jcBweF6rWY8-00000-00001153-00001873 Time is change. And to our early ancestors this change was cyclical and jcBweF6rWY8-00001-00001873-00002609 repetitive. We lived from day to day in the mysterious, measureless now without jcBweF6rWY8-00002-00002609-00003326 the need to plan ahead very far or look back. There were no units of time as we jcBweF6rWY8-00003-00003326-00004036 know them now, let alone a calendar to order them in. Concepts like 'next week' or jcBweF6rWY8-00004-00004036-00004955 'last year' simply did not exist. Our sense of time was limited to the endless cycle jcBweF6rWY8-00005-00004955-00005567 of light and darkness. During the day, our ancestors were covered by the pleasantly jcBweF6rWY8-00006-00005567-00006280 warm rays of light that were responsible for making our planet suitable for life. jcBweF6rWY8-00007-00006280-00006827 Our biological rhythm and that of most other animals and plants has very much jcBweF6rWY8-00008-00006827-00007334 been shaped by the visible presence of this light's source, the most prominent jcBweF6rWY8-00009-00007334-00007704 star in the sky; our Sun. jcBweF6rWY8-00010-00007704-00008586 To this day, her faithful, radiant appearance determines when we sleep, work and eat. jcBweF6rWY8-00011-00008586-00009252 To our ancestors, her recurring motions of rising and setting represented a metaphor for life and jcBweF6rWY8-00012-00009253-00010122 death. It is no wonder they were awed by the Sun's power and worshiped her in an jcBweF6rWY8-00013-00010122-00010717 endless variety of ways, as the all-seeing God, the bringer of light, jcBweF6rWY8-00014-00010717-00011490 ruler of time and the world and as the creator and protector of all life. jcBweF6rWY8-00015-00011490-00012072 Long before we were conscious of time itself, the daily cycle of the Sun was ingrained jcBweF6rWY8-00016-00012072-00012581 into our being as its first unit. jg6fcvgHkuY-00000-00000011-00000550 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. jg6fcvgHkuY-00001-00000650-00001307 Born on this day, October 4 in 1795 in Baltimore, Maryland, John Mary Joseph Chance was the jg6fcvgHkuY-00002-00001307-00001910 first Roman Catholic Bishop of Natchez from 1841 to 1852. jg6fcvgHkuY-00003-00001910-00002462 His parents had fled to Baltimore from present-day Haiti during the revolution there in the early 1790s. jg6fcvgHkuY-00004-00002572-00003122 Chanche entered St. Mary’s Seminary where he joined the Sulpicians and was ordained jg6fcvgHkuY-00005-00003122-00003447 a priest on June 5, 1819. jg6fcvgHkuY-00006-00003447-00004001 Chanche became a professor at St. Mary’s and would later become its president. jg6fcvgHkuY-00007-00004001-00004560 He was serving in that capacity when he was appointed Bishop of Natchez in 1841. jg6fcvgHkuY-00008-00004560-00005153 The Diocese of Natchez had been created in 1837 and at that time, encompassed the entire jg6fcvgHkuY-00009-00005153-00005282 state of Mississippi. jg6fcvgHkuY-00010-00005282-00005882 Chanche immediately began to organize the diocese and set up the needed church infrastructure. jg6fcvgHkuY-00011-00005882-00006461 In 1842, he laid the cornerstone of St. Mary Cathedral, dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows jg6fcvgHkuY-00012-00006461-00006898 and in 1847, he invited the Sisters of Charity to Natchez. jg6fcvgHkuY-00013-00006898-00007711 By the time he died in 1852, Chanche’s diocese consisted of 11 priests, 11 churches, and jg6fcvgHkuY-00014-00007711-00007915 13 attendant missions. jg6fcvgHkuY-00015-00007915-00008613 Chanche was buried in the Cathedral Cemetery in Baltimore but in 2007, his body was exhumed jg6fcvgHkuY-00016-00008613-00008808 and returned to Natchez. jg6fcvgHkuY-00017-00008808-00009403 Today, the remains of Bishop John Mary Joseph Chanche rest in the shadows of his beloved jg6fcvgHkuY-00018-00009403-00009783 cathedral, now known as St. Mary Minor Basilica. jg6fcvgHkuY-00019-00009950-00010749 My name is Anna Byrne, I'm a member of St. Mary Minor Basilica and this has been your jg6fcvgHkuY-00020-00010749-00010822 Natchez History Minute. jgJNZmlCePc-00000-00002832-00003125 In this case we are presenting the entire Trust Gaming line jgJNZmlCePc-00001-00003126-00003418 Which would be the videogame accessory line. jgJNZmlCePc-00002-00003434-00004204 We really have a wide mix of products, for both console and PC gaming. jgJNZmlCePc-00003-00004258-00005000 the importance of being in Argentina Game Show is that this gives us better presence on the gaming scene jgJNZmlCePc-00004-00005172-00005514 for the remainder of the year and for the next, Trust comes with everything. jgJNZmlCePc-00006-00006212-00006490 The winners who could beat me as fast as possible, say jgJNZmlCePc-00007-00006500-00007000 Those who did better could take some Trust products home jgJNZmlCePc-00008-00007000-00007409 from keyboards, mice, headsets and well, after all, we all had a good time. jgJNZmlCePc-00009-00007418-00007598 We had fun and we shared this amazing afternoon together jgJNZmlCePc-00010-00007604-00008114 with lots of LoL, some laughs, games, music and nice atmosphere. jgJNZmlCePc-00011-00008634-00009008 Today we were at the Trust stand, playing with everyone that passed by jgJNZmlCePc-00012-00009008-00009208 We even played custom matches. jgJNZmlCePc-00013-00010698-00011000 It was amazing! The truth is that I felt very comfortable jgJNZmlCePc-00014-00011000-00011212 its my first time here at AGS, so nothing, it was nice jgJNZmlCePc-00015-00011234-00011900 Thanks to Trust Gaming for trusting me and all the people who approached so we could have a good time. ji_0y9DnzXE-00000-00000024-00000546 hey guys Dylan here Walnut Ridge Family RV sales today we're going to be walking through ji_0y9DnzXE-00001-00000546-00001380 on this Wednesday of a 2022 Montana 37-81 rear living this thing is awesome check it out so ji_0y9DnzXE-00002-00001380-00001926 let's start off at the front rear first off just like everything else two LP tanks one on ji_0y9DnzXE-00003-00001926-00002490 each side okay tons of storage up front massive pass-through storage here and then as you kind ji_0y9DnzXE-00004-00002490-00002922 of keep going down you also have like a little entertainment center here you can put a TV up ji_0y9DnzXE-00005-00002922-00003360 here there's a mounting bracket here also have a central vac system out here pull your truck ji_0y9DnzXE-00006-00003360-00003965 up here you can vacuum out your truck or you can vacuum out the big passenger storage also ji_0y9DnzXE-00007-00004032-00004746 friction hinge doors so windy anything like that it's not going to slam shut this is really nice ji_0y9DnzXE-00008-00004746-00005310 again Montana goes a little step above it has a strut assistant so it's really easy to fold up ji_0y9DnzXE-00009-00005310-00006084 in and to put back down adjustable links then you also have two big Power awnings okay LED lights ji_0y9DnzXE-00010-00006084-00006630 while you're looking that side you're going to notice frameless windows very nice feature on this ji_0y9DnzXE-00011-00006630-00007128 Montana it is a fully lockable roof you do have a ladder on the back side plus there's a hitch back ji_0y9DnzXE-00012-00007128-00007686 there but that's enough about the outside let's get to the good stuff come on in all right now ji_0y9DnzXE-00013-00007686-00008286 we're inside this Montana it's 20 22 37 81 rear living check how beautiful this thing is just ji_0y9DnzXE-00014-00008286-00008790 take a quick second just look around look at the colors it's nice and bright it's open but we'll ji_0y9DnzXE-00015-00008790-00009228 start right up here at the front as soon as you walk into your left you do have table and chairs ji_0y9DnzXE-00016-00009228-00009936 this also has an extender here so if you need more counter space I'm dropping everything this is easy ji_0y9DnzXE-00017-00009936-00010380 to pop up sorry I'm dropping everything right now and then it folds right back up underneath keep ji_0y9DnzXE-00018-00010380-00011148 coming around this way you do have a love seat style or these are full recliners plus cup holders ji_0y9DnzXE-00019-00011148-00011754 in there they are power they're heated massaging chairs that fully recline which goes directly ji_0y9DnzXE-00020-00011754-00012438 across from your entertainment center in your TV nice big fireplace JBL speakers JBL sound system ji_0y9DnzXE-00021-00012546-00013163 um and then towards the back here large windows one thing I like to show is not only does it have ji_0y9DnzXE-00022-00013163-00013758 the blackout Shades but you do have daytime Shades too which is a really nice feature ji_0y9DnzXE-00023-00013758-00014490 that Montana does and then you have a big fold out sofa here I can fold that into a bed as we ji_0y9DnzXE-00024-00014490-00015210 walk around you're going to notice solid surface countertops nice big island you do have you know ji_0y9DnzXE-00025-00015210-00015816 your stainless sink on both sides sorry Greer and then you have covers for it to increase ji_0y9DnzXE-00026-00015918-00016506 here's you know you know counter space then you have a removable faucet really easy to spray ji_0y9DnzXE-00027-00016506-00017112 around just like a residential three burner stove top nice big oven here a good size microwave up ji_0y9DnzXE-00028-00017112-00017580 up top and his convectional microwave too and then you have residential side refrigerator ji_0y9DnzXE-00029-00017706-00018222 it's beautiful it's great it's probably bigger than the one I have at home just saying and then ji_0y9DnzXE-00030-00018222-00018732 towards the front tons of storage this is what's really nice about this one on the main level you ji_0y9DnzXE-00031-00018732-00019158 do have washer and dryer hookup so if you want to put stackable washer and dryer in there or you can ji_0y9DnzXE-00032-00019158-00019878 use it as a coat closet more storage up top I mean that's massive it's huge come through here even ji_0y9DnzXE-00033-00019878-00020388 more storage have all your hookups one thing I didn't tell you about on the outside of this this ji_0y9DnzXE-00034-00020388-00020934 does have heated tanks so you have heat pads on your tanks so if it's full-time living for you or ji_0y9DnzXE-00035-00020934-00021372 if you're camping real late or camping real early kick those on to keep your tanks nice and safe ji_0y9DnzXE-00036-00021438-00022014 come on up through here did you notice we walked in on the opposite side where most campers are ji_0y9DnzXE-00037-00022014-00022596 walk right to the bathroom check that out massive you have double vanity there with ji_0y9DnzXE-00038-00022596-00023202 both sinks which is beautiful nice big shower this thing is awesome keep coming this way ji_0y9DnzXE-00039-00023358-00023994 you have two slides up here you're going to notice on this side wardrobe slide tons of space you have ji_0y9DnzXE-00040-00023994-00024594 what I call his and hers or you know socks and undies drawer plus more storage up underneath ji_0y9DnzXE-00041-00024660-00025290 across from it king bed one thing that they like to do is they put up little shelves up there CPAP ji_0y9DnzXE-00042-00025290-00025889 machines charger phones alarm clocks anything like that and you also have nighttime readers ji_0y9DnzXE-00043-00025889-00026477 up there you know for life back here you do have nice big pass sorry I wouldn't sweep by you big ji_0y9DnzXE-00044-00026477-00027354 wardrobe back there I mean it's massive beautiful guys we're having a big sale on this Montana come ji_0y9DnzXE-00045-00027354-00027768 check us out and uh appreciate you walking through with this Wednesday with me thank you jiDvb3BB7VM-00000-00000042-00000378 since we have Supermarket, you know what this means. jiDvb3BB7VM-00001-00000456-00001308 to go down, and the last time we had Supermarket, I think was about one month ago, November. jkx4vcTU7ju-00000-00000001-00000202 (male narrator) In Part 1 of this video, jkx4vcTU7ju-00001-00000202-00000401 we reviewed our exponent properties jkx4vcTU7ju-00002-00000401-00000704 and talked about how we could use those exponent properties jkx4vcTU7ju-00003-00000704-00001100 to simplify expressions with rational exponents. jkx4vcTU7ju-00004-00001100-00001306 Here is another problem with rational exponents jkx4vcTU7ju-00005-00001306-00001601 that also has negative exponents. jkx4vcTU7ju-00006-00001601-00001805 We may recall with negative exponents, jkx4vcTU7ju-00007-00001805-00002005 we simply need to move... jkx4vcTU7ju-00008-00002200-00002503 those negative exponents to the opposite location. jkx4vcTU7ju-00009-00002607-00003009 As we do this, the x to the 3/2 stays. jkx4vcTU7ju-00010-00003009-00003701 The y to the -1/3 moves to the denominator as y to the +1/3. jkx4vcTU7ju-00011-00003701-00004405 In the denominator, we have an x to the 1/4, a y to the 2/3, jkx4vcTU7ju-00012-00004405-00005000 and the x to the -5/2 must move up to the numerator. jkx4vcTU7ju-00013-00005207-00005502 Let's continue working inside the parentheses jkx4vcTU7ju-00014-00005502-00005907 before we worry about the -1/8 outside of the parentheses. jkx4vcTU7ju-00015-00006109-00006401 We'll want to simplify the numerator jkx4vcTU7ju-00016-00006401-00006609 by combining the x's into one single x. jkx4vcTU7ju-00017-00006609-00006903 Again, we might want some chicken scratch jkx4vcTU7ju-00018-00006903-00007109 to help us do that: jkx4vcTU7ju-00019-00007109-00007909 3/2 plus 5/2--already have a common denominator--is 8/2. jkx4vcTU7ju-00020-00008107-00008503 But 8/2 reduces to 4. jkx4vcTU7ju-00021-00008503-00008906 In the numerator, we simply have x to the 4th power. jkx4vcTU7ju-00022-00009108-00009303 In the denominator, jkx4vcTU7ju-00023-00009303-00009607 there is an x that has no one to combine with it. jkx4vcTU7ju-00024-00009607-00010107 We'll write x to the 1/4, but we can also combine the y's. jkx4vcTU7ju-00025-00010107-00010602 As we combine the y's, we want to add the exponents: jkx4vcTU7ju-00026-00010602-00011206 1/3 plus 2/3 is 3/3, or 1. jkx4vcTU7ju-00027-00011206-00011601 We're left with simply y to the 1st power. jkx4vcTU7ju-00028-00011800-00012100 All of this is still with the -1/8 jkx4vcTU7ju-00029-00012100-00012500 as the external exponent. jkx4vcTU7ju-00030-00012500-00012608 We can continue simplifying jkx4vcTU7ju-00031-00012608-00013107 by now trying to combine the x's. jkx4vcTU7ju-00032-00013107-00013804 With division, we subtract exponents: 4 minus 1/4. jkx4vcTU7ju-00033-00013804-00014204 To make the 4 into a fraction, we put it over 1, jkx4vcTU7ju-00034-00014204-00014605 and to subtract, we need a common denominator of 4. jkx4vcTU7ju-00035-00014605-00015008 Multiplying the first fraction by 4 over 4 gives us 16/4, jkx4vcTU7ju-00036-00015008-00015407 minus 1/4, which is 15/4. jkx4vcTU7ju-00037-00015605-00016002 This is the new exponent on x, and because it's positive, jkx4vcTU7ju-00038-00016002-00016303 x to the 15/4 is in the numerator, jkx4vcTU7ju-00039-00016303-00016600 and y is in the denominator. jkx4vcTU7ju-00040-00016600-00017105 All of this with -1/8 as the external exponent. jkx4vcTU7ju-00041-00017305-00017704 When the exponent outside of parentheses is negative, jkx4vcTU7ju-00042-00017704-00017907 it will simply take the reciprocal jkx4vcTU7ju-00043-00017907-00018305 of that internal fraction. jkx4vcTU7ju-00044-00018305-00018802 So now, we move the x to the 15/4 down jkx4vcTU7ju-00045-00018802-00019206 and the y up. jkx4vcTU7ju-00046-00019206-00019600 Now, the exponent of 1/8 is positive. jkx4vcTU7ju-00047-00019708-00020001 We can also use the quotient rule jkx4vcTU7ju-00048-00020001-00020501 to take this 1/8 and put it onto each factor. jkx4vcTU7ju-00049-00020501-00021004 As we do, we have y to the 1/8, over x, jkx4vcTU7ju-00050-00021004-00021407 and with these two exponents, we will multiply them: jkx4vcTU7ju-00051-00021407-00021901 1/8 times 15, over 4. jkx4vcTU7ju-00052-00021901-00022201 To multiply fractions, we multiply straight across, jkx4vcTU7ju-00053-00022201-00022500 giving us 15 over 32. jkx4vcTU7ju-00054-00022500-00022807 This is our new exponent on the x. jkx4vcTU7ju-00055-00023203-00023507 By using the same exponent properties we always have, jkx4vcTU7ju-00056-00023507-00023902 we can simplify some quite complex-looking expressions jkx4vcTU7ju-00057-00023902-00024103 with rational exponents jkx4vcTU7ju-00058-00024103-00024308 by keeping in mind order of operations jkx4vcTU7ju-00059-00024308-00024808 and either adding, subtracting, or multiplying our exponents. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00000-00000010-00000063 STANDARD AND LIST OF WATERS HAVE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00001-00000063-00000070 STANDARD AND LIST OF WATERS HAVE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00002-00000070-00000193 STANDARD AND LIST OF WATERS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00003-00000193-00000200 STANDARD AND LIST OF WATERS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00004-00000200-00000407 STANDARD AND LIST OF WATERS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. >>> PROTEST ORGANIZERS COULD BE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00005-00000407-00000413 BEEN ADDRESSED. >>> PROTEST ORGANIZERS COULD BE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00006-00000413-00000623 BEEN ADDRESSED. >>> PROTEST ORGANIZERS COULD BE FINANCIALLY LIABLE WHEN THEIR jk_0tkIGT_Q-00007-00000623-00000630 >>> PROTEST ORGANIZERS COULD BE FINANCIALLY LIABLE WHEN THEIR jk_0tkIGT_Q-00008-00000630-00000724 >>> PROTEST ORGANIZERS COULD BE FINANCIALLY LIABLE WHEN THEIR EVENT LEADS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00009-00000724-00000730 FINANCIALLY LIABLE WHEN THEIR EVENT LEADS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00010-00000730-00000827 FINANCIALLY LIABLE WHEN THEIR EVENT LEADS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE IN MINNESOTA UNDER A PROPOSED jk_0tkIGT_Q-00011-00000827-00000834 EVENT LEADS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE IN MINNESOTA UNDER A PROPOSED jk_0tkIGT_Q-00012-00000834-00000994 EVENT LEADS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE IN MINNESOTA UNDER A PROPOSED BILL. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00013-00000994-00001000 IN MINNESOTA UNDER A PROPOSED BILL. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00014-00001000-00001101 IN MINNESOTA UNDER A PROPOSED BILL. REPUBLICANS WHO CONTROL THE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00015-00001101-00001107 BILL. REPUBLICANS WHO CONTROL THE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00016-00001107-00001257 BILL. REPUBLICANS WHO CONTROL THE HOUSE SAY THE BILL WOULD HELP jk_0tkIGT_Q-00017-00001257-00001264 REPUBLICANS WHO CONTROL THE HOUSE SAY THE BILL WOULD HELP jk_0tkIGT_Q-00018-00001264-00001424 REPUBLICANS WHO CONTROL THE HOUSE SAY THE BILL WOULD HELP PREVENT DAMAGES TO jk_0tkIGT_Q-00019-00001424-00001431 HOUSE SAY THE BILL WOULD HELP PREVENT DAMAGES TO jk_0tkIGT_Q-00020-00001431-00001538 HOUSE SAY THE BILL WOULD HELP PREVENT DAMAGES TO INFRASTRUCTURE. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00021-00001538-00001544 PREVENT DAMAGES TO INFRASTRUCTURE. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00022-00001544-00001694 PREVENT DAMAGES TO INFRASTRUCTURE. BUT DEMOCRATS AND OTHER CRITICS jk_0tkIGT_Q-00023-00001694-00001701 INFRASTRUCTURE. BUT DEMOCRATS AND OTHER CRITICS jk_0tkIGT_Q-00024-00001701-00001908 INFRASTRUCTURE. BUT DEMOCRATS AND OTHER CRITICS SAY IT'S A VEILED ATTEMPT TO jk_0tkIGT_Q-00025-00001908-00001915 BUT DEMOCRATS AND OTHER CRITICS SAY IT'S A VEILED ATTEMPT TO jk_0tkIGT_Q-00026-00001915-00002011 BUT DEMOCRATS AND OTHER CRITICS SAY IT'S A VEILED ATTEMPT TO CHILL FREE SPEECH. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00027-00002011-00002018 SAY IT'S A VEILED ATTEMPT TO CHILL FREE SPEECH. jk_0tkIGT_Q-00028-00002018-00002182 SAY IT'S A VEILED ATTEMPT TO CHILL FREE SPEECH. THE BILL PASSED A HOUSE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00029-00002182-00002188 CHILL FREE SPEECH. THE BILL PASSED A HOUSE jk_0tkIGT_Q-00030-00002188-00002345 CHILL FREE SPEECH. THE BILL PASSED A HOUSE COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY OVER jk_0tkIGT_Q-00031-00002345-00002352 THE BILL PASSED A HOUSE COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY OVER jk_0tkIGT_Q-00032-00002352-00002459 THE BILL PASSED A HOUSE COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY OVER DEMOCRATIC OBJECTIONS AND NOW jk_0tkIGT_Q-00033-00002459-00002465 COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY OVER DEMOCRATIC OBJECTIONS AND NOW jk_0tkIGT_Q-00034-00002465-00002589 COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY OVER DEMOCRATIC OBJECTIONS AND NOW HEADS FOR A FULL VOTE ON THE jnsbemZdvGY-00000-00000220-00000819 Historically a Freedom of Entry is a right of passage for a military unit to enter a fortified city. jnsbemZdvGY-00001-00000900-00001230 It continues to forge a strong bond between HMAS Penguin and jnsbemZdvGY-00002-00001230-00001521 the local community and it's our way of getting out and showing our jnsbemZdvGY-00003-00001521-00001860 face to local citizens and letting them know who we are and what we do. jnsbemZdvGY-00004-00002250-00002547 Definitely happy to see us marching through the streets of Mosman today jnsbemZdvGY-00005-00002547-00002950 and I think the school kids definitely enjoyed seeing us come through as well. jnsbemZdvGY-00006-00003063-00003440 HMAS Penguin commissioned in its current location in 1942 so this year we're jnsbemZdvGY-00007-00003440-00003792 celebrating our 75th anniversary and it's the longest jnsbemZdvGY-00008-00003792-00004040 continuous commissioned establishment in the RAN. koHKcL18LBk-00000-00000098-00000264 Are you hungry? koHKcL18LBk-00001-00000272-00000496 You and your children have nothing to do? koHKcL18LBk-00002-00000532-00000732 Welcome to Smiley's Eatery! koHKcL18LBk-00003-00000754-00001162 Great pizza, fun performances and much, much more else! koHKcL18LBk-00004-00001232-00001536 Entrance to the new concert costs only 3 dollars koHKcL18LBk-00005-00001582-00001773 Hurry right now koHKcL18LBk-00006-00001780-00002398 Smiley entertainment is not responsible for any inconvenience death and other accidents in the event of death koHKcL18LBk-00007-00002398-00002694 We will pay your family $800 compensation koHKcL18LBk-00008-00007702-00007884 Next turn the charger koHKcL18LBk-00009-00007890-00008246 Further wait... for the red light to light up and press the button below it k0dSL3xjrOA-00000-00000000-00000200 Why is there Doritos? k5tgXwytn2g-00000-00000000-00001100 it’s not when it never ceases to amaze me. we all love ourselves more than others. k5tgXwytn2g-00001-00001237-00001750 but we listen to the opinions of others more than our own. k5tgXwytn2g-00002-00001797-00002340 something like this! kuJ4CgpA9lg-00000-00000072-00000608 guys, we have removed 22 videos from our new disliked videos playlist, which kuJ4CgpA9lg-00001-00000608-00001120 we created two to three days ago, this was because several videos were found to have kuJ4CgpA9lg-00002-00001120-00001712 subtitles, including some of the already expected ones, which means you know why. kwrE4YqZUkU-00000-00000024-00000834 now CSS supports nesting rules the algorithm to set the initial focus on <dialog> elements was kwrE4YqZUkU-00001-00000834-00001746 updated no opt fetch handlers on service workers are skipped from now on to make navigations faster kwrE4YqZUkU-00002-00001848-00002388 and there's plenty more I'm Adriana Jara let's dive in and see what's new kwrE4YqZUkU-00003-00002388-00003138 for developers in Chrome 112. [Music] One of our favorite kwrE4YqZUkU-00004-00003138-00003828 CSS preprocessor features is now built into the language: nesting style rules. kwrE4YqZUkU-00005-00003947-00004500 before nesting every selector needed to be explicitly declared separately from one another kwrE4YqZUkU-00006-00004650-00005244 this leads to repetition style sheet bulk and a scattered authoring experience kwrE4YqZUkU-00007-00005388-00006060 with nesting selectors can be continued and related style rules can be grouped within kwrE4YqZUkU-00008-00006240-00006881 nesting helps developers by reducing the need to repeat selectors while also collocating style kwrE4YqZUkU-00009-00006881-00007638 rules for related elements it can also help styles match the HTML they target kwrE4YqZUkU-00010-00007800-00008214 if the top component in the example in the screen was removed from the project kwrE4YqZUkU-00011-00008214-00008802 you could delete the entire group instead of searching files for related selector instances kwrE4YqZUkU-00012-00009042-00009612 nesting can help with organization reducing file size and refactoring kwrE4YqZUkU-00013-00009690-00010458 check the link in the description for tips to make the most of CSS nesting the dialog HTML element is kwrE4YqZUkU-00014-00010458-00011154 the standardized way to represent a dialog box or other interactive component such as a dismissable kwrE4YqZUkU-00015-00011154-00011814 alert or a subwindow that needs to be displayed on top of all other content in a web page kwrE4YqZUkU-00016-00011952-00012636 this HTML element is recommended way to create such content because its features kwrE4YqZUkU-00017-00012636-00013146 were built to provide better and more consistent usability and accessibility kwrE4YqZUkU-00018-00013350-00013902 one of those features is handling which element gets focused when the dialog is opened kwrE4YqZUkU-00019-00013986-00014376 in this version the algorithm that selects that element was updated kwrE4YqZUkU-00020-00014550-00015432 from now on the dialogue focusing steps look at keyboard focusable elements instead of any kwrE4YqZUkU-00021-00015432-00016476 focusable element the dialogue itself gets focused if it has the autofocus attribute set and the kwrE4YqZUkU-00022-00016476-00017190 dialog element itself gets focused as a fallback instead of focus being reset to the body element kwrE4YqZUkU-00023-00017412-00017766 check out the post in the description for more information on the dialog element kwrE4YqZUkU-00024-00017862-00018420 starting from chrome 112 the service workers start and the listener dispatch from the kwrE4YqZUkU-00025-00018420-00019050 navigation critical path will be omitted if a user agent identifies that all the service kwrE4YqZUkU-00026-00019050-00019812 workers fetch listeners are no-ops this feature makes the navigation of those pages faster kwrE4YqZUkU-00027-00019962-00020496 having the fetch handler was one of the PWA requirements for a web app to be installable kwrE4YqZUkU-00028-00020574-00021144 we suspect that might be the reason some sites have essentially an empty fetch handler kwrE4YqZUkU-00029-00021282-00022008 however to start a service worker and execute a no-op listener only brings overhead without any kwrE4YqZUkU-00030-00022008-00022554 of the benefits that could be implemented with the right service worker like caching or offline kwrE4YqZUkU-00031-00022554-00023424 capabilities so Chrome will be skipping them to improve navigation as part of this change Chrome kwrE4YqZUkU-00032-00023424-00024126 will show console warnings if all the service workers fetch listeners are not-ops and encourage kwrE4YqZUkU-00033-00024126-00024792 developers to remove those fetch listeners check out the link in the description for more details kwrE4YqZUkU-00034-00024876-00025506 and of course there is plenty more the setter for document.domain is now deprecated kwrE4YqZUkU-00035-00025644-00026220 there is an origin trial for the X-Requested-With header deprecation in WebvView kwrE4YqZUkU-00036-00026370-00026808 the recorder in devtools can now record with pierce selectors kwrE4YqZUkU-00037-00026904-00027450 all the details including links docs and specs are in the post linked In the description kwrE4YqZUkU-00038-00027612-00027924 hit the Subscribe button now so that you don't miss the latest kwrE4YqZUkU-00039-00027924-00028500 Chrome devtools video GUI charges and more like the latest on privacy sandbox kwrE4YqZUkU-00040-00028500-00029088 Yo soy Adriana Jara and as soon as Chrome 113 is released I'll be kwrE4YqZUkU-00041-00029088-00029424 back in our usual location to tell you what's new in Chrome kwrE4YqZUkU-00042-00030432-00030492 [Music] kBVWsFtg60g-00000-00000042-00000642 the channel twice has changed its profile picture. this is something I've never seen kBVWsFtg60g-00001-00000642-00001350 before, and it was a TW logo, in which I was never expecting to see on that channel. kBVWsFtg60g-00002-00001416-00002334 it was some new channel profile picture, and I don't know how this happened at all. kDxao0QWLN0-00000-00000090-00000164 Spicy kDxao0QWLN0-00001-00000210-00000288 SPICY! kDxao0QWLN0-00002-00000368-00000446 s..spicy... kDxao0QWLN0-00003-00000634-00000698 You want this? kDxao0QWLN0-00004-00000848-00000946 It's spicy. kDxao0QWLN0-00005-00001140-00001280 You don't want this because it is spicy, do you? kDxao0QWLN0-00006-00001362-00001466 You don't, right? kDxao0QWLN0-00007-00001552-00001602 Spicy.. kEu6RAI2DsM-00000-00001429-00001837 IModhu Maloti Dake Ay || মধু মালতি ডাকে আয়|| 2022 ||JAMALPUR kEu6RAI2DsM-00002-00010610-00011206 don't touch me kEu6RAI2DsM-00003-00017059-00017401 good morning kEu6RAI2DsM-00004-00018992-00019392 morning morning kEECre_kySo-00000-00000000-00000616 asalam alykum wr wb, hello halal family welcome to the channel halal family is the best family out on youtube in kEECre_kySo-00001-00000616-00001096 today's video guys we'll be reacting to a social experiment from australia this kEECre_kySo-00002-00001096-00001600 video was suggested by erwan j on facebook thank you very much for taking kEECre_kySo-00003-00001600-00001960 the time to send me your recommendation and suggestion for those of you who are kEECre_kySo-00004-00001960-00002232 new and who happen to come across this channel and this video for the kEECre_kySo-00005-00002232-00002584 first time i'd like to take a moment and welcome you guys to the channel i upload kEECre_kySo-00006-00002584-00002928 videos every day so if you guys like the content as well as the channel and want kEECre_kySo-00007-00002928-00003247 to be part of this journey then please consider subscribing to the channel and kEECre_kySo-00008-00003247-00003608 turn notification on so you're notified when new videos uploaded stay tuned guys we will be right back kEECre_kySo-00009-00004304-00004544 welcome back guys we're gonna get started with the video momentarily kEECre_kySo-00010-00004544-00004720 and at the end of the video i'll be sharing with you my kEECre_kySo-00011-00004720-00005040 observation and reaction so please make sure you stay until the end kEECre_kySo-00012-00005040-00005344 with that said we're gonna get started with our second video of the day kEECre_kySo-00013-00008240-00008472 because i believe that you are very sincere in searching for kEECre_kySo-00014-00008472-00008784 that and i really hope allah will guide you back all of us kEECre_kySo-00015-00009208-00009584 was that the first time that you did that yeah oh i see it's not the first kEECre_kySo-00016-00009584-00009968 time i've ever prayed but it's the first time i've ever prayed to Allah in that kEECre_kySo-00017-00009968-00010496 way by the way my name is firdus my name is like alf like alif but without the I kEECre_kySo-00018-00010840-00011288 in fact just now when i'm just talking to one of the sisters there and then i kEECre_kySo-00019-00011288-00011720 saw you praying and i i personally seriously i'm touched i'm touched kEECre_kySo-00020-00011720-00012128 with your with your movement with your actions that it's quite spontaneous that kEECre_kySo-00021-00012128-00012472 you go there and you make your prayers i never planned to come and pray today kEECre_kySo-00022-00012568-00013008 it's not on my agenda but yes i just today i feel very open in my heart kEECre_kySo-00023-00013008-00013312 yeah and just feel like connecting kEECre_kySo-00024-00013472-00014144 and so islam came to me today don't you think there is a faith that is what god kEECre_kySo-00025-00014144-00014504 allah made you hear today that the two girls come and talk to you kEECre_kySo-00026-00014504-00014872 and then my colleague talked to you and now we are you you have your first kEECre_kySo-00027-00014872-00015247 experience there's no coincidence there's no coincidence and this i've kEECre_kySo-00028-00015247-00015616 never walked on this street before in my life i was going that way and i thought kEECre_kySo-00029-00015616-00016024 now i'm going to go this way i don't know why i decided to go this way butAllah kEECre_kySo-00030-00016144-00016608 let me yeah because the owner of the heart got you to be here now don't kEECre_kySo-00031-00016608-00017048 you think that this might be the sign that god wants you to know more about kEECre_kySo-00032-00017048-00017640 islam and some initially and become a muslim what do you think about that kEECre_kySo-00033-00017640-00018096 i think that god wants me to understand every religion but i don't think he kEECre_kySo-00034-00018096-00018488 wants me to embrace any of them i mean do you have anything that you would like kEECre_kySo-00035-00018488-00018840 to know or do you dislike about islam that you've heard yeah i have a little kEECre_kySo-00036-00018840-00019160 thing that troubled me this morning when i was reading the quran after these kEECre_kySo-00037-00019160-00019824 two girls left me a book yeah and it had a i only got maybe 10 pages or so but kEECre_kySo-00038-00019824-00020416 it was an exclusive it was suggesting that there are the chosen ones and kEECre_kySo-00039-00020416-00020768 there are those that that were not here yeah and and they can't be saved kEECre_kySo-00040-00021040-00021416 that is not consistent with my understanding yeah god doesn't kEECre_kySo-00041-00021416-00021712 choose he doesn't make this one bad and this one good because they read a kEECre_kySo-00042-00021712-00022184 book and follow these rules i can't i can't find that yeah but every kEECre_kySo-00043-00022184-00022488 religion i've ever come across says the same thing kEECre_kySo-00044-00022488-00023120 we are the one and only religion all the others are inferior follow this way and kEECre_kySo-00045-00023120-00023616 and that's why i'm not a religious man i'm a spiritual man what what kEECre_kySo-00046-00023616-00023904 does the title matter what does the skin color matter whether they have kEECre_kySo-00047-00024168-00024464 the quran says skin doesn't matter what method is in your heart kEECre_kySo-00048-00024544-00024880 what do you believe in how you practice your life how you live your life yeah kEECre_kySo-00049-00024952-00025376 according to the law that god has very stipulated he doesn't need us kEECre_kySo-00050-00025376-00025744 but like you say i very agree with you because god says that he doesn't kEECre_kySo-00051-00025744-00026200 choose people he doesn't choose you to become i mean he he doesn't say kEECre_kySo-00052-00026200-00026527 that okay because your doesn't submit to me therefore i don't give you love no kEECre_kySo-00053-00026592-00027032 god still love it's unconditional put it this way he never he never give us kEECre_kySo-00054-00027032-00027400 a single bill to charge us for the eyesight that we are enjoying kEECre_kySo-00055-00027456-00027816 for the ability that to breathe he don't charge us no not either you're a believer kEECre_kySo-00056-00027816-00028264 or not a believer he don't charge you but he just say a simple term kEECre_kySo-00057-00028264-00028648 now i give you all this thing just put it as a very simple term that kEECre_kySo-00058-00028712-00028976 one day we just wake up and find ourselves in the hospital kEECre_kySo-00059-00029104-00029624 and the doctor told us someone sent you here because you met an accident kEECre_kySo-00060-00029624-00030248 you almost die now as a human what do we have how do we feel during that time kEECre_kySo-00061-00030376-00030824 we want to look for the person who sent us there right to show kEECre_kySo-00062-00030824-00031376 our gratitude to them to thank them same thing you are spiritual man now kEECre_kySo-00063-00031456-00031808 all these things eyesight how much you willing to sell to somebody kEECre_kySo-00064-00031880-00032280 you just want eyeball no it's not for sale it's not for sale even though kEECre_kySo-00065-00032280-00032616 people are offering you 2 billion 10 billion you're not going to sell it kEECre_kySo-00066-00032616-00032936 and literally that means you are billionaire i'm billionaire kEECre_kySo-00067-00032936-00033616 all of us all of us but god never says okay oh i giving you this now 2 billion kEECre_kySo-00068-00033616-00034176 pay me in cash no he don't now how should we thanks him worship where should kEECre_kySo-00069-00034176-00034680 honor yes honest respect sincerity respect and follow what he commanded kEECre_kySo-00070-00034680-00035472 us is god all loving yes all loving yes if god is all loving how can kEECre_kySo-00071-00035472-00035992 even that one even one of us that ignored his message kEECre_kySo-00072-00036192-00036912 how could he not bring us into his fault and forgive us that's why i kEECre_kySo-00073-00036912-00037392 just can't imagine hell what is hell is hell were you burned forever i mean kEECre_kySo-00074-00037392-00037864 i don't know what hell is but it doesn't it's not consistent with an all loving kEECre_kySo-00075-00037864-00038408 god that there could be anywhere to send people that don't worship him exactly no kEECre_kySo-00076-00038408-00038872 problem that's why i mentioned earlier that when we accepting the all-loving kEECre_kySo-00077-00038872-00039384 god we also need we need to accept all his attributes that he's all loving kEECre_kySo-00078-00039448-00039984 he also all mercy he's so all just right he's just as well kEECre_kySo-00079-00040040-00040336 now how should we balance that between justice and also loving kEECre_kySo-00080-00040520-00040848 you cannot say because i'm all loving just because you kill him i think it's kEECre_kySo-00081-00040848-00041320 okay i mean i will still put you in heaven i mean he's praying five times kEECre_kySo-00082-00041320-00041792 a day he's submitting to the things and yeah this guy he didn't do anything kEECre_kySo-00083-00041848-00042224 i mean okay it's okay i mean we imagined lecturer in in in the class everyone kEECre_kySo-00084-00042224-00042688 doing the same exam some pass something that might pass all of you then the the kEECre_kySo-00085-00042688-00043112 students who are very hard working do i say then what is the purpose i'm staying kEECre_kySo-00086-00043112-00043472 late to do all the revisions to do all my assignments all my thesis and then of kEECre_kySo-00087-00043472-00043904 the day you're going to pass everyone there is a there is a concept in the kEECre_kySo-00088-00043904-00044224 world in this world as well we have the concept of reward and punishment kEECre_kySo-00089-00044336-00044616 if you are the boss i believe because you say you fire someone kEECre_kySo-00090-00044760-00045160 now in your organization for sure you will reward you will give kEECre_kySo-00091-00045160-00045568 bonus to those who are performing well this wouldn't perform well kEECre_kySo-00092-00045568-00045888 you might don't you might give them lesser or you don't give them kEECre_kySo-00093-00045944-00046288 you might not be that salary that's a good boss same thing kEECre_kySo-00094-00046288-00046672 reward and punishment reward and punishment a different way kEECre_kySo-00095-00046784-00047104 it's a different way that's why when we see all loving god we just cannot kEECre_kySo-00096-00047104-00047632 say this is all loving but in the end we neglect we reject the attribute of kEECre_kySo-00097-00047632-00048248 justice me too i don't want people to go to hellfire again god islam teach me to kEECre_kySo-00098-00048248-00048664 love i'm loving people that's why today we are organizing this to share with kEECre_kySo-00099-00048664-00049008 people the message of islam in order for them to have a clear message about kEECre_kySo-00100-00049008-00049456 what islam is all about for them to make their own choice because end of the day kEECre_kySo-00101-00049528-00049936 i have my answer in front of allah that god i have done my best to kEECre_kySo-00102-00049936-00050448 convey the message and god will not blame you for them now you put me in kEECre_kySo-00103-00050448-00050976 a very difficult personal position why because now you've given me more time kEECre_kySo-00104-00050976-00051408 and more information about my questions around islam than anybody has ever given kEECre_kySo-00105-00051408-00051872 me before so now you put me in a very difficult position because kEECre_kySo-00106-00051872-00052479 i can't play ignorance anymore yes so i'm not trying to put into a difficult kEECre_kySo-00107-00052479-00052872 situation and i'm not going to force you because islam clearly says kEECre_kySo-00108-00053064-00053440 there's no compulsions in religion i could not force you to become muslim kEECre_kySo-00109-00053440-00054016 i can force you physically and verbally to say muhammad rasulullah which means kEECre_kySo-00110-00054016-00054391 i bear witness there's no god except allah and muhammad is a messenger but kEECre_kySo-00111-00054391-00054784 live in your heart you don't believe you didn't say please pay for them kEECre_kySo-00112-00056352-00056800 i bear witness i bear witness there's no god there is no god ready to be kEECre_kySo-00113-00056800-00057264 worshiped worthy to be worshipped accept allah accept allah and prophet muhammad kEECre_kySo-00114-00057264-00057624 prophet muhammad may peace and blessing be upon him peace and blessing upon him kEECre_kySo-00115-00057624-00059008 he's the last and final messenger of god it's the last the final messenger of god kEECre_kySo-00116-00059008-00059344 mashallah that was really really beautiful you see the brother had kEECre_kySo-00117-00059344-00059760 a lot of questions right he came and he said like i don't like these these these kEECre_kySo-00118-00059760-00060208 things about the islam right like how could it be that god is all loving but kEECre_kySo-00119-00060208-00060808 at the same time people get punished and he chooses people i really really really kEECre_kySo-00120-00060808-00061360 enjoyed and loved the brothers responses because he took it positively he didn't kEECre_kySo-00121-00061360-00061655 say for example yeah there's how fire people got to burn kEECre_kySo-00122-00061655-00062320 he took it um really nicely and gave worldly examples where the brother kEECre_kySo-00123-00062320-00062712 that was asking questions he was just stuck he's like well yeah it kEECre_kySo-00124-00062712-00063079 makes sense right to the point to subhanallah that he took shahadahso may allah swt bless kEECre_kySo-00125-00063240-00063560 both of them keep him on the right path as well as us kEECre_kySo-00126-00063560-00064232 may Allah swt guide us all on the right path and continue to keep us on the right path kEECre_kySo-00127-00064232-00064608 until the day we leave this world so thank you very much guys for suggesting kEECre_kySo-00128-00064608-00065032 this video it was really really nice i enjoyed it and i actually learned kEECre_kySo-00129-00065032-00065455 a lot of things from the brother that was giving the answers to inshallah kEECre_kySo-00130-00065455-00065936 if i come across anybody ever that has questions i can try to give his kEECre_kySo-00131-00065936-00066320 example so i enjoyed it thank you very much i hope you guys enjoyed kEECre_kySo-00132-00066320-00066592 it too if you did please don't forget to like comment share and subscribe kEECre_kySo-00133-00066592-00066872 and if you like me to react to another video please put in the comment section kEECre_kySo-00134-00066872-00067240 below as always thank you very much guys for all your love and support i kEECre_kySo-00135-00067240-00067504 hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care yourself and your family kEECre_kySo-00136-00067504-00068784 and insha'allah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam kERJ22Xpy_u-00000-00000000-00000200 Record with Macro in Microsoft Excel 2019 kJLY8tiyKeA-00000-00000000-00000286 Hey guys! So, this is Anisha from India. kJLY8tiyKeA-00001-00000286-00000492 Hi everybody! How are you? kJLY8tiyKeA-00002-00000814-00001048 Is it your first time on a Brazilian YouTube channel? kJLY8tiyKeA-00003-00001048-00001332 Yes, I have never been on a Brazilian YouTube channel. kJLY8tiyKeA-00004-00001332-00001644 As a matter of fact, I have a very, very close dear friend... kJLY8tiyKeA-00005-00001644-00001860 My childhood friend was from Brazil kJLY8tiyKeA-00006-00001860-00002092 and, actually, hopefully, is watching this. Hey Marta! kJLY8tiyKeA-00007-00002092-00002258 -What's up? -Hi! Say hi to Marta... kJLY8tiyKeA-00008-00002258-00002410 Marta! kJLY8tiyKeA-00009-00003654-00003904 And today we're gonna talk about the Indian accent kJLY8tiyKeA-00010-00003904-00004076 because she's from India, right? kJLY8tiyKeA-00011-00004076-00004290 And the first thing I would like to ask you is... kJLY8tiyKeA-00012-00004290-00004452 How did you learn English? kJLY8tiyKeA-00013-00004452-00004846 Do all Indian people speak English as a first language? kJLY8tiyKeA-00014-00004846-00005032 How does it work in your country? kJLY8tiyKeA-00015-00005032-00005524 So, I'm actually, originally and born and brought up actually in Germany. kJLY8tiyKeA-00016-00005524-00005638 I said "actually" a lot! kJLY8tiyKeA-00017-00005638-00006012 I was born in Germany, so I learned, I learned English in school in Germany. kJLY8tiyKeA-00018-00006043-00006416 But many people in India actually learn English in school. kJLY8tiyKeA-00019-00006444-00006738 English is basically like the second mother tongue, kJLY8tiyKeA-00020-00006738-00007109 next to their native language, which could be Hindi, Tamil... kJLY8tiyKeA-00021-00007144-00007320 So we learn it in school. kJLY8tiyKeA-00022-00007320-00007556 Does everybody speak English in your country? kJLY8tiyKeA-00023-00007556-00007773 Most of the time. I mean, of course... kJLY8tiyKeA-00024-00007840-00008116 Majority does because it is very necessary, kJLY8tiyKeA-00025-00008116-00008474 if you don't know English, you can't get along, around, sorry. kJLY8tiyKeA-00026-00008494-00008760 But there are parts of India like, kJLY8tiyKeA-00027-00008826-00009126 smaller cities, villages and places where kJLY8tiyKeA-00028-00009126-00009424 there isn't enough education yet for people to learn English, kJLY8tiyKeA-00029-00009424-00009832 and the facilities are not there. But other than that, kJLY8tiyKeA-00030-00009832-00010062 people want to learn, and there's is an effort kJLY8tiyKeA-00031-00010062-00010422 because we're still trying to spread education everywhere, kJLY8tiyKeA-00032-00010422-00010614 'cause we don't have enough schools or teachers kJLY8tiyKeA-00033-00010614-00010794 in India yet to do that. kJLY8tiyKeA-00034-00010824-00011200 But we have many english-speaking Indians, yes. kJLY8tiyKeA-00035-00011216-00011524 You said people in India learn English at school, right? kJLY8tiyKeA-00036-00011524-00011706 But what kind of classes do you have? kJLY8tiyKeA-00037-00011706-00012072 It's because in Brazil it's very focused on grammar and everything. kJLY8tiyKeA-00038-00012072-00012402 And we don't even learn how to speak the language at school. kJLY8tiyKeA-00039-00012402-00012534 So, how is it in India? kJLY8tiyKeA-00040-00012534-00012770 I mean, of course we learn the grammar, kJLY8tiyKeA-00041-00012770-00013044 so, from all the friends who went to school in India, kJLY8tiyKeA-00042-00013044-00013326 they all learn grammar from a very young age. kJLY8tiyKeA-00043-00013326-00013688 You start... Also because in families, you speak a lot of English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00044-00013688-00014106 Again... There are families who speak more their local language, kJLY8tiyKeA-00045-00014106-00014556 but you grow up with your family, learning and speaking English kJLY8tiyKeA-00046-00014556-00014868 with each other, but in school most of the time kJLY8tiyKeA-00047-00014868-00015228 especially if you go to English convent schools where they only speak English, kJLY8tiyKeA-00048-00015228-00015691 there're literally people in India who just go to English convent schools kJLY8tiyKeA-00049-00015691-00016000 and they learn everything in English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00050-00016000-00016280 And the Hind becomes like a subject, but otherwise kJLY8tiyKeA-00051-00016280-00016426 everything is in English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00052-00016450-00016750 And some people also speak English with each other, kJLY8tiyKeA-00053-00016750-00016922 because as I said it is important, kJLY8tiyKeA-00054-00016922-00017204 but some people actually speak more their native language. kJLY8tiyKeA-00055-00017204-00017486 So, then they're not comfortable speaking so much in English... kJLY8tiyKeA-00056-00017560-00017832 Over time that is getting better. The more of they watch kJLY8tiyKeA-00057-00017832-00018164 so many English content from the US, they all watch like kJLY8tiyKeA-00058-00018164-00018376 The Big Bang Theory, How I met Your Mother, Friends, kJLY8tiyKeA-00059-00018376-00018666 Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, it's all in English, kJLY8tiyKeA-00060-00018666-00019030 so they all want to know more and more English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00061-00019030-00019440 So it's common to talk in English, to speak English with people who kJLY8tiyKeA-00062-00019440-00019698 speak the same mother tongue that you speak, right? kJLY8tiyKeA-00063-00019698-00019912 So it's so different in Brazil because kJLY8tiyKeA-00064-00019912-00020024 -it's very artificial. -You don't? kJLY8tiyKeA-00065-00020024-00020300 It's very artificial. Why would I speak English with my sister, kJLY8tiyKeA-00066-00020300-00020564 for example, if we both speak portuguese? kJLY8tiyKeA-00067-00020564-00020944 It's very strange for us, you know? English is not part of our lives kJLY8tiyKeA-00068-00020944-00021190 as much as it is in India, I think. kJLY8tiyKeA-00069-00021190-00021520 It is like, if you see the signs, if you watch movies... Okay, kJLY8tiyKeA-00070-00021522-00021816 it's part of our lives, but we don't have so many opportunities to speak kJLY8tiyKeA-00071-00021816-00022020 So, I have something funny to see to this... kJLY8tiyKeA-00072-00022020-00022340 Because in India it is like the second mother tongue, kJLY8tiyKeA-00073-00022340-00022634 But I'm from Germany so I grew up actually with German. kJLY8tiyKeA-00074-00022634-00022748 Yeah, she has a crazy story. kJLY8tiyKeA-00075-00022748-00023058 I have a very weird story guys. Trust me, it's strange... kJLY8tiyKeA-00076-00023058-00023352 Go to my channel and then you'll understand what happend to me. kJLY8tiyKeA-00077-00023364-00023568 And the link is somewhere. Anyways, what I was saying is... kJLY8tiyKeA-00078-00023574-00023762 If you have there in Brazil kJLY8tiyKeA-00079-00023762-00023960 that people only speak in Portuguese with each other, kJLY8tiyKeA-00080-00023980-00024232 we have similarly the same thing in Germany! kJLY8tiyKeA-00081-00024232-00024772 So, I grew up in Germany. I did not speak in English to anybody. kJLY8tiyKeA-00082-00024772-00025172 As you said, it's weird for you to speak to your sister in English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00083-00025172-00025496 It was weird for my sister for me to speak to her in English kJLY8tiyKeA-00084-00025496-00025866 because they only either speak German or Hindi. kJLY8tiyKeA-00085-00025866-00026216 We don't speak English. I mean, I learned English in school, but kJLY8tiyKeA-00086-00026216-00026526 still you don't really speak because you don't have to. kJLY8tiyKeA-00087-00026526-00026892 It's not like you have English friends. It's not like kJLY8tiyKeA-00088-00026892-00027210 you do... You need it to talk to a shopkeeper. kJLY8tiyKeA-00089-00027210-00027477 You speak in your native language. You speak in German. kJLY8tiyKeA-00090-00027477-00027826 Like, [speaking German]. That's German by the way, guys... kJLY8tiyKeA-00091-00027833-00028062 -I was like, what did she say? -I know... kJLY8tiyKeA-00092-00028062-00028322 But that... So that I totally understand, 'cause in Germany kJLY8tiyKeA-00093-00028322-00028483 we go through the same thing. kJLY8tiyKeA-00094-00028518-00028839 Anisha, many people, not only in Brazil, but in other countries, kJLY8tiyKeA-00095-00028839-00029100 they mention that the Indian accent, sometimes, kJLY8tiyKeA-00096-00029100-00029408 is a little hard to understand. Do you agree with that? kJLY8tiyKeA-00097-00029408-00029933 I know that is... Some people have a very strong Indian accent... kJLY8tiyKeA-00098-00029950-00030289 But, you know... It's not even their fault. kJLY8tiyKeA-00099-00030289-00030554 And it's hard because I understand... kJLY8tiyKeA-00100-00030580-00030982 If you don't understand, if you don't understand the type of accent, kJLY8tiyKeA-00101-00030982-00031424 it becomes difficult. Like, I felt the same way with American accent. kJLY8tiyKeA-00102-00031424-00031714 I watched many movies. I had no idea what they were saying kJLY8tiyKeA-00103-00031714-00031772 'cause of... Like... kJLY8tiyKeA-00104-00031800-00032018 [speaking incomprehensible English] kJLY8tiyKeA-00105-00032052-00032338 Every country has their own type of accent. kJLY8tiyKeA-00106-00032350-00032594 I understand. Like, I can understand you... kJLY8tiyKeA-00107-00032616-00033038 You have a special accent, we Indians have a special accent. kJLY8tiyKeA-00108-00033038-00033274 The German speaking English, they have a special accent. kJLY8tiyKeA-00109-00033274-00033544 Everybody has an accent. It's a normal thing in the world. kJLY8tiyKeA-00110-00033544-00033892 So, I wouldn't say something is difficult to understand or not, kJLY8tiyKeA-00111-00033892-00034090 It's just an accident. It's just a matter of kJLY8tiyKeA-00112-00034090-00034284 -getting used to it. -Exactly! kJLY8tiyKeA-00113-00034284-00034778 Our native language has an affect, an effect, sorry, on our English kJLY8tiyKeA-00114-00034778-00035078 because that's what you've learned and spoken your entire life. kJLY8tiyKeA-00115-00035078-00035358 So even in India, if somebody has a strong accent... kJLY8tiyKeA-00116-00035358-00035712 It's because that's how we speak, you know... kJLY8tiyKeA-00117-00035734-00036170 And it's not even like our fault, it's not even a bad thing, right? kJLY8tiyKeA-00118-00036170-00036404 -It's because they get along in India. -Of course not! kJLY8tiyKeA-00119-00036404-00036714 But I don't agree, it is of course difficult, but I would say kJLY8tiyKeA-00120-00036714-00036926 there's also other English which is delay. kJLY8tiyKeA-00121-00036926-00037352 If German speak English, that's also tough if somebody is not used to it. kJLY8tiyKeA-00122-00037352-00037576 I feel that shouldn't be a stigma, you know, on... kJLY8tiyKeA-00123-00037576-00037686 -this things like... -Of course not! kJLY8tiyKeA-00124-00037686-00037910 "Oh you're from Brazil, you have an accent". kJLY8tiyKeA-00125-00037910-00038090 "Oh you from India, you have an accent." kJLY8tiyKeA-00126-00038090-00038264 "Oh you from Germany, you have an accent." kJLY8tiyKeA-00127-00038264-00038630 No, because in our countries... This is who we are, kJLY8tiyKeA-00128-00038630-00038924 -this is how we speak. -This is our identity. kJLY8tiyKeA-00129-00038940-00039118 That's what I've been trying to tell you! kJLY8tiyKeA-00130-00039124-00039446 And guys, you shouldn't care! Wherever you are from... kJLY8tiyKeA-00131-00039446-00040030 Is it Brazil? Is it India? Is it... I don't know, Taipei! Wherever! kJLY8tiyKeA-00132-00040030-00040308 It doesn't matter, your accent makes who you are! kJLY8tiyKeA-00133-00040308-00040448 Accept that! kJLY8tiyKeA-00134-00040452-00040744 And we are communicating, I think that's the most important thing. kJLY8tiyKeA-00135-00040744-00041034 We can understand each other very well. We were talking to kJLY8tiyKeA-00136-00041034-00041322 so many people from so many different places, kJLY8tiyKeA-00137-00041322-00041688 and we were still communicating and having fun and sharing our stories. kJLY8tiyKeA-00138-00041688-00042016 So I think this is the most... the nicest part of speaking in English kJLY8tiyKeA-00139-00042016-00042406 because it connects so many cultures and that's fine! kJLY8tiyKeA-00140-00042448-00042736 So, tell us about the amazing work you do on your channel, kJLY8tiyKeA-00141-00042736-00042970 tell them why I'm love with your channel! kJLY8tiyKeA-00142-00042970-00043282 Oh Gosh, she's so cute. I'm so, feeling so shy right now. kJLY8tiyKeA-00143-00043282-00043410 -Oh, c'mon! -You're so sweet. kJLY8tiyKeA-00144-00043412-00043772 So, I have a Youtube channel called Rikshawali. kJLY8tiyKeA-00145-00043772-00043960 So, Rikshawali is basically... kJLY8tiyKeA-00146-00043960-00044218 -Do you have rikshaws in Brazil? -No, you'll have to explain. kJLY8tiyKeA-00147-00044218-00044690 So rikshaws are basically tuc tucs, there're these three villars... kJLY8tiyKeA-00148-00044694-00044900 -It's like a taxi... -I'll put a picture here. kJLY8tiyKeA-00149-00044900-00045218 Yeah put up here. There will be a picture. That's a rikshaw... kJLY8tiyKeA-00150-00045218-00045502 And we use it as a taxi to get around. It's very, kJLY8tiyKeA-00151-00045502-00045778 very popular in India. Everybody rides in a rickshaw, kJLY8tiyKeA-00152-00045778-00046182 you can't live without a rickshaw, and I make videos in a rickshaw. kJLY8tiyKeA-00153-00046182-00046668 I make comedy videos. I try to make people laugh in a stupid, silly way. kJLY8tiyKeA-00154-00046668-00046954 My jokes are not always the best, but I'm trying to spread happiness kJLY8tiyKeA-00155-00046954-00047258 and make people laugh. That's what my mission is. kJLY8tiyKeA-00156-00047258-00047620 And talk about a lot of girls, I want to empower and help them kJLY8tiyKeA-00157-00047620-00047940 and inspire them and tell them how amazing girls are. kJLY8tiyKeA-00158-00047940-00048320 So, anyways, I also go around the world and make foreigners eat kJLY8tiyKeA-00159-00048320-00048518 and do Indians thing, but it's very entertaining by the way, so kJLY8tiyKeA-00160-00048518-00048670 you should check it out. kJLY8tiyKeA-00161-00048670-00048886 But yes, that's kinda what I do on my channel so, check it out! kJLY8tiyKeA-00162-00048898-00049082 That's why I'm a big fan of Anisha's work. kJLY8tiyKeA-00163-00049082-00049318 And I'm big fan of her bacause she's empowering people, kJLY8tiyKeA-00164-00049318-00049688 she's teaching people English. I mean, how awesome is that! kJLY8tiyKeA-00165-00049688-00049996 I wish she knew Hindi, so she could come to India kJLY8tiyKeA-00166-00049996-00050192 and teach people in India English. kJLY8tiyKeA-00167-00050222-00050468 So, I really hope you guys like this video. I hope you kJLY8tiyKeA-00168-00050468-00050816 practiced your listening ability with this video. kJLY8tiyKeA-00169-00050816-00051084 So, I just wanna tell you that's very important kJLY8tiyKeA-00170-00051084-00051282 for you to listen to different accents kJLY8tiyKeA-00171-00051282-00051546 because English doesn't belong to Americans... kJLY8tiyKeA-00172-00051550-00051876 Or to British people anymore. English is spoken kJLY8tiyKeA-00173-00051876-00052116 everywhere in the world, so you have to get used to kJLY8tiyKeA-00174-00052116-00052420 all these accents, if you were to communicate with everybody. kJLY8tiyKeA-00175-00052422-00052678 -I hope you understood me. -They have, they have. kJLY8tiyKeA-00176-00052678-00052872 And please follow Anisha because she... kJLY8tiyKeA-00177-00052872-00053091 You speak English in most of your videos, right? kJLY8tiyKeA-00178-00053108-00053462 Yes, most of them, yes! But, make sure to like this video, kJLY8tiyKeA-00179-00053462-00053805 make sure to share it and subscribe and comment... kJLY8tiyKeA-00180-00053805-00054110 and show everybody and your friends, ??? this video, kJLY8tiyKeA-00181-00054110-00054420 So they can see that people from different countries, kJLY8tiyKeA-00182-00054420-00054772 with different accents are working together, talking together... kJLY8tiyKeA-00183-00054772-00054890 Love punch! kJLY8tiyKeA-00184-00054912-00055017 To video, to video together. kJLY8tiyKeA-00185-00055084-00055188 Love... kJLY8tiyKeA-00186-00055248-00055360 Punch! kJLY8tiyKeA-00187-00055494-00055666 -So, I hope you guys liked it! -Thank you! kNq2bP9uWUQ-00000-00000732-00001296 All right, well, welcome everyone today. My name's Christina Trunnell. I am one of kNq2bP9uWUQ-00001-00001296-00001944 your Pub101 curriculum committee members. I'm delighted to welcome you to today's kNq2bP9uWUQ-00002-00001944-00002862 session with the amazing Amanda Larson. Just a couple of things as we get started, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00003-00002916-00003564 I'm going to share the Pub101 class notes, where you'll see transcripts from each session, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00004-00003564-00004752 and links to all of the relevant materials. I also want to remind you all that we adhere to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00005-00004752-00005862 the OEN's community norms, which you can see on our OEN Community Hub, which is a great resource. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00006-00006228-00006942 I will be monitoring the chat as we go through today's session. If you have questions, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00007-00006942-00007518 please feel free to put those in, and we'll make sure that those get covered today. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00008-00007590-00008418 So without further ado, I'd like to introduce Amanda Larson, who joins us as the Affordable kNq2bP9uWUQ-00009-00008418-00009090 Learning Instructional Consultant at the Idaho. Goodness, I gave you a completely wrong kNq2bP9uWUQ-00010-00009090-00009684 location. Ohio State University, where she creates professional development opportunities for staff, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00011-00009684-00010542 librarians, and instructors around open pedagogy and open educational practices. Amanda's also kNq2bP9uWUQ-00012-00010542-00011280 the co-chair of our Pub101 curriculum committee, and was an incredible driving force and leader in kNq2bP9uWUQ-00013-00011280-00011868 creating the curriculum that you are going through this course with today. So thank you, Amanda. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00014-00011940-00012468 That was extremely kind. You moved me across the country and back. I'm so excited. It was kNq2bP9uWUQ-00015-00012468-00012888 such a good trip. All right, let me share my screen, and then we'll get started. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00016-00013032-00013422 I am here to talk to you today about publishing program capacity. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00017-00013691-00013986 Let me turn you back into a gallery view, so I can kNq2bP9uWUQ-00018-00014238-00015006 see folks. Then I'm going to go ahead and drop the link to the slides in the chat. If you want kNq2bP9uWUQ-00019-00015006-00015660 to follow along or download any of any of the links. You should be able to do so. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00020-00015786-00016848 All right, let's get started. I am Amanda Larson. I have a long trajectory in this kNq2bP9uWUQ-00021-00016848-00017400 environment of publishing. When I got my first master's degree in literature, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00022-00017532-00017802 I was the editorial assistant at the Journal of Narrative Theory. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00023-00017862-00018576 There, I started getting questions from authors around their copyrights and their kNq2bP9uWUQ-00024-00018576-00019098 rights as authors, and would they be able to put their work inside institutional repositories. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00025-00019302-00019800 It was the first time that I was exposed to the idea of open publishing in the sense kNq2bP9uWUQ-00026-00019800-00020574 of it being connected to academic work and instructional materials. Up until that point, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00027-00020574-00021396 I was totally in the open source software arena of thinking about open content. Then I got my kNq2bP9uWUQ-00028-00021396-00022122 library degree at UW Madison, and I was able to get a teaching assistantship there as the open kNq2bP9uWUQ-00029-00022122-00023040 educational resources teaching assistant. In that role, things were very grassroots at UW Madison, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00030-00023040-00023832 and I was able to work with a really, really intensely engaged group of passionate advocates kNq2bP9uWUQ-00031-00023832-00024408 for making their materials openly licensed. What I provided for them were Pressbooks training, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00032-00024492-00024918 doing troubleshooting Pressbooks for them, helping them think through the pedagogical kNq2bP9uWUQ-00033-00024918-00025626 implications of using OER in their classroom. Then after I graduated, I was the open education kNq2bP9uWUQ-00034-00025626-00026388 librarian at Penn State, where I co-ran the affordable course transformation grant program. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00035-00026730-00027492 We built that from the ground up. We started it and iterated on it over the two and a half kNq2bP9uWUQ-00036-00027492-00028116 years that I was there. Then I moved to Ohio State where I work as the affordable learning kNq2bP9uWUQ-00037-00028116-00028704 instructional consultant, and I do a grant project support for the Affordable Learning Exchange. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00038-00028704-00029789 My work right now really centers around curation of resources for instructors, and also thinking kNq2bP9uWUQ-00039-00029789-00030348 about racial equity. I support the racial justice grants, which I'll talk about a little bit later, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00040-00030348-00030954 and also open pedagogy. So once you have open content, how do you teach with it? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00041-00031344-00031716 I like to provide an agenda. We're going to talk about why you might want a publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00042-00031716-00032118 program. We're going to talk about how you might develop that publishing program, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00043-00032118-00032706 thinking about a couple different institutional contexts that you might do that in. We're going kNq2bP9uWUQ-00044-00032706-00033288 to think through about who's doing the work, and think about that in the idea of capacity building. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00045-00033468-00034062 We're going to talk about a couple building definitions and then communication training kNq2bP9uWUQ-00046-00034062-00034440 and then community building. So, how do you build a community at your institution? What do you want kNq2bP9uWUQ-00047-00034440-00034980 to think through in that? Then importantly, self-care and then some considerations for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00048-00035094-00035898 doing this kind of work. I think that if you are at the very beginning of your program building, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00049-00035898-00036648 it's really important to think through the why of what you're doing. So, understanding why you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00050-00036648-00037260 doing this will help you think through what your program needs, and it all can build on kNq2bP9uWUQ-00051-00037260-00037764 top of that question of why. Lots of different institutions have lots of different why's, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00052-00037764-00038394 so it could be that that was handed down to you as a mandate from admin at your institution. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00053-00038526-00038940 It could be that there's an underlying need that you're responding to. It could be part of a larger kNq2bP9uWUQ-00054-00038940-00039552 initiative on campus. It might support your goals for outreach. Then you might also want to think kNq2bP9uWUQ-00055-00039552-00040080 about how people would be participating as part of that why, and why you would pick adoption, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00056-00040080-00040758 adaptation or authoring at your institution. And is part of the why that it is part of your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00057-00040758-00041568 outreach strategy. Thinking through why for your program will help you decide probably kNq2bP9uWUQ-00058-00041568-00042252 about the what and the how going forward. So thinking about some different scenarios kNq2bP9uWUQ-00059-00042252-00043056 that you might have for starting a program. It could be that there is pressure from student kNq2bP9uWUQ-00060-00043056-00043614 government to help make textbooks more affordable, or to do course markings. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00061-00044034-00044640 They're really focusing on the cost, so helping them be better able to afford that. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00062-00044640-00045126 And so you might partner with student government to start a publishing program or an OER program, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00063-00045324-00046032 or it could be that you have a top-down mandate from administration. Admin is super interested kNq2bP9uWUQ-00064-00046032-00046674 in OER, and they want a program to happen, and so now you have to spin up a publishing program kNq2bP9uWUQ-00065-00046740-00047550 based around OER. It could be part of a larger initiative of affordability on your campus, and so kNq2bP9uWUQ-00066-00047640-00048084 it could be or a larger initiative focused on open at your campus. So, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00067-00048084-00048426 it could be that you already have done quite a bit of work in the open access arena, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00068-00048426-00049236 and now you are spreading out into open education. Those are just some ideas of thinking about... It kNq2bP9uWUQ-00069-00049236-00049770 could be a grassroots thing where your faculty are super interested in doing this kind of work, and kNq2bP9uWUQ-00070-00049854-00050334 are early adopters. So, it could also be that. So thinking through the why is where we're going to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00071-00050334-00051084 start off when we think about building a program. There are two open textbook development approaches kNq2bP9uWUQ-00072-00051084-00051612 that I have identified in lots of conversations with my peers. I do a lot of mentoring for people kNq2bP9uWUQ-00073-00051612-00052344 running programs. What I see most often is either there's this do-it-yourself model where kNq2bP9uWUQ-00074-00052344-00052908 there's one person, or it's a very small team of people, and oftentimes, you might be doing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00075-00052908-00053334 it off the side of your desk in this instance. It might be a duty as assigned in this instance. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00076-00053478-00054408 Then there's also this publishing program and then larger electronic book publishing services that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00077-00054408-00054905 it might be a part of that. So, they have some commonalities. They're each going to have goals. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00078-00054905-00055367 You're going to need to identify support in both of them. If you're working in a larger publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00079-00055367-00056112 program, you're going to want to identify partners pretty early on. In a one-person show model, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00080-00056112-00056652 you're going to want to make sure that you have your expectations defined really clearly. Make kNq2bP9uWUQ-00081-00056652-00057090 sure that you clearly communicate what you can and cannot do, and then you're going to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00082-00057090-00057534 want to probably do a lot of teach the teacher or train the trainer model instruction around kNq2bP9uWUQ-00083-00057534-00058248 publishing for instructors inside your community. You'll see that some of those things are also in kNq2bP9uWUQ-00084-00058248-00058704 the other ones. You're going to define roles, and you're going to clearly communicate again. They're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00085-00058704-00059004 both going to need you to build a community, and those communities might look different. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00086-00059070-00059616 There's also this idea about self-care that is going to be present in both of those models kNq2bP9uWUQ-00087-00059754-00060341 that we want to encourage you to keep an eye on. I have been doing this for a while, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00088-00060341-00061032 and thinking about starting your program from a place where you're building around your capacity kNq2bP9uWUQ-00089-00061032-00061716 to begin with rather than having to scale back, because your over capacity is a great way to go. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00090-00061896-00062574 So if you're identifying support, one of the first things you're going to want to think kNq2bP9uWUQ-00091-00062574-00063096 through is what services are you willing you have the capacity to support? So, this could kNq2bP9uWUQ-00092-00063096-00063467 look like working with authors to author new work, so you're going to create brand new OER kNq2bP9uWUQ-00093-00063467-00064128 from scratch. They're not going to have any other content. I've run into this quite a bit, where kNq2bP9uWUQ-00094-00064128-00064554 authors already have a lot of content that they're using in their classes that they have authored, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00095-00064554-00065238 and they just want to turn it into shiny textbook, where that's all co-located in one location. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00096-00065405-00065784 It could be that they have nothing, and they're really going to go through a whole textbook kNq2bP9uWUQ-00097-00065784-00066144 development process, where they're going to identify what content they want to put in there, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00098-00066144-00066654 and they are going to work on out the structure of what the book looks like, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00099-00066654-00067224 and then provide content. That could be them as solo authors. It could be also them identifying kNq2bP9uWUQ-00100-00067224-00067896 a suite of authors in their discipline, who they want to work with to help do that. It could also kNq2bP9uWUQ-00101-00067896-00068436 be that they are... You might be deciding that you would work with authors to adapt in remix work, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00102-00068436-00068988 so they're going to start with probably an existing OER, and then adapt it within the kNq2bP9uWUQ-00103-00068988-00069690 scope of the license that it has to localize it for their particular context in their classroom. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00104-00069792-00070284 It could also be working with others to make materials culturally relevant, or to incorporate kNq2bP9uWUQ-00105-00070284-00071022 racial justice curriculum into it. So, this could be that they're going to take an OER that already kNq2bP9uWUQ-00106-00071022-00071568 exists, and then they are going to say, "This book doesn't have enough representation. I want kNq2bP9uWUQ-00107-00071568-00072312 to resource all of the images, and I want to think about diverse naming conventions for examples kNq2bP9uWUQ-00108-00072312-00073050 inside of the book." They're doing that kind of work then, which fits into that localization, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00109-00073050-00073674 but also with an I to equity. Then you're going to want to think through what tools you can offer kNq2bP9uWUQ-00110-00073674-00074106 to your faculty to create and remix works. This is where I always encourage you to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00111-00074106-00074712 take a look at what already exists at your institution. So, maybe you're a Google school, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00112-00074712-00075258 and you have access to Google Suite. Maybe instead of it turning into a book, it's a Google site, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00113-00075462-00075882 or they're going to do all of their authoring inside of Google Docs, and then maybe it'll go kNq2bP9uWUQ-00114-00075882-00076506 live somewhere else afterwards. It could be that you have a license for Pressbooks or Manifold, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00115-00076506-00076956 or you want to try editing with Scribe, or you want to build your OER inside kNq2bP9uWUQ-00116-00076956-00077454 your learning management system or LMS at your institution. So, what tools can you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00117-00077454-00077958 offer to your faculty to create remix works? I could even add more ideas to this list now, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00118-00077958-00078516 so PubPub is a great option to think about for content authoring. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00119-00078702-00079332 Then after this is all done, they have created their product. Where does this live? So, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00120-00079332-00079722 is it going to live inside your institutional repository if you have one? Are you publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00121-00079722-00080328 it on the OER Commons? Is it getting published on the web, in the LMS? If it's a Pressbook, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00122-00080328-00080856 will you turn it on so that it can be part of the Pressbook directory? Those are all kNq2bP9uWUQ-00123-00080856-00081366 questions to think through as you're starting to think about identifying the support you need. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00124-00081606-00082068 One of the things is after you've decided what kind of topics, what kind of projects kNq2bP9uWUQ-00125-00082068-00082494 you will be supporting, you might want to consider the following questions. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00126-00082494-00082938 So thinking through, how many projects can you take on to start with? I would always kNq2bP9uWUQ-00127-00082938-00083526 encourage you to start with less rather than more. It's really easy to build in scalability kNq2bP9uWUQ-00128-00083526-00084174 if you start small. It's really hard to back off after you have...say you start with 10 projects. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00129-00084174-00084888 It's really hard to say the next cycle, we're only taking five. It's hard to explain that to admin. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00130-00084996-00085584 Well, you did 10 last year. Why can't you do 10 this year? So thinking about starting, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00131-00085584-00085980 I would even encourage starting with one or two, maybe three projects to begin with, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00132-00085980-00086454 and seeing how it goes. What is the process like? Because after you have gone through that first kNq2bP9uWUQ-00133-00086454-00087048 cycle, a lot more things about your capacity are going to be clear to you, and you're going kNq2bP9uWUQ-00134-00087048-00087564 to understand how much work it takes, what kind of authors that you are working with, what their kNq2bP9uWUQ-00135-00087564-00088278 needs are. So if you start small, you also want to think about how many you'd want to add to the next kNq2bP9uWUQ-00136-00088278-00088794 cycle to scale your program up. So if you work with three this time, will you do five next time? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00137-00088962-00089472 Then thinking about what you can do to make your program sustainable. So, there are a lot of aging kNq2bP9uWUQ-00138-00089526-00090342 successful programs that are out there who have been doing this for five or six years or 10 years, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00139-00090342-00090900 and have reached this point now of thinking through, "Okay, so we scaled up. We got all kNq2bP9uWUQ-00140-00090900-00091350 of these dollars in cost savings, but now we don't have any funding left. What happens now?" kNq2bP9uWUQ-00141-00091464-00091980 That's the situation that Ohio State is in is that they had a huge grant, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00142-00091980-00092568 and they did a lot of great work over the last five or six years, and now there is no money kNq2bP9uWUQ-00143-00092568-00093156 left to do grants. Without finding more funding, we have to figure out what that looks like in kNq2bP9uWUQ-00144-00093156-00093642 the future. So thinking at the very beginning of your program like, "What are your sustainability kNq2bP9uWUQ-00145-00093642-00094410 portions in this?" That counts also not just for funding, but also thinking about how are the OER kNq2bP9uWUQ-00146-00094410-00094896 that your instructors are creating? How are those sustainable? Do they have a sustainability plan? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00147-00095076-00095358 What does their edits and revision cycle look like? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00148-00095460-00095916 When I was running my grant program, I always had folks teach with their materials for a year kNq2bP9uWUQ-00149-00096078-00096804 or at least at the very least a semester to get an idea of, "You created this thing. Now, what's kNq2bP9uWUQ-00150-00096804-00097488 missing? What do you need to add?" Extra credit for students to find typos is also helpful here, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00151-00097572-00098106 but helping them think through how that they're going to continue to use this material again and kNq2bP9uWUQ-00152-00098106-00098652 again in their classroom, and hopefully also helping them build the skills to make those kNq2bP9uWUQ-00153-00098652-00099384 edits themselves if you're in that one-person model, and then thinking through what is your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00154-00099384-00099882 budget like? Do you have a set amount of funds for each year? Where are those funds coming from? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00155-00099882-00100446 Do those funds fluctuate from year to year? Is the funding soft? Are you able to request any kNq2bP9uWUQ-00156-00100446-00101088 in-kind funding? So if your grant supports up to X many dollars, does their department also kick kNq2bP9uWUQ-00157-00101088-00101640 in X many dollars, or is there a partner that you're collaborating with who also provides kNq2bP9uWUQ-00158-00101640-00102288 in-kind funding to help support the grant program? Thinking about those at the very beginning for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00159-00102288-00102954 how you're going... what you need to support these programs. In the do-it-yourself model, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00160-00103074-00103608 a good question to ask is, "Is this going to be a publishing effort that is supported through kNq2bP9uWUQ-00161-00103608-00104220 administration, or is this a grassroots campaign?" I have seen this play out in different ways on kNq2bP9uWUQ-00162-00104220-00104633 different campuses. I have done both. At Wisconsin, it was very grassroots. At Penn kNq2bP9uWUQ-00163-00104633-00105030 State, it was very much a publishing program with lots of admin support. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00164-00105240-00105852 Those kinds of programs need different kinds of support and thinking through. Is there cash for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00165-00105852-00106559 OER, especially with COVID having happened and still going on? Trying to figure out kNq2bP9uWUQ-00166-00106698-00107202 how that has changed budgets for places has been something that has been very relevant. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00167-00107202-00107826 Is there still money to do this kind of work? Is it just you supporting all of the OER publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00168-00107826-00108282 efforts at your institution, or are there a few collaborators that you can lean on? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00169-00108450-00109008 Are you working individually, you are the one person who does this work, or is there kNq2bP9uWUQ-00170-00109008-00109433 a small team of you who does this work and has conversations about what this will look like? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00171-00109554-00110040 Thinking about also, how can students participate? Can you get a student worker? Is that something kNq2bP9uWUQ-00172-00110040-00110556 that happens in your contacts pretty regularly? Can you secure a teaching assistantship for a kNq2bP9uWUQ-00173-00110556-00111408 graduate student? What does that look like? If you can do that, then you would want to think through kNq2bP9uWUQ-00174-00111408-00112014 those questions again about how that fits into your support model. Then if you have a publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00175-00112014-00112422 program where you have a lot of administrative support, it's really important to identify which kNq2bP9uWUQ-00176-00112422-00112926 administrators are supporting this effort. So in my case, it was the provost, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00177-00113082-00113520 and so you'll want to think through your institutional context. Does the support come kNq2bP9uWUQ-00178-00113520-00114090 from the top down? So, is it the president of the institution? Is it the provost? Is it the unit, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00179-00114090-00114648 or does the support come from a specific outlying unit? So thinking about maybe if you have a Center kNq2bP9uWUQ-00180-00114648-00115188 for Teaching and Learning, something like that, are they doing this kind of support? At Ohio kNq2bP9uWUQ-00181-00115188-00115824 State, we have the Drake Learning Center, and they do a lot of grant funding for instructors to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00182-00115824-00116298 do professional development, and so OER could be one of those things that they are helping support. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00183-00116388-00116808 Again, financial, where's the money coming from, again, especially with the way that COVID has kNq2bP9uWUQ-00184-00116808-00117468 changed things at our institutions? Then who's on the team? Who's going to be doing the day-to-day kNq2bP9uWUQ-00185-00117468-00117846 work? Are you the point person who is going to be interacting with all of the authors? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00186-00117978-00118404 Do you have access to production support? Is there somebody who kNq2bP9uWUQ-00187-00118404-00118644 can help put together the books for instructors? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00188-00118794-00119309 Are you collaborating with other librarians at your institution? Are you collaborating kNq2bP9uWUQ-00189-00119309-00119982 across units at your institution? Then what does the work look for each of those people? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00190-00120168-00120900 That leads us right into talking about partners. Who has a seat at the table? One of the ways that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00191-00120900-00121626 you can think about getting started is by building a working group of stakeholders. I have pulled kNq2bP9uWUQ-00192-00121626-00122609 together here a list of some common partners for this kind of work. It's not by any ways, means, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00193-00122609-00123120 or stretch of the imagination exhaustive, but you could be working with students. You could be kNq2bP9uWUQ-00194-00123120-00123456 working with the libraries if you're not already positioned in the library. You could be working kNq2bP9uWUQ-00195-00123456-00123816 in the Center for Teaching and Learning. That could have a different name at your institution. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00196-00123935-00124392 You could be working definitely with faculty. What is the role of your bookstore? Do you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00197-00124392-00124800 have an academic press? How do they fit into the conversation? Are there kNq2bP9uWUQ-00198-00124800-00125322 specific academic units who might want to be at the table around this conversation, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00199-00125322-00125850 and then are there institutional specific units? When I was at Penn State, there was kNq2bP9uWUQ-00200-00125940-00126509 another unit in earth sciences who had been building OER for 10 years, and they were kNq2bP9uWUQ-00201-00126509-00127158 working on a repository for OER. So, they really wanted a seat at the table to talk about OER at kNq2bP9uWUQ-00202-00127158-00128028 the institutional context level. So thinking about who can you partner with, and making kNq2bP9uWUQ-00203-00128028-00128580 sure that you at least extend the invitation for them to join in on this kind of work. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00204-00128796-00129024 Then it's really important to define expectations, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00205-00129024-00129654 and this has multiple levels. Once you've identified what and how you can support your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00206-00129654-00130020 publishing effort, you're going to start defining the expectations around your publishing program. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00207-00130080-00130524 So, what are your expectations for faculty authors? What are they responsible for? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00208-00130728-00131220 Then what support can they expect from you? It's really good to define this ahead of time, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00209-00131274-00131760 and get it in writing. We'll talk about MOUs later, memorandums of understanding, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00210-00131760-00132318 later in the programming for Pub101, but it's great to get this in writing before you launch kNq2bP9uWUQ-00211-00132318-00132858 through that MOU process. But absolutely, it can be iterative and grow with your initiative. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00212-00132930-00133440 I think what's really important is sitting down with faculty authors, and saying, "You can expect kNq2bP9uWUQ-00213-00133440-00134028 that I am going to do X, Y, Z for you." So in this case, it could be, "I will provide you with tool kNq2bP9uWUQ-00214-00134028-00134634 training. I will give you access to a tool that you can author in, and then I'm happy to look over kNq2bP9uWUQ-00215-00134634-00135144 the content that you put in there afterwards." That could be what they can expect for you. Then kNq2bP9uWUQ-00216-00135144-00135852 you expect them to generate the content, to source their images, and making sure that they're openly kNq2bP9uWUQ-00217-00135852-00136854 licensed. I often share a spreadsheet with faculty that allows them to keep track of everything. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00218-00137022-00137592 I'm happy to share that in this week's class notes, but it sets it up so there's a column kNq2bP9uWUQ-00219-00137592-00138276 for the title of the place, the website where they found it, like what repository did they find it kNq2bP9uWUQ-00220-00138276-00138858 in? Is it an image that they found at an image gallery? And then what license does the content kNq2bP9uWUQ-00221-00138858-00139356 have so that they're keeping track of that because licenses need to be compatible with one another kNq2bP9uWUQ-00222-00139500-00140136 inside, or they need to be called out specifically if they're not compatible. I get them to track kNq2bP9uWUQ-00223-00140136-00140790 that information, and then I'm happy to review their list to make sure everything is compatible kNq2bP9uWUQ-00224-00140790-00141372 or if we need to make that extra call out. So, thinking about, what are you willing to do, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00225-00141372-00141714 and what do you expect them to do in your publishing program? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00226-00141930-00142476 Which leads into talking about defining roles, so who's going to do what? This is kNq2bP9uWUQ-00227-00142476-00143130 not only your faculty instructors, but also if you're working with people across unit lines or kNq2bP9uWUQ-00228-00143130-00143796 inside the library, where does it make sense to collaborate? Do you have access to instructional kNq2bP9uWUQ-00229-00143796-00144306 designers at your institution who could help faculty create learning objectives and goals for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00230-00144306-00145110 the materials? Could they help them create maybe the template for what the textbook will look like? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00231-00145302-00145722 Can they help them scaffold that content so students are getting all of the support kNq2bP9uWUQ-00232-00145722-00146184 that they need to learn the concepts? Then also, do you have other librarians who kNq2bP9uWUQ-00233-00146184-00146784 could help faculty curate OER? We do syllabus review grants at Ohio State, and I connect kNq2bP9uWUQ-00234-00146784-00147594 instructors to subject liaisons, and they help them find OER materials that they could use to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00235-00147750-00148326 help drive down the cost. So, they could also help faculty curate OER to remix in this instance if kNq2bP9uWUQ-00236-00148326-00148890 you're working on building out textbooks. Then maybe you also could partner with students who kNq2bP9uWUQ-00237-00148890-00149406 could advocate with the administration for your initiative. At every institution I have been at, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00238-00149532-00149952 admin listens to student voices more than they're listening to mine as a staff person. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00239-00150102-00150756 So, getting the attention of student government is also very helpful to think about how kNq2bP9uWUQ-00240-00150756-00151272 you can leverage that for your initiative. Then also, the relationship with the bookstore kNq2bP9uWUQ-00241-00151272-00151776 differs from campus to campus, from institution to institution, so maybe you are in the position kNq2bP9uWUQ-00242-00151776-00152424 where the bookstore can help you identify courses, or provide print copies of OER at cost. So, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00243-00152424-00152910 thinking about whether you have a relationship with the bookstore that would be conducive to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00244-00152910-00153426 that, or if you have a hostile bookstore that is going to be like, "No, we don't want any kNq2bP9uWUQ-00245-00153426-00153798 part of that. We are doing our own thing. We're going to make everybody do inclusive access." kNq2bP9uWUQ-00246-00153852-00154350 Those relationships can vary from institution to institution, so it's really important to figure kNq2bP9uWUQ-00247-00154350-00154872 out whether they could be a partner or not, and then also making sure that you have set pretty kNq2bP9uWUQ-00248-00154872-00155394 clear expectations about what all these different partners are doing in the publishing program. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00249-00155640-00156246 This cannot be stated enough. Most of your work as a project manager doing this work, and thinking kNq2bP9uWUQ-00250-00156246-00156822 about your publishing program is going to be about clearly communicating with all the stakeholders kNq2bP9uWUQ-00251-00156822-00157308 in your publishing initiative. So, this is my recommendation. You may take or leave it. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00252-00157404-00157764 I would suggest adopting an ethos of transparency. You're going to tell it kNq2bP9uWUQ-00253-00157764-00158298 how it is. It's going to be transparent, and you're going to be very clear about kNq2bP9uWUQ-00254-00158298-00158952 expectations. I think it really helps to start off that way. I think it's also really kNq2bP9uWUQ-00255-00158952-00159312 important if you're pulling together a team of people to create shared language early, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00256-00159312-00159852 if not, before you start the publishing program. What I mean by that is, are you going to call it kNq2bP9uWUQ-00257-00159852-00160242 open educational resources? Are you going to call this an affordability initiative? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00258-00160398-00161124 What resonates more and will have more impact as you advocate at your institution? We spent kNq2bP9uWUQ-00259-00161124-00161982 at Penn State almost the entire time I was there coming up with a Penn State definition of what kNq2bP9uWUQ-00260-00161982-00162798 OER was going to be at Penn State, and what it would include and what it wouldn't include based kNq2bP9uWUQ-00261-00162798-00163350 on the affordability spectrum that we were working with there. So, figuring out what kNq2bP9uWUQ-00262-00163350-00163872 that shared language is going to be is really useful. At Ohio State, that conversation has kNq2bP9uWUQ-00263-00163872-00164364 looked about whether we're calling it curricular resources or if they're going to call it OER, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00264-00164364-00165318 or if we're going to call it affordable resources course materials, and trying to figure out what kNq2bP9uWUQ-00265-00165318-00165738 of those terms would resonate with faculty actually if we were having conversations. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00266-00165840-00166332 Create a memorandum of understanding, an MOU, for authors that clearly details what they're agreeing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00267-00166332-00167058 to do, and articulates what you will do to support them. This is very helpful particularly if you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00268-00167058-00167472 have folks who are like, "I'm not going to make the timeline." That will happen a lot probably, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00269-00167628-00168048 and making sure that you're communicating regularly with stakeholders and also kNq2bP9uWUQ-00270-00168048-00168492 regularly with authors. Some authors will need more checking in with than others. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00271-00168636-00168960 They fall into different types. There's the people who are going to want you to hold their kNq2bP9uWUQ-00272-00168960-00169350 hand the whole time. There are people who are going to be pretty independent, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00273-00169350-00169842 and then there are going to be people who need just occasional check-ins to keep them on track, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00274-00169842-00170412 and make sure that they're still reaching towards their goals and the timeline that they set. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00275-00170784-00171216 If you're in that do-it-yourself model, if you're going to want to heavily lean kNq2bP9uWUQ-00276-00171216-00171558 on the teach the teacher model, or train the trainer if you've heard it that way, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00277-00171660-00172026 and you want to teach your authors to be self-sufficient and self-starters. So, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00278-00172026-00172548 you might be providing training for tools. What are they publishing in? I've done a lot kNq2bP9uWUQ-00279-00172548-00173238 of Pressbooks training. I have done some Manifold training for an open journal, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00280-00173394-00174024 and we considered that for open textbooks when I was at Penn State. You'll probably kNq2bP9uWUQ-00281-00174024-00174696 be providing training around open licensing. So, what are the licenses that they can choose? How kNq2bP9uWUQ-00282-00174696-00175236 does this affect their intellectual property? What are their intellectual property rights at kNq2bP9uWUQ-00283-00175236-00175764 your institution? It's a really good idea to take a look at the IP policy at your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00284-00175764-00176490 institution to see who owns what. For example, faculty at my institution own their copyright, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00285-00176490-00177132 but I do not as a staff member. So, everything I create has to... The license would have to be kNq2bP9uWUQ-00286-00177132-00177660 determined by the university, whether I could openly license it or not. If you think about kNq2bP9uWUQ-00287-00177660-00178164 the different categories of instructors, that might vary for them as well. So, adjuncts might kNq2bP9uWUQ-00288-00178164-00178968 have different IP rights than faculty who are on a tenure track. Then you might also kNq2bP9uWUQ-00289-00178968-00179394 want to provide training around open pedagogy. How are they going to teach with those materials? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00290-00179514-00179982 Usually, I would say that's one of those things that you would scale up to. First, you would get kNq2bP9uWUQ-00291-00179982-00180408 some people who would make some OER, and then you would have that conversation around open pedagogy kNq2bP9uWUQ-00292-00180408-00181038 and how to teach with it. You can offer support for follow-up questions, but basically, you want kNq2bP9uWUQ-00293-00181038-00181692 to do as much upfront training to get them to be self-sufficient so that they can go off and kNq2bP9uWUQ-00294-00181692-00182244 build their book, and then come back to you. Then what those check-ins look like then is up to you. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00295-00182244-00182892 Sometimes, there would be monthly check-ins to see how they're doing, what kind of support they need. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00296-00182892-00183468 Do you need to refer them to somebody else? So, we do a lot of referral to copyright services here kNq2bP9uWUQ-00297-00183468-00184044 at Ohio State, so thinking through those things of what you would want to provide training for, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00298-00184044-00184422 particularly if you're in that do-it-yourself model where you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00299-00184422-00184926 going to have to be a little less hands-on in supporting the actual projects as they grow. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00300-00185262-00185760 Then I would recommend building a community. You want to start small and support only as kNq2bP9uWUQ-00301-00185760-00186396 many projects as you have capacity for over time. One way that you could do that would be kNq2bP9uWUQ-00302-00186396-00186840 to start a community of practice. So, you would introduce your authors to each other, have them kNq2bP9uWUQ-00303-00186840-00187314 share their projects, invite them to discuss what's working and what they're struggling with. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00304-00187368-00187842 Enable them to not feel alone in the process of creating OER like that kitten says, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00305-00187842-00188220 "It's dangerous to go alone." Take this cute adorable kitten with you, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00306-00188364-00188910 because they often are going to have questions about like, "Oh, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00307-00188910-00189480 I'm trying to make this table inside Pressbooks, and I haven't really found that I've been able kNq2bP9uWUQ-00308-00189480-00189900 to do that in a way that I feel is super accessible." They can have conversations kNq2bP9uWUQ-00309-00189900-00190476 around what's working inside of the tool that you've picked, and what they're struggling with. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00310-00190476-00191040 They'll be able to help each other too, which I have also found is really useful. They can say, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00311-00191040-00191508 "Oh, I troubleshooted that by doing X, Y, Z. Here, let me show you how to do that." kNq2bP9uWUQ-00312-00191622-00192162 So, helping them have a community of people who are doing the same thing that they're doing is kNq2bP9uWUQ-00313-00192162-00193242 really beneficial to growing your community of practice. At Wisconsin, I was in charge of kNq2bP9uWUQ-00314-00193242-00193920 facilitating the user community for Pressbooks. We started off with some Pressbooks trainings, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00315-00193920-00194376 so they would come and they would learn. We did a Pressbooks101, and then we did a kNq2bP9uWUQ-00316-00194376-00194970 Pressbooks102. The first one is like, "Here's the basic nuts and bolts of how you can use Pressbooks kNq2bP9uWUQ-00317-00194970-00195408 to author in." Then in Pressbooks102, we talked about some of the built-in tools, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00318-00195408-00196110 so hypothesis for social annotation, and H5P for some formative assessments that are interactive. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00319-00196380-00196830 Then after that, we invited them to come share their projects, and talk about how they were using kNq2bP9uWUQ-00320-00196830-00197400 Pressbooks in their courses to build with. It got to the point where their content was what was kNq2bP9uWUQ-00321-00197400-00197838 sustaining the community of practice. They were coming to talk to each other, and we were just kNq2bP9uWUQ-00322-00197838-00198504 facilitating a time, a place, and providing any answers to questions that cropped up during those kNq2bP9uWUQ-00323-00198504-00199002 conversations, or pointing them to more resources about something they were really excited about. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00324-00199158-00199734 They can become a really great tool to leverage in your publishing program. They'll kNq2bP9uWUQ-00325-00199734-00200298 also help bring people to who they'll share their experience and say, "Oh, I had an awesome times kNq2bP9uWUQ-00326-00200298-00200748 working with Amanda. You should solely talk to her about your course in creating an OER." kNq2bP9uWUQ-00327-00200838-00201594 The word of mouth there also could help build your program up. I want to talk about self-care kNq2bP9uWUQ-00328-00201768-00202416 and the fact that we live in a capitalistic hellscape. There's just no escaping that. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00329-00202500-00203076 Then inside of that, we also work inside academia, which is rife with its own problems. When you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00330-00203076-00203622 doing this kind of work, there is a ton of isolation. You're usually the only person kNq2bP9uWUQ-00331-00203622-00204288 doing this. You're doing a lot of emotional labor both for the instructors that you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00332-00204288-00204906 working with by helping them, but also, you do a lot of emotional labor when you're advocating kNq2bP9uWUQ-00333-00204906-00205523 up the chain to admin, and so thinking about the toll that that might take on you. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00334-00205523-00205986 You also have to have really tough conversations. There's always that one instructor who wants to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00335-00205986-00206544 put some copyrighted something inside of their textbook. I've had people who wanted to put kNq2bP9uWUQ-00336-00206658-00207486 what would be extremely expensive music to license inside their book, or images that are just not kNq2bP9uWUQ-00337-00207546-00208200 ever going to be obtainable in an institutional context, and having really tough conversations kNq2bP9uWUQ-00338-00208200-00208836 with them about that. Also, tough conversations with your colleagues around the work that you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00339-00208836-00209814 do and also around... It can be tough to have those conversations where you are in a position, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00340-00209814-00210414 and you have to go and advocate for your program with admin. There can be some really kNq2bP9uWUQ-00341-00210414-00210732 tough conversations in that area. So, it's really important to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00342-00210821-00211380 think through the self-care you might need after those conversations. Then also, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00343-00211380-00211769 some people are very resistant to learning new technologies. That might even be you yourself, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00344-00211902-00212616 and just acknowledging that that is a thing, and that that might be something you have to work kNq2bP9uWUQ-00345-00212616-00213234 around. If it is you, if you are that person who's like, "I don't want to learn another technology. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00346-00213234-00213954 I just had to learn Teams last week, because our institution switched to it," I feel you. I'm so kNq2bP9uWUQ-00347-00213954-00214326 fatigued with the amount of changes that we've had with technology over the past two years. