AmspPJeq2xM-00000-00000000-00000554 this week we're covering table calculations so I wanted to go over the AmspPJeq2xM-00001-00000554-00001421 lesson four worksheets and give you a brief introduction into the topic AmspPJeq2xM-00002-00001421-00002100 outside of the lesson the step-by-step lesson so i've included the workbook AmspPJeq2xM-00003-00002100-00002535 with the assignment or with the lesson so that you can see the completed AmspPJeq2xM-00004-00002535-00003147 answers and it will help you as you go to complete assignment four which AmspPJeq2xM-00005-00003147-00003786 basically has about the same type of use but a little bit little bit different AmspPJeq2xM-00006-00003786-00004611 questions in there so I'm gonna start with the first the first figure 4.2 and AmspPJeq2xM-00007-00004611-00005037 this is a very simple table calculation i'll just go ahead and walk through how AmspPJeq2xM-00008-00005037-00005607 this one's built so i started a new worksheet and add category and AmspPJeq2xM-00009-00005607-00006098 subcategory to the worksheet now at when I double-click on it automatically adds AmspPJeq2xM-00010-00006098-00006753 it to the rows and so now because we added the dimensions first it's giving AmspPJeq2xM-00011-00006753-00007281 us a text field it's gonna it's going to try to create a table within our AmspPJeq2xM-00012-00007281-00007914 worksheet so if I just double-click on sales going to add in the sum of sales AmspPJeq2xM-00013-00007914-00008727 to the text mark here so now we have for each for each category subcategory each AmspPJeq2xM-00014-00008727-00009125 category and subcategory we are summing the sales for each of those AmspPJeq2xM-00015-00009125-00009807 combination so with the furniture bookcases its 114,000 now the reason AmspPJeq2xM-00016-00009807-00010250 they're called table calculations is because it's using a table it's using AmspPJeq2xM-00017-00010250-00010695 whatever data that you've brought in to the view AmspPJeq2xM-00018-00010695-00011393 so this one is using the sum of sales so we're summing up the sales for all the AmspPJeq2xM-00019-00011393-00012507 for all these subcategories now because we're yeah so let me show you AmspPJeq2xM-00020-00012507-00012825 how we're going to do a table calculation so if you right-click on the AmspPJeq2xM-00021-00012825-00013049 pill or you click on the carrot AmspPJeq2xM-00022-00013049-00013532 you go down and you find quick table calculation and there's also one where AmspPJeq2xM-00023-00013532-00014194 you can add your own but we got the quick table calculations usually have AmspPJeq2xM-00024-00014194-00014863 most of what you need now that they don't allow you to change how its AmspPJeq2xM-00025-00014863-00015290 computed and we'll get to that in just a second but for this one we want to say AmspPJeq2xM-00026-00015290-00015779 okay what percent of total so we want to see what percent of total of the total AmspPJeq2xM-00027-00015779-00016213 sales each of these values is so if we do the quick table calculation percent AmspPJeq2xM-00028-00016213-00016586 of total then we can see that ok AmspPJeq2xM-00029-00016661-00017246 it gives us a percent now so this is similar to the contingency tables that AmspPJeq2xM-00030-00017246-00018044 we covered in BAS120 alright so now we need to figure out how it is computed so AmspPJeq2xM-00031-00018044-00018521 if we right-click again now we see a compute using options become available AmspPJeq2xM-00032-00018521-00019265 and there's a lot of different options here i'll go over each of these in-depth AmspPJeq2xM-00033-00019265-00020027 with with a different view but for right now it's automatically realizes that AmspPJeq2xM-00034-00020027-00020606 table down as is the most is that it's the default way that it's going to run AmspPJeq2xM-00035-00020606-00021638 the table calculation so now let's let's a add in our subtotals and our totals to AmspPJeq2xM-00036-00021638-00022313 see how it adds up to a hundred percent so if you go to see I think its analysis AmspPJeq2xM-00037-00022313-00022871 totals you see there's a few options here so we want to show the column grand AmspPJeq2xM-00038-00022871-00023372 totals and so we see it adds up to a hundred percent and we also want to add AmspPJeq2xM-00039-00023372-00024017 in all subtotals so now for each separate subcategory we're going to get AmspPJeq2xM-00040-00024017-00024947 the total % so for our furniture category it covers thirty-two percent of AmspPJeq2xM-00041-00024947-00025436 the sales alright and AmspPJeq2xM-00042-00025436-00026117 you can see how each subcategory breaks down let's say we want to find out what AmspPJeq2xM-00043-00026117-00026888 percentage bookcases was of our sub category so that we need to change the AmspPJeq2xM-00044-00026888-00027311 compute using option to pane down AmspPJeq2xM-00045-00027518-00028067 ok so now our total for pabe is 100-percent so we can see the bookcases AmspPJeq2xM-00046-00028067-00028414 was fifteen percent of our of our furniture category AmspPJeq2xM-00047-00028637-00029252 ok so that's that's pretty good but let's add it add back in sales so we can AmspPJeq2xM-00048-00029252-00029582 see that number so if you just double-click sales again when you've AmspPJeq2xM-00049-00029582-00030038 added this table calculation it's this is no longer some of sales this is a it AmspPJeq2xM-00050-00030038-00030425 has that delta sign on it so it is it it's technically a different variable AmspPJeq2xM-00051-00030425-00030938 and you can make that variable a part of your data source if you just click and AmspPJeq2xM-00052-00030938-00031414 drag it over to the window it'll automatically say calculation to and you AmspPJeq2xM-00053-00031414-00032393 can say sales percent of total something like that and then you can edit it and AmspPJeq2xM-00054-00032393-00033149 you can see the underlying equation so it's it has an equation some of sales AmspPJeq2xM-00055-00033149-00033581 divided by the total sum of sales and those totals are summarized from the AmspPJeq2xM-00056-00033581-00034289 pane down so you can see that this table calculation you have a different way of AmspPJeq2xM-00057-00034289-00034664 computing it you can compute it all sorts of different ways AmspPJeq2xM-00058-00034664-00035198 ok but we really just want AmspPJeq2xM-00059-00035198-00035588 focus on the quick table calculations in the compute using because that should AmspPJeq2xM-00060-00035588-00035978 cover most of our instances and it'll definitely cover all the instances for AmspPJeq2xM-00061-00035978-00036623 this week's lesson and assign all right so if I double-click sales i can add it AmspPJeq2xM-00062-00036623-00037229 back in there so we see the sum of sales back in there and this is basically AmspPJeq2xM-00063-00037229-00037565 figure 4-2 so we've got it covered already AmspPJeq2xM-00064-00037565-00038372 okay good now we've done this as a text field you know as a tech as a is really AmspPJeq2xM-00065-00038372-00039134 a crosstab and sometimes it's more you know that this is a very just in a AmspPJeq2xM-00066-00039134-00039458 straightforward way of seeing a table calculation and see how seeing how it AmspPJeq2xM-00067-00039458-00040460 works and so on the third part figure 4-14 it's a more complicated table so AmspPJeq2xM-00068-00040460-00040844 you have columns and rows so on the roads you have quarter and month of AmspPJeq2xM-00069-00040844-00041504 order date and on the columns you have the segment and the category so within AmspPJeq2xM-00070-00041504-00042041 each of these if you change this table calculation to compute using option you AmspPJeq2xM-00071-00042041-00042647 can get all sorts of different insights with in there but it's good just to to AmspPJeq2xM-00072-00042647-00043037 play around with that and that's that's what the third one has it the third AmspPJeq2xM-00073-00043037-00043454 figure has all that I think it has like nine different views of seeing this and AmspPJeq2xM-00074-00043454-00043883 it shows you with the arrow how it's calculated so if you play around with AmspPJeq2xM-00075-00043883-00044285 this it's really good to see how it works just by looking at the one hundred AmspPJeq2xM-00076-00044285-00044999 percent so here we have it computing down so you can see that each you know AmspPJeq2xM-00077-00044999-00045605 each section here is a you know it's either a quarter or a month and we can AmspPJeq2xM-00078-00045605-00046223 see that adds up to one hundred percent if we change that to table across see AmspPJeq2xM-00079-00046223-00046700 the hundred percent over here so you know this would answer the question what AmspPJeq2xM-00080-00046700-00047492 percent of our say of our january sales in quarter one did furniture account for AmspPJeq2xM-00081-00047492-00048263 and it's 21 . 21% and then also you can change it so that it goes pane across AmspPJeq2xM-00082-00048263-00048542 our pane down AmspPJeq2xM-00083-00048542-00049667 ok so there's more options there that won't cover right now let's go into the AmspPJeq2xM-00084-00049667-00050081 actual data visualization because those are table those table calculations are AmspPJeq2xM-00085-00050081-00050675 really you know they're easier to see in the crosstab so whenever you're making a AmspPJeq2xM-00086-00050675-00050846 data visualization like this one AmspPJeq2xM-00087-00050846-00051275 i would recommend that you right click it and say duplicate as sheet so you can AmspPJeq2xM-00088-00051275-00052145 verify with the totals grand totals and this is a running sum i'm kinda skipped AmspPJeq2xM-00089-00052145-00052871 ahead a little bit but i just want to show you how you can verify the values AmspPJeq2xM-00090-00052871-00053507 by just duplicating as a crosstab and seeing that 32 + 17 is 49 you add 94 and AmspPJeq2xM-00091-00053507-00053984 you get that so it's really just a good way of seeing how how is computed so for AmspPJeq2xM-00092-00053984-00054860 this view I'll start I'll start with a new sheet this is a month of order date AmspPJeq2xM-00093-00054860-00055670 so if we right click and drag order date over here and choose month and then add AmspPJeq2xM-00094-00055670-00056357 in sales to the rows you can see that we have sales across and so this is a AmspPJeq2xM-00095-00056357-00056978 discrete month so this January adds up to four years that are there so this is AmspPJeq2xM-00096-00056978-00057548 a pretty interesting visualization and that they've then take an order date and AmspPJeq2xM-00097-00057548-00058115 added it to the color shelf and that's the year of order date so you can see AmspPJeq2xM-00098-00058115-00058703 how each year changes i'm going to have to go ahead and stop here and pick up on AmspPJeq2xM-00099-00058703-00058792 the next recording BooSP5Qu9xg-00000-00000432-00001190 Sanjay, could you imagine a world we will let learning happen? Hi. We're SOLE Colombia, and we've been traveling around the country BooSP5Qu9xg-00001-00001264-00001773 Inspiring people to bring their communities together to learn how to learn using the Internet. BooSP5Qu9xg-00002-00001807-00002369 And now we want to create an online course that can reach many more people cheaper and faster BooSP5Qu9xg-00003-00002455-00003207 Recently, we had a peace agreement with the FARC Guerrilla in Colombia and we think it would be a fantastic and powerful opportunity to test BooSP5Qu9xg-00004-00003207-00003636 This course with ex combatants and their communities as a tool to build Peace! BooSP5Qu9xg-00005-00003694-00004314 So, please help us transform rural education in Colombia. Yes, please Thanks. Gracias B4tyzE3YdZE-00001-00000826-00001072 DIY witch hat halloween hair clip B4tyzE3YdZE-00002-00001386-00001689 hi, hi, welcome to my channel B4tyzE3YdZE-00003-00001694-00002062 today i'm bringing you this beautiful hair accessory B4tyzE3YdZE-00005-00002138-00002532 it's a witch hat hair clip B4tyzE3YdZE-00006-00002602-00002980 for this month of october when halloween is celebrated B4tyzE3YdZE-00007-00002980-00003088 and well B4tyzE3YdZE-00008-00003094-00003392 we're bringing this accessory B4tyzE3YdZE-00009-00003409-00003678 for you to wear it, it's very pretty B4tyzE3YdZE-00010-00003678-00003908 and it's very easy to make B4tyzE3YdZE-00011-00003920-00004338 so i invite you to continue watching the step to step B4tyzE3YdZE-00012-00004450-00004832 we're gonna grab a little eva foam sheet square B4tyzE3YdZE-00013-00004870-00005022 of 12 centimeters x 12 centimeters B4tyzE3YdZE-00014-00005066-00005166 and... B4tyzE3YdZE-00015-00005594-00005739 we're gonna fold it B4tyzE3YdZE-00016-00005785-00005977 creating our little hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00017-00006258-00006522 and there we're gonna glue it with liquid glue B4tyzE3YdZE-00018-00007122-00007631 we're gonna put the glue on the edge B4tyzE3YdZE-00019-00007798-00008145 and we're gonna stick it, this part will be on the inside B4tyzE3YdZE-00020-00008502-00008688 forming a cone B4tyzE3YdZE-00022-00009190-00009616 and this little part is facing to the inside B4tyzE3YdZE-00023-00009616-00009892 we're gonna put weight on top so it's well sticked B4tyzE3YdZE-00024-00010816-00011424 once the cone is sticked together what we do is crop the foam we have left B4tyzE3YdZE-00025-00011940-00012724 we open it and cut it so it's well rounded B4tyzE3YdZE-00026-00013018-00013796 (you'll find the list of materials in the description box) B4tyzE3YdZE-00027-00014824-00014963 once we have it like this B4tyzE3YdZE-00028-00015156-00015700 what we're gonna do is place it on top of a eva foam base B4tyzE3YdZE-00029-00015726-00015976 that i already cut out B4tyzE3YdZE-00030-00015976-00016302 this circle is 9 centimeters of diameter B4tyzE3YdZE-00031-00016308-00016570 so we're gonna stick it on top B4tyzE3YdZE-00032-00016592-00016692 with liquid glue B4tyzE3YdZE-00033-00019328-00019700 and we check it's well centered B4tyzE3YdZE-00034-00021106-00021240 we put pressure B4tyzE3YdZE-00035-00021395-00021566 and let it dry B4tyzE3YdZE-00036-00021642-00022020 while the hats finish drying B4tyzE3YdZE-00037-00022020-00022370 we're going to advance the decoration process B4tyzE3YdZE-00038-00022370-00022598 for it, we're gonna grab a silk satin ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00039-00022616-00022894 60 centimeters long x 3.5 centimeters wide B4tyzE3YdZE-00040-00022902-00023368 and we're gonna start puckering up the ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00041-00023404-00023524 like this B4tyzE3YdZE-00042-00025432-00026048 this is what's going to be on the bottom part of the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00043-00029810-00030014 we're puckering the edge B4tyzE3YdZE-00044-00030226-00030463 making little folds B4tyzE3YdZE-00045-00030742-00031116 so it looks very nice B4tyzE3YdZE-00046-00031764-00031866 this is how it's looking B4tyzE3YdZE-00047-00032027-00032406 once we're done puckering, we'll leave it like this because B4tyzE3YdZE-00048-00032476-00032760 we need to measure it with the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00049-00032774-00032881 to see... B4tyzE3YdZE-00050-00032962-00033258 what size we're gonna leave it, what diameter B4tyzE3YdZE-00051-00033258-00033505 so till we don't measure it with the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00052-00033505-00033662 we can't close it together B4tyzE3YdZE-00053-00033764-00033945 now, what we're gonna do is B4tyzE3YdZE-00054-00033977-00034104 since it's dried B4tyzE3YdZE-00055-00034278-00034602 and here are some spots unpainted B4tyzE3YdZE-00056-00034612-00034918 so we're gonna make some retouches to the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00057-00034918-00035326 and retouch this edges aswell B4tyzE3YdZE-00058-00035340-00035628 we're gonna put a bit of school glue or white glue B4tyzE3YdZE-00059-00035668-00035948 and we're gonna apply black glitter B4tyzE3YdZE-00060-00035964-00036284 to retouch those spots that might not look pretty B4tyzE3YdZE-00063-00037228-00037840 on this whole edge, that way we're gonna cover this union B4tyzE3YdZE-00064-00037978-00038502 and all the edges left, the unpainted spots B4tyzE3YdZE-00065-00038502-00038906 everything we think it doesn't look good B4tyzE3YdZE-00066-00038924-00039100 so we're gonna take advantage B4tyzE3YdZE-00067-00039224-00039632 to make a little retouch B4tyzE3YdZE-00068-00039828-00039970 so it looks better B4tyzE3YdZE-00069-00047296-00047742 now it's more covered B4tyzE3YdZE-00070-00047800-00048114 on the edge and it looks way better B4tyzE3YdZE-00071-00048594-00048831 once the glitter has dried B4tyzE3YdZE-00072-00048872-00049085 we have our hat done B4tyzE3YdZE-00073-00049120-00049594 now it all depends on the way we want to decorate it B4tyzE3YdZE-00074-00049632-00050006 if we wanna decorate it with satin ribbon or sheer ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00075-00050012-00050430 for example i have already have a bow for this hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00076-00050598-00051166 over here i made the buckles out of glitter eva foam B4tyzE3YdZE-00077-00051166-00051367 it's a little square B4tyzE3YdZE-00078-00051370-00051606 with two holes B4tyzE3YdZE-00079-00051606-00051795 where the ribbon will pass through B4tyzE3YdZE-00080-00051944-00052204 here i have a purple one, and a black one B4tyzE3YdZE-00081-00052278-00052755 you can see they're made out of little pieces of glitter foam aswell B4tyzE3YdZE-00082-00052828-00053144 this one is smaller, for example B4tyzE3YdZE-00083-00053400-00053886 and it's up to how we wanna decorate it, i put a bow on the back side B4tyzE3YdZE-00084-00053972-00054167 over here i put a flower B4tyzE3YdZE-00085-00054167-00054538 that's the decoration this little hat has B4tyzE3YdZE-00086-00054538-00054790 so now for this one B4tyzE3YdZE-00087-00054879-00055382 we're gonna stick this ribbon on the bottom of the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00088-00055462-00055566 silk satin B4tyzE3YdZE-00089-00055605-00055876 we're gonna start pasting it and there we'll se... B4tyzE3YdZE-00090-00056020-00056140 we're gonna measure and... B4tyzE3YdZE-00091-00056227-00056413 see how much... B4tyzE3YdZE-00092-00056546-00056711 how much we need to... B4tyzE3YdZE-00093-00056785-00057071 strecth it, for example, here it's too puckered B4tyzE3YdZE-00094-00057071-00057256 so i gotta start stretching B4tyzE3YdZE-00095-00057256-00057682 to see how it's gonna end up B4tyzE3YdZE-00096-00058072-00058348 now what we're gonna do is start gluing it B4tyzE3YdZE-00097-00059017-00059198 i'm not going to close it yet B4tyzE3YdZE-00098-00059198-00059477 i'm gonna let it open and start sticking it to see B4tyzE3YdZE-00099-00059478-00059864 here on the bottom edge of the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00100-00060720-00060991 i'm applying glue on the edge B4tyzE3YdZE-00101-00060992-00061119 and sticking B4tyzE3YdZE-00102-00061195-00061295 the ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00103-00074436-00074790 and put liquid glue on these tips to close it B4tyzE3YdZE-00104-00076412-00076572 we have to put pressure B4tyzE3YdZE-00105-00076648-00076748 so it's well sticked B4tyzE3YdZE-00106-00077020-00077268 this is how our hat is looking B4tyzE3YdZE-00107-00077281-00077562 now we're gonna put the buckle B4tyzE3YdZE-00108-00077609-00077841 i have a purple buckle here to put B4tyzE3YdZE-00109-00077865-00077980 i have a black one B4tyzE3YdZE-00110-00077980-00078216 but i think the black one wouldn't show as much so i'm gonna put B4tyzE3YdZE-00111-00078290-00078442 the purple one B4tyzE3YdZE-00112-00078566-00078828 and i'm gonna use B4tyzE3YdZE-00113-00079012-00079168 this red ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00114-00079190-00079491 since i don't have 6 mm wide ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00115-00079492-00079848 i'm gonna fold this one of 1 cm in half B4tyzE3YdZE-00116-00079898-00080196 to be able to pass it through the buckle B4tyzE3YdZE-00117-00080221-00080391 so it's good B4tyzE3YdZE-00118-00080480-00080970 because i can't pass a wide ribbon throught the buckle B4tyzE3YdZE-00119-00081266-00081366 let's see B4tyzE3YdZE-00121-00082439-00082546 pull through B4tyzE3YdZE-00122-00084052-00084167 and here it's ok B4tyzE3YdZE-00123-00084597-00084798 and we're gonna start wrapping around B4tyzE3YdZE-00124-00085455-00085607 wrap all the way here B4tyzE3YdZE-00125-00085728-00085880 so i'm gonna cut B4tyzE3YdZE-00126-00087458-00087735 and i'm gonna put a little bit of glue B4tyzE3YdZE-00127-00087835-00088097 a few dots to the ribbon B4tyzE3YdZE-00128-00088136-00088654 so the ribbon is well adjusted there B4tyzE3YdZE-00129-00093034-00093200 and this tip goes like this B4tyzE3YdZE-00130-00093293-00093525 so i put liquid glue here B4tyzE3YdZE-00132-00094530-00094665 this is how pur hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00133-00094810-00095252 is looking, now i'm gonna put the bow on the back B4tyzE3YdZE-00134-00095372-00095562 since i also have this option B4tyzE3YdZE-00135-00095699-00095824 a really pretty bow B4tyzE3YdZE-00136-00095996-00096096 put this one B4tyzE3YdZE-00137-00096256-00096389 or this one B4tyzE3YdZE-00138-00096546-00096691 that's a bit bigger B4tyzE3YdZE-00139-00096854-00096954 so... B4tyzE3YdZE-00140-00097048-00097290 i don't know, i kinda like this one better B4tyzE3YdZE-00141-00097290-00097390 even though is smaller B4tyzE3YdZE-00142-00097486-00097618 i think it looks B4tyzE3YdZE-00143-00097929-00098032 very pretty B4tyzE3YdZE-00144-00098193-00098293 let's put this one B4tyzE3YdZE-00145-00098530-00098644 on the back part B4tyzE3YdZE-00146-00099829-00100069 i put pressure so it sticks well B4tyzE3YdZE-00147-00100676-00101256 and this how our hat looks like B4tyzE3YdZE-00148-00101256-00101548 i'm gonna make a little flower B4tyzE3YdZE-00149-00101650-00102190 to finish up well the decoration of our little hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00150-00102190-00102340 so it looks better B4tyzE3YdZE-00151-00105024-00105220 ...and the other (flower) there B4tyzE3YdZE-00152-00105258-00105474 now to finish up B4tyzE3YdZE-00153-00105474-00105896 we're gonna put a fusible interfacing circle on the bottom B4tyzE3YdZE-00154-00105959-00106390 so it covers all the thread up B4tyzE3YdZE-00155-00106390-00106440 this circle B4tyzE3YdZE-00156-00106459-00106950 has the same measure of the base of the hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00157-00106950-00107192 we're gonna put the circle there B4tyzE3YdZE-00158-00107252-00107546 to finish this part up B4tyzE3YdZE-00159-00107551-00107667 to finish this hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00160-00110420-00110638 (this is the hair clip i used) B4tyzE3YdZE-00161-00110752-00110898 we put pressure B4tyzE3YdZE-00162-00111002-00111414 so it is well sticked B4tyzE3YdZE-00163-00111568-00111904 done, here we have our hat B4tyzE3YdZE-00164-00111918-00112330 to put it on a headband or alice band B4tyzE3YdZE-00165-00112372-00112630 to put it on a hair clip B4tyzE3YdZE-00166-00112648-00112748 now B4tyzE3YdZE-00167-00112766-00113348 you choose the way you're gonna organize it B4tyzE3YdZE-00168-00113490-00113883 i hope you liked it, i really enjoyed making B4tyzE3YdZE-00169-00114000-00114390 this little hats to share with all of you B4tyzE3YdZE-00170-00114390-00114632 don't forget to give us a thumbs up B4tyzE3YdZE-00171-00114632-00114964 i you liked it and leave your comments down below, and subscribe B4tyzE3YdZE-00172-00115054-00115266 bye, bye, till next tie B4tyzE3YdZE-00173-00115406-00115668 English subtitle credis to: Sofia Muñoz, contacto email: B5uKOp91lzM-00000-00000811-00000911 My name is Paul Olivier B5uKOp91lzM-00001-00000911-00001248 and I am a Creative Developer UX/UI. B5uKOp91lzM-00002-00001540-00001764 UX, "User Experience", B5uKOp91lzM-00003-00001764-00002236 we make sure that the player understands the experience we want to give him, B5uKOp91lzM-00004-00002236-00002376 that there are no incomprehensible things B5uKOp91lzM-00005-00002376-00002780 and UI, "User Interface", is the whole visual aspect. B5uKOp91lzM-00006-00002780-00003108 When there’s an action, you see a little icon to tell you B5uKOp91lzM-00007-00003108-00003272 "Ah, there's something to do!" B5uKOp91lzM-00008-00003272-00003792 As a Creative Developer, I am at the crossroads between design and programming. B5uKOp91lzM-00009-00003792-00004248 I'm going to do some code for the interactive part of the game, so we can test it. B5uKOp91lzM-00010-00004248-00004752 And I can also work on the visual rendering, the graphic design. B5uKOp91lzM-00011-00005204-00005508 I studied applied arts and multimedia. B5uKOp91lzM-00012-00005508-00005836 I've always been a programmer, ever since I was a kid. B5uKOp91lzM-00013-00005836-00006132 I found a mate in school who was programming. B5uKOp91lzM-00014-00006132-00006531 We started with the Thomson TO5 PC. B5uKOp91lzM-00015-00006531-00006688 It used the Turtle computer language. B5uKOp91lzM-00016-00006688-00006888 Then I learned Pascal language. B5uKOp91lzM-00017-00006888-00007156 And then I tested all the other languages a bit. B5uKOp91lzM-00018-00007523-00007792 I started playing when I was about ten years old. B5uKOp91lzM-00019-00007792-00007976 Right away I wanted to make video games, B5uKOp91lzM-00020-00007976-00008128 So, I studied applied arts, B5uKOp91lzM-00021-00008128-00008356 but at the time it was very paper-oriented. B5uKOp91lzM-00022-00008356-00008720 Then the web came in and it became a bit more fun! B5uKOp91lzM-00023-00008720-00009292 Web games interested me with their mix of visuals and interactivity. B5uKOp91lzM-00024-00009292-00009552 It mixes the two things I like to do, design and programming. B5uKOp91lzM-00025-00009552-00009876 It mixes the two things I like to do, design and programming. B5uKOp91lzM-00026-00010248-00010360 It's playing with a gamepad! B5uKOp91lzM-00027-00010360-00010568 I am a keyboard and mouse gamer. B5uKOp91lzM-00028-00010568-00010768 And here we play a lot of games on the gamepad, B5uKOp91lzM-00029-00010768-00010960 I'm getting used to it but it's not easy! B5uKOp91lzM-00030-00010960-00011232 I still suck at it but I train. B5uKOp91lzM-00031-00011612-00011836 The easiest thing is to be surrounded by all these talents B5uKOp91lzM-00032-00011836-00012184 that I see here every day, it's crazy. B5uKOp91lzM-00033-00012184-00012640 Also, working on huge, hyper-ambitious projects. B5uKOp91lzM-00034-00012640-00012991 Even though I am a small part of this big machine, B5uKOp91lzM-00035-00012991-00013080 it is very motivating. B5uKOp91lzM-00036-00013400-00013612 It's a very multi-faceted job. B5uKOp91lzM-00037-00013612-00013832 You must be a bit curious about humanities B5uKOp91lzM-00038-00013832-00014108 and visual design, even if you are a programmer, B5uKOp91lzM-00039-00014108-00014484 because in this job you could be a graphic designer, or a programmer, B5uKOp91lzM-00040-00014484-00014676 but you still must be curious about the whole thing, B5uKOp91lzM-00041-00014676-00014956 and be communicative, I think. B5uKOp91lzM-00042-00015324-00015456 Fun! B5uKOp91lzM-00043-00015552-00015960 Video games put you in a state where you give everything for a goal. B5uKOp91lzM-00044-00015960-00016376 and I think it has a pedagogical side that teaches you that mistakes, B5uKOp91lzM-00045-00016376-00016592 it's not a big deal, you can bounce back from them. B5uKOp91lzM-00046-00016592-00016920 When you lose in a video game, it's not the end of the world! B6I8WbphURc-00000-00000038-00000328 Yup, retro console electronics again because I like that. B6I8WbphURc-00001-00000398-00000690 I got back to my SD card loader for the NeoGeo CD B6I8WbphURc-00002-00000750-00001112 It's not exactly an ODE like those available for other consoles B6I8WbphURc-00003-00001172-00001660 because even if it replaces the optical drive, this is hooked up deeper in the console. B6I8WbphURc-00004-00001722-00002206 I started trying to get this to work about 4 years ago B6I8WbphURc-00005-00002296-00002676 I had put it aside since then because the route I took was too complicated B6I8WbphURc-00006-00002730-00002962 I scraped everything and started over about 2 years ago already B6I8WbphURc-00007-00003022-00003456 So I got back to it again not long ago and it's... starting to work like I want. B6I8WbphURc-00008-00003456-00003682 It's starting to provide encouraging results. B6I8WbphURc-00009-00003746-00003961 I'm making this video to show that the project isn't forgotten B6I8WbphURc-00010-00003961-00004308 and that I still want to make it reliable, cheap and easy to install. B6I8WbphURc-00011-00004338-00004818 Today I'm taking advantage of having a strange problem to show you how this is progressing. B6I8WbphURc-00012-00004890-00005414 This is the NeoGeo CD console, which you can still find nowadays for less than 2000€ on eBay. B6I8WbphURc-00013-00005474-00005746 The CD drive was removed. It would have been connected with a ribbon cable here. B6I8WbphURc-00014-00005798-00006128 There's a NeoBIOSMasta here which has been lent to me B6I8WbphURc-00015-00006162-00006609 To replace the BIOS with a version I (heavily) patched, on an EPROM. B6I8WbphURc-00016-00006676-00007376 Here there's my DE-1 FPGA development board, with its beautiful LED display. B6I8WbphURc-00017-00007420-00007900 Which is connected to the original BIOS footprint. B6I8WbphURc-00018-00007966-00008312 So this is hooked to the 68000 CPU data and address lines. B6I8WbphURc-00019-00008336-00008970 I'm using the original BIOS address space to allow access to an SD card B6I8WbphURc-00020-00008980-00009372 which is here in the FPGA board's SD card slot. B6I8WbphURc-00021-00009552-00010022 There's an iso file on the card but no audio tracks, since I haven't got to audio playback yet. B6I8WbphURc-00022-00010022-00010312 It's planned though, since a game without music is kinda sad... B6I8WbphURc-00023-00010330-00010596 I'm going to show you the startup process and the problem I'm currently having. B6I8WbphURc-00024-00010596-00010856 Lowering the camera's exposition a bit to see the screen... B6I8WbphURc-00025-00010906-00011136 Turning on the console like we'd normally do. B6I8WbphURc-00026-00011370-00011570 Half the time spent on my projects involves adding dumb shit, as usual. B6I8WbphURc-00027-00011868-00012068 Debug values... B6I8WbphURc-00028-00012078-00012306 The display won't look like that if one day I succeed in finishing this. B6I8WbphURc-00029-00012526-00012660 The iso is loading... B6I8WbphURc-00030-00012896-00013254 You'll notice that it took... less time than usual. B6I8WbphURc-00031-00013480-00013680 And here's the "slight" issue. B6I8WbphURc-00032-00014040-00014254 It took me some time to find what was going on B6I8WbphURc-00033-00014254-00014472 The problem isn't solved because I don't know what causes it B6I8WbphURc-00034-00014476-00014780 but with the game's disassembly and MAME's debugger B6I8WbphURc-00035-00014782-00015206 I was able to to see that an opcode changed between the time the game was loaded, and the time it started up B6I8WbphURc-00036-00015224-00015978 The opcode is related to the incrementing of a variable which holds the attract mode's animation state B6I8WbphURc-00037-00016019-00016336 Here we're stuck at 0x1A and it's never incremented to 0x1B B6I8WbphURc-00038-00016336-00016982 0x1B would make the ball scroll up and the title will end up appearing. B6I8WbphURc-00039-00017098-00017458 Other elements are still being animated like the blinking "PUSH START" so it's not an interrupt problem. B6I8WbphURc-00040-00017606-00017766 By the way we can press start B6I8WbphURc-00041-00017766-00018252 and encounter another problem, which prevents refresh of the countdown timer B6I8WbphURc-00042-00018342-00018570 Nothing is shown and it's because of the same issue B6I8WbphURc-00043-00018570-00018990 There's another opcode being corrupt, with only one bit being flipped B6I8WbphURc-00044-00019076-00019276 I don't know why this happens B6I8WbphURc-00045-00019280-00020062 It's the same opcodes each time the game is loaded, even if the console is power-cycled. B6I8WbphURc-00046-00020100-00020464 I also tried Art of Fighting 3 B6I8WbphURc-00047-00020464-00020742 The problem is the same, always the same opcodes are corrupt. B6I8WbphURc-00048-00020742-00021088 But between games, the list of opcodes ending up bad are different. B6I8WbphURc-00049-00021120-00021440 So I guess I'll have to spend a few more nights on that B6I8WbphURc-00050-00021440-00022036 But otherwise the loading speed is encouraging, I've compared it to the original ones. B6I8WbphURc-00051-00022134-00022530 I hope I'll be able to make something out of this, that it will be reliable and simple to install. B6I8WbphURc-00052-00022612-00022702 That's it ! Good night ! B8OAWxARGT0-00000-00000030-00000080 Hello B8OAWxARGT0-00001-00000080-00000130 How are you ? B9oeT7SkMiU-00000-00000000-00000496 I have something to share with you today, as it is a wonderful month that we are just coming out of B9oeT7SkMiU-00001-00000496-00001032 a month of victory, there are many things that have happened that those that stand for life B9oeT7SkMiU-00002-00001032-00001544 are celebrating, those that stand for hope, those who stand for faith, believe that there's B9oeT7SkMiU-00003-00001544-00002160 victories that is happening in our nation and in the world and I'm going to talk about that today B9oeT7SkMiU-00004-00002160-00002800 and ironically before I go into the message and I have a little story to share with you B9oeT7SkMiU-00005-00002856-00003352 and it's about something called operation mincemeat, has anyone heard of operation B9oeT7SkMiU-00006-00003352-00003872 mince meat, they even have a movie about it now operation mincemeat and I know that pastor Vlad, B9oeT7SkMiU-00007-00003872-00004496 last week was talking about war as well so it's kind of like ironic that I'm using a background B9oeT7SkMiU-00008-00004496-00005104 story of the same world war as well but operation mincemeat was something that took place in 1943 B9oeT7SkMiU-00009-00005232-00005760 Second world war was full-on the war was raging the Nazi's were taking over every every B9oeT7SkMiU-00010-00005760-00006296 front north, south, west, east they were just expanding, so the allied forces in Great Britain B9oeT7SkMiU-00011-00006296-00006856 they had taken over they had, they reclaimed North Africa and they were planning to attack B9oeT7SkMiU-00012-00006928-00007528 and Nazi Germany from the south and you can show the photos, I have a photo there and B9oeT7SkMiU-00013-00007528-00008031 operation mincemeat was a counterintelligence operation where a small group of people B9oeT7SkMiU-00014-00008112-00009024 just about eight people came up with an idea on how to outsmart Hitler, so they tricked him by a B9oeT7SkMiU-00015-00009024-00009904 small group they turned the tide of the second world war in Italy because the armed forces of B9oeT7SkMiU-00016-00009904-00010584 the Nazi's were in on the island of Sicily and they by using smart tricks, they were able to B9oeT7SkMiU-00017-00010584-00011128 outsmart them and trick them into moving their troops away from Sicily into Greece B9oeT7SkMiU-00018-00011192-00011656 and then the allied forces could take over Sicily and then they could have supplies come B9oeT7SkMiU-00019-00011656-00012328 in from America and other places into the heart of Europe through that island and that was a very B9oeT7SkMiU-00020-00012392-00013384 a very small group of people who outsmarted the bigger enemy and because of that private victory B9oeT7SkMiU-00021-00013384-00014088 that they were able to accomplish with just eight people they saved tens of thousands of soldiers B9oeT7SkMiU-00022-00014088-00014591 lives, it would have been a massacre on that island but because of that, that was the beginning B9oeT7SkMiU-00023-00014591-00015152 of turning the chain of events that turned the tide of the war of the second world war. B9oeT7SkMiU-00024-00015280-00015896 These were the eight people that saved tens of thousands of people, so my title of today's B9oeT7SkMiU-00025-00015896-00016744 message is private victories can someone say 'private victories', 'private victories always B9oeT7SkMiU-00026-00016744-00017432 precede public victories'. Many of us today we are looking at the great man of God around us and B9oeT7SkMiU-00027-00017432-00018072 and we see like, oh wow that minister of God is operating so powerfully in the anointing of B9oeT7SkMiU-00028-00018072-00018632 God and he's being used, I want to be like you, can you show me, can you teach me how I can be B9oeT7SkMiU-00029-00018632-00019376 like you and what we fail to understand is the public victory that man or woman of God is walking B9oeT7SkMiU-00030-00019376-00020200 in and living in today is just the accumulation of many private victories you cannot get the public B9oeT7SkMiU-00031-00020200-00020872 victory before first overcoming in the private, it is the small things, the small weaknesses, the B9oeT7SkMiU-00032-00020872-00021512 things that you are battling with as a person when you begin to overcome those things, the private B9oeT7SkMiU-00033-00021512-00022048 victories will precede your public victories. So it's very important for us to understand B9oeT7SkMiU-00034-00022144-00022744 that to overcome that, like for example, me, I received deliverance about I always say eight B9oeT7SkMiU-00035-00022744-00023168 years ago, I've been saying eight years ago for four years now, so it's probably 12 years ago. B9oeT7SkMiU-00036-00023424-00023704 I received deliverance about 12 years ago and because B9oeT7SkMiU-00037-00023776-00024200 and that deliverance that I received it wasn't like a one day thing, it was a battle that I had B9oeT7SkMiU-00038-00024200-00024800 been battling for a long time trying to overcome, trying to overcome overpower the enemy and so on B9oeT7SkMiU-00039-00024800-00025376 and so forth but because of that private victory and many other private victories to some degree, B9oeT7SkMiU-00040-00025376-00025832 I'm able to work in public victory today. I believe that we are delivered to deliver B9oeT7SkMiU-00041-00025832-00026272 others, we are saved to save others and we are healed to heal others, if you are here today B9oeT7SkMiU-00042-00026327-00026968 and you want to receive deliverance from God Almighty, remember your deliverance is the private B9oeT7SkMiU-00043-00026968-00027639 victory that will lead you to the public victories that God has in store for you, you have a calling, B9oeT7SkMiU-00044-00027639-00028224 you have a purpose and that is what we're going to talk about today, at the end of the sermon B9oeT7SkMiU-00045-00028224-00028895 I'm gonna give a couple of prayer points if time allows for us for for how you can walk in private B9oeT7SkMiU-00046-00028895-00029552 victory. Some of us are battling with weaknesses, I think all of us are battling with weaknesses and B9oeT7SkMiU-00047-00029552-00030344 temptations in some areas. If you remember the story of David in the book of first Samuel 17, B9oeT7SkMiU-00048-00030416-00031327 David overcame the giant, and many people want to be like David today we want to be able to overcome B9oeT7SkMiU-00049-00031327-00031832 the giant, we want to be able to be that small guy just sling that one stone of B9oeT7SkMiU-00050-00031832-00032472 faith and just kill that giant instantly in our lives but the thing that we forget was B9oeT7SkMiU-00051-00032472-00033280 that David killing the giant was just as a result of previously killing the lion and the bear. B9oeT7SkMiU-00052-00033368-00034104 It was because he had overpowered the lion because he had overpowered the bear that he was able B9oeT7SkMiU-00053-00034104-00034536 to kill the giant, I want to take you quickly to the book of first Samuel that's one of our proof B9oeT7SkMiU-00054-00034536-00035504 texts today first Samuel 17 and just read it for for your to refresh your memories first Samuel 17 B9oeT7SkMiU-00055-00035744-00035920 we can start from verse 32 B9oeT7SkMiU-00056-00039616-00040312 killing the giant in public, in front of everyone to see, for the world to see David's B9oeT7SkMiU-00057-00040312-00040896 accomplishment it was one of the things that then propelled him towards the destiny that God had in B9oeT7SkMiU-00058-00040896-00041752 store for him that started way back in private, when no one saw him, when no one knew what was B9oeT7SkMiU-00059-00041752-00042448 happening, he has already fought his enemies and because of that victory, he could overcome B9oeT7SkMiU-00060-00042528-00043072 the giant as well one one more Bible verse and then we're gonna go get right into the B9oeT7SkMiU-00061-00043072-00043616 points here, I'm a point person so I have four points today on how you can live B9oeT7SkMiU-00062-00043672-00044296 in private victory today, how you can succeed to overcome the weakness that you might be facing, B9oeT7SkMiU-00063-00044296-00044720 how you can overcome the challenges in your private life, so that you can begin to walk B9oeT7SkMiU-00064-00044720-00045256 towards the purpose that God has in store for you, if David had not killed that bear B9oeT7SkMiU-00065-00045256-00045792 and not killed that lion, he wouldn't have had the courage the boldness or the confidence B9oeT7SkMiU-00066-00045792-00046400 or the faith to fight against the giant, yeah come on, the book of Exodus chapter 17. B9oeT7SkMiU-00067-00046608-00047112 and this is another one, this is also a private victory a private battle that resulted in a B9oeT7SkMiU-00068-00047112-00047784 private in a public victory, it's Exodus chapter 17 verse 8. and many of us once again, we can B9oeT7SkMiU-00069-00047848-00048528 liken ourselves to this story as well, where we see a war being waged, you see it here every B9oeT7SkMiU-00070-00048528-00049120 Sunday there's a war being waged here, we believe that there is a cosmic conflict between good and B9oeT7SkMiU-00071-00049120-00049776 evil and that God is good and all good and the devil has no even a single atom of goodness in B9oeT7SkMiU-00072-00049776-00050408 him, there's nothing good in him and because of that conflict that we see here and you see it, B9oeT7SkMiU-00073-00050408-00050888 when there's demons being manifested, when we are praying for healing and deliverance, those things B9oeT7SkMiU-00074-00050888-00051448 are public victories, it's public victory for you to see the glory of God but it didn't start there, B9oeT7SkMiU-00075-00051512-00051920 they didn't start someone doesn't just wake up and go and kill the goliath one day, B9oeT7SkMiU-00076-00051920-00052455 if you haven't killed bears and lions in the past. So I'm talking to the young people, I'm talking to B9oeT7SkMiU-00077-00052455-00053032 every single one of us if you have a desire to be used by God to any degree, if you want your B9oeT7SkMiU-00078-00053032-00053576 victories to be public and you know what it is the public victories that encourages people's faith, B9oeT7SkMiU-00079-00053576-00054024 it is the public victories that shakes the world, it is public victories that B9oeT7SkMiU-00080-00054024-00054584 challenges the foundations of people's faith, it is the public victories that overcomes the powers B9oeT7SkMiU-00081-00054584-00055432 of darkness but it is the private victories that lead us there. Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 B9oeT7SkMiU-00083-00061455-00062104 Amalekites, every Sunday when we have prayer line, that is not where the battle starts that is not B9oeT7SkMiU-00084-00062104-00062591 where the battle starts, there's a private battle going on and there's private victory that always B9oeT7SkMiU-00085-00062591-00063448 happens before public victory, praise God! so the four points to you today to be able B9oeT7SkMiU-00086-00063448-00064024 to begin to overcome in your private victories so you can actually begin to take steps towards B9oeT7SkMiU-00087-00064024-00064688 growing toward that purpose, that God has in store for you, number one thing that we can learn from B9oeT7SkMiU-00088-00064688-00065416 these stories of Joshua fighting the Amalekites and David fighting the giant is number one B9oeT7SkMiU-00089-00065536-00066344 how to overcome private battles, how to have private victories, 'use what is in your hand.' B9oeT7SkMiU-00090-00066480-00067264 God has given you something, David when he chased after the bear and the lion B9oeT7SkMiU-00091-00067264-00067872 he didn't look for something, he had everything he needed in his hand, B9oeT7SkMiU-00092-00067944-00068728 Moses when he stepped up on the rock it says that he was holding on to the rod of God in his hand. B9oeT7SkMiU-00093-00068728-00069480 The exact same rod that previously had parted the Red sea, the rod of God was in his hand. B9oeT7SkMiU-00094-00069536-00070128 You have a battle to fight maybe you are struggling with lust like I was doing back in the B9oeT7SkMiU-00095-00070128-00070680 days, maybe you're struggling with anger, maybe you're struggling with jealousy, maybe you have B9oeT7SkMiU-00096-00070680-00071312 depression, anxiety, maybe sickness, infirmity, whatever it is that is your private battle B9oeT7SkMiU-00097-00071368-00072096 God has equipped you already use what is in your hand, what do we have in our hands people of God, B9oeT7SkMiU-00098-00072160-00072872 we have the Name of Jesus. The Name of Jesus is above every other name at the mention of that Name B9oeT7SkMiU-00099-00072872-00073320 every knee must bow, that means the knees of whatever Amalekites, B9oeT7SkMiU-00100-00073320-00073800 whatever bear, whatever lion that you may be facing their knee must bow B9oeT7SkMiU-00101-00073800-00074616 if you use the Name of Jesus, how He has commanded you to do. Secondly, we have the Word of God, B9oeT7SkMiU-00102-00074736-00075648 this word is the power to overcome the enemy some of us don't really understand how to wage B9oeT7SkMiU-00103-00075648-00076256 war with the Word of God, I'm gonna give you just a really quick insight Ephesians 6:17 B9oeT7SkMiU-00104-00076256-00077096 says the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, Hebrews 4 verse 12 says the Word of God is living B9oeT7SkMiU-00105-00077096-00077856 and active so it's a sword that is alive, it's what you have in your hand. Deuteronomy 30 verse B9oeT7SkMiU-00106-00077856-00078488 14 says the Word of God is not far from you it is in your heart and in your mouth, you B9oeT7SkMiU-00107-00078488-00079136 have it at your disposal and finally the one I want to read for you is Jeremiah 23 verse 29 B9oeT7SkMiU-00108-00079136-00079808 this is a Bible verse that God just showed me this Bible verse, it's a very powerful one I B9oeT7SkMiU-00109-00079808-00080344 love using it in the past but God just showed me really how important it is to understand B9oeT7SkMiU-00110-00080344-00080856 that the Word of God is from Jeremiah 23 verse 29, I can't find it now and I'm so hyped up that B9oeT7SkMiU-00111-00080856-00081248 my hands are shaking so I can't turn the pages of the Bible, so I'm just going to memorize it B9oeT7SkMiU-00112-00081344-00082040 is not My word like fire declares the Lord and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces, B9oeT7SkMiU-00113-00082040-00082672 how do you use the Word of God to wage war against your private enemies, against that bear and that B9oeT7SkMiU-00114-00082672-00083280 lion, how do you go about it, first of all you have to read it, you have to put it into B9oeT7SkMiU-00115-00083280-00083840 your heart and how we do that is not there's two ways of reading the Word of God and I shared this B9oeT7SkMiU-00116-00083928-00084360 in a group that we had here a couple of days ago but there's two ways to read it B9oeT7SkMiU-00117-00084360-00084920 when you are waking up in the morning and how many are morning people here, are you a morning person, B9oeT7SkMiU-00118-00085016-00085504 how many are not morning people, of course all the young people over here, you are B9oeT7SkMiU-00119-00085504-00085936 never morning people, don't worry I was not a morning person in your age either, it changes B9oeT7SkMiU-00120-00086168-00086840 many of us we skip breakfast because you don't have time or you're not hungry or B9oeT7SkMiU-00121-00086840-00087360 whatever reason but for those of us who eat breakfast, how many eat breakfast here B9oeT7SkMiU-00122-00087576-00088344 I don't, I'm dying a little more every day I'm on keto and I'm on intermittent fasting so B9oeT7SkMiU-00123-00088344-00088840 there's one Bible verse that speaks to me so strongly every morning when I wake up and it's B9oeT7SkMiU-00124-00088840-00089472 John 3:30. It says he must increase but I must decrease in volume and in weight and everything B9oeT7SkMiU-00125-00089608-00090152 it's, I'm just obeying Scripture praise God so if you are a morning person and if you eat B9oeT7SkMiU-00126-00090152-00090768 breakfast you know that breakfast isn't your longest meal of the day, many times you pour B9oeT7SkMiU-00127-00090768-00091456 some milk put your cereal in eat it you're half awake and then off we go to work and that is B9oeT7SkMiU-00128-00091456-00091960 good that is how you survive, it's to sustain you the same goes for your morning devotions B9oeT7SkMiU-00129-00092032-00092608 your not all of us have the opportunity to take an hour in the morning or two hours to pray B9oeT7SkMiU-00130-00092608-00093120 and read the Word of God and I love when I have the opportunity to do so in fact I have quite a B9oeT7SkMiU-00131-00093120-00093656 lot of opportunity to do so nowadays but it wasn't always like that where you actually just wake up B9oeT7SkMiU-00132-00093656-00094272 and you put the your daily devotion on audio while you're showering and you hear a little bit B9oeT7SkMiU-00133-00094272-00094792 but then you don't hear also and it's kind of like the breakfast when you're breaking your spiritual B9oeT7SkMiU-00134-00094792-00095448 fast and those devotions are good but it's not enough you have to take time in the evening, B9oeT7SkMiU-00135-00095448-00096192 I'm a person who loves food no surprise there and one of my favorite foods in the world B9oeT7SkMiU-00136-00096192-00096800 is what they call a charcuterie board, charcuterie board is basically in English B9oeT7SkMiU-00137-00096800-00097216 it's called like a cheese and meat platter but charcuterie sounds more bougie right so B9oeT7SkMiU-00138-00097360-00097856 charcuterie board is is what I like and when you have a charcuterie board with different kind of B9oeT7SkMiU-00139-00097856-00098480 cheeses and meats and olives and some fruits and some grapes and this and that you really B9oeT7SkMiU-00140-00098480-00098888 you don't want to rush it like a breakfast like if I got a charcuterie board for breakfast I would B9oeT7SkMiU-00141-00098888-00099424 probably be like no I'll keep it for tonight when I have more time the same goes for the Word of God B9oeT7SkMiU-00142-00099496-00100288 you need to have charcuterie board reading with God Almighty as well you need to savor on the Word B9oeT7SkMiU-00143-00100288-00100920 of God, you need to sit down and bring your little notepad and your highlighter and your pen and B9oeT7SkMiU-00144-00100920-00101568 leave your phone in the other room and then just sit down and savor it's not about how fast you can B9oeT7SkMiU-00145-00101568-00102240 read your three chapters that's your breakfast diet but in the night you need to take time B9oeT7SkMiU-00146-00102240-00102952 you know that God's love language is quality time God's lovely you know the five love languages and B9oeT7SkMiU-00147-00102952-00103504 I am confident that God's love language is quality time, in the old testament His love language was B9oeT7SkMiU-00148-00103504-00104296 gifts but that changed because everything you offer this and you offer that God really loved B9oeT7SkMiU-00149-00104296-00104880 gifts in the old testament, He still does but His number one love language is quality time, B9oeT7SkMiU-00150-00104968-00105559 give Him your time sit down read it's not, you're not going to count I'm going to read 10 chapters B9oeT7SkMiU-00151-00105559-00105976 now and then I'll finish the book of Proverbs and then I'm halfway through the Bible and I can B9oeT7SkMiU-00152-00105976-00106648 finish the book of Jeremiah in 21 days no forget about all that just sit down take one at a time B9oeT7SkMiU-00153-00106704-00107192 savor on it just let it juice let it just spread let you just enjoy the fullness of B9oeT7SkMiU-00154-00107192-00107920 the flavor of the Word of God and when you do so you can now begin to meditate on that word B9oeT7SkMiU-00155-00107920-00108632 and use Bible verses as prayer points now we're going into the warfare part of it the first one B9oeT7SkMiU-00156-00108632-00109080 is just filling up, you're filling up it's like you're gathering arrows in your quiver B9oeT7SkMiU-00157-00109144-00109624 by reading by savoring but then when you begin to attack the enemy when you begin to wage war B9oeT7SkMiU-00158-00109624-00110456 against the bear, against the lion, you need to put those Bible verses into prayer points B9oeT7SkMiU-00159-00110576-00111159 turn your Bible verses into prayer points use it to begin to destroy the works of the enemy B9oeT7SkMiU-00160-00111311-00111888 it's not My word like fire declares the Lord, this is not the Bible verse goes like that but B9oeT7SkMiU-00161-00111888-00112311 I have just two words that I want to add and I think it's just something that God showed B9oeT7SkMiU-00162-00112311-00112728 me and I mean you test it and see if it's God or if I'm just coming up with these things but B9oeT7SkMiU-00163-00112840-00113464 is not My spoken word like fire says the Lord and My written word like a hammer that breaks B9oeT7SkMiU-00164-00113464-00114072 the rock in pieces what you see here on Sundays it's the spoken Word of God it's fire it burns B9oeT7SkMiU-00165-00114072-00114783 down houses demonic presence it burns them and pursues them out but it is by hammering on B9oeT7SkMiU-00166-00114783-00115448 that rock in your life that stronghold that you have in your life with the written Word of God B9oeT7SkMiU-00167-00115448-00116080 that is how you begin to overcome and break down that rock of lust, break down that B9oeT7SkMiU-00168-00116168-00116600 that rock of anger, break down that rock of anxiety and whatever it is B9oeT7SkMiU-00169-00116600-00117232 that you may be facing it is with the Word of God you have it at your disposal this is your weapon B9oeT7SkMiU-00170-00117296-00117920 get back to it it never gets old and we hear it all the time but how many actually do it B9oeT7SkMiU-00171-00117920-00118472 savor spend time in the world and begin to use it whatever your situation may be B9oeT7SkMiU-00172-00118552-00119311 trust me whatever your hardship is whatever that lion is, whatever that bear is, there's a B9oeT7SkMiU-00173-00119311-00120032 Bible verse for it, there is a Bible verse for it. I believe that the Word of God is complete B9oeT7SkMiU-00174-00120096-00120632 I believe that the Word of God is final authority and I don't believe that anything is missing B9oeT7SkMiU-00175-00120632-00121192 from this book for us to be able to live a perfect life today it's there begin to B9oeT7SkMiU-00176-00121192-00121800 search for it what are you battling with today look for that Bible verse memorize the making to B9oeT7SkMiU-00177-00121800-00122311 shoot it against the enemy as a prayer point as a prayer point I want to read just a few B9oeT7SkMiU-00178-00122472-00122888 this is one of the ones that I use personally in my battles with lust B9oeT7SkMiU-00179-00122944-00123416 in the past and there are many other Bible verses but for those of us who would like to take note B9oeT7SkMiU-00180-00123504-00124144 Psalm 119 verse 9 how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to your word, B9oeT7SkMiU-00181-00124200-00125056 Psalm 119:37 turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in Your Word, B9oeT7SkMiU-00182-00125056-00125840 oh what a weapon what a weapon first John 2:16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the B9oeT7SkMiU-00183-00125840-00126311 lust of the eyes and the pride of life it's not of the father but it's of the world turn that B9oeT7SkMiU-00184-00126311-00126792 into a prayer point Lord right now in the Name of Jesus I come against the lust of the flesh, B9oeT7SkMiU-00185-00126792-00127383 the lust of the eyes and the pride of life in the Name of Jesus Psalm 19 verse 14 let the words B9oeT7SkMiU-00186-00127383-00128088 of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight o Lord my strength and my B9oeT7SkMiU-00187-00128088-00128624 Redeemer this is just for one of many many bears and lions that you may be facing in your life. B9oeT7SkMiU-00188-00128735-00129288 Second key remember there was four points so I'm gonna be fast first point use what is in B9oeT7SkMiU-00189-00129288-00130128 your hand second point endure until the end yeah come on Galatians six verse nine many of us think B9oeT7SkMiU-00190-00130183-00130880 that overcoming a lion or overcoming a battle is an explosive sprint it is not B9oeT7SkMiU-00191-00130935-00131760 how you overcome your personal private battles is by marathon you outlast the enemy B9oeT7SkMiU-00192-00131760-00132480 you outlast him you don't win in a hundred meter sprint you win in the marathon because if it was B9oeT7SkMiU-00193-00132480-00133312 a hundred meter sprint we would lose because it's a marathon you and I have the opportunity to win B9oeT7SkMiU-00194-00133312-00134064 you don't give up no matter what if God heals me or not you are my healer Lord if you set me B9oeT7SkMiU-00195-00134064-00134704 free or not you are the God my deliverer Lord whatever you face you do not give up B9oeT7SkMiU-00196-00134880-00135624 there's a boxer and I know he's a controversial man and but I would argue to say that he has the B9oeT7SkMiU-00197-00135624-00136296 most flawless record in history of boxing he's 50-0 his name is Floyd Mayweather some people B9oeT7SkMiU-00198-00136296-00136744 hate him some people love him, some people say that he's not the best that the ones before him B9oeT7SkMiU-00199-00136744-00137192 in the old days Muhammad Ali and others they would punch the living guts out of him might be true B9oeT7SkMiU-00200-00137280-00138088 nonetheless Floyd Mayweather is a record holder 50-0 is his statistics in boxing and you know B9oeT7SkMiU-00201-00138088-00138688 what his style is he doesn't have even I mean he he probably has strong punch like stronger than me B9oeT7SkMiU-00202-00138688-00139480 or anyone here probably but comparatively speaking his strength isn't in his arms anyone that have B9oeT7SkMiU-00203-00139480-00140064 watched any of his 50 games they would agree with me that it's the most boring boxing ever B9oeT7SkMiU-00204-00140136-00140800 he's just jumping around he doesn't even punch he all he does is he outlasts his opponent B9oeT7SkMiU-00205-00140888-00141528 he doesn't give up he's running a marathon and he has the long side in his a in his aim B9oeT7SkMiU-00206-00141528-00142064 but his enemies come in and they're like I'm gonna get these three rounds and I'm gonna get him down B9oeT7SkMiU-00207-00142064-00142320 and they go three rounds and he's still standing there and they're like B9oeT7SkMiU-00208-00142480-00142952 four rounds and he's still standing five and then they stand like this after like 12 rounds B9oeT7SkMiU-00209-00142952-00143792 or however far you go and he he can just like and they're out he outlasts his enemy look at B9oeT7SkMiU-00210-00143792-00144384 Moses on the top of the mountain he had to hold his hands up high worshiping God B9oeT7SkMiU-00211-00144480-00145552 it says he had to hold it up until sunset and then victory came hold out until sunset my brother my B9oeT7SkMiU-00212-00145552-00146136 sister maybe you are in the battle already maybe you are already trying but you feel hopeless B9oeT7SkMiU-00213-00146136-00146608 because you're in the eighth round and he's still punching at you you're still B9oeT7SkMiU-00214-00146608-00147512 there but you feel weak take hope and during the battle is how to achieve victory endure until B9oeT7SkMiU-00215-00147512-00148056 sunset like Moses did and you shall be victorious in overcoming your enemy today in Jesus Name. B9oeT7SkMiU-00216-00148296-00149192 Praise God, so don't focus on how fast but focus on I can maintain this battle forever, B9oeT7SkMiU-00217-00149192-00150048 I'm not gonna give up, it's hard it's tough, it's painful, the tempter is right there B9oeT7SkMiU-00218-00150048-00150584 the battle is right there, the sickness is staring me in my eyes but I am not giving up, B9oeT7SkMiU-00219-00150640-00151504 I'm gonna continue to stay in the ring until that day, point number three, don't fight alone B9oeT7SkMiU-00220-00151648-00152592 don't fight alone, Moses was up on the hill and if you read it in Exodus 17 he actually would B9oeT7SkMiU-00221-00152592-00153648 have failed if he was alone it was because he had Aaron and he had Hur on his side and those people B9oeT7SkMiU-00222-00153648-00154600 helped him to maintain his endurance until the end until sunset you cannot do it alone you know what B9oeT7SkMiU-00223-00154696-00155184 I normally like to say that we Christians we are like lions or something but just for a moment B9oeT7SkMiU-00224-00155184-00155696 we're gonna turn the tables let's say that the devil is a roaring lion looking for whom to B9oeT7SkMiU-00225-00155696-00156272 devour moving around do you know when lions hunt and they are hunting gazelle or something you know B9oeT7SkMiU-00226-00156272-00156760 what they do they they hunt in a little pack they're normally not completely alone and when B9oeT7SkMiU-00227-00156760-00157360 the gazelles are sticking together the lions will try to trick them into beginning to run B9oeT7SkMiU-00228-00157416-00158040 and then they will try to separate just one of the gazelles they will try to get between one and the B9oeT7SkMiU-00229-00158040-00158672 rest of the herd and the moment that that gazelle is outside of the herd disconnected from the rest B9oeT7SkMiU-00230-00158672-00159376 of the herd suddenly the lions can pounce on them and it will be a a wonderful snack for the lions. B9oeT7SkMiU-00231-00159488-00160096 Don't be a snack to the devil people of God in this typical analogy we are the gazelles B9oeT7SkMiU-00232-00160096-00160808 okay you have roaring power as well but you are not strong by yourself where are you plugged in B9oeT7SkMiU-00233-00160880-00161496 who is your Aaron who is your Hur they will come and lift your arms when you are weak B9oeT7SkMiU-00234-00161560-00162248 if you don't have that get that today this church and I'm talking to people online as well B9oeT7SkMiU-00235-00162248-00162808 this church is one place we have connect groups we have life groups we have people who want to B9oeT7SkMiU-00236-00162808-00163680 fellowship with you they are looking for you today don't wait let someone mentor you that you B9oeT7SkMiU-00237-00163680-00164168 are fighting alone it doesn't mean oh well he said it's a private battle I have to fight it alone no B9oeT7SkMiU-00238-00164256-00164640 your life group fights your battle together with you and it's still a private battle B9oeT7SkMiU-00239-00164704-00165104 your mentor fights your battle together with you and it's still your private battle B9oeT7SkMiU-00240-00165280-00165600 surround yourself with people that can hold your arms up high B9oeT7SkMiU-00241-00165656-00166256 strengthen your faith and be with you until sun sets hallelujah! final point B9oeT7SkMiU-00242-00166432-00167512 final point, prayer is our lifeline! prayer is our lifeline and we have a photo here so this is a B9oeT7SkMiU-00243-00167592-00168200 very old diver and this is how it looked like 50 years ago when they were going down to B9oeT7SkMiU-00244-00168200-00168864 explore the bottom of the sea and when these divers were sent down B9oeT7SkMiU-00245-00168864-00169384 into the water there is something called lifeline connecting them to the surface B9oeT7SkMiU-00246-00169384-00170008 okay now that line if you look here it's twofold it actually has two yeah that's another one B9oeT7SkMiU-00247-00170152-00171088 there's it has two purposes the lifeline has two purposes number one oxygen flows to the diver when B9oeT7SkMiU-00248-00171088-00171640 he is down in this deep and he's walking on his lawn own and he doesn't even know what he's doing B9oeT7SkMiU-00249-00171640-00172216 there but it's weird and he's fighting and there's creatures showing up much like our spiritual life B9oeT7SkMiU-00250-00172216-00172800 many times you're walking somewhere you're like how did I end up here maybe you were Peter and B9oeT7SkMiU-00251-00172800-00173272 you know Jesus wasn't there to lift you up and you end up diving down in the sea or something B9oeT7SkMiU-00252-00173272-00173760 but many times we are fighting we are we are fighting in the battle we feel like we are on B9oeT7SkMiU-00253-00173760-00174400 unexplored territory the number one purpose of the lifeline is to provide oxygen to sustain you while B9oeT7SkMiU-00254-00174400-00175096 you're on the bottom of the sea and the number two purpose it is the same line that is used B9oeT7SkMiU-00255-00175096-00175824 to lift you up from the sea when your sea walk is over the same goes with prayer people of God B9oeT7SkMiU-00256-00175912-00176584 it is prayer that will sustain you in the middle of your battle and it is also prayer that will B9oeT7SkMiU-00257-00176584-00177328 get you out of your battle it is prayer that will help you towards your victory and without prayer B9oeT7SkMiU-00258-00177328-00178096 you cannot win ,without prayer you cannot overcome the enemy so whatever situation you may feel like B9oeT7SkMiU-00259-00178096-00178696 you're in today and you're exploring unexplored territory in your life something is going on that B9oeT7SkMiU-00260-00178696-00179264 you've never seen or heard before remember without praying it's like someone is cutting the support B9oeT7SkMiU-00261-00179264-00179936 how long will you be able to sustain down there without prayer you will die no oxygen no life no B9oeT7SkMiU-00262-00179936-00180424 prayer, no growth, prayer is what I just spat on you I'm very sorry for that B9oeT7SkMiU-00263-00180640-00181192 I have this funny story of a pastor who was praying for people and and he was praying on B9oeT7SkMiU-00264-00181192-00181720 a prayer line and you know when you're watching you might not see the spit that flows but when B9oeT7SkMiU-00265-00181720-00182240 you're up here you see everything, every single little thing that flows out of your mouth and B9oeT7SkMiU-00266-00182296-00182776 and you know English is my second language so sometimes it you know the esses and everything B9oeT7SkMiU-00267-00182776-00183336 it just flows everywhere it's good that there is like a six feet here you know for safety purposes B9oeT7SkMiU-00268-00183392-00183912 this pastor was praying on a prayer line and then he shared the testimony afterwards one B9oeT7SkMiU-00269-00183912-00184728 he turned to a woman and he was praying in Jesus Name and he saw a big one and when you're up here B9oeT7SkMiU-00270-00184728-00185440 it feels like slow motion always you're like is it landing should I pretend should I look away B9oeT7SkMiU-00271-00185560-00186416 but for him the little spit hit the woman and and instantly the woman goes B9oeT7SkMiU-00272-00186416-00186760 you know Jesus actually used saliva too so I'm just telling you B9oeT7SkMiU-00273-00186888-00187512 if that anointing comes here hallelujah no it's not coming today I'm pretty sure don't worry B9oeT7SkMiU-00274-00187608-00188200 praise God so prayer is your lifeline, if you cut that what is your connection how long can B9oeT7SkMiU-00275-00188200-00188632 you survive without your lifeline you can't hold your breath forever B9oeT7SkMiU-00276-00188688-00189120 and maybe you are here today and you have been holding your breath for too long down there B9oeT7SkMiU-00277-00189120-00189784 you're like God why am I down here well it's not always God that put you there circumstances can B9oeT7SkMiU-00278-00189784-00190360 put you there situations can happen I was apart from my wife for three years it wasn't God that B9oeT7SkMiU-00279-00190360-00191008 put us apart it's against Scripture to be apart from your wife it wasn't the will of God, B9oeT7SkMiU-00280-00191008-00191608 I could have easily said God why did you allow me down on the bottom of the sea, I feel so B9oeT7SkMiU-00281-00191608-00192248 disappointed with you and I never realized that it is that the only thing is what's gonna take me out B9oeT7SkMiU-00282-00192320-00193072 it's your lifeline providing oxygen to you while you're there and then you hook it and they begin B9oeT7SkMiU-00283-00193072-00193832 to reel you in from above hallelujah, by prayer we sustain on the bottom of the sea and by prayer, we B9oeT7SkMiU-00284-00193832-00194560 overcome our battles today where are you at today maybe you are you are struggling in your private B9oeT7SkMiU-00285-00194560-00195336 battle, you don't know how to go about it well I want to encourage you God Almighty is with you He B9oeT7SkMiU-00286-00195336-00196128 has given you everything you need to overcome the lion and the bear praise God and I want to give B9oeT7SkMiU-00287-00196128-00196720 you I'm not going to share the prayer points but I want to give you three ways three prayer points, B9oeT7SkMiU-00288-00196720-00197296 three prayers that I encourage you to pray in your private battle three prayer points that will help B9oeT7SkMiU-00289-00197296-00198000 you to overcome those things if you don't know what to pray for this is a good idea to overcome B9oeT7SkMiU-00290-00198000-00198584 and this is actually for me personally this is how I believe that self-deliverance, the exact prayer B9oeT7SkMiU-00291-00198584-00199272 points of self-deliverance it's the same spiritual warfare self-deliverance it's the same prayers and B9oeT7SkMiU-00292-00199272-00199816 these are the three prayer points that has worked in my life and I encourage you to try it if you B9oeT7SkMiU-00293-00199816-00200560 don't know how to go about your battle today number one is repentance, prayers of repentance B9oeT7SkMiU-00294-00200696-00201496 number two is renouncing prayers of renouncing and the third one is prayers of resisting violently B9oeT7SkMiU-00295-00201496-00202648 resisting the enemy or repelling so it's repent renounce and repel praise God and I want to say B9oeT7SkMiU-00296-00202808-00203328 that the importance of these prayer points and I'm going to show you why this exact approach B9oeT7SkMiU-00297-00203328-00204072 in prayer is so powerful when you come to Jesus in this manner if you let's say that B9oeT7SkMiU-00298-00204072-00205080 you have Netflix in your TV and you are tempted by Netflix and you need to overcome Netflix and you B9oeT7SkMiU-00299-00205136-00205912 have to stop your Netflix addiction, the first step is what you do you stop watching Netflix B9oeT7SkMiU-00300-00205984-00206712 repentance means stop watching Netflix now you can put in whatever here this is just an analogy B9oeT7SkMiU-00301-00206712-00207367 the renouncing part of the prayer is when you cancel your Netflix subscription as well sometimes B9oeT7SkMiU-00302-00207367-00207919 you think it's enough to just stop watching Netflix but then you still have it in your TV, B9oeT7SkMiU-00303-00207919-00208392 what's gonna happen on the day when you're so bored and nobody else knows what you're doing and B9oeT7SkMiU-00304-00208392-00209088 you are tired and you don't care and it's been so long Netflix comes back on by renouncing going to B9oeT7SkMiU-00305-00209088-00209792 God and approaching the situation by renunciation you are canceling your Netflix subscription B9oeT7SkMiU-00306-00209864-00210512 now the final one is if you never want to see Netflix, you never want to hear Netflix B9oeT7SkMiU-00307-00210512-00211167 you never want to know anything about Netflix again in your life you gotta take Netflix to court B9oeT7SkMiU-00308-00211360-00212112 and that is how you overcome Netflix completely in your life now it can seem like a gigantic task B9oeT7SkMiU-00309-00212176-00212928 but if you build your case, if you build your case the person who's gonna judge your case is B9oeT7SkMiU-00310-00212928-00213800 actually on your side you have already favor, it's like the judge is saying if you come to court I'm B9oeT7SkMiU-00311-00213800-00214408 gonna judge in your favor just bring Netflix to court and I'm gonna stop using Netflix now B9oeT7SkMiU-00312-00214408-00214912 because it's just an analogy, it could be any other subscription service B9oeT7SkMiU-00313-00215167-00215744 I don't want no trouble here okay even though you know we stand for B9oeT7SkMiU-00314-00215744-00216208 many many things that the rest of the world doesn't stand for but that's a different story B9oeT7SkMiU-00315-00216208-00216640 it's not enough to stop watching you have to cancel the subscription and then you gotta B9oeT7SkMiU-00316-00216640-00217296 take them to court when you take them to court and you pray against against that subscription B9oeT7SkMiU-00317-00217296-00218088 service in your life it's gonna be broken and you will never hear about it again, that is B9oeT7SkMiU-00318-00218088-00218736 how to overcome in Jesus Mighty Name. Hey! Thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed B9oeT7SkMiU-00319-00218736-00219216 this content and this was a blessing to you, would you help us and hit thumbs up, so that B9oeT7SkMiU-00320-00219216-00219704 it could help more people to discover this video. It costs you nothing but it can go a long way to B9oeT7SkMiU-00321-00219704-00220208 help with the algorithm as well as if you're not subscribed to our channel, hit subscribe, B9oeT7SkMiU-00322-00220208-00220752 click on the bell, so that you can be reminded each time that we upload videos. Thank you so much B9oeT7SkMiU-00323-00220752-00221184 for being a part of this community, if you're interested in learning more about Hungrygen, B9oeT7SkMiU-00324-00221184-00221719 our internship, our conferences, deliverance and so many other things go to for more B9oeT7SkMiU-00325-00221719-00222784 information and as always, remember, 'Better is not good enough the best is yet to come.' Bqb1tW8aabY-00000-00000000-00000200 Cowboy game Brn2MS6o88u-00000-00014536-00014847 First of all thank you Befeker for having me for this interview. Brn2MS6o88u-00001-00014847-00015408 My name is Tsion Biruk Desalegne, I'm 11 years old and this year and I'll be in grade three. Brn2MS6o88u-00002-00015408-00015912 Today I'll be explaining and doing Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church musical instruments. Brn2MS6o88u-00003-00016000-00016744 Right, so tell me how many musical instruments that belong to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Brn2MS6o88u-00004-00016808-00017480 that you know of. There are six - there's Kirar, Begenna, Masinko, Washint, Kebero and Tsenatsel. Brn2MS6o88u-00005-00017480-00018064 And there's also Mekuwamiya, which is used during liturgy but you can also use it in other mezmurs too. Brn2MS6o88u-00006-00018064-00019000 Okay and which ones can you play? I can play Kirar, um I'm at some level of Begenna and I'm Brn2MS6o88u-00007-00019000-00019728 learning Masinko. Right, you are holding the Kirar, which is a very popular Ethiopian Brn2MS6o88u-00008-00019728-00020392 musical instrument. Let's hear you play it and tell us what song you are going to play. Brn2MS6o88u-00009-00020456-00021128 The meaning of the mezmur that I'm going to do is saying that God will never leave Ethiopia Brn2MS6o88u-00010-00021128-00022584 unprotected and it says in the bible in David that Ethiopia reached its hands to the almighty God. Brn2MS6o88u-00011-00024328-00025384 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00012-00028136-00028186 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00013-00031312-00032383 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00014-00032744-00033784 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00015-00035696-00036584 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00016-00037880-00037930 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00017-00039096-00039384 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00018-00043768-00044984 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00019-00045376-00045960 That is incredibly beautiful - beautiful sounds of the Kirar and beautiful words. Brn2MS6o88u-00020-00045960-00046608 Thank you Tsion! Now let's move on to the other instrument that you can play which is the Begenna. Brn2MS6o88u-00021-00046608-00047256 Could you tell me what you know about the Begenna instrument? Um the Begenna is Brn2MS6o88u-00022-00047384-00047840 a stringed instrument and it has 10 strings, which actually Brn2MS6o88u-00023-00047896-00048528 represents the 10 commandments and the right and left represent the Archangels Saint Gabriel and Brn2MS6o88u-00024-00048528-00049232 Saint Michael. And it's been played for over 5 000 years and Adam's children also played the Begenna Brn2MS6o88u-00025-00049232-00050008 but it's mostly used and known in the bible with King David and King David used to always play Brn2MS6o88u-00026-00050072-00050848 the bagana for soul whenever soul was sick and that's why it's called the healing instrument Brn2MS6o88u-00027-00050920-00051767 and the beginner always made king souls feel better when he was sick so one day king soul heard Brn2MS6o88u-00028-00051767-00052408 that king david would be the next king so he wanted to kill king david and he got a bow and Brn2MS6o88u-00029-00052408-00053232 arrow and tried to kill king david but the back of the arrow actually hit the back of the bagana Brn2MS6o88u-00030-00053232-00053848 and that's why there's always a cross at the back of the beginner okay maybe if you could just swap Brn2MS6o88u-00031-00053848-00054784 the corral with a beginner it will help you talk about it and you can show us where the cross is Brn2MS6o88u-00032-00056791-00057167 so these are the ten strings which represent the ten commandments Brn2MS6o88u-00033-00057167-00057712 and the left and right which represent the archangels saint gabriel and saint mikhail Brn2MS6o88u-00034-00057712-00058255 and at the back of the bagana there's a cross because the arrow hit the back of the beginner Brn2MS6o88u-00035-00058544-00059072 what else can you tell me about the beginner it's a magnificent looking instrument isn't it Brn2MS6o88u-00036-00059072-00060104 in the church we use yara dawi zema and the bagana is played with yara dewey zema masmus and i see a Brn2MS6o88u-00037-00060104-00060591 lot of people playing bergen and other ethiopian orthodox twitter church musical instruments Brn2MS6o88u-00038-00060664-00061336 and one way that i wanted to praise god and accompany masmurs is by using those instruments Brn2MS6o88u-00039-00061336-00062000 to beautify masmuds and the masenko and other instruments are also mentioned that they beautify Brn2MS6o88u-00040-00062000-00062800 mesmers and yada got the yara dewey zema from the angels in the symbol of three birds it is Brn2MS6o88u-00041-00062976-00063624 okay can we hear you play as a beginner so maybe just pick your favorite one and tell us what it is Brn2MS6o88u-00042-00063800-00064584 and the mesmori that i'm going to do is normally played during passion week Brn2MS6o88u-00043-00079872-00079984 [Begenna playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00044-00082360-00082784 [Begenna playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00045-00084760-00085488 That was quite beautiful Tsion and you really are good at it. Tell me about what Brn2MS6o88u-00046-00085488-00086168 it means to you to be able to play these instruments at church. There's two churches Brn2MS6o88u-00047-00086232-00087096 of kids that my Dad's teaching Saint Michael and Lideta and to me I think the uh playing the Brn2MS6o88u-00048-00087096-00088056 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church instruments it's enjoyable and it it's enjoyable because you Brn2MS6o88u-00049-00088056-00088632 beautify mesmers by actually doing something and playing an instrument and it's also because Brn2MS6o88u-00050-00088632-00089504 it's your cultural heritage isn't it i know you were born in ethiopia spent a little bit of time Brn2MS6o88u-00051-00089504-00090224 in japan and you grew up here in australia tell me a little bit about that uh even though i can't Brn2MS6o88u-00052-00090224-00090848 remember japan and ethiopia i still know the heritage and culture and the instruments come Brn2MS6o88u-00053-00090848-00091520 from the ethiopian orthodox twitter church heritage and the ethiopian culture and Brn2MS6o88u-00054-00091656-00092504 i know one thing that messenger is not only played for the church it's also played in ethiopia Brn2MS6o88u-00055-00092504-00093224 with traditional shongs and also the kabura yeah so does playing these instruments help you connect Brn2MS6o88u-00056-00093224-00093984 to your ethiopian heritage yeah playing the instruments actually helps me understand the uh Brn2MS6o88u-00057-00094088-00094720 heritage and culture and one that one way that i can get stay connected with the culture and Brn2MS6o88u-00058-00094720-00095440 heritage is by playing the instruments my goal is to learn all the instruments and to master them Brn2MS6o88u-00059-00095440-00096360 and to sing mesmers with them and also to share my knowledge after that tell me how much your Brn2MS6o88u-00060-00096360-00096944 father has contributed to your understanding of these instruments and the stories behind them Brn2MS6o88u-00061-00097056-00097976 uh yeah he taught me on most of the instruments but the bagana i've seen videos on youtube and Brn2MS6o88u-00062-00097976-00098712 the internet about how to play beginner and i've also i'm also i'm also self-taught on beginner Brn2MS6o88u-00063-00098712-00099240 but with karate he's been teaching me and others and with wrestling goal he's going to teach me Brn2MS6o88u-00064-00099344-00099904 okay so you just mentioned that you don't remember anything about ethiopia at all Brn2MS6o88u-00065-00099976-00100448 how old were you when you left or how old did they tell you you were Brn2MS6o88u-00066-00100704-00101224 they told me that i was around three months old when i left ethiopia okay so you have no Brn2MS6o88u-00067-00101224-00101928 recollection now when you go back to ethiopia one day what's the first thing you'd like to do Brn2MS6o88u-00068-00102096-00102744 the first thing i want to do is to visit the church and see the instruments and how they Brn2MS6o88u-00069-00102744-00103456 play the instruments and also seeing my family seeing the church and culture and learning Brn2MS6o88u-00070-00103456-00104416 the language and seeing the way that everyone lives so sion what would you say to other young Brn2MS6o88u-00071-00104416-00105200 ethiopians growing up in australia who probably are considering taking up playing these types Brn2MS6o88u-00072-00105200-00105968 of instruments as a hobby or as a way of learning about the ethiopian culture what would you say to Brn2MS6o88u-00073-00105968-00106872 them i would say to play the instruments you must love the mesmers because the ethiopian orthodox Brn2MS6o88u-00074-00106872-00107520 twada church musical instruments are used only for the church hymns and mesmores not for other Brn2MS6o88u-00075-00107520-00108096 mesmers too so you have to make sure that you love mesmorize and only play the instruments with those Brn2MS6o88u-00076-00108096-00108911 mesmers and also you need to practice and if you have interest you can practice a lot or if not you Brn2MS6o88u-00077-00108911-00109600 can just practice as much as you can and try your best and you can try getting used to putting your Brn2MS6o88u-00078-00109600-00110344 fingers on the strings and playing each note and you can learn tuning and everything on youtube and Brn2MS6o88u-00079-00110456-00111032 just try your best and through practice you can master the club and other instruments Brn2MS6o88u-00080-00111032-00111808 too beautiful such a wonderful message now zeon how did you manage not going to church Brn2MS6o88u-00081-00111808-00112528 during the covert 19 lockdown because of carving we weren't able to go to church but what we did Brn2MS6o88u-00082-00112592-00113264 is uh the church actually had a live stream of the adasa the liturgy so he Brn2MS6o88u-00083-00113264-00113864 always used to follow that and pray at home and for big celebrations we used to always Brn2MS6o88u-00084-00113944-00114632 just gather around um in our houses but do like zoo meetings and celeb and celebrate on zoo Brn2MS6o88u-00085-00114632-00115416 meetings and everything like that okay sion what do you want to be when you finish school um in the Brn2MS6o88u-00086-00115416-00116152 future after school i would like to be a doctor and in my spare time i would also like to make Brn2MS6o88u-00087-00116152-00116832 sure that i still remember my heritage and culture and go to church and remember the instruments and Brn2MS6o88u-00088-00116832-00117335 in my free time i'll still be able to practice and share my knowledge about the instruments in church Brn2MS6o88u-00089-00117472-00118248 okay brilliant i have now finished my questions but is there anything that you would like to say Brn2MS6o88u-00090-00118248-00119016 before we conclude i want to say thank you to my dad for teaching me uh the instruments and the Brn2MS6o88u-00091-00119016-00119911 culture and trying his best to teach others too and i've tried my best and thank you for teaching Brn2MS6o88u-00092-00119976-00120624 Thank you so much Tsion and can we please hear you play a final mezmur before we conclude the Brn2MS6o88u-00093-00120624-00121983 interview? Brn2MS6o88u-00094-00122288-00123383 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00095-00124544-00124783 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00096-00125016-00126183 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00097-00128680-00128983 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00098-00130088-00130383 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00099-00133040-00133184 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00100-00134536-00135984 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00101-00139216-00140184 [Kirar playing] Brn2MS6o88u-00102-00140752-00142024 [Kirar playing] BsOabmY9LcQ-00000-00000053-00000312 (lively music) BsOabmY9LcQ-00001-00000978-00001189 -: Hi, my name is Daemond Arrindell. BsOabmY9LcQ-00002-00001189-00001399 I am a poet and teaching artist BsOabmY9LcQ-00003-00001399-00001863 and today I have a lesson for you on odes. BsOabmY9LcQ-00004-00001863-00002291 And I'll get into exactly what an ode is in a moment. BsOabmY9LcQ-00005-00002291-00002477 The big idea of this lesson BsOabmY9LcQ-00006-00002477-00002734 is that nothing is ordinary BsOabmY9LcQ-00007-00002734-00003098 and that there is beauty everywhere if we chose to see it. BsOabmY9LcQ-00008-00003098-00003334 So where we're going to start together BsOabmY9LcQ-00009-00003334-00003521 is I want you to make a list BsOabmY9LcQ-00010-00003521-00003910 of things that you like that other people BsOabmY9LcQ-00011-00003910-00004229 don't appreciate the way that you do. BsOabmY9LcQ-00012-00004229-00004494 This can video games, this can be movies, BsOabmY9LcQ-00013-00004494-00004815 TV shows, a particular character. BsOabmY9LcQ-00014-00004815-00005018 It can also be food. BsOabmY9LcQ-00015-00005018-00005261 I've had some students in the past BsOabmY9LcQ-00016-00005261-00005435 come up with all kinds of different things BsOabmY9LcQ-00017-00005435-00005707 that they shared at this point of the lesson BsOabmY9LcQ-00018-00005707-00006023 that I thought were really interesting. BsOabmY9LcQ-00019-00006023-00006267 I had one student talk about BsOabmY9LcQ-00020-00006267-00006606 how he loves taking his cold cereal BsOabmY9LcQ-00021-00006606-00006795 and putting it in the microwave BsOabmY9LcQ-00022-00006795-00007098 just for about five to 10 seconds BsOabmY9LcQ-00023-00007098-00007444 so that the top layer gets really crispy and warm BsOabmY9LcQ-00024-00007444-00007653 and the rest of the milk is just fine. BsOabmY9LcQ-00025-00007653-00007820 And as soon as he said it out loud, BsOabmY9LcQ-00026-00007820-00008051 every other student in the class was like eww! BsOabmY9LcQ-00027-00008180-00008367 And that's exactly the point. BsOabmY9LcQ-00028-00008367-00008608 What are some things that you appreciate BsOabmY9LcQ-00029-00008608-00008984 that other people don't appreciate as much as you do. BsOabmY9LcQ-00030-00008984-00009418 For myself, I absolutely love Brussels sprouts. BsOabmY9LcQ-00031-00009418-00009680 I love cheesy dance movies. BsOabmY9LcQ-00032-00009680-00009995 I like cats more than dogs. BsOabmY9LcQ-00033-00009995-00010258 I love graffiti and street art BsOabmY9LcQ-00034-00010258-00010681 a lot more than a lot of the art that I see in most museums. BsOabmY9LcQ-00035-00010681-00010935 What are some things that you appreciate BsOabmY9LcQ-00036-00010935-00011305 or like a lot that other people don't like as much? BsOabmY9LcQ-00037-00011305-00011479 And it doesn't mean that you're BsOabmY9LcQ-00038-00011479-00011705 the only person in the world that likes them. BsOabmY9LcQ-00039-00011705-00011898 It just means that you're probably BsOabmY9LcQ-00040-00011898-00012157 more in the minority on this. BsOabmY9LcQ-00041-00012157-00012355 Another food thing for myself, BsOabmY9LcQ-00042-00012355-00012579 I really love pickle juice. BsOabmY9LcQ-00043-00012579-00012790 And I've typically had a fair amount of students BsOabmY9LcQ-00044-00012790-00013001 in my classrooms say, "yes!", BsOabmY9LcQ-00045-00013001-00013297 and most of them go, "Ew, that's horrible!". BsOabmY9LcQ-00046-00013297-00013416 And that's the point. BsOabmY9LcQ-00047-00013416-00013661 What are some things that you appreciate BsOabmY9LcQ-00048-00013661-00013936 that other people, not so much. BsOabmY9LcQ-00049-00013936-00014273 Take a moment to come up with five different things BsOabmY9LcQ-00050-00014273-00014473 that you like a lot. BsOabmY9LcQ-00051-00014755-00014902 And I'm gonna add to my list. BsOabmY9LcQ-00052-00015086-00015344 (lively music) BsOabmY9LcQ-00053-00019200-00019472 okay, some things that I added: BsOabmY9LcQ-00054-00019472-00019724 foreign movies with subtitles, BsOabmY9LcQ-00055-00019724-00020043 really, really hot sunny weather, BsOabmY9LcQ-00056-00020273-00020529 Steven Universe, and I know that that's something BsOabmY9LcQ-00057-00020529-00020671 that a fair amount of people do love, BsOabmY9LcQ-00058-00020671-00021027 but not as many people love it as much as they should. BsOabmY9LcQ-00059-00021027-00021324 So an ode, which is our focus today, BsOabmY9LcQ-00060-00021324-00021673 an ode is a poem that celebrates BsOabmY9LcQ-00061-00021673-00022013 someone or something ordinary BsOabmY9LcQ-00062-00022013-00022232 and shows the beauty of it. BsOabmY9LcQ-00063-00022232-00022563 So, taking that thing that you think is amazing BsOabmY9LcQ-00064-00022563-00022868 and showing what makes it amazing. BsOabmY9LcQ-00065-00022994-00023380 Some strategies that a lot of poets use with odes BsOabmY9LcQ-00066-00023380-00023601 is they'll mention colors. BsOabmY9LcQ-00067-00023601-00023785 They may bring it to life, BsOabmY9LcQ-00068-00024017-00024475 especially non-living things, using personification, BsOabmY9LcQ-00069-00024475-00024824 talking about it like it's a living, breathing thing. BsOabmY9LcQ-00070-00024824-00025087 Odes can also be about people BsOabmY9LcQ-00071-00025087-00025383 and I'm gonna give you a really great example BsOabmY9LcQ-00072-00025520-00025914 from a song that is a bit old, BsOabmY9LcQ-00073-00025914-00026183 but I think it's really appropriate. BsOabmY9LcQ-00074-00026183-00026444 It's called Dear Mama by Tupac Shakur. BsOabmY9LcQ-00075-00026444-00026645 And I'm not gonna read the entire thing. BsOabmY9LcQ-00076-00026645-00026880 I'm just gonna read the first verse. BsOabmY9LcQ-00077-00026880-00027230 Dear Mama, you are appreciated. BsOabmY9LcQ-00078-00027230-00027460 When I was young me and my mama had beef. BsOabmY9LcQ-00079-00027460-00027763 17 years old, kicked out on the streets. BsOabmY9LcQ-00080-00027763-00028041 Back at the time, I never thought I'd see her face BsOabmY9LcQ-00081-00028041-00028358 ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place. BsOabmY9LcQ-00082-00028358-00028602 Suspended from school and scared to go home. BsOabmY9LcQ-00083-00028602-00028912 I was a fool with the big boys breaking all the rules. BsOabmY9LcQ-00084-00028912-00029131 I shed tears with my baby sister BsOabmY9LcQ-00085-00029131-00029458 over the years we were poorer than the other little kids. BsOabmY9LcQ-00086-00029458-00029733 And even though we had different daddies the same drama BsOabmY9LcQ-00087-00029733-00029983 when things went wrong we blamed mama. BsOabmY9LcQ-00088-00029983-00030189 I reminisce on the stress I caused. BsOabmY9LcQ-00089-00030189-00030539 It was hell hugging on my mama from a jail cell. BsOabmY9LcQ-00090-00030539-00030710 And who'd think in elementary BsOabmY9LcQ-00091-00030710-00031010 hey, I'd see the penitentiary one day BsOabmY9LcQ-00092-00031010-00031247 and running from the police, that's right, BsOabmY9LcQ-00093-00031247-00031525 Mama caught me, put a whooping to my backside. BsOabmY9LcQ-00094-00031525-00031755 And even as a crack fiend, Mama, BsOabmY9LcQ-00095-00031755-00032002 you always was a Black queen, Mama. BsOabmY9LcQ-00096-00032002-00032176 I finally understand for a woman BsOabmY9LcQ-00097-00032176-00032445 it ain't easy trying to raise a man. BsOabmY9LcQ-00098-00032445-00032613 You always was committed. BsOabmY9LcQ-00099-00032613-00032799 A poor single mother on welfare. BsOabmY9LcQ-00100-00032799-00032923 Tell me how you did it. BsOabmY9LcQ-00101-00032923-00033134 There's no way I can pay you back, BsOabmY9LcQ-00102-00033134-00033400 but the plan is to show you that I understand. BsOabmY9LcQ-00103-00033400-00033534 You are appreciated. BsOabmY9LcQ-00104-00033682-00033968 Now, the title of the poem is Dear Mama. BsOabmY9LcQ-00105-00033968-00034317 He's writing it almost like a letter to her BsOabmY9LcQ-00106-00034317-00034725 trying to show her how much he appreciates her. BsOabmY9LcQ-00107-00034725-00034978 And some of the things that I love about this poem BsOabmY9LcQ-00108-00034978-00035259 is the simple fact that he doesn't hide BsOabmY9LcQ-00109-00035259-00035566 the things that could be seen as negative. BsOabmY9LcQ-00110-00035566-00035685 There's a fair amount of things BsOabmY9LcQ-00111-00035685-00035880 that he mentions in this poem BsOabmY9LcQ-00112-00035880-00036146 that would not be seen as positive. BsOabmY9LcQ-00113-00036146-00036458 The fact that they were on welfare, BsOabmY9LcQ-00114-00036458-00036694 the fact that she was addicted to crack, BsOabmY9LcQ-00115-00036798-00037044 the fact that she gave him a whooping, BsOabmY9LcQ-00116-00037044-00037247 the fact that there was a point in time where she was BsOabmY9LcQ-00117-00037247-00037552 talking to him through the bars of a jail cell. BsOabmY9LcQ-00118-00037552-00037730 There's a lot of negativity, BsOabmY9LcQ-00119-00037730-00037986 or rather negative things that happened BsOabmY9LcQ-00120-00037986-00038258 in their lives together, and yet BsOabmY9LcQ-00121-00038258-00038486 despite all of those things, BsOabmY9LcQ-00122-00038486-00038847 Tupac still refers to her as a Black queen, BsOabmY9LcQ-00123-00038847-00039048 and I think that's kind of amazing. BsOabmY9LcQ-00124-00039048-00039317 And it speaks again to that big idea BsOabmY9LcQ-00125-00039317-00039763 that nothing is ordinary and there is beauty everywhere BsOabmY9LcQ-00126-00039763-00040066 and we just have to be willing to see it. BsOabmY9LcQ-00127-00040066-00040538 So, we're gonna use this as a template for our own odes. BsOabmY9LcQ-00128-00040705-00041105 And again, the point here is to pick something ordinary: BsOabmY9LcQ-00129-00041105-00041571 a place, a thing, a person, someone that other people BsOabmY9LcQ-00130-00041571-00041785 don't appreciate the way that you do, BsOabmY9LcQ-00131-00041785-00042230 or maybe someone or something that you appreciate now BsOabmY9LcQ-00132-00042230-00042547 but you didn't appreciate it at a previous time. BsOabmY9LcQ-00133-00042547-00042985 You're gonna give your subject praise or thanks. BsOabmY9LcQ-00134-00042985-00043229 You're gonna speak directly to the object BsOabmY9LcQ-00135-00043229-00043470 or about the object, just like Tupac did BsOabmY9LcQ-00136-00043470-00043671 in talking about his Mama. BsOabmY9LcQ-00137-00043671-00043930 You're gonna use adjectives and descriptive words BsOabmY9LcQ-00138-00043930-00044210 to bring this thing to life BsOabmY9LcQ-00139-00044210-00044437 to tell us what it looks like, BsOabmY9LcQ-00140-00044437-00044647 what it sounds like, what it feels like. BsOabmY9LcQ-00141-00044748-00044974 Feel free to think about this thing, BsOabmY9LcQ-00142-00044974-00045365 especially if it is a thing, to bring that thing to life BsOabmY9LcQ-00143-00045365-00045675 through what is called personification. BsOabmY9LcQ-00144-00045675-00045928 And feel free to repeat lines. BsOabmY9LcQ-00145-00045928-00046365 And I'm gonna give you an example of my own that I wrote. BsOabmY9LcQ-00146-00046449-00046752 This is called Ode to my Bald Head. BsOabmY9LcQ-00147-00046952-00047305 Like a lawn whose grass is dead or dying BsOabmY9LcQ-00148-00047305-00047673 you are sprinkled with black and grey hairs. BsOabmY9LcQ-00149-00047673-00048012 On long days I lack the energy to mow the weeds BsOabmY9LcQ-00150-00048012-00048289 so I cover you with a hat. BsOabmY9LcQ-00151-00048289-00048662 In the cold you shiver like a homeless alley cat. BsOabmY9LcQ-00152-00048662-00049006 Oh Bald Head, my neglected field. BsOabmY9LcQ-00153-00049006-00049396 When I shave you clean you glisten bright as a mirror BsOabmY9LcQ-00154-00049396-00049704 for people to see their own reflections in. BsOabmY9LcQ-00155-00049704-00050074 Dear Bald Head, you shine like the sun. BsOabmY9LcQ-00156-00050074-00050414 So, being descriptive, BsOabmY9LcQ-00157-00050414-00050669 comparing it to other things. BsOabmY9LcQ-00158-00050669-00051169 You can exaggerate and point out the negative things, BsOabmY9LcQ-00159-00051292-00051475 but also point them out in a way BsOabmY9LcQ-00160-00051475-00051679 that seems really positive. BsOabmY9LcQ-00161-00051679-00052135 I'm referring to my head as a neglected field BsOabmY9LcQ-00162-00052135-00052470 on those days when I haven't shaved it clean. BsOabmY9LcQ-00163-00052470-00052675 On the days when I have it kind of shines BsOabmY9LcQ-00164-00052675-00052815 as bright as the sun. BsOabmY9LcQ-00165-00052815-00053000 You can see your own reflection in it. BsOabmY9LcQ-00166-00053000-00053210 I'm exaggerating within that. BsOabmY9LcQ-00167-00053210-00053571 So for yourself, again, BsOabmY9LcQ-00168-00053571-00053784 pick an ordinary place or thing, BsOabmY9LcQ-00169-00053784-00054137 maybe something that was on your list from the beginning. BsOabmY9LcQ-00170-00054137-00054527 You're gonna give your subject praise or thanks. BsOabmY9LcQ-00171-00054527-00054980 You're gonna speak directly to the object or person, BsOabmY9LcQ-00172-00054980-00055202 just like Tupac did, just like I was doing. BsOabmY9LcQ-00173-00055202-00055419 "Dear Bald Head." BsOabmY9LcQ-00174-00055419-00055771 Feel free to use verbs to bring that object to life BsOabmY9LcQ-00175-00055771-00056062 using personification. BsOabmY9LcQ-00176-00056062-00056441 And feel free to repeat lines, BsOabmY9LcQ-00177-00056441-00056801 like "Dear Bald Head," or "Oh Bald Head". BsOabmY9LcQ-00178-00056801-00056962 Just like I did. BsOabmY9LcQ-00179-00056962-00057304 So, I'm gonna give you a few moments to write BsOabmY9LcQ-00180-00057304-00057462 and see what you come up with. BsOabmY9LcQ-00181-00057714-00057972 (lively music) BsOabmY9LcQ-00182-00070941-00071100 Okay. BsOabmY9LcQ-00183-00071100-00071324 I'm gonna share with you what I just came up with. BsOabmY9LcQ-00184-00071324-00071600 There's a fly that's been buzzing around the room, BsOabmY9LcQ-00185-00071600-00071885 so I decided to write about the fly. BsOabmY9LcQ-00186-00071885-00072251 Dear fly buzzing around the studio, BsOabmY9LcQ-00187-00072251-00072528 I love to watch the camera operator's eyes BsOabmY9LcQ-00188-00072528-00072893 follow you to and fro like a pendulum BsOabmY9LcQ-00189-00072893-00073173 or a tiny, tiny tennis match. BsOabmY9LcQ-00190-00073173-00073566 You are black, not neon green like the ball, BsOabmY9LcQ-00191-00073566-00073797 but we cannot stop watching you. BsOabmY9LcQ-00192-00073797-00074078 You buzz in my ear. BsOabmY9LcQ-00193-00074078-00074464 Your buzz in my ear is radio station static BsOabmY9LcQ-00194-00074464-00074756 I can't not tune in to. BsOabmY9LcQ-00195-00074756-00075166 Oh fly, your persistence is magical. BsOabmY9LcQ-00196-00075166-00075387 Thanks for writing with me. BsOabmY9LcQ-00197-00075387-00075520 Thanks for being here BsOabmY9LcQ-00198-00075520-00075675 and enjoy the rest of your day. BsOabmY9LcQ-00199-00075860-00076119 (upbeat music) BxOp3887UXY-00000-00001237-00001734 [Music] hello and welcome to another sy diagnostics video and today we've got a ford ranger 3.2 BxOp3887UXY-00001-00001734-00002465 that's got the ad blue light on and the engine management light on BxOp3887UXY-00002-00002465-00003046 so as always let's put the ignition on let's prove the fault so put the ignition on let's BxOp3887UXY-00003-00003046-00003570 start her up BxOp3887UXY-00004-00003570-00004186 and we've got a flashing add blue light add blue malfunction i don't know if you can read BxOp3887UXY-00005-00004186-00004821 that the camera doesn't really focus very well and that engine management light on also BxOp3887UXY-00006-00004821-00005316 oil change required so let's have a look at some fault codes and let's take the job a BxOp3887UXY-00007-00005316-00005819 little bit further BxOp3887UXY-00008-00005819-00006220 okay so i've done a code read on it now and in the reduction control module we've got BxOp3887UXY-00009-00006220-00007208 pp204d reductant pressure circuit sensor high i'm sorry reduction pressure sensor circuit BxOp3887UXY-00010-00007208-00007759 and then in the pcm we've got invalid data from abs uh reductant system performance bank BxOp3887UXY-00011-00007759-00008439 one so they're the two codes i'm looking at for the moment uh glow plug cylinder two open BxOp3887UXY-00012-00008439-00009024 cylinder three cylinder four cylinder five and reductant system performance bank one BxOp3887UXY-00013-00009024-00009881 again so i think the issue we wanna be looking at is the um this one here reduction pressure BxOp3887UXY-00014-00009881-00010597 sensor circuit hi um so let's head on over now because well obviously before i jump into BxOp3887UXY-00015-00010597-00011154 conclusions um pressure sensor circuit high obviously the adblue is going to be not working BxOp3887UXY-00016-00011154-00011663 so that's why we've got the performance issue there reduction system performance so let's BxOp3887UXY-00017-00011663-00012196 see if we can find any live data pertaining to the reductant pressure sensor and let's BxOp3887UXY-00018-00012196-00012760 see what we can find and let's see if we can take the job a little bit further [Music] BxOp3887UXY-00019-00012760-00013055 [Applause] BxOp3887UXY-00020-00013055-00013937 [Music] so [Music] BxOp3887UXY-00021-00013937-00016322 so what i want to look at now i only need two data pids up so i've got the reduction BxOp3887UXY-00022-00016322-00016831 pressure sensor in voltage and the reduction tank pressure in kpa straight away you can BxOp3887UXY-00023-00016831-00017392 see there we've got 0.3 of a volt on the voltage and it's showing 1.5 to 3.5 kpa and i wouldn't BxOp3887UXY-00024-00017392-00018043 expect it to have seen zero but on a known good one it was showing 0.3 of a volts as BxOp3887UXY-00025-00018043-00018559 well as you just see a little blip there i'm switching the ignition off and on and it is BxOp3887UXY-00026-00018559-00019195 going to 3.3 volts and just short of eight bar so there's our problem and now i've switched BxOp3887UXY-00027-00019195-00019667 on to the oscilloscope um side of thor scan and you can see me there switching the ignition BxOp3887UXY-00028-00019667-00020420 off and on off and on it's jumping to 3.3 volts i think this is um it's been clipped BxOp3887UXY-00029-00020420-00021037 inside the ecu because it's obviously reading higher on the multimeter and as you can see BxOp3887UXY-00030-00021037-00021656 there the ignition is kept on and the voltage is staying high at 3.3 and showing just short BxOp3887UXY-00031-00021656-00022248 of a bar incidentally in this moment i'll show you on the multimeter as well where it's BxOp3887UXY-00032-00022248-00022948 actually showing 0.5 of a volt and i'm testing directly at the um dosing control module itself BxOp3887UXY-00033-00022948-00023395 and the multimeter is on a six volt scale which i wasn't aware of would have been also BxOp3887UXY-00034-00023395-00023965 range and it is actually going off the scale as i'm cycling the ignition on and off and BxOp3887UXY-00035-00023965-00024606 i did it later on on a on a 12 volts well 20 volt scale and it did go up to battery BxOp3887UXY-00036-00024606-00025092 voltage so this is the problem and the what we've got with the system i've now got to BxOp3887UXY-00037-00025092-00026137 find out and how and where we're actually getting the 12 volt spike BxOp3887UXY-00038-00026137-00026604 okay so i found my issue that's the reductant pressure sensor you've got voltage reference BxOp3887UXY-00039-00026604-00027360 at the top signal in the middle ground at the bottom and when i cycle the ignition the BxOp3887UXY-00040-00027360-00028097 signal wire goes to 12 volts so it's on that multi plug there which has only got eight BxOp3887UXY-00041-00028097-00028781 pins on it seven are populated and one of them is that wire there i think is that one BxOp3887UXY-00042-00028781-00029372 where is it no sorry that one there which is vehicle power to the reductant pump assembly BxOp3887UXY-00043-00029372-00030258 unit so i'm pretty certain