw4-00577-00387368-00388336 verse number 32 the last thing allah he did in chapter of facility is he made the sky BbWO9IfBNw4-00578-00388480-00389384 seven and i see i say i say christian please i see them i can read them yeah i just BbWO9IfBNw4-00579-00389592-00389672 i like BbWO9IfBNw4-00580-00390096-00390784 um BbWO9IfBNw4-00581-00392912-00393448 look there is somebody in the in arabic chat he is speaking arabic he says mastur was a quran BbWO9IfBNw4-00582-00394552-00394944 and he is drunk is the one who wrote the quran but he made it like a poetry in arabic BbWO9IfBNw4-00583-00395896-00396384 um BbWO9IfBNw4-00584-00397144-00398272 i see i see i see you see i see i see um if i s if if BbWO9IfBNw4-00585-00399160-00400024 this is obviously embarrassing right now because uh i'm quite embarrassed because i was like uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00586-00400240-00400848 already probably like uh full of myself i never knew in that case because it was gonna BbWO9IfBNw4-00587-00400848-00401488 be this easy to just like prove me wrong on what i believed in in almost 33 years BbWO9IfBNw4-00588-00401704-00401984 and uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00589-00403088-00403384 um BbWO9IfBNw4-00590-00403584-00403888 i don't know what to say i'm very sorry but uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00591-00403888-00404352 no you know what you say my friend you are a smart man and you are a respected man and you can't tell BbWO9IfBNw4-00592-00404352-00404688 you don't accept those things and your wife already before you BbWO9IfBNw4-00593-00404688-00405064 she already she listened to me as you said for i don't know how long she is listening to me BbWO9IfBNw4-00594-00405280-00405616 well she started listening to you around uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00595-00405616-00406184 when my that was like see around may that's what she said because BbWO9IfBNw4-00596-00406392-00406960 she was a father i think a father got married to a christian woman BbWO9IfBNw4-00597-00406960-00407520 and it was a problem so when the father had to convert to christianity and the father BbWO9IfBNw4-00598-00407520-00407888 she said that their father was like different after he converted BbWO9IfBNw4-00599-00407960-00408464 so i just told her that maybe it's just love you know love blind man to do anything just BbWO9IfBNw4-00600-00408464-00408936 the way some guys who convert to islam to marry a lady so i never really thought that maybe it BbWO9IfBNw4-00601-00408936-00409712 was what he was learning about christianity that was making him happy and change and i said that uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00602-00410200-00410768 i just i'm very sorry i'm just embarrassed and uh no don't be embarrassed i mean okay now we found BbWO9IfBNw4-00603-00410768-00411247 the truth so what do what do you think shouldn't you announce yourself to be out of this cult BbWO9IfBNw4-00604-00411432-00411760 do you want you and your wife and your child in the future to live BbWO9IfBNw4-00605-00411760-00412447 following such a madman disgusting man book of you know stupidity BbWO9IfBNw4-00606-00412735-00412784 so yeah BbWO9IfBNw4-00607-00413112-00413743 aisha aisha six yeah she was five six in the islamic calendar five in our calendar BbWO9IfBNw4-00608-00413888-00414088 oh yeah okay not just a difference so BbWO9IfBNw4-00609-00414280-00415160 so i'll be able to go forcing your your followers to marry another child i just i'm sorry i can't uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00610-00415304-00415960 the children part got to me because i have a doctor myself and now i've also seen BbWO9IfBNw4-00611-00415960-00416656 i just needed to prove that a lot of god then but everything is there okay you know you see i mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00612-00416720-00417320 uh muhammad the the most the arab they keep saying to muhammad okay why you don't have one miracle BbWO9IfBNw4-00613-00417320-00417864 the muslim they said to you there's tons of miracles but the quran have zero miracles you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00614-00417864-00418376 i know that the miracle is false because the quran already contradicts that that uh we did BbWO9IfBNw4-00615-00418376-00419096 not send miracles because not only that there is if you go and read as an example you go to BbWO9IfBNw4-00616-00419096-00419728 the chapter of a right chapter of the word in the quran today is chapter number 13. BbWO9IfBNw4-00617-00419864-00420664 but in in the according to revelation it is at the end of the quran so people asking to him at the BbWO9IfBNw4-00618-00420664-00421296 end of his life still why there is no sign from you obviously all those miracles in the hadith BbWO9IfBNw4-00619-00421296-00421808 are fabrication and ask yourself why the quran mentioned the miracles of jesus in the quran the BbWO9IfBNw4-00620-00421808-00422247 miracle of moses in the quran the miracles even of prophet we never heard of in the quran when it BbWO9IfBNw4-00621-00422247-00422768 comes to muhammad have zero america in the quran so enter his life people ask him why there is BbWO9IfBNw4-00622-00422768-00423400 no sign from from your god what he said to them well you know allah deceive whoever we want and BbWO9IfBNw4-00623-00423400-00424047 he'll guide whoever he wants what the heck does that have to do and why god will deceive anyway BbWO9IfBNw4-00624-00424047-00424704 i mean what what does that mean aren't you sent for guidance aren't you the quran says which mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00625-00424704-00425447 a light of guidance so and how come muhammad is a so what is allah you know when we ask muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-00626-00425535-00426160 uh the quran speak about the light of allah who is the light of allah is that a man they say no allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00627-00426160-00426808 himself is a light ok wonderful allah himself is a light so why he says that muhammad is a light BbWO9IfBNw4-00628-00427096-00427552 and if muhammad is a light how he can be a light and he himself is a fool BbWO9IfBNw4-00629-00428120-00428696 no i'm never going to be upset if you call the prophet of fool at this point no no my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00630-00428696-00429120 this is a christian prince with my respect to you you you get upset you can upset i don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00631-00429120-00429688 care that's a this is how i am you know you know don't don't think i i say i will not change i will BbWO9IfBNw4-00632-00429688-00430288 change the way i talk i don't care i'm talking to muhammad is a fool you know you like to listen to BbWO9IfBNw4-00633-00430288-00430856 me or you overcome you don't like it's up to you but muhammad is not a liar i'm very sorry BbWO9IfBNw4-00634-00430856-00431368 yeah muhammad himself is a scam he himself is lost he himself he cannot even see if his wife is in BbWO9IfBNw4-00635-00431368-00431920 the bed or not he's he imagine himself having sex in fact he's not so how this person can can BbWO9IfBNw4-00636-00431920-00432304 light me in the darkness when he himself cannot see a simple thing if his wife in the bed or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00637-00432560-00433047 okay i get your points from that we went to the seven heaven and then he found the night river BbWO9IfBNw4-00638-00433047-00433792 coming from the lottery like how in the world that happened the nile river is coming from the lottery BbWO9IfBNw4-00639-00433888-00434384 and the euphrates is coming from the cemetery too so did muhammad go and look what he says BbWO9IfBNw4-00640-00435016-00435576 is the rivers in turkey and euphrates so look all the rivers we have in this earth are rivers BbWO9IfBNw4-00641-00435576-00435984 coming from the tree of allah where in the seven everything in galaxy okay how the water come in BbWO9IfBNw4-00642-00435984-00436560 here so when when a man he says such a statement he went all the way to the seven galaxies in the BbWO9IfBNw4-00643-00436560-00437072 top of a flying emir and nobody saw him and then he went there and he found two rivers going in and BbWO9IfBNw4-00644-00437072-00437535 two rivers coming out one of them is jerufaitis the other one is the nile the other one is BbWO9IfBNw4-00645-00437535-00437943 other one is jihan and then he claimed that those are coming from the tree of allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00646-00437943-00438439 and then we go and we check we find that the river is coming from the middle of africa and euphrates BbWO9IfBNw4-00647-00438439-00438839 have nothing to do with it it's a small tiny river activities it is coming all the way from BbWO9IfBNw4-00648-00438839-00439343 the south of turkey so how in the world they met under the tree of allah and the seven galaxies BbWO9IfBNw4-00649-00439600-00439824 obviously this person is a madman he's stupid BbWO9IfBNw4-00650-00440024-00440680 if he knew a little geography he would not say such a thing yes yes yes i know i know i know BbWO9IfBNw4-00651-00440760-00441272 yes you know if somebody never been in nigeria and you ask him about nigeria he would start doing BbWO9IfBNw4-00652-00441272-00441776 purple correct because he wouldn't he don't know this what happened to muhammad actually i just BbWO9IfBNw4-00653-00441776-00442488 feel he's like a talkative he's just a person who don't they don't know how to keep his mouth shut BbWO9IfBNw4-00654-00442488-00442960 and the more he talk the more he do and actually i'm very grateful that for muhammad he was very BbWO9IfBNw4-00655-00442960-00443480 talkative because it's going to be hard for us to expose his stupidity and his lies because BbWO9IfBNw4-00656-00443480-00443984 you can't explore you know in the middle east we have a tradition if somebody is a fool like like BbWO9IfBNw4-00657-00443984-00444408 you know you know we are arab so when you want to get married you take your parents with you to ask BbWO9IfBNw4-00658-00444408-00444896 for the hand of that girl you don't go just by yourself so you guys something as nigerian okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00659-00445047-00445543 if the son is a stupid the parents they would say to him listen when we go there you don't talk okay BbWO9IfBNw4-00660-00445647-00446200 whatever they say to you don't answer we will answer this is muhammad but muhammad he talk BbWO9IfBNw4-00661-00446352-00446864 muhammad cannot keep his mouth shut muhammad is a doctor muhammad is astronomer muhammad he knew BbWO9IfBNw4-00662-00446864-00447464 about this place muhammad he knew about medicine the the neglect is a medicine for all disease BbWO9IfBNw4-00663-00447464-00447912 if you if you eat ajwa you will not be poisoned and no you will not be which and he died by BbWO9IfBNw4-00664-00447912-00448552 poison and he was bewitched and uh uh drink camel urine and you know the guy he came to him he says BbWO9IfBNw4-00665-00448552-00448992 my brother his billy is hurting him he said to him give him honey the guy came second day he BbWO9IfBNw4-00666-00448992-00449416 said after a few days he said my brother getting more sick he said to him i told you give him money BbWO9IfBNw4-00667-00449416-00449896 third the third time he came he says my brother is dying he said muhammad he screamed at him he BbWO9IfBNw4-00668-00449896-00450296 said i told you give him money he said i am giving him honey and he's getting more sick BbWO9IfBNw4-00669-00450296-00450808 he comes again obviously the guy is dying muhammad he screamed at him and says i told you give him BbWO9IfBNw4-00670-00450808-00451472 honey allah he told the truth and your brother's stomach is lying have you ever heard of a lying BbWO9IfBNw4-00671-00451472-00452008 stomach so imagine you go to the doctor and then the doctor screamed at you because you BbWO9IfBNw4-00672-00452008-00452432 said to him my stomach is still hurting me he says your stomach is lying and allah told the truth BbWO9IfBNw4-00673-00452656-00453272 okay all right i i see i believe you know what uh i i'm gonna call you back okay christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-00674-00453272-00453760 i'm gonna call you where you wanna go my friend i want to come you know just say if if you are shy BbWO9IfBNw4-00675-00453760-00454439 to ask your wife to talk to i understand but you are the man say it say i am out of this garbage BbWO9IfBNw4-00676-00454696-00454792 i just uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00677-00455000-00455496 i feel quite embarrassed because i was saying that women have emotions and all this and at BbWO9IfBNw4-00678-00455496-00456272 the end of the day i just happened to be a fool again so uh sorry i'm very sorry to everyone BbWO9IfBNw4-00679-00456272-00456776 our friend i never knew that she wasn't like acting on her feelings and it was just proof BbWO9IfBNw4-00680-00456968-00457432 no problem you see you are a very respected person i can't tell and all of us we you know BbWO9IfBNw4-00681-00457432-00457984 the good man is the one who admit when they are wrong that's the stubborn the murder is the one BbWO9IfBNw4-00682-00458088-00458600 who don't want to admit that they are wrong when they are wrong so look how wonderful god he gave BbWO9IfBNw4-00683-00458600-00459143 you a gift you know he made you a wise man when you saw the evidence he said that's not right BbWO9IfBNw4-00684-00459224-00459896 so based on what you said it's not right why you don't say i'm not going to follow muhammad no more BbWO9IfBNw4-00685-00460080-00460584 i'm not going to follow a pedophile and a perverted person i'm mean to that i agree BbWO9IfBNw4-00686-00460584-00461312 with you i don't support anyone that does that to children and uh he has no honor BbWO9IfBNw4-00687-00461576-00462239 he has no i know at this point because uh i will if someone comes for my daughter at a BbWO9IfBNw4-00688-00462239-00462768 age i will uh i will kill the person because a six-year-old the BbWO9IfBNw4-00689-00462920-00463712 five-year-old is not old enough to even still just want to enjoy their childhood BbWO9IfBNw4-00690-00463792-00464464 play with their friends and uh and don't mind saying the father then liking the dough i want BbWO9IfBNw4-00691-00464464-00465072 to marry is just should not be in society because that is a very evil mindset and BbWO9IfBNw4-00692-00465528-00465784 i am so sorry and i never knew BbWO9IfBNw4-00693-00465992-00466832 this is this man has no honor and uh i would not respect somebody who has no honor so BbWO9IfBNw4-00694-00466943-00467368 sorry but i'm happy for you my friend don't be sorry actually this is a good day for you BbWO9IfBNw4-00695-00467368-00467832 i'm sorry to other children that has been victim from islam because BbWO9IfBNw4-00696-00468120-00468592 what's the point of treating children like this they are grown up women they BbWO9IfBNw4-00697-00468592-00469184 get married who are still beautiful and why you have to destroy the lives of children and BbWO9IfBNw4-00698-00469296-00470120 also i feel i feel sorry for the children and their family who have no say in the matter and BbWO9IfBNw4-00699-00470312-00471024 i hope god forgive me and forgive the my friend god god is always now he's here listen to you BbWO9IfBNw4-00700-00471024-00471464 and to me so i invite you to believe in jesus right now you said to me something very nice BbWO9IfBNw4-00701-00471520-00472000 and i agree with you you said when we spoke about what muhammad he's saying he said i BbWO9IfBNw4-00702-00472000-00472504 don't feel like this is fit for jesus to say right why you say it because he is like a holy BbWO9IfBNw4-00703-00472504-00473368 person but he is holy you know that so your wife she was asking you that she think it is BbWO9IfBNw4-00704-00473368-00473792 right to become a christian as you told me in the beginning if i got you wrong right correct BbWO9IfBNw4-00705-00473976-00474432 your wife she wants to be christian and you are opposing her but now the reason BbWO9IfBNw4-00706-00474432-00475232 to oppose that is gone so i invite you both of you right now and we will invite the child too BbWO9IfBNw4-00707-00475312-00475872 to accept the messiah as your lord as your savior so the whole family today there will BbWO9IfBNw4-00708-00475872-00476392 be a happy family forever because the lord he says a happiness will be in the kingdom BbWO9IfBNw4-00709-00476392-00476904 of god the kingdom of our father if one soul come back to him this is how much he loves you BbWO9IfBNw4-00710-00477039-00477696 this is how much he loves your child christian prince i want to ask you one question huh true BbWO9IfBNw4-00711-00477943-00478239 my dad is dead so is that a muslim BbWO9IfBNw4-00712-00478488-00479288 so if he didn't know better like maybe very groping to stretch all muslims they never heard BbWO9IfBNw4-00713-00479288-00479912 of christians if you grew up like that but it was a good man what would happen to him my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00714-00480047-00480312 i believe that the lord is the lord of justice BbWO9IfBNw4-00715-00480376-00481104 so for now don't worry about your father he passed away and it is i'm not god to judge BbWO9IfBNw4-00716-00481176-00481864 the lord the messiah you can pray to the lord you know to to for forgive him and but this is not a BbWO9IfBNw4-00717-00481864-00482535 decision i can say to you because the bible says that the messiah is the only way and the only door BbWO9IfBNw4-00718-00482535-00483184 so you're a prophet you saw your father he passed away sadly believing in such a man but BbWO9IfBNw4-00719-00483368-00483743 maybe the lord he can forgive him because you have a good heart i don't know BbWO9IfBNw4-00720-00483743-00484168 but the bible confirmed that there is no salvation except by jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-00721-00484256-00484760 which means if he if there is somebody in the world can save him it is going to be the messiah BbWO9IfBNw4-00722-00484928-00485480 so everything is possible with the messiah and nothing is impossible with him so you can pray BbWO9IfBNw4-00723-00485480-00486160 to the messiah ask him for forgiveness of your parents and we may you know wish that he will BbWO9IfBNw4-00724-00486239-00486839 accept but i cannot speak for something i have no authority of but i can say to you that the one who BbWO9IfBNw4-00725-00486839-00487264 accept the messiah and he die he will live that's what jesus said he made a promise whoever believe BbWO9IfBNw4-00726-00487264-00487888 in me and i will live so you yourself i believe that because jesus is still alive according to BbWO9IfBNw4-00727-00487888-00488256 the question exactly jesus is still alive and why is that alive muslim can't explain they say BbWO9IfBNw4-00728-00488256-00488800 because he did not finish so why he said muhammad then if jesus is not finished the truth is i i BbWO9IfBNw4-00729-00488800-00489488 i always admire christians i never believed what he believed but i always had this feeling that BbWO9IfBNw4-00730-00489552-00490168 if i was not going to be a muslim i would always be a christian because uh i've seen the christians BbWO9IfBNw4-00731-00490168-00490856 in their habitat and quite nice people the most of the things they do for muslims i don't think BbWO9IfBNw4-00732-00490856-00491464 muslims will do back for exactly like now muslims they come from around the world to christian land BbWO9IfBNw4-00733-00491464-00491728 if a christian they go to the muslim land what they will do to them BbWO9IfBNw4-00734-00491856-00492239 do you know what they are doing to their if a ghanaian refugee in islamic countries they are BbWO9IfBNw4-00735-00492239-00492880 raping their daughters they are selling their daughters in the market as sexy slaves while BbWO9IfBNw4-00736-00493088-00493528 they go to america they give them a school free education free health insurance free BbWO9IfBNw4-00737-00493528-00493992 housing and this is what they do to them in europe but if you go as a muslim to islamic BbWO9IfBNw4-00738-00493992-00494384 country the first thing they will ask you for is sleep with your wife or your daughter BbWO9IfBNw4-00739-00494688-00494992 who was the one who was the one capturing muslim women BbWO9IfBNw4-00740-00494992-00495784 and raping them it was isis not the christians it wasn't the american too it wasn't the french BbWO9IfBNw4-00741-00496488-00496647 i know i know i know BbWO9IfBNw4-00742-00496864-00497480 so my friend i invite you and by the way i'm not defending those people because people they do bad BbWO9IfBNw4-00743-00497535-00498096 and we don't judge islam because of bad muslims but was muhammad that is the question muhammad was BbWO9IfBNw4-00744-00498096-00498760 bad so we judge a christianity by christ we judge islam by muhammad i don't judge islam by a person BbWO9IfBNw4-00745-00498760-00499384 he is a a perverted but if muhammad himself is a perverted then islam is a version of a perverted BbWO9IfBNw4-00746-00499496-00500408 teaching i saw i saw a video on afghan families selling their daughters for food and to older BbWO9IfBNw4-00747-00500408-00501632 men and i think that is not is wrong but anyways i don't care i think you're right cp and i'm sorry BbWO9IfBNw4-00748-00501632-00502272 for i want you to talk with me i want to think with me before you go i want you to think with me BbWO9IfBNw4-00749-00502272-00503232 why you don't say i accept jesus as my savior what is stopping you your wife already in her heart BbWO9IfBNw4-00750-00503232-00503952 you want to be a christian you and your heart i can't tell i know i know she practices a christian BbWO9IfBNw4-00751-00503952-00504488 uh do i believe sometimes when i'm not around because i i have eyes i just keep quiet because BbWO9IfBNw4-00752-00504632-00505232 i know i see her with the bible and although she tries to hide it but it's quite obvious we BbWO9IfBNw4-00753-00505232-00505872 shared the same uh walking closet so i see the bible she's not very good at hiding things i BbWO9IfBNw4-00754-00505872-00506568 whenever i open the tv i try to stretch something on youtube i see like what she has searched before BbWO9IfBNw4-00755-00506568-00507088 she doesn't really know how to delete those stuff so i know she practices it i know she stopped BbWO9IfBNw4-00756-00507184-00507752 wearing the head covering for my daughter i know all these things but uh i was never going to like BbWO9IfBNw4-00757-00507752-00508496 tell her hey you can't do this now i just do that if i don't see people i'm not going to believe it BbWO9IfBNw4-00758-00508496-00509280 and uh so rasheed well i've seen proof i see she can i she can practice the religion and she can BbWO9IfBNw4-00759-00509280-00509824 train her daughter and her son the way she wants in a christian hold i have no problem with it BbWO9IfBNw4-00760-00509943-00510664 so do you accept jesus for me rasheed you accept jesus as your savior remember rasheed you might go BbWO9IfBNw4-00761-00510664-00511352 to sleep you might never wake up you just ask me a question about your father who passed away you BbWO9IfBNw4-00762-00511352-00511920 don't want to be the person who passed away and you are not saved yet so i say to you accept him BbWO9IfBNw4-00763-00512016-00512688 and go to sleep happily because then you wake up or not you are saved and your family will be saved BbWO9IfBNw4-00764-00512688-00513352 so i invite you right now in front of everybody i invite you from my heart to accept the messiah BbWO9IfBNw4-00765-00513408-00513976 our lord as a savior he is the way he is the door he is the resurrection the muslim they BbWO9IfBNw4-00766-00513976-00514656 say to us where jesus said i am god when he say i am the life i am the resurrection is that god BbWO9IfBNw4-00767-00514656-00515200 or not where is life coming from he is the life he said i am the resurrection i am the one who will BbWO9IfBNw4-00768-00515200-00515760 resurrect you i am the way which means there's no salvation but by me i am the truth this is one of BbWO9IfBNw4-00769-00515760-00516264 the names of allah allah started from jesus so all those descriptions belong to jesus the muslim is BbWO9IfBNw4-00770-00516264-00516832 story and they give it to their god and yet they say in a hypocrite way saying where jesus says i BbWO9IfBNw4-00771-00516832-00517472 am god worship me so my friend jesus do not need worshippers jesus will lose nothing if you accept BbWO9IfBNw4-00772-00517472-00518192 him or not it is your salvation it is your lost it is your win jesus lose nothing and he win nothing BbWO9IfBNw4-00773-00518192-00519143 okay okay okay yes okay problem uh uh i i even before when i was a muslim i always respected BbWO9IfBNw4-00774-00519143-00519735 jesus but i'm gonna ask you a question one last question okay okay if you don't mind all right BbWO9IfBNw4-00775-00519896-00520568 you are a question and do you if the world was to end today where would you go BbWO9IfBNw4-00776-00520672-00521272 i'm not worried about it because the lord he said no no i'm talking about like salvation like are BbWO9IfBNw4-00777-00521272-00521976 you sure of your salvation like the word why not you know because you see because if i am a sinner BbWO9IfBNw4-00778-00522064-00522512 because you know all of us we are sinners so if a person he is not going to go to heaven because BbWO9IfBNw4-00779-00522512-00523016 he's sinner none of us will go to heaven let us make it clear because not a single christian not BbWO9IfBNw4-00780-00523016-00523520 a single muslim not a single hindu not a single atheist not a singular human being is not a sinner BbWO9IfBNw4-00781-00523592-00524256 jesus is not so our sin based on our sin we aren't qualified to go to heaven BbWO9IfBNw4-00782-00524352-00524904 but the one who accept the messiah and this is a promise and he do his will which means he do BbWO9IfBNw4-00783-00524904-00525488 his best to fight his sin you have a sin in your life you have bad things in your life but you walk BbWO9IfBNw4-00784-00525488-00525976 with jesus and you work hard to fight it he watch you he see you he see what you are doing you see BbWO9IfBNw4-00785-00525976-00526496 that you feel guilty when you do sin if you see that you you you you are trying to get rid of it BbWO9IfBNw4-00786-00526496-00527016 you are not surrendering to it that what jesus wants from you he says be holy like your father BbWO9IfBNw4-00787-00527088-00527688 be holy like your father but you will not be holy but be holy which means it's a it's a project you BbWO9IfBNw4-00788-00527688-00528232 work in it's a walk you walk with the messiah and he will be there to help you so those who BbWO9IfBNw4-00789-00528232-00528712 believe in jesus for sure will be saved and he is the one who resurrect people from death BbWO9IfBNw4-00790-00528792-00529288 he himself is resurrected from death so why i will not trust him and why i will not believe in BbWO9IfBNw4-00791-00529288-00529968 him and why i am going to be worried what i will be if he overcome death by death talk is a cheap BbWO9IfBNw4-00792-00529968-00530504 but what jesus talked was reality he is the one who made the blind sea he is the one who made BbWO9IfBNw4-00793-00530504-00530944 the one who cannot walk walk he is the one who said to the one who is sitting in the ground BbWO9IfBNw4-00794-00530944-00531416 he never walked in his life he says your sin is forgiven the jew that said to him who are BbWO9IfBNw4-00795-00531416-00531872 is this god with their mind who can forgive sin because only god can forgive sin he said BbWO9IfBNw4-00796-00531872-00532464 to them which one is easier to say to him your sin is forgiven or to say carry your better walk BbWO9IfBNw4-00797-00532464-00532920 so my friend jesus can make you now carry your bed even if you cannot walk BbWO9IfBNw4-00798-00532920-00533392 and order you to walk and you will walk so with jesus nothing is impossible BbWO9IfBNw4-00799-00533392-00533944 and this is why i say to you your salvation and my salvation is granted if we believe in him BbWO9IfBNw4-00800-00534272-00534904 so if the world was trained your salvation is granted you believe right absolutely that's for BbWO9IfBNw4-00801-00534904-00535640 you i'm going to trust you because uh not just because i know rasheed i don't want you to trust BbWO9IfBNw4-00802-00535640-00536200 me i want to trust jesus my friend the trust never put you i i trust jesus because i see BbWO9IfBNw4-00803-00536200-00536760 his work and what he does exactly even though quran even the quran does not BbWO9IfBNw4-00804-00536856-00537552 portray him in a bad light so never about it my advice never put your trust on a man BbWO9IfBNw4-00805-00537608-00538224 because all men are sinners including me and you so put your trust in the lord for he is the only BbWO9IfBNw4-00806-00538224-00538864 holy and he is the only one who will not betray you people change people corrupt people follow BbWO9IfBNw4-00807-00538864-00539592 satan people do bad people do wrong people do good but with jesus there's nothing bad he is the only BbWO9IfBNw4-00808-00539592-00540096 good and he is the good shepherd so i say to you put your trust in jesus not in christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-00809-00540096-00540576 christian prince he himself cannot save you jesus christian prince cannot even save himself BbWO9IfBNw4-00810-00540576-00541152 he need jesus to save him so me and you my friend we need the messiah so i say to you put your trust BbWO9IfBNw4-00811-00541152-00541984 in jesus and say lord the messiah i believe in you i trust you i want to follow you please accept me BbWO9IfBNw4-00812-00542368-00542712 uh i believe i'm gonna follow him i believe BbWO9IfBNw4-00813-00542776-00543192 say it loud don't be shy be proud be proud to be follow the messiah i am not BbWO9IfBNw4-00814-00543192-00543776 i am not shy just like uh just like in my heart i don't know i just feel like BbWO9IfBNw4-00815-00543984-00544152 i just feel like this sense of BbWO9IfBNw4-00816-00544368-00545008 remorse and reflection like i'm just reflecting of all my life like it's like i'm just BbWO9IfBNw4-00817-00545008-00545744 it's like my brain is like making me overthink uh the things are the mistakes i've made and BbWO9IfBNw4-00818-00545840-00546104 how i can be better so i'm just emotional BbWO9IfBNw4-00819-00546648-00546736 christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-00820-00546960-00547608 i i was gonna believe in jesus i believe i'm gonna follow him and uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00821-00547856-00548552 i'm gonna follow jesus i'm not saying i'm gonna be perfect but i'm gonna try my best BbWO9IfBNw4-00822-00548696-00549304 to be a better christian and a better person and uh i'm going to believe in jesus christ my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-00823-00549304-00549888 i'm into that and we asked all the christians to pray to our friend here and his family his wife BbWO9IfBNw4-00824-00549888-00550512 already she was asking him to join the faith he was resisting he was fighting but today the lord BbWO9IfBNw4-00825-00550568-00551256 he conquered for good he conquered to build not to destroy and now he will build a new family BbWO9IfBNw4-00826-00551256-00551776 and you children's and your wife and husband who they live and they're the messiah and BbWO9IfBNw4-00827-00551776-00552336 now i ask you my friend you're your wife who she you are saying she's a practicing she's BbWO9IfBNw4-00828-00552336-00552744 she's actually have faith already in jesus but there is something you need to do you BbWO9IfBNw4-00829-00552744-00553176 need to learn the bible and then when you are ready you go and baptize your family all of you BbWO9IfBNw4-00830-00553176-00553880 so you can receive the blessing of the holy spirit uh one more question yes can i like uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00831-00553880-00554464 take my mother even because she is like uh very old you can why and i don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00832-00554672-00555208 just explain to her and if she say i believe in jesus she is she is she is more than welcome why BbWO9IfBNw4-00833-00555208-00555760 not jesus he love everybody your mother before you two because she is a she is a wonderful woman BbWO9IfBNw4-00834-00555760-00556232 who gave her life to her children so she have a service you know she did already she served BbWO9IfBNw4-00835-00556288-00556720 but there is there is still there is a need of salvation and that can be received through jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-00836-00556776-00557320 only so your mother anyone anyone in your family you know bring all the family to jesus that would BbWO9IfBNw4-00837-00557320-00557744 be great for you to do because then the lord you will remember that not you did not only BbWO9IfBNw4-00838-00557744-00558256 come by yourself you come with a group of people you become an apostle to the messiah BbWO9IfBNw4-00839-00558256-00558880 you save many not only yourself okay one more question sorry uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00840-00559112-00559200 my sister BbWO9IfBNw4-00841-00559432-00560384 is uh okay i can also like take my sister to the baptism because i i'm gonna try and talk to her BbWO9IfBNw4-00842-00560384-00561056 because i believe now and i would want her in this uh i'm not like saying i want to be a dictator and BbWO9IfBNw4-00843-00561056-00561680 dictate how she will live her life but i feel if this is the truth i don't want uh to miss on it BbWO9IfBNw4-00844-00561680-00562128 right yeah we don't if it's okay where's your sister you don't force your mother they have BbWO9IfBNw4-00845-00562128-00562696 to be true believer from their heart we we are not muslims and we don't do what muhammad he do BbWO9IfBNw4-00846-00562696-00563144 so they have to believe in their heart that the messiah or their savior otherwise BbWO9IfBNw4-00847-00563144-00563744 they cannot receive the baptism and they are not saved so a person he get baptized because somebody BbWO9IfBNw4-00848-00563744-00564272 is forcing him he is not saved and because this is fake this is not true so he is not saved and BbWO9IfBNw4-00849-00564272-00564800 he and he or she will not go to heaven because simply they never believe in him so faith has to BbWO9IfBNw4-00850-00564800-00565272 come from the heart is not because somebody taken you from your hand and says you have to do baptism BbWO9IfBNw4-00851-00565400-00565976 because christianity is not islam we don't believe in the shahadah when you witness to jesus you BbWO9IfBNw4-00852-00565976-00566616 witness by the heart not by the tongue you witness by the fruit not by the talk jesus said from their BbWO9IfBNw4-00853-00566616-00567504 fruits you shall know them not even from their names thank you christian prince and uh i am BbWO9IfBNw4-00854-00567632-00568216 very sorry for what i said about oh well you did not hear what i said because i said it behind your BbWO9IfBNw4-00855-00568216-00569120 back i'll curse you and say but what about you and your family and i'm very sorry i should have BbWO9IfBNw4-00856-00569120-00569944 uh at least give an effort before labeling you was a very bad person i feel now you just you BbWO9IfBNw4-00857-00569944-00570448 really care about the muslims that's why you really do what you do and uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00858-00570592-00571824 thank you and uh i'm gonna there's a church close to me i'm gonna talk to them about the baptism and BbWO9IfBNw4-00859-00571824-00572464 i would like to go with my wife and kids and also my family but i'm gonna have to like wait a week BbWO9IfBNw4-00860-00572536-00573296 and talk to my family first yeah if you don't mind if god don't mind no you see my friend first BbWO9IfBNw4-00861-00573296-00573776 of all don't worry about you cursing me because the lord he says that this is a blessing for me BbWO9IfBNw4-00862-00573848-00574576 uh and this will not really hurt me anyway uh you know the bible is full of verses about about the BbWO9IfBNw4-00863-00574648-00575256 people cursing christians and those christians they they will receive even a reward because BbWO9IfBNw4-00864-00575256-00575720 they be cursed because of the name of jesus not because they are bad so BbWO9IfBNw4-00865-00575720-00576208 i'm not really upset from you and i do not need to forgive you because already you this is your BbWO9IfBNw4-00866-00576208-00576880 business with the lord and the lord you wash your heart already and i have no authority to even BbWO9IfBNw4-00867-00576880-00577352 to say to you your sin is forgiven for the lord he is the one who forgive your sin BbWO9IfBNw4-00868-00577408-00577952 for me from my side i'm not upset from you and please bring more people like you to curse me so BbWO9IfBNw4-00869-00577952-00578656 they can leave islam later i can talk to my sister maybe you can speak to her too because i think BbWO9IfBNw4-00870-00578656-00579320 that would be a lot better because i do not really know much about it she can be able to convey yeah BbWO9IfBNw4-00871-00579320-00579936 let her bring no she is no she's not really like that because my sister is married to someone who BbWO9IfBNw4-00872-00579936-00580608 is not religious and we are from europe tribe in nigeria but uh anyways uh thank you christian BbWO9IfBNw4-00873-00580608-00581232 priest now i'll i'll just go and approach someone otherwise i'll say our greeting all everybody here BbWO9IfBNw4-00874-00581232-00581728 we have a lot of people thank you for you and your family and your wife say send our BbWO9IfBNw4-00875-00581728-00582232 greeting to your family and we pray for all of you to receive baptism thank you so much BbWO9IfBNw4-00876-00582376-00582896 thank you so much thank you i really appreciate it thank you god bless you BbWO9IfBNw4-00877-00583280-00584032 all right we are happy to our friend here that he decided to leave islam we have a muslim us see BbWO9IfBNw4-00878-00584928-00585384 excuse me hello BbWO9IfBNw4-00879-00586584-00586784 are you there mr hared BbWO9IfBNw4-00880-00587048-00587088 hello BbWO9IfBNw4-00881-00587392-00587704 hello yes you're live on air mr hud how are you doing BbWO9IfBNw4-00882-00587968-00588208 good how are you i'm fine what do you like to say to us BbWO9IfBNw4-00883-00588584-00588792 uh i just want to get to know who you are BbWO9IfBNw4-00884-00589000-00589296 me is not important i'm not a prophet do you know who's your prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-00885-00589544-00590008 yes my prophet is muhammad our prophet is muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam BbWO9IfBNw4-00886-00590008-00590152 okay what is his last name BbWO9IfBNw4-00887-00590568-00591088 uh not sure is it true his last name is kilabs which means dogs BbWO9IfBNw4-00888-00591704-00591968 okay who is your god forget about muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00889-00592256-00592560 allah what is what is that what what allah mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00890-00592968-00593528 god allah is god so you muslim you say we don't worship there's no god but god BbWO9IfBNw4-00891-00593760-00594088 when you say shahadah you say no god but god oh there's no god but allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00892-00594376-00594672 there's only one god this is not the question i'm asking you who is BbWO9IfBNw4-00893-00594672-00595184 allah your god you said your god is allah i said what allah means BbWO9IfBNw4-00894-00595328-00596032 allah means god so if allah is mean god so then okay let's go to the quran then and read together BbWO9IfBNw4-00895-00596136-00596600 i you can see my screen right BbWO9IfBNw4-00896-00596600-00597176 uh i'm on my phone i can't say anything no okay in the quran it says that allah he witnessed that BbWO9IfBNw4-00897-00597176-00597832 there's no god uh there is that he there is god his name is allah that allah he witness BbWO9IfBNw4-00898-00597888-00598440 that there is no god except he he who we do not know what do you think chapter 3 verse number 18. BbWO9IfBNw4-00899-00598784-00599400 do you uh do you know do you know arabic i'm trying i'm learning BbWO9IfBNw4-00900-00599400-00599672 you read that can you read the uh the verse in arabic yes BbWO9IfBNw4-00901-00600136-00600272 so what does that mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00902-00600616-00601184 there is no god except him for example when you say jesus is god or the holy spirit him who like BbWO9IfBNw4-00903-00601456-00601744 allah allah is saying there's no god but him him BbWO9IfBNw4-00904-00601744-00602680 who there's no god okay if i'm a christian prince and i'm saying there's no christian prince but him BbWO9IfBNw4-00905-00602680-00603264 that does not make sense i should say there's no christian prince except me but when you BbWO9IfBNw4-00906-00603264-00603680 say there's no christian prince except he does mean this i'm not the christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-00907-00604456-00604864 i don't think you're understanding you're right well i you speak arabic i speak arabic so you BbWO9IfBNw4-00908-00604864-00605336 don't tell me i don't understand right give me the answer if i say i am a christian prince and BbWO9IfBNw4-00909-00605336-00606344 there is a christian prince there is no christian prince but he he who is BbWO9IfBNw4-00910-00606672-00607152 what does that mean hold on first of all it says allah he said who is talking allah right BbWO9IfBNw4-00911-00607208-00607472 it doesn't say even who is the one who's talking it says allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00912-00607552-00607816 witness allah witness who is the one saying allah witness BbWO9IfBNw4-00913-00608144-00608496 allah himself he's saying basically he's saying eyewitness BbWO9IfBNw4-00914-00608496-00609176 where is the word i show me the word i and i will shave my 20 foot beard here we go you you BbWO9IfBNw4-00915-00609176-00609680 speak arabic i speak arabic show me the word i and i will i will shave my beard right now BbWO9IfBNw4-00916-00609816-00610584 because if he says just i what are the people won't know who he's talking about so he said allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00917-00610688-00611064 people will not know but don't you muslim you say that the one is talking in the quran is allah so BbWO9IfBNw4-00918-00611064-00611624 we know already is talking so you say it you are the one who added a letter ago saying aya he said BbWO9IfBNw4-00919-00611624-00612280 i when i asked you what is the word i you said if you say i we will not know it is him but you BbWO9IfBNw4-00920-00612280-00612848 are the one who add i so while you add it if it's going if add in it is going to mislead us BbWO9IfBNw4-00921-00612848-00613240 and then we will not know who's he now we are more confused because he says BbWO9IfBNw4-00922-00613240-00614032 allah witness that there is no god right allah witness allah witness who is saying BbWO9IfBNw4-00923-00614032-00614432 that you said allah so why allah say allah witness if allah is the one who's talking BbWO9IfBNw4-00924-00614768-00615096 so people like you for example people don't know arabic like BbWO9IfBNw4-00925-00615096-00615408 how are they supposed to know who you're talking about so when they try when you BbWO9IfBNw4-00926-00615408-00615880 read the translation you know who it is first of all uh we are talking about people who knows BbWO9IfBNw4-00927-00615880-00616184 arabic because you know arabic supposedly and i know but you know arabic or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00928-00616320-00617176 i do okay so allah allah witness who is talking you say to me allah but doesn't make sense to BbWO9IfBNw4-00929-00617176-00617768 say that allah witness unless i am not the person allah telling you about the person BbWO9IfBNw4-00930-00617768-00618480 is he is allah that what he did if i am the one is talking and i am allah i will say eyewitness BbWO9IfBNw4-00931-00618784-00619088 yeah yeah i see what you mean this is something yeah BbWO9IfBNw4-00932-00619088-00619704 this is something uh on on your end that's not understanding because 100 if you uh if you ask BbWO9IfBNw4-00933-00619704-00620384 somebody like a skull for example obviously muhammad zakir naik these men they would always BbWO9IfBNw4-00934-00620792-00620864 what does that mean BbWO9IfBNw4-00935-00621448-00621960 hello hello what does that mean he's a debater what does that mean is that a career now BbWO9IfBNw4-00936-00622064-00622336 you said a scholar is is it is that your neck a scholar BbWO9IfBNw4-00937-00622544-00623104 hello i'm here you don't hear me oh hi it keeps on cutting a little okay i'm BbWO9IfBNw4-00938-00624472-00624800 not a single scholar when david would say to him BbWO9IfBNw4-00939-00624800-00625528 allah have hands allah have foot allah have a shape what he said who said so correct BbWO9IfBNw4-00940-00625816-00626208 allah has attributes this is another question he asked him do allah have hands BbWO9IfBNw4-00941-00626272-00626480 i'm asking you right now do allah have hands or not BbWO9IfBNw4-00942-00626808-00627128 is there a specific verse or anything that says there's another question i mean you are BbWO9IfBNw4-00943-00627128-00627592 the muslim who speak arabic and now you're asking me if there is a specific verse hijab you are the BbWO9IfBNw4-00944-00627592-00628048 one who mentioned him which means you watch him so when this guy he said in a debate and BbWO9IfBNw4-00945-00628048-00628592 the debate is posted in his channel when he said to him allah has hands he said who said so allah BbWO9IfBNw4-00946-00628592-00629080 have foot he said so allah have a shape who said so so i'm asking you do allah have hands BbWO9IfBNw4-00947-00629384-00629800 did you say that muhammad hijab said he does he said no he said who said so BbWO9IfBNw4-00948-00630096-00630544 okay let's say he doesn't so what's the what's the uh what's your question what you say the scholars BbWO9IfBNw4-00949-00630544-00631168 they say the scars they say that allah have hands allah have a foot allah have five fingers this is BbWO9IfBNw4-00950-00631168-00631664 what the scholar says so you are naming for me a kid who speak whatever he wish he's just as BbWO9IfBNw4-00951-00631664-00632264 they just youtube or you say whatever you want nobody count on you so i'm asking you now you BbWO9IfBNw4-00952-00632264-00632984 are a muslim do allah have hands and foot and fingers or he don't and you have a leg BbWO9IfBNw4-00953-00633176-00633832 maybe a yes i guess i mean if muhammad said that then there's a good chance yeah but we don't know BbWO9IfBNw4-00954-00633832-00634336 where you are not listening my friend like we don't know we don't know my friend muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00955-00634336-00634912 hijab did not say so i'm asking you muhammad hijab he said who said so which means he don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00956-00634912-00635656 agree with it he don't agree with it he said who said so so i'm asking you now you as a muslim BbWO9IfBNw4-00957-00635760-00636208 do you agree with muhammad hijab that allah don't have hands BbWO9IfBNw4-00958-00636208-00636880 and leg and fingers and etc or muhammad hijab was lying about his god BbWO9IfBNw4-00959-00637008-00637544 yes because no he was right because allah can take any form he wants allah doesn't have BbWO9IfBNw4-00960-00637544-00638192 one form allah is allah he can he can uh he can become whatever he wants he doesn't have to stay BbWO9IfBNw4-00961-00638192-00638720 uh in one um shape i guess you can say or why you look what you just said allah don't have to BbWO9IfBNw4-00962-00638720-00639424 stay in one shape that's mean he have a shape and you just said to me that allah is a transformer BbWO9IfBNw4-00963-00639424-00640176 like the one we see in his natural shape your god your god allah granddazer he is a car when he want BbWO9IfBNw4-00964-00640176-00640640 he is a truck when he want he is a man when he want you just said he transferred BbWO9IfBNw4-00965-00640640-00641144 his shape everybody heard you so hijab you lie and those are your scars saying clearly BbWO9IfBNw4-00966-00641144-00641840 that allah yes he have hands allah have have a fingers allah etc so the muslims are lying BbWO9IfBNw4-00967-00641840-00642416 to us when they speak about their their god so why they say to us that allah you don't BbWO9IfBNw4-00968-00642576-00643112 what do you see and what you do not see whatever he's not created jesus and he does not die and BbWO9IfBNw4-00969-00643112-00643664 he does not have an ending hold on hold on i want you to listen yeah i want you to listen BbWO9IfBNw4-00970-00643664-00644360 let me see if i can uh uh link that to you uh to skype are you listening to the video i'm playing BbWO9IfBNw4-00971-00644360-00644888 in skype listen carefully so allah describes do you see do you hear that when i play the video BbWO9IfBNw4-00972-00644992-00645528 in the quran that he has a face allah described in the quran that he has two hands when he addresses BbWO9IfBNw4-00973-00646064-00646568 let me change the setting of my skype i will go to the audio give me a second BbWO9IfBNw4-00974-00646808-00647184 so you can receive what's the video about well the sheikh this is your shaykh is BbWO9IfBNw4-00975-00647184-00647656 saying that allah he have hands allah have uh etc you will hear it hold on give me a second BbWO9IfBNw4-00976-00647768-00648056 so i saw this video where you debated muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-00977-00648272-00648824 okay i did not debate him he don't dare to debate me he just hang up on me seven twenty time BbWO9IfBNw4-00978-00649080-00649408 no no he is the one who claimed that he would debate me and i called him because he did not BbWO9IfBNw4-00979-00649408-00649832 call he told the muslim he would debate me but the cowardly did not now the uh uh BbWO9IfBNw4-00980-00649920-00650160 uh your voice became low can you speak louder BbWO9IfBNw4-00981-00650376-00651104 okay hold on let me hold on i'm trying to fix the audio here for some reason let us see building out BbWO9IfBNw4-00982-00651160-00651712 talk now please yeah here uh cp cp okay what prevented you from prostrating to BbWO9IfBNw4-00983-00651712-00652304 what i have created with my two hands so this you hear nothing okay i will give you the video BbWO9IfBNw4-00984-00652384-00652720 i will give you hey cp are you with me for a second are you with me i am with you BbWO9IfBNw4-00985-00652720-00653216 so it says it's a so i just searched up miami's jefferson christian prince last year christian BbWO9IfBNw4-00986-00653216-00653992 prince destroyed by muhammad and ali dawa career ended really he did how yeah search BbWO9IfBNw4-00987-00653992-00654448 up muhammad yijab versus christian prince today well there's no debate he said to me he said to BbWO9IfBNw4-00988-00654448-00654944 me that you said to a muslim woman he is the one who said that too and i was quoting your prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-00989-00655104-00655560 this is what your hijab he said in the video correct he said christian prince he said to BbWO9IfBNw4-00990-00655560-00656096 a muslim woman i told him i was caught in your faithy prophet and then he hanged up on me and BbWO9IfBNw4-00991-00656096-00656624 called me pastor all right so because you were you were talking to a woman and you were talking about BbWO9IfBNw4-00992-00656624-00657168 private parts and stuff first of all this is not private this is a live talk right like now and she BbWO9IfBNw4-00993-00657168-00657576 is a growing woman and she is a [__] because she is the one who said that jesus was playing BbWO9IfBNw4-00994-00657576-00658008 with his mother boobs do you muslim support your sister who speak like this about jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-00995-00658176-00658400 where did she say that i can't play the video right now for you BbWO9IfBNw4-00996-00658680-00659272 so maybe just tell me what he said look what happened mimi hijab is the son of mutaka what BbWO9IfBNw4-00997-00659272-00659832 he cut the video the women she is insulting jesus saying that jesus was having sex with his mother BbWO9IfBNw4-00998-00659832-00660344 and then i said to her well in fact you are insulting jesus for no reason you are filthy BbWO9IfBNw4-00999-00660344-00660880 trashy in fact it's your prophet who said suckle me so the first thing muhammad hijab he cut that BbWO9IfBNw4-01000-00660880-00661264 part and he said the christian prince he said suck on me and now i want you to look at the screen BbWO9IfBNw4-01001-00661264-00661912 this is muhammad hijab himself going around saying to muslims suckle me do you see it BbWO9IfBNw4-01002-00662336-00662856 so if a christian prince is a bad person for he is quoting the prophet of islam because BbWO9IfBNw4-01003-00662856-00663288 of filthy women she said the christian women they have aids christian or christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-01004-00663288-00663616 she did not get married because christian women they have aids i said you are the BbWO9IfBNw4-01005-00663616-00664160 one who have aids your husband go around and switch around listen listen so look at this BbWO9IfBNw4-01006-00664160-00664472 dude you're a prophet don't call me abdullah don't call me if you don't have to forgive yourself BbWO9IfBNw4-01007-00664584-00665248 or like it and look you you got muhammad my name is my name is you are no king and you BbWO9IfBNw4-01008-00665248-00665728 are not a muslim because you muslim insult jesus the true muslim don't insult jesus and this is me BbWO9IfBNw4-01009-00665968-00666336 he got a video of a muslim and i'm going to play the video everybody will hear it so he BbWO9IfBNw4-01010-00666336-00666776 will see everybody that you are a bunch of corrupt people how in the world you take BbWO9IfBNw4-01011-00666776-00667368 a video of a muslim woman saying that jesus was playing with his mother boobs and you don't upset BbWO9IfBNw4-01012-00667648-00668064 uh you're saying muhammad is absent he cut the video he BbWO9IfBNw4-01013-00668064-00668504 how in the world he cut the video in the time when he was saying that he did not hear it BbWO9IfBNw4-01014-00668776-00669192 all i heard was you saying that all muslim women are prostitutes that's what i mean BbWO9IfBNw4-01015-00669192-00669616 your prophet he says muslim women they do muta so you call them whatever you want BbWO9IfBNw4-01016-00669616-00669888 don't change the topic did the muslim women say BbWO9IfBNw4-01017-00670072-00670848 the muslim women did the muslim women say that jesus played with his mother boobs in the video BbWO9IfBNw4-01018-00670960-00671504 why me hijab he cut that part it is a second before i said in fact it's your prophet who BbWO9IfBNw4-01019-00671504-00672168 did that and he said to me said to you suck on me so he cut that part and he put it there so what BbWO9IfBNw4-01020-00672168-00672760 does mimi mean what does me mean mimi he's a girl he's a girl he said he wanted to debate me but he BbWO9IfBNw4-01021-00672760-00673304 did not he hung up on me saving time i did not i could not even ask anything i could not even say BbWO9IfBNw4-01022-00673304-00673768 anything he put even the speaker far away from me so nobody will hear what i'm saying but we got him BbWO9IfBNw4-01023-00673768-00674328 busted his because you you kept on talking no i could not do that how i'm going to talk is to you BbWO9IfBNw4-01024-00674328-00674808 supposedly we are deviating so he said you have 30 seconds to answer hang up on him go watch the BbWO9IfBNw4-01025-00674808-00675208 video and you are the one asking people to go watch it right wait can i say something BbWO9IfBNw4-01026-00675208-00675552 can i say something you can say something no i'm asking you well me me hijab he's saying BbWO9IfBNw4-01027-00675808-00676312 is that a person who is a muslim he go around to say to a sheikh he was saying to a sheikh BbWO9IfBNw4-01028-00676312-00676592 can i suck your wife tits and the scream in front of you BbWO9IfBNw4-01029-00676864-00677424 yeah yeah um i don't even know if that's real or not i don't care if you know or not this BbWO9IfBNw4-01030-00677424-00677856 is this is him you can go and ask him this is in twitter this is this is a screenshot BbWO9IfBNw4-01031-00677856-00678368 from what he said and look does the muslims are saying to him shame on you muhammad what kind of BbWO9IfBNw4-01032-00678368-00678872 mannerism are those shame on you muhammad and then muhammad hijabi said to him what's wrong BbWO9IfBNw4-01033-00678872-00679952 with that if he believes it is halal can i suck you yeah okay and they say to me why you hang up BbWO9IfBNw4-01034-00680184-00680880 a bunch of cowards those muslims they hate jesus to death because there's BbWO9IfBNw4-01035-00680880-00681296 no way a person who claimed to be a muslim and he claimed that he BbWO9IfBNw4-01036-00681296-00682080 believed that jesus is a prophet he will cut a video of a muslim woman in insulting jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-01037-00682144-00682544 saying that jesus was having sexual relationship with his mother BbWO9IfBNw4-01038-00682800-00682992 what kind of a muslim this muslim is BbWO9IfBNw4-01039-00683144-00683432 and you know what because you mentioned that i'm going to play the video right now BbWO9IfBNw4-01040-00683792-00684208 why the christian abdullah abdullah listen can you kiss the black stone or not BbWO9IfBNw4-01041-00684208-00684520 can you kiss the black stone for me when the next time you will go to hajj BbWO9IfBNw4-01042-00684520-00685096 i want you to kiss the black stone for me oh you want to to bring this okay why you BbWO9IfBNw4-01043-00685096-00685464 why you kiss the cross show me where is it show me where it says and the bible keeps the cross BbWO9IfBNw4-01044-00685616-00686096 i don't i don't i don't i don't i don't kiss anything show me where BbWO9IfBNw4-01045-00687456-00687832 i know i know all this okay i live in arabia i live in africa BbWO9IfBNw4-01046-00688264-00688736 they said she was a she was a very young girl she's a green one women she's been all around BbWO9IfBNw4-01047-00688736-00689176 the world but she is a jesus virgin and look what the version would say according BbWO9IfBNw4-01048-00689176-00689704 to them why are you okay while you're a prophet kiss the black stone he's a people i'm asking BbWO9IfBNw4-01049-00689704-00690184 i'm talking about something filthy i'm just asking why your prophet kiss the black stone that's all BbWO9IfBNw4-01050-00690872-00691256 who created the black stone who created the black stone who created the black stones jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-01051-00691344-00691760 jesus no then jesus don't create the stones he created the whole world but you must understand BbWO9IfBNw4-01052-00691760-00692176 you muslims kiss his stones right why why your prophet kiss the black stone BbWO9IfBNw4-01053-00692368-00692952 the dick is the black stone jesus christ nothing your prophet did why your prophet kisses stones BbWO9IfBNw4-01054-00693112-00693672 okay jesus jesus do more actually worse actually he play with his mother oops tell BbWO9IfBNw4-01055-00693672-00694584 me why he's doing that did you hear it did you hear it he said jesus he did more and look how BbWO9IfBNw4-01056-00694584-00695432 the way she is talking listen carefully in fact jesus did more what did more he played with what BbWO9IfBNw4-01057-00695648-00696056 jesus christ nothing your prophet did why your prophet kisses stones BbWO9IfBNw4-01058-00696216-00696832 okay jesus jesus do more actually worse actually he played with his mother oops tell me why he's BbWO9IfBNw4-01059-00696832-00697424 doing that he played with his mother you must be okay you see guys you see guys you see how you see BbWO9IfBNw4-01060-00697424-00698080 how selfish they are look what she said look what she said look what she says okay show me okay show BbWO9IfBNw4-01061-00698080-00698704 me everest show me a verse show me a verse saying that jesus he played with his mother show me his BbWO9IfBNw4-01062-00699056-00699544 listen listen you are obviously a trashy person you just insulted jesus for no BbWO9IfBNw4-01063-00699544-00700200 reason you said jesus he played with his mother boobs right okay listen you're a liar number one BbWO9IfBNw4-01064-00700200-00700688 number two it's your prophet you order women to give their boobs to strangers is that true or not BbWO9IfBNw4-01065-00700808-00701104 no it's not can i suck this is the party copy BbWO9IfBNw4-01066-00701192-00701872 do you see the faith in hijab is a street boy a person who respect himself he will not BbWO9IfBNw4-01067-00702088-00702464 try to smear me by fabricating BbWO9IfBNw4-01068-00702544-00703048 story she is a [__] and nobody can defend her no muslim no christian BbWO9IfBNw4-01069-00703336-00703944 suddenly the [__] she became a virgin and the version she became a victim and christian BbWO9IfBNw4-01070-00703944-00704592 prince is talking about something private the woman she was so decent she was wearing burqa BbWO9IfBNw4-01071-00704672-00705640 she was praying to allah she was not speaking as a [__] insulting jesus this is your mini hijab a BbWO9IfBNw4-01072-00705640-00706504 bunch of sons of muta muslims christians go watch the video of you go watch it will laugh at him BbWO9IfBNw4-01073-00706664-00707272 you have 30 seconds to answer and i get him busted in the 30 second i was quoting your filthy prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-01074-00707272-00707912 and then he made a video says perverted the christian friends christian uh uh what preacher BbWO9IfBNw4-01075-00708064-00708680 perverted and look he is the one going around saying suckle me to muslim women for me i have BbWO9IfBNw4-01076-00708680-00709216 a reason i was answering her she is the one who mentioned boobs and don't forget BbWO9IfBNw4-01077-00709216-00709624 that your prophet truly is the one who ordered muslim women to give their boobs so muhammad hijab BbWO9IfBNw4-01078-00709624-00710256 is not dominating wrong according to me and now muhammad hijab he said that allah don't have hands BbWO9IfBNw4-01079-00710256-00710704 listen to this and laugh who of you is lying you are a bunch of flyers or a few potatoes BbWO9IfBNw4-01080-00710800-00711416 all of you are a bunch of flyers nobody trusts you and he told him what prevented you from BbWO9IfBNw4-01081-00711416-00712176 prostrating to what i have created with my two hands so this is what allah described himself BbWO9IfBNw4-01082-00712176-00713000 allah says in surat al-qalam that on the day of judgment allah would uplift and show his leg BbWO9IfBNw4-01083-00713352-00713632 in the debate with david said to him who said so BbWO9IfBNw4-01084-00713808-00714184 so it looked like the muslims they have many gods every one of them you have BbWO9IfBNw4-01085-00714184-00714576 different god the one who just called me he says yes allah can transform his shape BbWO9IfBNw4-01086-00714832-00715064 so he just admitted that allah have a shape and BbWO9IfBNw4-01087-00715064-00715432 as long allah have a shape that's mean he's contained inside the physical space BbWO9IfBNw4-01088-00715536-00716008 because of have a shape he said that and as long as he transform his shape do allah become a man BbWO9IfBNw4-01089-00716248-00716368 do allah became an elephant BbWO9IfBNw4-01090-00716688-00717296 so when we say those are you know and what is funny he said the muslim scholars and i BbWO9IfBNw4-01091-00717296-00717856 say who is the scholars he said they're like mimi hijab and zakir naik i said BbWO9IfBNw4-01092-00717856-00718800 hijab he's a scholar he said he's the debater what what is that is that a career debater he's a liar BbWO9IfBNw4-01093-00718800-00719224 here we go we are laughing at him he did not help islam people are laughing at islam that's BbWO9IfBNw4-01094-00719224-00719728 why he gets so upset from me because after he finished his debate with david would i meet him BbWO9IfBNw4-01095-00719904-00720608 i showed everybody that everything he said he said to david wood not a single jew not a single jew BbWO9IfBNw4-01096-00720608-00721176 believe that god have a son and go watch the video and die laughing so he accused the quran BbWO9IfBNw4-01097-00721176-00721856 to be the book of lies because the quran says that the jews they worship a man his name is ozair and BbWO9IfBNw4-01098-00721856-00722696 they believe he's the son of allah but the donkey was screaming on the stage saying not a single jew BbWO9IfBNw4-01099-00722880-00723600 not a single jew but lucky he was debating david wood not me if i was in the stage i BbWO9IfBNw4-01100-00723600-00724248 will meet everybody laugh at him in the spot read it but anyway the video is still there BbWO9IfBNw4-01101-00724248-00725104 still we are laughing not a single jew believe that god has a son not a single jew so the BbWO9IfBNw4-01102-00725104-00725800 quran is a book of lies because according to me hijab not a single jew believe in such a thing BbWO9IfBNw4-01103-00725880-00726480 so when the quran says and the jews say not one jew the jews do you see the word jews BbWO9IfBNw4-01104-00726688-00727104 the jews the christians not one christian not one jew BbWO9IfBNw4-01105-00727344-00727968 so you know me is our job that's why he don't dare to debate me you know he made a show he says who BbWO9IfBNw4-01106-00727968-00728424 you want me to debate this guy this guy this guy they said to him christian prince christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-01107-00728424-00728888 he's making a lot of muslim believe islam and now what he would do he brought seven muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-01108-00729064-00729432 call him actually i did not call i don't know because he was running away from me BbWO9IfBNw4-01109-00729544-00729896 and the second i call he play a video hang up play a video hang up BbWO9IfBNw4-01110-00729984-00730424 wins the debate because he is so much intimidated BbWO9IfBNw4-01111-00730896-00730984 they were terrified BbWO9IfBNw4-01112-00731192-00731744 otherwise trust me he would have a debate with me but he was terrified he was doing purple in BbWO9IfBNw4-01113-00731744-00732384 his panty this is why all of them they say we will debate christian prince only face to face BbWO9IfBNw4-01114-00732656-00733376 where are they here we go anyone can call me as you call me now this abdul meaning hijab he can BbWO9IfBNw4-01115-00733376-00734016 call me i don't know who's calling me but they don't dare because it's going to be a big mistake BbWO9IfBNw4-01116-00734112-00734568 and even that one who he thought is going to be a setup he will not let BbWO9IfBNw4-01117-00734568-00734952 me talk he will play the video did you say that hang up on him did you say that BbWO9IfBNw4-01118-00735088-00735696 which is obviously is a failure people are laughing you promise a debate where's the debate BbWO9IfBNw4-01119-00735976-00736616 even with the thirty second he said did you say that jesus in the quran as the quran says BbWO9IfBNw4-01120-00736616-00737368 worship worship jesus and allah and then he starts saying to me okay ibrahim i said idiot BbWO9IfBNw4-01121-00737368-00737808 this is not the same book idiot is it up in the same book he says i will give you 30 seconds to BbWO9IfBNw4-01122-00737808-00738216 give me reference i gave him reference in 10 seconds and the stupid he starts reading from BbWO9IfBNw4-01123-00738216-00738680 different book i said abdul it is not this book either a book read listen carefully BbWO9IfBNw4-01124-00738904-00739120 because they are so much intimidated they don't BbWO9IfBNw4-01125-00739120-00739384 know what to do they are in front of a christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-01126-00739784-00740432 i am the one who make your prophet shiva kebab you like it you don't and none of BbWO9IfBNw4-01127-00740432-00741048 those who you'll name their names dare to speak to me i do call them they don't dare to call me BbWO9IfBNw4-01128-00741592-00742384 i hang up only in kids here we go the kid he called me he uh he said go uh watch me hijab BbWO9IfBNw4-01129-00742384-00742944 so what you are calling me go people go watch me hijab we laugh here we go this is me hijab BbWO9IfBNw4-01130-00743160-00743344 hijab who want to suck your wife dates BbWO9IfBNw4-01131-00743408-00743776 may allah bless his deaths and the tits of his of the women he will suck BbWO9IfBNw4-01132-00744016-00744552 this is a good muslim going around and by the way this statement he said was for a sheikh BbWO9IfBNw4-01133-00744640-00745112 not a muslim normal muslim he's a sheikh just because the sheikh he says i agree with the hadith BbWO9IfBNw4-01134-00745184-00745528 muhammad he was insulting him saying i want to suck your wife dates BbWO9IfBNw4-01135-00745928-00746432 and you know the funny is the muslims they say that the one who said to a woman succulent me BbWO9IfBNw4-01136-00746504-00747360 is sick disgusting but their prophet ordering the women to suckle me is not sick BbWO9IfBNw4-01137-00747560-00748008 so the second you quote muhammad say in a statement you are sick BbWO9IfBNw4-01138-00748280-00748600 but muhammad who said the statement is not sick BbWO9IfBNw4-01139-00748856-00749312 the succulent prophet and not by the way this is not only the prophet this BbWO9IfBNw4-01140-00749312-00749984 was a verse in the quran but as you remember the quran was 18 eaten by a goat BbWO9IfBNw4-01141-00749984-00750856 the hadith says according to ayasha which is a good hadith hassan the verse of stoning i hope BbWO9IfBNw4-01142-00750856-00751648 that the stream is going fine the verse of stoning and breast feeding for adult 10 time was revealed BbWO9IfBNw4-01143-00751936-00752080 was what was revealed BbWO9IfBNw4-01144-00752416-00752512 so it was a verse BbWO9IfBNw4-01145-00752992-00753448 is the video buffering guys is the streaming coming fine BbWO9IfBNw4-01146-00754576-00755056 don't forget to give us a like for the video if you like it or dislike if you don't like it BbWO9IfBNw4-01147-00755112-00756008 both way is good for me we are people of truth be truthful with us if you don't like it say we don't BbWO9IfBNw4-01148-00756008-00756848 like it if you have something to say say something in the comment don't be a potato don't be a coward BbWO9IfBNw4-01149-00757072-00757736 say something so when we finish please make a comment tell us what you think tell us what you BbWO9IfBNw4-01150-00757736-00758256 think about our friend rasheed who left islam and him and his family the muslims are so angry BbWO9IfBNw4-01151-00758256-00759024 that here we make a lot of muslims believe islam and here we go the prophet said she said that the BbWO9IfBNw4-01152-00759024-00759712 verse of stoning and the breastfeeding for adult ten times what kind of god he makes such a verse BbWO9IfBNw4-01153-00759776-00760384 no wonder the muslim woman she was a very trashy person because she is following a trashy man BbWO9IfBNw4-01154-00761080-00761512 trashy god what kind of god he will order women to give their BbWO9IfBNw4-01155-00761512-00762208 breast feeding or breast to adult and then we find that aisha she was and you know the funny BbWO9IfBNw4-01156-00762208-00763184 hijab he's making fun of the people but aisha herself she was doing it BbWO9IfBNw4-01157-00763432-00763752 she ordered her nieces BbWO9IfBNw4-01158-00763904-00765040 and her sisters that nobody will enter upon her unless they do breast feed this adult 10 time so BbWO9IfBNw4-01159-00765040-00765656 shall me me hijab make fun of ayesha too because look like shall she get it wrong do he dare BbWO9IfBNw4-01160-00765872-00766168 he don't because it's a potato BbWO9IfBNw4-01161-00766312-00767008 so my friend when those muslims they tried to put christian prince down by smearing him they BbWO9IfBNw4-01162-00767008-00767624 brought more people to me and more people live in islam and now we are doing way better than before BbWO9IfBNw4-01163-00767696-00768104 now almost every time i go live on air i have a muslim living islam at least BbWO9IfBNw4-01164-00768344-00769200 so they try to fight us by making fabrication making it personal this is what they do they BbWO9IfBNw4-01165-00769200-00769720 try to put you down as a person oh he's a bad person my friend no one is no one BbWO9IfBNw4-01166-00769720-00770184 is good in this earth only god is good you can say whatever you want about me i'm not a prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-01167-00770280-00771080 but your god is a perverted god here we go because of your god i shall she having tens of girls in BbWO9IfBNw4-01168-00771080-00771928 her office young women giving their nipples to a strange men before they can meet aisha and the BbWO9IfBNw4-01169-00771928-00772632 white house so imagine you go to meet trump or to meet joe biden and now you want to meet his wife BbWO9IfBNw4-01170-00772696-00773296 but you cannot see his wife unless you have to suckle the sisters of aisha BbWO9IfBNw4-01171-00773400-00773976 and the nieces of aisha and aisha and her sisters they have their breasts on the table BbWO9IfBNw4-01172-00774088-00774728 drive through suckling and you have to know that you have to do 10 times suckering BbWO9IfBNw4-01173-00774728-00775296 until you are satisfied in 10 different days it's not something you cycle and you go no 10 BbWO9IfBNw4-01174-00775296-00775816 time in 10 different days and you have to leave when you are satisfied i don't know satisfied BbWO9IfBNw4-01175-00775816-00776400 from what exactly i mean how a man is going to be satisfied you tell me is that a sandwich BbWO9IfBNw4-01176-00776632-00777024 and if sucking in the breast of a woman will stop a man from thinking about her BbWO9IfBNw4-01177-00777024-00777336 sexually that is the last thing you want BbWO9IfBNw4-01178-00777336-00777864 you want your wife to do i challenge any muslim to order his wife to secular his BbWO9IfBNw4-01179-00777864-00778360 neighbor so the neighbor when he see her in the yard he will not think about her in a sexual way BbWO9IfBNw4-01180-00778448-00779080 do it let us see if it work invite your neighbor and tell him can you suckle my wife that's please BbWO9IfBNw4-01181-00779216-00779856 and you have to do it 10 time and then let us see after 10 times second your wife tits if he will be BbWO9IfBNw4-01182-00779856-00780680 a good guy to her i bet you he will and she will be too because already they have memory together BbWO9IfBNw4-01183-00780808-00781136 hey my neighbor do you remember when you were in my lab last week BbWO9IfBNw4-01184-00781136-00781816 yes my neighbor you gave me your nipples masha allah they were big and round and warm BbWO9IfBNw4-01185-00781944-00782512 my neighbor i'm so upset from you why why are you upset because you did bite them you should not BbWO9IfBNw4-01186-00782512-00783032 bite them that much my husband he don't bite them that much what kind of religion this religion is BbWO9IfBNw4-01187-00783200-00783840 so you are upset because we show you the stupidity of your prophet you target people BbWO9IfBNw4-01188-00783840-00784528 you try to bully them but to care bully as much as you want you are bullied like your god BbWO9IfBNw4-01189-00784632-00785248 stereo prophet is the scumbag you like it or not jesus come back you cannot elevate him BbWO9IfBNw4-01190-00785416-00785880 it's not me who come to you with this uh idea of a breastfeed for adult BbWO9IfBNw4-01191-00785968-00786328 so i'm not the one who brought shame to you it's your prophet who brought shame BbWO9IfBNw4-01192-00786552-00786720 all right let's see if we have muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-01193-00786984-00788384 don't ask me to add you to skype i take only muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-01194-00788672-00788712 okay BbWO9IfBNw4-01195-00789472-00789784 any more time BbWO9IfBNw4-01196-00790576-00791256 too many lies mr ultimate fart too many lies we put it in the screen too many lies BbWO9IfBNw4-01197-00791440-00791584 ultimate thought what you can say BbWO9IfBNw4-01198-00792176-00792584 okay BbWO9IfBNw4-01199-00793432-00793744 anyway do we have any more muslims are we are done BbWO9IfBNw4-01200-00793952-00794432 and we look at those idiots we show them everything we say in the screen and they BbWO9IfBNw4-01201-00794432-00795000 say too many lies so what they are saying without knowing there's too many lies in islamic teaching BbWO9IfBNw4-01202-00795064-00795384 because this is your teaching BbWO9IfBNw4-01203-00795536-00796064 when you say that those are lies those lies are written in your books BbWO9IfBNw4-01204-00796264-00796832 so what you are saying that we muslims we are a bunch of liars and we lie BbWO9IfBNw4-01205-00796832-00797464 so whatever we write in our book is a lie we say the prophet said so we say it's a lie BbWO9IfBNw4-01206-00797616-00798376 we say i said so we say it's a lie we say allah said so we say it's a lie but who said so BbWO9IfBNw4-01207-00798376-00799040 we said so who the muslims so when you say it's a lie you are just getting yourself busted again BbWO9IfBNw4-01208-00799040-00799584 what a bunch of dummies and just to show you how stupid this religion is BbWO9IfBNw4-01209-00799856-00800528 just to show you the extreme stupidity of this cult muhammad he told the muslim BbWO9IfBNw4-01210-00800784-00801424 don't take down which means don't write down anything i say except the quran which means BbWO9IfBNw4-01211-00801424-00801936 don't try the hadith because muhammad he knew he did a lot of people there so he don't want it to BbWO9IfBNw4-01212-00801936-00802680 be preserved so don't write down anything from me and he who took it down anything from me except BbWO9IfBNw4-01213-00802680-00803344 the quran he should face it and look how stupid the abdul the guy he just told them don't write BbWO9IfBNw4-01214-00803344-00803784 in the wall so they wrote in the wall don't write and the prophet said don't write in the world BbWO9IfBNw4-01215-00804152-00804800 i mean do you see the stupidity of this religion the guy he just told you don't write down what i BbWO9IfBNw4-01216-00804800-00805376 say so you write down saying that the prophet said don't write down what i say BbWO9IfBNw4-01217-00805672-00805808 what kind of hashish you BbWO9IfBNw4-01218-00805808-00806752 take he just told you don't write it down BbWO9IfBNw4-01219-00807400-00808208 can you believe this stupidity the prophet said don't write down anything from me okay because BbWO9IfBNw4-01220-00808208-00808760 i do a lot of people okay prophet okay the guys the muslim they went home the prophet today he BbWO9IfBNw4-01221-00808760-00809216 says don't write down anything and they continue writing whatever he say as if he said nothing BbWO9IfBNw4-01222-00809312-00809496 like the guy he just told you don't write down BbWO9IfBNw4-01223-00809864-00810152 stupidity is beyond imagination BbWO9IfBNw4-01224-00810696-00811384 i mean who can be the stupidity here nobody this is the ultimate stupidity BbWO9IfBNw4-01225-00812136-00812680 anyway do we have any muslim we can take one more muslim in case there is any BbWO9IfBNw4-01226-00812960-00813016 anyone BbWO9IfBNw4-01227-00813472-00813488 who BbWO9IfBNw4-01228-00814208-00814656 did you see what happened to him yeah i know i know what you mean i know but BbWO9IfBNw4-01229-00814720-00815304 you get it wrong i get it wrong so are you saying to me the quran could not make it clear are you BbWO9IfBNw4-01230-00815304-00815856 saying to me the arabic of allah is stupid actually the quran witnessed that the arabic BbWO9IfBNw4-01231-00815856-00816528 of allah is stupid how we can prove that the quran says allah will cause the muslim to forget quran BbWO9IfBNw4-01232-00816656-00817224 in order to make them have better quran or something similar BbWO9IfBNw4-01233-00817584-00818360 read and love whatever verses of revelation we do abrogate or cause to be forgotten BbWO9IfBNw4-01234-00818496-00818808 we bring better one or similar do you see the stupidity BbWO9IfBNw4-01235-00819016-00819648 allah he will write better quran than the quran why did allah go to school did allah BbWO9IfBNw4-01236-00819647-00820255 after reading the quran he found that his quran first copy was not good there's some errors BbWO9IfBNw4-01237-00820256-00820752 there's some grammar mistakes there's some words should not be used there i mean how BbWO9IfBNw4-01238-00820752-00821400 allah can write better quran than the previous quran and to make it more stupid he said similar BbWO9IfBNw4-01239-00821584-00822024 better or similar this is why i call it bs this is the bs quran BbWO9IfBNw4-01240-00822295-00822887 bs