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00348-00214584-00215190 Just set yourself up to succeed in having those conversations around technology, and give yourself kNq2bP9uWUQ-00349-00215190-00215712 enough time to learn the tool that you might be supporting before you have to showcase it kNq2bP9uWUQ-00350-00215712-00216498 to everybody. The image on this one is a tower. I picked that because when I worked at Penn State, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00351-00216498-00217110 I literally worked in the tower. I was by myself most of the time all by myself on the third floor kNq2bP9uWUQ-00352-00217110-00217673 in a tower that had an elevator that you could only access with a key that was 100 years old, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00353-00217673-00218610 and was super scary to ride up. There were jokes about, "Oh, Amanda's Rapunzel. She's always up kNq2bP9uWUQ-00354-00218610-00219492 in that tower working." It can be literal isolation as well as just work isolation. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00355-00219810-00220446 So, it doesn't have to be hopeless though. The one thing I want you to realize right kNq2bP9uWUQ-00356-00220446-00220854 now is that you are building a network while you are right here. All of the people in this kNq2bP9uWUQ-00357-00220854-00221562 call with you are a network that you can use. We are going through this together. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00358-00221562-00222180 You're building a community right now, and it really helps to think about starting your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00359-00222180-00222876 publishing program, and making time to build a network around open publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00360-00223019-00223710 to really help stifle some of that isolation. Looking for places where you can engage in kNq2bP9uWUQ-00361-00223710-00224226 conversation with other people who are doing this kind of work, particularly when you're in kNq2bP9uWUQ-00362-00224226-00224730 that startup phase, please don't hesitate to reach out people who have much for programs. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00363-00224730-00225210 More than likely, we are more than happy to chat with you about what worked and what didn't work. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00364-00225348-00225702 I would also say that if you are in a position to where you can set boundaries, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00365-00225858-00226650 that is very helpful. It could be that you just don't answer email on the weekends, or kNq2bP9uWUQ-00366-00226788-00227256 there are boundaries around what you're willing to help with and what you can't help with, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00367-00227382-00227844 and be firm in those boundaries if you are able to. I recognized that not all kNq2bP9uWUQ-00368-00227844-00228432 of us are in places and institutions where we can do that, and that's often very sad to me. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00369-00228546-00229026 Then also for those tough questions, you can pre-plan answers. You know that there's always kNq2bP9uWUQ-00370-00229026-00229619 going to be a curmudgeonly old faculty member who is like, "I heard that OER quality is awful." kNq2bP9uWUQ-00371-00229817-00230166 It helps to pre-plan answers to those questions so that you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00372-00230364-00231030 aren't lost in the anxiety of somebody asking you a hard question, but also that you are like, "No, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00373-00231030-00231594 actually, there's research that says OER quality is about the same if not better than traditional kNq2bP9uWUQ-00374-00231594-00232140 textbooks." There are errors in traditional textbooks all the time. The benefit of OER is kNq2bP9uWUQ-00375-00232140-00232571 that you can fix those errors immediately if you really wanted to in your localized copy. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00376-00232692-00233273 So, I would advocate for having pre-planned answers. I would say that also goes for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00377-00233328-00233790 questions that admin would have for you, so thinking about what data you're collecting. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00378-00233790-00234276 Admin are going to want cost-saving numbers. They're going to want to know how many courses kNq2bP9uWUQ-00379-00234276-00234780 you transformed, and making sure that you're collecting that kind of data ahead of time so kNq2bP9uWUQ-00380-00234780-00235440 that you can answer those questions when they crop up is really helpful. Also, you don't have to be kNq2bP9uWUQ-00381-00235440-00235986 the master of everything. That's why it's really important to do this beginning work where you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00382-00235986-00236502 setting up your program, and you're deciding what you do have the capacity and the ability to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00383-00236688-00237330 do, but maybe you don't have the ability to copy edit, but your grant funding does have a little kNq2bP9uWUQ-00384-00237330-00237906 bit of extra money where you could hire a copy editor, even if it's just a graduate assistant kNq2bP9uWUQ-00385-00237906-00238506 who's going to do some copy editing for you. There are ways to think about how you can kNq2bP9uWUQ-00386-00238506-00239454 outsource things, and rely on your partners for that, but it's perfectly okay to say, "I don't kNq2bP9uWUQ-00387-00239454-00240036 know the answer to that question, but let's find out together." I say that all the time to people. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00388-00240264-00240894 So, wrapping up some considerations, and I think that these are really good questions kNq2bP9uWUQ-00389-00240894-00241571 to think through while you're at this beginning stage. The first one is are there differences kNq2bP9uWUQ-00390-00241571-00242369 between your capacity and your organization's capacity? Does your organization expect that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00391-00242369-00242778 you are going to do 12 books a year, and you really don't have capacity for that? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00392-00242910-00243606 Is there not enough funding to meet with the capacity that your organization wants you to have? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00393-00243606-00243960 Is there not a place to partner within your organization? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00394-00244121-00244704 What do those things look like? Does your capacity point out a particular publishing approach? Are kNq2bP9uWUQ-00395-00244704-00245142 you in a situation where you need to do a more hands-off model, or are you in a position where kNq2bP9uWUQ-00396-00245142-00245790 you can be super hands-on and shepherd a book through each phase of all of the publishing kNq2bP9uWUQ-00397-00245790-00246408 process? What are you prepared to support right now? Then what would you like to grow your program kNq2bP9uWUQ-00398-00246408-00247067 to support maybe later? Maybe right now, you can only support OER adoptions, and that's all kNq2bP9uWUQ-00399-00247067-00247782 you have the ability to do, but in the future, maybe you would like to delve into OER adoptions, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00400-00247782-00248232 where they're still working with a text that they found, but you're making some localized changes. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00401-00248376-00248862 Maybe you have a three-tiered approach where you're going to start with OER adoptions, and kNq2bP9uWUQ-00402-00248862-00249378 then you're going to do some adaptation work, and then you'll dip your toes in the water of direct kNq2bP9uWUQ-00403-00249378-00250062 OER creation. How can you build that into a plan that you can share with people so that you know kNq2bP9uWUQ-00404-00250266-00250769 that they know that you have already thought of those things? What conversations do you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00405-00250769-00251292 need to have in your organization to better answer these questions? Do you need to pull together an kNq2bP9uWUQ-00406-00251292-00251808 institution wide OER working group to answer these questions before you start a publishing program? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00407-00251940-00252456 Do you need to have conversations within your unit within the library kNq2bP9uWUQ-00408-00252630-00253176 thinking about who needs to be at the table? That's where that stakeholder's conversation kNq2bP9uWUQ-00409-00253176-00253667 comes in. Could any partnerships help? So, does it make sense for you to partner with kNq2bP9uWUQ-00410-00253667-00254502 your Center for Teaching and Learning or with some instructional designers or with students? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00411-00254502-00255252 Where can you find partnerships that will help? I think that that will really help set you up for kNq2bP9uWUQ-00412-00255252-00255750 success. Then in the following weeks of Pub101, we're going to talk about some different pieces kNq2bP9uWUQ-00413-00255750-00257076 of this in more specifics, but think all of these questions out in the open before you get started, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00414-00257160-00257514 or if you're already starting, and you're just starting to think about these things, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00415-00257514-00257934 how can you integrate them into what you have had to stand up already? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00416-00258173-00258564 I think that's my last slide, so I can open it up to questions from the group. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00417-00259200-00259500 Thank you so much, Amanda. That was wonderful. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00418-00259638-00260082 Every time I hear you talk about being up in the tower... kNq2bP9uWUQ-00419-00260256-00260417 Do I need to find a better story? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00420-00260417-00261071 I like to picture you as almost a cartoon character that's smashing that tower down, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00421-00261138-00261330 so I'm glad you're not in the tower. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00422-00261330-00261798 No, I can work from the comfort of my own home way better. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00423-00261960-00262638 Nice. I just want to reaffirm to what you were saying about how this course kNq2bP9uWUQ-00424-00262638-00263124 and just going through this class is its own community already that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00425-00263124-00263592 you're a part of. For people that are joining or building for the first time, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00426-00263694-00264156 that's what we're here for, and so it is a great community, and I love that point. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00427-00264594-00265248 Any questions from the group, or thoughts you want to share and maybe get Amanda's perspective on? kNq2bP9uWUQ-00428-00268566-00268854 Natalia says, "Thanks for posting the slides." kNq2bP9uWUQ-00429-00268932-00269214 There's a lot of good information in them. You are right. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00430-00269646-00269826 I'm always happy to share my slides. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00431-00270240-00271098 Is there interest in me sharing that spreadsheet for collecting licenses for projects? Because if kNq2bP9uWUQ-00432-00271098-00271554 so, I could... Oh, got some very strong yeses. I will definitely put that in the class notes. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00433-00271554-00271812 Excellent. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00434-00271878-00272310 Very strong yeses. I will 100% put that in the class notes. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00435-00272430-00273222 I had meant to put it into my slides, and I forgot to link it there, but I find it's very kNq2bP9uWUQ-00436-00273222-00273690 helpful. That's one of the things... That particular thing was one of the things that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00437-00273786-00274578 I built that out of necessity, because I had an instructor who we did our kickoff. We had a kNq2bP9uWUQ-00438-00274578-00275238 lovely... I did create a commons license training with them there. We had conversations about why it kNq2bP9uWUQ-00439-00275238-00275796 was important that they didn't use copyrighted material in their books, and what that meant, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00440-00275796-00276618 and had a conversation around fair use. We did all of it, and they still turned around kNq2bP9uWUQ-00441-00276618-00277062 and handed me a book full of copyrighted images. I was like, "Well, we can't have that continue to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00442-00277062-00277518 happen," because that was a lot on my plate to go through and be flagging images like, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00443-00277518-00278046 "This one is copyrighted. Do you need it? Is it decorative? What could you replace it with?" So, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00444-00278046-00278574 I had them start logging the images that they were going to use, and what licenses they came from. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00445-00278676-00279150 Nice. It looks like Sarah has a question. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00446-00279648-00280224 Oh, Sarah. Sarah asks if there's any project management courses, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00447-00280224-00280878 professional development experiences to recommend like the nitty-gritty mechanics of being a project kNq2bP9uWUQ-00448-00280878-00281430 manager generally. I will say I haven't done any personally, so I can't recommend anything. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00449-00281592-00282300 Everything I have learned has been through my own experience and reaching out to people who kNq2bP9uWUQ-00450-00282300-00282996 have mentored me. I will say one of the things that I do seriously encourage you to reach out. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00451-00282996-00283362 If you're starting a program, and you see somebody's program that you really like, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00452-00283488-00284166 reach out to them, and ask them if you can have a Zoom chat for a consultation kNq2bP9uWUQ-00453-00284166-00284748 for an hour, and talk about their program. Because I will tell you that the Affordable kNq2bP9uWUQ-00454-00284748-00285354 Learning Exchange is just a rip off of Affordable Learning Georgia, and I also, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00455-00285354-00285888 when I was at Penn State, talked to Jeff who runs Affordable Learning Georgia, Jeff Gallant. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00456-00286050-00286590 We are all more than willing to share the secret sauce with you about what worked and what didn't. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00457-00286842-00287592 You'll learn a lot from iterating. What I would say my advice would be about the gritty kNq2bP9uWUQ-00458-00287592-00288294 mechanics of being a project manager would be make yourself templates for the emails you're kNq2bP9uWUQ-00459-00288294-00289182 going to send. That goes even for check-ins. If you could template that work so that it takes a kNq2bP9uWUQ-00460-00289182-00289548 little bit less of the mechanics out of it for yourself, that would be really helpful. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00461-00289992-00290454 Everybody's institutional context is so different that it's really hard to give specific advice, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00462-00290622-00291432 but figure out what your process is. I highly recommend that if you're working in a TV people, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00463-00291432-00292038 you do debriefs to talk about how that process is working and what needs changed, what places kNq2bP9uWUQ-00464-00292140-00292620 didn't do what you thought it was going to do. Did something come up that you didn't expect that you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00465-00292620-00293436 would have to support, and what could support for that look like? It's a lot of constant iteration. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00466-00293574-00294120 The first time we did grants at Penn State, it was a free for all. We didn't even have a kNq2bP9uWUQ-00467-00294120-00294504 set amount of what we would award people for grants. It was all over the place. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00468-00294504-00295260 Some people got $5,000. Some people got $2,500. It was just absolutely a mess to keep track of. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00469-00295260-00295854 It was a mess to budget. We're like, "Well, we can't do that again. That was really silly that kNq2bP9uWUQ-00470-00295854-00296688 we did that." Also, we asked people after that first time to come in and have a consultation with kNq2bP9uWUQ-00471-00296688-00297144 us before they started their grant program... I'm sorry, before they sent in their grant application kNq2bP9uWUQ-00472-00297276-00297588 so that we could get a sense of if they had a viable project ahead of time, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00473-00297690-00298230 and if they didn't, how we could steer them into having a more successful proposal. We had a pretty kNq2bP9uWUQ-00474-00298230-00298896 high acceptance rate. We would probably get between, I would say, 30 and 40 applications. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00475-00298992-00299460 The first year, we did 10 of probably 30 applications, so that's a one-third kNq2bP9uWUQ-00476-00299460-00300246 acceptance rate. There were lots that we would've liked to take, but they didn't kNq2bP9uWUQ-00477-00300246-00300678 meet the application criteria just because they didn't fill out the form correctly, and they kNq2bP9uWUQ-00478-00300678-00301164 didn't provide the details that were necessary, which makes it easy to say, "No thank you," kNq2bP9uWUQ-00479-00301284-00301836 but we wanted them to be more successful. If they weren't a good fit for the grant program, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00480-00301836-00302178 we could steer them elsewhere for other support for their project. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00481-00302406-00303300 There'll be things that you'll change as your program grows. Keep your documentation tidy. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00482-00303300-00303864 That would be general project management stuff. If you have timelines, it helps to map them out kNq2bP9uWUQ-00483-00303942-00304506 with a gap chart or with project management software. Depending on what kind of institution kNq2bP9uWUQ-00484-00304506-00305040 you're in, you could use... Teams has a really great... Teams, Microsoft has a really great kNq2bP9uWUQ-00485-00305040-00305892 planner tool that you can use to keep track of projects. There's also tools like Asana and Monday kNq2bP9uWUQ-00486-00305892-00306696 and Trello, which are all great for a project management. I used Asana when I was at Penn State. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00487-00306864-00307086 At Ohio State, we use a spreadsheet, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00488-00307086-00307518 not my favorite solution, but I'm not in charge, so I don't get to say what we do. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00489-00307812-00308388 I'm sorry that I don't have a more specific answer for you, Sarah. If you find one, let me know. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00490-00308730-00309456 I think the great answer that you gave was if you see another program, that you reach out to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00491-00309456-00310068 them and ask. It's a good community of sharing and helping and then templating what you do. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00492-00310374-00310968 I have a lot of email templates that I've created over the years that are so time saving, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00493-00310968-00311514 and it seemed like a silly thing to not just write a new email each time, but it's really helpful. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00494-00311730-00312252 If you have a grant call, and you have 30 applicants, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00495-00312252-00312684 and you need to reject more than half of those, an email template will save your life. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00496-00312930-00313344 Even if you customize it with like, "Oh, this isn't a great fit for our program, but we would kNq2bP9uWUQ-00497-00313344-00314178 really like you to talk to the bookstore or the academic press. They might be a great fit for your kNq2bP9uWUQ-00498-00314178-00314892 book, your book idea." Even just having the rest of that information templated is really helpful. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00499-00315084-00315600 The other thing I was going to say is I mean it when I say that you can reach out to me. I have kNq2bP9uWUQ-00500-00315672-00316194 absolutely no problem, and Sarah can vouch for this. I have no problem talking to you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00501-00316194-00316758 about your program, and helping you think through what the situation is. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00502-00316758-00317364 You are always welcome to book a consultation with me. I will actually put that link in the chat kNq2bP9uWUQ-00503-00317682-00318066 as soon as it loads. I'll also put it in the class notes. If you kNq2bP9uWUQ-00504-00318066-00318420 just want to come and chat about your program, I'm always happy to do that. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00505-00319314-00319764 My calendar's also up to date, so please don't hesitate to throw time on there if you want to kNq2bP9uWUQ-00506-00319764-00320778 chat about your program. Sarah ripped her program apart after our conversation. I'm glad that it's kNq2bP9uWUQ-00507-00320778-00321360 working out better that you feel like it's better. That's good, but thank you very much for coming kNq2bP9uWUQ-00508-00321360-00322068 today. I enjoyed sharing this knowledge with you all. I can't wait to see you all again next week. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00509-00322374-00322782 Well, thank you for your time, Amanda. All that you shared with us, that's really helpful. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00510-00323028-00323532 I just want to make a quick note that there is some homework from this week about kNq2bP9uWUQ-00511-00323532-00324162 modifying call for proposals templates. So, you'll see that in the class notes. kNq2bP9uWUQ-00512-00324264-00325008 That's the template that you can take and modify if you'd like. If there's no more questions, kNq2bP9uWUQ-00513-00325008-00325464 thank you all for being here today. Appreciate your time, and we'll see you next week. kNt57rEx6RU-00000-00000536-00001037 good morning so it's our second day here in Puerto Princesa kNt57rEx6RU-00001-00001037-00001510 and we booked our tour for the day through klook kNt57rEx6RU-00002-00001510-00002231 the first tour thatwe booked here in klook is the underground river tour and that is 1900 per person kNt57rEx6RU-00003-00002231-00002702 since we only have limited time we decided to book our tour online kNt57rEx6RU-00004-00002709-00003226 since going to the underground river would require a two-hour trip kNt57rEx6RU-00005-00003229-00003935 also each guest needs to acquire a travel permit at least a day before your intended visit kNt57rEx6RU-00006-00003935-00004584 booking through a travel agency is more convenient since they will secure all the permit for us kNt57rEx6RU-00007-00004764-00005352 the second tour that we booked is the sabang zipline adventure for 468 pesos per person kNt57rEx6RU-00008-00005526-00006090 in this tour we will experience an 800 meter long zipline that requires a short hike kNt57rEx6RU-00009-00006090-00006744 we advise that you wear flip-flops or shoes that are easy to takeon and off as you may have to step into the water kNt57rEx6RU-00010-00007002-00007494 it's 8:15 am and the van is here picking us up right in front of our hotel kNt57rEx6RU-00011-00007728-00008045 our guide is briefing us on what to expect at the tour kNt57rEx6RU-00012-00008292-00008988 the trip took two hours and our underground river tour guide asked us if anyone wants to do the zipline kNt57rEx6RU-00013-00009004-00009330 since we already booked it we showed them our voucher and she kNt57rEx6RU-00014-00009330-00009652 coordinated with the other travel agency kNt57rEx6RU-00015-00009652-00009870 we will just register and we're good to go kNt57rEx6RU-00016-00010704-00011076 good thing we are wearing our aqua shoes for wet areas like this kNt57rEx6RU-00017-00011910-00012372 the deepest part of the water that we have to cross is just above the knee kNt57rEx6RU-00018-00012417-00012678 so don't worry because you won't get totally wet kNt57rEx6RU-00019-00013110-00013374 wow nice sand here kNt57rEx6RU-00020-00019578-00019866 on our way to the zipline kNt57rEx6RU-00021-00028602-00028680 nice kNt57rEx6RU-00022-00038862-00039109 oh my god now I'm scared kNt57rEx6RU-00023-00039202-00039402 noooo kNt57rEx6RU-00024-00043920-00044004 thank you kuya kNt57rEx6RU-00025-00045084-00045564 that was amazing now it's time to go back to the van and head to the buffet area kNt57rEx6RU-00026-00047364-00048036 lunch buffet is included in the package and as you can see there's a lot of variety to choose from kNt57rEx6RU-00027-00052156-00052554 I'm full that was a good meal now let's head towards the boat kNt57rEx6RU-00028-00053574-00053874 we are now at the dispatching area waiting for our boat kNt57rEx6RU-00029-00054302-00054635 this is the dispatching area we're just waiting for our boat kNt57rEx6RU-00030-00054652-00054902 on the way to the underground river kNt57rEx6RU-00031-00054973-00055248 that's our boat boat number 80 kNt57rEx6RU-00032-00055345-00055502 how many boats do you have kNt57rEx6RU-00033-00055502-00056002 now we only have a few left 40 or 30 because they got damaged by typhoon odette kNt57rEx6RU-00034-00056002-00056202 oh just like honda bay kNt57rEx6RU-00035-00056202-00056568 that's why they can't accommodate huge number of tourists now kNt57rEx6RU-00036-00060036-00060660 our group consists of 10 people but we got divided and six of them went ahead on another boat kNt57rEx6RU-00037-00060744-00061152 there are also six of us here in this boat but two came from another group kNt57rEx6RU-00038-00061501-00062028 sometimes you might experience strong waves like this where the ride gets bumpy kNt57rEx6RU-00039-00063791-00064116 so we are now here and the trip took us about 10 minutes kNt57rEx6RU-00040-00065886-00066252 before we move forward we need to wear a hard hat for safety kNt57rEx6RU-00041-00066252-00066564 and you need to pick the right one that would fit your head kNt57rEx6RU-00042-00067158-00067674 there's another short walk so hide your Plasticsand food because you may encounter monkeys kNt57rEx6RU-00043-00068273-00068633 walking to the underground river kNt57rEx6RU-00044-00070332-00070662 finally we are now here at the entrance of the underground river kNt57rEx6RU-00045-00075365-00075630 we're now in a small boat with the headset and the kNt57rEx6RU-00046-00075630-00076140 listening device and the boatman who will paddle us inside kNt57rEx6RU-00047-00080500-00081018 a friendly advice keep your mouth closed when looking up and watch out for bat droppings kNt57rEx6RU-00048-00083400-00083838 it's really dark inside so we only rely on our boatman's headlamp kNt57rEx6RU-00049-00086902-00087136 there are many beautiful rock formations kNt57rEx6RU-00050-00087204-00087504 but you can only see this much due to the low light kNt57rEx6RU-00051-00097687-00098196 that was very relaxing and the audio from the listening device was very informative kNt57rEx6RU-00052-00100496-00100890 that's the end of our tour time to walk back again from where they droped us off kNt57rEx6RU-00053-00101202-00102432 oh there are more monkeys here hello oh more monkeys here kNt57rEx6RU-00054-00103136-00103520 oh kNt57rEx6RU-00055-00104346-00104706 fist bump ah okay okay kNt57rEx6RU-00056-00106005-00106262 yo fistbump kNt57rEx6RU-00057-00108701-00109409 after the monkey encounter we rode the boat going back and nowwe're almost at the docking area of sabang wharf kNt57rEx6RU-00058-00116550-00116766 bye bye sabang kNt57rEx6RU-00059-00117056-00117500 this is our last trip for today sabang kNt57rEx6RU-00060-00117500-00118050 and we just finished puerto prinsesa cave one of the Seven Wonders of the world (underground river) kNt57rEx6RU-00061-00118158-00118473 it's really nice you should try it kNt57rEx6RU-00062-00118473-00118758 now we're going back to the van (okay where's the van) kNt57rEx6RU-00063-00120919-00121385 the tour has ended and another thing that's convenient is our guide will bring kNt57rEx6RU-00064-00121385-00121883 us back to our hotel thank you Puerto Princesa for the wonderful experience kNt57rEx6RU-00065-00123042-00123822 earlier we were in the underground River tour and now we have a problem kNt57rEx6RU-00066-00123954-00124764 we got shakes before we left the place and now currently we we're having kNt57rEx6RU-00067-00124902-00125664 stomach problems so honey is in the bathroom right now and we're taking turns kNt57rEx6RU-00068-00125664-00126528 trying to relieve ourselves from stomach pain so I suggest not to take any any shakes from kNt57rEx6RU-00069-00126630-00127080 from anywhere because you never know where the where those ice came from kNt57rEx6RU-00070-00127278-00127572 um maybe they say it's clean maybe it's clean but kNt57rEx6RU-00071-00127644-00128418 uh I don't know uh didn't work for me so uh just don't just try to avoid it kNt57rEx6RU-00072-00128777-00129690 it's 2 am in the morning and uh both of us are feeling really bad I think it's because kNt57rEx6RU-00073-00129690-00130164 of the fruit shake we drank a while ago so we're having an upset stomach kNt57rEx6RU-00074-00130224-00130842 we've been going to the bathroom for quite a while for how many times and we've been drinking kNt57rEx6RU-00075-00130956-00131904 medicine hopefully uh we get well because tomorrow or in a few hours we'll be traveling to El Nido kNt57rEx6RU-00076-00132126-00132486 we just have a few time to rest and hopefully um kNt57rEx6RU-00077-00132702-00133100 hopefully our stomach will be okay by that time kNt57rEx6RU-00078-00133116-00133529 good morning now we feel much better we can proceed to El Nido kNt57rEx6RU-00079-00133529-00134358 if you want to learn how to get to El Nido from Puerto Princesa the cheaper and most comfortable way watch and check the link below kNt57rEx6RU-00080-00134430-00134934 thank you for watching don't forget to like And subscribe and see you on our next video kRefZ6aGymu-00000-00000190-00000762 Hi everyone and welcome back to The Rooftop – the home of good news worth kRefZ6aGymu-00001-00000762-00001334 shouting about. Where we share positive stories about issues that matter and kRefZ6aGymu-00002-00001334-00001922 campaigns that make a difference. I'm Tom York and this is episode 7 of kRefZ6aGymu-00003-00001922-00002678 Rooftop TV. Now, for our first story. With social distancing and quarantine kRefZ6aGymu-00004-00002678-00003209 measures still in place across the country the idea of participating in a kRefZ6aGymu-00005-00003209-00003885 2,000 kilometre group walking challenge might sound a little off limits. But kRefZ6aGymu-00006-00003885-00004389 thanks to the wonders of modern technology, that's exactly what staff and kRefZ6aGymu-00007-00004389-00004920 students at a college in Hereford have been doing this month, and all for a kRefZ6aGymu-00008-00004920-00005502 very important cause. Now, I'm pleased to welcome back Simon Francis. Simon is the kRefZ6aGymu-00009-00005502-00006071 editor of The Rooftop and he's got more details about the story. Hi Simon. Hi Tom. kRefZ6aGymu-00010-00006071-00006597 Thanks and good to be back. And yes this story is about a bunch of students and staff kRefZ6aGymu-00011-00006597-00007136 at the Royal National College for the Blind in Hereford and they've been kRefZ6aGymu-00012-00007136-00007797 taking part in a virtual fundraising event. Now they started off by thinking kRefZ6aGymu-00013-00007797-00008295 well let's see if we can use up our daily walking, running, cycling allowances kRefZ6aGymu-00014-00008295-00008825 that we've been allowed over the last few weeks and months and see if we could kRefZ6aGymu-00015-00008825-00009345 do the equivalent of walking to our exchange college in Lyon kRefZ6aGymu-00016-00009345-00009939 in France. But they got there really easily, really quickly. So they basically kRefZ6aGymu-00017-00009939-00010407 pushed on to Madrid. They set themselves a new target to get as far as Madrid, so kRefZ6aGymu-00018-00010407-00010785 they've basically every day just been doing that, their daily exercise and kRefZ6aGymu-00019-00010785-00011352 totting up the numbers and fundraising for their own college kRefZ6aGymu-00020-00011352-00011892 Now the college itself is it's one of the the only places in the whole country kRefZ6aGymu-00021-00011892-00012456 where blind and visually impaired young people can go and get a really intensive kRefZ6aGymu-00022-00012456-00013112 and really great education. Obviously all colleges, universities, charities are all kRefZ6aGymu-00023-00013112-00013383 facing problems the moment in terms of funding and kRefZ6aGymu-00024-00013383-00013772 fundraising so this is a really great way of still being able to do some kRefZ6aGymu-00025-00013772-00014313 fundraising activity and for the college but in a lockdown safe scenario kRefZ6aGymu-00026-00014313-00014676 So good luck so students. They are still fundraising, they're still walking every kRefZ6aGymu-00027-00014676-00015129 day, so you can read more about the story on our website and there you can find kRefZ6aGymu-00028-00015129-00015238 out how to donate. kRefZ6aGymu-00029-00015238-00015433 That's fantastic.Thanks, Simon. kRefZ6aGymu-00030-00015433-00015597 Really great work from the Royal National College for the Blind over in Hereford. kRefZ6aGymu-00031-00015597-00016169 Now, for our next story kRefZ6aGymu-00032-00016169-00016755 In a previous episode we spoke about a community interest company that is kRefZ6aGymu-00033-00016755-00017310 helping to support vulnerable people by providing free laptops and tablets to kRefZ6aGymu-00034-00017310-00017787 those who need them the most. So, the elderly, homeless people, and kRefZ6aGymu-00035-00017787-00018408 refugees, for example, all with the aim of ensuring that they, just like the rest of kRefZ6aGymu-00036-00018408-00019050 us, can access vital services, contact loved ones, buy essential items, and kRefZ6aGymu-00037-00019050-00019572 access online activities that are really important, especially in the current kRefZ6aGymu-00038-00019572-00020310 situation. The company, SocialBox.Biz, works with private organisations to kRefZ6aGymu-00039-00020310-00020874 source old or unused IT equipment which it then distributes to those in need kRefZ6aGymu-00040-00020874-00021459 working in partnership with charities like Age UK and the Refugee Support kRefZ6aGymu-00041-00021459-00022070 Network. Now I'm pleased to welcome to The Rooftop, Madhane Kuflu. Madhane kRefZ6aGymu-00042-00022070-00022649 is one of the recipients of a laptop that was sourced by SocialBox.Biz. kRefZ6aGymu-00043-00022649-00023450 Hi Madhane. Hi. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. You're welcome kRefZ6aGymu-00044-00023450-00023955 Firstly, I just wanted to ask how are you? And and how are you coping in the the kRefZ6aGymu-00045-00023955-00024110 current situation? kRefZ6aGymu-00046-00024110-00024627 Oh, we all know the current situation is quite hard kRefZ6aGymu-00047-00024627-00025182 especially as I was homeless and I don't know what to do kRefZ6aGymu-00048-00025182-00026195 but the government managed to put us in hotels as emergency - to be safe kRefZ6aGymu-00049-00026195-00026662 So I'm okay now. I'm fine. I'm fine, yeah. kRefZ6aGymu-00050-00026895-00027545 So what have you been using your laptop for that SocialBox.Biz have given to you, Madhane? kRefZ6aGymu-00051-00027545-00028254 Yes. First, housing, accommodation. Even though the charities and the councils kRefZ6aGymu-00052-00028254-00028767 are trying to help us by looking for places we are expected to kRefZ6aGymu-00053-00028767-00029320 look for places and tell to the charity or to the council and then the council kRefZ6aGymu-00054-00029320-00029750 or the charity they will do their own thing, about the payment and kRefZ6aGymu-00055-00029750-00030666 the agreement. So this is really helpful to have the laptops because most of the kRefZ6aGymu-00056-00030666-00031233 people, most of, I can't say all of us, we can't afford it we can't buy kRefZ6aGymu-00057-00031233-00031905 a laptop and if you go to any offices even to do something else, apart from kRefZ6aGymu-00058-00031905-00032529 housing, to look for a job or any training they ask you, you have to go kRefZ6aGymu-00059-00032529-00033093 online you have to do this and that, so if you don't have a laptop you'll be kRefZ6aGymu-00060-00033093-00033867 left alone. So it was really, really, really important and I really, I was kRefZ6aGymu-00061-00033867-00034419 glad when they said, "okay the laptops are coming," I said kRefZ6aGymu-00062-00034419-00034806 "well, it was like my my dream." kRefZ6aGymu-00063-00034806-00034959 That's really great to hear. What would you say kRefZ6aGymu-00064-00034959-00035711 to companies and businesses out there who perhaps have spare or unused or old kRefZ6aGymu-00065-00035711-00036402 laptops or tablets? What would you say to them to really encourage them to donate kRefZ6aGymu-00066-00036402-00037030 their old or unused tech to SocialBox.Biz? kRefZ6aGymu-00067-00037030-00037629 Yes, their donation brings people to life. kRefZ6aGymu-00068-00037629-00038819 We can't really live without IT or computers, so if someone kRefZ6aGymu-00069-00038819-00039456 doesn't have access to IT or computers it means they will struggle and kRefZ6aGymu-00070-00039456-00039936 they can't find the way out because, you know, when you're homeless kRefZ6aGymu-00071-00039936-00040503 you come from a very critical situation, socially, economically kRefZ6aGymu-00072-00040503-00041312 and everything is at its very end. Like you can't even have a place to live kRefZ6aGymu-00073-00041312-00042146 so you are broke, so their donation is kRefZ6aGymu-00074-00042146-00042584 very, very important. Let me say it again yeah, I have to say, yeah, thank you for kRefZ6aGymu-00075-00042584-00043042 their donations and it is very important as I mentioned there. kRefZ6aGymu-00076-00043042-00043175 I think you really hit the nail on the head there kRefZ6aGymu-00077-00043175-00043731 with the times that we're living in everybody kRefZ6aGymu-00078-00043731-00044537 should have access to IT and equipment it's essential. So thank you ,Madhane ,for kRefZ6aGymu-00079-00044537-00044838 joining us. We wish you all the very best. Thanks once again kRefZ6aGymu-00080-00044930-00045040 Thank you, Tom. Thank you, everyone. kRefZ6aGymu-00081-00045066-00045116 Thank you very much. kRefZ6aGymu-00082-00045310-00045612 Now, here for our final story, over to you, Simon kRefZ6aGymu-00083-00045612-00046106 Thanks, Tom. Yeah, so, and the last story again is another fundraising story kRefZ6aGymu-00084-00046106-00046388 again, you know, how I mentioned, lots of charities having to think very kRefZ6aGymu-00085-00046388-00046769 differently about how they fundraise and and how to continue to provide vital kRefZ6aGymu-00086-00046769-00047118 services and this is a charity in Leeds that works with homeless people kRefZ6aGymu-00087-00047118-00047678 Simon on the Streets, and they normally do 'sleep outs', you know, where people go kRefZ6aGymu-00088-00047678-00047981 and sleep out for the night and sort of experience what it's like to be homeless kRefZ6aGymu-00089-00047981-00048452 and be sponsored for that. Obviously that's not not possible at the moment kRefZ6aGymu-00090-00048452-00048915 and so instead they've been asking people to do a 'sleep in' so families kRefZ6aGymu-00091-00048915-00049305 right across Yorkshire have been sleeping in, setting up tents in kRefZ6aGymu-00092-00049305-00049821 their in their gardens, in their living rooms, creating dens with their sofas kRefZ6aGymu-00093-00049821-00050321 that sort of thing, and just a really nice fun way to kRefZ6aGymu-00094-00050321-00050837 raise money. And they've raised over £10,000 just over kRefZ6aGymu-00095-00050837-00051168 the last couple of weeks. So again, another really good way of how kRefZ6aGymu-00096-00051168-00051530 charities that are thinking differently about how they can still fundraise and kRefZ6aGymu-00097-00051530-00051840 make it safe for people to do so during lockdown. kRefZ6aGymu-00098-00051840-00052022 That's great, really important kRefZ6aGymu-00099-00052022-00052559 work there, so well done to Simon on the Street, very positive. kRefZ6aGymu-00100-00052559-00052713 Well that's almost all we've got time for this week kRefZ6aGymu-00101-00052713-00053166 You can find out more about all of today's kRefZ6aGymu-00102-00053166-00053510 stories and the other positive news this week on our website kRefZ6aGymu-00103-00053510-00054197 and on Facebook and Instagram at @newsfromtherooftop and kRefZ6aGymu-00104-00054197-00054791 of course on Twitter at @newsfromrooftop. And as always if you've got a kRefZ6aGymu-00105-00054791-00055342 story that you want to shout from The Rooftop about, email it to us at kRefZ6aGymu-00106-00055342-00055533 kRefZ6aGymu-00107-00055533-00056017 Well that really is all we've got time for kRefZ6aGymu-00108-00056017-00056067 I'm Tom York, and this is The Rooftop kRefZ6aGymu-00109-00056067-00056573 the home of good news worth shouting about kRefZ6aGymu-00110-00056573-00058024 Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time. kTcSMg1eCCg-00000-00000022-00000391 Eldis is an in online service the provides free kTcSMg1eCCg-00001-00000391-00000733 access to the best research on development issues. kTcSMg1eCCg-00002-00000733-00001069 We work in collaboration with global partners, kTcSMg1eCCg-00003-00001069-00001549 particularly in developing countries. That's one of the reasons why we can kTcSMg1eCCg-00004-00001549-00001657 give you access kTcSMg1eCCg-00005-00001657-00002032 to cutting-edge research that you won't find on Google. kTcSMg1eCCg-00006-00002032-00002544 And now Eldis includes one of the most comprehensive resource guides kTcSMg1eCCg-00007-00002544-00003092 on Climate Change. Find out how African farmers are adapting to changing weather kTcSMg1eCCg-00008-00003092-00003176 patterns. kTcSMg1eCCg-00009-00003176-00003486 What are the low carbon energy challenges kTcSMg1eCCg-00010-00003486-00003879 facing Asia. The Eldis climate change kTcSMg1eCCg-00011-00003879-00004207 resource guide brings together our selection kTcSMg1eCCg-00012-00004207-00004580 of the best research on climate change and development issues. kTcSMg1eCCg-00013-00004580-00004996 More than 3,000 research and policy papers, kTcSMg1eCCg-00014-00004996-00005387 reports, open access journal articles, kTcSMg1eCCg-00015-00005387-00005752 and research briefing papers at your fingertips. kTcSMg1eCCg-00016-00005752-00006151 All curated by a team of experts that carefully kTcSMg1eCCg-00017-00006151-00006589 select the most relevant and useful information from a diverse range of kTcSMg1eCCg-00018-00006589-00006675 sources. kTcSMg1eCCg-00019-00006675-00007129 With the guide you can keep up to date on a particular theme kTcSMg1eCCg-00020-00007129-00007617 or find the latest reports related to your country or region. kTcSMg1eCCg-00021-00007617-00007938 Read our key issue guides to get a concise kTcSMg1eCCg-00022-00007938-00008436 introduction to a new hot topic. Subscribe to our fortnightly kTcSMg1eCCg-00023-00008436-00008784 email bulletin the Eldis Climate Change Reporter kTcSMg1eCCg-00024-00008784-00009209 to receive highlights of the latest research in your inbox. kTcSMg1eCCg-00025-00009209-00009525 Keep up to date by following Eldis kTcSMg1eCCg-00026-00009525-00009925 on Twitter or read and share regular updates kTcSMg1eCCg-00027-00009925-00010261 on Facebook. If you manage a website, kTcSMg1eCCg-00028-00010261-00010753 or are developing your own applications, our license lets you share kTcSMg1eCCg-00029-00010753-00011206 and remix all Eldis content as long as we are credited. kTcSMg1eCCg-00030-00011206-00011650 Eldis is your gateway to the best research kTcSMg1eCCg-00031-00011650-00011832 on climate change and development kYfJMniZ2zg-00000-00001100-00001800 Monalisa and hubby Vikrant celebrate Eid-ul-Adha at Ajmer dargah kYfJMniZ2zg-00001-00001900-00002900 Mona wore a traditional yellow and off-white salwar kameez while Vikrant donned a red shirt. Bhojpuri actress Antara Biswas aka Monalisa is an avid social media user and often keeps her fans updated about her latest happenings through the medium. kYfJMniZ2zg-00002-00003000-00003700 On the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, the actress along with her husband Vikrant Singh Rajpoot visited the famous Ajmer Dargah. kYfJMniZ2zg-00003-00003800-00004500 Mona took to Instagram and shared the pictures. The couple sought divine blessings on Eid and prayed at the famous Ajmer Sharif Dargah—the Sufi shrine of saint Moinuddin Chishti. kYfJMniZ2zg-00004-00004600-00005300 Mona wore a traditional yellow and off-white salwar kameez while Vikrant donned a red shirt. Several celebrities wished thronged social media to wish fans Eid Mubarak. kYfJMniZ2zg-00005-00005400-00006100 This year, Eid-Al-Adha or Bakr Eid was celebrated on August 22, 2018. Also known as the 'Festival of Sacrifice', it is the second of the two most important Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year. kYfJMniZ2zg-00006-00006200-00006900 The first one being Eid-al-Fitr, and the second one Eid-al-Adha—it is considered the holier of the two. The festival of Eid-al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah as per Islamic lunar calendar. kYfJMniZ2zg-00007-00007000-00007700 As per the Gregorian calendar, Eid-al-Adha dates may vary from year-to-year drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year. Here's wishing our readers 'Eid Mubarak'!. kYP9qIfBxRE-00000-00000066-00000271 - Welcome, I am Becca Peters. kYP9qIfBxRE-00001-00000360-00000697 I'm a Mindfulness Compassion and Meditation Facilitator, kYP9qIfBxRE-00002-00000697-00000919 and I'm here today to share kYP9qIfBxRE-00003-00000919-00001101 some ideas and thoughts and practices kYP9qIfBxRE-00004-00001101-00001430 around the importance of compassion and empathy. kYP9qIfBxRE-00005-00001430-00001672 (cool music) kYP9qIfBxRE-00006-00002204-00002560 Today I'd like to talk about self compassion and empathy. kYP9qIfBxRE-00007-00002560-00002940 Compassion is the desire for another person suffering kYP9qIfBxRE-00008-00002940-00003113 to be alleviated, kYP9qIfBxRE-00009-00003113-00003451 and it's followed by a deep desire to take action, kYP9qIfBxRE-00010-00003451-00003769 to want to help alleviate their suffering. kYP9qIfBxRE-00011-00003864-00004188 Self compassion is the desire to want our own suffering kYP9qIfBxRE-00012-00004188-00004303 to be alleviated. kYP9qIfBxRE-00013-00004389-00004552 And empathy, kYP9qIfBxRE-00014-00004552-00004863 that's putting ourselves in someone else's shoes. kYP9qIfBxRE-00015-00004863-00005149 So why is it important to cultivate self compassion kYP9qIfBxRE-00016-00005149-00005483 and empathy for others and compassion for others? kYP9qIfBxRE-00017-00005483-00005959 Because it strengthens our well of connection, kYP9qIfBxRE-00018-00005959-00006224 and overall in response to feeling more connected kYP9qIfBxRE-00019-00006224-00006566 and less alone, our wellbeing is strengthened. kYP9qIfBxRE-00020-00006566-00006767 Self-compassion is important kYP9qIfBxRE-00021-00006767-00007048 because it helps us to have better regulation kYP9qIfBxRE-00022-00007048-00007240 of our own emotions. kYP9qIfBxRE-00023-00007240-00007569 We begin to value ourselves kYP9qIfBxRE-00024-00007569-00007927 in a way where we check in and say, "How am I doing?" kYP9qIfBxRE-00025-00007927-00008199 Remembering self-compassion is a desire for ourselves kYP9qIfBxRE-00026-00008199-00008406 to wanna be free from suffering, kYP9qIfBxRE-00027-00008406-00008589 which means we develop and cultivate kYP9qIfBxRE-00028-00008589-00008978 a very loving and kind relationship with ourselves. kYP9qIfBxRE-00029-00008978-00009244 And in turn as we deepen this well of compassion kYP9qIfBxRE-00030-00009244-00009393 for ourselves, kYP9qIfBxRE-00031-00009393-00009702 we feel connected and more available to relationships kYP9qIfBxRE-00032-00009702-00009900 that are deepened with others. kYP9qIfBxRE-00033-00009900-00010165 And in fact, self compassion and empathy kYP9qIfBxRE-00034-00010165-00010361 are the antidote to loneliness. kYP9qIfBxRE-00035-00010449-00010630 So where do we begin? kYP9qIfBxRE-00036-00010630-00010839 We begin with ourselves. kYP9qIfBxRE-00037-00010839-00010973 And I'd like to lead you through kYP9qIfBxRE-00038-00010973-00011189 a self-compassion break right now. kYP9qIfBxRE-00039-00011273-00011595 So begin by taking your seat either on a cushion or chair, kYP9qIfBxRE-00040-00011816-00012210 allowing your eyes to gently close or rest open kYP9qIfBxRE-00041-00012210-00012480 with a gentle, soft gaze at the floor in front of you. kYP9qIfBxRE-00042-00012840-00013154 Allowing shoulder blades to rest on your back, kYP9qIfBxRE-00043-00013587-00013771 feeling your sitz bones, kYP9qIfBxRE-00044-00013771-00014052 connect with the chair beneath you or the cushion, kYP9qIfBxRE-00045-00014315-00014702 and taking three deep cleansing breaths, kYP9qIfBxRE-00046-00014991-00015163 remembering that the inhalation kYP9qIfBxRE-00047-00015163-00015385 is nourishing every cell in your body, kYP9qIfBxRE-00048-00015657-00015981 and that there's the possibility with every exhale kYP9qIfBxRE-00049-00015981-00016269 that we let go and surrender, kYP9qIfBxRE-00050-00016269-00016531 and relax into this moment even more. kYP9qIfBxRE-00051-00016927-00017317 So I'm going to ask you to bring to mind kYP9qIfBxRE-00052-00017317-00017496 the situation that you're working with, kYP9qIfBxRE-00053-00017496-00017785 that is causing some degree of stress in your life. kYP9qIfBxRE-00054-00018082-00018507 And many of us have light stressors to heavy stressors, kYP9qIfBxRE-00055-00018507-00018804 and I'm going to suggest that you choose something kYP9qIfBxRE-00056-00018804-00019212 that may be on a scale of one to 10 as roughly four. kYP9qIfBxRE-00057-00019212-00019435 It's not too overwhelming, kYP9qIfBxRE-00058-00019435-00019584 but it's enough so that you can feel kYP9qIfBxRE-00059-00019584-00019881 a little bit of irritation or distress in your body kYP9qIfBxRE-00060-00019881-00020026 when you bring it up to mind. kYP9qIfBxRE-00061-00020288-00020479 So taking a few moments, kYP9qIfBxRE-00062-00020595-00020854 choosing something that you'd like to work with kYP9qIfBxRE-00063-00020854-00020996 in this meditation, kYP9qIfBxRE-00064-00021095-00021517 it's causing some degree of discomfort, in your life, kYP9qIfBxRE-00065-00021972-00022230 and I'd like you to now bring mindfulness, kYP9qIfBxRE-00066-00022230-00022502 this is the first step of the self-compassion break. kYP9qIfBxRE-00067-00022602-00022971 Bring mindfulness to this experience kYP9qIfBxRE-00068-00022971-00023243 by labeling or identifying the motion kYP9qIfBxRE-00069-00023243-00023433 or the discomfort that you're feeling. kYP9qIfBxRE-00070-00023532-00023735 For example, you might say, "Oh, kYP9qIfBxRE-00071-00023914-00024281 "I'm feeling loneliness or stress." kYP9qIfBxRE-00072-00024670-00024910 And then we notice where we're feeling the discomfort kYP9qIfBxRE-00073-00024910-00025005 in the body, kYP9qIfBxRE-00074-00025111-00025366 perhaps it's the chest or the belly, kYP9qIfBxRE-00075-00025481-00025825 or maybe you feel the discomfort all throughout your body. kYP9qIfBxRE-00076-00026062-00026200 By bringing mindfulness, kYP9qIfBxRE-00077-00026200-00026637 remembering that mindfulness is a non-judgemental approach, kYP9qIfBxRE-00078-00026964-00027180 noticing where you feel it in your body, kYP9qIfBxRE-00079-00027366-00027714 and the second step of the self-compassion break is, kYP9qIfBxRE-00080-00027714-00027894 common humanity. kYP9qIfBxRE-00081-00027989-00028320 Reminding ourselves this is what it means to be a human. kYP9qIfBxRE-00082-00028470-00028766 We often feel alone with our challenges, kYP9qIfBxRE-00083-00028885-00029144 and when you remember this is actually what connects us kYP9qIfBxRE-00084-00029144-00029258 as a human race, kYP9qIfBxRE-00085-00029258-00029583 that all over the planet, people are feeling, kYP9qIfBxRE-00086-00029583-00029798 the very same way you're feeling right now. kYP9qIfBxRE-00087-00030100-00030380 Remembering that we're not alone in our challenges kYP9qIfBxRE-00088-00030380-00030561 or suffering or stress, kYP9qIfBxRE-00089-00030664-00030943 allows us to feel more connected to others. kYP9qIfBxRE-00090-00031177-00031475 And the third step of the self-compassion break is, kYP9qIfBxRE-00091-00031475-00031570 kindness. kYP9qIfBxRE-00092-00031762-00031986 So turning within and asking yourself, kYP9qIfBxRE-00093-00031986-00032232 "What is it that I need right now, kYP9qIfBxRE-00094-00032368-00032661 "to feel validated, kYP9qIfBxRE-00095-00032661-00032774 "soothed, kYP9qIfBxRE-00096-00032876-00033053 "nurtured, supported? kYP9qIfBxRE-00097-00033418-00033854 Sometimes it can just be recognizing that we're struggling, kYP9qIfBxRE-00098-00033854-00034076 that can be enough to feel our body kYP9qIfBxRE-00099-00034076-00034195 calm down a little bit. kYP9qIfBxRE-00100-00034364-00034588 We often say in self-compassion practice, kYP9qIfBxRE-00101-00034588-00034813 "Name it to tame it." kYP9qIfBxRE-00102-00034813-00034950 So once we identify kYP9qIfBxRE-00103-00034950-00035213 and name the difficult feeling we're having, kYP9qIfBxRE-00104-00035213-00035612 our physiological response follows suit and it calms down. kYP9qIfBxRE-00105-00035810-00035997 For some of us having a phrase kYP9qIfBxRE-00106-00035997-00036298 or a word whispered into our ear, kYP9qIfBxRE-00107-00036401-00036538 that would be soothing, kYP9qIfBxRE-00108-00036780-00036910 and if you're struggling to know, kYP9qIfBxRE-00109-00036910-00037157 "What would I say to myself or what do I need? kYP9qIfBxRE-00110-00037157-00037346 Many of us don't know. kYP9qIfBxRE-00111-00037346-00037552 You can imagine that, kYP9qIfBxRE-00112-00037552-00037758 you're sitting with a dear friend kYP9qIfBxRE-00113-00037758-00037963 who's going through the very same experience kYP9qIfBxRE-00114-00037963-00038068 you're going through. kYP9qIfBxRE-00115-00038243-00038519 What words of encouragement kYP9qIfBxRE-00116-00038519-00038790 or gesture would you offer to your dear friend? kYP9qIfBxRE-00117-00038988-00039147 What words of kindness? kYP9qIfBxRE-00118-00039422-00039736 Maybe it's something like, "I'm sorry, you're suffering, kYP9qIfBxRE-00119-00039893-00040080 "I'm sorry you're stressed, kYP9qIfBxRE-00120-00040215-00040345 "I'm right here with you." kYP9qIfBxRE-00121-00040935-00041224 So we'll sit in silence for a few moments with you, kYP9qIfBxRE-00122-00041224-00041502 as you gently and lovingly, kYP9qIfBxRE-00123-00041640-00041947 repeat any word or phrases, kYP9qIfBxRE-00124-00041947-00042113 or perhaps it's a gentle touch. kYP9qIfBxRE-00125-00042259-00042501 (cool music) kYP9qIfBxRE-00126-00047271-00047499 Keeping your eyes closed, kYP9qIfBxRE-00127-00047764-00048131 taking a moment to notice what you're feeling in your body, kYP9qIfBxRE-00128-00048424-00048612 in your heart and your mind, kYP9qIfBxRE-00129-00048823-00049102 sometimes it's gonna be tender. kYP9qIfBxRE-00130-00049537-00049972 So we practice self-compassion to be kinder to ourselves kYP9qIfBxRE-00131-00050132-00050273 and to deepen that well kYP9qIfBxRE-00132-00050273-00050653 so that we can access greater compassion and kindness kYP9qIfBxRE-00133-00050653-00050969 in our relationships so that we feel more connected kYP9qIfBxRE-00134-00051056-00051189 and less alone, kYP9qIfBxRE-00135-00051279-00051650 making room for greater joy in our day-to-day life. kYP9qIfBxRE-00136-00051755-00052029 Now that we know that self compassion and empathy kYP9qIfBxRE-00137-00052029-00052317 are antidotes to loneliness, kYP9qIfBxRE-00138-00052317-00052626 I'd also like to remind us that self-compassion kYP9qIfBxRE-00139-00052626-00052907 is a practice that we can utilize kYP9qIfBxRE-00140-00052907-00053182 in every moment of every day. kYP9qIfBxRE-00141-00053182-00053353 So many of us spend our lives kYP9qIfBxRE-00142-00053353-00053825 trying to avoid difficult sensation, trying to avoid stress, kYP9qIfBxRE-00143-00053941-00054277 and it takes up a lot of our time this avoidance. kYP9qIfBxRE-00144-00054277-00054694 Self-compassion provides necessary steps and tools for us kYP9qIfBxRE-00145-00054694-00055096 so that we learn how to be with the challenges in our lives, kYP9qIfBxRE-00146-00055096-00055423 so we're not so distracted and preoccupied with them, kYP9qIfBxRE-00147-00055423-00055923 which gives us more opportunity and time for joy, for play, kYP9qIfBxRE-00148-00055948-00056256 for relationships, creativity and love. kYP9qIfBxRE-00149-00056341-00056475 So I hope that you'll join me kYP9qIfBxRE-00150-00056475-00056963 in practicing the self-compassion break every single day, kYP9qIfBxRE-00151-00056963-00057194 no matter what's going on in your life kYP9qIfBxRE-00152-00057194-00057350 and as a reminder, kYP9qIfBxRE-00153-00057350-00057575 that no matter what is happening, kYP9qIfBxRE-00154-00057575-00057892 you too are deserving of ease , kYP9qIfBxRE-00155-00057892-00058216 and joy and deep peace. kYP9qIfBxRE-00156-00058216-00058458 (cool music) kZ8DwCRas_y-00000-00000768-00001368 Hello, so welcome to one of our In Conversations on the topic of Material Methods, hopefully kZ8DwCRas_y-00001-00001368-00001984 you've seen the first in the series but just in case not this is a series of conversations kZ8DwCRas_y-00002-00001984-00002416 around different projects and different academics who use what might be understood to be kZ8DwCRas_y-00003-00002416-00002944 Material Method. So I'm very excited today we have a kind of slightly different format and it's a kZ8DwCRas_y-00004-00002944-00003408 collective research collective and Stitching Together with us which is Emma and Amy um kZ8DwCRas_y-00005-00003464-00003968 so just to introduce myself in case you don't know who i am my name is Sophie Woodward I'm a senior kZ8DwCRas_y-00006-00003968-00004456 lecturer at the University of Manchester based in the Sociology department and unsurprisingly kZ8DwCRas_y-00007-00004456-00004888 I have an interest in Material Methods and wrote a book about it this year which is one of the kZ8DwCRas_y-00008-00004888-00005344 impetuses for this. And so over to Stitching Together if you'd like to introduce yourselves kZ8DwCRas_y-00009-00005344-00005672 individually because I think we'll have lots of chance to talk about the collective today. kZ8DwCRas_y-00010-00005672-00006336 So my name is Emma Shercliff and I'm a senior lecturer in textiles at the Arts University kZ8DwCRas_y-00011-00006336-00006872 in Bournemouth and i'm Amy Twigger Holroyd I'm associate professor of fashion and sustainability kZ8DwCRas_y-00012-00006872-00007456 at Nottingham Trent University. Okay great thank you so a lot of people watching this kZ8DwCRas_y-00013-00007456-00007831 will be familiar with Stitching Together some people won't be familiar with it and kZ8DwCRas_y-00014-00007831-00008480 but an obvious place for us to start is if you could tell us about what stitching up is and kZ8DwCRas_y-00015-00008480-00008920 in particular given that we're interested in methods here from the perspective of methods. kZ8DwCRas_y-00016-00009072-00009640 Yeah so we coordinate the Stitching Together network and the network brings together people kZ8DwCRas_y-00017-00009640-00010200 who facilitate participatory textile making workshops and projects in loads of different kZ8DwCRas_y-00018-00010200-00010976 settings including as a form of academic research and so within our scope we include every different kZ8DwCRas_y-00019-00010976-00011672 kind of participatory textile making activity that might be knitting, sewing, weaving, crochet, kZ8DwCRas_y-00020-00011672-00012304 printing, the list goes on and on and they might be organized in many different ways kZ8DwCRas_y-00021-00012304-00012824 so from a short dropping workshop where people just come along and have a go at something for kZ8DwCRas_y-00022-00012824-00013424 a short time through to really kind of extended projects that might be with a particular group kZ8DwCRas_y-00023-00013584-00014152 over a really long period of time. And also activities that are coordinated online so the kZ8DwCRas_y-00024-00014152-00014960 the togetherness of the stitching might be kind of um virtual which of course have grown in activity kZ8DwCRas_y-00025-00014960-00015768 a lot in recent months. And through developing the network we've found that textile making activities kZ8DwCRas_y-00026-00015768-00016384 are being used to explore really diverse research questions and to generate data in really kZ8DwCRas_y-00027-00016384-00017168 different ways so we use Stitching Together and Participatory Textile Making as an umbrella term kZ8DwCRas_y-00028-00017168-00017736 that describes an approach to research rather than a specific method or even a family of methods. kZ8DwCRas_y-00029-00017808-00018464 To give some idea of of the scope and the breadth um some of the examples that we've become familiar kZ8DwCRas_y-00030-00018520-00019528 with might include the AHRC-funded S4S project and designing a sensibility for sustainable clothing kZ8DwCRas_y-00031-00019616-00020256 led by professor Fiona Hackney and her team. And they coordinated a variety of textile kZ8DwCRas_y-00032-00020256-00020792 making workshops as a means to explore attitudes towards garment life cycles. kZ8DwCRas_y-00033-00020920-00021640 Another might include the Social Studio which is based in Melbourne Australia founded by kZ8DwCRas_y-00034-00021640-00022304 Grace McQuilton and they offered their roots to training and employment for kZ8DwCRas_y-00035-00022304-00022872 people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and what's really interesting about the work that kZ8DwCRas_y-00036-00022928-00023584 researchers have done there is the work highlights how these shared making activities kZ8DwCRas_y-00037-00023584-00024232 where both researchers and their research subjects teach and learn processes together kZ8DwCRas_y-00038-00024344-00024920 so that sharing can challenge some perhaps the more traditional researcher subject hierarchies kZ8DwCRas_y-00039-00024984-00025927 very interesting to follow that. Another might be Sarah Brown a researcher slash embroiderer whose kZ8DwCRas_y-00040-00025927-00026616 field work in Madagascar involved her using her own skilled stitching skills to learn a different kZ8DwCRas_y-00041-00026616-00027336 craft that of reed weaving. The socially organized making activities that she was involved in kZ8DwCRas_y-00042-00027336-00027983 point towards a different quality of interaction with other crafts people and therefore generate kZ8DwCRas_y-00043-00027983-00028536 different understandings of the significance of those crafts to to the people who practice them. kZ8DwCRas_y-00044-00028672-00029288 And to flag up there are many more examples that we have um discussed at length and in detail in kZ8DwCRas_y-00045-00029288-00029927 the Stitching Together dedicated two-part special edition of the Journal of Arts and kZ8DwCRas_y-00046-00029927-00030752 Communities which will contain 15 case studies of different projects in and across to two issues. kZ8DwCRas_y-00047-00030752-00031200 It's really interesting to hear about that kind of diversity of uses to and also the kZ8DwCRas_y-00048-00031200-00031648 kind of global context as well because I think obviously that speaks to a different element kZ8DwCRas_y-00049-00031648-00032048 of it as well so it's really interesting to hear about that and also maybe points towards some of kZ8DwCRas_y-00050-00032048-00032536 the potentials for extending it as a method. I'm really interested then to think a little bit about kZ8DwCRas_y-00051-00032688-00033072 you know as you've said it's kind of a set of methods but how it is then that you've come kZ8DwCRas_y-00052-00033072-00033520 to these methods so whether that is either kind of personally or academically or both kZ8DwCRas_y-00053-00033520-00033784 how it is that you've ended up with this kind of project. kZ8DwCRas_y-00054-00033856-00034504 Emma and I met while we were both doing our PhDs at different universities but kZ8DwCRas_y-00055-00034504-00034928 around the same time and we discovered this kind of shared approach that we were both kZ8DwCRas_y-00056-00035088-00035792 making textiles with people as a as a kind of means of research for both of us this was informed kZ8DwCRas_y-00057-00035792-00036400 and inspired by previous professional experience as designers and as facilitators of textile kZ8DwCRas_y-00058-00036400-00036920 making activities. So we kind of moved from a professional experience into an academic one. kZ8DwCRas_y-00059-00037000-00037592 So I'd run my own knitwear label and then branched out into running knitting workshops and projects kZ8DwCRas_y-00060-00037592-00038072 which then developed into my research into people's experiences of some of those things. kZ8DwCRas_y-00061-00038200-00038736 Emma had been working with community groups on a series of participatory projects that kZ8DwCRas_y-00062-00038736-00039312 included stitched works and rug making so and a similar a similar story really that that's kZ8DwCRas_y-00063-00039312-00040008 professional practice kind of raising research questions and leading into doctoral research. So kZ8DwCRas_y-00064-00040008-00040464 yeah when we started our PhDs we were bringing those skills and those kind of understandings kZ8DwCRas_y-00065-00040528-00041104 to the projects and found that there wasn't much if any literature to help us think about kZ8DwCRas_y-00066-00041104-00041688 how to develop a methodology um based on the activities that we knew that we could do and that kZ8DwCRas_y-00067-00041688-00042448 would generate such interesting stuff. Like how to generate the data, how to analyze the data, how to kZ8DwCRas_y-00068-00042448-00043112 argue for the validity and rigor of what we were doing um so we muddled our way through but the kZ8DwCRas_y-00069-00043184-00043920 the network is really an effort to sort of more more coherently developed critical understandings kZ8DwCRas_y-00070-00043920-00044456 of these kind of participatory making activities by bringing people together to share their kZ8DwCRas_y-00071-00044456-00044944 experiences the challenges they've encountered and their ideas for how how these things can develop. kZ8DwCRas_y-00072-00044944-00045552 Great that's really interesting to hear so you've talked a lot about the kinds of you know methods kZ8DwCRas_y-00073-00045552-00045976 and in obvious ways I think these are very material but I just wondered if you could kZ8DwCRas_y-00074-00045976-00046456 speak maybe a bit more explicitly to that because obviously this is a series of conversations on kZ8DwCRas_y-00075-00046456-00047136 material methods so either material methods as using materiality as a method or methods kZ8DwCRas_y-00076-00047136-00047592 to understand materiality. Could you speak just a bit more specifically to how Stitching kZ8DwCRas_y-00077-00047592-00048040 Together might be understood as a kind of material method or series of material methods. kZ8DwCRas_y-00078-00048176-00048600 Sure well yes I mean we think there are lots of links with kZ8DwCRas_y-00079-00048600-00049320 the ideas so that you've developed around material methods. Making textiles with other people can kZ8DwCRas_y-00080-00049320-00050104 be a really productive way of understanding their experiences of that activity sort of in the moment kZ8DwCRas_y-00081-00050104-00050840 so it's a way of being able to capture people's reflections their thoughts their responses in the kZ8DwCRas_y-00082-00050840-00051504 moment rather than waiting until afterwards in a very different setting and collecting that data kZ8DwCRas_y-00083-00051504-00052591 for example. It's an efficient way to as Amy was doing to explore ways of learning how people learn kZ8DwCRas_y-00084-00052655-00053384 to practice a craft learn to knit or learn to sew. It can also bring out all sorts of insights into kZ8DwCRas_y-00085-00053520-00054088 experiences related to textiles but but not necessarily just making textiles it could be kZ8DwCRas_y-00086-00054152-00054824 insights into experiences of owning textiles or using textiles in a daily basis living kZ8DwCRas_y-00087-00054824-00055584 with textiles more broadly. That could be in both a social setting or a cultural context. kZ8DwCRas_y-00088-00055696-00056336 And perhaps less obviously we're finding that participatory textile making activities can kZ8DwCRas_y-00089-00056336-00056864 also be used to investigate things which aren't directly linked either to craft kZ8DwCRas_y-00090-00056864-00057464 making activities or textiles because they're they're they're so good at creating a space for kZ8DwCRas_y-00091-00057464-00058136 rich dialogue and exploring the granular detail of a particular area of interest. kZ8DwCRas_y-00092-00058240-00058696 They're methods that really get into the corners of people's lives that kZ8DwCRas_y-00093-00058696-00059328 that perhaps some other methods can't. So um to give a an illustration of this perhaps kZ8DwCRas_y-00094-00059416-00060336 the work of Rhian Solomon an artist maker designer she's initiated collaborative workshops with kZ8DwCRas_y-00095-00060336-00061024 breast reconstruction patients and surgeons to place to facilitate dialogue around kZ8DwCRas_y-00096-00061112-00061864 these very different perspectives of illness and treatment for breast cancer. So yeah there kZ8DwCRas_y-00097-00061864-00062512 are lots of ways I think that these methods connect with your idea of Material Methods. kZ8DwCRas_y-00098-00062567-00062864 Yeah I mean I can see that and I'm really interested in what you're saying at the end kZ8DwCRas_y-00099-00062864-00063320 about how you know it can give you insight into all sorts of other things that maybe you wouldn't kZ8DwCRas_y-00100-00063320-00063848 expect and you know it's not just about obviously clothing in itself is a fascinating thing but also kZ8DwCRas_y-00101-00063848-00064279 it's such an interesting route methodologically into all sorts of other things so yeah really kZ8DwCRas_y-00102-00064279-00064752 interesting. That kind of feeds into a question I'd like to ask actually about disciplines and kZ8DwCRas_y-00103-00064752-00065400 disciplinarity because I think by definition like material methods are interdisciplinary you know so kZ8DwCRas_y-00104-00065400-00065872 many different disciplines that they fall within and I think that's a really interesting thing to kZ8DwCRas_y-00105-00065872-00066344 think about how much particular methods are specific to disciplines or how much kZ8DwCRas_y-00106-00066344-00066760 they are able to translate or speak across. So I wondered if you could answer that in terms of kZ8DwCRas_y-00107-00066760-00067168 your own disciplinary backgrounds and how much you think the kind of methods that you develop kZ8DwCRas_y-00108-00067168-00067536 through stitching together are particular to that or kind of translate beyond discipline. kZ8DwCRas_y-00109-00067648-00068152 Yeah it's a really really good question so we both teach fashion and textiles and we both kZ8DwCRas_y-00110-00068152-00068736 research within an art and design context so for us there's a really kind of clear link between the kZ8DwCRas_y-00111-00068736-00069216 making methods that we're discussing and the kind of topics that we're researching and the kZ8DwCRas_y-00112-00069216-00069672 things that we're teaching. So for example my current research is about imagining kZ8DwCRas_y-00113-00069672-00070376 alternative fashion systems using clothes and textiles as a tool in that process. But one kZ8DwCRas_y-00114-00070376-00070888 of the most striking things about participatory textile making is how it's being used by people kZ8DwCRas_y-00115-00070888-00071456 from very different disciplinary backgrounds and that's what we kind of are unearthing more and kZ8DwCRas_y-00116-00071456-00071888 more and more through the the work of the network is we oh we think we know that it's quite diverse kZ8DwCRas_y-00117-00071888-00072416 and then more people come along we're like well okay it's it's even more diverse than we thought. kZ8DwCRas_y-00118-00072552-00073048 And we think that's probably because textile making is such a widespread accessible and kZ8DwCRas_y-00119-00073048-00073608 flexible activity so it's kind of relevant to people's lives in so many different ways kZ8DwCRas_y-00120-00073608-00074416 but it it kind of um makes it so flexible and you can do textile making in a very kZ8DwCRas_y-00121-00074576-00074992 it's very easy to set up you don't need a lot of stuff so it can be very kind of accessible kZ8DwCRas_y-00122-00074992-00075648 in terms of people having a go with this. So a few examples just to kind of illustrate that diversity kZ8DwCRas_y-00123-00075768-00076360 the work of Jessica Jacobs so she's a geographer and a filmmaker who's been exploring approaches kZ8DwCRas_y-00124-00076360-00076976 to mapping tribal boundaries in the Middle East and she hit a barrier of gender bias so kZ8DwCRas_y-00125-00076976-00077472 in a community that restricts women's interactions in public she wasn't reaching them with the kZ8DwCRas_y-00126-00077472-00078016 filmmaking methods that she was using and came up with the idea of using embroidery as an kZ8DwCRas_y-00127-00078016-00078856 alternative way of kind of accessing women's perspectives. The work of Marana so her doctoral kZ8DwCRas_y-00128-00078856-00079504 research is in the field of psychology and she's exploring the value of craft in dementia care kZ8DwCRas_y-00129-00079504-00079984 so closer to craft but definitely very much within the discipline of psychology. kZ8DwCRas_y-00130-00080224-00080784 And then another example which is about I suppose different disciplines working together. So kZ8DwCRas_y-00131-00080784-00081576 Stephanie Bunn who's a social anthropologist did a case study for us recently a really interesting kZ8DwCRas_y-00132-00081576-00082000 project where she'd been working with colleagues from a whole range of disciplines to investigate kZ8DwCRas_y-00133-00082000-00082512 the mathematics of basketry making and their kind of making together and you know bringing kZ8DwCRas_y-00134-00082512-00083072 those those different very different areas of knowledge together through the process of making. kZ8DwCRas_y-00135-00083200-00083720 Great I mean it's really interesting to hear that kind of diversity and how much you know I mean I'm kZ8DwCRas_y-00136-00083720-00084136 currently a sociologist but I have worked in art and design as well but I can certainly see how how kZ8DwCRas_y-00137-00084136-00084592 many things it speaks to even within disciplines like social science disciplines and I think kZ8DwCRas_y-00138-00084592-00084944 that's something that I think a lot of people who watch this will be social scientists and I kZ8DwCRas_y-00139-00084944-00085328 think they'll be really interested in thinking about it from lots of different perspectives kZ8DwCRas_y-00140-00085328-00085728 and you know like sociology or anthropology certainly and which you mentioned a little bit. kZ8DwCRas_y-00141-00085728-00086200 So then the last question I'd like to ask is what do you think the future of the method is kZ8DwCRas_y-00142-00086200-00086584 where do you think this could lead kind of after this we've heard a lot about kZ8DwCRas_y-00143-00086584-00086984 what you've done but I'd be really interested to think about where you think it could be going. kZ8DwCRas_y-00144-00087088-00087472 Yes and I think we've also indicated that there's you know there is a lot a lot more kZ8DwCRas_y-00145-00087472-00088144 that can be developed. I mean to start with as we've said already I think we'd call it kZ8DwCRas_y-00146-00088144-00088688 more of an approach rather than strictly just a method because there is so much diversity kZ8DwCRas_y-00147-00088688-00089352 both in the format, the scale of these works, the reach, the tools, the techniques, the context kZ8DwCRas_y-00148-00089456-00090232 and of course the research questions. It's a very vibrant area of research that we've discovered kZ8DwCRas_y-00149-00090232-00090744 and there is a lot of enthusiasm from all those who've been working with us in the network kZ8DwCRas_y-00150-00090808-00091520 for doing more research in this area and for using this approach in in research. kZ8DwCRas_y-00151-00091752-00092088 We currently have over 60 network members kZ8DwCRas_y-00152-00092088-00092616 and as Amy's indicated as well from across a very wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. kZ8DwCRas_y-00153-00092704-00093408 Plus additional contributors, critical friends and interested collaborators so there's willingness kZ8DwCRas_y-00154-00093408-00094112 and enthusiasm there but there is a real need to to develop a stronger critical understandings kZ8DwCRas_y-00155-00094168-00094848 both about the doing of it but also about how these approaches can be used and developed. kZ8DwCRas_y-00156-00095000-00095768 Also to discuss the many challenges that arise because yes there are lots of lots of really kZ8DwCRas_y-00157-00095768-00096392 um exciting and positive contributions that people are making but there are challenges kZ8DwCRas_y-00158-00096392-00096992 that do arise when you're researching in this way and we are doing some thinking around this. kZ8DwCRas_y-00159-00097112-00097856 For example people working with vulnerable groups using textile making methods this could kZ8DwCRas_y-00160-00097856-00098376 this can present ethical challenges of course they need to be thought about really carefully. kZ8DwCRas_y-00161-00098512-00099112 Disseminating research findings that are actually embedded in creative and expressive media you know kZ8DwCRas_y-00162-00099112-00099728 that presents a challenge for for researchers as well and also maintaining the integrity kZ8DwCRas_y-00163-00099728-00100400 of the project as research whilst at the same time keeping all these multiple partners happy kZ8DwCRas_y-00164-00100400-00101136 in a project that's a challenge. So there's a lot of work still to do I think in in those areas kZ8DwCRas_y-00165-00101136-00101784 and one of the key outputs of the network the Stitching Together network which we hope kZ8DwCRas_y-00166-00101784-00102408 will help with some of this is our new Good Practice Guidelines document. kZ8DwCRas_y-00167-00102408-00103128 The guidelines provide advice for facilitators of participatory tech style making workshops kZ8DwCRas_y-00168-00103128-00104000 and projects both in research context but also in non-research settings. So for example working kZ8DwCRas_y-00169-00104000-00104672 in community groups with art centers and so on these have been these guidelines been informed by kZ8DwCRas_y-00170-00104672-00105208 input from over 30 network members and critical friends and drawing on you know kZ8DwCRas_y-00171-00105208-00105928 a whole range of experiences and a lot of stored knowledge. So that's very exciting. kZ8DwCRas_y-00172-00106111-00106864 They the guidelines themselves cover and give advice around all sorts of things from devising kZ8DwCRas_y-00173-00106864-00107392 the making activities in the first instance and thinking about what resources might be needed kZ8DwCRas_y-00174-00107456-00108000 right through to the dissemination and the aftercare. Both the after care of kZ8DwCRas_y-00175-00108000-00108768 the project but also the aftercare of of the research and all the way through there's an kZ8DwCRas_y-00176-00108768-00109424 emphasis on ethical practice and inclusivity. So we have done lots of learning there is more to do kZ8DwCRas_y-00177-00109576-00110296 along with the publication we'll be continuing to coordinate opportunities for network members and kZ8DwCRas_y-00178-00110296-00110808 others to come together and share experiences talk about the methods and the approaches kZ8DwCRas_y-00179-00110808-00111320 that they've used and we're very keen for people to use the good practice guidelines kZ8DwCRas_y-00180-00111383-00111792 in their practice and to feed back to us so we've conceived kZ8DwCRas_y-00181-00111848-00112568 these as a foundational structure for these types of activities but of course it's a starting point kZ8DwCRas_y-00182-00112568-00113120 we want to encourage innovation flexibility and the application of these these methods kZ8DwCRas_y-00183-00113192-00113576 and then of course we want to hear about it want to see you know where can these go how can we kZ8DwCRas_y-00184-00113576-00114120 develop this further so it's very exciting lots of work still to do that's for sure. kZ8DwCRas_y-00185-00114208-00114624 That's great I think it I think the good practice guidelines will be brilliant actually because I kZ8DwCRas_y-00186-00114624-00115048 imagine there's a lot of people who are super interested but not really sure how to maybe kZ8DwCRas_y-00187-00115048-00115352 do it and I think particularly coming from social sciences and I think that'll be really kZ8DwCRas_y-00188-00115416-00115856 really helpful for them so that's really good to hear. Okay well thanks very much kZ8DwCRas_y-00189-00115856-00116208 it's been really interesting to hear from Stitching Together and kZ8DwCRas_y-00190-00116208-00117496 I think we'll all really look forward to hearing what happens next so thank you very much. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00000-00000008-00000516 We start with a puzzle. Many physics students have seen the four well-known kZ-wp3j4YVc-00001-00000516-00000971 equations of motion here, but in fact, since there are five variables, there is kZ-wp3j4YVc-00002-00000971-00001454 also a fifth equation. Do you know what it is? The solution will be given near kZ-wp3j4YVc-00003-00001454-00001804 the end of the video. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00004-00002358-00002640 Welcome to this NothingNerdy video on equations of motion. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00005-00002690-00003165 Here is the statement from the IB physics guide. You should be able to make kZ-wp3j4YVc-00006-00003165-00003842 calculations about uniformly accelerated motion using the three formulas in the data booklet. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00007-00003918-00004205 Here is a typical multiple choice question on this topic. You should kZ-wp3j4YVc-00008-00004206-00004596 be able to answer it by the end of the video. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00009-00004662-00004770 The equations of motion are used kZ-wp3j4YVc-00010-00004770-00005264 for calculations about motion for which the velocity changes uniformly. This kZ-wp3j4YVc-00011-00005264-00005661 diagram shows a moving object with a constant acceleration which is kZ-wp3j4YVc-00012-00005661-00006182 represented by the letter a as well as the final and initial velocities v and u, kZ-wp3j4YVc-00013-00006182-00006903 the other variables in the equations are displacement s and time taken t. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00014-00006903-00007409 There are five possible equations of motion. Each one connects four of the quantities kZ-wp3j4YVc-00015-00007409-00007750 which describe uniformly accelerated motion. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00016-00007750-00007940 Here is the first one which is kZ-wp3j4YVc-00017-00007940-00008654 made by rearranging the definition of acceleration: v equals u plus a*t. Each kZ-wp3j4YVc-00018-00008654-00009096 equation includes four of the five variables. Another way of looking at it kZ-wp3j4YVc-00019-00009096-00009543 is that one variable is not included in the equation. For example v equals u plus kZ-wp3j4YVc-00020-00009543-00010084 a*t includes v, u, a and t, but not s. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00021-00010084-00010410 Another equation of motion is found by kZ-wp3j4YVc-00022-00010410-00010865 equating two formulas for average velocity. This is the equation which does kZ-wp3j4YVc-00023-00010866-00011694 not include acceleration, a. s equals v + u times t over 2. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00024-00011844-00012450 If we now substitute equation 1 into equation 2 we can make a third equation: s = u*t + half a t squared. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00025-00012450-00012908 Here, v is the variable which is not used. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00026-00012974-00013534 The fourth equation is also found by combining two equations. If you're interested in kZ-wp3j4YVc-00027-00013534-00013795 how it's done, pause the video and study this kZ-wp3j4YVc-00028-00013795-00014422 derivation. The resulting equation is v squared equals u squared plus 2a*s which kZ-wp3j4YVc-00029-00014422-00014769 uses all of the variables except for t. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00030-00014794-00015640 There is a very useful method to avoid mistakes when making calculations which follows the acronym IF SEA UP: kZ-wp3j4YVc-00031-00015640-00016444 information - formula - substitute - evaluate - answer - unit - precision. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00032-00016478-00016972 Let's apply the IF SEA UP method to a question: kZ-wp3j4YVc-00033-00016972-00017240 A plane lands and its velocity changes from kZ-wp3j4YVc-00034-00017240-00017779 100 to 20 meters per second over a distance of 720 meters. What is its kZ-wp3j4YVc-00035-00017780-00018445 average acceleration? So the information we have is v u and s which is three kZ-wp3j4YVc-00036-00018446-00019006 variables, so we know we can find any of the others. We need a. The formula using kZ-wp3j4YVc-00037-00019006-00019690 these variables is v squared equals u squared plus 2 a*s. We rearrange it to kZ-wp3j4YVc-00038-00019691-00020237 find a and then we substitute in the numbers and finally we arrive at kZ-wp3j4YVc-00039-00020237-00020732 6.7 meters per second squared. The precision should be two significant kZ-wp3j4YVc-00040-00020732-00021119 figures which is the same as the least precise figure which is 20 meters per kZ-wp3j4YVc-00041-00021119-00021572 second, so we write that the acceleration is six point seven meters per second squared kZ-wp3j4YVc-00042-00021572-00022068 in the opposite direction to the motion. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00043-00022068-00022894 For this question we have to decide which formula to use so that we know we have the quantities s and t and kZ-wp3j4YVc-00044-00022895-00023623 u and we want to find a and therefore s equals ut plus a half at squared is the kZ-wp3j4YVc-00045-00023623-00024197 formula we're going to use. We substitute into that the numbers that we know. We kZ-wp3j4YVc-00046-00024197-00024764 rearrange it and that will give us this calculation here. 100 divided by kZ-wp3j4YVc-00047-00024764-00025363 6.5 and the answer is 16 meters per second squared kZ-wp3j4YVc-00048-00025363-00025757 Here is the answer to the puzzle we asked at the beginning: Most textbooks mentione four kZ-wp3j4YVc-00049-00025757-00026207 equations and it's true that we can calculate anything using these, but there kZ-wp3j4YVc-00050-00026207-00026651 is a fifth one which is the equation which omits the initial velocity u. kZ-wp3j4YVc-00051-00026651-00027133 it is found using the same method we used to prove s equals ut plus a half a*t squared kZ-wp3j4YVc-00052-00027133-00028093 The result is very similar: s equals vt minus a half a*t squared. ka_3jhQxgRY-00000-00000000-00000308 Alright we're ready to go on a roadtrip here on Cache Canada. ka_3jhQxgRY-00001-00000308-00000454 and we have sparky500 there. ka_3jhQxgRY-00002-00000532-00000748 We have sparkle, and JayJayCache, ka_3jhQxgRY-00003-00000748-00000968 Lyriclass, and londonwesty...we're ready to go but first... ka_3jhQxgRY-00004-00001086-00001268 lyriclass has a public service announcement. ka_3jhQxgRY-00005-00001338-00001657 Yes, thank you to all the people who are subscribing to our channel. ka_3jhQxgRY-00006-00001673-00001855 -It's been fabulous. We love you. ka_3jhQxgRY-00007-00001864-00002074 Numbers are going up. Everything is going good. ka_3jhQxgRY-00008-00002074-00002638 And we are ready to go large in -Grand Rapids Michigan. -Let's go. Woo! ka_3jhQxgRY-00009-00003879-00004160 Just like that we're in Grand Rapids. Let's go get a cache. ka_3jhQxgRY-00010-00004174-00004416 I don't think this one is gonna stump us. ka_3jhQxgRY-00011-00004550-00004716 This one's well used. ka_3jhQxgRY-00012-00004920-00005124 -There you go. -Woo! ka_3jhQxgRY-00013-00005884-00006278 -It's a bison. -It's a bison? It's a big one. [laugh] ka_3jhQxgRY-00014-00006388-00006620 Now that's my kind of bison in the woods. ka_3jhQxgRY-00015-00006634-00006831 Got to like it when it's a small. ka_3jhQxgRY-00016-00006840-00007068 We have a few caches under our belt so far. ka_3jhQxgRY-00017-00007118-00007416 The Cold Cache Crew puts out a series every year. ka_3jhQxgRY-00018-00007509-00007909 And they usually put out a bunch of larges to make it easier for people in the winter time to find caches. ka_3jhQxgRY-00019-00007976-00008358 This year they didn't put out so many larges. Some of them are regular and small. ka_3jhQxgRY-00020-00008372-00008524 But we are having a great time. ka_3jhQxgRY-00021-00008552-00008994 And! We're going to an event today that's a chili cook off. ka_3jhQxgRY-00022-00009006-00009286 And we're going to meet Neil Moore of Cache Tales ka_3jhQxgRY-00023-00009300-00009462 and maybe Bob Billy. ka_3jhQxgRY-00024-00009852-00009944 Whoo! ka_3jhQxgRY-00025-00010250-00010410 This is what we're after. ka_3jhQxgRY-00026-00010480-00010730 A good large cache. A nice find in the winter. ka_3jhQxgRY-00027-00010862-00011420 And... nice and dry. There we go. Sign the log sheet. ka_3jhQxgRY-00028-00011688-00011900 There we go. Let's get some chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00029-00013968-00014224 Hey! Look who I found. It's Neil Moore. ka_3jhQxgRY-00030-00014278-00014510 Hey! Your not supposed to be serving the chili. Get out here. We got to talk. ka_3jhQxgRY-00031-00014510-00014844 -I'm eatin'. -Your eatin'. It's not eating time yet. Get out here! ka_3jhQxgRY-00032-00014913-00015369 We're here with Neil Moore, of Cache Tales. If you haven't seen his channel check the link that's going to pop up. ka_3jhQxgRY-00033-00015396-00015804 In one of those corners. I never know which one. -Ah, It would be this one. ka_3jhQxgRY-00034-00015810-00015994 -This one here. Okay, there you go. ka_3jhQxgRY-00035-00016012-00016810 -Or maybe it's this one here. -[in unison]-Or that one over there. -Or that one...Or this one... -that one. -Yah, we'll put it right here. [phhh] ka_3jhQxgRY-00036-00016932-00017422 So tell us about chili? -The chili cook off. This is the fourteenth year. ka_3jhQxgRY-00037-00017514-00018378 We have ten cooks. Every year it's ten cooks. And everyone that is in attendance is going to taste the chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00038-00018394-00018490 -I can't wait. ka_3jhQxgRY-00039-00018614-00019418 -We have a ballot. This year we're voting for our top three to get the actual top chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00040-00019514-00019976 And then there's: best presentation, and there's also hottest chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00041-00019976-00020264 I've seen some good spots already that have good presentation. ka_3jhQxgRY-00042-00020268-00020678 -I don't want the hottest chili. - I do. I do -I'll let you finish that. ka_3jhQxgRY-00043-00020714-00020914 Alright, let's get some chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00044-00022142-00022598 Tell us about the chili? Why is it called the Rainbow Pepper Sparkle Chili? ka_3jhQxgRY-00045-00022660-00023792 -Well, um, there's rainbow peppers, and there's the sparkles. -Special sparkle ingredient. Cool. ka_3jhQxgRY-00046-00023836-00024132 Awesome. Is this going to be the best one? ka_3jhQxgRY-00047-00024132-00024380 Do you think you're going to be the winner? Uhh! ka_3jhQxgRY-00048-00024380-00024532 Alright here's a high five for you. Woo! ka_3jhQxgRY-00049-00024556-00025366 You've seen the interview we had with Cachedrone, and now we have a reviewer in Michigan that's reviewing for Iowa. ka_3jhQxgRY-00050-00025372-00025777 but there's a story. Meet Tiki. Tell us your story? ka_3jhQxgRY-00051-00025786-00026268 -Hi. Well, um, I'm originally from Michigan. I started reviewing here. ka_3jhQxgRY-00052-00026268-00026514 We moved to Iowa several years ago ka_3jhQxgRY-00053-00026514-00026970 and opportunity arose there. So we've been reviewing there for the last few years. ka_3jhQxgRY-00054-00027054-00027582 Moved back to Michigan a couple of years ago and ah, now we'll be reviewing Michigan again. ka_3jhQxgRY-00055-00027582-00027808 -Your going to be part of Michigan's team. Yup. ka_3jhQxgRY-00056-00027808-00028016 What's going to happen to Iowa? ka_3jhQxgRY-00057-00028016-00028577 -Well, the ah, the reviewer we brought in when we came back, turned out to be a fantastic pick. ka_3jhQxgRY-00058-00028708-00028977 Iowalandmark is the reviewer name. -Alright. ka_3jhQxgRY-00059-00029042-00029562 He's amazing. So I kind of worked myself out of a job. [laughing] ka_3jhQxgRY-00060-00029688-00030318 -I found yet another reviewer, and this one is... -I was hiding though. -You were hiding? Oh, okay. ka_3jhQxgRY-00061-00030338-00030556 Well now your not hiding. -Disregard the t-shirt. ka_3jhQxgRY-00062-00030560-00031136 alenite. -alenite. You review for? -South West Michigan. -South West Michigan. ka_3jhQxgRY-00063-00031144-00031612 How many reviewers are there from Michigan? -Four. -Four? Four! ka_3jhQxgRY-00064-00031638-00031889 Jeez, I thought Ontario had a lot with three. Holly molly. ka_3jhQxgRY-00065-00031914-00032664 -I've been a reviewer since October 2013. Recruited by the previous person you talked to. ka_3jhQxgRY-00066-00032664-00033040 This used to be his area. -This was his area. Now do you want to give it back? ka_3jhQxgRY-00067-00033052-00033216 -No. [laughing] ka_3jhQxgRY-00068-00033228-00033448 -It's very nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. ka_3jhQxgRY-00069-00033478-00033670 -Wahoo! -Do you think your going to be number one? ka_3jhQxgRY-00070-00033728-00034158 -We're hoping! -Well, we're hoping! -Just presentation has a big influence. ka_3jhQxgRY-00071-00034168-00034782 Your presentation was awesome. I voted it for #1. Just to let you know. Not that were getting any favors or anything like that. ka_3jhQxgRY-00072-00034782-00035256 -Thank you. -If you can slip some chili into my bag that'd be good. [laughing] -Might make a mess. ka_3jhQxgRY-00073-00035284-00035518 -Thanks very much for putting this on. It's awesome! ka_3jhQxgRY-00074-00035524-00035908 -Ya! -Thank you for coming all the way from Canadia. -From Canadia, we did. ka_3jhQxgRY-00075-00035908-00036258 Don't forget to Cache Canada, and come on out and get some chili. ka_3jhQxgRY-00076-00036260-00036752 and check this event out if you can. Get to Canada, get to the US. Get to everywhere you can... ka_3jhQxgRY-00077-00036752-00037156 -Be sure to go to the Geocaching Capital of Canada, and do that series. That's a blast! -See ya! -Bye! ka_3jhQxgRY-00078-00037770-00038174 -So where did you go hunting for the venison? -Up in Kalkaska Michigan. ka_3jhQxgRY-00079-00038194-00038880 -So what do you put in the chili? -Normally one pound of venison, and half a pound of Italian pork sausage. -Oh it's good! ka_3jhQxgRY-00080-00038904-00039548 It's the best! -This was absolutely lyriclass' favorite. -It is! -Because it has venison in it. Yes? -Yes. ka_3jhQxgRY-00081-00039556-00039878 She grew up on that stuff. Thank you very much. It was an awesome chili. -Thank you. ka_3jhQxgRY-00082-00040094-00040310 Okay Neil thanks for the fun event! It was Awesome! ka_3jhQxgRY-00083-00040310-00040688 Some great chili. We can't stay though we have to go out and get some caches. ka_3jhQxgRY-00084-00040688-00040968 -Geocaching! What are you crazy? -I know, it's what it's all about. ka_3jhQxgRY-00085-00040986-00041638 So, we won't know who the winner is. But if you catch his video. We'll put the link below. ka_3jhQxgRY-00086-00041650-00042012 You'll be able to see who won. I think I know who it is. I'm guessing. ka_3jhQxgRY-00087-00042082-00042618 I think I might have... -Is it? -Yes, that's it. Absolutely! ka_3jhQxgRY-00088-00043120-00043212 -Peek-a-boo! ka_3jhQxgRY-00089-00043880-00044102 -The title of this next cache we're after ka_3jhQxgRY-00090-00044222-00044324 Is called Locked out. ka_3jhQxgRY-00091-00044358-00044940 Everything you need to be able to get into the cache is there, and available. ka_3jhQxgRY-00092-00045004-00045344 So, will we be locked out? Or can we get in? ka_3jhQxgRY-00093-00045478-00045656 The masters are at work. ka_3jhQxgRY-00094-00046862-00047252 With a little help from Neil Moore, we were on the right track, ka_3jhQxgRY-00095-00047252-00047370 but we got in. ka_3jhQxgRY-00096-00047370-00047602 So, what is everybody saying about this one? ka_3jhQxgRY-00097-00047602-00048158 -It's pretty cool. It's very well done. It's one of the really well done caches that I've seen like this. ka_3jhQxgRY-00098-00048164-00048364 -I think that's well worth a favorite point. ka_3jhQxgRY-00099-00048368-00048418 -Yup! ka_3jhQxgRY-00100-00048418-00049004 -That had a couple of different elements to it, in order to get you into that cache. That was awesome! ka_3jhQxgRY-00101-00049004-00049522 Yes? -Absolutely. -The distraction distracted us. -For quite awhile. ka_3jhQxgRY-00102-00049610-00050000 Good cache. Let's pull down a favorite point. We can give it two. ka_3jhQxgRY-00103-00050094-00050156 Seeh. ka_3jhQxgRY-00104-00050996-00051220 We have a special visitor with us. ka_3jhQxgRY-00105-00051248-00051414 We've got Bob Billy! ka_3jhQxgRY-00106-00051432-00051752 -Howdy, there. How you doing there Mr. londonwesty? -I'm doing okay. ka_3jhQxgRY-00107-00051752-00051929 How are you? -I'm doin' fine ka_3jhQxgRY-00108-00051929-00052338 -It is so nice to see you. You got your own channel too don't you? ka_3jhQxgRY-00109-00052348-00052604 -Well, I kinda piggy back on Mr. Neil. ka_3jhQxgRY-00110-00052605-00052732 -Ya, but so? ka_3jhQxgRY-00111-00052732-00052914 You got the redneck geocatcher. ka_3jhQxgRY-00112-00052950-00053105 -By the way, ka_3jhQxgRY-00113-00053200-00053344 I got somethin' for ya. ka_3jhQxgRY-00114-00053404-00053796 -Oh! Something for our new geomobile. ka_3jhQxgRY-00115-00053808-00054104 -And I got one of these here too. -Oh, that's awesome. ka_3jhQxgRY-00116-00054104-00054476 -It's a Bob Billy pin. -A Bob Billy pin. Something for the bag. For the geobag. ka_3jhQxgRY-00117-00054476-00054854 -One for you too, for your guests here. -Thank you so much. ka_3jhQxgRY-00118-00054855-00055064 -I better turn off some recording. ka_3jhQxgRY-00119-00055074-00055438 -You gotta check that out, and the link will be in below. Somewhere somehow. ka_3jhQxgRY-00120-00055438-00055962 Check out Bob Billy, the Redneck Geocatcher. One of the best geo-vloggers out there. ka_3jhQxgRY-00121-00055998-00056204 -Ah, thank ya, I do da best I can. ka_3jhQxgRY-00122-00056204-00056346 By the way, Who's Link? ka_3jhQxgRY-00123-00056414-00056505 -Who's link? ka_3jhQxgRY-00124-00056540-00056834 -You said... -Oh! Were going to put Link below. He's hiding down there. ka_3jhQxgRY-00125-00056841-00057428 Oh, there he is. Hi, ya Link how ya doin'? -[laughing] He's a nice fellar. He's short. Short but nice. ka_3jhQxgRY-00126-00057450-00057605 [grinding sound] ka_3jhQxgRY-00127-00057678-00057864 Spells the combination to the lock... ka_3jhQxgRY-00128-00057970-00058324 Another great gadget cache here in Grand Rapids ka_3jhQxgRY-00129-00058334-00058812 sparky500 is spinning the wheel checking for lights in there. Which give you the clues for the cache. ka_3jhQxgRY-00130-00058812-00059124 Neil Moore is here with us again checking this one out. ka_3jhQxgRY-00131-00059162-00059472 Awesome, looks like a good cache. We just got to get in. ka_3jhQxgRY-00132-00059544-00059729 [grinding sound] ka_3jhQxgRY-00133-00060550-00060670 [grinding sound] ka_3jhQxgRY-00134-00060674-00061094 We finally got into that one. That is absolutely an awesome cache! ka_3jhQxgRY-00135-00061094-00061354 If your in Grand Rapids come on out and see this one ka_3jhQxgRY-00136-00061354-00061766 and bring Neil with you, because he has the right letter in his head there to get into that. ka_3jhQxgRY-00137-00062770-00063222 Now sometimes you gotta go to a cache that is special to you. ka_3jhQxgRY-00138-00063264-00063666 This one I had to go to. This is a Neil Moore cache. ka_3jhQxgRY-00139-00063714-00063834 And I found it. ka_3jhQxgRY-00140-00063884-00064484 I was going to go further down, but it said it was a 3, 1.5, so I just followed along the wall. ka_3jhQxgRY-00141-00064541-00065008 I looked over the railing.. and that doesn't belong there. Found the cache. ka_3jhQxgRY-00142-00065008-00065279 Thanks Neil. Good hide. kbFx2NtWASM-00000-00000000-00000200 Vernier caliper 3D Parts Design in Solidworks (Part- 2) (Moving Under Jaw) kbIcVMChmRk-00000-00001391-00001942 you're still here and you get another chance kbIcVMChmRk-00001-00001942-00003109 this day to do better and be better another chance to become more of who you kbIcVMChmRk-00002-00003109-00004398 were created and what you are created to fulfill everyone in the world is capable kbIcVMChmRk-00003-00004398-00004887 of living outside the role are beyond the rules that they place themselves in kbIcVMChmRk-00004-00004887-00005317 no matter what it is you're not just a data you're not just a banker you're not kbIcVMChmRk-00005-00005317-00005965 just a brother or a son or a convict it doesn't matter like everyone is bigger kbIcVMChmRk-00006-00005965-00006426 much bigger infinitely bigger than the roles they place themselves in and is kbIcVMChmRk-00007-00006426-00007197 capable of reaching potential greater than anything they could imagine kbIcVMChmRk-00008-00007498-00008098 you can live the life you desire it's right there in front of you but in order kbIcVMChmRk-00009-00008098-00008828 to achieve it you must first see it then believe it and then you must graciously kbIcVMChmRk-00010-00008828-00009508 ask and train your brain to help you execute your vision kbIcVMChmRk-00011-00009814-00010292 so when you start to focus and you delete distraction from your life and kbIcVMChmRk-00012-00010292-00010952 you start to get seriously invested in doing one thing's staggeringly well and kbIcVMChmRk-00013-00010952-00011606 you practice that one thing over and over a term to think about is mundanity kbIcVMChmRk-00014-00011606-00012095 you do one simple seemingly insignificant thing every day around kbIcVMChmRk-00015-00012095-00012620 your main skill and it's very mundane with small daily improvements over time kbIcVMChmRk-00016-00012620-00013100 lead to world-class results well here's what happens in your brain you start to kbIcVMChmRk-00017-00013100-00013676 isolate a single neuro circuit around that skill and that starts to trigger a kbIcVMChmRk-00018-00013676-00014173 certain type of brain cell called an oligodendrocyte which then releases kbIcVMChmRk-00019-00014173-00014738 myelin myelin is a fatty tissue that starts to wrap around that single neuro kbIcVMChmRk-00020-00014738-00015298 circuit related to that main skill you've been practicing and when myelin kbIcVMChmRk-00021-00015298-00015812 starts to wrap around the brain circuit what happens is you have accelerated kbIcVMChmRk-00022-00015812-00016459 learning times you can see more quickly heightened perception and you'll learn kbIcVMChmRk-00023-00016459-00017000 and that is really the quote unquote secret of the great art Doozers it's not kbIcVMChmRk-00024-00017000-00017441 a result of some natural but their daily practice the kbIcVMChmRk-00025-00017441-00017735 relentlessness and their grit their work ethic and kbIcVMChmRk-00026-00017735-00018770 their singular focus and sacrifice kbIcVMChmRk-00027-00018770-00019950 a great life is built not by revolution a great life is built by evolution small kbIcVMChmRk-00028-00019950-00020484 and steady wins the race what you do every day is far more important than kbIcVMChmRk-00029-00020484-00020996 what you do once every decade I want you to really think about that idea what you kbIcVMChmRk-00030-00020996-00021562 do every day of your life in and as you live every single day so kbIcVMChmRk-00031-00021562-00022027 you're crafting your life what you do over the next hours is really building kbIcVMChmRk-00032-00022027-00022702 your future and if you can just get every single pocket of 24 hours right as kbIcVMChmRk-00033-00022702-00023155 best as we humanly can the rest of our life is going to take care of itself kbIcVMChmRk-00034-00023155-00023577 so small wins matter kbIcVMChmRk-00035-00023723-00024373 the scripture says we will eat the fruit of our words you are planting seeds when kbIcVMChmRk-00036-00024373-00024944 you talk at some point you're going to eat that fruit my challenge is make sure kbIcVMChmRk-00037-00024944-00025531 you're planning the right kind of seeds if you want apples you have to sow apple kbIcVMChmRk-00038-00025531-00026144 seeds if you want oranges you can't plant cactus seeds poison ivy seeds kbIcVMChmRk-00039-00026144-00026647 mushroom seeds you're going to reap fruit from the exact seeds that you've kbIcVMChmRk-00040-00026647-00027191 been selling in other words you can't talk negative and expect to live a kbIcVMChmRk-00041-00027191-00027608 positive life you can't talk defeat and expect to have kbIcVMChmRk-00042-00027608-00028226 victory you can't talk lack not enough can't afford it never get ahead and kbIcVMChmRk-00043-00028226-00028738 expect to have abundance if you have a poor mouth you're going to have a poor kbIcVMChmRk-00044-00028738-00029376 life if you don't like what you're seeing start sowing some different seeds kbIcVMChmRk-00045-00029726-00030314 we may not realize it but we're always feeding ourselves what we want listen to kbIcVMChmRk-00046-00030314-00030800 the people we're around the thoughts were dwelling on that's feeding our kbIcVMChmRk-00047-00030800-00031391 inner man if you go to lunch with people that talk bad about the boss make fun of kbIcVMChmRk-00048-00031391-00031795 a co-worker put down a friend they're feeding you gossip kbIcVMChmRk-00049-00031795-00032231 feeding you jealousy feeding you disrespect here's the key kbIcVMChmRk-00050-00032231-00032756 whatever you feed is going to grow you may not like what they're feeding you kbIcVMChmRk-00051-00032756-00033305 you're a nice person but if you continue to hang around them before long you'll kbIcVMChmRk-00052-00033305-00033533 be gossiping you'll be critical you'll be kbIcVMChmRk-00053-00033533-00034112 disrespectful why because you kept feeding the wrong things if you're kbIcVMChmRk-00054-00034112-00034565 always feeding negative thoughts thinking I'll never get well I'll never kbIcVMChmRk-00055-00034565-00035281 meet the right person you're feeding down feeding mediocrity feeding fear kbIcVMChmRk-00056-00035402-00035907 if you know exactly what you want to be you need to spend as much time with kbIcVMChmRk-00057-00035907-00036989 people that are actually that already kbIcVMChmRk-00058-00037365-00038008 you cannot let a fear of failure or a fear of comparison or a fear of judgment kbIcVMChmRk-00059-00038008-00038500 stop you from doing what's going to make you great you cannot succeed without kbIcVMChmRk-00060-00038502-00038986 this risk of failure you cannot have a voice without the risk of criticism kbIcVMChmRk-00061-00038986-00039406 and you cannot love without the risk of loss you must go out and you must take kbIcVMChmRk-00062-00039406-00039650 these risks kbIcVMChmRk-00063-00039992-00040545 you'll have the time to waste time cuz time doesn't wait till you discover your kbIcVMChmRk-00064-00040545-00040974 purpose if you don't know why you was born time kbIcVMChmRk-00065-00040974-00041790 is still moving and if you discover your purpose at 90 years old it's too late kbIcVMChmRk-00066-00042160-00042643 you don't know how young you are what if you die two years you pretty old right kbIcVMChmRk-00067-00042643-00043000 now you got two years left and if you're fifty years older you're feeling kbIcVMChmRk-00068-00043000-00043285 discouraged we'll remember the advice about planning a tree when's the best kbIcVMChmRk-00069-00043285-00043554 when is the best time of planting kbIcVMChmRk-00070-00043554-00043718 tree 20 years ago or kbIcVMChmRk-00071-00043763-00044231 so if you're 50 and you feel like life left me behind we get started right now kbIcVMChmRk-00072-00044231-00044703 better late than never better late than never don't think about time and age so kbIcVMChmRk-00073-00044703-00045313 much it gets people distracted when the whole world's distracted you be focused kbIcVMChmRk-00074-00045599-00046193 you have to trust your own voice your own ideas your honesty your kbIcVMChmRk-00075-00046193-00046676 vulnerability and through this you will find your way you do not have to be kbIcVMChmRk-00076-00046676-00047282 