that it's shorting the signal wire to that 12 volt wire there BxOp3887UXY-00044-00030258-00030706 that plug there c3047d is available separately so i'm just going to take the arch liner out BxOp3887UXY-00045-00030706-00031168 have a good look hopefully i might be able to see a short where the wire comes out and BxOp3887UXY-00046-00031168-00031872 goes up across the chassis if not it's bed off in a new harness BxOp3887UXY-00047-00031872-00032277 so we've looked at the wiring diagram and looking at the wiring diagram and the live BxOp3887UXY-00048-00032277-00033010 data um every now and again we can see the signal wire spike up to 12 volts um didn't BxOp3887UXY-00049-00033010-00033670 wasn't able to catch it on camera however it is there and so looking at the wiring diagram BxOp3887UXY-00050-00033670-00034262 we can see there is a multi-plug for all the add blue pump assembly and it does have a BxOp3887UXY-00051-00034262-00034844 12-volt feed wire in there so i'm pretty certain we need to be in this back area behind the BxOp3887UXY-00052-00034844-00035478 passenger side left-hand rear arch liner so what i've done i took the arch liner out and BxOp3887UXY-00053-00035478-00036113 already started to disconnect the plug strip the wiring down um no immediate issues in BxOp3887UXY-00054-00036113-00036916 this area however just here next to the mounting point for the rear bed the wire is chafing BxOp3887UXY-00055-00036916-00037312 on the chassis um i've got a picture of it it's not a very good picture i'll put that BxOp3887UXY-00056-00037312-00037982 up in a second for you so what i'm hoping to do now is take out this arch liner hopefully BxOp3887UXY-00057-00037982-00038763 undo i'll just move my light back again and disconnect these multi plugs here and hopefully BxOp3887UXY-00058-00038763-00039615 feed the wire around this mounting point and bring it out here so i can see the um the BxOp3887UXY-00059-00039615-00039959 amount of damage done to the wire and see if we can do a repair to it so that's what BxOp3887UXY-00060-00039959-00040619 i'm gonna do next BxOp3887UXY-00061-00040619-00041144 okay so we've got the arch liner out and i've accessed the area managed luckily to get the BxOp3887UXY-00062-00041144-00041859 connector plugs out um so i didn't have to take the bed off and turning it over there BxOp3887UXY-00063-00041859-00042303 next to my finger is where the harness has been rubbing through so what i'm going to BxOp3887UXY-00064-00042303-00043012 do now i'm just going to take all the sheathing off and see the extent of the damage BxOp3887UXY-00065-00043012-00043472 okay so we've got the wiring cut open and there's the extent of the damage i put some BxOp3887UXY-00066-00043472-00043981 pictures up in a second two wires got the signal wire for the pressure sensor which BxOp3887UXY-00067-00043981-00044636 is our fault and this is the power supply for the reductant reverting valve so i can BxOp3887UXY-00068-00044636-00045206 only assume that that is 12 volts because this is the brown and blue wire which is a BxOp3887UXY-00069-00045206-00045800 12 volt supply and there's no damage to that at all so let's get these two wires repaired BxOp3887UXY-00070-00045800-00047181 get it all loomed back up built back up and let's see if we can fix it [Music] BxOp3887UXY-00071-00047181-00049399 so [Music] BxOp3887UXY-00072-00049399-00050884 [Music] okay so i've got two values up there i've got the reductant pressure sensor voltage BxOp3887UXY-00073-00050884-00051383 and the reductant line pressure now and this is after the fix so let's see if we've got BxOp3887UXY-00074-00051383-00052064 um better values than what we had if you remember last before the fix we had the voltage with BxOp3887UXY-00075-00052064-00052700 the ignition on and off would spike up to 3.3 volts uh on the live data but on a multimeter BxOp3887UXY-00076-00052700-00053301 would go to battery voltage and the reductant tank pressure was showing 2.5 kilopascals BxOp3887UXY-00077-00053301-00054098 uh when it should be showing zero so let's have a look so we're still showing 1.5 kilopascals BxOp3887UXY-00078-00054098-00054820 in pressure but i'm turning the ignition on and off now and the voltage isn't spiking BxOp3887UXY-00079-00054820-00055383 so let's start well i've had the engine running and i shot the vehicle down for a short while BxOp3887UXY-00080-00055383-00056225 and what's happened i'll just show you now is as you can see the adblue light has gone BxOp3887UXY-00081-00056225-00056676 out so let's see if i can clear the fault code and start her up and see if it stays BxOp3887UXY-00082-00056676-00056776 out BxOp3887UXY-00083-00056776-00057733 a little bit concerned still the reductant pressure is showing 1.52 2.5 kilopascals but BxOp3887UXY-00084-00057733-00058504 there's a very very low um value anyway so let's just stop the live data go back to the BxOp3887UXY-00085-00058504-00059269 fault codes reset the fault code i have to cycle the ignition that's off and back on BxOp3887UXY-00086-00059269-00060166 again so no fault codes there and let's see now when i start it up if the engine light BxOp3887UXY-00087-00060166-00060758 goes out so i've got my foot on the brake starter BxOp3887UXY-00088-00060758-00061616 engine light goes out and what i'll do now i'll just go and rescan it again obviously BxOp3887UXY-00089-00061616-00062135 we've still got the fault codes there for the glow plugs but there's no fault codes BxOp3887UXY-00090-00062135-00062791 now in the um pressure sensor side of the things in the reductant control module so BxOp3887UXY-00091-00062791-00063372 what i'll do i'll get it up to temperature and let's see if we can see the pressure values BxOp3887UXY-00092-00063372-00063932 and the readings of the sensor module now in fact what i'll do i can actually run that BxOp3887UXY-00093-00063932-00064723 on um on fdrs i can do a pressure system or system test where it puts it up to pressure BxOp3887UXY-00094-00064723-00064851 and let's see what pressure we can see BxOp3887UXY-00095-00064851-00065479 so now we're heading out on road test i've got some data values up i've not got the knox BxOp3887UXY-00096-00065479-00066191 value up because we're not looking at an efficiency side of things so we're currently we are looking BxOp3887UXY-00097-00066191-00066952 at the tank pressure and as you can see they were at 0.5 kpa and we're gonna road test BxOp3887UXY-00098-00066952-00067413 it's too cold at the moment we're just getting up to temperature now 54 degrees and as you BxOp3887UXY-00099-00067413-00068043 can see we've got a reduction pressure voltage of 1.8 volts 5 bar line pressure and you can BxOp3887UXY-00100-00068043-00068678 see the reductance uh inject in reductive injector duty cycle fluctuating there so it BxOp3887UXY-00101-00068678-00069404 is commanding the injector to inject um so we'll just come back off road test now and BxOp3887UXY-00102-00069404-00069900 i'm just going to go and do a code scan one more time see if anything's come back as you BxOp3887UXY-00103-00069900-00070419 can see nothing's come back we've just got the global fault code still there so we've BxOp3887UXY-00104-00070419-00071038 had some uh road testing there i've done a uh 10 miles i think it is uh just edited the BxOp3887UXY-00105-00071038-00071478 live data values there for you we've gone into the fault codes and there's no fault BxOp3887UXY-00106-00071478-00072118 codes that have returned i've just had a quick check and there's no um exit fault inducement BxOp3887UXY-00107-00072118-00072868 procedure to follow on fdrs this is generation one system so it's quite basic so i'm gonna BxOp3887UXY-00108-00072868-00073291 call that a fix just a little wiring fault luckily didn't need to take the bed off or BxOp3887UXY-00109-00073291-00073738 change the harness so thanks for watching and until next time thanks guys By7g8bcVeSM-00000-00000000-00000200 Chợ Quốc Thái mở cửa chốt chợ, cho bà con đi lại dễ dàng , đi mua đồ hàng thiết yếu BzXv3Disy_y-00000-00000214-00000969 Best4Soil an international network for boosting for best practices for soil health in Europe. BzXv3Disy_y-00001-00000969-00001720 hello i'm saskya together with colleagues from 8 countries we develop a network for BzXv3Disy_y-00002-00001720-00002212 knowledge exchange on soil health how we do that and which measures you can take BzXv3Disy_y-00003-00002212-00002872 to improve and maintain a healthy soil you can see in this video best for soil is part of the BzXv3Disy_y-00004-00002872-00003654 agricultural European innovation partnership EW angry in best for soil researchers farmers and BzXv3Disy_y-00005-00003654-00004288 advisors from 20 European countries collect knowledge on soil borne diseases and pests BzXv3Disy_y-00006-00004288-00004744 and formulate best practices to maintain and improve soil health and fertility BzXv3Disy_y-00007-00005165-00005963 best for soil helps practitioners won by providing databases of soil borne pathogens BzXv3Disy_y-00008-00005963-00006595 and nematodes that affect crops and - by sharing the best practices to manage them BzXv3Disy_y-00009-00006595-00007250 all information is provided in 22 European languages together they build a compilation BzXv3Disy_y-00010-00007250-00007906 of approaches to improve soil health soil health is the ability of a soil to cope with BzXv3Disy_y-00011-00007906-00008486 diseases and pests maintaining population levels sufficiently low so that the crops BzXv3Disy_y-00012-00008486-00009041 do not suffer damage long-term intensive agriculture puts pressure on soil health BzXv3Disy_y-00013-00009041-00009710 and coupled with increasing restrictions on the use of synthetic pesticides there is a pressing BzXv3Disy_y-00014-00009710-00010268 need for alternative methods to manage and minimize the impact of soil borne diseases BzXv3Disy_y-00015-00010576-00011341 optimizing crop rotations and implementing some cultural management approaches minimize the chance BzXv3Disy_y-00016-00011341-00011965 of soil borne diseases reaching economically important threshold or even occurring at all BzXv3Disy_y-00017-00011965-00012781 the best for soil databases and decision support tools help individual growers to design a crop BzXv3Disy_y-00018-00012781-00013429 rotation and to implement best practices for a healthy soil best practices to build and BzXv3Disy_y-00019-00013429-00014169 maintain a healthy soil involve the application of compost or organic amendments and the use of BzXv3Disy_y-00020-00014169-00014965 green manures or cover crops these approaches can increase crop yield improve soil health BzXv3Disy_y-00021-00014965-00015658 increase soil organic matter content and can reduce pathogen populations to prevent their BzXv3Disy_y-00022-00015658-00016279 occurrence other approaches can be used to manage and eradicate pathogen and nematode outbreaks BzXv3Disy_y-00023-00016279-00017122 while sustaining a healthy soil such as anaerobic soil disinfestation ASD and bio solarization BzXv3Disy_y-00024-00017669-00018299 all information can be accessed through the best for soil website including open BzXv3Disy_y-00025-00018299-00019079 access databases a blog video tutorials and fact sheets any practitioner can start straightaway BzXv3Disy_y-00026-00019079-00019724 to implement appropriate crop rotations and innovative strategies to control soil borne BzXv3Disy_y-00027-00019724-00020492 pathogens and to improve soil health best for soil facilitators support practitioners in 20 BzXv3Disy_y-00028-00020492-00021134 countries that information events or regional conferences on demand they may organize workshops BzXv3Disy_y-00029-00021134-00021767 for local groups interested to learn more about specific topics promoted by best for soil BzXv3Disy_y-00030-00022524-00022530 you B-7GI60y0iI-00000-00000000-00000700 Zte Nubia Z11 | Zte Nubia Z11 at aliexpress | Zte Nubia Z11 Review|Zte Nubia Octa Core Mobile Phone Buy a Zte Nubia From Amazon : Video link goes here : l Describe video : New Original ZTE Nubia Z11 mini S miniS 4G LTE Mobile Phone Octa Core 5.2" 4GB 64/128GB Android 6.0 Dual SIM 23.0MP Fingerprint Don't forget Subscribe to our channel : Follow us on Social Network 1) Twitter : 2) Google+: Zte Nubia Z11 | Zte Nubia Z11 at aliexpress | Zte Nubia Z11 Review|Zte Nubia Octa Core Mobile Phone Video link goes here : Related Video : 1) ZTE Nubia Z11 | New Original ZTE Nubia Z11 | ZTE Nubia Z11 mini S miniS 4G LTE Mobile 2) Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro | Original Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro | Samsung Galaxy | Android Smartphone 3) Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro Unboxing | samsung galaxy c9 pro review| samsung galaxy c9 2016 4) Vivo X9 Unboxing and Feature Review | vivo x9 plus-2016 | vivo x9 teaser 5)Sony EXPERIA Z5 | Sony EXPERIA Z5 water test | Sony experia Z5 smartphone -2016 6) ZTE Nubia Z11| ZTE Nubia Z11 mini S miniS 4G LTE Mobile Phone Octa Core Searches Coming From: #Zte #à â¿ã‘€ã â¾ã‘ë†ã â¸ã â²... #Nubia Galindo #Nubia Kings #Zte F660 #Zte Mf271 #Zte Usb #à â¿ã‘€ã â¾ã‘ë†ã â¸ã â²... BE8svPtMOYI-00000-00000210-00000908 SCP-966 Sleep Killer - object class: euclid BE8svPtMOYI-00001-00001298-00001620 Item #: SCP-966 BE8svPtMOYI-00002-00001620-00001827 Object Class: Euclid BE8svPtMOYI-00003-00001827-00002600 Special Containment Procedures: MTF Iota-1 "Dream Hunters" and MTF Iota-2 "Air Chasers" BE8svPtMOYI-00004-00002600-00003053 are to regularly be on the lookout for news about sudden, violent human deaths related BE8svPtMOYI-00005-00003053-00003784 to sleep deprivation, in order to find and neutralize remaining wild instances of SCP-966. BE8svPtMOYI-00006-00003784-00005053 The four specimens of SCP-966 (three males, designated SCP-966-1, SCP-966-3, and SCP-966-4, BE8svPtMOYI-00007-00005053-00005806 and one female, designated SCP-966-2) acquired by the Foundation must be contained in a 10 BE8svPtMOYI-00008-00005806-00006380 x 10 m room made of steel, lined with lead, located on Site-██. BE8svPtMOYI-00009-00006380-00006929 Two security cameras with infrared filters and infrared-sensitive film are to be installed BE8svPtMOYI-00010-00006929-00007114 inside the room. BE8svPtMOYI-00011-00007114-00007753 Each specimen of SCP-966 is to be fed with 20 kg of meat every month. BE8svPtMOYI-00012-00007753-00008406 In the event of SCP-966-2 giving birth, the newborn specimen is to be studied and disposed BE8svPtMOYI-00013-00008406-00008622 of before it reaches maturity. BE8svPtMOYI-00014-00008622-00009324 Description: SCP-966 are predatory creatures that resemble hairless, digitigrade humans, BE8svPtMOYI-00015-00009324-00009821 possessing an elongated face with a mouth lined with needle-like teeth. BE8svPtMOYI-00016-00009821-00010278 On each hand, they have five claws that can be up to 20 cm long. BE8svPtMOYI-00017-00010278-00010806 Although sharp, these are easily broken, making them unfit for combat. BE8svPtMOYI-00018-00010806-00011767 SCP-966's height ranges from 1.4 to 1.6 meters, and they can reach up to 30 kg in weight. BE8svPtMOYI-00019-00011767-00012223 Physically, SCP-966 are weak, possessing hollow bones and low muscular density. BE8svPtMOYI-00020-00012223-00012872 They do not seem to rest through sleep; instead, they will suddenly cease all movement at seemingly BE8svPtMOYI-00021-00012872-00013444 random intervals of time, resuming normal activity three to five minutes later. BE8svPtMOYI-00022-00013444-00014232 SCP-966 are visible only at wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to about 900 nm. BE8svPtMOYI-00023-00014232-00014559 This applies to all of SCP-966's tissues. BE8svPtMOYI-00024-00014559-00015190 If their skin, muscles or organs have suffered from second to third-degree burns, the affected BE8svPtMOYI-00025-00015190-00015746 areas will be visible at wavelengths ranging from 360 to 900 nm. BE8svPtMOYI-00026-00015746-00016366 SCP-966 feed on medium-to-large-sized animals, including humans. BE8svPtMOYI-00027-00016366-00016683 They hunt either alone or in pairs. BE8svPtMOYI-00028-00016683-00017116 Their hunting methods consist of emitting a single burst of a previously unknown type BE8svPtMOYI-00029-00017116-00017623 of wave (dubbed ██████ waves, in honor of the late Doctor ██████), which BE8svPtMOYI-00030-00017623-00018245 permanently inhibits the ability of the affected creature to enter any of the NREM and REM BE8svPtMOYI-00031-00018245-00018345 sleep stages. BE8svPtMOYI-00032-00018345-00018661 The ability to micro-sleep is also lost. BE8svPtMOYI-00033-00018661-00019236 The effective range of the ██████ waves is up to 20 meters; however, tests show that BE8svPtMOYI-00034-00019236-00019704 they can be blocked by post-transition metals, particularly lead. BE8svPtMOYI-00035-00019704-00020135 All attempts to make victims of SCP-966 sleep have failed. BE8svPtMOYI-00036-00020135-00020567 It is still possible to induce other forms of unconsciousness, although these will usually BE8svPtMOYI-00037-00020567-00021125 prove detrimental to the affected subject as they do not provide true rest. BE8svPtMOYI-00038-00021125-00021674 After depriving their victims of sleep, SCP-966 will stalk their prey until the lack of rest BE8svPtMOYI-00039-00021674-00021879 incapacitates it. BE8svPtMOYI-00040-00021879-00022341 At this point, SCP-966 will proceed to consume it. BE8svPtMOYI-00041-00022341-00022800 SCP-966 have proved to be very agile and silent while stalking their victims. BE8svPtMOYI-00042-00022800-00023231 On occasion, they will deliberately make threatening noises around the prey in order to further BE8svPtMOYI-00043-00023231-00023655 stress it, and may even physically assault it if the victim proves to be particularly BE8svPtMOYI-00044-00023655-00023835 durable. BE8svPtMOYI-00045-00023835-00024363 Other than the common symptoms caused by sleep deprivation, some victims of SCP-966 have BE8svPtMOYI-00046-00024363-00024851 shown signs of suffering from extremely vivid hallucinations, as well as sudden bouts of BE8svPtMOYI-00047-00024851-00025147 rage with no apparent external stimuli. BE8svPtMOYI-00048-00025147-00025841 It is currently thought that these are the effects of prolonged exposure to ██████ waves. BE8svPtMOYI-00049-00025841-00026487 Why SCP-966 continually exposes these waves to only some of their victims is unknown. BE8svPtMOYI-00050-00026487-00027038 One hypothesis is that SCP-966 will only do this when starving, since it further degenerates BE8svPtMOYI-00051-00027038-00027652 the physical and mental state of their prey, incapacitating it at a faster rate. BE8svPtMOYI-00052-00027652-00028024 Wild instances of SCP-966 are found all over the world. BE8svPtMOYI-00053-00028024-00028615 Since their discovery in 19██, the Foundation has succeeded in greatly thinning their numbers, BE8svPtMOYI-00054-00028615-00029127 though they are still found in large quantities in many countries, particularly █████ and BE8svPtMOYI-00055-00029127-00029727 █████ ███████. BFgUKHhi7hI-00000-00000024-00000312 hey guys this is Richard from Welshytech right this is just a BFgUKHhi7hI-00001-00001304-00002232 quick message to say merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for an amazing seven months uh I BFgUKHhi7hI-00002-00002232-00003048 started doing this channel over over two years ago uh but obviously it's only the last seven months BFgUKHhi7hI-00003-00003048-00003815 I've actually just basically started doing tech related items and the response I've had is quite BFgUKHhi7hI-00004-00003888-00004856 amazing I'm so excited but I wanted to say thank you to every single person that watches and views BFgUKHhi7hI-00005-00004856-00005704 and likes and comments i do appreciate it and more for next year so this is Richard from welsh tech BFgUKHhi7hI-00006-00005704-00006480 merry Christmas to you and your family and i will see you next week in the new year so good bye. BGNFLCGYezM-00000-00000299-00000689 okay so good morning good afternoon good night to you all BGNFLCGYezM-00001-00000689-00001146 my name is Oscar Torres and today I will be presenting a conference focused on BGNFLCGYezM-00002-00001146-00001610 the European Union or the EU just so you know I have made subtitles for this BGNFLCGYezM-00003-00001610-00002166 video so you can follow more easily just in case so to begin with did you know BGNFLCGYezM-00004-00002166-00002691 that the EU is not the same thing as Europe yes I was surprised as well to BGNFLCGYezM-00005-00002691-00003033 know that some say there are 44 countries in Europe others say there are BGNFLCGYezM-00006-00003033-00003455 more than 60 in Europe but in the EU it's a different number etc this is due BGNFLCGYezM-00007-00003455-00004116 to different political conditions geographical conditions etc that make it BGNFLCGYezM-00008-00004116-00004623 so that for example Liechtenstein is inside Europe but outside of the EU BGNFLCGYezM-00009-00004623-00005378 Russia is historically very European it has similar institutions but most of its BGNFLCGYezM-00010-00005378-00005823 territory is in Asia and then there's political reasons Turkey for example is BGNFLCGYezM-00011-00005823-00006294 outside Europe politically and geographically but it's very close it BGNFLCGYezM-00012-00006294-00006890 almost got in the EU so as you can see it's very complicated as a personal BGNFLCGYezM-00013-00006890-00007331 story I would like to share that this was shocking for me to discover when I BGNFLCGYezM-00014-00007331-00007779 arrived in Spain at around 10 years old from the USA we hadn't looked to it BGNFLCGYezM-00015-00007779-00008336 there and here in Spain most people have some notion of what the EU is and what BGNFLCGYezM-00016-00008336-00008814 it does but it can still be useful to go over some of the basics and practise BGNFLCGYezM-00017-00008814-00009354 some English along the way thus my presentation will be divided BGNFLCGYezM-00018-00009354-00009831 into several sections first we will take a brief look at some concepts related to BGNFLCGYezM-00019-00009831-00010239 common knowledge about the EU then I will quickly summarize the history of BGNFLCGYezM-00020-00010239-00010775 the EU and how it came to be as we know today don't worry about dates treaties BGNFLCGYezM-00021-00010775-00011114 any of this you can find that in Wikipedia if you're interested ok this BGNFLCGYezM-00022-00011114-00011634 is just very basic summary in 3rd place we will look about some implications of BGNFLCGYezM-00023-00011634-00012135 being part of the EU today safety responsibilities CROs and cons culture BGNFLCGYezM-00024-00012135-00012639 etc and finally we will have some tasks to do that shouldn't take you more than BGNFLCGYezM-00025-00012639-00013070 an hour and a half to finish I'm sorry about that but we have to do something BGNFLCGYezM-00026-00013070-00013345 for this and I'm guessing we all have time now BGNFLCGYezM-00027-00013345-00014028 so to begin with what does it mean to be European well surely it's not just that BGNFLCGYezM-00028-00014028-00014423 we can enjoy an amazing gastronomy such as pizza and the restaurant at the BGNFLCGYezM-00029-00014423-00014901 corner and go buy your French baguette afterwards and go home and enjoy some BGNFLCGYezM-00030-00014901-00015434 paella or tortilla although this is very nice as someone who is not European I BGNFLCGYezM-00031-00015434-00015979 believe that it's most importantly related to a series of values and BGNFLCGYezM-00032-00015979-00016551 activities that led to economic and political unions some of the words that BGNFLCGYezM-00033-00016551-00017006 we may think about when trying to describe Europe its values can be BGNFLCGYezM-00034-00017006-00017531 solidarity towards other people in our community to other countries inside and BGNFLCGYezM-00035-00017531-00018113 out of the EU the desire for peace that has to be maintained for people to have BGNFLCGYezM-00036-00018113-00018731 important rights freedoms as well as dignified live democracy which is BGNFLCGYezM-00037-00018731-00019431 necessary for people to be at peace and be able to have commerce freely between BGNFLCGYezM-00038-00019431-00020087 countries and between themselves it also means an exchange of culture BGNFLCGYezM-00039-00020087-00020504 most European cultures are very different but we have many things in BGNFLCGYezM-00040-00020504-00021194 common and we focus on that and communication to maintain these cultural BGNFLCGYezM-00041-00021194-00021719 elements and the good relations between nations I think it's safe to assume that BGNFLCGYezM-00042-00021719-00022209 most EU countries share these values to some extent so I guess that a brief way BGNFLCGYezM-00043-00022209-00022731 to describe what the EU is it is at the right the EU is an association of BGNFLCGYezM-00044-00022731-00023144 countries who shared values allowed them to cooperate politically and BGNFLCGYezM-00045-00023144-00023651 economically we can see this because if a country does not have then a BGNFLCGYezM-00046-00023651-00024153 democratic government for example it can't be part of the EU it also needs to BGNFLCGYezM-00047-00024153-00024797 have a stable economy and whatnot okay the question now is how all these BGNFLCGYezM-00048-00024797-00025319 countries came to the agreements that created the EU which we will discuss now BGNFLCGYezM-00049-00025319-00025872 before starting the next section I will I would like to remind you that the BGNFLCGYezM-00050-00025872-00026193 exact dates and more detailed information can be found in the book BGNFLCGYezM-00051-00026193-00026597 called 12 lessons about Europe which is in the sources of this BGNFLCGYezM-00052-00026597-00027177 PowerPoint and in the description of the video so as we can see in this image we BGNFLCGYezM-00053-00027177-00027936 will look now about how sorry we will look into how we transitioned from a BGNFLCGYezM-00054-00027936-00028656 conflict such as the world war 2 on the left to the establishment of the EU BGNFLCGYezM-00055-00028656-00029114 quarters in Brussels which we can see on the right so what happened? there how did BGNFLCGYezM-00056-00029114-00029588 we get there? the first major supranational community BGNFLCGYezM-00057-00029588-00030050 was the European Coal and Steel community this was established initially BGNFLCGYezM-00058-00030050-00030350 by the countries here in the presentation the ones on the right BGNFLCGYezM-00059-00030350-00030962 Belgium France Italy Luxembourg the Netherlands and West Germany their BGNFLCGYezM-00060-00030962-00031322 problem was that it made no sense to try to conquer other countries for the BGNFLCGYezM-00061-00031322-00031820 resources because their military was in a bad condition after the war and it BGNFLCGYezM-00062-00031820-00032256 also made no sense to keep fighting when the conflict was so expensive in terms BGNFLCGYezM-00063-00032256-00032962 of lives money resources etc also the population that was still there so alive BGNFLCGYezM-00064-00032962-00033527 needed food and jobs to rebuild their society this is why it was very useful BGNFLCGYezM-00065-00033527-00033959 for these countries to form an alliance to help each other out they could now BGNFLCGYezM-00066-00033959-00034502 take advantage of being very close to use railways to trade the necessary BGNFLCGYezM-00067-00034502-00035234 elements and restart their industries and economy also one of the consequences BGNFLCGYezM-00068-00035234-00035837 is that by linking the economies of these countries they prevented future BGNFLCGYezM-00069-00035837-00036471 wars because now instead of military agreements we had economic agreements we BGNFLCGYezM-00070-00036471-00037071 had a relation of mutual dependence and help to share resources so this meant BGNFLCGYezM-00071-00037071-00037383 that the members of the community would now solve their differences with BGNFLCGYezM-00072-00037383-00038306 dialogue to maintain the necessary commerce shortly after in 1957 we have BGNFLCGYezM-00073-00038306-00038840 the European Economic Community which extended this a similar type of BGNFLCGYezM-00074-00038840-00039552 agreement to other countries and it held it made it easier for workers for BGNFLCGYezM-00075-00039552-00039978 companies to operate in different countries that BGNFLCGYezM-00076-00039978-00040578 members and so on more modifications were made more treaties were made I'm BGNFLCGYezM-00077-00040578-00041165 going to skip to more or less the end in 1993 with the Maastricht agreement BGNFLCGYezM-00078-00041165-00041718 Maastricht Treaty sorry now the relationship was not only commercial but BGNFLCGYezM-00079-00041718-00042276 political and new organisms for defense and justice were created to unify even BGNFLCGYezM-00080-00042276-00042759 more than the participating countries the most important part is that if a BGNFLCGYezM-00081-00042759-00043335 country wanted to become a member if government had to cooperate with laws BGNFLCGYezM-00082-00043335-00043887 and policies based on the values of solidarity peace democracy everything BGNFLCGYezM-00083-00043887-00044331 that I mentioned before it still is a very unique type of BGNFLCGYezM-00084-00044331-00044775 community that does not exist anywhere else in the world and it's something BGNFLCGYezM-00085-00044775-00045339 that's very new so in less than a hundred years we have this new super BGNFLCGYezM-00086-00045339-00045861 national organism that has not existed before and still does not exist anywhere BGNFLCGYezM-00087-00045861-00046521 else and now that we are done with this I promise they will know there will be BGNFLCGYezM-00088-00046521-00047028 no more history lessons now we will talk about some of the issues that might make BGNFLCGYezM-00089-00047028-00047412 a country want to form part of the EU or stay away with it some of the BGNFLCGYezM-00090-00047412-00048069 motivations the pros the cons etc first of all there's the economic issue the BGNFLCGYezM-00091-00048069-00048453 euro could be described as the culmination of a series of economic BGNFLCGYezM-00092-00048453-00048990 treaties and it means that citizens and companies can trade with no exchange BGNFLCGYezM-00093-00048990-00049587 rates they can travel much more easily they don't have to change coin it also BGNFLCGYezM-00094-00049587-00050163 means that we can compare salaries prices the quality of life the cost of BGNFLCGYezM-00095-00050163-00050712 life much more clearly etc on the other hand it's also true that in order to BGNFLCGYezM-00096-00050712-00051312 reach this international currency governments had to lose some autonomy on BGNFLCGYezM-00097-00051312-00052053 their own economies by doing this the members would now be sort of chained BGNFLCGYezM-00098-00052053-00052704 together so if one country goes bankrupt others would probably BGNFLCGYezM-00099-00052704-00053265 suffer as well some measures have been taken to fix this issue because of the BGNFLCGYezM-00100-00053265-00053661 how the crisis in Greece the euro crisis in 2007-2008 BGNFLCGYezM-00101-00053661-00054336 how all of this affected the countries but it's not clear whether this has BGNFLCGYezM-00102-00054336-00054960 worked completely or not the numerous economic policies that members had to BGNFLCGYezM-00103-00054960-00055548 follow also mean that governments lose their power to decisions in and how to BGNFLCGYezM-00104-00055548-00055986 invest their own money this was part of the reason behind brexit as you may have BGNFLCGYezM-00105-00055986-00056816 heard of at the end of last year when on December 31st January first the great BGNFLCGYezM-00106-00056816-00057374 countries in Great Britain exited the EU BGNFLCGYezM-00107-00057395-00057842 nevertheless despite these inconveniences it remains true that we BGNFLCGYezM-00108-00057842-00058398 out without the EU many countries would not have been to able to progress the BGNFLCGYezM-00109-00058398-00058908 way they have so Spain for example was able to participate in political BGNFLCGYezM-00110-00058908-00059391 decisions in the EU and it could export their important agricultural products BGNFLCGYezM-00111-00059391-00060114 much more easily because there was less taxes and and we had we had a stimulus BGNFLCGYezM-00112-00060114-00060727 to create more jobs in agriculture and have more production so this in general BGNFLCGYezM-00113-00060727-00061325 helped achieve higher living standards after the year 2000 and so on and BGNFLCGYezM-00114-00061325-00061758 setting aside economic and political principles there are also many factors BGNFLCGYezM-00115-00061758-00062012 related to culture to be taken into account BGNFLCGYezM-00116-00062012-00062583 most of countries have important historical relationships in Europe and BGNFLCGYezM-00117-00062583-00063079 in the EU as well so the people in in the Nordic countries for example BGNFLCGYezM-00118-00063079-00063516 benefited a lot from entering because they have a lot of shared history with BGNFLCGYezM-00119-00063516-00064077 Germany there have been numerous waves of migrants from Germany to the Nordic BGNFLCGYezM-00120-00064077-00064544 countries and vice-versa they have a similar culture a shared history and BGNFLCGYezM-00121-00064544-00065262 this now has a political manifestation the same occurs with Spain and France BGNFLCGYezM-00122-00065262-00066014 Spain and Portugal countries like Poland Belarus the Czech Republic etc they also BGNFLCGYezM-00123-00066014-00066482 have many things in common and very similar languages as well and the fact BGNFLCGYezM-00124-00066482-00067245 that we have a political manifestation this is very important but then again a BGNFLCGYezM-00125-00067245-00067818 a shared identity is not always beneficial when there are also political BGNFLCGYezM-00126-00067818-00068445 reasons behind so for example Ukraine has a lot in common with Poland Belarus BGNFLCGYezM-00127-00068445-00068986 the Czech Republic but it also has things in common with Russia and it has BGNFLCGYezM-00128-00068986-00069622 a difficult political situation right now so this puts it in a difficult BGNFLCGYezM-00129-00069622-00070058 situation to become a member if it wanted to Turkey is another example BGNFLCGYezM-00130-00070058-00070900 which could enter the EU but it has institutions that are not completely BGNFLCGYezM-00131-00070900-00071214 compatible its economy is in a difficult situation BGNFLCGYezM-00132-00071214-00071763 and it would raise questions as to what it means to be European due to its BGNFLCGYezM-00133-00071763-00072408 location its history its institutions etc as we can see it's not as simple as BGNFLCGYezM-00134-00072408-00072835 allowing countries with things in common into the EU there are always economical BGNFLCGYezM-00135-00072835-00073368 political reasons to be considered ok now that we have covered some basic BGNFLCGYezM-00136-00073368-00073818 aspects about what the EU is some of its implications I will ask you to complete BGNFLCGYezM-00137-00073818-00074406 a few tasks that shouldn't take you more than an hour an hour and a half maybe BGNFLCGYezM-00138-00074406-00074880 and all these questions are open-ended I'm sorry about this but you won't have BGNFLCGYezM-00139-00074880-00075337 to worry about finding an exact response just try to express your ideas as BGNFLCGYezM-00140-00075337-00075795 clearly as possible and if you need to consult anything I would recommend BGNFLCGYezM-00141-00075795-00076293 newspapers the book that I mentioned 12 lessons about Europe it's the link is in BGNFLCGYezM-00142-00076293-00077047 the description and thus the first question that we have is to make two BGNFLCGYezM-00143-00077047-00077994 essays two small writings of about 100 to 150 words each and we have to select BGNFLCGYezM-00144-00077994-00078630 two from the following three topics the first topic it has to do with BGNFLCGYezM-00145-00078630-00079093 responsibilities to other countries such as developing countries such as India BGNFLCGYezM-00146-00079093-00079764 several African countries South American countries etc do we have BGNFLCGYezM-00147-00079764-00080461 responsibly the responsibilities of solidarity offering examples as to what BGNFLCGYezM-00148-00080461-00081316 institutions are good which ones work stable economies how can we make BGNFLCGYezM-00149-00081316-00081849 ourselves responsible for this if we have to the second topic is more for you BGNFLCGYezM-00150-00081849-00082287 to analyze some pros and cons about issues that we all probably experienced BGNFLCGYezM-00151-00082287-00082966 since that crisis in 2007 you can talk about Greece you can talk about the BGNFLCGYezM-00152-00082966-00083473 situation in Spain you can talk about several examples that you can find in BGNFLCGYezM-00153-00083473-00083947 newspapers as long as you cite your sources and give your own ideas it's BGNFLCGYezM-00154-00083947-00084270 okay and the third topic is more related to BGNFLCGYezM-00155-00084270-00084732 how the EU has influenced us here in the islands try to think about things like BGNFLCGYezM-00156-00084732-00085505 tourism business traveling what would happen if we were outside the EU etc and BGNFLCGYezM-00157-00085505-00085989 finally now a bit more shorter I'd like you to talk about what the EU means to BGNFLCGYezM-00158-00085989-00086556 you personally you can talk about whether you were born in the EU or not BGNFLCGYezM-00159-00086556-00087156 how it compares to being outside the EU if you've gone on Erasmus exchange do BGNFLCGYezM-00160-00087156-00087783 you think that was good if you traveled outside or have family from the outside BGNFLCGYezM-00161-00087783-00088380 how do you think it compares you can talk about what you think would be BGNFLCGYezM-00162-00088380-00088999 different if Spain for example or the country where you're from were outside BGNFLCGYezM-00163-00088999-00089575 or inside the EU what differences it would have anything you want and with BGNFLCGYezM-00164-00089575-00090292 this I hope you have enjoyed the lesson here we have the sources and thank you BGNFLCGYezM-00165-00090292-00090724 for your attention stay safe wash your hands very often and I say at BGNFLCGYezM-00166-00090724-00090942 home BIfgkwTA02c-00000-00000006-00000919 Let's take a look at the fast feet drill we can do using the ZIVA Agility Ladder. BIfgkwTA02c-00001-00000919-00001104 All this drill is getting our feet BIfgkwTA02c-00002-00001104-00001678 in and out of each square as fast as possible. Two feet in every box. BIfgkwTA02c-00003-00001678-00002190 Now, if you need to regress that, all you need to do is move a little bit slower BIfgkwTA02c-00004-00002194-00002495 So starting at the beginning, just step, BIfgkwTA02c-00005-00002495-00002954 step and step. Again the fast feet drill is going to be BIfgkwTA02c-00006-00002954-00003339 reliant on both feet getting into each square. BIfgkwTA02c-00007-00003339-00003722 That is the the only rule. This will develop BIfgkwTA02c-00008-00003722-00004101 running mechanics and quick feet, no downtime. BIfgkwTA02c-00009-00004101-00004389 That is your fast feet drill with the ZIVA Agility Ladder. BL1NpYOqD_E-00000-00000001-00000571 the Abyssinian cat is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive ticked coat the breed is BL1NpYOqD_E-00001-00000571-00001021 maimed after abyssinia which is now known as Ethiopia where it is believed to have BL1NpYOqD_E-00002-00001021-00001639 originated abyssinians have a Sleek slender body and a short fine coat that comes in a variety of BL1NpYOqD_E-00003-00001639-00002209 colors including Redi red blue and fawn they are known for their intelligence and playful BL1NpYOqD_E-00004-00002209-00002779 personalities and are often described as being dog-like in their loyalty and affection towards BL1NpYOqD_E-00005-00002779-00003319 their owners abyssinians are also known for their high energy levels and need for BL1NpYOqD_E-00006-00003319-00003877 regular exercise and stimulation they are a popular breed among cat lovers and are often BL1NpYOqD_E-00007-00003877-00004411 shown in cat shows they are also known to be a healthy breed with a lifespan of around 15 years BN6fXT8QSdI-00000-00001100-00001800 Nothing more historic, modern than Ramayana: Kunal Kohli BN6fXT8QSdI-00001-00001900-00004000 Nothing more historic, modern than Ramayana: Kunal Kohli Kohli announced Ramyug here on Thursday in the presence of writer Kamlesh Pandey, music director duo Sajid-Wajid along with Sachin Jootun, the head of Mauritius Film Development Corporation. BN6fXT8QSdI-00002-00004100-00005400 Filmmaker Kunal Kohli, whose upcoming film has been titled Ramyug, believes the Ramayana has very progressive thoughts which are relevant in the present time. BN6fXT8QSdI-00003-00005500-00007400 Kohli announced Ramyug here on Thursday in the presence of writer Kamlesh Pandey, music director duo Sajid-Wajid along with Sachin Jootun, the head of Mauritius Film Development Corporation. The film will be shot in Mauritius. BN6fXT8QSdI-00004-00007500-00008200 "I think there is nothing more historic, progressive and modern than Ramayana. BN6fXT8QSdI-00005-00008300-00009400 We think we are very modern and progressive because of the language we use and see in the films, but the thoughts and your way of life can never be outdated. BN6fXT8QSdI-00006-00009500-00010200 They will always be modern," Kohli, who has earlier made films like "Hum Tum" and "Fanaa". BN6fXT8QSdI-00007-00010300-00012100 "Ramyug" writer Kamlesh said that it's not an easy task to make this film, but he always wanted to write a story inspired by Ramayana. "I have always been waiting and wanting to write (a story around) Ramayana. BN6fXT8QSdI-00008-00012200-00013900 Writing this story is a challenge because everyone knows the story and the characters. In our country, history wasn't recorded at the time and people still think it is mythology and not true, but it is our history. BN6fXT8QSdI-00009-00014000-00015300 "There are 200 versions of Ramayana right now. And Ram Katha will always be relevant no matter which date and time we look at it in," Pandey said. BNwb3LD41Cg-00000-00001008-00001384 I am Isabella Oyier, I work at the KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme BNwb3LD41Cg-00001-00001384-00001839 as a senior research scientist working on the malaria parasite. BNwb3LD41Cg-00002-00001968-00003000 So what my research involves is I look to understand mutations in the malaria parasite, BNwb3LD41Cg-00003-00003000-00003696 and these mutations allow the parasite to resist drugs so confer resistance BNwb3LD41Cg-00004-00003696-00004136 to anti-malarial drugs and then help them to escape so that the drugs don't kill them. BNwb3LD41Cg-00005-00004272-00004696 Another set of mutations that I try to understand is the stage of the parasite that gets into the BNwb3LD41Cg-00006-00004696-00005152 red blood cells and causes disease so the disease that we see like fever and chills, BNwb3LD41Cg-00007-00005264-00005632 and this stage of the parasite has a set of proteins that allow it to invade red blood BNwb3LD41Cg-00008-00005632-00006104 cells - on these proteins they're mutations - and as scientists we're not entirely sure what those BNwb3LD41Cg-00009-00006104-00006608 mutations are doing, so part of my work is to understand do these mutations allow the parasite BNwb3LD41Cg-00010-00006608-00006936 to escape the host immune system which fights and BNwb3LD41Cg-00011-00006936-00007352 protects us from disease? Or do those mutations actually allow the parasite to invade the red BNwb3LD41Cg-00012-00007352-00007728 blood cells better and cause disease, so those are the two areas that I look at. BNwb3LD41Cg-00013-00007792-00008344 So one of the challenges in malaria is finding a malaria vaccine that will work, BNwb3LD41Cg-00014-00008408-00008848 and those challenges arise because the parasite has a lot of mutations which is BNwb3LD41Cg-00015-00008848-00009280 what I've just described previously saying that these mutations cause BNwb3LD41Cg-00016-00009344-00009744 the parasite to either escape the host immune system, so if these mutations allow BNwb3LD41Cg-00017-00009744-00010248 the parasite to do that we need to find a way to understand them so we can produce better vaccines. BNwb3LD41Cg-00018-00010312-00010400 So for instance BNwb3LD41Cg-00019-00010584-00011224 one of the lead vaccine candidates at the moment is a protein called Rh5 in simplicity, BNwb3LD41Cg-00020-00011280-00011720 but it's a protein on the stage of the malaria parasite that allows you to invade red blood cells BNwb3LD41Cg-00021-00011720-00012224 and it's been shown to be quite important in helping the parasite do this work, and so my BNwb3LD41Cg-00022-00012224-00012840 work looks in Kilifi, which is a malaria endemic population, to understand how many mutations do we BNwb3LD41Cg-00023-00012840-00013536 see in this protein, and can we then find a way of understanding what they do in the protein. BNwb3LD41Cg-00024-00013536-00014184 The current vaccine that's being rolled out in an implementation trial in western Kenya BNwb3LD41Cg-00025-00014263-00014904 to see how best to introduce it into the public like in the children's vaccination schedule, BNwb3LD41Cg-00026-00015119-00015696 one of the limitations is that it doesn't give you 100% protection, so that's where my work BNwb3LD41Cg-00027-00015696-00016256 would come in to say can we find other potential candidates on the malaria parasite that could BNwb3LD41Cg-00028-00016368-00017200 probably make that vaccine more efficacious, or could we do a combination of different BNwb3LD41Cg-00029-00017200-00017872 candidates so that we can improve how this vaccine would work in in the field. BNwb3LD41Cg-00030-00017872-00018456 So my work is very early on in vaccines so it's understanding the biology of that molecule BNwb3LD41Cg-00031-00018520-00019160 at the molecular level to inform what might these mutations be doing, and BNwb3LD41Cg-00032-00019160-00019488 if we know what they're doing is there way we can then design a vaccine to BNwb3LD41Cg-00033-00019568-00020008 encompass all those issues that arise from understanding the protein. BNwb3LD41Cg-00034-00020080-00020624 I'd say in Africa, in sub-Saharan Africa in Kenya as well I think it's very clear that malaria is a BNwb3LD41Cg-00035-00020704-00021144 public health concern - a big public health concern - and it causes a lot of illness in BNwb3LD41Cg-00036-00021144-00021880 children under five and pregnant mothers, and generally being unwell is not a nice thing. BNwb3LD41Cg-00037-00021880-00022632 So the work that I do tries to find different vaccine candidates that we can put forward BNwb3LD41Cg-00038-00022632-00022920 to make a malaria vaccine, so the importance is BNwb3LD41Cg-00039-00023024-00023360 and I think it's been shown in other diseases if you have a vaccine to a particular BNwb3LD41Cg-00040-00023544-00023960 organism that causes disease or bacteria or a virus, then you can prevent people from BNwb3LD41Cg-00041-00023960-00024576 getting sick and we're not able to do that at the moment with malaria, and so the purpose BNwb3LD41Cg-00042-00024576-00024992 of my work is to understand the proteins that we could use to inform vaccine design. BNwb3LD41Cg-00043-00024992-00025608 What's been interesting in the field at the moment is the emergence of resistance to BNwb3LD41Cg-00044-00025608-00026144 artemisinin in Southeast Asia, now that's been a great concern because if that spreads globally BNwb3LD41Cg-00045-00026144-00026656 then we will not have a drug that we can use to protect people - or to treat people rather, BNwb3LD41Cg-00046-00026880-00027368 the other good thing that came out of that is a molecular marker which is what we call BNwb3LD41Cg-00047-00027368-00027864 a gene that we know the mutation that confess resistant artemisinin that's been described, BNwb3LD41Cg-00048-00027864-00028383 so that obviously helped the anti-malaria resistance field because it means we can BNwb3LD41Cg-00049-00028383-00028952 now study that gene in populations in Africa and understand do we have the mutations that they've BNwb3LD41Cg-00050-00028952-00029464 seen in southeast Asia, in Africa if we do that would be a cause for concern, but as it stands in BNwb3LD41Cg-00051-00029464-00030016 the field for the studies that have been done here in Kilifi by myself and others in other African BNwb3LD41Cg-00052-00030016-00030464 countries those mutations have not been identified so at the moment we're in a good place in terms of BNwb3LD41Cg-00053-00030464-00030968 how the drugs are working in Africa but it still means that we've got to maintain surveillance and BNwb3LD41Cg-00054-00030968-00031464 monitoring anti-malarial resistance particularly to artemisinin because it's a very good BNwb3LD41Cg-00055-00031464-00031983 drug - works very well and if we lose that then I think it'll cause a problem for malaria control. BNwb3LD41Cg-00056-00032088-00032904 How my work impacts on translational medicine, so I work primarily in the lab BNwb3LD41Cg-00057-00033024-00033480 using molecular biology tools to understand mutations for instance in drug resistance, BNwb3LD41Cg-00058-00033584-00034152 with this we're able to inform national drug policy by saying are these mutations present BNwb3LD41Cg-00059-00034152-00034536 in the population and if they are then that would inform a change in drug policy. BNwb3LD41Cg-00060-00034536-00034936 So previously for instance we were using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; BNwb3LD41Cg-00061-00034936-00035408 molecular work was done to show the mutations are present in Kenya, and that informed the national BNwb3LD41Cg-00062-00035408-00035928 malaria control program that they need to consider changing the drug that we use, and so currently BNwb3LD41Cg-00063-00035928-00036472 what I'm doing is maintaining surveillance on markers involving artemisinin resistance BNwb3LD41Cg-00064-00036544-00036960 that will then feed into a policy in the long run as to whether we should be changing drug or not. BNwb3LD41Cg-00065-00037200-00037664 So the roles that I play in the policy forums to try and BNwb3LD41Cg-00066-00037664-00038272 influence decisions that are made around malaria public health policy, BNwb3LD41Cg-00067-00038344-00038808 so for instance I work quite closely with the national malaria control program - in fact we're BNwb3LD41Cg-00068-00038808-00039440 the lab that is doing the molecular work for their drug trials - so recommendation is you have to do BNwb3LD41Cg-00069-00039528-00039896 drug trials in children but we need the molecular work to understand whether the BNwb3LD41Cg-00070-00039896-00040296 drugs are working well or not, and without the molecular work you can't say that the drugs BNwb3LD41Cg-00071-00040296-00040704 we're using to treat malaria at the moment are working well so that's where our role comes in BNwb3LD41Cg-00072-00040704-00041328 in terms of understanding these mutations in these markers that confer resistance to drugs. BNwb3LD41Cg-00073-00041464-00041904 The other way I'm involved with the national malaria control program is BNwb3LD41Cg-00074-00041968-00042416 helping them see the importance of molecular work generally in informing, BNwb3LD41Cg-00075-00042608-00043032 primarily, drug resistance and it's its utility as a good way of screening BNwb3LD41Cg-00076-00043032-00043424 the population to understand what's the distribution of these mutations in Kenya and that BNwb3LD41Cg-00077-00043424-00044424 might inform where would you target particular drugs in the event that there's drug resistance. BpfKMDgM0pA-00000-00000014-00000932 G Major 16+Number Major BpfKMDgM0pA-00001-00000932-00003028 It Is Looks Like G Major 16 Spilt BOcFPxmw6d0-00000-00000010-00000640 The Reserve Bank of Australia has cut interest rates again to an all-time low of 0.75%. BOcFPxmw6d0-00001-00000640-00001084 Their official reasoning is to “ward off rising unemployment” (which has risen from BOcFPxmw6d0-00002-00001084-00001826 4.9% to 5.3% since early 2019), and to “stimulate a stalling economy”. BOcFPxmw6d0-00003-00001826-00002282 But of course, another reason for the cuts is to tempt first-home buyers and investors BOcFPxmw6d0-00004-00002282-00002632 into an already bubbly, frothy housing market. BOcFPxmw6d0-00005-00002632-00002766 So has it paid off? BOcFPxmw6d0-00006-00002766-00003059 How have these rate cuts affected house prices? BOcFPxmw6d0-00007-00003059-00003512 Data released from CoreLogic shows us that in September, the Sydney and Melbourne housing BOcFPxmw6d0-00008-00003512-00004028 markets have shown somewhat of a recovery increasing 1.7% each. BOcFPxmw6d0-00009-00004028-00004338 Canberra prices also increased by 1%. BOcFPxmw6d0-00010-00004338-00005028 However, the Perth, Hobart, and Darwin markets are still struggling with Perth falling 0.8%. BOcFPxmw6d0-00011-00005028-00005354 If we look at the year-on-year change, things don’t look so good. BOcFPxmw6d0-00012-00005354-00005831 Apart from Hobart and Canberra, all other markets have been falling with Perth and Darwin BOcFPxmw6d0-00013-00005832-00006022 being the worst performers. BOcFPxmw6d0-00014-00006022-00006520 And if we look at the change since peak, then pretty much all markets have fallen, except BOcFPxmw6d0-00015-00006520-00006872 Canberra, which I suppose is currently at peak. BOcFPxmw6d0-00016-00006872-00007128 Perth and Darwin are certainly the biggest losers. BOcFPxmw6d0-00017-00007128-00007636 With regard to Perth, due to the legacy of the mining boom, migration has fallen to Western BOcFPxmw6d0-00018-00007636-00008006 Australia, and consequently, there’s a housing oversupply. BOcFPxmw6d0-00019-00008006-00008352 Bankwest chief economist Alan Langford said that, BOcFPxmw6d0-00020-00008352-00008825 “Demographics and population growth trends are overwhelming the benefits of low and stable BOcFPxmw6d0-00021-00008826-00009212 interest rates, although we are now seeing a little bit of an acceleration. BOcFPxmw6d0-00022-00009212-00009636 We’re now well into our deepest and most prolonged downturn in dwelling construction BOcFPxmw6d0-00023-00009636-00010124 since at least the early 1980s, and of course that means some of the oversupply has been BOcFPxmw6d0-00024-00010124-00010344 absorbed by lesser new supply. BOcFPxmw6d0-00025-00010344-00010640 The demand side’s just coming on very gradually.” BOcFPxmw6d0-00026-00010640-00011182 Executive Chairman at BIS Oxford Economics, Robert Mellor, also spoke on Perth’s rocky BOcFPxmw6d0-00027-00011182-00011296 housing market. BOcFPxmw6d0-00028-00011296-00011382 He said, BOcFPxmw6d0-00029-00011382-00011792 “You’ve got to remember here in Perth, the last real surge in prices was between BOcFPxmw6d0-00030-00011792-00012074 2001 and 2007. BOcFPxmw6d0-00031-00012074-00012504 Prices went up nearly 200%, so it was a phenomenal increase. BOcFPxmw6d0-00032-00012504-00012932 Prices got to within 10 or 15% of median prices in Sydney. BOcFPxmw6d0-00033-00012932-00013334 It’ll be still some time I believe — at least another six months — before we’ll BOcFPxmw6d0-00034-00013334-00013808 start to see some improvement in demand in response to the underlying population growth BOcFPxmw6d0-00035-00013808-00014206 fundamentals, as well as a very attractive interest rate environment. BOcFPxmw6d0-00036-00014206-00014622 Perth has been so severely oversupplied, you’ve sort of just got to let it run out. BOcFPxmw6d0-00037-00014622-00014913 It takes a while to self-correct, basically.” BOcFPxmw6d0-00038-00014913-00015347 Director at Joyce Property Investments and Deputy President of the Real Estate Institute BOcFPxmw6d0-00039-00015347-00015863 of WA, Lisa Joyce, commented on the key drivers of the Perth Property market. BOcFPxmw6d0-00040-00015863-00016297 “The cost of finance, affordability, job growth, and population growth. BOcFPxmw6d0-00041-00016297-00016728 Unless we see all four of those drivers in play at one point in time, we really don't BOcFPxmw6d0-00042-00016728-00016902 see great growth in demand. BOcFPxmw6d0-00043-00016902-00017358 The timing and the extent of the next growth in the property cycle will ultimately be determined BOcFPxmw6d0-00044-00017358-00017510 by population growth. BOcFPxmw6d0-00045-00017510-00018052 We really need to see migration, people, population growth for us to start to see any pressure BOcFPxmw6d0-00046-00018052-00018214 on the supply of housing.” BOcFPxmw6d0-00047-00018214-00018530 So is there any solution to the Perth property market crisis? BOcFPxmw6d0-00048-00018530-00018942 Mr Mellor suggests that some government stimulus might be needed, BOcFPxmw6d0-00049-00018942-00019378 “In two years’ time, if there’s no signs of recovery happening in residential construction, BOcFPxmw6d0-00050-00019378-00019783 I would say that might be a time where governments have got a job to do in terms of providing BOcFPxmw6d0-00051-00019783-00019894 some stimulus. BOcFPxmw6d0-00052-00019894-00020306 We’ll need to see a further pick-up in mining investment that’ll start to encourage stronger BOcFPxmw6d0-00053-00020307-00020760 population growth into the state, and I believe that over the next two years, we'll start BOcFPxmw6d0-00054-00020760-00020846 to see that. BOcFPxmw6d0-00055-00020846-00021008 But will there be a quick recovery? BOcFPxmw6d0-00056-00021008-00021214 I would say unlikely.” BOcFPxmw6d0-00057-00021214-00021389 Anyway, thank you for watching my video. BOcFPxmw6d0-00058-00021389-00021752 I certainly do appreciate any views and subscribers to this channel. BOcFPxmw6d0-00059-00021752-00022190 I know my channel is a bit of a mixed bag, but I guess, I’m a bit of mixed-bag (much BOcFPxmw6d0-00060-00022190-00022470 like the flailing property market in Australia). BOcFPxmw6d0-00061-00022470-00022942 We have the eastern metropolises of Sydney and Melbourne showing somewhat of a recovery, BOcFPxmw6d0-00062-00022942-00023238 and then we have Perth and Darwin doing the opposite. BOcFPxmw6d0-00063-00023238-00023644 The property market in Australia is certainly a two-speed one. BOcFPxmw6d0-00064-00023644-00023748 Thanks for watching. BPMcfCls1ZI-00000-00001746-00001929 Hi there and welcome to Maya. BPMcfCls1ZI-00001-00001930-00002266 So have you just installed your shiny new software and fired’er up, BPMcfCls1ZI-00002-00002266-00002523 only to find that you’re not quite what to do next? BPMcfCls1ZI-00003-00002523-00002853 Well even though the interface may look intimidating at first, BPMcfCls1ZI-00004-00002853-00003323 it’s really not so bad once you understand how each section of the UI breaks down. BPMcfCls1ZI-00005-00003323-00003569 In general there’s 3 main areas: BPMcfCls1ZI-00006-00003570-00004046 At the top you’ll find menus and buttons for Maya’s many tools and commands… BPMcfCls1ZI-00007-00004046-00004473 In the middle you’ll find the Viewport, which displays the objects in your scene, BPMcfCls1ZI-00008-00004473-00004923 as well as tools and panels specifically designed to modify those objects… BPMcfCls1ZI-00009-00004923-00005283 …and at the bottom you’ll find Animation and scripting controls. BPMcfCls1ZI-00010-00005360-00005620 Let's start back up here with the menu bar, BPMcfCls1ZI-00011-00005620-00006076 which is probably easy to understand if you’ve used almost any other software before. BPMcfCls1ZI-00012-00006076-00006516 In here you’ll find almost all of Maya’s tools and commands, neatly arranged: BPMcfCls1ZI-00013-00006516-00007079 from general stuff like Opening and Saving files, to Undoing or Redoing edits, BPMcfCls1ZI-00014-00007080-00007550 to more specific task-based commands. BPMcfCls1ZI-00015-00007550-00007933 Something a little more unique to Maya is that you can change the task-based menus BPMcfCls1ZI-00016-00007933-00008333 that appear here via this dropdown box. BPMcfCls1ZI-00017-00008333-00008633 Each of these menu sets is designed to cater to the specific needs BPMcfCls1ZI-00018-00008633-00009113 of each of these workflows, so you’ll want to set this based on what you plan on doing next. BPMcfCls1ZI-00019-00009203-00009603 Additionally, shortcuts to many of the most useful commands can be found here BPMcfCls1ZI-00020-00009603-00009936 in the shelf represented by these colorful icons. BPMcfCls1ZI-00021-00009936-00010449 So for example, clicking the basic cube icon here creates a cube in my scene BPMcfCls1ZI-00022-00010450-00011016 – exactly as choosing Create > Polygon Primitives > Cube would have. BPMcfCls1ZI-00023-00011240-00011740 Like menu sets, shelves are also organized by discipline, except they’re even more specific. BPMcfCls1ZI-00024-00011740-00012100 For example, Curves/Surfaces, Poly Modeling, and Sculpting BPMcfCls1ZI-00025-00012100-00012343 can all be considered “Modeling” tasks. BPMcfCls1ZI-00026-00012343-00012683 However, shelves don’t change automatically with your Menu Sets, BPMcfCls1ZI-00027-00012683-00013203 making it possible to use an FX menu set with a modeling shelf like you see here. BPMcfCls1ZI-00028-00013303-00013659 If you’re unsure what an icon means, you can hover over it BPMcfCls1ZI-00029-00013660-00013966 and check down here in the Help Line… BPMcfCls1ZI-00030-00013966-00014366 …or just wait for the tool-tip to appear right on the mouse cursor. BPMcfCls1ZI-00031-00014366-00014663 Both the Help Line and Tooltips are extremely useful, BPMcfCls1ZI-00032-00014663-00014866 so I recommend keeping an eye on them BPMcfCls1ZI-00033-00014866-00015206 at least until you're comfortable with all of Maya’s bells and whistles. BPMcfCls1ZI-00034-00015336-00015793 Finally, there’s the Status Line nestled right in between the menus and shelves. BPMcfCls1ZI-00035-00015793-00016153 This line mostly tells you the on/off state of various modes, BPMcfCls1ZI-00036-00016153-00016613 like Object vs Component mode, Snapping, Mirroring, and so on BPMcfCls1ZI-00037-00016613-00017149 – though it does also contain shortcuts to some basic file and rendering commands too. BPMcfCls1ZI-00038-00017150-00017610 Of these though, I recommend paying special attention to Object and Component modes BPMcfCls1ZI-00039-00017610-00017950 – AKA green selection mode and blue selection mode. BPMcfCls1ZI-00040-00017950-00018290 Object mode is for selecting an entire object at once, BPMcfCls1ZI-00041-00018290-00018713 while component mode is for selecting smaller sub-parts of that object. BPMcfCls1ZI-00042-00018713-00019189 This’ll be important later when we start playing around with position and shape. BPMcfCls1ZI-00043-00019190-00019590 The last thing I'll say here is that you can use F8 to swap between the two as well. BPMcfCls1ZI-00044-00020023-00020423 Moving on, this entire middle section of the UI is dedicated to viewing BPMcfCls1ZI-00045-00020423-00020699 and interacting with objects in the Viewport. BPMcfCls1ZI-00046-00020700-00021100 To navigate the Viewport, hold the Alt key while dragging any of the mouse buttons. BPMcfCls1ZI-00047-00021826-00022199 You can also press F to automatically frame a selected object, BPMcfCls1ZI-00048-00022200-00022650 or A to frame everything in the scene regardless of selection. BPMcfCls1ZI-00049-00022650-00023013 The Panel Toolbar and menu give access to all kinds of view options, BPMcfCls1ZI-00050-00023013-00023283 like Wireframe vs Shaded views, BPMcfCls1ZI-00051-00023283-00024159 lights, shadows, smoothing, and other Viewport-specific quality settings. BPMcfCls1ZI-00052-00024440-00024843 You can also hold the right mouse button over objects to bring up the marking menu, BPMcfCls1ZI-00053-00024843-00025306 which contains shortcuts to all sorts of things you can do to that object. BPMcfCls1ZI-00054-00025306-00025743 Holding Shift or Ctrl as well will also bring up different versions of this menu. BPMcfCls1ZI-00055-00025963-00026199 Left of the Viewport you’ll find the Toolbox, BPMcfCls1ZI-00056-00026200-00026520 which contains tools for selecting or transforming objects. BPMcfCls1ZI-00057-00026520-00026920 So if I select the cube then I can activate the Move Tool to move it around, BPMcfCls1ZI-00058-00027170-00027570 the Rotate Tool to rotate it, BPMcfCls1ZI-00059-00027663-00028063 or the Scale Tool to scale it. BPMcfCls1ZI-00060-00028320-00028670 The last slot here will change depending on my most recently used tool. BPMcfCls1ZI-00061-00028670-00029200 So, for example, if I activate the Multi-Cut Tool to add an edge to my cube... BPMcfCls1ZI-00062-00029446-00030069 then switch back to the Move Tool, you’ll see I can quickly get back to the Multi-Cut Tool here. BPMcfCls1ZI-00063-00030566-00031053 And you can also double-click any of these Toolbox icons to bring up their tool settings. BPMcfCls1ZI-00064-00031289-00031626 Just to reiterate an earlier point, using many of these tools BPMcfCls1ZI-00065-00031626-00032013 in Object mode vs Component mode makes a big difference. BPMcfCls1ZI-00066-00032013-00032376 In Component (blue) mode, I can select and move individual vertices, BPMcfCls1ZI-00067-00032376-00032759 which changes the cube's shape. BPMcfCls1ZI-00068-00032760-00033190 Whereas in Object (green) mode, I move the entire object at once. BPMcfCls1ZI-00069-00033300-00033656 Knowing when to use which is an important skill you'll develop over time. BPMcfCls1ZI-00070-00034080-00034436 These four buttons underneath the Toolbox are my Panel Layouts. BPMcfCls1ZI-00071-00034436-00034683 They determine how my Viewport is split up. BPMcfCls1ZI-00072-00034683-00035096 Choices include the default perspective camera, BPMcfCls1ZI-00073-00035096-00035619 a simultaneous 4-View of front, top, side, and perspective cameras, BPMcfCls1ZI-00074-00035620-00035970 a similar 2-View version, BPMcfCls1ZI-00075-00035970-00036403 and finally the Outliner which shows me a list of all the objects in my scene. BPMcfCls1ZI-00076-00036403-00036806 Additionally, you can use Spacebar to quickly enlarge views... BPMcfCls1ZI-00077-00036806-00037099 ...or return to the previous one. BPMcfCls1ZI-00078-00037216-00037483 To the right of the Viewport are various editors. BPMcfCls1ZI-00079-00037483-00037773 The Channel Box and Attribute Editor contain the various attributes BPMcfCls1ZI-00080-00037773-00038433 associated with a selected object like its exact position, number of subdivisions, and so on. BPMcfCls1ZI-00081-00038433-00038949 Both of them are broken into sections, like these tabs in the Attribute Editor... BPMcfCls1ZI-00082-00038950-00039350 or these headings in the Channel Box. BPMcfCls1ZI-00083-00039350-00039733 It’s important to note that both these editors show the same attributes, BPMcfCls1ZI-00084-00039733-00040126 just in different forms, so use the one that’s most comfortable for you. BPMcfCls1ZI-00085-00040126-00040499 In general, the Attribute Editor is the more user friendly of the two, BPMcfCls1ZI-00086-00040500-00040900 with plenty of sliders and widgets for editing values. BPMcfCls1ZI-00087-00041106-00041506 Meanwhile, the Channel Box lets you see and edit animatable attributes more quickly. BPMcfCls1ZI-00088-00041780-00042203 If you accidentally close one or both of them... BPMcfCls1ZI-00089-00042203-00042653 can always find them up here in the top-right. BPMcfCls1ZI-00090-00042793-00043389 There are also other editors here, like the Tool Settings Editor, which I showed earlier… BPMcfCls1ZI-00091-00043390-00043796 …or the Modeling Toolkit, which contains a wealth of useful modeling tools. BPMcfCls1ZI-00092-00043970-00044466 Lastly there’s the Character Controls, which are specifically for creating animatable skeletons. BPMcfCls1ZI-00093-00044466-00044873 You probably won’t want to fool around with this one until you’re more comfortable in Maya. BPMcfCls1ZI-00094-00045070-00045446 Finally, this brings us to these two strips at the bottom. BPMcfCls1ZI-00095-00045446-00045733 The first two deal entirely with animation. BPMcfCls1ZI-00096-00045733-00045916 like the Time Slider and playback controls, BPMcfCls1ZI-00097-00045916-00046259 which are likely familiar to anyone who's used a video player before. BPMcfCls1ZI-00098-00046260-00046660 From here you can play, stop, rewind, and manually scrub through time. BPMcfCls1ZI-00099-00047096-00047509 It’s important to note that Maya measures time in frames though, not seconds. BPMcfCls1ZI-00100-00047510-00047953 The default frame rate equates 24 frames with one second of playback. BPMcfCls1ZI-00101-00047953-00048493 So these 120 frames actually represent only 5 realtime seconds of footage. BPMcfCls1ZI-00102-00048493-00048813 You can change the frame rate via the dropdown here, BPMcfCls1ZI-00103-00048813-00049263 and it’s generally a good idea to settle on one before you begin your project. BPMcfCls1ZI-00104-00049526-00049926 Once you have, you can change the total number of frames in the scene... BPMcfCls1ZI-00105-00050066-00050353 well as the range represented by the Time Slider. BPMcfCls1ZI-00106-00050936-00051169 Other stuff you can change here include looping, BPMcfCls1ZI-00107-00051170-00051610 performance-enhanced caching, auto-recording animation keyframes, BPMcfCls1ZI-00108-00051610-00051916 and more via the pop-up preferences window. BPMcfCls1ZI-00109-00052136-00052579 There's also some animation and character layer stuff, but that's a bit more advanced. BPMcfCls1ZI-00110-00052696-00052969 Finally, at the very bottom is the Command Line, BPMcfCls1ZI-00111-00052970-00053233 where you can issue direct commands to Maya. BPMcfCls1ZI-00112-00053233-00053679 These are the same commands that all of Maya’s other buttons and widgets use too. BPMcfCls1ZI-00113-00053679-00054316 So for example, if I move this object over and then enter the polyCube command... BPMcfCls1ZI-00114-00054520-00054920 ...then Maya creates a cube, just like I made earlier when I clicked the Cube button. BPMcfCls1ZI-00115-00055020-00055420 Maya also supports Python commands at the flick of a switch. BPMcfCls1ZI-00116-00055560-00055960 And has a full-fledged Script Editor for more complex scripts. BPMcfCls1ZI-00117-00056223-00056516 And that’s the Maya UI in a nutshell. BPMcfCls1ZI-00118-00056586-00056943 The only other thing to note is that all these UI components are modular; BPMcfCls1ZI-00119-00056943-00057343 they can be undocked and moved around just by dragging these dotted areas. BPMcfCls1ZI-00120-00057590-00057990 You can then re-dock them wherever these blue lines appear. BPMcfCls1ZI-00121-00058979-00059470 One way Maya makes use of this is via these different workspaces in the top right. BPMcfCls1ZI-00122-00059470-00059779 Just like the menu sets I showed you at the beginning of this video, BPMcfCls1ZI-00123-00059779-00060243 each of these workspaces rearranges the UI based on their respective tasks, BPMcfCls1ZI-00124-00060243-00060643 hiding things you don’t need while enlarging the things you do. BPMcfCls1ZI-00125-00060983-00061289 If you ever need to reset one of these workspaces to the default BPMcfCls1ZI-00126-00061290-00061783 – maybe because you lost a panel accidentally or got your UI into a weird customized state – BPMcfCls1ZI-00127-00061783-00062183 you can do that from this dropdown too. BPMcfCls1ZI-00128-00062373-00062809 In general, the default Maya Classic workspace is your one-stop shop for everything, BPMcfCls1ZI-00129-00062810-00063173 and the one you’ll see most often in tutorials as well. BPMcfCls1ZI-00130-00063243-00063649 So hopefully now you feel a bit more at home in the Maya UI. BPMcfCls1ZI-00131-00063650-00064116 You can check the description below for other helpful UI topics in the Maya help. BPMcfCls1ZI-00132-00064116-00064466 or if you’re ready to move on, I suggest checking out the videos BPMcfCls1ZI-00133-00064466-00064796 in our Intro to Maya course. BWkKwT802ZQ-00000-00000608-00001234 Questioner: Namaskaram Sadhguru. You always talk about how one should be… BWkKwT802ZQ-00001-00001234-00001504 I wanted to know, what does it take in a person BWkKwT802ZQ-00002-00001504-00002210 and what can one person do to instill a quality of absolute intensity BWkKwT802ZQ-00003-00002210-00002542 but at the same time be absolutely relaxed? BWkKwT802ZQ-00004-00002542-00002952 Sadhguru: This question comes from a certain fundamental misunderstanding, BWkKwT802ZQ-00005-00002952-00003279 which is all over the place is BWkKwT802ZQ-00006-00003279-00003758 -right now, most people are made like this, BWkKwT802ZQ-00007-00003758-00004494 if I ask you to be intense, you become tense. BWkKwT802ZQ-00008-00004494-00005040 If I ask you to relax, you become lax. BWkKwT802ZQ-00009-00005040-00005880 In tension and in laxity, your ability to perceive is greatly reduced. Isn't it so? BWkKwT802ZQ-00010-00005880-00006022 Yes or no? Participants: Yes. BWkKwT802ZQ-00011-00006022-00006518 Sadhguru: When you're tense, you don't even see things which are right in front of you. BWkKwT802ZQ-00012-00006518-00006923 When you're lax, also you do not see. BWkKwT802ZQ-00013-00006923-00007500 But, to be intense and relaxed is the way. BWkKwT802ZQ-00014-00007500-00007842 Right now, Subhiksha asked this question, BWkKwT802ZQ-00015-00007842-00008014 “Why the snake?” BWkKwT802ZQ-00016-00008014-00008376 If you spend little time with a cobra, BWkKwT802ZQ-00017-00008376-00009176 you will see, it is always intense and relaxed, always BWkKwT802ZQ-00018-00009176-00009414 – very intense and relaxed. BWkKwT802ZQ-00019-00009414-00009896 Only when its life is threatened, it may become little tense. BWkKwT802ZQ-00020-00009896-00010244 You can allow that much for a reptile, okay? BWkKwT802ZQ-00021-00010244-00010790 But otherwise, it's very intense and relaxed at the same time. BWkKwT802ZQ-00022-00010790-00011312 This is the quality of a yogi – intense and relaxed. BWkKwT802ZQ-00023-00011312-00011502 You got to work at it. BWkKwT802ZQ-00024-00011502-00011976 When I say you got to work at it, everything that's being taught to you, BWkKwT802ZQ-00025-00011976-00012340 whatever the practice, however simple it looks, BWkKwT802ZQ-00026-00012340-00012794 if you give yourself, that’s what it is doing to you on one level. BWkKwT802ZQ-00027-00012794-00013168 The voltage of your energy is slowly being raised, BWkKwT802ZQ-00028-00013168-00013710 at the same time it is becoming more and more relaxed within you, BWkKwT802ZQ-00029-00013710-00014413 because intensity and relaxation are the most essential qualities for you to be perceptive. BWkKwT802ZQ-00030-00014413-00014704 Why am I going on talking about perception is, BWkKwT802ZQ-00031-00014704-00015213 only what you perceive you know, rest is all nonsense. BWkKwT802ZQ-00032-00015213-00016266 You can believe this and that but essentially, only what you perceive, you know. Yes? BWkKwT802ZQ-00033-00016266-00016876 At least you should know when you are getting into trouble. BWkKwT802ZQ-00034-00016876-00017298 Yes? Most people do not know. BWkKwT802ZQ-00035-00017298-00017564 Most people do not know when they're getting into trouble. BWkKwT802ZQ-00036-00017564-00017908 They think only life situations are trouble. BWkKwT802ZQ-00037-00017908-00018114 Life situations are situations BWkKwT802ZQ-00038-00018114-00018400 – some we know how to handle, some we do not know how to handle, BWkKwT802ZQ-00039-00018400-00018956 some we handle well, some we handle in a ham-handed way, something we do. BWkKwT802ZQ-00040-00018956-00019528 But if you do not know how to handle this (Gestures) and this (Gestures), you are in real trouble. BWkKwT802ZQ-00041-00019528-00019756 But most people don't get it. BWkKwT802ZQ-00042-00019756-00019918 It happened. BWkKwT802ZQ-00043-00019918-00020844 A missionary went to a very remote part of Africa three centuries ago. BWkKwT802ZQ-00044-00020844-00021848 So, he was surrounded by a very violent-looking cannibal tribe. BWkKwT802ZQ-00045-00021848-00022638 Then he went down on his knees, looked up and said, “Dear god, I am in trouble.” BWkKwT802ZQ-00046-00022638-00022748 Nothing happened. BWkKwT802ZQ-00047-00022748-00023756 Then he said, “God, I came on your work and I'm in real trouble. You're doing nothing!” BWkKwT802ZQ-00048-00023756-00024708 Then god said, “No, you're not in trouble. Do one thing. BWkKwT802ZQ-00049-00024708-00025474 You just pick up that stone, which is in front of you, and smash the head of the cannibal chief.” BWkKwT802ZQ-00050-00025474-00026202 He picked up the stone, inspired by god’s words and smashed the head of the cannibal chief. BWkKwT802ZQ-00051-00026202-00027450 Then god said, “Okay, now you are in trouble” (Laughter/Applause). BWkKwT802ZQ-00052-00027450-00027976 Something happened, something did not happen in your life, that's not trouble. BWkKwT802ZQ-00053-00027976-00028222 When you don't know what's happening within you, BWkKwT802ZQ-00054-00028222-00028808 you are in real trouble (Laughs) -lifetimes of trouble, believe me. BWZwy4b3mr4-00000-00000032-00001000 hello good day my friends today we will do a light experiment all that we need is a plate BWZwy4b3mr4-00001-00001320-00001592 a fully wood napkin BWZwy4b3mr4-00002-00001712-00001784 a candle BWZwy4b3mr4-00003-00002023-00002712 and a lighter to flame the candle and don't forget the empty cup this is the most important thing BWZwy4b3mr4-00004-00002952-00004384 now we will flame the candle BWZwy4b3mr4-00005-00004480-00004752 and little let it to flame a little BWZwy4b3mr4-00006-00005024-00005784 now we will put that in the cup the integral BWZwy4b3mr4-00007-00005864-00006040 and then give it a press BWZwy4b3mr4-00008-00006544-00006776 now i'll try to carry the cup BWZwy4b3mr4-00009-00006984-00007888 oh my god could you believe this the cup is carrying this as a plate how impossible is this BWZwy4b3mr4-00010-00008008-00009200 i'll try to put some weight could you imagine this it's not falling let's try to put some more weight BWZwy4b3mr4-00011-00009768-00010736 it doesn't fall i couldn't believe this thank you so much BZqL5zhruKg-00000-00001359-00001499 Punjabi BdiC7o-Ci7Q-00000-00000000-00000176 Leo August 2019 Horoscope Bg2QGWQTtvE-00000-00000184-00000384 Hello and welcome Bg2QGWQTtvE-00001-00000698-00000898 Here we are on February 27 Bg2QGWQTtvE-00002-00001476-00001676 Bees out of the hive so Bg2QGWQTtvE-00003-00002168-00002368 But do not go without a job Bg2QGWQTtvE-00004-00003072-00003272 It will show a little bee pollen Bg2QGWQTtvE-00005-00003897-00004098 But it's not natural pollen Bg2QGWQTtvE-00006-00004700-00004900 Let's see what brings bee Bg2QGWQTtvE-00007-00005066-00005266 Here each out Bg2QGWQTtvE-00008-00005840-00006040 It will show splendor of bees to work Bg2QGWQTtvE-00009-00006184-00006384 They are working Here Bg2QGWQTtvE-00010-00006412-00006612 It works very well Bg2QGWQTtvE-00011-00007009-00007209 Here I put yeast Bg2QGWQTtvE-00012-00007544-00007744 Soy flour and milk powder Bg2QGWQTtvE-00013-00008490-00008690 This bee hive is not yet Bg2QGWQTtvE-00014-00008952-00009152 Do not put beehives filled these containers Bg2QGWQTtvE-00015-00009596-00009796 I apologize for the dog but guard Bg2QGWQTtvE-00016-00010580-00010780 Now we head towards the second container Bg2QGWQTtvE-00017-00011128-00011328 bees collect Bg2QGWQTtvE-00018-00011532-00011732 I put yeast Bg2QGWQTtvE-00019-00012020-00012220 And bring a little milk powder Bg2QGWQTtvE-00020-00013018-00013218 here I put a tray Bg2QGWQTtvE-00021-00013791-00013991 Start here was that Bg2QGWQTtvE-00022-00014100-00014300 I put because it was crowded Bg2QGWQTtvE-00023-00014852-00015052 so began the work of bees Bg2QGWQTtvE-00024-00015654-00015854 two years ago I made a film Bg2QGWQTtvE-00025-00016330-00016530 it was just a box now there are many boxes Bg2QGWQTtvE-00026-00017092-00017292 Now there are several crates Bg2QGWQTtvE-00027-00017292-00017484 apiary in development Bg2QGWQTtvE-00028-00017752-00017952 and go to a bee entrance Bg2QGWQTtvE-00029-00018420-00018620 Bees come here Bg2QGWQTtvE-00030-00018744-00018944 with pollen on the legs Bg2QGWQTtvE-00031-00019364-00019564 it goes hive Bg2QGWQTtvE-00032-00019868-00020068 wherever needed Bg2QGWQTtvE-00033-00021296-00021496 Bees are now more Bg2QGWQTtvE-00034-00022420-00022620 and continue with the video to see what's the problem Bg2QGWQTtvE-00035-00022904-00023104 Bees carry pollen further Bg2QGWQTtvE-00036-00024364-00024564 Bee pollen so replacer feed Bg-px7vvttU-00000-00000003-00000372 Hey gang, it's five comics FTW for the win Bg-px7vvttU-00001-00000373-00001142 So let's get it on! Number five! GI Joe: a Real American Hero issue two with a Jay Scott Campbell cover. Bg-px7vvttU-00002-00001142-00001367 I don't know what's wrong-er about this cover... Bg-px7vvttU-00003-00001367-00002015 the fact that Destro's hand, holding Cobra Commander's hood is supposed to go in front of the logo not behind it, or the fact that Bg-px7vvttU-00004-00002026-00002513 Baroness is wearing a winter coat over her hot taught leather-clad bod! Number four! Bg-px7vvttU-00005-00002533-00002693 Here's 52 week nine Bg-px7vvttU-00006-00002693-00003116 the first cameo of bat woman in costume the Bg-px7vvttU-00007-00003157-00003507 first cameo first cover in costume first full appearance in costume Bg-px7vvttU-00008-00003507-00003843 It gets very confusing which is probably why this was sitting in the two dollar box Bg-px7vvttU-00009-00003843-00004409 cuz anyone who would notice it and start scrolling through the key collector app would run out of battery before they got through all the Bg-px7vvttU-00010-00004410-00004869 Batwoman entries number three, here's transformers number two from dream wave Bg-px7vvttU-00011-00004869-00005528 Not long before this came out my local news station interviewed Pat Lee in the dream wave guys about self-publishing transformers Bg-px7vvttU-00012-00005528-00006074 and I don't know if it was their goof but the reporters voiceover was saying and they studied the cartoons to make sure they get Bg-px7vvttU-00013-00006075-00006770 The designs accurate but they were showing them in front of a TV watching Gobots number two. Here's Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder Bg-px7vvttU-00014-00006825-00007394 Number seven with a nice Jim Lee cover with Batman a Black Canary each taking on at least a pair of jugs Bg-px7vvttU-00015-00007395-00007895 I mean thugs I'm not distracted by a costume and if you look closely she's knocking out the bad guys teeth Bg-px7vvttU-00016-00007898-00008129 I mean teeth I'm not distracted by her costume Bg-px7vvttU-00017-00008129-00008462 Nope, not distracted by her costume or the way, she's looking right at me Bg-px7vvttU-00018-00008464-00009080 Like I'm the next one to get a be the rule and number one war GI Joe and transformers Bg-px7vvttU-00019-00009081-00009476 It's GI, Joe versus Transformers number one with another nice J. Scott Campbell cover Bg-px7vvttU-00020-00009477-00009908 Will Megatron looks mad at Cobra Commander for holding a Megatron look-alike gun? He must be thinking Bg-px7vvttU-00021-00009910-00010236 We'll see who grips and fingers who yes Bg-px7vvttU-00022-00010239-00010775 That's five comics for the win and what am I trying to win comics addictions contests? Bg-px7vvttU-00023-00010775-00010959 He wants you to show any five comics Bg-px7vvttU-00024-00010959-00011204 You like sub to Tony Toth and shout out to Bg-px7vvttU-00025-00011254-00011795 Youtubers under a hundred subscribers it all shoutout comics fan for life and comic flip Bg-px7vvttU-00026-00011796-00012318 I'll have their links in the description and I'll have comics addictions link in the description and at the end of the video and Bg-px7vvttU-00027-00012325-00012956 Ironically, I just talked about how god-awful my local flea market is yet. I bought four of these comics here last week Bg-px7vvttU-00028-00012956-00013674 He had three cheap boxes and to price short boxes and a little advice for this guy. Don't bother bringing comics priced at Bg-px7vvttU-00029-00013796-00014127 $199 where you can barely sell for cheap comics to me Bj0qAHKP4rU-00000-00000000-00000588 Click on SUBSCRIBE Bj0qAHKP4rU-00001-00015060-00016138 PLEASE SUBSCRIB OUR CHANNEL BjDTqDQFMkU-00000-00000599-00001271 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00001-00001271-00002666 Sayyidi what's the difference between the fire of knowledge versus the fire of hell? BjDTqDQFMkU-00002-00002666-00003221 The fire of knowledge or the fire of hell. BjDTqDQFMkU-00003-00003221-00004180 The fires of reality is that to enter into the Divinely fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00004-00004180-00005212 One - the sun to dress you or one - the sun to burn you, but both of them have a reality. BjDTqDQFMkU-00005-00005212-00005579 So it means that how much we take from the sun? BjDTqDQFMkU-00006-00005579-00006260 We take our vision, photosynthesis, we take our breath, photosynthesis, we take all our BjDTqDQFMkU-00007-00006260-00007045 life on this Earth because of the sunlight and at the same time if for some reason you BjDTqDQFMkU-00008-00007045-00007698 don't have the proper vehicle and you're cast into the sun, it will burn you. BjDTqDQFMkU-00009-00007698-00008023 So everything has a reality and an approach. BjDTqDQFMkU-00010-00008023-00008418 So we already described in the talk. BjDTqDQFMkU-00011-00008418-00008914 That if you're coming with your bags trying to get into the heavens, so what happened BjDTqDQFMkU-00012-00008914-00009474 to Bani Israel when Nabi Musa (as) was telling them, ‘Look we got to leave Fir’aun (Pharaoh), BjDTqDQFMkU-00013-00009474-00009914 we got to leave this world and we have to go to the Promised Land.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00014-00009914-00010521 For 40 years he dealt with Fir’aun and each time his people were tortured because they BjDTqDQFMkU-00015-00010521-00011061 really weren't ready for the Promised Land and when they finally after 40 years of torture BjDTqDQFMkU-00016-00011061-00011692 from Pharaoh and he convinced finally to set off to the Promised Land, they took all their BjDTqDQFMkU-00017-00011692-00012421 possessions, they took all their gold, all their furniture, everything loaded on camels BjDTqDQFMkU-00018-00012421-00012614 to go to the Promised Land. BjDTqDQFMkU-00019-00012614-00013091 That's why they were running so slow that Fir’aun caught up to them and Nabi Musa BjDTqDQFMkU-00020-00013091-00013905 (as) had to open the sea just to get them to pass safely. BjDTqDQFMkU-00021-00013905-00014173 Means they didn't want to give up the possessions. BjDTqDQFMkU-00022-00014173-00014883 If you're going to the Promised Land, you don't need the possessions but if your material BjDTqDQFMkU-00023-00014883-00015619 desire is so strong then Promised Land is what for you? BjDTqDQFMkU-00024-00015619-00016082 And again, they even took all their gold and when Nabi Musa (as) went up to the mountain BjDTqDQFMkU-00025-00016082-00016854 to spend time with Allah (AJ), they fashioned their gold into a cow to worship it. BjDTqDQFMkU-00026-00016854-00017533 On the way to the Promised Land, already been saved from the parting of the sea, they're BjDTqDQFMkU-00027-00017533-00017960 on the side of the Promised Land now and in the Promised Land BjDTqDQFMkU-00028-00017960-00018179 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. BjDTqDQFMkU-00029-00018179-00018289 It’s Shaykh Nurjan. BjDTqDQFMkU-00030-00018289-00018590 Thank you for watching the video that you’re watching. BjDTqDQFMkU-00031-00018590-00019129 InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and happy with these programs please support BjDTqDQFMkU-00032-00019129-00019229 the button below. BjDTqDQFMkU-00033-00019229-00019781 The programs that we have for our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift BjDTqDQFMkU-00034-00019781-00019890 of life. BjDTqDQFMkU-00035-00019890-00020781 Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and many programs BjDTqDQFMkU-00036-00020781-00021657 that reach thousands of people and rescue foods and give those supplies to people in BjDTqDQFMkU-00037-00021657-00021757 need. BjDTqDQFMkU-00038-00021757-00021857 Your support is greatly appreciated. BjDTqDQFMkU-00039-00021857-00022360 Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments and please share the stream. BjDTqDQFMkU-00040-00022360-00022501 Every bit counts. BjDTqDQFMkU-00041-00022501-00023089 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. BjDTqDQFMkU-00042-00023089-00023382 they're building a golden calf to worship. BjDTqDQFMkU-00043-00023382-00023995 Again, Allah (AJ) is showing, ‘Look these people their desire not changing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00044-00023995-00024477 They want their material desire here, it's not going to work.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00045-00024477-00025154 So Allah (AJ) inspired them - build it, opened the Earth and swallowed them all up in it. BjDTqDQFMkU-00046-00025154-00025948 But the rule of it is then this desire has to be cut, these understandings have to be BjDTqDQFMkU-00047-00025948-00026687 cut and the servant has to yearn for this Divinely love to move into the Divinely Presence. BjDTqDQFMkU-00048-00026687-00027306 When they move with love into the Presence and slow and gradually Allah (AJ) will prune BjDTqDQFMkU-00049-00027306-00027939 out what's not necessary in life, the relationships not necessary, the things and people, possessions BjDTqDQFMkU-00050-00027939-00028768 that are not necessary, Allah (AJ) take them away and in the end they are in the condition BjDTqDQFMkU-00051-00028768-00029091 Allah (AJ) wants them in. BjDTqDQFMkU-00052-00029091-00029616 With somebody coming cold into the situation with all their goods, it's going to seem like BjDTqDQFMkU-00053-00029616-00029737 a fire for them. BjDTqDQFMkU-00054-00029737-00030327 If they have to be cleaned in a grave with all the possessions, all the garbage that BjDTqDQFMkU-00055-00030327-00030888 people brought into this life with no cleaning, no cleansing, no, no purification and they BjDTqDQFMkU-00056-00030888-00031375 go straight into the grave, can you imagine how horrific that must be just to separate BjDTqDQFMkU-00057-00031375-00031664 people from that. BjDTqDQFMkU-00058-00031664-00032282 So the understanding of hell is what people put upon themself and how to separate that BjDTqDQFMkU-00059-00032282-00032675 and to clean them and return them to a state of purity. BjDTqDQFMkU-00060-00032675-00033216 So I see people who tattoo themselves all over themselves. BjDTqDQFMkU-00061-00033216-00033316 Right? BjDTqDQFMkU-00062-00033316-00033703 And then they have remorse. BjDTqDQFMkU-00063-00033703-00034406 Then they show the guy lasering off his tattoos, screaming more painful than when he got the BjDTqDQFMkU-00064-00034406-00034531 tattoo. BjDTqDQFMkU-00065-00034531-00034908 Isn't that ironic? BjDTqDQFMkU-00066-00034908-00035438 That he took a certain amount of pain to put the tattoo on but he said it was more painful BjDTqDQFMkU-00067-00035438-00035869 to burn it off and it's not even completely burned off. BjDTqDQFMkU-00068-00035869-00036410 As a sign for them that - you know these things have a penalty. BjDTqDQFMkU-00069-00036410-00036965 If burning it off on Earth is that painful, if Allah (AJ) has to do the laser surgery BjDTqDQFMkU-00070-00036965-00037463 in the grave because you're not going up there like that, what do you think it's going to BjDTqDQFMkU-00071-00037463-00037709 be like? BjDTqDQFMkU-00072-00037709-00038059 So everything is real, everything has its proof on this Earth. BjDTqDQFMkU-00073-00038059-00038400 You want to mark yourself here, no problem you'll have remorse when you can't get a good BjDTqDQFMkU-00074-00038400-00038916 job and you look like a gangster and a… like a cult member, then you have to burn BjDTqDQFMkU-00075-00038916-00039145 it off and it burns and it's painful here. BjDTqDQFMkU-00076-00039145-00039559 Imagine when Allah (AJ) says, ‘You know I love you, I want to give you a beautiful BjDTqDQFMkU-00077-00039559-00040056 paradise, we got to take those off.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00078-00040056-00040659 So everything, everything has its symbol on this Earth and this reality upon this Earth. BjDTqDQFMkU-00079-00040659-00042179 We pray that Allah (AJ) give us the wisdom to understand it, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00080-00042179-00042547 As salaamu alaykum Shaykh Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00081-00042547-00043190 When you become the fire, do you lose all sense of self? BjDTqDQFMkU-00082-00043190-00043669 Is that a question or a statement? BjDTqDQFMkU-00083-00043669-00044276 Question You lose your sense of self? BjDTqDQFMkU-00084-00044276-00045022 These are haal (spiritual state) and experiences that somebody may go through but the per... BjDTqDQFMkU-00085-00045022-00045462 you cannot be in a Perpetual state of the fire but what they're teaching is that in BjDTqDQFMkU-00086-00045462-00045884 your meditation and the khashf (spiritual state) when Allah (AJ) wants to unveil at BjDTqDQFMkU-00087-00045884-00046538 times or in their experiences they go through a haal and an experience that the fire and BjDTqDQFMkU-00088-00046538-00047137 they enter into a Divine love and they enter into that oneness of Divine love and they BjDTqDQFMkU-00089-00047137-00047431 feel the flame of that love. BjDTqDQFMkU-00090-00047431-00048074 So it's not something that can be put into words and not to be understood until they BjDTqDQFMkU-00091-00048074-00048643 experience that but they feel the burning of what we're talking about walking into the BjDTqDQFMkU-00092-00048643-00048743 flame. BjDTqDQFMkU-00093-00048743-00049053 Once they're in the flame that has its own experience … “Bardan wa Salaman” - they BjDTqDQFMkU-00094-00049053-00049577 feel a Divine love and ishq and the whole world may be spinning around them but when BjDTqDQFMkU-00095-00049577-00050132 they're in that flame of Divine love, Allah (AJ) stabilizes them. BjDTqDQFMkU-00096-00050132-00050628 No matter what's going on, on the outside, Allah (AJ) holds them to be stable and they BjDTqDQFMkU-00097-00050628-00051146 find that to be cool and peaceful no matter what is happening on the outside. BjDTqDQFMkU-00098-00051146-00051575 But entering into the flame is where people are having difficulties. BjDTqDQFMkU-00099-00051575-00051963 Where you know yelling, screaming... BjDTqDQFMkU-00100-00051963-00052476 all these different things that happen and in jobs and works, whatever the testing is, BjDTqDQFMkU-00101-00052476-00052808 walking into it is where they're having the difficulty. BjDTqDQFMkU-00102-00052808-00053388 Once they entered into it and Allah (AJ) gave them a support in which to sustain then it's BjDTqDQFMkU-00103-00053388-00053633 Allah's (AJ) cool and peacefulness. BjDTqDQFMkU-00104-00053633-00054267 Means that their love for Prophet ﷺ dresses them and is their great stabilizer that keeps BjDTqDQFMkU-00105-00054267-00054519 them upright. BjDTqDQFMkU-00106-00054519-00054770 So they show like these coast guard boats. BjDTqDQFMkU-00107-00054770-00055320 Most boats if you hit them with a wave, they flip upside-down, that's it, everybody's in BjDTqDQFMkU-00108-00055320-00055420 the ocean. BjDTqDQFMkU-00109-00055420-00055782 But those boats that have been reinforced for that purpose, the coast guard boat, they BjDTqDQFMkU-00110-00055782-00056185 keep flipping and it keeps coming back up, they flip it, it keeps coming back up. BjDTqDQFMkU-00111-00056185-00056932 So means Allah (AJ) will design them and begin to sanctify them and each... whichever way BjDTqDQFMkU-00112-00056932-00057535 they're twisted, they keep coming back up, inshaAllah and that has its own reality. BjDTqDQFMkU-00113-00057535-00058282 But walking into the flame that's the poetry, ‘Like a moth enter the fire and it will BjDTqDQFMkU-00114-00058282-00058382 burn everything.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00115-00058382-00058989 So if you see little moths for some reason they are very attracted to candles and they BjDTqDQFMkU-00116-00058989-00059338 don't even think that, ‘Hey if I go any closer, I’m going to burn.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00117-00059338-00059746 And most times they go in and they actually begin to burn from the fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00118-00059746-00060236 But like a moth to the flame we have to have that love for the Divine. BjDTqDQFMkU-00119-00060236-00060957 I would imagine that is a symbol of why that creature acts like that, so that they have BjDTqDQFMkU-00120-00060957-00061416 a symbol of this love so that people can watch and say, ‘If that creature can do that, BjDTqDQFMkU-00121-00061416-00062007 I’m sure I think I can do that,’ and that's our lives in which we want to be proactive BjDTqDQFMkU-00122-00062007-00062377 and walk towards our destiny and our protection. BjDTqDQFMkU-00123-00062377-00062629 What's coming on Earth is worse though. BjDTqDQFMkU-00124-00062629-00063179 Before people didn't have to choose but now the devils are telling you they're coming BjDTqDQFMkU-00125-00063179-00063333 after people. BjDTqDQFMkU-00126-00063333-00063533 You know sorcerers are coming after people. BjDTqDQFMkU-00127-00063533-00063988 What they have in store for people is far more difficult. BjDTqDQFMkU-00128-00063988-00064438 So the ones whom are proactive they understand that and they say, ‘It's better that I fix BjDTqDQFMkU-00129-00064438-00065040 myself, sanctify myself before people whom have no mercy in their hearts are planning BjDTqDQFMkU-00130-00065040-00065369 on whatever they're planning,’ inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00131-00065369-00066201 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam BjDTqDQFMkU-00132-00066201-00066764 InshaAllah even the people who had faith and protection that these tornadoes had nothing BjDTqDQFMkU-00133-00066764-00067087 to do with them. BjDTqDQFMkU-00134-00067087-00067482 So these are very, very, very powerful teachings. BjDTqDQFMkU-00135-00067482-00067926 That when you do the zikr (Divine remembrance), you play the zikr and these things that come BjDTqDQFMkU-00136-00067926-00068349 into these areas, the jinn (unseen beings) and the Jann. BjDTqDQFMkU-00137-00068349-00068688 Not even jinn, Jann that are over a 100 feet in height. BjDTqDQFMkU-00138-00068688-00069119 They'll come to the house of that servant and immediately put a protection all around BjDTqDQFMkU-00139-00069119-00069613 them that anything coming won't even dare come into that vicinity. BjDTqDQFMkU-00140-00069613-00070186 So these are not something that can be understood by people but it's a reward for people who BjDTqDQFMkU-00141-00070186-00070569 have faith and they put their action with their faith is. BjDTqDQFMkU-00142-00070569-00070976 You know they're committed, their faith is not tongue, only by tongue. BjDTqDQFMkU-00143-00070976-00071264 It's by they committed their heart with faith. BjDTqDQFMkU-00144-00071264-00071739 Allah (AJ) has many tools and things available. BjDTqDQFMkU-00145-00071739-00072194 So these tornadoes, these other things that people are extremely frightened of is nothing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00146-00072194-00072681 If Allah (AJ) send one of his servants to guard them, they’re Jann, they’re a hundred BjDTqDQFMkU-00147-00072681-00073216 feet in height and they merely just stand there because these other ones are just coming BjDTqDQFMkU-00148-00073216-00073358 and traveling back and forth. BjDTqDQFMkU-00149-00073358-00073951 There's nothing in comparison to these very huge beings and they can protect an entire BjDTqDQFMkU-00150-00073951-00074051 area. BjDTqDQFMkU-00151-00074051-00074902 Even if the servant is a strong believer, these tornadoes may be coming as Naqshbandis BjDTqDQFMkU-00152-00074902-00075521 and they start to follow them, they start to do zikrs around their vicinity. BjDTqDQFMkU-00153-00075521-00075662 So yeah these... BjDTqDQFMkU-00154-00075662-00076028 heavenly kingdom is full of might and majesty. BjDTqDQFMkU-00155-00076028-00076320 So it has its rewards for people who believe. BjDTqDQFMkU-00156-00076320-00076869 A time will come and their belief will be rewarded by the extent of what they see of BjDTqDQFMkU-00157-00076869-00077136 protection and realities. BjDTqDQFMkU-00158-00077136-00077738 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00159-00077738-00078435 Sayyidi how do we balance between planning for the future and living in the present? BjDTqDQFMkU-00160-00078435-00078996 Is it not important to plan for future in case we face difficult times? BjDTqDQFMkU-00161-00078996-00079704 Planning for the future has a limited plan. BjDTqDQFMkU-00162-00079704-00080019 Worrying about the future is what we're talking about. BjDTqDQFMkU-00163-00080019-00080373 So yeah, I think that, that should be clear. BjDTqDQFMkU-00164-00080373-00080725 When we talk everything is common sense. BjDTqDQFMkU-00165-00080725-00080906 So we're not extreme people. BjDTqDQFMkU-00166-00080906-00081307 So the question should be using your common sense. BjDTqDQFMkU-00167-00081307-00081747 When we talk about the future either you're worried about the future then you understand BjDTqDQFMkU-00168-00081747-00081887 what I talked about. BjDTqDQFMkU-00169-00081887-00082249 Planning for the future is like you say, ‘I’m not going to go get my groceries for tomorrow BjDTqDQFMkU-00170-00082249-00082644 because Allah (AJ) will send me,’ no you're going to starve to death. BjDTqDQFMkU-00171-00082644-00083010 You have to buy your groceries because you're going to be eating for the next week - that's BjDTqDQFMkU-00172-00083010-00083188 nothing to do with that. BjDTqDQFMkU-00173-00083188-00083575 Having to be fearful of the future, ‘How am I going to do it? BjDTqDQFMkU-00174-00083575-00083708 Where are my kids going to go to school? BjDTqDQFMkU-00175-00083708-00083808 How are we going to make our money? BjDTqDQFMkU-00176-00083808-00083999 How we're going to do all these things?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00177-00083999-00084543 And then they're so absorbed by their fear, they can't do anything. BjDTqDQFMkU-00178-00084543-00084662 And what are you fearful for? BjDTqDQFMkU-00179-00084662-00085170 The One who fed you today will feed you tomorrow if you're good and you're doing your practices, BjDTqDQFMkU-00180-00085170-00085289 so alhamdulillah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00181-00085289-00085705 But to daily do your planning, everyone has to plan in lives. BjDTqDQFMkU-00182-00085705-00086176 So don't worry about the past, you can't change it and definitely don't be scared of the future BjDTqDQFMkU-00183-00086176-00086412 - it's not in your hands. BjDTqDQFMkU-00184-00086412-00086631 But busy yourself today with good actions. BjDTqDQFMkU-00185-00086631-00087235 Go out and feed somebody, do your zikr, do your meditation, do your practices and tomorrow BjDTqDQFMkU-00186-00087235-00087359 should be a very blessed day. BjDTqDQFMkU-00187-00087359-00087837 If today you did the right thing tomorrow you should see its rewards, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00188-00087837-00088597 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00189-00088597-00088854 How to be more proactive rather than reactive? BjDTqDQFMkU-00190-00088854-00089454 How do we wake ourselves when we start becoming heedless? BjDTqDQFMkU-00191-00089454-00090017 Be a strong person and have discipline. BjDTqDQFMkU-00192-00090017-00090583 Means that you... your mindset is you make intention. BjDTqDQFMkU-00193-00090583-00091018 So we said before write down what you want. BjDTqDQFMkU-00194-00091018-00091262 Write your last chapter in life. BjDTqDQFMkU-00195-00091262-00091656 Everything that you want you have to write it so that it manifests. BjDTqDQFMkU-00196-00091656-00092063 Don't write notes of bad things. BjDTqDQFMkU-00197-00092063-00092597 Don't do journaling where you write all the bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad then all those BjDTqDQFMkU-00198-00092597-00092932 are going to manifest with horrific creatures. BjDTqDQFMkU-00199-00092932-00093362 But write the manifestation of what you're asking for. BjDTqDQFMkU-00200-00093362-00094051 What you write, you have to make an intention, look at it and every day work towards that BjDTqDQFMkU-00201-00094051-00094151 manifestation. BjDTqDQFMkU-00202-00094151-00094524 What do you want next year, what do you want in two years, what do you want in three years BjDTqDQFMkU-00203-00094524-00094794 and what's the last chapter of your life? BjDTqDQFMkU-00204-00094794-00095382 ‘I want to die a Naqshbandi death, the love of Prophet ﷺ, I want a lot of people at BjDTqDQFMkU-00205-00095382-00095757 my grave, I want people to remember, I want Allah (AJ) to be happy with me’ - write BjDTqDQFMkU-00206-00095757-00095931 your last chapter. BjDTqDQFMkU-00207-00095931-00096429 And that one you post on your wall so that you see it, like frame it, ‘This is the BjDTqDQFMkU-00208-00096429-00096643 last chapter of my life.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00209-00096643-00097078 And then next time you make a decision and you go for this or you go for that deal or BjDTqDQFMkU-00210-00097078-00097357 you go there and look at your chapter and say, ‘Oh my God I’m never going to reach BjDTqDQFMkU-00211-00097357-00097600 that chapter doing this’. BjDTqDQFMkU-00212-00097600-00098329 So that, that keeps the focus in life of how am I going to reach that last chapter. BjDTqDQFMkU-00213-00098329-00098576 And then the other one is the daily manifestation. BjDTqDQFMkU-00214-00098576-00098762 ‘What am I manifesting in one year? BjDTqDQFMkU-00215-00098762-00098976 Where do I expect to be spiritually? BjDTqDQFMkU-00216-00098976-00099193 What I want to manifest in my life?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00217-00099193-00099726 And then you try to work towards that goal so everything has to be understood and we BjDTqDQFMkU-00218-00099726-00099952 have to be focusing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00219-00099952-00100445 Imagine trying to make a building where you didn't draw what the building's looking like. BjDTqDQFMkU-00220-00100445-00100600 Right? BjDTqDQFMkU-00221-00100600-00101139 The people who manifest and architects and contractors, ‘What does the building look BjDTqDQFMkU-00222-00101139-00101239 like?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00223-00101239-00101339 ‘I have no idea’. BjDTqDQFMkU-00224-00101339-00101439 ‘How many feet is it?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00225-00101439-00101539 ‘I have no idea.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00226-00101539-00101639 ‘What are the floor is going to look like?