mean better or similar read it i mean have you ever heard of a god he want to cause you BbWO9IfBNw4-01241-00822887-00823384 to forget verses because he want to bring you similar verses so why you call them to forget BbWO9IfBNw4-01242-00823384-00823856 the verses all what happened here muhammad cannot remember the same verses or twice BbWO9IfBNw4-01243-00823935-00824312 so to cover his bomb he says oh don't worry allah will give me something similar BbWO9IfBNw4-01244-00824704-00825087 and then the muslims they say to us the quran is preserved when the quran says allah will BbWO9IfBNw4-01245-00825087-00825808 cause you to forget the quran isn't it this is funny allah says he will cause them to BbWO9IfBNw4-01246-00825808-00826312 forget the quran the muslim they say we preserve the quran allah said you will forget the quran BbWO9IfBNw4-01247-00826720-00826751 you know BbWO9IfBNw4-01248-00826968-00827136 when the muslim they say BbWO9IfBNw4-01249-00827431-00828063 that the god she ate the quran and she ate the chapters of a breastfeeding for adult BbWO9IfBNw4-01250-00828143-00828800 i mean who in the world would i believe this story because listen carefully if the god she BbWO9IfBNw4-01251-00828800-00829712 ate the quran with the quran the goat she ate the muslims already they knew so the quran is BbWO9IfBNw4-01252-00829712-00830320 eaten by the goat but the god did not eat the memory of the muslims don't the muslims they BbWO9IfBNw4-01253-00830320-00830943 say we memorize the quran by heart who is the hero muslim he is going to memorize for me the BbWO9IfBNw4-01254-00830943-00831783 breast feeding for adult verses the god ate it in the paper but she did not eat your memory did she BbWO9IfBNw4-01255-00831895-00832439 did this god go to every house of a muhammadan in the world and she was licking his brain BbWO9IfBNw4-01256-00832439-00833208 and eating the paper inside his head or she ate only the quran and the peer of muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-01257-00833208-00833664 so here you can tell the reality is not what they are saying obviously the muslim BbWO9IfBNw4-01258-00833664-00834176 they don't want this verse to be there they decide to eat it it's not the goat we hate it BbWO9IfBNw4-01259-00834256-00834704 it is the muslims who ate it this is why me hijab going around because he's ashamed BbWO9IfBNw4-01260-00834704-00835231 there's no way this is we can accept this prophet and god saying suck my wife deaths BbWO9IfBNw4-01261-00835392-00836112 so hijab at that time he decided to eat the quran and then they blame the the goat i'm BbWO9IfBNw4-01262-00836112-00836504 so glad they did not blame the jews because usually they blame the jews for everything BbWO9IfBNw4-01263-00836647-00837039 but that moment there's no jews left he killed them all so they can't blame the jews BbWO9IfBNw4-01264-00837152-00837640 so we blame who the goat okay the god aired the quran what about the verse in the head of aisha BbWO9IfBNw4-01265-00837695-00838224 what about the verse in the head of abu bakr omar the muslims BbWO9IfBNw4-01266-00838760-00839104 and what kind of god he could not stop a goat from eating his book BbWO9IfBNw4-01267-00839368-00839744 and this is why i say to you if you are an author or a writer please BbWO9IfBNw4-01268-00839808-00840816 don't let the god enter your house she will eat all your books learn from the mistake of muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-01269-00841024-00841584 you are quoting not authentic hadith look at this idiot it says here hassan BbWO9IfBNw4-01270-00841768-00842352 guys you are quoting not authentic hadith it says hasan hasan mean good so look like in islam they BbWO9IfBNw4-01271-00842352-00842895 call it good but it's bad hassan is one of the names of the grandsons of muhammad so muhammad BbWO9IfBNw4-01272-00842895-00843512 was calling his grandson hassan when he is supposedly his bad he called him bad hassan BbWO9IfBNw4-01273-00843839-00844024 so if it's not authentic why are you called hassan BbWO9IfBNw4-01274-00844264-00844920 has something good ah we muslims when we say good we mean bad BbWO9IfBNw4-01275-00845279-00845871 by the way i posted two days ago a video a movie it's so it's posted for free in youtube by youtube BbWO9IfBNw4-01276-00845928-00846551 uh i forget the name you guys go to to my page and peta you want to click on it and watch it BbWO9IfBNw4-01277-00846552-00846871 you will see the guy he called muhammad like 100 BbWO9IfBNw4-01278-00846871-00847312 guys behind him they stand up it's a comedy but it's a good it's a true movie go watch BbWO9IfBNw4-01279-00847312-00847887 it it's a comedy it's a very good about about islam perfect so this is the truth BbWO9IfBNw4-01280-00848176-00848984 this is the truth we show them a hadith which is true it is says hassan good they say not authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01281-00849471-00849984 anything is embarrassing it is not authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01282-00850104-00850216 hassan is not sahih BbWO9IfBNw4-01283-00850592-00850784 just to show your stupidity my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-01284-00851095-00851384 let me take a screenshot for your answer BbWO9IfBNw4-01285-00852128-00852784 guys hassan is not sahih so what the word sahih mean me correct hasn't mean good BbWO9IfBNw4-01286-00853016-00853384 in fact the word good should be better than the word correct BbWO9IfBNw4-01287-00853816-00854184 because it's good BbWO9IfBNw4-01288-00854320-00854471 isn't it god only good BbWO9IfBNw4-01289-00854704-00855256 when we say good it's mean no bad in it it's mean it's way better than authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01290-00855439-00856039 but if i go with you if sahih is not authentic so why you BbWO9IfBNw4-01291-00856039-00856447 call the whole book authentic and why is called hassan if it's not authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01292-00856712-00857095 it's amazing how those people try to defend their stupid prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-01293-00857695-00857776 it is hassan BbWO9IfBNw4-01294-00858256-00858824 okay what about this one is this one hassan or good BbWO9IfBNw4-01295-00859104-00859528 your prophet is meant to be l p imagine himself doing things in fact he did not BbWO9IfBNw4-01296-00859679-00860152 are you there according to this hadith your prophet is a bewitched man BbWO9IfBNw4-01297-00860271-00860679 so who in the world want to follow a beach witch man which means he controlled by the devil BbWO9IfBNw4-01298-00860824-00861184 read with me this is al-bukhari which means it is already authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01299-00861487-00861879 is that hasan or bad or good BbWO9IfBNw4-01300-00862112-00862639 look the prophet he discovered that shaytan he fart when you pray is that hasan or good BbWO9IfBNw4-01301-00863271-00863984 look this one it says is that mean hassan or it mean bad BbWO9IfBNw4-01302-00864247-00864887 muhammad he have a degree in 14. look this is aisha this is authentic al-bukhari the prophet BbWO9IfBNw4-01303-00864887-00865664 he do boom boom but not with the wives would who then the prophet he imagined himself doing boom BbWO9IfBNw4-01304-00865664-00866192 boom but in fact he did not so he was doing it with who because it turned to be not the wives BbWO9IfBNw4-01305-00866616-00866879 is that authentic yes it is this is al bukhari BbWO9IfBNw4-01306-00867592-00868184 what we will do now BbWO9IfBNw4-01307-00868535-00869192 the prophet he died by poison is that hassan naif no this is al bukhari this is very authentic BbWO9IfBNw4-01308-00869471-00869895 how he die he died by posing cutting his order BbWO9IfBNw4-01309-00869895-00870984 or artery this is exactly what the quran says if muhammad is lying allah will cut his artery BbWO9IfBNw4-01310-00871520-00871863 if muhammad is lying or fabricating quran the quran say BbWO9IfBNw4-01311-00871920-00872895 allah will cause him to die by cutting his artery read it chapter 69 verse number 46 BbWO9IfBNw4-01312-00873208-00873271 do you see it BbWO9IfBNw4-01313-00873479-00874192 okay let us compare it with the hadith is this hadith is weak or this is al-bukhari BbWO9IfBNw4-01314-00874192-00874920 it's al-bukhari it is very authentic the prophet she said the prophet in his BbWO9IfBNw4-01315-00874920-00875400 element which he died used to say used which mean here for a long time you say that BbWO9IfBNw4-01316-00875720-00876024 i feel the pain caused by the falafel BbWO9IfBNw4-01317-00876320-00877087 at this time i feel as if my water is being cut off from that poison BbWO9IfBNw4-01318-00877320-00877559 and by the way the last thing your prophet he did BbWO9IfBNw4-01319-00877647-00878135 when he died you asked ayesha to bring a dish she pissed on it and he die BbWO9IfBNw4-01320-00878535-00879383 is that hassan or weak BbWO9IfBNw4-01321-00880071-00880248 the last thing muhammad he did BbWO9IfBNw4-01322-00880576-00880784 he pissed BbWO9IfBNw4-01323-00880968-00881352 i mean that muhammad is he a prophet he knew is going to die soon shouldn't he pray BbWO9IfBNw4-01324-00881479-00882184 shouldn't he do something different he pissed BbWO9IfBNw4-01325-00882616-00882928 muslims is it true that your prophet the last thing he did he pass BbWO9IfBNw4-01326-00883360-00883768 i mean look he's a prophet he predicted that he would die so he decided to pass BbWO9IfBNw4-01327-00884639-00885255 how you can say that muhammad said curse on g and jews and pagans if jesus christ atrophicatory BbWO9IfBNw4-01328-00885312-00885864 you know this is a very silly i don't know what so are you upset for the feeling of the figure tree BbWO9IfBNw4-01329-00886024-00886631 look at this guy he is upset jesus he cursed the figure tree is the figure tree was one of your BbWO9IfBNw4-01330-00886631-00887304 family she was a human it's a tree so jesus he gave us an example that i am the lord when i give BbWO9IfBNw4-01331-00887304-00887984 you i i ask you for fruit you don't give an excuse say it's not my season yet and here you see that BbWO9IfBNw4-01332-00887984-00888528 jesus he cursed the tree he killed the tree by saying a word which is national proof that jesus BbWO9IfBNw4-01333-00888528-00889231 is god can you kill a tree by a word you cut a tree you burn the tree instead the roots will grow BbWO9IfBNw4-01334-00889392-00890208 so you are a city stupid same time muhammad he curses the jews but who care about his curse it's BbWO9IfBNw4-01335-00890208-00891024 working the opposite way the jews are flourishing the muslims are dying so look what happened let BbWO9IfBNw4-01336-00891024-00891984 us compare jesus he cursed the tree the tree die muhammad he cursed the jews they got richer BbWO9IfBNw4-01337-00892176-00892352 i would like you to curse me too then BbWO9IfBNw4-01338-00892600-00892871 please can you call your prophet to curse christian press BbWO9IfBNw4-01339-00893104-00893384 i want to change my car BbWO9IfBNw4-01340-00893560-00894079 if you don't mind next time you go to the kaaba or sorry to medina you go to your BbWO9IfBNw4-01341-00894079-00894424 prophet the grave says to him please please please i want you to curse christian prince BbWO9IfBNw4-01342-00894487-00894784 my friend i want to be rich like the jews BbWO9IfBNw4-01343-00894943-00895224 so you're a prophet calls the jews what happened to the jews BbWO9IfBNw4-01344-00895839-00896351 what's wrong with those abdul all of you must combine weapon these days from them today just BbWO9IfBNw4-01345-00896352-00896887 today a prince from saudi arabia arrived to to to israel because they want to build BbWO9IfBNw4-01346-00896887-00897479 manufacture of weapon in saudi arabia they want the defense of israel in iraq they want BbWO9IfBNw4-01347-00897479-00897952 the defense of israel nobody can defend them israel the jews are defending you these days BbWO9IfBNw4-01348-00898456-00899192 muhammad he calls the jews he cursed himself he said if i am lying allah will cut my order BbWO9IfBNw4-01349-00899192-00899752 and this is how he died so look like the curse of muhammad work only against himself BbWO9IfBNw4-01350-00900087-00900448 i need to study the saiyans of the hadith no my friend BbWO9IfBNw4-01351-00900447-00900679 i do not i will leave that for you here it says BbWO9IfBNw4-01352-00901176-00901608 so look at the stupidity they are the one who studied it and they are the one who made it BbWO9IfBNw4-01353-00901671-00901871 good and then they say it's not good BbWO9IfBNw4-01354-00902208-00902735 the science of the hadith and by the way when your prophet he made the hadith he told you BbWO9IfBNw4-01355-00902735-00903063 the way of the science of the hadith work or this is your fabrication too BbWO9IfBNw4-01356-00903160-00903376 who is the one who come with the science of the hadith BbWO9IfBNw4-01357-00903584-00904128 you tell me it's your fabrication the first time a hadith was was written it was 300 BbWO9IfBNw4-01358-00904128-00904624 years after muhammad al-bukhari himself his book is not exist sahih muslim his BbWO9IfBNw4-01359-00904624-00905167 book does not exist so where do you get the hadith from where is the book of al-bukhari BbWO9IfBNw4-01360-00905671-00906279 i just told you why jesus did that you are obviously you're an idiot jesus he cursed the tree BbWO9IfBNw4-01361-00906343-00907008 because the tree has never has no fruits so he was giving example to the disciple when i asked you BbWO9IfBNw4-01362-00907008-00907808 for fruit you don't say it's not my time i'm your lord all of you you have to give a fruit no excuse BbWO9IfBNw4-01363-00907935-00908783 the tree is not her season but because i the lord even the tree she have to give me fruit BbWO9IfBNw4-01364-00909095-00909831 so when jesus he do things he didn't do it to show his power he do it to show what you should do BbWO9IfBNw4-01365-00909895-00910304 how you can serve him so time will come and he will ask the christians BbWO9IfBNw4-01366-00910368-00910592 you spend your life in this earth what you did BbWO9IfBNw4-01367-00910720-00911271 they will say to him some of them we used to be a figotry we give fruits only in BbWO9IfBNw4-01368-00911271-00911856 season then he would say to them depart from me i do not know you BbWO9IfBNw4-01369-00912487-00912640 anyway silly people BbWO9IfBNw4-01370-00912935-00913392 do we have an abdul our skype is open and until now we are not receiving any attempt BbWO9IfBNw4-01371-00913464-00914384 from any smart muslim look like they are pretty much in retreat BbWO9IfBNw4-01372-00914631-00915151 yeah well i think we have enough for today did we have a good time guys BbWO9IfBNw4-01373-00915368-00915895 because you know i i need to go and do i want to go to the heaven of allah BbWO9IfBNw4-01374-00916143-00916655 and nobody can describe the heaven of allah like allah and allah he says nobody knows the BbWO9IfBNw4-01375-00916656-00917095 heaven of allah nobody can describe the heaven of allah but i'm going to describe for you in BbWO9IfBNw4-01376-00917439-00917920 there is no such eyes can even see something like this BbWO9IfBNw4-01377-00918184-00918479 not even the ears you cannot even hear about the BbWO9IfBNw4-01378-00918479-00918808 trojan because the genre is beyond what you are hearing BbWO9IfBNw4-01379-00919087-00919768 you're not even imagine you cannot even describe or or think what is this before let me describe BbWO9IfBNw4-01380-00919839-00920320 something beautiful about your castle do you see this chapati the guy he said i BbWO9IfBNw4-01381-00920320-00920728 can't describe for you that jajanna and now he said let me describe your castle BbWO9IfBNw4-01382-00921008-00921504 he just said nobody can imagine nobody can think nobody can describe it BbWO9IfBNw4-01383-00921504-00921735 second after you say let me describe your castle BbWO9IfBNw4-01384-00922039-00922247 i mean where the stupidity is made BbWO9IfBNw4-01385-00922639-00923016 so you made a presentation saying nobody can describe the heaven for you BbWO9IfBNw4-01386-00923128-00923400 when you finish saying that you say let me describe your castle BbWO9IfBNw4-01387-00923608-00923968 i mean the guy he can't only describe the heaven he described even the house in the heaven BbWO9IfBNw4-01388-00924112-00924392 tell me about the castle what will happen i will have a castle there BbWO9IfBNw4-01389-00924512-00925143 really okay your castle in the genre yeah it's something so beautiful really BbWO9IfBNw4-01390-00925208-00925895 your castle you just said you never saw it like what the heck and nobody saw it BbWO9IfBNw4-01391-00926024-00926584 what the heck and you can't imagine it what the heck and now you are describing it BbWO9IfBNw4-01392-00926760-00927168 has four doors here we go you guys will have four doors what do you want more BbWO9IfBNw4-01393-00927279-00927495 how many of you wish to have a house have four doors BbWO9IfBNw4-01394-00927712-00927864 but remember he can't describe it BbWO9IfBNw4-01395-00928271-00928895 i will have a house with four doors why because i have four wives or what no no BbWO9IfBNw4-01396-00928895-00929271 i'm not going to play that our video is silly actually once i played this video in a church BbWO9IfBNw4-01397-00929335-00929728 literally with my comment for sure because if you watch it alone you will not notice BbWO9IfBNw4-01398-00929728-00930279 how stupid it is most of people at least will not notice but i played this and i stopped and BbWO9IfBNw4-01399-00930279-00930760 i make comments people they've in the floor man people they were they are sitting in a BbWO9IfBNw4-01400-00930760-00931295 plastic chairs you know and there's like there's a guy who was really heavy duty BbWO9IfBNw4-01401-00931295-00931848 he's really big he's so big and in the body he he was laughing and then he failed BbWO9IfBNw4-01402-00931847-00932439 when he failed into his back he opened his arms to hold himself from fitting but he made all the BbWO9IfBNw4-01403-00932439-00932943 chairs in the left of his and his right field down with him all of this because of this video BbWO9IfBNw4-01404-00933456-00933536 unbelievable BbWO9IfBNw4-01405-00933792-00934192 but anyway i don't want you to be stressed with such a video BbWO9IfBNw4-01406-00935160-00935384 no way BcrjJqxTiUM-00000-00000048-00000656 The big white crystals in the middle, and a few on the outer edges, are lawsonite. BcrjJqxTiUM-00001-00000656-00001088 It has pretty high relief, but it's kind of hard to tell that in most rocks because BcrjJqxTiUM-00002-00001088-00001592 it coexists with glaucophane and other minerals that also have fairly high relief. BcrjJqxTiUM-00003-00001688-00002104 You can see it has moderate interference colors, and it's filled with little BcrjJqxTiUM-00004-00002104-00002984 inclusions. I don't remember what these are; they're either epidote or titanite or both. BcrjJqxTiUM-00005-00003080-00003415 The shape of lawsonite is one of the ways that we BcrjJqxTiUM-00006-00003415-00003760 identify it. It often has really good crystal forms, BcrjJqxTiUM-00007-00003832-00004608 forming prisms, and squares and rhombohedra, and trapezoids – those kinds of things. Otherwise, BcrjJqxTiUM-00008-00004608-00005176 it's a guilt by association kind of thing. You see it in blueschists, rarely in eclogites. BcrjJqxTiUM-00009-00005176-00005784 So if you see a bunch of blue amphibole, it's something that you start thinking about BcrjJqxTiUM-00010-00006168-00006888 Here's another example of lawsonite with some really nice crystal forms in this sea of blue BcrjJqxTiUM-00011-00006888-00008584 amphibole, and probably epidote and titanite are the superfine-grained high relief minerals there. BhUmzwzP1xI-00001-00000050-00000200 WELCOME TO BOELAN MUSIC BhUmzwzP1xI-00002-00000362-00000468 HAPPY LISTENING BhUmzwzP1xI-00003-00000568-00000768 GOOD SWEET DREAMS BhUmzwzP1xI-00004-00000827-00001028 NICE DREAM ... BhUmzwzP1xI-00005-00001424-00001623 REMEMBER PRAY BjTI9MKbGaA-00000-00001109-00001406 Hello guys! :D BjTI9MKbGaA-00001-00001406-00001906 Today we're eating Black Bean Ramen Noodles! BjTI9MKbGaA-00002-00006506-00007273 Let's eat!! :D BjTI9MKbGaA-00003-00058973-00059629 thank you for watching my video, I hope you enjoyed it! :D BjTI9MKbGaA-00004-00059829-00060229 See you tomorrow! BklBNnuPpM8-00000-00000066-00000509 Hello hotness and welcome to chapter 3 of #HowToStream BklBNnuPpM8-00001-00001198-00001748 I'm gonna continue from where I left off and talk about how the live-streaming profession deviates BklBNnuPpM8-00002-00001748-00002298 globally. We are leaving China and looking instead at South Korea where BklBNnuPpM8-00003-00002298-00002970 eating and live-streaming is the way to go. Yeah you heard me right, EATING. BklBNnuPpM8-00004-00003547-00003836 This phenomenon even has its own name BklBNnuPpM8-00005-00003860-00003996 MeokBang BklBNnuPpM8-00006-00004028-00004238 the so called broadcast jockeys film BklBNnuPpM8-00007-00004246-00004838 themselves eating all kinds of things and often getting really greasy while BklBNnuPpM8-00008-00004838-00004980 doing it BklBNnuPpM8-00009-00005250-00005724 people obviously enjoy watching when other people are eating and this is BklBNnuPpM8-00010-00005742-00006468 now spread all over the world even here in Sweden thousands upon thousands of BklBNnuPpM8-00011-00006468-00006802 people are watching other people eat on YouTube BklBNnuPpM8-00012-00006842-00007104 in South Korea users can send BklBNnuPpM8-00013-00007106-00007586 these jockeys digital gifts and in return the jockeys are able to exchange BklBNnuPpM8-00014-00007586-00008173 these gifts for real cash and make money from their sessions BklBNnuPpM8-00015-00008214-00008738 AfreecaTV is one of the most popular streaming services in South Korea and the platform BklBNnuPpM8-00016-00008739-00009318 where MeokBang started out except watching people eating massive BklBNnuPpM8-00017-00009318-00009945 quantities of food you can watch people singing or very thin women altering the BklBNnuPpM8-00018-00009945-00010518 shape of their face with in-app filters or you can watch a dog who rides in a BklBNnuPpM8-00019-00010518-00011139 miniature car all with huge crowds watching but as always there are also BklBNnuPpM8-00020-00011139-00011628 bad and illegal things happening on these services when people push the BklBNnuPpM8-00021-00011628-00012177 boundaries some people have been found offering sexual services and others have BklBNnuPpM8-00022-00012177-00012722 been caught streaming when they humiliate disabled people all live via BklBNnuPpM8-00023-00012722-00013237 these streams which made the companies toughen up on their BklBNnuPpM8-00024-00013237-00013809 watch lists and some people especially young ones will do anything for fame and BklBNnuPpM8-00025-00013809-00014251 just for those extra likes they will cross all possible borders we will talk BklBNnuPpM8-00026-00014251-00014638 more about that on another chapter BklBNnuPpM8-00027-00014719-00015030 and as always you can watch people game BklBNnuPpM8-00028-00015084-00015591 League of Legends is the most popular game with millions of followers just in BklBNnuPpM8-00029-00015591-00016216 South Korea where the most popular teams fill entire Arenas when playing BklBNnuPpM8-00030-00016216-00016760 they also earn millions of dollars by doing what they love, playing games BklBNnuPpM8-00031-00016760-00017426 V-live is another famous live service which lets celebrities connect with their fans BklBNnuPpM8-00032-00017460-00017964 Lots of Korean pop groups have become famous through here and some of them BklBNnuPpM8-00033-00017964-00018582 have amassed huge fan groups where the biggest ones have up to 10 million followers BklBNnuPpM8-00034-00018628-00018972 and because there are no firewalls blocking people like in China BklBNnuPpM8-00035-00018973-00019656 these services are getting popular not only in South Korea BklBNnuPpM8-00036-00019656-00020222 but also in countries as Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and ironically China. BklBNnuPpM8-00037-00020242-00020578 Life will find a way. Always. BklBNnuPpM8-00038-00020638-00020868 In Taipei for example one streaming service owns a BklBNnuPpM8-00039-00020868-00021354 30 meter high billboard in the middle of the city and on the ADs you can often see BklBNnuPpM8-00040-00021354-00021938 live streamers pose with a message calling out to the city's lonely souls BklBNnuPpM8-00041-00022004-00022426 in our part of the world there are lots of different live streaming apps as well BklBNnuPpM8-00042-00022426-00022876 and there is a tough fight between them where all want to be number one in live BklBNnuPpM8-00043-00022876-00023428 streaming the US-led companies however have the upper hand and Twitch is still BklBNnuPpM8-00044-00023428-00023781 the most popular one with the main focus on gaming BklBNnuPpM8-00045-00023866-00024290 it has about 4 million people streaming at least once a month and about BklBNnuPpM8-00046-00024292-00025019 1.3 million viewers each day but they are slowly getting squeezed by competition BklBNnuPpM8-00047-00025019-00025485 now except Twitch which is owned by Amazon and Periscope owned by Twitter BklBNnuPpM8-00048-00025485-00026082 you have the giants YouTube live owned by Google, Facebook live and Microsoft's BklBNnuPpM8-00049-00026082-00026464 Mixer that are battling for your attention and has been coming in hard BklBNnuPpM8-00050-00026464-00026934 recent years all these new live platforms except BklBNnuPpM8-00051-00026934-00027406 Mixer and Twitter already have billions of people visiting them so connecting BklBNnuPpM8-00052-00027406-00027941 their live services with their other platforms makes them really powerful BklBNnuPpM8-00053-00027941-00028468 Facebook's social connections and YouTube's huge video audience makes them BklBNnuPpM8-00054-00028468-00028912 really capable and tough competitors and all of these giants also have almost BklBNnuPpM8-00055-00028912-00029449 unlimited amount of money so it is hard for smaller live streaming solutions to BklBNnuPpM8-00056-00029449-00029997 compete with them the services in themselves have some interesting BklBNnuPpM8-00057-00029998-00030492 differences for example YouTube live is standing out in a way of quality BklBNnuPpM8-00058-00030492-00031068 It gives you the possibility to stream games in 4K - 60 frames/per/second BklBNnuPpM8-00059-00031068-00031748 resolution for free they apparently also save all your streams indefinitely BklBNnuPpM8-00060-00031748-00032298 while other streaming platforms delete your saved streams in two weeks or 90 days if BklBNnuPpM8-00061-00032299-00032911 you're a partner. We also have Mixer that is trying to be number one. They recently BklBNnuPpM8-00062-00032911-00033402 gave Ninja and Shroud two of the biggest streamers on Twitch an offer they BklBNnuPpM8-00063-00033402-00033950 couldn't refuse. So they quit their cooperation with Twitch and now they BklBNnuPpM8-00064-00033950-00034693 exclusively stream for Mixer. Shroud has today about 800,000 followers on Mixer BklBNnuPpM8-00065-00034693-00035259 from 7 million that he had on Twitch and Ninja who had almost 15 million BklBNnuPpM8-00066-00035259-00035784 followers on Twitch now has 2.7 million on Mixer we will see how that will affect BklBNnuPpM8-00067-00035784-00036496 them over time. And if it was worth the switch. Unfortunately we do not BklBNnuPpM8-00068-00036496-00037215 know how much money they got from Mixer or Microsoft to do the move, but BklBNnuPpM8-00069-00037215-00037774 one thing more that is really interesting with Mixer is how the service senses BklBNnuPpM8-00070-00037774-00038269 that you are reaching the end of your game and automatically connects a couple BklBNnuPpM8-00071-00038269-00038721 of hundred random viewers to your stream who watch the endgame, this is a very BklBNnuPpM8-00072-00038721-00039031 cool function that gives smaller streamers a chance to prove themselves BklBNnuPpM8-00073-00039031-00039324 something that really stands out in that platform. BklBNnuPpM8-00074-00039410-00039578 Facebook stands out in how you BklBNnuPpM8-00075-00039578-00039952 can see data and how they connect your page with the rest of their services BklBNnuPpM8-00076-00039953-00040607 it is also easier to build audiences on Facebook live compared to other services BklBNnuPpM8-00077-00040607-00041081 apparently Facebook algorithm is doing something to help out there and I can BklBNnuPpM8-00078-00041081-00041502 confirm that it's true even if Mixer is closing in on that. BklBNnuPpM8-00079-00041542-00041624 Facebook is also BklBNnuPpM8-00080-00041624-00042179 trying to pull in people from Twitch in different ways and I heard that lots BklBNnuPpM8-00081-00042179-00042785 of streamers say that Facebook pays out most money per follower so which of BklBNnuPpM8-00082-00042785-00043220 course is a way to pull in content creators. BklBNnuPpM8-00083-00043266-00043396 If we look at some channels and BklBNnuPpM8-00084-00043396-00043760 streams that broke records you can just watch Fortnite´s Black hole-hype BklBNnuPpM8-00085-00043760-00044261 where they just streamed a black hole for two days to usher in the game's 11th BklBNnuPpM8-00086-00044261-00044861 season and the all new redesign map, this was one of the biggest single online BklBNnuPpM8-00087-00044861-00045380 gaming events to date with more than 7 million concurrent viewers on across BklBNnuPpM8-00088-00045380-00045872 Twitch, Twitter and YouTube BklBNnuPpM8-00089-00045910-00046060 Then we have the meeting between BklBNnuPpM8-00090-00046060-00046550 Drake and Ninja on Twitch which was a rare combination of music and video game BklBNnuPpM8-00091-00046550-00047225 worlds. They played Fortnite for about 4 hours and in that time attracted a BklBNnuPpM8-00092-00047225-00047846 peak of 630,000 concurrent viewers setting a new milestone BklBNnuPpM8-00093-00047846-00048176 for viewers on an individual's channel. BklBNnuPpM8-00094-00048226-00048396 So if you want to succeed in streaming BklBNnuPpM8-00095-00048396-00048754 it is not a bad idea to make some cooperation events with other BklBNnuPpM8-00096-00048754-00049098 influencers and get out of your comfort zone. BklBNnuPpM8-00097-00049240-00049426 That's enough for today, next week BklBNnuPpM8-00098-00049426-00049884 I'm gonna talk more about "What to stream" and until then BklBNnuPpM8-00099-00049904-00050390 Write below who your favorite streamer is and why. BklBNnuPpM8-00100-00050448-00050590 Adio! BnEwcMDccZ0-00000-00000487-00000858 Do we have to talk about it or not? BnEwcMDccZ0-00001-00001040-00001867 You guys already know.. we might not be in our best mood today because of the incidents in Nigeria.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00002-00003400-00003926 We say rest in peace to those that died while protesting yesterday BnEwcMDccZ0-00003-00010520-00010613 Wow BnEwcMDccZ0-00004-00015565-00015898 Your painting made me feel better Esma.. really. BnEwcMDccZ0-00005-00017929-00018502 This looks like.. yeah, something you make with paper.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00006-00018502-00018735 Oh.. that's creative! BnEwcMDccZ0-00007-00019224-00019567 I think she's a god.. yes, something like that.. a goddess.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00008-00019774-00020023 Rihanna? Or who's this? BnEwcMDccZ0-00009-00020065-00020337 Yeah.. probably what she was going for.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00010-00021313-00021861 It is a dragon wrapped around a sword.. looks like these adventure movie series.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00011-00022098-00022447 Damn! Okay this is a beautiful painting.. this is beautiful. BnEwcMDccZ0-00012-00022474-00022652 I love paintings BnEwcMDccZ0-00013-00024050-00024250 I'm sure you all know Ozge already.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00014-00024857-00025199 It is the heart.. with the nature.. Damn! BnEwcMDccZ0-00015-00025312-00025872 Wow!! The trees, the flowers... wow that's creative. BnEwcMDccZ0-00016-00026216-00026440 Wow.. this guy is cute.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00017-00026440-00026832 Looks like she has a thing for nature.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00018-00027280-00027383 wow this is nice BnEwcMDccZ0-00019-00027383-00027560 This is talent.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00020-00027864-00028175 Wait.. a skull and a python.. is that a python? BnEwcMDccZ0-00021-00028175-00028800 flower.. with flowers again.. Wow! Alright Wow! BnEwcMDccZ0-00022-00030832-00031169 Is this Ichigo(from Bleach).. also anime, right? Yeah BnEwcMDccZ0-00023-00031308-00031720 thisis anime also.. bleach I think. I'm not sure BnEwcMDccZ0-00024-00032224-00032628 It looks so real.. yeah it looks so really real.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00025-00033000-00033295 I have seen this from a movie or from a series, I don't know.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00026-00033295-00033475 Wait.. what did she use to draw this? BnEwcMDccZ0-00027-00033565-00033826 I think paint.. paint? Oh.. paint. BnEwcMDccZ0-00028-00034184-00034526 Dax? XXX? .. oh yeah XXX.. why did I say Dax? BnEwcMDccZ0-00029-00034624-00035237 I think this is like a story, you know he's dead.. so half of him is dead and half of him still lives on.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00030-00035237-00035420 This is creativity.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00031-00035960-00036584 Anime.. is she dead? It is how anime characters act when they get shot.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00032-00036945-00037145 This is pure talent! BnEwcMDccZ0-00033-00037460-00037672 The two hands got cut off? BnEwcMDccZ0-00034-00037672-00037942 how are these paintings done? BnEwcMDccZ0-00035-00038112-00038347 It looks so real, with the blood painting.. Honestly.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00036-00040744-00041297 Attack on Titan.. it is an Anime too.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00037-00041428-00041778 NARUTO! That's the only anime I know.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00038-00041814-00042080 Ohaaa.. Naruto smoking? BnEwcMDccZ0-00039-00042809-00042944 Looks like she's a huge fan of anime.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00040-00042944-00043252 Gaara! This is Gaara.. WTF! BnEwcMDccZ0-00041-00044000-00044128 One piece! BnEwcMDccZ0-00042-00044128-00044665 Wait.. did she do every thing here? The drawings and the design? BnEwcMDccZ0-00043-00044665-00044984 I don't know man... the writings and everything BnEwcMDccZ0-00044-00044984-00045141 I don't think so man.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00045-00045280-00045549 I don't know.. I don't think so.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00046-00045549-00046000 I think you should do a comic book orsomething.. Exactly! Yeah.. I was going to say that.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00047-00047189-00047389 Nice username.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00048-00047720-00048056 Wow.. damn, this is like a makeup talent? BnEwcMDccZ0-00049-00048056-00048288 yeah.. it's makeup.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00050-00048288-00048696 So you have the whole sunset on your forehead.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00051-00048832-00049448 Did she use the tools of painting for this? Like, how did she even do it? BnEwcMDccZ0-00052-00049448-00049695 I don't understand, is it painting or makeup? BnEwcMDccZ0-00053-00049695-00050046 This is makeup, if it is on the face then it is makeup.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00054-00050400-00050879 Ohaaa.. this is another painting.. No I guess it's the same.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00055-00050948-00051080 Wait.. it's another one BnEwcMDccZ0-00056-00051080-00051376 No, it is the same.. the same shirt.. just different angles.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00057-00051376-00051984 It is the same, just different color grading and camera angles.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00058-00052469-00052607 WOW! BnEwcMDccZ0-00059-00052640-00053382 Wait this is the sea.. then we see a moon reflecting down on it.. wow! BnEwcMDccZ0-00060-00053431-00053955 How are you guys so talented? Like, I am starting to think about my life.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00061-00054448-00054784 And she's got some tear drops also.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00062-00054888-00055021 Wow.. that's beautiful. BnEwcMDccZ0-00063-00055021-00055400 Hmm.. so the teardrops are going into the sea.. BnEwcMDccZ0-00064-00055776-00055879 That was mom rabbit C1glIEiMUs8-00000-00000000-00000200 Buy your dream house. A spacious house with a wonderful exposure to the neighborhood with public transportation at your finger tips C1glIEiMUs8-00001-00000200-00000400 Buy your dream house. A 2 Family, 4 bedroom , 2 bathroom, Spacious home. C1glIEiMUs8-00002-00000400-00000600 Buy your dream house while it's still available. Call now! C1glIEiMUs8-00003-00000600-00000800 Call six four six, two zero eight , four six three zero To buy your dream house. Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00000-00000154-00000695 An article by „The Guardian“ reports that 3800 UK-students are suffering from stress-related C5zeP6Wg_lU-00001-00000695-00000795 problems. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00002-00000795-00000966 But why? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00003-00000966-00001246 What are stress-factors in our lives? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00004-00001246-00001400 And more importantly: C5zeP6Wg_lU-00005-00001472-00001648 How can we fight stress? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00006-00001746-00002412 For a lot of students even getting to university can be a source of stress. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00007-00002478-00003074 Rush-hour traffic and overcrowded parking areas are very common in bigger cities. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00008-00003118-00003182 *Honking sound* C5zeP6Wg_lU-00009-00003242-00003794 And arriving at university already stressed does not help to have a focused and calm day, C5zeP6Wg_lU-00010-00003794-00003897 right? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00011-00003972-00004646 So- Let’s use a little movie magic and start our day differently and avoid the stress-factor C5zeP6Wg_lU-00012-00004646-00004742 driving! C5zeP6Wg_lU-00013-00004972-00005408 We could walk to university, listen to our favourite music and get some exercise and C5zeP6Wg_lU-00014-00005408-00005540 fresh air. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00015-00005554-00005804 *Loud Metal music* C5zeP6Wg_lU-00016-00005812-00005976 It doesn’t have to be Chopin. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00017-00005988-00006078 *more Metal* C5zeP6Wg_lU-00018-00006096-00006628 Any music helps to get you into a good mood, while the exercise lifts your endorphin-levels. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00019-00006628-00007064 -And both are bringing down your stress levels as well! C5zeP6Wg_lU-00020-00007064-00007995 *Even more Metal music* C5zeP6Wg_lU-00021-00008016-00008506 Unfortunately avoiding stress is not enough. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00022-00008648-00009142 Originally a response to dangerous situations, triggers for stress are everywhere in our C5zeP6Wg_lU-00023-00009142-00009402 modern society. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00024-00009402-00009777 So we need more strategies to tackle stress. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00025-00009777-00010144 Stress can really bring you down and you might feel like you really have to deal with it C5zeP6Wg_lU-00026-00010144-00010244 all by yourself. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00027-00010270-00010844 It is your stress after all and you really don’t want to bother anyone, right? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00028-00010916-00011066 Ask for help! C5zeP6Wg_lU-00029-00011098-00011236 You don’t have to deal with stress alone. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00030-00011272-00011678 Talk to your friends, family or fellow students- C5zeP6Wg_lU-00031-00011692-00012152 -Actually research shows that being with your friends reduces stress. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00032-00012152-00012548 And if that doesn’t help, there are resources for you to get professional help, C5zeP6Wg_lU-00033-00012548-00012900 especially at university. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00034-00012960-00013396 Accomplishing a lot of tasks can be a big source of stress. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00035-00013396-00013937 Oftentimes we then tend to procrastinate, resulting in even more stress. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00036-00013937-00014381 Starting tasks in a timely fashion, setting reasonable goals and organizing the process C5zeP6Wg_lU-00037-00014381-00014737 can prevent them from growing over your head and crushing you. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00038-00014738-00015280 Planning your schedule ahead of time also allows you to plan for much needed breaks. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00039-00015294-00015774 Being well fed, hydrated and rested is important for efficient and stress-free working. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00040-00015806-00016311 Also, allowing some time-off-task for games or a walk in the park to reduce stress and C5zeP6Wg_lU-00041-00016311-00016780 frustration and recharge your batteries is advisable. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00042-00016836-00017154 Stress is a widespread phenomenon in our society C5zeP6Wg_lU-00043-00017154-00017480 and a lot of people even see it as a status-symbol. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00044-00017540-00018100 A person that is stressed because they have a lot of things to do, has to be important, right? C5zeP6Wg_lU-00045-00018126-00018396 We should get rid of that mindset! C5zeP6Wg_lU-00046-00018420-00018686 Still, stress is normal. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00047-00018726-00018964 Being stressed is normal. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00048-00018984-00019285 Even we were stressed making this video. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00049-00019358-00019630 But the stress passed and We are done! C5zeP6Wg_lU-00050-00019666-00019952 ( Inaudible: Guys...I didn’t get the audio...) C5zeP6Wg_lU-00051-00019998-00020272 Just remember, especially in stressful situations: C5zeP6Wg_lU-00052-00020312-00020724 Take care of yourself. C5zeP6Wg_lU-00053-00020882-00021430 *Music* C7zoHCsVveg-00000-00000038-00000213 Hi! C7zoHCsVveg-00001-00000213-00000994 Today I want to play with "to accept" verb,thank you Mirela.For me "to accept",before starting C7zoHCsVveg-00002-00000994-00001590 these improvisation courses,had the meaning of doing something wich I don't like or to C7zoHCsVveg-00003-00001590-00002536 recive something wich I don't want but at the improvisation courses I found out that C7zoHCsVveg-00004-00002536-00003080 the story in 2,for example,can be done and move forward only if each accept the proposal C7zoHCsVveg-00005-00003080-00003202 of his colleague.If someone say "No,I don't want!" C7zoHCsVveg-00006-00003202-00003926 it can be that the story won't work very much and get stuck somewhere and I think that...I C7zoHCsVveg-00007-00003926-00004842 been also looking in dictionary,where is written that "I show my self ready for" or "I accept C7zoHCsVveg-00008-00004842-00005606 a gift" and I am thinking if what we don't like,we see everything as a gift,maybe we C7zoHCsVveg-00009-00005606-00006157 accept easier.How could you play with this verb "to accept"? C7zoHCsVveg-00010-00006157-00006212 Bye! C9RIoFFG_SM-00000-00000032-00000306 Sadhguru: Now what I’m looking at is, C9RIoFFG_SM-00001-00000306-00000648 I was… again this internet expert I was talking to him, C9RIoFFG_SM-00002-00000648-00000876 I was just asking, what are people looking for? C9RIoFFG_SM-00003-00000876-00001254 What is it that everybody is on the net, who is looking for what? C9RIoFFG_SM-00004-00001254-00001880 And then he says, seventy percent of the content accessed on internet is pornography. C9RIoFFG_SM-00005-00001880-00002162 And he said some astronomical numbers C9RIoFFG_SM-00006-00002162-00002412 of how many million children C9RIoFFG_SM-00007-00002412-00002904 below fifteen years of age are sold on the internet every year. C9RIoFFG_SM-00008-00002904-00003116 I thought this is a shame, C9RIoFFG_SM-00009-00003116-00003396 because this is the greatest thing that’s happened to us- C9RIoFFG_SM-00010-00003396-00003672 for the first time in the history of humanity, C9RIoFFG_SM-00011-00003672-00003886 we can sit here and talk to the entire world. C9RIoFFG_SM-00012-00003886-00004238 Interviewer: Yes. Sadhguru: This is not just about social media, C9RIoFFG_SM-00013-00004238-00004492 this is not just about browsing this and that, C9RIoFFG_SM-00014-00004492-00004750 this is a phenomenal thing. C9RIoFFG_SM-00015-00004750-00005170 This is the absolutely right time to transform this world, C9RIoFFG_SM-00016-00005170-00005348 because, I want you to imagine, C9RIoFFG_SM-00017-00005348-00005732 when a Krishna came, if he spoke, he spoke only to one person. (Laughs) C9RIoFFG_SM-00018-00005732-00006350 When a Buddha came, handful of people, if he speaks, fifty people cannot hear. C9RIoFFG_SM-00019-00006350-00006694 When a Jesus came, only twelve people, in that one of them freaked. C9RIoFFG_SM-00020-00006694-00007090 This is the first time, if you want you can speak to a billion people, C9RIoFFG_SM-00021-00007090-00007238 straight away, sitting here. C9RIoFFG_SM-00022-00007242-00007644 This is not a small thing, this is the time when human consciousness can rise, C9RIoFFG_SM-00023-00007644-00007944 this is the time when we can transform this world, C9RIoFFG_SM-00024-00007944-00008314 but this a time when we’re using such a phenomenal technology C9RIoFFG_SM-00025-00008314-00008608 to spread filth in the world, selling children! C9RIoFFG_SM-00026-00008608-00008948 Have we gone crazy? What’s happened to us? C9RIoFFG_SM-00027-00008948-00009336 We’re selling our own children, but this is what we’re doing. C9RIoFFG_SM-00028-00009336-00009840 So, I announced openly this, I said I’ll give you all the material free. C9RIoFFG_SM-00029-00009840-00010104 If you want you monetize it, you make money out of it. C9RIoFFG_SM-00030-00010104-00010204 Interviewer: Yes. Sadhguru: Do whatever! C9RIoFFG_SM-00031-00010206-00010390 Make sure it reaches to people. Interviewer: It reaches to people, yes. C9RIoFFG_SM-00032-00010390-00010634 Sadhguru: That’s all. You can also start one platform C9RIoFFG_SM-00033-00010634-00011018 and sell Sadhguru or give Sadhguru free or do whatever the hell you want, C9RIoFFG_SM-00034-00011020-00011224 only thing is I want the message to go. C9RIoFFG_SM-00035-00011224-00011632 Recently, somebody was telling me– I was in United States and this… C9RIoFFG_SM-00036-00011632-00011958 some kind of an expert on internet affairs and stuff, C9RIoFFG_SM-00037-00011958-00012388 he was looking at all the material we’ve put out on the YouTube C9RIoFFG_SM-00038-00012388-00012606 and every other platform. C9RIoFFG_SM-00039-00012606-00012968 He said, “Sadhguru, this is a billion dollar product, C9RIoFFG_SM-00040-00012968-00013356 this is billion dollars’ worth of product, you just put it out all free! C9RIoFFG_SM-00041-00013356-00013604 You’ve not monetized anything.” C9RIoFFG_SM-00042-00013604-00013991 I’m not interested in billion dollars, what will I do with it? C9RIoFFG_SM-00043-00013991-00014382 My interest is seven billion people. C9RIoFFG_SM-00044-00014382-00014846 Namaskaram! Let’s take a look at how to access Sadhguru’s videos. C9RIoFFG_SM-00045-00014846-00015284 There are two ways to do this – Let’s look to at how to download a video. C9RIoFFG_SM-00046-00015284-00015769 Open a browser, and visit Sadhguru’s home page. C9RIoFFG_SM-00047-00015772-00016341 Click on “Video” under the Watch tab, for a list of the latest videos. C9RIoFFG_SM-00048-00016341-00016598 Click on the video you're interested in. C9RIoFFG_SM-00049-00016598-00016910 Scroll to the bottom of the page, C9RIoFFG_SM-00050-00016910-00017356 click on the “Download” icon and save the file to your system. C9RIoFFG_SM-00051-00017356-00017706 Now, let’s look at how to embed a video. C9RIoFFG_SM-00052-00017706-00017992 Click on the video you're interested in, C9RIoFFG_SM-00053-00017992-00018468 right click on the video, select “Copy Embedded Code”. C9RIoFFG_SM-00054-00018468-00018730 The code will be copied to the clipboard. C9RIoFFG_SM-00055-00018734-00019252 You can use this code to embed Sadhguru’s videos in your website. C9RIoFFG_SM-00056-00019252-00019678 You are free to use Sadhguru’s videos on any distribution channel C9RIoFFG_SM-00057-00019678-00019898 both online and offline. C9RIoFFG_SM-00058-00019898-00020168 You can even monetize them, promote them, C9RIoFFG_SM-00059-00020168-00020612 and edit them as appropriate, without distorting the message. C9RIoFFG_SM-00060-00020612-00021072 New content is constantly being added for download to the website, C9RIoFFG_SM-00061-00021072-00021518 so stay tuned for more! C9RIoFFG_SM-00062-00021520-00022200 Download Sadhguru's Videos & Talks at CqgldSDCYc0-00000-00000700-00000900 welcome CqgldSDCYc0-00001-00000900-00001100 today we are talking about a upcoming crisis in the poultry and live stock industry CqgldSDCYc0-00002-00002276-00002476 this video will definitely help people who are raising poultry and live stock without free range system CqgldSDCYc0-00003-00003036-00003236 90% Indian farmers depending packet feed for their birds and animal for feeding properly CwNXoy0wgnu-00000-00000428-00000948 Hello João Cruz. Introduce us Motortube... CwNXoy0wgnu-00001-00000948-00001194 Hi! My name is João Cruz and i am one of the CwNXoy0wgnu-00002-00001194-00001398 owners of Motortube. Motortube is a CwNXoy0wgnu-00003-00001398-00001542 car repair shop located here in Prior Velho, CwNXoy0wgnu-00004-00001542-00001783 right next to Lisbon Airport. CwNXoy0wgnu-00005-00001783-00001955 Our main mission is CwNXoy0wgnu-00006-00001955-00002177 the maintenance of the latest vehicles. CwNXoy0wgnu-00007-00002177-00002303 Is is obvious that we are a conventional car workshop, CwNXoy0wgnu-00008-00002303-00002508 but we are more focused on those CwNXoy0wgnu-00009-00002508-00002646 cars where the owners CwNXoy0wgnu-00010-00002646-00002814 do not have time to take care of this same maintenance, CwNXoy0wgnu-00011-00002814-00003011 ending up delegating CwNXoy0wgnu-00012-00003011-00003101 that mission. CwNXoy0wgnu-00013-00003170-00003530 Why did you choose DataDrive plataform? CwNXoy0wgnu-00014-00003655-00003894 The answer to that question, couldn´t be easier. CwNXoy0wgnu-00015-00003894-00004182 For me at the moment, the most complete car workshop platform CwNXoy0wgnu-00016-00004182-00004364 on the market is effectively the DataDrive. CwNXoy0wgnu-00017-00004364-00004662 And why? I might explain with Motortube experience. As we work with CwNXoy0wgnu-00018-00004662-00004805 very recent cars, we are approached by clients, CwNXoy0wgnu-00019-00004805-00004914 who request us the first... CwNXoy0wgnu-00020-00004914-00005130 the second... the third car maintenance, CwNXoy0wgnu-00021-00005130-00005262 and nothing inspires more trust than delivering CwNXoy0wgnu-00022-00005262-00005460 one budget exactly as the one that CwNXoy0wgnu-00023-00005460-00005592 the client would get at an original dealership CwNXoy0wgnu-00024-00005592-00005784 being able to explain the budget values differences. CwNXoy0wgnu-00025-00005784-00005994 Furthermore, the fact that I know CwNXoy0wgnu-00026-00005994-00006155 at every moment what each car needs, CwNXoy0wgnu-00027-00006155-00006366 allows me to keep the workshop flow CwNXoy0wgnu-00028-00006366-00006551 working correctly, CwNXoy0wgnu-00029-00006551-00006714 and the client always satisfied! CwNXoy0wgnu-00030-00006788-00007247 What can we do with DataDrive solution? CwNXoy0wgnu-00031-00007297-00007518 With DataDrive solution we can do almost everything... CwNXoy0wgnu-00032-00007518-00007783 from the moment the car enters till the car departure from the workshop, CwNXoy0wgnu-00033-00007783-00007902 we can make a budget, CwNXoy0wgnu-00034-00007902-00008159 we can schedule, CwNXoy0wgnu-00035-00008159-00008328 plan the workshop, have access to CwNXoy0wgnu-00036-00008328-00008525 the manutacturer´s techinical data CwNXoy0wgnu-00037-00008525-00008729 during the repair maintenance, and at the end of all this, CwNXoy0wgnu-00038-00008729-00008915 analyze the performance indicators CwNXoy0wgnu-00039-00008915-00009102 so that we might CwNXoy0wgnu-00040-00009102-00009252 understand how this whole process went. CwNXoy0wgnu-00041-00009252-00009432 Another great advantage of CwNXoy0wgnu-00042-00009432-00009624 the DataDrive plataform is its standardization! CwNXoy0wgnu-00043-00009624-00009732 It is the fact that we CwNXoy0wgnu-00044-00009732-00009868 might manage to remove human error. CwNXoy0wgnu-00045-00009868-00010025 The receptionist only needs to enter CwNXoy0wgnu-00046-00010025-00010211 the plate number and kilometers of the vehicle CwNXoy0wgnu-00047-00010211-00010368 and will have access to a CwNXoy0wgnu-00048-00010368-00010560 correct maintenance plan for that car. CwNXoy0wgnu-00049-00010560-00010700 with that mileage. CwNXoy0wgnu-00050-00010700-00010932 And so... if I have for example, a Motortube workshop CwNXoy0wgnu-00051-00010932-00011124 in the Algarve... and another in Porto....and another hear in Lisbon, CwNXoy0wgnu-00052-00011124-00011292 wich I hope to have one day... CwNXoy0wgnu-00053-00011292-00011520 tree recepcionists will give exactly the samme budget, CwNXoy0wgnu-00054-00011520-00011700 the budget that will be delivered CwNXoy0wgnu-00055-00011700-00011934 as the origin. And this is without a doubt CwNXoy0wgnu-00056-00011934-00012100 a great asset! CwNXoy0wgnu-00057-00012161-00012682 How can DataDrive be relevant and make the difference to the car workshops business? CwNXoy0wgnu-00058-00012787-00013100 DataDrive might distinguish in two major ways... CwNXoy0wgnu-00059-00013100-00013362 the first one is heling you to provide a better CwNXoy0wgnu-00060-00013362-00013584 mobility service to yout client... by anticipating CwNXoy0wgnu-00061-00013584-00013758 delivry times and reducing CwNXoy0wgnu-00062-00013758-00013944 vehicle park time, and easily predicting CwNXoy0wgnu-00063-00013944-00014100 the car parts needed for each maintenance. CwNXoy0wgnu-00064-00014100-00014328 In this way, your client will b pleased with you CwNXoy0wgnu-00065-00014328-00014605 and yout workshop becomes much more rotating. CwNXoy0wgnu-00066-00014605-00014795 The second is helping you CwNXoy0wgnu-00067-00014795-00014952 to improve the image that the client CwNXoy0wgnu-00068-00014952-00015144 has about the car workshops. Nowadays we have a CwNXoy0wgnu-00069-00015144-00015334 big problem that each car workshop CwNXoy0wgnu-00070-00015334-00015522 gives its own budget differently. CwNXoy0wgnu-00071-00015522-00015684 I go to car workshop A, who tells me I have to CwNXoy0wgnu-00072-00015684-00015894 change the oil, or the air filter CwNXoy0wgnu-00073-00015894-00016176 car workshop B, the oil and cabin filter. CwNXoy0wgnu-00074-00016176-00016368 And this inspires great distrust in the client. CwNXoy0wgnu-00075-00016368-00016548 With the DataDrive solution CwNXoy0wgnu-00076-00016548-00016714 you might present a budget CwNXoy0wgnu-00077-00016714-00016890 that is the budget that the manufacturer CwNXoy0wgnu-00078-00016890-00017118 has standardized for that car. CwNXoy0wgnu-00079-00017118-00017322 And this way it´s a budget equal to that CwNXoy0wgnu-00080-00017322-00017531 of the dealership... this will inspire much more CwNXoy0wgnu-00081-00017531-00017759 conficence in your client and bring you a lot CwNXoy0wgnu-00082-00017759-00017951 more work indoors. CwNXoy0wgnu-00083-00018000-00018461 What impact this solution might have on the car market future? CwNXoy0wgnu-00084-00018558-00018756 The car market is constantly changing CwNXoy0wgnu-00085-00018756-00018923 due to environmental regulations CwNXoy0wgnu-00086-00018923-00019092 the manufacturers are rushing to release CwNXoy0wgnu-00087-00019092-00019344 new models, more and more connected CwNXoy0wgnu-00088-00019344-00019631 and more and more technological. And that´s CwNXoy0wgnu-00089-00019631-00019776 how the client is nowadays. CwNXoy0wgnu-00090-00019776-00020051 He is connected with his technological car... CwNXoy0wgnu-00091-00020051-00020273 He is concerned with all innovation, CwNXoy0wgnu-00092-00020273-00020423 nowadays having a car means having a big screen, CwNXoy0wgnu-00093-00020423-00020687 having those apps, we already choose cars CwNXoy0wgnu-00094-00020687-00020844 for their technology CwNXoy0wgnu-00095-00020844-00021048 and that is how your car workshop need to be too CwNXoy0wgnu-00096-00021048-00021300 connected and technological workshop. CwNXoy0wgnu-00097-00021300-00021500 And that´s also how you might grab your client CwNXoy0wgnu-00098-00021522-00021695 Also because it is approved that CwNXoy0wgnu-00099-00021695-00021913 most of the clients who run away from dealerships CwNXoy0wgnu-00100-00021913-00022086 to small car workshops CwNXoy0wgnu-00101-00022086-00022356 do it because of the attention that small car workshops CwNXoy0wgnu-00102-00022356-00022595 might give, instead of CwNXoy0wgnu-00103-00022595-00022812 big dealerships, and this is CwNXoy0wgnu-00104-00022812-00022979 why DataDrive might help you... CwNXoy0wgnu-00105-00022979-00023148 the fact that you can be much quicker CwNXoy0wgnu-00106-00023148-00023315 producing a budget... here at Motortube car workshop CwNXoy0wgnu-00107-00023315-00023514 we used to spend a lot time making bugets CwNXoy0wgnu-00108-00023514-00023693 many times matching equivalences CwNXoy0wgnu-00109-00023693-00023879 checking maintenance plans CwNXoy0wgnu-00110-00023879-00024137 many times only to make a budget CwNXoy0wgnu-00111-00024137-00024294 that wasn´t approved by the client. CwNXoy0wgnu-00112-00024294-00024452 DataDrive came to change all that! CwNXoy0wgnu-00113-00024452-00024605 In just a few minutes we might get CwNXoy0wgnu-00114-00024605-00024845 several budgets and save time! CwNXoy0wgnu-00115-00024845-00025026 Time that is precious for you CwNXoy0wgnu-00116-00025026-00025226 to dedicate to your client! CwNXoy0wgnu-00117-00025275-00026233 Based on Motortube experience with DataDrive, what suggestions would you give to other car workshops? CwNXoy0wgnu-00118-00026233-00026505 Try it... test it... check it by yourself CwNXoy0wgnu-00119-00026505-00026766 what DataDrive can improve your business. CwNXoy0wgnu-00120-00026766-00027000 I know we are often resistant to changes. CwNXoy0wgnu-00121-00027000-00027132 This happened to me before CwNXoy0wgnu-00122-00027132-00027383 and it happens many times when I make videos... CwNXoy0wgnu-00123-00027383-00027588 and I have other car workshop ownners CwNXoy0wgnu-00124-00027588-00027827 who keep telling me "you expose too much" CwNXoy0wgnu-00125-00027827-00027954 "you explain a lot to the client and then, CwNXoy0wgnu-00126-00027954-00028122 the client will do it himself and won´t back to your car workshop again". CwNXoy0wgnu-00127-00028122-00028350 Well, it´s a lie! Transparency generates more business CwNXoy0wgnu-00128-00028350-00028536 for my company and the fact my business is CwNXoy0wgnu-00129-00028536-00028769 based on social networks... CwNXoy0wgnu-00130-00028769-00028944 based on transparency, allows me to have CwNXoy0wgnu-00131-00028944-00029136 more and more clients... but for that, CwNXoy0wgnu-00132-00029136-00029369 I need precious time... time to make videos CwNXoy0wgnu-00133-00029369-00029548 being on Facebook, CwNXoy0wgnu-00134-00029548-00029838 being on Instagram... and this DataDrive CwNXoy0wgnu-00135-00029838-00030030 helped me a lot. Now i can manage CwNXoy0wgnu-00136-00030030-00030252 my workshop much more easily... I can give CwNXoy0wgnu-00137-00030252-00030600 10, 20, 30, 40 budgets in an hour easily CwNXoy0wgnu-00138-00030600-00030833 and I´m not kidding. It´s real possible! CwNXoy0wgnu-00139-00030833-00031015 That´s why I give you an advice... CwNXoy0wgnu-00140-00031015-00031277 Test DataDrive! And take advantage of the time you will CwNXoy0wgnu-00141-00031277-00031506 gain to invest in your business, CwNXoy0wgnu-00142-00031506-00031656 in your client, and you will see that this will CwNXoy0wgnu-00143-00031656-00031869 bring you results for your business very soon! CwNXoy0wgnu-00144-00031869-00032039 And if you are really interested in CwNXoy0wgnu-00145-00032039-00032177 testing DataDrive, wich I think CwNXoy0wgnu-00146-00032177-00032363 you do very well... you can talk with Tips4y support CwNXoy0wgnu-00147-00032363-00032508 and they will help you CwNXoy0wgnu-00148-00032508-00032706 to have DataDrive plataform in your workshop CwNXoy0wgnu-00149-00032706-00032946 or in your network of workshops... and trust me, CwNXoy0wgnu-00150-00032946-00033069 you won´t regret it!!! CxuJYelvS-Y-00000-00000000-00000558 I II III John for Beginners, this is lesson number five in that CxuJYelvS-Y-00001-00000558-00001271 section and today's lesson the title of it is John's Cover Letter which CxuJYelvS-Y-00002-00001271-00001869 is II John. So we're continuing in our series of study on the epistles CxuJYelvS-Y-00003-00001869-00002291 of John and today we're going to cover II John. CxuJYelvS-Y-00004-00002291-00002856 Before we begin however I want to review the first epistle in order to refresh CxuJYelvS-Y-00005-00002856-00003225 our memories as to the context of the letter because all three letters work CxuJYelvS-Y-00006-00003225-00003792 together. So the first epistle dealt with the CxuJYelvS-Y-00007-00003792-00004139 problem of Gnosticism in the early church. CxuJYelvS-Y-00008-00004139-00004812 Gnosticism comes from the word gnosis which means knowledge. In the case of CxuJYelvS-Y-00009-00004812-00005426 this teaching however it referred to occult or secret knowledge possessed by CxuJYelvS-Y-00010-00005426-00006267 Gnostic teachers. Now Gnostics taught that we are souls trapped in a prison CxuJYelvS-Y-00011-00006267-00007026 like material world by an evil divinity and we are kept unaware of our plight by CxuJYelvS-Y-00012-00007026-00007629 the carnal seductiveness of this material world only those with the CxuJYelvS-Y-00013-00007629-00008403 occult knowledge, the gnosis, of the true state of affairs could transcend this CxuJYelvS-Y-00014-00008403-00009161 prison and enter into a higher reality that was the idea of their teaching. They CxuJYelvS-Y-00015-00009161-00009725 also taught that the good divinity dwelling above this evil realm would aid CxuJYelvS-Y-00016-00009725-00010674 lost souls by sending a messenger of truth to reveal the deception. Now it's a CxuJYelvS-Y-00017-00010674-00011106 little bit of an old reference here but do you notice that this is roughly the CxuJYelvS-Y-00018-00011106-00011818 plotline for the 2003 movie the matrix? If you saw the matrix CxuJYelvS-Y-00019-00011818-00012564 this was the plotline for The Matrix and the star Reeves there he was CxuJYelvS-Y-00020-00012564-00013233 the actor who was the one, he was the one sent to reveal the truth that everybody CxuJYelvS-Y-00021-00013233-00013844 was living in a deception, material world. So you can see how CxuJYelvS-Y-00022-00013844-00014672 easy it was to superimpose this teaching on to the gospel and make Jesus the one CxuJYelvS-Y-00023-00014672-00015419 and make Jesus the messenger of truth and they, the Gnostic CxuJYelvS-Y-00024-00015419-00015879 teachers, the guardians of the secret knowledge. Kind of you know it was easy CxuJYelvS-Y-00025-00015879-00016494 to put one on top of the other, there was only one problem with this however, Jesus CxuJYelvS-Y-00026-00016494-00017172 claimed that He was God and inhabited a human body. See that didn't match the CxuJYelvS-Y-00027-00017172-00017703 story line, even in The Matrix the actor who played the CxuJYelvS-Y-00028-00017703-00018423 one sent the messenger didn't claim that he was divine. Jesus also taught that the CxuJYelvS-Y-00029-00018423-00018954 truth is what makes one free but the truth was that we were prisoners of our CxuJYelvS-Y-00030-00018954-00019491 own sinfulness and that our freedom from guilt and condemnation was accomplished CxuJYelvS-Y-00031-00019491-00020108 through His ministry on the cross and received by faith, not secret knowledge. CxuJYelvS-Y-00032-00020108-00020676 We're saved because we believe in Jesus not because we know secrets, not because CxuJYelvS-Y-00033-00020676-00021489 we have some sort of insight into some secret or occult knowledge. As a CxuJYelvS-Y-00034-00021489-00021972 matter of fact Jesus commanded that this good news be shared with the entire CxuJYelvS-Y-00035-00021972-00022509 world not kept secret and the whole idea with the Gnostic teachers is they had CxuJYelvS-Y-00036-00022509-00022812 the secret knowledge and you had to kind of jump through hoops you know and CxuJYelvS-Y-00037-00022812-00023181 follow them if you wanted the secret knowledge. Well you know Jesus wasn't CxuJYelvS-Y-00038-00023181-00023529 cooperating with that, He says go into all the world proclaim the gospel to CxuJYelvS-Y-00039-00023529-00024495 everybody well there's nothing secret about that. Jesus empowered every soul to CxuJYelvS-Y-00040-00024495-00025305 find salvation from sin not just those who had the secret. He also taught that CxuJYelvS-Y-00041-00025305-00026100 material things had no power to defile us, the material world was created by God CxuJYelvS-Y-00042-00026100-00026489 who rules over it and it was a good thing when it was CxuJYelvS-Y-00043-00026489-00026922 created, and God saw all that he had made and behold it was CxuJYelvS-Y-00044-00026922-00027539 very good, Genesis 1:31. So that part of their teaching, that material CxuJYelvS-Y-00045-00027539-00028056 world was bad it was all bad that that didn't jive with what Jesus was teaching CxuJYelvS-Y-00046-00028056-00028986 with it but the Bible was teaching. Like all heretics the Gnostic teachers tried CxuJYelvS-Y-00047-00028986-00029436 to merge their teaching with the gospel and nothing has changed throughout this CxuJYelvS-Y-00048-00029436-00030008 centuries. They denied that Jesus was actually God and they said that He was a CxuJYelvS-Y-00049-00030008-00030539 you know an apparition of God or that He became human only at the cross but not CxuJYelvS-Y-00050-00030539-00031337 that He was God and man simultaneously from birth to the cross and beyond. They CxuJYelvS-Y-00051-00031337-00031986 mixed in certain Jewish traditions and food laws and they taught that to be CxuJYelvS-Y-00052-00031986-00032288 free from the evil corruption of this material world CxuJYelvS-Y-00053-00032288-00033044 you had to practice asceticism, in other words the denial of the flesh. Let's face CxuJYelvS-Y-00054-00033044-00033653 it if you have a spiritual teacher that controls what you eat and controls your CxuJYelvS-Y-00055-00033653-00034553 sex life pretty much controls you, and that's what they were doing. Laws against CxuJYelvS-Y-00056-00034553-00035309 marriage, what you could eat, every cult group they always start there CxuJYelvS-Y-00057-00035309-00035844 they always start with prohibitions on what you eat and prohibitions about what CxuJYelvS-Y-00058-00035844-00036233 is legitimate sexual expression. Obviously within marriage and so on and CxuJYelvS-Y-00059-00036233-00036719 so forth but you know they always try to control those two areas no different CxuJYelvS-Y-00060-00036719-00037431 from these guys. Some of them taught the opposite that since the soul is CxuJYelvS-Y-00061-00037431-00037916 separate from the flesh whatever you did in the flesh didn't matter and of course CxuJYelvS-Y-00062-00037916-00038490 this attitude led to a hedonistic lifestyle and behavior if what I do in CxuJYelvS-Y-00063-00038490-00039036 my body doesn't affect my soul well boy I could just you know any any desire my CxuJYelvS-Y-00064-00039036-00039486 flesh has I can just give in to it because it doesn't really matter. So CxuJYelvS-Y-00065-00039486-00039872 these teachers were having a great influence on the church creating CxuJYelvS-Y-00066-00039872-00040332 confusion and doubt among the believers and so in response CxuJYelvS-Y-00067-00040332-00040941 to this John the Apostle writes a letter and begins with his eyewitness account CxuJYelvS-Y-00068-00040941-00041547 of Jesus, the Jesus who did and said things only a divine being could say and CxuJYelvS-Y-00069-00041547-00042384 do, the Jesus that John actually saw and heard and touched in human form, he CxuJYelvS-Y-00070-00042384-00043119 begins there. Now in the first epistle we reviewed how John encouraged his readers CxuJYelvS-Y-00071-00043119-00043634 to be confident in their salvation without the special knowledge or the CxuJYelvS-Y-00072-00043634-00044181 practices of the false teachers, he wrote that there were three ways to CxuJYelvS-Y-00073-00044181-00044963 be certain of their salvation: first of all they could have certainty by walking CxuJYelvS-Y-00074-00044963-00045531 in the light. I mean they know that they are saved because they live and they act CxuJYelvS-Y-00075-00045531-00046296 like saved the people. They can be certain by abiding in love he writes CxuJYelvS-Y-00076-00046296-00046790 they know that they are saved because they act out of love in every situation CxuJYelvS-Y-00077-00046790-00047433 or attempt to act out of love in every situation. And they can be certain of CxuJYelvS-Y-00078-00047433-00048000 their salvation by abiding in faith they know they are saved because they believe CxuJYelvS-Y-00079-00048000-00048693 and rely on Jesus not secret man-made knowledge for their salvation. So John's CxuJYelvS-Y-00080-00048693-00049365 gospel told the story of Jesus' incarnation, His work on the cross, His CxuJYelvS-Y-00081-00049365-00049940 resurrection so on and so forth, John's first epistle encourages his readers to CxuJYelvS-Y-00082-00049940-00050355 believe that information, he doesn't repeat all of it in his epistle because CxuJYelvS-Y-00083-00050355-00051081 he's given it in the gospel okay. The two: the gospel, the epistle, they work CxuJYelvS-Y-00084-00051081-00051513 together to tell us that we will leave our flesh but not through secret CxuJYelvS-Y-00085-00051513-00052125 knowledge, we will leave our flesh through faith in Jesus Christ based on CxuJYelvS-Y-00086-00052125-00052514 our knowledge of Him and there's no secret about that CxuJYelvS-Y-00087-00052514-00053299 that knowledge is available to everyone. All right so there's a little review of CxuJYelvS-Y-00088-00053299-00054125 I John okay. So this brings us to the second epistle, this letter, II John CxuJYelvS-Y-00089-00054125-00054799 much shorter and covers much the same material actually. What is interesting is CxuJYelvS-Y-00090-00054799-00055664 how this letter was used. II John is not a continuation of John's gospel nor CxuJYelvS-Y-00091-00055664-00056303 is it a continuation of the first epistle, it's a cover letter that CxuJYelvS-Y-00092-00056303-00056825 accompanied the epistle and the gospel. You know those of you who have worked in CxuJYelvS-Y-00093-00056825-00057263 offices, you have a stack of information and then you put a CxuJYelvS-Y-00094-00057263-00057773 cover letter and say attached you will find you know the statistics for the CxuJYelvS-Y-00095-00057773-00058076 last quarter or something like that right that's a cover letter. CxuJYelvS-Y-00096-00058076-00058705 Well II John is a cover letter for I John and for the gospel of John. It CxuJYelvS-Y-00097-00058705-00059225 was written to a specific church with the intention of warning about the CxuJYelvS-Y-00098-00059225-00059846 things which he speaks about in detail in the first epistle and the main point CxuJYelvS-Y-00099-00059846-00060383 of this letter is to warn the church of the great danger posed by the false CxuJYelvS-Y-00100-00060383-00061153 teachers and their teachings. John says that they needed to be vigilant in this CxuJYelvS-Y-00101-00061153-00061898 in being careful. So here's the outline of this second epistle again in 1 CxuJYelvS-Y-00102-00061898-00062591 chapter 13 verses, salutation, a commendation of the individuals that CxuJYelvS-Y-00103-00062591-00063212 he's writing to, a warning and a brief conclusion at the end. So let's take a CxuJYelvS-Y-00104-00063212-00063880 look at the text shall we, salutations that's we said verses one to three so CxuJYelvS-Y-00105-00063880-00064328 let's read verse one and two for now it says, "The elder to the chosen lady and CxuJYelvS-Y-00106-00064328-00064808 her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the CxuJYelvS-Y-00107-00064808-00065387 truth, for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever:" CxuJYelvS-Y-00108-00065387-00065935 So John is the elder he was old at this time a leader in the church at Ephesus, CxuJYelvS-Y-00109-00065935-00066616 the chosen lady and her children are the church. He writes this to CxuJYelvS-Y-00110-00066616-00067087 a particular congregation he uses the euphemisms because of the danger of CxuJYelvS-Y-00111-00067087-00067561 persecution at the time, so he doesn't use the word church, chosen lady and her CxuJYelvS-Y-00112-00067561-00068382 children is a reference to the church. He says that he loves this church as all CxuJYelvS-Y-00113-00068382-00068958 those who hold to the truth also love the church. CxuJYelvS-Y-00114-00068958-00069292 He loves the church that holds to the truth and all those who hold to the CxuJYelvS-Y-00115-00069292-00069925 truth they love the church. The truth of course is the gospel and in this case CxuJYelvS-Y-00116-00069925-00070381 the essential truth of the gospel that Jesus is the Divine Son of God and CxuJYelvS-Y-00117-00070381-00070999 Savior because that's what you know at core that was the issue these teachers CxuJYelvS-Y-00118-00070999-00071605 were denying the central core belief of the gospel that Jesus is divine and CxuJYelvS-Y-00119-00071605-00072430 human at the same time okay. So all those who love this truth are loved by John CxuJYelvS-Y-00120-00072430-00072949 and by one another because it is this truth that binds all Christians together CxuJYelvS-Y-00121-00072949-00073729 in love forever. And you know you've all traveled you go somewhere on CxuJYelvS-Y-00122-00073729-00074094 vacation and you decide you and you go to the phone book or whatever online CxuJYelvS-Y-00123-00074094-00074473 anyway there must be a church around here somewhere right and so you find a CxuJYelvS-Y-00124-00074473-00074913 congregation and you know on Sunday morning you put away the bathing suits CxuJYelvS-Y-00125-00074913-00075310 and whatever and you get off the service on a Sunday morning and you go in and hi CxuJYelvS-Y-00126-00075310-00075706 you're okay and you know you're there thirty minutes and you got friends for CxuJYelvS-Y-00127-00075706-00076113 life it seems I don't know about you people but when Lise and I would travel CxuJYelvS-Y-00128-00076113-00076447 and you know go to services wherever we were on Sunday we're almost the last CxuJYelvS-Y-00129-00076447-00076956 ones to leave because people would start talking in the foyer after the service CxuJYelvS-Y-00130-00076956-00077295 and you know so-and-so you'd find out that you knew people that know each CxuJYelvS-Y-00131-00077295-00078013 other you know it's like family, well what is it about that I go to CxuJYelvS-Y-00132-00078013-00078408 Walmart the same Walmart you know ten times a week to pick up stuff I don't CxuJYelvS-Y-00133-00078408-00079287 feel that, yeah I don't feel that with those people, I go to Kohl's for the CxuJYelvS-Y-00134-00079287-00080009 deals they're giving me great deals but I don't feel that feeling. CxuJYelvS-Y-00135-00080009-00080682 Why? Well because I'm a customer and I'm treated well like a customer. When we're CxuJYelvS-Y-00136-00080682-00081111 in church we're treated like family and and what is the thing that holds us CxuJYelvS-Y-00137-00081111-00081648 together? We know without asking the question that the person we're talking CxuJYelvS-Y-00138-00081648-00082284 to also believes that Jesus is the Son of God, also believes that when they die CxuJYelvS-Y-00139-00082284-00082785 they're going to heaven. Well we don't have to confess that every time the fact CxuJYelvS-Y-00140-00082785-00083268 that we're going to take the communion tells us that about us and tells CxuJYelvS-Y-00141-00083268-00083682 that about them. That's what we shared that's what he's talking about the CxuJYelvS-Y-00142-00083682-00084156 spirit of love even with people you don't know you have an immediate bonding CxuJYelvS-Y-00143-00084156-00085008 relationship. Verse 3 he says, "Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the CxuJYelvS-Y-00144-00085008-00085530 Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love." So he CxuJYelvS-Y-00145-00085530-00086037 pronounces a blessing from God and he places the source of the divine blessing CxuJYelvS-Y-00146-00086037-00086571 equally at the feet of both God the Father and Jesus Christ, that's CxuJYelvS-Y-00147-00086571-00087390 significant.It's one thing to say you know I pray that God blesses you but CxuJYelvS-Y-00148-00087390-00087885 when you say I pray that God and Jesus bless you you're putting both of those CxuJYelvS-Y-00149-00087885-00088967 on an equal level. So there's some confusion about who Jesus really is and CxuJYelvS-Y-00150-00088967-00089565 John settles the matter immediately by referring to Jesus as equal and of the CxuJYelvS-Y-00151-00089565-00090425 same nature as God and he asks for three things that only God can give: CxuJYelvS-Y-00152-00090425-00091101 grace, a favor a free pass to avoid punishment from sin. Nobody else can give CxuJYelvS-Y-00153-00091101-00091611 you that nobody; you can forgive one another offenses that you've CxuJYelvS-Y-00154-00091611-00092127 done against each other, so and so I don't know breaks your CxuJYelvS-Y-00155-00092127-00092472 if your house knocks over one of your vases or something, oh I'm CxuJYelvS-Y-00156-00092472-00092790 terribly sorry and then you know next week shows up at your door with a CxuJYelvS-Y-00157-00092790-00093115 replacement vase and you know thank you card and stuff like that. CxuJYelvS-Y-00158-00093115-00093520 We can forgive each other those things and kind of try to make some kind CxuJYelvS-Y-00159-00093520-00094009 of restitution but nobody can say you know what I'm bud we're going to CxuJYelvS-Y-00160-00094009-00094339 forgive all your sins, it'll take a couple of weeks but we're going to forgive CxuJYelvS-Y-00161-00094339-00094957 all your sins, nobody can do that. Who's got the power and the right to CxuJYelvS-Y-00162-00094957-00095533 forgive you all of your sins? Only God. And then he says: mercy, CxuJYelvS-Y-00163-00095533-00096109 compassion for our weaknesses and our failures; again only God can do CxuJYelvS-Y-00164-00096109-00096853 that. And peace no war no judgment because of our sins peace not between CxuJYelvS-Y-00165-00096853-00097696 each other peace between us and God. Again things that only a divine being CxuJYelvS-Y-00166-00097696-00098383 can give. So John asks for these blessings on the people from God and CxuJYelvS-Y-00167-00098383-00098947 Jesus thus securing a blessing for his readers but also reaffirming the exalted CxuJYelvS-Y-00168-00098947-00099523 position of Jesus Christ far above the position given to Him by the false CxuJYelvS-Y-00169-00099523-00100081 teachers. You know the false teachers because in some way they always bring CxuJYelvS-Y-00170-00100081-00100708 Jesus down, they never bring Him up, they never make Him more exalted than He CxuJYelvS-Y-00171-00100708-00101119 already is they always bring Him down just a little or a lot. CxuJYelvS-Y-00172-00101119-00101683 You can tell who they are by that type of teaching. He moves on in his letter to CxuJYelvS-Y-00173-00101683-00102241 the commendation as I said verse four five and six I think, verse four he says, CxuJYelvS-Y-00174-00102241-00102708 "I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth, just as we CxuJYelvS-Y-00175-00102708-00103267 have received commandment to do from the Father." So in contrast to the Christians CxuJYelvS-Y-00176-00103267-00103741 who have been deceived or those who are