fearless just don't let fear stop you live like this as best you can and I kbIcVMChmRk-00077-00047282-00047648 guarantee you will look back on a life well-lived kbIcVMChmRk-00078-00047648-00048158 you are capable of greatness in your profession and more importantly in your kbIcVMChmRk-00079-00048158-00048986 quality of self stay hungry stay young at heart take those risks you are going kbIcVMChmRk-00080-00048986-00049537 to change the world around you in big ways and in small kbIcVMChmRk-00081-00050525-00050939 but see anybody if you want to can go searching for a good plan pick up and kbIcVMChmRk-00082-00050939-00051302 start working it and sure enough as the time passes as it surely will five years kbIcVMChmRk-00083-00051302-00051590 from now ten years from now then you'll be winding up wearing what you want to kbIcVMChmRk-00084-00051590-00051887 wear driving what you want to drive living where you want to live become kbIcVMChmRk-00085-00051887-00052666 what you want to become but now's the time to fix the next in you and who can kbIcVMChmRk-00086-00052666-00053078 ANYBODY kbIcVMChmRk-00087-00053526-00054073 you were created to give life and make a difference at your gifts kbIcVMChmRk-00088-00054073-00054924 to somebody that's why you came to this place kbIcVMChmRk-00089-00055055-00055502 want to improve you want to get better you want to get kbIcVMChmRk-00090-00055502-00056029 on a workout program or a clean diet you want to start a business you want to kbIcVMChmRk-00091-00056029-00056498 write a book or make a movie or build a house or a computer or put together some kbIcVMChmRk-00092-00056498-00057190 mobile application where do you start kbIcVMChmRk-00093-00057255-00057804 you start right here and when do you start you start right now kbIcVMChmRk-00094-00057804-00058634 you initiate the action aggressively you go kfABuFNnNsc-00000-00006030-00006322 Four, case of not passing the exams kfABuFNnNsc-00001-00006322-00006520 You can check your score report kfABuFNnNsc-00002-00006540-00006895 To see what is your strengths and what your weaknesses kfABuFNnNsc-00003-00006972-00007256 Then, you should focus on your weaknesses points kfABuFNnNsc-00004-00007256-00007486 And strengthen it by training kfABuFNnNsc-00005-00007558-00007956 Also, you can use the Cert-Master on-line tool program kfABuFNnNsc-00006-00007956-00008158 To train on your weaknesses kfABuFNnNsc-00007-00008240-00008418 After the sufficient training kfABuFNnNsc-00008-00008418-00008620 You can purchase the exam voucher kfABuFNnNsc-00009-00008620-00008904 Re-Schedule, and enter the exam again kfABuFNnNsc-00010-00008970-00009304 Five, after passing the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00011-00009382-00009882 The degree you get will be displayed on the screen, after immediately it is finished kfABuFNnNsc-00012-00009978-00010298 When you pass the exam, you will receive a greeting email kfABuFNnNsc-00013-00010298-00010590 To show you how to enter the success record kfABuFNnNsc-00014-00010674-00011040 You will need the score record, the exam registration record kfABuFNnNsc-00015-00011040-00011368 The access information for your record kfABuFNnNsc-00016-00011384-00011704 And your email which you registered by kfABuFNnNsc-00017-00011734-00011988 To enter your certification account kfABuFNnNsc-00018-00012320-00012490 Now, buying the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00019-00012512-00012736 Which consists of two points kfABuFNnNsc-00020-00012752-00013016 First, the payment ways kfABuFNnNsc-00021-00013097-00013404 There are 3 ways to buy the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00022-00013450-00013654 One, using a credit card kfABuFNnNsc-00023-00013726-00014096 The credit card can be used to buy from a comptia store kfABuFNnNsc-00024-00014104-00014388 Or to buy from the pearson website kfABuFNnNsc-00025-00014486-00014906 You can buy at the same time, when booking the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00026-00014954-00015666 On pearson website, also, you can book through the nearest authorized testing center kfABuFNnNsc-00027-00015756-00015962 2- using PayPal kfABuFNnNsc-00028-00016013-00016468 Comptia store offers dealing through the pay-pal accounts kfABuFNnNsc-00029-00016534-00016800 Three, using the purchase order kfABuFNnNsc-00030-00016896-00017254 It is used with comptia and pearson VUE Site kfABuFNnNsc-00031-00017302-00017570 And to get a po or purchase order kfABuFNnNsc-00032-00017582-00017934 You can contact the pearson website via the email kfABuFNnNsc-00033-00017974-00018464 kfABuFNnNsc-00034-00018526-00018772 And then wait for request approval kfABuFNnNsc-00035-00018828-00019092 Second, the buying ways kfABuFNnNsc-00036-00019196-00019488 To enter the exam, you have to buy the exam voucher kfABuFNnNsc-00037-00019600-00019970 Which is a special code number, that you can enter the exam by kfABuFNnNsc-00038-00019970-00020184 In any approved testing centers kfABuFNnNsc-00039-00020276-00020612 To buy this exam voucher, there is more than one way kfABuFNnNsc-00040-00020688-00021070 1- buy a voucher or more from the comptia store kfABuFNnNsc-00041-00021136-00021508 2- buy from the pearson VUE when booking kfABuFNnNsc-00042-00021588-00021912 3- buying from the testing centers themselves kfABuFNnNsc-00043-00022016-00022304 Also you could buy a complete bundle kfABuFNnNsc-00044-00022468-00022814 Where a bundle is a package of more than one thing kfABuFNnNsc-00045-00022832-00023206 Such as books, practical training or electronic training kfABuFNnNsc-00046-00023206-00023380 Plus the exam voucher kfABuFNnNsc-00047-00023448-00023800 Some of these packages include a re-exam voucher kfABuFNnNsc-00048-00023822-00024220 Which used in case of you need to enter the exam once again kfABuFNnNsc-00049-00024306-00024648 Theses bundles or packages have discounts on them kfABuFNnNsc-00050-00024736-00025178 Also you can buy a large size of bundles or exam vouchers kfABuFNnNsc-00051-00025256-00025648 Through the comptia store, where in the single request kfABuFNnNsc-00052-00025648-00025898 With 25,000 $ kfABuFNnNsc-00053-00026250-00026454 Now, with the exam scheduling kfABuFNnNsc-00054-00026504-00026777 And we will discuss 4 parts in this section kfABuFNnNsc-00055-00026850-00027058 First, creating an account kfABuFNnNsc-00056-00027156-00027544 You have to enter the world testing center platform websites kfABuFNnNsc-00057-00027558-00027816 Here is the Pearson vue website kfABuFNnNsc-00058-00027872-00028018 kfABuFNnNsc-00059-00028120-00028516 Then, sign up and create an account with your email kfABuFNnNsc-00060-00028583-00028820 Second the testing centers kfABuFNnNsc-00061-00028918-00029124 When you preparing for the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00062-00029124-00029277 Access the pearson website kfABuFNnNsc-00063-00029277-00029554 And search for the next testing center from you kfABuFNnNsc-00064-00029662-00029850 You can order the exam first kfABuFNnNsc-00065-00029850-00030036 and then choose the test center kfABuFNnNsc-00066-00030092-00030372 Third, schedule your exam kfABuFNnNsc-00067-00030460-00030792 You can access your exam account at pearson vue website kfABuFNnNsc-00068-00030802-00031224 Through which, you can book, re-book or cancel your reservation kfABuFNnNsc-00069-00031252-00031500 For a particular exam kfABuFNnNsc-00070-00031570-00031986 After purchasing the exam number, and obtaining the special number kfABuFNnNsc-00071-00032002-00032176 You can book a test date kfABuFNnNsc-00072-00032204-00032377 From the pearson website kfABuFNnNsc-00073-00032386-00032650 And then choose your nearest exam center kfABuFNnNsc-00074-00032727-00033112 Also you can schedule the exam with pearson vue through phone kfABuFNnNsc-00075-00033136-00033444 Or through the testing center nearest you directly kfABuFNnNsc-00076-00033542-00033748 Fourth, saving data kfABuFNnNsc-00077-00033864-00034052 Once you have specified the date kfABuFNnNsc-00078-00034052-00034202 And time of your exam kfABuFNnNsc-00079-00034202-00034412 You receive a confirmation email kfABuFNnNsc-00080-00034412-00034610 With the registration information kfABuFNnNsc-00081-00034644-00034870 That you will need at the testing center kfABuFNnNsc-00082-00034964-00035242 This information must be kept in a safe place kfABuFNnNsc-00083-00035368-00035606 You will use some of these information kfABuFNnNsc-00084-00035606-00035820 In addition to your registered email kfABuFNnNsc-00085-00035820-00036002 To enter the certificate record kfABuFNnNsc-00086-00036018-00036228 When you passing the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00087-00036538-00036700 The exam policies kfABuFNnNsc-00088-00036716-00037044 There are 12 existed policies in Comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00089-00037126-00037400 Once the candidate agreement kfABuFNnNsc-00090-00037468-00037700 Which is a policy of certification kfABuFNnNsc-00091-00037700-00037988 And holding for candidates and apeals kfABuFNnNsc-00092-00038074-00038328 2- the candidate testing policies kfABuFNnNsc-00093-00038418-00038778 Includes policies of residence during exam kfABuFNnNsc-00094-00038778-00039004 Exam record, exam content kfABuFNnNsc-00095-00039004-00039218 And the test outside countries kfABuFNnNsc-00096-00039400-00039630 Three, voucher terms kfABuFNnNsc-00097-00039724-00040002 The policies include a details of terms kfABuFNnNsc-00098-00040002-00040452 And conditions that governing the comptia exam vouchers kfABuFNnNsc-00099-00040566-00040808 Four, the candidate ID Policy kfABuFNnNsc-00100-00040860-00041236 Includes information about stopping testing centers kfABuFNnNsc-00101-00041236-00041422 And how to deliver the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00102-00041422-00041680 And the experimental testing policy kfABuFNnNsc-00103-00041772-00042028 Five, certification re-take policy kfABuFNnNsc-00104-00042116-00042444 Contains policy details of re-scheduling the exams kfABuFNnNsc-00105-00042444-00042602 And entry again kfABuFNnNsc-00106-00042668-00042958 Sixth, the exam delivery policies kfABuFNnNsc-00107-00043032-00043318 Contains a details of identity forms kfABuFNnNsc-00108-00043330-00043614 That are allowed to bring it during the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00109-00044094-00044370 Seventh, the sharing exam results kfABuFNnNsc-00110-00044404-00044742 Demonstrates the policy of sharing exam results kfABuFNnNsc-00111-00044814-00045078 Eighth, exam development kfABuFNnNsc-00112-00045194-00045588 Explain the process of developing the exam policies kfABuFNnNsc-00113-00045632-00045876 Ninth, continuing education kfABuFNnNsc-00114-00045994-00046256 The renewal policies of certification kfABuFNnNsc-00115-00046256-00046450 And for audit results kfABuFNnNsc-00116-00046458-00046700 Is the education continuing program kfABuFNnNsc-00117-00046826-00047096 Tenth, the exam security hot-line kfABuFNnNsc-00118-00047204-00047464 Is the comprehensive security line for kfABuFNnNsc-00119-00047464-00047654 Comptia exam security kfABuFNnNsc-00120-00047676-00047990 That can be used to report security violations kfABuFNnNsc-00121-00048006-00048172 Candidate misconduct kfABuFNnNsc-00122-00048172-00048552 In-fragment of intellectual priority rights kfABuFNnNsc-00123-00048582-00048802 Use of unauthorized training kfABuFNnNsc-00124-00048812-00049048 And the other security concerns kfABuFNnNsc-00125-00049172-00049456 Eleventh, candidate appeals process kfABuFNnNsc-00126-00049532-00049864 Describe the process of challenging candidates for kfABuFNnNsc-00127-00049878-00050350 Sanctions imposed due to violation of exam security policies kfABuFNnNsc-00128-00050452-00050796 Twelfth, the unauthorized training materials kfABuFNnNsc-00129-00050904-00051305 Policy that identifies the unauthorized training materials kfABuFNnNsc-00130-00051322-00051540 And penalties for their use kfABuFNnNsc-00131-00051612-00051872 Note that, for more in depth details kfABuFNnNsc-00132-00051872-00052070 About these twelve policies kfABuFNnNsc-00133-00052070-00052366 You can find it on the comptia website kfABuFNnNsc-00134-00052641-00052972 Now, the exams types by certification kfABuFNnNsc-00135-00053141-00053379 First, the core certification exams kfABuFNnNsc-00136-00053450-00053817 1- the IT fundamentals + certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00137-00053854-00054202 It has the exam number FC0-U51 kfABuFNnNsc-00138-00054272-00054574 And this exam in its way to be retired kfABuFNnNsc-00139-00054636-00054824 And its new exam is kfABuFNnNsc-00140-00054866-00055112 FC0-U61 kfABuFNnNsc-00141-00055182-00055366 Has 75 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00142-00055462-00055812 Questions types are, choose from multiple kfABuFNnNsc-00143-00055904-00056152 It has the time of 60 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00144-00056205-00056666 The passing score is 650 from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00145-00056732-00056876 It has no requires kfABuFNnNsc-00146-00056966-00057334 Its currently price is 119$ kfABuFNnNsc-00147-00057417-00057617 2- A+ Certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00148-00057728-00058120 Has the exams number, 220-901 kfABuFNnNsc-00149-00058222-00058484 And 220-902 kfABuFNnNsc-00150-00058588-00058824 And has 90 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00151-00058824-00058954 For each exam kfABuFNnNsc-00152-00059022-00059282 Questions types are, multiple choice kfABuFNnNsc-00153-00059296-00059594 Drag and drop and performance questions kfABuFNnNsc-00154-00059672-00059941 Time of exams is 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00155-00059941-00060104 For each one kfABuFNnNsc-00156-00060224-00060398 The score degree of passing is kfABuFNnNsc-00157-00060398-00060772 700 from 900 for the first exam kfABuFNnNsc-00158-00060804-00061326 And is 675 from 900 for the second exam kfABuFNnNsc-00159-00061429-00061855 It requires from 9 to 12 months of practical experience kfABuFNnNsc-00160-00061972-00062098 Its price is kfABuFNnNsc-00161-00062110-00062458 219$ for each exam kfABuFNnNsc-00162-00062548-00062794 Three, the network + certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00163-00062894-00063466 For it, you can take the exam number N10-006, or the new kfABuFNnNsc-00164-00063529-00063766 N10-007 kfABuFNnNsc-00165-00063816-00063979 It has 90 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00166-00064108-00064276 Types are multiple choice kfABuFNnNsc-00167-00064276-00064494 Drag and drop and performance questions kfABuFNnNsc-00168-00064554-00064790 Time is 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00169-00064832-00065260 Passing score is 720 from 900 degrees kfABuFNnNsc-00170-00065352-00065696 Requirements are, obtaining the A+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00171-00065728-00065918 And from 9 to 12 month kfABuFNnNsc-00172-00065918-00066136 Of experience in networks kfABuFNnNsc-00173-00066230-00066732 Its currently price is 319$ kfABuFNnNsc-00174-00066786-00067166 Fourth, the last one, the security + certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00175-00067210-00067600 Has the exam number SY0-401 kfABuFNnNsc-00176-00067600-00067952 Or the new one, SY0-501 kfABuFNnNsc-00177-00068042-00068296 Has 90 questions of the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00178-00068338-00068494 The questions types kfABuFNnNsc-00179-00068524-00068854 Multiple choice and questions of performance kfABuFNnNsc-00180-00068900-00069138 Exam time, 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00181-00069172-00069534 Scoring to pass is 750 from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00182-00069588-00069930 Requirements, you have to obtain the A+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00183-00069992-00070492 Plus 2 years of experience in the IT and Security fields kfABuFNnNsc-00184-00070568-00071072 Its currently price is 339$ kfABuFNnNsc-00185-00071394-00071772 Secondly, the infrastructure exams kfABuFNnNsc-00186-00071964-00072198 One, the server plus certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00187-00072218-00072538 Has exam number SK0-004 kfABuFNnNsc-00188-00072564-00072764 With 100 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00189-00072812-00073060 and questions types are, multiple choice kfABuFNnNsc-00190-00073108-00073304 The exam is 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00191-00073332-00073710 Passing score is 750 from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00192-00073778-00074022 It requires obtaining the A+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00193-00074036-00074390 And two years of experience in server management kfABuFNnNsc-00194-00074430-00074892 Currently price is 319$ kfABuFNnNsc-00195-00074926-00075152 2- the Linux + certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00196-00075190-00075864 It has 2 exams, LX0-103 and the new one LX0-104 kfABuFNnNsc-00197-00075898-00076112 It has 60 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00198-00076152-00076528 With type multiple choice, and fill the gab questions kfABuFNnNsc-00199-00076528-00076788 Time of exam is 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00200-00076804-00077196 Score is 500 degree from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00201-00077208-00077500 Requires to obtain the A+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00202-00077500-00077674 N+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00203-00077674-00078006 And a year of experience in Linux operating system kfABuFNnNsc-00204-00078006-00078382 Its exam price is 219$ kfABuFNnNsc-00205-00078418-00078746 Also it has an experimental exam kfABuFNnNsc-00206-00078754-00079056 Which is XK1-004 kfABuFNnNsc-00207-00079062-00079328 And has 114 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00208-00079352-00079668 With multiple choice and performance-based questions kfABuFNnNsc-00209-00079714-00080020 It has 165 minutes in time kfABuFNnNsc-00210-00080062-00080344 Score of passing this exam is dedicated later kfABuFNnNsc-00211-00080390-00080700 Requires a year of experience in Linux servers kfABuFNnNsc-00212-00080722-00080918 Its price is 50$ kfABuFNnNsc-00213-00080978-00081266 Three, the Cloud+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00214-00081326-00081836 Which has 2 exams, CV0-001 and CV0-002 kfABuFNnNsc-00215-00081870-00082192 As for the first exam is 100 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00216-00082192-00082508 And the second has 90 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00217-00082552-00082832 The first has a multiple choice questions kfABuFNnNsc-00218-00082848-00083258 Where the second has, multiple choice and performance questions kfABuFNnNsc-00219-00083300-00083676 Exam time is 90 minutes for each exam kfABuFNnNsc-00220-00083676-00084210 Also pass score is 750 from 900 for each of the two exams kfABuFNnNsc-00221-00084270-00084598 Also it requires experience from 2 to 3 years kfABuFNnNsc-00222-00084612-00085014 In the system administration, data center and cloud technology kfABuFNnNsc-00223-00085060-00085444 Price is 319$ per exam kfABuFNnNsc-00224-00085732-00086096 Thirdly, the cyber-security certification exams kfABuFNnNsc-00225-00086162-00086408 First certificate, PenTest + kfABuFNnNsc-00226-00086468-00086800 Has the exam number PT0-001 kfABuFNnNsc-00227-00086822-00087028 With 85 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00228-00087062-00087404 Types, choose from multiple and performance questions kfABuFNnNsc-00229-00087452-00087720 Has 165 minutes in time kfABuFNnNsc-00230-00087768-00088190 Score of passing is 750 from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00231-00088252-00088644 It needs obtaining the security + and the Network + certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00232-00088692-00089054 In addition to from 3 to 4 years of experience kfABuFNnNsc-00233-00089076-00089314 In the field of security and networks kfABuFNnNsc-00234-00089374-00089802 Currently price is 349$ kfABuFNnNsc-00235-00089860-00090150 Second, the CASP Certification kfABuFNnNsc-00236-00090182-00090530 Which has the exam number CAS-003 kfABuFNnNsc-00237-00090570-00090734 With 90 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00238-00090734-00091002 Types, multiple choice and performance kfABuFNnNsc-00239-00091016-00091246 Time, 165 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00240-00091290-00091570 Success or Fail only kfABuFNnNsc-00241-00091624-00092124 Requirements about 10 years of experience in IT and Security Management kfABuFNnNsc-00242-00092172-00092492 Price now is 439$ kfABuFNnNsc-00243-00092558-00092844 Third, the CySA+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00244-00092874-00093192 Has the CS0-001 exam kfABuFNnNsc-00245-00093222-00093568 With 85 questions in the exam kfABuFNnNsc-00246-00093576-00093936 Types, choice from multiple, and performance-based kfABuFNnNsc-00247-00093950-00094158 has 165 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00248-00094178-00094530 Score to pass is 750 from 900 kfABuFNnNsc-00249-00094546-00094984 Requires the gaining of the Security+ and Network+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00250-00095034-00095454 Plus from 3 to 4 years of experience in the security and networks kfABuFNnNsc-00251-00095464-00095652 The exam price is kfABuFNnNsc-00252-00095706-00095906 349$ kfABuFNnNsc-00253-00096096-00096372 Lastly in the exams by certification kfABuFNnNsc-00254-00096372-00096550 we will discuss now the fourth type kfABuFNnNsc-00255-00096550-00096838 Additional professional certification exams kfABuFNnNsc-00256-00096866-00097114 First, the cloud essentials Cert. kfABuFNnNsc-00257-00097162-00097482 Has the CLO-001 exam kfABuFNnNsc-00258-00097490-00097688 With number of 50 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00259-00097698-00097956 Type of questions is multiple of choice kfABuFNnNsc-00260-00097968-00098170 Has time of 60 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00261-00098200-00098676 Score of passing is 720 from 900 degrees kfABuFNnNsc-00262-00098686-00098952 It needs an experience about 6 months kfABuFNnNsc-00263-00098952-00099178 In IT environments and cloud kfABuFNnNsc-00264-00099194-00099478 Price currently is 119$ kfABuFNnNsc-00265-00099520-00099806 Second, the CTT+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00266-00099806-00100244 Has 2 exams, first, TK0-201 kfABuFNnNsc-00267-00100244-00100814 Second, TK0-202 or TK0-203 kfABuFNnNsc-00268-00100814-00101102 The first exam is 85 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00269-00101102-00101494 For the second, is not applicable currently kfABuFNnNsc-00270-00101498-00101878 Questions types, multiple choice + drag and drop kfABuFNnNsc-00271-00101910-00102170 and for the second, also not applicable kfABuFNnNsc-00272-00102184-00102458 First exam is 90 minutes in time kfABuFNnNsc-00273-00102468-00102842 The second from 17 to 22 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00274-00102859-00103358 The success score is 655 from 900 for the first one kfABuFNnNsc-00275-00103416-00103956 for the second is 36 from 48 degrees kfABuFNnNsc-00276-00103968-00104454 Both exams require an experience from 6 months to 1 year kfABuFNnNsc-00277-00104468-00104692 As a trainer in the IT environment kfABuFNnNsc-00278-00104732-00105114 It has 319$ for the first exam kfABuFNnNsc-00279-00105114-00105474 And it is 339$ for the second kfABuFNnNsc-00280-00105556-00105785 Third certificate, project + kfABuFNnNsc-00281-00105883-00106185 Has exam PK0-004 kfABuFNnNsc-00282-00106206-00106509 With 95 questions kfABuFNnNsc-00283-00106509-00106902 Type, multiple choice and drag and drop kfABuFNnNsc-00284-00106926-00107142 Time, 90 minutes kfABuFNnNsc-00285-00107146-00107552 Score to pass is 710 from 900 degrees kfABuFNnNsc-00286-00107596-00107940 requires one year of experience in project management kfABuFNnNsc-00287-00107952-00108292 Price is currently is 319$ kfABuFNnNsc-00288-00108528-00108894 Point 5, the career paths with comptia technology kfABuFNnNsc-00289-00109100-00109602 First of all, any one who desire to enter the IT field through comptia technology kfABuFNnNsc-00290-00109602-00109902 He should starts with the core skills certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00291-00109928-00110052 Which are kfABuFNnNsc-00292-00110209-00111214 A+ certificate then Security+ then Network+ and finally the IT Fundamentals+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00293-00111232-00111540 After that he can take one of the two paths kfABuFNnNsc-00294-00111540-00111808 First, the cyber-security pathway kfABuFNnNsc-00295-00111864-00112120 Second, the infrastructure pathway kfABuFNnNsc-00296-00112196-00112585 To continue in the cyber-security path, you should follow kfABuFNnNsc-00297-00112644-00112898 The following certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00298-00112988-00113226 The Penteration test + certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00299-00113226-00113554 For who desire the offensive security, or kfABuFNnNsc-00300-00113700-00113928 The CySA+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00301-00113928-00114161 For who desire the defensive security kfABuFNnNsc-00302-00114196-00114383 Then take the certificate of kfABuFNnNsc-00303-00114502-00114870 CASP, as the advanced level in the cyber security kfABuFNnNsc-00304-00114935-00115238 As for who desire the Infrastructure career path kfABuFNnNsc-00305-00115238-00115444 They can follow the certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00306-00115511-00115642 Linux+ Cert. kfABuFNnNsc-00307-00115700-00115918 Then Server+ Cert. kfABuFNnNsc-00308-00115948-00116222 And finally the cloud+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00309-00116250-00116594 After that there are the additional professional skills kfABuFNnNsc-00310-00116635-00116882 For whom want to enhance their skills kfABuFNnNsc-00311-00116926-00117250 where they can continuing with the certificates as follows kfABuFNnNsc-00312-00117364-00117554 The project+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00313-00117620-00117890 Then , the cloud essentials certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00314-00117940-00118261 And lastly the CTT+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00315-00118550-00118914 Point 6, continuing education inside comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00316-00119168-00119396 We will mention here 3 parts kfABuFNnNsc-00317-00119438-00119735 First, the renewal process kfABuFNnNsc-00318-00119770-00120011 Which within we will talk about these points kfABuFNnNsc-00319-00120042-00120288 Overview about the renewal process kfABuFNnNsc-00320-00120350-00120490 Renewal price kfABuFNnNsc-00321-00120614-00120976 Units of continuing education or CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00322-00121024-00121194 Multiple Renewal kfABuFNnNsc-00323-00121194-00121509 And last one is how to renew the certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00324-00121559-00121752 Second, Renewal Path kfABuFNnNsc-00325-00121816-00122111 That within the renewal of certification, using kfABuFNnNsc-00326-00122111-00122254 A single activity kfABuFNnNsc-00327-00122350-00122606 And then using a multiple activities kfABuFNnNsc-00328-00122635-00122840 And last the renewal options kfABuFNnNsc-00329-00122930-00123240 Third, why should you renew your certificate? kfABuFNnNsc-00330-00123340-00123588 As the IT Field, is one of the fastest kfABuFNnNsc-00331-00123588-00123750 Growing areas in general kfABuFNnNsc-00332-00123776-00124150 Therefore, the IT professional needs to keep pace kfABuFNnNsc-00333-00124150-00124506 With the latest methods and technologies in the IT kfABuFNnNsc-00334-00124588-00124959 Also, the renewal of certificate is useful because of kfABuFNnNsc-00335-00125038-00125376 It provers the constant updating and compatibility kfABuFNnNsc-00336-00125376-00125606 With the latest technologies in the field kfABuFNnNsc-00337-00125711-00125978 It also grants the advantages of kfABuFNnNsc-00338-00126042-00126200 Career development kfABuFNnNsc-00339-00126200-00126450 Confront the potential dangerous kfABuFNnNsc-00340-00126470-00126692 And competitive features kfABuFNnNsc-00341-00126964-00127222 We will explain now, the renewal process kfABuFNnNsc-00342-00127233-00127446 Which contains 5 sections kfABuFNnNsc-00343-00127468-00127611 First, overview kfABuFNnNsc-00344-00127656-00128158 We will mention here some notes about the renewal of certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00345-00128330-00128578 The certifications can be renewed through kfABuFNnNsc-00346-00128578-00128744 a comptia given tool, or kfABuFNnNsc-00347-00128744-00129226 A program called, the comptia continuing education program or CE kfABuFNnNsc-00348-00129300-00129668 The following certificates are universally certified kfABuFNnNsc-00349-00129668-00129809 With the standard of kfABuFNnNsc-00350-00129820-00130050 The ISO/ANSI kfABuFNnNsc-00351-00130130-00130268 These certificates are kfABuFNnNsc-00352-00130302-00130698 A+, N+, Security+, Cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00353-00130698-00131124 PenTest+, CySA+ and CASP+ kfABuFNnNsc-00354-00131194-00131546 each certificate is expired after a 3 years kfABuFNnNsc-00355-00131546-00131740 From the date of acquisition kfABuFNnNsc-00356-00131776-00132022 And so the certificates must be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00357-00132022-00132280 Before its expiry date comes kfABuFNnNsc-00358-00132374-00132644 The renewal process is done in 3 ways kfABuFNnNsc-00359-00132738-00133118 First, learn the CE Program, that we will speak about it kfABuFNnNsc-00360-00133118-00133316 After while, in this lesson kfABuFNnNsc-00361-00133386-00133712 2- choose the renewal path, that we prefer kfABuFNnNsc-00362-00133800-00134158 3- send the completed activities that you have kfABuFNnNsc-00363-00134196-00134534 and we will also explain these activities in this video kfABuFNnNsc-00364-00134622-00134826 Second, the renewal fees kfABuFNnNsc-00365-00135034-00135360 To renew the certificates using the CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00366-00135360-00135668 You have to pay the renewal fee, before sending kfABuFNnNsc-00367-00135702-00135914 Your completed activities kfABuFNnNsc-00368-00135994-00136194 That help you in renewing kfABuFNnNsc-00369-00136270-00136534 Before the expiry date of your certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00370-00136592-00137028 Comes, you will receive a reminder kfABuFNnNsc-00371-00137134-00137274 On your account kfABuFNnNsc-00372-00137298-00137674 Or your registered mail, that notifies you for renewal kfABuFNnNsc-00373-00137766-00138074 Renewal prices are paid for 3 coming years kfABuFNnNsc-00374-00138138-00138382 There prices are currently kfABuFNnNsc-00375-00138420-00138970 For the A+ certificate, the renewal fee is 75$ kfABuFNnNsc-00376-00139002-00139428 And for any other certificate, the renewal fee is kfABuFNnNsc-00377-00139438-00139606 150$ kfABuFNnNsc-00378-00139674-00140072 The payment is by credit card or pay-pal kfABuFNnNsc-00379-00140148-00140494 Also your payment is done through the certificate account kfABuFNnNsc-00380-00140572-00140902 Now, we will mention the activities, that if you are done kfABuFNnNsc-00381-00140910-00141302 You will not pay this renewal fees kfABuFNnNsc-00382-00141336-00141752 1- the success in the latest version of comptia exams kfABuFNnNsc-00383-00141804-00142016 2- obtaining a high level kfABuFNnNsc-00384-00142068-00142404 Certificate, that also we will talk about it kfABuFNnNsc-00385-00142530-00143044 3- if you make the renewal through the Cert-Master program, CE kfABuFNnNsc-00386-00143142-00143582 In case of you need to renew several certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00387-00143604-00144000 You will pay the fees for the highest level certificates only kfABuFNnNsc-00388-00144020-00144218 Among all your certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00389-00144254-00144820 And it will renew automatically the lower level certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00390-00145148-00145520 Third section, that we will explain in the renewal process is kfABuFNnNsc-00391-00145528-00145860 The CEUs, or the continuing education units kfABuFNnNsc-00392-00145860-00146138 It is a units that you will gain it from kfABuFNnNsc-00393-00146138-00146312 Some activities you do kfABuFNnNsc-00394-00146312-00146712 Where each certificate needs a certain number of units kfABuFNnNsc-00395-00146712-00146826 To be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00396-00146874-00146992 These units kfABuFNnNsc-00397-00146992-00147410 Can be acquired as we mentioned, by some activities kfABuFNnNsc-00398-00147458-00147778 And here are some informations about the units kfABuFNnNsc-00399-00147778-00147996 For renewal to each certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00400-00148028-00148498 Where, the A+ certificate needs 20 units to be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00401-00148498-00148826 The network+ needs 30 CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00402-00148826-00149272 Security and cloud+ need 50 CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00403-00149288-00149666 For each one, the PenTest+ and the CySA+ need kfABuFNnNsc-00404-00149666-00150046 60 CEUs, and finally the CASP certificate needs kfABuFNnNsc-00405-00150046-00150220 70 CEU kfABuFNnNsc-00406-00150294-00150796 The acquisition of these units must be related to the activities kfABuFNnNsc-00407-00150796-00150974 That you do accordingly kfABuFNnNsc-00408-00151092-00151534 As for the activities, it must be completed within 3 years kfABuFNnNsc-00409-00151534-00151934 And that is the period of the certification renewal duration kfABuFNnNsc-00410-00152088-00152400 Half of your activities must relate to kfABuFNnNsc-00411-00152400-00152680 One or more of the exam objectives kfABuFNnNsc-00412-00152680-00152842 For your certification kfABuFNnNsc-00413-00152992-00153446 And now, we will mention some activities that you do kfABuFNnNsc-00414-00153446-00153774 To earn theses certificate renewal units kfABuFNnNsc-00415-00153834-00154268 You have document these activities which are like kfABuFNnNsc-00416-00154338-00154852 1- earn IT certificates for non-comptia such as earn kfABuFNnNsc-00417-00154936-00155294 Certificates form Microsoft or cisco or other companies kfABuFNnNsc-00418-00155354-00155748 2- complete a higher education or a specific training kfABuFNnNsc-00419-00155840-00156322 3- participate in the activities of the IT industry projects kfABuFNnNsc-00420-00156422-00156836 Publish an article, page, blog or book kfABuFNnNsc-00421-00156836-00157082 According to your certificate IT Field kfABuFNnNsc-00422-00157272-00157682 5- gain a business experience related to your certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00423-00157820-00158200 Note that, there is a tool to evaluate your activities kfABuFNnNsc-00424-00158200-00158434 In order to meet the previous requirements kfABuFNnNsc-00425-00158448-00158722 Which is the CEU assessments kfABuFNnNsc-00426-00158722-00159004 That is available on comptia website kfABuFNnNsc-00427-00159178-00159502 Now, the fourth section, multiple renewals kfABuFNnNsc-00428-00159606-00159964 Where, in case of obtaining more than one comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00429-00159964-00160102 Certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00430-00160118-00160506 You can renew only the highest level of your certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00431-00160542-00161036 And it will automatically renew all the lower level certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00432-00161070-00161510 And now, some examples of the highest level certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00433-00161612-00161922 where the A+ cert. is the lowest certificate in kfABuFNnNsc-00434-00161922-00162262 In a group of certifications such as what is shown here kfABuFNnNsc-00435-00162312-00162598 That, the N+ is higher then kfABuFNnNsc-00436-00162678-00163254 The CySA then the PenTest+ and last the CASP kfABuFNnNsc-00437-00163254-00163562 which is the highest one, if you renew it kfABuFNnNsc-00438-00163562-00163950 All the previous certificates before, will be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00439-00164084-00164368 Second group, the A+ with Linux+ kfABuFNnNsc-00440-00164382-00164784 You need only in this group to renew the highest cert. kfABuFNnNsc-00441-00164784-00164930 Which is the Linux+ kfABuFNnNsc-00442-00165020-00165554 Also here, the server+ is the highest certificate then the N+ then the A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00443-00165554-00165818 So you can only renew the Server+ kfABuFNnNsc-00444-00165906-00166296 Also you can earn the continuing education units kfABuFNnNsc-00445-00166336-00166710 By obtaining a new certificates, if you still do not have it kfABuFNnNsc-00446-00166734-00166868 From the following kfABuFNnNsc-00447-00166970-00167678 A+,N+,Security+,Cloud+,CySA+,PenTest+ and CASP certifications kfABuFNnNsc-00448-00167862-00168274 Fifth section, how to renew your certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00449-00168354-00168882 First, the renewing through the first continuing education program or CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00450-00168990-00169286 And there is 4 guidelines for this program kfABuFNnNsc-00451-00169304-00169768 1- the renewal course, which is 3 years for each certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00452-00169828-00170132 During this period, the renewal must be made kfABuFNnNsc-00453-00170210-00170400 2- The Renewal Units kfABuFNnNsc-00454-00170400-00170882 As we said before, each certificate needs a certain number of units to renew kfABuFNnNsc-00455-00170942-00171124 3- Renewal Fees kfABuFNnNsc-00456-00171158-00171552 As also we said, you have to renew before the renewal with kfABuFNnNsc-00457-00171552-00171762 This CEU units only kfABuFNnNsc-00458-00171818-00172042 4- multiple renewal kfABuFNnNsc-00459-00172080-00172318 If you have more than one certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00460-00172318-00172666 You will need to renew the high top level only kfABuFNnNsc-00461-00172716-00172940 Second, the renewal path kfABuFNnNsc-00462-00173006-00173332 Which contains two important types kfABuFNnNsc-00463-00173358-00173688 1- The renewal with a single activity kfABuFNnNsc-00464-00173704-00174008 Where, within you will do a single thing kfABuFNnNsc-00465-00174016-00174412 To renew you certifications, from the following activities kfABuFNnNsc-00466-00174502-00174812 Complete the continuing education program kfABuFNnNsc-00467-00174812-00175096 Which is Cert-Master or CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00468-00175152-00175392 Obtain a higher level certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00469-00175502-00175736 Get a certificate from non-comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00470-00175814-00176198 Pass the latest version of the certificate exam kfABuFNnNsc-00471-00176302-00176542 Comparing all the activity options kfABuFNnNsc-00472-00176700-00177262 Where there is a table that compares all theses activities kfABuFNnNsc-00473-00177262-00177448 On the comptia website kfABuFNnNsc-00474-00177474-00177654 To select according to kfABuFNnNsc-00475-00177654-00177950 The best activity that suit your certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00476-00178052-00178354 2- renewal with multiple activities kfABuFNnNsc-00477-00178470-00178928 You may combine more activity to acquire units kfABuFNnNsc-00478-00178958-00179170 From the following activities kfABuFNnNsc-00479-00179274-00179522 Get another comptia certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00480-00179608-00179862 Obtaining certificates for non-Comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00481-00179862-00180340 Such as for Microsoft, Cisco,Oracle or others kfABuFNnNsc-00482-00180420-00180724 Completion of training or higher education kfABuFNnNsc-00483-00180802-00181144 Participate activities of an IT industry kfABuFNnNsc-00484-00181244-00181634 Publish an article, page, post or related book kfABuFNnNsc-00485-00181728-00182104 Gain work experience related to your certificate area kfABuFNnNsc-00486-00182352-00182690 Third section in how to renew is kfABuFNnNsc-00487-00182754-00183176 Sending your completed activities, that you have done, and committed kfABuFNnNsc-00488-00183234-00183464 And here also 2 types kfABuFNnNsc-00489-00183536-00183722 First, manual sending kfABuFNnNsc-00490-00183814-00184146 Where you need to login into your certification account kfABuFNnNsc-00491-00184146-00184360 To send the completed activities kfABuFNnNsc-00492-00184444-00184644 And then receiving units kfABuFNnNsc-00493-00184718-00184972 Second, the automatic sending kfABuFNnNsc-00494-00185052-00185422 Where Comptia automatically renew your certifications kfABuFNnNsc-00495-00185440-00185702 When you do, one of the following activities kfABuFNnNsc-00496-00185760-00186078 1- complete the cert-master on-line tool kfABuFNnNsc-00497-00186078-00186276 Or CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00498-00186318-00186684 Which is available in Comptia Website, by paid subscription kfABuFNnNsc-00499-00186746-00187036 2- the success in latest exam version kfABuFNnNsc-00500-00187036-00187218 Of your certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00501-00187292-00187554 3- obtain a higher level certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00502-00187764-00188024 Now, with the explaining of the renewal path kfABuFNnNsc-00503-00188024-00188214 In more details, than preceded kfABuFNnNsc-00504-00188258-00188522 First, the renewal in single activity kfABuFNnNsc-00505-00188522-00188748 Which contains 4 activities kfABuFNnNsc-00506-00188776-00189152 In addition to the comparing table between them kfABuFNnNsc-00507-00189192-00189422 And any one single activity of them kfABuFNnNsc-00508-00189422-00189738 Can be chosen to renew your certificate directly kfABuFNnNsc-00509-00190008-00190374 First activity, the Comptia certification exam last version kfABuFNnNsc-00510-00190430-00190872 Where, the certificate is automatically renewed once you pass the last kfABuFNnNsc-00511-00190900-00191146 Available version of the certificate exam kfABuFNnNsc-00512-00191228-00191566 Second activity, the certificates for non-comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00513-00191700-00192060 Where, upon obtaining another certificate in the IT field kfABuFNnNsc-00514-00192060-00192372 Related to your certificate, you will send the name kfABuFNnNsc-00515-00192402-00192566 And certificate details kfABuFNnNsc-00516-00192584-00192750 To renew your certification kfABuFNnNsc-00517-00192854-00193260 and you can see more about the available non-comptia certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00518-00193260-00193540 That is considered here, in the comptia website kfABuFNnNsc-00519-00193584-00193824 Third, the higher level certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00520-00193948-00194192 Which, when you have a multiple certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00521-00194192-00194350 The highest level of them kfABuFNnNsc-00522-00194350-00194454 When renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00523-00194472-00194842 The other lower certificates will be renewed also kfABuFNnNsc-00524-00194878-00195170 Automatically as we mentioned before kfABuFNnNsc-00525-00195258-00195786 Note that, the expiration date of the lower certificates in this case kfABuFNnNsc-00526-00195786-00196178 Will be linked to the expiry date, of the higher certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00527-00196192-00196332 That you renewed it kfABuFNnNsc-00528-00196392-00196736 Fourth, the Certmaster CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00529-00196806-00197282 Is a training program through which, the certificate can be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00530-00197304-00197670 Without the need to retake the exam, and note kfABuFNnNsc-00531-00197670-00197990 This program is with a paid subscription system kfABuFNnNsc-00532-00198116-00198484 Fifth and last, is the comparing of the renewal options kfABuFNnNsc-00533-00198582-00198856 Where you can compare the four previous activities kfABuFNnNsc-00534-00198856-00199144 According to the certificates that you need to renew kfABuFNnNsc-00535-00199184-00199536 In order to choose the best suitable activity for renewal kfABuFNnNsc-00536-00199576-00199726 And also note that kfABuFNnNsc-00537-00199726-00200078 This comparison list is a table which is existed on kfABuFNnNsc-00538-00200078-00200430 The comptia website, and we will explain it also kfABuFNnNsc-00539-00200680-00200992 Now, we will continue about the additional information kfABuFNnNsc-00540-00200992-00201198 About the same previous activities kfABuFNnNsc-00541-00201304-00201636 Where in the comptia certification exam last kfABuFNnNsc-00542-00201636-00201766 version activity kfABuFNnNsc-00543-00201796-00202134 The renewal must be done before the date of expiry kfABuFNnNsc-00544-00202154-00202320 Of the certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00545-00202368-00202680 And second, in the certificates from non-comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00546-00202714-00202964 It helps you to get the CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00547-00202976-00203198 Which you need to renew certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00548-00203230-00203456 The renewal fees, CE Fees kfABuFNnNsc-00549-00203476-00203756 Are paid using this activity kfABuFNnNsc-00550-00203868-00204106 There is a list of the permitted kfABuFNnNsc-00551-00204136-00204440 Certificates, and number of CEU units kfABuFNnNsc-00552-00204440-00204666 That it provides for each certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00553-00204690-00204998 And this list is available at comptia website kfABuFNnNsc-00554-00205062-00205358 Third, for the higher level certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00555-00205450-00205660 The renewal is done automatically kfABuFNnNsc-00556-00205660-00205967 Once you get or renew the highest level certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00557-00206040-00206248 CertMaster, CE Program kfABuFNnNsc-00558-00206371-00206590 It is for the renewal of certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00559-00206590-00206914 A+, N+ and security + only kfABuFNnNsc-00560-00206942-00207202 Also it is part of the Cert-Master kfABuFNnNsc-00561-00207202-00207360 On-line software suite kfABuFNnNsc-00562-00207423-00207640 Which you have to pay for it firstly kfABuFNnNsc-00563-00207640-00207802 In order to subscribe in kfABuFNnNsc-00564-00207894-00208319 Last one, the compare between the renewal options kfABuFNnNsc-00565-00208364-00208558 Where the comparison table kfABuFNnNsc-00566-00208558-00208826 Between theses activities kfABuFNnNsc-00567-00208826-00209098 You will find important information, such as kfABuFNnNsc-00568-00209184-00209473 The Cert-Master CE Program is for kfABuFNnNsc-00569-00209473-00209814 Renewing of A+, N+ and Security + kfABuFNnNsc-00570-00209826-00209980 Certificates only kfABuFNnNsc-00571-00210154-00210490 And the highest or top level certificates here kfABuFNnNsc-00572-00210567-00211328 For renewing the A+, N+, Security+, PenTest+ and CySA+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00573-00211476-00211723 Non comptia certificates activity kfABuFNnNsc-00574-00211792-00212162 Is to renew the previous activities above kfABuFNnNsc-00575-00212162-00212554 In addition to the cloud+ and CASP Certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00576-00212662-00212821 The activity of kfABuFNnNsc-00577-00212886-00213190 When you passing the latest version kfABuFNnNsc-00578-00213292-00213592 Also for renewing the previous certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00579-00213592-00213830 In the non-comptia activity above it kfABuFNnNsc-00580-00214042-00214316 Now, with the second type of the renewal path kfABuFNnNsc-00581-00214366-00214664 Which is the renewal by multiple activities kfABuFNnNsc-00582-00214669-00214996 And it contains 6 sorts of activities kfABuFNnNsc-00583-00214996-00215248 That you can combine between any of them kfABuFNnNsc-00584-00215248-00215414 To get the CEUs units kfABuFNnNsc-00585-00215414-00215616 For renewing your certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00586-00215748-00216146 First activity here, is the extra certificate of comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00587-00216212-00216466 Where you can get a number of renewal units kfABuFNnNsc-00588-00216466-00216806 When you obtain another comptia certificate in another field kfABuFNnNsc-00589-00216878-00217138 The number of units that you will gain kfABuFNnNsc-00590-00217138-00217446 Depends on the number of the certificates that you obtain kfABuFNnNsc-00591-00217528-00217842 Where obtaining the A+ or N+ gives kfABuFNnNsc-00592-00217842-00218210 34 units to renew the cloud+ certificate only kfABuFNnNsc-00593-00218250-00218534 And gaining the security+ gives you kfABuFNnNsc-00594-00218534-00218676 40 CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00595-00218676-00218882 Also to renew the Cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00596-00218964-00219230 Earning the cloud+ gives 15 units kfABuFNnNsc-00597-00219230-00219569 For renewing the A+ and N+ certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00598-00219634-00219952 And the CySA+ when you obtain it kfABuFNnNsc-00599-00219952-00220390 Gives you 33 units to renew the Cloud+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00600-00220482-00220900 The CASP gives 25 CEUs to renew cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00601-00220998-00221319 second activity, the Non-Comptia certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00602-00221428-00221762 As we said before, there are a number of certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00603-00221762-00221996 That are not comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00604-00222038-00222316 When you obtain it, you will be kfABuFNnNsc-00605-00222316-00222632 granted a number of renewal units or CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00606-00222721-00222896 The number of these units kfABuFNnNsc-00607-00222896-00223142 Will depend on the certificates that you gained kfABuFNnNsc-00608-00223176-00223446 And also the certificates that you need to renew kfABuFNnNsc-00609-00223526-00223858 Where for instance, the cisco CCNA Cloud certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00610-00223858-00224242 grantes 16 units to renew the A+ certification kfABuFNnNsc-00611-00224326-00224546 And the CCNA DC grants kfABuFNnNsc-00612-00224546-00224788 20 units for the Network + Cert. kfABuFNnNsc-00613-00224884-00225404 The CCDA equals 25 units for the Security+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00614-00225482-00225767 and the CCNA routing and switching equals kfABuFNnNsc-00615-00225767-00226150 39 units to renew the cloud+ certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00616-00226150-00226256 and so on kfABuFNnNsc-00617-00226348-00226686 Third activity, training and higher education kfABuFNnNsc-00618-00226773-00227030 You can get a renewal units or CEUs kfABuFNnNsc-00619-00227030-00227373 From the educational training and activities such as kfABuFNnNsc-00620-00227476-00227819 Completing a specific training or a university course kfABuFNnNsc-00621-00227819-00227982 Attending in conference kfABuFNnNsc-00622-00228014-00228216 Or a live discussion on web kfABuFNnNsc-00623-00228316-00228532 The training course that you attend kfABuFNnNsc-00624-00228594-00228714 grants you kfABuFNnNsc-00625-00228758-00228944 20 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00626-00228964-00229216 30 units for N+ kfABuFNnNsc-00627-00229232-00229454 50 units for security+ kfABuFNnNsc-00628-00229510-00229810 And 50 units also for renewing cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00629-00229862-00230082 As for attending a conference kfABuFNnNsc-00630-00230134-00230382 It grants 4 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00631-00230382-00230567 6 units for N+ kfABuFNnNsc-00632-00230586-00230786 10 units for security + kfABuFNnNsc-00633-00230786-00231000 And 10 units for cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00634-00231394-00231719 Fourth activity in the multiple activities is, practice kfABuFNnNsc-00635-00231719-00231984 An activity of the IT industry kfABuFNnNsc-00636-00232066-00232284 Where also you can obtain units kfABuFNnNsc-00637-00232284-00232580 By participating some activities such as kfABuFNnNsc-00638-00232580-00232726 You can do the following kfABuFNnNsc-00639-00232780-00232940 Teaching and Training kfABuFNnNsc-00640-00233036-00233264 Creation of educational materials kfABuFNnNsc-00641-00233316-00233512 Participate as an expert kfABuFNnNsc-00642-00233512-00233717 In a workshop at comptia kfABuFNnNsc-00643-00233752-00233904 To develop exams kfABuFNnNsc-00644-00233962-00234164 As for the teaching and training kfABuFNnNsc-00645-00234196-00234442 It grants 10 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00646-00234442-00234628 15 units for N+ kfABuFNnNsc-00647-00234648-00235028 And 20 units for renewal the security+ kfABuFNnNsc-00648-00235121-00235364 And the creation of educational materials kfABuFNnNsc-00649-00235398-00235634 Grants also 10 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00650-00235634-00235994 15 for N+ and 20 for security+ kfABuFNnNsc-00651-00236076-00236346 The participating as an expert in matter kfABuFNnNsc-00652-00236358-00236536 To develop exams kfABuFNnNsc-00653-00236578-00236794 Grants 20 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00654-00236816-00237323 30 for N+ and 50 for Security+ kfABuFNnNsc-00655-00237410-00237640 The fifth activity, publishing kfABuFNnNsc-00656-00237714-00238230 Also you can obtain units from publishing documents, articles or books kfABuFNnNsc-00657-00238236-00238348 Such as kfABuFNnNsc-00658-00238406-00238656 Publishing a related page or article kfABuFNnNsc-00659-00238730-00238932 Publishing a blog or post kfABuFNnNsc-00660-00238973-00239106 Publishing a book kfABuFNnNsc-00661-00239223-00239592 As for publishing a page or article related to the field kfABuFNnNsc-00662-00239619-00239860 It grants 8 units for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00663-00239910-00240236 12 for N+ and 16 for S+ kfABuFNnNsc-00664-00240280-00240536 And publishing a blog or a post kfABuFNnNsc-00665-00240626-00240860 gives also the same as the previous kfABuFNnNsc-00666-00240876-00241069 8, 12 and 16 kfABuFNnNsc-00667-00241160-00241326 The publishing for books kfABuFNnNsc-00668-00241382-00241630 grants 15 for A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00669-00241630-00241934 20 for N+ and 40 for security+ kfABuFNnNsc-00670-00241964-00242356 The sixth activity kfABuFNnNsc-00671-00242364-00242514 Work experience kfABuFNnNsc-00672-00242571-00242796 Also, it is available to obtain kfABuFNnNsc-00673-00242871-00243092 Units from work experience kfABuFNnNsc-00674-00243108-00243360 That relates to your certification field kfABuFNnNsc-00675-00243486-00243854 Where the work experience equals kfABuFNnNsc-00676-00244014-00244356 9 units for each certificate kfABuFNnNsc-00677-00244504-00244862 Now, the third and last part in the renewal path, which is kfABuFNnNsc-00678-00244862-00245012 The renewal options kfABuFNnNsc-00679-00245030-00245282 and activities comparison tables kfABuFNnNsc-00680-00245298-00245586 Where you can choose the appropriate activity type kfABuFNnNsc-00681-00245586-00245752 To acquire and gain units kfABuFNnNsc-00682-00245752-00246044 According to the certificate, which you need to renew kfABuFNnNsc-00683-00246323-00246530 Where first, in the single activity kfABuFNnNsc-00684-00246584-00246976 This table is shown, how to choose the single activity kfABuFNnNsc-00685-00246976-00247371 Where, for the CE program, for renewing kfABuFNnNsc-00686-00247386-00247908 It is available only to renew A+, N+ and S+ as shown here kfABuFNnNsc-00687-00247962-00248216 And the higher level certificates activity kfABuFNnNsc-00688-00248216-00248462 It is available to renew all certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00689-00248462-00248636 Except for the CASP one kfABuFNnNsc-00690-00248673-00248846 As shown in this picture kfABuFNnNsc-00691-00248917-00249100 The Non-Comptia certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00692-00249100-00249354 Is available to renew all certifications kfABuFNnNsc-00693-00249428-00249626 And the latest release exam kfABuFNnNsc-00694-00249626-00249808 Is to renew all certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00695-00249808-00250144 Except the penTest+ and CySA+ kfABuFNnNsc-00696-00250234-00250484 Second, as for the multiple activities kfABuFNnNsc-00697-00250519-00250876 All activities here are available to renew all certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00698-00251052-00251508 Now we will show the certificates which do not need to be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00699-00251556-00251762 And that are valid for life kfABuFNnNsc-00700-00251936-00252348 First, we will mention the certificates that need to renew kfABuFNnNsc-00701-00252348-00252862 Where there are, N+, Security+, A+ kfABuFNnNsc-00702-00252898-00253323 PenTest+, CySA+, Cloud+ kfABuFNnNsc-00703-00253350-00253521 And CASP certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00704-00253542-00253917 Second, with the certificates, that do not need to be renewed kfABuFNnNsc-00705-00253917-00254569 Where there are, Server+, Linux+, IT Fundamentals+ kfABuFNnNsc-00706-00254584-00255169 Project+, Cloud Essentials+ and CTT+ certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00707-00255182-00255344 All these certificates kfABuFNnNsc-00708-00255344-00255628 Here, are valid for life, when you obtain it kfABuFNnNsc-00709-00255792-00256144 And thus, this is the end of this lesson, lesson 9 kfABuFNnNsc-00710-00256340-00256519 Hope it helps every one kfABuFNnNsc-00711-00256616-00256916 Contact me for any information about this video kfABuFNnNsc-00712-00256950-00257232 As this is the last lesson in this series kfABuFNnNsc-00713-00257254-00257592 See you in the next series of play-list, God willing kfABuFNnNsc-00714-00257658-00257923 Thanks for you, and peace be upon you kiZOhFpZ7ag-00000-00000000-00000416 okay i'm gonna be pranking my brother now i'm gonna put these here kiZOhFpZ7ag-00001-00000664-00001592 i'm gonna take the oranges out put this one in here okay right here now kiZOhFpZ7ag-00002-00001752-00001984 i'm gonna cover it up with the banana kiZOhFpZ7ag-00003-00002296-00002896 put the oranges on it so when he picks the orange up he's gonna see that kiZOhFpZ7ag-00004-00003656-00003928 okay now the orange is going to be right here you can see it kiZOhFpZ7ag-00005-00003984-00004672 okay now i'm gonna put this one on the chair i'm gonna sit beside with him kiZOhFpZ7ag-00006-00004784-00005520 i'm gonna put this one in his reading book right here the second snake goes drop kiZOhFpZ7ag-00007-00006480-00007231 see okay now it's time for this snake this snake okay this is the third snake look at it kiZOhFpZ7ag-00008-00007312-00007752 oh gosh let me get on my hand this section is gonna be right here kiZOhFpZ7ag-00009-00007752-00008584 so while he's reading his book i'm gonna put it so he will scream when he sees it kiZOhFpZ7ag-00010-00008896-00009504 just make a look at him there we go now we can put it up here boom kiZOhFpZ7ag-00011-00009672-00009984 and that's all through the snakes and now let's start the video kiZOhFpZ7ag-00012-00014847-00015208 okay this video was fun not just for you kiZOhFpZ7ag-00013-00015208-00015960 just for you just for you you're going to scare me soon or later kiZOhFpZ7ag-00014-00016568-00016632 what was that kiZOhFpZ7ag-00015-00016872-00017144 bye guys bye bye kiZOhFpZ7ag-00016-00017472-00017760 bye guys thank you for watching thumbs up kiZOhFpZ7ag-00017-00017832-00018432 subscribe follow us on all social medias and give a snake squad kiZOhFpZ7ag-00018-00019040-00019784 thumbs up subscribe have a good day guys bye l0nM_rNucv0-00000-00001459-00001578 what up bugoys! l0nM_rNucv0-00001-00001612-00001917 welcome back on our 3rd episode of... l0nM_rNucv0-00002-00001917-00002052 LETS TRY THIS! l0nM_rNucv0-00003-00002062-00002262 and today's episode is all about... l0nM_rNucv0-00004-00002290-00002463 drive-thrus!! l0nM_rNucv0-00005-00002487-00002668 so, what are we gonna do today? l0nM_rNucv0-00006-00002686-00002952 ok, so we are going to some of the fast food restaurants l0nM_rNucv0-00007-00002952-00003046 drive-thrus... l0nM_rNucv0-00008-00003071-00003175 of these fast food restaurants... l0nM_rNucv0-00009-00003175-00003527 and we're going to order their customer's last orders l0nM_rNucv0-00010-00003609-00003711 oh hell! l0nM_rNucv0-00011-00003711-00004147 what if the last order's amounting to thousand, I only have ฿20 l0nM_rNucv0-00012-00004176-00004288 nah man, then it'll be on credit :) l0nM_rNucv0-00013-00004308-00004474 just take it on credit from mc donalds l0nM_rNucv0-00014-00004536-00004690 let's not prolong this bugoy l0nM_rNucv0-00015-00004721-00004771 LETS!!... l0nM_rNucv0-00016-00004793-00004884 GO!!! l0nM_rNucv0-00017-00005888-00006128 so we're here at the first drive thru bugoys l0nM_rNucv0-00018-00006173-00006277 let's see... l0nM_rNucv0-00019-00006335-00006579 I'm feeling nervous, 'coz this will be our first time doing this... l0nM_rNucv0-00020-00006590-00006729 ok, wait a second... l0nM_rNucv0-00021-00006929-00007032 hello [สวัสดีครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00022-00007032-00007249 [mister take the window kha] l0nM_rNucv0-00023-00007266-00007376 bj - take window, ok krub [ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00024-00007376-00007488 bj - thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00025-00007712-00007858 ok window l0nM_rNucv0-00026-00007982-00008115 ok, we're in the ordering window now l0nM_rNucv0-00027-00008273-00008485 bj - next window please, is it here? l0nM_rNucv0-00028-00008613-00008677 nope l0nM_rNucv0-00029-00009197-00009247 ahh ok l0nM_rNucv0-00030-00009819-00009948 hello [สวัสดีครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00031-00010006-00010091 May I order... l0nM_rNucv0-00032-00010184-00010488 I would like to order the same as the last one's order [ผมขอสั่งเหมือนคนล่าสุดที่สั่ง นะครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00033-00010531-00010902 same as the last order earlier... [ahh] l0nM_rNucv0-00034-00010902-00011027 we want to order, can we? l0nM_rNucv0-00035-00011169-00011647 [what was the last order earlier?] l0nM_rNucv0-00036-00011874-00012080 [just for a moment sir] - ok, no worries l0nM_rNucv0-00037-00012094-00012403 the last order is only ฿199 l0nM_rNucv0-00038-00012460-00012593 that's good! l0nM_rNucv0-00039-00012652-00012852 yes, you can proceed the order please l0nM_rNucv0-00040-00012934-00013500 ok bugoys, the last customer's order was ฿199 only, but we don't know what's the order yet... l0nM_rNucv0-00041-00013530-00014080 thank God 'coz the last order's amount is only ฿199 l0nM_rNucv0-00042-00014080-00014134 ok l0nM_rNucv0-00043-00014189-00014308 ฿199 [หนึ่งร้อยเก้าสิบเก้าบาท] l0nM_rNucv0-00044-00014319-00014561 only 199 bugoys l0nM_rNucv0-00045-00014700-00014832 Thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00046-00014872-00015225 we're excited 'coz we don't know what we ordered l0nM_rNucv0-00047-00015254-00015467 all we know is the price, if how much... l0nM_rNucv0-00048-00015512-00015562 right? l0nM_rNucv0-00049-00015574-00015624 yes l0nM_rNucv0-00050-00015624-00015751 what if... l0nM_rNucv0-00051-00015751-00015933 well that's ok l0nM_rNucv0-00052-00015933-00016036 Thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00053-00016043-00016316 bj - what's this? mac - that's chicken l0nM_rNucv0-00054-00016373-00016423 bj - ok l0nM_rNucv0-00055-00016423-00016513 let's see l0nM_rNucv0-00056-00016549-00016749 actually bugoys, this is fun... l0nM_rNucv0-00057-00016851-00017098 ...content we have today, 'coz it's exciting l0nM_rNucv0-00058-00017126-00017409 that excitement of, not knowing what was the last customer's order l0nM_rNucv0-00059-00017450-00017637 and you only know the price, right! l0nM_rNucv0-00060-00017664-00017714 correct! l0nM_rNucv0-00061-00017811-00018026 bugoy mac is sleepy! l0nM_rNucv0-00062-00018048-00018203 I woke up early today l0nM_rNucv0-00063-00018307-00018423 Thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] - [ค่ะ] l0nM_rNucv0-00064-00018557-00018615 [ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00065-00021836-00022153 [Hello, welcome to burger king, what set would you like to order?] l0nM_rNucv0-00066-00022159-00022235 hello, l0nM_rNucv0-00067-00022282-00022550 I would like to order the same as the last one's order [ผมขอสั่งเหมือนคนล่าสุดที่สั่ง นะครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00068-00022763-00022963 here it is bugoys, 504 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00069-00023016-00023107 mac - [ห้าร้อยสี่บาท] 504 bath [ครับผม] yes sir, l0nM_rNucv0-00070-00023107-00023197 bj - [ห้าร้อยสี่บาท] 504 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00071-00023395-00023657 - is the order correct? - thank you! l0nM_rNucv0-00072-00023727-00024119 - 504 bath, you can now proceed... - [ครับผม] kapom l0nM_rNucv0-00073-00024119-00024268 - hello [สวัสดีครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00074-00024319-00024551 - 504 bath right? - yes sir, l0nM_rNucv0-00075-00024647-00024939 bugoys I think we're very lucky because... l0nM_rNucv0-00076-00025023-00025129 ahmmmm l0nM_rNucv0-00077-00025129-00025472 because the last orders wasn't too expensive l0nM_rNucv0-00078-00025480-00025723 so this is the payment, 504 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00079-00025789-00025888 Thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00080-00025907-00026327 this second order is 504 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00081-00026351-00026478 let's now get the orders l0nM_rNucv0-00082-00026965-00027069 - [ครับผม] ok l0nM_rNucv0-00083-00027234-00027342 - thank you l0nM_rNucv0-00084-00027797-00027886 one l0nM_rNucv0-00085-00028127-00028202 two l0nM_rNucv0-00086-00028207-00028300 - thank you l0nM_rNucv0-00087-00028314-00028422 ahh one more? l0nM_rNucv0-00088-00028444-00028644 - [ขอบคุณค่ะ] K̄hxbkhuṇ kh̀a - Thank you! [ขอบคุณ ครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00089-00030368-00030464 hello [สวัสดีครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00090-00030500-00030550 - [ครับผม] yes sir, l0nM_rNucv0-00091-00030577-00030825 I would like to order the same as the last one's order [ผมขอสั่งเหมือนคนล่าสุดที่สั่ง นะครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00092-00030947-00031583 so what we're going to order is what's this car in front of us is ordering l0nM_rNucv0-00093-00031872-00032158 so, it'll be a surprise on what he has ordered l0nM_rNucv0-00094-00032265-00032373 we're ordering the same l0nM_rNucv0-00095-00032373-00032846 this will be the last drive thru, 'coz there isn't that much of drive thrus at this time l0nM_rNucv0-00096-00032859-00033410 but it's conveniently fun because drive-thrus here are all in the same road-way, just go straight ahead and every block you'll see one. l0nM_rNucv0-00097-00033433-00033667 we came from (somehow) the end of the main road... l0nM_rNucv0-00098-00033721-00033876 straight here, then we'll go back to condo l0nM_rNucv0-00099-00033876-00034237 we'll show you later, what we've ordered at the drive thrus l0nM_rNucv0-00100-00034298-00034584 so, the drive thrus that went through earlier are... l0nM_rNucv0-00101-00034609-00034809 first is KFC l0nM_rNucv0-00102-00034868-00035014 next is Burger King l0nM_rNucv0-00103-00035014-00035157 then the last one is Mcdonalds l0nM_rNucv0-00104-00035776-00035877 hello [สวัสดีครับ] l0nM_rNucv0-00105-00035897-00036061 [124 bath] l0nM_rNucv0-00106-00036129-00036231 - happy meal l0nM_rNucv0-00107-00036231-00036469 - happy meal kha,, thank you so much na kha l0nM_rNucv0-00108-00036469-00036602 thank you, just a second please l0nM_rNucv0-00109-00036707-00036803 thank you! l0nM_rNucv0-00110-00037920-00038031 yes bugoys! l0nM_rNucv0-00111-00038052-00038318 at last we're home, we're here at the parking lot l0nM_rNucv0-00112-00038395-00038672 where we'll be checking all that we've ordered... l0nM_rNucv0-00113-00038672-00038872 the first one that we have gone is KFC l0nM_rNucv0-00114-00038918-00039118 next is burger king l0nM_rNucv0-00115-00039154-00039398 then next is Mcdonalds l0nM_rNucv0-00116-00039410-00039583 so we didn't eat it right away... l0nM_rNucv0-00117-00039583-00040040 what we did was, we went to these 3 fast food restaurants and then... l0nM_rNucv0-00118-00040093-00040394 we said, let's just eat this at the parking lot later l0nM_rNucv0-00119-00040394-00040645 there's also a reason why we shot this video late... l0nM_rNucv0-00120-00040645-00041164 but this day is awesome, as we've accomplished a lot of things, of course together with you guys... l0nM_rNucv0-00121-00041165-00041393 so let's start for our first food l0nM_rNucv0-00122-00041393-00041570 the first one we bought... l0nM_rNucv0-00123-00041570-00041718 for the amount of 199 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00124-00041718-00041952 we have here, 2 pieces of french fries l0nM_rNucv0-00125-00041953-00042153 and then, ahhh..OHHH!! l0nM_rNucv0-00126-00042239-00042439 199 1 box of fried chickens l0nM_rNucv0-00127-00042448-00042542 here it is bugoys l0nM_rNucv0-00128-00042644-00042844 oh, let's try this l0nM_rNucv0-00129-00042949-00043013 fast food l0nM_rNucv0-00130-00043120-00043170 - french fries l0nM_rNucv0-00131-00043170-00043370 I'll show you how much we have here l0nM_rNucv0-00132-00043370-00043500 1, this big... l0nM_rNucv0-00133-00043597-00043673 2 l0nM_rNucv0-00134-00043733-00043809 3 l0nM_rNucv0-00135-00043849-00043957 4 l0nM_rNucv0-00136-00043957-00044029 and then... l0nM_rNucv0-00137-00044051-00044165 I think there's nuggets in there... l0nM_rNucv0-00138-00044165-00044365 It has, not nuggets, what do you call this? l0nM_rNucv0-00139-00044365-00044473 chicken??? l0nM_rNucv0-00140-00044473-00044619 chicken shots, something like that l0nM_rNucv0-00141-00044745-00044959 that's it bugoys, so that is our first order l0nM_rNucv0-00142-00044971-00045077 from KFC l0nM_rNucv0-00143-00045117-00045397 - total amount is hundred... - 199 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00144-00045398-00045481 is it 199? l0nM_rNucv0-00145-00045530-00045780 the last order is only 199 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00146-00045819-00046000 bugoys let's have the second food l0nM_rNucv0-00147-00046120-00046431 second drive thru we went to burger king l0nM_rNucv0-00148-00046432-00046601 the amount is 504 bath, l0nM_rNucv0-00149-00046601-00046719 and we have here... l0nM_rNucv0-00150-00046749-00046977 mac - two...( I don't know what's inside) bj - another French Fries l0nM_rNucv0-00151-00046990-00047200 1 whooper with cheese l0nM_rNucv0-00152-00047236-00047384 there it is, whooper l0nM_rNucv0-00153-00047455-00047582 french fries l0nM_rNucv0-00154-00047710-00047854 and tempura nuggets l0nM_rNucv0-00155-00047874-00048016 (burger king tempura nuggets) l0nM_rNucv0-00156-00048020-00048115 it's just a regular nuggets l0nM_rNucv0-00157-00048230-00048522 I don't know why they call this tempura nuggets l0nM_rNucv0-00158-00048522-00048596 let's taste it l0nM_rNucv0-00159-00048937-00049032 it's just a nugget.. l0nM_rNucv0-00160-00049130-00049219 but we got this for free l0nM_rNucv0-00161-00049243-00049336 yes free l0nM_rNucv0-00162-00049376-00049486 all in all we have... l0nM_rNucv0-00163-00049486-00049592 2 whoopers l0nM_rNucv0-00164-00049644-00049758 2 fries l0nM_rNucv0-00165-00049828-00049928 2 softdrinks l0nM_rNucv0-00166-00049960-00050070 ...and nuggets l0nM_rNucv0-00167-00050089-00050289 a total of, 504 bath l0nM_rNucv0-00168-00050289-00050784 I think it's around 700-800 pesos l0nM_rNucv0-00169-00050898-00051243 that's it bugoy, let's go to the next and last one l0nM_rNucv0-00170-00051277-00051640 ok we're now on our last one, and the one I am most excited l0nM_rNucv0-00171-00051733-00051933 this is the last order we have l0nM_rNucv0-00172-00052038-00052210 happy meal!! l0nM_rNucv0-00173-00052210-00052530 bj - I am excited to know what's inside because... mac - did they just give us happy meal? l0nM_rNucv0-00174-00052530-00052677 happy meal and 1 soft drinks l0nM_rNucv0-00175-00052738-00052991 so what's inside is chicken mc nuggets l0nM_rNucv0-00176-00053064-00053343 french fries and slices of apple l0nM_rNucv0-00177-00053373-00053894 and toy, sandy of spogebob squarepants l0nM_rNucv0-00178-00053949-00054299 that's it bugoys, until the next episode of let's try this l0nM_rNucv0-00179-00054314-00054567 I hope you enjoyed it, 'coz we definitely enjoyed it l0nM_rNucv0-00180-00054567-00054652 did you enjoyed it bugoy? l0nM_rNucv0-00181-00054652-00054739 yes! I enjoyed it! l0nM_rNucv0-00182-00054751-00055075 I enjoyed it, felt nervous and my tongue got twisted l0nM_rNucv0-00183-00055083-00055163 honestly speaking... l0nM_rNucv0-00184-00055193-00055600 It's that am being so proud of my thai, but for this kind of situations l0nM_rNucv0-00185-00055667-00055771 I felt so tense l0nM_rNucv0-00186-00055784-00056063 I think you're feeling nervous because... l0nM_rNucv0-00187-00056094-00056463 because you're over thinking, you're thinking of what you need to say before you have to say it l0nM_rNucv0-00188-00056486-00057037 'til the next one, just like before if you like this video do not forget to subscribe to our youtube channel l0nM_rNucv0-00189-00057043-00057356 and also give us comments on what you like us to try... l0nM_rNucv0-00190-00057400-00057557 like and follow on our facebook page l0nM_rNucv0-00191-00057612-00057688 bugoy bros. l0nM_rNucv0-00192-00057703-00057820 and instagram account l0nM_rNucv0-00193-00057846-00057937 @bugoybros l0nM_rNucv0-00194-00057937-00058415 before that, big thanks to our 500 strong followers on facebook!! l0nM_rNucv0-00195-00058415-00058615 - bro, we got 500 followers now on facebook - we're now 500? great! l0nM_rNucv0-00196-00058632-00058787 thank you guys and we love you! l0nM_rNucv0-00197-00058787-00058930 we're really are thankful enough! l0nM_rNucv0-00198-00058982-00059032 for the support! l0nM_rNucv0-00199-00059032-00059232 until the next episode of Let's Try This! l0nM_rNucv0-00200-00059357-00059432 meow!! l3vkMGk984I-00000-00000096-00000834 10 Rarest Africans, Black People Who Are Unique. In some ways, everyone is unique. Even if some l3vkMGk984I-00001-00000834-00001284 people try to blend in with the crowd, they are still identifiable. Some people l3vkMGk984I-00002-00001284-00001710 seize their uniqueness, seize the opportunity to stand out as unique, l3vkMGk984I-00003-00001710-00002352 and use their distinct persona to create and live the life they want. If you want to be noticed, l3vkMGk984I-00004-00002352-00002910 you must first accept yourself for who you are. You must accept yourself as you are rather than l3vkMGk984I-00005-00002910-00003444 trying to fit into a preconceived notion of who you should be. Remember that embracing l3vkMGk984I-00006-00003444-00003918 everything that makes you unique will not only make you stand out, but you will also have l3vkMGk984I-00007-00003918-00004452 complete control over your life and happiness. Individuals have their own point of view and l3vkMGk984I-00008-00004452-00004938 worldview, which is largely shaped by their interactions with and navigation of the world. l3vkMGk984I-00009-00005004-00005580 Whatever one's life path, the experience leaves an imprint on them and shapes how they interact l3vkMGk984I-00010-00005580-00006048 with the world today. We are responsible for our own point of view and worldview, l3vkMGk984I-00011-00006048-00006576 which is largely shaped by how they have encountered and navigated the world. However, l3vkMGk984I-00012-00006576-00007188 we are not doomed to a particular outcome. As we progress through life, the characteristics that l3vkMGk984I-00013-00007188-00007764 make each person unique and interesting can be sharpened, improved, and expanded. Hello, l3vkMGk984I-00014-00007764-00008310 and welcome to another episode of Africa Reloaded. Today, we'll be changing the story l3vkMGk984I-00015-00008310-00008958 with rare and unique Africans who will blow your mind. Keep in touch as we make these discoveries. l3vkMGk984I-00016-00009294-00009846 10. Winnie Harlow. Winnie Harlow, born Chantelle Whitney Brown-Young l3vkMGk984I-00017-00009846-00010530 on July 27, 1994, is a Jamaican-Canadian fashion model and vitiligo advocate. l3vkMGk984I-00018-00010602-00011370 She rose to prominence in 2014 as a contestant on America's Next Top Model's 21st cycle in the l3vkMGk984I-00019-00011370-00012030 United States. She was diagnosed with vitiligo, a chronic skin disorder characterized by skin patch l3vkMGk984I-00020-00012030-00012612 depigmentation, when she was four years old. Throughout her childhood, Harlow was bullied l3vkMGk984I-00021-00012612-00013206 by other children and was reportedly called a "cow, zebra, and all manner of other insulting l3vkMGk984I-00022-00013206-00013806 names" by both black and white children. She had to change schools several times as a result of the l3vkMGk984I-00023-00013806-00014369 verbal harassment and eventually dropped out of high school, after which she considered suicide. l3vkMGk984I-00024-00014369-00015150 9. Khoudia Diop. Khoudia Diop (born December 31, l3vkMGk984I-00025-00015150-00015906 1996) is a Senegalese fashion model and actress. Diop was teased as a child because of her dark l3vkMGk984I-00026-00015906-00016518 skin tone, but after moving to Paris at the age of 15, she was frequently contacted with l3vkMGk984I-00027-00016518-00017118 modeling offers. To emphasize her pride in her beauty, she dubbed herself the "Melanin Goddess" l3vkMGk984I-00028-00017118-00017820 (alluding to her dark ebony skin). In 2016, she moved to New York City for college and was l3vkMGk984I-00029-00017820-00018336 featured in an advertisement for The Colored Girl Project, which helped her gain Instagram fame. l3vkMGk984I-00030-00018390-00019098 She went from 300 to 350,000 Instagram followers in a matter of days after joining this project. l3vkMGk984I-00031-00019098-00019812 In 2017, she starred in an ad campaign for Make Up For Ever, a French cosmetics brand. l3vkMGk984I-00032-00020040-00020802 8. Brahim Takioullah. The tallest African. Brahim Takioullah of Morocco is the tallest l3vkMGk984I-00033-00020802-00021654 man in Africa and the world, standing at 246cm, second only to Sultan Kösen of Turkey. The other l3vkMGk984I-00034-00021654-00022182 two tallest Africans who stand at the same height as Brahim Takioullah are Gabriel l3vkMGk984I-00035-00022182-00023316 Estêvo Monjane (Mozambique, 1944-1990) and Suleiman Ali Nashnush (Libya, 1943-1991). l3vkMGk984I-00036-00023388-00024228 7. Abushe. Born with blue eyes. A young Ethiopian boy named Abushe l3vkMGk984I-00037-00024228-00024708 has captured the attention of photographers and people from all over the world due to l3vkMGk984I-00038-00024708-00025260 his unusual blue eyes. He was also named one of the 88 people in the world with l3vkMGk984I-00039-00025260-00025626 the most beautiful eyes, a title the youngster still doesn't understand. l3vkMGk984I-00040-00025727-00026316 It wasn't always easy for him to have the most beautiful eyes in the world. Abushe is from Jinka, l3vkMGk984I-00041-00026316-00026874 Ethiopia's most southern city. Waardenburg syndrome is caused by a mutation in the l3vkMGk984I-00042-00026874-00027414 melanin gene, which affects the pigment in the development of eye color. It was something he l3vkMGk984I-00043-00027414-00028032 was born with. This illness is extremely rare, affecting about one in every 40,000 people, l3vkMGk984I-00044-00028032-00028710 according to the US National Library of Medicine. When Abushe was born, his parents were reportedly l3vkMGk984I-00045-00028710-00029292 taken aback by his eyes and feared he was blind, but they couldn't afford to have him examined or l3vkMGk984I-00046-00029292-00029945 treated. His parents eventually saw his uniqueness and rarity as a "gift from God." When French l3vkMGk984I-00047-00029945-00030636 photographer Eric Lafforgue met Abushe in 2016, he was living with his grandparents in a simple brick l3vkMGk984I-00048-00030636-00031295 and wood shack. Unfortunately, a fire broke out, but Abushe and his grandmother escaped unharmed. l3vkMGk984I-00049-00031295-00031860 All of their belongings were destroyed in the fire, save for one item that Abushe treasured: l3vkMGk984I-00050-00031860-00032364 a red soccer ball. His ambition is to one day play professional soccer. l3vkMGk984I-00051-00032688-00033438 6. John Waweru. African with Longest Nails. The 33-year-old man decided to grow his talons l3vkMGk984I-00052-00033438-00034074 after failing to find work after graduating from high school. His perseverance paid off when he l3vkMGk984I-00053-00034074-00034848 began selling them at Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) exhibits, coastal beaches, schools, l3vkMGk984I-00054-00034848-00035448 and estates for a reasonable price. He explained that the fingernails painted in the vibrant colors l3vkMGk984I-00055-00035448-00036024 of the Kenyan flag represent the country's 50th anniversary of independence. His parents, l3vkMGk984I-00056-00036024-00036576 who were skeptical at first, changed their minds as he began to profit from it. When l3vkMGk984I-00057-00036576-00037164 John Waweru decided to grow his fingernails, he was chastised and labeled, among other things, l3vkMGk984I-00058-00037164-00037686 a devil worshipper. Today, however, he is admired by both friends and foes. l3vkMGk984I-00059-00037686-00038760 5. David Kizza. African with most body piercings. Davis Kizza, also known as Rasta Kana, is Uganda's l3vkMGk984I-00060-00038760-00039456 most pierced man, with 83 piercings. Among his piercings are 20 on each ear, 14 on his brows, l3vkMGk984I-00061-00039456-00040110 10 in his nose, 10 around his lips, two in his tongue, four in his mouth, on the chin, l3vkMGk984I-00062-00040110-00040800 another in the neck, and one in his genital area. "As you can see, I have piercings all over my l3vkMGk984I-00063-00040800-00041448 face," the soft-spoken Rastafarian explained. "I haven't pierced my checks, forehead, or head l3vkMGk984I-00064-00041448-00041952 because I don't want to lose my 14-year-old dreadlocks." Rasta Kana's favorite body l3vkMGk984I-00065-00041952-00042654 piercings are the smile, vampire, and nose rings, which he chose in 2000. Silver is his favorite l3vkMGk984I-00066-00042654-00043332 metal for jewelry. “I choose silver since, in my experience, it is the most gentle on my skin. It’s l3vkMGk984I-00067-00043332-00044346 simple to clean and replace, but it's pricey.” 4. Mariam Nabatanzi. Most fertile woman in Africa. l3vkMGk984I-00068-00044346-00045042 Mariam Nabatanzi was only 13 years old when she gave birth to her first set of twins. Mariam had l3vkMGk984I-00069-00045042-00045702 given birth to another 42 children by the age of 36, which she is now raising on her own after her l3vkMGk984I-00070-00045702-00046380 husband abandoned the large family. Mariam, now 41, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder l3vkMGk984I-00071-00046380-00046914 that causes her to have multiple children despite pleading with doctors for help when l3vkMGk984I-00072-00046914-00047598 she was only 23. Mariam is the single mother of three sets of quadruplets, four sets of triplets, l3vkMGk984I-00073-00047598-00048228 and six sets of twins. When she was only 12 years old, the prolific mother married her husband, l3vkMGk984I-00074-00048228-00048786 who was 28 years her senior. She gave birth to her first set of twins a year later. l3vkMGk984I-00075-00049008-00049392 3. Dr. Philip Emeagwali. Smartest African. l3vkMGk984I-00076-00049464-00050166 According to Reader's Digest, Dr. Philip Emeagwali is the "unsung hero of the Internet" and "smarter l3vkMGk984I-00077-00050166-00050748 than Albert Einstein." He was born in Nigeria in 1954 and moved to the United l3vkMGk984I-00078-00050748-00051282 States following the Nigerian-Biafran war. According to his LinkedIn profile, l3vkMGk984I-00079-00051348-00052026 Emeagwali received the Gordon Bell supercomputing prize in 1989. (the Nobel Prize for computation). l3vkMGk984I-00080-00052296-00053010 2. Lister Phiri. African with Longest Hair. Almost every woman desires thick, long hair, l3vkMGk984I-00081-00053010-00053712 but natural hair enthusiasts believe that it can be a result of genetics or habit. Lister Phiri, l3vkMGk984I-00082-00053712-00054162 49, is living the dream thanks to her unusually long hair, which has earned l3vkMGk984I-00083-00054162-00054714 her the moniker "real-life Rapunzel." The length of her hair surprised internet users l3vkMGk984I-00084-00054714-00055314 after photographs of the 49-year-old mother surfaced on the internet a day ago. Phiri, l3vkMGk984I-00085-00055314-00055955 a Zambian native from Lusaka's Chilanga District, has hair that is nearly twice her height. Given l3vkMGk984I-00086-00055955-00056484 that she has over two meters of chemical-free hair, Lister admitted in an interview to never l3vkMGk984I-00087-00056484-00057048 using shampoo or chemicals on her hair, and she has somewhat refuted all hair care guidelines. l3vkMGk984I-00088-00057102-00057612 Phiri, who is said to have the longest hair in Africa, admits to washing and l3vkMGk984I-00089-00057612-00058008 moisturizing it with vaseline despite the fact that it is twice her height. l3vkMGk984I-00090-00058079-00058596 According to reports, the woman with a head of hair has learned to save money on the upkeep of l3vkMGk984I-00091-00058596-00059148 her extremely long hair. In an interview, she revealed that she styles her hair with cotton l3vkMGk984I-00092-00059148-00059634 thread and the assistance of her neighbors rather than spending a fortune in saloons. l3vkMGk984I-00093-00059634-00060420 1.Nokulunga Buthelezi(The Snake Of Africa), Most Flexible African. l3vkMGk984I-00094-00060420-00060846 Everyone knows that girls are the most adaptable human species on the planet, l3vkMGk984I-00095-00060846-00061416 but this one variety takes the cake. Girls stretch their bodies to the size of a ball l3vkMGk984I-00096-00061416-00061955 in their twisting dances, but none of them can compete with the African Snake. She declared, l3vkMGk984I-00097-00061955-00062652 "I AM THE SNAKE OF AFRICA." Nokulunga Buthelezi from Johannesburg, South Africa, scares everyone l3vkMGk984I-00098-00062652-00063246 with her twisting abilities. This beautiful young lady is a contortionist known for her flamboyant l3vkMGk984I-00099-00063246-00063882 curving abilities. This has resulted in the unanswered question, "Does she have bones?" This l3vkMGk984I-00100-00063882-00064446 type of person bends in all directions, appearing out of nowhere to complete a revolution and form a l3vkMGk984I-00101-00064446-00065160 circle. It astounds me because a snake is the only animal capable of such feats. The lady makes three l3vkMGk984I-00102-00065160-00065784 120° angles, one of which is impossible, and is a million miles away from a snake. l3vkMGk984I-00103-00065940-00066528 A person's personality is formed from the time they are born until the present. Every l3vkMGk984I-00104-00066528-00067110 positive and negative event, every victory and defeat, every moment of strength and weakness, l3vkMGk984I-00105-00067110-00067644 and every ounce of knowledge and wisdom. These serve as a guide for how we navigate l3vkMGk984I-00106-00067644-00068232 the world. Nobody else has or will ever have the same set of knowledge, experiences, l3vkMGk984I-00107-00068232-00068754 and perspectives that define you. Nobody else will feel or think the same way you l3vkMGk984I-00108-00068754-00069246 did in response to what you've been through. Nobody else will make the same choices as l3vkMGk984I-00109-00069246-00069840 you. Your personality is distinctive. Did you enjoy watching this video? If you did, l3vkMGk984I-00110-00069840-00070344 please subscribe to Africa Reloaded to see more incredible and inspiring videos. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00000-00000042-00000188 For those that don't know l9u7H-yPNSQ-00001-00000189-00000458 atheistaussie is now atheistas-s-sie l9u7H-yPNSQ-00002-00000497-00000976 and gothatfunk is now bewarethefunk69. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00003-00000976-00001157 I'll put both in the underbra. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00004-00001247-00001432 The soccer field used to be over there. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00005-00001432-00001557 Now, it's here, l9u7H-yPNSQ-00006-00001557-00001981 and they're putting in a brick floor. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00007-00002098-00002262 When it says "pousada", l9u7H-yPNSQ-00008-00002324-00002515 that means you can... l9u7H-yPNSQ-00009-00002515-00002678 rent it out. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00010-00002679-00003020 cantodapraia ilhabela dot com dot br l9u7H-yPNSQ-00011-00003085-00003309 Not even sure if you could read that sign, l9u7H-yPNSQ-00012-00003310-00003416 but it said 'pousada'. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00013-00003416-00003617 Which is kind of like a hotel or something. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00014-00003834-00004055 Here's a big mango tree. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00015-00004270-00004386 Here's another one. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00016-00004386-00004578 Things like to grow on the trees. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00017-00004683-00004985 It's still hanging on for dear life. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00018-00005469-00005633 Abandoned beach... l9u7H-yPNSQ-00019-00005633-00005797 That's barreiros. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00020-00005881-00006107 "Ai que lindo" looks pretty nice today. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00021-00006108-00006294 No oil tankers... l9u7H-yPNSQ-00022-00007645-00007804 Oh, there's some oil tankers. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00023-00007805-00007970 Not sure if you can see them. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00024-00008002-00008161 Way in the background. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00025-00008580-00008711 ...and when you're at "Ai que lindo", l9u7H-yPNSQ-00026-00008711-00008859 make sure you look down. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00027-00009431-00009609 There's the quero-quero bird again. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00028-00009748-00009853 Hey, quero-quero. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00029-00010068-00010243 I've seen you since you were little, little. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00030-00010721-00010915 Run, run! l9u7H-yPNSQ-00031-00011403-00011531 Doesn't like me too much. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00032-00011609-00011745 Don't know why! l9u7H-yPNSQ-00033-00012422-00012575 Make another "happy face". l9u7H-yPNSQ-00034-00012730-00012896 Destroying the sand... l9u7H-yPNSQ-00035-00012896-00013041 Can't see shit. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00036-00013041-00013163 The sun is too bright. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00037-00013209-00013419 I hope I'm recording something decent. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00038-00015366-00015575 Oh, what's this? A gate in the wall? l9u7H-yPNSQ-00039-00015661-00015781 Ok. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00040-00015946-00016083 Goes nowhere. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00041-00016083-00016491 Obviously, it's for.. electric.. electricity and water, l9u7H-yPNSQ-00042-00016491-00016678 but I like to think it's where they keep l9u7H-yPNSQ-00043-00016678-00016895 the vampires until the daylight strikes them. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00044-00017253-00017398 Mm, fish. l9u7H-yPNSQ-00045-00017558-00017739 Hey, your brain light is on. lro5auMSpxc-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4090 UNCHARTED 4 Gameplay 8K lssx1I1m0IA-00000-00000630-00000752 Thank you. Good afternoon all. lssx1I1m0IA-00001-00000752-00001183 Thanks for the opportunity to talk to everyone here. lssx1I1m0IA-00002-00001183-00001782 I'm sure most of us here, one way or another, understand lssx1I1m0IA-00003-00001782-00002303 the impact of non-performing building materials & systems. lssx1I1m0IA-00004-00002303-00002774 I'm talking today from the weatherproofing point of view. lssx1I1m0IA-00005-00002774-00003454 Just to give you an idea how important the weatherproofing issue is. lssx1I1m0IA-00006-00003454-00003886 Recently, one of the Australian buildings, less than 10-year-old, lssx1I1m0IA-00007-00003886-00004570 had a weather impact issues at a cost of litigation lssx1I1m0IA-00008-00004570-00004743 of 50 million dollars. lssx1I1m0IA-00009-00004743-00005590 In the US, in the early 70s, about 15 to 20 percent lssx1I1m0IA-00010-00005590-00006180 of the litigation against the building personnel, architects, lssx1I1m0IA-00011-00006180-00006642 certifiers, builders, product manufacturers and so on, lssx1I1m0IA-00012-00006642-00007094 was about 20 percent and it's been gradually increasing. lssx1I1m0IA-00013-00007094-00007812 And in the early 2000s, the number has hit every one in two people. lssx1I1m0IA-00014-00007812-00008415 Every one in two litigation is related to weatherproofing lssx1I1m0IA-00015-00008415-00008685 so it is an important aspect. lssx1I1m0IA-00016-00008685-00009263 I'm talking today about the weatherproofing through roofing and cladding. lssx1I1m0IA-00017-00009630-00009794 So the requirement is basically lssx1I1m0IA-00018-00009794-00010078 the buildings to resist the moisture penetration. lssx1I1m0IA-00019-00010078-00010682 So one in a 20 year storm, any water that comes in lssx1I1m0IA-00020-00010682-00010887 has to be disposed and managed lssx1I1m0IA-00021-00010887-00011163 so it shouldn't affect the building lssx1I1m0IA-00022-00011163-00011455 and any surrounding buildings as well. lssx1I1m0IA-00023-00011455-00011710 So the water shouldn't come through openings lssx1I1m0IA-00024-00011710-00012004 such as roof, the walls' cladding systems lssx1I1m0IA-00025-00012004-00012317 and anything else in the building. lssx1I1m0IA-00026-00012317-00012966 So the requirements are .... lssx1I1m0IA-00027-00012966-00013888 before that I might just show you that there is a leaflet in your seat lssx1I1m0IA-00028-00013888-00014163 and this tells you the procedure, lssx1I1m0IA-00029-00014163-00014432 what needs to be done lssx1I1m0IA-00030-00014432-00014671 and what sequence that needs to be followed. lssx1I1m0IA-00031-00014671-00015207 So basically, I will be describing what we have lssx1I1m0IA-00032-00015207-00015462 got to go through those processes. lssx1I1m0IA-00033-00015462-00016008 So essentially FV1 is the weatherproofing cloth lssx1I1m0IA-00034-00016008-00016423 and that directly addresses FV1.4 lssx1I1m0IA-00035-00016423-00016947 It's not mandatory but it's one of the alternative solutions. lssx1I1m0IA-00036-00016947-00017511 You go through the list in the NCC, lssx1I1m0IA-00037-00017511-00018114 look at what is the limitations and what is the score risks factor, lssx1I1m0IA-00038-00018114-00018628 and then you choose the test specimen which will comply, lssx1I1m0IA-00039-00018628-00018851 and it'll have all the details. lssx1I1m0IA-00040-00018851-00019073 For example, the parapet walls, lssx1I1m0IA-00041-00019073-00019280 the electrical junctions, lssx1I1m0IA-00042-00019280-00019428 the cornice, lssx1I1m0IA-00043-00019428-00019695 the terminating vertical lssx1I1m0IA-00044-00019695-00020347 as well as horizontal details, and other details. lssx1I1m0IA-00045-00020347-00020670 Complete details of what the realistic system is. lssx1I1m0IA-00046-00020670-00021124 And then they choose that as a test specimen lssx1I1m0IA-00047-00021124-00021826 and then evaluate whether the system is a direct fixed wall lssx1I1m0IA-00048-00021826-00022486 or cavity wall or a unique wall and then go into testing. lssx1I1m0IA-00049-00022486-00023058 So, an example of the test specimen is just shown here lssx1I1m0IA-00050-00023058-00023619 so that kind of gives you an idea of what I just described. lssx1I1m0IA-00051-00023619-00024262 So at the CSIRO, we have got a facility lssx1I1m0IA-00052-00024262-00024779 so you can see that there is a double storey height, lssx1I1m0IA-00053-00024779-00025212 the chamber in which you can set up the test specimen lssx1I1m0IA-00054-00025212-00025446 representing all the details. lssx1I1m0IA-00055-00025446-00026051 And so this particular slide shows you a cavity wall system. lssx1I1m0IA-00056-00026051-00026700 Also, the internal view and the external view lssx1I1m0IA-00057-00026700-00027192 of a direct fixed wall cladding system are shown in this slide. lssx1I1m0IA-00058-00027192-00028190 So they've got pressure equipment to apply the building wind pressures lssx1I1m0IA-00059-00028314-00028914 and we have got various data takers and instrumentation lssx1I1m0IA-00060-00028914-00029383 to take the required readings. lssx1I1m0IA-00061-00029383-00029676 So essentially for a cavity wall, lssx1I1m0IA-00062-00029676-00030225 you set the cavity wall up and drill a 15-millimetre hole lssx1I1m0IA-00063-00030225-00030556 in the wall lining to take into account lssx1I1m0IA-00064-00030556-00031131 what the air penetration through, air infiltration through, lssx1I1m0IA-00065-00031131-00031823 and then you must apply 100 percent of the serviceability design loads, lssx1I1m0IA-00066-00031823-00032182 both positive and negative, for a minute each, lssx1I1m0IA-00067-00032182-00032611 and find out what the readings would be lssx1I1m0IA-00068-00032611-00033206 and what the effect of the wind pressures onto the building specimen. lssx1I1m0IA-00069-00033206-00033600 Following that, you apply a static version water penetration. lssx1I1m0IA-00070-00033600-00033898 It is specified at 300 Pascal lssx1I1m0IA-00071-00033898-00034769 if the weather pressure is 1000 Pascal or less, lssx1I1m0IA-00072-00034769-00034991 and if it is more than 1000 Pascal, lssx1I1m0IA-00073-00034991-00035275 it is 30 percent of the design load. lssx1I1m0IA-00074-00035275-00036102 Following that, you subject the wall specimen into the third stage lssx1I1m0IA-00075-00036102-00036739 of the water penetration specified in the 4284 building code. lssx1I1m0IA-00076-00036739-00037269 4284 which is 30 to 60 percent of the pressure lssx1I1m0IA-00077-00037269-00037907 with three litres per minute per square meter area of the test specimen. lssx1I1m0IA-00078-00037907-00038479 So after these two tests are over, lssx1I1m0IA-00079-00038479-00039304 then you allow the building specimen... subject the building specimen lssx1I1m0IA-00080-00039304-00039632 for six millimetre holes at several areas lssx1I1m0IA-00081-00039632-00040130 and then you repeat the static and the cyclic water penetration test. lssx1I1m0IA-00082-00040130-00040759 Check if any of the water has reached the interior portion, lssx1I1m0IA-00083-00040759-00041167 particularly the studs and the lining of the wall. lssx1I1m0IA-00084-00041167-00041656 And if not, then remove the internal lining lssx1I1m0IA-00085-00041656-00041906 and then subject the test specimen lssx1I1m0IA-00086-00041906-00042300 for 50 Pascal static water penetration. lssx1I1m0IA-00087-00042300-00042703 So this particular sequence applies for the cavity wall. lssx1I1m0IA-00088-00042703-00043138 And for the direct fixed wall or a unique wall, lssx1I1m0IA-00089-00043138-00043426 the first two steps are essentially the same, lssx1I1m0IA-00090-00043426-00043864 but then the static pressure and then the full sequence lssx1I1m0IA-00091-00043864-00044215 of the three cycles of the cyclic water penetration lssx1I1m0IA-00092-00044215-00044595 - 15 to 30 percent, 20 to 40 percent, and 30 to 50 percent lssx1I1m0IA-00093-00044595-00045048 of the design load and check through whether lssx1I1m0IA-00094-00045048-00045342 there is any particular water penetration. lssx1I1m0IA-00095-00045342-00045771 So that kind of sequence, lssx1I1m0IA-00096-00045771-00046419 we are authorised to do these tests in our lab at CSIRO. lssx1I1m0IA-00097-00046419-00047166 So once the building specimen is subjected through this sequence, lssx1I1m0IA-00098-00047166-00047706 it will prove that you're compliant with the NCC requirements. lssx1I1m0IA-00099-00047706-00047916 Thank you. ly6r296lyTY-00000-00000024-00000531 Wanna find out how your ministers in charge of finance and economy Mário Centeno and ly6r296lyTY-00001-00000531-00000951 Manuel Caldeira Cabral performed in 2018? ly6r296lyTY-00002-00000951-00001363 In a few moments I will reveal you the real truth so pay close attention. ly6r296lyTY-00003-00001363-00001989 We will analyze only the single most important metric to determine how successful ministers ly6r296lyTY-00004-00001989-00002098 were. ly6r296lyTY-00005-00002098-00002568 Here's the deal: Most important metric for economy is: GDP ly6r296lyTY-00006-00002568-00002818 per capita based on PPP. ly6r296lyTY-00007-00002818-00003520 It's gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates ly6r296lyTY-00008-00003520-00003786 and divided by total population. ly6r296lyTY-00009-00003786-00004291 Basically it's number that tells you how much stuff can average citizen buy with wage he ly6r296lyTY-00010-00004291-00004440 gets every month. ly6r296lyTY-00011-00004440-00004939 In countries with higher numbers citizens live great and buy bunch of new things every ly6r296lyTY-00012-00004939-00005039 month. ly6r296lyTY-00013-00005039-00005526 In countries with low numbers citizens live bad and scrape every month to buy food and ly6r296lyTY-00014-00005526-00005825 pay living expenses, just to survive. ly6r296lyTY-00015-00005825-00006343 If you are from Portugal comment below how much could you afford in 2018 and were you ly6r296lyTY-00016-00006343-00006480 satisfied with that? ly6r296lyTY-00017-00006480-00006834 Now: Our data source will be IMF's GDP per capita ly6r296lyTY-00018-00006834-00007068 based on PPP rankings report. ly6r296lyTY-00019-00007068-00007636 IMF stands for international monetary fund and this organization is the most relevant ly6r296lyTY-00020-00007636-00007765 data source in the world. ly6r296lyTY-00021-00007765-00007865 We'll analyze 2 main factors. ly6r296lyTY-00022-00007865-00008346 Position, in 2018 GDP per capita based on PPP rankings and change in rankings. ly6r296lyTY-00023-00008346-00008656 Based on those factors all ministers get grades. ly6r296lyTY-00024-00008656-00009435 Grades are: Phenomenal which is the best, Amazing, Excellent, Great, Good, than Fair ly6r296lyTY-00025-00009435-00010128 which is neutral, Mediocre, Poor, Bad, Awful, and Abysmal which is the worst. ly6r296lyTY-00026-00010128-00010683 If country dropped ranking from last year ministers can't get positive grade. ly6r296lyTY-00027-00010683-00010842 Is that clear? ly6r296lyTY-00028-00010842-00010979 And now are you ready? ly6r296lyTY-00029-00010979-00011543 Portugal ministers in charge of finance and economy Mário Centeno and Manuel Caldeira ly6r296lyTY-00030-00011543-00012161 Cabral in 2018 performed, drumroll: AMAZING. ly6r296lyTY-00031-00012161-00012528 You can best visualize it by seeing how high this red arrow is. ly6r296lyTY-00032-00012528-00012628 And now a few numbers. ly6r296lyTY-00033-00012628-00013274 Their score was 1170 and they ranked 23rd among all economy related ministers. ly6r296lyTY-00034-00013274-00014102 Portugal was ranked 46th in 2017 which is mid to high and in 2018 they gained 1 place ly6r296lyTY-00035-00014102-00014306 to 45th place. ly6r296lyTY-00036-00014306-00014797 So as you can see it's AMAZING job, your ministers are making you richer. ly6r296lyTY-00037-00014797-00015365 If you now want to see how leader of Portugal prime minister António Costa performed in ly6r296lyTY-00038-00015365-00015733 2018 click the link in top right corner. ly6r296lyTY-00039-00015733-00015850 And that's not all... ly6r296lyTY-00040-00015850-00016332 Let's see few ministers related to economy that performed the best so you can see how ly6r296lyTY-00041-00016332-00016599 Phenomenal performance looks like. ly6r296lyTY-00042-00016599-00016820 Here is the top of the rankings. ly6r296lyTY-00043-00016820-00017515 Ranked number 1 were ministers from Taiwan Su Jain-rong and Shen Jong-chin. ly6r296lyTY-00044-00017515-00018308 They did phenomenal job, and Taiwan recorded jump of 3 places in the rankings. ly6r296lyTY-00045-00018308-00019020 Ranked number 2 were ministers from Spain María Jesús Montero and Nadia Calviño. ly6r296lyTY-00046-00019020-00019502 Phenomenal job, Spain also jumped 3 places in the rankings. ly6r296lyTY-00047-00019502-00020067 Ranked number 3 were ministers from China Liu Kun and Zhong Shan. ly6r296lyTY-00048-00020067-00020682 And although China ranks little bit lower than Taiwan and Spain, in 2018 they leaped ly6r296lyTY-00049-00020682-00021097 4 places from 81st to 77th. ly6r296lyTY-00050-00021097-00021705 Now, before you go and watch next video: Remember to subscribe and click bell icon ly6r296lyTY-00051-00021705-00021988 so you don't miss new 2019. ly6r296lyTY-00052-00021988-00022132 rankings. ly6r296lyTY-00053-00022132-00022804 I will analyze 2019 performance as soon as new IMF ratings become available. ly6r296lyTY-00054-00022804-00022837 Bye lz3lzj0QWYY-00000-00000000-00000903 Funny Dog l-HeX6jYiCI-00000-00000021-00001044 Hi everybody this is Agnes and it's success story time. Now today the story is about how to get a l-HeX6jYiCI-00001-00001044-00002025 specific person and it is from 'S' - she wishes to remain anonymous so: Hello Agnes I love, love, l-HeX6jYiCI-00002-00002025-00002565 love you for what you do I really want to remain anonymous from my personal reason and I apologize l-HeX6jYiCI-00003-00002565-00003231 for my broken English but I hope my story makes some changes in people's lives. So it goes like l-HeX6jYiCI-00004-00003231-00003939 this: we connected on social media and we used to chat quite often and it was 2017 November. l-HeX6jYiCI-00005-00003939-00004635 I shifted to the same city he lived in and we met and we had that instant connection and we got into l-HeX6jYiCI-00006-00004635-00005232 a relationship within two months and everything was going perfect. After three months I started l-HeX6jYiCI-00007-00005232-00005823 to have this fear of losing him and I would like to mention the exact fear I had which was - that l-HeX6jYiCI-00008-00005823-00006414 in India it is the ritual that both people must get approval of the parents to get married and l-HeX6jYiCI-00009-00006414-00006912 I had this fear that what if his parents didn't like me and told him to cut the connection with l-HeX6jYiCI-00010-00006912-00007554 me? Trust me I manifested that exact fear. Out of the blue he cut off all the connection with l-HeX6jYiCI-00011-00007554-00008217 me and he unfriended me on all social media and I was devastated. I couldn't think and do anything l-HeX6jYiCI-00012-00008217-00009114 and exactly after two weeks I found you, your videos popped out of nowhere on YouTube. At first l-HeX6jYiCI-00013-00009114-00009621 I thought it was silly but I had nothing to lose which made me give it a try at least because the l-HeX6jYiCI-00014-00009621-00010185 best part of it was self-love and there was no loss in giving it a try. It was around January l-HeX6jYiCI-00015-00010185-00010986 2018 the second week and I started doing self-love meditations and I started focusing on myself and I l-HeX6jYiCI-00016-00010986-00011703 visualized exactly the same situation I wanted to manifest. And believe me or not it was the l-HeX6jYiCI-00017-00011703-00012243 30th of March when he texted me out of the blue and we started talking daily and it went so good l-HeX6jYiCI-00018-00012243-00012930 and now the way he expresses his love to me daily is inexpressible. In fact I manifested the better l-HeX6jYiCI-00019-00012930-00013512 version of him and of course the best version of myself. You can achieve anything in this world, l-HeX6jYiCI-00020-00013512-00014366 all it takes is self-love and I think it's the most amazing thing to do. Talking about l-HeX6jYiCI-00021-00014366-00014802 my relationship with him - we met daily and our relationship was getting better and better and the l-HeX6jYiCI-00022-00014802-00015408 best everyday and the best thing is I had not only manifested him but the approval of his parents l-HeX6jYiCI-00023-00015408-00016107 too. His Mum calls me often and we chit-chat. Law of Attraction works crazy good and indeed is a l-HeX6jYiCI-00024-00016107-00016722 powerful law amongst all there. And thank you so much Agnes I couldn't have done this without you, l-HeX6jYiCI-00025-00016722-00017442 loads of love and more power to you thank you. Lovely, lovely, lovely thank you 'S' l-HeX6jYiCI-00026-00017442-00018273 from India. Another good story and I know many of you in India have this issue about the parents so l-HeX6jYiCI-00027-00018273-00019170 hopefully that will help you a little bit. I will put down below the how to attract a l-HeX6jYiCI-00028-00019170-00019791 specific person success stories playlist for those of you that want to go back and revisit, l-HeX6jYiCI-00029-00019791-00020493 I think we're up to about 61 or something now so we are getting a good collection of people l-HeX6jYiCI-00030-00020493-00020997 that are doing very well and they're getting the results they want and it is such a wonderful, l-HeX6jYiCI-00031-00020997-00021819 wonderful thing. Now I will put down below also the self-love meditations playlist for l-HeX6jYiCI-00032-00021819-00022398 those of you that would like to do that work on yourselves and I will also put down below the l-HeX6jYiCI-00033-00022398-00023259 meditations to attract a specific person. Now in saying that I would