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00227-00101639-00101739 ‘I have no idea’. BjDTqDQFMkU-00228-00101739-00102143 That would be the scariest building in the world to try to even live in because I don't BjDTqDQFMkU-00229-00102143-00102445 know how they built it, who built it, why they built it. BjDTqDQFMkU-00230-00102445-00102609 So our life is same thing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00231-00102609-00103094 You're trying to manifest your life which is most important thing in your existence. BjDTqDQFMkU-00232-00103094-00103647 Write it down what is it that you want to achieve, look at it, see if this is halal BjDTqDQFMkU-00233-00103647-00104072 (permissible), this is what Allah (AJ) wants and you write it all down and then every day, BjDTqDQFMkU-00234-00104072-00104441 ‘Ya Rabbi inshaAllah let this to be what's good for me.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00235-00104441-00104926 And the last chapter most important that this is going to be my death and this is what I BjDTqDQFMkU-00236-00104926-00105372 want for my death and what I had achieved to reach that death, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00237-00105372-00106153 Then we live a life in trying to accomplish that, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00238-00106153-00106528 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00239-00106528-00107224 Are the elements of nature – air, water, fire and earth portals or help in creating BjDTqDQFMkU-00240-00107224-00107340 portals? BjDTqDQFMkU-00241-00107340-00107835 The fire as portal for Nabi Musa (as), dajjal (man of deceit) having fire in one hand and BjDTqDQFMkU-00242-00107835-00108174 water in other and CERN is underground. BjDTqDQFMkU-00243-00108174-00108876 I don't know, that's kind of a push with different things, yeah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00244-00108876-00109117 But the portals we've done enough on the portals. BjDTqDQFMkU-00245-00109117-00109376 So we don’t want everyone say, ‘Okay is the paint a portal? BjDTqDQFMkU-00246-00109376-00109490 Is this a portal? BjDTqDQFMkU-00247-00109490-00109873 Is the banana a portal?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00248-00109873-00110094 Because everyone's gonna ask everything is a portal [Shaykh laughs]. BjDTqDQFMkU-00249-00110094-00110244 We did the portals enough. BjDTqDQFMkU-00250-00110244-00110809 Now we're in the flame so let's focus on the flame and the fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00251-00110809-00111003 So each element has to be mastered. BjDTqDQFMkU-00252-00111003-00111516 It was a good question but I don't want the next question coming about portals, so we BjDTqDQFMkU-00253-00111516-00111777 did the portals, we kind of burned that out. BjDTqDQFMkU-00254-00111777-00112425 But now in the reality of this cave - we're entering into a fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00255-00112425-00112980 So out of the element, and each element in your body has to be mastered. BjDTqDQFMkU-00256-00112980-00113528 Your water, so if you read the meditation book, it's in the meditation book your four BjDTqDQFMkU-00257-00113528-00113642 elements. BjDTqDQFMkU-00258-00113642-00114198 Your water is your angelic reality so you have to master your angelic reality. BjDTqDQFMkU-00259-00114198-00114408 Your water has to be clean. BjDTqDQFMkU-00260-00114408-00114925 Don't drink and don't eat anything that would make your water to be contaminated. BjDTqDQFMkU-00261-00114925-00115528 So when you take alcohol you kill the angelic reality within you because the truth and falsehood BjDTqDQFMkU-00262-00115528-00115651 they don't mix. BjDTqDQFMkU-00263-00115651-00116279 That's why the water of your reality is so angelic that it takes on whatever you put BjDTqDQFMkU-00264-00116279-00116379 on it. BjDTqDQFMkU-00265-00116379-00116928 It's clean, it's pure so if you throw garbage into it, it completely takes over the property BjDTqDQFMkU-00266-00116928-00117085 of that water. BjDTqDQFMkU-00267-00117085-00117708 If you throw something beatific upon it then they will multiply that beatific reality. BjDTqDQFMkU-00268-00117708-00118378 So if you drink zamzam in your water, it makes all your water to be zamzam and zamzam is BjDTqDQFMkU-00269-00118378-00118964 so angelic that they said if they put one drop of zamzam in water, it makes the entire BjDTqDQFMkU-00270-00118964-00119258 water zamzam. BjDTqDQFMkU-00271-00119258-00119646 That’s angelic reality of zamzan. BjDTqDQFMkU-00272-00119646-00120222 So pour a little bit of zamzam in water, it makes that whole water zamzam because those BjDTqDQFMkU-00273-00120222-00120464 are angels in that water. BjDTqDQFMkU-00274-00120464-00120941 When they get the zamzam water they say, ‘Ameen’ and they make the whole thing to be zamzam. BjDTqDQFMkU-00275-00120941-00121305 So this is an angelic reality of water. BjDTqDQFMkU-00276-00121305-00121907 The angelic reality or the reality of your dirt is your clay reality. BjDTqDQFMkU-00277-00121907-00122192 So your dirt reality should be grounded. BjDTqDQFMkU-00278-00122192-00122528 You have to be a grounded person. BjDTqDQFMkU-00279-00122528-00123152 So water and dirt can grow and that's why dirt is allowed to put out fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00280-00123152-00123304 Tayammum (act of dry ablution). BjDTqDQFMkU-00281-00123304-00123583 When you don't have water, get clean soil. BjDTqDQFMkU-00282-00123583-00124117 Get a little Tupperware from the beach, the sand where the no animal has done anything BjDTqDQFMkU-00283-00124117-00124846 on it or the Shia have a mohr in which they put their head from Karbala, the soil of Karbala. BjDTqDQFMkU-00284-00124846-00125450 You take that mohr like a soap and you put it in a thing and everywhere you go, you just BjDTqDQFMkU-00285-00125450-00126001 rub a little of the clean soil of Karbala and to purify yourself from fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00286-00126001-00126278 So dirt puts out fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00287-00126278-00126555 Water on dirt makes things to grow. BjDTqDQFMkU-00288-00126555-00127095 So then your physicality has to be clean, has to be grounded. BjDTqDQFMkU-00289-00127095-00127475 Then the fire is a difficult element. BjDTqDQFMkU-00290-00127475-00127717 The fire has to be controlled. BjDTqDQFMkU-00291-00127717-00128245 If you don't control your fiery nature then the shaitans (satans) and jinn enter into BjDTqDQFMkU-00292-00128245-00128601 the servant and make them to be very angry. BjDTqDQFMkU-00293-00128601-00129111 As a result their fire becomes out of control and they can’t control themselves. BjDTqDQFMkU-00294-00129111-00129522 If they can control their fire with the water of their wudu (ablution), that's why they're BjDTqDQFMkU-00295-00129522-00130305 continuously drinking good and making wudu and with the soil and the dirt element of BjDTqDQFMkU-00296-00130305-00130867 their body that is grounded and clean, as a result of the dirt and the water, their BjDTqDQFMkU-00297-00130867-00131167 fire nature will be brought down. BjDTqDQFMkU-00298-00131167-00131625 And that becomes then the fire of zeal to do and to conquer things, not the fire of BjDTqDQFMkU-00299-00131625-00131840 anger to burn like a volcano. BjDTqDQFMkU-00300-00131840-00132296 But they have an immense power and inner zeal to accomplish. BjDTqDQFMkU-00301-00132296-00132876 As a result of mastering these four elements, the element of Divine breath will enter into BjDTqDQFMkU-00302-00132876-00133522 the servant with the breath of God and that's when the air element is the breath of the BjDTqDQFMkU-00303-00133522-00133727 Divine upon them. BjDTqDQFMkU-00304-00133727-00134364 So the real Airbenders, Firebenders, all of these are the servants of God whom Allah (AJ) BjDTqDQFMkU-00305-00134364-00134979 give them a control over the elements within their being and their being is the most powerful BjDTqDQFMkU-00306-00134979-00136030 being created by God, if they open to what Allah (AJ) has wanted for them, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00307-00136030-00136695 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00308-00136695-00137155 Are there illusionary fires? BjDTqDQFMkU-00309-00137155-00137976 What's a illusionary fire? BjDTqDQFMkU-00310-00137976-00138363 Is there a non-heavenly fire? BjDTqDQFMkU-00311-00138363-00138652 Yeah, devils, shaitans. BjDTqDQFMkU-00312-00138652-00139248 Their fire deals… and their fiery shaitanic creatures, definitely. BjDTqDQFMkU-00313-00139248-00140149 And they say, ‘Well how shaitan can burn from fire if he's fire?’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00314-00140149-00140446 And that’s a different type of fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00315-00140446-00141385 So this fire of Heavens is a immensely powerful fire that will burn all fires. BjDTqDQFMkU-00316-00141385-00142169 The fire that they use of bad character and bad elements to harm and to harm people - that's BjDTqDQFMkU-00317-00142169-00142401 something from shayateen (devils). BjDTqDQFMkU-00318-00142401-00142559 So that's something different. BjDTqDQFMkU-00319-00142559-00142982 A Divinely fire is something that can't be understood. BjDTqDQFMkU-00320-00142982-00143843 But what the Guardians of realities they understand that, that Allah’s (AJ) fire is not like BjDTqDQFMkU-00321-00143843-00144087 any fire from this Earth. BjDTqDQFMkU-00322-00144087-00144563 It's a light and it's immensely heated light. BjDTqDQFMkU-00323-00144563-00145246 That's why it come upon the servant and they enter into an ecstasy but trying to move towards BjDTqDQFMkU-00324-00145246-00145530 that is very difficult. BjDTqDQFMkU-00325-00145530-00146083 So now people look at the sun and they think it's not approachable but that's incorrect. BjDTqDQFMkU-00326-00146083-00146485 Actually they can enter into the sun but they haven't the understanding of how. BjDTqDQFMkU-00327-00146485-00146585 Right? BjDTqDQFMkU-00328-00146585-00146969 From a distance they say, ‘Oh anything approach too close, you're going to burn.’ BjDTqDQFMkU-00329-00146969-00147265 Even our planet if it gets too close, it becomes heated. BjDTqDQFMkU-00330-00147265-00147577 But Allah (AJ) created a way to enter into that sun. BjDTqDQFMkU-00331-00147577-00148146 If you know the way to enter into the sun then “Qulna ya naaru, kunee Bardan wa Salaman” BjDTqDQFMkU-00332-00148146-00148557 and they enter in cool and peaceful into that fire. BjDTqDQFMkU-00333-00148557-00149164 And they even see now these ships entering into that they enter close into the sun and BjDTqDQFMkU-00334-00149164-00149554 they take the energy of its plasma and then they go. BjDTqDQFMkU-00335-00149554-00149906 So everything has a degree of knowledge. BjDTqDQFMkU-00336-00149906-00150116 We are not there yet. BjDTqDQFMkU-00337-00150116-00150377 But people on this Earth, same thing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00338-00150377-00150908 What they understand of something until they approach it, it can be very painful looking. BjDTqDQFMkU-00339-00150908-00151464 ‘Oh I don't want to … come to this purification and I don't want this process,’ but Allah BjDTqDQFMkU-00340-00151464-00152126 (AJ) as they begin to approach, makes it to be cool and peaceful for the servant and beatific BjDTqDQFMkU-00341-00152126-00152699 energies and beatific lights dress the servant as they approach that reality, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00342-00152699-00153329 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah BjDTqDQFMkU-00343-00153329-00153945 How to be accepting and peaceful with the pruning? BjDTqDQFMkU-00344-00153945-00154045 Sabr (patience). BjDTqDQFMkU-00345-00154045-00154145 “Tawasal bil haqqi wa tawasaw bis Sabr”. BjDTqDQFMkU-00346-00154145-00154712 How to have patience when Allah (AJ) is pruning you, cutting out things and that's why we BjDTqDQFMkU-00347-00154712-00154920 say everything is testing – imtihan. BjDTqDQFMkU-00348-00154920-00155151 That our life is about testing. BjDTqDQFMkU-00349-00155151-00155729 When we know and we confirm within ourselves - everything is a testing then we understand BjDTqDQFMkU-00350-00155729-00155967 that only God wants the best for me. BjDTqDQFMkU-00351-00155967-00156269 So what comes into my life it’s blessed. BjDTqDQFMkU-00352-00156269-00156746 What leaves my life, God didn't want it, didn't need it. BjDTqDQFMkU-00353-00156746-00157348 So it's all in His hands and that's when you understand that He only wants the best and BjDTqDQFMkU-00354-00157348-00157896 takes out what's not necessary but it requires patience because during that process there's BjDTqDQFMkU-00355-00157896-00158239 grief, there's sadness, there's all sorts of emotions. BjDTqDQFMkU-00356-00158239-00158534 The servant has to have all of the practices. BjDTqDQFMkU-00357-00158534-00159029 This way can't be accomplished if they don't meditate, they don't connect, they don't do BjDTqDQFMkU-00358-00159029-00159315 the salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), they don't attend the zikrs - these BjDTqDQFMkU-00359-00159315-00159509 are all the tools. BjDTqDQFMkU-00360-00159509-00159932 So when the person is just getting upset with everything and then they sit in the zikr, BjDTqDQFMkU-00361-00159932-00160184 they do their salawats, they do their muraqabah (spiritual connection). BjDTqDQFMkU-00362-00160184-00160287 What happens? BjDTqDQFMkU-00363-00160287-00160899 They feel a tranquillity come into their heart so that that test wasn't so difficult. BjDTqDQFMkU-00364-00160899-00161400 So these are the tools and the gifts that Allah (AJ) gave to us so that to make all BjDTqDQFMkU-00365-00161400-00161667 of this more possible and tolerable, inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00366-00161667-00162052 Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi BjDTqDQFMkU-00367-00162052-00162152 rabbil ‘aalameen. BjDTqDQFMkU-00368-00162152-00163521 Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. BjDTqDQFMkU-00369-00163521-00163973 MashAllah very good questions, thank you very much to everyone. BjDTqDQFMkU-00370-00163973-00164769 Alhamdulillah blessed month, blessed 12 days and even beyond many urs of the Naqshbandi BjDTqDQFMkU-00371-00164769-00165319 shaykhs that they went with an immense love to meet their Lord and to be in the presence BjDTqDQFMkU-00372-00165319-00165934 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, it was a great gift in their passing on such a holy month. BjDTqDQFMkU-00373-00165934-00166358 So Allah (AJ) made this month to be immensely powerful, immensely blessed. BjDTqDQFMkU-00374-00166358-00166896 We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us all, bless us all, by means of this holy month grant BjDTqDQFMkU-00375-00166896-00167363 all the prayers of what people are asking for, grant healing for all the people whom BjDTqDQFMkU-00376-00167363-00167499 are asking for their healings. BjDTqDQFMkU-00377-00167499-00168132 And that Allah (AJ) grant us all a najat - a salvation through this immense love and from BjDTqDQFMkU-00378-00168132-00168576 the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and save ourselves, our family and our communities, BjDTqDQFMkU-00379-00168576-00168676 inshaAllah. BjDTqDQFMkU-00380-00168676-00169023 Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. BjDTqDQFMkU-00381-00169023-00169290 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. BjDTqDQFMkU-00382-00169290-00169425 It’s Shaykh Nurjan. BjDTqDQFMkU-00383-00169425-00169735 Thank you for watching the video that you’re watching. BjDTqDQFMkU-00384-00169735-00170275 InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and happy with these programs please support BjDTqDQFMkU-00385-00170275-00170419 the button below. BjDTqDQFMkU-00386-00170419-00170926 The programs that we have for our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift BjDTqDQFMkU-00387-00170926-00171034 of life. BjDTqDQFMkU-00388-00171034-00171927 Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and many programs BjDTqDQFMkU-00389-00171927-00172802 that reach thousands of people and rescue foods and give those supplies to people in BjDTqDQFMkU-00390-00172802-00172902 need. BjDTqDQFMkU-00391-00172902-00173002 Your support is greatly appreciated. BjDTqDQFMkU-00392-00173002-00173505 Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments and please share the stream. BjDTqDQFMkU-00393-00173505-00173605 Every bit counts. BjDTqDQFMkU-00394-00173605-00173758 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. C3h-3BT99sU-00000-00000000-00000200 HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00000-00000000-00000426 We will have a real application from Brooks and how he has been using this tool. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00001-00000426-00000526 We will have a real application from Brooks and how he has been using this tool. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00002-00000526-00001526 Case study -- at this point I want to hand this over to Brooks to show us an example -- C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00003-00001526-00002643 a case and how we used the WQI in his area in California. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00004-00002643-00003476 My name is Brooks Englehardt, I'm with NRCS here in California. I work in Ventura County. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00005-00003476-00003973 It is located between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00006-00003973-00004823 There are about 92,000 acres of irrigated crop land that is primarily producing fresh market fruits and vegetables. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00007-00004823-00005459 The picture on the slide is one I took during one of my field visits overlooking the Santa Clara Valley. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00008-00005460-00005883 It shows you what the country looks like out here. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00009-00005883-00006373 We have a lot of orchards in the valley floor. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00010-00006373-00006856 Often times the workers will start to creep up the hillside -- C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00011-00006856-00007469 over the years I have primarily worked with farmers to develop conservation plans for hillside orchards. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00012-00007470-00008133 The primary concern that they usually have is controlling concentrated forms of soil erosion. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00013-00008133-00009459 Often times the conservation plans that we develop with the farmers are rolled into the EQIP program -- a technical assistance program. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00014-00009460-00010090 The farmers will often select some of the practices in that plan to enroll under the EQIP program. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00015-00010090-00010630 Due to the nature of this program and the limitation of some of the EQIP funds, we need to C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00016-00010630-00011366 evaluate each conservation plan to determine the significance of resource concerns addressed in the plans. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00017-00011366-00012303 We also need to determine which plans will result in having the greatest magnitude of impact on improving natural resource concerns. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00018-00012303-00012783 To the greatest extent possible, we try to quantify the effects of conservation practices on C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00019-00012783-00013173 each environmental resource concerns to be addressed. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00020-00013173-00013703 Sometimes we have a field tool to evaluate certain constituents. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00021-00013703-00014109 We also use computer models. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00022-00014110-00015140 With the introduction of the WQI, we have a new tool to assess some of the water quality aspects of the program. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00023-00015140-00015819 For this presentation I will discuss the use of the WQI in a citrus orchard. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00024-00015819-00016266 In Ventura county we live in the coastal area of California. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00025-00016266-00016509 We have a Mediterranean climate. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00026-00016510-00017013 The majority of the rainfall occurs during the late fall and winter months. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00027-00017013-00017209 The terrain is very hilly. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00028-00017210-00017553 Many soils are subject to erosion. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00029-00017553-00018106 With a combination of climate and terrain, accelerated soil erosion on agricultural lands is C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00030-00018106-00018423 one of the primary resource concerns we are faced with. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00031-00018423-00019283 This shows a topographic representation of the field I'm using for this study. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00032-00019283-00019633 You can see that it is pretty mountainous around here. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00033-00019633-00020009 Field I am looking at will be in this valley. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00034-00020010-00020503 It is a sloped land. This is a lemon orchard. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00035-00020503-00020963 The setting of the orchard is a mature lemon orchard. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00036-00020963-00021196 It is on loam soils. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00037-00021196-00021793 Slopes run from 5 to 9% on this section. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00038-00021793-00022906 There is minimal ground cover. In this photo you can see the bare soil in the alleys between the trees. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00039-00022906-00023216 It is irrigated on micro sprinkler irrigation. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00040-00023216-00023586 Micro sprinklers -- low-volume and low pressure. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00041-00023586-00024366 They are situated under the tree canopy and they try to keep the water in the root zone of the tree. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00042-00024366-00024556 The tree rows go up and down the slope. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00043-00024556-00025259 Now, off to the side here, these hillsides are a lot steeper and these trees are avocados. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00044-00025260-00025803 Down here, people planted these on the slopes. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00045-00025803-00026653 They are sensitive to Frost. If cold here hits, it drains down the hill. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00046-00026653-00027576 The resource concerns identified here -- there is a sheet and rill erosion which is estimated to be C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00047-00027576-00028383 greater than 6 tons per acre per year for the RUSLE 2, a soil prediction model. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00048-00028383-00029223 We also observed irrigation induced erosion, irrigation runoff and evidence of storm water runoff and sediment transport out of the field. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00049-00029223-00030116 The RUSLE 2 is a model that we use to estimate rates of sheet and rill erosion by rainfall on a per acre and annual basis. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00050-00030116-00030659 For this we sought to evaluate the water quality effects. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00051-00030660-00031226 In Ventura County sediment is a big issue. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00052-00031226-00031593 In this county it is one of the primary resource concerns. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00053-00031593-00032006 When the water quality Index to became available, we wanted to try using it. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00054-00032006-00032876 Remember, the water quality Index tool ranks them with a number on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best conditions. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00055-00032876-00033513 It considers physical factors of the field and some of the management factors. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00056-00033513-00034663 For the field the way it is in current management, they came up with a benchmark of 5.67. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00057-00034663-00035306 These are the parameters I selected for the tool. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00058-00035306-00035476 Slopes -- 5 to 10%. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00059-00035476-00036433 Notice that all of these soil factors -- the soil group and the erosion factor and organic matter -- I got this from the web soil survey. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00060-00036433-00036913 We also do some soil samples. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00061-00036913-00037986 For the vegetation I selected medium cover throughout the year to account for the tree canopy and also for pruning. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00062-00037986-00038256 Lemon trees are pruned on an annual basis. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00063-00038256-00039116 In this case, the farmer leaves the trimmings on the orchard floor and leave them in place. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00064-00039116-00039526 Some years the trees are pruned heavier than others. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00065-00039526-00040103 Some years we can get a lot of mulch out there and some years not very much. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00066-00040103-00041093 Also, for nitrogen and phosphorus I selected the synthetic fertilizers -- split application during the growing season. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00067-00041093-00041966 This farmer which is true for most orchards out here -- they fertilized the irrigation system. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00068-00041966-00043073 I selected Moist. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00069-00043073-00044139 What the farmer decided to do after this initial plan we developed he decided to do a cover crop. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00070-00044140-00045266 At this point in his career as a farmer, he has not tried a cover cropping is orchard yet. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00071-00045266-00046316 In the fall of 2012 he planted his first cover crop using a hand broadcast seeder and three or four guys. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00072-00046316-00047216 He was pretty pleased with the performance of the cover crop and he decided to plant more acres for fall 2013. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00073-00047216-00048203 By doing that he rigged up a mechanical broadcast seeder to go on the back of a 4- wheeler. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00074-00048203-00048796 There it you can see the orchards pretty well. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00075-00048796-00049223 In normal conditions it is bare. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00076-00049223-00049889 You can see the width. How much alley is exposed between the trees. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00077-00049890-00050200 We get a fair amount of runoff. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00078-00050200-00050873 He did some tillage to prepare the soil. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00079-00050873-00051269 The cover crop did really well and it was planted in November 2012. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00080-00051270-00051679 In March 2012 we had a good cover. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00081-00051679-00052126 In April 2013 we got a good seed crop. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00082-00052126-00052696 This cover crop was a cold season annual grass. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00083-00052696-00052963 They can just live on the rainfall we get here. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00084-00052963-00053473 In the winter of 2012 and 2013 this was a low rainfall year. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00085-00053473-00053649 We only got about 5.5 inches. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00086-00053650-00054029 Apparently it was enough to get the crop growing and it did well. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00087-00054029-00054753 I've been out there this year and he's got some plants coming back again this year, too. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00088-00054753-00055676 To sum this all up, when we do the evaluations of the field we look at the benchmark conditions and the planned conditions. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00089-00055676-00056323 On the water quality Index tool, considering the benchmark -- 5.67 -- C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00090-00056323-00057013 for the planned condition, this increased to 7.3. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00091-00057013-00057563 On the vegetation I changed the vegetation cover to high. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00092-00057563-00058436 This still account for the tree canopy, but now we have full cover in the alleys with cover crop. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00093-00058436-00059026 By doing vegetative coverage alone, the index only increased to 5.85 so I think the index C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00094-00059026-00059859 needs to realize we are doing a conservation practice so I selected conservation cover. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00095-00059860-00061156 In these allies, the cool season grasses a conservation cover to protect the soil. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00096-00061156-00061783 As a supplement or verification of the water quality, we ran the RUSLE again. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00097-00061783-00062473 The benchmark conditions for soil loss in RUSLE was was estimated at greater than 6 tons per acre per year. C7Q8CE9_BAQ-00098-00062473-00062913 The planned condition was down to less than 1 ton per acre. C9dNcx8cApM-00000-00000288-00000672 assalamualaikum i'm dr aisha khan and today we're gonna talk about C9dNcx8cApM-00001-00000672-00000976 the miraculous nature of prophecies of scientific discovery C9dNcx8cApM-00002-00001584-00002032 it's true that einstein's equations tell us that the universe is expanding C9dNcx8cApM-00003-00002032-00002616 this discovery surprised everyone four decades thereafter scientists thought the universe C9dNcx8cApM-00004-00002616-00003224 exploded out of the big bang and has been showing down ever since but they were wrong the universe's C9dNcx8cApM-00005-00003224-00003800 expansion has recently been speeding up this mysterious re-expansion has driven by what we C9dNcx8cApM-00006-00003800-00004544 call dark energy about five billion years ago this mysterious anti-gravity began pushing the universe C9dNcx8cApM-00007-00004544-00005784 outwards once more and we have built the heaven with might and we continue to expand it indeed C9dNcx8cApM-00008-00006064-00006672 i am dr aisha khan a reverted proud muslim and i'm here to share my experiences and to answer C9dNcx8cApM-00009-00006672-00007136 your questions kindly put up your questions in the comment box below and do not forget C9dNcx8cApM-00010-00007136-00007559 to like subscribe and share our youtube channel jazakallah CsBz4un5YyE-00000-00000032-00000605 I'm Kevin Heng, I'm a theoretical astrophysicist, who is interested in exoplanets, planets around CsBz4un5YyE-00001-00000605-00000869 other stars beyond our solar system. CsBz4un5YyE-00002-00000869-00001399 I'm currently a professor of astrophysics at the University of Bern and the director CsBz4un5YyE-00003-00001399-00001739 of the Center for Space and Habitability. CsBz4un5YyE-00004-00001739-00001901 My name is Jens Hoeijmakers. CsBz4un5YyE-00005-00001901-00002395 I’m from the Netherlands but I have worked at the Center for Space and Habitability at CsBz4un5YyE-00006-00002395-00003123 the University of Bern and the Observatory of Geneva for a little over a year. CsBz4un5YyE-00007-00003123-00003942 My interest is the study of the atmospheres of exoplanets, using very large telescopes CsBz4un5YyE-00008-00003942-00004204 that are spread out all over the world. CsBz4un5YyE-00009-00004204-00004834 What is special about the Exoplanet KELT-9b? CsBz4un5YyE-00010-00004834-00005244 KELT-9b is a very hot gas giant planet. CsBz4un5YyE-00011-00005244-00005903 You can imagen it as a planet that is somewhat similar as Jupiter in our solar system. CsBz4un5YyE-00012-00005903-00006373 But it is located very close to its host star. CsBz4un5YyE-00013-00006373-00006998 And that itself is not necessarily special, because we know of many planets that are like CsBz4un5YyE-00014-00006998-00007098 this. CsBz4un5YyE-00015-00007098-00007293 We call them hot Jupiters. CsBz4un5YyE-00016-00007293-00007636 But this planet is orbiting a particularly hot star as well. CsBz4un5YyE-00017-00007636-00008193 And that means that it is the hottest exoplanet that we know of exists today. CsBz4un5YyE-00018-00008434-00008778 What did you discover? CsBz4un5YyE-00019-00008842-00009480 So, what we have discovered in the atmosphere of KELT-9b is that it contains, in gaseous CsBz4un5YyE-00020-00009481-00010181 forms, heavy metals, such as iron, titanium, chromium and other heavy metals, that have CsBz4un5YyE-00021-00010181-00010590 never been observed in the atmosphere of a planet before. CsBz4un5YyE-00022-00010590-00011202 In the atmosphere of KELT-9b we have detected a number of heavy metals, and two of these CsBz4un5YyE-00023-00011202-00011618 are what we call rare-earth metals, Scandium and Yttrium. CsBz4un5YyE-00024-00011618-00011998 And these have not been observed in the atmosphere of any planet before. CsBz4un5YyE-00025-00012176-00012616 How did you make these discoveries? CsBz4un5YyE-00026-00012616-00013122 To study what the atmospheres of a planet is made of, astronomers make use of a technique CsBz4un5YyE-00027-00013122-00013302 called spectroscopy. CsBz4un5YyE-00028-00013302-00014109 So, the light from the exoplanets system will reach our telescope and the telescope, instead CsBz4un5YyE-00029-00014109-00014802 of making a picture, will feed the light into the instrument called spectrograph and the CsBz4un5YyE-00030-00014802-00015600 spectrograph acts to disperse the light into its individual colors, like a rainbow. CsBz4un5YyE-00031-00015600-00016324 Now this rainbow will tell us, how bright the object is, at each of its individual colors. CsBz4un5YyE-00032-00016324-00017187 But the material that is present in the planet, will absorb colors at very specific places. CsBz4un5YyE-00033-00017187-00017964 And for many atoms or species that can be a very complicated pattern of colors that CsBz4un5YyE-00034-00017964-00018064 it absorbs. CsBz4un5YyE-00035-00018064-00018348 You can think of that as some sort of a finger print. CsBz4un5YyE-00036-00018348-00019010 Every atom has its unique pattern of colors or its unique finger print that it absorbs. CsBz4un5YyE-00037-00019010-00019587 By passing the light through a spectrograph and seeing which colors it absorbs, we'll CsBz4un5YyE-00038-00019587-00020248 be able to distinguish which elements are present in the object, even if its many lightyears CsBz4un5YyE-00039-00020248-00020357 away. CsBz4un5YyE-00040-00020357-00020900 Why are these discoveries important? CsBz4un5YyE-00041-00020900-00021389 One of the reasons why are so interested, almost obsessed with this technique is because CsBz4un5YyE-00042-00021389-00021514 it is very general. CsBz4un5YyE-00043-00021514-00022200 It makes us think of molecules and atoms as finger prints of an exoplanet Once you accept CsBz4un5YyE-00044-00022200-00022606 that idea you can use it to search for anything you want. CsBz4un5YyE-00045-00022606-00023119 In the case of KELT-9b we searched for metals, but you can imagine that in the future, we CsBz4un5YyE-00046-00023119-00023354 could use it to search for biosignatures. CsBz4un5YyE-00047-00023354-00023745 So, signs of life in another exoplanet. CutzDCLWq8E-00000-00000026-00000228 Tamara : Can I Have A Peppermint? CutzDCLWq8E-00001-00000228-00000370 Tom : You Can Have A Peppermin- CutzDCLWq8E-00002-00000372-00000420 *LE GASP* CutzDCLWq8E-00003-00000420-00000638 Tamara : Thats Too Hot For Me CutzDCLWq8E-00004-00000638-00000704 *BLEH* CutzDCLWq8E-00005-00000704-00000754 Tom : Hey! CutzDCLWq8E-00006-00000754-00000826 Tamara : aAH- CutzDCLWq8E-00007-00000826-00001018 Tamara : I Dont Like The Peppermint.. CutzDCLWq8E-00008-00001018-00001150 Tom : You Dont Like The Pepper- CutzDCLWq8E-00009-00001150-00001202 N O CutzDCLWq8E-00010-00001202-00001426 Tamara : It's Too Spicy! CutzDCLWq8E-00011-00001426-00001666 Tom : WeLL wHy dId YOu Ask mE fOr A mInT? CxBAt3A0TkU-00000-00000719-00000868 [MUSIC] Hello I'm Neil thanks for clicking on this CxBAt3A0TkU-00001-00000868-00001402 video Usually I'm a tightwad dad trying to be happy CxBAt3A0TkU-00002-00001402-00002126 with what we've already got... but this week we have been homeschooling - home schooling? CxBAt3A0TkU-00003-00002126-00002604 - and I'll level with you it didn't go quite as brilliantly as I hoped it would. CxBAt3A0TkU-00004-00002924-00003397 [NEWS MUSIC] Good evening, all schools in the UK are to CxBAt3A0TkU-00005-00003397-00003602 close this week... CxBAt3A0TkU-00006-00004088-00004462 [MUSIC] [BORIS:] For many parents this will be frustrating, CxBAt3A0TkU-00007-00004462-00004880 and make it harder for them to go out, to work. CxBAt3A0TkU-00008-00005486-00005851 [MUSIC] [MUSIC] CxBAt3A0TkU-00009-00006362-00007006 Okay, so we're going round to granddad's to deliver some food CxBAt3A0TkU-00010-00007006-00007345 Just gotta check that we're two metres away... CxBAt3A0TkU-00011-00007345-00007489 What's the reading? CxBAt3A0TkU-00012-00007489-00007645 2 metres. CxBAt3A0TkU-00013-00007645-00007878 Oh, well done. CxBAt3A0TkU-00014-00007878-00008031 So we got, we got some food for you... CxBAt3A0TkU-00015-00008031-00008374 "Good advert for Tesco... CxBAt3A0TkU-00016-00008375-00008786 Awww, come on! CxBAt3A0TkU-00017-00008786-00009060 Got it!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00018-00009060-00009197 Success! CxBAt3A0TkU-00019-00009197-00009512 We fed, we've fed the old! CxBAt3A0TkU-00020-00009512-00009612 I'm supposed to be homeschooling them today so what... CxBAt3A0TkU-00021-00009612-00009712 "No, we're done now!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00022-00009712-00009812 What, no no no... CxBAt3A0TkU-00023-00009812-00009920 "But it's past 3:15!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00024-00009920-00010327 No no what did you do in the war? CxBAt3A0TkU-00025-00010327-00010812 What do you mean, "what did I do in the war?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00026-00010812-00010912 Nothing. CxBAt3A0TkU-00027-00010912-00011114 Alright, erm... no no the other one? CxBAt3A0TkU-00028-00011114-00011532 There must be, oh I know, the one in the Eighties? CxBAt3A0TkU-00029-00011532-00011774 "I was down the Bonehouse most nights..." CxBAt3A0TkU-00030-00011774-00011978 You writing all this down? CxBAt3A0TkU-00031-00011979-00012478 I can't remember, because I'm of that age. CxBAt3A0TkU-00032-00012478-00013078 Okay, well I think we've learned a lot from, from Grandad today, haven't we? CxBAt3A0TkU-00033-00013078-00013280 You didn't think these things through. CxBAt3A0TkU-00034-00013284-00013463 Alright, school's ended. CxBAt3A0TkU-00035-00013638-00013808 Well that went well. CxBAt3A0TkU-00036-00013812-00013969 "The greatest generation". CxBAt3A0TkU-00037-00013988-00014347 [MUSIC] [MUSIC] CxBAt3A0TkU-00038-00014363-00014638 Okay so the next lesson is problem-solving. CxBAt3A0TkU-00039-00014897-00015328 [Music] We've completely lost the hole in the ground CxBAt3A0TkU-00040-00015332-00015886 that we use for our clothes dryer It's just... ahh, it's here somewhere. CxBAt3A0TkU-00041-00015896-00016018 It's just healed up. CxBAt3A0TkU-00042-00016172-00016854 So I've got these sticks to divide up the ground, you know like when police forces search CxBAt3A0TkU-00043-00016854-00017028 for things in the woods... CxBAt3A0TkU-00044-00017166-00017256 "I'm amazing!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00045-00017256-00017376 Oh, woah woah, where? CxBAt3A0TkU-00046-00017376-00017478 "I found it." CxBAt3A0TkU-00047-00017482-00017554 No way! CxBAt3A0TkU-00048-00017554-00017636 You got it! CxBAt3A0TkU-00049-00017636-00017736 "Mum I found it!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00050-00017762-00017850 "You owe me one pound." CxBAt3A0TkU-00051-00017894-00017982 I owe you a pound? CxBAt3A0TkU-00052-00017982-00018226 That's partial credit! CxBAt3A0TkU-00053-00018226-00018700 We are really happy about that... that is er... that was a good lesson CxBAt3A0TkU-00054-00019928-00020686 [MUSIC] [MUSIC] CxBAt3A0TkU-00055-00021092-00021202 [MUSIC] We could... CxBAt3A0TkU-00056-00021202-00021620 I thought we could watch the whole of YouTube. CxBAt3A0TkU-00057-00021622-00021826 So what was the first video on YouTube? CxBAt3A0TkU-00058-00021826-00021912 Anyone? CxBAt3A0TkU-00059-00021912-00022060 Oooh, "at the zoo", "at the zoo". CxBAt3A0TkU-00060-00022066-00022276 Oh it's called "Me at the zoo"? CxBAt3A0TkU-00061-00022724-00023124 He was the first person to go on youtube? CxBAt3A0TkU-00062-00023124-00023236 I think this was the first ever video. CxBAt3A0TkU-00063-00023236-00023338 Yeah, it was. CxBAt3A0TkU-00064-00024250-00024674 [VIDEO:] Charley says... if ever you find a box of matches lying around, tell Mummy, CxBAt3A0TkU-00065-00024674-00024960 because they can hurt you. CxBAt3A0TkU-00066-00024960-00025324 [CHARLEY:] Meeoww, wowwowow.. CxBAt3A0TkU-00067-00025324-00025700 "Is that the picture of the Mummy?!" CxBAt3A0TkU-00068-00025700-00025912 [CHARLEY:] Meeoww, wowwowowwowowowowow... CxBAt3A0TkU-00069-00025916-00026439 Charley says that stoves are dangerous to go close to, because there are so many hot CxBAt3A0TkU-00070-00026442-00026666 things there that can hurt you. CxBAt3A0TkU-00071-00026800-00027224 "Why is their logo 2 dollar signs?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00072-00027300-00027424 "What's that?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00073-00027424-00027832 It's an old empty building Why are they there? CxBAt3A0TkU-00074-00027832-00028066 They're just playing where they shouldn't be. CxBAt3A0TkU-00075-00028066-00028300 People did that in the 70s "Did they?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00076-00028300-00028380 Yeah. CxBAt3A0TkU-00077-00028380-00028500 [MUSIC] [MUSIC] CxBAt3A0TkU-00078-00028500-00028826 [VIDEO:] "It's something you've developed yourself is it?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00079-00028830-00029600 [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC] CxBAt3A0TkU-00080-00029600-00029764 "What is this?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00081-00029764-00030500 So this is "Tucker's Luck" - this is what he did next in Thatcher's Britain CxBAt3A0TkU-00082-00030500-00030700 "What?" CxBAt3A0TkU-00083-00030764-00031289 [GOVERNMENT VIDEO:] Move the body to another room in the house, label the body with name CxBAt3A0TkU-00084-00031289-00031504 and address. CxBAt3A0TkU-00085-00031680-00031932 [LAUGHTER] Chocolate Rain! CxBAt3A0TkU-00086-00031932-00032162 Chocolate Rain! CxBAt3A0TkU-00087-00032162-00032730 CHOCOLATE RAIN! CxBAt3A0TkU-00088-00032730-00032856 [VIDEO:] Charlie! CxBAt3A0TkU-00089-00032856-00033200 That really hurt! CxBAt3A0TkU-00090-00033200-00033400 Then why did he do it?! CxBAt3A0TkU-00091-00033800-00034152 I wonder what that baby Charlie looks like now. CxBAt3A0TkU-00092-00034200-00034888 He's just amazing at filming Remember when Bart was skateboarding off Homer's CxBAt3A0TkU-00093-00034888-00035000 tow truck? CxBAt3A0TkU-00094-00035940-00036500 [MUSIC] [LAUGHTER] CxBAt3A0TkU-00095-00036586-00036900 There's no way she's gonna eat that. CxBAt3A0TkU-00096-00036900-00037424 That's a WHOLE bottle of milk, there's no way... is she actually eating it? CxBAt3A0TkU-00097-00037500-00037700 Bleugh... CxBAt3A0TkU-00098-00037800-00038000 [LAUGHTER] I feel like being sick! CxBAt3A0TkU-00099-00038000-00038246 That's a whole box! CxBAt3A0TkU-00100-00038286-00038568 And a whole load of milk. CxBAt3A0TkU-00101-00038600-00039140 That's like-- SHE'S GONNA FEEL SIIIII-- No way! CxBAt3A0TkU-00102-00039200-00039628 Oh shoo-- [LAUGHTER] Who is this? CxBAt3A0TkU-00103-00039628-00039800 I don't know... CxBAt3A0TkU-00104-00039800-00040000 She's finished. CxBAt3A0TkU-00105-00040338-00040478 Please don't subscribe... CxBAt3A0TkU-00106-00040478-00040596 I didn't subscribe. CxBAt3A0TkU-00107-00040600-00040950 So basically we learned absolutely nothing! CxBAt3A0TkU-00108-00040950-00041176 Nothing! CxBAt3A0TkU-00109-00041176-00041380 Well done class! CxBAt3A0TkU-00110-00041380-00041654 Partial credit! CxBAt3A0TkU-00111-00041654-00042000 So that's how our week of homeschooling went. CxBAt3A0TkU-00112-00042000-00042226 I still can't say it, "schooling"? CxBAt3A0TkU-00113-00042226-00042386 Can't even say it, let alone do it. CxBAt3A0TkU-00114-00042386-00042552 How was it for you? CxBAt3A0TkU-00115-00042552-00043206 Leave us a comment below we'd love to hear from you, and your Horror Story - slash - tips CxBAt3A0TkU-00116-00043206-00043446 and tricks, that'd be really appreciated. CxBAt3A0TkU-00117-00043446-00043912 If you've reached this point in the video why not hit the thumbs up or if you're feeling CxBAt3A0TkU-00118-00043912-00044440 even kinder, subscribe would help us to keep going with this... and my goodness good luck CxBAt3A0TkU-00119-00044440-00044660 to you and your homeschooling. CxBAt3A0TkU-00120-00044660-00045300 I hope there's some tips and tricks that you've managed to pick up from us... or some things CxBAt3A0TkU-00121-00045300-00045500 to avoid probably. CxBAt3A0TkU-00122-00045500-00045900 Let us know in the comments below it'd be lovely to hear from you and thanks again for CxBAt3A0TkU-00123-00045900-00046096 watching! CxBAt3A0TkU-00124-00046104-00046720 Can you please help my daddy get 1000 subscribers, jus t click on his face, thanks bye! CxBAt3A0TkU-00125-00046720-00046900 How's that? CxBAt3A0TkU-00126-00046900-00048031 [Music] CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00000-00000010-00000306 ROSEAU OFFER -- OVER WARROAD AND CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00001-00000306-00000313 ROSEAU OFFER -- OVER WARROAD AND CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00002-00000313-00000620 ROSEAU OFFER -- OVER WARROAD AND LITTLE FALLS DROPS ONE TO CAME CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00003-00000620-00000627 ROSEAU OFFER -- OVER WARROAD AND LITTLE FALLS DROPS ONE TO CAME CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00004-00000627-00000834 ROSEAU OFFER -- OVER WARROAD AND LITTLE FALLS DROPS ONE TO CAME THEY'D -- CATHEDRAL. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00005-00000834-00000840 LITTLE FALLS DROPS ONE TO CAME THEY'D -- CATHEDRAL. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00006-00000840-00001037 LITTLE FALLS DROPS ONE TO CAME THEY'D -- CATHEDRAL. >> COLLIN: TO THE HARD WOOD, CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00007-00001037-00001044 THEY'D -- CATHEDRAL. >> COLLIN: TO THE HARD WOOD, CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00008-00001044-00001154 THEY'D -- CATHEDRAL. >> COLLIN: TO THE HARD WOOD, BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL, CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00009-00001154-00001161 >> COLLIN: TO THE HARD WOOD, BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL, CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00010-00001161-00001464 >> COLLIN: TO THE HARD WOOD, BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL, BEMIDJI HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00011-00001464-00001471 BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL, BEMIDJI HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00012-00001471-00001764 BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL, BEMIDJI HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. JACKS TRY TO CUT INTO THE LEAD. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00013-00001764-00001771 BEMIDJI HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. JACKS TRY TO CUT INTO THE LEAD. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00014-00001771-00001885 BEMIDJI HOSTING GRAND RAPIDS. JACKS TRY TO CUT INTO THE LEAD. THE FLOATER. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00015-00001885-00001891 JACKS TRY TO CUT INTO THE LEAD. THE FLOATER. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00016-00001891-00002182 JACKS TRY TO CUT INTO THE LEAD. THE FLOATER. THEY GET AS CLOSE AS 9 LATE THE CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00017-00002182-00002188 THE FLOATER. THEY GET AS CLOSE AS 9 LATE THE CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00018-00002188-00002348 THE FLOATER. THEY GET AS CLOSE AS 9 LATE THE SECOND HALF. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00019-00002348-00002355 THEY GET AS CLOSE AS 9 LATE THE SECOND HALF. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00020-00002355-00002465 THEY GET AS CLOSE AS 9 LATE THE SECOND HALF. BACHMANN AGAIN. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00021-00002465-00002472 SECOND HALF. BACHMANN AGAIN. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00022-00002472-00002619 SECOND HALF. BACHMANN AGAIN. THIS ONE FROM THE PARKING LOT. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00023-00002619-00002625 BACHMANN AGAIN. THIS ONE FROM THE PARKING LOT. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00024-00002625-00002796 BACHMANN AGAIN. THIS ONE FROM THE PARKING LOT. THAT EXTENDS THE LEAD IN A CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00025-00002796-00002802 THIS ONE FROM THE PARKING LOT. THAT EXTENDS THE LEAD IN A CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00026-00002802-00002936 THIS ONE FROM THE PARKING LOT. THAT EXTENDS THE LEAD IN A SPECIAL NIGHT FOR NATE. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00027-00002936-00002942 THAT EXTENDS THE LEAD IN A SPECIAL NIGHT FOR NATE. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00028-00002942-00003136 THAT EXTENDS THE LEAD IN A SPECIAL NIGHT FOR NATE. HE NEEDED 17 TO GET TO 1,000 CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00029-00003136-00003143 SPECIAL NIGHT FOR NATE. HE NEEDED 17 TO GET TO 1,000 CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00030-00003143-00003379 SPECIAL NIGHT FOR NATE. HE NEEDED 17 TO GET TO 1,000 CAREER POINTS. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00031-00003379-00003386 HE NEEDED 17 TO GET TO 1,000 CAREER POINTS. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00032-00003386-00003740 HE NEEDED 17 TO GET TO 1,000 CAREER POINTS. THIS NUMBER 17 HERE ON THE CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00033-00003740-00003747 CAREER POINTS. THIS NUMBER 17 HERE ON THE CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00034-00003747-00003793 CAREER POINTS. THIS NUMBER 17 HERE ON THE REVERSE. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00035-00003793-00003800 THIS NUMBER 17 HERE ON THE REVERSE. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00036-00003800-00003940 THIS NUMBER 17 HERE ON THE REVERSE. HE PACES THE WAY WITH 24. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00037-00003940-00003947 REVERSE. HE PACES THE WAY WITH 24. CBiG1Rw-4Zo-00038-00003947-00004007 REVERSE. HE PACES THE WAY WITH 24. BIG CONGRATS TO HIM. CFT19w-b6Sy-00000-00000000-00000200 VINAI & Paradigm - Tension CJM8k5uuo00-00000-00000000-00000301 Hi everyone CJM8k5uuo00-00001-00000301-00000701 It is DESTINY RUN Game CJM8k5uuo00-00002-00000801-00001507 Thanks for Watching, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE CKSIt5EzqDc-00000-00000428-00000584 Saegusa Kokoro & Aki-chan at Marunouchi Club 10-12H CKSIt5EzqDc-00001-00000584-00000784 Preview CKSIt5EzqDc-00002-00001360-00001614 K : Good morning! A : Good morning! CKSIt5EzqDc-00003-00001626-00001894 K : Today, we have a new member, Aki-chan! CKSIt5EzqDc-00004-00001894-00002080 A : My name is Aki. Nice to meet you! CKSIt5EzqDc-00005-00002080-00002240 K : Nice to meet you CKSIt5EzqDc-00006-00002252-00002548 K : How long have you been playing golf, Aki-chan? CKSIt5EzqDc-00007-00002552-00002720 A : About 3 years CKSIt5EzqDc-00008-00002720-00002806 K : 3 years CKSIt5EzqDc-00009-00002806-00002928 A : This is my 4th year CKSIt5EzqDc-00010-00002928-00003096 K : Entering your 4th year? A : Yes CKSIt5EzqDc-00011-00003180-00003492 K : And your best score is? A : 94 CKSIt5EzqDc-00012-00003492-00003564 K : 94 CKSIt5EzqDc-00013-00003564-00003629 A : Yes CKSIt5EzqDc-00014-00003638-00003774 K : And breaking 100? CKSIt5EzqDc-00015-00003774-00003915 A : Only that once K : Once CKSIt5EzqDc-00016-00004058-00004368 K : So today, I've invited you here to break 100 CKSIt5EzqDc-00017-00004372-00004604 A : Yes. I would like to break 100 constantly CKSIt5EzqDc-00018-00004604-00004716 K : Yeah, you're right CKSIt5EzqDc-00019-00004716-00005136 K : After 4 years into the game, you surely would like to break 100 constantly CKSIt5EzqDc-00020-00005136-00005254 A : Yes I do CKSIt5EzqDc-00021-00005348-00005794 K : Well, I've never seen Aki-chan's golf before CKSIt5EzqDc-00022-00005800-00006094 K : But I hope everything turns out okay CKSIt5EzqDc-00023-00006326-00006662 K : So, Aki-chan, what is the club you are best with? CKSIt5EzqDc-00024-00006780-00006900 K : 58°? CKSIt5EzqDc-00025-00006930-00007468 A : 58° was lately but I originally was good with the driver CKSIt5EzqDc-00026-00007586-00008076 K : Then, not too long ago, the driver shots began to deteriorate CKSIt5EzqDc-00027-00008076-00008200 A : It became useless CKSIt5EzqDc-00028-00008200-00008400 K : Became useless CKSIt5EzqDc-00029-00008420-00008946 K : And it is one of the problems lately. No, more like the tendency to be one CKSIt5EzqDc-00030-00009010-00009210 K : Well, let's take a look at it today CKSIt5EzqDc-00031-00009304-00009582 K : Today, do your best to break 100 CKSIt5EzqDc-00032-00009582-00009730 A : I'll do it! CKSIt5EzqDc-00033-00009744-00009872 A : I'll try my best! CKSIt5EzqDc-00034-00009872-00010010 K : Good luck! CKSIt5EzqDc-00035-00010020-00010408 K : Well, don't stress so much. The camera might be rolling but don't get nervous CKSIt5EzqDc-00036-00010424-00010614 K : The important thing is to have fun CKSIt5EzqDc-00037-00010678-00010878 K : It's totally fine if you don't break 100 CKSIt5EzqDc-00038-00010934-00011080 A : Enjoy golf CKSIt5EzqDc-00039-00011080-00011274 K : Yes, let's go and enjoy golf CKSIt5EzqDc-00040-00011356-00011556 K : It's dark in the tunnel CKSIt5EzqDc-00041-00011564-00011836 K : So let's both do our best for Aki-chan to break 100! CKSIt5EzqDc-00042-00011836-00011986 A : I'll do my best! CKSIt5EzqDc-00043-00012136-00012272 K : What Iron are you starting with? (Warming up before the round) CKSIt5EzqDc-00044-00012272-00012472 A : Iron No.7 (Warming up before the round) CKSIt5EzqDc-00045-00013386-00013586 K : It's going slightly to the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00046-00013691-00013858 K : Does your Iron shot tends to go to the right? CKSIt5EzqDc-00047-00013858-00014013 A : Yes, occasionally CKSIt5EzqDc-00048-00015366-00015572 K : That's good, it's getting better CKSIt5EzqDc-00049-00015669-00015819 A : That felt good! CKSIt5EzqDc-00050-00015991-00016152 K : Oh, your Wood is good CKSIt5EzqDc-00051-00016152-00016644 A : I was doing it like just now so it improved quite a lot. I usually do not use it much because I can't really get it CKSIt5EzqDc-00052-00016908-00017042 K : It's good CKSIt5EzqDc-00053-00017042-00017226 A : It's totally different! CKSIt5EzqDc-00054-00017260-00017510 A : It never hit so nicely before! CKSIt5EzqDc-00055-00017836-00017980 K : It's good A : I hit it! CKSIt5EzqDc-00056-00018080-00018198 A : After I lower this hand CKSIt5EzqDc-00057-00018234-00018454 K : It was probably due to how you gripped it CKSIt5EzqDc-00058-00018674-00018898 K&A : Good morning CKSIt5EzqDc-00059-00018910-00019248 K : Today, we are at Marunouchi Golf Club CKSIt5EzqDc-00060-00019564-00019996 K : This golf club is where I often break my own record CKSIt5EzqDc-00061-00020252-00020758 K : That is why I thought this might also be the perfect course for Aki-chan to break 100 CKSIt5EzqDc-00062-00021060-00021260 K : That's why we are here CKSIt5EzqDc-00063-00021260-00021344 A : The weather is nice too CKSIt5EzqDc-00064-00021344-00021576 K : Yes, the weather's good and there's not much wind CKSIt5EzqDc-00065-00021668-00021836 K : So I hope we enjoy this CKSIt5EzqDc-00066-00021842-00022042 K&A : We'll do our best! CKSIt5EzqDc-00067-00022098-00022368 K : So, what is in Aki-chan's bag? CKSIt5EzqDc-00068-00022368-00022556 K : A half set? A : Yes CKSIt5EzqDc-00069-00022626-00022884 K : From the bottom, 58°, 52° CKSIt5EzqDc-00070-00022884-00023284 K : They are Dolphin Wedges, they have soles making it easy to get out of bunkers CKSIt5EzqDc-00071-00023382-00023528 K : P, 9I, 7I CKSIt5EzqDc-00072-00023670-00023932 K : And the top, Hybrid is CKSIt5EzqDc-00073-00023932-00024208 K : Yamaha's, it's the same as mine! CKSIt5EzqDc-00074-00024208-00024408 A : I like it a lot K : Yeah, me too CKSIt5EzqDc-00075-00024476-00024602 K : 5 Hybrid CKSIt5EzqDc-00076-00024602-00024796 K : And further up is Wood No.5 CKSIt5EzqDc-00077-00024810-00025068 K : 13° Driver CKSIt5EzqDc-00078-00025176-00025408 K : These are all ladies? A : Yes CKSIt5EzqDc-00079-00025408-00025522 K : And the putter CKSIt5EzqDc-00080-00025812-00025930 K : Nine! CKSIt5EzqDc-00081-00025958-00026122 K : Her set with nine clubs! CKSIt5EzqDc-00082-00026388-00026639 K : The right is shallow so aim for the hole CKSIt5EzqDc-00083-00026788-00026988 A : Thank you for your guidance today CKSIt5EzqDc-00084-00027198-00027398 K : Her ball is half-and-half CKSIt5EzqDc-00085-00027398-00027562 A : Yes, makes searching easier CKSIt5EzqDc-00086-00028936-00029156 K : Did it go left? A : It went to the left! CKSIt5EzqDc-00087-00029164-00029214 K : OK CKSIt5EzqDc-00088-00029339-00029462 K : You prefer the Hybrid? (Hitting from a sidehill down lie) CKSIt5EzqDc-00089-00029462-00029512 A : Yes (Hitting from a sidehill down lie) CKSIt5EzqDc-00090-00029512-00029852 K : Then go with that, it's easier to assume a stance with a club you like (Hitting from a sidehill down lie) CKSIt5EzqDc-00091-00029912-00030394 K : Place the ball nearer to your right foot and choke the club CKSIt5EzqDc-00092-00031026-00031226 K : Oh it's good, stop! CKSIt5EzqDc-00093-00031262-00031430 K : It settled! Okay CKSIt5EzqDc-00094-00031588-00031906 K : It's over the bunker but it should be fine CKSIt5EzqDc-00095-00032360-00032710 K : Try to imagine hitting about 30 yards CKSIt5EzqDc-00096-00033490-00033690 K : Oh it's good! Very good!! CKSIt5EzqDc-00097-00033766-00033856 K : It's near! CKSIt5EzqDc-00098-00033944-00034220 K : It's okay, it will settle! Nice! CKSIt5EzqDc-00099-00034308-00034688 K : A chance for a par from the start! Perfect! CKSIt5EzqDc-00100-00034752-00034978 K : Try aiming for the left of the cup CKSIt5EzqDc-00101-00035356-00035644 K : Extend! Go! Go in! Ahh~!! So close! CKSIt5EzqDc-00102-00035716-00035942 K : But at least it's a certain bogey CKSIt5EzqDc-00103-00036166-00036498 K : It is narrow here so aim for the bunker (There are trees left and right so it seems narrow) CKSIt5EzqDc-00104-00036646-00036920 K : Focus on the bunker rather than the surrounding environment! CKSIt5EzqDc-00105-00036978-00037434 K : If you are distracted by the surrounding scenery, your swing will be affected CKSIt5EzqDc-00106-00039040-00039244 K : It's ok! Nice CKSIt5EzqDc-00107-00039356-00039474 K : So close!! CKSIt5EzqDc-00108-00039564-00039764 K : Aim towards the pin CKSIt5EzqDc-00109-00040050-00040250 K : Don't think of flying it! CKSIt5EzqDc-00110-00040272-00040708 K : Think of brushing the club at the bottom CKSIt5EzqDc-00111-00040714-00040946 K : Instead of a V-shape, think of a U-shape CKSIt5EzqDc-00112-00041040-00041248 K : Can you try swinging it again? CKSIt5EzqDc-00113-00041594-00041746 K : Yes, like that CKSIt5EzqDc-00114-00041806-00042024 K : So don't think of flying it too much CKSIt5EzqDc-00115-00042032-00042246 K : As long as the club goes up properly CKSIt5EzqDc-00116-00042524-00042784 K : Ah, so close, so close! CKSIt5EzqDc-00117-00042838-00042916 K : Don't mind! CKSIt5EzqDc-00118-00042994-00043178 A : When it's like this (sidehill down lie) CKSIt5EzqDc-00119-00043178-00043314 K : It tends to go to the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00120-00043314-00043416 A : So the left? CKSIt5EzqDc-00121-00043464-00043900 K : Just tilt your body slightly to the left and hit normally CKSIt5EzqDc-00122-00044170-00044418 K : Sidehill down lie tends to go to the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00123-00044804-00044962 K : That's it! Nice~!! CKSIt5EzqDc-00124-00044962-00045150 K : That's good! Get on! CKSIt5EzqDc-00125-00045170-00045420 K : Get on! No, stop! CKSIt5EzqDc-00126-00045456-00045656 K : It settled! Ok! CKSIt5EzqDc-00127-00045740-00045872 K : Nice! A : Thanks CKSIt5EzqDc-00128-00047080-00047280 K : It's okay, it will get on! CKSIt5EzqDc-00129-00047280-00047432 K : Let's aim for 2 putts! CKSIt5EzqDc-00130-00047482-00047640 K : Do your best CKSIt5EzqDc-00131-00047732-00048094 K : A break to the left about two thirds of your strength CKSIt5EzqDc-00132-00048850-00049040 K : Too strong! CKSIt5EzqDc-00133-00049192-00049366 A : Too strong~ K : Don't mind CKSIt5EzqDc-00134-00049408-00049576 K : Do it properly here CKSIt5EzqDc-00135-00050470-00050706 K : Because of that first putt just now (When the first putt is too strong, the next tends to be too short) CKSIt5EzqDc-00136-00051764-00051964 K : It's a dogleg to the left CKSIt5EzqDc-00137-00051970-00052179 K : But the right is wide so it's fine anywhere CKSIt5EzqDc-00138-00052196-00052629 K : I think just before the curve on the left is good CKSIt5EzqDc-00139-00052629-00052829 K : So it's okay to aim for the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00140-00053134-00053334 K : From the top CKSIt5EzqDc-00141-00053344-00053696 K : Then swing it with your entire body, not the hands CKSIt5EzqDc-00142-00053770-00054026 K : From the top CKSIt5EzqDc-00143-00054032-00054310 K : Swing it with your hips, your hips as a hinge CKSIt5EzqDc-00144-00055570-00055736 K : Oh, a pity! CKSIt5EzqDc-00145-00055938-00056138 K : About one of the markers there CKSIt5EzqDc-00146-00056212-00056534 K : Aim there and loosen your grip pressure slightly CKSIt5EzqDc-00147-00057538-00057688 K : Head up! CKSIt5EzqDc-00148-00057764-00057964 A : Head up? Oh yeah I did! CKSIt5EzqDc-00149-00058016-00058216 K : It might go to the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00150-00059086-00059286 K : Don't use too much of your legs CKSIt5EzqDc-00151-00059379-00059466 A : Don't use? CKSIt5EzqDc-00152-00059466-00059712 K : It's fine to hit it without shifting your weight too much CKSIt5EzqDc-00153-00059844-00060044 K : And keep your head down CKSIt5EzqDc-00154-00060496-00060696 K : Yes, that's right, good, nice out! CKSIt5EzqDc-00155-00060767-00061026 K : When your lie is bad, it is better to have an Iron with you! CKSIt5EzqDc-00156-00062536-00062736 K : Oh, that's good! CKSIt5EzqDc-00157-00062736-00062962 K : A little bit more! Go! CKSIt5EzqDc-00158-00062962-00063128 K : It got on! A : It got on! CKSIt5EzqDc-00159-00063128-00063255 K : It's ok, you can use a putter (Nice on!) CKSIt5EzqDc-00160-00063310-00063626 K : It's a double break A : Uphill CKSIt5EzqDc-00161-00063672-00063814 K : Hit it firmly CKSIt5EzqDc-00162-00063862-00064210 K : You hit it quite strongly just now, it's fine with that strength CKSIt5EzqDc-00163-00065000-00065200 K : Keep your eyes on the ball till the end CKSIt5EzqDc-00164-00065768-00066050 K : Whoa, look at it go but it's ok! Bite! Settle! CKSIt5EzqDc-00165-00066232-00066336 K : Too strong? CKSIt5EzqDc-00166-00066516-00066640 K : Ah it stopped CKSIt5EzqDc-00167-00066698-00066880 K : Let's try 2 putts from there! A : Ok! CKSIt5EzqDc-00168-00066950-00067210 K : It is slightly uphill then downhill CKSIt5EzqDc-00169-00068874-00069074 K : Oh, looking good CKSIt5EzqDc-00170-00070094-00070388 This time’s score Next is 13-15H Look forward to it! CKSIt5EzqDc-00171-00070388-00070616 Looking for Golf Clubs and Golf Manufacturers who would like ringolf to film and introduce them For inquiries, please send them to CKSIt5EzqDc-00172-00070724-00071006 Thank you very much for watching till the end! CKSIt5EzqDc-00173-00071084-00071526 Those who are interested in the next video, check out the videos on the left CKSIt5EzqDc-00174-00071604-00072060 To SUBSCRIBE to our channel, please click the button on the right CKSIt5EzqDc-00175-00072208-00072570 We’ll be waiting for your comments and likes too! CKZZOSeILT4-00000-00000424-00000624 Hello! CKZZOSeILT4-00001-00000708-00000950 Hi again! I reborn from the ashes CKZZOSeILT4-00002-00000950-00001190 And this time I am very happy to do it because CKZZOSeILT4-00003-00001222-00001394 I come to talk to you about CKZZOSeILT4-00004-00001394-00001594 Something that has become my total obsession lately CKZZOSeILT4-00005-00001594-00001692 TOTAL obsession CKZZOSeILT4-00006-00001692-00001892 I know that my friends will be like... CKZZOSeILT4-00007-00001892-00002240 No Marina, no more!! Stop!! Stop!! Stop!! CKZZOSeILT4-00008-00002240-00002436 BUT! Deal with it... CKZZOSeILT4-00009-00002436-00002756 Today I come to talk about... CKZZOSeILT4-00010-00002756-00003048 The new book of Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight!!! CKZZOSeILT4-00011-00003222-00003272 Here it is! CKZZOSeILT4-00012-00003308-00003502 I waited for it almost two years CKZZOSeILT4-00013-00003702-00004008 I and think that as long as the publishing time came CKZZOSeILT4-00014-00004028-00004210 I became a little annoying about it CKZZOSeILT4-00015-00004218-00004418 And my social networks were witnesses about it. CKZZOSeILT4-00016-00004456-00004656 But finally the time came and its here! CKZZOSeILT4-00017-00004744-00004944 And I bought it on ebook CKZZOSeILT4-00018-00004944-00005114 And I also bought it in hardcover CKZZOSeILT4-00019-00005114-00005254 And I read it in 3 days ha! CKZZOSeILT4-00020-00005288-00005488 So today I come to talk about CKZZOSeILT4-00021-00005508-00005708 5 things that you have to know about Lady Midnight CKZZOSeILT4-00022-00005708-00005900 In case you are interest in reading it CKZZOSeILT4-00023-00005900-00005980 Number one CKZZOSeILT4-00024-00005996-00006358 Lady Midnight was published last march 8th CKZZOSeILT4-00025-00006358-00006500 Just in english CKZZOSeILT4-00026-00006500-00006688 You can find it in Amazon CKZZOSeILT4-00027-00006698-00007004 And here in Guatemala you can only find it in Sophos CKZZOSeILT4-00028-00007016-00007216 But they take like 3 to 6 weeks to deliver it CKZZOSeILT4-00029-00007223-00007452 So Amazon is still the best option CKZZOSeILT4-00030-00007458-00007730 Although in can be a little bit more expensive CKZZOSeILT4-00031-00007738-00007984 If you still get one copy of the first edition. CKZZOSeILT4-00032-00007992-00008300 You will find THIS in your book CKZZOSeILT4-00033-00008300-00008406 Look how pretty! CKZZOSeILT4-00034-00008428-00008790 This is an special stamp that were made CKZZOSeILT4-00035-00008800-00009182 because the author could sign 400 thousand copies, obvs CKZZOSeILT4-00036-00009188-00009430 Because they printed 400 thousand books in the first edition CKZZOSeILT4-00037-00009430-00009612 So they decided to make the stamp CKZZOSeILT4-00038-00009626-00009994 With the sign and a beautiful design CKZZOSeILT4-00039-00009996-00010196 This will worth a lot in some years CKZZOSeILT4-00040-00010196-00010302 Two! CKZZOSeILT4-00041-00010316-00010562 The main character of this saga is Emma Carstairs CKZZOSeILT4-00042-00010562-00010822 *Trying to say Carstairs right* CKZZOSeILT4-00043-00010822-00010994 She is a shadowhunter CKZZOSeILT4-00044-00011004-00011262 It means she is a warrior half angel half human CKZZOSeILT4-00045-00011264-00011488 And her job is to keep the demons under control CKZZOSeILT4-00046-00011498-00011882 To protect the humans and the downworlders CKZZOSeILT4-00047-00011890-00012108 Which are the werewolves, vampires and warlocks CKZZOSeILT4-00048-00012108-00012306 Fairies are downworlders as well... CKZZOSeILT4-00049-00012310-00012742 But in this saga there are some problems with them CKZZOSeILT4-00050-00012744-00013102 Emma is trying to find out who killed her parents 5 years ago CKZZOSeILT4-00051-00013108-00013432 And she is using the help of Julian Blackthorne CKZZOSeILT4-00052-00013432-00013624 Who is her parabatai CKZZOSeILT4-00053-00013624-00013740 Her para ba WHAT? CKZZOSeILT4-00054-00013740-00013922 Her PA RA BA TAI CKZZOSeILT4-00055-00013928-00014222 A parabatai is a fight companion that you choose CKZZOSeILT4-00056-00014232-00014468 And you share a very very very strong connection CKZZOSeILT4-00057-00014478-00014832 Its more important than a sibling, a lover or a best friend CKZZOSeILT4-00058-00014832-00014986 It's like all that TOGETHER CKZZOSeILT4-00059-00015004-00015238 Awwww, that sounds cute CKZZOSeILT4-00060-00015238-00015410 BUT there is a trap" CKZZOSeILT4-00061-00015424-00015796 Parabatai are strictly forbidden to fall in love CKZZOSeILT4-00062-00015796-00015854 DAMN! CKZZOSeILT4-00063-00015862-00016204 It would be a shame CKZZOSeILT4-00064-00016213-00016450 If someone try to break the rules... CKZZOSeILT4-00065-00016450-00016616 Three! CKZZOSeILT4-00066-00016616-00016972 The book have 668 pages CKZZOSeILT4-00067-00016976-00017296 Full of love and suffering CKZZOSeILT4-00068-00017304-00017504 The last line in the book CKZZOSeILT4-00069-00017504-00017612 It's a big CKZZOSeILT4-00070-00017612-00017700 OMG! CKZZOSeILT4-00071-00017700-00017876 And is just great CKZZOSeILT4-00072-00017876-00018058 Is the kind of book that catch you CKZZOSeILT4-00073-00018058-00018228 And don't let you go and crush you CKZZOSeILT4-00074-00018228-00018364 Something like the waves of the sea CKZZOSeILT4-00075-00018364-00018470 Four! CKZZOSeILT4-00076-00018470-00018772 Cassandra Clare has written 9 books CKZZOSeILT4-00077-00018772-00018864 9 books CKZZOSeILT4-00078-00018872-00019096 A main saga of 6 books CKZZOSeILT4-00079-00019096-00019294 And three more of a prequel CKZZOSeILT4-00080-00019294-00019578 She also has 2 more extras CKZZOSeILT4-00081-00019578-00019736 One that you can only find it on ebooks, for now CKZZOSeILT4-00082-00019746-00019946 And another one already published. CKZZOSeILT4-00083-00019946-00020080 Hey Magnus! CKZZOSeILT4-00084-00020086-00020446 You can understand Lady Midnight without reading those 9 books CKZZOSeILT4-00085-00020464-00020664 But! but, but, but, but, but CKZZOSeILT4-00086-00020670-00021036 I think you enjoy more this book CKZZOSeILT4-00087-00021046-00021318 If you know already the other stories CKZZOSeILT4-00088-00021322-00021616 There are some details in the story CKZZOSeILT4-00089-00021616-00021738 About some characters CKZZOSeILT4-00090-00021738-00022216 That you can only understand if you have read the other books CKZZOSeILT4-00091-00022222-00022634 I wouldn't recommend to start to know the Shadowhunter World with Lady Midnight CKZZOSeILT4-00092-00022646-00023086 If you want to start from somewhere better be City of Bones CKZZOSeILT4-00093-00023092-00023298 Believe me you will thank me CKZZOSeILT4-00094-00023298-00023402 Five! CKZZOSeILT4-00095-00023402-00023590 There is a playlist CKZZOSeILT4-00096-00023596-00023914 Music is something important for Cassandra Clare's creative process CKZZOSeILT4-00097-00023914-00024342 So often when she publish this playlist of the books that she has written. CKZZOSeILT4-00098-00024348-00024632 The songs are related to characters CKZZOSeILT4-00099-00024632-00025000 Or the songs made her think about some characters CKZZOSeILT4-00100-00025004-00025234 And so there is one Lady Midnight playlist CKZZOSeILT4-00101-00025244-00025552 Truth is that it works when you read the book CKZZOSeILT4-00102-00025552-00025772 Or after reading the book you listen to the music CKZZOSeILT4-00103-00025772-00026174 And it's like OOOOH THE FEELS CKZZOSeILT4-00104-00026176-00026433 So if you want to check it out CKZZOSeILT4-00105-00026436-00026814 And I don't know maybe you like that kind of music CKZZOSeILT4-00106-00026833-00027292 I will leave the link in the dublidoo CKZZOSeILT4-00107-00027295-00027654 So there it is! 5 thinks you need to know about Lady Midnight if you want to read it CKZZOSeILT4-00108-00027672-00027954 If you know the saga already CKZZOSeILT4-00109-00027968-00028214 Lady Midnight wont disapoint you CKZZOSeILT4-00110-00028214-00028388 It was beyond my expectations CKZZOSeILT4-00111-00028388-00028498 breath CKZZOSeILT4-00112-00028498-00028830 I will try to make another video so I can talk about spoilers CKZZOSeILT4-00113-00028830-00029030 Because I can't right now CKZZOSeILT4-00114-00029030-00029210 I wont ruin you the story CKZZOSeILT4-00115-00029224-00029476 And I will try to talk about another sagas CKZZOSeILT4-00116-00029556-00029972 As you can see I have a lot to talk about CKZZOSeILT4-00117-00030000-00030218 This is it! Until next time! CKZZOSeILT4-00118-00030226-00030510 Don't get lost! I will try not to myself CKZZOSeILT4-00119-00030510-00030589 Bye! CLj733rNLWy-00000-00000660-00000838 BREAKING News Out Of FLORIDA… CLj733rNLWy-00001-00000838-00000974 WE TOLD YOU SO! CLj733rNLWy-00002-00000974-00001141 IT’S HAPPENING!!! CLj733rNLWy-00003-00001141-00001646 Three Florida Men Sentenced for Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS CLj733rNLWy-00004-00001646-00002384 Gregory Hubbard, aka, Jibreel, 54, of West Palm Beach, Florida; Dayne Antani Christian, CLj733rNLWy-00005-00002384-00003214 aka, Shakur, 33, of Lake Park, Florida; and Darren Arness Jackson, aka, Daoud, 53, of CLj733rNLWy-00006-00003214-00003700 West Palm Beach, were sentenced to prison today for conspiring to provide material support CLj733rNLWy-00007-00003700-00004365 to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. CLj733rNLWy-00008-00004365-00004814 Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney Benjamin G. CLj733rNLWy-00009-00004814-00005280 Greenberg for the Southern District of Florida, Special Agent in Charge Robert F. Lasky of CLj733rNLWy-00010-00005280-00005765 the FBI’s Miami Field Office, and members of the South Florida Joint Terrorism Task CLj733rNLWy-00011-00005765-00006312 Force (JTTF), made the announcement after sentencing by U.S. District Judge Robin L. CLj733rNLWy-00012-00006312-00006447 Rosenberg. CLj733rNLWy-00013-00006447-00006915 According to the court docket, including the factual basis for the guilty pleas, Hubbard CLj733rNLWy-00014-00006915-00007529 was arrested on July 21, 2016, at Miami International Airport where he had been driven by co-defendant CLj733rNLWy-00015-00007529-00007888 Jackson for a scheduled flight to Berlin, Germany. CLj733rNLWy-00016-00007888-00008310 From Berlin, Hubbard intended to travel to Syria to join ISIS. CLj733rNLWy-00017-00008310-00008770 At various times during the conspiracy, which ran from approximately July 2015 until Hubbard’s CLj733rNLWy-00018-00008770-00009338 arrest, Hubbard and his co-defendants, Christian and Jackson, talked about their support for CLj733rNLWy-00019-00009338-00009850 ISIS and jihad, including acts of terrorism committed by and attributed to ISIS and its CLj733rNLWy-00020-00009850-00009950 supporters. CLj733rNLWy-00021-00009950-00010418 During the conspiracy, Hubbard and his co-defendants and others, practiced shooting weapons multiple CLj733rNLWy-00022-00010418-00010846 times in preparation for Hubbard traveling to Syria to join ISIS. CLj733rNLWy-00023-00010846-00011295 Hubbard received a joint recommended sentenced of 12 years in prison, to be followed by a CLj733rNLWy-00024-00011295-00011552 lifetime of supervised release. CLj733rNLWy-00025-00011552-00012034 Christian and Jackson who both pleaded guilty in 2017 and provided significant cooperation CLj733rNLWy-00026-00012034-00012520 to the government, received sentences of eight years in prison and four years in prison, CLj733rNLWy-00027-00012520-00012620 respectively. CLj733rNLWy-00028-00012620-00012988 Both were also sentenced to five years of supervised release. CLj733rNLWy-00029-00012988-00013561 The FBI and JTTF investigated the case with assistance from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, CLj733rNLWy-00030-00013561-00014116 Firearms and Explosives; Transportation Security Administration; Miami International Airport CLj733rNLWy-00031-00014116-00014688 Police Department; Boca Raton, Florida, Police Department; Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office; CLj733rNLWy-00032-00014688-00015147 City of West Palm Beach Police Department; and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CLj733rNLWy-00033-00015147-00015258 Commission. CLj733rNLWy-00034-00015258-00015716 This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Karen E. Gilbert and Edward C. Nucci CLj733rNLWy-00035-00015716-00016184 of the Southern District of Florida, and Trial Attorney Larry Schneider of the National Security CLj733rNLWy-00036-00016184-00017456 Division’s Counterterrorism Section. CMBqctb8XFy-00000-00000000-00000296 In the meantime I'm trying to keep the camera straight. CMBqctb8XFy-00001-00000520-00000924 Look at what we have to pass through! CMBqctb8XFy-00002-00001054-00001471 ♪ He's building a bio-house It's a rather cozy place ♪ CMBqctb8XFy-00003-00001491-00001955 ♪ He made it himself With straw, cob and wood ♪ CMBqctb8XFy-00004-00002055-00002152 I'm Peter Simons CMBqctb8XFy-00005-00002162-00002476 I'm building an organic house, together with my family. CMBqctb8XFy-00006-00002504-00002800 Made of straw bales, wood and second hand materials. CMBqctb8XFy-00007-00002829-00003073 Also energy efficient, and I'm building it myself. CMBqctb8XFy-00008-00003092-00003446 We'll insulate with straw bales. That's what this wooden frame is for. CMBqctb8XFy-00009-00003470-00003874 The bales are fitted between the panels. And we'll apply a cob layer on top... CMBqctb8XFy-00010-00003927-00004090 keep the straw dry. CMBqctb8XFy-00011-00004114-00004407 Usually the outside of straw buildings is covered with lime plaster. CMBqctb8XFy-00012-00004431-00004577 LIme is more water-resistant. CMBqctb8XFy-00013-00004604-00004884 But there are only few places around this house that can get very wet. CMBqctb8XFy-00014-00004898-00005148 So we're experimenting with cob here, to see if it holds. CMBqctb8XFy-00015-00005255-00005632 If it works out we can use cob for the whole house. CMBqctb8XFy-00016-00005665-00005842 Cob is much nicer... CMBqctb8XFy-00017-00005889-00006059 ...much cheaper also. CMBqctb8XFy-00018-00006072-00006222 Cob's just great! CMBqctb8XFy-00019-00006269-00006680 We want to take advantage of the sun. So we have a lot of windows. CMBqctb8XFy-00020-00006700-00006990 But windows are less insulated than walls. CMBqctb8XFy-00021-00007033-00007377 So a windows has to earn it's value by allowing solar heat to enter during the day. CMBqctb8XFy-00022-00007420-00007791 More heat should enter than it loses at night. CMBqctb8XFy-00023-00007877-00008044 That's why most windows are south-facing. CMBqctb8XFy-00024-00008058-00008371 The sun is low now, so it enters the whole living room. CMBqctb8XFy-00025-00008408-00008778 In the summer there's enough heat. So you want to reduce the sunshine. CMBqctb8XFy-00026-00008806-00009192 So our big eaves prevent the sun from entering in the summer. CMBqctb8XFy-00027-00009260-00009370 We go upstairs here. CMBqctb8XFy-00028-00009399-00009499 Tricky stairs... CMBqctb8XFy-00029-00009586-00009846 Very tricky. - Building this way takes guts CMBqctb8XFy-00030-00009936-00010183 I'm not as nimble as Peter. CMBqctb8XFy-00031-00010196-00010333 But I managed. CMBqctb8XFy-00032-00011204-00011358 We have a very well-insulated roof. CMBqctb8XFy-00033-00011381-00011481 Made with straw bales. CMBqctb8XFy-00034-00011511-00011705 Is this done elsewhere? CMBqctb8XFy-00035-00011751-00012068 I've seen straw in walls, but never in roofs before. CMBqctb8XFy-00036-00012172-00012449 No, it's not recommended... CMBqctb8XFy-00037-00012482-00012649 But in practise more is possible... CMBqctb8XFy-00038-00012686-00012816 ...than the calculations show. CMBqctb8XFy-00039-00012849-00013059 Also, I made an extra ventilation layer. CMBqctb8XFy-00040-00013089-00013356 So extra moist can escape. CMBqctb8XFy-00041-00013386-00013810 I suspect this is enough to keep the straw intact. CMBqctb8XFy-00042-00013830-00014030 That's also part of the experiment. CMBqctb8XFy-00043-00014384-00014657 We have to do a lot of wood chopping. CMBqctb8XFy-00044-00014681-00014914 We can use an axe, but there's an easier way. CMBqctb8XFy-00045-00014934-00015145 But still without complex technology. CMBqctb8XFy-00046-00015165-00015528 It's still a simple, manual process. CMBqctb8XFy-00047-00015562-00015822 With cold hands I'm going to attempt to chop wood... CMBqctb8XFy-00048-00015832-00016039 ...with this fantastic device. CMBqctb8XFy-00049-00016066-00016266 It's simple: up and down. CMBqctb8XFy-00050-00016306-00016406 That's all? CMBqctb8XFy-00051-00016679-00016780 Way harder. CMBqctb8XFy-00052-00017033-00017193 Much higher, much harder. CMBqctb8XFy-00053-00017504-00017687 Why do you want to live in this way? CMBqctb8XFy-00054-00017707-00018084 Because we're trying to live with very little money. CMBqctb8XFy-00055-00018131-00018631 And this is because we want to live self-sufficiently. CMBqctb8XFy-00056-00018695-00018902 And this is closely related to sustainability. CMBqctb8XFy-00057-00018915-00019085 I don't think this is a coincidence. CMBqctb8XFy-00058-00019092-00019409 I think that's the way nature is organised. CMBqctb8XFy-00059-00019449-00019696 Money does strange things to people. CMBqctb8XFy-00060-00019723-00020163 When that disappears, you can be together, as part of nature. CMBqctb8XFy-00061-00020200-00020400 I think solar panels are not very sustainable. CMBqctb8XFy-00062-00020420-00020727 What IS sustainable is a solar heater, to make hot water. CMBqctb8XFy-00063-00020747-00021134 A solar heater you can easily make yourself. With copper tubes and a pump. CMBqctb8XFy-00064-00021184-00021331 That's we we want here. CMBqctb8XFy-00065-00021358-00021738 Simplicity, little money, and still a good life. CMBqctb8XFy-00066-00021751-00022275 Many people will argue they don't have enough money to live sustainbly. CMBqctb8XFy-00067-00022308-00022495 Can you give a tip? CMBqctb8XFy-00068-00022542-00022946 My best tip is: pay off you mortgage. CMBqctb8XFy-00069-00022982-00023333 Make sure to reduce your monthly expenses. CMBqctb8XFy-00070-00023413-00023630 Because that gives you freedom. CMBqctb8XFy-00071-00023650-00023903 When you have that freedom, the rest will unfold by itself! CMBqctb8XFy-00072-00023940-00024334 Thank you for your time. And sharing your knowledge. CMBqctb8XFy-00073-00024377-00024761 Our blog is CMBqctb8XFy-00074-00024811-00025278 Watch our videos on the website or facebook. CMBqctb8XFy-00075-00025341-00025739 See you next time... bye! CpGNg4QSUE8-00000-00000009-00000459 I am bullish on Bitcoin and I remain to be bullish on Bitcoin as long as we remain above CpGNg4QSUE8-00001-00000462-00000639 $8,000 to $8,200. CpGNg4QSUE8-00002-00000648-00000896 This is a market where I want to be long. CpGNg4QSUE8-00003-00000902-00001028 I do want to change rallies. CpGNg4QSUE8-00004-00001035-00001413 I want to try to be as comfortable as possible with my size. CpGNg4QSUE8-00005-00001419-00001851 Bitcoin is going to suffer in a recession for the same reason that gold suffered in the CpGNg4QSUE8-00006-00001851-00002091 last recession. What's going on, guys? CpGNg4QSUE8-00007-00002097-00002319 Welcome to our weekly crypto market roundup. CpGNg4QSUE8-00008-00002325-00002699 I'm Giovanni, and today with us two veteran traders - Alessio Rastani and Peter Brandt. CpGNg4QSUE8-00009-00002712-00002982 Welcome to our show, guys. CpGNg4QSUE8-00010-00002994-00003381 In the last few days, we have been witnessing an impressive rally in the crypto market, CpGNg4QSUE8-00011-00003408-00003822 with Bitcoin raising about 20% since the beginning of the year. CpGNg4QSUE8-00012-00003854-00004485 And a lot of altcoins like Bitcoin SV and Dash posting impressive gains. CpGNg4QSUE8-00013-00004548-00005031 So in this kind of situation, it's very easy to get caught up by FOMO and make very bad CpGNg4QSUE8-00014-00005031-00005544 decisions. On the other hand, you cannot miss out on these kind of opportunities. CpGNg4QSUE8-00015-00005571-00005734 So what do you think, guys? CpGNg4QSUE8-00016-00005736-00006150 What's the wisest decision that a trader can do in this kind of situation? CpGNg4QSUE8-00017-00006201-00006441 I am an advocate of Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00018-00006444-00006645 I don't do the altcoins. CpGNg4QSUE8-00019-00006678-00006792 I'm a Bitcoin guy. CpGNg4QSUE8-00020-00006798-00007273 I think Bitcoin is eventually going to be the legacy coin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00021-00007295-00007631 My really only interest is in Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00022-00007642-00007767 I own Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00023-00007827-00008332 I think there is a chance that Bitcoin has a bottom. CpGNg4QSUE8-00024-00008342-00008862 Then we have left a lot of the sold out bulls behind and there is nothing more bullish to CpGNg4QSUE8-00025-00008862-00009005 a market than a lot of sold out bulls. CpGNg4QSUE8-00026-00009006-00009996 And my sense is a lot of the Bitcoin maximalists somehow were shaken out between December CpGNg4QSUE8-00027-00009996-00010716 2017 and the recent laws, and they're going to be a supporting factor in the market. CpGNg4QSUE8-00028-00010719-00011433 So I think there is definitely a chance that we've seen the low on the chartist in my CpGNg4QSUE8-00029-00011433-00012135 charts constructive and perhaps the rally as we have right now, will have fits and starts CpGNg4QSUE8-00030-00012135-00012303 while corrections along the way. CpGNg4QSUE8-00031-00012387-00012628 But I see Bitcoin going higher. CpGNg4QSUE8-00032-00012635-00012912 I see it going much, much higher. CpGNg4QSUE8-00033-00012957-00013428 And so from my perspective, this is a market where I want to be long. CpGNg4QSUE8-00034-00013431-00013560 I don't want to chase rallies. CpGNg4QSUE8-00035-00013563-00014229 I want to try to be as comfortable as possible with my size and hang on for dear life. CpGNg4QSUE8-00036-00014283-00014504 Alessio, what's your view on the situation? CpGNg4QSUE8-00037-00014505-00015135 Like we saw, we thought this is a rally and a lot of people are FOMOing in. CpGNg4QSUE8-00038-00015269-00015831 Do you think it's time to step back and wait, and try to make a decision based on CpGNg4QSUE8-00039-00015915-00016194 rationality? What's your approach to this situation? CpGNg4QSUE8-00040-00016275-00016509 I kind of disagree that we've reached FOMO. CpGNg4QSUE8-00041-00016515-00016749 I think we haven't even got there yet. CpGNg4QSUE8-00042-00016806-00017153 I think Peter and yourself, Giovanni, you're on the right track. CpGNg4QSUE8-00043-00017154-00017484 When you said that, I think majority people actually are in disbelief. CpGNg4QSUE8-00044-00017562-00018026 I think a lot of the majority of people in the Bitcoin community at the moment are in the CpGNg4QSUE8-00045-00018026-00018291 disbelief stage, or at least they were a few days ago. CpGNg4QSUE8-00046-00018327-00018729 So I've been bullish now on Bitcoin, at least for a couple of weeks since beginning of CpGNg4QSUE8-00047-00018729-00018911 this month, as a matter of fact, January. CpGNg4QSUE8-00048-00019023-00019425 A week ago, actually, I posted a video saying pretty much what Peter just said, that I CpGNg4QSUE8-00049-00019425-00019548 think we've likely bottomed. CpGNg4QSUE8-00050-00019596-00020334 And about over a week ago now, I posted another video, I said basically, if Bitcoin goes CpGNg4QSUE8-00051-00020334-00020514 over $7,600, that's it. CpGNg4QSUE8-00052-00020544-00020694 This is a bullish move. And I'll be bullish. CpGNg4QSUE8-00053-00020699-00020877 So I've been bullish now for at least for a few weeks. CpGNg4QSUE8-00054-00020982-00021213 Where I would disagree with Peter on this point. CpGNg4QSUE8-00055-00021213-00021588 And actually, again, I see where Peter's coming from. CpGNg4QSUE8-00056-00021588-00021822 And I think there is a high probability we've bottomed here. CpGNg4QSUE8-00057-00021831-00022115 I still think the probability is not that high. CpGNg4QSUE8-00058-00022116-00022404 I think, I mean, it's high, but it depends how you measure it. CpGNg4QSUE8-00059-00022437-00022821 I would say it's my 65% probability that we've probably bottomed here. CpGNg4QSUE8-00060-00022860-00023010 I would like to be more bullish than that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00061-00023013-00023394 The only reason is, we've seen these kind of breakouts before. CpGNg4QSUE8-00062-00023421-00023817 We've seen how Bitcoin on the weekly chart breaks out of a channel, breaks above the CpGNg4QSUE8-00063-00023817-00024015 moving average like the 21 moving average. CpGNg4QSUE8-00064-00024063-00024366 And then a few weeks afterwards it kind of fails and moves back down again. CpGNg4QSUE8-00065-00024396-00024576 Now I'm not saying that's what's going to happen here. CpGNg4QSUE8-00066-00024579-00024741 I don't think it's going to happen like that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00067-00024795-00024949 But again, it's a probability. CpGNg4QSUE8-00068-00024982-00025392 And as I know, Peter is a probabilities guy as I am as well. CpGNg4QSUE8-00069-00025458-00026019 I would say, look, we just need to see how this weekly, we need another week of positive CpGNg4QSUE8-00070-00026019-00026274 momentum, pushing it above the 21 week average. CpGNg4QSUE8-00071-00026295-00026613 I am bullish on Bitcoin and I remain to be bullish on Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00072-00026616-00026949 As long as we remain above $8,000 to $8,200. CpGNg4QSUE8-00073-00027000-00027255 $8,200 is a weekly 21 moving average. CpGNg4QSUE8-00074-00027282-00027545 We need to remain above that, at least for another couple of weeks. CpGNg4QSUE8-00075-00027562-00027666 And this another week I'd say. CpGNg4QSUE8-00076-00027723-00027927 And if we do, that's great. CpGNg4QSUE8-00077-00027966-00028364 I think Bitcoin has a good chance of lifting off here and going significantly higher. CpGNg4QSUE8-00078-00028404-00028911 But as long as it remains above $8,200, $8,000 is the cutoff point for me. CpGNg4QSUE8-00079-00028977-00029358 Thanks, Alessio. Peter, do you have anything to add on what Alessio just said? CpGNg4QSUE8-00080-00029451-00029577 Yeah, no, I agree. CpGNg4QSUE8-00081-00029580-00029713 I don't think we FOMOed yet. CpGNg4QSUE8-00082-00029789-00030266 The sentiment that I pick up on social media is the same people that kept for years CpGNg4QSUE8-00083-00030266-00030482 talking about to the moon, to the moon, to the moon. CpGNg4QSUE8-00084-00030568-00030781 I now say, no, it's not time yet. CpGNg4QSUE8-00085-00030783-00031016 It's not that they're bullish, it's not that they're bearish. CpGNg4QSUE8-00086-00031052-00031442 It's just that they don't think it's time. CpGNg4QSUE8-00087-00031445-00032012 They are all now want to sit in, buy a break, get back to $6,000 or $5,000. CpGNg4QSUE8-00088-00032014-00032219 They've missed the bottom. CpGNg4QSUE8-00089-00032267-00032840 And during that bottom, I think you had a lot of people accumulate who were strong hands. CpGNg4QSUE8-00090-00032843-00033038 The weekends are up, the strong hands on it. CpGNg4QSUE8-00091-00033131-00033572 What is the best way for someone to make money with crypto at the moment? CpGNg4QSUE8-00092-00033620-00033800 According to you, Peter? CpGNg4QSUE8-00093-00033896-00034306 Well, I think it's kind of a loaded question, Giovanni. CpGNg4QSUE8-00094-00034355-00034976 I mean, that's the problem is a lot of the relatively new people who have come into the CpGNg4QSUE8-00095-00034976-00035384 speculative markets because of Bitcoin, they're like: How do I make money now? CpGNg4QSUE8-00096-00035449-00035577 That's the wrong question. CpGNg4QSUE8-00097-00035612-00036098 I mean, the right question is how do you position yourself to make money over a longer CpGNg4QSUE8-00098-00036098-00036665 period of time? And in the meanwhile, keep your risk at the margins. CpGNg4QSUE8-00099-00036665-00037198 And, you know, it's the immediacy, I want to make money now. CpGNg4QSUE8-00100-00037199-00037754 I mean, that's why we tend to get booms and busts in markets as people become short term. CpGNg4QSUE8-00101-00037814-00038369 I think you make money long term by preparing yourself now, not necessarily making money CpGNg4QSUE8-00102-00038369-00039095 now. And I just think that the longer term, the way to make money is try to accumulate CpGNg4QSUE8-00103-00039098-00039713 quality during times when people want to be sellers. CpGNg4QSUE8-00104-00039713-00039974 And right now we're in an upper stage in Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00105-00040055-00040319 My opinion is Bitcoin can go to a $100,000. CpGNg4QSUE8-00106-00040323-00040562 It's not going to go there day after day after day. CpGNg4QSUE8-00107-00040565-00041264 There's going to be periods of days and weeks, perhaps even months ahead of us where we CpGNg4QSUE8-00108-00041264-00041441 see Bitcoin come under pressure. CpGNg4QSUE8-00109-00041495-00041993 It's periods like that where a person wants to broaden their horizon and not think about CpGNg4QSUE8-00110-00041993-00042245 today or next hour or next week. CpGNg4QSUE8-00111-00042344-00043058 But how do you position yourself to, you know, to benefit if Bitcoin goes to $100,000 or CpGNg4QSUE8-00112-00043058-00043540 more? And so that's the mindset I think someone has to come in. CpGNg4QSUE8-00113-00043541-00044204 As you know, they're just trying to get themselves positioned for a larger story, for a CpGNg4QSUE8-00114-00044204-00044489 bigger gain and, you know, a broader perspective. CpGNg4QSUE8-00115-00044492-00044780 So I guess that's how I dance to that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00116-00044873-00045320 Would you say that this is a time where it's good to accumulate Bitcoin? CpGNg4QSUE8-00117-00045380-00045546 Well, we've had a good run here. CpGNg4QSUE8-00118-00045548-00045917 I mean, I think definitely people have to have their foot in the water. CpGNg4QSUE8-00119-00045944-00046499 I'm not sure somebody who is brand new to Bitcoin or does not have a position in Bitcoin CpGNg4QSUE8-00120-00046499-00047153 wants to jump off of a high, high diving board at this point into shallow water. CpGNg4QSUE8-00121-00047201-00047807 But I think anybody who is interested in what Bitcoin has to offer has to have at least CpGNg4QSUE8-00122-00047951-00048464 10%, 20% of an ownership position relative to the capital that they could commit to CpGNg4QSUE8-00123-00048599-00048854 Bitcoin in a bigger perspective. CpGNg4QSUE8-00124-00048914-00049445 Okay, Alessio, what do you think is the best way at the moment for a trader to profit CpGNg4QSUE8-00125-00049463-00049856 from the current situation and make money with crypto? CpGNg4QSUE8-00126-00049958-00050216 Well, I'm not a short term trader. CpGNg4QSUE8-00127-00050261-00050825 Most of my positions are, again, as Peter was saying, long term position trades or swings CpGNg4QSUE8-00128-00050825-00051629 positions. For me personally, I would say at the moment, you know, I'm long and I think CpGNg4QSUE8-00129-00051629-00052279 that's probably the more sensible way to be on Bitcoin unless we fall below the support CpGNg4QSUE8-00130-00052279-00052420 positions that I mentioned earlier. CpGNg4QSUE8-00131-00052516-00052873 Best thing to do is I would say three things and this can be applied not just to Bitcoin, CpGNg4QSUE8-00132-00052876-00053130 but most markets. But I think these principles I would stick to. CpGNg4QSUE8-00133-00053215-00053791 Number one, whenever, you know, whenever everybody is on one side, have got into the CpGNg4QSUE8-00134-00053791-00054037 extreme, try and be on the other side. CpGNg4QSUE8-00135-00054070-00054328 So like people recently have been on the bearish side. CpGNg4QSUE8-00136-00054364-00054475 It's good to do the opposite. CpGNg4QSUE8-00137-00054516-00054832 At some point in the very near future, you're gonna see the exact opposite. CpGNg4QSUE8-00138-00054835-00055179 Once Bitcoin, I think Bitcoin probably will go into something like a parabolic rally. CpGNg4QSUE8-00139-00055216-00055491 If that happens, once that happens, be very careful. CpGNg4QSUE8-00140-00055525-00055741 Number two, have an exit strategy. CpGNg4QSUE8-00141-00055798-00055984 Now, if you're a hodler, you're holding forever. CpGNg4QSUE8-00142-00055987-00056228 Then maybe this won't be of much help to you. CpGNg4QSUE8-00143-00056260-00056713 But if you're looking to trade Bitcoin, then definitely you've got to have an exit CpGNg4QSUE8-00144-00056713-00057157 position. So whether it's a trailing stop, whether it's a target, whatever, you just CpGNg4QSUE8-00145-00057157-00057346 gotta have an exit position. CpGNg4QSUE8-00146-00057366-00057823 And three, protect your bottom line, protect yourself against... CpGNg4QSUE8-00147-00057934-00058586 when Bitcoin, when the price that's something which goes against your original plan. CpGNg4QSUE8-00148-00058675-00059113 If the reason why you got into the market is no longer present or valid, you've got to CpGNg4QSUE8-00149-00059113-00059221 get out. Simple as that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00150-00059239-00059679 So you gotta have an exit strategy not just for profits, but also for protecting yourself CpGNg4QSUE8-00151-00059679-00060103 against risk, simple as that. The spike in Bitcoin price during the latest Iran-U.S. CpGNg4QSUE8-00152-00060112-00060630 escalations sparked discussion on whether Bitcoin can be really considered or will become CpGNg4QSUE8-00153-00060640-00060877 a safe haven asset in times of turmoil. CpGNg4QSUE8-00154-00060949-00061090 What is your take on this issue? CpGNg4QSUE8-00155-00061144-00061479 Peter? Let Alessio go first on that one. CpGNg4QSUE8-00156-00061749-00062074 I mean, I got a simple answer to that question. CpGNg4QSUE8-00157-00062133-00062413 Ask many folks, people know, people who watched my videos before. CpGNg4QSUE8-00158-00062416-00062539 I've actually traveled to Iran. CpGNg4QSUE8-00159-00062541-00062735 I've been there at least four or five times to Iran. CpGNg4QSUE8-00160-00062737-00063046 I think Peter said, you've been there too, right, to Shiraz or something like that, CpGNg4QSUE8-00161-00063049-00063226 Peter? I have not. CpGNg4QSUE8-00162-00063271-00063448 All right, okay, maybe my mistake, sorry. CpGNg4QSUE8-00163-00063559-00064207 So essentially all I would say is that I think the whole geopolitical impact on Bitcoin CpGNg4QSUE8-00164-00064207-00064498 is exaggerated. And even if it's true, it doesn't matter. CpGNg4QSUE8-00165-00064546-00065137 Doesn't matter to me one bit what the impact is and I think it's dubious anyway. CpGNg4QSUE8-00166-00065140-00065608 This whole so-called geopolitical impact of Iran on Bitcoin, I think is truly, I don't CpGNg4QSUE8-00167-00065608-00066028 buy into that. And again, I'm not a fundamentals guy, I'm a technicals guy. CpGNg4QSUE8-00168-00066112-00066472 And for me, the price action is what really matters. CpGNg4QSUE8-00169-00066527-00067003 And I think for the vast 80% of traders, professional traders, it's the same thing. CpGNg4QSUE8-00170-00067042-00067158 I let Peter answer that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00171-00067228-00067467 I mean, we see this in all markets. CpGNg4QSUE8-00172-00067469-00067675 It hits gold. It hits crude oil. CpGNg4QSUE8-00173-00067692-00067804 They pass. CpGNg4QSUE8-00174-00067810-00068521 I mean, I just remember back to when the US started bombing Iraq back in January of 1991. CpGNg4QSUE8-00175-00068574-00068947 you know, overnight, the price of crude oil was up $5 a barrel. CpGNg4QSUE8-00176-00068968-00069651 By the time we came in the morning, price went down $8 a barrel. CpGNg4QSUE8-00177-00069652-00069770 Those things come and go. CpGNg4QSUE8-00178-00069772-00069930 They don't have any lasting stain. CpGNg4QSUE8-00179-00069949-00070064 Everybody points to them. CpGNg4QSUE8-00180-00070118-00070552 There is one other thing is, I think Bitcoin is a store of value. CpGNg4QSUE8-00181-00070585-00071257 I think Bitcoin eventually will have a major impact as a way to settle a global financial CpGNg4QSUE8-00182-00071347-00071524 trade and commerce. CpGNg4QSUE8-00183-00071593-00071740 Bitcoin is a safe haven. CpGNg4QSUE8-00184-00071812-00071959 I think that's a stretch. CpGNg4QSUE8-00185-00072034-00072511 Unfortunately, we never had a situation where Bitcoin has existed during an economic CpGNg4QSUE8-00186-00072511-00072964 crisis. The last economic crisis we had was in 2008, 2007-2008. CpGNg4QSUE8-00187-00073031-00073177 Bitcoin did not exist back then. CpGNg4QSUE8-00188-00073207-00073675 For me, I would have to actually see for myself what happens to Bitcoin during the next CpGNg4QSUE8-00189-00073720-00074128 potential recession. I don't think a recession is even likely until the year 2021. CpGNg4QSUE8-00190-00074245-00074644 Probably middle of the year 2021 based on some of the factors. CpGNg4QSUE8-00191-00074695-00075160 But my position is, as I've said before, that I think Bitcoin is going to suffer in a CpGNg4QSUE8-00192-00075160-00075520 recession for the same reason that gold suffered in the last recession. CpGNg4QSUE8-00193-00075601-00076102 When the last recession occurred in 2008, gold dropped by 30 %. CpGNg4QSUE8-00194-00076105-00076243 Lost 1/3 of its value. CpGNg4QSUE8-00195-00076270-00076732 For the same reason, I think Bitcoin would also drop in the next recession because most CpGNg4QSUE8-00196-00076732-00076867 people have to raise cash. CpGNg4QSUE8-00197-00076945-00077529 Gold essentially got liquidated just like all other assets did, most assets did. CpGNg4QSUE8-00198-00077529-00077962 Essentially for governments and people to raise cash because they needed, obviously, the CpGNg4QSUE8-00199-00077962-00078496 money during an economic crisis and I think that's what's gonna happen also to Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00200-00078608-00078835 Now, again, I stand to be corrected on that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00201-00078838-00079120 We'll have to see. I know there are some people who are probably going to disagree with CpGNg4QSUE8-00202-00079120-00079345 that. That's OK, but that's my position. CpGNg4QSUE8-00203-00079435-00080050 Peter, do you also think that during a recession, Bitcoin would suffer as other assets? CpGNg4QSUE8-00204-00080146-00080298 Yeah, I mean. CpGNg4QSUE8-00205-00080321-00080680 You know, historically during recessions, people want to go to cash. CpGNg4QSUE8-00206-00080722-00080836 They want liquidity. CpGNg4QSUE8-00207-00080896-00081133 They're scrambling. They're defensive. CpGNg4QSUE8-00208-00081207-00081718 You know, that's not tied people head out and take chances on. CpGNg4QSUE8-00209-00081780-00082061 What still is an unknown derivative to most people. CpGNg4QSUE8-00210-00082077-00082350 So, yeah, I would agree with Alessio on that. CpGNg4QSUE8-00211-00082416-00082719 A lot of people are saying that the halving is already priced in at the moment. CpGNg4QSUE8-00212-00082746-00083310 Other people are saying that we need to expect skyrocketing in the prices of Bitcoin CpGNg4QSUE8-00213-00083313-00083586 because of the halving. What's your take on this situation, Alessio? CpGNg4QSUE8-00214-00083593-00083961 A lot of people keep commenting on my video saying the same thing. CpGNg4QSUE8-00215-00083973-00084256 You know, the halving all this stuff, you know. CpGNg4QSUE8-00216-00084279-00084471 I'll be honest with you, I think it's... CpGNg4QSUE8-00217-00084516-00084885 I don't agree. I don't think that halving, I think it will be a non-event. CpGNg4QSUE8-00218-00084888-00085239 I think, as you put it yourself and your in your e-mail to me. CpGNg4QSUE8-00219-00085269-00085524 I think it's going to be a non-event. I don't think it's gonna have a major impact. CpGNg4QSUE8-00220-00085566-00085913 There might be some volatility for sure as we near the date of halving. CpGNg4QSUE8-00221-00085923-00086547 But now, look, market has already known about the halving for a long time, way over a CpGNg4QSUE8-00222-00086547-00087204 year now. So I can't see how possibly this halving event is gonna have a major massive CpGNg4QSUE8-00223-00087204-00087342 impact on the price of Bitcoin. CpGNg4QSUE8-00224-00087381-00087567 I think it's already been absorbed into the price. CpGNg4QSUE8-00225-00087588-00087780 Yeah, sure. Again, some volatility might happen. CpGNg4QSUE8-00226-00087815-00088218 Again, I'm not a fundamentals guy, I'm a technicals guy. CpGNg4QSUE8-00227-00088254-00088911 And I care more about what the price action is saying than some fundamental event which CpGNg4QSUE8-00228-00088938-00089088 everybody is know for some time. CpGNg4QSUE8-00229-00089121-00089493 I don't see halving as a big market force here. CpGNg4QSUE8-00230-00089505-00089700 It probably already priced in. CpGNg4QSUE8-00231-00089721-00090216 If not, I don't think it matters, quite frankly. CpGNg4QSUE8-00232-00090216-00090906 I think people are pointing to it out of hope, but it's a narrative that's overblown. CpGNg4QSUE8-00233-00091026-00091386 Yeah, I would agree with that. Thank you guys for the great conversation. CpGNg4QSUE8-00234-00091422-00091905 See you next time. And you guys, don't forget to subscribe to our channel and continue CpGNg4QSUE8-00235-00091905-00092370 staying tuned for more exciting content on the latest crypto market updates. CQh2yW9CiEg-00000-00000000-00000176 This is the first video for the Montenegro ERA CQh2yW9CiEg-00001-00000176-00000340 Please make sure to like comment and subscribe. CURPmJfhwlQ-00000-00000318-00000336 foreign CURPmJfhwlQ-00001-00001266-00002100 professor emeritus Donald Reed suggested Egypt as the founder of civilization CURPmJfhwlQ-00002-00002226-00003156 Dr Reed pointed to Edwin blashfield's mural of 1896 the evolution of civilization in the Dome of CURPmJfhwlQ-00003-00003156-00003911 the main reading room of the Library of Congress to illustrate his suggestion blashfield's mural CURPmJfhwlQ-00004-00003965-00004674 visualizes the new nation's intellectual promise and how 12 different cultures were thought to CURPmJfhwlQ-00005-00004674-00005526 have contributed to the civilization at the time Egypt represents written records Judea represents CURPmJfhwlQ-00006-00005526-00006456 religion Greece represents philosophy Rome represents Administration Islam represents physics CURPmJfhwlQ-00007-00006456-00007320 the Middle Ages represents modern languages Italy represents the Fine Arts Germany represents CURPmJfhwlQ-00008-00007320-00008202 the art of printing Spain represents Discovery England represents literature France represents CURPmJfhwlQ-00009-00008202-00009066 emancipation America represents science read also highlighted how blashfield painted Egypt and CURPmJfhwlQ-00010-00009066-00009858 America side by side because Egypt is the origin of civilization and America represents science CURPmJfhwlQ-00011-00009990-00010602 blashfield had first-hand knowledge of ancient Egypt he had traveled to Egypt CURPmJfhwlQ-00012-00010602-00011442 with his wife Evangeline wilbauer the daughter of an egyptologist it's also worth mentioning that CURPmJfhwlQ-00013-00011442-00012348 blashfield did not mention Mesopotamia of Persia's contributions in his bureau it is important to CURPmJfhwlQ-00014-00012348-00012954 note that ancient Egypt used hieroglyphs to write religious literature on Papyrus CURPmJfhwlQ-00015-00012954-00013746 and wood and to record their civilization's progress hieroglyph means sacred carvings CW6nfJgAu_U-00000-00001015-00001483 Double-Digit Favorability Bounce for PEOTUS Donald J. Trump! CW6nfJgAu_U-00001-00001483-00001643 By Jim Hoft. CW6nfJgAu_U-00002-00001643-00002123 Donald J. Trump�s favorability rating has jumped another 12 points since mid October CW6nfJgAu_U-00003-00002123-00002459 following his election blowout in November. CW6nfJgAu_U-00004-00002459-00003066 The far left Huffington Post has Trump up 12 points since October to 41% today. CW6nfJgAu_U-00005-00003066-00003296 They must HATE reporting that. CW6nfJgAu_U-00006-00003296-00003440 Via Townhall: CW6nfJgAu_U-00007-00003440-00003554 (1.) CW6nfJgAu_U-00008-00003554-00004079 Donald Trump�s favorability rating has jumped 12 points since mid-October, from an abysmal CW6nfJgAu_U-00009-00004079-00004655 29 percent (which was an outlier, even by Trump�s historically-low pre-election standards) CW6nfJgAu_U-00010-00004655-00004908 to 41 percent today. CW6nfJgAu_U-00011-00004908-00005335 More Americans, 47 percent, view him unfavorably. CW6nfJgAu_U-00012-00005335-00005860 Still, a net (-6) rating is relatively good for him. CW6nfJgAu_U-00013-00005860-00006484 As we discussed based on exit polling on November 9, negative views of Trump were not overstated CW6nfJgAu_U-00014-00006484-00006653 in national polls. CW6nfJgAu_U-00015-00006653-00007150 What the experts didn�t expect was for Trump to pull in a substantial number of votes from CW6nfJgAu_U-00016-00007150-00007547 people who nevertheless hold an unfavorable opinion of him. CW6nfJgAu_U-00017-00007547-00008136 (2) The right track/wrong track numbers also improved substantially, with the percentage CW6nfJgAu_U-00018-00008136-00008689 of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction dropping to 54 percent. CW6nfJgAu_U-00019-00008689-00009150 That�s down from 65 percent in the thick of the election cycle. CW6nfJgAu_U-00020-00009150-00009620 This seems to align with Fox News� poll last week showing that of all the adjectives CW6nfJgAu_U-00021-00009620-00010123 Americans associate with their sentiments now that the election has been resolved, �hopeful� CW6nfJgAu_U-00022-00010123-00010464 was at the top of the list, at 59 percent. CW6nfJgAu_U-00023-00010464-00010937 This stat is also interesting: �When asked about the outlook for the economy over the CW6nfJgAu_U-00024-00010937-00011589 next year, 42% of Americans said it would get better and 19% said worse. CW6nfJgAu_U-00025-00011589-00013050 That marked the highest level of economic optimism since October, 2012.