doing the deceiving with their false CxuJYelvS-Y-00177-00103741-00104299 teaching, John commends those some of them in that church who were living CxuJYelvS-Y-00178-00104299-00104899 according to the truth according to the teaching of Jesus Christ. Once again he CxuJYelvS-Y-00179-00104899-00105340 relates the teaching and the revelation concerning the gospel of Jesus to the CxuJYelvS-Y-00180-00105340-00106126 Father as opposed to the human concepts being proposed by the Gnostic teachers. CxuJYelvS-Y-00181-00106126-00106853 In other words the teaching of the gospel doesn't come from the Apostles it CxuJYelvS-Y-00182-00106853-00107333 comes from God and God gave it to the Apostles and the Apostles gave it to the CxuJYelvS-Y-00183-00107333-00107954 people; as opposed to the false teachers. He doesn't spell CxuJYelvS-Y-00184-00107954-00108283 it out here but you read between the lines these guys we don't know where CxuJYelvS-Y-00185-00108283-00108943 they got their teaching from but they certainly didn't get it from God. Verse 5, CxuJYelvS-Y-00186-00108943-00109445 "Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the CxuJYelvS-Y-00187-00109445-00109984 one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another." Their proper CxuJYelvS-Y-00188-00109984-00110396 understanding of who Jesus really is will be reflected in their lifestyle, CxuJYelvS-Y-00189-00110396-00111053 what he talked about in I John. The distinguishing lifestyle of one CxuJYelvS-Y-00190-00111053-00111563 who truly understands the gospel and accepts Jesus as the divine Lord is love CxuJYelvS-Y-00191-00111563-00112190 because this is the lifestyle that Jesus modeled, He modeled a lifestyle of love CxuJYelvS-Y-00192-00112190-00113105 well those who follow Him try to do the same. In verse 6, "And this is love, that we CxuJYelvS-Y-00193-00113105-00113513 walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, just as you have CxuJYelvS-Y-00194-00113513-00113972 heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it." So John merely summarizes the CxuJYelvS-Y-00195-00113972-00114535 entire life and teaching of Christ into one word and that word is love; if you CxuJYelvS-Y-00196-00114535-00115123 love God and Christ you will love others you will love self and you will obey CxuJYelvS-Y-00197-00115123-00115898 Jesus' commands. He commends those who have believed correctly and have acted CxuJYelvS-Y-00198-00115898-00116596 correctly based on their a belief. And again what is not spoken here is that CxuJYelvS-Y-00199-00116596-00117413 incorrect belief often leads to incorrect actions; if you believe for CxuJYelvS-Y-00200-00117413-00117845 example the incorrect teaching that whatever you do in your body does not CxuJYelvS-Y-00201-00117845-00118316 affect your soul in any way shape or form then your actions will begin to CxuJYelvS-Y-00202-00118316-00118889 reflect that belief. You will just begin to give in to your flesh and do whatever CxuJYelvS-Y-00203-00118889-00119505 your flesh wants. Remember I mentioned to you before CxuJYelvS-Y-00204-00119505-00119960 the teachers in the Bible they teach something a particular thing and then CxuJYelvS-Y-00205-00119960-00120399 they refer back to it at some point in another epistle or later on in the same CxuJYelvS-Y-00206-00120399-00120804 epistle, well they don't go back and give all the information every time they CxuJYelvS-Y-00207-00120804-00121179 mention the topic otherwise the Bible would be like a thousand five million CxuJYelvS-Y-00208-00121179-00121632 pages long okay, so that's what he's doing here CxuJYelvS-Y-00209-00121632-00122208 just making a reference to something he's already taught previously. Then we CxuJYelvS-Y-00210-00122208-00122574 moved to the warning now that he's spoken to the Christians who have stood CxuJYelvS-Y-00211-00122574-00123051 fast in doctrine and practice he turns his attention to those who are being CxuJYelvS-Y-00212-00123051-00123657 swayed by the false teachers. Verse 7 "For many deceivers have gone out into CxuJYelvS-Y-00213-00123657-00124041 the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. CxuJYelvS-Y-00214-00124041-00124725 This is the deceiver and the antichrist." So he actually describes the false CxuJYelvS-Y-00215-00124725-00125121 teachers by describing the essence of their doctrine and the essence of their CxuJYelvS-Y-00216-00125121-00125679 doctrine is that Jesus was not fully human these these false teachers that he CxuJYelvS-Y-00217-00125679-00126195 wasn't fully human, He was just a spirit. Since then we've had groups teach the CxuJYelvS-Y-00218-00126195-00126750 opposite, He wasn't really a divine spirit He was just human or He was just CxuJYelvS-Y-00219-00126750-00127578 spirit for a time. He accuses these teachers of being deceivers not simply CxuJYelvS-Y-00220-00127578-00128078 an innocent mistake not simply a lack of understanding or maturity but CxuJYelvS-Y-00221-00128078-00128799 purposefully deceiving people with their teachings, that is a strong accusation. I CxuJYelvS-Y-00222-00128799-00129345 mean we all make mistakes right you can't you can't study the Bible and talk CxuJYelvS-Y-00223-00129345-00129813 about the Bible or even teach the Bible without mistakes or without CxuJYelvS-Y-00224-00129813-00130160 maybe it's only superficial what you're teaching you're not getting to the core CxuJYelvS-Y-00225-00130160-00130760 of it we all make mistakes hopefully they're mistakes based on misunderstanding CxuJYelvS-Y-00226-00130760-00131373 a misreading or lack of maturity but they're not on purpose but he says these CxuJYelvS-Y-00227-00131373-00132276 teachers on purpose are doing this for their own ends their own goal. He charges CxuJYelvS-Y-00228-00132276-00132858 them with being a pawn of the antichrist which is that force which exists in CxuJYelvS-Y-00229-00132858-00133323 the world under many guises with the purpose of defeating the gospel of CxuJYelvS-Y-00230-00133323-00133637 Christ and His church. CxuJYelvS-Y-00231-00133775-00134373 Jesus spoke of false christs and false prophets who would come into CxuJYelvS-Y-00232-00134373-00135101 the world with the purpose of deceiving the saints in the name of Jesus, imagine. CxuJYelvS-Y-00233-00135101-00135602 People have a hard time believing that someone who is supposed to be a CxuJYelvS-Y-00234-00135602-00135996 'religious person' a Bible teacher or an evangelist or CxuJYelvS-Y-00235-00135996-00136947 something like that would actually on purpose deceive people but we've seen a CxuJYelvS-Y-00236-00136947-00137555 lot of that haven't we? So by referring to the deceiver the CxuJYelvS-Y-00237-00137555-00137927 antichrist John is pointing to the source or the CxuJYelvS-Y-00238-00137927-00138464 power behind these lying spirits and prophets and that is Satan himself, he's CxuJYelvS-Y-00239-00138464-00138842 always the source of the lie all the time. I've said to you many CxuJYelvS-Y-00240-00138842-00139272 times what you're what's going on in your brain and that that self-talk CxuJYelvS-Y-00241-00139272-00139773 that's going on always ask yourself who's talking to me? Is this the Lord CxuJYelvS-Y-00242-00139773-00140489 talking to me or is this the evil one talking to me? And he calls them CxuJYelvS-Y-00243-00140489-00140973 the antichrist the spirit of the antichrist. Well when I see a CxuJYelvS-Y-00244-00140973-00141699 movement whose goal is to take prayer out of the schools, who's leading that CxuJYelvS-Y-00245-00141699-00142461 charge? Jesus? No. When I see a movement that says we're not going to pray CxuJYelvS-Y-00246-00142461-00143174 anymore we don't want the Bible to be used anymore who's leading that charge? CxuJYelvS-Y-00247-00143421-00143880 I won't start naming names of organizations that we know in this world CxuJYelvS-Y-00248-00143880-00144390 but just take a look at the purpose of their organization and ask yourself if CxuJYelvS-Y-00249-00144390-00144939 what they're doing is tearing down the kingdom or limiting the CxuJYelvS-Y-00250-00144939-00145638 kingdom or limiting Christianity you know who's behind it and the problem is CxuJYelvS-Y-00251-00145638-00145971 people who are in the power of the antichrist many times don't even know CxuJYelvS-Y-00252-00145971-00146874 that, they don't even realize it themselves. So in verse 8-9 he goes on he CxuJYelvS-Y-00253-00146874-00147282 says, "Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that CxuJYelvS-Y-00254-00147282-00147735 you may receive a full reward. Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the CxuJYelvS-Y-00255-00147735-00148203 teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has CxuJYelvS-Y-00256-00148203-00148668 both the Father and the Son." I've had people say to me well how could you Wow CxuJYelvS-Y-00257-00148668-00149088 you know how can you say that Christians are the only ones you know that are CxuJYelvS-Y-00258-00149088-00149457 going how can you say such a thing you know I'm a what about those and I won't CxuJYelvS-Y-00259-00149457-00149814 even name the religion okay what about those millions and millions of people CxuJYelvS-Y-00260-00149814-00150231 you know who believe this thing over here and they're sincere about it? And I CxuJYelvS-Y-00261-00150231-00150543 said yeah I said well I have one question for you do they believe that CxuJYelvS-Y-00262-00150543-00150912 Jesus is the Son of God? Well no they don't they actually reject that idea, CxuJYelvS-Y-00263-00150912-00152111 well okay read II John and. I may go before God to be judged as we all will CxuJYelvS-Y-00264-00152144-00152703 but I don't think I'll be judged incorrectly for having said publicly CxuJYelvS-Y-00265-00152703-00153249 that the Bible teaches only Jesus is the Son of God and only through Him we can CxuJYelvS-Y-00266-00153249-00153657 have salvation yeah you know beat me up kill me do whatever you want I can't CxuJYelvS-Y-00267-00153657-00154340 change that truth and even if I denied that truth it would still be true, that CxuJYelvS-Y-00268-00154340-00154691 would be on me. CxuJYelvS-Y-00269-00154829-00155214 Some people wonder why isn't the church growing? Well you know CxuJYelvS-Y-00270-00155214-00155535 how can we make the church grow well we need to get serious about getting that CxuJYelvS-Y-00271-00155535-00155801 message out. CxuJYelvS-Y-00272-00156064-00156677 So the warning here is couched in terms of what you gain or lose by being CxuJYelvS-Y-00273-00156677-00157173 careful not to be deceived if you remain faithful to the gospel of Christ then CxuJYelvS-Y-00274-00157173-00157623 you keep your reward which is eternal life and your relationship with the CxuJYelvS-Y-00275-00157623-00157925 Father and the Son; if you fall away from the teaching then CxuJYelvS-Y-00276-00157925-00158469 you risk your reward and your relationship. This is a good answer to CxuJYelvS-Y-00277-00158469-00158883 those who claim that doctrine is not really important or essential I've heard CxuJYelvS-Y-00278-00158883-00159275 that a lot of that well doctor not important as long as you love CxuJYelvS-Y-00279-00159275-00159638 you're a good person, there are a lot of good people who will not have eternal CxuJYelvS-Y-00280-00159638-00160659 life. To have wrong doctrine and practice of Christianity can lead to the loss of CxuJYelvS-Y-00281-00160659-00161109 faith and consequently to the loss of reward. This is exactly what John is CxuJYelvS-Y-00282-00161109-00161963 saying here, exactly what he's saying be careful you lose the true gospel well CxuJYelvS-Y-00283-00161963-00162641 then you lose the relationship with God that the true gospel gives you. Verse 10 CxuJYelvS-Y-00284-00162641-00163173 and 11, "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive CxuJYelvS-Y-00285-00163173-00163637 him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a CxuJYelvS-Y-00286-00163637-00164225 greeting participates in his evil deeds." A practical addition and way to CxuJYelvS-Y-00287-00164225-00164607 implement the warning; he's given them a warning and now he's given them a way to CxuJYelvS-Y-00288-00164607-00164997 implement that warning. Now in those days the offering of hospitality to strangers CxuJYelvS-Y-00289-00164997-00165626 was an important social practice more so than today especially for Christians it CxuJYelvS-Y-00290-00165626-00166067 was a sign of Christian love and faith and maturity and it was also a way of CxuJYelvS-Y-00291-00166067-00166504 providing support for preachers and teachers in the church who at that time CxuJYelvS-Y-00292-00166504-00167153 circulated. Very few churches at that time had their own full quote CxuJYelvS-Y-00293-00167153-00167549 full-time preacher they circulated, they went from church to church to teach CxuJYelvS-Y-00294-00167549-00167946 and to preach and so the offering of hospitality was a way of supporting CxuJYelvS-Y-00295-00167946-00168353 these men who were going from place to place. Today we call it circuit preaching CxuJYelvS-Y-00296-00168353-00168863 but that's what they were doing. So John says that one was not bound to CxuJYelvS-Y-00297-00168863-00169224 offer hospitality even to a teacher or preacher CxuJYelvS-Y-00298-00169224-00169887 if that person did not maintain a proper teaching of the gospel. The CxuJYelvS-Y-00299-00169887-00170532 basic teaching for a soul salvation John says on the contrary to discourage him CxuJYelvS-Y-00300-00170532-00171105 by denying him hospitality, don't even greet that person he says. Now CxuJYelvS-Y-00301-00171105-00171567 this seems harsh but understand that the false teachers were sowing seeds of a CxuJYelvS-Y-00302-00171567-00172071 souls destruction with their doctrines they had to be stopped and this was one CxuJYelvS-Y-00303-00172071-00172716 way that they could be stopped. So John warns the brethren not to allow CxuJYelvS-Y-00304-00172716-00173283 false teachers the opportunities to set up a base for teaching other people in CxuJYelvS-Y-00305-00173283-00173607 their homes because that's how the teaching was done. You know we have a CxuJYelvS-Y-00306-00173607-00174048 'program' sometime you know how searches or a small group that's it we CxuJYelvS-Y-00307-00174048-00174351 have small group programs a lot of churches have those you know members CxuJYelvS-Y-00308-00174351-00174837 meet in homes during the week fellowship teaching encouragement but in the first CxuJYelvS-Y-00309-00174837-00175242 century that was like the mainstay you know the most of the churches were in CxuJYelvS-Y-00310-00175242-00175752 homes and so you welcome the teacher or the preacher and you offered CxuJYelvS-Y-00311-00175752-00176265 him hospitality and then he taught your house church. CxuJYelvS-Y-00312-00176265-00176775 The two of those things went together so when he says don't offer them CxuJYelvS-Y-00313-00176775-00177303 hospitality at the same time they would be then denying them the opportunity to CxuJYelvS-Y-00314-00177303-00178176 teach the church that was in their house a very practical approach. He concludes CxuJYelvS-Y-00315-00178176-00178710 by saying that even to offer the usual greeting, the hope that all is CxuJYelvS-Y-00316-00178710-00179187 well or that God will bless their efforts was not to be given unless they CxuJYelvS-Y-00317-00179187-00179700 offer any type of encouragement to these people. This is why I don't feel any CxuJYelvS-Y-00318-00179700-00180273 guilt in refusing money to religious causes who don't honor Jesus as Lord nor CxuJYelvS-Y-00319-00180273-00180708 do I allow any group or person into my home to teach a promote an idea that CxuJYelvS-Y-00320-00180708-00181174 disclaims the position of Christ, no thank you Jehovah Witnesses you CxuJYelvS-Y-00321-00181178-00181538 believe Jesus is an angel of some kind no thank you Mormons yeah have a nice CxuJYelvS-Y-00322-00181539-00182239 day goodbye. I don't even debate them don't even debate CxuJYelvS-Y-00323-00182239-00182985 nope. Conclusion verse 12-13, "Though I have many CxuJYelvS-Y-00324-00182985-00183476 things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to CxuJYelvS-Y-00325-00183476-00183984 come to you and speak face-to-face, so that your joy may be made full. The CxuJYelvS-Y-00326-00183984-00184688 children of your chosen sister greet you." So John ends on a personal note that is CxuJYelvS-Y-00327-00184688-00185162 more fully explained in his third letter which we're going to do next week. The CxuJYelvS-Y-00328-00185162-00185636 problem in general has been addressed: the issue of false teachers and their CxuJYelvS-Y-00329-00185636-00186336 teachings, how to respond to these. A more personal problem exists in this church CxuJYelvS-Y-00330-00186336-00186767 involving certain individuals so John says he would rather deal with these CxuJYelvS-Y-00331-00186767-00187376 issues in person and not in writing and he closes with a final greeting from the CxuJYelvS-Y-00332-00187376-00187892 church where he is based which is Ephesus. We don't know which particular CxuJYelvS-Y-00333-00187892-00188312 congregation that this letter went to but it's pretty general and it CxuJYelvS-Y-00334-00188312-00188835 can be applied in a general way. Alright a couple of lessons that we can take CxuJYelvS-Y-00335-00188835-00189205 away here number one doctrine is important, I mentioned that already. CxuJYelvS-Y-00336-00189205-00189824 Incorrect teaching and understanding can cause us to lose our salvation so it's CxuJYelvS-Y-00337-00189824-00190586 important for leaders elders teachers preachers to be on guard at all times to CxuJYelvS-Y-00338-00190586-00191141 have a correct response to these things, to reprove those who teach and promote CxuJYelvS-Y-00339-00191141-00191796 false ideas, Romans 16:17. You know not all doctrine is equally important of CxuJYelvS-Y-00340-00191796-00192287 course, some people think well while we're CxuJYelvS-Y-00341-00192287-00192767 having worship and praise some people think well let's CxuJYelvS-Y-00342-00192767-00193136 clap hands we're enthusiastic other people feel well we ought not to CxuJYelvS-Y-00343-00193136-00193888 do that during worship okay, the correct answer to that is not as important as, CxuJYelvS-Y-00344-00193888-00194433 who is Jesus? That's my point that I'm making. There's a correct answer to all CxuJYelvS-Y-00345-00194433-00195227 the issues okay but not all teaching is equally important all teaching is CxuJYelvS-Y-00346-00195227-00195715 equally from God we must obey all teaching even Jesus said that CxuJYelvS-Y-00347-00195715-00196090 you should have concentrated at the important things he said including the CxuJYelvS-Y-00348-00196090-00196522 smaller things. So we don't deny the smaller teachings are the less CxuJYelvS-Y-00349-00196522-00196876 important teachings we need to have those correct as well but we know there CxuJYelvS-Y-00350-00196876-00197422 are more important teachings especially those surrounding our salvation, doctrine CxuJYelvS-Y-00351-00197422-00197995 however is important. Number 2: doctrine guides actions, what you do is based CxuJYelvS-Y-00352-00197995-00198565 largely on what you believe, many who do not act like Christians usually lack CxuJYelvS-Y-00353-00198565-00199084 proper teaching and understanding that's why they act the way they do. And then CxuJYelvS-Y-00354-00199084-00199497 number 3: doctrine decides discipleship. CxuJYelvS-Y-00355-00199497-00200281 I said before lots of nice people reject Jesus lots of nice people CxuJYelvS-Y-00356-00200281-00201223 reject Jesus. In Montreal I think Hal remembers the AV company that came to CxuJYelvS-Y-00357-00201223-00201673 set up our projectors and screens in the church in Montreal CxuJYelvS-Y-00358-00201673-00202213 was a Muslim we tried to find a company he had the best price he was willing to CxuJYelvS-Y-00359-00202213-00202780 come out and set everything up for us a turnkey operation, very friendly CxuJYelvS-Y-00360-00202780-00203119 guy nice you know we didn't talk about religion I mean it's in the church I CxuJYelvS-Y-00361-00203119-00203530 knew he was a Muslim and he obviously knew I was a Christian, he did a CxuJYelvS-Y-00362-00203530-00203968 good job we paid him promptly, a nice business transaction, nice guy good CxuJYelvS-Y-00363-00203968-00204591 guy, but I don't think he's going to heaven because he's a nice guy. CxuJYelvS-Y-00364-00204805-00205378 You can have a friend or you can have a family member and you can have a CxuJYelvS-Y-00365-00205378-00205759 relationship with that person you can love that person absolutely but the one CxuJYelvS-Y-00366-00205759-00206002 thing you can't have if they're not Christians you can't have fellowship CxuJYelvS-Y-00367-00206002-00206683 with that person. I love my mom she's passed many many years but I love my CxuJYelvS-Y-00368-00206683-00207175 mother as we all do and we had a lot of conversations and things like that and CxuJYelvS-Y-00369-00207175-00207942 you know she was a very good very good woman worked very hard but she was not CxuJYelvS-Y-00370-00207942-00208348 interested in religion she was never interested in discussing anything about CxuJYelvS-Y-00371-00208348-00208842 the Bible about Jesus nope so the thing we couldn't have is CxuJYelvS-Y-00372-00208842-00209308 fellowshipped well you never sit around and you know discuss the Lord and his CxuJYelvS-Y-00373-00209308-00209686 word and how the spiritual life was going that that was taboo couldn't talk CxuJYelvS-Y-00374-00209686-00210798 about that. So sometimes that's difficult for us as Christians and I need to kind CxuJYelvS-Y-00375-00210798-00211198 of emphasize the idea that it is okay to you know some people said well I you CxuJYelvS-Y-00376-00211198-00211519 know if we if they can't be Christians and I can't have any relation no of CxuJYelvS-Y-00377-00211519-00211900 course not you have family you have friends at work CxuJYelvS-Y-00378-00211900-00212515 co-workers partners you know whatever who are not believers that doesn't mean CxuJYelvS-Y-00379-00212515-00212959 you cannot love them you cannot have a friendship with them some kind of CxuJYelvS-Y-00380-00212959-00213321 relationship with them a work relationship or you know you guys bowl CxuJYelvS-Y-00381-00213321-00213736 together or golf tee or whatever you know it's just you can't have fellowship CxuJYelvS-Y-00382-00213736-00214192 together that's it's a dimension of your relationship that you can't have. Now if CxuJYelvS-Y-00383-00214192-00214789 if your love for that person over time begins to kind of break them open to CxuJYelvS-Y-00384-00214789-00215244 perhaps wanting to hear the gospel that's marvelous because you have an CxuJYelvS-Y-00385-00215244-00215694 opportunity then to add a dimension to your relationship which will make it CxuJYelvS-Y-00386-00215694-00216379 even that much more satisfying okay. All right so let's see what we got all right CxuJYelvS-Y-00387-00216379-00217048 reading that'll take you all of about two minutes there you go you can CxuJYelvS-Y-00388-00217048-00217540 do the assignment between the bells okay but we will do III John and then as I CxuJYelvS-Y-00389-00217540-00217981 mention our last class for this quarter we'll do Philemon CxuJYelvS-Y-00390-00217981-00218271 also, one chapter book and we get all these short epistles CxuJYelvS-Y-00391-00218271-00218691 done this quarter. All right thank you very much for your attention. CxQcEUMvm14-00000-00002269-00002776 Let's start with the well-known principle of Csikszentmihalyi's "flow state" from the CxQcEUMvm14-00001-00002776-00003446 year 1975. He says that there is a state in which people are fully absorbed in their task, CxQcEUMvm14-00002-00003446-00004014 forget space and time and only care about the activity - they are in a flow experience. CxQcEUMvm14-00003-00004014-00004507 This state could be reached if activities are not too easy to solve (they have to be challenging CxQcEUMvm14-00004-00004507-00005262 and not boring), but at the same time activities should not be too difficult (to feel joy not anxiety). CxQcEUMvm14-00005-00005262-00005568 Let’s look at the image for more details. CxQcEUMvm14-00006-00005992-00006573 This experience can also be observed in sports, while reading an exciting book or even while CxQcEUMvm14-00007-00006575-00007020 programming or in general - while playing or - in particular - while playing computer CxQcEUMvm14-00008-00007020-00007120 games. CxQcEUMvm14-00009-00007120-00007559 That is to say with Catrobat we don't just want to bring you into a programming flow, CxQcEUMvm14-00010-00007559-00008050 we also want you to think about how you can design your gaming app, so that others who CxQcEUMvm14-00011-00008050-00008588 download and play it can get into a flow state themselves and enjoy your game. CxQcEUMvm14-00012-00008588-00009058 That is to say with Catrobat we don't just want to bring you into a programming flow, CxQcEUMvm14-00013-00009058-00009570 we also want you to think about how you can design your gaming app, so that others who CxQcEUMvm14-00014-00009570-00010058 download and play it can get into a flow state themselves and enjoy your game. CxQcEUMvm14-00015-00010130-00010440 This module is all about thinking like a game designer. CxQcEUMvm14-00016-00010602-00011034 Everything starts with an idea. What is your gaming app about? CxQcEUMvm14-00017-00011034-00011486 Take a moment, close your eyes and think about your gaming app. CxQcEUMvm14-00018-00011588-00011950 What is the genre, theme or goal of your game? CxQcEUMvm14-00019-00011950-00012539 Selecting a genre can be helpful in directing game design. Genres classify games based on CxQcEUMvm14-00020-00012539-00013094 their characteristics. The classifications of game genres are not fixed and can be very CxQcEUMvm14-00021-00013094-00013502 diverse. Here I would like to introduce you to the most common ones: CxQcEUMvm14-00022-00013654-00014044  Action games: In action games players can explore an environment without an immediate CxQcEUMvm14-00023-00014044-00014615 threat, then perform interactions in order to develop a story. There are two sub-genres CxQcEUMvm14-00024-00014615-00015109 for action games:  Platform games: Here a character moves CxQcEUMvm14-00025-00015110-00015624 from surface to surface. This genre also includes jump’n’run genres CxQcEUMvm14-00026-00015624-00016187  Shooter games: Here the player launches and shots projectiles at enemies. CxQcEUMvm14-00027-00016188-00016744  Adventure game: Here players use accuracy and timing in order to move, collect, or avoid CxQcEUMvm14-00028-00016744-00017206 obstacles. Again, we distinguish between two subgenres: CxQcEUMvm14-00029-00017206-00017855  Role-Playing Game or RPG: In a RPG game attributes of the character can be changed. CxQcEUMvm14-00030-00017855-00018296 Includes capabilities enhancement through items or inventory. CxQcEUMvm14-00031-00018296-00018851  Text Adventure: Here, the game world is represented largely through text, so a kind CxQcEUMvm14-00032-00018852-00018972 of storytelling game. CxQcEUMvm14-00033-00019162-00019558  Puzzle game: This includes logic challenges and skill games. CxQcEUMvm14-00034-00019960-00020609  Simulation game: Deals with the representation of systems, for example, Racing simulations. CxQcEUMvm14-00035-00020609-00021082  Strategy game: This kind of genre allows players to make decisions in a landscape. CxQcEUMvm14-00036-00021496-00021886 Other genres are sport, music, or educational games. CxQcEUMvm14-00037-00021998-00022568 In addition, three more genres which are mainly used for smartphones and tablets: casual, CxQcEUMvm14-00038-00022568-00023249 arcade or 3 Match games. Casual is a very broad term and can be defined as “a game CxQcEUMvm14-00039-00023249-00023773 with simple mechanics that takes skill and time to master”. Thus a lot of mobile apps CxQcEUMvm14-00040-00023773-00024364 fall into this category. Arcade games are a very similar genre that uses short levels, CxQcEUMvm14-00041-00024364-00024955 a rapid increase in difficulty, and simple and intuitive controls. Match 3 games can CxQcEUMvm14-00042-00024955-00025501 be summarized as puzzle games where you mostly need to combine three tiles together, for CxQcEUMvm14-00043-00025501-00026041 example Candy Crush Saga. Gaming apps are mainly used to pass time - for example, while CxQcEUMvm14-00044-00026041-00026376 waiting for a bus - these genres support this need. CxQcEUMvm14-00045-00026576-00027122 These game genres tell you what game elements are needed to make your game effective. For CxQcEUMvm14-00046-00027122-00027370 example, whether you should add a countdown or a score. CxQcEUMvm14-00047-00027598-00028158 As for themes, no general classification exists and the theme can be almost anything. CxQcEUMvm14-00048-00028158-00028539 It can refer to a specific color, story, or narrative. CxQcEUMvm14-00049-00028539-00029030 We will use the term “theme” to explain the gaming world, for example, backgrounds CxQcEUMvm14-00050-00029030-00029701 or colors that define the game’s aesthetics. Some examples for themes are science fiction, CxQcEUMvm14-00051-00029701-00030350 fantasy, romance, sports, nature, future, space, realistic, horror, or comic. CxQcEUMvm14-00052-00030350-00030860 Whereas the theme can change during the game (for example, with different levels), the CxQcEUMvm14-00053-00030860-00031026 genre usually remains the same. CxQcEUMvm14-00054-00031510-00032022 During level design, additional levels increase in their difficulty and different missions CxQcEUMvm14-00055-00032022-00032626 or stages could be considered, which are defined through the Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics, CxQcEUMvm14-00056-00032626-00032752 or MDAs, of a game. CxQcEUMvm14-00057-00032882-00033478 Game MDAs provide a consistent structure to define game elements, goals, and rules, thereby CxQcEUMvm14-00058-00033479-00033850 delivering a common framework and vocabulary for games. CxQcEUMvm14-00059-00033850-00034395  Mechanics describe the particular components of the game. This includes for example points, CxQcEUMvm14-00060-00034395-00034979 levels, challenges, virtual goods or leaderboards  Dynamics are defined through interactions CxQcEUMvm14-00061-00034979-00035636 of users with the game mechanics. This comprises for example rewards, status, achievement, CxQcEUMvm14-00062-00035636-00035956 self-expression, competition, or altruism CxQcEUMvm14-00063-00036134-00036618  Aesthetics refer to the player’s experience with the game. Aesthetics are a matter of CxQcEUMvm14-00064-00036619-00037237 taste and it is impossible to design a game that suits everyone. This compromises fantasy, CxQcEUMvm14-00065-00037237-00037496 narrative, fellowship or discovery. CxQcEUMvm14-00066-00037846-00038168 With some exceptions, most games have a goal. CxQcEUMvm14-00067-00038168-00038656 The goal of the game is some kind of victory which sometimes refers to as a mission or CxQcEUMvm14-00068-00038656-00039178 quest. Games can have different kinds of goals, for example., short, medium, and long-term CxQcEUMvm14-00069-00039178-00039749 goals. Whereas short and medium-term goals should satisfy the player, long-term goals CxQcEUMvm14-00070-00039749-00039958 represent guidelines for the whole game. CxQcEUMvm14-00071-00040262-00040746 Goals for example are:  Territorial acquisition: the player occupies CxQcEUMvm14-00072-00040746-00041084 territory, not necessarily harming other players. CxQcEUMvm14-00073-00041396-00041806  Collection: collect a certain number of objects throughout the game. CxQcEUMvm14-00074-00042042-00042292  Solve: solve a puzzle or crime. CxQcEUMvm14-00075-00042516-00043038  Chase/racing/escape: anything where the player is running towards or away from something. CxQcEUMvm14-00076-00043242-00043616  Spatial alignment: anything that involves the positioning of elements. CxQcEUMvm14-00077-00043652-00043782  Building or construct. CxQcEUMvm14-00078-00044040-00044418  Negation of another goal: the game ends if you perform an act that is forbidden by CxQcEUMvm14-00079-00044418-00044532 the rules. CxQcEUMvm14-00080-00044861-00045348 The level of control or interactivity of the characters does not only depend on the game genre CxQcEUMvm14-00081-00045349-00045834 but also on the technology. Characters in computer games are commonly controlled via CxQcEUMvm14-00082-00045834-00046431 the keyboard or the mouse, whereas in mobile games, finger positions or sensors are used. CxQcEUMvm14-00083-00046431-00047024 Finally, the main character plays an important role. Some games refer to the main character CxQcEUMvm14-00084-00047024-00047677 as an “avatar”. Avatars are a direct representation of the player in the game. Examples for main CxQcEUMvm14-00085-00047677-00048314 characters are Lara Croft or a shoe in Monopoly. Some game genres, such as puzzle or quizzes CxQcEUMvm14-00086-00048314-00048538 do not have a main character. CxQcEUMvm14-00087-00048538-00049064 It is useful to structure the gaming app into sections to visually simplify and map out CxQcEUMvm14-00088-00049064-00049553 the structure of the program. During gameplay, different stages can be used to give the player CxQcEUMvm14-00089-00049553-00050255 a sense of progression, along with other common concepts, such as a score, energy, or timer. CxQcEUMvm14-00090-00050255-00050686 To use the same shape for all games we use the following structure: CxQcEUMvm14-00091-00050686-00051000  Title screen: includes the name or title of the game CxQcEUMvm14-00092-00051000-00051469  Instruction screen: conveys goals and rules CxQcEUMvm14-00093-00051469-00051890  One or more levels followed by the  End screen: this is linked to the end CxQcEUMvm14-00094-00051890-00052417 of a story, the achievement of a target or goal (for example game over or win screen) CxQcEUMvm14-00095-00052600-00053128 For game development cycles, concepts of agile and iterative software development can be CxQcEUMvm14-00096-00053129-00053842 used to see first results very quickly. This image shows a simplified agile life cycle. CxQcEUMvm14-00097-00053842-00054400 The first step, Research, includes the development of the core idea by producing a simple game CxQcEUMvm14-00098-00054400-00054921 concept or a storyboard. A storyboard can help you to summarize the different scenes CxQcEUMvm14-00099-00054921-00055475 in a game. It can hold the “Shape of the Game” and considers: the core idea, the CxQcEUMvm14-00100-00055475-00055991 game concept, the game characters, and the interactivity level of the characters. This CxQcEUMvm14-00101-00055991-00056275 can be done graphically or textually. CxQcEUMvm14-00102-00056275-00056830 In the second step, during the Design phase, artwork, game content and other elements like CxQcEUMvm14-00103-00056830-00057412 characters, assets or avatars, and the whole gaming world is produced. CxQcEUMvm14-00104-00057412-00057864 The Development phase, includes all of the actual programming, followed by Testing the CxQcEUMvm14-00105-00057865-00058461 code and the software, which is called playtesting. Several iterations between testing and bug CxQcEUMvm14-00106-00058461-00058596 fixing are possible. CxQcEUMvm14-00107-00058596-00058942 As a final step, the Sharing phase deals with the game release. CxQcEUMvm14-00108-00058942-00059548 To sum up, before concentrating on every detail of the game, focus on the smallest step the CxQcEUMvm14-00109-00059548-00060082 game needs for playing it, for example, in the first cycle create just a limited interface CxQcEUMvm14-00110-00060082-00060691 control or just the basic game functionality. This should help novice programmers and designers CxQcEUMvm14-00111-00060691-00061187 to narrow down the development process. Now that you are familiar with the most important CxQcEUMvm14-00112-00061187-00061709 concepts of the app and the basic principles of game design, you are well prepared to develop CxQcEUMvm14-00113-00061709-00062405 your own bigger gaming app. Start by downloading the storyboard and by creating your idea. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00000-00000000-00000500 Welcome to this tutorial on how to write letters using latex Cxb3L4BXYgI-00001-00000600-00000700 You can see three windows: Cxb3L4BXYgI-00002-00000800-00001200 These correspond to the three distinct phases in typesetting through latex: Cxb3L4BXYgI-00003-00001300-00002100 creation of source file, compilation to produce the pdf file and viewing it through a pdf reader. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00004-00002200-00003300 I am using the free pdf reader “Skim” in Mac OSX because it automatically loads the latest pdf file after every compilation. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00005-00003400-00004100 There are pdf browers in Linux and also in windows that have this capability. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00006-00004200-00004600 Let us go through the source file and see what each command does. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00007-00004700-00005300 The first line says that this belongs to letter document class. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00008-00005400-00005600 12 point is the text size. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00009-00005700-00006600 The first component of the letter is the ‘from address’. It appears between the braces here Cxb3L4BXYgI-00010-00006700-00007300 The result of this is seen in the top right hand corner of the output file. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00011-00007400-00007800 Two consecutive slashes start a new line. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00012-00007900-00008400 If I remove the double slashes from here – Cxb3L4BXYgI-00013-00008500-00009600 save, compile using pdflatex – Cxb3L4BXYgI-00014-00009700-00010200 you can see that these two lines get merged in one line. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00015-00010300-00010800 Previously with a double slash we asked latex to split the line. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00016-00010900-00011500 Now these reverse slashes are no longer there, so latex does not know that it has to break the line there. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00017-00011600-00012300 Let me put the slashes back. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00018-00012400-00012700 Save, Compile. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00019-00012800-00013400 It is to be understood, that after every change we need to save before compilation. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00020-00013500-00014000 Let us see what happens when we give an empty address. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00021-00014100-00014300 Let me just come here, Cxb3L4BXYgI-00022-00014400-00014600 mark it, Cxb3L4BXYgI-00023-00014700-00015600 go to the end of the line, delete it, save it, compile it. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00024-00015700-00016300 You can see that the from address has disappeared from here. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00025-00016400-00017300 Note that today’s date appears automatically in American style: month, date and then year. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00026-00017400-00018100 This is obtained throught the command slash date slash today. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00027-00018200-00019100 We can prevent the automatic appearance of the date with an empty list, as we do now. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00028-00019200-00019600 Save. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00029-00019700-00019800 Compile. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00030-00019800-00019900 The date has gone. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00031-00020000-00020900 Suppose that we want to put our own date, let us enter it with date first as follows. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00032-00021000-00021900 9th July 2007, Save, Compile. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00033-00022000-00022200 Got the date. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00034-00022300-00022600 This is the date on which this tutorial was created the first time. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00035-00022700-00023200 On compiling it, we see this Indian format appearing in the output file. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00036-00023300-00024100 Let us put the address back. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00037-00024200-00024700 And the document is back to the previous state by recompiling. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00038-00024800-00025600 The signature commands argument appears at the bottom of the letter. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00039-00025700-00026100 We begin the document and then the letter. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00040-00026200-00026900 The ‘to address’ comes first. It appears in the top left hand corner of the output. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00041-00027000-00027300 I have addressed this to Mr. N. K. Sinha. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00042-00027400-00027900 The command ‘slash opening’ is used to address the recipient. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00043-00028000-00028700 You may have already noticed that all latex commands begin with a reverse slash. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00044-00028800-00029200 The text of the letter comes next. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00045-00029300-00029900 One starts a new paragraph in latex through a blank line as we show now. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00046-00030000-00030600 Let me come here. Right now this sentence starting at ‘we are’ is here. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00047-00030700-00031100 Let’s open. Let's take this to the next line. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00048-00031200-00031600 I have left a blank line. Let me save this. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00049-00031700-00031800 Compile this. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00050-00031900-00032400 You can see that this has gone to a new paragraph Cxb3L4BXYgI-00051-00032500-00032800 With a new paragraph, the letter has gone to two pages. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00052-00032900-00033600 Let us see if the font size is reduced to 10, we can bring the letter back to one page. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00053-00033700-00034100 Let me do that now Cxb3L4BXYgI-00054-00034200-00034700 Save. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00055-00034800-00034900 Compile. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00056-00034900-00035300 You can see that the whole letter has come to one page. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00057-00035400-00035900 Let me put this back to 12 pt. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00058-00036000-00036500 And let me also remove this paragraph bit. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00059-00036600-00037100 And let me compile this. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00060-00037200-00037300 Okay. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00061-00037400-00038800 I now want to explain the itemize environment which is created with a pair of begin and end itemize commands. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00062-00038900-00039600 Every piece of text that starts with a ‘slash item’ appears in a bulleted form. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00063-00039700-00040000 Can I get numbers in the place of bullets here? Cxb3L4BXYgI-00064-00040100-00040500 You just have to change the itemize into enumerate as I do now. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00065-00040600-00041200 Let me just change this to enumerate. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00066-00041300-00041900 Save it. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00067-00042000-00042400 Of course! It is always a good idea to save as often as possible. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00068-00042500-00042800 Let me compile this again. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00069-00042900-00043400 You can see that the bullets have become numbers now. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00070-00043500-00044100 In closing, I have included, ‘Yours sincerely’, which comes here. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00071-00044200-00044500 We have already talked about the signature. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00072-00044600-00045400 Finally, the command cc helps mark this letter to other recipients. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00073-00045500-00046300 I end the letter with ‘end letter’ command and then the document is completed with the ‘end document’ command. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00074-00046400-00046700 Feel free to modify the content and try them out. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00075-00046800-00047700 Until you become confident, change only one thing at a time and make sure by immediate compilation that whatever you have done is correct. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00076-00047800-00048900 Although I talked about the letter writing process in a Mac, the same source file will work in all Latex systems including those in Linux and Windows operation systems. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00077-00049000-00049200 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00078-00049300-00049340 Thanks for listening. Cxb3L4BXYgI-00079-00049400-00049900 This is ---------------(your name) from ---------------------(Affiliation and name of the place) signing off. Good bye. CyBW0pTkygQ-00000-00000000-00000056 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00001-00000056-00000112 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00002-00000112-00000168 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00003-00000168-00000224 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00004-00000224-00000280 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00005-00000280-00000336 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00006-00000336-00000392 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00007-00000392-00000448 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00008-00000448-00000504 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00009-00000504-00000560 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00010-00000560-00000616 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00011-00000616-00000672 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00012-00000672-00000728 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00013-00000728-00000784 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00014-00000784-00000840 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00015-00000840-00000896 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00016-00000896-00000952 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00017-00000952-00001008 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00018-00001008-00001064 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00019-00001064-00001120 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00020-00001120-00001176 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00021-00001176-00001232 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00022-00001232-00001288 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00023-00001288-00001344 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00024-00001344-00001400 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00025-00001400-00001456 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00026-00001456-00001512 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00027-00001512-00001568 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00028-00001568-00001623 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00029-00001623-00001673 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00030-00001673-00001723 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00031-00001723-00001773 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00032-00001773-00001823 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00033-00001823-00001873 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00034-00001873-00001923 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00035-00001923-00001973 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00036-00001973-00002023 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00037-00002023-00002074 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00038-00002074-00002124 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00039-00002124-00002174 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00040-00002174-00002224 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00041-00002224-00002274 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00042-00002274-00002324 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00043-00002324-00002374 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00044-00002374-00002424 [Music] CyBW0pTkygQ-00045-00002424-00002474 [Music] CySvLpFroqQ-00000-00000670-00001998 Nepali Puran in Atlanta CBKqYiyRHwQ-00000-00000000-00000392 Title: Simontive 6 Episode 42 Parade CBKqYiyRHwQ-00001-00000408-00000980 Mr. Dinosaur: We are ready for the parade. Do we want to get Airport Rabbit back from the plane to land? CBKqYiyRHwQ-00002-00000980-00001316 Kimon: We have to get him back onto the ground. How do we get him back down? CBKqYiyRHwQ-00003-00001444-00002092 Simon: Okay, we will meet him in the airport. Mr. Dinosaur, can you tell Governor FBI to stop the plane from leaving Dogland? CBKqYiyRHwQ-00004-00002224-00002714 Mr. Dinosaur: Yes Governor FBI is aware of this problem since he is right next to us. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00005-00002880-00003094 Governor FBI: Okay, I will meet him at the airport. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00006-00003278-00003600 Airport Rabbit: Ok. Where are you boarding to? CBKqYiyRHwQ-00007-00003600-00003888 Governor FBI: You will follow to us unless you want to go to jail. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00008-00004002-00004390 Yi's Twin: What do you want me to come to an event or being arrested? CBKqYiyRHwQ-00009-00004564-00004886 Airport Rabbit: I heard that a parade will be held. Come with us right now. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00010-00005180-00006004 Green Pig: We will go to the parade right now and become a small section in the parade such as being on a float. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00011-00006054-00006350 Governor FBI: Yes, you will follow to us unless you want to go to jail. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00012-00006442-00006726 *crowd cheering* CBKqYiyRHwQ-00013-00006726-00006804 *crowd booing* CBKqYiyRHwQ-00014-00006804-00007220 Simon: Thank you for attending the parade even though all of the viewers are on the Internet. CBKqYiyRHwQ-00015-00007436-00008166 Mr. Dinosaur: We are ready for new phase in Dogland. We are ready working together for a great Dogland for everybody. CBczyGXZcKM-00000-00000000-00000200 Đăng Ký Kênh Để Xem Nhũng Video Mới Nhé CEQWqsE6NRy-00000-00000100-00000400 What games do you play? My name is Kenneth Kresina, CEQWqsE6NRy-00001-00000400-00000641 and I play Splatoon, Smash Bros., and Fortnite. CEQWqsE6NRy-00002-00000641-00000900 While I am the President of the Buckeye Gaming Collective, CEQWqsE6NRy-00003-00000900-00001370 I am just 1 of many gamers here on campus at The Ohio State University. CEQWqsE6NRy-00004-00001370-00001710 BGC strives to build a home for gamers of all different backgrounds. CEQWqsE6NRy-00005-00001710-00001995 We have functions to cater towards nationally competitive teams, CEQWqsE6NRy-00006-00001995-00002333 on-campus competitions, informal watch parties and game nights, CEQWqsE6NRy-00007-00002333-00002571 and real-world student staff positions. CEQWqsE6NRy-00008-00002571-00003000 We include a variety of titles in our programming: from Minecraft to Call of Duty. CEQWqsE6NRy-00009-00003000-00003428 We’ve been fortunate to collaborate with the Ohio State Esports program in its inaugural years, CEQWqsE6NRy-00010-00003428-00003817 helping to lay the foundation for school-sponsored Esports at large universities. CEQWqsE6NRy-00011-00003817-00004154 We’ve also had the pleasure of collaborating with a variety of other groups on campus: CEQWqsE6NRy-00012-00004154-00004359 including BuckeyeThon to raise money for charity, CEQWqsE6NRy-00013-00004359-00004551 ECHO [Echo Chinese Student Organization] & Asian American Association CEQWqsE6NRy-00014-00004551-00004835 to build a greater sense of community & cultural appreciation, CEQWqsE6NRy-00015-00004835-00005067 and a variety of other gaming-centered student orgs CEQWqsE6NRy-00016-00005067-00005323 such as the Buckeye Pokémon League & Board2Death. CEQWqsE6NRy-00017-00005323-00005816 Lastly, we take our Buckeye pride seriously as we represent gaming & esports in Columbus, CEQWqsE6NRy-00018-00005816-00006188 including in an annual rivalry battle with That Team Up North. CEQWqsE6NRy-00019-00006188-00006559 We’re always moving towards innovation for Gaming & Esports here on campus. CEQWqsE6NRy-00020-00006559-00006998 So, here! Grab a controller and be our Player 2. We'll see you online! CHctGNYPTVo-00000-00000245-00000873 Hi eveyone, today’s video is a review on the Libre 2. CHctGNYPTVo-00001-00000873-00001178 I’ve used Libre 2 for the last two weeks and I was very surprized by it. CHctGNYPTVo-00002-00001178-00001518 Compared to Libre 1, Libre 2 showed much better accuracy. Libre 1 did not allow for calibration. CHctGNYPTVo-00003-00001518-00002386 So there was about 50 mmol/L difference. I didn’t really see th e merit in it except how comfortable it was. CHctGNYPTVo-00004-00002386-00002816 I had to use an additional app for calibration. CHctGNYPTVo-00005-00003119-00003518 However, the accuracy of Libre 2 is much better. CHctGNYPTVo-00006-00003518-00003759 Let’s compare Libre 2 with finger prick methode. CHctGNYPTVo-00007-00004036-00004307 The difference was only about 10. CHctGNYPTVo-00008-00005116-00005527 The difference was only about 10. I could rely on the measurement from Libre 2. CHctGNYPTVo-00009-00005608-00006087 And I found the new alarm function from Libre 2 very helpful. CHctGNYPTVo-00010-00006187-00006845 In my case, I experience more high blood glucose level than low. I was able to get insulin on time with the alarm function. CHctGNYPTVo-00011-00006923-00007259 The next videos will be experience of Libre 3 and Dexcom 6. CJIwjOZ6UN8-00000-00000000-00000050 "YOUR WALK" shoots a video of you walking on a beautiful path that you want to go in South Korea. CK0MlolLs5Y-00000-00000000-00000098 We will briefly introduce Right, just now we said CK0MlolLs5Y-00001-00000098-00000218 How to take ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00002-00000218-00000350 And make use of CK0MlolLs5Y-00003-00000350-00000690 Its full potential CK0MlolLs5Y-00004-00000690-00000930 We would like to invite our Dr.Chang CK0MlolLs5Y-00005-00000930-00001110 Specifically mention that we as a human can be ill CK0MlolLs5Y-00006-00001110-00001394 Apart from tǐshāng, it is lack of body heat CK0MlolLs5Y-00007-00001394-00001686 Commonly people said that hundred of disease came from cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00008-00001686-00001982 Too cool, too cold isn't it also CK0MlolLs5Y-00009-00001982-00002166 Cause some disease on our body CK0MlolLs5Y-00010-00002166-00002366 Therefore, some people said that ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00011-00002366-00002454 Is the best anti-cold food CK0MlolLs5Y-00012-00002454-00002622 Apart from just now said it is vaccine CK0MlolLs5Y-00013-00002622-00002842 Anti-cold, why CK0MlolLs5Y-00014-00002842-00003186 Ok, because it itself is bitter and spicy CK0MlolLs5Y-00015-00003190-00003410 Therefore it is hot CK0MlolLs5Y-00016-00003410-00003682 It will improve our entire body's circulation CK0MlolLs5Y-00017-00003682-00003802 So when you are ill CK0MlolLs5Y-00018-00003802-00003910 Eat it and it will help CK0MlolLs5Y-00019-00003910-00004150 If usually maintain health like CK0MlolLs5Y-00020-00004150-00004326 Ginger in addition with some red sugar CK0MlolLs5Y-00021-00004326-00004478 Those will also help maintain your health CK0MlolLs5Y-00022-00004478-00004586 You see from the ancient CK0MlolLs5Y-00023-00004586-00004806 Actually a lot of doctor CK0MlolLs5Y-00024-00004806-00005078 Or certain specialist also like to use ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00025-00005078-00005166 Look just now you said CK0MlolLs5Y-00026-00005166-00005262 Bitter but not too spicy CK0MlolLs5Y-00027-00005262-00005418 Can, Is this word pronounce "shu" CK0MlolLs5Y-00028-00005418-00005610 Can mix, can eat, can use as medicine CK0MlolLs5Y-00029-00005610-00005738 Almost can use for anything CK0MlolLs5Y-00030-00005738-00005854 So why it is anti-cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00031-00005854-00006022 Have it reason behind it CK0MlolLs5Y-00032-00006022-00006222 Let we see concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00033-00006222-00006350 Ginger powder, ginger powder mud ,fresh ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00034-00006350-00006430 Those are all when CK0MlolLs5Y-00035-00006430-00006518 Our heat-energy is lacking CK0MlolLs5Y-00036-00006518-00006750 Can use this method, right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00037-00006750-00006866 Let talk about concentrated ginger soup first CK0MlolLs5Y-00038-00006866-00007158 Ok, I introduce concentrated ginger soup first CK0MlolLs5Y-00039-00007158-00007390 Concentrated ginger soup boiling method CK0MlolLs5Y-00040-00007390-00007509 Sometime use fresh ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00041-00007558-00007726 Sometime use dry ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00042-00007726-00007994 Those will have the same health effect CK0MlolLs5Y-00043-00007994-00008382 Ok, so this is fresh ginger or raw ginger and that is dryed ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00044-00008382-00008618 So usually fresh ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00045-00008734-00008950 10 gram is equal to 1 gram of dry ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00046-00008950-00009102 The proportion is approximately like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00047-00009102-00009222 Sun dry it right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00048-00009222-00009362 This is dry ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00049-00009362-00009474 That after fresh ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00050-00009474-00009642 After sun dry it done CK0MlolLs5Y-00051-00009642-00009726 It change like that CK0MlolLs5Y-00052-00009726-00009826 So its size become smaller CK0MlolLs5Y-00053-00009826-00009966 Just now Dr.Chang said CK0MlolLs5Y-00054-00009966-00010178 It will become smaller CK0MlolLs5Y-00055-00010178-00010354 And also easier to carry CK0MlolLs5Y-00056-00010354-00010554 Usually it is 10 to 1 ratio CK0MlolLs5Y-00057-00010554-00010750 10 to 1 Ok CK0MlolLs5Y-00058-00010750-00010858 New fresh need approximate CK0MlolLs5Y-00059-00010858-00011094 When you use dry one and divide by 10 CK0MlolLs5Y-00060-00011094-00011358 That is 10 CK0MlolLs5Y-00061-00011358-00011454 So need 1 gram CK0MlolLs5Y-00062-00011454-00011570 Just now said 10 gram CK0MlolLs5Y-00063-00011570-00011658 After sun dry it CK0MlolLs5Y-00064-00011658-00011854 It will left 1 gram CK0MlolLs5Y-00065-00011854-00012090 Ginger soup that has been boiled using dry ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00066-00012090-00012218 If 1 pound CK0MlolLs5Y-00067-00012218-00012426 It is 500 gram if it counted in China CK0MlolLs5Y-00068-00012426-00012674 We Taiwan is 600 gram equal 1 pound CK0MlolLs5Y-00069-00012674-00012902 After done boiling 1 pound CK0MlolLs5Y-00070-00012902-00013086 It can be consumed CK0MlolLs5Y-00071-00013197-00013294 Can it also be apply for external use? CK0MlolLs5Y-00072-00013294-00013406 Actually mud ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00073-00013406-00013618 When used on external injuries CK0MlolLs5Y-00074-00013654-00013810 Is also very good to use CK0MlolLs5Y-00075-00013810-00013994 It can use to wash CK0MlolLs5Y-00076-00013994-00014194 Wash wound CK0MlolLs5Y-00077-00014194-00014310 After that, it will let the wound CK0MlolLs5Y-00078-00014310-00014497 Recover at a faster pace CK0MlolLs5Y-00079-00014497-00014802 Therefore ginger soup can be consumed CK0MlolLs5Y-00080-00014802-00015018 And also can apply for external use CK0MlolLs5Y-00081-00015018-00015122 So this is CK0MlolLs5Y-00082-00015122-00015254 This one need use boil CK0MlolLs5Y-00083-00015254-00015347 This need boil CK0MlolLs5Y-00084-00015347-00015484 Need to boil, After that put on heat resistance cup CK0MlolLs5Y-00085-00015491-00015626 Do not last over 12 hours CK0MlolLs5Y-00086-00015626-00015810 After done boiling, drink it CK0MlolLs5Y-00087-00015810-00016046 It is best to drink early CK0MlolLs5Y-00088-00016113-00016341 Storing it, if after 12 hours CK0MlolLs5Y-00089-00016341-00016514 Concern after too long it properties change CK0MlolLs5Y-00090-00016606-00016826 Approximately 1000cc, right or not CK0MlolLs5Y-00091-00016826-00017254 1000cc. approximate 5 bowl of water CK0MlolLs5Y-00092-00017254-00017522 Boil it until one third CK0MlolLs5Y-00093-00017522-00017858 Left one third, approximate 1.7 bowl CK0MlolLs5Y-00094-00017858-00018114 So 1000cc of water CK0MlolLs5Y-00095-00018114-00018558 Yes, approximate 350cc. more a bit CK0MlolLs5Y-00096-00018558-00018918 Roughly this is the amount of a day CK0MlolLs5Y-00097-00018918-00019074 Amount for adult or children? CK0MlolLs5Y-00098-00019074-00019222 Amount for adult CK0MlolLs5Y-00099-00019222-00019310 This is point to the amount for adult CK0MlolLs5Y-00100-00019310-00019402 The amount for adult CK0MlolLs5Y-00101-00019402-00019530 So children also can drink CK0MlolLs5Y-00102-00019530-00019738 But probably need to cut in half CK0MlolLs5Y-00103-00019738-00019982 According to age and their weight CK0MlolLs5Y-00104-00019982-00020138 Body weight to differentiate CK0MlolLs5Y-00105-00020138-00020330 Then reduce the amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00106-00020330-00020490 If I drink this CK0MlolLs5Y-00107-00020490-00020666 Counted as concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00108-00020666-00020898 This one is for when you sick CK0MlolLs5Y-00109-00020898-00021222 Compare with the added red sugar for health maintain CK0MlolLs5Y-00110-00021222-00021334 Completely different CK0MlolLs5Y-00111-00021334-00021414 I would like to ask CK0MlolLs5Y-00112-00021414-00021622 If I drink this concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00113-00021622-00021738 Because after drinking it CK0MlolLs5Y-00114-00021738-00021874 You will know it's effect CK0MlolLs5Y-00115-00021874-00021978 What kind of effect CK0MlolLs5Y-00116-00021978-00022190 To indicate that it is too concentrated CK0MlolLs5Y-00117-00022190-00022322 Or not enough CK0MlolLs5Y-00118-00022322-00022454 Very good, this question CK0MlolLs5Y-00119-00022454-00022782 That is when after you drink it your body feel very relief CK0MlolLs5Y-00120-00022782-00022878 Even sweating CK0MlolLs5Y-00121-00022878-00023034 After sweating done still very relief CK0MlolLs5Y-00122-00023034-00023254 During that it is good CK0MlolLs5Y-00123-00023254-00023406 That is good CK0MlolLs5Y-00124-00023406-00023574 This amount is right CK0MlolLs5Y-00125-00023574-00023810 If after drinking it like just now have said CK0MlolLs5Y-00126-00023810-00024170 Diarrhea, stomach pain, mouth break CK0MlolLs5Y-00127-00024170-00024474 During that you need to reduce the amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00128-00024474-00024566 Or that certain people CK0MlolLs5Y-00129-00024566-00024698 Feel that himself too hot CK0MlolLs5Y-00130-00024698-00024894 Himself not sure that he has a eye discharge CK0MlolLs5Y-00131-00024894-00024978 Isn't it? CK0MlolLs5Y-00132-00024978-00025142 Isn't it eye discharge because too hot CK0MlolLs5Y-00133-00025142-00025226 Isn't it like that CK0MlolLs5Y-00134-00025226-00025362 If after drink it cause symptoms and signs CK0MlolLs5Y-00135-00025362-00025498 Like i just now said CK0MlolLs5Y-00136-00025498-00025758 Either overdose or its body circulation CK0MlolLs5Y-00137-00025758-00025894 Have some problem CK0MlolLs5Y-00138-00025894-00026094 Absorb heat-energy not enough CK0MlolLs5Y-00139-00026094-00026189 So during that CK0MlolLs5Y-00140-00026189-00026386 If not rubbing(àntuī), must reduce amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00141-00026386-00026470 Ok CK0MlolLs5Y-00142-00026470-00026574 Dr.Chang when you are in the process CK0MlolLs5Y-00143-00026574-00026694 Of helping a lot of people CK0MlolLs5Y-00144-00026694-00026774 What kind of people CK0MlolLs5Y-00145-00026774-00027014 He must drink concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00146-00027014-00027145 What kind of sick people CK0MlolLs5Y-00147-00027145-00027266 To recommend him drink more CK0MlolLs5Y-00148-00027266-00027470 People with chemotherapy or CK0MlolLs5Y-00149-00027470-00027706 Need to look at physique, what kind of physique CK0MlolLs5Y-00150-00027706-00027933 Lack of physical strength, what called lack physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00151-00027933-00028038 For example this person CK0MlolLs5Y-00152-00028038-00028402 Speech is soft and weak, movement is slow and weak CK0MlolLs5Y-00153-00028402-00028658 Even body edema CK0MlolLs5Y-00154-00028658-00029030 Then even asthma CK0MlolLs5Y-00155-00029030-00029386 Face lack of luster, pale face these type CK0MlolLs5Y-00156-00029386-00029610 Then cold limbs CK0MlolLs5Y-00157-00029610-00029726 Body also cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00158-00029810-00030038 When these type Very easy to notice CK0MlolLs5Y-00159-00030038-00030226 They need a lot of heat-energy CK0MlolLs5Y-00160-00030226-00030430 He is not necessarily on a severe symptom CK0MlolLs5Y-00161-00030430-00030550 Not severe symptom? CK0MlolLs5Y-00162-00030550-00030645 Those just now i said CK0MlolLs5Y-00163-00030645-00030870 Actually is severe than severe symptom CK0MlolLs5Y-00164-00030870-00031070 Because he is lack of physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00165-00031070-00031177 Therefore during that situation CK0MlolLs5Y-00166-00031177-00031354 Sometime overwork also lack of physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00167-00031354-00031422 That right CK0MlolLs5Y-00168-00031422-00031582 Therefore during that situation also concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00169-00031582-00031722 I also notice I'm lack of physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00170-00031722-00031858 Of course, because certainly we know CK0MlolLs5Y-00171-00031922-00032114 Fatigue, overworking these have a lot of statement CK0MlolLs5Y-00172-00032114-00032166 That is different CK0MlolLs5Y-00173-00032166-00032354 Just now specifically mention that is CK0MlolLs5Y-00174-00032354-00032474 Dr.Chang said it is severe symptom CK0MlolLs5Y-00175-00032474-00032594 Severe symptom, because when our disease CK0MlolLs5Y-00176-00032594-00032782 Is differ from emergency disease, long-term disease CK0MlolLs5Y-00177-00032782-00032966 after long-term disease CK0MlolLs5Y-00178-00032966-00033110 Certainly what we commonly said CK0MlolLs5Y-00179-00033110-00033386 Severe symptom is more severe than CK0MlolLs5Y-00180-00033386-00033526 Also there different term that is CK0MlolLs5Y-00181-00033526-00033762 Actually are you late period or final period CK0MlolLs5Y-00182-00033762-00033986 Late period and final period have a lot of difference CK0MlolLs5Y-00183-00033986-00034110 Late period still have chance CK0MlolLs5Y-00184-00034110-00034242 To save him CK0MlolLs5Y-00185-00034242-00034486 Final period its chance become dimmer CK0MlolLs5Y-00186-00034486-00034702 Therefore the typography from chinese CK0MlolLs5Y-00187-00034702-00034846 Is very thoroughly CK0MlolLs5Y-00188-00034846-00034974 So this concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00189-00034974-00035154 Just now everyone also mention CK0MlolLs5Y-00190-00035154-00035258 I know the moderator CK0MlolLs5Y-00191-00035258-00035398 Is alway asking, said CK0MlolLs5Y-00192-00035398-00035490 What is the best CK0MlolLs5Y-00193-00035490-00035622 Everyone eat it have no problem CK0MlolLs5Y-00194-00035622-00035770 Dr.Chang have mention CK0MlolLs5Y-00195-00035770-00035970 Everybody's physique is difference CK0MlolLs5Y-00196-00035970-00036138 Then your diet is difference CK0MlolLs5Y-00197-00036138-00036306 Overdose is not good CK0MlolLs5Y-00198-00036306-00036458 Therefore sometime need to CK0MlolLs5Y-00199-00036458-00036586 Let doctor diagnosis you CK0MlolLs5Y-00200-00036586-00036790 Your physique is leaning toward which CK0MlolLs5Y-00201-00036790-00037218 Then can drink how many amount of quantity CK0MlolLs5Y-00202-00037218-00037402 So that will help you CK0MlolLs5Y-00203-00037402-00037554 Then of course if your entire body is CK0MlolLs5Y-00204-00037554-00037794 Just now the show host CK0MlolLs5Y-00205-00037794-00037898 She also specifically mention CK0MlolLs5Y-00206-00037898-00038042 Xuán Yī he just now mention said CK0MlolLs5Y-00207-00038042-00038194 If you are just lack physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00208-00038194-00038506 Not necessarity need to be very concentrated CK0MlolLs5Y-00209-00038506-00038670 If you are really CK0MlolLs5Y-00210-00038670-00038794 Just now Dr.Chang said CK0MlolLs5Y-00211-00038794-00038898 Entire body is very CK0MlolLs5Y-00212-00038898-00039082 Tǐ shāng meaning is CK0MlolLs5Y-00213-00039082-00039294 Your internal organs CK0MlolLs5Y-00214-00039294-00039534 Your organ and its function CK0MlolLs5Y-00215-00039534-00039790 Have been degrading to a certain degree CK0MlolLs5Y-00216-00039790-00040010 That really, really is CK0MlolLs5Y-00217-00040010-00040346 Tǐ shāng is a very severe word CK0MlolLs5Y-00218-00040346-00040530 Therefore just like my hands and leg cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00219-00040530-00040730 After but i want to boil CK0MlolLs5Y-00220-00040730-00040826 You just drink mild one and recover CK0MlolLs5Y-00221-00040826-00040922 Right, but if I want to drink concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00222-00040922-00041070 Will I be too hot CK0MlolLs5Y-00223-00041070-00041194 Will I keep sweating till sick CK0MlolLs5Y-00224-00041194-00041346 Or my body will have some problem CK0MlolLs5Y-00225-00041346-00041422 But it is not diarrhea CK0MlolLs5Y-00226-00041422-00041554 Probably too hot CK0MlolLs5Y-00227-00041554-00041702 First you don't have symptom and sign CK0MlolLs5Y-00228-00041702-00041806 You don't have discomfort CK0MlolLs5Y-00229-00041806-00041914 I got, that is weak CK0MlolLs5Y-00230-00041914-00042014 My hands and leg cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00231-00042014-00042206 Your hands and leg, just hand and leg cold CK0MlolLs5Y-00232-00042206-00042350 Not necessarily need this ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00233-00042350-00042758 This need to have some symptom and sign CK0MlolLs5Y-00234-00042758-00042870 After those have been considered CK0MlolLs5Y-00235-00042870-00042994 He also lack of physical strength CK0MlolLs5Y-00236-00042994-00043202 Then have a lot of discomfort CK0MlolLs5Y-00237-00043202-00043382 During those, heat-energy CK0MlolLs5Y-00238-00043382-00043622 Need to replenish more a bit CK0MlolLs5Y-00239-00043622-00043814 Right, so how to drink ginger correctly CK0MlolLs5Y-00240-00043814-00043902 Eat ginger correctly CK0MlolLs5Y-00241-00043902-00044030 Therefore need to invite specialist CK0MlolLs5Y-00242-00044030-00044178 To explain to everyone CK0MlolLs5Y-00243-00044178-00044402 Otherwise say concentrated ginger soup is good therefore you keep drinking it CK0MlolLs5Y-00244-00044402-00044530 That is not good CK0MlolLs5Y-00245-00044530-00044626 But I would like to ask CK0MlolLs5Y-00246-00044626-00044802 If that person is influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00247-00044802-00045038 That who are influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00248-00045038-00045138 Already influenza outbreak CK0MlolLs5Y-00249-00045138-00045274 I said when you're sick CK0MlolLs5Y-00250-00045274-00045382 Can drink till CK0MlolLs5Y-00251-00045382-00045610 Even at this amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00252-00045610-00045742 I think it is safe CK0MlolLs5Y-00253-00045742-00045950 Because we test use it commonly CK0MlolLs5Y-00254-00046306-00046526 That is common teenage drink this amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00255-00046526-00046778 After done drinking have one interdiction CK0MlolLs5Y-00256-00046778-00046958 If he is in emergency, start influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00257-00046958-00047130 After his cold is done CK0MlolLs5Y-00258-00047130-00047334 Thus he don't need to drink that much concentrated CK0MlolLs5Y-00259-00047334-00047518 So at that time, want to reduce the amount CK0MlolLs5Y-00260-00047518-00047870 More so even change the amount into mild ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00261-00047870-00048094 Therefore mild ginger soup have one important aspect, it is that CK0MlolLs5Y-00262-00048094-00048270 Use it during maintaining health CK0MlolLs5Y-00263-00048270-00048358 Right, after recovered use it to maintain health CK0MlolLs5Y-00264-00048358-00048442 Dean CK0MlolLs5Y-00265-00048442-00048558 Actually in reality we said it like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00266-00048558-00048742 You guys just keep saying about influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00267-00048742-00048842 Because this one influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00268-00048842-00049014 From A influenza to B influenza CK0MlolLs5Y-00269-00049014-00049138 That is harm the body CK0MlolLs5Y-00270-00049138-00049278 Very bad CK0MlolLs5Y-00271-00049278-00049402 Recently CK0MlolLs5Y-00272-00049402-00049570 Because of B influenza cause CK0MlolLs5Y-00273-00049570-00049786 Coughing because of bronchial inflammation, too many CK0MlolLs5Y-00274-00049786-00049950 Some people cough until 2 months CK0MlolLs5Y-00275-00049950-00050254 Still unable to recover the situation CK0MlolLs5Y-00276-00050254-00050470 We know during that situation CK0MlolLs5Y-00277-00050470-00050610 Just now Dr.Chang have mention said CK0MlolLs5Y-00278-00050610-00050870 When your symptom is outbreaking CK0MlolLs5Y-00279-00050870-00051002 Then certainly you need ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00280-00051002-00051154 To handle it CK0MlolLs5Y-00281-00051154-00051262 After done handle CK0MlolLs5Y-00282-00051262-00051434 You will need to follow it certain CK0MlolLs5Y-00283-00051434-00051510 Difference symptom CK0MlolLs5Y-00284-00051510-00051626 After that handle it again CK0MlolLs5Y-00285-00051626-00051822 Right, I said it in a easier way CK0MlolLs5Y-00286-00051822-00051978 Because I also teach CK0MlolLs5Y-00287-00051978-00052090 From the perspective of medicine CK0MlolLs5Y-00288-00052090-00052394 All of the medicine used in prescription CK0MlolLs5Y-00289-00052394-00052517 Medicine that cure people CK0MlolLs5Y-00290-00052517-00052682 Inside a prescription for disease CK0MlolLs5Y-00291-00052682-00053014 Almost all use ginger and jujube as CK0MlolLs5Y-00292-00053014-00053126 A ingredient CK0MlolLs5Y-00293-00053126-00053205 So you see CK0MlolLs5Y-00294-00053205-00053582 For example some people do shí quán dà bǔ CK0MlolLs5Y-00295-00053582-00053702 That one shí quán dà bǔ CK0MlolLs5Y-00296-00053702-00054014 After that they add ginger and jujube CK0MlolLs5Y-00297-00054014-00054126 You look and know CK0MlolLs5Y-00298-00054126-00054205 Ginger and jujube CK0MlolLs5Y-00299-00054205-00054322 I said during that CK0MlolLs5Y-00300-00054322-00054410 Why it is shí quán CK0MlolLs5Y-00301-00054410-00054534 Because it added two ingredient CK0MlolLs5Y-00302-00054534-00054654 Therefore this it is CK0MlolLs5Y-00303-00054654-00054770 We need to know CK0MlolLs5Y-00304-00054770-00054902 According to their disease's need CK0MlolLs5Y-00305-00054902-00055078 To make adjust CK0MlolLs5Y-00306-00055078-00055378 Therefore usually our curing CK0MlolLs5Y-00307-00055378-00055529 Is very important CK0MlolLs5Y-00308-00055529-00055598 We alway CK0MlolLs5Y-00309-00055598-00055729 During SARS I'm there CK0MlolLs5Y-00310-00055729-00056002 During SARS I want to tell people that CK0MlolLs5Y-00311-00056002-00056202 73 were dead CK0MlolLs5Y-00312-00056202-00056278 I asked CK0MlolLs5Y-00313-00056278-00056562 Now influenza A and influenza B has caused how many dead CK0MlolLs5Y-00314-00056562-00056786 It is more serious than that CK0MlolLs5Y-00315-00056786-00056850 Right CK0MlolLs5Y-00316-00056850-00057190 So usual health maintain is very important CK0MlolLs5Y-00317-00057190-00057382 Right, this is concentrated ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00318-00057382-00057529 Just now they two also complement that CK0MlolLs5Y-00319-00057529-00057658 Next it is ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00320-00057658-00057854 Is it difference than yellow ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00321-00057854-00058126 That is dry ginger slice which has been fryed CK0MlolLs5Y-00322-00058126-00058238 Blend it into powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00323-00058238-00058510 Ginger powder actually is made from dry ginger slice blended to powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00324-00058510-00058666 So it's called ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00325-00058666-00058798 Ginger powder usually CK0MlolLs5Y-00326-00058798-00058966 Of course you can drink it CK0MlolLs5Y-00327-00058966-00059054 Same as ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00328-00059054-00059386 But It benefit is more convenient than ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00329-00059386-00059482 So this is the ginger that you help us blend CK0MlolLs5Y-00330-00059482-00059641 Already blended into powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00331-00059641-00059738 That is dry ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00332-00059738-00059905 That is use that dry ginger slice CK0MlolLs5Y-00333-00059905-00059978 Blend it into powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00334-00059978-00060102 This ginger slice if bring it outside CK0MlolLs5Y-00335-00060102-00060310 You want to boil it into ginger soup is not convenient CK0MlolLs5Y-00336-00060310-00060562 So during that situation we can use ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00337-00060562-00060762 Spoon eat it and drink it CK0MlolLs5Y-00338-00060762-00060902 It smell so spicy CK0MlolLs5Y-00339-00060902-00061122 It smell bitter spicy CK0MlolLs5Y-00340-00061122-00061186 Very heavy CK0MlolLs5Y-00341-00061186-00061302 I have some question CK0MlolLs5Y-00342-00061302-00061478 What kind of ginger should we use CK0MlolLs5Y-00343-00061478-00061558 Right CK0MlolLs5Y-00344-00061558-00061698 Old ginger, normal ginger, tender ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00345-00061698-00061798 This later we will consult Dr.Chang CK0MlolLs5Y-00346-00061798-00062005 Ok, That is use ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00347-00062005-00062158 Dry ginger blend it into powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00348-00062158-00062441 Can consume it or can apply it on skin CK0MlolLs5Y-00349-00062441-00062541 Ok, consume it or apply it on skin CK0MlolLs5Y-00350-00062541-00062662 Next CK0MlolLs5Y-00351-00062662-00063066 Ginger powder add warm ginger soup mix it into mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00352-00063066-00063298 So what are the uses of ginger powder mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00353-00063298-00063538 It is change from ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00354-00063538-00063686 Why need to change it CK0MlolLs5Y-00355-00063686-00063766 Because ginger powder is dry CK0MlolLs5Y-00356-00063766-00063950 If we have some skin disease CK0MlolLs5Y-00357-00063950-00064158 If that we need to use ginger powder mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00358-00064158-00064498 A bit wet is easier to stick on the skin CK0MlolLs5Y-00359-00064554-00064690 After that it is also easier to wrap CK0MlolLs5Y-00360-00064690-00064854 