do 75% self-love and 25% l-HeX6jYiCI-00034-00023313-00023805 to attract the specific person - not the other way around. You have to lay a good foundation, l-HeX6jYiCI-00035-00023805-00024471 you have to feel loved, radiate love out, it is the loved that attract love from the outside you l-HeX6jYiCI-00036-00024471-00025194 must be feeling lovable, you must be feeling loved to attract it from another okay. So just a little l-HeX6jYiCI-00037-00025194-00025992 reminder there, all right lots of love everyone and I will see you in the next YouTube as always. lASjiAkwRpo-00000-00000053-00000285 you know, uh lASjiAkwRpo-00001-00000285-00000590 uh... there's sine waves all around us lASjiAkwRpo-00002-00000590-00000907 everywhere you look lASjiAkwRpo-00003-00000907-00001226 you can see sinusoidal motion lASjiAkwRpo-00004-00001226-00001584 pictures of sinusoids lASjiAkwRpo-00005-00001584-00001935 at the beach when the flags waving lASjiAkwRpo-00006-00001935-00002025 you can see lASjiAkwRpo-00007-00002025-00002202 sine waves at uh lASjiAkwRpo-00008-00002202-00002716 something as simple as a clothes line that someone pulls on and lets it go lASjiAkwRpo-00009-00002716-00003382 you could even, when you have nothing better to do and your hanging out somewhere you're hanging out somewhere jim really lASjiAkwRpo-00010-00003382-00003576 probably bored to tears lASjiAkwRpo-00011-00003576-00003789 you can lASjiAkwRpo-00012-00003789-00004039 you can think about things lASjiAkwRpo-00013-00004039-00004152 do I see lASjiAkwRpo-00014-00004152-00004465 any sinusoidal motion lASjiAkwRpo-00015-00004465-00004720 so sometimes it's hard to recognize lASjiAkwRpo-00016-00004720-00004910 like here lASjiAkwRpo-00017-00004910-00005189 this is a pendulum, it's made with plumb bob lASjiAkwRpo-00018-00005189-00005447 I used to be a surveyors lASjiAkwRpo-00019-00005447-00005631 so I amfamiliar with plum bobs lASjiAkwRpo-00020-00005631-00005854 and when you put them on the end of a string string lASjiAkwRpo-00021-00005854-00006055 they do very interesting things lASjiAkwRpo-00022-00006055-00006389 so we'll get this in swing lASjiAkwRpo-00023-00006389-00006855 and don't get hypnotized here cause I am not sure I know how to wake you up lASjiAkwRpo-00024-00006855-00007102 as this goes back and lASjiAkwRpo-00025-00007102-00007447 we can make some observations now lASjiAkwRpo-00026-00007447-00007723 the actual period of the pendulum lASjiAkwRpo-00027-00007723-00008306 you should know that means because we have been talking about plumb bobs size since the time it takes four lASjiAkwRpo-00028-00008306-00008587 it's the time it takes for lASjiAkwRpo-00029-00008587-00008749 fpr the plumb bob to complete the cycle lASjiAkwRpo-00030-00008749-00009016 and so if I told you that lASjiAkwRpo-00031-00009016-00009402 so normally look at this is an okay so it's like a swinging pendulum big deal lASjiAkwRpo-00032-00009402-00009704 as we handle a big deal lASjiAkwRpo-00033-00009704-00009936 it actually is sinusoidal motion at the lASjiAkwRpo-00034-00009936-00010352 through the heart of the whole displacement as a function of time lASjiAkwRpo-00035-00010352-00010787 we would see first of all that it's periodic second lASjiAkwRpo-00036-00010787-00011206 that its positive and negative lASjiAkwRpo-00037-00011206-00011378 and it goes through zero lASjiAkwRpo-00038-00011378-00011823 which is when it's hanging down lASjiAkwRpo-00039-00011823-00012115 it turns out that it really is a sinusoid lASjiAkwRpo-00040-00012115-00012392 but there's something more mysterious and subtle lASjiAkwRpo-00041-00012392-00012596 about this motion lASjiAkwRpo-00042-00012596-00013108 and that is if you're looking at this sinsusoid of displacement you can lASjiAkwRpo-00043-00013108-00013247 more or less see lASjiAkwRpo-00044-00013247-00013445 that this is a peak lASjiAkwRpo-00045-00013445-00013724 this is a positive peak this is a negative p lASjiAkwRpo-00046-00013724-00014112 in between it goes through zero lASjiAkwRpo-00047-00014112-00014226 a full cycle takes some amount of time lASjiAkwRpo-00048-00014226-00014904 the way we do this in physics class is we measured ten swings lASjiAkwRpo-00049-00014904-00015210 that time and then we divide up ten lASjiAkwRpo-00050-00015210-00015568 and that gives us a more accurate measure lASjiAkwRpo-00051-00015568-00015843 of the actual period of time it takes lASjiAkwRpo-00052-00015843-00016043 to go from one side to the other lASjiAkwRpo-00053-00016043-00016263 this looks like maybe a couple of seconds lASjiAkwRpo-00054-00016263-00016440 it depends on the length lASjiAkwRpo-00055-00016440-00016940 the longer the length lASjiAkwRpo-00056-00016940-00017262 the slower the plumb bob lASjiAkwRpo-00057-00017262-00017519 and a really cool demonstration of that is lASjiAkwRpo-00058-00017519-00017800 let's get going pretty good lASjiAkwRpo-00059-00017800-00018046 which is hard to do with your holding it lASjiAkwRpo-00060-00018046-00018383 and i'm gonna try to grab it right here lASjiAkwRpo-00061-00018383-00019013 and then pull it up lASjiAkwRpo-00062-00019013-00019183 and you can see that lASjiAkwRpo-00063-00019183-00019479 the period of the time it takes to get recycle lASjiAkwRpo-00064-00019479-00019724 greatly reduced lASjiAkwRpo-00065-00019724-00020076 there's a formula for a it that you can look up on the Internet lASjiAkwRpo-00066-00020076-00020571 but this is not course in pendulums it's course in sinusoids lASjiAkwRpo-00067-00020571-00020902 so what else do we have to say about it I said there was something mysterious lASjiAkwRpo-00068-00020902-00021292 what's mysterious is when the pendulum is here is here lASjiAkwRpo-00069-00021292-00021434 its velocity lASjiAkwRpo-00070-00021434-00021550 its motion lASjiAkwRpo-00071-00021550-00021949 is instantaneously zero it stopped lASjiAkwRpo-00072-00021949-00022419 When it's down here on this level side it's also stopped lASjiAkwRpo-00073-00022419-00022651 and when is the pendulum moving lASjiAkwRpo-00074-00022651-00022780 or at what position lASjiAkwRpo-00075-00022780-00023235 is the pendulum lASjiAkwRpo-00076-00023235-00023456 moving fastest lASjiAkwRpo-00077-00023456-00023583 and it turns out lASjiAkwRpo-00078-00023583-00023852 the plot of the velocity lASjiAkwRpo-00079-00023852-00023996 of the sinusoid lASjiAkwRpo-00080-00023996-00024174 or of the pendulum lASjiAkwRpo-00081-00024174-00024381 is also sinusoidal lASjiAkwRpo-00082-00024381-00024693 and that's why sinusoidal motion lASjiAkwRpo-00083-00024693-00024865 shows up everywhere lASjiAkwRpo-00084-00024865-00025024 because lASjiAkwRpo-00085-00025024-00025125 the curve lASjiAkwRpo-00086-00025125-00025298 of the displacement lASjiAkwRpo-00087-00025298-00025449 and the curve of the lASjiAkwRpo-00088-00025449-00025631 velocity lASjiAkwRpo-00089-00025631-00025778 or the rate change lASjiAkwRpo-00090-00025778-00025923 of the displacement lASjiAkwRpo-00091-00025923-00026101 are both sinusoids lASjiAkwRpo-00092-00026101-00026184 both have the same frequency lCGItwD3m5k-00000-00000100-00000318 hello, this a new video today lCGItwD3m5k-00001-00000342-00000710 and today this video is a tutorial lCGItwD3m5k-00002-00000724-00001244 So I think that we all have lCGItwD3m5k-00003-00001270-00001568 this type of video lCGItwD3m5k-00004-00001605-00002052 This is a VHS video tape lCGItwD3m5k-00005-00002094-00002414 so now I will show you how lCGItwD3m5k-00006-00002414-00002774 to transform this analogic signal lCGItwD3m5k-00007-00002798-00003012 in numeric signal lCGItwD3m5k-00008-00003050-00003402 That's mean you will can put your video lCGItwD3m5k-00009-00003420-00003720 into a USB storage a video card lCGItwD3m5k-00010-00003720-00004029 or record those video in a hard drive lCGItwD3m5k-00011-00004029-00004260 or in your computer lCGItwD3m5k-00012-00004288-00004598 the advantage is you don't need lCGItwD3m5k-00013-00004616-00004920 anymore to keep those video tape lCGItwD3m5k-00014-00004920-00005196 because they are fragile and broke easily lCGItwD3m5k-00015-00005196-00005596 Also the movie getting old and loose his color lCGItwD3m5k-00016-00005596-00005896 also the mechanic of the tape keep broken lCGItwD3m5k-00017-00005934-00006442 and you will nor need anymore those camera lCGItwD3m5k-00018-00006495-00006998 that with the time getting old and will stop to work lCGItwD3m5k-00019-00006998-00007466 and also very soon will disappear from the market lCGItwD3m5k-00020-00007504-00007718 so what we have? lCGItwD3m5k-00021-00007742-00007918 we have this. lCGItwD3m5k-00022-00007938-00008604 this is a video capture to transform the analogic signal lCGItwD3m5k-00023-00008604-00008810 in numeric signal lCGItwD3m5k-00024-00008830-00009432 so this is the video capture you can see here lCGItwD3m5k-00025-00009432-00009724 this part goes from the camera lCGItwD3m5k-00026-00009732-00010020 and this part goes to the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00027-00010076-00010546 so I will connect now lCGItwD3m5k-00028-00010546-00010870 actually connect the camera to the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00029-00010946-00011342 A nd we will watch the video on the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00030-00011354-00011622 so now what I will do lCGItwD3m5k-00031-00011670-00012084 so I am connecting the camera to the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00032-00012192-00012862 now we can see the video VHS on the camera lCGItwD3m5k-00033-00013010-00013622 so now I will put this video on the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00034-00014210-00014876 so my video play on the camera lCGItwD3m5k-00035-00014919-00015154 as you can see lCGItwD3m5k-00036-00015188-00015672 it's going through the video capture here lCGItwD3m5k-00037-00015702-00016013 and going to the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00038-00016034-00016628 and now I turn on the video capture Egato lCGItwD3m5k-00039-00016648-00017128 here we go the system is recording lCGItwD3m5k-00040-00017172-00017546 the video in the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00041-00017696-00018098 so I will save this numeric video in the computer lCGItwD3m5k-00042-00018144-00018490 so, this video is almost finish lCGItwD3m5k-00043-00018524-00018948 now that I put this movie on my computer lCGItwD3m5k-00044-00018976-00019364 I will sow you the final result lCGItwD3m5k-00045-00019408-00019754 here, we o to the file lCGItwD3m5k-00046-00019884-00020256 and now this old movie is in my computer lCGItwD3m5k-00047-00020986-00021264 the advantage to do that lCGItwD3m5k-00048-00021298-00021662 you can keep your old movies lCGItwD3m5k-00049-00021672-00021964 in you computer, USB card lCGItwD3m5k-00050-00021992-00022298 in your hard drive or SD card lCGItwD3m5k-00051-00022298-00022572 you do a copies lCGItwD3m5k-00052-00022572-00022874 also share on YouTube lCGItwD3m5k-00053-00022912-00023452 share it on you social media lCGItwD3m5k-00054-00023598-00023976 I hope you enjoyed this video lCGItwD3m5k-00055-00024022-00024488 if you have any questions go to the comments lCGItwD3m5k-00056-00024540-00024902 if you liked this video put a blue thumb lCGItwD3m5k-00057-00024906-00025244 I will tell you see you soon for a new video lCGItwD3m5k-00058-00025326-00025730 by the way, as we are December 24 lCGItwD3m5k-00059-00025730-00025958 I wish you a merry Christmas lCGItwD3m5k-00060-00025977-00026245 but I am sure you will see this video later lCGItwD3m5k-00061-00026270-00026488 So, Christmas is gone lCGItwD3m5k-00062-00026488-00026683 I hope you received a lot of Christmas gift..ect..ect lCGItwD3m5k-00063-00026712-00026804 bye-bye... lEMJRIiR3tk-00000-00000000-00000400 We don't want to fight for the victory, But we have to fight from the Victory lEMJRIiR3tk-00001-00000616-00001216 It's All started From the day of Moses when God delivered the people of Israel from Egypt lEMJRIiR3tk-00002-00001216-00001816 so Israel left Egypt and now Egypt become the past their past and Promiseland and become their lEMJRIiR3tk-00003-00001816-00002440 future pharaoh pharaoh never Chased- pharaoh never chased Israel and the Bible Said God lEMJRIiR3tk-00004-00002440-00003040 Drew them out of Egypt before people of Israel was like yeah hallelujah thank you God they was like lEMJRIiR3tk-00005-00003040-00003679 the war is finished then God sais wait a minute work is not done why God Drew them out because lEMJRIiR3tk-00006-00003679-00004592 God knew as long as he tried to live in the past their past their slavry their slave master those lEMJRIiR3tk-00007-00004592-00005112 who trouble them when they think about all that kind of dark thick shadows they'll be like oh my lEMJRIiR3tk-00008-00005112-00005768 God that problem I can't imagine i'm not i'm not able to sleep the enemy is taking me to my past lEMJRIiR3tk-00009-00005768-00006296 how can i move forward here's a problem so they can never go forward so do you want to know what lEMJRIiR3tk-00010-00006296-00006968 God did God did is whatever past thing troubled you i'm going to pull it out and drawn it over lEMJRIiR3tk-00011-00006968-00007616 there when you think your past is still alive you will not go forward god is letting you know that lEMJRIiR3tk-00012-00007616-00008328 he pulled your past the day you received christ if you're in the past and the past never rise again lEMJRIiR3tk-00013-00008328-00008952 you will not see that again in your life in isaiah chapter 14:43-16 verse 17 does say the lord who lEMJRIiR3tk-00014-00008952-00009736 makes a way in the sea and the path to the mighty waters who bring both chariot and [ __ ] the army lEMJRIiR3tk-00015-00009736-00010304 and the power that shall lie down together they shall not rise see they shall not rise again they lEMJRIiR3tk-00016-00010304-00010992 excuse me they are turned like a wick as you and i receive jesus christ as the lord and savior we lEMJRIiR3tk-00017-00010992-00011616 are free from sin but not from flesh see most of the christian people have this problem they start lEMJRIiR3tk-00018-00011616-00012216 the journey but not finishing up they are not finishing the finish line when moses left egypt no lEMJRIiR3tk-00019-00012216-00012768 one said to moses most of you moses you're going to end with the massive people in the sea at that lEMJRIiR3tk-00020-00012768-00013280 time there was no one and if moses was having a google map he'll be knowing yeah this is it lEMJRIiR3tk-00021-00013280-00013808 there is a sea i cannot go to this park i need to go this park he be knowing and he can check okay lEMJRIiR3tk-00022-00013808-00014512 there's no way but there was nothing at that time sometimes it is good just imagine if moses was um lEMJRIiR3tk-00023-00014512-00015191 having an assistant like gps that we're having today to show the way how we all are going to see lEMJRIiR3tk-00024-00015191-00015888 that amazing miracle now when moses was standing before the sea some may think like oh god i was lEMJRIiR3tk-00025-00015888-00016424 not knowing this if anyone crosses this way before i won't bring this massive people this to this lEMJRIiR3tk-00026-00016424-00017224 in this day wasting time wasting hard work a lot of hard work but when moses left the egypt with lEMJRIiR3tk-00027-00017224-00017992 the people of israel god is watching from the top he know where how to grow how to make the way how lEMJRIiR3tk-00028-00017992-00018528 to bring the promised land and god didn't stop him god didn't block him because the people who lEMJRIiR3tk-00029-00018528-00019232 went before moses god is letting us know that the thing that they suffered the thing that they faced lEMJRIiR3tk-00030-00019232-00019880 are nothing you have to face this moses and moses went forward not by expecting a promised land lEMJRIiR3tk-00031-00019880-00020432 but by seeing the promised land over here god is now teaching us tools to solve a lEMJRIiR3tk-00032-00020432-00021112 simple small problem but god is teaching us over here to solve a big problem in our life the big lEMJRIiR3tk-00033-00021112-00021640 trouble like the people of israel was having let me say this if you're thinking in this way lEMJRIiR3tk-00034-00021640-00022320 i don't miss it by taking a wrong decision for this uh journey or 2021 i started but i cannot lEMJRIiR3tk-00035-00022320-00022896 finish this anymore so i'm gonna finish i'm gonna quit this in 2022 in this year i'm going to quit lEMJRIiR3tk-00036-00022896-00023480 everything this is for you then this is for you don't stop keep moving forward your time had not lEMJRIiR3tk-00037-00023480-00023992 been wasted the works that you have done is not wasted the thing that you have shown is lEMJRIiR3tk-00038-00023992-00024712 not wasted the people who went before you and they saw the failure then you are going to change that lEMJRIiR3tk-00039-00024712-00025352 history into as a victory when everyone was seeing the war and there god opened the gate of heaven lEMJRIiR3tk-00040-00025352-00025992 and john an apostle saw it we we have seen and read about the young david who fighted the good lEMJRIiR3tk-00041-00025992-00026512 fight david did not know the light that is going to come you see when goliath came everyone ran lEMJRIiR3tk-00042-00026512-00027183 away but david moved forward because david no david saw the open door david and iran david lEMJRIiR3tk-00043-00027264-00027848 david doesn't see in the goliath when david saw the open door david saw the red sea david saw an lEMJRIiR3tk-00044-00027848-00028512 opportunity now david said what will be given to the man who wins the goliath david saw the open lEMJRIiR3tk-00045-00028512-00029152 door in the form of giant my question is when you see a challenge do you see it as a challenge or do lEMJRIiR3tk-00046-00029152-00029776 you see as the red sea or the open door now when now they will move forward by taking the challenge lEMJRIiR3tk-00047-00029776-00030368 what will be happening if david is saying well uh i'm not ready because i'm not prepared battle lEMJRIiR3tk-00048-00030368-00030927 belongs to the lord was never scripture jesus has jesus has done everything we don't want to do lEMJRIiR3tk-00049-00030927-00031568 anything this is the number one life of the enemy you and i is free from free from sin but not from lEMJRIiR3tk-00050-00031568-00032288 flesh it's like you know you're being lazy that so you you need deliverance be be prepared for a war lEMJRIiR3tk-00051-00032288-00032968 for the rematch preparation is a such an important thing and david was prepared what he said david lEMJRIiR3tk-00052-00032968-00033784 said to the philistine you come against me yeah though i walk in the valley of the shadow of death lEMJRIiR3tk-00053-00033904-00034712 i fear no evil you are with me with the sword and prayer and javelin but i come against you lEMJRIiR3tk-00054-00034712-00035256 in the name of the lord almighty the god of the earth israel whom you have difficult this lEMJRIiR3tk-00055-00035256-00036584 day the lord will hand over to me and i strike you down and cut off your head i will fight you lEMJRIiR3tk-00056-00037464-00037984 yes lL5J82Iyk10-00000-00000348-00000682 Hello everybody, it's Kinga and today we are going to do lL5J82Iyk10-00001-00000750-00000964 Smokey eye for close-set eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00002-00000964-00001616 Before we begin, I feel like I have to say that I absolutely hate lL5J82Iyk10-00003-00001636-00002088 putting the same pattern, the same makeup on everyone lL5J82Iyk10-00004-00002088-00002484 It's like disrespecting your face and your unique features, like lL5J82Iyk10-00005-00002572-00002628 WHY?? lL5J82Iyk10-00006-00002636-00003042 But according to standards the distance between your eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00007-00003042-00003326 should be the size of one eye lL5J82Iyk10-00008-00003360-00003594 So I don't qualify, obviously lL5J82Iyk10-00009-00003600-00004174 I feel like people who have close set eyes, like mine, might be afraid to do a full smokey eye lL5J82Iyk10-00010-00004184-00004462 because it's so dark and it makes the eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00011-00004480-00004680 appear even closer together lL5J82Iyk10-00012-00004698-00004994 But hey, don't give up, there's hope lL5J82Iyk10-00013-00005040-00005292 So today we're gonna do a real smoky eye lL5J82Iyk10-00014-00005296-00005912 It will be dark, it will be smoky, it will be sultry, with black liner and all the things you want lL5J82Iyk10-00015-00005912-00006130 but respecting your shapes, so lL5J82Iyk10-00016-00006156-00006304 Sooo let's go! lL5J82Iyk10-00017-00006912-00007026 So as you can see, lL5J82Iyk10-00018-00007026-00007404 I've got my base makeup already done, so you can just focus on the eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00019-00007404-00008098 And today I'm going to use a very very affordable palette from Makeup Revolution lL5J82Iyk10-00020-00008118-00008386 It will be super easy, I promise lL5J82Iyk10-00021-00008386-00008624 I'm gonna use just two colours lL5J82Iyk10-00022-00008632-00008800 Those two lL5J82Iyk10-00023-00008920-00009414 So these are the shades that you probably have somewhere in your makeup collection lL5J82Iyk10-00024-00009414-00009858 I will use this lighter shade first lL5J82Iyk10-00025-00009868-00010186 I will put this colour all over the lid lL5J82Iyk10-00026-00010834-00011258 And slightly shape the outer corner lL5J82Iyk10-00027-00012096-00012784 For the inner corner I'm just stopping like right here. No more, just blending lL5J82Iyk10-00028-00013518-00013769 Now, taking a small pencil brush lL5J82Iyk10-00029-00013834-00014369 The same lighter shade goes underneath, all along the lash line lL5J82Iyk10-00030-00014996-00015266 And again, nothing in the inner corner lL5J82Iyk10-00031-00017082-00017244 This is just the basic colour lL5J82Iyk10-00032-00017244-00017780 And now, with this graphite shade lL5J82Iyk10-00033-00017904-00018050 on a small brush lL5J82Iyk10-00034-00018068-00018250 The same pencil brush lL5J82Iyk10-00035-00018252-00018508 Excess on the back of my hand lL5J82Iyk10-00036-00018508-00018806 and now is the time to sculpt the eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00037-00018868-00019096 I'm going to put it lL5J82Iyk10-00038-00019198-00019536 In the outer corner and a little bit along the lash line lL5J82Iyk10-00039-00020042-00020504 And from here I'm going a little bit up lL5J82Iyk10-00040-00020666-00020782 and turn lL5J82Iyk10-00041-00021622-00021800 So now I'm gonna blend it lL5J82Iyk10-00042-00022408-00022890 And the same brush again, on the lower lashline lL5J82Iyk10-00043-00023158-00023552 It will be just the outer corner, really lL5J82Iyk10-00044-00023646-00023988 And kind of a straight line lL5J82Iyk10-00045-00024180-00024352 like extending lL5J82Iyk10-00046-00024894-00025032 In this shape lL5J82Iyk10-00047-00026916-00027164 This is how the shadow looks alone lL5J82Iyk10-00048-00027227-00027733 and now it's time to line the eyes with black liner lL5J82Iyk10-00049-00027745-00028056 and I will use a liquid liner, Rimmel's lL5J82Iyk10-00050-00028345-00028448 Glam'eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00051-00028448-00028988 The shape that I want here is, of course, concentrated lL5J82Iyk10-00052-00028988-00029480 in the outer corner, so very very very thin up to here lL5J82Iyk10-00053-00029480-00029762 Here it will be thicker and going up lL5J82Iyk10-00054-00029824-00030176 Let's see if I can do that in one take lL5J82Iyk10-00055-00031056-00031286 Oh those lashes are so annoying lL5J82Iyk10-00056-00031750-00031870 It's getting thicker lL5J82Iyk10-00057-00032212-00032386 and it's going up lL5J82Iyk10-00058-00033516-00034044 It's really stressful on the camera and to be honest, it's so uncomfortable lL5J82Iyk10-00059-00035692-00036002 Yeeeeaaaah, I did it! lL5J82Iyk10-00060-00036026-00036352 So yeah, the basic shape is here, I will just perfect it lL5J82Iyk10-00061-00036930-00037074 Here you've got... lL5J82Iyk10-00062-00037308-00037462 dirty hands lL5J82Iyk10-00063-00037502-00038046 and the shadow with liner, so you can definitely see lL5J82Iyk10-00064-00038060-00038478 how heavy it is in the outer corners lL5J82Iyk10-00065-00038478-00038898 And now surprise, we're gonna do the black water line lL5J82Iyk10-00066-00038944-00039240 Right here, at the front lL5J82Iyk10-00067-00039278-00039698 It will make the shape all better lL5J82Iyk10-00068-00039698-00039938 But I will do it up to here lL5J82Iyk10-00069-00040108-00040508 I will leave the waterline clean in the outer corners lL5J82Iyk10-00070-00041082-00041588 So by doing this line, it just gets more 'cat eye' lL5J82Iyk10-00071-00043452-00043544 Oh I forgot lL5J82Iyk10-00072-00043544-00043792 This is Maybelline's Snapscara in black lL5J82Iyk10-00073-00044708-00044864 You've got the eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00074-00044940-00045438 really dark and really smokey, right? And it's... lL5J82Iyk10-00075-00045586-00045948 I feel like it's really doing it's job lL5J82Iyk10-00076-00045948-00046176 Like, it's really heavy here, lL5J82Iyk10-00077-00046180-00046392 we've got the black liner, so lL5J82Iyk10-00078-00046446-00046870 (???) it's win-win situation. You've got everything lL5J82Iyk10-00079-00046870-00047216 Ok, so to finish off I will do the brows lL5J82Iyk10-00080-00047236-00047436 Just lL5J82Iyk10-00081-00047478-00047624 real quick lL5J82Iyk10-00082-00047784-00048040 Because the eyes are so strong lL5J82Iyk10-00083-00048040-00048214 they need the frame lL5J82Iyk10-00084-00049914-00050258 Now, for the finishing touch it will be, of course, lips lL5J82Iyk10-00085-00050310-00050950 It will be 'my lips but better' matte lipstick lL5J82Iyk10-00086-00050950-00051158 with a very cute name -Plush Blush lL5J82Iyk10-00087-00051367-00051584 So it's like a pinky nude, really lL5J82Iyk10-00088-00052290-00052716 I think I'm gonna put some blusher because I like it lL5J82Iyk10-00089-00052716-00053217 and it will be this cooler shade from Physicians Formula lL5J82Iyk10-00090-00054017-00054526 So here you have that, the finished smokey eye for close set eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00091-00054526-00054791 And let me know if that was helpful for you lL5J82Iyk10-00092-00054791-00054972 For me it definitely works lL5J82Iyk10-00093-00054972-00055478 It's changed my approach to smokey eye because I was really reluctant at first too lL5J82Iyk10-00094-00055479-00055652 This is a very nice look lL5J82Iyk10-00095-00055652-00056267 We all know that smokey eye is a very classic look for parties and for occasions lL5J82Iyk10-00096-00056278-00056679 It's just very good to have it as an alternative lL5J82Iyk10-00097-00058416-00058564 But what if... lL5J82Iyk10-00098-00058694-00058905 I'm gonna do that. I will check lL5J82Iyk10-00099-00059655-00059855 Okay, this is disastrous lL5J82Iyk10-00100-00060446-00060514 My eyes lL5J82Iyk10-00101-00060541-00060844 Okay, so this is it for today, a bonus feature is lL5J82Iyk10-00102-00060844-00061072 'How to destroy your makeup in five seconds' lL5J82Iyk10-00103-00061072-00061272 See you again. Bye! lNnItw5JMoo-00000-00000917-00001828 Think Safety First. Hi, I'm Rick Martens with Martens Manurigation. Confined spaces. The lNnItw5JMoo-00001-00001828-00002430 learning objectives of this segment are to identify decomposition gases in manure, identify lNnItw5JMoo-00002-00002430-00003059 hazards associated with gases from manure, and identify safety procedures while working lNnItw5JMoo-00003-00003059-00004130 around confined spaces. Decomp gases. They include methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and lNnItw5JMoo-00004-00004130-00004934 hydrogen sulfide. These are the most common gases that you'll find. High concentrations lNnItw5JMoo-00005-00004934-00005757 of decomp gases can be found in manure pits and especially in enclosed areas. Especially lNnItw5JMoo-00006-00005757-00006489 high concentration in certain building locations, or conditions and may be present in tankers. lNnItw5JMoo-00007-00006489-00007178 We need to be aware of all these situations when we're working around these areas. Decomp lNnItw5JMoo-00008-00007178-00007829 gases. Not typically a problem with open air structures, such as lagoons, or slurrystores lNnItw5JMoo-00009-00007829-00008875 as gases diffuse; however, still use caution. The most potential problem areas include: lNnItw5JMoo-00010-00008875-00009563 pits underneath buildings, indoor housing collection pits, small access openings on lNnItw5JMoo-00011-00009563-00010575 outside pumping pits, manual plug removal at the bottom of the pit, during agitation, lNnItw5JMoo-00012-00010575-00011431 and the tank opening when using a pump stand. Manure tankers are confined spaces, especially lNnItw5JMoo-00013-00011431-00012631 during hot, muggy days. Underground pits are confined spaces. Be aware in the barns. Do lNnItw5JMoo-00014-00012631-00013287 not enter the barn if you do not absolutely have to. And also remember entering the barn lNnItw5JMoo-00015-00013287-00014126 could also be in vile security issue. The hazards of the gases. Suffocation from lNnItw5JMoo-00016-00014126-00015020 the lack of oxygen, or a flat out poisonous gas. There could be an explosion. Animal and lNnItw5JMoo-00017-00015020-00016115 human fatalities are also common with hazardous gases. Be aware. Do not enter. Remember: provide lNnItw5JMoo-00018-00016115-00016732 adequate ventilation, do not enter confined space without proper training or equipment. lpU5-xP-EZE-00000-00001589-00001789 Consider SUBSCRIBING for more encouraging videos like this. :) lpU5-xP-EZE-00001-00005086-00005463 Matthew 22:37-40 lpU5-xP-EZE-00002-00005463-00006124 Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the faithless destroys them. lpU5-xP-EZE-00003-00006124-00006420 1 Timothy 5:8 lpU5-xP-EZE-00004-00007026-00007397 Luke 9:23 lpU5-xP-EZE-00005-00010597-00011271 2 Corinthians 7:10 For Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. lpU5-xP-EZE-00006-00015370-00015670 Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive. lpU5-xP-EZE-00007-00018346-00018546 2 Corinthians 13:5 lpU5-xP-EZE-00008-00019100-00019396 Matthew 7:22-23 lpU5-xP-EZE-00009-00026723-00026923 Hebrews 12:14 lpU5-xP-EZE-00010-00031241-00031637 Romans 8:8 Those controlled by the flesh cannot please God. lpU5-xP-EZE-00011-00033618-00033818 Ephesians 6:12 lpU5-xP-EZE-00012-00036511-00037007 Matthew 24:10 And then shall many be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. lpU5-xP-EZE-00013-00038025-00038516 Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold. lpU5-xP-EZE-00014-00039011-00039211 Matthew 11:6 lpU5-xP-EZE-00015-00039401-00039601 Proverbs 19:11 lpU5-xP-EZE-00016-00040027-00040625 Hebrews 12:15 Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. lpU5-xP-EZE-00017-00041096-00041494 Ephesians 5:33, Colossians 3:19 lpU5-xP-EZE-00018-00043300-00043500 Philippians 2:12 lpU5-xP-EZE-00019-00047271-00047968 Luke 6:26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets. lpU5-xP-EZE-00020-00050138-00050338 Proverbs 3:5-6 lpU5-xP-EZE-00021-00050890-00051090 Proverbs 4:5-9 lpU5-xP-EZE-00022-00052680-00052880 Romans 12:2 lpU5-xP-EZE-00023-00061417-00061617 Romans 12:1 lpU5-xP-EZE-00024-00062743-00063437 1 Corinthians 10:23 I have the right to do anything," you say-but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"-but not everything is constructive. lpU5-xP-EZE-00025-00067904-00068598 So don't chase after people who reject you either. Give the truth in Love and they will accept it or not. lpU5-xP-EZE-00026-00069107-00069307 John 3:16 lpU5-xP-EZE-00027-00070434-00070634 John 17:3 lpU5-xP-EZE-00028-00071208-00071710 1 John 4:20 If someone says, "I love God," but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar, for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? lpU5-xP-EZE-00029-00074883-00075083 1 John 3:10 lpU5-xP-EZE-00030-00077475-00077675 John 10:10 lpU5-xP-EZE-00031-00080037-00080630 Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. lpU5-xP-EZE-00032-00087448-00087648 Communication, Listening, And Understanding. lpU5-xP-EZE-00033-00098603-00098803 Matthew 10:38 lpU5-xP-EZE-00034-00101316-00101516 Matthew 19:26 lpU5-xP-EZE-00035-00103531-00103731 Ecclesiastes 12:13 lpU5-xP-EZE-00036-00105583-00105780 2 Peter 1:5-8 lpU5-xP-EZE-00037-00108480-00109075 2 Peter 1:9 For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. lpU5-xP-EZE-00038-00113162-00113362 Luke 7:47 lpU5-xP-EZE-00039-00114455-00114655 1 John 2:16 lpU5-xP-EZE-00040-00116782-00116982 Revelation 2:4 lpU5-xP-EZE-00041-00118777-00119470 Revelation 2:5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place. lpU5-xP-EZE-00042-00124092-00124292 2 Timothy 4:3 lpU5-xP-EZE-00043-00125485-00126302 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king. lpU5-xP-EZE-00044-00127782-00127982 2 Timothy 3:12 lpU5-xP-EZE-00045-00128301-00128501 Acts 14:22 lpU5-xP-EZE-00046-00132380-00132580 1 Peter 4:15 lpU5-xP-EZE-00047-00140014-00140214 Matthew 15:8 lpU5-xP-EZE-00048-00142734-00142934 1 Peter 5:6 lpU5-xP-EZE-00049-00143943-00144344 Humbling yourself is a Commandment. lpU5-xP-EZE-00050-00148997-00149794 Proverbs 20:6-7 Many will tell you they're loyal friends, but who can find one who is trustworthy? The lovers of God will walk in integrity, and their children are fortunate to have gold parents as examples. lpU5-xP-EZE-00051-00150162-00150362 Matthew 5:37 lpU5-xP-EZE-00052-00153363-00153563 Colossians 2:7 lpU5-xP-EZE-00053-00154643-00154941 Luke 3:8 lpU5-xP-EZE-00054-00156919-00157515 John 6:66 After this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. lpU5-xP-EZE-00055-00162319-00162519 Genesis 3:5 lpU5-xP-EZE-00056-00164664-00165357 Job 28:28 And this is what he says to all humanity: 'The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding." lpU5-xP-EZE-00057-00166938-00167138 John 13:35 lpU5-xP-EZE-00058-00169858-00170147 Romans 10:14-15 lpU5-xP-EZE-00059-00171376-00171576 Matthew 10:38 lpU5-xP-EZE-00060-00173402-00173698 Revelation 3:15 lpU5-xP-EZE-00061-00179819-00180019 Matthew 1:21 lpU5-xP-EZE-00062-00180757-00181055 2 Timothy 3:5 lpU5-xP-EZE-00063-00182252-00182651 James 4:6 God opposes the Proud, but shows favor to the humble. lpU5-xP-EZE-00064-00183305-00183702 Consider SUBSCRIBING for more content. <3 lQhWR7DeN1c-00000-00002309-00002889 hey guys we're here we just checked in we are in Laughlin Nevada let's go check lQhWR7DeN1c-00001-00002889-00005851 out a roll lQhWR7DeN1c-00002-00005851-00006380 all right I hope you guys liked our room tour and we are starving because we just lQhWR7DeN1c-00003-00006380-00006866 did a five-hour drive from San Diego so we are gonna get something to eat right lQhWR7DeN1c-00004-00006866-00008045 now let's go we just had some delicious in-and-out and we're from San Diego so lQhWR7DeN1c-00005-00008045-00008504 we have in-and-out over there but for some reason we wanted to here definitely lQhWR7DeN1c-00006-00008504-00009065 hungry we had a five hour drive and we just wanted to eat real quick but uh lQhWR7DeN1c-00007-00009065-00009629 usually it was packed yes very very packed so now we are gonna check out the lQhWR7DeN1c-00008-00009629-00010061 Riverwalk and also we're gonna see if we could hop on one of these little river lQhWR7DeN1c-00009-00010061-00010478 taxis or where they call water taxis we're gonna jump on a water-taxi and lQhWR7DeN1c-00010-00010478-00010919 then we're gonna check out the Colorado River so we're in Laughlin Nevada and if lQhWR7DeN1c-00011-00010919-00011374 you go on the other side of the river it turns into Arizona lQhWR7DeN1c-00012-00014463-00015128 so if you're interested in getting the water taxis it's $5 one-way and it stops lQhWR7DeN1c-00013-00015128-00015608 off at every hotel so if you want to go back it's gonna be $10 but you could go lQhWR7DeN1c-00014-00015608-00016069 all the way from one side all the way to the other side for five bucks so it's a lQhWR7DeN1c-00015-00016069-00016498 pretty good deal and it's a nice little fun ride lQhWR7DeN1c-00016-00016566-00018727 come here to Riverside Hotel & Casino and check out this amazing car show lQhWR7DeN1c-00017-00018826-00019459 admission is $2.00 per adult over 21 years of age and most of these cars are lQhWR7DeN1c-00018-00019459-00020039 actually owned by mr. Laughlin and some of them are owned by mr. Lopez which lQhWR7DeN1c-00019-00020039-00021161 actually has a couple shops across the river and bullhead Arizona if you're lQhWR7DeN1c-00020-00021161-00021578 looking for things to do here in Laughlin Nevada come to the car show lQhWR7DeN1c-00021-00021578-00023123 here at the Riverside Hotel and Casino owned by mr. Laughlin lQhWR7DeN1c-00022-00023123-00023649 okay just a quick tip you guys wanna dream while you are enjoying in the lQhWR7DeN1c-00023-00023649-00024171 sunset in the Riverwalk okay you're allowed to but don't bring any glass lQhWR7DeN1c-00024-00024171-00024888 bottles and heat blast cups no glass you will get arrested lQhWR7DeN1c-00025-00024888-00025872 no maybe fine good morning everyone today is day two in Laughlin Nevada and lQhWR7DeN1c-00026-00025872-00026322 we had a blast last night we checked out a little bit of the nightlife we went lQhWR7DeN1c-00027-00026322-00026545 dancing lQhWR7DeN1c-00028-00028211-00028686 it was fun but it is not comparable to Vegas so if you're looking for that lQhWR7DeN1c-00029-00028686-00029286 party style over in Vegas do not come to Laughlin we still had a blast and a lQhWR7DeN1c-00030-00029286-00029733 great time though we also went gambling for a little bit last night hit the slot lQhWR7DeN1c-00031-00029733-00030552 machines up and we also played keno and if you're wondering yes the waitresses lQhWR7DeN1c-00032-00030552-00030971 do come around and they give you free drinks as long as you're gambling just lQhWR7DeN1c-00033-00030971-00031334 like in Vegas I'd say the overall feel here is more lQhWR7DeN1c-00034-00031334-00031919 like downtown Vegas but it's still a couple notches below so don't come here lQhWR7DeN1c-00035-00031919-00032408 thinking it's like Vegas or like Downtown Vegas it's more of a relaxed lQhWR7DeN1c-00036-00032408-00032852 atmosphere where you could gamble you could still drink and you could have fun lQhWR7DeN1c-00037-00032852-00033249 if you're a coffee drink and you need coffee in the morning like I do lQhWR7DeN1c-00038-00033249-00033740 there is a Dunkin Donuts here at Edgewater casino where we're staying it lQhWR7DeN1c-00039-00033740-00034393 and if you want Starbucks that's at the Golden Nugget a couple hotels down lQhWR7DeN1c-00040-00035291-00035790 we are here at the Laughlin Outlet Center and we kind of came early because lQhWR7DeN1c-00041-00035790-00036318 we have a lot of stores that are closed so do not come before ten o'clock so the lQhWR7DeN1c-00042-00036318-00036783 food court is downstairs on the first floor I'm going to show the directory so lQhWR7DeN1c-00043-00036783-00037083 you guys can check out what stores they have here but they do have a lot of lQhWR7DeN1c-00044-00037083-00037327 stores here lQhWR7DeN1c-00045-00037846-00038278 and if you're looking for the outlet it's located right in front of the lQhWR7DeN1c-00046-00038278-00038706 Edgewater casino where we're staying it lQhWR7DeN1c-00047-00043065-00043717 omelet chicken fuck Finch tells some scrambled egg and a biscuit lQhWR7DeN1c-00048-00043717-00044425 fried chicken big chicken mashed potatoes maybe and roasted turkey so lQhWR7DeN1c-00049-00044425-00044905 there was a long line to get in but it was well worth it because we got a table lQhWR7DeN1c-00050-00044905-00045361 right next to the river so we got to check out the river as we were eating it lQhWR7DeN1c-00051-00045361-00045781 was delicious the little guy got into some sugar or something because he is on lQhWR7DeN1c-00052-00045781-00046312 a good one right now lQhWR7DeN1c-00053-00046863-00047136 thank you lQhWR7DeN1c-00054-00047419-00048096 so we just found a free boat that goes on the other side which is bullhead lQhWR7DeN1c-00055-00048096-00048528 Arizona and there's pretty much nothing to do here so it looks like all the lQhWR7DeN1c-00056-00048528-00049011 employees that work at the casinos live in Arizona and they just cross on the lQhWR7DeN1c-00057-00049011-00049380 boat and they go to work over there so it is free so if you guys want to come lQhWR7DeN1c-00058-00049380-00049865 check it out there's not too much stuff to do that I seen so what it's cool that lQhWR7DeN1c-00059-00049865-00050337 we got to go over here and it was free so something free to do yes lQhWR7DeN1c-00060-00050337-00050799 nice ride so I'm free to do in Laughlin Nevada if you're looking for the free lQhWR7DeN1c-00061-00050799-00051545 boat ride it's right on the dock of the Riverside casino okay we are now at the lQhWR7DeN1c-00062-00051545-00052022 Harrah's Casino and all the self parkings that we've gone to so far this lQhWR7DeN1c-00063-00052022-00052529 trip which is like five it has been no cover so free self parking when you come lQhWR7DeN1c-00064-00052529-00053199 down here to Laughlin Nevada if you guys want to come to a beach in the middle of lQhWR7DeN1c-00065-00053199-00053736 Nevada come to the Harrah's Casino cuz they got a beach right here but you are lQhWR7DeN1c-00066-00053736-00054285 supposed to have a Harris Key don't tell nobody we're kind of snuck on but you lQhWR7DeN1c-00067-00054285-00056813 are supposed to have a key if you want to come down to the beach lQhWR7DeN1c-00068-00056941-00057469 if you come all the way down to water craft rentals you could get a seadoo for lQhWR7DeN1c-00069-00057469-00057966 $89 for the first hour and then you could do all day for $400 lQhWR7DeN1c-00070-00057966-00058613 and it's located all the way the farthest end of the Harrah's Casino in lQhWR7DeN1c-00071-00058613-00059108 the beach area so all the hotels here are on the river except for the lQhWR7DeN1c-00072-00059108-00060188 Tropicana so that's a deal-breaker do not book your hotel at the Tropicana we lQhWR7DeN1c-00073-00060188-00060816 are currently at the Edgewater pool and it's uh okay nothing too much to write lQhWR7DeN1c-00074-00060816-00061200 home about but crazy yeah and I'm crazy but I felt like the lQhWR7DeN1c-00075-00061200-00061769 Harris had the nicest pool and it also has the beach so I recommend that one if lQhWR7DeN1c-00076-00061769-00062138 you're all about going to the pool or you know you're gonna go to the water lQhWR7DeN1c-00077-00062138-00062726 which one do you like a curious yeah that was like my search I liked it it lQhWR7DeN1c-00078-00062726-00063036 was pretty nice we walked by it and it looked like everybody's having a good lQhWR7DeN1c-00079-00063036-00063542 time they had the canopies up I guess you could rent those out get drinks have lQhWR7DeN1c-00080-00063542-00064098 fallen by the pool and it did look nice if you guys are coming to Laughlin lQhWR7DeN1c-00081-00064098-00064524 Nevada with kids I recommend the Riverside Hotel and lQhWR7DeN1c-00082-00064524-00064998 Casino because they have a bowling alley they have arcades for the kids and they lQhWR7DeN1c-00083-00064998-00065391 even have their own movie theater so I definitely recommend it if you're lQhWR7DeN1c-00084-00065391-00065780 bringing kids to Laughlin thank you guys for checking out the video if you liked lQhWR7DeN1c-00085-00065780-00066450 it give it that like subscribe any comments or questions down below and we lQhWR7DeN1c-00086-00066450-00067004 will get back to you and we will see you guys on the next video lQnE-Lyi3GE-00000-00000760-00001108 Hello everyone, I guess we can start. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00001-00001132-00001512 First of all, I'll say a few words about myself. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00002-00001540-00001868 I work as a software engineer at GoodCode here in Zagreb, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00003-00001892-00002336 and since our original speaker couldn't make it today, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00004-00002356-00002772 I came in as a replacement. Before we even begin lQnE-Lyi3GE-00005-00002792-00003088 I just want to explain the subject a bit. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00006-00003112-00003456 When I say 'socially awkward community' I don't want to say lQnE-Lyi3GE-00007-00003479-00003911 that as something negative, or different from myself. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00008-00003936-00004296 For instance, I have to keep reminding myself when I talk lQnE-Lyi3GE-00009-00004316-00004644 in front of large groups of people not to stare at my feet lQnE-Lyi3GE-00010-00004668-00005076 and speak very slowly or silently. I have to speak up lQnE-Lyi3GE-00011-00005100-00005552 and actually look at you. As I said, it's not a general rule. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00012-00005576-00005980 It's just something that I've noticed about our community. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00013-00006000-00006531 Perhaps the people working in IT don't necessarily have the need lQnE-Lyi3GE-00014-00006548-00007059 to push themselves forward into all those social matters. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00015-00007568-00008028 And, that would be it, and let's begin. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00016-00008048-00008404 Why should we even talk about this topic? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00017-00008424-00008848 First of all, our industry is constantly growing, and lQnE-Lyi3GE-00018-00008864-00009340 therefore I don't think we are competition to each other. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00019-00009360-00009836 There are enough jobs for all of us and it doesn't hurt lQnE-Lyi3GE-00020-00009856-00010296 to help each other in that way. Because if we help each other, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00021-00010312-00010796 then we are making the industry better which in turn makes lQnE-Lyi3GE-00022-00010816-00011312 our jobs better. And what is very important, at least for me, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00023-00011332-00011764 it reduces stress at the workplace. I don't want to lQnE-Lyi3GE-00024-00011784-00012228 work somewhere where I'm constantly stressed out. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00025-00012248-00012580 Probably no one wants to work like that. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00026-00012612-00012980 Before we say something about how senior engineers or lQnE-Lyi3GE-00027-00013000-00013444 senior designers should treat junior ones, let's see lQnE-Lyi3GE-00028-00013463-00013919 what are the common issues that usually juniors face. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00029-00013940-00014328 But not just juniors, everyone can face them. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00030-00014352-00014704 You've heard already something about the impostor syndrome lQnE-Lyi3GE-00031-00014724-00015156 during the keynote speech. The impostor syndrome is... lQnE-Lyi3GE-00032-00015172-00015416 I will read you one of the definitions. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00033-00015440-00015788 Despite external evidence of my competence, I remain convinced lQnE-Lyi3GE-00034-00015808-00016052 that it is only a matter of time before I am discovered lQnE-Lyi3GE-00035-00016068-00016428 to be a fraud. I attribute my success so far to luck, timing lQnE-Lyi3GE-00036-00016444-00016840 and deception. When I found out that something like the impostor lQnE-Lyi3GE-00037-00016856-00017176 syndrome exists, I started feeling better about myself lQnE-Lyi3GE-00038-00017196-00017536 because up until that point I was certain it was just me. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00039-00017552-00017884 Then it turns out almost everyone has it. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00040-00017900-00018236 Not so often will you meet someone who has... lQnE-Lyi3GE-00041-00018252-00018564 Who's on the other side of the spectrum, the Dunning-Kruger lQnE-Lyi3GE-00042-00018584-00019028 effect. The guy, or the girl that thinks he or she lQnE-Lyi3GE-00043-00019044-00019392 knows everything, but doesn't know much. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00044-00019412-00019676 It's actually probably more of a problem than the impostor lQnE-Lyi3GE-00045-00019696-00020064 syndrome. All this can lead to you simply being overwhelmed. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00046-00020084-00020456 I have this colleague at work who tends to get overwhelmed lQnE-Lyi3GE-00047-00020476-00020932 sometimes, and then he starts talking about doing something lQnE-Lyi3GE-00048-00020948-00021328 else for a living like farming, and stuff like that. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00049-00021344-00021740 It's very normal. So what can you do lQnE-Lyi3GE-00050-00021760-00022112 as someone with a bit more experience than your colleague lQnE-Lyi3GE-00051-00022128-00022496 who doesn't have that much experience? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00052-00022520-00022996 But before we say that, what can you do if you are the junior lQnE-Lyi3GE-00053-00023016-00023432 and you have no one around you to help you? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00054-00023576-00023980 I can tell you that you're not alone, but that's just lQnE-Lyi3GE-00055-00023996-00024312 a statement, 'you're not alone'. That's something you shouldn't lQnE-Lyi3GE-00056-00024332-00024616 hear from me. You can forget all about me and this talk lQnE-Lyi3GE-00057-00024636-00025004 when you leave this room, but it is something you should hear lQnE-Lyi3GE-00058-00025024-00025324 from the colleagues at your work because you will not lQnE-Lyi3GE-00059-00025340-00025764 forget how the colleagues at your work treated you. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00060-00025783-00026180 If you don't get that sort of support from someone who's, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00061-00026195-00026544 let's say, above you, try talking to your peers lQnE-Lyi3GE-00062-00026556-00026872 and being honest about it. And in my experience, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00063-00026888-00027208 when you start talking and being open about your problems, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00064-00027224-00027572 you'll be surprised by what you hear because you will lQnE-Lyi3GE-00065-00027592-00027932 probably, most likely, hear that other people have the same lQnE-Lyi3GE-00066-00027948-00028244 problems as you. As misery loves company, you will lQnE-Lyi3GE-00067-00028264-00028683 probably feel a bit better, even if you don't hear something lQnE-Lyi3GE-00068-00028700-00029024 constructive that will actually help you. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00069-00029060-00029452 And now, enter seniors who have a lot of experience lQnE-Lyi3GE-00070-00029472-00029836 and don't always want to deal with your problems lQnE-Lyi3GE-00071-00029852-00030216 in a way that you would like them to deal with your problems. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00072-00030395-00030804 Maybe you're self-taught and have a lot of experience, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00073-00030824-00031195 you used books, and Internet, and you say ok, I had a hard lQnE-Lyi3GE-00074-00031212-00031576 time coming to where I am so why shouldn't they have a lQnE-Lyi3GE-00075-00031600-00032020 hard time? But even those books and tutorials online, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00076-00032044-00032444 they were all written by someone who reached out to the community lQnE-Lyi3GE-00077-00032460-00032876 in order to help. So it's just a different way of helping. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00078-00032924-00033340 If you don't want to write books or write tutorials or online lQnE-Lyi3GE-00079-00033356-00033624 resources, you can sit down with your junior engineers lQnE-Lyi3GE-00080-00033644-00034100 and help them. Also, you will be helping yourself because lQnE-Lyi3GE-00081-00034116-00034552 if you have better colleagues, that will make your life easier. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00082-00034572-00035136 Normally I'm not talking about teaching anyone anything lQnE-Lyi3GE-00083-00035156-00035584 from scratch. If someone's already working at a company, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00084-00035600-00036088 you will, you will need them to have at least some sort of lQnE-Lyi3GE-00085-00036108-00036480 experience, and then you will just teach them details. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00086-00036592-00036876 How to recognize when you're needed? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00087-00036904-00037228 Ideally, they will simply tell you 'hey, I need help', lQnE-Lyi3GE-00088-00037244-00037504 but if that doesn't happen, try to notice some changes in lQnE-Lyi3GE-00089-00037524-00037824 their mood. Maybe they're trying to ask you, but they're shy, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00090-00037840-00038180 or they're afraid to ask you, or they're starting to talk lQnE-Lyi3GE-00091-00038196-00038612 about alternatives to coding, as I said earlier, the farming. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00092-00038628-00039108 You can also ask them every day if they need some sort of help. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00093-00039128-00039464 But before you help them, let's see what not to do. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00094-00039680-00040084 You can sometimes get a bit impatient, maybe even angry, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00095-00040104-00040512 maybe you don't even think about your social skills, ever, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00096-00040532-00040972 because maybe you didn't have the opportunity to learn lQnE-Lyi3GE-00097-00040988-00041368 something more about communication and interpersonal lQnE-Lyi3GE-00098-00041388-00041920 communication inside a group. So don't get angry or irritated, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00099-00041944-00042404 although you might want to get angry or irritated, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00100-00042420-00042876 hear them out. You'll need to have some patience as well lQnE-Lyi3GE-00101-00042892-00043256 so try not to lose it, but most importantly, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00102-00043276-00043644 don't be the silver bullet, don't just solve their problems lQnE-Lyi3GE-00103-00043656-00044044 for them. Don't sit next to your guy, or girl who has a problem lQnE-Lyi3GE-00104-00044060-00044488 and code, code out their problem. Try working with them lQnE-Lyi3GE-00105-00044504-00044772 because otherwise they won't learn anything. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00106-00044788-00045188 So, let's ignore the ideal case where you have one senior lQnE-Lyi3GE-00107-00045204-00045564 engineer on one junior engineer and they do peer programming lQnE-Lyi3GE-00108-00045584-00045968 the whole day. I don't know if any company has a set up lQnE-Lyi3GE-00109-00045984-00046296 like that. It's ideal, but it's not happening. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00110-00046340-00046644 So, when you try to help, remember that there was indeed lQnE-Lyi3GE-00111-00046660-00047000 a time when you didn't know much, and you probably didn't lQnE-Lyi3GE-00112-00047016-00047396 feel very good about yourself at least once in your career. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00113-00047428-00047836 It's very good to be away from that, but still there are lQnE-Lyi3GE-00114-00047860-00048224 people feeling that way. Teach them to break down lQnE-Lyi3GE-00115-00048240-00048720 problems. It sounds very, very easy, but when I talk to, to the lQnE-Lyi3GE-00116-00048740-00049184 students at the local college where I sometimes teach lQnE-Lyi3GE-00117-00049204-00049724 practical exercises, I'm surprised by how people lQnE-Lyi3GE-00118-00049744-00050156 lack the skill to break down problems. So try teaching lQnE-Lyi3GE-00119-00050176-00050516 those with less experience how to notice patterns lQnE-Lyi3GE-00120-00050532-00050996 in what you are doing every day. As I said earlier, solve issues lQnE-Lyi3GE-00121-00051012-00051472 together. As Ben Franklin said, 'tell me, and I will forget, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00122-00051488-00051852 teach me, and I will remember, and involve me, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00123-00051867-00052267 and I will learn.' So it's best to involve them. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00124-00052300-00052667 Also, what I have found to be helpful is making comparisons lQnE-Lyi3GE-00125-00052688-00053228 to your own past. For instance, we were working on an issue lQnE-Lyi3GE-00126-00053248-00053679 together, and I remembered that it's very similar lQnE-Lyi3GE-00127-00053696-00054016 to something I've been doing like a few years back, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00128-00054044-00054500 and I was stuck for two days. Why I think it's helpful? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00129-00054516-00055024 When I was inexperienced I was certain that all those lQnE-Lyi3GE-00130-00055040-00055391 with a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge lQnE-Lyi3GE-00131-00055412-00055804 were simply born that way, I will never be that way. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00132-00055828-00056252 And I, I 'didn't, I didn't want to realize that they had lQnE-Lyi3GE-00133-00056267-00056644 a long process of learning which I have to do as well. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00134-00056667-00056984 So when someone with more experience than me made some lQnE-Lyi3GE-00135-00057000-00057328 comparisons to their past in order to relate to me lQnE-Lyi3GE-00136-00057348-00057767 and to tell me ok, I had, I had been stuck the same way lQnE-Lyi3GE-00137-00057784-00058248 you were stuck, it made me feel like there is hope. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00138-00058604-00058967 You should always allow mistakes. Of course, not... lQnE-Lyi3GE-00139-00058991-00059460 If you have an engineer who's at your company for like a year lQnE-Lyi3GE-00140-00059476-00059791 and does constant mistakes every day, that's a different lQnE-Lyi3GE-00141-00059812-00060179 thing. But generally, you should allow mistakes to support their lQnE-Lyi3GE-00142-00060200-00060667 growth. A few years back I was working as a remote engineer lQnE-Lyi3GE-00143-00060688-00061172 for this company in San Francisco, and probably a month lQnE-Lyi3GE-00144-00061191-00061755 after I was hired I made quite a big mistake, and I committed lQnE-Lyi3GE-00145-00061776-00062155 something. We were generally having a bad practice with lQnE-Lyi3GE-00146-00062176-00062552 committing everything directly to master and just rebooting the lQnE-Lyi3GE-00147-00062572-00062864 servers. Very bad, don't do it. And the main feature of the lQnE-Lyi3GE-00148-00062879-00063172 web site was down for like half an hour, and the customers lQnE-Lyi3GE-00149-00063188-00063532 were furious, and I was certain I will get fired. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00150-00063552-00063891 But I didn't get fired. And then, like a year later lQnE-Lyi3GE-00151-00063912-00064260 I talked to the CEO, and I told him that I was certain that I lQnE-Lyi3GE-00152-00064279-00064624 would get fired there and then. And he said, 'no, no, you must lQnE-Lyi3GE-00153-00064672-00065128 never be afraid to make a mistake, no matter what the lQnE-Lyi3GE-00154-00065155-00065568 mistake is. And if you're constantly afraid, you won't be lQnE-Lyi3GE-00155-00065596-00066040 able to do your job properly.' Try to ask everyone for their lQnE-Lyi3GE-00156-00066068-00066432 input, their opinion. Even if you already know what you lQnE-Lyi3GE-00157-00066452-00066840 will do, it doesn't (help) hurt to involve someone and ask. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00158-00066868-00067264 Maybe you'll hear something that you haven't heard before. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00159-00067280-00067592 Take all your juniors to meet ups and conferences lQnE-Lyi3GE-00160-00067612-00067984 such as this to meet new people. If it's possible, praise them lQnE-Lyi3GE-00161-00068012-00068396 among your colleagues, tell them 'hey, this is our new lQnE-Lyi3GE-00162-00068420-00068736 engineer, she's been with us for just a month, and she's lQnE-Lyi3GE-00163-00068752-00069084 already doing great.' It will boost their confidence. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00164-00069104-00069504 You can hang out after work, and meet them. Perhaps see lQnE-Lyi3GE-00165-00069524-00069968 if there's some bloggers outside of work that you weren't, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00166-00069996-00070436 that you weren't, that you didn't know even existed. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00167-00070460-00070772 Of course, you're not a psychologist, you're not lQnE-Lyi3GE-00168-00070792-00071052 an expert, but still, you can be a good friend or at least lQnE-Lyi3GE-00169-00071084-00071424 a good colleague, someone they can talk to. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00170-00071444-00071848 And, probably most importantly, give losts of feedback. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00171-00071872-00072240 I mean, this goes to everyone. If you're not receiving lQnE-Lyi3GE-00172-00072268-00072620 feedback, you don't know where you are, what's happening, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00173-00072636-00072912 whether you're up for a promotion, or you're about to lQnE-Lyi3GE-00174-00072936-00073388 get fired. I think that everyone should get a lot of feedback, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00175-00073404-00073932 daily, weekly, as often as you can, give feedback. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00176-00074064-00074464 Should you decide to follow some of these guidelines, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00177-00074488-00074876 what might happen? lQnE-Lyi3GE-00178-00074912-00075276 The sun will obviously start to shine. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00179-00075308-00075884 Juniors can become empowered to grow and develop their skills. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00180-00076012-00076452 Cannot be a bad thing. They won't leave their jobs lQnE-Lyi3GE-00181-00076472-00076816 due to lack of support or because they think they're lQnE-Lyi3GE-00182-00076844-00077104 not good enough. They are good enough, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00183-00077128-00077592 they just lack the support. Imagine working on a large lQnE-Lyi3GE-00184-00077612-00077912 project that requires a lot of your time, and your energy, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00185-00077936-00078240 and you would really do good with some help, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00186-00078256-00078556 but there's noone there to help you so... If you mentor lQnE-Lyi3GE-00187-00078576-00079024 junior engineers, you will soon get the help you require. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00188-00079052-00079516 And, most importantly, overall stress is reduced, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00189-00079536-00079960 the atmosphere is more friendly, the team probably won't lQnE-Lyi3GE-00190-00079984-00080376 fall apart, at least soon. It will be alive for some time, lQnE-Lyi3GE-00191-00080400-00080884 and I think that that's probably the most important issue here. lQnE-Lyi3GE-00192-00080980-00081388 And that would be all. Thank you. lQpOwSzoIro-00000-00000273-00001005 In this example we want to use Excel to continue the pattern shown in the list lQpOwSzoIro-00001-00001005-00002494 here: 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, and so on. Pause the video and take a moment see if you can lQpOwSzoIro-00002-00002494-00003660 determine what the pattern is. There is more than one way to describe the lQpOwSzoIro-00003-00003660-00004092 pattern, but one way of looking at it is to go from one number to the next, here lQpOwSzoIro-00004-00004092-00004992 starting at 3, we double that and then add one. So double 3 and you get 6, add 1 lQpOwSzoIro-00005-00004992-00005484 and you get 7. So we're putting the preliminary numbers here into a column. lQpOwSzoIro-00006-00005484-00006168 Double 7 and you would get 14, add 1 and that's 15. Double 15 and you would get 30. lQpOwSzoIro-00007-00006168-00006981 add 1 that's 31, and so on. Now in order to continue this pattern down to the lQpOwSzoIro-00008-00006981-00007440 20th term we want to use a formula to describe the pattern and then we can use lQpOwSzoIro-00009-00007440-00007950 cut and paste to very quickly generate the rest of the terms in this sequence. lQpOwSzoIro-00010-00007950-00008499 So we're going to enter a formula by typing an equal sign and the formula lQpOwSzoIro-00011-00008499-00009025 that we want here is going to reference the cell above. What we want in row 5 is lQpOwSzoIro-00012-00009025-00009849 the number above, which I will click on that cell, A4 multiplied by 2, so we're lQpOwSzoIro-00013-00009849-00010863 typing times 2, and then adding 1, so we have the formula "equals A4 times 2 plus lQpOwSzoIro-00014-00010863-00011484 1" and that should give us that next term, 63. Now to find the 20th number in this lQpOwSzoIro-00015-00011484-00012057 sequence what we want to do is go back up to that formula and copy it. So we can lQpOwSzoIro-00016-00012057-00012729 right-click, choose copy or you can do control-C, on the keyboard, and if I come lQpOwSzoIro-00017-00012729-00013380 down to the cell below and choose paste - right-click and choose the first option lQpOwSzoIro-00018-00013380-00014115 for paste, or use ctrl V on your keyboard, and it has generated the next term, 127. lQpOwSzoIro-00019-00014115-00014871 And I can continue pasting on down below and it continues that pattern. So every lQpOwSzoIro-00020-00014871-00015555 time it is referencing double the cell above and add one. Now I'm using ctrl-V lQpOwSzoIro-00021-00015555-00016041 on the keyboard to do those paste operations. Now if I go ahead and scroll lQpOwSzoIro-00022-00016041-00016530 all the way down to where I want to go, 20, I can paste all at once into a large lQpOwSzoIro-00023-00016530-00017358 block and I see that the 20th term in that sequence is two zero nine seven one lQpOwSzoIro-00024-00017358-00018033 five one. Now one thing that we may want to do here is adjust that number format lQpOwSzoIro-00025-00018033-00018678 to make it easier to read. When you want to change the format of a cell, do a lQpOwSzoIro-00026-00018678-00019644 right click on that cell. Choose the option to format cells and then we have lQpOwSzoIro-00027-00019644-00020358 several options. I'm going to go to the number format and tell it that I want to lQpOwSzoIro-00028-00020358-00020928 use the thousands separator. We're dealing with whole numbers here so I lQpOwSzoIro-00029-00020928-00021702 don't want any decimal places. The pound signs here are showing that the number lQpOwSzoIro-00030-00021702-00022242 as displayed now is simply too large to appear in that column. So we're going to lQpOwSzoIro-00031-00022242-00022884 click up here make that column wider so we can see it and there now we can see lQpOwSzoIro-00032-00022884-00023672 it nicely formatted as two million 97 thousand one hundred and fifty one. lSnOuePFLzY-00000-00001102-00002458 We'll see him getting out of a taxi in a tuxedo, emerging from the sea in swimming trunks, flirting with glamorous women, and taking down corrupt mafia bosses. lSnOuePFLzY-00001-00002608-00003779 And even James Norton himself has admitted that his latest TV role will 'stir' the long-running rumours that he will be cast as the next James Bond. lSnOuePFLzY-00002-00003929-00005393 The British actor, 32, said he warned the directors of the BBC 's big-budget New Year drama McMafia that putting him in a tuxedo for his first scene would fuel the speculation. lSnOuePFLzY-00003-00005543-00007187 Scroll down for video Norton, who plays a banker of Russian descent who is trying to escape his mafia family's legacy of crime and violence, also the gruelling Russian martial arts training he went through as part of the role. lSnOuePFLzY-00004-00007337-00008851 During the 'terrifying' Systema classes, he said he would be punched for 'hours', while at other moments his teacher would hold his hand over his mouth until he started 'spasming', to train him to cope with pain. lSnOuePFLzY-00005-00009001-00010825 At a preview screening for the eight-part series in London earlier this month, Norton said: 'Part of my preparation for Alex and getting into the head of his Russian-ness...I went to these classes, genuine martial art classes and they have them in London. lSnOuePFLzY-00006-00010975-00012336 'They are run by this amazingly eccentric man called David, who I became very close to. We would meet in a room on our own, and roll around and punch each other. lSnOuePFLzY-00007-00012486-00013782 'The first thing he said to me in my first lesson was 'The thing about English people, when they meet fear they run away. In Russia when we meet fear we shake him by the f***ing hand'. lSnOuePFLzY-00008-00013932-00016332 'We had hours and hours of this man punching me. It's about taking the pain and relaxing through it. 'He would genuinely have his hand [over my mouth] and I would have to hold my [breath] and he would say 'at that point where your body is spawning and you are naturally getting terrified, that is when you have to push through'. It was terrifying.' lSnOuePFLzY-00009-00016482-00018294 When asked if he agreed that the role for the multi-million-pound drama was almost an audition to be cast as the next 007 after Daniel Craig, he said he had discussed the similarities with the series creators Hossein Amini and James Watkins. lSnOuePFLzY-00010-00018444-00019541 'I did warn James and Hoss that if they wrote the first scene of me getting out of a black cab in a tux that would maybe stir some of it,' he said. lSnOuePFLzY-00012-00022968-00024684 When asked if there had been any moments of danger during filming, Watkins said: 'In later episodes when you see the Systema, James was getting properly hit. There were times in the cut I can see that was in pain, it wasn't acting.' lSnOuePFLzY-00013-00024834-00027268 Revealing how he had got into shape for the topless scenes in the series, of which there are a few in the first episode, Norton said: 'I tried to stay healthy. We were basically getting six hours of sleep a night and it was an eight-month shoot. Catering was slim on the ground because obviously [it was] BBC, so we kept pretty slim anyway.' lSnOuePFLzY-00014-00027418-00029756 Norton shot to fame in 2014 playing psychopath Tommy Lee Royce in BBC's Happy Valley and was nominated for the BAFTA Best Supporting Actor for his role the following year. He has since gone on to star as Prince Andrei in BBC's adaptation of War and Peace and Reverend Sidney in ITV's Grantchester. lSnOuePFLzY-00015-00029906-00031812 He set pulses racing when he appeared topless in the first few minutes of the second series of Grantchester last year. The actor, whose parents are both teachers, graduated from Cambridge University with a First in theology before pursuing acting at Rada. lSnOuePFLzY-00017-00035983-00038052 Asked if he struggled with filming the show out of sequence, he said: 'It was a huge challenge as we constantly had to be aware of where we were, in the morning we could be in Tel Aviv, in the afternoon in Moscow and in London in the evening, so we were really careful to keep in control of that.' lSnOuePFLzY-00018-00038202-00039736 McMafia was inspired by Misha Glenny's non-fiction book McMafia: Seriously Organised Crime, which was published in 2008, but the majority of the main story is fictional. lSnOuePFLzY-00019-00039886-00040623 McMafia will air at 9pm on New Year's Day on BBC1. lVquYHxNYyo-00000-00000412-00000939 dear friends all huge greetings you on the channel visiting Annushka and today I lVquYHxNYyo-00001-00000939-00001422 making buns buns actually it turns out to be airy like clouds and lVquYHxNYyo-00002-00001422-00001968 the special flavor of these buns gives streuselnaya crumb cooking I lVquYHxNYyo-00003-00001968-00002427 I start with sourdough I have 300 here milliliters of warm milk no milk lVquYHxNYyo-00004-00002427-00002823 should be cold and under no circumstances it shouldn't be hot just lVquYHxNYyo-00005-00002823-00003371 nice warm temperature in the milk I add a tablespoon of sugar from the General lVquYHxNYyo-00006-00003371-00003885 I also pour 7 grams of dry yeast is one teaspoon with a large lVquYHxNYyo-00007-00003885-00004344 slide in the sourdough add 3 4 tablespoons spoonfuls of sifted flour and all is well lVquYHxNYyo-00008-00004344-00005085 I stir the sourdough and set it aside we need to wait for the top lVquYHxNYyo-00009-00005085-00005639 a yeast cap will appear now I take 2 eggs in a bowl pour the remaining sugar in lVquYHxNYyo-00010-00005639-00006176 in General I use 120 grams of sugar here we add a good pinch of salt everything lVquYHxNYyo-00011-00006176-00006689 beat well and pour in the melted butter butter 70 grams all good lVquYHxNYyo-00012-00006689-00007190 I mix it and set it aside for now. it took me about 15 minutes. lVquYHxNYyo-00013-00007190-00007721 there was such a foam cap I'll mix everything well and send the sourdough lVquYHxNYyo-00014-00007721-00008039 egg mixture if the yeast did not give any reaction lVquYHxNYyo-00015-00008039-00008465 your sourdough didn't rise to the level of yeast the spoilt ones don't go any further with them lVquYHxNYyo-00016-00008465-00008895 work after I'm all good I stirred it and start adding flour lVquYHxNYyo-00017-00008895-00009665 in small portions it took me 650 grams of flour only in the dough and about 30 lVquYHxNYyo-00018-00009665-00010128 gram to sprinkle the table in mixing time you have the amount of flour lVquYHxNYyo-00019-00010128-00010643 it may differ by 50 or even 100 gram it all depends on the importance of flour from its lVquYHxNYyo-00020-00010643-00011114 grinding so do not rush to add flour I will knead the dough on the table. lVquYHxNYyo-00021-00011114-00011624 less than ten minutes about 15 minutes the dough should be slightly sticky lVquYHxNYyo-00022-00011624-00012084 there if it sticks very hard and add a little flour to the table lVquYHxNYyo-00023-00012084-00012617 that's the kind of sticky dough I knead about 10 minutes if it is very strong lVquYHxNYyo-00024-00012617-00013196 it sticks it is not convenient to knead it I put it on Aha flour and continue to knead further lVquYHxNYyo-00025-00013196-00013652 any pastry is best not to clog with flour to make the pastry work lVquYHxNYyo-00026-00013652-00014188 I have all the dough ready. remains here is such here is sticky flour I lVquYHxNYyo-00027-00014188-00014843 I don't add any more now I need the dough give a rest and increase in volume. lVquYHxNYyo-00028-00014843-00015220 hands smeared with vegetable oil slightly I'll smear the dough to make it easier for him lVquYHxNYyo-00029-00015220-00015800 I leave the test to rise just when at room temperature for about two hours for lVquYHxNYyo-00030-00015800-00016235 in order for it to increase in volume though at least twice as much you can reheat lVquYHxNYyo-00031-00016235-00016697 turn off the oven at 30 degrees and send the dough there it's there lVquYHxNYyo-00032-00016697-00017153 it will rise in about 40 minutes until we we were on a walk our dough is perfect lVquYHxNYyo-00033-00017153-00017675 I got up and put it on the table table I do not sprinkle anything on the dough no more lVquYHxNYyo-00034-00017675-00018092 it sticks I make dough like this sausage and divide into 17 parts lVquYHxNYyo-00035-00018092-00018608 if you want you can use by weight each piece weighs approximately 60 lVquYHxNYyo-00036-00018608-00019784 70 grams now you can start immediately the formation of buns and that the dough is not lVquYHxNYyo-00037-00019784-00020369 I cover it with a towel I roll out the dough in a nice even circle lVquYHxNYyo-00038-00020369-00020923 about one centimeter thick I spread the filling I have jam today lVquYHxNYyo-00039-00020923-00021475 cloudberry filling of course can be absolutely any to your taste lVquYHxNYyo-00040-00021475-00021920 now we glue the edges together in order to the edges are well glued the filling should not lVquYHxNYyo-00041-00021920-00022397 no way to get to the edge of the test everything is good I glue it together and form a round one lVquYHxNYyo-00042-00022397-00022612 form lVquYHxNYyo-00043-00023062-00023501 if you want to make buns without fillings then better add to the dough lVquYHxNYyo-00044-00023501-00023956 a little more sugar that the buns were sweet ready-made buns transfer to lVquYHxNYyo-00045-00023956-00024347 baking sheet covered with parchment you can also simply grease the baking tray lVquYHxNYyo-00046-00024347-00024890 butter I got 12 rolls with filling and 5 buns I will make ordinary lVquYHxNYyo-00047-00024890-00025292 without filling when I prepared everything I cover the buns with a towel lVquYHxNYyo-00048-00025292-00025726 I leave it for about 20 minutes for them to got up and turn on the oven for a hundred lVquYHxNYyo-00049-00025726-00026201 eighty degrees will also be prepared build a silber u 2 tablespoons of flour and lVquYHxNYyo-00050-00026201-00026618 2 tablespoons of sugar and 20 grams cold butter lVquYHxNYyo-00051-00026618-00027098 all this is ground into crumbs when the buns well rise they need to lubricate the lVquYHxNYyo-00052-00027098-00027610 beaten egg and well sprinkle baby lVquYHxNYyo-00053-00028384-00028849 thanks crumbs on top of the rolls will be crispy and the buns are lVquYHxNYyo-00054-00028849-00029336 very flavorful remove the pan well preheated oven bake in the middle lVquYHxNYyo-00055-00029336-00029839 oven until Golden brown time baking depends on your oven. lVquYHxNYyo-00056-00029839-00030427 oven rolls are baked evenly twenty five minutes my buns are ready lVquYHxNYyo-00057-00030427-00030883 I let them cool down and you can try it. you honestly such buns we have lVquYHxNYyo-00058-00030883-00031306 they fly very, very fast if you have you will have something left on the second day lVquYHxNYyo-00059-00031306-00031825 then it is better to put the buns in a bag and they will be soft for another 2-3 days also on lVquYHxNYyo-00060-00031825-00032167 the third day such buns can be reheat in the microwave. lVquYHxNYyo-00061-00032167-00032947 10-15 seconds and they will be soft again as if only from the oven friends lVquYHxNYyo-00062-00032947-00033455 try and cook I hope you will too are you happy with this pastry? thank you lVquYHxNYyo-00063-00033455-00033877 what were you doing with me if you haven't already subscribed subscribe click on lVquYHxNYyo-00064-00033877-00034144 a bell to avoid missing new ones video lVquYHxNYyo-00065-00034144-00035095 I'm not saying goodbye to you we have more to come a lot of delicious things until we meet again lclrjfAEJVy-00000-00000059-00000217 I’m here to share secrets. lclrjfAEJVy-00001-00001018-00001192 So what is Social Media? lclrjfAEJVy-00002-00001192-00001430 Oh it’s about cats, right? lclrjfAEJVy-00003-00001469-00002011 It's all about gossip, it’s all about celebrities this and sex that. lclrjfAEJVy-00004-00002011-00002157 All this noise out there. lclrjfAEJVy-00005-00002167-00002325 You can name your own price! lclrjfAEJVy-00006-00002325-00002607 And your reputation is everything online. lclrjfAEJVy-00007-00003470-00003738 Easy? Absolutely not, but it never was. ldO0GWyul7o-00000-00006275-00006375 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00001-00006375-00008433 [Music] this is the magic of life this is the magic ldO0GWyul7o-00002-00008433-00008626 system ldO0GWyul7o-00003-00008626-00008819 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00004-00008819-00009397 s [Applause] [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00005-00009397-00009783 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00006-00009783-00012576 [Music] [Applause] see in everything it can shop the [__] there's [Music] flames [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00007-00012576-00013159 [Music] [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00008-00013159-00013452 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00009-00013452-00013552 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00010-00013552-00015925 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] confusions [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00012-00019568-00020220 who gave you this food you brought it from the house [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00013-00020220-00020365 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00014-00020365-00020509 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00015-00020509-00020655 children ldO0GWyul7o-00016-00020655-00021523 is how to eat stupid children ldO0GWyul7o-00017-00021523-00021814 my sex ldO0GWyul7o-00018-00021814-00021959 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00019-00021959-00022248 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00020-00022248-00022394 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00021-00022394-00022675 look at them ldO0GWyul7o-00022-00022675-00023692 what did you see your people now hey yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00023-00023692-00023819 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00024-00023819-00024070 to me ldO0GWyul7o-00025-00024070-00024197 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00026-00024197-00024323 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00027-00024323-00024575 [Applause] [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00029-00029182-00029506 have you gone much ldO0GWyul7o-00030-00029506-00031613 what is the problem where is your song go and break him out he has to come and tell ldO0GWyul7o-00031-00031613-00033083 me why he has to beat my train like this I said the agreement ldO0GWyul7o-00032-00033083-00035341 are these children I'm only a synonym it is you and your children that ldO0GWyul7o-00033-00035341-00036725 are animals you ldO0GWyul7o-00034-00036725-00038727 are just battling like them because it's your problem stopping your soul out ldO0GWyul7o-00036-00042225-00042944 used to me it's all because of this this little brat now let me want this to you the next ldO0GWyul7o-00037-00042944-00043687 time they cross my past I will cross them with my bare hands I am wondering you're talking ldO0GWyul7o-00038-00043687-00044334 to me are you crazy are you mad have you got to say ldO0GWyul7o-00039-00044334-00044734 I will kill you here now ldO0GWyul7o-00040-00044734-00046328 you raise your hand up my wife you want to beat me you raise your hand at my wife okay ldO0GWyul7o-00041-00046328-00046993 hey why you slapped me because of this woman you're an idiot you are very serious you die ldO0GWyul7o-00042-00046993-00048148 again I will be forced to disown you hmm ldO0GWyul7o-00043-00048148-00050699 what did it [Music] funny answer me who did this to you this one man how old is ldO0GWyul7o-00044-00050699-00051951 hey you I slapped me yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00045-00051951-00052159 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00046-00052159-00052367 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00047-00052367-00054005 [Music] why are you here I've ditched your food and it's getting cold I'm not hungry ldO0GWyul7o-00048-00054005-00054461 if him ldO0GWyul7o-00049-00054461-00055821 look worried you are troubled what's the problem talk to me on your mother ldO0GWyul7o-00050-00055821-00056344 this is becoming unbearable his attitude towards me is giving me reasons to doubt if truly ldO0GWyul7o-00051-00056344-00057257 this is my biological stop talking like this why are you saying things like this huh what ldO0GWyul7o-00052-00057257-00057901 more can I think of mother tell me what do you want me to think of when he doesn't consider ldO0GWyul7o-00053-00057901-00058699 me as his own child look at my face can you see what he did to me ldO0GWyul7o-00054-00058699-00059570 the ones he considers as his true family is that winch and and his stupid children ldO0GWyul7o-00055-00059570-00060083 he doesn't consider my eye and my my sister as his own family ldO0GWyul7o-00056-00060083-00061179 is it my father foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00057-00061179-00061788 get ready for unexpected and poor my son ldO0GWyul7o-00058-00061788-00062598 come down the storm will soon be over oh yeah let's go so I can go and eat your food it's ldO0GWyul7o-00059-00062598-00062739 getting cold please ldO0GWyul7o-00060-00062739-00062876 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00062-00067027-00068589 go and ldO0GWyul7o-00063-00068589-00069313 get me something good to eat what happened to this one go and get me something good to ldO0GWyul7o-00064-00069313-00070139 eat okay nine excuse me thank you my darling thank you take this poison out of my presence ldO0GWyul7o-00065-00070139-00070898 my food is poison okay ldO0GWyul7o-00066-00070898-00071170 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00067-00071170-00071443 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00068-00071443-00073250 see your food thank you my darling you're welcome may God bless you and bless you too ldO0GWyul7o-00069-00073250-00073560 hey ldO0GWyul7o-00070-00073560-00073931 this is food ldO0GWyul7o-00071-00073931-00074249 I ldO0GWyul7o-00072-00074249-00075161 mean my husband do you like the one you're eating you see I know I will not die before ldO0GWyul7o-00073-00075161-00076238 my time as long as you're by my side hey it's okay in line wait wait wait you know one thing ldO0GWyul7o-00074-00076238-00076997 a good wife will always be a blessing to a husband ldO0GWyul7o-00075-00076997-00077283 you're right in line um ldO0GWyul7o-00076-00077283-00078139 a bad wife will always be reproached it's okay now enjoy your food ah let me go in and ldO0GWyul7o-00077-00078139-00080976 continue what I was doing [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00078-00080976-00082364 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00079-00082364-00083752 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00080-00083752-00084977 she was badly wounded she can't go to school with this Foundation ldO0GWyul7o-00081-00084977-00085205 I'm sorry ldO0GWyul7o-00082-00085205-00086070 oh you get well soon all right ldO0GWyul7o-00083-00086070-00087049 oh it's all right you have to go and eat okay and please make sure you take care of her ldO0GWyul7o-00084-00087049-00087465 very well I am trying my best ldO0GWyul7o-00085-00087465-00088619 uh really will you like to go to this stream papa will take you to the stream this evening ldO0GWyul7o-00086-00088619-00089175 you know Papa loves you we love you too Papa ldO0GWyul7o-00087-00089175-00090520 [Music] I have to tell you this so the way they are treating my throne in this house ldO0GWyul7o-00088-00090520-00091262 I don't like it it is not good let me tell you children are the bedrocks of every family ldO0GWyul7o-00089-00091262-00092036 they are God's gifts and they're not supposed to be treated like outcasts oh no man I know ldO0GWyul7o-00090-00092036-00093225 um not every child is a blessing in fact some children are causes to their family sometimes ldO0GWyul7o-00091-00093225-00094576 I am tempted Western God um [Music] you're not doing anything about it [Music] foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00092-00094576-00096204 [Music] sorry if I start to do ldO0GWyul7o-00093-00096204-00099200 [Music] there's no problem it's okay I actually came to apologize to you [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00094-00099200-00100225 I don't know how you feel about it but honestly deep inside me I am very very sorry for everything ldO0GWyul7o-00095-00100225-00101194 I did make feet to come to you because we will continue with the misunderstanding we ldO0GWyul7o-00096-00101194-00101911 are having in his family between me and you basically it will destroy our children's future ldO0GWyul7o-00097-00101911-00103682 I'm sorry hey [Music] this is like a dream come true honestly I am really excited right ldO0GWyul7o-00098-00103682-00104804 now believe me I have nothing against you I have nothing against you [Music] thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00099-00104804-00105545 very truly proving to me that you are a wise woman and you have a golden heart but at least ldO0GWyul7o-00100-00105545-00106546 I'm so thankful thank you thank you let us live in peace we are not going to gain anything ldO0GWyul7o-00101-00106546-00107286 importantly please well I am so happy you picked the courage to come to me okay thank ldO0GWyul7o-00102-00107286-00108610 you thank you so much I'm happy thank you thank you thank you let me call my phone ldO0GWyul7o-00103-00108610-00109208 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00104-00109208-00109639 I want to have a word with you ldO0GWyul7o-00105-00109639-00109878 okay my son I'm here for you ldO0GWyul7o-00106-00109878-00110994 bye who do you consider your nest of King ldO0GWyul7o-00107-00110994-00111333 do you have another son what ldO0GWyul7o-00108-00111333-00111901 he's watching ldO0GWyul7o-00109-00111901-00112478 nice so you are not surprised in both of us together ldO0GWyul7o-00110-00112478-00113074 do you know I was just carrying away with our discussion anyway we are here to tell ldO0GWyul7o-00111-00113074-00113744 you that adez and I have resolved our differences yay yes we have settled our differences we ldO0GWyul7o-00112-00113744-00114159 have to leave us one family hey ldO0GWyul7o-00113-00114159-00115885 we are here to live in peace yes this is really awesome I am really happy for the two of you ldO0GWyul7o-00114-00115885-00116696 in fact for the whole family yeah hi what else will I ask for if not for peace and love ldO0GWyul7o-00115-00116696-00117653 okay if there is no peace there can never be loved hey thank you very much my beautiful ldO0GWyul7o-00116-00117653-00118306 wives nice thank you thank you thank God both of you are special very special ldO0GWyul7o-00117-00118306-00119547 thank God ldO0GWyul7o-00118-00119547-00120788 [Music] um ldO0GWyul7o-00119-00120788-00121029 she's evil ldO0GWyul7o-00120-00121029-00121919 Egypt we are supposed to live by examples you should learn how to forgive those who ldO0GWyul7o-00121-00121919-00122643 wronged you so that our Father in heaven will forgive you too and don't forget she is also ldO0GWyul7o-00122-00122643-00123396 your mother come for big mama she can never be my mother I don't trust her EJ yes Mama ldO0GWyul7o-00123-00123396-00123822 please be careful with her you have to be careful with her I don't trust her it's okay ldO0GWyul7o-00124-00123822-00124504 now eat your food foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00125-00124504-00126355 new Romana euronal I mean how could you how could you believe to yourself that much Mama ldO0GWyul7o-00126-00126355-00127657 I never believe you would do anything like this mother that winch that woman ldO0GWyul7o-00127-00127657-00128700 my son the best way to finish an unpleasant tax is to get started ldO0GWyul7o-00128-00128700-00128800 yes ldO0GWyul7o-00129-00128800-00129158 wash and say ldO0GWyul7o-00130-00129158-00129647 your mother is not a fool ldO0GWyul7o-00131-00129647-00130277 this indeed a wise woman let me film where he came and ldO0GWyul7o-00132-00130277-00130622 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00133-00130622-00132899 where is she now I don't know what's she doing okay I'm here ldO0GWyul7o-00134-00132899-00133117 sorry oh yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00135-00133117-00133852 of course tonight I'm going to prepare a very delicious and Sumptuous meal for you good ldO0GWyul7o-00136-00133852-00134339 one for that matter it's two of you know ldO0GWyul7o-00137-00134339-00135389 so please just allow me to enjoy your food before you get food I think no problem huh ldO0GWyul7o-00138-00135389-00135943 enjoy your meal by next time I'm going to prepare the food you see this your body it ldO0GWyul7o-00139-00135943-00136285 will be shining people will not recognize you again exactly ldO0GWyul7o-00140-00136285-00137929 that is the you and the Praises you have started again you and the Praises foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00141-00137929-00138029 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00142-00138029-00138129 now you want myself ldO0GWyul7o-00143-00138129-00138229 [Applause] foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00144-00138229-00138329 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00145-00138329-00138634 [Music] [Applause] the people of uzama ldO0GWyul7o-00146-00138634-00139073 this woman here has committed a succulent very serious one ldO0GWyul7o-00147-00139073-00140057 the land maybe it was in the days of our forefathers oh she will be buried alive yes ldO0GWyul7o-00148-00140057-00140157 financially ldO0GWyul7o-00149-00140157-00141857 you've conceived the cause upon yourself and the land to test you hmm as you can see we ldO0GWyul7o-00150-00141857-00143111 the entire people of usaba have gathered the woo your mysteriousness yes a woman that have ldO0GWyul7o-00151-00143111-00146090 the Mind supporting her husband can as well destroy the whole Community yes yes the cost ldO0GWyul7o-00152-00146090-00148748 of Demands that should be buried alive but I see where a food community this is my judgment ldO0GWyul7o-00154-00151882-00153179 our land including her children yes never to come back for life ldO0GWyul7o-00155-00153179-00153347 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00156-00153347-00154295 you're my husband I didn't kill my husband ldO0GWyul7o-00157-00154295-00156305 I am ready to do anything to prove my innocence innocent today but my hands are clean shut ldO0GWyul7o-00158-00156305-00158883 up you have nothing to prove yes I said you have nothing to prove ah paper ldO0GWyul7o-00159-00158883-00159600 to the evil forests ldO0GWyul7o-00160-00159600-00159700 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00161-00159700-00159804 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00162-00159804-00159938 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00163-00159938-00160072 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00164-00160072-00160339 [Applause] [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00165-00160339-00161273 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay ldO0GWyul7o-00166-00161273-00161710 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00167-00161710-00162148 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00168-00162148-00163023 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00170-00174014-00174114 wish ldO0GWyul7o-00171-00174114-00174972 there's no way out are we going to die ldO0GWyul7o-00172-00174972-00176852 I do that please don't be scared we are not going to die we are not going to die we must ldO0GWyul7o-00173-00176852-00177235 find our way we must find our way ldO0GWyul7o-00174-00177235-00178114 let's be going mama what's your question yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00175-00178114-00179922 I do this please I am sorry for putting you through all these things I am so sorry I'm ldO0GWyul7o-00177-00184720-00185063 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00178-00185063-00185748 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00179-00185748-00186973 [Music] thank you [Music] income for how long will you continue crying you are gradually ldO0GWyul7o-00180-00186973-00187721 killing yourself is it not me thank you myself I wish my best comes through my tears because ldO0GWyul7o-00181-00187721-00188212 my heart feels so troubled without my son ldO0GWyul7o-00182-00188212-00189635 just come down it is only going to be there for some few years it's not going to be there ldO0GWyul7o-00183-00189635-00190505 forever our son will surely come back to us you understand just put yourself together ldO0GWyul7o-00184-00190505-00191183 be strong be strong even for me eh for surely our son must surely come back ldO0GWyul7o-00185-00191183-00192025 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00186-00192025-00192866 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00187-00192866-00193707 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00188-00193707-00194769 so finally this is the way you ended up your life I warned you but you wouldn't listen ldO0GWyul7o-00189-00194769-00195392 what did you want that I didn't give to you son and daughter ldO0GWyul7o-00190-00195392-00196463 but you treated us like an outcast foreign meant nothing to you ldO0GWyul7o-00191-00196463-00197151 rather you prefer ldO0GWyul7o-00192-00197151-00197884 of bringing in a third party to devour our home ldO0GWyul7o-00193-00197884-00197984 my husband ldO0GWyul7o-00194-00197984-00199242 I cast your spirit away from my presence ldO0GWyul7o-00196-00204298-00206061 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00197-00206061-00207806 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00198-00207806-00209548 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00199-00209548-00211292 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00200-00211292-00211392 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00201-00211392-00211888 [Music] foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00202-00211888-00213460 this one now [Music] [Applause] the customer now waiting now ldO0GWyul7o-00203-00213460-00214381 that was what you asked for okay ldO0GWyul7o-00204-00214381-00214481 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00205-00214481-00214964 it's a song Sorry I'm very sorry about this is a mistake or it can happen to anybody but ldO0GWyul7o-00207-00221357-00221473 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00208-00221473-00221586 remember ldO0GWyul7o-00209-00221586-00221931 [Music] come here ldO0GWyul7o-00210-00221931-00222504 come out your practices [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00211-00222504-00225471 hey customer I I I hope when I do okay y'all you're enjoying the right side ldO0GWyul7o-00212-00225471-00225581 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00213-00225581-00225969 I said come back here ldO0GWyul7o-00214-00225969-00226069 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00215-00226069-00226169 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00216-00226169-00226456 try it again ldO0GWyul7o-00217-00226456-00227539 you know whatever dude he's sending all my customers away [Music] I cannot be licking ldO0GWyul7o-00218-00227539-00228923 my head why she also makes her hair in this house there's nothing wrong with you okay ldO0GWyul7o-00219-00228923-00231661 why inside this is [Music] that now go inside ldO0GWyul7o-00220-00231661-00234189 she wants to chase the same man can you imagine it is ldO0GWyul7o-00221-00234189-00235556 let me warn you next time don't go for any married man yes why are you talking like this ldO0GWyul7o-00222-00235556-00238321 look for big boys ldO0GWyul7o-00223-00238321-00239011 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00224-00239011-00239978 get me water to drink [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00225-00239978-00240078 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00226-00240078-00240254 hey ldO0GWyul7o-00227-00240254-00241383 I'm sorry did you just do ldO0GWyul7o-00228-00241383-00242464 you broke my mirror please shut up how dare you how dare you go inside my room to take ldO0GWyul7o-00229-00242464-00243126 my mirror when did that one start I'm sorry yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00230-00243126-00243226 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00231-00243226-00244978 if you ever try this nonsense in this house again you are dead ldO0GWyul7o-00232-00244978-00245534 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00233-00245534-00246089 okay ldO0GWyul7o-00234-00246089-00247659 [Music] girls to be honest with you that woman is so wicked I wish I can just devote her ldO0GWyul7o-00235-00247659-00248281 with my bare hands that woman is wicked I wonder if she has a part in her heart to care ldO0GWyul7o-00236-00248281-00248856 for people not even to act like a mother you don't have to blame her as long as she's ignorant ldO0GWyul7o-00237-00248856-00249501 of the pain a woman experiences through childbearing she can never experience the joy of motherhood ldO0GWyul7o-00238-00249501-00250080 just imagine that one doesn't have a heart by the way what was our crime wickedness of ldO0GWyul7o-00239-00250080-00251180 men live after that that is why she will never have her children The Grandmaster is coming ldO0GWyul7o-00240-00251180-00251435 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00241-00251435-00252223 what an unsanitor is greater where are you resurfacing from you are met are there in ldO0GWyul7o-00242-00252223-00252839 examination Hall has beaten their talents doing what they know how to do best and they ldO0GWyul7o-00243-00252839-00253602 are here paramulating like lost sheep I repeat where are you coming from so we were sent ldO0GWyul7o-00244-00253602-00254180 out of the exam Hall by Mrs Elisa yes sir we were sent to him simply because we could ldO0GWyul7o-00245-00254180-00254877 not provide the 800 demanded from the students you only compose ldO0GWyul7o-00246-00254877-00255940 it does not occur that before you were asked out of the school I must be informed you're ldO0GWyul7o-00247-00255940-00256600 so sorry Grandmaster the three of you tomorrow morning first thing tomorrow morning see me ldO0GWyul7o-00248-00256600-00256721 in my office ldO0GWyul7o-00249-00256721-00258732 thank you [Music] foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00250-00258732-00260988 I will be fine it's okay let me let me assist you I can watch this once for you don't worry ldO0GWyul7o-00251-00260988-00261429 it's okay it's okay it's okay don't worry ldO0GWyul7o-00252-00261429-00262741 yo are you stupid or something come on what's up those things mama she has a coat on her ldO0GWyul7o-00253-00262741-00263381 finger so I'm just trying to assist her yeah you want to help her who sent you of what ldO0GWyul7o-00254-00263381-00264390 if she has a cut on her finger okay ldO0GWyul7o-00255-00264390-00264515 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00256-00264515-00264763 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00257-00264763-00264938 everyone just a fact ldO0GWyul7o-00258-00264938-00265922 I want to tell my son into a house self in his own father's house yeah useful necessary ldO0GWyul7o-00259-00265922-00266022 herself ldO0GWyul7o-00260-00266022-00267557 use one hand you are shining your finger so now what will happen so he will kiss it for ldO0GWyul7o-00261-00267557-00267974 your Awards ldO0GWyul7o-00262-00267974-00269225 this one had the watch [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00263-00269225-00270180 [Music] I am here ldO0GWyul7o-00264-00270180-00271277 yeah that's me the Undisputed icon when I speak nobody antagonizes ldO0GWyul7o-00265-00271277-00272364 Ah that's you Mama T where's Mama T where's she come come come come feel your stomach ldO0GWyul7o-00266-00272364-00272855 the table whatever they want all on me ldO0GWyul7o-00267-00272855-00274501 so what do I offer you of course you know my usual very chill okay just get it for me ldO0GWyul7o-00268-00274501-00275253 where is your girl yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00269-00275253-00275943 Grandmaster Is Here Yeah so first um he wants to buy things for everyone but he first of ldO0GWyul7o-00270-00275943-00276283 all seven before you say Brothers one minute ldO0GWyul7o-00271-00276283-00277275 so what do you want me to say oh that's good that's what is that the first one you've grown ldO0GWyul7o-00272-00277275-00278997 too big looking so attractive that you are looking hey how would you want me to serve ldO0GWyul7o-00273-00278997-00279975 you okay um what class are you now ldO0GWyul7o-00274-00279975-00280162 um ldO0GWyul7o-00275-00280162-00281519 your house rent is gone that's what it means ldO0GWyul7o-00277-00284755-00284931 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00278-00284931-00285934 [Music] you better go inside there and bring her out because there's no hiding place for ldO0GWyul7o-00279-00285934-00286350 her in this Village ldO0GWyul7o-00280-00286350-00286973 [Music] problem what has she done ldO0GWyul7o-00281-00286973-00287344 your daughter has committed an abomination ldO0GWyul7o-00282-00287344-00287589 go inside there ldO0GWyul7o-00283-00287589-00289309 it happens to Sarah bring us out immediately [Music] like me how can you just bash into ldO0GWyul7o-00284-00289309-00290253 my house to Chase my daughter out of the house like a criminal exactly you just said it your ldO0GWyul7o-00285-00290253-00291161 daughter is not a criminal a young lady who can invest the king's chamber and disappears ldO0GWyul7o-00286-00291161-00292161 with the Kings Royal staff the author of Ozawa Kingdom has been stolen by your daughter ldO0GWyul7o-00287-00292161-00293159 where is she I have searched everywhere but I couldn't find her ldO0GWyul7o-00288-00293159-00293402 they want us ldO0GWyul7o-00289-00293402-00294160 tell your daughter that she cannot and we never run away from our shadow ah you better ldO0GWyul7o-00290-00294160-00295060 tell her to return the staff before the sunset if not she should get ready for the dance ldO0GWyul7o-00291-00295060-00295160 of the spirit ldO0GWyul7o-00292-00295160-00295478 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00293-00295478-00295827 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00294-00295827-00296176 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00295-00296176-00298665 EJ you ldO0GWyul7o-00296-00298665-00299039 scared me that's because we are lost in thoughts mama ldO0GWyul7o-00297-00299039-00300309 is everything okay I am just bothered about to Lima hey I'm just bothered about her how ldO0GWyul7o-00298-00300309-00301053 she is doing over there at my sister's place whether she is schooling or not I know my ldO0GWyul7o-00299-00301053-00301781 sister very well she might not be taking care of honey where I want mama stop bothering ldO0GWyul7o-00300-00301781-00302555 yourself ulima is fine is no longer a baby oh and the woman she's staying which is your ldO0GWyul7o-00301-00302555-00303181 own sister so there's no way she's going to mature to Lima mama said let me tell you see ldO0GWyul7o-00302-00303181-00303571 Lima might be having a better life than us you don't have to be thinking too much how ldO0GWyul7o-00303-00303571-00304386 do you know I am having this strange feeling that ulima is suffering over there she is ldO0GWyul7o-00304-00304386-00304923 suffering I cannot take it any longer first thing tomorrow morning we are going to visit ldO0GWyul7o-00305-00304923-00305550 them what about that address I hope you are still with it okay the address is not the ldO0GWyul7o-00306-00305550-00306252 problem how are we going to transport ourselves you must find a way to go and visit them I ldO0GWyul7o-00307-00306252-00307379 might be cool can I beg you for something be completely we have to go and visit them ldO0GWyul7o-00308-00307379-00307788 [Music] again ldO0GWyul7o-00309-00307788-00308580 what is it now you don't want to eat your food Okay now what's the matter you've been ldO0GWyul7o-00310-00308580-00309203 watching and washing your hands since we started eating this food why it's the food if it's ldO0GWyul7o-00311-00309203-00309743 not tasty you tell me yeah then you tell me what you want and I'll prepare for you my ldO0GWyul7o-00312-00309743-00310526 mom good I just don't have an appetite why mama how do you expect me to eat when the ldO0GWyul7o-00313-00310526-00311117 person who made this food is outside starving shut up oh it was not fair you say shut up ldO0GWyul7o-00314-00311117-00311389 keep that your mouth shut um ldO0GWyul7o-00315-00311389-00313044 she's not fair I can see that you've been Bewitched you don't know what you're saying ldO0GWyul7o-00316-00313044-00313225 anymore ldO0GWyul7o-00317-00313225-00313504 mama ldO0GWyul7o-00318-00313504-00314242 yes I want to tell you something no listen I'm listen good yes ma'am you're under my ldO0GWyul7o-00319-00314242-00315173 Custard in this house and you can't go anywhere except I say so you see that you're witchcraft ldO0GWyul7o-00320-00315173-00315888 you're using to be with my son better stop better stop it yes do you understand what ldO0GWyul7o-00321-00315888-00316593 I'm saying because the next time you try it they will carry your cups your cops home to ldO0GWyul7o-00322-00316593-00317232 that your stupid mother ma'am ldO0GWyul7o-00323-00317232-00318004 well look at that are you still standing okay ldO0GWyul7o-00324-00318004-00320097 you will not eat [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00325-00320097-00320616 ing ldO0GWyul7o-00326-00320616-00321134 oh ldO0GWyul7o-00327-00321134-00322590 really I I'm really sorry for what happened last day please I want you to take nothing ldO0GWyul7o-00328-00322590-00322914 to Heart okay you know how my mother can be sometimes ldO0GWyul7o-00329-00322914-00323881 I brought this for you ldO0GWyul7o-00330-00323881-00323981 thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00331-00323981-00324477 you never loved in your life thank you so much ldO0GWyul7o-00332-00324477-00324616 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00333-00324616-00324754 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00334-00324754-00327622 what do you mind are you crazy or what is something wrong with you I'm sorry I just ldO0GWyul7o-00335-00327622-00328829 had a terrible nightmare please please you must be very very stupid so because you had ldO0GWyul7o-00336-00328829-00329493 a terrible nightmare I will not sleep in peace I'm sorry what's the meaning of that I'm sorry ldO0GWyul7o-00337-00329493-00329983 because of what you just did I cannot be able to sleep with you on the same bed not in this ldO0GWyul7o-00338-00329983-00330471 room get out are you adapt it's late please you're telling me when it's late and when ldO0GWyul7o-00339-00330471-00331435 it's not late I said I cannot sleep with