� CXbIaomtI7I-00001-00122944-00123244 Subtel CYvTckDb7A4-00000-00000000-00000801 The festive season continues right CYvTckDb7A4-00001-00000801-00001019 across our region this weekend. CYvTckDb7A4-00002-00001019-00001250 Tonight that's Friday at Crows Nest and CYvTckDb7A4-00003-00001250-00001566 also at Clifton we've also got Saturday a CYvTckDb7A4-00004-00001566-00001752 great activity out at Oakey kicking off at CYvTckDb7A4-00005-00001752-00001941 one-thirty with the inaugural Oakey CYvTckDb7A4-00006-00001941-00002139 Together Street Parade some 60 floats CYvTckDb7A4-00007-00002139-00002364 followed by the annual Oakey Santa Fair. CYvTckDb7A4-00008-00002364-00002601 At Peacehaven Park at Highfields CYvTckDb7A4-00009-00002601-00002801 also on Saturday of course the Bush CYvTckDb7A4-00010-00002801-00003009 Christmas continues on through until CYvTckDb7A4-00011-00003009-00003215 Sunday at the Christmas Wonderland of CYvTckDb7A4-00012-00003215-00003351 Lights and the Christmas Tree Festival CYvTckDb7A4-00013-00003351-00003585 is certainly well underway at Middle CYvTckDb7A4-00014-00003585-00003761 Ridge Uniting Church. All of these CYvTckDb7A4-00015-00003761-00003914 activities and everything else that's CYvTckDb7A4-00016-00003914-00004068 happening across our region is CYvTckDb7A4-00017-00004068-00004287 available on the Council Events Register CYvTckDb7A4-00018-00004287-00004509 on our website and keep in touch with CYvTckDb7A4-00019-00004509-00004712 social media as well, this very welcome CYvTckDb7A4-00020-00004712-00004896 rain of course plays a little bit of CYvTckDb7A4-00021-00004896-00005052 havoc with outdoor activities so CYvTckDb7A4-00022-00005052-00005277 keep in touch there. Finally and a CYvTckDb7A4-00023-00005277-00005427 very important little message for Cecil Plains CYvTckDb7A4-00024-00005427-00005646 some Councillors will be out there CYvTckDb7A4-00025-00005646-00005855 this evening for a Pool Night, Movie Night. CYvTckDb7A4-00026-00005855-00006137 So slip on out and enjoy that as CYvTckDb7A4-00027-00006137-00007337 well I hope to see there. CZKVfKmFtEy-00000-00000106-00000309 Hi, guys. CZKVfKmFtEy-00001-00000309-00000573 Do you know what's so special about today? CZKVfKmFtEy-00002-00000707-00001083 ♬ Spreaded out some mini-whole pork belly today ♬ CZKVfKmFtEy-00003-00001083-00001452 ♬ I got some grilled cheese as well ♬ CZKVfKmFtEy-00004-00001452-00001797 ♬ Gonna eat 'em with Bul-dak(fire chicken) noodles ♬ CZKVfKmFtEy-00005-00001797-00001935 ♬ HongSound ♬ CZKVfKmFtEy-00006-00002007-00002298 Yeoun: Hello! / Ryuna: Hello~ CZKVfKmFtEy-00007-00005823-00006218 Cheese Buldak and the Grilled Whole Belly Pork CZKVfKmFtEy-00008-00006240-00006362 Hi, everyone. I'm HongSound. CZKVfKmFtEy-00009-00006362-00007025 I'm gonna eat some mini-whole belly pork, grilled cheese and Buldak ramen(spicy chicken ramen) today. CZKVfKmFtEy-00010-00007025-00007130 Let's dig in. CZKVfKmFtEy-00011-00007798-00008055 Wow, look at this! Crazy. CZKVfKmFtEy-00012-00008073-00008214 Let me have some! I can't wait!/ Bro, I'm dying. / Wow~ CZKVfKmFtEy-00013-00008214-00008320 Let's dig in. Looks so good. CZKVfKmFtEy-00014-00008391-00008640 This is grilled cheese. Get to work. CZKVfKmFtEy-00015-00010493-00010608 Great! CZKVfKmFtEy-00016-00010608-00010749 This is nuts. Wow. CZKVfKmFtEy-00017-00010966-00011197 Let's go for some G.C. Grilled-Cheese. CZKVfKmFtEy-00018-00013629-00013752 Mini-whole belly pork. CZKVfKmFtEy-00019-00015783-00016016 Solemnity. Seriousness. CZKVfKmFtEy-00020-00018775-00018945 So delicious. CZKVfKmFtEy-00021-00019271-00019442 One bite with a piece of whole belly pork. CZKVfKmFtEy-00022-00021520-00021835 I'm touched. It's so flavorful. CZKVfKmFtEy-00023-00022329-00022436 knock, knock, knock. CZKVfKmFtEy-00024-00022847-00023171 The smoky flavor makes it even tastier. CZKVfKmFtEy-00025-00023965-00024125 Look at the cartilage. It's huge. CZKVfKmFtEy-00026-00026269-00026486 Cartilage chewing sounds ;( CZKVfKmFtEy-00027-00028277-00028547 Absolutely fantastic. CZKVfKmFtEy-00028-00032482-00032688 Hong-si(Hong's subscribers), you can have some first. CZKVfKmFtEy-00029-00032707-00032809 Yum-yum. CZKVfKmFtEy-00030-00034454-00034732 So good. (I can just taste it by looking!) CZKVfKmFtEy-00031-00034938-00035127 One more Buldak ramen. CZKVfKmFtEy-00032-00035568-00035795 Hong knows how to eat. CZKVfKmFtEy-00033-00036806-00036982 Look at the cheese. Wow! CZKVfKmFtEy-00034-00043834-00043963 It's time for a drink. CZKVfKmFtEy-00035-00043963-00044106 This is Soju made with apples. CZKVfKmFtEy-00036-00044512-00044692 Bottoms up. CZKVfKmFtEy-00037-00044692-00044797 Hong! Hong! Hong! CZKVfKmFtEy-00038-00044912-00044998 Cheers! CZKVfKmFtEy-00039-00046350-00046602 It's apple soju, for real. CZKVfKmFtEy-00040-00046602-00046678 22 percent proof. CZKVfKmFtEy-00041-00046717-00046902 Another shot! CZKVfKmFtEy-00042-00047710-00048160 It's just like the ground apple juice. CZKVfKmFtEy-00043-00050377-00050446 So good. CZKVfKmFtEy-00044-00051830-00051965 A slice of grilled cheese. CZKVfKmFtEy-00045-00052054-00052138 Some pork belly. CZKVfKmFtEy-00046-00052222-00052360 Have some. CZKVfKmFtEy-00047-00052379-00052502 Om nom nom. CZKVfKmFtEy-00048-00052703-00052790 My turn. CZKVfKmFtEy-00049-00057810-00058145 No words needed! CZKVfKmFtEy-00050-00058629-00058711 I loved it. CZKVfKmFtEy-00051-00058711-00059107 I ate cheese, Buldak ramen and some whole belly pork today CZKVfKmFtEy-00052-00059107-00059310 I really loved the combination; it was so tasty. CZKVfKmFtEy-00053-00059310-00059370 Guys, CZKVfKmFtEy-00054-00059370-00059555 All of these are easy to find. CZKVfKmFtEy-00055-00059555-00059651 You should try this. CZKVfKmFtEy-00056-00059651-00059949 You can find this pork belly at Homeplus. CZKVfKmFtEy-00057-00059949-00060055 It's very delicious. CZKVfKmFtEy-00058-00060055-00060415 If you season it with salt before you eat it, it will turn out even tastier. CZKVfKmFtEy-00059-00060427-00060702 You should try this, seriously. CZKVfKmFtEy-00060-00060702-00061202 If you enjoyed watching my show, please subscribe and hit the like and the bell buttons. CZKVfKmFtEy-00061-00061202-00061420 That's it for today. CZKVfKmFtEy-00062-00061441-00061613 Bye! CZKVfKmFtEy-00063-00061748-00062737 ♬ HongSound ♬ Please like and subscribe. CdhL_hMkn1k-00000-00000488-00000776 Hey good morning or good afternoon everybody CdhL_hMkn1k-00001-00000776-00001592 my name is Daniel Gills and I'm here, proud to admit that I am a Door Hardware Nerd. CdhL_hMkn1k-00002-00001696-00002184 So my role within ASSA ABLOY is Director of Business Development for Yale Commercial CdhL_hMkn1k-00003-00002184-00002808 and Arrow Lock. So what that means is I work hand-in-hand with our sales team, our customers, CdhL_hMkn1k-00004-00002864-00003400 our operations, engineering, product development, customer service, and technical support groups CdhL_hMkn1k-00005-00003400-00003736 getting involved in all things it takes to help grow our business, CdhL_hMkn1k-00006-00003792-00004304 train our customers, let everybody know what opportunities we've got to take the CdhL_hMkn1k-00007-00004304-00004832 Yale and Arrow brand to make them more successful. That involves training, new product development, CdhL_hMkn1k-00008-00004832-00005312 identifying gaps in our product lines, and making sure that we're solving our customers needs. CdhL_hMkn1k-00009-00005696-00006128 So what does it mean or what does it make me feel like to be a Door Hardware CdhL_hMkn1k-00010-00006128-00006695 Nerd? Well I take pride in everything I do as it relates to the customers we work with and CdhL_hMkn1k-00011-00006695-00007159 the teams we work with at our factories. Door hardware is what I've known for 11 years since CdhL_hMkn1k-00012-00007159-00007640 graduating college. It is what keeps me up at night, it's what wakes me up in the morning CdhL_hMkn1k-00013-00007640-00008240 and it's what I truly enjoy doing, is learning all the opportunities and solutions available CdhL_hMkn1k-00014-00008240-00008792 and helping our sales people, our customers achieve what they need to get their projects, CdhL_hMkn1k-00015-00008792-00009368 to get their challenges resolved and ultimately completed in a timely and orderly fashion. CdhL_hMkn1k-00016-00009824-00010328 So some of you may be wondering how long it took me before I knew I was a Door Hardware Nerd. CdhL_hMkn1k-00017-00010384-00010936 And I would say I wasn't so sure that I was a Door Hardware Nerd, but I knew it when my family CdhL_hMkn1k-00018-00010936-00011520 started telling me "Hey we saw this cylinder and it had Medeco written on it" or "Hey we saw this CdhL_hMkn1k-00019-00011520-00012024 door closer and it had Yale on it". So the fact that my nerdiness had spilled over to family CdhL_hMkn1k-00020-00012080-00012784 definitely cemented me in the Door Hardware Nerd Hall of Fame at that point. CdhL_hMkn1k-00021-00012872-00013440 One of the nerdiest door hardware things I've ever done? I, you know this may be a confession here, CdhL_hMkn1k-00022-00013440-00014216 but I'm pretty sure I went on a full-blown sales presentation to somebody in, in a retail CdhL_hMkn1k-00023-00014216-00014736 store recently when they were considering buying a deadbolt for their home. I walked them through the CdhL_hMkn1k-00024-00014736-00015336 features, the benefits, why our product was better than, than the other one on the shelf, and my wife CdhL_hMkn1k-00025-00015336-00015944 got to witness that. So that was something that was pretty nerdy, but frankly I had a lot of fun CdhL_hMkn1k-00026-00015944-00016568 and the customer walked out actually buying one of our products so it was a pretty cool thing to do. CdhL_hMkn1k-00027-00016968-00017272 And what I'd like the Door Hardware Nerds to know out there. CdhL_hMkn1k-00028-00017272-00017624 Whether you're a nerd or whether you're just getting involved in this industry CdhL_hMkn1k-00029-00017624-00017976 you don't have to know everything but you've got to have a passion for learning. CdhL_hMkn1k-00030-00017976-00018648 This industry, although it looks like, and we joke, and I tell people I'm a doorknob salesman, CdhL_hMkn1k-00031-00018648-00019120 there is so much to learn. Our industry can be so complex, you don't have to learn it all CdhL_hMkn1k-00032-00019120-00019664 at once. Ask questions, ask a colleague, call technical support, talk to customer service, CdhL_hMkn1k-00033-00019664-00020296 ask your sales rep. Nobody is a an expert in all things door hardware or the security industry. CdhL_hMkn1k-00034-00020376-00020904 Be hungry, be a sponge. Ask for help when you need it, but just be willing to show up and CdhL_hMkn1k-00035-00020904-00021480 contribute everything you can and you'll find you can have a great career, make lifelong personal, CdhL_hMkn1k-00036-00021480-00022016 professional relationships and really get the most out of this industry. So with that I'd like CdhL_hMkn1k-00037-00022016-00022600 to thank everybody for subscribing and looking at the Door Hardware Nerd page and we're looking CdhL_hMkn1k-00038-00022600-00023008 forward to bringing you great content about all the fun things this industry has to offer. Ce5g9CEp-Ey-00000-00000132-00000314 Video created from an idea of Ce5g9CEp-Ey-00001-00000896-00001096 Oratory "Saint Vincenzo" Ce5g9CEp-Ey-00002-00001522-00001722 Purloined new information Ce5g9CEp-Ey-00003-00003634-00004052 THE TIME CHANGE! CfK5PM8HJCU-00000-00000000-00000200 I’m doing good… ChFw1dyxr68-00000-00002684-00002884 My name is Daniela ChFw1dyxr68-00001-00003174-00004022 I'm doing a job at the university, it consists of having conversations with foreign people ChFw1dyxr68-00002-00004114-00004400 Have you been here before? ChFw1dyxr68-00003-00004400-00004922 No, it's my first time in the place, I did not know it, I did not even know it existed. ChFw1dyxr68-00004-00004978-00005214 Okay, you plan on coming back ChFw1dyxr68-00005-00005284-00005522 Yes, when I try - laughter ChFw1dyxr68-00006-00005598-00005798 What do you like about it? ChFw1dyxr68-00007-00005874-00006558 I like the theme of the place, the environment and and we can interact Cl8lDF3Sevu-00000-00000010-00000260 One, two, three, four Cl8lDF3Sevu-00001-00000800-00001240 My name is Seun Anikulapo Kuti. I am a musician. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00002-00001500-00002300 To be true to your calling as an artist, what art does is it represents the consciousness of a nation. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00003-00002480-00003010 My dad was really like a great thinker and immovable. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00004-00003200-00003550 My dad, you know, did not believe in any kind of discrimination. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00005-00003790-00004250 Kalakuta was the embodiment of my dad’s social beliefs. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00006-00004370-00004560 Nobody is more than anybody. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00007-00004560-00005030 Nobody is richer, nobody is poorer. You know; equality. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00008-00005650-00005840 In Kalakuta we had all sorts of people. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00009-00005840-00006130 Gay people, trans people. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00010-00006260-00006600 Sexual minorities always existed not only in Kalakuta. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00011-00006600-00006959 I mean, there are sexual minorities everywhere in the world. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00012-00007130-00007480 I don’t see any difference between gay rights and human rights. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00013-00007530-00007880 When you experience any kind of oppression Cl8lDF3Sevu-00014-00007880-00008950 be it sexually driven, religiously driven, racially driven, people need to see it as an abuse of human rights. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00015-00009300-00009920 The future of gay people in Africa is also tied to the future of Black people in Africa in general. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00016-00009990-00010450 African people’s struggles are gay African people’s struggles. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00017-00010700-00011100 I have come to believe in what my dad stood for. Cl8lDF3Sevu-00018-00011200-00011440 Anywhere I see oppression, I stand against it. CmwWX_01lkk-00000-00000024-00001194 FIRST TIMEEVER IN OMAN D4ucd9jvamg-00000-00000000-00000200 🤙hellow guy's i hope you 🤣happy🙂watching..`DIYgames》 D4-tiNJNHhE-00000-00000607-00000781 This is Captain Martin Walker D4-tiNJNHhE-00001-00000824-00001098 Requesting immediate evacuation of Dubaï D4-tiNJNHhE-00002-00001186-00001326 Survivors... D4-tiNJNHhE-00003-00001420-00001574 One too many D4-tiNJNHhE-00011-00003674-00003796 We have our orders D4-tiNJNHhE-00012-00003810-00004011 Locate survivors and leave the city immediately D4-tiNJNHhE-00013-00004098-00004530 Radio command from outside the stormwall, they send in the cavalry, we go home D4-tiNJNHhE-00016-00004922-00005022 Oh my god D4-tiNJNHhE-00017-00005204-00005480 Colonel, what's going on here? D4-tiNJNHhE-00018-00005508-00005778 Survival, Captain, plain and simple D4-tiNJNHhE-00020-00005940-00006202 Are those... civilians? D4-tiNJNHhE-00022-00006326-00006584 Where'd they come from? There's no camp here! D4-tiNJNHhE-00024-00006759-00006906 They took'em from the nest D4-tiNJNHhE-00025-00006962-00007386 It's just in! An unwanted assault on the 33rd today means... D4-tiNJNHhE-00026-00007468-00007588 You've guessed it D4-tiNJNHhE-00027-00007612-00007744 An end to the ceasefire D4-tiNJNHhE-00028-00007820-00007888 They're still alive D4-tiNJNHhE-00029-00007944-00008078 Take care of them! D4-tiNJNHhE-00030-00008159-00008260 RETURN FIRE! D4-tiNJNHhE-00031-00008282-00008388 BUT THEY'RE SOLIDERS! D4-tiNJNHhE-00032-00008440-00008738 None of this would've happened if you just stopped D4-tiNJNHhE-00033-00008782-00009012 But on you marched D4-tiNJNHhE-00034-00009034-00009232 Those were soldiers, our own guys... D4-tiNJNHhE-00035-00009268-00009354 It was self-defense D4-tiNJNHhE-00036-00009366-00009552 It doesn't make me feel any better... D4-tiNJNHhE-00037-00009644-00010136 This is your fault Walker, YOU did this, not me D4-tiNJNHhE-00038-00010172-00010390 We just took out a tower full of American troops D4-tiNJNHhE-00039-00010392-00010532 They didn't leave us any choice... D4-tiNJNHhE-00040-00010532-00010672 YOU didn't leave us any choice! D4-tiNJNHhE-00041-00010820-00011064 Do you feel like a hero yet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ D4-tiNJNHhE-00042-00011106-00011302 I don't understand any of this.... D4-tiNJNHhE-00043-00011342-00011508 Conrad deserves to die, you know that D4-tiNJNHhE-00044-00011558-00011698 And what do WE deserve? D4-tiNJNHhE-00045-00011818-00011996 THIS IS YOUR FAULT GODDAMNIT D4-tiNJNHhE-00046-00011996-00012182 Stop right there Lugo D4-tiNJNHhE-00047-00012182-00012354 BUT IT IS, HE WOULDN'T LISTEN D4-tiNJNHhE-00048-00012354-00012498 WE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE! D4-tiNJNHhE-00049-00012498-00012698 HE TURNED US INTO FUCKING KILLERS! D4-tiNJNHhE-00050-00012718-00012863 THATS ENOUGH SERGEANT! D4-tiNJNHhE-00051-00012863-00012978 NO, NO! D4-tiNJNHhE-00052-00012978-00013130 CONTROL YOURSELF! D4-tiNJNHhE-00053-00013224-00013424 There they are, MURDERERS! D4-tiNJNHhE-00054-00013468-00013646 THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT D4-tiNJNHhE-00055-00013700-00013824 YOURS! D4-tiNJNHhE-00056-00013868-00014068 DAMNT IT WALKER, RUN! D4-tiNJNHhE-00057-00014102-00014252 I DID WHAT WAS NECESSARY D4-tiNJNHhE-00058-00014252-00014396 YOU DONT GET TO MAKE THAT CALL! D4-tiNJNHhE-00059-00014422-00014536 SON OF A BITCH! D4-tiNJNHhE-00060-00014560-00014736 EVERYONE BACK! NOW! D4-tiNJNHhE-00061-00014778-00014886 I TRIED TO SAVE YOU! D4-tiNJNHhE-00062-00014934-00015108 YOU CAN'T SAVE ANYONE! D4-tiNJNHhE-00063-00015196-00015354 YOU THINK I LIKE WATCHING THESE PEOPE DIE, HUH? D4-tiNJNHhE-00064-00015391-00015636 YOU THINK I WON'T CARRY THIS SHIT TO MY FUCKING GRAVE? D4-tiNJNHhE-00065-00015636-00015690 SHIT! D4-tiNJNHhE-00066-00015690-00015890 GET THE FUCK... JUST STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! D4-tiNJNHhE-00067-00015944-00016090 GET THE FUCK BACK! D4-tiNJNHhE-00068-00016090-00016244 BRACE FOR IMPACT! D4-tiNJNHhE-00069-00016250-00016398 WALKER, WALKER! D4-tiNJNHhE-00070-00016398-00016650 Welcome to HELL, Walker (`・ω・´) D4-tiNJNHhE-00072-00017130-00017574 The only vilain here is you Walker, there's only you (ˇ_ˇ’!l) D4-tiNJNHhE-00074-00018276-00018434 Sérieusement, jouez à ce jeu. D7YYzJCZK5U-00000-00000001-00000104 (male narrator) In this video, D7YYzJCZK5U-00001-00000104-00000400 we will look at how we can add and subtract D7YYzJCZK5U-00002-00000400-00000603 rational expressions that have different denominators. D7YYzJCZK5U-00003-00000603-00000809 Very similar to adding and subtracting D7YYzJCZK5U-00004-00000809-00001004 fractions with numbers, D7YYzJCZK5U-00005-00001004-00001208 we must build up the denominator... D7YYzJCZK5U-00006-00001500-00001700 by multiplying... D7YYzJCZK5U-00007-00002101-00002301 by the missing factors. D7YYzJCZK5U-00008-00002603-00002806 Because we're multiplying by missing factors, D7YYzJCZK5U-00009-00002806-00003100 it means we may have to factor D7YYzJCZK5U-00010-00003100-00003403 in order to find the LCD. D7YYzJCZK5U-00011-00003403-00003607 Let's take a look at some examples D7YYzJCZK5U-00012-00003607-00004002 where we have to do just that. D7YYzJCZK5U-00013-00004002-00004106 In this problem, D7YYzJCZK5U-00014-00004106-00004402 we notice we have different denominators. D7YYzJCZK5U-00015-00004402-00004508 To find the LCD, D7YYzJCZK5U-00016-00004508-00004808 we must first factor each denominator. D7YYzJCZK5U-00017-00004808-00005104 The first denominator, with two terms, D7YYzJCZK5U-00018-00005104-00005505 we notice is a difference of squares. D7YYzJCZK5U-00019-00005505-00005706 It will factor to the sum and difference D7YYzJCZK5U-00020-00005706-00006309 of the square roots: x plus 3, x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00021-00006309-00006708 The second denominator, we must use the AC method-- D7YYzJCZK5U-00022-00006708-00007208 multiplying the -6 and adding to 1. D7YYzJCZK5U-00023-00007208-00007701 This is done with 2 and 3, if the 2 is negative. D7YYzJCZK5U-00024-00007701-00007907 Because of the 1 in front of x squared, D7YYzJCZK5U-00025-00007907-00008600 it factors to x minus 2, times x plus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00026-00008600-00008804 Our LCD, we recall, is found D7YYzJCZK5U-00027-00008804-00009309 by taking all the factors that appear in x plus 3... D7YYzJCZK5U-00028-00009309-00010005 in x minus 3... in x minus 2. D7YYzJCZK5U-00029-00010005-00010408 And you notice the x plus 3 is already part of the LCD, D7YYzJCZK5U-00030-00010408-00010903 so there will be no need to list it twice. D7YYzJCZK5U-00031-00010903-00011200 Now, in order to get a common denominator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00032-00011200-00011309 we will build up each denominator D7YYzJCZK5U-00033-00011309-00011700 by multiplying by the missing factors. D7YYzJCZK5U-00034-00011700-00012200 This first denominator is missing the factor x minus 2, D7YYzJCZK5U-00035-00012200-00012803 so we will multiply numerator and denominator by x minus 2. D7YYzJCZK5U-00036-00012803-00013008 When we distribute in the numerator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00037-00013008-00013603 2x times x is 2x squared, minus 2x times 2, D7YYzJCZK5U-00038-00013603-00013805 which is 4x. D7YYzJCZK5U-00039-00013805-00014408 Over the common denominator, x minus 2, x plus 3, x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00040-00014704-00014909 Plus, in the second fraction, D7YYzJCZK5U-00041-00014909-00015308 you may notice it's missing the factor x minus 3, D7YYzJCZK5U-00042-00015308-00015804 so we will factor numerator and denominator by x minus 3... D7YYzJCZK5U-00043-00015804-00016200 I'm sorry, multiply by x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00044-00016200-00016308 Distributing the 5 through D7YYzJCZK5U-00045-00016308-00016902 will give us 5x minus 15 over the common denominator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00046-00016902-00017408 x minus 2, times x plus 3, times x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00047-00017609-00017901 Now that we have a common denominator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00048-00017901-00018208 we can simply combine like terms. D7YYzJCZK5U-00049-00018208-00018400 In the numerator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00050-00018400-00019101 we have 2x squared, minus 4x plus 5x, is plus x... D7YYzJCZK5U-00051-00019101-00019501 minus 15, over the common denominator D7YYzJCZK5U-00052-00019501-00020100 x minus 2, x plus 3, x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00053-00020100-00020402 However, before we say this is our final solution, D7YYzJCZK5U-00054-00020402-00020804 we will want to factor to see if it can reduce. D7YYzJCZK5U-00055-00020804-00021106 Using the AC method in the numerator, D7YYzJCZK5U-00056-00021106-00021608 we're multiplying to -30 and adding to 1. D7YYzJCZK5U-00057-00021608-00022006 This is done with 6 and -5. D7YYzJCZK5U-00058-00022006-00022304 Because of the 2 in front of the x squared, D7YYzJCZK5U-00059-00022304-00022604 we will be careful as we build our factors. D7YYzJCZK5U-00060-00022604-00023108 To get 2x squared, it must be 2x times x. D7YYzJCZK5U-00061-00023108-00023608 2x must be multiplied by something to get the 6. D7YYzJCZK5U-00062-00023608-00024006 This must be +3, which means in the center, D7YYzJCZK5U-00063-00024006-00024500 x is multiplied by the -5. D7YYzJCZK5U-00064-00024500-00024700 Fortunately, our common denominator D7YYzJCZK5U-00065-00024700-00024902 has already been factored for us: D7YYzJCZK5U-00066-00024902-00025601 2x minus 2, times x plus 3, times x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00067-00025601-00025902 Notice that our factored expression D7YYzJCZK5U-00068-00025902-00026203 does have some factors that can reduce. D7YYzJCZK5U-00069-00026203-00026600 The x plus 3s on top and bottom divide out, D7YYzJCZK5U-00070-00026600-00026902 and we're left with 2x minus 5, D7YYzJCZK5U-00071-00026902-00027406 over x minus 2, times x minus 3. D7YYzJCZK5U-00072-00027704-00027907 To add with these rational expressions, D7YYzJCZK5U-00073-00027907-00028207 we find the least common denominator by factoring D7YYzJCZK5U-00074-00028207-00028701 and multiply by any missing factors. D7YYzJCZK5U-00075-00028701-00028809 In Part 2 of this video, D7YYzJCZK5U-00076-00028809-00029101 we will look at a subtraction problem D7YYzJCZK5U-00077-00029101-00029504 that we can do the exact same process to solve. D9zszbF1_RA-00000-00000388-00000748 Vtuber self introduction Q&A! (children cheer) D9zszbF1_RA-00001-00000748-00000948 3, 2, 1 let's go! D9zszbF1_RA-00002-00000948-00001116 What is your name? Nagisa Misumi D9zszbF1_RA-00003-00001116-00001360 What's your nickname? Monke D9zszbF1_RA-00004-00001360-00001619 What kind of VTuber are you? PreCure! D9zszbF1_RA-00005-00001674-00001870 Date of Birth? 2006 D9zszbF1_RA-00006-00001870-00002120 How old are you? Seventeen! D9zszbF1_RA-00007-00002120-00002289 Pronouns? Uhh... she and her? D9zszbF1_RA-00008-00002289-00002489 How tall are you? I'M THE BIGGEST BIRD! D9zszbF1_RA-00009-00002489-00002658 Where are you from? Akihabara, nyo~! D9zszbF1_RA-00010-00002658-00002852 Great thing about you? Bruh D9zszbF1_RA-00011-00002852-00003209 Now perform a quick impression! Party rockers feat peter griffin remix D9zszbF1_RA-00012-00003209-00003627 Where can we find you? (Dejiko was cross at Gema not to interfere with the manager.) D9zszbF1_RA-00013-00003627-00003893 Catchphrase 1! That's no good! D9zszbF1_RA-00014-00003893-00004061 Catchphrase 2! Pingas! D9zszbF1_RA-00015-00004061-00004276 Catchphrase 3! Mama Luigi! D9zszbF1_RA-00016-00004276-00004448 Fan emojis? NO! D9zszbF1_RA-00017-00004448-00004632 #LiveTag? NO! D9zszbF1_RA-00018-00004653-00004823 #FanArtTag? NO! D9zszbF1_RA-00019-00004823-00005024 Fan name? @yourestillgrounded D9zszbF1_RA-00020-00005024-00005200 Favourite colour? BLACK! D9zszbF1_RA-00021-00005218-00005422 Hobbies? Drawing and TV. D9zszbF1_RA-00022-00005422-00005626 What's your skills? We've to pound out the Oreos! (Gawr Gura) D9zszbF1_RA-00023-00005626-00005847 Confess your love to your Senpai! <3 D9zszbF1_RA-00024-00005847-00006162 Naoto: Da f**k! (HOLLERING, and explodes) D9zszbF1_RA-00025-00006275-00006433 Favourite food? Doritos! D9zszbF1_RA-00026-00006433-00006620 Favourite drink? Mountain Dew! D9zszbF1_RA-00027-00006620-00006814 Favourite manga/cartoon? Sarah and Duck! (and there's others as well) D9zszbF1_RA-00028-00006814-00007200 Favourite anime? Sailor moon? nah. Pretty cure? YES! D9zszbF1_RA-00029-00007200-00007382 Favourite game? MARIO! (there's sonic as well) D9zszbF1_RA-00030-00007382-00008189 Favourite music? Move your feet 8-bit D9zszbF1_RA-00031-00008189-00009363 Biggest fear? Aquarian Productions (1978, 16mm filmed variant) D9zszbF1_RA-00032-00009363-00009535 Who's your idol? D9zszbF1_RA-00033-00009535-00010110 MIO HONDA!!! D9zszbF1_RA-00034-00010110-00010348 What's your dream? Becoming a TV addict! D9zszbF1_RA-00035-00010348-00010548 Anything to add before we end?! GO!!! (>W<)/ D9zszbF1_RA-00036-00010548-00011483 DANCING PETER AND LOIS WHEN THERE'S RAINBOW WALL. D9zszbF1_RA-00037-00011483-00011683 children cheer D9zszbF1_RA-00038-00011739-00011847 Yakko: Those are the facts dude! (dropping a heap of microphones on the ground) D9zszbF1_RA-00039-00011923-00012009 Mario: SMOKE D9zszbF1_RA-00040-00012086-00012163 Wanda: Turn this TV off Cosmo! Cosmo: ok, ok!! Dq-mSrbMDYu-00000-00000072-00000339 For us at Estilocracia Dq-mSrbMDYu-00001-00000411-00000645 Automobiles are not an issue about Dq-mSrbMDYu-00002-00000707-00001035 Horsepower, nor torque Dq-mSrbMDYu-00003-00001051-00001352 Not even about caracteristics of higher or better technology Dq-mSrbMDYu-00005-00001457-00001707 For us, it is a matter of style Dq-mSrbMDYu-00006-00001765-00002106 I am your friend, Ricardo Domínguez, and we are at Estilocracia Dq-mSrbMDYu-00007-00002144-00002454 Were we will learn that style Dq-mSrbMDYu-00008-00002454-00002794 Is not a thing you're born with, Dq-mSrbMDYu-00009-00002794-00003052 It is something you learn in time and through the way Dq-mSrbMDYu-00010-00003323-00003440 I believe a car Dq-mSrbMDYu-00011-00003571-00003671 Is chosen Dq-mSrbMDYu-00012-00003684-00003980 Because it defines Dq-mSrbMDYu-00013-00003980-00004630 Our tastes, our style, our way of being, the way we want to be seen by the world Dq-mSrbMDYu-00014-00004746-00005055 There are vehicles of all sizes and forms Dq-mSrbMDYu-00015-00005056-00005389 And i believe that big cars are to proyect family status Dq-mSrbMDYu-00016-00005412-00005687 And what we want to talk about now is Dq-mSrbMDYu-00017-00005687-00005976 Small vehicles Dq-mSrbMDYu-00018-00005976-00006273 Practically single passenger vehicles bought by young people Dq-mSrbMDYu-00019-00006278-00006453 Whom are not married Dq-mSrbMDYu-00020-00006495-00006715 Or married without children Dq-mSrbMDYu-00021-00006716-00007064 Or whom just have a couple of friends and all fit in the same car Dq-mSrbMDYu-00022-00007114-00007404 And there's difference between cars Dq-mSrbMDYu-00023-00007404-00007904 All small cars are slightly similar with but still have some differences Dq-mSrbMDYu-00024-00007966-00008634 An Ibiza, for example, is an energetic car: it runs fast and accelerates quickly Dq-mSrbMDYu-00025-00008654-00009282 It's a vehicle for dinamic people, whom are always active and like competition Dq-mSrbMDYu-00026-00009394-00009894 In that sense, cars spread down the category Dq-mSrbMDYu-00027-00010000-00010764 But most of them are alike: Mazda is like Toyota, is like Spark Dq-mSrbMDYu-00028-00010764-00011496 Even if Chevrolet Spark is Below the rest on this category due to it's price Dq-mSrbMDYu-00029-00011552-00012286 On this note, price is important, it is important to understand if one can pay the price and Dq-mSrbMDYu-00030-00012320-00012754 If they wish to impress their acquaintances Dq-mSrbMDYu-00031-00012768-00013216 Obviously owning a small BMW is not the same as owning a Chevrolet Spark Dq-mSrbMDYu-00032-00013246-00013496 That is perfectly understandable Dq-mSrbMDYu-00033-00013502-00014391 And it works as a way to represent, not only lifestyle or personality Dq-mSrbMDYu-00034-00014419-00014924 But also social status or financial status Dq-mSrbMDYu-00035-00014960-00015866 However, all vehicles in the end, small and fast, are nothing more than lifestyle Dq-mSrbMDYu-00036-00015880-00016226 And we would like to know your preference on this matter Dq-mSrbMDYu-00037-00016268-00016692 This video, rather than a video, it's a poll Dq-mSrbMDYu-00038-00016734-00017156 Because we would like to know, among you, which is your favourite Dq-mSrbMDYu-00039-00017188-00017816 Which do you consider represents best a dinamic and ambitious youth Dq-mSrbMDYu-00040-00017846-00018462 Whom aim to progress in life but that doesn't look to own a heavyweight from Mercedes-Benz Dq-mSrbMDYu-00041-00018476-00019108 Because why would they if they are looking for personal status rather than familiar status Dq-mSrbMDYu-00042-00019122-00019366 A manifestation of their style Dq-mSrbMDYu-00043-00019398-00019616 Which vehicle is your favourite? Dq-mSrbMDYu-00044-00019630-00020186 We leave this question so you can participate on this forum Dq-mSrbMDYu-00045-00020198-00020808 It will be extremely useful for us to understand which car is worth owning Dq-mSrbMDYu-00046-00020840-00021148 I thank you for watching this video Dq-mSrbMDYu-00047-00021150-00021534 And remember to give it a like, subscribe to our channel Dq-mSrbMDYu-00048-00021596-00021892 Click on the bell to receive notifications on new videos Dq-mSrbMDYu-00049-00021902-00022568 And click on the Join button to join our community, thanks a lot. DrMd5Gqx8gy-00000-00000053-00000789 Welcome to this video tutorial on how to correctly link back to an EbscoHost or Gale resource. DrMd5Gqx8gy-00001-00000789-00001217 So if you've done any amount of searching on the library homepage, eventually you're DrMd5Gqx8gy-00002-00001217-00001668 going to come across the page that looks like this uh--in this example, this is an Ebsco DrMd5Gqx8gy-00003-00001668-00002088 page, it says "select resource," "Western Colorado University," and has a whole bunch DrMd5Gqx8gy-00004-00002088-00002320 of links that will take you nowhere DrMd5Gqx8gy-00005-00002320-00002864 basically. So, this will happen for one of two reasons-- either you've walked away from DrMd5Gqx8gy-00006-00002864-00003665 your desktop for more than 10 minutes or so, and your browser session has timed out essentially, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00007-00003665-00004324 or this may happen when you have copied and pasted a link that was temporary and not permanent. DrMd5Gqx8gy-00008-00004324-00004968 So in the first case, you can avoid this by keeping your browser sessions short, not leaving DrMd5Gqx8gy-00009-00004968-00005739 your window unattended, and tracking any keywords that you have used and making sure that you're DrMd5Gqx8gy-00010-00005739-00006344 saving your progress on your research. The second way is to of course find the right DrMd5Gqx8gy-00011-00006344-00006933 link. So let's say that you've been using the library homepage,, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00012-00006933-00007440 and you may be either using the "All" tab or the "Articles" tab here, and you'll find DrMd5Gqx8gy-00013-00007440-00007926 a page that looks a little bit like this. In the center, you'll have your search results, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00014-00007926-00008376 on the left side you'll have ways to limit those search results down, because oftentimes DrMd5Gqx8gy-00015-00008376-00009084 we'll have quite a few results from even just a basic search, right? However, if you are DrMd5Gqx8gy-00016-00009084-00009660 walking away or prepared to go do something else, and you want to come back to this results DrMd5Gqx8gy-00017-00009660-00010239 page for EbscoHost, what we'll do is go over to this right hand side, near the top, that DrMd5Gqx8gy-00018-00010239-00010829 has this "share" button so once you click "share" you can create a permalink back to DrMd5Gqx8gy-00019-00010829-00011375 the search results page. So if you want to revisit this, or share it with group project DrMd5Gqx8gy-00020-00011375-00011792 members, anything like that, this is the link that will bring you back. Copying and pasting DrMd5Gqx8gy-00021-00011792-00011892 this URL DrMd5Gqx8gy-00022-00011892-00012623 up in the top box will get you thatblank forgetfulness page, right? Similarly, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00023-00012623-00013179 if we wanted only one of these, so let's say "Standards of Beauty"-- if we want only one DrMd5Gqx8gy-00024-00013179-00013425 article, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00025-00013425-00014018 we can use the tool on this right hand side right? Right here, the "permalink" button DrMd5Gqx8gy-00026-00014018-00014624 is indicated usually with these little chain links, oftentimes you'll see this on a web DrMd5Gqx8gy-00027-00014624-00015207 page that indicates that this is the link that they wouldprefer you to use, so on-- DrMd5Gqx8gy-00028-00015207-00015787 for EbscoHost you can see this "" prefix right here and that means that it's DrMd5Gqx8gy-00029-00015787-00016462 going to put you through the Western proxy server, so this means that whether you're DrMd5Gqx8gy-00030-00016462-00016731 accessing on-campus, off-campus, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00031-00016731-00017234 anywhere in the world, you will be able to get back to this page reliably, if you use DrMd5Gqx8gy-00032-00017234-00017912 this link. You may have to sign in usingyour Western credentials off-campus, but it will DrMd5Gqx8gy-00033-00017912-00018430 still bring you back to this page. However, just copying and pasting the permalink isn't DrMd5Gqx8gy-00034-00018430-00019031 always enough, right? Part of your due diligence when you're doing research is to also copy DrMd5Gqx8gy-00035-00019031-00019515 some basic information about this article, right? At the very least, you want the title DrMd5Gqx8gy-00036-00019515-00019993 so that if something did happen to this link, if for example, you were working in a shared DrMd5Gqx8gy-00037-00019993-00020593 Google document and a team member accidentally put in a space or a period somewhere and broke DrMd5Gqx8gy-00038-00020593-00021060 the link, you'll have at least some idea of what the article is, right? If you just have DrMd5Gqx8gy-00039-00021060-00021654 a whole bunch of links in a big long list anything could happen to those right? You DrMd5Gqx8gy-00040-00021654-00021801 want to leave some breadcrumbs for yourself. DrMd5Gqx8gy-00041-00021801-00022668 So that is EbscoHost. If I go over here to this tab that I have open to a Gale site, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00042-00022668-00023256 and this will include any Gale owned databases, including Opposing Viewpoints, Global Issues DrMd5Gqx8gy-00043-00023256-00023356 in Context, DrMd5Gqx8gy-00044-00023356-00023930 Health and Wellness, anything like that, you'll have a similar format, but at the top it'll DrMd5Gqx8gy-00045-00023930-00024701 be those little chains in an icon, and it says "get link." On this one they've actually DrMd5Gqx8gy-00046-00024701-00025330 embedded the ezProxy in here so you don't have to worry about that prefix here, just DrMd5Gqx8gy-00047-00025330-00025801 by copying and pasting this link you should be able to get back to it off-campus or anywhere DrMd5Gqx8gy-00048-00025801-00026050 in the world, okay? DrMd5Gqx8gy-00049-00026050-00026627 unlike Ebsco, Gale has the link in the same place whether it's on the results page or DrMd5Gqx8gy-00050-00026627-00027131 in a single article like this one, so if you were to click on results here.... you'll get DrMd5Gqx8gy-00051-00027131-00027714 a technical difficulties page sometimes. But whether or not it's a full results list or DrMd5Gqx8gy-00052-00027714-00028193 a single page it will always be in the top right, in this "get link." So I hope that DrMd5Gqx8gy-00053-00028193-00028360 was helpful and goodbye. DspwNK2_FYg-00000-00000027-00000141 - Good morning everybody, DspwNK2_FYg-00001-00000141-00000420 it is about seven a.m. on mine and Drew's DspwNK2_FYg-00002-00000420-00000606 six year anniversary, DspwNK2_FYg-00003-00000606-00000888 and we are headed to the airport to go to Japan. DspwNK2_FYg-00004-00001080-00001272 We're tired and we're stressed, DspwNK2_FYg-00005-00001272-00001461 but once we get there we'll be all good. DspwNK2_FYg-00006-00001461-00001598 We're meeting up with our friends, DspwNK2_FYg-00007-00001598-00001764 and we're flying to Tokyo. DspwNK2_FYg-00008-00001869-00001952 Let's do it. DspwNK2_FYg-00009-00001952-00002103 I love you so much, DspwNK2_FYg-00010-00002103-00002277 and you're gonna do amazing, DspwNK2_FYg-00011-00002277-00002595 and I'm gonna miss you every second. DspwNK2_FYg-00012-00002595-00002773 I won't disturb the prince, but... DspwNK2_FYg-00013-00002999-00003087 (Carrie making kissing sound) DspwNK2_FYg-00014-00003087-00003346 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00015-00003534-00003787 - Cheers. (laughing) DspwNK2_FYg-00016-00003787-00003871 - Happy anniversary. DspwNK2_FYg-00017-00003871-00004098 - Happy anniversary. DspwNK2_FYg-00018-00004098-00004230 Made it to the airport, DspwNK2_FYg-00019-00004230-00004390 we're about to board our flight. DspwNK2_FYg-00020-00004599-00004746 Oh my God. DspwNK2_FYg-00021-00004746-00004920 Can't believe this is finally happening. DspwNK2_FYg-00022-00004920-00005091 We're with our friends. DspwNK2_FYg-00023-00005091-00005190 - Yay. DspwNK2_FYg-00024-00005190-00005361 - Yay friends, we're so excited. DspwNK2_FYg-00025-00005361-00005546 We just had a little mimosa beforehand DspwNK2_FYg-00026-00005546-00005700 to take the edge off. DspwNK2_FYg-00027-00005790-00006096 We're freaking going again five years later, DspwNK2_FYg-00028-00006096-00006179 let's do it. DspwNK2_FYg-00029-00006301-00006427 Thank you so much. DspwNK2_FYg-00030-00006427-00006520 Hello. DspwNK2_FYg-00031-00006520-00006603 Thank you. DspwNK2_FYg-00032-00006821-00006958 All right, we made it to our seats. DspwNK2_FYg-00033-00006958-00007084 Oh my God. DspwNK2_FYg-00034-00007084-00007293 Here's a haul of what they gave us. DspwNK2_FYg-00035-00007293-00007409 They gave us slippers, DspwNK2_FYg-00036-00007409-00007743 they gave us a blanket, very comfortable, DspwNK2_FYg-00037-00007743-00008242 and also a travel kit which has ear plugs, DspwNK2_FYg-00038-00008242-00008472 a face mask, toothbrush and toothpaste. DspwNK2_FYg-00039-00008585-00008843 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00040-00010227-00010352 We just landed. DspwNK2_FYg-00041-00010476-00010601 We just landed. DspwNK2_FYg-00042-00010995-00011078 Yay. DspwNK2_FYg-00043-00011475-00011586 We made it. DspwNK2_FYg-00044-00011586-00012006 I did my first vending machine stop of the trip, DspwNK2_FYg-00045-00012006-00012162 got a little water, DspwNK2_FYg-00046-00012162-00012318 and now we're heading down to the train. DspwNK2_FYg-00047-00012318-00012537 We got our cards, we got custom, DspwNK2_FYg-00048-00012537-00012699 we got all that good stuff, DspwNK2_FYg-00049-00012699-00013011 and hopefully we will find our way to the hotel. DspwNK2_FYg-00050-00013011-00013139 Fingers crossed. DspwNK2_FYg-00051-00013139-00013397 (gentle music) DspwNK2_FYg-00052-00014949-00015269 Okay it is many, many hours later, DspwNK2_FYg-00053-00015269-00015491 it's close to seven p.m. now I think. DspwNK2_FYg-00054-00015491-00015644 We landed hours ago. DspwNK2_FYg-00055-00015644-00015834 We just made it to our hotel. DspwNK2_FYg-00056-00015930-00016038 I'm unwell. DspwNK2_FYg-00057-00016038-00016211 So for the first leg of our trip DspwNK2_FYg-00058-00016211-00016503 we are staying at the Ritz Carlton. DspwNK2_FYg-00059-00016503-00016749 Our friend works for, DspwNK2_FYg-00060-00016749-00016879 he works in the hotel industry, DspwNK2_FYg-00061-00016879-00017235 and got us an employee discount essentially, DspwNK2_FYg-00062-00017235-00017475 and this is, without a doubt, DspwNK2_FYg-00063-00017475-00017649 the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in. DspwNK2_FYg-00064-00017649-00018099 So you walk in, we have a coffee station here, DspwNK2_FYg-00065-00018189-00018436 and it looks like maybe tea or matcha. DspwNK2_FYg-00066-00018663-00018912 There's ice in it already. DspwNK2_FYg-00067-00018912-00019116 They prepared for our arrival. DspwNK2_FYg-00068-00019116-00019317 They have decaf Nespresso pods, DspwNK2_FYg-00069-00019317-00019438 love to see it. DspwNK2_FYg-00070-00019438-00019650 This is the bathroom. DspwNK2_FYg-00071-00019650-00020031 Oh my God, this tub, unreal. DspwNK2_FYg-00072-00020031-00020157 We have a sink here. DspwNK2_FYg-00073-00020157-00020403 Hello, I am so crusty. DspwNK2_FYg-00074-00020403-00020661 We have a shower in here. DspwNK2_FYg-00075-00020892-00021033 I feel so out of place. DspwNK2_FYg-00076-00021033-00021234 We have another sink over here, DspwNK2_FYg-00077-00021234-00021450 'cause can never have too many. DspwNK2_FYg-00078-00021450-00021705 We have a toilet room, very fancy. DspwNK2_FYg-00079-00021705-00021792 With a phone. DspwNK2_FYg-00080-00021792-00022087 All the hotels have phones in the toilet room. DspwNK2_FYg-00081-00022087-00022509 Then you walk out to the bedroom, DspwNK2_FYg-00082-00022509-00022592 that's okay, DspwNK2_FYg-00083-00022761-00022845 and we have a desk area, DspwNK2_FYg-00084-00022845-00022928 a little office. DspwNK2_FYg-00085-00022928-00023103 I love these chairs, these are amazing. DspwNK2_FYg-00086-00023103-00023603 We have this bed of dreams, I love it so much. DspwNK2_FYg-00087-00023637-00024015 We have a little bench with, I don't know, DspwNK2_FYg-00088-00024015-00024168 window cleaning notice, DspwNK2_FYg-00089-00024168-00024384 laundry bags, things like that. DspwNK2_FYg-00090-00024384-00024486 We have two seats, DspwNK2_FYg-00091-00024486-00024849 and then this view. DspwNK2_FYg-00092-00024969-00025242 I cannot believe that this view is real, DspwNK2_FYg-00093-00025242-00025368 I can't wait to see it tomorrow. DspwNK2_FYg-00094-00025368-00025548 I wish you could see it in person, DspwNK2_FYg-00095-00025548-00025848 it's unbelievable. DspwNK2_FYg-00096-00025848-00026027 I can't believe we're staying here. DspwNK2_FYg-00097-00026027-00026183 I can't believe we had the opportunity DspwNK2_FYg-00098-00026183-00026463 to stay here for the price we did, it's unreal. DspwNK2_FYg-00099-00026463-00026799 This is unbelievable. DspwNK2_FYg-00100-00026799-00027021 All the lights, reading light. DspwNK2_FYg-00101-00027381-00027480 We have a do not disturb, DspwNK2_FYg-00102-00027480-00027795 which I think is for outside of the door. DspwNK2_FYg-00103-00027795-00027935 Are you ready for this Drew? DspwNK2_FYg-00104-00028161-00028410 - [Drew] What is this, fucking "The Holiday?" DspwNK2_FYg-00105-00028410-00028693 (Carrie laughing) DspwNK2_FYg-00106-00028819-00029293 - Oh my God, this is the best night of my life. DspwNK2_FYg-00107-00029293-00029475 So for the first three nights we're staying here DspwNK2_FYg-00108-00029475-00029668 they just happened to go on sale. DspwNK2_FYg-00109-00029668-00029971 Thank you so much Josh, we love you. DspwNK2_FYg-00110-00029971-00030249 And we are very much going to enjoy this, DspwNK2_FYg-00111-00030249-00030402 and it's our anniversary, DspwNK2_FYg-00112-00030402-00030642 so it's like an extra special treat. DspwNK2_FYg-00113-00030642-00030906 I don't think I'm gonna vlog the rest of tonight, DspwNK2_FYg-00114-00030906-00031047 maybe a little bit on my phone, DspwNK2_FYg-00115-00031047-00031236 but just gonna try to take it easy, DspwNK2_FYg-00116-00031236-00031352 and then we will catch up tomorrow, DspwNK2_FYg-00117-00031352-00031636 hopefully after a good night sleep. DspwNK2_FYg-00118-00031636-00031795 See you tomorrow. DspwNK2_FYg-00119-00031795-00032053 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00120-00033100-00033333 Good morning everyone, day one in Tokyo. DspwNK2_FYg-00121-00033333-00033477 This freaking view this morning, DspwNK2_FYg-00122-00033477-00033588 just look at this. DspwNK2_FYg-00123-00033588-00034088 Oh my God, I cannot believe this is the view DspwNK2_FYg-00124-00034104-00034245 outside of our hotel room. DspwNK2_FYg-00125-00034245-00034410 We're gonna start out the morning DspwNK2_FYg-00126-00034410-00034608 by going to Meiji Shrine, DspwNK2_FYg-00127-00034608-00034743 which, Meiji Shrine, DspwNK2_FYg-00128-00034743-00035134 which we have been to before when we were here in 2018, DspwNK2_FYg-00129-00035134-00035331 and we're showing our friends. DspwNK2_FYg-00130-00035331-00035414 It's day one, DspwNK2_FYg-00131-00035414-00035592 and let's do it. DspwNK2_FYg-00132-00035592-00035758 Look at that. DspwNK2_FYg-00133-00035758-00035958 We have our first cheery blossom sighting. DspwNK2_FYg-00134-00035958-00036153 These are a little light. DspwNK2_FYg-00135-00036153-00036324 You can see that the buds are pink, DspwNK2_FYg-00136-00036324-00036438 but they look a lot more white. DspwNK2_FYg-00137-00036438-00036603 But Drew said that they vary in color, DspwNK2_FYg-00138-00036603-00036733 but look at these. DspwNK2_FYg-00139-00036733-00037057 We've had our first spotting since arriving. DspwNK2_FYg-00140-00037057-00037316 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00141-00037701-00037984 (machine beeping) DspwNK2_FYg-00142-00038321-00038526 (announcement in foreign language) DspwNK2_FYg-00143-00038526-00038673 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00144-00038673-00038772 First stop of the day, DspwNK2_FYg-00145-00038772-00038948 we're going to Baggage Coffee, DspwNK2_FYg-00146-00038948-00039087 mostly because it's one of DspwNK2_FYg-00147-00039087-00039269 the only ones that's opened this early, DspwNK2_FYg-00148-00039269-00039495 but there was a dog that just went inside, DspwNK2_FYg-00149-00039495-00039643 and I'm so excited. DspwNK2_FYg-00150-00039643-00039902 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00151-00040233-00040317 Hi. DspwNK2_FYg-00152-00040404-00040487 Aww. DspwNK2_FYg-00153-00040574-00040915 (upbeat music continues) DspwNK2_FYg-00154-00041568-00041721 All right, we found a Starbucks, DspwNK2_FYg-00155-00041721-00042003 and it seems like there's such cool stuff on the menu, DspwNK2_FYg-00156-00042003-00042156 this is what I live for. DspwNK2_FYg-00157-00042156-00042369 We have a milk coffee over here, DspwNK2_FYg-00158-00042369-00042573 and then a Cola something. DspwNK2_FYg-00159-00042573-00042714 That looks insane, DspwNK2_FYg-00160-00042714-00042948 and then there's so many cool foods. DspwNK2_FYg-00161-00042948-00043119 There's mochi balls, DspwNK2_FYg-00162-00043119-00043532 there's sweet bean and butter bread. DspwNK2_FYg-00163-00043532-00043776 Chocolate danishes. DspwNK2_FYg-00164-00043776-00043965 These doughnuts up here. DspwNK2_FYg-00165-00043965-00044166 All these sandwiches. DspwNK2_FYg-00166-00044166-00044283 They look so good. DspwNK2_FYg-00167-00044643-00044910 This is the outside of the Starbucks. DspwNK2_FYg-00168-00044910-00045126 Look at this patio. DspwNK2_FYg-00169-00045126-00045375 This is the cutest Starbucks I've ever been to. DspwNK2_FYg-00170-00045375-00045549 We're up on a rooftop right now. DspwNK2_FYg-00171-00045549-00045909 So I went for a decaf iced latte with oat milk, DspwNK2_FYg-00172-00045909-00046113 and I saw this breakfast sandwich, DspwNK2_FYg-00173-00046113-00046221 I think it's bacon, egg and cheese, DspwNK2_FYg-00174-00046221-00046413 but Drew said that bacon is ham here. DspwNK2_FYg-00175-00046413-00046695 I think it's on a cheddar waffle or something like that, DspwNK2_FYg-00176-00046695-00046833 and it looks delish. DspwNK2_FYg-00177-00046833-00047046 Next stop on our tour today DspwNK2_FYg-00178-00047046-00047192 is going to Meiji Shrine. DspwNK2_FYg-00179-00047192-00047367 I think I mentioned that earlier. DspwNK2_FYg-00180-00047561-00047646 And this is magnificent already. DspwNK2_FYg-00181-00047646-00047757 We've been here, DspwNK2_FYg-00182-00047757-00047840 but it's been a while, DspwNK2_FYg-00183-00047840-00047988 and I'm so, so excited. DspwNK2_FYg-00184-00047988-00048246 It's hard to grasp just how massive this is, DspwNK2_FYg-00185-00048360-00048659 but it is the size of a building, it's gigantic. DspwNK2_FYg-00186-00048659-00048918 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00187-00050709-00050892 All right, just finished up at the temple, DspwNK2_FYg-00188-00050892-00051159 now we are inside the train station, DspwNK2_FYg-00189-00051159-00051319 having a little look around. DspwNK2_FYg-00190-00051319-00051495 We're headed to Shibuya next, DspwNK2_FYg-00191-00051495-00051672 and I'm so excited 'cause I feel like DspwNK2_FYg-00192-00051672-00051941 it's the quintessential thing that I think of DspwNK2_FYg-00193-00051941-00052139 when I think of Tokyo, so I'm excited. DspwNK2_FYg-00194-00052139-00052397 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00195-00053274-00053604 ♪ Slow down, hold on tight now ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00196-00053604-00053844 ♪ It's okay to meet me at the front now ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00197-00053844-00054072 - Alright, it's time to scramble. DspwNK2_FYg-00198-00054399-00054557 So cool, I love it. DspwNK2_FYg-00199-00054660-00054765 It's still a little early, DspwNK2_FYg-00200-00054765-00054866 it's only like 10 in the morning, DspwNK2_FYg-00201-00054866-00055026 so things don't fully open yet, DspwNK2_FYg-00202-00055026-00055272 but we did stumble upon a Gachapon store, DspwNK2_FYg-00203-00055272-00055557 which I will absolutely be partaking in. DspwNK2_FYg-00204-00055557-00055764 They have Tom and Jerry, DspwNK2_FYg-00205-00055764-00055995 we have Lion King stuff. DspwNK2_FYg-00206-00056203-00056298 We have meat rings. DspwNK2_FYg-00207-00056298-00056415 We've got calbee chips, DspwNK2_FYg-00208-00056415-00056523 like little, I don't know, DspwNK2_FYg-00209-00056523-00056778 if that's a chip holder, a pen holder. DspwNK2_FYg-00210-00056778-00057134 We have dog houses, home pie... DspwNK2_FYg-00211-00057287-00057588 We have fruits, we have pancakes. DspwNK2_FYg-00212-00057588-00057735 And then they have an area over here DspwNK2_FYg-00213-00057735-00058011 when you're done with the little capsule, DspwNK2_FYg-00214-00058011-00058113 you send it back. DspwNK2_FYg-00215-00058113-00058308 All right, Noelle has made her selection, DspwNK2_FYg-00216-00058434-00058677 she's also getting a takoyaki key chain. DspwNK2_FYg-00217-00058800-00059076 Ooh, I'm so excited to see what you got. DspwNK2_FYg-00218-00059204-00059287 Cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00219-00059489-00059572 Cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00220-00059572-00059655 - So cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00221-00059655-00059739 - I love it. DspwNK2_FYg-00222-00059739-00059905 I've made my decision, I'm going for sushi. DspwNK2_FYg-00223-00060278-00060401 - [Drew] Wow, yours is big. DspwNK2_FYg-00224-00060401-00060781 - Wow, it is big. DspwNK2_FYg-00225-00060781-00060864 Cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00226-00061010-00061177 I love her. DspwNK2_FYg-00227-00061177-00061261 - [Drew] So cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00228-00061261-00061344 - Look at that. DspwNK2_FYg-00229-00061344-00061536 All that sushi for like $8. DspwNK2_FYg-00230-00061841-00061991 Here's the loot, DspwNK2_FYg-00231-00061991-00062079 here are our prizes. DspwNK2_FYg-00232-00062079-00062288 Yeah, the light up is so cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00233-00062288-00062446 - [Josh] In case you were wondering DspwNK2_FYg-00234-00062446-00062576 about my surprise ball haul. DspwNK2_FYg-00235-00062741-00062879 - Gachapan haul. DspwNK2_FYg-00236-00062879-00063189 ♪ I was meant to meet you at your mom's house. ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00237-00063189-00063360 - Next I think we're gonna hit up a family mart DspwNK2_FYg-00238-00063360-00063588 'cause Noelle and I are curious about Onigiri, DspwNK2_FYg-00239-00063588-00063753 and neither of us have ever had it. DspwNK2_FYg-00240-00063753-00063891 So we'll see what their selection is, DspwNK2_FYg-00241-00063891-00063998 'cause I wanna get a good one. DspwNK2_FYg-00242-00063998-00064256 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00243-00064402-00064497 - [Drew] What are you gonna get? DspwNK2_FYg-00244-00064497-00064841 - I don't know, there's so many to choose from. DspwNK2_FYg-00245-00064841-00064929 We have these cool ones. DspwNK2_FYg-00246-00064929-00065012 What is this? DspwNK2_FYg-00247-00065012-00065095 Who is she? DspwNK2_FYg-00248-00065095-00065187 This is some kind of fish, I think. DspwNK2_FYg-00249-00065187-00065337 Here's a Spam one. DspwNK2_FYg-00250-00065337-00065524 We have chicken and vegetables, that's kind of DspwNK2_FYg-00251-00065524-00065673 what I'm leaning towards. DspwNK2_FYg-00252-00065673-00066048 We have tuna mayonnaise, we have salmon, DspwNK2_FYg-00253-00066048-00066288 we have spicy roe with mayo, DspwNK2_FYg-00254-00066288-00066600 pickled plum, spicy cod. DspwNK2_FYg-00255-00066600-00066783 Yeah, I feel like tuna mayo's probably the way to go. DspwNK2_FYg-00256-00066783-00066936 We have just seaweed. DspwNK2_FYg-00257-00066936-00067047 Now I need to pick a drink. DspwNK2_FYg-00258-00067047-00067274 I'm thinking juice of some kind. DspwNK2_FYg-00259-00067274-00067665 I think I'm gonna go with a little baby apple juice, DspwNK2_FYg-00260-00067665-00067748 so cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00261-00067748-00068049 Last time I was here they had all these cool sandwiches DspwNK2_FYg-00262-00068049-00068289 with cool different flavors, DspwNK2_FYg-00263-00068289-00068409 and I never tried the fruit one. DspwNK2_FYg-00264-00068409-00068523 I really wanted a strawberry, DspwNK2_FYg-00265-00068523-00068727 but they don't have strawberry right now DspwNK2_FYg-00266-00068727-00069033 so I might try this pineapple kiwi one. DspwNK2_FYg-00267-00069033-00069141 Let's see. DspwNK2_FYg-00268-00069141-00069447 It's delish, 10 out of 10. DspwNK2_FYg-00269-00069447-00069660 Next we're going into Don Quijote. DspwNK2_FYg-00270-00069660-00069878 This is a mega Don Quijote. DspwNK2_FYg-00271-00069878-00070137 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00272-00070492-00070575 This place has everything. DspwNK2_FYg-00273-00070575-00071016 They have shopping materials, luggage, DspwNK2_FYg-00274-00071016-00071283 good to know in case we need extra before we go. DspwNK2_FYg-00275-00071283-00071514 Compression bags for packing. DspwNK2_FYg-00276-00071514-00071772 We have masks, pillows, stuffed animals, DspwNK2_FYg-00277-00071772-00072045 backpacks, towels, Pokemon towels. DspwNK2_FYg-00278-00072045-00072128 - [Drew] I love the song. DspwNK2_FYg-00279-00072128-00072543 - Bath mats, Totoro toilet seat covers. DspwNK2_FYg-00280-00072543-00072921 We got a little Shiba Inu tote bag. DspwNK2_FYg-00281-00072921-00073113 He's happy. DspwNK2_FYg-00282-00073236-00073320 I like this hat. DspwNK2_FYg-00283-00073428-00073734 We got all the Pokemon's your heart can dream of. DspwNK2_FYg-00284-00073983-00074180 - [Carrie] Well...there you go. DspwNK2_FYg-00285-00074180-00074349 ♪ Don't look nothing ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00286-00074349-00074598 ♪ Sometimes I run out of things to say ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00287-00074598-00074927 ♪ It turns out you've got ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00288-00074927-00075228 ♪ You've got one too ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00289-00075556-00075786 ♪ Talk until the morning ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00290-00075786-00076080 ♪ I've got no sleep ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00291-00076080-00076184 - Cheers. DspwNK2_FYg-00292-00076184-00076411 - To ma beer boys. DspwNK2_FYg-00293-00076808-00077049 ♪ And wake you up ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00294-00077049-00077223 - It's a little while later, DspwNK2_FYg-00295-00077223-00077415 and we have been wandering around Shibuya DspwNK2_FYg-00296-00077415-00077724 for the last few hours just grabbing food, DspwNK2_FYg-00297-00077724-00077973 grabbing coffee, shopping. DspwNK2_FYg-00298-00077973-00078216 And now we're gonna stop for some lunch DspwNK2_FYg-00299-00078216-00078306 and another drink. DspwNK2_FYg-00300-00078306-00078429 We had one beer, DspwNK2_FYg-00301-00078429-00078651 and now we're gonna go grab another one. DspwNK2_FYg-00302-00078651-00078792 Sounds really fun. DspwNK2_FYg-00303-00078792-00078954 And look at this freaking area we're at, DspwNK2_FYg-00304-00078954-00079179 it's just all of these rows DspwNK2_FYg-00305-00079179-00079485 of little restaurants and bars, DspwNK2_FYg-00306-00079485-00079777 and it looks freaking amazing. DspwNK2_FYg-00307-00079777-00079861 Cheers. DspwNK2_FYg-00308-00080031-00080229 All right, starting off we've got some fried gyoza, DspwNK2_FYg-00309-00080229-00080396 or pan fried gyoza DspwNK2_FYg-00310-00080396-00080479 go for it, DspwNK2_FYg-00311-00080479-00080691 and then some boiled gyoza. DspwNK2_FYg-00312-00080691-00080847 This sauce looks amazing. DspwNK2_FYg-00313-00080847-00081075 And then we got some sapporos. DspwNK2_FYg-00314-00081075-00081186 We also got some spring rolls, DspwNK2_FYg-00315-00081186-00081348 but we ate 'em. DspwNK2_FYg-00316-00081348-00081561 Oh, there we go, that's what it looks like, DspwNK2_FYg-00317-00081561-00081699 and it's bomb. DspwNK2_FYg-00318-00081699-00081782 The moment of truth. DspwNK2_FYg-00319-00081782-00081865 - [Noelle] The big reveal. DspwNK2_FYg-00320-00081865-00081948 - [Carrie] Go Josh. DspwNK2_FYg-00321-00081948-00082032 - [Drew] Go Josh. DspwNK2_FYg-00322-00082032-00082115 - [Carrie] Go Josh, go. DspwNK2_FYg-00323-00082240-00082549 (Carrie harmonizing) DspwNK2_FYg-00324-00083114-00083368 ♪ Sun you're the light of my life ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00325-00083368-00083514 ♪ I've got a few things ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00326-00083514-00083703 - All right, oh here he goes, DspwNK2_FYg-00327-00083703-00083838 here he goes. DspwNK2_FYg-00328-00083838-00084051 We are taking the train back to the hotel, DspwNK2_FYg-00329-00084051-00084249 we're gonna chill for a little bit, just relax. DspwNK2_FYg-00330-00084249-00084423 It's about three in the afternoon, DspwNK2_FYg-00331-00084423-00084543 3:30, something like that. DspwNK2_FYg-00332-00084543-00084627 We just stopped off, DspwNK2_FYg-00333-00084627-00084927 and got some little crepes, crepe thingies. DspwNK2_FYg-00334-00084927-00085197 We got a chocolate banana crepe, DspwNK2_FYg-00335-00085197-00085575 we got a sakura and a pistachio, DspwNK2_FYg-00336-00085575-00085776 so we'll be trying those when we get back to the hotel. DspwNK2_FYg-00337-00085776-00085961 We're just gonna chill out for a bit, DspwNK2_FYg-00338-00085961-00086169 some of us are gonna nap, DspwNK2_FYg-00339-00086169-00086385 and then reconvene for the evening. DspwNK2_FYg-00340-00086385-00086643 (gentle music) DspwNK2_FYg-00341-00088680-00088821 Just finished dinner, DspwNK2_FYg-00342-00088821-00089100 and that was 100 out of 10, DspwNK2_FYg-00343-00089100-00089217 so phenomenal. DspwNK2_FYg-00344-00089217-00089485 The owner came and talked to us, DspwNK2_FYg-00345-00089485-00089688 and they gave us an English menu, DspwNK2_FYg-00346-00089688-00089826 they were so accommodating. DspwNK2_FYg-00347-00089826-00090162 We were chatting through Google translate. DspwNK2_FYg-00348-00090162-00090447 They were commenting on Drew's Yu Yu Hakusho shirt DspwNK2_FYg-00349-00090447-00090639 that Karina actually found him, DspwNK2_FYg-00350-00090639-00090852 shout out to Karina. DspwNK2_FYg-00351-00090852-00091042 Karina found that for him at the Goodwill bins. DspwNK2_FYg-00352-00091042-00091299 And it was so delicious. DspwNK2_FYg-00353-00091299-00091566 I didn't really feel that comfortable filming in there, DspwNK2_FYg-00354-00091566-00091914 but it was a kind of small business type of vibe, DspwNK2_FYg-00355-00091914-00092193 and it was so good, everyone was so nice. DspwNK2_FYg-00356-00092193-00092427 Next we're gonna hit up a couple of bars DspwNK2_FYg-00357-00092427-00092709 that Josh has saved on his maps, DspwNK2_FYg-00358-00092709-00092799 and we'll see how they are, DspwNK2_FYg-00359-00092799-00093183 and then maybe do an arcade is what we're thinking, DspwNK2_FYg-00360-00093183-00093305 maybe some arcade games. DspwNK2_FYg-00361-00093305-00093659 We'll see if we get to that, we have plenty of time. DspwNK2_FYg-00362-00093659-00093793 We're just enjoying it. DspwNK2_FYg-00363-00093793-00094139 And that was such an amazing experience, I loved that. DspwNK2_FYg-00364-00094139-00094473 - It was kind of once in a lifetime. DspwNK2_FYg-00365-00094473-00094590 - It felt like we were in a movie. DspwNK2_FYg-00366-00094590-00094806 - Yeah, it was really, really cool. DspwNK2_FYg-00367-00094806-00094995 - And you never know the vibe when you go, DspwNK2_FYg-00368-00094995-00095157 obviously we're coming into your country, DspwNK2_FYg-00369-00095157-00095296 you don't owe us anything. DspwNK2_FYg-00370-00095296-00095544 And they were just so, so nice, DspwNK2_FYg-00371-00095544-00095724 and made us feel so welcome, DspwNK2_FYg-00372-00095724-00095916 and the food was delicious. DspwNK2_FYg-00373-00095916-00096030 - Did you talk about the chef too? DspwNK2_FYg-00374-00096030-00096117 - Yes. DspwNK2_FYg-00375-00096117-00096297 - He came over with the translator app. DspwNK2_FYg-00376-00096297-00096390 I forgot to mention that. DspwNK2_FYg-00377-00096390-00096473 - Yeah. DspwNK2_FYg-00378-00096473-00096556 He was talking about Drew's shirt. DspwNK2_FYg-00379-00096556-00096705 He was telling us "just so you know DspwNK2_FYg-00380-00096705-00096873 it's okay to use a spoon." DspwNK2_FYg-00381-00096873-00097167 - And then he typed out "even Japanese people DspwNK2_FYg-00382-00097167-00097485 have a hard time using chopsticks sometimes." DspwNK2_FYg-00383-00097485-00097789 - Just so freaking nice, literally loved it. DspwNK2_FYg-00384-00097789-00098015 100 out of 10 experience. DspwNK2_FYg-00385-00098015-00098418 I think it was just literally called curry udon, DspwNK2_FYg-00386-00098418-00098619 I'm gonna put it on the screen, DspwNK2_FYg-00387-00098619-00098751 and then I'll link it down below, DspwNK2_FYg-00388-00098751-00099049 but it was so freaking good, amazing. DspwNK2_FYg-00389-00099049-00099266 That just made my whole night. DspwNK2_FYg-00390-00099266-00099524 (gentle music) DspwNK2_FYg-00391-00101361-00101448 Hello everybody. DspwNK2_FYg-00392-00101448-00101778 I'm not entirely sure if this is a brand new vlog, DspwNK2_FYg-00393-00101778-00102006 or if it's another day in an already existing vlog, DspwNK2_FYg-00394-00102006-00102210 but hi, good morning, welcome. DspwNK2_FYg-00395-00102210-00102397 If you couldn't tell by my voice, DspwNK2_FYg-00396-00102397-00102726 I have fallen down with a little bit of a cold. DspwNK2_FYg-00397-00102726-00102879 It's not terrible, DspwNK2_FYg-00398-00102879-00103069 but I have been feeling a little under weather, DspwNK2_FYg-00399-00103069-00103300 and I'm just making sure that I'm masking DspwNK2_FYg-00400-00103300-00103524 in all indoor spaces, DspwNK2_FYg-00401-00103524-00103698 as well as crowded outdoor spaces DspwNK2_FYg-00402-00103698-00103839 if I'm close to people, DspwNK2_FYg-00403-00103839-00103983 and I'm just doing my best. DspwNK2_FYg-00404-00103983-00104336 We're here, it happened, it's frustrating, DspwNK2_FYg-00405-00104336-00104490 it's mild, it's gonna be fine. DspwNK2_FYg-00406-00104490-00104790 But anyways, last night we ended up going to, DspwNK2_FYg-00407-00104790-00105006 I think I vlogged after dinner. DspwNK2_FYg-00408-00105006-00105185 We ended up doing some arcade games, DspwNK2_FYg-00409-00105185-00105291 which was so much fun. DspwNK2_FYg-00410-00105291-00105523 We stayed out til probably like 11, would you say? DspwNK2_FYg-00411-00105523-00105607 - [Drew] That was late. DspwNK2_FYg-00412-00105607-00105758 - Yeah that was late for us. DspwNK2_FYg-00413-00105758-00105921 Our friends that we traveled with, DspwNK2_FYg-00414-00105921-00106004 Josh and Noelle, DspwNK2_FYg-00415-00106004-00106221 they are so much more night owl people, DspwNK2_FYg-00416-00106221-00106411 and we're very much early bird, DspwNK2_FYg-00417-00106411-00106760 go to bed early wake up early just kind of people, DspwNK2_FYg-00418-00106760-00106971 so it's fun 'cause it gives them a chance DspwNK2_FYg-00419-00106971-00107133 to go out and do things they've been wanting to do DspwNK2_FYg-00420-00107133-00107258 and then it gives us our mornings DspwNK2_FYg-00421-00107258-00107352 to do what we wanna do. DspwNK2_FYg-00422-00107352-00107553 So we ended up deciding to just kind of DspwNK2_FYg-00423-00107553-00107658 lay low this morning. DspwNK2_FYg-00424-00107658-00107949 I'm trying to not push it too hard, DspwNK2_FYg-00425-00107949-00108121 and also I just don't wanna get people sick. DspwNK2_FYg-00426-00108121-00108368 Anyways, we are gonna head out to Harajuku. DspwNK2_FYg-00427-00108368-00108727 I'm wearing the most fun outfit, I love it so much. DspwNK2_FYg-00428-00108727-00108993 I had this specifically in mind for Harajuku, DspwNK2_FYg-00429-00108993-00109080 so I'll show it in a bit, DspwNK2_FYg-00430-00109080-00109235 but I think we're just gonna meet up, DspwNK2_FYg-00431-00109235-00109407 get some food, maybe try some of DspwNK2_FYg-00432-00109407-00109533 the cool foods that they have, DspwNK2_FYg-00433-00109533-00109685 if they have any cool cafes, DspwNK2_FYg-00434-00109685-00109899 do a little bit of shopping, all that good stuff. DspwNK2_FYg-00435-00109899-00110118 So here is my OOTD. DspwNK2_FYg-00436-00110118-00110256 Really casual and simple. DspwNK2_FYg-00437-00110256-00110529 But I have this sweater that I haven't worn yet DspwNK2_FYg-00438-00110529-00110847 from Berriez, it's like a plus size vintage shop DspwNK2_FYg-00439-00110847-00111006 I guess you could say. DspwNK2_FYg-00440-00111006-00111366 And they hand crochet or sewed these clouds on it, DspwNK2_FYg-00441-00111366-00111456 which I think is so cute, DspwNK2_FYg-00442-00111456-00111683 and then I'm wearing this white skirt from Hollister. DspwNK2_FYg-00443-00111683-00111908 I can't remember if that video is up yet, DspwNK2_FYg-00444-00111908-00112098 but I did make a main channel video, DspwNK2_FYg-00445-00112098-00112211 and then just my Converse. DspwNK2_FYg-00446-00112211-00112357 And I'm gonna put on just a denim jacket. DspwNK2_FYg-00447-00112357-00112559 It's so nice out today. DspwNK2_FYg-00448-00112559-00112758 It's gonna be, I think, the warmest day yet, right? DspwNK2_FYg-00449-00112758-00113013 - [Drew] Yeah, a really sunny day too. DspwNK2_FYg-00450-00113013-00113171 - Yeah, it's the last sunny day while we're here. DspwNK2_FYg-00451-00113171-00113406 So I've got the denim jacket, DspwNK2_FYg-00452-00113406-00113684 I've got my little fanny pack all packed up, DspwNK2_FYg-00453-00113684-00113863 and we're gonna go catch the train, DspwNK2_FYg-00454-00113863-00114029 and go to Harajuku. DspwNK2_FYg-00455-00114029-00114330 And I'm hungry and I want some snacks immediately. DspwNK2_FYg-00456-00114330-00114446 So let's go do that. DspwNK2_FYg-00457-00114446-00114705 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00458-00116185-00116322 ♪ Walk into the place ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00459-00116322-00116476 ♪ I spot you from aways ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00460-00116476-00116909 ♪ My heart started racing ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00461-00116909-00117121 ♪ Crowds crash away ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00462-00117121-00117492 ♪ Felt what's on your face ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00463-00117492-00117673 - [Carrie] Heyyy! (laughs) DspwNK2_FYg-00464-00117673-00118014 ♪ Someone keeps blocking my way ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00465-00118014-00118381 ♪ I can't feel farther away ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00466-00118494-00118644 - We got some kind of sausage DspwNK2_FYg-00467-00118644-00118827 and fried rice cake situation. DspwNK2_FYg-00468-00118827-00118918 We had already eaten the chicken, DspwNK2_FYg-00469-00118918-00119036 it was so good. DspwNK2_FYg-00470-00119036-00119241 So now we're gonna try this one. DspwNK2_FYg-00471-00119241-00119408 Hope it's not too spicy. DspwNK2_FYg-00472-00119408-00119549 All right, I'm going for it. DspwNK2_FYg-00473-00119681-00119764 Mm. DspwNK2_FYg-00474-00120097-00120197 - [Drew] You're dripping. DspwNK2_FYg-00475-00120197-00120280 - Ugh, where? DspwNK2_FYg-00476-00120280-00120364 - [Drew] I don't know where it went. DspwNK2_FYg-00477-00120364-00120447 Oh, on the floor. DspwNK2_FYg-00478-00120447-00120530 - Okay good. DspwNK2_FYg-00479-00120530-00120729 - [Noelle] Oh my gosh, it really is rainbow. DspwNK2_FYg-00480-00120873-00121063 Wow. DspwNK2_FYg-00481-00121063-00121212 - [Drew] Pull, pull, pull. DspwNK2_FYg-00482-00121212-00121309 - [Carrie] Pull it, pull it. DspwNK2_FYg-00483-00121309-00121392 - [Drew] Cheese pull. DspwNK2_FYg-00484-00121392-00121521 - All right, we're going next into this place DspwNK2_FYg-00485-00121521-00121758 called Long, Longer, Longest. DspwNK2_FYg-00486-00121758-00121960 And it's all long food. DspwNK2_FYg-00487-00121960-00122262 And I think we're gonna get a potato spiral. DspwNK2_FYg-00488-00122262-00122407 So excited. DspwNK2_FYg-00489-00122407-00122666 (upbeat music) DspwNK2_FYg-00490-00122799-00122925 Wow, look at this. DspwNK2_FYg-00491-00122925-00123074 We have a cotton candy. DspwNK2_FYg-00492-00123074-00123291 If you've been watching my vlogs DspwNK2_FYg-00493-00123291-00123495 for the last five years you'll remember DspwNK2_FYg-00494-00123495-00123659 that Drew and I got this, DspwNK2_FYg-00495-00123659-00123785 and we ate two bites of it, DspwNK2_FYg-00496-00123785-00123926 and we had to throw it away. DspwNK2_FYg-00497-00123926-00124035 - [Drew] Eat it, eat it, take a bite. DspwNK2_FYg-00498-00124035-00124194 - Eat it, eat it. DspwNK2_FYg-00499-00124194-00124404 This thing is massive. DspwNK2_FYg-00500-00124404-00124710 And look at these, they look so crunchy and so good. DspwNK2_FYg-00501-00124710-00124833 Ready? DspwNK2_FYg-00502-00124833-00124916 - [Drew] Yep. DspwNK2_FYg-00503-00124916-00125043 - Listen to this. DspwNK2_FYg-00504-00125043-00125322 (food crunching) DspwNK2_FYg-00505-00125322-00125432 - [Drew] Ooh, crunchy. DspwNK2_FYg-00506-00125803-00126004 ♪ Say that I want you ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00507-00126004-00126302 ♪ You know that I want you ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00508-00126302-00126802 ♪ Oh love ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00509-00126942-00127442 ♪ Across the room ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00510-00127907-00128212 ♪ Across the room ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00511-00128212-00128344 ♪ Lost and in a daze ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00512-00128344-00128542 ♪ Caught your sudden gaze ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00513-00128542-00128920 ♪ And time, it started racing ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00514-00128920-00129162 ♪ But (indistinct) ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00515-00129162-00129619 ♪ You're too far way for me to get my name in ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00516-00129619-00129943 ♪ Someone keeps blocking my way ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00517-00129943-00130170 - Oh, there it is. DspwNK2_FYg-00518-00130261-00130532 ♪ You can't feel further away ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00519-00130532-00130795 ♪ Wait on the moment to say ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00520-00130795-00131295 ♪ That I want you, you know that I want you ♪ DspwNK2_FYg-00521-00131939-00132350 - [Carrie] Woo, out of a can of all things. DspwNK2_FYg-00522-00132350-00132489 - Ooh, it's warm. DspwNK2_FYg-00523-00132489-00132572 Ooh. DspwNK2_FYg-00524-00132572-00132816 - Ooh, very toasty. DspwNK2_FYg-00525-00132816-00133077 A nice vending machine soup at 10 in the morning. DspwNK2_FYg-00526-00133170-00133350 It's really freaking hot, oh my God. DspwNK2_FYg-00527-00133845-00134118 I mean it's literally corn soup. DspwNK2_FYg-00528-00134118-00134247 All right, here we go. DspwNK2_FYg-00529-00134526-00134646 It's delicious. DspwNK2_FYg-00530-00135027-00135387 I mean it literally tastes like corn. DspwNK2_FYg-00531-00135387-00135495 - [Josh] Corn soup with corn chunks in it. DspwNK2_FYg-00532-00135495-00135675 Perfect for a rainy day like today. DspwNK2_FYg-00533-00135675-00135801 - [Josh] Yeah. DspwNK2_FYg-00534-00135801-00135929 It's delish. DspwNK2_FYg-00535-00135929-00136290 I'm gonna give it 9.5 out of 10. DspwNK2_FYg-00536-00136380-00136542 Here's what it looks like. DspwNK2_FYg-00537-00136542-00136806 And we have been searching every vending machine DspwNK2_FYg-00538-00136806-00137016 that we've seen for three days, DspwNK2_FYg-00539-00137016-00137151 and we've finally found it. DspwNK2_FYg-00540-00137511-00137634 In case I forgot to mention it, DspwNK2_FYg-00541-00137634-00137826 we are taking the bullet train today, DspwNK2_FYg-00542-00137826-00137994 also known as Shinkansen, DspwNK2_FYg-00543-00137994-00138165 and we're taking that into Osaka. DspwNK2_FYg-00544-00138165-00138465 So it takes about two and a half hours, I believe. DspwNK2_FYg-00545-00138465-00138654 We just stopped into the convenience store, DspwNK2_FYg-00546-00138654-00138795 and got ourselves some lunch because DspwNK2_FYg-00547-00138795-00139002 on these trains you're able to eat DspwNK2_FYg-00548-00139002-00139131 and drink and all of that. DspwNK2_FYg-00549-00139131-00139326 I'm gonna show you what I got in a minute. DspwNK2_FYg-00550-00139326-00139647 And we're waiting for our bullet train to arrive. DspwNK2_FYg-00551-00140161-00140245 Wow. DspwNK2_FYg-00552-00140385-00140560 - [Announcer] Smoking is not allowed. DspwNK2_FYg-00553-00140560-00140754 - Here's our little area, DspwNK2_FYg-00554-00140843-00141181 we have a tray that comes down quite nice. DspwNK2_FYg-00555-00141181-00141486 And it looks like here there's air conditioning DspwNK2_FYg-00556-00141486-00141702 you can control your fan. DspwNK2_FYg-00557-00141702-00142023 There's also little hooks for your bag DspwNK2_FYg-00558-00142023-00142158 or your coat. DspwNK2_FYg-00559-00142158-00142353 I'm gonna put my little bag right here. DspwNK2_FYg-00560-00142487-00142571 Cute. DspwNK2_FYg-00561-00142665-00142920 Here's a haul of what we got at the convince store DspwNK2_FYg-00562-00142920-00143249 for our two and a half hour train ride. DspwNK2_FYg-00563-00143249-00143644 First we have some kind of Bento boxes, DspwNK2_FYg-00564-00143644-00143758 it's Tonkatsu. DspwNK2_FYg-00565-00143758-00143960 We also got drinks. DspwNK2_FYg-00566-00143960-00144135 Drew got a Calpico, DspwNK2_FYg-00567-00144135-00144448 which is like a yogurt kind of drink. DspwNK2_FYg-00568-00144448-00144580 - Hey! DspwNK2_FYg-00569-00144580-00144743 I'm like are they eating yet? DspwNK2_FYg-00570-00144743-00145079 - That girl is eating, so I'm like we're eating. DspwNK2_FYg-00571-00145079-00145163 - You got your Onigiri. DspwNK2_FYg-00572-00145163-00145293 - Yeah, we got some Onigiris. DspwNK2_FYg-00573-00145293-00145557 I got a fried chicken one this time, DspwNK2_FYg-00574-00145557-00145794 and Drew got a tuna mayo. DspwNK2_FYg-00575-00145794-00145989 Delish, that's gonna be our appetizer. DspwNK2_FYg-00576-00145989-00146187 Asahi, yummy. DspwNK2_FYg-00577-00146187-00146433 We got some Coca Cola gummies. DspwNK2_FYg-00578-00146523-00146894 And I got a tiny strawberry ice cream. DspwNK2_FYg-00579-00146894-00146990 This lighting is terrible. DspwNK2_FYg-00580-00146990-00147130 It's maybe better over here? DspwNK2_FYg-00581-00147243-00147490 Anyway, we're gonna eat now. DspwNK2_FYg-00582-00147490-00147749 (upbeat music) DsIGqw8elRE-00000-00001903-00002383 WHEN you've shouted "Rule Britannia," when you've sung "God save the Queen," DsIGqw8elRE-00001-00002383-00002620 When you've finished killing Kruger with your mouth, DsIGqw8elRE-00002-00002620-00003209 Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine DsIGqw8elRE-00003-00003209-00003819 For a gentleman in khaki ordered South? DsIGqw8elRE-00004-00003819-00004401 He's an absent-minded beggar, and his weaknesses are great— DsIGqw8elRE-00005-00004401-00004972 But we and Paul must take him as we find him— He is out on active service, wiping something DsIGqw8elRE-00006-00004972-00005072 off a slate And he's left a lot of little things behind DsIGqw8elRE-00007-00005072-00005172 him! DsIGqw8elRE-00008-00005172-00005272 Duke's son—cook's son - son of a hundred kings DsIGqw8elRE-00009-00005272-00005372 (Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!) DsIGqw8elRE-00010-00005372-00006126 Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after their things?) DsIGqw8elRE-00011-00006126-00008979 Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay—pay—pay ! DsIGqw8elRE-00012-00008979-00010068 There are girls he married secret, asking no permission to, DsIGqw8elRE-00013-00010068-00010531 For he knew he wouldn't get it if he did. DsIGqw8elRE-00014-00010531-00010995 There is gas and coals and vittles, and the house-rent falling due, DsIGqw8elRE-00015-00010995-00011450 And its more than rather likely there's a kid. DsIGqw8elRE-00016-00011450-00011850 There are girls he's walked with casual. DsIGqw8elRE-00017-00011850-00012486 They'll be sorry now he's gone, For an absent-minded beggar they will find DsIGqw8elRE-00018-00012486-00012806 him, But it ain't the time for sermons with the DsIGqw8elRE-00019-00012806-00013409 winter coming on We must help the girl that Tommy's left behind DsIGqw8elRE-00020-00013409-00013509 him! DsIGqw8elRE-00021-00013509-00013609 Cook's son—Duke's son—son of a belted Earl DsIGqw8elRE-00022-00013609-00013960 Son of a Lambeth publican—it's all the same to-day ! DsIGqw8elRE-00023-00013960-00016040 Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the girl?) DsIGqw8elRE-00024-00016040-00017041 Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay—pay—pay ! DsIGqw8elRE-00025-00017041-00019184 There are families by thousands, far too proud to beg or speak, DsIGqw8elRE-00026-00019184-00019568 And they'll put their sticks and bedding up the spout, DsIGqw8elRE-00027-00019568-00020140 And they'll live on half o' nothing, paid 'em punctual once a week, DsIGqw8elRE-00028-00020140-00020619 'Cause the man that earns the wage is ordered out. DsIGqw8elRE-00029-00020619-00021337 He's an absent-minded beggar, but he heard his country call, DsIGqw8elRE-00030-00021337-00021631 And his reg'rnent didn't need to send to find him! DsIGqw8elRE-00031-00021631-00022118 He chucked his job and joined it—so the job before us all DsIGqw8elRE-00032-00022118-00022824 Is to help the home that Tommy's left behind him ! DsIGqw8elRE-00033-00022824-00023201 Duke's job—cook's job—gardener, baronet, groom. DsIGqw8elRE-00034-00023201-00023967 Mews or palace or paper-shop, there's someone gone away! DsIGqw8elRE-00035-00023967-00025158 Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the room?) DsIGqw8elRE-00036-00025158-00025986 Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay—pay—pay ! DsIGqw8elRE-00037-00025986-00026931 Let us manage so as, later, we can look him in the face, DsIGqw8elRE-00038-00026931-00027697 And tell him—what he'd very much prefer That, while he saved the Empire, his employer DsIGqw8elRE-00039-00027697-00028231 saved his place, And his mates (that's you and me) looked out DsIGqw8elRE-00040-00028231-00028377 for her. DsIGqw8elRE-00041-00028377-00028858 He's an absent-minded beggar and he may forget it all, DsIGqw8elRE-00042-00028858-00029572 But we do not want his kiddies to remind him That we sent 'em to the workhouse while their DsIGqw8elRE-00043-00029572-00029950 daddy hammered Paul, So we'll help the homes that Tommy left behind DsIGqw8elRE-00044-00029950-00030050 him ! Cook's home—Duke's home—home of a millionaire, DsIGqw8elRE-00045-00030050-00030367 (Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay !) DsIGqw8elRE-00046-00030367-00032833 Each of 'em doing his country's work (and what have you got to spare?) DsIGqw8elRE-00047-00032833-00033016 Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay—pay—pay ! DtG3p99Ecmk-00000-00000003-00000602 so apparently the happy couple Dani Cohn and Mikey TUA came to my hometown of DtG3p99Ecmk-00001-00000602-00001179 Las Vegas and got married but that may not exactly be true and as always DtG3p99Ecmk-00002-00001179-00002505 there's some lessons we can learn from this what is up everybody this is Chris DtG3p99Ecmk-00003-00002505-00002907 from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the DtG3p99Ecmk-00004-00002907-00003204 solution and if you're new to my channel what I'm trying to do is pull them in DtG3p99Ecmk-00005-00003204-00003603 topics from YouTube or pop culture or movies or TV shows and see what we can DtG3p99Ecmk-00006-00003603-00003887 learn from them so the end of that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and DtG3p99Ecmk-00007-00003887-00004350 ring that notification bell so yeah it was announced not that long ago that DtG3p99Ecmk-00008-00004350-00004851 Danielle Cohn was pregnant and I thought she was 15 some of you were saying she's DtG3p99Ecmk-00009-00004851-00005400 like 13 I don't know it seems like there's a lot of stuff going on about DtG3p99Ecmk-00010-00005400-00005894 her age I don't know hopefully she's at least 15 but either way it's an awful DtG3p99Ecmk-00011-00005894-00006384 situation so anyways yeah they recently came out to Las Vegas and they got DtG3p99Ecmk-00012-00006384-00006734 married because as you know here in Las Vegas you do not need to be a resident DtG3p99Ecmk-00013-00006734-00007161 to come out here and get married and you can get one of those themed weddings DtG3p99Ecmk-00014-00007161-00007640 like they did with Elvis Presley which which by the way I thought was very DtG3p99Ecmk-00015-00007640-00008129 weird and awkward because they're both so young and I doubt they even got the DtG3p99Ecmk-00016-00008129-00008622 Elvis Presley references that we're going on how I'm 33 years old and I DtG3p99Ecmk-00017-00008622-00009042 barely get those references so anyways and by the way this is gonna read into a DtG3p99Ecmk-00018-00009042-00009543 bigger topic that I want to talk about with youtubers influence and some things DtG3p99Ecmk-00019-00009543-00010161 like that but anyways I was sitting here and I know that some of the laws are DtG3p99Ecmk-00020-00010161-00010674 different here so I wanted to see I was like can you get married at that age DtG3p99Ecmk-00021-00010674-00011282 whether they're 15 or 13 because usually like like for like tattoos for example DtG3p99Ecmk-00022-00011282-00011607 usually can deal with the parents consent right so I'm like okay well DtG3p99Ecmk-00023-00011607-00012140 Dani Cohn's mom is clear clearly involved in this so maybe she like DtG3p99Ecmk-00024-00012140-00012521 signed off and said yeah cool they can get married or whatever and DtG3p99Ecmk-00025-00012521-00013118 and I looked up the Nevada laws and no no you can't so the legal age of DtG3p99Ecmk-00026-00013118-00013604 marriage in Nevada in the state of Nevada is 18 years old with a parents DtG3p99Ecmk-00027-00013604-00014488 consent is 16 years old DtG3p99Ecmk-00028-00014560-00015290 so whether Danielle Cohn is 15 or 13 it is illegal to get married so this whole DtG3p99Ecmk-00029-00015290-00015686 thing was a host man Wayne was either check out you know the laws down below DtG3p99Ecmk-00030-00015686-00016031 I'll link it down in the description but why does this matter why does this DtG3p99Ecmk-00031-00016031-00016487 matter so when I look at things like that when I look at young youtubers and DtG3p99Ecmk-00032-00016487-00016886 people doing whatever it is to get views and come up and things like that I look DtG3p99Ecmk-00033-00016886-00017354 at it as the perspective of a father as well as somebody who's just always DtG3p99Ecmk-00034-00017354-00017825 looking at society as a whole and what people are doing right so first let's DtG3p99Ecmk-00035-00017825-00018251 talk about why there are laws for age limits okay DtG3p99Ecmk-00036-00018251-00018638 the primary reason is and a lot of people don't get this but it's actually DtG3p99Ecmk-00037-00018638-00019193 based on the fact that the brain does not fully mature until your mid-to-late DtG3p99Ecmk-00038-00019193-00019670 20s okay like this is why like there's a drinking DtG3p99Ecmk-00039-00019670-00020066 age there's a driving age there's an age to join the military there's an age to DtG3p99Ecmk-00040-00020066-00020456 get married there are so many age limits and something that's been brought up DtG3p99Ecmk-00041-00020456-00021179 regularly too is that young people even younger than Danielle cones age or Mikey DtG3p99Ecmk-00042-00021179-00021461 - uh-huh am I saying that right might be Mikey T DtG3p99Ecmk-00043-00021461-00022067 you a children have a problem separating fiction from reality okay this is one of DtG3p99Ecmk-00044-00022067-00022343 the reasons why I encourage like parents to watch what their kids are watching DtG3p99Ecmk-00045-00022343-00022667 see what they're watching so they can have conversations about that all right DtG3p99Ecmk-00046-00022667-00023254 so - that young audience like it is influencing them making them think that DtG3p99Ecmk-00047-00023254-00023704 this is real this is a good idea okay but anyways there is a reason why DtG3p99Ecmk-00048-00023704-00024200 there's age limits on this so the issue that comes up with this is like look at DtG3p99Ecmk-00049-00024200-00024595 people like Jake Paul look at people like Logan Paul looking kids like morgs DtG3p99Ecmk-00050-00024595-00025073 right who are making these fake videos for views and look at who their target DtG3p99Ecmk-00051-00025073-00025537 demographic is okay and what we're seeing is and this DtG3p99Ecmk-00052-00025537-00025941 just gonna keep happening with the positive reinforcement that all of these DtG3p99Ecmk-00053-00025941-00026500 youtubers get it's gonna keep happening like I hate to say it but the reason why DtG3p99Ecmk-00054-00026500-00027144 Logan Paul filmed a body in Japan was because he got caught up in the end the DtG3p99Ecmk-00055-00027144-00027631 mindset of do anything for views right and like that is how these really dumb DtG3p99Ecmk-00056-00027631-00028063 mistakes happen but then you look at his brother Jake Paul who people say isn't DtG3p99Ecmk-00057-00028063-00028770 as bad right but I constantly look at when Jake Paul did that whole like fake DtG3p99Ecmk-00058-00028770-00029169 killer clown kidnapping when he was still with Erica Costello and how many DtG3p99Ecmk-00059-00029169-00029572 children thought that this was real right but then you have kids like morgue DtG3p99Ecmk-00060-00029572-00029932 who's come up on YouTube he has like millions of subscribers I think he is DtG3p99Ecmk-00061-00029932-00030433 constantly making fake videos for kids now there's no like laws or anything DtG3p99Ecmk-00062-00030433-00030862 about that on YouTube but when you're watching a TV show like you know whether DtG3p99Ecmk-00063-00030862-00031327 it's reality TV or its actors or it's cartoons or whatever on YouTube the DtG3p99Ecmk-00064-00031327-00031872 lungs just continue to blur and overlap all the time right like one day somebody DtG3p99Ecmk-00065-00031872-00032257 might have a real vlog the next day they might do something fake real fake real DtG3p99Ecmk-00066-00032257-00032697 fake real fake and it's hard to distinguish the two so when you look at DtG3p99Ecmk-00067-00032697-00033175 somebody like Danny Cohen who's young you see like who is she looking up to DtG3p99Ecmk-00068-00033175-00033655 what youtubers are she look is she looking up to to aspire to be right when DtG3p99Ecmk-00069-00033655-00033994 you look at these other youtubers who have more subscribers than her why do DtG3p99Ecmk-00070-00033994-00034359 you think she's doing the things that she's doing and all this is doing is it DtG3p99Ecmk-00071-00034359-00034702 continues to cycle this is the same thing we see with parenting right like DtG3p99Ecmk-00072-00034702-00035244 kids who have messed-up parents are more likely to turn into messed-up parents DtG3p99Ecmk-00073-00035244-00035608 you know what I mean so when you have the biggest youtubers on the platform DtG3p99Ecmk-00074-00035608-00035997 some of the biggest youtubers being a bad influence to the younger generation DtG3p99Ecmk-00075-00035997-00036388 coming up you get people like Danny Cohn doing anything they can for views and DtG3p99Ecmk-00076-00036388-00036790 heard Mikey know the game they know the game very well they've broken this up DtG3p99Ecmk-00077-00036790-00037197 into a four part series and they're bouncing the views back and forth first DtG3p99Ecmk-00078-00037197-00037572 video is on Mikey's Channel next video is on the Danielle Cohn Channel next DtG3p99Ecmk-00079-00037572-00037966 video is on my channel the next one's gonna be on Danielle coach L so that way DtG3p99Ecmk-00080-00037966-00038302 they're both benefiting from it and the YouTube algorithm was that and all sorts DtG3p99Ecmk-00081-00038302-00038644 of stuff right but anyways we need a look at this and DtG3p99Ecmk-00082-00038644-00039059 about what the younger generation is seeing and there they're getting these DtG3p99Ecmk-00083-00039059-00039440 ideas that it's okay to lie to get views it's okay to make a spectacle to get DtG3p99Ecmk-00084-00039440-00039793 views and it makes it even more difficult for young people to DtG3p99Ecmk-00085-00039793-00040412 distinguish as well since Danny Cone I believe I don't know like this makes me DtG3p99Ecmk-00086-00040412-00040777 wonder about this too but I believe she actually is pregnant at that young age DtG3p99Ecmk-00087-00040777-00041255 so we just constantly again when you're costly intertwining this style of videos DtG3p99Ecmk-00088-00041255-00041722 back and forth it makes it very hard for children to distinguish all right DtG3p99Ecmk-00089-00041722-00042049 anyways anyways that's what I want to talk about in this video let me know DtG3p99Ecmk-00090-00042049-00042424 your thoughts on this down below let me know what you think about youtubers DtG3p99Ecmk-00091-00042424-00042763 going back and forth between real and fake videos and how you think it DtG3p99Ecmk-00092-00042763-00043208 influences young people as well as the next generation of youtubers anyways DtG3p99Ecmk-00093-00043208-00043556 that's all I got for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs DtG3p99Ecmk-00094-00043556-00043883 up if you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that notification about because DtG3p99Ecmk-00095-00043883-00044224 I make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the DtG3p99Ecmk-00096-00044224-00044515 channel over on patreon you're all amazing if you would like to become a DtG3p99Ecmk-00097-00044515-00044843 patron get involved in our monthly Q&A gets another perks and benefits you can DtG3p99Ecmk-00098-00044843-00045250 click or tap right there alright thank you so so much for watching I'll see you DtG3p99Ecmk-00099-00045250-00045487 next time DviVhUKh5-k-00000-00000000-00000304 Hello everyone, this is Malwang. Let's make exercise fun and easy. High... DviVhUKh5-k-00001-00000304-00000368 PARK! DviVhUKh5-k-00002-00000368-00000830 I am here at a bar park located in Seoul, Gangdong DviVhUKh5-k-00003-00000830-00001148 I recruited someone very famous today DviVhUKh5-k-00004-00001174-00001470 Let me introduce Lee Jun-Myoung! HELLO~ DviVhUKh5-k-00005-00001470-00001748 LEE JUN MYOUNG DviVhUKh5-k-00006-00001748-00002100 We will be learning some pull ups with Mr.Lee Jun-Myoung today DviVhUKh5-k-00007-00002100-00002352 -There are many different types of pull ups -Yes that's correct. DviVhUKh5-k-00008-00002352-00002648 and what is the most basic pull up? DviVhUKh5-k-00009-00002648-00002842 It would be a deadhang DviVhUKh5-k-00010-00002842-00003028 What's the type of pull up most people prefer? DviVhUKh5-k-00011-00003028-00003208 Probably be a body building pull up DviVhUKh5-k-00012-00003208-00003508 Definitely, since people would want to look ripped DviVhUKh5-k-00013-00003508-00003708 To start, could you demonstrate a dead hang? DviVhUKh5-k-00014-00003724-00004072 Yes, so first when you do a head hang, you don't want to use your whole body DviVhUKh5-k-00015-00004072-00004358 but only use the strength from your hands DviVhUKh5-k-00016-00004358-00004546 and then just hang like this DviVhUKh5-k-00017-00004546-00004888 When you do shoulder packing, you want to start off by lowering your shoulder blades DviVhUKh5-k-00018-00004902-00005148 and then use your back to lift yourself up DviVhUKh5-k-00019-00005148-00005393 But in the beginning, a lot of people don't know the sensation of using your back DviVhUKh5-k-00020-00005394-00005878 It's very important to first determine the technicality of your muscle movement DviVhUKh5-k-00021-00005888-00006098 First begin your dead hang DviVhUKh5-k-00022-00006108-00006282 then do your shoulder packing DviVhUKh5-k-00023-00006614-00006859 You can see his shoulder blades moving DviVhUKh5-k-00024-00007216-00007376 OHHHHHHH 0_0 DviVhUKh5-k-00025-00007898-00008162 Could you please show us some body building techniques? DviVhUKh5-k-00026-00008162-00008330 What's the proper way to do it? DviVhUKh5-k-00027-00008330-00008654 Shoulder packing: lower your shoulder blades. DviVhUKh5-k-00028-00008654-00008864 Imagine that your chest is touching the bar DviVhUKh5-k-00029-00008864-00009154 and pull yourself up as if you're doing a barbell row DviVhUKh5-k-00030-00009154-00009512 Oh so you're angling your upper body a little like this DviVhUKh5-k-00031-00009512-00009598 Yes that's right DviVhUKh5-k-00032-00009598-00010026 and from that position, you pull yourself up so that your chest touches the bar DviVhUKh5-k-00033-00010048-00010400 and after you pull yourself up and return, do you remain in your shoulder packing position? DviVhUKh5-k-00034-00010400-00010518 Yes I do. DviVhUKh5-k-00035-00010518-00010688 Could you please demonstrate? DviVhUKh5-k-00036-00011464-00011738 Alright guys we learned a pretty simple pull up DviVhUKh5-k-00037-00011738-00012286 But it's now time to see why he got famous. Let's see some cool stuff DviVhUKh5-k-00038-00012286-00012520 I'll just demonstrate a little DviVhUKh5-k-00039-00013634-00013841 Let's try one arm muscle up DviVhUKh5-k-00040-00013841-00013956 (you're kidding me) DviVhUKh5-k-00041-00014241-00014413 Trying too hard is his trade mark DviVhUKh5-k-00042-00014413-00014762 so you'll be doing this with one hand?? DviVhUKh5-k-00043-00014762-00014934 Are you serious? DviVhUKh5-k-00044-00014934-00015328 It won't be perfect, but I'll show you how I pull myself up DviVhUKh5-k-00045-00015954-00016514 His one arm muscle up before his injury DviVhUKh5-k-00046-00016532-00016718 It looked like the muscle up was too easy for you DviVhUKh5-k-00047-00016718-00017015 I am going to show you something more advanced DviVhUKh5-k-00048-00017015-00017350 After you do your muscle up, you will rotate yourself 180 degrees to the other side DviVhUKh5-k-00049-00017712-00018222 A strategy is using your core to bounce your body forward when you pull yourself up DviVhUKh5-k-00050-00018226-00018408 That way you will naturally go forward DviVhUKh5-k-00051-00018586-00018702 This looks too easy for you DviVhUKh5-k-00052-00018808-00019046 YOU WERE ALMOST THERE! DviVhUKh5-k-00053-00019612-00019898 I AM THE HORSE KING DviVhUKh5-k-00054-00019956-00020098 THIS IS WHO I AM DviVhUKh5-k-00055-00020098-00020220 What did you think? DviVhUKh5-k-00056-00020220-00020420 I was actually so surprised DviVhUKh5-k-00057-00020434-00020680 what about jumping from bar to bar? DviVhUKh5-k-00058-00020684-00020820 NO ONE WANTS TO LOSE DviVhUKh5-k-00059-00020820-00021080 What about from here to there? DviVhUKh5-k-00060-00021080-00021196 This is too easy DviVhUKh5-k-00061-00021196-00021316 Here I go DviVhUKh5-k-00062-00021360-00021518 NONONO AGAIN! DviVhUKh5-k-00063-00021518-00021636 NOT COOL DUDE DviVhUKh5-k-00064-00021636-00021904 This bar is too low. Let's go with an L-sit position DviVhUKh5-k-00065-00022166-00022266 SUCCESSSSS DviVhUKh5-k-00066-00022790-00022960 SUCH AN EASY SUCCESS DviVhUKh5-k-00067-00022984-00023306 This time it's a little further DviVhUKh5-k-00068-00023306-00023604 The distance is going to be challenging DviVhUKh5-k-00069-00023610-00024068 Remember as a kid playing the floor is lava? DviVhUKh5-k-00070-00024094-00024296 Both are from the lava zone! DviVhUKh5-k-00071-00025000-00025142 LAME-KING FAILED DviVhUKh5-k-00072-00026108-00026256 LEE JUN-MYOUNG NEVER FAILS TO IMPRESS US DviVhUKh5-k-00073-00026286-00026476 MOVING FROM THE LOWER BAR TO THE HIGHER BAR?! DviVhUKh5-k-00074-00026476-00026895 we used gravity to move from the taller bar to the lower bar, now we are going to defy gravity DviVhUKh5-k-00075-00026895-00027242 This is really far and going from lower to taller is going to be a challenge DviVhUKh5-k-00076-00027798-00027898 OHHHHH! DviVhUKh5-k-00077-00028430-00028586 AMAZING DviVhUKh5-k-00078-00028587-00028873 I was like you when I was young DviVhUKh5-k-00079-00028906-00029079 OH WOWWW DviVhUKh5-k-00080-00029154-00029327 Sir, do you know what YouTube is? DviVhUKh5-k-00081-00029327-00029489 There's nothing to see other than YouTube DviVhUKh5-k-00082-00029492-00029614 REALLY? DviVhUKh5-k-00083-00029614-00029794 Who do you