So this one is not for drink CK0MlolLs5Y-00361-00064854-00064954 This one is not CK0MlolLs5Y-00362-00064954-00065134 This one is for external use CK0MlolLs5Y-00363-00065134-00065302 Purely on external use CK0MlolLs5Y-00364-00065302-00065429 Ok, good CK0MlolLs5Y-00365-00065429-00065566 Later we will discuss CK0MlolLs5Y-00366-00065566-00065738 If get bited by mosquito CK0MlolLs5Y-00367-00065738-00065898 Have some inflammation CK0MlolLs5Y-00368-00065898-00066026 Can it also be apply on CK0MlolLs5Y-00369-00066026-00066126 Very useful CK0MlolLs5Y-00370-00066126-00066278 That is don't use it on wound CK0MlolLs5Y-00371-00066278-00066554 Swell, hard block CK0MlolLs5Y-00372-00066554-00066738 And also some acne CK0MlolLs5Y-00373-00066738-00066866 Those use ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00374-00066866-00067014 Can it remove acne CK0MlolLs5Y-00375-00067014-00067282 Remove acne CK0MlolLs5Y-00376-00067282-00067570 A lot of people said wash face using ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00377-00067570-00067850 Will improve facial appearance CK0MlolLs5Y-00378-00067850-00067990 Right, very beautiful CK0MlolLs5Y-00379-00067990-00068082 Can try it out CK0MlolLs5Y-00380-00068082-00068238 I believe it will have the some effect CK0MlolLs5Y-00381-00068238-00068310 Probably will have some improvement CK0MlolLs5Y-00382-00068310-00068458 Just like facial mask which has smell of ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00383-00068458-00068666 I remember I have seen before CK0MlolLs5Y-00384-00068666-00068778 Actually like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00385-00068778-00068878 Just now Dr.Chang said CK0MlolLs5Y-00386-00068878-00068982 That ginger is very useful CK0MlolLs5Y-00387-00068982-00069206 Actually from ancient until know CK0MlolLs5Y-00388-00069206-00069430 For example we are doing acupuncture CK0MlolLs5Y-00389-00069430-00069502 Sometime acupuncture CK0MlolLs5Y-00390-00069502-00069762 He apply the ginger on the acupuncture points CK0MlolLs5Y-00391-00069762-00069894 Will it kill bacteria CK0MlolLs5Y-00392-00069894-00069966 Not bacteria CK0MlolLs5Y-00393-00069966-00070282 Let the ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00394-00070282-00070454 Improve the circulation on meridian CK0MlolLs5Y-00395-00070454-00070650 Furthermore he now create CK0MlolLs5Y-00396-00070650-00070782 These ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00397-00070782-00070878 Ginger mud sometime we CK0MlolLs5Y-00398-00070878-00071062 Just now he said that heat-energy CK0MlolLs5Y-00399-00071062-00071214 You take those ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00400-00071214-00071394 On his body's origin point CK0MlolLs5Y-00401-00071394-00071558 Or with certain type of acupuncture point CK0MlolLs5Y-00402-00071558-00071694 After rubbing it CK0MlolLs5Y-00403-00071694-00071834 You need to infrared CK0MlolLs5Y-00404-00071834-00071958 After exposing it CK0MlolLs5Y-00405-00071958-00072098 Its permeability CK0MlolLs5Y-00406-00072098-00072518 You just now said bring road CK0MlolLs5Y-00407-00072518-00072746 It is very simple, that is bring road CK0MlolLs5Y-00408-00072746-00072898 Bring road chicken CK0MlolLs5Y-00409-00072898-00073062 Bring road like that right CK0MlolLs5Y-00410-00073062-00073222 Bring road ginger not chicken CK0MlolLs5Y-00411-00073222-00073314 Right, what I said is CK0MlolLs5Y-00412-00073314-00073754 When marry bring road chicken CK0MlolLs5Y-00413-00073754-00073906 This one is bring road ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00414-00073906-00074082 Everyone should now understand more clearly CK0MlolLs5Y-00415-00074082-00074322 So how to make this fresh ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00416-00074322-00074382 Actually today CK0MlolLs5Y-00417-00074382-00074670 Our Dr.Chang will teach us CK0MlolLs5Y-00418-00074670-00074802 Fresh ginger mix to mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00419-00074802-00075146 Fresh ginger first slice it into slices CK0MlolLs5Y-00420-00075146-00075214 Is this old ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00421-00075214-00075282 Just now i asked CK0MlolLs5Y-00422-00075282-00075370 Not, fresh ginger slices CK0MlolLs5Y-00423-00075370-00075478 It is this type fresh ginger slices CK0MlolLs5Y-00424-00075478-00075626 This one counted as old ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00425-00075626-00075766 Is this one count as old ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00426-00075766-00075906 Old ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00427-00075906-00076334 Old ginger usually is smaller and more dry CK0MlolLs5Y-00428-00076334-00076670 Usually fresh ginger is more bigger CK0MlolLs5Y-00429-00076670-00076742 Bigger a bit CK0MlolLs5Y-00430-00076742-00076814 No problem CK0MlolLs5Y-00431-00076814-00076958 That is what we said CK0MlolLs5Y-00432-00076958-00077066 The quality of the product CK0MlolLs5Y-00433-00077066-00077230 Those also can be used CK0MlolLs5Y-00434-00077230-00077402 That is you slice it like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00435-00077402-00077498 A small blocks CK0MlolLs5Y-00436-00077498-00077662 After done slicing into small blocks CK0MlolLs5Y-00437-00077662-00077750 Slice into that CK0MlolLs5Y-00438-00077750-00077830 Ok CK0MlolLs5Y-00439-00077830-00077994 After that pour it into here CK0MlolLs5Y-00440-00077994-00078154 That it just like blend it into fruit juice CK0MlolLs5Y-00441-00078154-00078410 That is blend it into juice right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00442-00078410-00078546 Pour it down right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00443-00078546-00078802 No need, we demonstrate it CK0MlolLs5Y-00444-00078870-00079094 So just use fresh ginger and it will be fine CK0MlolLs5Y-00445-00079094-00079178 Use fresh ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00446-00079178-00079486 But not recommend use tender ginger, yes CK0MlolLs5Y-00447-00079486-00079714 This amount is just right CK0MlolLs5Y-00448-00079714-00079938 This water CK0MlolLs5Y-00449-00079938-00080086 Usually we recommend CK0MlolLs5Y-00450-00080086-00080206 Use warm water CK0MlolLs5Y-00451-00080206-00080350 Or use ginger soup water CK0MlolLs5Y-00452-00080350-00080506 So this one is boiled ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00453-00080506-00080742 It is best to pour it until over the ingredient CK0MlolLs5Y-00454-00080742-00080890 Then it's good CK0MlolLs5Y-00455-00080890-00080978 Now we pour this CK0MlolLs5Y-00456-00080978-00081234 Can this one be eaten CK0MlolLs5Y-00457-00081234-00081306 After blended it CK0MlolLs5Y-00458-00081306-00081442 The one that blended now CK0MlolLs5Y-00459-00081442-00081550 This one is for external use CK0MlolLs5Y-00460-00081550-00081690 Yes, external use CK0MlolLs5Y-00461-00081690-00081890 If you want to drink it, it's okay CK0MlolLs5Y-00462-00081890-00082098 But it is more concentrated, more concentrated right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00463-00082098-00082402 Now we blend it CK0MlolLs5Y-00464-00082650-00082742 Actually it is very fast CK0MlolLs5Y-00465-00082742-00082890 Approximately not over 30 seconds CK0MlolLs5Y-00466-00082890-00083086 And it is ok CK0MlolLs5Y-00467-00083086-00083170 Do we need pour it CK0MlolLs5Y-00468-00083170-00083282 Need pour it CK0MlolLs5Y-00469-00083282-00083442 Now we want to pour it out CK0MlolLs5Y-00470-00083442-00083566 And need to filter it CK0MlolLs5Y-00471-00083566-00083770 Need to filter it CK0MlolLs5Y-00472-00084014-00084370 If your wound is already peel and bleeding CK0MlolLs5Y-00473-00084370-00084618 Or your wound very big CK0MlolLs5Y-00474-00084618-00084954 At that time you must use ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00475-00084954-00085038 Why CK0MlolLs5Y-00476-00085038-00085394 Because it reason is ginger powder or ginger powder mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00477-00085394-00085706 It will stick to the wound CK0MlolLs5Y-00478-00085706-00085866 Easy rip off CK0MlolLs5Y-00479-00085866-00086114 After you pull the gauze CK0MlolLs5Y-00480-00086114-00086302 His entire skin peel again CK0MlolLs5Y-00481-00086302-00086410 This one can't CK0MlolLs5Y-00482-00086410-00086490 Right now we see CK0MlolLs5Y-00483-00086490-00086594 Now after blended CK0MlolLs5Y-00484-00086594-00086770 It is ginger mud CK0MlolLs5Y-00485-00086770-00086874 That just now ginger juice CK0MlolLs5Y-00486-00086874-00086986 Authentic CK0MlolLs5Y-00487-00086986-00087058 You look at the flavor CK0MlolLs5Y-00488-00087058-00087250 Very fragrant, you there smell it CK0MlolLs5Y-00489-00087250-00087414 Yes, the dry or water one has been seperated CK0MlolLs5Y-00490-00087422-00087650 Ginger soup still can boil into ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00491-00087650-00088062 Still can make wash at the wound CK0MlolLs5Y-00492-00088062-00088266 Ok, so now if it is trauma CK0MlolLs5Y-00493-00088266-00088398 But the skin is not peeled CK0MlolLs5Y-00494-00088398-00088534 Still can use just now said CK0MlolLs5Y-00495-00088534-00088838 Use ginger powder mud to the skin CK0MlolLs5Y-00496-00088838-00089002 So ginger powder mud is direct CK0MlolLs5Y-00497-00089002-00089182 To make it is very simple CK0MlolLs5Y-00498-00089182-00089462 That is take ginger powder, we pour it CK0MlolLs5Y-00499-00089462-00089758 That is just now blended dry ginger powder CK0MlolLs5Y-00500-00089758-00089826 Right CK0MlolLs5Y-00501-00089826-00090046 This your wound is that small CK0MlolLs5Y-00502-00090046-00090266 I think a little bit, don't need too much CK0MlolLs5Y-00503-00090266-00090354 Don't want to waste CK0MlolLs5Y-00504-00090354-00090758 We now add this ginger soup CK0MlolLs5Y-00505-00090758-00090870 Use it CK0MlolLs5Y-00506-00090870-00091030 This one didn't add red sugar CK0MlolLs5Y-00507-00091030-00091238 Or use warm water also can CK0MlolLs5Y-00508-00091238-00091326 Use water also can CK0MlolLs5Y-00509-00091326-00091430 Yes, warm water also can CK0MlolLs5Y-00510-00091430-00091554 So this one is not added sugar CK0MlolLs5Y-00511-00091554-00091690 And can't add sugar right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00512-00091690-00091834 Want to apply it on skin can't CK0MlolLs5Y-00513-00091834-00091974 No we stir it CK0MlolLs5Y-00514-00091974-00092078 Now we try it CK0MlolLs5Y-00515-00092078-00092198 Roughly how to apply it CK0MlolLs5Y-00516-00092198-00092654 This one take it and apply it CK0MlolLs5Y-00517-00092654-00092778 Apply it to CK0MlolLs5Y-00518-00092778-00093042 Apply it to the acne CK0MlolLs5Y-00519-00093042-00093322 On top of injuries CK0MlolLs5Y-00520-00093322-00093570 Ok, These also are CK0MlolLs5Y-00521-00093570-00093646 Also where CK0MlolLs5Y-00522-00093646-00093810 This place CK0MlolLs5Y-00523-00093810-00094198 That is apply on it CK0MlolLs5Y-00524-00094198-00094394 So one day need to change how much time? CK0MlolLs5Y-00525-00094394-00094650 Can, if want to change second time CK0MlolLs5Y-00526-00094650-00094778 I think it is not a problem CK0MlolLs5Y-00527-00094778-00094890 But pay attention CK0MlolLs5Y-00528-00094890-00095134 After applying it CK0MlolLs5Y-00529-00095134-00095378 It is best to use plastic wrap wrap it up CK0MlolLs5Y-00530-00095378-00095538 Because to increase its temperature right CK0MlolLs5Y-00531-00095538-00095854 Dr.Chang, if someone skin is easily allergy CK0MlolLs5Y-00532-00095854-00095942 Can they? CK0MlolLs5Y-00533-00095942-00096098 That is after warp it done CK0MlolLs5Y-00534-00096098-00096290 Usually can test CK0MlolLs5Y-00535-00096290-00096446 If after 5 to 10 minutes CK0MlolLs5Y-00536-00096446-00096702 It is the best test time CK0MlolLs5Y-00537-00096702-00096926 If the patient feel bad CK0MlolLs5Y-00538-00096926-00097094 Just about CK0MlolLs5Y-00539-00097094-00097334 Longest time 15 minutes and withdraw it CK0MlolLs5Y-00540-00097334-00097554 But if he feel very comfortable CK0MlolLs5Y-00541-00097554-00097706 Some people use more than 10 hour CK0MlolLs5Y-00542-00097706-00097846 Still not worry CK0MlolLs5Y-00543-00097846-00097914 Yǎfāng sister CK0MlolLs5Y-00544-00097914-00098038 Do you feel it hot now? CK0MlolLs5Y-00545-00098038-00098178 A little bit CK0MlolLs5Y-00546-00098178-00098342 Now we warp it CK0MlolLs5Y-00547-00098342-00098446 Like that CK0MlolLs5Y-00548-00098446-00098730 The heat is not really into the hand yet CK0MlolLs5Y-00549-00098730-00098846 Like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00550-00098846-00098946 If warp it like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00551-00098946-00099142 It wet water will not effect you CK0MlolLs5Y-00552-00099142-00099222 If it is on the body CK0MlolLs5Y-00553-00099222-00099394 It won't wet your clothes CK0MlolLs5Y-00554-00099394-00099706 After doing this, still need to add another layer of cloth CK0MlolLs5Y-00555-00099706-00099954 Prepare some gauze and warp around it then it's done CK0MlolLs5Y-00556-00099954-00100122 If you have cloth, why CK0MlolLs5Y-00557-00100122-00100394 After warp it around CK0MlolLs5Y-00558-00100394-00100534 Then we can use CK0MlolLs5Y-00559-00100534-00100722 Our usual heating pad CK0MlolLs5Y-00560-00100722-00100926 Heating pad has heat effect CK0MlolLs5Y-00561-00100926-00101178 After that use it to warming put on it CK0MlolLs5Y-00562-00101178-00101294 After that let see CK0MlolLs5Y-00563-00101294-00101522 Is there other thing that can warp it CK0MlolLs5Y-00564-00101522-00101726 Ok, like this can let heat CK0MlolLs5Y-00565-00101726-00101838 continuously flow CK0MlolLs5Y-00566-00101838-00102058 Ok, if we take this cloth CK0MlolLs5Y-00567-00102058-00102218 We fold in 2 CK0MlolLs5Y-00568-00102218-00102362 Warp that around CK0MlolLs5Y-00569-00102362-00102561 Still can put it on the back right? CK0MlolLs5Y-00570-00102561-00102733 Posterior cerebral palsy, warming CK0MlolLs5Y-00571-00102733-00102942 Like this and it work as warming CK0MlolLs5Y-00572-00102942-00103185 Its temperature warm up CK0MlolLs5Y-00573-00103185-00103346 It feel comfortable CK0MlolLs5Y-00574-00103346-00103518 Must put it across CK0MlolLs5Y-00575-00103518-00103722 Use towel also can CK0MlolLs5Y-00576-00103722-00103830 For example we take this out CK0MlolLs5Y-00577-00103830-00103958 This place need to put towel CK0MlolLs5Y-00578-00103958-00104222 After that put heating pad down CK0MlolLs5Y-00579-00104222-00104390 Can't put it directly CK0MlolLs5Y-00580-00104390-00104594 Else if temperature too hot will scald CK0MlolLs5Y-00581-00104594-00104722 So this CK0MlolLs5Y-00582-00104722-00104909 Everyone should be careful when learning CK0MlolLs5Y-00583-00104909-00105118 That we need to put it across cloth CK0MlolLs5Y-00584-00105118-00105230 Therefore put across cloth CK0MlolLs5Y-00585-00105230-00105406 After we warp it CK0MlolLs5Y-00586-00105406-00105674 Then we put it like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00587-00105674-00105842 Like this CK0MlolLs5Y-00588-00105842-00106022 Heat will slowly get in CK0MlolLs5Y-00589-00106022-00106182 Plus the heat of ginger CK0MlolLs5Y-00590-00106182-00106382 Then it will entirely CK0MlolLs5Y-00591-00106382-00106461 Flow into it CK0MlolLs5Y-00592-00106461-00106661 Recovery will faster CK0MlolLs5Y-00593-00106666-00106950 Ok, this is our Dr.Chang said CK0MlolLs5Y-00594-00106950-00107082 When our body's heat is CK0MlolLs5Y-00595-00107082-00107146 Lacking CK0MlolLs5Y-00596-00107146-00107346 You can use more ginger CK91DBD1lSE-00000-00000010-00000377 WITH AJ FELDMAN. CK91DBD1lSE-00001-00000377-00000383 WITH AJ FELDMAN. CK91DBD1lSE-00002-00000383-00000527 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: BEMIDJI STATE HAS CK91DBD1lSE-00003-00000527-00000533 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: BEMIDJI STATE HAS CK91DBD1lSE-00004-00000533-00000637 WITH AJ FELDMAN. >> AJ: BEMIDJI STATE HAS ANNOUNCED THE 7 INDIVIDUALS AND CK91DBD1lSE-00005-00000637-00000643 >> AJ: BEMIDJI STATE HAS ANNOUNCED THE 7 INDIVIDUALS AND CK91DBD1lSE-00006-00000643-00000767 >> AJ: BEMIDJI STATE HAS ANNOUNCED THE 7 INDIVIDUALS AND THE TEAM THAT WILL BE INDUCTED CK91DBD1lSE-00007-00000767-00000774 ANNOUNCED THE 7 INDIVIDUALS AND THE TEAM THAT WILL BE INDUCTED CK91DBD1lSE-00008-00000774-00000937 ANNOUNCED THE 7 INDIVIDUALS AND THE TEAM THAT WILL BE INDUCTED TO THE BEMIDJI STATE ATHLETIC CK91DBD1lSE-00009-00000937-00000944 THE TEAM THAT WILL BE INDUCTED TO THE BEMIDJI STATE ATHLETIC CK91DBD1lSE-00010-00000944-00001067 THE TEAM THAT WILL BE INDUCTED TO THE BEMIDJI STATE ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR. CK91DBD1lSE-00011-00001067-00001074 TO THE BEMIDJI STATE ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR. CK91DBD1lSE-00012-00001074-00001408 TO THE BEMIDJI STATE ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR. JOINING THE ILLUSTRIOUS GROUP OF CK91DBD1lSE-00013-00001408-00001414 HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR. JOINING THE ILLUSTRIOUS GROUP OF CK91DBD1lSE-00014-00001414-00001584 HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR. JOINING THE ILLUSTRIOUS GROUP OF ATHLETES IN 2019 WILL BE MEN'S CK91DBD1lSE-00015-00001584-00001591 JOINING THE ILLUSTRIOUS GROUP OF ATHLETES IN 2019 WILL BE MEN'S CK91DBD1lSE-00016-00001591-00001745 JOINING THE ILLUSTRIOUS GROUP OF ATHLETES IN 2019 WILL BE MEN'S HOCKEY PLAYER DENIS LEMIEUX, CK91DBD1lSE-00017-00001745-00001751 ATHLETES IN 2019 WILL BE MEN'S HOCKEY PLAYER DENIS LEMIEUX, CK91DBD1lSE-00018-00001751-00001938 ATHLETES IN 2019 WILL BE MEN'S HOCKEY PLAYER DENIS LEMIEUX, SWIMMING AND TRACK ATHLETE LEN CK91DBD1lSE-00019-00001938-00001945 HOCKEY PLAYER DENIS LEMIEUX, SWIMMING AND TRACK ATHLETE LEN CK91DBD1lSE-00020-00001945-00002045 HOCKEY PLAYER DENIS LEMIEUX, SWIMMING AND TRACK ATHLETE LEN ROETHLISBERGER, FOOTBALL AND CK91DBD1lSE-00021-00002045-00002052 SWIMMING AND TRACK ATHLETE LEN ROETHLISBERGER, FOOTBALL AND CK91DBD1lSE-00022-00002052-00002228 SWIMMING AND TRACK ATHLETE LEN ROETHLISBERGER, FOOTBALL AND DEFENSIVE STANDOUT RICH CK91DBD1lSE-00023-00002228-00002235 ROETHLISBERGER, FOOTBALL AND DEFENSIVE STANDOUT RICH CK91DBD1lSE-00024-00002235-00002392 ROETHLISBERGER, FOOTBALL AND DEFENSIVE STANDOUT RICH SCHWARTZ, KAREN MORRISSEY A CK91DBD1lSE-00025-00002392-00002399 DEFENSIVE STANDOUT RICH SCHWARTZ, KAREN MORRISSEY A CK91DBD1lSE-00026-00002399-00002545 DEFENSIVE STANDOUT RICH SCHWARTZ, KAREN MORRISSEY A BASKETBALL AND SOFTBALL ATHLETE, CK91DBD1lSE-00027-00002545-00002552 SCHWARTZ, KAREN MORRISSEY A BASKETBALL AND SOFTBALL ATHLETE, CK91DBD1lSE-00028-00002552-00002726 SCHWARTZ, KAREN MORRISSEY A BASKETBALL AND SOFTBALL ATHLETE, ANDREA BLOCK ZENNER, A SOFTBALL CK91DBD1lSE-00029-00002726-00002732 BASKETBALL AND SOFTBALL ATHLETE, ANDREA BLOCK ZENNER, A SOFTBALL CK91DBD1lSE-00030-00002732-00002902 BASKETBALL AND SOFTBALL ATHLETE, ANDREA BLOCK ZENNER, A SOFTBALL PITCHING PHENOM, COACHES WYNN CK91DBD1lSE-00031-00002902-00002909 ANDREA BLOCK ZENNER, A SOFTBALL PITCHING PHENOM, COACHES WYNN CK91DBD1lSE-00032-00002909-00003053 ANDREA BLOCK ZENNER, A SOFTBALL PITCHING PHENOM, COACHES WYNN GMITROSKI AND DR. MURIEL GILMAN, CK91DBD1lSE-00033-00003053-00003059 PITCHING PHENOM, COACHES WYNN GMITROSKI AND DR. MURIEL GILMAN, CK91DBD1lSE-00034-00003059-00003383 PITCHING PHENOM, COACHES WYNN GMITROSKI AND DR. MURIEL GILMAN, AND THE 1992 WOMEN'S CK91DBD1lSE-00035-00003383-00003390 GMITROSKI AND DR. MURIEL GILMAN, AND THE 1992 WOMEN'S CK91DBD1lSE-00036-00003390-00003510 GMITROSKI AND DR. MURIEL GILMAN, AND THE 1992 WOMEN'S CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM WILL BE CK91DBD1lSE-00037-00003510-00003516 AND THE 1992 WOMEN'S CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM WILL BE CK91DBD1lSE-00038-00003516-00003616 AND THE 1992 WOMEN'S CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM WILL BE HONORED AS WELL. CK91DBD1lSE-00039-00003616-00003623 CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM WILL BE HONORED AS WELL. CK91DBD1lSE-00040-00003623-00003797 CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM WILL BE HONORED AS WELL. THESE ATHLETES, COACHES AND THE CK91DBD1lSE-00041-00003797-00003803 HONORED AS WELL. THESE ATHLETES, COACHES AND THE CK91DBD1lSE-00042-00003803-00003857 HONORED AS WELL. THESE ATHLETES, COACHES AND THE TEAM WILL BE INDUCTED SATURDAY, CL69bfeRGkY-00000-00000816-00001592 so CL69bfeRGkY-00001-00003608-00004384 so CLBb-CDrgpu-00000-00000079-00000251 We present two types of CLBb-CDrgpu-00001-00000254-00000505 knitted resistive force sensors for both CLBb-CDrgpu-00002-00000507-00000727 pressure and strain sensing. CLBb-CDrgpu-00003-00000729-00000996 Through the integration of functional yarns CLBb-CDrgpu-00004-00000998-00001222 during the manufacturing process CLBb-CDrgpu-00005-00001225-00001525 we knit ready-made force sensors. CLBb-CDrgpu-00006-00001623-00001845 Our knitted strain sensor layout CLBb-CDrgpu-00007-00001848-00002157 requires resistive and conductive materials CLBb-CDrgpu-00008-00002160-00002381 as well as base yarn which provides the CLBb-CDrgpu-00009-00002384-00002546 surrounding knit structure CLBb-CDrgpu-00010-00002548-00002675 for embedding the sensor. CLBb-CDrgpu-00011-00002712-00002949 At rest, the individual loops CLBb-CDrgpu-00012-00002951-00003223 of the resistive area are in loose contact. CLBb-CDrgpu-00013-00003226-00003429 Applying strain forces leads to CLBb-CDrgpu-00014-00003432-00003709 tighter contact of interlocked loops, CLBb-CDrgpu-00015-00003711-00003908 resulting in a resistance drop. CLBb-CDrgpu-00016-00004113-00004267 For our pressure sensors, CLBb-CDrgpu-00017-00004270-00004588 additional non-functional yarn types are required CLBb-CDrgpu-00018-00004607-00004885 to achieve volumetric knit structures. CLBb-CDrgpu-00019-00004887-00005117 The filler material consists of nylon CLBb-CDrgpu-00020-00005119-00005405 monofilaments and resistive yarns. CLBb-CDrgpu-00021-00005407-00005661 At rest, the filler structure provides CLBb-CDrgpu-00022-00005664-00005957 high resistance. Compression leads to CLBb-CDrgpu-00023-00005960-00006284 contact increases, leading to resistance drops. CLBb-CDrgpu-00024-00006287-00006655 Simultaneously this 3D structure provides CLBb-CDrgpu-00025-00006657-00006954 pleasant haptic feedback upon actuation. CLBb-CDrgpu-00026-00006991-00007351 At UIST 2022 we will exhibit standalone CLBb-CDrgpu-00027-00007353-00007589 functional prototypes of both CLBb-CDrgpu-00028-00007592-00007766 force-sensing knit approaches. CLBb-CDrgpu-00029-00007769-00007978 Furthermore, we will present CLBb-CDrgpu-00030-00007981-00008277 sensor variations with different characteristics CLBb-CDrgpu-00031-00008279-00008557 along with simple demo applications CLBb-CDrgpu-00032-00008560-00008807 to show potential use cases. CPqNjgrIOII-00000-00000275-00000903 This agenda for 2030 is an agenda that SEI is fully embracing. It is finally CPqNjgrIOII-00001-00000903-00001321 combining, in the true sense, both environmental issues with economic CPqNjgrIOII-00002-00001321-00001825 development and social justice and equity. This is an agenda we need, and CPqNjgrIOII-00003-00001825-00002286 this is an agenda that can transform the world. SEI stands committed to support CPqNjgrIOII-00004-00002286-00002850 countries, support other actors in the implementation of these goals. CQ6oNaXt4ek-00000-00002198-00002406 First time CQ6oNaXt4ek-00001-00002504-00002960 a nice one in the timeline CQ6oNaXt4ek-00002-00003059-00003502 endless one as it appears CQ6oNaXt4ek-00003-00003617-00004053 we go on, more and worse fears CQ6oNaXt4ek-00004-00004159-00004472 I leave thoughts out to dry CQ6oNaXt4ek-00005-00005483-00005700 Next time CQ6oNaXt4ek-00006-00005795-00006252 it seems quite a fine habit CQ6oNaXt4ek-00007-00006351-00006793 a vice, a splendid appeal CQ6oNaXt4ek-00008-00006900-00007344 in the woods sharing the meal CQ6oNaXt4ek-00009-00007440-00007893 may this vice never die CQ6oNaXt4ek-00010-00009885-00010085 Third time CQ6oNaXt4ek-00011-00010186-00010637 it's the proof of a concept CQ6oNaXt4ek-00012-00010724-00011186 our lives on the big screen CQ6oNaXt4ek-00013-00011288-00011738 all the days since it's fourteen CQ6oNaXt4ek-00014-00011827-00012151 years to come, years to cry CQ6oNaXt4ek-00015-00014268-00014468 Last time CQ6oNaXt4ek-00016-00014574-00015023 maybe that day has now come CQ6oNaXt4ek-00017-00015127-00015573 messing with our best song CQ6oNaXt4ek-00018-00015668-00016121 the car and we play along CQ6oNaXt4ek-00019-00016222-00016464 it's time to say good- CQ6oNaXt4ek-00020-00017308-00017637 it's time to say goodbye CQ6oNaXt4ek-00021-00018656-00019140 Make the yellow light that turns on in the night CQ6oNaXt4ek-00022-00019140-00019688 the best thing to forget and free it from regret CQ6oNaXt4ek-00023-00019688-00020237 Now, make the yellow light that turns on in the night CQ6oNaXt4ek-00024-00020237-00020776 the best thing to forget and free it from regret CTGixE_3Zig-00000-00000000-00000200 치앙마이동물원 투어 CTGixE_3Zig-00001-00000200-00000400 HAPPY TIME CZSeG1-TBA0-00000-00000010-00000300 THEY WIN 72-57. CZSeG1-TBA0-00001-00000300-00000306 THEY WIN 72-57. CZSeG1-TBA0-00002-00000306-00000370 THEY WIN 72-57. >> THE WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM CZSeG1-TBA0-00003-00000370-00000377 THEY WIN 72-57. >> THE WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM CZSeG1-TBA0-00004-00000377-00000450 THEY WIN 72-57. >> THE WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM LOOKING TO SNAP AN EIGHT-GAME CZSeG1-TBA0-00005-00000450-00000457 >> THE WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM LOOKING TO SNAP AN EIGHT-GAME CZSeG1-TBA0-00006-00000457-00000527 >> THE WOMENS BASKETBALL TEAM LOOKING TO SNAP AN EIGHT-GAME LOSING STREAK. CZSeG1-TBA0-00007-00000527-00000533 LOOKING TO SNAP AN EIGHT-GAME LOSING STREAK. CZSeG1-TBA0-00008-00000533-00000613 LOOKING TO SNAP AN EIGHT-GAME LOSING STREAK. IN THE FIRST QUARTER, BEAVERS CZSeG1-TBA0-00009-00000613-00000620 LOSING STREAK. IN THE FIRST QUARTER, BEAVERS CZSeG1-TBA0-00010-00000620-00000787 LOSING STREAK. IN THE FIRST QUARTER, BEAVERS DOWN 7. CZSeG1-TBA0-00011-00000787-00000794 IN THE FIRST QUARTER, BEAVERS DOWN 7. CZSeG1-TBA0-00012-00000794-00001117 IN THE FIRST QUARTER, BEAVERS DOWN 7. THEY WORK IT AROUND TO EMMA CZSeG1-TBA0-00013-00001117-00001124 DOWN 7. THEY WORK IT AROUND TO EMMA CZSeG1-TBA0-00014-00001124-00001221 DOWN 7. THEY WORK IT AROUND TO EMMA RAPPE WHO SINKS THE 3 POINTER CZSeG1-TBA0-00015-00001221-00001227 THEY WORK IT AROUND TO EMMA RAPPE WHO SINKS THE 3 POINTER CZSeG1-TBA0-00016-00001227-00001384 THEY WORK IT AROUND TO EMMA RAPPE WHO SINKS THE 3 POINTER FOR BSU'S FIRST BUCKET. CZSeG1-TBA0-00017-00001384-00001391 RAPPE WHO SINKS THE 3 POINTER FOR BSU'S FIRST BUCKET. CZSeG1-TBA0-00018-00001391-00001461 RAPPE WHO SINKS THE 3 POINTER FOR BSU'S FIRST BUCKET. LATER, TIME WINDING DOWN ON THE CZSeG1-TBA0-00019-00001461-00001468 FOR BSU'S FIRST BUCKET. LATER, TIME WINDING DOWN ON THE CZSeG1-TBA0-00020-00001468-00001544 FOR BSU'S FIRST BUCKET. LATER, TIME WINDING DOWN ON THE SHOT CLOCK, OUT TO CZSeG1-TBA0-00021-00001544-00001551 LATER, TIME WINDING DOWN ON THE SHOT CLOCK, OUT TO CZSeG1-TBA0-00022-00001551-00001658 LATER, TIME WINDING DOWN ON THE SHOT CLOCK, OUT TO BROOKLYN BACHMANN. CZSeG1-TBA0-00023-00001658-00001664 SHOT CLOCK, OUT TO BROOKLYN BACHMANN. CZSeG1-TBA0-00024-00001664-00002005 SHOT CLOCK, OUT TO BROOKLYN BACHMANN. THE BANK IS OPEN. CZSeG1-TBA0-00025-00002005-00002012 BROOKLYN BACHMANN. THE BANK IS OPEN. CZSeG1-TBA0-00026-00002012-00002138 BROOKLYN BACHMANN. THE BANK IS OPEN. THE 3 IS GOOD. CZSeG1-TBA0-00027-00002138-00002145 THE BANK IS OPEN. THE 3 IS GOOD. CZSeG1-TBA0-00028-00002145-00002202 THE BANK IS OPEN. THE 3 IS GOOD. BUT THE BEAVERS STRUGGLED CZSeG1-TBA0-00029-00002202-00002208 THE 3 IS GOOD. BUT THE BEAVERS STRUGGLED CZSeG1-TBA0-00030-00002208-00002265 THE 3 IS GOOD. BUT THE BEAVERS STRUGGLED SHOOTING 27 PERCENT ON THE CZSeG1-TBA0-00031-00002265-00002272 BUT THE BEAVERS STRUGGLED SHOOTING 27 PERCENT ON THE CZSeG1-TBA0-00032-00002272-00002302 BUT THE BEAVERS STRUGGLED SHOOTING 27 PERCENT ON THE NIGHT. CZSeG1-TBA0-00033-00002302-00002308 SHOOTING 27 PERCENT ON THE NIGHT. CZSeG1-TBA0-00034-00002308-00002412 SHOOTING 27 PERCENT ON THE NIGHT. THE BULLDOGS CONTROLLED PLAY CZSeG1-TBA0-00035-00002412-00002419 NIGHT. THE BULLDOGS CONTROLLED PLAY CZSeG1-TBA0-00036-00002419-00002579 NIGHT. THE BULLDOGS CONTROLLED PLAY FROM START TO FINISH. CZSeG1-TBA0-00037-00002579-00002585 THE BULLDOGS CONTROLLED PLAY FROM START TO FINISH. CZSeG1-TBA0-00038-00002585-00002739 THE BULLDOGS CONTROLLED PLAY FROM START TO FINISH. SAMMY KOSLOWSKI WITH THE 3. CZSeG1-TBA0-00039-00002739-00002746 FROM START TO FINISH. SAMMY KOSLOWSKI WITH THE 3. CZSeG1-TBA0-00040-00002746-00002862 FROM START TO FINISH. SAMMY KOSLOWSKI WITH THE 3. DULUTH CRUISES. CbxaYhXfZIQ-00000-00000634-00001146 I'm Roberts Small and what we call the course is Medium Marketing CbxaYhXfZIQ-00001-00001146-00001630 The course is an interesting extension of a Branding Through Transmedia Storytelling CbxaYhXfZIQ-00002-00001630-00001870 and Digital Content Creation. CbxaYhXfZIQ-00003-00001870-00002206 Transmedia by definition is using multiple media CbxaYhXfZIQ-00004-00002206-00003374 So it would be movies, books, promotions, live events, the internet, social media graphic novels, CbxaYhXfZIQ-00005-00003374-00003825 video games, toy distribution, campaigns with products, and we put it to CbxaYhXfZIQ-00006-00003825-00004224 use by marketing, developing, and producing the CUNY film festival CbxaYhXfZIQ-00007-00004226-00004708 We'll be responsible for finding the core of what the CUNY Film Festival is about, CbxaYhXfZIQ-00008-00004708-00005170 finding its audience, finding ways to reach out to them on social media, CbxaYhXfZIQ-00009-00005170-00005796 traditional media, finding ways to grow the event that actually producing the live event CbxaYhXfZIQ-00010-00005796-00006332 and at the live event which will be the award ceremony, we'll then produce a short CbxaYhXfZIQ-00011-00006332-00006893 documentary and do the interviews and the editing so it's a it's a full it's a CbxaYhXfZIQ-00012-00006893-00007488 full range of activities and at the end of it hopefully what will happen is CUNY CbxaYhXfZIQ-00013-00007488-00007859 will have a more successful film festival and the students will know how CbxaYhXfZIQ-00014-00007859-00008216 to take something from A to Z CbxaYhXfZIQ-00015-00008216-00008454 I think their take away will be from what we CbxaYhXfZIQ-00016-00008454-00009032 don't do right to see where we might have missed and to see where we've done CbxaYhXfZIQ-00017-00009032-00009450 things correctly and the value of that and how it increased the importance and CbxaYhXfZIQ-00018-00009450-00009670 popularity the CUNY Film Festival Ceg5oL8kFd0-00000-00000000-00000470 So graduating class of 2020 many congratulations on what you've achieved this year. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00001-00000470-00001098 It's been a challenging year, and to a graduated this year shows real courage and endurance - well done. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00002-00001098-00001346 Whether you're from the School of Engineering and built environment, Ceg5oL8kFd0-00003-00001346-00001776 from the school of Environment and Science, or from ICT, Ceg5oL8kFd0-00004-00001776-00002300 it's a fantastic achievement which we celebrate with you. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00005-00002300-00002570 There are very many ways they're staying in touch with Griffith. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00006-00002570-00003034 We long to know how you fare and what you do after you graduate Ceg5oL8kFd0-00007-00003034-00003286 and there'll be various ways of staying in touch with us. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00008-00003286-00003718 So please don't leave us alone and we look forward to hearing from you. Ceg5oL8kFd0-00009-00003718-00003918 Many congratulations again. CfOL3t-Ebdu-00000-00001288-00001568 I'm going to open my presents already! CfOL3t-Ebdu-00001-00001660-00001768 Wait... CfOL3t-Ebdu-00002-00001768-00001942 What did Peter say to me? CfOL3t-Ebdu-00003-00002038-00002349 Jako! You're going to open these presents 7 hours earlier! CfOL3t-Ebdu-00004-00002516-00002684 What a nice fella! CfOL3t-Ebdu-00005-00004120-00004387 "Nice try, Among Us-noob". CfOL3t-Ebdu-00006-00004413-00004569 "I hid your real presents- CfOL3t-Ebdu-00007-00004569-00004782 "and I'm making you wait 'til tomorrow"? CfOL3t-Ebdu-00008-00004834-00004917 Hey! CfOL3t-Ebdu-00009-00005006-00005206 I'm pretty okay in "Among Us"! CgalQQjLHOo-00000-00000463-00000822 hi my name is Saraii and I'm an admissions ambassador here at Grossmont CgalQQjLHOo-00001-00000822-00001298 college today I'll be showing you how to find your student ID through WebAdvisor CgalQQjLHOo-00002-00001298-00002000 type in to go to our web page after that click on WebAdvisor CgalQQjLHOo-00003-00002000-00002198 then click on the student menu CgalQQjLHOo-00004-00002198-00002698 under the user account list click on what's my student ID/ colleague ID CgalQQjLHOo-00005-00002698-00003068 after that enter your last name here and your social CgalQQjLHOo-00006-00003068-00003642 security number here then click on submit and that's it this is your CgalQQjLHOo-00007-00003642-00003993 student ID you may write it down or better memorize it you'll need it to CgalQQjLHOo-00008-00003993-00004356 check out books or materials from the library, make an appointment with the CgalQQjLHOo-00009-00004356-00004902 counselor, and many other services if the shown steps did not work for CgalQQjLHOo-00010-00004902-00005163 any reason feel free to contact the admissions and records all the CgalQQjLHOo-00011-00005163-00005354 information will be listed below description box CgalQQjLHOo-00012-00005354-00006178 have a wonderful day ChKIUYvCfRM-00000-00000721-00001139 Tragic News About Melania Minutes Before Stormy Stabs Her In The Back In Aired Interview ChKIUYvCfRM-00001-00001139-00001642 The 60 Minutes interview with the washed-up porn star and director Stormy Daniels, who ChKIUYvCfRM-00002-00001642-00002196 claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump, will be broadcast on Sunday, March 25 at 7 ChKIUYvCfRM-00003-00002196-00002418 p.m. on the CBS network. ChKIUYvCfRM-00004-00002418-00002789 Although the president has denied having an affair with Daniels she talks to Anderson ChKIUYvCfRM-00005-00002789-00003367 Cooper about the alleged relationship she had with the president back in 2006 and 2007. ChKIUYvCfRM-00006-00003367-00003764 Along with Daniel’s own account of what went on during the alleged affair, the 60 ChKIUYvCfRM-00007-00003764-00004235 Minutes segment will also include an examination of the potential legal and political ramifications ChKIUYvCfRM-00008-00004235-00004771 of the $130,000 payment that Mr. Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen says he made to Daniels ChKIUYvCfRM-00009-00004771-00004948 using his own funds. ChKIUYvCfRM-00010-00004948-00005369 Daniels accepted the money in return for signing a confidentiality agreement which she now ChKIUYvCfRM-00011-00005369-00005753 claims isn’t binding because Trump never signed it himself. ChKIUYvCfRM-00012-00005753-00005973 In January Daniels was singing a different tune.. ChKIUYvCfRM-00013-00005973-00006506 “Stormy Daniels is denying an alleged affair between herself and President Trump, according ChKIUYvCfRM-00014-00006506-00006933 to a new statement from the adult film star confirmed by The Associated Press. ChKIUYvCfRM-00015-00006933-00007648 “The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence ChKIUYvCfRM-00016-00007648-00008119 in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017, and now again in 2018. ChKIUYvCfRM-00017-00008119-00009014 I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported ChKIUYvCfRM-00018-00009014-00009212 in overseas owned tabloids. ChKIUYvCfRM-00019-00009212-00009634 I am denying this affair because it never happened,” the adult film actress, whose ChKIUYvCfRM-00020-00009634-00010038 real name is Stephanie Clifford, wrote in a statement shared by a BuzzFeed reporter ChKIUYvCfRM-00021-00010038-00010196 on Tuesday. ChKIUYvCfRM-00022-00010196-00010609 The AP later confirmed with Clifford’s lawyer that the statement was authentic. ChKIUYvCfRM-00023-00010609-00010965 The Wall Street Journal first reported that President Trump’s personal lawyer paid the ChKIUYvCfRM-00024-00010965-00011628 actress $130,000 in October 2016 to stay quiet about the alleged affair, one month before ChKIUYvCfRM-00025-00011628-00011792 the presidential election. ChKIUYvCfRM-00026-00011792-00012265 Clifford’s statement came just hours before the adult film star is set to appear on “Jimmy ChKIUYvCfRM-00027-00012265-00012478 Kimmel Live!” on ABC. ChKIUYvCfRM-00028-00012478-00012885 Trump’s lawyer has “vehemently” denied the Journal’s report. ChKIUYvCfRM-00029-00012885-00013291 Clifford said in a 2011 interview with In Touch magazine that the affair took place ChKIUYvCfRM-00030-00013291-00013799 with Trump at Lake Tahoe in 2006, just one year after Trump had married now-first lady ChKIUYvCfRM-00031-00013799-00013965 Melania Trump. ChKIUYvCfRM-00032-00013965-00014347 The magazine said it had verified her account of the episode with friends and that Clifford ChKIUYvCfRM-00033-00014347-00014608 had taken a lie detector test.” ChKIUYvCfRM-00034-00014608-00014966 Anderson Cooper conducted the interview earlier this month after the president’s attorney ChKIUYvCfRM-00035-00014966-00015285 obtained a temporary restraining order against Daniels. ChKIUYvCfRM-00036-00015285-00015754 Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has sued in a California court claiming the ChKIUYvCfRM-00037-00015754-00016158 confidentiality agreement between her and the president is invalid because he allegedly ChKIUYvCfRM-00038-00016158-00016283 never signed it. ChKIUYvCfRM-00039-00016283-00016659 The president’s attorneys are seeking to move the case to federal court and claim Daniels ChKIUYvCfRM-00040-00016659-00017164 is liable for more than $20 million in damages for violations of the agreement. ChKIUYvCfRM-00041-00017164-00017550 The really tragic part of this whole story is how this attention seeking washed up porn ChKIUYvCfRM-00042-00017550-00017987 star has sparked an onslaught of attacks against First Lady Melania Trump. ChKIUYvCfRM-00043-00017987-00018456 She is constantly asked questions about Daniel’s lies, which is very hypocritical considering ChKIUYvCfRM-00044-00018456-00018901 the people asking the questions are the same who in 1998 told us what Bill Clinton had ChKIUYvCfRM-00045-00018901-00019349 done in the oval office with his intern Monica Lewinsky was none of our business. ChKIUYvCfRM-00046-00019349-00019790 Although Melania Trump is one of the classiest first ladies to ever grace the White House, ChKIUYvCfRM-00047-00019790-00020182 this constant hammering has to be taking a toll on her and the family. ChKIUYvCfRM-00048-00020182-00020382 More on this ordeal via The Hollywood Life ChKIUYvCfRM-00049-00020382-00020898 “Trump’s wife also isn’t expecting for Stormy to drop any scandalous new info. ChKIUYvCfRM-00050-00020898-00021337 “Melania has already been briefed about the main content of the show, so she’s really ChKIUYvCfRM-00051-00021337-00021818 not expecting any surprises, but she is bracing herself for the inevitable media onslaught ChKIUYvCfRM-00052-00021818-00022068 that is sure to follow,” our insider added. ChKIUYvCfRM-00053-00022068-00022412 When it comes to her marriage though, the mother of one is in a pretty tough spot due ChKIUYvCfRM-00054-00022412-00022650 to the allegations leveled against her husband. ChKIUYvCfRM-00055-00022650-00023112 “Melania is in a pretty impossible situation, and there’s really no way she can forgive ChKIUYvCfRM-00056-00023112-00023584 Donald, because he hasn’t admitted to any wrongdoing, or even bothered to apologize ChKIUYvCfRM-00057-00023584-00023768 to her,” our source explained. ChKIUYvCfRM-00058-00023768-00024240 “In private there is this icy silence between Melania and Donald, and she spends as much ChKIUYvCfRM-00059-00024240-00024537 time with Barron, and away from her husband as possible. ChKIUYvCfRM-00060-00024537-00024982 She’s been pretty much forced into putting on this show of unity right now, but make ChKIUYvCfRM-00061-00024982-00025429 no mistake about it, it is simply that, a show for the public.” ChKIUYvCfRM-00062-00025429-00025826 Before the weekend started, Melania seemed to be upset with the President. ChKIUYvCfRM-00063-00025826-00026264 She broke protocol by arriving to and boarding Air Force One without Trump, even though they ChKIUYvCfRM-00064-00026264-00026554 were scheduled to arrive to the airport together. ChKIUYvCfRM-00065-00026554-00026952 She then pushed past him and hurried off the plane after landing in Florida.” ChKIUYvCfRM-00066-00026952-00027405 Come on Stormy Daniels, isn’t it about time you come clean and tell the American Public ChKIUYvCfRM-00067-00027405-00027702 why you really decided to come out with these lies now? ChKIUYvCfRM-00068-00027702-00028202 Especially after you denied the affair for over a decade? ChKIUYvCfRM-00069-00028202-00029170 What are you getting out of this? Ci_AxAT8yk0-00000-00000006-00000500 You guys and tell me what do you think that the number of people that have been able to Ci_AxAT8yk0-00001-00000500-00001087 take a either a cold meeting or have attended an event entirely from somebody they never Ci_AxAT8yk0-00002-00001087-00001237 heard from before? Ci_AxAT8yk0-00003-00001237-00001613 So we have a lot of things are now everything's starting to come in all the way through here. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00004-00001613-00002364 So we have a lot of people saying a few bees, a few seas sees an A 13% a bbbbb. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00005-00002364-00003067 Oh my goodness, you guys, I want to tell you that you're all wrong. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00006-00003067-00003254 You're all wrong. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00007-00003254-00003721 Oh, my goodness, you guys, the actual answer is if anyone wants to throw it in there real Ci_AxAT8yk0-00008-00003721-00003821 quick. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00009-00003821-00004823 The actual answer is 78% 78% of decision makers have at some point in time, taken a meeting Ci_AxAT8yk0-00010-00004823-00005466 or have accepted and an invite from somebody entirely from somebody that didn't know this Ci_AxAT8yk0-00011-00005466-00005762 is entirely based on compelling conversation. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00012-00005762-00005878 Right now. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00013-00005878-00006296 I don't want you to think that Every single time somebody approaches them, they're going Ci_AxAT8yk0-00014-00006296-00006409 to accept this right? Ci_AxAT8yk0-00015-00006409-00006795 Or that 78% of all requests they're going to accept. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00016-00006795-00006953 That is not what the question is. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00017-00006953-00007053 Yes. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00018-00007053-00007506 The question is, has they have you ever accepted a request from somebody that you have never Ci_AxAT8yk0-00019-00007506-00007663 had an interaction with before? Ci_AxAT8yk0-00020-00007663-00008150 So 78%, eight out of 10 people, you guys, right? Ci_AxAT8yk0-00021-00008150-00008340 This should be mind boggling for you. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00022-00008340-00008440 All right. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00023-00008440-00008957 Number one, that means because if you have a chance, if you create a compelling enough Ci_AxAT8yk0-00024-00008957-00009481 events, right, even if you know have no interaction with this person before, you have the opportunity Ci_AxAT8yk0-00025-00009481-00010020 to say yes, now, I have had this both in my corporate sales experience, as well as in Ci_AxAT8yk0-00026-00010020-00010206 my entrepreneurial experience. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00027-00010206-00010736 I have done that as for both, you know, selling people on our programs, as well as we're going Ci_AxAT8yk0-00028-00010736-00010927 to talk about this in a second here. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00029-00010927-00011285 Bigger sponsorship as well, depending on what you're trying to do. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00030-00011285-00011529 But the end of the day, a sale is a sale. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00031-00011529-00012204 Now, I read a tweet actually not too long ago from Mark Cuban So Mark Cuban, Dallas Ci_AxAT8yk0-00032-00012204-00012547 Mavericks owner right like massive millionaire and everything. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00033-00012547-00013218 He recently posted out his phone number online and he says go ahead and text me go and text Ci_AxAT8yk0-00034-00013218-00013318 me. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00035-00013318-00013856 And he immediately said within like 24 hours of texting he actually did accept a meeting Ci_AxAT8yk0-00036-00013856-00014159 from somebody who texted him because he had a compelling enough offer. Ci_AxAT8yk0-00037-00014159-00014259 So first Ci_AxAT8yk0-00038-00014259-00014260 Transcribed by CkddNdQJvyk-00000-00000624-00000668 EJjjjj Ck-Un4kHOXk-00000-00000133-00000294 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00001-00000294-00000344 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00002-00000344-00000394 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00003-00000394-00000444 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00004-00000444-00000494 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00005-00000609-00000659 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00006-00000659-00000709 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00007-00000709-00000759 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00008-00000759-00000809 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00009-00000809-00000859 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00010-00000859-00000909 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00011-00001075-00001125 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00012-00001125-00001175 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00013-00001175-00001225 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00014-00001225-00001275 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00015-00001275-00001325 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00016-00001325-00001375 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00017-00001377-00001427 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00018-00001427-00001477 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00019-00001477-00001527 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00020-00001527-00001577 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00021-00001577-00001627 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00022-00001627-00001677 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00023-00001696-00001746 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00024-00001746-00001796 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00025-00001813-00001863 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00026-00001863-00001913 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00027-00001913-00001963 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00028-00001963-00002013 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00029-00002013-00002063 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00030-00002100-00002150 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00031-00002150-00002200 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00032-00002200-00002250 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00033-00002339-00002389 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00034-00002389-00002439 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00035-00002526-00002576 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00036-00002576-00002626 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00037-00002626-00002676 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00038-00002822-00002872 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00039-00002872-00002922 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00040-00002922-00002972 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00041-00002972-00003022 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00042-00003022-00003072 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00043-00003199-00003249 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00044-00003249-00003299 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00045-00003299-00003349 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00046-00003349-00003399 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00047-00003675-00003725 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00048-00003725-00003775 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00049-00003817-00003867 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00050-00003867-00003917 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00051-00003917-00003967 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00052-00003967-00004017 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00053-00004017-00004067 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00054-00004067-00004117 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00055-00004121-00004171 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00056-00004171-00004221 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00057-00004221-00004271 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00058-00004271-00004321 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00059-00004360-00004410 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00060-00004410-00004460 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00061-00004460-00004510 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00062-00004510-00004560 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00063-00004560-00004610 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00064-00004650-00004700 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00065-00004700-00004750 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00066-00004750-00004800 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00067-00004800-00004850 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00068-00004850-00004900 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00069-00004930-00004980 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00070-00004980-00005030 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00071-00005030-00005080 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00072-00005080-00005130 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00073-00005130-00005180 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00074-00005212-00005262 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00075-00005262-00005312 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00076-00005312-00005362 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00077-00005362-00005412 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00078-00005412-00005462 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00079-00005462-00005512 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00080-00005549-00005599 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00081-00005599-00005649 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00082-00005649-00005699 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00083-00005699-00005749 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00084-00005749-00005799 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00085-00005799-00005849 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00086-00005874-00005924 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00087-00005924-00005974 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00088-00005974-00006024 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00089-00006024-00006074 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00090-00006074-00006124 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00091-00006141-00006191 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00092-00006191-00006241 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00093-00006241-00006291 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00094-00006291-00006341 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00095-00006341-00006391 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00096-00006425-00006475 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00097-00006475-00006525 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00098-00006525-00006575 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00099-00006575-00006625 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00100-00006625-00006675 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00101-00006722-00006772 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00102-00006772-00006822 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00103-00006822-00006872 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00104-00006872-00006922 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00105-00006922-00006972 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00106-00007019-00007069 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00107-00007069-00007119 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00108-00007119-00007169 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00109-00007169-00007219 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00110-00007298-00007348 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00111-00007348-00007398 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00112-00007398-00007448 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00113-00007448-00007498 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00114-00007541-00007591 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00115-00007591-00007641 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00116-00007641-00007691 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00117-00007691-00007741 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00118-00007741-00007791 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00119-00007820-00007870 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00120-00007870-00007920 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00121-00007920-00007970 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00122-00007970-00008020 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00123-00008059-00008109 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00124-00008109-00008159 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00125-00008159-00008209 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00126-00008209-00008259 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00127-00008259-00008309 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00128-00008357-00008407 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00129-00008407-00008457 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00130-00008457-00008507 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00131-00008507-00008557 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00132-00008557-00008607 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00133-00008617-00008667 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00134-00008667-00008717 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00135-00008717-00008767 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00136-00008767-00008817 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00137-00008817-00008867 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00138-00008917-00008967 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00139-00008967-00009017 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00140-00009017-00009067 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00141-00009067-00009117 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00142-00009159-00009209 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00143-00009209-00009259 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00144-00009259-00009309 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00145-00009309-00009359 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00146-00009359-00009409 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00147-00009409-00009459 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00148-00009470-00009520 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00149-00009520-00009570 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00150-00009570-00009620 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00151-00009620-00009670 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00152-00009671-00009721 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00153-00009721-00009771 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00154-00009771-00009821 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00155-00009821-00009871 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00156-00009871-00009921 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00157-00009921-00009971 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00158-00009977-00010027 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00159-00010027-00010077 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00160-00010077-00010127 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00161-00010127-00010177 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00162-00010177-00010227 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00163-00010227-00010277 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00164-00010288-00010338 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00165-00010338-00010388 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00166-00010388-00010438 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00167-00010438-00010488 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00168-00010528-00010578 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00169-00010578-00010628 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00170-00010628-00010678 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00171-00010678-00010728 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00172-00010728-00010778 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00173-00010823-00010873 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00174-00010873-00010923 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00175-00010923-00010973 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00176-00010973-00011023 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00177-00011050-00011100 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00178-00011100-00011150 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00179-00011150-00011200 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00180-00011200-00011250 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00181-00011250-00011300 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00182-00011300-00011350 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00183-00011354-00011404 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00184-00011404-00011454 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00185-00011454-00011504 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00186-00011504-00011554 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00187-00011554-00011604 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00188-00011651-00011701 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00189-00011701-00011751 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00190-00011751-00011801 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00191-00011895-00011945 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00192-00011945-00011995 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00193-00011995-00012045 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] Ck-Un4kHOXk-00194-00012045-00012095 Weight Loss Tips for Women | How To Lose Weight Fast | Ghamasan Health [HINDI] CkaXpXXWFzA-00000-00001810-00002325 Hello, this is a special video in which we will review the most important themes and CkaXpXXWFzA-00001-00002325-00002977 events of chapters five and six of the second part of Don Quijote de la Mancha. CkaXpXXWFzA-00002-00002977-00003523 Although not immediately apparent, chapters five and six contain much philosophical thinking CkaXpXXWFzA-00003-00003523-00003796 about individual self-worth. CkaXpXXWFzA-00004-00003796-00004197 At the same time, there are numerous hints that Cervantes thinks many of his readers CkaXpXXWFzA-00005-00004197-00004589 have overlooked the complexity and seriousness of his art. CkaXpXXWFzA-00006-00004589-00005286 For example, if, like the translator, we dismiss SP’s speeches as implausible, we are unlikely CkaXpXXWFzA-00007-00005286-00005776 to ponder their moral significance, their critique of hierarchical privilege. CkaXpXXWFzA-00008-00005776-00006389 Similarly, if we think of DQ as an “impertinent” fool who dares to claim titles like “don” CkaXpXXWFzA-00009-00006389-00006867 and “caballero,” which he does not legally deserve, then we risk missing an important CkaXpXXWFzA-00010-00006867-00007115 political aspect of his quest. CkaXpXXWFzA-00011-00007115-00007814 Now is a good time to ponder the subtle change in the title of Cervantes’s continuation: CkaXpXXWFzA-00012-00007814-00008347 Second Part of the Ingenious Caballero Don Quijote de la Mancha. CkaXpXXWFzA-00013-00008347-00008890 At the same time, we must remember that even Cervantes’s heroes have their blind spots: CkaXpXXWFzA-00014-00008890-00009561 SP clings to a racist Reconquest mentality and he sees political power as a means of CkaXpXXWFzA-00015-00009561-00010190 acquiring wealth; and DQ, at the height of his humanist defense of personal virtue, forgets CkaXpXXWFzA-00016-00010190-00010758 momentarily that true caballeros value respect for women. CkaXpXXWFzA-00017-00010788-00011708 Okay, that´s all for our review of chapters five and six. Don´t miss our next video of our course, discover Don Quijote de la Mancha. CmbeCoNJ-bg-00000-00000000-00000200 TXT CmbeCoNJ-bg-00001-00000200-00000400 Music CmbeCoNJ-bg-00002-00000400-00000600 Members profile Do5m6tM2oPU-00000-00001644-00002096 Hey there, and welcome to our third module of the MOOC “Microbiome and Health”. Do5m6tM2oPU-00001-00002096-00002620 Today you will learn about the plant microbiome in general, it´s composition, transmission Do5m6tM2oPU-00002-00002620-00003186 routes and assembly, as well as the microbiota´s potential to influence their host´s fitness; Do5m6tM2oPU-00003-00003186-00003426 simply the plant microbiome in facts. Do5m6tM2oPU-00004-00003426-00004055 Let´s start with one microbial group that has revolutionized plant and ecosystem research: Do5m6tM2oPU-00005-00004055-00004171 Mycorrhizal fungi. Do5m6tM2oPU-00006-00004171-00004616 They are being studied for several decades and represent the best described model for Do5m6tM2oPU-00007-00004616-00004919 the plant-microorganism symbioses so far. Do5m6tM2oPU-00008-00004919-00005458 Here, the plant provides organic molecules to the fungi, which in turn supply nutrients Do5m6tM2oPU-00009-00005458-00005875 and water from soil to plant roots. Do5m6tM2oPU-00010-00005875-00006364 In fact, more than 80% of all vascular plants on our planet rely on the symbiosis with those Do5m6tM2oPU-00011-00006364-00006464 fungi. Do5m6tM2oPU-00012-00006464-00006833 Their importance for the whole ecosystem is certainly undeniable. Do5m6tM2oPU-00013-00006833-00007409 However, thanks to continuous developments in next generation sequencing, comparable Do5m6tM2oPU-00014-00007409-00008029 key roles are nowadays suggested also for the entire plant microbiome, including bacteria, Do5m6tM2oPU-00015-00008029-00008300 archaea, protists, and viruses. Do5m6tM2oPU-00016-00008300-00008772 Based on that, let´s start with the plant microbiome in facts. Do5m6tM2oPU-00017-00008772-00008872 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00018-00008872-00009133 1: Plants are considered as holobionts. Do5m6tM2oPU-00019-00009133-00009753 The same applies for all remaining higher organisms, such as humans, animals and insects. Do5m6tM2oPU-00020-00009753-00010316 The term holobiont describes an assemblage of the eukaryotic host and many other species, Do5m6tM2oPU-00021-00010316-00010560 which together form an ecological unit. Do5m6tM2oPU-00022-00010560-00010713 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00023-00010713-00011223 2: The plant microbiome is involved in several functions of the host plant. Do5m6tM2oPU-00024-00011223-00011742 These functions include nutrition supply, support during germination and growth, resistance Do5m6tM2oPU-00025-00011742-00012367 against pests and pathogens, interaction with other microbes, and resilience towards abiotic Do5m6tM2oPU-00026-00012367-00012467 stress. Do5m6tM2oPU-00027-00012467-00013009 However, for a large share of the plant microbiota we haven´t discovered the particular functions Do5m6tM2oPU-00028-00013009-00013201 within the holobiont yet. Do5m6tM2oPU-00029-00013201-00013347 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00030-00013347-00013966 3: Healthy plants host diverse and abundant microbiota within different habitats. Do5m6tM2oPU-00031-00013966-00014544 All plants consist of certain compartments, each providing very different metabolic conditions Do5m6tM2oPU-00032-00014544-00015003 and are consequently colonized by different microbial communities. Do5m6tM2oPU-00033-00015003-00015463 The plant compartments are structured in below-ground and above-ground tissues. Do5m6tM2oPU-00034-00015463-00016013 Belowground, the rhizosphere is the interface of plant roots and soil and represents the Do5m6tM2oPU-00035-00016013-00016395 most diverse microbial habitat on earth. Do5m6tM2oPU-00036-00016395-00016923 Above-ground tissues are subdivided in caulosphere which refers to stem and bark, phyllosphere Do5m6tM2oPU-00037-00016923-00017745 so the leafs, anthosphere, the habitat of flowers, carposphere, the fruit, and spermosphere, Do5m6tM2oPU-00038-00017745-00017845 the seeds. Do5m6tM2oPU-00039-00017845-00018502 In general, going upwards from roots to phyllosphere, the microbial diversity and abundance is gradually Do5m6tM2oPU-00040-00018502-00018623 decreasing. Do5m6tM2oPU-00041-00018623-00019296 However, microbiota can colonize all of these tissues, both the outer and inner parts, and Do5m6tM2oPU-00042-00019296-00019708 are respectively described as epi- and endophytes. Do5m6tM2oPU-00043-00019708-00019965 But where do these communities even come from? Do5m6tM2oPU-00044-00019965-00020117 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00045-00020117-00020570 4: Microbes can colonize the plant via horizontal and vertical transmission. Do5m6tM2oPU-00046-00020570-00021091 With the term horizontal transmission, we refer to microbes that colonize the plant Do5m6tM2oPU-00047-00021091-00021299 from the environment. Do5m6tM2oPU-00048-00021299-00021637 Especially soil represents an important source for microbes. Do5m6tM2oPU-00049-00021637-00022198 The microbial diversity and abundance in soil is immense, and its composition is determined Do5m6tM2oPU-00050-00022198-00022793 by the soil type, the available nutrients, and several other environmental factors. Do5m6tM2oPU-00051-00022793-00023284 Soil microbes can colonize the rhizosphere and the root endosphere and move from there Do5m6tM2oPU-00052-00023284-00023550 to above-ground plant tissues. Do5m6tM2oPU-00053-00023550-00024127 Apart from soil, horizontal transmission also occurs through aerosols, insects and other Do5m6tM2oPU-00054-00024127-00024337 plant tissues. Do5m6tM2oPU-00055-00024337-00024791 Vertical transmission refers to the process when microbes are transferred from the parents Do5m6tM2oPU-00056-00024791-00025015 to the next generation. Do5m6tM2oPU-00057-00025015-00025581 This occurs either through seeds, or through so-called vegetative propagation, what you Do5m6tM2oPU-00058-00025581-00025900 know as runners from strawberry plants. Do5m6tM2oPU-00059-00025900-00026456 However, and this is very important to keep in mind: not all microbes can colonize plant Do5m6tM2oPU-00060-00026456-00026966 tissues, and even less are transmitted from the mother plant to the next generation. Do5m6tM2oPU-00061-00026966-00027627 It is rather a highly selective process and also requires specific adaptations of microbes. Do5m6tM2oPU-00062-00027627-00027760 This is explained by… Do5m6tM2oPU-00063-00027760-00027860 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00064-00027860-00028491 5: The assembly of the plant microbiome is not random but follows certain rules. Do5m6tM2oPU-00065-00028491-00029075 The rules that determine when and where, which microbes colonize the plant are not yet fully Do5m6tM2oPU-00066-00029075-00029189 understood. Do5m6tM2oPU-00067-00029189-00029725 Apart from environmental conditions and interactions between microbes, it is especially the genome Do5m6tM2oPU-00068-00029725-00030082 of the host plant that plays a decisive role. Do5m6tM2oPU-00069-00030082-00030588 For example, we often see a specific set of microbes to be associated with a specific Do5m6tM2oPU-00070-00030588-00031077 plant species across very different habitats and environments. Do5m6tM2oPU-00071-00031077-00031554 This microbial community is assumed to have essential functions for this certain plant Do5m6tM2oPU-00072-00031554-00031732 species. Do5m6tM2oPU-00073-00031732-00032322 In fact, plants can, based on individual needs, select microbes from the environment. Do5m6tM2oPU-00074-00032322-00032698 Yes, seriously, the plant selects. Do5m6tM2oPU-00075-00032698-00033192 Plants release chemical signals and metabolites such as sugars and organic acids trough their Do5m6tM2oPU-00076-00033192-00033406 roots to soil. Do5m6tM2oPU-00077-00033406-00033890 Certain microbes are attracted by such metabolites and move towards the roots. Do5m6tM2oPU-00078-00033890-00034424 The metabolites released can be highly specific, for example to recruit microbes that protect Do5m6tM2oPU-00079-00034424-00034799 the plant against pathogens, sun, or drought. Do5m6tM2oPU-00080-00034799-00035251 On the side of the microbes, specific adaptations are required as well, such as the ability Do5m6tM2oPU-00081-00035251-00035913 to penetrate plant cells or to move within the plant without triggering its defense mechanisms. Do5m6tM2oPU-00082-00035913-00036339 Some of those are even able to colonize the seed endosphere. Do5m6tM2oPU-00083-00036339-00036826 Several seed endophytes have been shown to exert plant beneficial effects and are even Do5m6tM2oPU-00084-00036826-00037478 assumed to have a priority effect on environmental microorganisms that target to colonize the Do5m6tM2oPU-00085-00037478-00037644 young seedling. Do5m6tM2oPU-00086-00037644-00038223 Thereby they are expected to strongly influence the microbiome assembly already at this early Do5m6tM2oPU-00087-00038223-00038323 stage. Do5m6tM2oPU-00088-00038323-00038471 Fact no. Do5m6tM2oPU-00089-00038471-00039196 6: Beneficial, neutral and pathogenic microorganisms maintain an equilibrium within their host. Do5m6tM2oPU-00090-00039196-00039775 Clearly, health and disease of a plant are dependent on the whole microbial community. Do5m6tM2oPU-00091-00039775-00040286 This means that different microorganisms, with different functions, interact with each Do5m6tM2oPU-00092-00040286-00040768 other and thereby modulate the community´s diversity and abundance. Do5m6tM2oPU-00093-00040768-00041393 Thus, also the presence and abundance of plant pathogens, play a huge role within this complex Do5m6tM2oPU-00094-00041393-00041513 system. Do5m6tM2oPU-00095-00041513-00041980 Such functions can also be alternating: often we see microbes that are in general considered Do5m6tM2oPU-00096-00041980-00042708 as plant pathogens, to be associated with plants that do not show any symptoms of disease. Do5m6tM2oPU-00097-00042708-00043169 In addition, plant pathogens, if low in numbers, might also act as a trigger to train the immune Do5m6tM2oPU-00098-00043169-00043388 system of the host plant. Do5m6tM2oPU-00099-00043388-00044155 As long as this equilibrium exists as such, the plant remains in a healthy state, or eubiosis. Do5m6tM2oPU-00100-00044155-00044652 Whenever the system gets disturbed, for example by chemical treatments, we will find the microbiome Do5m6tM2oPU-00101-00044652-00045158 in a state of dysbiosis, which often results in diseased plants. Do5m6tM2oPU-00102-00045158-00045822 All these facts led scientists to elaborate the concept of a plant-microbiome co-evolution. Do5m6tM2oPU-00103-00045822-00046334 Especially for endophytes, evidence is increasing that significant changes in lifestyle towards Do5m6tM2oPU-00104-00046334-00046953 mutual symbiosis between microorganisms and hosts, with benefits for both, have occurred Do5m6tM2oPU-00105-00046953-00047069 over time. Do5m6tM2oPU-00106-00047069-00047633 The before mentioned importance of the plant genotype, the fact that closely related plant Do5m6tM2oPU-00107-00047633-00048211 species show a more similar microbiota than unrelated plants, the ability to attract certain Do5m6tM2oPU-00108-00048211-00048856 microbes through root exudates, and the filtration effect afterwards which allows only few microbial Do5m6tM2oPU-00109-00048856-00049329 groups to enter internal tissues, underline this concept. Do5m6tM2oPU-00110-00049329-00049949 Overall, the stability of the whole system is a strong indication for an evolutionary Do5m6tM2oPU-00111-00049949-00050291 liaison between plants and microorganisms. Do5m6tM2oPU-00112-00050291-00050840 However, this theory, although becoming more and more accepted among the scientific community, Do5m6tM2oPU-00113-00050840-00051127 has yet to be proven. Do5m6tM2oPU-00114-00051127-00051326 These were the facts about the plant microbiome. Do5m6tM2oPU-00115-00051326-00051820 I guess you may have noticed that we are dealing with a highly complex system, and we are only Do5m6tM2oPU-00116-00051820-00052082 at the beginning to understand the details. Do5m6tM2oPU-00117-00052082-00052641 What we do know, however, is that the plant microbiome provides a wealth of opportunities Do5m6tM2oPU-00118-00052641-00053152 which can be used to elaborate novel solutions to protect our crop plants and improve their Do5m6tM2oPU-00119-00053152-00053524 stress resilience in an ecosystem friendly manner. Do5m6tM2oPU-00120-00053524-00054005 This is certainly a topic on its own and you will hear more about that in an upcoming chapter, Do5m6tM2oPU-00121-00054005-00054260 called “Managing the plant microbiome”. Do5m6tM2oPU-00122-00054260-00054699 Before that, we will dive deeper into the plant microbiome using one of our beloved Do5m6tM2oPU-00123-00054699-00054936 model plants – the apple. Do5m6tM2oPU-00124-00054936-00056351 See you there. Do5qFnVLVYE-00000-00000081-00000813 Dr. Currie: Today is October 2nd, 2013, here at Arkansas Spinal Care and Neuropathy Treatment Do5qFnVLVYE-00001-00000813-00000963 Center. Do5qFnVLVYE-00002-00000963-00001072 This is Leonard. Do5qFnVLVYE-00003-00001072-00001587 This is his last day of care here, and Leonard, what would you say to someone who told you Do5qFnVLVYE-00004-00001587-00001989 that there was no cure for neuropathy, or that you couldn't be helped for neuropathy? Do5qFnVLVYE-00005-00001989-00002532 Leonard: I would tell them they need to look up Dr. Currie in Conway. Do5qFnVLVYE-00006-00002532-00003234 Dr. Currie: Tell me how bad your numbness was before you came here and how it is now. Do5qFnVLVYE-00007-00003234-00003707 Leonard: Well, I was at the point where I couldn't even walk. Do5qFnVLVYE-00008-00003707-00004310 My legs wouldn't move and my arms were numb. Do5qFnVLVYE-00009-00004310-00004894 I came here and eight weeks later I'm back to normal. Do5qFnVLVYE-00010-00004894-00005272 Dr. Currie: Awesome, man, awesome. Do5qFnVLVYE-00011-00005272-00005533 Did that meet your expectations? Do5qFnVLVYE-00012-00005533-00005983 What did you really expect when you came here? Do5qFnVLVYE-00013-00005983-00006734 Leonard: I learned a lot from your television show, because I wasn't hurting, I wasn't in Do5qFnVLVYE-00014-00006734-00007025 pain; it was just numbness. Do5qFnVLVYE-00015-00007025-00007172 It just kept getting worse. Do5qFnVLVYE-00016-00007172-00007734 I kept falling, and I'd just roll and get back up. Do5qFnVLVYE-00017-00007734-00008431 I mean, the morning before I came up here I fell off my back porch. Do5qFnVLVYE-00018-00008431-00009175 It was that bad, not feeling where you're stepping, and I wasn't in pain; I was numb Do5qFnVLVYE-00019-00009175-00010036 and you convinced me that that was like pain, that the numbness is...I lost it. Do5qFnVLVYE-00020-00010036-00010643 Dr. Currie: It's all right, man. Do5qFnVLVYE-00021-00010643-00010743 It's okay. Do5qFnVLVYE-00022-00010743-00010843 It's not a problem. Do5qFnVLVYE-00023-00010843-00010943 We can just keep on going. Do5qFnVLVYE-00024-00010943-00011043 Don't sweat it. Do5qFnVLVYE-00025-00011043-00011143 You want me to stop the camera for a minute? Do5qFnVLVYE-00026-00011143-00011268 Leonard: No, I need you to... Do5qFnVLVYE-00027-00011268-00011531 Dr. Currie: Kind of help you out a little bit? Do5qFnVLVYE-00028-00011531-00011631 Leonard: Yeah. Do5qFnVLVYE-00029-00011631-00011731 Dr. Currie: Not a problem. Do5qFnVLVYE-00030-00011731-00011860 I can cut and paste this; it's not a problem. Do5qFnVLVYE-00031-00011860-00012075 We'll just keep rolling. Do5qFnVLVYE-00032-00012075-00012452 So, you fell off your back porch the morning before you came here because the numbness Do5qFnVLVYE-00033-00012452-00013011 was so bad, and so I guess that was kind of like the low point of it all to make you decide Do5qFnVLVYE-00034-00013011-00013219 that something had to be done. Do5qFnVLVYE-00035-00013219-00013751 What were you thinking when you came in here as a new patient? Do5qFnVLVYE-00036-00013751-00014727 Leonard: Well, you explained it well on your show in the interview I saw of it. Do5qFnVLVYE-00037-00014727-00015006 It was neat and it was no hands-on. Do5qFnVLVYE-00038-00015006-00015712 You've heard horror stories of chiropractors popping you and aligning you, and you just Do5qFnVLVYE-00039-00015712-00017341 had a new wave of technology that is just amazing - the precise procedure of the 9,000, Do5qFnVLVYE-00040-00017341-00017753 the oxygen, the water, the people. Do5qFnVLVYE-00041-00017753-00018165 Dr. Currie: Yeah, you've seen other patients here, too. Do5qFnVLVYE-00042-00018165-00018556 That's something that I always like to ask people because yeah, it worked for you, but Do5qFnVLVYE-00043-00018556-00018964 there are a lot of other people here around you that were coming through. Do5qFnVLVYE-00044-00018964-00019217 What results did you see them get for the most part? Do5qFnVLVYE-00045-00019217-00019495 Maybe all of them weren't getting better but hopefully most of them were. Do5qFnVLVYE-00046-00019495-00019609 What did you see? Do5qFnVLVYE-00047-00019609-00020414 Leonard: There was a lot older people than me that were in here and they were in pain Do5qFnVLVYE-00048-00020414-00020635 which, like I said, I wasn't in pain. Do5qFnVLVYE-00049-00020635-00021543 I was just numb, but they seemed to have no pain once they left. Do5qFnVLVYE-00050-00021543-00021719 Dr. Currie: All right. Do5qFnVLVYE-00051-00021719-00021819 That's huge, man. Do5qFnVLVYE-00052-00021819-00021919 That's huge. Do5qFnVLVYE-00053-00021919-00022051 I really appreciate your testimony. Do5qFnVLVYE-00054-00022051-00022581 I think a lot of people are going to see it, and people don't have to be 60, 70, 80 years Do5qFnVLVYE-00055-00022581-00023075 old to have this kind of problem; younger people can have it, too, and I think that Do5qFnVLVYE-00056-00023075-00023175 it's hard. Do5qFnVLVYE-00057-00023175-00023357 Leonard: You make chiropractic [inaudible 00:03:52]. Do5qFnVLVYE-00058-00023357-00024321 I mean old style is old style, but I went in high school - 38 years ago I went to a Do5qFnVLVYE-00059-00024321-00024734 chiropractor - and didn't get the results I got today...I mean, after eight weeks. Do5qFnVLVYE-00060-00024734-00024920 Dr. Currie: Man, I appreciate it. Do5qFnVLVYE-00061-00024920-00025301 Well, you did great here and it's been fun having you as a patient and I appreciate you.