you on December get out get up and get out get ldO0GWyul7o-00340-00331435-00332954 out get out are you mad are you a witch has not been sleeping ldO0GWyul7o-00341-00332954-00334166 I'll be shouting training [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00342-00334166-00334408 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00343-00334408-00335509 what a strange city people of different characters with different identities everyone seems to ldO0GWyul7o-00344-00335509-00336558 be in a haste rushing to where what destination how do I survive in such a strange and competitive ldO0GWyul7o-00345-00336558-00338390 land but life Must Go On all things have passed away now all things become new ldO0GWyul7o-00346-00338390-00339026 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00347-00339026-00339344 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00348-00339344-00339979 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00349-00339979-00342723 let's look hey I want you [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00350-00342723-00342933 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00351-00342933-00343133 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00354-00351501-00352651 you making noise do you want to bring this roof down ldO0GWyul7o-00355-00352651-00352964 hold this in ldO0GWyul7o-00356-00352964-00354725 now listen to me these are my expensive excuse me I am talking ldO0GWyul7o-00357-00354725-00355283 to you you look at me you don't look away while I'm talking to you okay these are my ldO0GWyul7o-00358-00355283-00356219 expensive outwears around this I want them sparkling clean am I understood what did I ldO0GWyul7o-00359-00356219-00357410 just say sparkling clean sparkling clean sparkling what clean very good enough ldO0GWyul7o-00360-00357410-00358484 what is it why are you looking at me like that did I eat your yam I mean what is well ldO0GWyul7o-00361-00358484-00361134 and let me not hear that song again let me locate it ldO0GWyul7o-00362-00361134-00361822 mama want your Sono one ekena he should respect himself whenever I'm talking to this Jesus ldO0GWyul7o-00363-00361822-00362315 let's get you Lima he shouldn't interfere at all he should sell his honor hey so what ldO0GWyul7o-00364-00362315-00362743 has he done can you imagine he always interferes whenever I'm talking with that girl you have ldO0GWyul7o-00365-00362743-00363503 to say the way he was looking at me like I was nobody when I was sending her on an errand ldO0GWyul7o-00366-00363503-00364382 one himo want him I'm only letting him go because he's my brother if he tries it again ldO0GWyul7o-00367-00364382-00365143 he will get it hot with me he will he can do ldO0GWyul7o-00368-00365143-00365243 okay ldO0GWyul7o-00369-00365243-00365935 I'm going to catch water there's no water in this house I'm sure it's that witch that ldO0GWyul7o-00370-00365935-00366035 sent him ldO0GWyul7o-00371-00366035-00366850 I didn't ask for your opinion ldO0GWyul7o-00372-00366850-00367016 mama ldO0GWyul7o-00373-00367016-00367556 [Music] I'm happiest ldO0GWyul7o-00374-00367556-00369903 oh how are you I'm good at least now mama would be at peace because yes she has been ldO0GWyul7o-00375-00369903-00370127 so worried mama ldO0GWyul7o-00376-00370127-00370988 God has been faithful to me God is really really faithful it's all we have now yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00377-00370988-00371088 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00378-00371088-00372967 what ungodly conversation are you two have in here don't you know they're calling you ldO0GWyul7o-00379-00372967-00373227 inside oh sorry ldO0GWyul7o-00380-00373227-00374006 please him please can I can I talk to you ldO0GWyul7o-00381-00374006-00375353 my sister it's good to have you here thank you how was your journey and how have you ldO0GWyul7o-00382-00375353-00376061 been cooking my sister Teresa it has not been easy at all but we thank God at least for ldO0GWyul7o-00383-00376061-00376608 the gift of life that is always and his mercy upon his children that's the greatest his ldO0GWyul7o-00384-00376608-00377467 faithfulness is forever I'm so happy you finally made it hey assistant so how were you able ldO0GWyul7o-00385-00377467-00378123 to trace my house yeah and um you should have told me you were coming I would have prepared ldO0GWyul7o-00386-00378123-00379020 for you now my sister don't meet my sister I never meant to take you on our ways the ldO0GWyul7o-00387-00379020-00379227 quest of seeing my daughter troubles me a lot ldO0GWyul7o-00388-00379227-00380328 getting wet oh I can't imagine I have my own children so I know what you're talking about ldO0GWyul7o-00389-00380328-00381080 sometimes you want to see your child you want to see your child has been a wonderful girl ldO0GWyul7o-00390-00381080-00381886 yes in school the teachers the Headmaster the pupils they all talk about her even the ldO0GWyul7o-00391-00381886-00382032 job she does in this house ldO0GWyul7o-00392-00382032-00383450 don't ever deciding [Music] hey I feel you again oh I sit well now sit and relax ldO0GWyul7o-00393-00383450-00384470 look at you I am so happy and relaxed to see you again ldO0GWyul7o-00394-00384470-00385410 you look so beautiful and very smart oh thanks to my sister ah it's thanks for God oh thank ldO0GWyul7o-00395-00385410-00386135 you so much God will always bless you for what you have been doing for me and my family ldO0GWyul7o-00396-00386135-00386639 upon my head amen no hey ldO0GWyul7o-00397-00386639-00387390 you know nowadays we call her Lily from Uli ldO0GWyul7o-00398-00387390-00388431 please eh be a good girl to your auntie yes ma'am don't disobey how small oh I've always ldO0GWyul7o-00399-00388431-00389255 known that you're very very nice person he's I want to ask you for something I want you ldO0GWyul7o-00400-00389255-00390059 to always be nice to my sister you know she's all I've got of course I have to be nice to ldO0GWyul7o-00401-00390059-00390603 her she's also my sister as well you know we have always been nice to each other so ldO0GWyul7o-00402-00390603-00391032 don't worry don't worry everything is fine thank you and I appreciate it so much God ldO0GWyul7o-00403-00391032-00391514 bless you and please next I just want you to understand how much I cherish my sister ldO0GWyul7o-00404-00391514-00392985 I don't want anything to water that is why I'm interviewing me too that's what got into ldO0GWyul7o-00405-00392985-00393227 the hearts ldO0GWyul7o-00406-00393227-00393586 your sisters [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00407-00393586-00394204 the highness since that lady is nowhere to be found what is the way forward what do we ldO0GWyul7o-00408-00394204-00394304 do ldO0GWyul7o-00409-00394304-00395508 in the chair I don't think there's any other alternative than to find out ldO0GWyul7o-00410-00395508-00396511 the most important thing is to find a way of getting back that way missing stuff ldO0GWyul7o-00411-00396511-00396611 um ldO0GWyul7o-00412-00396611-00397310 are you telling us the truth that you know nothing about your daughter's uh where about ldO0GWyul7o-00413-00397310-00397843 how [Music] I swear ldO0GWyul7o-00414-00397843-00398802 my head does your highness I can't lie to you people foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00415-00398802-00399260 for the past two days of my daughter ldO0GWyul7o-00416-00399260-00399625 that is just the truth ldO0GWyul7o-00417-00399625-00401328 [Music] your daughter has dared me so listen and listen carefully I give you 24 hours I ldO0GWyul7o-00418-00401328-00401926 mean 24 hours to return my missing staff ldO0GWyul7o-00419-00401926-00402952 after the next 24 hours and my missing staff is not returned to me ldO0GWyul7o-00420-00402952-00403141 whole Community we fill my road ldO0GWyul7o-00421-00403141-00405034 I'm so happy I don't understand you you do not smile that have you ever seen Let Us Injustice ldO0GWyul7o-00422-00405034-00405592 despite this is very stressful Journey with this country song Egypt give me a reason why ldO0GWyul7o-00423-00405592-00405960 I should not be happy ldO0GWyul7o-00424-00405960-00406727 because I signed I have been having this troubled hearts about my daughter and wrong impression ldO0GWyul7o-00425-00406727-00407402 about my sister not knowing that my daughter is safe and having a good life over there ldO0GWyul7o-00426-00407402-00408375 who don't just jump into conclusion you must let me tell you things are not always the ldO0GWyul7o-00427-00408375-00408888 way they appear see this life you're seeing this life is very very unpredictable I am ldO0GWyul7o-00428-00408888-00409812 very convinced that Luma is not happy [Music] is not happy how to me is very happy there ldO0GWyul7o-00429-00409812-00411427 you didn't see you might know what I saw before ldO0GWyul7o-00430-00411427-00411556 hey ldO0GWyul7o-00431-00411556-00412231 and now good afternoon ldO0GWyul7o-00432-00412231-00412804 so you're almost there you're on the right part see when you go straight the second turn ldO0GWyul7o-00433-00412804-00413433 on your left you enter it then the next one on your right you take it the next one on ldO0GWyul7o-00434-00413433-00413960 your left again you will just see the house that's the place straight to that road you ldO0GWyul7o-00435-00413960-00414914 see the the compound you're welcome and we're going this way ldO0GWyul7o-00438-00425189-00425714 foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00439-00425714-00426228 [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00440-00426228-00426740 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00441-00426740-00427254 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00442-00427254-00427767 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00443-00427767-00428280 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00444-00428280-00429305 [Music] foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00445-00429305-00429817 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00446-00429817-00430331 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00447-00430331-00430843 yes ldO0GWyul7o-00448-00430843-00433347 fill up those strongs in the house do you understand what I'm saying yes man no man ldO0GWyul7o-00449-00433347-00433828 I'm not crazy ldO0GWyul7o-00450-00433828-00433988 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00451-00433988-00435428 come back come back try that thing again trumpets ldO0GWyul7o-00452-00435428-00436506 this way last two here now ldO0GWyul7o-00453-00436506-00438985 balanced on this my coffee chair where we see freshly ldO0GWyul7o-00454-00438985-00439297 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00455-00439297-00440508 young lady where exactly do you think you're going good afternoon mama I'm going to the ldO0GWyul7o-00456-00440508-00441429 stream to fresh water there is no drop of water at two go back it is forbidden for a ldO0GWyul7o-00457-00441429-00442198 living to go and fetch water flame about stream when I came back today yeah how can your mother ldO0GWyul7o-00458-00442198-00443260 forget our tradition mama please allow me to go and fetch water I can't go back home ldO0GWyul7o-00459-00443260-00444483 with empty buckets the punishment waiting for me at home I can't face it ldO0GWyul7o-00460-00444483-00445646 please don't let me go and face the water please if you're free or not soccer is ldO0GWyul7o-00461-00445646-00446563 the original action anything for you I am ready to explore just nuclear goes here um ldO0GWyul7o-00462-00446563-00447767 it's about that my girl and um that's ugly girl hey anyway I want her in your school ldO0GWyul7o-00463-00447767-00449108 but under my my own control and conditions see ldO0GWyul7o-00464-00449108-00449942 no school laws but my laws you're the principal and I know you can take her I want everything ldO0GWyul7o-00465-00449942-00451099 about her to be according to my own principles we understand failure of which um well you ldO0GWyul7o-00466-00451099-00451825 forget Mama tea and forget all the free drinks and all the free things that you get from ldO0GWyul7o-00467-00451825-00452275 let's go ldO0GWyul7o-00468-00452275-00453209 oh you can't know when I'm talking to you who am I to go against you or lose some person ldO0GWyul7o-00469-00453209-00454430 instead I'll do that ah Mr Silas The Grandmaster ldO0GWyul7o-00470-00454430-00455522 I'll resign I will not only reside I'll fall back to the Village we do not study I'll join ldO0GWyul7o-00471-00455522-00456648 by one of us the international that will bring a lot of money ldO0GWyul7o-00472-00456648-00457428 Millions oh [Music] okay sweets ldO0GWyul7o-00473-00457428-00458218 I need those things [Music] here man [Music] never was ldO0GWyul7o-00474-00458218-00459708 too many children under the principal a good teacher let them teach them no you don't teach ldO0GWyul7o-00475-00459708-00460206 the young ones something bad ldO0GWyul7o-00477-00463344-00463777 I know you do not love me you brought me here because your wife is not around you're only ldO0GWyul7o-00478-00463777-00464272 playing games with me no don't touch me again how can I be playing games with you now you ldO0GWyul7o-00479-00464272-00464896 know I love you so much now we thought okay don't worry okay tell me anything you want ldO0GWyul7o-00480-00464896-00465544 I'll give to you talk to me are you sure of course now don't worry I need some money I ldO0GWyul7o-00481-00465544-00466247 need some money for my studies and my upkeep I don't have money again because I told now ldO0GWyul7o-00482-00466247-00467041 but it is finished don't worry you'll give me my goals to this special day for us and ldO0GWyul7o-00483-00467041-00468948 then we have a lot of things to do inside inside I know your plan you're a bad boy ldO0GWyul7o-00484-00468948-00470385 [Music] thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00485-00470385-00470864 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00486-00470864-00471005 I am short of words ldO0GWyul7o-00487-00471005-00472209 such I mean it's unbelievable such art has never happened in in our town for so many ldO0GWyul7o-00488-00472209-00473004 years now what are we even talking about he's only my child she has lived in this land for ldO0GWyul7o-00489-00473004-00473738 so many years I believe she knows the customs and traditions of this land the Restriction ldO0GWyul7o-00490-00473738-00474346 placed on Amazon River is no longer a new thing to have so I don't just understand it ldO0GWyul7o-00491-00474346-00474971 I don't understand it I believe there is an evil spirit controlling that you tell them ldO0GWyul7o-00492-00474971-00475629 go to Lima knows the customs and tradition of this land if she has gone to that River ldO0GWyul7o-00493-00475629-00477223 I believe something must have prompted out shut up nobody will we will hear Where You ldO0GWyul7o-00494-00477223-00479435 Are the girl is evil let the evil people carry away itself no use to us her life is totally ldO0GWyul7o-00495-00479435-00479535 useless ldO0GWyul7o-00496-00479535-00479635 I don't know foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00497-00479635-00479887 I'm sorry I I came back late smile ldO0GWyul7o-00498-00479887-00480081 yourself ldO0GWyul7o-00500-00483385-00485337 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00501-00485337-00485437 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00502-00485437-00485585 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00503-00485585-00485810 Aluma ldO0GWyul7o-00504-00485810-00486912 [Music] you pack your things later tonight tomorrow we start in school ldO0GWyul7o-00505-00486912-00487125 you mean ldO0GWyul7o-00506-00487125-00487239 you mean tomorrow ldO0GWyul7o-00507-00487239-00489228 oh it's like a drink on drama I bless our God will bless you for me please if you don't ldO0GWyul7o-00509-00493458-00493558 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00510-00493558-00493658 foreign ldO0GWyul7o-00511-00493658-00494283 why not go and have some rest your highness hello this situation is really really my laps ldO0GWyul7o-00512-00494283-00495702 huh how can I go and read spiritually when the staff of authority ldO0GWyul7o-00513-00495702-00496479 is nowhere to be found I'm dead confused too I wonder what her intentions could be we've ldO0GWyul7o-00514-00496479-00496893 not found a place now the staff is also missing ldO0GWyul7o-00515-00496893-00497935 Prince cannot even be crowned without the staff of authority that means the Drone the ldO0GWyul7o-00516-00497935-00498969 royalty will be stripped away from me and my in their household ldO0GWyul7o-00517-00498969-00500117 you should not let this happen I will not be alive I will not be alive and what my forefathers ldO0GWyul7o-00518-00500117-00501122 inheritance drift away before me not imagination never but in my life ldO0GWyul7o-00519-00501122-00501838 I will find this stuff ldO0GWyul7o-00520-00501838-00502103 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00521-00502103-00503162 hi hello hi [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00522-00503162-00503954 I'm cheating me we like to be our friend ah why not so how do you see us would you like ldO0GWyul7o-00523-00503954-00504846 it yeah is it better than your former School okay I have not been secondary school before ldO0GWyul7o-00524-00504846-00505729 really yes ever since I finished my Primary School I've always been my dream to be in ldO0GWyul7o-00525-00505729-00506429 Secondary School anyway it's like a dream come true I Smiles you're welcome thank you ldO0GWyul7o-00526-00506429-00507067 so what are you doing now I'm trying to you know long time I avoid broke I'm trying to ldO0GWyul7o-00527-00507067-00507376 get used to pain and everything okay let's go [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00528-00507376-00507476 hi ldO0GWyul7o-00529-00507476-00509651 good morning I ldO0GWyul7o-00530-00509651-00510310 see you're sippy who you surprised to see me where is Mama ldO0GWyul7o-00531-00510310-00510577 good morning Ma ldO0GWyul7o-00532-00510577-00510843 you're welcome [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00533-00510843-00512468 thank you very much you're welcome hey I'll be a surprise ldO0GWyul7o-00534-00512468-00513455 thank you so much ldO0GWyul7o-00535-00513455-00514154 [Music] I will excuse both of you now I left something on fire huh okay I will soon be ldO0GWyul7o-00536-00514154-00514495 back no problem ldO0GWyul7o-00537-00514495-00515135 I'm coming hey okay ldO0GWyul7o-00538-00515135-00515456 [Music] [Applause] ldO0GWyul7o-00539-00515456-00518039 [Music] [Applause] I hope the first time that I set my eyes on you I will beat myself I ldO0GWyul7o-00540-00518039-00518985 have to unusual feelings inside of me the short of you alone make makes my heart beat ldO0GWyul7o-00541-00518985-00519787 I can't I can't be like that so I so I decided to call her tell you how I feel listen I need ldO0GWyul7o-00542-00519787-00520372 you to trust me I'll take care of you what I'm trying to say is be my girl ldO0GWyul7o-00543-00520372-00521409 with you why are you shouting you want to bring the roof down [Music] is that the only ldO0GWyul7o-00544-00521409-00522705 place in the school I am talking to you didn't answer me but senior we're just living together ldO0GWyul7o-00545-00522705-00523788 nothing else are you mad what's wrong with you was I talking to you if I hear people ldO0GWyul7o-00546-00523788-00524790 you buried it yes I was reading the body it's your Blockhead what do you know you were ready ldO0GWyul7o-00547-00524790-00525477 what were you reading biology ldO0GWyul7o-00548-00525477-00526695 you're reading biology now tell me what is the meaning and biology is and biology is ldO0GWyul7o-00549-00526695-00527211 what is ldO0GWyul7o-00550-00527211-00527875 I don't know as big as you are you don't even know what biology is yes you said you were ldO0GWyul7o-00551-00527875-00528558 reading biology you cannot express yourself in English language you're so brainless you ldO0GWyul7o-00552-00528558-00529365 have nothing to offer ldO0GWyul7o-00553-00529365-00531030 I miss you but how do I know you what is this don't listen to me for your uncle though before ldO0GWyul7o-00554-00531030-00531748 you get infected stay away from this price because she knows absolutely nothing her head ldO0GWyul7o-00555-00531748-00532682 is empty just like Empty Bottle it's yours you have any balance off yeah I am going to ldO0GWyul7o-00556-00532682-00533152 punish you very well for your seriousness in your academics ldO0GWyul7o-00557-00533152-00533341 show me your hands ldO0GWyul7o-00558-00533341-00533441 oh yeah ldO0GWyul7o-00559-00533441-00533926 remember look at me ldO0GWyul7o-00560-00533926-00534318 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00561-00534318-00535104 what happened ldO0GWyul7o-00562-00535104-00535497 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00563-00535497-00535890 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00564-00535890-00536283 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00565-00536283-00537381 [Music] foreign [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00566-00537381-00538061 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00567-00538061-00538740 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00568-00538740-00540100 wonderful okay ldO0GWyul7o-00569-00540100-00540780 [Music] ldO0GWyul7o-00570-00540780-00542819 I don't remember ldO0GWyul7o-00572-00550977-00551657 [Music] leBnixAlrdg-00000-00000024-00000792 hi welcome to the movie recapper today we will watch a crime thriller movie from 2013 titled the leBnixAlrdg-00001-00000792-00001512 call this is a spoiler content video the movie is about a veteran 9-1-1 operator that takes a leBnixAlrdg-00002-00001512-00002016 life-altering call from a teenage girl who has just been abducted she realizes that she must leBnixAlrdg-00003-00002016-00002984 confront a killer from her past in order to save the girl's life enjoy the video and let's begin leBnixAlrdg-00004-00003264-00003968 jordan a los angeles 9-1-1 operator takes a call from leah templeton a pretty blonde team leBnixAlrdg-00005-00003968-00004632 a man has broken into leah's house jordan dispatches officers to her house and leah hides leBnixAlrdg-00006-00004632-00005360 the man seems to be leaving then the call cuts out and without thinking jordan hits the redial button leBnixAlrdg-00007-00005360-00005912 the intruder pauses when he hears the phone ring once and then stop leah answered it and leBnixAlrdg-00008-00005912-00006544 now she hears him returning to the room where she hides the man finds leah and he takes the phone leBnixAlrdg-00009-00006544-00007216 jordan begs him not to hurt leah but he tells her it's already done leo screams and the call ends leBnixAlrdg-00010-00007272-00007808 in the wake of leah's disappearance and the subsequent discovery of her mutilated body jordan leBnixAlrdg-00011-00007808-00008376 suffers a breakdown though her colleagues tell her to move on she no longer trusts her judgment leBnixAlrdg-00012-00008520-00009120 six months later she has become a teacher at the 9-1-1 operator headquarters casey a leBnixAlrdg-00013-00009120-00009672 carefree blonde teen leaves them all she has two cell phones her own smartphone and the leBnixAlrdg-00014-00009672-00010192 prepaid cell phone her best friend autumn left behind when she ditched her at the food court leBnixAlrdg-00015-00010192-00010840 a marine sedan almost hits casey in the parking garage and she drops her smartphone the driver leBnixAlrdg-00016-00010840-00011416 jumps out and apologizes but within seconds he has wrapped his hands around casey's mouth leBnixAlrdg-00017-00011416-00012088 and body he suffocates her until she passes out jordan leads her latest class through the hive the leBnixAlrdg-00018-00012088-00012776 room where the operators take calls she stops to introduce the students to a new 9-1-1 operator but leBnixAlrdg-00019-00012776-00013344 the field trip takes a frightening turn when the new operator answers a call from casey the latter leBnixAlrdg-00020-00013344-00013856 found her friend's prepaid cell phone and she's calling from the car trunk where her abductor has leBnixAlrdg-00021-00013856-00014519 stashed her jordan quickly takes over and when casey cries she will die jordan's old anxieties leBnixAlrdg-00022-00014519-00015160 rear their head she quickly regains composure and calms casey down so she can learn more information leBnixAlrdg-00023-00015160-00015808 about casey's location prepaid cell phones like gps chips so the police and jordan have no way leBnixAlrdg-00024-00015808-00016456 of knowing where the moving car is dozens of police officers including jordan's old flame paul leBnixAlrdg-00025-00016456-00017136 mobilized to find casey by talking to casey jordan figures out the car is on the highway leBnixAlrdg-00026-00017136-00017720 it is an older model the driver was a white man in his 30s and there are several cans of paint in the leBnixAlrdg-00027-00017720-00018440 trunk casey finds a shovel and panics until jordan tells her to kick out one of the taillights after leBnixAlrdg-00028-00018440-00018944 knocking out the taillight casey sticks her hand through the hole and attracts the attention of leBnixAlrdg-00029-00018944-00019704 another driver the woman calls 9-1-1 and she gives the operator her location and the car's plates leBnixAlrdg-00030-00019704-00020328 unfortunately the woman pulls forward to see the driver and when he notices he swiftly exits the leBnixAlrdg-00031-00020328-00020952 freeway next jordan tells casey to open the paint and pour it out of the taillight hole leBnixAlrdg-00032-00020952-00021632 thereby leaving a trail allen donato notices the mess and alerts the driver and the driver's shifty leBnixAlrdg-00033-00021632-00022240 behavior arouses his suspicions casey's kidnapper pulls into an empty parking lot and flips out leBnixAlrdg-00034-00022240-00022824 at her when he sees the mess she has caused he decides to drug casey with chloroform and while leBnixAlrdg-00035-00022824-00023448 he's bent over in the trunk allen donato appears and asks if he needs help the kidnapper behaves leBnixAlrdg-00036-00023448-00024192 even more weirdly and donato pretends to leave but in actuality he tries to call 9-1-1 the kidnapper leBnixAlrdg-00037-00024192-00024824 attacks donato smashes the phone and beats the would-be rescuer with a shovel his bottle of leBnixAlrdg-00038-00024824-00025408 chloroform breaks in the process he leaves it in the parking lot and he freaks out even more before leBnixAlrdg-00039-00025408-00026112 stealing donato's car casey wakes up in the trunk and freaks out when she sees donato then donato leBnixAlrdg-00040-00026112-00026704 awakens and begins to scream casey begs him to stop but the kidnapper hears the commotion leBnixAlrdg-00041-00026704-00027360 and this time when he pulls over he makes sure to kill donato jordan still on the line instructs leBnixAlrdg-00042-00027360-00028016 casey to find donato's wallet and identification the officers find the kidnapper's abandoned car leBnixAlrdg-00043-00028016-00028544 paul notices the chloroform bottle and has it dusted for fingerprints an amber alert leBnixAlrdg-00044-00028544-00029248 has gone out about casey donato's car is low on gas so the kidnapper pulls into a gas station leBnixAlrdg-00045-00029248-00029783 an invigorated casey finds out she can crawl into the car's interior through the middle back seat leBnixAlrdg-00046-00029783-00030376 and she catches the attention of the gas station owner when the man tries to rescue casey the leBnixAlrdg-00047-00030376-00031088 kidnapper douses him in gasoline and lights him on fire he opens the trunk punches casey unconscious leBnixAlrdg-00048-00031088-00031776 and drives away paul has an id on the kidnapper michael foster a family man and medical technician leBnixAlrdg-00049-00031832-00032312 he and his partner go to foster's house and interrogate his wife about where foster might be leBnixAlrdg-00050-00032368-00032864 paul finds a shrine dedicated to foster's beautiful blonde sister who died some years leBnixAlrdg-00051-00032864-00033632 ago eventually he discovers that foster owns a cabin in the san clarita hills the squad mobilizes leBnixAlrdg-00052-00033632-00034336 foster finally parks when he opens the trunk he finds casey holding the cell phone he panics leBnixAlrdg-00053-00034336-00035032 and jordan begs him not to hurt casey calling him by name foster tells her it's already done leBnixAlrdg-00054-00035032-00035728 jordan realizes foster killed leah templeton too foster smashes the phone and after jordan loses leBnixAlrdg-00055-00035728-00036376 contact with casey her boss tells her to go home paul and his team swarm foster's cabin but find leBnixAlrdg-00056-00036376-00037008 no trace of the kidnapper or his victim somewhere else foster has trapped casey into a wheelchair leBnixAlrdg-00057-00037008-00037648 and wheels her into his laboratory he forces her to inhale sedatives but they wear off and leBnixAlrdg-00058-00037648-00038320 casey manages to slip her bindings she runs down a hallway and into a room but she recoils in horror leBnixAlrdg-00059-00038320-00038968 when she sees what's inside and foster recaptures her back at the hive jordan replays different leBnixAlrdg-00060-00038968-00039576 clips of her conversation with casey she replays the part right before foster destroyed the phone leBnixAlrdg-00061-00039576-00040144 and she fixates on a clinging sun before losing her cool and leaving the hive she drives to leBnixAlrdg-00062-00040144-00040744 foster's cabin the police have left and searches the rooms she finds pictures of foster and his leBnixAlrdg-00063-00040744-00041360 sister who seems to hug and cuddle in a lot of the photos several snapshots indicate that foster's leBnixAlrdg-00064-00041360-00041944 sister died of cancer and the last shot shows a young foster kissing his hairless emaciated leBnixAlrdg-00065-00041944-00042648 sister on the mouth jordan steps outside she hears a clinging noise like the one from the recording leBnixAlrdg-00066-00042648-00043248 it's a lock banging against a flagpole jordan finds a hatch in the ground and discovers foster leBnixAlrdg-00067-00043248-00043824 subterranean lair jordan creeps around the lair and finds the same room in which casey tried to leBnixAlrdg-00068-00043824-00044440 hide it's a replica of foster's sister's room but the pink bed is smeared with blood jordan hides leBnixAlrdg-00069-00044440-00044960 when foster enters the room and she's horrified to discover that what she thought were wigs are leBnixAlrdg-00070-00044960-00045528 actually the scalps of foster's victims it's obvious he has been killing girls to reenact his leBnixAlrdg-00071-00045528-00046224 twisted fantasies of his sister casey is strapped to an operating table foster begins to scalp her leBnixAlrdg-00072-00046224-00046896 but jordan interrupts him by smashing him in the head she tries to free casey but foster recovers leBnixAlrdg-00073-00046896-00047600 he starts to drown jordan in a basin of water casey frees herself and slices open foster's face leBnixAlrdg-00074-00047600-00048168 the women run out of the lair but foster follows them casey eventually stabs foster leBnixAlrdg-00075-00048168-00048880 in the back and knocks him back into his lair jordan almost calls 9-1-1 but casey stops her leBnixAlrdg-00076-00048880-00049480 when foster regains consciousness he is chained to the wheelchair jordan and casey tell him their leBnixAlrdg-00077-00049480-00050032 version of casey's rescue jordan will find her wandering in the woods and he will disappear leBnixAlrdg-00078-00050032-00050672 forever they leave foster in his dungeon immune to his desperate cries for help make sure to like leBnixAlrdg-00079-00050672-00051336 and subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you can watch more videos like this lgb-EJgLV3M-00000-00000032-00000206 Online Teaching Program lgb-EJgLV3M-00001-00000344-00000972 Dr. Farinaz (Naz) Havaei is an assistant professor at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia. She implements mid-course feedback in her online courses. lgb-EJgLV3M-00002-00001036-00001562 For Naz, this is an opportunity to adopt and enforce a learner-centred approach in her teaching--addressing her students' needs. lgb-EJgLV3M-00003-00001680-00002422 Student midpoint evaluation I sort of there's this big opportunity for me to lgb-EJgLV3M-00004-00002422-00002994 learn from my students in terms of you know the aspects or the components of lgb-EJgLV3M-00005-00002994-00003460 the course that are working well and you know where there is room for improvement lgb-EJgLV3M-00006-00003460-00004336 so in reality I sort of look at midpoint teaching evaluation sort of as a quality lgb-EJgLV3M-00007-00004336-00004704 improvement initiative or project lgb-EJgLV3M-00008-00004774-00005438 Naz suggests having an approachable attitude to incite student feedback. She encourages students to reach out to her or the teaching assistant with their questions or concerns. lgb-EJgLV3M-00009-00005586-00006168 sort of encourages students to get in touch with us with any questions or lgb-EJgLV3M-00010-00006169-00006847 concerns they may have around their learning or my teaching style and other lgb-EJgLV3M-00011-00006848-00007114 components of the course lgb-EJgLV3M-00012-00007159-00007516 She finds that ensuring anonymity in mid-course feedback is essential for student participation. lgb-EJgLV3M-00013-00007566-00007934 and making sure that the students understand that you lgb-EJgLV3M-00014-00007934-00008471 know these sort of surveys or whatever approach you're using to collect the lgb-EJgLV3M-00015-00008471-00009139 students feedback is actually anonymous and does not include sort of identifying lgb-EJgLV3M-00016-00009140-00009654 the individual students I think would be really important lgb-EJgLV3M-00017-00009712-00010182 Together with her TA, they treat the student feedback as a research project. By working together, they ensure they don't miss vital feedback. lgb-EJgLV3M-00018-00010216-00010620 They report the findings to the students and put a plan in place. lgb-EJgLV3M-00019-00010682-00011242 Because of COVID-19, her Summer Term 1 nursing leadership course had various changes. One of them was its duration. It was condensed from 13 weeks to six. lgb-EJgLV3M-00020-00011374-00011830 This raised concerns from students about the workload, which they voiced in the mid-course feedback. lgb-EJgLV3M-00021-00012062-00012520 I sort of did about that was that you know for example with respect to lgb-EJgLV3M-00022-00012520-00013047 requirement for a group discussion you know originally they were expected to lgb-EJgLV3M-00023-00013047-00013745 sort of make two posts so I sort of reduced that to one post per week and lgb-EJgLV3M-00024-00013745-00014448 you know this is just an example of how I sort of responded to their concern so lgb-EJgLV3M-00025-00014448-00014872 I share that feedback or share the results of the midpoint teaching lgb-EJgLV3M-00026-00014872-00015553 evaluation with the students so you know for example 50% of your 60% of you on lgb-EJgLV3M-00027-00015553-00016104 the midpoint teaching evaluation informed me that the course or the lgb-EJgLV3M-00028-00016104-00016639 workload associated with the course was concern to you and in response to that lgb-EJgLV3M-00029-00016639-00017094 these are the changes that I will be making for the course lgb-EJgLV3M-00030-00017152-00017482 To manage students' expectations on the incorporation of their feedback, Naz suggests being honest. lgb-EJgLV3M-00031-00017576-00018173 Establish clear goals and guidelines from the get-go with the students and to be lgb-EJgLV3M-00032-00018173-00018776 to be honest about you know what can be changed at this term and what will be lgb-EJgLV3M-00033-00018776-00019442 considered in terms of redesigning the course for future terms so you need to lgb-EJgLV3M-00034-00019442-00020093 make sure that you're actually honest with the students and that you let them lgb-EJgLV3M-00035-00020093-00020929 know that not all of their feedback is going to be reflected in redesigning the lgb-EJgLV3M-00036-00020930-00021288 course while they're in your classroom lgb-EJgLV3M-00037-00021348-00021808 Her last piece of advice is to let students know that incorporating their feedback works as a democratic process. lgb-EJgLV3M-00038-00021932-00022667 you know also let the students know that this is like any democratic process lgb-EJgLV3M-00039-00022667-00023360 changes would reflect the feedback from the majority as I said earlier we cannot lgb-EJgLV3M-00040-00023360-00024026 accommodate it's really difficult to accommodate everybody's needs and lgb-EJgLV3M-00041-00024026-00024741 especially when they are sort of conflicting and so in that situation you lgb-EJgLV3M-00042-00024741-00025323 would want to make sure that the students understand that the majority lgb-EJgLV3M-00043-00025323-00025881 will dominate and maybe that way you can actually sort of encourage your students lgb-EJgLV3M-00044-00025881-00026626 to participate and take part in the midpoint teaching evaluation lgb-EJgLV3M-00045-00026712-00026983 [The University of British Columbia Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology] li0a3Rhsm_E-00000-00000009-00000123 music playing li0a3Rhsm_E-00002-00000370-00000470 "Vlad Bahov. I am forever 16" li0a3Rhsm_E-00003-00001001-00001101 This documentary has been made with support from the "Поиски Влада Бахова" group at AND Vlad Bahov's family official channel at li0a3Rhsm_E-00004-00002294-00002583 Anastasia (Vlad's mum): On the 6th of April, 2019 li0a3Rhsm_E-00005-00002583-00002864 generally, the day began as usual. li0a3Rhsm_E-00006-00002919-00003210 Vlad got up early in the morning as he had school on li0a3Rhsm_E-00007-00003210-00003461 somewhere around 7:00 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00008-00003461-00003762 he got up. At about 7:20 am - 7:30 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00009-00003762-00003862 he left house. li0a3Rhsm_E-00010-00003983-00004237 In the aftermath, it appeared he li0a3Rhsm_E-00011-00004237-00004287 didn't go to school, but instead li0a3Rhsm_E-00012-00004287-00004357 aaa li0a3Rhsm_E-00013-00004413-00004709 he was at li0a3Rhsm_E-00014-00004709-00004759 Jumaeve and Yanchenkov's li0a3Rhsm_E-00015-00004759-00004809 rental flat that morning. li0a3Rhsm_E-00017-00005364-00005545 At about 11 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00018-00005639-00005952 he got back home li0a3Rhsm_E-00019-00005972-00006022 and said that he was leaving for li0a3Rhsm_E-00020-00006022-00006072 Demidov to visit his father. li0a3Rhsm_E-00021-00006072-00006164 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00022-00006756-00007060 Well, he often used to go to Demidov to visit his grandma, li0a3Rhsm_E-00023-00007060-00007323 to visit Andrey (Vlad's father). li0a3Rhsm_E-00024-00007351-00007646 Generally, there wasn't anything strange about this. li0a3Rhsm_E-00025-00007646-00007909 He didn't tell me about his plans to go to a birthday party. li0a3Rhsm_E-00026-00007909-00007959 I think he understood that li0a3Rhsm_E-00027-00007959-00008109 if he had told me about his plans, I would have had a lot of questions li0a3Rhsm_E-00029-00008464-00008758 and, possibly, I wouldn't have allowed him to go there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00030-00008896-00009142 Sighing... At about beginning of 12 noon li0a3Rhsm_E-00031-00009142-00009342 he left house as the bus was scheduled to leave for Demidov at 12:30 pm li0a3Rhsm_E-00033-00009828-00010114 He left for Demidov together with Jumaeve and Yanchenkov by bus at 12:30 pm li0a3Rhsm_E-00034-00010114-00010401 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00036-00010616-00010739 At about li0a3Rhsm_E-00037-00010841-00011144 well, maybe, 2:30 pm, at about 3:00 pm li0a3Rhsm_E-00038-00011144-00011316 I had a phone call from Vlad's grandma li0a3Rhsm_E-00039-00011488-00011801 i.e., my mother. li0a3Rhsm_E-00040-00011801-00012130 She told me that Vlad arrived to her house. He arrived to her house and li0a3Rhsm_E-00041-00012234-00012526 he said that he was going to a birthday party li0a3Rhsm_E-00042-00012526-00012672 and she allowed him to go there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00043-00012777-00012977 Well, I found out about whose birthday he was going to, li0a3Rhsm_E-00044-00012977-00013062 i.e., I asked a lot of questions, li0a3Rhsm_E-00045-00013062-00013112 and li0a3Rhsm_E-00046-00013112-00013162 he promised li0a3Rhsm_E-00048-00013212-00013262 that he would come back from the party li0a3Rhsm_E-00049-00013311-00013567 to his grandma's already by 10 pm. li0a3Rhsm_E-00050-00013877-00013977 Well, generally, li0a3Rhsm_E-00051-00013982-00014285 I realised that li0a3Rhsm_E-00052-00014285-00014619 Vlad's grandma had always been such a responsible one, li0a3Rhsm_E-00053-00014654-00014951 and that she would manage his outing, because, well li0a3Rhsm_E-00054-00014951-00015151 she had always worried about him, li0a3Rhsm_E-00055-00015151-00015256 and always checked in with him regarding his whereabouts and how he was. li0a3Rhsm_E-00059-00015406-00015528 (Anastasia's voice trembling). Sighing. li0a3Rhsm_E-00060-00016433-00016700 aaa.. There were neither any thoughts nor any sensations li0a3Rhsm_E-00061-00016700-00016900 that something could happen, something could go wrong that day. li0a3Rhsm_E-00064-00017304-00017607 That evening passed. li0a3Rhsm_E-00065-00017607-00017905 We were with Vlad's younger brother at home…being at home. li0a3Rhsm_E-00066-00017972-00018182 Everything was calm that evening. li0a3Rhsm_E-00067-00018182-00018456 There were not even any premonitions, nothing like that that day. li0a3Rhsm_E-00068-00018456-00018700 Everyone went to bed as usual. li0a3Rhsm_E-00069-00018700-00018971 And that night, there was a phone call. li0a3Rhsm_E-00070-00019160-00019386 aaa...I saw that it was Vlad's father calling li0a3Rhsm_E-00071-00019386-00019603 Andrey. li0a3Rhsm_E-00072-00019603-00019751 I answered the phone. li0a3Rhsm_E-00073-00019751-00020009 He started to interrogate me about li0a3Rhsm_E-00074-00020009-00020287 exact residential address where Vlad lived li0a3Rhsm_E-00075-00020287-00020565 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00076-00020565-00020715 exact school name li0a3Rhsm_E-00077-00020715-00020765 and address li0a3Rhsm_E-00078-00020765-00020815 where it was located. And then li0a3Rhsm_E-00079-00020815-00020865 I asked "What happened?" li0a3Rhsm_E-00080-00020942-00021223 And he replied " Now...I'll tell you everything". li0a3Rhsm_E-00081-00021223-00021472 i.e., as I was telling him all the details li0a3Rhsm_E-00082-00021472-00021780 he told me li0a3Rhsm_E-00083-00021780-00021980 "Vlad has disappeared". I said "What do you mean has disappeared?" li0a3Rhsm_E-00084-00021980-00022062 "Well, like this has disappeared. li0a3Rhsm_E-00085-00022062-00022296 They were in the woods, and, li0a3Rhsm_E-00086-00022296-00022487 supposedly, he gone away". li0a3Rhsm_E-00087-00022558-00022831 Andrey (Vlad's father): On the 6th of April, 2019 in the evening li0a3Rhsm_E-00088-00022910-00023207 11:30 at night li0a3Rhsm_E-00089-00023207-00023317 approximately, plus-minus 5-10 minutes li0a3Rhsm_E-00090-00023531-00023783 there was a knock at the window. li0a3Rhsm_E-00091-00023891-00024169 Well, I looked out of the window and li0a3Rhsm_E-00092-00024176-00024468 saw there was a police car, and li0a3Rhsm_E-00093-00024468-00024747 some people around it. Well, naturally, I went outside. li0a3Rhsm_E-00094-00024815-00025005 And I asked about what happened. li0a3Rhsm_E-00095-00025078-00025367 And I was told that, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00096-00025452-00025751 there were Derbanova, Slautin, li0a3Rhsm_E-00097-00025751-00026027 Slautin's mum standing there. The rest of them were standing at the back. li0a3Rhsm_E-00098-00026030-00026268 I didn't peer to see who else was there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00099-00026268-00026587 I was listening, because Derbanova Dasha was telling the most out of all of them, li0a3Rhsm_E-00100-00026642-00026901 that they had been chilling out in the nature, li0a3Rhsm_E-00101-00027024-00027367 everything was well, and at some stage li0a3Rhsm_E-00102-00027401-00027692 Vlad stepped away to use toilet, as they said, li0a3Rhsm_E-00103-00027813-00028022 and since that moment no one had seen him; li0a3Rhsm_E-00104-00028142-00028456 that they themselves had tried to search for him, li0a3Rhsm_E-00105-00028523-00028637 but then it got dark li0a3Rhsm_E-00107-00029007-00029143 and they had called for their parents' help, li0a3Rhsm_E-00108-00029276-00029418 sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00109-00029575-00029869 that they drove to the town to search for him li0a3Rhsm_E-00110-00029869-00030069 thinking he might have gone to the road and headed to the town, li0a3Rhsm_E-00111-00030069-00030159 back home. Wherein, they asked me, li0a3Rhsm_E-00112-00030159-00030359 at first they asked me, li0a3Rhsm_E-00113-00030359-00030464 if he was at mine. li0a3Rhsm_E-00115-00030718-00030999 I told them that he wasn't at mine li0a3Rhsm_E-00116-00030999-00031199 and I called Vlad's grandma as well. I asked li0a3Rhsm_E-00117-00031199-00031299 whether Vlad had returned home yet. li0a3Rhsm_E-00118-00031299-00031874 Vlad's grandma answered that no, but had promised to show up at 10 pm, but hadn't been yet. li0a3Rhsm_E-00119-00031946-00032146 Ivan (Vlad's step-father): In the morning I got up with a fever. And at about 9:30 am, li0a3Rhsm_E-00120-00032146-00032196 maybe, li0a3Rhsm_E-00122-00032472-00032805 yes at about this time. My phone was set on soundless over the night, li0a3Rhsm_E-00123-00032884-00033084 that was why in the morning Nastia called and told me that li0a3Rhsm_E-00124-00033084-00033155 sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00125-00033254-00033454 Vlad had disappeared. li0a3Rhsm_E-00126-00033454-00033519 Well, we got ready at once. li0a3Rhsm_E-00127-00033554-00033850 5 I picked Nastia and Kristian up li0a3Rhsm_E-00128-00033850-00034111 we arrived here. We went straight to Demidov. li0a3Rhsm_E-00129-00034169-00034453 And as we, well already calling around li0a3Rhsm_E-00131-00034761-00035047 as we were getting here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00132-00035047-00035097 And, well li0a3Rhsm_E-00133-00035097-00035147 when we arrived here li0a3Rhsm_E-00134-00035162-00035362 we saw that the picnic glade. The same place where we are now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00135-00035362-00035444 It was li0a3Rhsm_E-00136-00035606-00035921 quite clean...i.e. this moment, how they say, li0a3Rhsm_E-00137-00035932-00036235 as I began to learn all the circumstances, it did strike the eye very much. li0a3Rhsm_E-00138-00036235-00036355 And it did strike the eye by that li0a3Rhsm_E-00139-00036448-00036738 a pile of rubbish was only over there (nodding over his right shoulder). Where it is now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00140-00036738-00037013 And here it was, well, again I am saying li0a3Rhsm_E-00141-00037013-00037303 here it was quite clean considering there was a birthday party. Moreover, li0a3Rhsm_E-00142-00037303-00037648 the birthday party that had finished just few hours ago. i.e. Here wasn't any rubbish at all. li0a3Rhsm_E-00143-00037695-00037993 Well, we had paid close attention to this later after. li0a3Rhsm_E-00144-00037993-00038342 After that, when the first search dog had already, in my mind, gone li0a3Rhsm_E-00145-00038353-00038553 or, possibly, was getting ready to leave. And when we got here li0a3Rhsm_E-00146-00038553-00038618 we were waiting for the second cynologist to arrive. li0a3Rhsm_E-00147-00038618-00038818 The second cynologist arrived with a dog. li0a3Rhsm_E-00148-00038818-00038921 His (Vlad's) belongings were li0a3Rhsm_E-00149-00038921-00039150 delivered by "buhanka". li0a3Rhsm_E-00150-00039195-00039395 After that, when we got here li0a3Rhsm_E-00151-00039395-00039446 when the second dog arrived here li0a3Rhsm_E-00152-00039446-00039733 as no one knew what to do, except for... li0a3Rhsm_E-00153-00039733-00040045 to walk somewhat around the woods li0a3Rhsm_E-00154-00040045-00040369 Andrey with some people, local residents were here, li0a3Rhsm_E-00155-00040395-00040445 police, li0a3Rhsm_E-00156-00040445-00040495 Derbanov Viktor Petrovich was here at the same time li0a3Rhsm_E-00157-00040833-00041089 when we waited for the vehicle with the dog li0a3Rhsm_E-00158-00041089-00041139 and the belongings. Moreover, his belongings were being transported li0a3Rhsm_E-00159-00041383-00041583 li0a3Rhsm_E-00160-00041583-00041679 i.e. a dog was given li0a3Rhsm_E-00161-00041679-00041986 its nose was deepened into li0a3Rhsm_E-00162-00041986-00042036 this one li0a3Rhsm_E-00163-00042036-00042086 sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00164-00042169-00042369 the school bag. It sniffed the bag and took a trace. li0a3Rhsm_E-00165-00042369-00042419 We went li0a3Rhsm_E-00166-00042419-00042471 to that side (showing to the left - back of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00167-00042471-00042747 as the road, as the entrance to Demidov li0a3Rhsm_E-00168-00042747-00042881 resulting in us to be walking along the woods edge. li0a3Rhsm_E-00169-00042922-00043022 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00170-00043024-00043127 Along with us there were, li0a3Rhsm_E-00171-00043176-00043376 during the first walk, Andrey, li0a3Rhsm_E-00172-00043376-00043461 Derbanov Viktor Petrovich li0a3Rhsm_E-00173-00043461-00043661 the cynologist, li0a3Rhsm_E-00174-00043661-00043761 myself. li0a3Rhsm_E-00175-00043761-00044067 This is for sure, four people were walking. And, in my mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-00176-00044067-00044167 there was someone else walking there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00177-00044256-00044356 However, li0a3Rhsm_E-00178-00044380-00044580 respectively, by the time we had gone around li0a3Rhsm_E-00179-00044580-00044721 this circle li0a3Rhsm_E-00180-00044755-00044955 the dog went to the asphalt, then it... li0a3Rhsm_E-00181-00044955-00045055 to be precise, it went to li0a3Rhsm_E-00182-00045055-00045311 to the end of the village, and then li0a3Rhsm_E-00183-00045311-00045586 it went to the asphalt. Then it went li0a3Rhsm_E-00184-00045586-00045897 along that road, which went parallel and jointed two asphalt roads. And the dog li0a3Rhsm_E-00185-00045897-00046097 went to asphalt again. There was also a pile of rubbish in the woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00186-00046097-00046197 And the dog li0a3Rhsm_E-00187-00046197-00046490 turned back into the woods by that rubbish pile. li0a3Rhsm_E-00188-00046490-00046744 The dog walked about 100 metres (showing to the right of himself) away from the hut. li0a3Rhsm_E-00189-00046744-00046944 If we walk not quite reaching the hut, and went further. After li0a3Rhsm_E-00190-00046944-00047038 that when li0a3Rhsm_E-00191-00047038-00047180 the dog li0a3Rhsm_E-00192-00047213-00047513 took a trace again and walked over several crossroads. li0a3Rhsm_E-00193-00047513-00047830 Again, I am saying this that there are several crossroads in the woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00194-00047830-00048050 SEVERAL. And there are clearings and cuttings along li0a3Rhsm_E-00195-00048086-00048356 these crossroads. i.e., there are many such vast spacious places along these roads. li0a3Rhsm_E-00196-00048406-00048678 The dog got back to the asphalt, and walked li0a3Rhsm_E-00197-00048678-00048964 along the asphalt road and to that pipe (showing to the right of himself). The pipe is over there, approximately... li0a3Rhsm_E-00198-00048964-00049081 well, plus-minus over there li0a3Rhsm_E-00199-00049140-00049440 (showing towards right - back direction over his right shoulder). Here, after that, to the pipe... li0a3Rhsm_E-00200-00049440-00049756 to be precise, the dog was being taken away from the pipe and was given to sniff the belongings, and the dog li0a3Rhsm_E-00201-00049756-00049997 was jumping towards the pipe again, and then was being taken away from the pipe and given to sniff. They tried with the dog three times this way. li0a3Rhsm_E-00202-00050124-00050437 Clearing throat. Well, respectively, the dog search didn't give us any positive results. li0a3Rhsm_E-00203-00050470-00050670 aaa... Then li0a3Rhsm_E-00204-00050670-00050727 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00205-00050727-00050918 we walked around in circle with the dog for the second time. li0a3Rhsm_E-00206-00051074-00051274 aaa ... we made it the full circle the second time round. And the dog, li0a3Rhsm_E-00207-00051274-00051324 practically, did the same li0a3Rhsm_E-00208-00051360-00051560 as during the first walk...the same walk umm ... li0a3Rhsm_E-00209-00051560-00051657 After that li0a3Rhsm_E-00210-00051806-00051953 it was already, in my mind li0a3Rhsm_E-00211-00052031-00052220 aaa...arrived (helicopter) aaa... on the second day li0a3Rhsm_E-00212-00052287-00052540 or...on the third day? On the third day li0a3Rhsm_E-00213-00052540-00052740 arrived (helicopter), or the second one? li0a3Rhsm_E-00214-00052740-00052842 On the second day li0a3Rhsm_E-00215-00052842-00053088 the helicopter arrived. It was already set to... li0a3Rhsm_E-00216-00053088-00053288 the helicopter ascended over here (showing to the left of himself). And, if we are saying that he (Vlad) had gone li0a3Rhsm_E-00217-00053288-00053408 over there (showing to the right forward direction of himself), then li0a3Rhsm_E-00218-00053529-00053692 here the helicopter had ascended li0a3Rhsm_E-00219-00053771-00054060 had flown...well, it would literally take the helicopter to li0a3Rhsm_E-00220-00054060-00054110 swing its screw several times. And resulting in the helicopter appear at that li0a3Rhsm_E-00221-00054110-00054232 place (showing to the right forward direction of himself). Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00222-00054358-00054659 The same way, as the quadcopter, which was here on the 9th of April, 2019 li0a3Rhsm_E-00223-00054675-00054967 umm... the quadcopter of the investigative committee was here as well. li0a3Rhsm_E-00224-00054972-00055172 The quadcopter flew over here. There was a footage in the press. These were showing li0a3Rhsm_E-00225-00055172-00055272 when it got into the air. li0a3Rhsm_E-00226-00055272-00055580 Here is, literally, 1 km 200 metres li0a3Rhsm_E-00227-00055580-00055630 straight on li0a3Rhsm_E-00228-00055630-00055680 to that place... li0a3Rhsm_E-00229-00055780-00055830 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00230-00055830-00055880 And when the helicopter had already been flying then Salvar arrived here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00231-00056166-00056419 And we began to form groups. li0a3Rhsm_E-00232-00056492-00056747 We realised that the time was passing and li0a3Rhsm_E-00233-00056775-00056825 that every minute was precious, li0a3Rhsm_E-00234-00056825-00056876 because li0a3Rhsm_E-00235-00056920-00057108 the nights back then were very cold. The temperature was down to below zero. li0a3Rhsm_E-00236-00057139-00057466 And all of this needed to be searched for very quickly, and li0a3Rhsm_E-00237-00057466-00057666 all the actions had to be carried out very promptly as well, li0a3Rhsm_E-00238-00057666-00057716 because we understood that the first few days were crucial. li0a3Rhsm_E-00239-00057753-00057853 Even though li0a3Rhsm_E-00240-00057887-00058060 we didn't possess the specialist knowledge of professional searchers etc. li0a3Rhsm_E-00241-00058293-00058493 After that, when we had begun li0a3Rhsm_E-00242-00058590-00058790 to walk around the woods in groups. Well, the principle of the search was clear. li0a3Rhsm_E-00243-00058790-00058885 We were included in the groups li0a3Rhsm_E-00244-00058885-00058985 umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00245-00059103-00059403 we went to stand there, we were given a compass and we walked li0a3Rhsm_E-00246-00059403-00059716 along with the group across those squares, the nearest ones. When we had spoken with Salvar, li0a3Rhsm_E-00247-00059716-00059766 then we learnt that the nearest squares were it was...the most important task aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00248-00059916-00059966 that needed to be completed. li0a3Rhsm_E-00249-00060008-00060208 According to li0a3Rhsm_E-00250-00060208-00060291 the teenagers' words, li0a3Rhsm_E-00251-00060314-00060600 he went over there, (showing to the right of himself) respectively, we began to... li0a3Rhsm_E-00252-00060600-00060650 here is something to keep in mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-00253-00060650-00060700 this side (showing to the right of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00254-00060700-00060750 leads li0a3Rhsm_E-00255-00060750-00060845 closely to the road. li0a3Rhsm_E-00256-00060903-00061224 This side had been closed off already before they arrived, when around 60 people arrived here on the second, on the third day... li0a3Rhsm_E-00257-00061224-00061324 clearing throat li0a3Rhsm_E-00258-00061325-00061562 And we, li0a3Rhsm_E-00259-00061577-00061867 there is a picture (which shows) we are building a human chain here to begin with li0a3Rhsm_E-00260-00061877-00062161 and walk towards there. Then we are building a human chain li0a3Rhsm_E-00261-00062161-00062361 made with help of around 100 people, and walk towards there (showing to the right and in front of himself). i.e. the nearest li0a3Rhsm_E-00262-00062465-00062565 coughing, clearing throat li0a3Rhsm_E-00263-00062604-00062850 500 meter was cut off on the first day. li0a3Rhsm_E-00264-00062919-00063226 It was done without Salvar and by the volunteers, who knew li0a3Rhsm_E-00265-00063226-00063479 that there was asphalt and, respectively, they walked in chains toward the asphalt. li0a3Rhsm_E-00266-00063589-00063932 Coughing. To that side, I won't be telling lies as I don't remember when exactly. li0a3Rhsm_E-00267-00064001-00064201 However, where the remains of the body were found, on that road. There we went li0a3Rhsm_E-00268-00064251-00064301 to build aaa...a line of people. There were around, in my mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-00269-00064674-00064724 60 people. I won't tell there were 100 people, but 60 people were there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00270-00064824-00064874 They walked with walkies-talkies, with compresses etc. li0a3Rhsm_E-00271-00065151-00065351 And we walked 1 km, here i.e. li0a3Rhsm_E-00272-00065351-00065458 we entered the woods 500 metres... li0a3Rhsm_E-00273-00065458-00065658 yes, we began to search. li0a3Rhsm_E-00274-00065658-00065708 A bunch of us walked, walked, stood in a line li0a3Rhsm_E-00275-00065755-00065805 and began to search i.e. 500 metres li0a3Rhsm_E-00276-00065905-00065955 what was left for us li0a3Rhsm_E-00277-00065955-00066005 to search was 800 metres before the remains of his body, li0a3Rhsm_E-00278-00066005-00066055 where he laid...700 - 800 metres li0a3Rhsm_E-00279-00066396-00066720 And now, follow me carefully, we built a line of people at that hill li0a3Rhsm_E-00280-00066720-00067029 where it was 100 metres to the remains of his body. We walked 1 km there (showing ahead of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00281-00067029-00067323 then we turned at the edge of the square, and we walked 1 km back... li0a3Rhsm_E-00282-00067323-00067523 60 people...well, think for a moment, to walk past the remains of his body which... li0a3Rhsm_E-00283-00067523-00067573 and the smell by that time already would be... li0a3Rhsm_E-00284-00067884-00068183 Well, ok, on the third day there wasn't any smell. However, it wasn't the fact that the line of people walked on the third day, yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00285-00068183-00068487 i.e., it might have been the fifth day. Well, li0a3Rhsm_E-00286-00068487-00068687 in any case, some smell was already present. And even, if there wasn't any present, li0a3Rhsm_E-00287-00068687-00068737 we still would not have walked past his body. li0a3Rhsm_E-00289-00068997-00069207 Andrey (Vlad's father) continues: We had always been here, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00290-00069425-00069759 amm...there were police cars driving along the two roads li0a3Rhsm_E-00291-00069759-00070109 they had their sirens on, were blowing their car horns, li0a3Rhsm_E-00292-00070110-00070310 were quacking, well...As much along one road the li0a3Rhsm_E-00293-00070310-00070410 same much along the other one li0a3Rhsm_E-00294-00070410-00070566 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00295-00070759-00070924 flash - lights were on li0a3Rhsm_E-00296-00070985-00071281 well, we could see when we stood there li0a3Rhsm_E-00297-00071281-00071535 as they went there were lights shining through. Yes. li0a3Rhsm_E-00298-00071587-00071637 The signal, of course, was very good li0a3Rhsm_E-00299-00071737-00071787 because of the night time, li0a3Rhsm_E-00300-00071787-00071837 well.. li0a3Rhsm_E-00301-00071837-00071887 And still this li0a3Rhsm_E-00302-00071986-00072254 hadn't given us any results though, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00303-00072625-00072917 Sighing...Then, then Nastia li0a3Rhsm_E-00304-00072917-00073256 kept calling me endlessly, of course. She kept asking "Well, what? Well, what?" li0a3Rhsm_E-00305-00073291-00073597 well "Have they found him?" I answered "No. li0a3Rhsm_E-00306-00073597-00073735 No. We are still here." li0a3Rhsm_E-00307-00073891-00073941 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00308-00073941-00073991 "Cars are still driving..." li0a3Rhsm_E-00309-00074262-00074435 And closer to the next morning aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00310-00074612-00074833 because, how they say... li0a3Rhsm_E-00311-00074893-00074943 We were dressed lightly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00312-00074943-00074993 so li0a3Rhsm_E-00313-00075043-00075093 closer to the next morning we realised that there was a need aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00314-00075469-00075669 to organise a search, li0a3Rhsm_E-00315-00075669-00075740 to gather all the people... li0a3Rhsm_E-00316-00075740-00075940 as many as we could gather... li0a3Rhsm_E-00317-00075940-00076019 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00318-00076052-00076245 anything we could do, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00319-00076411-00076611 We drove home to put on warm clothes li0a3Rhsm_E-00320-00076611-00076720 to get changed li0a3Rhsm_E-00321-00076720-00076986 to get ready li0a3Rhsm_E-00322-00076986-00077117 something warm, boots li0a3Rhsm_E-00323-00077218-00077268 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00324-00077268-00077318 I began calling around li0a3Rhsm_E-00325-00077455-00077736 friends, people I knew, relatives, li0a3Rhsm_E-00326-00077736-00077936 to ask them to join in the search. Anyone who could, li0a3Rhsm_E-00327-00077936-00077986 and who even couldn't had been asked li0a3Rhsm_E-00328-00077986-00078077 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00329-00078395-00078495 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00330-00078666-00078886 The next morning when we got here li0a3Rhsm_E-00331-00079031-00079231 3 at half, half, half past li0a3Rhsm_E-00332-00079231-00079314 in my mind, it was li0a3Rhsm_E-00333-00079314-00079492 5:30 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00334-00079527-00079816 I arrived here in the company of one of my relatives. li0a3Rhsm_E-00335-00079891-00080179 A group of people was already here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00336-00080307-00080507 mmm...and we, as if, well...not as if... li0a3Rhsm_E-00337-00080507-00080576 we just... li0a3Rhsm_E-00338-00080576-00080841 They (the group) stayed here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00339-00080850-00081122 And we went li0a3Rhsm_E-00340-00081144-00081194 to walk around (showing to the right of himself), li0a3Rhsm_E-00341-00081304-00081354 to search for li0a3Rhsm_E-00342-00081354-00081404 any traces li0a3Rhsm_E-00343-00081404-00081454 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00344-00081556-00081827 well... we completed a large walk around, li0a3Rhsm_E-00345-00081870-00082031 but li0a3Rhsm_E-00346-00082129-00082324 we didn't discover any traces. li0a3Rhsm_E-00347-00082509-00082771 Then, we got back here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00348-00082803-00083003 Here had already been people, police gathering. li0a3Rhsm_E-00349-00083003-00083129 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00350-00083553-00083753 We began to go deeper into the woods li0a3Rhsm_E-00351-00083753-00083854 mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00352-00084284-00084503 We walked, walked li0a3Rhsm_E-00353-00084503-00084553 and all the time li0a3Rhsm_E-00354-00084553-00084639 we searched for li0a3Rhsm_E-00355-00084783-00084983 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00356-00084983-00085047 traces, tracks, li0a3Rhsm_E-00357-00085047-00085247 any things, because li0a3Rhsm_E-00358-00085247-00085333 to walk through the woods at night time li0a3Rhsm_E-00359-00085333-00085641 it was like...unreal li0a3Rhsm_E-00360-00085641-00085786 It is darkness, to get ripped li0a3Rhsm_E-00361-00085831-00085881 to get torn... li0a3Rhsm_E-00362-00085881-00085931 mmm...Sighing li0a3Rhsm_E-00363-00086941-00086991 Sound of someone walking through water Ivan's voice (Vlad's step-father): Can you see? li0a3Rhsm_E-00364-00086991-00087041 Here is a clearing...Here it is, you are welcome... (showing with his hand ahead of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00365-00087141-00087191 Why would he walk here (showing to the right of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00366-00087269-00087319 through windbreak debris? Here is...Here is the road and here is the clearing. li0a3Rhsm_E-00367-00087626-00087883 Here, walk along the li0a3Rhsm_E-00368-00087949-00088049 here, spread your arms...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00369-00088099-00088149 and by each side... li0a3Rhsm_E-00370-00088149-00088199 the bushes are seen to you... li0a3Rhsm_E-00371-00088300-00088350 You would immediately li0a3Rhsm_E-00372-00088350-00088400 sober up, li0a3Rhsm_E-00373-00088633-00088723 when you li0a3Rhsm_E-00374-00088739-00088939 are having a panic attack, and adrenaline is pumping in your head. li0a3Rhsm_E-00375-00089159-00089286 And because of this panic li0a3Rhsm_E-00376-00089380-00089430 you would still be running, li0a3Rhsm_E-00377-00089480-00089530 but li0a3Rhsm_E-00378-00089530-00089580 nevertheless, li0a3Rhsm_E-00379-00089848-00089898 you would be running and li0a3Rhsm_E-00380-00089898-00090004 clearing throat li0a3Rhsm_E-00381-00090139-00090473 and the instinct of self-preservation, so-called, li0a3Rhsm_E-00382-00090559-00090675 it would tell you... li0a3Rhsm_E-00383-00090715-00090942 Well, this is it. Here is it... li0a3Rhsm_E-00384-00091028-00091128 (trying to get his stuck foot out of the swamp) li0a3Rhsm_E-00385-00091168-00091218 This is li0a3Rhsm_E-00386-00091218-00091268 I am 35, 35 years old li0a3Rhsm_E-00387-00091332-00091571 and I am barely getting my foot out of this. li0a3Rhsm_E-00388-00091629-00091915 The sneakers would have fallen off his feet li0a3Rhsm_E-00389-00092012-00092221 in the best case scenario... li0a3Rhsm_E-00390-00092295-00092495 in the best case scenario in 500 metres. li0a3Rhsm_E-00391-00092689-00092789 i.e. here li0a3Rhsm_E-00392-00092806-00093078 is the swamp terrain... li0a3Rhsm_E-00393-00093078-00093178 the swamp terrain li0a3Rhsm_E-00394-00093229-00093279 with existing li0a3Rhsm_E-00395-00093279-00093329 irrigation channels, li0a3Rhsm_E-00396-00093329-00093476 the man-made irrigation channels created in (former) the Social Unit (USSR). li0a3Rhsm_E-00398-00093889-00094089 Andrey (Vlad's father) continues: Then they had connected li0a3Rhsm_E-00399-00094089-00094139 the search group of li0a3Rhsm_E-00400-00094149-00094199 Salvar to the search. li0a3Rhsm_E-00401-00094199-00094249 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00402-00094492-00094692 And a large-scale search li0a3Rhsm_E-00403-00094692-00094742 had been taking place since... li0a3Rhsm_E-00404-00094970-00095067 At night time... li0a3Rhsm_E-00405-00095067-00095117 Day li0a3Rhsm_E-00406-00095167-00095217 sighing li0a3Rhsm_E-00407-00095420-00095553 as they say... li0a3Rhsm_E-00408-00095627-00095827 At night time, people were walking and searching by responding here... li0a3Rhsm_E-00409-00096084-00096284 During day time they were walking. Some people were leaving and others were coming here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00410-00096334-00096384 mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00411-00096694-00096993 Here had been a lot of people. li0a3Rhsm_E-00412-00097122-00097422 The search took place every day. li0a3Rhsm_E-00413-00097472-00097672 well...searching, searching, searching, but li0a3Rhsm_E-00414-00097672-00097734 it didn't bring us any results. li0a3Rhsm_E-00415-00097784-00097861 umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00416-00098608-00098808 I even, how to say this...We li0a3Rhsm_E-00417-00098808-00098904 didn't stop li0a3Rhsm_E-00418-00098904-00099175 in our search... li0a3Rhsm_E-00419-00099260-00099460 We had been working other locations. li0a3Rhsm_E-00420-00099460-00099510 We had been working out li0a3Rhsm_E-00421-00099510-00099710 the nearest villages. We had driven there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00422-00099910-00100110 Sighing...we had been everywhere... li0a3Rhsm_E-00423-00100110-00100296 anywhere we possibly could get to. li0a3Rhsm_E-00424-00101302-00101419 And here... li0a3Rhsm_E-00425-00101623-00101673 I don't even know how to li0a3Rhsm_E-00426-00101673-00101849 say this... li0a3Rhsm_E-00427-00101944-00102124 On the 23rd of January, 2020 li0a3Rhsm_E-00428-00102873-00103097 there was a helicopter flying over Demidov. li0a3Rhsm_E-00429-00103308-00103562 Why? Who? What for? I don't know. li0a3Rhsm_E-00430-00103654-00103967 On the 24th of January, 2020 li0a3Rhsm_E-00431-00103967-00104261 some information surfaced that there already was purposeful... li0a3Rhsm_E-00432-00104261-00104461 one woman was telling that remains were found... li0a3Rhsm_E-00433-00104651-00104701 sighing, supposedly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00434-00104701-00104885 these were Vlad's remains in the woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00435-00104950-00105224 She was saying this in a saloon in Smolensk... li0a3Rhsm_E-00436-00105385-00105495 Then... li0a3Rhsm_E-00437-00105533-00105583 we were called to an appointment li0a3Rhsm_E-00438-00105683-00105733 with Bastrykin. li0a3Rhsm_E-00439-00105792-00105992 And, li0a3Rhsm_E-00440-00105992-00106085 on 29th of January, 2020 li0a3Rhsm_E-00441-00106085-00106135 for some unknown to us reason, li0a3Rhsm_E-00442-00106135-00106185 on li0a3Rhsm_E-00443-00106318-00106368 the same day li0a3Rhsm_E-00444-00106497-00106547 a search li0a3Rhsm_E-00445-00106547-00106597 was planned. li0a3Rhsm_E-00446-00106985-00107275 But why this day? Again, we hadn't understood this... li0a3Rhsm_E-00447-00107413-00107707 well...on the 24th of January, 2020 li0a3Rhsm_E-00448-00107920-00108034 they called in ummm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00449-00108274-00108574 the man whose li0a3Rhsm_E-00450-00108574-00108803 father had gone missing in the woods about 10 years ago. li0a3Rhsm_E-00451-00108954-00109147 well...and he has not been found yet. li0a3Rhsm_E-00452-00109264-00109561 This...all this time they hadn't called him in, hadn't asked him li0a3Rhsm_E-00453-00109561-00109899 and here now for unknown reason he was called in as well. li0a3Rhsm_E-00454-00109998-00110098 And here..sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00455-00110188-00110469 here are very many questions, but no answers. li0a3Rhsm_E-00456-00110469-00110713 And no one is giving us any answers to these questions. mmm.... li0a3Rhsm_E-00457-00111024-00111329 Anastasia (Vlad's mum) continues: mmm...When I put the phone down li0a3Rhsm_E-00458-00111329-00111653 it was about 2:45 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00459-00111786-00112067 aaa...Naturally, I couldn't go back to sleep after that time. li0a3Rhsm_E-00460-00112067-00112331 Every 15-20 minutes li0a3Rhsm_E-00461-00112331-00112531 I called him (Andrey) and interrogated him li0a3Rhsm_E-00462-00112531-00112581 "Have you found him? Have you found? " li0a3Rhsm_E-00463-00112650-00112700 But... li0a3Rhsm_E-00464-00112750-00112825 I didn't have any sensation that li0a3Rhsm_E-00465-00112825-00112875 something (bad) had happened. li0a3Rhsm_E-00466-00113038-00113238 Actually, we thought, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00467-00113238-00113311 I thought li0a3Rhsm_E-00468-00113361-00113411 that he (Vlad) had gone away. li0a3Rhsm_E-00469-00113411-00113461 And I, of course, li0a3Rhsm_E-00470-00113461-00113511 barely waited until li0a3Rhsm_E-00471-00113511-00113561 about 6 am the next morning. li0a3Rhsm_E-00472-00113594-00113644 I called my mum. li0a3Rhsm_E-00473-00113900-00114222 I said that li0a3Rhsm_E-00474-00114222-00114422 Vlad had disappeared. She, of course, ... li0a3Rhsm_E-00475-00114422-00114472 well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00476-00114472-00114672 she was shocked by the news. li0a3Rhsm_E-00477-00114672-00114747 i.e. she couldn't finish listening to me li0a3Rhsm_E-00478-00114747-00114797 and li0a3Rhsm_E-00479-00114797-00114991 she put the phone down. li0a3Rhsm_E-00480-00115130-00115330 aaa...Then she called back, li0a3Rhsm_E-00481-00115432-00115706 I explained everything to her... li0a3Rhsm_E-00482-00115756-00115806 We had spoken with each other. However, as I knew nothing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00483-00115872-00116173 generally, li0a3Rhsm_E-00484-00116173-00116373 until then he still hadn't been found. li0a3Rhsm_E-00485-00116373-00116451 And... li0a3Rhsm_E-00486-00116451-00116659 at about 9:00 am li0a3Rhsm_E-00487-00116659-00116709 I called Vlad's step-father, li0a3Rhsm_E-00488-00116809-00116859 my ex-husband - li0a3Rhsm_E-00489-00116859-00116909 Ivan Fadeev. li0a3Rhsm_E-00490-00117179-00117421 I did also explain the situation. li0a3Rhsm_E-00491-00117463-00117767 So and so...and he said "Probably, we need to go to Demidov". li0a3Rhsm_E-00492-00117867-00117917 We decided li0a3Rhsm_E-00493-00117917-00118068 that we needed to go there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00494-00118118-00118168 And at about 11:00 am we already were in Demidov. li0a3Rhsm_E-00495-00118459-00118509 So we were in Demidov. li0a3Rhsm_E-00496-00118559-00118609 When we arrived here li0a3Rhsm_E-00497-00118762-00118962 Vlad's father was here, well li0a3Rhsm_E-00498-00119214-00119512 quite a lot of people were here as well. li0a3Rhsm_E-00499-00119625-00119825 And while we had been here for li0a3Rhsm_E-00500-00119825-00119882 the first 24 hours, li0a3Rhsm_E-00501-00119882-00120082 the second 24 hours, li0a3Rhsm_E-00502-00120082-00120136 the third 24 hours... li0a3Rhsm_E-00503-00120136-00120336 i.e. we didn't have any sensation that something could have actually happened to him. li0a3Rhsm_E-00504-00120398-00120617 And the first few nights li0a3Rhsm_E-00505-00120617-00120833 li0a3Rhsm_E-00506-00120900-00121178 being in the woods li0a3Rhsm_E-00507-00121178-00121480 we thought that now, here now we would find him. li0a3Rhsm_E-00508-00121480-00121530 Then li0a3Rhsm_E-00509-00121530-00121580 the search and save group Salvar arrived li0a3Rhsm_E-00510-00121580-00121630 i.e li0a3Rhsm_E-00511-00121630-00121680 these guys were working at night time. li0a3Rhsm_E-00512-00122004-00122139 Generally, they were working by response li0a3Rhsm_E-00513-00122213-00122263 as it hadn't been much time since (the disappearance). li0a3Rhsm_E-00514-00122313-00122363 However, with each passing day li0a3Rhsm_E-00515-00122633-00122684 our hope to find him li0a3Rhsm_E-00516-00122873-00123050 began to fade away. li0a3Rhsm_E-00517-00123099-00123299 There were so many people searching... li0a3Rhsm_E-00518-00123299-00123372 and at night time li0a3Rhsm_E-00519-00123394-00123697 and during day time li0a3Rhsm_E-00520-00123697-00123991 they were going through the woods "with the fine comb", but there wasn't any outcome for us. li0a3Rhsm_E-00521-00124159-00124209 Sighing...When li0a3Rhsm_E-00522-00124209-00124346 during the first week li0a3Rhsm_E-00523-00124392-00124706 we began to realise that something was not add up here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00524-00124706-00124906 We learnt from the people... li0a3Rhsm_E-00525-00124906-00124969 There was a talk going around that... li0a3Rhsm_E-00526-00124969-00125169 there was some kind of video...Moreover, li0a3Rhsm_E-00527-00125219-00125269 this was coming li0a3Rhsm_E-00528-00125274-00125324 not from the teenagers,but particularly li0a3Rhsm_E-00529-00125324-00125374 but particularly li0a3Rhsm_E-00530-00125424-00125474 from the adults that li0a3Rhsm_E-00531-00125579-00125915 there was some kind of video li0a3Rhsm_E-00532-00125915-00126184 which had been seen by some people. li0a3Rhsm_E-00533-00126184-00126234 And also li0a3Rhsm_E-00534-00126234-00126284 that this video showed li0a3Rhsm_E-00535-00126284-00126334 that supposedly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00536-00126334-00126384 they mocked Vlad, they humiliated him, li0a3Rhsm_E-00537-00126613-00126663 he was on his knees... li0a3Rhsm_E-00538-00126859-00126909 There were such words in that video as li0a3Rhsm_E-00539-00126909-00126959 "he wet himself" or, possibly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00540-00127009-00127112 " he was urinated on". li0a3Rhsm_E-00541-00127112-00127220 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00542-00127448-00127748 And we just began to realise that li0a3Rhsm_E-00543-00127748-00127798 something li0a3Rhsm_E-00544-00127798-00127848 had gone wrong here, li0a3Rhsm_E-00545-00127898-00127948 that... he couldn't li0a3Rhsm_E-00546-00127997-00128258 just go away. li0a3Rhsm_E-00547-00128354-00128554 That whatever had happened here... it had been uneasy, well, li0a3Rhsm_E-00548-00128554-00128624 his disappearance.... li0a3Rhsm_E-00549-00129011-00129187 well, he himself hadn't just gone away... li0a3Rhsm_E-00551-00129662-00129712 Ivan (Vlad's step-father) continues: aaa...On the second day we had already heard that li0a3Rhsm_E-00552-00129712-00129762 there was some kind of video. li0a3Rhsm_E-00553-00129806-00130006 On the second day, but we didn't know which video that was. We knew that li0a3Rhsm_E-00554-00130006-00130056 there was a video that li0a3Rhsm_E-00555-00130056-00130106 showed how Vlad was being humiliated. li0a3Rhsm_E-00556-00130269-00130319 And we also didn't know what had been happening in the period of time from 7 pm li0a3Rhsm_E-00557-00130385-00130435 until the time it was reported to the police li0a3Rhsm_E-00558-00130881-00131081 until 11:00 pm - midnight (on the 6th of April, 2019). This period of time had fallen out of our time frame. li0a3Rhsm_E-00559-00131081-00131173 And until this day it is still considered to be fallen out. li0a3Rhsm_E-00560-00131324-00131528 When we had learnt that there was a video li0a3Rhsm_E-00561-00131565-00131765 we started to interview potential witnesses. li0a3Rhsm_E-00562-00131765-00131872 Here is the edge of the village that we started to interview. (showing to the left of himself). li0a3Rhsm_E-00563-00131922-00131972 And already li0a3Rhsm_E-00564-00131972-00132022 on the third li0a3Rhsm_E-00565-00132072-00132167 or the fifth day, li0a3Rhsm_E-00566-00132167-00132217 I li0a3Rhsm_E-00567-00132217-00132267 also li0a3Rhsm_E-00568-00132267-00132369 also li0a3Rhsm_E-00569-00132415-00132615 however, a criminal case was opened based on article 105 section 2 (The Criminal Code Of Russian Federation) on the second day. li0a3Rhsm_E-00570-00132665-00132724 And, as we... li0a3Rhsm_E-00571-00132881-00133081 had been spending li0a3Rhsm_E-00572-00133081-00133136 as much time li0a3Rhsm_E-00573-00133195-00133295 as it was possible here in the woods... li0a3Rhsm_E-00574-00133363-00133413 i.e. practically, all the time. Someone was driving off... li0a3Rhsm_E-00575-00133413-00133470 Generally, it was me...I would be going li0a3Rhsm_E-00576-00133574-00133774 to the investigator... li0a3Rhsm_E-00577-00133774-00133824 Some people would be staying li0a3Rhsm_E-00578-00133824-00133874 in the woods, li0a3Rhsm_E-00579-00133899-00133949 I would be going to li0a3Rhsm_E-00580-00133949-00133999 the investigator to learn about the procedural actions li0a3Rhsm_E-00581-00134098-00134307 that she was undertaking. li0a3Rhsm_E-00582-00134307-00134603 In relation to the removed mobile phone, samples to test drug use, and other actions. li0a3Rhsm_E-00583-00134620-00134670 I could see that li0a3Rhsm_E-00584-00134670-00134780 aaaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00585-00134826-00135068 that person had a formal approach to the case. li0a3Rhsm_E-00586-00135212-00135313 Sighing. Well, lets say this, li0a3Rhsm_E-00587-00135363-00135413 she (the investigator) li0a3Rhsm_E-00588-00135463-00135513 screwed - up...This is how I can describe it with one phrase. li0a3Rhsm_E-00589-00135744-00135822 Screwed - up. li0a3Rhsm_E-00590-00135880-00135930 And when I realised li0a3Rhsm_E-00591-00135930-00135980 that not only was she li0a3Rhsm_E-00592-00136118-00136335 in charge of li0a3Rhsm_E-00593-00136491-00136667 sighing... the work on the case, li0a3Rhsm_E-00594-00136667-00136964 to be precise, her work was meant to be operative. li0a3Rhsm_E-00595-00136964-00137164 And I was surprised li0a3Rhsm_E-00596-00137164-00137214 that this case had been delegate to such an inept staff member. li0a3Rhsm_E-00599-00137706-00138040 And we also had been talking about this. li0a3Rhsm_E-00600-00138049-00138249 When we realised that our case was being suppressed in Demidov. li0a3Rhsm_E-00601-00138249-00138302 And it was being suppressed because of the only reason that... li0a3Rhsm_E-00602-00138302-00138502 As I am connected to the jurisprudence in the area of Civil Law, li0a3Rhsm_E-00603-00138616-00138915 I would like to state that li0a3Rhsm_E-00604-00138915-00139115 any work can be done as by a lawyer and the same by an investigator either to achieve a result li0a3Rhsm_E-00605-00139115-00139165 or to work to produce more work. li0a3Rhsm_E-00606-00139631-00139831 So here, the investigation in Smolensk li0a3Rhsm_E-00607-00139831-00139881 ummm li0a3Rhsm_E-00608-00139881-00139931 in Demidov and Smolensk li0a3Rhsm_E-00609-00139942-00140080 had been working to produce more work. li0a3Rhsm_E-00610-00140114-00140274 i.e., they li0a3Rhsm_E-00611-00140418-00140618 aaa...wrote protocols, they accepted our petitions. li0a3Rhsm_E-00612-00140717-00141029 Moreover, they told us they would accept all of our petitions. li0a3Rhsm_E-00613-00141029-00141079 Excuse me, but is such criminal process... li0a3Rhsm_E-00614-00141079-00141265 in general, in the criminal cases li0a3Rhsm_E-00615-00141289-00141339 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00616-00141339-00141389 as indirectly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00617-00141389-00141439 I am familiar with the lawyers, in principal, and aware of how they proceed with these kinds of cases. li0a3Rhsm_E-00618-00141807-00142142 To just accept a petition li0a3Rhsm_E-00619-00142142-00142192 there is no guarantees li0a3Rhsm_E-00620-00142192-00142242 that it would be accepted li0a3Rhsm_E-00621-00142262-00142567 from the first attempt when it is lodged. li0a3Rhsm_E-00622-00142567-00142767 There is no guarantees that a petition won't be rejected from the first attempt to lodge. And sometimes they li0a3Rhsm_E-00623-00142870-00143063 need to lodge it two - three times li0a3Rhsm_E-00624-00143103-00143303 in order for a petition to be accepted. In our case, everything had gone, you know this way, as if li0a3Rhsm_E-00625-00143303-00143353 "Whatever they address to us, li0a3Rhsm_E-00626-00143353-00143403 accept it all". It is out of charge (speaking to someone else) li0a3Rhsm_E-00627-00143796-00144102 "Here, whatever they address to us, accept it all". li0a3Rhsm_E-00628-00144162-00144479 i.e, we would be bringing a petition in, and right there and then they would be stamping it "Accept"... li0a3Rhsm_E-00629-00144495-00144647 i.e, it appears to be... mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00630-00144723-00144923 well, now it has been a year since that time. And there is such a feeling of li0a3Rhsm_E-00631-00144923-00144973 that...sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00632-00144973-00145024 they had been doing everything possible li0a3Rhsm_E-00633-00145127-00145177 to allow the case to be dragged on, li0a3Rhsm_E-00634-00145177-00145227 and on, and on li0a3Rhsm_E-00635-00145369-00145569 and on. li0a3Rhsm_E-00636-00145569-00145651 And in the meantime, so that we little by little would get more settled, li0a3Rhsm_E-00637-00145651-00145851 and more settled, li0a3Rhsm_E-00638-00145851-00145941 and more settled (with the idea) when li0a3Rhsm_E-00639-00145941-00146238 seeing that the work was being done, the search groups were searching. li0a3Rhsm_E-00640-00146238-00146558 There had been such a show put on for us li0a3Rhsm_E-00641-00146558-00146758 to assure us that everything was being done, everyone was working; however, so that we would keep in mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-00642-00146758-00146815 that a lot of time had already passed since. As if that was li0a3Rhsm_E-00643-00146815-00147127 sort of a hint that Vlad, most likely, wasn't alive. li0a3Rhsm_E-00644-00147185-00147471 And when we had realised this whole situation of a theatrical reality li0a3Rhsm_E-00645-00147471-00147671 in relation to the investigation in Demidov, li0a3Rhsm_E-00646-00147671-00147788 in Smolensk, in Smolensk region, li0a3Rhsm_E-00647-00147788-00147988 at the special unit. When, yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00648-00147988-00148075 there had been so many times that I was interrogated. li0a3Rhsm_E-00649-00148075-00148327 I was the main suspect in the case. li0a3Rhsm_E-00650-00148374-00148691 Well, in fact they were occupied with the wrong things. li0a3Rhsm_E-00651-00148691-00149035 The precious time had been lost. The time to promptly find those who were guilty in all that had happened. li0a3Rhsm_E-00652-00149048-00149248 That was why when li0a3Rhsm_E-00653-00149248-00149334 they acted that way, li0a3Rhsm_E-00654-00149334-00149505 when they li0a3Rhsm_E-00655-00149505-00149705 searched my house and laughed when standing next to my doors li0a3Rhsm_E-00656-00149705-00149755 for that li0a3Rhsm_E-00657-00149755-00149822 there were too many TV sets at my home. And that there were li0a3Rhsm_E-00658-00149879-00150189 too many of something else...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00659-00150238-00150288 Well those same moments...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00660-00150288-00150438 It was very funny to them. li0a3Rhsm_E-00661-00150438-00150488 We were not up to the fun, not at the slightest. The same as it is now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00662-00150849-00150949 And when we... li0a3Rhsm_E-00663-00150986-00151186 Gathering of evidence... li0a3Rhsm_E-00664-00151186-00151290 Gathering of evidence was, generally, just... li0a3Rhsm_E-00665-00151290-00151340 I don't even know... li0a3Rhsm_E-00666-00151340-00151390 should li0a3Rhsm_E-00667-00151428-00151478 write something... li0a3Rhsm_E-00668-00151478-00151528 Anti... li0a3Rhsm_E-00669-00151528-00151578 Anti... li0a3Rhsm_E-00670-00151578-00151628 Anti investigator... li0a3Rhsm_E-00671-00151835-00152112 I could have published a book called Anti investigator about this all. li0a3Rhsm_E-00672-00152130-00152230 The reason being was li0a3Rhsm_E-00673-00152247-00152447 the place, as I arrived immediately; li0a3Rhsm_E-00674-00152447-00152554 the police officers were walking about here, li0a3Rhsm_E-00675-00152554-00152654 doing something. li0a3Rhsm_E-00676-00152694-00152894 The place wasn't cordoned off. umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00677-00152894-00152944 next, not a single evidence li0a3Rhsm_E-00678-00152944-00152994 was taken from the remains of his body. li0a3Rhsm_E-00679-00153240-00153422 Further, when we li0a3Rhsm_E-00680-00153478-00153528 stood here next to the hut one day, li0a3Rhsm_E-00681-00153578-00153722 as we had said before. li0a3Rhsm_E-00682-00153722-00153783 And if you had looked at the hut from a side there on one of its sides li0a3Rhsm_E-00683-00153933-00154083 one could perfectly see li0a3Rhsm_E-00684-00154083-00154133 some, let’s say, li0a3Rhsm_E-00685-00154133-00154322 strange footprints. li0a3Rhsm_E-00686-00154518-00154618 If any prints could stay...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00687-00154758-00154808 And just like that li0a3Rhsm_E-00688-00154808-00154858 one day li0a3Rhsm_E-00689-00155008-00155208 we had a look, and at an angle li0a3Rhsm_E-00690-00155208-00155270 it was very clearly seen li0a3Rhsm_E-00691-00155270-00155470 that these footprints were going up the side of the hut. Back then li0a3Rhsm_E-00692-00155470-00155565 we didn't li0a3Rhsm_E-00693-00155700-00155750 that it had been climbed up on. li0a3Rhsm_E-00694-00155800-00155850 It happened before... li0a3Rhsm_E-00695-00155850-00155946 we had obtained this video sometime in later dates of April, 2019. li0a3Rhsm_E-00696-00155996-00156046 And this had been before we got this video. That was why when we saw those footprints li0a3Rhsm_E-00697-00156529-00156789 we called the investigator and reported our findings. li0a3Rhsm_E-00698-00156881-00157197 She was relating to us in a very unpleasant manner. She treated us like some kind of dogs. li0a3Rhsm_E-00699-00157247-00157527 I would say this much..because this person to me was a very arrogant one li0a3Rhsm_E-00700-00157543-00157722 who... li0a3Rhsm_E-00701-00157801-00157906 li0a3Rhsm_E-00702-00157945-00157995 who for unknown reasons li0a3Rhsm_E-00703-00157995-00158175 had presented herself in such manner. li0a3Rhsm_E-00704-00158275-00158375 mmm...So here, li0a3Rhsm_E-00705-00158377-00158427 this young lady, li0a3Rhsm_E-00706-00158427-00158556 potentially, a future mother, li0a3Rhsm_E-00707-00158768-00158968 aaa...sighing...I am not saying that an investigator had to li0a3Rhsm_E-00708-00158968-00159018 feel the case deeply, li0a3Rhsm_E-00709-00159058-00159268 but they had to do their job li0a3Rhsm_E-00710-00159313-00159513 qualitatively. Why did we have to demand that what they must do for our case? li0a3Rhsm_E-00711-00159682-00159882 I could have understood them, in a case if we demanded something they were not obliged to do for our case. li0a3Rhsm_E-00712-00159882-00159980 And those actions that they must do in our case we had to demand these from them. We had been here... going into the woods crying, li0a3Rhsm_E-00713-00160317-00160517 going out of the woods crying, wiping our noses, li0a3Rhsm_E-00714-00160517-00160593 and going li0a3Rhsm_E-00715-00160593-00160883 to the investigator, going to interview witnesses. li0a3Rhsm_E-00716-00160883-00161191 We found taxi drivers, found the janitor in the park li0a3Rhsm_E-00717-00161191-00161467 who had heard something. We found umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00718-00161467-00161778 this one...the cleaner at the cafe who li0a3Rhsm_E-00719-00161778-00161978 when we arrived there sometime after li0a3Rhsm_E-00720-00161978-00162028 we were told "Well, you know, they kind of already don't know anything. They kind of don't want to say anything now". li0a3Rhsm_E-00721-00162377-00162577 And when she (the investigator) got here. She was very unhappy about li0a3Rhsm_E-00722-00162577-00162627 that we... li0a3Rhsm_E-00723-00162627-00162677 my friends were here li0a3Rhsm_E-00724-00162725-00162867 friends, who served li0a3Rhsm_E-00725-00162913-00162963 in the particular li0a3Rhsm_E-00726-00162963-00163056 kind of troops. li0a3Rhsm_E-00727-00163289-00163599 And they had to climb up this hut li0a3Rhsm_E-00728-00163638-00163688 to demonstrate it. After that when she still didn't believe it was possible to climb upon this hut. li0a3Rhsm_E-00729-00163952-00164110 And even saw she this and believed this was possible... li0a3Rhsm_E-00730-00164230-00164536 Sighing...i.e. At that moment, of course, we just wanted to li0a3Rhsm_E-00731-00164536-00164688 scream as we felt absolutely helpless. This feeling of helplessness resulted from all of what li0a3Rhsm_E-00732-00164863-00165032 had been happening, and her actions that affected us...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00733-00165160-00165360 Sighing...well, ok, we had that... li0a3Rhsm_E-00734-00165360-00165410 so we climbed up on the hut. And then she... li0a3Rhsm_E-00735-00165410-00165460 umm...the marks had to be set. li0a3Rhsm_E-00736-00165770-00165820 There are pictures. li0a3Rhsm_E-00737-00165820-00165870 The guys were holding the marks. li0a3Rhsm_E-00738-00165925-00166222 She was standing and taking pictures of that all. li0a3Rhsm_E-00739-00166222-00166422 i.e. all of her work was, practically, done for her. li0a3Rhsm_E-00740-00166422-00166472 She took some pictures... li0a3Rhsm_E-00741-00166472-00166533 I'll shrug it off li0a3Rhsm_E-00742-00166537-00166587 that if you say I had done this work for the investigative committee. li0a3Rhsm_E-00743-00166836-00167036 It had happened this way. I had never wanted it this way. li0a3Rhsm_E-00744-00167036-00167113 I, generally, didn't want to do this. To me, this is, generally, ... li0a3Rhsm_E-00745-00167113-00167427 As a citizen of Russia, I had to... li0a3Rhsm_E-00746-00167427-00167477 a crime had happened against me. I had to report this li0a3Rhsm_E-00747-00167677-00167732 and had to stay waiting at home. li0a3Rhsm_E-00748-00167732-00168049 I didn't have to scour in the woods, li0a3Rhsm_E-00749-00168049-00168249 I didn't have to gather any evidence, I didn't have to make the investigator... li0a3Rhsm_E-00750-00168536-00168736 This was somewhat from a different story...from the Cave Age... li0a3Rhsm_E-00751-00168736-00168787 somewhere back then li0a3Rhsm_E-00752-00168842-00169042 yes...somewhere over back then maybe. And here, a little bit... li0a3Rhsm_E-00753-00169042-00169092 Like we are in the 21st century now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00754-00169092-00169142 And the equipment that we have now is bloody awesome. li0a3Rhsm_E-00755-00169442-00169542 the kind of equipment that haven't been able to access that very video from the social networks. li0a3Rhsm_E-00756-00169683-00169733 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00757-00169733-00169783 They treating us as if we were idiots... li0a3Rhsm_E-00758-00170413-00170513 Andrey (Vlad's father) continues: me up so that people could understand this. li0a3Rhsm_E-00759-00170559-00170710 Yet again we have come to the place li0a3Rhsm_E-00760-00170808-00171008 that place where the remains of Vlad's body li0a3Rhsm_E-00761-00171008-00171089 were found. li0a3Rhsm_E-00762-00171392-00171519 Yet again, li0a3Rhsm_E-00763-00171554-00171754 with a group of volunteers we have come here li0a3Rhsm_E-00764-00171754-00171836 because... li0a3Rhsm_E-00765-00172000-00172318 how to say this...we cross examine anything. li0a3Rhsm_E-00766-00172382-00172512 And yet again, aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00767-00172551-00172678 we have come here li0a3Rhsm_E-00768-00172798-00173000 and... what li0a3Rhsm_E-00769-00173035-00173135 do we find... li0a3Rhsm_E-00770-00173258-00173563 this is first of all. Judging, I don’t know, whether this is a human nail or not... li0a3Rhsm_E-00771-00173577-00173789 well, maybe a part of a plant...something li0a3Rhsm_E-00772-00173872-00174102 I cannot state exactly... li0a3Rhsm_E-00773-00174146-00174343 But this looks like a human nail. li0a3Rhsm_E-00774-00174484-00174818 This all we are placing into a plastic bag. li0a3Rhsm_E-00775-00175213-00175313 Sound of hitting the ground with a sharp instrument. li0a3Rhsm_E-00776-00175313-00175363 Now... li0a3Rhsm_E-00777-00175363-00175413 I will try to touch this with my fingers li0a3Rhsm_E-00778-00175483-00175583 Here... li0a3Rhsm_E-00779-00175617-00175722 Here it is... li0a3Rhsm_E-00780-00176012-00176112 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00781-00176325-00176425 And what can we see... li0a3Rhsm_E-00782-00176459-00176760 We still cannot see anything... li0a3Rhsm_E-00783-00176845-00176895 It needs to... li0a3Rhsm_E-00784-00176945-00176995 Well, this is a t-shirt, in my mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-00785-00177089-00177189 it's a fact. li0a3Rhsm_E-00786-00177430-00177582 Right now it is frozen. li0a3Rhsm_E-00787-00177650-00177812 We will take it with us now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00788-00177880-00178080 We will warm it up a little, li0a3Rhsm_E-00789-00178080-00178177 straighten it up... li0a3Rhsm_E-00790-00178392-00178710 and then further will film and show it to you li0a3Rhsm_E-00791-00178725-00178825 what it is we have found here li0a3Rhsm_E-00792-00178841-00179041 Ivan's voice (Vlad's step-father): We have just found this along with the finger nail. li0a3Rhsm_E-00793-00179041-00179091 It just appears, that the bone and the nail have been laying this way. li0a3Rhsm_E-00794-00179471-00179755 This is us sifting through what had been dug up. li0a3Rhsm_E-00795-00179755-00179855 And it appears that here is the nail li0a3Rhsm_E-00796-00180029-00180341 and here is the bone from a finger. i.e. We have found fingers today. li0a3Rhsm_E-00797-00180530-00180678 What finger does this bone belong to? li0a3Rhsm_E-00798-00180808-00180964 aaa...well, yes...his fingers are smaller... li0a3Rhsm_E-00799-00181085-00181232 well, i.e. the bone with the nail have been laying here... li0a3Rhsm_E-00800-00182331-00182381 Vlad family's close friend: I would like to clarify li0a3Rhsm_E-00801-00182481-00182531 the situation around the pictures li0a3Rhsm_E-00802-00182596-00182696 made by the drone. li0a3Rhsm_E-00803-00182757-00182996 As of today, this question still remains open. li0a3Rhsm_E-00804-00183164-00183264 And we don't have any information li0a3Rhsm_E-00805-00183301-00183535 in relation to the appearance of li0a3Rhsm_E-00806-00183577-00183677 this picture that shows where the body is situated. li0a3Rhsm_E-00807-00183794-00184119 i.e. we do not possess any information about this. Neither li0a3Rhsm_E-00808-00184125-00184265 how this picture surfaced nor how this picture vanished. li0a3Rhsm_E-00809-00184481-00184581 I would like to clarify that on the 15th of May, 2019 li0a3Rhsm_E-00810-00184819-00185019 we downloaded the archive. li0a3Rhsm_E-00811-00185019-00185069 There were 1,311 photographs in the archive. li0a3Rhsm_E-00812-00185394-00185444 As we had learnt later, li0a3Rhsm_E-00813-00185444-00185508 there should have been li0a3Rhsm_E-00814-00185631-00185894 1,699 photographs in the folder. li0a3Rhsm_E-00815-00186083-00186133 However, not all of the 1,699 pictures li0a3Rhsm_E-00816-00186133-00186183 were in that folder. li0a3Rhsm_E-00817-00186412-00186462 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-00818-00186462-00186524 Where have li0a3Rhsm_E-00819-00186556-00186656 300 plus photographs gone? li0a3Rhsm_E-00820-00186819-00187019 If at that moment (15th May, 2019) we had li0a3Rhsm_E-00821-00187019-00187069 had that photo, we would have found him already back then. li0a3Rhsm_E-00822-00187451-00187555 And... li0a3Rhsm_E-00823-00187642-00187828 the search would have been finished. li0a3Rhsm_E-00824-00188066-00188280 Also, in this archive li0a3Rhsm_E-00825-00188313-00188615 there was a folder with the name "SWAMP", but it was empty. li0a3Rhsm_E-00826-00188615-00188815 Well, at that moment li0a3Rhsm_E-00827-00188815-00188865 it hadn't risen li0a3Rhsm_E-00828-00188865-00188949 any suspicions. li0a3Rhsm_E-00829-00188949-00189228 However, today we understand li0a3Rhsm_E-00830-00189323-00189426 that, possibly, li0a3Rhsm_E-00831-00189485-00189702 those missing photographs li0a3Rhsm_E-00832-00189702-00189953 should have been in that empty folder. li0a3Rhsm_E-00833-00189953-00190181 However, we understand this just now. li0a3Rhsm_E-00834-00190333-00190433 Back then... li0a3Rhsm_E-00835-00190559-00190609 we didn't have li0a3Rhsm_E-00836-00190609-00190683 any suspicions. li0a3Rhsm_E-00837-00190993-00191043 Isn't it possible li0a3Rhsm_E-00838-00191093-00191143 to track down li0a3Rhsm_E-00839-00191220-00191270 this location li0a3Rhsm_E-00840-00191320-00191370 where li0a3Rhsm_E-00841-00191370-00191420 this photo had disappeared to and li0a3Rhsm_E-00842-00191721-00191924 where had it surfaced from again later after, present days? li0a3Rhsm_E-00843-00192003-00192259 I think that li0a3Rhsm_E-00844-00192259-00192402 this had happened for a reason... li0a3Rhsm_E-00845-00192464-00192766 An accident? Well no... li0a3Rhsm_E-00846-00192766-00192966 There couldn't be such an accident...too many of such accidents li0a3Rhsm_E-00847-00192966-00193092 had happened in the last year. li0a3Rhsm_E-00848-00193168-00193368 And there had been li0a3Rhsm_E-00849-00193368-00193428 an accident upon another accident... li0a3Rhsm_E-00850-00193428-00193747 lies, something not adding up... li0a3Rhsm_E-00851-00193897-00194081 And we have no faith in anything anymore... li0a3Rhsm_E-00852-00194081-00194273 Anastasia (Vlad's mum) continues: What could have been done li0a3Rhsm_E-00853-00194273-00194572 to my child so that he had left all of his belongings li0a3Rhsm_E-00854-00194572-00194896 his backpack, his mobile phone, aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00855-00194896-00195239 his vest, i.e. everything, his cardigan... li0a3Rhsm_E-00856-00195239-00195458 aaa...he left without any of his things... li0a3Rhsm_E-00857-00195640-00195944 What had moved him to do so? li0a3Rhsm_E-00858-00195944-00196146 i.e. What could have happened here that li0a3Rhsm_E-00859-00196180-00196471 made him gone away? In general, to get away li0a3Rhsm_E-00860-00196471-00196521 in the darkness, not clear li0a3Rhsm_E-00861-00196521-00196571 where li0a3Rhsm_E-00862-00196571-00196668 without his belongings. li0a3Rhsm_E-00863-00196700-00196900 Moreover, li0a3Rhsm_E-00864-00196900-00196979 it was very cold at night. li0a3Rhsm_E-00865-00196979-00197246 It was already cold at night time... li0a3Rhsm_E-00866-00197449-00197649 In the aftermath, li0a3Rhsm_E-00867-00197649-00197699 his cap li0a3Rhsm_E-00868-00197699-00197749 had appeared li0a3Rhsm_E-00869-00197754-00197986 at Derbanova Dasha's house in three days... li0a3Rhsm_E-00870-00197986-00198186 to be precise, it had appeared at Derbanova's place in such way li0a3Rhsm_E-00871-00198236-00198292 that only in three day li0a3Rhsm_E-00872-00198292-00198630 when they, supposedly, discovered it li0a3Rhsm_E-00873-00198630-00198680 in the bags li0a3Rhsm_E-00874-00198680-00198730 with leftovers from the picnic li0a3Rhsm_E-00875-00198730-00198867 they found Vlad's cap in there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00876-00199200-00199400 His cardigan, well, li0a3Rhsm_E-00877-00199400-00199450 had been li0a3Rhsm_E-00878-00199450-00199500 at Bahramov's place li0a3Rhsm_E-00879-00199575-00199625 as li0a3Rhsm_E-00880-00199625-00199675 he (Bahramov) li0a3Rhsm_E-00881-00199675-00199729 had taken li0a3Rhsm_E-00882-00199729-00199779 it with Vlad's school bag, so li0a3Rhsm_E-00883-00199829-00199879 that li0a3Rhsm_E-00884-00199879-00199929 it wouldn't get lost. li0a3Rhsm_E-00885-00199929-00199979 About the vest, I cannot even say... li0a3Rhsm_E-00886-00200262-00200556 well, where it had been found. His school backpack... li0a3Rhsm_E-00887-00200556-00200606 as well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00888-00200606-00200656 had appeared later after li0a3Rhsm_E-00890-00200751-00201070 at the investigative committee... li0a3Rhsm_E-00891-00201070-00201349 There was someone else's jacket remaining in his backpack. I don't know li0a3Rhsm_E-00892-00201349-00201638 whose jacket that was, but it wasn't Vlad's jacket. li0a3Rhsm_E-00893-00201638-00201838 A portable speaker...mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-00894-00201838-00201888 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-00895-00201888-00201938 a pair of disposable flip-flops li0a3Rhsm_E-00896-00202029-00202079 from the swimming pool li0a3Rhsm_E-00897-00202315-00202515 that he used to go, shower gel, li0a3Rhsm_E-00898-00202515-00202594 and... li0a3Rhsm_E-00899-00202594-00202888 his little brother's li0a3Rhsm_E-00900-00202888-00203088 Vlad little brother's undies. li0a3Rhsm_E-00901-00203088-00203138 The day before they li0a3Rhsm_E-00902-00203420-00203620 had been to the swimming pool. i.e. all of these things li0a3Rhsm_E-00903-00203671-00203964 remained in his backpack.... but there wasn't li0a3Rhsm_E-00904-00203964-00204191 any of Vlad's his bag li0a3Rhsm_E-00905-00204250-00204450 As well, his mobile phone as a result li0a3Rhsm_E-00906-00204450-00204521 had appeared at Jumaev's place. li0a3Rhsm_E-00907-00204521-00204819 What for had he taken Vlad's phone? li0a3Rhsm_E-00908-00204819-00205019 This is also unknown. Vlad's sim-card... li0a3Rhsm_E-00909-00205127-00205418 there wasn't a sim-card in Vlad's mobile phone li0a3Rhsm_E-00910-00205418-00205652 as the sim-card li0a3Rhsm_E-00911-00205652-00205702 didn't fit Vlad's phone. It was smaller in size. li0a3Rhsm_E-00912-00205802-00205852 i.e. it wan't a match for Vlad's phone. li0a3Rhsm_E-00913-00206193-00206480 However, the sim-card had also appeared at Jumaev's place li0a3Rhsm_E-00914-00206480-00206739 in Smolensk, by accident, he discovered it... li0a3Rhsm_E-00915-00206739-00207044 Vlad's sim-card was at his place. li0a3Rhsm_E-00916-00207044-00207094 And how he had identified it li0a3Rhsm_E-00917-00207094-00207229 as Vlad's sim-card is also unknown... li0a3Rhsm_E-00918-00207635-00207933 Ivan (Vlad's step-father) continues: After this, it might had been already the 14th day li0a3Rhsm_E-00919-00207933-00208220 here we walked in from the asphalt... li0a3Rhsm_E-00920-00208220-00208270 well, we were cutting off those squares li0a3Rhsm_E-00921-00208270-00208456 (showing to the right of himself) the nearest ones. Well, somewhere. li0a3Rhsm_E-00922-00208504-00208810 around 700-800 metres we had cut off...maximum 1 km. li0a3Rhsm_E-00923-00208814-00209123 We have pictures that prove that we have stood on the road. li0a3Rhsm_E-00924-00209123-00209323 And we were crossing that square over not this was (moving his right arm repeatedly directing it towards the hut) li0a3Rhsm_E-00925-00209478-00209722 as I am showing to the hut. This is how the hut is situated. li0a3Rhsm_E-00926-00209749-00210054 Here, this way... But we were crossing this square from the road side li0a3Rhsm_E-00927-00210054-00210254 i.e. we were walking in this way...this is called slab. At first, we li0a3Rhsm_E-00928-00210254-00210375 were walking in this way (showing with his left hand to the right of himself), li0a3Rhsm_E-00929-00210383-00210664 then we were coming back the same way. And after that li0a3Rhsm_E-00930-00210664-00210813 we were slabbing it. so that that square was closed off completely. li0a3Rhsm_E-00931-00210872-00211140 Moreover, it was the area with the irrigation channels, and... li0a3Rhsm_E-00932-00211175-00211375 I had my wanderers (boots) on, and a couple of more people had their wanderers on li0a3Rhsm_E-00933-00211375-00211471 who li0a3Rhsm_E-00934-00211471-00211671 just like that li0a3Rhsm_E-00935-00211671-00211782 understood li0a3Rhsm_E-00936-00211782-00212066 the whole seriousness li0a3Rhsm_E-00937-00212066-00212266 of this business. Yes.. li0a3Rhsm_E-00938-00212266-00212316 that the count was by minutes. li0a3Rhsm_E-00939-00212316-00212366 That's why the search was around the clock. li0a3Rhsm_E-00940-00212424-00212705 And they searched by response, which was highly important... li0a3Rhsm_E-00941-00212775-00213114 And as we had been told by someone during the interview, in my mind, that li0a3Rhsm_E-00942-00213151-00213251 the first night had done its cruel did. li0a3Rhsm_E-00943-00213282-00213506 him (Vlad)... li0a3Rhsm_E-00944-00213506-00213706 It means, that those who searched by response... li0a3Rhsm_E-00945-00213706-00213769 We had worked around the clock. Here we slept, ate, li0a3Rhsm_E-00946-00213769-00213969 after we went back into the woods, li0a3Rhsm_E-00947-00213969-00214060 came out of the woods, li0a3Rhsm_E-00948-00214060-00214337 went back in, came out, went back in li0a3Rhsm_E-00949-00214337-00214642 i.e. the search was on non-stop...and we targeted that side (showing to the right ahead of himself). li0a3Rhsm_E-00950-00214642-00214939 We had started on the other side (showing to the left of himself) when here around 5 km had already been closed off... deep into the woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00951-00214939-00215139 .e. these sides (showing to the right and left of himself with both arms) had been closed by us completely li0a3Rhsm_E-00952-00215139-00215247 because these were see-through practically... li0a3Rhsm_E-00953-00215247-00215447 it wasn't too far to the road from here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00954-00215447-00215559 That back side (showing to the back left of himself) li0a3Rhsm_E-00955-00215559-00215857 goes to the edge of Demidov...also not too far. We targeted exactly li0a3Rhsm_E-00956-00215857-00216077 toward this side (showing with both arms to the slight right ahead of himself). And we did so very solidly. li0a3Rhsm_E-00957-00216191-00216392 Coughing. I am speaking on behalf of those volunteers li0a3Rhsm_E-00958-00216392-00216450 who had been here, li0a3Rhsm_E-00959-00216501-00216840 come here to stand in a line li0a3Rhsm_E-00960-00216840-00217040 without relating to the search groups. The nearest squares assigned to the search groups li0a3Rhsm_E-00961-00217040-00217167 were completely closed off as well. li0a3Rhsm_E-00962-00217336-00217639 Even though if a track was absent in those places li0a3Rhsm_E-00963-00217775-00218081 if the track was absent in that place li0a3Rhsm_E-00964-00218163-00218465 that's, so that you have an understanding, li0a3Rhsm_E-00965-00218465-00218665 only those who walked from each end of the line had the trackers...4 - 6 people...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00966-00218665-00218715 so those with the trackers, well, li0a3Rhsm_E-00967-00218763-00218963 count here...suppose, from each person walking in a line there had been around 10 metres...