watch? DviVhUKh5-k-00084-00029794-00030230 -I watch politics on YouTube -Oh you watch the news on YouTube! DviVhUKh5-k-00085-00030250-00030512 My channel is Horse King. Please subscribe DviVhUKh5-k-00086-00030620-00030800 SILENCE DviVhUKh5-k-00087-00030995-00032892 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE~ DzHGTZUafFu-00000-00000630-00000727 I’d firstly like to say that DzHGTZUafFu-00001-00000727-00001087 none of the points I will be discussing are actual descriptions of communism. DzHGTZUafFu-00002-00001117-00001271 Not by a long shot. DzHGTZUafFu-00003-00001271-00001558 Instead, they're myths that I've heard throughout my lifetime, whether it be DzHGTZUafFu-00004-00001558-00001951 from horribly misinformed teachers or straight up anti-communist propaganda. DzHGTZUafFu-00005-00002002-00002295 With that said, I'd also like to make the disclaimer that I'm not using DzHGTZUafFu-00006-00002295-00002719 these strawman arguments against communism as a way to argue for communism. DzHGTZUafFu-00007-00002752-00003179 Instead, I use them purely to make a point about how America, and more specifically DzHGTZUafFu-00008-00003179-00003506 capitalist countries, use communist countries or communism DzHGTZUafFu-00009-00003506-00003800 in general as something to project their problems onto. DzHGTZUafFu-00010-00003843-00004204 Basically put capitalism uses projection as a defense mechanism DzHGTZUafFu-00011-00004204-00004434 instead of acknowledging and fixing its problems. DzHGTZUafFu-00012-00004461-00004744 Through this defense mechanism, capitalism will attach DzHGTZUafFu-00013-00004744-00005071 its problems to other economic systems, even though those problems DzHGTZUafFu-00014-00005071-00005398 are inherent to their system and not the one they are projecting on. DzHGTZUafFu-00015-00005445-00005812 Here are eight different problems that America has projected onto communism, DzHGTZUafFu-00016-00005849-00006189 or if I wanted to word this in a way that got me more views, I'd probably DzHGTZUafFu-00017-00006189-00006359 say something along the lines of: DzHGTZUafFu-00018-00006359-00006613 “Eight reasons why America is Textbook Communism”. DzHGTZUafFu-00019-00006653-00006890 The Communist Party owns most of the wealth. DzHGTZUafFu-00020-00006933-00007137 While not as extreme in capitalism, DzHGTZUafFu-00021-00007137-00007477 it too has a small group of people that owns most of the wealth. DzHGTZUafFu-00022-00007524-00007894 The capitalist class, according to data from the Federal Reserve, DzHGTZUafFu-00023-00007907-00008288 the top 1% in America owns around 40% of the overall wealth. DzHGTZUafFu-00024-00008351-00008712 The government owns all enterprise or no entrepreneurship. DzHGTZUafFu-00025-00008792-00009069 Simply replace government with conglomerates and monopolies DzHGTZUafFu-00026-00009069-00009362 and you have what already happens in capitalist countries like America. DzHGTZUafFu-00027-00009412-00009469 Putting aside DzHGTZUafFu-00028-00009469-00009866 the fact that the average business startup cost is around about $30,000, DzHGTZUafFu-00029-00009866-00010113 which is more than what most working class people can afford. DzHGTZUafFu-00030-00010136-00010463 There really isn't much entrepreneurial freedom in capitalist countries either. DzHGTZUafFu-00031-00010490-00010720 Conglomerates and monopolies make it harder for someone DzHGTZUafFu-00032-00010720-00011067 to start their own business, let alone compete by becoming an entrepreneur. DzHGTZUafFu-00033-00011107-00011464 For example, Internet service providers like Comcast have formed monopolies DzHGTZUafFu-00034-00011478-00011838 so that they can own most of the market and have gone as far as to lobby Congress DzHGTZUafFu-00035-00011838-00011991 to make it illegal for someone DzHGTZUafFu-00036-00011991-00012342 to make their own ISP in an area where there's already Internet access. DzHGTZUafFu-00037-00012389-00012729 Simply put, it is within the interests of the ruling capitalist class DzHGTZUafFu-00038-00012729-00012982 to make it harder for competition to harm their bottom line. DzHGTZUafFu-00039-00013053-00013236 You can't choose the job you want. DzHGTZUafFu-00040-00013236-00013443 A job is forced on you. DzHGTZUafFu-00041-00013443-00013757 When I was younger, this problem in communist countries was described DzHGTZUafFu-00042-00013760-00013887 with a little story. DzHGTZUafFu-00043-00013887-00014214 Let's say that John was a strong man in a communist society DzHGTZUafFu-00044-00014234-00014374 and he wanted to be a baker. DzHGTZUafFu-00045-00014374-00014521 Well, because he was strong, DzHGTZUafFu-00046-00014521-00014724 he was instead forced to work in the mines. DzHGTZUafFu-00047-00014738-00014968 If only he would have been a capitalist country. DzHGTZUafFu-00048-00015001-00015215 Then he could have chosen his job instead. DzHGTZUafFu-00049-00015215-00015455 Right? Well, not exactly. DzHGTZUafFu-00050-00015492-00015789 Pro-capitalist organizations like PragerU preach that you shouldn't DzHGTZUafFu-00051-00015789-00015975 choose your dream job in the first place. DzHGTZUafFu-00052-00015975-00016316 And while you can technically choose the job you want, there are stipulations. DzHGTZUafFu-00053-00016356-00016639 Are you gay or part of the LGBTQ community? DzHGTZUafFu-00054-00016669-00016973 Then you might want to avoid these 29 states that can legally fire DzHGTZUafFu-00055-00016973-00017190 you based on that part of your identity alone. DzHGTZUafFu-00056-00017223-00017400 Don't have the money to afford college? DzHGTZUafFu-00057-00017400-00017590 According to Georgetown University, DzHGTZUafFu-00058-00017590-00017887 that takes over 42% of all jobs off the table for you. DzHGTZUafFu-00059-00017914-00018204 Are you an Asian, African-American or other racial minority? DzHGTZUafFu-00060-00018231-00018638 Then your chances of being hired are also stifled unless you “whiten” your resume. DzHGTZUafFu-00061-00018651-00018882 According to a study from the Harvard Business School. DzHGTZUafFu-00062-00018912-00019285 Or maybe you took the advice of the capitalists and went into a STEM field. DzHGTZUafFu-00063-00019312-00019502 Congratulations. DzHGTZUafFu-00064-00019502-00019616 Unless you're a woman, DzHGTZUafFu-00065-00019616-00019976 then your chances of getting hired into a job requiring intellectual ability DzHGTZUafFu-00066-00020003-00020390 such as STEM jobs is actually less for you when compared to males. DzHGTZUafFu-00067-00020427-00020547 I think you get my point. DzHGTZUafFu-00068-00020547-00020910 We have career freedom, but with a big heaping asterisk DzHGTZUafFu-00069-00020910-00021101 that we are shy to talk about. DzHGTZUafFu-00070-00021101-00021444 Even if we didn't have these stipulations, this so-called career freedom DzHGTZUafFu-00071-00021444-00021801 still hasn't kept 68% of employees from being disengaged with their work. DzHGTZUafFu-00072-00021838-00021945 What's really funny DzHGTZUafFu-00073-00021945-00022272 is that the article talking about this problem suggests that scientific studies DzHGTZUafFu-00074-00022272-00022585 would say that not alienating your workers helps them become more engaged. DzHGTZUafFu-00075-00022635-00022762 Shocker. DzHGTZUafFu-00076-00022762-00023083 Communism starves people or there's bread lines. DzHGTZUafFu-00077-00023153-00023460 While I could simply go for the cheap shot here and just say that America DzHGTZUafFu-00078-00023460-00023686 also had bread lines during the Great Depression. DzHGTZUafFu-00079-00023686-00023897 That's boring, and a cliché counter-argument. DzHGTZUafFu-00080-00023933-00024287 Capitalism has this problem too, and according to multiple sources DzHGTZUafFu-00081-00024287-00024701 from this infographic, Capitalism kills 6.7 million people a year from hunger DzHGTZUafFu-00082-00024701-00024978 alone. Clearly, starvation is not a problem DzHGTZUafFu-00083-00024978-00025255 exclusive to communism, as one would assume. DzHGTZUafFu-00084-00025328-00025542 Communism relies on state violence. DzHGTZUafFu-00085-00025605-00025752 So does capitalism. DzHGTZUafFu-00086-00025752-00026102 Someone critical of capitalism would argue that one of the main purposes of the law DzHGTZUafFu-00087-00026106-00026309 is to work within capitalist interests. DzHGTZUafFu-00088-00026309-00026463 This is done through the state's protection DzHGTZUafFu-00089-00026463-00026763 of their interests, such as private property, but also the large DzHGTZUafFu-00090-00026763-00027127 disparity between punishments for working class crimes and corporate crimes. DzHGTZUafFu-00091-00027170-00027480 Many people's lives are ruined over simple things such as drug charges DzHGTZUafFu-00092-00027490-00027757 and are sometimes in prisons that have incentives to keep them there, DzHGTZUafFu-00093-00027774-00027884 which makes it harder for them DzHGTZUafFu-00094-00027884-00028168 to reintegrate into society since they've been out for so long. DzHGTZUafFu-00095-00028198-00028565 Meanwhile, during the 2008 economic crisis, the only country to jail DzHGTZUafFu-00096-00028565-00028985 the bankers who are responsible for such idiotic handling of finances was Iceland. DzHGTZUafFu-00097-00029022-00029222 In other countries, instead of being penalized DzHGTZUafFu-00098-00029222-00029466 for these crimes, they were instead paid through bailouts, DzHGTZUafFu-00099-00029466-00029733 going off of the motto of “too big to fail”. DzHGTZUafFu-00100-00029766-00029976 Even when a company is punished for their wrongdoing, DzHGTZUafFu-00101-00029989-00030206 it is not enough for them to reconsider their actions. DzHGTZUafFu-00102-00030240-00030560 Take pharmaceutical companies who are responsible for the opioid crisis. DzHGTZUafFu-00103-00030587-00030787 While America is still looking into this issue DzHGTZUafFu-00104-00030787-00031031 these companies aren't taking legal action seriously. DzHGTZUafFu-00105-00031067-00031394 To sum up what John Oliver covers in his second opioid crisis video. DzHGTZUafFu-00106-00031414-00031714 These companies make so much money from writing millions of prescriptions DzHGTZUafFu-00107-00031725-00032038 that legal fees are too insignificant for it to hurt their revenues. DzHGTZUafFu-00108-00032082-00032422 At the end of the day, they see it as a small fine and a dumb court date DzHGTZUafFu-00109-00032442-00032776 while everyone else sees it as negligent behavior in the pursuit of profit. DzHGTZUafFu-00110-00032832-00033049 Communist countries are run by one party. DzHGTZUafFu-00111-00033119-00033490 This one's a bit of a stretch, I'll admit, but I'm going to make the case for both DzHGTZUafFu-00112-00033490-00033873 major political parties in America as being basically the same party. DzHGTZUafFu-00113-00033907-00034130 Do they differ on some issues here and there? DzHGTZUafFu-00114-00034130-00034300 Yeah. But at the end of the day, DzHGTZUafFu-00115-00034300-00034521 they suffer what I like to call the “tug of war effect”. DzHGTZUafFu-00116-00034551-00034674 What happens with these parties DzHGTZUafFu-00117-00034674-00034951 is that they are both tugging on a rope with centrists in the middle. DzHGTZUafFu-00118-00034988-00035291 If the conservatives become more extreme, they tug on this rope tighter, DzHGTZUafFu-00119-00035291-00035505 which will centrists and liberals their way. DzHGTZUafFu-00120-00035505-00035839 This forces the Democrat Party to use poor strategies that try to win DzHGTZUafFu-00121-00035839-00036169 over conservatives instead of liberals through fancy words like “compromise”. DzHGTZUafFu-00122-00036182-00036406 Which really just means that they are appeasing the other party DzHGTZUafFu-00123-00036406-00036753 on an issue for likeness among voters with a more conservative bias. DzHGTZUafFu-00124-00036790-00037083 Same thing happens in countries where liberals tug the rope tighter as well. DzHGTZUafFu-00125-00037107-00037317 Self-identified conservatives in these countries DzHGTZUafFu-00126-00037317-00037507 tend to support more liberal policies DzHGTZUafFu-00127-00037507-00037791 because their end of the rope is being pulled further towards the left. DzHGTZUafFu-00128-00037824-00037921 But at the end of the day, DzHGTZUafFu-00129-00037921-00038171 both of these parties will always support the establishment. DzHGTZUafFu-00130-00038191-00038475 And regardless of party affiliation, will vote on subjects DzHGTZUafFu-00131-00038475-00038655 that the middle class would never agree DzHGTZUafFu-00132-00038655-00039002 with, such as large and unnecessary expansions to the military budget. DzHGTZUafFu-00133-00039042-00039365 When push comes to shove, they will always lick America's boot. DzHGTZUafFu-00134-00039439-00039692 Communist countries have a lack of choices in the market. DzHGTZUafFu-00135-00039763-00040006 The only reason we believe we have a choice in capitalism DzHGTZUafFu-00136-00040023-00040256 is because we're given the illusion of choice. DzHGTZUafFu-00137-00040256-00040480 Remember that ISP monopoly I mentioned earlier? DzHGTZUafFu-00138-00040500-00040784 That's not the only monopoly that's limiting your choices and jacking DzHGTZUafFu-00139-00040784-00040854 prices up. DzHGTZUafFu-00140-00040854-00041071 There's also a Luxottica monopoly on eyewear. DzHGTZUafFu-00141-00041094-00041474 There is a monopoly on insulin since three companies control 90% of that market. DzHGTZUafFu-00142-00041501-00041791 There's a media monopoly as well, with only six companies controlling DzHGTZUafFu-00143-00041791-00041928 90% of the media. DzHGTZUafFu-00144-00041928-00042085 There are even a lot of common store DzHGTZUafFu-00145-00042085-00042345 items under different names that are made by the same brand. DzHGTZUafFu-00146-00042385-00042542 And if all of that isn't enough to show you DzHGTZUafFu-00147-00042542-00042902 that we have an illusion of choice in America, the Open Market Institute DzHGTZUafFu-00148-00042902-00043249 has an extensive list of monopolized industries on their website as well. DzHGTZUafFu-00149-00043289-00043583 Communist countries use propaganda to force national pride. DzHGTZUafFu-00150-00043640-00043903 If this wasn't true, I wouldn't be making this video. DzHGTZUafFu-00151-00043940-00044237 America projects its capitalist problems onto communism DzHGTZUafFu-00152-00044250-00044577 because it cannot be bothered with any skepticism that might ruin their image. DzHGTZUafFu-00153-00044637-00044898 We as Americans have very little to be proud of DzHGTZUafFu-00154-00044928-00045161 and are behind most of the developed world. DzHGTZUafFu-00155-00045161-00045341 I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you DzHGTZUafFu-00156-00045341-00045552 that we do not rank highly in anything good. DzHGTZUafFu-00157-00045588-00045688 While these are only myths DzHGTZUafFu-00158-00045688-00046066 about communism, you can learn more about what real communism is by checking out DzHGTZUafFu-00159-00046066-00046493 my “what actually is socialism slash communism” video in the description below. DEJtZDXp1zy-00000-00000011-00000176 In this unit, we will look at DEJtZDXp1zy-00001-00000182-00000430 some words from Norse Mythology DEJtZDXp1zy-00002-00000461-00000747 [MUSIC] DEJtZDXp1zy-00003-00000867-00001113 The Nine Worlds in Norse Mythology are: DEJtZDXp1zy-00004-00001168-00001353 Asgard – the abode of gods, DEJtZDXp1zy-00005-00001355-00001554 ruled by Odin and his wife Frigg DEJtZDXp1zy-00006-00001647-00001890 Alfheimer – the home of Light Elves, DEJtZDXp1zy-00007-00001977-00002373 Niðavellir– the home of the Dwarves or Dark Elves, DEJtZDXp1zy-00008-00002419-00002600 Midgard – the human abode, and DEJtZDXp1zy-00009-00002603-00002829 the only one visible to human beings DEJtZDXp1zy-00010-00002890-00003136 Jotunheimr – the home of the Giants, DEJtZDXp1zy-00011-00003186-00003366 Vanaheimr – the home of Vanir, DEJtZDXp1zy-00012-00003369-00003652 a group of gods associated with fertility, DEJtZDXp1zy-00013-00003655-00003760 magic, and prophecy, DEJtZDXp1zy-00014-00003828-00004009 Niflheim – the primordial DEJtZDXp1zy-00015-00004036-00004189 world of ice and mist, DEJtZDXp1zy-00016-00004238-00004475 Muspelheim – the realm of fire and heat, DEJtZDXp1zy-00017-00004555-00004883 Hel is the home of the dishonourable dead. DEJtZDXp1zy-00018-00004980-00005277 Valhalla is an enormous Hall of the Slain DEJtZDXp1zy-00019-00005292-00005429 located in Asgard. DEJtZDXp1zy-00020-00005456-00005671 Odin, the ruler of Asgard, chooses DEJtZDXp1zy-00021-00005694-00005935 Valhalla to be the destination for half of DEJtZDXp1zy-00022-00005937-00006153 the warriors who are slain in battle. DEJtZDXp1zy-00023-00006180-00006373 The other half go to Folkvangr, DEJtZDXp1zy-00024-00006390-00006571 a meadow ruled by Goddess Freyja. DEJtZDXp1zy-00025-00006726-00006994 Valkyries are female warriors who are assigned DEJtZDXp1zy-00026-00006996-00007305 to choose those warriors who may be slain in battle. DEJtZDXp1zy-00027-00007357-00007607 then they send half of the slain warriors DEJtZDXp1zy-00028-00007609-00007849 to Valhalla and the other half to Folkvangr DEJtZDXp1zy-00029-00007958-00008401 Alf is a reference to elf or elves in Norse mythology. DEJtZDXp1zy-00030-00008433-00008563 There are two types of elves: DEJtZDXp1zy-00031-00008589-00008846 the dark-complexioned elves that live within earth, DEJtZDXp1zy-00032-00008875-00009173 and the light-complexioned elves that live in Alfheimer. DEJtZDXp1zy-00033-00009280-00009549 Berserkers are furious Norse warriors DEJtZDXp1zy-00034-00009573-00009840 who derived their fighting prowess from the bear. DEJtZDXp1zy-00035-00009929-00010201 Norns or Nornirs in Norse mythology DEJtZDXp1zy-00036-00010227-00010356 are three females DEJtZDXp1zy-00037-00010388-00010707 who spin the fate of gods, men, giants, DEJtZDXp1zy-00038-00010723-00010901 dwarves, and all living beings. DEJtZDXp1zy-00039-00010944-00011269 They sit under Yggdrasil, the tree of the world. DEJtZDXp1zy-00040-00011293-00011613 They correspond to the Fates in European mythology. DEJtZDXp1zy-00041-00011708-00012005 Runes are letters that were part of the DEJtZDXp1zy-00042-00012007-00012318 writing system used by the Germanic tribes. DEJtZDXp1zy-00043-00012395-00012640 The Poetic Edda or Elder Edda is DEJtZDXp1zy-00044-00012643-00012959 Old Norse anonymous poems about Norse mythology DEJtZDXp1zy-00045-00012983-00013170 and Old Germanic legends. DEJtZDXp1zy-00046-00013263-00013568 The Prose Edda or Younger Edda or simply Edda is DEJtZDXp1zy-00047-00013609-00014042 Norse literature written or compiled by Snorri Sturluson, DEJtZDXp1zy-00048-00014057-00014380 an Icelandic historian in the early 13th century. DEJtZDXp1zy-00049-00014409-00014636 The work contains four sections or books. DEJtZDXp1zy-00050-00014727-00015060 Volva is a sorceress and seer who performed magic. DEJtZDXp1zy-00051-00015131-00015444 Yggdrasil is giant ash tree that connects the Nine DEJtZDXp1zy-00052-00015465-00015630 Worlds of Norse mythology. DEJtZDXp1zy-00053-00015647-00015840 The roots of the tree extend to Asgard, DEJtZDXp1zy-00054-00015842-00016041 Niflheim, and Jotunnheim. DFcWj2X-H_g-00000-00000000-00000438 ladies and gentlemen they are appearing every day we're checking out secure team DFcWj2X-H_g-00001-00000438-00000900 10. drop a thumbs up subscribe if you're new let's check it out man DFcWj2X-H_g-00002-00001176-00001254 let's see DFcWj2X-H_g-00003-00001344-00002178 like the video if you know about security and I'm really glad he's back though DFcWj2X-H_g-00004-00002238-00002904 he took a break of two years hey what's up guys I want Tyler here with secure team and happy 2023 DFcWj2X-H_g-00005-00002904-00003384 hope you all had a safe holiday and so I'm not going to talk your leg off today what we are gonna DFcWj2X-H_g-00006-00003384-00004140 do though is jump right into in my opinion some of the most intriguing UFO footage much of which was DFcWj2X-H_g-00007-00004140-00004842 submitted to me by viewers by you guys and what I think are some very anomalous Clips to start out DFcWj2X-H_g-00008-00004842-00005574 the new year with yes sir let's get it let's take a piece of UFO footage when I watched it after I DFcWj2X-H_g-00009-00005574-00006228 received an email my jaw almost hit the floor and there wasn't a lot of information on this in the DFcWj2X-H_g-00010-00006228-00006834 email anyway but that a female with friends I don't know if it's at a party or what began DFcWj2X-H_g-00011-00006834-00007620 recording after several Bright Lights appeared and began almost hovering right over top of the DFcWj2X-H_g-00012-00007620-00008466 recorder of the video and to me it looks like a massive uh sort of triangular tr3b style craft and DFcWj2X-H_g-00013-00008466-00009318 before we go for context the tr-3b is essentially like the triangle shape uh UFOs further here it is DFcWj2X-H_g-00014-00009396-00010026 ow let's check it out Bros look at that awesome oh my gosh DFcWj2X-H_g-00015-00010104-00010824 oh my gosh you guys damn son it's morning it is what is that DFcWj2X-H_g-00016-00011178-00011880 it seems like it has multiple lights and that's like a bigger one thoughts thoughts thoughts okay DFcWj2X-H_g-00017-00011880-00012576 so you know pull the camera pull the camera keep the camera have some red light kinda in the middle DFcWj2X-H_g-00018-00012869-00013254 oh my gosh DFcWj2X-H_g-00019-00013530-00014850 oh my gosh right there Bruh Bruh oh my gosh I'm freaking out okay on your let's pump the DFcWj2X-H_g-00020-00014850-00015647 brakes really quickly right it seems very much like like I it doesn't look like a UFO though DFcWj2X-H_g-00021-00015647-00016362 I don't know man it's bizarre I agree it can be a UFO I agree but it just doesn't look like it DFcWj2X-H_g-00022-00016362-00017046 because of that light I've never seen a UFO video with a light similar to a light that I have seen DFcWj2X-H_g-00023-00017046-00017616 on this planet already right because that light just looks like a light from the chopper from DFcWj2X-H_g-00024-00017616-00018462 a helicopter right it just seems very much Earth-like so I don't know thoughts bro bro DFcWj2X-H_g-00025-00018606-00019260 okay so like I said I wanted to feature this first and you know I'm not sure how long this has been DFcWj2X-H_g-00026-00019260-00019968 out I don't know the location of it um but what I will say is that if this is a hoax or a fake DFcWj2X-H_g-00027-00019968-00020490 or someone trying to mess with me as people have throughout the years they try to send me you know DFcWj2X-H_g-00028-00020490-00021192 CGI footage just to see if I will bite um many viewers have done it you know just to try to I DFcWj2X-H_g-00029-00021192-00021768 guess help me hone my skills and typically right away you know know whether something is real or DFcWj2X-H_g-00030-00021768-00022854 not and this does not look like CGI to me the way it passes behind the trees on the trees a lot of DFcWj2X-H_g-00031-00022854-00023664 things obfuscating this brightly lit yeah when I uh think about our UFO I'm thinking it would DFcWj2X-H_g-00032-00023664-00024204 be like this at least the tr3b or whatever you call this this triangle ship you have over the DFcWj2X-H_g-00033-00024204-00024846 like red lights but that but that bright light in the middle that was just way too different looks DFcWj2X-H_g-00034-00024846-00025386 completely Earth-like so that's why I'm like I don't know about this one but it is definitely DFcWj2X-H_g-00035-00025386-00025986 suspect though I don't know what but it doesn't look like a plane it seems to be dead silent uh DFcWj2X-H_g-00036-00025986-00026742 the reaction of the female is in my opinion again genuine you know to me it is a genuine reaction DFcWj2X-H_g-00037-00026742-00027402 of someone oh my gosh guys yeah it seems to do something and seeing this thing as it shines a DFcWj2X-H_g-00038-00027402-00028194 bright Spotlight down on her and immediately when I saw it I thought tr3b Black Manta which for many DFcWj2X-H_g-00039-00028194-00028794 of you I won't have to explain what the tr3 Yeah is but and another thing and this is something DFcWj2X-H_g-00040-00028794-00029292 I wanted to bring before uh but I somehow forgot about it so I'm gonna bring it now with visually DFcWj2X-H_g-00041-00029292-00029976 on top it's uh there are a lot of theories and I believe conspiracies as well that suggest that the DFcWj2X-H_g-00042-00029976-00030894 the US has already made their own version of it so they sometimes fly apply it around and if you see DFcWj2X-H_g-00043-00030894-00031686 it you might miss mistake it for uh like a real UFO but they are basically using their reverse DFcWj2X-H_g-00044-00031686-00032352 their reverse what's the word and apparently the government the US government also did claim not DFcWj2X-H_g-00045-00032352-00032886 long ago when they confirmed that UFOs are real they also did say that they have acquired vehicles DFcWj2X-H_g-00046-00032886-00033600 that did not originate on this planet so they have unearthly vehicles they did say that you DFcWj2X-H_g-00047-00033600-00034050 can look it up you can search unearthly Vehicles pentagon with keywords like that and you're gonna DFcWj2X-H_g-00048-00034050-00034578 find articles on it so this is something they said that they have Acquired and vehicles from DFcWj2X-H_g-00049-00034578-00035184 other that that are not on this planet and the reverse engineering yeah that's the word I was DFcWj2X-H_g-00050-00035184-00035628 looking for yeah and it seems like that they have reverse engineered this and on top they DFcWj2X-H_g-00051-00035628-00036252 got a pattern as well on this one so I mean this is clear SD and it says this was filed back on DFcWj2X-H_g-00052-00036252-00037044 December 20 2004 and if you think about it those uh clips that came out of the pilot Commander I DFcWj2X-H_g-00053-00037044-00037542 believe David uh I'm forgetting his name he did uh he did a podcast with Joe Rogan as well so DFcWj2X-H_g-00054-00037542-00038058 you know what who I'm talking about he was the guy that chased that UFO and if I'm not mistaken DFcWj2X-H_g-00055-00038058-00038586 that footage that the the the the government the the government released like couple of years ago DFcWj2X-H_g-00056-00038586-00039264 at this point they that was from 2004 as well and they released it somewhere around like 2017 DFcWj2X-H_g-00057-00039264-00039858 2020 I'm I'm forgetting gears because time has been flowing like like crazy we're in 2023 right DFcWj2X-H_g-00058-00039858-00040446 now maybe you're watching this video in 2050. I don't know guys I no crazy stuff for anyone new DFcWj2X-H_g-00059-00040446-00041100 or to refresh your memories as I looped this over here and play you guys some enhanced versions The DFcWj2X-H_g-00060-00041100-00042126 tr3 Black Manta or for short tr3b also known by the name tr3b Astra as it's now called is perhaps DFcWj2X-H_g-00061-00042126-00042816 either the biggest hoax that some believe or in my opinion and everything I've seen and published DFcWj2X-H_g-00062-00042816-00043428 to this channel over the decade is the biggest advance in technology in the history of mankind DFcWj2X-H_g-00063-00043428-00044142 if not one of them it was first sighted over uh essentially I I I do believe I the the footage DFcWj2X-H_g-00064-00044142-00044730 that I saw I feel like that that footage is legit but I think it's not a UFO it's uh it's one of DFcWj2X-H_g-00065-00044730-00045324 ours and it's probably have been reverse engineer that's what I believe and I could be wrong they DFcWj2X-H_g-00066-00045324-00045858 could be wrong we surely could be nobody knows maybe it's legit maybe it's like a real UFO or DFcWj2X-H_g-00067-00045858-00046590 maybe it's uh that video is a whole completely CGI but but I believe the video is legit but I think DFcWj2X-H_g-00068-00046590-00047478 it was uh it's one of ours it's not a UFO Belgium back in the 1980s early 90s and was visualized as DFcWj2X-H_g-00069-00047478-00048246 this mysterious dark or black colored triangular shaped UFO lights on each Corner sometimes not DFcWj2X-H_g-00070-00048246-00048894 but typically did have lights and it's since been seen hundreds if not thousands of times DFcWj2X-H_g-00071-00048894-00049644 whether it be here on Earth or satellite pics of triangle craft lights or Surface structures DFcWj2X-H_g-00072-00049644-00050376 on other planets or the moon so it's said to be a craft that harnesses anti-gravity used by the DFcWj2X-H_g-00073-00050376-00051036 US government but contains and is able to do that by using back engineered alien technology DFcWj2X-H_g-00074-00051036-00051714 yeah we recover so it's it's half hours half alien Tech and so tell me what you guys think DFcWj2X-H_g-00075-00051714-00052229 of this footage I'll try to dig up some more I heard this conspiracy and Theory so much DFcWj2X-H_g-00076-00052229-00052866 so many times like I I it can be legit though like information on it and on top what the government DFcWj2X-H_g-00077-00052866-00053405 recently uh said like they have acquired unearthly Vehicles they said they have acquired they made DFcWj2X-H_g-00078-00053405-00053886 it sound like that they just very innocent guys come on guys like we just acquired it we were uh DFcWj2X-H_g-00079-00053886-00054491 we're actually researching we do not know what's happening like that's [__] okay that is [__] DFcWj2X-H_g-00080-00054491-00055062 they have had stuff like that for years I I believe in I believe in that Bozo who uh I'm DFcWj2X-H_g-00081-00055062-00055602 forgetting his name I forget bottles are yep I believe in Bob Lazar big fan big fan I believe in DFcWj2X-H_g-00082-00055602-00056141 what he said you've seen something similar and I know some of you guys have because I've published DFcWj2X-H_g-00083-00056141-00056682 a ton of your footage of it what do you guys think it could it be a plane it doesn't look like one to DFcWj2X-H_g-00084-00056682-00057360 me the object seems way too close right above the trees I don't see any FAA lights and uh this one's DFcWj2X-H_g-00085-00057360-00057876 definitely a mystery and while it's good to be a skeptic and some out there you know when they see DFcWj2X-H_g-00086-00057876-00058464 amazingly clear footage a lot of them have the indefinite answer well it's it must be too good DFcWj2X-H_g-00087-00058464-00059196 to be true you know if a UFO video is too out of focus or the object is too far away then you DFcWj2X-H_g-00088-00059196-00059808 can't win and if it's crystal clear as day you can't win because it's too good to be true but DFcWj2X-H_g-00089-00059808-00060444 I think that that is a sort of uh indoctrination that's been whenever you see a footage like that DFcWj2X-H_g-00090-00060444-00060905 people always complain why it's blurry you'll win 2023 we gotta have better we already have DFcWj2X-H_g-00091-00060905-00061326 better cameras we gotta get better footage but the second you see good footage everybody's like DFcWj2X-H_g-00092-00061326-00061932 hey man that is too good to be true if you never see good footage like this one so it must be fake DFcWj2X-H_g-00093-00061932-00062352 so there's like literally no winning either you believe it or you don't believe it and uh let's be DFcWj2X-H_g-00094-00062352-00062922 real there there are a lot of holsters out there too old over the years and with the Advent of CGI DFcWj2X-H_g-00095-00062922-00063696 to question anything that is captured on camera in a clear way but that is not the case so next DFcWj2X-H_g-00096-00063696-00064272 piece of footage I want you guys to check out also sent to me by a viewer this is from CJ foreign DFcWj2X-H_g-00097-00064367-00065202 what the [__] is that Carl Johnson language brother it's kind of hard to see now yeah yeah DFcWj2X-H_g-00098-00065202-00065994 what about that UFO that was spotted in Vegas whoa what was that what do you think it was still there DFcWj2X-H_g-00099-00065994-00066756 yeah very odd very odd so we got clouds here and it's moving past we got the skyline City skyline DFcWj2X-H_g-00100-00066888-00068016 yeah I still see it on here yeah barely oh that's so wild my heart's beating quick right now DFcWj2X-H_g-00101-00068394-00069138 some Jay says in his email quote hey Tyler I just wanted to share this short video with you of a UFO DFcWj2X-H_g-00102-00069138-00069792 I caught in downtown Seattle on the 40th floor Sun deck of my apartment building I wish I would have DFcWj2X-H_g-00103-00069792-00070422 gotten it when it was really close but I was in such a State of Shock myself and my friend both DFcWj2X-H_g-00104-00070422-00071040 saw it it wasn't a drone because it made no noise man you're telling me it was closer to them and DFcWj2X-H_g-00105-00071040-00071622 he could have got a better shot and he didn't because he was in shock I mean damn it and it DFcWj2X-H_g-00106-00071622-00072258 was also oddly lit and felt mysterious in general I posted it on my YouTube channel and it's really DFcWj2X-H_g-00107-00072258-00072936 short but I was curious of your thoughts possibly after video enhancements and so I disappointed DFcWj2X-H_g-00108-00072936-00073764 in you CJ but good job on getting what you guys are seeing here and big thanks to CJ who emailed DFcWj2X-H_g-00109-00073764-00074598 me this on December 1st 2022 and uh as I did some enhancements uh this looks sort of more like your DFcWj2X-H_g-00110-00074598-00075366 traditional 1950s era Flying Saucer but again it's dark and as we all know cell phone video DFcWj2X-H_g-00111-00075366-00075996 in the dark you know it gets more grainy distorts a bit so this to me it looks like a saucer at the DFcWj2X-H_g-00112-00075996-00076656 very minimum could be a cigar also or any number of things but what strikes before you're like bro DFcWj2X-H_g-00113-00076656-00077376 that's not a cigar what he means but it could be a cigar ship UFO so yeah to me the most and and DFcWj2X-H_g-00114-00077376-00077940 again I'm not serious reaction by the videographer of the footage man you seem like you were having a DFcWj2X-H_g-00115-00077940-00078612 good time uh what strikes me is the fact that the object looks almost to be sliding through DFcWj2X-H_g-00116-00078612-00079152 the air almost with you know no wind resistance if you were to think of a hockey puck you know DFcWj2X-H_g-00117-00079152-00079740 sliding down the ice rink and I used to play Ice Hockey for many many years and whistleblowers that DFcWj2X-H_g-00118-00079740-00080292 have come out and spoken about these alien or extraterrestrial in nature craft have said that DFcWj2X-H_g-00119-00080292-00080880 they manipulate gravity around them and when they do it instead of using the air current in DFcWj2X-H_g-00120-00080880-00081612 our atmosphere to move in a certain direction they manipulate the gravity around the UFO which then DFcWj2X-H_g-00121-00081612-00082218 sort of allows it to slide up or down at sort of an angle but that was just something that popped DFcWj2X-H_g-00122-00082218-00082812 into my head definitely some mysterious UFO footage so if you're no this one seems kind DFcWj2X-H_g-00123-00082812-00083472 of legit I have you know any information on this send me an email secure team news it's DFcWj2X-H_g-00124-00083472-00083994 down in the video description and give me your homies worldwide man got them emails set up DFcWj2X-H_g-00125-00083994-00084630 and [__] like that damn guys thoughts next we have a very short clip here but interesting to DFcWj2X-H_g-00126-00084630-00085326 say the least that was sent to me on Instagram and it was uploaded to an Instagram okay so uh DFcWj2X-H_g-00127-00085326-00086148 December 22nd 2022 at 11 PM this is in Illinois okay Ram UFO page and it was captured in Lamont DFcWj2X-H_g-00128-00086148-00086994 Illinois of what I can only say looks like a very strange couple of flashes of a blue beam or well DFcWj2X-H_g-00129-00086994-00087904 just watch this bruh [Music] bruh okay so far I don't see it but we bought to see it [Music] DFcWj2X-H_g-00130-00087960-00088890 I got it damn son where'd you find this Damn Damn son it seems like that there's DFcWj2X-H_g-00131-00088890-00089550 like a there was a UFO in the Middle with the with like a portal like a okay again another DFcWj2X-H_g-00132-00089550-00090228 um Priceless Resort you know you know a reaction is typically legit when the first words out of DFcWj2X-H_g-00133-00090228-00090828 their mouth are what the f is that you know what I mean so not a lot of information on this DFcWj2X-H_g-00134-00090828-00091446 other than uh I don't believe the the person who captured this said it was raining or thundering DFcWj2X-H_g-00135-00091446-00092004 or anything like that I don't hear any Thunder in the footage and yeah it seems like that it DFcWj2X-H_g-00136-00092154-00092988 it I'm done it's it's how do I say this um it seems like that it was about to abduct someone DFcWj2X-H_g-00137-00092988-00093498 that's that's the vibe I'm getting it's like there's a UFO there and uh because you have DFcWj2X-H_g-00138-00093498-00093990 seen this sort of imagery in so many movies and so many photos that you just look at something DFcWj2X-H_g-00139-00093990-00094404 like that and automatically you're like it must be the aliens trying to abduct someone DFcWj2X-H_g-00140-00094518-00095190 it's that way you know what I'm saying yeah we see this blue or purple beam of light just appear to DFcWj2X-H_g-00141-00095190-00095880 either come down from the sky or shoot up and you know some in the comments on the Instagram video DFcWj2X-H_g-00142-00095880-00096384 said yeah well it's just it's just lightning you know but I've seen lightning and as I show you DFcWj2X-H_g-00143-00096384-00096852 some Stills here we slow this down just lightning guys it's just lightning you know what I'm saying DFcWj2X-H_g-00144-00096852-00097482 it's nothing more this doesn't look like lightning to me even if it is lightning that's hidden behind DFcWj2X-H_g-00145-00097482-00098028 clowns it still doesn't look like what I'm seeing in this footage here in fact it almost DFcWj2X-H_g-00146-00098028-00098724 looks brighter closer to the ground more than it does in the sky and we see this mystery beam of DFcWj2X-H_g-00147-00098724-00099306 light appear a couple of times before the video ends but you know I've seen these things before DFcWj2X-H_g-00148-00099306-00099936 I've posted videos and images of these on the channel both taken at night and during the day DFcWj2X-H_g-00149-00099936-00100518 could also be something called a Sprite Which is actually a naturally occurring phenomenon of DFcWj2X-H_g-00150-00100518-00101046 lightning that actually comes up from the ground and it goes up into the sky but again I don't know DFcWj2X-H_g-00151-00101046-00101754 this looks just really strange to me so anyone over Illinois see this feel free to add your two DFcWj2X-H_g-00152-00101754-00102600 cents down below as well now this next clip was sent to me via Gmail on November 10th of 2022 so DFcWj2X-H_g-00153-00102600-00103259 you know it takes me a while to catch up to these things and uh he said Tyler really be getting old DFcWj2X-H_g-00154-00103259-00103830 man he really really getting old it'd be like that man once the his email must have been piled DFcWj2X-H_g-00155-00103830-00104424 up though so this one is Apparently after seeing a legitimate Flying Saucer on October 17 two days DFcWj2X-H_g-00156-00104424-00104970 later on the 19 a high-pitched dog whistle type noise went off in my left ear followed by an ear DFcWj2X-H_g-00157-00104970-00105461 popping sensation something and me told me to grab my camera and go to the go to the window DFcWj2X-H_g-00158-00105461-00106056 I was looking out of the window and notice a jet flying very high in the sky clearly I kept DFcWj2X-H_g-00159-00106056-00106518 looking at this guy but noticed that there was too much light pollution so I went and grabbed DFcWj2X-H_g-00160-00106518-00107172 my polarized glasses once I put them on this thing came into frame almost instantly I had my phone in DFcWj2X-H_g-00161-00107172-00107814 a in hand ready to record and this is what I got I could not see it without my polarized lenses on DFcWj2X-H_g-00162-00107814-00108485 watch it in slow motion okay in his email quote after seeing a legitimate flying sauce and go to DFcWj2X-H_g-00163-00108485-00109164 the window I was looking out glasses once I put them on this thing case is what I got he says DFcWj2X-H_g-00164-00109164-00109830 I could not see it without my polarized lenses on watch in slow motion to see it vanish slash DFcWj2X-H_g-00165-00109830-00110598 pop into the cloud at the end at a considerable speed it slows down and descends after seeming to DFcWj2X-H_g-00166-00110598-00111192 turn I've been avidly studying this subject for 17 years and I'm still startled by this DFcWj2X-H_g-00167-00111485-00111906 okay so he's gonna put like polarized but what are polarized glasses I think DFcWj2X-H_g-00168-00111906-00112361 we about to find out I think he put it on and he sees it with that I guess DFcWj2X-H_g-00169-00112583-00113496 yeah I need to work on my record control because like every time DFcWj2X-H_g-00170-00113496-00113892 a fires go like Pals and you know like I gotta work on that man I gotta DFcWj2X-H_g-00171-00114318-00114492 I gotta work on that recall control DFcWj2X-H_g-00172-00115626-00116070 okay so that's night vision I think he's putting an effect on DFcWj2X-H_g-00173-00116166-00116724 but it seems like a disc shape like a circular one circular yeah just shape DFcWj2X-H_g-00174-00116808-00117474 just rolling 45 degree angle kind of right just going like Z like that DFcWj2X-H_g-00175-00117785-00118404 kind of wild actually no wings nothing no propeller system yeah this came from DFcWj2X-H_g-00176-00118404-00119058 a viewer via email with the initials a j z so if you're out there whoever you are thanks for this DFcWj2X-H_g-00177-00119159-00119844 um yeah again another mystery object this time during the day gliding through the sky does not DFcWj2X-H_g-00178-00119844-00120402 look like a bird a plane Superman a drone I I don't know yeah it doesn't look like a John DFcWj2X-H_g-00179-00120402-00121002 Cena either you know what I'm saying like it looks extremely far away yet still pretty large in size DFcWj2X-H_g-00180-00121002-00121680 and as the viewer who sent this said in his email he could only see it when wearing his glasses that DFcWj2X-H_g-00181-00121680-00122411 had polarized lenses and he also spoke of seeing fighter jets in the area and what appeared to be DFcWj2X-H_g-00182-00122411-00123161 a flying saucer just two days before this footage was captured okay if if he is saying about if he's DFcWj2X-H_g-00183-00123161-00123990 talking about fighter jets and they were really there around this time yeah that was featured by DFcWj2X-H_g-00184-00123990-00124776 my old pal Scott Waring over UFO sightings daily of a UFO sighting that occurred on December 29th DFcWj2X-H_g-00185-00124776-00125490 so not too long ago uh the location was Morehead City North Carolina of what were described as DFcWj2X-H_g-00186-00125490-00126228 several glowing objects shooting across the sky or what could very well have been one single object DFcWj2X-H_g-00187-00126228-00126852 with three lights yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so this was uploaded on the YouTube shorts DFcWj2X-H_g-00188-00127158-00127842 it seems like a massive one massive doesn't look like a it has a shape of a plane just DFcWj2X-H_g-00189-00127842-00128298 by looking at the lights but the plane lights are not like this so it's not a plain bud how was that DFcWj2X-H_g-00190-00128592-00129114 it might be John Cena though you never know is it a plane is it a bird is it John scene DFcWj2X-H_g-00191-00129114-00129683 it's probably John Cena totally stumped on this one guys uh I will play a slowed down DFcWj2X-H_g-00192-00129683-00130224 version here Zoom it in a little bit and see if we can give you a better look and a shout DFcWj2X-H_g-00193-00130224-00130680 out to my friends out in North Carolina which is where I go every year on vacation DFcWj2X-H_g-00194-00130680-00131400 a lot of UFO sightings happen in that state so it's definitely a hub for strange activity DFcWj2X-H_g-00195-00131628-00132756 yeah kind of suspect kinda or not kinda it is suspect though like DFcWj2X-H_g-00196-00132906-00133692 has two lights on the back by the looks of it and it's going straight not moving but DFcWj2X-H_g-00197-00133854-00134544 what could it be though what could it be the the biggest I feel like the biggest spider here is DFcWj2X-H_g-00198-00134544-00135150 a clip that was posted to either Tick Tock or Instagram not a lot of information captured in DFcWj2X-H_g-00199-00135150-00135936 Colorado of this long glowing or highly reflective cigar-shaped object quietly moving through the DFcWj2X-H_g-00200-00135936-00136794 night skies man it is thin as hell bro it ain't as hell but you still see it it is as though DFcWj2X-H_g-00201-00137394-00137820 it's the object really wide to the point where it's that easy DFcWj2X-H_g-00202-00137820-00138444 to uh to see at night time or or is it like light reflecting on it DFcWj2X-H_g-00203-00138444-00138744 so that's why it's become it's easier to see you know what I'm saying like DFcWj2X-H_g-00204-00138990-00139776 okay so first thing some of you may want to claim as many do these days is hey it's starlink all DFcWj2X-H_g-00205-00139776-00140502 right it's Elon Musk sadly a lot of people today and you know I discussed this in a very recent DFcWj2X-H_g-00206-00140502-00141198 video but lots of people now it's like any time you see a UFO or a piece of UFO footage where DFcWj2X-H_g-00207-00141198-00141810 there are more than one object or they appear in sort of a straightish line then it must be DFcWj2X-H_g-00208-00141810-00142476 starlink and this is simply not the case in fact I think the US government has used starlink whether DFcWj2X-H_g-00209-00142476-00143262 Elon Musk knows it or not as a way to clutter up the skies to clutter up space and to confuse the DFcWj2X-H_g-00210-00143262-00143832 public basically just a bunch of little tiny satellites that are all launched one after DFcWj2X-H_g-00211-00143832-00144414 another that create this sort of you know dotted line up in space as they are launched and passed DFcWj2X-H_g-00212-00144414-00144978 by but there is definitely some separation between them and I'm not seeing that here whatever this is DFcWj2X-H_g-00213-00144978-00145308 thank you for subscribing if you're brand new hit the Subscribe button that must be DFcWj2X-H_g-00214-00145308-00145602 on my main Channel but if you're here on the second definitely subscribe man and DFcWj2X-H_g-00215-00145602-00146142 hit the homie secure team up as well but but realistically I do think that they do stuff to DFcWj2X-H_g-00216-00146142-00146640 deceive the the the the people for sure because there's a lot a whole lot of activity there's DFcWj2X-H_g-00217-00146712-00147084 like I believe it if you're watching this to a certain extent you probably believe it as well DFcWj2X-H_g-00218-00147084-00147564 especially if you're this deep into this video you probably believe in the subject or you're DFcWj2X-H_g-00219-00147564-00148194 just fascinated by the topic like I am as well and I do think that they play around they do some DFcWj2X-H_g-00220-00148194-00148710 stuff to confuse the public for sure so when you get to see a real one you're like hey is it real DFcWj2X-H_g-00221-00148710-00149148 is it not real because even I'm questioning that and if you're watching you're probably questioning DFcWj2X-H_g-00222-00149148-00149640 that too right because like is this one real is it a hoax is it fake you're requesting that and DFcWj2X-H_g-00223-00149640-00150210 it's good to question but it's like yeah man what's real and what's not it's uh that that's DFcWj2X-H_g-00224-00150210-00150858 the it's kind of it's quite hard solid object it looks to be emitting light and if you look at the DFcWj2X-H_g-00225-00150858-00151500 back of it it looks like we have one cylinder shaped craft or object and then at the end a DFcWj2X-H_g-00226-00151500-00152148 single separate object tagging along behind it or possibly attached but just something much smaller DFcWj2X-H_g-00227-00152148-00152928 and it just doesn't give me the feel of starlink satellites whatever this is it looks to hold its DFcWj2X-H_g-00228-00152928-00153624 shape it's extremely bright there doesn't look to be any City Lights Down Below uh so it could DFcWj2X-H_g-00229-00153624-00154308 be glowing internally could be very reflective who knows but my opinion on this not starlink captured DFcWj2X-H_g-00230-00154308-00155004 on December 17th above Canon Colorado which by the way I have heard that there are some pretty DFcWj2X-H_g-00231-00155004-00155712 serious military installations and bases right around that area so there's that and lastly today DFcWj2X-H_g-00232-00155712-00156450 guys here is one last piece of footage viewer submission to the security team Gmail where the DFcWj2X-H_g-00233-00156450-00157146 viewer who goes in the email by the name of Rocky says quote I was able to get video footage of two DFcWj2X-H_g-00234-00157146-00157938 UFO craft hovering in Los Angeles I was out on my front yard walking my two dogs while I noticed two DFcWj2X-H_g-00235-00157938-00158568 orangish or reddish lights just hovering this airspace is usually restricted okay so this DFcWj2X-H_g-00236-00158568-00159198 one and that one right this planes because the airport is just a few miles north of here I ran DFcWj2X-H_g-00237-00159198-00159840 inside and grabbed my phone and the lights started rotating around each other creating rainbow-like DFcWj2X-H_g-00238-00159840-00160500 colors after my video recording the lights just vanished and so not a lot to say about this one DFcWj2X-H_g-00239-00160500-00161130 other than because these glowing objects are you know so far away we can't really discern DFcWj2X-H_g-00240-00161130-00161592 them but the only thing I will bring up here is that if you notice towards the end of the DFcWj2X-H_g-00241-00161592-00162366 footage a helicopter suddenly enters the frame and looks to be heading in the exact direction of DFcWj2X-H_g-00242-00162366-00163212 these two mystery objects which is reminiscence again of past footage I've featured that I've DFcWj2X-H_g-00243-00163212-00163848 seen you know where some of these UFOs will hang around just long enough where the attention of the DFcWj2X-H_g-00244-00163848-00164442 police or whoever will be garnered and sometimes they're fast enough to get you know airplanes but DFcWj2X-H_g-00245-00164442-00165090 especially helicopters in the area to track the things it is La so I'm sure other people may have DFcWj2X-H_g-00246-00165090-00165798 seen this could it be a typical aircraft you know planes heading toward the airport very well could DFcWj2X-H_g-00247-00165798-00166374 be but when I look at footage no matter who or where it's from I always take into consideration DFcWj2X-H_g-00248-00166374-00166914 that the person who's recording it they are from this area they probably look at the night DFcWj2X-H_g-00249-00166914-00167520 sky almost every single night they know what activity is there they know what aircraft look DFcWj2X-H_g-00250-00167520-00168090 like when they fly by they know what's normal and what's not normal yeah and whenever like something DFcWj2X-H_g-00251-00168090-00168666 strange pops out it pops out like a sore thumb and you're like okay what what the ideal is that DFcWj2X-H_g-00252-00168666-00169128 you know when they see something that they're not used to and they record it and send it in DFcWj2X-H_g-00253-00169128-00169710 I definitely take that into consideration so yeah ladies and gentlemen click on this video DFcWj2X-H_g-00254-00169710-00170220 on the screen or the video on the left either one and I will see you right there subscribe DGbDndW1UWY-00000-00000387-00000574 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00001-00001277-00001477 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00002-00002181-00002366 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00003-00003035-00003230 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00004-00003916-00004102 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00005-00004791-00004980 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00006-00005660-00005866 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00007-00006553-00006741 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00008-00007429-00007618 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00009-00008314-00008510 77 DGbDndW1UWY-00010-00009170-00009363 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00011-00010009-00010199 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00012-00010852-00011038 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00013-00011725-00011913 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00014-00012661-00012825 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00015-00013554-00013744 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00016-00014422-00014609 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00017-00015331-00015487 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00018-00016243-00016437 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00019-00017160-00017339 87 DGbDndW1UWY-00020-00018044-00018232 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00021-00018928-00019112 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00022-00019816-00019980 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00023-00020667-00020857 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00024-00021545-00021707 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00025-00022427-00022618 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00026-00023357-00023551 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00027-00024256-00024444 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00028-00025140-00025335 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00029-00026055-00026249 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00030-00026910-00027101 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00031-00027777-00027960 92 DGbDndW1UWY-00032-00028655-00028843 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00033-00029523-00029705 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00034-00030427-00030611 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00035-00031340-00031529 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00036-00032198-00032388 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00037-00033056-00033242 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00038-00033936-00034130 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00039-00034808-00034995 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00040-00035671-00035865 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00041-00036508-00036698 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00042-00037368-00037560 17 DGbDndW1UWY-00043-00038255-00038441 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00044-00039117-00039308 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00045-00040011-00040191 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00046-00040887-00041074 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00047-00041717-00041907 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00048-00042550-00042732 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00049-00043409-00043584 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00050-00044295-00044472 98 DGbDndW1UWY-00051-00045184-00045371 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00052-00046056-00046259 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00053-00046961-00047152 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00054-00047865-00048048 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00055-00048735-00048923 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00056-00049600-00049783 42 DGbDndW1UWY-00057-00050467-00050650 42 DGbDndW1UWY-00058-00051312-00051502 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00059-00052181-00052369 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00060-00053098-00053275 98 DGbDndW1UWY-00061-00054005-00054177 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00062-00054899-00055070 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00063-00055791-00055992 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00064-00056713-00056904 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00065-00057606-00057782 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00066-00058484-00058672 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00067-00059342-00059532 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00068-00060219-00060394 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00069-00061160-00061316 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00070-00062056-00062238 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00071-00062910-00063103 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00072-00063801-00063975 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00073-00064673-00064863 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00074-00065535-00065694 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00075-00066381-00066569 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00076-00067246-00067428 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00077-00068132-00068332 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00078-00069028-00069215 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00079-00069902-00070062 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00080-00070767-00070950 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00081-00071622-00071807 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00082-00072478-00072658 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00083-00073379-00073557 98 DGbDndW1UWY-00084-00074278-00074461 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00085-00075167-00075346 87 DGbDndW1UWY-00086-00076034-00076214 58 DGbDndW1UWY-00087-00076901-00077083 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00088-00077778-00077953 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00089-00078638-00078833 77 DGbDndW1UWY-00090-00079495-00079680 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00091-00080325-00080513 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00092-00081193-00081373 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00093-00082078-00082261 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00094-00082973-00083159 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00095-00083881-00084050 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00096-00084754-00084930 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00097-00085633-00085819 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00098-00086499-00086691 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00099-00087345-00087532 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00100-00088201-00088394 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00101-00089081-00089270 14 DGbDndW1UWY-00102-00090001-00090147 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00103-00090880-00091054 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00104-00091767-00091955 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00105-00092659-00092838 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00106-00093516-00093702 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00107-00094398-00094585 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00108-00095298-00095482 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00109-00096169-00096349 58 DGbDndW1UWY-00110-00097026-00097229 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00111-00097958-00098122 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00112-00098878-00099047 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00113-00099742-00099930 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00114-00100618-00100797 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00115-00101493-00101683 43 DGbDndW1UWY-00116-00102352-00102540 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00117-00103235-00103428 17 DGbDndW1UWY-00118-00104149-00104339 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00119-00105027-00105222 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00120-00105910-00106100 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00121-00106770-00106960 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00122-00107595-00107791 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00123-00108478-00108668 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00124-00109407-00109601 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00125-00110340-00110530 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00126-00111209-00111403 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00127-00112075-00112281 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00128-00112953-00113143 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00129-00113805-00113984 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00130-00114695-00114877 92 DGbDndW1UWY-00131-00115579-00115774 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00132-00116434-00116620 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00133-00117307-00117482 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00134-00118194-00118354 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00135-00119026-00119216 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00136-00119887-00120047 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00137-00120769-00120964 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00138-00121674-00121857 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00139-00122560-00122751 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00140-00123472-00123660 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00141-00124373-00124556 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00142-00125228-00125418 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00143-00126079-00126261 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00144-00126957-00127163 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00145-00127859-00128035 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00146-00128721-00128900 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00147-00129612-00129793 81 DGbDndW1UWY-00148-00130549-00130713 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00149-00131468-00131637 18 DGbDndW1UWY-00150-00132348-00132539 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00151-00133209-00133398 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00152-00134051-00134234 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00153-00134930-00135109 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00154-00135812-00135992 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00155-00136687-00136878 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00156-00137573-00137753 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00157-00138440-00138620 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00158-00139333-00139508 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00159-00140212-00140391 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00160-00141086-00141279 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00161-00141951-00142136 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00162-00142815-00143001 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00163-00143741-00143915 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00164-00144614-00144806 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00165-00145479-00145668 94 DGbDndW1UWY-00166-00146348-00146538 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00167-00147225-00147426 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00168-00148106-00148291 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00169-00148953-00149132 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00170-00149809-00149996 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00171-00150666-00150853 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00172-00151523-00151710 63 DGbDndW1UWY-00173-00152379-00152567 63 DGbDndW1UWY-00174-00153236-00153424 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00175-00154112-00154286 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00176-00154973-00155158 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00177-00155827-00156015 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00178-00156702-00156882 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00179-00157588-00157760 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00180-00158482-00158651 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00181-00159373-00159547 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00182-00160218-00160412 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00183-00161083-00161265 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00184-00161927-00162117 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00185-00162769-00162948 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00186-00163625-00163813 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00187-00164516-00164661 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00188-00165349-00165534 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00189-00166187-00166373 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00190-00167043-00167230 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00191-00167907-00168092 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00192-00168821-00168985 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00193-00169713-00169889 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00194-00170567-00170753 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00195-00171467-00171639 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00196-00172345-00172535 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00197-00173205-00173381 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00198-00174066-00174248 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00199-00174925-00175113 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00200-00175801-00176007 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00201-00176746-00176902 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00202-00177632-00177835 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00203-00178520-00178703 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00204-00179398-00179580 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00205-00180293-00180484 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00206-00181188-00181364 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00207-00182075-00182221 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00208-00182958-00183143 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00209-00183865-00184039 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00210-00184727-00184914 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00211-00185618-00185763 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00212-00186501-00186670 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00213-00187391-00187550 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00214-00188262-00188449 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00215-00189151-00189337 51 DGbDndW1UWY-00216-00190014-00190204 43 DGbDndW1UWY-00217-00190866-00191056 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00218-00191761-00191965 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00219-00192712-00192882 18 DGbDndW1UWY-00220-00193619-00193765 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00221-00194451-00194645 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00222-00195317-00195491 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00223-00196205-00196379 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00224-00197094-00197299 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00225-00198012-00198203 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00226-00198907-00199086 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00227-00199780-00199974 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00228-00200687-00200878 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00229-00201573-00201753 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00230-00202414-00202596 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00231-00203275-00203435 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00232-00204149-00204350 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00233-00205070-00205261 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00234-00205965-00206152 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00235-00206873-00207077 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00236-00207809-00207991 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00237-00208713-00208884 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00238-00209631-00209825 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00239-00210583-00210729 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00240-00211435-00211624 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00241-00212331-00212481 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00242-00213203-00213388 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00243-00214117-00214273 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00244-00215021-00215211 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00245-00215932-00216120 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00246-00216834-00217024 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00247-00217730-00217902 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00248-00218616-00218777 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00249-00219517-00219689 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00250-00220402-00220584 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00251-00221237-00221431 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00252-00222084-00222272 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00253-00222960-00223150 94 DGbDndW1UWY-00254-00223864-00224033 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00255-00224747-00224952 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00256-00225658-00225856 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00257-00226552-00226731 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00258-00227426-00227598 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00259-00228305-00228479 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00260-00229193-00229361 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00261-00230065-00230255 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00262-00230949-00231109 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00263-00231816-00232005 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00264-00232718-00232907 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00265-00233609-00233800 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00266-00234486-00234664 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00267-00235359-00235540 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00268-00236272-00236444 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00269-00237175-00237368 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00270-00238081-00238269 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00271-00238999-00239194 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00272-00239897-00240085 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00273-00240799-00240949 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00274-00241664-00241851 63 DGbDndW1UWY-00275-00242546-00242708 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00276-00243420-00243580 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00277-00244276-00244453 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00278-00245164-00245310 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00279-00246047-00246219 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00280-00246939-00247133 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00281-00247813-00248002 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00282-00248665-00248852 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00283-00249565-00249768 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00284-00250509-00250688 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00285-00251409-00251584 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00286-00252306-00252475 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00287-00253188-00253347 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00288-00254053-00254235 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00289-00254957-00255129 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00290-00255857-00256048 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00291-00256736-00256931 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00292-00257601-00257780 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00293-00258466-00258650 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00294-00259361-00259507 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00295-00260228-00260416 14 DGbDndW1UWY-00296-00261121-00261309 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00297-00262032-00262211 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00298-00262948-00263094 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00299-00263789-00263979 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00300-00264685-00264860 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00301-00265573-00265760 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00302-00266464-00266659 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00303-00267370-00267561 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00304-00268282-00268456 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00305-00269163-00269353 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00306-00270023-00270201 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00307-00270887-00271066 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00308-00271742-00271928 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00309-00272590-00272780 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00310-00273468-00273639 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00311-00274342-00274525 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00312-00275228-00275408 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00313-00276094-00276283 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00314-00276962-00277155 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00315-00277851-00278031 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00316-00278734-00278905 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00317-00279620-00279809 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00318-00280523-00280713 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00319-00281443-00281615 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00320-00282317-00282510 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00321-00283214-00283409 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00322-00284139-00284310 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00323-00285023-00285211 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00324-00285906-00286097 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00325-00286759-00286949 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00326-00287610-00287813 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00327-00288534-00288727 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00328-00289460-00289657 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00329-00290336-00290525 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00330-00291205-00291387 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00331-00292083-00292262 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00332-00292939-00293126 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00333-00293779-00293973 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00334-00294645-00294835 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00335-00295541-00295715 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00336-00296409-00296595 51 DGbDndW1UWY-00337-00297273-00297460 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00338-00298147-00298320 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00339-00299026-00299216 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00340-00299895-00300078 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00341-00300758-00300963 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00342-00301695-00301867 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00343-00302589-00302766 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00344-00303460-00303643 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00345-00304340-00304519 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00346-00305202-00305388 51 DGbDndW1UWY-00347-00306084-00306258 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00348-00306979-00307157 98 DGbDndW1UWY-00349-00307867-00308042 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00350-00308764-00308967 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00351-00309681-00309869 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00352-00310582-00310775 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00353-00311473-00311666 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00354-00312319-00312504 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00355-00313208-00313387 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00356-00314116-00314278 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00357-00314999-00315187 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00358-00315908-00316070 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00359-00316792-00316960 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00360-00317663-00317846 42 DGbDndW1UWY-00361-00318515-00318703 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00362-00319399-00319570 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00363-00320300-00320492 17 DGbDndW1UWY-00364-00321223-00321404 81 DGbDndW1UWY-00365-00322125-00322308 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00366-00323003-00323207 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00367-00323884-00324071 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00368-00324785-00324931 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00369-00325670-00325858 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00370-00326554-00326741 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00371-00327444-00327613 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00372-00328342-00328533 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00373-00329237-00329413 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00374-00330099-00330275 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00375-00330997-00331169 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00376-00331909-00332080 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00377-00332776-00332963 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00378-00333667-00333812 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00379-00334560-00334734 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00380-00335466-00335641 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00381-00336347-00336529 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00382-00337234-00337417 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00383-00338122-00338305 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00384-00339019-00339188 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00385-00339890-00340074 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00386-00340777-00340949 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00387-00341697-00341853 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00388-00342574-00342762 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00389-00343458-00343629 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00390-00344359-00344504 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00391-00345241-00345411 18 DGbDndW1UWY-00392-00346122-00346304 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00393-00346980-00347166 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00394-00347862-00348025 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00395-00348705-00348898 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00396-00349596-00349747 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00397-00350461-00350640 58 DGbDndW1UWY-00398-00351344-00351529 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00399-00352249-00352432 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00400-00353104-00353295 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00401-00353973-00354164 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00402-00354885-00355073 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00403-00355803-00355949 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00404-00356643-00356829 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00405-00357542-00357706 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00406-00358436-00358621 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00407-00359323-00359509 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00408-00360205-00360392 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00409-00361105-00361309 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00410-00362057-00362241 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00411-00362971-00363140 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00412-00363842-00364033 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00413-00364745-00364940 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00414-00365636-00365825 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00415-00366512-00366703 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00416-00367399-00367578 58 DGbDndW1UWY-00417-00368247-00368435 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00418-00369111-00369297 51 DGbDndW1UWY-00419-00370000-00370180 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00420-00370909-00371105 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00421-00371792-00371985 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00422-00372646-00372850 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00423-00373511-00373696 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00424-00374375-00374566 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00425-00375261-00375449 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00426-00376125-00376308 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00427-00377029-00377233 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00428-00377954-00378129 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00429-00378825-00379015 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00430-00379694-00379877 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00431-00380546-00380731 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00432-00381426-00381606 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00433-00382346-00382510 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00434-00383265-00383461 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00435-00384207-00384401 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00436-00385142-00385312 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00437-00386041-00386224 92 DGbDndW1UWY-00438-00386935-00387110 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00439-00387812-00388001 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00440-00388688-00388879 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00441-00389540-00389720 58 DGbDndW1UWY-00442-00390389-00390576 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00443-00391272-00391451 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00444-00392131-00392324 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00445-00392978-00393165 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00446-00393843-00394030 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00447-00394734-00394905 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00448-00395618-00395791 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00449-00396486-00396668 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00450-00397364-00397553 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00451-00398240-00398424 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00452-00399092-00399272 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00453-00399934-00400124 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00454-00400794-00400973 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00455-00401676-00401867 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00456-00402569-00402765 77 DGbDndW1UWY-00457-00403477-00403648 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00458-00404377-00404565 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00459-00405268-00405442 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00460-00406111-00406294 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00461-00406990-00407175 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00462-00407896-00408070 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00463-00408775-00408935 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00464-00409631-00409808 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00465-00410476-00410665 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00466-00411325-00411511 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00467-00412214-00412410 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00468-00413131-00413305 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00469-00413985-00414175 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00470-00414862-00415053 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00471-00415793-00415964 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00472-00416685-00416871 51 DGbDndW1UWY-00473-00417556-00417730 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00474-00418452-00418655 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00475-00419403-00419572 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00476-00420283-00420458 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00477-00421119-00421309 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00478-00421970-00422156 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00479-00422850-00423044 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00480-00423750-00423948 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00481-00424669-00424865 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00482-00425576-00425758 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00483-00426479-00426672 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00484-00427430-00427623 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00485-00428345-00428535 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00486-00429196-00429389 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00487-00430077-00430256 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00488-00430978-00431166 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00489-00431860-00432035 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00490-00432719-00432905 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00491-00433609-00433778 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00492-00434518-00434692 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00493-00435398-00435588 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00494-00436301-00436465 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00495-00437187-00437367 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00496-00438036-00438224 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00497-00438928-00439107 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00498-00439855-00440029 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00499-00440760-00440943 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00500-00441649-00441847 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00501-00442552-00442735 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00502-00443429-00443613 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00503-00444316-00444485 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00504-00445165-00445355 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00505-00446035-00446207 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00506-00446929-00447092 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00507-00447806-00448004 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00508-00448717-00448905 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00509-00449607-00449798 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00510-00450475-00450660 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00511-00451322-00451512 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00512-00452199-00452387 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00513-00453109-00453281 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00514-00454001-00454192 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00515-00454906-00455078 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00516-00455772-00455956 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00517-00456632-00456820 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00518-00457542-00457706 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00519-00458471-00458675 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00520-00459381-00459576 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00521-00460282-00460454 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00522-00461186-00461360 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00523-00462065-00462225 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00524-00462913-00463100 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00525-00463777-00463981 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00526-00464702-00464848 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00527-00465587-00465778 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00528-00466499-00466700 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00529-00467402-00467593 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00530-00468288-00468476 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00531-00469155-00469343 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00532-00469988-00470182 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00533-00470835-00471015 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00534-00471685-00471875 43 DGbDndW1UWY-00535-00472562-00472744 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00536-00473459-00473622 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00537-00474343-00474518 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00538-00475239-00475427 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00539-00476131-00476307 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00540-00477003-00477183 78 DGbDndW1UWY-00541-00477870-00478058 63 DGbDndW1UWY-00542-00478762-00478943 81 DGbDndW1UWY-00543-00479655-00479839 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00544-00480534-00480717 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00545-00481396-00481584 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00546-00482272-00482433 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00547-00483102-00483293 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00548-00483927-00484113 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00549-00484801-00484972 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00550-00485675-00485861 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00551-00486572-00486741 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00552-00487428-00487613 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00553-00488241-00488431 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00554-00489093-00489267 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00555-00489981-00490160 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00556-00490890-00491059 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00557-00491788-00491963 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00558-00492651-00492846 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00559-00493515-00493705 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00560-00494416-00494588 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00561-00495336-00495481 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00562-00496204-00496383 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00563-00497077-00497260 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00564-00497956-00498143 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00565-00498864-00499058 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00566-00499806-00499951 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00567-00500673-00500863 94 DGbDndW1UWY-00568-00501595-00501769 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00569-00502509-00502702 17 DGbDndW1UWY-00570-00503415-00503608 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00571-00504341-00504491 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00572-00505239-00505434 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00573-00506181-00506374 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00574-00507072-00507263 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00575-00507909-00508098 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00576-00508734-00508924 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00577-00509552-00509744 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00578-00510425-00510596 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00579-00511336-00511487 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00580-00512184-00512377 45 DGbDndW1UWY-00581-00513057-00513237 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00582-00513977-00514122 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00583-00514820-00515005 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00584-00515667-00515852 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00585-00516554-00516743 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00586-00517456-00517647 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00587-00518318-00518503 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00588-00519164-00519347 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00589-00520031-00520227 77 DGbDndW1UWY-00590-00520911-00521102 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00591-00521787-00521962 15 DGbDndW1UWY-00592-00522665-00522855 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00593-00523596-00523746 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00594-00524466-00524653 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00595-00525382-00525538 90 DGbDndW1UWY-00596-00526285-00526476 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00597-00527189-00527377 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00598-00528084-00528263 87 DGbDndW1UWY-00599-00528958-00529140 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00600-00529842-00530034 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00601-00530747-00530929 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00602-00531625-00531821 77 DGbDndW1UWY-00603-00532490-00532680 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00604-00533376-00533555 89 DGbDndW1UWY-00605-00534250-00534438 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00606-00535118-00535300 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00607-00535986-00536180 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00608-00536868-00537040 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00609-00537736-00537912 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00610-00538616-00538780 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00611-00539459-00539644 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00612-00540290-00540485 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00613-00541164-00541347 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00614-00542060-00542246 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00615-00542941-00543121 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00616-00543809-00543983 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00617-00544689-00544863 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00618-00545595-00545798 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00619-00546531-00546713 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00620-00547418-00547601 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00621-00548297-00548479 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00622-00549190-00549385 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00623-00550088-00550271 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00624-00550948-00551138 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00625-00551842-00552010 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00626-00552705-00552893 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00627-00553590-00553760 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00628-00554474-00554646 83 DGbDndW1UWY-00629-00555379-00555550 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00630-00556264-00556451 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00631-00557173-00557337 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00632-00558102-00558306 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00633-00559054-00559236 81 DGbDndW1UWY-00634-00559930-00560116 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00635-00560830-00560994 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00636-00561734-00561908 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00637-00562604-00562781 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00638-00563476-00563664 72 DGbDndW1UWY-00639-00564352-00564539 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00640-00565233-00565424 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00641-00566127-00566310 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00642-00567032-00567203 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00643-00567926-00568112 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00644-00568824-00568993 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00645-00569741-00569915 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00646-00570613-00570803 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00647-00571465-00571649 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00648-00572361-00572530 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00649-00573217-00573407 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00650-00574060-00574241 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00651-00574929-00575134 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00652-00575839-00576033 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00653-00576727-00576910 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00654-00577595-00577777 68 DGbDndW1UWY-00655-00578473-00578663 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00656-00579369-00579567 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00657-00580307-00580471 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00658-00581218-00581408 97 DGbDndW1UWY-00659-00582104-00582286 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00660-00582981-00583172 71 DGbDndW1UWY-00661-00583894-00584063 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00662-00584765-00584948 42 DGbDndW1UWY-00663-00585669-00585873 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00664-00586587-00586774 74 DGbDndW1UWY-00665-00587477-00587647 12 DGbDndW1UWY-00666-00588357-00588532 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00667-00589210-00589397 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00668-00590101-00590295 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00669-00590991-00591186 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00670-00591856-00592040 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00671-00592691-00592881 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00672-00593551-00593731 22 DGbDndW1UWY-00673-00594425-00594608 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00674-00595296-00595486 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00675-00596166-00596348 53 DGbDndW1UWY-00676-00596994-00597179 54 DGbDndW1UWY-00677-00597858-00598046 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00678-00598760-00598950 94 DGbDndW1UWY-00679-00599656-00599846 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00680-00600552-00600742 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00681-00601456-00601620 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00682-00602341-00602542 79 DGbDndW1UWY-00683-00603282-00603433 20 DGbDndW1UWY-00684-00604179-00604349 18 DGbDndW1UWY-00685-00605044-00605232 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00686-00605912-00606110 41 DGbDndW1UWY-00687-00606831-00607014 92 DGbDndW1UWY-00688-00607751-00607947 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00689-00608668-00608842 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00690-00609530-00609718 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00691-00610394-00610577 42 DGbDndW1UWY-00692-00611238-00611428 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00693-00612100-00612283 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00694-00612977-00613152 48 DGbDndW1UWY-00695-00613838-00614015 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00696-00614710-00614916 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00697-00615629-00615820 31 DGbDndW1UWY-00698-00616499-00616690 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00699-00617376-00617554 98 DGbDndW1UWY-00700-00618302-00618476 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00701-00619224-00619409 29 DGbDndW1UWY-00702-00620130-00620289 50 DGbDndW1UWY-00703-00620996-00621175 87 DGbDndW1UWY-00704-00621907-00622053 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00705-00622792-00622967 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00706-00623669-00623855 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00707-00624551-00624725 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00708-00625457-00625631 11 DGbDndW1UWY-00709-00626353-00626530 24 DGbDndW1UWY-00710-00627226-00627408 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00711-00628087-00628277 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00712-00628964-00629150 39 DGbDndW1UWY-00713-00629872-00630033 40 DGbDndW1UWY-00714-00630736-00630940 59 DGbDndW1UWY-00715-00631609-00631804 75 DGbDndW1UWY-00716-00632483-00632676 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00717-00633355-00633541 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00718-00634194-00634383 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00719-00635061-00635245 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00720-00635925-00636114 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00721-00636776-00636963 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00722-00637625-00637815 64 DGbDndW1UWY-00723-00638476-00638664 63 DGbDndW1UWY-00724-00639377-00639570 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00725-00640275-00640464 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00726-00641126-00641312 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00727-00642000-00642183 96 DGbDndW1UWY-00728-00642889-00643078 61 DGbDndW1UWY-00729-00643818-00643982 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00730-00644712-00644896 26 DGbDndW1UWY-00731-00645565-00645751 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00732-00646412-00646600 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00733-00647295-00647483 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00734-00648222-00648415 99 DGbDndW1UWY-00735-00649121-00649311 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00736-00650025-00650189 10 DGbDndW1UWY-00737-00650945-00651117 70 DGbDndW1UWY-00738-00651827-00652010 33 DGbDndW1UWY-00739-00652695-00652882 95 DGbDndW1UWY-00740-00653578-00653783 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00741-00654471-00654659 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00742-00655346-00655528 27 DGbDndW1UWY-00743-00656242-00656417 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00744-00657131-00657305 23 DGbDndW1UWY-00745-00657992-00658175 36 DGbDndW1UWY-00746-00658843-00659037 67 DGbDndW1UWY-00747-00659715-00659894 86 DGbDndW1UWY-00748-00660555-00660748 65 DGbDndW1UWY-00749-00661445-00661649 91 DGbDndW1UWY-00750-00662397-00662592 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00751-00663296-00663483 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00752-00664153-00664340 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00753-00665016-00665207 62 DGbDndW1UWY-00754-00665875-00666064 46 DGbDndW1UWY-00755-00666744-00666918 38 DGbDndW1UWY-00756-00667631-00667819 13 DGbDndW1UWY-00757-00668532-00668725 49 DGbDndW1UWY-00758-00669458-00669629 19 DGbDndW1UWY-00759-00670335-00670526 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00760-00671214-00671385 28 DGbDndW1UWY-00761-00672080-00672268 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00762-00672938-00673124 25 DGbDndW1UWY-00763-00673785-00673971 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00764-00674659-00674851 17 DGbDndW1UWY-00765-00675555-00675734 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00766-00676403-00676588 44 DGbDndW1UWY-00767-00677276-00677445 60 DGbDndW1UWY-00768-00678140-00678328 76 DGbDndW1UWY-00769-00679042-00679188 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00770-00679901-00680081 34 DGbDndW1UWY-00771-00680768-00680956 14 DGbDndW1UWY-00772-00681636-00681826 66 DGbDndW1UWY-00773-00682472-00682662 56 DGbDndW1UWY-00774-00683350-00683545 21 DGbDndW1UWY-00775-00684267-00684456 16 DGbDndW1UWY-00776-00685143-00685329 47 DGbDndW1UWY-00777-00686033-00686178 30 DGbDndW1UWY-00778-00686899-00687082 32 DGbDndW1UWY-00779-00687814-00687960 80 DGbDndW1UWY-00780-00688692-00688897 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00781-00689577-00689767 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00782-00690455-00690619 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00783-00691321-00691507 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00784-00692210-00692385 82 DGbDndW1UWY-00785-00693089-00693268 84 DGbDndW1UWY-00786-00693952-00694137 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00787-00694821-00695007 37 DGbDndW1UWY-00788-00695685-00695872 85 DGbDndW1UWY-00789-00696568-00696732 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00790-00697453-00697617 88 DGbDndW1UWY-00791-00698331-00698536 69 DGbDndW1UWY-00792-00699216-00699406 57 DGbDndW1UWY-00793-00700042-00700232 55 DGbDndW1UWY-00794-00700900-00701089 93 DGbDndW1UWY-00795-00701784-00701972 52 DGbDndW1UWY-00796-00702674-00702857 92 DGbDndW1UWY-00797-00703568-00703758 73 DGbDndW1UWY-00798-00704427-00704615 35 DGbDndW1UWY-00799-00705269-00705459 64 DHlNl8nHyIY-00000-00000027-00000362 Prompt One for the Common Application is basically the Culture/Identity Essay. DHlNl8nHyIY-00001-00000362-00000570 Which I love, I can't lie. DHlNl8nHyIY-00002-00000570-00000866 But you want to stay away from the basic "Who am I?" DHlNl8nHyIY-00003-00000866-00001007 Biography essay. DHlNl8nHyIY-00004-00001007-00001366 Stay tuned for tips on how to add nuance and depth that will impress the admission officers. DHlNl8nHyIY-00005-00001366-00001545 Thank you for joining me on my channel. DHlNl8nHyIY-00006-00001545-00001916 For the best college essay advice, subscribe, and hit the bell to be notified when I post DHlNl8nHyIY-00007-00001916-00002094 a new video every Tuesday. DHlNl8nHyIY-00008-00002094-00002427 This college essay encourages students to take stock in their life and who they are DHlNl8nHyIY-00009-00002427-00002788 socially and academically, intellectually, personally. DHlNl8nHyIY-00010-00002788-00003346 However, beware of that cliché, "My family is crazy, but I love them anyways," type idea. DHlNl8nHyIY-00011-00003346-00003842 By the end of this video, you'll have two key types, with examples to how to make this DHlNl8nHyIY-00012-00003842-00003942 work. DHlNl8nHyIY-00013-00003942-00004121 Hi, I'm Dr. Josie with Write Your Acceptance. DHlNl8nHyIY-00014-00004121-00004628 As a college essay expert and university faculty member, I know how to make them remember you, DHlNl8nHyIY-00015-00004628-00004728 and root for you. DHlNl8nHyIY-00016-00004728-00004828 Now, it's your turn. DHlNl8nHyIY-00017-00004828-00005430 Very popular scenes in this essay are: family dinners, holiday parties, cultural traditions, DHlNl8nHyIY-00018-00005430-00005531 funny sayings. DHlNl8nHyIY-00019-00005531-00006002 They're great, because they add a bunch of voices and different characters into the narrative. DHlNl8nHyIY-00020-00006002-00006387 It's not only you, in a vacuum, speaking directly to the admission officers. DHlNl8nHyIY-00021-00006387-00006775 It's almost as if they have more to root for, because you're bringing ... It's like a family DHlNl8nHyIY-00022-00006775-00006875 affair. DHlNl8nHyIY-00023-00006875-00007092 You're bringing a lot more people to the mix. DHlNl8nHyIY-00024-00007092-00007334 Tip Number One: Open up the topic. DHlNl8nHyIY-00025-00007334-00007777 Consider that this essay doesn't have to be only about who you are culturally, or your DHlNl8nHyIY-00026-00007777-00007877 heritage. DHlNl8nHyIY-00027-00007877-00008300 It could be something that you were teased about all your life, or your ultra-competitive DHlNl8nHyIY-00028-00008300-00008759 streak, or your role as a soccer player, or how even you love '80s movies. DHlNl8nHyIY-00029-00008759-00009465 They could be random aspects, dimensions of "Culture," with a capital-C, that you can DHlNl8nHyIY-00030-00009465-00009646 show your relationship with. DHlNl8nHyIY-00031-00009646-00010113 Tip Two: Once you've expanded the idea of culture, now pick a topic or a theme that DHlNl8nHyIY-00032-00010113-00010285 works for you. DHlNl8nHyIY-00033-00010285-00010581 You can either do how you love '80s movies, super-random. DHlNl8nHyIY-00034-00010581-00011034 Or your relationship to Colombian-American Spanglish, let's say, and how you think in DHlNl8nHyIY-00035-00011034-00011263 Spanish and speak in English. DHlNl8nHyIY-00036-00011263-00011709 That idea of culture as practiced and lived. DHlNl8nHyIY-00037-00011709-00012254 Are you stuck trying to figure out how to think through the theme or topic of your essay? DHlNl8nHyIY-00038-00012254-00012520 Comment below, and we'll start figuring it out together. DHlNl8nHyIY-00039-00012520-00012620 Okay. DHlNl8nHyIY-00040-00012620-00012720 Here are two examples. DHlNl8nHyIY-00041-00012720-00012914 Number One: The '80s movies. DHlNl8nHyIY-00042-00012914-00013529 Let's say I start with a key scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Out, or whatever random '80s DHlNl8nHyIY-00043-00013529-00013647 movies you want to pick. DHlNl8nHyIY-00044-00013647-00014104 Then you talk about how you value this ode to a slower-paced lifestyle. DHlNl8nHyIY-00045-00014104-00014284 Nobody was glued to their phones. DHlNl8nHyIY-00046-00014284-00014745 There's the HEA, although there's some adventure, there's always a happily-ever-after, happy DHlNl8nHyIY-00047-00014745-00014887 ending-type idea. DHlNl8nHyIY-00048-00014887-00015034 A resolution. DHlNl8nHyIY-00049-00015034-00015237 That you value that. DHlNl8nHyIY-00050-00015237-00015837 You'll open with an anecdote of the movie, and then philosophize why its important to DHlNl8nHyIY-00051-00015837-00015937 you. DHlNl8nHyIY-00052-00015937-00016322 Then you'll bring in a memory, a story, an anecdote from your life, and how you've brought DHlNl8nHyIY-00053-00016322-00016493 in those lessons into 2019. DHlNl8nHyIY-00054-00016493-00017097 Now that you're working and emulating within values that you find important, you are bringing DHlNl8nHyIY-00055-00017097-00017253 the '80s to you today. DHlNl8nHyIY-00056-00017253-00017563 It's not necessarily like a nostalgia thing. DHlNl8nHyIY-00057-00017563-00018066 It's more like shaping your character and values in today's world. DHlNl8nHyIY-00058-00018066-00018166 Boom. DHlNl8nHyIY-00059-00018166-00018529 Example Numero Dos: Let's say we're doing the Colombian-American Spanglish. DHlNl8nHyIY-00060-00018529-00018918 This could be any multi-cultural blend, any language, really. DHlNl8nHyIY-00061-00018918-00019590 But we would start with a phrase or two phrases, and maybe you contextually translate that. DHlNl8nHyIY-00062-00019590-00019862 Maybe its an anecdote where you're talking to a grandparent. DHlNl8nHyIY-00063-00019862-00020559 Someone that generationally has been a major player in you inheriting this culture and DHlNl8nHyIY-00064-00020559-00020697 this language. DHlNl8nHyIY-00065-00020697-00020834 You start with that. DHlNl8nHyIY-00066-00020834-00021368 Then, you go into how you've learned that true fluency and communication is not about DHlNl8nHyIY-00067-00021368-00021904 losing an accent, but about meeting someone and authentically connecting with them, and DHlNl8nHyIY-00068-00021904-00022301 allowing the other person to be seen and heard on their own terms. DHlNl8nHyIY-00069-00022301-00022450 Ooh, that is pretty. DHlNl8nHyIY-00070-00022450-00023245 All of a sudden, you're talking about way more than just how you code-switch in languages. DHlNl8nHyIY-00071-00023245-00023388 You're talking about communication. DHlNl8nHyIY-00072-00023388-00023673 You're talking about empathy, compassion. DHlNl8nHyIY-00073-00023673-00024245 You're philosophizing what communication means to you, and that is nice, nice, nice. DHlNl8nHyIY-00074-00024245-00024520 This essay is part learn something/teach something, part quirky. DHlNl8nHyIY-00075-00024520-00025027 If you want to learn more, I have a college essay guide for free to download in the description DHlNl8nHyIY-00076-00025027-00025127 below. DHlNl8nHyIY-00077-00025127-00025593 It'll advise you on where you should put what information to maximize engagement. DHlNl8nHyIY-00078-00025593-00025976 If you found this video useful, please comment, boom, below. DHlNl8nHyIY-00079-00025976-00026076 Give us a like. DHlNl8nHyIY-00080-00026076-00026414 Subscribe and share with your fellow college-bound friends. DHlNl8nHyIY-00081-00026414-00026514 We'll see you soon. DHlNl8nHyIY-00082-00026514-00026614 Thank you so much. DHlNl8nHyIY-00083-00026614-00026615 Bye! DL-mGyj8PAI-00000-00000317-00000708 Hello, Im Mahalia and here are todays headlines from Pinksixty. DL-mGyj8PAI-00001-00000708-00001046 Marking today's IDAHO, three Catholic Cardinals are hosting prayer vigils DL-mGyj8PAI-00002-00001046-00001501 across Italy, praying for the victims of homophobic and transphobic abuse. DL-mGyj8PAI-00003-00001501-00001825 Events in over a 100 countries are marking this increasingly important day DL-mGyj8PAI-00004-00001825-00001948 in the queer calendar. DL-mGyj8PAI-00005-00001948-00002471 A new survey of Chinese queer youth has shown that 77% have been bullied at school DL-mGyj8PAI-00006-00002471-00002782 because of their sexuality or gender identity. DL-mGyj8PAI-00007-00002782-00003116 One student was punished by the school authorities for coming out to his counsellor. DL-mGyj8PAI-00008-00003116-00003664 A study for Amnesty International about the plight of LGBT Iranians was published yesterday. DL-mGyj8PAI-00009-00003664-00004047 The report shows how queer people are coerced into sex changes DL-mGyj8PAI-00010-00004047-00004252 within the Muslim state. DL-mGyj8PAI-00011-00004252-00004683 Hillary Clinton has been awarded the first 'World LGBT Award' by World Pride and The DL-mGyj8PAI-00012-00004683-00004835 Kaleidoscope Trust. DL-mGyj8PAI-00013-00004835-00005248 She'll receive the award at a ceremony in London during World Pride this summer. DL-mGyj8PAI-00014-00005248-00005789 And finally, Lady Gaga has been forced to cancel a sold-out gig in Jakarta, Indonesia DL-mGyj8PAI-00015-00005789-00006003 after the police refused her a permit. DL-mGyj8PAI-00016-00006003-00006475 Critics of the concert said the sexy performance could corrupt the young audience. DL-mGyj8PAI-00017-00006475-00006575 That's all from us today. DL-mGyj8PAI-00018-00006575-00006639 Join us again tomorrow. DM3bFl8po48-00000-00000019-00000119 Remarks by Michael McCarry, Executive Director DM3bFl8po48-00001-00000119-00000386 We've had excellent experience with the intern program. DM3bFl8po48-00002-00000386-00000674 The best thing about it is that you get outstanding people. DM3bFl8po48-00003-00000674-00001216 We've had terrific young people, either students or recent graduates. DM3bFl8po48-00004-00001216-00001392 They're bright. DM3bFl8po48-00005-00001392-00001570 They're energetic. DM3bFl8po48-00006-00001570-00001709 They're highly motivated. DM3bFl8po48-00007-00001709-00002198 We're looking for people who have a certain level of English, but we're looking for people DM3bFl8po48-00008-00002198-00002298 who are energetic. DM3bFl8po48-00009-00002298-00002773 We're looking for people who are bright and articulate, and can talk about how this internship DM3bFl8po48-00010-00002773-00003158 fits into their career goals. DM3bFl8po48-00011-00003158-00003342 And typically those are the types of people we've gotten. DM3bFl8po48-00012-00003342-00003653 It's very rewarding to be able to help young people, both to learn more about the United DM3bFl8po48-00013-00003653-00003903 States and advance their own careers DM3bFl8po48-00014-00003903-00004157 or develop skills that can help them down the road. DM3bFl8po48-00015-00004157-00004691 Of course, employers in the internship program are all types of businesses. DM3bFl8po48-00016-00004691-00005101 But I would really encourage any American employer to look at this carefully DM3bFl8po48-00017-00005101-00005512 because as I said, I think you get really, really top-notch people. DM3bFl8po48-00018-00005512-00005928 And you're able to help really top-notch people, and it's always great to have talent in your DM3bFl8po48-00019-00005928-00006028 own office. DM3bFl8po48-00020-00006028-00006207 It allows young people to have this experience in the United States at a time DM3bFl8po48-00021-00006207-00006712 when it can really be culturally enriching for them and also expand their career possibilities. DM3bFl8po48-00022-00006712-00006713 For more information please visit our website, DMVm9lSAy2u-00000-00000019-00000172 Story Recapped Here. DMVm9lSAy2u-00001-00000172-00000697 Today, I'm going to explain a fantasy, drama, and romance film called "Amazing Stories: DMVm9lSAy2u-00002-00000697-00000808 The Cellar." DMVm9lSAy2u-00003-00000808-00000911 Spoilers ahead! DMVm9lSAy2u-00004-00000911-00001137 Watch out and take care. DMVm9lSAy2u-00005-00001137-00001605 Brothers Jake and Sam Taylor get off their truck and arrive at an old Victorian-inspired DMVm9lSAy2u-00006-00001605-00001705 house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00007-00001705-00002115 Jake marvels at the house's beauty while Sam focuses more on his Tinder app. DMVm9lSAy2u-00008-00002115-00002480 Jake calls his brother up the stairs and says their clients want the house restored to its DMVm9lSAy2u-00009-00002480-00002594 former glory. DMVm9lSAy2u-00010-00002594-00002960 Sam asks him where they should start, and Jake tells him they must find the breaker DMVm9lSAy2u-00011-00002960-00003182 first since the house has no electricity. DMVm9lSAy2u-00012-00003182-00003519 Hence, the two went down the cellar searching for the breaker. DMVm9lSAy2u-00013-00003519-00003898 Jake turns the lights on and sees an old barometer attached to the wall. DMVm9lSAy2u-00014-00003898-00004383 As he looks at it, Sam gets a notification from a girl, asking if he's free that night. DMVm9lSAy2u-00015-00004383-00004698 So he asks Jake when they will finish since he has a date to attend. DMVm9lSAy2u-00016-00004698-00005192 That night, Sam arrives at the bar and introduces himself to his date, Francheska. DMVm9lSAy2u-00017-00005192-00005643 He apologizes for being late and tells her that his brother, Jake, is to blame. DMVm9lSAy2u-00018-00005643-00006049 Francheska asks him if he often blames his brother, so he tells her how Jake has been DMVm9lSAy2u-00019-00006049-00006357 a tyrant since he just adopted a baby with his husband. DMVm9lSAy2u-00020-00006357-00006753 Francheska gets intrigued, so Sam shows her Jake's family picture. DMVm9lSAy2u-00021-00006753-00007195 The next day, Francheska drops off Sam at the old Victorian house where Jake is waiting. DMVm9lSAy2u-00022-00007195-00007491 Sam gets out of the car and says goodbye to Francheska. DMVm9lSAy2u-00023-00007491-00007897 He approaches Jake, who asks him if he thought about permanently joining him in the house DMVm9lSAy2u-00024-00007897-00008015 restoration business. DMVm9lSAy2u-00025-00008015-00008309 However, Sam tells him he has other dreams. DMVm9lSAy2u-00026-00008309-00008682 But Jake tells his brother that he needs to get his life straight, saying his last plan DMVm9lSAy2u-00027-00008682-00009158 for success was searching for Honus Wagner's baseball card in garage sales to sell it for DMVm9lSAy2u-00028-00009158-00009299 a million dollars. DMVm9lSAy2u-00029-00009299-00009736 Sam chuckles and tells him it's still a good plan, but Jake is adamant and says he must DMVm9lSAy2u-00030-00009736-00009924 find his purpose in life. DMVm9lSAy2u-00031-00009924-00010229 After a while, the two start working on fixing the house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00032-00010229-00010663 They smoothen pieces of old wood, remove planks from the floor, and screw on bolts. DMVm9lSAy2u-00033-00010663-00011124 They replace the old floorings with new ones as they work tirelessly as the daylight slowly DMVm9lSAy2u-00034-00011124-00011237 goes away. DMVm9lSAy2u-00035-00011237-00011732 As nighttime comes, Sam removes a big chunk of wood and sees a small handle hidden beneath DMVm9lSAy2u-00036-00011732-00011832 it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00037-00011832-00012221 He looks closer and pulls the handle up, revealing a small compartment. DMVm9lSAy2u-00038-00012221-00012564 Inside it is an old cookie box which Sam opens immediately. DMVm9lSAy2u-00039-00012564-00013056 It contains old matches with the word "cabbage" written on its cover and a photo of a beautiful DMVm9lSAy2u-00040-00013056-00013156 woman. DMVm9lSAy2u-00041-00013156-00013535 Sam stares at the photo and quickly feels a sense of connection with it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00042-00013535-00013946 But, alarm bells start ringing, signaling that a strong storm is approaching. DMVm9lSAy2u-00043-00013946-00014430 Due to that, Jake and Sam rush outside and bring all the construction materials inside DMVm9lSAy2u-00044-00014430-00014537 the house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00045-00014537-00014966 As they prepare for the storm, the power goes out, so Sam heads toward the cellar to fix DMVm9lSAy2u-00046-00014966-00015072 the breaker. DMVm9lSAy2u-00047-00015072-00015503 But as he reaches the breaker, he hears a loud deafening sound, making him get on his DMVm9lSAy2u-00048-00015503-00015872 knees and cover his ears as the barometer's needle starts rotating. DMVm9lSAy2u-00049-00015872-00016329 He feels a strong headache as the sound pierces through his ears and keeps ringing inside DMVm9lSAy2u-00050-00016329-00016429 his head. DMVm9lSAy2u-00051-00016429-00016806 Suddenly, the sound stops, and Sam notices that the breaker is fixed. DMVm9lSAy2u-00052-00016806-00017285 He heads up the stairs to tell Jake but surprisingly sees the house in perfect condition and is DMVm9lSAy2u-00053-00017285-00017462 filled with pieces of furniture. DMVm9lSAy2u-00054-00017462-00017973 Sam walks around, totally confused, and hears a woman singing while playing the piano. DMVm9lSAy2u-00055-00017973-00018345 He approaches her, but the woman sees his reflection and immediately grabs a vase to DMVm9lSAy2u-00056-00018345-00018449 protect herself. DMVm9lSAy2u-00057-00018449-00018887 Sam instantly recognizes her as the beautiful woman in the old photo. DMVm9lSAy2u-00058-00018887-00019279 But the woman asks if he's from the bank and tells him to leave as he is trespassing on DMVm9lSAy2u-00059-00019279-00019379 their property. DMVm9lSAy2u-00060-00019379-00019799 Sam tries telling her about his brother Jake and how they were restoring this house, but DMVm9lSAy2u-00061-00019799-00019981 the woman doesn't listen to him. DMVm9lSAy2u-00062-00019981-00020362 So, Sam ignores her and runs up the stairs while looking for Jake. DMVm9lSAy2u-00063-00020362-00020741 The woman follows him and points a shotgun at Sam, threatening she'll shoot him if he DMVm9lSAy2u-00064-00020741-00020874 doesn't state his business. DMVm9lSAy2u-00065-00020874-00021201 But he still goes past her and heads downstairs. DMVm9lSAy2u-00066-00021201-00021547 The woman sees her mother arriving through the glass and immediately tells Sam to leave DMVm9lSAy2u-00067-00021547-00021933 if he values his life since her mother is as mean as a snake. DMVm9lSAy2u-00068-00021933-00022341 Therefore, Sam goes out the back door as the mother enters the house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00069-00022341-00022763 The older woman calls for her daughter, Evelyn, and asks if someone is with her, which she DMVm9lSAy2u-00070-00022763-00022917 blatantly denies. DMVm9lSAy2u-00071-00022917-00023451 Her mother smiles and says her fiance, William, bought her a dress for their engagement party. DMVm9lSAy2u-00072-00023451-00023767 She then gives the box to Evelyn and tells her to make the dress fit. DMVm9lSAy2u-00073-00023767-00024208 Meanwhile, Sam walks around town and is shocked by all its rustic designs. DMVm9lSAy2u-00074-00024208-00024737 He approaches a sign to take a closer look and finds out that he's in the year 1919. DMVm9lSAy2u-00075-00024737-00025155 Back in the house, Evelyn grabs the records hidden in the walls and plays them in the DMVm9lSAy2u-00076-00025155-00025255 record player. DMVm9lSAy2u-00077-00025255-00025542 She sits on a chair and sings along to the music. DMVm9lSAy2u-00078-00025542-00025944 Unfortunately, her mother hears this and tells Evelyn to surrender the records as her fiance DMVm9lSAy2u-00079-00025944-00026101 doesn't like those songs. DMVm9lSAy2u-00080-00026101-00026477 But Evelyn refuses, saying it belongs to her brother Emmett. DMVm9lSAy2u-00081-00026477-00026941 Her mother says Emmett is dead, which is why they're broke, and Evelyn must marry William DMVm9lSAy2u-00082-00026941-00027094 to save themselves. DMVm9lSAy2u-00083-00027094-00027568 Evelyn reluctantly gives her mother the records when Sam suddenly appears and introduces himself DMVm9lSAy2u-00084-00027568-00027702 as Emmett's friend. DMVm9lSAy2u-00085-00027702-00028086 He tells them he loaned their son the records before and wants to take them back. DMVm9lSAy2u-00086-00028086-00028512 Evelyn goes along with his story, saying Sam is a doctor and was Emmett's classmate back DMVm9lSAy2u-00087-00028512-00028656 in medical school. DMVm9lSAy2u-00088-00028656-00028895 Her mother believes them and gives him the records. DMVm9lSAy2u-00089-00028895-00029358 Then, she invites Sam to the engagement party, but he says he is only passing through. DMVm9lSAy2u-00090-00029358-00029670 The mother leaves, and Sam returns the records to Evelyn. DMVm9lSAy2u-00091-00029670-00030158 She thanks him for helping her, but Sam seems disinterested as he keeps looking for something. DMVm9lSAy2u-00092-00030158-00030616 Evelyn asks what he is doing, so Sam tells her he's from the year 2019 and he's trying DMVm9lSAy2u-00093-00030616-00030763 to go back home. DMVm9lSAy2u-00094-00030763-00031147 Evelyn laughs at him, so Sam takes out the picture of her he found in the future. DMVm9lSAy2u-00095-00031147-00031620 A confused look is all over Evelyn's face, saying she doesn't have a picture of herself DMVm9lSAy2u-00096-00031620-00031720 yet. DMVm9lSAy2u-00097-00031720-00032141 Sam says she will eventually and asks her if there is anything weird about their house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00098-00032141-00032508 Evelyn tells him her grandfather built the house 40 years ago and that he could meet DMVm9lSAy2u-00099-00032508-00032735 him at her engagement party. DMVm9lSAy2u-00100-00032735-00033086 That night, Sam arrives with Evelyn at her engagement party. DMVm9lSAy2u-00101-00033086-00033537 She introduces him to her grandfather Warren and Sam immediately asks if there is anything DMVm9lSAy2u-00102-00033537-00033936 weird about the cellar that he built because he heard ringing when he was there during DMVm9lSAy2u-00103-00033936-00034044 a bad storm. DMVm9lSAy2u-00104-00034044-00034582 A man named Henry Barrett gives him an answer, saying the temperature drops during a thunderstorm, DMVm9lSAy2u-00105-00034582-00034740 which is why he hears ringing. DMVm9lSAy2u-00106-00034740-00035263 Sam is about to ask another question, but William rings his glass and calls his fiance. DMVm9lSAy2u-00107-00035263-00035604 Evelyn approaches him, and the pianist starts playing his instrument. DMVm9lSAy2u-00108-00035604-00036036 The two start dancing and William tells Evelyn that he arranged a session for her photograph DMVm9lSAy2u-00109-00036036-00036172 to be taken. DMVm9lSAy2u-00110-00036172-00036578 Evelyn then realizes that what Sam told her about the picture is accurate. DMVm9lSAy2u-00111-00036578-00036843 The music stops, and the dancing concludes. DMVm9lSAy2u-00112-00036843-00037228 Evelyn approaches Sam, saying what he said about the photograph is true. DMVm9lSAy2u-00113-00037228-00037618 But Sam tells her he needs to talk to Henry about the storms causing the ringing. DMVm9lSAy2u-00114-00037618-00038057 Evelyn says Henry has already left, so she asks him if he wants to walk with her since DMVm9lSAy2u-00115-00038057-00038319 William is busy putting his children to bed. DMVm9lSAy2u-00116-00038319-00038512 With that, Sam obliges. DMVm9lSAy2u-00117-00038512-00038918 The two proceed to walk down the streets, where Evelyn keeps asking Sam about what the DMVm9lSAy2u-00118-00038918-00039037 future is like. DMVm9lSAy2u-00119-00039037-00039509 He tells her about speakers and how it allows a house to be filled with music all the time. DMVm9lSAy2u-00120-00039509-00039800 Evelyn lets out a smile and says she wants to experience that. DMVm9lSAy2u-00121-00039800-00040291 Sam stops as he sees a bar across the street, saying the place seems familiar to him. DMVm9lSAy2u-00122-00040291-00040766 Evelyn then tells him the bar has an underground club that requires a password for one to enter. DMVm9lSAy2u-00123-00040766-00041234 Sam leads her inside and tells the bartender the word "cabbage," making the bartender ushers DMVm9lSAy2u-00124-00041234-00041401 them to a secret room. DMVm9lSAy2u-00125-00041401-00041741 The two go downstairs and see a crowd dancing to live music. DMVm9lSAy2u-00126-00041741-00042107 The two approach the bar to order liquor, where Sam notices the same match sticks he DMVm9lSAy2u-00127-00042107-00042221 found on the house. DMVm9lSAy2u-00128-00042221-00042514 So, he takes one pack and puts it inside his jacket. DMVm9lSAy2u-00129-00042514-00042941 Sam then notices Evelyn grooving to the music, so he asks her for a dance. DMVm9lSAy2u-00130-00042941-00043269 Evelyn accepts, and the two start dancing on the dance floor. DMVm9lSAy2u-00131-00043269-00043661 As the song ends, Sam suggests that she should go on stage and sing a song. DMVm9lSAy2u-00132-00043661-00043894 Evelyn laughs at him, saying she's no good. DMVm9lSAy2u-00133-00043894-00044277 But Sam says they should flip a coin to determine if she should sing or not. DMVm9lSAy2u-00134-00044277-00044570 Evelyn agrees, so Sam grabs a coin and flips it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00135-00044570-00045009 Sam wins the game, so he approaches the stage and tells the singer about Evelyn. DMVm9lSAy2u-00136-00045009-00045455 He then walks away, and Evelyn heads to the stage, where she starts singing beautifully. DMVm9lSAy2u-00137-00045455-00045747 The crowd claps as Evelyn finishes singing. DMVm9lSAy2u-00138-00045747-00046205 After a while, the two exit the pub with Sam telling her how wonderful she was on the stage DMVm9lSAy2u-00139-00046205-00046377 and how the crowd loved her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00140-00046377-00046691 Evelyn smiles and tells him she wasn't looking at the crowd. DMVm9lSAy2u-00141-00046691-00047080 Unfortunately, her mother sees them and reprimands Evelyn immediately. DMVm9lSAy2u-00142-00047080-00047528 Sam tries making an excuse, but her mother doesn't believe him and proceeds to take Evelyn DMVm9lSAy2u-00143-00047528-00047628 away. DMVm9lSAy2u-00144-00047628-00048068 The next day, Sam heads to Henry's house to ask him more about the storms. DMVm9lSAy2u-00145-00048068-00048456 Henry leads him inside his barn and shows him a barometer, saying the needle will go DMVm9lSAy2u-00146-00048456-00048686 down if a strong storm comes. DMVm9lSAy2u-00147-00048686-00049058 Sam tells him the storm he experienced completely rotated the needle. DMVm9lSAy2u-00148-00049058-00049515 Henry says a powerful storm is called a “derecho,” and the last one was so strong that it knocked DMVm9lSAy2u-00149-00049515-00049647 the doors off his barn. DMVm9lSAy2u-00150-00049647-00050081 Sam asks him if he can borrow the barometer, but Henry refuses, so he tells him he can DMVm9lSAy2u-00151-00050081-00050388 fix his doors if he gives his barometer as payment. DMVm9lSAy2u-00152-00050388-00050697 Henry thinks about it but ultimately accepts his offer. DMVm9lSAy2u-00153-00050697-00051007 Later, Evelyn is packing her things when Sam arrives. DMVm9lSAy2u-00154-00051007-00051294 She tells him to leave as she'll be running away from everything. DMVm9lSAy2u-00155-00051294-00051676 Sam stops her, saying he knows how to get them to 2019. DMVm9lSAy2u-00156-00051676-00052015 Evelyn is confused, asking why she should go to the future. DMVm9lSAy2u-00157-00052015-00052439 So Sam tells her she deserves to be happy and choose who she wants to marry, which going DMVm9lSAy2u-00158-00052439-00052622 to the future will allow her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00159-00052622-00052911 Evelyn looks Sam straight in the eyes and kisses him. DMVm9lSAy2u-00160-00052911-00053388 After that, Evelyn says that the wedding is in 10 days, so Sam tells her a storm is already DMVm9lSAy2u-00161-00053388-00053488 arriving. DMVm9lSAy2u-00162-00053488-00053791 He then heads to the cellar and places the barometer on the wall. DMVm9lSAy2u-00163-00053791-00054088 Days go by as the two wait for the storm to arrive. DMVm9lSAy2u-00164-00054088-00054467 Evelyn stays at William's house while Sam continues repairing Henry's door. DMVm9lSAy2u-00165-00054467-00054860 At night, the two see each other for a brief moment to share a kiss. DMVm9lSAy2u-00166-00054860-00055375 Unfortunately for them, William sees Sam leaving his house, which raises his suspicions. DMVm9lSAy2u-00167-00055375-00055766 One day, Evelyn is wearing her bridal gown as she's getting her picture. DMVm9lSAy2u-00168-00055766-00056175 William tells her to stay still so the photographer can capture the perfect picture of her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00169-00056175-00056416 Evelyn obliges and poses for the photo. DMVm9lSAy2u-00170-00056416-00056826 Suddenly, she hears thunder roaring outside, so Evelyn tells the photographer she has a DMVm9lSAy2u-00171-00056826-00056970 headache and leaves. DMVm9lSAy2u-00172-00056970-00057375 She rushes outside in the middle of the storm and goes into the cellar with Sam. DMVm9lSAy2u-00173-00057375-00057677 As they look at the barometer, William and his men arrive. DMVm9lSAy2u-00174-00057677-00057982 He tells Evelyn he always knew about her secret affair. DMVm9lSAy2u-00175-00057982-00058378 But Evelyn says she never loved him, and their engagement is about money. DMVm9lSAy2u-00176-00058378-00058666 William gets furious, so he orders his men to separate the two. DMVm9lSAy2u-00177-00058666-00059057 He grabs Evelyn and takes her away while his men beat Sam in the cellar. DMVm9lSAy2u-00178-00059057-00059475 The barometer's needle rotates when the men leave, taking Sam back to the present. DMVm9lSAy2u-00179-00059475-00059841 He immediately runs up the stairs while yelling Evelyn's name. DMVm9lSAy2u-00180-00059841-00060420 Sam sees Jake and starts screaming at him until he realizes he's not in 1919 anymore. DMVm9lSAy2u-00181-00060420-00060846 After a while, he shows Jake pieces of evidence that he indeed went to the past and met a DMVm9lSAy2u-00182-00060846-00061005 woman named Evelyn. DMVm9lSAy2u-00183-00061005-00061421 He shows him the matches, but Jake doesn't believe him and says they must go home. DMVm9lSAy2u-00184-00061421-00061812 But Sam tells him he's staying as he must find a way to get back to Evelyn. DMVm9lSAy2u-00185-00061812-00062054 Jake respects his decision and leaves him be. DMVm9lSAy2u-00186-00062054-00062552 Later, Sam searches on his phone about the derecho that happened in 1919 and is horrified DMVm9lSAy2u-00187-00062552-00062876 to see Evelyn's name on the dead or missing column. DMVm9lSAy2u-00188-00062876-00063257 The next day, Sam listens to the news about the derecho and finds out that the next is DMVm9lSAy2u-00189-00063257-00063535 expected to come in 10 to 15 years. DMVm9lSAy2u-00190-00063535-00063976 He can't wait that long, so he must return to the past using the current derecho. DMVm9lSAy2u-00191-00063976-00064441 Later that day, Jake invites Sam to have dinner with them since his daughter misses her uncle. DMVm9lSAy2u-00192-00064441-00064853 But Sam refuses, saying he can't leave because the derecho might arrive. DMVm9lSAy2u-00193-00064853-00065341 Suddenly, the alarms went off, making Sam rush to the cellar and face the barometer. DMVm9lSAy2u-00194-00065341-00065676 The needle rotates, and he's taken to another time frame. DMVm9lSAy2u-00195-00065676-00066039 As Sam goes up the stairs, he's surprised that the house looks different. DMVm9lSAy2u-00196-00066039-00066367 The decorations are modern, and there's a birthday cake on the table. DMVm9lSAy2u-00197-00066367-00066816 Sam makes his way up the stairs, where he notices a poster of Evelyn on the wall. DMVm9lSAy2u-00198-00066816-00067114 He then hears her singing and follows the sound of her voice. DMVm9lSAy2u-00199-00067114-00067620 Sam peeks at an open door and sees Evelyn singing a lullaby to her son, Sam, which makes DMVm9lSAy2u-00200-00067620-00067720 him sob. DMVm9lSAy2u-00201-00067720-00068162 He proceeds to leave but stumbles around the stairs, startling Evelyn and her son. DMVm9lSAy2u-00202-00068162-00068481 Sam heads to the barometer and goes back to the present. DMVm9lSAy2u-00203-00068481-00068882 He immediately notices a change in the cellar and asks his brother about it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00204-00068882-00069220 Jake tells him it's the wine cellar that the client requested them to build. DMVm9lSAy2u-00205-00069220-00069656 Sam attempts to tear it down, but Jake stops him, so he tells him about how he saw Evelyn DMVm9lSAy2u-00206-00069656-00070233 in the future with their son, and if the wine cellar isn't removed, that future won't happen. DMVm9lSAy2u-00207-00070233-00070615 Jake looks at him and makes a deal with Sam, saying he'd help remove the wine cellar if DMVm9lSAy2u-00208-00070615-00070819 he agrees to see a doctor afterward. DMVm9lSAy2u-00209-00070819-00071080 Sam takes the deal, so the brothers remove it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00210-00071080-00071498 But as Jake enters a room to place the pieces of wood, Sam locks the door behind him and DMVm9lSAy2u-00211-00071498-00071826 heads to the barometer to go back to 1919. DMVm9lSAy2u-00212-00071826-00072198 As Sam arrives in the past, the cellar is completely flooded with water. DMVm9lSAy2u-00213-00072198-00072554 He heads upstairs and starts searching for Evelyn, but he can't find her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00214-00072554-00072872 So Sam heads to William's house, and there he finds her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00215-00072872-00073229 The two then rush through the storm and head to the cellar, where they see a whirlpool DMVm9lSAy2u-00216-00073229-00073357 in the middle of it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00217-00073357-00073807 As they head down the stairs, a large piece of wood falls on Sam, trapping his leg. DMVm9lSAy2u-00218-00073807-00074075 They attempt to remove it, but the wood is too heavy. DMVm9lSAy2u-00219-00074075-00074507 Sam tells her to go, saying he went to the future and saw Evelyn with her son. DMVm9lSAy2u-00220-00074507-00074773 She smiles as she thinks he is the boy's father. DMVm9lSAy2u-00221-00074773-00075157 But Sam tells her he probably wasn't and is destined to die in this flood. DMVm9lSAy2u-00222-00075157-00075617 But Evelyn refuses to live a life without Sam, so she attempts to remove the wood again. DMVm9lSAy2u-00223-00075617-00075907 Unfortunately, she slips and tumbles in the water. DMVm9lSAy2u-00224-00075907-00076176 Sam immediately grabs her hand and stares at her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00225-00076176-00076635 He then says his final words to Evelyn: "I love you, but it's time to let go." DMVm9lSAy2u-00226-00076635-00077100 As their hands separate, Evelyn spirals in the water and finds herself in the future. DMVm9lSAy2u-00227-00077100-00077532 She opens the door and sees Jake, but Evelyn ignores him as she tries looking for Sam in DMVm9lSAy2u-00228-00077532-00077632 the room. DMVm9lSAy2u-00229-00077632-00078029 Jake then heads down the cellar and looks back at Evelyn as he slowly understands what DMVm9lSAy2u-00230-00078029-00078151 has happened. DMVm9lSAy2u-00231-00078151-00078554 After a while, Jake brings clothes for Evelyn to change and tells her Sam loves her since DMVm9lSAy2u-00232-00078554-00078736 he always talks about her. DMVm9lSAy2u-00233-00078736-00079167 Evelyn asks him what Sam said, but Jake tells her it wasn't what he said but how he said DMVm9lSAy2u-00234-00079167-00079267 it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00235-00079267-00079638 He says Sam told him all about her love for singing and her music records. DMVm9lSAy2u-00236-00079638-00080063 So Evelyn tells him how she hid her records on the walls the day she and Sam met. DMVm9lSAy2u-00237-00080063-00080442 Jake looks around and says the cellar is an original, and her records are likely still DMVm9lSAy2u-00238-00080442-00080542 in the wall. DMVm9lSAy2u-00239-00080542-00080916 They tear down a piece of wood on the wall and find two letters from Sam addressed to DMVm9lSAy2u-00240-00080916-00081016 the two of them. DMVm9lSAy2u-00241-00081016-00081391 They are both happy to know that Sam survived the flood after all. DMVm9lSAy2u-00242-00081391-00081658 Jake leaves the cellar, and Evelyn opens the letter. DMVm9lSAy2u-00243-00081658-00082011 It says that Sam didn't die in the cellar and that he desperately tried to get back DMVm9lSAy2u-00244-00082011-00082282 to her, but the derecho never came. DMVm9lSAy2u-00245-00082282-00082632 Sam tells her he finally found a place where he's comfortable and that he belongs in the DMVm9lSAy2u-00246-00082632-00082921 past, as much as she belongs in the future. DMVm9lSAy2u-00247-00082921-00083370 Sam ends his letter by telling Evelyn to stop looking for him and that her life is waiting, DMVm9lSAy2u-00248-00083370-00083538 so she has to get it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00249-00083538-00083942 Meanwhile, Jake opens his letter, and the only thing written on it is "Time to build DMVm9lSAy2u-00250-00083942-00084062 your own house." DMVm9lSAy2u-00251-00084062-00084474 He flips the baseball card attached with it and sees that it's a rare Honus Wagner card DMVm9lSAy2u-00252-00084474-00084697 worth over a million dollars. DMVm9lSAy2u-00253-00084697-00085229 In 1919, Sam opened a biscuit container and placed Evelyn's picture and a pack of matchsticks DMVm9lSAy2u-00254-00085229-00085329 inside it. DMVm9lSAy2u-00255-00085329-00085695 He then places the biscuit container inside a hidden space in the fireplace. DMVm9lSAy2u-00256-00085695-00086137 Sam also has his own construction business, so everything turns out well. DMVm9lSAy2u-00257-00086137-00086589 In the future, Evelyn's son asks her if someone is on the stairs, but she tells him no one DMVm9lSAy2u-00258-00086589-00086689 is there. DMVm9lSAy2u-00259-00086689-00087099 As her son sleeps, Evelyn rushes to the staircase to see if someone is there. DMVm9lSAy2u-00260-00087099-00088125 With tears in her eyes, it's evident that their love still remains. DOU7cryVhiM-00000-00000016-00000059 English DXWnhl48b4Y-00000-00000384-00000728 this is the time of the year that the Volunteer Center of Lubbock DXWnhl48b4Y-00001-00000728-00001151 honors the outstanding contributions of our young people DXWnhl48b4Y-00002-00001151-00001575 from throughout the South Plains. Usually at this time of year we have Celebration DXWnhl48b4Y-00003-00001575-00001896 of Service and it's a big event and we bring you DXWnhl48b4Y-00004-00001896-00002288 all together and we celebrate all the different programs that the DXWnhl48b4Y-00005-00002288-00002743 Volunteer Center is so fortunate to sponsor obviously this year DXWnhl48b4Y-00006-00002743-00003000 we're not able to do that, but we don't want to miss the DXWnhl48b4Y-00007-00003000-00003568 opportunity to say thank you to you and to let you know how proud we are of DXWnhl48b4Y-00008-00003568-00003936 you and how much we appreciate the ways that DXWnhl48b4Y-00009-00003936-00004536 you give back in your communities. This year 21,000 DXWnhl48b4Y-00010-00004536-00005176 plus South Plains youth donated over 200,000 hours over the DXWnhl48b4Y-00011-00005176-00005912 course of the school year and raised 100,000 plus dollars to meet community needs DXWnhl48b4Y-00012-00005912-00006464 in their local neighborhoods school campuses and communities as a DXWnhl48b4Y-00013-00006464-00006792 whole we are so proud of you. You know the DXWnhl48b4Y-00014-00006792-00007223 Volunteer Center is about inspiring a more engaged community by DXWnhl48b4Y-00015-00007223-00007608 helping people find their purpose and act on it and it DXWnhl48b4Y-00016-00007608-00008136 gives us so much joy to see all of you finding ways to act DXWnhl48b4Y-00017-00008136-00008840 purposefully in your communities. I volunteer because it opens up so many DXWnhl48b4Y-00018-00008840-00009175 doors for me to stay involved and also just makes me DXWnhl48b4Y-00019-00009175-00009440 feel so great. The best thing I've learned through my DXWnhl48b4Y-00020-00009440-00009824 HYPE experience is how involved everyone is in our DXWnhl48b4Y-00021-00009824-00010239 community to make Lubbock so great in who it is this experience I've had DXWnhl48b4Y-00022-00010239-00010488 has made me want to give back to the community DXWnhl48b4Y-00023-00010488-00010896 and stay plugged in to all the organizations and businesses we've DXWnhl48b4Y-00024-00010896-00011384 learned about. Our youth and service program is DXWnhl48b4Y-00025-00011384-00011871 made up of 40 area middle schools and high schools DXWnhl48b4Y-00026-00011871-00012511 that support volunteering and service in their at their school campus. They DXWnhl48b4Y-00027-00012511-00012919 report projects throughout the year and DXWnhl48b4Y-00028-00012919-00013231 do all kinds of things that are student-led DXWnhl48b4Y-00029-00013231-00013776 student generated to meet to meet needs thank you to each of these school DXWnhl48b4Y-00030-00013776-00013884 partners, the DXWnhl48b4Y-00031-00013884-00014168 young people and the sponsors that DXWnhl48b4Y-00032-00014168-00014480 make it possible. DXWnhl48b4Y-00033-00014728-00015119 My volunteering has inspired me to volunteer more DXWnhl48b4Y-00034-00015119-00015744 but also it has inspired me to work more cooperatively with others towards a DXWnhl48b4Y-00035-00015744-00016056 greater goal that's more important than just my DXWnhl48b4Y-00036-00016056-00016287 individual self. You wouldn't believe how much DXWnhl48b4Y-00037-00016287-00016664 good that one person can do if they set their mind to it and they have a DXWnhl48b4Y-00038-00016664-00017384 positive outlet for work the United Way Youth Division is a DXWnhl48b4Y-00039-00017384-00017872 program that supports Lubbock Area United Way DXWnhl48b4Y-00040-00017872-00018559 partners the 23 partners that make up that group. Young people 130 DXWnhl48b4Y-00041-00018559-00018944 plus young people meet throughout the year DXWnhl48b4Y-00042-00018944-00019495 monthly they learn about the needs of the United Way agencies DXWnhl48b4Y-00043-00019495-00019912 and volunteer in in all kinds of different ways to support DXWnhl48b4Y-00044-00019912-00020504 the vital work that the United body is is about DXWnhl48b4Y-00045-00020895-00021200 I think everything we learned in school from math and science DXWnhl48b4Y-00046-00021200-00021720 and just citizenship skills are useless if we don't practice them and I believe DXWnhl48b4Y-00047-00021720-00022208 with regards to citizenship if we don't volunteer we'll lose DXWnhl48b4Y-00048-00022208-00022784 empathy and sympathy for other people. DXWnhl48b4Y-00049-00022904-00023623 Our HYPE program, Helping Youth Purposefully Engage is a year-long DXWnhl48b4Y-00050-00023623-00024343 program for high school juniors. These 45 young people meet one day a month DXWnhl48b4Y-00051-00024343-00024879 and visit different sites in lubbock different businesses different DXWnhl48b4Y-00052-00024879-00025359 organizations and learn about being DXWnhl48b4Y-00053-00025359-00025816 leaders and in figuring out ways to give back DXWnhl48b4Y-00054-00025816-00026552 and serve through those partnerships we appreciate all of those young people DXWnhl48b4Y-00055-00026552-00026983 as well as the 10 adult volunteers that support that DXWnhl48b4Y-00056-00026983-00027352 program through the year. DXWnhl48b4Y-00057-00027400-00027744 Lubbock HYPE has influenced my goals by making me look DXWnhl48b4Y-00058-00027744-00028047 more towards opportunities that give me a DXWnhl48b4Y-00059-00028047-00028495 sense of self-worth and giving. I volunteer because I love getting to make DXWnhl48b4Y-00060-00028495-00028791 new friends and to do great things for our wonderful DXWnhl48b4Y-00061-00028791-00029208 community. Our family volunteer program, From the DXWnhl48b4Y-00062-00029208-00029575 Heart is designed for families to be able to DXWnhl48b4Y-00063-00029575-00030047 volunteer together, so through the year at least once a DXWnhl48b4Y-00064-00030047-00030368 month during the school year and weekly during DXWnhl48b4Y-00065-00030368-00030680 the summer, families can have the opportunity to DXWnhl48b4Y-00066-00030680-00031263 volunteer together this is a program for people of all ages DXWnhl48b4Y-00067-00031303-00031688 The reason why I volunteer now is because of the genuine sense DXWnhl48b4Y-00068-00031688-00032119 of interconnectedness I feel between myself and those that I volunteer with DXWnhl48b4Y-00069-00032119-00032591 and for that feeling is like no other the people that I have met and their DXWnhl48b4Y-00070-00032591-00033047 unique personalities will stay with me. DXWnhl48b4Y-00071-00033168-00033656 We could not be prouder of you we could not appreciate you more DXWnhl48b4Y-00072-00033656-00034119 thanks for hanging in this is not going to last forever DXWnhl48b4Y-00073-00034119-00034544 we're all going to be better from the support and the way the community has DXWnhl48b4Y-00074-00034544-00034888 come together during this time and thank you for being DXWnhl48b4Y-00075-00034888-00035112 such a vital part of that we couldn't have done DXWnhl48b4Y-00076-00035112-00035608 without you thank you so much hello this is Deborah with the American Red Cross DXWnhl48b4Y-00077-00035608-00035912 South Plains chapter I just wanted to take a moment and thank DXWnhl48b4Y-00078-00035912-00036216 each and every one of you for all that you've done for the American Red Cross DXWnhl48b4Y-00079-00036216-00036488 this past year. Hi I'm Candice Christophe and I'm a DXWnhl48b4Y-00080-00036488-00036680 student assistant at the volunteer center DXWnhl48b4Y-00081-00036680-00036984 I wanted to say thank you so much to all of our youth volunteers DXWnhl48b4Y-00082-00036984-00037360 it's been so great working with you all and i can't wait to see what you do next DXWnhl48b4Y-00083-00037360-00037808 Hello everybody my name is Jon Stephens and I'm privileged to be this year's DXWnhl48b4Y-00084-00037808-00038256 Lubbock Area united way board chair and I wanted to take a moment to thank DXWnhl48b4Y-00085-00038256-00038568 each and every one of you for your participation in the United Way DXWnhl48b4Y-00086-00038568-00038968 Youth Division and for the work that you have performed over the last year DXWnhl48b4Y-00087-00038968-00039319 and especially over these past few months during the COVID crisis DXWnhl48b4Y-00088-00039319-00039768 for our 23 community partner agencies and those who are in need in our DXWnhl48b4Y-00089-00039768-00040040 community. Hi I'm melissa crook Engagement Manager DXWnhl48b4Y-00090-00040040-00040360 for Youth Leadership at the Volunteer Center of Lubbock i just want to thank DXWnhl48b4Y-00091-00040360-00040728 all of our Youth Divisions for the amazing ways you found to serve DXWnhl48b4Y-00092-00040728-00041024 this year the United Way Youth Division the HYPE program DXWnhl48b4Y-00093-00041024-00041352 Youth in Service you inspire us have a great summer DXWnhl48b4Y-00094-00041352-00041759 Hi everyone Devin McCain here I'm the community impact director for DXWnhl48b4Y-00095-00041759-00042159 Lubbock Area United Way just wanted to take a few minutes and say DXWnhl48b4Y-00096-00042159-00042544 thank you for all that you do. Celebrating youth DXWnhl48b4Y-00097-00042544-00042975 in our community who have a passion for giving back is always a highlight DXWnhl48b4Y-00098-00042975-00043025 of my day DXWnhl48b4Y-00099-00043025-00043312 thank you so much for everything that you do that makes this DXWnhl48b4Y-00100-00043312-00043481 community a better place to live DXWnhl48b4Y-00101-00043481-00043688 thank you to all of our participants in DXWnhl48b4Y-00102-00043688-00044063 our youth programs y'all are so intelligent and innovative DXWnhl48b4Y-00103-00044063-00044384 and we're thankful to lead with you and learn from you DXWnhl48b4Y-00104-00044384-00044863 Hello Volunteer Center of Lubbock we are coming to you from the DXWnhl48b4Y-00105-00044863-00045159 GRUB farm with the South Plains Food Bank DXWnhl48b4Y-00106-00045159-00045463 We want to thank you for all the volunteers you send DXWnhl48b4Y-00107-00045463-00045856 us i have some people that want to say something DXWnhl48b4Y-00108-00045856-00046247 thank y'all so much we couldn't do it without you DXWnhl48b4Y-00109-00046247-00046919 stay strong thank you thank you thank you today we're taking the time to DXWnhl48b4Y-00110-00046919-00047208 celebrate each of you and the hard work you've done DXWnhl48b4Y-00111-00047208-00047584 know that what you do makes a difference and we're so proud of you and so DXWnhl48b4Y-00112-00047584-00047863 thankful keep on changing the world the way you DXWnhl48b4Y-00113-00047863-00048272 are hi my name is sarah and i'm a student assistant at the volunteer DXWnhl48b4Y-00114-00048272-00048663 center and i just want to say thank you so much to all of our youth DXWnhl48b4Y-00115-00048663-00049000 hey everyone i'm glenda mathis with the ywca and i am DXWnhl48b4Y-00116-00049000-00049496 so glad to have this opportunity to say thank you for all the work that you did DXWnhl48b4Y-00117-00049496-00049856 for the ydca this year it makes you a very very special group DXWnhl48b4Y-00118-00049856-00050272 of people that take your time to give back to others and i just want DXWnhl48b4Y-00119-00050272-00050503 you to know that it's not everybody that will do that DXWnhl48b4Y-00120-00050503-00050928 so we're very grateful to you and i'm sorry that you have to get this DXWnhl48b4Y-00121-00050928-00051271 celebration of service remotely like this because you deserve DXWnhl48b4Y-00122-00051271-00051688 so much more but hopefully our messages are will DXWnhl48b4Y-00123-00051688-00051983 convey to you how much we appreciate you and how much we're DXWnhl48b4Y-00124-00051983-00052367 looking forward to having you back again next year so thank you very much DXWnhl48b4Y-00125-00052367-00053583 and i'm thrilled that you participated in celebration of service this year Ddua58PdBNY-00000-00000072-00000880 How do pumpkins grow? It is now autumn. Leaves are beginning to change colors and pumpkins are Ddua58PdBNY-00001-00000880-00001623 growing everywhere. How do they grow? Inside of the pumpkin, there are a lot of pumpkin seeds. Ddua58PdBNY-00002-00001704-00002496 We use the seeds to plant into the soil. They need the sun and water to grow. The sun gives energy Ddua58PdBNY-00003-00002496-00003080 and water helps give nutrients. The seed grows into a sprout that shoots out of the ground! Ddua58PdBNY-00004-00003160-00003976 Large leaves grow from the sprout and it is now a plant. The plant then grows long vines and on Ddua58PdBNY-00005-00003976-00004800 the vines there are flowers. The flowers can be yellow or orange and soon a pumpkin will grow. All Ddua58PdBNY-00006-00004800-00005592 of the flowers begin to fall off. A small pumpkin grows and it is green! When the pumpkin is ripe, Ddua58PdBNY-00007-00005592-00006408 it changes color. The pumpkin grows and grows. It is now a BIG, ORANGE pumpkin!! Pumpkins can Ddua58PdBNY-00008-00006408-00006936 be used to make silly, crazy jack-o-lanterns or to be made into a delicious pie. Ddua58PdBNY-00009-00007016-00008088 Now that you know about the pumpkin life cycle, you can grow some pumpkins of your own! Ddua58PdBNY-00010-00008088-00008224 Image Sources in Order Dg0-D25f1QY-00000-00000046-00001291 Fish Castanet sound E66v9uvlWE4-00000-00000070-00000348 One of the biggest battles for a person HIV+ still is against prejudgement E66v9uvlWE4-00001-00000422-00000770 Idea: use the power of social media to give visibility to the cause. E66v9uvlWE4-00002-00000840-00001144 #1millionwithoutprejudgment E66v9uvlWE4-00003-00001636-00001830 Hi, my name is Tiago, I'm 23 years old E66v9uvlWE4-00004-00001923-00002270 We created a campaign to gather 1 million followers to Tiago on Twitter. E66v9uvlWE4-00005-00002434-00002686 A real wave against prejudgment E66v9uvlWE4-00006-00002754-00003040 I'd like to count on you to fight prejudgment E66v9uvlWE4-00007-00003086-00003334 Cos I think that together, we have a bigger chance to succeed E66v9uvlWE4-00008-00003502-00003684 The audience were able to follow the campaign on the website E66v9uvlWE4-00009-00004270-00004470 Results E66v9uvlWE4-00010-00004514-00004768 We knew it would be difficult to reach 1 million followers E66v9uvlWE4-00011-00004838-00005168 still an HIV+, anonymus student gather 10.000 followers on Twitter. E66v9uvlWE4-00013-00006110-00006372 and it went viral on the media E66v9uvlWE4-00014-00007052-00007418 It reached over 500.000 people on several shows E6sOyJSLKSu-00000-00001637-00002232 Data is incredibly important when we’re taking a look at learning analytics and it’s E6sOyJSLKSu-00001-00002232-00002893 very important for institutions to work with Jisc to understand data specifications. E6sOyJSLKSu-00002-00002893-00003464 However, you have to keep in mind that just because data conforms to a certain specification, E6sOyJSLKSu-00003-00003464-00003752 doesn’t mean that the data is of good quality. E6sOyJSLKSu-00004-00003752-00004273 So really working with Jisc and the vendors to understand the types of data that is needed E6sOyJSLKSu-00005-00004273-00005544 for data extract is vital in regard to the predictive model for student success. E6sOyJSLKSu-00006-00005544-00005905 Data can be quite a complicated topic with institutions. E6sOyJSLKSu-00007-00005905-00006364 One of the main challenges that we see is that there is a difference between historical E6sOyJSLKSu-00008-00006364-00006523 data and live data. E6sOyJSLKSu-00009-00006523-00006909 So an institution may assume that because they've got one to three years of historical E6sOyJSLKSu-00010-00006909-00007358 VLE or student record system data that they're ready to go and everything's fine. E6sOyJSLKSu-00011-00007358-00007788 But there is a big difference between what was already captured and how to actually make E6sOyJSLKSu-00012-00007788-00008358 sure that the data that will be captured on a live basis is to the right standard, in E6sOyJSLKSu-00013-00008358-00008794 the right language; is going to be captured in the right way to actually be useful to E6sOyJSLKSu-00014-00008794-00008930 a model. E6sOyJSLKSu-00015-00008930-00009263 So it's part of what we have to discuss with an institution is the difference between the E6sOyJSLKSu-00016-00009263-00009363 two. E6sOyJSLKSu-00017-00009363-00010189 Yes and I think on a strategic level one thing we're seeing with institutions is implementing E6sOyJSLKSu-00018-00010189-00010387 an information strategy. E6sOyJSLKSu-00019-00010387-00010940 And we've seen these at various levels, but an understanding of the importance of data E6sOyJSLKSu-00020-00010940-00011520 – the fact that everybody generates data and everybody needs to look after that data E6sOyJSLKSu-00021-00011520-00011785 – can put us in a different place. E6sOyJSLKSu-00022-00011785-00012675 An example of that not happening, we've had people deleting the VLE data every month because E6sOyJSLKSu-00023-00012675-00012934 they didn't think it was of any value. E6sOyJSLKSu-00024-00012934-00013129 So they were clearing disc space. E6sOyJSLKSu-00025-00013129-00013716 Whereas an information strategy, which puts in place, you know, some principles such as E6sOyJSLKSu-00026-00013716-00014615 transparency, purpose of the data collection and how that is going to be curated can also E6sOyJSLKSu-00027-00014615-00014806 help things. E6sOyJSLKSu-00028-00014806-00015227 That again sounds like a piece of work, but putting that in place, starting with the principle E6sOyJSLKSu-00029-00015227-00015729 of transparency means that you [inaudible] information requests just go down because E6sOyJSLKSu-00030-00015729-00015962 by default the data is out there. E6sOyJSLKSu-00031-00015962-00016539 Yes, we may make exceptions where it's not public, but the starting point is yes, that E6sOyJSLKSu-00032-00016539-00016644 data is public. E6sOyJSLKSu-00033-00016644-00017471 Suddenly we begin to take care of our data. E6sOyJSLKSu-00034-00017471-00018252 In regard to the architecture of the different products that Jisc offers, it’s very important E6sOyJSLKSu-00035-00018252-00018982 that institutions take a look at the offerings and keeping in mind that some of these offerings E6sOyJSLKSu-00036-00018982-00019173 are open source tools. E6sOyJSLKSu-00037-00019173-00019753 So just because a, for example, a staff dashboard is being offered, that doesn’t necessarily E6sOyJSLKSu-00038-00019753-00020170 mean that the institution has to use that particular tool. E6sOyJSLKSu-00039-00020170-00020826 It may be a good idea for the institution to be very open-minded, to take a look at E6sOyJSLKSu-00040-00020826-00021151 that tool from this is how the data is displayed. E6sOyJSLKSu-00041-00021151-00021667 But at the end of the implementation that doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s the E6sOyJSLKSu-00042-00021667-00021993 product they have to implement. E6sOyJSLKSu-00043-00021993-00022620 These are just tools that can help better visualise the data so that institutions can E6sOyJSLKSu-00044-00022620-00023194 keep a very open mind of “we like this aspect of this tool and what it is showing” versus E6sOyJSLKSu-00045-00023194-00023468 “this piece is not necessarily helpful.” E6sOyJSLKSu-00046-00023468-00024049 So from a beginning, onboarding, piloting perspective, those tools can be used to help E6sOyJSLKSu-00047-00024049-00024982 drive requirements to determine the finalisation of the product that will be chosen in the final implementation. E6sOyJSLKSu-00049-00025395-00025865 When reviewing vendor options for a learning analytics solution, it's quite important to E6sOyJSLKSu-00050-00025865-00026391 take into account what the goals of the institution actually are – what do they want to measure; E6sOyJSLKSu-00051-00026391-00026564 what do they want the outcomes to be? E6sOyJSLKSu-00052-00026564-00026758 So it's sort of working backwards. E6sOyJSLKSu-00053-00026758-00027188 What would you like the successful outcome to be and then looking at what types of vendors E6sOyJSLKSu-00054-00027188-00027908 or products might be the best utilised, to either visualise data or to allow a personal E6sOyJSLKSu-00055-00027908-00028495 tutor to record notes or document their interactions with the student. E6sOyJSLKSu-00056-00028495-00029039 How data literate is your staff to be able to actually present information to academics E6sOyJSLKSu-00057-00029039-00029236 or to personal tutors in that way? E6sOyJSLKSu-00058-00029236-00029525 So those are the types of things you need to take into account when you're looking at E6sOyJSLKSu-00059-00029525-00029689 vendor options. E6sOyJSLKSu-00060-00029689-00030047 Also taking into account what type of budget you have as an institution. E6sOyJSLKSu-00061-00030047-00030352 Do you want to go for more of a commercial option; do you want to go for more of an open E6sOyJSLKSu-00062-00030352-00030568 source option? E6sOyJSLKSu-00063-00030568-00030788 How interested are you in having ongoing support? E6sOyJSLKSu-00064-00030788-00031187 Do you want to bring it in-house for that level of support for an institution? E6sOyJSLKSu-00065-00031187-00031391 So those are the types of things we ask. E6sOyJSLKSu-00066-00031391-00032264 I would probably add something which is kind of unusual in the way UKHE tends to work for E6sOyJSLKSu-00067-00032264-00032873 sure, which is to think of this as a start. E6sOyJSLKSu-00068-00032873-00033508 So actually there is a number of options out there, which people could opt for. E6sOyJSLKSu-00069-00033508-00034044 I would start with a limited mission in this. E6sOyJSLKSu-00070-00034044-00034223 Do something. E6sOyJSLKSu-00071-00034223-00034603 But don't feel that you're going to get yourself tied into a vendor. E6sOyJSLKSu-00072-00034603-00035206 So make sure that they're adhering to such standards as exist. E6sOyJSLKSu-00073-00035206-00035866 And think about how easy is it to join, how easy is it to leave and to take your data E6sOyJSLKSu-00074-00035866-00036487 – everything you have collected – with you into the next iteration. E6sOyJSLKSu-00075-00036487-00036919 So it's not a one-off here. E6sOyJSLKSu-00076-00036919-00037346 Do something, for goodness sake, do something, and learn from that. E6sOyJSLKSu-00077-00037346-00037796 But don't be looking for something that will provide everything because we don't even know E6sOyJSLKSu-00078-00037796-00037855 what that is now. E6bFGXewvSM-00000-00000852-00001552 here E6bFGXewvSM-00001-00001587-00002287 peace be with you. E6bFGXewvSM-00002-00003563-00004201 Nora, no! E6bFGXewvSM-00003-00004201-00004361 Nora, I need to say E6bFGXewvSM-00004-00004361-00005016 "Peace be with you" to the worms! E6bFGXewvSM-00005-00005016-00005716 Here baby girl E6bFGXewvSM-00006-00006027-00006727 Peace be with you E6bFGXewvSM-00007-00006963-00007400 hey worm, peace be with you E6bFGXewvSM-00008-00008358-00009058 go on, you can go in there E6bFGXewvSM-00009-00009105-00009805 I think he really doesn't want to dive in there. E6bFGXewvSM-00010-00010079-00010779 don't move that camera at my face! E6bFGXewvSM-00011-00010877-00010902 There you go worm - he almost dived in the grass. E7ssGgYRadY-00000-00000000-00000801 [MUSIC]. E7ssGgYRadY-00001-00000801-00001110 >> Hello everybody and thank you so much for joining me today. E7ssGgYRadY-00002-00001110-00001375 My name is Cody Buyer and I'm Program Manager E7ssGgYRadY-00003-00001375-00001650 on the Visual Studio for Mac team here at Microsoft. E7ssGgYRadY-00004-00001650-00001812 Today, I'm going to share E7ssGgYRadY-00005-00001812-00002070 the improvements that we've made to IntelliSense within E7ssGgYRadY-00006-00002070-00002250 Visual Studio for Mac using E7ssGgYRadY-00007-00002250-00002586 the new editor that came out in a dot one. E7ssGgYRadY-00008-00002586-00002790 So to get started, E7ssGgYRadY-00009-00002790-00002949 we're going to look at the project we have E7ssGgYRadY-00010-00002949-00003171 here and I noticed that I have one build air. E7ssGgYRadY-00011-00003171-00003407 That's too bad but let's see what that air is. E7ssGgYRadY-00012-00003407-00003726 By double-clicking here, I'm taken to E7ssGgYRadY-00013-00003726-00004019 this mock items list E7ssGgYRadY-00014-00004019-00004274 and I see that I missed it definition for people. E7ssGgYRadY-00015-00004274-00004580 So I'm going to go into my items.cs. E7ssGgYRadY-00016-00004580-00004802 Now, that I'm within items.cs, E7ssGgYRadY-00017-00004802-00004997 I know that I need to create a list and E7ssGgYRadY-00018-00004997-00005184 the list needs to contain persons. E7ssGgYRadY-00019-00005184-00005880 So I'm going to leave my carat into the class, type in public. E7ssGgYRadY-00020-00005880-00006239 I see that I don't have a list within E7ssGgYRadY-00021-00006239-00006473 my completion window and I don't E7ssGgYRadY-00022-00006473-00006756 necessarily remember the full import for this. E7ssGgYRadY-00023-00006756-00007071 If it's System dot generic dot, I can't remember. E7ssGgYRadY-00024-00007071-00007343 So what I'm going to do is enable a new feature E7ssGgYRadY-00025-00007343-00007651 in VS for Mac called show import items. E7ssGgYRadY-00026-00007651-00007934 To do this, we'll open up the preferences and E7ssGgYRadY-00027-00007934-00008261 navigate to the IntelliSense section under text editor. E7ssGgYRadY-00028-00008261-00008469 By clicking on "Show import items", E7ssGgYRadY-00029-00008469-00008718 I now have the ability to see E7ssGgYRadY-00030-00008718-00009070 the different name spaces that's available to me within dot net. E7ssGgYRadY-00031-00009070-00009356 So let's go back and type in list again. E7ssGgYRadY-00032-00009356-00009647 So now you can see that I have E7ssGgYRadY-00033-00009647-00009881 a full completion window of E7ssGgYRadY-00034-00009881-00010166 all the different libraries that I can call in, E7ssGgYRadY-00035-00010166-00010464 including system dot collections dot generic. E7ssGgYRadY-00036-00010464-00010646 So by clicking here, E7ssGgYRadY-00037-00010646-00010934 I have the import of system dot collections E7ssGgYRadY-00038-00010934-00011346 dot generic here and I can create the list that I need. E7ssGgYRadY-00039-00012269-00012572 Perfect. I now have E7ssGgYRadY-00040-00012572-00013058 the list of persons available and I can build my project. E7ssGgYRadY-00041-00013058-00013262 But there are a few other features you may have E7ssGgYRadY-00042-00013262-00013641 noticed while I was typing in my list. E7ssGgYRadY-00043-00014322-00014763 All right. So that build succeeded and another bug squashed. E7ssGgYRadY-00044-00014763-00014936 But let's take a step back and see some of E7ssGgYRadY-00045-00014936-00015104 the other features that we had E7ssGgYRadY-00046-00015104-00015452 available to us in Visual Studio for Mac, E7ssGgYRadY-00047-00015452-00015638 using our new IntelliSense engine. E7ssGgYRadY-00048-00015638-00015872 I'm going to delete what I added and I'm E7ssGgYRadY-00049-00015872-00016147 going to call the completion list up again. E7ssGgYRadY-00050-00016147-00016529 So again type in public, list, E7ssGgYRadY-00051-00016529-00016825 and here you can see that we now have E7ssGgYRadY-00052-00016825-00017258 some buttons down here that are new to Visual Studio for Mac. E7ssGgYRadY-00053-00017258-00017593 These allow you to filter the completion window by type. E7ssGgYRadY-00054-00017593-00017962 So for example, if you only want to see classes you can click on E7ssGgYRadY-00055-00017962-00018217 "Classes" and this limits the completion list E7ssGgYRadY-00056-00018217-00018545 to only including types of classes. E7ssGgYRadY-00057-00018545-00018868 For the more you can do this by enums, E7ssGgYRadY-00058-00018868-00019189 you can do this by delegates or E7ssGgYRadY-00059-00019189-00019536 any other type filtering that you may need. E7ssGgYRadY-00060-00019536-00019933 Furthermore, this is possible by using keyboard shortcuts as well. E7ssGgYRadY-00061-00019933-00020366 So if I'm typing it in the list and I only want to see classes, E7ssGgYRadY-00062-00020366-00020811 I can say option C and limit this to only classes. E7ssGgYRadY-00063-00020811-00021185 When you combine the ability to filter E7ssGgYRadY-00064-00021185-00021434 your IntelliSense list with the ability to E7ssGgYRadY-00065-00021434-00021770 include all of the different types of imports available to you, E7ssGgYRadY-00066-00021770-00021977 you have a much more powerful approach E7ssGgYRadY-00067-00021977-00022262 to use the IntelliSense in Visual Studio for Mac. E7ssGgYRadY-00068-00022262-00022433 In addition to these features, E7ssGgYRadY-00069-00022433-00022649 we also have much improved performance within E7ssGgYRadY-00070-00022649-00022940 the IntelliSense engine of Visual Studio for Mac. E7ssGgYRadY-00071-00022940-00023129 This means that not only can you have E7ssGgYRadY-00072-00023129-00023342 more powerful features but also E7ssGgYRadY-00073-00023342-00023585 your depletion lists will populate quickly and E7ssGgYRadY-00074-00023585-00023871 your completion list will appear immediately. E7ssGgYRadY-00075-00023871-00024038 Today we learned about the improvements E7ssGgYRadY-00076-00024038-00024387 IntelliSense within Visual Studio 2019 for Mac. E7ssGgYRadY-00077-00024387-00024704 This included better performance in addition to E7ssGgYRadY-00078-00024704-00025058 new features such as type filtering and showing import items. E7ssGgYRadY-00079-00025058-00025400 To learn more, please visit our documentation site at E7ssGgYRadY-00080-00025400-00025895 Or stay tuned for the next video in our series. E7ssGgYRadY-00081-00025895-00027139 Thank you. [MUSIC] E9-xDUiRjdu-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Friends welcome to my YouTube channel Technical Zubair shah E9HF8izz8ak-00000-00000012-00000936 hello I am back from my trip and we are so I just drove back home from NorCal yesterday E9HF8izz8ak-00001-00001019-00001757 um it is Monday and so we are starting off our week I just got all my groceries I went to Trader E9HF8izz8ak-00002-00001757-00002418 Joe's I went to Costco I went to PetSmart and I got refills on all of Winnie's treats and then E9HF8izz8ak-00003-00002502-00002976 um oh oh my God so there was a Five Below like right near the Costco I went to because I don't E9HF8izz8ak-00004-00002976-00003588 usually go to that Costco and and okay well maybe you can guess if you've seen if you've E9HF8izz8ak-00005-00003588-00004320 seen the last couple like if you see my last Vlog actually um what is the best thing that E9HF8izz8ak-00006-00004320-00004818 Five Below possibly could have had for me um but yeah so I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna E9HF8izz8ak-00007-00004818-00005394 show you guys all the stuff that I got um if you couldn't tell I'm feeling refreshed revitalized E9HF8izz8ak-00008-00005520-00006282 um just yeah I don't know it was just a welcome break and I'm feeling really good really positive E9HF8izz8ak-00009-00006366-00007044 um just full of a lot of Hope and kindness um I know that sounds very like Cinderella but um did E9HF8izz8ak-00010-00007044-00007476 just get off a Disney boat so I'm excited for fall I got some fall stuff at Trader Joe's I'll give E9HF8izz8ak-00011-00007476-00008172 you guys if you guys a grocery haul um so yeah today's just gonna be like a not a recovery day E9HF8izz8ak-00012-00008172-00008772 because like I'm not doing nothing but I'm like recovering My Life um so we just did our errands E9HF8izz8ak-00013-00008772-00009276 um everything that fell off the walls while I'm gone um I'm gonna have to re-hang because I'm E9HF8izz8ak-00014-00009276-00009762 kind of the only one that lives here that like has like um a bunch of like stuff to hang like E9HF8izz8ak-00015-00009762-00010254 Hammers and stuff um so I have to re-hang those things um I already took Winnie finesse morning E9HF8izz8ak-00016-00010404-00010908 um I picked out the book I'm going to start because I finished two books on vacation I E9HF8izz8ak-00017-00010908-00011520 finished um Sense and Sensibility which loved um was really good I absolutely understand why E9HF8izz8ak-00018-00011520-00012054 people like Jane Austen and I am ready and raring to read Another one not much on the AC on I don't E9HF8izz8ak-00019-00012054-00012474 know why I'm sitting here sweating um I can feel myself like turning redder and redder um E9HF8izz8ak-00020-00012474-00012966 so I was looking at my nails all spooky I did lose one yesterday I thought we're gonna fix that E9HF8izz8ak-00021-00012966-00013619 um so yeah I finished that one and then I read The Bridges of Madison County which E9HF8izz8ak-00022-00013691-00015174 if you are a lover of love and poetry and even like photography um excuse me I would highly E9HF8izz8ak-00023-00015174-00016091 recommend reading it it was a really nice short read it was like 170 Pages um like Big Font really E9HF8izz8ak-00024-00016218-00016902 one of the first books that has almost made me cry in in a long long time um E9HF8izz8ak-00025-00016902-00017268 since like Marley and Me I think it was the first book that made me like actually cry E9HF8izz8ak-00026-00017382-00017982 um but like I would read it again um so I highly recommend that one um and of course E9HF8izz8ak-00027-00017982-00018666 Jane Austen if you have not read um if you if you liked Bridgerton you will like Jane Austen E9HF8izz8ak-00028-00018792-00019110 um let's let's put it that way oh also also I'm sorry I keep coming up with E9HF8izz8ak-00029-00019182-00020004 um it's been like a good morning I like fought someone at the pharmacy in like a polite calm way E9HF8izz8ak-00030-00020112-00020616 um and I won and I got my prescriptions free of charge or one of them um because they found out E9HF8izz8ak-00031-00020616-00021084 that my insurance actually covered it when they were saying it didn't and so I was insistent and E9HF8izz8ak-00032-00021084-00021678 polite um and The Man Behind Me congratulated me um and said what I just done was really cool E9HF8izz8ak-00033-00021780-00022266 um and I was like yeah my mom would be proud um because like I don't know it's that Mom E9HF8izz8ak-00034-00022266-00023448 thing where like they're not being rude they're just being very firm um and like they win moms E9HF8izz8ak-00035-00023448-00023934 always win and like I never thought that I could do that I just did for like I think the first time E9HF8izz8ak-00036-00023994-00024420 um and like I was on the edge of a panic attack the entire time I did it but it was great E9HF8izz8ak-00037-00024420-00024786 um so yeah let's go inside before all this [__] in Chuck Mills all right so when I get groceries E9HF8izz8ak-00038-00024786-00025296 usually what I do is I like sort them um by like fridge and non-fridge so you're just gonna go for E9HF8izz8ak-00039-00025296-00026106 me while I do that so from Trader Joe's we got a lovely little baguette and then from Casio E9HF8izz8ak-00040-00026106-00026730 we have this was like like five dollars and it's just a bunch of wonderful Campari tomatoes online E9HF8izz8ak-00041-00026820-00027389 um and I love tomatoes I feel like tomatoes are really like popular food to dislike E9HF8izz8ak-00042-00027450-00028236 um could not be me I love tomatoes uh to go with that we got some arugula some spinach E9HF8izz8ak-00043-00028380-00029094 lettuce Ramen from Costco we also from Five Below I got a little E9HF8izz8ak-00044-00029094-00029538 candy corn to put in my little candy corn dispenser that I got from Target E9HF8izz8ak-00045-00029627-00030270 also from Trader Joe's because it is fall we got apple cider donuts because we had to E9HF8izz8ak-00046-00030600-00031188 we got some pasta I never get normal pasta I always get like brown rice pasta or protein E9HF8izz8ak-00047-00031188-00031895 pasta so we've got some brown rice and some yellow lentil brown rice spaghetti E9HF8izz8ak-00048-00032027-00032850 and then to go with those I got the autumnal Harvest creamy pasta sauce it sounded really good E9HF8izz8ak-00049-00032910-00033312 um it says made with pumpkin and butternut squash so I'm down that's gonna go in one of those E9HF8izz8ak-00050-00033396-00034176 and the other one I just got my classic vodka sauce which I cannot find right now but it is E9HF8izz8ak-00051-00034176-00034848 in there I also got two of each of their Autumn soups I got the autumnal Harvest soup which I E9HF8izz8ak-00052-00034848-00035484 absolutely love it's basically like a tomato soup with fall vegetables um and as we just discussed E9HF8izz8ak-00053-00035484-00035982 I love all things tomato so I put like a little bit of cheese on a baguette with like a little E9HF8izz8ak-00054-00035982-00036792 salad and this is a fantastic lunch or dinner so I got two of those because they keep really well E9HF8izz8ak-00055-00036792-00037428 and then I got two of the pumpkin bisque which I have not tried before it just is a creamy a creamy E9HF8izz8ak-00056-00037428-00037986 a creamy a creamy soup with pumpkin and fall spices I'm feeling like it's just gonna be like E9HF8izz8ak-00057-00038106-00038538 I feel like I know what this is going to taste like and I've had it before and I like it I've E9HF8izz8ak-00058-00038538-00039150 had like a butternut squash soup with like spices and like pumpkin Incorporated and so E9HF8izz8ak-00059-00039150-00039402 I feel like this is going to be kind of the same so I got two of these as well E9HF8izz8ak-00060-00039516-00039894 um I feel like that's gonna be another nice little like lunch or like dinner with a salad E9HF8izz8ak-00061-00039996-00040800 top situation and then pumpkin oat milk is back so we got one um I usually just use this instead of E9HF8izz8ak-00062-00040800-00041436 normal oat milk or like I mix it with normal oat milk to cream my coffee all right and then in our E9HF8izz8ak-00063-00041514-00042522 Frozen fruits I use my smoothies I got two strawberries two peaches E9HF8izz8ak-00064-00042822-00043146 to mangoes E9HF8izz8ak-00065-00043242-00043386 and two E9HF8izz8ak-00066-00043680-00044334 pineapples that is also why I got the spinach that is a huge smoothie ingredient for me all E9HF8izz8ak-00067-00044334-00045132 right and in our final bag we have the two wonderful gifts that I was granted from Five E9HF8izz8ak-00068-00045132-00045810 Below they had a whole thing above a whole bin and so now I can put them with their little E9HF8izz8ak-00069-00045810-00046206 friend it's like right above me here and sits in the center so I'm gonna do one-on-one set and E9HF8izz8ak-00070-00046206-00046674 one the other I'm gonna have a beautiful little disco ball Trio and it's Gonna Shine on them when E9HF8izz8ak-00071-00046674-00047256 we turn on the kitchen lights and I really just cannot be more thrilled so all right and then in E9HF8izz8ak-00072-00047256-00048030 our final bag from Costco we got our potatoes they were like under a dollar each fantastic E9HF8izz8ak-00073-00048108-00048984 we got mozzarella which we are going to keep one out and we are going to freeze one E9HF8izz8ak-00074-00049200-00049794 and then the final thing from Costco bananas I bananas a [__] ton and you really like E9HF8izz8ak-00075-00049860-00050550 cannot be this was this is like eight bananas like a dollar fifty um does not get better E9HF8izz8ak-00076-00050550-00051216 and then this is my favorite feta I put it on salad it is feta with a Mediterranean herbs E9HF8izz8ak-00077-00051216-00051762 I'm not sure exactly what's in it it seems like some sun-dried tomatoes and maybe like E9HF8izz8ak-00078-00051816-00052367 basil Italian seasoning I don't know but it's really good it is the best best feta E9HF8izz8ak-00079-00052476-00053808 mushrooms also for salads and found the vodka sauce and then just my two salad dressings Caesar E9HF8izz8ak-00080-00053808-00054300 and balsamic vinaigrette Trader Joe's actually has a really really really good vegan Caesar E9HF8izz8ak-00081-00054300-00054858 it's just kind of expensive um and so I decided I was done buying it but it's really really good E9HF8izz8ak-00082-00056226-00056526 foreign E9HF8izz8ak-00083-00060329-00062136 hello and good morning um it is a couple days later and that is simply because E9HF8izz8ak-00084-00062226-00063324 I have been literally hit by a truck um and that truck is my Fall allergies um I sound like I'm E9HF8izz8ak-00085-00063324-00064086 like super sick right now and it's because I feel super sick um but it's this happens every year um E9HF8izz8ak-00086-00064086-00064626 in like the spring like the turn of spring and the turn of fall um I just get really nasty allergies E9HF8izz8ak-00087-00064626-00065610 and I am asthmatic but not it doesn't necessarily affect me in life like when I'm doing cardio E9HF8izz8ak-00088-00065682-00066474 um or like running upstairs or whatever I am fine I typically don't have asthma attacks E9HF8izz8ak-00089-00066474-00067110 um unless like I'm really pushing way too hard I think it's really only happened once my asthma E9HF8izz8ak-00090-00067110-00068010 gets really bad the second I get sick it's like like my lungs are fine until like they're having E9HF8izz8ak-00091-00068010-00068610 to deal with something like a little off um and then like they're not um and it just like E9HF8izz8ak-00092-00068742-00069300 really starts the downhill Trek to bronchitis um like immediately and so E9HF8izz8ak-00093-00069384-00069942 that is what I have been dealing with I just have like my sinus pressure is just really bad and it E9HF8izz8ak-00094-00069942-00070656 feels like it's pushing my eyes out of my head um so I've been doing a lot of like this my throat E9HF8izz8ak-00095-00070656-00071076 doesn't hurt it's just it feels like someone took the back of my throat and replaced like E9HF8izz8ak-00096-00071076-00071730 cut it off and replaced it with sandpaper which is great um and just in the last couple days E9HF8izz8ak-00097-00071814-00072282 um my lovely lovely cough that I have whenever anything is wrong with my body E9HF8izz8ak-00098-00072348-00073332 um has started so I went to I've been taking a decongestant um like a sinus pressure one but E9HF8izz8ak-00099-00073428-00074028 they weren't really helping as much as I wanted them to and so I went to Target yesterday and I E9HF8izz8ak-00100-00074100-00074610 was like there are so many allergy medications man like I don't know the difference between E9HF8izz8ak-00101-00074610-00075324 like Benadryl Claritin Zyrtec Allegra um and so I'm pretty sure I get these from my dad E9HF8izz8ak-00102-00075378-00075834 um because he gets them too like genetically I'm pretty sure that's how I inherited them and so I E9HF8izz8ak-00103-00075834-00076272 just asked him like which brand do you use which one works for you and he said allegra and so I E9HF8izz8ak-00104-00076272-00076842 got Allegra um and I took one last night and honestly like I'm not sure if it was just that E9HF8izz8ak-00105-00076842-00077196 I was like inside for the rest of the day and so like they weren't affecting me as much but E9HF8izz8ak-00106-00077250-00078108 I felt better than I have like since before um I came back from my trip was the lightful E9HF8izz8ak-00107-00078192-00078816 um yeah so I've just been feeling really run down and like absolute crap and just like not up to it E9HF8izz8ak-00108-00078816-00079332 um for the last few days and so that is why I completely stopped vlogging um but we are back E9HF8izz8ak-00109-00079332-00080412 and I have some exciting news so I've been on the hunt for this Starbucks cup sense a E9HF8izz8ak-00110-00080484-00081156 about May um of this year because it is like the sister cup to this Starbucks cup which I have E9HF8izz8ak-00111-00081246-00081792 um and I found like some miracle when I was visiting my friend in Portland and so I had E9HF8izz8ak-00112-00081792-00082338 seen that one of the Starbucks that I usually go to like just down the street from me it said E9HF8izz8ak-00113-00082338-00083112 they had it on their mobile order app and I was mobile ordering um for breakfast and so I added E9HF8izz8ak-00114-00083112-00083622 it to my cart and I was like yes we're gonna go in we're gonna get our coffee our oats and E9HF8izz8ak-00115-00083622-00084306 our cup it's gonna be a good morning and I went up to the counter and they had coffee oats and E9HF8izz8ak-00116-00084306-00084954 a little Starbucks bag and they said that's a store credit it's not a gift card um but E9HF8izz8ak-00117-00084954-00085434 you can use it for like the cost of the cup that we didn't have and I was like oh dope okay cool E9HF8izz8ak-00118-00085536-00085992 um I mean like it wasn't okay or cool but that's what I said I was very disappointed E9HF8izz8ak-00119-00086100-00086556 and so I've been wanting to every single Starbucks that I've been like near or around E9HF8izz8ak-00120-00086628-00087012 um I kind of petered off of it in like the last month and a half because I really just E9HF8izz8ak-00121-00087012-00087594 got tired and like I felt like I looked in all the Starbucks that I'd seen um and they didn't E9HF8izz8ak-00122-00087594-00088092 have it and so I've just been carrying around this stupid store credit card and you could only use it E9HF8izz8ak-00123-00088092-00088548 like when you like go through a drive through or you go up to the counter and my socially E9HF8izz8ak-00124-00088548-00089100 anxious ass never does that I always mobile order and so that is the worst possible thing E9HF8izz8ak-00125-00089100-00089484 that you could give me being like you can't use this unless you interact with a person E9HF8izz8ak-00126-00089580-00090150 um torture evil terrible and so it's just been sitting in my car and I bring it in every time E9HF8izz8ak-00127-00090150-00090636 I go into a Starbucks to just check and see if they have this little cup and then finally I E9HF8izz8ak-00128-00090636-00091194 was waiting for my roommate to be done getting her fluids for the week um because I drop her E9HF8izz8ak-00129-00091194-00091518 off and I pick her up and so I find stuff to do in between and there was a Starbucks right E9HF8izz8ak-00130-00091518-00092202 near the Trader Joe's I was stopping at so I just went in to just check I I had no hope no nothing E9HF8izz8ak-00131-00092310-00093576 um but they had it and it's mine now and look how beautiful and wonderful it is it has like E9HF8izz8ak-00132-00093702-00094344 it's just so intricate it has these like Spiral ridges on the top the straw you probably can't E9HF8izz8ak-00133-00094344-00094890 see is like a flower on the top and so you have like the lines going down the straw it is just so E9HF8izz8ak-00134-00094890-00095778 beautiful I love it so much I'm not really someone who collects these um but I am a hydration Queen E9HF8izz8ak-00135-00095856-00096300 um if you will I just like I always have my little like emotional support water bottle E9HF8izz8ak-00136-00096300-00096894 and so if it's not my hydro I really like these because I feel like I drink a lot more out of a E9HF8izz8ak-00137-00096894-00097602 straw and so like having different ones to kind of switch out um that I really like makes me happy so E9HF8izz8ak-00138-00097602-00098238 I my two of my favorite colors like a ruby red and like a forest green they had for Christmas E9HF8izz8ak-00139-00098328-00098874 um I think a couple years ago and so I ended up snatching those and then these two rainbow ones E9HF8izz8ak-00140-00098874-00099318 just seemed so summery and happy to me I have not been big on any of the ones they've come E9HF8izz8ak-00141-00099318-00100008 out for fall and so I don't have any Fallen ones um but really like these are kind of expensive E9HF8izz8ak-00142-00100104-00100728 um they're like not quite thirty dollars but they're like 25 I think from Starbucks and E9HF8izz8ak-00143-00100728-00101184 I was a little toasted because when I bought it the store credit card um that they gave me E9HF8izz8ak-00144-00101184-00101970 was not for the full price it was for like nine dollars um and so it paid for like yeah I paid E9HF8izz8ak-00145-00101970-00102642 for half of it so this was like 22. um including packs um and so I did pay ten dollars which I E9HF8izz8ak-00146-00102642-00102972 was a little pissed about because I definitely spent like the full 22 when I got it on the app E9HF8izz8ak-00147-00103032-00103470 um but like what was I gonna do not get it and like this was not the same Starbucks E9HF8izz8ak-00148-00103470-00104033 I issued the card and the card like I got it like in June like end of May June and so like E9HF8izz8ak-00149-00104118-00105018 it was what it was um I did see this at a Target um or no not a Target Avon's um because like in E9HF8izz8ak-00150-00105018-00105408 Safeway and bonds they'll have like little Starbucks but I couldn't use the Starbucks E9HF8izz8ak-00151-00105408-00105930 store credit thing on it because it's not like those Starbucks aren't they don't take Starbucks E9HF8izz8ak-00152-00105930-00106422 gift cards they don't take Starbucks store credit um oddly enough they take Target store credit or E9HF8izz8ak-00153-00106422-00106914 like Bond store credit because like that's where the money is going from that Starbucks and so I E9HF8izz8ak-00154-00106914-00107322 didn't end up getting it because I didn't want to spend 20 on it I knew that would be irresponsible E9HF8izz8ak-00155-00107448-00108390 um I'm sorry we waited and thank God we did um so that was a big win if you can't tell I'm very very E9HF8izz8ak-00156-00108390-00108924 happy I also really like that this one you can see through the little siren logo on the front a lot E9HF8izz8ak-00157-00108924-00109476 of them like it's very hard to see through um and like see the water level and I kind of like that E9HF8izz8ak-00158-00109548-00109794 I feel like I'm making progress with my hydration for the day E9HF8izz8ak-00159-00109890-00110585 yeah so I've just been feeling like absolute [__] um and like it's been hard because I like E9HF8izz8ak-00160-00110585-00111072 usually when I'm sick I'm like okay we're shutting down like we are just giving our body time to rest E9HF8izz8ak-00161-00111072-00111702 and recoup but the thing about allergies is that like they're not going to go away like the thing E9HF8izz8ak-00162-00111702-00112614 your body is fighting off is like essentially the air and so like resting my like feel nice but it's E9HF8izz8ak-00163-00112614-00113256 not going to actively push you towards feeling better like I am going to feel like this for E9HF8izz8ak-00164-00113256-00114048 probably two three weeks um and it just kind of is what it is and that sucks but so we have our new E9HF8izz8ak-00165-00114156-00114864 um October colors for our planner I kind of switched out my markers and so we have these now E9HF8izz8ak-00166-00114864-00115440 even though it's like the last week of September but I didn't care and I did my little decoration E9HF8izz8ak-00167-00115440-00116016 on my October it's not much I didn't want to do anything like two over the top I just wanted to be E9HF8izz8ak-00168-00116016-00116964 cute and themed I got some of my October goals put down and so today um I've been trying to kind of E9HF8izz8ak-00169-00116964-00117606 like fix my morning routine and that I feel like I will typically like look it up I'll come out here E9HF8izz8ak-00170-00117606-00118068 I'll make my breakfast um I'll say good morning to Wendy give her some scratches and some snuggles E9HF8izz8ak-00171-00118128-00118818 and then I'll like sit on my laptop um and watch YouTube while I have my breakfast and then E9HF8izz8ak-00172-00118883-00119633 ideally I will like be done with breakfast and go do my workout and walk Winnie but what happens is E9HF8izz8ak-00173-00119633-00120300 that like I'm already on my computer and so I don't stop watching YouTube and I just kind of E9HF8izz8ak-00174-00120300-00120942 slide right into doing my daily submittals online because I'm already on my computer and then like E9HF8izz8ak-00175-00121008-00121446 I'm sort of already working and so then I don't really want to get up and so then when he's E9HF8izz8ak-00176-00121446-00121854 walked it's pushed back until it's like hotter and I don't feel good about that and then I'm E9HF8izz8ak-00177-00121854-00122196 working out when it's later and it's hotter and I don't feel great about that and then I E9HF8izz8ak-00178-00122196-00122652 feel like I haven't really done anything except for like my dailies walking Winnie and exercise E9HF8izz8ak-00179-00122652-00123408 and it's like 1pm um and so and I feel like that really has to do with me getting sucked in by my E9HF8izz8ak-00180-00123408-00123954 laptop and my computer and so I've kind of really tried to restructure that since I've got home E9HF8izz8ak-00181-00124014-00124835 um the last few mornings I haven't taken my laptop um I do not have my laptop sit E9HF8izz8ak-00182-00124835-00125268 out here at the table anymore I just plug it into my bedroom to charge every night so E9HF8izz8ak-00183-00125268-00126035 that I come out and it's fully charged um and I only go grab it once I'm ready to start working E9HF8izz8ak-00184-00126144-00127020 um so now what I do is I get up I give Winnie some love I grab my book the book that I'm E9HF8izz8ak-00185-00127020-00127722 reading right now um I just started on the road by Jack Kerouac an icon um I'm not sure how I E9HF8izz8ak-00186-00127722-00128135 feel about it so far um I do like his writing I understand why people like his writing I'm really E9HF8izz8ak-00187-00128135-00128550 only like four or five chapters in actually no I think I just finished chapter six so E9HF8izz8ak-00188-00128628-00129078 I am reading that right now I will make my breakfast and my coffee and then I'll sit and E9HF8izz8ak-00189-00129078-00129948 read while I munch and have my coffee and then after that um I will walk Winnie this morning E9HF8izz8ak-00190-00129948-00130458 it was really like nice and cool out and so I just went and I did a quick walk with her E9HF8izz8ak-00191-00130458-00130914 um before eating because the weather was really nice and refreshing I try and make sure I open E9HF8izz8ak-00192-00130914-00131514 the windows so that I can reset my circadian rhythm and get like some sunlight onto the retinas E9HF8izz8ak-00193-00131634-00132306 um and then um I will go do my workout my workout's connected to my phone and so I'll pick E9HF8izz8ak-00194-00132306-00132894 up my phone for like ideally the first time um to be honest I do end up checking my email usually E9HF8izz8ak-00195-00132894-00133458 um that's kind of typically what happens but I'll go do my workout and then E9HF8izz8ak-00196-00133596-00134298 will like shower feel ready for the day and then I will start like actually working and I feel like E9HF8izz8ak-00197-00134298-00134862 that's just I've only been doing it for a few days but I feel like it's just been a really beneficial E9HF8izz8ak-00198-00134952-00135504 because I since I work from home and I feel like a lot of people have this issue E9HF8izz8ak-00199-00135594-00136152 um especially with like my job because like kind of part of my job is like me E9HF8izz8ak-00200-00136236-00137112 um and like my thoughts and life and stuff um I never really feel like I'm fully not E9HF8izz8ak-00201-00137196-00137658 being productive or fully not like supposed to be being productive E9HF8izz8ak-00202-00137730-00138234 um and so like there's just this constant anxiety and guilt of what I should be doing and like E9HF8izz8ak-00203-00138300-00138834 I found that if I really separate my time um not even just like blocking out my time like E9HF8izz8ak-00204-00138834-00139422 I still just have like my to do's and like I look at them and I like organize my day based E9HF8izz8ak-00205-00139422-00139992 on my energy level and my needs for that day but really just having a time in the morning E9HF8izz8ak-00206-00139992-00140574 where like I don't just get up and start being productive and start trying to cross things off E9HF8izz8ak-00207-00140640-00141414 um is really really helpful and to help me with that I actually brought out my little E9HF8izz8ak-00208-00141486-00142338 um it's an octopus two four six eight octopus um that I feel like everyone has one of at this point E9HF8izz8ak-00209-00142338-00142914 and so I've decided that the yellow side means that we are off the clock we are not working E9HF8izz8ak-00210-00143028-00143868 we are doing things that have to do with our life and self um and things that are just like E9HF8izz8ak-00211-00143868-00144708 not monetarily connected um to working in my job and then when I am working we turn it to E9HF8izz8ak-00212-00144708-00145386 the pink side and that means that like we are on the clock we are working we are being productive E9HF8izz8ak-00213-00145446-00146022 um and so I feel like it really helps me it's kind of like I don't know like class schedules E9HF8izz8ak-00214-00146022-00146502 like it's like the bell rings and like we're working and then once we're done with that we can E9HF8izz8ak-00215-00146502-00147054 flip this back over and be like okay so now like we do not have to feel like we should be doing E9HF8izz8ak-00216-00147054-00147996 anything productive this is off the clock this is Taylor time um and that can mean doing tasks E9HF8izz8ak-00217-00147996-00148392 like cleaning the bathroom that's one of the things I want to do today um or working out E9HF8izz8ak-00218-00148392-00149046 or walking my dog or whatever it could mean being done for the night but this just means that like I E9HF8izz8ak-00219-00149142-00149874 do not have an obligation right now to be checking my email doing some middles looking at my message E9HF8izz8ak-00220-00149874-00150492 boxes doing self tapes thinking of whatever like this means that like this is my time um E9HF8izz8ak-00221-00150492-00151176 and I kind of hate that one's happy and when's sad but I don't know yellow just really felt like the E9HF8izz8ak-00222-00151176-00151626 off the clock color and pink really just felt like the on the clock color and so I don't want like to E9HF8izz8ak-00223-00151626-00152250 associate working with like it being sad because like I love my job like I picked my job um I got E9HF8izz8ak-00224-00152250-00152940 a degree for my job um and so like I don't really like that but I think we're gonna get used to it I E9HF8izz8ak-00225-00152940-00153378 think he's just I think he's mad I think he's just I think you've just got an attitude and you know E9HF8izz8ak-00226-00153378-00154002 what that's perfectly fine so that's what we're doing I'm going to flip this back here because E9HF8izz8ak-00227-00154104-00154776 we already walked our wonderful little Winnie and we just had our breakfast so I think I'm going to E9HF8izz8ak-00228-00154776-00155496 finish my coffee and finish watching um the Sierra schultzy blog that I'm watching right now and then E9HF8izz8ak-00229-00155496-00156144 we're gonna go put on our workout clothes and do our good good little workout and then probably E9HF8izz8ak-00230-00156336-00157038 um let's start being productive for the day today I have I really need to update my resume like E9HF8izz8ak-00231-00157038-00158046 badly um it's just I don't know if you're an entertainment and you have any advice for like E9HF8izz8ak-00232-00158160-00158676 what to put on your resume and what not to and what categories to have on your resume E9HF8izz8ak-00233-00158676-00159510 and then like how to make it easy to edit um because it's just a nightmare to me I hate it E9HF8izz8ak-00234-00159588-00160014 um and I hate having to be like no this doesn't sound important but like this was a big deal and E9HF8izz8ak-00235-00160014-00160362 I got paid a lot for this like recognize this but like it doesn't sell it just sounds like it E9HF8izz8ak-00236-00160362-00160932 was some short film like or like some random app um and so it's just it's hard and I hate doing E9HF8izz8ak-00237-00160932-00161586 it and like it's like applying applying for jobs looking at my resume reviewing my resume for some E9HF8izz8ak-00238-00161586-00162210 reason submitting for auditions and casting calls doesn't make me feel like crap because I have all E9HF8izz8ak-00239-00162210-00162858 my footage and my headshots and stuff but like my actual resume and like doing things with it E9HF8izz8ak-00240-00162912-00163452 um just I don't know I don't I don't like it and I think it partially just with the formatting E9HF8izz8ak-00241-00163452-00164010 I have a lot of trouble with making it look exactly how I want it to look but also like E9HF8izz8ak-00242-00164130-00164904 putting everything I want to be highlighted on it on it um and making it feel like it's E9HF8izz8ak-00243-00164904-00165390 like a really good full scope of my experience while still being one page while still not being E9HF8izz8ak-00244-00165390-00166008 too small of a font while being in like a nice readable format it just I hate it um I'm sure E9HF8izz8ak-00245-00166008-00166698 I'm not the only one so we have to do that um I need to do my videos layout for I think I'm gonna E9HF8izz8ak-00246-00166698-00167556 do maybe like the next two months October November um because I feel like that's going to go really E9HF8izz8ak-00247-00167556-00168378 fast and then I'm not sure if I'm gonna do a vlog this I really want to um but I'm going on a trip E9HF8izz8ak-00248-00168378-00169014 at the very beginning of December and so I'm not sure how that's going to work um but I do want E9HF8izz8ak-00249-00169014-00169374 to do some semblance of vlogmas and so I think I'm gonna start kind of brainstorming for that E9HF8izz8ak-00250-00169440-00170424 um and then I want to clean my whole bathroom um it just it feels gross and no one's cleaned it E9HF8izz8ak-00251-00170424-00170856 um like the shower and stuff in forever and so I'm going to do that that'll be nice I'll find E9HF8izz8ak-00252-00170856-00171810 like some music or podcast or whatever um and yeah so today is going to be a good day E9HF8izz8ak-00253-00174654-00174948 foreign E9HF8izz8ak-00254-00177624-00178014 foreign ErWvTp4MsKA-00000-00000062-00000232 Hello everyone! ErWvTp4MsKA-00001-00000232-00000533 Welcome back to "We can cook - cung vao Bep" channel ErWvTp4MsKA-00002-00000565-00000833 Introduce everyone a unique dessert from Japan ErWvTp4MsKA-00003-00000833-00001180 It's Raindrop Cake ErWvTp4MsKA-00004-00001224-00001363 Mizu Shingen Mochi ErWvTp4MsKA-00014-00003983-00004165 Firstly, we have 100gr soybeans ErWvTp4MsKA-00018-00004863-00005179 Rinsing beans then let dry ErWvTp4MsKA-00023-00006669-00006851 Next, we dried fry in 20-30 minutes ErWvTp4MsKA-00027-00008130-00008456 After cooking beans, let them cool ErWvTp4MsKA-00031-00009376-00009561 Next, we rinse salt cherry and then soak in 15 minutes ErWvTp4MsKA-00036-00011239-00011545 About sugar water, we have: ErWvTp4MsKA-00037-00011636-00011756 50gr brown sugar ErWvTp4MsKA-00038-00011792-00011913 50ml water ErWvTp4MsKA-00039-00012004-00012181 5ml lemon juice ErWvTp4MsKA-00042-00012844-00012988 Next, we cook water with sugar ErWvTp4MsKA-00048-00014421-00014621 After boiling water, we put lemon juice into and turn off heat ErWvTp4MsKA-00051-00015978-00016199 After cooling soybeans, we put into the blender ErWvTp4MsKA-00058-00017852-00017952 And filter by strainer ErWvTp4MsKA-00059-00018962-00019285 About mochi ingredients, we have: ErWvTp4MsKA-00060-00019285-00019416 500ml water ErWvTp4MsKA-00061-00019472-00019572 20gr sugar ErWvTp4MsKA-00063-00019782-00019920 10gr jelly ErWvTp4MsKA-00065-00020195-00020295 50ml dark sugar water ErWvTp4MsKA-00067-00020461-00020629 50gr salt cherry blossom ErWvTp4MsKA-00068-00020816-00021010 50gr soy flour ErWvTp4MsKA-00071-00021772-00022082 Next, we put water with jelly into pot ErWvTp4MsKA-00072-00022115-00022427 and soak in 15 minutes ErWvTp4MsKA-00082-00025426-00025552 Then cooking with water ErWvTp4MsKA-00088-00027015-00027243 Preparing silicon tray ErWvTp4MsKA-00091-00028007-00028107 and putting salt cherry blossom into tray ErWvTp4MsKA-00100-00030442-00030542 Then putting jelly mixture into each hole ErWvTp4MsKA-00112-00034017-00034361 After 15-20 minutes, we have raindrop mochi ErWvTp4MsKA-00126-00038476-00038754 About mochi by gelatin, we have: ErWvTp4MsKA-00127-00038766-00039011 15gr gelatin powder ErWvTp4MsKA-00128-00039011-00039322 20gr sugar ErWvTp4MsKA-00129-00039409-00039702 500ml water ErWvTp4MsKA-00130-00039958-00040188 Next, we cook water with gelatin, sugar ErWvTp4MsKA-00143-00044497-00044818 Then putting gelatin into silicon tray ErWvTp4MsKA-00159-00049367-00049480 After 2-3 hours in the fridge, we have softly raindrop mochi ErWvTp4MsKA-00177-00053875-00054011 Wow so beautiful! ErWvTp4MsKA-00179-00054371-00054492 enjoy soft melt mochi ErWvTp4MsKA-00180-00054599-00054730 with sweet sugar and fat soybean ErWvTp4MsKA-00181-00054881-00055021 What a unique dessert after party! ErWvTp4MsKA-00182-00055090-00055190 Wish everyone have a fun cooking time! ErWvTp4MsKA-00183-00055388-00055719 See in next video! ErWvTp4MsKA-00184-00055719-00056017 Thanks for watching! EsP0yM0TK9c-00000-00000024-00000791 hello everyone my name is jerry bjorn welcome back to resident evil 8. EsP0yM0TK9c-00001-00000791-00001484 let's see last time we made our way up to lady dimitry sue's uh bedroom and now EsP0yM0TK9c-00002-00001484-00002515 we are putting this mask in i don't EsP0yM0TK9c-00003-00002515-00003071 i'm assuming yeah we need all four EsP0yM0TK9c-00004-00003071-00003627 okay EsP0yM0TK9c-00005-00003627-00003727 are these EsP0yM0TK9c-00006-00003727-00005343 the exclamation points just mean points of interest EsP0yM0TK9c-00007-00005343-00005443 i EsP0yM0TK9c-00008-00005443-00006110 i honestly kind of did figure that she would just be right behind me um yeah so behind EsP0yM0TK9c-00009-00006110-00006913 her is the only direction i can really go on this floor EsP0yM0TK9c-00010-00006913-00007045 who's talking was it you EsP0yM0TK9c-00011-00007045-00008585 let's see can she see me in here EsP0yM0TK9c-00012-00008585-00008810 huh EsP0yM0TK9c-00013-00008810-00009035 stealthy EsP0yM0TK9c-00014-00009035-00010421 the EsP0yM0TK9c-00015-00010421-00010775 music EsP0yM0TK9c-00016-00010775-00012056 made it sound like she knew where i was at there's something behind me right EsP0yM0TK9c-00017-00012056-00014882 so she went upstairs she's heading to the hall of pleasure great EsP0yM0TK9c-00018-00014882-00016834 i'll just sneak around i won't last until dinner jeez EsP0yM0TK9c-00019-00016834-00018432 excuse me oh [ __ ] EsP0yM0TK9c-00020-00018432-00019208 oh EsP0yM0TK9c-00021-00019208-00019985 counter EsP0yM0TK9c-00022-00019985-00021784 oh wow three of you can you guys like group up EsP0yM0TK9c-00023-00021784-00023262 this won't stop me EsP0yM0TK9c-00024-00023262-00023461 you are not who i wanted to see EsP0yM0TK9c-00025-00023461-00025265 come on come on EsP0yM0TK9c-00026-00025265-00026902 so is this safe or do i need to just like keep running okay that door is locked from EsP0yM0TK9c-00027-00026902-00027631 the other side EsP0yM0TK9c-00028-00027631-00028116 a map EsP0yM0TK9c-00029-00028116-00028589 i guess EsP0yM0TK9c-00030-00028589-00030762 yeah i guess we just go up this way EsP0yM0TK9c-00031-00030762-00031431 ugh EsP0yM0TK9c-00032-00031431-00032768 