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-00968-00218963-00219104 this works out to be li0a3Rhsm_E-00969-00219116-00219418 50 - 70 metres li0a3Rhsm_E-00970-00219418-00219684 aaa...from one end li0a3Rhsm_E-00971-00219684-00219988 to the other end...well, lets count it was 70 metres. li0a3Rhsm_E-00972-00219988-00220188 And here 70 metres were walking over the was a track and there was a track... li0a3Rhsm_E-00973-00220188-00220282 Track wasn't recorded in the middle; li0a3Rhsm_E-00974-00220282-00220578 Although, I am confident it could have possibly been there as well... li0a3Rhsm_E-00975-00220578-00220903 We will find this. I am thinking of those who were here from our group. We are currently working on this... li0a3Rhsm_E-00976-00221019-00221219 Coughing...and when there were two people with trackers walking then li0a3Rhsm_E-00977-00221219-00221284 there was a "hole" in the middle in any case. li0a3Rhsm_E-00978-00221580-00221907 That's why when they said that the track wasn't recorded over there, this didn't mean much. li0a3Rhsm_E-00979-00221907-00222040 i.e. That even search groups were there. li0a3Rhsm_E-00980-00222090-00222190 This is my opinion. li0a3Rhsm_E-00981-00222259-00222474 First days when we had been searching li0a3Rhsm_E-00982-00222474-00222674 there wasn't such... li0a3Rhsm_E-00983-00222674-00222771 let’s say, the woods weren't too vast. li0a3Rhsm_E-00984-00222771-00223075 Vlad's father here, in principal, li0a3Rhsm_E-00985-00223075-00223383 was connected with the woods. He knew the woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00986-00223520-00223570 He knew the woods and, how to say this, li0a3Rhsm_E-00987-00223570-00223759 sighing li0a3Rhsm_E-00988-00223854-00224054 in principal, we had full confidence in that we would have him found quickly. Well, on li0a3Rhsm_E-00989-00224054-00224157 the third day li0a3Rhsm_E-00990-00224157-00224357 the latest, we would have him found, because li0a3Rhsm_E-00991-00224357-00224456 these woods were passable here. li0a3Rhsm_E-00992-00224456-00224656 The most important...yes...i.e. we li0a3Rhsm_E-00993-00224656-00224706 check. There is a list of categories of the woods. If we are to look into the science of geodesy. li0a3Rhsm_E-00994-00225064-00225264 There is a category of the woods li0a3Rhsm_E-00995-00225264-00225346 which is... li0a3Rhsm_E-00996-00225369-00225681 Based on these categories they calculate and plan budgets for the cuttings in these woods. li0a3Rhsm_E-00997-00225681-00225962 So here, our given woods li0a3Rhsm_E-00998-00225989-00226310 belongs to the first category. There are five categories all together, so you have an understanding... li0a3Rhsm_E-00999-00226327-00226609 And if the fifth category is the impenetrable Tayga li0a3Rhsm_E-01000-00226860-00227173 small swamps li0a3Rhsm_E-01001-00227302-00227502 Sighing...Here, and on the third day we had realised li0a3Rhsm_E-01002-00227502-00227586 that something wasn't adding up here. li0a3Rhsm_E-01003-00227586-00227895 They had already started telling us about the video, and li0a3Rhsm_E-01004-00227895-00227945 began to say that... li0a3Rhsm_E-01005-00227945-00227995 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-01006-00227995-00228144 in general, it was very unclear li0a3Rhsm_E-01007-00228259-00228459 how and what had been taking place here. li0a3Rhsm_E-01008-00228459-00228554 Then li0a3Rhsm_E-01009-00228554-00228754 we understood there had been a lot of inconsistency, in particular, li0a3Rhsm_E-01010-00228754-00228858 in that evening. li0a3Rhsm_E-01011-00228858-00229161 In that period of time that had fallen out of our time frame. li0a3Rhsm_E-01012-00229161-00229211 And we realised that something that had happened here li0a3Rhsm_E-01013-00229211-00229261 wasn't consistent with what li0a3Rhsm_E-01014-00229269-00229375 we were being told. li0a3Rhsm_E-01015-00229413-00229659 i.e., we are talking not quite about him walking away, not voluntarily going away... li0a3Rhsm_E-01016-00229732-00229932 And, moreover, as I had been saying before, here were five roads. li0a3Rhsm_E-01017-00229932-00230019 Chose any of these. li0a3Rhsm_E-01018-00230214-00230325 And he, seemed, li0a3Rhsm_E-01019-00230409-00230609 i.e., had gone over there (showing to the right of himself). And yet again, li0a3Rhsm_E-01020-00230609-00230659 if they insisted, he had gone over there li0a3Rhsm_E-01021-00230659-00230712 then there was a road, asphalt. li0a3Rhsm_E-01022-00230893-00230993 Here is just a little bit to the asphalt. li0a3Rhsm_E-01023-00231093-00231343 And the cars that drive past here can be heard. Here, as much as there and there. (showing to different directions with his arms) li0a3Rhsm_E-01024-00231400-00231707 here, as for the search... li0a3Rhsm_E-01025-00231707-00232015 We had noticed this only on the third day...that li0a3Rhsm_E-01026-00232015-00232288 the kids were not at the search. li0a3Rhsm_E-01027-00232340-00232486 Anastasia (Vlad's mum) continues: Weeks and months were passing... li0a3Rhsm_E-01028-00232665-00232865 sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-01029-00232865-00232993 and we realised that li0a3Rhsm_E-01030-00232993-00233331 nothing was happening in the course of the investigation. It was quiet. There were neither any evidence nor any leads... li0a3Rhsm_E-01031-00233562-00233855 Sighing... We had nothing left but to go a federal television channel. li0a3Rhsm_E-01032-00233940-00234230 We had tried hard and managed li0a3Rhsm_E-01033-00234278-00234374 to make an appearance li0a3Rhsm_E-01034-00234374-00234683 on "Pryamoy Efir" with Andrey Malakhov. And no matter what they had been saying... li0a3Rhsm_E-01035-00234796-00234952 (Anastasia's voice trembles) whether it all was show or not ... li0a3Rhsm_E-01036-00235516-00235662 only with the help li0a3Rhsm_E-01037-00235730-00235881 of these TV shows li0a3Rhsm_E-01038-00235948-00235998 the case had gained li0a3Rhsm_E-01039-00235998-00236145 such wide resonance and public's attention. li0a3Rhsm_E-01040-00236507-00236765 We had been finally invited to Moscow. li0a3Rhsm_E-01041-00237026-00237076 And the Central li0a3Rhsm_E-01042-00237076-00237126 Headquarters li0a3Rhsm_E-01043-00237126-00237176 of the Investigative Committee had taken the case under li0a3Rhsm_E-01044-00237254-00237454 its management. To be precise, it had transferred the case under its jurisdiction, li0a3Rhsm_E-01045-00237669-00237869 and they had begun to work on the case. We had gotten some of our hope back, li0a3Rhsm_E-01046-00237869-00237989 however, as the time has been passing li0a3Rhsm_E-01047-00238169-00238496 we realised li0a3Rhsm_E-01048-00238496-00238696 that we'd come to realise that li0a3Rhsm_E-01049-00238696-00238746 we shouldn't be expecting any results from Moscow either... li0a3Rhsm_E-01050-00239337-00239536 When some people began to write li0a3Rhsm_E-01051-00239536-00239649 the letters li0a3Rhsm_E-01052-00239730-00239780 umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-01053-00239780-00239830 addressing li0a3Rhsm_E-01054-00239836-00240036 these letter to the General Prosecution Office.... li0a3Rhsm_E-01055-00240185-00240393 And they began receiving responses li0a3Rhsm_E-01056-00240467-00240567 in which such information was outlined as li0a3Rhsm_E-01057-00240749-00240799 the forensic li0a3Rhsm_E-01058-00240799-00240849 examination of the remains li0a3Rhsm_E-01059-00240849-00240933 had been completed li0a3Rhsm_E-01060-00240933-00240983 and that the examination li0a3Rhsm_E-01061-00241033-00241083 had not identified li0a3Rhsm_E-01062-00241133-00241230 any traces of violent death. li0a3Rhsm_E-01063-00241502-00241792 This has come through not long ago... li0a3Rhsm_E-01064-00241792-00241992 I contacted the investigator and asked them li0a3Rhsm_E-01065-00242042-00242113 had already li0a3Rhsm_E-01066-00242263-00242313 been completed and if the results of the examination were already available. li0a3Rhsm_E-01067-00242348-00242398 To my question he (a representative of Central Committee) answered li0a3Rhsm_E-01068-00242498-00242548 that those were the results of the same forensic examination li0a3Rhsm_E-01069-00242573-00242871 that had been previously conducted in Smolensk. li0a3Rhsm_E-01070-00242871-00243071 And my next answer was about li0a3Rhsm_E-01071-00243071-00243124 if on the top of the DNA examination li0a3Rhsm_E-01072-00243124-00243174 there was an additional forensic examination that li0a3Rhsm_E-01073-00243174-00243224 was also done in Smolensk. li0a3Rhsm_E-01074-00243441-00243703 His answer to my next question was "Well, yes". li0a3Rhsm_E-01075-00243703-00243903 The I said "Why have I ... li0a3Rhsm_E-01076-00243903-00243953 almost two months later li0a3Rhsm_E-01077-00243997-00244047 only just now I am learning about this? li0a3Rhsm_E-01078-00244047-00244097 Why haven't I li0a3Rhsm_E-01079-00244097-00244147 been li0a3Rhsm_E-01080-00244147-00244197 familiarised with this yet?" li0a3Rhsm_E-01081-00244197-00244247 His answer li0a3Rhsm_E-01082-00244332-00244532 to that was: "Well, li0a3Rhsm_E-01083-00244532-00244582 they just li0a3Rhsm_E-01084-00244632-00244832 to print these results out for you. And that's why they haven't familiarised you with these". li0a3Rhsm_E-01085-00244832-00245088 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-01086-00245347-00245553 Ivan (Vlad's step-father) continues: So, at the search party there weren't any of the kids. li0a3Rhsm_E-01087-00245553-00245840 And we saw this as somewhat strange li0a3Rhsm_E-01088-00245840-00246040 why they hadn't been... li0a3Rhsm_E-01089-00246040-00246130 neither themselves calling li0a3Rhsm_E-01090-00246130-00246330 Vlad's parents li0a3Rhsm_E-01091-00246330-00246452 nor their parents calling us li0a3Rhsm_E-01092-00246452-00246758 for example, to ask how and what. li0a3Rhsm_E-01093-00246758-00246958 i.e., all of them as if... li0a3Rhsm_E-01094-00246958-00247087 there was a feeling of that li0a3Rhsm_E-01095-00247228-00247428 they all had sat down quietly, as if li0a3Rhsm_E-01096-00247428-00247513 they had been playing a silent game. li0a3Rhsm_E-01097-00247513-00247823 And the only one who came to heal was Valera Slautin. li0a3Rhsm_E-01098-00247829-00248029 He (Vlad) used to be friends with him from early childhood. And, so one day, Valera, li0a3Rhsm_E-01099-00248029-00248079 I cannot recall what day that was exactly, he had arrived here li0a3Rhsm_E-01100-00248079-00248135 closer to the evening. li0a3Rhsm_E-01101-00248459-00248659 It was very visible that he was very worried.At that moment we didn't understand his emotions. li0a3Rhsm_E-01102-00248659-00248709 Now we are beginning li0a3Rhsm_E-01103-00248752-00248878 to understand these... li0a3Rhsm_E-01104-00248910-00249184 And when I was talking with him that evening li0a3Rhsm_E-01105-00249447-00249663 aaa...I was still asking him to tell me li0a3Rhsm_E-01106-00249700-00249872 what was happening (at the birthday picnic) ... li0a3Rhsm_E-01107-00249919-00250229 i.e., the person just was shaking from that... li0a3Rhsm_E-01108-00250269-00250534 such understanding coming now, after some time li0a3Rhsm_E-01109-00250560-00250865 I was under impression that li0a3Rhsm_E-01110-00250865-00251065 the person (Valera SLautin) knew something but was too scared to tell... li0a3Rhsm_E-01111-00251065-00251164 He had such fear of... li0a3Rhsm_E-01112-00251164-00251491 well, when I was talking with him li0a3Rhsm_E-01113-00251491-00251797 he turned pale around three times during our conversation li0a3Rhsm_E-01114-00251797-00251906 near the bonfire here. li0a3Rhsm_E-01115-00252048-00252207 Sighing...He turned pale and was shaking. li0a3Rhsm_E-01116-00252367-00252617 Why he wouldn't say anything back then, I don't know... li0a3Rhsm_E-01117-00252698-00252998 To be precise, I am realising it now why he wouldn't say anything back then... li0a3Rhsm_E-01118-00252998-00253154 And after that, there hadn't been anyone else from that company to the search party. li0a3Rhsm_E-01119-00253359-00253409 Sighing...That video li0a3Rhsm_E-01120-00253409-00253515 which is li0a3Rhsm_E-01121-00253596-00253796 the only one near the hut... li0a3Rhsm_E-01122-00253796-00253886 with this damned hut... li0a3Rhsm_E-01123-00253941-00254249 so...people had also been working li0a3Rhsm_E-01124-00254256-00254566 in relation to some of these young people. li0a3Rhsm_E-01125-00254566-00254766 Well, what kind of li0a3Rhsm_E-01126-00254766-00254816 people had still li0a3Rhsm_E-01127-00254816-00254868 been trying to find out li0a3Rhsm_E-01128-00254868-00254968 mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-01129-00254982-00255269 what had been happening, and to obtain some sort of information li0a3Rhsm_E-01130-00255379-00255592 so that we could move on in our search. li0a3Rhsm_E-01131-00255642-00255692 And, li0a3Rhsm_E-01132-00255692-00255742 one evening.... li0a3Rhsm_E-01133-00256192-00256242 aaa...cameras, cameras, cameras...This was the most interesting. li0a3Rhsm_E-01134-00256242-00256292 When together with Andrey we ourselves had found li0a3Rhsm_E-01135-00256342-00256392 how many cameras were here, what shops had li0a3Rhsm_E-01136-00256392-00256592 those cameras installed. Then we called li0a3Rhsm_E-01137-00256642-00256792 to the investigator in Smolensk li0a3Rhsm_E-01138-00256906-00256956 and asked her whether she would like to li0a3Rhsm_E-01139-00257006-00257145 take the footage from those cameras... li0a3Rhsm_E-01140-00257202-00257402 It was already, in my mind, li0a3Rhsm_E-01141-00257402-00257495 the 20th day of the case. I cannot recall li0a3Rhsm_E-01142-00257495-00257783 that exactly. The point is that the erasing of the footage on those cameras could happen soon. li0a3Rhsm_E-01143-00257783-00258060 Maybe, it was already the 28th day of the case. i.e., they erase li0a3Rhsm_E-01144-00258060-00258278 this footage from those cameras at shops monthly. li0a3Rhsm_E-01145-00258310-00258549 And we had said to her that those cameras had to be taken down urgently. li0a3Rhsm_E-01146-00258746-00258946 In response, we had been told, although li0a3Rhsm_E-01147-00258946-00259062 they had the special equipment, that could read li0a3Rhsm_E-01148-00259062-00259371 those cameras. I cannot recall what it's called. li0a3Rhsm_E-01149-00259371-00259571 I won't even try... li0a3Rhsm_E-01150-00259571-00259637 You just set that tube and it shows li0a3Rhsm_E-01151-00259637-00259950 who has got those surveillance cameras. li0a3Rhsm_E-01152-00260008-00260208 Meaning, even that much of work they hadn't done. Sighing...And when we had found those cameras li0a3Rhsm_E-01153-00260208-00260295 we had li0a3Rhsm_E-01154-00260295-00260599 to send info about the locations of these surveillance cameras to the criminologists in Demidov via MMS. li0a3Rhsm_E-01155-00260599-00260942 And we had to ask them to li0a3Rhsm_E-01156-00261174-00261374 come here. li0a3Rhsm_E-01157-00261374-00261424 So the negotiations with Kirill Bakhramov had taken relation to that he (Kirill) had agreed to meet with us. li0a3Rhsm_E-01158-00261786-00261986 And, I had arrived to Demidov on the same day. li0a3Rhsm_E-01159-00261986-00262047 And we met that day. li0a3Rhsm_E-01160-00262047-00262314 And we met that day. li0a3Rhsm_E-01161-00262314-00262618 He got out of that car and got into my car. li0a3Rhsm_E-01162-00262648-00262823 I had our conversation recorded on the tape. We have that recording. li0a3Rhsm_E-01163-00262919-00263188 Sighing...And when he got into my car... li0a3Rhsm_E-01164-00263188-00263431 well, we started our conversation absolutely calmly. li0a3Rhsm_E-01165-00263431-00263734 However, what had hit me the most was li0a3Rhsm_E-01166-00263766-00263966 that hadn't started with such words saying li0a3Rhsm_E-01167-00263966-00264047 how sad and upsetting all of this was; li0a3Rhsm_E-01168-00264341-00264631 hadn't said they were sorry for what had happened; or li0a3Rhsm_E-01169-00264631-00264904 hadn't even excuse themselves for not being able to help with the search; he hadn't said anything about Vlad; li0a3Rhsm_E-01170-00265063-00265322 aaa... but he (Kirill) had started rather with saying that “We are so scared". li0a3Rhsm_E-01171-00265365-00265646 i.e., the person who... li0a3Rhsm_E-01172-00265646-00265696 For example, li0a3Rhsm_E-01173-00265696-00265746 high-pathetically, if my friend had gone away, and I would be worried straight away... li0a3Rhsm_E-01174-00265878-00266085 about his parents, li0a3Rhsm_E-01175-00266361-00266411 what about himself? li0a3Rhsm_E-01176-00266411-00266533 Supposedly, my friend gone missing. I have a different train of thought li0a3Rhsm_E-01177-00266623-00266910 that I am worried. I would have started this conversation with different words. li0a3Rhsm_E-01178-00266910-00267110 He had started this conversation with talking about his fear of that everyone was scared of them... li0a3Rhsm_E-01179-00267110-00267160 Well, ok, he had started it that way, ok li0a3Rhsm_E-01180-00267560-00267760 At that moment, we hadn't paid much attention to that... li0a3Rhsm_E-01181-00267760-00267885 after that we had continued talking with him about what had actually been happening there at the picnic. li0a3Rhsm_E-01182-00268100-00268276 Up until that moment before Vlad "had gone away", he... li0a3Rhsm_E-01183-00268321-00268371 everything he was telling me was going as if,well, i.e., as if, li0a3Rhsm_E-01184-00268602-00268802 well his story, his narrative was going as a regular one li0a3Rhsm_E-01185-00268802-00268852 we arrived, we spread our things around, li0a3Rhsm_E-01186-00269565-00269826 we BBQed, we went there, we did such and such...everything was going so smoothly. Then whenwe gotten to the moment of Vlad's leave supposedly, li0a3Rhsm_E-01187-00269968-00270168 he somehow, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-01188-00270168-00270285 you can tell when a person gets tensed li0a3Rhsm_E-01189-00270285-00270385 yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-01190-00270389-00270589 he got tensed, closed off, and well li0a3Rhsm_E-01191-00270589-00270688 yes, he said that Vlad went li0a3Rhsm_E-01192-00270688-00270994 behind the pile of rubbish, approximately over there, over here... li0a3Rhsm_E-01193-00270994-00271278 I had asked him the question about where Vlad had gone few more times. li0a3Rhsm_E-01194-00271368-00271568 In the course of our conversation, he (Kirill), li0a3Rhsm_E-01195-00271568-00271627 i.e. the moment of li0a3Rhsm_E-01196-00271661-00271860 Vlad leaving li0a3Rhsm_E-01197-00271892-00271942 aaa... li0a3Rhsm_E-01198-00271942-00272131 he had polished so well, li0a3Rhsm_E-01199-00272131-00272424 that he clearly stated the same learned phrase over and over again. li0a3Rhsm_E-01200-00272424-00272624 After that conversation with Bakhramov, li0a3Rhsm_E-01201-00272624-00272674 by that time we had already seen li0a3Rhsm_E-01202-00272674-00272729 the footprints on the hut... li0a3Rhsm_E-01203-00272963-00273270 By that time we had already realised...well, generally, li0a3Rhsm_E-01204-00273270-00273549 that at birthday parties people film videos and take least people take pictures.... li0a3Rhsm_E-01205-00273549-00273862 especially, young people... li0a3Rhsm_E-01206-00273862-00273962 And when we had gotten to mmm... li0a3Rhsm_E-01207-00274011-00274221 the question of video or photographs li0a3Rhsm_E-01208-00274283-00274333 umm... li0a3Rhsm_E-01209-00274333-00274383 several times he (Kirill) li0a3Rhsm_E-01210-00274437-00274487 answered "Well, yes, li0a3Rhsm_E-01211-00274487-00274537 something was filmed", li0a3Rhsm_E-01212-00274537-00274587 "well, there is something out there", li0a3Rhsm_E-01213-00274608-00274881 so his answers were very evasive. li0a3Rhsm_E-01214-00275170-00275470 I said to him that we were in a great need of a video or a photo with Vlad from the event, li0a3Rhsm_E-01215-00275470-00275670 because, up until such time when he would be found, this video/picture were li0a3Rhsm_E-01216-00275670-00275720 the last ones. And we could the least to look at those and see li0a3Rhsm_E-01217-00275720-00275816 how he was, li0a3Rhsm_E-01218-00275825-00276131 where he was... li0a3Rhsm_E-01219-00276131-00276331 And he said that li0a3Rhsm_E-01220-00276331-00276422 he would send me a video via VK li0a3Rhsm_E-01221-00276681-00276781 on the same day. li0a3Rhsm_E-01222-00276857-00277198 I had contacted him via VK. There is our correspondence in VK. li0a3Rhsm_E-01223-00277219-00277419 I would be reminding him "Kirill, what about that video?" li0a3Rhsm_E-01224-00277419-00277518 And he would be replying "Yes, yes, yes, I am searching for it. I am sending it now" li0a3Rhsm_E-01225-00277518-00277823 Well, i.e. there had always been such excuses from him. li0a3Rhsm_E-01226-00277823-00278117 well, two or three days he had won, for sure, by doing this. li0a3Rhsm_E-01227-00278117-00278317 And I think, that those two or three days, in my mind, these were exactly the days li0a3Rhsm_E-01228-00278367-00278417 when they were thinking and planning what to send to us. The reason is being that li0a3Rhsm_E-01229-00278480-00278696 when he had finally sent correspondence to me, it wasn't just from him. li0a3Rhsm_E-01230-00278741-00279006 There were traces seen from some other members of that company in his message. It was clear that li0a3Rhsm_E-01231-00279068-00279268 they had somethings like a community in VK li0a3Rhsm_E-01232-00279268-00279356 where they had all of these posted. li0a3Rhsm_E-01233-00279356-00279673 And judging by the correspondence, it all could be seen through. li0a3Rhsm_E-01234-00279782-00280062 As later we had found, that how it actually was in reality. li0a3Rhsm_E-01235-00280174-00280374 When we had watched the video, li0a3Rhsm_E-01236-00280374-00280468 we realised that li0a3Rhsm_E-01237-00280468-00280744 not only photo shooting, li0a3Rhsm_E-01238-00280813-00280913 but also and filming took place at the birthday party. li0a3Rhsm_E-01239-00280959-00281151 aa...To add to this, there had been live streaming from that birthday party. li0a3Rhsm_E-01240-00281207-00281470 When we had found out that li0a3Rhsm_E-01241-00281470-00281785 a proof of that they were video-shooting at the birthday party was received, li0a3Rhsm_E-01242-00281785-00282085 we run to the investigative committee. li0a3Rhsm_E-01243-00282085-00282285 And then we began to write a bunch of petitions to remove the mobile phones, li0a3Rhsm_E-01244-00282285-00282335 to remove the video. li0a3Rhsm_E-01245-00282389-00282589 We had asked them to perform the easiest task li0a3Rhsm_E-01246-00282643-00282814 via Google Maps li0a3Rhsm_E-01247-00282852-00283127 to access their accounts and track down the locations where they had been to li0a3Rhsm_E-01248-00283127-00283239 up until the billing would be received. li0a3Rhsm_E-01249-00283623-00283970 To this, we also were told "Yes. Will do", and we had observed all of this... li0a3Rhsm_E-01250-00284114-00284406 However, when we...I am getting a little ahead here... li0a3Rhsm_E-01251-00284406-00284606 had already to run to the investigator, li0a3Rhsm_E-01252-00284606-00284670 it was li0a3Rhsm_E-01253-00284670-00284976 late Autumn, in my mind. li0a3Rhsm_E-01254-00284976-00285263 We were still going to the investigator and were asking; although, our petition about VK and social networks had been done well before then; li0a3Rhsm_E-01255-00285263-00285463 it had been done before 20th of April, 2019 even...And we asked to remove these as li0a3Rhsm_E-01256-00285513-00285563 soon as possible. li0a3Rhsm_E-01257-00285763-00285963 To this, the investigator told me li0a3Rhsm_E-01258-00285963-00286013 "There is li0a3Rhsm_E-01259-00286113-00286163 only one lady in VK who is situated in St. Petersburg, li0a3Rhsm_E-01260-00286163-00286363 who issues this kind of data all over Russia. li0a3Rhsm_E-01261-00286363-00286547 We have been to St. Petersburg three times, but they hadn't handed this data over to us yet". li0a3Rhsm_E-01262-00286547-00286857 i.e., this data. li0a3Rhsm_E-01263-00286923-00287196 And I was, well like, well... li0a3Rhsm_E-01264-00287212-00287527 to me it was very surprising li0a3Rhsm_E-01265-00287547-00287852 that there weren't any data after such long time. li0a3Rhsm_E-01266-00287852-00288052 And it wouldn't be so troublesome to access li0a3Rhsm_E-01267-00288052-00288102 these type of data in VK. li0a3Rhsm_E-01268-00288102-00288182 Well, it was obvious that, li0a3Rhsm_E-01269-00288187-00288483 as to say this, li0a3Rhsm_E-01270-00288483-00288683 those moments that were...yes... li0a3Rhsm_E-01271-00288683-00288788 to accept a petition, li0a3Rhsm_E-01272-00288788-00288988 to respond to a letter, for example, li0a3Rhsm_E-01273-00288988-00289092 were addressed very promptly. li0a3Rhsm_E-01274-00289092-00289292 And, the key moments li0a3Rhsm_E-01275-00289292-00289374 such as removal of the mobile phones, li0a3Rhsm_E-01276-00289374-00289574 crosschecking, li0a3Rhsm_E-01277-00289574-00289632 removal of the sim-cards from the mobile phones, li0a3Rhsm_E-01278-00289632-00289832 crosschecking of the Google tracks, before receiving the billing, so not to wait for long. li0a3Rhsm_E-01279-00289832-00289948 The operative li0a3Rhsm_E-01280-00289952-00290152 actions, li0a3Rhsm_E-01281-00290152-00290261 including those li0a3Rhsm_E-01282-00290261-00290461 in relation to the contacts li0a3Rhsm_E-01283-00290461-00290547 and phone calls, li0a3Rhsm_E-01284-00290547-00290855 to decode the phone calls li0a3Rhsm_E-01285-00290855-00291175 had not been undertaken in timely manner. li0a3Rhsm_E-01286-00291175-00291478 I don't know whether these had been done by the moment when the remains were located or... li0a3Rhsm_E-01287-00291478-00291825 whether these were being done at the same time... li0a3Rhsm_E-01288-00291853-00292080 i.e., these moments that had been developing in parallel throughout course of the investigation li0a3Rhsm_E-01289-00292117-00292431 however, these need to be done more operative. li0a3Rhsm_E-01290-00292431-00292715 i.e., they had swapped places between those two. Those ones that needed to be done more operative li0a3Rhsm_E-01291-00292715-00292833 they hadn't been doing, and the routine tasks they had been doing. li0a3Rhsm_E-01292-00293145-00293417 Anastasia (Vlad's mum) continues: It has been one year... li0a3Rhsm_E-01293-00293417-00293533 even has been over one year... li0a3Rhsm_E-01294-00293533-00293869 now it is almost the end of April, 2020. And all we have been doing is waiting and waiting... li0a3Rhsm_E-01295-00293881-00294016 Sighing... li0a3Rhsm_E-01298-00294707-00294907 Ivan's voice (Vlad's step-father) continues: And here, supposedly, he was drugging his feet along... li0a3Rhsm_E-01299-00294907-00294957 sneakers on his feet... li0a3Rhsm_E-01300-00295046-00295146 nothing was broken... li0a3Rhsm_E-01301-00295253-00295493 not an injury...Here, look... li0a3Rhsm_E-01302-00295991-00296168 Wandering, wandering, wandering... li0a3Rhsm_E-01303-00296411-00296511 and here it was where li0a3Rhsm_E-01304-00296606-00296706 he had finally wandered over to... li0a3Rhsm_E-01305-00296811-00296861 In one piece... li0a3Rhsm_E-01306-00296861-00296926 Safe and sound li0a3Rhsm_E-01307-00297350-00297547 washing his sneakers, li0a3Rhsm_E-01308-00297642-00297808 tying his sneakers again, li0a3Rhsm_E-01309-00297853-00298033 and respectively, putting his t-shirt under a tree li0a3Rhsm_E-01310-00298219-00298323 and then lay down here. li0a3Rhsm_E-01311-00299122-00299222 Music playing li0a3Rhsm_E-01312-00299667-00299767 Home video footage of young Vlad Bahov. li6TX_r4qXg-00000-00001700-00002115 We're at Montseny today. We'll enjoy it with two good friends. li6TX_r4qXg-00001-00002120-00002554 They are Diego and Quique. I'm glad that my brother is here too. li6TX_r4qXg-00002-00002557-00002729 Pau and I ride together a lot. li6TX_r4qXg-00003-00002732-00003016 We'll enjoy a spectacular day at Montseny. li6TX_r4qXg-00004-00003019-00003421 There are all kinds of terrain, where we'll get the most out of the Occam. li6TX_r4qXg-00005-00003596-00003922 At the start today, me and my three friends have totally different profiles. li6TX_r4qXg-00006-00003925-00004119 But the Occam adapts well to everybody. li6TX_r4qXg-00007-00004124-00004466 My brother is much more demanding. He was a downhill rider like me. li6TX_r4qXg-00008-00004469-00004798 Diego and Quique are just looking to have fun and enjoy the area. li6TX_r4qXg-00009-00004804-00005000 They just want the bike to be easy to ride. li6TX_r4qXg-00010-00005005-00005457 Occam adapts to all kinds of people. It's the ideal bike to have at home. li6TX_r4qXg-00011-00006424-00006843 The Occam TR is a bike that adapts well to all kinds of people li6TX_r4qXg-00012-00006846-00007220 because its 130 mm fork can be set up. li6TX_r4qXg-00013-00007227-00007654 It can be controlled for climbing, downhill and on flat terrain. li6TX_r4qXg-00014-00007664-00007869 It's perfect for all kinds of conditions. li6TX_r4qXg-00015-00007874-00008213 It's Orbea's most versatile bike. li6TX_r4qXg-00016-00010710-00010890 As you can see, the UFO system li6TX_r4qXg-00017-00010894-00011191 eliminates the bearing of the rear swing arm. li6TX_r4qXg-00018-00011197-00011456 It allows the bike to adapt to the terrain perfectly. li6TX_r4qXg-00019-00011464-00011768 It also makes the bike much lighter, li6TX_r4qXg-00020-00011771-00012080 with faster reactions and acceleration. li6TX_r4qXg-00021-00014140-00014634 Today we were able to test the process of Advanced Dynamics. li6TX_r4qXg-00022-00014638-00015031 For any situation one may find on the terrain, li6TX_r4qXg-00023-00015036-00015348 it is obvious that the bike has been carefully crafted li6TX_r4qXg-00024-00015357-00015715 and it is designed to adapt to any conditions you may find li6TX_r4qXg-00025-00015724-00015915 on your everyday rides. li6TX_r4qXg-00026-00016936-00017364 We could see the Double Duty perfectly on the Occams today. li6TX_r4qXg-00027-00017369-00017901 It means that the Occam TR can have both a 27.5''+ tire li6TX_r4qXg-00028-00017904-00018208 and a 29'' tire on the same bike with the same geometry. li6TX_r4qXg-00029-00018211-00018600 We just have to replace the thicker tires with thinner ones. li6TX_r4qXg-00030-00018603-00018979 This way, we can get two bikes in one with very different performances. li6TX_r4qXg-00031-00019556-00019824 As you could see, today's ride was amazing. li6TX_r4qXg-00032-00019829-00020131 Dreamlike landscapes, a lot of snow at the top... li6TX_r4qXg-00033-00020136-00020602 We were very cold in the middle area because the snow was falling from trees. li6TX_r4qXg-00034-00020607-00021051 And the final part had a stretch full of branches and rocks, li6TX_r4qXg-00035-00021057-00021406 and very technical curves. We had great fun and enjoyed it a lot. li6TX_r4qXg-00036-00021409-00021750 I hope the four of us can get together again soon li6TX_r4qXg-00037-00021756-00021968 and enjoy the Occam again, li6TX_r4qXg-00038-00021972-00022410 because it is a bike that one can enjoy on all kinds of terrains. lixnua2M1iE-00000-00001036-00001482 In this part, we're looking at a problem. And that could be a problem as a lixnua2M1iE-00001-00001482-00001947 consumer or a problem in a business, and you need to contact another business. So lixnua2M1iE-00002-00001947-00002252 consumer to business and business to business when you have a problem, lixnua2M1iE-00003-00002252-00002874 that's called a complaint letter or a claim letter. So let's look at how a lixnua2M1iE-00004-00002874-00003314 claim letter or this complaint situation works.What's this all about. lixnua2M1iE-00005-00003314-00003872 Well, first of all we need to think very clearly. What is it that happened lixnua2M1iE-00006-00003872-00004382 that's going to make you complain. You probably should write things down to be lixnua2M1iE-00007-00004382-00004880 clear before you write your letter. When we talk about complaining, it doesn't lixnua2M1iE-00008-00004880-00005244 just mean you don't feel good. It means something actually went wrong. So you lixnua2M1iE-00009-00005244-00005637 bought a product, and it broke and doesn't function right, doesn't do what lixnua2M1iE-00010-00005637-00006012 it's supposed to do. Or if you're a business buying from another business, lixnua2M1iE-00011-00006012-00006581 the delivery was past its date of expiration, or maybe the shipping date lixnua2M1iE-00012-00006581-00007181 was late, or maybe the port of arrival was wrong, or something was wrong in the lixnua2M1iE-00013-00007181-00007593 banking arrangement. There are many things that can go wrong, but whatever lixnua2M1iE-00014-00007593-00007973 they are they're probably going to be a little bit complicated. So you really lixnua2M1iE-00015-00007973-00008465 need to sit down, think about it, and get it clear what happened and what the lixnua2M1iE-00016-00008465-00009264 problem actually is. The next step is to think what do you want to happen. It's lixnua2M1iE-00017-00009264-00009774 not enough just to say I complain. In fact, that's not really useful at all. You lixnua2M1iE-00018-00009774-00010215 need to say what do you want to happen to solve this problem. So do you want a lixnua2M1iE-00019-00010215-00010772 replacement? do you need a refund? do you need something to happen next time and lixnua2M1iE-00020-00010772-00011217 they need to be changed different from the last time? So you need to make these lixnua2M1iE-00021-00011217-00011925 two things clear: what is the situation that happened? and what is it you want to lixnua2M1iE-00022-00011925-00012578 happen that will solve that problem? A very interesting idea in business is lixnua2M1iE-00023-00012578-00013181 that actually when something goes wrong, it's a chance an opportunity for your lixnua2M1iE-00024-00013181-00013718 company to make better relations with another company, or you as a customer to lixnua2M1iE-00025-00013718-00014210 get better relations with the company you buy from. It may be that the lixnua2M1iE-00026-00014210-00014747 company wants to help you solve this problem. And once you let them know, they lixnua2M1iE-00027-00014747-00015041 can solve it. And you'll have a better feeling, and you'll have a better lixnua2M1iE-00028-00015041-00015737 relationship. So in business, this is often the case. Now, it's not the case if lixnua2M1iE-00029-00015737-00016225 you just get angry and upset and you're not very clear-headed. So this letter is lixnua2M1iE-00030-00016225-00016907 certainly about staying focused and clear. This letter will typically have lixnua2M1iE-00031-00016907-00017470 three paragraphs. And we're going to emphasize a few points which is the lixnua2M1iE-00032-00017470-00017909 history of the problem. That is what's happened? when did it happen? what happened? lixnua2M1iE-00033-00017909-00018476 and then what's happening now, like right now? Because what happened before is lixnua2M1iE-00034-00018476-00018860 already history, right? So what's happened just now or recently? and what is it do you lixnua2M1iE-00035-00018860-00019337 want to happen? That's basically how we break it up into these parts. lixnua2M1iE-00036-00019337-00019870 Whatever you do you don't include your feelings or anger or any kind of lixnua2M1iE-00037-00019870-00020342 emotions, because it's not going to help the situation at all. So this letter lixnua2M1iE-00038-00020342-00020995 should be very logical. When you send this letter of complaint or a claim lixnua2M1iE-00039-00020995-00021572 letter, you need to be very clear on what you want to happen. You also need to be lixnua2M1iE-00040-00021572-00022061 clear on exactly what happened, so they can track the problem down. So for lixnua2M1iE-00041-00022061-00022781 example, is there a product number? is there an account number? a receipt number? lixnua2M1iE-00042-00022781-00023441 an order number? You need to say all of these things. I've had experiences in lixnua2M1iE-00043-00023441-00023776 companies, where customers complain and they said something is wrong, it's not lixnua2M1iE-00044-00023776-00024176 working. And I have no idea what product are they talking about what order are lixnua2M1iE-00045-00024176-00024550 they talking about. Are they even a customer of my company? I don't know. lixnua2M1iE-00046-00024550-00024982 So you need to give all that information clearly. Alright, let's look at the lixnua2M1iE-00047-00024982-00025402 complaint letter. It has three paragraphs. And let's first look at the first lixnua2M1iE-00048-00025402-00026145 paragraph. The first paragraph should explain what the problem is, exactly how lixnua2M1iE-00049-00026145-00026512 it happened. So it's kind of like in the past already. lixnua2M1iE-00050-00026512-00026985 So you probably want to be clear about a couple of things. One thing is the date. lixnua2M1iE-00051-00026985-00027489 What was the date that you bought it on? and what was the date that it went wrong lixnua2M1iE-00052-00027489-00027925 on? and what was that exact situation? So here, we have a customer, a consumer lixnua2M1iE-00053-00027925-00028458 complaining about he bought a computer on July 5th, and he lixnua2M1iE-00054-00028458-00028981 had a problem when he tried to turn it on. He took the computer back to the lixnua2M1iE-00055-00028981-00029383 dealer, where "I bought it". And here's the name of where he bought it. So there's lixnua2M1iE-00056-00029383-00029932 another good thing in a location. So we've got a date and a name of a lixnua2M1iE-00057-00029932-00030495 location and a company or a supplier and the locations there. "They told me the power lixnua2M1iE-00058-00030495-00031093 system was broken and it would have to be repaired (at no charge, because the lixnua2M1iE-00059-00031093-00031612 machine was still covered by the warranty). After the repairs were finished, lixnua2M1iE-00060-00031612-00032185 one week later, I took the computer home and used it. And after two days the same lixnua2M1iE-00061-00032185-00032650 problem occurred. This time, when I took it back to the store, I was told I would lixnua2M1iE-00062-00032650-00033313 have to pay for the repairs." So in this example, this consumer example, he's lixnua2M1iE-00063-00033313-00033676 complaining to the computer manufacturer saying, "I bought it from one of your lixnua2M1iE-00064-00033676-00034204 suppliers. This is the date I bought it. This is the location I bought it. This is lixnua2M1iE-00065-00034204-00034579 the problem that happened, and then it happened again. And now they want me to lixnua2M1iE-00066-00034579-00035104 pay. So now I send you this letter of complaint". Let's look at a lixnua2M1iE-00067-00035104-00035587 business-to-business situation. Now business the business situation, of lixnua2M1iE-00068-00035587-00036103 course, can be much bigger. But we also should be careful to be very clear. So lixnua2M1iE-00069-00036103-00036646 here we have "Our last order of apples". so this is what we ordered. "from your lixnua2M1iE-00070-00036646-00037136 company", order number, and that's very good, order number right there. lixnua2M1iE-00071-00037136-00037678 And that order number was "placed on May 1". So right there, perfect! We have a lixnua2M1iE-00072-00037678-00038018 date, and we have an order number. That's great. lixnua2M1iE-00073-00038018-00038653 "arrived yesterday, May 10." So this is what happened. This is the problems coming. Twenty lixnua2M1iE-00074-00038653-00039403 of the crates twenty of the crates fully satisfied our needs" but five of the lixnua2M1iE-00075-00039403-00039911 crates were seriously damaged in transit. The apples in the five crates were not lixnua2M1iE-00076-00039911-00040643 fit for sale". Not fit foe sale. So, in these two examples, paragraph one is lixnua2M1iE-00077-00040643-00041087 telling what happened and it's already in the past. And they're very clear no lixnua2M1iE-00078-00041087-00041566 emotion, just step-by-step. Give me a date. Give me a location. Give me an order lixnua2M1iE-00079-00041566-00041953 number. Tell me exactly what happened. The business to business one's a great lixnua2M1iE-00080-00041953-00042619 example. Five crates were a problem. The other crates were ok, and here are the lixnua2M1iE-00081-00042619-00043175 dates. That's a great example. Now paragraph two. Paragraph 2, we're going to lixnua2M1iE-00082-00043175-00043637 go ahead and tell the situation right now, because paragraph 1 is what already lixnua2M1iE-00083-00043637-00044231 happened. That may have happened a week ago, a month ago, or a year ago, or even lixnua2M1iE-00084-00044231-00044702 longer ago. So now we're going to tell now, what did you do, recently, to try to lixnua2M1iE-00085-00044702-00045253 solve this problem. Or what made the problem develop recently. You don't want lixnua2M1iE-00086-00045253-00045616 to repeat the problem again, but you want to tell just recently what's been done. lixnua2M1iE-00087-00045616-00046159 And again these should be very clear facts. So let's look at some examples here, lixnua2M1iE-00088-00046159-00046756 the consumer examples, the first one consumer to business. "For one week, the lixnua2M1iE-00089-00046756-00047152 computer has been at the store. The store manager cannot be reached. lixnua2M1iE-00090-00047152-00047802 Because the computer has already been repaired, the workers will not return it lixnua2M1iE-00091-00047802-00048437 until I have paid." So we learned that there was a problem with this computer lixnua2M1iE-00092-00048437-00048865 when he bought it. He took it back for repair, and he took it back to repair a lixnua2M1iE-00093-00048865-00049308 second time. And now it's stuck at the shop. So he's telling the company. lixnua2M1iE-00094-00049308-00049712 Otherwise they won't know what happened. They're going to think is the computer lixnua2M1iE-00095-00049712-00050122 in your house? is the computer somewhere they don't know? So he's making it clear lixnua2M1iE-00096-00050122-00050539 this is what happened recently. Let's look at the b2b business to lixnua2M1iE-00097-00050539-00051337 business example. "The five crates of damaged apples had to be disposed of." lixnua2M1iE-00098-00051337-00051808 That means thrown into the trash. "The rest of the shipment was accepted and lixnua2M1iE-00099-00051808-00052324 sold with no problems." So again, very clear. We had to get rid of it and that is the lixnua2M1iE-00100-00052324-00052902 situation now. That is the situation now. Very clear, very short, very concise, right to the point. We like that. lmy3s9bMyvo-00000-00001243-00001807 I think a lot about the contrast between banality and wonder, lmy3s9bMyvo-00001-00001807-00002304 between disengagement and radiant ecstasy, lmy3s9bMyvo-00002-00002305-00002694 between being unaffected by the here and now lmy3s9bMyvo-00003-00002694-00003185 and being absolutely ravished emotionally by it. lmy3s9bMyvo-00004-00003185-00003385 And I think one of the problems for human beings lmy3s9bMyvo-00005-00003385-00003520 is mental habits. lmy3s9bMyvo-00006-00003520-00003724 Once we create a comfort zone, we rarely lmy3s9bMyvo-00007-00003724-00003899 step outside of that comfort zone. lmy3s9bMyvo-00008-00003899-00004123 But the consequence of that is a phenomenon lmy3s9bMyvo-00009-00004122-00004305 known as hedonic adaptation. lmy3s9bMyvo-00010-00004306-00004551 Over stimulation to the same kind of thing, lmy3s9bMyvo-00011-00004550-00004776 the same stimuli again and again and again, lmy3s9bMyvo-00012-00004777-00005028 renders said stimuli invisible. lmy3s9bMyvo-00013-00005028-00005282 Your brain has already mapped it in its own head, lmy3s9bMyvo-00014-00005282-00005554 and you no longer literally have to be engaged by that. lmy3s9bMyvo-00015-00005554-00005927 We have eyes, yet see not, ears that hear not, lmy3s9bMyvo-00016-00005928-00006195 and hearts that neither feel nor understand. lmy3s9bMyvo-00017-00006195-00006412 There's a great book called The Wondering Brain that lmy3s9bMyvo-00018-00006412-00006664 says that one of the ways that we elicit wonder lmy3s9bMyvo-00019-00006664-00006932 is by scrambling the self temporarily lmy3s9bMyvo-00020-00006932-00007121 so that the world can seep in. lmy3s9bMyvo-00021-00007121-00007326 Henry Miller says even a blade of grass, lmy3s9bMyvo-00022-00007326-00007562 when given proper attention, becomes lmy3s9bMyvo-00023-00007562-00007853 an infinitely magnificent world in itself. lmy3s9bMyvo-00024-00007854-00008205 Darwin said attention, if sudden and close, graduates lmy3s9bMyvo-00025-00008204-00008486 in surprise, and this into astonishment, lmy3s9bMyvo-00026-00008486-00008786 and this into stupefied amazement. lmy3s9bMyvo-00027-00008787-00008968 That's what rapture is. lmy3s9bMyvo-00028-00008968-00009150 That's what illumination is. lmy3s9bMyvo-00029-00009151-00009429 That's what that sort of infinite comprehending lmy3s9bMyvo-00030-00009429-00009721 awe that human beings love so much. lmy3s9bMyvo-00031-00009720-00009830 And so how do we do that? lmy3s9bMyvo-00032-00009831-00010148 How do we mess with our perceptual apparatus lmy3s9bMyvo-00033-00010148-00010496 in order to have the kind of emotional and aesthetic lmy3s9bMyvo-00034-00010495-00011022 experience from life that we render most meaningful? lmy3s9bMyvo-00035-00011022-00011206 Because we all know those moments are there. lmy3s9bMyvo-00036-00011206-00011487 Those are the moments that would make final cut. lmy3s9bMyvo-00037-00011487-00011782 Only in these moments we experience a fresh, lmy3s9bMyvo-00038-00011782-00012101 the hardly bearable ecstasy of different energy lmy3s9bMyvo-00039-00012101-00012381 exploding on our nerve endings. lmy3s9bMyvo-00040-00012381-00012824 This is the rhapsodic, ecstatic, bursting forth lmy3s9bMyvo-00041-00012824-00013137 of awe that expands our perceptual parameters lmy3s9bMyvo-00042-00013137-00013316 beyond all previous limits. lmy3s9bMyvo-00043-00013316-00013669 And we literally have to reconfigure our mental models lmy3s9bMyvo-00044-00013669-00013933 of the world in order to assimilate lmy3s9bMyvo-00045-00013934-00014199 the beauty of that download. lmy3s9bMyvo-00046-00014199-00014519 That is what it means to be inspired. lmy3s9bMyvo-00047-00014519-00015233 The Greek root of the term means to breathe in, to take it in. lmy3s9bMyvo-00048-00015234-00015453 We fit the universe through our brains, lmy3s9bMyvo-00049-00015453-00015854 and it comes out in the form of nothing less than poetry. lmy3s9bMyvo-00050-00015855-00016196 We have a responsibility to awe. ln2XhDuzDbQ-00000-00000000-00000390 If you like cooking and eating, follow me and like it ln2XhDuzDbQ-00001-00000408-00000602 because I publish every week recipes and ideas in the kitchen ln2XhDuzDbQ-00002-00000602-00000869 Montasio cheese ln2XhDuzDbQ-00003-00000869-00001226 vegetable broth to boil brown rice ln2XhDuzDbQ-00004-00001308-00002000 add the cream cheese ln2XhDuzDbQ-00005-00002000-00002668 cook over low heat ln2XhDuzDbQ-00006-00002668-00003310 mushrooms ln2XhDuzDbQ-00007-00003322-00003808 brown rice boiled in vegetable broth ln2XhDuzDbQ-00008-00003808-00004280 add the rice ln2XhDuzDbQ-00009-00004296-00004988 See you next week for a new recipe, sign up, Ciao from lnfVSyQ6pFI-00000-00000102-00000456 what is the common denominator of failure lnfVSyQ6pFI-00001-00000456-00000984 why are you failing you never say because of me oh it's the lnfVSyQ6pFI-00002-00000984-00001416 competition it's the economy it's the president if you wake up tomorrow lnfVSyQ6pFI-00003-00001416-00002034 morning and blame your failure on someone or something else you have no lnfVSyQ6pFI-00004-00002034-00002532 reason to change do you but if you woke up in the morning and look in the mirror lnfVSyQ6pFI-00005-00002532-00003204 and set I am failing because of me the decisions that I make the energy I lnfVSyQ6pFI-00006-00003204-00003626 put in I'm not passing the blame lnfVSyQ6pFI-00007-00003857-00004404 there's nobody likes thinking of themselves as a failure you must be very lnfVSyQ6pFI-00008-00004404-00004921 intentionally wake up one day and find a law degree lnfVSyQ6pFI-00009-00004921-00005400 and your problem is you wake up on Monday and you might be strong but by lnfVSyQ6pFI-00010-00005400-00005939 Wednesday you're not intentional and deliberate you are hoping that the best lnfVSyQ6pFI-00011-00005939-00006282 is gonna happen to you and the best never happens to you lnfVSyQ6pFI-00012-00006282-00006581 gotta be intentional and deliberate whether you're making money or not lnfVSyQ6pFI-00013-00006581-00006870 making money you got to decide that you're going to do something and you got lnfVSyQ6pFI-00014-00006870-00007358 to do it every Monday every Tuesday every Wednesday every Thursday lnfVSyQ6pFI-00015-00007406-00007865 you're a good person just oh the good stuff is gonna happen to you lnfVSyQ6pFI-00016-00007865-00008274 I don't want you keep doing dumb stuff and say my life is miserable no your lnfVSyQ6pFI-00017-00008274-00008729 life is not miserable your ability to make adjustments to make Corrections is lnfVSyQ6pFI-00018-00008729-00009234 messed up if for 10 years if you didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to lnfVSyQ6pFI-00019-00009234-00009720 do what would you be like what would happen if you just stopped wasting the lnfVSyQ6pFI-00020-00009720-00010164 opportunities that are in front of you you'll be ten times more efficient 20 lnfVSyQ6pFI-00021-00010164-00010656 times more efficient you have no idea how efficient efficient people get it's lnfVSyQ6pFI-00022-00010656-00011147 a choice you just have to wake up you just have to break through you have to lnfVSyQ6pFI-00023-00011147-00011657 be relentless you have to never let off the gas never stop never quit never lnfVSyQ6pFI-00024-00011657-00012096 allow anyone to talk you out of the dream Division and ideas that God has lnfVSyQ6pFI-00025-00012096-00012816 sent you there is no tomorrow there is snow tomorrow we will get this again we lnfVSyQ6pFI-00026-00012816-00013230 all get this again the car runs too fast but slow we got to stay with these lnfVSyQ6pFI-00027-00013230-00013631 moments so say right now take advantage of today lnfVSyQ6pFI-00028-00013631-00014178 tomorrow might not exist tomorrow yes if it comes great and tomorrow comes it's a lnfVSyQ6pFI-00029-00014178-00014687 gift what we have is a blessing of today but today habits they print money they lnfVSyQ6pFI-00030-00014687-00015113 don't print time they don't print opportunities you can lose money and get lnfVSyQ6pFI-00031-00015113-00015509 it back you can't get time back you can't get experiences back how rich lnfVSyQ6pFI-00032-00015509-00016026 people focus on money the great focus on five because I can't get my time back lnfVSyQ6pFI-00033-00016026-00016500 and you're too slow you're too casual you think too much you need to get in a lnfVSyQ6pFI-00034-00016500-00016950 hurry the separator is going to be who takes massive action quickly every lnfVSyQ6pFI-00035-00016950-00017406 action has an equal and opposite reaction one action will be sitting on lnfVSyQ6pFI-00036-00017406-00017922 the [__] couch sagging put your body in motion you will remain in motion your lnfVSyQ6pFI-00037-00017922-00018234 mind's in motion everything's in motion and when everything's in motion what lnfVSyQ6pFI-00038-00018234-00018623 happens you give birth to New Opportunities you keep negotiating the lnfVSyQ6pFI-00039-00018623-00018942 price you're playing man all the work I'm putting is not paying off I don't lnfVSyQ6pFI-00040-00018942-00019284 see my family as much I got to do all this you start negotiating it all the lnfVSyQ6pFI-00041-00019284-00019686 time and it's stopping all your damn energy successful people don't negotiate lnfVSyQ6pFI-00042-00019686-00020184 price they negotiate worth could this be worth it to me to pay this and once you lnfVSyQ6pFI-00043-00020184-00020645 decide it's worth it to win it's worth it to be somebody the negotiation stops lnfVSyQ6pFI-00044-00020645-00021144 all of you have extraordinary capabilities all of you you have to lnfVSyQ6pFI-00045-00021144-00021745 decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category lnfVSyQ6pFI-00046-00021972-00022272 foreign lnfVSyQ6pFI-00047-00022851-00023322 [Music] m2xSvCJruN8-00000-00000008-00000024 us m2xSvCJruN8-00001-00000896-00001592 useful and mostly m2xSvCJruN8-00002-00002440-00002984 oh m2xSvCJruN8-00003-00003320-00004384 oh m2xSvCJruN8-00004-00004888-00005784 my childhood m2xSvCJruN8-00005-00007136-00008584 um m2xSvCJruN8-00006-00009552-00009984 so m2xSvCJruN8-00007-00013591-00014184 peace m2xSvCJruN8-00008-00015047-00015584 doing it for the children m2xSvCJruN8-00009-00016288-00016984 which m2xSvCJruN8-00010-00017144-00018384 okay m2xSvCJruN8-00011-00019536-00019784 oh m2xSvCJruN8-00012-00021032-00021184 someone hurt a mother m2xSvCJruN8-00013-00023688-00023984 wait till i tell the kids m2xSvCJruN8-00014-00026016-00026783 so m2xSvCJruN8-00015-00027416-00028183 uh m2xSvCJruN8-00016-00028744-00029583 uh m2xSvCJruN8-00017-00029944-00030983 uh m2xSvCJruN8-00018-00031095-00032648 doing it you m2D4C6ql5pu-00000-00000692-00000999 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00001-00001588-00001895 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00002-00002484-00002791 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00003-00003380-00003687 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00004-00004276-00004583 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00005-00006068-00006375 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00006-00006964-00007271 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00007-00007860-00008167 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00008-00008756-00009063 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00009-00009652-00009959 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00010-00011444-00011751 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00011-00012340-00012647 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00012-00013236-00013543 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00013-00014132-00014439 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00014-00015028-00015335 N m2D4C6ql5pu-00015-00016820-00017127 N m2YoEAYvC9u-00000-00000024-00000584 One of the most remarkable monuments in the United States and a great engineering achievement m2YoEAYvC9u-00001-00000584-00001312 in human history. Hoover Dam the largest dam in the world at the time of its completion in 1935 m2YoEAYvC9u-00002-00001312-00001904 a massive dam on the arizona nevada border built to tame the colorado river and provide m2YoEAYvC9u-00003-00001904-00002544 water and hydroelectric power for the developing southwest enough water to irrigate 2 million m2YoEAYvC9u-00004-00002544-00003232 acres and enough electricity to power 1.3 million homes fueling the development of m2YoEAYvC9u-00005-00003232-00004008 major cities like los angeles las vegas and phoenix what a lot of people don't know m2YoEAYvC9u-00006-00004008-00004464 is that at the base of hoover dam is a hidden gem that not many know m2YoEAYvC9u-00007-00004464-00005136 about black canyon national trail not your typical hiking trail this is a water trail m2YoEAYvC9u-00008-00005336-00005920 the first in the southwest and the first to flow through a desert yet another example that m2YoEAYvC9u-00009-00005920-00006544 life thrives in the middle of the driest lands this water trail opens the opportunity for an m2YoEAYvC9u-00010-00006544-00007184 incredible off the beaten path adventure that i'm very excited to take you on in this episode m2YoEAYvC9u-00011-00007608-00008200 we're departing on a two-day adventure kayaking 12 miles of the black canyon national trail m2YoEAYvC9u-00012-00008200-00008840 from the base of hoover dam to willow beach exploring caves hiking trails hot springs rich m2YoEAYvC9u-00013-00008840-00009400 wildlife from desert bighorn sheep to bald eagles this is an adventure of a lifetime m2YoEAYvC9u-00014-00009664-00010064 the importance of hoover dam makes the security around the pretty high m2YoEAYvC9u-00015-00010064-00010456 with many checkpoints in order to launch from the base of hoover dam m2YoEAYvC9u-00016-00010456-00011008 you have to go through a registered company to transport you to the base of hoover dam m2YoEAYvC9u-00017-00011008-00011608 and help you launch your boat whether that's a kayak a canoe or a raft we chose to go with m2YoEAYvC9u-00018-00011608-00012176 desert adventures we met the company near hoover dam lodge where we had an orientation about what m2YoEAYvC9u-00019-00012176-00012808 to expect on this journey and safety rules that we should follow on the river we then started packing m2YoEAYvC9u-00020-00012808-00014184 and getting ready to make our way to the base of hoover dam m2YoEAYvC9u-00021-00015104-00015688 you can choose between a guided adventure where you join a group with a guide or a self-guided m2YoEAYvC9u-00022-00015688-00016216 tour where you bring your own kayak or rent it from the company grab a map and adventure m2YoEAYvC9u-00023-00016216-00016696 on your own and that's exactly what we are doing today we got all of the boats ready here m2YoEAYvC9u-00024-00016696-00017216 all we have to do right now is load them make sure that our duffel bags and everything goes in and we m2YoEAYvC9u-00025-00017216-00017736 should be good to go being able to experience the magnitude of hoover dam from the base of it m2YoEAYvC9u-00026-00017736-00018296 is in itself a great sight there are many interesting points along the water trail m2YoEAYvC9u-00027-00018296-00018784 our first stop and only minutes after we launch is sauna cave that's hoover m2YoEAYvC9u-00028-00018784-00019784 dam right behind me and this is the first stop after launching we're going to check sauna cape m2YoEAYvC9u-00029-00020872-00021336 sauna cave is a 50 foot tunnel that was drilled during the construction of hoover dam m2YoEAYvC9u-00030-00021336-00021896 when they encountered the water's intense heat they abandoned this site now you can enter the m2YoEAYvC9u-00031-00021896-00022520 cave and it contains mineral-rich spring water that becomes warmer as the tunnel becomes deeper m2YoEAYvC9u-00032-00022520-00023144 the temperature inside can get up to 130 degrees fahrenheit it's so unique wow m2YoEAYvC9u-00033-00023376-00023984 this is crazy isn't it boom now it's dark now it's light now it's dark now it's light we're back here m2YoEAYvC9u-00034-00024296-00024784 we're inside the cave plug xyz m2YoEAYvC9u-00035-00025264-00026783 making a quick stop here is absolutely worth it look at that view m2YoEAYvC9u-00036-00028376-00028983 we then stopped at gold strike canyon this canyon is full of wonders a short m2YoEAYvC9u-00037-00028983-00029544 walk from the river's edge leads to several warm springs fed pools where you can soak m2YoEAYvC9u-00038-00029544-00030112 and take in the beauty of the canyon walls this is one of many hot springs along the river m2YoEAYvC9u-00039-00030112-00030688 it's just like a little oasis there's even a palm tree there are trail markers with numbers m2YoEAYvC9u-00040-00030688-00031160 on the water trail that makes following your map and finding points of interest pretty easy m2YoEAYvC9u-00041-00031160-00031727 but there are also many cool unnamed spots that you can come across like this cave right here wow m2YoEAYvC9u-00042-00032024-00032383 check that out m2YoEAYvC9u-00043-00032616-00032704 a lot of screen m2YoEAYvC9u-00044-00033232-00033784 wow m2YoEAYvC9u-00045-00035048-00036032 it feels like time is still you don't move and you're just floating it's amazing next stop is m2YoEAYvC9u-00046-00036032-00036640 arizona hot springs this is a pretty popular spot filled with treasures accessible not only from the m2YoEAYvC9u-00047-00036640-00037224 water but also from a hiking trail from nevada side this is where we are camping for the night m2YoEAYvC9u-00048-00037224-00037800 spending the night here means that we packed our tents sleeping bags clothes and provisions m2YoEAYvC9u-00049-00037800-00038656 in our kayaks and this is what it looked like sleeping bag bedroll another bedroom m2YoEAYvC9u-00050-00038872-00038968 another sleeping bag m2YoEAYvC9u-00051-00039200-00040784 hello and the whole tent m2YoEAYvC9u-00052-00042896-00043584 how was it refreshing m2YoEAYvC9u-00053-00045352-00046384 wow look at that piece of heaven alex is all the way down there let's go check the beach m2YoEAYvC9u-00054-00046792-00047576 isn't that pretty it's a secret beach down here like the shade i like the isolation there's a m2YoEAYvC9u-00055-00047576-00048184 good spot to jump off the rocks over there which seems really cool look at this wall beautiful m2YoEAYvC9u-00056-00048528-00049232 so if you start the bathrooms come from where those ladies are walk walk walk walk walk walk m2YoEAYvC9u-00057-00049232-00049752 up a little bit of that that little lake uh water runoff there and then cut across you'll see the m2YoEAYvC9u-00058-00049752-00050608 sandy area and if you come look at the sandy area oh this is the place you want to go because m2YoEAYvC9u-00059-00050744-00051367 nobody's camping here it's a little walk but i'm sure you could actually uh get here a little bit m2YoEAYvC9u-00060-00051367-00051744 differently once you figure out where it is but look at this there's a little campground here m2YoEAYvC9u-00061-00051912-00052655 pretty good and look at this though just a view right down the river the whole way m2YoEAYvC9u-00062-00052816-00053384 it's pretty good pretty good i would say aim for here you got a fire pit and everything m2YoEAYvC9u-00063-00053455-00054352 hot diggity daffodil here we are going back finally the sun started going down and i feel m2YoEAYvC9u-00064-00054352-00054855 like i'm regaining my energy because with the heat i was not able to film much but i want to m2YoEAYvC9u-00065-00054855-00055296 show you the the campsite where we're spending the night so that's the beach in front of me m2YoEAYvC9u-00066-00055376-00055976 arizona hot springs beach and then what we did because the level of water goes up until the m2YoEAYvC9u-00067-00055976-00056624 limit over there with the rock so we dragged our kayaks all the way up here next to where m2YoEAYvC9u-00068-00056624-00057144 we're gonna be standing the night and then you can see that there are fire pits or fire rings right m2YoEAYvC9u-00069-00057144-00057744 here that you can use for fire and then we've got the tent over there it's a nice spot with m2YoEAYvC9u-00070-00057744-00058320 the the rocks just kind of keeping the wind away we've got our chairs filtering some water over m2YoEAYvC9u-00071-00058320-00059032 there and then right behind arizona hot springs beach is the only location that has restrooms m2YoEAYvC9u-00072-00059136-00059832 and so if you have to use the restrooms outside of this area we will have to use a wag bag m2YoEAYvC9u-00073-00059832-00060472 so the restrooms are right there so nothing fancy but it's better than nothing you know m2YoEAYvC9u-00074-00060472-00060888 there's another camp spot over there and as you can see there are a bunch of other tents m2YoEAYvC9u-00075-00061008-00061616 over there we did go on a short hike all the way up and then we found some very nice m2YoEAYvC9u-00076-00061616-00062024 campsites but we were already all set here so it was not worth going up there again m2YoEAYvC9u-00077-00062296-00062760 with the sun going down and the camp getting quieter it's time to prepare some food m2YoEAYvC9u-00078-00063048-00063391 there you go my love tell us what you're making m2YoEAYvC9u-00079-00063464-00064024 tomatoes and the ground beef it's already seasoned and everything and then i'm gonna m2YoEAYvC9u-00080-00064024-00065984 go and add in some salt pepper and olive oil gonna be delicious delicious m2YoEAYvC9u-00081-00066072-00066448 i think this is good for right now it's very well cooked m2YoEAYvC9u-00082-00066448-00066816 and then alex built us this little table for the pan m2YoEAYvC9u-00083-00067048-00067696 so that is going to be isn't that cute that's going to be a dinner table yeah m2YoEAYvC9u-00084-00067752-00068056 and then we'll just munch here right yeah what's it around us m2YoEAYvC9u-00085-00068056-00068448 sits around this and it's just straight from the pen because we don't have any plates m2YoEAYvC9u-00086-00068448-00070184 we do however have cups we could use them but i think nothing beats easy street m2YoEAYvC9u-00087-00070784-00071584 good morning good morning oh it's nice and early and we're going to check the arizona hot springs m2YoEAYvC9u-00088-00071640-00072184 before it starts getting warm arizona hot springs are one of the reasons why this camping site is m2YoEAYvC9u-00089-00072184-00072848 popular and sought after you get direct access to one of the best hot springs in arizona a group of m2YoEAYvC9u-00090-00072848-00073336 three geothermal springs that you can access either from the river just like we did or from m2YoEAYvC9u-00091-00073336-00073944 a hiking trail on the nevada side this is a must see if you are in the area but before you soak in m2YoEAYvC9u-00092-00073944-00074576 these hot springs you should be aware of risks of nagleria amoeba common to thermal pools that m2YoEAYvC9u-00093-00074576-00075208 can enter your body through your nose causing an infection that can be fatal it's usually found in m2YoEAYvC9u-00094-00075208-00075832 warm aquatic environments and the rule is to not snort water from these hot springs and to avoid m2YoEAYvC9u-00095-00075832-00076616 dunking your head but don't you worry chances of getting the glaria are 1 in 20 million very slim m2YoEAYvC9u-00096-00076616-00077184 but it's still worth knowing about with that out of the way let's enjoy these beautiful hot springs m2YoEAYvC9u-00097-00078000-00078584 hey she's up there m2YoEAYvC9u-00098-00079136-00079984 so m2YoEAYvC9u-00099-00083176-00083456 this source right there it's cool king m2YoEAYvC9u-00100-00083880-00085584 we're gonna start making our way out of here all right here we go doing the water park thing m2YoEAYvC9u-00101-00086968-00088384 there we go m2YoEAYvC9u-00102-00089656-00089784 do a flip m2YoEAYvC9u-00103-00093216-00093984 so m2YoEAYvC9u-00104-00094624-00094976 here are some of the campgrounds in the beach here m2YoEAYvC9u-00105-00095072-00095792 they've got a firing more fire pit more tents stuff m2YoEAYvC9u-00106-00096040-00096416 a beautiful way to start your morning soaking in the hot springs m2YoEAYvC9u-00107-00096416-00096744 some adrenaline rush climbing the ladder up and down m2YoEAYvC9u-00108-00096744-00097200 taking in the beauty of the canyon walls now it's time for some very well deserved coffee m2YoEAYvC9u-00109-00097680-00098184 water's almost ready baby m2YoEAYvC9u-00110-00099168-00099624 it's shower time m2YoEAYvC9u-00111-00099624-00100984 it's cold m2YoEAYvC9u-00112-00101232-00101792 with breakfast and shower out of the way it's time to bring our kayaks back to the water to continue m2YoEAYvC9u-00113-00101792-00102312 our adventure on the black canyon national water trail today we kayak from arizona hot m2YoEAYvC9u-00114-00102312-00103783 springs beach to willow beach our day is filled with unexpected surprises so keep on watching m2YoEAYvC9u-00115-00103968-00105183 the live vest back m2YoEAYvC9u-00116-00106208-00106583 and she's off m2YoEAYvC9u-00117-00106920-00107272 there is alex he is rowing m2YoEAYvC9u-00118-00107783-00108376 there we go off we go la la la beautiful day m2YoEAYvC9u-00119-00108680-00109383 weeping springs cove yeah let's go there m2YoEAYvC9u-00120-00110335-00110888 rei shout out to the coolers not cheap but they're worth it to be honest with you m2YoEAYvC9u-00121-00111368-00112183 so alex is right there he's gonna try to jump m2YoEAYvC9u-00122-00114776-00115528 i don't know if you can hear the birds chirping but just sitting here with this clear water m2YoEAYvC9u-00123-00115528-00116183 looking at that wall with the water the reflection it's so very therapeutic very romantic i just m2YoEAYvC9u-00124-00116264-00117783 i can spend the whole day just staring at the wall and listening to the birds very beautiful m2YoEAYvC9u-00125-00118240-00119183 she's coming in hot m2YoEAYvC9u-00126-00119496-00119928 there are a few beaches along the way where you can stop to take a break m2YoEAYvC9u-00127-00119928-00120440 even with the water being cold you are still exposed under the sun the entire time m2YoEAYvC9u-00128-00120440-00120816 it's important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water m2YoEAYvC9u-00129-00120816-00121320 to keep yourself nourished by taking snacks with you to cover your head with the hats m2YoEAYvC9u-00130-00121320-00121983 preferably long sleeves to avoid any sunburn and to reapply sunscreen whenever you can m2YoEAYvC9u-00131-00124840-00126183 is m2YoEAYvC9u-00132-00127120-00127704 our next stop is the popular emerald cave a spectacular natural cave m2YoEAYvC9u-00133-00127704-00128320 with spectacular clear green waters this spot is usually busy because a lot of people m2YoEAYvC9u-00134-00128320-00128864 paddle or kayak to get here as a half day trip from willow beach you can see m2YoEAYvC9u-00135-00128864-00129328 that there's a line forming over there just so that everyone can go and enjoy the cave m2YoEAYvC9u-00136-00129776-00130383 there we go there it is emerald cave m2YoEAYvC9u-00137-00130583-00131784 wow there is alex in the emerald caves i'm rich i found some emblems trying to upgrade my weapons m2YoEAYvC9u-00138-00133256-00133656 as we continued our way down the river we decided to anchor m2YoEAYvC9u-00139-00133656-00134584 our kayaks to a tree and seek an adventure of a different kind m2YoEAYvC9u-00140-00136480-00136856 the rails are hot with the heat and exhaustion m2YoEAYvC9u-00141-00136856-00137216 catching up to me this was not as fun as i had hoped m2YoEAYvC9u-00142-00138016-00138352 it's not even strong wood oh my goodness m2YoEAYvC9u-00143-00138640-00138872 why do i do this m2YoEAYvC9u-00144-00139352-00139616 how you doing baby feeling a little bit dizzy m2YoEAYvC9u-00145-00140136-00140688 what does it say warning these wooden planks and steel posts forming the catwalk before m2YoEAYvC9u-00146-00140688-00141192 you are almost 50 years old they may not be able to support a person's weight the m2YoEAYvC9u-00147-00141192-00141600 catwalk was constructed to allow a river gauger to pass along the cliff from his home a quarter m2YoEAYvC9u-00148-00141600-00142096 mile south to the steel cable crossing the river the cable car over the river allowed him to cross m2YoEAYvC9u-00149-00142096-00142504 the turbulent waters to the steel structure on the opposite cliff where he was able to measure the m2YoEAYvC9u-00150-00142504-00143344 river's depth and velocity so to be fair they're not saying don't go up there but at the same time m2YoEAYvC9u-00151-00143344-00143808 we saw some people there earlier there is a chain that's blocking the whole thing m2YoEAYvC9u-00152-00143880-00144384 we could be cavalier i don't want to be cavalier if the sign says m2YoEAYvC9u-00153-00144576-00145072 all right this is how i'm rocking traverses the top of the rock way m2YoEAYvC9u-00154-00146304-00147184 so down there represents safety this right here is habiba aviva is excited m2YoEAYvC9u-00155-00148440-00148584 a little bit of broken looking wood there m2YoEAYvC9u-00156-00148920-00149336 and with that safety has been achieved though we do have to go down to the water again m2YoEAYvC9u-00157-00149816-00149984 pretty cool m2YoEAYvC9u-00158-00151008-00151384 oh those birds are stealing our boat you taking our boat m2YoEAYvC9u-00159-00151496-00151768 no bird passing all right baby how'd you do m2YoEAYvC9u-00160-00152032-00152784 that was a bad idea that was indeed not the best idea but a memorable adventure nonetheless m2YoEAYvC9u-00161-00153272-00154048 that's the old catwalk and cable cars you see the trail going on the side that's where we stopped m2YoEAYvC9u-00162-00154048-00154608 we're getting very close to 6 p.m that is the time that they are picking us from willow beach marina m2YoEAYvC9u-00163-00154608-00155272 but on our way and actually that's where we are right now alex behind me just saw a bald eagle m2YoEAYvC9u-00164-00155272-00155968 that was i feel like the the cherry on top of the whole adventure today so we took some very nice m2YoEAYvC9u-00165-00155968-00156472 photos of the bald eagle here and it's very common to to find some of them nesting here m2YoEAYvC9u-00166-00156472-00157088 in the canyon so keep an eye out probably a good thing to to have is binoculars or zoom m2YoEAYvC9u-00167-00157088-00157664 lens if you think it's going to be protected i have to mention this life vests are mandatory m2YoEAYvC9u-00168-00157728-00158072 when you are in the water every time you're in the water and obviously in your m2YoEAYvC9u-00169-00158072-00158696 boat you have to be wearing live vests otherwise you can be fined 150 dollars m2YoEAYvC9u-00170-00158696-00159376 that's something the outfitter told us right behind me i can hear it is the ranger he's just m2YoEAYvC9u-00171-00159456-00159960 checking to make sure that everyone is wearing a live vest and he was just talking to a couple m2YoEAYvC9u-00172-00159960-00160488 of people to make sure that you know they are safe so it's very important out here m2YoEAYvC9u-00173-00160488-00161184 make sure that you have your life vest on at all times especially in the water and in your boat m2YoEAYvC9u-00174-00162360-00162584 buggies m2YoEAYvC9u-00175-00162952-00163008 that was fun m2YoEAYvC9u-00176-00163240-00163320 that was really fun m2YoEAYvC9u-00177-00163744-00164288 so we're coming close to willow beach i believe it's down there where the bridge is you can just m2YoEAYvC9u-00178-00164288-00164856 see the parking lot that's where we're gonna be picked up it's awesome do it yeah definitely do it m2YoEAYvC9u-00179-00164920-00165416 do it it's really worth it and it's not you know it's not something that a lot of people do here in m2YoEAYvC9u-00180-00165416-00165920 the southwest it's i would say off the beaten path to some extent i mean there's plenty of people out m2YoEAYvC9u-00181-00165920-00166248 here don't get me wrong yeah it'd definitely be an experience to tell your friends about it m2YoEAYvC9u-00182-00166248-00166784 yep and then go and do an overnight and then maybe two nights if you have the time m2YoEAYvC9u-00183-00166848-00167176 i will definitely have more videos in which i'm going to talk about m2YoEAYvC9u-00184-00167232-00167688 packing lists and things that you should do things that you shouldn't do and just some logistics to m2YoEAYvC9u-00185-00167688-00168192 hopefully help you with this adventure if you decide to go on it and then other than that thank m2YoEAYvC9u-00186-00168192-00168840 you guys for watching if you found this video to be useful give it a thumbs up and subscribe m2YoEAYvC9u-00187-00168840-00170984 subscribe we are habiba and alex and we are trekking pals trekking pal synchronized m2YoEAYvC9u-00188-00176496-00176546 you m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00000-00000859-00001757 [Music] Hello and Welcome thank you for checking out this video my name is Rochelle the brand m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00001-00001757-00002389 that I created online is called the DIY affiliate and this is also part of the DIY affiliate m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00002-00002389-00003604 Marketing for the people who don't know me I can help you as a new Entrepreneur a new m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00003-00003604-00004036 Affiliate Marketer or just the average person who wants to start and grow your business m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00004-00004036-00004989 online I do step-by-step video tutorials that you can follow along with on WordPress YouTube m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00005-00004989-00005710 and other social media platforms are you looking for the quickest easiest and most cost efficient m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00006-00005710-00006444 way to start and grow an online marketing business there are so many choices but you m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00007-00006444-00007034 really don't know where to start if that is what you are looking for then you have arrived m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00008-00007034-00007817 at the right channel at the right time this channel is for the beginners is an introduction m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00009-00007817-00008564 to a new system that I found online I do tons and tons of research and I have discovered m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00010-00008564-00009150 that the new trend and what is going to help you to be able to build your business online m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00011-00009150-00010008 is doing these type of videos for the people who don't want to be seen on camera don't m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00012-00010008-00010569 want to have to use a mic don't want to have to worry about lighting or doing the endless m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00013-00010569-00011598 hours of editing and it does take sometimes hours to create a video this is an easier m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00014-00011598-00012731 and most cost efficient way as well as being faster once you've learned how to do it in m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00015-00012731-00013961 this video I take you into the back end of a new program called in video in this video m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00016-00013961-00015172 I will be talking about doing the media adding your media to begin your video the new videos m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00017-00015172-00015881 that I will be posting are going to be step-by-step instructional videos that show you how to m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00018-00015881-00016754 use the key features what the elements are and also how to add the voiceover and a much m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00019-00016754-00017781 much more this video is about the media is about without further ado just the facts let's m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00020-00017781-00018876 get down to business this video is about how to use the article to video option 2 you are m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00021-00018876-00020328 in you're in video account you will then go to article 2 video click into article 2 video m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00022-00020328-00020998 if you are doing a YouTube video then use the YouTube landscape if you are doing a Facebook m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00023-00020998-00021685 story use the Facebook story an Instagram story use the Instagram story a Facebook newsfeed m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00024-00021685-00022219 use it Facebook newsfeed or the Instagram post use the Instagram post so I'm using the m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00025-00022219-00023354 YouTube a landscape here you will notice these videos here are templates that are created m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00026-00023354-00024170 specifically for the article 2 video if you go into the pre-made templates you will be m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00027-00024170-00025043 choosing something different I will be covering that in another video this is article 2 video m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00028-00025043-00026069 choose your template choose your style click on use of this template here you can add a m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00029-00026069-00026677 script if you have a script if you have one that you have saved from a YouTube video description m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00030-00026677-00027262 or a different article you can use that for this video today we are going to be adding m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00031-00027262-00028331 a URL one of an article or a WordPress that you yourself have created so we're going to m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00032-00028331-00029169 go over to my website and here you will notice right at the top I have chosen the article m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00033-00029169-00030333 that I want which is the CBD oil is the 8 benefits and I am going to place my cursor m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00034-00030333-00030891 in this browser window and click select off now this will be the top part of what your m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00035-00030891-00031464 this will be your actual URL of where your post is located and then you're going to copy m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00036-00031464-00032931 that and come back over to your in video and click copy and paste this information in add m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00037-00032931-00033799 auto inset suggests images and videos and click fetch this is what it fetched this is m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00038-00033799-00034637 my script right here now you don't really need all of the information you still will m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00039-00034637-00035444 have your script here you can just click auto summarize it then Auto summarizes your script m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00040-00035444-00035968 and it will also tell you how many scenes that you will have in your video so it looks m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00041-00035968-00036931 like I will have 15 scenes and then you go to your story board you will see the loading m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00042-00036931-00037425 which is the fishbowl with the fish in it also I'd like to say that you can only use m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00043-00037425-00037986 information that you yourself own do not use other people's information do not use other m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00044-00037986-00038630 people's WordPress articles or any articles that can be copyrighted because you can get m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00045-00038630-00039259 yourself into a lot of trouble by using other people's content so it's a really good idea m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00046-00039259-00040902 and a good practice that you use your own content this will now take you into your storyboard m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00047-00040902-00041883 so this is where you would find your script is right here on the top left hand corner m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00048-00041883-00042640 and if I I have to wait till this is uploaded when you are doing a video for a certain product m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00049-00042640-00043241 it is a good idea to get the actual image of the product that you are doing it for so m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00050-00043241-00044133 if you do have your merchants images to put your merchants image in here so this is what m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00051-00044133-00045477 it has shown me for the script is right there however if I come over here and I choose instead m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00052-00045477-00046418 of this and say I choose this one it then will change my script do you see how that m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00053-00046418-00047311 changes my script okay and these again are two too many words here because you see the m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00054-00047311-00047978 Texas two long a split is suggested so anytime you want to change your script you would simply m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00055-00047978-00048922 go over here and choose what you want you see how this has started to create a video m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00056-00048922-00049649 for me so feeling more relaxed less pain healthier life are the greatest benefits it couldn't m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00057-00049649-00050753 find a video or an image so you see how changed the script it changes m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00058-00050753-00051536 the image and this is pretty amazing this is very amazing for you as a video creator m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00059-00051536-00052773 to be able to to do something that actually helps you to be able to do it faster and it's m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00060-00052773-00053928 very cost-efficient m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00061-00053928-00054651 okay so this is a very easy way to be able to do your script without having to do a lot m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00062-00054651-00055602 of editing now here it says here the text is too long a split is suggested okay so THC m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00063-00055602-00056108 is the active element okay so where you want to split you would just click into the split m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00064-00056108-00056623 or sorry put your cursor where you want to split you will then see place the cursor where m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00065-00056623-00057271 you want to split and then click in here and this will then change your text so we just m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00066-00057271-00060114 split and this will disappear [Music] [Music] so look at how it's created this little amazing m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00067-00060114-00060821 little video in no time at all and just by using a post that I've already created in m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00068-00060821-00062153 my WordPress m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00069-00062153-00063262 go through all of your scenes split where you need to have your tax split m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00070-00063262-00064232 it doesn't split it doesn't create another scene it only splits your tax stop and it m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00071-00064232-00064733 automatically saves you will see that saving up here it was it will then show you when m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00072-00064733-00065603 it's saved just simply clicking in here and there you go very easy and you can always m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00073-00065603-00066809 change your script now another thing you can do is you can add to your to your text but m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00074-00066809-00067451 here it says my text is too long so so it tells you what is good what works what doesn't m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00075-00067451-00068755 work and this looks like this may need to have m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00076-00068755-00069112 and it looks like you don't actually even have to go there to do the split well and m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00077-00069112-00069894 now it tells me the tech this text is too long okay m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00078-00069894-00071502 so why don't I just take some out that one's okay and then m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00079-00071502-00073095 also too long there we go that's good okay so that is getting your URL and setting m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00080-00073095-00074219 your script up and go through all of your scenes so that you have your tat so your text m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00081-00074219-00075102 is not too long okay it tells me my scene is 10 seconds point 42 and this is my story m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00082-00075102-00075863 now with the script you may want to use you can use the first one for your headline and m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00083-00075863-00076748 then next is your story and then after your story if I do the drop down you can also do m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00084-00076748-00078223 a quote which will end up like this and this is your quote you will see quotation mark m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00085-00078223-00079156 okay so this is what your quote will look like you can also change what that looks like m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00086-00079156-00080738 in which I will be covering that in another video on scenes you can also do a question m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00087-00080738-00081924 and this is what a question will look like m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00088-00081924-00083070 or you can do social or your social you can use Twitter or you can use Instagram here m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00089-00083070-00085331 is an example of Twitter you do the ctrl V you put your Twitter a link you click fetch m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00090-00085331-00086241 and this is my Twitter post their way to get your Twitter post is to go to your Twitter m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00091-00086241-00087738 sorry that's my tailwind to go to your Twitter into your link that you want to get do the m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00092-00087738-00088699 drop down menu from their embed tweet and you will see the HT PP s euro this is where m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00093-00088699-00089630 you get your link is right there you copy that and then paste that into your social m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00094-00089630-00090756 link you would do the same for Instagram for Instagram you go to your apps you just click m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00095-00090756-00091895 into the colored dots on the of tan corner and then you will see your Instagram you then m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00097-00095182-00096988 you need to copy is in these three dots open them up copy link go back to your social and m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00098-00096988-00098510 the way to add a link ill is to simply click into this downward arrow social m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00099-00098510-00098875 it will ask you do you want to lose all your changes if the scene type has changed are m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00100-00098875-00100885 you sure and you do have to click yes to V and this will give you your link and then m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00101-00100885-00101607 you click fetch those are the two social media sites that will work with your social links m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00102-00101607-00103984 I'm hoping they will add more but those are the two right now m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00103-00103984-00104810 okay so that is what the Instagram social will look like and this is what the Twitter m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00104-00104810-00106069 social so this concludes this video on article 2 m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00105-00106069-00107133 video and using the script the next video will be adding the automated voice over so m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00106-00107133-00107937 join me in the next video as we continue as we continue on this journey of building an m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00107-00107937-00108601 online business thank you for watching this short video tutorial if you have found it m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00108-00108601-00109132 helpful then please give this video a thumbs up because that will show YouTube that you m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00109-00109132-00109815 like what I'm doing and they will recommend this video to other people which in turn will m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00110-00109815-00110567 help my channel to grow and please leave me a comment so that I can follow the link back m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00111-00110567-00111177 to your channel and check out your channel find a video that I like and subscribe to m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00112-00111177-00111745 your channel to help you to grow online I believe that sharing knowledge is free and m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00113-00111745-00112355 I am creating a community of like-minded people who are willing and able to help each other m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00114-00112355-00113276 to grow online I want to put your channel in the DIY affiliate community where you can m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00115-00113276-00114188 network with other growing YouTube channels you can also download the free ebook in which m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00116-00114188-00115190 I created four new affiliate marketers it has over twenty nine videos and information m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00117-00115190-00116058 that you can find very helpful in beginning or starting a new affiliate marketing business m3rJs0Q8bPQ-00118-00116058-00116709 thank you for your time stay safe and have a wonderful evening m3tzVrhHOeu-00000-00000246-00000645 On this episode of Cache Canada, we're going to take you to a very unique m3tzVrhHOeu-00001-00000645-00001042 Virtual at the Waterfall Capital of the World. m3tzVrhHOeu-00002-00002352-00002448 [loon call] m3tzVrhHOeu-00003-00002564-00002644 [loon call] m3tzVrhHOeu-00004-00003128-00003686 Niagara Falls might be the most visited waterfalls in North America, but the true m3tzVrhHOeu-00005-00003686-00003854 Waterfall Capital of the World m3tzVrhHOeu-00006-00003854-00004320 lies 75 kilometres to the west in the City of Hamilton. m3tzVrhHOeu-00007-00004570-00005024 -Situated in the heart of the most highly industrialized region of the country, m3tzVrhHOeu-00008-00005025-00005541 Hamilton is also a place of great natural beauty. It is home to more than m3tzVrhHOeu-00009-00005541-00006120 100 waterfalls. One of the highest in any urban area of its size. m3tzVrhHOeu-00010-00006274-00006820 -This Virtual Reward takes advantage of these natural wonders to create an adventure for us, by m3tzVrhHOeu-00011-00006822-00007176 exploring a minimum of five of the twelve suggested waterfalls in the region. m3tzVrhHOeu-00012-00009271-00009746 -Blake was eager to go. He loves to explore and cherishes every m3tzVrhHOeu-00013-00009746-00010012 moment he gets to go Geocaching with us. m3tzVrhHOeu-00014-00010916-00011513 -Our first stop was Tews Falls, a 41 meter ribbon waterfall. The tallest of all the m3tzVrhHOeu-00015-00011513-00011960 waterfall in Hamilton. An interesting fact is that it's only just a few meters m3tzVrhHOeu-00016-00011960-00012242 shorter than Niagara Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00017-00012376-00012934 -Can't forget our photo. You must have your name in it. That's very important. m3tzVrhHOeu-00018-00014884-00015160 -Next up Webster Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00019-00017468-00017936 -The Niagara Escarpment, which were walking along, helps create the m3tzVrhHOeu-00020-00017936-00018509 environment for all the waterfalls for this area. The Niagara Escarpment is m3tzVrhHOeu-00021-00018509-00019120 part of the United Nations UNESCO World Heritage Biosphere. m3tzVrhHOeu-00022-00019344-00019968 The Niagara Escarpment biosphere reserve in Ontario stretches 725 kilometers from m3tzVrhHOeu-00023-00019968-00020466 Lake Ontario to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula. The biosphere reserve includes m3tzVrhHOeu-00024-00020466-00020955 the greatest topographic variability in Southern Ontario. With habitats ranging m3tzVrhHOeu-00025-00020955-00021564 over more than 430 meters in elevations and including: Great Lake's coastlines, m3tzVrhHOeu-00026-00021564-00022116 cliff edges, talus slopes, wetlands, woodlands, limestone, alvar pavements, m3tzVrhHOeu-00027-00022116-00022906 oak savannas, conifer swamps, and many others. Blake was eager to get the next falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00028-00023586-00024156 -Webster's Falls, is a 22 meter high, classical, curtain, plunge, water fall. m3tzVrhHOeu-00029-00024280-00024844 In the past the Falls have been known by various names such as, Dr. Hamilton's m3tzVrhHOeu-00030-00024844-00025480 Falls, Spencer Falls, Heart Falls, Fisher Falls, and Flamborough Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00031-00025620-00026054 A large stone flower mill once stood along the creek above the Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00032-00026064-00026326 One of the first hydroelectric generators of m3tzVrhHOeu-00033-00026326-00026632 Ontario was installed at the base of the Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00034-00026892-00027194 What makes this an unique Virtual cache? m3tzVrhHOeu-00035-00027208-00027652 -This is unique because of its rating. It's a 4.5, 3. -Oh! m3tzVrhHOeu-00036-00027668-00028518 -And there are only two. -Two? -4.5, 3 Virtuals worldwide. -Thank goodness we live so close. m3tzVrhHOeu-00037-00030458-00030842 -Of course well we're out, we're going to check for caches in each of the m3tzVrhHOeu-00038-00030842-00031572 locations, just to see if there is one. Here's one right here in an obvious spot. m3tzVrhHOeu-00039-00031572-00031818 Sign that up. Off we go. m3tzVrhHOeu-00040-00032508-00033018 We're here at Borer's Falls one of the locations we chose. -We're at the top. m3tzVrhHOeu-00041-00033018-00033414 Yeah, it's pretty cool. We're at the brink of the falls so we're going to take our picture here. m3tzVrhHOeu-00042-00034106-00034548 The 15 meter high Borer's Falls, is a ribbon style water fall. m3tzVrhHOeu-00043-00035008-00035198 Found it! m3tzVrhHOeu-00044-00035800-00036170 We've been to three [falls] so far. Which was your favorite? m3tzVrhHOeu-00045-00037288-00037824 Found on the Chedoke Creek Radial Trail, the Upper Princess Falls, at m3tzVrhHOeu-00046-00037824-00038426 6.7 meters high, is a complex cascade, ribbon, waterfall. It slowly steps down m3tzVrhHOeu-00047-00038427-00038834 along the top of the escarpment before cascading a short distance. m3tzVrhHOeu-00048-00038834-00039266 It travels under the walkway before it falls again right beside the busy m3tzVrhHOeu-00049-00039267-00039470 Highway 403. m3tzVrhHOeu-00050-00040078-00040592 -This is the final waterfall we need for this Virtual. This is Sherman's Falls. m3tzVrhHOeu-00051-00040660-00041246 A beautiful, beautiful example of a cascade falls coming over the escarpment. m3tzVrhHOeu-00052-00041246-00042002 Nearby is Tiffany Falls. Where I visited with Kelso. We did Breakfast at m3tzVrhHOeu-00053-00042002-00042553 Tiffany's. There's a link over right up here. You can check that one out. That was m3tzVrhHOeu-00054-00042553-00043261 in the winter as well. It was beautiful. Let's go get our last shot of this m3tzVrhHOeu-00055-00043261-00043877 waterfalls. Remember there are so many more to visit just in this Virtual m3tzVrhHOeu-00056-00043877-00044474 but also in Hamilton area. There are a lot more waterfalls that you can go and m3tzVrhHOeu-00057-00044474-00045124 see that's why it's called the Waterfall Capital of the World. m3tzVrhHOeu-00058-00045316-00045908 -Fairy, or Angel Falls, are the two romantic nicknames of this captivating waterfall. m3tzVrhHOeu-00059-00045908-00046508 Sherman Falls is a 17 meters high curtain waterfall. It surges from Ancaster Creek. m3tzVrhHOeu-00060-00046508-00046730 -We want to thank you for joining us m3tzVrhHOeu-00061-00046730-00047114 on this adventure to the Waterfall Capital of the World. m3tzVrhHOeu-00062-00047138-00047426 [chuckles] -In our own backyard. m3tzVrhHOeu-00063-00047426-00047746 -Yeah, imagine that. If you have an opportunity to come out and see it m3tzVrhHOeu-00064-00047746-00048140 there's so many to see. This is a really cool Virtual to get. m3tzVrhHOeu-00065-00048140-00048568 You only have to get 5 of 12. I'm sure you can get more than that. m3tzVrhHOeu-00066-00048568-00048800 -We'll probably check the other ones out too. m3tzVrhHOeu-00067-00048802-00049140 -Yeah. They 're well worth going to. Most of them have caches at them too. m3tzVrhHOeu-00068-00049140-00049758 -So -Keep watching there's more caches to be found. -Where will geocaching take you? m3EeO4AU-8u-00000-00000165-00000824 Hi, my name is Victoria and I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, m3EeO4AU-8u-00001-00000824-00001438 and I have a testimony that Jesus Christ lives and that he is the Savior of the world, that m3EeO4AU-8u-00002-00001438-00002138 he suffered and died for us, and that he atoned for the sins of everyone who will ever live m3EeO4AU-8u-00003-00002175-00002875 and who has ever lived, and I know that God lives and that he loves me, and he loves everyone. m3EeO4AU-8u-00004-00002896-00003522 I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, m3EeO4AU-8u-00005-00003522-00004222 called of God, and I know that Thomas S Monson is a prophet today and that he receives direct m3EeO4AU-8u-00006-00004321-00005021 revelation from God, and I know that families can be together forever. I say these things m3EeO4AU-8u-00007-00005146-00005353 in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. m4XN2TEj9gE-00000-00000000-00000200 Roblox Odmaranje ili umaranje📱 m7vABybvvGM-00000-00000003-00000506 all right everybody I don't want to make this video but I made a promise to all m7vABybvvGM-00001-00000506-00000990 of you that I'm going to try to be more vulnerable and share some of my own m7vABybvvGM-00002-00000990-00001371 experience and what I'm currently going through and stuff like that on this m7vABybvvGM-00003-00001371-00002043 channel and I really hope in doing so that it can help some people out there m7vABybvvGM-00004-00002043-00003345 who might be struggling with weight issues what's up everybody m7vABybvvGM-00005-00003345-00003704 this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but m7vABybvvGM-00006-00003704-00004104 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about m7vABybvvGM-00007-00004104-00004452 mental health and sometimes what I do is pull different topics from the YouTube m7vABybvvGM-00008-00004452-00004782 community and try to see what we can learn from them the successes the m7vABybvvGM-00009-00004782-00005202 mistakes and all that kind of stuff but the goal is to see what we can learn to m7vABybvvGM-00010-00005202-00005673 improve our own mental and emotional well-being so if any of that stuff make m7vABybvvGM-00011-00005673-00006032 sure you subscribe and bring that notification bell and those of you who m7vABybvvGM-00012-00006032-00006417 don't know this morning I posted a brand new video it's like a minute or two long m7vABybvvGM-00013-00006417-00006911 but I announced the next Shane Dawson palette giveaway alright so make sure m7vABybvvGM-00014-00006911-00007404 you go watch that video find out how to enter and I also said how you can get 3 m7vABybvvGM-00015-00007404-00007818 entries instead of 1 into this next giveaway alright m7vABybvvGM-00016-00007818-00008318 and surprise surprise and I don't even know why I'm doing this if you want m7vABybvvGM-00017-00008318-00009021 another entry another entry into the giveaway retweet my tweet of this video m7vABybvvGM-00018-00009021-00009479 the one that you're watching right now it'll be my pinned video until the next m7vABybvvGM-00019-00009479-00009888 video comes out so retweet it alright but if you retweet it any time between m7vABybvvGM-00020-00009888-00010265 now and the end of the week you'll get an extra entry but I don't know why I'm m7vABybvvGM-00021-00010265-00010671 having people retweet it because this video is kind of embarrassing for me m7vABybvvGM-00022-00010671-00010989 because I'm going to be talking about weight issues which I don't like to talk m7vABybvvGM-00023-00010989-00011465 about but whatever you get some extra entries and like I said one of the m7vABybvvGM-00024-00011465-00011820 things that I try to do is like I try to get over my own BS to hopefully help m7vABybvvGM-00025-00011820-00012381 others alright so anyways yeah as you saw from the title on I'm gonna be m7vABybvvGM-00026-00012381-00012819 talking about amberlynn reid just briefly okay and I want to show more of m7vABybvvGM-00027-00012819-00013227 my experience but when I talk about ambolyn m7vABybvvGM-00028-00013227-00013704 all of you who dislike ambulant read okay I'm sure you have valid reasons m7vABybvvGM-00029-00013704-00014229 like in this video for the purpose of this video we're gonna separate all the m7vABybvvGM-00030-00014229-00014741 other stuff all the other things all right everything else right now and m7vABybvvGM-00031-00014741-00015408 we're specifically going to talk about her weight loss journey alright that is m7vABybvvGM-00032-00015408-00016091 all we're talking about right now okay so something I try to do with my channel m7vABybvvGM-00033-00016091-00016419 is you know I try to let you know what I'm doing like that talked about going m7vABybvvGM-00034-00016419-00016776 to therapy I'm very open and honest about that I talked about my own mental m7vABybvvGM-00035-00016776-00017043 health issues my anxiety my depression my medications m7vABybvvGM-00036-00017043-00017466 whatever it is my addiction my addiction recovery you know all these things I m7vABybvvGM-00037-00017466-00017964 talked about all this stuff but man when it comes to my weight loss journey like m7vABybvvGM-00038-00017964-00018663 I get afraid to talk about it on YouTube and be open and honest about it and one m7vABybvvGM-00039-00018663-00019221 of the reasons is because of ambolyn read and here's what I mean by that like m7vABybvvGM-00040-00019221-00019677 I've had so many requests to make videos about Amblin read I did a while back I m7vABybvvGM-00041-00019677-00020172 haven't in a long time but here's here's what breaks my heart like when people m7vABybvvGM-00042-00020172-00020655 are like calling her a liar and everything for saying that she's going m7vABybvvGM-00043-00020655-00021552 to try to lose weight and then doesn't like that just kills me like just m7vABybvvGM-00044-00021552-00022068 calling her a liar because of that I'm like oh my god like I can relate like m7vABybvvGM-00045-00022068-00022629 I'll talk more about weight in a second but let's compare this to drug addiction m7vABybvvGM-00046-00022629-00022992 and alcoholism that's something that I have a lot of experience with I got m7vABybvvGM-00047-00022992-00023778 sober seven years ago okay but here's the thing all right like there were so m7vABybvvGM-00048-00023778-00024141 many days that some of you who are in recovery from addiction you can relate m7vABybvvGM-00049-00024141-00024519 to this or even if you're an active addiction you can relate to this but m7vABybvvGM-00050-00024519-00024942 there were so many days when I woke up in the morning or I got in trouble with m7vABybvvGM-00051-00024942-00025389 my son's mom or with my friends or my family members and I told them I said m7vABybvvGM-00052-00025389-00025904 I'm not going to drink anymore I'm not gonna use drugs anymore I'm not going to m7vABybvvGM-00053-00025904-00026458 I promise you and I meant it 1,000% with the fiber of m7vABybvvGM-00054-00026458-00027235 my being I was not going to drink or use ever again for how bad I screwed up but m7vABybvvGM-00055-00027235-00027627 the next thing you knew I was getting drunk and high again m7vABybvvGM-00056-00027627-00028116 alright the disease of addiction is a mother effer m7vABybvvGM-00057-00028116-00028741 alright and you know I can make entire other videos and I have actually about m7vABybvvGM-00058-00028741-00029064 dealing with loved ones who are struggling with addiction but like I see m7vABybvvGM-00059-00029064-00029422 this kind of the same way as we see someone like ambolyn Reid saying like m7vABybvvGM-00060-00029422-00029704 I'm gonna try to lose weight and then next thing you know she's doing a mutt m7vABybvvGM-00061-00029704-00030258 bong you know what I mean and people say lawyer you know like it is an issue like m7vABybvvGM-00062-00030258-00030783 it is a problem and you know that's one of the reasons I'm worried about being m7vABybvvGM-00063-00030783-00031324 open about my weight loss you know on here or my weight struggles and stuff m7vABybvvGM-00064-00031324-00031774 I'm like people gonna call me a liar if I fall off and everything like that but m7vABybvvGM-00065-00031774-00032212 I just want to talk about it in part of one part of the reason I'm doing this is m7vABybvvGM-00066-00032212-00032905 for some accountability alright so I am gonna talk about it and if anybody if I m7vABybvvGM-00067-00032905-00033457 do fall off or you know whatever or I don't know what I'm gonna do yet because m7vABybvvGM-00068-00033457-00033880 I have some plans so stay tuned because I want you guys to get involved too um m7vABybvvGM-00069-00033880-00034255 I'm just gonna brush that off right people are gonna be dumb and idiots but m7vABybvvGM-00070-00034255-00034546 I just want you guys to think about that for a little bit well I say like oh you m7vABybvvGM-00071-00034546-00035022 lied look at your eating again like or eating like crap again like it sucks man m7vABybvvGM-00072-00035022-00035794 it sucks a lot of people fall off on diets but anyways so as all of you know m7vABybvvGM-00073-00035794-00036355 like I've been reading a ton of books this year and the other day I kind of m7vABybvvGM-00074-00036355-00036882 made a commitment to myself that I'm going to read at least three books on m7vABybvvGM-00075-00036882-00037628 like food and psychology and therapy around just eating right and m7vABybvvGM-00076-00037628-00038103 relationships with food I was like I'm gonna do three books on that specific m7vABybvvGM-00077-00038103-00038851 subject by the end of the year okay and I just picked up my first book it's m7vABybvvGM-00078-00038851-00039205 called the food therapist it's excellent so far I'm about halfway done with it m7vABybvvGM-00079-00039205-00039640 the audio books only like four and a half hours right but it's m7vABybvvGM-00080-00039640-00040075 it's amazing like it's talking about you know my relationship food and all these m7vABybvvGM-00081-00040075-00040564 things and different small little strategies that I can do and part of the m7vABybvvGM-00082-00040564-00040794 reason I wanted to do this is because I just finished that other book m7vABybvvGM-00083-00040794-00041416 SuperBetter and I've been doing little small changes things as simple as just m7vABybvvGM-00084-00041416-00041851 trying not to drink other stuff and just drinking more water and everything like m7vABybvvGM-00085-00041851-00042520 that and I I like it is so weird and difficult to talk about but I psych m7vABybvvGM-00086-00042520-00042874 myself out like I love learning about mental health I'll learn about mental m7vABybvvGM-00087-00042874-00043261 health all day long but then like learning about like weight loss and m7vABybvvGM-00088-00043261-00043651 physical health and like you know what I mean I'm like oh you're gonna talk me m7vABybvvGM-00089-00043651-00044092 out of you know doing this like I've been a vegetarian for two years now and m7vABybvvGM-00090-00044092-00044692 obviously weight issues but you know one of the things is that I've been noticing m7vABybvvGM-00091-00044692-00045205 lately like I go back and I check some wild videos for various reasons I don't m7vABybvvGM-00092-00045205-00045508 really watch them but sometimes I need to like grab something from home or a m7vABybvvGM-00093-00045508-00045949 clip or you know whatever and I noticed that earlier this year and even last m7vABybvvGM-00094-00045949-00046408 year at this time my face was slimmer and everything and if I'm just gonna be m7vABybvvGM-00095-00046408-00046867 honest with you and some of you guys can relate to this like like I fell off m7vABybvvGM-00096-00046867-00047482 pretty hard this year because it's been a rough year and yeah a lot of it was I m7vABybvvGM-00097-00047482-00047811 brought it on myself you know and things like that m7vABybvvGM-00098-00047811-00048688 but I am I'm somebody who eats like crap when I'm emotional um I get a case of m7vABybvvGM-00099-00048688-00049090 the f it's right well I'm just like screw everything you know whatever and m7vABybvvGM-00100-00049090-00049594 like the one thing I don't do is drink or use drugs and something this book has m7vABybvvGM-00101-00049594-00050197 helped me me realize too is why I do it right but understanding why isn't gonna m7vABybvvGM-00102-00050197-00050800 mean a damn thing unless I take action you know but now that I'm feeling better m7vABybvvGM-00103-00050800-00051076 and I'm getting back into like mental health videos and trying to help people m7vABybvvGM-00104-00051076-00051520 and everything like that like I'm getting in a better mental state as well m7vABybvvGM-00105-00051520-00052201 and I'm caring more about my body again you know like last year I lost like 50 m7vABybvvGM-00106-00052201-00052733 pounds you know like within that year I'm frame and now like I'm afraid to m7vABybvvGM-00107-00052733-00053159 even step on the scale because I know I've put a lot of weight back on so m7vABybvvGM-00108-00053159-00053540 there's just different things that I'm doing and one of the things is some of m7vABybvvGM-00109-00053540-00053912 you have seen me post on Instagram and Twitter some like little things about m7vABybvvGM-00110-00053912-00054185 I'm working on this really big mental health project and this is something m7vABybvvGM-00111-00054185-00054623 that I'm kind of experimenting with it with this weight loss journey myself m7vABybvvGM-00112-00054623-00055136 real quick for the coming weeks to kind of see how certain things work out but I m7vABybvvGM-00113-00055136-00055577 will be starting a discord server and a Facebook group and it's not specifically m7vABybvvGM-00114-00055577-00056179 for weight loss it is anybody who is trying to accomplish something or get m7vABybvvGM-00115-00056179-00056699 through something or get past something you know like anybody who needs support m7vABybvvGM-00116-00056699-00057137 right I'm just working out some details now I'm gonna launch this thing but m7vABybvvGM-00117-00057137-00057434 we're gonna have different sections of the discord like you know if you're m7vABybvvGM-00118-00057434-00057824 working on achieving certain goals maybe that's with school or if it's with you m7vABybvvGM-00119-00057824-00058172 know weight loss or if it's with your mental health or whatever it is like m7vABybvvGM-00120-00058172-00058460 we're gonna have a bunch of different channels in discord just stay tuned to m7vABybvvGM-00121-00058460-00058976 make sure you're following me on social media but anyways so the last couple of m7vABybvvGM-00122-00058976-00059459 days just to catch you up to speed with what I've personally been doing I've m7vABybvvGM-00123-00059459-00060116 been trying to be a lot more mindful with what I'm eating and how mainly how m7vABybvvGM-00124-00060116-00060770 I'm eating alright like I am the type of person where I will just gobble my food m7vABybvvGM-00125-00060770-00061255 down mindlessly and something like those of you who are like old school rewired m7vABybvvGM-00126-00061255-00061577 soldiers like I don't know if you've noticed this I definitely have and I m7vABybvvGM-00127-00061577-00062266 feel awful about it but I used to talk about mindfulness all the time all the m7vABybvvGM-00128-00062266-00062915 time you know why I haven't talked about it lately because part of this year is I m7vABybvvGM-00129-00062915-00063383 fell off the mindfulness wagon - and I haven't been practicing as much I m7vABybvvGM-00130-00063383-00063800 haven't been meditating as much so this book and some of the other books I've m7vABybvvGM-00131-00063800-00064310 read have talked about slowing down right and being more mindful so today m7vABybvvGM-00132-00064310-00064784 just quick store because I don't want this video to be forever but today for m7vABybvvGM-00133-00064784-00065204 example stressful day at work I was working on this project and it was just m7vABybvvGM-00134-00065204-00065598 driving me nuts and those right before lunch and I just got that case m7vABybvvGM-00135-00065598-00065976 the efforts right so even though I'm vegetarian I'm like I'm gonna go get m7vABybvvGM-00136-00065976-00066312 some fast food you know even though I'm telling myself I'm gonna eat better and m7vABybvvGM-00137-00066312-00066696 do better and stuff so I just start driving to Burger King and they have the m7vABybvvGM-00138-00066696-00066981 impossible whopper and I'm just going there like screw and I'm gonna get a m7vABybvvGM-00139-00066981-00067440 burger me get a large fry all this other stuff and I was just I'm just in just m7vABybvvGM-00140-00067440-00068010 total screw at mood right by the way if you can relate to this like if you get m7vABybvvGM-00141-00068010-00068345 angry and eat let me know in the comments so I don't feel so crazy m7vABybvvGM-00142-00068345-00068862 anyways as I'm going there upset like the logical part of my voice my brain m7vABybvvGM-00143-00068862-00069321 the prefrontal cortex was tuning in it's like Chris if you're gonna do it m7vABybvvGM-00144-00069321-00069879 get a small fry alright get a small fry no screw you right I'm all doing with m7vABybvvGM-00145-00069879-00070407 myself in the car about this and I eventually got there and I got small m7vABybvvGM-00146-00070407-00070847 fries because something else that I'm learning about myself too is I am a very m7vABybvvGM-00147-00070847-00071262 all-or-nothing type of person and it talks about that in this book m7vABybvvGM-00148-00071262-00071577 like I'm the tank person where I'm like I'm gonna go on this weight-loss journey m7vABybvvGM-00149-00071577-00072054 and if I screw up just a little I just say screw it and I will just do so many m7vABybvvGM-00150-00072054-00072540 unhealthy things right and this is another reason why I'm trying to get m7vABybvvGM-00151-00072540-00073002 back into mindfulness not only to get back in the moment and let go of the m7vABybvvGM-00152-00073002-00073365 past and quit future tripping and everything like that but a huge part of m7vABybvvGM-00153-00073365-00074009 mindfulness to is self compassion and forgiveness like you know while also m7vABybvvGM-00154-00074009-00074487 having accountability you know like one of the reasons like I've noticed a lot m7vABybvvGM-00155-00074487-00075075 lately is I actually I haven't even noticed it a lot lately I've been m7vABybvvGM-00156-00075075-00075612 getting called out on this a lot lately I beat myself up okay m7vABybvvGM-00157-00075612-00076326 like I like no matter what comments I get online and everything like the m7vABybvvGM-00158-00076326-00076854 things my brain says to me are a million times worse and my therapist called me m7vABybvvGM-00159-00076854-00077367 out on it the other day my coworker called me out on it I think Tristan m7vABybvvGM-00160-00077367-00077901 called me out on it but yeah so I'm grateful that people are calling me out m7vABybvvGM-00161-00077901-00078426 on it because I need to get back into practicing self compassion one of the m7vABybvvGM-00162-00078426-00078852 last books I just finished was talking about how it creates this cycle when we m7vABybvvGM-00163-00078852-00079179 beat ourselves up and everything like that but I this weird m7vABybvvGM-00164-00079179-00079479 thing in my brain and maybe that'll be in my next therapy appointment tomorrow m7vABybvvGM-00165-00079479-00080094 where I try to figure out like why I feel the need to beat myself up like the m7vABybvvGM-00166-00080094-00080520 way I rationalize it is like if I don't beat myself up then I won't do it if I'm m7vABybvvGM-00167-00080520-00080889 too soft fun too easy on myself then I'll just coast and m7vABybvvGM-00168-00080889-00081296 not get anything done you know and I know I know that's not true because I m7vABybvvGM-00169-00081296-00081729 I've been kind to myself in the past you know what I mean so I don't know it's m7vABybvvGM-00170-00081729-00082035 been a crazy year and I want to end this year with a bang m7vABybvvGM-00171-00082035-00082401 last thing I just remembered like oh wait it's November so it's the holiday m7vABybvvGM-00172-00082401-00082950 season where I don't know what it is this is like a million times I've like m7vABybvvGM-00173-00082950-00083235 oh I'm gonna get healthy and it's right at the holiday season where it's like m7vABybvvGM-00174-00083235-00083715 the most challenging but anyways anyways I just want to hop on here and talk m7vABybvvGM-00175-00083715-00084123 about it and hopefully some of you can relate and you want to go on this m7vABybvvGM-00176-00084123-00084651 journey with me I'm planning on creating a gym schedule and I have a nutritionist m7vABybvvGM-00177-00084651-00084957 type person I'm gonna be talking to you and everything like that I just wanna m7vABybvvGM-00178-00084957-00085791 figure this stuff out but hey anyways be nice be nice to people like I just m7vABybvvGM-00179-00085791-00086408 wouldn't call them a liar it's like quitting things are hard like imagine m7vABybvvGM-00180-00086408-00086760 you saying that you weren't gonna use your cell phone for a week and then you m7vABybvvGM-00181-00086760-00087132 snuck and you check your Facebook or Twitter or something and someone's like m7vABybvvGM-00182-00087132-00087600 liar no yeah you slipped up you know what I mean let it go it's alright m7vABybvvGM-00183-00087600-00088143 anyways um feel good talking about this so yeah retweet this video for an extra m7vABybvvGM-00184-00088143-00088605 entry in the Shane Dawson palette giveaway I have some more videos planned m7vABybvvGM-00185-00088605-00088860 out for the rest of this week and make sure you're just staying tuned because m7vABybvvGM-00186-00088860-00089250 I'm gonna throw your little little tips on how you can get more entries into the m7vABybvvGM-00187-00089250-00089568 giveaway and stuff like that alright anyways that's all I got for this video m7vABybvvGM-00188-00089568-00089874 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you m7vABybvvGM-00189-00089874-00090195 subscribe and ring that notification bell and a huge huge thank you to m7vABybvvGM-00190-00090195-00090453 everybody who supports the channel of our patreon suppose everybody who m7vABybvvGM-00191-00090453-00090741 supports the channel by buying my mental health books and merch and all that m7vABybvvGM-00192-00090741-00091301 other good stuff alright thanks again for watching I'll see you next time m7C5Z6jgCG4-00000-00000020-00000664 >>Well we have a great opportunity to see the best looking speaker. Oh, here he is, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00001-00000664-00001051 sorry. At least that’s what he tells me. So uh- anyway. We’re going to be learning a little m7C5Z6jgCG4-00002-00001051-00001551 bit about some uh- active directory attacks uh- this afternoon. >>Thanks. [Applause] m7C5Z6jgCG4-00003-00002162-00002662 >>Hi DefCon. [laugh] So well- I’m Nikhil Mittal and I’m going to talk about uh- minimal rights m7C5Z6jgCG4-00004-00003480-00004027 and ACE for active directory dominance. Uh- so let’s get started. A couple of things m7C5Z6jgCG4-00005-00004027-00004674 about me. I’m a hacker. I- I like to research stuff when it comes to windows security, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00006-00004674-00005175 mostly on the userline part. Uh- thereto on powershell on active directory et cetera. Um- I’m a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00007-00005512-00006006 speak, I train at conferences, um- I’m with Pen Tester Academy dot com. Um- you can find me on m7C5Z6jgCG4-00008-00006279-00006780 Twitter as nikhil underscore m i double t. So please take a pic and tag me there. Uh- I blog m7C5Z6jgCG4-00009-00007060-00007670 regularly on Lab of a Penetration Tester dot com and I made a few open source toolkits m7C5Z6jgCG4-00010-00007670-00008321 for uh- for offensive security research like Nishang. Uh- there was one- uh- there is one on- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00011-00008321-00008875 for the defensive part as well called deploy deception which I released last year. Uh- I m7C5Z6jgCG4-00012-00008875-00009519 generally like to- to learn and research about methodologies to break into- into environments, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00013-00009519-00009976 of course where I have the permissions to do so. I’ve previously spoken at DefCon of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00014-00009976-00010477 course at uh- BlackHat and a few more conferences. So what we are going to discuss today is, uh- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00015-00010754-00011287 this is the agenda right? That is, we will begin with a very quick introduction to what ACE m7C5Z6jgCG4-00016-00011287-00011945 is, or ACLs are, when it comes to the access control model in active directory. Uh- then the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00017-00011945-00012465 philosophy of uh- minimal rights; what- what- what do I mean by minimal rights? Why are m7C5Z6jgCG4-00018-00012465-00012966 they required? Uh- then we uh- have a quick look at uh- a toolkit called RACE, which I’m m7C5Z6jgCG4-00019-00013203-00013843 going to uh- release with today’s talk. Then persistence, how we can use uh- different m7C5Z6jgCG4-00020-00013843-00014501 methodologies uh- commands from RACE for persistence and on demand privilege- on demand m7C5Z6jgCG4-00021-00014501-00015115 privilege escalation. Uh- these would be covered both for non-domain controller machines m7C5Z6jgCG4-00022-00015115-00015702 and member uh- both for domain controller and member machines in active directory. Then we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00023-00015702-00016286 look for some stacks- uh attacks just specific to the domain controller. And then a quick m7C5Z6jgCG4-00024-00016286-00016786 look at defenses, past work, future, et cetera. So uh- those of you who are not really m7C5Z6jgCG4-00025-00017137-00017637 familiar with how access control model works in active directory, uh- this is how it works. When m7C5Z6jgCG4-00026-00017847-00018341 you want, or a process wants to access a resource, which in the uh- SID lingo is called m7C5Z6jgCG4-00027-00018541-00019042 securable, whenever you want to access that, uh- your thread or process token has the following m7C5Z6jgCG4-00028-00019279-00019843 uh- information. It contains your user SIDs, that’s physical, right? Your user SIDs, your m7C5Z6jgCG4-00029-00019843-00020443 group SIDs, uh- privileged information and other access information like CDs, et cetera. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00030-00020443-00020944 When you- the process token presents uh- itself to the target object or the securable, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00031-00021221-00021481 the system does the following checks. Um- it compares with- now the system has an ACL, an m7C5Z6jgCG4-00032-00021481-00021681 access control list. The one in which we are interested in right now is called DACL, which is- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00033-00021681-00021948 it’s a list, it is made up of entries. Now the system checks each and every ACE for any m7C5Z6jgCG4-00034-00021948-00022222 particular specific allow or deny entry for your access token. It keeps checking for m7C5Z6jgCG4-00035-00022222-00022489 each entry as long as it finds either an allow or a deny. That’s- that’s how basically m7C5Z6jgCG4-00036-00022489-00022689 access control model works. Now when we talk about uh- let’s say, uh- there’s an access m7C5Z6jgCG4-00037-00022689-00023189 control entry let’s say for each and every trustee, right? The list contains entries for m7C5Z6jgCG4-00038-00024064-00024564 different trustees. Now when we talk about let’s say domain admins, we say domain admins m7C5Z6jgCG4-00039-00025532-00026032 have, and we have seen that, we know that, domain admins have privileges or permissions over m7C5Z6jgCG4-00040-00027070-00027570 all of the objects or most of the objects in a domain. So why is that? It is because domain m7C5Z6jgCG4-00041-00027804-00028304 admins have entries or ACEs on multiple objects, on all of the objects in- in- in the entire m7C5Z6jgCG4-00042-00028545-00029045 domain. Right? That is what allows domain admins to be domain admins, right? To control m7C5Z6jgCG4-00043-00029305-00029806 different objects. Now that was- I’m now going to uh- dive deeper into how DACL or how ACLs look m7C5Z6jgCG4-00044-00030196-00030697 like, et cetera. Uh- that I save for a longer discussion. Now, once we understand that, once we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00045-00030910-00031411 know that, how access control model works in active directory, how important ACEs or ACLs are, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00046-00031728-00032415 then we can begin a discussion on minimum permissions. So, domain admins or other high m7C5Z6jgCG4-00047-00032415-00033009 privileged groups or users usually have full control permissions over different m7C5Z6jgCG4-00048-00033009-00033653 objects on machines or in domain. Now that’s good right? Full control is awesome but that m7C5Z6jgCG4-00049-00033653-00034280 is something which we do not desire all the time. Why don’t we stick to only those m7C5Z6jgCG4-00050-00034280-00034954 permissions which are required for a specific attack? Right? Uh- for example if you want to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00051-00034954-00035548 reset password for a domain user, do you really need full permissions, or full control of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00052-00035548-00036162 generic all, over that particular user object? No we don’t. And that is something m7C5Z6jgCG4-00053-00036162-00036673 what the philosophy, or methodology of minimal permissions is. We stick to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00054-00036673-00037344 whatever we require, for a particular task, so that we are a lot more stealthy, a lot more m7C5Z6jgCG4-00055-00037344-00037947 silent, and we can still get the objectives or the goals of an assessment, or an attack, or m7C5Z6jgCG4-00056-00037947-00038448 whatsoever. So, for example, let’s- let’s take this as an example. You want to connect to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00057-00038862-00039359 a domain controller or any machine using powershell remoting. Now by default, you m7C5Z6jgCG4-00058-00039359-00040036 must be a part, a member of the local administrator’s group. Right? Now, why is it possible? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00059-00040036-00040623 Uh- this is because administrators, or the local group administrators, it has m7C5Z6jgCG4-00060-00040623-00041287 full access on the ACL of the powershell endpoint. We’re taking it just as an example. It m7C5Z6jgCG4-00061-00041287-00041808 has full control over the- the ACL of the powershell endpoint to which you connect, which m7C5Z6jgCG4-00062-00041808-00042302 allows them to access it. Now, what if we add permissions for a user which we control which is a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00063-00042559-00043213 proxy user or- or- or a uh- virtual user. We add the permissions for that particular m7C5Z6jgCG4-00064-00043213-00043713 user to the ACL of the powershell remoting endpoint, but in place of having full m7C5Z6jgCG4-00065-00043713-00044210 control, which is not required here, we go ahead and selectively choose the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00066-00044210-00044711 permissions required. That is what the minimum permissions part is. Right? And throughout m7C5Z6jgCG4-00067-00044918-00045375 the talk, that is something in which we are going to use. We sought out what minimal m7C5Z6jgCG4-00068-00045375-00046002 permissions or rights are required to access a particular resource or a securable object, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00069-00046002-00046546 and then we uh- modify the permissions, get those privileges and execute the task. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00070-00046546-00047010 We are going to avoid full control or gen control, as long as possible. Now, we are going m7C5Z6jgCG4-00071-00047010-00047210 to use the RACE toolkit, which would be available on my github repository. It is a powershell m7C5Z6jgCG4-00072-00047210-00047711 module which you can use to- uh which has uh- a lot of functions and code which you can use to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00073-00048798-00049299 execute attacks which we are going to discuss. Uh- RACE makes use of Microsoft sign active m7C5Z6jgCG4-00074-00049499-00049873 directory module, the one in which you will find on any machine where the AD RSAT set is m7C5Z6jgCG4-00075-00049873-00050073 installed. So I maintain a meter of that, or you can copy it from any domain controller or any m7C5Z6jgCG4-00076-00050073-00050573 machine where the- the AD RSAT is installed. Right? So let’s get started. Uh- we are going to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00077-00051915-00052539 discuss both persistence and privilege escalation. Uh- please note that we are not going to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00078-00052539-00053039 use any patchable exploit. There is no exploit discussion in the talk. In cases we talk m7C5Z6jgCG4-00079-00053289-00053883 specifically about modifying ACLs, we have to assume that on member machines we have the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00080-00053883-00054324 local admin privileges and on the domain controllers we have the domain admin privileges, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00081-00054324-00054824 right? So by the- when we do the modification of ACLs and when we abuse that, in- in a real world m7C5Z6jgCG4-00082-00055108-00055648 assessment on a- during a real world attack, there is a time gap, right? You once the local m7C5Z6jgCG4-00083-00055648-00056036 admin privileges, now you need to hold onto that. That is something which we are going to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00084-00056036-00056496 discuss so please don’t be disappointed that we have those privileges, right? This is a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00085-00056496-00057070 persistence or a backdoor scenario which we will be discussing in- in most of the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00086-00057070-00057744 cases. Uh- so we’ll begin with very simple, well known techniques, not well known ones, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00087-00057744-00058388 probably. Simple ones, then we’ll move onto a bit more complex ones as we move ahead. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00088-00058388-00058905 So let’s pickup powershell remoting the- the thing which we started the discussion. Now, to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00089-00058905-00059539 allow code execution, without administrator rights, we need to modify the permissions of the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00090-00059539-00060110 ACL of the powershell endpoint, right? If you run, for example, get PSSession configuration on m7C5Z6jgCG4-00091-00060110-00060710 any windows machine, you will get a list of the remoting endpoints enabled on that m7C5Z6jgCG4-00092-00060710-00061307 particular box. So we are going to modify the ACLs of the default one- the default m7C5Z6jgCG4-00093-00061307-00061931 endpoint, and provide one of all- or one of the users Vcontroller privileges to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00094-00061931-00062432 connect to that machine. So, from that RACE toolkit, if you use the following command, uh- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00095-00062642-00063233 we are trying to add or modify the privileges, uh- so to modify the ACL of the powershell m7C5Z6jgCG4-00096-00063233-00063823 remoting on the machine specified in the computer name parameter, for the user labuser. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00097-00063823-00064324 Right? So uh- let’s have a look at it’s demonstration. So what we are going to do, we’re going m7C5Z6jgCG4-00098-00065545-00066039 to modify the ACL of the default uh- powershell remoting endpoint on a domain controller with the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00099-00066329-00066780 domain admin privileges, right, that’s what we’re looking at. So we use overpass the hash to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00100-00066780-00067280 start the session as domain admin. Uh once we- uh once we have those privileges, uh we can m7C5Z6jgCG4-00101-00068398-00068898 go ahead and modify the ACL on the domain controller, using this command. Right? You may uh- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00102-00070183-00070804 get this error when you run this particular command because we modify the ACL of the powershell m7C5Z6jgCG4-00103-00070804-00071284 remoting endpoint for this current session, so you may get an i o operation error which we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00104-00071284-00071785 can safely ignore. Now what we did was to modify the ACL for the labuser, now as labuser, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00105-00072165-00072809 that is the current user for this particular uh- machine. We can access the domain m7C5Z6jgCG4-00106-00072809-00073309 controller. Right? You would like to keep in mind that the privileges will still be of that m7C5Z6jgCG4-00107-00073633-00074247 non-special user. Right? So could you please give me a ‘so what’ really loud? >>[inaudible] m7C5Z6jgCG4-00108-00074247-00074748 >>Thank you. So we’ll see uh- what is the benefit of having privileges- whoops, privileges m7C5Z6jgCG4-00109-00075271-00075772 on a domain controller, even as a normal user. Right? So similarly, we can go for WMI. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00110-00076903-00077510 WMI if you uh- know that- WMI is a two part authentication process. You must have m7C5Z6jgCG4-00111-00077510-00078034 privileges one, to connect to the DCOM endpoint, second, you must have the privileges or m7C5Z6jgCG4-00112-00078034-00078638 permissions to connect to a particular namespace. So when we do this similar stuff for WMI we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00113-00078638-00079309 need to modify multiple ACLs. For the DCOM remote- DCOM endpoint, as well as the WMI m7C5Z6jgCG4-00114-00079309-00079809 namespaces. So, WMI is another method of replicating this similar attack. Now one failure m7C5Z6jgCG4-00115-00080286-00080920 which I would like to uh share with you is for the WMI permanent event consumers. So m7C5Z6jgCG4-00116-00080920-00081538 WMI supports permanent event consumers which are fantastic for persistence. They persist m7C5Z6jgCG4-00117-00081538-00082125 across reboots, execute your commands with system privileges, which uh- is desirable when you m7C5Z6jgCG4-00118-00082125-00082625 want to backdoor a target machine. Now when I tried the same stuff with modifying the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00119-00082869-00083470 ACL of the root subscription namespace, which is used by the permanent event consumers, it m7C5Z6jgCG4-00120-00083470-00083970 was possible to create permanent events but it was not possible to get a command execution out m7C5Z6jgCG4-00121-00084237-00084804 of it. Right? So if- if- uh- this interests you, you may like to explore this further, but if m7C5Z6jgCG4-00122-00084804-00085305 you really have used WMI, you really know it well, you may like to correct me later on. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00123-00085612-00086186 Now, what if you would like to have on demand privileges escalation. That is, we have m7C5Z6jgCG4-00124-00086186-00086686 persistence, with privileges, for example, the two scenarios we saw, powershell remoting and m7C5Z6jgCG4-00125-00086930-00087500 WMI, in that case we did not have local admin privileges or administrator privileges, with m7C5Z6jgCG4-00126-00087500-00088001 persistence. What if you would like to have the persistence along with high privileges? In m7C5Z6jgCG4-00127-00088211-00088708 that case one really useful option is using, or abusing, Windows services ACLs. Now ACLs m7C5Z6jgCG4-00128-00088708-00089325 have their own- uh sorry. Services have their own ACLs. Right? Or security descriptors, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00129-00089325-00089826 we can modify that as well, to get backdoor support systems with administrative privileges. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00130-00090170-00090663 Now, unlike the WMI and powershell remoting part, which no one really cares about, there m7C5Z6jgCG4-00131-00090663-00091334 is minimal logging, other than the access logs, there is absolutely no logging by default m7C5Z6jgCG4-00132-00091334-00091821 when you modify ACL of a powershell uh- remoting endpoint. But of course in case m7C5Z6jgCG4-00133-00091821-00092392 of services, this is not going to be the same, this is a bit- not a bit, this is noisy in the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00134-00092392-00092892 logs. As simple as that. Now there could be uh- a plethora of services which are entrusting m7C5Z6jgCG4-00135-00093126-00093696 service control manager or SCM is the one which is of interests, which is of the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00136-00093696-00094257 interests, right? SCM provides, this is the service manager right? It provides the ability m7C5Z6jgCG4-00137-00094257-00094938 to create, configure, start, stop services. So if we have Generic All, in this case we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00138-00094938-00095575 need generic all, if we have generic all permissions on the SC manager’s service, we can m7C5Z6jgCG4-00139-00095575-00096069 create, config, start, stop services, uh- which means that, for example, we can create a new m7C5Z6jgCG4-00140-00096352-00097050 service, which runs a system, and a user in which we control, has the permissions to start and m7C5Z6jgCG4-00141-00097050-00097734 stop the service. Right? Or we can simply go ahead, create a service, and provide a user m7C5Z6jgCG4-00142-00097734-00098258 Vcontrol, generic all permissions on that particular service. What would that mean? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00143-00098258-00098858 That means the user we control can modify the configuration of the service, make it run as m7C5Z6jgCG4-00144-00098858-00099359 system, and change the executable part of the service to run the payload we desire, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00145-00099579-00099906 right? That is something in which we are doing here. Uh- we provide a user, once again we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00146-00099906-00100153 are going to use labuser as a proxy user all the time. We provide labuser rights which are m7C5Z6jgCG4-00147-00100153-00100653 equal to what the built in administrators have on SC manager on the target machine. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00148-00100910-00101411 That’s one. Then, we create a new service, evil svc for example, which runs as local m7C5Z6jgCG4-00149-00102245-00102746 system, and labuser has permissions to start it or configure it. Right? Once the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00150-00103016-00103543 service is started, there is another user, you can use the same user or another proxy user m7C5Z6jgCG4-00151-00103543-00104107 to the local administrator’s group. So, really not silent, but that is the easiest way you m7C5Z6jgCG4-00152-00104107-00104607 can abuse uh- the- the services. Right? Now if uh- I mean if you use SC manager, creating a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00153-00105088-00105745 service is still a lot more noisy than simply deconfiguring a service. So in place of that, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00154-00105745-00106262 what we can do, because we are assuming the local administrator privileges on the target m7C5Z6jgCG4-00155-00106262-00106763 machine, we reconfigure an existing service, and provide our proxy user local- uh sorry- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00156-00107050-00107731 all permissions on that particular service, so that, our proxy user can reconfigure the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00157-00107731-00108224 service, run it as system, and point it to the payload we want. Right? So that is the- uh- the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00158-00108448-00108948 service permissions issue. Now let’s have a look at this one. So. So we start uh- a partial m7C5Z6jgCG4-00159-00110690-00111191 session with the privileges of a user who is a local admin on the target machine. Uh we load up m7C5Z6jgCG4-00160-00112385-00112886 the- the risk toolkit and modify the ALG service on target machine so that the user- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00161-00113600-00114094 labuser which we control has the permissions to change whatever we want on the target service. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00162-00114334-00114834 So here you can see that uh- the- the SDDL of the ALG service has these entries for the built m7C5Z6jgCG4-00163-00115141-00115668 in administrator’s group right? This B A stands for the built in administrator here. So what we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00164-00115668-00116169 simply did was to copy that entry and provide it to one of the users which we control, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00165-00116526-00117026 right? Once that is done, then we- as labuser we go ahead and uh- run the plain command. So, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00166-00117781-00118281 as uh the user, for which we modified it. [inaudible] So we run it. And we changed the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00167-00120497-00120947 configuration of the ALG. How could we do that? Because we modified the SDDL or ACL of the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00168-00120947-00121448 target service. So all of the ser- service start fail. Let’s try to access the target machine m7C5Z6jgCG4-00169-00121708-00122222 now using powershell remoting because by default we need administrator privileges for m7C5Z6jgCG4-00170-00122222-00122722 that. So we done this. We can successfully connect to the target machine. Just to be sure, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00171-00123046-00123490 let’s have a look at the uh- membership of the local administrator’s group there. You m7C5Z6jgCG4-00172-00123490-00123990 can see that our current user, or proxy user has access to uh. It’s a member of the local m7C5Z6jgCG4-00173-00124471-00124971 administrator’s group, right? Now, we have seen two interesting methods, three m7C5Z6jgCG4-00174-00125522-00125995 interesting methods. So powershell remoting and WMI provides two of the ways to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00175-00125995-00126586 access a machine. Third one is remote registry. Now remote registry in not enabled by m7C5Z6jgCG4-00176-00126586-00127086 default on the desktop was like Windows 10, but it is enabled on the server versions of Windows. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00177-00127500-00128071 Now we can use uh- registry stores a lot of interesting information. It provides you uh m7C5Z6jgCG4-00178-00128071-00128331 command execution privileges, for example we can use the permissions on uh- uh- well m7C5Z6jgCG4-00179-00128331-00128531 known autoruns keys to get command execution. Now you will likel to notice that not only m7C5Z6jgCG4-00180-00128531-00128731 the domain objects, but services and registry keys have permissions as well. So as a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00181-00128731-00128932 very simple example, uh- we can modify ACLs of the popular, or the infamous, uh- remote m7C5Z6jgCG4-00182-00128932-00129132 registry key, which allows us to connect to remote registry even without having local admin m7C5Z6jgCG4-00183-00129132-00129449 privileges. And then, we modify the permissions of the image file execution key. What does m7C5Z6jgCG4-00184-00129449-00129819 this mean? What uh- with this command executed on any target machine, this- this is the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00185-00129819-00130213 famous sticky keys option, right? I chose this as a very simple example. You modify these m7C5Z6jgCG4-00186-00130213-00130443 keys on a machine. The command also disables NLA. If you use MSTSC or RDP to connect to this m7C5Z6jgCG4-00187-00130443-00130660 machine you will get the login prompt and then you press shift keys five times, then you will m7C5Z6jgCG4-00188-00130660-00130860 have your payloads executed as system. That’s what- what it does. Very famous, probably m7C5Z6jgCG4-00189-00130860-00131060 maybe detected by some antivirus. Even that is possible but I chose this one because m7C5Z6jgCG4-00190-00131060-00131261 this is an example which is the most easiest one to understand. Now when we discussed WMI I say m7C5Z6jgCG4-00191-00131261-00131461 that WMI is a two part authentication. We need to be able to authenticate DCOM m7C5Z6jgCG4-00192-00131461-00131661 endpoint as well as to the namespace. Now, if we are already modifying the ACLs of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00193-00131661-00131861 the DCOM endpoint, why don’t we use that to execute commands on the target machine. That is m7C5Z6jgCG4-00194-00131861-00132168 exactly what this particular command does. You modify the privileges or ACL- uh- ACL of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00195-00132168-00132465 the DCOM endpoint, and then you can run command on that particular machine using DCOM. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00196-00132465-00132702 There is no need to modify ACLs of any namespace whatsoever. Right? Now another interesting m7C5Z6jgCG4-00197-00132702-00132919 option when- when it comes to powershell remoting, Microsoft introduced JEA, which is also m7C5Z6jgCG4-00198-00132919-00133196 pronounced or called as jaw. Just enough administration a few years back. Now jaw which is a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00199-00133196-00133566 DSA technology, what it does is, it is useful for allowing non admins to do admin tasks. And m7C5Z6jgCG4-00200-00133566-00133877 how- how does it happen, how it works? By default, anyone connecting to the jaw endpoint m7C5Z6jgCG4-00201-00133877-00134134 using powershell remoting will have admin privileges, regardless of what privileges m7C5Z6jgCG4-00202-00134134-00134634 they have in the domain. On the domain machines, they will have whom’s server is connecting to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00203-00137427-00137931 the jaw endpoint, will have local admin privileges and on the domain control- controller, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00204-00137931-00138518 they will have the domain admin privileges. Right? Which does- doesn’t sound right. But the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00205-00138518-00139149 access is controlled by the number of commands or command lets uh- they can run. Right? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00206-00139149-00139742 Whenever you configure a jaw endpoint, you- you need to define a rule capability. That m7C5Z6jgCG4-00207-00139742-00140243 rule capability seemingly limits what commands you can run on a target machine, even with admin m7C5Z6jgCG4-00208-00146276-00146776 privileges. For example, you can- let’s say you just want to restart permissions to a group m7C5Z6jgCG4-00209-00148828-00149329 or a user, you can simply expose just simple command let restart dash computer with a single m7C5Z6jgCG4-00210-00149532-00150026 parameter call that’s a dash force. That is the uh- type of control which jaw provides you. m7C5Z6jgCG4-00211-00150336-00150837 Right? Uh- so as I said, it is a four four domain controllers, the domain admin privileges you m7C5Z6jgCG4-00212-00151054-00151658 get are limited to the domain controller. You cannot access any network resource with those m7C5Z6jgCG4-00213-00151658-00152158 privileges. Now how do- uh- how are the privileges provided to anyone connecting to the- to the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00214-00152502-00153169 jaw endpoint? There is a virtual user created for uh- every connection. Now the problem of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00215-00153169-00153670 course, is if you specify asterisk, while defining the rule capability file, it is m7C5Z6jgCG4-00216-00153943-00154541 possible to expose all the commands, not only the powershell commands or command m7C5Z6jgCG4-00217-00154541-00155155 lets, but also the built in commands. The ex- executables, that is also poss- that can also m7C5Z6jgCG4-00218-00155155-00155822 be exposed on a jaw endpoint. Because we are discussing a persistence mechanism, or on m7C5Z6jgCG4-00219-00155822-00156309 demand privilege escalation with persistence, what we are going to do, we are going to, we are m7C5Z6jgCG4-00220-00156309-00156810 going to create or register a new jaw endpoint which allows everything- every command, every m7C5Z6jgCG4-00221-00157070-00157560 command let to anyone who connects to that particular endpoint. And the results are m7C5Z6jgCG4-00222-00157560-00158061 terrific, or uh- terrifying, depending on what side you belong. Once again, if you have m7C5Z6jgCG4-00223-00158321-00158922 administrative privileges on a machine, on a member machine, or on a domain controller, we can m7C5Z6jgCG4-00224-00158922-00159422 create a new remoting endpoint, or a JEA endpoint and then we can simply go ahead and connect m7C5Z6jgCG4-00225-00159649-00160223 to this. Here you can see that, in place of normal Enter PS session, and the computer named m7C5Z6jgCG4-00226-00160223-00160800 parameter, we are also adding a configuration name. This is the name of configuration which gets m7C5Z6jgCG4-00227-00160800-00161301 added onto the target machine. Are there any logs? Uh- not at all. This is as silent as it can m7C5Z6jgCG4-00228-00161594-00162135 be. Of course there will be access logs on all the time. A four six two four, and a four m7C5Z6jgCG4-00229-00162135-00162635 six three four, and, that would be for this virtual user right? So it would still be possible to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00230-00162932-00163356 track you if someone is looking at the access logs. Other than that, there are- I mean access m7C5Z6jgCG4-00231-00163356-00164017 logs are there even if you run nat user slash dom. So that is something which uh- is not very- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00232-00164017-00164517 not really standout. Now let’s have a look at its demo. So what we are going to do here, is we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00233-00165305-00165979 are going to create a JEA endpoint onto the domain controller, so that when we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00234-00165979-00166479 connect to it, we get local admin privileges on the DC, right? So we done this on the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00235-00166793-00167293 DC. Here you can see that we create Microsoft dot powershell 64 uh- config. [inaudible] When m7C5Z6jgCG4-00236-00168047-00168548 we run this particular command, as the user which we control, you can see that we can access m7C5Z6jgCG4-00237-00169155-00169789 the DC. Let’s have a look at our privileges. So we are running as this particular virtual user, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00238-00169789-00170290 and if you have a look at our privileges, those are useful for local administration on the DC, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00239-00170817-00171498 but not useful for accessing any network resource. Right, so this is uh- this is very useful and m7C5Z6jgCG4-00240-00171498-00171998 very silent. So, now we can go ahead, we can uh- the registry stores a lot of uh- interesting m7C5Z6jgCG4-00241-00173179-00173733 credentials as well, so what we can do by modifying permissions for multiple registry keys, we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00242-00173733-00174157 can go ahead and extract credentials from them. What are the credentials stored in m7C5Z6jgCG4-00243-00174157-00174798 registry? Machine account hash, local users hash, uh- domain cached credentials. So right now m7C5Z6jgCG4-00244-00174798-00175385 we are going to make user uh- code from DAMP toolkit, that’s what included in the RACE m7C5Z6jgCG4-00245-00175385-00176015 toolkit as well. So by using following commands, we can access- or we can extract m7C5Z6jgCG4-00246-00176015-00176649 information from the registry. Now to an- answer the ‘so what’ which I asked you guys to shout, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00247-00176649-00177203 if- even if remote registry is not running on the target machine, or it is filtered out m7C5Z6jgCG4-00248-00177203-00177834 by the firewall, we can simply go ahead, modify the- the powershell remoting ACL, then we m7C5Z6jgCG4-00249-00177834-00178334 can run the commands to extract credentials from the registry without having domain admin m7C5Z6jgCG4-00250-00178561-00179018 privileges. And what is the least which we can do with the machine account hash of the DC? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00251-00179018-00179519 At least the DC sync attack. Right? So I- I think I’m running out of time so let’s skip out m7C5Z6jgCG4-00252-00179953-00180453 uh- passed the demo. Another interesting group is DNS admins. DNS admins is basically uh- the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00253-00180687-00180887 domain admin if you are running DNS service on your domain controller. It is also not a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00254-00180887-00181087 part of the protected users group. So we can either modify the ACL of the domain uh- the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00255-00181087-00181287 DNS object, or the domain uh- DNS admins group is not a group. And we can have our privileges m7C5Z6jgCG4-00256-00181287-00181698 back. This is very specific to the DC. Right? Same goes for the DSR admin which is the built in m7C5Z6jgCG4-00257-00181698-00182045 administrator on the DC. The local administrator on the DC. Its logon behavior is controlled m7C5Z6jgCG4-00258-00182045-00182428 with a particular registry key, which we can modify the permissions to, so once we have m7C5Z6jgCG4-00259-00182428-00182765 the machine uh- the local account hash, modifying the permissions, then we can modify m7C5Z6jgCG4-00260-00182765-00183173 the permissions of the registry key, the logon be- and we can access the domain controller as m7C5Z6jgCG4-00261-00183173-00183633 a local admin. Same goes for the resource based constrained delegation part, the RBCD, m7C5Z6jgCG4-00262-00183633-00183833 right? Oh, Exchange groups are also very uh- interesting. Exchange groups are not part of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00263-00183833-00184033 the protected groups, their ACLs are not- not protected by admin SD holder, so uh- we can modify m7C5Z6jgCG4-00264-00184033-00184614 the ACL of the exchange windows permissions group, which itself has rights to modify the ACL of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00265-00184614-00185231 the domain object. So by using this cascading effect, we can actually run attacks like, at m7C5Z6jgCG4-00266-00185231-00185732 least DC sync, o the domain object. Right? I need to skip passed- through this one m7C5Z6jgCG4-00267-00186009-00186509 actually. Then there are some well known ones, like user object ACL, we can modify the m7C5Z6jgCG4-00268-00191561-00192055 ACL of a user object to reset its password, or to force set an SPN of the user, and then CAD m7C5Z6jgCG4-00269-00192312-00192812 roast it. Or we can modify the permissions of the SD holder. This is very well known right? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00270-00193052-00193630 Or we can run the DC sync attack by modifying the ACL of the domain object itself. This is m7C5Z6jgCG4-00271-00193630-00194130 also very well known. Uh- finally we can run the DC shadow attack if you have not used it m7C5Z6jgCG4-00272-00195021-00195518 [inaudible] By default you need domain admin privileges to run the DC shadow attack. But it is m7C5Z6jgCG4-00273-00195518-00196019 possible to use minimal permissions we can [inaudible] run DC shadow without having to m7C5Z6jgCG4-00274-00196262-00196763 have privileges. So this is a summary of whatever we have discussed. So this is more of a m7C5Z6jgCG4-00275-00197006-00197544 reference slide for those who are not uh- did not attend the talk so that they can come back m7C5Z6jgCG4-00276-00197544-00198194 and have a look at that later on. Now this was not something which was discovered uh- just m7C5Z6jgCG4-00277-00198194-00198695 months back. Minimal permissions have been in use for so long that when I was a researcher, I m7C5Z6jgCG4-00278-00198978-00199479 found articles at least which date back to 2001, where uh- the ACLs of the DCOM endpoint. So m7C5Z6jgCG4-00279-00199799-00200466 in- in slide notes you will find that there is one for DCOM in 2001, another one for WMI from m7C5Z6jgCG4-00280-00200466-00201137 2002. And there was some fundamental work uh- which was in French, I think this was in- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00281-00201137-00201638 this was in 2014, a couple of years back at DefCon, there was a very excellent presentation m7C5Z6jgCG4-00282-00201878-00202378 about DACL backdoors. In fact DC sync and admin SD holder are one of- some of the attacks which m7C5Z6jgCG4-00283-00202675-00203176 these guys discussed in much detail. Now of course event logs are our best bet when it comes m7C5Z6jgCG4-00284-00203543-00204027 to uh- detecting these attacks. Other than of course protecting your domain administrators or m7C5Z6jgCG4-00285-00204027-00204504 local administrators. Right, if someone would not have that access in the first place, these m7C5Z6jgCG4-00286-00204504-00205004 attacks would not be possible. Uh- by default ACL modification has no detection at all. Uh- m7C5Z6jgCG4-00287-00205321-00205952 even though- even if you enable it, it is easier [inaudible] the domain objects for services m7C5Z6jgCG4-00288-00205952-00206452 [inaudible] it is still hard to detect. [inaudible] Other than that as we uh- as we discussed m7C5Z6jgCG4-00289-00207273-00207847 earlier, access logs are the best things you have, four six two four and a four six three m7C5Z6jgCG4-00290-00207847-00208451 four, in case of a non admin access, four six seven two in case of an admin access. Right? m7C5Z6jgCG4-00291-00208451-00209062 You can refer to this uh- document, this article from Microsoft to uh- to have a look m7C5Z6jgCG4-00292-00209062-00209562 at why, or how to detect ACL changes. The tools which we can use for uh- ACL auditing other m7C5Z6jgCG4-00293-00209789-00210283 than logging: Bloodhound of course, ADACL scanner, and uh- Ping Castle. You can use all of m7C5Z6jgCG4-00294-00210493-00210994 these three, any one which you want to detect or to audit ACLs. And also uh- a shameless self m7C5Z6jgCG4-00295-00211204-00211858 plug, you can use Deploy Deception, the tool I wrote to create decoy users and objects m7C5Z6jgCG4-00296-00211858-00212358 which have interesting ACLs to- to uh- trap or deceive an attacker using that. Right? So m7C5Z6jgCG4-00297-00212859-00213309 uh- for future work, what we have uh- what I have not explored is when you change m7C5Z6jgCG4-00298-00213309-00213927 service permissions, those are stored in the Windows registry. So that would be a very m7C5Z6jgCG4-00299-00213927-00214567 interesting part to discover or to- to have a look at. As we says- uh discussed earlier, WMI m7C5Z6jgCG4-00300-00214567-00215208 permanent event consumers, not really uh- successful uh- I was not really successful with that m7C5Z6jgCG4-00301-00215208-00215708 but that may be an interesting point. For the RACE toolkit, uh- specifically, I have worked on m7C5Z6jgCG4-00302-00216012-00216636 hiding the ACEs once we have modified the ACL. That would be an interesting part. More m7C5Z6jgCG4-00303-00216636-00217136 registry autoruns would also be really interesting. So uh- that would be all. Please fire your m7C5Z6jgCG4-00304-00217347-00217847 questions right now or you can contact me on Twitter or on my email. That would be all. Thank m7C5Z6jgCG4-00305-00218231-00218731 you. [Applause] m7K1v6rIUE0-00000-00000101-00000800 [While ProtonJon & Amber went down to mine something on Episode 3, he suddenly noticed the creepers came from nowhere...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00001-00000801-00001601 [... but sadly, Amber, the first member of NormalBoots got blown up by a Creeper after two of them blocked her path of escape.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00002-00002501-00002701 (You're gonna die, you silly!) m7K1v6rIUE0-00003-00002868-00003068 💛: Amber has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00004-00003523-00004223 [For your information, Amber is the fifth victim from being exploded by the Creeper after Brooke (Dodger) got blown up...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00005-00004223-00004873 [... from behind in Season 6: Hardcore Gets Twisted (2017) in 3 years 5 months ago.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00006-00004973-00005300 (Poor Amber. She died so soon though.) m7K1v6rIUE0-00007-00011001-00011135 Chadtronic: God dangit! DX m7K1v6rIUE0-00008-00012218-00013000 [As they were searching for the Endermen on Episode 7, Chad's got low from an Enderman...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00009-00013000-00013653 [... but let his guard down after he thought it de-aggroed off him, only for it to teleport behind and kill him.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00010-00013940-00014540 [Although Chad was survived in Season 6 with Dean and Jeffrey (SpaceHamster)...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00011-00014540-00015040 [... he's officially got his first death in this season as well.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00012-00016448-00016749 (Enderman be like: "Bye-bye, Chadtronic!") m7K1v6rIUE0-00013-00016820-00017120 💛: Chad Bergström has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00014-00020347-00021096 [On episode 10, while they were in the Nether world, Jirard gave a warning sign as the Magma Cube approached...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00015-00021096-00021746 [... but unfortunately, Reese, a player who survived in Terraria HC with Luke (Yungtown) and Stewart (McJones)...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00016-00021746-00022446 [... was cornered and killed by a Magma Cube when she ran straight into it with Austin while attacking it with steak.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00017-00023494-00023751 💛: Reese Wheeler has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00018-00025295-00025995 [By the way, this is the second time she's got killed in this season after Starbound Hardcore Season 2018.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00019-00032936-00033135 Sorry not sorry. 🤣🤣🤣 m7K1v6rIUE0-00020-00033346-00034051 [Meanwhile in Piglin Fortress on Episode 13, as Austin was chasing off by those Piglin Brutes...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00021-00034051-00034751 [... Shane of DidYouKnowGaming was two-shot by a Piglin Brute after, while it was about to de-aggro Austin off.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00022-00034760-00035260 [And you know, he instantly made a big mistake.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00023-00035373-00035676 (Guess who's just got murdered!) m7K1v6rIUE0-00024-00035816-00036083 💛: Shane Gill has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00025-00037851-00038001 (Look up over there, Chad.) m7K1v6rIUE0-00026-00038226-00038525 (What the heck are you doing up there, Austin?? 🤣) m7K1v6rIUE0-00027-00044123-00044286 (God dangit, Hargrave!) m7K1v6rIUE0-00028-00044751-00045235 [On the final episode of NormalBoots' Minecraft HC Season 2021, while Austin was alone, a Wither Skeleton dropped on...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00029-00045236-00045968 [... him and attacked him, before two Blazes shot fireballs at him, causing him to panic and fall off the Nether Fortress.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00030-00046435-00046635 Jirard: Austin, Noooo! Jonathan: Aw, come on! 😫 m7K1v6rIUE0-00031-00046676-00046901 💛: Austin Hargrave has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00032-00048350-00048460 NOOOOOO, GOD! m7K1v6rIUE0-00033-00048643-00048921 No, God, please, no! No! m7K1v6rIUE0-00034-00048971-00049065 No! m7K1v6rIUE0-00035-00049150-00049233 NOOOOOOOO!!! m7K1v6rIUE0-00036-00049890-00050195 JonTron: What?! What the fu- m7K1v6rIUE0-00037-00050835-00051668 NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (I'm dead for that! 🤣) m7K1v6rIUE0-00038-00051791-00052391 [After Austin was instantly killed, Jirard and Jonathan kept searching for the Netherwart, but unfortunately...] m7K1v6rIUE0-00039-00052393-00052993 [... Jonathan was chased and killed by another Wither Skeleton as Jirard was left behind as the last player alive.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00040-00053001-00053701 [The duration between Austin's and Jonathan's death is 2 minutes and 36 seconds as well as his death and Jirard's.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00041-00056528-00056795 💛: Jonathan Wheeler has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00042-00057916-00058028 We're doomed! m7K1v6rIUE0-00043-00058151-00058851 [As he was all alone, a Wither Skeleton that was next to it targeted Jirard and instantly killed him off after seeing a blaze.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00044-00059458-00060043 [And thus, the season was officially ended as Jirard was being killed off.] m7K1v6rIUE0-00045-00060360-00060643 💛: Jirard Khalil has been eliminated. m7K1v6rIUE0-00046-00060705-00061125 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! m7K1v6rIUE0-00047-00066175-00066296 Wait a minute- m7K1v6rIUE0-00048-00066296-00066496 Ethan: You've just gonna dab- Mark: NOOOOOOOO!!! m7K1v6rIUE0-00049-00068776-00068885 "S A I D M O M" 😮😐😮😐 m7K1v6rIUE0-00050-00072801-00072978 Lucahjin, you're under arrested for hitting the doggo. m7K1v6rIUE0-00051-00072978-00073131 (It was just an accident!) Lucahjin, you're under arrested for hitting the doggo. m7K1v6rIUE0-00052-00073785-00074135 💛: Austin, are you okay?? Peebs: I'm actually okay! m7K1v6rIUE0-00053-00074201-00075225 🎶 That's Not How The Story Goes Reprise (OST A Series of Unfortunate Events) Cover - MK Covers 🎶 m7K1v6rIUE0-00054-00078081-00078798 💛: You might see this season was officially over in 2021, but who knows if the new season will coming out in the future. m7K1v6rIUE0-00055-00078798-00079421 💛: If Hardcore Games the series is back, just let me know... because I truly love the series so much. :) m7K1v6rIUE0-00056-00079530-00080168 💛: Anyways, thank you all so much for watching all the death montages of Hardcore Games the series! m7K1v6rIUE0-00057-00080170-00081001 💛: And as always, I will see you in the next video! Peace out! m7K1v6rIUE0-00058-00081691-00082191 [To Be Continued...] m8uPnYM7uK0-00000-00000032-00000363 HH Finna is Haaga-Helia's online library. m8uPnYM7uK0-00001-00000384-00000720 With the basic search on the front page, you'll find m8uPnYM7uK0-00002-00000720-00001176 books and e-books, journals, newspapers, and magazines. m8uPnYM7uK0-00003-00001176-00001823 Always remember to log in to Finna with HAKA login, your Haaga-Helia user id and password. m8uPnYM7uK0-00004-00002096-00002352 This way you'll make sure that you'll have access to m8uPnYM7uK0-00005-00002352-00002648 all the electronic materials available in Finna. m8uPnYM7uK0-00006-00002728-00003261 Let's search for information on using big data in business. m8uPnYM7uK0-00007-00003271-00003487 Simply type the search words here. m8uPnYM7uK0-00008-00003736-00004015 There are 272 results. m8uPnYM7uK0-00009-00004015-00004417 That's quite a lot. You may want to filter your search a bit. m8uPnYM7uK0-00010-00004453-00004678 The filtering tools are on the left. m8uPnYM7uK0-00011-00004719-00005100 You can narrow down your search by content type, for instance. m8uPnYM7uK0-00012-00005163-00005706 Maybe you want to look at print books only or only e-books. m8uPnYM7uK0-00013-00005772-00006086 You can filter by campuses and collections. m8uPnYM7uK0-00014-00006156-00006702 Again, if you want to take a look at the books available in Haaga-Helia's Pasila library. m8uPnYM7uK0-00015-00007031-00007384 Furthermore, you can filter by publication year, m8uPnYM7uK0-00016-00007656-00008048 by author, topic or by language, for instance. m8uPnYM7uK0-00017-00008159-00009000 You have access to all print books from the 3UAS libraries: Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. m8uPnYM7uK0-00018-00009000-00009736 However, the licenses for e-books are institution-specific. So you need to make sure that when you m8uPnYM7uK0-00019-00009736-00010334 are opening an e-book, you are using the link that has been licensed to Haaga-Helia. m8uPnYM7uK0-00020-00010384-00010669 There are two separate searches in Finna. m8uPnYM7uK0-00021-00010669-00010982 The second search is an article search. m8uPnYM7uK0-00022-00011003-00011203 Let's do the same search there. m8uPnYM7uK0-00023-00011552-00012027 As you can see, Finna kept the search words that we used in basic search. m8uPnYM7uK0-00024-00012057-00012546 In article search, the search result list is often very, very long. m8uPnYM7uK0-00025-00012565-00012958 As we can see here, there are over 2 million results. m8uPnYM7uK0-00026-00013008-00013502 We need to use the filtering tools here to narrow down the search. m8uPnYM7uK0-00027-00013515-00014041 It is always a good idea to narrow the search to full text articles only m8uPnYM7uK0-00028-00014062-00014278 by clicking this box here. m8uPnYM7uK0-00029-00014371-00014863 This way you'll make sure that you'll have access to the full text of the article. m8uPnYM7uK0-00030-00014894-00015227 You can narrow down your search by subjects, m8uPnYM7uK0-00031-00015394-00015583 by content type, m8uPnYM7uK0-00032-00015651-00015911 author, or publication year, m8uPnYM7uK0-00033-00016112-00016482 or language, journal title, or source. m8uPnYM7uK0-00034-00016576-00016874 Let's filter by year of publication. m8uPnYM7uK0-00035-00017080-00017464 We have come down quite a bitfrom the original 2 million, m8uPnYM7uK0-00036-00017464-00018008 but still, there are lots of resultshere. One easy way to focus your search m8uPnYM7uK0-00037-00018064-00018720 is to search the search term "big data" as a phrase by adding quotation marks around the term. m8uPnYM7uK0-00038-00019216-00019760 Another way of focusing your search is to add more search words to your search. m8uPnYM7uK0-00039-00019760-00020000 Let's take a look at the results. m8uPnYM7uK0-00040-00020027-00020336 This part of the result tells you the name of the database m8uPnYM7uK0-00041-00020336-00020904 that the article has been found from. You can access the article by clicking this link. m8uPnYM7uK0-00042-00021032-00021632 You are taken to the original database and here you can download the article as a pdf. m8uPnYM7uK0-00043-00021688-00022066 Let's return to Finna's article search for a moment. m8uPnYM7uK0-00044-00022072-00022591 HH Finna's article search searches simultaneously from m8uPnYM7uK0-00045-00022591-00022958 various article databases that the library has purchased. m8uPnYM7uK0-00046-00022999-00023369 It is the easiest and quickest way to search them. m8uPnYM7uK0-00047-00023369-00023703 However, if you want to do a more specific search m8uPnYM7uK0-00048-00023703-00024095 you might want to do those in the article databases themselves. m8uPnYM7uK0-00049-00024095-00024500 They usually allow you to formulate your search better. m9CXw-50dMI-00000-00000026-00000488 Discussion locking in Moodle 3.2 m9CXw-50dMI-00001-00000488-00000695 Forum discussions may now be locked m9CXw-50dMI-00002-00000695-00000952 after a certain time so that students m9CXw-50dMI-00003-00000952-00001229 can no longer reply to them. m9CXw-50dMI-00004-00001229-00001484 A new capability allows permitted users to m9CXw-50dMI-00005-00001484-00001655 unlock the discussions. m9CXw-50dMI-00006-00001828-00002138 Here is an example of a locked forum thread. m9CXw-50dMI-00007-00002138-00002398 When the student clicks to look at it m9CXw-50dMI-00008-00002398-00002564 he sees a message that the discussion has m9CXw-50dMI-00009-00002564-00002800 been locked and he doesn't have a reply m9CXw-50dMI-00010-00002800-00002957 link to the posts. m9CXw-50dMI-00011-00002957-00003211 However, teachers and anyone with the m9CXw-50dMI-00012-00003211-00003443 capability to reply to locked discussions m9CXw-50dMI-00013-00003443-00003776 can unlock them simply by replying, m9CXw-50dMI-00014-00003776-00004079 as our teacher is doing here. m9CXw-50dMI-00015-00004346-00004595 You enable discussion locking as a teacher m9CXw-50dMI-00016-00004596-00004850 when you set up a forum. m9CXw-50dMI-00017-00004850-00005086 So here, our teacher is creating a new forum m9CXw-50dMI-00018-00005088-00005316 and as he decides on the settings m9CXw-50dMI-00019-00005316-00005511 he has the option to lock discussions m9CXw-50dMI-00020-00005511-00005796 after a certain time. For instance, m9CXw-50dMI-00021-00005796-00006018 if nobody has replied after a week, m9CXw-50dMI-00022-00006018-00006152 the discussion will be locked. m9CXw-50dMI-00023-00006160-00006523 The default is for discussions to never be locked m9CXw-50dMI-00024-00006523-00006844 allowing students to contribute at any time. m9CXw-50dMI-00025-00006844-00007000 Students won't see if the m9CXw-50dMI-00026-00007002-00007212 discussion is locked or not so you may m9CXw-50dMI-00027-00007212-00007504 want to explain this to them in the forum description. m9CXw-50dMI-00028-00007687-00008044 To summarise, teachers can lock forum m9CXw-50dMI-00029-00008044-00008266 discussions after a period of inactivity m9CXw-50dMI-00030-00008268-00008530 in Moodle 3.2 m9RX3lEeIWM-00000-00000754-00001426 I've been asked to define myself as a feminist or a feminist artist. Actually it was: do m9RX3lEeIWM-00001-00001426-00001969 I consider myself a feminist or a feminist artist? And I hate that question, just hate m9RX3lEeIWM-00002-00001969-00002093 that question. m9RX3lEeIWM-00003-00002093-00002718 All I know is that I've had four kids, an art career, and was engaged in this burgeoning m9RX3lEeIWM-00004-00002718-00003470 feminist movement at a time when the world was up in flames in 1968. The culture at large m9RX3lEeIWM-00005-00003470-00004038 was totally falling apart at that time. I was in the generation of Jansen's History m9RX3lEeIWM-00006-00004038-00004737 of Art, where there were no women, and men who said that we're not prejudged by gender. m9RX3lEeIWM-00007-00004737-00005321 I don't like being labeled. It's sort of a very easy way to dismiss people. Male artists, m9RX3lEeIWM-00008-00005321-00005825 they've never had to worry about their gender as a creative negative, ever. So now having m9RX3lEeIWM-00009-00005825-00006338 said that, I will continue and just say I am a woman, I'm an art maker, and I'm not m9RX3lEeIWM-00010-00006338-00006979 embarrassed to take feminism as a political position. Feminism, over the past 30 years, m9RX3lEeIWM-00011-00006979-00007370 sort of changed-not sort of, but did-it changed the way we think, and I don't like to think m9RX3lEeIWM-00012-00007370-00007990 of it in the past sense, either. It's still continuously changing from one generation m9RX3lEeIWM-00013-00007990-00007992 to the other. mtzia9BGMf8-00000-00000662-00000750 Morphiza mk2 mtzia9BGMf8-00001-00002940-00003076 Morphiza vst plugin mtzia9BGMf8-00002-00006486-00006590 Free vst plugin mtzia9BGMf8-00003-00010344-00010440 Free organ vst mtb7Lp_EAXI-00000-00000100-00000700 When talking about the development of organizations, we're actually talking about the development of people within that organization. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00001-00000800-00001000 This is a cooperation. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00002-00001100-00001500 As a director, manager or management team you should know that there's only one important factor.... mtb7Lp_EAXI-00003-00001600-00002400 ....that affects the desire of your employees to participate in the development of your organization. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00004-00002500-00002800 By this factor I mean the core values. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00005-00002900-00003300 Because the core values consist of the standards of the individuals working within the organization. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00006-00003400-00004000 They're inextricably linked to each other. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00007-00004100-00004300 Employees do not always feel as if they're linked, and managers often find it difficult to feel this link, mtb7Lp_EAXI-00008-00004400-00004700 but it doesn't deny the fact that this is the only factor that can be used ... mtb7Lp_EAXI-00009-00004800-00005100 to regulate the behaviour of employees within the organization. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00010-00005200-00005500 If I want to make an employee do something for me, I need to start ... mtb7Lp_EAXI-00011-00005600-00005900 by telling him what my expectations are and make sure I'm very specific in doing so. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00012-00006000-00006400 This to make sure he understands which actions he ... mtb7Lp_EAXI-00013-00006500-00007000 ...has to perform in order for us to come to an agreement. mtb7Lp_EAXI-00014-00007100-00007300 Then I'm doing the things I am expected to do. mxzlsvQDGdA-00000-00003419-00003568 Guys ajj me app logo ke liye badiya video layi ho mzuym8FxFf4-00000-00000000-00000249 [MUSIC PLAYING] mzuym8FxFf4-00001-00003147-00003301 LILA IBRAHIM: Hello, everyone. mzuym8FxFf4-00002-00003301-00003421 Thank you for tuning in. mzuym8FxFf4-00003-00003421-00003546 I'm Lila Ibrahim. mzuym8FxFf4-00004-00003546-00003759 It's such an honor to speak with you. mzuym8FxFf4-00005-00003759-00004035 I'd like to especially thank the faculty and staff of Purdue's mzuym8FxFf4-00006-00004035-00004341 College of Engineering, both for the recognition today mzuym8FxFf4-00007-00004341-00004512 and for the critical role they've played mzuym8FxFf4-00008-00004512-00004755 and continue to play in my personal and career mzuym8FxFf4-00009-00004755-00004887 development. mzuym8FxFf4-00010-00004887-00005136 Purdue Engineering has been a big part of my life mzuym8FxFf4-00011-00005136-00005290 from a young age. mzuym8FxFf4-00012-00005290-00005532 I grew up in West Lafayette and I had the chance mzuym8FxFf4-00013-00005532-00005727 to explore my budding interest in Purdue mzuym8FxFf4-00014-00005727-00005901 through the University's kindergarten mzuym8FxFf4-00015-00005901-00006117 through 12th grade youth program, which mzuym8FxFf4-00016-00006117-00006354 is known as Super Saturday. mzuym8FxFf4-00017-00006354-00006603 As early as elementary school, Purdue campus mzuym8FxFf4-00018-00006603-00006873 became a familiar and exciting place. mzuym8FxFf4-00019-00006873-00007116 By junior high, Purdue represented excellence mzuym8FxFf4-00020-00007116-00007533 in the fields that interested me most, particularly engineering, mzuym8FxFf4-00021-00007533-00007756 math and science. mzuym8FxFf4-00022-00007756-00007919 Purdue was also a place where I saw mzuym8FxFf4-00023-00007919-00008098 that students of all backgrounds could mzuym8FxFf4-00024-00008098-00008345 reach the very highest levels in their fields mzuym8FxFf4-00025-00008345-00008531 and in their potential. mzuym8FxFf4-00026-00008531-00008894 As a first generation American, and as a woman entering a male mzuym8FxFf4-00027-00008894-00009173 dominated profession, I sensed that this community mzuym8FxFf4-00028-00009173-00009536 would welcome me and give me the support and opportunities I mzuym8FxFf4-00029-00009536-00009686 needed to succeed. mzuym8FxFf4-00030-00009686-00010239 And looking back now, I can see I was absolutely right. mzuym8FxFf4-00031-00010239-00010491 First, the Women in Engineering program at Purdue mzuym8FxFf4-00032-00010491-00010734 became a source of camaraderie, of support mzuym8FxFf4-00033-00010734-00010920 and of encouragement. mzuym8FxFf4-00034-00010920-00011190 I also joined Phi Sigma Rho, a social sorority mzuym8FxFf4-00035-00011190-00011427 for women engineers, which provided mzuym8FxFf4-00036-00011427-00011710 mentorship and inspiration. mzuym8FxFf4-00037-00011710-00012137 As did my involvement in the Society of Women Engineers. mzuym8FxFf4-00038-00012137-00012398 Then there was the Women in Engineering seminar classes, mzuym8FxFf4-00039-00012398-00012674 which gave me a peek into how women were changing the world mzuym8FxFf4-00040-00012674-00012883 through their work in industry. mzuym8FxFf4-00041-00012883-00013025 So, while there weren't many women mzuym8FxFf4-00042-00013025-00013296 in my specific fields of electrical engineering, mzuym8FxFf4-00043-00013296-00013513 I found this broader community, this group mzuym8FxFf4-00044-00013513-00013769 of women in engineering to be engaging mzuym8FxFf4-00045-00013769-00014063 and I formed many lasting friendships that continue mzuym8FxFf4-00046-00014063-00014397 to serve me to this day. mzuym8FxFf4-00047-00014397-00014643 One of the best things about being a Purdue student mzuym8FxFf4-00048-00014643-00014822 was the chance to apply what I was learning mzuym8FxFf4-00049-00014822-00015116 at school into the real world. mzuym8FxFf4-00050-00015116-00015330 For me, that opportunity came through produce mzuym8FxFf4-00051-00015330-00015555 engineering co-op program. mzuym8FxFf4-00052-00015555-00015918 I started my first co-op as a sophomore. mzuym8FxFf4-00053-00015918-00016074 And it was at a little known company mzuym8FxFf4-00054-00016074-00016247 at the time called Intel. mzuym8FxFf4-00055-00016247-00016572 So, this was back in 1990 when personal computers mzuym8FxFf4-00056-00016572-00016836 were uncommon and obscure. mzuym8FxFf4-00057-00016836-00017017 In fact, let me tell you this story mzuym8FxFf4-00058-00017017-00017193 of when I started at Purdue. mzuym8FxFf4-00059-00017193-00017493 I remember vividly this conversation with my parents. mzuym8FxFf4-00060-00017493-00017871 And I asked them, could I do a Purdue University engineering mzuym8FxFf4-00061-00017871-00018053 degree without touching a computer? mzuym8FxFf4-00062-00018053-00018270 Because I was a little bit intimidated of computers, mzuym8FxFf4-00063-00018270-00018583 of this device at that time. mzuym8FxFf4-00064-00018583-00018756 My parents calmed me down and encouraged mzuym8FxFf4-00065-00018756-00019098 me to keep an open mind and to embrace the opportunity mzuym8FxFf4-00066-00019098-00019269 to learn. mzuym8FxFf4-00067-00019269-00019411 Little did I know, I'd actually be mzuym8FxFf4-00068-00019411-00019615 working at the company that was renowned mzuym8FxFf4-00069-00019615-00019966 for building the brains of the computer, Intel. mzuym8FxFf4-00070-00019966-00020188 Putting my engineering knowledge into practice mzuym8FxFf4-00071-00020188-00020416 during those co-op sessions gave me mzuym8FxFf4-00072-00020416-00020812 a lot of confidence in computers and in engineering. mzuym8FxFf4-00073-00020812-00021059 I learned how to code in assembly language. mzuym8FxFf4-00074-00021059-00021421 I worked on what would become known as the Pentium Processor, mzuym8FxFf4-00075-00021421-00021601 Pentium Microprocessor. mzuym8FxFf4-00076-00021601-00021832 And I was able to contribute to a big project mzuym8FxFf4-00077-00021832-00022022 in a short amount of time. mzuym8FxFf4-00078-00022022-00022252 I love being able to have an impact with my engineering mzuym8FxFf4-00079-00022252-00022573 background while also benefiting from the experience of working mzuym8FxFf4-00080-00022573-00022888 at an emerging technology company in Silicon Valley, mzuym8FxFf4-00081-00022888-00023245 and also learning more about engineering. mzuym8FxFf4-00082-00023245-00023655 During my time at Purdue, I completed four co-op sessions mzuym8FxFf4-00083-00023655-00023976 at Intel, each one on a different project. mzuym8FxFf4-00084-00023976-00024118 One of the things that happened is mzuym8FxFf4-00085-00024118-00024364 I realized Intel didn't have a formal way of connecting mzuym8FxFf4-00086-00024364-00024532 interns and co-ops. mzuym8FxFf4-00087-00024532-00024754 So, I took the initiative to create Intel's co-op mzuym8FxFf4-00088-00024754-00024928 an engineering newsletter. mzuym8FxFf4-00089-00024928-00025210 Now, at the time, it was merely a problem mzuym8FxFf4-00090-00025210-00025414 that needed to be solved, an opportunity mzuym8FxFf4-00091-00025414-00025597 to create a community. mzuym8FxFf4-00092-00025597-00025810 Looking back, I realized how awesome mzuym8FxFf4-00093-00025810-00026076 it was and I pioneered this group and the communications mzuym8FxFf4-00094-00026076-00026350 on top of my technical assignments. mzuym8FxFf4-00095-00026350-00026593 And I realized that my initiative mzuym8FxFf4-00096-00026593-00027022 was very much inspired by my experiences at Purdue. mzuym8FxFf4-00097-00027022-00027508 I had grown to expect community and support based off mzuym8FxFf4-00098-00027508-00027833 of Purdue's role modeling. mzuym8FxFf4-00099-00027833-00028026 Working at Intel in those early days mzuym8FxFf4-00100-00028026-00028266 set me on a pioneering path. mzuym8FxFf4-00101-00028266-00028592 I joined the company full time after graduation. mzuym8FxFf4-00102-00028592-00028964 I was one of only four women out of a group about 200 people mzuym8FxFf4-00103-00028964-00029183 globally doing the specific technical [INAUDIBLE] mzuym8FxFf4-00104-00029183-00029333 with customers. mzuym8FxFf4-00105-00029333-00029781 And just a few years later, in my 20s, I was living in Japan mzuym8FxFf4-00106-00029781-00030063 and representing the PC industry in critical work mzuym8FxFf4-00107-00030063-00030300 on DVD standards. mzuym8FxFf4-00108-00030300-00030507 I'm grateful to Purdue and the co-op program mzuym8FxFf4-00109-00030507-00030831 for putting me in a position to seize these opportunities mzuym8FxFf4-00110-00030831-00031167 and to pave a new path for a new generation of engineers mzuym8FxFf4-00111-00031167-00031332 and women engineers. mzuym8FxFf4-00112-00031332-00031618 And I'm grateful for all the opportunities mzuym8FxFf4-00113-00031618-00031876 that I had during my 18 years at Intel. mzuym8FxFf4-00114-00031876-00032162 From starting up Intel's Premier Developer Program mzuym8FxFf4-00115-00032162-00032514 while based in Hong Kong, to leading the Education Platform mzuym8FxFf4-00116-00032514-00033085 Group, to serving as chief of staff to CEO and chairman, mzuym8FxFf4-00117-00033085-00033358 Dr. Craig Barrett. mzuym8FxFf4-00118-00033358-00033811 I realize now that I had all of these opportunities based off mzuym8FxFf4-00119-00033811-00034201 the real world experience that I gained while I was at Purdue. mzuym8FxFf4-00120-00034201-00034435 My Purdue education also shaped my approach mzuym8FxFf4-00121-00034435-00034648 to solving complex problems. mzuym8FxFf4-00122-00034648-00034882 I learned to get to the root of a problem by asking mzuym8FxFf4-00123-00034882-00035143 why before what and how. mzuym8FxFf4-00124-00035143-00035449 I learned to work as part of an interdisciplinary team, mzuym8FxFf4-00125-00035449-00035677 combining ideas from many different fields mzuym8FxFf4-00126-00035677-00035956 and perspectives to find creative solutions mzuym8FxFf4-00127-00035956-00036253 and turn big ideas into practical road map, mzuym8FxFf4-00128-00036253-00036457 just to get things done. mzuym8FxFf4-00129-00036457-00036700 And I learned the importance of putting people mzuym8FxFf4-00130-00036700-00036913 first and looking at problems and solutions mzuym8FxFf4-00131-00036913-00037280 through the lens of their impact on individuals, communities, mzuym8FxFf4-00132-00037280-00037553 and society. mzuym8FxFf4-00133-00037553-00037724 This approach has been invaluable mzuym8FxFf4-00134-00037724-00037922 at every stage of my career. mzuym8FxFf4-00135-00037922-00038210 It's helped me adapt and excel when I transitioned out mzuym8FxFf4-00136-00038210-00038510 of Intel to a leadership role in venture capital. mzuym8FxFf4-00137-00038510-00038759 It allowed me to bring a creative, strategic approach mzuym8FxFf4-00138-00038759-00039095 to growing the education technology startup, Coursera, mzuym8FxFf4-00139-00039095-00039350 as the first outside executive hire when the company was mzuym8FxFf4-00140-00039350-00039545 barely 40 employees. mzuym8FxFf4-00141-00039545-00039770 And now I rely on my foundation and background mzuym8FxFf4-00142-00039770-00040208 daily in leading a global interdisciplinary organization mzuym8FxFf4-00143-00040208-00040263 at DeepMind. mzuym8FxFf4-00144-00040541-00040916 Maybe the most important thing I gained at Purdue mzuym8FxFf4-00145-00040916-00041174 was a strong commitment to servant leadership mzuym8FxFf4-00146-00041174-00041564 and to the Midwestern values of hard work, humility, kindness, mzuym8FxFf4-00147-00041564-00041828 fairness, and helping others. mzuym8FxFf4-00148-00041828-00042173 Purdue was the first place where I struggled academically mzuym8FxFf4-00149-00042173-00042362 and in a different environment that mzuym8FxFf4-00150-00042362-00042602 might have permanently affected my confidence mzuym8FxFf4-00151-00042602-00042866 or my ability to be successful. mzuym8FxFf4-00152-00042866-00043052 But thanks to the Purdue community, mzuym8FxFf4-00153-00043052-00043256 I learned to be humble, to ask for help, mzuym8FxFf4-00154-00043256-00043726 and to truly appreciate generous support when I received it. mzuym8FxFf4-00155-00043726-00043933 So many people reached out along the way mzuym8FxFf4-00156-00043933-00044287 to offer guidance and mentorship, Midwest values, mzuym8FxFf4-00157-00044287-00044519 often before I knew I needed it. mzuym8FxFf4-00158-00044519-00044686 And because of that, I became driven mzuym8FxFf4-00159-00044686-00045228 to pay it forward by helping others in their journeys. mzuym8FxFf4-00160-00045228-00045498 These values have undoubtedly made me a better business mzuym8FxFf4-00161-00045498-00045645 leader. mzuym8FxFf4-00162-00045645-00045843 They've also played a big role in my decision mzuym8FxFf4-00163-00045843-00046119 to found a non-profit, Team4Tech, mzuym8FxFf4-00164-00046119-00046284 after an amazing experience helping mzuym8FxFf4-00165-00046284-00046518 to set up a computer lab at the orphanage where mzuym8FxFf4-00166-00046518-00046734 my father was raised. mzuym8FxFf4-00167-00046734-00046977 Team4Tech partners with corporations, mzuym8FxFf4-00168-00046977-00047166 predominantly technology corporations, mzuym8FxFf4-00169-00047166-00047493 to bring education technology and related teacher training mzuym8FxFf4-00170-00047493-00047751 into some of the world's neediest schools. mzuym8FxFf4-00171-00047751-00047949 Over the past seven years, we've impacted mzuym8FxFf4-00172-00047949-00048261 more than 80,000 students in 19 countries, mzuym8FxFf4-00173-00048261-00048585 with a goal of 100,000 by the end of this year. mzuym8FxFf4-00174-00048585-00048768 This is a huge accomplishment and one mzuym8FxFf4-00175-00048768-00048951 that I'm incredibly proud of. mzuym8FxFf4-00176-00048951-00049113 And I believe it represents the very mzuym8FxFf4-00177-00049113-00049272 best of what we can do when we take mzuym8FxFf4-00178-00049272-00049662 a people first approach to technology and engineering mzuym8FxFf4-00179-00049662-00050122 and layer in a global mindset. mzuym8FxFf4-00180-00050122-00050461 Speaking of a global mindset, I think Purdue also mzuym8FxFf4-00181-00050461-00050707 played an important role in the development, even mzuym8FxFf4-00182-00050707-00050989 the foundation, of my global mindset. mzuym8FxFf4-00183-00050989-00051354 One of my favorite memories from my days in West Lafayette mzuym8FxFf4-00184-00051354-00051586 is of having students and faculty and staff mzuym8FxFf4-00185-00051586-00051928 over to my parents' house, just a few miles from campus. mzuym8FxFf4-00186-00051928-00052317 My dad's a retired engineer, locally in West Lafayette, mzuym8FxFf4-00187-00052317-00052579 and he inspired me on this career path. mzuym8FxFf4-00188-00052579-00052927 My mom is also retired from Purdue School of Agriculture mzuym8FxFf4-00189-00052927-00053296 and she was very involved in the international Student Center. mzuym8FxFf4-00190-00053296-00053644 She was an incredible leader who I and many other students mzuym8FxFf4-00191-00053644-00053841 looked up to. mzuym8FxFf4-00192-00053841-00054058 Both of my parents believed in opening our home mzuym8FxFf4-00193-00054058-00054265 to as many students, international students mzuym8FxFf4-00194-00054265-00054528 and engineering friends, as possible. mzuym8FxFf4-00195-00054528-00054774 We'd often get together and we'd share meals mzuym8FxFf4-00196-00054774-00055020 and we talk about everything from our latest assignment, mzuym8FxFf4-00197-00055020-00055299 to our hopes and our plans for the future. mzuym8FxFf4-00198-00055299-00055674 Those conversations always left me energized and inspired. mzuym8FxFf4-00199-00055674-00055989 They connected me to new ideas and to a global community that mzuym8FxFf4-00200-00055989-00056244 somehow felt as warm and as accessible mzuym8FxFf4-00201-00056244-00056523 as it did innovative and groundbreaking. mzuym8FxFf4-00202-00056523-00056694 They boosted my confidence and taught mzuym8FxFf4-00203-00056694-00056907 me the importance of lifelong learning, mzuym8FxFf4-00204-00056907-00057189 and left me with aspiration to make a positive impact mzuym8FxFf4-00205-00057189-00057249 in the world. mzuym8FxFf4-00206-00057536-00057770 This brings me to the past year. mzuym8FxFf4-00207-00057770-00057930 2020 was tough. mzuym8FxFf4-00208-00057930-00058082 We'll probably all remember it is mzuym8FxFf4-00209-00058082-00058489 one of the most complex and challenging years of our lives. mzuym8FxFf4-00210-00058489-00058714 But I think we'll also remember this year that mzuym8FxFf4-00211-00058714-00058866 showed us the power of technology, mzuym8FxFf4-00212-00058866-00059240 of engineering, and of community. mzuym8FxFf4-00213-00059240-00059435 While I can't be on campus now, I'm mzuym8FxFf4-00214-00059435-00059741 thankful for the generations of engineers, that generations mzuym8FxFf4-00215-00059741-00060077 of innovators, who enabled us to connect virtually, mzuym8FxFf4-00216-00060077-00060309 right here, right now. mzuym8FxFf4-00217-00060309-00060525 Now that said, I also can't wait to gather mzuym8FxFf4-00218-00060525-00060813 with the Purdue community in 2021 mzuym8FxFf4-00219-00060813-00061128 on campus, in West Lafayette. mzuym8FxFf4-00220-00061128-00061320 Thank you once again for all your support mzuym8FxFf4-00221-00061320-00061545 and for honoring me with this award. mzuym8FxFf4-00222-00061545-00062073 And my very best for a happy, safe and healthy new year. mzuym8FxFf4-00223-00062073-00062258 Thank you. mzCAhCbDDP8-00000-00000102-00000429 YouTube all videos use music mzKhh4A_gzu-00000-00001094-00001340 Item #: SCP-239 mzKhh4A_gzu-00001-00001340-00001490 Object Class: Keter mzKhh4A_gzu-00002-00001490-00002023 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-239 is to be kept within a one room cell furnished mzKhh4A_gzu-00003-00002023-00002575 with 1 (one) bed, 1 (one) EKG machine, and 1 (one) IV to be filled with pentobarbital mzKhh4A_gzu-00004-00002575-00002989 mixed with [DATA EXPUNGED] to be refilled daily. mzKhh4A_gzu-00005-00002989-00003504 Under no circumstances is SCP-239 to be removed from her containment area at any given time. mzKhh4A_gzu-00006-00003504-00003911 The walls of this cell are to be coated in a telekill-lead alloy. mzKhh4A_gzu-00007-00003911-00004430 Only Class 2 personnel are allowed any contact with SCP-239 at any time. mzKhh4A_gzu-00008-00004430-00004982 All personnel guarding SCP-239's containment area are to be equipped with Telekill headgear mzKhh4A_gzu-00009-00004982-00005262 (SCP-148). mzKhh4A_gzu-00010-00005262-00005695 Subject's proper name is Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir. mzKhh4A_gzu-00011-00005695-00006080 Under absolutely no condition should the subject ever be awakened. mzKhh4A_gzu-00012-00006080-00006542 Any personnel found attempting to awaken the subject will be immediately terminated. mzKhh4A_gzu-00013-00006542-00007267 Description: SCP-239 appears to be an 8-year-old girl, 1 meter in height and 20 kilograms in mzKhh4A_gzu-00014-00007267-00007367 weight. mzKhh4A_gzu-00015-00007367-00007536 Subject has shoulder-length blond hair. mzKhh4A_gzu-00016-00007536-00008111 Upon closer inspection, the subject's eyes "shimmer" a gray-green shade. mzKhh4A_gzu-00017-00008111-00008765 Subject seems to emit a previously undiscovered form of radiation, which has been named ███████████. These mzKhh4A_gzu-00018-00008765-00009237 waves seem to be harmless in low concentrations but in higher concentrations they could break mzKhh4A_gzu-00019-00009237-00009529 down matter on a subatomic level. mzKhh4A_gzu-00020-00009529-00009981 SCP-239 seemingly has the ability to do whatever she expresses a will to do. mzKhh4A_gzu-00021-00009981-00010523 Put simply, the subject can do anything that she truly wants to do on a basal psychological mzKhh4A_gzu-00022-00010523-00010797 level as long as she is conscious. mzKhh4A_gzu-00023-00010797-00011249 Fortunately, she only seems to be able to affect herself and her immediate surroundings; mzKhh4A_gzu-00024-00011249-00011624 therefore, "If she can see it, she can change it." mzKhh4A_gzu-00025-00011624-00012048 It would not be the most prudent course of action, however, to try to test how powerful mzKhh4A_gzu-00026-00012048-00012193 she can be. mzKhh4A_gzu-00027-00012193-00012675 She seems to be able to create and affect living matter; for example, when a D-class mzKhh4A_gzu-00028-00012675-00013134 personnel accidentally caused her harm, she simply wished him away. mzKhh4A_gzu-00029-00013134-00013538 Fortunately, when the subject was made to feel guilty for what she had done, she wished mzKhh4A_gzu-00030-00013538-00013706 him back. mzKhh4A_gzu-00031-00013706-00014301 SCP-239's self-preservation instinct makes her virtually invincible while she is conscious. mzKhh4A_gzu-00032-00014301-00014756 Subject's skin can not be punctured by anything excepting SCP-148. mzKhh4A_gzu-00033-00014756-00015249 As a method of controlling the subject's ability, she has been told that she is a witch. mzKhh4A_gzu-00034-00015249-00015716 This, besides improving morale greatly, makes her believe that she is unable to use her mzKhh4A_gzu-00035-00015716-00016335 abilities outside of a pre-approved list of "spells" given to her by the SCP Foundation. mzKhh4A_gzu-00036-00016335-00016629 This will hopefully prevent any and all attempted escapes. mzKhh4A_gzu-00037-00016629-00017104 However, the subject is to be kept calm at all times to prevent any subconscious wish mzKhh4A_gzu-00038-00017104-00017319 of harm to herself or others. mzKhh4A_gzu-00039-00017319-00018120 Origin: SCP-239 came to to the attention of the Foundation very soon after her birth in mzKhh4A_gzu-00040-00018120-00018572 █████████, ███████. Approximately three hours after subject's birth, ███████ █████ Hospital mzKhh4A_gzu-00041-00018572-00018862 was destroyed by an unexplained explosion. mzKhh4A_gzu-00042-00018862-00019173 The press was informed that it was due to a gas leak. mzKhh4A_gzu-00043-00019173-00019612 SCP teams were dispatched shortly to search the site for any abnormalities. mzKhh4A_gzu-00044-00019612-00019912 The only living person they were able to locate was SCP-239. mzKhh4A_gzu-00045-00019912-00020357 For the next eight years, the subject was raised under SCP care. mzKhh4A_gzu-00046-00020357-00020918 As of ████████ █, 20██, Subject is to be kept in a medically induced mzKhh4A_gzu-00047-00020918-00021109 coma until further notice. mzKhh4A_gzu-00048-00021109-00021459 This decision was made by [DATA EXPUNGED]. mzKhh4A_gzu-00049-00021459-00021838 SCP-239 is permanently contained in Site-17. mzKhh4A_gzu-00050-00021838-00022429 Note from Dr. ████████, dated 12/26/04: Who the hell thought it would be mzKhh4A_gzu-00051-00022429-00022909 a good idea to tell her about "Santa Claus" and then tell her that it was just a story?! mzKhh4A_gzu-00052-00022909-00023327 Now we have another potential SCP to deal with, but we can't catch him because he is mzKhh4A_gzu-00053-00023327-00023427 "magic". mzKhh4A_gzu-00054-00023427-00024067 Dr. A. Clef's Report: My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 mzKhh4A_gzu-00055-00024067-00024381 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. mzKhh4A_gzu-00056-00024381-00024862 Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the mzKhh4A_gzu-00057-00024862-00025423 example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating mzKhh4A_gzu-00058-00025423-00025895 the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers. mzKhh4A_gzu-00059-00025895-00026462 I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a piercing implement will be constructed mzKhh4A_gzu-00060-00026462-00027133 of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise impenetrable skin. mzKhh4A_gzu-00061-00027133-00027732 This tool will be used to kill SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. mzKhh4A_gzu-00062-00027732-00028288 Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation mzKhh4A_gzu-00063-00028288-00028913 that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications. mzKhh4A_gzu-00064-00028913-00029430 One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive mzKhh4A_gzu-00065-00029430-00029875 the operative as a friend or "good person," thus changing reality to match. mzKhh4A_gzu-00066-00029875-00030333 It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. mzKhh4A_gzu-00067-00030333-00030777 A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to mzKhh4A_gzu-00068-00030777-00031164 carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature. mzKhh4A_gzu-00069-00031164-00031183 - Clef mBKeLbY5vAQ-00000-00000016-00000736 Hello friends! Every day with us, learn a little more knowledge. Saudi Arabia, officially the mBKeLbY5vAQ-00001-00000736-00001528 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Is a country located in West Asia, covering an area of about 2150000 mBKeLbY5vAQ-00002-00001528-00002424 square kilometers. With an estimated population of 34.9 million, of which 93% are Muslim. Riyadh is mBKeLbY5vAQ-00003-00002424-00002984 the capital and largest city of Saudi Arabia. 1. This is a very special country in the world. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00004-00003104-00003679 First in terms of topography, 95% of the land is desert, of which nearly 50% have mBKeLbY5vAQ-00005-00003679-00004432 extreme climate and weather, uninhabitable. Only about 1.67% of the land is arable. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00006-00004432-00004984 In addition, it has no rivers, streams, ponds, only a few small oases and underground water mBKeLbY5vAQ-00007-00004984-00005592 sources. Therefore, 50% of drinking water is filtered from seawater. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00008-00005592-00006056 The average temperature in summer is about 45 degrees Celsius and can be as high as mBKeLbY5vAQ-00009-00006056-00006720 54 degrees Celsius. In winter, the temperature again drops to about 20 degrees during the day, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00010-00006720-00007264 It is the most pleasant season in Saudi Arabia. 1. Although it is a land of extreme weather and mBKeLbY5vAQ-00011-00007264-00007784 climate, it is endowed with abundant natural resources. Especially oil, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00012-00007784-00008400 with reserves of about 298 billion barrels, ranks second in the world after Venezuela. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00013-00008400-00008928 It is the world's largest crude oil exporter, with a value of $133.6 billion, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00014-00009000-00009848 in 2019. And the economy, Saudi Arabia is wealthy, with a nominal GDP of about $779.3 billion, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00015-00009920-00010384 ranking 18th in the world. 1. GDP by purchasing power parity, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00016-00010384-00011328 about 1898 billion dollars, ranks 17th in the world. And the per capita income is $22865. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00017-00011472-00011912 The economy of Saudi Arabia is heavily dependent on oil and petroleum products. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00018-00012008-00012624 It accounts for 90% of total exports. 1. Since 1960, As a founding member of the mBKeLbY5vAQ-00019-00012624-00013080 "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries", Saudi Arabia has had very active mBKeLbY5vAQ-00020-00013080-00013632 price adjustment policies. Help support global in keeping the oil market stable, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00021-00013632-00014232 avoiding harm to the economies of countries. 1. So oil is not only important to Saudi Arabia mBKeLbY5vAQ-00022-00014232-00014816 but also very important to the world. Because of its abundant resources, there are many covetous mBKeLbY5vAQ-00023-00014816-00015447 people, Saudi Arabia must find ways to protect it. They spend a lot of money on the defense budget, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00024-00015447-00016072 about 8 to 10 percent of GDP each year. 1. In 2020, it is the world's 3rd largest defense mBKeLbY5vAQ-00025-00016072-00016768 spender, with $67.6 billion, second only to the US and China. The number of active-duty mBKeLbY5vAQ-00026-00016768-00017432 troops in Saudi Arabia is 478,000. In terms of overall military strength, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00027-00017432-00017960 Saudi Arabia ranks 17th in the world. 1. The country has longstanding military mBKeLbY5vAQ-00028-00017960-00018416 ties with Pakistan, and there has long been speculation that Saudi Arabia is secretly mBKeLbY5vAQ-00029-00018416-00019144 funding Pakistan's atomic bomb program. And try to buy atomic weapons from Pakistan. However, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00030-00019144-00019656 having called it a secret, it is impossible to know for sure until they put it to use. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00031-00019656-00020288 Saudi Arabia also has a relationship with the United States, in military matters. The country mBKeLbY5vAQ-00032-00020288-00021168 is the largest buyer of US arms, with an estimated value of $13.72 billion between 2008 and 2018. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00033-00021168-00021600 Through arms sales, the United States also helps support the construction of three mBKeLbY5vAQ-00034-00021600-00022248 important security organizations in Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of National Defense, National Guard mBKeLbY5vAQ-00035-00022248-00022936 and Ministry of the Interior. All of the above is not the most special thing about Saudi Arabia. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00036-00022936-00023384 The most special thing, is that this country still maintains an absolute monarchy, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00037-00023384-00023968 ie the king and absolute power. He is the head of state, as well as the Prime Minister, and mBKeLbY5vAQ-00038-00023968-00024608 the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Not only that, the king is also the holder of legislative, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00039-00024608-00025080 executive and judicial powers. 1. The important positions of the Government are mBKeLbY5vAQ-00040-00025080-00025720 mostly in the hands of the Saud royal family who are appointed by the king. As Minister of Defense, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00041-00025720-00026336 Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs. 1. Therefore, in Saudi Arabia there is no concept of mBKeLbY5vAQ-00042-00026336-00026920 elections at the national level. The Saudi royal family holds the power to govern the political mBKeLbY5vAQ-00043-00026920-00027464 system. Due to the large number of family members in the government, they were able to control mBKeLbY5vAQ-00044-00027464-00027992 most of the important national offices. 1. Participation and presence in all levels of mBKeLbY5vAQ-00045-00027992-00028448 government, The number of people of the royal family, estimated at 7000 people mBKeLbY5vAQ-00046-00028448-00029039 as of 2010 . Succession to the throne is not maintained in a hereditary fashion, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00047-00029039-00029520 but rather from brother to brother. 1. However, now that King Salman has no mBKeLbY5vAQ-00048-00029520-00030104 younger brother, this type of succession has ended. therefore, he appointed his grandson mBKeLbY5vAQ-00049-00030104-00030872 as crown prince. Power in hand, pocket full of money. As of 2020, the Saud Royal Family's total mBKeLbY5vAQ-00050-00030872-00031464 net worth is estimated at $100 billion, making them the richest royal in the world today. 