oh no EsP0yM0TK9c-00033-00032768-00034896 come on close that door EsP0yM0TK9c-00034-00034896-00036180 where is all this walking coming from EsP0yM0TK9c-00035-00036180-00036665 one day since treatment three girls have stopped moving they seem almost dead insect flew out EsP0yM0TK9c-00036-00036665-00037108 of the eldest mouth it appears to be a common fly two days since treatment all three bodies EsP0yM0TK9c-00037-00037108-00037634 are covered in flies it appears the flies are consuming their flesh when i opened the EsP0yM0TK9c-00038-00037634-00038050 window some of the flies dropped dead to the floor it would seem that cold petrifies them EsP0yM0TK9c-00039-00038050-00038521 i quickly closed one to avoid weakening the insects further four days since treatment EsP0yM0TK9c-00040-00038521-00039030 all three bodies have almost become been completely consumed by the insects all that is left is EsP0yM0TK9c-00041-00039030-00039515 a dark withering human shaped mass of creatures just afternoon and the insects have started EsP0yM0TK9c-00042-00039515-00040043 to change color those around the face turned pale and those around the lips turned crimson EsP0yM0TK9c-00043-00040043-00040491 bread deep crimson six days since treatment the massive insects have transformed into EsP0yM0TK9c-00044-00040491-00041043 human bodies again all three girls awoke looking at me like newborns i sense a bond between EsP0yM0TK9c-00045-00041043-00042587 us like mother and daughters i've already decided their names bella daniela and cassandra EsP0yM0TK9c-00046-00042587-00045308 there's zombies or werewolves or something down there EsP0yM0TK9c-00047-00045308-00046127 just to make sure that i'm not like EsP0yM0TK9c-00048-00046127-00048550 i don't want to make all this noise but i should at least hitch if i'm gonna make it EsP0yM0TK9c-00049-00048550-00048699 nothing EsP0yM0TK9c-00050-00048699-00049652 okay that might be what i need for that thing in the guys in the store shop EsP0yM0TK9c-00051-00049652-00051043 okay so there's one over there EsP0yM0TK9c-00052-00051043-00051355 just um EsP0yM0TK9c-00053-00051355-00053319 you know preemptively EsP0yM0TK9c-00054-00053319-00055416 swing EsP0yM0TK9c-00055-00055416-00055713 ah he was quick on that second swing EsP0yM0TK9c-00056-00055713-00057250 that sounded like a flock of insects EsP0yM0TK9c-00057-00057250-00059180 um EsP0yM0TK9c-00058-00059180-00061713 how's my inventory doing oh i've plenty of space oh yeah because those things don't count EsP0yM0TK9c-00059-00061713-00061894 they come over here EsP0yM0TK9c-00060-00061894-00063620 i can make four handgun ammos i'm assuming that's pouches of five EsP0yM0TK9c-00061-00063620-00064195 scientific name none size five six centimeters similar body structure to blow flies although EsP0yM0TK9c-00062-00064195-00064802 there are differences in the head there are carnivorous and vigorously consume meat in EsP0yM0TK9c-00063-00064802-00065176 order to catch unsuspecting prey they'll gather using pheromones to mimic a human EsP0yM0TK9c-00064-00065176-00065943 they are produced when a kaddo lays eggs in its host but the flies themselves are unable EsP0yM0TK9c-00065-00065943-00066331 to reproduce they're weak to sudden drops in temperature especially if the temperature EsP0yM0TK9c-00066-00066331-00066977 drops below 50 10 celsius or 50 fahrenheit their metabolism lowers and they go into a EsP0yM0TK9c-00067-00066977-00067947 dormant and crypt krypto cryptobiotic state similar to the cryptobiosis of tardigrade EsP0yM0TK9c-00068-00067947-00069373 or polypetulum van der planky planky i don't know anything important on this side EsP0yM0TK9c-00069-00069373-00070299 we'll examine that last oh there's a door out of here it's the door back to the um yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00070-00070299-00070953 i won't unlock that right away EsP0yM0TK9c-00071-00070953-00071062 huh EsP0yM0TK9c-00072-00071062-00071943 if this doesn't do anything EsP0yM0TK9c-00073-00071943-00073169 oh my god if i can just get it started EsP0yM0TK9c-00074-00073169-00073577 where is c EsP0yM0TK9c-00075-00073577-00073881 is this c EsP0yM0TK9c-00076-00073881-00074313 between these two EsP0yM0TK9c-00077-00074313-00074461 oh it tells me EsP0yM0TK9c-00078-00074461-00075730 all right and then one two three EsP0yM0TK9c-00079-00075730-00076817 one two one oh wait no EsP0yM0TK9c-00080-00076817-00077361 one two three EsP0yM0TK9c-00081-00077361-00078266 what is happening EsP0yM0TK9c-00082-00078266-00078551 oh oh i need that key for the town EsP0yM0TK9c-00083-00078551-00078997 is that a clap EsP0yM0TK9c-00084-00078997-00080220 is there a door upstairs EsP0yM0TK9c-00085-00080220-00081601 oh yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00086-00081601-00082080 honestly going the other way probably would have made more sense but i don't want to go EsP0yM0TK9c-00087-00082080-00082773 to that room that i'd EsP0yM0TK9c-00088-00082773-00083054 i was avoiding you by going this way EsP0yM0TK9c-00089-00083054-00084342 all right as long as she's not smart and just turns around EsP0yM0TK9c-00090-00084342-00085243 and is like right behind me EsP0yM0TK9c-00091-00085243-00086334 if this door is [ __ ] locked okay so you finally came to see me everyone fall for me EsP0yM0TK9c-00092-00086334-00086719 hey you don't have any windows in here ah she can like EsP0yM0TK9c-00093-00086719-00087495 ones teleport up EsP0yM0TK9c-00094-00087495-00089538 um bad boy you can't go it's not breaking EsP0yM0TK9c-00095-00089538-00090713 maybe shotgun is not the right idea but EsP0yM0TK9c-00096-00090713-00090925 okay i thought i saw two daughters EsP0yM0TK9c-00097-00090925-00091106 um EsP0yM0TK9c-00098-00091106-00091649 it's a weird EsP0yM0TK9c-00099-00091649-00093279 thing to say no oh what wait a second EsP0yM0TK9c-00100-00093279-00093379 what what is EsP0yM0TK9c-00101-00093379-00095027 wow this mean you can't be serious EsP0yM0TK9c-00102-00095027-00095411 why are you doing EsP0yM0TK9c-00103-00095411-00096439 you're this like under my effects yeah why would you do this EsP0yM0TK9c-00104-00096439-00097550 how wonderful um where are you at EsP0yM0TK9c-00105-00097550-00099712 hey that's not how we're fighting this a dream this is a dream EsP0yM0TK9c-00106-00099712-00100151 and soap bugs EsP0yM0TK9c-00107-00100151-00100251 nice EsP0yM0TK9c-00108-00100251-00101702 man lady dammit tracy if she could have just you know walked a little faster she could EsP0yM0TK9c-00109-00101702-00102764 have came here and helped her daughter she kind of left her on her own for that one EsP0yM0TK9c-00110-00102764-00103244 okay it's full it's full EsP0yM0TK9c-00111-00103244-00104618 i'm glad i got away from the let's just keep pumping shots into the ceiling pretty early EsP0yM0TK9c-00112-00104618-00106010 so yeah the ceiling halfway out EsP0yM0TK9c-00113-00106010-00107589 cool that's mask number one EsP0yM0TK9c-00114-00107589-00108502 i don't like that open oh okay that was pendulum swinging what is this EsP0yM0TK9c-00115-00108502-00110127 nice art smashes cabinets EsP0yM0TK9c-00116-00110127-00110565 let the five bells of this chamber ring out EsP0yM0TK9c-00117-00110565-00110708 everything i do summons EsP0yM0TK9c-00118-00110708-00112084 vampires that's one EsP0yM0TK9c-00119-00112084-00112873 have you guys been watching out for those protection goats because i have nots EsP0yM0TK9c-00120-00112873-00113370 do i have to shoot them EsP0yM0TK9c-00121-00113370-00115411 all right that's two EsP0yM0TK9c-00122-00115411-00116173 one had come up on this one EsP0yM0TK9c-00123-00116173-00116820 how did i miss that or is that the same one EsP0yM0TK9c-00124-00116820-00119730 let the five bells of this chamber ring out EsP0yM0TK9c-00125-00119730-00121092 are more bells EsP0yM0TK9c-00126-00121092-00121392 okay they vary greatly in size EsP0yM0TK9c-00127-00121392-00123858 i don't know if that's to say greatly but EsP0yM0TK9c-00128-00123858-00124053 okay i thought she was coming in behind me EsP0yM0TK9c-00129-00124053-00125202 all right EsP0yM0TK9c-00130-00125202-00125551 this one doesn't have a thing on it EsP0yM0TK9c-00131-00125551-00125810 so that means i need EsP0yM0TK9c-00132-00125810-00126365 was i supposed to shoot that one from up here EsP0yM0TK9c-00133-00126365-00128049 did i get it EsP0yM0TK9c-00134-00128049-00129330 now let's see so we've got one two three four EsP0yM0TK9c-00135-00129330-00129771 so we're missing kind of like one from over this area EsP0yM0TK9c-00136-00129771-00132289 oh man EsP0yM0TK9c-00137-00132289-00133348 that is a very hidden bell EsP0yM0TK9c-00138-00133348-00134764 oh that does make sense that that would be a secret passage um i should probably unlock EsP0yM0TK9c-00139-00134764-00135019 that other door EsP0yM0TK9c-00140-00135019-00136054 you know this one realistically i sh probably shouldn't but in the off chance i loop around EsP0yM0TK9c-00141-00136054-00136216 and i'm on that side EsP0yM0TK9c-00142-00136216-00137522 okay i can't squeeze through that EsP0yM0TK9c-00143-00137522-00138338 why am i going here EsP0yM0TK9c-00145-00141405-00142691 honestly if i'm not getting all those um i probably shouldn't waste the ammo EsP0yM0TK9c-00146-00142691-00142791 while you're moving EsP0yM0TK9c-00147-00142791-00143647 oh a treasure map hear the dungeon EsP0yM0TK9c-00148-00143647-00145878 how EsP0yM0TK9c-00149-00145878-00147351 for me knowing you were alive i could have done that better EsP0yM0TK9c-00150-00147351-00148160 all right okay there's more goodies EsP0yM0TK9c-00151-00148160-00148570 more yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00152-00148570-00149316 i heard there was something called the dagger of death's flowers somewhere in the castle EsP0yM0TK9c-00153-00149316-00149741 it's apparently an antique from the middle ages that's coated in a concoction of poisons EsP0yM0TK9c-00154-00149741-00150127 from across the continent said to have been crafted to kill demons and monsters sounds EsP0yM0TK9c-00155-00150127-00150795 fascinating but no one knows where it is okay so i guess i'll supposed to find this dagger EsP0yM0TK9c-00156-00150795-00151941 to kill these things but also not kill myself sniper rifle holy [ __ ] EsP0yM0TK9c-00157-00151941-00152129 oh EsP0yM0TK9c-00158-00152129-00153791 i can't use you you only have four shells shots EsP0yM0TK9c-00159-00153791-00154070 okay that was the last hidden thing EsP0yM0TK9c-00160-00154070-00155792 huh am i like hurt where i need to heal i i have no heels EsP0yM0TK9c-00161-00155792-00156695 why how hurt am i okay it's not red EsP0yM0TK9c-00163-00161170-00161887 let's take me back to like the entrance area EsP0yM0TK9c-00164-00161887-00163870 okay EsP0yM0TK9c-00165-00163870-00163970 cool EsP0yM0TK9c-00166-00163970-00165020 glad it didn't fall through these cracks EsP0yM0TK9c-00167-00165020-00165690 do i want to see the merchant do i have EsP0yM0TK9c-00168-00165690-00166236 i guess it can't hurt especially since that's EsP0yM0TK9c-00169-00166236-00167124 where the save room is it's probably safe between here and there but EsP0yM0TK9c-00170-00167124-00167686 is that the one i killed what is that EsP0yM0TK9c-00171-00167686-00168824 you're my daughter now act like it of course mother EsP0yM0TK9c-00172-00168824-00169734 just making sure they're not to my left EsP0yM0TK9c-00173-00169734-00170978 hey buddy my services please come take a look do they know you're here welcome EsP0yM0TK9c-00174-00170978-00171121 because i i don't feel like EsP0yM0TK9c-00175-00171121-00172103 lady damn it tracy who would let you i believe this is a fair price would be okay with you EsP0yM0TK9c-00176-00172103-00173003 being around you know since you're helping me oh 600 damage i've gotten some new stock EsP0yM0TK9c-00177-00173003-00173637 you have not why do you always you're just a liar EsP0yM0TK9c-00178-00173637-00174930 all right i need to know how to EsP0yM0TK9c-00179-00174930-00175444 smitty is there EsP0yM0TK9c-00180-00175444-00177013 i couldn't it's my rate of fire 2 is not bad it shoots oh wait or is this that's how long EsP0yM0TK9c-00181-00177013-00177113 between shots EsP0yM0TK9c-00182-00177113-00178422 yeah reload speed slow ammo capacity low EsP0yM0TK9c-00184-00181541-00182840 yes yes yes EsP0yM0TK9c-00185-00182840-00184138 i didn't think i did that oh my god EsP0yM0TK9c-00186-00184138-00184697 how much is this worth well then feel free to peruse EsP0yM0TK9c-00187-00184697-00184876 eighth out oh yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00188-00184876-00186175 leaving so soon EsP0yM0TK9c-00189-00186175-00186609 oh EsP0yM0TK9c-00190-00186609-00186960 um yes oops there you go EsP0yM0TK9c-00191-00186960-00188877 all right good deal if i say so myself yes yes EsP0yM0TK9c-00192-00188877-00190997 i feel like they're seeing me i'm just not seeing them EsP0yM0TK9c-00193-00190997-00191726 i'm assuming i'll safely make it to this elevator EsP0yM0TK9c-00194-00191726-00192671 called it EsP0yM0TK9c-00195-00192671-00192992 i wonder what does crafting cost EsP0yM0TK9c-00196-00192992-00193863 oh they caught take chem fluid too i don't want to actually have to manage my resources EsP0yM0TK9c-00197-00193863-00194150 i just want to be able to have things EsP0yM0TK9c-00198-00194150-00196137 all right i still do have a chem fluid yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00199-00196137-00197112 ready for the first hit i take EsP0yM0TK9c-00200-00197112-00198410 oh i thought i killed it EsP0yM0TK9c-00201-00198410-00199861 all right so probably three shots would get it knock it down and then i could maybe stab EsP0yM0TK9c-00202-00199861-00200380 it a little EsP0yM0TK9c-00203-00200380-00201471 where am i going EsP0yM0TK9c-00206-00209154-00210571 it's hard for me to tell which way they're facing if they're running away or towards EsP0yM0TK9c-00207-00210571-00210909 me are these like rat bats EsP0yM0TK9c-00208-00210909-00211619 okay EsP0yM0TK9c-00209-00211619-00214509 did i get the zip line down this EsP0yM0TK9c-00210-00214509-00215107 because that would be cool EsP0yM0TK9c-00211-00215107-00217214 was there actual path to get here EsP0yM0TK9c-00213-00220681-00221996 why would my computer go to sleep then EsP0yM0TK9c-00214-00221996-00223585 i forgot what the um malay button was mostly because there isn't one EsP0yM0TK9c-00215-00223585-00223685 sweet EsP0yM0TK9c-00217-00227232-00228265 that i have to find EsP0yM0TK9c-00218-00228265-00228519 huh EsP0yM0TK9c-00219-00228519-00229844 actually i wonder if this one shares an area with the other EsP0yM0TK9c-00220-00229844-00230304 oh well zipline EsP0yM0TK9c-00221-00230304-00230494 there's one alive like right behind me isn't there EsP0yM0TK9c-00222-00230494-00231052 ugh EsP0yM0TK9c-00223-00231052-00233210 all right so that's a shortcut right beside the elevator oh a face EsP0yM0TK9c-00224-00233210-00234746 oh cool good EsP0yM0TK9c-00225-00234746-00235669 i thought i'd have to kill someone for each face EsP0yM0TK9c-00226-00235669-00236410 honestly something bad is almost guaranteed to happen on this elevator ride but we'll EsP0yM0TK9c-00227-00236410-00237150 find out EsP0yM0TK9c-00228-00237150-00239842 stupid man thing you won't live long even if you run oh my god EsP0yM0TK9c-00229-00239842-00240976 can you come in here EsP0yM0TK9c-00230-00240976-00241085 she's confused on where to go EsP0yM0TK9c-00231-00241085-00241478 oh disappeared EsP0yM0TK9c-00232-00241478-00242280 all right EsP0yM0TK9c-00234-00245463-00246013 i don't want to say the ai's dumb but sometimes the ai does dump things EsP0yM0TK9c-00235-00246013-00246960 and so we can figure out where to go next because i'll have three of the things go to EsP0yM0TK9c-00236-00246960-00247690 the courtyard i don't know where forward takes me uh the opera hall i got that EsP0yM0TK9c-00237-00247690-00248294 huh i'm missing something in there EsP0yM0TK9c-00238-00248294-00249092 i bet i need to go to the hall of pleasure in the armory EsP0yM0TK9c-00239-00249092-00249219 that would make sense to me EsP0yM0TK9c-00241-00253394-00254005 please don't come this way oh [ __ ] EsP0yM0TK9c-00242-00254005-00254982 finished ethan winters [ __ ] EsP0yM0TK9c-00243-00254982-00255227 please EsP0yM0TK9c-00244-00255227-00256055 protect me EsP0yM0TK9c-00245-00256055-00256484 i should have known she was just going to patrol that route EsP0yM0TK9c-00246-00256484-00257551 oh god if she could stop seeking something with the stomping EsP0yM0TK9c-00247-00257551-00259263 oh that's right i put the um up grade someone i put an attachment on it yeah EsP0yM0TK9c-00248-00259263-00260407 i have 23 000 wow that's a lot of money we had some new items for you mr winters EsP0yM0TK9c-00249-00260407-00261432 how much is it to craft this mine to learn 3 500 i guess i can see why you'd be interested EsP0yM0TK9c-00250-00261432-00261827 in that wait oh i thought something new came up EsP0yM0TK9c-00251-00261827-00263256 this simple modification can be done in just a moment and how about some of this EsP0yM0TK9c-00252-00263256-00264350 i don't know oh it was a new trigger what are you buying thank you for your patronage EsP0yM0TK9c-00253-00264350-00264735 and save EsP0yM0TK9c-00254-00264735-00265370 all right so EsP0yM0TK9c-00255-00265370-00265874 where are we at on time all right i think that's probably where we're gonna end it here EsP0yM0TK9c-00256-00265874-00266976 next time we'll slap that uh mask in there i guess run to the hall of pleasure why would EsP0yM0TK9c-00257-00266976-00267445 why is that beside an armory EsP0yM0TK9c-00258-00267445-00268242 i'm not i don't know what's going to be in here and i'm terrified of what it could be EsP0yM0TK9c-00259-00268242-00268644 thank you guys so much for watching i hope you're enjoying resident evil 8 as always EsP0yM0TK9c-00260-00268644-00268749 be sure to come back next EsP0yM0TK9c-00261-00268749-00269009 and time will see you next video bye you EtkUGWVpvY8-00000-00000000-00000990 SCP-322 "Grow Your Own Castle" kit Object Class: Safe EtkUGWVpvY8-00001-00001130-00001426 Item #: SCP-322 EtkUGWVpvY8-00002-00001426-00001561 Object Class: Safe EtkUGWVpvY8-00003-00001561-00002202 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-322 is to be contained in a secure locker in Storage EtkUGWVpvY8-00004-00002202-00002302 Unit-3. EtkUGWVpvY8-00005-00002302-00002864 SCP-322 can be utilized for certain missions or for research, but a full length proposal EtkUGWVpvY8-00006-00002864-00003056 must be submitted and accepted. EtkUGWVpvY8-00007-00003056-00004067 Description: SCP-322 is a cardboard box, 60 cm (24 in) in width, 30 cm (12 in) in height, EtkUGWVpvY8-00008-00004067-00004662 and 15 cm (6 in) in depth, with the words "Grow Your Own Castle Kit" and a stylized EtkUGWVpvY8-00009-00004662-00005101 cartoon similar to those in circulation in the 1950's. EtkUGWVpvY8-00010-00005101-00005625 The box contains a small, very simple pamphlet, and a glass jar filled with large grains of EtkUGWVpvY8-00011-00005625-00005725 sand. EtkUGWVpvY8-00012-00005725-00006082 The pamphlet states a simple set of instructions, that, when followed correctly, will produce EtkUGWVpvY8-00013-00006082-00006182 a large castle. EtkUGWVpvY8-00014-00006182-00006604 An exact transcript of the manual is as follows: EtkUGWVpvY8-00015-00006604-00006704 Hey there kiddo! EtkUGWVpvY8-00016-00006704-00007038 So you want your own castle, but you don't want to waste your time imagining one? EtkUGWVpvY8-00017-00007038-00007234 Then this is the kit for you! EtkUGWVpvY8-00018-00007234-00007630 All you have to do is plant one of the specially made "Castle Seeds" somewhere where there's EtkUGWVpvY8-00019-00007630-00008002 a lot of free space, such as a field, under three feet of dirt! EtkUGWVpvY8-00020-00008002-00008214 Having trouble digging that all by yourself son? EtkUGWVpvY8-00021-00008214-00008680 Then convince an adult to help by promising him vassalage over some of YOUR soon to be EtkUGWVpvY8-00022-00008680-00008780 kingdom! EtkUGWVpvY8-00023-00008780-00008896 The next step is just as easy! EtkUGWVpvY8-00024-00008896-00009075 But just as important! EtkUGWVpvY8-00025-00009075-00009439 All you have to do is make sure you water your castle everyday at 12 o'clock for seven EtkUGWVpvY8-00026-00009439-00009539 days! EtkUGWVpvY8-00027-00009539-00009639 That's a week! EtkUGWVpvY8-00028-00009639-00009954 And make sure you do it too, otherwise it won't work, and then you're back at square EtkUGWVpvY8-00029-00009954-00010054 one! EtkUGWVpvY8-00030-00010054-00010378 Make sure you follow all the steps and you should have your very own castle in just seven EtkUGWVpvY8-00031-00010378-00010478 days! EtkUGWVpvY8-00032-00010478-00010721 Pretty nifty, huh sport? EtkUGWVpvY8-00033-00010721-00011207 When these directions are followed the result is a large stone fortress, including an inner EtkUGWVpvY8-00034-00011207-00011681 keep, a courtyard, and outer wall, in the location that the "seeds" were planted. EtkUGWVpvY8-00035-00011681-00012157 Placing more than one seed increases the size of the castle twofold per extra seed planted, EtkUGWVpvY8-00036-00012157-00012809 and the styles, (Romanesque, Baroque, Gothic, Kremlin, Shiro, et al) depend on the color EtkUGWVpvY8-00037-00012809-00013053 of the "seed" that has been planted. EtkUGWVpvY8-00038-00013053-00013531 On rare occasions, when a castle has formed, there is already a staff of servants within EtkUGWVpvY8-00039-00013531-00014144 utterly dedicated to the original planter, although they are often inhuman in appearance. EtkUGWVpvY8-00040-00014144-00014711 Additional Notes: The object was found in Orlando, Florida, in 19██, in the hands EtkUGWVpvY8-00041-00014711-00014991 of someone trying to turn it into an amusement park. EtkUGWVpvY8-00042-00014991-00015312 The item was confiscated and the person in question had their memory purged. EvIHauSMEG4-00000-00000000-00000050 . Ew3NjOUtWCg-00000-00000703-00002400 chorus Ew3NjOUtWCg-00003-00010503-00010703 tag EwBkDJDfi4M-00000-00000577-00001100 I'm Eli. I'm the founder and CEO of a company called Desmos and I want to EwBkDJDfi4M-00001-00001100-00001538 tell you a little bit about Desmos and the philosophy behind it and hopefully EwBkDJDfi4M-00002-00001538-00001970 ways that it could actually be useful to you in your classroom with your students. EwBkDJDfi4M-00003-00001970-00002416 So Desmos got its start about seven years ago completely by accident. EwBkDJDfi4M-00004-00002416-00003050 And the back story there is that I was a tutor in Westport Connecticut. Education EwBkDJDfi4M-00005-00003050-00003401 has been my thing for a very long time. And, for a long time I thought this EwBkDJDfi4M-00006-00003401-00003851 solution to education was tutoring, its one-on-one help. And, this is from reading EwBkDJDfi4M-00007-00003851-00004180 papers that showed how impactful those were. And, one of the things that I EwBkDJDfi4M-00008-00004180-00004748 realized very early on with my students, who I was tutoring, was that by giving EwBkDJDfi4M-00009-00004748-00005021 them a way to connect representations and to play, rather than mathematics EwBkDJDfi4M-00010-00005021-00005392 themselves, to put them in the driver's seat, the concepts that had formerly been EwBkDJDfi4M-00011-00005392-00005851 really difficult became much, much easier to picture. But, the other realization I EwBkDJDfi4M-00012-00005851-00006173 had is that I wanted this to be in the hands of every single student not just EwBkDJDfi4M-00013-00006173-00006595 in the hands of the kids that I was tutoring in Westport. And, so at the EwBkDJDfi4M-00014-00006595-00007142 beginning of 2012, launched the Desmos graphing calculator and committed from EwBkDJDfi4M-00015-00007142-00007463 the first day that we wanted it to be free. That we wanted it to be something EwBkDJDfi4M-00016-00007463-00007826 that every student could access wherever they were. And, if I'm being honest I had EwBkDJDfi4M-00017-00007826-00008213 no idea that it was gonna be a company. I had no idea that people were gonna want EwBkDJDfi4M-00018-00008213-00008762 it. And, within a few days of launching it and had thousands of people who are EwBkDJDfi4M-00019-00008762-00009224 using it, and, we realized that we found, we found a really fundamental pain that EwBkDJDfi4M-00020-00009224-00009659 a lot of people were feeling. Which is that graphing is such a critical, EwBkDJDfi4M-00021-00009659-00010295 critical part of so much of mathematics. And, handheld calculators were hard to EwBkDJDfi4M-00022-00010295-00010625 use but more importantly they're really expensive. And, this was a big barrier to EwBkDJDfi4M-00023-00010625-00011021 a lot of students who wanted to explore math. And, so for the last, for the last six EwBkDJDfi4M-00024-00011021-00011453 years we've just been laser focused on this idea of making this tool that EwBkDJDfi4M-00025-00011453-00011828 anyone can use on any device that they have. You just go to it in the browser. EwBkDJDfi4M-00026-00011828-00012437 And, at the same time trying to make it as easy and fun to use as possible. And, EwBkDJDfi4M-00027-00012437-00012875 we measure this really carefully and we watch students use it. And, my favorite EwBkDJDfi4M-00028-00012875-00013191 thing is when you put Desmos in front of a fourth or a fifth grader who EwBkDJDfi4M-00029-00013191-00013602 is just learning this stuff for the first time, and they type in something EwBkDJDfi4M-00030-00013602-00013980 and it works. And, then they feel like they're in charge. They feel like they're EwBkDJDfi4M-00031-00013980-00014406 the owner of the mathematics. Not that the mathematics is this black box that EwBkDJDfi4M-00032-00014406-00014919 isn't for them. One of our company values is this idea of works every time. We EwBkDJDfi4M-00033-00014919-00015281 think it's just so important, especially for students who are lacking in math EwBkDJDfi4M-00034-00015281-00015638 confidence. But they come, and they do something, and they feel like this tool EwBkDJDfi4M-00035-00015638-00016047 is working with them as opposed to being a scary complicated thing that they need EwBkDJDfi4M-00036-00016047-00016545 to read a substantial instruction manual for. I'm so, so, some fun statistics EwBkDJDfi4M-00037-00016545-00016989 about what we've seen happen with our success in that. This year, this school EwBkDJDfi4M-00038-00016989-00017348 year, about 50 million people are going to use Desmos from around the world. EwBkDJDfi4M-00039-00017348-00017856 We're now built into the state exams in 24 states and were built into the EwBkDJDfi4M-00040-00017856-00018345 digital SAT. And, all of this would this idea of making the tool that students EwBkDJDfi4M-00041-00018345-00018750 are able to practice on for free at home in the safety of wherever they want to EwBkDJDfi4M-00042-00018750-00019134 be learning math. But, it's the same thing that they use equitably when they come EwBkDJDfi4M-00043-00019134-00019485 into a high-stakes environment. So, that's been really gratifying. EwBkDJDfi4M-00044-00019485-00020040 We've also since expanded to support students and teachers in other ways. So, EwBkDJDfi4M-00045-00020040-00020541 we now have a team of just some of the strongest educators that we were able to EwBkDJDfi4M-00046-00020541-00021095 find. Led by a gentleman, Dan Meyer, with this idea of trying to build classroom EwBkDJDfi4M-00047-00021095-00021629 activities that let students be the creators. Let them think creatively. Let EwBkDJDfi4M-00048-00021629-00021998 teachers have deep insights into how students are thinking. So, kind of the EwBkDJDfi4M-00049-00021998-00022457 antithesis of every student in a box, typing numbers into boxes, and instead, EwBkDJDfi4M-00050-00022457-00022826 having students learning as a group, but, being the ones who are actually creating EwBkDJDfi4M-00051-00022826-00023279 the mathematics as they go. So, all of that is also free on EwBkDJDfi4M-00052-00023279-00023793 Would love if you, if you checked out those resources and if there's EwBkDJDfi4M-00053-00023793-00024098 anything that you think we can do to make those most work better for you or EwBkDJDfi4M-00054-00024098-00024567 for your students send us a note. We're on Twitter and we're on email and this EwBkDJDfi4M-00055-00024567-00024872 is how we improve. ExAqRr_Jr10-00000-00000000-00000576 oh everybody how do you like me now ExAqRr_Jr10-00001-00000840-00000936 i can't see shit ExAqRr_Jr10-00002-00001192-00001592 i wear glasses so these big eyeballs are killing me ExAqRr_Jr10-00003-00001823-00002096 who's out there who say hello i cannot see ExAqRr_Jr10-00004-00002264-00002776 i have to wear my glasses so guess what aliens now wear glasses hey there you go ExAqRr_Jr10-00005-00002776-00003472 how you doing beauty queen oh my gosh you are fucking so have you been following the storm ExAqRr_Jr10-00006-00003552-00003944 i know i like it with your glasses because with that reflection it looks like your eyes ExAqRr_Jr10-00007-00003944-00004872 glow i love it i sat there in about what was it like ExAqRr_Jr10-00008-00004928-00005784 15 minutes and did my makeup because i was the last minute show you know so hello ExAqRr_Jr10-00009-00006184-00006559 can you see everybody okay so what do y'all think ExAqRr_Jr10-00010-00006808-00007488 have i been abducted maybe in the mind anyway don't mind me while i smoke smoke if you got them ExAqRr_Jr10-00011-00007648-00008456 down how are you all doing out there i tried to follow some shit on the on the uh ExAqRr_Jr10-00012-00008456-00009040 thing about the area 51 stuff you know but i couldn't find anything only thing i found ExAqRr_Jr10-00013-00009040-00009760 was people broadcasting about it right like it was ridiculous i love how people are like oh ExAqRr_Jr10-00014-00009760-00010416 i didn't think people would really go i'm like really like hello of course people were gonna go ExAqRr_Jr10-00015-00010560-00011376 nah it's ridiculous no question mark what does that mean oh ExAqRr_Jr10-00016-00011376-00011960 you girls look amazing with no question mark you really think i look amazing oh my god ExAqRr_Jr10-00017-00012168-00012792 this was a really fast dude i'm not even kidding i know it it don't look all that great i was ExAqRr_Jr10-00018-00012792-00013272 watching that lady do it and i was like man she does it so good i just and then you sent me all ExAqRr_Jr10-00019-00013272-00013888 that stuff today let me tell you something i was looking at that going yeah no way i know ExAqRr_Jr10-00020-00014040-00014888 i didn't he is so excited oh my gosh no i'm sick so looking green is normal for me today ExAqRr_Jr10-00021-00015016-00015632 you know it sounds like sound great no i don't you know i don't feel sick like in my chest or nothing ExAqRr_Jr10-00022-00015632-00016032 i feel sick just like you know like when you're gonna get a fever kind of thing ExAqRr_Jr10-00023-00016032-00016319 i've been around sick kids for the last um ExAqRr_Jr10-00024-00016472-00017024 two weeks so that's what that's all about i want my chin to be pointy there you go ExAqRr_Jr10-00025-00017304-00017432 i never look so dang good ExAqRr_Jr10-00026-00017992-00018744 so what do you have you found anything about that i thought there's a couple hundred people ExAqRr_Jr10-00027-00018744-00019192 out there i noticed uh two of them got arrested today there was fifty that i've ExAqRr_Jr10-00028-00019192-00019784 got i i saw people got arrested earlier this week i like it better without the glasses ExAqRr_Jr10-00029-00019992-00020256 i keep staring at myself because i never look so good ExAqRr_Jr10-00030-00021088-00021376 i tried to get my google to play some scary music and um ExAqRr_Jr10-00031-00021464-00021904 i don't know what google considered scary music but she started playing some drums and awesome ExAqRr_Jr10-00032-00021992-00022576 sounded like 50s music you know what i mean uh yeah i did look better a few hours ago jax you ExAqRr_Jr10-00033-00022576-00023040 are very right like maybe an hour a half ago i didn't look like this green did i i was a little ExAqRr_Jr10-00034-00023040-00024104 sick looking but not this green because jack's just seen me had to you know help assist out okay ExAqRr_Jr10-00035-00024104-00024672 where's my little cover-up cover cover-up cover i can't find it there i got to do this for a second ExAqRr_Jr10-00036-00024672-00025384 one second i don't want to shut my camera off because that's just too complicated for me yeah ExAqRr_Jr10-00037-00026088-00026600 and everything else you would not believe it is full of makeup it's full of i don't ExAqRr_Jr10-00038-00026600-00027104 know what else my telephone dead tissues nail polish i mean just a bunch of crap this time ExAqRr_Jr10-00039-00027232-00027624 hey is that what you've got your face that you keep in your purse remember when you said you ExAqRr_Jr10-00040-00027624-00028368 keep a face on your purse yeah yes this is it yes i said this did come out of my purse and ExAqRr_Jr10-00041-00028368-00028864 wouldn't you know that it's just you know just in time for the storm just in time to fit in ExAqRr_Jr10-00042-00029080-00029480 you know we want to fit in in society and if they're all going to look like this ExAqRr_Jr10-00043-00029544-00030088 i'm going to make sure i'm first on that train get that that train's going to go my way i'm ExAqRr_Jr10-00044-00030088-00030512 going to be the conductor of this sucker because i you know zellner's doing the truth train and ExAqRr_Jr10-00045-00030512-00031216 stacy's the conductor of that sucker but i got the first seat on that baby too denise you don't look ExAqRr_Jr10-00046-00031216-00032080 like you that's what jack said you don't look like you no you know one of the um attacking harpers um ExAqRr_Jr10-00047-00032248-00032720 galaxy girls you know what i'm saying a galaxy girl that's what you look like ExAqRr_Jr10-00048-00032792-00033288 yeah i didn't aid in hair hold on i'll um i'll show you guys that cute stuff ExAqRr_Jr10-00049-00033368-00034064 i'll show you what i did to aiden earlier um what do you think catnip ExAqRr_Jr10-00050-00034064-00034712 glasses no muscles pointy chin no pointy chin see i can only see half my face unless i go like this ExAqRr_Jr10-00051-00034944-00035184 i go like this and i'm hiding behind denise's head ExAqRr_Jr10-00052-00035408-00035944 you're fucked up oh yeah i plan on getting more fucked up too fucking ExAqRr_Jr10-00053-00036136-00037072 well get down on it sister oh yeah oh i just needed a puff of my fruit fruit juice ExAqRr_Jr10-00054-00037320-00037760 you know you got you know what you look more alien than i do without my glasses you got ExAqRr_Jr10-00055-00037760-00038400 eyes up here eyes right here and eyes right here you got a nose that goes everything is in threes ExAqRr_Jr10-00056-00038624-00039048 your eyes are in threes your nose your mouth that's what i see without glasses ExAqRr_Jr10-00057-00039048-00039384 all right all right that's creepy ExAqRr_Jr10-00058-00039704-00039984 somebody better get on our oh there's somebody out there ExAqRr_Jr10-00059-00040136-00040592 okay what's that denise you want me to share that yeah click that okay i gotta put my glasses ExAqRr_Jr10-00060-00040592-00041512 on to do this so hang on professor alien is in town okay there we go there earlier ExAqRr_Jr10-00061-00041712-00042280 and i was looking up stuff to like for alien themed later he's like i want to be an alien ExAqRr_Jr10-00062-00042280-00042792 so i painted his face green and i was going to do his eyes all crazy but he didn't like me messing ExAqRr_Jr10-00063-00042792-00043376 around his eyes so i had to stop he's he looks like a little incredible hulk that's what often ExAqRr_Jr10-00064-00043376-00044080 said aidan's like i am not the incredible hawk daddy i am an alien and also a black ExAqRr_Jr10-00065-00044176-00044696 you look like the incredible hulk but okay but he wasn't looking he didn't like his eyes ExAqRr_Jr10-00066-00044696-00045248 so or he doesn't like me must like it felt weird on his eyes which i can relate to so ExAqRr_Jr10-00067-00045392-00046304 he did not like that but yep so that's all welcome willie min i can't say your name but ExAqRr_Jr10-00068-00046304-00046752 how about we just say rare movies and tv lover because i like that because i love rare movies ExAqRr_Jr10-00069-00046752-00047472 and i love tv welcome to the storm i am linda listening yeah you're gonna pick me up on the way ExAqRr_Jr10-00070-00047472-00047784 paul ExAqRr_Jr10-00071-00048576-00049200 i can't even with these people yeah i can't i can't even i hope i'm seeing the right ExAqRr_Jr10-00072-00049200-00049784 chat i just see a little bit such hi ginger locks mom how are you sweetie i love everyone it's hard ExAqRr_Jr10-00073-00049784-00050296 to see i'm just starting to see these chats so if it's is it slow for me then it must be huh ExAqRr_Jr10-00074-00050400-00050848 maybe i should pop out my other chat because this is just like way slow ExAqRr_Jr10-00075-00051136-00051384 you do whatever flips your skirt my friend ExAqRr_Jr10-00076-00051440-00051752 oh i don't have a skirt on i have a black body now don't you see ExAqRr_Jr10-00077-00051936-00052720 no pants that's good news no pants never no pants okay now that's is that no that's stream yards ExAqRr_Jr10-00078-00052808-00053272 okay uh i know you can still see me right can you still see me yeah you can still see i'll see you ExAqRr_Jr10-00079-00053272-00053872 okay i'm trying to be invisible you know that's in fact my friend jax says you know nobody's seen an ExAqRr_Jr10-00080-00053872-00054840 alien linda so why don't you just put your screen on and then talk and nobody sees you they'll think ExAqRr_Jr10-00081-00054840-00055432 i said yeah then i've been abducted so that's what i was kind of thinking i might be abducted ExAqRr_Jr10-00082-00055560-00055967 linda what do you think would happen to you if you were abducted like what do you think they do ExAqRr_Jr10-00083-00055967-00056432 to people if i don't know what instructions are real like what do you think they do ExAqRr_Jr10-00084-00056512-00057152 okay if if they are um well they probably don't speak and if they do ExAqRr_Jr10-00085-00057224-00057688 it's like with through their mind that's what i would think you know they're that far advanced ExAqRr_Jr10-00086-00057688-00058128 um and then i would just know what they want i guess i'm kind of going off of what other people ExAqRr_Jr10-00087-00058128-00058664 said too but okay what i think they do take your blood um poking you you know what i mean ExAqRr_Jr10-00088-00058664-00059072 make sure you work right i don't know x-ray you you know i don't know make you ExAqRr_Jr10-00089-00059072-00059416 i don't know stick you in a jar or something i don't know freeze you i don't really know ExAqRr_Jr10-00090-00059624-00060424 huh it's kind of scary to think that i know but i just wonder like what i don't know ExAqRr_Jr10-00091-00060424-00061016 just one of those things like if abductions are real like what what you know what kind of shit ExAqRr_Jr10-00092-00061176-00061312 will they probe you and ExAqRr_Jr10-00093-00061567-00062152 they pro they probe you and stuff right you know i don't know if that's right i don't i don't really ExAqRr_Jr10-00094-00062152-00063112 want to find out well what do you think they do i don't know you have no they would just have ExAqRr_Jr10-00095-00063112-00063736 a big-ass party and bring her back i don't know i'd ask i'd ask him if they smoke weed ExAqRr_Jr10-00096-00063936-00064160 can you smoke weed man let's smoke a blunt buddy ExAqRr_Jr10-00097-00064472-00065144 how about uh how do you feel about jealous clouds yeah you like hey maybe i could get them drunk ExAqRr_Jr10-00098-00065144-00065776 and then i could figure out stuff and take over take them over oh that's what i tried to do my ExAqRr_Jr10-00099-00065776-00066568 hostile takeover i would definitely really really love to go to a different like planet that would ExAqRr_Jr10-00100-00066568-00067072 be so cool dude i think that would be cool i would love to see like if it looked like this ExAqRr_Jr10-00101-00067072-00067576 one or if it'd be like you know something out of those movies where it's um you know they got like ExAqRr_Jr10-00102-00067576-00068136 your buildings are around and they're floating you know or you're just living a spaceship you know or ExAqRr_Jr10-00103-00068136-00068672 what i mean do they have a leader take me to your leader you know that kind of thing you ExAqRr_Jr10-00104-00068672-00069176 know what i mean i i definitely would ask him please don't hurt me do you have any medication ExAqRr_Jr10-00105-00069176-00069584 when you're gonna do whatever you're gonna do with me so i don't feel that shit because right ExAqRr_Jr10-00106-00069584-00070008 i don't i heard about him probing up your butt and all that kind of shit i don't you know i'm ExAqRr_Jr10-00107-00070008-00070616 not into that so i really would have to have some kind of medication can you numbs it for me please ExAqRr_Jr10-00108-00070808-00071320 hey what if they're into bleaching then what would you do oh my gosh well then i said hey you ExAqRr_Jr10-00109-00071320-00071736 know i've been down this road i've never really did it but i heard all about it it's a big thing ExAqRr_Jr10-00110-00071736-00072272 on earth you guys just catch it um you know and what color do you guys do dark green army green ExAqRr_Jr10-00111-00072520-00073256 is it gray white uh what is it oh my god you know i mean i bet i don't know they don't have no teeth ExAqRr_Jr10-00112-00073256-00073648 do they you know that's what i was thinking what do i do with my lips because you know ExAqRr_Jr10-00113-00073648-00074112 i can't cover them green you know so i'm thinking do they have lips do they talk i've never seen a ExAqRr_Jr10-00114-00074112-00074808 mouth on an alien i don't know um can you numbs it that's right penny i want to know can you numbs it ExAqRr_Jr10-00115-00074808-00075288 you know i mean i don't want a feeling of that stuff how do we know what they got they might ExAqRr_Jr10-00116-00075288-00075776 have cameras that are taking you know i mean i don't know maybe they go inside your lungs or ExAqRr_Jr10-00117-00075776-00076248 your eyeballs or who knows i mean maybe pop your stuff out get back in i don't have no clue ExAqRr_Jr10-00118-00076320-00076840 you know they got off a long finger my stuff is not removable to come back into my body ExAqRr_Jr10-00119-00076840-00077312 like once it's gone it's gone well maybe they can do that maybe they can make it go back in and out ExAqRr_Jr10-00120-00077312-00077768 you don't know how advanced they are maybe they can you know maybe they can make you a clone and ExAqRr_Jr10-00121-00077768-00078208 send you back to earth and then take your clone with you with them maybe that's what they do ExAqRr_Jr10-00122-00078352-00078704 so maybe they can get a gathering of people and then come down they all look normal ExAqRr_Jr10-00123-00078704-00079264 now you go more fun into this this is just coming out of the top of my head ExAqRr_Jr10-00124-00079432-00080000 well this is just thoughts of you asked me and it's coming out of my head it really is gotcha ExAqRr_Jr10-00125-00080000-00080440 i'm i'm there man i'm just one of them people that can you know think on a minute ExAqRr_Jr10-00126-00080536-00081232 i got a clone i got a this is heavy and hot can we imagine if linda was cloned oh god oh ExAqRr_Jr10-00127-00081232-00081856 lord the world would oh my gosh let's not torture anybody no i think it'd be great ExAqRr_Jr10-00128-00081912-00082552 why would anybody want two of me oh god we're moving that would be fantastic ExAqRr_Jr10-00129-00082552-00083304 what am i amazing at uh being a loudmouth crying every time i get excited i'm an emotional freaking ExAqRr_Jr10-00130-00083304-00083832 i you know what i'm a walking cloud when i meet people now aren't i denise i mean come on i cry ExAqRr_Jr10-00131-00083832-00084632 i'm a cumulus continual crying cloud i you know what i mean i'm like when i meet people so i you ExAqRr_Jr10-00132-00084632-00085048 know i mean gosh if i met some of these people that i talked to on here i would cry all the time ExAqRr_Jr10-00133-00085048-00085584 i cried when i seen you i gotta cry when i come to your house though i'mma say where's the party ExAqRr_Jr10-00134-00085856-00086320 when will bring tears to your eyes oh yeah wayne yes i will cry when i strut away and ExAqRr_Jr10-00135-00086320-00087296 yes i will brother wayne yeah brother from another mother two of you so one of you can ExAqRr_Jr10-00136-00087376-00087944 live near me ah you're so sweet catnitt you know what catnip i've been meaning to tell you this ExAqRr_Jr10-00137-00087944-00088392 for a while but you look like my daughter georgia i gotta put a picture of discord so you can see ExAqRr_Jr10-00138-00088392-00088968 what she looks like you and her look very similar i mean really it kind of freaks me out whenever ExAqRr_Jr10-00139-00088968-00089456 i go into discord and i see her picture there during my dms i'm like that looks like my daughter ExAqRr_Jr10-00140-00089656-00090208 that looks just like my daughter come on everybody let's party okay let's surf the internet and see ExAqRr_Jr10-00141-00090208-00091184 what we find about this doggone uh what is it storm area storm raid you know area 51 area 51 ExAqRr_Jr10-00142-00091616-00091648 i don't know ExAqRr_Jr10-00143-00092264-00092344 is that what they do ExAqRr_Jr10-00144-00093440-00093816 when i go really close like this you know what i look like that anonymous guy i don't like him ExAqRr_Jr10-00145-00093936-00094144 he stands for some fucked up shit ExAqRr_Jr10-00146-00094456-00094632 oh god that is really horrible ExAqRr_Jr10-00147-00095208-00095792 i can act like a fucking ass i'm gonna cry oh lord you're telling me ExAqRr_Jr10-00148-00095944-00096784 hey how you want to vote for me now oh yeah for real yeah you bet you're not ExAqRr_Jr10-00149-00098064-00098184 shit at all ExAqRr_Jr10-00150-00098656-00099856 hey mary how are you oh god oh yeah linda is this should be a even with you right now i gotta put ExAqRr_Jr10-00151-00099856-00100984 my hand up so i can't see your face uh oh my god uh oh there's layla is like what the hell mana ExAqRr_Jr10-00152-00101392-00101824 yeah linda is putting on the show she's been waiting to actually for a ExAqRr_Jr10-00153-00101824-00102384 long time so it's finally time okay i didn't stop the dog hi mary mary ExAqRr_Jr10-00154-00102480-00102944 how are you mary mary i don't know where linda is but i'm here ExAqRr_Jr10-00155-00103256-00103848 you want to say hi layla want to say hi oh you don't want to say hi oh you're so cute ExAqRr_Jr10-00156-00103848-00104424 they would love to always see you you're so cute my granddad was so sick for a second oh did you ExAqRr_Jr10-00157-00104424-00105232 when you gave her a hug yeah okay different goal paper gold paper go say hi get up here ExAqRr_Jr10-00158-00105440-00106040 there can you see her up sit up ah they can't see you are you out of the paper say hi denise ExAqRr_Jr10-00159-00106096-00107192 that's denise hi leila she goes are you gonna scare great grandma all right okay bye ExAqRr_Jr10-00160-00107344-00107744 see you later you go go get in your fluffy little bed and relax ExAqRr_Jr10-00161-00107920-00108272 yes i got to put that chat up here because this chat here ExAqRr_Jr10-00162-00108272-00108896 is really slow better yeah it's different right now you're what you're very sad right now why ExAqRr_Jr10-00163-00108983-00109735 hang on you guys uh-oh layla we can't have sad grandkids not at all all right let's ExAqRr_Jr10-00164-00109920-00110288 all right let's see what are these wackadoos up here doing ExAqRr_Jr10-00165-00110728-00110783 let's see ExAqRr_Jr10-00166-00111344-00112216 one arrested for public urination what an asshole ah only a small ExAqRr_Jr10-00167-00112216-00113583 crowd appears that's all right you knew people were gonna go which i think is hilarious ExAqRr_Jr10-00168-00113776-00115040 yeah child oh she don't want to leave love you she's mad mad at me oh well are you there denise ExAqRr_Jr10-00169-00115528-00116183 i'm having a laugh thank you hi ladies are ladies uh okay i got everybody in there yeah she's like ExAqRr_Jr10-00170-00116183-00116911 no no you need to spend time with me but yet all day long right no nana don't need no nana ExAqRr_Jr10-00171-00116911-00117648 you know what i mean but now she needs nana you go lay down i love you but gotta do this thing ExAqRr_Jr10-00172-00117735-00118456 anyway so okay guys what do you think aliens would do you can write it in the chat i'll read ExAqRr_Jr10-00173-00118456-00118920 it or denise will read it or some people read it but ah i i want to hear about these damn people ExAqRr_Jr10-00174-00119056-00119424 what else you find in denise anything interesting uh i'm not ExAqRr_Jr10-00175-00119424-00120024 one might set up an event actually in downtown vegas i guess down on fremont street with music ExAqRr_Jr10-00176-00120024-00120720 and alien themed beer on thursday so that was yesterday wow i gotta do that sorry guys ExAqRr_Jr10-00177-00120911-00121488 wait i gotta do that can't see my thing i'm just really a mess you know what this is definitely ExAqRr_Jr10-00178-00121488-00122200 ghetto budget okay so i guess that's the way it goes get a budget i think you look amazing ExAqRr_Jr10-00179-00122200-00122568 uh no i'm talking about what i'm doing with my dating screen and shit because i'm trying ExAqRr_Jr10-00180-00122568-00123080 to type and i can't do that like that you know i can't do it with the camera up i have to put ExAqRr_Jr10-00181-00123080-00123464 it down so i have some light because i have a red light going on in here and that's about it ExAqRr_Jr10-00182-00123464-00124216 you know okay i'm crazy and i i am nuts here's something i don't know what does everybody in ExAqRr_Jr10-00183-00124216-00124824 chat think you do what what do you guys think happens if you get uh if you were to get abducted ExAqRr_Jr10-00184-00125072-00125552 i would love to know what people think i didn't think linda had that many details but i was wrong ExAqRr_Jr10-00185-00125783-00126496 oh they got let me see oh fox news oh yeah alien believers in nevada ExAqRr_Jr10-00186-00126680-00127359 what happens here everything know about the storm wow they got protesters oh christ ExAqRr_Jr10-00187-00127511-00128008 oh lord they have all kinds of who's protecting this because it doesn't look like protester i ExAqRr_Jr10-00188-00128008-00128632 mean it just looks like a million people oh god bless america i mean i'm not even if i go ExAqRr_Jr10-00189-00128632-00129192 i could share it i suppose i don't know how to do that very well at the bottom it's a share screen ExAqRr_Jr10-00190-00129383-00129768 okay but i gotta get okay i gotta put this up first i don't wanna hear it ExAqRr_Jr10-00191-00129848-00130024 because if i play it i might get in trouble ExAqRr_Jr10-00192-00130192-00130976 uh forget you guy true shut up man there mute yourself okay uh put that on there and talking ExAqRr_Jr10-00193-00130976-00131504 way home he's gonna walk down here and be like what in the actual fuck are you two doing today ExAqRr_Jr10-00194-00131768-00132264 i didn't tell him a word okay i don't know how to do that i don't know how to do that ExAqRr_Jr10-00195-00132264-00132840 i'm not going to even try that's too confusing for me where were you you are on the right now ExAqRr_Jr10-00196-00132920-00133320 i was i was just on google just googled it just to see what was going on and there was ExAqRr_Jr10-00197-00133320-00133568 like a news thing there and they were talking about it you know what i mean ExAqRr_Jr10-00198-00133632-00134312 so i mean i'm just too too non-technical to do that kind of stuff no i'll uh thank you penny we ExAqRr_Jr10-00199-00134312-00135048 both look great i think i look hey maybe i could find me an alien man searching for an alien man ExAqRr_Jr10-00200-00135400-00136504 i think i need to smoke i am a mess i am a real what do you call me a hot mess mess hot mess ExRGY20qZtg-00000-00000149-00001592 Too Sunny right? Sikkapatte marre !! :D ExRGY20qZtg-00001-00007464-00007959 Hey guys!! Welcome back to Sakre Cubes. This is day 2 of my travel to Udupi. ExRGY20qZtg-00002-00008056-00008464 We came to Parampalli bridge which is also known as Wooden bridge. ExRGY20qZtg-00003-00008464-00009256 This is a beautiful offbeat place in Udupi. We started from the hotel at around ExRGY20qZtg-00004-00009256-00009616 10 o'clock in the morning. and we reached here by 10 30. ExRGY20qZtg-00005-00009616-00010120 It's around 25 kilometers from Udupi. So if you are coming from Udupi, you can take ExRGY20qZtg-00006-00010120-00010520 Karwar/Kundapura road, and after Saligrama you can take a left turn. And another five ExRGY20qZtg-00007-00010520-00011080 kilometers through countryside road you reach a dead end where you see this wooden bridge. ExRGY20qZtg-00008-00011080-00011464 Anyways I'll put the map's location in the description ExRGY20qZtg-00009-00011464-00012032 box below, you can definitely check it out. Basically, this is a dead-end after that there are ExRGY20qZtg-00010-00012032-00012616 private lands. Behind me is all the private lands, so there is no road connectivity as such here. ExRGY20qZtg-00011-00012696-00013608 This bridge is basically used by the locals crossing. There is also a river flowing ExRGY20qZtg-00012-00013663-00014096 on which this wooden bridge has been constructed. You can just walk around you can't really ExRGY20qZtg-00013-00014096-00014528 take the bike on this bridge but you can just walk across this bridge. ExRGY20qZtg-00014-00014528-00015016 It is really BEAUTIFUL, really photogenic !! You can get some amazing Instagram photos ExRGY20qZtg-00015-00015176-00015800 on this bridge. So currently, it's a little bit sunny now. We will try to take as many photos as ExRGY20qZtg-00016-00015800-00016368 possible if at all possible. You can see Smitha walking across the bridge. She looks like she ExRGY20qZtg-00017-00016368-00016808 is really enjoying being here :) Yeah anyways we'll spend some ExRGY20qZtg-00018-00016808-00017600 more time here and we'll go back. More about the bridge, I'll put it into the ExRGY20qZtg-00019-00017600-00018384 description box below. If you have any doubt you can just comment down below ExRGY20qZtg-00020-00030016-00030983 how to drink ExRGY20qZtg-00021-00032752-00032802 FAIL :D E_zT-JdsxII-00000-00000016-00000672 Increased heart disease due to PPSD, or Post-pandemic Stress Disorder. There’s E_zT-JdsxII-00001-00000672-00001200 been a news article article floating about in Australia titled, “New ‘disorder’ striking down E_zT-JdsxII-00002-00001200-00001792 healthy people. Up to 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due E_zT-JdsxII-00003-00001792-00002552 to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD) warn physicians”. “Experts say ‘post-pandemic stress E_zT-JdsxII-00004-00002552-00003112 disorder’ could lead to rise in heart disease. Experts have warned that a new disorder linked E_zT-JdsxII-00005-00003112-00003656 to the Covid-19 pandemic could lead to a massive rise in heart disease and deaths”. E_zT-JdsxII-00006-00003728-00004176 Mark Rayner, a former senior National Health Service psychological therapist, E_zT-JdsxII-00007-00004176-00004664 said that “everyone really urgently needs to get their heads around PPSD”. E_zT-JdsxII-00008-00004664-00005304 He claimed that “as many as three million people in Britain were already suffering from PPSD” E_zT-JdsxII-00009-00005304-00005880 and warned it “could result in a dramatic rise in health issues such as coronary heart failure”. E_zT-JdsxII-00010-00005952-00006416 As many of you might know, a series of healthy soccer players and athletes have been collapsing E_zT-JdsxII-00011-00006416-00007056 recently from heart-related issues, perhaps PPSD? It should be noted, according to the article, that E_zT-JdsxII-00012-00007112-00007584 “Post-pandemic stress disorder is not yet an officially recognised mental health condition”. E_zT-JdsxII-00013-00007648-00008144 It’s strange, we’ve just had the world’s biggest vaccination campaign and lots of people have been E_zT-JdsxII-00014-00008144-00008648 given the opportunity to get their boosters. Surely, everyone is in a good frame of mind now E_zT-JdsxII-00015-00008648-00009256 knowing that the pandemic is drawing to a close? Why then are so many people suffering from PPSD? E_zT-JdsxII-00016-00009256-00009832 I just don’t get it. They’ve had their vaccines. They’re happy. They’re now protected from covid, E_zT-JdsxII-00017-00009832-00010336 but yet, they are still getting post-pandemic stress disorder and are keeling over from coronary E_zT-JdsxII-00018-00010336-00010872 heart disease. It just boggles the mind that as we become a more highly vaccinated society, E_zT-JdsxII-00019-00010872-00011376 that is, as we become more happy knowing that vaccination is the way out of the pandemic, E_zT-JdsxII-00020-00011376-00011896 we still have these deep down emotional issues causing us PPSD and heart failure. E_zT-JdsxII-00021-00011968-00012376 Just a quick reminder to all my listeners to go out and get their booster shots so we E_zT-JdsxII-00022-00012376-00012784 can end this pandemic as soon as possible. Thank you for your commitment to health. E_zT-JdsxII-00023-00012896-00013368 In other news, yesterday a couple of flights of fully-vaccinated people came into Queensland E_zT-JdsxII-00024-00013368-00013976 carrying the virus. “New case has passengers in quarantine for Christmas, airports on alert. E_zT-JdsxII-00025-00013976-00014568 All passengers who travelled on two packed Virgin Australia flights the day Queensland’s border E_zT-JdsxII-00026-00014568-00015247 reopened have been ordered into quarantine after a fellow traveller tested positive for COVID-19. The E_zT-JdsxII-00027-00015247-00015919 directive on Tuesday night means the people who flew Newcastle to Brisbane at lunchtime on Monday, E_zT-JdsxII-00028-00015919-00016456 and Brisbane to Townsville soon after, will spend Christmas in quarantine”. Unsurprisingly, E_zT-JdsxII-00029-00016456-00017064 this caused a massive uproar. “Anna backflips after huge backlash. Dozens of flight passengers E_zT-JdsxII-00030-00017064-00017664 who faced spending Christmas in isolation will now be released from hotel quarantine in Queensland. E_zT-JdsxII-00031-00017664-00018032 It turns out when people get angry, the virus becomes less infectious. E_zT-JdsxII-00032-00018096-00018568 Now it turns out that only fully-vaccinated passengers who sat in close proximity to the E_zT-JdsxII-00033-00018568-00019104 infected passenger will be forced to quarantine for the full 14 days missing out on Christmas with E_zT-JdsxII-00034-00019104-00019624 their families, with the other fully-vaccinated passengers deemed close contacts and ordered to E_zT-JdsxII-00035-00019624-00020288 get tested and isolate until a negative result is returned. Phew! I’m glad we sorted that mess out. E_zT-JdsxII-00036-00020352-00020920 In other Christmas news coming out of Merry Old England, Tory aides were having a merry old time E_zT-JdsxII-00037-00020920-00021512 at a Christmas party last year at Tories' Westminster HQ. “Extraordinary image shows E_zT-JdsxII-00038-00021512-00022168 'raucous' Christmas party thrown by Tory aides in lockdown breach with 24 people crowded together E_zT-JdsxII-00039-00022168-00022720 in a room in the Tories' Westminster HQ”. While they were off partying, the rest of the UK were E_zT-JdsxII-00040-00022720-00023264 battling a surge in cases of the Delta strain where mixing of more than two people from two E_zT-JdsxII-00041-00023264-00023784 households indoors was banned. People weren’t allowed to make any physical contact with their E_zT-JdsxII-00042-00023784-00024264 grandparents locked in aged care facilities and were only allowed to communicate through a E_zT-JdsxII-00043-00024264-00024904 thick piece of covid-resistant glass. If it's any consolation, all of these people in this photo E_zT-JdsxII-00044-00024904-00025695 probably got very, very sick, or may even have been hospitalised with covid <holds back laugh>. E_zT-JdsxII-00045-00025695-00026783 Anyway, from all of us hear at Tory HQ – MERRY CHRISTMAS! EE5BS63YQ7A-00000-00000000-00000600 hey everybody welcome back today to retro tech and i am excited to bring you the special edition crt EE5BS63YQ7A-00001-00000600-00001032 market watch that's right we're back it's been almost an entire year since i've actually done a EE5BS63YQ7A-00002-00001032-00001672 market watch episode and a lot of people have been really requesting this and thankfully i had kind EE5BS63YQ7A-00003-00001672-00002432 of a little bit of a mishap last weekend where i injured my foot in a boating kind of incident it's EE5BS63YQ7A-00004-00002432-00003008 like it was just a little john boat and i kind of hurt my foot and thankfully nothing was broken but EE5BS63YQ7A-00005-00003008-00003432 it did put me out of commission on working on crts for a couple days so it's some time to do some EE5BS63YQ7A-00006-00003432-00004008 heavy duty research for you into the market of crt specifically we're going to be looking at EE5BS63YQ7A-00007-00004008-00004576 sony pvms so let's just go ahead we're going to get started today and i will show you what we're EE5BS63YQ7A-00008-00004576-00005288 getting into first off we're going to be looking at pro crt sales from ebay in north america this EE5BS63YQ7A-00009-00005288-00005816 is pretty much only going to be ebay again just in north america anything that i could almost EE5BS63YQ7A-00010-00005816-00006568 find and pretty much solidly verify was included it's from the data is from the summer of 2021 EE5BS63YQ7A-00011-00006568-00007112 the last three or four months sales are tracked in u.s dollars we're going to highlight specific EE5BS63YQ7A-00012-00007112-00007640 monitor sales that have happened i've got a lot of details including pictures of listing EE5BS63YQ7A-00013-00007640-00008008 and the actual listings and then finally we're going to round things off by looking at some EE5BS63YQ7A-00014-00008008-00008712 market trends analysis and again all these are just ebay listings i know i had a lot of people EE5BS63YQ7A-00015-00008712-00009168 comment about other monitors that they had purchased outside of ebay but i just wanted this EE5BS63YQ7A-00016-00009168-00009744 to be very easy to track anybody wanted to go back and verify these sales can most likely find these EE5BS63YQ7A-00017-00009744-00010176 and so let's just go ahead and get into it now usually i like to start with some of the lower EE5BS63YQ7A-00018-00010176-00010512 end monitors but we're just going to go ahead and jump right into the big bad boys that's the EE5BS63YQ7A-00019-00010512-00011152 sony bvmcrt sales now these are typically the most expensive crts we'll find sold so let's EE5BS63YQ7A-00020-00011152-00011728 look at what we have here to start off with i want to show you some of the d9s that have sold EE5BS63YQ7A-00021-00011728-00012256 basically since july and we're looking at a total of six sales now the sales prices EE5BS63YQ7A-00022-00012256-00012912 are all over the place the the lowest price is at the bottom which was an h1u which that would not EE5BS63YQ7A-00023-00012912-00013544 include normally a control unit that's just the one that is only the monitor and doesn't tend to EE5BS63YQ7A-00024-00013544-00014176 have any of these controls on it the h5 is the one that has the controls like in the pictures here EE5BS63YQ7A-00025-00014176-00014832 and their big deal on the price difference here it all has to do with the condition the accessories EE5BS63YQ7A-00026-00014888-00015640 and the hours uh so each one of these was listed as working but there were differences in quality EE5BS63YQ7A-00027-00015640-00016240 that made the prices be different so that's pretty much all there was for those d series nine inch EE5BS63YQ7A-00028-00016240-00016944 ones and let's move into some bigger ones we had four decent 14 inch sales that were verifiable now EE5BS63YQ7A-00029-00016944-00017352 the interesting thing to me is the first two and these are the most recent ones you'll see EE5BS63YQ7A-00030-00017352-00018216 are a 14 f5 views and that's what i've got in the picture here at the top is an a 14 f5 u and that EE5BS63YQ7A-00031-00018328-00018728 monitor is selling for easily over a thousand dollars you even have one here for fifty over EE5BS63YQ7A-00032-00018728-00019448 fifteen hundred dollars and those do not include the rgb card those only include usually the sdi EE5BS63YQ7A-00033-00019448-00019936 card some of them may include the most expensive may include the 61d but i'm not even sure about EE5BS63YQ7A-00034-00019936-00020688 that and the other two are the d series monitors so those do support rgb and those tend to sell EE5BS63YQ7A-00035-00020688-00021240 for a little bit less now again the h1u is the one without a controller and the five is the one that EE5BS63YQ7A-00036-00021240-00021896 does have the controls along the sides so just note and here right here is a picture of that h1u EE5BS63YQ7A-00037-00021896-00022528 and it actually included a controller an external controller you'll want to make sure when you're EE5BS63YQ7A-00038-00022528-00023224 buying these monitors to pay attention to what bezel is inside of them so there's a 16x9 bezel EE5BS63YQ7A-00039-00023224-00023776 that does cut off some of the picture and then there's a 4x3 bezel also now those bezels are not EE5BS63YQ7A-00040-00023776-00024304 as rare as the d9 bezels the d9 seems to be it's very difficult to get that four by three bezel EE5BS63YQ7A-00041-00024360-00024992 this one the af 14 inch is a much more universal bezel insert so it doesn't matter which EE5BS63YQ7A-00042-00025072-00025504 monitor you got your bezel from you can insert it in any one of these 14 inch bvms EE5BS63YQ7A-00043-00025600-00026000 now let's look at the bigger ones first off we've got some 20 inch ones that i want to EE5BS63YQ7A-00044-00026000-00026624 highlight the 20g that was sold on october 1st for 900. so it's interesting to me you EE5BS63YQ7A-00045-00026624-00027295 could still find some 20-inch monitors going for about the same price as uh some of those EE5BS63YQ7A-00046-00027383-00027968 smaller monitors the only thing here is that october first one was a pickup so you're still EE5BS63YQ7A-00047-00027968-00028480 going to be looking at pickups as being the biggest money saver same thing with that 1900 EE5BS63YQ7A-00048-00028544-00029216 and that's listed on september 13th and then we do have some big sales so we have a 20f that sold for EE5BS63YQ7A-00049-00029216-00029976 1800 a d24 that sold for 4 800 plus and i say plus because it includes freight shipping and that's EE5BS63YQ7A-00050-00029976-00030416 the same thing with the d20 i'm going to show you some pictures of those but just so you know EE5BS63YQ7A-00051-00030416-00031016 this picture right here is that 1900 that sold so it was working but it was another pickup but again EE5BS63YQ7A-00052-00031016-00031656 that's a great price for a bvm that's working is 475 as long as there's not to burn in it EE5BS63YQ7A-00053-00031656-00031983 and since it's a pickup you're definitely gonna have an opportunity to take a look at it before EE5BS63YQ7A-00054-00031983-00032544 ahead of time so that person those two people got incredible deals on bigger pvms for the most part EE5BS63YQ7A-00055-00032544-00033048 and then let's see if we can't look at some of these uh bigger sales first off i want to show you EE5BS63YQ7A-00056-00033048-00034080 the d20 and this is a 20 inch game monitor listing this is from the uh famous save on pat that's who EE5BS63YQ7A-00057-00034080-00034488 actually sold this one you could see the location here huntington beach california and then the EE5BS63YQ7A-00058-00034488-00035168 pictures this was one of them that save on pat had sold it had two bids four thousand dollars and EE5BS63YQ7A-00059-00035168-00035768 then it also includes freight which freight costs were probably depending on where you had to get EE5BS63YQ7A-00060-00035768-00036216 this ship to that could be four or five hundred dollars on top of that and then there's the forty EE5BS63YQ7A-00061-00036216-00037128 eight hundred dollar d24 e1 wa now this was listed as a wu but it's a wa so the difference there EE5BS63YQ7A-00062-00037128-00037760 would be the u is a universal and it comes with a universal power supply that goes from 120 volts EE5BS63YQ7A-00063-00037760-00038360 and it will even do the 240 volts i believe now just so you know i'm doing this for my memory so EE5BS63YQ7A-00064-00038360-00038816 if i'm wrong on that one please feel free to leave a comment correctly but i believe that's correct EE5BS63YQ7A-00065-00038816-00039568 the a is a region that has a higher voltage only i think like australia maybe i'm not positive on EE5BS63YQ7A-00066-00039568-00040480 that one or asia but it needs a 200 plus volt power source so uh if you were to buy this one EE5BS63YQ7A-00067-00040480-00041128 and you were not in these i'm going to guess it's an asian for the a but since this was sold in out EE5BS63YQ7A-00068-00041128-00041712 of hong kong that's going to need that step up transformer which you can get on like amazon EE5BS63YQ7A-00069-00041712-00042176 or ebay you can get a good step up transformer for about a hundred dollars just so you know EE5BS63YQ7A-00070-00042176-00043192 to use with those bvms that might only support power that is again over the 110 20 volts that EE5BS63YQ7A-00071-00043192-00043856 is standard in the american power supply now we're going to jump over to sony pvm crt sales we've got EE5BS63YQ7A-00072-00043856-00044432 a heck of a lot more data for these numbers we're going to start with the illustrious 8-inch pvm EE5BS63YQ7A-00073-00044520-00045208 these are all 8-inch rgb pvm sails and i've got them broke up down by month to month here EE5BS63YQ7A-00074-00045296-00046032 and we had three sales in october eight sales in september nine in august three sales in july EE5BS63YQ7A-00075-00046032-00046592 and if you want to pause it and take a look at any of these pricing uh figures right here this EE5BS63YQ7A-00076-00046592-00047328 will show you all those sales exact numbers we got nine l two listed eight zero four five q EE5BS63YQ7A-00077-00047328-00047888 four four q and four one q i will tell you that the four five q does have a higher tv line count EE5BS63YQ7A-00078-00047888-00048464 on the tube and a higher resolution pretty much and that's why you'll notice that it tends to EE5BS63YQ7A-00079-00048464-00049624 sell for a lot more than the others most of the 44 and 41qs were going between 180 to 250 EE5BS63YQ7A-00080-00049624-00050096 maybe and then the eight zero four five q's were going for more but the nine l two sometimes if EE5BS63YQ7A-00081-00050096-00050392 you should look out for those those are pretty good if you're looking for one they only think EE5BS63YQ7A-00082-00050392-00050952 about those is you do need a 129x clone card or regular card to get rgb and component support EE5BS63YQ7A-00083-00050952-00051528 out of that monitor i want to show you the biggest eight inch sales first off and what you'll notice EE5BS63YQ7A-00084-00051528-00052200 about these is they're all going to be listed as working tested and the majority of them were EE5BS63YQ7A-00085-00052200-00052879 not only in really good shape but they include included some high quality custom cases for them EE5BS63YQ7A-00086-00052879-00053304 and those are pictured here two different ones let's look a little bit closer at this listing EE5BS63YQ7A-00087-00053304-00053904 first off this one was one that was a bid eight zero four five q uh eight inch and it came with EE5BS63YQ7A-00088-00053904-00054528 again that great case that zipped up case it had some cables that went with it and this one went EE5BS63YQ7A-00089-00054528-00055191 for just over four hundred dollars total when you combine the shipping and the bid costs and then EE5BS63YQ7A-00090-00055272-00055696 another one that just went for a lot of money i was really surprised at this one too now this was EE5BS63YQ7A-00091-00055696-00056384 probably because it was listed again as tested and if you look at this listing it's kind of unique so EE5BS63YQ7A-00092-00056440-00056888 props to the lister here because they managed to get a really high rate for their monitor almost EE5BS63YQ7A-00093-00056888-00057591 460 dollars which is more than i've probably ever sold at eight inch for uh so kudos and EE5BS63YQ7A-00094-00057591-00058112 then we've got another one here that went for 13 bids all these are those eight zero four five qs EE5BS63YQ7A-00095-00058112-00058712 and this one again included another nice case just like the last one uh but again almost 600 EE5BS63YQ7A-00096-00058712-00059352 for this little one and that's just incredible so that's just some of the eight inch monitor sales EE5BS63YQ7A-00097-00059352-00060072 let's move up to the bigger format which is the 13 inch screen but it will be listed as a 14 or 13 in EE5BS63YQ7A-00098-00060072-00060632 the number series uh we're going to look just at the 13s here that were in the united states but EE5BS63YQ7A-00099-00060632-00061152 this is this 13 series could have a 14 if you were in europe or a different region in front EE5BS63YQ7A-00100-00061152-00061728 of it instead of that 13. so just take note of that if you're looking for a pvm as long as the EE5BS63YQ7A-00101-00061728-00062200 numbers that are on the second half of that match then it's going to be pretty much the same model EE5BS63YQ7A-00102-00062296-00063064 so we've got all kinds of different 13-inch model series here we've got 12 total sales and the one EE5BS63YQ7A-00103-00063064-00063855 that's listed for the lowest is a pickup of 161. that was a 1390 and it is this one pictured right EE5BS63YQ7A-00104-00063855-00064448 above my head here with the gauntlet screen so that's even better that it was tested EE5BS63YQ7A-00105-00064448-00065064 and so that was the one that was the low sale the high sale would have been 563 dollars a EE5BS63YQ7A-00106-00065064-00065744 shift 1354q which is the other pictured monitor here so we're looking at these 13-inch models now EE5BS63YQ7A-00107-00065744-00066240 this is a wide range of models but you've got basically the 4 series the 5 series EE5BS63YQ7A-00108-00066240-00066960 a couple of 90s but the most of them are fours and fives so the fours and fives all support uh EE5BS63YQ7A-00109-00066960-00067560 rgb and some of them will support components some of them will have better support for additional EE5BS63YQ7A-00110-00067560-00068240 inputs and higher line counts on the tubes than others but they all for the most part are rgb EE5BS63YQ7A-00111-00068240-00068880 monitors with a couple more features nice really good starter monitors but they are averaging about EE5BS63YQ7A-00112-00068880-00069824 360 dollars on those 12 sales so let's move on here's a look at this 1351q that sold for 471. EE5BS63YQ7A-00113-00069880-00070592 and it was uh pictured with games on it this one was a little bit more another mcom EE5BS63YQ7A-00114-00070592-00070936 inc listing here a lot of people who've been searching online for EE5BS63YQ7A-00115-00071000-00071656 pvms or bvms will run into their listings no doubt they've been selling out of new jersey for years EE5BS63YQ7A-00116-00071712-00072336 and they tend to sell their monitors for pretty close to the market rate and the higher end on EE5BS63YQ7A-00117-00072336-00073024 that market rates just be aware that they do tend to list their monitors honestly most of EE5BS63YQ7A-00118-00073024-00073544 the time from what i can tell so that's good but they are going to be up there in price generally EE5BS63YQ7A-00119-00073616-00074176 let's get into the meat potatoes now which is the m series of the 14 inch it's the most popular one EE5BS63YQ7A-00120-00074256-00074832 and you'll see that just by the number of sales listings here now i want you to take a look you EE5BS63YQ7A-00121-00074832-00075520 see that october first one that i've got a towel or marked off bought by rt i actually bought EE5BS63YQ7A-00122-00075520-00076016 two of those i forgot to put down the second one but you saw that unboxing video was 260 EE5BS63YQ7A-00123-00076016-00076680 plus the little bit of tax i had to pay and that was a good deal but the lowest deal wasn't even EE5BS63YQ7A-00124-00076680-00077392 that it was a pickup on september 6th for 148 dollars but man there were some really really EE5BS63YQ7A-00125-00077392-00077960 expensive ones m4s if you have a good m4 there were plenty of those that were going for over 900 EE5BS63YQ7A-00126-00078032-00078784 so it's still a monitor that sells a lot and let's look at some of the higher end sales again first EE5BS63YQ7A-00127-00078784-00079600 off an m2 that had free shipping but it went for 600 dollars from california another listing that EE5BS63YQ7A-00128-00079600-00080504 was tested but did not show any game pictures here we have a 14m for you for 8.95 from kentucky plus EE5BS63YQ7A-00129-00080504-00081032 shipping there so that's going to get you the 900 range for that monitor another good working 14 and EE5BS63YQ7A-00130-00081032-00081512 for you now this one has pictures of it working so this one should have sold probably pretty easily EE5BS63YQ7A-00131-00081512-00082048 it was a bad one and you can tell again getting into that nine hundred dollar range so if we look EE5BS63YQ7A-00132-00082048-00082568 at these sales there's quite a bit again of the m2 we've got 13 total sales over five thousand EE5BS63YQ7A-00133-00082568-00083200 dollars in just this one monitor and our sales price surprisingly not is a little bit higher than EE5BS63YQ7A-00134-00083200-00083944 the 13 and 14 series we just talked about which is it's just over 400 average price on the m2 EE5BS63YQ7A-00135-00083944-00084344 and i told you the lowest sale was just under 150 for a pickup and the highest sale was at 600 EE5BS63YQ7A-00136-00084408-00084880 if we look at the 14m for you there's less sales but there's always less listings of this monitor EE5BS63YQ7A-00137-00084880-00085416 those sales totaled 3538 dollars with average sales price of 708. EE5BS63YQ7A-00138-00085416-00086080 lowest sale being the highest being 9 12. that's a pretty big swing right there if someone pays half EE5BS63YQ7A-00139-00086080-00086720 the price that someone else does for the m4 and if we just go back to look at those sales what times EE5BS63YQ7A-00140-00086720-00087576 those took place the m4 was way more recent that third 395 that was on september 30th so that's EE5BS63YQ7A-00141-00087576-00088016 an incredible deal to find so if you find those deals where somebody i'm sure listed EE5BS63YQ7A-00142-00088016-00088496 as a buy it now you've got to just pounce on it be ready to get it and hopefully it gets shipped to EE5BS63YQ7A-00143-00088496-00089096 you in one decent piece now 14 l2s there were some sales of this we had six of those monitors sold EE5BS63YQ7A-00144-00089096-00089464 and i was kind of surprised to see the price jump on this monitor because EE5BS63YQ7A-00145-00089464-00090136 personally i don't think the l2 is any better than the m series and i would prefer personally EE5BS63YQ7A-00146-00090192-00091056 just me i actually like the 1353 md over this monitor and i definitely like both the m series EE5BS63YQ7A-00147-00091056-00091568 monitors over this monitor but since it is newer and it's an l series it's the younger EE5BS63YQ7A-00148-00091640-00092384 or i mean it's more like the cheaper version of the l5 where they kind of just dropped all the EE5BS63YQ7A-00149-00092384-00093056 high res tube at the support for 480p and up resolution this is just an analog only monitor but EE5BS63YQ7A-00150-00093136-00093784 again we've got sales and 700 range 600 range and then a couple in the 400 range EE5BS63YQ7A-00151-00093784-00094392 this was one of the sales that went for about the highest 660 almost that's pretty pretty wild EE5BS63YQ7A-00152-00094464-00095208 it's not the highest but it's one of them so the lowest was 454 average sale price of 635 that EE5BS63YQ7A-00153-00095208-00095920 is really just too high almost considering you could get an m2 or uh m4 sometimes for EE5BS63YQ7A-00154-00095920-00096560 almost that same price so here's that 19 inch pvm sales getting into those bigger screens not EE5BS63YQ7A-00155-00096560-00097216 a whole lot of movement here not a whole lot of listings uh we had some 1954 cues that were sold EE5BS63YQ7A-00156-00097216-00097944 for 900 almost 750 almost and then 1600 i don't know what happened where somebody sometimes just EE5BS63YQ7A-00157-00097944-00098600 gets so enamored with one of these that they would pay them a sixteen hundred dollars for just a 1954 EE5BS63YQ7A-00158-00098600-00099448 q but that did happen here is a look at that sales listing uh used very good condition like new is EE5BS63YQ7A-00159-00099448-00100096 listed from close to me somewhere in virginia for almost sixteen hundred dollars just in incredible EE5BS63YQ7A-00160-00100240-00100944 20 m2 and m4 and l2 sales again not a huge amount of these 20 inch crts EE5BS63YQ7A-00161-00100944-00101424 moving right now and i think it's probably because there's just a lack of availability EE5BS63YQ7A-00162-00101496-00101960 and a lot of people don't want to ship these which i don't even recommend shipping them unless you're EE5BS63YQ7A-00163-00101960-00102480 only going to do it by freight because you're looking at a pretty high chance of a ground EE5BS63YQ7A-00164-00102480-00103040 shipment carrier breaking your monitor no matter how well you pack it now the 20 m2s we've got EE5BS63YQ7A-00165-00103120-00103664 the first four listings were 20 and twos now i do want you to notice that the lowest one on there it EE5BS63YQ7A-00166-00103664-00104144 really wasn't a sale that most people would want it was a pickup only and it was a parts listing EE5BS63YQ7A-00167-00104200-00104783 where it didn't totally work right the other ones are more normal what you'd see for about that 800 EE5BS63YQ7A-00168-00104783-00105208 price range and i did not mention this at the beginning of the video but i should have not EE5BS63YQ7A-00169-00105208-00105624 really any of these outside of maybe one or two has actually been serviced the one listing at EE5BS63YQ7A-00170-00105624-00106183 the beginning by save on pat which was the d20 was surfaced but outside of that one monitor i don't EE5BS63YQ7A-00171-00106183-00106583 believe any of these other ones were actually serviced and i didn't see that in the listing so EE5BS63YQ7A-00172-00106583-00106992 i'm assuming that this again is unserviced so you get these and you could still need to have them EE5BS63YQ7A-00173-00106992-00107552 service uh so just be aware of that when you're looking at a lot of these so those are those EE5BS63YQ7A-00174-00107616-00108520 m2 prices one m4 525 for pickup again this is just like that m4 that was sold for 395. this EE5BS63YQ7A-00175-00108520-00109320 is one that went on line and it was 5 25. buy it now local pickup and it's just somebody happened EE5BS63YQ7A-00176-00109320-00109800 to be within either the town or driving distance there that really wanted it and if it would have EE5BS63YQ7A-00177-00109800-00110328 been again like myself that's the kind of listing i would have gone after if i would have been EE5BS63YQ7A-00178-00110328-00110824 say four or five hours driving away from this listing and i found it and it was working and EE5BS63YQ7A-00179-00110824-00111335 then you had a 20 l2 again these else l2 series they're just selling for a lot more right now EE5BS63YQ7A-00180-00111464-00112104 a new old stock listing for three thousand dollars that's just crazy kind of both that EE5BS63YQ7A-00181-00112104-00112535 it was a new old stock and that sold for three thousand dollars i couldn't really believe it and EE5BS63YQ7A-00182-00112535-00113072 then we had another one for almost one thousand let's look at just the 20 m2s look at some sales EE5BS63YQ7A-00183-00113072-00113768 averages here we've got a total of 27 55 on the sale so for sales average sales price is 689 EE5BS63YQ7A-00184-00113856-00114448 and the lowest again was a pickup for repair a lot of these looked just like this the listings looked EE5BS63YQ7A-00185-00114448-00114952 pretty much like this where it's a warehouse setting someone's come across one and lists it EE5BS63YQ7A-00186-00114952-00115408 and they generally list it for a price because they they only show this one screen where it's EE5BS63YQ7A-00187-00115408-00116144 barely where you know it's just the menu screen and then here is this bought new it's listed as EE5BS63YQ7A-00188-00116144-00116768 20 l2 and it's obviously i mean it even needs a calibration for uh geometry there from nebraska EE5BS63YQ7A-00189-00116904-00117496 even has shipping charges there of 144 dollars so again congratulations i'll be able to move EE5BS63YQ7A-00190-00117496-00118040 this but it shows you that the price on these sometimes it's really condition dependent and EE5BS63YQ7A-00191-00118040-00118792 it can jump let's look at something that i call my uh secret pvm here and i i still EE5BS63YQ7A-00192-00118880-00119768 can manage to find these for decent deals you can even see where i bought that july 22nd oev202 EE5BS63YQ7A-00193-00119768-00120256 that's the one that's pictured on this slide with me i did do that unboxing video for this EE5BS63YQ7A-00194-00120256-00120728 monitor where i showed you how it was poorly packed i do know the one that was a 201 that EE5BS63YQ7A-00195-00120728-00121359 was sold above it was sold by the same seller and that one was destroyed in shipping so that person EE5BS63YQ7A-00196-00121359-00122040 did have to go through a return and got their money back and uh mine arrived safe but these EE5BS63YQ7A-00197-00122096-00122911 obviously sell for a lot less money we've got a bunch of 20 inches there the 203 is an pvm EE5BS63YQ7A-00198-00122911-00123680 20 m2 mdu so you're even getting the better m2 if you go for this olympus that's what that one EE5BS63YQ7A-00199-00123680-00124392 is the 143 is a 14 inch model of that and then the 203 is down here now the 202 is a sony pvm EE5BS63YQ7A-00200-00124464-00125464 1953 md and the oev201 that's not a trinitron at all that's actually a panasonic monitor and it has EE5BS63YQ7A-00201-00125464-00126344 a shadow mask tube and it is older than the other two series on there and here's just another look EE5BS63YQ7A-00202-00126344-00126959 at these olympus monitors now we'll warn you that rarely are they ever listed with gaming pictures EE5BS63YQ7A-00203-00126959-00127648 these tend to be picked up by and resold by medical supply recyclers and they will most of the EE5BS63YQ7A-00204-00127648-00128248 time just have a picture of the monitor powered on and they'll show just like this the menu EE5BS63YQ7A-00205-00128248-00128944 and not only that i liked how like both these uh listings had reflections of the guys listed them EE5BS63YQ7A-00206-00128944-00129335 in there so i thought that was kind of funny so if you pause that you can actually see the dudes EE5BS63YQ7A-00207-00129335-00129911 uh bouncing the light off there off that glass and getting themselves in the picture so that was kind EE5BS63YQ7A-00208-00129911-00130456 of funny now before we jump all the way down i went one too far let's take a look at the sony pvm EE5BS63YQ7A-00209-00130456-00131104 multi-format sales because i think this is one of the more important uh listings and sales to show EE5BS63YQ7A-00210-00131104-00131768 you the l5 l5 is becoming one of the most sought after pvms and i just want you to notice there EE5BS63YQ7A-00211-00131768-00132328 were six sales in there but there's a gap where these things come into stock and sometimes they EE5BS63YQ7A-00212-00132328-00132768 come into stock right after each other and then they sell and then there's a gap where there's EE5BS63YQ7A-00213-00132768-00133368 just none available and then it seems like they'll come back in stock in bunches but the pricing here EE5BS63YQ7A-00214-00133368-00133912 was anywhere from twelve hundred dollars up to nineteen hundred almost and all of them are EE5BS63YQ7A-00215-00133912-00134448 listed as good working the average price is almost sixteen hundred dollars that doesn't surprise me EE5BS63YQ7A-00216-00134536-00135200 and almost ten thousand dollars in total sales so let's look at one of these 1405 listings this EE5BS63YQ7A-00217-00135200-00136008 would have been one that was 18.75 and it does have the goofy side bars on it which are pretty EE5BS63YQ7A-00218-00136008-00136632 much useless unless you want to rack mount the thing uh it did include shipping and it did have EE5BS63YQ7A-00219-00136632-00137360 a test screen up there of your stmp color bars so that's pretty impressive right there 34 bids and EE5BS63YQ7A-00220-00137360-00138008 that was where somebody probably took advantage of the gap in availability on this monitor and so EE5BS63YQ7A-00221-00138008-00138536 uh kudos again to them from a big sale let's look at the 20 l5 sales because this one EE5BS63YQ7A-00222-00138536-00139328 it was actually intriguing to me to see so many not only listed but sell and if we just look at EE5BS63YQ7A-00223-00139328-00140008 the pricing here going back to july 9th you know we have nine sales but they're going from 20 500 EE5BS63YQ7A-00224-00140008-00140744 pretty much all the way up to 3 100 and the vast majority of those were pickup only the ones EE5BS63YQ7A-00225-00140744-00141216 that were the four that were the most expensive that don't have a pu or pickup beside them were EE5BS63YQ7A-00226-00141216-00142088 shipped and those did tend to add a higher fee for shipping and again if i don't know the average is EE5BS63YQ7A-00227-00142088-00142528 obviously not correct there because it would be much higher that must have been the average from EE5BS63YQ7A-00228-00142528-00143208 the 1405s but the average price is obviously about twenty seven hundred dollars right now EE5BS63YQ7A-00229-00143208-00143680 maybe twenty eight hundred dollars on that monitor let's look at some of the better EE5BS63YQ7A-00230-00143680-00144312 sales this was a local pickup that had pictures of 480p running on the screen had a lot of the EE5BS63YQ7A-00231-00144376-00145000 240p test suite shots on there again pickup only it's obviously somebody who's got a collection of EE5BS63YQ7A-00232-00145000-00145664 pvms because i see a nice jvc monitor over here as well as some other type of trinitron down here pvm EE5BS63YQ7A-00233-00145760-00146360 from san jose california lots of these are listed out there 2 500 all right here's EE5BS63YQ7A-00234-00146360-00147016 another one this is from el paso texas and this one included a travel case so that's EE5BS63YQ7A-00235-00147016-00147504 very nice that it has that high quality travel case you can see it's sitting on it right there EE5BS63YQ7A-00236-00147576-00147920 and this is another person i feel like probably has more than one of these monitors because i'm EE5BS63YQ7A-00237-00147920-00148248 seeing other cases in the background so that's probably a sign that they've got EE5BS63YQ7A-00238-00148328-00148944 either collector offloading an extra or something but again that's a high priced one EE5BS63YQ7A-00239-00149136-00149912 other crt monitor sales there really wasn't a whole lot to talk about here there was a couple EE5BS63YQ7A-00240-00149912-00150864 but not a whole lot pretty much irrelevant sales in kagami there was a 14-17 r it does support 240p EE5BS63YQ7A-00241-00150864-00151792 and 480i and it does have rgb component the ikagamis can be a little bit more hit or miss EE5BS63YQ7A-00242-00151792-00152440 on just how the screen looks it really depends on how they were used this one was just a lower crop EE5BS63YQ7A-00243-00152440-00152920 cost one so 369 shipped that's a pretty good price now the one i want to show you is the one in the EE5BS63YQ7A-00244-00152920-00153320 other picture this beautiful picture right here this i mean one of the most beautiful looking EE5BS63YQ7A-00245-00153320-00154072 monitors the jvc dtv 1710 cg multi format now that is i believe that's a 16 inch tube EE5BS63YQ7A-00246-00154152-00154576 and that one sold for almost or just over 2 700 i want to show you that listing because EE5BS63YQ7A-00247-00154576-00155056 i really liked it it's from forest hills new york again a fellow gamer had a lot of excellent EE5BS63YQ7A-00248-00155288-00155616 excellent excellent pictures and a fantastic listing EE5BS63YQ7A-00249-00155696-00156032 this is one of the most descriptive and detailed listings i've ever seen EE5BS63YQ7A-00250-00156096-00156752 and it was sold pretty recently from what i can remember no yes august it still might be available EE5BS63YQ7A-00251-00156752-00157168 on ebay so if you want to go back and you're in the united states go back and find this you can EE5BS63YQ7A-00252-00157168-00157712 see all this incredible details this person knew a lot about this monitor and um i just EE5BS63YQ7A-00253-00157712-00158384 love it i love how it says victor up here and dtv it just has a really cool looking front on there EE5BS63YQ7A-00254-00158448-00159096 that's one that i've never gotten but it's one that i'd like to eventually get obviously someday EE5BS63YQ7A-00255-00159096-00159480 and work on it so let's take a look at some key analysis and takeaways my goodness we looked at EE5BS63YQ7A-00256-00159480-00160376 104 pro crt sales analyze prices they're still going up they're not really going down and uh EE5BS63YQ7A-00257-00160376-00160872 now i will mention this it does seem from a lot of the data i looked at that we did have a price peak EE5BS63YQ7A-00258-00160944-00161624 towards the summer months where it was july and then early august and then it's cooled a little EE5BS63YQ7A-00259-00161624-00162464 bit so the prices have appeared on a lot of um analog pvms on ebay to have gone down a little EE5BS63YQ7A-00260-00162464-00162968 bit maybe from their peak again in july and august and september and october there seemed to be more EE5BS63YQ7A-00261-00162968-00163640 reasonable sales that month but the multi-format crts have increased in price pretty exponentially EE5BS63YQ7A-00262-00163712-00164112 all of those are getting harder and harder to get and they're definitely more desirable EE5BS63YQ7A-00263-00164168-00164720 and a lot of those are pushing a price point of almost three thousand dollars just to start on a EE5BS63YQ7A-00264-00164720-00165480 20-inch one and then if you're looking at a lot of those 14-inch ones the a-series is expensive the EE5BS63YQ7A-00265-00165480-00166080 1405 is expensive uh the best chance you might get to find a deal for some reason people just don't EE5BS63YQ7A-00266-00166080-00166656 buy the d14 as much and it since tends to sell for a little bit less now i do feel that it is EE5BS63YQ7A-00267-00166712-00167408 not as good of a monitor to me as the a series if you get an a series with martin's 68x clone card EE5BS63YQ7A-00268-00167408-00168000 that's going to be better monitor most the time than the d9 i feel like and i know that again EE5BS63YQ7A-00269-00168000-00168400 that might just be a little bit of a personal thing i just like the way it's constructed it's EE5BS63YQ7A-00270-00168400-00168952 constructed more along the lines of the older bvms the d14 was kind of its own little thing EE5BS63YQ7A-00271-00168952-00169432 it's more of a modified almost it's kind of like a hybrid it's what i consider compared to EE5BS63YQ7A-00272-00169432-00170128 the a series and then the fg all the other ones and the e series that would have been other bvms EE5BS63YQ7A-00273-00170128-00170816 before the d that came out the best deals are still always local sales there are plenty of EE5BS63YQ7A-00274-00170816-00171496 other ways to find deals and find sales and find places you know to buy these than just ebay so EE5BS63YQ7A-00275-00171496-00172016 definitely look on other marketplaces i find a lot of these things on facebook sometimes under their EE5BS63YQ7A-00276-00172016-00172664 marketplace in my area you know you could also look on craigslist still offer up and other sales EE5BS63YQ7A-00277-00172664-00173184 groups we do have sales groups on my patreon that we all share listings if we're not buying them EE5BS63YQ7A-00278-00173264-00173728 so there's still opportunities out there and there again all of them are always going to be local and EE5BS63YQ7A-00279-00173728-00174256 you're definitely going to re take away all the risk or nearly all the risk there when you get a EE5BS63YQ7A-00280-00174256-00174840 local sale because you can go test the monitor and you don't have to ship it good things come EE5BS63YQ7A-00281-00174840-00175376 to the persistent random great deals are available on ebay i think i have proven that over the summer EE5BS63YQ7A-00282-00175376-00176008 by buying in the last quarter three different pvms and now they do need some level of work EE5BS63YQ7A-00283-00176008-00176576 and i'm capable of that so that's a little bit of fortunate for me obviously but if you're EE5BS63YQ7A-00284-00176576-00177280 handy and you again can use a lot of the tools that i've provided in their documentation online EE5BS63YQ7A-00285-00177280-00178088 and you have experience working on electronics you can get a decent deal on a pvm restored monitors EE5BS63YQ7A-00286-00178088-00178656 will sell for more than these prices if you have a restored monitor and you want to sell it on ebay EE5BS63YQ7A-00287-00178656-00179352 you should consider these prices and you know go a little bit over that i i just it's worth more EE5BS63YQ7A-00288-00179352-00179808 if you have one even if it's just a deflection cap kit that's been done and it's been cleaned EE5BS63YQ7A-00289-00179864-00180472 it should go for more than what the normal rate is for something that's not been touched really EE5BS63YQ7A-00290-00180472-00181128 other than to power tested or just a little bit of light testing done supplies are extremely limited EE5BS63YQ7A-00291-00181128-00181912 and larger and better monitors are hard to find we could see that and when they were available they EE5BS63YQ7A-00292-00181912-00182432 were sold you could see a lot of less 20 inches there weren't even a whole lot of sales over 20 EE5BS63YQ7A-00293-00182432-00183080 inches on ebay not very many at all and there's just not a lot of listings on there anymore and EE5BS63YQ7A-00294-00183080-00183768 not for pvms bvms and other high-end monitors most top end monitors again they won't be shipped EE5BS63YQ7A-00295-00183768-00184232 and that's a probably a good thing and if they are shipped again we need to go freight on all those EE5BS63YQ7A-00296-00184320-00185184 because there's a huge risk of always having your stuff damaged by a ground shipment company but hey EE5BS63YQ7A-00297-00185184-00185936 guys look that's the whole uh shebang for this quarters look at some of the numbers uh please EE5BS63YQ7A-00298-00185936-00186624 if you have any specific pvm or bvm you want to look at you know go back through the presentation EE5BS63YQ7A-00299-00186624-00187312 freeze it and take a look at that data take a snapshot and then compare it to what you're seeing EE5BS63YQ7A-00300-00187312-00187832 as far as things that are coming available for sale in october november and december this year EE5BS63YQ7A-00301-00187832-00188184 and just try to take these tips learn this knowledge and make an EE5BS63YQ7A-00302-00188184-00188704 informed best decision for yourself because obviously like i said there's a wide spectrum EE5BS63YQ7A-00303-00188704-00189088 on some of these sales where there's not a big difference in quality sometimes EE5BS63YQ7A-00304-00189088-00189496 or there is a big difference in quality sometimes you don't really know unless you actually get in EE5BS63YQ7A-00305-00189496-00189992 there and research these listings a lot don't be afraid to reach out to the sellers and try to get EE5BS63YQ7A-00306-00190072-00190496 more data from them if they're not going to give you a lot of data don't be afraid to let EE5BS63YQ7A-00307-00190496-00191200 the deal pass and wait for something else i feel like patience is still a big helping point and EE5BS63YQ7A-00308-00191200-00191840 finally i'm going to give you a little plug here for my patreon page if you need help with further EE5BS63YQ7A-00309-00191840-00192408 tips on specific listings you i have plenty of patreon members that send me listings asking EE5BS63YQ7A-00310-00192408-00192936 me what i think about things as far as like a sale price for a monitor they also like to know EE5BS63YQ7A-00311-00193048-00193512 what i think of the condition of the monitor is a fair deal what will it need after they buy it EE5BS63YQ7A-00312-00193568-00194496 and we also again have the network in my private discord that we share our listings that we find EE5BS63YQ7A-00313-00194496-00195248 and again that could be all over the internet and all over the world for pvms bvms and other crts EE5BS63YQ7A-00314-00195248-00195744 it's a pretty awesome crt community so thank you again to all the people that have supported this EE5BS63YQ7A-00315-00195744-00196216 channel through the years and are part of that thank you again to you for watching this extremely EE5BS63YQ7A-00316-00196216-00196872 long and detailed analysis of our crt market i will see you all next time let me give you EE5BS63YQ7A-00317-00196872-00197328 actually before i jump off here a little preview of what you got coming up i do have a restoration EE5BS63YQ7A-00318-00197328-00197968 coming on a 14 l5 monitor that should be out after this one and then i think after that we'll have EE5BS63YQ7A-00319-00197968-00198480 a pvm that i bought for incredibly cheap off ebay but man it's a it's a pretty good story EE5BS63YQ7A-00320-00198480-00199336 so it's like a 13 43 md one of those really old no service menu monitors so it's probably going EE5BS63YQ7A-00321-00199336-00199712 to need a lot of work thank you again i'll see you all next time with some more retro content EEtMyNXVtOU-00000-00001218-00001800 Chocolate and a generation doll back for my jeep. EEtMyNXVtOU-00001-00001850-00001938 Hmm.. a lollipop! EEtMyNXVtOU-00002-00001938-00002252 A cheap chocolate bar or something , maybe. EEtMyNXVtOU-00003-00002622-00002748 Spain! EEtMyNXVtOU-00004-00002748-00003260 A holiday. Where would you go? London! EEtMyNXVtOU-00005-00003260-00003460 A new bedroom. EEtMyNXVtOU-00006-00003552-00003846 Agh... a hen! EEtMyNXVtOU-00007-00004032-00004192 Donald Trump EEtMyNXVtOU-00008-00004192-00004346 Trump EEtMyNXVtOU-00009-00004346-00004546 Donald Trump EEtMyNXVtOU-00010-00004546-00004700 Dad! EEtMyNXVtOU-00011-00004928-00005014 Never! EEtMyNXVtOU-00012-00005014-00005214 When I'm twenty. EEtMyNXVtOU-00013-00005214-00005414 When I go to college. EEtMyNXVtOU-00014-00005414-00005614 Never, I don't know. EEtMyNXVtOU-00015-00005676-00005880 Hmmm... EEtMyNXVtOU-00016-00006010-00006144 April! EEtMyNXVtOU-00017-00006406-00006572 Nobody! EEtMyNXVtOU-00018-00006572-00006738 Mom. EEtMyNXVtOU-00019-00006788-00006986 Ha! my piggy bank! EEtMyNXVtOU-00020-00007176-00007376 Credit Union! EHocipUnrk0-00000-00000380-00000729 Devine ce que c'est (Depuis le monde microscopique) EHocipUnrk0-00001-00000777-00000972 Devinette Nᵒ14 EHocipUnrk0-00002-00000991-00001262 Vous avez 30 Secondes pour deviner ce que c'est EHocipUnrk0-00003-00001276-00001576 Pret ? EHocipUnrk0-00004-00002404-00002839 Besoin d'un indice? Vous aimez changer ma couleur EHocipUnrk0-00005-00003708-00004130 Besoin d'un indice? Nous sommes plus de 100 000 EHocipUnrk0-00006-00004563-00004782 Le temps est ecoule ! La reponse est... EHocipUnrk0-00007-00004834-00005134 Les cheveux EHocipUnrk0-00008-00005400-00005666 Merci d'avoir regardé, si vous avez aimé cette vidéo, laissez un pouce bleu EHocipUnrk0-00009-00005748-00006419 N'oubliez pas de vous abonner. A bientot (sur Youtube ou Tik tok) -Une nouvelle video chaque semaine -Un quiz tous les mois EHXcpdGNWC0-00000-00000003-00000476 so I've been off my mental health meds for about a month now and in this video EHXcpdGNWC0-00001-00000476-00000813 I'm gonna talk a little bit about what my experience has been with that and EHXcpdGNWC0-00002-00000813-00001332 give you some suggestions as well that's a little bit of hope so make sure that EHXcpdGNWC0-00003-00001332-00001818 you stay tuned what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we EHXcpdGNWC0-00004-00001818-00002373 talk about the problem but focus on the solution so yeah all right not only make EHXcpdGNWC0-00005-00002373-00002724 mental health videos but I struggle with mental illness I've been diagnosed with EHXcpdGNWC0-00006-00002724-00003225 depression and a generalized anxiety disorder I was a full-blown drug addict EHXcpdGNWC0-00007-00003225-00003696 an alcoholic and I've shown some other symptoms from some other illnesses so I EHXcpdGNWC0-00008-00003696-00004257 have been on medications for a while now now before I get started before I get EHXcpdGNWC0-00009-00004257-00004914 started before you dive into this video big fat disclaimer right here big EHXcpdGNWC0-00010-00004914-00005564 disclaimer listen carefully okay I am NOT a doctor I am NOT a doctor I am EHXcpdGNWC0-00011-00005564-00006014 the furthest thing from a doctor okay and what I'm going to talk about I EHXcpdGNWC0-00012-00006014-00006486 need you to understand very carefully coming off of my mental health EHXcpdGNWC0-00013-00006486-00007223 medications for depression and anxiety I did it with a doctor's supervision never EHXcpdGNWC0-00014-00007223-00007925 ever ever ever ever change or adjust your meds on your own always do it with EHXcpdGNWC0-00015-00007925-00008350 a doctor are we good on that we're good we're good EHXcpdGNWC0-00016-00008350-00008745 also please please please and share this video one of the reasons I'm making this EHXcpdGNWC0-00017-00008745-00009104 video is because a lot of people who just started on these medications think EHXcpdGNWC0-00018-00009104-00009456 that they're gonna be on them forever and I'm here to tell you that that is EHXcpdGNWC0-00019-00009456-00009861 not always the case so please share this with other people who might be bummed EHXcpdGNWC0-00020-00009861-00010227 out that there are medications because they may not have to be on them forever EHXcpdGNWC0-00021-00010227-00011310 okay thanks okay so yeah when I first got clean over five