1. mBKeLbY5vAQ-00051-00031464-00032160 Video ends here. Thank you all for watching and liking it. If you find the video useful, mBKeLbY5vAQ-00052-00032160-00033080 please give us a like and subscribe to the channel to support us! Good bye and see you again. mC2Pm5lHspU-00000-00000606-00001354 What strikes me a lot is that in the Dutch media, in general, mC2Pm5lHspU-00001-00001358-00002039 the struggle in countries like India in sectors like workers in India is hardly mentioned. mC2Pm5lHspU-00002-00002039-00002540 And if it is mentioned, it is only short and it is so inconvenient. mC2Pm5lHspU-00003-00002540-00002692 So that we step aside quickly. mC2Pm5lHspU-00004-00002692-00003028 They are coming from different states. mC2Pm5lHspU-00005-00003028-00003196 They have no livelihood. mC2Pm5lHspU-00006-00003196-00003907 They are coming to this cities, metropolitan cities, to search for jobs. mC2Pm5lHspU-00007-00003909-00004013 Better jobs. mC2Pm5lHspU-00008-00004067-00004254 And they were locked down. mC2Pm5lHspU-00009-00004254-00004716 And they were not allowed, police did not allow them, to move back to their native place. mC2Pm5lHspU-00010-00004719-00005157 And at the moment we are announcing that we will arrange a meal for them. mC2Pm5lHspU-00011-00005157-00005383 But their system is failing. mC2Pm5lHspU-00012-00005383-00005920 And they are running pillar to post only to get their two times meal. mC2Pm5lHspU-00013-00005920-00006124 They have lost their jobs. mC2Pm5lHspU-00014-00006126-00006318 They have lost their livelihood. mC2Pm5lHspU-00015-00006318-00006792 The owner of their houses shifted them from their house. mC2Pm5lHspU-00016-00006792-00007118 Now they have no money to pay their rent because they are fired. mC2Pm5lHspU-00017-00007120-00007337 They lost their jobs. mC2Pm5lHspU-00018-00007337-00007830 They are not able to pay the rent of their house so now they’re on the street. mC2Pm5lHspU-00019-00007833-00008153 We have a lot of labour loss but the enforcement of laws is very poor. mC2Pm5lHspU-00020-00008153-00008434 And in fact, the situation of the migrant workers is so bad mC2Pm5lHspU-00021-00008434-00008806 because the laws are not implemented at the ground level. mE9EgFMeiEY-00000-00000548-00000863 today in the next installment in our ambassadors series we're joined mE9EgFMeiEY-00001-00000863-00001210 by Trevor Peacock Australia's High Commissioner to Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00002-00001210-00001362 Trevor thanks for joining us mE9EgFMeiEY-00003-00001362-00001501 it's a pleasure mE9EgFMeiEY-00004-00001501-00001919 trevor how would you characterize the relationship between Australia and Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00005-00001919-00002177 well its a very very warm relationship mE9EgFMeiEY-00006-00002177-00002582 and the bedrock of it is the community relations that we have mE9EgFMeiEY-00007-00002582-00002965 australia has the second-biggest expatriate community of Cypriots in mE9EgFMeiEY-00008-00002965-00003064 the world mE9EgFMeiEY-00009-00003064-00003549 both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots mE9EgFMeiEY-00010-00003549-00003921 that gives us a real basis of friendship a real basis of knowing each mE9EgFMeiEY-00011-00003921-00004244 other as countries mE9EgFMeiEY-00012-00004244-00004584 it's almost a relationship of being a family mE9EgFMeiEY-00013-00004584-00004821 uh... rather than just friends mE9EgFMeiEY-00014-00004821-00005169 and you really notice that very very much when you're in Cyprus when you're mE9EgFMeiEY-00015-00005169-00005402 representing Australia here in cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00016-00005402-00005668 the number of people that you meet mE9EgFMeiEY-00017-00005668-00006054 who have family in Australia is is really quite amazing mE9EgFMeiEY-00018-00006054-00006422 and so you in turn as an Australian diplomatic representative mE9EgFMeiEY-00019-00006422-00006726 really feel as part of a family in cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00020-00006726-00007256 uh... that natural warmth is matched by a commonality of views on mE9EgFMeiEY-00021-00007256-00007575 international global issues and perspectives mE9EgFMeiEY-00022-00007575-00007792 we're both members of the Commonwealth mE9EgFMeiEY-00023-00007792-00008246 we both share a very solid commitment to human rights to the rule of law mE9EgFMeiEY-00024-00008246-00008465 including to the rule of international law mE9EgFMeiEY-00025-00008465-00008693 so we find ourselves as very mE9EgFMeiEY-00026-00008693-00009114 friendly countries which gets on well understand each other well and relates mE9EgFMeiEY-00027-00009114-00009329 to each other well mE9EgFMeiEY-00028-00009329-00009640 with that community relationship as the bedrock of it mE9EgFMeiEY-00029-00009640-00009943 So Trevor turning to the big issue what is Australia's position on the ongoing mE9EgFMeiEY-00030-00009943-00010145 division of the island mE9EgFMeiEY-00031-00010145-00010736 well our position is very clear and we've been very consistent always mE9EgFMeiEY-00032-00010736-00010883 we recognize the mE9EgFMeiEY-00033-00010883-00011345 governments of the Republic of Cyprus as the sole legitimate government mE9EgFMeiEY-00034-00011345-00011545 on the island mE9EgFMeiEY-00035-00011545-00011979 we recognize its its sovereignty and its territorial integrity mE9EgFMeiEY-00036-00011979-00012321 over the whole of the island mE9EgFMeiEY-00037-00012321-00012728 at the same time we are very supportive of the negotiations which are taking mE9EgFMeiEY-00038-00012728-00012924 place at the moment mE9EgFMeiEY-00039-00012924-00013461 facilitators and chaired by the UN's UN secretary general's special adviser mE9EgFMeiEY-00040-00013461-00013699 Alexander Downer mE9EgFMeiEY-00041-00013699-00014191 to bring about a a reconciliation and a reunification of the island mE9EgFMeiEY-00042-00014191-00014530 we believe that reunification in accordance with the relevant UN mE9EgFMeiEY-00043-00014530-00014745 resolutions mE9EgFMeiEY-00044-00014745-00015081 ought to be based on a mE9EgFMeiEY-00045-00015081-00015347 bi-zonal, bi-communal federation mE9EgFMeiEY-00046-00015347-00015825 uh... with one international citizenship one international personality mE9EgFMeiEY-00047-00015825-00016170 Trevor you've mentioned the role of Mr Downer Australia's former Foreign Minister mE9EgFMeiEY-00048-00016170-00016488 what is Australia doing to help Cyprus witht he current situation mE9EgFMeiEY-00049-00016488-00016699 and to encourage a solution mE9EgFMeiEY-00050-00016699-00017024 well there are two very tangible things that we're doing mE9EgFMeiEY-00051-00017024-00017470 one is that we've maintained for forty-eight years now without any break mE9EgFMeiEY-00052-00017470-00017882 uh... an Australian Federal Police contingent within UNFICYP mE9EgFMeiEY-00053-00017882-00018315 which is the UN force in Cyprus peacekeeping force in Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00054-00018315-00018593 the um... mE9EgFMeiEY-00055-00018593-00018859 UNFICYP includes both a military mE9EgFMeiEY-00056-00018859-00019120 and and the police element mE9EgFMeiEY-00057-00019120-00019531 uh... we are the largest group within the police element and the in fact the mE9EgFMeiEY-00058-00019531-00019663 commander mE9EgFMeiEY-00059-00019663-00019921 of the UN police UNPOL mE9EgFMeiEY-00060-00019921-00020223 uh... is an Australia AFP officer mE9EgFMeiEY-00061-00020223-00020358 uh... mE9EgFMeiEY-00062-00020358-00020581 they do very very good work mE9EgFMeiEY-00063-00020581-00020975 it makes you very proud as an Australian High Commissioner mE9EgFMeiEY-00064-00020975-00021410 to see the role that the police are playing in and around the buffer zone mE9EgFMeiEY-00065-00021410-00021915 uh... insuring its stability and that's that that that uh... there's nothing mE9EgFMeiEY-00066-00021915-00022016 there that mE9EgFMeiEY-00067-00022016-00022273 nothing will go on there that the threatens the mE9EgFMeiEY-00068-00022273-00022538 stability and the security of the island and mE9EgFMeiEY-00069-00022538-00022798 of the two communities around the buffer zone mE9EgFMeiEY-00070-00022798-00023139 uh... they've played a very good role for forty eight years now mE9EgFMeiEY-00071-00023139-00023567 and uh... really are excellent police men and women that we send there mE9EgFMeiEY-00072-00023567-00023979 uh... i'm very proud of them and we all should be proud of them mE9EgFMeiEY-00073-00023979-00024478 uh... secondly as a much more recent contribution mE9EgFMeiEY-00074-00024478-00024944 as a High Commission we sponsor the Cypress Academic Dialogue which mE9EgFMeiEY-00075-00024944-00025328 came into being in 2009 and was actually an initiative mE9EgFMeiEY-00076-00025328-00025698 of the Centre for Dialogue at Latrobe University mE9EgFMeiEY-00077-00025698-00026214 what it does is it brings together academics from both the Greek Cypriot mE9EgFMeiEY-00078-00026214-00026385 and the Turkish Cypriot mE9EgFMeiEY-00079-00026385-00026546 academic communities mE9EgFMeiEY-00080-00026546-00026721 to sit down together mE9EgFMeiEY-00081-00026721-00026954 define what points i have in common mE9EgFMeiEY-00082-00026954-00027077 define what mE9EgFMeiEY-00083-00027077-00027364 solutions they might be able to come up with mE9EgFMeiEY-00084-00027364-00027686 to the problems that the island faces mE9EgFMeiEY-00085-00027686-00028087 they develop views on the negotiations themselves and other views on separate mE9EgFMeiEY-00086-00028087-00028155 issues mE9EgFMeiEY-00087-00028155-00028266 alongside mE9EgFMeiEY-00088-00028266-00028712 the negotiations for example how do you deal with the issue of education mE9EgFMeiEY-00089-00028712-00029188 in both the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot schools mE9EgFMeiEY-00090-00029188-00029678 the dialogue has been a big success it's it's had some mE9EgFMeiEY-00091-00029678-00030127 one or two major gatherings every year since 2009 mE9EgFMeiEY-00092-00030127-00030600 uh... meetings in Cyprus but they also have a meeting this year in Istanbul to mE9EgFMeiEY-00093-00030600-00031062 make it easier for Turkish and Greek academics to be brought into the process mE9EgFMeiEY-00094-00031062-00031262 alongside the Cypriots mE9EgFMeiEY-00095-00031262-00031636 they're getting a very good profile within Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00096-00031636-00032053 they're taken very seriously by the media and by decision makers mE9EgFMeiEY-00097-00032053-00032512 uh... they're meeting regularly with decision makers in both communities mE9EgFMeiEY-00098-00032512-00032894 and we are getting a lot of very good recognition mE9EgFMeiEY-00099-00032894-00033362 uh... for supporting this process uh... so again it's a are very good thing that mE9EgFMeiEY-00100-00033362-00033513 we're doing in something mE9EgFMeiEY-00101-00033513-00033777 tangible uh... which hopefully mE9EgFMeiEY-00102-00033777-00034269 uh... will help to took to heal the the problems of the island mE9EgFMeiEY-00103-00034269-00034713 I understand Cyprus has the rotating Presidency the European Union at the mE9EgFMeiEY-00104-00034713-00034887 moment, how is it handling that role mE9EgFMeiEY-00105-00034887-00035253 I think it's been an unambiguous good news story for Cyprus they've really done mE9EgFMeiEY-00106-00035253-00035361 this well mE9EgFMeiEY-00107-00035361-00035847 it was hard for them as one of the European Union's smallest member states mE9EgFMeiEY-00108-00035847-00036315 taking on the presidency for the first time as they did in July mE9EgFMeiEY-00109-00036315-00036755 i think the successful management of the presidency creates mE9EgFMeiEY-00110-00036755-00037177 logistical challenges for for any member state it's a very big role a mE9EgFMeiEY-00111-00037177-00037521 very big responsibility even given the mE9EgFMeiEY-00112-00037521-00037869 change in the way he EU rks under the Lisbon Treaty mE9EgFMeiEY-00113-00037869-00038150 uh... but i have heard nothing but praise mE9EgFMeiEY-00114-00038150-00038481 for the way in which the government of Cyprus has organized a mE9EgFMeiEY-00115-00038481-00038762 various ministerial meetings that it's hosted mE9EgFMeiEY-00116-00038762-00039015 uh... but beyond that mE9EgFMeiEY-00117-00039015-00039491 it's played a very useful policy role i think especially on what's one of the mE9EgFMeiEY-00118-00039491-00039896 biggest problems and challenges facing the the european union at the moment mE9EgFMeiEY-00119-00039896-00040028 which is settling on a mE9EgFMeiEY-00120-00040028-00040284 multi annual financial framework mE9EgFMeiEY-00121-00040284-00040409 uh... a budget mE9EgFMeiEY-00122-00040409-00040777 uh... for the next seven years and a budget in which all twenty-seven or mE9EgFMeiEY-00123-00040777-00040870 with which mE9EgFMeiEY-00124-00040870-00041311 all twenty seven member states have to be in agreement so it's it's a huge mE9EgFMeiEY-00125-00041311-00041464 exercise mE9EgFMeiEY-00126-00041464-00042069 and Cyprus has played a very good role in in in clarifying thinking and mE9EgFMeiEY-00127-00042069-00042396 setting out possible directions for this to be handled mE9EgFMeiEY-00128-00042396-00042706 especially I think in mE9EgFMeiEY-00129-00042706-00043099 including an element of consultation with the European parliament mE9EgFMeiEY-00130-00043099-00043409 that's a new element under the Lisbon Treaty and again i've heard mE9EgFMeiEY-00131-00043409-00043650 nothing but praise for the way in which mE9EgFMeiEY-00132-00043650-00043907 in which cypress as mE9EgFMeiEY-00133-00043907-00044140 the presidency of the of the European Union mE9EgFMeiEY-00134-00044140-00044553 has been able to assist them along in meeting this challenge mE9EgFMeiEY-00135-00044553-00044865 Trevor i assume you do see a number of Australian tourists in Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00136-00044865-00045055 any tips? mE9EgFMeiEY-00137-00045055-00045396 sure um we don't actually see as many as you might think mE9EgFMeiEY-00138-00045396-00045865 uh... the best numbers we have are that about sixty thousand australians visit mE9EgFMeiEY-00139-00045865-00046065 uh... each year mE9EgFMeiEY-00140-00046065-00046612 and most of those are members of the the community going back for the summer mE9EgFMeiEY-00141-00046612-00046959 i would encourage more Australians to visit Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00142-00046959-00047148 it's hummm mE9EgFMeiEY-00143-00047148-00047641 it has wonderful beaches spectacular mountains mE9EgFMeiEY-00144-00047641-00048188 it has a real wealth of archaeological and historical sites and mE9EgFMeiEY-00145-00048188-00048318 places of interest mE9EgFMeiEY-00146-00048318-00048622 for anybody who has an interest in the past mE9EgFMeiEY-00147-00048622-00048820 and an interest in seeing how mE9EgFMeiEY-00148-00048820-00049036 different cultures over mE9EgFMeiEY-00149-00049036-00049181 over millennia mE9EgFMeiEY-00150-00049181-00049266 um... mE9EgFMeiEY-00151-00049266-00049637 have affected a small country like Cyprus mE9EgFMeiEY-00152-00049637-00050044 mixed together there and in it's turn although a small mE9EgFMeiEY-00153-00050044-00050129 island mE9EgFMeiEY-00154-00050129-00050444 has made it's own impact on those cultures mE9EgFMeiEY-00155-00050444-00050825 uh... a visit to Cyprus is very very rewarding mE9EgFMeiEY-00156-00050825-00050994 uh... mE9EgFMeiEY-00157-00050994-00051169 and the food is good as well mE9EgFMeiEY-00158-00051169-00051403 and the people at extremely friendly mE9EgFMeiEY-00159-00051403-00051629 and and and do love Australians mE9EgFMeiEY-00160-00051629-00051961 of course i would uh... and and and suggesting mE9EgFMeiEY-00161-00051961-00052277 that Australians think about visiting to Cyprus I would further suggest mE9EgFMeiEY-00162-00052277-00052542 before they go they should have a look at the Smartraveller mE9EgFMeiEY-00163-00052542-00052648 website and mE9EgFMeiEY-00164-00052648-00052984 have a look at the advice that we're offering as they plan their trip and as they mE9EgFMeiEY-00165-00052984-00053116 travel mE9EgFMeiEY-00166-00053116-00053509 Trevor thanks very much for joining us it's a pleasure mE9EgFMeiEY-00167-00053509-00053745 That was Trevor Peacock Australia's High Commissioner to Cyprus mEaO2M-4aD8-00000-00000000-00000197 hi guys this is Vernon Croy for Sunday mEaO2M-4aD8-00001-00000197-00000399 march 26 I'll get to your free sports mEaO2M-4aD8-00002-00000399-00000618 picks in just a moment first of all make mEaO2M-4aD8-00003-00000618-00000809 sure that you do your bankroll your self mEaO2M-4aD8-00004-00000809-00001013 flavor subscribe my youtube channel mEaO2M-4aD8-00005-00001013-00001320 right now i'm currently on dominating 34 mEaO2M-4aD8-00006-00001320-00001550 and 17 free sports picks run youtube mEaO2M-4aD8-00007-00001550-00001752 subscribers also got my bonus breaking mEaO2M-4aD8-00008-00001752-00001973 sport spicks i'm currently on a 5-0 run mEaO2M-4aD8-00009-00001973-00002135 with those make sure that you mEaO2M-4aD8-00010-00002135-00002336 subscribe to my youtube channel right mEaO2M-4aD8-00011-00002336-00002625 now i just released my huge seven units mEaO2M-4aD8-00012-00002625-00002823 college basketball pick between Kentucky mEaO2M-4aD8-00013-00002823-00003134 and North Carolina tips up 50 5 p.m. 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now exclusively at mEaO2M-4aD8-00028-00006795-00007031 your free sports picks for Sunday marks mEaO2M-4aD8-00029-00007031-00007293 26 we're taking the LA Lakers game mEaO2M-4aD8-00030-00007293-00007518 spread plus x over the Portland Trail mEaO2M-4aD8-00031-00007518-00007754 Blazers the lasers get a higher court mEaO2M-4aD8-00032-00007754-00007995 line camp just play last night in mEaO2M-4aD8-00033-00007995-00008120 Portland will be welcome to head mEaO2M-4aD8-00034-00008120-00008328 Denver's Portland still in the playoff mEaO2M-4aD8-00035-00008328-00008568 hunt to all the pressures on them I look mEaO2M-4aD8-00036-00008568-00008781 for the Lakers keep this game close and mEaO2M-4aD8-00037-00008781-00008957 wait leave and pull off the offset here mEaO2M-4aD8-00038-00008957-00009189 Sunday night so take the LA Lakers plus mEaO2M-4aD8-00039-00009189-00009390 6 over the Portland Trail Blazers is mEaO2M-4aD8-00040-00009390-00009567 your free sports picks for Sunday marks mEaO2M-4aD8-00041-00009567-00009843 26 and make sure you get on my huge 17 s mEaO2M-4aD8-00042-00009843-00010014 college basketball pick between Kentucky mEaO2M-4aD8-00043-00010014-00010332 and North Carolina tip-offs 505 Easterns mEaO2M-4aD8-00044-00010332-00010521 make sure you also give this video a mEaO2M-4aD8-00045-00010521-00010782 thumbs up I appreciate it in winning mEaO2M-4aD8-00046-00010782-00011018 Vernon Croy mFeumQ_t3uc-00000-00000008-00000656 We looked to Online Optimism to help us with figuring out what would be the best platform and mFeumQ_t3uc-00001-00000656-00000976 taking their professional advice on how we wanted to convey mFeumQ_t3uc-00002-00001088-00001576 our messaging through our website. My name is Candy Tai and I am the Communications Manager mFeumQ_t3uc-00003-00001576-00002056 and Digital Strategist at Doctors for America. Some of the results that we've seen mFeumQ_t3uc-00004-00002056-00002608 since our work with Online Optimism began is we're seeing a higher level of engagement with mFeumQ_t3uc-00005-00002608-00003128 our members. The communication with Online Optimism has been fantastic. They have been mFeumQ_t3uc-00006-00003128-00003815 so responsive to our needs, to our questions, to understanding what it is that we are trying to do mFeumQ_t3uc-00007-00003815-00004216 and accomplish with our website. They're always just willing to help, either through a phone call mFeumQ_t3uc-00008-00004216-00004752 or email or jump on a quick zoom, and they've just gone above and beyond with communicating with us. mFeumQ_t3uc-00009-00004824-00005272 If you are looking for a company to work with and you're considering working with Online Optimism, mFeumQ_t3uc-00010-00005272-00005800 I can say that you from our experience, you will not be disappointed and I recommend them to mFeumQ_t3uc-00011-00005800-00006208 everyone whenever they're looking for a website company or somebody to help them, you know, mFeumQ_t3uc-00012-00006208-00007184 do a redesign or just some sort of developer. I definitely would recommend them and their team. mGrCyhz2Msg-00000-00000008-00000816 hi hello here we are in germany we did the last month month and a half or two months mGrCyhz2Msg-00001-00000816-00001320 was a lot of changes happening in our life and we needed to take a decision where we want our mGrCyhz2Msg-00002-00001320-00001823 baby to be born then we decided to come back to germany and so many other things happen mGrCyhz2Msg-00003-00001888-00002624 it's crazy we flew with the dogs here to germany they are also here and we are here in our walk a mGrCyhz2Msg-00004-00002624-00003368 daily walk close home and we also surprise surprise she put our truck back to germany mGrCyhz2Msg-00005-00003432-00004072 we are not sure if we go back to mexico maybe we will nothing is 100 sure right now but ah mGrCyhz2Msg-00006-00004072-00004656 something is hundred percent sure that we will keep on traveling after baby's born and mGrCyhz2Msg-00007-00004744-00005392 we we was really excited to be back here it's really nice to be home it's a little cold mGrCyhz2Msg-00008-00005496-00006168 weather in mexico was better than here with a lot of adaption that we are passing through mGrCyhz2Msg-00009-00006168-00006576 right now in this moment so a lot of things happened what you're gonna see mGrCyhz2Msg-00010-00006576-00007376 but we sold the motorcycle that's one thing we shipped the truck second thing yeah we flew mGrCyhz2Msg-00011-00007376-00008216 back with the dogs from mexico to frankfurt yeah and what happens with the truck with our future mGrCyhz2Msg-00012-00008272-00008728 well who knows stay tuned yes i am isabella and i am from brazil mGrCyhz2Msg-00013-00009240-00009536 this is fabian and he is german mGrCyhz2Msg-00014-00009984-00010576 we've been overlanding the world with our homes with home frank the tank for the past almost four mGrCyhz2Msg-00015-00010576-00011424 years and together with our two lovely dogs only from spain and basketball from germany mGrCyhz2Msg-00016-00011424-00011808 we are living evil before subscribe and welcome to the family mGrCyhz2Msg-00017-00012232-00012991 good morning good morning frankfurt or afternoon or for us whatever it is a little jet lag probably mGrCyhz2Msg-00018-00012991-00013591 for to me it's morning but here it's two o'clock in the afternoon i we slept the whole flight it mGrCyhz2Msg-00019-00013591-00014344 was almost empty that's pretty cool we have four seats for each of us exactly so now we're gonna mGrCyhz2Msg-00020-00014408-00014896 get the dogs hopefully and the luggage so check this out now what i'm watching the mGrCyhz2Msg-00021-00014896-00015488 way to the bathroom and look at who i met really they're already here oh he's moving he's moving mGrCyhz2Msg-00022-00016208-00016984 that is nice that was quick thank you donkey mGrCyhz2Msg-00023-00019024-00019784 do mGrCyhz2Msg-00024-00020768-00021184 oh mGrCyhz2Msg-00025-00021408-00022584 tell me more mGrCyhz2Msg-00026-00023752-00023984 they want water mGrCyhz2Msg-00027-00025304-00026192 here yeah so the dogs and the bags everything is in here isabella is walking the dogs outside they mGrCyhz2Msg-00028-00026192-00026952 need it to be they got some water so now we do a kobe test now i am waiting fabio went now to mGrCyhz2Msg-00029-00026952-00027792 do the corona test is for free here in germany you come to the airport and then you can go to an area mGrCyhz2Msg-00030-00027792-00028360 where if you come from a risky country they allow you to do for free not only german people but mGrCyhz2Msg-00031-00028360-00028936 anybody that's coming from a risky country can do the test fabian will give him us more information mGrCyhz2Msg-00032-00029000-00029720 so we are here now in germany and we do our kobe test germany is so kind we can do a free test mGrCyhz2Msg-00033-00029783-00030344 it's good we recommend everybody that comes from a risk country to come here and do the kobe test so mGrCyhz2Msg-00034-00030344-00030895 you just have to fill in an app and then you get like two tickets and we get the test now and the mGrCyhz2Msg-00035-00030895-00031856 results are coming tomorrow perfect that what's your name laura feel and dance because laura needs mGrCyhz2Msg-00036-00031856-00032256 to take care of the dogs dogs are not allowed in the hovey test area of course we understand mGrCyhz2Msg-00037-00032312-00032840 thank you thank you so now we do the test yes are you excited here look this is what you get no no mGrCyhz2Msg-00038-00032840-00033784 no all right maybe here so now isabella is here yeah yeah open because you get the test yeah isn't mGrCyhz2Msg-00039-00035536-00036080 so now they told us we can't film we did a little and this was accepted we asked people if they want mGrCyhz2Msg-00040-00036080-00036856 to be on and thank you germany for doing the test yeah nice so this is frankfurt airport where they mGrCyhz2Msg-00041-00036856-00037568 do all the testing and this is where you have to pay for the tests if you think you need a test and mGrCyhz2Msg-00042-00037568-00038256 over here it's for free because it's the deutsche wrote detroit they do a great job mGrCyhz2Msg-00043-00038392-00038888 together with our army and yeah that's where it's when you travel and you come mGrCyhz2Msg-00044-00038888-00039360 from a rich country you can get it for free thanks a lot for taking here mGrCyhz2Msg-00045-00039880-00040632 so now we did our kovit test and now the next step is a rental car hopefully we find mGrCyhz2Msg-00046-00040632-00041352 one because i saw something that everything is closed but let's figure that out here we are mGrCyhz2Msg-00047-00041472-00041792 going down now to the rental cars yes mGrCyhz2Msg-00048-00041864-00042184 nice mGrCyhz2Msg-00049-00043616-00044984 tired mGrCyhz2Msg-00050-00045320-00045640 there it is we're just coming to return the car that we rent on the airport mGrCyhz2Msg-00051-00045696-00046208 we came here with the doggies let's see if this is still open mGrCyhz2Msg-00052-00046448-00047312 but with the dogs the dog boxes us and now we are in heads and they are closed mGrCyhz2Msg-00053-00047312-00048040 but they have like a little drop of keys then you need to write to when you pick it up mGrCyhz2Msg-00054-00048040-00048384 when you return and you put everything inside of this little box so that's it mGrCyhz2Msg-00055-00048440-00049240 it's pretty cool there we go at the right time key contract data and mGrCyhz2Msg-00056-00049848-00050560 check empty empty nice faster mGrCyhz2Msg-00057-00051224-00051848 and by the way just a side note we just hit the 50 000 followers on youtube thank you mGrCyhz2Msg-00058-00051848-00052488 guys so much this means the world to us thank you i have goosebumps right now yeah it just mGrCyhz2Msg-00059-00052488-00053128 happened and thank you so much for staying with us there's lots we promise there's lots more to come mGrCyhz2Msg-00060-00053216-00053824 baby is coming that's for sure but with our truck we have a lot of things happening thank you so mGrCyhz2Msg-00061-00053824-00054679 much yeah this is on a little pause in the journey but we'll come more for sure so thank you stay mGrCyhz2Msg-00062-00054679-00055455 tuned thank you see you when we see ya yeah this is where basco grew up ready and he's really happy mGrCyhz2Msg-00063-00055928-00056912 super come yay this is strange we are in our apartment yes in germany in germany mGrCyhz2Msg-00064-00056912-00057391 so you see the blue bag here you see isabella pregnant still yeah all good mGrCyhz2Msg-00065-00057472-00058320 so yeah today is the day we we pick up frank the tank our truck yes our home he is managed also mGrCyhz2Msg-00066-00058320-00059008 hopefully we don't know yet but he's on the way from mexico vero cruz to brimahapen in germany mGrCyhz2Msg-00067-00059008-00059632 so right now we are in bavaria reginsburg and we're gonna drive today with a train the german mGrCyhz2Msg-00068-00059632-00060176 fast train yes uh to hamburg there you're gonna meet lovely people you're gonna like stay tuned mGrCyhz2Msg-00069-00060176-00060832 because if you travel like us those guys are pretty cool to have as friends and uh yeah so mGrCyhz2Msg-00070-00060832-00061784 then we go there and see what's happening in this video exactly see you when we see ya bye mGrCyhz2Msg-00071-00063591-00064584 so mGrCyhz2Msg-00072-00065656-00065984 boom mGrCyhz2Msg-00073-00067640-00069672 so you mGcJ28GWm1y-00001-00005006-00005308 Mhm I gotta get it off mGcJ28GWm1y-00002-00005612-00006664 They killed X today He the same age as my lil homie Thinking what if that had been my lil homie Murdered in broad day with cameras rolling And twitter know it, before I do mGcJ28GWm1y-00003-00006700-00007606 Snapchat him while he laying lifeless His mama don’t even know her baby dying But the world do Academics got the full scoop And people saying that my lil homie deserved it mGcJ28GWm1y-00004-00007606-00008606 But don’t nobody really know the full truth They don’t know the trauma that he been through And He ain’t perfect but is you, or are you But back to the story I get the call to Inform me of the news mGcJ28GWm1y-00005-00008606-00009552 I broke down and Fall to my knees And ask why God It’s things like this that got me paranoid Sleepless nights and stare at the wall Not breathing right from these anxious thoughts mGcJ28GWm1y-00006-00009552-00010566 Catch my breath and try not to drown in I shed a tear just thinking bout it And this only a hypothetical I wrote a song and we gone sing about ya Like Puff and faith, I’ll be missing you mGcJ28GWm1y-00007-00010566-00011438 But that’s just the cycle of the Violence in the streets It could be him or you or it be me Just, wait until the reaper say repeat Pour out a pint and say Rest In Peace, Yeah mGcJ28GWm1y-00008-00011438-00013036 I got a heavy heart It’s weighing me down right now I had to write this song To try to get it off and let it out I ain’t even cook my thoughts All this emotion raw Straight off the press Weight on my chest (I gotta get it off) mGcJ28GWm1y-00009-00013113-00013460 mm yeah I gotta get it off mGcJ28GWm1y-00010-00013690-00014354 I gotta get it off yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah I gotta get it o-o-off mGcJ28GWm1y-00011-00014563-00015756 I’m riding through the streets at midnight again I ain’t even going nowhere I’m just circling Music so loud it’s distortioning I wish you could drown all the pain in the drugs But in the morning it resurfaces mGcJ28GWm1y-00012-00015756-00016684 Life has a way of breaking you down it’s a shame Yeah it’s unfortunate, yeah yeah Life is a game Life is a gamble Do you just play the hand and take the chances mGcJ28GWm1y-00013-00016684-00017504 Devil circled back for the win So he gone milly rock when he dances I’m on the edge I’m holding on to the ledge I got a grip on the madness mGcJ28GWm1y-00014-00017546-00018676 Yeah, I got a grip on the They killed X today And he was tryna find his way Yeah he got a past real dark But nothing that the light can’t save mGcJ28GWm1y-00015-00018676-00019714 I remember when I discovered him I watched his interviews and studied him I saw so much hate and love in him I felt his pain he was a troubled man His father wasn’t present to give presents mGcJ28GWm1y-00016-00019714-00020776 He preceded in the precinct His mama wasn’t stable she was distant It affected him mentally It affected him when she neglected him And hurt people hurt people, when you mGcJ28GWm1y-00017-00020830-00021672 Raised by the wolves Raised by the streets Criminal at 14 No love and guidance just drugs and weed No therapy just rhymes and beats mGcJ28GWm1y-00018-00021672-00022534 He started rapping at like 16 Just like me and Just like him I was lost to Yeah I was off too Decisions was wrong too mGcJ28GWm1y-00019-00022534-00023596 Feelings I harbored I lost hope when they killed my Partna I had built up anger against my father I was rebelling against the preacher Started selling drugs for the love of the dollar mGcJ28GWm1y-00020-00023596-00024656 Started treating all the females like objects Big bro told me watch out for karma But I ain’t believe in God or Allah I was misguided I was disheartened yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah mGcJ28GWm1y-00021-00024656-00025948 I started pushing my raps on the SoundCloud just like X did I was 17 with a great gift But all I wanted was to be famous I sit and wonder what could’ve been What if that was me instead of him mGcJ28GWm1y-00022-00025948-00027033 What if I had never found God A 19 year old superstar With many felonies and many charges And many chances and many pardons And when I got a chance to change yeah mGcJ28GWm1y-00023-00027033-00028036 They took it all away, yeah 2 Bulletholes to my chest okay They took it all away yeah And they killed me today When I was tryna find my way mGcJ28GWm1y-00024-00028036-00029268 And yeah I got a past real dark But nothing that the light can’t save Or if they killed you today When you was tryna find your way And yeah you got a past real dark But nothing that the light can’t save mGcJ28GWm1y-00025-00029344-00030970 I got a heavy heart It’s weighing me down right now I had to write this song To try to get it off and let it out I ain’t even cook my thoughts All this emotion raw Straight off the press Weight on my chest I had to get it off mH4lzaYEiWk-00000-00000744-00001152 hi so today we're gonna be coloring his beautiful mH4lzaYEiWk-00001-00001152-00001928 bleach hair that i did at the beginning of quarantine following Brad Mondo's tips or mH4lzaYEiWk-00002-00001928-00002816 tutorial whatever and we're gonna be uh coloring them in pink and blue so just because i haven't mH4lzaYEiWk-00003-00002816-00003447 been playing enough cyberpunk already yeah do you want a match so i'm and i'm uh don't mH4lzaYEiWk-00004-00003447-00003888 forget i'm also coloring my music oh yeah and he's also coloring his mustache in blue mH4lzaYEiWk-00005-00003888-00004704 so we're gonna be using the manic panic blue and this pink one we were thinking of doing half half mH4lzaYEiWk-00006-00004992-00005824 half yeah i have enough like like the ice cream yes for the coffee and your hair or the nerds mH4lzaYEiWk-00007-00005824-00006431 yeah like uh your hair is already separating in the middle automatically like a nineties boy mH4lzaYEiWk-00008-00006552-00006720 my jaw somehow nick carter mH4lzaYEiWk-00009-00006952-00007695 so i just wanna like see where it's gonna separate and that's how we're gonna step down this side mH4lzaYEiWk-00010-00007695-00008192 i think i prefer this side blue and this side thing okay good yeah that's what i wanted mH4lzaYEiWk-00011-00008192-00008696 to do yeah well because i'm looking at the mirror but mirror is opposite so i want like mH4lzaYEiWk-00012-00008928-00009592 hold on like when you look at when i'm on the left when you look on blue mH4lzaYEiWk-00013-00009728-00010048 so you want me when i look at you it's it's pink on the right mH4lzaYEiWk-00014-00010048-00010848 yeah yeah okay do i just play with my hands yeah i don't know you did your your hair the mH4lzaYEiWk-00015-00010848-00011432 other day so you should know i did it with my hands okay did it work yeah like okay mH4lzaYEiWk-00016-00011720-00012568 imagine like i really wanted my my hair to be bleached like fully bleached but it's too long mH4lzaYEiWk-00017-00012568-00013072 nobody and it's too dangerous right now i think it's gonna look cool yeah like waiting for my mH4lzaYEiWk-00018-00013072-00013688 hair to repair no but it's not broken we never ruined it we just don't want to get to the part mH4lzaYEiWk-00019-00013688-00014312 that it gets a camera massage that type i know it's not a uncomfortable this guy because right mH4lzaYEiWk-00020-00014312-00014928 now the way i look i look like a [ __ ] 90s kid yeah because i look like i'm in the foo fighters mH4lzaYEiWk-00021-00015040-00015856 with the sideburn i look like i'm i'm in either the matrix or like the foo fighters music video mH4lzaYEiWk-00022-00015856-00016688 yeah you look cool oh my god i love it i i i can't wait to see like the mH4lzaYEiWk-00023-00016848-00017440 the tip of my hair the end the end yeah you're not the only one calling it mH4lzaYEiWk-00024-00017736-00018568 it's like that oh in the club getting dipsy mH4lzaYEiWk-00025-00019064-00019696 like where does it come from i don't know it means when you're drawing oh cause you give more tips mH4lzaYEiWk-00026-00019768-00020024 so you get tipsy it's because when you're falling mH4lzaYEiWk-00027-00020328-00020624 when you're drunk you try to give advice to people trying to give tips mH4lzaYEiWk-00028-00020720-00021192 so you're like i'll give you a tip and then the word tipsy was born no mH4lzaYEiWk-00029-00021552-00021888 should we do my uh no and we're not allowed mH4lzaYEiWk-00030-00021888-00022384 oh we're not allowed it says we can't i saw c it's not the i follow my source styles mH4lzaYEiWk-00031-00022560-00023320 my eyebrows no they say you can't do eyelashes and brows they didn't say anything about mustache mH4lzaYEiWk-00032-00023320-00023856 though no no they just say maybe they didn't thought about mustache so basically kept doing mH4lzaYEiWk-00033-00023856-00024296 your eyes oh inside your body in case you want to put it in your butt oh sure mH4lzaYEiWk-00034-00024600-00025384 smack that on the floor give me some more it looks like blue is harder to grab under here really mH4lzaYEiWk-00035-00025464-00025983 we'll see once we no it grabs on but like it looks like it's harder okay we're gonna mH4lzaYEiWk-00036-00025983-00026656 leave it for half an hour yeah yeah yeah you see how i'm not gonna like when you're gonna do my mH4lzaYEiWk-00037-00026656-00027200 mustache though i forgot about it like you have to be careful because i've been growing trying mH4lzaYEiWk-00038-00027200-00027672 to grow this mustache for a year and that's all i've got so far so don't ruin it please mH4lzaYEiWk-00039-00027976-00028544 i thought i need to i need to breathe okay let's begin one two three one two three mH4lzaYEiWk-00040-00029176-00029688 but we're gonna have to to do your skin after to like not keep it dyed mH4lzaYEiWk-00041-00030224-00030408 oh lord you look oh mH4lzaYEiWk-00042-00030639-00030983 you look like i'm trying to to like torture you mH4lzaYEiWk-00043-00031216-00031672 for you you already have stains after two seconds mH4lzaYEiWk-00044-00031888-00032039 that means it's okay mH4lzaYEiWk-00045-00032256-00032504 thank you okay i'm gonna mH4lzaYEiWk-00046-00032576-00032952 we're gonna have to unstain you after everything because like you're gonna be safe mH4lzaYEiWk-00047-00033192-00033992 we're good you can talk you sure i just want to remove it is it going to work though mH4lzaYEiWk-00048-00033992-00034736 like i'm staining my face oh we're going to scrub man okay open your mouth look at this mH4lzaYEiWk-00049-00035136-00035544 okay it's gonna be fun so we're gonna wait 30 minutes and we'll be back with the result mH4lzaYEiWk-00050-00035920-00036232 he's trying to remove his shirt so it doesn't ruin his hair mH4lzaYEiWk-00051-00036568-00037024 no i'm gonna i'm gonna get stuck it's gonna no you're not gonna it's like you're just gonna mH4lzaYEiWk-00052-00037080-00037512 we're gonna hear it crack we're gonna have to like rip it if it doesn't work no it's just mH4lzaYEiWk-00053-00037512-00038120 gonna crack but it's okay it's our it's our thin dying shirt it's our hair dyeing shirt mH4lzaYEiWk-00054-00038408-00039056 oh my god that's amazing i'm not sure about the mustache but it kind of looks no it looks cool mH4lzaYEiWk-00055-00039056-00039704 yeah maybe with the light here it's nice it's up to yeah it's more glue than before do the mH4lzaYEiWk-00056-00039704-00040608 headbanging like really fast yeah moroccan [ __ ] no i can't see it it's okay i'll see it after mH4lzaYEiWk-00057-00040752-00041040 i like it good job yeah we're hugs mH4lzaYEiWk-00058-00041352-00041648 we match oh my god you have hearts in your eyes mH4lzaYEiWk-00059-00041968-00042504 so i think we're really happy with the results it's not difficult like bleaching so you know mH4lzaYEiWk-00060-00042584-00043040 that was uh that was a fun next time is going to be another color or we're going to bleach mH4lzaYEiWk-00061-00043040-00043400 my hair next time we're going to bleach our hair together because we're going to fade mH4lzaYEiWk-00062-00043480-00044264 together like you're gonna do it to me no not happening you're scared yeah of course mH4lzaYEiWk-00063-00044328-00044984 i'm gonna ruin your hair it's just pudding stuff you did your massage better than i did yours no oh mH4lzaYEiWk-00064-00045608-00046032 and it smells really good i hope i really wish it smelled like mH4lzaYEiWk-00065-00046032-00046584 blueberries no no but that's your product it's almost long enough so you can smell it mH4lzaYEiWk-00066-00046704-00047640 hey well so if you had fun with us and you think his hair looks like a badass cyberpunk [ __ ] mH4lzaYEiWk-00067-00047640-00048136 don't forget to subscribe and we'll be making more videos like this because we love changing mH4lzaYEiWk-00068-00048136-00049008 our hair colors he's obsessed with bleaching his hair since uh march i don't want to say the word mH4lzaYEiWk-00069-00049008-00050584 let's start let's see just in case uh so yeah so thank you for watching and we'll see you soon bye mHhqyFV0djc-00000-00000420-00001080 When you the word “creative,” you might think of a painter or a playwright or an author or mHhqyFV0djc-00001-00001080-00001764 a photographer or a filmmaker or a chef. In other words, you might think of people who make things. mHhqyFV0djc-00002-00001764-00002217 I think it’s what we mean when we use a label like “creative mHhqyFV0djc-00003-00002217-00002724 type.” But there is no such thing as a creative type. We are all creative. mHhqyFV0djc-00004-00002724-00003215 Every one of us. We just need a bigger definition of creativity. mHhqyFV0djc-00005-00003215-00003957 Yes, creativity involves making things. But it can also mean mashing up ideas in mHhqyFV0djc-00006-00003957-00004587 innovative ways. It can mean geeking out on data and finding unique solutions to mHhqyFV0djc-00007-00004587-00005103 practical problems. It can mean hacking systems and tweaking things in unusual mHhqyFV0djc-00008-00005103-00005799 ways. It can mean exploring ideas and navigating information until you become an expert curator. mHhqyFV0djc-00009-00005799-00006477 It can mean designing systems that empower the creative work of others. It can mean creating mHhqyFV0djc-00010-00006477-00007083 change in the world by speaking truth and leading movements and interacting with people. mHhqyFV0djc-00011-00007083-00007611 See, each of these creative approaches shape our world in profound ways. mHhqyFV0djc-00012-00007611-00007953 And the more we see the creativity all around us, mHhqyFV0djc-00013-00007953-00008397 the more we are able to appreciate the creativity inside of ourselves. mJbIITWtNq8-00000-00000292-00000836 Good afternoon, I’m Ariana Cohen-Halberstam. I'm the Artistic Director of mJbIITWtNq8-00001-00000836-00001379 Boston Jewish Film and I'm so glad to be here for a third event as part of our mJbIITWtNq8-00002-00001379-00001860 streaming Cinematheque. This is a very special one for us we showed "Picture of mJbIITWtNq8-00003-00001860-00002424 His Life" back in November as part of the 31st Annual Boston Jewish Film Festival. mJbIITWtNq8-00004-00002424-00002876 We had two amazing screenings of the film and were supposed to bring it back mJbIITWtNq8-00005-00002876-00003471 in March, unfortunately, we had to cancel that screening because of world events, mJbIITWtNq8-00006-00003471-00004022 but we are so glad to be bringing you the film and Q&A now and we have some mJbIITWtNq8-00007-00004022-00004467 very special guests with us here first we have Yonatan Nir who's the director mJbIITWtNq8-00008-00004467-00004898 of tonight's film. He's an award-winning documentary film producer and director, mJbIITWtNq8-00009-00004898-00005432 whose films have shown in Boston at his debut film "Dolphin Boy" played at the mJbIITWtNq8-00010-00005432-00005921 2011 Boston Jewish Film Festival and received awards at festivals around the mJbIITWtNq8-00011-00005921-00006380 world and was nominated for the Israeli Academy Awards. His film "My Hero Brother" mJbIITWtNq8-00012-00006380-00006765 also won awards around the film and screened as a co-presentation of Boston mJbIITWtNq8-00013-00006765-00007206 Jewish Film Festival and ReelAbilities Boston back in 2017 and we brought you mJbIITWtNq8-00014-00007206-00007718 on a time here to Boston back then. It was also this film, "Picture of His Life" mJbIITWtNq8-00015-00007718-00008142 was the opening night film at Docaviv Film Festival and Yonatan is also a mJbIITWtNq8-00016-00008142-00008538 motivational speaker who's given over 1300 lectures around the world including mJbIITWtNq8-00017-00008538-00009047 at the UN and the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. We also have a someone here mJbIITWtNq8-00018-00009047-00009489 who you will all recognize from the film you just saw, Amos Nachoum, who is a mJbIITWtNq8-00019-00009489-00009950 master photographing big animals worldwide there's one swimming up behind mJbIITWtNq8-00020-00009950-00010404 him right now. He is one of five people to ever swim and photograph a polar bear mJbIITWtNq8-00021-00010404-00010845 underwater. His photos and essays have appeared in publications mJbIITWtNq8-00022-00010845-00011175 including The National Geographic, TIME, Life, and the New York mJbIITWtNq8-00023-00011175-00011631 Times. He is a two-time winner in the Animal Behavior category of the BBC mJbIITWtNq8-00024-00011631-00012075 Wildlife Photographer of the Year and his 2014 TEDTalk "In the Company of mJbIITWtNq8-00025-00012075-00012479 Ocean Giants" was met with the standing ovation and you can watch that online. mJbIITWtNq8-00026-00012479-00012933 His photographic vision is to raise awareness of ocean giants in the and mJbIITWtNq8-00027-00012933-00013254 their habitats. He's also an explorer and leads wildlife mJbIITWtNq8-00028-00013254-00014010 photography expeditions with his company Check it out! It will make you want to get back on the road and mJbIITWtNq8-00029-00014010-00014436 underwater fast and he is a conservationist who co-founded Israel's mJbIITWtNq8-00030-00014436-00014913 Marine National Park on the Red Sea. He recently purchased a home in Yafo and is mJbIITWtNq8-00031-00014913-00015304 moving between California and Israel at this time. Welcome! mJbIITWtNq8-00032-00015312-00015910 Thank you very much for both of you and the animal behind me. mJbIITWtNq8-00033-00015910-00016332 And the animal behind you. I guess I was going to start with a question about the mJbIITWtNq8-00034-00016332-00016730 film but can you tell us first about this photograph behind you? mJbIITWtNq8-00035-00016730-00017114 The photograph is of leopard seal seen only in mJbIITWtNq8-00036-00017115-00017706 Antarctica. It's animal that hardly nobody really studied it or research it it's very mJbIITWtNq8-00037-00017706-00018279 difficult to work with them. There are a limited period of time and prey mostly mJbIITWtNq8-00038-00018279-00019176 on krill, despite the fact that also can feed on penguins and it is one of the mJbIITWtNq8-00039-00019176-00019566 subjects that I photograph design the opportunity to photograph when they are mJbIITWtNq8-00040-00019566-00020120 playing on the penguins and got tremendous amount of exposure and mJbIITWtNq8-00041-00020120-00020760 recognition in the world and one of the past winning image. It is one of the mJbIITWtNq8-00042-00020760-00021303 animal that I want mostly because they are in a family of endangered threatened mJbIITWtNq8-00043-00021303-00021903 animal and to be able to capture them for the legacy of mankind what really we mJbIITWtNq8-00044-00021903-00022485 have have in world if we protected will stay for long and if not what was before mJbIITWtNq8-00045-00022485-00023148 on our planet is unfortunately we going to be some of them. I have quite a few mJbIITWtNq8-00046-00023148-00023511 questions about that and about your work as a conservationist but I want to back mJbIITWtNq8-00047-00023511-00024303 up a little bit because this film talks about that and Yonatan you found almost mJbIITWtNq8-00048-00024303-00024576 and made this film and I want to learn a little bit from both of you about how mJbIITWtNq8-00049-00024576-00024946 you came to know each other and how this film came to be? mJbIITWtNq8-00050-00024946-00025140 Go ahead Yoni! mJbIITWtNq8-00051-00025154-00026060 So, I think it was 2004 or 2005, before I lived in the States in different places around the mJbIITWtNq8-00052-00026060-00026588 world and I got to a point where I thought to myself what do mJbIITWtNq8-00053-00026589-00027042 I really want to do when when I be old you know? Not old but mJbIITWtNq8-00054-00027042-00027452 older you know? What is the thing that I really want to do? And I thought that mJbIITWtNq8-00055-00027452-00028110 being a wildlife photographer, underwater photographer, as a photojournalist is a mJbIITWtNq8-00056-00028110-00028794 nice occupation to have and I search for someone to teach me to guide me mJbIITWtNq8-00057-00028794-00029430 through this process you know and someone recommended me to contact Amos mJbIITWtNq8-00058-00029430-00029933 Nachoum and they didn't know who is Amos. I didn't know who Amos, I have to say mJbIITWtNq8-00059-00029933-00030399 when this person told me to contact him so I went to the you know to the mJbIITWtNq8-00060-00030399-00030951 Internet and I looked at Amos Nachoum and then I saw the images and I was like mJbIITWtNq8-00061-00030951-00031437 what the hell is this you know I never seen anything like that before. The mJbIITWtNq8-00062-00031437-00031998 images were so powerful and unique it seems like you don't need a signature to mJbIITWtNq8-00063-00031998-00032454 recognize them because it was the signature was in the picture and I said mJbIITWtNq8-00064-00032454-00033150 okay this person must be an interesting one I must meet him. But I didn't have mJbIITWtNq8-00065-00033150-00033591 the guts to give him a call to be quite honest because I thought to myself what mJbIITWtNq8-00066-00033591-00034044 am I going to show him some pictures of fish that they took in Thailand and I mJbIITWtNq8-00067-00034044-00034734 decided to give up on calling him but then he contacted the person who gave me mJbIITWtNq8-00068-00034734-00035043 his phone number the person who gave me his phone number also told him that I'm mJbIITWtNq8-00069-00035043-00035580 about to call him and he contact him and said tell this tell this guy to contact mJbIITWtNq8-00070-00035580-00035919 me. And a week or two weeks later I already mJbIITWtNq8-00071-00035919-00036542 met him first time in France. For the first year or a year and a half our mJbIITWtNq8-00072-00036542-00037254 relationship was very you know focused on professional questions that I mJbIITWtNq8-00073-00037254-00037851 asked him I shared with him images he gave me some some feedback gave me some mJbIITWtNq8-00074-00037851-00038369 smart advice for how to you know to start my career or to develop my career mJbIITWtNq8-00075-00038369-00039027 but then in 2006 I was injured in the Second Lebanon War and two or three mJbIITWtNq8-00076-00039027-00039602 weeks after my injury when I was back in at my home already out of the hospital I mJbIITWtNq8-00077-00039602-00040144 one day got a phone call from Amos and he heard that I was injured mJbIITWtNq8-00078-00040144-00040909 and he was very very you know worried and he asked me how do i how do I feel mJbIITWtNq8-00079-00040909-00041466 and he started to tell me that he has his own sim similar story in a mJbIITWtNq8-00080-00041466-00042421 way he was injured in another war we had in Israel and then a couple calls later mJbIITWtNq8-00081-00042421-00043019 he already invited me to come and basically help him be his assistant in mJbIITWtNq8-00082-00043019-00043713 two weeks in Sri Lanka. We went there to photograph elephants and and leopards mJbIITWtNq8-00083-00043713-00044206 and I learned more about photography during these two two weeks then I learned mJbIITWtNq8-00084-00044206-00045022 about photography you know in film school and but I also learned you know I mJbIITWtNq8-00085-00045022-00045597 also kind of got to know him better and I realized that he has a story to tell mJbIITWtNq8-00086-00045597-00046653 and that was 2007 or 2008, only in 2010 we realize me and my co-director Dani mJbIITWtNq8-00087-00046653-00047397 Menkin, which is important to mention, that the story of Amos, first of all mJbIITWtNq8-00088-00047397-00047796 it's a very Israeli story for me even though he is living in States for mJbIITWtNq8-00089-00047796-00048500 40-something years it's a very Israeli story. It's also international story and mJbIITWtNq8-00090-00048500-00049168 that we want to tell this story with him as we go on an expedition to take the mJbIITWtNq8-00091-00049168-00049578 picture that is still missing which is the polar bear picture underwater, which mJbIITWtNq8-00092-00049584-00050178 was his idea, not ours of course and that's it and that's how it started and mJbIITWtNq8-00093-00050178-00050684 we took us many many years to complete this film ten years to be quiet honest. mJbIITWtNq8-00094-00050702-00051376 I'm really interested because the work of being a photographer and you know these images mJbIITWtNq8-00095-00051376-00051891 of you underwater it feels very solitary in a way it's you and the great big sea. mJbIITWtNq8-00096-00051891-00052477 I mean there was a team helping you but you're really on your own path and I mJbIITWtNq8-00097-00052477-00052967 wonder what it was like for you two or if it was easy for you to agree to have mJbIITWtNq8-00098-00052967-00053353 Yoni, who I guess you've known for a while, but still to have a camera mJbIITWtNq8-00099-00053353-00053738 following you as opposed to you being the holder of the camera? mJbIITWtNq8-00100-00053738-00054066 The work of photographer is not mJbIITWtNq8-00101-00054066-00054520 necessarily alone it happened unfortunately because there are not too mJbIITWtNq8-00102-00054520-00055072 many people which are willing to be or they are good enough to be second and mJbIITWtNq8-00103-00055072-00055735 with the photographer. In case of Yoni which is a case of as Yoni mentioned is an mJbIITWtNq8-00104-00055735-00056332 Israeli story and the education I must say I must admit is part of the military mJbIITWtNq8-00105-00056332-00057064 and be able to excel working in such a cohesive unit during the training and mJbIITWtNq8-00106-00057064-00057382 during the service that take long for three years and eventually during the mJbIITWtNq8-00107-00057382-00057844 war and being wounded. There is element that you cannot obstruct just from life mJbIITWtNq8-00108-00057844-00058315 or take away from anyone in life and put it together. So it worked very well mJbIITWtNq8-00109-00058315-00058858 between Yoni and I similar, in my view, anyway mostly because of that mJbIITWtNq8-00110-00058858-00059323 background that lead us. Yoni was able to accept for me and I was able to accept mJbIITWtNq8-00111-00059323-00059785 from him and together we create it wasn't harmony that it worked very well mJbIITWtNq8-00112-00059785-00060172 till today he despite all the ups and down and the different direction things mJbIITWtNq8-00113-00060172-00060736 going and despite the fact that more people coming into the team but not all mJbIITWtNq8-00114-00060736-00061138 of them have the same background. The background between a connection between mJbIITWtNq8-00115-00061138-00061711 Yoni and I remained the same despite the up and down. It is the foundation for mJbIITWtNq8-00116-00061711-00062269 that is so if I look at other photographer beside myself, yes, there are mJbIITWtNq8-00117-00062269-00063025 many of them remain alone because it's not very easy for a person to be second mJbIITWtNq8-00118-00063025-00063717 to a photographer for a long period of time.When I started I was second also to mJbIITWtNq8-00119-00063717-00064447 one of the leading fashion photographer in Israel and I learned from him that mJbIITWtNq8-00120-00064447-00064936 I could not stay there for very long. Yes I've been there for eight or nine months. mJbIITWtNq8-00121-00064936-00065341 We had very good relationship and a good relationship today. mJbIITWtNq8-00122-00065341-00065708 And he and his wife after 40 years came to see the movie mJbIITWtNq8-00123-00065708-00066336 in Israel together with Yoni. It was fantastic but to be second for a long mJbIITWtNq8-00124-00066336-00066822 time in the world of being able to express yourself is not something that mJbIITWtNq8-00125-00066822-00067445 many people can carry and all the compliments to Yoni that he had the mJbIITWtNq8-00126-00067445-00068100 spirit, the soul, and the personality to do it stay with me and together created mJbIITWtNq8-00127-00068100-00068401 for such a long period of time till today. mJbIITWtNq8-00128-00068401-00068558 It's-I mean the mJbIITWtNq8-00129-00068558-00068886 relationship comes through because I think there is a real intimacy in the mJbIITWtNq8-00130-00068886-00069354 film and you get to I thought one of the really interesting choices was to have mJbIITWtNq8-00131-00069354-00069902 all of these people in your life and people who you worked with reflecting on mJbIITWtNq8-00132-00069902-00070244 why they think you do this work and I thought it was really interesting that mJbIITWtNq8-00133-00070244-00070725 it wasn't that your words about your about your motivation didn't come in mJbIITWtNq8-00134-00070725-00071235 until later in the film. I'm curious from both of you, but from Yoni I'm curious about mJbIITWtNq8-00135-00071235-00071580 why you tried to structure why you decided to structure the film that way mJbIITWtNq8-00136-00071580-00072347 and also from you about what it was like to hear these outside reflections on mJbIITWtNq8-00137-00072347-00072790 your motivation and your work? mJbIITWtNq8-00138-00072802-00073127 For me I think that, first of all, in order to mJbIITWtNq8-00139-00073127-00073826 create relationship like like we have Amos and I and generally in all my mJbIITWtNq8-00140-00073826-00074592 all my documentaries you know they really we really need to to have time mJbIITWtNq8-00141-00074592-00075344 and trust and time builds trust and trust is growing with time it's not you mJbIITWtNq8-00142-00075344-00075822 can't I don't think we could have made this film two or three years after I met mJbIITWtNq8-00143-00075822-00076137 Amos. We needed a lot of time to build the mJbIITWtNq8-00144-00076137-00076935 trust for him and for us to go on this adventure because it was a it was it was mJbIITWtNq8-00145-00076935-00077606 a dangerous one from many many aspects you know financially and and even you mJbIITWtNq8-00146-00077606-00078044 know something could happen to us and or something could happen to Amos and mJbIITWtNq8-00147-00078044-00078444 then what would I feel about it, which was my biggest worry you know what mJbIITWtNq8-00148-00078444-00078914 will happen if Amos or Adam Ravetch which which we should mention which was mJbIITWtNq8-00149-00078914-00079538 under water with him. what what would how would I feel if the person which I mJbIITWtNq8-00150-00079538-00079997 consider was my mentor and which I consider someone that I love and respect mJbIITWtNq8-00151-00079997-00080483 and I make a film about him and he's going and swimming with a bear and he's mJbIITWtNq8-00152-00080483-00080870 getting getting killed, you know? Then or something happened to him how do how mJbIITWtNq8-00153-00080870-00081446 will I feel with myself so that was one of the responsibilities that I felt and mJbIITWtNq8-00154-00081446-00081818 Amos actually helped me a lot to get over it you just said you know I'm gonna mJbIITWtNq8-00155-00081818-00082483 do it either without you so you better come and join you know so that was but I mJbIITWtNq8-00156-00082483-00082997 really think that you know yeah documentary is always about that. You mJbIITWtNq8-00157-00082997-00083495 know it's always about trust you know always about time and I kind of forget mJbIITWtNq8-00158-00083495-00083654 your question I'm so sorry. mJbIITWtNq8-00159-00083654-00083885 I was asking well I think that you know mJbIITWtNq8-00160-00083885-00084218 you had this you had your own relationship with Amos and then in the mJbIITWtNq8-00161-00084218-00084774 film you asked about their sort of perception. mJbIITWtNq8-00162-00084774-00085076 So I when I when I make film mJbIITWtNq8-00163-00085076-00085721 and trying to reflect the story that I see in my eyes you know and the story mJbIITWtNq8-00164-00085721-00086468 for me Amos, when I met him, he was a very mysterious person you know when I mJbIITWtNq8-00165-00086468-00086870 asked you to ask him personal questions he didn't want to ask he didn't want to mJbIITWtNq8-00166-00086870-00087344 answer when I asked him about the past he said the past is the past we live in mJbIITWtNq8-00167-00087344-00087836 the present the present is present and we can speak about the future but forget mJbIITWtNq8-00168-00087836-00088208 about the past the past is not important and I always thought that the past is mJbIITWtNq8-00169-00088208-00088697 important because the past is is part of us you know as a part of a present and mJbIITWtNq8-00170-00088697-00089237 it's it's a part of how do we see in life. So for me I Amos was a mysterious mJbIITWtNq8-00171-00089237-00089867 person and then I started to speak with people at the beginning without camera mJbIITWtNq8-00172-00089867-00090485 to try to get more information you know I knew that it was in the 73 war and and mJbIITWtNq8-00173-00090485-00090883 he actually directed me to some of his friends some of them he didn't speak mJbIITWtNq8-00174-00090883-00091274 with for years and they gave me some more information and then his sister mJbIITWtNq8-00175-00091274-00091679 gave me some more information and then his colleagues and gave me some more mJbIITWtNq8-00176-00091679-00092036 information so we built it up a little slowly mJbIITWtNq8-00177-00092036-00092655 to be quite honest Amos really opened up only in the Canadian Arctic. I think mJbIITWtNq8-00178-00092655-00093433 something in this beautiful pure nature I think opened him up and and you could mJbIITWtNq8-00179-00093433-00093814 see it in the film it was totally natural we didn't push him to do that mJbIITWtNq8-00180-00093814-00094391 you can't push Amos to do anything you know it came because he was in the right mJbIITWtNq8-00181-00094391-00095008 time in the right place so that's why we kind of edited the film the same way you mJbIITWtNq8-00182-00095008-00095686 know we get people that speaks about this you know this this silence mJbIITWtNq8-00183-00095686-00096337 protagonist and then you build this tension you build this curiosity about mJbIITWtNq8-00184-00096337-00096823 him and then when it comes up and he doesn't give all the answers he gives mJbIITWtNq8-00185-00096823-00097385 only some of the answers and then I know that some of the people that spoke about mJbIITWtNq8-00186-00097385-00098062 Amos, Amos, has not-it's not- accept not that- doesn't think that mJbIITWtNq8-00187-00098062-00098614 everything that they say is the truth so that it's not easy sister or whatever mJbIITWtNq8-00188-00098614-00099106 but you can ask him about it. I mean it's an interesting and I will but I do think mJbIITWtNq8-00189-00099106-00099501 it's interesting that you hear these words but we're still seeing you Amos mJbIITWtNq8-00190-00099501-00099952 at your working and we're just hearing these voices then we don't actually see mJbIITWtNq8-00191-00099952-00100333 the images of you know what the your sisters look like until the very end and mJbIITWtNq8-00192-00100333-00100888 there's an interesting parallel to sort of the way we look and put meaning onto mJbIITWtNq8-00193-00100888-00101326 photographs as well you know it's sort of the opposite where we're not where mJbIITWtNq8-00194-00101326-00101731 we're only seeing I'm not sure what what it is quite but there's a nice there's mJbIITWtNq8-00195-00101731-00102025 something that I haven't quite figured out that works in an interesting way mJbIITWtNq8-00196-00102025-00102643 with photography and sort of the be seeing and not hearing or hearing and mJbIITWtNq8-00197-00102643-00103042 not seeing so I thought it was an interesting way to do it I would love to mJbIITWtNq8-00198-00103042-00103501 hear your feelings about hearing what your sisters and your friends had to say mJbIITWtNq8-00199-00103501-00104113 about about you and and sort of how that squares with your own with your own vision of yourself? mJbIITWtNq8-00200-00104113-00104300 Am I allowed to say something about Yoni? mJbIITWtNq8-00201-00104300-00105361 He said plenty about you. Yoni has a special, a very unique spirit we don't find it in many mJbIITWtNq8-00202-00105361-00105754 people and he's with extraordinary sensitive mJbIITWtNq8-00203-00105754-00106649 and really able to touch and to express in words and his camera a very unique mJbIITWtNq8-00204-00106649-00107179 element of individual and he went the beginning and he did "Orphan Boy" and mJbIITWtNq8-00205-00107179-00107708 how he continued with me and I'm sure "My Hero Brother" and about will field mJbIITWtNq8-00206-00107708-00108302 and of course he did a famous Ted- Ted presentation just three months ago about mJbIITWtNq8-00207-00108302-00108863 post trauma and that is- that is Yoni mJbIITWtNq8-00208-00108863-00109322 that's Yoni is able to get deep deep into the detail level of the mJbIITWtNq8-00209-00109322-00109745 individual and I must give him the compliment and in public and to offer mJbIITWtNq8-00210-00109745-00110383 hopefully in next week also with Christiane Amanpour that he helped me mJbIITWtNq8-00211-00110383-00111050 and the movie and his work, his question, and his exploration and dealing with my mJbIITWtNq8-00212-00111050-00111460 past as he said correctly the past indeed is something that made us but it mJbIITWtNq8-00213-00111460-00111961 helped me to be connected with that that I tried to push back. Interestingly mJbIITWtNq8-00214-00111961-00112510 enough just because it is very Israeli and one of my friend in a service in mJbIITWtNq8-00215-00112510-00112898 the Sayeret Shaked is about writing the book about post-trauma mJbIITWtNq8-00216-00112898-00113465 and about especially the the unit and our memory of this. I supposed to sit mJbIITWtNq8-00217-00113465-00114077 today and write to him I'm in a dilemma because I honestly there are so many mJbIITWtNq8-00218-00114077-00114563 think as Yoni said I try to block him I don't try I did not try I did mJbIITWtNq8-00219-00114563-00115276 block the past: the fire, the explosion, the smelled all those things that are mJbIITWtNq8-00220-00115276-00115907 terrorized and terrorized me or some of us I don't remember the name of the people mJbIITWtNq8-00221-00115907-00116252 are try to extract the name of the people that were with me there and I mJbIITWtNq8-00222-00116252-00116766 cannot even bring them out I have the picture yes I can see their eyes mJbIITWtNq8-00223-00116914-00117559 but I can not remember their name. So the work that Yoni did was remarkable and bring up a lot of those mJbIITWtNq8-00224-00117559-00118214 injured or moment that when when I was to them or together with them and raised mJbIITWtNq8-00225-00118214-00118650 enough money to do it to build a high Arctic. mJbIITWtNq8-00226-00118650-00119328 I've felt the many bridges crossed on many world fall apart lucky take take mJbIITWtNq8-00227-00119328-00119913 off from the onion take off layer by layer by layer coming and is not over yet he's mJbIITWtNq8-00228-00119913-00120440 not a very still continuously every conversation is sauterated and mJbIITWtNq8-00229-00120440-00120999 preparation for talking to and to Christiane Amanpour and she want to talk mJbIITWtNq8-00230-00120999-00122250 about post-trauma. Amos its tomorrow, not next week. So, it is it's very it's very important to mJbIITWtNq8-00231-00122250-00122711 me and I'm blessed to have the opportunity to connect the past that I mJbIITWtNq8-00232-00122711-00123158 left behind and what I'm doing today and as you mentioned very interesting Ariana mJbIITWtNq8-00233-00123158-00123993 and yes I took all the truths that I had before and rather than to look at them mJbIITWtNq8-00234-00123993-00124392 as war and fighting and hunting and killing and who knows what else was mJbIITWtNq8-00235-00124392-00125135 saving people. Try to do it totally into total other environment the blue was for mJbIITWtNq8-00236-00125135-00125718 me and I did not I did not know who I went after my heart that's all what I mJbIITWtNq8-00237-00125718-00126158 did I left everything to my heart and and I went to the blue I went to the mJbIITWtNq8-00238-00126158-00126672 desert in the Sinai and then into the water it was like there is another world mJbIITWtNq8-00239-00126672-00127464 that we hardly touch and it is healing and it is colorful it is fascinating in mJbIITWtNq8-00240-00127464-00127992 his exploration and very little was known about many of the animal like the mJbIITWtNq8-00241-00127992-00128630 one sitting behind me. I find another one to challenge myself in rather than to mJbIITWtNq8-00242-00128630-00129054 fight or to struggle on the street within New York or the street when I was mJbIITWtNq8-00243-00129054-00129350 taxi driver in New York, don't forget that. mJbIITWtNq8-00244-00129350-00129664 I want to hear about that too! mJbIITWtNq8-00245-00129666-00130585 When I was growing up in Israel. It was the time of shortage in the early fifties I remember standing on line is a mJbIITWtNq8-00246-00130683-00131361 kid and tried to get some milk and bread to bring home yeah so my life worth to mJbIITWtNq8-00247-00131361-00132026 some apparently some contrast and some struggle in my heart was mJbIITWtNq8-00248-00132026-00132458 prior to someplace else other than what is right now in for the past my heart mJbIITWtNq8-00249-00132458-00133052 was inspired to something else and I followed my heart despite the difficulty mJbIITWtNq8-00250-00133052-00133483 and not paying attention to what my friends are doing, or they become mJbIITWtNq8-00251-00133483-00134102 lawyers or a contractor or high-tech anything. I stayed with my heart that mJbIITWtNq8-00252-00134102-00134873 bring us here today and I am really so happy and so delightful and the movie mJbIITWtNq8-00253-00134873-00135479 was just unbelievable moment and now this week as we go online to share it to mJbIITWtNq8-00254-00135479-00136076 the world. There's a line you say in the film about seeking out the beauty mJbIITWtNq8-00255-00136076-00136487 in the world instead of its misery and I and I that struck me and I think it's a mJbIITWtNq8-00256-00136487-00136871 really beautiful sentiment and hearing you talk now thinking about as mJbIITWtNq8-00257-00136871-00137408 much as you can see the beauty or as Yonatan said earlier the the idea of mJbIITWtNq8-00258-00137408-00137888 living in the present you can't really fully step away from from the past and mJbIITWtNq8-00259-00137888-00138266 it's it's interesting to see the way those intersect as you try to move mJbIITWtNq8-00260-00138266-00138947 forward and you know I'm sort of thinking about the now and the future I mJbIITWtNq8-00261-00138947-00139412 want a sort of transition to your work in conservation because I think when mJbIITWtNq8-00262-00139412-00139757 we're appreciating the beauty of the world now it's it's impossible not to mJbIITWtNq8-00263-00139757-00140240 think about what the world might look like in another he said two-thirds of mJbIITWtNq8-00264-00140240-00140804 the polar bear population may be done by 2050 I mean that's a staggering number. mJbIITWtNq8-00265-00140804-00141353 I'm curious about your work and also I'm curious you know a lot of the mJbIITWtNq8-00266-00141353-00141866 conversation about if there's any silver lining to what's going on with COVID is mJbIITWtNq8-00267-00141866-00142520 that a lot of some of the climate change stuff has been delayed and I'm wondering mJbIITWtNq8-00268-00142520-00142913 if any of the polar bear populations have sort of come back in the past few mJbIITWtNq8-00269-00142913-00143438 months or if it's too soon to know? It is too soon know indeed is very short mJbIITWtNq8-00270-00143438-00143820 period of time we're talking about four months or five months from February till mJbIITWtNq8-00271-00143820-00144461 now or January till now and we do know from the people that are work with the mJbIITWtNq8-00272-00144461-00145004 operator of them because I could not go there that they are and there is more mJbIITWtNq8-00273-00145004-00145689 ice and there are there are the same of of them some people reported feel they mJbIITWtNq8-00274-00145689-00146070 did not know if there may be more polar bear because nobody go out to check them mJbIITWtNq8-00275-00146070-00146724 out or to count them but some reporting seeing them more often than before we mJbIITWtNq8-00276-00146724-00147219 don't know if the several or other one only next season will tell really next mJbIITWtNq8-00277-00147219-00147678 time weren't we able to get them I'm planning to be the next April early mJbIITWtNq8-00278-00147678-00148170 April to be with them again and then we'll know better mJbIITWtNq8-00279-00148170-00148740 really the population of the polar bear will not go automatically they bring mJbIITWtNq8-00280-00148740-00149112 only one well 70% of the time they bring only one mJbIITWtNq8-00281-00149112-00149855 one calf, 15 or 20% they bring 2 and less than 10% they bring three even mJbIITWtNq8-00282-00149855-00150486 though they bring up to three or two only one of the cub will survive because is mJbIITWtNq8-00283-00150486-00150990 it survive this the fittest of the survival between the boy between the mJbIITWtNq8-00284-00150990-00151809 cubs so it won't take very long time for them to recover the question the issue mJbIITWtNq8-00285-00151809-00152337 is really the challenge about food supply the more ice the most seals make mJbIITWtNq8-00286-00152337-00153078 hole in the ice the more food the polar bear has, the less ice the less holes, less seals mJbIITWtNq8-00287-00153078-00153711 for them to catch then they will have to survive on grass or birds eggs or mJbIITWtNq8-00288-00153711-00154353 going to civilization and that is the dilemma that we are facing unfortunately mJbIITWtNq8-00289-00154353-00154860 and I meant I don't mind to measure it in this set up what our present doing is mJbIITWtNq8-00290-00154860-00155490 out of the ordinary and very destructive for the future generation opening the mJbIITWtNq8-00291-00155490-00156159 High Arctic refuge for exploration it is a no-no. Opening Utah and Arizona and mJbIITWtNq8-00292-00156159-00156842 other land that was divided supposed to be parked a parking area of four pounds mJbIITWtNq8-00293-00156842-00157466 of conservation is a no-no and Alaska does something that we are a difficult mJbIITWtNq8-00294-00157466-00158252 time that need to change and need to be conserve and protected for all humanity. mJbIITWtNq8-00295-00158252-00158750 Yeah I mean I I think that message beautifully comes through in the mJbIITWtNq8-00296-00158750-00159160 film I mean not not in terms of you know specific things we are doing but I think mJbIITWtNq8-00297-00159160-00159551 hearing about polar bears going in starving polar bears and attacking mJbIITWtNq8-00298-00159551-00160247 humans or you're you're speaking about doing this work as a way to sort of show mJbIITWtNq8-00299-00160247-00160682 it might not be there and seeing these images and and I mean it's it's really mJbIITWtNq8-00300-00160682-00161108 heartbreaking to hear,hear you talk about the possibility of losing this mJbIITWtNq8-00301-00161108-00161711 when looking at such beauty. If you can I would love to know a little bit about mJbIITWtNq8-00302-00161711-00162323 what how you realize that first polar bear was dangerous and and what it felt mJbIITWtNq8-00303-00162323-00162716 like to be down there and then and then sort of what it felt like to be back mJbIITWtNq8-00304-00162716-00163147 down there having just had this experience with the other bear and then mJbIITWtNq8-00305-00163147-00163595 and then being able to take that picture? I mean your joy comes across but I think mJbIITWtNq8-00306-00163595-00164000 if you can talk a little bit about that really terrifying seeming movement I mJbIITWtNq8-00307-00164000-00164795 would not go back in the water after that let me tell you. mJbIITWtNq8-00308-00164795-00165500 We have to look at it in such a way to understand when people like yourself or Yoni that not being with polar bear mJbIITWtNq8-00309-00165500-00165973 or any animal or any one else or Dani who was with us mJbIITWtNq8-00310-00165973-00166346 look at it from the point of view from the outside and anybody look at that mJbIITWtNq8-00311-00166346-00167008 today it's very difficult for them to imagine so a lot of fear and a lot of mJbIITWtNq8-00312-00167008-00167633 other call it fake media come to their mind and ability to survival and and mJbIITWtNq8-00313-00167633-00168245 feel safe how do you feel safe or not afraid. It's very different for people mJbIITWtNq8-00314-00168245-00168788 like Adam and myself that we dedicated so much of our life to be in the mJbIITWtNq8-00315-00168788-00169544 wilderness in with a camera and then the camera become our main tools and we put mJbIITWtNq8-00316-00169544-00169991 we put our soul in the fold of the camera and only the body behind mJbIITWtNq8-00317-00169991-00170711 the camera to take the picture so our concentration is on taking the picture mJbIITWtNq8-00318-00170711-00171131 at a time. There is no time for fear because if mJbIITWtNq8-00319-00171131-00171602 there was a time for fear if there was fear would take over there is no picture mJbIITWtNq8-00320-00171602-00172112 taken and that is and I can say to myself mJbIITWtNq8-00321-00172112-00172535 that's something that we take from the service there's something that Yoni mJbIITWtNq8-00322-00172535-00172930 took and that's why unfortunately he got injured and when he mJbIITWtNq8-00323-00172930-00173321 took them their courage to go and look for mines and eventually they blew up on mJbIITWtNq8-00324-00173321-00173795 the mind and some of his friends when they were injured or died and he himself got mJbIITWtNq8-00325-00173795-00174197 injured or what happened to me during the service of doing especially the mJbIITWtNq8-00326-00174197-00174782 war in 73 and then after this in Gaza and check in dealing with that terrorism in mJbIITWtNq8-00327-00174782-00175567 Gaza so you can when you are motivated in the moment to do something and you mJbIITWtNq8-00328-00175567-00176116 are motivated you're driven there is nothing else left and you decide to do mJbIITWtNq8-00329-00176116-00176740 that you don't think about fear anymore there was very interesting story of mJbIITWtNq8-00330-00176740-00177279 course from world war two and also recently also about of them one of them mJbIITWtNq8-00331-00177279-00178066 their Israeli military nurse that went to serve people and there was a mJbIITWtNq8-00332-00178066-00178576 television piece about it in Israel about him that despite the fact that mJbIITWtNq8-00333-00178576-00179159 they were under fire and the commander got injured this person this nurse mJbIITWtNq8-00334-00179159-00179613 military and what do we call them Yoni? (חובש צבאי) mJbIITWtNq8-00335-00179613-00180117 military doctor or whatever military nurse, medic mJbIITWtNq8-00336-00180153-00180950 yeah so so he went despite it was under fire and I'm aiming at him and he ran full mJbIITWtNq8-00337-00180950-00181361 speed in open field to reach to this commander and to send him mJbIITWtNq8-00338-00181361-00181855 unfortunate the commander died later on but for this war this he got of course a mJbIITWtNq8-00339-00181855-00182539 compliment military they call it a medal of respect and honor so when mJbIITWtNq8-00340-00182539-00182977 you aren't committed to do something and there is nothing left behind you cause a mJbIITWtNq8-00341-00182977-00183478 threat on the on a risk on it is that is the in of calling it's not even a duty mJbIITWtNq8-00342-00183478-00184019 anymore it's a higher calling and then whatever come out of it and that is them mJbIITWtNq8-00343-00184019-00184564 the success of what Yoni and Dani did willing to go to make this movie despite mJbIITWtNq8-00344-00184564-00185075 all the obstacles that fear the concern the money that everything else and all mJbIITWtNq8-00345-00185075-00185501 that no-no-no that people told them so many mJbIITWtNq8-00346-00185501-00186065 no for 10 years and that's what it takes to be successful and that's why we mJbIITWtNq8-00347-00186065-00186881 are here today and thank you again and Yoni and Dani too It's a remarkable feat I want to mJbIITWtNq8-00348-00186881-00187427 just let everyone who's watching know if you have questions you can ask in the in mJbIITWtNq8-00349-00187427-00188099 the Q&A box before we open up to questions for the audience I want to mJbIITWtNq8-00350-00188099-00188486 talk because I think you know you talked about this moment at the end where mJbIITWtNq8-00351-00188486-00189086 you're you make it happen and the film comes together and watching it for the mJbIITWtNq8-00352-00189086-00189629 third time to prepare for this I was crying at the end of the film. I mean mJbIITWtNq8-00353-00189629-00190031 it's a really moving moment and and I think of course the music there the mJbIITWtNq8-00354-00190031-00190451 Leonard Cohen song "Anthem" helps bring out those emotions and it's such a mJbIITWtNq8-00355-00190451-00190967 perfect song can you talk a little bit about your choice to to play the Leonard mJbIITWtNq8-00356-00190967-00191708 Cohen song at the end there? This is by the way Yoni talent he's so mJbIITWtNq8-00357-00191708-00192404 sensitive to those moment and he had such a unique skills to bring those mJbIITWtNq8-00358-00192404-00194390 things to an epic. Okay, thank you Amos! I think the TV does very good to you, you are blushing. mJbIITWtNq8-00359-00194390-00195035 This song one day and when we were editing the film and we had two options mJbIITWtNq8-00360-00195035-00195758 actually one song by Neil Young which we really liked but it didn't fit for for mJbIITWtNq8-00361-00195758-00196271 the end of the film it it could fit earlier and we realized that we can't mJbIITWtNq8-00362-00196271-00196874 afford to have Leonard Cohen and Neil Young in the same film and also that it mJbIITWtNq8-00363-00196874-00197756 will be too much to have two iconic songs in one film. So we decided that we mJbIITWtNq8-00364-00197756-00198241 can go with Leonard Cohen because the lyrics of this song are so mJbIITWtNq8-00365-00198241-00198878 for me they just really the story of Amos you know there is a crack in mJbIITWtNq8-00366-00198878-00199421 everything and that's how the light gets in you know you if you're perfect in mJbIITWtNq8-00367-00199421-00199868 your life were perfect and everything went smoothly then I think you're very mJbIITWtNq8-00368-00199868-00200606 limited in-in- you know in what you can create the beauty that you can mJbIITWtNq8-00369-00200606-00201035 create is limited but if you've been through really really really tough times mJbIITWtNq8-00370-00201035-00201695 in your life then you can appreciate beauty when something beautiful is mJbIITWtNq8-00371-00201695-00202241 happening then you you feel it because you've been on the other side as well mJbIITWtNq8-00372-00202241-00203039 and you can be you know you can be appreciative for this beauty and I think mJbIITWtNq8-00373-00203039-00203819 what almost is doing with this camera is what the psychologists call reframing. He mJbIITWtNq8-00374-00203819-00204410 took his story and he reframed it he and that's by the way what we all all of us mJbIITWtNq8-00375-00204410-00205016 are doing all the time you know we we will look at the reality which is very mJbIITWtNq8-00376-00205016-00205613 complex and you can look at it for so many directions and we are storytellers mJbIITWtNq8-00377-00205613-00206111 Amos with this camera me as a documentary filmmaker and in in many mJbIITWtNq8-00378-00206111-00206891 ways all of us we always decide what out of this very complex reality that mJbIITWtNq8-00379-00206891-00207386 surrounds us every every second we want to put in the frame and what do we want mJbIITWtNq8-00380-00207386-00208069 to leave aside and that's an amazing power. I think that the camera gives us mJbIITWtNq8-00381-00208069-00208532 especially when we were dealing with traumas and with pain and with you know mJbIITWtNq8-00382-00208532-00209090 with with difficulties like all of us you know you can use the camera you can mJbIITWtNq8-00383-00209090-00209819 also use your eyes and your ears and your brain to to see the the the the the mJbIITWtNq8-00384-00209819-00210350 reality in a different way to listen to different things to edit the story in a mJbIITWtNq8-00385-00210350-00210817 different way with you with your mind you know and I think that when I heard mJbIITWtNq8-00386-00210817-00211106 this song there is a crack and everything in everything and that's how mJbIITWtNq8-00387-00211106-00211751 the light gets in it was exactly what we looked for and then we just had to find mJbIITWtNq8-00388-00211751-00212309 the money to pay for it, but we did that we did that too and we still mJbIITWtNq8-00389-00212309-00213116 doing it but yeah I love Leonard Cohen it's a huge honor for us to to mJbIITWtNq8-00390-00213116-00213757 have him as part of our film you know it's it's amazing his deep voice and his mJbIITWtNq8-00391-00213757-00214565 amazing lyrics and it all you know leads to the closure where Amos is putting mJbIITWtNq8-00392-00214565-00215248 that the picture of this family of bears on the grave of his father so that's mJbIITWtNq8-00393-00215248-00215705 what we tried to do. Yeah I mean in a way the film also acts as the light coming mJbIITWtNq8-00394-00215705-00216137 in through this crack of the narrative that Amos you we're creating and sort of mJbIITWtNq8-00395-00216137-00216638 making you revisit and and reframe your path so it's and also of course talking mJbIITWtNq8-00396-00216638-00217082 about light in photography is always beautiful as well. And also you know you mJbIITWtNq8-00397-00217082-00217778 know is I think that Amos really is taking these very difficult experiences mJbIITWtNq8-00398-00217778-00218408 and transfer them transform them into beauty and this is something that and mJbIITWtNq8-00399-00218408-00219050 he's not is is not aiming a gun at anyone anymore for many many years thank mJbIITWtNq8-00400-00219050-00219509 God but he's aiming a camera and he's creating beauty is not killing anyone mJbIITWtNq8-00401-00219509-00220181 he's not you know hurting anyone is not on the side who's been hurt by other mJbIITWtNq8-00402-00220181-00220784 people but he's just using the camera to create beauty to connect people to mJbIITWtNq8-00403-00220784-00221242 nature to connect people to each other to help people deal with their their own mJbIITWtNq8-00404-00221242-00221831 fears I mean because Amos is also leading expeditions with people who mJbIITWtNq8-00405-00221831-00222503 wants to die with sharks of whales or leopard seals or polar bears not maybe mJbIITWtNq8-00406-00222503-00222791 polar bears I mean he's not maybe diving with polar mJbIITWtNq8-00407-00222791-00223352 bears maybe maybe you're planning to do that - I have no idea to take tourists mJbIITWtNq8-00408-00223352-00223910 to do that but he's basically helping people get over their fears that's what mJbIITWtNq8-00409-00223910-00224404 he's doing and that's what he did with me. I was very afraid to make this film mJbIITWtNq8-00410-00224404-00225132 and any he convinced me that it's possible. mJbIITWtNq8-00411-00225132-00225557 I love the scene where you bring the picture to your father's grave and I mJbIITWtNq8-00412-00225557-00226019 also think there's that moment where your father calls you a gibore (גיבור) and mJbIITWtNq8-00413-00226019-00226481 says you're a hero and and I wonder what that you know the film sort of dealt mJbIITWtNq8-00414-00226481-00226850 with this relationship that seems like it was it was a difficult one and there mJbIITWtNq8-00415-00226850-00227267 was a lot of sweetness at the end with with the way your father spoke about you mJbIITWtNq8-00416-00227267-00228548 and then you go into his grave. I wonder what that was like for you? To me or to Yosi? To you! Yes, my relationship with my dad mJbIITWtNq8-00417-00228548-00229204 was a very difficult very traumatic in a way and that's one of the things that mJbIITWtNq8-00418-00229204-00229655 contribute the fact that I wanted to leave and to follow my heart rather than mJbIITWtNq8-00419-00229655-00230171 the duty being a son and being an Israel part of the tradition part of the people mJbIITWtNq8-00420-00230171-00230642 that came from Northern Africa and all those things that become stigmatic in the mJbIITWtNq8-00421-00230642-00231259 Israeli of Jewish environment or social environment at the time. My vision as mJbIITWtNq8-00422-00231259-00232036 many kids today we all been exposed my vision was exposed to other elements mJbIITWtNq8-00423-00232036-00232616 outside of the tradition and many temptation and the temptation of the mJbIITWtNq8-00424-00232616-00232996 Quran the temptation to create beauty the depression to be in the wilderness mJbIITWtNq8-00425-00232996-00233594 all those things that turn me on and dogs and horses is we only remember mJbIITWtNq8-00426-00233594-00234184 together we went horseback riding in Israel. So those things that created the mJbIITWtNq8-00427-00234184-00234815 difficult which man was my father. Fortunately not for me I realized in the mJbIITWtNq8-00428-00234815-00235265 early thirties that I will not need anymore or don't want emotionally or mJbIITWtNq8-00429-00235265-00235769 physically I went through a work with a shaman from Hawaii or this particular mJbIITWtNq8-00430-00235769-00236453 issue about their family or the parents reconition it was very important in mJbIITWtNq8-00431-00236453-00236903 a Jewish tradition or any tradition of humanity I realized that I would probably never get it mJbIITWtNq8-00432-00236903-00237307 because I was already in America he was in Israel we did not talk mJbIITWtNq8-00433-00237307-00237767 for many years so there was no way to bridge it or to visit it as often as mJbIITWtNq8-00434-00237767-00238144 necessary. I had to be able to live without it and mJbIITWtNq8-00435-00238154-00238956 it weighed well for me unfortunately not what did well for him until Yoni did. mJbIITWtNq8-00436-00238962-00239580 Yoni and Dani did an amazing moment, which they were able to capture in the hospital, mJbIITWtNq8-00437-00239580-00240376 which I'll never knew til I saw the movie. For me was really a very big point that right mJbIITWtNq8-00438-00240398-00240989 now even I feel they shaking my skin to think about it and to talk about it mJbIITWtNq8-00439-00240989-00241592 because of the so many layers that led to this particular time so again if I mJbIITWtNq8-00440-00241592-00242081 did not say enough ,Yoni thank you and Dani for being able to be there at the mJbIITWtNq8-00441-00242081-00242540 right time in the right place making a big change in the relationship. I wasn't mJbIITWtNq8-00442-00242540-00243002 sure if you were in the room and that I mean it's really beautiful there is a mJbIITWtNq8-00443-00243002-00243581 bunch of questions coming in one of them is about the being in the camp in the mJbIITWtNq8-00444-00243581-00244009 Canadian Arctic and working with that incredible group of people and obviously mJbIITWtNq8-00445-00244009-00244505 the film is dedicated to two of them can you talk about meeting them and what it mJbIITWtNq8-00446-00244505-00245180 was like to work with them? For almost it was not the first time in the Arctic but mJbIITWtNq8-00447-00245180-00245911 for me it was the first time in the Arctic and I I just you know I'll never mJbIITWtNq8-00448-00245911-00246527 forget these people this is amazing amazing human beings are so connected to mJbIITWtNq8-00449-00246527-00247210 you to nature much more than us there are the masters of the Arctic like the mJbIITWtNq8-00450-00247210-00247955 bed winds and then in the desert they know how to to live in this this this mJbIITWtNq8-00451-00247955-00249031 very difficult environment and they're so how they say, humble you know they're mJbIITWtNq8-00452-00249031-00249653 so humble they just the way they speak they waiting wait you know it's the mJbIITWtNq8-00453-00249653-00249914 waiting game it's all about waiting it's all about mJbIITWtNq8-00454-00249914-00250655 waiting for the right time we are a very small part of this big universe and you mJbIITWtNq8-00455-00250655-00251371 feel it when you go to Nunavut which is a territory which is bigger than Israel mJbIITWtNq8-00456-00251371-00251917 in 90 times bigger than Israel with 35,000 people, mJbIITWtNq8-00457-00251917-00252638 you feel that you are very small part of nature of the universe mJbIITWtNq8-00458-00252638-00253280 and it makes you feel connected and it puts you in the right place you know and mJbIITWtNq8-00459-00253280-00253835 I really enjoy this feeling and I really enjoyed and I enjoyed also when I have a mJbIITWtNq8-00460-00253835-00254627 camera in my hand because I I have to let go of my ego and I have to let go of mJbIITWtNq8-00461-00254627-00255185 my fears and I have to let go and I have to fill my heart with with with trust mJbIITWtNq8-00462-00255185-00255875 and love and hope that's the only way to survive there that's the only way to to mJbIITWtNq8-00463-00255875-00256446 create this kind of film you have no other way if you try to take control and mJbIITWtNq8-00464-00256446-00257126 to you know to be the director you know I'm gonna direct what is happening there mJbIITWtNq8-00465-00257126-00257648 you're gonna go into clash with nature and this is not good especially not when mJbIITWtNq8-00466-00257648-00258134 you're in the Canadian Arctic 500 kilometers from the closest human being mJbIITWtNq8-00467-00258134-00258902 so it kind of and to do that you have to work with the best experts in the world mJbIITWtNq8-00468-00258902-00259511 people like Amos and Adam and you have to have some experience which I had mJbIITWtNq8-00469-00259511-00260096 in different environment but it helped me a bit or the military service or mJbIITWtNq8-00470-00260096-00260534 whatever to prepare this kind of operation it's an operation it's like mJbIITWtNq8-00471-00260534-00261148 three months working night by night making sure that you have everything mJbIITWtNq8-00472-00261148-00261680 covered and it's hundreds of things to take care of maybe thousands of things mJbIITWtNq8-00473-00261680-00262175 to take care of and everything needs to be prepared and yet you have zero mJbIITWtNq8-00474-00262175-00262892 control and that's a very weird situation but that's what we have to mJbIITWtNq8-00475-00262892-00263348 deal with in the kind of documentaries that I make you have no control and it's mJbIITWtNq8-00476-00263348-00263912 a journey and it's a and it will bring you what you need to get you have to mJbIITWtNq8-00477-00263912-00264437 accept it so and then you meet the Inuit people and there are exactly like mJbIITWtNq8-00478-00264437-00265204 that they are so connected to this flow that you know the nature has this mJbIITWtNq8-00479-00265204-00266092 ups and downs high tide low tide bad weather good weather you know it's all mJbIITWtNq8-00480-00266092-00266524 it's part of their life and then you become one with it when you become one mJbIITWtNq8-00481-00266524-00267028 with it it makes it easier for you and I'm full of appreciation to the collage mJbIITWtNq8-00482-00267028-00267592 Calujack family we also had the opportunity to meet them again on Zoom of course a mJbIITWtNq8-00483-00267592-00268312 couple of weeks ago they're a nice talk with them the little kid Leo Calujack is mJbIITWtNq8-00484-00268312-00269119 now very big very big kid he's five years older is very strong yeah and we mJbIITWtNq8-00485-00269119-00269616 dedicated the film for two of their guys which are really amazing human beings. mJbIITWtNq8-00486-00269616-00270240 There was a nice parallel where you went from talking about I guess it was it was mJbIITWtNq8-00487-00270240-00271102 about his father and then moving to teaching the father teaching his I'm mJbIITWtNq8-00488-00271102-00271804 sorry I forget it was a Joe who was teaching his son yeah yeah and teaching mJbIITWtNq8-00489-00271804-00272083 him how to carry on a tradition and these questions of what your father mJbIITWtNq8-00490-00272083-00272560 passes on to you I thought it was a really interesting sort of tragic mJbIITWtNq8-00491-00272560-00273346 parallel but but it was a you know. you spoke with Amos before about the scene mJbIITWtNq8-00492-00273346-00273961 with his father we also in "Dolphin Boy" Dani and I dealt mJbIITWtNq8-00493-00273961-00274572 with father-son relationship it's an interesting rule it's a very universal mJbIITWtNq8-00494-00274572-00275296 issue pain trauma is a very universal issue that I always try to not always mJbIITWtNq8-00495-00275296-00275875 try but that I find myself touching in my own films you know struggling with mJbIITWtNq8-00496-00275875-00276478 something and and and and trying to overcome limitations and fears this is mJbIITWtNq8-00497-00276478-00276856 something I always deal with a connection between men and nature is mJbIITWtNq8-00498-00276856-00277231 something that always deal with the healing nature the healing get mJbIITWtNq8-00499-00277231-00277782 connection between men in nature and there is sometimes in documentary films mJbIITWtNq8-00500-00277782-00278353 you create the reality you don't document the reality you create the mJbIITWtNq8-00501-00278353-00278818 reality and this example I Amos just gave you about him not he mJbIITWtNq8-00502-00278818-00279457 was not there to hear his father tell him how much he loves him but he did mJbIITWtNq8-00503-00279457-00280339 tell it to the camera and we captured it and when Amos came to Israel - after mJbIITWtNq8-00504-00280339-00280912 his father died I told him I have something to show you and the same day mJbIITWtNq8-00505-00280912-00281587 we shall only in his sister's house not far away from the grave of his father. We mJbIITWtNq8-00506-00281587-00282160 showed him the scene where his father is telling him I'm proud of you mJbIITWtNq8-00507-00282160-00282634 bla bla bla I love you and all this and then we went to the grave and put this mJbIITWtNq8-00508-00282634-00283027 picture on his grave. I don't think any of that would happen mJbIITWtNq8-00509-00283027-00283573 without the film (yeah) and this is what I called docu-therapy it's the way the mJbIITWtNq8-00510-00283573-00284398 documentary films can actually support a process of post-traumatic growth and mJbIITWtNq8-00511-00284398-00284968 and you can do it with you know you can use other arts to do this kind of mJbIITWtNq8-00512-00284968-00285577 process you can use writing or painting or whatever but there is something in mJbIITWtNq8-00513-00285577-00286225 documentary films when you really really follow someone and you help him get out mJbIITWtNq8-00514-00286225-00286747 of himself what he really wants to do and you and sometimes he also because if mJbIITWtNq8-00515-00286747-00287158 we would ask Amos what is the film that you want to do it wouldn't have mJbIITWtNq8-00516-00287158-00287842 been a different film but we thought DanI and I this is the right story to mJbIITWtNq8-00517-00287842-00288808 tell for him and he accepted it is it trusted us you know. Beautiful it is mJbIITWtNq8-00518-00288808-00289261 this sort of outsider coming in and and and reflecting together I mean I think mJbIITWtNq8-00519-00289261-00289777 that's it's in all of your films it really has come across and it's mJbIITWtNq8-00520-00289777-00290203 beautifully done here. There's a there's an interesting question from Anja Sautmann mJbIITWtNq8-00521-00290203-00290689 I care deeply about climate change but my work also requires a lot of travel I mJbIITWtNq8-00522-00290689-00291076 wonder how you, Amos, strike the balance between living environmentalism and your mJbIITWtNq8-00523-00291076-00291523 daily work your trips require traveling to a lot of different places carrying a mJbIITWtNq8-00524-00291523-00291901 lot of equipment staying in very rural areas how do you think that mJbIITWtNq8-00525-00291901-00292213 right off between going to these places and documenting the landscape and mJbIITWtNq8-00526-00292213-00292684 wildlife and protecting them perhaps by not going there? So how do you mJbIITWtNq8-00527-00292684-00293227 sort of navigate having to travel and you know travel itself being having an mJbIITWtNq8-00528-00293227-00293848 environmental impact with the work you're doing as taking photographs to mJbIITWtNq8-00529-00293848-00294439 try to preserve the world as it is? It is a difficult question that I have to mJbIITWtNq8-00530-00294439-00295023 leave with the reality of that like all of us who are working in the environment mJbIITWtNq8-00531-00295023-00295588 or want to work in the environment to get there we need to use plane and cars mJbIITWtNq8-00532-00295588-00296224 and vehicle and they're burning fuel and we are spouting to the universe more of mJbIITWtNq8-00533-00296224-00296998 the CO2 it is part of the price we pay the opposite side of mJbIITWtNq8-00534-00296998-00297649 that if we may we bring something educational hopefully we bring our mJbIITWtNq8-00535-00297649-00298153 vision what we see and for example if we raise it in the poll in one of the trip mJbIITWtNq8-00536-00298153-00298918 that I did recently just not long ago to Indonesia in the island of the Komodo mJbIITWtNq8-00537-00298918-00299425 Island as we got off the boat and all the way to walk up up the hill and look mJbIITWtNq8-00538-00299425-00300028 at this beautiful vistas many many people coming there because it's very mJbIITWtNq8-00539-00300028-00300526 close to China of course Japan and all Southeast Asia and especially Indonesia mJbIITWtNq8-00540-00300526-00301114 of 600 million or more people live there and it is very popular to go but there mJbIITWtNq8-00541-00301114-00301539 is so much garbage so much pollution on the coast mJbIITWtNq8-00542-00301539-00302134 one of the thing that apparently nobody have done and I suggested them and mJbIITWtNq8-00543-00302134-00302794 slowly is now been implemented everybody come on the island go for the first ten mJbIITWtNq8-00544-00302794-00303394 minutes and clean whatever they can pick up from the beach put in a bag so if I mJbIITWtNq8-00545-00303394-00303928 did not take the plane and fly there and we spout so much CO2 up in the air I mJbIITWtNq8-00546-00303928-00304399 will never see that I'll never contribute to something more so every mJbIITWtNq8-00547-00304399-00304957 picture I bring it is the the chance for people that join me and put them in the mJbIITWtNq8-00548-00304957-00305287 water with a great white and out of the cage mJbIITWtNq8-00549-00305287-00305845 no protection and no challenging the shank and not aggravating the shank but mJbIITWtNq8-00550-00305845-00306316 go naturally into the water with them and to be able to see it when they come mJbIITWtNq8-00551-00306316-00306820 back home the yes they go to the flyer to use the car or Uber or Lyft or when mJbIITWtNq8-00552-00306820-00307395 their own car but when they go out to work and tell the story and we changing mJbIITWtNq8-00553-00307395-00308035 every person one person at the time attitude to well the environment and the mJbIITWtNq8-00554-00308035-00308593 true information compared to what the movie Jaws did. We can do something mJbIITWtNq8-00555-00308593-00309016 different and that is the equation that's how I can justify that if I need mJbIITWtNq8-00556-00309016-00309628 to justify that don't have yet unfortunately a plan that operate on mJbIITWtNq8-00557-00309628-00310453 self fuel or on the electric so we don't have trucks that take us like Tesla mJbIITWtNq8-00558-00310453-00311308 to the airport but it's getting bigger. Now that you're you're talking about all of these mJbIITWtNq8-00559-00311308-00311668 trips that we have a question from Joyce Pastor about what your next photographic mJbIITWtNq8-00560-00311668-00312168 challenge is and I'm curious if any of your trips got canceled because of the mJbIITWtNq8-00561-00312168-00312577 inability to travel right now if you had anything planned that you'll be picking mJbIITWtNq8-00562-00312577-00313105 back up. Okay so yes I organized an elite expedition around the world is the only mJbIITWtNq8-00563-00313105-00313591 way which I could subsidize everything that I've done till today and I will say mJbIITWtNq8-00564-00313591-00314188 again as I said many time and I'll said every time thank God and thank for the mJbIITWtNq8-00565-00314188-00314635 American public trusting me and join me in 45 years to mJbIITWtNq8-00566-00314635-00315127 be able to come to this point so God Bless America and for the people in mJbIITWtNq8-00567-00315127-00315751 America that willing to believed in me trusted and followed me till today and today mJbIITWtNq8-00568-00315751-00316384 also for this opportunity the website for my expedition is mJbIITWtNq8-00569-00316384-00316803 I did not cancel the trip, I did not have to cancel it, they just did not take place mJbIITWtNq8-00570-00316803-00317395 nobody could fly and did not fight with anybody I returned of a quarter million mJbIITWtNq8-00571-00317395-00318004 dollar and depositing payment on to it some people decided to stay for next mJbIITWtNq8-00572-00318004-00318517 year and to be able to join me next year these people had more than others or mJbIITWtNq8-00573-00318517-00318814 people needed people the money back and of course I paid it mJbIITWtNq8-00574-00318814-00319321 back and people that want to say they stayed with me for next year so the mJbIITWtNq8-00575-00319321-00319873 polar bear people that I had to postponed in April of this year I'm mJbIITWtNq8-00576-00319873-00320286 coming back next year. The people who want to go with their own car and the mJbIITWtNq8-00577-00320286-00320781 mobile ride to Mexico in May/June they're supposed to be now going next mJbIITWtNq8-00578-00320781-00321148 year the people that supposed to come with me to South Africa to be with a mJbIITWtNq8-00579-00321148-00321772 sardine one next month they will go next year so things are good. We look at mJbIITWtNq8-00580-00321772-00322453 positive aspect over the future there is potential we just need to hold on to mJbIITWtNq8-00581-00322453-00323026 know that actually the corona or the virus is so small that no aircraft mJbIITWtNq8-00582-00323026-00323575 carrier and no atomic bomb and no boom-bust over the media and not the president mJbIITWtNq8-00583-00323575-00324205 only the mask on our face and wherever we go we are social distancing mJbIITWtNq8-00584-00324205-00324799 we are being able to defeat it and to maintain and protect ourselves and the one mJbIITWtNq8-00585-00324799-00325324 around us that's the only way right now and nothing else is the matter. The mJbIITWtNq8-00586-00325324-00325902 future yes the time determined at home not traveling allowed me to think mJbIITWtNq8-00587-00325902-00326436 probably more about new things that were planning on and one of the things mJbIITWtNq8-00588-00326436-00326851 I can talk about some of them I will not talk about them so mJbIITWtNq8-00589-00326851-00327316 they are in the future but one of them is to photograph the Siberian tiger mJbIITWtNq8-00590-00327316-00327943 and to be able to go to Siberia after that period which luckily there is plus mJbIITWtNq8-00591-00327943-00328378 perhaps more ground for the Siberian tiger to go out and a chance to be able mJbIITWtNq8-00592-00328378-00328755 to photograph them but know just to take a picture of them like I said that was a mJbIITWtNq8-00593-00328755-00329320 polar bear my work is mainly to be able to capture behavior of those animal the mJbIITWtNq8-00594-00329320-00329800 relationship or the battle between two adult, adult and a young one, to be able mJbIITWtNq8-00595-00329800-00330329 to bring more of a lot of the intimacy the emotion of being in the wilderness mJbIITWtNq8-00596-00330329-00331039 the other project that I'm very keen to do and where is really luckily enough to mJbIITWtNq8-00597-00331039-00331522 find a team to do it with is going to a place in the world that called The Blue mJbIITWtNq8-00598-00331522-00331995 Whale Cafe so just to mention that the blue whale is actually mJbIITWtNq8-00599-00331995-00332580 the modern time dinosaur. It is bigger than all the dinosaur ever live on the mJbIITWtNq8-00600-00332580-00333043 planet as far as time. It could not leave during the time of the dinosaur mJbIITWtNq8-00601-00333043-00333654 because there will be killed and now they are still among us. Unfortunately not mJbIITWtNq8-00602-00333654-00333964 many of them left only 12 to 15 thousand from over mJbIITWtNq8-00603-00333964-00334399 quarter of a million of them that were on a climate we hunt them almost to mJbIITWtNq8-00604-00334399-00335082 extinction but since 1968 since the ban on whaling they are coming slowly into mJbIITWtNq8-00605-00335082-00335566 greater number there is a particular place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean mJbIITWtNq8-00606-00335566-00336244 about 200 mile of the coast of Costa Rica that so much wind. Wind is very mJbIITWtNq8-00607-00336244-00336697 powerful in to this place this location that impossible to get them mJbIITWtNq8-00608-00336697-00337264 matter of fact BBC and the National Geographic try that about 11 or 12 years ago and then were mJbIITWtNq8-00609-00337264-00337983 knocked out I tried it six- six or seven years ago I got knocked out but now we mJbIITWtNq8-00610-00337983-00338586 found a way to do it it has to be like operating in the Seal Six not going mJbIITWtNq8-00611-00338586-00339148 to Seal Six really being embedded in Costa Rica for two or three weeks we mJbIITWtNq8-00612-00339148-00339664 have got to the rainforest we go to the ocean very close to the ocean not mJbIITWtNq8-00613-00339664-00340083 200-mile we go through only the first 10 or 15 mile we meet with dolphin will be mJbIITWtNq8-00614-00340083-00340540 there in the rainforest but when the wind stop down usually is a mJbIITWtNq8-00615-00340540-00340983 period of time that we know now approximately there closer they might as mJbIITWtNq8-00616-00340983-00341314 well eager to happen we go to take the boat with only four mJbIITWtNq8-00617-00341314-00341649 people and we're going to go out there for the blue whale mJbIITWtNq8-00618-00341649-00342316 sperm whale, fin whale, all of the largest animal ever living on the planet come mJbIITWtNq8-00619-00342316-00342885 there to feed on all of the plankton all the good food that come from the bottom mJbIITWtNq8-00620-00342885-00343404 of the ocean because of the wind it's come up toward the surface and then we mJbIITWtNq8-00621-00343404-00343969 are able to be their wisdom and let's be waiting for next year that's true but mJbIITWtNq8-00622-00343969-00344617 there is also developed right now is the continent of United States mJbIITWtNq8-00623-00344617-00345210 and Canada because we cannot fly very far we don't know what will happen so mJbIITWtNq8-00624-00345210-00345671 many other countries. However between Canada and United States the mJbIITWtNq8-00625-00345671-00346262 reason the next month or two hopefully more open and we can go to Alaska we can mJbIITWtNq8-00626-00346262-00346805 go to Yellowstone and I'm looking into doing more of the wolf and more of the mJbIITWtNq8-00627-00346805-00347777 bears and more of the national parks photography continue being able for people mJbIITWtNq8-00628-00347777-00348338 to be able to enjoy or practice their ability to photograph their big animals. mJbIITWtNq8-00629-00348342-00348672 Wow I can't wait to see those photos of the mJbIITWtNq8-00630-00348672-00349926 of the whales converging and it's called the Blue Whale Cafe? (Blue Whale Cafe) Wow so Yonatan you'll have to fight your way on to be one of those four get us the film. mJbIITWtNq8-00631-00349988-00350512 It's in Costa Rica. Wow. Wow mJbIITWtNq8-00632-00350548-00351032 I want to ask also there's a question here from Mary a great question she's someone mJbIITWtNq8-00633-00351052-00351506 who was in Nunavut two years ago and appreciated how much the Inuit were a mJbIITWtNq8-00634-00351506-00351998 part of this film she's asking how she can see the film again and she wants to mJbIITWtNq8-00635-00351998-00352436 show it to her family so Yonatan if you want to take that one. Yeah actually mJbIITWtNq8-00636-00352436-00353342 we are one of the reasons that we speak with you today is to encourage you to if mJbIITWtNq8-00637-00353342-00353822 you haven't seen the film or if you know someone that will enjoy watching this mJbIITWtNq8-00638-00353822-00354470 film we're gonna come out with this film on a virtual theatrical release with mJbIITWtNq8-00639-00354470-00355094 more than 80 different name cinemas around the United States and with many mJbIITWtNq8-00640-00355094-00355649 many in partnership with many many many other organizations like Mission Blue mJbIITWtNq8-00641-00355649-00356342 and other organizations and you are able to actually one of the institute's or mJbIITWtNq8-00642-00356342-00356900 organization that we joined forces with is the Boston Jewish Film Festival and mJbIITWtNq8-00643-00356900-00357443 they have a specific link where you can actually maybe you can put the link even mJbIITWtNq8-00644-00357443-00357950 on there the chat or they will send it later on the newsletter mJbIITWtNq8-00645-00357950-00358628 but basically you go from Friday you go on this link and you can watch the film mJbIITWtNq8-00646-00358628-00359192 for $9.99 and the profit goes to the filmmakers mJbIITWtNq8-00647-00359192-00359759 and to the production but also to the today to support the Boston Jewish mJbIITWtNq8-00648-00359759-00360314 Film Festival which we love and respect and have a long relationship with and mJbIITWtNq8-00649-00360314-00360959 this way we can't you know open in cinemas but you're still able to watch mJbIITWtNq8-00650-00360959-00361409 the film and we would love it if you liked the film and you want to write a mJbIITWtNq8-00651-00361409-00362075 couple of good words about it to your friends on Facebook or whatever and we mJbIITWtNq8-00652-00362075-00362759 would be really appreciative to that start from this Frida, "Picture of His mJbIITWtNq8-00653-00362759-00363503 Life" virtual theatrical release it's hard to remember that this new concept mJbIITWtNq8-00654-00363503-00364064 it's a whole new concept and you're more than welcome to join us and watch mJbIITWtNq8-00655-00364064-00364763 the film and that's it and tomorrow we're gonna be on CNN on Friday we're mJbIITWtNq8-00656-00364763-00365170 gonna be on New York Times and let's see what that will bring. mJbIITWtNq8-00657-00365182-00365610 But you saw it here first! mJbIITWtNq8-00658-00365612-00365884 Yoni, I'm not sure if we are going to be on CNN tomorrow. mJbIITWtNq8-00659-00365890-00366194 It's my tomorrow it's not your tomorrow it's my two more you should say your mJbIITWtNq8-00660-00366194-00366605 note on is in Israel it's right now it's one o'clock in the morning there so we mJbIITWtNq8-00661-00366605-00367031 should let you go soon but as you said the film is going to be available mJbIITWtNq8-00662-00367031-00367514 starting on June 19th and we do have a very special partnership link that will mJbIITWtNq8-00663-00367514-00368105 be sending out via email and also on our social media so there will be please mJbIITWtNq8-00664-00368105-00368534 look there and share that with your friends and it's really this is a film I mJbIITWtNq8-00665-00368534-00368969 love very much and I saw you know months and months ago back when we showed it in mJbIITWtNq8-00666-00368969-00369344 November and it's it's thrilling to be able to share it so widely with the mJbIITWtNq8-00667-00369344-00369803 world and you get so many people to hear there are so many important messages in mJbIITWtNq8-00668-00369803-00370271 the films to share those and also make people you know aware of your work mJbIITWtNq8-00669-00370271-00370823 Yonatan and Dani's but of yours Amos and I'm going to start saving mJbIITWtNq8-00670-00370823-00371234 money to get get on one of your trips because they look spectacular mJbIITWtNq8-00671-00371234-00371876 say the website one more time so people can can join you if they're able well mJbIITWtNq8-00672-00371876-00372305 the website is (big animals) And then mJbIITWtNq8-00673-00372305-00372992 is the other- for the movie so check them both out. And thank you mJbIITWtNq8-00674-00372992-00373517 to everyone who joined us tonight and of huge thank you to Yonatan and Amos. It mJbIITWtNq8-00675-00373517-00373928 was wonderful to speak with you tonight and we're getting lots of thank you's. mJbIITWtNq8-00676-00373928-00374333 Ariana, thank you too for keeping us for so long mJbIITWtNq8-00677-00374333-00374828 entertained with the question and learning from each other. It's been mJbIITWtNq8-00678-00374828-00375137 wonderful so have a good night get some sleep Yonatan, Amos mJbIITWtNq8-00679-00375137-00375586 enjoy your day and and we'll see you all soon. Bye! (Bye, Bye, Chao)