years ago I was EHXcpdGNWC0-00022-00011310-00011879 having a lot of racing thoughts and panicky and heart racing all the EHXcpdGNWC0-00023-00011879-00012332 symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety no clue what was happening I went I got EHXcpdGNWC0-00024-00012332-00012707 diagnosed and all that good stuff they found out I had a generalized anxiety EHXcpdGNWC0-00025-00012707-00013062 disorder as well as some minor depression okay EHXcpdGNWC0-00026-00013062-00013518 so they gave me a medication called escitalopram which is a generic form of EHXcpdGNWC0-00027-00013518-00014061 lexapro and this is used as an antidepressant as well as an EHXcpdGNWC0-00028-00014061-00014835 anti-anxiety medication but anyways I've been on it for the most part for about EHXcpdGNWC0-00029-00014835-00015534 five and a half years so there has been times in which I have weaned myself off EHXcpdGNWC0-00030-00015534-00016011 of it gone back on again with the doctor's supervision but I've been back EHXcpdGNWC0-00031-00016011-00016548 on it for maybe a year and a half now before I got off of it I will make some EHXcpdGNWC0-00032-00016548-00017145 other videos about why I jumped back on the medication at another time for about EHXcpdGNWC0-00033-00017145-00017514 a year now and I follow up with my doctor regularly and she knows I am a EHXcpdGNWC0-00034-00017514-00017940 drug addict in recovery she knows about my mental illness like I have somebody EHXcpdGNWC0-00035-00017940-00018558 who like hates doctors I have never liked doctors but my doctor is a bomb EHXcpdGNWC0-00036-00018558-00019086 okay and she's very well versed in mental health and all that kind of stuff EHXcpdGNWC0-00037-00019086-00019752 too so my my life was going pretty well so a few months ago maybe three or four EHXcpdGNWC0-00038-00019752-00020079 months ago I talked to her about it and I was like what do you think about me EHXcpdGNWC0-00039-00020079-00020466 weaning back down on the medication and she says you know she asked me some EHXcpdGNWC0-00040-00020466-00020802 questions about my life my feelings and stuff like that and I'm and she's like EHXcpdGNWC0-00041-00020802-00021240 yeah I don't think there's an issue with you going down from 20 milligrams to 10 EHXcpdGNWC0-00042-00021240-00021831 milligrams so I'm like okay cool so I did that now there's a few reasons why I EHXcpdGNWC0-00043-00021831-00022353 personally do this um one of them is kind of like what I said when I told you EHXcpdGNWC0-00044-00022353-00022908 to share this video I don't like being attached to a medication but I know how EHXcpdGNWC0-00045-00022908-00023298 important it is I just don't want to take anything that I don't have to a lot EHXcpdGNWC0-00046-00023298-00023703 of this for me personally comes from being a prescription drug addict okay EHXcpdGNWC0-00047-00023703-00024126 like it's just this weird part of my brain while I'm just like I don't like EHXcpdGNWC0-00048-00024126-00024548 having to be on something but if I don't maintain my mental health I'm gonna EHXcpdGNWC0-00049-00024548-00024885 relapse oh you know what I mean so it's it's always this kind of struggle EHXcpdGNWC0-00050-00024885-00025431 alright so if I don't have to take it I won't take it the other thing is too a EHXcpdGNWC0-00051-00025431-00025863 lot of antidepressants have side effects you know what I mean like I won't get EHXcpdGNWC0-00052-00025863-00026160 into the ones I have like one of them is just EHXcpdGNWC0-00053-00026160-00026627 kind of like a numbness you know what I mean like sometimes I lack emotions so EHXcpdGNWC0-00054-00026627-00027095 like that's one of the side effects and I just preferred to get off of it if I EHXcpdGNWC0-00055-00027095-00027525 could you know what I mean so anyways I went down to ten milligrams EHXcpdGNWC0-00056-00027525-00027870 I've been on until 10 milligrams for you know I was doing that for two or three EHXcpdGNWC0-00057-00027870-00028335 months what do you think about me getting off of it she talked to me a EHXcpdGNWC0-00058-00028335-00028706 little bit more about how my wife's were going to have these symptoms of anxiety EHXcpdGNWC0-00059-00028706-00029100 and I have it you know and that was after going for 20 milligrams down to 10 EHXcpdGNWC0-00060-00029100-00029508 milligrams so she's like yeah you should be fine coming off of it again I'm like EHXcpdGNWC0-00061-00029508-00030114 okay cool so I just I stopped taking it I will say this I'm going to link to the EHXcpdGNWC0-00062-00030114-00030597 lost connections video I did up in the info card this was a depression EHXcpdGNWC0-00063-00030597-00031127 experiment I did based on the lost connections book by Johann Hari and like EHXcpdGNWC0-00064-00031127-00031554 that book really opened my eyes to antidepressants and I just want to be EHXcpdGNWC0-00065-00031554-00031977 honest with you like when I was listening to it and learning about the EHXcpdGNWC0-00066-00031977-00032295 studies learning about the real effects of these drugs and how much they EHXcpdGNWC0-00067-00032295-00032667 actually do help and don't help and things like that that was one of the EHXcpdGNWC0-00068-00032667-00033051 things that made me be like okay look I just want to come off this and see how I EHXcpdGNWC0-00069-00033051-00033516 actually feel right so it's been about a month now I wanted to wait until it was EHXcpdGNWC0-00070-00033516-00034026 about four weeks here's what I suggest for anybody who tries to do this okay EHXcpdGNWC0-00071-00034026-00034437 one of the most difficult things about mental illness like if you break your EHXcpdGNWC0-00072-00034437-00034929 arm you can see broken harm you can tell my arm is broken EHXcpdGNWC0-00073-00034929-00035376 okay when it comes to mental illness the biggest problem with mental illness is EHXcpdGNWC0-00074-00035376-00035919 that it's inside here it is inside the thing that thinks and makes us act and EHXcpdGNWC0-00075-00035919-00036510 respond so what that means is if we start acting wacky if we start acting a EHXcpdGNWC0-00076-00036510-00037053 little weird if we start acting overly irritable angry withdrawn all these EHXcpdGNWC0-00077-00037053-00037542 things sometimes we won't notice it so my suggestion to you is to do what I did EHXcpdGNWC0-00078-00037542-00038181 and what I always do when either getting on or off of medication I tell people EHXcpdGNWC0-00079-00038181-00038700 what I'm doing and I tell them that I need them to let me know if I start EHXcpdGNWC0-00080-00038700-00039159 acting differently so in this case I told my girlfriend and my best friend EHXcpdGNWC0-00081-00039159-00039611 I said hey went to the doctor I'm coming medications if I start acting crazy EHXcpdGNWC0-00082-00039611-00040269 please let me know because I might not realize it so that is my biggest EHXcpdGNWC0-00083-00040269-00040632 suggestion for anybody who wants to come off something or if you're going to EHXcpdGNWC0-00084-00040632-00041223 start taking something new okay so like please get other people to kind of EHXcpdGNWC0-00085-00041223-00041775 monitor you because you might not realize it all right all the time with EHXcpdGNWC0-00086-00041775-00042228 my clients at my rehab they come off their medication and they just they'll EHXcpdGNWC0-00087-00042228-00042621 fly off the handles and they'll just be so irritable so upset and and they don't EHXcpdGNWC0-00088-00042621-00043032 understand it which makes them even more frustrated and and they don't get that EHXcpdGNWC0-00089-00043032-00043506 it was because of the medications so so we often have to point it out to them EHXcpdGNWC0-00090-00043506-00043818 I actually had one of my clients come apologize to me because he was off he EHXcpdGNWC0-00091-00043818-00044118 went off his meds and didn't tell anybody and it kind of freaked out on me EHXcpdGNWC0-00092-00044118-00044451 one day and he came back and apologized said you know I went off my meds I'm EHXcpdGNWC0-00093-00044451-00045057 really sorry about that bad anyways the results are you know over the last four EHXcpdGNWC0-00094-00045057-00045629 weeks that I haven't been taking my medication I feel great I feel amazing EHXcpdGNWC0-00095-00045629-00046266 anxiety hasn't hit me depression hasn't been there you know I have my ups and EHXcpdGNWC0-00096-00046266-00046773 downs but it's not depression symptoms it's like oh man I had a rough day or EHXcpdGNWC0-00097-00046773-00047301 something sad happened or you know what I mean like just normal human emotions EHXcpdGNWC0-00098-00047301-00047712 you know what I'm saying hey Mike for me like I said my generalized anxiety EHXcpdGNWC0-00099-00047712-00048408 disorder is like severe whereas my depression is low and my anxiety has has EHXcpdGNWC0-00100-00048408-00049241 not been there which is insane it's really crazy because I should be anxious EHXcpdGNWC0-00101-00049241-00049557 constantly with what's going on in my life right now like I don't know if you EHXcpdGNWC0-00102-00049557-00049962 guys understand this but like those of you who are my loyal subscribers you see EHXcpdGNWC0-00103-00049962-00050421 how many videos I post if you follow me on Instagram by the way follow me on EHXcpdGNWC0-00104-00050421-00051045 instagram at the rewired soul if you don't thank you but hey like I do so EHXcpdGNWC0-00105-00051045-00051503 much for the rewired soul on top of that I also work in a drug and alcohol rehab EHXcpdGNWC0-00106-00051503-00052111 my responsibilities at my rehab have I've gotten more because my old boss she EHXcpdGNWC0-00107-00052111-00052483 transitioned to a new department so I've taken on a lot of her responsibilities I EHXcpdGNWC0-00108-00052483-00052966 have a lot of new projects start in the last week or two that is the type of EHXcpdGNWC0-00109-00052966-00053515 stuff my anxious brain feeds off of but I've been able to keep a calm head and EHXcpdGNWC0-00110-00053515-00054133 strategize and organize and not lose my mind and some of you are saying like hey EHXcpdGNWC0-00111-00054133-00054870 Chris how do you do that you may or may not like my answer Mac dictation EHXcpdGNWC0-00112-00054870-00055355 meditation is why I talk to you guys about it all the time like meditation is EHXcpdGNWC0-00113-00055355-00055795 scientifically proven time and time and time and time and time again to decrease EHXcpdGNWC0-00114-00055795-00056319 symptoms of anxiety depression emotional dysregulation and all sorts of stuff and EHXcpdGNWC0-00115-00056319-00057037 because I've been proactive about meditation my brain has changed I'm EHXcpdGNWC0-00116-00057037-00057463 experiencing the effects that they've proved through a ton of neurological EHXcpdGNWC0-00117-00057463-00057964 studies so like that's my next suggestion if you are thinking about EHXcpdGNWC0-00118-00057964-00058441 coming off of your meds make sure you are being proactive to get your mental EHXcpdGNWC0-00119-00058441-00058825 health right start creating your own neurotransmitters though your own EHXcpdGNWC0-00120-00058825-00059179 dopamine your own endorphins your own serotonin and all those things before EHXcpdGNWC0-00121-00059179-00059575 you come off of them that way it's this kind of smooth transition you don't just EHXcpdGNWC0-00122-00059575-00060100 want to yank these SSRIs out of your head and then you don't have anything EHXcpdGNWC0-00123-00060100-00060466 that's creating them naturally if that makes sense now some of those EHXcpdGNWC0-00124-00060466-00060937 medications are designed to increase the ability to reproduce those EHXcpdGNWC0-00125-00060937-00061380 neurotransmitters but you've got to be really proactive about this stuff so so EHXcpdGNWC0-00126-00061380-00061753 yeah again please share this video I hope this video helps some of you but I EHXcpdGNWC0-00127-00061753-00062055 really want you to share it because I know that a lot of people get really EHXcpdGNWC0-00128-00062055-00062353 bummed out thinking that they're gonna have to be on some kind of psyched man EHXcpdGNWC0-00129-00062353-00062904 forever and that's not the case but the caveat to is you've got to put in work EHXcpdGNWC0-00130-00062904-00063376 and the work I put in comes in the form of about five to ten minutes of EHXcpdGNWC0-00131-00063376-00063874 meditation a day that's it that's it five to ten minutes of meditation per EHXcpdGNWC0-00132-00063874-00064429 day there you go so be proactive about the stuff talk to your doctor again I'm EHXcpdGNWC0-00133-00064429-00064866 not a doctor talk to your doctor okay if any of you have come off your meds or EHXcpdGNWC0-00134-00064866-00065238 have any experience with medications leaving down the the comments below and EHXcpdGNWC0-00135-00065238-00065629 please remember everybody reading the comments that most of the people posting EHXcpdGNWC0-00136-00065629-00065980 it are not doctors everybody has different experiences with medications EHXcpdGNWC0-00137-00065980-00066349 and all that stuff if you would like me to do more videos on medications please EHXcpdGNWC0-00138-00066349-00066550 let me know in the comments down below too EHXcpdGNWC0-00139-00066550-00066973 alright but anyways if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you EHXcpdGNWC0-00140-00066973-00067273 are new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental health EHXcpdGNWC0-00141-00067273-00067741 click that little round subscribe button and if you got some time in clicker top EHXcpdGNWC0-00142-00067741-00068116 on one of those videos right there and the thumbnail alright so thanks so much EHXcpdGNWC0-00143-00068116-00068536 for watching be sure you consult a doctor before you do anything stupid and EHXcpdGNWC0-00144-00068536-00068906 I'll see you next time EHXsw3nzElc-00000-00000006-00000740 Good day! In this short video, I'm just gonna talk very quickly about the SUKAD EHXsw3nzElc-00001-00000740-00001479 YouTube channel. We already have more than 150 videos on this channel, and we EHXsw3nzElc-00002-00001479-00002111 will continue to post on a regular basis. Some of these videos will be, probably EHXsw3nzElc-00003-00002111-00002751 sporadics, unorganized maybe, speaking about whatever come to mind. Some of them EHXsw3nzElc-00004-00002751-00003183 could include videos related to the online courses and the program that we EHXsw3nzElc-00005-00003183-00003755 are launching through the PM Quest, and some videos will be published as series EHXsw3nzElc-00006-00003755-00004232 like for example we're going to start working on a series on project EHXsw3nzElc-00007-00004232-00004836 management for youth, which we are documenting via blogs and videos so we EHXsw3nzElc-00008-00004836-00005323 will be including those as series and playlists and published. The main focus, EHXsw3nzElc-00009-00005323-00006000 however, and our YouTube channel is on short videos somewhere you know we'd EHXsw3nzElc-00010-00006000-00006440 like to go to the two-minute videos but most videos are somewhere between 5 to EHXsw3nzElc-00011-00006440-00007017 15 minutes eventually we might record longer. There are also some videos that EHXsw3nzElc-00012-00007017-00007470 are about half an hour and maybe down the road you can have videos that are EHXsw3nzElc-00013-00007470-00007890 longer especially if we are explaining something that is part of an online EHXsw3nzElc-00014-00007890-00008454 course. We will be talking about all aspects of project management with a lot EHXsw3nzElc-00015-00008454-00008897 of topics probably related to our own work the unique work that SUKAD has EHXsw3nzElc-00016-00008897-00009360 been doing over the last 14 years, such as on the CAMMP methodology, the EHXsw3nzElc-00017-00009360-00009786 customizable and adaptable methodology for managing projects, but we'll also talk EHXsw3nzElc-00018-00009786-00010314 about agile, we'll talk about waterfall, we'll talk about going beyond agile and EHXsw3nzElc-00019-00010314-00011000 waterfall, we will have videos on project success, we will have videos explaining EHXsw3nzElc-00020-00011000-00011739 often confusing terms. But in all of these videos the core message and EHXsw3nzElc-00021-00011739-00012479 the focus is going to be on applied project management; meaning how to apply EHXsw3nzElc-00022-00012479-00013091 project management in the real world. In short that is our YouTube channel we EHXsw3nzElc-00023-00013091-00013655 hope you like it, we hope you would join, and we would love to hear your feedback. If EHXsw3nzElc-00024-00013655-00014201 you have comments, questions, suggestiond for topics, we will love to hear it and we EHXsw3nzElc-00025-00014201-00015058 promise you to deliver a response to your need. We end by our usual EHXsw3nzElc-00026-00015058-00015599 statement we wish you success today, tomorrow, and always! EHXsw3nzElc-00027-00015599-00015883 Thank you. EJiJjEmXB58-00000-00011104-00011384 foreign EJiJjEmXB58-00001-00058855-00058984 foreign EKAJo67Naf8-00000-00000936-00001440 Kyoto is a must-see place in Japan. From the beautiful bamboo forest in Arashiyama to the EKAJo67Naf8-00001-00001440-00001984 famous Gion district, Kyoto offers a lot of places to experience unique Japanese culture. EKAJo67Naf8-00002-00001984-00002574 In this video, we invite you on a brief journey to see some of our highlights from Kyoto. EKAJo67Naf8-00003-00003215-00003792 We stayed in an Airbnb in Shimogyo Ward by the Takase river. This river is a narrow canal that EKAJo67Naf8-00004-00003792-00004160 flows through Kyoto’s residential districts and has many cherry trees EKAJo67Naf8-00005-00004160-00004600 growing by its riverbanks with these beautiful blossoms flying by and floating on the water. EKAJo67Naf8-00006-00005176-00005632 Arashiyama bamboo forest is a famous tourist attraction that can get crowded quickly, EKAJo67Naf8-00007-00005632-00005928 but is still worth visiting, especially early in EKAJo67Naf8-00008-00005928-00006586 the morning. The forest has had no entrance fees since 2015 and is open24/7. EKAJo67Naf8-00009-00009168-00009584 If you keep going north from the bamboo forest, you will encounter some picturesque neighborhoods EKAJo67Naf8-00010-00009584-00010136 and eventually the beautiful Osawa-no-Ike pond, which is situated by Daikaku-ji Temple. EKAJo67Naf8-00011-00011032-00011712 Fushimi Inari-taisha is a renowned Shinto shrine of Fushimi ward. The shrine is most known for EKAJo67Naf8-00012-00011712-00012311 its mountain trail with about a thousand torii gates donated by Japanese businesses. EKAJo67Naf8-00013-00016984-00017408 Known as the geisha district, Gion evokes a nostalgic feeling with historic Japanese EKAJo67Naf8-00014-00017408-00017950 architecture of machiya, which are traditional Japanese wooden townhouses. EKAJo67Naf8-00015-00018848-00019453 If you are lucky, you may be able to even spot a maiko or geisha on her way to her place of work. EKAJo67Naf8-00016-00022488-00022904 Ponto-cho is another district in Kyoto famous for its narrow alleys, EKAJo67Naf8-00017-00022904-00023471 izakaya restaurants, traditional tea houses and geisha performances. EKAJo67Naf8-00018-00027280-00027704 As a bonus, we also visited the city of Osaka. It takes about 40-50 minutes EKAJo67Naf8-00019-00027704-00028072 by train from Kyoto. While we have very few footage clips from the city, EKAJo67Naf8-00020-00028072-00028512 Osaka mesmerized us with its abundance of colorful neon lights in the downtown area. EKAJo67Naf8-00021-00029383-00029824 This video shows only glimpses of Kyoto and there are many more places to see in this EKAJo67Naf8-00022-00029824-00030264 beautiful city. What are your favorite places you visited or would like to see EKAJo67Naf8-00023-00030264-00030727 in Kyoto? Let us know in the comments section. With this, see you next time! ELBAVmbskqQ-00000-00000096-00000363 Welcome to the Green River Community College Library! ELBAVmbskqQ-00001-00000363-00000825 In this video you will learn how to access books, videos and articles through the Holman ELBAVmbskqQ-00002-00000825-00001197 Library's Primo One Search Tool. ELBAVmbskqQ-00003-00001197-00002181 To access any library resources, always start at the library's homepage, ELBAVmbskqQ-00004-00002181-00002953 The library's web site has many search tools for finding articles, books and videos. ELBAVmbskqQ-00005-00002953-00003428 These specialized tools can allow you to dig deep and fine-tune your searches. ELBAVmbskqQ-00006-00003428-00004075 But the library also offers a Primo One Search Tool that allows you to perform a less-refined, ELBAVmbskqQ-00007-00004075-00004484 but broader search across most of the library's search tools at once. ELBAVmbskqQ-00008-00004484-00004842 This can be helpful if you are not sure where to start. ELBAVmbskqQ-00009-00004842-00005100 Let's try it out with a sample search. ELBAVmbskqQ-00010-00005100-00005589 Let's say that you are interested in researching the psychology behind body image, in other ELBAVmbskqQ-00011-00005589-00006098 words, how our own minds shape the way that we view our physical bodies. ELBAVmbskqQ-00012-00006098-00006775 In the search box, type short simple search words such as: "body image" psychology. ELBAVmbskqQ-00013-00006775-00007293 Note that if you want to search for a concept like "body image" it is helpful to put quotes ELBAVmbskqQ-00014-00007293-00007806 around the words so that the computer will search only for that phrase :body image" and ELBAVmbskqQ-00015-00007806-00008242 not just the words body and image separately. ELBAVmbskqQ-00016-00008242-00008706 In the results list you see books, videos and articles on that topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00017-00008706-00009073 Some are available in hard copy in the library. ELBAVmbskqQ-00018-00009073-00009447 Some are online through one of the library's databases. ELBAVmbskqQ-00019-00009447-00009761 So what are these online library databases? ELBAVmbskqQ-00020-00009761-00010427 Well, Google allows you to access millions of webpages, but it can only search the surface ELBAVmbskqQ-00021-00010427-00010620 of the internet. ELBAVmbskqQ-00022-00010620-00011107 Library Databases are search tools that allow you to find books, videos and articles that ELBAVmbskqQ-00023-00011107-00011419 are NOT freely available or searchable through Google. ELBAVmbskqQ-00024-00011419-00011927 Green River students have special access to this information through Library Databases. ELBAVmbskqQ-00025-00011927-00012489 That's why it is important to use not just websites, but a variety of library resources ELBAVmbskqQ-00026-00012489-00012729 for college-level research projects. ELBAVmbskqQ-00027-00012729-00013235 So, you have a list of results, in this case, over 18,000 results. ELBAVmbskqQ-00028-00013235-00013786 Let's look at three ways to narrow your searches to get better results. ELBAVmbskqQ-00029-00013786-00014428 You can narrow by Publication Date, Subject, and most importantly, Source Type. ELBAVmbskqQ-00030-00014428-00014797 First, you have the option of narrowing by DATE. ELBAVmbskqQ-00031-00014797-00015291 If you are interested in seeing only the most recent publications, you can refine your search ELBAVmbskqQ-00032-00015291-00015566 to a specific date range. ELBAVmbskqQ-00033-00015566-00016006 Second, you have the option of narrowing by SUBJECT. ELBAVmbskqQ-00034-00016006-00016503 Click "show more" to see the subjects associated with this topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00035-00016503-00016895 These subject search words can be incredibly helpful for your research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00036-00016895-00017344 For example, you may discover other search words associated with your topic, such as ELBAVmbskqQ-00037-00017344-00017748 "self image" or "self concept." ELBAVmbskqQ-00038-00017748-00018242 Other subject words may help you discover different ways to narrow or focus your topic, ELBAVmbskqQ-00039-00018242-00018425 such as "eating disorders." ELBAVmbskqQ-00040-00018425-00019050 If you clicked on "eating disorders" for example, you will further narrow your results to those ELBAVmbskqQ-00041-00019050-00019618 books, videos and articles that also relate to eating disorders. ELBAVmbskqQ-00042-00019618-00020184 Third, and most important is narrowing or refining by SOURCE TYPE. ELBAVmbskqQ-00043-00020184-00020409 But WHY is this important? ELBAVmbskqQ-00044-00020409-00020993 In your research, using only one source type, for example only web sites, is like getting ELBAVmbskqQ-00045-00020993-00021242 only one type of candy for Halloween. ELBAVmbskqQ-00046-00021242-00021859 Yes, that candy may be tasty, but isn't it better to get many different types of candy? ELBAVmbskqQ-00047-00021859-00022126 The same is true for college-level research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00048-00022126-00022603 Most instructors expect you to use a many different types of sources - encyclopedias ELBAVmbskqQ-00049-00022603-00023228 and books, videos, articles - to make your research stronger and more interesting. ELBAVmbskqQ-00050-00023228-00023501 HOW do you find different source types? ELBAVmbskqQ-00051-00023501-00023994 To do that look at the options on the left-hand side of the results screen. ELBAVmbskqQ-00052-00023994-00024157 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES between these source types? ELBAVmbskqQ-00053-00024157-00024998 Let's look at four important source types for research: Reference Entries, Books, Videos ELBAVmbskqQ-00054-00024998-00025289 and Articles ELBAVmbskqQ-00055-00025289-00025521 One source type is REFERENCE ENTRIES. ELBAVmbskqQ-00056-00025521-00025825 WHY might you choose REFERENCE ENTRIES? ELBAVmbskqQ-00057-00025825-00026255 Because Reference Entries are like encyclopedia articles and so are a good place to start ELBAVmbskqQ-00058-00026255-00026355 your research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00059-00026355-00026875 They offer you a short overview of your topic and help you understand what the key issues ELBAVmbskqQ-00060-00026875-00026975 are. ELBAVmbskqQ-00061-00026975-00027395 They also give you specialized vocabulary or search words that are used in the field ELBAVmbskqQ-00062-00027395-00028270 you are researching, such as "bariatrics" and "body mass index" in the study of obesity. ELBAVmbskqQ-00063-00028270-00028500 Another source type is BOOKS. ELBAVmbskqQ-00064-00028500-00028677 WHY might you choose BOOKS? ELBAVmbskqQ-00065-00028677-00029145 Because book are often are written by authors who are experts or have taken the time to ELBAVmbskqQ-00066-00029145-00029372 do research on a particular subject. ELBAVmbskqQ-00067-00029372-00029802 Books go deeper and help you understand the complexity your topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00068-00029802-00030262 The chapters of a book sometimes help give you clues about how to organize your topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00069-00030262-00030878 Often you do not need to read the entire book; just a chapter or two can help you with your ELBAVmbskqQ-00070-00030878-00031287 research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00071-00031287-00031661 Another source type is VIDEOS or AUDIO VISUAL. ELBAVmbskqQ-00072-00031661-00031887 WHY might you choose VIDEOS? ELBAVmbskqQ-00073-00031887-00032302 Because videos give you a visual and emotional understanding of your topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00074-00032302-00032796 They can provide authentic, first-hand accounts of events from participants or witnesses in ELBAVmbskqQ-00075-00032796-00032946 the film. ELBAVmbskqQ-00076-00032946-00033196 Often you do not need to watch the entire video. ELBAVmbskqQ-00077-00033196-00033575 Even short segments can give you great information for your research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00078-00033575-00034008 And because videos are great for presentations you must give in front of a class. ELBAVmbskqQ-00079-00034008-00034487 They keep your audience interested and engaged! ELBAVmbskqQ-00080-00034487-00034690 Another source type is ARTICLES. ELBAVmbskqQ-00081-00034690-00034930 WHY might you choose ARTICLES? ELBAVmbskqQ-00082-00034930-00035278 Different articles give you different flavors to your research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00083-00035278-00035442 For example, ELBAVmbskqQ-00084-00035442-00036459 Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed or Academic Journal articles are good for finding results of scientific ELBAVmbskqQ-00085-00036459-00036619 or academic research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00086-00036619-00037156 They are written for scholars and provide in-depth analysis of a very specific area ELBAVmbskqQ-00087-00037156-00037291 of your topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00088-00037291-00037733 If you ONLY want to see these types of journals, click "peer-reviewed journals." to narrow ELBAVmbskqQ-00089-00037733-00037963 your results. ELBAVmbskqQ-00090-00037963-00038491 Popular Magazine articles are good for summarizing information on a topic for the general public. ELBAVmbskqQ-00091-00038491-00038924 They often provide a background, summarize research findings, and provide some analysis ELBAVmbskqQ-00092-00038924-00039063 of a topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00093-00039063-00039593 They can be found by clicking "articles" However, note that when you click "articles" ELBAVmbskqQ-00094-00039593-00040199 you will see BOTH scholarly and popular magazines together in your list of results. ELBAVmbskqQ-00095-00040199-00040591 Newspaper articles are good for facts and up-to-date information. ELBAVmbskqQ-00096-00040591-00041083 They often provide little analysis of a topic, but are valuable because they show how a topic ELBAVmbskqQ-00097-00041083-00041293 has been treated in the media. ELBAVmbskqQ-00098-00041293-00041536 So, let's try it. ELBAVmbskqQ-00099-00041536-00042005 Remember you started with your initial search: "body image" psychology. ELBAVmbskqQ-00100-00042005-00042613 You wanted to narrow your results by source type so you click "books." ELBAVmbskqQ-00101-00042613-00043093 Once you do so, you will filter and narrow your results to show only books. ELBAVmbskqQ-00102-00043093-00043609 If a book shows "available at" , this means that the book is in hard copy format. ELBAVmbskqQ-00103-00043609-00043997 You can click on the title for more information. ELBAVmbskqQ-00104-00043997-00044184 Write down the call number. ELBAVmbskqQ-00105-00044184-00044534 This number indicates where the book is located in the Holman Library. ELBAVmbskqQ-00106-00044534-00045028 It is like the "address" of the book and tells you exactly where the book sits on the library ELBAVmbskqQ-00107-00045028-00045143 shelves. ELBAVmbskqQ-00108-00045143-00045378 You can ask a librarian to help you find the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00109-00045378-00045909 You can also click the "locate" button to see a map of the library shelves. ELBAVmbskqQ-00110-00045909-00046115 Scroll down the page. ELBAVmbskqQ-00111-00046115-00046546 Often you will see more detailed information about the book so you can determine if the ELBAVmbskqQ-00112-00046546-00046721 book might be helpful to you. ELBAVmbskqQ-00113-00046721-00047011 In many cases you do not need to read an entire book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00114-00047011-00047538 Often a short chapter will give you the information you are looking for. ELBAVmbskqQ-00115-00047538-00047749 Scroll down to the bottom of the page. ELBAVmbskqQ-00116-00047749-00047988 The "Virtual Browse." ELBAVmbskqQ-00117-00047988-00048572 allows you to see your book, plus the other books that sit next to it on the library shelves. ELBAVmbskqQ-00118-00048572-00048709 Why is this helpful? ELBAVmbskqQ-00119-00048709-00049144 Because books on the same subject are grouped together by call number on the same shelf, ELBAVmbskqQ-00120-00049144-00049643 so you can easily browse other books on your same subject. ELBAVmbskqQ-00121-00049643-00050191 If you go back to your results list, and see that a book is "Checked Out" that means that ELBAVmbskqQ-00122-00050191-00050616 it is a hardcopy book and that another person has borrowed the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00123-00050616-00050830 Click on the title of the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00124-00050830-00051426 You can sign in using your Green River Student ID and network password to request the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00125-00051426-00051871 That means you will be notified when the book is returned so that you can borrow it. ELBAVmbskqQ-00126-00051871-00052704 At any time, you can always ask a librarian for help or chat with a librarian online. ELBAVmbskqQ-00127-00052704-00053217 If you go back to your results and see "View Online", that means that the book is available ELBAVmbskqQ-00128-00053217-00053426 in electronic format. ELBAVmbskqQ-00129-00053426-00053746 Click "View Online" to open the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00130-00053746-00054263 You can view the entire book or click on the chapter that is most helpful to you. ELBAVmbskqQ-00131-00054263-00054549 You can also search for words within the book. ELBAVmbskqQ-00132-00054549-00055119 For example if you were researching body image, you may want to search for the word "anorexia" ELBAVmbskqQ-00133-00055119-00055492 to see if this book has information on that body image disease. ELBAVmbskqQ-00134-00055492-00055975 If you want to go back to your entire list of results you can click the "x" to remove ELBAVmbskqQ-00135-00055975-00056503 the source type "books" and return to all results which will show books, videos and ELBAVmbskqQ-00136-00056503-00056620 articles. ELBAVmbskqQ-00137-00056620-00057139 It is likely that you will want to perform different searches to find information on ELBAVmbskqQ-00138-00057139-00057314 different aspects of your topic. ELBAVmbskqQ-00139-00057314-00057828 For example if you are really interested in how the media influences women's image of ELBAVmbskqQ-00140-00057828-00058522 their own bodies, type in simple search words like "body image women media." ELBAVmbskqQ-00141-00058522-00058788 You many need to try synonyms or similar words. ELBAVmbskqQ-00142-00058788-00059483 For example, your second search might be "body image media female" ELBAVmbskqQ-00143-00059483-00059964 On your third search you might try different, but related search words such as "self image ELBAVmbskqQ-00144-00059964-00060208 advertising women" ELBAVmbskqQ-00145-00060208-00060402 Be persistent and creative. ELBAVmbskqQ-00146-00060402-00060932 Trying many different search words is a very normal part of your research process! ELBAVmbskqQ-00147-00060932-00061525 To get help at any time, you can "Ask a Librarian" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ELBAVmbskqQ-00148-00061525-00062554 So, when you need to do some good research, start at the Library's home page, ELBAVmbskqQ-00149-00062554-00063258 Use the Primo One Search Tool to find books, videos and articles. ELBAVmbskqQ-00150-00063258-00063541 Librarians are faculty members with a specialty in research. ELBAVmbskqQ-00151-00063541-00064038 Visiting, phoning, emailing or online chatting with librarians can save you lots of time ELBAVmbskqQ-00152-00064038-00064416 and help you become stronger researchers. ELBAVmbskqQ-00153-00064416-00064667 Good luck with all your research projects! ENtl7w_pYpg-00000-00000009-00000297 - Your brand is literally anything visual on your website. ENtl7w_pYpg-00001-00000297-00000416 - Why would I rebrand? ENtl7w_pYpg-00002-00000416-00000673 - Nealey the Toolman at your service. ENtl7w_pYpg-00003-00000673-00000790 - I'm lovin' it! ENtl7w_pYpg-00004-00001798-00001909 - Welcome to The Journey. ENtl7w_pYpg-00005-00001909-00002091 Today we're gonna give you some great ideas ENtl7w_pYpg-00006-00002091-00002251 for rebranding your website. ENtl7w_pYpg-00007-00002349-00002573 - All right Nealey, I know that I brought you here today ENtl7w_pYpg-00008-00002573-00002862 to talk about rebranding, but I gotta be honest, ENtl7w_pYpg-00009-00002862-00003041 I don't quite understand when ENtl7w_pYpg-00010-00003041-00003207 or why we should be doing that. ENtl7w_pYpg-00011-00003207-00003333 Like, I've had my website, Coffee and Kickflips ENtl7w_pYpg-00012-00003333-00003747 for a few years, I love the way it looks. ENtl7w_pYpg-00013-00003747-00003989 The brand is consistent across all my sites. ENtl7w_pYpg-00014-00003989-00004131 Why would I rebrand? ENtl7w_pYpg-00015-00004131-00004265 - Yeah, there's a lot of different reasons ENtl7w_pYpg-00016-00004265-00004411 why we may rebrand. ENtl7w_pYpg-00017-00004411-00004735 Some of us built our sites years back, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00018-00004735-00004869 And, maybe it's time ENtl7w_pYpg-00019-00004869-00005106 to put a fresh coat of paint on the house, ENtl7w_pYpg-00020-00005106-00005251 as I like to call it. - A facelift. ENtl7w_pYpg-00021-00005251-00005555 - Yeah, so that rebrand of your website ENtl7w_pYpg-00022-00005555-00005783 can really increase the perceived professionalism ENtl7w_pYpg-00023-00005783-00006052 for your business, and for your brand. ENtl7w_pYpg-00024-00006052-00006206 It also helps to just make it ENtl7w_pYpg-00025-00006206-00006388 a little more modern and fresh. ENtl7w_pYpg-00026-00006388-00006595 There's a lot of cool marketing trends, and ideas, ENtl7w_pYpg-00027-00006595-00007033 and website designs out there that are the norm now, ENtl7w_pYpg-00028-00007033-00007413 and what you did way back when - may not really apply. ENtl7w_pYpg-00029-00007413-00007658 And you also wanna make sure that your site's responsive, ENtl7w_pYpg-00030-00007658-00007878 and it looks good on mobile because, ENtl7w_pYpg-00031-00007878-00008017 everyone's on mobile, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00032-00008017-00008156 - Absolutely. - So those are some of ENtl7w_pYpg-00033-00008156-00008424 the biggest reasons why you'll really wanna rebrand ENtl7w_pYpg-00034-00008424-00008603 your website this year. ENtl7w_pYpg-00035-00008603-00008877 - All right, so I put a lot of time, ENtl7w_pYpg-00036-00008877-00009282 I have put a lot of energy, and money, into this. ENtl7w_pYpg-00037-00009380-00009634 Where do I start when it comes to rebranding? ENtl7w_pYpg-00038-00009634-00009908 - To understand what your brand is, your brand is literally ENtl7w_pYpg-00039-00009908-00010171 anything visual on your website. ENtl7w_pYpg-00040-00010171-00010438 So, that's a lot. - That's a lot. ENtl7w_pYpg-00041-00010575-00010748 I just realized that when you said that. ENtl7w_pYpg-00042-00010748-00011148 So we're talking social media, all my merchandise. ENtl7w_pYpg-00043-00011148-00011355 - Merchandise, website, logo, - Font ENtl7w_pYpg-00044-00011355-00011771 - All that stuff, anything your customers see on your site. ENtl7w_pYpg-00045-00011771-00012081 First step, we gotta create what's called a style guide. ENtl7w_pYpg-00046-00012081-00012272 A style guide is basically just ENtl7w_pYpg-00047-00012272-00012679 a document that you have all your information on about you. ENtl7w_pYpg-00048-00012679-00012979 Your brand, what colors you use, what fonts you use, ENtl7w_pYpg-00049-00012979-00013250 the logos you use, literally everything visual. ENtl7w_pYpg-00050-00013250-00013426 It helps you to put it in one document, ENtl7w_pYpg-00051-00013426-00013644 so that way, when you do go and rebrand, ENtl7w_pYpg-00052-00013644-00013841 you follow that document to a T, ENtl7w_pYpg-00053-00013841-00014053 and you're not like, I created this page, ENtl7w_pYpg-00054-00014053-00014335 and it has this font, and then this page has this font, ENtl7w_pYpg-00055-00014335-00014516 because it creates inconsistency. ENtl7w_pYpg-00056-00014516-00014741 We wanna have that consistent brand across, ENtl7w_pYpg-00057-00014741-00015003 and then it'll carry over to social media, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00058-00015003-00015211 - And like GoDaddy, we have the GoDaddy green, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00059-00015211-00015359 - Yeah, the GoDaddy green and orange, ENtl7w_pYpg-00060-00015359-00015641 you see it everywhere, you instantly think of GoDaddy. ENtl7w_pYpg-00061-00015641-00015997 There's a lot of different colors out there you can use ENtl7w_pYpg-00062-00015997-00016111 that have different meaning. ENtl7w_pYpg-00063-00016111-00016382 Like, red means bold and excitement, ENtl7w_pYpg-00064-00016382-00016679 and if you really wanna change your brand itself ENtl7w_pYpg-00065-00016679-00017016 to be perceived as something different maybe, ENtl7w_pYpg-00066-00017016-00017362 changing up the colors might be that easy first step. ENtl7w_pYpg-00067-00017362-00017712 Adding onto that style guide, really making it consistent, ENtl7w_pYpg-00068-00017712-00017827 when you think of consistency, ENtl7w_pYpg-00069-00017827-00018020 we'll pick a brand for example. ENtl7w_pYpg-00070-00018020-00018178 What is the first thing you think of ENtl7w_pYpg-00071-00018178-00018287 when you think of McDonald's? ENtl7w_pYpg-00072-00018287-00018472 - Woo, I'm lovin' it! ENtl7w_pYpg-00073-00018472-00018700 - Right, they created that brand, that logo, ENtl7w_pYpg-00074-00018700-00018793 and that's the first thing you think of. ENtl7w_pYpg-00075-00018793-00019049 And then, the M, those two arches ENtl7w_pYpg-00076-00019049-00019163 that make the M - Golden arches. ENtl7w_pYpg-00077-00019163-00019411 - The red and yellow is literally across their website, ENtl7w_pYpg-00078-00019411-00019654 across their brand, across social media, ENtl7w_pYpg-00079-00019654-00019790 it's everywhere, and it's consistent. ENtl7w_pYpg-00080-00019790-00020041 So if you go to Instagram, you have the same look and feel ENtl7w_pYpg-00081-00020041-00020340 as you would go to Twitter, as you would to go to Facebook, ENtl7w_pYpg-00082-00020340-00020491 as you would to go to their site. ENtl7w_pYpg-00083-00020491-00020745 Creates consistencies, so when you see it out in the wild, ENtl7w_pYpg-00084-00020745-00020946 you're like, "I'm lovin' it," right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00085-00020946-00021141 And that's perfect, you wanna do the same thing ENtl7w_pYpg-00086-00021141-00021455 with your brand, no matter what anyone finds you on. ENtl7w_pYpg-00087-00021455-00021766 Like, that's that one business, that's you. ENtl7w_pYpg-00088-00021766-00022028 - I recognize it. - I recognize it. ENtl7w_pYpg-00089-00022178-00022365 - All right Nealey, definitely getting some great tips ENtl7w_pYpg-00090-00022365-00022715 about the rebrand, it's feeling a little less overwhelming. ENtl7w_pYpg-00091-00022715-00022858 But as I always ask when we get ENtl7w_pYpg-00092-00022858-00023027 into other marketing endeavors: ENtl7w_pYpg-00093-00023027-00023130 What are the tools? ENtl7w_pYpg-00094-00023130-00023363 Are there tools? Explain. ENtl7w_pYpg-00095-00023363-00023548 - Nealey the Toolman at your service. ENtl7w_pYpg-00096-00023646-00023799 There are a couple tools that I use ENtl7w_pYpg-00097-00023799-00024030 to help different clients and customers ENtl7w_pYpg-00098-00024030-00024302 really rebrand their business. ENtl7w_pYpg-00099-00024302-00024629 So, the easiest is just get a Word doc, or a Google doc, ENtl7w_pYpg-00100-00024629-00024915 or whatever you use to house some of the information in. ENtl7w_pYpg-00101-00024915-00025204 But as far as the visuals go, that's gonna be Canva. ENtl7w_pYpg-00102-00025204-00025579 Canva is my, it's my life, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00103-00025579-00025787 So you can create all sorts of social templates, ENtl7w_pYpg-00104-00025787-00026136 and logos, and just literally any visual aspect ENtl7w_pYpg-00105-00026136-00026366 of your business there. ENtl7w_pYpg-00106-00026366-00026738 So, you create your Instagram post, your templates, ENtl7w_pYpg-00107-00026738-00026938 as you do - As I do ENtl7w_pYpg-00108-00026938-00027249 - Then you can resize it to be a Twitter header, ENtl7w_pYpg-00109-00027249-00027379 and update it a little bit. ENtl7w_pYpg-00110-00027379-00027587 Still has the same brand, still has the same fonts, ENtl7w_pYpg-00111-00027587-00027794 create all those templates so, when you go ENtl7w_pYpg-00112-00027794-00027933 to create even more content, ENtl7w_pYpg-00113-00027933-00028276 you start from your style guide, your template, ENtl7w_pYpg-00114-00028276-00028461 you go from there. - Efficient. ENtl7w_pYpg-00115-00028461-00028701 - All right Emma, so another thing I tell my clients ENtl7w_pYpg-00116-00028701-00029033 is you have to be intentional with your rebrand. ENtl7w_pYpg-00117-00029033-00029369 Don't just rebrand because it's a new year, you new, right. ENtl7w_pYpg-00118-00029369-00029563 - I say the same thing about social media posting. ENtl7w_pYpg-00119-00029563-00029842 Don't just post because you haven't posted in a week. ENtl7w_pYpg-00120-00029842-00029995 - Right, it's gotta be intentional. ENtl7w_pYpg-00121-00029995-00030164 It's gotta be thought-provoking, ENtl7w_pYpg-00122-00030164-00030374 and it has to be for a reason. ENtl7w_pYpg-00123-00030374-00030622 So, that rebrand is really if you want to ENtl7w_pYpg-00124-00030622-00030893 elevate your brand, elevate your professionalism, ENtl7w_pYpg-00125-00030893-00031136 maybe change how your perceived in the world. ENtl7w_pYpg-00126-00031136-00031444 You wanna be known as a green company ENtl7w_pYpg-00127-00031444-00031627 that really gives back to their environment. ENtl7w_pYpg-00128-00031627-00031868 - Eco-friendly! - Update your logos, ENtl7w_pYpg-00129-00031868-00032111 your colors, your brands to be green, right? ENtl7w_pYpg-00130-00032111-00032252 Because that's really that symbol for it. ENtl7w_pYpg-00131-00032252-00032429 Or, if you want your business, your brand, ENtl7w_pYpg-00132-00032429-00032744 to be exciting, maybe look into some yellows on your site, ENtl7w_pYpg-00133-00032744-00032879 putting some yellows into your brand, ENtl7w_pYpg-00134-00032879-00033071 because color is super important. ENtl7w_pYpg-00135-00033071-00033268 Same thing with the fonts you use. ENtl7w_pYpg-00136-00033268-00033477 You don't wanna just use the same old boring fonts. ENtl7w_pYpg-00137-00033477-00033901 If you go to, there's an entire library ENtl7w_pYpg-00138-00033901-00034147 of free fonts you can use for your site, ENtl7w_pYpg-00139-00034147-00034357 and get some cool little variations ENtl7w_pYpg-00140-00034357-00034694 that really make your brand stand out. ENtl7w_pYpg-00141-00034694-00034935 - So many things to think about. ENtl7w_pYpg-00142-00034935-00035050 - All right, that's all we have for you ENtl7w_pYpg-00143-00035050-00035316 on some great ideas to rebrand your website. ENtl7w_pYpg-00144-00035316-00035618 And we'd love to know if you have any other ideas, ENtl7w_pYpg-00145-00035618-00035790 or what you plan on doing. ENtl7w_pYpg-00146-00035790-00035949 Let us know in the comments below. ENtl7w_pYpg-00147-00035949-00036201 - Also, be sure to like the video, share it, ENtl7w_pYpg-00148-00036201-00036340 there's other businesses out there ENtl7w_pYpg-00149-00036340-00036473 with very similar questions. ENtl7w_pYpg-00150-00036473-00036736 Maybe they're going through a rebrand dilemma. ENtl7w_pYpg-00151-00036736-00036986 Also be sure to subscribe and, and ring that bell ENtl7w_pYpg-00152-00036986-00037104 so you'll be the first to know ENtl7w_pYpg-00153-00037104-00037216 when we have another video out. ENtl7w_pYpg-00154-00037216-00037365 This is The Journey. ENvilVNtcZQ-00000-00000048-00000552 hi guys it's Amy here and today we're looking at html in ultra documents, ENvilVNtcZQ-00001-00000552-00001184 so in ultra blackboard we can now embed content from other tools such as h5p ENvilVNtcZQ-00002-00001184-00001712 which we can see here we can now add our interactive videos from ClickView ENvilVNtcZQ-00003-00001880-00002480 we can add quizzes and study tools from Quizlet we can use Wakelet as well and embed that into our ENvilVNtcZQ-00004-00002480-00003240 courses and we can even embed Padlet walls as well so to do this we'll start by creating a new ultra ENvilVNtcZQ-00005-00003240-00003832 document so I'm going to create this one just below the previous one I've created hit create ENvilVNtcZQ-00006-00004072-00004656 select ultra document and now we'll just give it a title so this make sure that the title is ENvilVNtcZQ-00007-00004656-00005784 relevant to what the content that you're adding is um so this is going to be a h5p ENvilVNtcZQ-00008-00005960-00006631 and I can see now here I have this new add html option so I'm just going to click on this ENvilVNtcZQ-00009-00006631-00007240 and it will give me a box here which I can paste my html into so I've already copied some html from ENvilVNtcZQ-00010-00007240-00008031 h5p so I'm just going to paste it in and hit save and it will just take a second for it to ENvilVNtcZQ-00011-00008031-00008584 upload that content and resize it to the correct size for the window which is done now for us ENvilVNtcZQ-00012-00008664-00009048 so this means our students can engage with this as soon as I make it visible ENvilVNtcZQ-00013-00009048-00009552 and they'll be able to interact with this content in their blackboard course nice and easy Ep6vC0Th2V4-00000-00000048-00001064 one channel has changed its name first from 201 to… well, whatever that was, to memory fpa premier. now, Ep6vC0Th2V4-00001-00001064-00001792 this is very weird. why would a channel change its name twice in just two days from a single video? EpZ8zn7MRx8-00000-00000000-00000397 I can do it. we can EQ2xjm0P57A-00000-00000006-00000500 Original Source: FCN APP ESP 05 (WTLV WJXX) ER-qfDhmrZQ-00000-00000022-00000254 Holovoice: "A few of them have their heads out of the fire, yes..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00001-00000264-00000546 Mahrden: "I stick my hand... I stick my finger in the eye socket" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00002-00000586-00000646 Orion: "What the fuck...?" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00003-00000666-00000832 Trephor: "Yeah, what the fuck?!!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00004-00000864-00001022 Mahrden: "LICK MY FINGER!!!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00005-00001176-00001472 Mahrden: "I swing my finger up... TASTE IT!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00006-00001626-00001860 Brandiven: "Get... AWAY from me!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00007-00001905-00002464 Brandiven: "I'm gonna move over... Fuck, I need to choose the right thing... I wanna move here..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00008-00002582-00002998 Brandiven: "And I'm gonna whip out my bazooka and attack the guy like right in front of me." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00009-00003016-00003172 Orion: "I thought you're gonna say whip out your d***..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00010-00003204-00003268 Orion: "Okay..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00011-00003308-00003652 Brandiven: "Totally not subtle, just like... I'M GONNA WHIP THIS OUT, BITCHES!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00012-00003811-00004206 Mahrden: "And I'm going to lob a grenade, but what grenade is what I ask... What grenade?" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00013-00004366-00004658 Holovoice: "As if the place wasn't already enough on fire..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00014-00004752-00005064 Mahrden: "Right, I'm going to lob an incendiary grenade!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00015-00005170-00005248 Holovoice: "For sure..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00016-00005300-00005748 Holovoice: "You spot at the top of that crane... Two animals are climbing down..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00017-00005784-00005984 Brandiven: "You fucking slut!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00018-00006024-00006224 Mahrden: "This crane here?!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00019-00006352-00006523 Trephor: "Yes, I know what you're thinking!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00020-00006762-00007070 Mahrden: "Yup, I'm going to throw a normal frag one... I'm going to... ER-qfDhmrZQ-00021-00007088-00007480 Mahrden: "At least trying to start damaging this thing, trying to get it to fucking fall!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00022-00007566-00007616 Holovoice: "Alright." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00023-00007698-00007884 Holovoice: "The crane starts to fall off..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00024-00008168-00008372 Maritime Maddie: "Question: which direction is it falling?" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00025-00008372-00008474 Trephor: "That's the question!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00026-00008510-00008710 Orion: "That's the question we definitely need..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00027-00008742-00009082 Holovoice: "Yes, that's a question I'm going to answer myself right now... Oh God... Okay!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00028-00009220-00009524 Trephor: "Oh it's never good when you hear the GM go Oh God!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00029-00009524-00009760 Holovoice: "It's coming... It's coming this way..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00030-00009826-00009940 Orion: "OH FUCK!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00031-00010070-00010192 Holovoice: "So everyone..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00032-00010192-00010348 Brandiven: "WELL DONE MAHRDEN!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00033-00010384-00010442 Holovoice: "Alright..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00034-00010470-00011124 Brandiven: "And he's gonna fire his bazooka at the higher one and hopefully catch the other guy in the explosion." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00035-00011124-00011432 Holovoice: "Err... you might catch the other one in the explosion, yes..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00036-00011476-00011558 Brandiven: "I might!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00037-00011632-00011742 Brandiven: "Fingers crossed!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00038-00011824-00011906 Holovoice: "You shoot here." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00039-00011986-00012086 Brandiven: "HOW?!!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00040-00012228-00012398 Mahrden: "HA! YOU SUCK!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00041-00012428-00012628 Holovoice: "So the good news is, he's going to be dead." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00042-00012686-00012736 Brandiven: "Yay!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00043-00012836-00012982 Holovoice: "The bad news is..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00044-00013544-00013732 Holovoice: "Brandiven you get out..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00045-00013758-00013852 Orion: "Noooooo!!!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00046-00013872-00014258 Holovoice: "What I must say... I thought the first team loved fire..." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00047-00014402-00014541 Holovoice: "I'm so wrong!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00048-00014718-00015172 Holovoice: "You can perceive through the raging fires of doom... There was a door." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00049-00015284-00015363 Trephor: "There WAS a door!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00050-00015363-00015558 Orion: "You say that it was where we had to go?!!" ER-qfDhmrZQ-00051-00016004-00016218 Mahrden: "I am looking for a safe destruct button." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00052-00016291-00016514 Holovoice: "There is a self destruct button... yes." ER-qfDhmrZQ-00053-00016526-00016708 *Mahrden gasps in anticipation* ES2TO4zr2C0-00000-00000000-00000813 Hey NASA colleagues and colleagues from all around, thanks so much for spending ES2TO4zr2C0-00001-00000813-00001367 some time with me here today and focus on the special time that were in. Frankly, ES2TO4zr2C0-00002-00001367-00001971 it's a time of change and whenever there's change there's real challenges, ES2TO4zr2C0-00003-00001971-00002547 there's also real opportunities. For me for example, I'm sitting here with my ES2TO4zr2C0-00004-00002547-00003261 family, my two children and a dog, my wife, doing work and I'm really loading up the ES2TO4zr2C0-00005-00003261-00003632 Internet. I'm learning a lot about the YouTube habits of my kids that I've ES2TO4zr2C0-00006-00003632-00004260 never knew and my daughter actually came from a foreign exchange year prematurely ES2TO4zr2C0-00007-00004260-00004800 and I had to wait two weeks to hug her. I still I just remember that amazing ES2TO4zr2C0-00008-00004800-00005334 time to finally hug her again. For me, things have been challenging as well. ES2TO4zr2C0-00009-00005334-00005757 It's just like for you and I recognize we are have all different environments, ES2TO4zr2C0-00010-00005757-00006212 all different situations. We are different personalities. I'm a pretty ES2TO4zr2C0-00011-00006212-00006765 strong extrovert it turns out and so what happens is that frankly I struggle ES2TO4zr2C0-00012-00006765-00007145 looking at this monitor. I struggle so much that I realized that ES2TO4zr2C0-00013-00007145-00007668 I need mid-morning breaks and a mid-afternoon break and actually in the ES2TO4zr2C0-00014-00007668-00008140 midday a time to a walk around. I realized that the absence of that I ES2TO4zr2C0-00015-00008140-00008688 cannot efficiently do the work that I'm supposed to do. And so I don't know what ES2TO4zr2C0-00016-00008688-00009174 it is that you learn about yourself but what's really critical is that you ES2TO4zr2C0-00017-00009174-00009870 recognize that we all have these limitations, you all have opportunities ES2TO4zr2C0-00018-00009870-00010395 here to really adapt your work and I want to make sure that you know that we ES2TO4zr2C0-00019-00010395-00010932 want you to implement those to the benefit of all of us. What we do here at ES2TO4zr2C0-00020-00010932-00011535 NASA remains absolutely important and I just I want to be sure that we recognize ES2TO4zr2C0-00021-00011535-00012054 together that what we're doing has never been more important than right now. And ES2TO4zr2C0-00022-00012054-00012575 so I really hope and I trust that together as a team of diverse ES2TO4zr2C0-00023-00012575-00012988 individuals that come together for that noble mission ES2TO4zr2C0-00024-00012988-00013552 of exploration, both human and scientific exploration, building technologies, new ES2TO4zr2C0-00025-00013552-00014155 tools of understanding, nature and making them useful for society, that those ES2TO4zr2C0-00026-00014155-00014635 objectives are driving us forward. Yes, there's change, but yes there's also ES2TO4zr2C0-00027-00014635-00015066 opportunity. Let's go find those opportunities and implement them. And in ES2TO4zr2C0-00028-00015066-00015696 the meantime I wish you all the best in your respective circumstances. EVARr_oqQYU-00001-00012016-00014016 Prod By Gare beats EVARr_oqQYU-00002-00014016-00015516 Subscribe to the channel EWmUqQTfPog-00000-00000047-00002901 How many more will you remember about her for decades of the century, you know as well EWmUqQTfPog-00001-00002901-00003085 as I do that she has long forgotten you EWmUqQTfPog-00002-00003085-00003375 he felt how his sharinga changed shape. EWmUqQTfPog-00003-00003375-00003604 Previously, he would only have been a native force. EWmUqQTfPog-00004-00003604-00004121 But now all his attention was riveted on the one that he loved with all his heart, right EWmUqQTfPog-00005-00004121-00004707 in front of his eyes, his best friend killed that he promised to protect his heart, committed EWmUqQTfPog-00006-00004707-00005095 cults stopped Obito already had a bad memory of himself from rage rage at himself that EWmUqQTfPog-00007-00005095-00005497 he could never do anything, but fell under that received stone of anger at a friend that EWmUqQTfPog-00008-00005497-00005896 he did not fulfill the promise of anger at nahara herself for deciding to leave This EWmUqQTfPog-00009-00005896-00006356 world, he did not hold back tearing his victims with all sorts of means that were available EWmUqQTfPog-00010-00006356-00007038 to him thanks to the awakened makutan and his heart bled no less than the Earth that EWmUqQTfPog-00011-00007038-00007481 was now open, the top of the fog, he already knew what happened to his friends, thanks, EWmUqQTfPog-00012-00007481-00007740 his pain became even stronger, so they destroyed another enemy, he experienced a strange mixture EWmUqQTfPog-00013-00007740-00008189 of feelings alonepleasure when it was all over everything around was reminiscent of EWmUqQTfPog-00014-00008189-00008722 the twisted body of fogs interspersed with trees where he lay among them and Kakashi EWmUqQTfPog-00015-00008722-00008854 that he lost consciousness immediately after the death of his girlfriend that perhaps saved EWmUqQTfPog-00016-00008854-00009107 him from the rampage of his friend the young Uchiha stood on the battlefield devastated EWmUqQTfPog-00017-00009107-00009604 looked at the action of his hands if If he had been the same, it would have shocked him, EWmUqQTfPog-00018-00009604-00009900 but this was no longer the same Obito who once wanted to become Hokage, this was already EWmUqQTfPog-00019-00009900-00010392 a completely different person In whose life values just made a big gap He approached his EWmUqQTfPog-00020-00010392-00010720 girlfriend, crouching next to her, hugged him in emotional pain stirred Why the boy EWmUqQTfPog-00021-00010720-00011350 was almost ready to be Rin only and he was able to squeeze out by putting her forehead EWmUqQTfPog-00022-00011350-00011856 to his suddenly he wanted to do something that he had not been able to do before kissing EWmUqQTfPog-00023-00011856-00012294 her before it would have been crazy but now he himself could not be callednormal unexpectedly EWmUqQTfPog-00024-00012294-00012746 and coughed Why a few drops of blood from her throat fell on his clothes rin surprised EWmUqQTfPog-00025-00012746-00013193 but at the same time joyfully said did not tear the clothes where Kakashi's hand landed EWmUqQTfPog-00026-00013193-00013629 the wound almost healed and the breath, albeit jerky, but she was alive but it’s not known EWmUqQTfPog-00027-00013629-00014075 how all this will turn out for her noticed zitsu appearing from the ground we need to EWmUqQTfPog-00028-00014075-00014526 leave otherwise we will be seen by a tire without Konoha they are already coming here EWmUqQTfPog-00029-00014526-00015016 or do you want to go out with them asked the spiral upholstered thought on the one hand EWmUqQTfPog-00030-00015016-00015116 due to modern foundations in the villages this happened to them but on the other hand, EWmUqQTfPog-00031-00015116-00015494 qualified doctors in kanohi But then he will lose her again, all the more so you can steal EWmUqQTfPog-00032-00015494-00016147 any June common sense lost to a shaken psyche, so when a group from kanohi arrived at the EWmUqQTfPog-00033-00016147-00016537 place she found only unconsciously good unconsciousMadara was already examining Zhirina that, thanks EWmUqQTfPog-00034-00016537-00016970 to the transplanted cells of the first, he could use medical techniques obita looked EWmUqQTfPog-00035-00016970-00017272 at him with concern, since the older Uchiha's face was concentrated. EWmUqQTfPog-00036-00017272-00017389 She was dying. EWmUqQTfPog-00037-00017389-00018156 saved her as he saved me And what will happen to me from this Madara's only eye dug into EWmUqQTfPog-00038-00018156-00018637 a descendant He needed this boy to fulfill his will and for this he was ready to go to EWmUqQTfPog-00039-00018637-00019010 all insults he was taken aback realizing what the old man was hinting at Well if everything EWmUqQTfPog-00040-00019010-00019423 works out for you then I agree to fulfill your will, only hurry up Madara broke into EWmUqQTfPog-00041-00019423-00020234 a smile of contentment and set to work Use the cells of one of the whites the sight of EWmUqQTfPog-00042-00020234-00020655 the boy meanwhile sat quietly Watching the work of the founder of the clan heart heart EWmUqQTfPog-00043-00020655-00020918 beat cleansed in fear of thatthat he might lose her. EWmUqQTfPog-00044-00020918-00021431 He tried to distract himself and began to examine the long-haunted walls of the cave, EWmUqQTfPog-00045-00021431-00021756 but his gaze kept returning to the operation. EWmUqQTfPog-00046-00021756-00021925 An hour later, everything was completed. EWmUqQTfPog-00047-00021925-00022314 Obito Cautiously approached his girlfriend and examined the terrible wounds on the spot. EWmUqQTfPog-00048-00022314-00022509 There was a white patch. EWmUqQTfPog-00049-00022509-00023159 breathing was no longer so rapid, it reassured the young man how she would live, Madara nodded, EWmUqQTfPog-00050-00023159-00023693 but I can’t guarantee the restoration of all body functions, yet she was deadly early EWmUqQTfPog-00051-00023693-00023970 and she really was dead for some time. EWmUqQTfPog-00052-00023970-00024549 in the new World, she will be absolutely Great Yes, if we make Jin chiriki jubi out of her, EWmUqQTfPog-00053-00024549-00025069 then she will not only be healthy, but also alive Kivnu Senior Ray will not have to chase EWmUqQTfPog-00054-00025069-00025654 the three-tailed And now my student Get ready to see my plan in actionObita did not yet EWmUqQTfPog-00055-00025654-00026144 know what he would have to go through when Rin came to his senses on the street for the EWmUqQTfPog-00056-00026144-00026604 second day it had been raining and resentment and strove to return to the cave as soon as EWmUqQTfPog-00057-00026604-00027163 possible, once again there was a thunderclap and the tire was not worried, realizing what EWmUqQTfPog-00058-00027163-00027714 might be happening with his girlfriend now, he remembered that day when Rin came to her EWmUqQTfPog-00059-00027714-00027925 senses after that terrible night, she slowly opened her eyes in which surprise immediately EWmUqQTfPog-00060-00027925-00028254 appeared Obito was nearby when he saw that his beloved came to his senses, he was very EWmUqQTfPog-00061-00028254-00028563 happy, he hoped that Madara's predictions would not come true and everything would be EWmUqQTfPog-00062-00028563-00028663 fine. EWmUqQTfPog-00063-00028663-00028997 Good morning, Rin smiled; she asked Sitting on the bed where are we Why do you look so EWmUqQTfPog-00064-00028997-00029660 strange first tell me how you feel the girl thought I feel strange finally she said the EWmUqQTfPog-00065-00029660-00029957 body as if I remember the first day at the academyKakashi then immediately wants to return EWmUqQTfPog-00066-00029957-00030333 home And this is unacceptable and everyone shook her head Rome is strange because there EWmUqQTfPog-00067-00030333-00030838 must be something else I look like 14 years old but I feel like a five year old girl What EWmUqQTfPog-00068-00030838-00031262 happened Where are my parents Do you see rin the beginning of the bit choosing words happened EWmUqQTfPog-00069-00031262-00031689 to us something very bad so we are here your parents have disappeared somewhere now we EWmUqQTfPog-00070-00031689-00032294 will live here and try to Survive and return your memory to you with a forced smile Uchiha EWmUqQTfPog-00071-00032294-00032815 you forgot a lot, for example, that we were on the same team we are probably looking for EWmUqQTfPog-00072-00032815-00033170 they couldn’t leave me, but they threw, they couldn’t stand the young tires, the EWmUqQTfPog-00073-00033170-00033811 fight to find the hand and looking into the eyes Do you know why we are here because the EWmUqQTfPog-00074-00033811-00034266 adult is nothing like we children perceive as a weapon cannon fodder you grabbed Shilo EWmUqQTfPog-00075-00034266-00034660 troubles of another village and sealed in you monster and noneadults, including your EWmUqQTfPog-00076-00034660-00034962 parents, didn’t help you, they sent one of your friends. EWmUqQTfPog-00077-00034962-00035311 Of course, he saved you, but then he killed so that the Monster that was in you didn’t EWmUqQTfPog-00078-00035311-00035411 go to bad people. EWmUqQTfPog-00079-00035411-00035706 nahara rolled large tears you lie screamed she jumped up from the bed looked at a friend EWmUqQTfPog-00080-00035706-00036286 this can’t be, otherwise a blouse with them I hope this will convince you the old man EWmUqQTfPog-00081-00036286-00036859 advised that he was sitting nearby and at first Rin was not noticed her cry what's with EWmUqQTfPog-00082-00036859-00037341 me Why am I so full of tears she looked full and then at Madara it saved your life Otherwise, EWmUqQTfPog-00083-00037341-00037758 as your friend already said, you wouldn't exist anymore This world is not for children EWmUqQTfPog-00084-00037758-00038272 like you harshly pronounced a very old man started after allunder the demon is still EWmUqQTfPog-00085-00038272-00038786 in you and people don’t like monsters their hatred will be transferred to you and you EWmUqQTfPog-00086-00038786-00039155 will feel bad Especially considering your memory loss other possible violations the EWmUqQTfPog-00087-00039155-00039675 girl fell to her knees covered her face with her hands And her heart burst into tears in EWmUqQTfPog-00088-00039675-00040124 such a state, wanting to at least cheer her up a little He went up to her and hugged her EWmUqQTfPog-00089-00040124-00040616 Don't worry Rin I'm there I'll always be there to protect you everything will be fine After EWmUqQTfPog-00090-00040616-00041131 all, as soon as we catch all the monsters we can cure you and at the same time the whole EWmUqQTfPog-00091-00041131-00041663 world after this tantrum ku naichi More didn’t ask to go home at least sometimes and remembered EWmUqQTfPog-00092-00041663-00042125 whose parents she loved very much she didn’t try to run away I’ll be frightened by the EWmUqQTfPog-00093-00042125-00042405 words of a friend and Madara uchhu elder she called her grandfather Madara to the displeasure EWmUqQTfPog-00094-00042405-00042874 of the latter when the bit left the cave her boredom was brightened up by white children EWmUqQTfPog-00095-00042874-00043312 spiral with whichthey quickly got along since 13 years have passed norin has not changed EWmUqQTfPog-00096-00043312-00043965 she was still stuck at the age of five in the body of a girl for 14 days, although her EWmUqQTfPog-00097-00043965-00044541 memory failed kunaichi, but with her wit everything was fine with her, therefore sometimes she EWmUqQTfPog-00098-00044541-00045050 managed to twist Obito as she wanted what she used very rarely over the years, the relationship EWmUqQTfPog-00099-00045050-00045347 between Rim Obito became very warm and friendly. EWmUqQTfPog-00100-00045347-00045977 The girl considered him not the same for her older brother, not the same as a friend, but EWmUqQTfPog-00101-00045977-00046435 Obito's heart was torn from the thought that he could not be with her completely when that EWmUqQTfPog-00102-00046435-00046886 moment when that tragedy occurred every night he sat on her bed trying to keep himself from EWmUqQTfPog-00103-00046886-00047244 not decorating the first kiss, but he knew perfectly well that this could even scare EWmUqQTfPog-00104-00047244-00047628 his father’s fragile daughter would be blown up after the death of Madara, the girl was EWmUqQTfPog-00105-00047628-00048037 sad for some time because the usual white zatsu merged with the dark chekra founder EWmUqQTfPog-00106-00048037-00048540 and became notas cheerful as before insults and tried to make it so that rinna seemed EWmUqQTfPog-00107-00048540-00049112 to anyone in the eyes, because otherwise they would find out about it in Konoha, then trouble EWmUqQTfPog-00108-00049112-00049609 would not be avoided, because the village would want to get her back, it’s unlikely EWmUqQTfPog-00109-00049609-00049709 to cure them. EWmUqQTfPog-00110-00049709-00050305 so only in a spiral so that in which case they would not be recognized they could not EWmUqQTfPog-00111-00050305-00050732 injure her only once when they came to Obito and the nagata girl had learned well before EWmUqQTfPog-00112-00050732-00051118 that that it was impossible to call Obito inhabited in public But it sometimes escaped EWmUqQTfPog-00113-00051118-00051532 against her will of resentment than look She ran up demonstrating to a friend a big toad EWmUqQTfPog-00114-00051532-00051875 that she caught nearby and the helmets looked at her with a puzzled look and then looked EWmUqQTfPog-00115-00051875-00052201 askance at Haru immediately realized her mistake Sorry grandfather Madara I confused you with EWmUqQTfPog-00116-00052201-00052520 my friend And ran away and Madara had to erase the memory of her Puppetsbecause otherwise EWmUqQTfPog-00117-00052520-00052664 they would have screwed up something. EWmUqQTfPog-00118-00052664-00053564 I returned upholstered, went into the cave and looked around, no one was visible and EWmUqQTfPog-00119-00053564-00053952 the tire without worrying even more usually rin immediately went out to meet him, and EWmUqQTfPog-00120-00053952-00054366 then there was no one unexpectedly from behind, a spiral attacked him, grabbing his neck, EWmUqQTfPog-00121-00054366-00054804 becoming to choke, I didn’t mean that, there was a frightened exclamation of nakhara spiralka EWmUqQTfPog-00122-00054804-00055357 let him go don’t bow to the hashirs and immediately let go of his victim and the bit EWmUqQTfPog-00123-00055357-00055790 tried to normalize breathing what’s happening here finally squeezed himself out the former EWmUqQTfPog-00124-00055790-00056126 room immediately blushed and began to look away Well, you see, I’m obetoni here unexpectedly EWmUqQTfPog-00125-00056126-00056483 remembered that today is your birthday I wanted to arrange a small holiday she smiled, there EWmUqQTfPog-00126-00056483-00057001 were few products, but thanks to the hare who brought me more, I managed to bake a pie EWmUqQTfPog-00127-00057001-00057471 Just don’t ask how, well, I told the spiral that as soon as you enter we will pounce and EWmUqQTfPog-00128-00057471-00057825 stranglein your arms Apparently, he understood everything literally nothing terrible squeezed EWmUqQTfPog-00129-00057825-00058355 out a smile of a sneeze he was pleased with the attention of the ring, therefore, the EWmUqQTfPog-00130-00058355-00058808 fact that she herself baked something for him warmed his soul, and the fact that she EWmUqQTfPog-00131-00058808-00059483 also remembered his birthday was usually happiness for him They tried not to touch on the past EWmUqQTfPog-00132-00059483-00060005 But it was a pleasant topic kunaichi dragged her friend to the table where a pie with several EWmUqQTfPog-00133-00060005-00060426 candles teapots was already waiting for him Smoke smiling Obito wanted to cut the food EWmUqQTfPog-00134-00060426-00060838 but the nahara stopped him at first desire he did not argue about obediently closed his EWmUqQTfPog-00135-00060838-00061182 eyes thinking already a long-familiar desire that he hoped to fulfill soon, looking at EWmUqQTfPog-00136-00061182-00061572 him, Rin became impatient And what did you think I won’t say, otherwise it won’t EWmUqQTfPog-00137-00061572-00062082 come true winked and cut off a piece of cakeright, it was very tasty, the verdict was scored EWmUqQTfPog-00138-00062082-00062487 true When I lied to you, a happy smile appeared on the girl’s face and she even clapped EWmUqQTfPog-00139-00062487-00062733 her hands I’m so happy about the habitat’s birthday. EWmUqQTfPog-00140-00062733-00063041 so that they didn’t think of baking something more nahara returned neatly sealed with a EWmUqQTfPog-00141-00063041-00063457 box of blue wrappers handed it to a friend impatiently waiting for him to open it in EWmUqQTfPog-00142-00063457-00063997 the box there was a set of shurikens and a couple of Kunaevs I thought that they might EWmUqQTfPog-00143-00063997-00064612 come in handy because the old ones are already some kind of stupid shyly explained, looking EWmUqQTfPog-00144-00064612-00065121 into the eyes of a friend, resentment smiled, I leaned towards her, kissed her on the cheek, EWmUqQTfPog-00145-00065121-00065632 his heart immediately began to dance frantically touching the object of his adoration, he wanted EWmUqQTfPog-00146-00065632-00066330 to move to his lips to finally tastetheir taste but the brain clearly made it clear EWmUqQTfPog-00147-00066330-00066776 what would follow so he didn’t want to land a cage on ichiya portrayed a smile Thank you EWmUqQTfPog-00148-00066776-00067123 rin it’s okay Just a little bit left almost all the preparations are finished and we will EWmUqQTfPog-00149-00067123-00067568 soon start hunting for the jinchuriki again he is the jinchuriki of the nine tails you EWmUqQTfPog-00150-00067568-00067847 didn’t catch stated the fact Madara squinting at Itachi whose face was impenetrable well EWmUqQTfPog-00151-00067847-00068386 we still have time to go Uchiha Jr. was about to leave when he ran up to him and a miniature EWmUqQTfPog-00152-00068386-00068763 pile she smiled and thrust some kind of bundle into the hands of the apostate This is for EWmUqQTfPog-00153-00068763-00069207 you and the tachan Otherwise you are some then pale Yes, and his eyes are red Thank EWmUqQTfPog-00154-00069207-00069801 you rinson squeezed himself out Itachi's smile with him from the hands of a kunaic gift she EWmUqQTfPog-00155-00069801-00070098 smiled and disappeared into the darkness leaving the fuchi alone Obito remembered how they EWmUqQTfPog-00156-00070098-00070468 met with the Uchiha Jr. it was six years ago They were upholstered as usual inthe cave EWmUqQTfPog-00157-00070468-00070845 was like a zitsuem belly that someone was coming towards them Uchiha barely had time EWmUqQTfPog-00158-00070845-00071331 to put on a cloak and a mask while hiding the velifrin How Itachi Pai appeared Nahara EWmUqQTfPog-00159-00071331-00071818 was horrified to understand that the Uchiha clan was waiting for the end thanks to which EWmUqQTfPog-00160-00071818-00072332 she constantly talked about the fact that he was kicked out about his past kunaicha EWmUqQTfPog-00161-00072332-00072870 understood that there are quite a lot of people there, and maybe something can be done, she EWmUqQTfPog-00162-00072870-00073402 raised her voice and came out into the light rinson whispered in shock to Itachi and looked EWmUqQTfPog-00163-00073402-00073891 sideways at madara that he is the founder of kanuhi surprises you less than the surviving EWmUqQTfPog-00164-00073891-00074464 jinche of the river grinned Obito she is not a genius but her sky is not interrupted and EWmUqQTfPog-00165-00074464-00074838 Tochi nodded, didn’t bring up this topic anymore, although he continued to look askance EWmUqQTfPog-00166-00074838-00074962 at the naichi rin. EWmUqQTfPog-00167-00074962-00075682 I was imbued with sympathy for the sad Uchiha, sometimes frankly on the topic of what was EWmUqQTfPog-00168-00075682-00075904 worth picking up and Sasuke. EWmUqQTfPog-00169-00075904-00076064 It’s even better to stay with him in the village, pretending that he had nothing to EWmUqQTfPog-00170-00076064-00076851 do with it in the first her caseit might not have been so boring, but in the second refinement EWmUqQTfPog-00171-00076851-00077379 it would have been so sad Since then, many years have passed and tachis went to kanaha EWmUqQTfPog-00172-00077379-00077811 as a partner, according to the official version, for otjenschiki stuffed, he perfectly understood EWmUqQTfPog-00173-00077811-00078142 that this was also a reminder to Danzo so that he would not move aske if the latter EWmUqQTfPog-00174-00078142-00078331 was even overcrowded then to catch jinchuuriki kyuubi They could not be inhabited by this EWmUqQTfPog-00175-00078331-00078736 and did not hope anyway the fox had to be sealed last but for this it was necessary EWmUqQTfPog-00176-00078736-00079244 to find the rest of the rin liked the determination but did not like the fact that he kills himself EWmUqQTfPog-00177-00079244-00079697 she somehow tried to offer him her help as stuffed didn't let her chakra until now didn't EWmUqQTfPog-00178-00079697-00080208 let her use the techniques And the proximity to the three-tails could cause Madness this EWmUqQTfPog-00179-00080208-00080688 happened a couple of years ago rin tried to use chakra to create clones but overdid it EWmUqQTfPog-00180-00080688-00081083 put so much effort that the chakras went out of controlwhich awakened the three-tailed EWmUqQTfPog-00181-00081083-00081301 who immediately seized control of the body, the eyes of the kunoichi lit up blue And vines EWmUqQTfPog-00182-00081301-00081856 appeared from the body that did not allow Obito to calm her down for quite a long time EWmUqQTfPog-00183-00081856-00082433 after that, the uchha forbade her to use whose cut, however, Nahara herself was no longer EWmUqQTfPog-00184-00082433-00082961 eager to use it after the cut-off with the nine-tailed there were several events the EWmUqQTfPog-00185-00082961-00083374 new Hokage became johnsonde And a few days later Sasuke fell out of the village heading EWmUqQTfPog-00186-00083374-00083671 for the korychumaru after the snake tried to study rin he became the most wanted person EWmUqQTfPog-00187-00083671-00084092 on the continent and helmets in their free time from catching bijuu had to comb the area EWmUqQTfPog-00188-00084092-00084585 for his presence very much students he wanted it For the fright of his girlfriend, two years EWmUqQTfPog-00189-00084585-00085051 after the failure with the nine-tailed Akatsky, they again began to act, this time the one-tailed EWmUqQTfPog-00190-00085051-00085464 fell into their hands Everything would be fine, but relatives and then a groupfrom Konoha EWmUqQTfPog-00191-00085464-00085788 they tried to return him, usually jinchuuriki were for everyone demons from which everyone EWmUqQTfPog-00192-00085788-00086201 wanted to get rid of, but not this time this subject had many friends who were eager to EWmUqQTfPog-00193-00086201-00086675 return him and returned at the same time leaving Daru without a cut, killing the sesar that EWmUqQTfPog-00194-00086675-00087025 captured this jinchuuriki, but there was also a bright country managed to seal Now when EWmUqQTfPog-00195-00087025-00087437 Katsuke became one member less obita decided to enter the game pretending to be an eccentric EWmUqQTfPog-00196-00087437-00087957 guy named you went to meet him and put him in a pair with Deidara Well, why did I howl EWmUqQTfPog-00197-00087957-00088376 sukuri when I found out about this without receiving any answer, he looked at you longingly EWmUqQTfPog-00198-00088376-00088869 worry grandfather of Russia you are good you are a bad boy said a short girl with blue EWmUqQTfPog-00199-00088869-00089263 squares on her face with a short haircut you forgot your lunch This is someone else staring EWmUqQTfPog-00200-00089263-00089556 at her Demoman about grandfather of Russia rinchin sister told you Partner sister repeatedDeidara, EWmUqQTfPog-00201-00089556-00090244 looking at the smiling kunaichi, should also sharpen her shine now, and now we will have EWmUqQTfPog-00202-00090244-00091217 to bring her brother and we will not have organizations, but a kindergarten, renchin, EWmUqQTfPog-00203-00091217-00091530 an unusual girl, rimchina, is special Yes, shut up, she’s especially because she tolerates EWmUqQTfPog-00204-00091530-00091938 a brother like you And in general, a girl, you can do something Yes, I can baking delicious EWmUqQTfPog-00205-00091938-00092282 buns smiled broadly Nahara Deidara slapped his forehead and ran his hand over his face EWmUqQTfPog-00206-00092282-00092640 I'm surrounded by idiots why are you doing this to me and Sasori nadana Yes, who are EWmUqQTfPog-00207-00092640-00093381 you to call me that again, I didn’t understand Deidara himself how he turned out to be a EWmUqQTfPog-00208-00093381-00093956 few meters away when he got to his feet, then your sister stood in front of him, but she EWmUqQTfPog-00209-00093956-00094263 looked very angry things Her eyes turned completely yellow and three whispering tails moved behind EWmUqQTfPog-00210-00094263-00094626 her And what are you withyou’ll do it with an unnatural voice, a brown-haired woman spoke EWmUqQTfPog-00211-00094626-00095135 to me, you’re a puppy for me, this is a girl almost one and a half times older than EWmUqQTfPog-00212-00095135-00095480 you, touch her, I’ll tear you apart, and then my brother will help You understand me EWmUqQTfPog-00213-00095480-00095800 shaking with fear, the glow and the tails disappeared and the kunaich sat down on the EWmUqQTfPog-00214-00095800-00096092 grass that it was a three-tailed really scary chattered it to you. EWmUqQTfPog-00215-00096092-00096805 didn’t mind, but in my heart I wanted to talk heart to heart with the bomber, as the EWmUqQTfPog-00216-00096805-00097205 latter did, I didn’t really like Obito, who was afraid that his girlfriend would harm EWmUqQTfPog-00217-00097205-00097494 herself, their plan, there’s not much left, he convinced himself Every time he looked EWmUqQTfPog-00218-00097494-00097899 at Rin smiling at him, It’s certainly not mine business But you are not accidentally EWmUqQTfPog-00219-00097899-00098394 in love with your own sister asked Deidara Looking at you that immediately choked Rino EWmUqQTfPog-00220-00098394-00098918 looked with surprise Trinity sat on the porch of the hotel and rested after the capture EWmUqQTfPog-00221-00098918-00099283 of a shinbe for whose head a decent reward was assignedDeidara kun this is all nonsense EWmUqQTfPog-00222-00099283-00099861 my brother and I are just friends yes enough to heaven then brother and sister waved his EWmUqQTfPog-00223-00099861-00100247 hand Demolitionist I don’t believe in it I’m just a girl Jinchuuriki her Overseer EWmUqQTfPog-00224-00100247-00100741 who is clearly in love with you he constantly touches you looks at you when he doesn’t EWmUqQTfPog-00225-00100741-00100998 behave like [ __ ] I'm wrong Okay, I'll go maybe the nipples of the meeting and beat EWmUqQTfPog-00226-00100998-00101441 it with revenge Itachi Demoman left the room, leaving the embarrassed nahara alone Sabita, EWmUqQTfPog-00227-00101441-00101856 who diligently averted his eyes, it's true, she finally asked What are you talking about EWmUqQTfPog-00228-00101856-00102305 About the fact that you like me slightly blushed ku presence Yes after a short silence answered EWmUqQTfPog-00229-00102305-00102715 Obito I take off the mask of sadness Looking at my friend But why did you hide Would you EWmUqQTfPog-00230-00102715-00103190 understand me he got up and about her flower rin backed away a little not knowing how to EWmUqQTfPog-00231-00103190-00103718 react to this You see you are not in a position to confess your feelings Yes even now I think EWmUqQTfPog-00232-00103718-00104044 not cost stupidI should have smiled to the point I kissed my friend on the forehead At EWmUqQTfPog-00233-00104044-00104576 least now I know why you are so sad You can tell me everything I will understand Rin and EWmUqQTfPog-00234-00104576-00105194 the battle on my knees and hugged my friend buried in her stomach in my soul It was at EWmUqQTfPog-00235-00105194-00105650 the same time lousy easy from the fact that she is now he knows everything but what to EWmUqQTfPog-00236-00105650-00106041 do with it he has not yet decided by the evening Deidara did not return But somewhere in the EWmUqQTfPog-00237-00106041-00106519 distance a strong explosion was heard, according to chicory, he tried to undermine Sasuke, EWmUqQTfPog-00238-00106519-00107227 but Uchiha Jr. himself was blown up Where did you hide Rin after talking with a friend EWmUqQTfPog-00239-00107227-00107757 all day was thoughtful only to at the end of the day, I finally decided to speak grievances EWmUqQTfPog-00240-00107757-00108283 about what and what I am sick of is curable Yes, but only if we collect and create a ten-tailed EWmUqQTfPog-00241-00108283-00108680 we have already talked about this calm pronunciation while chewing a piece of rice, let's say sundi EWmUqQTfPog-00242-00108680-00109074 itself is meaningless, this is not a disease In the literal sense, these are serious injuries EWmUqQTfPog-00243-00109074-00109403 that cannot be so easily restored Aif he said that he could cure everything even then But EWmUqQTfPog-00244-00109403-00109779 what grandfather Madara implanted does not allow him to do it if the stupid turtle and EWmUqQTfPog-00245-00109779-00110160 says all this only to make friends with you to break out as it was before, it’s not EWmUqQTfPog-00246-00110160-00110514 worth talking about it anymore Well, if if you found it, you wouldn't have to wear yourself EWmUqQTfPog-00247-00110514-00111014 out like this rin tires hit the table with chopsticks So they broke on the chick the EWmUqQTfPog-00248-00111014-00111526 presence of goosebumps This is not discussed If you haven't forgotten exactly what the EWmUqQTfPog-00249-00111526-00112340 wedge did to us then who we are now yes Well please I'm a fool but I want to help you, EWmUqQTfPog-00250-00112340-00112744 in the eyes of the nakhara, the tears were upholstered, he was dumbfounded, he didn’t EWmUqQTfPog-00251-00112744-00113124 want to scream at the girlfriend, it happened by itself, standing like that for a minute, EWmUqQTfPog-00252-00113124-00113534 she went to her room, leaving Fuchiha to suffer with her conscience after a couple of minutes, EWmUqQTfPog-00253-00113534-00114015 he still couldn’t stand it and rushed into her room to apologize Rin seemed to be snoring EWmUqQTfPog-00254-00114015-00114924 in the crib butas soon as it was insulting to lift the blanket, it turned out to be a EWmUqQTfPog-00255-00114924-00115024 spiral. EWmUqQTfPog-00256-00115024-00115254 What are you doing here? EWmUqQTfPog-00257-00115254-00115892 capes with pink hair as far as she knew she belonged to the Jinchuriki team was a student EWmUqQTfPog-00258-00115892-00116544 Excuse the sakurachi Sorry girl but I was once polite new Sakura trying to ignore familiarity EWmUqQTfPog-00259-00116544-00117128 if you are looking for a sasukechin then he is no longer here declared kunaichi Haruna EWmUqQTfPog-00260-00117128-00117546 looked at her with surprise where she came from knows Sasuke Where are you from Sakura EWmUqQTfPog-00261-00117546-00118163 Why did you linger rin was taken aback who appeared next to Kakashi's student He had EWmUqQTfPog-00262-00118163-00118534 long considered the girlfriend of the deceased to have disappeared in an unknown direction EWmUqQTfPog-00263-00118534-00118996 And now However, this could be for boginjutsu eithersomething else, when she saw her teammate, EWmUqQTfPog-00264-00118996-00119484 the ring shook before her eyes, a picture from the past appeared where Kakashi pierced EWmUqQTfPog-00265-00119484-00119770 her through and through, she didn’t remember the details. EWmUqQTfPog-00266-00119770-00120109 Therefore, she became scared and began to believe in the words of the beat. EWmUqQTfPog-00267-00120109-00120288 Well, how Sambi saved me. EWmUqQTfPog-00268-00120288-00120963 sense Sakura If you want I can help you I need a real medic almost met Rin Sakura tried EWmUqQTfPog-00269-00120963-00121496 to hide her annoyance Kakashi sensi who is Naruto appeared behind Nahara and looked down EWmUqQTfPog-00270-00121496-00122103 at her in surprise, she immediately disappeared behind him, Not wanting to meet the eyes of EWmUqQTfPog-00271-00122103-00122711 the hut the same one felt worse than ever he once again begged for insults and forgiveness EWmUqQTfPog-00272-00122711-00123296 This is my teammate who died in the war I killed her She herself set herself up Sambi EWmUqQTfPog-00273-00123296-00123688 kanaha The only thing that Janine could squeeze out of himself sakura kukashi for some more EWmUqQTfPog-00274-00123688-00123864 timethey discussed the correctness of the delivery with the commanding officer to the EWmUqQTfPog-00275-00123864-00124201 village, because it could be an Akatsky trick or an experiment by Sasuke Sarah cumaru rin, EWmUqQTfPog-00276-00124201-00124401 but she was finally convinced that Sunna would not be here at all from the conversation, EWmUqQTfPog-00277-00124401-00124853 she realized that she had been pierced in the chest and she should have died instantly. EWmUqQTfPog-00278-00124853-00125278 Then they did not know what to think, Rin knew what happened next, life in her supported EWmUqQTfPog-00279-00125278-00125608 sambia, then Madara tinkered and got 100 what happened, it’s unlikely that Tsunade could EWmUqQTfPog-00280-00125608-00125708 help here. EWmUqQTfPog-00281-00125708-00126138 It’s a pity, but I hoped to at least make the work of living easier, the kunaiche sighed, EWmUqQTfPog-00282-00126138-00126558 hanging her head, she had long since left behind Naruto and watched everything from EWmUqQTfPog-00283-00126558-00126952 the side here Kakashi was finally lost on the road of life his students looked at the EWmUqQTfPog-00284-00126952-00127385 tones of nahara, then they were unable to understand what was happening But I warned EWmUqQTfPog-00285-00127385-00127972 that there would be no sense in this, Obito grinned, appearing behind his girlfriend's EWmUqQTfPog-00286-00127972-00128072 maskhe never found it. EWmUqQTfPog-00287-00128072-00128508 Therefore, he appeared without her, deciding that they would still reveal his habit as EWmUqQTfPog-00288-00128508-00128899 the only thing that Janin could squeeze out of himself is not important. EWmUqQTfPog-00289-00128899-00129333 We will meet again jimchiriki, he said, looking sideways at Naruto, disappeared with his girlfriend, EWmUqQTfPog-00290-00129333-00129681 leaving a demoralized comrade and tormented by misunderstanding Naruto and sakura quickly EWmUqQTfPog-00291-00129681-00130058 collecting all things in the hotel they were going to return to that cave where it all EWmUqQTfPog-00292-00130058-00130484 started seeing that her friend hung her nose Uchiha came up to her smiled lifting her head EWmUqQTfPog-00293-00130484-00130984 so that she looked into his eyes nothing terrible happened someday anyway they found out It EWmUqQTfPog-00294-00130984-00131520 did not bring us big problems after all strength on our side, everything will be fine We are EWmUqQTfPog-00295-00131520-00131777 almost at the goal, but then the boy is narutochan, he is the son of our teacher, shouldn’t EWmUqQTfPog-00296-00131777-00132251 he be upset, she said sadly looking through him everything will be fine, he took her by EWmUqQTfPog-00297-00132251-00132605 the head and kissed her after thatlooked into my eyes believe me if everything works out EWmUqQTfPog-00298-00132605-00132872 then sensia everyone else will be with us for a short time rin only sighed after meeting EWmUqQTfPog-00299-00132872-00133409 with kakasha she was no longer sure of anything her heart ached from bad forebodings the idea EWmUqQTfPog-00300-00133409-00133830 of ten-tails was no longer as tempting as before, but to change something was already EWmUqQTfPog-00301-00133830-00134316 too late the prince sadly looked at Sasuke that he was sitting tied up in Obito's cave EWmUqQTfPog-00302-00134316-00134810 recently he fought with his brother came out victorious Nahara Was sure that Itachi was EWmUqQTfPog-00303-00134810-00135308 not going to win otherwise the younger would no longer be alive nipples than your brother EWmUqQTfPog-00304-00135308-00136399 Yes who are you such a grudge in time managed to shield his girlfriend from the flames And EWmUqQTfPog-00305-00136399-00137224 the mothers that gave Itachi’s brother obitachi screamed in horror in horror But he returned EWmUqQTfPog-00306-00137224-00137685 a minute later, unharmed, with a gesture ordering his girlfriend to leave so as not to tempt EWmUqQTfPog-00307-00137685-00138085 fate, he began to brainwash and Rin’s relative heard everything but did not intervene without EWmUqQTfPog-00308-00138085-00138544 knowing how sheto act lately, it seemed to her that everything that was happening here EWmUqQTfPog-00309-00138544-00139165 would be stupid, she wanted to quit everything and run away, but then it would be worse for EWmUqQTfPog-00310-00139165-00139697 a babito, so she stayed but did not utter another word, show a silent protest to everything EWmUqQTfPog-00311-00139697-00140346 that happens then why did your brother do this please she cried in tears after the younger EWmUqQTfPog-00312-00140346-00140933 Uchiha announced his goals this statement had no effect on Sasuke who did not take the EWmUqQTfPog-00313-00140933-00141440 girl seriously rin Listen it was Obito I had already listened enough enough she snapped EWmUqQTfPog-00314-00141440-00142012 and ran away to her makeshift room Obito saw that his girlfriend was moving away from him, EWmUqQTfPog-00315-00142012-00142391 but could not do anything because the plan had entered such a stage When it was no longer EWmUqQTfPog-00316-00142391-00142503 possibleto get a hachibi after defeating his teacher Obito was pleased everything was going EWmUqQTfPog-00317-00142503-00142872 as well as possible until your leg gave up you were practically holding the locks in EWmUqQTfPog-00318-00142872-00143519 your hands This was not at all part of his plans because the rinigan was necessary in EWmUqQTfPog-00319-00143519-00144094 his plan That is why when he managed to unleash a war he went to the kure to get him in his EWmUqQTfPog-00320-00144094-00144623 soul, it was restless because he did not trust his new ally yakush as if he had stayed next EWmUqQTfPog-00321-00144623-00144986 to the rin, however, the jinchuriki kunaichi, who had become accustomed to their powers, EWmUqQTfPog-00322-00144986-00145582 could already stand up for themselves if not the spiral would help her when he returned EWmUqQTfPog-00323-00145582-00146169 with the body Nagato, as if material was needed, Rim looked at him so that the soul went into EWmUqQTfPog-00324-00146169-00146802 the heels of the kunaichi, she didn’t say anything, she went to her room, he wanted EWmUqQTfPog-00325-00146802-00147320 to go up to her to talk, but it was stupid for the bite, and it’s unlikely that she EWmUqQTfPog-00326-00147320-00147666 would have understood after rushing through midnight, he still couldn’t stand it and EWmUqQTfPog-00327-00147666-00148233 came upto her rin I don't recognize you obabina rin listen it's all for you For my sake she EWmUqQTfPog-00328-00148233-00148822 turned to him and looked into the eyes of insults it turned out that she was looking EWmUqQTfPog-00329-00148822-00149279 into his soul Isn't it for my own sake I feel quite good I'm comfortable in this state it EWmUqQTfPog-00330-00149279-00149705 can't be Uchiha couldn't take it comfortably You have no idea how hard it is to see the EWmUqQTfPog-00331-00149705-00150904 girl you love in such a state knowing that she won't be able to Remember how we spent EWmUqQTfPog-00332-00150904-00151349 time with the team some common memories I asked Kakashi to take care of you thinking EWmUqQTfPog-00333-00151349-00151839 that they would die to protect you and he couldn't for that in order to return the real EWmUqQTfPog-00334-00151839-00152302 you, I am ready to turn the whole world upside down, it doesn’t matter who stands in my EWmUqQTfPog-00335-00152302-00152658 way, even if it’s you, you hear He only now realized that the nahara was shaking, EWmUqQTfPog-00336-00152658-00153135 there were tears in her eyes I hate you did She shuddered in Obito’s hearts as if he EWmUqQTfPog-00337-00153135-00153580 was slapped and put downhead for some time there was complete silence that gave to the EWmUqQTfPog-00338-00153580-00154013 ears Clearly said very much headed away rin looked after him for a while and then rushed EWmUqQTfPog-00339-00154013-00154788 after him inhabited wait but he was no longer in the cave just as if That smiled strangely EWmUqQTfPog-00340-00154788-00155198 looking at her kunaichi proudly turned up her nose and left to herself it was so stupid EWmUqQTfPog-00341-00155198-00155648 a few days passed without news to the zlitz, of course, he brought general information, EWmUqQTfPog-00342-00155648-00155992 but this could not calm her down, she understood that she blurted it out in vain, but that EWmUqQTfPog-00343-00155992-00156377 was what she felt at that moment, he really could not understand himself, because it was EWmUqQTfPog-00344-00156377-00156810 difficult especially because of what happened to her many years ago, some time later, zitsu EWmUqQTfPog-00345-00156810-00157338 reported that the Uchiha brothers were walking in the cave, wanting to stop it, as if that’s EWmUqQTfPog-00346-00157338-00158117 why the kunaichi turned out to quietly was impossible to get closer to the fighting EWmUqQTfPog-00347-00158117-00158459 friends, because serious techniques were pouring out. EWmUqQTfPog-00348-00158459-00159125 As from the cornucopia, it subsided a little only by the time Madara appeared and then EWmUqQTfPog-00349-00159125-00159762 the entire Alliance, when the kokashi were obito, she fought at the last moment before EWmUqQTfPog-00350-00159762-00160138 being in the dimension with whom I managed to grab hold of the one with whom lived all EWmUqQTfPog-00351-00160138-00160571 this time the girl was still here frowned Madara why should we move on to my plan faster EWmUqQTfPog-00352-00160571-00161089 Stop screaming rin standing between friends Kakashi was again stunned by the appearance EWmUqQTfPog-00353-00161089-00161847 of a friend and the bit did not understand how she ended up here no one noticed her when EWmUqQTfPog-00354-00161847-00162462 they were already transferred enough I don’t want to because of me, all these people died EWmUqQTfPog-00355-00162462-00163273 I don’t want tears to flow from her eyes if you want to Let’s run away, drop everything EWmUqQTfPog-00356-00163273-00163688 and run away insults Chang rin insults sank down next to her hugged everything almost EWmUqQTfPog-00357-00163688-00164054 worked out Be patient a little Yes Understand you finally Madara did it allspecially puffed EWmUqQTfPog-00358-00164054-00164354 his nose on the nakhara wound, although it was fatal, it would have cured especially EWmUqQTfPog-00359-00164354-00164977 and nothing would have been left this is all Madara He also needed you to fulfill the plan, EWmUqQTfPog-00360-00164977-00165699 I shook it out of my face If you create an eternal tsukimi, then he is unlikely to give EWmUqQTfPog-00361-00165699-00166391 you the reins of government, it's me I use it confidently stated chiha ignoring the hataki EWmUqQTfPog-00362-00166391-00167026 everything will be fine nothing will be fine Obito said to Kakashi we will not allow the EWmUqQTfPog-00363-00167026-00167361 implementation of your plan and you will leave it in this state frowned at the tires however EWmUqQTfPog-00364-00167361-00168024 I did not expect anything else from you Kakashi I'm sorry but I still have a lot to do with EWmUqQTfPog-00365-00168024-00169563 with these words, they left this Madara only and waited, therefore, as soon as the younger EWmUqQTfPog-00366-00169563-00170846 Uchiha appeared on Earth, the cells of the black zetsu immediately began to absorb him. EWmUqQTfPog-00367-00170846-00171514 Seeing this, Rin at the beginning was frightened Not knowing what to do and then simply let EWmUqQTfPog-00368-00171514-00172452 go of the situation, allowing her tails to especially take upemerging from her body rushed EWmUqQTfPog-00369-00172452-00173499 at the founders don’t let him finish the technique seal while I distract him Biju shouted EWmUqQTfPog-00370-00173499-00175212 with the voice of rin striking at madara kunaicha turned around to see how the insults passed EWmUqQTfPog-00371-00175212-00176100 out the Konoha dungeon was a rather gloomy place where water was constantly dripping EWmUqQTfPog-00372-00176100-00177290 and act on the nerves the insult grimaced and turned over sleeping on the bunk was uncomfortable, EWmUqQTfPog-00373-00177290-00177816 but this is a temporary measure. EWmUqQTfPog-00374-00177816-00179384 Judging by what the ibiki said, he should have been executed soon so that he would not EWmUqQTfPog-00375-00179384-00179719 run away on it, chakra-retaining seals were glued on it, which prevented its use; pure EWmUqQTfPog-00376-00179719-00180726 The world of the hashiruma conjured over her lagged behind only to hope that Orochimaru EWmUqQTfPog-00377-00180726-00182702 did not touch her otherwise You never know what they really wanted to see her at least EWmUqQTfPog-00378-00182702-00183667 once before the execution, the insult sounded painfully familiar voice Uchiha jumped up EWmUqQTfPog-00379-00183667-00184482 and stared atrin who was standing at the grate, outwardly, she didn’t change at all But EWmUqQTfPog-00380-00184482-00184987 something changed in his eyes Hello, he smiled with tenderness Looking at his girlfriend, EWmUqQTfPog-00381-00184987-00187036 he heard hashiram and looked at you Yes, he Frost could safely remove the Clone from the EWmUqQTfPog-00382-00187036-00188619 face from my body EWmUqQTfPog-00383-00188619-00190599 and now Perhaps I can grow up memory is already back I'm glad Kakashi is probably happy bitterly EWmUqQTfPog-00384-00190599-00192040 grinned obita realizing what it could mean that she remembered everything Fool you obita EWmUqQTfPog-00385-00192040-00192936 said nahara without malice and looked around to see if anyone was nearby and then opened EWmUqQTfPog-00386-00192936-00194580 the door of his cell let's go just a couple of minutes before ibiki arrives What and which EWmUqQTfPog-00387-00194580-00197419 of us the child laughed kunaiche went into EWmUqQTfPog-00388-00197419-00199646 the camera and removed the seals from his hands why he again felt his chakra they can EWmUqQTfPog-00389-00199646-00200579 live without us, but without you I just smiled embarrassedly without hands rin rin he smiled